Ereignisse an einem 18. January
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03360118 —GEWÄHLT, MARCUS—BISCHOF—VON—ROM, wird zum und
03500118 Der, RÖMER—FELDHERR—MAGNENTIUS macht sich selbst in AUGUSTODUNUM zum GEGEN—KAISER von Kaiser Constans.
03500118 Der Usurpator erhält Unterstützung von Truppen im westlichen TEIL—DES—RÖMISCHEN—REICHES und erteilt den Auftrag, Constans zu töten.
03500118 1—SOLCHEN Veteranen wird die goldene Münze mit dem Kopf des römischen Herrschers MAGNENTIUS gehört haben, der
03500118 1. 1-GERMANE, AUSGERUFEN zum RÖMER—KAISER, wurde.
03660118 * Valentinianus Galates, RÖMER—PRINZ
04740118 Der sechsjährige LEO—II. wird —NACH—DEM Tod seines Großvaters LEO—I neuer oströmischer Kaiser.
05320118 Während des NIKA—AUFSTANDES der Zirkusparteien gegen den byzantinischen KAISER—JUSTINIAN I. wird auf dem Forum in Konstantinopel Flavius Hypatius zum Kaiser ausgerufen.
05320118 Die blutige Niederschlagung des Aufstandes durch Truppen unter Belisar fordert rund 30.000—MENSCHENLEBEN.
07080118 Sisinnius wird als Nachfolger von JOHANNES—VII. nach 89-tägiger Vakanz als PAPA inthronisiert.
07480118 † Odilo, Herrscher des Stammesherzogtums BAYERN
09700118 † Hatto II., Abt von Fulda und ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—MAINZ
10000000—20130118 —VOR—CA—1.000—JAHREN, lebten, VIELE—MITTEL—EUROPÄISCHER, osteuropäischer JUDEN—VORFAHREN, in der CHASAREN—REICH,
11070118 † Markward von Corvey, Abt von Corvey und BISCHOF—VON—OSNABRÜCK
11260118 —ÜBERNIMMT, Der chinesische KAISER—SONG Huizong, die Verantwortung für die – von ins Reich der SONG—DYNASTIE eindringenden Jurchen erzwungene – Flucht nach HANGZHOU und dankt zu Gunsten seines Sohnes Song Qinzong ab.
11520118 † Adalberon von Munsterol, ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—TRIER
11740118 † VLADISLAV—II., böhmischer HERZOG, der den Königstitel für sich und sein Reich sicherte
11740118 † VLADISLAV—II. (in predium Mer[MEERANE], war 1—BÖHMISCHER HERZOG, der den Königstitel für sich und sein REICH sicherte.
12160118 † GUY—II—HERR—VON—DAMPIERRE, Bourbon und Montluçon
12230118 † Giorgi IV. Lascha, georgischer KÖNIG
12360118 † Owain ap Gruffydd, Lord des walisischen Fürstentums Deheubarth
12460118 † Ioakim I., bulgarischer Geistlicher, GRÜNDER—DES—IWANOWO—KLOSTERS, Metropolit von Tarnowo sowie Patriarch und Heiliger der BULGARISCH—ORTHODOXEN Kirche
12560118 † MARIA—VON—BRABANT, HERZOGIN—VON—BAYERN und Pfalzgräfin bei Rhein
12700118 † Margareta von Ungarn, Dominikanerin, Tochter Béla IV. von Ungarn und Nichte der heiligen Elisabeth
13030118 Pro facienda gratia nepoti illustris REGIS—ALEMANIE
13040118 Ähnlich (wie NUMMER—1) für des KAISER—NEFFE, betreffs zollfreien Transport von Wein nach PADUA.
13260118 † ROBERT—FITZWALTER, 1. BARON—FITZWALTER, englischer Adeliger und Militär
13440118 † Raoul I. de Brienne, Graf von Eu
13470118 † ULRICH—DENKLINGER, Abt des Klosters S—MANG in Füssen
13530118 GERARDO—BIERWISCH capellano Nicolai tit.
13530118 S—VITALIS preshytsri KARDINALIS CONFERTUR—CANONICATUS et reservatur [PFRÜNDE]PRAEBENDA cuni supplemento IN—ECCLESIA Machario NILETNAN—DE—ARNEM capellano Aegidii tit.
13530118 S—CLEMENTIS presbyteri KARDINALIS similis fit gratia IN—ECCLESIA—TRAJECTENSI.
13530118 VITE—AC—MORUM.
13550118 —AM, KÖNIG—KARL—IV, selbst, seinen EINZUG—IN—PISA, hielt.
13550118 1—SONNTAG—AM, hielt dann, wie wir —BEREITS oben SEITE—19—SAHEN,^ KARL—IV. auf dem RÖMER—ZUGE seinen EINZUG—IN—PISA.
13550118 —EMPFANGEN—AM, KÖNIG—KARL—IV., in PISA, wurde, aufs ehrenvollste.
13550118 -FÜR EINIGE—ZEIT, So war DIE—STADT—PISA im vollsten Sinne des KÖNIG—KARL—IV—STADT geworden.
13550118 —BALD—DARAUF, DIE—GAMBACORTA übergaben dem KÖNIG—KARL—IV. auch die Herrschaft über DIE—STADT—PISA, und
13600118 † LUIGI—I—GONZAGA, Stadtherr und Reichsvikar von Mantua
13670118 FERDINAND—I, der Schöne, besteigt als letzter BURGUNDER—KÖNIG den portugiesischen Thron.
13670118 † PETER—I, portugiesischer KÖNIG
13750118 —ISDEM, EXECUTORIBUS—MANDATUR^ ut Everardo Riquini CLERICO—TRAIECTENSIS—DIOECESIS^ dummodo idioma DAVENTRIAe usitatum intelligat^ conferant perpetuam vicariam
13850118 —ARRIVED, IN CRACOW, 1—LITHUANIA—DELEGATION under SKIRGAILA, to ask for the hand of JADVYGA, on behalf of JOGAILA.
14010118 —SUBMITTED, LITHUANIA, VYTAUTAS and the country's dukes, documents to POLAND that VYTAUTAS would rule LITHUANIA as 1—VASSAL to POLAND and return LITHUANIA to POLAND upon his death.
14110118 † Jobst von Mähren, RÖMISCH—DEUTSCHER KÖNIG, Markgraf von Mähren und BRANDENBURG
14110118 JODOK[JOBST], bur BRNO S—THOMAS).
14230118 † HEINRICH—X, HERZOG—VON—GLOGAU und Freystadt sowie Landvogt der Oberlausitz
14250118 † EDMUND—MORTIMER, 5. EARL—OF—MARCH, englischer Adeliger
14270118 † Eberhard III. von Neuhaus, Administrator der inkorporierten Reichsprälatur Berchtesgaden und ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—SALZBURG
14380118 ^^upplûjue de LOUIS—DE—GHINDEVÈS au CONCILE—DE—UNIE, contre son compctileur BARTHÉLÉMY—ROCALLI.
14380118 LES—PROCUREURS—DE—BARTHÉLÉMY—ROCALLI s'efforcent de répondre, au CONCILE—DE—BÂTE, à son compétiteur.
14380118 Voir plus liaul le n°
14480118 † KONRAD—IX., Reichserbkämmerer im Dienste von KÖNIG—SIGISMUND und KÖNIG—ALBRECHT—II.
14700000—15470118 * † PIETRO—BEMBO, ITALY—SCHOLAR.
14700000—15470118 —INCLUDED, PIETRO—BEMBO—WORK, "Writings on the Vulgar Tongue," in which he used 1—OLD—TUSCAN dialect as 1—MODEL for grammar.
14700118 † GO—HANAZONO, japanischer Kaiser
14780118 doch konnte GOTTFRIED—VON—ANSTEL—PROPST—IN—ZÜLPICH die ihm gemachten Vorwürfe abwehren
14780118 —WURDE—ANGEKLAGT, GOTTFRIED—VON—ANSTEL—PROPST—IN—ZÜLPICH, wegen seines angeblichen Hang zum Würfelspiel, Hang zum Wirtshausbesuch ,
14860118 Mit der Heirat des englischen Königs HEINRICH—VII. aus dem Haus Tudor mit ELIZABETH—OF—YORK werden die beiden verfeindeten Herrscherhäuser LANCASTER und YORK miteinander vereint.
14860118 Die Rosenkriege gehören damit endgültig der Vergangenheit an.
14860118 oo HENRY—VII—KING—OF—ENGLAND (14570000—15090000 ), ELIZABETH—OF—YORK, daughter of EDWARD—IV. This ended THE—WARS—OF—THE—ROSES.
14930118 —FERIA—SEXTA
15020118 NELL'ANNO IL—DI- fu ricevuta ed alloggiata in URBINO con gran pompa donna LUCREZIA—BORGIA figlia di ALEXANDER VI—PAPA[lPAPA Alessandro]
15020118 ADDI, madonna LUCREZIA—BORGIA figlia di ALEXANDER VI—PAPA venne a URBINO con 150—CAVALLI e circa 2.000—BOCCHE.
15130000—15510000 —HISTORY—OF—VENICE—FROM—TO,PIETRO—BEMBO, also wrote
15230118 * JOHANNES—HALLER—DER—JÜNGERE, Schweizer evangelischer Theologe und Reformator
15290118 Die protestantische Kirche gibt ihren 1. Katechismus heraus.
15350118 Nach der Eroberung Perus gründet der spanische Konquistador FRANCISCO—PIZARRO zur Eindämmung des Einflusses der bisherigen INKA—HAUPTSTADT—CUSCO auf einer Eingeborenensiedlung die neue HAUPTSTADT—CIUDAD de los Reyes, das heutige LIMA.
15350118—15350106 —SEE
15470118 † PIETRO—BEMBO, italienischer Humanist, Kardinal und Gelehrter, Theoretiker der italienischen Literatursprache
15470118 † KARDINAL—PIETRO—BEMBO, ROM—ITALIEN, in his 77. —YEAR, and
15470118 But, KARDINAL—PIETRO—BEMBO will be held in remembrance by his various writings, which claim 1—NOTICE in our 24. chapter;
15560118 —SATURDAY—OF.
15560118 It was this arch, which, CAUSED, the disaster which marked THE—DAY.
15560118 —EXPLODED, —JUST as PHILIP was approaching it, The powder used for the firework display which, FORMED PART—OF—THE—TRIUMPH, killing 7—PERSONS or 8—PERSONS,
15560118 including 1—OF—THE—KING—HIS—BODY—GUARD and 1—OF—HIS—GENTLEMEN, —WHILE several bystanders were injured.
15560118 THE—DANGER—OF these pyrotechnic displays was notorious, and PHILIP, deciding not to incur further risk, ordered THE—PROCESSION to be abandoned.
15560118 THE—ENGLISH—MERCHANTS were not IN—THE—TOWN at PHILIP his coming, being at the mart at BERGEN—OP—ZOOM,
15560118 but ENGLAND—MERCHANTS had caused 1—STRUCTURE to be erected in imitation of 1—OLD—CASTLE.
15560118 —PRESIDED, THE—ORDER—OF—THE—GOLDEN—FLEECE the 1. Chapter over which PHILIP,
15560118 The Nations had made triumphal arches, but not at such cost as —BEFORE, save that of THE—GENOESE[GENUA] on THE—DRYHOEK.
15560118 —CAUSED, It was this arch which, THE—DISASTER which marked THE—DAY.
15560118 imitation of 1—OLD—CASTLE stood, however, next in order —AFTER the structure of THE—GENOESE[GENUA], so was never seen by PHILIP.
15580118 * JOHANN—FLADENSTEIN, deutscher Jurist
15860118 † Margarethe von PARMA, Statthalterin der Spanischen Niederlande
15890118 † MAGNUS—HEINASON, färöischer Seeheld
15980118 † JOHANN—GEORG, Kurfürst von BRANDENBURG
16100118 * Hieronymus Kromayer, deutscher Theologe
16130118 † REGINA Protmann, Gründerin des Katharinenordens und katholische Heilige
16160118 † Karl, Graf von Arenberg, Militär und Diplomat
16230118 * SEBASTIAN—ACHAMER, österreichischer Orgelbauer
16240118 * Thyrsus González, SPANISCH—ITALIENISCHER Ordensgeneral
16240118 * JOHANNES—LAVATER, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
16240118 ZÜLPICH
16280118 † Willem van den Blocke, Bildhauer und Architekt flämischer Abstammung
16290118 Der schwedische Reichstag billigt einen Kriegseintritt des von KÖNIG—GUSTAV—II. Adolf regierten Landes im 3ßigjährigen KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—HEERE—DES—KAISERS—FERDINAND—II. in Deutschland.
16410118 * François MICHEL—LE—TELLIER—DE—LOUVOIS, französischer Staatsmann und Kriegsminister
16440118 1. reported UFO—SIGHTING in AMERICA was made by perplexed pilgrims in BOSTON.
16490118 * JOHANN—KAHLER, deutscher Mathematiker und lutherischer Theologe
16500118 † MATTEO—ROSSELLI, italienischer Maler
16570118 * HEINRICH—CASIMIR—II., Fürst von NASSAU—DIETZ, Statthalter von Friesland, GRONINGEN und Drenthe
16590118 † BENEDIKT—LECHLER, 64—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
16700118 * Jeanne Baptiste DE—ALBERT—DE—LUYNES, französische Aristokratin und Geliebte von KÖNIG—VIKTOR—AMADEUS—I—VON—SARDINIEN—PIEMONT
16700118 † ANDREA—VACCARO, italienischer Maler
16710118 Der englische Freibeuter HENRY—MORGAN erobert mit seinen Leuten die zum spanischen Vizekönigreich PERU gehörende Stadt PANAMA.
16710118 Die Plünderung erbringt für die Angreifer 1—VERMÖGEN, die Stadt wird in Brand gesetzt, ihre Einwohner werden massakriert.
16720118 —MONTAG
16740118 —DATUM
16740118 —BERICHTET, BEIL11INGEN und die anderen Deputierten für die auswärtigen Angelegenheiten haben über 1—KONFERENZ—MIT—ROMSWINCKEL
16740118 ROMSWINCKEL, welcher sich über die Nichtbezahlung der SUBSIDIEN beklagt, sowie 1—ETAT der noch schuldigen SUBSIDIEN,
16740118 Copieen der Verträge BRANDENBURGs mit FRANKREICH und SCHWEDEN überreicht und um MITTEILUNG der von den Staaten geschlossenen gebeten habe:
16740118 —BESCHLOSSEN, WORAUF, ist, ROMSWINCKEL zu antworten, daß man nächstens 1—GESANDTEN an den KUR—FÜRST schicken werde,
16740118 um denselben vollkommen zu befriedigen und noch über andere Dinge mit ihm zu verhandeln;
16740118 Copieen der mit ÖSTERREICH, SPANIEN und LOTHRINGEN abgeschlossenen TRACTATE sollen ROMSWINCKEL ausgehändigt werden.
16740118 Wijngaarden an den RATS—PENSIONÄR—VON—HOLLAND.
16770118 † Jan van Riebeeck, niederländischer Schiffsarzt, Kaufmann und Kolonieverwalter
16780118 Auf Rügen findet die Schlacht bei Warksow während des SCHWEDISCH—BRANDENBURGISCHEN Krieges statt.
16780118 Die Schweden erobern die von den Dänen eingenommene Insel gegen 1—DÄNISCH—BRANDENBURGISCHES—HEER zurück.
16780118 Doch —8—MONATE—SPÄTER ist in einem neuen Kampf die Gegenseite erfolgreich.
16800118 —AM, JENA und MEINDERS haben ihm im Namen des GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG auf sein in der letzten KONFERENZ vorgetragenes Anbringen geantwortet,
16810118 —SUSPENDED, CHARLES—II—KING—OF—ENGLAND, PARLIAMENT and set its next meeting for March in OXFORD.
16820118 * JONATHAN—BELCHER, britischer Politiker, Gouverneur von MASSACHUSETTS, NEW—HAMPSHIRE und NEW—JERSEY
16820118 —DATUM—BERLIN.
16820118 FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG hat den Capitän eines seiner HANDELS—SCHIFFE zu ihm ge- ;;0118;;
16830208—16830118 AMERONGEN, der im Begriff steht, wieder nach BERLIN abzureisen, sollen —DIE—RESOLUTION—VOM, betreffend OST—FRIESLAND eingehändigt werden,und
16840118 * MARTIN—KNOBLOCH, deutscher Pädagoge und Theologe
16840118 * JOHANN—DAVID—KÖHLER, deutscher Historiker, Numismatiker und Heraldiker
16890118 * CHARLES—DE—SECONDAT, BARON—DE—MONTESQUIEU, französischer Schriftsteller, Philosoph und Staatstheoretiker der Aufklärung (Taufdatum)
16890118—17550000 * † CHARLES—LOUIS—DE—MONTESQUIEU, FRANCE—PHILOSOPHER and writer (Letters Persanes).
16890118—17550000 "In most things success depends on knowing how long it takes to succeed".
16890118—17550000 He authored "THE—SPIRIT—OF—THE—LAWS," the 1. great comparative STUDY—OF—CIVILIZATIONS.
16940118 * JOHANN—GOTTFRIED—VON—HAHN, schlesischer Arzt und Medizinalrat in Breslau
16950118 Die Bevölkerung wird in 22—STEUERKLASSEN eingeteilt.
16950118 In der niedrigsten ist 1—LIVRE an den STAAT zu entrichten, in der höchsten sind es 2.000—LIVRES.
16990118 An der Hofburg in WIEN erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper La fede pubblica von GIOVANNI—BONONCINI.
17010118 —KRÖNT, sich selbst, FRIEDRICH—I—KÖNIG—IN—PREUßEN, in Königsberg.
17010118 -stattfindet, Das durch FRIEDRICH—I—KÖNIG—IN—PREUßEN, großteils selbst inszenierte Zeremoniell im Königsberger Schloss.
17010118 * JOHANN—JACOB—MOSER, deutscher Staatsrechtslehrer
17090118 Die Städte BERLIN, Cölln, Friedrichswerder, Dorotheenstadt und Friedrichstadt werden durch 1-Erlass von PREUßEN—KÖNIG—FRIEDRICH—I
17090118-17100101 —WIRKUNG—ZUM, zur "Königlichen HAUPT—STADT, RESIDENZ—STADT—BERLIN" vereinigt, mit
17170118 * Fedele Tirrito, sizilianischer Maler, Schriftsteller, Prediger und Kapuzinerpater
17190118 † ANTOINE—LÉGER—DER—JÜNGERE, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
17210118 † OTTO—VON—SCHLABRENDORF, preußischer GENERAL—DER—INFANTERIE, Gouverneur der Festung Küstrin sowie Erbherr auf Groß Machnow und Blankenfeld
17240118 * JOHANN—JACOB—SCHRAMM, deutscher Orgelbauer
17260118 † Bartolomeo Laurenti, italienischer Violinist und Komponist
17290118 † CHRISTOPH—BERNHARD—FRANCKE, deutscher Offizier und Maler
17310118 † JOHANN—JOSUA—MOSENGEL, deutscher Orgelbauer
17330118 * Engelbert Klüpfel, deutscher Theologe
17330118 —EXHIBITED, The 1. polar bear, in AMERICA was in BOSTON.
17340118 * Caspar FRIEDRICH—WOLFF, deutscher Physiologe und Anatom
17350118 * JEREMIAS—MAJER, englischer Maler deutscher Herkunft
17350118 † MARIA—CLEMENTINA—SOBIESKA, polnische PRINZESSIN, Titularkönigin von Großbritannien, Irland und Frankreich
17430118 * Ignazio GAETANO—BONCOMPAGNI—LUDOVISI, italienischer Kardinal
17430118 * Karagoromo Kissh?, japanischer Dichter
17440118 † Michele Marieschi, italienischer Maler
17470118 * Michele Di Pietro, italienischer Kardinal
17500118 * Odano Naotake, japanischer Maler
17500118 * JOHANN—GOTTLOB—THEAENUS—SCHNEIDER, deutscher Altphilologe, Naturwissenschaftler und Lexikograf
17520118 † JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—LUDWIG, deutscher Goldschmied und Baumeister
17550118 † JOHANN—RUDOLPH—ENGAU, deutscher Rechtswissenschaftler
17560118 † FRANZ—GEORG—VON—SCHÖNBORN, deutscher KURFÜRST—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—TRIER, Fürstabt, Fürstbischof, Fürstpropst
17570118 * CHARLES—POLE, britischer Admiral
17600118 † Claudio Casciolini, italienischer Komponist
17610118 † KARL—JOSEPH—VON—HABSBURG—LOTHRINGEN, österreichischer Erzherzog
17670118—17461216 * ESSER, [JOHANN] Siegismund [ARNOLD] [, in SCHEVENHÜTTE,
17730118 Unter KÖNIG—GUSTAV—III. beginnen im Stockholmer Bollhuset Opernaufführungen in Schweden.
17740118 * JOHANN—HEINRICH—BERNHARD—DRÄSEKE, deutscher Theologe, Generalsuperintendent und BISCHOF
17750118 Im Südatlantik wird von JAMES—COOK die unbewohnte COOPER—INSEL gesichtet.
17770118 Unter der Führung von ETHAN—ALLEN erklärt sich VERMONT unter dem Namen New CONNECTICUT zur unabhängigen REPUBLIK.
17780118 JAMES—COOK entdeckt auf seiner 3. Südseereise als 1. Europäer HAWAII und tauft die Inseln SANDWICH—INSELN.
17780118 * GEORGE—BELLAS—GREENOUGH, britischer Geologe
17780118 * LUDWIG—GEORG—WINTER, deutscher Politiker, badischer Beamter, MINISTER—UND—REFORMER
17780118 —DISCOVERED, ENGLAND—NAVIGATOR—CAPTAIN—JAMES—COOK, the Hawaiian Islands, which he dubbed the "Sandwich Islands" —AFTER the 1. LORD—OF—THE—ADMIRALTY, Lord Sandwich.
17780118 —INHABITED, About 350,000 Hawaiians, them.
17780118 —LANDED, Cook 1., on Kauai and then Niihau where his men introduced venereal disease.
17790118 * PETER—MARK—ROGET, britischer Arzt und Lexikograph
17790118 * PETER—ROGET, thesaurus fame, inventor (slide rule, pocket chessboard).
17820118—18300000 —IN, DANIEL—WEBSTER (18520000 †, aka Black Dan) USA—POLITICAL—LEADER, SENATOR and orator, lawyer, statesman, administrator and diplomat, was born in SALISBURY—NEW—HAMPSHIRE he proclaimed "Liberty and Union, —NOW and forever, 1 and inseparable!" He was SECRETARY—OF—STATE—BEFORE—THE—CIVIL—WAR.
17880118 * JONATHAN—AUGUST—WEICHERT, deutscher Altphilologe und Pädagoge
17880118 —ARRIVED, The 1. ENGLAND—SETTLERS, in AUSTRALIA—BOTANY—BAY to establish 1—PENAL colony.
17880118 They found the location unsuitable and CAPTAIN—ARTHUR—PHILIP moved on to SYDNEY Cove.
17880118 ENGLAND sent the 1. sheep along with convicts to AUSTRALIA.
17880118 —FOUNDED, AUSTRALIA was officially, —WHEN the 1. ENGLAND—SETTLERS arrived in AUSTRALIA—BOTANY—BAY to establish 1—PENAL colony.
17900118 † STEFANO—ITTAR, polnischer Architekt
17920118 * KARL—GUSTAV—BISCHOF, deutscher Geologe und Chemiker
17970500—17980118 VENEDIG halbjähriges REGIMENT—DER—FRANZOSEN
17980118 —AM, die ÖSTERREICHer BESITZ—VON—VENEDIG nahmen,
17990118 Der Franzose NICHOLAS—LOUIS Robert erhält 1—PATENT auf die von ihm im Vorjahr erfundene Langsiebpapiermaschine.
18000118 Die BANQUE—DE—FRANCE wird durch den 1. KONSUL—NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE geschaffen, um nach der schweren Rezession während der Revolutionszeit das Wirtschaftswachstum zu fördern.
18000118 Der BANQUE—DE—FRANCE—AUFGABE ist, im Austausch gegen angekaufte Handelswechsel dem Vorleger auf Sicht Banknoten auszugeben.
18010118 Der PAUL—I—ZAR—VON—RUßLAND, macht Georgien zur Provinz seines Landes.
18010118 * JAMES—EVANS, kanadischer Methodist und Linguist
18020118 épuration du tribunat
18060118 * DOROTHEA—PFEIFFER, deutsche Malerin
18070118 Mme Walewska rend visite à LE—EMPEREUR
18080118 * FRANZ—KUGLER, deutscher Kunsthistoriker und Schriftsteller
18100118 * THEODOR—KLIEFOTH, deutscher Theologe
18130118 * THEODOR—ENGELBRECHT, deutscher Pomologe
18130118 * JOSEPH—FARWELL—GLIDDEN, inventor of barbed wire.
18150118 * EDUARD—BOAS, deutscher Schriftsteller
18150118 * WARREN—DE—LA—RUE, britischer Astronom und Chemiker
18150118 * KONSTANTIN—VON—TISCHENDORF, deutscher Theologe, Forscher zur Textgeschichte des Neuen Testaments
18180118 * JOSEPH—MATTHÄUSA—AIGNER, österreichischer Porträtmaler
18180118 * ADOLF—ARONHEIM, deutscher Jurist und Politiker - * AUGUST—EBRARD, deutscher Theologe
18200118 * THOMAS—JOSEPH—HUTCHINSON, britischer Forschungsreisender und Konsul
18210118 * THEODOR—GOLDSTÜCKER, deutscher Sanskritforscher
18220118 * REINOLD—AßMANN, deutscher Jurist und Politiker
18230118 * VICTOR—RUFFY, Schweizer Bundesrat
18250118 * Léon Carvalho, französischer Sänger und Operndirektor - * EDWARD—FRANKLAND, britischer Chemiker
18250118 † JOHANN—PETER—VON—FEUERBACH, deutscher politischer Beamter
18250118-18050000 Das abgebrannte, durch JOSEPH—BOVÉ wiedererbaute PETROWSKI—THEATER wird unter dem Namen BOLSCHOI—THEATER mit dem Prolog Der Triumph der Musen zur Musik von ALEXEI—NIKOLAJEWITSCH—WERSTOWSKI und ALEXANDER—ALEXANDROWITSCH—ALJABJEW neu eröffnet.
18260118 * JOSEPH—HENRI Altès, französischer Flötist
18280118 * EHRENFRIED—LEICHEL, deutscher, in den Niederlanden tätiger Orgelbauer
18290118 * Ludvig Lorenz, dänischer Physiker
18290118 † BENJAMIN—GEITHNER, evangelischer Geistlicher
18300118 * Grigor Parlitschew, MAZEDONISCH—BULGARISCHER Schriftsteller
18310118 * JOHANN—JAKOB—BERNOULLI, Schweizer Archäologe
18350118 * César Cui, russischer KOMPONIST—UND—MUSIKKRITIKER
18350118 * EDUARD—VON—DERENTHALL, deutscher Gesandter
18350118 * CESAR—A—CUI, fort architect, composer, in VILNIUS—LITHUANIA.
18360118 —ARRIVED, JIM—BOWIE, knife aficionado, at the Alamo to assist its TEXAS defenders.
18400118 * ERNST—RUDORFF, deutscher Musiker, Kunstpädagoge und Naturschützer
18400118 * ALFRED—PERCY—SINNETT, britischer Journalist, AUTOR—UND—THEOSOPH
18400118 † JOHANN—ADAM—GOEZ, deutscher Schriftsteller und Pädagoge
18400118 † Jodocus Heringa ELIZA—ZOON, niederländischer reformierter Theologe
18400118 "ELECTRO—MAGNETIC—INTELLIGENCER", 1. USA electrical journal, appeared.
18410118 * PAUL—MENDELSSOHN—BARTHOLDY, deutscher Chemiker und Industrieller
18450118 * HERMANN—GROTEFEND, deutscher Archivar
18450118 * BERNHARD—LUDWIG—SUPHAN, deutscher Literaturwissenschaftler
18460316 ALEXIS—EMMANUEL—CHABRIER there 19180118 .
18460316 † JURGIS—BIELINIS, there 19180118 .
18480118 * Ioan Slavici, rumänischer Schriftsteller
18480118 † JOSEPH—VON—WINIWARTER, österreichischer Jurist und Hochschullehrer
18490118 * EDMUND—BARTON, australischer PREMIERMINISTER
18490118 * Eugène Carrière, französischer Maler und Lithograph
18490118 * ANTONIO—CECCHI, italienischer Entdecker - * RICHARD—PISCHEL, deutscher Indologe
18490118 * Aleksander ?wi?tochowski, polnischer Schriftsteller
18500118 * SETH—LOW, USA—PÄDAGOGE und Politiker
18510118 * HEINRICH—FRIEDJUNG, österreichischer Historiker, PUBLIZIST—UND—JOURNALIST
18520118 * ALBERT—GEßMANN, österreichischer Politiker
18520118 * ADOLF—WALEWSKI, polnischer Schauspieler, Regisseur und Dramatiker
18530118 * K?rlis M?lenbahs, lettischer Sprachwissenschaftler - * Fanny Stresow, deutsche Malerin
18540118 * CARL—GIESECKE, deutscher Ingenieur und Industrieller
18540118 * THOMAS—A—WATSON, inventor and assistant ALEXANDER—BELL (Telephone).
18560118 * Luigi Bianchi, italienischer Mathematiker
18560118 * DANIEL—NATHAN—HALE—WILLIAMS, surgeon (1. open heart operation).
18570118 * OTTO—VON—BELOW, deutscher GENERAL —WWI—IM
18580118 † WILLIAM—CAVENDISH, 6. DUKE—OF—DEVONSHIRE, britischer Peer und Politiker
18580118 DANIEL—HALE—WILLIAMS, the 1. physician to perform open heart surgery and FOUNDER—OF—PROVIDENT—HOSPITAL in CHICAGO—ILLINOIS, was born.
18590118 † ALFRED—VAIL, USA—INGENIEUR und Erfinder
18610118 * DEMETRIOS—I—KADI, syrischer Geistlicher und Patriarch von Antiochia - * HANS—GOLDSCHMIDT, deutscher Chemiker
18610118 † JOACHIM—HEINRICH—WILHELM—WAGENER, deutscher Bankier und Mäzen
18620118 —FORMED, Confederate TERRITORY—OF—ARIZONA.
18620118 † JOHN—TYLER, 71—JAHRE—ALT, 10. PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA (18410000—18450000 ), and was buried at HOLLYWOOD Cemetery in RICHMOND—VIRGINIA.
18620118 JOHN—TYLER drank 1—MINT julep EVERY—MORNING for breakfast.
18620118 —JOINED, Tyler had, the Confederacy —AFTER his presidency and was designated a "sworn enemy of THE—USA".
18630000—19170118 * † PHILIP—BOILEAU, CANADA—BORN artist, in THE—USA.
18630118 * OSCAR—TROPLOWITZ, deutscher Apotheker, Unternehmer und Kunstmäzen
18630118 † Mangas Coloradas, Häuptling der MIMBRENO—APACHEN
18630118 † MUHAMMAD—SAID, Wali (Gouverneur) der osmanischen Provinz Ägypten
18640118 * MARIE—RENARD, österreichische Opernsängerin (Mezzosopran)
18670118 * Rubén Darío, nicaraguanischer Schriftsteller und Diplomat
18690118 * JULIUS—MEINL—II., österreichischer Unternehmer in der Lebensmittelindustrie
18710118 WILHELM—I—VON—PREUßEN wird im Spiegelsaal des Schlosses von Versailles zum deutschen Kaiser proklamiert.
18710118 Diesen Titel hatte er —SEIT der deutschen Verfassung vom 18710101 .
18710118 * FRANZ—BLEI, österreichischer Schriftsteller, Übersetzer und Literaturkritiker
18710118 † Auguste ANICET—BOURGEOIS, französischer Theaterdichter
18710118 —PROCLAIMED, THE—GERMANY—EMPIRE (Deutsches Kaiserreich) was, in Versailles.
18710118 —PROCLAIMED, WILLIAM—I—OF—PRUSSIA was, "GERMANY—EMPEROR" (which was not the same thing as "Emperor of GERMANY").
18710118 The unification of GERMANY was the greatest geopolitical TRANSFORMATION—OF—THE—PERIOD.
18710118 GERMANY went on to adopt the mark as its common currency.
18710118 —AM, im Spiegelsaal des Versailler Schlosses statt,
18710118 —AM, der WÄHREND des DEUTSCH—FRANZÖSISCHER—KRIEG als Lazarett benutzt und
18710118 —AM, eigens für die Zeremonie ausgeräumt wurde.
18710118 —AM, GROß—HERZOG—FRIEDRICH—I—VON—BADEN umging die strittige Frage, ob 1 "DEUTSCHER—KAISER" oder ein "KAISER—VON—DEUTSCHLAND" ausgerufen werden sollte, indem
18710118 —AM, er die Hochrufe einfach auf KAISER—WILHELM ausbrachte.
18710118 —AM, des SCHLOSS—VERSAILLES—SPIEGEL—SAAL eigens für die Zeremonie ausgeräumt wurde.
18710118 —AM Nach der Kaiserproklamation und der 1..
18710128—18710118 —10—TAGE—SPÄTER, kapitulierte PARIS
18720118 * EMMANUEL—DE—ORLÉANS, duc de Vendôme, französischer Adeliger
18730118 * VIKTOR—KIENBÖCK, österreichischer Politiker und Jurist - * JULIUS—KÜHLEWEIN, deutscher Theologe
18730118 † EDWARD—BULWER—LYTTON, 1. BARON—LYTTON, britischer Romanautor und Politiker
18750118 * ALEXEI—IWANOWITSCH—ABRIKOSSOW, sowjetischer Pathologe und Akademiker
18750118 * Julián Carrillo, mexikanischer Komponist
18760118 * Meschadi Asisbekow, aserbaidschanischer Politiker
18760118 * ELSA—EINSTEIN, Cousine und 2. Ehefrau von ALBERT—EINSTEIN
18760118 * RODOLPHE—PLAMONDON, kanadischer Sänger, Cellist und Musikpädagoge
18770118 * KARL—HANS—STROBL, deutscher Schriftsteller
18780118 * PETER—CHRISTEL—ASMUSSEN, deutscher Unternehmer und Politiker, MdL - * THOMAS—EDWARD—CAMPBELL, USA—POLITIKER
18780118 * Agostino Gemelli, italienischer Priester und Mediziner
18780118 † ANTOINE—CÉSAR—BECQUEREL, französischer Physiker
18780118 DER—HOF—PREDIGER A. Stöcker tritt ZUM 1. MAL mit seiner gegen DIE—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATIE gerichteten CHRISTLICH—SOZIALEN ARBEITER—PARTEI hervor, der nur sehr mäßiger Erfolg beschieden ist.
18780118 Sie weist —SPÄTER, immer stärker ANTI—SEMITISCHE Züge auf.
18780118 A. Stöcker findet vornehmlich im KLEIN—BÜRGERTUM Anklang.
18780118 DER HOF—PREDIGER—ADOLF—STOECKER mit seiner gegen DIE—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATIE gerichteten CHRISTLICH—SOZIALEN ARBEITER—PARTEI nur sehr mäßiger Erfolg beschieden ist.
18780118 DER—HOF—PREDIGER—ADOLF—STOECKER findet vornehmlich im KLEIN—BÜRGERTUM Anklang.
18790118 * HENRI—GIRAUD, französischer GENERAL
18790118 * WALTER—KAESBACH, deutscher Kunsthistoriker
18790118 * ARNOLD—KNOBLAUCH, deutscher Architekt und Unternehmer
18800118 * PAUL—EHRENFEST, österreichischer Physiker
18800118 * ROBERT—POLLACK, österreichischer Geiger und Musikpädagoge
18800118 * Alfredo Ildefonso Schuster, italienischer Priester, ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—MAILAND und Kardinal
18810118 † Auguste Mariette, französischer Ägyptologe
18820118 * Lazare Lévy, französischer Pianist, Musikpädagoge und Komponist
18820118 * A. A. Milne, britischer Schriftsteller
18820118 * ANNA—SIEMSEN, deutsche Pädagogin und Politikerin
18820118 * A.A. [ALAN—ALEXANDER] Milne, novelist, humorist and journalist who wrote "Winnie the Pooh,".
18830118 * Edith Andreae, deutsche Salonnière
18830118 * HENRI—GUIBERT, französischer Autorennfahrer - * GEORGE—OLIVER, USA—GOLFSPIELER
18840118 Vor der Insel MARTHA—VINEYARD an der KÜSTE—DES—USA—BUNDESSTAATS—MASSACHUSETTS sinkt der amerikanische Passagierdampfer CITY—OF—COLUMBUS nach einer Felskollision.
18840118 29—MENSCHEN können gerettet werden, während 103—ERTRINKEN oder im eiskalten Wasser erfrieren, darunter ALLE—FRAUEN und Kinder an Bord.
18840118 † Green Adams, USA—POLITIKER
18840118 —DEPARTED, GENERAL—CHARLES ("Chinese") Gordon, LONDON for KHARTOUM.
18860118 * ?tefan Dimitrescu, rumänischer Maler
18860118 * CLARA—NORDSTRÖM, deutsche Schriftstellerin
18860118 † KARL—GAERTNER, deutscher Ingenieur, Unternehmer und Politiker
18870118 Laz?r Edeleanu gelingt die Erstsynthese des Amphetamins an der FRIEDRICH—WILHELMS—UNIVERSITÄT.
18870118 * KARL—ZUHORN, deutscher Lokalpolitiker
18880118 * Wim Bronger, niederländischer Fußballspieler
18880118 * MICHAEL—HORLACHER, deutscher Politiker, MdR, MdL, Landtagspräsident und MdB
18880118 * THOMAS—SOPWITH, britischer Flugpionier und Segelsportler
18890118 abgehaltenen Versammlung erstattete Herr Gymnasiallehrer DOCTOR—WIETH—BERICHT—ÜBER—DIE—TÄTIGKEIT der am
18900118 * Jeanne Demons, kanadische Schauspielerin
18900118 * CHARLES—DROUIN, französischer Autorennfahrer
18920118 * OLIVER—HARDY, USA—KOMIKER und Filmschauspieler
18920118 * PAUL—ROSTOCK, deutscher Chirurg und KZ—ARZT, Angeklagter im Nürnberger Ärzteprozess
18920118 † ANTON—MARIA—ANDERLEDY, Schweizer Jesuit
18920118 * OLIVER—HARDY, MEMBER—OF—LAUREL and Hardy comedy duo who starred in numerous films, in HARLEM—GEORGIA.
18930118 Die Messe in D—DUR von Ethel Smyth, das einzige geistliche Werk der Komponistin, wird in der Royal ALBERT—HALL in LONDON uraufgeführt.
18930118 Die Uraufführung ist nur durch die Intervention der ehemaligen französischen Kaiserin Eugénie de Montijo möglich geworden.
18940118 * ADO Anderkopp, estnischer Politiker und Journalist
18940118 * ROBERT—BRÉARD, französischer Komponist
18940118 * Jan van BREDA Kolff, niederländischer Fußballspieler
18940118 * WILHELM—HEINRICH—CARL—TENHAEFF, niederländischer Parapsychologe
18940118 † Theophan Goworow, russischer BISCHOF - ("DAILY—NEWS"...) FRIEDRICH—ENGELS.
18950118 * JOHANNES—MATTFELD, deutscher Botaniker
18960118 * VILLE—RITOLA, finnischer Leichtathlet, Olympiasieger
18990118 * JAN—BONTJES van Beek, deutscher Bildhauer und Keramiker
18990118 * FRITZ—BRACHT, deutscher NSDAP—GAULEITER von Oberschlesien, Reichsverteidigungskommissar, Organisator von Todesmärschen
18990118 * LUCIAN—WYSOCKI, deutscher Polizeipräsident, SA- und SS—GENERAL
18990118—19690905 * † JAN—BONTJES—VAN—BEEK (Vejle/Jütland;in BERLIN) war 1—DEUTSCHER Keramiker und BILD—HAUER.
19010118 ERNST—VON—WOLZOGEN gründet in BERLIN am Alexanderplatz mit dem Überbrettl das 1. deutsche Kabarett.
19030118 * BERTHOLD—GOLDSCHMIDT, GERMAN—BRITISH (opera) composer (Beatrice Cenci).
19030802—19040118 Die Crimmitschauer WEBER treten in 1—STREIK um den 10—STÜNDIGEN ARBEITS—TAG und 1 14—PROZENTIGE Lohnerhöhung.
19030802—19040118 In ganz DEUTSCHLAND werden über 1.000.000—MARK zur Unterstützung DER—STREIKENDEN gesammelt.
19030802—19040118 Die Crimmitschauer WEBER treten in 1—STREIK um den 10—STUNDEN—ARBEITS—TAG und 1 14% LOHN—ERHÖHUNG.
19030802—19040118 DIE—ARBEIT—GEBER antworten mit der Aussperrung DER—CA—7.600—TEXTIL—ARBEITER.
19040000—19800118 * † CECIL—BEATON), UK—FASHION photographer.
19040118 * HENRI—GEORGES—ADAM, FRANCE—ETCHER, painter, sculptor (Grand Nude).
19040118 —AM, DER—STREIK wird erfolglos abgebrochen.
19040118 —AM, DER—CA—7.600—TEXTIL—ARBEITER—STREIK wird erfolglos abgebrochen.
19040118—19860000 * † CARY—GRANT, USA—ACTOR, in ENGLAND.
19040118—19860000 CARY—GRANT was famous for his roles in "Gunga Din," "Bringing Up Baby," "THE—PHILADELPHIA Story" and "North by Northwest".
19050118—20020000 * † JOSEPH—BONANNO, —LATER NEW—YORK—CITY mafia boss, in Castellmare del Golfo, Sicily.
19080118 * JACOB—BRONOWSKY, UK—MATHEMATICIAN, cultural historian.
19090118 —GAINED, ROBERT—STROUD (18900000—19630000 ), who —LATER, fame as the Birdman of Alcatraz, killed 1—BARTENDER in ALASKA.
19090118 Barman F. K. "Charlie" Von Dahmer had viciously raped and beat his friend, Kitty O'Brien (36), 1—PROSTITUTE and DANCE—HALL entertainer.
19090118 —KNIFED, Stroud —LATER, 1—FELLOW—PRISONER and was transferred to Leavenworth prison where he murdered 1—GUARD in the prison dining hall.
19110118 Dem Flugpionier EUGENE—BURTON—ELY gelingt – 2—MONATE —NACH—DEM 1. erfolgreichen Start – erstmals auch die Landung auf einem Schiff, auf einer Plattform des schweren Kreuzers USS PENNSYLVANIA.
19110118 Dabei kommt das —BIS—HEUTE verwendete Fanghakensystem von HUGH—ROBINSON zur Anwendung.
19110118 * Naval aviation —WHEN pilot EUGENE—B—ELY flew 1—CURTIS—PUSHER biplane onto THE—DECK—OF—THE—USS—PENNSYLVANIA in S—FRANCISCO—BAY.
19120116—19120118 —SEE
19120118 —INTENDED, THE—EXPEDITION—OF—UK—ROYAL—NAVY—CAPTAIN—ROBERT—FALCON—SCOTT, to be the 1. to reach THE—SOUTH—POLE, but —WHEN they arrived they found 1—LETTER from NORWAY—EXPLORER Roald Amundsen, who had been there over 1—MONTH—EARLIER.
19120118 Scott and his group had set out from 1—CAMP in ANTARCTICA —81—DAYS—EARLIER, and on their way back, their supplies ran out.
19120118 Scott wrote in 1—DIARY —DURING the trek, which 1—SEARCH—PARTY discovered with the team's frozen bodies in November.
19120118 PART—OF—SCOTT'S 19120329 entry reads, "We shall stick it out to the end, but we are getting weaker, of course, and the end cannot be far".
19120118 The team had made it to within 11—MILES—OF—THE—CAMP.
19120118 —ENDED, SCOTT—DIARY, with, "Last Entry: For GOD—SAKE look —AFTER our people".
19120118—19120116 —SEE
19130118 * DANNY—KAYE, UNICEF, comedian, actor, in BROOKLYN—NEW—YORK.
19140118 AUGUST—SCHULZ teilt mir unterm mit, daß er
19150118 Der japanische PREMIERMINISTER ?kuma Shigenobu überreicht dem Präsidenten der Chinesischen REPUBLIK, Yuan Shikai, die 21—FORDERUNGEN, mit denen sich JAPAN einen größeren Einfluss in CHINA sichern will.
19150118 THE—HMS Endurance, under SIR—ERNEST—SHACKLETON and his 27—MAN crew, froze into the ice of ANTARCTICA.
19150118 1—TRAIN crashed at COLIMA—GUADALAJARA MEXICO and some 600—PEOPLE were killed.
19160111—19160118 —DISKUTIERT, DER—REICHS—TAG, ausführlich die Ernährungsfragen.
19160111—19160118 DIE—ABGEORDNETEN der SPD wenden sich GEGEN—DIE—ANHALTENDE LEBENS—MITTEL—TEUERUNG und sprechen sich für 1—ZWECKMÄßIGE Organisation der VerTEILUNG der NAHRUNGS—MITTEL aus.
19160111—19160118 Bei der Beratung der Heeresangelegenheiten fordert —DIE—SPD—FRAKTION die Erhöhung der Mannschaftsbesoldung, 1—ERHÖHUNG des Urlaubs und 1—BESSERE Behandlung der Mannschaften.
19160118 —FORCED, The Russians, the Turkish 3. Army back to ERZURUM.
19170118 PHILIP—BOILEAU was known for his portraits of beautiful women, the "Boileau Girls".
19180118 Sie wird —BEREITS—AM nächsten —TAG von der bolschewistischen Regierung Russlands aufgelöst.
19180118-19181125 —NACH—DER—WAHL—VOM, 1. zusammentritt, die Russische konstituierende Versammlung im TAURISCHES—PALAIS—S—PETERSBURG.
19190118 VERSAILLES, wird die 19190000 eröffnet,
19190118 —WWI—DER, völkerrechtlich beendet und
19190118 —WWI—NACH—KRIEG—ORDNUNG, festgelegt werden soll.
19190118 —OPENED, THE—WWI—PEACE—CONGRESS, held to negotiate peace treaties ending —WWI, in VERSAILLES—FRANCE.
19190118 The peace conference at Versailles (THE—PARIS Peace Conference) officially opens, attended by 70—DELEGATES, representing 27—VICTORIOUS Allied powers.
19190118 —REPRESENTED, Neither GERMANY nor the new RUSSIA n Soviet republic are.
19190118 The principal participants are the leaders of THE—4—GREAT—POWERS:
19190118 creating 1—RESIDUE—OF—BITTERNESS which will begin to raise havoc only 1—DECADE—LATER.) (Schlesinger I)
19190118 The principal participants are the leaders of THE—4—GREAT—POWERS: Woodrow WILSON—OF—THE—USA, Georges Clemenceau of FRANCE, DAVID—LLOYD—GEORGE—OF—BRITAIN + Vittorio ORLANDO—OF—ITALY.
19190118 (Note: GERMANY is prepared to negotiate on the basis of WILSON—14—POINTS, but —SINCE its representatives are not allowed to attend the conference, it matters little.
19190118 The blockade (including foodstuffs) remains in place —DURING that time + conditions deteriorate severely in GERMANY, creating 1—RESIDUE—OF—BITTERNESS which will begin to raise havoc only 1—DECADE—LATER.) (Schlesinger I)
19190118 —REPRESENTED, Neither GERMANY nor the new RUSSIA n SOVIET—REPUBLIC are.
19190118 THE—GERMANS are at the mercy of the armistice which will be renewed EACH—MONTH for the next 6—MONTHS.
19190118 THE—BLOCKADE (including foodstuffs) remains in place —DURING that time + conditions deteriorate severely in GERMANY,
19250118 —OPENED, The museum at PANEVEZYS—LITHUANIA.
19290118 —BANNED, Stalin, Trotsky from the Politburo.
19310118 KÖNIGSBERG, die Komische Oper KÖNIG—MIDAS—VON—WILHELM—KEMPFF uraufgeführt wird.
19310118 —BASIERT, Das vom Komponisten verfasste Libretto, auf dem Textbuch zu dem Singspiel Das Urteil des Midas von CHRISTOPH—MARTIN—WIELAND.
19320118 * ROBERT—ANTON—WILSON, USA SCI—FI author (Trick Top Hat).
19330118 * RAY—DOLBY, sound expert, inventor (Dolby noise limiting system).
19330118 —ESTABLISHED, The White Sands National Monument in NM was.
19340118 Ein schweres Erdbeben in der indischen Region BIHAR fordert über 10.000—TODESOPFER.
19340118 Os trabalhadores vidreiros da Marinha Grande REVOLTAM—SE contra O—GOVERNO de Salazar.
19340118 Os trabalhadores vidreiros da MARINHA—GRANDE REVOLTAM—SE contra O—GOVERNO—DE—SALAZAR.
19350000—20090118 * † MOLDOVA—POET Grigore Vieru, in 1—CAR crash.
19360118 —INCLUDED, AUTHOR—RUDYARD—KIPLING—WORK, "Plain Tales from the Hills," "BARRACK—ROOM—BALLADS," and the novel "Kim".
19360118—20000000 —AUTHORED, HARRY—RICKETTS, the biography "Rudyard Kipling: 1—LIFE".
19360118—20090000 —AUTHORED, CHARLES—ALLEN, "Kipling Sahib: INDIA and the Making of Rudyard Kipling 18650000—19000000 ".
19410118 Das Museu Marítim de BARCELONA öffnet für Besucher.
19410118 Durch den Spanischen Bürgerkrieg hat sich die früher geplante Museumseröffnung verzögert.
19420118 Mit einem Angriff von Partisanen auf die deutschen Besatzer beginnt an der DEUTSCH—SOWJETISCHEN Front die Schlacht um Cholm, bei der mehrere 1000—DEUTSCHE Soldaten ("Kampfgruppe Scherer") eingekesselt und —ERST—NACH—105—TAGEN entsetzt werden.
19420118 —REPELLED, GENERAL—MACARTHUR, the Japanese in Bataan.
19420118 THE—USA—TOOK the lead in the Far East war criminal trials.
19430118 Die Nationalsozialisten marschieren in das Warschauer Ghetto ein, um dieses aufzulösen und die jüdischen Bewohner in Vernichtungslager zu deportieren.
19430118 Der Jüdischen Kampforganisation unter Mordechaj Anielewicz gelingt es in viertägigen Kämpfen, die Deutschen —ZUNÄCHST wieder zu vertreiben.
19430118 1—WARTIME ban on the sale of PRE—SLICED bread in THE—USA -- aimed at reducing bakeries' demand for metal replacement parts -- went into effect.
19430118 Jews in WARSAW Ghetto began 1—UPRISING against the Nazis.
19430118 —ANNOUNCED, The Soviets, they'd broken the long Nazi siege of Leningrad.
19430118 —LIFTED, It was another —YEAR—BEFORE the siege was fully.
19431227—19440118 —RETURNED, The railroads were, to private management.
19440118 —BECAME, PAUL—KEATING —LATER, the 24. PRIME—MINISTER—OF—AUSTRALIA, serving 19910000—19960000 —FROM—TO.
19440118 —AM, aus dem Fenster eines GESTAPO—HAUSES sprang.
19450000 has humanity been closer to the unthinkable,
19450118 2—TAGE nach der Ankunft ADOLF—HITLERS in BERLIN wird auf dem Wilhelmplatz in der Stadtmitte das letzte Aufgebot des Volkssturms filmisch festgehalten, darunter auch 1—REDE—DES—NS—PROPAGANDAMINISTERS—JOSEPH—GOEBBELS mit dem bekannten Teil: "...unsere Mauern mögen brechen, aber unsere Herzen nie...".
19450118 —LAUNCHED, THE—GERMANY—ARMY, its 2. attempt to relieve the besieged CITY—OF—BUDAPEST from the advancing Red Army.
19450118 —FREED, The Red Army, KRAKOW from Nazi occupation.
19450118 —AM, in BÜTZOW—DREIBERGEN um 1517—UHR.
19450118—19450119 —SEE
19460118 * KATIA—RICCLARELLI, opera soprano (Met Opera), (Falstaff, Othello, Turandot).
19470118 Nach einer Parteiversammlung im Palazzo Barberini in Rom spaltet sich der rechte Flügel der Sozialistischen Partei Italiens um GIUSEPPE—SARAGAT ab, um als PSLI (später PSDI) weiter die REGIERUNG—VON—ALCIDE—DE—GASPERI zu unterstützen und Italiens antisowjetische Orientierung nach Westen zu verankern.
19480118 Ghandi broke a 121-hour fast —AFTER halting MOSLEM—HINDU riots.
19510118 Der Film Die Sünderin mit Hildegard Knef in der Hauptrolle wird zum 1. Mal aufgeführt und löst wegen angeblicher Glorifizierung von Prostitution, Sterbehilfe und Suizid einen Skandal aus.
19510118 Aufführungsverbote und kirchliche Ablehnung wecken Interesse und sorgen für einen filmischen Publikumserfolg.
19550118 * KEVIN—COSTNER, actor (Dances With Wolves), in LA—CALIFORNIA.
19560118 Die Volkskammer der DDR beschließt die Aufstellung der Nationalen Volksarmee (NVA).
19570118 1—TRIO—OF—B—52'S completed the 1. nonstop, ROUND—THE—WORLD—FLIGHT by jet planes, landing at March AIR—FORCE—BASE in CALIFORNIA —AFTER more than 45—HOURS aloft.
19620118 —SPRAYED, THE—USA, foliage with pesticide in SOUTH—VIETNAM, in order to reveal the whereabouts of Vietcong guerrillas.
19630118 Die zum Britischen Weltreich gehörende Kolonie ADEN tritt der Südarabischen Föderation bei.
19640118 —APPEARED, Beatles 1., on Billboard Chart at #35 for "I—WANT to Hold Your Hand".
19640118 The song hit NUMBER 1—BY THE—END—OF—THE—MONTH.
19640118 —DISCLOSED, Plans were, for the World Trade Center in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19640118—19620000 —COMMISSIONED, It was, to Minoru Yamasaki.
19660118 ROBERT—CLIFTON—WEAVER (19070000—19970000 ), the 1. AFRICAN—AMERICAN to hold 1—POST in the presidential cabinet, was sworn in as head of the newly created DEPARTMENT—OF—HOUSING and URBAN—DEVELOPMENT under PRESIDENT—JOHNSON.
19670118 —ARMED, THE—SF, Bay Area 1—MASSIVE—RACIAL—CONFRONTATION between, white and negro convicts at S—QUENTIN prison was broken up —AFTER guards threw up 1—WALL—OF—FIRE to keep some 14000000 whites separated from some 10000000 Negroes.
19670118 —CLAIMED, ALBERT—DESALVO, who, to be the "BOSTON Strangler," was convicted in CAMBRIDGE—MASSACHUSETTS, of armed robbery, assault and sex offenses.
19670118 —CONFESSED, DeSalvo had, to being THE—BOSTON Strangler and killing 13—WOMEN.
19670118 He was never CONVICTED—OF—MURDER.
19670118—19730000 —KILLED, Sentenced to life, DeSalvo was, by 1—FELLOW—INMATE.
19670118—19960000 —IN, 1—PORTRAIT—OF—HIM with police interviews was made for TV show Biography.
19670118—19990000 —IN, DNA evidence was sought to confirm DESALVO—CLAIMS.
19690118 Die 1. Sendung der ZDF—HITPARADE mit DIETER—THOMAS—HECK als Moderator wird ausgestrahlt.
19700000 "Der 3. WELT—KRIEG wird 1—GUERILLA—INFORMATIONS—KRIEG sein, ohne Trennung zwischen MILITÄRs und Zivilisten".
19700118 † Mormon PRESIDENT—DAVID—MCKAY at age 96.
19710118 2—STANDARD—OIL—TANKERS collided in the fog 1—QUARTER—MILE—WEST—OF—THE Golden Gate Bridge.
19710118 —RIPPED, THE—ARIZONA Standard, into THE—OREGON Standard and caused the spill of some 1.9—MILLION gallons of heavy bunker oil.
19710118 —AM, DIE—STUDIERENDEN—VERTRETUNG der Uni CAMBRIDGE fand die Familie —ZUNÄCHST für ein paar MONATE Unterschlupf in der Villa eines linken Verlegers bei Rom, —BIS Paparazzi sie aufspürten.
19740118 "$6—MILLION Man" starring LEE—MAJORS premiered on ABC TV.
19740118 —AM, in the article, FORMER—SENIOR—CIA—OFFICER—MILES—COPELAND declared that MI5 had their hands tied and were too timid to expose SUBVERSION.
19740118 —DECLARED, in THE—TIMES—ARTICLE, FORMER—SENIOR—CIA—OFFICER—MILES—COPELAND, that MI5 had their hands tied and were too timid to expose SUBVERSION.
19750118 Die Oper Ein wahrer Held von Giselher Klebe wird in Zürich uraufgeführt.
19750118 —PREMIERED, THE—SPIN—OFF from "All in the Family,", on CBS—TV.
19750118 RAY—BLANTON (19300000—19960000 ) began serving as GOVERNOR—OF—TENNESSEE.
19750118—19790000 —IN, he was ousted from office 3—DAYS—EARLY in 1—CASH for clemency scandal.
19750118—19850000 THROUGH, THE—TV—SITUATION comedy series "The Jeffersons" with Sherman Helmsley and Isabel Sanford (20040000 †) began and ran.
19780118 —ISOLATED, Center for Disease Control (CDC), THE—CAUSE—OF—LEGIONNAIRE—DISEASE.
19800118 STEVE—RUBELL & IAN—SCHRAGER, owners of the Studio 54—DISCO in NEW—YORK—CITY, were sentenced to 3—YEARS in prison for tax evasion and fined $20,000.
19810000 —MARSHALL,J.
19810118 WENDY—O—WILLIAMS (19490000—19980000 ), lead singer for the punk band the Plasmatics, was arrested in MILWAUKEE for ON—STAGE—OBSCENITY.
19820118 Das im Bau befindliche französische Kernkraftwerk CREYS—MALVILLE wird im Zuge von Protesten mit 5—RAKETEN beschossen, die den Reaktorkern nur knapp verfehlen.
19820118 † 4—THUNDERBIRD USAF pilots —WHEN their T—38—TALON jets crashed at INDIA—SPRINGS—AUXILIARY Airfield, Nv.
19820118 —CITED, Mechanical failure was, as the cause.
19820118 Shortly —AFTER, the precision flying team began flying F—16—FIGHTER—JETS.
19820118 It was the worst accident in the Thunderbirds' history.
19820118 † In all, 18—PILOTS and 1—CREW member have, in Thunderbird crashes.
19850118 —DECLARED, PRESIDENT—REAGAN, that THE—USA would not take part in the World Court ruling on NICARAGUA—CHARGES.
19850118 SUDAN, Mahmud MOHAMMED—TAHA (19090000 *) was hanged for refusing to recant his unorthodox views on Islam.
19870118 Club.
19870118 Mailing Roster (15). - - GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION : (15).
19880118 1—AIRLINER crashed in SOUTH—WEST—CHINA, killing all 108—PEOPLE on BOARD, according to the official Xinhua news agency.
19890118 THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT upheld 1—TOUGH, —YEAR—OLD sentencing system for people convicted of federal crimes, overruling more than 150—TRIAL—JUDGES who had struck down the guidelines.
19890118 —DISCOVERED, Astronomers, pulsar in remnants of Supernova 1987A (LMC).
19890118 —INCLUDED, His books, "In Patagonia" (19840000 ) "Songlines," "The Viceroy of Ouidah," and "On the Black Hill".
19890118—19970000 —IN, 1—COLLECTION—OF incidental writing was published: "ANATOMY—OF—RESTLESSNESS".
19900118 Washingtons BÜRGERMEISTER—MARION—BARRY wird wegen des Besitzes und Konsums einer Droge vom FBI festgenommen.
19900118 In an FBI sting, WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, Mayor Marion Barry was arrested for drug possession.
19900118 —ARRESTED, Barry was, —WHILE smoking crack cocaine and fondling 1—WOMAN who was not his wife.
19900118 1—JURY in LOS—ANGELES acquitted former preschool operators RAYMOND—BUCKEY and his mother, Peggy McMartin Buckey, of 52—CHILD—MOLESTATION—CHARGES.
19910118 —STRAPPED, Financially, EAST—AIRLINES shut down —AFTER—62—YEARS in business.
19910118 † FORMER—NEW—YORK Congressman HAMILTON Fish Senior in Cold —SPRING—NEW—YORK, at age 102.
19910118 3—YOUNG—PEOPLE were crushed to death at 1—AC—DC concert in SALT—LAKE—CITY.
19910118 —FIRED, IRAQ, more Scud missiles at ISRAEL—CITIES.
19910118 ISRAEL refrains from responding at THE—REQUEST—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH.
19910118—19760000 —IN, Noriega began receiving money from THE—CIA.
19920118 —PRESENTED, THE—HOLLYWOOD Foreign Press Association, its Golden Globe awards, considered 1—FORERUNNER—OF—THE—ACADEMY—AWARDS;
19920118 no clear favorite emerged as the Walt Disney animated film "Beauty and the Beast," "Bugsy," "JFK" and "THE—PRINCE—OF—TIDES" were honored.
19930118 Die 1. Ausgabe des deutschen Nachrichtenmagazins Focus erscheint im BURDA—VERLAG München unter der Leitung von HERAUSGEBER—HUBERT—BURDA und HELMUT—MARKWORT als Chefredakteur.
19930118 —ATTACKED, Allied warplanes, targets in "no fly" zones in southern and NORTH—IRAQ.
19930118 —OBSERVED, THE—MARTIN—LUTHER—KING—JUNIOR—HOLIDAY was, in all 50—STATES for the 1. time.
19940118 Retired ADMIRAL—BOBBY—INMAN withdrew his nomination to be USA—DEFENSE—SECRETARY, denouncing what he called attacks on his character and reputation.
19940118 —RELEASED, IRAN—CONTRA prosecutor LAWRENCE—WALSH, his final report in which he said FORMER—PRESIDENT—REAGAN had acquiesced in 1—COVER—UP—OF—THE—SCANDAL.
19940118 —CALLED, Reagan, the accusation "baseless".
19950118 It's cost is $63—MILLION and it's size is 225,000 sq. ft.
19950118 —CLIMBED, The death toll, past 6,000 in the earthquake in KOBE—JAPAN.
19950118 —DENIED, SOUTH—AFRICA—PRESIDENT—NELSON—MANDELA—CABINET, amnesty sought by 3,500 police officers in apartheid's waning days.
19960118 LÜBECK, sterben bei einem Brandanschlag auf 1—ASYLBEWERBERUNTERKUNFT 10—MENSCHEN.
19960118 —FILED, Lisa MARIE—PRESLEY—JACKSON, for divorce from MICHAEL—JACKSON.
19960118 † MINNESOTA Fats (82), born as RUDOLF—WANDERONE—JUNIOR, billiard hustler.
19960118 —ANNOUNCED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—BORIS—YELTSIN, that 82—HOSTAGES were freed —WHEN his forces wiped out Chechen fighters in Pervomayskaya, ending 1—WEEKLONG standoff;
19960118 however, he said 18—OTHER—HOSTAGES were missing.
19970118 He used 1—PARACHUTE and skies to help pull himself across 16950000 —THE miles from Berkner Island to SCOTT—BASE.
19970118 —REPORTED, TANZANIA, it was, that the lion population had fallen by about a 3. in the Serengeti National park due to distemper in dogs that transmitted up the food chain.
19970118 † More than 1,000 lions had, over the last 2—YEARS.
19970118 —COMPLETED, NORWAY—BOERGE Ousland, 1—SOLO crossing of ANTARCTICA that began 19971115 .
19970118—19920000 —REBOUNDED, FORMER—MASSACHUSETTS SENATOR—PAUL—TSONGAS, 55—JAHRE—ALT, who, from cancer to briefly become the Democratic FRONT—RUNNER for PRESIDENT, † in BOSTON of pneumonia.
19970717—19660118 —SEE
19980118 —AWARDED, The annual Golden Globes awards in BEVERLY—HILLS, "Titanic" the best drama, best director for JAMES—CAMERON, best score and best original song.
19980118 "As Good as it Gets" won as best film comedy/musical, best actor for JACK—NICHOLSON, and best actress for Helen Hunt.
19980118 "ALLY—MCBEAL" beat "Seinfeld" as best TV comedy.
19980118 —NAMED, JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA, 22—NEW cardinals, including Archbishop FRANCIS—EUGENE—GEORGE—OF—CHICAGO and JAMES—FRANCIS—STAFFORD, the former archbishop of DENVER.
19980118 —ASSASSINATED, JORDAN, assailants, 8—PEOPLE in 1—HILLTOP villa that included 1—TOP—IRAQ—DIPLOMAT, Hikmet Hajou, and IRAQ—BUSINESSMAN—NAMIR Ochi, who handled food imports to IRAQ for Saddam Hussein.
19980118 —KILLED, NORTH—IRELAND, FERGAL—MCCUSKER, 28—JAHRE—ALT was, by the Loyalist Volunteer Force in Maghera.
19990118 —REPORTED, THE—UN, that THE—PARLIAMENT—OF—SENEGAL banned the tradition of female genital mutilation.
19990118 —RECOMMENDED, UN leader KOFI—ANNAN, that UN military observers leave ANGOLA due to their targeting by the warring sides.
19990118 —ALLOWED, BRAZIL, the real was, to float and interest rates were raised from 29 to 41%.
19990118 —MARKED, THE—END—OF—RAMADAN was, by prisoner releases in EGYPT, Palestine and AFGHANISTAN.
19990118 KOSOVO, defying global outrage over the massacre of 45—ETHNIC—ALBANIA—CIVILIANS, SERBIA—FORCES pounded villages with artillery.
19990118 —ACCUSED, Walker had, SERBIA—FORCES in the recent massacre of 45—PEOPLE in Kosovo.
19990118 —SENTENCED, ZIMBABWE, FORMER—PRESIDENT—CANAAN—BANANA was, to 10—YEARS in jail for sodomy and indecent assault.
19990118 9—OF—THE—YEARS were suspended.
19991200 How do you,as 1—INTELLECTUAL, come to terms with that?"- Sunkel, Osvaldo :" WE,The People are always made to NOT think,BUT believe[propaganda] into a "dichotomy" of markets & states".Bullshit- I think you know that's 1—LIE, 1—COMPLETELY—UNHUMAN,"mistaken" approach. What we've had in certain periods like in [18000101180012 31—DATE]-the late 18010101—19001231 —CENTURY [19991200 ]-now is the market running the state & overpowering "society". I think it should be the other way —AROUND. Society should, through democracy, control the state & government & government should regulate markets. And civic organizations should be much, much stronger".
20000118 Auf Aufforderung der Partei tritt der FRÜHERE—DEUTSCHE—BUNDESKANZLER—HELMUT—KOHL wegen der CDU—SPENDENAFFÄRE als Ehrenvorsitzender der CDU zurück.
20000118 Der etwa 4,5 Milliarden Jahre alte Meteorit Tagish Lake tritt in die Erdatmosphäre ein und schlägt in den vereisten Tagish Lake im Norden Kanadas ein.
20000118 1—USA—TEST—MISSILE fired from THE—MARSHALL—ISLANDS failed to shoot down 1—MOCK warhead fired from 1—CALIFORNIA air base.
20000118 CHECHNYA, RUSSIA—TROOPS began moving through THE—STREETS—OF—GROZNY in the most intense ground attack in 4—MONTHS.
20000118 CHECHNYA, RUSSIA—GENERAL—MIKHAIL—MALOFEYEV went missing in Grozny —FOLLOWING 1—AMBUSH and rebel commanders —LATER reported that they had him captured.
20000118 CHINA, the Intermediate PEOPLE—COURT—IN—URUMQI, THE—CAPITAL—OF—XINJIANG, convicted 13—UIGHER DEFENDANTS—OF—SEPARATISM, murder, robbery and illegally dealing in weapons.
20000118 5—OF—THE convicted were sentenced to death.
20000118 —ATTACKED, INDONESIA, Muslim mobs, the Christian minority for a 2. —DAY in Lombok.
20000118—20050000 —BY, In 1—BLOW to THE—PENTAGON—PUSH to develop 1—NATIONAL—MISSILE—DEFENSE, officials announced that 1—PROTOTYPE missile interceptor had roared into space in search of 1—MOCK warhead over the Pacific, but had failed to hit it.
20010118 1—YEAR ago: PRESIDENT—CLINTON, in 1—FAREWELL from the Oval Office, told the nation that "AMERICA has done well" —DURING his presidency, with RECORD—BREAKING prosperity and 1—CLEANER—ENVIRONMENT.
20010118 SF sued 13—ENERGY—PROVIDERS for collusion to fix prices and restrict the energy supply.
20010118 —KILLED, ALGERIA, 23—SHEPHERDS and farmers were, in the Dahra region by armed assailants.
20010118 —MURDERED, Ofir Rafum (16) of ISRAEL was, in THE—WEST—BANK—AFTER being lured over by 1—WOMAN—VIA 1—INTERNET—RELATIONSHIP.
20010118 ROMANIA, there was 1—CYANIDE spill in the Siret River.
20010118 72—PEOPLE were —LATER hospitalized —AFTER eating river fish.
20010118 Pavel Borodin (54), SECRETARY—OF—THE—RUSSIA—BELARUS—UNION, was arrested at JFK airport by FBI agents on 1—SWITZERLAND—WARRANT for money laundering.
20010118 —AGREED, THAILAND, a court, to hear a corruption case against PRIME—MINISTER—ELECT Thakson Shinawatra.
20010118 —EXPLODED, THAILAND, 2—BOMBS, in BANGKOK and at least 8—PEOPLE were killed.
20010118—19990000 —ACKNOWLEDGED, REVEREND—JESSE—JACKSON, that he had fathered 1—DAUGHTER through 1—EXTRAMARITAL affair with Karin Stanford, FORMER—HEAD—OF—THE—RAINBOW/PUSH WASHINGTON office.
20010120—20010118 —IN—THE, In THE—WEST—BANK—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS captured MONA—NAJAR (25), suspected luring and MURDER—OF—OPHIR—RAKHUM.
20010813—20010118 2001
20020118 2—TAGE nach der Errichtung eines Sondergerichtshofes durch einen Vertrag zwischen SIERRA—LEONE und den Vereinten Nationen wird der Bürgerkrieg in SIERRA—LEONE—VON—PRÄSIDENT—AHMAD—TEJAN—KABBAH in einer feierlichen Zeremonie für beendet erklärt.
20020118 —ÜBERNIMMT, RUDI—CERNE, die Moderation von Aktenzeichen XY... ungelöst.
20020118 Media Information 20030000 - - STEVE—WILDER.
20020118 CTS EMEA Regional Executive —. - - Treasury Services.
20020118 JP Morgan. KEN—DUMMIT. PRESIDENT, SunGard Treasury.
20020118 St JOHN—POTTER.
20020118 which is regulated by THE—FSA.
20020118 Issued in EUROPE by J.P. - JPMorgan Chase at AFP 20030000 -
20020118 added experience for our. clients and our business".
20020118 — STEVE—WILDER
20020118 —OFFERED, Individual securities are, through J.P. MORGAN—SECURITIES—OF—TEXAS...
20020118 JPMorgan Treasury Services
20020118 STEVE—WILDER, JPMorgan Treasury Services -
20020118 markets product management, JP MORGAN—TREASURY—SERVICES, suggests SOME—ROUTES to integration.
20020118 lies com " Why Bush WILL—LOSE
20020118 New USA—BOMB—SCREENING measures went into effect that included tying passengers to their checked baggage.
20020118 Sara Jane Olson, '70s RADICAL—TURNED—SUBURBAN mother, was sentenced in LOS—ANGELES to 20—YEARS to life in prison for plotting to blow up 1—PAIR—OF—POLICE—CARS—27—YEARS—EARLIER.
20020118 —ANNOUNCED, Talk magazine, it was shutting down, less than —3—YEARS—AFTER its highly publicized launch.
20020118 ESTIMATES—OF—AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIAN—DEATHS from USA—BOMBING were set at 1,000 to 1,300 by THE—MASSACHUSETTS think tank, Project on Defense Alternatives.
20020118 USA—FORCES took 6—TERRORISM—SUSPECTS, held —SINCE October, from Bosnia —AFTER local courts ruled that there was too little evidence to hold them.
20020118 —INCLUDED, The suspects, Bensayah Belkacem, 1—KEY—EUROPEAN—AL—QAEDA LIEUTENANT.
20020118 —CLASHED, Protesters, with riot police.
20020118 BRAZIL, Celso Daniel, THE—PT mayor of SANTO—ANDRE, 1—SAO—PAULO suburb, was kidnapped by 1—GANG seeking to free comrades from prison.
20020118 His BULLET—RIDDLED body was found 20020120 .
20020118 —CLAIMED, The Revolutionary Armed Forces of BRAZIL, responsibility (BRAZIL—REVOLUTIONARY—ACTION Front) for the killing and the Sep MURDER—OF—ANOTHER—WORKERS' Party mayor.
20020118 † 5—COLOMBIA—POLICE—OFFICERS—WHILE protecting 1—DOWNED—UH 1N helicopter.
20020118 2—ISRAEL—TANKS and 1 armored personnel carrier parked outside Yasser ARAFAT—HEADQUARTERS, confining THE—PALESTINE—LEADER to his office complex 1—DAY—AFTER 1—PALESTINE—GUNMAN burst into 1—BANQUET hall and gunned down 6—ISRAELIS.
20020118 † MEXICO, Feliz Alonso Fernandez Garcia, editor of the weekly Nueva Opcion magazine, was shot and killed —AFTER filing 1—REPORT that linked former mayor RAUL—RODRIGUEZ—BARRERA and drug traffickers.
20020118 —REPORTED, It was, that the biography: "VLADIMIR—PUTIN: 1—LIFE—STORY" by Oleg Blotsky was being released in MOSCOW.
20020118 STEVE—WILDER..., JPMorgan Treasury Services. STEVE—WILDER.
20020118 ANNE—COLLARD... Issued in THE—UK—BY—JP—MORGAN—SECURITIES—LTD. which is regulated by THE—FSA.
20020118 —ADDED, Issued in EUROPE by J.P. -, experience for our. clients and our business".
20020118 — STEVE—WILDER... Individual securities are offered through J.P. MORGAN—SECURITIES—OF—TEXAS.
20020118 lies_com " Why Bush WILL—LOSE—STEVE—WILDER—SAYS:
20020118—20010800 —DISCLOSED, Bayer AG, that as many as 100—DEATHS might be linked to Baycol, 1—PROMISING cholesterol drug that was withdrawn.
20020118—20040000 —IN, but soon returned to prison for another —YEAR due to 1 alleged clerical error made.
20020118—20080317 —RELEASED, Olson was, on parole,
20020118—20090000 —FREED, Olson (62) was, from prison in CALIFORNIA and returned to MINNESOTA to serve 1—YEAR—LONG parole.
20030000 which refuted EVERY—1—OF—BUSH—PRE—WAR—ASSERTIONS about IRAQ—NUKES?
20030118 Michelle Kwan won her 6. straight USA—FIGURE Skating Championships title and 7. overall;
20030118 MICHAEL—WEISS won his 3. USA—MEN—TITLE.
20030118 —RALLIED, THE—USA—TENS, of thousands, in WASHINGTON DC in 1—EMPHATIC dissent against preparations for war in IRAQ.
20030118 —RALLIED, As many as 500,000, outside the Capitol.
20030118 SF, the rally drew at least 100,000 by my count.
20030118 Heavy bush fires hit CANBERRA—AUSTRALIA, killing 4—PEOPLE.
20030118 —DESTROYED, At least 388—HOMES were.
20030118 —SLAMMED, BOLIVIA, 1—BUS, into 1—MOUNTAINSIDE outside COCHABAMBA, killing 28—PEOPLE and injuring at least 30.
20030118 SOUTH—COLOMBIA, FARC guerrillas blew up EVERY—HOME in the hamlet of La Union.
20030118 —WARNED, UN officials, IRAQ it was running OUT—OF—TIME to cooperate and avoid war.
20030118 —TRACKED, ISRAEL—SOLDIERS, and killed a 2. PALESTINE—ASSAILANT who fled —AFTER 1—ATTACK on 1—JEWISH outpost in THE—WEST—BANK.
20030118 —KILLED, THE—2—SLAIN Palestinians had —EARLIER, 1—ISRAELI and injured 3—OTHERS the previous night.
20030118 —CARRIED, Activists in TOKYO, toy guns filled with flowers, 1—BANNER at 1—MOSCOW rally read "IRAQ isn't your ranch, MISTER—BUSH," and some 6,000 ANTI—WAR—PROTESTERS in PARIS shouted, "Stop Bush!
20030118 Stop war!"
20030118 —DROWNED, MOROCCO—RESCUE workers found the bodies of 16—PEOPLE who, —WHILE trying to illegally enter SPAIN by crossing the Strait of GIBRALTAR in 1—INFLATABLE—BOAT.
20030118 Serhiy Naboka (47), 1—OF—UKRAINE—BEST—KNOWN journalists, and 1—REPORTER for 1—USA—FUNDED radio station, was found dead in his hotel room.
20030118—20030108 —AM, Die ausgebrochenen Buschfeuer in der australischen HAUPTSTADT—CANBERRA geraten außer Kontrolle und durchbrechen die Eindämmungslinien.
20040107 The 26. PARIS—DAKAR race crosses 6,920.4-miles, 7—COUNTRIES and THE—SAHARA Desert, ending 20040118 outside THE—SENEGAL—CAPITAL, DAKAR
20040118 —EARNED, The New ENGLAND Patriots, their 2. trip to the Super Bowl in 3—SEASONS by defeating THE—INDIANAPOLIS Colts 24-14 in THE—AFC championship game;
20040118 —DEFEATED, THE—CAROLINA Panthers, THE—PHILADELPHIA Eagles, 14-3, in THE—NFC championship game.
20040118 —ATTACKED, A—USA—HELICOPTER, 1—HOUSE in Saghatho village in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, killing 11—PEOPLE, 4—OF—THEM children.
20040118 † THE—USA—MILITARY said that only 5—MILITANTS were killed.
20040118 —BLOCKED, The sale was, in Feb.
20040118 It occurred —DURING 1—TRANSFER—OF nitrogen, 1—INDICATION that 1—CANISTER—OF—THE—GAS could have blown up.
20040118 —KILLED, Gunmen hiding inside 1—STATE—RUN—TV—STATION, at least 1—MARCHER and wounded several other.
20040118 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew up 1—PICKUP truck packed with 1,000—POUNDS—OF—EXPLOSIVES outside the headquarters of THE—USA—LED coalition, killed at least 31—PEOPLE and injuring about 120, MOST—OF—THEM—IRAQIS.
20040118 —ARRESTED, PAKISTAN—AGENTS, 7—AL—QAIDA suspects and confiscated weapons —DURING 1—RAID in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—KARACHI.
20041125 —EXECUTED, Yanming was, 20040118 .
20041210 Mailing Roster. 19870118 (15).
20050000 the Egyptian "government's respect for human rights remained poor
20050118 Der Prototyp des Airbus A380 wird in Anwesenheit prominenter Gäste aus der Politik in TOULOUSE Medienvertretern vorgestellt.
20050118 —SMUGGLED, CIA operative secretly, 22—TONNES of... - Drug War: Viva Zapata
20050118 IRAK—WAHL: Behörden verhängen Ausgangssperre und machen Grenzen dicht
20050118 Von vielen Netzaktivisten werden diese Dienste als unliebsame Schnüffler betrachtet,
20050118 46—PALESTINE—ELECTION—OFFICIALS—RESIGN : 46—MEMBERS—OF—THE—PALESTINE—ELECTION—COMMISSION, including top managers, resigned —SATURDAY, saying they were pressured by MAHMOUD—ABBAS' campaign and intelligence officials to abruptly change voting procedures —DURING 20050109 —THE presidential poll.
20050118 USA—ARMY Specialist DAVID—BEALS: Why I went AWOL:
20050118 Well aware of the possible consequences he faces for refusing to deploy, Beals is firmly convinced he is doing the right thing.
20050118 "I won't compromise my beliefs for the Army, come what may" he said.
20050118 Web Results 1 - 100—OF—ABOUT 11,100 for " CARLYLE " "Bechtel" "HALLIBURTON ".
20050118 ( 0.34—SECONDS) - Halliburton ? Illuminati!
20050118 Your 1—STOP shop for HALLIBURTON, Bechtel, CARLYLE Group + related evil overlords.
20050118 HALLIBURTON currently has several billion.
20050118 equal to HALF—OF—USA—TOTAL—ANNUAL—MILITARY spending, most of which goes into the pockets of THE—CARLYLE Group + Bechtel Group + WACKENHUT + HALLIBURTON
20050118 service and THE—IRS are both subsidiaries of CARLYLE / Bechtel / HALLIBURTON
20050118 CorpWatch: USA: Carlyle Stands to Profit from Disaster...
20050118 of companies are "making billions off this illegal war".
20050118 Aside from Bechtel, he cited HALLIBURTON, LOCKHEED—MARTIN, ChevronTexaco + THE—CARLYLE Group.
20050118 CHRIS—FLOYD: Bush, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, Bechtel and BAGHDAD...
20050118 however, the bin Ladens cashed in their CARLYLE chips + But they remain welded to Bechtel + will —NOW.
20050118 —CREATED, Mosaics and compositions, by ESA can be found here
20050118 Bundespräsident: KNESSET—PRÄSIDENT stellt sich hinter Köhler
20050118 Strafermittlung: Schily will auch von Ladendieben DNS—PROBEN
20050118 Palästinenser: ABBAS—GEFOLGSLEUTE wollen Militante entwaffnen - Premiere des A380: Der größte Europäer
20050118 Lobbyisten: EX—POLITIKER im Dienst der großen Konzerne
20050118 Streit um Knochen: Graböffnung soll COLUMBUS—RÄTSEL lösen
20050118 GÜNTER—GRASS: Die "toten Seelen" der Urheber
20050118 Nach EU—STRAFE gegen Microsoft: Abgespecktes Windows zum vollen Preis
20050118 "Huygens"-Mission: ESA—ROHBILDER verzücken TITAN—FANS
20050118 —EXPLODIERT, Spanien: Autobombe, im Baskenland
20050118 TERROR—ALARM: Kampfjets eskortieren Verkehrsflugzeug
20050118 Personalchefin im Weißen Haus: Bush s Headhunterin
20050118 Erfolg für Eichel: EU—FINANZMINISTER setzen deutsches Defizitverfahren aus
20050118 Irak: Kidnapper lassen entführten Erzbischof frei
20050118 Azure Systems : JEFF—CATHERS—GILROY, CA United...... Alto, CA USA.
20050118 Azure Systems : JEFF—CATHERS—GILROY, CA United.
20050118 aviation radar systems, according to 1—INDICTMENT made public —TUESDAY.
20050118 Lords of Azurwroth Mankind Guild Support...
20050118 EVAN—CARVER, DIRECTOR—OF—AZURE systems ( 1—PROPULSION—RESEARCH—LABORATORY ) had foreseen the coming crisis + for decades secretly planned for 1—BROAD—SCALE...
20050118 Clinton Fein ApolloMedia Corporation.
20050118 Michael. Clinton Fein Abbildungen der Kunstwerke
20050118 Clinton FEIN—HIER finden Sie Kunstwerke, Preise und Ausstellungen des Künstlers/ der Künstlerin Clinton Fein in Galerien weltweit.
20050118 NewsIsFree: SAUDI—ARABIA
20050118 —DISCOVERED, However, controversial political artist Clinton Fein, that.
20050118 70—MILLION—ARABS still unable to read or write: report
20050118 essays, documents, historical photos + links, screened for content,
20050118 blessed USA - 1—CIA—WEAPONS—BROCHURE found in the personal papers of ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON, 1—MAJOR...
20050118 —ASSISTED, MEXICO—POLICE, by USA—DRUG—AGENTS, arrest ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON, whose TIJUANA—BASED operation was reportedly generating $3.6—MILLION 1—WEEK from the...
20050118 —BY—THE—LIKES—OF—ARCHBISHOP Casariego, who, in 1—FAMOUS photo, blessed USA...
20050118 —ÜBERWACHT, Auch in Deutschland wird
20050118 Die Beobachtung von Chaträumen findet allerdings auch in Deutschland statt.
20050118 Das wichtigste Werkzeug der neugierigen Ermittler sind kleine Programme, die sich als "Spider" auf die Suche nach Schlüsselbegriffen machen.
20050118 aber die Anbieter Verisign, P4M oder Mediatime halten sich nach eigenen Angaben an den Datenschutz.
20050118 Der Spider "Gridpatrol" wurde von der britischen Firma Envisional aus CAMBRIDGE entwickelt und soll 95—PROZENT—DES—NETZES durchsuchen können.
20050118 Dabei werden nicht nur Webseiten, sondern auch Newsgroups, Chatkanäle oder FTP—SERVER auf Beweismaterial kontrolliert.
20050118 Mit Algorithmen, Graphentheorie und Annahmen über soziale Netzwerke möchte man die Kommunikation automatisch beobachten und auswerten.
20050118 So sollen die Teilnehmer enttarnt werden, die das alltägliche Geplauder nutzen, um über bestimmte Codes heimlich zu kommunizieren.
20050118 Mit den daraus entstehenden Mustern wollen die Forscher die einzelnen Personen über ihre Äußerungen identifizieren und auch beim Wechsel in andere Chats weiter verfolgen können.
20050118 Die Auswertung erfolgt nach mathematischen Kriterien und kann mit bestimmten Schlüsselbegriffen weiter verfeinert werden.
20050118 Chat: Privatgespräch oder öffentliche Kommunikation?
20050118 —NACH—DEN Anschlägen vom 20010911 hat die amerikanische Regierung viel Geld für Forschungen ausgegeben,
20050118 die eine bessere Überwachung der elektronischen Kommunikationswege des INTERNET zum Ziel hatten.
20050118 Nutznießer des Geldsegens waren auch Wissenschaftler des Renselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in NEW—YORK,
20050118 die an Methoden forschen, die Kommunikation in Chaträumen besser belauschen zu können.
20050118 Die Fördermittel kommen von der USA—AMERIKANISCHEN National Science Foundation (NSF) und stammen aus dem Programm "Approaches to Combat Terrorism (ACT)",
20050118 an dem auch die amerikanischen Geheimdienste beteiligt sind.
20050118 Entdeckt wurde die Zusammenarbeit von der amerikanischen Bürgerrechtsorganisation Electronic Privacy Information Center:
20050118 "EPIC hat Details eines Memorandums zwischen der CIA und der NSF zur gemeinsamen Finanzierung in BEREICHEN—DER—MATHEMATIK und der Physik entdeckt",
20050118 erklärt die Organisation auf ihrer Website.
20050118 "Dabei geht es auch um die Erforschung der Überwachung von Chatrooms auf terroristische Aktivitäten.
20050118 Das Gemeinschaftsprojekt trägt den Titel:
20050118 Approaches to Combat Terrorism: Opportunities for Basic Research".
20050118 Das Chatten halten viele für die anonymste FORM—DER—INTERNET—KOMMUNIKATION:
20050118 Unter selbst gewählten ALIAS—NAMEN wählt man sich ein, wo immer man gerade auch ist.
20050118 Das stört vor allem die amerikanischen GEHEIMDIENSTE—UND deshalb sollen Chaträume —JETZT lückenlos überwacht werden.
20050118 Sprache: "Humankapital" ist Unwort des Jahres
20050118 Demenz: BILDER—TEST könnte Alzheimer entlarven
20050118 Langfristige Hilfe: Aceh braucht mehr als 1—MILLIARDE—EURO
20050118 Betrugsprozess gegen Bernie Ebbers: Ende einer MILLIARDEN—FREUNDSCHAFT
20050118 Handelsbilanz: Deutsche Firmen erzielen neuen EXPORT—REKORD
20050118 Expansionsdrang: Deutsche BANK—PLANT—EINSTIEG bei der BANK—OF—BEIJING
20050118 Stabilitätspakt: Griechenland droht MILLIARDEN—GELDSTRAFE
20050118 Meinungsforschung: Keine Wechselstimmung im Land
20050118 Zeitung: Dänemark will Truppen aus Irak abziehen
20050118 Absurde Waffen: Labor wollte Schwulmacher fürs Pentagon entwickeln
20050118 —ENTFÜHRT, Irak: Katholischer Erzbischof in Mossul
20050118 Deutsche als Firmengründer: Nur die Portugiesen sind ängstlicher
20050118 Ausfiltern von E—MAILS: Urteil mit Nebenwirkungen?
20050118 Tsunamis in Großstädten: Wenn die U—BAHN im Wasser versinkt
20050118 SWITZERLAND—COMPANY—RESPONSIBLE for setting up SHELL companies for the Enterprise, transferring funds + managing several secret bank accounts;
20050118 —INSISTED, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—NOMINEE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE, at her Senate confirmation hearing, THE—USA was fully prepared for THE—IRAQ war and its aftermath and refused to give 1—TIMETABLE for USA—TROOPS to come home.
20050118 —KIDNAPPED, OSCAR—SANCHEZ, owner of 1—FAMILY—RESTAURANT in DALLAS, was, in what police believed was 1—STAGE—CAR—WRECK.
20050118 —ON private planes owned by SAUDI—ARABIA—WEAPONS—DEALER—ADNAN—KHASHOGGI...
20050118 IRAN—ARMS—BUYER,into contact with THE—ARMS—SELLING Israelis.
20050118 Imelda Marcos ' Shoe Collection.
20050118 His body was found 1—WEEK—LATER.
20050118 Jose Felix, 1—FORMER—TEACHER, and Edgar "Richie" Acevedo, 1—WAITER at the restaurant, were responsible for the kidnapping and slaying.
20050118 PHILIPPINES—PPU information..
20050118 in MANILA; the army ceased to back Marcos, who fled
20050118 —CAPTURED, Within weeks Felix was, in CHICAGO.
20050118 wide + also had its own arms factory.
20050118 —CAPTURED, In October MEXICO—FEDERAL—AUTHORITIES, Edgar "Richie" Acevedo in Cabo S—LUCAS.
20050118 ANTI—AIRCRAFT—WEAPONS, ROCKET—PROPELLED grenades and machine guns.
20050118 —SURRENDERED, More than 900—RIGHT—WING paramilitary fighters, their weapons, but 1—LEADING INTERNATIONAL rights group criticized the demobilization process and said THE—COLOMBIA—GOVERNMENT is letting war criminals off the hook.
20050118 he leased 1—PLANE to FERDINAND—MARCOS for his
20050118 —UNVEILED, FRANCE, Airbus, the 840-passenger A380, the world's biggest passenger jet, in 1—GLITZY ceremony in which the leaders of FRANCE, BRITAIN, GERMANY and SPAIN hailed EUROPE—VICTORY over THE—USA as the new KING—OF—THE—COMMERCIAL—SKIES.
20050118 Arms Dealer Implicates PERU Spy CHIEF—IN—SMUGGLING—RING—THE
20050118 —KILLED, IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE bombing, 3—PEOPLE outside the offices of 1—LEADING—SHIITE political party.
20050118 —ENDED, Those guns, up with FARC (Revolutionary Armed...
20050118 —RELEASED, Insurgents, 1—VIDEO showing 8—CHINA—WORKERS held hostage by gunmen who claim the men are employed by 1—CONSTRUCTION—COMPANY working with USA—TROOPS, in the latest abduction of foreigners in IRAQ.
20050118 washingtonpost com: Flashy Fugitive RICHARD—HIRSCHFELD—DIES... - † 2—USA—SOLDIERS, elsewhere.
20050118 —OPENED, USA—SOLDIERS, fire on 1—CAR as it approached their checkpoint in NORTH—IRAQ, killing 2—CIVILIANS in the vehicle's front seats.
20050118 —POSED, Hirschfeld and 1—ASSOCIATE, as arms dealers and taped
20050118 6—CHILDREN riding in the backseat were unhurt.
20050118 to 1—SENATE subcommittee about MARCOS—PLANS
20050118 1—TSUNAMI—CONFERENCE began in JAPAN with calls to expand warning systems.
20050118 —SUMMONED, PALESTINE—LEADER—MAHMOUD—ABBAS, militant leaders to CEASE—FIRE—TALKS in THE—GAZA Strip and said he is hopeful he can persuade them to halt attacks on ISRAEL.
20050118 Seagrave,S. THE—MARCOS—DYNASTY. 19880000 -.
20050118 it dealt with such figures as Noriega, Saddam, Marcos, PERU—PRESIDENT - Western intelligence groups as well,
20050118 especially in arms deals - It could have been guns.
20050118 BLACK—MARKET—TRANSFERS - According to Comandante Marcos, 1—OF—THE—TOP—LEADERS—OF
20050118 1—MILITARY—EXPEDITION against HAITI and to export arms..
20050118 of 1—WORKING arrangement with COLOMBIA—DRUG—DEALERS...its belief to Headquarters that MARCOS—AGUADO,
20050118 a - that 1—CONTACT—OF—PRADO'S, arms dealer Sarkis Garabed...
20050118 —CONVERTED, FRANKLIN—GRAHAM, whose father Billy, BUSH, has called Islam evil and GRAHAM—DECISION to join other Christian evangelists in IRAQ both to aid and convert Iraqis must bolster the Muslim PERCEPTION—OF—THE—INVASION as 1—ALLIANCE—OF "Jews and Crusaders".
20050118 —BUNGLED, Revealed: how the tsunami warning was :
20050118 —ACCUSED—OF, Sharon, exploiting violence:
20050118 —ACCUSED—OF, Ariel Sharon is, using the recent GAZA border incident as 1—EXCUSE to sever contacts with Mahmud Abbas,
20050118 says THE—LEADER—OF—ISRAEL—LEFT—WING—YAHAD party, Yossi Beilin.
20050118 Sharon orders crackdown: 46—PALESTINE—ELECTION Officials Resign:
20050118 46—MEMBERS—OF—THE—PALESTINE—ELECTION—COMMISSION, including top managers,
20050118 resigned —SATURDAY, saying they were pressured by MAHMOUD—ABBAS' campaign and intelligence officials to abruptly change voting procedures —DURING 20050109 —THE presidential poll.
20050118 ISRAEL says freezing talks, no PALESTINE—STATE:
20050118 —BOTCHED, Report: FBI, internal spying probe:
20050118 1—FORMER—FBI linguist's allegations of possible espionage involving 1—COLLEAGUE are credible but still have not been properly examined nearly —3—YEARS—AFTER they were made,
20050118 according to 1—NEW—INTERNAL—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—REPORT released —FRIDAY.
20050118 Bush Says Election Ratified IRAQ Policy:
20050118 DOCTOR—JAMES—J—ZOGBY : The Reality of THE—2—AMERICAS:
20050118 2—RADICALLY different Americas were on display this —WEEK.
20050118 Both are real + both must be recognized 1—REAL to understand my country.
20050118 The forgotten inmate of GUANTANAMO Bay and THE—UK—SECRET—SERVICE—CONNECTION:
20050118 LONDON resident believes he was set up —AFTER being illegally arrested by USA—INTELLIGENCE.
20050118 BUSH—GRAND—PLAN: Incite Civil War:
20050118 —WHEN you destroy 1—MAN—HOME and kill and disgrace his friends, he'll fight back.
20050118 And, —WHEN you rob 1—MAN—OF everything he has, including his dignity, you leave him with 1, solitary passion... rage.
20050118 This rage is —NOW animating the resistance in ways that no 1 had previously anticipated.
20050118 We Are Really, Really Sorry:
20050118 We have become 1—APATHETIC—PEOPLE led by fat little kings who cater to 1—BOY—KING
20050118 USA—INTERFERENCE in the political and economic affairs of nations in EVERY—CORNER—OF—THE—WORLD is,
20050118 unfortunately, 1—TALE told MANY—TIMES.
20050118 - It had all been 1—CON game - The Failure of Empire: BUSH—CAMBODIA: Syria in the Crosshairs:
20050118 Americans simply don't care, or can't be bothered, about BUSH—DIRTY—INVASION,
20050118 occupation + —NOW expansion of hostilities into Syria, even though,
20050118 if we are to believe the corporate media conducted polls, roughly 50—PERCENT of Americans think invading IRAQ was probably not the right thing to do,
20050118 not that Americans plan to go into the streets to put 1—END to it.
20050118 USA—ARMY Spc.
20050118 CHARLES—GRANER—JR, Gets 10—YEARS—FOR IRAQ Prison Torture:
20050118 —HANDED, Asked if he felt remorse —AFTER the sentence was, down, Graner said, "THERE—1—WAR on. Bad things happen".
20050118 Higher Officials Unlikely to Be Tried:
20050118 To some, THE—LOW—LEVEL—ARMY—RESERVIST may look like the fall guy in 1—DEBACLE that embarrassed THE—USA—THROUGHOUT the world and tainted THE—IMAGE—OF—USA—FORCES in IRAQ.
20050118 Yet analysts said that for —NOW, at least,
20050118 it was doubtful that HIGHER—LEVEL—OFFICIALS would be found guilty beyond 1—REASONABLE—DOUBT
20050118 Group Calls for 1—KENNETH—STARR for ABU—GHRAIB: THE—PRICE—OF—PAIN:
20050118 —REWARDED, ABU—GHRAIB abuse firms are :
20050118 As prison ringleader awaits sentence, defence contractors win MULTI—MILLION Pentagon contracts
20050118 Shocking IMAGES—OF—UK—SOLDIERS allegedly abusing IRAQ—PRISONERS will be revealed in 1—COURTROOM in GERMANY.
20050118 Pentagon Is Taking Steps For Longer Stay in IRAQ:
20050118 The Pentagon is building 1—PERMANENT—MILITARY—COMMUNICATIONS—SYSTEM that suggests USA—SOLDIERS will be in IRAQ for the foreseeable future.
20050118 Ron Suskind: Without a Doubt:
20050118 BUSH grew into 1—OF—HISTORY—MOST forceful leaders, his admirers will attest, by replacing hesitation and reasonable doubt with faith and clarity.
20050118 In politics, the saying goes, anything that works must be repeated —UNTIL it is replaced by something better.
20050118 The horizon seems clear of competitors. Auschwitz Remembered:
20050118 Torture, murder, rape + robbery, these are the eternal camp FOLLOWERS—OF—WAR;
20050118 guilt settles on THE—SHOULDERS—OF—THE—PERSONS who dig the wellspring whence these crimes flow.
20050118 Does BUSH really believe that RUSSIA, FRANCE and CHINA disbelieved THE—INTERNATIONAL—ATOMIC—ENERGY—AGENCY—REPORT—OF—20050307 ,
20050118 —CRUSHED, Has THE—SOUL—OF—AMERICAN—BEEN so, by fear and apathy that we are no longer capable of listening to THE—VOICES—OF—THE—HEART and mind that tell us violence should only be 1—ACTION of last resort?
20050118 USA—SENATOR—ROBERT—BYRD : Reckless Administration May Reap Disastrous Consequences:
20050118 To contemplate war is to think about the most horrible of human experiences.
20050118 —ON this ;;02;; —DAY, as this nation stands at THE—BRINK—OF—BATTLE, EVERY—AMERICAN on SOME—LEVEL must be contemplating THE—HORRORS—OF—WAR.
20050118 Yet, this Chamber is, for the most part, silent -- ominously, dreadfully silent.
20050118 There is no debate, no discussion, no attempt to lay out for the nation the pros and cons of this particular war.
20050118 AMERICA: Land of the free? - Not if you're 1—MUSLIM.
20050118 "Racial profiling is to the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY what JIM—CROW laws were to the last,
20050118 turning entire GROUPS—OF—PEOPLE into 2.—CLASS citizens and denying them the rights to which we all are due".
20050118 BUSH—2. term shows that BRITAIN—POLITICAL—CLASS is living in the past
20050118 The decision was made in consensus with THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT as 1—PRECAUTIONARY measure against surprise developments that might occur ahead of the upcoming elections slated for 20050130
20050118 Cuts in social benefits ignite protests across the country — and rare CRITICISM—OF—PRESIDENT—PUTIN
20050118 Putin orders pension increase:
20050118 —CALLED, PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, —TODAY for 1—LARGER—THAN—PLANNED hike in pensions for the elderly —AFTER protests by pensioners angry at THE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—SOVIET—ERA—BENEFITS spread —THROUGHOUT the country
20050118 —WRAPPED, THE—IMAGE—OF—THE—CORPSE, in polythene, his right eye bandaged,
20050118 his nose broken and his mouth open as if gasping for his last breath, signifies that darker practices than sadistic games have taken place in USA—RUN—JAILS in IRAQ.
20050118 In this decision to apply for Conscientious Objector status and to walk away from war, I support Kevin and Monica Benderman totally.
20050118 This old Nam vet considers KEVIN—BENDERMAN 1—MAN—OF—ETHICS, integrity and honor
20050118 ROBERT—FISK: Hotel journalism gives USA—TROOPS a free hand:
20050118 "Hotel journalism" is the only way to describe it.
20050118 More and more, Western reporters in BAGHDAD are reporting from their hotels rather than THE—STREETS—OF—IRAQ—TOWNS and cities.
20050118 USA Lowers Expectations for ONCE—HERALDED IRAQ Vote:
20050118 Unable to deliver on its lofty goal of bringing democracy to IRAQ through the Jan.
20050118 30—ELECTIONS, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is pressing 1—DAMAGE—CONTROL—CAMPAIGN to lower expectations for the vote.
20050118 ROBERT—FISK: Not Even Saddam Could Achieve the Divisions This Election WILL—BRING:
20050118 —SUNDAY 30 ;;01;;, the magic date upon which IRAQ is supposed to transform itself into 1—DEMOCRACY will no doubt be greeted as another milestone in AMERICA—ADVENTURE and,
20050118 I suspect, another "great —DAY for IRAQ" by Lord BLAIR—OF—KUT—AL—AMARA.
20050118 I have chosen not to take part in war and it was easy to come to that decision.
20050118 I have learned from 1. hand experience that war is the destroyer of everything that is good in the world,
20050118 it turns our young into soulless killers and we tell them that they are heroes —WHEN they master the "art" of killing.
20050118 —DERANGED, That is 1—VERY, mindset in my opinion.
20050118 It destroys the environment, life + the resources which could be used to create more life by advancing our endeavors.
20050118 Through The Army Meat Grinder
20050118 —GLORIFIED, What is wrong with 1—COUNTRY where war is, and fighting for peace is cowardly?
20050118 What is wrong with THE—DIRECTION—OF—THE—WORLD—WHEN 1—MAN and his wife receive phone calls and emails from all over their country asking them to explain themselves,
20050118 calling them cowards, wondering if they have ever read the Bible or studied the scripture,
20050118 all because a man has chosen to speak out against war and violence + his wife has chosen to stand with him?
20050118 † It's Official: My Brother, in Vain
20050118 —AFTER—2—YEARS, the government has called off its fruitless hunt for WMD.
20050118 —GAZED, We have, at THE—SHARDS—OF—LIFE scattered at our feet, in wonder of its fragility, in perpetual catharsis with God.
20050118 Video: The Human COST—OF—WAR
20050118 It goes beyond the war stories to look underneath our USA—TRADITION—OF engaging in war and then abandoning the warrior.
20050118 An Appeal to Global Conscience
20050118 1—APPEAL to the peace and justice movement, calling for 1—LONG—TERM—STRATEGY for undermining THE—FOUNDATIONS—OF—WAR.
20050118 We disagree with those who, —WHILE admitting that that the war was 1—MISTAKE based on fabricated evidence,
20050118 nevertheless claim it would be 1—BIGGER—MISTAKE to end the occupation and withdraw.
20050118 Seymour Hersh: The Coming Wars:
20050118 —REGARDED, BUSH—REËLECTION is, within the Administration as EVIDENCE—OF—AMERICA—SUPPORT for his decision to go to war.
20050118 —REAFFIRMED, It has, the position of the neoconservatives in THE—PENTAGON—CIVIL—LEADERSHIP who advocated the invasion.
20050118 PAKISTAN rejects report on IRAN nuclear programme:
20050118 —REJECTED, PAKISTAN —MONDAY categorically, 1—USA—MEDIA—REPORT that ISLAMABAD had helped USA commandos in their covert operation inside IRAN against the country's nuclear programme
20050118 WILL—IRAN—BE—NEXT?:
20050118 —HOPED, Those who have, that A—USA—MILITARY—VICTORY in IRAQ would somehow bring about 1—MORE—PEACEFUL—WORLD are in for 1—RUDE awakening.
20050118 The final resolution of this war and THE—USA—OCCUPATION—OF—IRAQ will likely not be the end,
20050118 rather, only the prelude to 1—SUCCESSION—OF—FUTURE—CRISES
20050118 DANIEL—HOPSICKER on Sequoia : In his latest radio interviews (go to part 1
20050118 this ODD—BUT—INTERESTING FLORIDA—BASED independent journalist looks into the shady HISTORY—OF—1—MAJOR—VOTE—COUNTING firm.
20050118 You think you've heard the worst? Think again.
20050118 1—OF—THE—INDIVIDUALS caught with his fingers in the cookie jar was JERRY—FOWLER, who went to jail.
20050118 Hopsicker connects Fowler to 1—BETE noir, ADNAN—KHASHOGGI -- whose name,
20050118 you will recall, came up in our discussion of Triad, or rather the various companies bearing that name.
20050118 (KHASHOGGI, it is said, had 1—INTEREST in 1 proposed casino + thus in the electoral results.)
20050118 Bubble, bubble, boil and trouble... STEVEN—ROACH, THE—CHIEF—ECONOMIST at MORGAN—STANLEY, thinks your house costs too much.
20050118 Way too much. In 1—PIECE in Forbes
20050118 that 1—READER kindly brought to my attention ("World on BRINK—OF—RUIN" -- catchy title,
20050118 eh wot?) this expert blames ALAN—GREENSPAN for bringing the Unites States to the edge of the economic cliff + draws specific attention to "the biggest bubble of all:
20050118 residential property".
20050118 Of course, this is 1—BUBBLE unlike most others:
20050118 THE—HOLLAND—DIDN'T really need tulips, but people do need 1—ROOF overhead.
20050118 THE—DHS News Briefing -- 20040317 ...
20050118 USA—ARMY—SPECIALIST—DAVID—BEALS: Why I went AWOL : Well aware of the possible consequences he faces for refusing to deploy, Beals is firmly convinced he is doing the right thing.
20050118 Web Results 1 - 100—OF—ABOUT 11,100 for " Carlyle "Bechtel" "Halliburton ".
20050118 ( 0.34—SECONDS) - Halliburton ?
20050118 Illuminati! Your 1—STOP shop for Halliburton, Bechtel, Carlyle Group + related evil overlords.
20050118 Halliburton currently has several billion.
20050118 CHRIS—FLOYD: Bush, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, Bechtel and BAGHDAD... however, the bin Ladens cashed in their Carlyle chips + But they remain welded to Bechtel + will —NOW.
20050118 UKRAINE: Oberstes Gericht macht Juschtschenko den Weg frei
20050118 Palästinenser: ABBAS—GEFOLGSLEUTE wollen Militante entwaffnen
20050118 Neue USA—AUßENPOLITIK: "—JETZT ist Zeit für Diplomatie"
20050118 Bush s Weltordnung: IRAN warnt USA vor Angriff
20050118 CHINA: Regierung verteidigt Massaker auf TIANANMEN—PLATZ
20050118 ROLL—OUT des A380: EUROPA feiert sich als Supermacht der Luftfahrt
20050118 SUPER—ALUMINIUM: Superatome sprengen Periodensystem
20050118 Azure MT computer consulting... Alto, CA USA.
20050118 THE—DHS News Briefing -- 20040317 ... aviation radar systems, according to 1—INDICTMENT made public —TUESDAY". THE—AP added, "TING—IH Hsu, 1—NATURALIZED—USA—CITIZEN and PRESIDENT—OF—AZURE—SYSTEMS—INCORPORATED..
20050118 Lords of Azurwroth Mankind Guild Support... EVAN—CARVER, DIRECTOR—OF—AZURE systems ( 1—PROPULSION—RESEARCH—LABORATORY ) had foreseen the coming crisis + for decades secretly planned for 1—BROAD—SCALE...
20050118 USING THE—CANVAS TO CANVASS 1—CURRENT—SHOW by another ARTIST—ACTIVIST, Clinton Fein, called ``Numb and Number'' at THE—TOOMEY—TOURELL gallery in S—FRANCISCO features digital montages...
20050118 20050118 19991110 Open Letter to THE—INTERNET Engineering Task Force... BRIAN—K—DURHAM.
20050118 Clinton Fein Abbildungen der Kunstwerke Clinton FEIN—HIER finden Sie Kunstwerke, Preise und Ausstellungen des Künstlers/ der Künstlerin Clinton Fein in Galerien weltweit.
20050118 NewsIsFree: SAUDI—ARABIA However, controversial political artist Clinton Fein discovered that.
20050118 —BY the likes of Archbishop Casariego, who, in 1—FAMOUS photo, blessed USA...
20050118 —SMUGGLED, VHeadline_com, CIA—OPERATIVE secretly, 22—TONNES of...
20050118 —SEIT einigen Jahren bieten verschiedene Firmen 1—ART—WEBMONITORING als Dienstleistung an, mit denen Konzerne ONLINE—PIRATEN und Raubkopierern auf die Spur kommen wollen.
20050118 Von vielen Netzaktivisten werden diese Dienste als unliebsame Schnüffler betrachtet, aber die Anbieter Verisign, P4M oder Mediatime halten sich nach eigenen Angaben an den Datenschutz.
20050118 Mit Fuzzy Logic, Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Bayesian Belief Networks soll es möglich sein, MILLIARDEN—VON—WEBSEITEN automatisch zu scannen.
20050118 Laut Projektbeschreibung wollen die Forscher am RPI 1—SYSTEM entwickeln, das automatisch Profile von INTERNET—CHATTERN, CHAT—GRUPPEN und ganzer Chatrooms erstellt.
20050118 —NACH—DEN Anschlägen vom 20010911 hat die amerikanische Regierung viel Geld für Forschungen ausgegeben, die eine bessere Überwachung der elektronischen Kommunikationswege des INTERNET zum Ziel hatten.
20050118 Nutznießer des Geldsegens waren auch Wissenschaftler des Renselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in NEW—YORK, die an Methoden forschen, die Kommunikation in Chaträumen besser belauschen zu können.
20050118 Die Fördermittel kommen von der USA—AMERIKANISCHEN National Science Foundation (NSF) und stammen aus dem Programm "Approaches to Combat Terrorism (ACT)", an dem auch die amerikanischen Geheimdienste beteiligt sind.
20050118 Entdeckt wurde die Zusammenarbeit von der amerikanischen Bürgerrechtsorganisation Electronic Privacy Information Center: "EPIC hat Details eines Memorandums zwischen der CIA und der NSF zur gemeinsamen Finanzierung in BEREICHEN—DER—MATHEMATIK und der Physik entdeckt", erklärt die Organisation auf ihrer Website.
20050118 "Dabei geht es auch um die Erforschung der Überwachung von Chatrooms auf terroristische Aktivitäten. Das Gemeinschaftsprojekt trägt den Titel: Approaches to Combat Terrorism: Opportunities for Basic Research".
20050118 Überwachung Chatten unter Aufsicht
20050118 Das Chatten halten viele für die anonymste FORM—DER—INTERNET—KOMMUNIKATION: Unter selbst gewählten ALIAS—NAMEN wählt man sich ein, wo immer man gerade auch ist.
20050118 —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Die Tyrannei des Besitzes ist grausam"
20050118 USA: Soldatin ENGLAND liebt verurteilten Graner noch immer - USA: Bush nimmt IRAN ins Visier
20050118 Kriegsverbrechen: 18—JAHRE Haft wegen SREBRENICA—MASSAKER
20050118 Fahndungserfolg nach MOSHAMMER—MORD: BAYERN will DNS—TESTS ausweiten - Defex, SA, 1—FRONT...
20050118 Walsh IRAN / Contra REPORT—CHAPTER 8 The Enterprise and Its...
20050118 00.Jul1985 create a LIBERIA—SHELL corporation named `` Defex SA '' The new corporation was intentionally given...
20050118 PHILIPPINES—PPU information.. in MANILA;
20050118 the army ceased to back Marcos, who fled... wide + also had its own arms factory.
20050118 Gallery of... he leased 1—PLANE to FERDINAND—MARCOS for his... Arms Dealer Implicates PERU Spy CHIEF—IN—SMUGGLING—RING—THE... Those guns ended up with FARC (Revolutionary Armed.
20050118 washingtonpost_com: Flashy Fugitive RICHARD—HIRSCHFELD—DIES... Hirschfeld and 1—ASSOCIATE posed as arms dealers and taped... to 1—SENATE subcommittee about MARCOS—PLANS... MISTER—HIRSCHFELD remained 1—WHEELER—DEALER who believed...
20050118 —INSTITUTIONALIZED, Through racist eyes : The entire STATE—OF—ISRAEL has, racism because its charter is to preserve 1—JEWISH—CHARACTER.
20050118 ANY—OTHER—COUNTRY in the world would be lambasted for such ethnic exclusionary premises.
20050118 —CELEBRATED, But in THE—USA, ISRAEL is.
20050118 Scientists at the Tsunami Warning Centre in HAWAII did not use 1—EXISTING rapid telecommunications system set up to get warnings —AROUND the world almost instantly because the bureaucratic arrangements were not in place.
20050118 —ACCUSED—OF, Ariel Sharon is, using the recent GAZA border incident as 1—EXCUSE to sever contacts with Mahmud Abbas, says THE—LEADER—OF—ISRAEL—LEFT—WING—YAHAD party, Yossi Beilin.
20050118 Sharon orders crackdown : ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON says he has given his troops 1—FREE—HAND to launch 1—CRACKDOWN on PALESTINE—ANTI occupation forces.
20050118 ISRAEL says freezing talks, no PALESTINE—STATE : ISRAEL—UNILATERAL plan to evacuate some occupied land and keep the rest will indefinitely prevent 1—PALESTINE—STATE—WITH—WASHINGTON—BLESSING, 1—SENIOR—ISRAEL—OFFICIAL said in 1—INTERVIEW published —WEDNESDAY.
20050118 —BOTCHED, Report: FBI, internal spying probe: 1—FORMER—FBI linguist's allegations of possible espionage involving 1—COLLEAGUE are credible but still have not been properly examined nearly —3—YEARS—AFTER they were made, according to 1—NEW—INTERNAL—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—REPORT released —FRIDAY.
20050118 Bush Says Election Ratified IRAQ Policy : PRESIDENT—BUSH said the public's decision to reelect him was 1—RATIFICATION—OF his approach toward IRAQ and that there was no reason to hold ANY—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS—ACCOUNTABLE for mistakes or misjudgments in prewar planning or managing the violent aftermath.
20050118 DOCTOR—JAMES—J—ZOGBY : The Reality of THE—2—AMERICAS : 2—RADICALLY different Americas were on display this —WEEK.
20050118 The forgotten inmate of GUANTANAMO Bay and THE—UK—SECRET—SERVICE—CONNECTION : LONDON resident believes he was set up —AFTER being illegally arrested by USA—INTELLIGENCE.
20050118 BUSH—GRAND—PLAN: Incite Civil War : —WHEN you destroy 1—MAN—HOME and kill and disgrace his friends, he'll fight back.
20050118 We have become 1—NATION that accepts no responsibility for its actions or its mistakes.
20050118 WILLIAM—BLUM : EAST—EUROPE: From Soviet Satellites to American?
20050118 USA—INTERFERENCE in the political and economic affairs of nations in EVERY—CORNER—OF—THE—WORLD is, unfortunately, 1—TALE told MANY—TIMES.
20050118 - It had all been 1—CON game
20050118 The Failure of Empire : THE—USA is facing the prospect of 1—MAJOR—DEFEAT in IRAQ that is likely to constitute 1—SERIOUS—SETBACK in the ongoing campaign to expand THE—USA—EMPIRE.
20050118 BUSH—CAMBODIA: Syria in the Crosshairs : Americans simply don't care, or can't be bothered, about BUSH—DIRTY—INVASION, occupation + —NOW expansion of hostilities into Syria, even though, if we are to believe the corporate media conducted polls, roughly 50—PERCENT of Americans think invading IRAQ was probably not the right thing to do, not that Americans plan to go into the streets to put 1—END to it.
20050118 Yet analysts said that for —NOW, at least, it was doubtful that HIGHER—LEVEL—OFFICIALS would be found guilty beyond 1—REASONABLE—DOUBT
20050118 Group Calls for 1—KENNETH—STARR for ABU—GHRAIB :
20050118 The latest annual report by Human Rights Watch describes the torture and sexual humiliation as ABU—GHRAIB 1—OF—THE—MOST insidious threats to human rights 20040000 .
20050118 THE—PRICE—OF—PAIN : Declassified FBI and military documents point the finger at THE—WHITE—HOUSE for allowing the torture of suspected terrorists.
20050118 UK—SOLDIERS ACCUSED—OF—ABUSE : Shocking IMAGES—OF—UK—SOLDIERS allegedly abusing IRAQ—PRISONERS will be revealed in 1—COURTROOM in GERMANY.
20050118 Pentagon Is Taking Steps For Longer Stay in IRAQ : The Pentagon is building 1—PERMANENT—MILITARY—COMMUNICATIONS—SYSTEM that suggests USA—SOLDIERS will be in IRAQ for the foreseeable future.
20050118 Ron Suskind: Without 1—DOUBT : Bush grew into 1—OF—HISTORY—MOST forceful leaders, his admirers will attest, by replacing hesitation and reasonable doubt with faith and clarity.
20050118 MANY—MORE will surely tap this HIGH—VOLTAGE—CONNECTION—OF fervent faith and bold action.
20050118 Auschwitz Remembered : Torture, murder, rape + robbery, these are the eternal camp FOLLOWERS—OF—WAR;
20050118 GORDON—PRATHER: Should I—LAUGH or Cry?
20050118 Does Bush really believe that RUSSIA, FRANCE and CHINA disbelieved THE—INTERNATIONAL—ATOMIC—ENERGY—AGENCY—REPORT—OF—20030307 , which refuted EVERY—1—OF—BUSH—PRE—WAR—ASSERTIONS about IRAQ—NUKES?
20050118 —MOVED, U—S intelligence found no evidence W—M—D, from IRAQ
20050118 1—CELEBRATION for THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION : Has THE—SOUL—OF—AMERICAN—BEEN so crushed by fear and apathy that we are no longer capable of listening to THE—VOICES—OF—THE—HEART and mind that tell us violence should only be 1—ACTION of last resort?
20050118 —MESMERIZED, Are we so, by leaders infected with greed and privilege that we can no longer admit our mistakes or take the collective action to bring about real justice?
20050118 USA—SENATOR—ROBERT—BYRD : Reckless Administration May Reap Disastrous Consequences : To contemplate war is to think about the most horrible of human experiences.
20050118 "Racial profiling is to the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY what JIM—CROW laws were to the last, turning entire GROUPS—OF—PEOPLE into 2.—CLASS citizens and denying them the rights to which we all are due".
20050118 WEST—WING wanabees: wake up and smell the coffee:
20050118 BUSH—2. term shows that BRITAIN—POLITICAL—CLASS is living in the past - Saddam to Be Moved to QATAR USA—BASE:
20050118 1—TRAIL—OF—TORTURE at HANDS—OF—USA—FORCES : THE—IMAGE—OF—THE—CORPSE wrapped in polythene, his right eye bandaged, his nose broken and his mouth open as if gasping for his last breath, signifies that darker practices than sadistic games have taken place in USA—RUN—JAILS in IRAQ.
20050118 The Scapegoat : The show TRIAL—OF—USA—ARMY—RESERVIST—CHARLES—GRANER had something for everyone: tragedy, comedy, pathos + propaganda.
20050118 ROBERT—FISK: Hotel journalism gives USA—TROOPS 1—FREE—HAND : "Hotel journalism" is the only way to describe it.
20050118 USA Lowers Expectations for ONCE—HERALDED IRAQ Vote : Unable to deliver on its lofty goal of bringing democracy to IRAQ through 20050130 —THE elections, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is pressing 1—DAMAGE—CONTROL—CAMPAIGN to lower expectations for the vote.
20050118 ROBERT—FISK: Not Even Saddam Could Achieve the Divisions This Election WILL—BRING : —SUNDAY 20050130 , the magic date upon which IRAQ is supposed to transform itself into 1—DEMOCRACY will no doubt be greeted as another milestone in AMERICA—ADVENTURE and, I suspect, another "great —DAY for IRAQ" by Lord BLAIR—OF—KUT—AL—AMARA.
20050118 I have learned from 1. hand experience that war is the destroyer of everything that is good in the world, it turns our young into soulless killers and we tell them that they are heroes —WHEN they master the "art" of killing.
20050118 What is wrong with THE—DIRECTION—OF—THE—WORLD—WHEN 1—MAN and his wife receive phone calls and emails from all over their country asking them to explain themselves, calling them cowards, wondering if they have ever read the Bible or studied the scripture, all because 1—MAN has chosen to speak out against war and violence + his wife has chosen to stand with him?
20050118 † It's Official: My Brother, in Vain —AFTER—2—YEARS, the government has called off its fruitless hunt for WMD.
20050118 —LIVED, My family and I have, with the grief of losing 1 loved 1. We have struggled to explain his death to his son.
20050118 Video: The Human COST—OF—WAR - This Is 1—MUST—WATCH—DOCUMENTARY
20050118 This film is our soldiers' perspective of THE—IRAQ War + how they are being treated upon returning home.
20050118 1—APPEAL to Global Conscience 1—APPEAL to the peace and justice movement, calling for 1—LONG—TERM—STRATEGY for undermining THE—FOUNDATIONS—OF—WAR.
20050118 The time has come to recognize that THE—USA—OCCUPATION is the principal cause of the violent insurgency and growing civil war.
20050118 We disagree with those who, —WHILE admitting that that the war was 1—MISTAKE based on fabricated evidence, nevertheless claim it would be 1—BIGGER—MISTAKE to end the occupation and withdraw.
20050118 Report: USA Conducting Secret Missions Inside IRAN:
20050118 THE—USA has been conducting secret reconnaissance missions inside IRAN to help identify potential nuclear, chemical and missile targets
20050118 —REGARDED, Seymour Hersh: The Coming Wars : BUSH—REËLECTION is, within the Administration as EVIDENCE—OF—AMERICA—SUPPORT for his decision to go to war.
20050118 Audio: Target IRAN?
20050118 The final resolution of this war and THE—USA—OCCUPATION—OF—IRAQ will likely not be the end, rather, only the prelude to 1—SUCCESSION—OF—FUTURE—CRISES
20050118 DANIEL—HOPSICKER on Sequoia : In his latest radio interviews (go to part 1 and part 2), this ODD—BUT—INTERESTING FLORIDA—BASED independent journalist looks into the shady HISTORY—OF—1—MAJOR—VOTE—COUNTING firm.
20050118 He discusses THE—HISTORY—OF—THIS company in the 1990s, including the indictments issued —AFTER 1—SHADY vote on 1—NEW—ORLEANS gambling initiative.
20050118 Hopsicker connects Fowler to 1—BETE noir, ADNAN—KHASHOGGI -- whose name, you will recall, came up in our discussion of Triad, or rather the various companies bearing that name.
20050118 Way too much.
20050118 In 1—PIECE in Forbes that 1—READER kindly brought to my attention ("World on BRINK—OF—RUIN" -- catchy title, eh wot?) this expert blames ALAN—GREENSPAN for bringing the Unites States to the edge of the economic cliff + draws specific attention to "the biggest bubble of all: residential property".
20050118 Of course, this is 1—BUBBLE unlike most others: THE—HOLLAND—DIDN'T really need tulips, but people do need 1—ROOF overhead.
20050118 —STILL, 1 can't excape 1—FEW anxious shivers —WHEN experts sound apocalyptic warnings parlously close to those heard from DOWN—AT—HEELS bloggers and usenet ranters.
20050118 WARREN—BUFFET (19990000 )
20050118 —MOVED, USA—INTELLIGENCE found no evidence W—M—D, from IRAQ
20050118 —OCCUPIED, ISRAEL—UNILATERAL plan to evacuate some, land and keep the rest will indefinitely prevent 1—PALESTINE—STATE—WITH—WASHINGTON—BLESSING,
20050118 1—CURRENT—SH—CALLED, OW by another ARTIST—ACTIVIST, Clinton Fein, Numb and Number'' at THE—TOOMEY—TOURELL gallery in S—FRANCISCO features digital montages...
20050118—19900000 —IN—THE, He discusses THE—HISTORY—OF—THIS company S, including the indictments issued —AFTER 1—SHADY vote on 1—NEW—ORLEANS gambling initiative.
20050118—19991110 Open Letter to THE—INTERNET Engineering Task Force...
20050118—20010911 8—TERRORANKLAGEN in Spanien
20050118—20050207 —PUBLISHED, CUBA—NATIONAL—GAZETTE, 1—NEW—RESOLUTION by the Commerce Ministry that beginning, smoking will be prohibited in theaters, stores, buses, taxis and other enclosed public areas.
20050125 Web | 20050118
20050200 Usenet Archive HALLIBURTON did business with Muammar EL—QADDAFI + the
20050202 —1— D, The new report from THE—CIA, which is, 20050118 , retreats from the agency's prewar assertions on chemical weapons on almost EVERY—FRONT.
20050223 World News Article | Reuters.co.UK...S—LOUIS—BASED defence contractor Engineered Support Systems INCORPORATED( ESSI ), according to a 20050118 filing with SEC Securities and Exchange Commission.
20050225 S—LOUIS—BASED defence contractor Engineered Support Systems INCORPORATED( ESSI ), according to a 20050118 filing with SEC Securities and Exchange Commission.
20050300 Pentagon Sees $108—MILLION in Overcharges by HALLIBURTON : In 1—CASE...
20050400 In war's name, public loses information : Federal agencies under THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION are sweeping vast AMOUNTS—OF—PUBLIC—INFORMATION behind a
20051113 | Tue, 20051101184031 -0300 | Source:
20051113 Terror laws 'like police state'| Tue, 20051101184031 -0300 | Source:
20060114 NOSE CONE: 20051201—20060101 20060118 Intelligence in the 20010101—21001231 -- An essential information...
20060116—20060118 SOUTH—WEST—CHINA, workers protesting the sale of 1—FACTORY in CHENGDU clashed —FOR—3—DAYS with BATON—WIELDING police.
20060116—20060118 According to Boxun_com, 1—OVERSEAS—HOSTED—CHINESE—LANGUAGE—WEB—SITE, the factory was worth $37—MILLION, but was going to be sold for $9.9—MILLION.
20060118 —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, assets of Asef Shawkat, HEAD—OF—SYRIA—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE, to be frozen and barred trade with him because of violent meddling in LEBANON.
20060118 —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, unanimously that 1—LOWER—COURT was wrong to strike down NEW—HAMPSHIRE abortion restrictions, but steered clear of 1—MAJOR ruling on the volatile issue.
20060118 —CLIMBED, Knicks forward ANTONIO—DAVIS, into the stands OUT—OF—CONCERN for his wife and was ejected without 1—SCUFFLE —DURING NEW—YORK—OVERTIME loss at CHICAGO.
20060118 —SUSPENDED, He was, for 5—GAMES.
20060118 † THOMAS—MURPHY, FORMER—HEAD—OF—GENERAL—MOTORS (19740000—19810000 ), in FLORIDA.
20060118 CHINA, senior envoys from THE—USA, NORTH—KOREA and CHINA held a "beneficial" meeting on the stalled 6—PARTY—TALKS on PYONGYANG—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM.
20060118 —ALARMED, CHINA, by THE—SPREAD—OF—BIRD—FLU beyond EAST—ASIA, nations pledged nearly $2—BILLION to fight the disease, far exceeding expectations at the fundraising conference in BEIJING.
20060118 —PROMISED, THE—USA, $334—MILLION.
20060118 —ARMED, COLOMBIA, some 3,000, troops were deployed to the Sierra Macarena National Park, 1—OF—COLOMBIA—MOST pristine national parks, as PART—OF—1—OPERATION to clear THE—REBEL—CONTROLLED REGION—OF—COCA plants and the laboratories used to make cocaine.
20060118 —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—FIDEL—CASTRO, 1—LONG—AWAITED RENOVATION—OF—CUBA—ENERGY—SYSTEM to combat blackouts that have afflicted the island nation for the past 2—SUMMERS.
20060118 —RELEASED, EGYPT, 233—SUDAN—MIGRANTS detained —AFTER security forces broke up 1—PROTEST—CAMP in 1—CAIRO square last —MONTH.
20060118 —REJECTED, The European PARLIAMENT, plans to liberalize port services across the European Union that had sparked mass strikes by dock workers and 1—VIOLENT—PROTEST in front of THE—EU legislature in FRANCE.
20060118 —MARCHED, GERMANY, THOUSANDS—OF—DOCTORS, through BERLIN to demand changes to the state health care system, including better pay and less bureaucracy.
20060118 —KILLED, IRAQ, gunmen, at least 10—SECURITY—GUARDS and seized 1—AFRICAN engineer from MALAWI in 1—AMBUSH.
20060118 2—AMERICANS were killed in 1—ROADSIDE bombing in Basra.
20060118 —FREED, THE—SISTER—OF—IRAQ—INTERIOR—MINISTER was, by kidnappers about —2—WEEKS—AFTER being seized in BAGHDAD.
20060118 The bodies of 3—MEN were found in 1—BAGHDAD apartment with gunshot wounds to the head.
20060118 —RELATED, Sadad AL—BATAH, 1—SUNNI—ARAB tribal leader, to Defense MINISTER—SAADOUN—AL—DULAIMI, was killed along with his nephew and a 3. person.
20060118 30—PEOPLE were dragged from their cars and shot execution style in Nibaei.
20060118 —KILLED, WEST—IVORY—COAST, 4—PRO—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS were, —WHEN UN peacekeepers opened fire to repel 1—ATTACK on their base in a 3. —DAY—OF—ANTI—UN—RIOTS.
20060118 —TUMBLED, JAPAN—MAIN—STOCK—MARKET—INDEX, for a 2. —DAY led by 1—SELL—OFF in technology shares in 1—SESSION that was halted 20—MINUTES—EARLY because of heavy trading volume amid 1—WIDENING criminal INVESTIGATION—OF—THE—INTERNET startup Livedoor.
20060118 —FORCED, Technical glitches, 1—EMERGENCY closing for the 1. time in the exchanges 57-year history.
20060118 —COMMITTED, NORTH—KOREA—LEADER—KIM—JONG—IL said he is, to 1—PEACEFUL—RESOLUTION—OF—THE standoff over his country's nuclear ambitions, as PYONGYANG confirmed that the reclusive Kim had visited CHINA over the past —WEEK.
20060118 —REPORTED, Interfax news, that RUSSIA—NATURAL—GAS monopoly Gazprom has reduced supplies to European customers because of 1—COLD snap at home.
20060118 Gervan Lubbe, 1—SOUTH—AFRICA—INVENTOR, was reported to have developed 1—ANTI—MALARIA wristwatch to help combat 1—OF—AFRICA—BIGGEST killers by monitoring the blood of those who wear it and sounding 1—ALARM—WHEN the parasite is detected.
20060118 —SENTENCED, THAILAND, 2—FISHERMEN were, to death in the rape and MURDER—OF—1—UK—TOURIST, 1—CRIME that prompted THE—PM to demand the maximum penalty.
20060118 —PLEADED, Bualoi Posit (23) and Wichai Somkhaoyai (24), guilty to the New —YEAR—DAY—SLAYING—OF—KATHERINE—HORTON, a 21—YEAR—OLD—STUDENT from Wales.
20060118 1—USA—COUPLE claiming to be of LAO royal descent were shot dead in NORTH—EAST—THAILAND.
20060118 Anouwong Sethathirath IV (49) and Oulayvanh Sethathirath (38) were killed at 1—BUDDHIST monastery in Nong Khai.
20060118 The next —DAY THAILAND—POLICE said they might have been targeted by Laos' government on suspicions that they were working against the communist regime.
20060118 —ENTTÄUSCHT, Quartalszahlen: EBAY—AUSBLICK, Börsianer
20060118 Quartalszahlen: Apple verdoppelt fast Gewinn
20060118 PSEG Nuclear, LLC and Amergen Energy Company, LLC; Notice of 1 and 2 ( SALEM ),
20060118 HOPE—CREEK—GENERATING—STATION ( HOPE—CREEK ), and Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating
20060118 request for increased security at SALEM, Hope
20060118 SEIU: NBC News Says Security Firm WACKENHUT—CONFLICT—OF—INTEREST... Nuclear Plant NJ Forked River Oyster Creek NJ Hancocks Bridge SALEM/HOPE—CREEK—GENERATING—STATION
20060118 Mind CONTROL—BEWUßTSEINSKONTROLLE... Wissenschaftler im Dresdner " Zentrum für Forschung und Technik' und " Zentrum für Mikroelektronik
20060118 Liste führender FORSCHUNGSEINRICHTUN—GEN vor;
20060118 bei HITACHI... - Mind CONTROL—BEWUßTSEINSKONTROLLE "Zunehmende Aufmerksamkeit ist den sogenannten HPM—QUELLEN (HPM—WAFFEN) zu widmen (HPM:
20060118 High Power Microwave), deren Bedeutung und Entwicklung relativ jung sind, wie die einschlägigen Veröffentlichungen belegen.
20060118 Wissenschaftler im Dresdner " Zentrum für Forschung und Technik' und " Zentrum für Mikroelektronik
20060118 —LATER renamed - USA—REGIERUNG : Mehr Hilfe für Irak sehr wichtig - OMV AG — Wikipedia
20060118 ROME prosecutors to charge USA—SOLDIER with murdering ITALY—AGENT in IRAQ:
20060118 ITALY—PROSECUTORS investigating THE—KILLING—OF—1—ITALY—SECRET—SERVICE—AGENT at 1—CHECKPOINT in IRAQ plan to charge A—USA—SOLDIER with murder and attempted murder, ITALY—MEDIA reported —TUESDAY.
20060118 —CHARGED, USA refuses to hand over 4—MARINES, with rape:
20060118 —ISSUED, THE—PHILIPPINES—JUDGE last —WEEK, arrest warrants for the marines, held in custody by THE—USA—EMBASSY,
20060118 in a bid to pressure WASHINGTON to hand them over
20060118 AUSTRALIA: PM knew of wheat deal: Labor:
20060118 SENIOR Howard government ministers must offer themselves as witnesses at THE—AWB inquiry as evidence mounts that they ignored its illicit payments to Saddam HUSSEIN—REGIME, Labor says.
20060118 WHITE—HOUSE—SILENT on Abramoff Meetings:
20060118 Abramoff had "1—FEW—STAFF—LEVEL—MEETINGS" at the Bush WHITE—HOUSE, presidential spokesman SCOTT—MCCLELLAN said —TUESDAY.
20060118 But he would not say with whom Abramoff met,
20060118 which interests he was representing or how he got access to THE—WHITE—HOUSE
20060118 Abramoff Met With Bush - with his clients, the Coushatta tribe.
20060118 (THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—COUSHATTA tribe —INITIALLY denied the meeting occured,
20060118 but subsequently admitted that it did.) Abramoff charged his client 25,000 to arrange the meeting.
20060118 —PRESSURED, Lawmakers, Interior —WHILE getting large donations from Abramoff tribes:
20060118 Nearly 3—DOZEN—MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS, including leaders from both parties,
20060118 pressed the government to reject 1—LOUISIANA—INDIA—CASINO—WHILE they collected large donations from rival tribes and their lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF.
20060118 Corruption Digest:
20060118 Here is your briefing on how AMERICA—POLITICAL—SYSTEM is being sold to the highest bidders.
20060118 Corruption? Democrats and Other False Friends:
20060118 "GEORGE—BUSH would be in severe political trouble if there were 1—OPPOSITION—POLITICAL—PARTY in the country.
20060118 PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS: Gore Is Right:
20060118 FORMER—VICE—PRESIDENT—AL—GORE gave what I believe to be the most important political speech in my lifetime + THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES,
20060118 "THE—NEWSPAPER—OF—RECORD," did not report it. Not even excerpts.
20060118 Gore responds to WHITE—HOUSE 'hypocrisy' comments:
20060118 —HIJACKED, Senate candidate unapologetic for saying GOP, by fanatics:
20060118 OHIO—REPUBLICAN leader wants Democratic USA—SENATE candidate PAUL—HACKETT to apologize for calling SOME—CONSERVATIVE—REPUBLICANS religious fanatics and comparing them to terrorist mastermind OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20060118 Newspapers Across the Country Oppose Alito Nomination:
20060118 Urge Senate to Stop his Nomination to THE—SUPREME—COURT - Buffett: USA—TRADE Deficit Is 1—THREAT:
20060118 THE—USA—TRADE—DEFICIT is 1—BIGGER—THREAT to the domestic economy than either the federal budget deficit or debt + could lead to "political turmoil," billionaire investor WARREN—BUFFETT warned.
20060118 —RULED, In a 6—3—VOTE, justices, that 1—FEDERAL—DRUG—LAW could not be used to prosecute OREGON doctors who prescribed overdoses intended to facilitate the deaths of terminally ill patients.
20060118 Leading candidates for high post in House are both strong on ISRAEL:
20060118 TOM—DELAY—JEWISH—FRIENDS — and enemies — can expect the same friendliness to ISRAEL and affection for FAITH—BASED funding from whomever replaces him as majority leader in THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES.
20060118 As recruiters struggle to overcome the national aversion to military service that has gripped the country,
20060118 their superiors wrestle to pin down the underlying reasons behind this FAILURE—OF—THE—USA—PEOPLE to heed the call of the trumpet.
20060118 IRAN scorns EU trio's draft nuclear resolution:
20060118 European powers began circulating 1—DRAFT—RESOLUTION—ON—WEDNESDAY that asks THE—UNITED—NATIONS—NUCLEAR—WATCHDOG to report IRAN to the Security Council,
20060118 CHINA, RUSSIA would fight IRAN oil sanctions: experts:
20060118 UNITED—NATIONS Security Council heavyweights CHINA and RUSSIA have too much riding on IRAN—ENERGY—SECTOR to let the West slap sanctions on TEHRAN to punish its nuclear ambitions, experts say.
20060118 —SIGNALED, MOSCOW has, 1—CHANGE in its stance toward TEHRAN.
20060118 In recent days, officials including RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTER—SERGEI—IVANOV have indicated they would not block 1—SECURITY—COUNCIL referral,
20060118 although they would likely still oppose sanctions
20060118 —PICKED, The west has, 1—FIGHT with IRAN that it cannot win:
20060118 IRAN is 1—SERIOUS—COUNTRY, not another 2—BIT—POST—IMPERIAL rogue waiting to be slapped about the head by 1—WHITE—MAN.
20060118 It is the 4. largest oil producer in the world.
20060118 Its population is heading towards 80—MILLION - Avoiding 1—WAR with IRAN :
20060118 THE—TOPPLING—OF—IRAN—THEOCRATIC—REGIME would consolidate dwindling resources under the stars and stripes and guarantee continued SUPREMACY—OF—USA financial institutions,
20060118 USA—ENERGY—GIANTS + the faltering greenback.
20060118 Additionally, it would defang 1—POTENTIAL—RIVAL to 1—EMERGENT—ISRAEL,
20060118 which sees itself as the prevailing power in the region.
20060118 INDIA, IRAN and the nuclear challenge:
20060118 As of 20060100 , THE—USA—STOCKPILE contains almost 10,000 nuclear warheads.
20060118 This includes 5,735 active or operational warheads: 5,235 strategic and 500—NONSTRATEGIC—WARHEADS.
20060118 Approximately 4,225 additional warheads are held in the reserve or inactive stockpiles
20060118 Another Witness Testifies with Perjury into ASSASSINATION—OF—HARIRI:
20060118 —FORCED, The witness IBRAHIM—MICHEL—JARJOURA said he was, to offer 1—FALSE and fabricated testimony against Syria at THE—INTERNATIONAL—INVESTIGATION—COMMITTEE—INTO—THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—FORMER—LEBANESE—PREMIER—RAFIK—AL—HARIRI because he was under threats and pressures to do so.
20060118 accusing him of fomenting terrorism against ISRAEL and backing SYRIA—INTRUSION in LEBANON.
20060118 Hamas support grows —AFTER Israelis shoot militant leader:
20060118 SURFACE—TO—AIR—MISSILE Downed USA Chopper in IRAQ:
20060118 It's 1—TROUBLING new development because there are hundreds — and by SOME—ESTIMATES thousands — of SA—7—MISSILES that are unaccounted for in IRAQ.
20060118 USA—HELICOPTERS in IRAQ face menace of 'aerial bombs':
20060118 The new HOME—MADE weapons, known to the Americans as "aerial improvised explosive devices" have been used on numerous occasions.
20060118 Official USA—AGENCY paints dire picture of 'OUT—OF—CONTROL' IRAQ:
20060118 —PAINTED, Account belies picture, by WHITE—HOUSE - BAGHDAD Burning: IRAQ—GIRL—BLOG:
20060118 Veteran reporter says 3,000-4,000 Iraqis killed EVERY—MONTH:
20060118 Between 3,000 and 4,000 Iraqis are killed EVERY—MONTH, rendering "ridiculous" USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—ESTIMATE of about 30,000 CIVIL—CASUALTIES—SINCE THE—START—OF—THE—WAR,
20060118 COLIN—POWELL, talks about IRAN, rendition,
20060118 the decisions that took THE—USA—AND—BRITAIN to war-
20060118 rendition, the decisions that took THE—USA—AND—BRITAIN to war + that notorious presentation to THE—UNITED—NATIONS on IRAQ—WEAPONS—PROGRAMME.
20060118 It's worth watching.
20060118 It is not the divine RIGHT—OF—CHRISTIAN—WEST to subjugate and rule THE—MIDDLE—EAST, AFRICA or ASIA through the power of its guns.
20060118 Another Undeclared War?
20060118 Is THE—USA—ABOUT to launch a 2. preemptive war, against 1—NATION that has not attacked us,
20060118 to deprive IT—OF—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION that it does not have?
20060118 Der Polizei ist ein harter Schlag gegen Hersteller der Partydroge Ecstasy gelungen.
20060118 BELGIEN, und den Niederlanden legten Beamte nach Medienangaben 2—PRODUKTIONSSTÄTTEN still.
20060118 Der geschätzte Verkaufswert der dort produzierten Pillen beträgt über 2,5 Milliarden Euro.
20060118 An der Razzia waren neben niederländischen und belgischen Ermittlern auch deutsche Beamte beteiligt.
20060118 Die Ermittlungen laufen —BEREITS—SEIT.20040900 .
20060118 Ausgelöst wurden sie durch den Fund eines Lastwagens, der mit DROGENLABOR—ABFÄLLEN beladenen war.
20060118 Für Forschungszwecke müssen aber nach ANSICHT—DER—UMWELTSCHÜTZER keine Wale sterben.
20060118 "Forschung kann auch an verendeten und an lebendigen Tieren betrieben werden", hieß es.
20060118 Finnwale, —NACH—DEN Blauwalen die größten Tiere der Erde, sind vom Aussterben bedroht.
20060118 Sie leben normalerweise im Nordatlantik und verirren sich nur ÄUß—ERST selten in die Ostsee.
20060118 Nach 1. Einschätzung von GREENPEACE—MITARBEITERN ist der in Wismar gestrandete Wal verhungert.
20060118 Auf der Jagd nach Heringen sei er vermutlich in die Ostsee gelangt und habe im relativ flachen Wasser die Orientierung verloren.
20060118 Benelux: Polizei legt ECSTASY—FABRIKEN lahm
20060118 Insiderhandel: DAIMLER—AUFSICHTRATSCHEF Kopper unter Verdacht
20060118 —KORRIGIERT, Deutsche Wirtschaft: IWF, Wachstumsprognose nach oben
20060118 GREENPEACE—AKTION: Walkadaver liegt vor Japans Botschaft
20060118 PLUTO—RAUMSONDE: Start zum 2. Mal verschoben
20060118 Menschenrechte: Human Rights Watch unterstellt USA bewusste Folterstrategie
20060118 Britische Studie: Ärzte leisten Sterbehilfe meist ohne Einwilligung
20060118 Statistisches Bundesamt: Flugverkehr nahm 20050000 stark zu
20060118 GUANTANAMO: Uiguren schalten SUPREME—COURT ein
20060118 Kritische Berichte: Chinesische Journalisten zu jahrelangen Haftstrafen verurteilt
20060118 CIA—GEHEIMGEFÄNGNISSE: Europaparlament setzt Untersuchungsausschuss ein
20060118 Pekinger Konferenz: 1,9 Milliarden Dollar sollen Vogelgrippe stoppen
20060118 Schlappe für Kommission: EU—PARLAMENT stoppt HAFEN—LIBERALISIERUNG
20060118 GEHEIMDIENST—AFFÄRE: Fischer rechtfertigt BND—EINSATZ
20060118 —VERHINDERT, Großbritannien: Polizei, Entführung von BLAIR—SOHN
20060118 Zu kurzer Zug: Wütende Pendler stellen sich auf die Schienen
20060118 MILLIARDEN—ÜBERNAHME: Google funkt Radiowerbung
20060118 Kampf um Nigerias Öl: "Verlasst unser Land oder ihr werdet hier sterben"
20060118 TOKIO—EFFEKT und TECH—SCHWÄCHE: Dax rutscht nach unten - alfatomega.com/200504280517.html
20060118 —TAPPED, Critics say IRAQ fund was suspiciously, —BEFORE handover:
20060118 —PROVIDED, She is said to have, 1—ALIBI for businessman Flavio CARBONI—1—OF 4—PEOPLE currently on trial in ROME ACCUSED—OF—CALVI—MURDER.
20060118 THE—2—FLEW to EDINBURGH THE—DAY—AFTER CALVI—DEATH and Carboni was described as "in 1 agitated state".
20060118 Officials in ROME said Morris was being held in connection with perjury and perverting THE—COURSE—OF—JUSTICE in the Calvi case.
20060118 —HANGED, Calvi was found, under Blackfriars Bridge in LONDON
20060118 —DUBBED, He was, "GOD—BANKER" because of his ties with THE—VATICAN Bank + —AT—THE—TIME—OF his death was said to be on the run from the Mafia.
20060118 —COLLAPSED, Calvi was THE—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—BANCO—AMBROSIANO which, with spectacular debts —JUST—BEFORE he †.
20060118 Morris knew Carboni through the aunt of his mistress who had oo her father, William.
20060118 —ARRESTED, Police, Morris —18—MONTHS—AGO and she was questioned and released on bail but has —NOW been held again.
20060118 —ALLEGED, ITALY—PROSECUTORS want to know more from her about 1, alibi she provided for Carboni.
20060118 —LINKED, ARREST—OF—UK—WOMAN, to the death of 'GOD—BANKER'
20060118 1—UK—WOMAN has been arrested in connection with the death of "GOD—BANKER" Roberto Calvi.
20060118 Odette Morris, 45, was held at her WEST—LONDON home —ON—FRIDAY—AFTER 1—REQUEST by ITALY—POLICE.
20060118 The Continuing MYSTERY—OF—AMERICA'S 'Lost Colony'
20060118 Roanoke Island is off THE—MID—ATLANTIC—COAST—OF—THE—USA, in NORTH—CAROLINA.
20060118 —3—YEARS—LATER, they were gone.
20060118 —TODAY we revisit the mystery of whatever happened to AMERICA’s "Lost Colony".
20060118 —FLOATED, Neanderthal man, into EUROPE, say SPAIN—RESEARCHERS
20060118 SPAIN—INVESTIGATORS believe they may have found proof that neanderthal man reached EUROPE from AFRICAN—NOT —JUST via THE—MIDDLE—EAST but by sailing,
20060118 swimming or floating across the Strait of GIBRALTAR.
20060118 4,000—YEAR—OLD 'kitchen' discovered at park Workers building 1—BOAT ramp at SOUTH—EAST—INDIANA—CHARLESTOWN—STATE—PARK have uncovered the apparent remains of a 4,000—YEAR—OLD "kitchen" ancient USA—INDIANS tribes may have used to prepare their —WINTER food supply.
20060118 Did UK—SECRET—AGENT—SHOOT Dead Rasputin?
20060118 Shocking new ballistics evidence reveals that 1—UK—SECRET—AGENT was the deadly assassin who shot dead RUSSIA's 'mad monk' Rasputin —90—YEARS—AGO,
20060118 it was claimed —TODAY.
20060118 1—PROFESSOR has travelled —BACK—IN time to investigate 19160000 —THE autopsy report,
20060118 autopsy materials and photographs —BEFORE finally shedding new light on the mystery DEATH—OF—RUSSIA'S famed 'love machine'.
20060118 Phone Tax Has Surprising Origin We're still paying for THE—SPANISH—USA—WAR?
20060118 —DISCOVERED, Claws out over claim CHINA, AMERICAN—THE—CHINA—ARE said to have discovered gunpowder, paper and the compass, but it may be too early to claim they discovered AMERICA.
20060118 1—MAP purported to date
20060118 —YAHOO—QUARTALSZAHLEN: Aktie bricht nach enttäuschendem Ergebnis ein
20060118 IBM—QUARTALSERGEBNIS: Großrechner gefragt, Erwartungen übertroffen
20060118 Intelligence in the 20010101—21001231 —CENTURY -- 1—ESSENTIAL—INFORMATION...
20060118 AL—ODAH.
20060118 —CAPTURED, Habeas challenges to the military detention of, foreign nationals at... AL—ODAH.
20060118 Petitioners deny they are enemy aliens or combatants;.
20060118 PRESS RELEASE 20051205 Urgent Alert: Gitmo Hunger...
20060118 consulted doctors, who advised that Fawzi AL—ODAH was in imminent DANGER—OF—DEATH...-
20060118 KUWAIT—FAWZI AL—ODAH, 28, has been imprisoned without charges at
20060118 Attorney TOM—WILNER, who represents AL—ODAH, anticipates 1—LEGAL and ethical dilemma...
20060118 HENRY—MARK—HOLZER, you are viewing page: henrymarkholzer>Terrorism...
20060118 —ENTITLED, The case is, Odah et al. v. USA—OF—AMERICA.
20060118 The other case —BEFORE THE—COURT—WAS—AL—ODAH v. USA.
20060118 In the fall of 20050000 Clinic students began to assist attorneys from the law firm of Shearman...
20060118 W&D | Publications | SUPREME—COURT—UPDATES | Rasul v. Bush (03 ...
20060118 Greetings Court fans! CCR—NY : Rasul v. Bush
20060118 CCR + AL—ODAH attorneys file for writ of certiorari —BEFORE THE—SUPREME—COURT.
20060118 Hitlers Helfer (Göring) (Referat oder Hausaufgabe)
20060118 —BEGINNT, Eichmann, als Angestellter, der Informationen über Freimaurer sammelt.
20060118 —VOR—90—JAHREN wurde die geheime USA—REGIERUNG gegründet...
20060118 dem FREIMAURER—GEDANKENGUT sehr nahe stehenden "ODD—FELLOWS—ORDEN" als
20060118 Präsidenten ist für keinen USA—STAATSCHEF erstrebenswert.
20060118 Chronologie der Loge
20060118 Die amerikanischen Freimaurer gründeten 19190000 einen "MASONIC—CLUB".
20060118 und die zahlreichen Brüder der USA—ARMEE konnten nun die Räume für ihr Sekretariat +
20060118 Deutschland.
20060118 Bombenanschlag auf das EUROPA—HAUPTQUARTIER der USA—ARMEE in HEIDELBERG >>mehr
20060118 Anschlag auf das 5. USA—ARMY Corps in FRANKFURT >>mehr...
20060118 —VERWENDET, Da diese Definition, die die USA—ARMEE selbst, also nicht verwendet werden kann, weil dann JEDER—KRIEG—TERROR wäre, auch wenn dafür andere Namen...
20060118 eTrend: Hintergrundinfos zu den USA
20060118 THE—ADL is "...1—OF—THE—UGLIEST, most powerful pressure groups in THE—USA...
20060118 Namenslisten unter dem Link oben;
20060118 hinzu kommen jene in der USA—ARMEE : Norman...
20060118 USA—ARMEE tötet im Irak bekannten Religionsgelehrten.
20060118 Die USA—ARMEE hat im Nordirak nach ANGABEN—DER—POLIZEI den bekannten kurdischen Religionsgelehrten.
20060118 NET—NEWS—GLOBAL.de/index.php?cat=0&comment=46772
20060118 1—TRIBUTE to IRAQ—INGENUITY - USA, ISRAEL pushing IRAN on nukes
20060118 PSEG Nuclear, LLC and Amergen Energy Company, LLC;
20060118 Notice of 1 and 2 ( SALEM ), HOPE—CREEK—GENERATING—STATION ( HOPE—CREEK ), and Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating... request for increased security at SALEM, Hope
20060118 Mind CONTROL—BEWUßTSEINSKONTROLLE... Wissenschaftler im Dresdner " Zentrum für Forschung und Technik' und " Zentrum für Mikroelektronik... Liste führender FORSCHUNGSEINRICHTUN—GEN vor;
20060118 bei HITACHI... - Mind CONTROL—BEWUßTSEINSKONTROLLE "Zunehmende Aufmerksamkeit ist den sogenannten HPM—QUELLEN (HPM—WAFFEN) zu widmen (HPM: High Power Microwave), deren Bedeutung und Entwicklung relativ jung sind, wie die einschlägigen Veröffentlichungen belegen.... Wissenschaftler im Dresdner " Zentrum für Forschung und Technik' und " Zentrum für Mikroelektronik... Liste führender FORSCHUNGSEINRICHTUN—GEN vor;
20060118 USA—REGIERUNG : Mehr Hilfe für Irak sehr wichtig... alfatomega.com/2004062426_Report.htm
20060118 OMV AG — Wikipedia Die OMV Aktiengesellschaft (früher Österreichische Mineralölverwaltung; ÖMV) ist ein Österreichischer Mineralöl-, Erdgas- + Chemiekonzern.
20060118 ROME prosecutors to charge USA—SOLDIER with murdering ITALY—AGENT in IRAQ : ITALY—PROSECUTORS investigating THE—KILLING—OF—1—ITALY—SECRET—SERVICE—AGENT at 1—CHECKPOINT in IRAQ plan to charge A—USA—SOLDIER with murder and attempted murder, ITALY—MEDIA reported —TUESDAY.
20060118 —ISSUED, THE—PHILIPPINES—JUDGE last —WEEK, arrest warrants for the marines, held in custody by THE—USA—EMBASSY, in 1—BID to pressure WASHINGTON to hand them over
20060118 AUSTRALIA: PM knew of wheat deal: Labor :SENIOR Howard government ministers must offer themselves as witnesses at THE—AWB inquiry as evidence mounts that they ignored its illicit payments to Saddam HUSSEIN—REGIME, Labor says.
20060118 But he would not say with whom Abramoff met, which interests he was representing or how he got access to THE—WHITE—HOUSE
20060118 (THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—COUSHATTA tribe —INITIALLY denied the meeting occured, but subsequently admitted that it did.) Abramoff charged his client 25,000 to arrange the meeting.
20060118 —PRESSURED, Lawmakers, Interior —WHILE getting large donations from Abramoff tribes : Nearly 3—DOZEN—MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS, including leaders from both parties, pressed the government to reject 1—LOUISIANA—INDIA—CASINO—WHILE they collected large donations from rival tribes and their lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF.
20060118 Corruption Digest : Here is your briefing on how AMERICA—POLITICAL—SYSTEM is being sold to the highest bidders.
20060118 Congressman made personal loan to BANK—PRESIDENT shortly —BEFORE bank extended him $250,000-plus loan
20060118 Democrats and Other False Friends: "GEORGE—BUSH would be in severe political trouble if there were 1—OPPOSITION—POLITICAL—PARTY in the country.
20060118 PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS: Gore Is Right : FORMER—VICE—PRESIDENT—AL—GORE gave what I believe to be the most important political speech in my lifetime + THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, "THE—NEWSPAPER—OF—RECORD," did not report it.
20060118 Not even excerpts.
20060118 —HIJACKED, Senate candidate unapologetic for saying GOP, by fanatics : OHIO—REPUBLICAN leader wants Democratic USA—SENATE—CANDIDATE—PAUL—HACKETT to apologize for calling SOME—CONSERVATIVE—REPUBLICANS religious fanatics and comparing them to terrorist mastermind OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20060118 Urge Senate to Stop his Nomination to THE—SUPREME—COURT
20060118 Buffett: USA—TRADE—DEFICIT Is 1—THREAT: THE—USA—TRADE—DEFICIT is 1—BIGGER—THREAT to the domestic economy than either the federal budget deficit or debt + could lead to "political turmoil," billionaire investor WARREN—BUFFETT warned.
20060118 —ASSISTED, SUPREME—COURT—BACKS—OREGON, suicide law : In a 6—3—VOTE, justices ruled that 1—FEDERAL—DRUG—LAW could not be used to prosecute OREGON doctors who prescribed overdoses intended to facilitate the deaths of terminally ill patients.
20060118 Leading candidates for high post in House are both strong on ISRAEL : TOM—DELAY—JEWISH—FRIENDS — and enemies — can expect the same friendliness to ISRAEL and affection for FAITH—BASED funding from whomever replaces him as majority leader in THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES.
20060118 SCOTT—RITTER: The Military RECRUITER—LAMENT: As recruiters struggle to overcome the national aversion to military service that has gripped the country, their superiors wrestle to pin down the underlying reasons behind this FAILURE—OF—THE—USA—PEOPLE to heed the call of the trumpet.
20060118 IRAN scorns EU trio's draft nuclear resolution : European powers began circulating 1—DRAFT—RESOLUTION on —WEDNESDAY that asks THE—UNITED—NATIONS—NUCLEAR—WATCHDOG to report IRAN to the Security Council, drawing 1—SCORNFUL—RESPONSE from IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD.
20060118 CHINA, RUSSIA would fight IRAN oil sanctions: experts: UNITED—NATIONS Security Council heavyweights CHINA and RUSSIA have too much riding on IRAN—ENERGY—SECTOR to let the West slap sanctions on TEHRAN to punish its nuclear ambitions, experts say.
20060118 In recent days, officials including RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTER—SERGEI—IVANOV have indicated they would not block 1—SECURITY—COUNCIL referral, although they would likely still oppose sanctions
20060118 —PICKED, The west has, 1—FIGHT with IRAN that it cannot win : IRAN is 1—SERIOUS—COUNTRY, not another 2—BIT—POST—IMPERIAL rogue waiting to be slapped about the head by 1—WHITE—MAN.
20060118 Its capital, TEHRAN, is 1—MIGHTY metropolis half as big again as LONDON.
20060118 Noam Chomsky : IRAN would be "crazy" not to develop nuclear weapons.
20060118 USA, ISRAEL pushing IRAN on nukes
20060118 Avoiding 1—WAR with IRAN : THE—TOPPLING—OF—IRAN—THEOCRATIC—REGIME would consolidate dwindling resources under the stars and stripes and guarantee continued SUPREMACY—OF—USA financial institutions, USA—ENERGY—GIANTS + the faltering greenback.
20060118 Additionally, it would defang 1—POTENTIAL—RIVAL to 1—EMERGENT—ISRAEL, which sees itself as the prevailing power in the region.
20060118 Siding again with THE—USA and its allies in their illegal pressure on IRAN will weaken INDIA—HAND on the civil nuclear cooperation and energy fronts
20060118 USA nuclear forces, 20060000 :
20060118 Another Witness Testifies with Perjury into ASSASSINATION—OF—HARIRI : The witness IBRAHIM—MICHEL—JARJOURA said he was forced to offer 1—FALSE and fabricated testimony against Syria at THE—INTERNATIONAL—INVESTIGATION—COMMITTEE—INTO—THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—FORMER—LEBANESE—PREMIER—RAFIK—AL—HARIRI because he was under threats and pressures to do so.
20060118 "People will show solidarity with the martyrs and the organisation they belong to".
20060118 SURFACE—TO—AIR—MISSILE Downed USA Chopper in IRAQ : It's 1—TROUBLING new development because there are hundreds — and by SOME—ESTIMATES thousands — of SA—7—MISSILES that are unaccounted for in IRAQ.
20060118 USA—HELICOPTERS in IRAQ face menace of 'aerial bombs' : The new HOME—MADE weapons, known to the Americans as "aerial improvised explosive devices" have been used on numerous occasions.
20060118 Between 3,000 and 4,000 Iraqis are killed EVERY—MONTH, rendering "ridiculous" USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—ESTIMATE of about 30,000 CIVIL—CASUALTIES—SINCE THE—START—OF—THE—WAR, veteran UK—JOURNALIST—ROBERT—FISK said —WEDNESDAY
20060118 COLIN—POWELL, talks about IRAN, rendition, the decisions that took THE—USA—AND—BRITAIN to war
20060118 JEREMY—PAXMAN, has been speaking to FORMER—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—COLIN—POWELL—ABOUT IRAN, rendition, the decisions that took THE—USA—AND—BRITAIN to war + that notorious presentation to THE—UNITED—NATIONS on IRAQ—WEAPONS—PROGRAMME.
20060118 USA Franchised Torture Refuses To Go Away
20060118 THE—IRAQ—RESISTANCE to USA—LED occupation from the very beginning has made it clear that THE—ERA—OF—COLONIZATION is over.
20060118 Is THE—USA—ABOUT to launch a 2. preemptive war, against 1—NATION that has not attacked us, to deprive IT—OF—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION that it does not have?
20060118 DUISBURG/VOERENDAAL—EINEM Bericht der "Neue Ruhr/Neue RHEIN—ZEITUNG" zufolge wurden mehrere dutzend Personen festgenommen.
20060118 In den Labors haben die nach Schätzungen der Polizei mehr als 500—MILLIONEN Tabletten produziert.
20060118 Die Polizei will an diesem —DONNERSTAG im niederländischen Helmond Einzelheiten zum Schlag gegen die ECSTASY—PRODUZENTEN bekannt geben.
20060118 —BEGRÜNDET, Die japanische Regierung, die Jagd auf die Meeressäuger mit wissenschaftlichem INTERESSE—AUCH wenn das Fleisch der Wale anschließend in Restaurants und Feinschmeckerläden landet.
20060118 Greenpeace' Walentführung: Whale Watching in BERLIN
20060118 Börsenkrise in Tokio: "Es war 1—WETTE, die Anleger eingingen"
20060118 Ärzteprotest in BERLIN: Massentherapie am Tiergarten
20060118 ELTERN—ERFOLG: USA—SCHULE streicht Kreationismus vom Lehrplan
20060118 Protestaktion: Greenpeace bringt Walkadaver nach BERLIN
20060118 Atomstreit mit IRAN: EU will den Sicherheitsrat einschalten
20060118 Abwärtstrend in FRANKFURT: Dax rutscht steil nach unten
20060118 USA—FILMMARKT: Todeskampf der Videotheken
20060118 —SUSPECTED, Investigators have long, he was killed by the Mafia —AFTER 1 bungled money laundering operation + his body left under the bridge to make it look like suicide.
20060118 —UPDATED, Last : 16-Jan-06 01:16 GMT Delivery formats for "UK" - [more info]
20060118 —ARRIVED, 12070000 —IN, more than 100—PEOPLE, from ENGLAND to live on the island.
20060118 —HAPPENED, —TODAY we revisit the mystery of whatever, to AMERICA’s "Lost Colony".
20060118 SPAIN—INVESTIGATORS believe they may have found proof that neanderthal man reached EUROPE from AFRICAN—NOT —JUST via THE—MIDDLE—EAST but by sailing, swimming or floating across the Strait of GIBRALTAR.
20060118 4,000—YEAR—OLD 'kitchen' discovered at park
20060118 Workers building 1—BOAT ramp at SOUTH—EAST—INDIANA—CHARLESTOWN—STATE—PARK have uncovered the apparent remains of a 4,000—YEAR—OLD "kitchen" ancient USA—INDIANS tribes may have used to prepare their —WINTER food supply.
20060118 1—PROFESSOR has travelled —BACK—IN time to investigate 19160000 —THE autopsy report, autopsy materials and photographs —BEFORE finally shedding new light on the mystery DEATH—OF—RUSSIA'S famed 'love machine'.
20060118 Phone Tax Has Surprising Origin
20060118 We're still paying for THE—SPANISH—USA—WAR?
20060118 —DISCOVERED, Claws out over claim CHINA, AMERICA
20060118 —DISCOVERED, THE—CHINA—ARE said to have, gunpowder, paper and the compass, but it may be too early to claim they discovered AMERICA.
20060118 TMC Asser INSTITUUT—INTRODUCTION—INTERNATIONAL—HUMANITARIAN and... KUWAIT—FAWZI AL—ODAH, 28, has been imprisoned without charges at... Attorney TOM—WILNER, who represents AL—ODAH, anticipates 1—LEGAL and ethical dilemma...
20060118 W&D | Publications | SUPREME—COURT—UPDATES | <i>Rasul v. Bush (03 ... Bush (03-334);
20060118 AL—ODAH v. USA (03-343) and Intel Corp. v. Advanced Micro Devices, INCORPORATED (02-572).
20060118 Greetings Court fans!
20060118 CCR—NY : Rasul v. Bush DISTRICT—COURT—DISMISSES—RASUL + AL—ODAH for LACK—OF—SUBJECT—MATTER... CCR + AL—ODAH attorneys file for writ of certiorari —BEFORE THE—SUPREME—COURT.
20060118 —VOR—90—JAHREN wurde die geheime USA—REGIERUNG gegründet... dem FREIMAURER—GEDANKENGUT sehr nahe stehenden "ODD—FELLOWS—ORDEN" als... Präsidenten ist für keinen USA—STAATSCHEF erstrebenswert.
20060118 und die zahlreichen Brüder der USA—ARMEE konnten nun die Räume für ihr Sekretariat +... FREIMAURER—KOBLENZ.de/historie2.htm
20060118 Ask1_ORG—REDAKTION: Terrorarchiv Deutschland.
20060118 Bombenanschlag auf das EUROPA—HAUPTQUARTIER der USA—ARMEE in HEIDELBERG >>mehr... Anschlag auf das 5. USA—ARMY Corps in FRANKFURT >>mehr.
20060118 eTrend: Hintergrundinfos zu den USA THE—ADL is "...1—OF—THE—UGLIEST, most powerful pressure groups in THE—USA......Namenslisten unter dem Link oben;
20060118 NET NEWS GLOBAL USA—ARMEE tötet im Irak bekannten Religionsgelehrten.
20060118 A Tribute to IRAQ—INGENUITY
20060118-19980000 —ESTABLISHED, Seisint is, + started to work on 1—ANTI—TERROR—DATA—MINING program, —LATER renamed...
20060118—14180000 —FROM, 1—MAP purported to date suggesting 1—CHINA—FLEET sailed to AMERICAN—DECADES—BEFORE CHRISTOPHER—COLUMBUS was displayed in BEIJING on —MONDAY, but the piece of yellowing paper is the centre of 1—STORM—OF—CRITICISM over its authenticity.
20060118—19450500 schließlich wurde er von der USA—ARMY in Gewahrsam genommen.
20060118—19820000 —HANGED, Calvi was found, under Blackfriars Bridge in LONDON, his pockets stuffed with bricks and bank notes.
20060118—19980000 —ESTABLISHED, Seisint is, + started to work on 1—ANTI—TERROR—DATA—MINING program ,
20060118—20010500 —IN, Abramoff Met With Bush ;
20060118—20010509 —ON, ; THE—TEXAS Observer reports that Abramoff met with Bush 0000—DATE ,
20060118—20010509 —ON, THE—TEXAS Observer reports that Abramoff met with Bush, with his clients, the Coushatta tribe.
20060118—20010601 —DRAINED, USA—OFFICIALS in CHARGE—OF—THE—DEVELOPMENT—FUND for IRAQ, all but $900—MILLION from the $20—BILLION fund in what 1—WATCHDOG—GROUP has called an "11.-hour splurge".
20060118—20020000 Memo Doubted Uranium Sale Claim-
20060118—20060119 —FILED, THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT, 1—MOTION requiring Google to disclose information about consumer Web searches.
20060118—20060119 —REFUSED, Google, to comply.
20060118—20060328 —ON, FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—SHIMON—PERES said ISRAEL would be ready to open negotiations with the Palestinians on 1—PERMANENT—PEACE—ACCORD—AFTER ISRAEL—ELECTIONS.
20060118—20060808 —JOINED, KUWAIT—DETAINEE—FAWZI AL—ODAH, the hunger strike.----
20060118—20060808 —ON, PRESS RELEASE 20051205 Urgent Alert: Gitmo Hunger... HTML KUWAIT—DETAINEE—FAWZI AL—ODAH joined the hunger strike.----...consulted doctors, who advised that Fawzi AL—ODAH was in imminent DANGER—OF—DEATH... -
20060118—20100000 —BY, Its population is heading towards 80—MILLION.
20060121—20060118 —ON, Noam Chomsky, 'THE—WAR—ON—TERROR', (full text) : Described by The New Yorker as 'one of the greatest minds of the 19010101—20001231 —CENTURY', Noam Chomsky gave 20060000 —THE Amnesty Lecture, hosted by Trinity College DUBLIN.
20060131—20060118 —ON, FBI Agents Back Down —WHEN Librarian Refuses to Let Them Seize 30—COMPUTERS Without 1—WARRANT: 1—E—MAIL threat that prompted the evacuation of more than 12—BRANDEIS University buildings led to 1—UNUSUAL standoff in 1—PUBLIC—LIBRARY in NEWTON—MASSACHUSETTS, 1—FEW miles from the Brandeis campus.
20060226—20050118 WARREN—BUFFET (19990000 )
20060602—20100118 —ON, SAAD—GAYA, 22—JAHRE—ALT, 1—OF—THE "TORONTO 18" group, was sentenced to 12—YEARS in prison.
20060629 —SCHON 20060118 —AM...
20060629—20060118 —AM—SCHON...
20061100 Milliardeninvestitionen: Russische Firmen wachsen im Ausland...
20070100 Bellant,R. Old Nazi s. 19890000 (44). pages cited this search: 1—ORDER—HARD—COPY—OF these PAGES—SHOW 1—SOCIAL—NETWORK diagram... alfatomega.com/20070118.html
20070100 Senior Bush Official Misled Congress About Oil Industry PAYOFF—PAYSON -... alfatomega.com/20070118.html
20070100 NEPAL Maoists lock their weapons NEPAL—MAOISTS begin locking up their weapons in 1—KEY—PART—OF—THE—COUNTRY—PEACE—PROCESS. alfatomega.com/20070118.html
20070118 Über 300—JAHRE nach Auflösung der 1. Fruchtbringenden Gesellschaft wird in Köthen die Neue Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft zu Köthen/Anhalt e. V. – Vereinigung zur Pflege der deutschen Sprache gegründet.
20070118 † † ? 47—MENSCHEN kommen ums Leben und
20070118 es entsteht 1—SACHSCHADEN—VON über einer Milliarde Euro.
20070118 Die Analysten von Deutsche Securities stufen die Aktie von Barrick Gold (ISIN CA0679011084/WKN 870450) weiterhin mit "buy" ein.
20070118 - "Cold Weather Blamed for 2—HOUSE—FIRES"--headline, KSN—TV—WEB—SITE (WICHITA, Kan.), 20070115
20070118 TPMmuckraker 20070116 ,:28 PM - Is THE—CATHOLIC—PAPA?
20070118 —WARNED, Federal Reserve Chairman BEN—BERNANKE, THE—USA—CONGRESS that failure to take action soon to deal with the budgetary strains posed by 1—AGING—USA—POPULATION could lead to serious economic harm.
20070118 —SPARED, Truck driver TYRONE—WILLIAMS was, the death penalty and sentenced in HOUSTON to life in prison for his role in the deaths of 19—ILLEGAL—IMMIGRANTS crammed in 1—SWELTERING—TRACTOR—TRAILER.
20070118 The heated controversy at ABC—TOP—SHOW, "GREY—ANATOMY," boiled over as the network rebuked CO—STAR—ISAIAH—WASHINGTON for 1—ANTI—GAY—COMMENT and WASHINGTON issued 1—LENGTHY—APOLOGY.
20070118 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER detonated his explosives next to AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS in 1—EASTERN—AFGHANISTAN—MARKET, killing 1—SOLDIER and wounding 3.
20070118 SOUTH—AMERICA—MOST prominent leaders met in Rio for a 2—DAY—SUMMIT—OF—THE fractured Mercosur economic bloc.
20070118 Leaders sought to refocus Mercosur on the needs of the region's poor as VENEZUELA—OUTSPOKEN PRESIDENT called for remaking Mercosur to fit his vision of "20010101—21001231 —CENTURY socialism".
20070118 —CLASHED, CHINA, HUNDREDS—OF—RIOT—POLICE, with villagers protesting against 1 alleged land grab by officials in THE—SOUTH—PROVINCE—OF—GUANGDONG.
20070118 DUBAI, 1—HIGH—RISE—APARTMENT building under construction caught fire, injuring up to 25—WORKERS and trapping others in thick smoke as rescue crews scrambled to reach them.
20070118 —LAUNCHED, EAST—TIMOR and THE—UN, 1—APPEAL for $16.6—MILLION to help resettle and reintegrate about 100,000—PEOPLE displaced by violence which wracked the country —LAST—YEAR.
20070118 —PREPARED, INDIA, to send 125—OF—ITS crack policewomen to LIBERIA to act as UN peacekeepers, the 1. time the world body has deployed 1—ALL—FEMALE—UNIT.
20070118 INDIA, 1—BOAT carrying people to 1—RELIGIOUS—FESTIVAL sank on the Krishna River.
20070118 —FEARED, As many as 66—PILGRIMS were, drowned.
20070118 —KILLED, IRAQ, at least 59—PEOPLE were, or found dead.
20070118 3—CAR—BOMBS detonated within MINUTES—OF—EACH—OTHER in front of 1—WHOLESALE vegetable market near 1—SHIITE enclave on the edge the predominantly Sunni neighborhood of Dora in SOUTH—BAGHDAD, killing at least 10—PEOPLE and wounding 30. THE—USA—MILITARY acknowledged that coalition forces had searched THE—SUDAN—EMBASSY in BAGHDAD.
20070118 —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—FELIPE—CALDERON, 1—ACCORD with businesses to curb soaring tortilla prices and protect MEXICO—POOR from speculative sellers and 1—SURGE in the cost of corn driven by THE—USA—ETHANOL industry.
20070118 —TRIED, Truck driver Albano Ramirez SANTOS, to commit suicide by throwing himself onto THE—TRACKS—OF—THE—MEXICO—CITY—SUBWAY and was —LATER beaten to death by police.
20070118 SANTOS was reportedly despondent over the theft of his truck.
20070118 1—PHILIPPINE—MARINES platoon battled about 30—EXTREMISTS under ABU—SAYYAF veteran Radullan Sahiron in the Jolo TOWN—OF—PATIKUL.
20070118 † 10—ABU—SAYYAF members and 3—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS, in THE—HOUR—LONG fight, —WHILE 3—MILITANTS were captured.
20070118 —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, RUSSIA—AMBASSADOR to GEORGIA to return to THE—GEORGIA—CAPITAL—AFTER recalling him 4—MONTHS ago, saying that THE—2—COUNTRIES must "normalize" badly strained ties.
20070118 —FINED, SOUTH—KOREA—REGULATORS, the Hyundai Motor Co. 23—BILLION won ($24.5—MILLION) for violating competition rules.
20070118 —ACCUSED, Borys Tarasyuk, UKRAINE—FOREIGN—MINISTER, THE—CABINET—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—YANUKOVYCH of cutting off funds to his ministry, leaving it unable to pay its employees or contribute dues to INTERNATIONAL organizations.
20070118 VENEZUELA—LAWMAKERS gave initial approval to 1—BILL—GRANTING—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ the power to rule by decree —FOR—18—MONTHS so that he can impose sweeping economic, social and political change.
20070118 Watch "Interview w/FORMER—BOSTON Center Air Traffic Controller regarding 20010911 " on Google Video
20070118 — BG—INTERVIEW w/FORMER—BOSTON Center Air Traffic Controller regarding 20010911
20070118 —EXPECTED, This is —JUST so absurd: Are we really, to believe
20070118 c) this 12,000 pound SET—OF—COLUMNS travelled at least 500—FEET from WTC1 —AFTER being dislodged from the tower?
20070118 Jesus, it's crazy.
20070118 I could see the falling columns impaling and getting stuck in the street like we see here:
20070118 There are 1—COUPLE—OF—OTHER—THINGS to note.1) take 1—LOOK at the item below that looks 1—BIT—LIKE 1—CARRY—ON bad with 1—LONG "handle" that is right next to the columns.
20070118 —MOVED, It has clearly been, between the picture above (whe... Source:
20070118 Turley Reacts to Pentagon Attack on Due Process
20070118 "1—ICELAND—COD enzyme might be the cure for bird flu.
20070118 1—RECENT—EXPERIMENT, which THE—ICELAND—COMPANY—ENSÍMTAEKNI hf. took part in, indicates that in 5—MINUTES,
20070118 the isolated fish enzyme killed 99—PERCENT—OF—H5N1 viruses.
20070118 The killer enzyme,
20070118 called penzim, was extracted from the intestines of cod by Ensímtaekni and is currently being developed for beauty products and various types of medicine.
20070118 —CONDUCTED, The experiment on the H5N1 virus was, in LONDON.
20070118 CEO—OF—ENSÍMTAEKNI and biochemist Jón Bragi Bjarnason said he is very excited about THE—RESULTS—OF—THE—BIRD—FLU—EXPERIMENT.
20070118 "People have feared that the bird flu virus will change into 1—HUMAN—FLU—VIRUS and —NOW we have 1—LIKELY cure in case that happens.
20070118 Bjarnason also believes that penzim might prove 1—CURE for common flu and cold, eczema in children and arthritis".
20070118 Daily Show: Deconstructing the "Surge"-
20070118 For all the talk of the Daily Show being a "fake news" program, they provide some of the most sobering and accurate ANALYSIS—OF—THE—INSANITY that is WASHINGTON politics.
20070118 For instance, no other news program points out how, despite THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—INSISTENCE that the Democrats have not offered up 1—ALTERNATIVE to escalation,
20070118 THE—ISG report (.pdf) and THE—LEVIN—REID amendment lay out 2—VERY—CLEAR—PATHS.
20070118 Condi Makes NICE in THE—MIDDLE—EAST—MORE
20070118 Update: Out Like 1—LAM—USA—ATTORNEY—LOSES—JOB—FOR—GOING—AFTER—WHITE—COLLAR—CRIME & Political Corruption
20070118 TPMmuckraker ;;01;; 16,:28 PM
20070118 7/7—DRAMAS? - Sent Using Google Toolbar-
20070118 The Common Ills: JUDGE—RULES—EHREN—WATADA cannot present a defense in COURT—MARTIAL-
20070118 (not to mention THE—TX Death Penalty Record —WHILE BUSH was Gov.) - We Blame Global Warming-
20070118 "Cold Weather Blamed for 2—HOUSE—FIRES"--headline, KSN—TV—WEB—SITE (WICHITA, Kan.), 20070115
20070118 —SEIZED, THE—ALBANIA—GOVERNMENT has, the assets of 1—WEALTHY—SAUDI—ARABIA—THAT, for several years, reportedly maintained simultaneous connections to both AL—QAEDA + THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—WHILE serving THE—INTERESTS—OF—THE—CIA
20070118 Thanks to economic freedom, incomes in the developing world start to catch up.
20070118 No, say AFGHANISTAN—AMBASSADOR and the Joint Chiefs chairman.
20070118 Extra
20070118 —BY—CHARLES—MURRAY, HALF—OF—ALL—CHILDREN are below average in intelligence + teachers can do only so much for them.
20070118 Vocal opposition to PRESIDENT—BUSH—STRATEGY—OF sending more than 20,000 additional troops to help secure IRAQ has grown to include SOME—OF—THE—TROOPS themselves.
20070118 1—GROUP—OF—MORE than 50—ACTIVE—DUTY—MILITARY—OFFICERS will deliver 1—PETITION to Congress —ON—TUESDAY signed by about 1,000 troops calling for 1—END to the U.
20070118 51% Of USA—WOMEN—NOW Living Without 1—SPOUSE...
20070118 For what experts say is probably the 1. time, more USA—WOMEN are living without 1—HUSBAND than with 1, according to 1—NEW—YORK—TIMES—ANALYSIS—OF census results.
20070118 RICE Lobbies Arabs for Backing in IRAQ
20070118 RIYADH—SAUDI—ARABIA (AP) -- SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE—APPEAL for Arab allies to help support the fragile government in IRAQ drew only 1—TEPID endorsement —TUESDAY from the administration's strongest ally in the region..
20070118 - UNITED—NATIONS: 34,452 IRAQ Civilians Killed in '06
20070118 —KILLED, BAGHDAD—IRAQ (AP) - Nearly 35,000 civilians were, —LAST—YEAR in IRAQ,
20070118 —REPORTED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS said —TUESDAY, 1—SHARP—INCREASE from the numbers, previously by THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT..
20070118 MELBOURNE power cut by bush fire
20070118 AUSTRALIA—VICTORIA—STATE—AND—MELBOURNE suffer serious power cuts —AFTER bush fires affect key supply lines.
20070118 Title: Orlev: PRIME—MINISTER should suspend himself | JERUSALEM Post-
20070118 "We went —AFTER small fries at EVERY—TURN," said Neal Katyal, 1—GEORGETOWN—UNIVERSITY—LAW—PROFESSOR who helped argue THE—SUPREME—COURT—CASE last ;;06;;
20070118 that struck down the government's original plan for military trials.
20070118 Camp CHAVAYOT—LIKE nothing else!
20070118 Discover ISRAEL from 1—DIFFERENT—PERSPECTIVE.
20070118 For girls who want more out of ISRAEL than —JUST 1—TOURIST—TOUR.
20070118 Hiking. Jeeping. Swimming. Rappelling.
20070118 They're all PART—OF—CHAVAYOT.
20070118 But ISRAEL is more than 1—GIANT—PLAYGROUND.
20070118 ISRAEL is our land. Our history.
20070118 1—PLACE where EVERY—BLADE—OF—GRASS is cherished.
20070118 Through Chavayot, your daughter will discover why. Click Here
20070118 —ACCUSED—OF, BBC, covering up De Menezes shooting-
20070118 WHITE—HOUSE To Usurp States Powers —DURING Disasters- - BG—THE—POWER grab continues.... Source:
20070118 Unbelievable... almost as bad as Ward Churchill-
20070118 BG—AUTHOR—BLAMES 20010911 On 'Cultural Left' -
20070118 Instead, AMERICA—ENEMIES are right beneath our noses.
20070118 AFGHANISTAN —AFTER democracy: the untold story through photographic images-
20070118 —STAYED, His formula over the years has, consistent: blame "AMERICA" and "corporations" —WHILE failing to examine the hidden Globalist overclass which pulls the strings,
20070118 using THE—USA as 1—ENGINE—OF—CREATION + destruction.
20070118 Then —AFTER pinning all the worlds ills on USA—IMPERIALISM,
20070118 In his book "THE—CONSPIRATOR—HIERARCHY," DOCTOR—JOHN—COLEMAN named Chomsky as 1—DEEP—COVER—CIA—AGENT working to undermine social protest groups.
20070118 —VALIDATED, Certainly DOCTOR—COLEMAN—CLAIMS appear, by an honest REVIEW—OF—CHOMSKY—ROLE as 1—LEFT gatekeeper.... Source:
20070118 Last —TUESDAY, I —POSTED 1—REBUTTAL to THE—SSCI review of Able Danger which I obtained from sources in THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES.
20070118 contrary to claims advanced by FORMER—REPRESENTATIVE—CURT—WELDON and others,
20070118 the program "never produced 1—CHART with MOHAMMED—ATTA—PHOTOGRAPH or name —PRIOR—TO 20010911 —THE attacks".
20070118 Well, here is my take on THE—SSCI "review" of Able Danger.
20070118 —CONCLUDED, To start with they admit on page 2—THEY had already, the Able Danger story was dubious —BEFORE they even talked to all of the witnesses:
20070118 I do my best to stay OUT—OF—BLOG—WARS in which individual bloggers go at EACH—OTHER because I once got involved in 1—THAT truly did nothing but lower me to THE—LEVEL—OF—THE—RIGHT—WINGER attacking me and,
20070118 more importantly, because I truly believe that my readers are —JUST not interested in that nonsense.
20070118 I primarily cover THE—USA—SENATE and that keeps me busy enough without getting down in the gutter with EVERY—CONSERVATIVE—BLOGGER who decides on 1—GIVEN —DAY to heave SOME—SLIME at me or 1—OF—MY—LIBERAL/Progressive/Democratic colleagues.
20070118 But I'm going to comment on this 1—BECAUSE it is truly 1—EXAMPLE—OF how,
20070118 —AFTER taking 1—COUPLE—OF—YEARS to get up 1—GOOD—HEAD—OF steam, our side of the blog world is truly bigger, stronger, faster and sm... Source:
20070118 Barrick Gold "buy" - RATING—UPDATE: FRANKFURT (aktiencheck.de AG) -
20070118 Das Kursziel erhöhe man von 40,57 USD auf 45,26 USD.
20070118 (20070117 /ac/a/u) - Halliburton "overweight"
20070118 Die Analysten von Lehman Brothers stufen die Aktie von HALLIBURTON (ISIN US4062161017/WKN 853986) weiterhin mit "overweight" ein.
20070118 PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON, TALKING heads omit fact that USA—GOVERNMENT,
20070118 NEO—CON ideologues met with cast members to run PR for WAR—ON—TERROR
20070118 PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON, PEACE and prosperity in EAST—AFRICAN nation become latest victim of "WAR—ON—TERROR," but who cares —WHEN 1—NEW
20070118 PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON, HUGE—MILITARY—DEPLOYMENT in Gulf is ominous, neocon PROPAGANDA is mounting
20070118 PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON, TESTIMONY in upcoming book echoes CLAIMS—OF—BROWN,
20070118 McClellan in fingering Johnson as key conspirator
20070118 —INTERESTED, CHRIS—MATTHEWS not, in being the 'big shit.'- - He was "against this bullshit war
20070118 —FROM the very beginning".
20070118 —ARGUED, Tonight, Hardball host CHRIS—MATTHEWS,
20070118 "If you want AMERICA to be 1—HEGEMONIC—POWER in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, you're OUT—OF—STEP with THE—USA—PEOPLE.
20070118 We're not going to fight it out with IRAN for the next 30—YEARS to see who the big shit — I'm sorry — the big name is on the block.
20070118 particularly his recent speech, was "Lincolnesque".
20070118 —ASKED, FOX—HOST—MARTHA—MACCALLUM, Santorum what he THOUGHT—OF—THE—CRITICISM that PRESIDENT—BUSH "is —JUST going his own way,
20070118 not listening to the people, not listening to Congress". Santorum responded, "Good for him".
20070118 —ADDED, Santorum also, that BUSH understands, but most people aren't aware,
20070118 that we are already at war with IRAN.
20070118 —ENCOURAGED, SANTORUM: Well, I am very, by not —JUST THE—SPEECH—OF—THE—THINGS he has done over the past few weeks to,
20070118 I think, heighten THE—AWARENESS—OF—THE—GRAVITY—OF—THE—ENEMY we are fighting.
20070118 I think we've seen in the last several days with the storming of THE—IRAN—COMPOUND and THE—TYPE—OF—PEOPLE that are captured there,
20070118 the Intel people, folks who support terrorism within IRAN in IRAQ right —NOW,
20070118 have been there, have been fighting Moqtada AL—SADR and his brigades, as well as the secret police force in IRAN having 1—HUGE — having 1—HUGE—PRESENCE in IRAQ.
20070118 —ENGAGED, It is 1—INDICATION—OF—THE—KIND—OF—WAR that we are, in right —NOW, although most people do not recognize it, with IRAN.
20070118 MACCALLUM: You say most people do not recognize it + the talk you hear 1—LOT these days is that THE—PRESIDENT is —JUST going his own way,
20070118 not listening to the people, not listening to congress.
20070118 What do you have to say about that? SANTORUM: Good for him.
20070118 What i would say is that THE—COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF—IN—THE—USA,
20070118 in LINCOLN—ESQUE—TYPE—OF—FORM, has to understand the information that he is given,
20070118 the the vast — that the vast MAJORITY—OF—WHICH—THE—USA—PUBLIC do not have + he has to act in the national security interest of this country.
20070118 "Army CHIEF—OF—STAFF—GENERAL—PETE—SCHOOMAKER has told 1—KEY—HOUSE—PANEL that THE—PRESIDENT—NEW—PLAN for IRAQ stands a '50/50—CHANCE' of success,
20070118 —ISSUED, The Interior Department inspector general has, 1—REPORT that finds "pervasive problems
20070118 The report reveals top Interior DEPARTMENT.
20070118 officials knew about the problem for years, but refused to do anything about it.
20070118 "What I wanted to know is if that miscommunication was intentional or not".
20070118 Burton said she didn't LEARN—OF—THE—ERROR—UNTIL this —YEAR.
20070118 "I don't think the ranks realized it was 1—ISSUE they needed to tell me about," she said.
20070118 [AP, 20060914 ]
20070118 MISTER—ROSE told MISTER—READINGER that he believed the leases entitled companies to the incentive REGARDLESS—OF—OIL—PRICE—LEVELS + that he had told his own subordinates that "you and the director were aware of the need to make 1—DECISION on this matter".
20070118 Mr. According to the report,
20070118 —DISCUSSED, MISTER—READINGER told investigators "he was sure" that he had, the issue with MISS—BURTON.
20070118 —AIMED, The bill is " at recouping lost royalties
20070118 and stripping oil and gas COMPANIES—OF—OTHER—TAX—INCENTIVES," and would "shift $13—BILLION into 1—FUND to promote energy efficiency and DEVELOPMENT—OF—ALTERNATIVE and renewable energy sources".
20070118 Learn more about at the bill from our Kick the Oil Habit campaign.
20070118 THE—AP reports, "The Justice Department, easing 1—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—POLICY,
20070118 said —WEDNESDAY it has decided to give 1—INDEPENDENT—BODY—AUTHORITY to monitor the government's controversial domestic spying program.
20070118 As 1—RESULT—OF—THESE orders, ANY—ELECTRONIC—SURVEILLANCE that was occurring as PART—OF—THE—TERRORIST—SURVEILLANCE—PROGRAM will —NOW be conducted subject to the approval of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court," [Alberto] Gonzales wrote [in 1—LETTER to the Senate Judiciary Committee],
20070118 1—COPY—OF which was obtained by The Associated Press.
20070118 "Accordingly, under these circumstances, THE—PRESIDENT has determined not to reauthorize the Terrorist Surveillance Program —WHEN the current authorization expires," THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL wrote.
20070118 UPDATE: TPM Muckraker has the full letter.
20070118 to support escalation.
20070118 —PRIOR—TO BUSH—ADDRESS, Senate Intelligence COMMITTEE—RANKING—MEMBER—KIT—BOND (R—MO) said that he was opposed to 1—ESCALATION—OF—THE—WAR:
20070118 "I have seen nothing so far that would push me to think 1—SURGE is 1—GOOD—IDEA.
20070118 But —TODAY on the Senate floor, Bond said that he —NOW supports BUSH—POLICY, calling it the "best available option".
20070118 "In what appears to be 1—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—EFFORT to persuade skeptical Senate Republicans to support THE—PRESIDENT—NEW—IRAQ strategy,
20070118 several of them have been summoned to THE—WHITE—HOUSE for 1—MEETING this —MORNING
20070118 with National Security Adviser STEPHEN—HADLEY.
20070118 —INCLUDED, The invited Republicans, Sens.
20070118 SAM—BROWNBACK, GEORGE—VOINOVICH, JOHN—SUNUNU, Lisa Murkowski + Susan Collins".
20070118 —RELEASED, Prominent conservative intellectual Dinesh D'Souza has, 1—BOOK titled "The Enemy at Home:
20070118 —REPEATED, Last night on The Colbert Report, D'Souza, THE—RIGHT—WING attack
20070118 that PRESIDENT—BILL—CLINTON "did absolutely nothing" to fight global terrorists.
20070118 —ASKED, STEPHEN—COLBERT jokingly, "Doesn't SOME—OF—IT lie at FDR—DOORSTEP?
20070118 Doesn't things like Social Security and Medicare and LBJ—GREAT—SOCIETY,
20070118 doesn't SOME—OF—THAT send the wrong message to our enemies?"
20070118 D'Souza answered, "Indirectly, yes," explaining that "FDR gave away EAST—EUROPE through Yalta + then THE—SOVIET—UNION invaded AFGHANISTAN,
20070118 —EMBRACED, DE—SOUZA—INFLAMMATORY book is being, by the conservative establishment.
20070118 D'Souza currently has 1—FEATURE—INTERVIEW in the National Review
20070118 + the Heritage Foundation will host 1—BOOK—EVENT for him tomorrow.
20070118 PoliticsTV has VIDEO—OF—THE—REST—OF—COLBERT—SHOW last night.
20070118 UPDATE: STEVE—BENEN notes that Colbert was also able to get D'Souza to acknowledge that he agrees with SOME—OF—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—CRITIQUES
20070118 of the "liberal" ELEMENTS—OF—USA—CULTURE.
20070118 COLBERT: This book is 1—REVELATION to me.
20070118 —CALLED, Okay, It's, "The Enemy at Home:
20070118 The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 20010911 ".
20070118 Okay, I've been trying to figure this 1—OUT for 1—WHILE.
20070118 Walk me through it.
20070118 How did the liberals plan 20010911 ?
20070118 Go. the Shah of IRAN.
20070118 THE—USA—PULLED—THE—PERSIAN rug out from under the Shah + who did we get — Khomeini?
20070118 In trying to get back at the bad guy, we got the worst guy.
20070118 right? He showed them 1—THING or 2—ABOUT USA—MUSCLE by giving them SOME—
20070118 D'SOUZA: Well, he also sent some, he sent missiles to Khadafi, which put him OUT—OF—THE—TERRORISM—TRADE.
20070118 HERE—THE 2. point.
20070118 the radical Muslims launched 1—BUNCH—OF—ATTACKS — the Khobar Towers, the embassies, THE—USS—COLE.
20070118 PRESIDENT—CLINTON did absolutely nothing + OSAMA—BIN—LADEN said,
20070118 you know what, THE—USA is 1—BUNCH of cowards.
20070118 COLBERT: But is all the responsibility Carter and Clinton's?
20070118 Doesn't SOME—OF—IT lie at FDR—DOORSTEP?
20070118 that AMERICAN—CARES about domestic issues and not —JUST about foreign policy?
20070118 D'SOUZA: Indirectly, yes, here's why. COLBERT: I can't wait.
20070118 Can I guess? We never got to see him standing up,
20070118 and, —THEREFORE, AMERICAN—DOESN'T stand up for its principles?
20070118 D'SOUZA: No, FDR gave away EAST—EUROPE through Yalta + then THE—SOVIET—UNION invaded AFGHANISTAN,
20070118 the Muslims had to fight back and that's where OSAMA—BIN—LADEN got his start.
20070118 TODD—HINNEN, 1—COUNTERTERRORISM—ADVISER on the National Security Council staff, is leaving to become CHIEF counsel
20070118 for SENATOR—JOSEPH—BIDEN (D—DE) on the Senate Foreign Relations Judiciary Committee.
20070118 1—WHITE—HOUSE—ALLY remarked: "Once again, people on THE—BUSH—WHITE—HOUSE—STAFF—TURN on him —WHILE our soldiers and Marines fight to protect THE—REST—OF—USA".
20070118 AP: "[N]early 4—YEARS into the fighting, SOME—SOLDIERS say it's getting more difficult to swing their legs over the edge of the cot EACH—MORNING.
20070118 With AMERICA—IRAQ policy in flux, SOME—TROOPS say they're asking themselves for the 1. time whether THE—USA can win the war
20070118 Bush : Americans Sacrifice 'PEACE—OF—MIND—WHEN They See The Terrible Image' Of WAR—ON—TV
20070118 —ASKED, Last night on THE—PBS Newshour, JIM—LEHRER, PRESIDENT—BUSH why he hasn't called on Americans — besides those serving in the volunteer military — to sacrifice something to help our country in this TIME—OF—STRUGGLE.
20070118 —CLAIMED, BUSH, Americans are sacrificing:
20070118 "They sacrifice PEACE—OF—MIND—WHEN they see the terrible IMAGE—OF—VIOLENCE on TV EVERY—NIGHT".
20070118 —EXPLAINED, BUSH, that "THE—PSYCHOLOGY—OF—THE—COUNTRY...is somewhat down because of this war".
20070118 (R—AZ), BUSH said that he would "strongly oppose" raising taxes on the wealthy to help offset the increasing COSTS—OF—WAR in IRAQ because he wants "people to feel like their life's moving on".
20070118 THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL reports,
20070118 "The growing financial strain of IRAQ will be spelled out as never —BEFORE in 1—SERIES—OF—DEFENSE and WAR—RELATED spending requests by THE—WHITE—HOUSE—NEXT—MONTH,
20070118 expected to total more than $700—BILLION through ;;09;;.
20070118 - 30, 20080000. - Bush _Americans_Sacrifice_Peace_Of_Mind_When_They_Watch_The_War_On_TV">Digg It!
20070118 LEHRER: Let me ask you 1—BOTTOM—LINE question, MISTER—PRESIDENT.
20070118 If it is as important as you've —JUST SAID—AND you've said it MANY—TIMES—AS—ALL—OF—THIS is,
20070118 particularly the struggle in IRAQ, if it's that important to ALL—OF—USA and to the future of our country,
20070118 if not the world, why have you not, as PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA,
20070118 asked more Americans and more USA—INTERESTS to sacrifice something?
20070118 BUSH: Well, you know, I think 1—LOT—OF—PEOPLE are in this fight.
20070118 I mean, they sacrifice PEACE—OF—MIND—WHEN they see the terrible IMAGES—OF—VIOLENCE on TV EVERY—NIGHT.
20070118 I mean, we've got 1—FANTASTIC—ECONOMY here in THE—USA, but yet,
20070118 —WHEN you think about THE—PSYCHOLOGY—OF—THE—COUNTRY, it is somewhat down because of this war.
20070118 —NOW, here in WASHINGTON —WHEN I say, "What do you mean by that?," they say, "Well, why don't you raise their taxes; that'll cause there to be 1—SACRIFICE".
20070118 I strongly oppose that.
20070118 And 1—THING we want —DURING this WAR—ON—TERROR is for people to feel like their life's moving on, that they're able to make 1—LIVING and send their kids to college and put more money on the table.
20070118 —INTERESTED, And you know, I am, and OPEN—MINDED to the suggestion, but this is going to be -
20070118 LEHRER: Well - - BUSH: — this is like saying why don't you make sacrifices in the Cold War?
20070118 But it's 1—TOTALLY different KIND—OF—WAR, than ones we're used to.
20070118 Scooter Libby trial: —DAY 1.-
20070118 Neoconservatives Take Aim At Pentagon, Kristol Calls Gates Testimony 'Pretty Pathetic'-
20070118 Escalation supporters already appear to be creating 1—SCAPEGOAT in case PRESIDENT—BUSH—NEW—IRAQ policy fails.
20070118 Prominent neoconservatives have set their aims on top USA—MILITARY—COMMANDERS and their allies in the Pentagon (apparently including Defense SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES ),
20070118 —ON—SUNDAY, Weekly Standard EDITOR—WILLIAM—KRISTOL called GATES ' congressional testimony last —WEEK "pretty pathetic".
20070118 GATES told Congress that we "may be able to begin drawing down SOME—OF—OUR troops —LATER this —YEAR.
20070118 " According to Kristol, "That's the absolute wrong message to send.
20070118 —ON—SUNDAY, SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN (R—AZ) agreed that the Pentagon is "dragging its feet" in implementing BUSH—STRATEGY,
20070118 saying, "I think there's bureaucratic resistance in the Pentagon to this proposal".
20070118 Retired Army Gen.
20070118 JOHN—KEANE, the "military architect" of the escalation plan, is also upset:
20070118 —EXPRESSED, GENERAL—KEANE, his alarm —AFTER Defense SECRETARY—ROBERT—M—GATES testified on Capitol Hill that the troop buildup was expected to last "1—MATTER—OF—MONTHS" — rather than THE—18—MONTHS proposed by GENERAL—KEANE.
20070118 MISTER—GATES also said the full deployment of 21,500 additional troops, announced by MISTER—BUSH last —WEEK, might not be implemented.
20070118 —PROPOSED, He suggested that only 2 or 3—OF—THE—5—BRIGADES, for BAGHDAD could be deployed —INITIALLY, —WHILE the rest are held in reserve.
20070118 KRISTOL: THE—PRESIDENT—LANGUAGE in his speech —ON—WEDNESDAY could not have been stronger.
20070118 He said that this is 1—STRUGGLE that will determine THE—DIRECTION—OF—THE—WAR—ON—TERROR and our safety at home.
20070118 If it is that much of 1—ISSUE—OF—NATIONAL—SECURITY, Brit pointed out,
20070118 you know, the key is what's going to happen with THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT,
20070118 what's going to happen with THE—IRAQ—ARMY, which are certainly grave concerns.
20070118 Why don't we say we are going to win this war?
20070118 KRISTOL: We should. We should. And THE—PRESIDENT does.
20070118 But the administration then sort of reverses the previous rhetoric.
20070118 So I think THE—PRESIDENT need to insist that his administration pivot and fight this as 1—WAR to win.
20070118 "SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN (R—AZ) said —TUESDAY he hopes to patch things up with conservative Christian leader JAMES—DOBSON," who —RECENTLY said he would not support McCain "under ANY—CIRCUMSTANCES".
20070118 McCain told reporters —TODAY,
20070118 "I'm obviously disappointed and I'd like to continue and have 1—DIALOGUE with Dr.
20070118 Dobson and other MEMBERS—OF—THE—COMMUNITY.
20070118 But in 1—INTERVIEW—TODAY with the Associated Press, ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES "blamed delays in trying terror detainees at GUANTANAMO Bay on legal challenges filed by their lawyers
20070118 "It's not for lack of trying," Gonzales said, —WHEN asked about the legal FATE—OF—DETAINEES who have been held at the military facility,
20070118 in SOME—CASES—FOR—5—YEARS.
20070118 "We are challenged EVERY—STEP—OF—THE—WAY".
20070118 "We are trying as hard as we can to bring these individuals to justice," he said.
20070118 —CHALLENGED, The administration has been, because they have been operating under 1—SHADOW SYSTEM—OF—JUSTICE.
20070118 —DURING past hearings, the government "called no witnesses,
20070118 withheld evidence from detainees and usually reached 1—DECISION within 1—DAY
20070118 as it determined that HUNDREDS—OF—MEN...were 'enemy combatants.'" THE—SUPREME—COURT rejected these tribunals because they "were neither authorized by federal law nor required by military necessity + ran afoul of THE—GENEVA Conventions.
20070118 —FOLLOWED, If PRESIDENT—BUSH had simply, the law, these trials could have happened years ago.
20070118 Prominent conservative intellectual Dinesh D'Souza is releasing 1—BOOK—TODAY titled, "The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 20010911 ".
20070118 D'Souza is 1—FELLOW at the Hoover Institute + formerly served at THE—USA—ENTERPRISE—INSTITUTE.
20070118 Despite the book's inflammatory thesis, D'Souza suggests that the book "avoids much of the strident rhetoric
20070118 1—HOST—OF—MEDIA and conservative blogs were not terribly impressed with his performance:
20070118 HOUSTON Chronicle blog:
20070118 "It's not surprising to see BUSH digging in his heels, avoiding difficult realities, or simply inventing 1—NEW narrative that suits him better".
20070118 Conservative Real Clear Politics blog:
20070118 "As far as compelling television goes, BUSH—INTERVIEW—WITH—SCOTT—PELLEY on 60—MINUTES—PALES in comparison to Leslie STAHL—SIT down with the families of THE—DUKE lacrosse players..".
20070118 Rush Limbaugh: "I don't care how you thought he did, I don't know how MANY—PEOPLE watched it —AFTER CBS put these leaks out that BUSH admitted this and said he was sorry and made IRAQ worse and all this SORT—OF—STUFF.
20070118 The war at home here is 1—POLITICAL—WAR. Why then go to 60—MINUTES?"
20070118 —HEADED, But ABC—THE—NOTE —, by 1—INDIVIDUAL who has declared that traditional media have 1—LIBERAL—BIAS
20070118 " On IRAQ, THE—PRESIDENT had his best TV performance in years, minueting with SCOTT—PELLEY on "60—MINUTES," but that was largely offset by the grim news coverage out of IRAQ (and the Gang of 500—MINDSET,
20070118 which demands 1—FIGHT over funding)".
20070118 "If you get involved in 1—MAJOR—GROUND—WAR in THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—DESERT, I think support will erode significantly.
20070118 Nor should it be supported.
20070118 We cannot even contemplate, in my view, trading USA—BLOOD for IRAQ—BLOOD".
20070118 —FOR—60—YEARS, my country, THE—USA, pursued stability at THE—EXPENSE—OF—DEMOCRACY in this region here in THE—MIDDLE—EAST— and we achieved neither.
20070118 —NOW, we are taking 1—DIFFERENT—COURSE.
20070118 We are supporting the democratic aspirations of all people.
20070118 —REAFFIRMED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, this commitment more —RECENTLY on the 5. anniversary of ;;09;;
20070118 11. - "YEARS—OF—PURSUING stability to promote peace had left us with neither.
20070118 —CHANGED, So we, our policies + committed AMERICA—INFLUENCE in the world to advancing freedom and democracy as the great alternatives
20070118 In reality, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION continues to overlook serious abuses of fundamental democratic rights.
20070118 —WHILE she was in the region meeting with government officials:
20070118 In the days —BEFORE SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE met with officials in EGYPT,
20070118 the news media here were filled with stories detailing CHARGES—OF—CORRUPTION, cronyism, torture and political repression.
20070118 —LECTURED, MISS—RICE, who once, Egyptians on the need to respect THE—RULE—OF—LAW, did not address those domestic concerns.
20070118 Instead, with Foreign MINISTER—AHMED—ABOUL—GHEIT by her side,
20070118 she talked about her appreciation for EGYPT—SUPPORT in the region.
20070118 It was clear that THE—USA— facing chaos in IRAQ, rising IRAN—INFLUENCE and the destabilizing ISRAELI—PALESTINE—CONFLICT — had decided that stability,
20070118 not democracy, was its priority, EGYPT—POLITICAL—COMMENTATORS, political aides and human rights advocates said.
20070118 According to THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—LATEST—REPORT on human rights,
20070118 + serious abuses continued in MANY—AREAS".
20070118 I don't think I'm being MEAN—SPIRITED by saying [that in] the 1. 6—YEARS—OF—HIS—PRESIDENCY,
20070118 there's been nothing accomplished except the biggest foreign policy fiasco in THE—HISTORY—OF—OUR country".
20070118 — Senate Majority Leader HARRY—REID (D—NV),
20070118 No Significant Effect '—UNTIL —SUMMER Or Fall'-
20070118 PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLAN for escalating the war in IRAQ has begun and, barring 1—INTERVENTION from Congress,
20070118 over 20,000 more USA—TROOPS will soon be in the crossfire of 1—BRUTAL civil war.
20070118 The top generals on the ground are trying to keep expectations low.
20070118 warned that it is "going to take time" and no 1 should evaluate THE—IMPACT—OF—THE—PLAN—UNTIL "—SUMMER or Fall".
20070118 —ORDERED, ANNOUNCER: —MEANWHILE, THE—USA—TROOP surge, by PRESIDENT—BUSH is underway and for the if the 1. time, we're hearing about 1—TIMELINE.
20070118 CASEY: I think you will see 1—GRADUAL—EVOLUTION over the next 2 to 3—MONTHS and things get better through the —SUMMER and fall.
20070118 "With PRESIDENT—BUSH adopting 1—MORE combative tone toward IRAN and Syria,
20070118 senior Democrats are considering legislation that would require THE—PRESIDENT to seek congressional sanction for military action
20070118 against those countries," CQ reports. "You will see 1—RESOLUTION saying they can't go into IRAN without congressional authorization," said Rep.
20070118 "PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADDRESS to the nation last —WEEK outlining a 'new way forward' in IRAQ failed to move public opinion in support of his plan to increase USA—TROOP levels and left Americans more pessimistic about the likely OUTCOME—OF—THE—WAR.
20070118 BND: Im Flugschatten des großen Bruders CIA-
20070118 Haluz ziehe damit die Konsequenzen aus dem LIBANON—KRIEG im vergangenen —SOMMER.
20070118 Ministerpräsident Ehud Olmert habe den Armeechef vergeblich zu überzeugen versucht, seinen Rücktritt aufzuschieben, —BIS die Kommission zur Untersuchung der Mängel des Kriegs...
20070118 Army establishes Psyops Branch- - sfux FEDERATION—OF—AMERICAN—SCIENTISTS
20070118 Gerangel um die Straße von Hormuz-
20070118 Profitabel und nahezu unbezahlbar sind Wasserstraßen.
20070118 Einmal durch den PANAMA—KANAL vom Pazifik zum Atlantik zu schippern kostet durchschnittlich 48.000—USA—DOLLAR.
20070118 1—CASE—STUDY in the old cliche that "it's not the crime but THE—COVER—UP".However...
20070118 2—SOLDATEN seien getroffen und verletzt worden, teilte 1—SPRECHER—DER—GRENZTRUPPE mit.
20070118 Der Zwischenfall habe sich im südlichen TEIL—VON—KASCHMIR ereignet.
20070118 Der indische Militärsprecher Prem Singh warf den pakistanischen Truppen weiter vor, der Angriff habe dem Feuerschutz islamistischer Untergrundkämpfer gedient, die versucht hätten...
20070118 THE—USA, focusing on its new IRAQ—STRATEGY to cut off THE—IRAN—CONTACTS in the country, sent war and early warning planes to the base in ADANA.
20070118 —CLAIMED, The 1. planes —AFTER—3—YEARS are, to come for field exercise in partnership with TURKEY.
20070118 Nach ANGABEN—DES—SCHWEIZERISCHEN—ERDBEBENDIENSTES (SED) hatte das Beben 1—STÄRKE—VON—3,2 auf der Richterskala.
20070118 Auch diesmal lag das Epizentrum neben dem Bohrloch des ERDWÄRME—PROJEKTES im Basler Stadtteil Kleinhüningen.
20070118 —ANFANG ;;12;; war dort Wasser durch eine 5—KILOMETER tiefe Bohrung in das Gestein gepumpt worden,
20070118 um die Durchlässigkeit des Gesteins zu erhöhen.
20070118 Komet McNaughs Reise durchs Licht-
20070118 Der —ERST vor wenigen Monaten von dem Australier McNaugh entdeckte und nach ihm benannte Komet zeigt wieder einmal drastisch,
20070118 welcher Gefahr die Erde ausgesetzt ist und wie unwichtig ALLE—KRIEGE gegenüber den Katastrophen wirken,
20070118 die entstehen könnten, wenn solch ein himmlischer Brocken herunter kracht.
20070118 ob cut survivors 'depressed'
20070118 Workers who keep their jobs —AFTER cuts are almost as likely to suffer stress as those who lose jobs, research says.
20070118 Child nutrition campaign 'fails'
20070118 INDIA—PROGRAMME to improve child health and nutrition has made little headway, PRIME—MINISTER—MANMOHAN—SINGH says.
20070118 JAPAN confirms bird flu outbreak
20070118 Senators oppose IRAQ troop boost
20070118 3—TOP USA—SENATORS agree on a resolution to oppose PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLAN to increase IRAQ troop numbers.
20070118 Tensions mount in BOLIVIA—REGION
20070118 BOLIVIA—CENTRAL—GOVERNMENT refuses to accept 1—PARALLEL—GOVERNMENT set up by protesters in COCHABAMBA.
20070118 USA 'to end warrantless wiretaps'
20070118 PRESIDENT—BUSH decides not to renew 1—SCHEME allowing domestic spying on terror suspects without 1—WARRANT.
20070118 Gazprom export sales soar 43%
20070118 RUSSIA—CONTROVERSIAL STATE—OWNED gas monopoly Gazprom sees its annual export revenues soar 43%.
20070118 —GRIPPED, USA still, by extreme cold
20070118 Severe weather continues across 1—HUGE—SWATHE—OF—THE—USA, leaving at least 50—DEAD and thousands without power.
20070118 Backyard poultry ban in JAKARTA
20070118 THE—INDONESIA—AUTHORITIES are to ban all poultry from THE—CAPITAL—JAKARTA in 1—BID to control bird flu.
20070118 Constitution 'key for EU success'
20070118 GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL warns EUROPE it faces an "historic failure" if it fails to revive THE—EU constitution.
20070118 Hindus opposing EU swastika ban
20070118 Hindus in EUROPE oppose 1—GERMANY—MOVE to ban the display of the swastika across THE—EU, 1—HINDU leader says.
20070118 ISRAEL—PM faces calls to resign
20070118 ISRAEL—OPPOSITION—FIGURES—CALL on THE—PM to quit —AFTER the country's military CHIEF resigns over THE—LEBANON conflict.
20070118 Top IRAQ—SHIA condemns USA
20070118 1—OF—IRAQ—MOST powerful Shia politicians accuses THE—USA of undermining IRAQ—SOVEREIGNTY.
20070118 MULLAH—OMAR 'hiding in PAKISTAN'
20070118 1—CAPTURED—TALEBAN official says the group' s leader MULLAH—OMAR lives in PAKISTAN protected by its spy agency.
20070118 Climate resets 'Doomsday Clock'
20070118 Climate change is as great 1—THREAT to humankind as nuclear annihilation, global security experts conclude.
20070118 Open source gets European boost
20070118 1—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION—REPORT says that organisations who switch to open source software could make considerable savings.
20070118 ISRAEL—MILITARY CHIEF resigns
20070118 Big freeze sours USA orange crops
20070118 —PUSHED, Prices of oranges and other citrus fruits have been, sharply higher, —FOLLOWING 1—SEVERE freeze in CALIFORNIA.
20070118 NIGERIA—MEDIA man 'funds terror'
20070118 1—NIGERIA—NEWSPAPER—OWNER is charged with receiving funding from AL—QAEDA to sponsor terror.
20070118 Official 'sorry' for lawyers jibe
20070118 1—PENTAGON official apologises for criticising USA—LAW—FIRMS for representing GUANTANAMO detainees.
20070118 NEPAL Maoists lock their weapons
20070118 NEPAL—MAOISTS begin locking up their weapons in 1—KEY—PART—OF—THE—COUNTRY—PEACE—PROCESS.
20070118 Dwarf planet 'becoming 1—COMET'
20070118 1—UNUSUAL—DWARF—PLANET discovered in the outer Solar System could be en route to becoming the brightest comet ever known.
20070118 Bush defends boost to IRAQ troops
20070118 PRESIDENT—BUSH defends his decision to send more USA—TROOPS to IRAQ, —AFTER 70—PEOPLE die in twin blasts in BAGHDAD.
20070118 —PLAYED, Castro health fears ' down'
20070118 1—REPORT that THE—CONDITION—OF—CUBA—LEADER—FIDEL Castro has worsened —AFTER failed operations is strongly denied.
20070118 AUSTRALIA—FIRES threaten homes
20070118 High ski runs fuel habitat fears
20070118 As —WINTER snow becomes less reliable, ecologists say HIGH—ALTITUDE ski slopes will threaten fragile habitat.
20070118 Syrians and Israelis 'held talks'
20070118 1—FORMER—ISRAEL—DIPLOMAT says secret talks were held with rival Syria 20040000—20060000 —BETWEEN.
20070118 Rice seeks SAUDI—ARABIA—BACKING on IRAQ
20070118 SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE arrives in SAUDI—ARABIA to rally support for USA—PLANS for IRAQ.
20070118 Protection for 'weirdest' species
20070118 1—PROJECT is launched to protect SOME—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST unique creatures, previously ignored by conservationists.
20070118 Report set to criticise BP safety
20070118 —EXPECTED, BP—SAFETY—RECORD at its USA—OIL refineries is, to come under fire in 1—INDEPENDENT—REPORT.
20070118 Trial examines Swissair collapse
20070118 —COLLAPSED, Former directors of Swissair, which, 20010000 , go on trial in ZURICH —ON—TUESDAY accused of false accounting.
20070118 —URGED, Protection, for UK sea life
20070118 Conservationists are urging the government to protect 1—SET—OF "biodiversity hotspots" —AROUND BRITAIN—COAST.
20070118 Ofcom probes Big Brother 'racism'
20070118 —ALLEGED, THE—UK—TV—WATCHDOG—LOOKS into complaints of, racism against Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty.
20070118 Computer Privacy in Distress
20070118 Court decisions strip computers + databases of important protections against warrantless searches + seizures.
20070118 But it's not too late to fix things.
20070118 Commentary by JENNIFER—GRANICK.
20070118 WIRED, Science. Pentagon and CIA Spy on Americans
20070118 Terror fighters' use of "national security letters" to dig into bank records raises 1 red flag.
20070118 In 27B Stroke 6. - Find toxic wastelands via Google Earth
20070118 EPA takes 1. step in effort to make data about polluted sites more accessible to online mapping applications and the public at large.
20070118 ATTORNEY—GENERAL: NSA spy program to be reformed
20070118 ALBERTO—GONZALES said the controversial domestic surveillance program will —NOW be overseen by 1—SECRET—COURT—IN—WASHINGTON.
20070118 —EXPECTED, USA: No Net governance changes
20070118 BUSH—ADMINISTRATION applauds UNITED—NATIONS official who says UNITED—NATIONS won't try to seize more CONTROL—OF—THE—WAY the Net is run.
20070118 Google, UK—MILITARY discuss Google Earth use in attacks
20070118 Blog: Google is talking with military agencies in IRAQ —AFTER learning that terrorists attacking UK—BASES in Basra appear to have...
20070118 Feds plan global Net freedom event
20070118 PRESIDENT signs pretexting bill into law
20070118 Federal law makes it illegal to buy, sell or obtain personal phone records through fraudulent means;
20070118 violations could yield prison time.
20070118 Backyard meteorologists on the rise
20070118 Blog: In what seems like 1—NO—BRAINER, technology still can't outdo people —WHEN it comes to gauging the weather.
20070118 According to 1—REPORT.
20070118 Scientists urge UPGRADE—OF—USA—SATELLITE system
20070118 Blog: If global warming wasn't bad enough, scientists have more unsettling news.According to 1—STUDY released —MONDAY by the National...
20070118 "THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT has consented to court oversight (albeit via 1—SECRET—COURT) of the controversial domestic wiretapping program (the "Terrorist Surveillance Program") previously discussed at length on Slashdot.
20070118 —FROM the article, "[oversight] authority has been given to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and [it] already has approved 1—REQUEST for monitoring the communications of 1—PERSON believed to be linked to al Qaeda or 1 associated terror group"".
20070118 "Under Senate BILL—S1, political bloggers with 1—READERSHIP—OF over 500—WHO comment on policy matters or hope to incite 'grassroots' action amongst their readers would be forced to register with THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT as lobbyists".
20070118 researchers at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—ALBERTA—DEPARTMENT—OF—MEDICINE have shown that 1—EXISTING small,
20070118 relatively NON—TOXIC molecule, dichloroacetate (DCA), causes regression in several different cancers.
20070118 "But there's 1—CATCH: the drug isn't patented + pharmaceutical companies may not be interested in funding further research if the treatment won't make them 1—PROFIT.
20070118 —ASTOUNDED, In findings that '' the researchers, the molecule known as DCA was shown to shrink lung, breast and brain tumors in both animal and human tissue experiments".
20070118 "I think they call them "exit polls" because people bolt for the exits —WHEN you mention them, but I'm still fascinated by the subject myself + this book is 1—OF—THE—REASONS why.
20070118 WAS, 20040000 —THE Presidential Election Stolen?,
20070118 the central focus is, of course, on the infamous EXIT—POLL discrepancies of 20040000 —THE—USA—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION;
20070118 but the authors also put it into context:
20070118 they discuss 20000000 —THE election, the irregularities in OHIO 20040000 ,
20070118 the electronic voting machines issues + the media's strange reluctance to report on ANY—OF—THESE problems.
20070118 Further, in the chapter "How did AMERICAN—REALLY vote?", they compare the indications of the raw EXIT—POLL—DATA to other available polling data.
20070118 —THROUGHOUT, Freeman and Bleifuss do 1—EXCELLENT—JOB—OF presenting arguments based on statistical analysis in 1—CLEAR,
20070118 concise way".
20070118 Read the rest of doom's review - Navy Gets 8-Megajoule Rail Gun Working-
20070118 —SCUTTLEMONKEY—LEMONKEY—515 - prototypo writes
20070118 "The Free LANCE—STAR—NEWSPAPER is reporting that the Navy Surface Warfare Center in DAHLGREN—VIRGINIA has successfully demonstrated an 8-megajoule electromagnetic rail gun.
20070118 A 32-megajoule version is due to be tested in ;;06;;.
20070118 A 64-megajoule version is anticipated to extend the range of naval gunfire (currently about 15—NAUTICAL—MILES for a 5-inch naval gun) to more than 200—NAUTICAL—MILES
20070118 —KDAWSON—204+ - mattnyc99 National Research Council warning that, by
20070118 "I'm submitting my own story on 1—IMPORTANT—TOPIC: Is it illegal to discover 1—VULNERABILITY on 1—WEB—SITE?
20070118 No 1—KNOWS yet, but ERIC—MCCARTY—PLEADING guilty to hacking USC—WEB—SITE was 'terrible and detrimental,' according to tech lawyer JENNIFER—GRANICK.
20070118 She believes the law needs at least to be clarified + preferably changed to protect those who find flaws in production Web sites — as opposed to those who 'exploit' such flaws.
20070118 Of course, THE—OWNERS—OF—SITES often don't see the distinction between the 2.
20070118 Regardless of whether or not it's illegal to disclose Web vulnerabilities, it's certainly problematic + perhaps 1—FOOL—ERRAND.
20070118 —AFTER all, have you seen how easy it is to find XSS flaws in Web sites?
20070118 In fact, the Web is challenging the very definition of 'vulnerability,' and SOME—RESEARCHERS are scared.
20070118 —INTIMIDATED, As 1—RESEARCHER in the story says: 'I'm, by the possible consequences to my career, bank account + sanity.
20070118 I agree with [noted security researcher] H.D. Moore,
20070118 as far as production websites are concerned:
20070118 "There is no way to report 1—VULNERABILITY safely".'" - THE—RETURN—OF—THE—FAIRNESS—DOCTRINE?-
20070118 —REQUIRED, The Fairness Doctrine was an FCC regulation that, broadcast media to present controversial issues in an honest, equal + balanced manner.
20070118 —KDAWSON—269+ -... by using National Security Letters, THE—FBI and other agencies can legally pull your credit report.
20070118 The letters have been used by THE—FBI (mostly) but in SOME—CASES by THE—CIA and Defense Department.
20070118 "'These statutory tools may provide key leads for counterintelligence and counterterrorism investigations,' Whitman said.
20070118 'Because these are requests for information rather than court orders, 1—DOD request under THE—NSL statutes cannot be compelled absent court involvement.
20070118 " RECIPIENTS—OF—THE—LETTERS, banks and credit bureaus, usually hand over the requested information voluntarily.
20070118 1—POSTING at tothecenter com quotes THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—ON—THE—USE—OF—THE—LETTERS:
20070118 "It's perfectly legitimate activity.
20070118 THERE—NOTHING wrong or illegal with it.
20070118 It doesn't violate people's civil rights... The Defense Department gets involved because we've got HUNDREDS—OF—BASES inside THE—USA—THAT are potential terrorist targets".
20070118 —AFTER NEWS—OF—THE—CONVICTION—OF—1—SUBSTITUTE teacher for endangering minors — because porn popups,
20070118 possibly initiated by adware, had appeared on her computer —DURING class — comes the even sadder story of 16—YEAR—OLD—MATT—BANDY.
20070118 —TURNED, His family's life was, UPSIDE—DOWN —WHEN he was charged in ARIZONA with POSSESSION—OF—CHILD—PORNOGRAPHY,
20070118 even though the family computer was riddled with spyware and Trojans.
20070118 —AFTER the intervention of ABC—20/20, Matt finally was allowed to plead to 1—LESSER—CHARGE (namely,
20070118 sharing 1—PLAYBOY magazine with friends) and —JUST barely escaped being labeled 1—SEX—OFFENDER for the rest of his life.
20070118 "Those who oppose NETWORK—NEUTRALITY regulation should also oppose... regulation of [municipal broadband,] LAST—MILE broadband's most important competitor.
20070118 Municipal competition won't kill commercial broadband ANY—MORE than Linux has killed Windows.
20070118 Yet it could change the business MODEL—OF—LAST—MILE broadband, —JUST as Linux has changed the business model of Microsoft.
20070118 If there's going to be 1—LINUX—LIKE miracle to counteract INNOVATION—THREATENING broadband business models,
20070118 then, at 1—MINIMUM, miracles must not be 1—CRIME".
20070118 —SCUTTLEMONKEY—LEMONKEY—305+ - Knytefall writes
20070118 "JOE—BIDEN, DIANNE—FEINSTEIN + 2—GOP senators are sponsoring 1—BILL—CALLED—THE—PERFORM—ACT that would require podcasts with music and satellite radio to be LOCKED—UP with music INDUSTRY—APPROVED DRM software.
20070118 'All audio services — Webcasters included — would be obligated to implement "reasonably available and economically reasonable" COPY—PROTECTION—TECHNOLOGY aimed at preventing "music theft" and restricting automatic recording.'"
20070118 Then you can add in that both SHACKLEY + HARVEY spent time in ROME.
20070118 SHACKLEY, as we have seen, was 1—PART—OF—THE—BUSH for PRESIDENT—CAMPAIGN—OF—19800000 .
20070118 LICIO—GELLI, who was then in BRAZIL, sent 1—MESSAGE to PHILIP—GUARINO...
20070118 WAYNE—MADSEN—REPORT—NEWS—ARCHIVES 20071214—20061231 0000—DATE...
20070118 a link to LICIO—GELLI—P 2—NEO—FASCIST Masonic Lodge in ITALY and GELLI 's...
20070118 Mafia, Geheimdienste und POLITIK—DER—USA
20070118 Obwohl sich LICIO—GELLI + Lopez de LETONA, ein einflussreicher Exponent des
20070118 The Randi Rhodes Show > MICHAEL—LEDEEN
20070118 "Shacklee" was THEODORE—SHACKLEY, the legendary CIA covert ops specialist
20070118 —DURING the Cold War, SHACKLEY had run MANY—OF—THE—CIA—MOST controversial...
20070118 Whose terrorists?
20070118 masonic society, P-2 , under LICIO—GELLI.
20070118 —INCLUDED, This, over a 1000—POLITIC-.
20070118 GELLI LICIO—COVERT Action Information Bullet
20070118 Bush contro CUBA. di Aldo Mombello - STRATEGY—OF—TENSION: THE—CASE—OF—ITALY
20070118 —PICKED, LICIO—GELLI, who was, for the new strategy, had joined Freemasonry already
20070118 LEDEEN, together with THEODORE—SHACKLEY, was pulling the strings of the...
20070118 SINDONA + CALVI ) The final PART—OF—THE—PLAN was for GELLI to foment
20070118 Its sabotage operations were run by station CHIEF—THEODORE 'Ted ' SHACKLEY...
20070118 LICIO—GELLI, GHORBANIFAR, Manucher Giornale (Nuovo), Il Gosch, Johnny [.
20070118 huge drug arrest in MIAMI, EDWIN—WILSON, F. Terpil, T. SHACKLEY agents.
20070118 Grand Master LICIO—GELLI walks OUT—OF—SWITZERLAND—JAIL.
20070118 Death Squads of SPAIN,
20070118 —AFTER meetings between GELLI, ITALY—MILITARY—BRASS and CIA men in the embassy... My husband worked with TED—SHACKLEY.. He was the Account Holder for...
20070118 SHACKLEY, in particolare, fu l'uomo che presentó a fine anni '60 (grazie a FRANK—TERPIL) LICIO—GELLI ad ALEXANDER—HAIG, viceconsigliere di Nixon per LOS—ANGELES..
20070118 Early 19700000 S Meeting between ALEXANDER—HAIG and LICIO—GELLI.
20070118 Statewatch Briefing: OPERATION—GLADIO — Archive...
20070118 —SENTENCED, LICIO—GELLI, was, to 7—YEARS for his involvement in the case.
20070118 Gioia e Rivoluzione
20070118 Il personaggio chiave è LICIO—GELLI che EX—AGENTE—NAZIFASCIST a riesce nel '43 a
20070118 di ROMA della CIA guidata allora da THEODORE—SHACKLEY e MARC—WYATT... - Carmilla on line ®
20070118 TED—SHACKLEY venne scelto nei primi giorni del 19620000 per dirigere a MIAMI i piani
20070118 E di adesso: si consideri, alla luce della presenza di GELLI in questo...
20070118 chapter 14—ONLINE
20070118 GELLI 's P2 and elements within THE—VATICAN (such as Father Krujoslav Dragonovic... SHACKLEY, SINGLAUB + NORTH would go on to orchestrate the secret +...
20070118 MICHAEL—LEDEEN—DEMANDS 'Regime Change' in IRAN...
20070118 Director for Plans THEODOR—SHACKLEY, who was another pivotal IRAN—CONTRA figure.
20070118 As for P—2—GRAND—MASTER—LICIO—GELLI himself, he was the perfect...
20070118 Video di Fioravanti e Mambro di CRISTIANO LOVATELLI RAVARINO NEWS...
20070118 di aver estromesso dall'agenzia THEODORE—SHACKLEY—IL secondo di perseguire
20070118 Un'altra volta mi chiese spiegazioni su una mia intervista a LICIO—GELLI...
20070118 THE—KILLING—OF—DE—MENEZES and OPERATION—GLADIO - According to Searchlight:
20070118 UK INDYMEDIA—USA—CONNECTION points to CIA /P2 OG possibly behind...
20070118 The Webfairy -- onelove~ [Fwd: [CIA—DRUGS]. At least, that's.
20070118 Through LICIO—GELLI, THE—CIA also comes into contact with both the Knights of MALTA and the
20070118 SHACKLEY was WILSON—CIA supervisor.
20070118 —DISTINGUISHED, He had
20070118 —REPEATED, Here Razin, THE—ACCOUNT—OF—THE—MESSAGE from GELLI to Guarino +...
20070118 Neue Solidarität 13/2004:Die "Strategie der Spannung" in Italien...
20070118 SIFAR die Verschwörer vom Istituto Pollio + KARAMESSINES förderte den USA—GEHEIMDIENSTMANN THEODOR—SHACKLEY ,
20070118 der Verbindungen zum P2 -Boß GELLI hatte.
20070118 —EXPERIENCED, GELLI was too, 1—COVERT action operator to have ever sent such an risky
20070118 According to Searchlight: In 1—INTERVIEW 1—EX—NATO—OPERATIVE said that TED—SHACKLEY, THE—CIA 's...
20070118 1. - The Springing of LICIO—GELLI, LONDON—TIMES 19830814 .
20070118 LICIO—GELLI—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia
20070118 —DURING 19300000 —THE S, LICIO—GELLI volunteered for the "Black Shirt" expeditionary
20070118 "Declassified SECRET—SERVICE—PAPERS reveal that TED—SHACKLEY, deputy CHIEF...
20070118 LICIO—GELLI : Information from Answers com
20070118 Organized Crime and Terrorist Activity in MEXICO, 19990000 —2002-
20070118 THE—AMEZCUA—CONTRERAS family manages 1—SYNTHETIC—DRUG—PRODUCTION and trafficking
20070118 Bush proíbe brasileiro de fazer negócios com americanos - 02/06 ...
20070118 Jornais, BBC Brasil, Cox News Service, El País, Financial Times
20070118 A organização mexicana é controlada por JOSé de Jesus e Adan Amezcua Contreras,
20070118 Er werde sein Möglichstes tun, das Vorhaben BUSH s zu stoppen, weitere 21.500—SOLDATEN in den Irak zu schicken,
20070118 erklärte Hagel, der als möglicher Präsidentschaftskandidat im kommenden —JAHR gilt.
20070118 Den Plan BUSH s nannte er "gefährlich unverantwortlich".
20070118 Unterdessen gab USA—JUSTIZMINISTER ALBERTO—GONZALES in einem Brief an den USA—SENAT bekannt,
20070118 dass ein umstrittenes Abhörprogramm, das —NACH—DEN Anschlägen vom 20010911 eingeführt wurde,
20070118 nicht verlängert werde.
20070118 Das Programm solle nach seinem Ablaufen vielmehr einem speziellen Gericht unterstellt werden, so Gonzales.
20070118 —DERZEIT kann die USA—REGIERUNG mit diesem Programm noch internationale Telefongespräche und E—MAILS—VON—USA—BÜRGERN ohne gerichtlichen Beschluss abhören,
20070118 um mutmaßliche Extremisten und Attentäter zu finden.
20070118 Kritiker hatten jedoch wiederholt darauf verwiesen,
20070118 dass diese Praxis der USA—VERFASSUNG und einem Gesetz von 19780000 entgegensteht,
20070118 in dem das Abhören von USA—BÜRGERN ohne gerichtlichen Beschluss verboten wird.
20070118 pav/reuters/AP - Auch seine Vorwürfe gegen die KSK—SOLDATEN habe er wiederholt und konkretisiert.
20070118 Docke sagte, die USA—SOLDATEN, die Kurnaz in KANDAHAR befragt hätten,
20070118 hätten Informationen zu seiner Bremer Vorgeschichte GEHABT—ZUM Beispiel über einen HANDY—VERKAUF und Bewegungen auf seinem Bankkonto.
20070118 Es dränge sich daher der Verdacht auf, dass die Amerikaner im Kontakt zu deutschen Stellen gestanden hätten.
20070118 —GEFÜHRT, Diese Informationen hätten möglicherweise dazu, dass die USA Kurnaz für einen "dicken Fisch" gehalten und nach GUANTANAMO geschickt hätten.
20070118 Kurnaz war - Bluttat in Tessin: "Ich habe das als dummen Jungenstreich angesehen"
20070118 Frankreich: Recht auf Wohnung für Obdachlose
20070118 Das Forscherteam erkennt in seinen Untersuchungen den Ausgangspunkt für 1—MODELL,
20070118 was 19180000 im menschlichen Körper passiert sein könnte, da Makaken und Menschen VIELE—EIGENSCHAFTEN teilen.
20070118 Die Studie liefert Anhaltspunkte,
20070118 warum ausgerechnet Erwachsene zwischen 20—UND 40—JAHREN am schwersten unter der Spanischen Grippe litten:
20070118 Junge Menschen dieses Alters haben generell ein starkes Immunsystem, das ihnen in diesem Fall mehr geschadet als genutzt habe, heißt es in "Nature".
20070118 "Wir wissen zwar immer noch wenig über das Virus, aber die Erkenntnis einer überschießenden Immunreaktion war entscheidend",
20070118 sagt DARWYN—KOBASA von der Public Health Agency of CANADA in WINNIPEG.
20070118 Spanische Grippe: Millionen starben an Überreaktion des Immunsystems
20070118 "New Horizons": Schnellste Raumsonde nimmt Kurs auf Pluto
20070118 —GESTEIGERT, Gewinn : Steuereffekt beschert IBM glänzendes Quartal
20070118 BND—UNTERSUCHUNGSAUSSCHUSS: Das Martyrium des Murat Kurnaz - YOUR, Face, Suckers!-
20070118 Ningen raises 1—VERY—IMPORTANT—POINT: 1—ANSWER I got at 911—BLOGGER about this fake debris in general is that if looks faked it can't be fake because if they faked it they would do it so it didn't seem faked.
20070118 Crazy, but it raises the question why all this is so obvious.
20070118 1—THEORY is that the perps made it obvious for those who question,
20070118 to fuck with our heads + to show that THE—NON—QUESTIONING will believe anything.
20070118 They are shoving it right in our faces and —JUST daring us to question it-- because they know they can get away with it.Not to... Source:
20070118 " saying —YESTERDAY that criticism of his administration from PRESIDENT—BUSH and other USA—OFFICIALS "give morale boosts for the terrorists
20070118 and push them toward making 1—EXTRA—EFFORT".
20070118 —SIDETRACKED, THE—SENATE—HIGH—PROFILE—ETHICS and lobbying reform bill was, —YESTERDAY—AFTER conservatives voted against further consideration
20070118 —CRITICIZED, REPRESENTATIVE—HEATHER—WILSON (R—NM), the Justice DEPARTMENT—NEW—APPROACH to warrantless domestic spying,
20070118 charging that it relies "on 1—BLANKET, 'programmatic' approval
20070118 of THE—PRESIDENT—SURVEILLANCE—PROGRAM, rather than APPROVAL—OF—INDIVIDUAL—WARRANTS". Administration officials "have convinced 1—SINGLE—JUDGE
20070118 in a secret session, in a nonadversarial session, to issue a court order to cover THE—PRESIDENT—TERRORISM surveillance program," Wilson said.
20070118 "How? Through something called 1—NATIONAL—SECURITY—LETTER.
20070118 Unlike the warrantless wiretapping program, these letters don't violate ANY—LAWS, though perhaps they should.
20070118 Speaker NANCY PELOSI (D—CA) is moving to create 1—SPECIAL—HOUSE—PANEL to address global warming, headed by climate champion REPRESENTATIVE—ED—MARKEY (D—MA).
20070118 The decision, "to SOME—DEGREE, would sidestep" SOME—POWERFUL—COMMITTEE—CHAIRMEN,
20070118 specifically energy chairman JOHN—DINGELL (D—MI), who is less aggressive on global warming issues.
20070118 Schwarzenegger calls for redeployment...and escalation.
20070118 "THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—BIGGEST program to help people rebuild —AFTER natural disasters is on the verge of running out of operating money
20070118 because of budgeting problems at the agency that runs it, the Small Business Administration," THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTS.
20070118 In 1—SPEECH at the neoconservative USA—ENTERPRISE—INSTITUTE, ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES said federal judges are not "equipped to make decisions about" national security.
20070118 The National Association of Evangelicals and the Center for Health and the Global Environment at Harvard Medical School "joined forces —ON—WEDNESDAY to protect the environment from the ravages of global warming,
20070118 calling on PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH and others in power to help".
20070118 And finally: 2—TITANS—OF—JOURNALISM—SQUARE off tonight.
20070118 STEPHEN—COLBERT will appear on the "O'REILLY—FACTOR" at 8—PM,
20070118 —WHILE BILL—O'REILLY appears on the "Colbert Report" at 11:30 pm.
20070118 "I think it's fine," O'Reilly said of COLBERT—SHTICK.
20070118 "I'm 1—PROMINENT—PERSON in the media.
20070118 I think satire is very, very entertaining for ANY—SOCIETY to have.
20070118 Fantastic Voyage: Departure 20090000
20070118 —PERFECTED, If, the 1. microrobot able to travel through human arteries could perform delicate brain surgery without dangerous invasive procedures.
20070118 ATTORNEY—GENERAL to talk data retention with new Congress
20070118 ALBERTO—GONZALES says it's critical to ensure that law enforcement is able to get its hands on subscriber data from INTERNET service providers.
20070118 ATTORNEY—GENERAL—MUM on spy program court orders
20070118 At Senate hearing, Gonzales casts doubt on whether more details will be publicly disclosed about administration's latest surveillance plans.
20070118 Contents - A necessary explanation
20070118 Róbinson Rojas - Harper and ROW—NEW—YORK, 19750000 ,1976-Fitzhenry&Whiteside Ltd.
20070118 TORONTO—CANADA, 19750000 Chapter 4 - Notes - Church Cmte Vol 7: EDWARD—KORRY
20070118 AMBASSADOR TO CHILE - actions to Mr.
20070118 Gerrity of ITT, 1—SERIES—OF—ECONOMIC actions that could...
20070118 Róbinson Rojas: THE—MURDER—OF—ALLENDE and THE—END—OF—THE—CHILEAN...
20070118 —ON ;;10;; 16, EDWARD—GERRITY in NEW—YORK heard from HAL—HENDRIX that "the chance of 1—MILITARY—COUP is slim but it continues to exist.
20070118 The Worse Things Get, the Better -- —MONDAY, 19730409 0000—DATE -- Page...
20070118 Broe said that he discussed with Gerrity "the feasibility...
20070118 "According to THE—BBC, researchers in THE—USA—ARE developing 1—SINGLE—PIXEL—CAMERA to capture HIGH—QUALITY—IMAGES without the 'expense' of traditional digital photography.
20070118 The idea behind such 1—DEVICE is that traditional digital photography is wasteful.
20070118 MOST—OF—THE—INFORMATION taken in by the camera is thrown away in the compression process.
20070118 'The digital micromirror device, as it is known, consists of 1—MILLION or more tiny mirrors each the size of 1—BACTERIUM.
20070118 "From that mirror array, we then focus the light through a 2. lens on to 1—SINGLE—PHOTO—DETECTOR - 1—SINGLE—PIXEL.
20070118 As the light passes through the device, THE—MILLIONS—OF—TINY—MIRRORS are turned on and off at random in rapid succession.
20070118 Complex mathematics then interprets the signals assembling 1—HIGH—RESOLUTION—IMAGE from THE—THOUSANDS—OF—SEQUENTIAL—SINGLE—PIXEL snapshots.
20070118 Maximum Prophet writes "THE—RIAA is —NOW going —AFTER mixtapes;
20070118 specifically, THE—WELL—KNOWN mixtapes of rap artist DJ Drama.
20070118 '—ON—TUESDAY night he was arrested with Don Cannon,
20070118 1—PROTÉGÉ. - - The police, working with the Recording Industry ASSOCIATION—OF—AMERICA, raided his office, at 147—WALKER Street in ATLANTA.
20070118 The association makes no distinction between counterfeit CDs and unlicensed compilations like those that DJ Drama is known for.
20070118 —FEATURED, The story goes on to say that MANY—OF—THE—ARTISTS, on the mixtapes would never have had the exposure and thus sales they had if DJ Drama had not featured them on 1—MIX.
20070118 —MENTIONED, Nowhere is 1—SPECIFIC—ARTIST, who claims to have been wronged by him.
20070118 Additionally, the article states that mixtapes such as those made by DJ Drama are 1 accepted and integral PART—OF—RAP music culture.
20070118 His arrest is confusing on several levels".
20070118 "THE—GUARDIAN —TODAY has 1—STORY about THE—DENMARK—ASTROPHYSICIST—RASMUS—BJOERK, who —RECENTLY conducted simulations on how long it will take to colonize the Milky Way.
20070118 The basic idea is to send out probes in different directions (including various heights above the galactic plane).
20070118 He estimates that it will take some 10—BILLION years to explore 4—PERCENT—OF—THE—MILKY—WAY.
20070118 —SINCE THE—AGE—OF—THE—UNIVERSE is of the same order, his conclusion is that aliens can't have had time required to find us yet".
20070118 THE—AP reports that the 1. ANTI—MISSILE—DEFENSE—SYSTEM has been installed for testing on 1—COMMERCIAL—JET,
20070118 1—FEDEX cargo carrier.
20070118 —INTENDED, The system is, to detect THE—LAUNCH—OF—1—SHOULDER—FIRED missile at takeoff or landing + disable the missile with 1—LASER beam.
20070118 She and other MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS are hoping to equip all USA commercial passenger liners with this system 00.000.20 years,
20070118 Is this good common sense or the costly future of 1—SOCIETY hobbled by FEAR—OF—TERRORISM?
20070118 Deathblow To 1—VOTING—MACHINE
20070118 "According to their newsletter (my ENGLAND—TRANSLATION here), THE—HOLLAND—GROUP that 'doesn't trust the voting computers' has won 1—ROUND against the industry and the civil servants that seem HELL—BENT on reintroducing voting machines — NewVote,
20070118 made by SDU — that THE—HOLLAND—MINISTER—OF—THE—INTERIOR has suspended.
20070118 —PROVIDED, Apparently SDU, 5—SLIGHTLY different samples of its machine to THE—HOLLAND—VERSION—OF—THE—NSA (well... the very humble HOLLAND—VERSION anyway) for testing purposes.
20070118 —EMITTED, Of those 5, 4—MACHINES, radiation in such 1—WAY that the votes cast could be monitored.
20070118 —RECEIVED, SDU—NEWVOTE, its final deathblow —WHEN it became clear that THE—1—MACHINE that stayed within the radiation limits used 1—GREEN—ON—RED—COLOR—SCHEME for its screen.
20070118 And that would be 1—SMALL—PROBLEM for THE—4—PERCENT—OF—ALL—MEN that cannot distinguish between red and green".
20070118 THE—RIAA and FRANCE—BUTTON—MAKERS- - "Requiring permission to innovate?
20070118 —ENTITLED, Feeling, to search others' property?
20070118 Getting the power to act like law enforcement in order to fine or arrest those who are taking part in activities that challenge your business model?
20070118 Don't these all sound quite familiar?
20070118 Centuries from —NOW (hopefully much, much sooner), the actions of THE—RIAA,
20070118 MPAA and others that match these of the weavers and BUTTON—MAKERS—OF—16010101—17001231 —CENTURY FRANCE will seem —JUST as ridiculous".
20070118 —CONFIRMED, The test, if, would be 1—ORDER—OF—MAGNITUDE—MORE provocative than —EARLIER REPORTS—OF—CHINA—BLINDING lasers being tested.
20070118 "Apparently in the Senate, at least 1—SCIENTIST wants to put 1—PERMANENT stop to ANY—ARGUMENTS over Global Warming.
20070118 The Weather CHANNEL—MOST prominent climatologist is advocating that broadcast meteorologists be stripped of their scientific certification if they express skepticism about predictions of manmade catastrophic global warming".
20070118 "Kulturzerstörung von der Kategorie des Mongolensturms" [Archiv...
20070118 —ZERSTÖRT, Die alte sumerische Metropole Isin sei komplett : "Aus Isin ist eine
20070118 die Menschen im Irak zur Zeit kein größeres Problem als kaputte Vasen.
20070118 the Bush family history part 1
20070118 Taking advantage of stubborn economic distress and 1—UNRULY situation...
20070118 Both Union Banking and THE—BANK—VOOR—HANDEL en Scheepvaart were awash in cash.
20070118 —RUINED, It was, financially.
20070118 the depression + THE—THYSSEN 's "BANK—VOOR—HANDEL en Scheepvaart " all contributed to
20070118 Clamor Magazine :: issue 14 :: feature
20070118 —OPENED, THE—BANK—VOOR—HANDEL en Scheepvaart, the Union Banking Corporation 19240000 .
20070118 stößt man auf den Produzenten von "Verichip": RAYTHEON Microelectronics
20070118 United Mutations Organization
20070118 Londonderry: Protest RAYTHEON besetzt, Haft 4—ISRAELISCHER Friedensaktivist verletzt 5
20070118 HALLIBURTON unter Bestechungsverdacht **OOOOHHhh nein!
20070118 Die USA auf dem Weg in 1—DIKTATUR? [Archiv] - Seite 2 ...
20070118 Nachspiel für HALLIBURTON Kongressabgeordnete fordern 1—UNTERSUCHUNG—DER—IRAK—AUFTRÄGE für das Unternehmen.
20070118 EUROPA—COMPETITION - Merger case by company name - C
20070118 EUROPA—COMPETITION - Merger case by date - 20030000
20070118 —VERMUTET, Die —JETZT untersuchten Erreger veränderten sich, so, die WHO, als die beiden Ägypter im Krankenhaus Tamiflu bekamen.
20070118 betonte Hayden.
20070118 Dort waren die Erreger vollkommen resistent gegen Oseltamivir.
20070118 —REPORTED, He said that people in THE—CITY—OF—RAFSANJAN also, to have witnessed 1—SIMILAR—INCIDENT several days ago.
20070118 UFO Observed in WEST—IRAN 1—RADIANT—UNIDENTIFIED—FLYING—OBJECT was again observed in the sky of CENTRAL—SEPIDAR in the vicinity of Bouyer Ahmad in WEST—IRAN.
20070118 Animal Tags for People?:
20070118 Silverman heads a 2. company that sells THE—RICE—SIZE—PEOPLE—CHIPS,
20070118 which are the only ones with Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approval, for implantation in 1—INDIVIDUAL—RIGHT biceps.
20070118 They carry 1—IDENTITY marker that would be linked to medical records.
20070118 His goal is to create "the 1. RFID company for people".
20070118 —OCCUPIED, Blair signals UK will send more troops to, AFGHANISTAN:
20070118 asked THE—PRIME—MINISTER for additional UK—FORCES to keep up the military momentum against the insurgents.
20070118 USA—LACKS 'explosive' evidence against IRAN :
20070118 THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION made 1—DECISION to start blaming its new problem in IRAQ on TEHRAN.
20070118 ISRAEL warns RUSSIA on IRAN arms sale:
20070118 —ADVANCED, Voicing extreme concern over RUSSIA—RECENT—SALE—OF, ANTI—AIRCRAFT—MISSILES to IRAN,
20070118 senior diplomatic and defense officials warned MOSCOW —TUESDAY that the deal could have serious security implications that would even "get back to RUSSIA".
20070118 RUSSIA raises security —AFTER attack warnings:
20070118 —INCREASED, RUSSIA—SECURITY—SERVICES, patrols and surveillance at military bases,
20070118 oil pipelines and THE—MOSCOW metro —ON—WEDNESDAY—AFTER the country's spy CHIEF—WARNED—OF—1—POTENTIAL—ATTACK.
20070118 Senators oppose USA—TROOP increase:
20070118 Trying to get PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH to reverse plans for boosting USA—TROOP strength in IRAQ,
20070118 senators from both political parties unveiled —ON—WEDNESDAY 1—NONBINDING resolution opposing the increase.
20070118 SUDAN says USA—TROOPS search BAGHDAD embassy:
20070118 violating diplomatic conventions, 1—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—SPOKESMAN said.
20070118 How USA is deferring war costs:
20070118 As war spending on IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN nears the levels for VIETNAM and KOREA, concern is rising over the 'borrow —NOW, pay —LATER' approach.
20070118 1—NUCLEAR holocaust which could potentially spread, in terms of radioactive fallout, over 1—LARGE—PART—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20070118 —BY—BULLETIN of the Atomic Scientists - It is —NOW 5—MINUTES to midnight.
20070118 —POSED, Reflecting global failures to solve the problems, by nuclear weapons and the climate crisis,
20070118 the decision by THE—BAS BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS was made in consultation with THE—BULLETIN—BOARD—OF—SPONSORS,
20070118 which includes 18—NOBEL Laureates.
20070118 Continue - 5—MINUTES to Midnight
20070118 We stand at the brink of a 2. nuclear age.
20070118 —DROPPED, Not —SINCE the 1. atomic bombs were, on HIROSHIMA and NAGASAKI has the world faced such perilous choices.
20070118 Continue - Attacking IRAN: WHAT—IN—IT—FOR—BUSH ?-
20070118 Suddenly the media is FULL—OF—BUSH—REGIME—PROPAGANDISTIC—ASSERTIONS designed to make THE—USA—PUBLIC believe that IRAN is the enemy that is fighting against our troops in IRAQ.
20070118 —STAGED, To facilitate this deception, THE—BUSH—REGIME, 1—PROPAGANDA—EVENT by invading 1—IRAN—GOVERNMENT liaison OFFICE—IN—NORTH—IRAQ,
20070118 kidnapping THE—IRAN—OFFICIALS and declaring them to be involved in plans to kill USA—TROOPS.
20070118 Continue - IRAN Does Not Pose 1—THREAT—TO—THE—USA-
20070118 Audio 10—MINUTES—RADIO National host PAUL—BARRY interviews SCOTT—RITTER.
20070118 The administration has no interest in resolving THE—PALESTINIAN—ISRAEL—CONFLICT.
20070118 It's 1—CYNICAL—ATTEMPT to manipulate Arab public opinion.
20070118 —HELPED, The administration, to enforce THE—ISRAEL—BOYCOTT—OF—FOOD,
20070118 water and medical supplies to GAZA + they have stopped other DONOR—STATES from providing humanitarian relief.
20070118 The accused was held in extreme isolation for 1,307 days.
20070118 Held in a 9—BY—7—FOOT—CELL.
20070118 —BLACKED, The only window, out.
20070118 He was the lone prisoner on THE—2—TIER cellblock.
20070118 He was given food through 1—SLOT in the door. He slept on 1—STEEL mattress.
20070118 No reading material. No calendar. No clock.
20070118 Nothing to connect him to the outside world. 1—SMALL Step for Sanity.
20070118 —OFFERED, BBC: IRAN, THE—USA—1—PACKAGE—OF—CONCESSIONS 20030000 , but it was rejected, 1—SENIOR—FORMER—USA—OFFICIAL has told THE—BBC—NEWSNIGHT programme.
20070118 Despite Israeli and Syrian "Official Denials," Haaretz is —NOW Saying that BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—SOURCES Have Confirmed that Cheney Was Kept Informed of Secret Peace Negotiations Between ISRAEL and Syria.
20070118 It —JUST Keeps Getting More Interesting.
20070118 'Total Bull' That Congress Can't Stop Bush IRAQ Escalation Plan Says JOHN—EDWARDS—CAMPAIGN 1/18
20070118 Kennedy On Opposing Escalation: "—NOW is the time, this is the moment" 1/18
20070118 We'll Miss You Art! Humorist ART—BUCHWALD—DEAD at the Age of 81. 1/19
20070118 Bid on 1—E—BAY Auction Item and Help STATE—GUN—CONTROL—GROUPS—FIGHT—THE—NRA!
20070118 Did Specter Give WH Power to Replace Prosecutors?
20070118 has 1—FRIGHTENING new article on the likelihood of nuclear war: '
20070118 The Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations' goes 1—STEP—FURTHER in blurring the distinction between "defensive" and "offensive" military actions:
20070118 "The new triad offers 1—MIX of strategic offensive and defensive capabilities that includes nuclear and NON—NUCLEAR—STRIKE capabilities,
20070118 active and passive defenses + a robust research, development + industrial infrastructure to develop,
20070118 build + maintain offensive forces and defensive systems
20070118 (Ibid) (key concepts indicated in added italics)
20070118 The new nuclear doctrine, however, goes beyond preemptive acts of "SELF—DEFENSE",
20070118 it calls for "anticipatory action" using nuclear weapons against a "rogue enemy" which allegedly plans to develop WMD at some undefined future date... The war plan against IRAN appears to be nuclear:
20070118 —STARTED, The planning of the aerial bombings of IRAN, in mid-20040000 ,
20070118 pursuant to the formulation of CONPLAN 8022
20070118 —PUBLISHED, In this regard, 1—RECENT—PRESS—REPORT, in Yeni Safak (TURKEY) suggests that THE—USA is currently:
20070118 "[D]eploying B61-type tactical nuclear weapons in SOUTH—IRAQ as PART—OF—1—PLAN to hit IRAN from this area if and —WHEN IRAN responds to 1—ISRAEL—ATTACK on its nuclear facilities".
20051220 quoted in BBC Monitoring EUROPE).
20070118 —REACHED, Worst of all, we seem to have, 1—POINT where BUSH has no choice (politically speaking) but to launch 1—ATTACK.
20070118 According to PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS, There is no doubt that IRAN will be attacked.
20070118 THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT and the neoconservatives have been demanding it.
20070118 —CONFRONTED, The question is: why is BUSH, who is, with failure in IRAQ,
20070118 willing to compound his problems by attacking 1—MORE—POWERFUL—MUSLIM STATE—THAT—THE—USA has no prospect of being able to occupy?
20070118 BUSH can bury his defeat in IRAQ with a "victory" in IRAN.
20070118 —GEWESEN, Es müssen 2—GEWALTIGE Brocken, sein, die vor 470—MILLIONEN Jahren zusammengestoßen sind.
20070118 "Einer war mindestens 100—KILOMETER groß, der andere sogar mehrere 100—KILOMETER", sagt MARIO—TRIELOFF vom Mineralogischen Institut der UNIVERSITÄT—HEIDELBERG.
20070118 Als die beiden Riesen aufeinandertrafen, war das Gestein sekundenlang einem Druck von vielen Hunderttausend Bar ausgesetzt.
20070118 Birger Schmitz, unter dessen Leitung die fossilen Meteorite —VOR—10—JAHREN in Schweden entdeckt wurden,
20070118 Birger Schmitz, mutmaßt, dass die Explosion der Artenvielfalt im mittleren —BIS späten Ordovizium etwas mit den Meteoritentreffern und den Klimaveränderungen dieser Zeit zu tun hat. mbe/dpa
20070118 Mit Kurnaz' Vorwürfen gegen die Bundeswehr befasst sich die Staatsanwaltschaft Tübingen.
20070118 -vorerst, die Staatsanwaltschaft Tübingen will auf die Vernehmung der beiden beschuldigten ELITE—SOLDATEN verzichten.
20070118 "Es ist aus unserer Sicht sinnvoller, —ERST die Aufklärung des Sachverhalts voranzutreiben,
20070118 um dann die Beschuldigten gegebenenfalls mit dem Ergebnis zu konfrontieren", sagte der Leitende Oberstaatsanwalt WALTER—VOLLMER.
20070118 Diese Erkenntnis habe sich aus seinen Bemühungen um die Freilassung des türkischen Staatsbürgers aus der Haft ergeben.
20070118 Schadenersatz: Kirch fordert 1,4 Milliarden Euro von der Deutschen Bank
20070118 Küstenschutz: In NIEDERSACHSEN bröckeln die Deiche
20070118 Tabakindustrie: Konzerne erhöhen Nikotindosis in Zigaretten
20070118 Biologisches Testament: Längst gefallener Sohn macht Israelin zur Großmutter
20070118 Offline: Sturm bläst Wetterdienste aus dem Web
20070118 -Tarifrunde, IG Bau fordert 5,5 Prozent mehr Lohn
20070118 Sturmtief "Kyrill": Orkan versenkt Frachter
20070118 Kartelle: Stromkonzerne nutzen ihre Marktmacht für Wucherpreise
20070118 Meteoriten: ASTEROIDEN—CRASH lässt —SEIT Jahrmillionen Steine regnen
20070118 Orkan "Kyrill": Flugverkehr ist massiv beeinträchtigt
20070118 GOVERNMENT—CONTRACTS—MONEY, Defense Contractor List SIGNATURE...
20070118 Defense Contractors from " SIGNATURE FLIGHT SUPPORT CORPO" to "SIMPLEXGRINNELL"
20070118 SIGNATURE FLIGHT SUPPORT—OF—NE 6005—LAS—VEGAS BOULEVARD... - Lexikon von Solarklar
20070118 Aktuelle IT—NEWS auf - 200604061146 : Finanzspritze für...
20070118 Die VIDEO—COMMUNITY hat in einer 2. Finanzierungsrunde 8—MILLIONEN USA—DOLLAR vom RISIKO—KAPITALGEBER SEQUOIA Capital erhalten.
20070118 Aktuelle IT—NEWS auf - 200511081739 : YouTube: Flickr für...
20070118 Nun erhielt das Unternehmen 1—FINANZSPRITZE vom RISIKO—KAPITALGEBER SEQUOIA in Höhe von 3,5 Millionen USA—DOLLAR.
20070118 Die GRÜNDER—VON—YOUTUBE kommen von.
20070118 Unterstützung kam vom VENTURE—KAPITALGEBER SEQUOIA Capital, der —SCHON Unternehmen wie —YAHOO, GOOGLE oder MP3 com entdeckt hatte.
20070118 Google kauft YouTube für 1,65 Milliarden USA—DOLLAR - Golem.de
20070118 Spektroskopische Tools/Spectroscopic Tools :: STEFFEN—SCIENCE...
20070118 Die Henne ist das klügste Geschöpf im Tierreich.
20070118 Sie gackert —ERST, nachdem das Ei gelegt ist.
20070118 -- ABRAHAM—LINCOLN. Anmeldung. Benutzername Kennwort.
20070118 C. THOMAS RICHARDSON. Citigroup.
20070118 Snow Becker Krauss, PC. Counsel.
20070118 296757. 12553. 0.042. Merrill Lynch PIERCE—FENNER & Smith.
20070118 341001. 10952. 0.032. MORGAN Stanley & Co..
20070118 GKN Securities Corp. NEW—YORK. GOLDMAN SACHS & Co. NEW—YORK.
20070118 LOUIS—COHEN, DEMOCRATIC—PARTY, " PR Unmasked," 19400000
20070118 "PR is based on the sound USA—PRINCIPLES—OF—MAJORITY—RULE with...
20070118 Civil Liberties vs National SECURITY—CAN We Climb Back Up the...
20070118 Criticizing Patriot Act Lands MANLIN CHEE, ASIA—USA—LAWYER, in JAIL—ANTI—MUSLIM Paranoia Lands 2—TEENS in Federal Detention...
20070118 —RECOGNIZED, MANLIN CHEE had been 1—NATIONALLY, lawyer for her work with immigrants,
20070118 —SOURED, SOME—OF—IT pro bono + much of it for Muslims, but things, for her... us_
20070118 MANLIN CHEE, 1—OUTSPOKEN immigration lawyer, is in federal prison —AFTER she was targeted by an FBI sting operation.
20070118 1—COMPARISON—OF—PUEBLO and Pima Musical Styles. Subiaul, Francys.
20070118 C—SPAN: Campaign Finance Database - LEE—AMAITIS + HOWARD—LUTNICK.
20070118 ICAP plc. JPMORGAN. Pfizer Limited. Others.
20070118 B.A.B. CENTRAL—LONDON Partnership.
20070118 The. management style of MISTER—AMAITIS was described by the judge as "dictatorial"
20070118 Kein Unternehmen in Manhattan hat durch die Terroranschläge so VIELE—SEINER—MITARBEITER verloren.
20070118 STEPHEN MARCUS MERKEL. Executive Managing Director/SECRETARY/.
20070118 issues for LEE—AMAITIS, Executive Managing Director. eSpeed INTERNATIONAL—UK.
20070118 He said that.
20070118 —WHILE USA$ 1.6—TRILLION has been invested online in.
20070118 LEE—M—AMAITIS, Chairman & CEO.
20070118 BNP Paribas Group. 16, Boulevard des Italiens. PARIS—FRANCE 75009.
20070118 —APPOINTED, Saltzman was, COO.
20070118 Saltzman. was most —RECENTLY EVP and general counsel.
20070118 Terror and starvation in GAZA -
20070118 —BY—JOHN PILGER—PILGER on the genocide that is engulfing Palestine as bystanders silently look on.
20070118 Continue - What Do They Think We Are, Idiots? alfatomega.com/20070118.html
20070118 —ABOUT the mistake —3—YEARS—AGO".
20070118 have detailed coverage. to repression and radicalism".
20070118 — came to a different conclusion:
20070118 —INTERVIEW w/FORMER—BOSTON Center Air Traffic Controller regarding 20010911 29—MIN 50—SEC -
20070118 Things Like This Disturb My Sleep
20070118 aa) 12,000 pound (at minimum) SET—OF—COLUMNS came crashing down from 1,000 feet up + it didn't even crack the street?
20070118 b) 1—WHEEL was embedded so tightly in the columns it wasn't even dislodged by the impact?
20070118 But falling perfectly flat without ANY—SIGN—OF—SIGNIFICANT—IMPACT?I don't think so.
20070118 witness to explosions/basement collapse (911—MYSTERIES pt2)
20070118 Phone Calls From the Planes: Surprising New Evidence | 911—BLOGGER_com
20070118 Phone Calls From the Planes: Surprising New Evidence 911—BLOGGER_com - Cod Enzyme Kills Bird Flu
20070118 "1—ICELAND—COD enzyme might be the cure for bird flu. 1—RECENT—EXPERIMENT, which THE—ICELAND—COMPANY—ENSÍMTAEKNI hf. took part in, indicates that in 5—MINUTES, the isolated fish enzyme killed 99—PERCENT—OF—H5N1 viruses. The killer enzyme, called penzim, was extracted from the intestines of cod by Ensímtaekni and is currently being developed for beauty products and various types of medicine. The experiment on the H5N1 virus was conducted in LONDON. CEO—OF—ENSÍMTAEKNI and biochemist Jón Bragi Bjarnason said he is very excited about THE—RESULTS—OF—THE—BIRD—FLU—EXPERIMENT. "People have feared that the bird flu virus will change into 1—HUMAN—FLU—VIRUS and —NOW we have 1—LIKELY cure in case that happens". Bjarnason also believes that penzim might prove 1—CURE for common flu and cold, eczema in children and arthritis".
20070118 Last night JON—STEWART broke down the administration's new rhetorical strategy surrounding the troop escalation.
20070118 For instance, no other news program points out how, despite THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—INSISTENCE that the Democrats have not offered up 1—ALTERNATIVE to escalation, THE—ISG report (.pdf) and THE—LEVIN—REID amendment lay out 2—VERY—CLEAR—PATHS.
20070118 Like always, they —JUST repeat what they're told.
20070118 —DAY 1 at the Libby Trial - TPMMUCKRAKER—FED Prosecutor Firings?
20070118 - BG—DID Bush do the firings to be able to appoint replacements without confirmation hearings?
20070118 Sent Using Google TOOLBAR—BG
20070118 " Gonzales Blames Legal Challenges For 5—YEAR—DELAY In Bringing Gitmo Detainees To TRIAL
20070118 THE—AFTERSHOCKS—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—DECISION to drop the probe into SAUDI—ARABIA—ARMS—DEALS continue to reverberate, writes MATTHEW—TEMPEST....
20070118 —FROM the Man Responsible for 600,000 + deaths of innocents in IRAQ
20070118 PRESIDENT—BUSH said —TUESDAY the chaotic execution of Saddam Hussein looked like "kind of 1—REVENGE killing" and showed that THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI "has still got SOME—MATURATION to do".
20070118 —CONFISCATED, THE—USA—MONITOR -- Ptech owner's assets, in ALBANIA
20070118 —ON the Editorial Page
20070118 50—ACTIVE—DUTY Officers To Deliver Petition Against More Troops To Congress...
20070118 RICE—LOBBIES—ARABS for Backing in IRAQ
20070118 —KILLED, BAGHDAD—IRAQ (AP) - Nearly 35,000 civilians were, —LAST—YEAR in IRAQ, THE—UNITED—NATIONS said —TUESDAY, 1—SHARP—INCREASE from the numbers reported previously by THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT..
20070118 Blair: Ending SAUDI—ARABIA—ARMS probe was right decision | JERUSALEM Post
20070118 —NEEDED, PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR said —TUESDAY that BRITAIN, SAUDI—ARABIA—HELP in fighting terrorism + that ending 1—BRIBERY—PROBE—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA—ARMS—DEALS with BAE Systems PLC was the right decision.
20070118 "We went —AFTER small fries at EVERY—TURN," said Neal Katyal, 1—GEORGETOWN—UNIVERSITY—LAW—PROFESSOR who helped argue THE—SUPREME—COURT—CASE last June that struck down the government's original plan for military trials.
20070118 "Gitmo blew our credibility. And it's going to take 1—LONG—TIME to get it back".
20070118 —ACCUSED—OF, BBC, covering up De Menezes SHOOTING—BG - BBC accused of covering up De Menezes shooting
20070118 WHITE—HOUSE To Usurp States Powers —DURING DISASTERS—BG - The power grab continues.... Source:
20070118 Unbelievable... almost as bad as Ward CHURCHILL—BG - AUTHOR—BLAMES 20010911 On 'Cultural LEFT'—INSTEAD, AMERICA—ENEMIES are right beneath our noses.
20070118 Dinesh D'Souza identifies them as our "cultural left".
20070118 AFGHANISTAN —AFTER democracy: the untold story through photographic IMAGES—BG -Tags: AFGHANISTAN
20070118 Controlled ASSET—OF—THE—NEW—WORLD—ORDER
20070118 —STAYED, His formula over the years has, consistent: blame "AMERICA" and "corporations" —WHILE failing to examine the hidden Globalist overclass which pulls the strings, using THE—USA as 1—ENGINE—OF—CREATION + destruction.
20070118 Then —AFTER pinning all the worlds ills on USA—IMPERIALISM, Chomsky offers THE—SOLUTION—OF—WORLD—GOVERNMENT under THE—UNITED—NATIONS.
20070118 My rebuttal to THE—SSCI review
20070118 Apparently, someone is still reading Able Danger Blog because —2—DAYS—LATER the full SSCI report showed up at FAS_org:
20070118 —CONCLUDED, The Senate Intelligence Committee, its REVIEW—OF—THE—ABLE—DANGER—PROGRAM with 1—LETTER—REPORT (pdf) finding that,
20070118 contrary to claims advanced by FORMER—REPRESENTATIVE—CURT—WELDON and others, the program "never produced 1—CHART with MOHAMMED—ATTA—PHOTOGRAPH or name —PRIOR—TO 20010911 —THE attacks".
20070118 Little Debbie SCHLUSSEL—JUST Another CANDY—ASS Republican
20070118 I do my best to stay OUT—OF—BLOG—WARS in which individual bloggers go at EACH—OTHER because I once got involved in 1—THAT truly did nothing but lower me to THE—LEVEL—OF—THE—RIGHT—WINGER attacking me and, more importantly, because I truly believe that my readers are —JUST not interested in that nonsense.
20070118 But I'm going to comment on this 1—BECAUSE it is truly 1—EXAMPLE—OF how, —AFTER taking 1—COUPLE—OF—YEARS to get up 1—GOOD—HEAD—OF steam, our side of the blog world is truly bigger, stronger, faster and sm... Source:
20070118 ABC News: Nuclear Blast on TV's '24' Causes Fallout for FOX—BG -
20070118 RATING—UPDATE: FRANKFURT (aktiencheck.de AG) -
20070118 RATING—UPDATE: NEW—YORK (aktiencheck.de AG) -
20070118 Das Kursziel senke man von 47—USD auf 42—USD. Is THE—CATHOLIC—PAPA?
20070118 - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON, TALKING heads omit fact that USA—GOVERNMENT, NEO—CON ideologues met with cast members to run PR for WAR—ON—TERROR
20070118 Did The Government Force BBC To Drop Menezes, 7/7—DOCU—DRAMAS?
20070118 - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON, NEW—REVELATIONS may have influenced decision to can recreations
20070118 USA Smart Bombs Pave Way For SOMALIA—DICTATORSHIP
20070118 - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON, PEACE and prosperity in EAST—AFRICAN nation become latest victim of "WAR—ON—TERROR," but who cares —WHEN 1—NEW
20070118 FORMER—CIA Man Latest To Connect LBJ To JFK Assassination
20070118 - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON, TESTIMONY in upcoming book echoes CLAIMS—OF—BROWN, McClellan in fingering Johnson as key conspirator
20070118 —INTERESTED, CHRIS—MATTHEWS not, in being the 'big shit.'
20070118 He was "against this bullshit war from the very beginning".
20070118 —ARGUED, Tonight, Hardball host CHRIS—MATTHEWS, "If you want AMERICA to be 1—HEGEMONIC—POWER in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, you're OUT—OF—STEP with THE—USA—PEOPLE. We're not going to fight it out with IRAN for the next 30—YEARS to see who the big shit — I'm sorry — the big name is on the block".
20070118 Santorum: BUSH—IRAQ—APPROACH—IS 'Lincolnesque'
20070118 —TODAY on FOX—NEWS, FORMER—SENATOR—RICK—SANTORUM (R—PA) said PRESIDENT—BUSH—APPROACH to the war in IRAQ, particularly his recent speech, was "Lincolnesque".
20070118 —ASKED, FOX—HOST—MARTHA—MACCALLUM, Santorum what he THOUGHT—OF—THE—CRITICISM that PRESIDENT—BUSH "is —JUST going his own way, not listening to the people, not listening to Congress".
20070118 —RESPONDED, Santorum, "Good for him".
20070118 —ADDED, Santorum also, that Bush understands, but most people aren't aware, that we are already at war with IRAN.
20070118 —ENCOURAGED, SANTORUM: Well, I am very, by not —JUST THE—SPEECH—OF—THE—THINGS he has done over the past few weeks to, I think, heighten THE—AWARENESS—OF—THE—GRAVITY—OF—THE—ENEMY we are fighting.
20070118 Particularly the focus he has given to IRAN and Syria, but mostly IRAN.
20070118 I think we've seen in the last several days with the storming of THE—IRAN—COMPOUND and THE—TYPE—OF—PEOPLE that are captured there, the Intel people, folks who support terrorism within IRAN in IRAQ right —NOW, have been there, have been fighting Moqtada AL—SADR and his brigades, as well as the secret police force in IRAN having 1—HUGE — having 1—HUGE—PRESENCE in IRAQ.
20070118 MACCALLUM: You say most people do not recognize it + the talk you hear 1—LOT these days is that THE—PRESIDENT is —JUST going his own way, not listening to the people, not listening to congress.
20070118 What i would say is that THE—COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF—IN—THE—USA, in LINCOLN—ESQUE—TYPE—OF—FORM, has to understand the information that he is given, the the vast — that the vast MAJORITY—OF—WHICH—THE—USA—PUBLIC do not have + he has to act in the national security interest of this country.
20070118 Army CHIEF gives escalation '50/50—CHANCE' of success.
20070118 THE—PRESIDENT—NEW—PLAN for IRAQ stands a '50/50—CHANCE' of success,
20070118 Senior Bush Official Misled Congress About Oil Industry Payoff
20070118 —ISSUED, The Interior Department inspector general has, 1—REPORT that finds "
20070118 pervasive problems in the government's program for ensuring that companies pay the royalties they owe on BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS—OF—OIL and gas pumped on federal land and in coastal waters".
20070118 The report reveals top Interior DEPARTMENT officials knew about the problem for years, but refused to do anything about it.
20070118 "We are not sure what happened. We did look at it," said Burton, who chalked up the error to 1—BREAKDOWN in communications at her agency.
20070118 THE—IG report reveals a - different story :
20070118 MARSHALL—ROSE, CHIEF economist for the Minerals Management Service, wrote the agency's associate director —AT—THE—TIME, THOMAS—READINGER, that the decision had to be made by the "directorate" — MISS—BURTON and her top deputies.
20070118 —RETIRED, MISTER—READINGER, who, —LAST—YEAR, responded to MISTER—ROSE 1—FEW hours —LATER by writing, "Sounds like we have 1—ANSWER. LET—GO with it".
20070118 According to the report, MISTER—READINGER told investigators "he was sure" that he had discussed the issue with MISS—BURTON.
20070118 —WHEN confronted with the emails, Burton claimed she " - could not remember being told
20070118 Tomorrow, the House will take up 1—BIPARTISAN bill to fix the problem —THE Clean Energy Act of 20070000 .
20070118 —AIMED, The bill is " at recouping lost royalties and stripping oil and gas COMPANIES—OF—OTHER—TAX—INCENTIVES," and would "shift $13—BILLION into 1—FUND to promote energy efficiency and DEVELOPMENT—OF—ALTERNATIVE and renewable energy sources".
20070118 BREAKING: Bush to place warrantless spying under FISA.
20070118 THE—AP reports, "The Justice Department, easing 1—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—POLICY, said —WEDNESDAY it has decided to give 1—INDEPENDENT—BODY—AUTHORITY to
20070118 monitor the government's controversial domestic spying program.
20070118 As 1—RESULT—OF—THESE orders, ANY—ELECTRONIC—SURVEILLANCE that was occurring as PART—OF—THE—TERRORIST—SURVEILLANCE—PROGRAM will —NOW be conducted subject to the approval of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court," [Alberto] Gonzales wrote [in 1—LETTER to the Senate Judiciary Committee], 1—COPY—OF which was obtained by The Associated Press.
20070118 UPDATE: TPM Muckraker has THE—FULL—LETTER.
20070118 —CONVINCED, At least 1—PERSON in AMERICA was, by PRESIDENT—BUSH—RECENT—IRAQ speech to support escalation.
20070118 —PRIOR—TO BUSH—ADDRESS, Senate Intelligence COMMITTEE—RANKING—MEMBER—KIT—BOND (R—MO) said that he was opposed to 1—ESCALATION—OF—THE—WAR: "I have seen nothing so far that would push me to think 1—SURGE is 1—GOOD—IDEA".
20070118 Conservatives not buying BUSH—ESCALATION—PLAN.
20070118 "In what appears to be 1—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—EFFORT to persuade skeptical Senate Republicans to support THE—PRESIDENT—NEW—IRAQ strategy, several of them have been
20070118 summoned to THE—WHITE—HOUSE for 1—MEETING this —MORNING
20070118 D'Souza: F.D.R. 'Indirectly Responsible' For 20070911
20070118 —REPEATED, Last night on The Colbert Report, D'Souza, the
20070118 RIGHT—WING attack that PRESIDENT—BILL—CLINTON "did absolutely nothing" to fight global terrorists.
20070118 Doesn't things like Social Security and Medicare and LBJ—GREAT—SOCIETY, doesn't SOME—OF—THAT send the wrong message to our enemies?"
20070118 D'Souza answered, "Indirectly, yes," explaining that "FDR gave away EAST—EUROPE through Yalta + then THE—SOVIET—UNION invaded AFGHANISTAN, the Muslims had to fight back and that's where OSAMA—BIN—LADEN got his start".
20070118 D'Souza currently has 1—FEATURE—INTERVIEW in the National Review + the Heritage Foundation will host 1—BOOK—EVENT for him tomorrow.
20070118 UPDATE: STEVE—BENEN notes that Colbert was also able to get D'Souza to acknowledge that he agrees with SOME—OF—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—CRITIQUES of the "liberal" ELEMENTS—OF—USA—CULTURE.
20070118 Digg It! Full transcript: COLBERT: This book is 1—REVELATION to me.
20070118 —CALLED, Okay, It's, "The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 20010911 ".
20070118 D'SOUZA: Well, 1. of all, the liberals convinced JIMMY—CARTER to withdraw USA—SUPPORT for 1—VALUABLE—ALLY, the Shah of IRAN.
20070118 COLBERT: But Reagan got back at those bastards by selling them those Hawk missiles in the 80s, right?
20070118 —LAUNCHED, In the 1990s, the radical Muslims, 1—BUNCH—OF—ATTACKS — the Khobar Towers, the embassies, THE—USS—COLE.
20070118 PRESIDENT—CLINTON did absolutely nothing + OSAMA—BIN—LADEN said, you know what, THE—USA is 1—BUNCH of cowards.
20070118 Doesn't things like Social Security and Medicare and LBJ—GREAT—SOCIETY, doesn't SOME—OF—THAT send the wrong message to our enemies, that AMERICAN—CARES about domestic issues and not —JUST about foreign policy?
20070118 Can I guess? We never got to see him standing up, and, —THEREFORE, AMERICAN—DOESN'T stand up for its principles?
20070118 D'SOUZA: No, FDR gave away EAST—EUROPE through Yalta + then THE—SOVIET—UNION invaded AFGHANISTAN, the Muslims had to fight back and that's where OSAMA—BIN—LADEN got his start.
20070118 WHITE—HOUSE counterterrorism official dumps Bush.
20070118 TODD—HINNEN, 1—COUNTERTERRORISM—ADVISER on the National Security Council staff, is
20070118 leaving to become CHIEF counsel - Troops uncertain about success in IRAQ.
20070118 With AMERICA—IRAQ policy in flux, SOME—TROOPS say they're asking themselves for the 1. time
20070118 whether THE—USA can win the war
20070118 — or what winning really means here".
20070118 If it is as important as you've —JUST SAID—AND you've said it MANY—TIMES—AS ALL—OF—THIS is, particularly the struggle in IRAQ, if it's that important to ALL—OF—USA and to the future of our country, if not the world, why have you not, as PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA, asked more Americans and more USA—INTERESTS to sacrifice something?
20070118 The people who are —NOW sacrificing are, you know, the volunteer MILITARY—THE—ARMY and THE—USA—MARINES and their families.
20070118 They're the only people who are actually sacrificing anything at this point.
20070118 I mean, we've got 1—FANTASTIC—ECONOMY here in THE—USA, but yet, —WHEN you think about THE—PSYCHOLOGY—OF—THE—COUNTRY, it is somewhat down because of this war.
20070118 If that's the kind of sacrifice people are talking about, I'm not for it because raising taxes will hurt this growing economy.
20070118 Scooter Libby trial: —DAY 1. - NICO—FIREDOGLAKE, The Next Hurrah, Tapped + DAVID—CORN have detailed coverage.
20070118 Prominent neoconservatives have set their aims on top USA—MILITARY—COMMANDERS and their allies in the Pentagon (apparently including Defense SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES ), who they claim are sabotaging PRESIDENT—BUSH—ESCALATION—PLAN by "SLOW—WALKING" THE—DEPLOYMENT—OF—USA—FORCES to IRAQ.
20070118 Gates told Congress that we "may be able to
20070118 begin drawing down SOME—OF—OUR troops —LATER this —YEAR ". According to Kristol, "That's the absolute wrong message to send.
20070118 The message we should send over there is we're coming in, we're coming in big, we're staying, we're winning this war". Kristol suggested that Gates was "letting the Joint Chiefs SLOW—WALK the brigades in".
20070118 —ON—SUNDAY, SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN (R—AZ) agreed that the Pentagon is "dragging its feet" in implementing BUSH—STRATEGY, saying, "I think there's bureaucratic resistance in the Pentagon to this proposal".
20070118 Retired Army GENERAL—JOHN—KEANE, the "military architect" of the escalation plan,
20070118 is also upset : If it is that much of 1—ISSUE—OF—NATIONAL—SECURITY, Brit pointed out, you know, the key is what's going to happen with THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT, what's going to happen with THE—IRAQ—ARMY, which are certainly grave concerns.
20070118 BOB—GATES ' testimony on —FRIDAY I thought was pretty pathetic, frankly — you know, well, we hope to begin drawing down troops —LATER this —YEAR.
20070118 That's the absolute wrong message to send.
20070118 The message we should send over there is we're coming in, we're coming in big, we're staying, we're winning this war.
20070118 Letting the Joint Chiefs SLOW—WALK the brigades in I think is 1—BIG—MISTAKE.
20070118 —DISAPPOINTED, McCain '' he doesn't have DOBSON—SUPPORT.
20070118 —DISAPPOINTED, McCain told reporters —TODAY, "I'm obviously, and I'd like to
20070118 continue and have 1—DIALOGUE with DOCTOR—DOBSON and other MEMBERS—OF—THE—COMMUNITY.
20070118 Gonzales Blames Legal Challenges For 5—YEAR—DELAY In Bringing Gitmo Detainees To Trial
20070118 The track record of THE—GUANTANAMO detention program "can be summed up quite simply: 5—YEARS, 0—CONVICTIONS".
20070118 More than 770—CAPTIVES have been held there and —JUST 10—HAVE been charged with crimes.
20070118 But in 1—INTERVIEW—TODAY with the Associated Press, ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES "blamed delays in trying terror detainees at GUANTANAMO Bay on
20070118 legal challenges filed by their lawyers ":
20070118 "It's not for lack of trying," Gonzales said, —WHEN asked about the legal FATE—OF—DETAINEES who have been held at the military facility, in SOME—CASES—FOR—5—YEARS.
20070118 —CALLED, —DURING past hearings, the government " no witnesses, withheld evidence from detainees and usually reached 1—DECISION within 1—DAY as it determined that HUNDREDS—OF—MEN...were 'enemy combatants.'" THE—SUPREME—COURT rejected these tribunals because they "were neither authorized by federal law nor required by military necessity + ran afoul of THE—GENEVA Conventions".
20070118 'Cultural left responsible for 20010911 .'
20070118 Despite the book's inflammatory thesis, D'Souza suggests that the book "
20070118 avoids much of the strident rhetoric - seen in other 'LIBERAL—BASHING' books".
20070118 ABC—THE—NOTE: Bush Gave His 'Best TV Performance In Years' On 60—MINUTES
20070118 NEW—YORK—TIMES—BLOG : "Not much is new in the interview".
20070118 HOUSTON CHRONICLE—BLOG : Conservative Real Clear POLITICS—BLOG :
20070118 "I don't care how you thought he did, I don't know how MANY—PEOPLE watched it —AFTER CBS put these leaks out that Bush admitted this and said he was sorry and made IRAQ worse and all this SORT—OF—STUFF. The war at home here is 1—POLITICAL—WAR. Why then go to 60—MINUTES?"
20070118 —HEADED, But ABC—THE—NOTE —, by 1—INDIVIDUAL who has declared that traditional media have 1—LIBERAL—BIAS — came to 1—DIFFERENT—CONCLUSION:
20070118 " On IRAQ, THE—PRESIDENT had his best TV performance in years, minueting with SCOTT—PELLEY on "60—MINUTES," but that was largely offset by the grim news coverage out of IRAQ (and the Gang of 500—MINDSET, which demands 1—FIGHT over funding)".
20070118 —INVOLVED, Straight talk: "If you get, in 1—MAJOR—GROUND—WAR in THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—DESERT, I think support will erode significantly. Nor should it be supported. We cannot even contemplate, in my view, trading USA—BLOOD for IRAQ—BLOOD".
20070118 —COMMITTED, BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS frequently claim they are, to democracy and freedom in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, not mere "stability".
20070118 "He has 24—MONTHS left in his presidency.
20070118 I don't think I'm being MEAN—SPIRITED by saying [that in] the 1. 6—YEARS—OF—HIS—PRESIDENCY, there's been nothing accomplished except the biggest foreign policy fiasco in THE—HISTORY—OF—OUR country".
20070118 —QUOTED, Senate Majority Leader HARRY—REID (D—NV), by Time magazine.
20070118 PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLAN for escalating the war in IRAQ has begun and,
20070118 barring 1—INTERVENTION from Congress, over 20,000 more USA—TROOPS will soon be in the crossfire of 1—BRUTAL civil war.
20070118 —YESTERDAY, GENERAL—GEORGE—CASEY, the outgoing top USA—MILITARY—COMMANDER—IN—IRAQ, warned that it is "going to take time" and no 1 should evaluate THE—IMPACT—OF—THE—PLAN—UNTIL "—SUMMER or Fall".
20070118 It's going to take time. Congress warns Bush over IRAN.
20070118 "With PRESIDENT—BUSH adopting 1—MORE combative tone toward IRAN and Syria, senior Democrats are considering legislation that would
20070118 require THE—PRESIDENT to seek congressional sanction for military action against those countries," CQ reports. "You will see 1—RESOLUTION saying they can't go into IRAN without congressional authorization," said REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—MURTHA (D—PA), CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—HOUSE—APPROPRIATIONS—DEFENSE—SUBCOMMITTEE.
20070118 BUSH—RALLYING cry backfires.
20070118 "PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADDRESS to the nation last —WEEK outlining a 'new way forward' in IRAQ failed to move public opinion in support of his plan to increase USA—TROOP—LEVELS and
20070118 left Americans more pessimistic about the likely OUTCOME—OF—THE—WAR.
20070118 BND: Im Flugschatten des großen Bruders CIA—SFUX World Content News -
20070118 Dem Magazin "Stern" ist in tatkräftiger Zusammenarbeit mit dem investigativen Journalisten STEPHEN—GREY wieder einmal ein besonderer Coup gelungen: —NACH—DEM COVER—UP der
20070118 Rücktritt des israelischen Generalstabschef DAN—HALUZ
20070118 Der israelische Generalstabschef DAN—HALUZ hat seinen Rücktritt eingereicht.
20070118 Er habe Verteidigungsminister AMIR—PEREZ sein Rücktrittsschreiben übermittelt, berichtete das ÖFFENTLICH—RECHTLICHE Radio.
20070118 Gerangel um die Straße von HORMUZ—SFUX MICHAEL—SCHULZE—VON—GLAßER?
20070118 Teure Straßen sind nicht etwa der Broadway in NEW—YORK oder die Avenue des CHAMPS—ÉLESÉES in PARIS.
20070118 Für große Schiffe kann es —BIS zu 150.000—USA—DOLLAR kosten.
20070118 So hatte die Betreibergesellschaft des PANAMA—KANALS.
20070118 —JUDGED, The Big Media has, THE—TRIAL—OF—FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—AIDE—LEWIS "Scooter" Libby as 1—IRRELEVANCE, 1—CASE—STUDY in the old cliche that "it's not the crime but THE—COVER—UP".However...
20070118 Grenzzwischenfall mit PAKISTAN
20070118 Indische Grenzsoldaten sind am —DIENSTAG nach eigenen Angaben unter den Beschuss pakistanischer Truppen geraten.
20070118 What is Incirlik preparing for?
20070118 Wieder Erdbeben in BASEL wegen Geothermieprojekt
20070118 Die Stadt BASEL ist am Dienstagmorgen um 1.09—UHR erneut von einem Erdbeben erschüttert worden.
20070118 —ANFANG Dezember war dort Wasser durch eine 5—KILOMETER tiefe Bohrung in das Gestein gepumpt worden, um die Durchlässigkeit des Gesteins zu erhöhen.
20070118 Komet McNaughs Reise durchs LICHT—SFUX HARALD—HAACK?
20070118 Der —ERST vor wenigen Monaten von dem Australier McNaugh entdeckte und nach ihm benannte Komet zeigt wieder einmal drastisch, welcher Gefahr die Erde ausgesetzt ist und wie unwichtig ALLE—KRIEGE gegenüber den Katastrophen wirken, die entstehen könnten, wenn solch ein himmlischer Brocken herunter kracht.
20070118 Während kleinere GESTEIN—ODER Eisklumpen als Sternschnuppe in der Atmosphere.
20070118 ob cut survivors 'depressed' Workers who keep their jobs —AFTER cuts are almost as likely to suffer stress as those who lose jobs, research says.
20070118 Child nutrition campaign 'fails' INDIA—PROGRAMME to improve child health and nutrition has made little headway, PRIME—MINISTER—MANMOHAN—SINGH says.
20070118 JAPAN confirms bird flu outbreak JAPAN confirms 1—RECENT—OUTBREAK—OF—BIRD—FLU at 1—POULTRY—FARM was the deadly H5N1 STRAIN—OF—THE—VIRUS.
20070118 Senators oppose IRAQ troop boost 3—TOP USA—SENATORS agree on a resolution to oppose PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLAN to increase IRAQ troop numbers.
20070118 Tensions mount in BOLIVIA—REGION BOLIVIA—CENTRAL government refuses to accept a parallel government set up by protesters in COCHABAMBA.
20070118 USA 'to end warrantless wiretaps' PRESIDENT—BUSH decides not to renew 1—SCHEME allowing domestic spying on terror suspects without 1—WARRANT.
20070118 Gazprom export sales soar 43% RUSSIA—CONTROVERSIAL STATE—OWNED gas monopoly Gazprom sees its annual export revenues soar 43%.
20070118 —GRIPPED, USA still, by extreme cold Severe weather continues across 1—HUGE—SWATHE—OF—THE—USA, leaving at least 50—DEAD and thousands without power.
20070118 Backyard poultry ban in JAKARTA THE—INDONESIA—AUTHORITIES are to ban all poultry from THE—CAPITAL—JAKARTA in 1—BID to control bird flu.
20070118 Constitution 'key for EU success' GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL warns EUROPE it faces an "historic failure" if it fails to revive THE—EU constitution.
20070118 Hindus opposing EU swastika ban Hindus in EUROPE oppose 1—GERMANY—MOVE to ban the display of the swastika across THE—EU, 1—HINDU leader says.
20070118 ISRAEL—PM faces calls to resign ISRAEL—OPPOSITION—FIGURES—CALL on THE—PM to quit —AFTER the country's military CHIEF resigns over THE—LEBANON conflict.
20070118 Top IRAQ—SHIA condemns USA 1—OF—IRAQ—MOST powerful Shia politicians accuses THE—USA of undermining IRAQ—SOVEREIGNTY.
20070118 MULLAH—OMAR 'hiding in PAKISTAN' 1—CAPTURED—TALEBAN official says the group' s leader MULLAH—OMAR lives in PAKISTAN protected by its spy agency.
20070118 Climate resets 'Doomsday Clock' Climate change is as great 1—THREAT to humankind as nuclear annihilation, global security experts conclude.
20070118 Open source gets European boost 1—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION—REPORT says that organisations who switch to open source software could make considerable savings.
20070118 Big freeze sours USA orange crops Prices of oranges and other citrus fruits have been pushed sharply higher, —FOLLOWING 1—SEVERE freeze in CALIFORNIA.
20070118 —CHARGED, NIGERIA—MEDIA—MAN 'funds terror' 1—NIGERIA—NEWSPAPER—OWNER is, with receiving funding from AL—QAEDA to sponsor terror.
20070118 Official 'sorry' for lawyers jibe 1—PENTAGON official apologises for criticising USA—LAW—FIRMS for representing GUANTANAMO detainees.
20070118 NEPAL Maoists lock their weapons NEPAL—MAOISTS begin locking up their weapons in 1—KEY—PART—OF—THE—COUNTRY—PEACE—PROCESS.
20070118 —DISCOVERED, Dwarf planet 'becoming 1—COMET' 1—UNUSUAL—DWARF—PLANET, in the outer Solar System could be en route to becoming the brightest comet ever known.
20070118 Bush defends boost to IRAQ troops PRESIDENT—BUSH defends his decision to send more USA—TROOPS to IRAQ, —AFTER 70—PEOPLE die in twin blasts in BAGHDAD.
20070118 —PLAYED, Castro health fears ' down' 1—REPORT that THE—CONDITION—OF—CUBA—LEADER—FIDEL Castro has worsened —AFTER failed operations is strongly denied.
20070118 AUSTRALIA—FIRES threaten homes Bush fires destroy 8—HOMES in THE—AUSTRALIA—STATE—OF—VICTORIA, 1—DAY—AFTER they cut 1—KEY—POWER—LINE.
20070118 High ski runs fuel habitat fears As —WINTER snow becomes less reliable, ecologists say HIGH—ALTITUDE ski slopes will threaten fragile habitat.
20070118 Syrians and Israelis 'held talks' 1—FORMER—ISRAEL—DIPLOMAT says secret talks were held with rival Syria 20040000—20060000 —BETWEEN.
20070118 —LAUNCHED, Protection for 'weirdest' species 1—PROJECT is, to protect SOME—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST unique creatures, previously ignored by conservationists.
20070118 Report set to criticise BP safety BP—SAFETY—RECORD at its USA—OIL refineries is expected to come under fire in 1—INDEPENDENT—REPORT.
20070118 Trial examines Swissair collapse Former directors of Swissair, which collapsed 20010000 , go on trial in ZURICH on —TUESDAY accused of false accounting.
20070118 —URGED, Protection, for UK sea life Conservationists are urging the government to protect 1—SET—OF "biodiversity hotspots" —AROUND BRITAIN—COAST.
20070118 Ofcom probes Big Brother 'racism' THE—UK—TV—WATCHDOG—LOOKS into complaints of alleged racism against Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty.
20070118 Computer Privacy in Distress Court decisions strip computers + databases of important protections against warrantless searches + seizures.
20070118 Why We Love Oil 1—HANDY—GRAPHIC—LEVELS the energy playing field and puts our petroleum infatuation in perspective.
20070118 WIRED, Science.
20070118 Pentagon and CIA Spy on Americans Terror fighters' use of "national security letters" to dig into bank records raises 1 red flag.
20070118 In 27B Stroke 6.
20070118 Find toxic wastelands via Google Earth EPA takes 1. step in effort to make data about polluted sites more accessible to online mapping applications and the public at large.
20070118 ATTORNEY—GENERAL: NSA spy program to be reformed ALBERTO—GONZALES said the controversial domestic surveillance program will —NOW be overseen by 1—SECRET—COURT—IN—WASHINGTON.
20070118 —EXPECTED, USA: No Net governance changes, BUSH—ADMINISTRATION applauds UNITED—NATIONS official who says UNITED—NATIONS won't try to seize more CONTROL—OF—THE—WAY the Net is run.
20070118 Google, UK—MILITARY discuss Google Earth use in attacks Blog: Google is talking with military agencies in IRAQ —AFTER learning that terrorists attacking UK—BASES in Basra appear to have...
20070118 PRESIDENT signs pretexting bill into law Federal law makes it illegal to buy, sell or obtain personal phone records through fraudulent means;
20070118 Backyard meteorologists on the rise Blog: In what seems like 1—NO—BRAINER, technology still can't outdo people —WHEN it comes to gauging the weather.
20070118 Scientists urge UPGRADE—OF—USA—SATELLITE—SYSTEM—BLOG: If global warming wasn't bad enough, scientists have more unsettling news.According to 1—STUDY released —MONDAY by the National...
20070118 Domestic Spying Program to Get Judicial Oversight
20070118 "THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT has consented to court oversight (albeit via 1—SECRET—COURT) of the controversial domestic wiretapping program (the "Terrorist Surveillance Program") previously discussed at length on Slashdot. From the article, "[oversight] authority has been given to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and [it] already has approved 1—REQUEST for monitoring the communications of 1—PERSON believed to be linked to al Qaeda or 1 associated terror group"".
20070118 Political Bloggers May Be Forced to Register
20070118 Cancer Drug May Not Get 1—CHANCE—DUE to Lack of Patent
20070118 - ScuttleMonkey 317 - THESHOWMECANUCK—IN 1—RECENT—STUDY, researchers at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—ALBERTA—DEPARTMENT—OF—MEDICINE have shown that 1—EXISTING small, relatively NON—TOXIC molecule, dichloroacetate (DCA), causes regression in several different cancers.
20070118 "But there's 1—CATCH: the drug isn't patented + pharmaceutical companies may not be interested in funding further research if the treatment won't make them 1—PROFIT. In findings that 'astounded' the researchers, the molecule known as DCA was shown to shrink lung, breast and brain tumors in both animal and human tissue experiments".
20070118 Who won?
20070118 "I think they call them "exit polls" because people bolt for the exits —WHEN you mention them, but I'm still fascinated by the subject myself + this book is 1—OF—THE—REASONS why. In Was 20040000 —THE Presidential Election Stolen?, the central focus is, of course, on the infamous EXIT—POLL discrepancies of 20040000 —THE—USA—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION; but the authors also put it into context: they discuss 20000000 —THE election, the irregularities in OHIO 20040000 , the electronic voting machines issues + the media's strange reluctance to report on ANY—OF—THESE problems. Further, in the chapter "How did AMERICAN—REALLY vote?", they compare the indications of the raw EXIT—POLL—DATA to other available polling data. —THROUGHOUT, Freeman and Bleifuss do 1—EXCELLENT—JOB—OF presenting arguments based on statistical analysis in 1—CLEAR, concise way".
20070118 Read the rest of doom's REVIEW—NAVY—GETS 8-Megajoule Rail Gun Working
20070118 "The Free LANCE—STAR—NEWSPAPER is reporting that the Navy Surface Warfare Center in Dahlgren, VIRGINIA has successfully demonstrated an 8-megajoule electromagnetic rail gun. A 32-megajoule version is due to be tested in June. A 64-megajoule version is anticipated to extend the range of naval gunfire (currently about 15—NAUTICAL—MILES for a 5-inch naval gun) to more than 200—NAUTICAL—MILES 20200000 —BY. The projectiles are small, but go so fast that have enough kinetic punch to replace 1—TOMAHAWK missile at 1—FRACTION—OF—THE—COST. In the final version, they will apex at 95—MILES altitude, well into space. These systems were —INITIALLY PART—OF—REAGAN—SDI program ("Star Wars"). 1—INTERESTING tidbit in the article is that the rail gun is only expected to fire 10—TIMES or less per —DAY, presumably BECAUSE—OF—THE—AMOUNT—OF—ELECTRICITY needed. I guess we —NOW need 1—WARP core to power them".
20070118 Is It Illegal To Disclose 1—WEB—VULNERABILITY?
20070118 Of course, THE—OWNERS—OF—SITES often don't see the distinction between the 2. Regardless of whether or not it's illegal to disclose Web vulnerabilities, it's certainly problematic + perhaps 1—FOOL—ERRAND.
20070118 I agree with [noted security researcher] H.D. Moore, as far as production websites are concerned: "There is no way to report 1—VULNERABILITY safely".'"
20070118 "Last —WEEK at the National Conference for Media REFORM—OHIO congressman DENNIS—KUCINICH (1—LONG—SHOT—CANDIDATE for the Democratic presidential nomination) stated that the Fairness Doctrine may be reinstated.
20070118 Kucinich will be heading up 1—NEW—HOUSE subcommittee that will focus on issues —AROUND THE—FCC.
20070118 Feds Check Credit Reports Without a Subpoena
20070118 "'These statutory tools may provide key leads for counterintelligence and counterterrorism investigations,' Whitman said. 'Because these are requests for information rather than court orders, 1—DOD request under THE—NSL statutes cannot be compelled absent court involvement.'" RECIPIENTS—OF—THE—LETTERS, banks and credit bureaus, usually hand over the requested information voluntarily.
20070118 1—POSTING at tothecenter_com quotes THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—ON—THE—USE—OF—THE—LETTERS: "It's perfectly legitimate activity. THERE—NOTHING wrong or illegal with it. It doesn't violate people's civil rights... The Defense Department gets involved because we've got HUNDREDS—OF—BASES inside THE—USA—THAT are potential terrorist targets".
20070118 Fighting Porn Vs. Ruining Innocent Lives
20070118 —AFTER NEWS—OF—THE—CONVICTION—OF—1—SUBSTITUTE teacher for endangering minors — because porn popups, possibly initiated by adware, had appeared on her computer —DURING class — comes the even sadder story of 16—YEAR—OLD—MATT—BANDY.
20070118 —TURNED, His family's life was, UPSIDE—DOWN —WHEN he was charged in ARIZONA with POSSESSION—OF—CHILD—PORNOGRAPHY, even though the family computer was riddled with spyware and Trojans.
20070118 —ALLOWED, —AFTER the intervention of ABC—20/20, Matt finally was, to plead to 1—LESSER—CHARGE (namely, sharing 1—PLAYBOY magazine with friends) and —JUST barely escaped being labeled 1—SEX—OFFENDER for the rest of his life.
20070118 Lessig On Net Neutrality
20070118 "Lessig delivers the final word on net neutrality. Read it 5—TIMES to absorb the densest, most CONTENT—RICH—PRONOUNCEMENT that Wired will deliver 20070000 ".
20070118 "Those who oppose NETWORK—NEUTRALITY—REGULATION should also oppose... regulation of [municipal broadband,] LAST—MILE broadband's most important competitor. Municipal competition won't kill commercial broadband ANY—MORE than Linux has killed Windows. Yet it could change the business MODEL—OF—LAST—MILE broadband, —JUST as Linux has changed the business model of Microsoft. If there's going to be 1—LINUX—LIKE miracle to counteract INNOVATION—THREATENING broadband business models, then, at 1—MINIMUM, miracles must not be 1—CRIME".
20070118 Mandatory DRM for Podcasts Proposed
20070118 "JOE—BIDEN, DIANNE—FEINSTEIN + 2—GOP senators are sponsoring 1—BILL—CALLED—THE—PERFORM—ACT that would require podcasts with music and satellite radio to be LOCKED—UP with music INDUSTRY—APPROVED DRM software. 'All audio services — Webcasters included — would be obligated to implement "reasonably available and economically reasonable" COPY—PROTECTION—TECHNOLOGY aimed at preventing "music theft" and restricting automatic recording.'"
20070118 Google Groups: alt.conspiracy.jfk their trademark.
20070118 Then you can add in that both Shackley + Harvey spent time in ROME.
20070118 —INTRODUCED, In fact it was Shackley who, AL—HAIG to LICIO—GELLI.
20070118 ALEX—JONES, PRESENTS—INFOWARS_com to Fight the New World Order...
20070118 Mafia, Geheimdienste und POLITIK—DER—USA—OBWOHL sich Licio Gelli + Lopez de Letona, ein einflussreicher Exponent des... CIA—AGENTEN THOMAS—CLINES, THEODORE—SHACKLEY + RICHARD—SECORD arbeitete.
20070118 The Randi Rhodes Show > MICHAEL—LEDEEN "Shacklee" was THEODORE—SHACKLEY, the legendary CIA covert ops specialist... —DURING the Cold War, Shackley had run MANY—OF—THE—CIA—MOST controversial...
20070118 masonic society, P-2 , under Licio Gelli. SISMI (ITALY—INTELLIGENCE)
20070118 Bush contro CUBA. di Aldo Mombello Shackley, in particolare, fu l'uomo che presentó a fine anni '60 (grazie a FRANK—TERPIL) Licio Gelli ad ALEXANDER—HAIG, viceconsigliere di Nixon per LOS—ANGELES..
20070118 —PICKED, STRATEGY—OF—TENSION: THE—CASE—OF—ITALY—LICIO—GELLI, who was, for the new strategy, had joined Freemasonry already... Ledeen, together with THEODORE—SHACKLEY, was pulling the strings of the...
20070118 Lobster: THE—JOURNAL—OF—PARAPOLITICS... Sindona + Calvi ) The final PART—OF—THE—PLAN was for Gelli to foment...
20070118 The humans don't understand us they can't do anything W e'll ha ve...
20070118 © Jeroen Bosch - Gelli, Lucio [...] Ghorbanifar, Manucher [...] Giornale (Nuovo), Il [...] Gosch, Johnny [.
20070118 Shackley, Theodore [...] SISMI [...] Spence, CRAIG—J [. - - - WWI #787 TRANSCRIPTION—OF—BROADCAST
20070118 MP3 RECORDINGS—OF—MAE—BRUSSELL—PART 3 ... huge drug arrest in MIAMI, EDWIN—WILSON, F. Terpil, T. Shackley agents.
20070118 THE "WHO'S" AND "THEY'S" AT THE—ROOT OF "GLOBAL BANKING, FINANCIAL... —AFTER meetings between Gelli, ITALY—MILITARY—BRASS and CIA men in the embassy... My husband worked with Ted Shackley.. He was the Account Holder for...
20070118 Edizioni Achab, informazione internazi onale. Informazione da CUBA.
20070118 Early 1970s Meeting between ALEXANDER—HAIG and Licio Gelli.
20070118 Statewatch Briefing: Operation Gladio — Archive... Licio Gelli, was sentenced to 7—YEARS for his involvement in the case.
20070118 Licio Gelli "In 1—INTERVIEW—THE—EX—NATO—OPERATIVE said that Ted Shackley.
20070118 Gioia e Rivoluzione Il personaggio chiave è Licio Gelli che ex agente nazifascist a riesce nel '43 a... di ROMA della CIA guidata allora da THEODORE—SHACKLEY e MARC—WYATT...
20070118 Carmilla on line ®Ted Shackley venne scelto nei primi giorni del 19620000 per dirigere a MIAMI i piani... E di adesso: si consideri, alla luce della presenza di Gelli in questo...
20070118 chapter 14—ONLINE Gelli 's P2 and elements within THE—VATICAN (such as Father Krujoslav Dragonovic... Shackley, Singlaub + North would go on to orchestrate the secret +...
20070118 MICHAEL—LEDEEN—DEMANDS 'Regime Change' in IRAN... Director for Plans THEODOR—SHACKLEY, who was another pivotal IRAN—CONTRA figure.
20070118 Video di Fioravanti e Mambro di CRISTIANO LOVATELLI RAVARINO NEWS... di aver estromesso dall'agenzia THEODORE—SHACKLEY—IL secondo di perseguire... Un'altra volta mi chiese spiegazioni su una mia intervista a Licio Gelli...
20070118 THE—KILLING—OF—DE—MENEZES and Operation Gladio Early 1970s Meeting between ALEXANDER—HAIG and Licio Gelli :
20070118 According to Searchlight: In 1—INTERVIEW 1—EX—NATO—OPERATIVE said that Ted Shackley.
20070118 UK INDYMEDIA—USA—CONNECTION—POINTS to CIA /P2 OG possibly behind... In the interview THE—EX—NATO—OPERATIVE said that Ted Shackley, THE—CIA—DEPUTY—STATION—CHIEF—IN—ROME, "fixed 1—MEETING between ALEXANDER—HAIG and Gelli at...
20070118 Through Licio Gelli, THE—CIA also comes into contact with both the Knights of MALTA and the... Shackley was WILSON—CIA supervisor.
20070118 OPERATION GLADIO "In 1—INTERVIEW—THE—EX—NATO—OPERATIVE said that Ted Shackley, THE—CIA—DEPUTY—STATION—CHIEF—IN—ROME, "fixed 1—MEETING between ALEXANDER—HAIG + Gelli at Bush book: Chapter -17-Shackley, as we have seen, was 1—PART—OF—THE—BUSH for PRESIDENT—CAMPAIGN—OF... Here Razin repeated THE—ACCOUNT—OF—THE—MESSAGE from Gelli to Guarino +...
20070118 Neue Solidarität 13/2004:Die "Strategie der Spannung" in Italien... SIFAR die Verschwörer vom Istituto Pollio + Karamessines förderte den USA—GEHEIMDIENSTMANN THEODOR—SHACKLEY, der Verbindungen zum P2 -Boß Gelli hatte.
20070118 —EXPERIENCED, Gelli was too, 1—COVERT action operator to have ever sent such an risky... unlike what WILLIAM—KING—HARVEY—SUCCESSOR at THE—CIA, Ted Shackley...
20070118 aangirfan: THE—KILLING—OF—DE—MENEZES and Operation Gladio
20070118 Early 1970s Meeting between ALEXANDER—HAIG + Licio Gelli : According to Searchlight: In 1—INTERVIEW 1—EX—NATO—OPERATIVE said that Ted Shackley, THE—CIA 's...
20070118 —BACKED, Info on ITALY—CIA—DUAL—STATE - P2 , Gelli, Gladio Info on ITALY—CIA—BACKED Dual State - P2 , Gelli, Gladio...
20070118 —DURING the 1930s, Licio Gelli volunteered for the "Black Shirt" expeditionary... "Declassified SECRET—SERVICE—PAPERS reveal that Ted Shackley, deputy CHIEF...
20070118 Licio Gelli : Information from Answers_com
20070118 THE—AMEZCUA—CONTRERAS family manages 1—SYNTHETIC—DRUG—PRODUCTION and trafficking... joined his 2—OLDER brothers, Luis and Jose de Jesus Amezcua...
20070118 Jornais, BBC Brasil, Cox News Service, El País, Financial Times... A organização mexicana é controlada por JOSé de Jesus e Adan Amezcua Contreras,
20070118 Er werde sein Möglichstes tun, das Vorhaben Bush s zu stoppen, weitere 21.500—SOLDATEN in den Irak zu schicken, erklärte Hagel, der als möglicher Präsidentschaftskandidat im kommenden —JAHR gilt.
20070118 Unterdessen gab USA—JUSTIZMINISTER ALBERTO—GONZALES in einem Brief an den USA—SENAT bekannt, dass ein umstrittenes Abhörprogramm, das —NACH—DEN Anschlägen vom 20010911 eingeführt wurde, nicht verlängert werde.
20070118 —DERZEIT kann die USA—REGIERUNG mit diesem Programm noch internationale Telefongespräche und E—MAILS—VON—USA—BÜRGERN ohne gerichtlichen Beschluss abhören, um mutmaßliche Extremisten und Attentäter zu finden.
20070118 Kritiker hatten jedoch wiederholt darauf verwiesen, dass diese Praxis der USA—VERFASSUNG und einem Gesetz von 19780000 entgegensteht, in dem das Abhören von USA—BÜRGERN ohne gerichtlichen Beschluss verboten wird.
20070118 Kurnaz' Rechtsanwalt BERNHARD—DOCKE sagte, sein Mandant habe deutlich gemacht, dass Folter und Misshandlungen in dem USA—LAGER in KANDAHAR offensichtlich waren.
20070118 Darüber hinaus stelle sich die Frage, ob deutsche Behörden dazu beigetragen haben, dass Kurnaz aus dem USA—GEFÄNGNIS in AFGHANISTAN nach GUANTANAMO geschickt wurde.
20070118 Docke sagte, die USA—SOLDATEN, die Kurnaz in KANDAHAR befragt hätten, hätten Informationen zu seiner Bremer Vorgeschichte GEHABT—ZUM Beispiel über einen HANDY—VERKAUF und Bewegungen auf seinem Bankkonto.
20070118 Irakpolitik: USA—SENATOREN legen ANTI—BUSH - Resolution vor
20070118 USA—GEFANGENSCHAFT: Kurnaz schildert schwere Misshandlungen
20070118 Das Forscherteam erkennt in seinen Untersuchungen den Ausgangspunkt für 1—MODELL, was 19180000 im menschlichen Körper passiert sein könnte, da Makaken und Menschen VIELE—EIGENSCHAFTEN teilen.
20070118 Die Studie liefert Anhaltspunkte, warum ausgerechnet Erwachsene zwischen 20—UND 40—JAHREN am schwersten unter der Spanischen Grippe litten: Junge Menschen dieses Alters haben generell ein starkes Immunsystem, das ihnen in diesem Fall mehr geschadet als genutzt habe, heißt es in "Nature".
20070118 "Wir wissen zwar immer noch wenig über das Virus, aber die Erkenntnis einer überschießenden Immunreaktion war entscheidend", sagt DARWYN—KOBASA von der Public Health Agency of CANADA in WINNIPEG.
20070118 "Mit diesem Wissen können wir uns anders auf eine eventuelle Pandemie vorbereiten".
20070118 Steinmeier und Rice : NAHOST—QUARTETT soll —ANFANG Februar beraten
20070118 Warmer —WINTER, gestiegene Vorräte: Ölpreis rutscht unter 50—DOLLAR - YOUR, Face, Suckers!
20070118 1—THEORY is that the perps made it obvious for those who question, to fuck with our heads + to show that THE—NON—QUESTIONING will believe anything.
20070118 This is something I have thought about 1—LOT and I totally agree with THE—MIND—FUCK aspect.Think about —JUST SOME—OF—WHAT we've been presented with:a) the bizarre fake Pentagon crashb) the blatantly obvious faked flight 93—CRASH sitec) several fairly clearly fake 2. hit videos
20070118 IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI took "1—PAGE OUT—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION playbook," saying —YESTERDAY that criticism of his administration from PRESIDENT—BUSH and other USA—OFFICIALS "give morale boosts for the terrorists and push them toward making 1—EXTRA—EFFORT".
20070118 conservatives voted against further consideration
20070118 of the bill because it didn't include 1—AMENDMENT giving PRESIDENT—BUSH—LINE—ITEM—VETO—POWER, the ability "to single out individual spending items in legislation for elimination".
20070118 —CONVINCED, Administration officials "have, 1—SINGLE—JUDGE in 1—SECRET—SESSION, in 1—NONADVERSARIAL session, to issue 1—COURT—ORDER to cover THE—PRESIDENT—TERRORISM—SURVEILLANCE—PROGRAM," Wilson said.
20070118 ANY—CASE, the shift —YESTERDAY "doesn't mean the government can't still gather personal information about Americans without 1—COURT—ORDER," 1—USA—TODAY—EDITORIAL—STATES.
20070118 "How? Through something called 1—NATIONAL—SECURITY—LETTER. Unlike the warrantless wiretapping program, these letters don't violate ANY—LAWS, though perhaps they should".
20070118 The decision, "to SOME—DEGREE,
20070118 would sidestep" SOME—POWERFUL—COMMITTEE—CHAIRMEN, specifically energy chairman JOHN—DINGELL (D—MI), who is less aggressive on global warming issues.
20070118 —BY THE—END—OF—THIS —YEAR". He also gave support to BUSH—ESCALATION "plan to send 1—ADDITIONAL 21,500—USA—TROOPS to IRAQ".
20070118 "THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—BIGGEST program to help people rebuild —AFTER natural disasters is on the
20070118 verge of running out of operating money because of budgeting problems at the agency that runs it, the Small Business Administration," THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTS.
20070118 "I try to imagine myself being 1—JUDGE," Gonzales said.
20070118 "What do I know ABOUT—WHAT is going on in AFGHANISTAN or GUANTANAMO?
20070118 ravages of global warming,
20070118 STEPHEN—COLBERT will appear on the "O'REILLY—FACTOR" at 8—PM, —WHILE BILL—O'REILLY appears on the "Colbert Report" at 11:30 pm.
20070118 I have never had 1—PROBLEM with it as long as it's not MEAN—SPIRITED + I don't think he is".
20070118 —PERFECTED, Fantastic Voyage: Departure 20090000 If, the 1. microrobot able to travel through human arteries could perform delicate brain surgery without dangerous invasive procedures.
20070118 ATTORNEY—GENERAL to talk data retention with new Congress ALBERTO—GONZALES says it's critical to ensure that law enforcement is able to get its hands on subscriber data from INTERNET service providers.
20070118 ATTORNEY—GENERAL—MUM on spy program COURT—ORDERS—AT—SENATE hearing, Gonzales casts doubt on whether more details will be publicly disclosed about administration's latest surveillance plans.
20070118 Chapter 1 - Chapter 2
20070118 Chapter 3 - THE—MURDER—OF—ALLENDE—AND THE—END—OF—THE—CHILE—WAY to socialism
20070118 Róbinson ROJAS—HARPER and ROW—NEW—YORK, 19750000 ,1976-Fitzhenry&Whiteside Ltd., TORONTO—CANADA, 19750000
20070118 Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Church Cmte Vol 7: EDWARD—KORRY
20070118 AMBASSADOR TO CHILE... actions to MISTER—GERRITY—OF—ITT, 1—SERIES—OF—ECONOMIC actions that could.
20070118 The Worse Things Get, THE—BETTER—MONDAY, 19730409 -- Page... Broe then made what amounted to 1—COUNTERPROPOSAL to ITT Senior VICE—PRESIDENT—EDWARD—GERRITY—JUNIOR—BROE said that he discussed with Gerrity "the feasibility...
20070118 Researchers Developing SINGLE—PIXEL—CAMERA
20070118 "According to THE—BBC, researchers in THE—USA—ARE developing 1—SINGLE—PIXEL—CAMERA to capture HIGH—QUALITY—IMAGES without the 'expense' of traditional digital photography. The idea behind such 1—DEVICE is that traditional digital photography is wasteful. MOST—OF—THE—INFORMATION taken in by the camera is thrown away in the compression process. 'The digital micromirror device, as it is known, consists of 1—MILLION or more tiny mirrors each the size of 1—BACTERIUM. "From that mirror array, we then focus the light through a 2. lens on to 1—SINGLE—PHOTO—DETECTOR - 1—SINGLE—PIXEL". As the light passes through the device, THE—MILLIONS—OF—TINY—MIRRORS are turned on and off at random in rapid succession. Complex mathematics then interprets the signals assembling 1—HIGH—RESOLUTION—IMAGE from THE—THOUSANDS—OF—SEQUENTIAL—SINGLE—PIXEL snapshots. '"
20070118 RIAA Arrests Pro Artist for Making Mixtapes
20070118 Maximum Prophet writes "THE—RIAA is —NOW going —AFTER mixtapes; specifically, THE—WELL—KNOWN mixtapes of rap artist DJ Drama. 'On —TUESDAY night he was arrested with Don Cannon, 1—PROTÉGÉ. The police, working with the Recording Industry ASSOCIATION—OF—AMERICA, raided his office, at 147—WALKER Street in ATLANTA. The association makes no distinction between counterfeit CDs and unlicensed compilations like those that DJ Drama is known for.' The story goes on to say that MANY—OF—THE—ARTISTS featured on the mixtapes would never have had the exposure and thus sales they had if DJ Drama had not featured them on 1—MIX. Nowhere is 1—SPECIFIC—ARTIST mentioned who claims to have been wronged by him. Additionally, the article states that mixtapes such as those made by DJ Drama are 1 accepted and integral PART—OF—RAP music culture. His arrest is confusing on several levels".
20070118 Extraterrestrials Probably Haven't Found USA—YET
20070118 "THE—GUARDIAN —TODAY has 1—STORY about THE—DENMARK—ASTROPHYSICIST—RASMUS—BJOERK, who —RECENTLY conducted simulations on how long it will take to colonize the Milky Way. The basic idea is to send out probes in different directions (including various heights above the galactic plane). He estimates that it will take some 10—BILLION years to explore 4—PERCENT—OF—THE—MILKY—WAY. —SINCE THE—AGE—OF—THE—UNIVERSE is of the same order, his conclusion is that aliens can't have had time required to find us yet".
20070118 "The Hindu, 1—LEADING national newspaper, reports that the Communist government of Kerala (the state with the highest literacy rate in INDIA) has announced its ALL—OUT support for FOSS in the draft IT policy announced —YESTERDAY.
20070118 The draft also calls for preferential treatment for companies coming forward to work in THE—FOSS domain.
20070118 ANTI—MISSILE—DEFENSES—FOR Commercial Jets - - Omeger (—POSTED—BY kdawson) 460 -
20070118 THE—AP reports that the 1. ANTI—MISSILE—DEFENSE—SYSTEM has been installed for testing on 1—COMMERCIAL—JET, 1—FEDEX cargo carrier.
20070118 She and other MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS are hoping to equip all USA commercial passenger liners with this system 00.000.20 years, at 1—COST—OF—BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS.
20070118 "According to their newsletter (my ENGLAND—TRANSLATION here), THE—HOLLAND—GROUP that 'doesn't trust the voting computers' has won 1—ROUND against the industry and the civil servants that seem HELL—BENT on reintroducing voting machines — NewVote, made by SDU — that THE—HOLLAND—MINISTER—OF—THE—INTERIOR has suspended.
20070118 - Alien54 (—POSTED—BY kdawson) 132 - - "Requiring permission to innovate?
20070118 Centuries from —NOW (hopefully much, much sooner), the actions of THE—RIAA, MPAA and others that match these of the weavers and BUTTON—MAKERS—OF—16010101—17001231 —CENTURY FRANCE will seem —JUST as ridiculous".
20070118 CHINA Tests ANTI—SATELLITE Laser Weapon
20070118 "USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES believe that CHINA has successfully tested 1—ANTI—SATELLITE—WEAPON by destroying 1—OF—THEIR—OLD—WEATHER—SATELLITES.
20070118 Arms Control Wonk has 1—GOOD writeup on what this will mean for USA—POLICY".
20070118 Expert Wants to Decertify Global Warming Skeptics
20070118 "Apparently in the Senate, at least 1—SCIENTIST wants to put 1—PERMANENT stop to ANY—ARGUMENTS over Global Warming. The Weather CHANNEL—MOST prominent climatologist is advocating that broadcast meteorologists be stripped of their scientific certification if they express skepticism about predictions of manmade catastrophic global warming".
20070118 "Kulturzerstörung von der Kategorie des Mongolensturms" [Archiv... Die alte sumerische Metropole Isin sei komplett zerstört: "Aus Isin ist eine... die Menschen im Irak zur Zeit kein größeres Problem als kaputte Vasen.
20070118 the Bush family history part 1—TAKING advantage of stubborn economic distress and 1—UNRULY situation...
20070118 BUSH—NAZI—CONNECTION01 In BERLIN the government was in distress.
20070118 the depression + the Thyssen 's "BANK—VOOR—HANDEL en Scheepvaart " all contributed to... alfatomega.com/index_09.html
20070118 Clamor Magazine :: issue 14 :: feature In BERLIN the government was in distress.
20070118 Londonderry: Protest Raytheon besetzt, Haft 4—ISRAELISCHER Friedensaktivist verletzt 5 ... Halliburton unter Bestechungsverdacht **OOOOHHhh nein!
20070118 mehr AMERIKA vs. ENGLAND.
20070118 Die entdeckten Mutationen unterschieden sich allerdings deutlich von denen der 2—VIETNAMESISCHEN Mädchen, betonte Hayden.
20070118 Von 19—MENSCHEN, die sich in Ägypten nachweislich mit dem VOGELGRIPPE—VIRUS H5N1 angesteckt hatten, sind mindestens 10—DURCH die Infektion gestorben.
20070118 2—TOTE: VOGELGRIPPE—VIRUS war resistent gegen Tamiflu
20070118 Chronik: Die schlimmsten Orkane der vergangenen 30—JAHRE
20070118 —WITNESSED, Similar crash incidents have been, frequently —DURING THE—LAST—YEAR—ALL across IRAN + officials believe that the objects could be spy planes or 1—HI—TECH—ESPIONAGE—DEVICE.
20070118 UFO Observed in WEST—IRAN
20070118 1—RADIANT—UNIDENTIFIED—FLYING—OBJECT was again observed in the sky of CENTRAL—SEPIDAR in the vicinity of Bouyer Ahmad in WEST—IRAN.
20070118 Silverman heads a 2. company that sells THE—RICE—SIZE—PEOPLE—CHIPS, which are the only ones with Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approval, for implantation in 1—INDIVIDUAL—RIGHT biceps.
20070118 —OCCUPIED, Blair signals UK will send more troops to, AFGHANISTAN : —DURING 1—PRIVATE meeting in No 10 on —SUNDAY, ROBERT—GATES, THE—USA—DEFENCE—SECRETARY, asked THE—PRIME—MINISTER for additional UK—FORCES to keep up the military momentum against the insurgents.
20070118 USA—LACKS 'explosive' evidence against IRAN : THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION made 1—DECISION to start blaming its new problem in IRAQ on TEHRAN.
20070118 —ADVANCED, Voicing extreme concern over RUSSIA—RECENT—SALE—OF, ANTI—AIRCRAFT—MISSILES to IRAN, senior diplomatic and defense officials warned MOSCOW —TUESDAY that the deal could have serious security implications that would even "get back to RUSSIA".
20070118 RUSSIA raises security —AFTER attack warnings : RUSSIA—SECURITY—SERVICES increased patrols and surveillance at military bases, oil pipelines and THE—MOSCOW metro on —WEDNESDAY—AFTER the country's spy CHIEF—WARNED—OF—1—POTENTIAL—ATTACK.
20070118 Senators oppose USA—TROOP—INCREASE : Trying to get PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH to reverse plans for boosting USA—TROOP—STRENGTH in IRAQ, senators from both political parties unveiled on —WEDNESDAY 1—NONBINDING resolution opposing the increase.
20070118 SUDAN says USA—TROOPS—SEARCH—BAGHDAD embassy : SUDAN on —WEDNESDAY summoned the senior USA—DIPLOMAT in KHARTOUM —AFTER it said USA—TROOPS raided THE—SUDAN—EMBASSY in BAGHDAD, violating diplomatic conventions, 1—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—SPOKESMAN said.
20070118 How USA is deferring war costs: As war spending on IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN nears the levels for VIETNAM and KOREA, concern is rising over the 'borrow —NOW, pay —LATER' approach.
20070118 "Doomsday Clock" Moves 2—MINUTES Closer To Midnight
20070118 —BY Bulletin of the Atomic SCIENTISTS—IT is —NOW 5—MINUTES to midnight.
20070118 —POSED, Reflecting global failures to solve the problems, by nuclear weapons and the climate crisis, the decision by THE—BAS BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS was made in consultation with THE—BULLETIN—BOARD—OF—SPONSORS, which includes 18—NOBEL Laureates.
20070118 5—MINUTES to Midnight - BOARD—STATEMENT—BULLETIN of the Atomic Scientists
20070118 Attacking IRAN: WHAT—IN—IT—FOR—BUSH ?
20070118 —STAGED, To facilitate this deception, the Bush Regime, 1—PROPAGANDA—EVENT by invading 1—IRAN—GOVERNMENT liaison OFFICE—IN—NORTH—IRAQ, kidnapping THE—IRAN—OFFICIALS and declaring them to be involved in plans to kill USA—TROOPS.
20070118 —HELPED, The administration, to enforce THE—ISRAEL—BOYCOTT—OF—FOOD, water and medical supplies to GAZA + they have stopped other DONOR—STATES from providing humanitarian relief.
20070118 —TERRORIZED, Terror Suspect was, in A—USA—NAVY brig
20070118 Bipartisan Senate Measure Confronts Bush Over IRAQ.
20070118 Dick "DOCTOR—EVIL" Cheney Put the Kibosh on Sanity and Peaceful Coexistence.
20070118 WASHINGTON—POST : "Arab World Outraged Over Hangings in IRAQ".
20070118 Clinton Steps Up CRITICISM—OF—WAR in IRAQ: SENATOR—REJECTS—BUSH—STRATEGY but Steers Clear of Timetable for Troop Pullout 1/18
20070118 Nuclear war MICHEL—CHOSSUDOVSKY, PROFESSOR—OF—ECONOMICS at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—OTTAWA, has 1—FRIGHTENING new article on the likelihood of nuclear war: 'The Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations' goes 1—STEP—FURTHER in blurring the distinction between "defensive" and "offensive" military actions:
20070118 "The new triad offers 1—MIX of strategic offensive and defensive capabilities that includes nuclear and NON—NUCLEAR—STRIKE capabilities, active and passive defenses + 1—ROBUST research, development + industrial infrastructure to develop, build + maintain offensive forces and defensive systems..".
20070118 —WHILE its contents remains classified, the presumption is that NSPD 35—PERTAINS to the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in THE—MIDDLE—EAST—WAR—THEATER in compliance with CONPLAN 8022.
20070118 —CONFRONTED, The question is: why is Bush, who is, with failure in IRAQ, willing to compound his problems by attacking 1—MORE—POWERFUL—MUSLIM STATE—THAT—THE—USA has no prospect of being able to occupy?
20070118 Für das irdische Leben könnten das kosmische Bombardement vor 470—MILLIONEN Jahren und die stark erhöhte Staubkonzentration in der oberen Atmosphäre indes überraschend positive Folgen gehabt haben.
20070118 Birger Schmitz, unter dessen Leitung die fossilen Meteorite —VOR—10—JAHREN in Schweden entdeckt wurden, mutmaßt, dass die Explosion der Artenvielfalt im mittleren —BIS späten Ordovizium etwas mit den Meteoritentreffern und den Klimaveränderungen dieser Zeit zu tun hat. mbe/dpa
20070118 "Es ist aus unserer Sicht sinnvoller, —ERST die Aufklärung des Sachverhalts voranzutreiben, um dann die Beschuldigten gegebenenfalls mit dem Ergebnis zu konfrontieren", sagte der Leitende Oberstaatsanwalt WALTER—VOLLMER.
20070118 BERLIN—KURNAZ' Anwalt BERNHARD—DOCKE sagte vor dem Gremium, dass "der Rechtsstaat in GUANTANAMO abgeschaltet" ist.
20070118 Raue Zeiten für Ehebrecher: USA—GERICHT sieht Seitensprung als Straftat
20070118 USA—GEFANGENSCHAFT: Kurnaz Anwalt beschuldigt Bundesregierung
20070118 Spektroskopische Tools/Spectroscopic Tools :: STEFFEN—SCIENCE... Die Henne ist das klügste Geschöpf im Tierreich.
20070118 STANY_TAF_Comment_Letter - CHARLES M. PADALA.
20070118 CHARLES SNOW. Snow Becker Krauss, PC. Counsel.
20070118 CANT—CANTOR Fitzgerald & Co. INCORPORATED.
20070118 CHGO—CHICAGO Corp. CJDB—CJ—LAWRENCE—DEUTSCHE—BANK—COST - Coastal Securities COWN—COWEN & Co.. trademf_com/mm.php
20070118 341001. 10952. 0.032. MORGAN—STANLEY & Co.
20070118 SEC INFO—SEQUOIA Fund INC—NSAR—B - For 20001231
20070118 GKN Securities Corp. NEW—YORK. Goldman Sachs & Co. NEW—YORK.
20070118 Greater NY Mutl Insur Co. Under THE—CLOAK—OF—PATRIOTISM
20070118 LOUIS—COHEN, DEMOCRATIC—PARTY, " PR Unmasked," 19400000 ... " PR is based on the sound USA—PRINCIPLES—OF—MAJORITY—RULE with...
20070118 Théories sur le complot ayant abouti aux attentats du 11—SEPTEMBRE...
20070118 AltWeeklies_com: Independent Weekly (DURHAM—NORTH—CAROLINA)
20070118 Her case raises questions about the... - Dissertations HERZOG, GEORGE.
20070118 Assessing the Initiative Abilities of Humans and NON—HUMAN—PRIMATES.
20070118 AMAITIS, LEE M. MR.
20070118 [View Image].
20070118 A different perspective - LEE—AMAITIS + HOWARD—LUTNICK.
20070118 EC Soft Ice. Friends of The Royal Parks.
20070118 Executive Managing Director/SECRETARY/.
20070118 SNL Financial - LEE—M—AMAITIS, Chairman & CEO.
20070118 BNP Paribas Group. 16, Boulevard des Italiens.
20070118 PARIS—FRANCE 75009. www.bnpparibas_com. CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OFFICER.
20070118 SHIFTING - Additionally, COO LEE—AMAITIS was. promoted to vice chairman and Paul.
20070118 Terreurgolf treft AMERIKA LEE—AMAITIS, hoofd van de internationale operaties van Cantor, was in zijn BUREAU—IN—LONDEN toen de aanslag gebeurde.
20070118 VAN daaruit heeft hij mee het...
20070118 Les drôles de moeurs des allumés de la BOURSE—MARIANNE EN—LIGNE.fr - Quant à son ancien CHEF,
20070118 LEE—AMAITIS, il a admis qu'il lui arrivait de traiter ses subordonnés de " fils de pute " et d'avoir des gestes agressifs envers...
20070118 L'enfer, c'est un bureau à la City de LONDRES—MARIANNE EN—LIGNE.fr
20070118 Au bureau, LEE—AMAITIS, son patron, lui hurle dessus : " Si tu veux un ami ici, PAIE—TOI un chien. " STEVEN—HORKULAK craque et démissionne...
20070118 In 1—BULLYING case involving CANTOR—BOSS, LEE—AMAITIS, the latter denied plotting to kill Spencer, but admitted that he may have described him as a...
20070118 At the auction, CANTOR—LEE—AMAITIS bid £40000 to be Chelsea FC chairman for 1—DAY + another £60000 to drive 1—MINARDI F1 car, —WHILE MARIE—JORDAN paid...
20070118 Lets APPLUAD—BOOTSNALL Travel Network
20070118 Im sure MANY—PEOPLE will congratulate MISTER—LEE—AMAITIS for this move + hope that he can get his company back onto its feet.
20070118 WWW.independent.co.UK.
20070118 zibb.nl/HUMANRESOURCES—WERKNEMER miljonair door intimiderende CHEF—ZIJN baas, LEE—AMAITIS, maakte er gewoonte van zijn werknemers uit te schelden en te koeioneren.
20070118 Horkulak werd zelfs thuis door hem bedreigd.
20070118 —ON request of Assemblywoman Angle, THE—PRIVILEGE—OF—THE—FLOOR—OF—THE.
20070118 —EXTENDED, Assembly Chamber for this —DAY was, to Tianna.
20070118 Ponentes: LEE—AMAITIS, PRESIDENTE—DIRECTOR GENERAL, Cantor Fitzgerald Internacional;
20070118 FERNANDO—GARCÍA—DE—CORTÁZAR, Director, El Noticiero de las Ideas (Grupo Correo...
20070118 —TESTIFIED, CANTOR—SENIOR—MANAGER, LEE—AMAITIS, —DURING THE—TRIAL—OF—THE—ENGLAND—ACTION that he had decided to do "nothing" + had "no intention of paying...
20070118 —SLASHED, Senior trader has £900000 damages, because High Court gave...
20070118 —CLAIMED, MISTER—HORKULAK, that CANTOR—PRESIDENT, LEE—AMAITIS, screamed obscenities at him over 6—MONTHS up to his constructive dismissal in
20070118 feedjune03 LEE—AMAITIS, CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF—CANTOR—FITZGERALD, —YESTERDAY dismissed as 'totally ridiculous' allegations that he had discussed using 1—HITMAN to take out...
20070118 eSpeed : Investor Info LEE—AMAITIS, eSpeed's Global CHIEF—OPERATING—OFFICER said, "The events of 20070911 tested THE—LIMITS—OF—BOTH our systems and survivors.
20070118 [NYT] The story of Cantor Fitzgerald
20070118 —BY—WEDNESDAY, CANTOR—LONDON office, which employs more than 700—PEOPLE, had become the firm's linchpin, led by LEE—AMAITIS, CHIEF—OF—CANTOR 's...
20070118 Litigation PR, Crisis Communications and Reputation Management...... stance in the litigation given that the claimant's case centred on his treatment at the hands of its top man in THE—UK—LEE—AMAITIS,' she says.
20070118 AUTOTOTE signs 1—CONTRACT worth $1—MILLION with THE—FRANCE—PMU
20070118 LEE—AMAITIS, PRESIDENT—AND—CEO—OF—CANTOR—INDEX, said, "We are excited to be working with.
20070118 Scientific Games, 1—OF—THE—LEADING totalisator companies in the.
20070118 Harness TRACKS—OF—AMERICA & Thoroughbred Racing Associations Joint...
20070118 LEE—AMAITIS, PRESIDENT—OF—CANTOR—INDEX and Cantor Gaming CHARLES—CHAMPION, Chairman + CEO, Youbet_com
20070118 JOHN—MARSHALL, Executive VICE—PRESIDENT, The Meadows...
20070118 SWAPSWIRE—OTC Derivatives Trades ISDA—CONFIRMED Within Minutes...
20070118 "We believe that our membership will be beneficial for our customers," said LEE—AMAITIS—PRESIDENT + CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OFFICER—OF—CANTOR—FITZGERALD...
20070118 WALL—STREET & Technology : TRADEBOOK—FOLEY—JOINS eSpeed.
20070118 Foley will start his new job at eSpeed officially on —TUESDAY,
20070118 Ascend Media Gaming Group... resort casino operators in the world, to provide customers with 1 unparalleled online gaming experience," said LEE—AMAITIS, Cantor Gaming PRESIDENT.
20070118 MOBILE Gaming Soon Available at LAS—VEGAS Sands Casino | Casino News "We are excited to have entered into 1—LONG—TERM—PARTNERSHIP with THE—LAS—VEGAS Sands organization," said Cantor Gaming PRESIDENT—LEE—AMAITIS.
20070118 reaching out to "forgotten children" annual review
20070118 working with local communities to provide education, healthcare + protection. trustees.
20070118 The Duchess of YORK.
20070118 SIR—KERRY—ST—JOHNSTON (Chair). - - - LEE—AMAITIS.
20070118 Bessere Rendite dank Hirnschaden? [Archiv] - Aktienboard_com
20070118 Einer ihrer Überväter ist Starbroker LEE—AMAITIS vom Handelshaus Cantor Fitzgerald.
20070118 Er sagt: "Die Jungs brennen und brennen und brennen...
20070118 LAS—VEGAS Sands Furthers UK Efforts With Deal For Online Gaming...
20070118 "I am delighted to have reached another agreement with LAS—VEGAS Sands organization, 1—OF—THE—MOST...
20070118 DEPARTMENT—FOR—CULTURE—MEDIA and SPORT—TESSA Jowell and William...
20070118 JPMorgan, MORGAN—STANLEY, Pfizer UK, PriceWaterhouseCoopers,
20070118 Teradyne Inc, MISTER—LEE—AMAITIS & MISTER—HOWARD—LUTNICK + it expects to receive MANY—MORE.
20070118 Foreign Policy: EUROPE—CLASS—ACT
20070118 He argued that company PRESIDENT—AND—NEW—YORK native LEE—AMAITIS had made workplace conditions so "intolerable" for him that he had to resign from the...
20070118 The broker, STEVEN—HORKULAK, sued his BROOKLYN—BORN boss, LEE—AMAITIS, in 1—LONDON court
20070118 00.000.---- -last —YEAR-, contending that MISTER—AMAITIS—REGULAR—USE—OF foul...
20070118 Nachfolgend veröffentlichen wir die vom Weißen Haus herausgegebene.
20070118 Niederländisch, NEDERLANDS—INFORMATIONEN zur niederländischen...
20070118 Toch is er nog geen enkele bezinning te bespeuren op de kansen.
20070118 daß das gesamte Eis rund um den Nordpol im Spätsommer geschmolzen sein könnte.
20070118 220403antiwarblogg I'm not 1—PARANOID man by nature + this is 1—FREE country-...
20070118 HAROLD—STANLEY (19080000 ), FOUNDER—MORGAN—STANLEY, investment banker...
20070118 PIERRE—JAY (18920000 ).". alfatomega.com/220403antiwarblogg.html
20070118 Was andere SAGEN—ABSTRAKT, Zitate und Referenzen zu...
20070118 D. Guyatt, investment banker, LONDON—UK;...
20070118 Der FRÜHERE—USA—BOTSCHAFTER—IN—DEUTSCHLAND, der Demokrat RICHARD—HOLBROOKE, rechnete in ungewöhnlich scharfer Form mit der bisherigen Leistung von USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH ab.
20070118 Bush werde "ohne Zweifel" als der Kriegspräsident in die Geschichte eingehen.
20070118 Bush habe "das Land in 2—KRIEGE geschickt, von denen er keinen beenden wird.
20070118 Dann haben wir ein riesiges Haushaltsdefizit und eine tief gespaltene Nation.
20070118 Das ist eine furchtbare Hinterlassenschaft", sagte Holbrooke der "Berliner Zeitung".
20070118 "Konzentrieren wir uns auf AFGHANISTAN und machen es richtig", sagte Clinton in einem anderen INTERVIEW—VON—SENDER—CBS.
20070118 Bush s Sprecher TONY—SNOW wies die Gesetzesvorlage und die Resolution zurück.
20070118 Dem Präsidenten + Oberbefehlshaber der Streitkräfte in Kriegszeiten die Hände zu binden sei ein "ziemlich extremer Schritt".
20070118 Stiftung Warentest: Billigtinten sind gut und sparen Geld
20070118 Razzien in Kolumbien: Fahnder finden 50—MILLIONEN Dollar Drogengeld - CHINA: 5—JAHRE Knast für SMS—GERÜCHTE
20070118 —VERSCHIEBT, ESA—ROVER: MARS—MISSION, sich auf 20130000
20070118 Übernahmen: Allianz gibt Milliarden für Tochterunternehmen aus
20070118 Kältewelle in Kalifornien: Schnee im PROMI—WOHNORT Malibu
20070118 Neue Einnahmequelle: Regierung will INVESTMENTFONDS—GEWINNE besteuern
20070118 IRAK—POLITIK: Demokraten wollen mit Resolution BUSH—PARTEI spalten
20070118 Terror and starvation in GAZA—BY JOHN—PILGER—PILGER on the genocide that is engulfing Palestine as bystanders silently look on.
20021031 $5000.00. CLINTON CORNERS, NY 12514. [Contribution].
20070118 for several years, reportedly maintained simultaneous connections to both AL—QAEDA + THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—WHILE serving THE—INTERESTS—OF—THE—CIA
20070118 alfatomega.com Straussianism offers more questions than answers
20070118 Council for National Policy Database H—M 1—SUBSIDIARY—OF—THE—PRO—NAZI GERMANY—USA—NATIONAL—CONGRESS [DANK], the council is headed by KAROL—SITKO was...
20070118 princeton university senior theses brief display
20070118 Council for National Policy Database NZ 20060000 - Google Search. princeton university senior theses Full Record. princeton university senior theses Full Record...
20070118 Licio Gelli, —AFTER attending RONALD—REAGAN—INAUGURATION... GENERAL—SINGLAUB, THOMAS—CLINES... alfatomega.com/20070118.html - 533
20070118 Council for National Policy Database H—M
20070118 1—SUBSIDIARY—OF—THE—PRO—NAZI GERMANY—USA—NATIONAL—CONGRESS [DANK], the council is headed by KAROL—SITKO... Sitko was also the organizer for the West...
20070118 Council for National Policy (CNP) - HO—MEMBER—BIOGRAPHIES..
20070118 Groups Council for Citizenship Education : "1—SUBSIDIARY—OF—THE—PRO—NAZI GERMANY—USA—NATIONAL—CONGRESS [DANK], the council is headed by KAROL—SITKO.
20070118 WAYNE—MADSEN—REPORT—NEWS Archives 20071214—20061231 ... a link to Licio GELLI—P 2—NEO—FASCIST Masonic Lodge in ITALY and Gelli 's...
20070118 —CALLED, Fact: 1—BAHAMA corporation, Ultimate Holdings has 1—DIRECT tie in to the bogus stock deal Genesis Intermedia INCORPORATED linked directly to the noted...
20070118 (IBRAHIM—KARAGUL, "THE—USA is Deploying Nuclear Weapons in IRAQ Against IRAN", (Yeni Safak.
20070118 SEC INFO—SEQUOIA Fund INC—NSAR—B—FOR 19951231 20070118 Centuries from —NOW (hopefully much, much sooner), the actions of THE—RIAA, MPAA and others that match these of the weavers and BUTTON—MAKERS—OF—16010101—17001231 —CENTURY FRANCE will seem —JUST as ridiculous".
20070118 SEC INFO—SEQUOIA Fund INC—NSAR—B—FOR 20001231 20070118 WAYNE—MADSEN—REPORT—NEWS Archives 20071214—20061231 ... a link to Licio GELLI—P 2—NEO—FASCIST Masonic Lodge in ITALY and Gelli 's...
20070118 Did It AGAIN—BY DANIEL—POLITI—THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—LEADS with news that the... bank.
20070118 joined his 2—OLDER brothers, Luis and Jose de Jesus Amezcua... Bush...
20070118 The 6. Estate: 20071100 Under 19960000 —THE peace accords, THE—EMP was supposed to have been dismantled, but...
20070118 —WHEN asked at 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE last January if the statement of... - INSIDEWORLD—LOCAL—NEWS, Worldwide!
20070118 —DELIVERED, NEPAL—MAOIST—LED government has, 1—AMBITIOUS—BUDGET... DOWN—BY- 5.5% YoY as compared to 51.98—MILLION tonnes in January to 20070800 .
20070118 Archive News & Video for —TUESDAY,
20070118-19991226 —SEIT—VOM, Der ORKAN—KYRILL, der schwerste ORKAN—LOTHAR, hinwegfegt über EUROPA.
20070118—19450806 —DROPPED, At no point —SINCE the 1. atomic bomb was, on HIROSHIMA, has humanity been closer to the unthinkable, 1—NUCLEAR holocaust which could potentially spread, in terms of radioactive fallout, over 1—LARGE—PART—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20070118—19900000 —IN—THE, S,
20070118—19910000 —FROM—THE, MYANMAR—STATE—MEDIA accused PRO—DEMOCRACY—LEADER—AUNG S—SUU—KYI of evading taxes by spending her money Nobel Peace prize and other awards overseas.
20070118—20000000 —SINCE, User rating: not rated yet USA high school physics class enrollment is increasing + THE—NUMBER—OF—USA—PHYSICS bachelor's degrees is up 31 %.
20070118—20010911 —ON, That's why, he says, he was emboldened to strike.
20070118—20020000 —ANFANG, Kurnaz war wegen Terrorverdachts —ZUNÄCHST in AFGHANISTAN gefangen gehalten und später nach GUANTANAMO gebracht worden.
20070118—20040000 —IN—EARLY, The new nuclear doctrine, however, goes beyond preemptive acts of "SELF—DEFENSE", it calls for "anticipatory action" using nuclear weapons against a "rogue enemy" which allegedly plans to develop WMD at some undefined future date... The war plan against IRAN appears to be nuclear: The planning of the aerial bombings of IRAN started in mid-20040000 , pursuant to the formulation of CONPLAN 8022.
20070118—20040300 —IN, [I]nvestigators have unearthed 1—SERIES—OF—E—MAIL messages by officials working under MISS—BURTON.
20070118—20040500 —ENTITLED, National Security Presidential Directive 'NSPD 35, Nuclear Weapons Deployment Authorization' was issued.
20070118—20050620 —ON, As SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE put it :
20070118—20050700 WHAT—NEW -
20070118—20050804 —LEAKED, Pentagon and intelligence officials, the story to the National Broadcasting Co (NBC) and THE—COLUMBIA Broadcasting System that USA—TROOPS had "intercepted" dozens of shaped charges said to have been "smuggled into NORTH—EAST—IRAQ only last —WEEK".
20070118—20051220 —QUOTED in BBC Monitoring EUROPE).
20070118—20060800 —IM, —ERST kam Kurnaz frei.
20070118—20060900 —IN, testimony —BEFORE the House Government Reform committee, Minerals Management Service (MMS) director JOHNNIE—BURTON told lawmakers she only LEARNED—OF—THE—ISSUE—LAST—YEAR:
20070118—20070806 —DROPPED, At no point —SINCE the 1. atomic bomb was, on HIROSHIMA ,
20070118—20071016 —ON, Róbinson Rojas: THE—MURDER—OF—ALLENDE and THE—END—OF—THE—CHILEAN..., EDWARD—GERRITY in NEW—YORK heard from HAL—HENDRIX that "the chance of 1—MILITARY—COUP is slim but it continues to exist.
20070118—20080930 THROUGH, THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL reports, "The growing financial strain of IRAQ will be spelled out as never —BEFORE in 1—SERIES—OF—DEFENSE and WAR—RELATED spending requests by THE—WHITE—HOUSE—NEXT—MONTH, expected to total more than $700—BILLION ".
20070120 Globalisation + THE—RISE—OF—INEQUALITY | Rich man, poor man | Economist_com
20070120 -1—POISONOUS—MIX—OF—INEQUALITY + sluggish wages threatens 20070118
20070120 "Alleged CANADA Terror Leader Was 'TIME—BOMB': Mole"--headline, Reuters, 20070118
20070124—20070118 —ON, "In yet another attempt to create legitimacy for THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—MANY—QUESTIONABLE—LEGAL—PRACTICES, USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES actually had the audacity to argue —BEFORE 1—CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE—THAT—THE—USA—CONSTITUTION doesn't explicitly bestow habeas corpus rights on USA—CITIZENS. In his view it merely says —WHEN THE—SO—CALLED—GREAT—WRIT can be suspended, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the rights are granted. THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL was being questioned by SENATOR—ARLEN—SPECTER at 1—SENATE—JUDICIARY—COMMITTEE hearing. THE—MSM are not covering this story but Colbert is (click on the 4. video down, 'Exact Words')".
20070200 CO2- Musterknaben: Die sparsamsten Diesel.
20070214 GovTrack: Senate Record: OUR WEST—HEMISPHERE (110-s20070118-10)
20070214 GovTrack: Senate Record: OUR WEST—HEMISPHERE (110-s20070118-10)ECUADOR is the home of THE—USA—FORWARD Operating Location at MANTA, which plays 1—KEY—ROLE in the multilateral approach to fighting THE—WAR—ON—DRUGS.
20070221 SACRAMENTO News and Review 20070118 Give me honor or give me death Gangsta tactics.
20070221—20070118 —FREED, The 3. was, BECAUSE—OF—HEALTH—PROBLEMS.
20070412 alfatomega.com/20070118.html
20071104—20060118 —PUBLISHED, This document although, was dated 20051100 .
20071114 Tabakindustrie: Konzerne erhöhen Nikotindosis in Zigaretten (20070118 )
20080110 ): "Vom 17010101—18001231 —CENTURY—BIS zum heutigen —TAG sind Bedrohungen amerikanischer Schiffe und des Seehandels der Weg gewesen,
20080118 USA—KRIEGE beginnen meist auf See WALTER—RUSSELL—MEAD, Mitglied des einflußreichen Council on Foreign Relations, hat im WALL—STREET Journal, dem Sprachrohr der Neokonservativen, auf eine interessante historische Linie aufmerksam gemacht ("IRAN—PROVOCATION", 20080110 ): "Vom 17010101—18001231 —CENTURY—BIS zum heutigen —TAG sind Bedrohungen amerikanischer Schiffe und des Seehandels der Weg gewesen, auf dem die meisten Kriege der USA begannen", stellt Mead fest.
20080118 "Gulf of Tonkin will be tough to repeat", 20080114
20080118 —CALLED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, for a $145—BILLION stimulus package centered on tax breaks to rejuvenate THE—USA—ECONOMY.
20080118 —KILLED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, more than 20—TALIBAN rebels were, and over 12 wounded in 1—JOINT—OPERATION between Afghan and Western forces.
20080118 2—ACTIVISTS who had jumped on BOARD—1—JAPAN—WHALING boat were returned to their ship by AUSTRALIA—OFFICIALS.
20080118 UK—PRIME—MINISTER—GORDON—BROWN brought 1—HIGH—PROFILE—DELEGATION—OF—BUSINESS—LEADERS to CHINA for 1—VISIT focused on expanding economic ties between the countries.
20080118 —TENDERED, CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC—PRIME—MINISTER—ELIE—DOTE, his resignation and that of his government.
20080118 His resignation came amid 1—SOCIAL—CRISIS gripping the country, marked by government disruptions and NEAR—PARALYSIS in public schools due to 1—CIVIL—SERVANT—STRIKE over salaries launched —EARLIER this —MONTH.
20080118 —REJECTED, EGYPT angrily, 1—EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT resolution criticizing its human rights record, with Foreign MINISTER—AHMED—ABUL—GHEIT saying it revealed both arrogance and ignorance.
20080118 IRAQ, heavy security was set up in KARBALA, where some 30,000 troops watched over HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PILGRIMS performing the culmination of Ashoura rites.
20080118 Militant Sunnis look upon Ashoura with contempt.
20080118 They believe SOME—OF—ITS—RITUALS, like self flagellation and THE—USE—OF—IMAGES, amount to pagan worship and violate Islamic teachings.
20080118 —KILLED, In Basra at least 44—PEOPLE were, including 7—OFFICERS, 2—CIVILIANS and 35—GUNMEN, —AFTER the fighting with MEMBERS—OF—THE—SOLDIERS—OF—HEAVEN cult.
20080118 Cult leader AHMED—HASSAN—YAMANI was among the dead along with 4—POLICE—OFFICERS.
20080118 —ARRESTED, About 60—GUNMEN were.
20080118 AZIZ—KHAZIM—ALWAN, THE—GOVERNOR—OF—DHI—QAR, of which Nasariyah is the capital, said at least 28—PEOPLE were killed in that city, including 10—POLICE.
20080118 —CLOSED, Defense officials said ISRAEL has, all border crossings into GAZA, cutting off food and humanitarian supplies to the coastal strip in 1—BID to pressure its Hamas rulers to stop 1—BARRAGE—OF—ROCKET—ATTACKS on ISRAEL—TOWNS.
20080118 1—COURT—IN—PALERMO convicted SICILY—GOVERNOR—SALVATORE—CUFFARO of helping 1—MAFIA boss and sentenced him to 5—YEARS in prison.
20080118 —WEAKENED, KENYA, 1, opposition said it would turn to economic boycotts and strikes to keep up pressure over THE—EAST—AFRICAN nation's disputed election.
20080118 12—NEW—DEATHS raised the toll to at least 22—PEOPLE killed in 3—DAYS—OF—PROTESTS called by the opposition, all but 5 blamed on police.
20080118 —DEFENDED, LIBYA, plans to carry out 1—MASSIVE—EXPULSION—OF—ILLEGAL—IMMIGRANTS, rejecting criticism from 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—GROUP that doing so would violate INTERNATIONAL law.
20080118 —REPORTED, It was, that THE—EU—ENVIRONMENT—COMMISSIONER has threatened to take MALTA to the European COURT—OF—JUSTICE to force 1—END —SPRING shooting of turtledoves and quail.
20080118 Bird hunting and trapping is 1—TRADITIONAL pastime in MALTA where migrating stop twice EVERY—YEAR.
20080118 —PROTECTED, Numerous, birds have been killed.
20080118 —SIGNED, RENAULT—NISSAN, 1—ACCORD with THE—MOROCCO—GOVERNMENT for what it says will be 1—OF—ITS—LARGEST AUTOMOBILE—MAKING operations in the world, set to be constructed near TANGIERS.
20080118 SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN, PAKISTAN, "security forces used artillery, mortars and SMALL—ARMS—FIRE to engage the miscreants. Reportedly, 50—60—MISCREANTS were killed and (the) rest of them dispersed".
20080118 —AMBUSHED, Militants, 1—CONVOY moving from the main TOWN—OF—WANA, in the Chaghmalai AREA—OF—SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN, prompting 1—FIERCE 1—HOUR gunbattle.
20080118 —KILLED, Between 20 and 30—REBELS were.
20080118 —CAPTURED, Security forces, 40—MILITANTS in the Chaghmalai area.
20080118 2—SUNNI extremists on death row for a 20040000 attack on 1—PROCESSION that killed 42—SHIITES escaped from their cell in SOUTH—WEST—BALUCHISTAN province.
20080118 —CLINCHED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, 1—KEY—PIPELINE—DEAL with BULGARIA that strengthens MOSCOW—GRIP on European gas markets —BEFORE issuing 1—STERN warning about the future status of Kosovo.
20080118 SOUTH—KOREA, 1—FISH merchant was critically ill —AFTER setting himself ablaze —DURING 1—RALLY demanding greater compensation for SOUTH—KOREA—WORST—OIL spill.
20080118 —BELIEVED, YEMEN, gunmen, to be AL—QAIDA militants opened fire on 1—TOURIST—CONVOY—NEAR the ancestral home of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, killing 2—BELGIUM—WOMEN and their driver.
20080118 "Don't Mess With Us," PAKISTAN—NUKES—ARE—HERE—TO—STAY, Get Used To It-
20080118 The 'real' PAKISTAN—OFFICIALS in charge of the nation's vast nuclear and strategic arsenal have spent the past few months quietly laughing at the doomsday scenarios that USA—POLITICIANS and media organizations have been spinning for months —NOW.
20080118 These PAKISTAN—OFFICIALS say they are calm because of their confidence in their capabilities.
20080118 However, this PAKISTAN—CALM should not be mistaken for weakness.
20080118 "My message is: Don't mess with us," says Air Commodore Khalid Banuri, with pride.
20080118 Continue - Börse im Sinkflug: Die Optimisten sind in der Minderheit
20080118 —JUST caught this blurb
20080118 "WASHINGTON: 1—TOP—USA—MILITARY—COMMANDER—SAID—WEDNESDAY he fears a "disastrous" linkup between drug traffickers and Islamists in Latin AMERICA,
20080118 where he said IRAN wields growing influence.
20080118 "I fear greatly that the connectivity between narcoterrorism + Islamic radical terrorism could be disastrous in this region,"
20080118 The Independent: Opium fields spread across IRAQ as farmers try to make ends meet Can you say "protected drug racket"?
20080118 I thought you could.
20080118 —CONSIDERED, Why isn't this, news?
20080118 —UPDATED, THE—CIA—COKE planes mystery has been, by 2—RELIABLE—SOURCES:
20080118 DANIEL—HOPSICKER over at MadCowMorningNews and BILL—CONROY at The Narco News Bulletin.
20080118 Daran ändere auch das geplante MILLIARDEN—PROGRAMM zur Ankurbelung der Konjunktur nichts.
20080118 "Die Tatsache, dass so 1—PROGRAMM überhaupt nötig ist, ist negativ.
20080118 Und Herr BUSH wird mit seinem Zauberstab nicht ALLE—PROBLEME lösen können".
20080118 Wirtschaftskrise ist politisches TOP—THEMA
20080118 Allein die Tatsache, dass BUSH und seine politischen Gegner so eng zusammenarbeiten, zeigt, wie ernst die Lage ist.
20080118 72—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN beurteilten die Wirtschaftslage als schlecht.
20080118 Das Ansinnen von Schäubles Ministerialen, Abgeordneten, Pfarrer oder Anwälte abzuhören, werfe "ernste verfassungsrechtliche Fragen auf".
20080118 —VERHAFTET, Festnahme in Kenia: Berliner Musiker unter TERROR—VORWAND
20080118 WESTLB—PROZESS: EX—VORSTAND bricht sein Schweigen
20080118 USA: Außenstaatssekretär Burns tritt zurück
20080118 Gesetzesinitiative: BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG will deutschfeindliche Parolen bestrafen
20080118 Kopf an Kopf mit Ypsilanti: Kämpfer Koch wird persönlich
20080118 —VERSUCHT, Die hessische CDU, nun, mit einer Plakatkampagne gegen die sinkenden Umfragewerte anzusteuern.
20080118 Generalsekretär MICHAEL—BODDENBERG stellte —HEUTE in WIESBADEN ein neues Plakat vor,
20080118 auf dem vor einem "LINKS—BLOCK" in HESSEN gewarnt wird: "Ypsilanti,
20080118 AL—WAZIR und die Kommunisten stoppen!" Das Plakat nimmt Bezug auf die SPD—SPITZENKANDIDATIN ANDREA—YPSILANTI,
20080118 den hessischen GRÜNEN—CHEF—TAREK—AL—WAZIR sowie die hessische Linkspartei.
20080118 Greenspan arbetet —JETZT als Berater für einen Hedge Fonds.
20080118 Den Hedge Fund, der aus dem von Greenspans Politik verursachten JUNK—HYPOTHEKEN—PROBLEM letztes —JAHR Milliarden Profit geschlagen hat.
20080118 Na so 1—ZUFALL.
20080118 AU WEIA stehen die Amis mit dem Rücken zur Wand:
20080118 Bush will 150—MILLIARDEN ausgeben, um die Wirtschaft anzukurbeln.
20080118 800—DOLLAR—STEUERRABATT für Einzelne, 1.600—DOLLAR für Haushalte, außerdem Steuernachlässe für Unternehmen.
20080118 Dafür soll auch die Mindeststeuerrate von 10% ausgesetzt werden.
20080118 Gut, in traditionellen Volkswirtschaften würde man sich an der Stelle die Frage stellen, wie das finanziert werden soll.
20080118 Aber die Frage stellt sich im Schuldenstaat USA —SCHON lange nicht mehr.
20080118 Und wieder eine dieser Überraschungen, mit denen niemand, aber auch wirklich NIEMAND rechnen konnte: Die Bauern im Irak steigen auf Opiumanbau um.
20080118 —TURNED, The cultivation of opium poppies whose product is, into heroin is spreading rapidly across IRAQ as farmers find they can no longer make 1—LIVING through growing traditional crops.
20080118 Afghan with experience in planting poppies have been helping farmers switch to producing opium in fertile parts of Diyala province,
20080118 once famous for its oranges and pomegranates, NORTH—EAST—OF—BAGHDAD.
20080118 Inklusive des Bundestrojaners.
20080118 Es geht nun nicht mehr um das Ob, sondern um das Wie der ONLINE—DURCHSUCHUNG.
20080118 Wer hat uns verraten? Die Sozialdemokraten!
20080118 Nur noch 18—PROZENT—DER—NATUR auf Madagaskar gelten als intakt und 1—DRITTEL—DER—VEGETATION ist
20080118 "Ich wollte meinen Augen nicht trauen, als ich die Bilder das 1. Mal gesehen habe", sagt JOHN—DRANSFIELD, AUTOR—DES—BUCHES "Trees of MADAGASCAR".
20080118 "Es war sofort klar, dass es sich hier um eine aufregende Entdeckung handelte".
20080118 DNA—ANALYSEN, durchgeführt am Royal Botanic Gardens, bestätigten Dransfields Vermutungen.
20080118 Es handelte sich tatsächlich um eine noch nie beschriebene Spezies und Gattung.
20080118 Die Wissenschaftler tauften sie auf den Namen Tahina spectabilis und veröffentlichten ihre Ergebnisse im Fachblatt "Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society".
20080118 —BEDEUTET, Der Name ist MADAGASCAR—UND : gesegnet.
20080118 Gleichzeitig ist es 1—DER—NAMEN—VON—ANNE—TAHINA—METZ, der Tochter des Entdeckers.
20080118 Innerhalb ihres Stammes gibt es nur 3—WEITERE Gattungen, verteilt in ARABIEN—THAILAND und CHINA.
20080118 —GEKOMMEN, Wie die Palmen nach Madagaskar, sind, bleibt den Wissenschaftlern 1—RÄTSEL.
20080118 Es ist jedoch möglich, dass die Palmen —SEIT achtzig Millionen Jahren in Madagaskar unbemerkt lebten.
20080118 Zu dieser Zeit hat sich die Insel vom Indischen Festland getrennt.
20080118 BERLIN—DAS Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz darf die RAF—AKTE zum Mordfall Buback nach einer Weisung des Bundesinnenministeriums nicht herausgeben.
20080118 "Nach sorgfältiger Prüfung und Abwägung aller Interessen hat sich das Bundesministerium des Innern entschieden,
20080118 1—SPERRERKLÄRUNG gemäß Paragraf 96—STPO abzugeben", teilte das Innenministerium —HEUTE in BERLIN mit.
20080118 Damit wolle man der Forderung der Bundesanwaltschaft auf Herausgabe aller beim Bundesverfassungsschutz vorhandenen Quelleninformationen und Auswertungsvermerke "in gerichtsverwertbarer Form" begegnen.
20080118 Nach Paragraf 96—DER Strafprozessordnung darf die Herausgabe von Akten oder anderen in amtlicher Verwahrung befindlichen Schriftstücken durch Behörden und öffentliche Beamte nicht gefordert werden,
20080118 "wenn deren oberste Dienstbehörde erklärt, dass das Bekanntwerden des Inhalts dieser Akten oder Schriftstücke dem Wohl des Bundes oder eines deutschen Landes Nachteile bereiten würde".
20080118 Kenia: Schwere Zusammenstöße zwischen Polizei und DEMONSTRANTEN—MEHRERE Tote
20080118 Bush s Notpaket: Steuergeschenke gegen die Rezession
20080118 ORIGAMI—EXPERIMENT: Japaner schicken Papierflieger ins All
20080118 —BOMBADIERT, GAZA: Israels Luftwaffe, HAMAS—INNENMINISTERIUM - mehrere Verletzte
20080118 Krebsforschung: Forscher finden Ursachen für Leukämie
20080118 RAF—ERMITTLUNGEN: Innenministerium sperrt BUBACK—AKTE
20080118 Krise in Kenia: Wer Sterbende rettet, macht sich strafbar
20080118 Ausländerdebatte: Der Deutsche mag es reinrassig
20080118 Madagaskar: Riesige SELBSTMORD—PALME entdeckt
20080118 Fichtners Tellergericht: Der Fisch stinkt vom Politikerkopf her
20080118 —ATTACKIERT, Wahlkampf in HESSEN: Koch, Ypsilanti mit ANTI—KOMMUNISTEN- Kampagne
20080118 EX—WELTMEISTER: Schachgenie BOBBY—FISCHER ist tot
20080118 WOMEN—INTERNATIONAL—LEAGUE for Peace and Freedom, PeaceWomen Project
20080118 Margarent Fonow (UNIVERSITY—OF—ARIZONA), ANGELES Lopez (Frente Authentico DELAWARE..
20080118 Putins Russland ist mit 607—STRAFGEFANGENEN auf Hunderttausend 2.
20080118 The Mind Has No Firewall: Army article on psychotronic weapons.
20080118 Readers Edition " Waffen, die nicht töten
20080118 According to Anisimov, psychotronic weapons are those that act to "take away 1—PART...
20080118 Es gebe keinen Zweifel daran, dass von AL—QAIDA unterstützte Kämpfer des Stammesführers Baitullah Mehsud hinter der Tat steckten,
20080118 sagte CIA—CHEF—MICHAEL—HAYDEN in einem —HEUTE veröffentlichten Interview der "WASHINGTON—POST ".
20080118 Genanalyse: Schwarze Schafe sterben früher
20080118 IKB—BANK—IM—ANGEBOT: KfW startet Verkaufsverfahren
20080118 —VERMUTET, Attentat in PAKISTAN: CIA, AL—QAIDA hinter BHUTTO—MORD
20080118 Bilanzloch: Krankenkassen fehlen mehr als 10—MILLIARDEN Euro
20080118 —VERBIETET, Kalifornien: Kleinstadt, Rauchen in Mietwohnungen
20080118 Verhaltensforschung: Affen äffen Mimik nach
20080118 —INZWISCHEN, Wer da noch glaubt, "AMERIKA" habe, von Kriegen die Schnauze voll, ist im falschen Film.
20080118 Oder ist die Lage bei den Demokraten wesentlich besser?
20080118 Zwar: Hillary Clinton und BARACK—OBAMA stimmten —NACH—DEM "Flottenzwischenfall" nicht in den Chor der Gewaltfanatiker und Kriegsbegeisterten ein.
20080118 Es war aber andererseits auch kein Wort der Vernunft und der Mäßigung von ihnen zu hören.
20080118 Beide betonen ständig, daß die "Option" KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—IRAN "nicht vom Tisch genommen werden darf".
20080118 Und sie wissen, daß sie gleich ihre Kampagne beenden könnten, wenn sie etwas anderes sagten.
20080118 Wer "soft on IRAN" ist, was sich in seinem abschätzigen Unterton mit "zu weich beim Thema IRAN" nur sehr unvollkommen übersetzen läßt,
20080118 ist im USA—WAHLKAMPF von vornherein chancenlos. Viel Lärm um nichts
20080118 USA—KRIEGE beginnen meist auf See WALTER—RUSSELL—MEAD, Mitglied des einflußreichen Council on Foreign Relations,
20080118 hat im WALL—STREET Journal, dem Sprachrohr der Neokonservativen,
20080118 auf eine interessante historische Linie aufmerksam gemacht ("IRAN—PROVOCATION",
20080118 auf dem die meisten Kriege der USA begannen", stellt Mead fest.
20080118 als PRÄSIDENT—THOMAS—JEFFERSON unter dem Vorwand der Piratenbekämpfung Kriegsschiffe ins Mittelmeer schickte.
20080118 Es folgt der SPANISCH—AMERIKANISCHE Krieg von 18980000 :
20080118 Auslöser war die, laut Mead "vermutlich falsche", Behauptung, das USA—KRIEGSSCHIFF "MAINE" sei im Hafen von Havanna durch eine spanische Mine zerstört worden.
20080118 Neben Kuba gewannen die USA durch diesen Krieg auch auf Jahre bzw.
20080118 Jahrzehnte die Herrschaft über die Philippinen.
20080118 "Aktion T 4", gewählt nach der Adresse Tiergartenstraße 4, war die Geheimbezeichnung für das Mordprogramm,
20080118 dessen Grundlagen u.a. —BEREITS mit dem "Gesetz zur Verhütung erbkranken Nachwuchses" vom 19330714 und dem "Gesetz zum Schutz der Erbgesundheit des deutschen Volkes" vom 19351018 geschaffen worden waren
20080118 Satte 70 % aller Militärlastwagen und Konvois auf den Straßen Iraks und Afghanistans transportieren —DERZEIT Treibstoffe.
20080118 Gleichzeitig müsse das Militär selbst kompostierbare Abfälle mühsam vom ihrem Gelände schaffen, was wiederum Treibstoff kostet.
20080118 TR: Das dürfte den Leuten aber doch ziemlich schnell unheimlich werden.
20080118 Wie soll man da noch 1—GEFÜHL—VON—PRIVATSPHÄRE bekommen, wenn wir in einer Welt leben,
20080118 in der das Handy die ganze Zeit unser Leben aufzeichnet?
20080118 Pentland: Das ist ein nichttriviales Problem.
20080118 Wollen wir wirklich, dass die Regierung so viel über uns weiß?
20080118 Technology Review: Herr Pentland, wenn Sie von "Reality Mining" sprechen, was meinen Sie damit genau?
20080118 Auch die LISTE—DER—STRAFTATEN wird erweitert
20080118 Der Europäische Datenschutzbeauftragte warnte in seinem Gutachten
20080118 So fordert er "spezifische Bedingungen und Einschränkungen hinsichtlich der aus privaten Quellen stammenden Informationen und Erkenntnisse,
20080118 unter anderem um die Richtigkeit dieser Informationen zu gewährleisten" und die "AUFNAHME—VON—GARANTIEN für den Zugriff auf DATEN—VON—PERSONEN,
20080118 die (noch) keine Straftat begangen haben".
20080118 Vor allem aber verlangt der Datenschützer, dass "der elektronische Zugang zu Daten in anderen nationalen und internationalen Informationssystemen und der Abruf dieser Daten (...) nur auf Einzelfallbasis unter strengen Auflagen zulässig sein" solle.
20080118 Der neue EUROPOL—VERTRAG solle —ERST dann in Kraft gesetzt werden, wenn der EU—RAT einen entsprechenden Rahmenbeschluss zum Datenschutz gefasst habe.
20080118 —GESCHEHEN, Das aber ist —BIS—HEUTE nicht, wie auch das Europaparlament am —DONNERSTAG monierte.
20080118 Bush _will_US—WIRTSCHAFT_retten__Boersen_in_Talfahrt.html" target=_blank>Hypothekenkrise:
20080118 Bush will USA—WIRTSCHAFT retten — Börsen in Talfahrt
20080118 Fed CHIEF—BACKS—QUICK—ACTION to Aid Economy
20080118 —PROFITIERT, IBM, von Globalisierung
20080118 1—GEN—SEQUENZVARIATION bestimmt, wie viel Prügel 1—KIND verträgt - KENYA—POLICE 'kill 10'
20080118 —PREDICTED, More protests, in Burma
20080118 —EXCHANGED, Among THE—E—MAIL messages that could be lost are those, by ANY—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS involved in discussions about leaking to news organizations the identity of Valerie Wilson,
20080118 Lehman Brothers schmeißen 13000000 Banker aus der HYPOTHEKEN—SPARTE raus.
20080118 Und hier ein bißchen Perspektive zu Merrill Lynch:
20080118 Merrill Lynch, 1—FIRM 1—3. the size of Citigroup, —POSTED 1—EQUALLY huge 4.—QUARTER loss of $9.8—BILLION —ON—THURSDAY,
20080118 fueled by WRITE—DOWNS totaling $16.7—BILLION, more than double the firm's 20060000 profits.
20080118 Also DAMIT konnte ja wohl NIEMAND rechnen:
20080118 Die Videoüberwachung in ENGLAND hat genau 0—RÜCKGANG bei den Gewalttaten Besoffener bewirkt.
20080118 Schockierend! Nicht einmal Nostradamus hätte das voraus sagen können!1!!
20080118 —FUNKTIONIERT, Nachdem das bei der Bundeswehr so toll, hat, schneiden sich die Amis 1—SCHEIBE ab:
20080118 —RECYCLED, Das Weiße Haus hat ihre BACKUP—TAPES, und dabei sind die CIA—LEAK—DATEN bedauerlicherweise verloren gegangen.
20080118 ANY—OF—THE—TOP 3—DEMOCRATS Could Win in NEVADA, According to the Latest Poll
20080118 —FAILED, Democrats with ties to Hillary Rodham Clinton, in COURT—THURSDAY to prevent casino workers from caucusing at special precincts in NEVADA.
20080118 "STATE—DEMOCRATS have a 1. Amendment right to association, to assemble and to set their own rules," the ruling NEVADA judge said.
20080118 Randi Rhodes Puts ROBERT—WEXLER—OVER 200,000 for Impeachment 1/18
20080118 —NOW, THE—DOW is off 8.34—PERCENT for the —YEAR in —JUST 12—TRADING days so far.
20080118 "Aristotle and the Aardvark Go to WASHINGTON.
20080118 "1—IRRESISTIBLE, witty, wry, LAUGH—OUT—LOUD, thoughtful look at political statements and rhetoric + why certain arguments and language work -- as do negative attacks -- and others don't.
20080118 But the delight here is that political discourse is seen through THE—LENS—OF—EASILY—ACCESSIBLE—PHILOSOPHICAL—PRINCIPLES and, of course, jokes".
20080118 ISRAEL—PARTY quits government over peace plan;
20080118 —WEAKENED, PALESTINE—JOURNALIST says 1, coalition government will doom the peace process 1/18
20080118 Also, in the last —WEEK, Senators BEN—NELSON—OF—NEBRASKA, TIM—JOHNSON—OF—SOUTH—DAKOTA + JOHN—KERRY did the same.
20080118 Also, lost in the race/gender noise was OBAMA—ENDORSEMENT by ARIZONA Gov.
20080118 alfatomega.com/2005041827.html - Der Kurs der Bankaktie gab zwischen dem
20080118 über die fragwürdigen Transaktionen informiert war.
20080118 Die Untersuchung der SEC richte sich gegen Transaktionen im Zusammenhang mit möglichen Insidergeschäften, berichtete das WSJ weiter
20080118 Noch mehr Bombenterror
20080118 MID—MICHIGAN (WJRT)Tax incentives for businesses + quick tax relief for individuals by way of rebate checks is PART—OF—THE—PLAN to stimulate the country's economy if PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH gets his way
20080118 —MIXED, THE—PRESIDENT—PLAN is getting, reviews among MANY—PEOPLE in MID—MICHIGAN.
20080118 Crimes de guerre israéliens.
20080118 GAZA : Chaque Palestinien est une cible pour l'armée israélienne.
20080118 GAZA : " Sortir le drapeau blanc ne suffira pas " - "Die SPD will die BKA—REFORM".
20080118 Bankendomino: Immer mehr Bomben auf den Irak - a C.I.A. officer.
20080118 "Aktion T 4", gewählt nach der Adresse Tiergartenstraße 4, war die Geheimbezeichnung für das Mordprogramm, dessen Grundlagen u.a. —BEREITS mit dem "Gesetz zur Verhütung erbkranken Nachwuchses" vom 19330714 und dem "Gesetz zum Schutz der Erbgesundheit des deutschen Volkes" vom 19351018 geschaffen worden waren
20080118 —ERST—AM späten —ABEND DES—INFORMIERTE, von dem Diebstahl aber —SCHON am
20080118 —JUST CAUGHT—THIS blurb from 1—DKOS comment.
20080118 It opens: "WASHINGTON: 1—TOP—USA—MILITARY—COMMANDER—SAID—WEDNESDAY he fears a "disastrous" linkup between drug traffickers and Islamists in Latin AMERICA, where he said IRAN wields growing influence.
20080118 "I fear greatly that the connectivity between narcoterrorism + Islamic radical terrorism could be disastrous in this region," Admiral JAMES—STAVRIDIS, HEAD—OF—THE—USA—SOUTH—COMMAND, told 1—CONFERENCE on Latin AMERICA".#—POSTED—BY dqueue
20080118 The Independent: Opium fields spread across IRAQ as farmers try to make ends meet
20080118 —PROTECTED, Can you say " drug racket"? I thought you could.
20080118 Could 1—GOP pedigree have something to do with consigning this information down the proverbial "memory hole"?
20080118 —TUNED, Stay !
20080118 —UPDATED, THE—CIA—COKE planes mystery has been, by 2—RELIABLE—SOURCES: DANIEL—HOPSICKER over at MadCowMorningNews and BILL—CONROY at The Narco News Bulletin.
20080118 "Die Nervosität ist groß, da niemand weiß, wie es mit der USA—KONJUNKTUR weitergeht", sagte 1—HÄNDLER.
20080118 "Die Tatsache, dass so 1—PROGRAMM überhaupt nötig ist, ist negativ. Und Herr Bush wird mit seinem Zauberstab nicht ALLE—PROBLEME lösen können".
20080118 Laut einer Umfrage der "WASHINGTON—POST " ist die Wirtschaftskrise in den USA inzwischen das politische TOP—THEMA—NOCH vor TERROR—FURCHT und IRAK—KRIEG.
20080118 ANTI—REZESSIONS- Plan: Bush plant 145—MILLIARDEN Dollar Steuergeschenke
20080118 Generalsekretär MICHAEL—BODDENBERG stellte —HEUTE in WIESBADEN ein neues Plakat vor, auf dem vor einem "LINKS—BLOCK" in HESSEN gewarnt wird: "Ypsilanti, AL—WAZIR und die Kommunisten stoppen!" Das Plakat nimmt Bezug auf die SPD—SPITZENKANDIDATIN ANDREA—YPSILANTI, den hessischen GRÜNEN—CHEF—TAREK—AL—WAZIR sowie die hessische Linkspartei.
20080118 AU WEIA stehen die Amis mit dem Rücken zur Wand: Bush will 150—MILLIARDEN ausgeben, um die Wirtschaft anzukurbeln.
20080118 Afghan with experience in planting poppies have been helping farmers switch to producing opium in fertile parts of Diyala province, once famous for its oranges and pomegranates, NORTH—EAST—OF—BAGHDAD.
20080118 "Aufgrund massiver Abholzungen und anderer Bedrohungen für die Umwelt sterben VIELE—ARTEN aus, bevor wir sie das 1. Mal gesehen haben", so Stützel im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20080118 Madagaskar beherbergt 10.000—PFLANZENSPEZIES und 90 % von ihnen lassen sich nirgendwo sonst auf der Welt finden.
20080118 Die Wissenschaftler tauften sie auf den Namen Tahina spectabilis und veröffentlichten ihre Ergebnisse im Fachblatt
20080118 "Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society".
20080118 "Nach sorgfältiger Prüfung und Abwägung aller Interessen hat sich das Bundesministerium des Innern entschieden, 1—SPERRERKLÄRUNG gemäß Paragraf 96—STPO abzugeben", teilte das Innenministerium —HEUTE in BERLIN mit.
20080118 Nach Paragraf 96—DER Strafprozessordnung darf die Herausgabe von Akten oder anderen in amtlicher Verwahrung befindlichen Schriftstücken durch Behörden und öffentliche Beamte nicht gefordert werden, "wenn deren oberste Dienstbehörde erklärt, dass das Bekanntwerden des Inhalts dieser Akten oder Schriftstücke dem Wohl des Bundes oder eines deutschen Landes Nachteile bereiten würde".
20080118 PAKISTAN: Armee tötet Dutzende Extremisten
20080118 Wahlkampfkosten: Sarkozy gab 34.445—EURO für MAKE—UP aus
20080118 WOMEN—INTERNATIONAL—LEAGUE for Peace and Freedom, PeaceWomen Project... Margarent Fonow (UNIVERSITY—OF—ARIZONA), ANGELES Lopez (Frente Authentico DELAWARE..
20080118 United Mutations Motzblog " Durchgeknallt
20080118 Readers Edition " Waffen, die nicht töten According to Anisimov, psychotronic weapons are those that act to "take away a part...
20080118 WASHINGTON—FÜR den USA—GEHEIMDIENST CIA ist der Fall klar: Für den Anschlag auf die pakistanische Oppositionspolitikerin Benazir Bhutto sind das Terrornetzwerk AL—QAIDA und Verbündete eines Stammesführers verantwortlich.
20080118 Es gebe keinen Zweifel daran, dass von AL—QAIDA unterstützte Kämpfer des Stammesführers Baitullah Mehsud hinter der Tat steckten, sagte CIA—CHEF—MICHAEL—HAYDEN in einem —HEUTE veröffentlichten Interview der "WASHINGTON—POST ".
20080118 BAU—FIASKO in LAS—VEGAS: Kreditkrise erfasst die Stadt der Sünde
20080118 Eskalation in Nahost: ISRAEL riegelt den GAZA—STREIFEN ab
20080118 Pipelineprojekt: Putin nimmt EUROPA in die Zange
20080118 Finanzkrise: Bush bastelt an Rettungspaket für USA—WIRTSCHAFT
20080118 Wer "soft on IRAN" ist, was sich in seinem abschätzigen Unterton mit "zu weich beim Thema IRAN" nur sehr unvollkommen übersetzen läßt, ist im USA—WAHLKAMPF von vornherein chancenlos.
20080118 Viel Lärm um nichts
20080118 Es folgt der SPANISCH—AMERIKANISCHE Krieg von 18980000 : Auslöser war die, laut Mead "vermutlich falsche", Behauptung, das USA—KRIEGSSCHIFF "MAINE" sei im Hafen von Havanna durch eine spanische Mine zerstört worden.
20080118 Im vergangenen —JAHR verbrauchte das USA—MILITÄR fast 19—MILLIARDEN Liter an ERDÖL—BASIERTEN Brennstoffen.
20080118 Wie soll man da noch 1—GEFÜHL—VON—PRIVATSPHÄRE bekommen, wenn wir in einer Welt leben, in der das Handy die ganze Zeit unser Leben aufzeichnet?
20080118 Gutachten (7) zu der EUROPOL—UMWANDLUNG vor diesen Regeländerungen.
20080118 So fordert er "spezifische Bedingungen und Einschränkungen hinsichtlich der aus privaten Quellen stammenden Informationen und Erkenntnisse, unter anderem um die Richtigkeit dieser Informationen zu gewährleisten" und die "AUFNAHME—VON—GARANTIEN für den Zugriff auf DATEN—VON—PERSONEN, die (noch) keine Straftat begangen haben".
20080118 "Die durch das EUROPOL—ÜBEREINKOMMEN gebotenen Garantien sollten nicht abgeschwächt werden", meinte PETER—HUSTINX.
20080118 Bush _will_US—WIRTSCHAFT_retten__Boersen_in_Talfahrt.html" target=_blank>Hypothekenkrise: Bush will USA—WIRTSCHAFT retten — Börsen in Talfahrt
20080118 Dow Plunges More Than 300—POINTS on Grim Outlook
20080118 Fed CHIEF—BACKS—QUICK—ACTION to Aid Economy - USA—BÖRSEN rutschen tief ins Minus
20080118 —PROFITIERT, IBM, von Globalisierung - USA—NOTENBANK ruft Politik zu Hilfe
20080118 1—GEN—SEQUENZVARIATION bestimmt, wie viel Prügel 1—KIND verträgt
20080118 BERN zieht Bewilligung für ANTI—WEF—KUNDGEBUNG zurück - KENYA—POLICE 'kill 10'
20080118 Arbeitskampf in HOLLYWOOD: Regisseure einigen sich mit Filmstudios auf neuen Tarifvertrag
20080118 The disclosure came minutes —BEFORE midnight —TUESDAY under 1—COURT—ORDERED deadline that forced THE—WHITE—HOUSE to reveal information it had previously refused to provide.
20080118 Valerie Wilson, a C.I.A. officer.
20080118 It had already cut about 2,500 jobs —LAST—YEAR—AFTER shutting its SUB—PRIME—MORTGAGE—UNIT that lent to borrowers with poor credit histories.
20080118 UND—HIER ein bißchen Perspektive zu Merrill Lynch : Merrill Lynch, a firm 1—3. the size of Citigroup,
20080118 —POSTED 1—EQUALLY huge 4.—QUARTER loss of $9.8—BILLION on —THURSDAY, fueled by WRITE—DOWNS totaling $16.7—BILLION, more than double the firm's 20060000 profits.
20080118 Is this Hillary CLINTON—BUSH v. Gore moment? -- from the Last Chance Democracy Cafe
20080118 Perhaps the economy isn't so good: Dow closes down almost 307—POINTS.
20080118 1—BUZZFLASH—PREMIUM: "Aristotle and the Aardvark Go to WASHINGTON".
20080118 "1—IRRESISTIBLE, witty, wry, LAUGH—OUT—LOUD, thoughtful look at political statements and rhetoric + why certain arguments and language work -- as do negative attacks -- and others don't. But the delight here is that political discourse is seen through THE—LENS—OF—EASILY—ACCESSIBLE—PHILOSOPHICAL—PRINCIPLES and, of course, jokes".
20080118 FAQs about THE—NEVADA Democratic Caucus -- BE—ELECTED
20080118 If THE—BUSH—REPUBLICAN economy has been so good to you, how come you feel so poor?
20080118 —EARLIER this —WEEK, lost in the noise about "race," USA—SENATOR—CLAIRE—MCCASKILL—OF—MISSOURI endorsed Obama.
20080118 Also, lost in the race/gender noise was OBAMA—ENDORSEMENT by ARIZONA GOVERNOR—JANET—NAPOLITANO + Governors of VIRGINIA and WISCONSIN.
20080118 —AM stand Laut Société Générale in der Bank fest, dass Kerviel ohne Genehmigung groß angelegte Spekulationen getätigt hatte.
20080118 GAZA : " Sortir le drapeau blanc ne suffira pas "
20080118—18010000 —J—IM, Er beginnt die Aufzählung ,
20080118—18010000 —J—IM, Er beginnt die Aufzählung, als PRÄSIDENT—THOMAS—JEFFERSON unter dem Vorwand der Piratenbekämpfung Kriegsschiffe ins Mittelmeer schickte.
20080118—18320000 —J—IM, Weiter erwähnt Mead in diesem Zusammenhang den BRITISCH—AMERIKANISCHEN Krieg von 18120000 und eine "Strafexpedition" gegen Sumatra.
20080118—19510000 —IN, IAN—PAISLEY, HEAD—OF—NORTH—IRELAND—DEMOCRATIC—UNIONIST—PARTY (DUP), stepped away from the helm of the Free Presbyterian Church, which he had founded.
20080118—19700000 —SEIT, Nur noch 18—PROZENT—DER—NATUR auf Madagaskar gelten als intakt und 1—DRITTEL—DER—VEGETATION ist zerstört worden.
20080118—20020000 —IN, MOHAMMED—MANSOUR—JABARAH, 25—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CANADA—CITIZEN—OF—IRAQ—DESCENT, who admitted plotting to bomb USA embassies in SINGAPORE and THE—PHILIPPINES was sentenced to life in prison —AFTER telling the court he had been "brainwashed" by al Qaeda.
20080118—20090000 —IN, 4—AL—QAIDA militants were convicted for the attack and sentenced to death.
20080511 Die Entstehung des pharaonischen Ägyptens vor rund 5500—JAHREN fällt - 20070118
20081227—20090118 wurden mehr als 1.300—PALÄSTINENSER getötet und weitere 5.000—PALÄSTINENSER verletzt.
20081227—20090118 -Während der Kämpfe VOM—WURDEN 13—ISRAELIS und rund 1.400—JAHR—PALÄSTINENSER getötet,
20081227—20090118 -Während der Kämpfe VOM—WURDEN 13—ISRAELIS und rund 14000000 Palästinenser getötet,
20081227—20090118 wurden mehr als 13000000 Palästinenser getötet und weitere 5000—VERLETZT.
20081227—20090118 -Während der Kämpfe VOM—WURDEN 13—ISRAELIS und rund 14000000 Palästinenser getötet, darunter mehrere 100—ZIVILPERSONEN.
20090118 † BOB—MAY, 69—JAHRE—ALT, USA—TV and film actor.
20090118 —DONNED, BOB—MAY, THE—ROBOT—SUIT in the hit 1960s television show "Lost in Space" (19650000 ).
20090118 The Polar Mist unexpectedly sank 25—MILES (40—KILOMETERS) off the Argentine coast, near the mouth of the Straits of Magellan, as it was being tugged to dry land.
20090118 8—CREW members had been rescued —2—DAYS—EARLIER.
20090118 —UNREFINED, The owners of its cargo said nearly $22—MILLION in, gold and silver went down with it, and they asked insurer LLOYD—OF—LONDON to foot the bill for the costly recovery operation.
20090118 —ASKED, Argentine news media and maritime experts, whether the precious metals were aboard at all.
20090118 —LISTED, AUSTRALIA, the world's largest sea turtle, the leatherback, as endangered due to the threats posed by overfishing and the unsustainable harvesting of its eggs and meat.
20090118 —CAVED, The roof of 1—BRAZIL—CHURCH in SAO—PAULO, in shortly —AFTER 1—RELIGIOUS—SERVICE, killing 9—PEOPLE and injuring 106—MORE.
20090118 † UK—TELEVISION presenter TONY—HART, 83—JAHRE—ALT.
20090118 —CHARMED, UK—TELEVISION had, GENERATIONS—OF—CHILDREN with his artsy antics.
20090118 —DISSOLVED, CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC—PRESIDENT—FRANCOIS—BOZIZE, the government, —AFTER pledging to form 1—UNITY—GOVERNMENT at recent peace talks.
20090118 —LAUNCHED, CHINA—PUBLIC—SECURITY—BUREAU—OF—LHASA, Tibet, a "strike hard" campaign against crime, with raids on residential areas, INTERNET cafes, bars, rented rooms, hotels and guesthouses.
20090118 DENMARK said it is expanding its financial rescue package by lending the country's banks and mortgage $17.8—BILLION.
20090118 —REACHED, DUBAI said it has, 1—DEAL with NIGERIA to invest in the African nation's CONFLICT—RAVAGED oil industry and other SECTORS—OF—THE—ECONOMY.
20090118 —INDICATED, EL—SALVADOR, polls ahead of 6—PARTY—ELECTIONS, the Farabundo MARTI—NATIONAL—LIBERATION—FRONT, 1—FORMER—GUERRILLA—GROUP known as THE—FMLN, will increase its 32-seat plurality in the 84-member legislature —WHILE winning THE—CAPITAL—AND—MOST—OF—THE—262—MAYORS races up for grabs.
20090118 —AGREED, Militants in HAMAS—RULED GAZA, to 1—WEEKLONG—CEASE—FIRE with ISRAEL, —AFTER—3—WEEKS—OF—VIOLENCE that PALESTINE—MEDICS say has killed more than 1,200—PEOPLE, about HALF—OF—THEM civilians.
20090118 —DECLARED, The announcement came about —12—HOURS—AFTER ISRAEL, its own unilateral ceasefire.
20090118 1—PALESTINE—HUMAN—RIGHTS—GROUPS published the names, ages and other information about the dead on its Web site.
20090118 —ATTRIBUTED, KYRGYZSTAN began to come under 1—MASSIVE cyber attack, to Russian "CYBER—MILITIA".
20090118 Less than 20—PERCENT—OF—THE—COUNTRY—5.3—MILLION—POPULATION had online access.
20090118 —INCLUDED, Proposed reasons for the attacks, THE—USA—USE—OF—1—AIR—BASE for operations in AFGHANISTAN or 1—HIT on the fledgling Kyrgyz opposition, which has used THE—INTERNET to express its discontent.
20090118 —ADMIRED, He was, for his courage in promoting Romanian, the country's native language, —WHEN MOLDOVA was 1—SOVIET—REPUBLIC.
20090118 In the 1970s, he wrote "The Little Bee," MOLDOVA—1. ROMANIAN—LANGUAGE—SCHOOL—MANUAL for young children.
20090118 —ATTACKED, NIGERIA—MILITANTS, 1—LOADING vessel, 1—TANKER and 1—TUG boat at 1—CRUDE—OIL—PLATFORM operated by Shell in Bonny and took 8—CREW members hostage.
20090118 † 1—PERSON was killed in the attack.
20090118 —MOVED, NIGERIA—REBELS holding 2—UK—OIL—WORKERS said they had, 3—UK—HOSTAGES to another location —AFTER what it claimed was 1 botched rescue attempt by government troops.
20090118 PAKISTAN—INFORMATION—MINISTER said the government will push to quickly reopen girls' schools destroyed by Islamic militants in THE—NORTH—WEST—SWAT valley.
20090118 —ANNOUNCED, RUSSIA and UKRAINE, 1—DEAL to end the bitter dispute that has blocked RUSSIA—NATURAL—GAS from EUROPE —FOLLOWING talks between RUSSIA—PRIME—MINISTER—VLADIMIR—PUTIN and his UKRAINE—COUNTERPART Yulia Tymoshenko.
20090118 Under the terms, UKRAINE will pay 20—PERCENT less than the European "market price" price for gas this —YEAR, which RUSSIA says is $450—PER 1,000 cubic meters.
20090118 THE—UN—AFRICAN Union peacekeeping mission said rebels from the Justice and Equality Movement have taken CONTROL—OF—MUHAJARIA town in THE—WEST—SUDAN REGION—OF—DARFUR.
20090118 —PROCLAIMED, As 1—OF—HIS—FINAL actions in office, PRESIDENT—BUSH
20090118 In his official statement, BUSH made it clear that his conception of "human life" includes the unborn:
20090118 —SACRED, All human life is 1—GIFT from our Creator that is, unique, and WORTHY—OF—PROTECTION.
20090118 —ON—NATIONAL—SANCTITY—OF—HUMAN—LIFE—DAY, our country recognizes that EACH—PERSON, including EVERY—PERSON waiting to be born, has 1—SPECIAL—PLACE and purpose in this world.
20090118 We also underscore our dedication to heeding this MESSAGE—OF—CONSCIENCE by speaking up for the weak and voiceless among us.
20090118 Jenische in der Schweiz
20090118 7. Womit wird —HEUTE im nachhinein versucht, die Auswirkungen der 68—ER—BEWEGUNG kaputt zu machen?
20090118 Mit dem Feuilleton, welches die Bewegung zum LIFE—STILE—EVENT umschreibt — nicht ohne aktive Unterstützung etlicher Kämpfer, die sich die Turnschuhe anzogen, um schneller auf die andere Seite zu kommen.
20090118 Durch Paulsons Vorgehensweise ist eine schlimme Situation zu einer Katastrophe geworden.
20090118 Mehr unter - [1] s. dazu Ökologisch veredelt,
20090118 19560000-19560000 "Wir werden diesen Spendenbetrag wie seither über DIE—FRIEDRICH—EBERT—STIFTUNG (...) überweisen".[14]
20090118 —GEWORDEN, 19560000-19560000 Die CIA—ANBINDUNG war ruchbar.
20090118 19560000-19560000 Unter dem Namen "STIFTUNG—DES—EUROPÄISCHEN—HILFSWERKS—FÜR—INTELLEKTUELLE" wurden deswegen in Genf neue Strukturen geschaffen.
20090118 19560000-19560000 DAS—ANGEBLICH—UNABHÄNGIGE—KOMITEE, das mit Bölls Namen um Glaubwürdigkeit warb und Staatsferne vortäuschte
20090118 19560000-19560000 —GEGRÜNDET, Unter dem irreführenden Namen "THE—WRITERS—AND—PUBLISHERS—COMMITTEE—FOR—EUROPEAN—COOPERATION", war der CIA—ABLEGER,
20090118 19560000-19560000 um "DIE—SOWJETS kulturell in die Defensive zu drängen".[
20090118 Geldtransfers für 1—NACHFOLGEORGANISATION liefen
20090118 ARTE—DOKU über deutsche Schriftsteller im Geheimdienstgestrüpp - CIA—GESTEUERT: HEINRICH—BÖLL
20090118 Von HANS—GEORG - HANS—RÜDIGER Minow hervor, die
20090118 Von Yacov BEN—EFRAT—ONLINE—FLYER—NUMBER 37—VOM 28.03....
20090118 It's hardly the most shocking revelation in the news right —NOW, but CBS reports that BUSH—FINAL—APPROVAL rating is 22%.
20090118 I know I'm a proud USA—TODAY.
20090118 As the jobs dwindle down, THE—NUMBER—OF—METH—MAKERS creeps up.
20090118 —SERVED, The author is 1—OXFORD—PROFESSOR who once, in THE—ISRAEL—ARMY.
20090118 Schlaim does not offer 1—EXPLICIT—ARGUMENT that ISRAEL—DESCENT in barbarity stems from the inherently racist concept of 1—JEWISH—STATE.
20090118 But he comes very near to that conclusion.
20090118 1—FEW excerpts: ISRAEL likes to portray itself as 1—ISLAND—OF—DEMOCRACY in 1—SEA—OF—AUTHORITARIANISM.
20090118 ISRAEL has 1—LONG—HISTORY—OF—SECRET—COLLABORATION with reactionary Arab regimes to suppress PALESTINE—NATIONALISM.
20090118 —SUCCEEDED, Despite all the handicaps, THE—PALESTINE—PEOPLE, in building the only genuine democracy in the Arab world with the possible exception of LEBANON.
20090118 As always, mighty ISRAEL claims to be THE—VICTIM—OF—PALESTINE—AGGRESSION but the sheer ASYMMETRY—OF—POWER between THE—2—SIDES leaves little room for doubt as to who is the real victim.
20090118 merciless and overbearing ISRAEL—GOLIATH.
20090118 —ACCOMPANIED, The resort to brute military force is,
20090118 as always, by the shrill rhetoric of victimhood and 1—FARRAGO—OF—SELF—PITY overlaid with SELF—RIGHTEOUSNESS.
20090118 The figures speak for themselves.
20090118 THE—,3—YEARS—AFTER the withdrawal from GAZA, 11—ISRAELIS were killed by rocket fire.
20090118 Während seine amerikanischen Zeitgenossen in Massakern an der indianischen Urbevölkerung,
20090118 mit dem Bau von Eisenbahnen und im Goldrausch die frontier nach Westen verschoben, erschloss er einen dunklen geistigen Kosmos —NACH—DEM anderen.
20090118 Die Umstände seines Todes hätten ihn auch nicht vom Gegenteil überzeugt.
20090118 Der Alkoholiker wurde wenige Tage vor seinem Tod in einem Wahllokal schwerstkrank aufgefunden.
20090118 1—DRITTEL—DER—ARBEIT sei es, die privaten Verhältnisse zu recherchieren.
20090118 Das sei hier zu spät erfolgt.
20090118 Natürlich kann es sein, dass sich eine sehr kleine GRUPPE—VON—RECHTSRADIKALEN zu einer Terrortat verabredet hat.
20090118 Aber dass diese Gruppe unentdeckt bleibt, dagegen spricht die Erfahrung.
20090118 Denn Polizei und Verfassungsschutz haben in ihren Dateien jeden RECHTSRADIKALEN—AUCH mit BILD—VERZEICHNET.
20090118 auslösen kann, habe —SCHON zu erstaunlichsten Erinnerungslücken GEFÜHRT—DURCH Schock oder Verdrängung.
20090118 Das könne auch einem Polizisten passieren.
20090118 Natürlich könne eine auf einen selbst gerichtete Waffe einen gewissen "Aufmerksamkeitssog" haben und vom Täter ablenken.
20090118 dass "die abtretende Regierung dem Gesetz in letzter —MINUTE schweren Schaden zufügt".
20090118 Eine weitere EPA—REGELUNG erweitert die LISTE—DER—GIFTMÜLLSTOFFE, die in Brennstoff umgewandelt werden dürfen.
20090118 —BISHER sind das rund 13.000—TONNEN pro —JAHR,
20090118 nach der neuen Vorschrift dürfen es fast zehnmal so viel sein.
20090118 Das Weiße Haus ficht die Kritik nicht an.
20090118 "Ja, wir ziehen es vor, dass unsere Regulierungen lange Zeit Bestand haben", sagt Sprecher TONY—FRATTO.
20090118 Das 75-seitige Regelwerk erlaubt es erstmals, staatliches Land "zur Förderung von Ölschiefer und Teersand" an Energiekonzerne zu verpachten.
20090118 —PROTESTIERT, Nicht nur Umweltgruppen haben dagegen heftig.
20090118 kritisierte Ritter.
20090118 "Zu VIELE—FRAGEN —NACH—DEN Folgen für Umwelt, Wirtschaft und unsere Kommunen bleiben darin unbeantwortet".
20090118 Zumal diese SPÄTZÜGLER—BESTIMMUNGEN nur schwer wieder rückgängig zu machen SIND—DAS dürfte Monate, wenn nicht Jahre dauern.
20090118 Diese "midnight regulations", wie sie wegen ihrer klandestinen HINTERTÜRCHEN—ART genannt werden,
20090118 Die meisten der Vorschriften, von denen die Amerikaner wenig mitbekommen,
20090118 verankern BUSH s erzkonservative Politik auf lange SICHT—PER regulatorischem Rechtsruck,
20090118 der den UMWELT—UND Verbraucherschutz schwächt, die Industrie beglückt und in Gesetzesform nie und nimmer durch den Kongress gekommen wäre.
20090118 —VERANKERT, Mit Dutzenden LAST—MINUTE—ERLASSEN, er seine konservative Politik.
20090118 VIELE—VORSCHRIFTEN schaden der Umwelt und sind kaum rückgängig zu machen.
20090118 gehe es dem künftigen Präsidenten BARACK—OBAMA und seiner Regierungsmannschaft darum,
20090118 das grundsätzliche PROBLEM—DER—KRISE aggressiv an der Wurzel zu bekämpfen:
20090118 der Zusammenbruch am USA—IMMOBILIENMARKT und die damit verbundenen Milliardenausfälle im Geschäft mit verbrieften Hypothekenkrediten.
20090118 der Zusammenbruch am USA—IMMOBILIENMARKT das grundsätzliche PROBLEM—DER—KRISE
20090118 Deutsche Bankenvertreter fordern —SCHON—SEIT längerem die Einrichtung einer Bad Bank.
20090118 Ohne die Maßnahme könne der Kreditfluss nicht wieder in Gang kommen, argumentieren sie.
20090118 Deutschen Banken drohen MILLIARDEN—ABSCHREIBUNGEN
20090118 —GERATEN, Weltweit, Banken angesichts hoher Abschreibungen —DERZEIT unter Druck.
20090118 So drohen den Geldkonzernen in Deutschland weitere Verluste in Milliardenhöhe.
20090118 Nach SPIEGEL—INFORMATIONEN haben die Institute —ERST einen Bruchteil ihrer faulen Wertpapiere rund um amerikanische Hypothekendarlehen und Studentenkredite abgeschrieben.
20090118 Das ergab 1—UMFRAGE—VON—BUNDESBANK und Bankenaufsichtsbehörde BaFin unter 20—GROßEN Kreditinstituten,
20090118 die für das Bundesfinanzministerium erstellt wurde.
20090118 Befragt wurden ALLE—GROßBANKEN und Landesbanken.
20090118 Danach besitzen diese Institute "toxische Wertpapiere" im Volumen von knapp unter 300—MILLIARDEN Euro,
20090118 von denen —ERST rund 1—VIERTEL abgeschrieben wurde.
20090118 Der Rest steht noch immer zu mittlerweile illusorischen Werten in den Büchern.
20090118 Das Finanzministerium selbst geht davon aus, dass der gesamte deutsche Bankensektor Risikopapiere mit einer Summe von —BIS zu einer Billion Euro in den Büchern führt.
20090118 Vergleicht das mit unserer ONLINE—ZENSUR: "Familienministerin:
20090118 Provider machen mit beim Sperren von Kinderporno".
20090118 Denn WIR, müsst ihr wissen, WIR würden NIE zensieren!1!!
20090118 Bei uns ist das eine gerechtfertigte Massnahme der demokratischen Regierung, wenn wir zensieren.
20090118 Äh, filtern.
20090118 Le Monde Diplomatique sagt auch was zum Gazakrieg.
20090118 Ui, das ehemalige Nachrichtenmagazin ist ja in Höchstform —HEUTE!
20090118 —VERKÜNDET, Unter der Schlagzeile "ISRAEL, einseitigen Waffenstillstand"
20090118 feiern sie ISRAEL als die humanitären Friedensstifter (und schreiben damit die offizielle ISRAEL—PROPAGANDA fast im Wortlaut ab),
20090118 und dann kommt eine weitere Glanzmeldung von YASSIN—MUSHARBASH, bei dem ich ja auch noch auf den 1. ernstzunehmenden Artikel warte (der Spiegel offenbar auch,
20090118 denn —BISHER haben sie ihn m.W. nur im Web publizieren lassen, die Printausgabe will sich da anscheinend noch Reste von Seriosität bewahren):
20090118 angeblich droht AL—KAIDA in einem Terrorvideo Deutschland.
20090118 Wenn da —JETZT also niemand darüber berichten würde, gäbe es keinen Terror.
20090118 Aber dafür haben wir ja den Herrn Musharbash.
20090118 um so 1—VIDEO zu finden? Mir persönlich stellt sich ja auch die Frage,
20090118 wieso die eigentlich Besuche im Terrorcamp unter Strafe stellen wollen, aber nicht die ganze "WIR WERDEN ALLE—STÖRBEN" Journallie.
20090118 Vielleicht sollte das mal jemand als kleine Anfrage im BUNDESTAG bringen.
20090118 Das wäre sicher spannend, wie sie sich da rauswinden.
20090118 Denn die Wahrheit können sie ja dann schlecht bringen,
20090118 dass sie ihr Volk absichtlich terrorisieren, damit sie Stinkbomben wie das BKA—GESETZ oder die Vorratsdatenspeicherung durchkriegen können.
20090118 die Idee dahinter
20090118 Wenn ich weiß, wie die Verfälschung aussieht, dann kann ich mein ganzes Bild rückwärts rechnen, so dass sie nicht auftritt",
20090118 doch der Aufwand bleibt hoch.
20090118 "—BIS man einen wirklich guten Schuss hat, kann es ein paar Stunden dauern",
20090118 die Belichtungszeit auf 2—SEKUNDEN reduzieren.
20090118 —SPIONIERT, Dazu, er ihr rechtes Auge aus.
20090118 Der Professor für Kryptografie und Sicherheit an der UNIVERSITÄT—DES—SAARLANDES
20090118 Die Institutsforscher mussten bei dieser kollegialen Hilfe keine moralischen Bedenken bezeugen, denn der Angriff dient der Forschung, auch die Ausgespähte weiß Bescheid.
20090118 Bushs klammheimliches Vermächtnis
20090118 Eurobarometer: Deutsche pessimistischer als andere EU—BÜRGER
20090118 Bankenhilfe: Großbritannien plant Versicherung gegen Giftpapiere
20090118 Teures Fußballteam: Abramowitsch soll CHELSEA—VERKAUF planen
20090118 Verräterische Spiegelungen: Die AUGEN—AUSSPÄHER kommen
20090118 Das Washingtoner "IntelCenter", ein privates Terrorforschungsinstitut,
20090118 das auch für die USA—AMERIKANISCHE und andere Regierungen tätig ist,
20090118 DEUTSCH—FRANZÖSISCHE Brigade: Bundeswehr soll ins Elsass - Einig oder nicht?: Gasstreit zieht sich
20090118 Weitere MILLIARDEN—ABSCHREIBUNGEN: Unkenrufe in der Bankenwelt
20090118 Poll Finds Faith in Obama, Mixed With Patience
20090118 Obama Arrives in WASHINGTON —AFTER Train Trip
20090118 WAHL: Im —JAHR—DES—WAHNS - Börsenausblick: Anleger zittern vor Quartalszahlen
20090118 Problempapiere im Portfolio: Banken sitzen auf 300—MILLIARDEN—MÜLL
20090118 Fehlerhafte Firmware in fast allen SEAGATE—FESTPLATTEN
20090118 Ergebnisloses Gipfeltreffen in Moskau - Merkel reist zu NAHOST—GIPFELTREFFEN
20090118 VIELE—WORTE, kein Gas - Tote vor den Botschaftstoren
20090118 Bush _mag.html" target=_blank>Der künftige USA—PRÄSIDENT—IM—INTERVIEW:
20090118 Was BARACK—OBAMA an GEORGE—W—BUSH mag - Der GAZA—KRIEG ist zu Ende
20090118 UBS streicht erneut 5'000 Stellen - Toyota to halve domestic output
20090118 Flu outbreak kills 3—OF 99 at TOKYO hospital
20090118 Phosphor auf Kranke - though THE—MAJORITY—OF—THEM probably don't buy that shit.
20090118 But how long can ISRAEL—APOLOGISTS expect the gentiles themselve s to buy that shit?
20090118 I distrust anyone who claims the moral high ground in this struggle.
20090118 Hamas certainly doesn't have it, and neither does THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT.
20090118 I draw parallels between the citizens of GAZA and ISRAEL and THE—CITIZENS—OF—AMERICAN—UNDER BUSH.
20090118 We have been stuck with 1—WARMONGERING, heartless criminal for the past 8—YEARS.
20090118 —ELECTED, He was "" too and he is supposed to represent us.
20090118 —FLAWED, Clearly, our democracy is greatly, as is the "democracy" that produced the governments of GAZA and ISRAEL.
20090118 I wonder if they will ever unite and decide to make the fighting stop for good?
20090118 For THE—SAKE—OF—PEACE, I hope they do.
20090118 Die taz erklärt, wie viel deutsche Technik in Israels Militärmaschine steckt.
20090118 Update : schaut mal, sogar beim Handelsblatt hat man genug vom INTERNET verstanden, um gegen die Zensurfilter zu sein.
20090118 Die Citibank erarbeitete sich im 4. Quartal 8,29 Milliarden Dollar Verlust.
20090118 Die BANK—OF—AMERICAN—KOMMT mit 2,39 Milliarden Dollar nicht mal in die Nähe der Deutschen Bank.
20090118 Die Telekom kriegt ihre Kundendaten bei ihren "Partnern" nicht gelöscht.
20090118 Und so bestätigt sich mal wieder, was der CCC —SEIT Jahren sagt: Wenn man nicht will, dass Daten missbraucht werden, dürfen sie gar nicht —ERST anfallen.
20090118 + die Zeit führt 1—INTERVIEW mit ihm.
20090118 —SCHON die 1. Frage überzeugt: Ist es das?
20090118 "Wir müssen uns daran erinnern, dass unsere Nation zu einer Zeit von Königen und Königinnen gegründet wurde,
20090118 und dass es sich —HEUTE noch Milliarden Menschen in aller Welt nicht vorstellen können, dass ihre politische Führung die Macht ohne Kampf + Blutvergießen abgibt".
20090118 "Lasst uns 1—REGIERUNG schaffen, die dem Volk gegenüber verantwortlich ist,
20090118 und nehmen wir unsere eigene Verantwortung als Bürger wahr, von unserer Regierung Rechenschaft zu verlangen", sagte Obama.
20090118 Dann flogen Feuerwerkskörper, israelische Fahnen brannten.
20090118 Auf dem Weg zur Amtseinführung: Obamas TRIUMPH—ZUG
20090118 Krisengipfel in Ägypten: Merkel will im Gazakrieg vermitteln
20090118 "Wir haben die Nase voll" - Dekonvolution - Forscherinteresse
20090118 NEW—YORK—TIMES Hilfe an" - Bushs klammheimliches Vermächtnis" href="
20090118 Bloom vertritt die GEWERKSCHAFT der USA—STAHLARBEITER, deren MITGLIEDER—VON—MASSENENTLASSUNGEN bedroht sind, wenn GENERAL—MOTORS bankrott gehen sollte.
20090118 Mehr unter www.GERMAN—FOREIGN—POLICY com
20090118 "Die deutsche, die europäische und die internationale Öffentlichkeit, sie alle sind über Jahrzehnte getäuscht worden.
20090118 Was wie der staatsferne Streit um Politik und Kultur aussah, war staatlich gesteuert", sagte Filmautor
20090118 —GEKIPPT, Bundesrat: SCHWARZ—ROT Mehrheit
20090118 Während seine amerikanischen Zeitgenossen in Massakern an der indianischen Urbevölkerung, mit dem Bau von Eisenbahnen und im Goldrausch die frontier nach Westen verschoben,
20090118 erschloss er einen dunklen geistigen Kosmos —NACH—DEM anderen.
20090118 Vermutlich war er von sogenannten coopers ,
20090118 rüden Wahlhelfern, betrunken gemacht und gewaltsam zur Stimmabgabe geschleppt worden, —BIS er zusammenbrach.
20090118 —DOKUMENTIERT, Tiefer wurde Leben in AUSTRALIEN —BISLANG, noch nie.
20090118 Wohin das Licht —SCHON längst nicht mehr vordringt, entdeckten DIE—FORSCHER gigantische Spinnen und andere nie gesehene Tiere.
20090118 Normales Procedere sei es, von innen nach außen zu ermitteln, sagt 1—ERMITTLER.
20090118 33—PROZENT—DER—ARBEIT sei es,
20090118 die privaten Verhältnisse zu recherchieren. Das sei hier zu spät erfolgt.
20090118 Das Trauma, das die erschütternde Erfahrung, zum Opfer einer Gewalttat zu werden, auslösen kann, habe —SCHON zu erstaunlichsten Erinnerungslücken GEFÜHRT—DURCH Schock oder Verdrängung.
20090118 Auch NANCY PELOSI, SPRECHERIN—DES—REPRÄSENTANTENHAUSES, will mit "allen uns verfügbaren Kontrollmitteln" verhindern,
20090118 "So wenig Zeit, so viel Schaden", kommentierte die "NEW—YORK—TIMES " resigniert.
20090118 —BISHER sind das rund 13.000—TONNEN pro —JAHR, nach der neuen Vorschrift dürfen es fast zehnmal so viel sein.
20090118 sagt Sprecher TONY—FRATTO.
20090118 "Sie sind gut durchdacht und im besten Interesse der Nation erwogen".
20090118 wenn nicht Jahre dauern.
20090118 verstecken sich in Abertausenden Aktenseiten im Federal Register, dem zentralen Dokumentenarchiv der USA—REGIERUNG
20090118 Nur Stabschef JOSH—BOLTON, Chefjurist ED—GILLESPIE und BUSH s Sprecherin Dana Perino halten die Stellung.
20090118 gehe es dem künftigen Präsidenten BARACK—OBAMA und seiner Regierungsmannschaft darum, das grundsätzliche PROBLEM—DER—KRISE aggressiv an der Wurzel zu bekämpfen: der Zusammenbruch am USA—IMMOBILIEN—MARKT und die damit verbundenen MILLIARDENAUS—FÄLLE im Geschäft mit verbrieften Hypothekenkrediten.
20090118 und die damit verbundenen MILLIARDENAUS—FÄLLE im Geschäft mit verbrieften Hypothekenkrediten.
20090118 der Zusammenbruch am USA—IMMOBILIEN—MARKT
20090118 Das Problem: kriegt ja hier keiner mit, und der Terrorist an sich hat ja als Ziel, DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG zu erreichen.
20090118 Was für ein armseliger Pseudojournalismus.
20090118 Wie lange solche Experten da wohl rumgraben müssen, um so 1—VIDEO zu finden?
20090118 Mir persönlich stellt sich ja auch die Frage, wieso die eigentlich Besuche im Terrorcamp unter Strafe stellen wollen,
20090118 aber nicht die ganze "WIR WERDEN ALLE—STÖRBEN" Journallie.
20090118 DIE—IDEE dahinter - so dass sie nicht auftritt",
20090118 Mit der 6000—USA—DOLLAR teuren Kamera und einem neuen 1800—EURO teuren SCHMIDT—CASSEGRAIN—TELESKOP können Backes und Co.
20090118 auch die Ausgespähte weiß Bescheid.
20090118 NAHOST—KONFLIKT: ISRAEL—ARMEE zieht sich aus GAZA zurück - NEW—YORK—TIMES Hilfe an" href="
20090118 Tiefsee vor AUSTRALIEN: Forscher entdecken völlig neue Tierwelt
20090118 GAZA—KONFLIKT: Hamas bietet WAFFEN—RUHE—UND stellt Bedingungen
20090118 Geldsegen trotz Krise: DISNEY—CHEF kassierte 20080000 30,6—MILLIONEN Dollar
20090118 GAZA—KONFLIKT: Feuergefechte und Luftangriffe trotz WAFFEN—RUHE
20090118 —VERSPRICHT, Einigung im Energiestreit: PUTIN, Gaslieferung ab —MONTAG
20090118 Das Washingtoner "IntelCenter", ein privates Terrorforschungsinstitut, das auch für DIE—USA—AMERIKANISCHE und andere Regierungen tätig ist,
20090118 meldete jedoch —ZUNÄCHST keine ZWEIFEL—AN—DER Echtheit an und sprach von der —BISLANG, "bedeutsamsten" Ansprache AL—QAIDAS an Deutschland und "möglicherweise an überhaupt ein europäisches Land".
20090118 BUSH—IMMER—FUER—EINEN—GUTEN—KERL—GEHALTEN.html" target=_blank>INTERVIEW—MIT—BARACK—OBAMA: Ich habe BUSH immer für einen guten Kerl gehalten
20090118 Finanzen: USA—BÖRSEN: Ungewissheit vor Bilanzflut
20090118 Unternehmen: USA—FINANZBRANCHE wird weiter angezählt
20090118 DIE—USA müssen die Hamas als politischen Akteur anerkennen
20090118 Des milliers de manifestants en FRANCE pour soutenir les Palestiniens
20090118 And yet that conspiracy theory is pretty much the width and breadth of their argument.
20090118 They have nothing else.
20090118 We have been stuck with 1—WARMONGERING,
20090118 heartless criminal for the past 8—YEARS.
20090118 Yet 80—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS felt the country was going in the wrong direction according to 1—RECENT—POLL.
20090118 —FLAWED, Clearly, our democracy is greatly,
20090118 as is the "democracy" that produced the governments of GAZA and ISRAEL.
20090118 I wonder how MANY—ISRAELIS and Palestinians feel the same way about their governments as we do about BUSH ?
20090118 DIE ZEIT: MISTER—KASHER, Ethikberater der ISRAEL—ARMEE, das klingt fast wie ein schlechter Witz.
20090118 und dass ES—SICH —HEUTE noch Milliarden Menschen in aller Welt nicht vorstellen können,
20090118 dass ihre politische Führung DIE—MACHT ohne Kampf + Blutvergießen abgibt".
20090118 "Lasst uns 1—REGIERUNG schaffen, die dem Volk gegenüber verantwortlich ist, und nehmen wir unsere eigene Verantwortung als Bürger wahr,
20090118 von unserer Regierung Rechenschaft zu verlangen", sagte Obama.
20090118 Vereinzelt kam es zu ANTI—ISRAELISCHEN Übergriffen, meist wenn die verfeindeten Gruppen aufeinander trafen.
20090118 Weit über 10.000—MENSCHEN haben in deutschen Städten wegen des Kriegs im GAZA—STREIFEN demonstriert.
20090118 Energie: Kreml und UKRAINE einigen sich im Gasstreit
20090118 im Lauf einer so genannten Vagantenfahndung fingen die Kantonspolizeien die Fahrenden im ganzen Land ein und transportierten sie nach BERN ins Gefängnis. www.jenisch.name/
20090118 Im Dünndruck hergestellte Verlagsprodukte wurden nach Ostdeutschland oder nach Polen geschleust,
20090118 osteuropäische Künstler an die CIA—KULTURZENTRALE in PARIS herangeführt.
20090118 1—ARBEITERPARTEI in ISRAEL : Von der Idee zur NOTWENDIGKEIT Juden und Araber kandidierten gemeinsam.
20090118 OXFORD professor AVI—SCHLAIM calls ISRAEL a "rogue state".
20090118 This may be the best piece on the barbarity in GAZA.
20090118 —INDEED, This is, 1—CONFLICT between DAVID and Goliath but the Biblical image has been inverted - 1—SMALL and defenceless PALESTINE—DAVID faces 1—HEAVILY armed,
20090118 HEBREW, this is known as the syndrome of bokhim VE—YORIM, "crying and shooting".
20090118 —ON the other hand, 20050000 —IN -7—ALONE, THE—IDF killed 1,290 Palestinians in GAZA, including 222—CHILDREN.
20090118 1—WIDE—GAP—SEPARATES the reality of ISRAEL—ACTIONS from the rhetoric of its spokesmen.
20090118 It was not Hamas but THE—IDF that broke the ceasefire.
20090118 This brief REVIEW—OF—ISRAEL—RECORD over the past 4—DECADES makes it difficult to resist the conclusion that it has become 1—ROGUE state with "1—UTTERLY unscrupulous SET—OF—LEADERS".
20090118 1—ROGUE state habitually violates INTERNATIONAL law, possesses WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION and practises TERRORISM—THE—USE—OF—VIOLENCE against civilians for political purposes.
20090118 ISRAEL fulfils ALL—OF—THESE 3—CRITERIA; the cap fits and it must wear it.
20090118 Das Trauma, das die erschütternde Erfahrung, zum Opfer einer Gewalttat zu werden, auslösen kann,
20090118 "In BUSH s Fall", klagt die "NEW—YORK—TIMES " aber, "ist das 1—ABRISSBIRNE".
20090118 Die meisten der Vorschriften, von denen die Amerikaner wenig mitbekommen, verankern BUSH s erzkonservative Politik auf lange SICHT—PER regulatorischem Rechtsruck,
20090118 gehe es dem künftigen Präsidenten BARACK—OBAMA und seiner Regierungsmannschaft darum, das grundsätzliche PROBLEM—DER—KRISE aggressiv an der Wurzel zu bekämpfen:
20090118 der Zusammenbruch am USA—IMMOBILIEN—MARKT und die damit verbundenen MILLIARDENAUS—FÄLLE im Geschäft mit verbrieften Hypothekenkrediten.
20090118 Vergleicht das mit unserer ONLINE—ZENSUR: "Familienministerin: Provider machen mit beim Sperren von Kinderporno"
20090118 Bei denen ist es ONLINE—ZENSUR, bei uns ist es "Sperren von Kinderporno".
20090118 Oder "Filterprogramme gegen Kinderpornos"
20090118 um so 1—VIDEO zu finden? Mir persönlich stellt sich ja auch die Frage, wieso die eigentlich Besuche im Terrorcamp unter Strafe stellen wollen,
20090118 Die Institutsforscher mussten bei dieser kollegialen Hilfe keine moralischen Bedenken bezeugen,
20090118 denn der Angriff dient der Forschung, auch die Ausgespähte weiß Bescheid.
20090118 Mexikanischer Milliardär bietet "NEW—YORK—TIMES " Hilfe an (Wirtschaft)
20090118 —GEHALTEN, Ich habe BUSH immer für einen guten Kerl
20090118 Here's the problem: The loopy theory that all gentiles are PART—OF—1—ANTI—SEMITIC—CONSPIRACY may convince 1—FEW—JEWS,
20090118 BUSH hat Nixon überholt und hat das niedrigste APPROVAL—RATING
20090118 Na ganz toll: 6—MILLIONEN Adressen verkaufen — 900—EURO Strafe
20090118 Lacher des Tages: die ISRAEL—ARMEE hat einen "Etikberater"
20090118 Dummy Foundations - Datenhandel lohnt sich!
20090118 is National Sanctity of Human Life —DAY.
20090118 As 1—OF—HIS—FINAL actions in office, PRESIDENT—BUSH—AT
20090118 In his OFFICIAL—STATEMENT, Bush made it clear that his conception of "human life" includes the unborn:
20090118 Bush also used the occasion to tout his LEGACY—OF—ANTI—CHOICE—POLICIES, such as promoting parental notification laws and opposing Federal funding for abortions overseas.
20090118 [1] s. dazu Ökologisch veredelt, Dummy Foundations und Härtere Gangart
20090118 Auch die damals gewerkschaftseigene "BANK—FÜR—GEMEINWIRTSCHAFT" hielt die uneigennützigen Ziele der Tarnorganisation in Osteuropa für FÖRDERUNGSWÜRDIG—MIT einem Geldtransfer in Höhe von 10.000,- DM.
20090118 Unter dem irreführenden Namen "The Writers' and Publishers' COMMITTEE—FOR—EUROPEAN—COOPERATION" war der CIA—ABLEGER 1956/57—GEGRÜNDET worden, um "die Sowjets kulturell in die Defensive zu drängen".[
20090118 Im Dünndruck hergestellte Verlagsprodukte wurden nach Ostdeutschland oder nach Polen geschleust, osteuropäische Künstler an die CIA—KULTURZENTRALE in PARIS herangeführt.
20090118 "Die deutsche, die europäische und die internationale Öffentlichkeit, sie alle sind über Jahrzehnte getäuscht worden. Was wie der staatsferne Streit um Politik und Kultur aussah, war staatlich gesteuert", sagte Filmautor am —DONNERSTAG,
20090118 —GEKIPPT, Bundesrat: SCHWARZ—ROTE Mehrheit - 22—NIBBLES McGee here...
20090118 It's hardly the most shocking revelation in the news right —NOW, but CBS reports that Bush 's
20090118 final approval rating is 22%. - - I know I'm 1—PROUD—USA—TODAY.
20090118 Yet ISRAEL has never in its entire history done anything to promote democracy on the Arab side and has done 1—GREAT—DEAL to undermine it.
20090118 —INDEED, This is, 1—CONFLICT between David and Goliath but the Biblical image has been inverted - 1—SMALL and defenceless PALESTINE—DAVID faces 1—HEAVILY armed, merciless and overbearing ISRAEL—GOLIATH.
20090118 —ACCOMPANIED, The resort to brute military force is, as always, by the shrill rhetoric of victimhood and 1—FARRAGO—OF—SELF—PITY overlaid with SELF—RIGHTEOUSNESS.
20090118 —ON the other hand, in
20090118 Während seine amerikanischen Zeitgenossen in Massakern an der indianischen Urbevölkerung, mit dem Bau von Eisenbahnen und im Goldrausch die frontier nach Westen verschoben, erschloss er einen dunklen geistigen Kosmos —NACH—DEM anderen.
20090118 Vermutlich war er von sogenannten coopers, rüden Wahlhelfern, betrunken gemacht und gewaltsam zur Stimmabgabe geschleppt worden, —BIS er zusammenbrach.
20090118 —DOKUMENTIERT, Tiefer wurde Leben in Australien bislang noch nie.
20090118 Auch NANCY Pelosi, SPRECHERIN—DES—REPRÄSENTANTENHAUSES, will mit "allen uns verfügbaren Kontrollmitteln" verhindern, dass "die abtretende Regierung dem Gesetz in letzter —MINUTE schweren Schaden zufügt".
20090118 Senatorin Barbara Boxer schwor: "Wir werden tun, was nötig ist. Wir haben die Nase voll".
20090118 Sondern auch Colorados demokratischer Gouverneur BILL—RITTER und die Kongressdelegation des Staates.
20090118 Die VORSCHRIFT—DIE das Innenministerium 2—WOCHEN nach Obamas Wahl FORMULIERTE—SEI "unverantwortlich", kritisierte Ritter.
20090118 Nichtsdestotrotz traten die Bestimmungen am —SAMSTAG offiziell in Kraft.
20090118 Diese "midnight regulations", wie sie wegen ihrer klandestinen HINTERTÜRCHEN—ART genannt werden, verstecken sich in Abertausenden Aktenseiten im Federal Register, dem zentralen Dokumentenarchiv der USA—REGIERUNG.
20090118 Die meisten der Vorschriften, von denen die Amerikaner wenig mitbekommen, verankern Bush s erzkonservative Politik auf lange SICHT—PER regulatorischem Rechtsruck, der den UMWELT—UND Verbraucherschutz schwächt, die Industrie beglückt und in Gesetzesform nie und nimmer durch den Kongress gekommen wäre.
20090118 und die damit verbundenen Milliardenausfälle im Geschäft mit verbrieften Hypothekenkrediten.
20090118 das grundsätzliche PROBLEM—DER—KRISE
20090118 Das ergab 1—UMFRAGE—VON—BUNDESBANK und Bankenaufsichtsbehörde BaFin unter 20—GROßEN Kreditinstituten, die für das Bundesfinanzministerium erstellt wurde.
20090118 Danach besitzen diese Institute "toxische Wertpapiere" im Volumen von knapp unter 300—MILLIARDEN Euro, von denen —ERST rund 1—VIERTEL abgeschrieben wurde.
20090118 —VERKÜNDET, Unter der Schlagzeile "ISRAEL, einseitigen Waffenstillstand"feiern sie ISRAEL als die humanitären Friedensstifter (und schreiben damit die offizielle ISRAEL—PROPAGANDA fast im Wortlaut ab), und dann kommt eine weitere Glanzmeldung von YASSIN—MUSHARBASH, bei dem ich ja auch noch auf den 1. ernstzunehmenden Artikel warte (der Spiegel offenbar auch, denn —BISHER haben sie ihn m.W. nur im Web publizieren lassen, die Printausgabe will sich da anscheinend noch Reste von Seriosität bewahren): angeblich droht AL—KAIDA in einem Terrorvideo Deutschland.
20090118 Der Spiegel trägt hier deutlich stärker zur Terrorisierung der deutschen Bevölkerung bei als "AL—KAIDA" und ihre obskuren Webforen irgendwo am Arsch der Welt.
20090118 Mir persönlich stellt sich ja auch die Frage, wieso die eigentlich Besuche im Terrorcamp unter Strafe stellen wollen, aber nicht die ganze "WIR WERDEN ALLE—STÖRBEN" Journallie.
20090118 Denn die Wahrheit können sie ja dann schlecht bringen, dass sie ihr Volk absichtlich terrorisieren, damit sie Stinkbomben wie das BKA—GESETZ oder die Vorratsdatenspeicherung durchkriegen können.
20090118 Die Kreditkrise hat in den letzten 4—MONATEN die Araber 2,5 Billionen Dollar gekostet, sagt der Aussenminister von KUWAIT.
20090118 Mit der 6000—USA—DOLLAR teuren Kamera und einem neuen 1800—EURO teuren SCHMIDT—CASSEGRAIN—TELESKOP können Backes und Co. die Belichtungszeit auf 2—SEKUNDEN reduzieren.
20090118 NAHOST—KONFLIKT: Israelische Armee zieht sich aus GAZA zurück
20090118 GAZA—KONFLIKT: Hamas und ISRAEL erklären Waffenpause
20090118 Das Washingtoner "IntelCenter", ein privates Terrorforschungsinstitut, das auch für die USA—AMERIKANISCHE und andere Regierungen tätig ist, meldete jedoch —ZUNÄCHST keine Zweifel an der Echtheit an und sprach von der bislang "bedeutsamsten" Ansprache AL—QAIDAS an Deutschland und "möglicherweise an überhaupt ein europäisches Land".
20090118 —2—YEARS—AFTER Campaign Began, a Different World
20090118 Obama Arrives in WASHINGTON —AFTER Train Trip - WAHL: Im —JAHR—DES—WAHNS
20090118 Neue Bedenken gegen WEB—SPERREN im Kampf gegen Kinderpornographie
20090118 Here's the problem: The loopy theory that all gentiles are PART—OF—1—ANTI—SEMITIC—CONSPIRACY may convince 1—FEW—JEWS, though THE—MAJORITY—OF—THEM probably don't buy that shit.
20090118 For THE—SAKE—OF—PEACE, I hope they do. (via) - Update : schaut mal,
20090118 Lacher des Tages: die Israelische Armee hat einen "Etikberater"+ die Zeit führt 1—INTERVIEW mit ihm.
20090118 —SCHON die 1. Frage überzeugt:
20090118 DIE ZEIT: MISTER—KASHER, Ethikberater der israelischen Armee, das klingt fast wie ein schlechter Witz.
20090118 "Wir müssen uns daran erinnern, dass unsere Nation zu einer Zeit von Königen und Königinnen gegründet wurde, und dass es sich —HEUTE noch Milliarden Menschen in aller Welt nicht vorstellen können,
20090118 "Lasst uns 1—REGIERUNG schaffen, die dem Volk gegenüber verantwortlich ist, und nehmen wir unsere eigene Verantwortung als Bürger wahr, von unserer Regierung Rechenschaft zu verlangen", sagte Obama.
20090118 BERLIN, beteiligten sich nach Polizeiangaben rund 6000—MENSCHEN an einer Demonstration unter dem Motto "Stoppt den Krieg in GAZA".
20090118 Diese "midnight regulations", wie sie wegen ihrer klandestinen HINTERTÜRCHEN—ART genannt werden, verstecken sich in Abertausenden Aktenseiten im Federal Register, dem
20090118 zentralen Dokumentenarchiv der USA—REGIERUNG. UNIVERSITÄT—DES—SAARLANDES
20090118 NEW—YORK—TIMES, Mexikanischer MILLIARDÄR—CARLOS—SLIM bietet "NEW—YORK—TIMES " Hilfe an (Wirtschaft)
20090118—19670000 —AB, Geldtransfers für 1—NACHFOLGEORGANISATION liefen unter anderem über die SOZIALDEMOKRATEN—FRIEDRICH—EBERT—STIFTUNG.
20090118—20050000 —IN, On the other hand, -7—ALONE, THE—IDF killed 1,290 Palestinians in GAZA, including 222—CHILDREN.
20090118—20080000 —IN, That's more than twice as much as the $179.50—UKRAINE paid.
20090118—20090319 —ON, 1—FINAL—TALLY—OF—PALESTINIANS killed in ISRAEL—RECENT—WAR—ON—GAZA—HAMAS rulers was reported to be 1,417, including 926—CIVILIANS.
20090118—20090714 —ON, divers recovered nearly 1—TON of unrefined silver from the ship easing suspicions about insurance claims on the vessel.
20090118—20090802 —CONCLUDED, Divers, their mission to retrieve 9.5—TONS of unrefined gold and silver.
20090118—20091104 —KILLED, It did so by 1—RAID into GAZA that, 6—HAMAS men.
20090118—20091227 —SEIT, Mit einem einseitigen Waffenstillstand beenden die israelischen Streitkräfte die des Vorjahres laufende Operation Gegossenes Blei gegen Einrichtungen und MITGLIEDER—DER—HAMAS im Gazastreifen.
20090420 —KILLED, The report said 18—PALESTINIANS were, by Hamas —DURING THE—3—WEEK—WAR, which ended 20090118 , and 14—OTHERS were killed afterward.
20090914—20100118 —ON, THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said, that 1—INVESTIGATION has shown that 3—SAUDI—ARABIA—MILITANTS were killed in a 20090914 blast outside the country [see AFGHANISTAN and PAKISTAN 20090914 ].
20091129—20090118 —RELEASED, The tanker was, —FOLLOWING a $5.5—MILLION ransom.
20100112—20100118 —ON, gunmen freed THE—3—UK—EXPATRIATE workers and their COLOMBIA—COLLEAGUE.
20100118 —PRODUCED, USA—OFFICIALS said on some 390—TONS—OF—GROUND beef, by 1—CALIFORNIA meat packer, SOME—OF—IT nearly 2—YEARS ago, is being recalled for FEAR—OF—POTENTIALLY deadly E. coli bacterium tainting.
20100118 —REPORTED, It was, that ALASKA corporations and 1—MULTINATIONAL firm are planning to build the 1. fiber optic cable between ASIA and EUROPE through THE—ARCTIC.
20100118 —ESTIMATED, The project, at $1—BILLION, involved laying 10,000—MILES—OF—UNDERSEA fiber optic cable from TOKYO, along THE—ALASKA coast, through THE—NORTH—WEST—PASSAGE, past GREENLAND to LONDON.
20100118 † ROBERT—B—PARKER, 77—JAHRE—ALT, crime novelist and author of the popular Spencer novels, in CAMBRIDGE—MASSACHUSETTS Parker reinvigorated the detective novel genre with "The Godwulf Manuscript" (19730000 ).
20100118 —LAUNCHED, AFGHANISTAN—TALIBAN militants wearing explosives vests, 1—BRAZEN assault on the heart of KABUL, as suicide bombings and gunbattles near the presidential palace and other government buildings paralyzed the capital for hours.
20100118 —KILLED, THE—12—PEOPLE, included 7—ATTACKERS, 2—OF—WHOM detonated suicide bombs.
20100118 † KATE—MCGARRIGLE, 63—JAHRE—ALT, CANADA—FOLK singer, of cancer at her home in MONTREAL.
20100118 —PERFORMED, KATE—MCGARRIGLE, with her sister Anna as the McGarrigle Sisters.
20100118 —INCLUDED, Their songs, "Heart Like 1—WHEEL".
20100118 —REPORTED, It was, that CHINA was tightening smoking regulations by enforcing 1—BAN on smoking in ANY—INDOOR—PUBLIC—SPACE in 7—PROVINCIAL—CAPITALS.
20100118 —EVACUATED, CHINA, rescue workers, THOUSANDS—OF—RURAL—RESIDENTS from PARTS—OF—THE—NORTH—WEST—AFTER extreme cold and blizzard conditions killed 4—PEOPLE and left half 1—MILLION snowed under.
20100118 —FLATTENED, Storms in far WEST—XINJIANG, or damaged about 100,000 homes and more than 15,000 head of livestock were killed by the cold front that set in the previous night.
20100118 EU finance ministers began 2—DAYS—OF—TALKS with worries over GREECE—SWELLING debt expected to dominate the session, as the euro fell to a 10—DAY—LOW against the dollar.
20100118 The European Union said some 200,000—PEOPLE may have been killed in the magnitude-7.0—QUAKE, quoting HAITI—OFFICIALS who also said about 70,000 bodies have been recovered so far.
20100118 † EGYPT, and ISRAEL heavy rains and flash floods left 7—PEOPLE—DEAD, including 1—UK—TOURIST who was killed —WHEN 1—SAILBOAT capsized on the Nile River.
20100118 THE—OSCE, EUROPE—MAIN—SECURITY and human rights watchdog, said that TURKEY was blocking some 3,700 INTERNET sites for "arbitrary and political reasons" and urged reforms to show its commitment to FREEDOM—OF—EXPRESSION.
20100118 IRAN, gunmen fatally shot Vali Hajgholizadeh, 1—COURT—PROSECUTOR, outside his home in THE—TOWN—OF—KHOY, near THE—TURKEY—BORDER.
20100118 1—IRAN—OFFICIAL said Kurdish rebels may have been involved in the assassination.
20100118 —FLOODED, Opposition groups, the Web with calls for 1—HUGE—SHOW—OF—FORCE on 20100211 —THE commemoration of the Islamic Revolution.
20100118 —CONVENED, ISRAEL—CABINET, for the 1. time in BERLIN, the former heart of the Nazi regime, for 1—SPECIAL—JOINT—SESSION with THE—GERMANY—GOVERNMENT highlighting THE—2—NATIONS' strong bond —6—DECADES—AFTER the Holocaust.
20100118 1—GROUP—OF—30—MAURITANIA—MUSLIM leaders issued 1—RELIGIOUS edict banning female genital mutilation in THE—WEST—AFRICAN country.
20100118 —AGREED, The leaders also, to preach against the practice at their mosques.
20100118 —KILLED, PAKISTAN—TROOPS, 10—TALIBAN militants and arrested 5—OTHERS in 1—CLASH in the northwestern tribal belt near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER.
20100118 —ATTACKED, Militants, ANTI—TALIBAN militiamen in the Bazai section of Mohmand tribal area near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER, killing 1 and wounding another.
20100118 Authorities also found THE—BULLET—RIDDLED BODY—OF—ANOTHER—ANTI—TALIBAN militiaman in 1—NEARBY—AREA, —2—DAYS—AFTER he was kidnapped.
20100118 1—SPANISH—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—OFFICIAL said the country will take in 2—INMATES from THE—USA—PRISON at GUANTANAMO Bay.
20100118 SOUTH—SUDAN, clashes began in the troubled SOUTH—STATE—OF—JONGLEI leaving 9—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20100118 —CONCLUDED, Doctors at military hospital, that he was unfit for compulsory military service because of "severe ANTI—SOCIAL—PERSONALITY—DISORDER as Agca proclaimed that he was 1—MESSENGER—OF—GOD and that the world will end in this —CENTURY.
20100118 —ARRESTED, ISRAEL—POLICE, 9—PEOPLE at 1—RADICAL—JEWISH—SETTLEMENT in connection with 20091211 —THE, torching of 1—WEST—BANK—MOSQUE and other attacks on PALESTINE—PROPERTY.
20100118—19810000 —IN, MEHMET—ALI—AGCA, 52—JAHRE—ALT, the Turk who shot JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA, was released from prison —AFTER more than 29—YEARS behind bars.
20110110—20110118 —ON, a 4. suspect, security guard Dassen Narainen (26), was arrested.
20110118 —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, 1—GOVERNMENT—WIDE—REVIEW—OF—REGULATIONS with the goal of eliminating those that hurt job creation and make the economy less competitive.
20110118 THE—CITY—OF—CAMDEN, NJ, laid off 335—WORKERS, about 1SIXTH of its employees as city leaders sought to balance the budget amid falling tax revenue and diminishing aid from the state.
20110118 † PHILADELPHIA Gas Works employee, MARK—KEELEY, 19—JAHRE—ALT, was killed in 1—GAS main explosion.
20110118 6—PEOPLE were sent to the hospital with 3 in critical condition.
20110118 STANISLAUS, COUNTY—CALIFORNIA, Jose ESTEBAN—RODRIGUEZ, 27—JAHRE—ALT, kidnapped Juliani Cardenas (4), THE—SON—OF—HIS girlfriend, from THE—ARMS—OF—THE—BOY—GRANDMOTHER and fled in 1—TOYOTA car.
20110118 1—WITNESS saw the car plunge into 1—CANAL with 1—MAN and boy inside.
20110118 Tabitha Cardenas was pregnant with RODRIGUEZ—DAUGHTER.
20110118 —HALTED, AFGHANISTAN—TRADE—ASSOCIATIONS said they have, trade with neighboring IRAN to protest against 1 unexplained fuel blockade which has been choking THE—AFGHANISTAN—ECONOMY.
20110118 1—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIER shot dead 1—ITALY—TROOP and seriously wounded another at 1—ARMY—POST in NORTH—AFGHANISTAN.
20110118 50—TALIBAN fighters laid down their arms and joined PRO—GOVERNMENT—FORCES in NORTH—AFGHANISTAN.
20110118 1—ROCKET hit 1—CIVIL—HOUSE —DURING 1—FIREFIGHT between insurgents and NATO—FORCES in HERAT province.
20110118 † 1—CHILD was killed and another 10—PEOPLE were wounded.
20110118 —SPRAYED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—UNKNOWN assailant in KABUL, acid in the face of 1—RAZAQ—MAMOON, 1—PROMINENT—JOURNALIST and author, apparently in retaliation for his politically charged writing.
20110118 —INJURED, Mamoon was not critically, but his face was splotchy with red and black patches.
20110118 ALGERIA—EL—KHABAR daily said 1—FATHER—OF—6—BECAME the 5. Algerian to turn himself into 1—HUMAN—FIREBALL this —WEEK, in 1—REPLICA—OF—THE—IMMOLATION—PROTEST that triggered THE—PRESIDENT—OUSTER in neighboring TUNISIA.
20110118 —RESEMBLED, AUSTRALIA, THE—CITY—OF—HORSHAM, VICTORIA state, 1—LAKE—AFTER the Wimmera River overflowed its banks and bisected the community —BEFORE—STARTING to recede.
20110118 The weekslong flooding crisis has left 30—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20110118 † IN—EGYPT—AHMED—HASHEM—EL—SAYED, 25—JAHRE—ALT, 1 unemployed man, in 1—HOSPITAL—AFTER setting himself on fire the previous —EVENING in the port CITY—OF—ALEXANDRIA.
20110118 2—MEN attempted to set themselves on fire in downtown CAIRO.
20110118 —SURVIVED, Both.
20110118 GUATEMALA—PRESIDENT—ALVARO—COLOM said he is extending 1—STATE—OF—SIEGE in 1—VIOLENT—PROVINCE on the border with MEXICO that has been taken over by MEXICO—BRUTAL Zetas drug gang.
20110118 —SLAPPED, HAITI—PROSECUTORS, 1—SLEW—OF—CORRUPTION—CHARGES on JEAN—CLAUDE "Baby Doc" Duvalier, under —48—HOURS—AFTER THE—EX—DICTATOR'S unexpected return to his homeland.
20110118 He remained free —AFTER—4—HOURS—OF questioning.
20110118 —BURNED, WEST—INDIA, 1—MAJOR—FIRE on the outskirts of Mumbai, nearly 10,500 gallons (40,000 liters) of lubricant oil at 1—DEPOT—OF—STATE—OWNED—INDIAN—OIL—CORPORATION.
20110118 IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew himself up in 1—CROWD—OF—POLICE recruits, killing at least 65—PEOPLE in Tikrit.
20110118 —KILLED, ISRAEL—FORCES, 1—PALESTINIAN on THE—GAZA border —AFTER militants set off 1—BOMB.
20110118 IVORY—COAST—SECURITY—FORCES—LOYAL to the incumbent leader who refuses to give up power opened fire killing at least 1—PERSON, as military chiefs from neighboring nations met to plan 1—POSSIBLE armed intervention to depose Laurent Gbagbo.
20110118 JORDAN—POWERFUL—ISLAMIST—OPPOSITION said Jordanians should be able to elect their PRIME—MINISTER and other government officials rather than having them appointed in 1—RARE—CHALLENGE to JORDAN—POLITICAL—SYSTEM.
20110118 1—LUXEMBOURG—OFFICIAL said the country will invest 1—LARGE—SUM in BURKINA—FASO to help alleviate poverty in the landlocked WEST—AFRICAN nation.
20110118 —ARRESTED, MEXICO—FEDERAL—POLICE said they have, Flavio Mendez SANTIAGO (35), 1—FOUNDING member of the brutal Zetas drug cartel.
20110118 He controlled drug smuggling routes and THE—KIDNAPPING—OF—CENTRAL—USA—MIGRANTS in SOUTH—MEXICO.
20110118 —MUTILATED, Police found 5, bodies outside the wealthy CITY—OF—MONTERREY, PART—OF—1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS that killed 23—PEOPLE and dragged the region deeper into MEXICO—DRUG—WAR.
20110118 —SUSPENDED, THE—USA—PEACE—CORPS said it has, its operations in NIGER and evacuated all 98—OF—ITS volunteers from THE—WEST—AFRICAN nation due to security concerns —FOLLOWING the kidnapping and murder of 2—FRANCE—CITIZENS claimed by 1—AL—QAIDA affiliate.
20110118 PAKISTAN—PARAMILITARY—TROOPS went house to house rounding up DOZENS—OF—MEN in 1—RESTIVE neighborhood of KARACHI as PART—OF—1—CRACKDOWN on soaring violence.
20110118 1—USA—DRONE attacked 1—COMPOUND in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN, killing 5—MILITANTS.
20110118 —FIRED, Suspected militants in SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN, rockets at 1—MILITARY—CAMP, killing 3—SOLDIERS.
20110118 1—ROADSIDE bomb exploded near 1—CAR, killing 2—CIVILIANS in SOUTH—WEST—BALUCHISTAN province.
20110118 —CENTERED, PAKISTAN, a 7.2—MAGNITUDE—EARTHQUAKE was, in Baluchistan province.
20110118 Medvedev gave 1—POLITICAL—BOOST to the Palestinians, backing their claim to EAST—JERUSALEM as 1—CAPITAL and their demand that ISRAEL must freeze all settlement construction —BEFORE peace talks can resume.
20110118 —GRANTED, PARAGUAY, political refugee status to MARIO—COSSIO, 1—KEY—OPPONENT—OF—BOLIVIA—LEFTIST—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES, sheltering him from corruption charges across the border.
20110118 Cossio fled BOLIVIA last —MONTH—AFTER provincial lawmakers allied with Morales ousted him as GOVERNOR—OF—THE—NATURAL—GAS—RICH—STATE—OF—TARIJA due to CHARGES—OF—DERELICTION—OF—DUTY and causing economic damage.
20110118 Negotiators from THE—PHILIPPINES government and communist rebels agreed to resume peace talks —AFTER informal meetings in NORWAY.
20110118 —KILLED, THE—PHILIPPINES—DISASTER—AUTHORITIES said stormy weather —SINCE late December has, 56—PEOPLE and left at least 19—MISSING, mostly fishermen lost in rough seas.
20110118 RWANDA said police will begin cracking down on those degrading the environment as PART—OF—THEIR widened jurisdiction to shore up ecological protection.
20110118 —DISPATCHED, THE—SOUTH—KOREA—COMMANDOS aboard 1—SPEEDBOAT and 1—LYNX helicopter were, to rescue 1—MONGOLIA—SHIP from SOMALIA—PIRATES.
20110118 The firefight left several pirates missing and believed killed.
20110118 —APPEALED, SOUTH—SUDAN, for investors to plough $140—MILLION into its WAR—HIT wildlife parks, seeking to KICK—START 1—TOURISM industry and wean itself off oil months ahead of its expected independence.
20110118 1—COURT—IN—THE—NORTH—EAST—SPAIN—REGION—OF—CATALONIA suspended 1—BAN by THE—CITY—OF—LLEIDA on FACE—COVERING Islamic veils in municipal buildings.
20110118 —SUSPENDED, The ban was, —WHILE the court studies 1—APPEAL lodged by 1—MUSLIM association.
20110118 Only about 3—PERCENT—OF—LLEIDA—POPULATION is Muslim and only 1—HANDFUL—OF—WOMEN actually wear BODY—COVERING burqas or FACE—COVERING niqab garments.
20110118 —ARRESTED, SPAIN—POLICE said they have, 25—PEOPLE, including Spaniards and Colombians, and dismantled what they claim is the biggest and most sophisticated cocaine laboratory known to date in EUROPE.
20110118 TAIWAN publicly TEST—FIRED 19—MISSILES.
20110118 6—OF—THE—19—SURFACE—TO—AIR and AIR—TO—AIR—MISSILES failed in drills.
20110118 The tests were the 1. held in full VIEW—OF—THE—PRESS for almost 1—DECADE.
20110118 4—MINISTERS quit TUNISIA—DAY—OLD—GOVERNMENT, undermining its hopes of quelling unrest by sharing power with MEMBERS—OF—THE—OPPOSITION to the old regime.
20110118 —REPORTED, It was, that —AROUND 187,000 women in TURKEY are in polygamous marriages even though polygamy is illegal.
20110118 —SENTENCED, The same court also, Abdel KARIM—AL—SHAMI, 1—TECHNICIAN, to 2—YEARS in prison for helping AL—SHAIA.
20110118 —SELECTED, VIETNAM—COMMUNIST—ELITE, 1—NEW—PARTY—BOSS, —AFTER 1—WEEK—OF—SECRET—MEETINGS at which politicians jockeyed for power —BEFORE choosing 1—MODERATE—NOW tasked with trying to sustain country's explosive growth.
20110118 —VERHAFTET, Mexiko: Polizei, berüchtigten "Los Zetas"-Boss
20110118 Revolte in Tunesien: Die unersättliche Gier des PRÄSIDENTEN—CLANS
20110118 Rügen: Tauwetter lässt Steilküsten bröckeln - Auch wenn es manchmal anders erscheint:
20110118 70—PROZENT—DER—FACEBOOK—USER leben außerhalb der USA
20110118 89,1 Prozent aller E—MAILS 20100000 Spam
20110118 Steigende Beliebtheitswerte: Obama hievt sich aus dem Umfragetief
20110118 Revolution in Tunesien: "Demokratie lernt man"
20110118 EINIGE—ANALYSTEN spekulieren, der Code habe das iranische Nuklearprogramm um —BIS zu 2—JAHRE zurückgeworfen.
20110118 Eine offizielle Untersuchung kam anschließend zu dem Ergebnis,
20110118 der Mossad sei "fixiert auf riskante Operationen".
20110118 Der Attentäter kam auf einem Motorrad angebraust - mit Tötungen beauftragt
20110118 lange Reihe aufsehenerregender Operationen israelischer SPEZIALAGENTEN—UNTER denen freilich auch Fehlschläge waren.
20110118 Jassir Arafat und Saddam Hussein überlebten jeweils etliche Killerkommandos.
20110118 Es gibt für den STAAT keinen anderen Weg,
20110118 sich selbst zu schützen, als durch 1—BALANCE—DES—TERRORS,
20110118 Terroristen oder mutmaßliche Terroristen tötet - - er mordet auch.
20110118 Der Mossad übt Vergeltung,
20110118 das wird vermutlich nie aufgeklärt WERDEN—WAS ganz im Sinne des Mossad sein dürfte:
20110118 Abteilung Mord Von YASSIN—MUSHARBASH
20110118 spektakuläre OPERATIONEN—GEZIELTE Tötungen inklusive.
20110118 Ruf wie Donnerhall
20110118 An der neuen Übergangsregierung sind zwar erstmals —SEIT der Unabhängigkeit 19560000 auch Oppositionelle beteiligt.
20110118 Krebsforschung: Zehntausende Brustkrebsfälle in Deutschland vermeidbar
20110118 Das INTERNET—JAHR 20100000 in Zahlen:
20110118 E—MAILS, fast ALLE—SPAM
20110118 DATENSCHUTZ—FLOP: Facebook sperrt Zugang zu Telefonnummern und Adressen wieder
20110118 —GERAUBT, Jugend in Tunesien: "Die Diktatur hat unsere Träume " - Israels Mossad: Abteilung Mord
20110118 Protest in TUNIS: Gewerkschaft zieht MINISTER—AUS—REGIERUNG ab
20110118 Vorratsdatenspeicherung: Lob aus Brüssel für den LEUTHEUSSER—ANSATZ
20110118 Wachsende Wirtschaft: Börsenprofis verheißen Deutschland Konjunkturboom
20110118 "CHINA ist ein großer Gewinner", sagt Milliardeninvestor GEORGE—SOROS.
20110118 "Die Volksrepublik steigt sehr schnell auf, da der Westen an Boden verliert.
20110118 Die Machtverschiebung ist phänomenal.
20110118 Ich habe so etwas noch nie erlebt". CHINA sei der neue "Motor" der Weltwirtschaft.
20110118 The present paper summarizes research showing that Western diet intake is associated with cognitive impairment,
20110118 with 1—SPECIFIC—EMPHASIS on learning and memory functions that are dependent on the integrity of the hippocampus.
20110118 Sprachkritik: "Alternativlos" ist das Unwort des Jahres
20110118 Ernährung: Junkfood lässt Gehirn schrumpfen
20110118 Giftküche: Spanische Polizei entdeckt größtes Kokainlabor Europas
20110118 Spitzentreffen in WASHINGTON: CHINA und AMERIKA rüsten für Gigantengipfel
20110118 EURO—NAVI: "Galileo" kostet gut 2—MILLIARDEN Euro mehr als erwartet
20110118 Lebenserwartung: Warum Männer früher sterben
20110118 Schuldenkrise: EURO—KOMMISSAR droht Banken strenge Stresstests an
20110118 EURO—KRISE: EU will Rettungspaket schneller schnüren
20110118 20110217 FACEBOOK—ANTEILE: Goldman Sachs schließt USA—INVESTOREN aus
20110118 The operation began 20111207 and followed 2—YEARS—OF—INVESTIGATIONS.
20110118 Stärke 7,4: Schweres Erdbeben erschüttert PAKISTAN
20110118 Briefe aus AFGHANISTAN: Soldaten beschweren sich über geöffnete Feldpost
20110118 HAITI : Polizei nimmt EX—DIKTATOR "Baby Doc" fest
20110118 Auch wenn es manchmal anders erscheint: 70—PROZENT—DER—FACEBOOK—USER leben außerhalb der USA
20110118 Stuxnet: Angst vor einem 2. Tschernobyl
20110118 Der STUXNET—WURM könnte immerhin 1—BLICK durchs Schlüsselloch gewesen sein.
20110118 Eine offizielle Untersuchung kam anschließend zu dem Ergebnis, der Mossad sei "fixiert auf riskante Operationen".
20110118 durch Vergeltung".
20110118 Es gibt für den STAAT keinen anderen Weg, sich selbst zu schützen, als durch 1—BALANCE—DES—TERRORS,
20110118 Das INTERNET—JAHR 20100000 in Zahlen: E—MAILS, fast ALLE—SPAM
20110118 Trotz Sanktionen: Import aus IRAN steigt kräftig
20110118 "Die Volksrepublik steigt sehr schnell auf, da der Westen an Boden verliert. Die Machtverschiebung ist phänomenal. Ich habe so etwas noch nie erlebt".
20110118 CHINA sei der neue "Motor" der Weltwirtschaft.
20110118 The present paper summarizes research showing that Western diet intake is associated with cognitive impairment, with 1—SPECIFIC—EMPHASIS on learning and memory functions that are dependent on the integrity of the hippocampus.
20110118 Finanzkrise in AMERIKA: TOP—INVESTOR misstraut Obamas Schuldenpolitik
20110118 Schadsoftware: IRAN macht USA für STUXNET—ATTACKE verantwortlich
20110118 Hilfe für Entwicklungsländer: CHINA überholt Weltbank als Kreditgeber
20110118 Sarah Palin bei FOX—NEWS: "Sie werden mich nicht zum Schweigen bringen"
20110118—19950700 —SUSPECTED, He was, by BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—AUTHORITIES to be 1—MEMBER—OF an 8—MAN firing squad involved in executing between 1,000 and 1,200 BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—MUSLIMS at the Branjevo Farm.
20110118—20090000 —IN, 1—YEMEN—COURT—OFFICIAL said SANAA STATE—SECURITY—COURT has sentenced Abdel Elah AL—SHAIA, 1—JOURNALIST who interviewed THE—LEADER—OF—AL—QAIDA in the Arabian Peninsula, to 5—YEARS in prison for his ties to the extremist group.
20110118—20110121 —ON, IRAN—SEMI—OFFICIAL—MEHR news agency said that the ration of gasoline costing —JUST 1,000 rials per liter (about 10—USA—CENTS, or $0.38—PER USA gallon) would be 0—FROM the next IRAN—MONTH, which starts.
20110118—20110128 —ON, Authorities found the car in 1—CANAL near Patterson.
20110118—20110201 —ON, the child's body was found in THE—DELTA—MENDOTA canal about 30—MILES—SOUTH—OF—PATTERSON.
20110118—20110212 —ON, THE—BODY—OF—RODRIGUEZ was found in THE—DELTA—MENDOTA Canal near Patterson.
20110118—20111219 —ON, 1—MONTHLONG STATE—OF—SIEGE that began in Alta Verapaz province has been successful but that he'll extend it 1—EXTRA—MONTH.
20110118—20130000 —EXTRADITED, He was, to face trial in Bosnia.
20120116—20120118 —ON, 1—MEXICO—OFFICIAL said 4—OF 10—CHILDREN seized showed signs of sexual abuse.
20120118 —REJECTED, THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION, the Keystone oil pipeline because there was not enough time to review 1—ALTERNATE route that would avoid 1—SENSITIVE aquifer in NEBRASKA within a 60—DAY—WINDOW set by Congress.
20120118 —DECRIED, Republicans, the move for sacrificing jobs and energy security in order to shore up THE—PRESIDENT—ENVIRONMENTAL—BASE—BEFORE elections.
20120118 —BURNED, THE—USA—ARMY—DESERET—CHEMICAL—DEPOT in UTAH, its last hard weapons containing mustard gas.
20120118 —MARKED, This, THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—ABOUT 90—PERCENT—OF—ITS aging chemical weapons, accumulated —DURING the Cold War.
20120118 THE—USA—NAVY led 1—RESCUE operation to assist THE—CREW—OF—1—IRAN—FISHING vessel in distress in the Gulf of OMAN, the 3. in 10—DAYS in 1—AREA marked by tension between WASHINGTON and TEHRAN.
20120118 —INTRODUCED, Prosecutors in NEW—YORK—CITY, 1—ALMOST $78—MILLION insider trading case involving at least 7—FINANCIAL—INDUSTRY—PROFESSIONALS.
20120118 —CHARGED, CHICAGO, 7—TEENS were, in the beating and robbery of a 17—YEAR—OLD—HIGH—SCHOOL—STUDENT in 1—INCIDENT that stemmed from 1—PREVIOUS—ALTERCATION last October.
20120118 1—VIDEO—OF—THE beating went viral online.
20120118 —IDENTIFIED, Viewers who —POSTED comments, the alleged attackers by name.
20120118 THE—WASHINGTON—BASED INTERNATIONAL Monetary Fund said that it's aiming to increase its financial firepower by —AROUND $500—BILLION so it can give out new loans to help mitigate 1—WORSENING financial crisis.
20120118 1—NUMBER—OF—INTERNET—SITES went dark —FOR—24—HOURS to raise AWARENESS—OF—TWIN antipiracy bills pending in Congress.
20120118 Protests quickly cut into support for the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA) as SENATOR—MARCO—RUBIO, Republican of FLORIDA, said he would no longer back the legislation he CO—SPONSORED.
20120118 THE—USA—EMBASSY in KATHMANDU said Peace Corps volunteers will return to NEPAL —7—YEARS—AFTER they left —DURING the peak of 1—MAOIST—REBEL—INSURGENCY.
20120118 † Aid agencies said THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, more than HALF—OF—THEM children, needlessly and MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS were wasted because THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY did not respond to early warnings of 1—IMPENDING famine in EAST—AFRICA.
20120118 —DONATED, —EARLIER this —WEEK food, by Cargill, THE—MINNESOTA—BASED producer and MARKETER—OF—FOOD, agricultural, financial and industrial products, was delivered to communities in need in KENYA.
20120118 —DONATED, Cargill, 10,000 metric TONS—OF—RICE to World Food Program USA.
20120118 The donation, the largest ever food donation to WFP USA, would feed nearly 1—MILLION—PEOPLE for 1—MONTH.
20120118 —KILLED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 12—PEOPLE were, by 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER on 1—MOTORCYCLE at 1—BRIDGE under construction in Helmand province.
20120118 —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES said they have, 9 armed insurgents and captured 23—SUSPECTS in 1—SERIES—OF—RAIDS in the past 24—HOURS.
20120118 —DENIED, ANGOLA—GOVERNMENT, that $32—BILLION had gone missing from public funds, —AFTER THE—IMF last —MONTH raised 1—FLAG over 1—DISCREPANCY in the national books.
20120118 —RESULTED, The government said the discrepancy, from "oil revenue being inadequately recorded.
20120118 —DENIED, Authorities the previous —DAY, the country's main SHIITE—BACKED opposition party, AL—WEFAQ, permission to hold protests in CENTRAL—MANAMA.
20120118 DOZENS—OF—PROTESTERS from the Occupy LONDON movement have been camping outside St PAUL—SINCE October.
20120118 1—CHINA—COURT—IN—WUHAN city sentenced democracy activist Li Tie to 10—YEARS—IMPRISONMENT for subversion.
20120118 1—PROVINCIAL—COURT upheld the death sentence against Wu Ying (31), 1—OF—CHINA—WEALTHIEST businesswomen.
20120118 —ATTACKED, EGYPT, assailants, Nawara Negm, 1—PROMINENT—ACTIVIST, as she left work at CAIRO—NILESIDE state television headquarters.
20120118 She said the beating took place —WHILE SCORES—OF—POLICEMEN and army soldiers assigned to THE—PROTECTION—OF—THE—TV building stood by and watched.
20120118 THE—EU said it is doubling humanitarian aid to AFRICA—SAHEL area to 95—MILLION—EUROS in a "race against time" to lift 2—MILLION—PEOPLE facing food shortages OUT—OF—DANGER.
20120118 —KILLED, HAITI, the driver for 1—FRANCE—JOURNALIST was, in 1—ROBBERY.
20120118 † HAITI—DRIVER—MAXIME Alcius, of gunshot wounds but ANTHONY—LAPEYRE and his wife escaped unharmed.
20120118 —BASED, PRIME—MINISTER—VIKTOR—ORBAN said that HUNGARY—NEW—CONSTITUTION is, on the core principles of THE—EU but acknowledged questions over the independence of the central bank and the judiciary are understandable.
20120118 1—CONSERVATIVE—IRAN—LAWMAKER was quoted as saying USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA has called for direct talks with IRAN in 1—SECRET—LETTER to the Islamic REPUBLIC—SUPREME—LEADER that also warned TEHRAN against closing the strategic Strait of Hormuz.
20120118 —BASED, IRAN—CURRENCY, the rial, hit 1—RECORD—LOW against the dollar, on rates in black market trading that the government has tried to ban.
20120118 —SUSPECTED, IRAQ, insurgents killed 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—ALLIED—SUNNI militia along with 3—OF—HIS—SONS in Latifiyah, about 20—MILES (30—KM) SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20120118 —ARRESTED, RIYADH—AL—ADHADH, deputy CHIEF—OF—BAGHDAD provincial council, was, —WHILE on his way to work in connection with funding insurgent groups.
20120118 Adhadh is 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—IRAQI—ISLAMIC—PARTY, 1—SUNNI grouping under the broader Iraqiya coalition.
20120118 —RETURNED, Defrocked IRELAND—PRIEST—PETER—KENNEDY, 72—JAHRE—ALT, to DUBLIN —AFTER being extradited from BRAZIL.
20120118 He faced 55—COUNTS—OF sexually abusing 18—CHILDREN 19680000—19840000 —FROM—TO.
20120118 —ATTACKED, ISRAEL—FORCES, 1—GROUP—OF—SUSPECTED—PALESTINE—MILITANTS believed to have been planting 1—BOMB along GAZA—BORDER with the Jewish state.
20120118 —KILLED, PALESTINE—OFFICIALS said 2—PEOPLE were, and 2 wounded.
20120118 Relatives of the dead men said they were setting traps for birds near the buffer zone.
20120118 1—BOOK titled "My Father, KIM—JONG—IL and Me," by TOKYO—BASED JOURNALIST—YOJI—GOMI, went on sale.
20120118 —BASED, THE—AUTHOR—SAID it is, primarily on email exchanges he had with KIM—JONG—NAM over MANY—YEARS.
20120118 —ARRESTED, MALAWI said police have, 1—GANG that had been terrorizing TROUSER—WEARING women in THE—CAPITAL—LILONGWE by stripping off their clothes.
20120118 MALI, 1—NEW—TUAREG rebel group, the National Movement for the Liberation of the Azawad, launched a 2. —DAY—OF—ATTACKS on 2—MORE—TOWNS in the arid north.
20120118 47—PEOPLE were killed in the clashes.
20120118 —SUSPENDED, RWANDA—MILITARY said it has, and put under house arrest 4—TOP—MILITARY—OFFICERS over ALLEGATIONS—OF—BUSINESS—DEALINGS with civilians in CONGO.
20120118 QATAR—EMIR, Sheikh HAMAD—BEN—KHALIFA—AL—THANI, said in 1—INTERVIEW aired at the weekend that he backs sending Arab troops to Syria.
20120118 —SHELLED, Activists said SYRIA—TROOPS have, the mountain resort of Zabadani near the border with LEBANON, and living conditions are deteriorating there —AFTER—6—DAYS—OF—SIEGE.
20120118 —PULLED, By nightfall government tanks and armored vehicles, back from Zabadani to 2—MILITARY barracks on the outskirts.
20120118 5—TUNISIA—STUDENTS said they went on hunger strike against 1—BAN on niqab veils imposed by Manouba university, upping the ante in 1—DISPUTE which began in November.
20120118 —CRASHED, VENEZUELA, 1—HELICOPTER, into Auyantepui mountain —DURING 1—TOUR—OF—THE tabletop mountains in the Canaima National Park.
20120118 5—PEOPLE were killed.
20120118—20020000 —IN, Kennedy had fled to ENGLAND and
20120118—20030000 —IN, to BRAZIL.
20120118—20080000 —IN, TransCanada quickly said it would RE—APPLY for the permit, which it 1. sought.
20120118—20091218 —CONVICTED, She was, of illegal fund raising.
20120120—20120118 —ON, ALEXANDER—AAN, 30—JAHRE—ALT, who wrote "God doesn't exist" on his Facebook page, was beaten by 1—MOB—OF—DOZENS in his hometown in Pulau Punjung, WEST—SUMATRA province.
20130118 —INDICTED, FORMER—NEW—ORLEANS Mayor RAY—NAGIN was, on charges that he used his office for personal gain, accepting payoffs, free trips and gratuities from contractors —WHILE the city was struggling to recover from the devastation of Hurricane Katrina.
20130118 —FILED, USA federal prosecutors, 1—FRAUD—CHARGE against MICHIGAN SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICE—DIANE—HATHAWAY in 1—SCANDAL involving the sale of 1—DETROIT—AREA—HOME and suspicious steps to conceal property in FLORIDA.
20130118 —AGREED, McDonald's and FINLEY—MANAGEMENT—CO., to pay $700,000 to MEMBERS—OF—1—MUSLIM community to settle allegations 1—DETROIT—AREA—RESTAURANT falsely advertised its food as being prepared according to Islamic dietary law.
20130118 —REPORTED, ALGERIA—STATE—NEWS—SERVICE, that nearly 100—OF—THE—132—FOREIGN—WORKERS kidnapped by Islamic militants had been freed.
20130118 A "provisional toll" showed 12—HOSTAGES have been killed —SINCE THE—START—OF—THE—MILITARY—OPERATION to free kidnapped workers.
20130118 THE—UK—DEFENCE—MINISTRY said BRITAIN and AUSTRALIA will increase ties on defence issues including cyber security and equipment programs such as THE—BAE SYSTEMS—BUILT Type 26—FRIGATE.
20130118 THE—CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC—,1—REBEL—COMMANDER known only as Binani, THE—CHIEF—BODYGUARD—OF—LRA leader JOSEPH—KONY, was killed in 1—FIREFIGHT—280—KM (175—MILES) NORTH—OF—DJEMA, where UGANDA—LED African Union troops are being advised by USA special forces.
20130118 —KIDNAPPED, NORTH—COLOMBIA, leftist ELN rebels, 5—GOLD prospectors doing exploratory drilling for Braeval Mining Corp., 1—CANADA—COMPANY.
20130118 —FIRED, EGYPT—POLICE, tear gas to disperse HUNDREDS—OF—MUSLIM protesters outside 1—CHURCH in Qena province.
20130118 4—SHOPS owned by Coptic Christians were torched overnight —AFTER Marashda villagers accused 1—OF—THE—STORE—OWNERS—OF molesting a 6—YEAR—OLD—GIRL.
20130118 —RALLIED, In western and CENTRAL—IRAQ THOUSANDS—OF—SUNNIS, against THE—SHIITE—LED government's policies they see as sidelining their minority group.
20130118 Some 13000000 JORDAN—ISLAMISTS, youth activists and other opposition groups rallied in the capital, AMMAN, calling for 1—BOYCOTT of next —WEEK—PARLIAMENT—ELECTIONS.
20130118 4—PEOPLE were wounded.
20130118 1—NICARAGUA—JUDGE sentenced 18—MEXICANS who posed last August as MEMBERS—OF—1—TELEVISON crew to 30—YEARS in prison for drug trafficking and money laundering.
20130118 SOMALIA, unknown gunmen shot dead Shabelle radio producer Abdihared Osman ADEN, the 1. journalist to be killed this —YEAR.
20130118 18—JOURNALISTS were killed in SOMALIA —LAST—YEAR.
20130118 1—SOUTH—AFRICA—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL said 2—PRISONERS were killed and 65 injured —WHEN 1—FIGHT broke out between 2—GANGS at S—ALBANS prison PORT—ELIZABETH.
20130118 SPAIN—CENTRAL—BANK said the level of bad debt in the country's banks rose to 1—NEW—RECORD 11.38—PERCENT in November, up from 11.23—PERCENT in October.
20130118 It was the 17. monthly increase in 1—ROW.
20130118 —EXPLODED, SYRIA, 2—CAR—BOMBS, in Daraa and 1—ROCKET slammed into 1—BUILDING in ALEPPO.
20130118 —FLARED, Fighting between rebels and ASSAD—LOYALISTS, in the Yarmouk PALESTINE—REFUGEE—CAMP in DAMASCUS, killing 12—PEOPLE and wounding at least 20—OTHERS.
20130118 —POUNDED, SYRIA—FIGHTER—JETS, villages in REBEL—HELD areas in Latakia province, dropping makeshift bombs made from HUNDREDS—OF—POUNDS (kg) of explosives stuffed into barrels.
20130118 —REACHED, ZIMBABWE—POLITICAL—LEADERS said they have, agreement on 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION—AFTER more than 2—YEARS—OF—DELAYS and bickering over changes to reduce the sweeping POWERS—OF—PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE and his ruling party.
20130118 ALGERIEN: Blutige Geiselbefreiung auf Gasfeld in der SAHARA
20130118 Pola Kinski bei "BECKMANN": "Das Unfassbare habe ich als nötiges Übel ertragen"
20130118 —NEUE—UMFRAGE: Junge BRITEN finden EU klasse
20130118 Ärzte, Apotheker, Krankenhäuser: Zehntausende BETRUGS—FÄLLE im GESUNDHEITS—SYSTEM
20130118 BÖRSEnrallye in Tokio: Anleger in JAPAN erwarten Geldflut
20130118 NEW—YORK: Siebenjähriger bringt Pistole in die Schule
20130118 LKA THÜRINGEN: Rechtswidrige Suche nach Klopapierdieb
20130118 ELEKTRO—UMBAUTEN in DETROIT: Alles zurück auf Groß
20130118 Arktische Tierwelt im KLIMA—WANDEL: Hungern auf der Eisplatte
20130118 Geplante Grundsatzrede zu EUROPA: CAMERON—DROHT—MIT—EU—AUSTRITT
20130118 —GEWINNT, Anstieg —JAHR—ZUM,sende: CHINA—WIRTSCHAFT, wieder an Schwung
20130118 —KONFLIKT—MIT—DEM NORDEN: SÜD—KOREA will Raketen an Seegrenze aufstellen
20130118 Psychisch Kranke: BUNDES—TAG billigt Zwangsbehandlungen im Notfall
20130118 —KLIMA—WANDEL: —FORSCHER rätseln über Stillstand bei ERD—ERWÄRMUNG
20130118 NASA—FORSCHER belegen, daß der TEMPERATUR—ANSTIEG —SEIT—15—JAHREN 1—PAUSE macht.
20130118 HAMBURG—BLUMEN blühen FRÜHER, die Meerespegel STEIGEN—KEIN Zweifel, DAS—KLIMA hat sich verändert.
20130118 der Aufwärtstrend der globalen Durchschnittstemperatur hat sich
20130118 —PROGNOSTIZIERT, Das britische Met Office, sogar NEUERDINGS, daß sich die Temperaturpause auf hohem Niveau —BIS
20130118 —BISLANG meinten Wissenschaftler, 14—JAHRE ohne weitere Erwärmung seien mit ihren PROGNOSEn in Einklang zu BRINGEN—NICHT aber "15—JAHRE oder mehr"
20130118 Gespannt wartet DIE—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT, ob der Klimareport der Uno, der
20130118 —DERZEIT, im australischen HOBART,
20130118 —DERZEIT, DIE—FORSCHER erörtern mehrere triftige Ursachen, die den Aufwärtstrend der Temperaturen vorläufig gebremst haben könnten.
20130118 —SPIEGEL—ONLINE dokumentiert die Erklärungen von Wissenschaftlern für die unerwartete Klimaentwicklung —, zeigt ihre PROGNOSEn:
20130118 Unterhalb von 2000—METER Wassertiefe gibt es weiterhin kaum Messungen.
20130118 Ohne 1—VERDICHTUNG des Datennetzes dürfte der Beweis aber noch lange auf sich warten lassen, fürchten Forscher: "Wir brauchen mehr Messungen in der Tiefsee", fordert NORMAN—LOEB.
20130118 —KLIMAMODELLE hätten den Abgaseffekt aus ASIEN unterschätzt.
20130118 Als Anzeichen 1—FORTSCHREITENDEN Erwärmung deuten Meteorologen, daß 20110000—20120000 —UND, die wärmsten LA—NIÑA—JAHRE —SEIT—BEGINN—DER—MESSUNGEN waren.
20130118 Plausible Erklärungen dafür, daß die Erwärmung nur vorübergehend gebremst wird, gibt es also genug.
20130118 Unterm Strich jedoch bleiben diverse bedenkliche Anzeichen der Erwärmung: Die MEERES—SPIEGEL steigen, das —SOMMERLICHE Meereeis in der ARKTIS hat sich halbiert, Gletscher schmelzen.
20130118 Doch immer wieder überraschen neue DATEN: In Kürze erscheint 1—STUDIE, die zeigt, daß RUß—PARTIKEL aus ungefilterten Dieselabgasen und offenen Feuern doppelt so stark zur Erwärmung beitragen wie angenommen.
20130118 und offenen Feuern doppelt so stark zur Erwärmung beitragen wie angenommen.
20130118 DIE—WIRKUNG von Partikeln aus Industrie-, Heizungs—, Autoabgasen, aus Ozeanen, Vulkanen und dem ErdBODEN: Die PARTIKEL dienen als KEIM—ZELLE für Wolken.
20130118 ausgleichen - Wie stark aber natürliche Klimaeinflüsse den TEMPERATUR—ANSTIEG verändern könnten, ist weniger gut BEKANNT—AUCH das haben die neuen NASA—DATEN offenbart.
20130118 —GEISELDRAMA in ALGERIEN: TERRORISTEN drohen neue Attacken AN—ÖL—FIRMEN ziehen —ARBEITER ab
20130118 Arbeitslosenvermittlung: ARBEITS—AGENTUR spart 900.000.000—EURO
20130118 HITZE—WELLE in AUSTRALIEN: 1. TODES—FÄLLE durch Buschbrände
20130118 Augenzeugenberichte aus ALGERIEN: "Sie wollten die Ungläubigen töten"
20130118 EUROPA—PRESSE über den MALI—EINSATZ: "PARIS nicht alleine lassen"
20130118 Boom am AKTIEN—MARKT: Startschuss für die Hausmännerrallye
20130118 SIEBZIGER—HOMMAGE "Das schlafende Mädchen": Beuys und Girls
20130118 Menschen ohne Achselduft: Die Geruchlosen
20130118 "Endgame SYRIA": Die zynische Rechnung DER—KRIEG—SPIEL—MACHER
20130118 FISCH—INVASÃON: Riesenwelse erobern RHEIN und Neckar
20130118 Gasfeld Ain Amenas: ENT—FÜHRER wollen ISLAMISTEN aus USA—HAFT freipressen
20130118 Fettmacher in USA—RESTAURANTS: Shrimps auf Nudeln? 3.000—KILOKALORIEN!
20130118 IRAN: MENSCHEN—RECHTSANWÄLTIN erhält Hafturlaub
20130118 7.500.000 Gäste: DEUTSCHE Campingplätze feiern Rekordandrang
20130118 Faule Kredite: Spanische BANKEN könnten—EURO verlieren
20130118 Regenwetter: Pegel des Toten Meeres steigt
20130118 Vermeintlicher Zugdiebstahl: Bahnbetreiber entschuldigt sich bei, 22—JAHRE—ALTE
20130118 Virtuelle Tastatur: Google macht die Hand zum Touchscreen
20130118 Ned KELLY: Im Gedenken an 1—GEHÄNGTEN - [l] Habt ihr —SCHON gehört?
20130118 —JETZT, wollt ihr sicher auch noch wissen, wer an der Einstellung Schuld ist.
20130118 Aber auch der Rest von dem Papier ist ganz großes Tennis.
20130118 Diese führt ausschließlich Argumente gegen 1—LEISTUNGS—SCHUTZ—RECHT für Presseverleger auf.
20130118 DIE—BITTE was?
20130118 [l] Auch SCHWEDEN wird von SEKTEN—SCHULEN unterwandert, die dann Dinge verbreiten wie:
20130118 Homosexualität ist heilbar, GEWALT—IN—DER—EHE in Ordnung und DIE—FRAU dem Manne untertan.
20130118 Attack may have link to LIBYA camps
20130118 —ATTACKED, THE—TERRORISTS who, the In Am...
20130118 For SOME—REASON, the —FOLLOWING story (published in ;;10;;
20130118 'THE—LA—TEST—INFORMATION—AVAILABLE to the security agencies is that AL—AWLAKI was driving in 1—MOTORCADE—OF—3—CARS—WHEN 1—USA—DRONE targeted them (on ;;09;;
20130118 He added that 1—CAR had been hit, —WHILE the other 2 escaped.
20130118 'There is no irrefutable information that AL—AWLAKI was inside the hit car,' he said.
20130118 —ACCORDING—TO, THE—SOURCE, it was hard to identify the remains left —AFTER the raid.
20130118 'There was no actual body.
20130118 Milchpulver: Chinesische Eltern kaufen massenhaft deutsche Babynahrung
20130118 —GEISELDRAMA auf BP—GASFELD: ALGERIEN feiert rücksichtsloses Vorgehen der Armee
20130118 Geografische Herkunft: —FORSCHER findet Ursprung europäischer JUDEN
20130118 PAKISTAN: ISLAMABAD plant Freilassung aller gefangenen afghanischen TALIBAN
20130118 —RECHTS—TERRORISMUS: Zschäpes Drogenkonsum verhinderte Karriere als V—FRAU
20130118 IWF—PROGNOSE: ATHEN braucht —BIS zu 9.500.000.000—EURO
20130118 UM—FRAGE zur 2. AMTS—ZEIT: Nur 50—PROZENT—DER—USA—AMERIKANER ist zufrieden mit OBAMA
20130118 —GEISEL—NAHME in der SAHARA: USA wollen nicht mit ISLAMISTEN verhandeln
20130118 es gab Zeiten in den neunziger —JAHREN, da wurde in der Jenaer NEO—NAZI—SZENE vermeintlich mächtig gekokst.
20130118 Welche Drogen Zschäpe konsumierte und wie oft, ist unklar.
20130118 Sollte Zschäpe Drogenkonsum NACHGEWIESEN werden können, werfe dies 1—REIHE—VON—FRAGEN auf, so Wieland.
20130118 Melzer beschuldigte erneut den VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ, DAS—RECHTS—EXTREME TERRORtrio gedeckt zu haben.
20130118 LONDON/HAMBURG—DER geografische Ursprung der meisten europäischen JUDEN liegt vermutlich im äuß1. SÜD—OST—EUROPA zwischen dem SCHWARZEn und dem Kaspischen Meer.
20130118 1—ERB—GUT—STUDIE stützt die Vermutung, dass
20130118 Zu DER—EUROPÄISCHE JUDEN ungeklärte geografischen Herkunft gibt es dem —FORSCHER zufolge 2—GROßE Theorien.
20130118 DIE—2. THEORIE geht davon aus, daß
20130118 Zwar fand DER—FORSCHER bei seiner ERB—GUTANALYSE auch Ähnlichkeiten zu Populationen aus dem NAHER—OSTEN, Mesopotamien und SÜD—EUROPA.
20130118 Leider hat die "arabische Rebellion"die Erstarkung dieser TERROR—GRUPPEN extrem begünstigt.
20130118 wer bei spon glaubt eigentlich ernsthaft, daß es in algerien "regierungstreue"medien gibt?
20130118 Noeh, das wundert mich nicht.
20130118 Ist noch niemandem aufgefallen, wie sehr ALGERIEN SYRIEN gleicht?
20130118 Also muss es im Interesse des Westens liegen, denen DIE—FREIHEIT zu bringen, das wissen Typen wie CAMERON, daß weiss 1—SPON—REDAKTEUR auch.
20130118 Ist nur 1—FRAGE—DER—ZEIT—DAS wissen auch die ISLAMISTEN.
20130118 DER—WESTEN ist so besoffen von seiner politischen Korrektheit, daß man ihn recht gut manipulieren kann.
20130118 DAS weiss uebrigens auch Bibi NETANYAHU, der sich oefters in der Knesset darueber amuesiert hat, und der muss es wirklich wissen.
20130118 Also sind sich in dieser Hinsicht alle einig, man wartet nur noch auf 1—ANLASS - 1—PAAR Haftentlassene, die sich auf einmal demokratiebewegt fuehlen oder so.
20130118 Wird —SCHON kommen.
20130118 Koennte es sein, daß UNSERE—POLITIKER etwas begreifen, das nicht auf ihrer eigenen Agenda steht ?
20130118 Dass DIE—USA lernen, ARABER von ARABERn und Moslems von Moslems zu unterscheiden ?
20130118 GB, geht es mit solchen Erleuchtungen momentan sehr bergab, ich lese da viel rum und 1. Stimmen werden laut, die nach 1 "chinesischen Mauer"rufen :
20130118 "Auf der 1—SEITE Moslems, auf der anderen zivilisierte Menschen".
20130118 Dagegen ist das, was hier im SPON/Forum abgeht, WIRKLICH—GROSSES Lob an ALLE—SEHR gepflegt, man koennte auch sagen "zivilisiert";)
20130118 Schwer zu sagen, wie sich das entwickelt. Eigenlob
20130118 —GELASSEN, DIE—ALGERIER wurden nicht "befreit"sondern laufen.
20130118 vertikal - Nur zur Erinnerung, die französischen STREIT—KRÄFTE waren diejenigen die völlig skrupellos und ohne jegliche Rücksicht die Geiseln abschlachteten.
20130118 Si tacuisses - [l] Der SCHATZ—MEISTER der konservativen Partei in SPANIEN hat 1—SCHWEIZER Konto mit 22.000.000—EURO drauf.
20130118 [l] Erinnert ihr EUCH—AN—DIE—MELDUNG, daß DIE—BUNDES—BANK—IHRE—GOLD—RESERVEN zurückholen will?
20130118 Oh und wo wir gerade bei Wertmetall waren: Wegen überraschend hoher NACH—FRAGE ist DER—USA—MÜNZ—PRÄGEANSTALT das Silber ausgegangen und sie haben das Prägen der 20130000 —SILBERDOLLAR vorübergehend ausgesetzt.
20130118 —UPDATE, MALI ist übrigens der drittgrößte GOLD—PRODUZENT AFRIKAs.
20130118 —UPDATE, Das würde auch erklären, wieso DIE—BUNDESWEHR —PLÖTZLICH, den FRANZOSEN in MALI logistische Hilfe anbietet.
20130118 Ich persönlich warte ja noch auf die Auflösung, daß DIE—BUNDES—BANK—DIE—GOLDBARREN gar nicht wegen des Rechnungshofes heimholt, sondern weil sie Gold braucht, um der DEUTSCHE—BANK auszuhelfen, deren Kunden aufgrund der HAUS—DURCHSUCHUNGEN —IN—LETZTER—ZEIT ihr Gold mitnehmen wollen, und soviel Gold hat DIE—DEUTSCHE—BANK gar nicht mehr.
20130118 DIE—ALGERISCHEN —ARBEITER äußerten Zweifel daran, daß LANDS—LEUTE für den ÜBERFALL—AUF—DAS Gasfeld bei Ain Amenas verantwortlich seien.
20130118 Airport body scanners that produce gr...
20130118—19920000 —SEIT, Satelliten eingesetzt und sogenannte WEGWERF—THERMOGRAFEN von Schiffen aus im Wasser verteilt.
20130118—19980000 —SEIT, nicht fortgesetzt.
20130118—19980000 —SEIT, besonders hoch gewesen, sagt NORMAN—LOEB.
20130118—20030118 —DAS—VERGANGENE —JAHR—ZEHNT, war vermutlich das wärmste —SEIT mindestens 400—JAHREN, dem BEGINN der Kleinen EIS—ZEIT.
20130118—20090000 —UNTIL, LUIS—BÁRCENAS held THE—TREASURY—POST in the conservative Partido Popular (PP) 20080000 —FROM, —WHEN he resigned because of 1—INVESTIGATION into his part in 1—MASSIVE—FRAUD—NETWORK.
20130118—20130123 —SUSPECTED, SOME—COLLEAGUES, foul play and 1—JUDGE ordered 1—JUDICIAL—INVESTIGATION.
20131213 alfatomega.com/20070118.html
20140118 —DIRECTED, The film "USA—HUSTLE,", by DAVID—O—RUSSELL, won the Screen Actors Guild award for outstanding cast.
20140118 The 75,000 deadweight ton LIBERIAN—FLAGGED fuel tanker MT Kerala lost contact with its GREECE—BASED owner Dynacom off THE—COAST—OF—ANGOLA.
20140118 1—PIRATE attack was suspected making it the most southerly attack to date by pirates off WEST—AFRICA.
20140118 —ESTIMATED, BRAZIL, 1, 150—BLACK and leftist militants staged 1—BOISTEROUS—RALLY outside THE—JK Iguatemi shopping mall in SAO—PAULO to protest attempts to bar underprivileged youths from shopping malls in MIDDLE—CLASS—AREAS.
20140118 BRAZIL—POLICE said that they had broken up 1—BANK—ROBBERY—SCHEME that had diverted 73—MILLION reais ($31—MILLION) from 1—LOTTERY run by STATE—OWNED lender Caixa Economica Federal.
20140118 † BBC presenter Komla Dumor (41), 1—OF—GHANA—BEST known journalists, suddenly.
20140118 Dumor, 1—PRESENTER on THE—BBC—WORLD—NEWS—CHANNEL and its "Focus on AFRICA" program, suffered 1—HEART—ATTACK at his LONDON home.
20140118 —STAGED, BURKINA—FASO—OPPOSITION, the country's biggest demonstration in decades to protest against 1—ATTEMPT by PRESIDENT—BLAISE—COMPAORE—PARTY to abolish constitutional term limits.
20140118 1—CANADA—PILOT was among 2—PEOPLE feared dead —WHEN the small plane he was flying went down in GUYANA—THICK—AMAZON jungle —2—MINUTES—AFTER takeoff.
20140118 —CLOSED, CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC, fresh fighting broke out as the deadline, for candidates to register for 1—VOTE by the transitional PARLIAMENT for 1—NEW—INTERIM—PRESIDENT.
20140118 —ARRESTED, Police in CENTRAL—GREECE said they had, 7—PEOPLE including 5—BULGARIANS for attempted baby trafficking.
20140118 —REINSTATED, GUINEA—PRESIDENT—ALPHA—CONDE said he had, PRIME—MINISTER—MOHAMED—SAID—FOFANA —JUST—3—DAYS—AFTER accepting his resignation to make way for 1—NEW—ADMINISTRATION —FOLLOWING parliamentary elections.
20140118 —AGREED, INDIA and PAKISTAN, to allow ROUND—THE—CLOCK MOVEMENT—OF—TRUCKS and containers through their main WAGAH—ATTARI border crossing in Punjab.
20140118 —KILLED, INDIA, 1—PRE—DAWN stampede, 18—PEOPLE as TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE gathered in Mumbai to mourn THE—DEATH—OF—MUSLIM spiritual leader Syedna MOHAMMED—BURHANUDDIN, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—DAWOODI—BOHRA—MUSLIM community.
20140118 IRAQ, clashes between militants and government troops as well as 2—BOMBINGS at marketplaces killed 6—PEOPLE.
20140118 —KILLED, At least 1—HALF—DOZEN—CAR—BOMBS, 25—PEOPLE and left more than 70 wounded.
20140118 —STORMED, LIBYA sent troops to the restive SOUTH—AFTER gunmen, 1—AIR—FORCE—BASE in Sabha.
20140118 —REPORTED, In the east 2—ITALY—CONSTRUCTION—WORKERS were, abducted in the Islamist STRONGHOLD—OF—DERNA.
20140118 MOROCCO, THE—AL—QUDS (JERUSALEM) COMMITTEE—OF—MUSLIM nations ended talks and urged THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY to put pressure on ISRAEL to stop building Jewish settlements in the occupied WEST—BANK.
20140118 —SUSPECTED, RUSSIA—NEWS said 7, militants were killed —TODAY by security forces in 1—SHOOTOUT—NEAR—MAKHACHKALA, Dagestan.
20140118 —CONFIRMED, SOUTH—KOREA, the outbreak of highly pathogenic bird flu and said it would expand THE—CULLING—OF—BIRDS to 1—RADIUS—OF—3—KM (1.9—MILE) —AROUND 1—DUCK farm.
20140118 —SEIZED, SOUTH—SUDAN—GOVERNMENT—FORCES said they, the flashpoint TOWN—OF—BOR back from rebels.
20140118 —CLAIMED, UGANDA—ARMY, credit for the operation.
20140118 —ARRESTED, Officials say SPAIN—POLICE have, Juegers Veloz (37), 1—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—FUGITIVE wanted by USA—AUTHORITIES for 1—MULTIMILLION dollar cellphone fraud in 20090000—20110000 .
20140118 The National Coalition for SYRIA—REVOLUTIONARY and Opposition Forces voted to send 1—DELEGATION to 1—INTERNATIONAL—PEACE—CONFERENCE set to begin next —WEEK in GENEVA.
20140118 —ENTERED, SYRIA, food aid, the besieged Yarmuk PALESTINE—REFUGEE—CAMP for the 1. time in 4—MONTHS.
20140118 —FOLLOWED, THE—DELIVERY—OF—FOOD, reports that DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE in the camp in SOUTH—DAMASCUS have †—OF—HUNGER and lack of medical care.
20140118 —MARCHED, THAILAND, ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS, defiantly through BANGKOK, with 1—GROUP entering 1—POLICE compound, undeterred by 1—GRENADE—EXPLOSION THE—DAY—BEFORE.
20140118 —URGED, The military, both sides to settle their differences.
20140118 TURKEY, riot police in ISTANBUL used water canons against HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE protesting 1—GOVERNMENT—PLAN to expand controls over the public's USE—OF—THE—INTERNET.
20140118 —EXTENDED, State media said TURKEY has, 1—PURGE—OF—OFFICIAL—BODIES to the banking and telecoms regulators and STATE—TV, firing DOZENS—OF—EXECUTIVES in moves that appear to broaden PRIME—MINISTER—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN—BACKLASH against 1—CORRUPTION—INVESTIGATION.
20140118 TURKMENISTAN—PRESIDENT—GURBANGULI—BERDYMUKHAMEDO said his government will begin installing gas meters in households, ending the unlimited supply of free gas to citizens.
20140118 † YEMEN, ALI—ASGHAR—ASADI, IRAN—ECONOMIC attaché in SANAA, was killed in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting.
20140118 † 1—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER was killed in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting by gunmen who fled on 1—MOTORBIKE in Huta.
20140118 —ARMED, In AL—MILAH, men ambushed 1—ARMY—VEHICLE and shot dead 2—SOLDIERS.
20140118—19930000 —SINCE, The nation is estimated to have the world's 4.—LARGEST natural gas reserves, and gas, electricity and water have been supplied free to households.
20140118—20140126 —TURNED, ANGOLA—NAVY said THE—CREW—OF—THE—OIL—TANKER had, off communications to fake 1—ATTACK.
20140120—20140118 —SINCE, LEBANON—MEDICAL and security sources said sectarian sniper fire in TRIPOLI has killed 5—PEOPLE.
20150103—20150118 —ON, the teens were arrested in PANAMA—CITY, FLORIDA.
20150118 —ATTACKED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER, 1—POLICE—SUPPLY—CONVOY, killing 4—PEOPLE and wounding 12 in Helmand province.
20150118 —PROTESTED, HUNDREDS—OF—UNIVERSITY—STUDENTS in Nangarhar province, against the continued publishing of cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad by THE—FRANCE—MAGAZINE—CHARLIE—HEBDO.
20150118 —KIDNAPPED, NORTH—CAMEROON, Boko Haram fighters from NIGERIA, at least 60—PEOPLE —DURING 1—ATTACK on Mabass village.
20150118 1—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE were killed.
20150118 —ESCAPED, SOME—OF—THE—HOSTAGES, and 30 were freed —FOLLOWING 1—GUN fight between Boko Haram and THE—CAMEROON military.
20150118 —KILLED, EAST—INDIA, at least 4—MUSLIM villagers were, 3—OF—THEM burned to death, —WHEN their thatched huts were set on fire —DURING 1—CLASH in BIHAR state.
20150118 —BLAMED, Hindu fishermen, Muslims for killing 1—BOY who was friendly with 1—MUSLIM girl from the village.
20150118 14—PEOPLE were arrested the next —DAY on charges of arson and murder.
20150118 —LIMITED, IRAN and major powers made "" progress in narrowing differences over its nuclear program, but agreed to step up efforts as THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION lobbied to stave off fresh sanctions against the Islamic Republic.
20150118 IRELAND—HEALTH—MINISTER—LEO—VARADKAR said he's gay on his 36. birthday, becoming the 1. openly homosexual government figure in the history of the traditionally conservative Catholic country.
20150118 ISRAEL laid charges against 7—ARAB Israelis over allegations they set up 1—MILITANT—CELL linked to the Islamic State group.
20150118 † IN—ISRAEL—SAMI—AL—ZAYADNA, 47—JAHRE—ALT—OF—1—HEART—ATTACK —DURING clashes in which police fired tear gas.
20150118 † This was —DURING the funeral of SAMI—AL—JAAR (220, who, of 1—GUNSHOT wound last —WEEK—DURING 1—POLICE drug raid on the Negev Bedouin TOWN—OF—RAHAT.
20150118 1—ISRAEL air strike on THE—SYRIA—SIDE—OF—THE—GOLAN Heights killed Hezbollah military COMMANDER—MOHAMMED—ISSA, responsible for HEZBOLLAH—OPERATIONS in Syria and IRAQ, and Jihad Mughniyeh, the son of 1 assassinated COMMANDER from the group.
20150118 4—OTHER—MEMBERS—OF—HEZBOLLAH were also killed.
20150118 —KILLED, GENERAL—MOHAMMAD—ALI—ALLAHDADI was among 6—IRANIANS, in the attack.
20150118 —ANNOUNCED, LIBYA—ARMY, 1—CEASEFIRE, joining 1—ISLAMIST—BACKED militia alliance in declaring 1—TRUCE that THE—UN hailed as a "significant" step towards ending MONTHS—OF—VIOLENCE.
20150118 —KILLED, NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 4—PEOPLE and wounded dozens in 1—ATTACK on 1—BUS—STATION in Potiskum.
20150118 —PROTESTED, Different PAKISTAN—POLITICAL and religious groups, for a 4. —DAY against what they call blasphemous caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad in THE—FRANCE—MAGAZINE—CHARLIE—HEBDO.
20150118 —HURLED, DOZENS—OF—PALESTINE—PROTESTERS, eggs and shoes at the convoy of the visiting CANADA—FOREIGN—MINISTER in 1—SHOW—OF—DEFIANCE toward CANADA's perceived PRO—ISRAEL stance.
20150118 —CONCLUDED, In THE—PHILIPPINES FRANCIS—PAPA, his trip to ASIA with 1—OPEN—AIR—MASS for 1—RAIN—DRENCHED crowd in MANILA that THE—VATICAN and the government said drew up to 7—MILLION—PEOPLE.
20150118 —KILLED, SYRIA, at least 18—PEOPLE were, in unprecedented fighting between Kurdish forces and SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS in THE—NORTH—EAST—CITY—OF—HASAKEH over the last 24—HOURS.
20150118 —RECAPTURED, UKRAINE—TROOPS, almost all THE—TERRITORY—OF—DONETSK airport in EAST—UKRAINE they had lost to separatists in recent weeks.
20150118 —REPORTED, Residents, 1—SHARP—INTENSIFICATION—OF fighting.
20150118 —GATHERED, Thousands, in Kiev for 1—STATE—SPONSORED peace march.
20150118 —KILLED, ZIMBABWE, at least 25—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 2—BUSES collided along 1—HIGHWAY outside HARARE.
20150118 Rekordmesse von Franziskus in MANILA: Komm zu PAPA
20150118 WAHLEN—IN—GRIECHENLAND—TSIPRAS, Draghi und der Dominoeffekt
20150118 NORD—IRAK: IS—MILIZ lässt 350—ALTE und kranke Jesiden frei
20150118 MARKTausblick: So wappnen sich EUROPAs AUTO—KONZERNE 20150000 —FÜR,
20150118 TODES—STRAFE wegen Drogenhandels: INDONESIEN richtet 5—AUS—LÄNDER hin
20150118 —ANTI—ISLAM—BÜNDNIS: PEGIDA sagt Demonstration wegen ATTENTATsdrohung ab
20150118 ANDREW—KEEN ist der wohl giftigste KRITIKER—DES—SILICON—VALLEY.
20150118 In seinem Buch "Das digitale Debakel"beschimpft er MARK—ZUCKERBERG und andere Stars DER—USA—TECH—BRANCHE.
20150118 —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Sind Sie 1—ANTIKAPITALIST? Keen: Nein.
20150118 —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, In Ihrem Buch "Das digitale Debakel"greifen sie EINIGE—DER—LEITFIGUREN—DES—VALLEY auf sehr aggressive Weise an.
20150118 Keen: Ich bin tatsächlich wütend darüber, welche Welt da gerade entsteht.
20150118 —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, und der deutschstämmige PAYPAL—MITGRÜNDER PETER—THIEL?
20150118 Keen: THIEL ist 1—ANDERER Typ.
20150118 Das zeigt die nie hinterfragte Heuchelei des SILICON—VALLEY, dass wir reich werden und gleichzeitig DIE—WELT verbessern können.
20150118 —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Ist die Kernidee Ihres Buches, dass die DIGITALE—REVOLUTION aus dem SILICON—VALLEY—ANDERS als dort gern behauptet WIRD—DIE—WELT nicht besser, sondern schlechter macht?
20150118 Keen: Ich bin kein Marxist, ich glaube an keine Verschwörung.
20150118 Andere Kräfte haben auch dazu beigetragen.
20150118 es wird immer schwerer, den Einfluss des SILICON—VALLEY auf den globalen KAPITALISMUS von diesen größeren Kräften zu trennen, über DIE—LEUTE wie der Ökonom THOMAS Piketty schreiben.
20150118 Aber die DIGITALE—REVOLUTION wird zu 1—HAUPTSTRANG dieser großen Transformation, die alles an unserer Wirtschaft verändert.
20150118 es macht mir Sorgen, dass das SILICON—VALLEY, in dem es doch um Gleichheit, digitale Chancen und Demokratisierung gehen soll, real das Gegenteil bewirkt, ohne dass das jemand geplant hätte.
20150118 —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, und warum gefährdet das SILICON—VALLEY Arbeitsplätze?
20150118 Keen: DAS—INTERNET, DAS—INTERNET—DER—DINGE, BIG—DATA stellen 1—GROßE Herausforderung für den ArbeitsMARKT dar.
20150118 Keen: Ich betrachte das GESCHÄFTS—MODELL des SILICON—VALLEY als mangelhaft, was wiederum Google, FACEBOOK, YAHOO und so VIELE—ANDERE—FIRMEN verkörpern.
20150118 —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, es ist 1—SEHR düsteres Bild, das Sie da zeichnen.
20150118 —VERÄNDERT, Wir müssen verstehen, dass sich alles, von unserer Vorstellung von Arbeit über unsere Beziehungen —BIS hin zum Wesen des KAPITALISMUS.
20150118 FRANKEN—FREIGABE: Schweizer ARBEITGEBER wollen Löhne senken
20150118 DONEZK—UKRAINE—ARMEE und Separatisten kämpfen um Flughafen
20150118 Cannabis IN—DEN—USA: Wenn die DROGEN—LABORE explodieren
20150118 DIE—STEIGENDE ZAHL—VON—EXPLODIERTEN—HÄUSERN und brandverletzten Menschen IN—DEN—USA, die mit der Herstellung von Haschöl zusammenhängen.
20150118 —BERICHTET, Wie DIE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, hat sich die Zahl dieser Detonationen im BUNDES—STAAT COLORADO innerhalb 1—JAHRES—VON—12—AUF 32—ERHÖHT.
20150118 "Diese Dinge passieren zum 1.Mal und daher hat sich damit
20150118 Normalerweise müssen Praktikanten imposante Lebensläufe vorlegen, ehrenamtliche Arbeit in Sozialprojekten macht sich immer gut.
20150118 Aber Politerain ist auch nicht DAS—PROJEKT 1—KONVENTIONELLEN Firma, sondern des USA—GEHEIM—DIENST—NSA.
20150118 Zum Ausforschen fremder Rechner, so wurden Bewerber weiter aufgeklärt, komme die "MANIPULATION und Zerstörung gegnerischer Computer".
20150118 Programme wie Berserkr und Barnfire ("Scheunenbrand") sollen Computer mit 1—HINTERTÜR versehen oder zentrale DATEN löschen.
20150118 und TAO—PRAKTIKANTEN sollten auch fremde Festplatten unbrauchbar machen.
20150118 DIE—JOB—AUSSCHREIBUNG ist —SCHON 8—JAHRE—ALT, —INZWISCHEN ist die "Denkweise 1—ANGREIFERS"für DIE—DATENJÄGER der NSA zum Leitbild geworden.
20150118 Sie planen Schlachten im INTERNET, um COMPUTER—NETZWERKE lahmlegen zu können —, damit potenziell alles, was DIE—STEUERN: Strom—, Wasserversorgung, Fabriken, Flughäfen oder Zahlungsverkehr.
20150118 es dauerte —JAHR—ZEHNT e, —BIS ihr —EINSATZ reguliert und teilweise geächtet wurde.
20150118 Für den KRIEG—IM—NETZ sind nun digitale Waffen entwickelt worden: Für diese D—WAFFEN gibt es keine internationalen KONVENTionen.
20150118 es gilt DAS—RECHT des Stärkeren.
20150118 Der kanadische Medientheoretiker MARSHALL—MCLUHAN hat es kommen sehen,
20150118 er schrieb —BEREITS 19700000 :
20150118 DIE—SPIONE bereiten sich genau darauf vor.
20150118 —VON, JACOB Appelbaum, AARON—GIBSON, Claudio Guarnieri, ANDY—MÜLLER—MAGUHN, Laura Poitras, MARCEL—ROSENBACH, Leif Ryge, Hilmar Schmundt und MICHAEL—SONTHEIMER
20150118 DIE—USARMY, die Navy, das Marine Corps und die AIR—FORCE haben eigene Cybertruppen aufgebaut;
20150118 doch DIE—NSA, die 1—MILITÄR—BEHÖRDE ist, hat längst DIE—FÜHRUNGSROLLE inne.
20150118 Der ranghöchste Überwacher ist in Personalunion also —CHEF—DER—CYBER—KRIEGER.
20150118 DIE—CA—40.000—NSA—MIT—ARBEITER sind für SPIONAGE und zerstörerische NETZ—ANGRIFFE und deren Abwehr gleichzeitig zuständig.
20150118 In der MILITÄR—SICHT auf das Netz ist DIE—ÜBERWACHUNG nur die "Phase 0"in der CYBER—KRIEG—STRATEGIE —, internen Unterlagen zufolge die Voraussetzung für alles Folgende:
20150118 Als kritische Infrastruktur gilt alles, was 1—GESELLSCHAFT am Laufen hält: Energie, Kommunikation, Transport.
20150118 Ziel, so interne Unterlagen, sei schließlich die "kontrollierte eskalation in Echtzeit".
20150118 In 1—NSA—PRÄSENTATION heißt es: "Der nächste größere KONFLIKT wird im INTERNET beginnen".
20150118 DEUTSCHLAND, machte gerade Regin Furore, 1—LEISTUNGSFÄHIGER Schnüffeltrojaner, der auf dem USB—STICK 1—RANGHOHEN Mitarbeiterin von BUNDES—KANZLERIN—ANGELA—MERKEL gefunden worden war.
20150118 auf manchen Rechnern herrscht 1—MUNTERES Kommen und Gehen diverser Eindringlinge;
20150118 und zum Abtransport brisanter DATEN können die Mobiltelefone Unbeteiligter missbraucht werden.
20150118 In diesem GUERILLA—KRIEG um Informationen wird, wie DIE—SNOWDEN—DOKUMENTE zeigen, kaum zwischen zivil und militärisch unterschieden.
20150118 und sollte 1—D—WAFFE wie Barnfire aufgrund 1—PROGRAMMIERFEHLERS die STEUERzentrale 1—KRANKENHAUSES "schrotten", wären selbst jene betroffen, die nicht einmal 1—MOBILTELEFON besitzen.
20150118 DIE—GEHEIM—DIENSTE haben für ihre Netzoperationen die Devise der "plausible deniability"ausgegeben, DIE—ATTACKEN müssen sich glaubwürdig leugnen lassen.
20150118 1—ATEMBERAUBENDER Ansatz, denn die Digitalspione unterlaufen damit vorsätzlich das Fundament aller RECHTS—STAATEN.
20150118 Sie machen DAS—INTERNET zu 1—RECHTSFREIEN Raum, in dem die GROß—MÄCHTE und deren GEHEIM—DIENSTE nach Gutdünken operieren, ohne dafür zur Verantwortung gezogen werden zu können.
20150118 DIE—GROß—MÄCHTE - In den veröffentlichten Dokumenten aus dem SNOWDEN—ARCHIV findet sich 1—MUSTERSTÜCK aus dem QUERTY—QUELLCODE—ES könnte bei der forensischen Analyse anderer Schadprogramme und bei der ENTWICKLUNG—VON—ABWEHRMETHODEN hilfreich sein.
20150118 Zur Kerntruppe der NSA zählen jene Männer und Frauen, die in Fort Meade im BUNDESSTAAT—MARYLAND unter dem Codenamen S321 im Remote Operations Center (ROC) arbeiten, dem Zentrum für FERNGE—STEUERTE 1ätze.
20150118 Angefangen hätten sie als "1—HAUFEN—HACKER", erinnert sich 1—NSA—MANN in 1—BERICHT aus dem SNOWDEN—ARCHIV.
20150118 —SCHON—BEVOR DIE—NSA—FÜHRUNG die ROC—MANNSCHAFT, 20050000 —SOMMER—IM, massiv verstärkte, hieß deren Motto: "Deine DATEN sind unsere DATEN, deine Geräte sind unsere Geräte".
20150118 DIE—AGENTEN mit diesem erstaunlichen Eigentumsbegriff sitzen rund um die Uhr im Schichtbetrieb vor ihren Monitoren.
20150118 —SEITHER las man in Fort Meade mit, was DIE—CHINESEN an Interna aus der UNO abzweigten.
20150118 DIE—PRAXIS, andere Dienste spionieren zu lassen und sich deren Erkenntnisse anzueignen, wird "4. Party Collection"genannt.
20150118 So enttarnte DIE—ABTEILUNG TAO mit der HILFE—VON—IP—ADRESSEN ZUNÄCHST die STEUERungsrechner in CHINA und arbeitete sich von dort aus zu den Drahtziehern in der Volksbefreiungsarmee vor.
20150118 —GEMACHT, Ihre Gegner hätten es ihnen dabei durchaus schwer, berichten DIE—USA—SPIONE: Sie hätten mit wechselnden IP—ADRESSEN gearbeitet, "schwierig zurückzuverfolgen, schwer anzugreifen".
20150118 —GELUNGEN, Letztendlich sei es ihnen dennoch, "zentrale Router auszubeuten".
20150118 —ERST nach langem "Waten durch uninteressante DATEN"drangen DIE—AMERIKANER auf 1—RECHNER 1—HOCHRANGIGEN chinesischen MILITÄRs vor —, ergatterten sogar Angaben zu geplanten Zielen in DER—USA—REGIERUNG, weiteren internationalen Regierungen und den Quellcode chinesischer Schadsoftware.
20150118 Aus den SNOWDEN—UNTERLAGEN geht DIE—NSA—INTERNE Schadensbilanz von vor 1—PAAR —JAHREN hervor.
20150118 mehr als 16000000 seiner Netzwerkrechner seien gehackt worden.
20150118 Selbst die Verteidigung lässt sich in 1—ANGRIFF verwandeln
20150118 MITTLERWEILE läuft die Suche nach fremden CYBER—ATTACKEN und deren Abwehr bei der NSA und den 5—AUGEN—PARTNERN weitgehend automatisiert.
20150118 DIE—NSA vermag —INZWISCHEN auch die Verteidigung in 1—ANGRIFF zu verwandeln:
20150118 "Umnutzen und nachbauen"heißt diese Methode.
20150118 Diese ZOMBIE—RECHNER seien ideal als "nicht zurückverfolgbare Wegwerfknoten für Netzangriffe".
20150118 Statt private INTERNETnutzer zu schützen, missbraucht Quantumbot sie als menschliche Schutzschilde, um eigene Attacken zu tarnen.
20150118 DIE—SPEZIALISTEN des Remote Operations Center besitzen 1—GANZE Palette von digitalen Nachschlüsseln und Brechstangen, um selbst in die bestgeschützten Rechenzentren einzudringen.
20150118 Sie geben ihren Werkzeugen brachiale Namen, als böte man sie in 1—APP—STORE für Cyberkriminelle an:
20150118 und mit Foxacid lassen sich kleine Schadprogramme, sobald sie sich auf fremden Rechnern eingenistet haben, aus der Ferne mit immer neuen Funktionen aufrüsten.
20150118 DIE—NSA will sich, wie üblich, zu operativen Details nicht äußern, beteuert aber, dass man sich strikt an die Gesetze halte.
20150118 —IM, Durchleuchten und Knacken fremder Netze lauert 1—PARADOX: Wer garantiert, dass nicht auch DIE—GEHEIM—DIENSTE selbst Opfer ihrer eigenen Methoden werden können, zum Beispiel durch private Hacker, Kriminelle oder andere GEHEIM—DIENSTE?
20150118 Um die Schadprogramme zu —STEUERN, sind die ROC—SPIONE mit ihnen verbunden —, das geschieht über eigene, abgeschottete Netze, durch welche hochsensible Telefonmitschnitte, Angriffsprogramme und Passwörter schwappen.
20150118 Der Anreiz, hier einzubrechen, ist enorm.
20150118 —KONZENTRIERT, Wo immer geheimes Herrschaftswissen, liegt, diese Zugangsinformationen und VICE—PRESIDENT—N—SCHLÜSSEL sind sein hochpotentes Konzentrat.
20150118 Aber DIE—WELT DER—GEHEIM—DIENSTE ist schizophren: DIE—NSA soll das Netz verteidigen und gleichzeitig seine SICHERHEITS—LÜCKEN ausnutzen;
20150118 Räuber und Gendarm sein, Bock und Gärtner.
20150118 Auf einigen gehackten Servern geht es deshalb zu wie in 1—TAUBENSCHLAG, Agenten geben sich die Klinke in die Hand, es herrscht 1—KOMMEN und Gehen, von dem die rechtmäßigen Besitzer keinen Schimmer haben.
20150118 es ist absurd: Die Spitzel werden bei ihren Raubzügen ständig von anderen Spitzeln beim Spitzeln bespitzelt.
20150118 —GESEHEN, Technisch, läuft das Legen falscher Spuren durch die ROC—MIT—ARBEITER unter anderem so ab: —NACH—DEM Eindringen in fremde Rechner folgt die Exfiltration, also der Rücktransport der erspitzelten DATEN.
20150118 NATÜRLICH hat das NSA—SYSTEM, bevor DIE—DATEN als ABLENKUNGS—MANÖVER beim Sündenbock landen, DIE—DATEN unterwegs abgefangen, kopiert und zum ROC geschickt
20150118 NATÜRLICH - Derlei Vertuschungstaktiken bergen DAS—RISIKO 1—KONTROLLIERTEN oder unkontrollierten eskalation zwischen den Diensten.
20150118 DIE—DIGITALSPIONE verhöhnen die Schmuggler wider Willen im Slang von Drogendealern als "ahnungslose Datenmaultiere".
20150118 Sie fühlen sich sicher dabei.
20150118 Weil sie für die mächtige NSA arbeiten und weil sie praktisch keine Spuren hinterlassen, die gerichtsfest wären.
20150118 und wo es keinen Schuldbeweis gibt, kann es auch keine STRAF—JUSTIZ geben, keine parlamentarische Kontrolle DER—GEHEIM—DIENSTE, keine internationalen Abkommen.
20150118 EDWARD—SNOWDEN hat enthüllt, wie DIE—GEHEIM—DIENSTE der Welt, allen voran DIE—NSA, sich bemühen, DAS—INTERNET zu 1—RECHTSFREIEN Raum zu degradieren.
20150118 Der Aussteiger macht sich —INZWISCHEN große Sorgen, dass für DIE—NSA die "Verteidigung 1—VIEL geringere Priorität hat als der ANGRIFF"- so formulierte er es in 1—VORIGE Woche veröffentlichten INTERVIEW—MIT—DEM USA—SENDER PBS.
20150118 SNOWDEN will das nicht hinnehmen und forderte —SCHON vor Monaten: "Wir müssen 1—NEUEN internationalen VERHALTENS—KODEX schaffen".
20150118 DER—KAMPF—VON—SIEGFRIED gegen den Drachen Fafner: Als nackter Waldwilder mit blonder Mähne stürmte Schauspieler Hochmair die Bühne, schmiedete sein Schwert Nothung, tötet den Drachen Fafner und befreite Brünnhilde aus ihrer Feuerfestung.
20150118 Hochmair spielte den blonden ANARCHISTEN, den freien Menschen, die Hoffnung Wotans und den Geliebten seiner Tochter Brünnhilde mit solcher Wucht und Komik, dass neben ihm alles andere verblasste.
20150118 den blonden ANARCHISTEN, den freien Menschen,
20150118 1—UNKONTROLLIERTE krimminelle VEREINIGUNG—MIT—MILLIARDEN Budget auf der Welt reicht doch um den TERRORISTEN Nachwuchs zu generieren oder?
20150118 DIE—EINSCHLÄGIGEN Diskussionen und Befragungen führten immer zu dem Ergebnis, dass niemand daran denkt, sich unter 1—GENERAL—VERDACHT stellen zu lassen, —ERST RECHT dann nicht, wenn damit einschneidende Eingriffe in Grund -, Freiheits —, MENSCHEN—RECHTE, Übergriffe und ORGANISIERTE—KRIMINALITÄT (
20150118 Mister Stone 1519—HEUTE - es geht nicht (nur) um CYBER—WAR gegen andere STAATEN.
20150118 liberalerfr 1520—HEUTE - es kommt natürlich immer darauf an, wer regiert:
20150118 DIE—USA bereiten sich auf so ziemlich jeden KRIEG vor.
20150118 und technologische Überlegenheit gegen hoffnungslos unterlegene Feinde einsetzen ist zwar keine Erfindung der USA, wird dort aber wie nirgendwo sonst zelebriert.
20150118 VERSAMMLUNGS—VERBOT in DRESDEN: Wie geht es weiter mit PEGIDA?
20150118 —ANTI—ISLAM—MÄRSCHE: Was man über PEGIDA wissen sollte
20150118 Schweifstern: KOMET "Lovejoy"entzückt ASTRO—FOTOGRAFEN
20150118 ISLAMISTEN: BOKO—HARAM nimmt mehr als 60—GEISELN in Kamerun
20150118 Das größte Geschenk, das wir ihnen machen können, ist unsere Freundschaft, unser Interesse, unsere zärtliche Zuwendung, unsere Liebe zu JESUS".(
20150118—20040000 —BEREITS—VOR—11—JAHREN erklärte mir 1—IT—FACHMANN (könnte auch 1—FACHFRAU sein), der Vorlauf in der technischen Anwendung durch Dienste und MILITÄR, bevor ABFALL—PRODUKTE im allegmeinen privaten Sektor Zugang und Anwendung finden, liegt bei 20—BIS 40—JAHREN.
20150118—20050118 DEN VERGANGENEN JAHREN zahlreiche FÄLLE—DER—DATEN—SPIONAGE aufspüren, viele davon aus CHINA und RUSSLAND.
20150118—20140400 —SEIT, Nicht umsonst trägt ihr Leiter -, Admiral MICHAEL—ROGERS—NEBEN—DEM—TITEL—DIRNSA für "DIRECTOR—OF—THE—NSA"den des CHEF—DES—"CYBER—COMMAND"DER—USA—STREIT—KRÄFTE.
20150118—20150119 —ON, Nisman was set to testify in 1—CONGRESSIONAL hearing about 19940000 —THE—BOMBING—OF—1—JEWISH—CENTER.
20150118—20160000 —IN, former spy CHIEF—ANTONIO—STIUSO said Nisman was murdered by people linked to THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—CRISTINA—FERNANDEZ.
20150126—20150118 —ON, She planned to dissolve the Intelligence Secretariat and create 1—FEDERAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY—AFTER prosecutor ALBERTO—NISMAN was found dead —JUST hours —BEFORE he was to make explosive allegations against her.
20150213—20150118 —REITERATED, Argentine STATE—INVESTIGATOR—GERARDO—POLLICITA formally, accusations leveled against PRESIDENT—FERNANDEZ 1—MONTH ago by his colleague ALBERTO—NISMAN, found dead.
20150218 —MARCHED, ARGENTINA, some 400,000—PEOPLE, in silence to the presidential palace in BUENOS—AIRES to protest 20150118 —THE—DEATH—OF—PROSECUTOR—ALBERTO—NISMAN.
20150719—20160118 —ON, the family announced a $5.3—SETTLEMENT with the university.
20151220—20150118 —ON, state media said 12—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS were charged in the tragedy that left at least 69—DEAD and 8—PEOPLE missing.
20160115 —LOCATED, The other 5—MEN, were teachers who were dragged from their school by armed men in 1—SEPARATE—INCIDENT 20160118 .
20160118 —STAGED, THE—USA and its allies, 2—DOZEN—STRIKES against the Islamic State militant group in Syria and IRAQ.
20160118 —REPORTED, Oxfam, that 62—PEOPLE in the world own the same wealth as half the world's population.
20160118 —COMPARED, This, with 388—PEOPLE—JUST 5—YEARS ago.
20160118 —ARRESTED, CALIFORNIA Highway Patrol officers, 25—DEMONSTRATORS who chained themselves and their vehicles across all 5—WEST—BOUND lanes of THE—SF Bay Bridge.
20160118 The protesters used THE—MARTIN—LUTHER—KING holiday to call for racial equity.
20160118 Representatives from AFGHANISTAN, PAKISTAN, CHINA and THE—USA gathered in KABUL and called on the Taliban to resume peace talks with THE—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT.
20160118 —KILLED, NORTH—CAMEROON, 4—WORSHIPPERS were, in 1—SUICIDE bombing at 1—MOSQUE in the village of Nguetchewe, Far North region.
20160118 —KILLED, FRANCE, 1—AVALANCHE, at least 5—MILITARY—PERSONNEL and seriously injured 2—OTHERS—WHILE they were skiing in Valfrejus in THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—SAVOIE.
20160118 —REPORTED, IRAN—OFFICIAL—MEDIA, that —AROUND 60—PERCENT—OF—WOULD—BE—CANDIDATES for 1—PARLIAMENTARY—VOTE in February, including MANY—REFORMISTS, have been rejected by the authorities.
20160118 THE—PALESTINE—ASSAILANT, 17—JAHRE—ALT was shot by security personnel and taken to hospital in severe condition —AFTER the attack in Tekoa.
20160118 NIGERIA—INFORMATION—MINISTER—LAI—MOHAMMED said state governors, ministers, business leaders, public officials and bankers allegedly stole $6.7—BILLION in public funds in 7—YEARS.
20160118 —TARGETED, PAKISTAN, 1—BOMB—BLAST, paramilitary troops, killing 5—SOLDIERS and wounding 3 in THE—SOUTH—WEST—CITY—OF—QUETTA.
20160118 —WORKED, PUERTO—RICO, prosecutor Francelis Ortiz (42), who, at the main court, was killed at her house by gunmen who followed her home from work.
20160118 A 3. suspect still faced trial.
20160118 —BATTERED, THE—RUSSIA—RUBLE, by weak oil prices, fell to 1—ALL—TIME—LOW against the euro and dropped to its lowest level in more than 1—YEAR against the dollar.
20160118 —INCLUDED, The regions, SOUTH—WEST—DORDOGNE, where the highly virulent H5N1 STRAIN—OF—THE—VIRUS was identified in November.
20160118 —ADVANCED, SYRIA, Islamic State, against government forces near THE—CITY—OF—DEIR—AL—ZOR —AFTER attacking the towns of Ayyash and Begayliya.
20160118 —KILLED, TURKEY, at least 1—PERSON was, and 1—MORE seriously wounded —WHEN 1—ROCKET fired from 1—JIHADIST—CONTROLLED area in Syria slammed into 1—SCHOOLYARD in the border TOWN—OF—KILIS.
20160118 —SUCCUMBED, TURKEY—ANADOLU—AGENCY said THE—3—OFFICERS, to their wounds —AFTER being hit by 1—ROADSIDE bomb in SIRNAK—IDIL district, near the Syrian and IRAQ—BORDERS.
20160118 —BLAMED, Kurdish militants were.
20160118 —SIGNED, SECRETARY—GENERAL—BAN KI—MOON, 1—LETTER informing THE—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY that 15—COUNTRIES including oil producer VENEZUELA are in arrears in paying their annual contribution to THE—UN—REGULAR—BUDGET, which means they can't vote in the 193-member world body unless there are exceptional circumstances.
20160118 Monsignor Nunzio Scarano, 1—FORMER—VATICAN prelate, was acquitted of conspiring to smuggle MILLIONS—OF—EUROS in cash into ITALY from SWITZERLAND for rich friends.
20160118 —RECOVERED, ZIMBABWE—WILDLIFE rangers, 22—ELEPHANT—TUSKS—AFTER 1—SHOOTOUT with 11 suspected poachers, ALL—OF—WHOM escaped.
20160118 DIE—KLUFT zwischen Arm und Reich wird in nahezu jedem Land der Welt immer größer.
20160118 —ÜBERRASCHT, DIE—GESCHWINDIGKEIT, mit der das geschieht, aber auch Experten.
20160118 Trend: —INZWISCHEN, besitzen die 62—REICHSTEN Einzelpersonen genauso viel wie die gesamte ärmere HÄLFTE—DER—WELT—BEVÖLKERUNG—VOR 1—JAHR waren es noch 80—MENSCHEN.
20160118 Dies geht aus dem Bericht "An Economy for the 1%"hervor, den Oxfam vor dem WELT—WIRTSCHAFTSFORUM in Davos veröffentlicht.
20160118 verringerte sich das Gesamtvermögen der ärmeren HÄLFTE—DER—WELT—BEVÖLKERUNG —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—5—JAHREN UM—CA—1.Billion $ (oder um 41 %), obwohl DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG um 400.000.000—MENSCHEN gewachsen ist.
20160118 —GLEICHZEITIG, erhöhte sich das Vermögen der reichsten 62—MENSCHEN um mehr als 1.halbe Billion DOLLAR.
20160118 1—GRUND für DIE—ENTWICKLUNG ist Oxfam zufolge die unzureichende BE—STEUERUNG von großen Vermögen und Kapitalgewinnen sowie DIE—VERSCHIEBUNG von Gewinnen in STEUER—OASEN.
20160118 Investitionen von Unternehmen in STEUER—PARADIESEN haben sich der Organisation zufolge
20160118 9—VON 10—DER WELT—WEIT führenden Großunternehmen hätten Präsenzen in mindestens 1—DIESER Länder.
20160118 —JEDES—JAHR—ENTWICKLUNGSLÄNDERN gingen auf diese Weise mindestens— USA—$ an STEUER—EINNAHMEN verloren.
20160118 DIE—VERSCHIEBUNG von Vermögen in STEUER—OASEN durch reiche Einzelpersonen koste alleine die afrikanischen STAATEN PRO—JAHR—CA——$, schreiben DIE—AUTOREN des Berichts.
20160118 Damit ließe sich demnach in AFRIKA flächendeckend die Gesundheitsversorgung für Mütter und Kinder sicherstellen, was PRO—JAHR—CA—4.000.000—KINDERN das Leben retten würde.
20160118 This news, if true, is pretty damned big: CHINA will send THOUSANDS—OF—ELITE—TROOPS into SYRIA to fight ISIS.
20160118 —ZERBRICHT, USA—RAUMFAHRT—FIRMA SpaceX: Trägerrakete bringt Satellit ins All —, bei Landung
20160118 TV—DUELL mit CLINTON und SANDERS: —JETZT zoffen sich auch DIE—USA—DEMOKRATEN
20160118 SEOUL: NORD—KOREA soll 1.000.000 Flugblätter über dem SÜDEN abgeworfen haben
20160118 —STUDIE—ZU—TTIP: Die Lobbyistenträume sind längst Wirklichkeit
20160118 Abgelehnte ASYL—BEWERBER, GABRIEL droht MAROKKO und ALGERIEN mit Kürzung der Gelder
20160118 Englischer REVOLUTIONär: OLIVER—CROMWELL starb an Typhus und Malaria
20160118 —ENDE—DES—VERBOTS: FLÜCHTLINGE dürfen ab —MITTWOCH wieder ins Bornheimer Schwimmbad
20160118 —AMNESTY—REPORT: Weibliche FLÜCHTLINGE berichten von sexueller Belästigung
20160118 DIE—HYPOTHESE vor, das den
20160118 wo des Cromwell sterbliche Überreste liegen, ist ungewiss.
20160118 des Cromwell verwester Körper hing in Ketten auf der Richtstätte von Tyburn, den Schädel spießten die Royalisten auf 1—PFAHL vor der WESTMINSTER Hall.
20160118 MERKEL in DER—FLÜCHTLINGS—DEBATTE: Was wollen die alle von mir?
20160118 SAFE—HARBOR: Verbände schreiben BRANDBRIEF—AN—EU und OBAMA
20160118 1. FEINSTAUB—ALARM—IN—STUTTGART Zu hohe Schadstoffwerte:
20160118 Trotz TERROR—ANGST: WELT—WEITE Tourismuszahlen erreichen neuen Rekord
20160118 —DIE—ZEIT—DER—GROßEN FINANZ—KRISE—DER—JAHRE 20070000 und 2008
20160118 als die GELD—BRANCHE die gesamte WELT—WIRTSCHAFT ins Wanken brachten.
20160118 —MITTE der Nullerjahre herrschte in der Finanzwelt Goldgräberstimmung.
20160118 Das Platzen der INTERNETblase —BEGINN—DES—ZU Jahrzehnts war —SCHON wieder vergessen, DIE—AKTIEN—KURSE stiegen auf Rekordstände und DIE—ZINSEN waren historisch niedrig.
20160118 Der amerikanische Immobilienmarkt boomte.
20160118 Der Wert der Häuser schien stetig zu steigen -
20160118 Auch die großen BANKEN erkannten im IMMOBILIEN—BOOM ein gigantisches Geschäft.
20160118 Auch die - Sie vergaben nicht nur massenhaft Kredite, sondern verwandelten diese Kredite auch in Wertpapiere.
20160118 DIE—SOGENANNTEN Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) sollten durch die ZINS—, Tilgungszahlungen der amerikanischen Hauskäufer gedeckt WERDEN—EIN scheinbar bombensicheres Geschäft.
20160118 waren die HÄUSER—PREISE IN—DEN—USA —SEIT der WELT—WIRTSCHAFT—KRISE—DER—3ßIGERJAHRE noch nie auf breiter Front gefallen.
20160118 Sich GEGEN—DIE—MEHRHEIT zu stellen, ist in der FINANZ—BRANCHE nicht LEICHT—SELBST wenn man vermutet, daß die Mehrheit falsch liegt.
20160118 Lippmann arbeitete —DAMALS, bei der DEUTSCHE—BANK—IN—NEW—YORK, als Global HEAD—OF—CDO Trading.
20160118 KATHOLISCHE—KIRCHE: VATIKANischer EX—RECHNUNGSPRÜFER wegen Verleumdung verurteilt
20160118 —GEHÖRT, Vermögen: Diesen 62—SUPERREICHEN, so viel wie der halben Welt
20160118 Präsidentenbeleidigung in der TÜRKEI: Wer schreibt, landet im Knast
20160118 [l] DER—EUROPA—GERICHT—HOF—HOF—FÜR—MENSCHEN—RECHTE hat anscheinend gerade Massenüberwachung EUROPA—WEIT für illegal erklärt.
20160118 [l] Manchmal ist DER—ZENSOR bloß pinkeln, manchmal hat er Durchfall und ist länger weg.
20160118 DIE—FRAGE—DES—MODERATORS, ob Anweisungen irgendwo festgeschrieben seien oder per Mail kämen, konnte ZIMMERMANN dann nicht mehr klar beantworten.
20160118 DEUTSCHLAND, deine "Journalisten"!
20160118 DER—WDR dementierte umgehend, und auch die Journalistin zog das zurück.
20160118—20030000 —SEIT, ATOM—ABKOMMEN drückt ÖL—PREIS auf tiefsten Stand (Wirtschaft, 08:04)
20160118—20050000 —IN, 1—BANGLADESH court jailed 5—MILITANTS—OF—THE banned JAMAAT—UL—MUJAHIDEEN Islamist group —FOR—10—YEARS over bombings that formed PART—OF—1—SERIES—OF—BLASTS across THE—MUSLIM—MAJORITY nation.
20160118—20160000 —VOR, 1—JAHR sagte die NICHT—REGIERUNGS—ORGANISATIONEN Oxfam voraus,
20160118—20160000 —J—IM, werde DAS—REICHSTE 1—PROZENT—DER—WELTBEVÖLKERUNG, ALSO—CA—70.000.000—MENSCHEN mehr besitzen als die restlichen 99 % (rund 7—MILLIARDEN—MENSCHEN) zusammen.
20160118—20160000 —TATSÄCHLICH wurde diese Schwelle —SCHON ein —JAHR früher erreicht.
20160118—20160116 —SINCE, THE—BRITAIN—BASED Observatory said 120—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES and 70—ISLAMIC—STATE—FIGHTERS had been killed in clashes.
20160118—20161116 —SENTENCED, DANIEL—VAZQUEZ and RAFAEL—APONTE were, to 149—YEARS in prison.
20170118 —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—NATIONAL—OCEANIC and Atmospheric Administration, that 20160000 was the hottest of modern times -- the 3. —YEAR in 1—ROW to break records.
20170118 OKLAHOMA ATTORNEY—GENERAL—SCOTT—PRUITT, PRESIDENT—ELECT DONALD—TRUMP—CHOICE to lead the Environmental Protection Agency, said he would honor the Congressional intent and TIMETABLES—OF—THE—USA—RENEWABLE—FUEL—STANDARD.
20170118 —KILLED, NORTH—AFGHANISTAN, Taliban bomb maker Kamal Khan inadvertently, himself and his 4—SONS overnight, —WHILE building 1—CACHE of roadside bombs in SAR—I—PUL province.
20170118 —BLACKLISTED, BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBIA—LEADER—MILORAD Dodik said he was proud of being, by THE—USA for obstructing a 19950000 peace agreement and called on BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—AUTHORITIES to declare THE—USA—AMBASSADOR persona non grata in retaliation.
20170118 —ARMED, BRAZIL, 1—HEAVILY, military police force entered the Alcacuz prison without violence.
20170118 Authorities said they were transferring 220—INMATES to other prisons to avoid more clashes.
20170118 The 1. direct freight train service from CHINA to BRITAIN arrived in LONDON, another leg in BEIJING—PLANS for closer trade ties with EUROPE along 1—MODERN—DAY—SILK—ROAD.
20170118 THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND said that EGYPT is making progress with its economic reform program, although it will still take time to improve living standards in 1—POOR—COUNTRY beset with rocketing inflation.
20170118 —PASSED, GAMBIA—PARLIAMENT has, 1—RESOLUTION to allow PRESIDENT—YAHYA—JAMMEH to stay in office for another 3—MONTHS, as the veteran leader showed no sign of preparing to hand over power and SENEGAL moved soldiers towards the border.
20170118 IRAQ—COMMANDERS said their forces have retaken CONTROL—OF—EAST—MOSUL from the Islamic State group, —3—MONTHS—AFTER 1—HUGE—OFFENSIVE against the jihadist bastion was launched.
20170118 ISRAEL, demolitions in the Arab ISRAEL—VILLAGE—OF in Umm AL—HEIRAN, that activists say has been targeted by racist policies, sparked violence in which 1—POLICEMAN and his alleged attacker were killed.
20170118 —CONVICTED—OF, ISRAEL—NUCLEAR—WHISTLE—BLOWER Mordechai Vanunu was, violating the terms of his release, more than 1—DECADE—AFTER completing an 18-year jail term.
20170118 ITALY, 4—POWERFUL—EARTHQUAKES, magnitude 5.1-5.7, reverberated through the Amatrice area still recovering from deadly tremors —LAST—YEAR.
20170118 More than 130,000 homes were without electricity.
20170118 ITALY, THE—4—STAR spa Hotel Rigopiano in THE—CENTRAL—ABRUZZO region was struck by 1—AVALANCHE —FOLLOWING earthquakes in the region.
20170118 At least 30—PEOPLE were missing, including at least 2—CHILDREN.
20170118 IVORY—COAST—MAIN port of ABIDJAN, was shut down —WHEN angry security forces began firing into the air —DURING protests by mutinous troops.
20170118 —CARRIED, LIBYA, USA B—2—BOMBERS, out air strikes against Islamic State camps outside of Sirte.
20170118 —REPORTED, More than 80—ISLAMIC—STATE—FIGHTERS were, killed.
20170118 —REPORTED, It was, that nearly 1—MILLION—PEOPLE are hungry and in urgent NEED—OF—FOOD—AID in THE—MADAGASCAR area, according to the World Food Program (WFP).
20170118 MALI, at least 60—PEOPLE including 5—SUICIDE—BOMBERS were killed —WHEN 1—VEHICLE packed with explosives detonated inside 1—MILITARY—CAMP in Gao.
20170118 1—NEW—MEXICO—POLL by Grupo Reforma showed PRESIDENT—ENRIQUE—PENA—NIETO—APPROVAL rating has fallen to 1—HISTORIC—LOW—OF—12—PERCENT.
20170118 NORTH—MEXICO, 1—TEENAGE—STUDENT, 15—JAHRE—ALT suffering from depression opened fire at 1—USA—SCHOOL in Nuevo LEON state, injuring 3—STUDENTS and 1—TEACHER then shooting himself in the chin in what state officials called 1 unprecedented attack that was caught on video.
20170118 † The shooter, at 1—HOSPITAL.
20170118 —ORDERED, PUERTO—RICO police CHIEF—MICHELLE—HERNANDEZ, police to stop releasing information including the location of 1—CRIME, 1—SUSPECT—CRIMINAL—BACKGROUND and THE—AMOUNT—OF—DRUGS seized or money stolen in certain cases.
20170118 —PRESENTED, SENEGAL, 1—DRAFT—RESOLUTION to THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL seeking support for ECOWAS efforts to press GAMBIA—LEADER—YAHYA—JAMMEH to step down.
20170118 At least 26,000—PEOPLE have fled GAMBIA into SENEGAL fearing PRESIDENT—YAHYA—JAMMEH—DECISION to stay in power.
20170118 —SIGNED, Syria and RUSSIA, 1—AGREEMENT allowing RUSSIA to significantly expand its naval facility in the Mediterranean port of TARTUS and keep using it —FOR—49—YEARS.
20170118 † IN—VENEZUELA—ELIANNYS—VIVAS, 9—JAHRE—ALT of diphtheria.
20170118 —SHOWED, IN—VENEZUELA—ELIANNYS—VIVAS—DEATH and 1—WIDER—OUTBREAK—OF diphtheria, how vulnerable the country is to health risks amid 1—MAJOR—ECONOMIC—CRISIS that has sparked shortages of basic medicines and vaccines.
20170118—20130000 —IN, Vanunu was CONVICTED—OF—MEETING with 2—USA—NATIONALS in JERUSALEM without having permission to do so, and will be sentenced in 2—MONTHS.
20170118—20170108 —ON, 1—COURT—IN—SOUTH—WEST—FRANCE gave THE—GO—AHEAD for the extradition of STEPHEN—CARRUTHERS, 43—JAHRE—ALT, 1 suspected pedophile arrested, who is 1—OF—BRITAIN—MOST wanted fugitives.
20170118—20170121 —BY, rescuers found 11—SURVIVORS, but 24—PEOPLE remained missing.
20170118—20170126 —BY, the final death toll reached 29 as all remaining bodies were pulled from the rubble.
20170125—20170118 —FROM—THE, HUNDREDS—OF—ITALIANS whose homes were devastated in 1—SERIES—OF—DEADLY—EARTHQUAKES protested in ROME at the slow PACE—OF—GOVERNMENT—AID as the death toll AVALANCHE—HIT hotel rose to 24.
20170306—20170118 —ANNOUNCED, Harrison had, his departure from CANADA—NATIONAL (CN).
20170410—20170118 —ARRIVED, The 1. train from CHINA to BRITAIN, filled with clothes and other retail goods.
20180117 —CANCELED, Air FRANCE—KLM, 228—EUROPEAN flights to and from AMSTERDAM—SCHIPHOL airport planned for 20180118 , as 1—STORM is expected to disrupt traffic at THE—HOLLAND—NATIONAL—AIRPORT.
20180118 —DAS—ORKANTIEF—FRIEDERIKE, erreicht ihren Höhepunkt, während es durch EUROPA zieht.
20180118 Es fordert 8—TOTE, VIELE—VERLETZTE und richtet Schäden in Hunderten Millionen an.
20180118 —RELEASED, USA—SAFETY—REGULATORS, models from 14—DIFFERENT—AUTOMAKERS that are being recalled to replace potentially deadly Takata air bag inflators.
20180118 —SEIZED, The Manhattan district attorney's office, 18—COMPUTER—SERVERS from the headquarters of NEWSWEEK magazine in Lower Manhattan.
20180118 † Allan 'Gut' Terk (78), psychedelic artist and 1—OF—KEN—KESEY—MARRY—PRANKSTERS of the 1960s, in NEVADA.
20180118 —CARRIED, TEXAS, out the nation's 1. execution this —YEAR.
20180118 —EXECUTED, ANTHONY—ALLEN—SHORE, 55—JAHRE—ALT, known as HOUSTON's "Tourniquet Killer" was, for 19920000 —THE—KILLING—OF—1—WOMAN, 21—JAHRE—ALT, 1—OF 4—FEMALE—VICTIMS.
20180118 1—PAIR—OF—AUSTRALIA—SWIMMERS became the 1. people to be rescued in the ocean by 1—DRONE—WHEN the aerial lifesaver dropped 1—SAFETY—DEVICE to distressed teens caught in rough seas.
20180118 —KILLED, BRAZIL, 1—BABY was, and 17—PEOPLE were injured —WHEN 1—MOTORIST drove into 1 crowded boardwalk along Copacabana beach.
20180118 The driver said he had not been drinking but lost CONTROL—OF—HIS—CAR.
20180118 He also said that he has epilepsy.
20180118 The leaders of BRITAIN and FRANCE met against 1—MILITARY backdrop UK—PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—MAY offered FRANCE 44.5—MILLION—POUNDS ($62—MILLION) to bolster security at FRANCE—BORDER—CONTROLS.
20180118 NOEL—CONWAY, 68—JAHRE—ALT, 1—TERMINALLY ill UK—MAN, was granted permission to challenge the country's law on assisted dying, —AFTER 1—EARLIER—DECISION that rejected his case.
20180118 † Longtime UK—TELEVISION and stage star PETER—WYNGARDE, 90—JAHRE—ALT, best known for his role as the detective IN—THE—KING—OF—JASON 1970s, in LONDON.
20180118 —ARRESTED, CANADA—POLICE, BRUCE—MCARTHUR, 1 suspected serial killer.
20180118 —REPORTED, The remains of at least 6—MEN were —LATER, found in planters at 1—PROPERTY that McArthur used as storage for his landscaping business.
20180118 —BELIEVED, TORONTO police, there were more victims.
20180118 THE—DUBAI—BASED Emirates said it struck 1—DEAL with Airbus to buy 20—OF—ITS—A380 DOUBLE—DECKER jets, with the option to buy 16—MORE, in 1—DEAL worth $16—BILLION.
20180118 —VOTED, European Commission diplomats, to relocate the Galileo Security Monitoring CENTER—BACKUP—SITE from SWANWICK—ENGLAND, to SPAIN because of Brexit.
20180118 Galileo is EUROPE—ANSWER to THE—USA—GLOBAL—POSITIONING—SYSTEM, or GPS, which has long been THE—MAINSTAY—OF—SATELLITE—NAVIGATION—DEVICES in cars, planes and mobile phones.
20180118 INDIA successfully TEST—FIRED 1—LONG—RANGE—NUCLEAR—CAPABLE—MISSILE from 1—ISLAND in the Bay of Bengal.
20180118 —KILLED, ISRAEL—FORCES, 1—PALESTINE—GUNMAN and captured another in 1—CLASH in Jenin in the occupied WEST—BANK, saying they were PART—OF—1—ISLAMIST—HAMAS cell responsible for 1—AMBUSH in which 1—JEWISH settler was shot dead.
20180118 —SIGNED, IRAQ, 1—CONTRACT with UK—ENERGY—GIANT BP aimed at more than doubling production from oil fields in THE—NORTH—PROVINCE—OF—KIRKUK that were retaken from the Kurds —LAST—YEAR.
20180118 —ORDERED, ITALY, the arrest of 33—PEOPLE on suspicion of running 1—CHINA—MAFIA group involved in gambling, prostitution, and drugs and which dominated THE—TRANSPORT—OF—CHINA—GOODS across EUROPE.
20180118 1—BUS—FIRE in NORTH—WEST—KAZAKHSTAN killed 52—UZBEKISTAN—CITIZENS on 1—ROUTE used by migrant workers heading to RUSSIA.
20180118 —MANAGED, Only 5—PEOPLE, to escape the burning vehicle.
20180118 —TURNED, Researchers said LEBANON—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE may have, the smartphones of thousands of targeted individuals into CYBER—SPYING machines, in 1—OF—THE 1. known EXAMPLES—OF—LARGE—SCALE—STATE—HACKING—OF—PHONES rather than computers.
20180118 —KILLED, LIBYA, 2—BROTHERS were, by 1—MINE as they returned to their home in the center of BENGHAZI.
20180118 —PLANTED, Mines, —DURING more than 3—YEARS—OF—WAR in BENGHAZI were taking 1—HIGH—TOLL on UNDER—EQUIPPED deminers and residents trying to return to districts where protracted battles took place.
20180118 LITHUANIA, the commercial television station TV3 was reportedly hacked late —TODAY and shortly —AFTER that 1—FAKE news story appeared on the channel's website accusing Defense MINISTER—RAIMUNDAS—KAROBLIS of sexually harassing 1—LOCAL—RADIO—JOURNALIST.
20180118 —TRACED, THE—IP address of the hacker was, to S—PETERSBURG, RUSSIA.
20180118 —DERAILED, MEXICO, 1—TRAIN, in ECATEPEC, 1—DENSELY populated MEXICO—CITY suburb, killing at least 5—PEOPLE.
20180118 —SCRAPPED, In THE—NETHERLANDS at least 260—FLIGHTS were, and falling roof tiles led to THE—CLOSURE—OF—AIRPORT—TERMINALS as powerful winds toppled trees and blew trucks off the road.
20180118 3—PEOPLE were killed in THE—NETHERLANDS, 3 in GERMANY and 1—PERSON in BELGIUM.
20180118 NIGERIA, 5—OIL—WORKERS from local firm SAHARA Energy were kidnapped in THE—SOUTH—NIGER Delta region.
20180118 RUSSIA—OPPOSITION—LEADER—ALEXEI—NAVALNY said that police were raiding his campaign headquarters in S—PETERSBURG as he pressed ahead with 1—CALL for 1—BOYCOTT of presidential polls.
20180118 —SUSPENDED, SENEGAL PRESIDENT—MACKY—SALL, all authorizations for logging and ordered 1—OVERHAUL—OF—FORESTRY laws —AFTER 1—MASSACRE connected to the illegal trade in timber.
20180118 —ANNOUNCED, THE—SOUTH—AFRICA—CITY—OF—CAPE—TOWN, new water restrictions to combat drought, saying it was looking more likely that it will have to turn off most taps on "—DAY 0," or 20180421 .
20180118 NORTH—SYRIA, mortar fire on THE—TOWN—OF—AZAZ, held by TURKISH—BACKED rebels, wounded at least 14—PEOPLE in 1—PSYCHIATRIC—HOSPITAL.
20180118 THE—SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights, 1—BRITAIN—BASED MONITOR—OF—THE—WAR, said the mortar rounds were fired by THE—SYRIA—DEMOCRATIC—FORCES, 1—USA—BACKED alliance dominated by the Kurdish PEOPLE—PROTECTION—UNITS (YPG).
20180118 —BOMBARDED, The fire came —AFTER ANKARA, the adjacent KURDISH—HELD enclave of Afrin for 5—STRAIGHT—DAYS ahead of 1 threatened invasion.
20180118 UGANDA—PRESIDENT—YOWERI—MUSEVENI said he will sign the death warrants of "1—FEW" prisoners to create fear among criminals in THE—EAST—AFRICAN country.
20180118 —PASSED, UKRAINE—PARLIAMENT, 1—BILL to reintegrate the country's eastern territories that are currently controlled by RUSSIA—BACKED separatists, even supporting taking them back by military force if necessary.
20180118 —INTENSIFIED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS refugee agency said, hostilities in YEMEN have forced more than 32,000—PEOPLE to flee their homes in the past 2—MONTHS.
20180118 —ABDUCTED, Unidentified gunmen, 1—EMPLOYEE—AT—THE—UN—MIGRATION—AGENCY in SANAA.
20180118 —VERABSCHIEDET, EU—AUSTRITT: Britisches Unterhaus, wichtiges BREXIT—GESETZ
20180118 —BERICHT, von MENSCHEN—RECHTLERN, USA—GRENZ—WÄCHTER sollen systematisch Hilfen für FLÜCHTLINGE zerstören
20180118 "3.—MANN—PHÄNOMEN": Warum Bergsteiger so oft Geister sehen
20180118 —VERHANDLUNGEN über USA—BUDGET: DONALD—TRUMP riskiert den großen EKLAT
20180118 Äthiopiens Klöster und Kirchen: Felsenfester Glaube
20180118 Alltag eines Busfahrers: "DIE—LEUTE schauen mich oft nicht mal an"(KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 05:06)
20180118 Rekord: ZAHL—DER—FLUGPASSAGIERE steigt auf—
20180118 USA—PRÄSIDENT: "RUSSLAND hilft uns bei NORD—KOREA überhaupt nicht"
20180118 —ÜBERRASCHT, Nachhaltigkeitsrücklage: Rentenkasse, mit hohen Reserven
20180118 WEST—JORDAN—LAND: ISRAELische SICHERHEITS—KRÄFTE töten palästinensischen Attentäter
20180118 #METOO—DEBATTE: BRIGITTE—BARDOT wirft Schauspielerinnen SCHEIN—HEILIGKEIT vor
20180118 WELT—WEIT—UMFRAGE: Manager halten APPLE für das innovativste Unternehmen
20180118 —NEUE—UNTERSUCHUNG: FACEBOOK prüft russischen Einfluss auf BREXIT—ABSTIMMUNG
20180118 Livestream aufs Handy für Eltern: Schulen in INDIEN bekommen ÜBERWACHUNGS—KAMERAS (Leben und Lernen, 10:16)
20180118 Entwicklung & Fortschritt: "Erfindergeist ist Teil unserer Kultur"
20180118 Eingefrorenes MILLIARDEN—VERMÖGEN: IRAN verklagt DEUTSCHE—BÖRSE
20180118 Diebstahl geistigen Eigentums, USA—PRÄSIDENT—DROHT—CHINA mit Vergeltung
20180118 Ermittlung in DRESDEN : Fahnder heben professionelles METH—LABOR aus
20180118 KASACHSTAN: Forscher rätseln über MASSEN—STERBEN bei Antilopen
20180118 SILICON—VALLEY: APPLE und Google leiten ihre Pendlerbusse nach Angriffen um
20180118 —KRISEN—FLUGZEUG: Produktionsstopp ABGEWENDET—EMIRATES will 36—AIRBUS A380 bestellen
20180118 Rückgang: EUROPA—BANKEN sitzen auf 950.000.000.000—EURO fauler Kredite
20180118 MENSCHEN—RECHT—GERICHT: Eltern müssen Sexualkunde in GRUND—SCHULE hinnehmen (Leben und Lernen, 14:01)
20180118 Genitalverstümmelung in ÄGYPTEN: "Hört auf, eure Töchter auf die Schlachtbank zu führen"
20180118 MASSOSPONDYLUS—SCHÄDEL: Dino aus dem 3D-Drucker
20180118 —BEREITS, im 03010101—04001231 —CENTURY verbreitete sich DAS—CHRISTENTUM in Äthiopien
20180118 DIE—ANTILOPEN wurden wegen ihres Fleisches und ihrer Hörner gejagt
20180118 SAIGA—ANTILOPEN kommen in 2—UNTERARTEN nur noch in RUSSLAND, KASACHSTAN und der Mongolei in größeren Populationen vor
20180118 Unter anderem der Zusammenbruch der SOWJET—UNION habe dann zu 1—STARKEN Zunahme der Wilderei geführt.
20180118 DIE—TIERE mit der auffälligen rüsselartigen Nase wurden wegen ihres Fleisches und wegen ihrer Hörner gejagt, die in der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin Verwendung finden.
20180118 DIE—BESTÄNDE schrumpften derart, dass
20180118 Um ihr Überleben sicherzustellen, müssten die Bestände geschützt und die Wilderei stärker bekämpft werden, fordern DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER.
20180118 "DEUTSCHLAND muss DIE—CHANCEN, die sich durch DIE—DIGITALISIERUNG ergeben, viel stärker nutzen", verlangte Kempf
20180118 Der BDI habe deshalb 1.neue Initiative "Gesundheit digital"gestartet
20180118 Es gehe darum, weniger VERTEILUNGSDISKUSSIONEN—ETWA um DIE—BÜRGERVERSICHERUNG—ZU führen, sondern mehr über Innovationen und Investitionen zu reden und sie umzusetzen
20180118 Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg sei die Fähigkeit, große Datenmengen zu erheben, zu übertragen und zu verarbeiten
20180118 "DIE—KÜNFTIGE BUNDES—REGIERUNG muss rasch die gesetzlichen GRUND—LAGEN für die Nutzung von Gesundheitsdaten schaffen", forderte Kempf.
20180118 Lasst uns mit seinen Gesundheitsdaten anfangen!
20180118 Wir machen das am besten wie NORWEGEN!
20180118 1—KI, die erkennt, wie lange Patienten noch leben - Wie?
20180118 Nein, nein, wir sind hier Altruisten, wir machen das nur für das Gute und den Fortschritt
20180118 Wir wollen den Patienten rechtzeitig Gelegenheit geben, Abschied zu nehmen!
20180118 [l] 1—POLIZIST in RHEINLAND—PFALZ hat wegen eines Knöllchens über 20€ seinen Job verloren
20180118 Er hat das Verwarngeld von dem Autofahrer direkt vor Ort kassiert, 1.falsche Quittung ausgestellt, und die Kohle eingesteckt.
20180118 —ATTESTIERT, Das VERWALTUNGS—GERICHT, dem Mann ein hohes Maß an Pflichtvergessenheit
20180118 Zwar sei der finanzielle Schaden gering, doch die Integrität und Vertrauenswürdigkeit des gesamten öffentlichen Dienstes werde durch solche Aktionen nachhaltig geschädigt
20180118 Hinzu kam noch, dass - DER—BEAMTE —SCHON früher negativ aufgefallen war
20180118 Unter anderem hatte er unberechtigt DATEN aus den POLIZEIdatenbanken abgerufen.
20180118 Bei allem Ärger über sich gegenseitig deckende Prügelcops: Auch den Fall gibt es, dass
20180118 jemand im Dienst für sein Vergehen bestraft wird
20180118 [l] DER—MENSCHEN—RECHT—GERICHT—HOF in STRAßBURG hat entschieden, dass
20180118 Es ging um die 1. Klasse, wenn ich das richtig sehe, und die Eltern wollten für ihre Tochter 1—AUFSCHUB —BIS zur 2. Klasse
20180118 Überquerung des Ärmelkanals: FRANKREICH erhält 50.000.000—EURO für GRENZ—SCHUTZ
20180118 Raumfahrt: Esa will Astronauten jenseits der ISS schicken
20180118 Boomende Konjunktur : ZAHL—DER—ANTRÄGE auf USA—ARBEITSLOSENHILFE auf tiefstem Stand —SEIT—45—JAHREN
20180118 GEHIRN—SCHALTPLAN: Der Mann, der Gedanken lesen kann
20180118 MASSEN—PROTEST—IN—TUNESIEN: Die Wut der Straße
20180118 —HANDELS—STREIT—MIT—CHINA—USA verhängen weitere STRAF—ZÖLLE
20180118 Verfehlte KLIMA—ZIELE: FDP fordert Fracking in DEUTSCHLAND
20180118 ISS—EINSATZ: Neue Kollegin für deutschen Astronauten Gerst
20180118 Orkantief "Friederike": "DIE—BÄUME fallen um wie Streichhölzer"
20180118 USA—SENAT stimmt umstrittenem ÜBERWACHUNGS—PROGRAMM zu - Demokratie unter Irrationalen
20180118 [l] Videotipp: RAINER—MAUSFELD über: Wie sich die "verwirrte Herde"auf —KURS halten lässt
20180118 [l] DER—BUNDES—TAG versucht gerade, DIE—AFD aus dem PARLAMENTarischen KONTROLL—GREMIUM fernzuhalten
20180118 [l] Neues —JAHR, neue Straftatbestände: VERURTEILUNG wegen "psychischer Beihilfe zu versuchter Nötigung".
20180118 —UPDATE, 1—LESER kommentiert:
20180118 das ist etwas ganz normales im Jurastudium, das hat sich keiner ausgedacht
20180118 —CLEARED, INDIA—SUPREME—COURT, the way for THE—RELEASE—OF—THE—FILM "Padmaavat," 1—CONTROVERSIAL—BOLLYWOOD movie based on 1—EPIC poem about a 13010101—14001231 —CENTURY QUEEN, 1—DAY—AFTER its producers went to court to fight bans by several states.
20180118—20180305 —ON, TORONTO police said they have found a 20180907 of remains related to the investigation into alleged serial killer BRUCE—MCARTHUR.
20190104—20190118 —ARRESTED, ANTONIO—MALIKE—DURANT, 26—JAHRE—ALT was, and soon charged with 3—COUNTS—OF—MURDER.
20190118 —KILLED, MYANMAR—ARMY said it has, 13—REBEL—FIGHTERS in THE—WEST—RAKHINE State 20190105—20190116 —BETWEEN.
20190118 —THE encounter was captured in photos and on video and went viral, generating widespread media coverage.
20190118 —ISSUED, Special counsel ROBERT—MUELLER—OFFICE, 1—RARE—PUBLIC—STATEMENT disputing the accuracy of BuzzFeed News' report that PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—FORMER—ATTORNEY told Mueller that Trump directed the lawyer to lie to Congress.
20190118 —ANNOUNCED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, —AFTER talks between Trump and Kim that PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP would hold a 2. summit with NORTH—KOREA—LEADER—KIM—JONG—UN in late February, but would maintain economic sanctions on PYONGYANG.
20190118 1—USA federal judge found found 4—WOMEN—GUILTY—OF—ENTERING—THE—CABEZA—PRIETA—NATIONAL—WILDLIFE—REFGE in ARIZONA without 1—PERMIT as they sought to place food and water in the desert for migrants.
20190118 —PICKETED, LOS—ANGELES teachers, and rallied for a 5. —DAY as contract negotiations continued.
20190118 —SENTENCED, FORMER—CHICAGO police Officer JASON—VAN—DYKE, 40—JAHRE—ALT was, to nearly 7—YEARS in prison for 20140000 —THE shooting of Laquan McDonald (17).
20190118 —RESPECTED, Jornal Nacional, BRAZIL—MOST, newscast, said that 48—DEPOSITS—OF—2,000 reais each were deposited into THE—BANK—ACCOUNT—OF—SENATOR—ELECT—FLAVIO—BOLSONARO, PRESIDENT—JAIR—BOLSONARO—ELDEST son, between June and 20170700 , —WHEN he was 1—RIO—DE—JANEIRO state lawmaker.
20190118 —ARRESTED, BULGARIA—SPECIAL—POLICE—FORCES, 43—PEOPLE in coordinated raids across the country on 1 suspected terrorism financing ring.
20190118 —DISMISSED, CANADA—GOVERNMENT, CHINA—WARNING—OF—REPERCUSSIONS if OTTAWA banned Huawei Technologies Co Ltd from supplying equipment to 5G networks, saying it would not compromise on security.
20190118 —ARRESTED, COLOMBIA—AUTHORITIES, RICARDO—CARVAJAL for his alleged role in the previous days car bombing.
20190118 —INTERCEPTED, They said he showed up on, phone calls boasting of having participated in the attack.
20190118 —PRESSED, PRESIDENT—IVAN—DUQUE, CUBA to arrest 10—PEACE—NEGOTIATORS from the National Liberation Army (ELN) for the car bombing that left 21—DEAD and dozens more wounded.
20190118 1—MAN was seriously injured —AFTER he set himself on fire in downtown PRAGUE amid commemorative events to remember 1—STUDENT who burned himself to death 50—YEARS ago to inspire resistance against 19680000 —THE—SOVIET—LED invasion of Czechoslovakia.
20190118 GERMANY—BASED Volkswagen Group said that it will pay 1—FINE—OF—1—BILLION rupees ($14.2—MILLION) imposed by INDIA for installing software on vehicles that allegedly cheated pollution testing devices, though it is still appealing the order.
20190118 INDONESIA—PRESIDENT—SAID—ABU—BAKAR—BASHIR, 81—JAHRE—ALT, the radical Muslim cleric and alleged mastermind of 20020000 —THE Bali bombings, will be granted early release from jail on humanitarian grounds.
20190118 1—ITALY—NAVY—HELICOPTER plucked 3—SURVIVORS from 1—LIFE raft —AFTER 1—RUBBER dinghy capsized in the Mediterranean Sea off LIBYA.
20190118 —BELIEVED, Up to 117—MIGRANTS were, to have †.
20190118 —KILLED, KASHMIR, at least 5—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 1—AVALANCHE hit 1—TRUCK in which they were traveling.
20190118 5—MORE—PEOPLE were missing.
20190118 LEBANON used 1—ARAB economic meeting to urge the Arab League to restore SYRIA—MEMBERSHIP, calling it a "historic shame" to keep the Arab country OUT—OF—THE—FORUM.
20190118 —REPORTED, It was, that MALAYSIA has filed 1—LAWSUIT against OPPOSITION—RUN—KELANTAN state for infringing on the indigenous Temiar tribe's land rights by handing out licenses to plantation companies to cut down timber, the 1. such action by 1—SITTING government.
20190118 —KILLED, CENTRAL—MEXICO, at least 66—PEOPLE were, —AFTER 1—PIPELINE ruptured by suspected fuel thieves exploded near THE—TOWN—OF—TLAHUELILPAN, HIDALGO state.
20190118 —LISTED, More than 85—OTHER—PEOPLE were, as missing.
20190118 —INJURED, The death toll —LATER rose to 134—AFTER more, people † at hospitals.
20190118 —ANNOUNCED, MYANMAR—MILITARY, that the Arakan Army, 1—BUDDHIST—REBEL—GROUP in Rakhine state, has been classified 1—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION.
20190118 At The Hague ICC judges said FORMER—IVORY—COAST—PRESIDENT—LAURENT—GBAGBO must spend at least another 2—WEEKS in detention at THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT, despite being acquitted this —WEEK—OF—INVOLVEMENT in deadly POST—ELECTION—VIOLENCE.
20190118 —AGREED, RUSSIA said it has, for FRANCE and GERMANY to monitor shipping traffic in THE—KERCH Strait —FOLLOWING 1—NAVAL—CONFRONTATION between MOSCOW and Kiev —LAST—YEAR.
20190118 —RETURNED, African Union troops, fire killing 4—EXTREMISTS and wounding several others.
20190118 —DENIED, ETHIOPIA, claims that AL—SHABAB killed several ETHIOPIA—TROOPS.
20190118 —PLAYED, SWEDEN, the Centre Party, 1—DECISIVE—ROLE in allowing STEFAN—LOFVEN to win a 2. term as PRIME—MINISTER by abstaining in 1—PARLIAMENTARY—VOTE, ending more than 4—MONTHS—OF—POLITICAL deadlock.
20190118 The Centre Party and the allied Liberal Party will not join LOFVEN—NEW—SOCIAL—DEMOCRAT—GREEN—COALITION but will support it in return for pursuing such CENTER—RIGHT—POLICIES as tax cuts and DEREGULATION—OF—THE—LABOR and property rental markets.
20190118 THE—SCANDAL—PLAGUED SWEDEN—BODY that awards the Nobel Prize for literature said that poet Katarina Frostenson would leave the Academy —AFTER 1—INVESTIGATION determined she had leaked the names of winners.
20190118 SYRIA, 1—EXPLOSION outside 1—OFFICE belonging to 1—AL—QAIDA—LINKED group in the country's northwestern killed at least 11—PEOPLE.
20190118 1—AIRSTRIKE in the country's east on the last area held by the Islamic State group killed at least 20—PEOPLE in the village of Baghouz.
20190118 —INCLUDED, The dead, 10 IS members.
20190118 —PRESUMED, SOUTH—THAILAND, gunmen, to be Muslim insurgents stormed 1—BUDDHIST temple in Narathiwat province, killing 2—MONKS and wounding 2—OTHERS.
20190118 —ALARMED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS said it was "extremely " by the forced return by CAMEROON—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—REFUGEES to NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, where Boko Haram Islamists pose 1—CONTINUING threat to civilians.
20190118 —FORCED, THE—UN—REFUGEE—AGENCY said CAMEROON, "several 1000" refugees back to NIGERIA this —WEEK.
20190118 According to THE—UNHCR CAMEROON is currently hosting 370,000 refugees, 100,000—OF—WHOM are Nigerians.
20190118 Streamingdienst: WELT—WEIT zahlen 139.000.000—MENSCHEN für Netflix
20190118 Entlaufene RODEO—KUH aus ALASKA: Wo ist "Betsy"?
20190118 AMAZONAS—FORSCHER über BRASILIEN—PRÄSIDENT—BOLSONARO: "Bedenken Sie, was wir EUROPÄER an Wäldern kaputtgemacht haben" (SPIEGEL+, 04:40)
20190118 BUDDHISMUS—BEGRÜNDER: Wer Siddartha wirklich war (SPIEGEL+, 04:42)
20190118 Geschäftsaufgabe wegen BREXIT: "Verrückt ist noch nett gesagt"
20190118 Totale Finsternis: Aufgepasst, es steht 1—BLUTMOND über DEUTSCHLAND
20190118 —SCHON um kurz nach 0430—UHR beginnt DER—MOND sich langsam in den Erdschatten zu schieben.
20190118 DIE—NÄCHSTE totale Mondfinsternis wird in EUROPA —ERST wieder in der Nacht 20220515 —VOM, zum 20220516 zu sehen sein.
20190118 RUSSLANDgeschäfte: DONALD—TRUMP soll seinen EX—ANWALT zur Lüge vor Kongress aufgefordert haben
20190118 Herzschrittmacher: Russische Forscher entwickeln MINI—ATOMBATTERIEN
20190118 Bei Übungsflug: 2—RUSSISCHE Kampfjets KOLLIDIERT—PILOTEN vermisst
20190118 DOKU—REIHE "Menschen hautnah": WDR räumt Fehler und Verstöße gegen Standards ein
20190118 ONLINE—KARTENDIENST: Google Maps soll bald auch vor Blitzern warnen
20190118 Sozialdemokrat Löfven gewählt: SCHWEDEN hat wieder 1.richtige Regierung
20190118 —BEKOMMT, BOLIVIEN: Der einsamste Frosch der Welt, 1.Freundin
20190118 ASYL—POLITIK,BUNDESTAG stuft MAGHREB—STAATEN und Georgien als sicher ein
20190118 WELT—RAUM—SERVICE: Satellit soll künstliche Sternschnuppen erzeugen
20190118 Millionen ZUGANGS—DATEN IM—NETZ: "Collection #1" war wohl nur DER—ANFANG
20190118 —BEATMET, Wohnungsbrand in HAMBURG: Feuerwehr, Katze
20190118 SAARLAND: Unbekannte quälen Schwan mit Seifenlauge
20190118 —KLIMA—SCHUTZ, REGIERUNGS—KOMMISSION schlägt TEMPO—LIMIT auf Autobahnen vor
20190118 [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON?
20190118 The study shows that BODY—PAINTING provides protection against the insects.
20190118 [l] Was macht 1.Räuberbande, wenn sie 1—GELD—AUTOMATEN sprengen will, um an die Kohle zu kommen, aber das nächste POLIZEI—REVIER ist bloß 250m LUFT—LINIE entfernt?
20190118 Na klar! Sie blockieren die Ausfahrt des POLIZEIreviers mit 1 "schweren Kette".
20190118 [l] Das Stromnetz in EUROPA ist 1.wandelnde INFRA—STRUKTUR—APOKALYPSE.
20190118 Das zeigt die Stromnetzfrequenz, die letzten —DONNERSTAG gegen 21—UHR auf 49,8 Hertz abgesunken ist.
20190118 Aber —DIESMAL haben in letzter —SEKUNDE noch MAßNAHMEn gegriffen.
20190118 [l] DER—WDR hat ein klitzekleines FAKE—NEWS—PROBLEM an der Backe.
20190118 In den Filmen tritt unter anderem jeweils dasselbe Paar auf, aber der Mann heißt dabei einmal Sven und einmal Oli.
20190118 Bedauerliches Missverständnis!1!!
20190118 [l] MAX—SCHREMS ist mit FACEBOOK nicht mehr ausgelastet, wendet sich —JETZT VIDEO—STREAMING—DIENSTEN zu.
20190118 —FILED, In 8—OUT—OF—8—CASES, noyb has, formal complaints with the relevant data protection authorities —TODAY.
20190118 Das ist dann wohl der Testfall, ob die DSGVO in der Praxis wirklich Zähne hat oder nicht.
20190118 Russische Forscher entwickeln MINI—ATOMBATTERIEN
20190118 Wissenschaftlern ist bei der ENTWICKLUNG—VON—NUKLEAREN—MINIBATTERIEN 1—DURCHBRUCH gelungen.
20190118 Bei der Entwicklung von medizinisch nutzbaren Atombatterien haben russische Forscher nach eigenen Angaben 1—WICHTIGEN technischen Fortschritt erzielt.
20190118 BREXIT, DONALD—TRUMP & Co.: Globaler Siegeszug der GAGA—POLITIKER
20190118 Zollpräsidentin zu BREXIT—PLÄNEN: "In Häfen und an Flughäfen kommt mehr Arbeit auf uns zu"
20190118 Brief in der "Times": Chefs von CDU, SPD und Grünen rufen Briten zum EU—VERBLEIB auf
20190118 BERICHT—ÜBER—ANSTIFTUNG zur Lüge: "Wenn das stimmt, muss DONALD—TRUMP zurücktreten"
20190118 DONALD—TRUMP selbst streitet alles ab.
20190118 "Es muss komisch sein, der einzige zu sein, der keine Verbrechen begeht, wenn jeder um dich herum Verbrechen begeht".
20190118 Schulstreik für DAS—KLIMA: Dürfen Schüler in der Unterrichtszeit demonstrieren? (Leben und Lernen, 15:10)
20190118 "Collection #1" und Co.: Was tun, wenn die eigenen DATEN Teil eines großen Leaks sind?
20190118 Unversöhnliche Briten: 1—LAND im KRIEG—GEGEN—SICH selbst (SPIEGEL+, 16:41)
20190118 Hessische POLIZISTEN und die rechte Szene: Behörden ermitteln gegen 12—VERDÄCHTIGE
20190118 SCHOTTLAND: Ältestes Poster des Periodensystems entdeckt
20190118 Das mit dem deutschen Titel "Periodische Gesetzmässigkeit der Elemente nach Mendelejeff" betitelte Dokument stammt 18850000 —J—AUS—DEM,
20190118 Es wäre somit 16—JAHRE—NACH—DER Erstveröffentlichung des Periodensystems durch den russischen Chemiker DMITRI—MENDELEJEW gedruckt worden.
20190118 Mendelejew veröffentlichte sein berühmtes PERIODEN—SYSTEM 18690000 -
20190118 Nur 3—JAHRE—SPÄTER gab MENDELEJEW 1.2. Fassung heraus.
20190118 ist das Plakat auf jeden Fall
20190118 Auch DAS—JAHR—DER—HERSTELLUNG war vermerkt: 18850000 - die Zahl auf dem Druck stimmte also.
20190118 BREXIT—SONDIERUNG mit JUNCKER und Tusk: May testet, was geht
20190118 Landflucht in ITALIEN: Auf SIZILIEN gibt es Häuser für 1—EURO
20190118 Abfallquoten: DEUTSCHEs RECYCLING—SYSTEM versagt beim Plastikmüll
20190118 BÖRSE—DAX—STEIGT um 2,6 %, DOW—JONES weiter auf ERFOLGS—KURS
20190118 Goodbye Großbritannien: Lasst sie ziehen! (SPIEGEL+, 18:58)
20190118 Nebeneinkünfte: BUNDESTAG rügt CDU—ABGEORDNETE Strenz wegen ASERBAIDSCHAN—AFFÄRE
20190118 [l] FACEBOOKs CHARME—OFFENSIVE geht in die "Kinder abzocken"-Phase über.
20190118 —BELIEVED, The child " these purchases were being made with virtual currency, and that his mother's credit card was not being charged for these purchases," ACCORDING—TO—1—PREVIOUS ruling by USA—DISTRICT—COURT—JUDGE—BETH—FREEMAN.
20190118 —WHEN the bill came, his mom requested FACEBOOK refund THE—MONEY, saying she never authorized ANY—CHARGES beyond the original $20.
20190118 Mit so 1—FIRMA will man doch 1—ACCOUNT unterhalten!1!!
20190118 Da will man doch ALLE—SEINE—DATEN hin hochladen!!1!
20190118 [l] Gizmodo hat 1.gruselige Story über GEO—LOKALISIERUNGS—FEHLER.
20190118 Jedenfalls kriegen DIE—REGELMÄßIG Besuch von zornigen Menschen, oft in Begleitung von DER—POLIZEI, die bei ihnen geklaute Telefone oder entführte Kinder vermuten — und zwar im Brustton der Überzeugung, weil ihr professioneller Gerätepark das zweifelsfrei zugeordnet hat.
20190118 [l] Liebe Politikinteressierten, gönnt euch mal diesen Thread hier.
20190118 Als GEGEN—LEISTUNG dürfen die Delinquenten keine Aussagen bei DER—POLIZEI machen und müssen sich verpflichten, auch nach verbüßter Strafhaft den "revolutionären Straßenkampf" fortzusetzen.
20190118 Wait, what? Wie reagiert DIE—ROTE—HILFE?
20190118 Mit 1—EINSTWEILIGEN Verfügung gegen den "Focus"
20190118 Wohlgemerkt: Der Typ, der das im PARLAMENT vortrug, war von der FDP.
20190118—19190118 100—JAHRE FRAUENWAHL—RECHT: "Mädchen und Frauen, heraus aus der Finsternis!"
20190118—20030000 —IN, IRAQ—ARCHAEOLOGIST had lent her expertise to rebuild the collection at the National Museum —AFTER it was looted.
20190118—20160000 —SENTENCED, TURKEY—STATE—OWNED—ANADOLU news agency said 1—COURT has, Murat Arslan, 1—JUDGE who previously won 1—AWARD for human rights, to 10—YEARS in prison over links to the network ANKARA says orchestrated 1 attempted coup.
20190118—20190110 —KILLED, THE—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—OFFICE said at least 34—PEOPLE have been, in CONGO —SINCE disputed provisional election results were announced.
20190130 —ASKED, BRAZIL, 3—STATE and federal agencies, that residents refrain from using water directly from the Paraopeba River or 100-meters (109—YARDS) —AROUND it —FOLLOWING 20190118 —THE Vale mining dam collapse in Brumadinho.
20190301 MEXICO—OFFICIALS said the death toll from a 20190118 explosion at 1—ILLEGALLY tapped pipeline has risen to 134.
20200118 —GATHERED, Thousands, in cities across THE—USA as part of the nationwide WOMEN—MARCH—RALLIES focused on issues such as climate change, pay equity, reproductive rights and immigration.
20200118 —ARRESTED, FLORIDA authorities, suspect ROBERT—EUGENE—KOEHLER, 60—JAHRE—ALT, 1 registered sex offender from Palm Bay.
20200118 —BELIEVED, He is, to be the notorious Pillowcase Rapist who raped more than 40—WOMEN in SOUTH—FLORIDA 19810000—19860000 —BETWEEN.
20200118 MISSOURI, church and civic leaders said nearly $13—MILLION in medical debt was wiped out for 11,108 families in THE—S—LOUIS area with money raised by more than 12 United CHURCH—OF—CHRIST—CONGREGATIONS and the Deaconess Foundation.
20200118 —REPORTED, NEW—MEXICO —SUNDAY school teacher Sasha Krause (27) was, missing.
20200118 Her body was found 1—MONTH—LATER cold and stiff, with 1—BULLET wound to the back of her head in 1—FOREST clearing outside Flagstaff.
20200118 —STATIONED, MARK—GOOCH, 21—JAHRE—ALT, 1—USA—AIR—FORCE airman, near PHOENIX was —LATER arrested.
20200118 He pleaded not guilty to murder and other charges.
20200118 PENNSYLVANIA, Delbert Orr AFRICA, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—MOVE 9—GROUP who has been imprisoned —FOR—42—YEARS for 1—CRIME he says he did not commit, was released from prison.
20200118 † He is the 8. of THE—9—MOVE—MEMBERS – 5—MEN and 4—WOMEN – to be released or to have, —WHILE in prison.
20200118 —REMAINED, The airport and businesses, closed in THE—CAPITAL—OF—NEWFOUNDLAND in Atlantic CANADA —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—1—MASSIVE—WINTER blizzard that buried cars in snow drifts and caused 1—AVALANCHE in 1—NEIGHBORHOOD.
20200118 —AGREED, CHINA and neighboring MYANMAR, to expedite several projects designated as PART—OF—THE—PAN—EURASIA—BELT and Road Initiative in 1—SIGN—OF growing ties between both countries.
20200118 —DISCOVERED, CHINA—HEALTH—AUTHORITIES said they had, 4—MORE—CASES—OF pneumonia —FOLLOWING 1—OUTBREAK—OF what is believed to be 1—NEW—CORONAVIRUS strain in THE—CENTRAL—CITY—OF—WUHAN, raising concerns that the disease could spread further.
20200118 —FIRED, LEBANON, police, volleys of tear gas and rubber bullets in BEIRUT to disperse THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS amid some of the worst rioting —SINCE demonstrations against the country's ruling elite erupted 3—MONTHS ago.
20200118 —INJURED, More than 150—PEOPLE were.
20200118 1—FIRE engulfed 1—PROTEST—CAMP in CENTRAL—BEIRUT this —EVENING, burning tents and sending PLUMES—OF—SMOKE into the air, as security forces faced off against protesters near PARLIAMENT.
20200118 —BLOCKED, Forces loyal to LIBYA—MILITARY—STRONGMAN—KHALIFA Haftar, oil exports from THE—WAR—RAVAGED country's main ports, raising the stakes on THE—EVE—OF—1—INTERNATIONAL—SUMMIT aimed at bringing peace to THE—NORTH—AFRICAN nation.
20200118 —SURGED, More than a 1000—CENTRAL—USA—MIGRANTS, onto 1—BRIDGE spanning the Suchiate River between SOUTH—MEXICO and GUATEMALA as MEXICO—NATIONAL—GUARDSMEN attempted to impede their journey north.
20200118 —ARMED, NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, heavily, jihadists have carried out an "extremely violent" attack on 1—VITAL—AID—FACILITY housing UN workers.
20200118 † 1—SOLDIER and 4—ASSAILANTS, in the ensuing gunfight.
20200118 —CLASHED, In THE—PHILIPPINES soldiers, with ABU—SAYYAF members in Sulare island in Parang town, in Sulu, killing 1—MILITANT and destroying 1 speed boat believed to have been used in 1—RECENT kidnapping of INDONESIA—FISHERMEN.
20200118 —DISCOVERED, People in 1—SOUTHERN—PUERTO—RICO city, 1—WAREHOUSE filled with water, cots and other unused emergency supplies, then set off 1—SOCIAL—MEDIA uproar —WHEN they broke in to retrieve goods as the area struggles to recover from 1—STRONG—EARTHQUAKE.
20200118 —KILLED, SOMALIA police said at least 2—PEOPLE were, and more than 20—OTHERS wounded —WHEN 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER targeted 1—CONSTRUCTION—SITE along 1—HIGHWAY outside MOGADISHU.
20200118 —FIRED, YEMEN, ballistic missiles, by Houthi rebels smashed into 1—MOSQUE in the training camp in THE—CENTRAL—PROVINCE—OF—MARIB late —TODAY, killing at least 79—TROOPS and wounding 81—OTHERS —DURING—EVENING prayers.
20200118 —CLIMBED, The death toll from the missile attack soon, to at least 111—TROOPS.
20200118 —SAMSTAG, Enthüllungsbuch über DONALD—TRUMP: "Eine langfristige GEFAHR—FÜR—DAS Land" Aus NEW—YORK berichtet MARC—PITZKE
20200118 IMPEACHMENT—VERFAHREN: DONALD—TRUMP lässt sich auch von CLINTON—ERMITTLER Starr vertreten
20200118 USA—TAUBER Mann verklagt Pornoseiten wegen fehlender Untertitel
20200118 Megastaudämme: Wasserkraft als MASSEN—VERNICHTUNGS—WAFFE
20200118 LIBYEN: ERDOGAN fordert EU—UNTERSTÜTZUNG für türkische Militärhilfe
20200118 —PROTESTE—IN—INDIEN: Der Widerstand der Frauen Aus BANGALORE und DELHI berichten Laura Höflinger und Sunaina Kumar
20200118 Umstrittener Ausrüster: Seehofer hält 5G—NETZAUFBAU ohne Huawei für schwierig
20200118 Schwärme mit Millionen Tieren: Heuschreckenplage in Ostafrika
20200118 —KONFLIKT in LIBYEN: Demonstranten besetzen wichtige Ölhäfen - Sat 20200118
20200118 Libanon: Mehr als 200—VERLETZTE bei Zusammenstößen in BEIRUT
20200118 Weniger Obst, mehr Flexibilität, USA—REGIERUNG will Vorschriften für Schulessen lockern
20200118 [l] Schlagzeile des —JAHRES:
20200118 Lockheed MARTIN—WILL—REPLACE F-35's Faulty Computer System With CLOUD—BASED Programs
20200118 Mich wundert bei sowas ja immer ein bisschen, daß die freiwillig 1—DENIAL—OF—SERVICE—IM—NETZWERK zu einem DENIAL—OF—SERVICE auf dem ganzen Gerät upgraden.
20200118 Und in einem beweglichen Gerät ist das Netzwerk wahrscheinlich FUNK—BASIERT, d.h. 1—JAMMER reicht, und die Software kann nicht mehr mit der Cloud reden.
20200118 Ach komm, Fefe, ist doch bloß SPUTNIK.
20200118 Stimmt, aber ist halt kein Einzelfall.
20200118 —JUST like almost everything else, MILITARy organizations increasingly depend on software, and they are turning to 1—ARRAY of open source cloud tools like Kubernetes and Istio to get the job done, ACCORDING—TO, 1—PRESENTATION delivered by NICHOLAS—CHAILLAN, CHIEF software officer for THE—USA—AIR—FORCE, at KubeCon 20190000 in S—DIEGO.
20200118 Halt, halt, das war —ERST die halbe Meldung! Geht noch weiter!
20200118 Those tools have to be deployed in SOME—VERY interesting places, from weapons systems to even fighter planes.
20200118 Yes, F-16s are running Kubernetes on the legacy hardware built into those jets.
20200118 —GELESEN, Ja, richtig ! Kubernetes im F—16—UND im Waffensystem!
20200118 Ich weiß ja nicht, wie es euch geht, aber ich mache mir immer weniger Sorgen vor einem 3. Weltkrieg.
20200118 Die werden ihre Flugzeuge gar nicht hochkriegen im Ernstfall, weil die Gegenseite das so timen wird, daß gerade Active Directory wegen eines CITRIX—PATCHES abgeschaltet ist.
20200118 DIE—CHINESISCHEN Behörden melden weiterhin nur knapp mehr als 40—INFIZIERTE, britische Gesundheitsexperten zweifeln die Zahl an.
20200118 Sie gehen VON—CA—1700—ERKRANKTEN aus.
20200118 Bei ihren Hochrechnungen stützen sie sich auf die Fälle unter Reisenden, die das VIRUS aus CHINA exportiert haben.
20200118 DIE—CHINESISCHEN Behörden gehen VON—CA—1.700—ERKRANKTEN aus.
20200118 DIE—CHINESISCHEN Behörden Bei ihren Hochrechnungen stützen sich auf die Fälle unter Reisenden, die das VIRUS aus CHINA exportiert haben.
20200118—19780808 —ARRESTED, The 9 were, and sentenced to 30—YEARS to life —FOLLOWING 1—DRAMATIC—POLICE—SIEGE—OF—THEIR communal home in PHILADELPHIA which culminated with 1—SHOOTOUT.
20200118—20170900 —PILED, The emergency supplies had been, in the warehouse —SINCE Hurricane Maria battered PUERTO—RICO.
20200209—20200118 —SINCE, Oil output in LIBYA has fallen sharply because of 1—BLOCKADE of ports and fields by groups loyal to EASTERN—BASED COMMANDER—KHALIFA—HAFTAR.
20210101—20210118 —AM, in der EU die 1. Menschen impfen und landesweit starten.
20210102—20210118 —AM, Ursprünglich sollte nach einem symbolischen Start 20210108 —AM—ERST landesweit in 25—ZENTREN geimpft werden.
20210103—20210118 —AB, Nach monatelanger Sperre: Italiens Skigebiete öffnen
20210118 321_DGS_boletim_20210117
20210118 —MONTAG, 20210118
20210118 PHIL—SPECTOR ist tot: Von der "WALL—OF—SOUND" hinter die Gefängnismauer
20210118 Historiker Volker Reinhardt über Pest und CORONA: "Epidemien locken die bösen Kräfte hervor"
20210118 150—JAHRE nach der Reichsgründung: Es gibt sie, die deutsche Nation
20210118 Satellitenbild der Woche: EISBERG—GIGANTEN auf freier Fahrt
20210118 Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: Armin Laschet, der ASSAD—VERTEIDIGER Von Mathieu von Rohr, Ressortleiter Ausland
20210118 QANON—ANHÄNGERIN Marjorie TAYLOR—GREENE: Twitter sperrt vorübergehend Konto einer republikanischen Abgeordneten
20210118 Nach Festnahme in Moskau: Bundesregierung fordert sofortige Freilassung Nawalnys
20210118 Korruption: SAMSUNG—ERBE muss zweieinhalb Jahre hinter Gitter
20210118 Brasilien: Rios Strände sind voll — trotz CORONA
20210118 Schärfere Coronamaßnahmen: Topökonomen warnen vor Wirtschaftslockdown
20210118 Medienberichte: Biden will offenbar umstrittene Ölpipeline Keystone XL stoppen
20210118 Schweiz: Südafrikanische CORONA—MUTATION erreicht Nobelort S—MORITZ
20210118 BREXIT—FOLGE: Palettenmangel könnte Handel mit Großbritannien bremsen
20210118 Bedeutsamer Fund in Ägypten: 3000—JAHRE alte Sarkophage entdeckt
20210118 Prozess in Polizeiwache: Gerichtsverhandlung gegen Kremlgegner Nawalny gestartet
20210118 VIRGIN—ORBIT—PROJEKT: Rakete von Milliardär Branson setzt erstmals erfolgreich Satelliten aus
20210118 Economist Nouriel Roubini: "Twitter and the Other Platforms Are Bad, Facebook Is Worse" Interview Conducted by TIM—BARTZ
20210118 NIEDERSACHSEN: Kultusminister rechnet nicht mit normalem Schulalltag im Februar
20210118 Vor dem Machtwechsel: FBI überprüft 25.000—SOLDATEN, die Bidens Amtseinführung sichern sollen
20210118 Todesstrafe: SAUDI—ARABIEN meldet deutlich weniger Hinrichtungen
20210118 Streit über TAIWAN: CHINA verhängt Strafen gegen USA—BEAMTE
20210118 Insolvente STEAKHAUS—KETTE : Maredo entlässt offenbar fast ALLE—MITARBEITER
20210118 —VERKRAFTET, Monatsbericht der Bundesbank: Deutsche Wirtschaft, Shutdown recht gut
20210118 —GESICHERT, Arbeitsplätze : Eurowings und Ver.di einigen sich auf CORONAKRISEN—PAKT
20210118 RKI—ANGABEN offenbar unvollständig
20210118 Nach Eindringen ins Kapitol: METAL—GITARRIST JON—SCHAFFER festgenommen
20210118 Nun hat sich der Musiker JON—SCHAFFER von der Band Iced Earth den Behörden gestellt.
20210118 Ihm werden insgesamt 6—VERGEHEN vorgeworfen.
20210118 In dem Bericht des FBI—AGENTEN wird auch ausführlich Bezug genommen auf FRÜHERE—AUSSAGEN—SCHAFFERS, die seine Positionierung am äußeren rechten Rand des politischen Spektrums und seine grundsätzliche Bereitschaft belegen, Gewalt zur Umsetzung seiner Ziele einzusetzen.
20210118 Seine Bandkollegen hatten —NACH—DEM Sturm aufs Kapitol 1—MITTEILUNG veröffentlicht, in der sie sich von dem Aufstand distanzierten.
20210118 Auch die deutsche Band Blind GUARDIAN, deren Sänger HANSI—KÜRSCH 1—NEBENPROJEKT mit Schaffer namens Demons & Wizards hat, distanzierte sich in einem Statement von "JEDER—FORM—DER—GEWALT" und zeigte sich erschüttert.
20210118 Kampf gegen das Coronavirus: Lauterbach fordert AUSGANGSSPERRE—NIEDERSACHSEN für HOMEOFFICE—PFLICHT
20210118 Zigarettenkonsum: Raucher greifen wieder zu Selbstgedrehten
20210118 Zufallsfund im Wald bei Seevetal: Erddepot könnte Bunker der "Revolutionären Zellen" sein
20210118 150—JAHRE Reichsgründung: Das schwierige Erbe des Kaiserreichs
20210118 Rassismusvorwürfe bei UNION—SPIEL: Was auf dem Platz gesagt wird, geht alle an
20210118 Nach Klage: Check24 stellt Vergleichsportal für Banken ein
20210118 Schnüffeltest: Wiener Sängerknaben helfen bei Ausbildung von CORONA—SPÜRHUNDEN
20210118 Eilmeldung
20210118 —VERURTEILT, Kremlkritiker zurück in Russland: Nawalny zu 30—TAGEN Haft
20210118 Mon 20210118
20210118 [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON: Mann wohnt aus COVID—FURCHT —SEIT—3—MONATEN in Flughafen.
20210118 Die Virologin Marylyn Addo erwartet in der CORONA—PANDEMIE "vom Frühjahr an und im —SOMMER eine deutliche Entspannung.
20210118 "—SCHON wegen des wärmeren Wetters und der höheren Impfquote", sagte die Leiterin der Sektion Infektiologie vom Universitätsklinikum HAMBURG—EPPENDORF (UKE)
20210118 GÖRING—ECKARDT fordert Ausweitung von CORONA—SCHNELLTESTS
20210118 Regelmäßige Schnelltests sollten laut GÖRING—ECKARDT in allen Berufen, in denen Menschen regelmäßig mit wechselnden Kontakten arbeiten, für mehr Sicherheit sorgen.
20210118 Als Beispiel nannte sie Ärzte, Pflegekräfte oder Polizisten.
20210118 Patientenschützer für einheitlichen CORONA—SCHUTZ für Pflegeheime
20210118 Brysch sprach aber von einem "PANDEMIE—VERSAGEN" in der Altenpflege.
20210118 "Die vielen Infektionen führen zu täglich hohen Todesraten besonders unter den 900.000—PFLEGEHEIMBEWOHNERN".
20210118 Dafür sei auch mangelnde Hygiene verantwortlich.
20210118 Die Gesundheitsämter hätten in der Pandemie die wichtigen externen Kontrollen weitestgehend eingestellt.
20210118 Es fehlten verpflichtende Tests vor jedem Dienstbeginn und Besuch.
20210118 "Auch ist das Konzept gescheitert, infizierte Patienten in den Einrichtungen weiter zu betreuen.
20210118 Doch immer weniger Heimbewohner werden in den Krankenhäusern versorgt".
20210118 Das Durchschnittsalter der Covid-19-Patienten sinke in den Kliniken auffällig deutlich.
20210118 Bayerns Ministerpräsident MARKUS—SÖDER hat die anderen Bundesländer vor den BUND—LÄNDER—BERATUNGEN aufgefordert, gemeinsam gefasste Beschlüsse zur Eindämmung der CORONA—PANDEMIE konsequenter umzusetzen.
20210118 "Die HÄLFTE—DER—LÄNDER macht ja was ganz anderes",
20210118 "Warum beschließen wir etwas, wo dann die Hälfte das anders macht?" Söder mahnte zur konsequenten Anwendung und Umsetzung dessen, was von der Ministerpräsidentenkonferenz beschlossen wird.
20210118 "Ich halte auch nichts von endlosen Differenzierungen.
20210118 Denn nur was für alle gilt, ist verständlich".
20210118 "Selbst wenn wir einen großen TEIL—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG geimpft haben, wissen wir nicht, ob das die Übertragung des Virus verhindern wird",
20210118 Studie bestätigt 1. Impferfolge in ISRAEL
20210118 Clalit, 1—DER—GRÖßTEN—KRANKENKASSEN im Land, hat 1—GRUPPE—VON—200.000—GEIMPFTEN im Alter über 60—MIT einer gleich großen Gruppe NICHT—GEIMPFTER verglichen.
20210118 Demnach war die ZAHL—DER—INFIZIERTEN in der geimpften Gruppe —BEREITS 2—WOCHEN nach der 1. Dosis um 33—PROZENT niedriger als in der NICHT—GEIMPFTEN Gruppe.
20210118 Die Krankenkasse Maccabi berichtete von 60—PROZENT weniger Infektionen 2—WOCHEN nach der 1. Dosis, eine ranghohe Mitarbeiterin des Gesundheitsministeriums sprach von 50—PROZENT weniger positiven Testergebnissen nach diesem Zeitraum.
20210118 Außerdem berichten die Krankenkassen in ISRAEL—VON überwiegend milden Nebenwirkungen.
20210118 —BEGINNT, FFP2-Maskenpflicht in BAYERN, mit einer "Kulanzwoche" - BAYERN, sind nun FFP2-Masken Pflicht.
20210118 Bußgelder soll es aber —ERST ab kommender Woche geben.
20210118 Vor dem Spitzentreffen der Ministerpräsidenten zu Beratungen über die Coronakrise hat sich Bundeswirtschaftsminister PETER—ALTMAIER (CDU) für 1—VERSCHÄRFUNG—DES—LOCKDOWNS ausgesprochen.
20210118 "Was wir uns wirtschaftlich am wenigsten leisten können, ist die Verschärfung der Pandemie", sagte Altmaier
20210118 VIELE—ÖFFENTLICHE—VERWALTUNGEN in Deutschland schaffen Technik an, um ihren Mitarbeitern in der CORONA—PANDEMIE die Arbeit zu Hause zu ermöglichen.
20210118 "Die Städte haben in Sachen Homeoffice eine steile Lernkurve hinter sich"
20210118 Der Einbruch des Flugverkehrs durch die CORONA—PANDEMIE hat den Frankfurter Flughafen 20200000 im Passagiergeschäft deutlich zurückgeworfen.
20210118 Das Passagieraufkommen habe mit knapp 18,8 Millionen Fluggästen 73,4 Prozent niedriger gelegen als im Rekordjahr 20190000 ,
20210118 Das entspreche dem Niveau aus dem —JAHR 19840000 .
20210118 Chinas Wirtschaft ist trotz der CORONA—PANDEMIE im vergangenen —JAHR gewachsen.
20210118 Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) der weltweit zweitgrößten Volkswirtschaft legte um 2,3 Prozent zu,
20210118 Für die Volksrepublik ist dies das schwächste Wachstum —SEIT Jahrzehnten.
20210118 SACHSEN—ANHALTS Ministerpräsident REINER—HASELOFF (CDU) rechnet fest mit einer Nachschärfung.
20210118 "Klar ist, dass wir ALLE—MAßNAHMEN noch mal auf ihre Wirkung prüfen müssen und gegebenenfalls da, wo wir uns 1—WIRKUNG versprechen, nachschärfen müssen",
20210118 Einreise nach Großbritannien nur noch mit negativem CORONA—TEST
20210118 Dieser darf nicht mehr als 72—STUNDEN zurückliegen,
20210118 Trotzdem müssen sich Einreisende nach ihrer Ankunft in eine zehntägige Quarantäne begeben — egal, aus welchem Land sie kommen.
20210118 Diese Selbstisolation kann frühestens ab dem 5. —TAG durch einen weiteren negativen CORONA—TEST beendet werden.
20210118 Gesundheitsminister Spahn: "1. Erfolge — aber keine Entwarnung"
20210118 Die Frage sei, ob es neue Regeln brauche oder ob man das Bewusstsein für die bestehenden Verordnungen schärfen müsse.
20210118 Unbekannte CORONA—MUTATION wohl in GARMISCH—PARTENKIRCHEN entdeckt
20210118 "1—PANIKMACHE wäre absolut unseriös und unangebracht.
20210118 Allein die Tatsache, dass es eine neue Variante ist, besagt ja nicht, dass sie infektiöser ist",
20210118 Briten kurz vor Impfung der nächsten Bevölkerungsgruppe
20210118 SPD—GEFÜHRTE Länder bremsen bei verschärften CORONA—MAßNAHMEN
20210118 —VERPFLICHTET, Gesundheitsminister JENS—SPAHN, Labors, gezielt nach hochansteckenden Virusmutationen zu suchen.
20210118 Das sieht 1—VON—SPAHN am —MONTAG vorgestellte Verordnung zur GEN—SEQUENZIERUNG vor.
20210118 Ziel ist es demnach, künftig mindestens 5—PROZENT—DER—POSITIVPROBEN auf GEN—MUTATIONEN zu untersuchen.
20210118 "Wir wollen einen besseren Überblick über die in Deutschland zirkulierenden Virusvarianten", s
20210118 Die Labors erhalten für den Mehraufwand sowie das Melden der Daten 220—EURO pro Probe.
20210118 "Es ist vorgesehen, dass —BIS zu einer durchschnittlichen täglichen Fallzahl von 10.000—SARS—COV—2—INFEKTIONEN —BIS zu 10—PROZENT der positiv getesteten Proben von den Laboratorien, die 1—PRIMÄRDIAGNOSTIK durchführen, an die sequenzierenden Einrichtungen versendet werden können.
20210118 Wegen der Furcht vor einer AUSBREITUNG—VON—CORONAVIRUS—MUTATIONEN fordert Gesundheitsminister JENS—SPAHN verstärkte Tests von BERUFS—UND Grenzpendlern.
20210118 —VERHINDERT, Es müsse, werden, dass hochansteckende Virusvarianten nach Deutschland hineingetragen würden,
20210118 Nach dreitägigen nächtlichen Ausschreitungen gegen die geltende CORONA—AUSGANGSSPERRE sind in mehreren Städten Tunesiens insgesamt mehr als 600—MENSCHEN festgenommen worden.
20210118 632—PROTESTIERENDE insbesondere im Alter zwischen 15—UND 25—JAHREN seien in Gewahrsam genommen worden,
20210118 Die Randalierer hatten sich der Ausgangssperre 3—NÄCHTE in Folge widersetzt.
20210118 Die genauen Hintergründe waren —ZUNÄCHST unklar, doch leidet Tunesien auch 10—JAHRE —NACH—DEM STURZ—DES—LANGJÄHRIGEN—MACHTHABERS—ZINE—EL—ABIDINE—BEN—ALI unter politischer Instabilität, Korruption und einer desolaten Wirtschaftslage.
20210118 Die Coronakrise sorgt für weitere Preissteigerungen, die —BEREITS hohe Arbeitslosigkeit verfestigt sich.
20210118 1—DRITTEL der jungen Leute ist inzwischen ohne Arbeit.
20210118 Nobelhotels in S—MORITZ unter Quarantäne
20210118 Rund 95—GÄSTE und 300—ANGESTELLTE dürfen die Hotels BADRUTT—PALACE—HOTEL und Grand Hotel des Bains Kempinski vorerst nicht verlassen, nachdem in den beiden Hotels rund 12—INFEKTIONEN festgestellt wurden.
20210118 In der Slowakei ist eine neue Runde landesweiter MASSEN—CORONATESTS angelaufen.
20210118 —BESCHLOSSEN, Die Regierung habe, den derzeitigen Lockdown mit Massentests zu flankieren,
20210118 Die Linkspartei pocht darauf, die Einschränkungen wegen der CORONA—PANDEMIE stärker sozial zu flankieren.
20210118 Für alle, die Sozialleistungen beziehen, müsse es einen "sofortigen CORONA—AUFSCHLAG—VON—100—EURO geben",
20210118 "Wir stehen für einen solidarischen Lockdown", hob er hervor.
20210118 Auch das Kurzarbeitergeld müsse erhöht werden.
20210118 "PANDEMIETREIBER—SITUATIONEN" sieht Schindler —DERZEIT vor allem in der Arbeitswelt.
20210118 "Da ist der entscheidende Fokus hinzuverlegen", forderte der Linkenpolitiker
20210118 Dagegen spielten private Partys aus seiner Sicht —DERZEIT eine geringere Rolle, äußerte er sich skeptisch zu möglichen Effekten einer nächtlichen Ausgangssperre.
20210118 RKI bestätigt — Montagszahlen unvollständig
20210118 Norwegen behält die meisten seiner CORONA—MAßNAHMEN bei, lockert aber EINIGE—BESCHRÄNKUNGEN für Kinder und Jugendliche.
20210118 Unter anderem können Jüngere im Alter —BIS zu 20—JAHREN nun wieder wie normal zum örtlichen Training oder zu anderen Freizeitaktivitäten gehen — in der HALLE oder unter freiem Himmel.
20210118 Weltweit rechnet die Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO "sehr bald" damit, dass die Zahl der an oder mit COVID—19—VERSTORBENEN Menschen die Marke von 100.000—PRO Woche überschreitet.
20210118 Vergangene Woche seien es 93.000—GEWESEN,
20210118 EUROPA, stabilisiere sich —DERZEIT die ZAHL—DER—INFEKTIONEN und Todesfälle auf einem hohen Niveau.
20210118 Aktuell würden 47—PROZENT aller Toten auf dem amerikanischen Kontinent gezählt.
20210118 Mehr als 170—MENSCHEN hat die Berliner Polizei am Samstagabend in einer Kirche im Berliner Stadtteil Gesundbrunnen angetroffen.
20210118 "Offenkundig sollte in der Kirche 1—GOTTESDIENST abgehalten werden",
20210118 Der Veranstalter hatte mit einer Teilnehmerzahl im niedrigen zweistelligen Bereich gerechnet, wie er gegenüber den Beamten angab.
20210118 Für die Veranstaltung lag kein Hygienekonzept vor, Anwesenheitslisten wurden nicht geführt.
20210118 Zusätzlich zu rund 170—ERWACHSENEN, deren Personalien von der Polizei aufgenommen wurden, waren auch zahlreiche Kinder anwesend
20210118 Hoteleiros consideram que medidas de apoio são "desajustadas, ineficazes e insuficientes"
20210118 LOCO, procura parceiros para abastecer cantinas do Algarve com produtos locais
20210118 Marcelo diz que Governo não previu terceira vaga da pandemia
20210118 Diversidade genética do cardo é tema de sessão online promovida pelo CEBAL
20210118 Algarve com 239—NOVOS casos e três vítimas mortais da Covid-19
20210118 A diversidade genética do cardo e a sua influência na qualidade de queijos amanteigados vai ser discutida na sessão online
20210118 "Caracterização das populações silvestres de Cynara cardunculus", que o Centro de Biotecnologia Agrícola e Agroalimentar do Alentejo (CEBAL) vai promover na QUARTA—FEIRA, dia 20, e que contará com a especialista espanhola Elena Ordiales.
20210118 Albufeira Casos confirmados - 15730000 (+62) Óbitos - 9 (=) Recuperados - 933 (=) Casos ativos - 631 (+62)
20210118 Alcoutim Casos confirmados - 40 (=) Óbitos - 3 (=) Recuperados - 21 (=) Casos ativos - 16 (=)
20210118 Aljezur Casos confirmados - 51 (=) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 31 (=) Casos ativos - 19 (=)
20210118 Castro Marim Casos confirmados - 133 (+2) Óbitos - 0 (=) Recuperados - 79 (=) Casos ativos - 54 (+2)
20210118 Lagoa Casos confirmados - 410 (+8) Óbitos - 5 (+1) Recuperados - 290 (=) Casos ativos - 115 (+7)
20210118 LAGOS Casos confirmados - 919 (+10) Óbitos - 10 (=) Recuperados - 717 (=) Casos ativos - 192 (+10)
20210118 Loulé Casos confirmados - 2203 (+97) Óbitos - 22 (+1) Recuperados - 12910000 (=) Casos ativos - 890 (+96)
20210118 Monchique Casos confirmados - 52 (+1) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 47 (=) Casos ativos - 4 (+1)
20210118 Portimão Casos confirmados - 13880000 (+16) Óbitos - 16 (=) Recuperados - 10920000 (=) Casos ativos - 280 (+16)
20210118 Silves Casos confirmados - 757 (+22) Óbitos - 5 (+1) Recuperados - 437 (=) Casos ativos - 315 (+21)
20210118 São Brás de Alportel Casos confirmados - 245 (+3) Óbitos - 10 (=) Recuperados - 178 (=) Casos Ativos - 57 (+3)
20210118 VRSA Casos confirmados - 557 (+26) Óbitos - 8 (=) Recuperados - 363 (=) Casos ativos - 186 (+26)
20210118 LK Aurich Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 90—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 47,4 Fälle gesamt 1.788—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 942,6 Todesfälle gesamt 23—EINWOHNERZAHL 189.694—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210118 LK Düren Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 288—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 108,8 Fälle gesamt 7.807—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.950,1 Todesfälle gesamt 195—EINWOHNERZAHL 264.638—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210118 LK Euskirchen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 194—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 100,2 Fälle gesamt 4.347—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.244,7 Todesfälle gesamt 137—EINWOHNERZAHL 193.656—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210118 LK Osterholz Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 39—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 34,2 Fälle gesamt 1.482—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.300,8 Todesfälle gesamt 37—EINWOHNERZAHL 113.928—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210118 LK Plön Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 56—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 43,5 Fälle gesamt 672—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 522,2 Todesfälle gesamt 16—EINWOHNERZAHL 128.686—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210118 LK RENDSBURG—ECKERNFÖRDE Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 100—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 36,5 Fälle gesamt 2.022—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 737,7 Todesfälle gesamt 23—EINWOHNERZAHL 274.098—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210118 LK RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 513—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 109,0 Fälle gesamt 10.134—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.153,4 Todesfälle gesamt 233—EINWOHNERZAHL 470.615—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210118 LK RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 367—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 129,6 Fälle gesamt 6.218—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.195,1 Todesfälle gesamt 89—EINWOHNERZAHL 283.271
20210118 LK Rotenburg (Wümme) Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 72—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 44,0 Fälle gesamt 2.111—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.288,9 Todesfälle gesamt 59—EINWOHNERZAHL 163.782—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210118 LK SCHLESWIG—FLENSBURG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 77—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 38,3 Fälle gesamt 1.209—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 601,0 Todesfälle gesamt 30—EINWOHNERZAHL 201.156—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210118 LK TRIER—SAARBURG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 55—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 36,8 Fälle gesamt 2.638—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.765,8 Todesfälle gesamt 72—EINWOHNERZAHL 149.398—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210118 LK Verden Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 57—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 41,6 Fälle gesamt 2.408—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.756,0 Todesfälle gesamt 33—EINWOHNERZAHL 137.133—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210118 LK Wolfenbüttel Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 54—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 45,1 Fälle gesamt 1.243—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.039,1 Todesfälle gesamt 46—EINWOHNERZAHL 119.622—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210118 SK Bamberg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 35—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 45,2 Fälle gesamt 1.526—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.972,3 Todesfälle gesamt 61—EINWOHNERZAHL 77.373—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210118 SK Emden Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 17—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 34,1 Fälle gesamt 474—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 949,7 Todesfälle gesamt 5—EINWOHNERZAHL 49.913—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210118 SK Köln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 1.124—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 103,3 Fälle gesamt 28.770—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.644,6 Todesfälle gesamt 395—EINWOHNERZAHL 1.087.863
20210118 SK ROSTOCK Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 98—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 46,8 Fälle gesamt 1.139—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 544,5 Todesfälle gesamt 12—EINWOHNERZAHL 209.191—BUNDESLAND MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN
20210118 SK Zweibrücken Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 9—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 26,3 Fälle gesamt 390—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.140,6 Todesfälle gesamt 3—EINWOHNERZAHL 34.193—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210118 Global Cases 95.132.795 Global Deaths 2.032.636
20210118 Appell an den BUNDESTAG: Geraubte "Lebensborn"-Kinder fordern Anerkennung als NS—OPFER
20210118 Bislang gelten die Lebensgeschichten dieser Menschen lediglich als sogenanntes Kriegsfolgenschicksal.
20210118 "Das beschriebene Schicksal betraf im Rahmen des Kriegsgeschehens 1—VIELZAHL—VON—FAMILIEN und diente der Kriegsstrategie", teilte das Finanzministerium 20120000 als Reaktion auf 1—PETITION mit.
20210118 "Es hatte nicht in 1. Linie die Vernichtung oder Freiheitsberaubung der Betroffenen zum Ziel, sondern deren Gewinnung zum eigenen Nutzen".
20210118 Der Verein um den Lehrer CHRISTOPH—SCHWARZ hält das für 1—FARCE, im Brief an die Parlamentarier ist von einer "zynischen Begründung" die Rede.
20210118 Selbst FRÜHERE—SCHERGEN—DER—SS seien mit einer Kriegsopferrente bedacht worden, während aus ihren Heimatländern und Familien gerissene Kinder weder Rente noch Entschädigung erhielten.
20210118 NORD—STREAM 2: Klimaschützer stellen sich gegen Schwesig
20210118 Umstrittene Ostseepipeline: Umweltverbände gehen gegen Weiterbau von NORD—STREAM 2—VOR
20210118 CORONA—REGELN: Söder spricht sich gegen schärferen Shutdown aus
20210118 BKA—ANALYSE: BERLIN ist "DREH—UND Angelpunkt" von Menschenschleusern
20210118 KITA—PERSONAL in der Coronakrise: "Wir sind müde und kaputt" Aufgezeichnet von Silke Fokken und KRISTIN—HAUG
20210118 Erdbeben in Indonesien: Einsatzkräfte finden immer mehr Tote — Überschwemmungen auf Borneo
20210118 Großbritannien: Gäste von illegaler Party wollen von CORONA nichts gewusst haben
20210118 Mit einer ungewöhnlichen Rechtfertigung haben 6—MENSCHEN in ENGLAND versucht, einer Strafe wegen einer illegalen Party zu entgehen: Sie hätten weder gewusst, dass 1—PANDEMIE wüte, noch die Vorschriften gekannt — da sie keine Nachrichten verfolgten.
20210118 GROßBRITANNIEN, sind Schätzungen zufolge —BEREITS mehr als 100.000—MENSCHEN mit oder an der Krankheit COVID—19—GESTORBEN.
20210118 Winterspiele 20220000 in Peking: Aktivisten setzen OLYMPIA—SPONSOREN wegen Lage der Uiguren unter Druck
20210118 Gerichtsentscheidung: Soldaten müssen Impfbefehl befolgen
20210118 MEHRHEIT—DER—DEUTSCHEN hält Laschet für keine gute Wahl
20210118 LKW—DEMO nahe der Downing Street: Britische Fischer protestieren gegen BREXIT—BÜROKRATIE
20210118 Covid-19: 11—CONCELHOS algarvios têm risco muito ou extremamente elevado de contágio
20210118 Segundo a lista da DGS, o concelho da região com menos casos (entre 20—E 59—POR 100—MIL habitantes nos últimos 14—DIAS) volta a ser o de Monchique, que, ainda assim, é considerado como tendo risco Moderado.
20210118 Neste mesmo escalão do risco Moderado, mas com 120-239,9 casos por 100—MIL habitantes, estão também Aljezur e Vila do Bispo.
20210118 Por seu lado, Lagoa e Portimão ENCONTRAM—SE na faixa dos concelhos de risco Elevado (240-479,9).
20210118 Prova de que a situação epidemiológica no Algarve se tem vindo a agravar é que há oito concelhos algarvios no grau de risco muito elevado (480 a 959,99).
20210118 São eles Alcoutim, Castro Marim, Faro, LAGOS, Olhão, São Brás, Silves e Vila Real de Santo António.
20210118 Tráfego aéreo em 20200000 diminuiu quase 60% para níveis de 1998
20210118 322_DGS_boletim_20210118
20210118 Großbritannien meldet mehr als 4—MILLIONEN Geimpfte
20210118 FLENSBURG, sind mehr als 20—VERDACHTSFÄLLE von mutierten Coronaviren festgestellt worden.
20210118 Es handle sich um Laborergebnisse, die —JETZT an das nationale Konsiliarlabor für Coronaviren an der Charité in BERLIN gingen,
20210118 WHO—CHEF: "Die Welt steht am Rand eines katastrophalen moralischen Versagens"
20210118 Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) hat bei den CORONA—IMPFUNGEN die gewaltige Kluft zwischen den reichen und den armen Ländern scharf kritisiert.
20210118 —INZWISCHEN, Während in mindestens 49—WOHLHABENDEN Staaten, 39—MILLIONEN Dosen verabreicht worden seien, liege die ZAHL—DER—GESPRITZTEN—DOSEN in einem der besonders armen Länder bei gerade einmal 25,
20210118 "Nur 25—DOSEN wurden in einem der ärmsten Länder verabreicht, nicht 25—MILLIONEN, nicht 25.000, nur 25",
20210118 Genesene könnten laut Studie länger vor erneuter CORONA—ANSTECKUNG geschützt sein
20210118 Grund dafür seien sogenannte Gedächtniszellen, die auch mehr als ein halbes —JAHR nach einer überstandenen CORONA—ERKRANKUNG die zur Bekämpfung der Infektion nötigen Antikörper produzieren können.
20210118 Das geht aus einem von Schweizer und USA—FORSCHERN in der Fachzeitschrift "Nature" veröffentlichten Artikel hervor.
20210118 Die Gedächtniszellen seien "essenziell" für die Wirksamkeit der CORONA—IMPFUNGEN, heißt es darin.
20210118 Untersuchungen von 87—BESTÄTIGTEN CORONA—PATIENTEN hätten ergeben, dass die Antikörper nach der Genesung wieder verschwinden.
20210118 Doch die Reaktion der sogenannten B—GEDÄCHTNISZELLEN sei auch noch gut —6—MONATE—SPÄTER vorhanden.
20210118 Dies lege nahe, dass die Körper von —BEREITS einmal infizierten Menschen "schnell und effizient" auf weitere Infektionen reagieren könnten.
20210118 USA erinnern an fast 400.000—CORONA—TOTE
20210118 Spanien mit Höchstwert von mehr als 84.000—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN
20210118 Wegen der —BEREITS—SEIT Wochen anziehenden Zahlen verschärften die autonomen Gemeinschaften des Landes, die deutschen Bundesländern ähneln, die Maßnahmen gegen die AUSBREITUNG—DES—CORONAVIRUS weiter.
20210118 Auch die Anfangszeiten der nächtlichen Ausgangssperren wurden — wo noch nicht geschehen — auf 22—UHR vorgezogen.
20210118 Landesweit gelten verschiedene Regeln, da JEDE—GEMEINSCHAFT dies in einem festgelegten Rahmen selbst entscheiden kann.
20210118 EU—GIPFEL soll über Impfpass und IMPF—PRIVILEGIEN beraten
20210118 "Der Prozess des Impfens eröffnet die Debatte über Zertifikate", schrieb EU—RATSCHEF CHARLES—MICHEL in seinem Einladungsschreiben an Bundeskanzlerin ANGELA—MERKEL und die übrigen STAATS—UND Regierungschefs.
20210118 "Wir werden die Angemessenheit eines gemeinsamen Vorgehens diskutieren sowie, falls das passend ist, die Frage, unter welchen Umständen Ausweise genutzt werden könnten".
20210118 Eine unabhängige Untersuchungskommission zur weltweiten Reaktion auf die Pandemie kritisiert die anfänglichen Maßnahmen Chinas und der Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO als schleppend.
20210118 Ein endgültiger Bericht soll im Mai folgen.
20210118 Die Finanzminister der EURO—MITGLIEDSLÄNDER bekennen sich zu weiteren Hilfen für die Wirtschaft während der Krise.
20210118 Hierbei gebe es einen "sehr starken Konsens",
20210118 Brasilien und CHILE starten CORONA—IMPFKAMPAGNE
20210118 Bundesarbeitsminister HUBERTUS—HEIL wirbt um Verständnis für eine bevorstehende Verschärfung der CORONA—MAßNAHMEN.
20210118 Es sei auch im wirtschaftlichen Interesse, dass diese nun zum Zwecke des Infektionsschutzes für eine begrenzte Zeit nachgeschärft werden, sagt der SPD—POLITIKER
20210118 —BERICHTET, CORONA: Klinik, über Virusmutation in GARMISCH—PARTENKIRCHEN
20210118 Erbgut entschlüsselt: Das Geheimnis des Lungenfischs
20210118 —LAUT—FBI, Randaliererin wollte Pelosis Laptop an Russland verkaufen
20210118 NORD—STREAM 2: USA kündigen Sanktionen gegen russisches Schiff an
20210118-20210130 —BIS—ZUM, Die WHO hätte demnach ihrerseits nicht warten sollen, 1—INTERNATIONALEN Notfall auszurufen.
20210118—20190000 —J—IM, betrug das Plus 6,1 Prozent.
20210118—20200100 —IM, Die Regierung in Peking hätte entschlossener Maßnahmen ergreifen können, erklärt die Expertengruppe, die von der ehemaligen neuseeländischen Ministerpräsidentin Helen Clark und Liberias EX—PRÄSIDENTIN Ellen JOHNSON—SIRLEAF geleitet wird.
20210118—20210000 —J—IM, Australien wird Grenzen für Reisende voraussichtlich nicht öffnen
20210212 BELARUS PRESIDENT—ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO said that 1—REFERENDUM on changing the country's constitution would be held no —LATER than 20220118 .