Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 17. January ?

Ereignisse an einem 17. January

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03950117             † RÖMER—KAISER—THEODOSIUS—I.
03950117             —NACH des RÖMER—KAISER—THEODOSIUS—I. TOD,
03950117             aufteilen, des RÖMER—KAISER—THEODOSIUS—I. Sohn Honorius, Sohn Arcadius die Herrschaft im RÖMER—REICH unter sich in WEST—RÖMER—REICH, OST—RÖMER—REICH.
03950117             EMPEROR—THEODOSIUS—I—THE—GREAT wrote into his will that upon his death the eastern and western sections of the empire should be declared separate empires.
03950117             des THEODOSIUS—I—DER—GROßE sterbend übergibt der HEERE—OBER—KOMMANDO HEER—MEISTER—STILICHO, seinem (vandalischen) Schwiegersohn
10240117             † Abd AR—RAHMAN V., KALIF—VON—CÓRDOBA
11030117             † FRUTOLF—VON—MICHELSBERG, deutscher Mönch und Chronist
11190117             † Balduin VII—GRAF—VON—FLANDERN
11560117             † André de Montbard, 5. Großmeister des Templerordens
12400117             † ISABELLA—VON—PEMBROKE, englische Adelige
12580116—12580117    —AM—UND, 1—ENTSATZ—ARMEE, aufgerieben wurde, —BIS auf den letzten Mann und
12580116—12580117    —AM—UND 1—ENTSATZ—ARMEE wurde —BIS auf den letzten Mann aufgerieben, und
12580117             —VON—DA—AN—HOFFNUNGSLOS, die Lage in der STADT—BAGDAD.war
12980117             † Berthold II—VON—HEILIGENBERG, BISCHOF—VON—CHUR
13020117             —RÉUNION—DES—PRÉLATS—DE—PROVENCE—À—AIX, où LE—SÉNÉCHAL leur communique 1—LETTRE—DE—CHARLES—II. du il 13011100              D. MASSILIENSIS—EPISCOPO.
13050117             † Ruggiero di Lauria, Admiral im Dienste der Krone Aragons
13180117             † ERWIN—VON—STEINBACH, deutscher Baumeister der Hochgotik
13280117             LUDWIG—IV—DER—BAYER lässt sich, beraten von MARSILIUS—VON—PADUA, wegen seines Streits mit JOHANNES—XXII. zum 1. Mal in der RÖMISCH—DEUTSCHEN Kaisergeschichte nicht vom PAPA, sondern von Vertretern des römischen Volkes zum Kaiser krönen.
13280117             † OTTO—I—LANDGRAF—VON—HESSEN
13290117             † ROSALINE—VON—VILLENEUVE, französische Adelige und Heilige der katholischen Kirche
13420117             * PHILIPP—II—HERZOG—VON—BURGUND
13450117             † HEINRICH—VON—ASTI, italienischer BISCHOF, päpstlicher Diplomat und KREUZZUGS—ANFÜHRER
13480117             —1— D, THE—PAPAL—DISPENSATION for THE oo of JOHANN—III]'s probable daughter Ermesinde to JOHANN—II—VON, Bilstein
13480117             —1— D, THE—PAPAL—DISPENSATION—DISPENSATION refers to 4° consanguinity between the parties to the marriage.
13590117             † EUPHEMIA—HERZOGIN—VON—RATIBOR und Priorin der Dominikanerinnen
13620115—13620117    —BIS, Die 2. Marcellusflut beginnt, die viele 1000—MENSCHENLEBEN an der Nordseeküste fordern wird.
13700117             † ADOLF—I—GRAF—VON—NASSAU
13770117             -zurückkehrt, GREGOR—XI—PAPA, aus AVIGNON nach ROM
13770117             -einzieht, GREGOR—XI—PAPA unter des VOLK—JUBEL in DIE—STADT—ROM.
13770117             -Seither, ist der Vatikan Sitz des Papstes.
13770117-14300000    —BIS—ZUM—JAHR—NOCH, Allerdings residieren Gegenpäpste im Papstpalast zu Avignon.
13821217—13920117    —VOM FRIEDRICH —BELEGT—IST
13821217—13920117    —VOM—BELEGT, FRIEDRICH, ist
13920117             —GELEBT, WOLFARD—II—VON—LANDSBERG hat noch, - JOHANNES, SUB—PRIOR
13920117             HERMAN—RYCOL und seine oo NESA—BÜRGER—ZU—ZÜLPICH, bekunden, daß sie von GOBEL—REMPLYN, SCHÖFFEN—ZU—ZÜLPICH, dessen Haus in der BREDER—GASSE neben dem
13920117             —AM, gelebt
13920117—14110626    —VOM, ADOLF—II—VON—VORST BEZEUGT ist als KELLNER ,
13920117—14140620    —VOM, JOHANN bezeugt
14240117             Die 6—KURFÜRSTEN des Heiligen Römischen Reiches verbünden sich im BINGER—KURVEREIN, um stärkeren Einfluss auf die Reichspolitik auszuüben.
14360117             —AM, war der EUGENIUS—IV—PAPA—VON—FLORENZ,
14360117             —AM, war der EUGENIUS—IV—PAPA nach BOLOGNA gegangen.
14380117             zwischen dem KARDINAL FRANCESCO—CONDULMER und dem estensischen KANZLER—AGOSTINO—DE—VILLA in BOLOGNA geschlossener Vertrag zeigt,
14390117             is CAPTA—IN—40.
14430117             DIE—BEIDEN letztgenannten Renten gehören nicht vor DIE—SCHÖFFEN—VON—ZÜLPICH
14430117             ELSE—REMPLINS mit ihrem ehelichen Sohn GOIDERT—REMPLINS,
14430117             der HENRICH—VAN—GEYEN oo JUTTE—REMPLINS Schwestern, Töchter des †[GOBEL]GOTTFRIED—REMPLIN,
14430117             —SCHÖFFEN—ZU—ZÜLPICH,
14430117             bekunden, daß sie sich —NACH—DEM Tode ihres Bruder Goirder (GODERT)Remplin,
14430117             PRIESTER, der in das BRUDERHAUS—WEIDENBACH eingetreten,
14430117             dort gestorben ist und dem Haus S1—ERB—GÜTER vermacht hat,
14430117             wobei der —ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—KÖLN dies bestätigt und 1—ENTSPRECHENDES —DIE—SCHÖFFEN—VON—ZÜLPICH übersandt hat,
14430117             mit den Herren und Brüdern von WEIDENBACH gütlich verglichen haben (moitscheydoncge ind muntliehe soene),
14430117             Sie haben an Herrn Nyclais Dentz, PRIESTER und REKTOR,
14430117             und DAS—HAUS—WEIDENBACH—BINNEN—KÖLN gegenüber von S—PANTALEON folgende Werte übergeben :
14430117             Ihren Anteil des BeirbuchZehnten :
14430117             ihren Anteil des 10., dessen andere Hälfte dem S—KATHARINEN—ALTAR zugehört :
14430117             den runden —MORGEN Land, ZEHNT—FREI und gelegen in dem Middelvelde zwischen der WICHTERICHER—STRAßE und dem NEMMENICHer Pfade zwischen Land des t Herman Smeyartz und des OTTE—VAN—MERTZENICH :
14430117             den Weidenpesch in den cleynen benden zwischen den Benden von JOHAN Vois von GEICH und Herrn Wilhem yn dem Kraemhuse :
14430117             1—MORGEN Bende ebendort zwischen HENRICH—MONT und NESE—REMPLIN—VAN—GEUWENICH :
14430117             3—VIERTEL Bende bei Hertenich :
14430117             3—MORGEN Land an den ULPENICHER—WEGE zwischen Land von GERHART—LOYFF und von REYMART—MUELKETZGIS Eidam :
14430117             2—MORGEN auf der WICHTERICHER—STRAßE zwischen Land des Pastor von S—MARTIN und des t THYS—VAN—LOISSHEM :
14430117             1 ? —MORGEN hin der der Wairden zwischen letzterem und Land der ELSE—TZINSMESTER, zur Hälfte ZEHNT—FREI :
14430117             1 ? —MORGEN hinder dem kleynen Gryndel up Noemenieher Wege zwischen Land von THYS—VAN—LOISSHEM und von JORIS—KYSTENMECHER, ZEHNT—FREI,
14430117             An Renten, alle die ihr Vater und ihr Bruder hinterlassen haben, gleich ob darüber URKUNDEN vorliegen oder nicht :
14430117             An Renten, 5—GULDEN aus Stevens Haus
14430117             An Renten, sowie dem dazugehörigen UNTER—PFAND—VON—3—MORGEN—ACKERLAND up Loisshemmerberge bei Land der Brüder zu WEIDENBACH
14430117             An Renten, sowie 2? —MORGEN Land up der Coillrestraissen bei Land des Pastors von S—MARTIN und von WILHEM—WYNKOUFF laut URKUNDE :
14430117             4—MARK aus dem Haus und Garten von THONIS—KRUMMEN bei der GEICHer Gasse gegenüber der STADT—MAUER :
14430117             8—SCHILLING aus dem Hunders Kindern gehörenden Haus und Hof gegenüber der burgerhuyss;
14430117             2—HÜHNER, 4—SCHILLING und 3—BROTE (semelen) aus JOHAN—TZYMMERMANS Haus und Hof, vorher ELSGEN—GYVEN gehörig, in der Weierstraße :
14430117             1—HUHN von Hennes Muerre : 15—PFENNIG aus dem von diesem bewohnten Haus am Markt :
14430117             2—KAPAUNE, 2—HÜHNER, 2—SCHILLING—VON—JOHANNES—CROESSEN aus dessen Weingarten vor der Bachportzen, vorher dem THYS—VAN—ARSTORP gehörend und Werf zins :
14430117             1—KAPAUN—VON—ELSE—HACKENARS :
14430117             20—HELLER aus 1—HAUS in der Breder gassen bei PETER—WEVER;
14430117             die letztgenannten KAPAUNe und Hühner zahlt man am —DONNERSTAG vor Fastabend :
14430117             4? MARK—VON—HENRICH—WILTZGIN aus dem Haus und Garten an der Ecke der GEICHer Gasse :
14430117             15—WEIß—PFENNIGE von Meister JOHAN—SEGER aus dem Haus an der Bachportzen auf der Ecke :
14430117             2—KAPAUNE—VON—NESE—AILFFS aus dem Haus am BACH—TOR genau gegenüber :
14430117             4—MARK und 2—HÜHNER von Schirmers Haus in der Schoemechergassen by dem Kannegeisser :
14430117             der Garten in der MERTENS—GASSE gegenüber der Kirche mit Zubehör :
14430117             25—SCHILLING von Daem Butzgin aus einem Garten vor der Wyerportzen bei Spurkengarden :
14430117             5—WEIß—PFENNIGE—VON—JOHANNES—WEIDHASE—VON—1—PÜTZGANG (van eyme gancge up dem putze) :
14430117             14—WEIßPFENNIGE—VON—1—HAUS zwischen Herrn JOHAN—GENSGINS Haus und Weidhaese;
14430117             2—MARK aus 2—VIERTEL—WEINGARTEN yn der groisser Vlacht, die ABEL—KREMER und JOHAN—SCHROEDER—VON—SINZENICH[SYNTZICH] gemeinsam besitzen :
14430117             —DANN, den SCHULHOF[SCHOELHOFF] binnen ZÜLPICH mit allem Zubehör :
14430117             außerdem zahlt in IRRES—HEIM (Ereshem) im Kirchspiel FRAUENBERG[VAN—UNSER—VRAUWENBERGE] HENNES—HOUWE 3—HÜHNER und 12—PFENNIG—VON—1—PESCH :
14430117             1—HUHN—VON—ROBYN—ZO—LOISSHEM aus seinem Haus und Hof,
14430117             ALLE—RENTEN sind zahlbar auf S—MARTINS—MESSE (;;1111;;),
14430117             Schließlich noch 2—MARK zu Ostern von JOHAN—PUYSTGIN aus seiner Fleischbank neben der von JOHAN—CROESSEN und PETER—CLYVISCH,
14430117             Für DIE—ÜBERTRAGUNG dieser 10., Güter und Renten haben sie 1.bestimmte Summe Geld erhalten.
14430117             —ES—SIEGELN, HERMAN—REMPLIN,
14430117             die auch bezeugen, daß DER—LEHN—HERR des BEIRBUCH—10.
14430117             der ZÜLPICHer PROPST ARNOILT—VAN—ROIDE, zugestimmt hat und
14430117             daß sie 1—BESIEGELTES Schreiben des ERZ—BISCHOFS erhalten haben,
14430117             worin dieser seine Einwilligung mitteilt.
14430117             —UP—SENT—S—ANTHONIS dach.
14450106—14480117    —VOM, NIK0LAUS wird als SUB—PRIOR aufgeführt wieder.
14480117             ANNO—DOMINI—NOSTRI yhu christi premisso  DIE
14480117             mandato Reuerendissimi domini Guberuatoris conuocatum et
14480117             congregatum fuit CONCILIUM nonaginta etc corani quibus omnibus prefatus dominus Gubernator —BIS verbis usus fuit. etc..
14480117             Dehinde dixit quod volebat quod amodo omnes priores nouelli videlicet vnus ex civitate, sit prior del plano et alius prior de montanea,
14480117             in singulo priorato FUTURO soluerint videlicet vnusquisque eorum, vnam balistam valoris FLORENI 1—DANDAM et ponendam in manibus sindici COMUNIS—FULGINEI PRÒ MUNITIONE CIVITATIS,
14480117             Ita quod ipsi 3—PRIORES soluant FLORENOS 3—PRÒ munitione predicta,
14560117             † ELISABETH—VON—LOTHRINGEN, deutsche Wegbereiterin des Prosaromans
14580117             † LUDWIG—I—LANDGRAF—VON—HESSEN
14600117             NEL il furon consegnate al detto CASTELLANO altre munizioni e masserizie
14610117             † KASPAR—AYNDORFFER, deutscher Benediktiner und Abt des KLOSTER—TEGERNSEE
14620117             * PETER—IV—VON—ROSENBERG, böhmischer Adeliger
14630117             * ANTOINE—DUPRAT, französischer Kardinal, KANZLER—VON—FRANKREICH
14680117             † GEORG—KASTRIOTA[Skanderbeg], albanischer Fürst und Nationalheld Albaniens
14710117             * ULRICH—III—VON—ROSENBERG, böhmischer Adeliger
14720117             Der portugiesische Seefahrer JOÃO—DE—SANTARÉM erreicht die ÄQUATOR—NAHE INSEL—SÃO—ANTÃO[heute PRÍNCIPE].
14720117             * GUIDOBALDO—I., in GUBBIO
14721206—14900117    —VOM—BIS—ZUM, nachweisbar Als PROPST—VON—HIRZENACH ist GERHARD—II—VON—PLETTENBERG
14740117             JACOB—GOULTSMIT, JOHAN—VAN—HOULTZHEM, JOHAN—NUROEDE, HEINRICH—VAN—ENTZEN und JOERIS—KISTEMECHER, SCHÖFFEN—ZU—ZÜLPICH, bekunden, daß —VOR—EINIGER—ZEIT beide KIRCH—MEISTER—VON—S—PETER und von S—MARTIN sowie der Diener des Hospitals (gasthuyssknecht yn dat hospitaifa), JOHAN Ailbertz, vor ihnen erschienen sind und sich in gerichtlichen Besitz haben setzen lassen an den Driesch ( dreesch ader hoistert), der früher dem t Lentz Buitgis gehörte, auf dem Hof vor der S—PETER—KIRCHE und beim Garten der WEIDENBACHER (by der Wydenbecher garden) wegen 1—UNBEZAHLTEN Rente an die 2—KIRCHEN und 1 56das Hospital.
14830117—14830129    —13—TAGE, FELIX—FABRI brauchte zur Rückreise von VENEDIG nach ULM
14840117             * GEORG—SPALATIN, Fürsprecher MARTIN—LUTHERS
14840117             KÖLN Vor Notar und Zeugen schenkt der PRIESTER JOHANNes Visscher de Hammone, Vikar in der KIRCHE—S—GEREON—ZU—KÖLN, an Pater und Brüder des Hauses der PRIESTER und Kleriker in WEIDENBACH—KÖLN 1.ERB—RENTE—VON—5—OBERLÄND.
14840117             GULDEN zu je 4—KÖLNISCHE—MARK,
14930117             —FERIA—QUINTA,
14970117             * FRIEDRICH—VON—BRANDENBURG—ANSBACH, Dompropst im Würzburger Dom
15010117             * Leonhart Fuchs, deutscher pflanzenkundiger Mediziner
15040117             * Pius V, PAPA 15660000—15720000    —FROM—TO.
15170117             * HENRY—GREY—DUKE—OF—SUFFOLK, 1., englischer Adeliger und Rebell
15170117             * ANTONIO—SCANDELLO, italienischer Musiker, Kapellmeister und Komponist
15170117             His manifesto - " His address to THE—SOLDIERS - -.
15170117             " Alarm of THE—PONTIFF JULIUS—II—PAPA - " Gradara is sacked
15470117             † KARDINAL—ROBERTO—PUCCI—BISCHOF—VON—PISTOIA, italienischer Priester, und
15600117             * CASPAR—BAUHIN, Schweizer Anatom, Botaniker
15620117             -EDIKT—VON—SAINT—GERMAIN—EN—LAYE
15620117             -zusichert, Glaubensfreiheit, den Hugenotten in Frankreich, Die französische Regentin CATERINA—DE—MEDICI
15620117             —RECOGNIZED, FRANCE—PROTESTANT—HUGUENOTS were, under the Edict of S—GERMAIN.
15620117             édit de S—GERMAIN reconnaissant la liberté du culte protestant.
15620117             —ÉDIT—DE—S—GERMAIN reconnaissant LA—LIBERTÉ—DU—CULTE—PROTESTANT.
15660117             -inthronisiert, Pius-V-PAPA wird,an seinem 62. Geburtstag, als des PIUS—IV—PAPA—NACHFOLGER.
15670117             † SAMPIERO—CORSO, korsischer Edelmann, FREIHEITS—KÄMPFER und VOLKS—HELD
15730117             * MARCUS—LYCKLAMA à Nijeholt, friesischer Junker, Jurist und Diplomat
15830117             Anvers se révolte. LE—DUC d'Anjou s'enfuit de la ville.
15830117             [ANTWERPEN]ANVERS], SE—RÉVOLTE.
15830117             LE—DUC d'Anjou s'enfuit de la ville.
15840117             * DIEDERICH—VON—DEM Werder, deutscher Übersetzer, Epiker und Lyriker
15860117             * MARCANTONIO—BASSETTI, italienischer Maler
15890117             Fin des ÉTATS—GÉNÉRAUX.
15890117             —FIN—DES—ÉTATS—GÉNÉRAUX.
15900117             † ANDREAS—FRANCKENBERGER, deutscher Historiker und Rhetoriker
15930117             * WILLIAM—BACKHOUSE, englischer Alchemist
15950117             HENRI—IV. déclare LA—GUERRE—À—PHILIPPE—II—ROI—DE—ESPAGNE et fils de CHARLES—VI.
15980117             † FJODOR—I—ZAR—VON—RUSSLAND
16000117             * PEDRO—CALDERÓN—DE—LA—BARCA, spanischer Dramatiker
16010117             -VERTRAG—VON—LYON, Gebietsbereinigungen zwischen Frankreich und dem HERZOGTUM—SAVOYEN vereinbart werden.
16010117             Zentraler Streitpunkt zwischen Frankreich und dem HERZOGTUM—SAVOYEN war vor allem DIE—MARK—GRAFSCHAFT—SALUZZO.
16010117             —ENDED, THE—TREATY—OF—LYONS, 1—SHORT—WAR between FRANCE and Savoy.
16010117             —TRAITÉ—DE—LYON avec le duc de Savoie.
16010117             Les possessions savoyardes de la rive droite du Rhône sont rattachées à la FRANCE.
16010117             De plus, le duc de Savoie verse une grosse indemnité de guerre.
16010117             —TRAITÉ—DE—LYON avec LE—DUC—DE—SAVOIE, qui vaut à LA—FRANCE[FRANKREICH] LE—ANNEXION—DE—LA—BRESSE et du Bugey.
16010117—18600000    —CEDED, Savoy was, to FRANCE.
16050117             * FRIEDRICH—VON—LOGAU, Dichter des Barock
16060117             † HEINRICH—IV—GRAF—VON—SAYN—SAYN, letzter
16120117             * THOMAS—FAIRFAX—LORD—FAIRFAX—OF—CAMERON, 3., englischer GENERAL
16150117             * CHRISTIAN—CHEMNITZ, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
16160117             * BARTHOLOMÄUSA—ANHORN, Schweizer Pfarrer und Historiker
16200117             * ANTON—JANSON, deutscher Stempelschneider und Schriftgießer
16210117             * ERNST—FRIEDRICH—SCHRÖTER, deutscher Rechtswissenschaftler
16240117             * GUARINO—GUARINI, italienischer Theatiner, Philosoph, Mathematiker und Architekt
16240117             † TAMÁS—ERD?dy, ungarischer Magnat und BAN—VON—KROATIEN
16260117             † LONGENUS{LONGEN] Anton, I. und D., WOHLTÄTER—DES—KLOSTER—LAACH, schenkt dem KLOSTER—WEINBERGE ("in dem pleitenberg") in Alken
16270000—17050117    * † JOHN—RAY, UK—NATURALIST and theologian.
16410117             -30—JÄHRIGER—KRIEG, Weil das Eis der zugefrorenen Donau bricht, scheitert 1 Überraschungscoup SCHWEDISCH—FRANZÖSISCHER Truppen unter Führung von JOHAN—BANÉR und JEAN—BAPTISTE—BUDES—DE—GUÉBRIANT auf DIE—STADT—REGENSBURG,
16410117             1—REICHSTAG, in der STADT—REGENSBURG, stattfindet.
16420117             -IN—DER—FOLGE, fällt das nördliche Rheinland unter protestantische Besatzung.
16420117             —DIE—SCHLACHT—AUF—S—TÖNIS—HAIDE (.
16420117             —NACH, seiner Freilassung kehrte HORN über FRANKREICH nach SCHWEDEN zurück, wo er u.a. des KRIEGS—KOLLOGIUM—PRÄSIDENT war
16420117             —SCHLACHT—AUF—DER—S—THOENISHEIDE[S—TÖNISHEIDE],—NACH—DER, EUSKIRCHEN eingenommen, ausgeplündert, verwüstet wird ,
16420117             —SCHLACHT—AUF—DER—S—THOENISHEIDE[S—TÖNISHEIDE],—NACH—DER, überschwemmen die HESSISCH—WEIMARISCHEN Söldner das wehrlose ERZ—STIFT—KÖLN und das JÜLICHsche Land
16430117             JOHANN—WILHELM—VON—BOURSCHEID—PROPST—VON—ZÜLPICH, wurde aufgeschworen
16470117             * SAMUEL—BENEDICT—CARPZOV, deutscher Poet und evangelischer Theologe
16470117             * ELISABETHA—HEVELIUS, Astronomin
16480000—16420117    —SCHLACHT—AUF—DER—S—THOENISHEIDE[S—TÖNISHEIDE],—NACH—DER, verwüsteten die zügellosen HESSISCH—WEIMARISCHEN SÖLDNER—BANDEN das flache Land,
16500117             † TOMMASO—DOLABELLA, italienischer Maler
16520117             Die Uraufführung des Dramas ERITREA—VON—FRANCESCO—CAVALLI findet in Venedig statt.
16560107/16560117    —FRIEDENS—ABSCHLUSSIN—KÖNIGSBERG, der des und ,erfolgte
16560117             SCHWEDEN erzwingt durch —BIS an Königsberg herangerückte Truppen in der Zeit des 2. Nordischen Kriegs von BRANDENBURG den KÖNIGSBERGER—VERTRAG.
16560117             PRUSSIA—DUKE—FREDERICK—WILHELM withdrew ties with LITHUANIA and POLAND and acknowledged vassal status with SWEDEN.
16580117             * SAMSON—WERTHEIMER, DEUTSCH—ÖSTERREICHISCHER, kaiserlicher HOF—FAKTOR, OBER—RABBINER und Förderer des Judentums
16580117             —DATUM—WISMAR.
16580117             * SAMSON—WERTHEIMER, financier. philanthropist. WORMS
16590117             * ANTONIO—VERACINI, italienischer Violinist und Komponist
16591221—16620117    FRANZ—CHRIST.
16591221—16620117    Ambtmann (Klagenfurt) und JOHANN—LEONHARD Schorer (AUGSBURG).
16630117             † DOMENICO—MANETTI, italienischer Maler
16640117             * ANTONIO—SALVI, italienischer Librettist
16660117             * JOHANN—DANIEL—PREISSLER, Nürnberger Maler böhmischer Abstammung
16700117             † RAPHAEL—LEVY, burnt in METZ, on false accusation.
16710117             * ADALBERT—VON—FALKENSTEIN, deutscher BISCHOF
16720117             * ANTOINE—HOUDAR—DE—LA—MOTTE, französischer Dramatiker, Librettist und Poetiker
16720117             —AM, hat.i Audienz beim KUR—FÜRST gehabt und demselben des Prinzen Schreiben überreicht.
16720117             —AM, FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG hat erklärt, daß ihm "H. H. M. besendinge in mijn persoon aengenaem was en dat men die al lange hadde te gemoet gesien.**
16720117             —VERSPROCHEN, FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG hat, ihm stets mit gleichen Ehrenbezcn^nngen zu begegnen wie S—G6RAN,
16720117             —AM, op het vertrouwen, dat men na" rraaels syne ministers in den Hage insgelycks met meer deferentie Houde bejegenen als men somwylen niet en doet.
16720117             —AM, Ick en desperere geensintH van de goede genegentheyt van 8. C. D. tot het welweesen van den staet der vereenichde Nederlanden bij dese gEVAErlijcke tyden,
16720117             —AM, 800—MEN denselven niet en belieft te negligcren, ende wil men mij venjceckeren, of schoou Mons""
16720117             de S—G6RAN eenige dagen in aijne aencr"nipHtc aen het hof mij heoft gedovanceert, tot noch toe in sijn aenbcvoolene ncgociatie wcynich heeft gevordert.
16720117             A m. loiigen ir\sar tet mit Ungeduld von den GENERALHtaaten BeHcheid ii Termin •!• i l rf XI. 32.
16730117             BRASSER an den RATS—PENSIONÄR—VON—HOLLAND.
16730117             —AMERONGEN—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER.
16730117             —DATUM—HAMBURG.] Auf ihre AN—FRAGE über die überzähligen Truppen des KUR—FÜRST
16850117             JOHANNES—DIODATO erhält als 1. ein kaiserliches Privileg für den öffentlichen Ausschank von Kaffee und eröffnet in der Folge das 1. Wiener Kaffeehaus.
16860117             † CARLO—DOLCI, italienischer Maler
16860117             † JOHANN—ANDREAS—LUCIUS, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
16870117             * ALEXANDER—DAVID, herzoglicher braunschweigischer HOF—UND Kammeragent und kaiserlicher Faktor
16940117             † Père Anselme de la Vierge Marie, französischer Historiker, Genealoge und Heraldiker
17000117             † JOHANN—HEINRICH—FLORIN, deutscher evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
17000117             † CHRISTOPH—RUDOLF—VON—STADION, Dompropst und Hofratspräsident im Kurfürstentum MAINZ
17020117             † THOMAS—FRANKLIN, ENGLAND—SMITH and uncle of B. Franklin.
17050117             † JOHN—RAY, britischer Theologe, Altphilologe und Naturalist
17050117             JOHN—RAY had spent 3—YEARS traveling in EUROPE collecting material for his book "Historia Plantarum".
17050117             The classification in his 16820000              book "Methodus Plantarum Nova" is based on overall morphology.
17050117             RAY—PLANT—CLASSIFICATION—SYSTEM was the 1. to divide flowering plants into monocots and dicots.
17060117             * BENJAMIN—FRANKLIN, USA—STAATSMANN und Diplomat, Drucker, Verleger, Schriftsteller, Naturwissenschaftler
17060117             † PHILIPP—PETER—ROOS, deutscher Maler
17060117—17900000    * † BENJAMIN—FRANKLIN, USA—STATESMAN, in BOSTON, the youngest boy in 1—FAMILY—OF—17—CHILDREN.
17060117—17900000    CARL—VAN—DOREN portrays Franklin as 1—HARMONIOUS—RATIONALIST in his classic biography.
17060117—17900000    DAVID—MORGAN WRITES—OF—FRANKLIN—DARKER—SIDE in: "The Devious DOCTOR—FRANKLIN, Colonial Agent".
17060117—17900000    And ROBERT—MIDDLEKAUFF describes Franklin as 1—TRICKSTER in his: "BENJAMIN—FRANKLIN and his Enemies".
17060117—17900000    —BELIEVED, Franklin, in white superiority and said: "why increase the Sons of AFRICAN—BY planting them in AMERICA, —WHEN we have so fair 1—OPPORTUNITY, by excluding all the Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely white.?" "If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth the writing".
17090117             * GEORGE—LYTTELTON, 1. BARON—LYTTELTON, britischer Staatsmann, Historiker und Kunstmäzen
17120117             * CHARLES—JOHN—STANLEY, englischer KOMPONIST—UND—ORGANIST
17150117             * BENJAMIN—WILHELM—DANIEL—SCHULZE, deutscher Pädagoge und Philologe
17190117             * JOHANN—ELIAS—SCHLEGEL, deutscher Dichter, Jurist und Dichtungstheoretiker
17190117             * JEAN—JOSEPH Vadé, französischer KOMPONIST—UND—SCHRIFTSTELLER
17190117             † SOPHIE—AMALIE—MOTH, Mätresse des DÄNISCH—NORWEGISCHEN Königs Christian V., GRÄFIN—VON—SAMSØ
17280117             * JOHANN—GOTTFRIED—MÜTHEL, deutscher Cembalist, Organist und Komponist
17290117             † GOTTFRIED—LAURENZ—PICTORIUS, westfälischer Landingenieur und Architekt
17320117             * STANISLAUS—II. August, letzter KÖNIG—VON—POLEN
17320117             * STANISLAW—II—AUGUST—PONIATOWSKI, last KING—OF—POLAND (17640000—17950000    ).
17330117             * THOMAS—LINLEY—SENIOR, britischer Musiker und Bühnenkomponist
17330117             † GEORGE—BYNG, 1. Viscount Torrington, britischer Admiral
17340117             * FRANÇOIS—JOSEPH Gossec, belgischer KOMPONIST—UND—MUSIKER
17360117             † Matthäus DANIEL—PÖPPELMANN, deutscher Baumeister des Barock und Rokoko
17390117             * JAMES—ANDERSON—OF—HERMISTON, schottischer Schriftsteller
17390117             * JOHANN—CHRISTIAN—VON—SCHREBER, deutscher Mediziner und Naturforscher
17390117             * Padre Sojo, venezolanischer Priester und Musikpädagoge
17390117             † JOHANN—JAKOB—STUPAN—VON—EHRENSTEIN, österreichischer Komponist
17430117             * ANDREAS—LUDWIG—KRÜGER, deutscher Architekt und Kupferstecher
17450117             * NICOLAS—ROZE, französischer Musiklehrer und Komponist
17460117             Die aufständischen Jakobiten unter CHARLES—EDWARD—STUART besiegen in der SCHLACHT—BEI—FALKIRK—SCHOTTLAND die englischen Truppen.
17460117             —DEFEATED, CHARLES—EDWARD—STUART, the young pretender, the government forces at THE—BATTLE—OF—FALKIRK in SCOTLAND.
17470117             * MARCUS—HERZ, deutscher Arzt und Hochschullehrer für Philosophie
17510117             † Tomaso Albinoni, italienischer KOMPONIST—UND—GEIGER
17540117             * JACOB—HEINRICH—LUDWIG—VON—ARNIM—SUCKOW, preußischer Landrat und Gutsbesitzer
17570117             —VERSUCHT, Österreich, Frankreich als Unterstützer eines Offensivkriegs zu gewinnen, was im späteren VERTRAG—VON—VERSAILLES gelingt.
17570117             —SEIT, dem DAS—DEUTSCHE—REICH nahm Teil an dem KRIEGE—GEGEN—FRIEDRICH,
17580117             † JOHANN—GOTTFRIED—BRENDEL, deutscher Mediziner
17660117             † FRANCIS—GODOLPHIN, 2. EARL—OF—GODOLPHIN, englischer Adeliger und Politiker
17670117             † HERMANN—JOSEPH—HARTZHEIM, deutscher Priester und Jesuit
17680117             * SEBASTIAN—FAHRLÄNDER, Schweizer Arzt und Politiker
17680117             * SMITH—THOMPSON, USA—JURIST und Politiker
17690117             * LUDWIG—ADOLF—PETER zu SAYN—WITTGENSTEIN, Generalfeldmarschall der russischen Armee
17720117             Wegen Verdachts 1 gegen den CHRISTIAN—VII—KÖNIG—VON—DÄNEMARK. gerichteten Komplotts werden des CHRISTIAN—VII—KÖNIG—VON—DÄNEMARK oo CAROLINE—MATHILDE—KÖNIGIN—VON—DÄNEMARK und ihr Geliebter, der dänische Staatsminister GRAF—JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—STRUENSEE, festgesetzt.
17720117             —VERBRACHT, wird, der dänische Staatsminister GRAF—JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—STRUENSEE, ins KASTELL—VON—KOPENHAGEN.
177250117            † ANSELM—LUBLER, PRIOR und Oeconomus v. Bocholtz
17730117             —ÜBERQUERT, JAMES—COOK, bei seiner 2. Reise als 1. Mensch den südlichen Polarkreis.
17730117             Die Motette Exsultate, jubilate von WOLFGANG—AMADEUS—MOZART wird durch den Kastraten Rauzzini in Mailand uraufgeführt.
17730117             * FRIEDRICH—MAGNUS—VON—BASSEWITZ, Regierungspräsident in POTSDAM
17730117             * JOHANN—CHRISTIAN—AUGUST—HEINROTH, deutscher Psychiater
17730117             * JOHANNES—HERZOG, Schweizer Politiker und Unternehmer
17730117             —BECAME, CAPTAIN—JAMES—COOK, the 1. person to cross THE—ANTARCTIC—CIRCLE  (66d 33' S).
17750117             Als 1. Deutscher betritt GEORG—FORSTER als des JAMES—COOK—BEGLEITER auf Südgeorgien antarktischen Boden.
17750117             9—OLD—WOMEN were burned as witches for causing bad harvests in KALISK—POLAND.
17760117             * CARL—LUDWIG—AUGUST—VON—BENNING, deutscher Offizier
17760117             * FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—GOTTHILF—FROSCH, deutscher Prediger und Schulmann
17790117             Die komische Oper Das Grab des Mufti oder Die beiden (2) Geizigen von JOHANN—ADAM—HILLER wird uraufgeführt.
17800117             * HEINRICH—FRIEDRICH—THOMAS—SCHMIDT, deutscher Maler, Kupferstecher und Radierer
17810117             —KILLED, Some 100—UK—SOLDIERS were, 299 wounded and 600—TAKEN prisoner.
17810117             12—AMERICAN were killed.
17840117             * PHILIPPE—ANTOINE d'Ornano, französischer GENERAL, Pair und MARSCHALL—VON—FRANKREICH
17840117             † YOSA—BUSON, japanischer Dichter und Maler
17860117             PIERRE—MÉCHAIN entdeckt 1 Kometen, der später als ENCKESCHER—KOMET benannt wird.
17860117             * NIKOLAUS—NACK, deutscher Kaufmann und Politiker
17890117             * AUGUST—NEANDER, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
17900117             * JOHANN—GEORG—FRECH, deutscher Musikdirektor, KOMPONIST—UND—ORGANIST
17910117             * IDA—VON—DER Groeben, deutsche Pietistin und Schriftstellerin in Ostpreußen
17910117             † FRIEDRICH—KONRAD—LANGE, DEUTSCH—DÄNISCHER evangelischer Geistlicher und Pädagoge
17940117             † WILHELM—PAUL—VERPOORTEN, deutscher Pädagoge und lutherischer Theologe
17950117             * ANSELME—PAYEN, französischer Chemiker, Physiker und Mathematiker
17980117             * JOHANN—JOSEPH—ROSENBAUM, deutscher katholischer Geistlicher und Theologe
17990117             * MATTHIAS—DEYMANN, deutscher Jurist und Politiker
17990117             * Awdotja Iljinitschna Istomina, russische Tänzerin der Romantik, die als eine der 1. den Spitzentanz zeigte
18000117             * USA—POLITIKER—CALEB—CUSHING, Diplomat
18000117             † Kank? Akera, japanischer Dichter
18030117             * BRUNO—ABEGG, preußischer Politiker
18030117             * JEAN—KICKX, FLÄMISCH—BELGISCHER Botaniker
18040117             * MATTHIAS—SCHNECKENBURGER, deutscher Theologe
18050117             * KARL—PHILIPP—FRANCKE, deutscher Politiker
18050117             † ABRAHAM—HYACINTHE—ANQUETIL—DUPERRON, französischer Orientalist
18060117             JAMES—MADISON—RANDOLPH, THOMAS—JEFFERSON—GRANDSON, was the 1. to be born in WHITE—HOUSE.
18060117             His mother was Martha Randolph 1—OF—PRESIDENT—THOMAS—JEFFERSON—2—DAUGHTERS, this was her 8. child.
18080117             * JOSEPH—MENTER, deutscher Violoncellist und Musikpädagoge
18090117             NAPOLEÓN QUITTE LA—ESPAGNE.
18090117             Ney et SOULT chargés d'achever la pacification
18110117             * FERDINAND—DINSE, deutscher Orgelbauer
18120117             * LUDWIG—WINDTHORST, deutscher Politiker
18120912—18780117    SIR—EDWARD—SHEPHERD—CREASY was 1—ENGLISH—HISTORIAN and jurist.
18130117             Der Brite HUMPHRY—DAVY entdeckt den Lichtbogen.
18130117             Die Möglichkeit zur elektrotechnischen Erzeugung von Licht ist damit gegeben.
18130117             MURAT quitte l'armée.
18140117             * USA—POLITIKER—JAMES—C—DOBBIN,
18140117             * LUDWIK—MIEROS?awski, polnischer Revolutionär
18140117             * CARL—PORENTA, slowenischer Jurist und Politiker
18150117             * MEHMED—FUAD—PASCHA, Großwesir des Osmanischen Reiches
18150117             * MAX—PREßLER, deutscher Forstwissenschaftler, Ökonom und Erfinder
18160117             * Julie Eyth, deutsche Schriftstellerin
18160117             MICHAEL—FARADAY gives 1—SERIES—OF—LECTURES on THE—PROPERTIES—OF—MATTER, the 4. called "Radiant Matter
18180117             * CHRISTOPH—ANTON—VON—WOLFF, deutscher Politiker, MdL, Oberamtmann
18190117             * KARL—KEMPTER, deutscher Komponist - * JOSEPH—MERKLIN, deutscher Orgelbauer
18190117             † JOHANN—JAKOB—MEYER, Schweizer Offizier und Politiker
18190117             —PROCLAIMED, SIMON—BOLIVAR—THE "liberator", COLUMBIA 1—REPUBLIC.
18200117             * ANNE—BRONTË, britische Schriftstellerin
18210000—18610117    * † Lola Montez, dancer and actress, in NEW—YORK—CITY.
18210117             * Laura Beatrice Mancini, italienische Dichterin
18220000—19110117    * † FRANCIS—GALTON, ENGLAND—SCIENTIST.
18230117             † ZACHARIAS—WERNER, deutscher Dichter und Dramatiker
18260117             † JUAN—CRISÓSTOMO—DE—ARRIAGA, spanischer Violinist und Komponist
18270117             * GUSTAV—HERMANN—VON—ALVENSLEBEN, preußischer GENERAL
18280117             * EDUARD—REMÉNYI, ungarischer Violinist
18290117             * CATHERINE—BOOTH, Frau WILLIAM—BOOTHS, des Gründers der Heilsarmee
18290117             † ADAM—MÜLLER—VON—NITTERDORF, deutscher Philosoph und Staatstheoretiker
18300117             † WILHELM—WAIBLINGER, deutscher Dichter und Schriftsteller
18320117             * JOHANNES—STREBEL, deutscher Orgelbauer
18320117             * MARIE—WIECK, deutsche Pianistin und Sängerin
18330117             * Adolph Bermpohl, deutscher Navigationslehrer, Initiator des organisierten Seenotrettungswesens in Deutschland
18330117             * THEODOR—BRADSKY, tschechischer Komponist
18330117             † FRIEDRICH—KOENIG, deutscher Buchdrucker und Erfinder
18340117             * FRANZ—JOSEF—BUCHER, Schweizer Hotelier, Eisenbahnpionier und Unternehmer
18340117             * AUGUST—WEISMANN, deutscher Biologe und Evolutionstheoretiker
18350117             * ?ura Horvatovi?, serbischer GENERAL
18350117—19020000    * † ANTANAS—BARANAUSKAS, LITHUANIA—POET and BISHOP, in Anyksciai.
18360117             * JOSé White Lafitte, kubanischer Geiger und Komponist
18370117             * François Lenormant, französischer Historiker und Archäologe
18370117             † FRANZ—PAUL—SCHOLZ, deutscher Geistlicher, Naturwissenschaftler und Forschungsreisender
18370117             † JAKOB—ALBRECHT—VON—SIENEN, Senatssyndicus
18390117             * WILHELM—VON—DIEZ, deutscher Historienmaler
18400117             † IGNAZ—AMBROS—VON—AMMAN, deutscher Kartograf und Landesgeometer
18410117             * ALBRECHT—VON—ARNIM, preußischer Adeliger und Politiker
18410117             * SIEGMUND—HINRICHSEN, Hamburger Politiker
18410117             * ANTON—RONACHER, österreichischer Theaterunternehmer
18410117             —RECORDED, THE—ISLAND—OF—S—HELENA, that 1—SHIP seized on this —DAY was from ANGOLA heading to BRAZIL with 308—SLAVES "in good health" and 108 "sick" slaves.
18430117             * ANTON—THRAEN, deutscher Astronom
18450117             * MANUEL—LISANDRO—BARILLAS—BERCIÁN, guatemaltekischer GENERAL und Staatspräsident
18450117             † NIKOLAUS—FRIEDRICH—VON—THOURET, deutscher Maler und Hofbaumeister
18460117             * DONALD—M—DICKINSON, USA—POLITIKER
18460117             * OTTMAR—VON—MOHL, deutscher Diplomat und Regierungsberater in JAPAN
18460117             * ELSBETH—VON—NATHUSIUS, deutsche Novellistin
18460117             † HERMANN—ERNST—ENDEMANN, deutscher Jurist
18470117             * NIKOLAI—JEGOROWITSCH—SCHUKOWSKI, russischer Mathematiker, Aerodynamiker und Hydrodynamiker
18481228—18480117    —ON, 3—REMAINING men met with 4—HORSEMEN including JOHN—FREMONT, who had found help from UTE—INDIANS.
18490117             Die Schweizer Presse
18490117             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—197—KÖLN—BEILAGE. Montesquieu LVI.
18490121—18490122    Montesquieu LVI.
18500117             * CLEMENS—VON—PODEWILS—DÜRNIZ, bayerischer Politiker
18500117             * ALEXANDER—SERGEJEWITSCH—TANEJEW, russischer Komponist
18500117             † SAMUEL—ANDERSON, USA—POLITIKER
18510117             † JOHANN—HEINRICH—SCHMÜLLING, deutscher RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHER Theologe, Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
18520117             -SAND—RIVER—CONVENTION
18520117             -erreicht, der Voortrekker und FREIHEITS—KÄMPFER ANDRIES—PRETORIUS, von Großbritannien die Zurücknahme des auf ihn gesetzten Kopfgeldes und
18520117             -erreicht, der Voortrekker und FREIHEITS—KÄMPFER ANDRIES—PRETORIUS, von Großbritannien, der BUREN—REPUBLIK—TRANSVAAL—UNABHÄNGIGKEIT—ANERKENNUNG.
18520117             —RECOGNIZED, At the Sand River Convention, the British, the independence of the Transvaal BOARD.
18530117             * Alva Vanderbilt Belmont, USA—FRAUENRECHTLERIN und Präsidentin der National WOMAN—PARTY
18530117             * Viktorine Endler, deutsche Schriftstellerin
18550117             * ANTON—STECKER, deutscher Afrikareisender - * Ignatz Schöckl, ungarischer Architekt
18560117             * JENS—BRATLIE, norwegischer Jurist, Offizier und Politiker
18560117             * ANNA—ELISABETH—VON—ERLACH, Schweizer Porträt-, LANDSCHAFTS—UND Blumenmalerin
18560117             * GEORG—RICHARD—KRUSE, deutscher Musikforscher und Autor
18570117             * WILHELM—KIENZL, österreichischer Komponist
18590117             * Helene Kuhse, deutsche Theaterschauspielerin und Sängerin
18600000—19270117    * † Juliette GORDON—LOW, FOUNDER—OF—THE—GIRL—SCOUTS (19120000             ), in SAVANNAH—GEORGIA.
18600117             * MARIE—VON—BUNSEN, deutsche Schriftstellerin, Aquarellmalerin, Reisende und Berliner Salonnière
18600117             * DOUGLAS—HYDE, irischer Dichter
18600117             † FRIEDRICH—GEORG—WIECK, deutscher Schriftsteller und Industrieller
18600117             † Narcisse Girard, französischer Dirigent
18600117             LONDON "DAILY—TELEGRAPH"—VOM.
18600117—19040000    * † ANTON—CHEKHOV, RUSSIA—PLAYWRIGHT and short story writer.
18600117—19040000    ANTON—CHEKHOV was famous for "The Seagull" and "3—SISTERS. " PART—OF—HIS—LETTERS were published in a 19550000              edition edited by Lillian Hellman.
18600117—19970000    —IN, his —LATER letters 18990000             —FROM to actress Olga Knipper were edited by JEAN—BENEDETTI and published as: "Dear Writer, Dear Actress: The Love Letters of ANTON—CHEKHOV and Olga Knipper".
18610117             † Lola Montez, irische Tänzerin und Geliebte KÖNIG—LUDWIGS—I.—VON—BAYERN
18610117             † Malla MONTGOMERY—SILFVERSTOLPE, schwedische Schriftstellerin
18610117             Born in IRELAND as Eliza Rosanna GILBERT she became famous as a "SPAIN—DANCER," courtesan, and MISTRESS—OF—KING—LUDWIG—I—OF—BAVARIA, who made her Countess of Landsfeld.
18630117             * DAVID—LLOYD—GEORGE, britischer PREMIERMINISTER
18630117             * Konstantin Stanislawski, russischer Schauspieler
18630117             † Horace Vernet, französischer Militärmaler und Lithograph
18630117—19450000    * † DAVID—LLOYD—GEORGE, UK—PRIME—MINISTER.
18630117—19450000    1. EARL—LLOYD—GEORGE—OF—DWYFOR, ENGLAND—STATESMAN: "It is always too late, or too little, or both. And that is the road to disaster".
18650117             The 170-foot sailing ship SIR—JOHN—FRANKLIN, 1—CLIPPER out of BALTIMORE with 16—PEOPLE aboard, wrecked near PESCADERO—CALIFORNIA CAPTAIN—DESPERAUX and 11—CREW members were lost.
18680117             * ANTONIO—MARIA—ARRÈGUI, spanischer Ordenspriester und Moraltheologe
18680117             * ANTON—LAMPA, österreichischer Physiker
18690117             * GEORG—CLEMENS—PERTHES, deutscher Arzt
18690117             † Émile Bienaimé, französischer Komponist
18690117             † ALEXANDER—SERGEJEWITSCH—DARGOMYSCHSKI, russischer Komponist
18700117             * MARIE—LOUISE—VON—BOURBON—PARMA, bulgarische Zarin und PRINZESSIN—VON—PARMA
18700117             * MARTIN—SCHIELE, deutscher Politiker, MdR, Reichsminister
18710117             Die Schlacht an der Lisaine in der Nähe des belagerten Belfort sieht im DEUTSCH—FRANZÖSISCHEN Krieg Preußen und seine Verbündeten als Sieger.
18710117             * DAVID—BEATTY, 1. EARL—BEATTY, britischer Admiral
18710117             —NACH—2—TAGEN, Minustemperaturen, unzureichende Verpflegung, Widerstand des Gegners, vorsichtiges Vorgehen, erschöpfen die starke französische Armee und führen zum Rückzug des von GENERAL—CHARLES—DENIS—BOURBAKI befehligten Heeres.
18710117             —PATENTED, The 1. cable car, by ANDREW—S—HALLIDIE.
18710117             "Uns aber - 1—TAG vor des DEUTSCHES KAISER—REICH öffentliche Verkündigung im Spiegelsaal von VERSAILLES
18710117             an den Gütern und Gaben des Friedens auf dem —GEBIET nationaler Wohlfahrt, Freiheit und Gesittung".
18710117             Mehrer des Reiches zu sein, nicht an kriegerischen Eroberungen,
18710117             SONDERN—UND Unsern Nachfolgern an DER—KAISER—KRONE
18710117             WILHELM—I—KÖNIG—VON—PREUßEN in 1—PROKLAMATION—VOM, wolle Gott verleihen allezeit
18710117             und Unsern Nachfolgern an DER—KAISER—KRONE wolle Gott verleihen allezeit
18710117—18730000    —IN, It began service.
18720117             * HENRI—MASSON, französischer Fechter
18730117             * LOTTE—GLAS, österreichische Sozialdemokratin, Frauenrechtlerin und Schriftstellerin
18740117             * JOSEFINE—KRAMER—GLÖCKNER, österreichische Volksschauspielerin, Soubrette und Sängerin
18740117             * GEORG—SCHLESINGER, deutscher Professor für Maschinenbau, Begründer der Forschung zur Fertigungstechnik und den Betriebswissenschaften
18740117             † Chang und ENG—BUNKER, namensgebende siamesische Zwillinge
18740117             † Claude de Perrot, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
18740117             † Chang and ENG—BUNKER, 62—JAHRE—ALT, CHINESE—THAILAND—SIAMESE twins.
18750117             * Florencio Sánchez, uruguayischer Schriftsteller und Dramatiker
18770117             * HANS—JELMOLI, Schweizer KOMPONIST—UND—PIANIST
18770117             * MARGARETHE—HAHN—BÖING, deutsche Autorin
18770117             * Eveline Peterson, englische Badmintonspielerin
18770117             da 1—LETTERA ;;
18780117             * EMIL—HELFFERICH, deutscher Südostasienkaufmann
18780117             * GUSTAV—NECKEL, deutscher Altgermanist - * Chen Qimei, chinesischer Revolutionär
18790117             * Burt McKinnie, USA—GOLFER
18790117             * MAXIMILIAN—BADER, deutscher Orgelbauer
18790117             * RICHARD—GAVIN—REID, kanadischer Politiker
18800117             * Bernardo Attolico, italienischer Diplomat
18800117             * MACK—SENNETT, USA—FILMEMACHER
18800117             † ANTOINE—ALFRED—AGÉNOR—DE—GRAMONT, französischer Diplomat
18800117             † MICHAEL—WELTE, deutscher Uhrmacher, Erfinder und Fabrikant
18810117             * JOSé André, argentinischer KOMPONIST—UND—MUSIKKRITIKER
18810117             * GEORG—BENKARD, deutscher Richter - * GUSTAV—GASSNER, deutscher Botaniker
18810117             * KARL—SCHARNAGL, deutscher Kommunalpolitiker, OBERBÜRGERMEISTER—VON—MÜNCHEN
18810117             * ALFRED—RADCLIFFE—BROWN, britischer Sozialanthropologe
18820117             † ADOLF—MÜTZELBURG, deutscher Schriftsteller
18820117             † CARLO—PIAGGIA, italienischer Afrikareisender
18830117             -gründen, LUDWIG—FREDHOLM und Jonas,Wenström, in STOCKHOLM, die ELEKTRISKA—AKTIEBOLAGET.
18830117             Die ELEKTRISKA—AKTIEBOLAGET—KAPITALGESELLSCHAFT wird nach Zusammenschlüssen zum Vorläufer des ELEKTROTECHNIK—KONZERN—ABB.
18830117             * COMPTON—MACKENZIE, britischer Schriftsteller
18840000—19670117    * † Evelyn Nesbit, USA—ARTISTS' model and chorus girl, in Santa MONICA—CALIFORNIA.
18840117             * MARIE—HARTUNG, deutsche Politikerin
18840117             * Nadeschda Wassiljewna Plewizkaja, russische Mezzosopranistin und VOLKSLIED—SÄNGERIN
18840117             † HERMANN—SCHLEGEL, deutscher Ornithologe
18850117             In der SCHLACHT—VON—ABU—KLEA besiegt während des MAHDI—AUFSTANDS in SUDAN eine britische Armee unter HERBERT—STEWART die Anhänger des MAHDI—MUHAMMAD—AHMAD.
18850117             * WILLY—ANKER, deutscher Politiker und Widerstandskämpfer
18850117             * NIKOLAUS—VON—FALKENHORST, deutscher GENERAL und Kriegsverbrecher
18850117             * EMMY—HENNINGS, deutsche Schriftstellerin und Kabarettistin
18850117             * Jaroslav Kratochvíl, tschechischer Schriftsteller
18850117             † FREDERICK—GUSTAVUS—BURNABY, britischer Militär, Reisender und Schriftsteller
18860117             Die Wiener Philharmoniker unter HANS—RICHTER führen das 1. Mal in WIEN die Sinfonie NUMBER 4 in e-Moll opus-98, VON JOHANNES—BRAHMS auf.
18860117             * JOHAN—ANKERSTJERNE, dänischer Kameramann - * ALFRED—PETZELT, deutscher Pädagoge
18860117             † PAUL—BAUDRY, französischer Maler - † BERNHARD—VON—NEHER, deutscher Maler
18860117             † EDUARD—OSCAR—SCHMIDT, deutscher Zoologe
18870117             † EDUARD—VON—TODESCO, österreichischer Bankier, Unternehmer und Philanthrop
18890117             * GIUSEPPE—BELTRAMI, vatikanischer Diplomat und Kardinal
18890117             * RALPH—HOWARD—FOWLER, britischer Physiker und Astronom
18900117             † SALOMON—SULZER, österreichischer Kantor und Kirchenmusiker
18910117             * WALTER—EUCKEN, deutscher Ökonom
18910117             * Marjorie Gateson, USA—SCHAUSPIELERIN
18920117             * MARIE—ANNE—VON—GOLDSCHMIDT—ROTHSCHILD, deutsche Autorin
18920117             * GABY—JOUVAL, schweizerische Modedesignerin und Unternehmerin
18920117             † IN—EXETER, RHODE—ISLAND, Mercy Brown (19), rumored to be 1—VAMPIRE, of consumption.
18920117             —BELIEVED, Some, her story inspired Bram Stoker's 18970000              novel "Dracula".
18930117             1 "Sicherheitskomitee" unter der Führung von SANFORD—DOLE stürzt KÖNIGIN—LILI?uokalani und übernimmt die Macht im KÖNIGREICH—HAWAII.
18930117             * HEINRICH—ERNST—BOETERS, evangelischer Theologe und Oberkonsistorialrat
18930117             * ERNST—EGLI, ÖSTERREICHISCH—SCHWEIZERISCHER Architekt und Stadtplaner
18930117             * ANTON—KEHRER, österreichischer Politiker - * FRITZ—WRAMPE, deutscher Bildhauer
18930117             † KARL—ANRATHER, Tiroler Maler
18930117             † Rutherford B. Hayes, USA—POLITIKER, GOUVERNEUR—VON—OHIO, 19. PRÄSIDENT—DER—USA
18930117             HAWAII—MONARCHY was overthrown by 1—GROUP—OF—BUSINESSMEN and sugar planters under Sanford Ballard Dole, who forced QUEEN—LILI'UOKALANI to abdicate and formed THE—REPUBLIC—OF—HAWAII.
18930117             —OCCURRED, This coup, with the knowledge of JOHN—L—STEVENS, THE—USA—MINISTER—TO—HAWAII.
18930117             300—MARINES from THE—USS—BOSTON were called to HAWAII, allegedly to protect USA—LIVES.
18930117             QUEEN—LILI'UOKALANI wrote to PRESIDENT—HARRISON for support.
18930117             1—STATE—RECORD—TEMPERATURE—OF—17F, -27C, was recorded in MILLSBORO—DELAWARE.
18930117             † The 19. PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA, Rutherford B. Hayes (18770000—18810000    ), in FREMONT—OHIO, at age 70.
18940117             * ETKAR—ANDRÉ, deutscher WIDERSTANDS—KÄMPFER, Politiker und ANTI—FASCHIST
18940117             * WERNER—MARCH, deutscher Architekt
18950117             * JOHN—DUFF, kanadischer Automobilrennfahrer
18950117             * HUGO—KARPF, deutscher Schneider und Politiker, MdR, MdB, genannt "VATER—DER—HEIMARBEITER"
18970117             * Nils Asther, schwedischer Schauspieler
18970117             * GEORG—DIX, deutscher Politiker und Widerstandskämpfer
18970117             * WERNER—HILPERT, deutscher Politiker, Widerstandskämpfer im KZ Buchenwald, MdL, Landesminister, MdB
18970117             * DONALD—MARCUS—KELWAY—MARENDAZ, britischer Kampfflieger, Unternehmer, Automobilrennfahrer und Konstrukteur
18970117             * Margherita Osswald, Schweizer Malerin und Bildhauerin
18970117             * MARCEL—PETIOT, französischer Arzt und Serienmörder
18970117             † HUGO—BÜRKNER deutscher Maler, Illustrator und Professor der Holzschneidekunst
18980117             * JERZY—LEFELD, polnischer Komponist, Pianist und Musikpädagoge
18980117             * KARL—E—SCHEDL, österreichischer Zoologe und Forstwissenschaftler
18990117             -annektieren, DIE—USA, DIE—PAZIFISCHER—OZEAN—INSEL—WAKE.
18990117             An der Hofoper in WIEN erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper Die Kriegsgefangene von KARL—GOLDMARK.
18990117             * AL—CAPONE, USA—VERBRECHER und Gangsterboss
18990117             † JOHN—RUSSELL—YOUNG, USA—JOURNALIST, Schriftsteller und Diplomat
18990117             * Notorious gangster AL—CAPONE in BROOKLYN—NEW—YORK.
18990117             THE—USA—MOBSTER known as "Scarface Al" —LATER ran MOST—OF—CHICAGO and the surrounding area.
18990117             USA took possession of Wake Island in Pacific.
19020117             —AM Théâtre des Arts in ROUEN stattfindet die Uraufführung der Oper Les Guelfes von BENJAMIN—GODARD.
19020117             † GIDEON—SCHEEPERS, SOUTH—AFRICAN—BOER leader, was executed.
19050117—19050702    —AM, 19050119              beteiligen SICH—CA—80—PROZENT—DER—BELEGSCHAFTEN an dem STREIK.
19060117             Armand Fallières wird PRÄSIDENT—FRANKREICHS.
19070117             —AM Teatro alla Scala in Mailand erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper Le maschere von PIETRO—MASCAGNI.
19090117             —OPENED, Wilbur and Orville Wright, the world's 1. flying school at PAU—FRANCE, and refused to accept women as students.
19110117             FRANCIS—GALTON was 1—OF—THE 1. moderns to present 1—CAREFULLY considered eugenics program.
19110117             —DEVELOPED, He also, 1—SYSTEM for classifying human profiles using geometric diagrams.
19110117             —CONSIDERED, The idea of sterilizing human beings, as physical or mental undesirables stemmed from GALTON—IDEAS.
19120117             ROBERT—FALCON—SCOTT erreicht mit seiner TERRA—NOVA—EXPEDITION bestehend aus EDWARD—ADRIAN—WILSON, EDGAR—EVANS, LAWRENCE—OATES sowie HENRY—ROBERTSON—BOWERS den Südpol, wo der Norweger Roald Amundsen jedoch mit Hundeschlitten —BEREITS einen —MONAT früher als 1. gewesen ist.
19120117             Der Rückmarsch durch die ANTARKTIS zum Basislager endet für die Expedition tödlich.
19130117             RAYMOND—POINCARÉ wird zum Präsidenten Frankreichs gewählt.
19170117             DIE—USA abkaufen Dänemark die Jungfraueninseln für 25—MILLIONEN USA—DOLLAR.
19180000—20130117    * † Pauline Phillips, advice columnist known as "Dear Abby" (Abigail VAN Buren), in MINNEAPOLIS.
19190117             —BECAME, Pianist and statesman Ignace JAN—PADEREWSKI, the 1. premier of the newly created REPUBLIC—OF—POLAND.
19200000—20030117    * † Margo Patterson Doss, FORMER—SF Chronicle columnist.
19200000—20050117    * † VIRGINIA Mayo, film actress, in LOS—ANGELES.
19210117             Der englische Zauberkünstler P. T. Selbit führt in LONDON als 1. die Illusion der Zersägten Jungfrau vor.
19220117             * BETTY—WHITE, actress (MARY—TYLER—MOORE—SHOW, Golden Girls).
19260117             oo GEORGE—BURNS, Gracie Allen.
19270117—20080000    * † EARTHA—KITT, USA—SINGER and actress (CATWOMAN—BATMAN), in SOUTH—CAROLINA.
19270117—20120000    —AUTHORED, Stacy A. Cordery, "Juliette GORDON—LOW: The Remarkable FOUNDER—OF—THE—GIRL—SCOUTS".
19280117             * VIDAL—SASSOON, hair stylist/CEO (Vidal Sassoon), in LONDON.
19290117             Popeye, 1—FIGUR die Elzie Segar für das KING—FEATURES—SYNDICATE entworfen hat, erscheint zum 1. Mal als Nebenfigur im Comic in der Tageszeitung NEW—YORK Journal.
19290117             Im Berliner Tauentzienpalast wird der Tonfilm Ich küsse Ihre Hand, Madame uraufgeführt.
19290117             —APPEARED, The 1. Popeye character, in the Thimble Theater cartoon strip by Elzie Segar  (18940000—19380000    ) of CHESATER—ILLINOIS.
19290117             AFGHANISTAN, Habibullah Kalakani (18910000—19290000    ), popularly known as "Bache Saqaw," became emir —AFTER deposing Amanullah Khan, the grandson of RAHMAN—KHAN, with the help of various AFGHANISTAN—TRIBES who opposed modernization.
19290117             Khan had built 5-mile (8-km) track with steam locomotives running between KABUL and his EUROPEAN—STYLE—PALACE—OF—DARULAMAN.
19290117             But his plans for 1—WIDER—NETWORK met with opposition.
19290117             The line fell into disrepair —AFTER he was overthrown.
19310000—20150117    * † EGYPT, actress Faten Hamama, 1—PILLAR—OF—MIDDLE—EASTERN cinema, —AFTER 1—CAREER that spanned 7—DECADES and graced the golden age of EGYPT—FILMMAKING.
19310117             * JAMES—EARL—JONES, actor (Darth Vader, Exorcist II, SOUL—MAN), in MISSISSIPPI.
19320117             —BEGINNT, Im Deutschen Reich, das Nummerieren der wichtigsten Fernverkehrsstraßen, um die schnelle Orientierung zu erleichtern.
19340000—20110117    * † Don Kirshner, veteran music mogul, in Boca RATON—FLORIDA.
19340117             * SHARI—LEWIS, ventriloquist, puppeteer (Lamb Chop), in BRONX—NEW—YORK.
19370000—20100117    * † ERICH—SEGAL, FORMER—YALE professor and AUTHOR—OF "Love Story" (19700000             ), at his home in LONDON.
19380000—20110117    * † JOHN—ROSS, USA—POET, author, journalist and political activist who lived in MEXICO and wrote extensively on its leftist political movements, of liver cancer.
19390117             Mit der 8. Verordnung zum Reichsbürgergesetz, einem der Nürnberger Rassengesetze, mit dem Juden im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland nach und nach ihrer Bürgerrechte beraubt werden, wird ihnen verboten als Zahnärzte, Apotheker oder Tierärzte zu arbeiten.
19390117             —ISSUED, The Reich, 1—ORDER forbidding Jews to practice as dentists, veterinarians and chemists.
19410117             Im FRANZÖSISCH—THAILÄNDISCHEN Krieg fügt die französische Marine in der Seeschlacht bei Ko Chang ihrem Gegner eine schwere Niederlage zu.
19410117             35—MEILEN nordöstlich der Felsinsel Rockall im Nordatlantik wird das uneskortierte britische Passagierschiff Almeda Star vom deutschen U-Boot U 96—TORPEDIERT und beschossen.
19410117             Der Dampfer sinkt innerhalb von 3—MINUTEN, alle 360—PASSAGIERE und Besatzungsmitglieder kommen ums Leben.
19420117             * MUHAMMAD—ALI [Casius Clay], USA boxer, "The Greatest," who is the only 3—TIME heavyweight champion.
19430000—20080117    * † BOBBY—FISCHER, the reclusive chess genius, in ICELAND.
19430117             USA Tin Can Drive —DAY.
19440117             Mit der Schlacht um Monte Cassino an der GUSTAV—LINIE beim historischen Kloster Montecassino in Italien beginnt eine der längsten und verlustreichsten Schlachten des 2. Weltkriegs.
19440117             —REJECTED, RUSSIA, a POLAND—PROPOSAL to negotiate a boundary dispute.
19450117             —BEGINNT, Wegen der heranrückenden ROTE—ARMEE, die Besatzung unter RICHARD—BAER mit des VERNICHTUNGSLAGER—USCHWITZ—BIRKENAU—EVAKUIERUNG
19450117             —WWII—IM, erobert, das nahezu menschenleere WARSCHAU, DIE—ROTE—ARMEE.
19450117             —LIBERATED, Soviet troops, THE—BUDAPEST ghetto, where over 70,000 Jews were confined near THE—END—OF—WORLD—WAR—II. Jews were forced to move into the ghetto, set up over more than 20—CITY—BLOCKS in BUDAPEST—TRADITIONAL—JEWISH—QUARTER, from the end of 19441100          .
19450117             Some 50,000 Soviet soldiers lost their lives in the liberation of BUDAPEST.
19450117             —LIBERATED, Soviet and POLAND—FORCES, WARSAW —WWII—DURING.
19450117             —CREDITED, SWEDEN—DIPLOMAT—RAOUL Wallenberg, with saving tens of THOUSANDS—OF—JEWS, disappeared in HUNGARY —WHILE in Soviet custody.
19450117             —JAILED, Raoul Wallenberg was, by the Soviets who believed that he was 1—USA—SPY.
19450117             —SAVED, He had, more than 20,000 HUNGARY—JEWS from Nazi death camps.
19450117             Wallenberg was 1—GRADUATE—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—MICHIGAN and studied there 19310000—19350000    —FROM—TO.
19450117             —NACH—AM, seiner Festnahme in BUDAPEST durch SOWJET—SOLDATEN verlor sich Wallenbergs Spur.
19450117—20000000    —IN, 1—KREMLIN commission believed that he was shot in 1—KGB prison.
19460117             Der Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen hält in LONDON seine konstituierende Sitzung ab.
19460117             THE—UNITED—NATIONS Security Council held its 1. meeting.
19490117             * ANDY—KAUFMAN, comedian, actor (Latka GRAVAS—TAXI), in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19500117             BOSTON, wird von 1 elfköpfigen Bande das Geldtransportunternehmen BRINK, AUSGERAUBT.
19500117             Die Täter erbeuten beim —BIS dahin größten bewaffneten Raubüberfall in den USA Bargeld von mehr als 1.200.000—USA—DOLLAR, sowie Schecks und Wertpapiere von mehr als 1.500.000—USA—DOLLAR.
19500117             —ROBBED, BOSTON, 11—MEN, THE—BRINK—OFFICE—OF $1.2M cash & $1.5M securities.
19500117             —BASED, It was, on the nonfiction book "The Big STICK—UP at Brink's" by NOEL—BEHN.
19500117—19780000    —J—IM, Das Ereignis wird als Das große Dings bei Brinks mit PETER—FALK in der Hauptrolle verfilmt.
19510117             —REFUSED, CHINA, 1—CEASE—FIRE in KOREA.
19530117             —DISSOLVED, EGYPT, all political parties were, and banned.
19530117             —CONTINUED, The ban, to 19760000          .
19530117—19530630    —UNTIL, It was not made available for sale to the public.
19550117             1. ATOM—U—BOOT—NAUTILUS, aufbricht zu seiner 1. Fahrt.
19550117             1. 1—KARNEVALSSITZUNG im Fernsehen ausgestrahlt, MAINZ wie es singt und lacht.
19550117             —POWERED, The nuclear, USS Nautilus submarine was launched for its 1. shakedown cruise to PUERTO—RICO.
19550117—19540121    —SEE
19570117             A 9-county commission recommended the creation of BART, THE—SF Bay Area Rapid Transport system.
19571205—19590117    —ON, THE—WILLIAM—INGE play, "The Dark at the Top of the Stairs," opened at NEW—YORK—MUSIC—BOX—THEATRE and ran for 1—TOTAL—OF—468—PERFORMANCES, closing.
19610117             † KONGO—MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—PATRICE—LUMUMBA, 1., 2—GEFOLGS—LEUTE, werden ermordet, KATANGA.
19610117             —WARNED, In his farewell address, PRESIDENT—EISENHOWER, against the  rise of "THE—MILITARY—INDUSTRIAL—COMPLEX".
19610117             Patrice Lumumba (34), the 1. premier CONGO, was murdered —AFTER—67—DAYS in office.
19610117             —IMPLICATED, THE—USA—AND—JOSEPH—MOBUTU were, but no conclusive proof has emerged.
19610117             SIDNEY—GOTTLIEB (19990000              † age 80), 1—CIA—DEPUTY, carried 1—DEADLY bacteria to THE—CONGO that was used to kill Lamumba.
19610117             —FOLLOWED, This, allegations in the new book "THE—MURDER—OF—LUMUMBA" by Ludo De Witte.
19610117             —CHARGED, MOSCOW, that UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—DAG—HAMMARSKJOLD was involved.
19610117             Video: EISENHOWER—FAREWELL—ADDRESS to the Nation -
19610117             "This conjunction of 1—IMMENSE—MILITARY—ESTABLISHMENT + 1—LARGE—ARMS—INDUSTRY is new in THE—USA—EXPERIENCE.
19610117             The total influence — economic, political, even spiritual — is felt in EVERY—CITY, EVERY—STATEHOUSE, EVERY—OFFICE—OF—THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT.
19610117             EISENHOWER—FAREWELL—ADDRESS to the Nation —
19610117—19610213    —UNTIL, The Katanga government did not announce the death.
19610117—19640000    —IMPLEMENTED, The treaty was.
19610117—20000000    —OPENED, THE—BELGIUM PARLIAMENT, 1—INQUIRY into possible government involvement in THE—KILLING—OF—CONGO—PREMIER—PATRICE—LUMUMBA.
19610117—20010000    —IN, the inquiry found that BAUDOUIN KNEW—KING—OF—THE—PLOT but did nothing to stop it.
19630117             —PROKLAMIERT, Der Künstler ROBERT—FILLIOU, erstmals den ART—BIRTHDAY als jährlich stattfindende Hommage an die Kunst.
19640117             —PROCLAIMED, THE—PLO charter was put together with articles that, ISRAEL—1—ILLEGAL—STATE and pledged "THE—ELIMINATION—OF—ZIONISM in Palestine".
19640117             —FOUNDED, THE—PLO was, in EGYPT.
19640117             —BECAME, Fatah, the core GROUP—OF—THE—PLO.
19660117             1. Exemplar des chinesischen Abfangjägers CHENGDU J—7, BESTEHT seinen Jungfernflug.
19660117             -abstürzt, 1—USA—LUFTWAFFE—BOEING—B—52 mit 4—ATOM—BOMBEN, In der Nähe von PALOMARES bei ALMERÍA—ANDALUSIEN, nachdem die Maschine beim Auftanken in der Luft mit 1 BOEING—KC—135—TANKFLUGZEUG zusammengestoßen ist.
19660117             1—ATOM—BOMBE der 4—ATOM—BOMBEN an Bord fällt ins Mittelmeer, 3—ATOM—BOMBEN stürzen aufs Festland und kontaminieren 220—HEKTAR Agrarland.
19660117             1—USA—AIR—FORCE B—52—CARRYING 4 unarmed hydrogen bombs crashed on THE—SPAIN—COAST.
19660117             3—OF—THE—BOMBS were quickly recovered, but the 4. wasn't found —UNTIL April.
19660117             2—USA—AIR—FORCE—JETS collided in the skies over SPAIN—COASTAL—VILLAGE—OF—PALOMARES.
19660117             THE—MID—AIR—CRASH—OF—THE B—52—BOMBER and 1—KC 135—REFUELING plane killed 8—CREW members.
19670000             they fled Lyndon B. Johnson right and left--the right over civil rights,
19670117             † BARNEY—ROSS (19090000             ), Jewish boxer born as DOV—BER Rasofsky.
19670117—19060000    —IN—THE, She is noted for her entanglement MURDER—OF—HER—EX—LOVER, architect Stanford White, by her 1. husband, HARRY—KENDALL—THAW.
19670117—19330000    —IN, BARNEY—ROSS won the lightweight title and
19670117—19340000    —IN, the welterweight crown.
19670117—20060000    —AUTHORED, DOUGLAS—CENTURY, the biography "BARNEY—ROSS".
19700117             SILAS—TRIM—BISSELL (19420000—20020000    ) and his wife Judith, Weathermen underground members, 19700901             —HOMEMADE bomb under the steps of THE—ROTC building at WASHINGTON STATE—UNIVERSITY—IT failed to go off and both were caught.
19700117             Bissel went underground but was caught and served 17—MONTHS in Lompoc (19870000—19880000    ).
19700117             —KILLED, VIETNAM, DONALD—SLOAT was, in action as he used his body to cover 1—HAND—GRENADE saving 3—FELLOW—SOLDIERS.
19700117—20140000    —AWARDED, Sloat was, the Medal of Honor.
19720117             Bangladesch erhält seine endgültige Staatsflagge.
19730117             —LINKED, THE—USA—PUBLIC—HEALTH—SERVICE, smoking to fetal and infant risks.
19760117             "I—WRITE—THE—SONGS" by BARRY—MANILOW (19440000              *) hit #1.
19770000             (54 56); Saunders,F. The Cultural...
19770117             Der Raubmörder GARY—GILMORE wird von einem Erschießungskommando im UTAH STATE—PRISON hingerichtet.
19770117             1. Hinrichtung in den USA, nach 1 etwa 10—JAHRE geltenden Moratorium über die Vollzugsaussetzung der Todesstrafe.
19770117             THE—TV sitcom "Busting Loose" began with ADAM—ARKIN and ran for 24—EPISODES.
19770117             —CONVICTED, GARY—GILMORE (19400000              *), for 2—MURDERS he committed in UTAH, was shot by 1—FIRING squad at UTAH STATE—PRISON in the 1. USA—EXECUTION in 1—DECADE.
19770117             —TREATED, ARGENTINA, ABEL—MADARIAGA last saw his wife, 1—SURGEON who, the poor in 1—BUENOS—AIRES suburb, being pushed into 1—FORD—FALCON by army officers dressed as civilians as she walked to 1—TRAIN.
19770117             He and Silvia Quintela (28) were MEMBERS—OF—THE—MONTONEROS, 1—LEFTIST—GROUP targeted for elimination by government death squads.
19770117             1—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER, VICTOR—ALEJANDRO—GALLO, brought the baby, his umbilical cord still attached, home to his wife, INES—SUSANA—COLOMBO.
19770117             —DISAPPEARED, Silvia, shortly thereafter.
19770117—19770700    —PLANNED, Quintela gave birth to 1—SON the couple had, to name Francisco, —WHILE imprisoned in the Campo de Mayo, 1—OF—THE—NOTORIOUS clandestine torture centers in suburban BUENOS—AIRES.
19770117—19790000    —AUTHORED, NORMAN—MAILER, his Pulitzer Prize winning book: "THE—EXECUTIONER—SONG," the story of GARY—GILMORE.
19770117—20100000    —REUNITED, Abel was, with his son and Gallo was arrested on suspicion of illegal adoption.
19780117             —DISAPPEARED, ARGENTINA, Isabel Loedel Maiztegui (22), 1—MONTONERA.
19780601—19750117    —ON, It was 1. telecast.
19790117             1—FURTHER—PAPER analysed the potential consequences, which included the possible USE—OF—TROOPS for essential services...
19800905—20060117    —EXECUTED, CLARENCE—RAY—ALLEN, 76—JAHRE—ALT was, by lethal injection at S—QUENTIN—STATE—PRISON in CALIFORNIA.
19820117             THE—SF, Bay Area ELISABETH—MARTINSSON, 21—JAHRE—ALT, 1—SWEDEN—EXCHANGE—STUDENT at the College of Marin, disappeared.
19820117             —10—DAYS—LATER 1 convicted rapist was found with the car in OKLAHOMA.
19820117             —CONVICTED—OF, He was, auto theft and sentenced to 5—YEARS in prison, but was never charged with MARTINSSON—DEATH.
19820117             † VARLAN—SHALAMOV, RUSSIA—WRITER, journalist, poet and Gulag survivor, in MOSCOW.
19820117—20140000    —IN, dental records were used to identify her remains found in 1—CANYON in FREMONT—CALIFORNIA.
19830117             —BECAME, ALABAMA Gov GEORGE—C—WALLACE (19190000—19980000    ), GOVERNOR for 1—RECORD 4. time.
19840117             —SIDED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, with Sony and ruled, 5 to 4, that the private USE—OF—HOME—VIDEO cassette recorders to tape television programs did not violate federal copyright laws.
19850117             1—JURY in NEW—JERSEY ruled that terminally ill patients have the right to starve themselves.
19860117             —NACH—DEM Krieg um den AGACHER—STREIFEN schließen MALI und BURKINA—FASO in YAMOUSSOUKRO einen Friedensvertrag.
19860117             Das umstrittene Grenzgebiet wird später durch 1—URTEIL—DES—INTERNATIONALEN—GERICHTSHOFS zwischen beiden Staaten geteilt.
19860117             —APPROVED, PRESIDENT—REAGAN, 1—FINDING that authorized THE—SALE—OF—WEAPONS to IRAN through 3. parties.
19870117             Der Münchener Biologiestudent OLAF—REINICKE entdeckt als 1. in 198—METERN Tiefe einen Quastenflosser in seinem natürlichen Lebensraum.
19870117             1—REAGAN—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIAL who initiated the arms shipments to IRAN, acknowledged that THE—USA had virtually no independent intelligence to support its policy.
19870117             HANS—FRICKE on 1—UNDERSEA expedition off THE—EAST—COAST—OF—AFRICA at a 180—METERS from Grande COMORE—WEST—COAST found and filmed 1—COELACANTH fish at 1—DEPTH—OF—198—METERS.
19880117             EDUARD—SCHEWARDNADSE trifft sich mit HANS—DIETRICH Genscher in BONN, um den Besuch von Michail Gorbatschow vorzubereiten.
19880117             OST—BERLIN, Demonstranten, die ROSA—LUXEMBURG mit dem Spruch "Freiheit ist immer auch die FREIHEIT—DES—ANDERSDENKENDEN" zitieren, am Rande 1 offiziellen Demonstration der SED—PARTEI—FÜHRUNG verhaftet werden.
19880117             THE—WASHINGTON Redskins won THE—NFC championship by defeating THE—MINNESOTA Vikings 17-10;
19880117             THE—DENVER—BRONCOS beat THE—CLEVELAND Browns 38-33 to win THE—AFC title.
19880117             HAITI held 1—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION—RUN by THE—MILITARY—LED junta that was boycotted by the opposition.
19880117             † ANGELO—DE—MOJANA di Cologna, the Grand MASTER—OF—THE—ORDER—OF—S—JOHN (Knights of MALTA).
19880117             —DECLARED, Fidel Castro, 1—NATIONAL —DAY—OF—MOURNING in CUBA.
19880700             Defense Trade CONTROLS—LIST—OF Debarred Parties.
19890000—20160117    * † Rohith Chakravarti Vemula (1—INDIAN—PHD student at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—HYDERABAD, committed suicide.
19890117             Der Bundesgerichtshof gibt in einem Urteil den deutschen Kreditinstituten bei Bareinzahlungen die taggleiche Wertstellung auf.
19890117             Die —BISHER übliche Praxis, die Verzinsung —ERST—AM Folgetag beginnen zu lassen, benachteilige Kunden.
19890117             5—CHILDREN were shot to death at THE—CLEVELAND Elementary School in STOCKTON—CALIFORNIA, by 1—DRIFTER who then killed himself.
19890117             PATRICK—HENRY—PURDY, 27—JAHRE—ALT, 1—ALCOHOLIC with 1—GUN—FETISH, had gone to school there.
19900117             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—MIAMI SEPTEMBER 19900300              for THE—TRIAL—OF—EX—PANAMA—LEADER—MANUEL—NORIEGA on drug trafficking charges.
19900117             —TRIED, —AFTER initial delays, Noriega was, and convicted of racketeering and conspiracy to distribute cocaine, and was sentenced to 40—YEARS in prison, —LATER cut to 30—YEARS.
19910116             BECAUSE—OF—THE—TIME—DIFFERENCE, it was early 19910117              in the Persian Gulf —WHEN the attack began.
19910117             Der Deutsche BUNDESTAG wählt HELMUT—KOHL nach seinem Wahlsieg in der Bundestagswahl 19900000              zum 3. Mal zum Bundeskanzler der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, zum 1. Mal nach der Wiedervereinigung.
19910117             1—ALLIANZ unter Führung der USA greift den Irak in der Operation Desert Storm mit dem Ziel an, KUWAIT von der irakischen Besatzung zu befreien.
19910117             HARALD—V—KÖNIG—VON—NORWEGEN wird —NACH—DEM Tod seines Vaters OLAV—V—KÖNIG—VON—NORWEGEN, Staatsoberhaupt in Norwegen.
19910117             Der Film Kevin – Allein zu Haus mit MACAULAY—CULKIN und JOE—PESCI läuft in deutschen Kinos an.
19910117             The Persian Gulf War began as Coalition planes struck targets in IRAQ and KUWAIT.
19910117             The 1. IRAQ—SCUD missile attacks on ISRAEL were launched.
19910117             There were REPORTS—OF—DEATH and injury, and possibly even chemical weapons being used.
19910117             For 1—FEW tense hours, it looked as though ISRAEL would retaliate against IRAQ, causing the allied coalition to break up.
19910117             6—MONTHS—OF—PREPARATION and diplomacy might be undone by 1—FEW poorly aimed, 1950s-vintage ballistic missiles.
19910117             —LATER that —EVENING, USA Patriot SURFACE—TO—AIR—MISSILES were launched against the incoming Scuds, and for the 1. time in history, 1—BALLISTIC—MISSILE was shot down by another missile.
19910117             —HELPED, The use of Patriot missiles in ISRAEL—DEFENSE, to keep that country out of the Gulf War, thereby safeguarding the integrity of THE—AMERICAN—EUROPEAN—ARAB coalition.
19910117             —BECAME, JEFFREY—ZAHN, the 1. USA—PILOT shot down.
19910117             —ON the 1. —DAY—OF—OPERATION—DESERT—STORM, USA—LED forces hammered IRAQ—TARGETS in 1—EFFORT to drive IRAQ out of KUWAIT.
19910117             1—DEFIANT—IRAQI—PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN declared that the "MOTHER—OF—ALL—BATTLES" had begun.
19910117             —ATTACKED, IRAQ, ISRAEL with 10—SCUD missiles.
19910117             THE—USA—PATRIOT defense missile was used in BATTLE—FOR—THE 1. time to shoot down 1—SCUD fired at SAUDI—ARABIA.
19910117             —ARRESTED, S—FRANCISCO police, 991—PEOPLE protesting THE—USA—WAR with IRAQ.
19910117             Crude oil futures fell $10.56—FOLLOWING the release of strategic USA crude oil stockpiles coinciding with THE—START—OF—THE—PERSIAN—GULF—WAR.
19910117—19930000    —IN, the ruins of his plane were found.
19910117—20090000    —IN, his remains were found and positively identified.
19920117             GEORGE—R—MITCHELL 22—U.SOUTH—CAROLINA $ 2778...
19920117             GEORGE—R—MITCHELL ,
19920117             Novacom INCORPORATED, Pan Aviation INCORPORATED + Sarkis Soghanalian.
19920117             —ANNOUNCED, IBM, 1—NEARLY $5B loss for 19910000          .
19920117             Celeste Carrington (30), 1—FORMER janitor of from EAST—PALO ALTO—CALIFORNIA, shot and killed VICTOR—ESPARZA, 34—JAHRE—ALT in S—CARLOS —DURING 1—ROBBERY.
19920117             —2—MONTHS—LATER she shot and killed CAROLINE—GLEASON (36), 1—PROPERTY—MANAGER, —DURING 1—ROBBERY in Palo Alto.
19920117             —5—DAYS—LATER she wounded a 3. person in 1 attempted robbery.
19920117             —CONVICTED, She was —LATER, and sentenced to death.
19920117             8—PROTESTANT laborers were killed in 1—IRA bombing in NORTH—IRELAND.
19920117             GEORGE—R—MITCHELL 22—U.SOUTH—CAROLINA $ 2778...
19920117—20090000    —IN, THE—CALIFORNIA Supreme court upheld her death sentence.
19930000             (375, 377-80) WASHINGTON—POST 19830322             (D1, 9) WASHINGTON—POST 19830822             (A1, 5) WASHINGTON—POST 19840914             (A1) WASHINGTON—POST 19850411             (A18) WASHINGTON—POST 19850809             (A6) WASHINGTON—POST 19860730             (D2) WASHINGTON—POST 19861029             (A8) WASHINGTON—POST 19890629             (D4) WASHINGTON—POST 19901130             (A3) WASHINGTON Times Insight Magazine 19920712             (8) WASHINGTON Times 19860714             (2A) WASHINGTON Times 19871210             (A3) WASHINGTON Times 19890106             (A6) WASHINGTON Times 19890117             (A12) WASHINGTON Times 19890913             (E5) WASHINGTON Times 19911202             (A7) WASHINGTON Times 19940929             (A19) WASHINGTON Times 19950917             (A12) WASHINGTON Times 19970514             (A5) Wilcox,D.A. The Right Guide.
19930117             USA—RAKETENANGRIFF auf Bagdad.
19930117             —GETROFFEN, NUCLEAR—ANLAGE, heißt es —ZUNÄCHST PROPAGANDA].
19930117             Es war jedoch 1—WERKZEUGMASCHINENFABRIK.
19930117             REICHEN DIE HÄNDE, EINANDER.
19930117             BUSH, GEORGE HERBERT WALKER hatte sein Amt —SCHON an CLINTON,BILL verloren.
19930117             —GETROFFEN, NUCLEAR—ANLAGE, heißt es —ZUNÄCHST.
19930117             THE—USA, accusing IRAQ—OF—1—SERIES—OF—MILITARY—PROVOCATIONS, unleashed Tomahawk missiles against 1—MILITARY—COMPLEX 8—MILES from downtown BAGHDAD.
19930117             —CALLED, SOUTH—FLORIDA, haven for SMUGGLERS—HAITI Info
19930117             —DURING 19800000             —THE S, Sarkis SOGHANALIAN ,
19930117             PRESIDENT—ELECT Clinton, arriving in WASHINGTON for his inauguration, backed the action.
19930117             the notorious "MERCHANT—OF—DEATH," ran his business OUT—OF—SOUTH—FLORIDA, selling 103—MILITARY—HELICOPTERS + rocket...
19930117             USA—RAKETEN—ANGRIFF—AUF—BAGDAD.
19930117             —GETROFFEN, NUCLEAR—ANLAGE, heißt es ZUNÄCHST. es war jedoch 1—WERKZEUG—MASCHINENFABRIK.
19930117             PROPAGANDA]
19930117             —INCLUDED, His books, "1—HISTORY—OF—THE—ARAB—PEOPLES" (19910000             ).
19930117             PROPAGANDA] - The partners in that deal were FORMER—USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL and Watergate felon JOHN—MITCHELL and Sarkis Soghanalian, 1—TURKISH—BORN—LEBANON—CITIZEN.
19930117             —DURING the 1980s, Sarkis Soghanalian, the notorious "MERCHANT—OF—DEATH," ran his business OUT—OF—SOUTH—FLORIDA, selling 103—MILITARY—HELICOPTERS + rocket...
19930117             —BY : Don ALLEN—TO: All Re: WackenSPY - 1 ...
19930117             known as founder and chairman GEORGE—WACKENHUT 's " private FBI," that provided...
19931123             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, the "Apology Resolution" to acknowledge the 100. anniversary of 18930117             —THE, OVERTHROW—OF—THE—KINGDOM—OF—HAWAII, and to offer 1—APOLOGY to Native Hawaiians on BEHALF—OF—THE—USA for THE—OVERTHROW—OF—THE—KINGDOM—OF—HAWAII.
19940000             Jeb Bush. MAN—OF—CHARACTER.
19940000             Boy, those Satanists really do love to talk backwards.
19940000             20060117
19940117             Das Schiff USA—STAR strandet nach einem Sturm in einer Bucht von Fuerteventura und wird in der Folge zu einer Touristenattraktion.
19940117             -LOS—ANGELES—NORTHRIDGE—ERDBEBEN, kommen 57—MENSCHEN ums Leben, mehr als 9.000—WERDEN verletzt.
19940117             Der Sachschaden wird auf 20—MILLIARDEN—DOLLAR geschätzt, das Erdbeben ist damit 1—DER—TEUERSTEN—NATURKATASTROPHEN in den USA.
19940117             Ein ungewöhnlicher Effekt des Erdbebens ist 1—AUSBRUCH—DES—TALFIEBERS (Kokzidioidomykose), an dem in den folgenden Wochen weitere Menschen sterben.
19940117             A 6.7—MAGNITUDE—EARTHQUAKE struck SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, killing at least 61—PEOPLE and causing $20—BILLION WORTH—OF—DAMAGE.
19940117             Northridge quake hit THE—LOS—ANGELES area. It killed 72—PEOPLE.
19940117             —TOTALED, Insurance losses, $17.8—BILLION.
19940117—19250000    —IN, † ALLAN—ODELL at age 90. He and his younger brother Leonard (19910000              †) wrote some 7,000 Burma Shave poems —BEGINNING—IN rural MINNESOTA.
19940117—19630000    —FADED, THE—BURMA—SHAVE phenomenon, —WHEN Phillip Morris bought BURMA—VITA and the signs began to come down.
19940210             —APPROVED, THE—USA—SENATE, $8.6—BILLION in relief for victims of 19940117             —THE—LOS—ANGELES earthquake.
19940212             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, an $8.6—BILLION relief package for victims of 19940117             —THE Northridge earthquake in SOUTH—CALIFORNIA.
19950117             Das HANSHIN—ERDBEBEN der Magnitude MW=6,9 mit dem Epizentrum in der Nähe der JAPAN—STADT—K?be fordert über 6.433—TOTE und 44.000—VERLETZTE sowie große Sachschäden.
19950117             Über 300.000—MENSCHEN in der 1,5 Millionen Einwohner zählenden JAPAN—STADT—K?be werden obdachlos.
19950117             Die Pfeiler der in Bau befindlichen AKASHI—KAIKY?-Brücke werden fast 1-Meter auseinandergeschoben.
19950117             GEORGE—W—BUSH (19460000              *) began serving as the 46. GOVERNOR—OF—TEXAS.
19950117             —PICKED, Bush had already, ALBERTO—GONZALES (19550000              *) as his general counsel.
19950117             1—MAGNITUDE 6.9—EARTHQUAKE hit the port CITY—OF—KOBE, JAPAN.
19950117—19230000    —SINCE, 5,502—PEOPLE were killed in the worst earthquake to hit JAPAN.
19960117             —HANDED, Sheik OMAR—ABDEL—RAHMAN and 9—FOLLOWERS were, long prison sentences for plotting to blow up NEW—YORK—AREA landmarks.
19960117             —UNLEASHED, RUSSIA—FORCES, 1—SCORCHING BARRAGE—OF—ROCKETS on Chechen rebels in Pervomayskaya.
19960117             —ABDUCTED, SPAIN, ETA, 1—PRISON—OFFICER and held him —FOR—532—DAYS.
19960627—19990117    —CONVICTED, Capano was, by 1—JURY.
19970107             —CONCLUDED, THE—HEBRON Protocol or HEBRON Agreement began and was, 19970115—19970117    —FROM—TO between ISRAEL, represented by PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU, and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), represented by PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat, under THE—SUPERVISION—OF—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—WARREN—CHRISTOPHER, for REDEPLOYMENT—OF—ISRAEL—MILITARY—FORCES in HEBRON.
19970117             —APPROVED, THE—USA—HOUSE—ETHICS—COMMITTEE, a $300,000 penalty against Speaker Newt Gingrich for ethics violations.
19970117             —AGREED, Speaker Newt Gingrich, to submit to the reprimand
19970117             A $40—MILLION—NAVIGATION—SATELLITE for THE—USA—AIR—FORCE blew up on takeoff at Cape Canaveral.
19970117             COLUMBIA, CALI cartel bosses Gilberto and MIGUEL—RODRIGUEZ drew prison terms of 10.5 and 9—YEARS for cocaine trafficking.
19970117             1—FRANCE—MEDICAL—TEAM removed 10—BULLETS from Uday Hussein, SON—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN—OF—IRAQ.
19970117             1—BULLET was still left lodged in his spine.
19970117             1—COURT—IN—IRELAND granted the 1. divorce in THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—COUNTRY—HISTORY.
19970117             —HANDED, ISRAEL, over its military headquarters in HEBRON to the Palestinians, ending 30—YEARS—OF—ISRAEL—OCCUPATION—OF—THE—WEST—BANK—CITY.
19970117             —ANNOUNCED, Korean workers, 1—REDUCTION in work stoppages.
19970117             All out strikes were to be scaled back to once 1—WEEK.
19970117—19300000    —IN, † CLYDE—WILLIAM—TOMBAUGH, the astronomer who discovered Pluto, in NEW—MEXICO.
19970227—19970117    —SEE
19980117             -spekuliert wird über 1—AFFÄRE im Weißen Haus, Auf der Webseite DRUDGE—REPORT,
19980117             —VERWICKELT sein soll, in DIE—AFFÄRE im Weißen Haus, USA—PRÄSIDENT—BILL—CLINTON.
19980117             —4—TAGE—SPÄTER, Als in der WASHINGTON—POST das Thema aufgegriffen wird, entwickelt sich die LEWINSKY—AFFÄRE.
19980117             —INTERROGATED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON was, in his deposition In the Paula Jones case.
19980117             It was the 1. time 1—SITTING PRESIDENT was interrogated in 1—COURT—CASE.
19980117             —DENIED, —DURING the nearly 6—HOURS—OF sworn testimony, Clinton, that he had engaged in 1—SEXUAL—RELATIONSHIP with Monica Lewinsky.
19980117             —REPORTED, MATT—DRUDGE, over THE—INTERNET that Monica Lewinsky had paid numerous service calls to THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
19980117             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—USA—MILITARY had begun to clear away over 50,000 land mines —AROUND GUANTANAMO Naval base.
19980117             —DEFENDED, The base was, by 400—MARINES.
19980117             —REPORTED, It was, that motorists in CAIRO were switching to compressed natural gas (CNG) to fuel their vehicles.
19980117             It was both cheaper and burned cleaner.
19980117             Over 5,000 vehicles had made the switch.
19980117             —THREATENED, IRAQ, Sadam Hussein, to expel all UN arms inspectors in 6—MONTHS if the country is not cleared of suspicions about weapons programs and if sanctions are not lifted.
19980117             —MARCHED, SOUTH—KOREA, some 2,500 workers, in SEOUL to protest the government's labor reform plan.
19980117             —CALLED, KIM—DAE—JUNG, for 1—SMALLER—LABOR—FORCE to attract more funds from THE—IMF and foreign investors.
19990117             —DEFEATED, The defending Super Bowl champion DENVER—BRONCOS, THE—NEW—YORK Jets, 23-10, to win THE—USA—FOOTBALL—CONFERENCE—TITLE;
19990117             THE—ATLANTA Falcons upset THE—MINNESOTA Vikings, 30-27, to win the National Football Conference championship.
19990117             As WHITE—HOUSE—LAWYERS met to work on PRESIDENT—CLINTON—IMPEACHMENT—DEFENSE, their client spent the —DAY preparing for his STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS.
19990117             —CRASHED, BRYAN—OHIO, 3—FREIGHT trains, into EACH—OTHER and 2—CREW members were killed.
19990117             —INJURED, TENNESSEE, tornadoes left 9—PEOPLE—DEAD and 100, with extensive damage in 28—COUNTIES.
19990117             USA—TALKS with NORTH—KOREA over inspection of 1—UNDERGROUND—NUCLEAR—SITE were adjourned.
19990117             —DEMANDED, NORTH—KOREA, $300—MILLION in compensation to inspect the Kumchangni site.
19990117             —DESTROYED, CHILE, 1—FOREST—FIRE had, 24,000 acres near S—FERNANDO, some 80—MILES—SOUTH—OF—SANTIAGO.
19990117             It was the worst fire in 25—YEARS.
19990117             —IMPOSED, PAKISTAN, Islamic laws were, in tribal areas of the northwest with punishments to include lashings, AMPUTATIONS—OF—HANDS and feet, and executions.
19990117             —VOTED, TURKEY, THE—PARLIAMENT, in a new minority government under PRIME—MINISTER—BULENT—ECEVIT.
19990117             —KIDNAPPED, YEMEN, 2—BRITISH and 4—HOLLAND—CITIZENS were.
20000117             —ANNOUNCED, The Clinton administration, that talks between ISRAEL and Syria had been postponed indefinitely.
20000117             —MARCHED, COLUMBIA—SOUTH—CAROLINA, some 46,000 demonstrators, on the Statehouse on MARTIN—LUTHER—KING—DAY decrying the Confederate flag as 1—SYMBOL—OF—SLAVERY and racism and called for the removal on the flag.
20000117             —ANNOUNCED, UK—PHARMACEUTICAL—FIRMS—GLAXO Wellcome PLC and SmithKline Beecham PLC, 1—MERGER to form the world's largest drug maker valued at $186—BILLION.
20000117             —BOMBED, CHECHNYA, RUSSIA—AIRCRAFT and artillery, Grozny with 1—RECORD—NUMBER—OF—ATTACKS.
20000117             1—BOAT carrying 40—MIGRANTS trying to illegally reach PUERTO—RICO sank off THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—COAST—AFTER leaving Sabana de la Mar and at least 8—PEOPLE were killed.
20000117             ECUADOR, police broke up 1—MARCH by oil workers in QUITO as some 30,000 troops were deployed in FEARS—OF—UNREST.
20000117             —BURNED, INDONESIA, angry Muslims, as many as 12—CHURCHES at MATARAM and Ampenan on Lombok Island.
20000117             † Huseyin Velioglu, FOUNDER—AND—LEADER—OF—TURKISH—HEZBOLLAH, was killed in 1—SHOOTOUT with TURKEY—POLICE —DURING 1—RAID in THE—ISTANBUL suburb of Beykoz.
20000825             The Militant - 20000117              -- CHINA 'spy scare' FRAME—UP...
20010000             gründete eine USA—LEHRERIN die "Youth for Human Rights",
20010000—20050000    —AB, gründete 1—USA—LEHRERIN die "Youth for Human Rights", ist die Initiative auch in Deutschland aktiv.
20010117             KALIFORNIEN—GOUVERNEUR—GRAY—DAVIS erklärt wegen der Elektrizitätskrise den Ausnahmezustand im bevölkerungsreichsten USA—BUNDESSTAAT—KALIFORNIEN.
20010117             Die Staaten der OPEC beschließen in WIEN, 5 % weniger Erdöl zu fördern.
20010117             Saddam speech : Information from Answers com
20010117             SADDAM Hussein In THE—NAME—OF—ALLAH, the Merciful, the Compassionate Great people, Exalted.
20010117             —CREATED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, 6—NEW—NATIONAL—MONUMENTS that included: The Carrizo Plain, 204,107 acres between S—LUIS—OBISPO and BAKERSFIELD in CALIFORNIA;
20010117             the 377,346 acres Upper MISSOURI River Breaks and THE—51—ACRES—POMPEYS Pillar landmark in MONTANA;
20010117             the 486,149 acre Sonoran Desert monument in ARIZONA;
20010117             THE—63—ACRE—MINIDOKA Internment National Monument in IDAHO;
20010117             and the 4,148 acre KASHA—KATUWE Tent Rocks in NEW—MEXICO.
20010117             CALIFORNIA used rolling blackouts to cut off power to HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE.
20010117             —DECLARED, GOVERNOR—DAVIS, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY and ordered THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—WATER—RESOURCES to buy and sell electricity to help alleviate the crises.
20010117             —DEFAULTED, PG&E, on $76—MILLION in short term debt.
20010117             † GREGORY—CORSO, 70—JAHRE—ALT, Beat poet, in ROBBINSDALE—MINNESOTA.
20010117             —INCLUDED, GREGORY—CORSO—POETRY collections, "Gasoline" and "Mindfield" (19890000             ).
20010117             —VOTED, BRITAIN, THE—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS, 387 to 174 to ban fox hunting.
20010117             —HACKED, COLOMBIA, 25—MEN were, to death by some 50—AUC RIGHT—WING paramilitary at Chengue.
20010117             30—HOMES were set on fire and 7—MEN taken as hostages.
20010117             —CALLED, Residents had, for protection —23—MONTHS—EARLIER.
20010117             —NAMED, CONGO, government ministers, JOSEPH—KABILA, SON—OF—LAURENT—KABILA, as temporary HEAD—OF—STATE.
20010117             INDONESIA, separatist rebels took 6—HOSTAGES in Irian Jaya.
20010117             —BELONGED, The kidnappers, to 1—FACTION—OF—THE—FREE—PAPUA Movement led by WILLEM—KONDE.
20010117             —REPORTED, It was, that NORWAY was lifting its ban on exports of whale meat and byproducts.
20010117             † Hisham Miki (54), HEAD—OF—PALESTINIAN—TV, was shot to death by 3 masked men in GAZA City.
20010117             SUDAN, some 30,000—PEOPLE fled REBEL—HELD regions in the Numa Mountains.
20010117             Diário da REPÚBLICA—MOO Arquivo com todos os documentos do Diário da República de 17—DE Janeiro de... de animais cujo cheiro, barulho ou presença possam incomodar os vizinhos.
20010117             Saddam speech 20010117
20010117             Saddam Hussein In THE—NAME—OF—ALLAH, the Merciful, the Compassionate Great people, Exalted.
20010117             Saddam Hussein: Biography and Much More from Answers_com
20010816—20050117    —BECAME, COLONEL—VIDOJE—BLAGOJEVIC, the 2. indictee to be convicted on Srebrenica Genocide charges and other human rights violations.
20020117             In der DEMOKRATISCHE—REPUBLIK—KONGO ausbricht der VULKAN—NYIRAGONGO.
20020117             1—LAVASTROM zerstört mehrere Dörfer und fließt schließlich durch GOMA in den Kiwusee.
20020117             † 147—MENSCHEN, kommen ums Leben, etwa 500.000—MENSCHEN werden obdachlos.
20020117             —FIRED, Enron, accounting firm ARTHUR—ANDERSEN, citing its DESTRUCTION—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—DOCUMENTS and its accounting advice;
20020117             —VISITED, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—POWELL, AFGHANISTAN and pledged that THE—USA would not abandon the country.
20020117             —COLLIDED, ARIZONA, 2 A—10—THUNDERBOLT II attack jets, and 1—PILOT was killed.
20020117             —RESIGNED, ARGENTINA, Roque Maccarone, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—CENTRAL—BANK, in 1—DISPUTE with Economic MINISTER—REMES—LENICOV over ways to preserved the value of the peso.
20020117             —ERUPTED, CONGODRC, THE—MOUNT—NYIRAGONGO volcano, near GOMA.
20020117             —DESTROYED, Rivers of lava, 14—VILLAGES.
20020117             —DEVASTATED, GOMA was, and some 400,000—PEOPLE fled their homes.
20020117             —KILLED, About 250—PEOPLE were, and MANY—SOUGHT refuge in RWANDA.
20020117             1—ECUADORAN—OIL—COMPANY—PLANE crashed in COLOMBIA and all 26—ABOARD were feared dead.
20020117             The plane was found 20020124              with no survivors.
20020117             —ARRESTED, LEICESTER—ENGLAND, police, 2—ALGERIA—MEN allegedly involved in 1—PLOT to bomb THE—USA—EMBASSY in PARIS.
20020117             —ARRESTED, Another 8—MEN were, NORTH—OF—LONDON under the Terrorism Act.
20020117             —OPENED, HADERA—ISRAEL, 1—PALESTINE—GUNMEN, fire at 1—BAT mitzvah party and killed 6—PEOPLE—BEFORE he was beaten and killed.
20020117             30—MORE were wounded.
20020117             —ENDED, NIGERIA, labor leaders, a 2—DAY—GENERAL—STRIKE—AFTER Adams Oshiomole and other ACTIVISTS—OF—THE—LABOR—CONGRESS were arrested.
20020117             —ATTACKED, PERU, some 200—AGUARUNA Indians, settlers near THE—ECUADOR border and killed 14—PEOPLE.
20020117             † CAMILO—JOSE—CELA, 85—JAHRE—ALT, SPAIN—NOVELIST and 19890000              Noble Prize winner, in MADRID.
20020117—19890000    —IN, Landless peasants had begun settling the area.
20020117—20011200    —IN—EARLY, for its part, Andersen said its relationship with Enron ended —WHEN the company slid into the biggest corporate bankruptcy in USA—HISTORY.
20030117             —SAILED, TOM—RIDGE, through Senate confirmation hearings on his way to becoming the nation's 1. Homeland Security DEPARTMENT—CHIEF.
20030117             —ANNOUNCED, Constellation Brands of Fairport, NY, a $1.4—BILLION acquisition of AUSTRALIA—BRL—HARDY.
20030117             The combination would form the world's largest wine company.
20030117             † RICHARD—CRENNA, 75—JAHRE—ALT, radio, film and TV actor.
20030117             —DURING the last —DECADE—OF—HER—LIFE she gardened in Bolinas and wrote for the Point Reyes Light.
20030117             † GERTRUDE—JANEWAY, 93—JAHRE—ALT, the last known widow of 1—UNION—VETERAN from the Civil War, in BLAINE—TENNESSEE.
20030117             1—BOMB ripped through 1—VILLAGE in NORTH—BANGLADESH —DURING 1—ANNUAL carnival, killing 6—PEOPLE and wounding 6—OTHERS.
20030117             —OPENED, FRANCE and SPAIN, the new 5.3-mile Somport tunnel through THE—WEST—PYRENEES mountains.
20030117             —ON the 12. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—GULF—WAR, 1—DEFIANT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN called on his people to rise up and defend the nation against 1—NEW—USA—LED attack.
20030117             —SIGNED, IRAQ and RUSSIA, 3—OIL—AGREEMENTS for exploration and DEVELOPMENT—OF—OIL—FIELDS in southern and WEST—IRAQ.
20030117             KENYA, FBI informer WILLIAM—MWAURA—MUNUHE, 27—JAHRE—ALT was found dead at his home in the affluent NAIROBI suburb of Karen, —2—DAYS—AFTER THE—USA—EMBASSY and KENYA—POLICE tried to trap RWANDA—GENOCIDE suspect Felicien Kabuga.
20030117             —DISSOLVED, MUNUHE—BODY was partially, in acid.
20030117             —CAUSED, Massive flooding, by Cyclone Delfina ravaged parts of MALAWI and MOZAMBIQUE, washing away homes and crops, submerging roads and bridges, and cutting off electricity in the impoverished nations.
20030117             2—PALESTINE—GUNMEN infiltrated the Jewish settlement of Kiryat Arba, killing 1—ISRAEL—MAN as he opened the door of his home and wounding 3—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20030117             † 1—GUNMAN was shot and killed in the attack.
20030117             —FIRED, POLAND PRIME—MINISTER—LESZEK—MILLER, his health MINISTER and 2—DEPUTY—FINANCE—MINISTERS resigned in the 2. Cabinet reshuffle this —MONTH.
20030117             —PRESENTED, RUSSIA—PROSECUTORS, 1—CRIMINAL dossier on feared Soviet secret police CHIEF—LAVRENTY—BERIA, including 1—LIST—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—WOMEN he had allegedly stalked and raped.
20030117             The Strategic Partnership with AFRICA (SPA), made of 15 developed nations, INTERNATIONAL lending institutions and UN agencies, concluded its annual meeting in ADDIS—ABABA.
20030117             —DEVELOPED, More than 20, nations, lending institutions and UN agencies agreed to increase aid to AFRICA.
20030117             —KILLED, TURKEY—TROOPS, 12—KURDISH—REBELS in the southeast over the past 2—DAYS.
20030117—19270000    —IN, GERTRUDE—JANEWAY had oo JOHN—JANEWAY —WHEN he was 81 and she was barely 18.
20030117—19610000    —IN, she began writing her —SUNDAY column "S—FRANCISCO at Your Feet" and continued —FOR—30—YEARS.
20030129             THE—BODY—OF—ABDELMALEK—BENBARA, 41—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—ALGERIAN—PRIME—MINISTER—PARTY reported missing 20030117             , was found in 1—CAR in PARIS.
20040117             † RAY—STARK, 88—JAHRE—ALT, HOLLYWOOD producer.
20040117             —INCLUDED, RAY—STARK—FILMS, "Funny Girl," based on the life of Broadway singer Fanny Brice, his MOTHER—IN—LAW.
20040117             —ATTACKED, A—USA—HELICOPTER, 1—HOUSE in Saghatho village in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, killing 11—PEOPLE, 4—OF—THEM children.
20040117             † THE—USA—MILITARY said that only 5—MILITANTS were killed.
20040117             BRAZIL, the death toll rose to 11 as heavy rains and mudslides pounded THE—BRAZIL—STATE—OF—RIO—DE—JANEIRO for the 2. —DAY in 1—ROW.
20040117             1—CESSNA 208—REGIONAL—PLANE carrying hunters went down in Lake ERIE about 1—MILE—WEST—OF—PELEE Island, CANADA.
20040117             —KILLED, All 9—ABOARD were.
20040117             —CONFIRMED, THE—CHINA—GOVERNMENT, 2—MORE—SARS patients, bringing the total number this —YEAR to 3.
20040117             1—ROADSIDE bomb exploded near BAGHDAD, killing 3—USA—SOLDIERS and 2—IRAQ—CIVIL—DEFENSE troopers.
20040117             † THE—NUMBER—OF—USA—SERVICE—MEMBERS who have, —SINCE THE—IRAQ war began reached 500.
20040117             1—EXPLOSIVE device being transported in 1—CAR exploded near A—USA—ARMY—PATROL in Tikrit, killing 2—MEN in the vehicle, 1—OF—THEM 1—RELATIVE—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
20040117             GUATEMALA, Nobel Peace Prize winner Rigoberta Menchu said she will become 1—OF—NEW—PRESIDENT—OSCAR—BERGER—TOP—OFFICIALS in charge of monitoring adherence to THE—UNITED—NATIONS—BROKERED peace accords that ended 36—YEARS—OF—CIVIL—WAR.
20040117             —CLASHED, INDIA—SOLDIERS and Islamic rebels, in disputed Kashmir in 2—SEPARATE—GUNBATTLES that killed 8—GUERRILLAS and 2—PARAMILITARY—SOLDIERS.
20040117             —EXECUTED, LEBANON, 3—KILLERS were, and grenade blasts followed in BEIRUT—LARGEST—PALESTINE—REFUGEE—CAMP.
20040117             MYANMAR—JUNTA said it freed 26—MEMBERS—OF—AUNG—S—SUU—KYI—OPPOSITION—NATIONAL—LEAGUE for Democracy party.
20040117             † RAFAEL—CORDERO—SANTIAGO, 61—JAHRE—ALT, the mayor of the Puerto Rican CITY—OF—PONCE, —AFTER suffering 1—BRAIN—HEMORRHAGE.
20040900             AFGHANISTAN—EINSATZ:
20041126—19890117    (A12) WASHINGTON Times
20041205             The Militant - 20000117              -- CHINA 'spy scare' FRAME—UP...
20050117             TITAN—BILDER: "Wie die amerikanische Westküste"
20050117             KULTUR—KONSERVIERUNG: Total Recall im Schwarzwaldstollen
20050117             Hilfsorganisationen: Dänemark gibt Terrorwarnung für Fluthelfer heraus
20050117             MÄRTYRER—EFFEKT: Wie der Glaube den Schmerz eindämmt
20050117             Stechender Zahnschmerz: Mann schießt sich unbemerkt Nagel in den Kopf
20050117             Deutsch in der Knesset: Abgeordnete drohen mit Boykott der KÖHLER—REDE
20050117             Erlebnispädagogik und Kneipenverbot: Harry soll Daddys Schweinestall ausmisten
20050117             Flutkatastrophe: ZAHL—DER—OPFER steigt auf über 175.000
20050117             Zum Tod Zhao Ziyangs: Der weggeschlossene Reformer
20050117             Denn besonders durch die LANGLEINEN—FISCHEREI sterben JEDES—JAHR unzählige Albatrosse;
20050117             mittlerweile stehen 19—DER 21—BEKANNTEN Arten auf der Roten Liste.
20050117             Croxall hofft nun, Schutzzonen für die Vögel einrichten zu können, deren zeitliche und räumliche Grenzen auf den neuen Erkenntnissen zu den Flugrouten basieren.
20050117             Dadurch könnte sich die ZAHL—DER—GETÖTETEN—ALBATROSSE, so die Hoffnung des britischen Forschers, um 75—BIS 95 % reduzieren lassen.
20050117             Die Vögel erwiesen sich dabei als echte Langstreckenflieger.
20050117             Mehr als die HÄLFTE—DER—UNTERSUCHTEN—ALBATROSSE drehte im Quartier vor der indischen Küste nicht um,
20050117             sondern flog gleich weiter und umrundete dabei die Erde.
20050117             Der schnellste Albatros brauchte für 1—STRECKE—VON—22.000—KILOMETERN gerade einmal 46—TAGE.
20050117             3—VÖGEL brachten es zwischen den Brutperioden sogar auf 2—ERDUMRUNDUNGEN.
20050117             Während der Feiern gilt 1—FLUGVERBOT im Umkreis von 37—KILOMETERN um die 3—FLUGHÄFEN REAGAN—NATIONAL,
20050117             Dulles und BALTIMORE—WASHINGTON.
20050117             Gewöhnlich ist lediglich der Luftraum im Umkreis von 25—KILOMETERN um das WASHINGTON Monument gesperrt.
20050117             Er glaube aber nicht, dass die Zuschauer wegen der umfangreichen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen beeinträchtigt würden,
20050117             meinte der Kommandeur des Militärbezirks WASHINGTON, Generalmajor Galen Jackman.
20050117             "Ich denke, die Menschen werden mit dem, was wir hier machen, zufrieden sein", sagte Jackman.
20050117             Zur Vereidigung BUSH s am Kapitol, dem Sitz von Senat und Repräsentantenhaus,
20050117             werden etwa 250.000—ZUSCHAUER erwartet.
20050117             Rund 500.000—MENSCHEN dürften die Strecke entlang der anschließend stattfindenden Parade vom Kapitol zum Weißen Haus säumen.
20050117             Die Sicherheitsbehörden hatten im vergangenen —JAHR—VON—GEHEIMDIENSTINFORMATIONEN über mögliche Terroranschläge anlässlich der Präsidentenwahl berichtet und auch 1—BEDROHUNG—DER—FEIERN zur Amtseinführung nicht ausgeschlossen.
20050117             Dennoch wurden die, nach seinen Angaben schärfsten Sicherheitsvorkehrungen getroffen, die es je bei einer Amtseinführungsfeier gab.
20050117             Abgeraucht: ZIGARETTEN—VERKÄUFE brechen 20040000              ein
20050117             Kampf der Giganten: Boeing plant SUPER—JUMBO
20050117             —AKZEPTIERT, APPLE—JUBEL: Fangemeinde, Mac mini
20050117             Abgesang auf den JUMBO—JET: BYE—BYE, Buckelwal
20050117             Nebenjobs: Korrupte Politiker sollen härter bestraft werden
20050117             MOSHAMMER—MORD: Politiker fordern häufigere Anwendung von DNS—ANALYSEN
20050117             USA: Höchste Alarmstufe bei Bush s Amtseinführung
20050117             Front Page : Breaking NEWS—EMBARRASS, MINNESOTA, Hits 54—BELOW 0,
20050117             —PLUMMETED, Freezing Temps Hit Gulf Coast Temperatures, across the eastern half of the nation —MONDAY,
20050117             approaching 1—ALL—TIME—RECORD in NORTH—MINNESOTA + freezing the Gulf Coast as 1—RIVER—OF—ARCTIC—AIR pushed southward.
20050117             ChoicePoint finds wealth in information
20050117             SF and other USA—CITIES held parades honoring MARTIN—LUTHER—KING.
20050117             —INCLUDED, Her over 40—FILMS, "White Heat" (19330000             ) and "Best YEARS—OF—OUR—LIVES" (19460000             ).
20050117             —CALLED, UK—TREASURY—CHIEF—GORDON—BROWN, on wealthy nations and INTERNATIONAL institutions to write off AFRICA—DEBT, saying debts incurred by past generations are keeping the continent poor.
20050117             —ARRESTED, CHINA—NEWS—REPORTS said authorities have, DOZENS—OF—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS and others accused in 1—SCHEME to steal 7.4—BILLION yuan ($900—MILLION) from 1—STATE—BANK through fraudulent loans.
20050117             † ZHAO—ZIYANG, 85—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—CHINA—LEADER (19800000—19870000    ), —AFTER—15—YEARS under house arrest.
20050117             —OUSTED, ZHAO—ZIYANG was, as CHINA—COMMUNIST—PARTY—LEADER—AFTER sympathizing with 19890000             —THE Tiananmen Square PRO—DEMOCRACY—PROTESTS.
20050117             —ARRIVED, IRAN—PRESIDENT—MOHAMMED—KHATAMI, in ZIMBABWE to 1 red carpet welcome from his counterpart ROBERT—MUGABE with whom he is due to hold talks over 2—DAYS.
20050117             IRAQ—EXPATRIATES in 14—COUNTRIES began registering to vote in IRAQ's 20050130              elections.
20050117             —KILLED, Gunmen, 8—IRAQ—NATIONAL—GUARDSMEN at 1—CHECKPOINT—NORTH—EAST—OF—BAGHDAD, and 8—PEOPLE † in 1—SUICIDE—CAR bombing at 1—POLICE—STATION outside the capital.
20050117             2—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—AUDITORS were shot to death —AFTER armed gunmen stopped their car in 1—AREA—SOUTH—EAST—OF—BAGHDAD.
20050117             RAMADI, officials found 4—BODIES, 3—CIVILIANS and 1—IRAQ—SOLDIER.
20050117             They bore handwritten signs declaring them collaborators.
20050117             —ATTACKED, ISRAEL—WARPLANES, suspected Hezbollah targets in SOUTH—LEBANON —AFTER the guerrillas said they blew up 1—ISRAEL—BULLDOZER in 1 disputed area near the border, reportedly causing casualties.
20050117             —ORDERED, PALESTINE—LEADER—MAHMOUD—ABBAS, his security forces to try to prevent attacks against ISRAEL and to investigate 1—SHOOTING at 1—GAZA—STRIP crossing that killed 6—ISRAEL—CIVILIANS last —WEEK.
20050117             —STOPPED, RUSSIA—POLICE, angry retirees from blocking traffic, the 3. —DAY—OF—PROTESTS in PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN—HOMETOWN against welfare benefit cutoffs.
20050117             —INJURED, THAILAND, 1—COLLISION on BANGKOK—NEW—SUBWAY, 200 and suspended service for 1—WEEK.
20050117             1—CREW error was blamed.
20050117             Unter 8000—EURO: Ford verkauft ab sofort BILLIG—KA
20050117             Order an Polizei: Abbas will Terrorangriffe auf ISRAEL unterbinden
20050117             1. Verhaftung: FBI schnappt TSUNAMI—SPAM—BETRÜGER
20050117             BANGKOK: Hunderte Verletzte bei U—BAHN—UNGLÜCK
20050117             Amtseinführung des USA—PRÄSIDENTEN: BUSH—FEST mit Pomp und Waffen
20050117             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Die Furcht eines zerzausten Bürgertums"
20050117             Mehr als die HÄLFTE—DER—UNTERSUCHTEN—ALBATROSSE drehte im Quartier vor der indischen Küste nicht um, sondern flog gleich weiter und umrundete dabei die Erde.
20050117             Während der Feiern gilt 1—FLUGVERBOT im Umkreis von 37—KILOMETERN um die 3—FLUGHÄFEN REAGAN—NATIONAL, Dulles und BALTIMORE—WASHINGTON.
20050117             Neben der Polizei sollen auch rund 2500—SOLDATEN für einen störungsfreien Ablauf der Feierlichkeiten am —DONNERSTAG sorgen.
20050117             Er glaube aber nicht, dass die Zuschauer wegen der umfangreichen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen beeinträchtigt würden, meinte der Kommandeur des Militärbezirks WASHINGTON, Generalmajor Galen Jackman.
20050117             Zur Vereidigung Bush s am Kapitol, dem Sitz von Senat und Repräsentantenhaus, werden etwa 250.000—ZUSCHAUER erwartet.
20050117             Der scheidende Heimatschutzminister TOM—RIDGE bezeichnete die Amtseinführung als die bedeutendste Manifestation der amerikanischen Demokratie.
20050117             Es gebe keine Hinweise auf eine konkrete Bedrohung, sagte Ridge nun auf einer PRESSEKONFERENZ.
20050117             Gefiederte Vielflieger: In 46—TAGEN um die Welt
20050117             Bonusmeilen: Lufthansa schuldet Kunden 491—MILLIONEN Euro
20050117             CHINA: Gestürzter Parteichef Zhao Ziyang tot
20050117             Front Page : Breaking NEWS—EMBARRASS—MINNESOTA, Hits 54—BELOW 0, Freezing Temps Hit Gulf Coast Temperatures plummeted across the eastern half of the nation —MONDAY, approaching 1—ALL—TIME—RECORD in NORTH—MINNESOTA + freezing the Gulf Coast as 1—RIVER—OF—ARCTIC—AIR pushed southward.
20050117—20040000    —EXPANDED, SINGAPORE said its exports, by 17—PERCENT to 1—RECORD—HIGH, reflecting strong demand from CHINA for oil and commodities and solid SALES—OF—ELECTRONICS and pharmaceuticals to THE—USA—AND—EUROPEAN—UNION.
20050117—20090000    —IN, 1—SECRET recording of his insights regarding 19890000             —THE protests were translated edited and published by Bao Pu: "PRISONER—OF—THE—STATE: The Secret Journal of Premier Zhao Ziyang".
20050125             —THURSDAY—2. inauguration for GEORGE—W—BUSH comes only —3—DAYS—AFTER MARTIN—LUTHER—KING—DAY was celebrated on —MONDAY, 20050117          .
20050205             The utility says 1—ENRON employee and 1—WORKER at 1—POWER—PLANT in LAS—VEGAS, NEVADA, made up phony repairs, taking the plant OFF—LINE 20010117          .
20051221             entschied das Amtsgerichts BONN, dass die DFG die Gutachten auch weiterhin unter Verschluss halten darf (Aktenzeichen 9—C 390/05).
20060117             Wer hat Hitler aufgerüstet? Die USA Banken!...
20060117             Höchst erfolgreich bedient, denn Moskaus Armee musste sich...
20060117             entschiedener Gegner der Nationalsozialisten und Freimaurer, wurde vom
20060117             ihrer Auftritte an der Front 19440000              Subversion in der USA—ARMY zu erkunden.
20060117             Kommentar: Parasiten des Zorns —
20060117             —GETAN, USA—PRÄSIDENT—BUSH hat, was sich die Terroristen wünschen konnten.
20060117             TimeBomb 20000000              - [sex/corrupt] more scumbag pedophiles exposed...
20060117             the Only major lawsuit for libel and slander arising from This book was my suit against Atlantic Telecast,
20060117             owner of 1—TELEVISION—STATION in Wilmington...
20060117             what's that??? VATICAN having money problems??? I don't think so.
20060117             Soon —AFTER THE—FORMALITIES—OF—THE—CHANGE in PRESIDENT were over, there was yet more fighting.
20060117             Meta NOVUS—BLOG Headlines and News, the Net Refreshed
20060117             Xeni on CNN : 20050000              s top tech stories, why they matter for 20060000             —EYEING web tracking.. NEW—YORK—CITY—STREET—DEMONSTRATION against DRM 20061025             /7PM,
20060117             14. and B WAY—PRESS Corner: Free Muslims Coalition T
20060117             he Free Muslim Coalition Against Terrorism urges all Americans to support the
20060117             Dispute in Islamist Circles over the Legitimacy of Attacking Muslims...
20060117             Calibre Macro*World
20060117             a judge dismisses most Claims in PARMALAT—SUIT against BANK—OF—AMERICA — Full story.
20060117             —PUBLISHED, Stories
20060117             Former flight attendant files suit against TIGERS—NATION & World Briefs
20060117             Lawsuit targets prep school over molestation allegation... - AMPP: Enslaving Speech
20060117             —REVERSED, The 9. Circuit is the most, court in the nation, according to FOX—NEWS.
20060117             —FILED, VG Wort had, 1—SUIT against GERMANY—LARGEST PC maker.
20060117    Fast News for Common Sense People: Links M
20060117             ILWAUKEE - A judge threw out a high school student's lawsuit against mandatory —SUMMER homework,
20060117             —THREATENED, Feds, suit over military ballots [+]
20060117             "'NEVER AGAIN' OVER AGAIN" on Holocaust Remembrance —DAY.Media Alert 20050622              Suit Against Rumsfeld to Be Heard in Federal Court in the..
20060117             911—BOOKMARKS Volume 03
20060117             ROBERT—WEXLERS lawsuit over TOUCH—SCREEN voting machines (OH—IT—ALL—RIGHT to have
20060117             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—HOUSE votes to break up SF based- 9. Circuit court...
20060117             SOCIETY AND POLITICS—MAKING sense from nonsense
20060117             This is the 1. of 750—CIVIL—LAW—SUITS against CALIFORNIA ROMAN—CATHOLIC...
20060117             —RULED, The 9. USA—CIRCUIT—COURT—OF—APPEALS, 6—5—THAT CA prison inmate William...
20060117             FDA SCANDALS—FEDERAL Reserve SCAM—FRAUD (Financial) - Fraud (Military)
20060117             REAGAN could have told You that — Everybody from HOLLYWOOD knows it.
20060117             What connects 1—HOLLYWOOD starlet with the attacks of 20200911             0 1 1—CONTINUING cascade of corporate scandals implicating several...
20060117             Noam Chomsky: 'There Is No WAR—ON—TERROR':
20060117             The acclaimed critic of USA foreign policy analyzes BUSH—CURRENT—POLITICAL—TROUBLES, THE—WAR—ON—IRAQ + what's really behind the global 'WAR—ON—TERROR.'
20060117             PAKISTAN is preparing to lodge 1—FORMAL—DIPLOMATIC—PROTEST over the attack,
20060117             which killed at least 18—PEOPLE, because it was launched from 4—PILOTLESS—AIRCRAFT which intruded 30—MILES into PAKISTAN—AIR—SPACE from AFGHANISTAN
20060117             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION does not accept THE—INTERNATIONALLY—RECOGNIZED treaty rights of IRAN because it believes that all law flows from WASHINGTON;
20060117             1—FACT that is tragically evident in its TORTURING—OF—PRISONERS,
20060117             spying on USA—CITIZENS + its vast DESTRUCTION—OF—IRAQ.
20060117             Why 1—ECONOMIC—BOYCOTT—OF—ISRAEL is Justified -
20060117             The recent proposal that NORWAY boycott ISRAEL—GOODS has provoked passionate debate.
20060117             In my view, 1—RATIONAL—EXAMINATION—OF this issue would pose 2—QUESTIONS:
20060117             and 2) Can such 1—BOYCOTT make 1—MEANINGFUL—CONTRIBUTION toward ending these violations?
20060117             Narcissism, the Public + THE—PRESIDENT -
20060117             At 1—OBSERVABLE—LEVEL, narcissism involves 1—SELF—CENTEREDNESS that makes 1—OBLIVIOUS to the emotional EXISTENCE—OF—OTHERS.
20060117             BOLTON Threatens UNITED—NATIONS over ISRAEL—BASHING:
20060117             threatening to cut USA funding to THE—UNITED—NATIONS—IF the world body continues to promote ANTI—ISRAEL events.
20060117             MERKEL—24—HOUR—MASSAGE—OF—BUSH—PSYCHE:
20060117             Love of 1—POLITICAL—NATURE has definitely broken out between GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL and USA PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20060117             That may explain why, according to this ACCOUNT—OF—THE—TRIP from GERMANY—SUEDDEUTSCHE—ZEITUNG, Merkel gets away with discussing issues that past GERMANY—CHANCELLORS wouldn't have dared broach.
20060117             —IMPRISONED, PRESIDENT—ELECT Michelle Bachelet, who was, and tortured under THE—RIGHT—WING dictatorship of Gen.
20060117             —PRAISED, Augusto Pinochet, was, —MONDAY as 1—SYMBOL—OF—RECONCILIATION who can help CHILE come to terms with its traumatic political past
20060117             —FOR—3—YEARS—FEDERAL—AGENTS trailed MOHAMMED—YOUSRY, 1—CHUBBY 50—YEAR—OLD—TRANSLATOR and USA citizen who worked for radical lawyer Lynne Stewart.
20060117             —WIRETAPPED, Prosecutors, his phone + FBI agents shadowed and interviewed him.
20060117             Give Me Liberty or Let Me Think About It:
20060117             What the wiretapping debate says about freedom.
20060117             AL—GORE "Constitution In Grave Danger" : Complete TEXT—OF—AL—GORE—SPEECH at Constitution Hall:
20060117             We have 1—DUTY as Americans to defend our citizens' right not only to life but also to liberty and THE—PURSUIT—OF—HAPPINESS.
20060117             It is —THEREFORE vital in our current circumstances that immediate steps be taken to safeguard our Constitution against the present danger posed by the intrusive overreaching on THE—PART—OF—THE—EXECUTIVE—BRANCH and THE—PRESIDENT—APPARENT—BELIEF that he need not live under THE—RULE—OF—LAW.
20060117             CHARLEY—REESE: 1—PLUS for Charity:
20060117             —SCARED, Sin is paying off for SOME—USA—CHARITIES as, politicians in WASHINGTON try to dump their JACK—ABRAMOFF campaign contributions.
20060117             Putting daylight between themselves and this 1.—CLASS crook will not be easy
20060117             If You Don't Know K Street, You Don't Know Jack:
20060117             To understand THE—CULTURE—OF—CORRUPTION that infects WASHINGTON, DC, it's important to understand the origins of the K Street Project.
20060117             —IMPLICATED, REPRESENTATIVE—BOB—NEY, 1—OHIO—REPUBLICAN, in 1—LOBBYING corruption investigation, said —SUNDAY
20060117             he will step aside temporarily as CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—HOUSE—ADMINISTRATION—COMMITTEE.
20060117             Abramoff scandal threatens GOP ascendancy:
20060117             GEORGIA, RALPH—REED—CANDIDACY for LIEUTENANT—GOVERNOR is jeopardized
20060117             Pombo Defends Himself Over Reports On FDIC Probe, Abramoff Case:
20060117             House Resources COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—RICHARD—POMBO said —MONDAY he and other congressmen weren't attempting to block 1—FEDERAL—INVESTIGATION—OF—1—PROMINENT—TEXAS political contributor,
20060117             but were trying instead to keep 1—GOVERNMENT—AGENCY from wrongly seizing the man's property.
20060117             Dumping Lieberman: Are CONNECTICUT Democrats ready to replace Sen.
20060117             JOSEPH—LIEBERMAN in the primary election?
20060117             GEORGIA House OKs New Voter ID Requirements:
20060117             —PASSED, Under 1—LAW, —LAST—YEAR—BUT blocked from taking effect by 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE in ;;10;; - voters must show photo identification at the polls.
20060117             Those who do not have 1—DRIVER—LICENSE can use 1—STATE—ISSUED photo ID.
20060117             But they cost up to $35 + were not made widely available.
20060117             IRS collects political links of taxpayers:
20060117             MICHIGAN is among 20—STATES where party affiliations had been tracked by government.
20060117             —DENIED, Seniors, Rx drug benefits:
20060117             MEDICARE—NEW—PRESCRIPTION—DRUG—PROGRAM is causing THOUSANDS—OF—LOW—INCOME—SENIORS and disabled Americans to lose their drug benefits,
20060117             prompting at least 14—STATES to pay for their prescriptions.
20060117             —REJECTED, THE—USA, 1—THE—PHILIPPINES—REQUEST to hand over 4—MARINES to be tried for rape, setting off ANTI—USA—PROTESTS in MANILA and elsewhere.
20060117             LOW—INCOME—SENIORS—GET Tangled In Medicare Glitc
20060117             —FILED, Civil liberties groups, lawsuits in NEW—YORK—CITY and DETROIT seeking to block PRESIDENT—BUSH—DOMESTIC eavesdropping program, arguing the electronic SURVEILLANCE—OF—USA—CITIZENS was unconstitutional.
20060117             h: Programs that provide free or deeply discounted drugs for the elderly and the disabled are being eliminated by 1—NUMBER—OF—PHARMACEUTICAL—COMPANIES as the new Medicare drug benefit takes effect,
20060117             THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT—TOLD—THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT to butt out of the private decisions of terminally ill patients in OREGON, the only state that specifically allows PHYSICIAN—ASSISTED suicide.
20060117             in 1—MOVE that could cut off MANY—SENIORS from their medicine.
20060117             Deficit WILL—CLIMB
20060117             —RULED, The court, 6—3—RULING that Congress hadn't given the Justice Department authority to take such action.
20060117             Even though administration officials and lawmakers have known for months that the next —YEAR—DEFICIT would be higher,
20060117             —VOTED, THE—USA—SEC, on proposals for 1—MASSIVE revamp on how companies disclose executive pay.
20060117             MISTER—BUSH and Republican leaders in Congress are pushing hard to pass nearly $90—BILLION in tax cuts for the next 5—YEARS.
20060117             —EXECUTED, CALIFORNIA, CLARENCE—RAY—ALLEN, its oldest death row inmate, minutes —AFTER his 76. birthday, despite arguments that putting to death 1—ELDERLY, blind and WHEELCHAIR—BOUND man was cruel and unusual punishment.
20060117             Environment in crisis: 'We are past THE—POINT—OF—NO—RETURN':
20060117             AUSTRIA said it will honor 1—ARBITRATION—COURT—DECISION and give 5—PRECIOUS—GUSTAV—KLIMT paintings to 1—CALIFORNIA woman who says the Nazis stole them from her Jewish family.
20060117             —PASSED, The world has already, THE—POINT—OF—NO—RETURN for climate change + civilisation as we know it is —NOW unlikely to survive,
20060117             —FIRED, Outgoing PRESIDENT—EDUARDO—RODRIGUEZ, BOLIVIA—ARMY—CHIEF over his decision to have 28—CHINA—SHOULDER—LAUNCHED missiles destroyed in THE—USA.
20060117             according to JAMES—LOVELOCK, the scientist and green guru who conceived the idea of GAIA—THE—EARTH which keeps itself fit for life.
20060117             —RELEASED, CAMBODIA, under USA—PRESSURE, 4—PROMINENT—GOVERNMENT—CRITICS from 1—PHNOM—PENH prison but said they will still face defamation charges.
20060117             —ANNOUNCED, GHANA, 1. lady Laura Bush, 1—USA—BACKED program to provide 15—MILLION textbooks for students in SUB—SAHARAN AFRICAN—WHERE more than 1—3. of primary school aged children are not enrolled in school.
20060117             —MOURNED, It is hard to say how MANY—PEOPLE would have, AYMAN—AL—ZAWAHIRI if he had indeed been killed —ON—FRIDAY by THE—USA—MISSILES that hit 1—PASHTUN area near PAKISTAN—BORDER with AFGHANISTAN.
20060117             —KILLED, HAITI, gunmen, 2—JORDAN—UN—PEACEKEEPERS and seriously wounded a 3. at 1—CHECKPOINT in Cite Soleil, 1—SLUM in PORT—AU—PRINCE.
20060117             Pakistanis vent fury over USA—ATTACK:
20060117             —ALLEGED, Subur Sugiarto, 1, key aide to 1—MALAYSIA—FUGITIVE blamed for 1—SERIES—OF—DEADLY—TERRORIST—ATTACKS in INDONESIA, was captured in THE—CENTRAL—JAVANESE TOWN—OF—BOYOLALI en route to JAKARTA.
20060117             1—LOCAL—OFFICER alleged that Sugiarto was "1—HENCHMAN" of Noordin Top, who is believed to be 1—SENIOR—MEMBER—OF—THE—AL—QAIDA—LINKED—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—TERROR—GROUP—JEMAAH Islamiyah.
20060117             KARACHI.
20060117             —CHANTED, Many : "Death to AMERICA!" Demonstrators demanded THE—RESIGNATION—OF—PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT, PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF
20060117             —LIFTED, IRAN, its ban on CNN, 1—DAY—AFTER the government barred THE—USA—NETWORK from the country because of its mistranslation of nuclear comments by PRESIDENT—AHMADINEJAD.
20060117             RUSSIA—EXPERT Says ISRAEL—LIKELY to Bomb IRAN in —SPRING:
20060117             This move, however, would create serious problems for ISRAEL, Markov said.
20060117             —APPEARED, Hostage USA—REPORTER—JILL—CARROLL, in 1—SILENT 20-2. video aired by AL—JAZEERA television, which said her abductors had given THE—USA 72—HOURS to free female prisoners in IRAQ or she would be killed.
20060117             "This would lead to 1—SIGNIFICANT—DESTABILIZATION—OF—THE—SITUATION in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, including 1—DRAMATIC—INCREASE in [terrorist] attacks by Islamists on ISRAEL," he said.
20060117             —TRAINED, ISRAEL—AIR—FORCE (IAF), for IRAN attack:
20060117             —PROTESTED, THOUSANDS—OF—PRO—SYRIAN—LEBANON—CHANTING "Death to AMERICA", near THE—USA—EMBASSY against what they called USA—MEDDLING in the country's affairs.
20060117             —COMPLETED, IAF pilots have, their mission training and fighter jets have been prepared for 1—ISRAEL—ATTACK on IRAN, THE—UK—SUNDAY Times reported.
20060117             USA, EU up pressure for action on IRAN:
20060117             † NAPOLEON—ORTIGOZA, 73—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—ARMY—CAPTAIN who spent a 3. of his life in PARAGUAY jail as 1—POLITICAL—PRISONER, in 1—HOSPITAL.
20060117             Officials from THE—USA—AND—EUROPEAN—UNION are pressing RUSSIA and CHINA to support tough diplomatic steps to curb IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME at talks in LONDON among UN Security Council powers.
20060117             —ACCUSED—OF, In THE—PHILIPPINES 4—OFFICERS, leading HUNDREDS—OF—TROOPS in 1 failed 20030000              mutiny, escaped from 1—ARMY—PRISON.
20060117             IRAN issues stark warning on oil price:
20060117             —IDENTIFIED, The army lieutenants were, as LAWRENCE—SAN—JUAN, SONNY—SARMIENTO, NATHANIEL—RABONZA and Patricio Bumindang.
20060117             —STEPPED, IRAN, up its defiance of INTERNATIONAL pressure over its nuclear programme —YESTERDAY by warning of soaring oil prices if it is subjected to economic sanctions.
20060117             —INDICATED, RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER, that MOSCOW was not ready to support moves by THE—USA and its European allies to refer IRAN to THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL over its nuclear program, —WHILE the West stepped up pressure on TEHRAN.
20060117             Putin urges caution on IRAN, holds out hope on enrichment offer:
20060117             —WARNED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, —ON—MONDAY against hasty decisions in tackling the dispute over IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM and held out hope on TEHRAN accepting 1—RUSSIA—OFFER to enrich uranium for its nuclear power plant.
20060117             † In RUSSIA 2—PEOPLE—OF—EXPOSURE and 14—MORE were hospitalized in 1—SINGLE—DAY as temperatures plunged in MOSCOW dropping from about freezing to MINUS—28—CELSIUS (MINUS—18—FAHRENHEIT) overnight.
20060117             IRAN nuclear bid 'FAULT—OF—WEST':
20060117             Suspected Tiger rebels set off 2—MORE—MINES and fought 1—GUNBATTLE with troops leaving 3—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20060117             SAUDI—ARABIA has said the West is partly to blame for the current nuclear STAND—OFF with IRAN because it allowed ISRAEL to develop nuclear weapons.
20060117             —URGED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS, talks and PEACE—BROKER NORWAY made 1—FRESH—BID to pull SRI—LANKA back from THE—BRINK—OF—WAR.
20060117             —ANNOUNCED, TAIWAN—PRIME—MINISTER—FRANK—HSIEH, his resignation, paving the way for 1—CABINET reshuffle.
20060117             Cheney heads for EGYPT, SAUDI—ARABIA:
20060117             —ON—TUESDAY, THE—USA—VICE—PRESIDENT is scheduled to meet Hosni Mubarak of EGYPT and KING—ABDULLAH—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA, officials said —ON—SUNDAY.
20060117             —BANNED, CNN, from IRAN for nuclear translation gaffe :
20060117             —BANNED, IRAN —ON—MONDAY, CNN journalists from working there —AFTER the broadcaster misquoted PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD as saying TEHRAN wanted nuclear weapons.
20060117             Arundhati Roy: "INSTANT—MIX Imperial Democracy, Buy 1—GET 1—FREE":
20060117             —BEAMED, As we lurch from crisis to crisis, directly into our brains by satellite TV, we have to think on our feet.
20060117             On the move.
20060117             We enter histories through THE—RUBBLE—OF—WAR.
20060117             —PARCHED, Ruined cities, fields, shrinking forests + dying rivers are our archives.
20060117             Helen Thomas: Dubya makes his war pitch:
20060117             As opposition to the war grows, Bush seems to be more frantic in flailing against war critics.
20060117             Saddam Hussein's $300—MILLION AUSTRALIA—SLUSH Fund:
20060117             Statements —TODAY by SeniorCounsel to theCole COMMISSION—OF—INQUIRY concerning THE—STATE—OF—THE—AUSTRALIAN—WHEAT—BOARD—KNOWLEDGE—OF kickback arrangements with Saddam Hussein underline THE—DEPTH—OF—THE—SCANDAL which AUSTRALIA —NOW confronts.
20060117             —CLEARED, Diplomat, AWB over phone:
20060117             1—OF—AUSTRALIA—MOST experienced diplomats has emerged as 1—KEY—PLAYER in THE—IRAQ wheat sales scandal.
20060117             But under THE—TERMS—OF—THE—HOWARD—GOVERNMENT—INQUIRY into corruption in THE—UN—OIL—FOR—FOOD—PROGRAM, he may never be questioned.
20060117             Saving the House -
20060117             I don't know what's more pathetic, JACK—ABRAMOFF—SLEAZE or Republican paralysis in the face of it.
20060117             too. That's 1—GREAT—GOP talking point:
20060117             —INVOLVED, SOME—DEMOCRATS are so sleazy, they get, with THE—LIKES—OF—USA.
20060117             What if Bush didn't need to go to Congress to get approval to wage war?
20060117             What if Bush could wage war from his Oval Office without 1—MASSIVE—DEPLOYMENT—OF—TROOPS or weaponry that would need continuous funding from 1—RELUCTANT—CONGRESS?
20060117             Dusting off THE—BROWN—SHIRTS and Jackboots -
20060117             We're finally beginning to see THE—EFFECTS—OF—BUSH—PROFLIGATE spending, "unsustainable" trade deficits + the economic MASTER—PLAN to reorder USA—SOCIETY.
20060117             He's the last vital part of the neocon strategy for tossing AMERICA—STRUGGLING middle class overboard and paddling PELL—MELL towards THE—SHORE—OF—THE—NEW—WORLD—ORDER.
20060117             Dictatorships seldom appear FULL—FLEDGED but emerge piecemeal.
20060117             —WHEN JULIUS—CAESAR crossed the Rubicon with 1—ROMAN legion he broke the tradition that protected THE—CIVIL—GOVERNMENT from victorious generals and launched THE—TRANSFORMATION—OF—THE—ROMAN—REPUBLIC—INTO—THE—ROMAN—EMPIRE.
20060117             —ASSASSINATED, Fearing that Caesar would become 1—KING, the Senate, him.
20060117             —FROM the civil wars that followed, CAESAR—GRANDNEPHEW, Octavian, emerged as the 1. Roman emperor, Caesar Augustus.
20060117             CONTINUE—CALIFORNIA Executes Blind, Deaf WHEELCHAIR—BOUND Man, 76:
20060117             —EXECUTED, CALIFORNIA has, 1—BLIND, deaf 76—YEAR—OLD—WHEELCHAIR—BOUND man through lethal injection —AFTER THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT and the state's GOVERNOR—ARNOLD—SCHWARZENEGGER refused his appeals for clemency in 1—CASE that is stoking the capital punishment debate.
20060117             Children can't "opt out" of Pentagon recruitment database:
20060117             Parents cannot remove their children's names from 1—PENTAGON database that includes highly personal information used to attract military recruits, THE—VERMONT GUARDIAN has learned.
20060117             CHINA—DETAINEES' Lawyers WILL—TAKE—CASE to High Court:
20060117             Lawyers for 1—GROUP—OF—CHINA—NATIONALS held in THE—USA—MILITARY—PRISON at GUANTANAMO Bay,
20060117             CUBA, with no HOPE—OF—RELEASE are taking the rare step of asking THE—SUPREME—COURT to intervene —IMMEDIATELY,
20060117             saying only the high court can resolve the constitutional crisis their case presents.
20060117             ACLU Sues to Stop Domestic Spying Program:
20060117             —FILED, Civil liberties groups, lawsuits in 2—CITIES—TUESDAY seeking to block PRESIDENT—BUSH—DOMESTIC eavesdropping program,
20060117             arguing the electronic SURVEILLANCE—OF—USA—CITIZENS was unconstitutional.
20060117             Gore: Bush 'Repeatedly and Persistently' Broke the La
20060117             contending THE—PRESIDENT "repeatedly and persistently" broke the law by eavesdropping on Americans without court approval.
20060117             —ENGAGED, McClellan said THE—CLINTON—GORE administration had, in warrantless physical searches + he cited an FBI SEARCH—OF—THE—HOME—OF—CIA turncoat Aldrich Ames without permission from 1—JUDGE
20060117             Why Doesn't Presidential DISMANTLING—OF—THE—CONSTITUTION—WARRANT the Same Intense Scrutiny as Presidential Adultery?
20060117             Alito Hearings: The Democrats' Katrina:
20060117             For 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—CONFRONTATION at least 5—YEARS in the making,
20060117             the Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee looked as prepared to confront SAMUEL—ALITO as FEMA CHIEF—MICHAEL—BROWN did in responding to Hurricane Katrina.
20060117             Enabling Danger: The press has —RECENTLY been reporting on THE—ISSUE—OF—SURVEILLANCE pertaining to 4 "key" 20010911              hijackers.
20060117             Specifically, Congressman CURT—WELDON (R-PENNSILVANIA) has gone public with accusations that the Pentagon had 4—OF 20010911             —THE hijackers under its surveillance in ;;12;;
20060117             of 20000000          .
20060117             CHARLES—SULLIVAN : In Defense of Progressive Values :
20060117             In reality AMERICAN—NO—LONGER has 2—MAJOR—POLITICAL—PARTIES—THE—DEMOCRATS and the Republicans.
20060117             —MERGED, Sometime ago these 2—PARTIES, into 1—SINGLE—PARTY that only represents THE—INTERESTS—OF—WEALTH and power.
20060117             Spy Agency Data —AFTER ;;09;;. - 11 Led F.B.I. to Dead Ends :
20060117             As the bureau was running down those leads, its director, ROBERT—S—MUELLER—III,
20060117             raised concerns about the legal rationale for 1—PROGRAM—OF eavesdropping without warrants, 1—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL said.
20060117             —ASKED, MISTER—MUELLER, senior administration officials about "whether the program had 1—PROPER—LEGAL—FOUNDATION," but deferred to Justice Department legal opinions, the official said.
20060117             Shell may pull out of NIGER Delta —AFTER 17—DIE in boat raid:
20060117             The oil giant Royal HOLLAND—SHELL was considering pulling out of the volatile NIGER Delta region —YESTERDAY—AFTER heavily armed militants stormed 1—OF—ITS—FACILITIES and killed at least 17—PEOPLE.
20060117             Leftists —NOW run ARGENTINA, BOLIVIA, BRAZIL, URUGUAY + VENEZUELA, with the inclusion of CHILE, the political sentiment of the region is unmistakable.
20060117             GLOBAL warming is irreversible and BILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE will die over the next —CENTURY, 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LEADING climate change scientists claimed —YESTERDAY.
20060117             Cheney and Netanyahu Pushing For War Against Syria:
20060117             1—EVER—MORE—DESPERATE—DICK—CHENEY is pulling out all the stops to install "Clean Break" hawk Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu as the next ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER,
20060117             to push for 1—IMMEDIATE—CONFRONTATION between ISRAEL and Syria.
20060117             —PROVIDED, Report: GERMANY, passports to Mossad agents:
20060117             1—SPOKESMAN for THE—BND confirmed that his organization is cooperating with the Mossad,
20060117             but refused to respond to the reported information that the organization supplied the Mossad with passports.
20060117             Putin: IRAN Hasn't Ruled Out Uranium Enrichment In RUSSIA: --
20060117             —EXCLUDED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN said —MONDAY that IRAN hasn't, the possibility of conducting its uranium enrichment in RUSSIA - 1—PROPOSAL that could be 1—WAY out of escalating tensions over IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM.
20060117             RUSSIA—FM against IRAN—SANCTIONS:
20060117             "Sanctions are in no way the best, or the only way to solve the problem (with IRAN).
20060117             We remember THE—HISTORY—OF—THE—SANCTIONS—REGIME against IRAQ + we know how it ended.
20060117             IRAN crisis talks expose west's split with CHINA:
20060117             THE—LONDON meeting between senior officials from THE—USA, BRITAIN, FRANCE,
20060117             was held to try to avoid 1—REPETITION—OF—THE—SECURITY—COUNCIL—DIVISIONS that marked THE—RUN—UP to the war in IRAQ.
20060117             The west's fear is that CHINA could exercise its veto on IRAN—BEHALF.
20060117             ISRAEL—SENDS—DIPLOMATIC—TEAM to Persuade MOSCOW to Give Up IRAN:
20060117             —DISPATCHED, ISRAEL, 1—DIPLOMATIC—TEAM to RUSSIA —ON—TUESDAY in 1—EFFORT to persuade MOSCOW that IRAN should be referred to THE—UNITED—NATIONS Security Council, reports quoted by CNSNews website said.
20060117             USA—SENATORS say military strike on IRAN must be option:
20060117             Republican and Democratic senators said —ON—SUNDAY THE—USA—MAY ultimately have to undertake 1—MILITARY—STRIKE to deter IRAN from obtaining nuclear weapons, but that should be the last resort.
20060117             GORDON—PRATHER: What noncompliance?
20060117             IRAN—PRESIDENT—LETS—CNN —BACK—IN—AFTER apology:
20060117             —ALLOWED, TEHRAN: IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD has, CNN to resume operating in the country —AFTER THE—USA—CABLE—NEWS—NETWORK apologised for mistakenly quoting him saying TEHRAN was seeking nuclear weapons, State radio reported —ON—TUESDAY
20060117             IRAN Has an 'Inalienable Right' to Nuclear Energy:
20060117             IRAN has an "inalienable right" to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes such as the production of electric energy + the enrichment of uranium for its nuclear reactors.
20060117             Could it be that IRAN—PLAN for 1—OIL—EXCHANGE trading in Euros is the real issue?
20060117             Or is it ISRAEL?
20060117             USA Military Called On to Compensate IRAQ—CIVILIANS:
20060117             —BASED, USA—HUMANITARIAN groups are urging THE—ADMINISTRATION—OF—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH to compensate the families of innocent IRAQ—CITIZENS killed as 1—RESULT—OF—AERIAL bombings by THE—USA—MILITARY.
20060117             JUAN—COLE: Cheney will Ask Mubarak for EGYPT—TROOPS for IRAQ:
20060117             —ADVISED, USA—WHO, Pentagon says he wrote for magazine that found forged NIGER documents:
20060117             1—CONTROVERSIAL neoconservative who occasionally consulted for the Bush Defense Department has confirmed that he was 1—CONTRIBUTOR to THE—ITALY—MAGAZINE—PANORAMA,
20060117             whose reporter 1. came across forged documents which purported that IRAQ was seeking to obtain uranium from NIGER.
20060117             Islamists gain ground from USA—PUSH for Mideast democracy:
20060117             —STRENGTHENED, PRESIDENT—BUSH—EFFORTS to spread democracy to THE—MIDDLE—EAST have, Islamists across the region,
20060117             posing fresh challenges for THE—USA, according to USA officials, foreign diplomats and democracy experts.
20060117             WAR—STUNNING—PRICE —TAG:
20060117             —UNDERESTIMATED, Why were the costs so vastly ?
20060117             Elsewhere in the government, it is standard practice to engage in 1—ELABORATE—COST—BENEFIT—ANALYSIS for major projects.
20060117             The war in IRAQ was 1—WAR—OF—CHOICE, 1—IMMENSE "project," and yet it —NOW appears that there was virtually no analysis of the likely costs of 1 prolonged occupation.
20060117             Shocking War Admission From COLIN—POWELL:
20060117             In 1—CANDID interview —JUST hours ago, FORMER—USA SECRETARY—OF—STATE—COLIN—POWELL talks about mistakes made in the decision to go to war with IRAQ.
20060117             "We were wrong," Powell says.
20060117             IRAQ Interior MINISTER—OKAYED—TORTURE:
20060117             EX—GENERAL: IRAQ—INTERIOR—MINISTER—BAYAN—JABR—SOLAGH + senior officials at his ministry have condoned torture and ABUSES—OF—DETAINEES,
20060117             1—MINISTRY—WHISTLE—BLOWER who was in charge of the special forces unit said in new statements.
20060117             USAID Paper Details Security Crisis in IRAQ:
20060117             THE—USA—AGENCY for INTERNATIONAL Development paints 1—DIRE and detailed picture of THE—IRAQ security situation in its request for contractors to bid on its $1.32—BILLION,
20060117             28-month project to help stabilize 10—MAJOR IRAQ—CITIES.
20060117             Imperial Mongering from Gladstone to 'KING—GEORGE'-
20060117             —UNTIL the latter days of 20010000              PRESIDENT—BUSH—SKELETAL talents for peacetime democracy were creaking out of the closet and down the ravine of opinion polls.
20060117             He was 1—HOOVER in the making (THE—PRESIDENT or the vacuum, your pick).
20060117             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN to the rescue.
20060117             His 1—HIT wonder on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon did wonders for 1—PRESIDENCY looking for salvation.
20060117             "WAR—ON—TERROR" Continues to Create Terrorists -
20060117             —BOTCHED, THE—CIA—RECENT, attempt to kill al QAEDA—NUMBER 2—MAN,
20060117             AYMAN—ZAWAHIRI, in PAKISTAN illustrates why THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OVERLY aggressive "WAR—ON—TERROR" actually motivates terrorists to attack THE—USA.
20060117             Certainly KARL—ROVE is cynical + so is TOM—DELAY.
20060117             They're the types who say or do whatever they believe it takes to do the party's business.
20060117             —ON the other hand, there is 1—GENUINE vindictive zeal with which the likes of Rove, DeLay and other POISON—SPEWERS hold forth.
20060117             —DETACHED, They are not clinically.
20060117             In other words, the boundary line between cynicism and conviction is unclear even to them.
20060117             And as it is within such characters, so is it in the movement overall.
20060117             For EVERY—WILLIAM—KRISTOL—WHO seems to be 1—LARGELY sane and savvy FAR—RIGHT—OPERATOR—THERE are MANY—TRUE—BELIEVERS,
20060117             who are effective RABBLE—ROUSERS, not despite their vehemence, but because of it.
20060117             With, say, the Limbaugh brothers, BILL—O'REILLY, SEAN—HANNITY, MICHAEL—SAVAGE and Ann Coulter, the zeal is not completely phony.
20060117             DAVID—LIMBAUGH evidently does believe that there's 1—GIANT—SECULAR—CONSPIRACY against Christianity.
20060117             And, in my view (1—LOT—OF—PEOPLE disagree with this), Dick Cheney really does believe that there are,
20060117             or were, "WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION" in IRAQ, —JUST as Bush really believes that he's on GOD—SIDE,
20060117             fighting "EVIL—DOERS" who otherwise would kill all Christians.
20060117             It's ultimately all about projection.
20060117             All the malevolence that they decry, all the conspiratorial intent that they deplore, comes only and directly from within themselves.
20060117             Personally, I think O'Reilly's "plot against Christmas" hogwash was utterly disingenuous.
20060117             1 could almost smell the big, fat ciger he lit up —AFTER EVERY—BROADCAST—WHILE muttering " Suckers !" That said,
20060117             1 should not underestimate the fanaticism factor at work in these psyches... Permalink
20060117             —WHEN it comes to the Enemy, the Other, we can draw whatever WAR—LIKE—INFERENCES we like,
20060117             make whatever dark associations we might feel like making, speculate as grimly as we may, without any need for evidence or historical background or even logic.
20060117             So, for example, the fact that Saddam HUSSEIN—BA'ATH Party and AL—QAEDA are both Arab movements + both Islamic (although only nominally so in THE—IRAQ—CASE),
20060117             Never mind that those movements were in fact at violent odds, and even though there wasn't 1—SCINTILLA of real evidence that they were in cahoots,
20060117             the theory is not —JUST permissible but "evidence" of one's "realism.
20060117             It's like the old theory that the Soviets were in collusion with Red CHINA,
20060117             or the view that VIETNAM was CHINA—CAT'S—PAW, or, to bring the fiction home, that THE—ANTI—WAR—MOVEMENT in the Sixties was 1—SOVIET—OPERATION.
20060117             The enemy is seen not as 1—MERE—HUMAN—ENTITY,
20060117             subject to accident and chance and human nature, —JUST like us, but as 1—UBIQUITOUS—DEMONIC—FORCE with special powers.
20060117             Finally : MARK—CRISPIN—MILLER—BUZZFLASH interview
20060117             is —JUST about the finest thing you can find on THE—INTERNET—RIGHT—NOW.
20060117             The subject is vote fraud, but the conversation covers much wider territory.
20060117             JOHN—DEAN, certainly 1—FRIEND to this blog, has another segment
20060117             of his ongoing series on the conspiracy to malign Bev Harris.
20060117             —CONFLICTED, As you know, my own feelings toward her have been.
20060117             But I respect Dean and urge you to give his research 1—FAIR and thorough hearing.
20060117             He makes 3—POINTS I cannot deny. 1.
20060117             —DISCOVERED, It was Bev Harris who, that "SENATOR—CHUCK—HAGEL, R-Neb.
20060117             had an ownership share in Election Systems & Software (ES&S)" and "ES&S voting machines count all the votes in HAGEL—HOME STATE—OF—NEBRASKA,
20060117             except in those counties that tally ballots by hand...—WHEN she —POSTED the information about the situation on her (previous) Web site,
20060117             she promptly received a CEASE—AND—DESIST order from ES&S lawyers.
20060117             —MAILED, She e- THE—CEASE—AND—DESIST—ORDER to 3,000—OF—HER—MEDIA—CONTACTS".
20060117             2. - It was Bev Harris who found the Diebold source code on the internets + took the appropriate steps to get it in THE—HANDS—OF—PEOPLE to examine and determine its flaws.
20060117             3. - It was Bev Harris who 1. —POSTED internal Diebold/Global Election Systems emails online + took the appropriate steps to spread them far and wide.
20060117             Diebold shut down her blackboxvoting org site —FOR—30—DAYS as 1—RESULT,
20060117             —DURING which time she did not have access to her files, the emails, the source code, or membership lists.
20060117             But DAVID—ALLEN did.
20060117             —MEANWHILE, OHIO,: 1—COUPLE—OF—EVANGELICAL—CHURCHES may have given illegal partisan aid
20060117             to KENNY—THE—KAPO, who is running for GOVERNOR:
20060117             In 1—RARE and potentially explosive action, the moderate ministers signed 1—COMPLAINT asking the Internal Revenue Service to investigate World Harvest Church of COLUMBUS and Fairfield CHRISTIAN—CHURCH—OF—LANCASTER and determine if their TAX—EXEMPT status should be revoked.
20060117             —WHILE I can't claim 1—WILKES/Diebold connection, I'd like to draw your attention to 1—LITTLE—KNOWN story in which our unfavorite voting machine company showed 1—DECIDEDLY—WILKESIAN attitude toward running 1—BUSINESS.
20060117             According to the wonderful Kathy Dopp, things weren't what they seemed
20060117             in UTAH... Diebold sold its voting equipment in UTAH in part by convincing UTAH DECISION—MAKERS that it had "about 20—OFFICES in UTAH" and so was 1—BIG—COMPANY with substantial presence.
20060117             —NOTICED, However, 1—LOCAL volunteer, that only 1—OF—DIEBOLD—UTAH office (in Evergreen Business park) answered its phones and that all the others listed in the white pages never answered its phones.
20060117             1—FEW days ago this volunteer drove —AROUND to all DIEBOLD—LOCATIONS in 3—COUNTIES and discovered that of THE—18—UTAH offices listed in White Pages - 16—OF—THE—LISTED—DIEBOLD locations were phoney and the addresses belonged to either 1—WALMART or 1—SAM—CLUB or no building at all.
20060117             Fake Diebold offices! And other vote fraud news... Here are 1—FEW scattered reports concerning the ongoing battle against corrupt elections...
20060117             I say thee Ney : BOB—NEY, whose ties to vote fraud were discussed —EARLIER, is stepping down from his Chairmanship position.
20060117             Couldn't happen to 1—NICER—GUY -- —AFTER all,
20060117             Ney had 1—HUGE claw in the drafting of HAVA, which we may —NOW dub "the Diebold Act.
20060117             Abramoff : —JUST how much of the Abramoff scandal is really about funneling money to THE—STRING—PULLERS and POCKET—STUFFERS and programmers and "computer repairmen" who rig elections?
20060117             I'm sure it was —JUST coicidence that Abramoff had 1—OF—HIS—INDIA—TRIBES give SOME—DOUGH to THE—NEW—HAMPSHIRE REPUBLICAN—PARTY—JUST—BEFORE OPERATIVES—OF—THAT—PARTY did their illegal best to ruin Democratic "get out the vote" efforts.
20060117             And I'm sure it is —JUST coincidence that DIEBOLD—TROUBLES began not long —AFTER ABRAMOFF—OPERATION was shut down.
20060117             thread. 20060117
20060117             As Buell notes, the most important of the Human Events pieces on CUBA—MATTERS was WRITTEN—BY—1—JOHN—MARTINO, whose bio can be found here.
20060117             Even SOME—PEOPLE who know the case well don't know about Martino, who once made 1—STARTLING confession: 20060117
20060117             1—GOOD—SITE dealing with this controversy + with many related matters, is Covert History.
20060117             —VISITED, Stupidly, I had not, that site for SOME—TIME and thus missed lots of juicy observations, such as this 1:
20060117             —RATED, CASTRO—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE was and is highly, and the notion that they could not have found anyone else is preposterous.
20060117             Moreover, the idea that they would use someone who could be traced back to them,
20060117             1—MAN who had met with officials at both the Soviet and CUBA—EMBASSIES, is absurd.
20060117             The Cubans were WELL—AWARE that both embassies were closely monitored by THE—CIA.
20060117             —ATTRACTED, Of course, MANY—1—ELECTION has, "fringe" candidates -- we had 1—BOATLOAD—OF 'em —DURING THE—CALIFORNIA recall -- but the Impaler has 1—GENUINELY interesting history as 1—REPUBLICAN activist.
20060117             According to his official site...
20060117             —FROM 19920700—19960400    —JAHR—BIS, I was very active in Hillsborough County (FL) REPUBLICAN—PARTY.
20060117             I was elected as City Chairman for Temple Terrace
20060117             Jeb Bush and the Satanic vampire 1—SELF—PROCLAIMED "Satanic Dark Priest" named Jonathan "the Impaler" Sharkey
20060117             HE—RUNNING on 1—ANTI—CRIME—PLATFORM:
20060117             —PLEDGED, Sharkey also, to execute convicted murders and child molesters personally by impaling them on 1—WOODEN—POLE outside the state capitol.
20060117             Sharkey told THE—MINNEAPOLIS Star Tribune that he's 1—VAMPIRE "—JUST like you see in the movies and TV".
20060117             "I sink my fangs into the neck of my donor...and drink their blood," he said, adding that his donor is his wife, Julie.
20060117             Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft erhält jährlich Steuergelder in Milliardenhöhe, um Spitzenforschung zu fördern.
20060117             —BASIERT, Die Vergabe, auf streng geheimen Gutachten.
20060117             Doch an den Hochschulen regt sich Widerstand gegen das undurchsichtige Verfahren.
20060117             "Ich bin kein Rechthaber, sondern möchte aus den negativen Gutachten nur fürs nächste Mal lernen", sagt der Siegener Chemieprofessor Harro Lentz.
20060117             Seine Förderanträge bei der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG),
20060117             einem privaten Verein der staatlichen Hochschulen, wurden regelmäßig ABGELEHNT—AUF Basis von Gutachten anderer Experten.
20060117             —BEKOMMT, Doch Lentz, diese Gutachten nicht zu sehen, auch nicht unter der Voraussetzung, dass die Verfasser ungenannt bleiben.
20060117             Denn bei der DFG gilt das Gesetz des Schweigens.
20060117             Tote sollen funken...findet GARY—HARGROVE, Leichenbeschauer im HARRISON—COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI.
20060117             Die so umstrittenen RFID—CHIPS, die sich auch unter die Haut injezieren lassen,
20060117             böten gerade im Katrastrophenfall unwiderlegbare Vorteile.
20060117             Im Chaos, das der Hurrikan "Katrina" vor Monaten an Amerikas Golfküste verursacht hatte, erwiesen sich die Chips als nützlicheHelfer.
20060117             "Über 300" der Opfer hat Hargrove mit RFID—CHIPS injeziert und den Körpern selbst so Informationen zu ihrer Identifikation mitgegeben, die nicht verloren gehen konnten.
20060117             Sowohl für die Leichenbeschauer und Hilfskräfte als auch für die Angehörigen habe das so einiges erleichtert, erzählt er im INTERVIEW—MIT—CNET.
20060117             "New Horizons" hat deutlich weniger von dem radioaktiven Stoff dabei, aber immer noch genug, um der Nasa Sorgen zu machen.
20060117             Sollte es einen ernsthaften Unfall beim Start geben,
20060117             würden die anschließenden Aufräumarbeiten zwischen 241—MILLIONEN und 1,3 Milliarden USA—DOLLAR kosten,
20060117             schätzte die Weltraumbehörde im vergangenen —JAHR.
20060117             Die mittlere durchschnittliche Strahlendosis,
20060117             die Menschen innerhalb eines Radius von etwa 100—KILOMETERN um die Startrampe herum abbekämen,
20060117             betrüge etwa 80—PROZENT dessen, was USA—AMERIKANER im —JAHR ohnehin durch Hintergrundstrahlung verkraften müssen, so die Nasa.
20060117             Für die Mission hat die Nasa sicherheitshalber 2—RADIOLOGISCHE Kontrollzentren eingerichtet.
20060117             Medizinisches Personal in örtlichen Kliniken ist auf den nuklearen Ernstfall vorbereitet worden.
20060117             1—NASA—SPRECHER sagte, die Vorsichtsmaßnahmen seien wie "Rettungswagen bei FOOTBALLSPIELEN—MAN erwartet nicht,
20060117             dass man sie braucht, aber sie sind da, falls man sie braucht".
20060117             Die Nasa schätzt das Risiko, dass mit dem Plutonium etwas schief geht, auf 1—ZU 350.
20060117             Früher war die Raumfahrtbehörde übrigens weniger zimperlich im Umgang mit Radioaktivität.
20060117             Als beispielsweise die "Apollo 13"-Mission 19700000              in einer Notaktion zur Erde zurückgeholt wurde,
20060117             entledigte sich die Besatzung unter anderem der sogenannten "Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package".
20060117             Deren Kraftquelle enthielt 3,8 Kilogramm PLUTONIUM—DIE seitdem auf dem Grund des Pazifik ruhen.
20060117             Protest: EU—PARLAMENT will Hafenrichtlinie kippen
20060117             Chemieunfall: Blausäure tötet in der Elbe tausende Fische
20060117             BND—AFFÄRE: Fischer wehrte sich erfolglos gegen Untersuchungsausschuss
20060117             BND—DEBATTE: Steinmeier muss ISRAEL—BESUCH absagen
20060117             Französische POP—PROVOKATION: Chirac, ab in den Knast!
20060117             PAPA—ATTENTÄTER: Türkische Regierung widerspricht Freilassung von Agca
20060117             "New Horizons": PLUTO—SONDE mit Plutonium an Bord
20060117             Erdgas: Kartellamt leitet Maßnahmen zur Preissenkung ein
20060117             Hochgeschwindigkeitsnetz: Netzagentur drängt Telekom zu Gesprächen
20060117             Hafenrichtlinie: EU—PARLAMENTARIER signalisieren Ablehnung
20060117             Herzlich Lachen: Humor lässt Blut fließen
20060117             Gaslieferant Russland: Glos fordert Belege für ZUVERLÄSSIGKEIT—VOGELGRIPPE: Die INSEL—DER—VIREN
20060117             —VERLIERT, IRAN und Atom: WASHINGTON, die Geduld
20060117             Glos gegen Gabriel: Machtkampf um Energiepolitik
20060117             Internationale Presse: "Merkel hat die Kameradschaft beerdigt"
20060117             Vogelgrippe: Urlaubsbuchungen in der Türkei brechen ein
20060117             Konferenz in Peking: VOGELGRIPPE—LÄNDER hoffen auf Hilfe in Milliardenhöhe
20060117             Frankfurter Rundschau, TOM—MUSTROPH trägt
20060117             EINIGE—BEOBACHTUNGEN zur "schleichenden Akzeptanz" der Überwachungskameras in Gesellschaft und Kunst zusammen.
20060117             Das war nicht immer so.
20060117             "Gruppen wie die Surveillance Camera Players legten Karten mit Kamerastandorten an und entwickelten 1—ARSENAL an GUERILLA—STRATEGIEN.
20060117             —GESCHOSSEN, Kameraaugen wurden mit Laserpointern 'blind', Kameramasten zu Maibäumen erklärt,
20060117             Stadtrundfahrten durch besonders KAMERA—VERSEUCHTE Viertel angeboten und die anonymen Überwacher durch Performances herausgefordert.
20060117             Doch verebbten diese Aktivitäten wieder.
20060117             Nur aus Spaß, nicht aus wirklicher Angst lässt man sich —HEUTE von der webbasierten Software Isee
20060117             den am wenigsten überwachten Weg durch Manhattan zeigen.
20060117             'Big Brother' hat seinen Schrecken verloren und ist zum wohl gelittenen Nachbarn geworden".
20060117             —PLÄDIERT, Er
20060117             in seinen juristischen Betrachtungen für 1—ZERSCHLAGUNG—DER—EU, dieses "Einfallstor der Multis und ihrer Lobbyisten".
20060117             Anlass ist die Niederlage oberösterreichischer Bauern,
20060117             die sich vor dem "demokratisch nicht legitimierten" Europäischen Gerichtshof vergeblich gegen die Zulassung genmanipulierter Pflanzen in Oberösterreich gewehrt haben.
20060117             Dass man die Freiheit hat zu sagen, was man denkt, besagt nicht viel, wenn man nicht denkt, was man nicht sagen darf.
20060117             Einigkeit und Gewissheit sind Symptome für Gehirnwäsche.
20060117             Die Welt, Im Forum blickt
20060117             NIALL—FERGUSON aus dem —JAHR 20110000              zurück auf die Ursachen,
20060117             die 20070000              den Großen Golfkrieg zwischen IRAN und ISRAEL auslösten:
20060117             "Wie in den 3ßigern verfiel der Westen in Wunschdenken.
20060117             Man glaubte, AHMADI—NEDSCHAD würde sich nur im Säbelrasseln üben, weil er innenpolitisch schwach war.
20060117             Vielleicht wollten seine politischen Rivalen im Klerus ihn loswerden.
20060117             Das letzte, was der Westen in dieser Situation zeigen durfte, dachte man, war Härte, denn das würde nur AHMADI—NEDSCHAD stärken und den Volkszorn schüren.
20060117             Also kreuzte man in WASHINGTON und LONDON die Finger und hoffte auf einen deus ex machina, so etwas wie einen hausgemachten Regimewechsel".
20060117             In der "Welt" schreibt NIALL—FERGUSON über den kommenden Krieg zwischen ISRAEL und dem IRAN.
20060117             In der "taz" erklärt NORBERT—BOLZ, wie man zugleich links sein und sich mit Relativismus abfinden kann.
20060117             Teuerungsrate 20050000              : Der kleine Zombie Inflation
20060117             USA—SUPREME—COURT: Demokraten blockieren Abstimmung über RICHTER—ALITO
20060117             Neuer TELEARBEIT—TREND: Die Zukunftsvision vom FREE—WORKER
20060117             HOLLYWOOD: Schwule Cowboys gewinnen 4—GOLDEN Globes
20060117             Todesstrafe: Keine Gnade für herzkranken 76-Jährigen in Kalifornien
20060117             "THE—CIA—OWNS—EVERYONE—OF—ANY—SIGNIFICANCE in the major media".
20060117             Das Port Package II soll den Markt liberalisieren und für mehr Wettbewerb öffnen.
20060117             So sollen Schiffsbesatzungen künftig selbst die Ladung löschen können.
20060117             Außerdem soll es Reedern ermöglicht werden, eigene Abfertigungsanlagen zu betreiben.
20060117             Der deutsche CDU—ABGEORDNETE GEORG—JARZEMBOWSKI, der als Berichterstatter für das Gesetz zuständig ist,
20060117             erwartet, dass die Richtlinie in ihrer jetzigen Form keine ausreichende Zustimmung finden wird.
20060117             Seinen Angaben zufolge liegen 149—ÄNDERUNGSANTRÄGE vor.
20060117             Der Europaabgeordnete MICHAEL—CRAMER (Grüne) sprach von einer großen SCHWARZ—ROT—GRÜNEN Koalition gegen den Gesetzesvorschlag.
20060117             Auch die Liberalen behalten sich vor, das Hafenpaket komplett abzulehnen.
20060117             Auch Bundesverkehrsminister WOLFGANG—TIEFENSEE (SPD) sprach sich im Deutschlandradio Kultur dafür aus,
20060117             die Vorlage zu überarbeiten.
20060117             Die EU—KOMMISSION, die die Hafenrichtlinie erarbeitet hat, berücksichtige nicht den gnadenlosen Wettbewerb, den es —BEREITS unter den Häfen gebe.
20060117             "Hier ein weiteres Dumping von Preisen in Gang zu setzen oder sogar Arbeitsplätze und das,
20060117             was an Investitionen an europäischen Häfen vorgenommen werden muss, zu gefährden, das wäre absolut kontraproduktiv", erklärte Tiefensee.
20060117             —REPORTED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, that THE—USA had...
20060117             Through annual FOREIGN OPERATIONS and STATE—DEPARTMENT—APPROPRIATIONS—EGYPT: Background and USA Relations-
20060117             —REPORTED, NEW—YORK—TIMES, that THE—USA had put on hold its intention to
20060117             Spontaneous Human Invisibility
20060117             Terrorkrieg Sind Sie am Ende auch Freimaurer, Herr Augstein?
20060117             20060117 22d... entschiedener Gegner der Nationalsozialisten und Freimaurer, wurde vom... ihrer Auftritte an der Front 19440000              Subversion in der USA—ARMY zu erkunden.
20060117             Kommentar: Parasiten des Zorns — USA—PRÄSIDENT—BUSH hat getan, was sich die Terroristen wünschen konnten.
20060117             USA—ARMEE auf STIMMUNGSMACHE—USA—OFFENSIVE in Haditha.
20060117             TimeBomb 20000000              - [sex/corrupt] more scumbag pedophiles exposed... the Only major lawsuit for libel and slander arising from This book was my suit against Atlantic Telecast, owner of 1—TELEVISION—STATION in Wilmington...
20060117             TimeBomb 20000000              - [sex/corrupt] more scumbag pedophiles exposed... what's that???
20060117             VATICAN having money problems??? I don't think so.
20060117             for libel and slander arising from this book was my suit against Atlantic Telecast.
20060117             20060117 20030500              News MONITOR—PREVENT Genocide INTERNATIONAL Soon —AFTER THE—FORMALITIES—OF—THE—CHANGE in PRESIDENT were over, there was yet more fighting.
20060117             Press Corner: Free Muslims Coalition T he Free Muslim Coalition Against Terrorism urges all Americans to support the... Dispute in Islamist Circles over the Legitimacy of Attacking Muslims... /
20060117             Calibre Macro*World 1—JUDGE dismisses most Claims in PARMALAT—SUIT against BANK—OF—AMERICA — Full story.
20060117             Major overseas Markets —POSTED mostly lower results on —THURSDAY.
20060117             AMPP: Enslaving Speech The 9. Circuit is the most reversed court in the nation, according to FOX—NEWS.
20060117             —FILED, VG Wort had, 1—SUIT against GERMANY—LARGEST PC maker... 20060117     Fast News for Common Sense People: Links M ILWAUKEE - 1—JUDGE threw out 1—HIGH—SCHOOL—STUDENT'S—LAWSUIT against mandatory —SUMMER homework... Feds threatened suit over military ballots [+].
20060117             911—BOOKMARKS Volume 03—ROBERT—WEXLERS lawsuit over TOUCH—SCREEN voting machines (OH—IT—ALL—RIGHT to have... OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—HOUSE—VOTES to break up SF based- 9. Circuit court...
20060117             SOCIETY AND POLITICS—MAKING sense from nonsense This is the 1. of 750—CIVIL—LAW—SUITS against CALIFORNIA ROMAN—CATHOLIC...
20060117             authentico index FDA SCANDALS—FEDERAL—RESERVE—SCAM—FRAUD (Financial) - Fraud (Military)... REAGAN could have told You that — Everybody from HOLLYWOOD knows it.
20060117             FAILED AND COLLAPSED STATES IN THE—INTERNATIONAL—SYSTEM—WHAT connects 1—HOLLYWOOD starlet with the attacks of 20010911              1—CONTINUING cascade of corporate scandals implicating several...
20060117             PAKISTAN fury as CIA airstrike on village kills 18:
20060117             PAKISTAN is preparing to lodge 1—FORMAL—DIPLOMATIC—PROTEST over the attack, which killed at least 18—PEOPLE, because it was launched from 4—PILOTLESS—AIRCRAFT which intruded 30—MILES into PAKISTAN—AIR—SPACE from AFGHANISTAN
20060117             More Lies about IRAN -
20060117             1—FACT that is tragically evident in its TORTURING—OF—PRISONERS, spying on USA—CITIZENS + its vast DESTRUCTION—OF—IRAQ.
20060117             In my view, 1—RATIONAL—EXAMINATION—OF this issue would pose 2—QUESTIONS: 1) Do ISRAEL—HUMAN—RIGHTS—VIOLATIONS—WARRANT 1—ECONOMIC boycott?
20060117             I would argue that both these questions should be answered in the affirmative.
20060117             BOLTON Threatens UNITED—NATIONS over ISRAEL—BASHING : USA—AMBASSADOR to THE—UNITED—NATIONS JOHN—BOLTON has sent 1—SHARPLY worded letter to SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN, threatening to cut USA funding to THE—UNITED—NATIONS—IF the world body continues to promote ANTI—ISRAEL events.
20060117             —IMPRISONED, PRESIDENT—ELECT Michelle Bachelet, who was, and tortured under THE—RIGHT—WING DICTATORSHIP—OF—GENERAL—AUGUSTO—PINOCHET, was praised —MONDAY as 1—SYMBOL—OF—RECONCILIATION who can help CHILE come to terms with its traumatic political past
20060117             They read his books and notepads and EVERY—FILE on his computer.
20060117             Give Me Liberty or Let Me Think About It : What the wiretapping debate says about freedom.
20060117             AL—GORE "Constitution In Grave Danger" : Complete TEXT—OF—AL—GORE—SPEECH at Constitution Hall : We have 1—DUTY as Americans to defend our citizens' right not only to life but also to liberty and THE—PURSUIT—OF—HAPPINESS.
20060117             If You Don't Know K Street, You Don't Know Jack: To understand THE—CULTURE—OF—CORRUPTION that infects WASHINGTON, DC, it's important to understand the origins of the K Street Project.
20060117             OHIO Republican Tied to Lobbyist to Cede Post:
20060117             Pombo Defends Himself Over Reports On FDIC Probe, Abramoff Case : House Resources COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—RICHARD—POMBO said —MONDAY he and other congressmen weren't attempting to block 1—FEDERAL—INVESTIGATION—OF—1—PROMINENT—TEXAS political contributor, but were trying instead to keep 1—GOVERNMENT—AGENCY from wrongly seizing the man's property.
20060117             Dumping Lieberman : Are CONNECTICUT Democrats ready to replace SENATOR—JOSEPH—LIEBERMAN in the primary election?
20060117             GEORGIA House OKs New Voter ID Requirements : Under 1—LAW passed —LAST—YEAR—BUT blocked from taking effect by 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—OCTOBER—VOTERS must show photo identification at the polls.
20060117             Those who do not have 1—DRIVER—LICENSE can use 1—STATE—ISSUED photo ID. But they cost up to $35 + were not made widely available.
20060117             IRS collects political links of taxpayers : MICHIGAN is among 20—STATES where party affiliations had been tracked by government.
20060117             —DENIED, Seniors, Rx drug benefits : MEDICARE—NEW—PRESCRIPTION—DRUG—PROGRAM is causing THOUSANDS—OF—LOW—INCOME—SENIORS and disabled Americans to lose their drug benefits, prompting at least 14—STATES to pay for their prescriptions.
20060117             LOW—INCOME—SENIORS—GET Tangled In Medicare Glitc h: Programs that provide free or deeply discounted drugs for the elderly and the disabled are being eliminated by 1—NUMBER—OF—PHARMACEUTICAL—COMPANIES as the new Medicare drug benefit takes effect, in 1—MOVE that could cut off MANY—SENIORS from their medicine.
20060117             Environment in crisis: 'We are past THE—POINT—OF—NO—RETURN' : The world has already passed THE—POINT—OF—NO—RETURN for climate change + civilisation as we know it is —NOW unlikely to survive, according to JAMES—LOVELOCK, the scientist and green guru who conceived the idea of GAIA—THE—EARTH which keeps itself fit for life.
20060117             Guess who's coming to dinner?
20060117             - At least 17—DEAD, including women and children, were found in the rubble.
20060117             —PROTESTED, Up to 10,000—PEOPLE reportedly, at rallies in the largest city, KARACHI.
20060117             RUSSIA—EXPERT—SAYS ISRAEL—LIKELY to Bomb IRAN in —SPRING: This move, however, would create serious problems for ISRAEL, Markov said.
20060117             —TRAINED, ISRAEL—AIR—FORCE (IAF), for IRAN attack : IAF pilots have completed their mission training and fighter jets have been prepared for 1—ISRAEL—ATTACK on IRAN, THE—UK—SUNDAY Times reported.
20060117             USA, EU up pressure for action on IRAN: Officials from THE—USA—AND—EUROPEAN—UNION are pressing RUSSIA and CHINA to support tough diplomatic steps to curb IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME at talks in LONDON among UN Security Council powers.
20060117             —STEPPED, IRAN issues stark warning on oil price : IRAN, up its defiance of INTERNATIONAL pressure over its nuclear programme —YESTERDAY by warning of soaring oil prices if it is subjected to economic sanctions.
20060117             Putin urges caution on IRAN, holds out hope on enrichment offer : RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN warned on —MONDAY against hasty decisions in tackling the dispute over IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM and held out hope on TEHRAN accepting 1—RUSSIA—OFFER to enrich uranium for its nuclear power plant.
20060117             IRAN nuclear bid 'FAULT—OF—WEST' : SAUDI—ARABIA has said the West is partly to blame for the current nuclear STAND—OFF with IRAN because it allowed ISRAEL to develop nuclear weapons.
20060117             Cheney heads for EGYPT, SAUDI—ARABIA : On —TUESDAY, THE—USA—VICE—PRESIDENT is scheduled to meet Hosni Mubarak of EGYPT and ABDULLAH—KING—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA, officials said on —SUNDAY.
20060117             —BANNED, CNN, from IRAN for nuclear translation gaffe : IRAN on —MONDAY banned CNN journalists from working there —AFTER the broadcaster misquoted PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD as saying TEHRAN wanted nuclear weapons.
20060117             Arundhati Roy: "INSTANT—MIX Imperial Democracy, Buy 1—GET 1—FREE": As we lurch from crisis to crisis, beamed directly into our brains by satellite TV, we have to think on our feet.
20060117             —ON the move.
20060117             Helen Thomas: Dubya makes his war pitch : As opposition to the war grows, Bush seems to be more frantic in flailing against war critics.
20060117             Saddam Hussein's $300—MILLION—AUSTRALIA—SLUSH Fund: Statements —TODAY by SeniorCounsel to theCole COMMISSION—OF—INQUIRY concerning THE—STATE—OF—THE—AUSTRALIAN—WHEAT—BOARD—KNOWLEDGE—OF kickback arrangements with Saddam Hussein underline THE—DEPTH—OF—THE—SCANDAL which AUSTRALIA —NOW confronts.
20060117             —CLEARED, Diplomat, AWB over phone: 1—OF—AUSTRALIA—MOST experienced diplomats has emerged as 1—KEY—PLAYER in THE—IRAQ wheat sales scandal.
20060117             Abramoff walks out of 1—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA courthouse in his PSEUDO—HASIDIC homburg + all that leading Republicans can do is promise to return his money and remind everyone that SOME—DEMOCRATS are involved in the scandal, too.
20060117             That's 1—GREAT—GOP talking point: SOME—DEMOCRATS are so sleazy, they get involved with THE—LIKES—OF—USA.
20060117             War Waged Without Obligation
20060117             That's the future, and I think Americans may buy it.
20060117             And, don't think that that THE—POKER—FACED SAM—ALITO doesn't factor heavily in this new PARADIGM—OF—CLASS—DIVISION and elite rule.
20060117             Bush Has Crossed the Rubicon
20060117             —CROSSED, —WHEN JULIUS—CAESAR, the Rubicon with 1—ROMAN legion he broke the tradition that protected THE—CIVIL—GOVERNMENT from victorious generals and launched THE—TRANSFORMATION—OF—THE—ROMAN—REPUBLIC—INTO—THE—ROMAN—EMPIRE.
20060117             —FOLLOWED, From the civil wars that, CAESAR—GRANDNEPHEW, Octavian, emerged as the 1. Roman emperor, Caesar Augustus.
20060117             CALIFORNIA Executes Blind, Deaf WHEELCHAIR—BOUND Man, 76 : CALIFORNIA has executed 1—BLIND, deaf 76—YEAR—OLD—WHEELCHAIR—BOUND man through lethal injection —AFTER THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT and the state's GOVERNOR—ARNOLD—SCHWARZENEGGER refused his appeals for clemency in 1—CASE that is stoking the capital punishment debate.
20060117             Children can't "opt out" of Pentagon recruitment database : Parents cannot remove their children's names from 1—PENTAGON database that includes highly personal information used to attract military recruits, THE—VERMONT GUARDIAN has learned.
20060117             CHINA—DETAINEES' Lawyers WILL—TAKE—CASE to High Court : Lawyers for 1—GROUP—OF—CHINA—NATIONALS held in THE—USA—MILITARY—PRISON at GUANTANAMO BAY—CUBA, with no HOPE—OF—RELEASE are taking the rare step of asking THE—SUPREME—COURT to intervene —IMMEDIATELY, saying only the high court can resolve the constitutional crisis their case presents.
20060117             ACLU Sues to Stop Domestic Spying Program : Civil liberties groups filed lawsuits in 2—CITIES—TUESDAY seeking to block PRESIDENT—BUSH—DOMESTIC eavesdropping program, arguing the electronic SURVEILLANCE—OF—USA—CITIZENS was unconstitutional.
20060117             Gore: Bush 'Repeatedly and Persistently' Broke the La w : FORMER—VICE—PRESIDENT—AL—GORE called —MONDAY for 1—INDEPENDENT—INVESTIGATION—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—DOMESTIC spying program, contending THE—PRESIDENT "repeatedly and persistently" broke the law by eavesdropping on Americans without court approval.
20060117             Alito Hearings: The Democrats' Katrina : For 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—CONFRONTATION at least 5—YEARS in the making, the Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee looked as prepared to confront SAMUEL—ALITO as FEMA CHIEF—MICHAEL—BROWN did in responding to Hurricane Katrina.
20060117             CHARLES—SULLIVAN : In Defense of Progressive Values : In reality AMERICAN—NO—LONGER has 2—MAJOR—POLITICAL—PARTIES—THE—DEMOCRATS and the Republicans.
20060117             Shell may pull out of NIGER Delta —AFTER 17—DIE in boat raid : The oil giant Royal HOLLAND—SHELL was considering pulling out of the volatile NIGER Delta region —YESTERDAY—AFTER heavily armed militants stormed 1—OF—ITS—FACILITIES and killed at least 17—PEOPLE.
20060117             Global warming: Is it too late to save our planet?
20060117             Cheney and Netanyahu Pushing For War Against Syria: 1—EVER—MORE—DESPERATE—DICK—CHENEY is pulling out all the stops to install "Clean Break" hawk Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu as the next ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER, to push for 1—IMMEDIATE—CONFRONTATION between ISRAEL and Syria.
20060117             —PROVIDED, Report: GERMANY, passports to Mossad agents : 1—SPOKESMAN for THE—BND confirmed that his organization is cooperating with the Mossad, but refused to respond to the reported information that the organization supplied the Mossad with passports.
20060117             Putin: IRAN Hasn't Ruled Out Uranium Enrichment In RUSSIA : --RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN said —MONDAY that IRAN hasn't excluded the possibility of conducting its uranium enrichment in RUSSIA - 1—PROPOSAL that could be 1—WAY out of escalating tensions over IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM.
20060117             RUSSIA—FM against IRAN—SANCTIONS : "Sanctions are in no way the best, or the only way to solve the problem (with IRAN).
20060117             IRAN crisis talks expose west's split with CHINA : THE—LONDON meeting between senior officials from THE—USA, BRITAIN, FRANCE, CHINA and RUSSIA—THE—5—PERMANENT—MEMBERS—OF—THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—PLUS GERMANY, was held to try to avoid 1—REPETITION—OF—THE—SECURITY—COUNCIL—DIVISIONS that marked THE—RUN—UP to the war in IRAQ.
20060117             —DISPATCHED, ISRAEL—SENDS—DIPLOMATIC—TEAM to Persuade MOSCOW to Give Up IRAN: ISRAEL, 1—DIPLOMATIC—TEAM to RUSSIA on —TUESDAY in 1—EFFORT to persuade MOSCOW that IRAN should be referred to THE—UNITED—NATIONS Security Council, reports quoted by CNSNews website said.
20060117             USA—SENATORS say military strike on IRAN must be option : Republican and Democratic senators said on —SUNDAY THE—USA—MAY ultimately have to undertake 1—MILITARY—STRIKE to deter IRAN from obtaining nuclear weapons, but that should be the last resort.
20060117             IRAN Has an 'Inalienable Right' to Nuclear Energy: IRAN has an "inalienable right" to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes such as the production of electric energy + the enrichment of uranium for its nuclear reactors.
20060117             USA—MILITARY Called On to Compensate IRAQ—CIVILIANS : USA—BASED humanitarian groups are urging THE—ADMINISTRATION—OF—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH to compensate the families of innocent IRAQ—CITIZENS killed as 1—RESULT—OF—AERIAL bombings by THE—USA—MILITARY.
20060117             JUAN—COLE: Cheney will Ask Mubarak for EGYPT—TROOPS for IRAQ : WILL—CAIRO counter TEHRAN?
20060117             —ADVISED, USA—WHO, Pentagon says he wrote for magazine that found forged NIGER documents : 1—CONTROVERSIAL neoconservative who occasionally consulted for the Bush Defense Department has confirmed that he was 1—CONTRIBUTOR to THE—ITALY—MAGAZINE—PANORAMA, whose reporter 1. came across forged documents which purported that IRAQ was seeking to obtain uranium from NIGER.
20060117             Islamists gain ground from USA—PUSH for Mideast democracy: PRESIDENT—BUSH—EFFORTS to spread democracy to THE—MIDDLE—EAST have strengthened Islamists across the region, posing fresh challenges for THE—USA, according to USA—OFFICIALS, foreign diplomats and democracy experts.
20060117             —UNDERESTIMATED, WAR—STUNNING—PRICE—TAG : Why were the costs so vastly ?
20060117             Shocking War Admission From COLIN—POWELL : In 1—CANDID interview —JUST hours ago, FORMER—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—COLIN—POWELL talks about mistakes made in the decision to go to war with IRAQ.
20060117             IRAQ Interior MINISTER—OKAYED—TORTURE : EX—GENERAL: IRAQ—INTERIOR—MINISTER—BAYAN—JABR—SOLAGH + senior officials at his ministry have condoned torture and ABUSES—OF—DETAINEES, 1—MINISTRY—WHISTLE—BLOWER who was in charge of the special forces unit said in new statements.
20060117             USAID Paper Details Security Crisis in IRAQ : THE—USA—AGENCY for INTERNATIONAL Development paints 1—DIRE and detailed picture of THE—IRAQ security situation in its request for contractors to bid on its $1.32—BILLION, 28-month project to help stabilize 10—MAJOR—IRAQ—CITIES.
20060117             Imperial Mongering from Gladstone to 'GEORGE—KING—OF—'
20060117             And the most imperial presidency in the nation's history was off on its wolves' hunt, with democracy for 1—BATTLE—FLAG.
20060117             —BOTCHED, THE—CIA—RECENT, attempt to kill al QAEDA—NUMBER 2—MAN, AYMAN—ZAWAHIRI, in PAKISTAN illustrates why THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OVERLY aggressive "WAR—ON—TERROR" actually motivates terrorists to attack THE—USA.
20060117             More: But it is not so easy to distinguish between cynicism and sincerity within the minds of MANY—LEADING propagandists.
20060117             For EVERY—WILLIAM—KRISTOL—WHO seems to be 1—LARGELY sane and savvy FAR—RIGHT—OPERATOR—THERE are MANY—TRUE—BELIEVERS, who are effective RABBLE—ROUSERS, not despite their vehemence, but because of it.
20060117             O'Reilly evidently does believe that there's 1—PLOT to ruin Christmas.
20060117             And, in my view (1—LOT—OF—PEOPLE disagree with this), Dick Cheney really does believe that there are, or were, "WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION" in IRAQ, —JUST as Bush really believes that he's on GOD—SIDE, fighting "EVIL—DOERS" who otherwise would kill all Christians.
20060117             EVERY—READER must come to his or her own conclusions regarding the sincerity of these various propaganda bombardments.
20060117             1 could almost smell the big, fat ciger he lit up —AFTER EVERY—BROADCAST—WHILE muttering " Suckers !" That said, 1 should not underestimate the fanaticism factor at work in these psyches.
20060117             —WHEN it comes to the Enemy, the Other, we can draw whatever WAR—LIKE—INFERENCES we like, make whatever dark associations we might feel like making, speculate as grimly as we may, without any need for evidence or historical background or even logic.
20060117             Never mind that those movements were in fact at violent odds, and even though there wasn't 1—SCINTILLA of real evidence that they were in cahoots, the theory is not —JUST permissible but "evidence" of one's "realism".
20060117             It's like the old theory that the Soviets were in collusion with Red CHINA, or the view that VIETNAM was CHINA—CAT'S—PAW, or, to bring the fiction home, that THE—ANTI—WAR—MOVEMENT in the Sixties was 1—SOVIET—OPERATION.
20060117             The enemy is seen not as 1—MERE—HUMAN—ENTITY, subject to accident and chance and human nature, —JUST like us, but as 1—UBIQUITOUS—DEMONIC—FORCE with special powers.
20060117             Finally : MARK—CRISPIN—MILLER—BUZZFLASH interview is —JUST about the finest thing you can find on THE—INTERNET—RIGHT—NOW.
20060117             JOHN—DEAN, certainly 1—FRIEND to this blog, has
20060117             another segment of his ongoing series on the conspiracy to malign Bev Harris.
20060117             —DISCOVERED, It was Bev Harris who, that "SENATOR—CHUCK—HAGEL, R-Neb., had 1—OWNERSHIP—SHARE in Election Systems & Software (ES&S)" and "ES&S voting machines count all the votes in HAGEL—HOME—STATE—OF—NEBRASKA, except in those counties that tally ballots by hand...—WHEN she —POSTED the information about the situation on her (previous) Web site, she promptly received 1—CEASE—AND—DESIST—ORDER from ES&S lawyers. She e-mailed THE—CEASE—AND—DESIST—ORDER to 3,000—OF—HER—MEDIA—CONTACTS".
20060117             Diebold shut down her blackboxvoting_org site —FOR—30—DAYS as 1—RESULT, —DURING which time she did not have access to her files, the emails, the source code, or membership lists.
20060117             —MEANWHILE, In OHIO: 1—COUPLE—OF—EVANGELICAL—CHURCHES may have given
20060117             illegal partisan aid to KENNY—THE—KAPO, who is running for GOVERNOR:
20060117             According to the wonderful Kathy Dopp,
20060117             things weren't what they seemed in UTAH... Diebold sold its voting equipment in UTAH in part by convincing UTAH DECISION—MAKERS that it had "about 20—OFFICES in UTAH" and so was 1—BIG—COMPANY with substantial presence.
20060117             See White Pages (type in Diebold as the business and select UTAH)
20060117             Couldn't happen to 1—NICER—GUY -- —AFTER all, Ney had 1—HUGE claw in the drafting of HAVA, which we may —NOW dub "the Diebold Act".
20060117             To help grease the way for PASSAGE—OF—THAT—DISASTROUS—LEGISLATION, Diebold paid 1—TON—OF—MONEY to NEY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—DAVID—DISTEFANO.
20060117             Note that TOM—FEENEY was thisclose to Abramoff, and that eyewitness testimony connects Feeney to 1—ATTEMPT to write VOTE—RIGGING software.
20060117             For more on this topic, check out this Democratic Underground thread.
20060117             1—GOOD—SITE dealing with this controversy + with many related matters, is
20060117             Covert History.
20060117             Moreover, the idea that they would use someone who could be traced back to them, 1—MAN who had met with officials at both the Soviet and CUBA—EMBASSIES, is absurd.
20060117             According to HIS—OFFICIAL—SITE...
20060117             Though Jeb did not win, he showed me the true meaning of 1—MAN—OF—CHARACTER.
20060117             Jeb Bush. MAN—OF—CHARACTER.
20060117             Boy, those Satanists really do love to talk backwards.
20060117             Jeb Bush and the Satanic vampire 1—SELF—PROCLAIMED "Satanic Dark Priest" named
20060117             Jonathan "the Impaler" Sharkey is 1—OFFICIAL—CANDIDATE for GOVERNOR—OF—MINNESOTA.
20060117             Seine Förderanträge bei der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), einem privaten Verein der staatlichen Hochschulen, wurden regelmäßig ABGELEHNT—AUF Basis von Gutachten anderer Experten.
20060117             ALLE—VERSUCHE, die Forschungsgemeinschaft dazu zu zwingen, ihre Gutachten offen zu legen, sind —BISHER gescheitert.
20060117             Die so umstrittenen RFID—CHIPS, die sich auch unter die Haut injezieren lassen, böten gerade im Katrastrophenfall unwiderlegbare Vorteile.
20060117             im INTERVIEW—MIT—CNET.
20060117             Sollte es einen ernsthaften Unfall beim Start geben, würden die anschließenden Aufräumarbeiten zwischen 241—MILLIONEN und 1,3 Milliarden USA—DOLLAR kosten, schätzte die Weltraumbehörde im vergangenen —JAHR.
20060117             Die mittlere durchschnittliche Strahlendosis, die Menschen innerhalb eines Radius von etwa 100—KILOMETERN um die Startrampe herum abbekämen, betrüge etwa 80—PROZENT dessen, was USA—AMERIKANER im —JAHR ohnehin durch Hintergrundstrahlung verkraften müssen, so die Nasa.
20060117             16—MOBILE Teams stehen zusätzlich bereit, die Radioaktivität im Bereich um den Startort herum zu messen.
20060117             1—NASA—SPRECHER sagte, die Vorsichtsmaßnahmen seien wie "Rettungswagen bei FOOTBALLSPIELEN—MAN erwartet nicht, dass man sie braucht, aber sie sind da, falls man sie braucht".
20060117             Früher war die Raumfahrtbehörde übrigens weniger zimperlich im Umgang mit Radioaktivität. Als beispielsweise die "Apollo 13"-Mission 19700000              in einer Notaktion zur Erde zurückgeholt wurde, entledigte sich die Besatzung unter anderem der sogenannten "Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package".
20060117             BUNDESTAG: Grüne, FDP und Linkspartei beschließen Untersuchungsausschuss zur BND—AFFÄRE
20060117             Atomstreit mit IRAN: Europäer zögern mit Einschaltung des Weltsicherheitsrates
20060117             Pflichtuntersuchungen: HAMBURG startet BUNDESRATSINITIATIVE—VOGELGRIPPE: Die INSEL—DER—VIREN
20060117             USA—JUSTIZ: 76-Jähriger in Kalifornien hingerichtet
20060117             Frankfurter Rundschau, TOM—MUSTROPH trägt EINIGE—BEOBACHTUNGEN zur "schleichenden Akzeptanz" der Überwachungskameras in Gesellschaft und Kunst zusammen.
20060117             "Gruppen wie die Surveillance Camera Players legten Karten mit Kamerastandorten an und entwickelten 1—ARSENAL an GUERILLA—STRATEGIEN. Kameraaugen wurden mit Laserpointern 'blind' geschossen, Kameramasten zu Maibäumen erklärt, Stadtrundfahrten durch besonders KAMERA—VERSEUCHTE Viertel angeboten und die anonymen Überwacher durch Performances herausgefordert. Doch verebbten diese Aktivitäten wieder. Nur aus Spaß, nicht aus wirklicher Angst lässt man sich —HEUTE von der webbasierten Software Isee den am wenigsten überwachten Weg durch Manhattan zeigen. 'Big Brother' hat seinen Schrecken verloren und ist zum wohl gelittenen Nachbarn geworden".
20060117             ER—PLÄDIERT in seinen juristischen Betrachtungen für 1—ZERSCHLAGUNG—DER—EU, dieses "Einfallstor der Multis und ihrer Lobbyisten".
20060117             Anlass ist die Niederlage oberösterreichischer Bauern, die sich vor dem "demokratisch nicht legitimierten" Europäischen Gerichtshof vergeblich gegen die Zulassung genmanipulierter Pflanzen in Oberösterreich gewehrt haben.
20060117             Die Welt, Im Forum blickt der britische Historiker NIALL—FERGUSON aus dem —JAHR 20110000              zurück auf die Ursachen, die 20070000              den Großen Golfkrieg zwischen IRAN und ISRAEL auslösten: "Wie in den 3ßigern verfiel der Westen in Wunschdenken. Man glaubte, AHMADI—NEDSCHAD würde sich nur im Säbelrasseln üben, weil er innenpolitisch schwach war. Vielleicht wollten seine politischen Rivalen im Klerus ihn loswerden. Das letzte, was der Westen in dieser Situation zeigen durfte, dachte man, war Härte, denn das würde nur AHMADI—NEDSCHAD stärken und den Volkszorn schüren. Also kreuzte man in WASHINGTON und LONDON die Finger und hoffte auf einen deus ex machina, so etwas wie einen hausgemachten Regimewechsel".
20060117             In der "SZ" erzählt die Schauspielerin Zhang Ziyi, wie sie ALLE—ZUM—HEULEN brachte ohne zu weinen.
20060117             Nach Entschuldigung: IRAN hebt Arbeitsverbot für CNN auf
20060117             —BEYOND the Backword - 11/02 ...PUBLISHER.[33] Kangas' quote from FORMER—CIA—DIRECTOR—WILLIAM—COLBY says it all: "THE—CIA—OWNS—EVERYONE—OF—ANY—SIGNIFICANCE in the major media".
20060117             |20060117
20060117             —BEREITS vergangene Woche hatten Tausende Hafenarbeiter auch in HAMBURG gegen die Pläne protestiert.
20060117             Der Ausgang der Abstimmung im EU—PARLAMENT am —MITTWOCH gilt allerdings als ungewiss.
20060117             Der deutsche CDU—ABGEORDNETE GEORG—JARZEMBOWSKI, der als Berichterstatter für das Gesetz zuständig ist, erwartet, dass die Richtlinie in ihrer jetzigen Form keine ausreichende Zustimmung finden wird.
20060117             Auch Bundesverkehrsminister WOLFGANG—TIEFENSEE (SPD) sprach sich im Deutschlandradio Kultur dafür aus, die Vorlage zu überarbeiten.
20060117             "Hier ein weiteres Dumping von Preisen in Gang zu setzen oder sogar Arbeitsplätze und das, was an Investitionen an europäischen Häfen vorgenommen werden muss, zu gefährden, das wäre absolut kontraproduktiv", erklärte Tiefensee.
20060117             NPR USA—NEWS—STEVE—INSKEEP talks to REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—SHADEGG (R-AZ), the latest to jump into the race to succeed TOM—DELAY as House majority leader.
20060117             —ACCEPTED, Though Shadegg also, money from lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF, he insists he's more committed to reform than his 2—MAIN riv
20060117             Shadegg Sets Sights on House Leader ship
20060117             House Leader ship Race Heats Up Amid Hill Scandal s
20060117             But excerpts from the House report indicate that there was 1—EXTENSIVE
20060117             business relationship between Rove and Abramoff:
20060117             (p. 33) - According to the documents, this was 1—EVENT with KARL—ROVE and "tribal representatives and leaders" from the Saginaw Chippewa tribe.
20060117             (p. 37)
20060117             —EXPRESSED, In 1—E—MAIL to 1—CLIENT, Abramoff, the view that Rove did not want to be perceived publicly as taking actions that benefited Abramoff.
20060117             "It gives me 1—LOT—OF—COVER, which is 1—OF—THE—THINGS—KARL was worried about. It does not benefit them to be doing stuff on this publicly for me, as you can imagine + he was really worried that we would cause 1—NYT like piece".
20060117             (p. 38) - QUESTION: Why not — why are you guys resistant to open this here?
20060117             What is there to hide, or why not —JUST say, here are the contacts he had, here are the issues he talked about —WHEN he came to THE—WHITE—HOUSE, here are the people...
20060117             —INDICATED, MCCLELLAN: Well, I did do 1—CHECK + I, to you exactly what I —JUST told you.
20060117             [WHITE—HOUSE Press Briefing,
20060117             —BEYOND the Backword — 11/02 ...PUBLISHER.[33] Kangas' quote from FORMER—CIA—DIRECTOR—WILLIAM—COLBY says it all:
20060117             Meta NOVUS—BLOG Headlines and News, the Net Refreshed Xeni on CNN : 20050000              s top tech stories, why they matter for 20060000              - Eyeing web tracking.. NEW—YORK—CITY—STREET—DEMONSTRATION against DRM 20061025             /
20060117             Through annual foreign operations and STATE—DEPARTMENT appropriations...
20060117             EGYPT: Background and USA—RELATIONS -
20060117             Through annual foreign operations and STATE—DEPARTMENT—APPROPRIATIONS... NEW—YORK—TIMES reported that THE—USA had put on hold its intention to...
20060117             IRAQ: Compliance, Sanctions + USA—POLICY
20060117—19620000    —IMPRISONED, Ortigoza was, by Alfredo STROESSNER—SECURITY—APPARATUS on charges of conspiring to topple THE—RIGHT—WING military strongman.
20060117—19820000    —SENTENCED, He was, to death for hiring 1—HIT man who killed 1—WITNESS and 2—BYSTANDERS.
20060117—19880000    —FROM, to 19910000             , I was heavily active in the Union County REPUBLICAN—PARTY + was elected 1—DISTRICT—CHAIRMAN.
20060117—19920700    —FROM, 19960400             —UNTIL, I was very active in Hillsborough County (FL) REPUBLICAN—PARTY.
20060117—19921100    —IN, I was elected as City Chairman for Temple Terrace.
20060117—19940000    —IN, I was blessed to work on Jeb BUSH—1. campaign for GOVERNOR.
20060117—20001200    —IN, Specifically, Congressman CURT—WELDON (R-PENNSILVANIA) has gone public with accusations that the Pentagon had 4—OF 20010911             —THE hijackers under its surveillance.
20060117—20010000    —IN, I indicated to you that there were 1—FEW—STAFF—LEVEL—MEETINGS that he attended at least — he attended 2—HOLIDAY—RECEPTIONS, and 20020000          .
20060117—20010306    —ON, Abramoff wrote in 1—E—MAIL to DENNIS—STEPHENS that he had a "great meeting" with KARL—ROVE to discuss 1—APPOINTMENT to THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—INTERIOR.
20060117—20010500    —PUBLISHED, Stories, | LJWorld_com Former flight attendant files suit against TIGERS—NATION & World Briefs... Lawsuit targets prep school over molestation allegation... /
20060117—20010911    —ON, means that we may freely argue that they partnered up against us.
20060117—20010911    911—BOOKMARKS Volume 06
20060117—20010911    —ON, So, for example, the fact that Saddam HUSSEIN—BA'ATH Party and AL—QAEDA are both Arab movements + both Islamic (although only nominally so in THE—IRAQ—CASE), means that we may freely argue that they partnered up against us.
20060117—20020405    —ON, Abramoff sent 1—E—MAIL to his assistant asking the assistant to add to his schedule "1—KARL—ROVE/SagChip breakfast on the 16. at 8—AM. Location tbd".
20060117—20030500    News MONITOR—PREVENT Genocide INTERNATIONAL
20060117—20060000    —IN, Deficit WILL—CLIMB, WHITE—HOUSE—SAYS : Even though administration officials and lawmakers have known for months that the next —YEAR—DEFICIT would be higher, MISTER—BUSH and Republican leaders in Congress are pushing hard to pass nearly $90—BILLION in tax cuts for the next 5—YEARS.
20060117—20060330    —FREED, Carroll was, unharmed.
20060117—20060505    —ON, the army launched heavy offensives against THE—FDD.
20060117—20060911    —AFTER, Spy Agency Data Led F.B.I. to Dead Ends : As the bureau was running down those leads, its director, ROBERT—S—MUELLER—III, raised concerns about the legal rationale for 1—PROGRAM—OF eavesdropping without warrants, 1—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL said.
20060224—20060117    —ON, "DOCTOR—ROBERT—JOHNSON, 1—DEMOCRAT from Sackets Harbor, near Watertown, who is challenging incumbent Republican JOHN—MCHUGH in the 23. District, said he was denied access aboard 1—CONTINENTAL—AIRLINES—FLIGHT to FLORIDA from SYRACUSE —AFTER officials informed him that he was on a 'NO—FLY' list".
20060226             —POSTED—BY—DEEP—DARK at 20030508             00000117
20060226             —POSTED—BY—DEEP—DARK at 200305080117          - What has he got to hide?
20060930             [WHITE—HOUSE Press Briefing, 20060117             ]
20061001             That's what he has said.
20061001             [WHITE—HOUSE Press Briefing, 20060117             ]
20070114—19530000    —IN, "MANY—NEWS—SITES are reporting that the magazine Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists intends to move the hands of the Doomsday Clock on —WEDNESDAY 20070117             . The clock was started at 7—MINUTES to midnight —DURING the Cold War and has been moved forward or back at intervals, depending on THE—STATE—OF—THE—WORLD and the prospects for nuclear war. Midnight represents destruction by nuclear war. It is not revealed in which direction the hands of the clock will be moved, but it should be safe to assume that they will move closer to midnight: the magazine cites 'worsening nuclear [and] climate threats.' The clock stood at 2—MINUTES to midnight —WHEN both THE—USA—AND—THE—SOVIET—UNION tested nuclear weapons. The farthest away from midnight it ever got was 17—MINUTES, 19910000             —IN—WHEN both superpowers signed the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. It currently stands at 7—MINUTES to midnight".
20070117             1—YEAR—AFTER disclosure of 1—DOMESTIC spying program that PRESIDENT—BUSH maintained was within his authority to operate, ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES announced the administration had shifted its position and would seek the approval of 1—INDEPENDENT—PANEL—OF—FEDERAL—JUDGES.
20070117             —ELECTED, ALASKA—NEWLY, GOVERNOR—SARAH—PALIN, 42—JAHRE—ALT delivered her 1. state speech.
20070117             TEXAS, JAMES—WALLER, who spent 10—YEARS behind bars for the rape of 1—BOY, became the 12. person in DALLAS County to be cleared by DNA evidence.
20070117             1—USA—SNOW and ice storm was blamed for at least 64—DEATHS in 9—STATES.
20070117             —INCLUDED, These, 20—DEATHS in OKLAHOMA, 9 in MISSOURI, 8 in IOWA, 4 in NEW—YORK, 5 in TEXAS, 4 in MICHIGAN, 3 in ARKANSAS, and 1 EACH—IN—MAINE and INDIANA.
20070117             —APPROVED, THE—SF Police Commission, Mayor NEWSOM—REQUEST to add surveillance cameras at 8—ADDITIONAL—HIGH—CRIME—LOCATIONS.
20070117             † ART—BUCHWALD, 81—JAHRE—ALT, columnist and author.
20070117             For over 4—DECADES he chronicled the life and times of WASHINGTON DC with 1—INFECTIOUS wit and endeared himself to many with his NEVER—SAY—DIE battle with failing kidneys.
20070117             —BATTLED, SOUTH—AUSTRALIA, firefighters, to contain 1—WILDFIRE that razed 1—NUMBER—OF—HOMES amid soaring temperatures and warnings that the worst was yet to come.
20070117             —REPORTED, BRITAIN—GUARDIAN, that senior executives at defense manufacturer BAE Systems have been named as suspects in 1—CORRUPTION—INQUIRY being conducted by the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) into contracts with SOUTH—AFRICA.
20070117             —CAPTURED, CHAD—REBELS, the small TOWN—OF—ADE on the border with SUDAN, the latest in 1—SERIES—OF—RAIDS in the lawless EAST—OF—THE—CENTRAL—AFRICAN country.
20070117             SOUTH—COLOMBIA, 1—PICKUP truck carrying 660—POUNDS—OF—EXPLOSIVES destroyed 1—DAIRY plant owned by SWITZERLAND—FOOD—GIANT—NESTLE SA, 1—ATTACK—POLICE attributed to leftist rebels.
20070117             Conservationists said rebels in EAST—CONGO, loyal to warlord Laurent Nkunda, have killed and eaten 2—SILVERBACK mountain gorillas in Virunga National Park.
20070117             —AGREED, CONGO—ARMY said Nkunda, 2—WEEKS ago to stop fighting government forces in exchange for 1—GOVERNMENT promise not to pursue war crimes charges against him.
20070117             —TORCHED, GREECE, protesters, cars, broke bank windows and clashed with riot police —DURING 1—STUDENT—DEMONSTRATION against plans to allow private universities to operate.
20070117             —COLLAPSED, HONDURAS, 1—CONCRETE—WALL, at 1—COFFEE—WAREHOUSE in Villanueva, crushing 6—WORKERS under tons of bagged coffee beans.
20070117             —PLANTED, INDIA, 1—BOMB, in 1—VEGETABLE carton by suspected MEMBERS—OF—THE—UNITED—LIBERATION—FRONT—OF—ASSAM (ULFA) exploded in 1—MARKET in Dispur.
20070117             2—PEOPLE, including 1—CHILD, were killed and 12—PEOPLE were injured in the attack.
20070117             † 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMB struck 1—MARKET in the Shiite DISTRICT—OF—SADR—CITY and police said 17—PEOPLE.
20070117             —EXPLODED, Another suicide car bomb, —EARLIER at 1—CHECKPOINT in THE—CITY—OF—KIRKUK —AFTER guards opened fire as the driver approached 1—POLICE—STATION.
20070117             —KILLED, The blast, 8—PEOPLE and injured dozens.
20070117             1—MORTAR attack on 1—RESIDENTIAL—AREA in Iskandariyah killed 1—WOMAN and injured 10—PEOPLE.
20070117             Police found THE—BODY—OF—1—IRAQ—POLICEMAN whose hands and legs had been bound hanging by electric wire, —2—DAYS—AFTER he was kidnapped —WHILE going to his home in the same area.
20070117             —OPENED, Gunmen in 1—CAR also, fire on 2—BROTHERS, aged 30 and 35, on their way to work as construction workers in Mahaweel, 35—MILES—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20070117             † 1 was killed and the other was wounded.
20070117             —KILLED, In BAGHDAD, 1—CIVILIAN was, in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting and police found 5 unidentified bodies.
20070117             † ALICE—LAKWENA, 1—UGANDA—WARRIOR priestess who led 1—INSURGENCY in the 1980s, at 1—KENYA—REFUGEE—CAMP.
20070117             —POSSESSED, ALICE—LAKWENA was known as ALICE—AUMA and claimed to have been, by 1—SPIRIT called Lakwena, which gave her spiritual powers to protect her fighters from bullets by anointing them with oil.
20070117             NEPAL—FORMER—COMMUNIST—GUERRILLAS began 1—ORDERLY HANDOVER—OF—WEAPONS to UN monitors, putting in motion 1—LANDMARK peace deal that calls for THOUSANDS—OF—FIGHTERS to disarm and be confined to camps.
20070117             —RELEASED, NIGERIA, rebels, 5—CHINA—TELECOMMUNICATIONS—WORKERS and 1—ITALY—OIL—WORKER abducted in the southern delta region.
20070117             † 1—FEMALE, 22—JAHRE—ALT in LAGOS, from bird flu.
20070117             —CONFIRMED, This was NIGERIA—1., fatality from Avian Influenza.
20070117             Tests on 3—OTHER—DEATHS were inconclusive.
20070117             —CRITICIZED, RUSSIA—LAWMAKERS sharply, ESTONIA for possible plans to remove a 19470000              statue that honors Red Army soldiers who helped drive Nazi forces from the Baltic nation.
20070117             —SIGNED, Last —WEEK THE—ESTONIA—PRESIDENT, into law 1—BILL allowing for the removal of the statue.
20070117             —SUFFERED, The monument upset many in the country that, 5—DECADES—OF—SOVIET—OCCUPATION.
20070117             1—TOP—SOMALIA—LAWMAKER closely associated with the —RECENTLY ousted Islamic movement was voted out as speaker by PARLIAMENT, 1—MOVE that could undermine reconciliation efforts in the restive country.
20070117             —SUSPECTED, THAILAND, separatist rebels shot dead 2—BUDDHIST villagers in THE—MUSLIM—MAJORITY—SOUTH.
20070117             —KILLED, The insurgency there has, more than 1,800—PEOPLE in 3—YEARS.
20070117             —DESCRIBED, Yevgeny Kushnaryov (55), as "THE—RIGHT—HAND—MAN" to UKRAINE—PRO—RUSSIAN—PM, VIKTOR—YANUKOVYCH, † from his wounds 1—DAY—AFTER being shot by 1—OF—HIS hunting companions.
20070117             —URGED, MORGAN—TSVANGIRAI, ZIMBABWE—MAIN opposition leader, mass protests against PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE—NEARLY 27—YEAR—RULE.
20070117             the big IDEA—TO Flee or Not To FLEE—HOW Republicans handle 1—FAILING PRESIDENT.
20070117             - - By JACOB—WEISBERG
20070117             Congressional Democrats seldom agonize —BEFORE ditching presidents of their own party.
20070117             the left over VIETNAM.
20070117             1—DECADE—LATER, they shoved JIMMY—CARTER—LEGISLATIVE—AGENDA—BACK—IN his face.
20070117             —FACED, BILL—CLINTON, constant rebellion from his own side.
20070117             Republicans are made of firmer stuff.
20070117             They value loyalty, hierarchy + deference over independence and private conscience.
20070117             For 1—EXAMPLE—OF—WIDESPREAD—GOP abandonment of 1—PRESIDENT—OF—THEIR—OWN—PARTY,
20070117             you have to go back to Watergate, —WHEN, as —NOW, Republican legislators faced 1—TRICKY calculation about how to handle 1 embattled,
20070117             isolated + failing PRESIDENT.
20070117             To continue reading, click here.
20070117             —DECLARED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION last night " its opposition
20070117             to the House Democrats' proposed CUTTING—OF—STUDENT—LOAN—INTEREST—RATES".
20070117             The House bill, to be voted on —TODAY, cuts interest rates on SOME—COLLEGE—STUDENT—LOANS in half and "would help 1 estimated 5.5—MILLION—STUDENTS
20070117             SENATOR—CHUCK—HAGEL (R-NE) "will join 2—LEADING Democrats in introducing 1—RESOLUTION opposing PRESIDENT—BUSH—BUILDUP—OF—TROOPS in IRAQ, putting 1—BIPARTISAN stamp
20070117             —ON the looming Congressional showdown over the war".
20070117             —YESTERDAY, nearly —3—WEEKS—AFTER the fact, PRESIDENT—BUSH said the execution of Saddam Hussein "looked like it was kind of 1—REVENGE killing".
20070117             On IRAQ, BUSH said, "I don't quite view it as the broken egg;
20070117             I view it as the cracked egg... that — where we still have 1—CHANCE to move beyond the broken egg.
20070117             CHARLES—STIMSON, the top Pentagon official overseeing USA detainees,
20070117             wrote 1—LETTER to THE—WASHINGTON—POST apologizing for saying last —WEEK
20070117             that corporate clients should consider ending their business ties with legal firms whose lawyers defend prisoners at GUANTANAMO Bay.
20070117             "[T]hose comments do not reflect my core beliefs,
20070117             1—DAY—AFTER the nation observed MARTIN—LUTHER—KING, JUNIOR —DAY, VIRGINIA lawmaker FRANK—D—HARGROVE (R) said that slavery ended nearly —140—YEARS—AGO with the Civil War and that " our black citizens should get over it".
20070117             He added, "Are we going to force the Jews to apologize for killing Christ
20070117             $1.2—TRILLION : With the money going to THE—IRAQ war,
20070117             THE—USA could set up 1—UNIVERSAL—HEALTH—CARE—SYSTEM,
20070117             provide universal preschool, carry out the recommendations of 20010911             —THE commission,
20070117             double cancer research funding, increase funding to Gulf Coast reconstruction + enact a "global immunization campaign to save MILLIONS—OF—CHILDREN—LIVES".
20070117             —ALLOWED, THE—USA has, —JUST " 466—IRAQIS to immigrate under refugee status
20070117             " refugee crisis in the world, with roughly "1.7—MILLION—IRAQIS displaced
20070117             "The botched hanging of Saddam Hussein and 2—LIEUTENANTS in IRAQ by its SHIITE—LED government has helped to accelerate SUNNI—SHIITE sectarianism
20070117             across 1—ALREADY fragile MIDDLE—EAST". "The reality of the current situation is that we are approaching 1—OPEN—SUNNI—SHIITE conflict in the region," warned Emad Gad,
20070117             an INTERNATIONAL relations specialist based in EGYPT.
20070117             In contrast to —LAST—YEAR—PERFORMANCE by STEPHEN—COLBERT,
20070117             1—VIDEO—OF which became "1—OF—THE—YEAR—MOST downloaded,
20070117             " THE—WHCA has chosen a "LESS—COMBATIVE host," Rich Little.
20070117             —PERFORMED, Little, 68, last, at the event 19850000          .
20070117             "You will never please everyone no matter what you do," the group's PRESIDENT said.
20070117             WILL—THEY—BOMB—BEDFORD?
20070117             Divine Strike in the Bible BELT—BY JOHN BLAIR | CounterPunch org
20070117             More than 2—TONS—OF—CYANIDE compounds, 1,535—POUNDS—OF—PHOSGENE gas, the primary chemical in "mustard gas" chemical weapons, 1,318—POUNDS—OF—METHYLENE chloride,
20070117             1—HUMAN carcinogen, 2,387—POUNDS—OF—CARBON tetrachloride, another carcinogen and 1,650—POUNDS—OF—CHLORINE,
20070117             1—POISON, will be released from the giant explosion being suggested by THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE for SOUTH—INDIANA 20070000              in SOUTH—INDIANA
20070117             —NAMED, Bizarrely, "Divine Strake," the explosion is meant to mimic 1—NUCLEAR—BOMB dropped on underground nuclear weapons facilities in IRAN.
20070117             1—LIMESTONE quarry owned by the giant highway builder, the Rogers Company in LAWRENCE—COUNTY,
20070117             near —SPRING Mill STATE—PARK and close to numerous populated areas is suggested as 1—POSSIBLE—SITE for the massive 1,400,000 pound explosion by DOD personnel,
20070117             who have been stymied from setting the device off at THE—NEVADA Test Site by outraged regional citizens.
20070117             —WHEN the test was postponed —AFTER proposed dates of ;;06;;
20070117             2 and ;;06;; 23 were met with severe opposition,
20070117             —INDICATED, DOD, that other sites were being considered.
20070117             The original site was once the primary test zone for AMERICA—NUCLEAR—ARSENAL in NORTH—EAST—NEVADA,
20070117             some 30—MILES from any populated area.
20070117             SOUTH—INDIANA and another site at White Sands,
20070117             NM were given as possible alternative sites to reporters who queried DOD officials what might happen —SINCE the test had been effectively stopped in NEVADA.
20070117             —CONSIDERED, Bedford is, the 'Limestone CAPITOL—OF—THE—WORLD" because of the high quality building stone that lies beneath the surface of the region.
20070117             It is the limestone that is attracting THE—DOD.
20070117             In fact, they have already set off 2, 3,000 pound explosives there as PART—OF—THE—DIVINE—STRAKE experiment.
20070117             —CONDUCTED, Those tests were, 20040000              and 20050000              without ANY—SORT—OF—LOCAL—NOTICE or input.
20070117             —EMBEDDED, DOD theorizes that the limestone, in the earth in LAWRENCE—COUNTY is similar to what would be experienced if 1—NUCLEAR "bunker busting" bomb was dropped on the underground nuclear facilities in IRAN.
20070117             Such 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON cannot be tested under the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty that AMERICA proposed and signed nearly —50—YEARS—AGO.
20070117             So DOD is seeking to use the next best thing, Divine Strake.
20070117             1.4—MILLION—POUNDS—OF mostly ammonium nitrate,
20070117             the same as used by bomber, TERRY—MCVEIGH to blow up the federal building in OKLAHOMA City 1—DECADE ago is 1—MERE substitute for the nukes that Rumsfeld and BUSH are raring to use on IRAN.
20070117             Already there is concern that this is —JUST 1—CHEAP trick to get —AROUND the Test Ban Treaty —SINCE it use would be ostensibly designed to test 1—SIMILAR—NUCLEAR—WEAPON.
20070117             But BUSH seems to care little for our treaty commitments.
20070117             —EARLIER this —YEAR he signed 1—AGREEMENT with INDIA that allows INDIA to secure nuclear material from THE—USA although they have refused to sign THE—INTERNATIONAL—NUCLEAR—NONPROLIFERATION—TREATY,
20070117             something that looks like 1—ILLEGAL—ACT according to SOME—LEGAL—SCHOLARS.
20070117             —ARRIVED, Although word of Divine Strake in INDIANA only, 1—COUPLE—OF—DAYS ago, activists listserves have been abuzz with discussion and organization.
20070117             1—ACTIVIST even indicated that such 1—PLAN would come to pass "only over (his) dead body".
20070117             Others have been in contact with activists in the West, seeking input on how they have successfully opposed the test there.
20070117             —SUGGESTED, It has been, that those against the test gather commitments from all candidates for office in the upcoming election to oppose such 1—TEST.
20070117             —POSTURED, It is being, as 1—WIN—WIN for politicians —SINCE it is clear that "DOD—PROPOSAL—REEKS—OF—INSANITY. DOCTOR—STRANGELOVE stuff!"
20070117             MITCHELL—INDIANA the nearest community to the site was Virgil "Gus" GRISSOM—HOMETOWN.
20070117             Grissom was the 2. USA—AFTER ALAN—SHEPARD, JUNIOR to go into space.
20070117             Grissom —LATER † in NASA's 1. fatal accident —WHEN he and 2—OTHERS were killed in 1—FIRE —DURING 1—TEST—OF—APOLLO 1
20070117             —THREATENED, It is, because instead of Mitchell being known as GUS—GRISSOM—HOME,
20070117             it could well become "the big hole" in the ground that was made by man's quest to spread democracy to THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20070117             Toxic Chemicals Galore
20070117             —RELEASED, The Revised Environmental Assessment, in May was the project's undoing in NEVADA.
20070117             —REVEALED, People in the region were up in arms —WHEN it was, that the Divine Strake blast would create a "mushroom cloud" rising more than 10,000 feet into the sky.
20070117             leaving much of THE—NEVADA desert unfit for much of anything, especially life of all sorts.
20070117             —REVEALED, But their concerns were even greater —WHEN it was, that large amounts of toxic chemicals would be blown into THE—NEVADA sky to fall wherever the wind blew.
20070117             Opponents in INDIANA also fear THE—RELEASE—OF—THINGS like phosgene,
20070117             chlorine and methylene chloride which each could have immediate and long term health consequences for those who may be unfortunate enough to breathe them in from ambient air affected by the explosion.
20070117             This is not the 1. time that DOD has made INDIANA countryside 1—QUAGMIRE of dangerous chemistry.
20070117             —OPERATED, For years, DOD, the Jefferson Proving Grounds about 60—MILES—EAST—OF—MITCHELL.
20070117             —DEPLETED, There, they left a "NO—MANS—LAND" of, uranium and other "unexploded ordnance" which has left 1—OTHERWISE beautiful region unfit for much of anything.
20070117             —CONTAMINATED, Also, the Army is proposing to burn 327—LEAD and PCB, buildings at THE—INDIANA Army Ammunition Depot,
20070117             some 60—MILES—SOUTH—EAST—OF—MITCHELL because it the least expensive METHOD—OF—DEMOLITION.
20070117             —SUCCEED, If Hoosier opponents of Divine Strake, they will get 1—FAIRLY quick determination from the Defense Department that the high population area —AROUND the proposed INDIANA site is unsuitable for such 1—SCHEME,
20070117             —EXASPERATED, In the meantime, regional opponents are, as to how such 1—INSANE plan could even be proposed, in INDIANA or anywhere.
20070117             JOHN—BLAIR is PRESIDENT—OF—THE—ENVIRONMENT—HEALTH advocacy group, Valley Watch and earned 1—PULITZER—PRIZE for news Photography 19780000          .
20070117             A Universidade de AL—MUSTANSIRIYA—EM árabe)
20070117             e é uma das mais antigas do mundo, sendo fundada em 12330000
20070117             141 "WEST—GOALS Annual Report, 19810000             —82," ALEXANDRIA, pp.
20070117             10-13. 142, 19851217             0000             —DATE, p. 16;, ;;09;;.
20070117             Russ Bellant, Old NAZI s, the New Right. and THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY.
20070117             KAROL—SITKO—SITKO KAROL.
20070117             Bellant,R. Old NAZI s. 19890000              (44).
20070117             pages cited this search: 1—ORDER—HARD—COPY—OF these PAGES—SHOW 1—SOCIAL—NETWORK diagram for this name...
20070117             —MAINTAINED, KAROL—SITKO, "1—ROTUND—POLISH—GERMANY—EMIGRE who has, close ties
20070117             —HEADED, National Congress [DANK], the council is, by KAROL—SITKO.
20070117             —INCLUDED, Their associates, prominent POST—WWII FASCIST KAROL—SITKO as well as various associates of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon,
20070117             who has made no secret OF—COUNCIL for National Policy Database H-M
20070117             1—SUBSIDIARY—OF—THE—PRO—NAZI—GERMAN—AMERICAN—NATIONAL—CONGRESS [DANK], the council is headed by KAROL—SITKO was also the organizer for the West...
20070117             Council for National Policy (CNP) - HO—MEMBER—BIOGRAPHIES...
20070117             Groups Council for Citizenship Education : "1—SUBSIDIARY—OF—THE—PRO—NAZI—GERMAN—AMERICAN—NATIONAL—CONGRESS [DANK], the council is headed by KAROL—SITKO.
20070117             Another View Of Nuclear ISRAEL—AND—THE—MIDDLE—EAST—ARMS—RACE
20070117             The executive DIRECTOR—OF—THE—GROUP was DOCTOR—KAROL—SITKO, "1—ROTUND—POLISH—GERMANY—EMIGRE who has maintained close ties with THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY as an...
20070117             All Resources Search Results
20070117             KAROL—SITKO—ANCESTRAL—FILE—GENDER: M Birth/Christening: Abt 19120000              Liptovska Osada,
20070117             SLOVAKIA. 9. Pavol SITKO—ANCESTRAL File.
20070117             —FROM oneb!!destroyer!caen!uunet!olivea!sgigate!sgi!cdp... - VIRGINIA, 19820000             ;
20070117             KAROL—SITKO, March-19830400             , pp.
20070117             10-13. - Bartrcops JFK—HEADED by 1—KAROL—SITKO + (ibid.):
20070117             LET—ALSO not forget that HL Hunt was 1—OF...
20070117             —DESCRIBED, Active in NCAEG, SITKO was, in the as.
20070117             Because there are so MANY—WORTHY nominees, it is extremely rare that BuzzFlash awards the "WINGS—OF—JUSTICE" honor twice to the same person.
20070117             But in THE—CASE—OF—BILL—MOYERS, the exception is WELL—DESERVED.
20070117             It's the Question We Want to Ask the Bush eviks.
20070117             ROBERT—PARRY: Scooter LIBBY—TIME—TRAVEL—TRIAL 1/17
20070117             It's Time for the Twins to Do Their Duty.
20070117             And Send Bush and Cheney to the Front Lines, —WHILE You're At It.
20070117             Condi, Too. 1/18
20070117             —BLOODSHED, Amid, Bush wants a 'thank you.' If Bush stopped there, all he would have been was arrogant.
20070117             That is inhuman.
20070117             —DESTROYED, We, 1—NATION under the false PRETENSE—OF—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20070117             Uh. we aren't being hyperbolic —WHEN we label Bush 1—SOCIOPATH.
20070117             He is.
20070117             Maureen Dowd: "It?s unnerving to be tutored by 1—EDUCATOR in CHIEF who is himself being tutored.
20070117             THE—PRESIDENT—ELUCIDATING—THE—IRAQ—INSURGENCY for us is learning about THE—ALGERIA—INSURGENCY from the man who failed to quell the Vietcong insurgency".
20070117             Primakov would do history 1—SERVICE if he revealed not —JUST what he knows but how he knows it.
20070117             made the rather startling claim that SADDAM—EXECUTION was "rushed" to prevent THE—IRAQ—DICTATOR from talking about his relationship with THE—BUSH—CLAN and with USA—INTELLIGENCE.
20070117             If Saddam Hussein "had said everything (he knew), the current USA—PRESIDENT (GEORGE W BUSH ) would have been greatly embarrassed," said Primakov,
20070117             1—MIDDLE—EAST—EXPERT formerly on good terms with Saddam.
20070117             I have no trouble believing this claim.
20070117             eRx —NOW kann neben einem elektronischen Rezept auch die richtige Dosierung und mögliche Wechselwirkungen mit anderen Medikamenten überprüfen.
20070117             "TAUSENDE—VON—MENSCHEN sterben, während wir jahrelang über das Problem diskutieren",
20070117             sagte GLEN—TULLMAN, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Firma Allscripts, die das Projekt mit ins Leben gerufen hat,
20070117             zur "Time".
20070117             "Das ist doch verrückt: Schließlich haben wir die Technologien".
20070117             Das Klischee findet noch immer traurige Bestätigung: Ärzte haben eine miese Klaue.
20070117             EINIGE—PATIENTEN kostet die unleserliche Handschrift sogar das Leben.
20070117             Nach Berechnungen des Institute of Medicine der National ACADEMIES—OF—SCIENCES sterben in den USA JEDES—JAHR 7000—MENSCHEN,
20070117             weil ihre Ärzte unleserliche Rezepte ausstellen.
20070117             Forscher des Instituts hatten im
20070117             —BEFINDET, Die Menschheit, sich nach Ansicht führender Atomwissenschaftler näher am Abgrund eines Atomkriegs als in den vergangenen 2—JAHRZEHNTEN.
20070117             Auf 5—MINUTEN vor 12—WURDE die symbolische Uhr —HEUTE GESTELLT—VON—BISHER 7—MINUTEN vor 12.
20070117             So wahrscheinlich wie gegenwärtig war nach ANSICHT—DER—EXPERTEN ein nuklearer Schlagabtausch —SEIT dem ENDE—DES—KALTEN—KRIEGES nicht mehr.
20070117             In den folgenden Jahren verstellten sie den Minutenzeiger noch mehrmals.
20070117             "Wir stehen am Rande eines 2. Nuklearzeitalters", schreiben die HERAUSGEBER—DES "Bulletin" —JETZT.
20070117             Zusammen mit einem Beratergremium, dem 18—NOBELPREISTRÄGER angehören, habe man sich daher entschieden, den Zeiger vorzurücken.
20070117             In einer öffentlichen Erklärung auf der Website des Fachblatts
20070117             begründen sie ihre Entscheidung AUSFÜHRLICH—GASPROM: Streit um Gaspipeline in Polen
20070117             "Kyrill"- Alarm: Deutschland rüstet sich für gewaltigen Orkan
20070117             Konjunktur: Inflationsrate sinkt erstmals —SEIT—3—JAHREN
20070117             Hohe Benzinpreise: Immer mehr Deutsche steigen auf Bus und Bahn um
20070117             Geheimdienstwarnung: Russland verhängt erstmals Terroralarm
20070117             Warnung von Atomforschern: 5—VOR 12—FÜR den Weltuntergang
20070117             "Dass die gesamte REPUBLIK mindestens von Windstärke 11—AUCH in den Niederungen betroffen sein wird,
20070117             fällt aus der Reihe", sagte die Meteorologin.
20070117             Ungewöhnlich seien die große Ausdehnung des Tiefs und die großen Druckunterschiede, die für die hohen Windgeschwindigkeiten sorgen.
20070117             Deutschland sei —DERZEIT genau auf der Zugbahn der ATLANTIK—TIEFS + zwischen warmen und kalten Luftmassen.
20070117             Es bleibe jedoch mild, "die Polarluft ist weit weg".
20070117             5500—JAHRE liegen die Spuren der dramatischen Szene unter den Trümmern.
20070117             Dann, im —HERBST—DESSEN Wände einst 2—METER hoch waren.
20070117             Im Inneren finden sie rund 11000000              Lehmkugeln.
20070117             2—DUTZEND liegen noch immer säuberlich aufgereiht neben dem eingegrabenen Gefäß.
20070117             Sie wurden nie benutzt.
20070117             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—CHANGES—ITS "reasons" with the political tide.
20070117             If you'd like to know more about the march, log on to www.INTERNATIONAL...
20070117             Trotz Atomausstieg: Deutsche Kernkraftwerke steigern Stromerzeugung
20070117             Regisseur Clint Eastwood: Krieg an allen Fronten
20070117             —VERURTEILT, Mit Messer am Flughafen: USA—GERICHT, Passagier zu einem —JAHR Haft
20070117             Warnung vor dem Orkan: "Mindestens Windstärke 11 in ganz Deutschland"
20070117             Russisches Öl: Zusätzliche Tanker steigern ÖLPEST—GEFAHR—VW—PROZESS: Hartz legt Geständnis ab
20070117             PR—QUERKOPF Kocks: "Lügner reden immer nur von Notlügen"
20070117             Merkels EU—FAHRPLAN: —ERST Verfassung, dann Erweiterung
20070117             —ENTPUPPT, VENEZUELA: David, sich als GOLIATH—EXHIBITORS/Sponsors
20070117             ASTRA (SES ASTRA S.A.) Bivio Networks Blazepoint Limited Business Security Cisco Systems Clearswift Ltd.
20070117             Compucat EUROPE Ltd. Crypto BULGARIA Ltd.
20070117             Dell INCORPORATED. Corporate Membership
20070117             Struck stellt sich vor seine Soldaten
20070117             BUSH—DOKTRIN ">National Security Strategy vom 20020900             —WIKIPEDIA
20070117             Dieser TEIL—DES—BERICHTS, der sich u.a. mit Präventivkriegen befasst, wird auch als BUSH—DOKTRIN bzw.
20070117             —BEZEICHNET, WOLFOWITZ—DOKTRIN.
20070117             Baki seheri Vergiler Departamentinin 2-ci filiali (Bineqedi, Nesimi, Nerimanov rayonlari uzre) - IBN—SINA APTEKI—PETROLEUM Pipe Company (Caspian) Ltd.
20070117             —STARTED, The nephew of Sigmund Freud, EDWARD—BERNAYS, his business life as 1—PUBLICIST.
20070117             writing in particular Bernays ' book " CRYSTALIZING PUBLIC OPINION.
20070117             BERNAYS was 1—OF—THE—ENGINEERS—OF—THE—COLD—WAR.
20070117             He perfected the technique of. EDWARD—L—BERNAYS
20070117             —BY—NOW BERNAYS was already something of 1—PR guru, with 2—BOOKS to his name:
20070117             CRYSTALIZING PUBLIC OPINION (19230000             ) + Propaganda (19280000             ).
20070117             —BRAGGED, BERNAYS, in his autobiography that NAZI PROPAGANDA MINISTER—JOSEPH—GOEBBELS valued his book " CRYSTALIZING PUBLIC OPINION " above all others in his...
20070117             BERNAYS in his classic studies eloquently describes PROPAGANDA as THE—PURPOSE—OF—COMMUNICATIONS.
20070117             CRYSTALIZING, PUBLIC OPINION, for example, he dismisses... - Sosyal Hizmet Uzmani Web Sitesi
20070117             KOMMUNIKATIONS—KOMMISSARIN Wallström: "Der EU fehlt die Story"
20070117             Schlamperei und Todesfälle: Das BP—INFERNO
20070117             —VERTEUERT, Energie: Gas, sich um 10—PROZENT
20070117             Haushalt: Globalisierung, Endlich blühende Landschaften
20070117             Wolfowitz' Weltbank: Wer Geld hat, muss es AUSGEBEN—AMATEURS can do real science.
20070117             We can actually help,'' Mann said.
20070117             ANDREW—WESTPHAL, associate DIRECTOR—OF—THE—SPACE—SCIENCES—LABORATORY at BERKELEY, praised amateurs _ it would probably take his whole life to find all the dust sprinklings, he said.
20070117             20070117              It's stunning how good they are.
20070117             I think they're better at this than we are,'' Westphal said.
20070117             —BENEFITED, THE—INTERNET has also, professional astronomers, who often have to fight for scarce telescope time at major research observatories.
20070117             READING Shakespeare has dramatic effect on human brain —JUST stumbled on this.
20070117             —HEIGHTENED, Experts believe that this, brain activity may be 1—OF—THE—REASONS why SHAKESPEARE—PLAYS have such 1—DRAMATIC—IMPACT on their readers.
20070117             Professor NEIL—ROBERTS, from THE—UNIVERSITY—MAGNETIC—RESONANCE and Image Analysis Research Centre,
20070117             (MARIARC), explains: "The effect on the brain is 1—BIT—LIKE 1—MAGIC trick;
20070117             we know what the trick means but not how it happened.
20070117             —CONFUSED, Instead of being, by this in 1—NEGATIVE—SENSE, the brain is positively excited.
20070117             The brain signature is relatively uneventful —WHEN we understand the meaning of 1—WORD but —WHEN the word changes THE—GRAMMAR—OF—THE—WHOLE—SENTENCE,
20070117             brain readings suddenly peak.
20070117             —FORCED, The brain is then, to retrace its thinking process in order to understand what it is supposed to make of this unusual word".
20070117             Our grip on reality is SLIM—ONCE is happenstance.
20070117             Twice is coincidence. 3—TIMES is enemy action.
20070117             BUSH : It's all 'unacceptable' PRESIDENT—BUSH thinks 1—LOT—OF—THINGS are "unacceptable" - except, of course, his presidency.
20070117             We Are Family Rigorous Intuition on THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—MANSON—FAMILY—VALUES.
20070117             Euro displaces dollar in bond markets:
20070117             —DISPLACED, The euro has, THE—USA—DOLLAR as the world's PRE—EMINENT currency in INTERNATIONAL bond markets,
20070117             having outstripped THE—DOLLAR—DENOMINATED market for the 2. —YEAR in 1—ROW.
20070117             UAVs to patrol CANADA—BORDER:
20070117             Unmanned surveillance aircraft will start patrolling THE—CANADA—BORDER by this fall, 1—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY—OFFICIAL said.
20070117             USA—HOUSING Crash Continues:
20070117             —DISCONNECTED, Prices, from fundamentals.
20070117             House prices are far beyond ANY—HISTORICALLY known relationship to rents or salaries.
20070117             Rents are less than HALF—OF—MORTGAGE—PAYMENTS.
20070117             Salaries cannot cover mortgages except in the very short term,
20070117             —BY using adjustable INTEREST—ONLY—LOANS.
20070117             —PROFILED, ISRAEL—ARABS 'racially ':
20070117             1—NEW—REPORT alleges that ISRAEL—SECURITY—OFFICIALS are being given 1—FREE—HAND by airports —AROUND the world to use racial profiling against Arab passengers,
20070117             in violation of INTERNATIONAL law and the host countries' domestic legislation.
20070117             —AFTER thorough introspection, these young men have chosen to speak out about their experiences as SELF—DESCRIBED "brutal occupiers of 1 disputed land".
20070117             Producer: Sat Gwin - 1—BASIC—HISTORY—OF—ZIONISM and its Relation to Judaism:
20070117             excluding the whole religious establishment, most central and WEST—EUROPEAN Jews and,
20070117             last but not least, all NON—EUROPEAN Jews who, unbeknown to Herzl and his CO—FOUNDERS, form THE—MAJORITY—OF—USA.
20070117             Christians and Zion:
20070117             CHRISTIAN—ZIONISM is the direct product of this unusual and recent Western form of Protestant theology.
20070117             Found primarily in NORTH—AMERICA and ENGLAND, it is —NOW exported —AROUND the globe via satellite television,
20070117             THE—INTERNET, BEST—SELLING novels such as the Left Behind series, films and 1—NEW BREED—OF—MISSIONARIES.
20070117             War pimp alert: TEHRAN stance "very negative" on IRAQ—USA—GATES:
20070117             —ACCUSED, USA Defense SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES, IRAN —ON—MONDAY of doing nothing to help THE—USA—IN—IRAQ,
20070117             saying WASHINGTON could only engage with TEHRAN if it showed it was ready to be constructive.
20070117             Hersh: USA, ISRAEL support PKK—IRAN wing:
20070117             ISRAEL and THE—USA—HAVE been "working together in support of 1—KURDISH—RESISTANCE—GROUP known as the Party for Free Life in Kurdistan," wrote Hersh
20070117             RUSSIA—ADMIRAL Says USA Navy Prepares Missile Strike on IRAN:
20070117             USA Navy nuclear submarines maintaining vigil off THE—COAST—OF—IRAN indicate that THE—PENTAGON—MILITARY—PLANS include not only control over navigation in the Persian Gulf but also strikes against IRAN—TARGETS,
20070117             1—FORMER—COMMANDER—OF—THE—RUSSIAN—BLACK—SEA—FLEET, Admiral EDUARD—BALTIN has told the Interfax news agency.
20070117             Rice : UN sanctions on IRAN 'not enough':
20070117             Talk of 1—MILITARY—STRIKE against IRAN shows how serious it would be for the Iranians to continue down the path of nuclear development,
20070117             USA says it will 'go —AFTER' IRAN, Syria networks in IRAQ:
20070117             USA Defense SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES said —MONDAY that increased USA military activity in the Persian Gulf is meant to counter "very negative" behavior by IRAN and undercut its belief that USA—FORCES are overcommitted in IRAQ.
20070117             IRAN seeks SAUDI—ARABIA—HELP to ease tensions with U.S:
20070117             —ASKED, IRAN, SAUDI—ARABIA to help ease tensions between the Islamic REPUBLIC—AND—THE—USA as WASHINGTON held out the possibility of "engagement" with TEHRAN if it changed tack in IRAQ.
20070117             Rafsanjani calls for vigilance vis-a-vis USA:
20070117             Expediency Council Chairman Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani said that given THE—USA—FAILURE to achieve its goals in the region,
20070117             it is seeking to embark on 1—NEW adventure to cover up its defeat and urged the need for vigilance.
20070117             Warning that investors might be "in for 1—SHOCK," 1—MAJOR—INVESTMENT—BANK has told the financial community that 1—PREEMPTIVE strike by ISRAEL with USA—BACKING could hit IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM
20070117             —WHILE THE—PRESIDENT—ANNOUNCEMENT that 1—ADDITIONAL 20,000 troops would be sent to IRAQ dominated the headlines last —WEEK,
20070117             the real story was THE—PRESIDENT—SHARP—RHETORIC towards IRAN and Syria.
20070117             And recent moves by the administration only serve to confirm the likelihood of 1—WIDER—CONFLICT in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20070117             CONTINUE—PRESIDENT—BUSH and his aides, explaining their reasons for sending more USA—TROOPS to IRAQ,
20070117             are offering 1—INCOMPLETE, oversimplified and possibly untrue VERSION—OF—EVENTS there that raises new questions about THE—ACCURACY—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—STATEMENTS about IRAQ.
20070117             CONTINUE—THE—PRESIDENT cannot seem to let go of his fixation on AL—QAIDA, 1—MINOR—ACTOR in IRAQ + his determination to confront IRAN and Syria.
20070117             He still assumes that the insurgents are outsiders to their neighborhoods and that USA troops can chase away the miscreants and keep them out,
20070117             acting as 1—SORT—OF—NEIGHBORHOOD watch in khaki.
20070117             In fact, IRAQ—SUNNI—ARAB elite is playing the spoiler + —UNTIL 1—DEAL is negotiated with its members,
20070117             no 1 will be allowed to enjoy the new IRAQ. Continue
20070117             —BEMOANED, Yeats, 1—ERA—WHEN the best lacked all conviction, —WHILE the worst were FULL—OF—PASSIONATE—INTENSITY.
20070117             —TODAY, Kristol blusters and hectors, Cheney scolds and forebodes, BUSH struts and smirks.
20070117             —MEANWHILE, the giant, timid chorus listens politely to the deafening silence of THE—OUTRAGED—AND the mad MARCH—OF—WAR goes on.
20070117             CONTINUE—IRAQ War and THE—USA—PEASANT-
20070117             through suspension of all critical faculties and indifference to the truth, defy logic and evidence by supporting the war against IRAQ.
20070117             CONTINUE—VIDEO : Elite Propaganda -
20070117             EDWARD—HERMAN and Noam Chomsky demolish 1—OF—THE—CENTRAL tenets of our political culture, the idea of the "liberal media".
20070117             —BASED, Instead, utilizing 1—SYSTEMATIC—MODEL, on massive empirical research,
20070117             they reveal the manner in which the news media are so subordinated to corporate and conservative interests that their function can only be described as that of "elite PROPAGANDA".
20070117             The new Congress, led in the House by Speaker NANCY Pelosi, is about to make its 1. decision regarding how AMERICA—MONEY should be spent - 1—DECISION that leaves MILLIONS—OF—LIVES hanging in the balance.
20070117             CONGRESS—CHOICE to bypass 20070000              appropriations legislation and extend fiscal 20060000              funding levels into the new —YEAR will mean,
20070117             in effect, cuts of almost $1billion in funding for programs to combat AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.
20070117             MARTIN—LUTHER—KING—JUNIOR: "Why I—AM—OPPOSED to the War in VIETNAM" - Audio and transcript
20070117             "I call on the young MEN—OF—AMERICAN—WHO must make 1—CHOICE—TODAY to take 1—STAND on this issue.
20070117             Tomorrow may be too late. The book may close.
20070117             And don't let anybody make you think that God chose AMERICA as his divine,
20070117             messianic force to be 1—SORT—OF—POLICEMAN—OF—THE—WHOLE—WORLD.
20070117             " This is 1 must listen
20070117             The Pentagon has been using 1—LITTLE—KNOWN power to obtain banking and credit RECORDS—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—AMERICANS and others SUSPECTED—OF—TERRORISM or espionage inside THE—USA,
20070117             PART—OF—1—AGGRESSIVE—EXPANSION by the military into domestic intelligence gathering.
20070117             CONTINUE—BOLIVIA—GOVERNOR calls off autonomy plans:
20070117             THE—GOVERNOR—OF—COCHABAMBA in CENTRAL—BOLIVIA said —ON—MONDAY he will stop pressing for 1—REFERENDUM on regional autonomy,
20070117             the issue that sparked deadly street clashes last —WEEK—USA guns pour into MEXICO:
20070117             Arms race among drug cartels, END—OF—BAN in AMERICAN—RESULT in FLOOD—OF—HIGH—POWER—WEAPONS over border
20070117             ITALY to give green light to USA air base expansion:
20070117             ITALY will not object to USA plans to expand 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—USA—MILITARY—BASES in EUROPE,
20070117             PRIME—MINISTER—ROMANO—PRODI said —ON—TUESDAY, despite divisions in his CENTRE—LEFT government over THE—VICENZA air base.
20070117             Democrats in Senate Fail to Block BILL—ON—ETHICS:
20070117             —AFTER campaigning for months on 1—PROMISE to tighten ethics rules,
20070117             —TRIED, Senate Democratic leaders, unsuccessfully —THURSDAY to block 1—MEASURE that would shine 1—LIGHT on the shadowy practice of earmarking federal money for lawmakers' pet projects.
20070117             Libby perjury trial will drag in IRAQ policy:
20070117             —OPENED, The biggest USA political court case for decades, in WASHINGTON —TODAY—WHEN Lewis "Scooter" Libby,
20070117             THE—FORMER—CHIEF—OF—STAFF to VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY, went on trial for perjury.
20070117             Passenger wins discrimination case:
20070117             —CHARGED, JOHN—CERQUEIRA, 1—USA—CITIZEN—OF—PORTUGAL—DESCENT, that he was removed from a 20030000              flight at BOSTON—LOGAN—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT because he appeared Middle Eastern + was denied service even —AFTER police determined he did not pose 1—THREAT.
20070117             Big BROTHER—NEW toy:
20070117             It will be powered by solar energy + will stay in 1—GEOCENTRIC orbit for up to 1—YEAR, undetectable by GROUND—BASED radar.
20070117             You can't see it from the ground. But it can see you.
20070117             Cold Snap Destroys Most CALIFORNIA Citrus:
20070117             3—NIGHTS—OF freezing temperatures have destroyed up to 3—QUARTERS—OF—CALIFORNIA'S $1—BILLION citrus crop,
20070117             according to 1—ESTIMATE issued —MONDAY as forecasters warned the weather could continue.
20070117             Olmert to face corruption probe:
20070117             —ORDERED, ISRAEL—JUSTICE—MINISTRY has said its CHIEF prosecutor has, 1—INVESTIGATION—OF—EHUD—OLMERT,
20070117             the country's PRIME—MINISTER, over his alleged role in the privatisation of ISRAEL's 2.—LARGEST bank.
20070117             —ALLEGED, PRESIDENT dubs, Pearl killer MI6 spy:
20070117             who kidnapped and murdered USA—JOURNALIST—DANIEL—PEARL and is —NOW facing death penalty,
20070117             was actually THE—UK—SECRET—AGENCY—MI6'S agent and had executed certain missions on their behest —BEFORE coming to PAKISTAN and visiting AFGHANISTAN to meet Osama and MULLAH—OMAR.
20070117             Israeli, SYRIA—REPRESENTATIVES reach secret understandings:
20070117             In 1—SERIES—OF—SECRET—MEETINGS in EUROPE 20040900—20060700    —BETWEEN,
20070117             —FORMULATED, Syrians and Israelis, understandings for 1—PEACE—AGREEMENT between ISRAEL and Syria.
20070117             The main points of the understandings are as follows:
20070117             TURKEY plans to extend gas, oil and water pipelines to ISRAEL:
20070117             —AGREED, TURKEY and ISRAEL have tentatively, on building 1—NETWORK—OF—PIPELINES to ship oil,
20070117             natural gas and water from TURKEY to ISRAEL, THE—TURKEY—ENERGY—MINISTRY said —TUESDAY.
20070117             Iraqis will never accept this sellout to the oil corporations:
20070117             SAUDI—ARABIA skeptical about IRAQ—GOVERNMENT:
20070117             as WASHINGTON—CLOSE—ALLY questioned whether IRAQ—WEAK—GOVERNMENT can rein in sectarian tensions and stabilize its neighbor.
20070117             MISS—NBC: SAUDI—ARABIA mulls sending troops to IRAQ:
20070117             —REPORTED, NBC News' ANDREA—MITCHELL, on MISS—NBC that SAUDI—ARABIA is mulling whether or not to send troops to IRAQ, to "protect their interests" there.
20070117             IRAQ vets' suicide rate soars:
20070117             —WHILE over 3,000 USA—SOLDIERS have † in hostilities, 1—GROWING number have taken their own lives, often because of the horrors of fighting the war.
20070117             Service members join war protest:
20070117             —JOINED, Several dozen service members, peace activists —TODAY to call for 1—END to the war in IRAQ,
20070117             PART—OF—1—NATIONWIDE effort that links 1—GROWING GROUP—OF—ACTIVE—DUTY protesters to the peace movement.
20070117             MIKE—WHITNEY: "—WHEN will this Nightmare End?":
20070117             The war in IRAQ is not an "ideological struggle against Islamic extremism",
20070117             as BUSH avers, but 1—BRUTAL colonial war aimed at IRAQ—CIVILIANS; the rest is merely smoke and mirrors.
20070117             Selective Amnesia:
20070117             The pundits who sold THE—IRAQ War change their tune and bury their records.
20070117             THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT is moving to solidify relations with IRAN, even as THE—USA—TURNS up the rhetorical heat and bolsters its military forces to confront TEHRAN—INFLUENCE in IRAQ.
20070117             Dilip Hiro: Cords that cannot be broken:
20070117             —TELEVISED, Several months —BEFORE his declaration in 1, speech on ;;01;;
20070117             10—THAT the Pentagon would go —AFTER THE—IRAN—NETWORKS in IRAQ,
20070117             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, secret orders authorising military action to counter IRAN—AMBITIONS in IRAQ and the broader MIDDLE—EAST.
20070117             IRAN—TROOPS shoot down USA spy drone: report:
20070117             IRAN—TROOPS have shot down A—USA—PILOTLESS—SPY—PLANE, local Fars News Agency reported —ON—TUESDAY.
20070117             Allies 'go —AFTER' IRAN as BEEFED—UP naval force sails for Gulf:
20070117             BRITAIN is joining 1—USA—MILITARY—CAMPAIGN to blunt IRAN—INFLUENCE in IRAQ and the Gulf.
20070117             —DELIVERED, RUSSIA—MISSILES, to IRAN: Ivanov:
20070117             —DELIVERED, RUSSIA has, new ANTI—AIRCRAFT—MISSILE—SYSTEMS to IRAN and will consider further requests by TEHRAN for defensive weapons,
20070117             —WITNESSED, AL—JAZEERA, 1—GROUP—OF—HIGHLY motivated men carry out 1—MOCK attack on Iranian
20070117             forces.
20070117             He purchased Chinook helicopter engine parts for IRAN from A—USA—COMPANY that had bought them in 1—PENTAGON surplus sale
20070117             SPAIN seeks USA—SOLDIERS' arrest:
20070117             MISTER—MURTHA said that he doesn't think Democrats can stop MISTER—BUSH from instituting the 1. wave of 1—TROOP surge,
20070117             but that his panel will be able to pass legislation to stop further waves within 1—MONTH.
20070117             Murtha is demanding that the administration "stop extending TOURS—OF—DUTY,
20070117             stop depleting our strategic reserves + retrain returning soldiers so they can be 'recycled'" according to the normal procedures.
20070117             He knows that the military is gravely OVER—STRETCHED, so he's trying to derail the war with bureaucratic red tape.
20070117             CONTINUE—PRESIDENT—BUSH : Meet WALTER—JONES  - I don't believe it.
20070117             If tomorrow BUSH took out IRAN—NUCLEAR—FACILITIES,
20070117             would 1—SENATE that lacks the courage to cut funds for 1—UNPOPULAR war really impeach him for denying 1—NUCLEAR—CAPABILITY to MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD?
20070117             BUSH—LAWYERS would make the same case Nixon made for 19700000             —THE "incursion" into CAMBODIA — and even 1—NIXON—HATING—DEMOCRATIC—HOUSE did not dare to impeach him for that.
20070117             Continue - 1—REAL antiwar movement would end our IRAQ disaster.
20070117             But the middle class doesn't care enough to protest,
20070117             so the kids who go to community college will keep dying.
20070117             CONTINUE—THE Pieces Are Being Put in PLACE—BY COLONEL—SAM—GARDNER—THE pieces are moving.
20070117             They'll be in place by the end of ;;02;;.
20070117             THE—USA will be able to escalate military operations against IRAN.
20070117             CONTINUE—FORGET about all that stuff about ETHIOPIA having a 'tacit' o.k. from WASHINGTON to invade SOMALIA.
20070117             Chalmers Johnson: REPUBLIC—OR—EMPIRE - - Audio INTERVIEW—BY—JEFF—BLANKFORT
20070117             Chalmers Johnson, AUTHOR—OF—BLOWBACK and Sorrows of Empire, discusses THE—BUILD—UP—OF—THE—USA empire based on Keynesian military spending,
20070117             its conflicts with THE—CONCEPT—OF—THE—USA as 1—REPUBLIC + its inevitable downfall.
20070117             Continue - " This is the moment freedom begins
20070117             "Virtually everything the average person sees or hears outside of her own personal communications,
20070117             is determined by the interests of private, unaccountable executives and investors whose primary goal is increasing profits and raising the country's share price.
20070117             More insidiously, this small GROUP—OF—ELITES determine what ordinary people do not see or hear.
20070117             " Audio and transcript
20070117             Bizarre Bush evik U-Turn: "Bush chides IRAQ over recent executions".
20070117             Okay, GEORGE, Whatever You Say.
20070117             Uh, does the —FOLLOWING description sound like anyone we know?
20070117             Perhaps the "DECIDER—IN—CHIEF" in THE—WHITE—HOUSE?
20070117             "As Martha Stout explains, 1—SOCIOPATH is defined as someone who displays at least 3—OF 7—DISTINGUISHING characteristics,
20070117             such as deceitfulness, impulsivity and 1—LACK—OF remorse.
20070117             Such people often have 1—SUPERFICIAL charm,
20070117             which they exercise ruthlessly in order to get what they want.
20070117             Stout argues that the development of sociopathy is due half to genetics and half to nongenetic influences that have not been clearly identified".
20070117             [From Publishers Weekly]
20070117             Why Would Bush Single Out Syria if Peace Between ISRAEL and Syria is So Close?
20070117             Good Question, Indeed.
20070117             Republican Dumbo SENATOR—TED "THE—INTERNET is 1—BUNCH—OF—TUBES" Stevens Ate 1—BOWL—OF—STUPID for Breakfast:
20070117             "PRESIDENT—BUSH ?s plan to add more than 20,000 troops to IRAQ looks to Sen.
20070117             Ted Stevens like the 1. step in 1—CAREFUL—WITHDRAWAL from the country".
20070117             Is This GUY—1—TRIP or What? 1/17
20070117             —AFTER the recent controversy surrounding Deputy Assistant SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE for Detainee Affairs Charles "Cully" STIMSON—COMMENTS about major law firms representing Guantánamo detainees pro bono,
20070117             —BLAMED, ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES then, attorneys for THE—LACK—OF—TRIALS to date.
20070117             Dick Cheney is Selected the Gun GUY—OF—20060000             !
20070117             Perjury Trial of Libby Starts with Wrangling Over the Jury.
20070117             Put BuzzFlash on the Jury, Then We Won't Need to Hold 1—TRIAL.
20070117             Guilty as Charged. Send Scooter to Gitmo!
20070117             Who Said We are Biased? Off With Their Heads.
20070117             Bomb blasts in BAGHDAD leave 109—DEAD.
20070117             The "Surge" is Going in the Wrong Direction, As Usual, GEORGE.
20070117             4—USA soldiers killed in IRAQ.
20070117             BUSH—SIGNATURE is On Their Death Cerficates.
20070117             MICHAEL—WINSHIP: Media Reform: Arming the Lambs -- 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION
20070117             'Mach c'? Scientists observe sound traveling faster than THE—SPEED—OF—LIGHT
20070117             MIA faces very significant challenges
20070117             that PRESIDENT—BUSH would "not [] reauthorize the Terrorist Surveillance Program —WHEN the current authorization expires," and,
20070117             that, from —NOW on, "ANY—ELECTRONIC—SURVEILLANCE that was occurring as PART—OF—THE—TERRORIST—SURVEILLANCE—PROGRAM will —NOW be conducted subject to the approval of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.
20070117             Source: Attacking IRAN: WHAT—IN—IT—FOR—BUSH ?
20070117             Scooter LIBBY—TIME—TRAVEL—TRIAL
20070117             Media Ignore Religious Freedom —DAY, 20070000             , But Why?
20070117             20060506... - killed WALL—STREET—JOURNAL reporter DANIEL—PEARL.
20070117             (THE—WSJ was the only major USA news organization pursuing
20070117             pursuing THE—AHMED—SHEIKH—ATTA connections, and Pearl was working on that very story —WHEN he was...
20070117             BUSH—DOKTRIN—THE Brain Gets the Big Picture
20070117             The Myth of the Liberal MEDIA—ESTÁ situada no Iraque
20070117             —FROM their homes". who get NEED—BASED federal loans".
20070117             —HEADED, National Congress [DANK], the council is, by KAROL—SITKO.
20070117             —WHEN the test was postponed —AFTER proposed dates of 20070602              and 20070623              were met with severe opposition, DOD indicated that other sites were being considered.
20070117             — from Goldfinger by IAN—FLEMING, who achieved THE—RANK—OF—COMMANDER—IN—BRITISH—NAVAL—INTELLIGENCE.
20070117             The brain signature is relatively uneventful —WHEN we understand the meaning of 1—WORD but —WHEN the word changes THE—GRAMMAR—OF—THE—WHOLE—SENTENCE, brain readings suddenly peak.
20070117             —WHEN THE—GOP controls THE—WHITE—HOUSE, the party's congressional wing readily accepts its subordinate position.
20070117             For 1—EXAMPLE—OF—WIDESPREAD—GOP abandonment of 1—PRESIDENT—OF—THEIR—OWN—PARTY, you have to go back to Watergate, —WHEN, as —NOW, Republican legislators faced 1—TRICKY calculation about how to handle 1 embattled, isolated + failing PRESIDENT.
20070117             —DECLARED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION last night " its opposition to the House Democrats' proposed CUTTING—OF—STUDENT—LOAN—INTEREST—RATES ".
20070117             The House bill, to be voted on —TODAY, cuts interest rates on SOME—COLLEGE—STUDENT—LOANS in half and "would help 1 estimated 5.5—MILLION—STUDENTS who get NEED—BASED federal loans".
20070117             SENATOR—CHUCK—HAGEL (R-NE) "will join 2—LEADING Democrats in introducing 1—RESOLUTION opposing PRESIDENT—BUSH—BUILDUP—OF—TROOPS in IRAQ,
20070117             putting a bipartisan stamp
20070117             —ON IRAQ, Bush said, "I don't quite view it as the broken egg;
20070117             I view it as the cracked egg... that — where
20070117             we still have 1—CHANCE to move beyond the broken egg.
20070117             "—AFTER progress in the early 1990s, the march of global freedom that PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADVOCATES has stalled — from COUNTRIES—OF—THE—FORMER—SOVIET—UNION to parts of AFRICA and EAST—ASIA," the Freedom House organization declares in 1—NEW—REPORT,
20070117             dubbing the trend "freedom stagnation".
20070117             CHARLES—STIMSON, the top Pentagon official overseeing USA—DETAINEES, wrote 1—LETTER to THE—WASHINGTON—POST apologizing for saying last —WEEK that corporate clients should consider ending their business ties with legal firms whose lawyers defend prisoners at GUANTANAMO Bay.
20070117             "[T]hose comments do not reflect my core beliefs," Stimson writes.
20070117             He added, "Are we going to
20070117             force the Jews to apologize for killing Christ?
20070117             $1.2—TRILLION : With the money going to THE—IRAQ war, THE—USA—COULD—SET up 1—UNIVERSAL—HEALTH—CARE—SYSTEM,
20070117             provide universal preschool, carry out the recommendations of 20010911             —THE commission, double cancer research funding, increase funding to Gulf Coast reconstruction + enact a "global immunization campaign to save MILLIONS—OF—CHILDREN—LIVES".
20070117             IRAQ is "quickly becoming the largest " refugee crisis in the world, with roughly "1.7—MILLION—IRAQIS displaced from their homes".
20070117             "The botched hanging of Saddam Hussein and 2—LIEUTENANTS in IRAQ by its SHIITE—LED government has
20070117             helped to accelerate SUNNI—SHIITE sectarianism across 1—ALREADY fragile MIDDLE—EAST". "The reality of the current situation is that we are approaching 1—OPEN—SUNNI—SHIITE conflict in the region," warned Emad Gad, 1—INTERNATIONAL—RELATIONS—SPECIALIST based in EGYPT.
20070117             And finally: Playing it safe, perhaps too safe, at this —YEAR—WHITE—HOUSE—CORRESPONDENTS—ASSOCIATION—DINNER.
20070117             In contrast to —LAST—YEAR—PERFORMANCE by STEPHEN—COLBERT, 1—VIDEO—OF which became "1—OF—THE—YEAR—MOST downloaded," THE—WHCA has chosen a "LESS—COMBATIVE host," Rich Little.
20070117             "My dad loved (Little)+ I know he will appeal to 1—OLDER generation".
20070117             WILL—THEY—BOMB—BEDFORD? Divine Strike in the Bible Belt -
20070117             —BY JOHN BLAIR | CounterPunch_org
20070117             More than 2—TONS—OF—CYANIDE compounds, 1,535—POUNDS—OF—PHOSGENE gas, the primary chemical in "mustard gas" chemical weapons, 1,318—POUNDS—OF—METHYLENE chloride, 1—HUMAN carcinogen, 2,387—POUNDS—OF—CARBON tetrachloride, another carcinogen and 1,650—POUNDS—OF—CHLORINE, 1—POISON, will be released from the giant explosion being suggested by THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE for SOUTH—INDIANA 20070000              in SOUTH—INDIANA
20070117             —WHILE no nuclear material will be used in this weapons test, the huge AMOUNT—OF—EXPLOSIVE material is nevertheless 1—DEADLY stew that could have devastating impacts on people's health in surrounding communities for years to come.
20070117             1—LIMESTONE quarry owned by the giant highway builder, the Rogers Company in LAWRENCE—COUNTY, near —SPRING Mill STATE—PARK and close to numerous populated areas is suggested as 1—POSSIBLE—SITE for the massive 1,400,000 pound explosion by DOD personnel, who have been stymied from setting the device off at THE—NEVADA Test Site by outraged regional citizens.
20070117             The original site was once the primary test zone for AMERICA—NUCLEAR—ARSENAL in NORTH—EAST—NEVADA, some 30—MILES from any populated area.
20070117             SOUTH—INDIANA and another site at White Sands, NM were given as possible alternative sites to reporters who queried DOD officials what might happen —SINCE the test had been effectively stopped in NEVADA.
20070117             —SUGGESTED, LAWRENCE—COUNTRY, where DOD has, the test be done has 1—POPULATION—OF—45,922 according THE—USA—CENSUS—BUREAU and is home to both Bedford and Mitchell.
20070117             Apparently, DOD was hoping to keep this 1—SECRET as well —SINCE several recent reports indicate that there are no state or local officials who have been informed as to the blast's possibility.
20070117             1.4—MILLION—POUNDS—OF mostly ammonium nitrate, the same as used by bomber, TERRY—MCVEIGH to blow up the federal building in OKLAHOMA City 1—DECADE ago is 1—MERE substitute for the nukes that Rumsfeld and Bush are raring to use on IRAN.
20070117             —EARLIER this —YEAR he signed 1—AGREEMENT with INDIA that allows INDIA to secure nuclear material from THE—USA—ALTHOUGH they have refused to sign THE—INTERNATIONAL—NUCLEAR—NONPROLIFERATION—TREATY, something that looks like 1—ILLEGAL—ACT according to SOME—LEGAL—SCHOLARS.
20070117             —THREATENED, GRISSOM—LEGACY is certainly, by the same FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT that made him 1—USA—HERO.
20070117             —THREATENED, It is, because instead of Mitchell being known as GUS—GRISSOM—HOME, it could well become "the big hole" in the ground that was made by man's quest to spread democracy to THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20070117             —FORCED, The prospect of such 1—EVENT—SHOOK—LOCALS who were, in the 1950s to endure 1—WHOLE—SERIES—OF—ATMOSPHERIC and underground nuclear explosions, leaving much of THE—NEVADA desert unfit for much of anything, especially life of all sorts.
20070117             —UNITED, In this case, area citizens, to oppose the bomb because they fear the detonation will unleash radioactive material that permeates the test site both on the surface and underground.
20070117             Opponents in INDIANA also fear THE—RELEASE—OF—THINGS—LIKE phosgene, chlorine and methylene chloride which each could have immediate and long term health consequences for those who may be unfortunate enough to breathe them in from ambient air affected by the explosion.
20070117             —CONTAMINATED, Also, the Army is proposing to burn 327—LEAD and PCB, buildings at THE—INDIANA Army Ammunition Depot, some 60—MILES—SOUTH—EAST—OF—MITCHELL because it the least expensive METHOD—OF—DEMOLITION.
20070117             —BURNED, Several buildings were, 20040000              —UNTIL citizen opponents, led by Valley Watch protested and temporarily stopped the burn.
20070117             He can be reached at: Ecoserve1@aol_com (
20070117             A Universidade de AL—MUSTANSIRIYA—EM árabe) está situada no Iraque e é uma das mais antigas do mundo, sendo fundada em 1233
20070117             Shofar FTP Archives: "WEST—GOALS Annual Report, 1981000082           ," ALEXANDRIA—VIRGINIA, 19820000             ;
20070117             10-13. 142, 19851217             , p. 16;, Sept.
20070117             Index of/pub/academic/POLITICAL—SCIENCE/fascism/BELLANT—WERSJA HTML Russ Bellant, Old Nazi s, the New Right. and THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY.
20070117             Bellant,R. Old Nazi s. 19890000              (44). pages cited this search: 1—ORDER—HARD—COPY—OF these PAGES—SHOW 1—SOCIAL—NETWORK diagram for this name.
20070117             —MAINTAINED, KAROL—SITKO, "1—ROTUND—POLISH—GERMANY—EMIGRE who has, close ties... National Congress [DANK], the council is headed by KAROL—SITKO.
20070117             "Did You Eat 1—BIG—BOWL—OF—STUPID for Breakfast?" Fridge Magnet.
20070117             It Never Stops, Does It? Gates to consider more troops for AFGHANISTAN.
20070117             But he kept going: "I think THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE owe THE—USA—PEOPLE 1—HUGE—DEBT of gratitude".
20070117             GOP Faces "Tough Vote" on Whether or Not to Stick with a 6—YEAR—LOSER and His Death Warrant on USA—GIS
20070117             Maureen Dowd: "It?s unnerving to be tutored by 1—EDUCATOR in CHIEF who is himself being tutored. THE—PRESIDENT—ELUCIDATING—THE—IRAQ—INSURGENCY for us is learning about THE—ALGERIA—INSURGENCY from the man who failed to quell the Vietcong insurgency".
20070117             FORMER—RUSSIA—PRIME—MINISTER—YEVGENY—PRIMAKOV made the rather startling claim that SADDAM—EXECUTION was "rushed" to prevent THE—IRAQ—DICTATOR from talking about his relationship with the Bush clan and with USA—INTELLIGENCE.
20070117             If Saddam Hussein "had said everything (he knew), the current USA—PRESIDENT (GEORGE W Bush ) would have been greatly embarrassed," said Primakov, 1—MIDDLE—EAST—EXPERT formerly on good terms with Saddam.
20070117             "TAUSENDE—VON—MENSCHEN sterben, während wir jahrelang über das Problem diskutieren", sagte GLEN—TULLMAN, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Firma Allscripts, die das Projekt mit ins Leben gerufen hat, zur "Time".
20070117             Nach Berechnungen des Institute of Medicine der National ACADEMIES—OF—SCIENCES sterben in den USA JEDES—JAHR 7000—MENSCHEN, weil ihre Ärzte unleserliche Rezepte ausstellen.
20070117             —GESTELLT, Auf 5—MINUTEN vor 12—WURDE die symbolische Uhr —HEUTE, - von —BISHER 7—MINUTEN vor 12.
20070117             Getty IMAGES—DOOMSDAY Clock: Zeiger 2—MINUTEN vorgestellt Die Fachzeitschrift "Bulletin of Atomic Scientists" will damit den Grad der nuklearen Bedrohung mit einem Ziffernblatt anschaulich machen.
20070117             Behördenwahnsinn im Fall Kevin: Sozialarbeiter hat 240—KINDER gleichzeitig betreut
20070117             Schlampige USA—ÄRZTE: 7000—TOTE jährlich durch unleserliche Rezepte
20070117             Regierungskrise ISRAEL: LIBANON—DEBAKEL holt Premier Olmert ein
20070117             "Dass die gesamte REPUBLIK—MINDESTENS—VON—WINDSTÄRKE 11—AUCH in den Niederungen betroffen sein wird, fällt aus der Reihe", sagte die Meteorologin.
20070117             Dann, im —HERBST—RHODE—ISLAND news | projo_com | THE—PROVIDENCE Journal...
20070117             If you'd like to know more about the march, log on to www.INTERNATIONAL... 20070117              Trotz Atomausstieg: Deutsche Kernkraftwerke steigern Stromerzeugung
20070117             Archäologie: Der 1. Krieg der Menschheit
20070117             Weltpremiere: HAMBURG, die schönste 3D- Stadt in Google Earth
20070117             Elektrotechnik: CHINA schlägt den EXPORT—WELTMEISTER
20070117             —ENTPUPPT, VENEZUELA: David, sich als Goliath
20070117             Exhibitors/Sponsors ASTRA (SES ASTRA S.A.) Bivio Networks Blazepoint Limited Business Security Cisco Systems Clearswift Ltd.
20070117             Compucat EUROPE Ltd. Crypto BULGARIA Ltd. Dell INCORPORATED.
20070117             —BASED, Corporate Membership Blazepoint Ltd is, in Chalgrove, Oxfordshire + has over 20—YEARS—EXPERIENCE in the design, supply, installation + support of rugged computer.
20070117             BUSH—DOKTRIN ">National Security Strategy vom 20020900              - Wikipedia Dieser TEIL—DES—BERICHTS, der sich u.a. mit Präventivkriegen befasst, wird auch als BUSH—DOKTRIN bzw.
20070117             —BEZEICHNET, WOLFOWITZ—DOKTRIN. de.wikipedia_org/wiki/BUSH—DOKTRIN
20070117             KOMPASS—BAKI/Baki/Azerbaidschan/Weltweites Firmenverzeichnis Baki seheri Vergiler Departamentinin 2-ci filiali (Bineqedi, Nesimi, Nerimanov rayonlari uzre) - IBN—SINA APTEKI—PETROLEUM Pipe Company (Caspian) Ltd.
20070117             writing in particular Bernays ' book " Crystalizing Public Opinion ".
20070117             Bernays was 1—OF—THE—ENGINEERS—OF—THE—COLD—WAR.
20070117             Bernays perfected the technique of.
20070117             EDWARD—L—BERNAYS @Everything2_com BY—NOW Bernays was already something of 1—PR guru, with 2—BOOKS to his name: Crystalizing Public Opinion (19230000             ) + Propaganda (19280000             ).
20070117             —BRAGGED, Bernays, in his autobiography that Nazi propaganda MINISTER—JOSEPH—GOEBBELS valued his book " Crystalizing Public Opinion " above all others in his...
20070117             Bernays in his classic studies eloquently describes propaganda as THE—PURPOSE—OF—COMMUNICATIONS.
20070117             CRYSTALIZING, Public Opinion, for example, he dismisses.
20070117             Italien: Koalitionsstreit um USA—MILITÄRBASIS
20070117             Globalisierung 2067: Endlich blühende Landschaften - ``Amateurs can do real science.
20070117             ``It's stunning how good they are.
20070117             READING Shakespeare has dramatic effect on human brain
20070117             Professor NEIL—ROBERTS, from THE—UNIVERSITY—MAGNETIC—RESONANCE and Image Analysis Research Centre, (MARIARC), explains:
20070117             "The effect on the brain is 1—BIT—LIKE 1—MAGIC trick; we know what the trick means but not how it happened.
20070117             Instead of being confused by this in 1—NEGATIVE—SENSE, the brain is positively excited.
20070117             The brain signature is relatively uneventful —WHEN we understand the meaning of 1—WORD but —WHEN the word changes THE—GRAMMAR—OF—THE—WHOLE—SENTENCE, brain readings suddenly peak.
20070117             The brain is then forced to retrace its thinking process in order to understand what it is supposed to make of this unusual word".
20070117             Our grip on reality is slim The Brain Gets the Big PICTURE—ONCE is happenstance.
20070117             —FROM Goldfinger by IAN—FLEMING, who achieved THE—RANK—OF—COMMANDER—IN—BRITISH—NAVAL—INTELLIGENCE.
20070117             Bush : It's all 'unacceptable'
20070117             PRESIDENT—BUSH thinks 1—LOT—OF—THINGS are "unacceptable" - except, of course, his presidency.
20070117             —DISPLACED, The euro has, THE—USA—DOLLAR as the world's PRE—EMINENT currency in INTERNATIONAL bond markets, having outstripped THE—DOLLAR—DENOMINATED market for the 2. —YEAR in 1—ROW.
20070117             UAVs to patrol CANADA—BORDER: Unmanned surveillance aircraft will start patrolling THE—CANADA—BORDER by this fall, 1—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY—OFFICIAL said.
20070117             —DISCONNECTED, USA—HOUSING Crash Continues: Prices, from fundamentals.
20070117             Salaries cannot cover mortgages except in the very short term, by using adjustable INTEREST—ONLY—LOANS.
20070117             —PROFILED, ISRAEL—ARABS 'racially ' : 1—NEW—REPORT alleges that ISRAEL—SECURITY—OFFICIALS are being given 1—FREE—HAND by airports —AROUND the world to use racial profiling against Arab passengers, in violation of INTERNATIONAL law and the host countries' domestic legislation.
20070117             Burning Conscience: ISRAEL—SOLDIERS—SPEAK Out: Video
20070117             Producer: Sat Gwin
20070117             1—BASIC—HISTORY—OF—ZIONISM and its Relation to Judaism : For MANY—YEARS—ZIONISM remained 1—MINORITY—MOVEMENT—OF mainly EAST—EUROPEAN Jews, excluding the whole religious establishment, most central and WEST—EUROPEAN Jews and, last but not least, all NON—EUROPEAN Jews who, unbeknown to Herzl and his CO—FOUNDERS, form THE—MAJORITY—OF—USA.
20070117             Christians and Zion : CHRISTIAN—ZIONISM is the direct product of this unusual and recent Western form of Protestant theology.
20070117             Found primarily in NORTH—AMERICA and ENGLAND, it is —NOW exported —AROUND the globe via satellite television, THE—INTERNET, BEST—SELLING novels such as the Left Behind series, films and 1—NEW BREED—OF—MISSIONARIES.
20070117             War pimp alert: TEHRAN stance "very negative" on IRAQ—USA—GATES : USA—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES accused IRAN on —MONDAY of doing nothing to help THE—USA—IN—IRAQ, saying WASHINGTON could only engage with TEHRAN if it showed it was ready to be constructive.
20070117             RUSSIA—ADMIRAL—SAYS USA—NAVY—PREPARES Missile Strike on IRAN : USA—NAVY—NUCLEAR—SUBMARINES maintaining vigil off THE—COAST—OF—IRAN indicate that THE—PENTAGON—MILITARY—PLANS include not only control over navigation in the Persian Gulf but also strikes against IRAN—TARGETS, 1—FORMER—COMMANDER—OF—THE—RUSSIAN—BLACK—SEA—FLEET, Admiral EDUARD—BALTIN has told the Interfax news agency.
20070117             Rice : UN sanctions on IRAN 'not enough ': Talk of 1—MILITARY—STRIKE against IRAN shows how serious it would be for the Iranians to continue down the path of nuclear development, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE said in 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—CHANNEL 10—SUNDAY —EVENING.
20070117             USA says it will 'go —AFTER' IRAN, Syria networks in IRAQ : USA—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES said —MONDAY that increased USA—MILITARY—ACTIVITY in the Persian Gulf is meant to counter "very negative" behavior by IRAN and undercut its belief that USA—FORCES are overcommitted in IRAQ.
20070117             IRAN seeks SAUDI—ARABIA—HELP to ease tensions with USA: IRAN asked SAUDI—ARABIA to help ease tensions between the Islamic REPUBLIC—AND—THE—USA as WASHINGTON held out the possibility of "engagement" with TEHRAN if it changed tack in IRAQ.
20070117             Rafsanjani calls for vigilance vis-a-vis USA : Expediency Council Chairman Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani said that given THE—USA—FAILURE to achieve its goals in the region, it is seeking to embark on 1—NEW adventure to cover up its defeat and urged the need for vigilance.
20070117             Major investment bank issues warning on strike against IRAN:
20070117             Escalation in THE—MIDDLE—EAST
20070117             —WHILE THE—PRESIDENT—ANNOUNCEMENT that 1—ADDITIONAL 20,000 troops would be sent to IRAQ dominated the headlines last —WEEK, the real story was THE—PRESIDENT—SHARP—RHETORIC towards IRAN and Syria.
20070117             Administration leaving out important details on IRAQ
20070117             PRESIDENT—BUSH and his aides, explaining their reasons for sending more USA—TROOPS to IRAQ, are offering 1—INCOMPLETE, oversimplified and possibly untrue VERSION—OF—EVENTS there that raises new questions about THE—ACCURACY—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—STATEMENTS about IRAQ.
20070117             Misreading The Enemy
20070117             THE—PRESIDENT cannot seem to let go of his fixation on AL—QAIDA, 1—MINOR—ACTOR in IRAQ + his determination to confront IRAN and Syria.
20070117             He still assumes that the insurgents are outsiders to their neighborhoods and that USA—TROOPS can chase away the miscreants and keep them out, acting as 1—SORT—OF—NEIGHBORHOOD watch in khaki.
20070117             In fact, IRAQ—SUNNI—ARAB elite is playing the spoiler + —UNTIL 1—DEAL is negotiated with its members, no 1 will be allowed to enjoy the new IRAQ.
20070117             Bush the Empire Slayer
20070117             IRAQ War and THE—USA—PEASANT
20070117             CHRISTOPHER—KING—EXPLORES—THE—PHENOMENON—OF—THE—USA—PEASANT—THAT—SEGMENT—OF—USA—SOCIETY which, through suspension of all critical faculties and indifference to the truth, defy logic and evidence by supporting the war against IRAQ.
20070117             —BASED, Instead, utilizing 1—SYSTEMATIC—MODEL, on massive empirical research, they reveal the manner in which the news media are so subordinated to corporate and conservative interests that their function can only be described as that of "elite propaganda ".
20070117             New Congress Can Save Lives, or Money
20070117             CONGRESS—CHOICE to bypass 20070000              appropriations legislation and extend fiscal 20060000              funding levels into the new —YEAR will mean, in effect, cuts of almost $1billion in funding for programs to combat AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.
20070117             MARTIN—LUTHER—KING, "It's 1—DARK—DAY—IN—OUR—NATION"
20070117             - MARTIN—LUTHER—KING—JUNIOR: "Why I—AM—OPPOSED to the War in VIETNAM" - Audio and transcript
20070117             "I call on the young MEN—OF—AMERICAN—WHO must make 1—CHOICE—TODAY to take 1—STAND on this issue. Tomorrow may be too late. The book may close. And don't let anybody make you think that God chose AMERICA as his divine, messianic force to be 1—SORT—OF—POLICEMAN—OF—THE—WHOLE—WORLD. "
20070117             This is 1 must LISTEN—MILITARY Is Expanding Its Intelligence Role in USA.
20070117             The Pentagon has been using 1—LITTLE—KNOWN power to obtain banking and credit RECORDS—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—AMERICANS and others SUSPECTED—OF—TERRORISM or espionage inside THE—USA, PART—OF—1—AGGRESSIVE—EXPANSION by the military into domestic intelligence gathering.
20070117             BOLIVIA—GOVERNOR calls off autonomy plans:
20070117             THE—GOVERNOR—OF—COCHABAMBA in CENTRAL—BOLIVIA said on —MONDAY he will stop pressing for 1—REFERENDUM on regional autonomy, the issue that sparked deadly street clashes last —WEEK
20070117             USA—GUNS pour into MEXICO:
20070117             ITALY to give green light to USA—AIR—BASE—EXPANSION : ITALY will not object to USA—PLANS to expand 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—USA—MILITARY—BASES in EUROPE, PRIME—MINISTER—ROMANO—PRODI said on —TUESDAY, despite divisions in his CENTRE—LEFT government over THE—VICENZA air base.
20070117             Democrats in Senate Fail to Block BILL—ON—ETHICS : —AFTER campaigning for months on 1—PROMISE to tighten ethics rules, Senate Democratic leaders tried unsuccessfully —THURSDAY to block 1—MEASURE that would shine 1—LIGHT on the shadowy practice of earmarking federal money for lawmakers' pet projects.
20070117             Libby perjury trial will drag in IRAQ policy : The biggest USA political court case for decades opened in WASHINGTON —TODAY—WHEN Lewis "Scooter" Libby, THE—FORMER—CHIEF—OF—STAFF to VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY, went on trial for perjury.
20070117             Passenger wins discrimination case : JOHN—CERQUEIRA, 1—USA—CITIZEN—OF—PORTUGAL—DESCENT, charged that he was removed from a 20030000              flight at BOSTON—LOGAN—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT because he appeared Middle Eastern + was denied service even —AFTER police determined he did not pose 1—THREAT.
20070117             Big BROTHER—NEW—TOY: It will be powered by solar energy + will stay in 1—GEOCENTRIC orbit for up to 1—YEAR, undetectable by GROUND—BASED radar.
20070117             Cold Snap Destroys Most CALIFORNIA Citrus : 3—NIGHTS—OF freezing temperatures have destroyed up to 3—QUARTERS—OF—CALIFORNIA'S $1—BILLION citrus crop, according to 1—ESTIMATE issued —MONDAY as forecasters warned the weather could continue.
20070117             Olmert to face corruption probe : ISRAEL—JUSTICE—MINISTRY has said its CHIEF prosecutor has ordered 1—INVESTIGATION—OF—EHUD—OLMERT, the country's PRIME—MINISTER, over his alleged role in the privatisation of ISRAEL—2.—LARGEST bank.
20070117             —ALLEGED, PRESIDENT dubs, Pearl killer MI6 spy : PAKISTAN PRESIDENT—GENERAL—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF has disclosed that OMAR—SHEIKH, who kidnapped and murdered USA—JOURNALIST—DANIEL—PEARL and is —NOW facing death penalty, was actually THE—UK—SECRET—AGENCY—MI6'S agent and had executed certain missions on their behest —BEFORE coming to PAKISTAN and visiting AFGHANISTAN to meet Osama and MULLAH—OMAR.
20070117             Israeli, SYRIA—REPRESENTATIVES—REACH—SECRET—UNDERSTANDINGS : In 1—SERIES—OF—SECRET—MEETINGS in EUROPE 20040900—20060700    —BETWEEN, Syrians and Israelis formulated understandings for 1—PEACE—AGREEMENT between ISRAEL and Syria.
20070117             TURKEY plans to extend gas, oil and water pipelines to ISRAEL : TURKEY and ISRAEL have tentatively agreed on building 1—NETWORK—OF—PIPELINES to ship oil, natural gas and water from TURKEY to ISRAEL, THE—TURKEY—ENERGY—MINISTRY said —TUESDAY.
20070117             THE—USA—CONTROLLED IRAQ—GOVERNMENT is preparing to remove the country's most precious resource from national control
20070117             SAUDI—ARABIA skeptical about IRAQ—GOVERNMENT: PRESIDENT—BUSH—NEW—PLAN to save IRAQ got 1—SKEPTICAL—RECEPTION from SAUDI—ARABIA on —TUESDAY, as WASHINGTON—CLOSE—ALLY questioned whether IRAQ—WEAK—GOVERNMENT can rein in sectarian tensions and stabilize its neighbor.
20070117             MISS—NBC: SAUDI—ARABIA mulls sending troops to IRAQ : NBC News' ANDREA—MITCHELL reported on MISS—NBC that SAUDI—ARABIA is mulling whether or not to send troops to IRAQ, to "protect their interests" there.
20070117             † IRAQ vets' suicide rate soars : —WHILE over 3,000 USA—SOLDIERS have, in hostilities, 1—GROWING number have taken their own lives, often because of the horrors of fighting the war.
20070117             Service members join war protest : Several dozen service members joined peace activists —TODAY to call for 1—END to the war in IRAQ, PART—OF—1—NATIONWIDE effort that links 1—GROWING GROUP—OF—ACTIVE—DUTY protesters to the peace movement.
20070117             MIKE—WHITNEY: "—WHEN will this Nightmare End?" : The war in IRAQ is not an "ideological struggle against Islamic extremism", as Bush avers, but 1—BRUTAL colonial war aimed at IRAQ—CIVILIANS;
20070117             the rest is merely smoke and mirrors.
20070117             Selective Amnesia : The pundits who sold THE—IRAQ War change their tune and bury their records.
20070117             IRAQ edges closer to IRAN, with or without THE—USA.
20070117             IRAN—TROOPS shoot down USA—SPY—DRONE: report : IRAN—TROOPS have shot down A—USA—PILOTLESS—SPY—PLANE, local Fars News Agency reported on —TUESDAY.
20070117             Allies 'go —AFTER' IRAN as BEEFED—UP naval force sails for Gulf: BRITAIN is joining 1—USA—MILITARY—CAMPAIGN to blunt IRAN—INFLUENCE in IRAQ and the Gulf.
20070117             —DELIVERED, RUSSIA—MISSILES, to IRAN: Ivanov : RUSSIA has delivered new ANTI—AIRCRAFT—MISSILE—SYSTEMS to IRAN and will consider further requests by TEHRAN for defensive weapons, RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTER—SERGEI—IVANOV said on —TUESDAY.
20070117             Exiles train to overthrow TEHRAN:
20070117             —FROM their base the fighters cross the porous border into IRAN to carry out attacks.
20070117             AP: IRAN Gets Army Gear in Pentagon Sale:
20070117             1—PAKISTAN—ARMS broker convicted of exporting USA—MISSILE—PARTS to IRAN resumed business —AFTER his release from prison.
20070117             Murtha proposes bill to choke funding for surge
20070117             MISTER—MURTHA said that he doesn't think Democrats can stop MISTER—BUSH from instituting the 1. wave of 1—TROOP surge, but that his panel will be able to pass legislation to stop further waves within 1—MONTH.
20070117             "I don't know how MANY—TROOPS they can get in the field —BEFORE we get our bill up and passed in the Congress," he said.
20070117             JOHN—MURTHA: "It's 1—WHOLE—NEW—BALLGAME"
20070117             Murtha is demanding that the administration "stop extending TOURS—OF—DUTY, stop depleting our strategic reserves + retrain returning soldiers so they can be 'recycled'" according to the normal procedures.
20070117             PRESIDENT—BUSH : Meet WALTER—JONES - I don't believe it.
20070117             If tomorrow Bush took out IRAN—NUCLEAR—FACILITIES, would 1—SENATE that lacks the courage to cut funds for 1—UNPOPULAR war really impeach him for denying 1—NUCLEAR—CAPABILITY to MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD?
20070117             Where's the outrage?
20070117             1—REAL antiwar movement would end our IRAQ disaster.
20070117             But the middle class doesn't care enough to protest, so the kids who go to community college will keep dying.
20070117             Escalation Against IRAN -
20070117             The Pieces Are Being Put in PLACE—BY COLONEL—SAM—GARDNER—THE—PIECES are moving.
20070117             They'll be in place by THE—END—OF—FEBRUARY.
20070117             More Blood for Oil
20070117             Forget about all that stuff about ETHIOPIA having a 'tacit' o.k. from WASHINGTON to invade SOMALIA.
20070117             The decision was made at THE—WHITE—HOUSE and the attack had military support from the Pentagon.
20070117             The governments are too much in sync and the Ethiopians too dependent on THE—USA to think otherwise.
20070117             Chalmers Johnson, AUTHOR—OF—BLOWBACK and Sorrows of Empire, discusses THE—BUILD—UP—OF—THE—USA—EMPIRE based on Keynesian military spending, its conflicts with THE—CONCEPT—OF—THE—USA as 1—REPUBLIC + its inevitable downfall.
20070117             This is the moment freedom begins " - By BILL—MOYERS:
20070117             "Virtually everything the average person sees or hears outside of her own personal communications, is determined by the interests of private, unaccountable executives and investors whose primary goal is increasing profits and raising the country's share price. More insidiously, this small GROUP—OF—ELITES determine what ordinary people do not see or hear. "
20070117             Audio and transcript
20070117             "As Martha Stout explains, 1—SOCIOPATH is defined as someone who displays at least 3—OF 7—DISTINGUISHING characteristics, such as deceitfulness, impulsivity and 1—LACK—OF remorse. Such people often have 1—SUPERFICIAL charm, which they exercise ruthlessly in order to get what they want. Stout argues that the development of sociopathy is due half to genetics and half to nongenetic influences that have not been clearly identified".
20070117             Haaretz: Big Story About Detailed Potential Peace Agreement Between Syria and ISRAEL.
20070117             Republican Dumbo SENATOR—TED "THE—INTERNET is 1—BUNCH—OF—TUBES" Stevens Ate 1—BOWL—OF—STUPID for Breakfast: "PRESIDENT—BUSH ?s plan to add more than 20,000—TROOPS to IRAQ looks to SENATOR—TED—STEVENS like the 1. step in 1—CAREFUL—WITHDRAWAL from the country".
20070117             —AFTER the recent controversy surrounding Deputy Assistant SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE for Detainee Affairs Charles "Cully" STIMSON—COMMENTS about major law firms representing Guantánamo detainees pro bono, ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES then blamed attorneys for THE—LACK—OF—TRIALS to date.
20070117             Dick Cheney is Selected the Gun GUY—OF—2006!
20070117             Guilty as Charged.
20070117             Send Scooter to Gitmo! Who Said We are Biased? Off With Their Heads.
20070117             Oh, Sorry, That's Happening in IRAQ Already.
20070117             1/17 - Bomb blasts in BAGHDAD leave 109—DEAD.
20070117             4—USA—SOLDIERS killed in IRAQ.
20070117             that PRESIDENT—BUSH would "not [] reauthorize the Terrorist Surveillance Program —WHEN the current authorization expires," and, that, from —NOW on, "ANY—ELECTRONIC—SURVEILLANCE that was occurring as PART—OF—THE—TERRORIST—SURVEILLANCE—PROGRAM will —NOW be conducted subject to the approval of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court".
20070117             —CAVED, The administration had, the editorial stated, even though "the legality of the warrantless wiretaps was not really in question" and "no serious court has ever... Source:
20070117             Attacking IRAN: WHAT—IN—IT—FOR—BUSH ?
20070117             Scooter LIBBY—TIME—TRAVEL—TRIAL—THE mind can be 1—TERRIBLE—TOOL,
20070117             —BY JEFF—MULLIN, ENID NEWS AND EAGLE via Meadville Tribune
20070117             —AIRED, The History Channel this —WEEK, 1—DOCUMENTARY on JIM—JONES and the Jonestown massacre...
20070117             —RECRUITED, CALIFORNIA, Jones, young, COLLEGE—EDUCATED white students to go with the large number of working class members.
20070117             —EXPANDED, The church, into S—FRANCISCO 19720000             , opening 1—CHURCH in the heart of the largely poor, largely black Fillmore District.
20070117             —ALLEGED, PRESIDENT dubs, Pearl killer MI6 spy: PAKISTAN PRESIDENT—GENERAL—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF has disclosed...
20070117             - Halliburton "overweight"
20070117             Is 24—PROPAGANDA?
20070117—19470000    —CREATED, The Doomsday Clock, and run by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, was nudged forward to 11:55 due to moves by IRAN and NORTH—KOREA.
20070117—19500000    —IN—THE, The prospect of such 1—EVENT—SHOOK—LOCALS who were forced S to endure 1—WHOLE—SERIES—OF—ATMOSPHERIC and underground nuclear explosions,
20070117—19530000    —IN, It reached 11:58 and
20070117—19670100    —IN, Grissom —LATER † in NASA—1. fatal accident —WHEN he and 2—OTHERS were killed in 1—FIRE —DURING 1—TEST—OF—APOLLO 1.
20070117—19880000    hatten die FORSCHER—NACH einem Abrüstungsabkommen für Mittelstreckenraketen zwischen den USA und der UDSSR—DEN Zeiger von 3—AUF 6—MINUTEN vor 12—ZURÜCKGEDREHT.
20070117—19900000    —IN—THE—EARLY, "—AFTER progress S, the march of global freedom that PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADVOCATES has stalled — from COUNTRIES—OF—THE—FORMER—SOVIET—UNION to parts of AFRICA and EAST—ASIA," the Freedom House organization declares in 1—NEW—REPORT,
20070117—19910000    —IN, moved back to 11:43.
20070117—20030000    —SINCE, THE—USA has allowed —JUST " 466—IRAQIS to immigrate under refugee status — including 202—OUT—OF—70,000—SLOTS for refugees —LAST—YEAR — in part because of more stringent security screenings," congressional testimony —YESTERDAY revealed.
20070117—20060000    stoßen Archäologen bei der Ausgrabung des alten Hamoukar auf das eingestürzte Haus,
20070117—20070110    —ON, Dilip Hiro: Cords that cannot be broken : Several months —BEFORE his declaration in 1 televised speech that the Pentagon would go —AFTER THE—IRAN—NETWORKS in IRAQ, PRESIDENT—BUSH signed secret orders authorising military action to counter IRAN—AMBITIONS in IRAQ and the broader MIDDLE—EAST.
20070117—20070913    —ENTERED, Charges were formally, against Frenkel in connection with THE—KILLING—OF—ANDREI—KOZLOV, who was shot at POINT—BLANK—RANGE as he left 1—SOCCER game in MOSCOW.
20070117—20110000    —AB, Haushalt: keine neuen Schulden mehr
20070118             Is THE—CATHOLIC—PAPA?
20070205—20070117    The mind can be 1—TERRIBLE—TOOL,
20070513             [5] Seymour M. Hersh, The Coming Wars — What THE—PENTAGON can —NOW do in secret, The New Yorker, 20050117             ...
20070513             Die Atomambitionen des IRAN als Vorwand für einen 4. Golfkrieg? [5] Seymour M. Hersh, The Coming Wars — What the Pentagon can —NOW do in secret, The New Yorker, 20050117             ...
20070829             (3818) Sun 199301172049          By: Don ALLEN—TO: All Re: WackenSPY - 1 ...
20080117             THE—WHITE—HOUSE, MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS and Federal Reserve CHIEF—BEN—BERNANKE agreed that strong action is needed to help avoid 1—USA—RECESSION.
20080117             THE—DJIA fell over 306—POINTS to 12,159.
20080117             THE—USA—EPA said Massey Energy, the country's 4. largest coal producer, had agreed to pay a $20—MILLION—FINE as PART—OF—1—SETTLEMENT over allegations that it routinely polluted HUNDREDS—OF—STREAMS and waterways in WEST—VIRGINIA and KENTUCKY.
20080117             1—USA federal judge struck down TEXAS laws barring OUT—OF—STATE—RETAILERS from shipping wine to consumers.
20080117             —AGREED, THE—NYSE, to buy THE—USA—STOCK—EXCHANGE for $260—MILLION in stock.
20080117             —REPORTED, Merrill Lynch & Co Inc, about $16—BILLION in MORTGAGE—RELATED WRITE—DOWNS and adjustments in the worst QUARTER—OF—THE—COMPANY—HISTORY.
20080117             Investigators probing the source of 1—LISTERIA outbreak said the strain that killed 3—PEOPLE was found at 1—DAIRY processing plant in CENTRAL—MASSACHUSETTS.
20080117             —REPORTED, Scientists at Stemagen, 1—CALIFORNIA company, that they have created the 1. mature cloned human embryos from single skin cells taken from adults.
20080117             AUSTRALIA said it would send 1—SHIP to pick up 2—ANTI—WHALING activists who jumped on 1—JAPAN—HARPOON vessel from 1—RUBBER—BOAT in ANTARCTIC waters, offering 1—SOLUTION to 1—TENSE, 2—DAY standoff on the high seas.
20080117             —ACCUSED, BRITAIN, RUSSIA of "conduct not worthy of 1—GREAT—COUNTRY" —AFTER what it called 1—CAMPAIGN—OF—INTIMIDATION by security services forced its cultural centers in 2—RUSSIA—CITIES to halt operations.
20080117             1—BRITISH—AIRWAYS jet from BEIJING carrying 152—PEOPLE—CRASH—LANDED, injuring 19—PEOPLE and causing more than 200—FLIGHTS to be canceled at EUROPE—BUSIEST—AIRPORT.
20080117             —ERUPTED, SOUTH—WEST—COLOMBIA, the Galeras volcano, violently, spewing ash miles into the sky and prompting the evacuation of several 1000—PEOPLE living nearby.
20080117             —ADOPTED, MEMBERS—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT, 1—RESOLUTION criticizing EGYPT—HUMAN—RIGHTS—RECORD, even —AFTER CAIRO summoned EU ambassadors to complain about the text.
20080117             —TROUBLED, GERMANY, officials said 1, teen (16) is spending 9—MONTHS in remote Siberia as PART—OF—EFFORTS to turn him away from violence.
20080117             "If he doesn't hack wood, his place is cold. If he doesn't get water, he can't WASHINGTON"
20080117             IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew himself up inside 1—SHIITE mosque on the outskirts of Baqouba, killing at least 11 and wounded 15.
20080117             1—ISRAEL—COURT sentenced 1—MAJOR in ISRAEL—ARMY—RESERVES to 5—YEARS in prison for offering secret information to IRAN and the Islamic militant group Hamas.
20080117             DAVID—SHAMIR, 45—JAHRE—ALT, 1—PSYCHIATRIST, was CONVICTED—OF—CONTACT with 1—FOREIGN—AGENT and POSSESSION—OF—INFORMATION with the intent of endangering state security.
20080117             —MANAGED, He never, to deliver ANY—SECRET—INFORMATION.
20080117             —BATTERED, Rains, PORTIONS—OF—FLOOD—RAVAGED SOUTH—AFRICA, killing at least 3—PEOPLE in MALAWI and forcing ZAMBIA to declare 1—NATIONAL—DISASTER.
20080117             MEXICO, officials found 6—BODIES inside 1—TIJUANA house where gunmen took refuge —DURING 1—SHOOTOUT with soldiers and police.
20080117             —BOMBARDED, Militants in HAMAS—RULED GAZA, SOUTH—ISRAEL with rockets and ISRAEL pounded back with air and ground fire pushing peace efforts to the sidelines.
20080117             —KILLED, ISRAEL—ROCKETS, at least 5—PALESTINIANS including 2—MILITANTS and 3—CIVILIANS.
20080117             NEW—ZEALAND, Karen Aim (26), 1—SCOTLAND—TOURIST from the Orkney Islands, was attacked on her way home —AFTER drinking with friends in THE—TOWN—OF—TAUPO.
20080117             Police responding to REPORTS—OF—VANDALISM at 1—TAUPO high school found her lying in 1—POOL—OF—BLOOD on 1—STREET—CORNER.
20080117             —CHARGED, In March a 14—YEAR—OLD—BOY was, with her slaying.
20080117             —OPENED, PAKISTAN, 1—SUSPECTED—SUNNI extremist, fire in 1—SHIITE mosque, in THE—NORTH—WEST—CITY—OF—PESHAWAR, and then blew himself up, killing 9—PEOPLE and wounding at least 20 on THE—EVE—OF—THE—ASHOURA religious festival.
20080117             —OPENED, Helicopter gunships, fire on 2—SUSPECT—CARS—NEAR a 3. fort in SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN, killing 8—MILITANTS.
20080117             1—TEENAGER, 15—JAHRE—ALT who said he was PART—OF—1—TEAM—OF—ASSASSINS sent to kill FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—BENAZIR—BHUTTO was arrested near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER.
20080117             —INVOLVED, The teen was also, in 1—PLOT to attack Shiites —DURING 1—ASHOURA festival.
20080117             —FIRED, SOMALIA, Islamic militants, mortar shells and guns in MOGADISHU sparking crossfire with ETHIOPIA—TROOPS that left at least 20—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20080117             —DESTROYED, SRI—LANKA—MILITARY said AIR—FORCE—JETS, 1—HIDEOUT used by senior Tiger rebels.
20080117             THE—PRO—REBEL—TAMILNET Web site said the jets had struck 1—CIVIL—AREA and 7—PEOPLE had been wounded.
20080117             Suspected Tamil Tiger rebels fatally shot 10—ETHNIC—SINHALESE civilians in SOUTH—THANAMALWILA village.
20080117             1—PRO—REBEL—WEB—SITE said those killed were civilians carrying guns provided by the government —AFTER 1—ATTACK on 1—FARM in the same area that killed 32—PEOPLE this —WEEK.
20080117             Embryonale Stammzellen sind wie 1—ERSATZTEILLAGER für den Körper, denn sie besitzen die Fähigkeit, sich in JEDES—KÖRPERGEWEBE zu verwandeln.
20080117             Für Mediziner sind diese Zellen große Hoffnungsträger:
20080117             Ob Herzinfarkt, Diabetes oder PARKINSON—MIT embryonalen Stammzellen wollen sie kaputt gegangenes Gewebe ganz einfach neu züchten.
20080117             Es wäre der Beginn einer neuen Ära in der Medizin:
20080117             Statt körperliche Defekte nur symptomatisch mit Medikamenten zu behandeln, könnte man sie mit embryonalen Stammzellen gänzlich beheben + Krankheiten tatsächlich heilen.
20080117             Konjunkturindex fällt überraschend deutlich
20080117             Gleichzeitig fiel der Konjunkturindex der Federal Reserve BANK—VON—PHILADELPHIA im ;;01;;
20080117             unerwartet deutlich.
20080117             Das Wirtschaftsbarometer sank auf minus 20,9 Punkte und verzeichnete damit den stärksten monatlichen Rückgang der Industrieaktivitäten in der Region
20080117             —GEFOLTERT, OTTAWA—WIE erkenne ich, dass 1—HÄFTLING, wurde?
20080117             1—ANTWORT auf diese Frage sollen kanadische Diplomaten in einem vom Außenministerium herausgegebenen Handbuch finden.
20080117             Pikant: Unter den Staaten, in denen Gefangene mit brutaler Behandlung rechnen müssen,
20080117             listet das Regierungsdokument einem Bericht der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters zufolge auch die USA und ISRAEL auf.
20080117             Die beiden Staaten befinden sich in schlechter Gesellschaft: Sie stehen dort in einer Reihe mit IRAN, SYRIEN—CHINA und AFGHANISTAN.
20080117             AP—GEFANGENENLAGER GUANTANAMO: Folterstaat USA?
20080117             Für die konservative Regierung in OTTAWA dürfte die Enthüllung unangenehm sein.
20080117             Schließlich gelten die Kanadier als enge und treue Verbündete der Amerikaner und Israelis.
20080117             Der GRÜNDER—DER—UMWELTSCHUTZORGANISATION, PAUL—WATSON, hatte hingegen angekündigt, dass die Proteste unmittelbar nach Übergabe fortgesetzt würden.
20080117             Das Zollschiff, das die beiden Aktivisten entgegennahm, hatte ursprünglich die Aufgabe, die japanische Walfangflotte zu beobachten.
20080117             Die musste aufgrund des Vorfalls ihre Jagd abbrechen.
20080117             Drama im Eismeer: Gefangene Walschützer sind frei
20080117             —GEZOGEN, Jungfernfahrt: Erstmals Frachter von Windkraft
20080117             DIPLOMATEN—HANDBUCH: Kanada listet USA als Folterstaat
20080117             Lebensmittelpreise: Schweinefleisch wird teurer
20080117             Kampfeinsatz: Was die deutsche Eingreiftruppe in Nordafghanistan erwartet
20080117             MEDIKAMENTEN—TESTS: Studien mit negativen Ergebnissen landen häufig im Mülleimer
20080117             Drama im Eismeer: Australier wollen gefangene Walschützer befreien
20080117             Stammzellenforschung: Wissenschaftler klonen menschlichen Embryo aus Hautzelle
20080117             Kreditkrise: Merrill Lynch meldet Rekordverlust
20080117             Glatze bei Männern: Gentest soll Haarausfall zuverlässig vorhersagen
20080117             AXEL—SPRINGER—VERLAG, 19700000             —1971. - Azione Comune, 19680000
20080117             Includes press releases of AXEL—SPRINGER—VERLAG—USA Policy / EUROPE
20080117             IRVING Brown, the Free Trade Union COMMITTEE—REPRESENTATIVE—IN—EUROPE
20080117             DANIEL—BELL—LOVESTONE JAY—AGEE,P. Wolf,L. Dirty Work.
20080117             19780000              (191-192);
20080117             Hirsch,F. - Fletcher,R. THE—CIA and the Labour Movement.
20080117             Gladio oder die Rache Moros
20080117             The principal union leader in these secret operations was JAY—LOVESTONE,
20080117             THE—WEST—GERMANY—PRESS baron AXEL—SPRINGER, who was secretly channelled about $7
20080117             Headlines from the Computer Security Blogosphere " CIA...
20080117             NEWSWEEK, CBS News + AXEL—SPRINGER in WEST—GERMANY (p....
20080117             using USA labor leaders JAY—LOVESTONE (FORMER—HEAD—OF—THE—AMERICAN—COMMUNIST—PARTY) and
20080117             —CALLED, PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS, senior Hamas leader, MAHMOUD—AL—ZAHAR,
20080117             in order to send him his condolences for the recent KILLING—OF—HIS—SON by IDF forces operating in GAZA.
20080117             Faction Pulls OUT—OF—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT:
20080117             weakening him at 1—TIME—WHEN he needs broad support to reach 1—PEACE—DEAL with the Palestinians by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
20080117             1.2—MILLION displaced Iraqis suffer hardship:
20080117             The plight of the 1.2—MILLION—IRAQIS internally displaced
20080117             IRAQ healthcare in disarray, report says:
20080117             Up to 75—PERCENT—OF—IRAQ—DOCTORS, pharmacists and nurses have left their jobs —SINCE THE—USA—LED invasion
20080117             THE—COMMANDER—OF—USA—FORCES in IRAQ said —DURING 1—TOUR—OF—1—IRAQ—IRAN border crossing that TEHRAN was still training militants despite its pledge to cut support for the insurgency
20080117             Manufacturing Consent For War With IRAN:
20080117             IRAN speeding up DEVELOPMENT—OF—MISSILES, HEAD—OF—USA agency says:
20080117             THE—HEAD—OF—THE—USA' missile defense program sought —WEDNESDAY to bolster WASHINGTON—ARGUMENT for ANTI—MISSILE—SITES in EUROPE by warning that IRAN has sped up DEVELOPMENT—OF—LONG—RANGE—MISSILES.
20080117             EUROPE Side Steps IRAN—SANCTION
20080117             Energy companies —THROUGHOUT EUROPE continue to defy USA—NEGOTIATED sanctions against IRAN by putting several new deals on the table.
20080117             USA lawmakers decry SAUDI—ARABIA—ARMS sale:
20080117             2—JEWISH—MEMBERS—OF—THE—USA—CONGRESS will push 1—RESOLUTION condemning 1—PLAN to sell 1 advanced weapons system to SAUDI—ARABIA.
20080117             Bush Hopes OPEC WILL—RAISE—PRODUCTION:
20080117             —AFTER their talks, BUSH was hopeful that OPEC would authorize 1—INCREASE in oil production.
20080117             Saudis reject oil supply hike: -
20080117             —MAINTAINED, The world's leading SUPPLIER—OF—OIL, —TUESDAY that it will not boost production simply to ease pressure on prices,
20080117             despite PRESIDENT—BUSH—WARNINGS here that rising oil prices jeopardize the American and world economies.
20080117             Banned EGYPT—OPPOSITION—GROUP—LEADS—PROTEST—OF—BUSH last stop on Mideast tour:
20080117             —DISMAYED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has been, as hopes faded for 1—DEMOCRATIC swell in EGYPT, but PRESIDENT—BUSH—VISIT—WEDNESDAY showed there is 1—PULSE of political dissent.
20080117             Protesters who don't like EGYPT—AUTHORITY—GOVERNMENT went into the streets to say they don't like THE—USA—PRESIDENT, either.
20080117             EGYPT—PARLIAMENT considers severing ties with EU PARLIAMENT:
20080117             SPEAKER—OF—THE—PEOPLE—COUNCIL—AHMAD—FATHI—SUROR said —WEDNESDAY the house would consider severing ties with the European PARLIAMENT (EP) and THE—EURO—MED Council and their meetings because of what he considered the EP's "LANGUAGE—OF—ORDERS and superiority.
20080117             —PREPARED, THE—EP has, 1—DRAFT—LAW condemning LACK—OF—RESPECT—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS in EGYPT.
20080117             Militants capture PAKISTAN—FORT, 47—DEAD:
20080117             —ATTACKED, HUNDREDS—OF—MILITANTS in NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, and captured 1—PARAMILITARY fort early —ON—WEDNESDAY + 40—MILITANTS and 7—SOLDIERS were killed and 20—SOLDIERS missing, the military said.
20080117             Admiral: PAKISTAN OKs Bigger USA Role:
20080117             PAKISTAN is taking 1—MORE welcoming view of USA suggestions for using USA—TROOPS to train and advise its own forces in the fight against ANTI—GOVERNMENT—EXTREMISTS,
20080117             THE—COMMANDER—OF—USA forces in that region said —WEDNESDAY.
20080117             How The Pentagon Planted 1—FALSE—HORMUZ—STORY
20080117             Senior Pentagon officials, evidently reflecting 1—BROADER—ADMINISTRATION—POLICY—DECISION, used 1—OFF—THE—RECORD—PENTAGON briefing to turn 20080106             —THE—USA—IRAN—INCIDENT in the Strait of Hormuz into 1—SENSATIONAL story demonstrating IRAN—MILITARY—AGGRESSIVENESS,
20080117             1—RECONSTRUCTION—OF—THE—EVENTS —FOLLOWING the incident shows.
20080117             CONTINUE—THE—IRAN Fixation How THE—USA—MEDIA—ENABLES—BUSH-
20080117             USA—MEDIA has increasingly become 1—MOUTHPIECE—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION,
20080117             perpetuating and ventilating the fears which prevent 1—POPULATION from thinking rationally about important issues.
20080117             Continue
20080117             —LAST—YEAR, THE—USA—WOKE up to THE—REALITY—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SOLDIERS wounded in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN -- and began to grapple with what to do about it.
20080117             CONTINUE—AS 1—BOMB explodes in BEIRUT and ISRAEL kills 19 in GAZA raids, BUSH takes his MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE—MISSION to SAUDI—ARABIA (and signs off $20bn weapons deal with repressive regime) Continue
20080117             —SURPRISED, THE—PRESIDENT said he was, by the "deep concern that people won't welcome MIDDLE—EASTERN—INVESTMENTS into THE—USA.
20080117             & And I found that in MOST—OF—MY stops, not THE—ISRAELI—PALESTINE—STOPS, of course, but in the Gulf, I found that to be the case.
20080117             And it's disturbing to me".
20080117             CONTINUE—AS we observe the slow + increasingly certain disintegration of PAKISTAN,
20080117             we should force ourselves to confront 1—UNCOMFORTABLE—FACT: events in PAKISTAN are to 1—LARGE—DEGREE—SIDE—EFFECTS—OF our war in AFGHANISTAN.
20080117             —FRIDAY marked the 6. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—ARRIVAL—OF—THE 1. detainees at THE—USA—GULAG constructed to house prisoners taken in THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—WAR—ON—TERROR in Guantánamo.
20080117             —AROUND the world, thousands gathered in public commemorations in LONDON, STOCKHOLM, DUBLIN, BRUSSELS and BAHRAIN.
20080117             CONTINUE—IF you could train 1—CHIMPANZEE to sit still through 1—JOE—BIDEN speech, it could probably do the job.
20080117             The only thing that elevates this work above monkey level is that we get to guess who wins.
20080117             CONTINUE—JOURNAL Haecus
20080117             Dresdner BANK—FINANZIERT—ANGELA—MERKEL
20080117             Der damalige DRESDNER—BANK—VORSTANDSCHEF JÜRGEN—SARRAZIN sah sich gezwungen zu handeln.
20080117             "Die Bank hätte anders handeln können"... - Das Tier im Global Player
20080117             So erging es DRESDNER—BANK—CHEF—WALTER, dessen Vorgänger JÜRGEN—SARRAZIN durch eine Steuerhinterziehungsaffäre kippte.
20080117             So erging es JOACHIM—MILBERG.
20080117             Report Details Dresdner BANK—WARTIME—FINANCING—OF—1—DEATH—CAMP...
20080117             —RELEGATED, THE—FORMER—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE, JÜRGEN—SARRAZIN, the bank's dealings with the Nazis to 1—SINGLE—SENTENCE in 1—LENGTHY—SPEECH.
20080117             Einfache Maßnahmen wie Stillberatung und Vitamin-A-Präparate könnten in den 36—AM schlimmsten betroffenen Ländern 1—VIERTEL aller Todesfälle bei Kindern verhindern,
20080117             schreiben Mediziner um Zulfiqar Bhutta von der pakistanischen AGA—KHAN—UNIVERSITÄT—IN—KARATSCHI in einer der "Lancet"-Studien.
20080117             Hunger tötet jährlich VIELE—MILLIONEN—KINDER
20080117             Jeder 3. Todesfall unter Kindern weltweit wird durch Unterernährung verursacht.
20080117             Dreieinhalb Millionen Kinder unter 5—STERBEN JEDES—JAHR an den Folgen des Hungers.
20080117             Aber auch die Überlebenden haben lebenslang mit den Spätfolgen der Unterernährung zu kämpfen, zeigen aktuelle Studien.
20080117             4—VON 5—UNTERERNÄHRTEN Kindern leben in einem von nur 20—UNTERSCHIEDLICHEN Ländern, viele davon im südlichen AFRIKA und in Südasien.
20080117             Die meisten Kinder sterben mittelbar an Unterernährung, weil sie anfälliger für Krankheiten sind.
20080117             Mit am schlimmsten wirke es sich aus, wenn die Mutter in der Schwangerschaft an Vitamin-A- und ZINK—MANGEL leide.
20080117             Die Fachzeitschrift "Lancet" hat dem Thema weite Teile ihrer aktuellen Ausgabe GEWIDMET—EINE ganze Reihe internationaler Forscherteams schlägt Alarm.
20080117             AmericaBlog: "The attempt by supporters of Hillary Clinton to change the rules of THE—NEVADA Democratic caucus,
20080117             which have been approved for months, goes to court tomorrow.
20080117             1—SUPREME—COURT—DECISION issued —TODAY based on 1—CASE from NEW—YORK State seems to undermine the arguments of the plaintiffs.
20080117             For me, this episode is 1—OF—THE—MOST despicable acts we've seen in the campaign so far this —YEAR.
20080117             We expect Republicans to block voters from participating, but not Democrats".
20080117             —NOW, More Troops in PAKISTAN as Bush Declares IRAQ 1—VICTORY and Tries to Create 1—EXCUSE to Nuke IRAN.
20080117             Aren't There SOME—ISSUES—MORE—IMPORTANT—THAN—RACE and Gender?
20080117             -- BE—ELECTED—'BUSH Admin. admits to destroying e-mails from START—OF—IRAQ—WAR, Leak of Valerie WILSON—NAME and DOJ INVESTIGATION—OF—LEAK';
20080117             That's, like, 1—CRIME, isn't it.
20080117             1/17 - Democrats need clean hands on voting rights -- from the Last Chance Democracy Cafe
20080117             Bob & HARVEY—3—STEP "OHIO Plan" for fair and reliable voting and vote counts 1/17
20080117             —INTERVIEWED, BuzzFlash, GEORGE—MCGOVERN
20080117             Ramelow nannte das Gerichtsurteil einen "Sieg des Rechtsstaats".
20080117             Das Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz habe "eine totale Schlappe" erfahren,
20080117             sagte der Bundestagsabgeordnete SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20080117             Das Gericht betonte, es handele sich nicht um eine grundsätzliche Entscheidung darüber, ob der Verfassungschutz Informationen über LANDTAGS—ODER Bundestagsabgeordnete sammeln dürfe.
20080117             KÖLN—DIE RICHTER—DES—VERWALTUNGSGERICHTS verkündeten —HEUTE ihr Urteil:
20080117             Sie gaben der Klage Bodo Ramelows Recht.
20080117             Nach Überzeugung der Juristen hätte Ramelow während seiner Zeit als Landtagsabgeordneter in Thüringen und als Mitglied des Bundestages nicht von den Verfassungsschützern beobachtet werden dürfen.
20080117             Klingt krude, aber bei Grag Palast muß man da zumindest mal in Ruhe drüber nachdenken.
20080117             BUSH needs the Saudis to charge us big bucks for oil.
20080117             The Saudis can't lend THE—USA—TREASURY and Citibank HUNDREDS—OF—BILLIONS—OF—USA—DOLLARS unless they 1. get these USA—DOLLARS from THE—USA.
20080117             —REPORTED, It has been, that THE—PRESIDENT—SECRET—SERVICE—MEN traveling with him seemed embarrassed by THE—EYE—POPPING loads of diamond and gold gifts which they have to carry back for PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20080117             —FINED, ANTI—SPAMMER, $60K for DNS lookup 'hack'
20080117             Gleichzeitig fiel der Konjunkturindex der Federal Reserve BANK—VON—PHILADELPHIA im Januar unerwartet deutlich.
20080117             —SEIT
20080117             Pikant: Unter den Staaten, in denen Gefangene mit brutaler Behandlung rechnen müssen, listet das Regierungsdokument einem Bericht der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters zufolge auch die USA und ISRAEL auf.
20080117             AP—GEFANGENENLAGER GUANTANAMO: Folterstaat USA?
20080117             Die australische Regierung hatte sich in Gesprächen mit den Behörden in JAPAN für eine Übergabe der beiden Aktivisten eingesetzt.
20080117             JAPAN hatte von Sea Shepard 1—GARANTIE verlangt, dass die Übergabe der beiden Männer nicht von neuen Aktionen begleitet werde.
20080117             Über die Walfänger sagte er: "Diese Leute sind nicht anders als Elefantenwilderer in AFRIKA oder Tigerwilderer in Indien".
20080117             Finanzkrise: Bernanke warnt vor RIESEN—RISIKEN—USA—BÖRSEN brechen ein
20080117             UNO—MITGLIEDSCHAFT: CHINA fordert von USA schärferes Vorgehen gegen TAIWAN
20080117             Rezessionsfurcht: LEITZINS—UND Steuersenkung soll USA—KONJUNKTUR retten
20080117             Abbas speaks with senior Hamas leader in GAZA for 1. time —SINCE takeover:
20080117             —CALLED, PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS, senior Hamas leader, MAHMOUD—AL—ZAHAR, in order to send him his condolences for the recent KILLING—OF—HIS—SON by IDF forces operating in GAZA.
20080117             Faction Pulls OUT—OF—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT: 1—HAWKISH—FACTION in PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT—COALITION pulled OUT—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT on —WEDNESDAY, weakening him at 1—TIME—WHEN he needs broad support to reach 1—PEACE—DEAL with the Palestinians by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
20080117             1.2—MILLION displaced Iraqis suffer hardship : The plight of the 1.2—MILLION—IRAQIS internally displaced —SINCE February 20060000              has continued to worsen, aggravated by 1—LACK—OF—ACCESS to food rations, health care and basic services such as clean water, sanitation and electricity, 1—REPORT by 1—GLOBAL—RELIEF—AGENCY said.
20080117             —EMIGRATED, More than HALF—OF—THOSE have, the report by health organisation Medact said.
20080117             Manufacturing Consent For War With IRAN: IRAN still training militants:
20080117             IRAN speeding up DEVELOPMENT—OF—MISSILES, HEAD—OF—USA—AGENCY says : THE—HEAD—OF—THE—USA' missile defense program sought —WEDNESDAY to bolster WASHINGTON—ARGUMENT for ANTI—MISSILE—SITES in EUROPE by warning that IRAN has sped up DEVELOPMENT—OF—LONG—RANGE—MISSILES.
20080117             EUROPE Side Steps IRAN—SANCTION s: Energy companies —THROUGHOUT EUROPE continue to defy USA—NEGOTIATED sanctions against IRAN by putting several new deals on the table.
20080117             USA—LAWMAKERS decry SAUDI—ARABIA—ARMS—SALE : 2—JEWISH—MEMBERS—OF—THE—USA—CONGRESS will push 1—RESOLUTION condemning 1—PLAN to sell 1 advanced weapons system to SAUDI—ARABIA.
20080117             Bush Hopes OPEC WILL—RAISE—PRODUCTION : —AFTER their talks, Bush was hopeful that OPEC would authorize 1—INCREASE in oil production.
20080117             Saudis reject oil supply hike : - The world's leading SUPPLIER—OF—OIL maintained —TUESDAY that it will not boost production simply to ease pressure on prices, despite PRESIDENT—BUSH—WARNINGS here that rising oil prices jeopardize the American and world economies.
20080117             Banned EGYPT—OPPOSITION—GROUP—LEADS—PROTEST—OF—BUSH last stop on Mideast tour : THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has been dismayed as hopes faded for 1—DEMOCRATIC swell in EGYPT, but PRESIDENT—BUSH—VISIT—WEDNESDAY showed there is 1—PULSE of political dissent.
20080117             EGYPT—PARLIAMENT considers severing ties with EU PARLIAMENT : SPEAKER—OF—THE—PEOPLE—COUNCIL—AHMAD—FATHI—SUROR said —WEDNESDAY the house would consider severing ties with the European PARLIAMENT (EP) and THE—EURO—MED Council and their meetings because of what he considered the EP's "LANGUAGE—OF—ORDERS and superiority".
20080117             Militants capture PAKISTAN—FORT, 47—DEAD : HUNDREDS—OF—MILITANTS in NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN attacked and captured 1—PARAMILITARY fort early on —WEDNESDAY + 40—MILITANTS and 7—SOLDIERS were killed and 20—SOLDIERS missing, the military said.
20080117             Admiral: PAKISTAN OKs Bigger USA—ROLE : PAKISTAN is taking 1—MORE welcoming VIEW—OF—USA—SUGGESTIONS for using USA—TROOPS to train and advise its own forces in the fight against ANTI—GOVERNMENT—EXTREMISTS, THE—COMMANDER—OF—USA—FORCES in that region said —WEDNESDAY.
20080117             Senior Pentagon officials, evidently reflecting 1—BROADER—ADMINISTRATION—POLICY—DECISION, used 1—OFF—THE—RECORD—PENTAGON briefing to turn 20080106             —THE—USA—IRAN—INCIDENT in the Strait of Hormuz into 1—SENSATIONAL story demonstrating IRAN—MILITARY—AGGRESSIVENESS, 1—RECONSTRUCTION—OF—THE—EVENTS —FOLLOWING the incident shows.
20080117             USA—MEDIA has increasingly become 1—MOUTHPIECE—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, perpetuating and ventilating the fears which prevent 1—POPULATION from thinking rationally about important issues.
20080117             Wounded Vets Trade 1—HELL for Another
20080117             Bloody Reality Bears No Relation To The Delusions Of This PRESIDENT
20080117             As 1—BOMB explodes in BEIRUT and ISRAEL kills 19 in GAZA raids, Bush takes his MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE—MISSION to SAUDI—ARABIA (and signs off $20bn weapons deal with repressive regime)
20080117             Bush : "People View Me As 1—WARMONGER" :
20080117             —SURPRISED, THE—PRESIDENT said he was, by the "deep concern that people won't welcome MIDDLE—EASTERN—INVESTMENTS into THE—USA. & And I found that in MOST—OF—MY stops, not THE—ISRAELI—PALESTINE—STOPS, of course, but in the Gulf, I found that to be the case. And it's disturbing to me".
20080117             Side EFFECTS—AS we observe the slow + increasingly certain disintegration of PAKISTAN, we should force ourselves to confront 1—UNCOMFORTABLE—FACT: events in PAKISTAN are to 1—LARGE—DEGREE—SIDE—EFFECTS—OF our war in AFGHANISTAN.
20080117             Less Than Human
20080117             —GATHERED, —AROUND the world, thousands, in public commemorations in LONDON, STOCKHOLM, DUBLIN, BRUSSELS and BAHRAIN.
20080117             How Trivial Can the Media Make the Presidential Race?
20080117             If you could train 1—CHIMPANZEE to sit still through 1—JOE—BIDEN speech, it could probably do the job.
20080117             Dresdner BANK—FINANZIERT—ANGELA—MERKEL - "Die Bank hätte anders handeln können".
20080117             So erging es DRESDNER—BANK—CHEF—WALTER, dessen Vorgänger JÜRGEN—SARRAZIN durch 1—STEUERHINTERZIEHUNGSAFFÄRE kippte.
20080117             Einfache Maßnahmen wie Stillberatung und Vitamin-A-Präparate könnten in den 36—AM schlimmsten betroffenen Ländern 1—VIERTEL aller Todesfälle bei Kindern verhindern, schreiben Mediziner um Zulfiqar Bhutta von der pakistanischen AGA—KHAN—UNIVERSITÄT—IN—KARATSCHI in einer der "Lancet"-Studien.
20080117             Draft Lou Dobbs for PRESIDENT -- a Trojan Horse?
20080117             A BuzzFlash News ALERT—REPORT: USA IRAQ casualties jump over 83,000
20080117             AmericaBlog: "The attempt by supporters of Hillary Clinton to change the rules of THE—NEVADA Democratic caucus, which have been approved for months, goes to court tomorrow. 1—SUPREME—COURT—DECISION issued —TODAY based on 1—CASE from NEW—YORK State seems to undermine the arguments of the plaintiffs. For me, this episode is 1—OF—THE—MOST despicable acts we've seen in the campaign so far this —YEAR. We expect Republicans to block voters from participating, but not Democrats".
20080117             Bob & HARVEY—3—STEP "OHIO Plan" for fair and reliable voting and vote counts 1/17
20080117             And he's right —AGAIN—IN calling for THE—IMPEACHMENT—OF—BUSH and Cheney in a 20080106              WASHINGTON—POST commentary.
20080117             That is Why He Has Been Chosen as This —WEEK—BUZZFLASH—WINGS—OF—JUSTICE—AWARD—WINNER
20080117             Das Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz habe "eine totale Schlappe" erfahren, sagte der Bundestagsabgeordnete SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20080117             KÖLN—DIE RICHTER—DES—VERWALTUNGSGERICHTS verkündeten —HEUTE ihr Urteil: Sie gaben der Klage Bodo Ramelows Recht.
20080117             GREG—PALAST hat eine hoch interessante Erklärung für die hohen Ölpreise:
20080117             Der Ölpreis ist hoch, damit die Saudis VIELE—DOLLARS kriegen, die sie dann wieder in die USA pumpen können.
20080117             Bush needs the Saudis to charge us big bucks for oil.
20080117             The high PRICE—OF—OIL is, in effect, 1—TAX levied by Bush but collected by the oil industry and the Gulf kingdoms to fund our MULTI—TRILLION dollar governmental and private DEBT—LOAD.
20080117             They need not feel they have taken too much from their hosts: Bush has assured Abdullah that THE—KING can suck it back out through our gas tanks.
20080117             Finanzkrise: Scheichs, PRINZ, 1. LADY—DIE geheimnisvollen Bankenretter
20080117             Krebsforschung: Den dunklen Stammzellen auf der Spur
20080117             BERLIN: Männer hetzen Hund auf jüdische Schüler
20080117             Maßnahmenkatalog: EU—STAATEN planen Reformpaket gegen Kreditkrise
20080117             Urteil: Verfassungsschutz darf LINKE—POLITIKER Ramelow nicht beobachten
20080117             Kenia: Nairobis City wird zur riesigen NO—GO—AREA
20080117             Zahlungsnot: Kreditkrise erfasst BAUINDUSTRIE—MILLIARDENPROJEKTE in Gefahr
20080117             Studie: Hunger tötet jährlich VIELE—MILLIONEN—KINDER
20080117             USA: Bericht bezweifelt Sinn von IRAN—SANKTIONEN
20080117             AFGHANISTAN: Bundeswehrverband sieht keine Alternative zum Kampfeinsatz
20080117             NANO—MATERIAL: Forscher kreieren das schwärzeste Schwarz aller Zeiten
20080117             Europäische Union: ANTI—TERROR—VERORDNUNG der EU rechtswidrig
20080117             LAUSCHANGRIFF: Das BKA im BEICHTSTUHL—USA—BÖRSEN setzen Talfahrt fort
20080117             Transparentes VOLK—POLITIKER kritisieren Schäubles "PRÄVENTIV—WAHN"
20080117             Jeder 3. Todesfall bei Kindern wegen Unterernährung
20080117             Ein interessantes Detail zu dem SCHNELLBOOT—VORFALL in der Straße von Hormus neulich ist, dass die Amerikaner ja immer behaupten, das sei in internationalen Gewässern gewesen.
20080117             Nun guckt euch doch mal die Karte der Gegend an, und den WIKIPEDIA—EINTRAG zu Internationalen Gewässern an.
20080117             Völlig klar: in der Straße von Hormus gibt es keine internationalen Gewässer.
20080117             —GEHÖRT, Die Schiffahrtsrinne in der Straße von Hormus, dem IRAN.
20080117             Given that the approximately 3—KILOMETER—WIDE inbound traffic lane in the Strait of Hormuz is within IRAN—TERRITORIAL—WATER, THE—USA—NAVY—INVOCATION—OF "transit passage" harking back to the
20080117             —FINED, ANTI—SPAMMER, $60K for DNS lookup 'HACK'—IS by GARETH—PORTER
20080117—19720000    —IN, He became 1—COLD—WAR hero by dethroning the Soviet world champion and —LATER renounced his USA—CITIZENSHIP.
20080117—20030000    —IN, IRAQ healthcare in disarray, report says : Up to 75—PERCENT—OF—IRAQ—DOCTORS, pharmacists and nurses have left their jobs —SINCE THE—USA—LED invasion.
20080117—20040000    —INTERVIEWED, BuzzFlash, GEORGE—MCGOVERN + the headline for our conversation was, "LET—BE Explicit and Clear: GEORGE—MCGOVERN—WAS—RIGHT—ABOUT—THE—VIETNAM—WAR -- And HE—RIGHT—ABOUT—THE—IRAQ—WAR".
20080117—20080000    —IN—THE, What Are you Afraid Of? Fear Election.
20080117—20080000    —IN—THE, What Are you Afraid Of?
20080117—20080000    Fear Election.
20080929—19910117    —SINCE, Crude oil futures closed down $10.52 in their biggest decline, —WHEN THE—USA opened strategic oil reserves —DURING the 1. Gulf war.
20090109—20090117    —SUSPENDED, FlyLAL airline said it has, its operations —AFTER 1—BUYOUT deal by SWITZERLAND—INVESTMENT—FIRM—SCH SWITZERLAND—CAPITAL—HOLDINGS failed.
20090117             —ROLLED, PRESIDENT—ELECT BARACK—OBAMA, into the capital city —AFTER pledging to help bring the nation "1—NEW—DECLARATION—OF—INDEPENDENCE" and promising to rise to the stern CHALLENGES—OF—THE—TIMES.
20090117             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE, that it transferred 6—DETAINEES out of GUANTANAMO, leaving about 245 at the offshore prison.
20090117             4—DETAINEES were sent to IRAQ, 1 to ALGERIA and 1 to AFGHANISTAN.
20090117             —INSISTED, Haji Bismullah (29) of AFGHANISTAN had always, that he was no terrorist.
20090117             1—USA—RESEARCHER who visited the North said NORTH—KOREA has hardened its stance on disarmament, saying it has "weaponized" plutonium into warheads, but hopes for better ties with PRESIDENT—ELECT BARACK—OBAMA.
20090117             † SUSANNA—FOSTER, 84—JAHRE—ALT, film star.
20090117             —INCLUDED, SUSANNA—FOSTER—DOZEN—FILMS, "THE—PHANTOM—OF—THE—OPERA" (19430000             ).
20090117             † AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMB hit outside THE—GERMANY—EMBASSY in KABUL, killing 4—CIVILIANS and wounding DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE including 1—USA—SOLDIER who —LATER of his injuries.
20090117             PRIME—MINISTER—GORDON—BROWN told UK—BANKS they must own up to the extent of their bad assets amid more reports his government could launch 1—FRESH—BAILOUT—OF—THE struggling sector.
20090117             EDMUND—DE—ROTHSCHILD (93), FORMER—CHAIRMAN—OF—NM.—ROTHSCHILD and Sons merchant bank and 1 noted horticulturist, † at his home in ENGLAND.
20090117             1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—GROUPS said UGANDA—REBELS in EAST—CONGO have ruthlessly killed at least 620—PEOPLE in the past —MONTH, and vulnerable civilians in the region desperately need protection.
20090117             According to UGANDA—TROOPS, THE—LORD—RESISTANCE—ARMY—REBELS set fire to 1—CHURCH in the village of Tora. it was unclear how MANY—PEOPLE were killed.
20090117             1—HELICOPTER carrying 10—FRANCE—SOLDIERS crashed off THE—COAST—OF—GABON in CENTRAL—AFRICA.
20090117             —SURVIVED, At least 2, and 2 were killed as rescuers searched for 6—MISSING.
20090117             —REPORTED, IRAN—STATE—NEWS—IRNA, that 4—IRANIANS have been convicted and sentenced to prison in 1—ALLEGED—USA—BACKED plot to topple the government.
20090117             —BOMBARDED, ISRAEL, DOZENS—OF—HAMAS targets hours —BEFORE 1—GOVERNMENT—VOTE on 1—EGYPTIAN brokered CEASE—FIRE, prompting EGYPT to demand 1—IMMEDIATE halt to THE—3—WEEK—OLD—GAZA offensive.
20090117             —SNATCHED, MALAYSIA—OPPOSITION, 1—PARLIAMENTARY—SEAT from the beleaguered coalition government, in 1—BY—ELECTION seen as 1—TEST—OF—THE nation's political mood.
20090117             —SMOTHERED, TIJUANA—MEXICO, 1—PROSTITUTE, 19—JAHRE—ALT was, to death.
20090117             2—USA—SAILORS, petty officers Jarrett Monzingo and JOSHUA—DOCKERY, were taken into custody and faced murder and ATTEMPTED—MURDER—CHARGES—WHILE being held at La MESA Prison.
20090117             2 dehydrated men from MYANMAR were found bobbing in 1—ICE—BOX in the Torres Strait off AUSTRALIA.
20090117             They told authorities they had spent 25—DAYS adrift —AFTER their fishing boat sank.
20090117             There was no sign of 18—OTHER crew members.
20090117             —BACKED, PAKISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES, by artillery and tanks, killed 14—TALIBAN insurgents in heavy fighting in the Mohmand region on THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER.
20090117             RUSSIA and UKRAINE held gas crisis talks in MOSCOW that the European Union said were the "last and best chance" to resolve the row that has left EUROPE struggling without key gas supplies.
20090117             —CORNERED, SRI—LANKA—LT—GENERAL—SARATH—FONSEKA said troops have almost completely, the Tamil Tigers in their northeastern jungle base and that the rebels' elusive supremo may already have fled the island.
20090117             Near YEMEN HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE were missing and feared dead —AFTER 3—BOATS carrying about 400—MIGRANTS from SOMALIA capsized.
20090117             —OWNED, The Wehr Elbe, by THE—HAMBURG company OSKAR—WEHR...
20090117             —VERKÜNDET, Krieg in GAZA: ISRAEL, einseitigen Waffenstillstand
20090117             Der Gouverneur von Kalifornien, ARNOLD—SCHWARZENEGGER, und PRINZ—ALBERT—VON—MONACO haben die vermeintlichen Menschenrechtler —BEREITS öffentlich gelobt.
20090117             "Jugend für Menschenrechte" wirkt auf dem 1. Blick wie eine unabhängige harmlose Jugendorganisation,
20090117             fast wie ein offizielles Projekt der Vereinten Nationen (Uno).
20090117             —ENTPUPPT, Bei genauerer Betrachtung, sich die Gruppe jedoch als Scientology-"Front Group" - als 1—ART inoffizielle Unterorganisation.
20090117             Und MICHAEL—ZÜGEL vom Landesamt für Verfassungschutz in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG warnte:
20090117             "'Jugend für Menschenrechte' ist 1—HILFSORGANISATION—VON—SCIENTOLOGY.
20090117             Alle müssten mehr tun in AFGHANISTAN.
20090117             Die Kritik zielte insbesondere auf Deutschland.
20090117             "Die special relationship wird so stark sein, dass uns keine Macht der Erde jemals auseinandertreiben kann", tönte Brown kürzlich.
20090117             Diese These sei jedoch "vollkommen übertrieben", sagt STEFAN—HALPER, DIREKTOR—DES—PROGRAMMS für Atlantikstudien an der UNIVERSITÄT—VON—CAMBRIDGE.
20090117             Obamas Politik gegenüber Großbritannien werde "pragmatisch und interessengeleitet" sein.
20090117             Tony zähle zu den Männern, "denen man ins Auge guckt, die ihr Wort halten und die die Wahrheit sagen",
20090117             lobte der NOCH—PRÄSIDENT, als er seinem einstigen Kriegsgefährten die Freiheitsmedaille, den höchsten Orden des Landes, umhängte.
20090117             Blair sei ein "wahrer Freund der Vereinigten Staaten".
20090117             —JETZT geht es in all diesen Häusern nicht mehr ohne staatliches Kapital.
20090117             Bei der Commerzbank ist der Fall klar: 18,2 Milliarden Euro bekommt MARTIN—BLESSINGS—INSTITUT vom STAAT—1—DER—GRÖßTE—KAPITALSPRITZEN in der europäischen Bankenlandschaft.
20090117             —ÜBERNIMMT, Der Bund, 1—SPERRMINDERHEIT—VON—25 % und zahlt dafür einen Preis,
20090117             mit dem er die ganze Bank fünfmal kaufen KÖNNTE—GENUG, um die Übernahme der maroden Dresdner BANK—VON—DER—ALLIANZ zu retten und dem Mittelstand Milliardensummen an neuen Krediten anzubieten.
20090117             Rezession: Merkel ruft zur Kraftanstrengung gegen die Krise auf
20090117             Menschenrechtsinitiative: Scientologen narren Uno und Politiker
20090117             Klima: 20080000              war das achtwärmste —JAHR
20090117             OVERVIEW—OF—BIAS—MOTIVATED violence in 56—COUNTRIES
20090117             Die katholische Weltkirche kann überhaupt nicht rassistisch argumentieren, geht sie doch von der Einheit des Menschengeschlechts aus.
20090117             Trotz der Entschuldigung erneuerte BISCHOF—HUBER seine grundsätzliche Kritik am Finanzsystem:
20090117             Gewinnerwartungen in dieser Größenordnung schlügen sich in der Erfindung von Finanzprodukten nieder,
20090117             die keinem realen Gegenwert entsprächen.
20090117             "Entwicklungen dieser Art haben zur jetzigen Finanzkrise beigetragen", sagte Huber.
20090117             Vorausgesetzt, das Kind ist nicht zuvor dem Korruptionseffekt zum Opfer gefallen.
20090117             So bezeichnen Psychologen Belohnungen, die als Anreiz von außen eingesetzt werden und die in SCHUL—UND Berufsleben gang und gäbe sind.
20090117             "In einem Experiment wurde 1—GRUPPE—VON—KINDERN fürs Spielen belohnt, die andere nicht", erzählt HUGO—KEHR.
20090117             "Sobald der Versuchsleiter aus dem Zimmer gegangen war,
20090117             hörten die belohnten Kinder zu spielen auf".
20090117             —VERGESSEN, Sie hatten, dass ihnen Spielen eigentlich Spaß macht, und sahen darin nur noch 1—MITTEL zum Zweck.
20090117             Staatsmänner: Brown buhlt um speziellen Freund Obama
20090117             Kapitalismuskritik: BISCHOF entschuldigt sich bei DEUTSCHE—BANK—CHEF—ACKERMANN
20090117             Finanzkrise: Deutsche Banken sitzen auf Giftpapieren in MILLIARDENHÖHE—BROWN tells UK banks to 'come clean'
20090117             Banks must admit how many "toxic assets" they have on their balance sheets, THE—PRIME—MINISTER says
20090117             BAIL—OUT fears hit banking shares
20090117             Shares in major UK banks fall sharply amid fears that more financial institutions will need to be bailed out by the government.
20090117             —SWAMPED, Legal downloads, by piracy
20090117             1—RISE in the number of digital music download sales is dwarfed by the number of illegal swaps, 1—REPORT says.
20090117             Christian driver refuses to drive 1—BUS with 1—ATHEIST slogan on it
20090117             1—CHRISTIAN bus driver refuses to drive 1—BUS with 1—ATHEIST slogan proclaiming "THERE—PROBABLY no God".
20090117             Blears in GAZA extremism warning
20090117             THE—UK government is failing to get its position over GAZA across to UK—MUSLIMS, 1—CABINET—MINISTER has said.
20090117             Light pollution forms 'ECO—TRAPS'
20090117             Polarised light from building and roads is triggering potentially dangerous changes in MANY—SPECIES' behaviour, 1—STUDY shows.
20090117             USA suspends munitions delivery to ISRAEL—DEMOCRATIC Underground
20090117             Neue Staatsmilliarden: USA—REGIERUNG will Bankenhilfe aufstocken
20090117             Ron Hubbard, dem GRÜNDER—VON—SCIENTOLOGY.
20090117             —VERSUCHT, Mit dieser subtilen Gleichstellung, sich die Sekte aufzuwerten
20090117             Ungefähr 100—SCIENTOLOGEN in HAMBURG, BERLIN, München, STUTTGART und Erlangen betreiben im Namen der Menschenrechte PROPAGANDA für die umstrittene Glaubensgemeinschaft.
20090117             So sieht das Ursula Caberta, die Sektenbeauftrage der Stadt HAMBURG.
20090117             DIE—MENSCHENRECHTSJUGEND versuche "über ein positiv besetztes Thema Nachwuchs für Scientology zu werben und die Sekte damit hoffähig zu machen", sagt Caberta.
20090117             Und MICHAEL—ZÜGEL vom Landesamt für Verfassungschutz in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG warnte: "'Jugend für Menschenrechte' ist 1—HILFSORGANISATION—VON—SCIENTOLOGY.
20090117             Die PROPAGANDA soll suggerieren, dass sich Scientology für Menschenrechte und Demokratie einsetzen würde.
20090117             Krisenherde IRAK—AFGHANISTAN, PAKISTAN und INDIEN—TÖNTE Brown kürzlich.
20090117             Obama wird auch nachgesagt, im Unterschied zu seinen Vorgängern im WEIßES—HAUS keine anglophile Ader zu haben.
20090117             Als Enkel eines von Briten misshandelten KENIAners sehe er die alte Kolonialmacht eher kritisch, notieren britische Medien aufmerksam.
20090117             wie in alten Zeiten.
20090117             TONY—BLAIR bückte sich ein wenig nach vorn, und GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH blickte ihm tief in die Augen.
20090117             —ÜBERNIMMT, Der Bund, 1—SPERRMINDERHEIT—VON—25 % und zahlt dafür einen Preis, mit dem er die ganze Bank fünfmal kaufen KÖNNTE—GENUG,
20090117             um die Übernahme der maroden Dresdner BANK—VON—DER—ALLIANZ zu retten und dem Mittelstand Milliardensummen an neuen Krediten anzubieten.
20090117             —FORCIERT, Fiskusflucht: Steinbrück, KAMPF—GEGEN—STEUERPARADIESE
20090117             Klima: 20080000              war das achtwärmste —JAHR —SEIT 1880
20090117             Trotz der Entschuldigung erneuerte BISCHOF—HUBER seine grundsätzliche Kritik am Finanzsystem: Gewinnerwartungen in dieser Größenordnung schlügen sich in der Erfindung von Finanzprodukten nieder,
20090117             So bezeichnen Psychologen Belohnungen,
20090117             die als Anreiz von außen eingesetzt werden und die in SCHUL—UND Berufsleben gang und gäbe sind.
20090117             Da schrieb der Jesuit JOHANNES—LINDWORSKY im Vorwort zu seinem Buch Willensschule: "Wenn du willst, so kannst du alles; nur musst du wollen können".
20090117             Er wollte den Willen mit Aufgaben wie Fliegenschlucken oder Eiswassertrinken trainieren.
20090117             NAHOST—KRISE: Assad strebt Kooperation mit USA—REGIERUNG an
20090117             Nahost: UNO—VOLLVERSAMMLUNG fordert sofortige WAFFEN—RUHE in GAZA—USA—RETAILER Circuit City to close
20090117             THE—GERMAN—OWNED cargo vessel, Wehr Elbe, under charter by THE—USA—MILITARY
20090117             The Wehr Elbe, owned by THE—HAMBURG company OSKAR—WEHR ,
20090117             Gewinnerwartungen in dieser Größenordnung schlügen sich in der Erfindung von Finanzprodukten nieder, die keinem realen Gegenwert entsprächen.
20090117             erzählt HUGO—KEHR.
20090117             "Sobald der Versuchsleiter aus dem Zimmer gegangen war, hörten die belohnten Kinder zu spielen auf".
20090117             USA—ELECTRONICS—RETAILER—CIRCUIT—CITY is to close —AFTER failing to reach 1—DEAL with its creditors, with the loss of 30,000 jobs.
20090117             THE—GERMAN—OWNED cargo vessel, Wehr Elbe, under charter by THE—USA—MILITARY... The Wehr Elbe, owned by THE—HAMBURG company OSKAR—WEHR...
20090117             ONLINE—FLYER NUMBER 177—VON der Finanzkrise in die 20:80—GESELLSCHAFT—BROT und Tittytainment für den Rest
20090117             Proteste: Zehntausende demonstrieren gegen Krieg in GAZA
20090117             In dem 36-seitigen "illustrierten Leitfaden für Kinder und Jugendliche" findet sich unter Zitaten von anerkannten Menschenrechtlern wie MARTIN—LUTHER—KING—ODER—MAHATMA—GANDHI auch 1—SINNSPRUCH—VON—L—RON—HUBBARD, dem GRÜNDER—VON—SCIENTOLOGY.
20090117             "Jugend für Menschenrechte" wirkt auf dem 1. Blick wie eine unabhängige harmlose Jugendorganisation, fast wie ein offizielles Projekt der Vereinten Nationen (Uno).
20090117             Aber hinter 'Jugend für Menschenrechte' verbirgt sich 1—ORGANISATION, die die Demokratie verachtet und unbotmäßige Mitglieder häufig menschenverachtend behandelt".
20090117             Krisenherde IRAK—AFGHANISTAN, PAKISTAN und Indien
20090117             Tony zähle zu den Männern, "denen man ins Auge guckt, die ihr Wort halten und die die Wahrheit sagen", lobte der NOCH—PRÄSIDENT, als er seinem einstigen Kriegsgefährten die Freiheitsmedaille, den höchsten Orden des Landes, umhängte.
20090117             Größe und Macht sind dahin, und auch die scharfe Trennung der 3—SÄULEN löst sich zusehends auf.
20090117             Bei der Commerzbank ist der Fall klar:
20090117             18,2 Milliarden Euro bekommt MARTIN—BLESSINGS—INSTITUT vom STAAT - 1—DER—GRÖßTE—KAPITALSPRITZEN in der europäischen Bankenlandschaft.
20090117             —ÜBERNIMMT, Der Bund, 1—SPERRMINDERHEIT—VON—25 % und zahlt dafür einen Preis, mit dem er die ganze Bank fünfmal kaufen KÖNNTE—GENUG, um die Übernahme der maroden Dresdner BANK—VON—DER—ALLIANZ zu retten und dem Mittelstand Milliardensummen an neuen Krediten anzubieten.
20090117             —FORCIERT, Fiskusflucht: Steinbrück, Kampf gegen Steuerparadiese
20090117             Trotz der Entschuldigung erneuerte BISCHOF—HUBER seine grundsätzliche Kritik am Finanzsystem: Gewinnerwartungen in dieser Größenordnung schlügen sich in der Erfindung von Finanzprodukten nieder, die keinem realen Gegenwert entsprächen.
20090117             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Das russische Imperium ist hohl"
20090117             Nahost: UNO—VOLLVERSAMMLUNG fordert sofortige Waffenruhe in GAZA
20090117             USA—RETAILER—CIRCUIT—CITY to close USA—ELECTRONICS—RETAILER—CIRCUIT—CITY is to close —AFTER failing to reach 1—DEAL with its creditors, with the loss of 30,000 jobs.
20090117             BAIL—OUT fears hit banking shares Shares in major UK banks fall sharply amid fears that more financial institutions will need to be bailed out by the government.
20090117             —SWAMPED, Legal downloads, by piracy 1—RISE in the number of digital music download sales is dwarfed by the number of illegal swaps, 1—REPORT says.
20090117             Christian driver refuses to drive 1—BUS with 1—ATHEIST slogan on it 1—CHRISTIAN bus driver refuses to drive 1—BUS with 1—ATHEIST slogan proclaiming "THERE—PROBABLY no God".
20090117             Blears in GAZA extremism warning THE—UK—GOVERNMENT is failing to get its position over GAZA across to UK—MUSLIMS, 1—CABINET—MINISTER has said.
20090117             Light pollution forms 'ECO—TRAPS' Polarised light from building and roads is triggering potentially dangerous changes in MANY—SPECIES' behaviour, 1—STUDY shows.
20090117112656       Kapitalismuskritik BISCHOF entschuldigt sich bei DEUTSCHE—BANK—CHEF—ACKERMANN.htm
20090117—18610000    —IN, He kicked off a 4—DAY inaugural celebration with 1—DAYLONG rail trip, retracing the path ABRAHAM—LINCOLN took.
20090117—18800000    —SEIT, Klima: 20080000              war das achtwärmste —JAHR
20090117—20020000    —SINCE, more than 525—DETAINEES have departed GUANTANAMO.
20090117—20050000    —AB, 20010000              gründete 1—USA—LEHRERIN die "Youth for Human Rights", ist die Initiative auch in Deutschland aktiv.
20090117—20080000    Hate Crime Survey OVERVIEW—OF—BIAS—MOTIVATED violence in 56—COUNTRIES
20090117—20080000    Hate Crime Survey
20091213             1—RUNOFF—VOTE was scheduled for 20090117         .
20100117             ARIZONA made $735—MILLION by selling more than 12—STATE—BUILDINGS, including the state's Capitol.
20100117             —GUNNED, TEXAS, 5—PEOPLE were, down in 1—SMALL—HOME in Bellville.
20100117             1—MAN, 20—JAHRE—ALT who lived with them was arrested —AFTER trying to break into 1—NEARBY—HOUSE.
20100117             † GLEN—BELL—JUNIOR, 86—JAHRE—ALT, FOUNDER—OF—THE—TACO—BELL fast food chain (19620000             ), at his home in Rancho SANTA—FE, CALIFORNIA.
20100117             —EXILED, BURKINA—FASO, CAPTAIN—MOUSSA "Dadis" Camara, GUINEA's, leader, appealed for tolerance and reconciliation —AFTER he agreed to resign and remain in exile —FOLLOWING 1—TUMULTUOUS 1—YEAR rule that culminated in 1—DECEMBER assassination attempt.
20100117             CHILE held presidential elections.
20100117             SEBASTIAN—PINERA won the election by a 52-48%margin over FORMER—PRESIDENT—EDUARDO—FREI.
20100117             —ENDED, His election victory, 2—DECADES—OF uninterrupted rule by 1—CENTER—LEFT coalition, and returned to power the same political parties that provided civic support for Augusto PINOCHET—BRUTAL 19730000—19900000     dictatorship.
20100117             —RESTARTED, CHINA, text messaging services, with SOME—RESTRICTIONS for cell phone users in far WEST—CHINA, more than —6—MONTHS—AFTER deadly ethnic rioting prompted the government to shut them down.
20100117             UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—BAN KI—MOON flew to HAITI to support earthquake relief efforts and to visit his staff's devastated headquarters in what the agency is calling the most challenging disaster it has ever faced.
20100117             † INDIA, Jyoti Basu (95), communist LEADER—OF—WEST—BENGAL—OPPOSITION and the state's CHIEF—MINISTER—FOR—23—YEARS.
20100117             —ACCUSED—OF, He was, "acting against national security, propaganda against the system, insulting officials and spreading lies".
20100117             ISRAEL—DEFENCE—MINISTER—EHUD—BARAK began a 1—DAY visit to TURKEY.
20100117             —SMOOTHED, ISRAEL and TURKEY said they had, over differences —FOLLOWING 1—DIPLOMATIC spat and were working to develop relations and further military projects.
20100117             —SEVERED, MEXICO, 1, human head and 1—FLOWER were found in front of the tomb of deceased MEXICO—DRUG—LORD—ARTURO—BELTRAN—LEYVA.
20100117             —SCATTERED, Police found the bodies of 5—MEN, —AROUND the Michoacan STATE—CAPITAL—OF—MORELIA, EACH—BEARING 1—HANDWRITTEN note suggesting they were killed by vigilantes.
20100117             NIGERIA, clashes took place in THE—CENTRAL—CITY—OF—JOS as tensions reignited between Muslims and Christian gangs, 1—YEAR—AFTER similar fighting killed HUNDREDS—OF—ITS—RESIDENTS.
20100117             —FILLED, Angry Muslim youths 20100901             —CATHOLIC—CHURCH, with worshippers ablaze, —STARTING 1—RIOT that killed at least 27—PEOPLE and wounded more than 300—OTHERS.
20100117             —SUSPECTED, At least 1, USA—DRONE fired on 1—HOUSE in PAKISTAN—VOLATILE tribal region, killing 20—PEOPLE in the 11. such attack —SINCE militants in the area orchestrated 1—DEADLY—SUICIDE bombing against THE—CIA in AFGHANISTAN.
20100117             5—UZBEKS were killed in the strike.
20100117             —KILLED, The other 15—PEOPLE, were PAKISTAN—TALIBAN.
20100117             2—ANTI—TALIBAN tribal elders were killed in separate attacks in the Bajur tribal.
20100117             —VOTED, Ukrainians, in presidential elections.
20100117             Voters in the 1. round gave opposition leader VIKTOR—YANUKOVICH, 20040000             —THE—ORANGE—REVOLUTION—CHIEF—TARGET, 1—BIG—LEAD over his rival, ORANGE heroine and PRIME—MINISTER—YULIA—TYMOSHENKO.
20100117             Analysts said YANUKOVICH—35.4% to 25% lead over Tymoshenko, with 97.7—PERCENT—OF—VOTES counted, is misleading, because she is likely to pick up MOST—OF—THE—VOTES—OF—16—ALSO—RANS in a 20100207              runoff.
20100117             —ALMOST 67—PERCENT—OF—ELIGIBLE—VOTERS cast ballots.
20100117—19880000    —IN, IRAQ, Saddam HUSSEIN—NOTORIOUS cousin "Chemical Ali" was convicted and sentenced to death by hanging for ordering the gassing of Kurds, killing more than 5,000 in 1—AIR—RAID thought to be the worst single attack of its kind on civilians.
20100117—20100620    —SINCE, IRAN, lawyer Hooshang POUR—BABAI said senior reformist and FORMER—MP Mohsen Safai Farahani (61), detained, has been sentenced to 6—YEARS in jail.
20100525             BETHESDA—MARYLAND 18—MONDAY, 20000117
20110117             —AFTER the official inaugural ceremony he said "Anybody here —TODAY who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, I'm telling you, you're not my brother and you're not my sister, and I want to be your brother".
20110117             His TV show "Don KIRSHNER—ROCK—CONCERT" ran 19730000—19820000    —FROM—TO.
20110117             —INCLUDED, His books, "Rebellion from the Roots: Zapatista Uprising in Chiapas".
20110117             BRAZIL—ARMY on sent 700—SOLDIERS to help throw 1—LIFELINE to desperate neighborhoods that have been cut off from food, water or help in recovering bodies —SINCE mudslides killed at least 700—PEOPLE.
20110117             UK—DRUGS—FIRM—GLAXOSMITHKLINE said it expects to be hit by 1—TOTAL—LEGAL—CHARGE—OF £2.2—BILLION linked to its former blockbuster diabetes product Avandia, sparking 1—SHARP—DROP in its shares.
20110117             CANADA—BASED Research In Motion Ltd.
20110117             (RIM), the maker of BlackBerry, promised INDONESIA it will meet the country's request to filter out pornographic content on its smartphones in the next 4—DAYS.
20110117             CHINA—STATE—MEDIA said THOUSANDS—OF—VILLAGERS angry at government plans to build 1—ARTIFICIAL—ISLAND in SOUTH—CHINA forced the project's suspension last —WEEK, clashing with workers and smashing vehicles.
20110117             2—MEN set themselves on fire in EGYPT and MAURITANIA, raising to 3 THE—NUMBER—OF—SELF—IMMOLATION—ATTEMPTS apparently influenced by 1—SIMILAR action in TUNISIA that helped trigger 1—POPULAR uprising.
20110117             CAIRO, Abdou ABDEL—MONAAM Hamadah (48) was taken to the hospital with light burns.
20110117             —TORCHED, In NOUAKCHOTT Yacoub Ould Dahoud (43), himself in his car and was rushed to 1—HOSPITAL.
20110117             —CONFIRMED, IRAN—OFFICIALS, that the stoning to death sentence against Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani (43) has been suspended.
20110117             —FACED, She still, 1—PRISON—SENTENCE for acting as 1—ACCESSORY to THE—MURDER—OF—HER—HUSBAND.
20110117             —SURVIVED, THE—GOVERNOR—OF—IRAQ—WEST—ANBAR province, at least a 4. assassination attempt in —JUST over 1—YEAR, escaping unharmed 1—SUICIDE—ATTACK that left 6—PEOPLE wounded in Ramadi.
20110117             Tamim provincial GOVERNOR—ABDUL—RAHMAN—MUSTAFA said 1—ELECTRICITY—DISPUTE with the central government has spurred him to cut the power supply to BAGHDAD emanating from his OIL—RICH region.
20110117             † 1—USA—SOLDIER, in 1—INCIDENT in NORTH—IRAQ unrelated to combat.
20110117             —ANNOUNCED, ISRAEL—DEFENSE—MINISTER—EHUD—BARAK abruptly, that he was leaving the Labor Party, dividing the movement that has dominated ISRAEL—POLITICS for decades and setting off 1—CHAIN—REACTION that cast new doubts over troubled peace efforts with the Palestinians.
20110117             JAPAN—RESEARCHERS said they will launch 1—PROJECT this —YEAR to resurrect THE—LONG—EXTINCT mammoth by using cloning technology to bring the ancient pachyderm back to life in —AROUND 5—YEARS—TIME.
20110117             —REPORTED, KUWAIT—STATE—NEWS, that ruling Sheikh Sabah AL—AHMED—AL—SABAH is marking several key anniversaries by handing out $3559—GRANTS and free food coupons for EVERY—CITIZEN.
20110117             —SEALED, The indictment was, and its contents will likely not become public for weeks.
20110117             —EXPECTED, But the court is widely, to accuse MEMBERS—OF—HEZBOLLAH of being involved in the killing, something the Shiite militant group has insisted it will not accept.
20110117             MEXICO, 14—INMATES broke out from 1—JAIL—AFTER escaping through 1—HOLE in 1—WALL in the northern border STATE—OF—CHIHUAHUA.
20110117             1—VEHICLE charged the metal gate of the Aquiles Serdan Social Rehabilitation Center to pick up the prisoners.
20110117             5 were caught, along with 3 suspected accomplices, —FOLLOWING air and ground searches by police.
20110117             † Police said 8—PEOPLE have, in 1—SHOOTOUT among drug dealers in 1—POOR—SUBURB—OF—MEXICO—CITY.
20110117             —RECEIVED, MOZAMBIQUE officially, its new $70-million (?53-million) national sports stadium from THE—CHINA—GOVERNMENT—AFTER 1—SERIES—OF—FALSE—STARTS delayed its completion.
20110117             —RIPPED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—BOMB, apart 1—MINIBUS, killing all 17—PEOPLE on BOARD and 2—OTHERS in 1—NEARBY—VEHICLE.
20110117             —FIRED, SOMALIA, mortars, at THE—SOMALIA—PARLIAMENT missed the building but killed 4—CIVILIANS in MOGADISHU.
20110117             † 1—VILLAGE elder said 8—PEOPLE, —OF—HUNGER—RELATED illnesses in the southern village of Torotorow and the surrounding areas.
20110117             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFRICA—COOPERATIVE—GOVERNANCE—MINISTRY said at least 40—PEOPLE have been, or gone missing —FOLLOWING heavy rains from late December through MOST—OF—JANUARY and that THOUSANDS—OF—HOMES in neighboring MOZAMBIQUE have been destroyed.
20110117             —CALLED, Angry SWITZERLAND—LAWMAKERS, for THE—OUSTER—OF—USA—DIPLOMATS suspected of illegally spying on people —AROUND their diplomatic missions, in 1—STANDOFF over THE—USE—OF—COUNTERTERRORISM—MEASURES.
20110117             —VOWED, WikiLeaks FOUNDER—JULIAN—ASSANGE, to publish secret details of offshore accounts —AFTER RUDOLF—ELMER, 1—SWITZERLAND—BANKING whistleblower, handed over data on 2,000 purportedly TAX—DODGING individuals and firms.
20110117             Es gebe eine "massive Wirtschaft, von der die Öffentlichkeit nichts weiß",
20110117             sagte der Steueraktivist Christensen.
20110117             Laut offiziellen Schätzungen lagerten 5—BILLIONEN Dollar in Steueroasen,
20110117             die wahre Zahl liege jedoch näher an 20—BILLIONEN Dollar.
20110117             Die OFFSHORE—ZENTREN schützten nicht nur kriminelle Aktivitäten, sie förderten sie auch, so Christensen.
20110117             In seinem jährlichen Democracy Index für 20100000              kam der "Economist" zum Ergebnis,
20110117             dass nur 6—DER untersuchten 167—STAATEN noch autoritärer geführt werden als SAUDI—ARABIEN.
20110117             "Dass die Bevölkerung eines repressiven arabischen Polizeistaats erstmals einen Herrscher stürzt,
20110117             ist ein historisches Ereignis", sagt GUIDO—STEINBERG,
20110117             der für die Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik —SEIT Jahren über die Region forscht.
20110117             "Die Despoten der arabischen Welt haben Angst".
20110117             Die Träger des Aufstandes in Tunesien waren junge Männer und Frauen,
20110117             die sich zu Recht ausgeschlossen fühlten von der wirtschaftlichen und politischen Teilhabe.
20110117             Sicher ist, dass die arabischen Nationen in ihrer Mehrheit schlecht regiert werden:
20110117             —GEWAHRT, Menschenrechte werden nahezu nirgendwo ernsthaft ;
20110117             Frauenrechte hinken fast dem gesamten Rest der Welt hinterher;
20110117             die Ausgaben für das Militär sind zu hoch,
20110117             die für Bildung zu gering; Wahlen sind allzu oft 1—FARCE;
20110117             —SCHIKANIERT, Oppositionelle werden, und verfolgt;
20110117             die Wirtschaft ist vielerorts hoffnungslos ineffektiv und Korruption ein weit verbreitetes Problem.
20110117             sogar die Axt ist zu bestaunen, mit der der Saxophonist und Manager Nikel Pallat 19710000              auf den TALKSHOW—TISCH der WDR—SENDUNG "Ende offen" einhieb:
20110117             "Man muss parteiisch sein, und deswegen mach ich —JETZT hier diesen Tisch ma' kaputt, ja?"
20110117             Laut einem Bericht der WELTNATURSCHUTZ—UNION IUCN wurden dort knapp 40—PROZENT weniger Grauwale als 20070000              gezählt.
20110117             Grauwale gibt es nur im Pazifik.
20110117             MOSKAU—DIE letzten rund 130—WESTPAZIFISCHEN Grauwale werden nach ANGABEN—VON—UMWELTSCHÜTZERN von einer neuen Ölplattform vor der russischen Insel Sachalin bedroht.
20110117             warnten Aktivisten am —MONTAG.
20110117             Nur noch etwa 30—FORTPFLANZUNGSFÄHIGE Weibchen seien zur Sicherung des Bestandes erhalten,
20110117             sagte der Meeresbiologe des Internationalen Tierschutzfonds IFAW, Ralf —SONNTAG.
20110117             1—INFORMATIONSMINISTERIUM soll künftig nicht mehr geben.
20110117             Es war als Zensurinstanz für die Medien und Propagandamaschine in der Bevölkerung besonders verhasst.
20110117             Der griechische MINISTER—FÜR—BÜRGERSCHUTZ,
20110117             Christos Papoutsis, forderte am —MONTAG die Sicherheitsbehörden auf,
20110117             vorsichtiger mit ihren Informationen umzugehen.
20110117             "Auf jeden Fall müssen die Rechte der Bürger und ihre Würde respektiert werden",
20110117             erklärte der MINISTER.
20110117             Die griechische Presse sprach von einer "Blamage ohnegleichen" für die Polizei.
20110117             Wer nämlich künftig seine Zeitung auf dem Plattrechner lesen will, muss sich zuvor bei Apple registrieren.
20110117             Aus der Identität dieser Zeitungsabonnenten macht Apple allerdings 1—STAATSGEHEIMNIS,
20110117             die entsprechenden Zeitungen erfahren nicht einmal mehr, wer eigentlich ihr Kunde ist.
20110117             Apple verlangt, sämtliche ZEITUNGS—APPS müssten kostenpflichtig angeboten werden, berichtet der Amsterdamer "Volkskrant".
20110117             Wer bei Facebook sein Okay zum Abfluss von Daten gibt,
20110117             hat dabei wohl kaum halbseidene DATEN—FISCHER als Adressaten im Sinn.
20110117             RUBY—AFFÄRE: Neue Details bringen Berlusconi in Verlegenheit
20110117             Tunesien: DEUTSCH—FRANZÖSISCHER Fotograf erliegt seinen Verletzungen
20110117             Umsturz in Tunesien: Arabische Führer fürchten DESPOTEN—DÄMMERUNG
20110117             Schweizer Bankdaten: WikiLeaks startet Kampf gegen Steueroasen
20110117             Umstrittenes Medikament: Rechtsstreitigkeiten kosten GlaxoSmithKline Milliarden
20110117             Übergangsregierung: Tunesien will politische Gefangene freilassen
20110117             auch in Deutschland werden Datenschützer —SCHON mal psychiatrisch verfolgt.
20110117             Zur generellen Einnordnung zum Thema Psychiatrie empfiehlt sich ein bisschen Rumgoogeln zum Thema "ROSENHAN—EXPERIMENTE".
20110117             —SENSIBILISIERT, KARL—G—FRAGE, ob seine Mitpatienten beim Datenschutz, seien,
20110117             wurde mit Ratlosigkeit aufgenommen.
20110117             KARL—G fühlte sich zunehmend unverstanden und kapselte sich von den anderen Patienten ab,
20110117             führte seine Therapie aber fort. Umso erstaunter war er,
20110117             als die Ärzte mit einer Abwandlung seiner Diagnose reagierten:
20110117             Depressionen spielten plötzlich nur noch eine marginale Rolle,
20110117             im Vordergund stand nun krankhaftes Misstrauen bzw.
20110117             Paranoia.
20110117             —CLAIMED, However, MISTER—ELMER, he did not breach SWITZERLAND—BANKING secrecy rules,
20110117             as he said ALL—OF—THE—INFORMATION related to THE—CAYMAN—ISLANDS and —THEREFORE lay outside SWITZERLAND—JURISDICTION.
20110117             Westpazifik: Ölplattform bedroht seltene Grauwale
20110117             Statist ik für 20100000             :
20110117             ZAHL—DER—TOURISTEN steigt weltweit auf Rekordniveau
20110117             Griechenland: Unter Terrorverdacht stehende Deutsche wieder auf freiem Fuß
20110117             Die Finanzmärkte wirken wie Brandbeschleuniger
20110117             Das Problem: Die Zinsen auf die Hilfskredite sind viel zu hoch.
20110117             Ursache für die Schwierigkeiten vieler Krisenstaaten wie Irland oder Spanien ist nämlich nicht,
20110117             dass deren Politiker schlecht gewirtschaftet hätten.
20110117             Doch unter der Oberfläche brodelt es.
20110117             irrt gewaltig. Vielmehr steht uns 1—EURO—KRISE
20110117             XL bevor: —NACH—DEN Kleinstaaten Griechenland und Irland drohen nun PORTUGAL
20110117             Und was tut die Bundesregierung
20110117             —AM—MONTAG zogen rund 1000—MENSCHEN durch die wichtigste Straße in der HAUPTSTADT—TUNIS und verlangten von der Regierungspartei,
20110117             abzutreten: "Raus mit der RCD!
20110117             Raus mit der Partei der Diktatur!" Sicherheitskräfte setzten Wasserwerfer gegen die Demonstranten ein,
20110117             die sich in der Nähe des Innenministeriums versammelten.
20110117             Mit Schüssen in die Luft versuchten sie,
20110117             die Menge auseinanderzutreiben, berichtete 1—REUTERS—REPORTER.
20110117             Irak: Angreifer verschleppen christliches Mädchen
20110117             Pierers Autobiografie: Verklärung statt Aufklärung
20110117             Umsturz in Tunesien: Polizei treibt Demonstranten von der Straße
20110117             Medienzensur in Ungarn: "Völkisches Denken hat gesiegt"
20110117             Klonen: Japaner wollen Mammut erschaffen
20110117             Überschwemmu ngen: Flut erreicht Südosten Australiens - 12—STUNDEN dauere so 1—SCHICHT,
20110117             berichtet die "Times", danach "tut das Gehirn weh", berichtet 1—DER—SOLDATEN.[...]
20110117             bindende Vorschriften, in welchen Kontexten das private INSTANT—MESSENGER—FENSTER aufgehen darf (in Freizeit und nur über nicht klassifizierte Netzwerke) und in welchen nicht (während man versucht einzuschätzen,
20110117             ob 23—PERSONEN am Boden Taliban oder Zivilisten sind).[...]
20110117             —GEHÖRT, Die DROHNEN—CREW im Kommunikationsgewitter, wohl zu den krassesten Beispielen für 1—PHÄNOMEN,
20110117             das den USA—STRATEGEN zunehmend Kopfschmerzen bereitet:[...]
20110117             Inzwischen beginnen die USA—STREITKRÄFTE,
20110117             die potentiell tödlichen Nebenwirkungen ihres selbstverursachten Information Overload zu erfassen.
20110117             —SEIT den Terroranschlägen des 20010911              und den darauf folgenden Konflikten in AFGHANISTAN und Irak, NEW—YORK—TIMES: USA—ARMEE
20110117             untersucht potentiell tödliche Nebenwirkungen des Multitasking"
20110117             berichtet die "NEW—YORK—TIMES " in einem bemerkenswerten Artikel zum Thema ,
20110117             sei allein die Datenfülle, die durch elektronische Spähtechnik in jedem Augenblick zusammengetragen wird,
20110117             um 1.600—PROZENT gestiegen.
20110117             Parallel dazu wachse mit der immer besseren kommunikativen Vernetzung auch das Kommunikationsaufkommen.
20110117             PARIS/TUNIS/BERN—ALS korrupt und geldgierig galten Leila Trabelsi und ihr Clan in Tunesien —SCHON lange.
20110117             Nun gibt es neue Berichte, die nahelegen, dass die Frau des gestürzten Präsidenten Zine EL—ABIDINE BEN—ALI diesen Ruf zu Recht hat:
20110117             Sie persönlich habe die Zentralbank in TUNIS aufgesucht,
20110117             um 1,5 Tonnen Gold abzuholen, berichtet die französische Zeitung "Le Monde" unter Berufung auf Geheimdienstinformationen.
20110117             "Übergewichtige sollten überlegen, die Kalorienmenge beim Frühstück zu REDUZIEREN—DAS ist eine einfache Möglichkeit,
20110117             die tägliche Energieaufnahme zu senken", empfehlen die Wissenschaftler daher.
20110117             Von Radikalkuren rät Schusdziarra allerdings ab.
20110117             Flucht aus Tunesien: Diktatorengattin mit Gold im Gepäck
20110117             DIÄT—STUDIE: Verzicht aufs Frühstück macht nicht hungriger
20110117             EURO—KRISE: Deutschland soll stärker für Rettungsfonds BÜRGEN—AIG—CHEF—BOB—BENMOSCHE [...]
20110117             Der von Obama bestallte "Gehaltszar" KEN—FEINBERG,
20110117             der diese exorbitanten Summen im Zaum halten sollte,
20110117             hat längst resigniert: Die Banker "nutzen Steuergelder,
20110117             um ihre Schäfchen ins Trockene zu bringen", klagte er neulich.
20110117             Tun konnte er dagegen nichts.[...] - Die 5—TOP—BANKEN Goldman Sachs,
20110117             JP Morgan, BANK—OF—AMERICA, Citigroup und MORGAN—STANLEY—DIE "Fail 5" ("kaputten 5"),
20110117             wie Kritiker SPOTTEN—FUHREN nicht zuletzt dank der Staatsstütze Umsätze von rund 94—MILLIARDEN Dollar ein.
20110117             Nur 20090000              war besser.
20110117             Die letzten 2—KRISENJAHRE, so stellt sich heraus,
20110117             waren zugleich auch die 2—PROFITABELSTEN Jahre für die USA—FINANZBRANCHE.[...]
20110117             natürlich [...] - Das "Wettbacken" ("WALL—STREET Journal") der Banker bei DAVIS—POLK & Wardwell markierte nun den nächsten spektakulären Akt der AIG—SAGA:
20110117             Unter der Obhut der GROßKANZLEI—DEREN Mitbegründer JOHN—DAVIS SICH—TAT er dumm: "Wie ist was gelaufen?"
20110117             —GELAUFEN, Dass Großes, war, zeigte allein die Gästeliste.
20110117             Neben Dimon war die komplette Führungsgarde der WALL—STREET zugegen:
20110117             BRIAN—MOYNIHAN (BANK—OF—AMERICA), GARY—COHN (Goldman Sachs),
20110117             JAMES—GORMAN (MORGAN—STANLEY) sowie die Kollegen von Citigroup,
20110117             UBS, Credit Suisse, Barclays, Deutsche BANK—UND—WELLS—FARGO.
20110117             Ihre Adlaten schleppten dicke, blaue Aktenordner an,
20110117             auf denen Sternenbanner eingraviert waren.
20110117             —GESPANNT, Die Atmosphäre zwischen AMERIKA und CHINA ist.
20110117             Laut einer am —MONTAG von der Zeitung "CHINA Daily" veröffentlichten Umfrage sind mehr als 50—PROZENT—DER—CHINESEN—DER—ANSICHT,
20110117             Viele machen die REGIERUNG—VON—USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA dafür verantwortlich.[...]
20110117             Wegen 1—AUFWERTUNG—DES—YUAN—VERWEHRT er sich explizit.
20110117             Die USA und die EU schätzen,
20110117             dass der Yuan u m —BIS zu 40—PROZENT unterbewertet ist.
20110117             Für Falschgeld gibt es keinen Ersatz.
20110117             WASHINGTON—DER Zeitpunkt und die Art und Weise, wie sich Chinas PRÄSIDENT zu den USA äußert,
20110117             lassen tief blicken, auch wenn Hu Jintao rein inhaltlich keine neue Position bezieht.
20110117             —KRITISIERT, Hu, AMERIKA in 2—DER renommiertesten USA—MEDIEN:
20110117             dem "WALL—STREET Journal" und der "WASHINGTON—POST ".
20110117             Und er tut es unmittelbar vor seinem Staatsbesuch in WASHINGTON.
20110117             "Die neue Partei wird in der politischen —MITTE angesiedelt, zionistisch und demokratisch sein",
20110117             sagte Barak, der von 19990000—20010000    —JAHR—BIS Ministerpräsident war.
20110117             "Wir brechen zu neuen Ufern auf".
20110117             Den Parteivorsitz der Sozialdemokraten hatte er 20070000              übernommen.
20110117             dramatischer Schritt: Der israelische Verteidigungsminister Ehud Barak
20110117             hat die sozialdemokratische Arbeitspartei verlassen.
20110117             Der bisherige Parteivorsitzende Barak sagte am —MONTAG in JERUSALEM,
20110117             er wolle gemeinsam mit 4—WEITEREN Abgeordneten eine neue Partei mit dem Namen Azmaut (Unabhängigkeit) gründen.
20110117             Falschgeld: Fahnder spüren massenhaft falsche Fuffziger auf
20110117             Machtkampf mit AMERIKA: Chinas PRÄSIDENT redet den Dollar klein
20110117             Sozialdemokraten: Israels Arbeitspartei spaltet sich auf
20110117             die besonders anfällig für den Pflanzenkiller sind,
20110117             —2—JAHRE—SPÄTER kamen auch Kamelien auf die Liste.
20110117             "An der kalifornischen Westküste herrscht die meiste Zeit im —JAHR eine hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit,
20110117             was für die Vermehrung des Erregers günstig ist.
20110117             REGEN—UND Nebeltröpfchen können den Erreger außerdem sehr einfach von befallenen Blättern aus verbreiten",
20110117             sagt SABINE—WERRES vom JULIUS—KÜHN—INSTITUT,
20110117             dem Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen.
20110117             Und: Der Kalifornische Berglorbeer komme in Deutschland nicht vor.
20110117             —VERBREITET, Über diese Pflanze, sich Phytophthora ramorum besonders gut.[...]
20110117             Und Phytophthora ramorum beschränkt sich nicht auf Eichen:
20110117             Bei mehr als 100—VERSCHIEDENEN BAUM—UND Straucharten ist 1—BEFALL dokumentiert.
20110117             —ERST frisst sich der Eipilz in die lebenden Pflanzen,
20110117             später, wenn sie der Krankheit zum Opfer gefallen sind, ernährt er sich vom toten Gewebe.
20110117             GROßBRITANNIEN, sterben die Lärchen
20110117             Die Daten stammten "von mindestens 3—FINANZINSTITUTEN" und deckten den Zeitraum zwischen 19900000              und 20090000              ab.
20110117             unter anderem als DIREKTOR—DER—BANK auf den CAYMAN—ISLANDS.[...]
20110117             Unter den Kunden seien "bekannte Stützen der Gesellschaft": Multimillionäre, internationale Firmen, Hedgefonds aus mehreren Ländern, Künstler und rund 40—POLITIKER,
20110117             berichtet die britische "Financial Times".
20110117             Auf den CDs könnten sich auch Namen möglicher prominenter Steuersünder aus Deutschland befinden, schreibt die Schweizer Tageszeitung "Der —SONNTAG".
20110117             RUDOLF—ELMER, ein FRÜHERER—SCHWEIZER—BANKER, will neue brisante Bankdaten veröffentlichen.
20110117             —UNTERDESSEN, Ähnlich motivierte Proteste wie in Tunesien sorgen, in Jordanien für Unruhe.
20110117             "In Jordanien leiden wir unter denselben Übeln,
20110117             die Tunesien erschüttert haben, und wir müssen der Unterdrückung 1—ENDE machen sowie den Fesseln für die Freiheiten und den Willen des Volkes",
20110117             sagte der VORSITZENDE—DER—MUSLIMBRÜDER, Hammam Said.
20110117             Der Gewerkschaftsvertreter Abdel Hadi el Falahat sagte,
20110117             die 3—VERANSTALTER der Kundgebung "fordern den STURZ—DER—REGIERUNG und 1—UMVERTEILUNG—DER—BESITZTÜMER im Land".
20110117             Sonntagabend berichtigte 1—KONSULATSSPRECHERIN in TUNIS die FRÜHERE—DARSTELLUNG.
20110117             Die Sprecherin sagte der dpa, dass LUCAS—MEBROUK—DOLEGA noch lebe.
20110117             Er befinde sich in einem "kritischen Zustand".
20110117             Andere monierten, einige vormals illegale Oppositionsparteien seien zu den Gesprächen nicht eingeladen worden.
20110117             Diese hätten aber auch 1—RECHT, mit am Tisch zu sitzen.
20110117             Maya Jribi, Generalsekretärin der PDP (Demokratische Fortschrittspartei),
20110117             —AM—SONNTAG in TUNIS.
20110117             Neben Vertretern der 3—BISHERIGEN Oppositionsparteien sollen auch unabhängige Persönlichkeiten ins Kabinett kommen.
20110117             Experten, Gewerkschafter und Vertreter von Anwaltsorganisationen seien im Gespräch, meldet AL—DSCHASIRA.
20110117             —AM Sonntagabend lieferten sich tunesische Spezialkräfte in der Nähe des Präsidentenpalasts schwere Gefechte mit Mitgliedern der Leibgarde des geflüchteten früheren Präsidenten[...]
20110117             Inzwischen scheint die Protestbewegung auf Jordanien überzugreifen.
20110117             "Es ist dringend erforderlich, die Befugnisse für die Behörden deutlich zu beschränken", sagte Schaar.
20110117             "Abfragen sollten nur noch in Frage kommen,
20110117             wenn Anhaltspunkte für Steuerhinterziehung, Sozialbetrug oder erhebliche Straftaten vorliegen.
20110117             Alles andere widerspreche dem Grundsatz der Verhältnismäßigkeit".
20110117             "Waren Kontenabrufe anfangs nur zur Abwehr von Terrorismus und Geldwäsche erlaubt,
20110117             dürfen Finanzämter und Sozialbehörden sowie alle möglichen anderen Behörden die Konten der Bürger mittlerweile ohne einen konkreten Anhaltspunkt auf einen Gesetzesverstoß abklopfen".
20110117             Die ZAHL—DER—JÄHRLICHEN—ANFRAGEN habe sich in gerade mal 5—JAHREN um gigantische 560—PROZENT erhöht, sagte der Datenschützer.[...]
20110117             Der Datenschutzbeauftragte forderte die Bundesregierung zum Eingreifen auf.
20110117             —ERST—AM—DONNERSTAG hatten Italiens Verfassungsrichter den Schutz des Regierungschefs vor mehreren KORRUPTIONS—UND Steuerverfahren teilweise für verfassungswidrig erklärt.
20110117             —KRITISIERT, Hunderte Abfragen pro —TAG: Datenschützer Schaar, Kontenabrufe durch Behörden
20110117             MASSE—REKORD: Das schwerste Objekt im Universum
20110117             Lebensmittelskandal: Merkel macht DIOXIN—SKANDAL zur Chefsache
20110117             Brisante Daten: Steuersünder sollen bei WikiLeaks an den Pranger
20110117             Tunesien: BEN—ALIS—MILIZEN bekriegen Sicherheitskräfte
20110117             Gefährliche Baumkrankheit: Wenn Eichen bluten
20110117             "Fall Ruby": Berlusconi verwahrt sich gegen Ermittlungen in Prostitutionsaffäre
20110117             INS VISIER DER ZOCKER ZU GERATEN.
20110117             UND GAR SPANIEN—ES gebe eine "massive Wirtschaft, von der die Öffentlichkeit nichts weiß", sagte der Steueraktivist Christensen.
20110117             Laut offiziellen Schätzungen lagerten 5—BILLIONEN Dollar in Steueroasen, die wahre Zahl liege jedoch näher an 20—BILLIONEN Dollar.
20110117             In seinem jährlichen Democracy Index für 20100000              kam der "Economist" zum Ergebnis, dass nur 6—DER untersuchten 167—STAATEN noch autoritärer geführt werden als SAUDI—ARABIEN.
20110117             "Dass die Bevölkerung eines repressiven arabischen Polizeistaats erstmals einen Herrscher stürzt, ist ein historisches Ereignis", sagt GUIDO—STEINBERG, der für die Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik —SEIT Jahren über die Region forscht.
20110117             Die Träger des Aufstandes in Tunesien waren junge Männer und Frauen, die sich zu Recht ausgeschlossen fühlten von der wirtschaftlichen und politischen Teilhabe.
20110117             Sicher ist, dass die arabischen Nationen in ihrer Mehrheit schlecht regiert werden: Menschenrechte werden nahezu nirgendwo ernsthaft gewahrt;
20110117             die Ausgaben für das Militär sind zu hoch, die für Bildung zu gering; Wahlen sind allzu oft 1—FARCE;
20110117             sogar die Axt ist zu bestaunen, mit der der Saxophonist und Manager Nikel Pallat 19710000              auf den TALKSHOW—TISCH der WDR—SENDUNG "Ende offen" einhieb: "Man muss parteiisch sein, und deswegen mach ich —JETZT hier diesen Tisch ma' kaputt, ja?"
20110117             Die Sakhalin Investment Company mit Shell als Miteigentümer werde mit der geplanten großen Förderanlage die Nahrungsgründe der vom Aussterben bedrohten Art weiter einschränken, warnten Aktivisten am —MONTAG.
20110117             Nur noch etwa 30—FORTPFLANZUNGSFÄHIGE Weibchen seien zur Sicherung des Bestandes erhalten, sagte der Meeresbiologe des Internationalen Tierschutzfonds IFAW, Ralf —SONNTAG.
20110117             Von den am Wochenende geführten Verhandlungen ausgeschlossen waren die unter BEN—ALI verbotenen Islamisten und Kommunisten.
20110117             —JETZT soll es eine "vollständige" Pressefreiheit geben, wie Ghannouchi am —MONTAG sagte.
20110117             Der griechische MINISTER—FÜR—BÜRGERSCHUTZ, Christos Papoutsis, forderte am —MONTAG die Sicherheitsbehörden auf, vorsichtiger mit ihren Informationen umzugehen.
20110117             "Auf jeden Fall müssen die Rechte der Bürger und ihre Würde respektiert werden", erklärte der MINISTER.
20110117             Aus der Identität dieser Zeitungsabonnenten macht Apple allerdings 1—STAATSGEHEIMNIS, die entsprechenden Zeitungen erfahren nicht einmal mehr, wer eigentlich ihr Kunde ist.
20110117             Apple verlangt, sämtliche ZEITUNGS—APPS müssten kostenpflichtig angeboten werden, berichtet der Amsterdamer "Volkskrant".
20110117             Denn kriminelle Entwickler würden —SCHON—SEIT geraumer Zeit auf eben dieses Zustimmungsmodell setzen, so
20110117             SOPHOS—SICHERHEITSEXPERTE GRAHAM—CLULEY : Wer bei Facebook sein Okay zum Abfluss von Daten gibt, hat dabei wohl kaum halbseidene DATEN—FISCHER als Adressaten im Sinn.
20110117             TON—STEINE—SCHERBEN—HOF verkauft: RIO—REISER wird umgebettet
20110117    Oh, übrigens: nicht nur in Bulgarien verschwindet man schonmal in einer Psychiatrie,
20110117             Zur generellen Einnordnung zum Thema Psychiatrie empfiehlt sich ein bisschen Rumgoogeln zum Thema "ROSENHAN—EXPERIMENTE".
20110117             KARL—G ist kein Einzelfall.
20110117             —SENSIBILISIERT, KARL—G—FRAGE, ob seine Mitpatienten beim Datenschutz, seien, wurde mit Ratlosigkeit aufgenommen.
20110117             KARL—G fühlte sich zunehmend unverstanden und kapselte sich von den anderen Patienten ab, führte seine Therapie aber fort.
20110117             Umso erstaunter war er, als die Ärzte mit einer Abwandlung seiner Diagnose reagierten: Depressionen spielten plötzlich nur noch eine marginale Rolle, im Vordergund stand nun krankhaftes Misstrauen bzw.
20110117             —CLAIMED, However, MISTER—ELMER, he did not breach SWITZERLAND—BANKING secrecy rules, as he said ALL—OF—THE—INFORMATION related to THE—CAYMAN—ISLANDS and —THEREFORE lay outside SWITZERLAND—JURISDICTION.
20110117             Statistik für 20100000             : ZAHL—DER—TOURISTEN steigt weltweit auf Rekordniveau
20110117             Das Traurige ist, dass im deutschen Kanzleramt wie im Finanzministerium kaum jemand diese Logik versteht.
20110117             Ursache für die Schwierigkeiten vieler Krisenstaaten wie Irland oder Spanien ist nämlich nicht, dass deren Politiker schlecht gewirtschaftet hätten.
20110117             Vielmehr hat die Finanzkrise 20080000              und 20090000              die Länder in Bedrängnis gebracht.
20110117             Wer glaubt, dass mit dem vergangenen —JAHR auch die Krisenschlagzeilen Geschichte seien, irrt gewaltig.
20110117             Vielmehr steht uns 1—EURO—KRISE—XL bevor: —NACH—DEN Kleinstaaten Griechenland und Irland drohen nun PORTUGAL und gar Spanien ins Visier der Zocker zu geraten.
20110117             Und was tut DIE—BUNDESREGIERUNG ?
20110117             ALGERIEN, haben sich in den vergangenen Tagen mehrere Menschen selbst verbrannt.
20110117             —AM—MONTAG zogen rund 1000—MENSCHEN durch die wichtigste Straße in der HAUPTSTADT—TUNIS und verlangten von der Regierungspartei, abzutreten: "Raus mit der RCD!
20110117             Raus mit der Partei der Diktatur!" Sicherheitskräfte setzten Wasserwerfer gegen die Demonstranten ein, die sich in der Nähe des Innenministeriums versammelten.
20110117             Mit Schüssen in die Luft versuchten sie, die Menge auseinanderzutreiben, berichtete 1—REUTERS—REPORTER.
20110117             Trotz Rückholaktion: Mindestens 500—DEUTSCHE bleiben in Tunesien
20110117             Debatte um Staatsschulden: Knausrige KANZLERIN verschärft die EURO—KRISE
20110117             12—STUNDEN dauere so 1—SCHICHT, berichtet die "Times", danach "tut das Gehirn weh", berichtet 1—DER—SOLDATEN.
20110117             bindende Vorschriften, in welchen Kontexten das private INSTANT—MESSENGER—FENSTER aufgehen darf (in Freizeit und nur über nicht klassifizierte Netzwerke) und in welchen nicht (während man versucht einzuschätzen, ob 23—PERSONEN am Boden Taliban oder Zivilisten sind).
20110117             In klinischen Tests sähen kommunikativ überforderte Soldaten mitunter Ziele und Gefahren nicht, die sie direkt vor der Nase hätten.
20110117             eingeschränkte Fähigkeit zur Konzentration auf das WESENTLICHE—STIMMT nicht unbedingt optimistisch.
20110117             PHÄNOMEN—DROHNEN—CREW
20110117             —GEHÖRT, Die DROHNEN—CREW im Kommunikationsgewitter, wohl zu den krassesten Beispielen für 1—PHÄNOMEN, das den USA—STRATEGEN zunehmend Kopfschmerzen bereitet:
20110117             INZWISCHEN—INZWISCHEN beginnen die USA—STREITKRÄFTE, die potentiell tödlichen Nebenwirkungen ihres selbstverursachten Information Overload zu erfassen.
20110117             berichtet die "NEW—YORK—TIMES " in einem bemerkenswerten Artikel zum Thema, sei allein die Datenfülle, die durch elektronische Spähtechnik in jedem Augenblick zusammengetragen wird, um 16000000              Prozent gestiegen.
20110117             PARIS/TUNIS/BERN—ALS korrupt und geldgierig galten Leila Trabelsi und ihr Clan in
20110117             Tunesien —SCHON lange.
20110117             Nun gibt es neue Berichte, die nahelegen, dass die Frau des gestürzten Präsidenten Zine EL—ABIDINE BEN—ALI diesen Ruf zu Recht hat: Sie persönlich habe die Zentralbank in TUNIS aufgesucht, um 1,5 Tonnen Gold abzuholen, berichtet die französische Zeitung "Le Monde" unter Berufung auf Geheimdienstinformationen.
20110117             "Übergewichtige sollten überlegen, die Kalorienmenge beim Frühstück zu REDUZIEREN—DAS ist eine einfache Möglichkeit, die tägliche Energieaufnahme zu senken", empfehlen die Wissenschaftler daher.
20110117             Lunch mit Finanzminister TIM—GEITHNER. AIG—CHEF—BOB—BENMOSCHE
20110117             klafft die Schere der 2—KLASSEN—KONJUNKTUR Amerikas immer weiter auseinander.
20110117             Für 20100000              dürfte die WALL—STREET ihren Bankern rund 144—MILLIARDEN Dollar an Extravergütungen ZAHLEN—EIN neuer Rekord.
20110117             Der von Obama bestallte "Gehaltszar" KEN—FEINBERG, der diese exorbitanten Summen im Zaum halten sollte, hat längst resigniert: Die Banker "nutzen Steuergelder, um ihre Schäfchen ins Trockene zu bringen", klagte er neulich.
20110117             Tun konnte er dagegen nichts.
20110117             Die letzten 2—KRISENJAHRE, so stellt sich heraus, waren zugleich auch die 2—PROFITABELSTEN Jahre für die USA—FINANZBRANCHE.
20110117             Und davon will sich natürlich jeder eine lukrative Scheibe abschneiden.
20110117             Das "Wettbacken" ("WALL—STREET Journal") der Banker bei DAVIS—POLK & Wardwell markierte nun den nächsten spektakulären Akt der AIG—SAGA: Unter der Obhut der GROßKANZLEI—DEREN Mitbegründer JOHN—DAVIS sich
20110117             Neben Dimon war die komplette Führungsgarde der WALL—STREET zugegen: BRIAN—MOYNIHAN (BANK—OF—AMERICA), GARY—COHN (Goldman Sachs), JAMES—GORMAN (MORGAN—STANLEY) sowie die Kollegen von Citigroup, UBS, Credit Suisse, Barclays, Deutsche BANK—UND—WELLS—FARGO.
20110117             Ihre Adlaten schleppten dicke, blaue Aktenordner an, auf denen Sternenbanner eingraviert waren.
20110117             LUFT—UND Raumverkehr
20110117             —VERWEHRT, Wegen 1—AUFWERTUNG—DES—YUAN, er sich explizit.
20110117             Die USA und die EU schätzen, dass der Yuan u m —BIS zu 40—PROZENT unterbewertet ist.
20110117             Chinesischen Exportwaren haben dadurch einen permanenten Wettbewerbsvorteil.
20110117             Selbst wenn die USA—WÄHRUNG noch längere Zeit als globale Referenz DIENE—DIE Zeit des Yuan werde kommen.
20110117             Die besten Tipps, wie Sie gefälschte Scheine erkennen.
20110117             WASHINGTON—DER Zeitpunkt und die Art und Weise, wie sich Chinas PRÄSIDENT zu den USA äußert, lassen tief blicken, auch wenn
20110117             Hu Jintao rein inhaltlich keine neue Position bezieht.
20110117             —KRITISIERT, HU—AMERIKA in 2—DER renommiertesten USA—MEDIEN: dem "WALL—STREET Journal" und der "WASHINGTON—POST ".
20110117             "Wir wurden von Uniformierten angehalten, die dachten, sie hätten Terroristen gefasst".
20110117             Ehud Barak hat die sozialdemokratische Arbeitspartei verlassen.
20110117             Der bisherige Parteivorsitzende Barak sagte am —MONTAG in JERUSALEM, er wolle gemeinsam mit 4—WEITEREN Abgeordneten eine neue Partei mit dem Namen Azmaut (Unabhängigkeit) gründen.
20110117             USA—VERSICHERER AIG: Wiederauferstehung des Kraken
20110117             "An der kalifornischen Westküste herrscht die meiste Zeit im —JAHR eine hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit, was für die Vermehrung des Erregers günstig ist. REGEN—UND Nebeltröpfchen können den Erreger außerdem sehr einfach von befallenen Blättern aus verbreiten", sagt SABINE—WERRES vom JULIUS—KÜHN—INSTITUT, dem Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen.
20110117             "Bei uns ist die Luftfeuchtigkeit im Vergleich niedriger".
20110117             Und Phytophthora ramorum beschränkt sich nicht auf Eichen: Bei mehr als 100—VERSCHIEDENEN BAUM—UND Straucharten ist 1—BEFALL dokumentiert.
20110117             —ERST frisst sich der Eipilz in die lebenden Pflanzen, später, wenn sie der Krankheit zum Opfer gefallen sind, ernährt er sich vom toten Gewebe.
20110117             Der selbsternannte Whistleblower
20110117             11.15—UHR Londoner Zeit (12.15—UHR deutscher Zeit) will Elmer die Daten im Frontline Club in Großbritanniens HAUPTSTADT überreichen.
20110117             Unter den Kunden seien "bekannte Stützen der Gesellschaft": Multimillionäre, internationale Firmen, Hedgefonds aus mehreren Ländern, Künstler und rund 40—POLITIKER,berichtet die britische "Financial Times".
20110117             Er plant, die Dokumente am —MONTAG der Enthüllungsplattform WikiLeaks zu übergeben.
20110117             In der HAUPTSTADT—AMMAN haben knapp 3000—MENSCHEN mit einem Sitzstreik vor dem Parlament gegen die Inflation und die Wirtschaftspolitik der Regierung protestiert.
20110117             An der Demonstration nahmen am —SONNTAG nach Angaben eines Journalisten der Nachrichtenagentur AFP Gewerkschaftsmitglieder, islamistische Muslimbrüder sowie Mitglieder linksgerichteter Parteien teil.
20110117             "In Jordanien leiden wir unter denselben Übeln, die Tunesien erschüttert haben, und wir müssen der Unterdrückung 1—ENDE machen sowie den Fesseln für die Freiheiten und den Willen des Volkes", sagte der VORSITZENDE—DER—MUSLIMBRÜDER, Hammam Said.
20110117             Der Gewerkschaftsvertreter Abdel Hadi el Falahat sagte, die 3—VERANSTALTER der Kundgebung "fordern den STURZ—DER—REGIERUNG und 1—UMVERTEILUNG—DER—BESITZTÜMER im Land".
20110117             Für Wirbel sorgte 1—MELDUNG über den angeblichen Tod eines Pressefotografen bei den Unruhen.
20110117             Das französische Konsulat in TUNIS und der Arbeitgeber des Mannes hatten —ZUNÄCHST den Tod des 32-jährigen Fotografen der european pressphoto agency (epa) gemeldet.
20110117             Anschließend rückte auch die FOTO—AGENTUR epa von ihren früheren Angaben ab.
20110117             Amnestie aller politischen Häftlinge
20110117             Maya Jribi, Generalsekretärin der PDP (Demokratische Fortschrittspartei), am —SONNTAG in TUNIS.
20110117             tunesische Spezialkräfte
20110117             "Abfragen sollten nur noch in Frage kommen, wenn Anhaltspunkte für Steuerhinterziehung, Sozialbetrug oder erhebliche Straftaten vorliegen. Alles andere widerspreche dem Grundsatz der Verhältnismäßigkeit".
20110117             "Waren Kontenabrufe anfangs nur zur Abwehr von Terrorismus und Geldwäsche erlaubt, dürfen Finanzämter und Sozialbehörden sowie alle möglichen anderen Behörden die Konten der Bürger mittlerweile ohne einen konkreten Anhaltspunkt auf einen Gesetzesverstoß abklopfen".
20110117             "Als das automatisierte Abrufverfahren für Stammdaten wie Name, Geburtsdatum oder Adresse der Bankkunden 20050000              eingeführt wurde, lag die ZAHL—DER—ABFRAGEN noch bei deutlich unter 9000".
20110117             "Im vergangenen —JAHR haben die FINANZ—UND Sozialbehörden in rund 58.000—FÄLLEN Kontostammdaten von Bürgern abgefragt".
20110117             —ERST—AM—DONNERSTAG hatten Italiens Verfassungsrichter den Schutz des Regierungschefs vor mehreren KORRUPTIONS—UND Steuerverfahren teilweise
20110117             für verfassungswidrig erklärt.
20110117             ALASKA: Wichtige ÖL—PIPELINE nimmt Betrieb auf
20110117             Korruptionsaffäre: MAN fordert 237—MILLIONEN Euro von EX—CHEF
20110117             25—JAHRE Exil: EX—DIKTATOR "Baby Doc" kehrt nach HAITI zurück
20110117—20010000    —BIS, "Die neue Partei wird in der politischen —MITTE angesiedelt, zionistisch und demokratisch sein", sagte Barak, der von 19990000              Ministerpräsident war.
20110117—20020000    verschärfte die EU die Kontrollen beim Import und Handel mit Rhododendren und SCHNEEBALL—PFLANZEN,
20110117—20040000    —BIS, Der selbsternannte Whistleblower arbeitete bei der Schweizer Privatbank JULIUS—BAER,
20110117—20040000    —BIS, Der selbsternannte Whistleblower arbeitete bei der Schweizer Privatbank JULIUS—BAER, unter anderem als DIREKTOR—DER—BANK auf den CAYMAN—ISLANDS.
20110117—20090000    —J—IM, Im Vergleich zu den 44.000—KONTROLLEN sei das 1—ANSTIEG um etwa 1—DRITTEL.
20110117—20100000    —J—IM, dass sich die Beziehungen zwischen CHINA und den USA verschlechtert haben.
20110117—20100000    war das zweitbeste —JAHR in der GESCHICHTE—DER—WALL—STREET.
20110117—20100000    —J—IM, Laut einer am —MONTAG von der Zeitung "CHINA Daily" veröffentlichten Umfrage sind mehr als 50—PROZENT—DER—CHINESEN—DER—ANSICHT, dass sich die Beziehungen zwischen CHINA und den USA verschlechtert haben.
20110503—19770117    —CONDEMNED, TEXAS, Cary Kerr became the 13.
20110503—19770117    —BECAME, TEXAS, Cary Kerr, the 13. condemned inmate to be put to death this —YEAR in THE—USA—AND—12470000             —THE. overall —SINCE the nation resumed executions.
20110503—19770117, inmate to be put to death this —YEAR in THE—USA and 12470000             —THE. overall —SINCE the nation resumed executions.
20111220             —SENTENCED, SPOKANE—WASHINGTON, KEVIN—HARPHAM, 37—JAHRE—ALT was, to 32—YEARS in prison for planting 1—POISON—LACED bomb last 20110117              along 1—MARTIN—LUTHER—KING—JUNIOR—DAY—PARADE—ROUTE.
20120113—20120117    —ON, the government gave him back his job and said it would rethink its health plans.
20120117             —SUBMITTED, WISCONSIN, opponents of GOVERNOR—SCOTT—WALKER, 1—MILLION signatures for his recall, far exceeding the 540,208 needed.
20120117             —ANNOUNCED, Rotary INTERNATIONAL, it had raised another $200—MILLION to eradicate polio.
20120117             The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will contribute 1—FURTHER $504—MILLION.
20120117             —URGED, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI, the Taliban to allow teams conducting 1—POLIO—VACCINATION—CAMPAIGN to reach areas under the insurgents' control.
20120117             AFGHANISTAN, PAKISTAN and NIGERIA are the last 3—NATIONS where polio remains endemic.
20120117             —GUNNED, AFGHANISTAN, assailants, down MOHAMMAD—NAHIM—AGHA—MAMA, 1—PROMINENT—ANTI—TALIBAN tribal leader as he was praying in 1—MOSQUE in KANDAHAR.
20120117             1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER slammed into the entrance of 1—MILITARY—BASE jointly run by NATO and AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS in Nangarhar province, wounding 3—AFGHANISTAN—PRIVATE—SECURITY—GUARDS.
20120117             —KILLED, NATO—FORCES reportedly, 5—CIVILIANS, including 1—WOMAN and 2—CHILDREN, —DURING 1—OVERNIGHT raid in Kunar province.
20120117             —ARRIVED, GRANT—KORGAN, 33—JAHRE—ALT, of Incline Village, at THE—SOUTH—POLE on the 100-year ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—TERRA—NOVA—EXPEDITION.
20120117             —PARALYZED, Korgan, in a 20100000              snowmobiling accident, used 1—DEVICE called 1—SITSKI to get there.
20120117             —INCLUDED, The expedition party, paralympian JOHN—DAVIS, 2—GUIDES and cinematographers who were shooting for 1—DOCUMENTARY called "The Push: 1—SOUTH—POLE—ADVENTURE".
20120117             —EXPECTED, The film is, to be released —LATER this —YEAR.
20120117             —ANNOUNCED, BRITAIN, defense cuts.
20120117             —AROUND 400—OF—NEPALESE—GURKHA fighters will lose their jobs as part of the cuts, which will see more than 4,000 posts slashed from the armed forces in total.
20120117             —SIGNED, BRITAIN said it has, deals with CHINA to research stem cells and smart grids, —AFTER CHANCELLOR—OF—THE—EXCHEQUER—GEORGE—OSBORNE held 2—DAY—TALKS with officials in BEIJING aimed at attracting investment.
20120117             —GATHERED, CHINA, —AROUND 1,000—PEOPLE from Wanggang village, in front of 1—GOVERNMENT building in GUANGZHOU, CAPITAL—OF—GUANGDONG, in protest against Li Zhihang, their allegedly corrupt Communist Party SECRETARY.
20120117             The next —MORNING officials said they would probe their case and would announce THE—RESULT—OF—THE—INVESTIGATION by February 19.
20120117             CHINA, Zhu Yufu (58), 1—WRITER and democracy advocate, was charged with subversion in HANGZHOU for writing 1—POEM urging citizens to gather to defend their freedoms.
20120117             —SENTENCED, In February Yufu was, to 7—YEARS in prison.
20120117             —COLLAPSED, CUBA, 1—DECAYING residential building, in 1—DENSELY packed AREA—OF—HAVANA, killing 3—PEOPLE and injuring 6.
20120117             —ATTACKED, Gunmen in ETHIOPIA—ARID north, 1—GROUP—OF—EUROPEAN tourists traveling in 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LOWEST and hottest regions, killing 5, wounding 2 and kidnapping 2.
20120117             —BLAMED, The attack was, on groups trained and armed by THE—ERITREA—GOVERNMENT.
20120117             The European Union and HUNGARY brought their fight over democratic rights fully into the open, with THE—EU Commission launching legal challenges against THE—FORMER—SOVIET—BLOC—COUNTRY—MANY—FEAR may be slipping back into authoritarianism.
20120117             —BLOCKED, The European COURT—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS, BRITAIN from extraditing ABU—QATADA (aka OMAR—MOHAMMED—OTHMAN), 1 alleged top aide of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN to JORDAN, saying evidence against him may have been obtained through torture.
20120117             GAMBIA—HIGH—COURT—SENTENCED—AMADOU—JANNEH, the former information MINISTER, to life imprisonment for conspiring to overthrow the ruler of 17—YEARS with T-shirts demanding 1—END to dictatorship.
20120117             —KILLED, GUINEA, at least 1—PERSON was, and some 30 were injured as soldiers fired on 1—CROWD protesting electricity cuts in the port CITY—OF—KAMSAR.
20120117             —REPORTED, HONDURAS—LAWYER—RICARDO—ROSALES (42), who had, torture and human rights violations by police officers, was killed by 3—GUNMEN in Tela.
20120117             —HIKED, INDIA, the world's biggest bullion consumer, sharply, import duties on gold and silver in 1—MOVE that will raise domestic prices of the precious metals.
20120117             INDIA said it was continuing to buy oil from IRAN, despite 1—INTENSIFYING—USA—CAMPAIGN to smother TEHRAN—VITAL—OIL—EXPORTS—UNTIL it abandons its nuclear program.
20120117             —DISPATCHED, THE—INDIA—GOVERNMENT, 1—TEAM—OF—MEDICAL—EXPERTS to the financial capital, Mumbai, to assess reports of 1—HANDFUL—OF—CASES—OF apparently untreatable tuberculosis.
20120117             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—NEW online game in INDIA called "Angry Brides," available as 1—FREE—APPLICATION on Facebook, has attracted more than 270,000 fans.
20120117             It seeks to highlight the problem of illegal dowry demands for women.
20120117             —ATTACKED, WEST—IRAQ, insurgents, 1—CHECKPOINT killing 5—POLICEMEN in the Anbar province TOWN—OF—RUTBA.
20120117             —FIRED, MADAGASCAR police, teargas to disperse 1—CROWD—OF—OPPOSITION—SUPPORTERS addressed by FORMER—PRESIDENT—ALBERT—ZAFY in the capital city.
20120117             EAST—MALI, 1—NEW—TUAREG rebel group under COLONEL—MAHAMED—AG—NAJIM launched its 1. attack.
20120117             —INCLUDED, Rebel members, FORMER—PRO—GADHAFI fighters.
20120117             Government forces in Menaka COUNTER—ATTACKED and used helicopters to bomb rebel positions.
20120117             —SUSPECTED, Troops shot dead 4, members of the sect and injured 5—OTHERS in the same city and defused 5—BOMBS.
20120117             Boko Haram gunmen shot dead 2—SOLDIERS who were distributing food to soldiers on duty.
20120117             —ACKNOWLEDGED, Police, that Kabiru SOKOTO, the suspected MASTERMIND—OF—THE—CHRISTMAS—DAY bombing, has escaped custody —AFTER being arrested in the country's capital.
20120117             —DEFUSED, NORTH—IRELAND, UK—ARMY experts, 1—PIPE bomb near 1—CATHOLIC elementary school in BELFAST.
20120117             Police said they found the bomb near the scene of 1—OVERNIGHT fire that destroyed 1—SMALL—SHOP across the street from the school.
20120117             NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, Mukarram Khan Aatif, 1—REPORTER for VOICE—OF—AMERICA, was shot dead by masked gunmen in Shabqadar.
20120117             1—DAY—LATER THE—PAKISTAN—TALIBAN claimed responsibility.
20120117             —KILLED, SYRIA, at least 34—PEOPLE were, in several towns and cities across the country, including 6—SOLDIERS who had defected and 3—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SECURITY—FORCES.
20120117—19990000    —IN, 1—OF 3—ACTIVE strains was eliminated.
20120117—20120305    —ON, 2—GERMANS held hostage were released.
20130116             —DONNERSTAG, 20130117
20130117             All 79—OFFICERS and CREW—OF—THE—USS—GUARDIAN were taken off the ship for safety reasons —AFTER it struck the Tubataha Reef, 1—UNESCO—WORLD—HERITAGE—SITE, with its bow at 2 a.m. in THE—PHILIPPINES.
20130117             The Navy said inaccurate data and may have been 1—FACTOR in THE—GUARDIAN—GROUNDING.
20130117             —FACED, THE—USA, paying environmental damages of more than $2—MILLION.
20130117             —SENTENCED, CHICAGO businessman Tahawwur Rana was, to 14—YEARS in prison for providing material support to overseas terrorism.
20130117             —STRAFED, EAST—ALGERIA, ALGERIA—HELICOPTERS, the remote SAHARA gas plant in the outpost of Ain Amenas.
20130117             —ESCAPED, At least 20—FOREIGN—HOSTAGES reportedly, from Islamist militants who had taken over the natural gas complex.
20130117             —VARIED, Casualty figures, widely.
20130117             —EVACUATED, British, Norwegian and SPAIN—OIL—COMPANIES, workers from ALGERIA—ENERGY—FACILITIES —FOLLOWING THE—HOSTAGE—TAKING by Islamic militants in THE—SAHARA desert and ALGERIA—ATTEMPT to free them.
20130117             1—UK—JUDGE—SENTENCED—ACHILLEAS—KALLAKIS, 44—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FAKE property tycoon, to 7—YEARS in jail for defrauding 2—BANKS out of over 700—MILLION—POUNDS ($1.1—BILLION), but said Allied IRELAND—BANKS and BANK—OF—SCOTLAND deserved SOME—BLAME for poor risk controls.
20130117             —CONVICTED—OF, CO—DEFENDANT—ALEXANDER—WILLIAMS, 44—JAHRE—ALT, the same counts for his role in producing forged documents to back up KALLAKIS—APPLICATIONS for loans, was sentenced to 5—YEARS.
20130117             —EXTENDED, In May the jail terms for both men were, 4—MORE for Kallakis and 3—MORE for Williams.
20130117             —GROUNDED, ETHIOPIA—AIRLINES, its 4—BOEING 787—DREAMLINERS —FOLLOWING 1—DECISION by the Federal Aviation Administration to take the planes OUT—OF—SERVICE in THE—USA—BECAUSE—OF—1—RISK—OF—FIRE from its lithium batteries.
20130117             —APPROVED, EU foreign ministers, sending 1—MILITARY training mission to MALI, to shore up THE—MALI—ARMY and enable the country's government to regain CONTROL—OF—ALL—ITS—TERRITORY.
20130117             —WANTED, He was, in connection with violence linked IVORY—COAST'S disputed 20100000              presidential elections.
20130117             —CHARGED, Ble Goude was soon, with war crimes over his alleged role in violence linked to the and extradicted to IVORY—COAST.
20130117             —DEPLOYED, INDONESIA—ARMY, rubber boats in the capital's business district to rescue people trapped in floods that inundated MUCH—OF—THE—CITY—OF—14—MILLION—PEOPLE.
20130117             —DISPLACED, At least 20—PEOPLE † and some 40,000 were.
20130117             —UNLEASHED, IRAQ, insurgents, 1—STRING—OF—BOMB—ATTACKS, mainly targeting Shiite Muslim pilgrims across the country, killing at least 26—PEOPLE.
20130117             JORDAN—PRIME—MINISTER—ABDULLAH—ENSOUR said JORDAN will prevent 1—MASS—EXODUS—OF—SYRIA—REFUGEES from entering its TERRITORY—IF—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD—REGIME—COLLAPSES, and will instead create 1—SAFE—HAVEN inside Syria to protect them.
20130117             —RAGED, MALI, fighting, in Konna, airstrikes hit Diably and army troops raced to protect Banamba, on the 7. —DAY—OF—THE—FRENCH—LED military intervention to wrest back MALI—NORTH from al QAIDA—LINKED groups.
20130117             THE—PAKISTAN—GOVERNMENT and Muslim cleric TAHIR—UL—QADRI struck 1—DEAL to end 4—DAYS—OF—PROTESTS by thousands in the capital.
20130117             —REFUSED, PAKISTAN—ANTI—CORRUPTION—CHIEF, 1—SUPREME—COURT—ORDER to arrest PRIME—MINISTER—RAJA—PERVAIZ, citing 1—LACK—OF—EVIDENCE in 1—GRAFT—CASE that sparked the latest clash between the government and the country's top court.
20130117             —MASKED, MOSCOW—RUSSIA, 1, assailant, —LATER identified as YURI—ZARUTSKY, 35—JAHRE—ALT, threw acid on the face of SERGEI—FILIN, artistic DIRECTOR—OF—THE—BOLSHOI—BALLET.
20130117             —SUFFERED, Filin, 3. degree burns and underwent eye surgery to save his sight.
20130117             —DISPUTED, SOUTH—SUDAN said it is withdrawing its troops from 1, border region with SUDAN so that 1 demilitarized zone can be established.
20130117             The United NATION—AFRICAN Union Mission in Darfur said in 1—REPORT that over 100—DEATHS and the displacement of 70,000—PEOPLE resulted from clashes between the Abbala and Beni Hussein tribes in Jabel Amir, THE—SITE—OF—GOLD—MINES in NORTH—DARFUR STATE—IN—WEST—SUDAN.
20130117             —CONTINUED, Violence, in different PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20130117             Clashes in THE—NORTH—TOWN—OF—RAS—AL—AYN least 8—REBELS and 1—KURDISH—PYD fighter.
20130117             † FRANCE—JOURNALIST, YVES—DEBAY was shot and killed in ALEPPO by 1—REGIME—SNIPER—WHILE covering clashes between rebels and forces loyal to PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD.
20130117             THAILAND, JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER—SHINZO—ABE and THAILAND—PRIME—MINISTER—YINGLUCK—SHINAWATRA agreed to work together to solve bilateral and regional problems.
20130117             ZIMBABWE—VICE—PRESIDENT—JOHN—NKOMO was 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—2—VICE presidents.
20130117             —DONNERSTAG, Boeings Pannenflieger: Behörden ziehen Dreamliner aus dem Verkehr
20130117             BP—GASFELD in ALGERIEN: Soldaten belagern ENT—FÜHRER
20130117             KONZERN—UMBAU: Telekom baut 1.200—JOBS in DEUTSCHLAND ab
20130117             ÜBERSCHWEMMUNGEN—IN—JAKARTA: Tausende fliehen vor Wassermassen
20130117             Darfur: 100—TOTE—BEI—KÄMPFEN um GOLD—MINEN
20130117             AURORA—MORDE: o†o von ATTENTATsopfer verklagt Psychiaterin
20130117             ERB—GUT—ANALYSE: SUPER—GEN macht Ameisen zu Königinnen
20130117             Umstrittenes Kältemittel R1234yf: Das brandheiße Problem
20130117             —GEWINNT, USA—ZEITUNGS—KRISE, Google, Wettbewerb für gedruckte Anzeigen
20130117             —EVAKUIERT, Brennender Zug: LONDONer VICTORIA—BAHNHOF
20130117             Grundsatzrede des britischen PREMIERs: "Camerons Probleme mit der EU fangen —ERST an"
20130117             KORRUPTION—VORWÜRFE in PAKISTAN: Fahnder verweigern FESTNAHME—VON—PREMIER Ashraf
20130117             —KLIMA—WANDEL in USA: FRÜHER FRÜHLING
20130117             Passt NICHT—AUCH wenn man ENGLAND—UND—DE ENGLÄNDER mag, fällt doch auf, daß das nicht passt.
20130117             BRITEN = MERKANTILISTEN—IN der Tat sind DIE—BRITEN Merkantilisten.
20130117             Notorische Nörgler und Querulanten... - Kranker Mann an der Themse?
20130117             ENGLAND hat die Auswirkungen des Commonwealth und die Entindustrialisierung zu verkraften.
20130117             1—SCHWACH—PUNKT britischer —POLITIK ist die Art und Weise der Auseinandersetzung mit Problemen im PARLAMENT.
20130117             Camerons Probleme mit der EU !
20130117             es sind eigentlich nicht Probleme mit der EU, sondern es sind kalte Überlegungen was eigentlich DIE—EU—INSTITUTIONEN Wert sind!
20130117             Und vertun Sie sich nicht: Skandinaviern oder NIEDERLÄNDERn ist LONDON näher als BERLIN oder PARIS.
20130117             Normalerweise sind DIE—BRITEN sehr pragmatisch, hier aber werden Scheingefechte durchgeführt, die niemandem nützen und die viel Kraft kosten, die insbesondere CAMERON lieber in viel wichtigere innenpolitische Strukturreformen stecken sollte.
20130117             Dieser voellig DURCH—MENSCHEN entrueckte Zirkus passt eben nicht in jedermann's BILD—VON—1—STAAT und seine Aufgaben.
20130117             Finanzplatz LONDON und die Cayman Inseln
20130117             1—HORT des Friedens für die meisten HEDGE—FONDS und SCHATTENbanken.
20130117             UK als Nettozahler
20130117             Ja, ja, die zahlen sich angeblich dumm und dusselig, daß sie aber ohne LONDON als Finanzplatz "dumm aus der Wäsche gucken"würden, wird leicht übersehen.
20130117             BRITEN zahlen ZAHLUNGSAUS—FÄLLE—DER—BRITEN—NEIN, da liegen Sie völlig falsch.
20130117             Niemand ist 1—INSEL...
20130117             außer GB, das mir —SEIT—LANGEM mit seinen Sonderforderungen auf den Geist geht.
20130117             Nur noch medioker
20130117             —PRODUZIERT, Was BITTE wird denn auf der Insel überhaupt noch ?
20130117             Gewagtes Experiment
20130117             es ist mit ENGLAND leider genau das Gleiche wie mit GRIECHENLAND: es werden immer große Ankjündigungen gemacht, aber wenn es dann zum Schwur kommt, knickt DEUTSCHLAND und der Rest der EU 1—UND macht wieder 1—FAULEN Kompromiss, DER—EUROPA nach hinten wirft.
20130117             —DENN, es wäre 1—HEILSAMER Schock für ALLE—BETEILIGTEN, wenn ENGLAND austritt und dann nach 10—15—JAHREN reumütig zurückkehrt, weil rundherum DIE—WIRTSCHAFT floriert und die LONDONer City langsam abwandert.
20130117             —BESTIMMT, Wer KÖNIGIN wird, bei Roten Feuerameisen offenbar 1—GROßER ERB—GUTABSCHNITT.
20130117             Der ERB—GUTABSCHNITT LIEGE in 2—VARIANTEN vor: B und b.
20130117             "Damit wurde ZUM 1. MAL 1—SUPER—GEN identifiziert, das 1—SOZIALES Verhalten bestimmt", sagte der Zweitautor der Studie, YANNICK—WURM, nach 1—PRESSE—MITTEILUNG der QUEEN—MARY[MARY—QUEEN—OF—ENGLAND] [UNIVERSITÄT—]UNIVERSITY—OF—LONDON.
20130117             DIE—ROTE Feuerameise kam URSPRÜNGLICH nur in BRASILIEN und ARGENTINIEN vor.
20130117             An diesem —MITTWOCH jedoch hat Miliband leichtes Spiel.
20130117             —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—TAGEN haben sich EU—GEGNER und EU—BEFÜRWORTER —BEREITS in Stellung gebracht.
20130117             CAMERON steckt in der Klemme: Auf der 1—SEITE poltert DIE—EUROPASKEPTISCHE Mehrheit seiner Unterhausfraktion, endlich MACHT—BEFUGNISSE—VON—BRÜSSEL nach LONDON zurückzuholen.
20130117             GROß—BRITANNIEN soll 1—OPT—OUT in sämtlichen Justizfragen erhalten, noch über die im LISSABON—VERTRAG vereinbarten Ausnahmen hinaus.
20130117             —NEUE—SCHRIFTLICHE Garantie, daß NICHT—EURO—LÄNDER im BinnenMARKT nicht benachteiligt werden.
20130117             —IM, Ausland wird Camerons RHETORIK mit Kopfschütteln verfolgt.
20130117             Selbst WASHINGTON mischte sich VERGANGENE—WOCHE in DIE—DEBATTE ein: Der stellvertretende AUßEN—MINISTER—PHIL—GORDON wiederholte öffentlichkeitswirksam die LANG—JÄHRIGE USA—POSITION: es sei im amerikanischen Interesse, daß GROß—BRITANNIEN 1—STARKE Stimme in der EU behalte.
20130117             Andere EU—BEFÜRWORTER sind deutlicher.
20130117             Besonders peinlich: Die Planer in der DOWNING—STREET hatten übersehen, daß das zuletzt angepeilte DATUM, der ;;0122;;, genau auf den 50.
20130117             Als die DOWNING—STREET den TERMIN—KONFLIKT bemerkte, zog sie die Rede kurzfristig auf den ;;0118;;vor.
20130117             GB leidet nach wie vor unter der eigenen PROPAGANDA.
20130117             BRITANNIEN.
20130117             Hoffentlich hat das bald 1—ENDE—ICH war letzten —SOMMER auf der Insel.
20130117             es wird Zeit, daß die Insel sich dieser Wahrheit stellt oder sie sollten DIE—EU verlassen.
20130117             wer nicht will soll gehen
20130117             —GESCHADET, DIE—ENGLÄNDER haben —BISHER, de Eu, und aufgehalten.
20130117             —GEISELDRAMA auf BP—GASFELD: Algerische —ARBEITER entkommen ISLAMISTEN
20130117             MILLIARDENabschreibung: BERG—BAURIESE RIO—TINTO feuert KONZERN—CHEF—
20130117             Kritik: SCHÄUBLE nennt JAPANs FINANZ—POLITIK besorgniserregend
20130117             MAUS—STUDIE, Licht —STEUERT ENTWICKLUNG—DER—AUGEN im Mutterleib
20130117             Computersicherheit: —EXPERTEN finden Hinweise auf neue JAVA—LÜCKE
20130117             KÖLN: Katholische Kliniken sollen VERGEWALTIGUNGS—OPFER abgewiesen haben
20130117             —KRISE—IN—MALI: EUROPAs Hilfe im KAMPF—GEGEN—ISLAMISTEN startet
20130117             Fusionsreaktor: "Iter"-Kontrollzentrum geht in Betrieb
20130117             Grundsatzrede zu EUROPA: CSU—EUROPA—POLITIKER WEBER fordert klare Ansage von CAMERON
20130117             Test bei SHELL: Immer mehr Autofahrer müssen für Luft zahlen
20130117             —VERÄNDERT, Geheime BND—STUDIE, Amerikas Öl, DIE—WELT
20130117             HAFT—STRAFE wegen ANTI—NAZI—DEMO: Linke Nummer
20130117             [l] DAS—BKA setzt ja —JETZT Finfisher ein. CSC, CSC.
20130117             Nur falls jemand noch Zweifel hatte, wie diese TROJANER—GESCHICHTE ethisch/moralisch einzuordnen ist.
20130117             Gouverneur Rick Perry (TEXAS) sagt, DIE—AMERIKANER brauchen mehr Frömmigkeit und keine Gesetze und Regulierungen.
20130117             "There is evil prowling IN—THE—WORLD — it shows up in our movies, video games and online fascinations, and finds its way into vulnerable hearts and minds," he said.
20130117             [l] An den USA—GRENZEN werden gerade VOIGHT—KAMPFF—TESTGERÄTE ausgerollt.
20130117             [l] SACHSEN—ANHALT beendet das EMAIL—EXPERIMENT und kehrt zum Fax zurück
20130117             [l] In ENGLAND blocken sie —JETZT im Namen des Kinderschutzes auch "political satire".
20130117             BODENproben: WESTANTARKTIS—GLETSCHER schwinden im Eiltempo
20130117             Mode gegen SPIONAGE: Hier kommt der DROHNEN—SCHUTZANZUG
20130117             WHO—IMPFKAMPAGNE: Weniger Menschen —STERBEN an Masern
20130117—19560109    —APPEARED, Her 1. column, in S—FRANCISCO—CHRONICLE.
20130117—19870000    —IN, Her daughter, Jeanne Phillips, began CO—WRITING the column and
20130117—20020000    —IN, took over FULL—TIME.
20130117—20130306    —ON, police said that star dancer Pavel Dmitrichenko (29) had confessed to masterminding the attack, and 2—OTHER—MEN, Zarutsky and ANDREI—LIPATOV, confessed to being accomplices.
20130117—20130330    —REMOVED, The last major part of the ship was.
20130119             —MARCHED, GREECE, several 1000—PEOPLE, through CENTRAL—ATHENS to protest 1—SPATE—OF—ANTI—IMMIGRANT—ATTACKS, including the fatal stabbing by suspected RIGHT—WING extremists of Shehzad Luqman (27), 1—PAKISTAN—IMMIGRANT who † 20130117          .
20130131—20130117    —SINCE, THE—USA—NAVY said it has decided to scrap the $277—MILLION—MINE—SWEEPER GUARDIAN stuck on the sensitive Tubbataha Reef in THE—PHILIPPINES.
20140117             —BLAMED, WEST—VIRGINIA, Freedom Industries, the company, for 20140109             —THE chemical spill that left 300,000—PEOPLE in the state without safe drinking water, field for bankruptcy.
20140117             —CURTAILED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, the reach of massive USA National Security Agency phone surveillance sweeps, but said bulk data collection must go on to protect AMERICAN—FROM terrorists.
20140117             —DENIED, THE—USA—ELECTION—ASSISTANCE—COMISSION, requests from ARIZONA, GEORGIA and KANSAS to modify the federal registration form for their residents.
20140117             —HEIGHTENED, It said, PROOF—OF—CITIZENSHIP—REQUIREMENTS would likely hinder eligible citizens from voting in federal elections.
20140117             —DECLARED, CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR—JERRY—BROWN formally, a STATE—WIDE drought.
20140117             1—PENNSYLVANIA judge struck down 1—STATE—REQUIREMENT that voters show photo identification at the polls.
20140117             —WOUNDED, PENNSYLVANIA, 1—SCHOOL shooting, 2—STUDENTS at THE—DELAWARE Valley Charter High School.
20140117             —CHARGED, Raisheem Rochwell (17) was, the next —DAY as 1—ADULT.
20140117             AFGHANISTAN, 1—TALIBAN suicide bomber blew himself up near 1—LEBANON—RESTAURANT frequented by foreigners in KABUL and bursts of intense gunfire ensued.
20140117             —INCLUDED, The assault against La Taverna du Liban, 18—FOREIGNERS and 8—AFGHANS, all civilians.
20140117             —AGREED, AUSTRIA—GOVERNMENT, to raise the wages of its 200,000 civil servants by 1.9—PERCENT this —YEAR—AFTER big protests against the new government.
20140117             BRAZIL—AUTHORITIES said the death toll in last weekend's flash flooding in THE—SOUTH—TOWN—OF—ITAOCA has risen to 17, with 9—PEOPLE still missing.
20140117             —AMBUSHED, CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC, attackers, Muslims fleeing sectarian violence outside THE—TOWN—OF—BOUAR killing 22—PEOPLE.
20140117             Chechen strongman Ramzan Kadyrov said rebel leader Doku Umarov, who vowed to disrupt THE—SOCHI —WINTER Olympics, is dead.
20140117             RUSSIA—SECURITY—SERVICES did not confirm the claim.
20140117             CHINA began to implement the loosening of its controversial 1—CHILD—POLICY as Zhejiang province announced it has made it legal for couples to have 2—CHILDREN if 1—PARENT is 1—ONLY—CHILD.
20140117             —CALLED, CHINA, on THE—PHILIPPINES to meet it halfway on new CHINA—FISHING rules in the disputed SOUTH—CHINA—SEA, adding that BEIJING was always willing to make efforts to resolve such issues via talks.
20140117             —ANNOUNCED, CHINA, 4—MORE—CASES—OF—H7N9 bird flu.
20140117             —APPOINTED, CZECH—REPUBLIC—PRESIDENT—MILOS—ZEMAN, CENTER—LEFT leader BOHUSLAV—SOBOTKA—PRIME—MINISTER, opening the way for the former finance MINISTER to pursue looser fiscal policies and closer links with the core of EUROPE.
20140117             —ATTACKED, CongoDRC forces, UGANDA—ISLAMIST—REBELS in the lawless east, launching 1—UN—BACKED offensive to clear insurgents from THE—MINERAL—RICH—ZONE.
20140117             —KILLED, EGYPT, at least 4—PEOPLE was, in clashes between police and Islamists, as the country awaited results of 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—REFERENDUM billed as 1—ENDORSEMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—MOHAMED—MORSI—OVERTHROW.
20140117             INDIA, Sunanda Pushka, THE—WIFE—OF—GOVERNMENT—MINISTER—SHASHI—THAROOR, was found dead in 1—NEW—DELHI hotel room having —EARLIER accused her husband of adultery.
20140117             —DESCRIBED, Her death was, as "sudden" and "unnatural" —FOLLOWING 1—AUTOPSY.
20140117             INDONESIA said that it would increase naval patrols —AFTER territorial violations by AUSTRALIA as it tried to turn back asylum seekers.
20140117             —APOLOGISED, THE—AUSTRALIA—GOVERNMENT, unreservedly to JAKARTA —AFTER its navy "inadvertently" violated INDONESIA—WATERS —DURING border security operations.
20140117             —FIRED, THE—ISRAEL—ARMY, live rounds and tear gas at protesters near the border fence in THE—GAZA Strip, wounding 2—PALESTINIANS.
20140117             —FIRED, Troops, at some 300—DEMONSTRATORS who were protesting against ISRAEL—DESTRUCTION—OF—FARMLAND for its 300-meter buffer zone.
20140117             —KILLED, LEBANON, rocket fire into the border TOWN—OF—ARSAL, at 8—PEOPLE, including 5—CHILDREN.
20140117             —LAUNCHED, At least 20—ROCKETS, from Syria struck LEBANON—FRONTIER—AREAS.
20140117             —DECLARED, MADAGASCAR, Hery Rajaonarimampianina (55), 1—CANADIAN—EDUCATED former finance MINISTER backed by strongman Andry Rajoelina, as the country's new PRESIDENT.
20140117             —ARRESTED, MALI—ARMY, Houka Houka Ag Alfousseyni, 1—HARDLINE—ISLAMIST judge.
20140117             —ORDERED, He had, floggings, amputations and THE—STONING—OF—WOMEN for adultery —DURING a 10-month occupation by rebels linked to al Qaeda.
20140117             —EXPLODED, PAKISTAN, 1—BOMB, on 1—TRAIN as it was en route from PESHAWAR to KARACHI.
20140117             3—PASSENGERS were killed and 15 wounded.
20140117             —KILLED, Taliban gunmen, 3—MEN working for 1—PRIVATE—TV—STATION in KARACHI.
20140117             THE—PHILIPPINES, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE fled rising floods and 1—APPROACHING storm in 1—FRESH—ROUND—OF—EVACUATIONS as the death toll from 1—WEEK—OF foul weather rose to 37.
20140117             —PLUMMETED, ROMANIA, 1—UK—DIPLOMAT, 46—JAHRE—ALT, from the highest floor of 1—HOTEL in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—BAIA—MARE —AFTER leaving 1—FAREWELL note.
20140117             —REPORTED, It was, that SOCHI residents are blaming the Olympic Games for ecological damage.
20140117             Environmental experts said that RUSSIA—OLYMPIC—CONSTRUCTION, which has consisted of pouring soil into lowland swamps, helped cause the flooding that created 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY in the area in September and could increase the risk for more flooding.
20140117             —STEPPED, Sources said that RUSSIA in recent weeks has, up SUPPLIES—OF—MILITARY gear to Syria, including armored vehicles, drones and guided bombs, boosting PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD —JUST as rebel infighting has weakened the insurgency against him.
20140117             SCOTLAND, THE—BODY—OF—1—MISSING—EDINBURGH youngster was found in Fife shortly —BEFORE midnight.
20140117             —DETAINED, THE—MOTHER—OF—MIKAEEL—KULAR, 3—JAHRE—ALT was, —FOLLOWING the discovery.
20140117             NORTH—SRI—LANKA, THE—DISCOVERY—OF—1—MASS—GRAVE containing more than 30—SKULLS fuelled speculation that there may be MANY—MORE—LIKE it containing the remains of thousands who went missing —DURING the island nation's nearly 3—DECADE—WAR.
20140117             —MANAGED, THE—SUDAN PEOPLE—LIBERATION—ARMY—NORTH reportedly " to destroy" 1—GOVERNMENT—CONVOY at Malkan, BLUE—NILE state.
20140117             —CLAIMED, They, to have killed DOZENS—OF—SOLDIERS and disabled 1—TANK —DURING battle, but the military said it was the victor.
20140117             —PREPARED, SYRIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER said his country is, to implement 1—CEASE—FIRE in THE—WAR—TORN CITY—OF—ALEPPO and exchange detainees with the country's opposition forces as 1—CONFIDENCE building measure ahead of 1—PEACE—CONFERENCE opening next —WEEK in SWITZERLAND.
20140117             —OUSTED, SYRIA—REBELS, al QAEDA—LINKED faction ISIL, from Saraqeb, 1—OF—ITS northwestern bastions.
20140117             —LIFTED, TAIWAN, 1—BAN on imports of CANADA—BEEF—ON—THE—BONE as PART—OF—ITS—EFFORTS to promote investment talks with the country and its participation in regional trade blocs.
20140117             The new measure will take effect in MID—FEBRUARY.
20140117             —KILLED, TANZANIA, 1—PERSON was, in clashes between police and THOUSANDS—OF—VILLAGERS who stormed 1—GOLD—MINE operated by 1—SUBSIDIARY—OF—CANADA—MINING giant Barrick Gold.
20140117             † 1—PERSON was killed.
20140117             —SEIZED, TURKEY—AUTHORITIES, the assets of the main opposition candidate for the post of ISTANBUL mayor in THE—RUN—UP to local polls in March.
20140117             —ANNOUNCED, TURKEY—SAVINGS—DEPOSIT—INSURANCE—FUND, the decision —AFTER MUSTAFA—SARIGUL and 9—OTHER—PEOPLE failed to repay 1—LOAN worth $3.5—MILLION (2.6—MILLION—EUROS) dating back to 19980000          .
20140117             UGANDA, 1—SPOKESMAN for PRESIDENT—YOWERI—MUSEVENI said THE—PRESIDENT has refused to approve 1—CONTROVERSIAL—BILL that would have seen homosexuals jailed for life despite viewing gays as "sick" and "abnormal".
20140117             —SUGGESTED, In 1—LETTER to PARLIAMENT, THE—PRESIDENT had, homosexuality was caused by 1—GENETIC flaw, or 1 need to make money.
20140117             —SIGNED, UKRAINE PRESIDENT—VIKTOR—YANUKOVYCH, legislation curbing ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS, civic activism and free speech.
20140117             —REPORTED, It was, that BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA defrocked 384—PRIESTS 20110000—20120000    —FROM—TO for sexually molesting children.
20140117             —ARMED, YEMEN, clashes between, militants and the army killed 3—MILITANTS in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—AL—DALEA (Daleh).
20140117             2—SOLDIERS were killed in the fighting.
20140117—19900000    —FROM, Residents of Mannar said that the area was controlled mainly by the army.
20140117—20000000    —IN—THE, HAITI, 1—JUDGE concluded the investigation into 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST notorious political assassinations, accusing 9—PEOPLE—OF having 1—HAND—KILLING—OF—RADIO—JOURNALIST—JEAN—DOMINIQUE, including several close ASSOCIATES—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—JEAN—BERTRAND—ARISTIDE.
20140117—20080000    —REMOVED, This was 1—DRAMATIC—INCREASE over THE—171—PRIESTS, and 20090000             , —WHEN THE—VATICAN 1. provided details on THE—NUMBER—OF—PRIESTS defrocked.
20140117—20140115    —ON, The boy was last seen.
20140117—20150000    —IN, 1—MEDICAL—BOARD concluded that she had been poisoned.
20141028—20140117    —ENTERED, SERGEANT—HARRIS, CAMBODIA —AFTER—EARLIER skipping bail in FLORIDA.
20141115             —FACED, MOROCCO, a 20—MILLION—DOLLAR (16—MILLION—EUROS) fine for refusing to host 20150000             —THE Cup in its scheduled 20140117             —FEBRUARY 8—SLOT over fears of the spread of the deadly Ebola epidemic.
20150112—20150117    —ON, Layla bint ABDUL—MUTALEB—BASSIM is —LATER seen screaming her innocence in 1—VIDEO—POSTED on THE—INTERNET.
20150117             —THURSDAY, 20150115
20150117             —ARRESTED, He was, —WHILE attending graduate school in ILLINOIS and held for nearly 6—YEARS in 1—USA—NAVY brig —BEFORE pleading to conspiring to support 1—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION and receiving 1—SENTENCE—OF—JUST over 8—YEARS.
20150117             —SPILLED, MONTANA, some 50,000 GALLONS—OF—OIL, from 1—PIPELINE into the Yellowstone River near Glendive.
20150117             1—AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIAL said that 9—INSURGENTS have been killed —DURING 1—RAID by security forces backed by local citizens in Kunduz province.
20150117             —CONDEMNED, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—ASHRAF—GHANI strongly, the latest Muhammad caricature on THE—COVER—OF—THE—NEW—CHARLIE—HEBDO issue, and called it 1—INSULT to Islam and the Muslim world.
20150117             —PROTESTED, HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE in Paktika province, against the continued publishing of cartoons depicting Mohammad by THE—FRANCE—MAGAZINE—CHARLIE—HEBDO.
20150117             —FEARED, CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC, the widely, ANTI—BALAKA COMMANDER—RODRIGUE—NGAIBONA, alias Andilo, was arrested.
20150117             CHAD sent troops, about 400—MILITARY—VEHICLES including tanks and armored vehicles, and several attack helicopters to CAMEROON and NIGERIA to aid in the fight against the Islamist militants.
20150117             —REPORTED, It was, that CAMEROON, CHAD and NIGER have launched 1—REGIONAL—BID to combat the Boko Haram Islamists.
20150117             —MARCHED, In CHAD tens of thousands, in the capital to show support for the fight against Boko Haram chanting in French and Arabic: "Kick the forces of evil out of our territory".
20150117             Her 19750000              film "I—WANT 1—SOLUTION" gave 1—SCATHING critique of divorce and marriage laws in EGYPT, —WHILE 1965's "The Sin" focused on the oppression of struggling peasants.
20150117             —AGREED, EL—SALVADOR, leaders of THE—MS—13 and Barrio 18—GANGS, from their jail cells to halt killing without ANY—MEDIATION.
20150117             —EXECUTED, INDONESIA, 6—DRUG—TRAFFICKERS, 5—OF—THEM foreign nationals.
20150117             —RECALLED, The next —DAY BRAZIL and THE—NETHERLANDS, their ambassadors from JAKARTA and expressed fury —FOLLOWING the executions of 2—OF—THEIR—CITIZENS.
20150117             —RALLIED, INGUSHETIA, some 15,000—PEOPLE, against Western publications that insult the Prophet Mohammed, —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—CHARLIE—HEBDO attack in FRANCE.
20150117             —CONDUCTED, THE—USA and its allies, 29—AIRSTRIKES on Islamic State targets in Syria and IRAQ over the last 24-hours.
20150117             —KILLED, IRAQ, 1—SERIES—OF—BOMBINGS targeting busy markets, 18—PEOPLE in and —AROUND BAGHDAD.
20150117             —RELEASED, The Islamic State group, about 200—YAZIDIS held —FOR—5—MONTHS in IRAQ, mostly elderly, infirm captives who likely slowed the extremists down.
20150117             —PLEDGED, JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER—SHINZO—ABE, $2.5—BILLION in humanitarian and development aid for THE—MIDDLE—EAST as he launched 1—REGIONAL—TOUR that includes visits to JORDAN and ISRAEL.
20150117             —REPORTED, It was, that LITHUANIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY will issue next —WEEK a 98-page booklet, entitled "How to act in extreme situations or INSTANCES—OF—WAR, reflecting jitters over neighboring RUSSIA—INTERVENTION in UKRAINE and 1—RECENT—INCREASE—OF reported airspace violations in the Baltic region.
20150117             —CONDEMNED, Media organizations, the imprisonment of MACEDONIA—INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST—TOMISLAV—KEZAROVSKI —AFTER 1—APPEALS—COURT—IN—SKOPJE upheld charges against him, albeit with 1—REDUCTION in sentence.
20150117             —PERISHED, MADAGASCAR, at least 46—PEOPLE, as tropical storm Chedza battered the country over the last 48—HOURS, affecting almost 80,000 residents.
20150117             —KILLED, NORTH—MALI, 1—UN—PEACEKEEPER from CHAD was, and another wounded near Kidal.
20150117             —DISMANTLED, MOROCCO said it has, 1—ISLAMIST—MILITANT—CELL sending fighters to Syria and IRAQ to join Islamic State and mount attacks on returning home.
20150117             1—SECURITY—SOURCE said the government thinks nearly 2,000 Moroccans have fought in SYRIA—CIVIL—WAR and in IRAQ with Islamic State.
20150117             —BURNED, NIGER, rioters, at least 7—CHURCHES in NIAMEY over the publication of 1—PROPHET—MOHAMMED cartoon on the cover of FRANCE—CHARLIE—HEBDO weekly.
20150117             The weekend violence left 10—PEOPLE—DEAD and 45—CHURCHES set on fire.
20150117             RUSSIA, 3—IRON ore miners were missing and 2—OTHERS were hospitalized —AFTER 1—EXPLOSION—DEEP—UNDERGROUND in THE—TOWN—OF—KUSHVA in the Ural Mountains.
20150117             —KILLED, At least 35—SYRIA—SOLDIERS were, —WHEN 1—ARMY—CARGO—PLANE crashed in bad night weather in THE—NORTHWEST—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20150117             —CLAIMED, AL—NUSRA Front, on Twitter that it had shot down the aircraft.
20150117             THE—SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said clashes broke out in THE—NORTH—EAST—CITY—OF—HASSAKEH —AFTER MEMBERS—OF—1—KURDISH—MILITIA detained 10—SYRIA—SOLDIERS and PRO—GOVERNMENT—GUNMEN—AFTER they deployed in areas controlled by the Kurds.
20150117             1—TURKEY—INTELLIGENCE—REPORT said —AROUND 3,000—PEOPLE in TURKEY are believed to be linked to the Islamic State (IS) jihadist group.
20150117             —KILLED, UKRAINE officials said fighting in the east has, 3—SOLDIERS, as 1—UPSURGE in clashes in recent days between the army and PRO—RUSSIA—REBELS centered —AROUND control of the battered DONETSK airport.
20150117             —SEIZED, YEMEN—HOUTHI militia, AHMED—AWAD bin Mubarak, PRESIDENT—ABDRABUH—MANSUR—HADI—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, and threatened unspecified further steps to derail 1 proposed new constitution in 1—WRANGLE for power that threatens to bring down the government.
20150117             National security service CHIEF—GENERAL—MOHAMMED—AL—AHMADI said there are —AROUND 1,000 AL—QAEDA militants in YEMEN from 11—ARAB and NON—ARAB countries.
20150117             Protokolle: Türkischer GEHEIM—DIENST soll Waffen an AL—QAIDA geliefert haben
20150117             Russische Politiker in der ANT—ARKTIS: Patriotismus auf Eis
20150117             Ausgegraben: Dänische Perlen aus der Werkstatt des Pharaos
20150117             FRANKEN—FREIGABE: DEUTSCHE—BANK soll 150.000.000—DOLLAR verloren haben
20150117             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS: "In den Bann AL—QAIDAS geraten"
20150117             —STREIT—UM—TEURE Hepatitis-C-Pille: Der Preis fürs Überleben
20150117             —ANSCHLAG—AUF—CHARLIE—HEBDO : Attentäter Saïd Kouachi in REIMS beigesetzt
20150117             CYBER—ATTACKE: Unbekannte kapern TWITTER—ACCOUNTS—VON—USA—MEDIEN
20150117             Justizvollzug: SPD fordert Aussteigerprogramme für ISLAMISTEN
20150117             Hinweise auf TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE: BUNDES—REGIERUNG will Panik vermeiden
20150117             —ANTI—SEMITISMUS in EUROPA: "Ist 1—NICHT—JUDE mehr wert als 1—JUDE?"
20150117             ANSTURM—AUF—DEUTSCHE Ausgabe: Warten auf "Hebdo"
20150117             —GESCHALTET, PEGIDA und die GERMANY—ANGST: Auf Alarm
20150117             TERRORISMUS—FURCHT in Firmen: Die Suche nach EXTREMISTEN auf der Gehaltsliste (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 15:20)
20150117             —VOR, bald 1—JAHR, DER—VORFALL sickerte an DIE—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT.
20150117             Das zum Teil HAND—SCHRIFTLICH verfasste Dokument verstärkt den Verdacht, dass DIE—REGIERUNG EXTREMISTEN unterstützte, um damit dem verhassten syrischen Herrscher BASCHAR—AL—ASSAD zu schaden.
20150117             —BESTIMMT, Demnach war die Fracht für AL—QAIDA, heißt es dort: Waffen, Raketen und Munition.
20150117             Glaubt man dem Protokoll, protestierten die MIT—AGENTEN lautstark GEGEN—DIE—DURCHSUCHUNG.
20150117             DIE—WESTLICHEN Länder spielen ganz offensichtlich 1—DOPPELTES Spiel.
20150117             USA—POLIZEI: RASSISMUS, war da was?
20150117             Umschulden: Schneller raus aus dem Kredit
20150117             —ANTI—ISLAM—BEWEGUNG: SCHÄUBLE bezeichnet PEGIDA als Phänomen der alternden GESELLSCHAFT
20150117             ERB—GUT—ANALYSE: KLIMA—WANDEL treibt Eisbären nach NORDEN
20150117             Auswertung von TV—SENDUNGEN: Medien berichten negativ über den ISLAM
20150117             Hanfpflanze auf Balkon: DROGEN—ERMITTLUNG—GEGEN—GRÜNEN—CHEF—ÖZDEMIR
20150117             GEWALT—IN—DER—PFLEGE: "Halt dein Maul, sonst kommst du ins Heim"
20150117             TOD—VON—KHALED B.: Dresdner erinnern an getöteten ASYL—BEWERBER
20150117             FLORIDA: Schießerei in EINKAUF—ZENTRUM - 2—TOTE
20150117             NEVADA: 132—JAHRE—ALTES WILDWEST—GEWEHR lehnte an 1—BAUM
20150117             —ANTI—TERROR—KAMPF: DE—MAIZIÈRE treibt Gesetz zur VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG voran
20150117             TERROR—GEFAHR: 4—ISLAMISTEN in GRIECHENLAND festgenommen
20150117             TEHERAN—IRANISCHE Zeitung wegen Sympathie zu CHARLIE—HEBDO verboten
20150117             DIE—PARKVERWALTUNG weiß nicht, wie das Gewehr dorthin gelangt ist.
20150117             Offensichtlich hat das WINCHESTER—GEWEHR VIELE—JAHRE im Freien erlebt.
20150117             Dadurch fand das WAFFEN—MUSEUM—CODY (USA—BUNDES—STAAT WYOMING) schnell heraus, dass ES—SICH um 1—WINCHESTER Kaliber 44—40—HANDELT, hergestellt 18820000             —J—IM.
20150117             DIE—UNWIRTLICHE, abgelegene Gegend IM—OSTEN Nevadas nahe der GRENZE—ZU—UTAH wurde —ZEIT—ZU—DER, als die Waffe verkauft wurde, hauptsächlich für BERG—BAU und VIEH—WIRTSCHAFT genutzt.
20150117             Das WINCHESTER—GEWEHR spielte 1—WICHTIGE Rolle in der GESCHICHTE Amerikas.
20150117             Zwar stellte Winchester Repeating Arms auch VIELE—ANDERE—WAFFEN her, berühmt aber wurde DAS—UNTERNEHMEN mit dem —DAMALS, REVOLUTIONären Gewehr, 1—SOGENANNTEN UNTERHEBEL—REPETIERER.
20150117             DIE—AM weitesten verbreitete Variante war das Modell 18730000          .
20150117             Das Timing konnte —DAMALS, aus Sicht des Herstellers nicht besser sein.
20150117             —NACH—DEM, Ende des amerikanischen —BÜRGER—KRIEGS (18610000—18650000    ) BEGANN die rasante Besiedlung des Westens und die Endphase der Indianerkriege.
20150117             INDIANERKRIEGE—DIE—WINCHESTER gilt —HEUTE—BIS als das "Gewehr, das den Westen eroberte", nicht zuletzt dank zahlreicher HOLLYWOOD—FILME: Kaum 1—WESTERN kommt ohne Winchester aus.
20150117             [l] Aus dem Tagebuch 1—NSA—CYBER—KRIEGERS.
20150117             I doubt that you could ever have gotten those 6—GUYS to agree on anything else.
20150117             —WITNESSED, EMERSON—USE—OF—LAWYERS to bully other journalists, which I had, firsthand, became PART—OF—HIS modus operandi, as Nation reporter ROBERT—I.
20150117             "Intellectual terrorism seems to be PART—OF—EMERSON—STANDARD repertoire," Friedman wrote.
20150117             —REPORTED, Friedman also, that Emerson hosted RIGHT—WING ISRAEL—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS —WHEN they were in WASHINGTON.
20150117             FORMER—MOSSAD agent VICTOR Ostrovsky calls Emerson "THE—HORN"because he trumpets what Mossad tells him to trumpet.
20150117             —AM, FRANCE—HYPOCRACY. Outro, Intro.
20150117             "Changing what needs to be changed, THE—UNION—OF—HOLLANDE and LE—PEN reproduces that of LAVAL and Pétain.
20150117             Where else have I heard that echo?
20150117             Shadow9echo : 0924—PM—THOSE who aren't Charlie —POSTED—BY—RICHARD—SEYMOUR
20150117             Unfortunately, there are 1—FEW troublemakers in our midst, people who aren't Charlie, who need to be rooted out and dealt with.
20150117             "C'est justement ceux qui ne sont pas "Charlie"qu'il faut repérer, ceux qui, dans certains établissements scolaires ont refusé la —MINUTE de silence, ceux qui "balancent"sur les réseaux sociaux et ceux qui ne voient pas en quoi ce combat est le leur.
20150117             "It is those indeed who are not "Charlie"who must be identified; those who in certain schools refused to observe THE—MINUTE—SILENCE, those who "spout off"on social networks, and those who don't see that this struggle is theirs.
20150117             NOTHING IS WHAT IT SEEMS
20150117             —ARRESTED, AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIALS said security services have, 5—MEN in recent weeks in connection with 20151216             —THE massacre at 1—PAKISTAN military school last —MONTH that killed 150—PEOPLE, MOST—OF—THEM children.
20150117—18730000    die Gravur ist noch zu lesen: "Model 1873"und 1—SERIENNUMMER.
20150117—19160000    —BIS, Allein von ihm wurden mehr als 720.000—STÜCK gefertigt.
20150117—20111200    —ARRESTED, THE—USA—RELEASED—ALI—AL—MARRI, as 1—ENEMY—NON—COMBATANT, and returned him to QATAR.
20151215—20120117    —AM, The persistence of the myth that ASSAD lacks support calls to mind 1—ARTICLE—WRITTEN—BY—JONATHAN—STEELE in THE—UK—NEWSPAPER THE—GUARDIAN, less than 1—YEAR into THE—WAR.
20160117             SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JOHN—KERRY said THE—USA will repay IRAN a $400—MILLION—DEBT and $1.3—BILLION in interest dating to the Islamic revolution.
20160117             —DELIVERED, The money was soon, in cash on pallets due to lack of 1—USA—IRAN banking relationship.
20160117             1—SPACEX rocket toppled on 1—BARGE —WHEN 1—SUPPORT—LEG failed to lock upon landing on 1—BARGE about 200—MILES—WEST—OF—S—DIEGO.
20160117             1—JASON 3—SATELLITE was successfully launched.
20160117             EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER targeting 1—GATHERING in Nangarhar province killed 14—PEOPLE, including 7—MEMBERS—OF—1—PROMINENT—PRO—GOVERNMENT—CLAN at THE—JALALABAD home of Obaidullah Shinwari.
20160117             † 1—MAN in 1—FRANCE—HOSPITAL—AFTER taking part in 1—DRUG—TRIAL for 1—PAINKILLER based on 1—COMPOUND similar to cannabis.
20160117             1—MAN had already been in 1—STATE—OF—BRAIN death.
20160117             5—OTHER—PARTICIPANTS remained hospitalized.
20160117             —STOPPED, The University had reportedly, paying him 1—FELLOWSHIP—OF—25,000 rupees per —MONTH—AFTER he was found "raising issues under the banner of Ambedkar Students Association (ASA)".
20160117             —SPARKED, His suicide, protests and outrage from across INDIA and gained widespread media attention as 1 alleged CASE—OF—DISCRIMINATION against Dalits and low status caste in INDIA.
20160117             1—PALESTINIAN killed ISRAEL—NURSE—DAFNA Meir (38), 1—MOTHER—OF—6, in 1—STABBING attack at her home in THE—WEST—BANK—SETTLEMENT—OF—OTNIEL.
20160117             1—PALESTINE—WHO tried to stab soldiers in THE—WEST—BANK was shot dead.
20160117             —DETAINED, Security forces, suspect Murad Ideis (15) —AFTER—2—DAYS—OF—EXTENSIVE—SEARCHES.
20160117             —ARRESTED, PALESTINE—OFFICIALS said they had, 1—MEMBER—OF—THEIR—PEACE negotiating department for spying for ISRAEL.
20160117             —ARRESTED, Another official said the suspect was, 2—WEEKS ago.
20160117             —KILLED, SOUTH—YEMEN, 4—PEOPLE were, and several others injured on —WHEN 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMB exploded outside THE—HOME—OF—THE—DIRECTOR—OF—SECURITY for the port CITY—OF—ADEN.
20160117             † Prominent local journalist, Almigdad Mojalli, was killed in 1—SAUDI—LED air strike —WHILE investigating the site of 1—MINERAL—BATH that residents said was hit by coalition planes last —WEEK, killing 15—CIVILIANS.
20160117             1—AIRSTRIKE by THE—SAUDI—LED coalition shortly —BEFORE midnight targeted 1—BUILDING used by police in SANAA.
20160117             —KILLED, At least 26—PEOPLE were.
20160117             EU—RATS—PRÄSIDENT—TUSK zu POLEN: "Ich bin Staatsfeind Nummer 1"
20160117             Innere Sicherheit: JUSTIZ—MINISTER—MAAS ruft zum RECHTS—EXTREMISMUS—GIPFEL
20160117             ASYL—BEWERBER, Union will Nordafrikaner schneller abschieben
20160117             Darstellung von : Wie Karten unser BILD—VON—DER—WELT formen
20160117             Finanzierungslücke: UNO fehlen—DOLLAR für humanitäre Hilfe
20160117             ATOM—WAFFEN—DEAL: IRAN kehrt auf den Weltmarkt zurück
20160117             —NEUE—GEISEL—NAHME: IS—TERRORISTEN entführen 400—ZIVILISTEN in OST—SYRIEN
20160117             USA—STADT FLINT: Blei im TRINK—WASSER—OBAMA ruft Notstand aus
20160117             [l] Die SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—DEN—IRAN wurden aufgehoben.
20160117             STROMNETZ—STABILISIERUNG: BLACKOUT—ABWEHR kostete 20150000              1.MILLIARDE—EURO
20160117             VOR—FÄLLE in KÖLN: Kontrolle ist besser
20160117             SILVESTER—ÜBERGRIFFE: Grüne Frauen fordern offene DEBATTE—ÜBER—HERKUNFT der KÖLN—TÄTER
20160117             RAZZIA—IN—DÜSSELDORF: POLIZEI nimmt 40—MÄNNER im "MAGHREB—VIERTEL"fest
20160117             GLOBALISIERUNG und TERROR: Die neue Welt ist brutal
20160117             SACHSEN—ANHALT: Angreifer schlagen rechte Demonstranten krankenhausreif
20160117             Eigentlich sollten dies friedliche Zeiten sein.
20160117             25—JAHRE NACHDEM sich der Eiserne Vorhang hob und 1.Nation nach der anderen sich öffnete, hat unübersehbar 1.neue Ära begonnen:
20160117             sich der Eiserne Vorhang hob
20160117             Tatsächlich hat sich die offene Weltordnung keineswegs als so stabil erwiesen wie erhofft.
20160117             Weder ökonomisch -
20160117             —NOCH, POLITISCH—KONFLIKTE zwischen STAATEN, TERROR, KRIEG und —BÜRGER—KRIEG nehmen zu.
20160117             DIE—ZAHL—DER—BEWAFFNETEN Auseinandersetzungen ist auf historisch hohem Niveau und steigt weiter an, hat DAS—INSTITUT—FÜR—FRIEDENS—, KONFLIKT—FORSCHUNG an der UNIVERSITÄT—UPPSALA erm
20160117             Gefährliche Zeiten.
20160117             —BEGINNT, Beim World Economic Forum, das —MITTWOCH in Davos, wird die globale Elite aus Wirtschaft und —POLITIK darüber zu reden haben.
20160117             —INVESTIERT, Es ist so viel KAPITAL grenzüberschreitend, worden, daß es DIE—WIRTSCHAFTS—LEISTUNG der beteiligten Länder um 50 % übersteigt,
20160117             DIE—WECHSELSEITIGEN Abhängigkeiten rund um den Globus sind größer als jemals zuvor in der GESCHICHTE.
20160117             So wie es der französische Staatsphilosoph MONTESQUIEU —SCHON
20160117             "Frieden ist die natürliche Folge des Handels". Was ist hier eigentlich los?
20160117             Doch der Fortschritt läuft keineswegs harmonisch, kontinuierlich und einheitlich ab.
20160117             Ungleichheit: Die insgesamt steigende Produktivität kommt nicht allen zugute, sondern insbesondere Vermögenden und Hochqualifizierten.
20160117             CHINA, jenes Land, das mutmaßlich ZUMEIST von der GLOBALISIERUNG profitiert hat, gehört beispielsweise —HEUTE zu den ungleichsten Gesellschaften der Welt, wie 1.Untersuchung der UNIVERSITÄT—PEKING zeigt, die diese Woche veröffentlicht wurde.
20160117             NATÜRLICH führt all das nicht direkt zu politischen oder gar gewalttätigen Zuspitzungen.
20160117             NATÜRLICH—WO sich verbreiteter Frust in politische Erzählungen übersetzen lässt, die von nationaler Demütigung HANDELN—SIEHE RUSSLAND gegenwärtig -, werden zwischenstaatliche Konflikte wahrscheinlicher.
20160117             politische Erzählungen
20160117             Mysteriöses ZIKA—VIRUS: Die ANGST—VOR—DEM—ZU kleinen Köpfchen
20160117             KOLUMBIEN, haben sich mehr als 11.000—MENSCHEN mit dem ZIKA—VIRUS infiziert, das möglicherweise auch für Fehlbildungen bei Babys verantwortlich sein könnte.
20160117             Zika stammt ursprünglich aus UGANDA—DORT wurde es vor knapp 40—JAHREN 1. beschrieben.
20160117             Da laufen 1.000—HOOLIGANS randalierend durch die Münchner MAXIMILIANstraße, und SPD—CHEF—SIGMAR—GABRIEL sagt, man müsse die Sorgen dieser Menschen ernst nehmen, "es macht sie einfach wütend, daß sie sich keine Tasche von LOUIS—VUITTON leisten können".
20160117             Richtig oder falsch?
20160117             Mit dem MONGOLENSTURM—AUF—BAGDAD 12580000              war die hochentwickelte islamische Kultur weitgehend vernichtet.
20160117             —NOCH, —KURZ—VOR, seinem Tod war der Erfinder der NEUTRONEN—BOMBE davon überzeugt, daß seine Waffe DIE—WELT besser machen könnte.
20160117             DIE—BOMBE, die er 19580000              ERFAND—UND—DE - "Man kotzt sich die Eingeweide heraus"
20160117             —WÄHREND, andere am ATOM—WAFFEN—PROGRAMM der USA beteiligte Physiker später Schuldgefühle hegten, trommelte COHEN JAHRZEHNTE—LANG für seine Erfindung.
20160117             Absage des Rosenmontagszugs: RHEINBERGer Karnevalisten feiern im Zelt, FLÜCHTLINGE willkommen
20160117             Obduktion: Fischernetz im Magen von POTTWAL—KADAVER entdeckt
20160117             ATOM—WAFFEN—DEAL: OBAMA feiert "historische Fortschritte"mit IRAN
20160117             Umstrittenes Raketenprogramm: USA verhängen neue SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—IRAN
20160117—20200000    —BIS, Roboter ersetzen in Industrieländern 5.000.000—JOBS (Wirtschaft, 11:58)
20170109—20170117    —KILLED, Officer NORMAN—LEWIS was, in 1—MOTORCYCLE crash —DURING 1—MASSIVE—MANHUNT for Lloyd, who was captured.
20170117             Collectively, these provinces occupy 1—AREA—OF—13,266—SQUARE km (5,122 sq mi).
20170117             —COMMUTED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, the prison sentence of Chelsea Manning (29), who has served 7—YEARS—OF a 35-year sentence for disclosing HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS of classified documents on USA—MILITARY and foreign policy.
20170117             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, over 270—GRANTS—OF—CLEMENCY.
20170117             —IMPOSED, THE—USA—OFFICE—OF—FOREIGN—ASSET—CONTROL, sanctions against BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBIA—LEADER—MILORAD Dodik, blocking access to his assets and banning ANY—USA national from doing business with him.
20170117             S—FRANCISCO—THE—GOLDEN—STATE—WARRIORS, held 1—GROUND—BREAKING ceremony for their new Mission Bay $1—BILLION CHASE—ARENA.
20170117             THE—SF, Bay Area Gin Lu Shwe (70), 1—FORMER—CUPERTINO school BOARD member, was reported missing.
20170117             —RENEWED, BRAZIL—POLICE used rubber bullets and tear gas to break up 1, clash between drug gangs in the Alcaçuz prison where 26—INMATES were butchered by rivals in recent days.
20170117             BRITAIN will quit the European UNION—SINGLE—MARKET—WHEN it exits the bloc, PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—MAY said, in 1—DECISIVE—SPEECH that quashed speculation she would seek 1—COMPROMISE deal to stay inside the world's biggest trading bloc.
20170117             —ANNOUNCED, UK—USA—TOBACCO, that will take over Reynolds USA—INCORPORATED for $49—BILLION to create the world's largest publicly traded tobacco company.
20170117             It would seek to capitalize on growing demand for electronic cigarettes in THE—USA and traditional ones in developing countries.
20170117             —OWNED, BAT already, 42—PERCENT—OF—REYNOLDS.
20170117             —RULED, The European COURT—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS, that RUSSIA—POLICY—OF refusing to allow Americans to adopt RUSSIA—CHILDREN was discriminatory, 1—DECISION—MOSCOW said it would appeal.
20170117             THE—EU said LITHUANIA can use EU funds to install surveillance systems on its border with RUSSIA's militarized KALININGRAD exclave but not to build 1—FENCE.
20170117             1—INDIA—COURT sentenced 39—PEOPLE to 10—YEARS in prison each for buying and selling girls in Karnataka state, signaling 1—RARE—VICTORY for prosecutors in 1—COUNTRY where fewer than 2 in 5—TRAFFICKING cases ends in 1—CONVICTION.
20170117             IRAN will be granted 1—LICENSE to become 1—MOBILE—SERVICE—OPERATOR in Syria under agreements to expand economic ties between the countries.
20170117             —KILLED, IRAQ, 1—CAR—BOMB—BLAST in SOUTH—BAGHDAD, at least 7—PEOPLE and wounded 20.
20170117             —TRIED, ISRAEL—TROOPS shot dead 1—PALESTINE—WHO had, to stab 1—SOLDIER at 1—CHECKPOINT in the occupied WEST—BANK.
20170117             —KILLED, IVORY—COAST, 1—MUTINOUS—SOLDIER was, in YAMOUSSOUKRO, as fresh trouble erupted —AFTER troops took to the streets, firing shots in the air and terrifying residents.
20170117             —SIGNED, LITHUANIA, 1—AGREEMENT with THE—USA—FORMALIZING THE—PRESENCE—OF—USA—TROOPS in the small Baltic country bordering RUSSIA and BELARUS.
20170117             —ATTACKED, MEXICO, gunmen, the state prosecutor's OFFICE—IN—CANCUN killing 4—PEOPLE.
20170117             MOLDOVA—NEW—PRESIDENT—IGOR—DODON, who is visiting RUSSIA on his 1. trip abroad, voiced hope for rebuilding "strategic" ties with MOSCOW and hinted that THE—EX—SOVIET nation could eventually shelve 1—TRADE—PACT with the European Union.
20170117             —REPORTED, It was, that MOROCCO has offered GAMBIA—PRESIDENT—YAHYA—JAMMEH asylum in return for accepting election defeat and stepping down.
20170117             1—NIGERIAN—AIR—FORCE—FIGHTER—JET on 1—MISSION against Boko Haram extremists mistakenly bombed 1—REFUGEE—CAMP, killing at least 76—REFUGEES and wounding more than 100 in NORTH—EAST—RANN.
20170117             —KILLED, Estimates —LATER rose to as many as 236—PEOPLE, in the botched air strike.
20170117             —ANNOUNCED, Senior ROMANIA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIAL—FLORIN—COLDEA, his retirement —AFTER 1—BUSINESSMAN indicted on WIDE—RANGING corruption charges claimed he had 1—CLOSE—RELATIONSHIP with the officer.
20170117             In in DAVOS—SWITZERLAND, the annual World Economic Forum opened.
20170117             CHINA—PRESIDENT—XI—JINPING gave the opening address urging the world to "say no to protectionism" and warning that "no 1 will emerge as 1—WINNER in 1—TRADE—WAR.
20170117             —CARRIED, SYRIA, RUSSIA—WARPLANES, out air strikes on Islamic STATE—TARGETS—SOUTH—OF—AL—BAB in coordination with TURKEY.
20170117             —FILED, UKRAINE said it has, 1—CASE against RUSSIA at THE—UNITED—NATIONS' highest court, accusing MOSCOW of illegally annexing Crimea and illicitly funding separatist rebel groups in EAST—UKRAINE.
20170117             Kiev also is seeking compensation for deadly incidents including 20140000             —THE shooting down of MALAYSIA Airlines Flight 17.
20170117             THE—UN said SOMALIA risks slipping back into famine, as worsening drought has left millions without food, water or healthcare in 1—COUNTRY crippled by DECADES—OF—WAR.
20170117             —DEMANDED, THE—VATICAN, that the leaders of the Knights of MALTA, 1—WORLDWIDE—CATHOLIC—CHIVALRIC and charity group, cooperate with 1—INQUIRY into alleged irregularities ordered by FRANCIS—PAPA.
20170117             —FIRED, YEMEN, 1—ROCKET, by Houthi rebels killed 6—CIVILIANS, including women and children, —WHEN it hit 1—AREA in SOUTH—TAIZ province.
20170117—19950720    —PARDONED, Those, included baseball sluggers WILLIE—MCCOVEY, 79—JAHRE—ALT and DUKE—SNYDER (20110000              †), who both pleaded guilty, to tax fraud.
20170117—20140000    —ENDED, Malaysian, Australian and CHINA—AUTHORITIES, —TODAY THE—DEEP—SEA—SEARCH for missing MALAYSIA Airlines flight MH370 without ANY—TRACE being FOUND—OF—THE—PLANE that vanished with 239—PEOPLE on BOARD.
20170117—20170122    —ON, CHRISTOPHER—ELLEBRACHT, 38—JAHRE—ALT, a 1—TIME handyman for Shwe, was arrested.
20170117—20170125    —ON, His body was found in the foothills of Tulare County.
20170117—20170517    —ON, Manning was set to go free.
20170117—20171201    —DECLARED, GAMBIA—PRESIDENT—JAMMEH, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY, —AFTER refusing to hand power to opposition leader Adama Barrow who won 1—ELECTION.
20180117             —ARRESTED, THE—USA—BORDER—PATROL, ARIZONA STATE—UNIV. faculty associate SCOTT—WARREN, 35—JAHRE—ALT, 1—VOLUNTEER with aid group No More Deaths on charges of felony alien smuggling.
20180117             Immigrant advocates —LATER said the charge was in retaliation for 1—REPORT and videos by the aid group alleging Border patrol agents destroyed supplies left for migrants.
20180117             Chen Xiaoping, 1—NEW—YORK—BASED EDITOR—AT—CHINESE—LANGUAGE—MIRROR—MEDIA—GROUP, told The Associated Press that 1—NEW—VIDEO that surfaced this —WEEK of his wife denouncing his work was filmed under duress and proves that she is being held by the government in 1—EFFORT to pressure him.
20180117             CENTRAL—INDIANA health network Hancock Health said it has paid $55,000 ransom to hackers to regain access to hospital computer systems.
20180117             —SERVED, MICHIGAN, DESMOND—RICKS, 1—DETROIT man who, 25—YEARS in prison for murder —BEFORE proving he was THE—VICTIM—OF—POLICE—MISCONDUCT, was awarded $1—MILLION under 1—STATE—PROGRAM that compensates the wrongly convicted.
20180117             † In NEW—MEXICO ROY—BENNETT and his wife, who pushed for political change in ZIMBABWE, in 1—FIERY helicopter crash in 1—REMOTE—AREA—OF—THE—STATE along with 1—ADVENTUROUS—TEXAS investor and 1—PAIR of decorated pilots.
20180117             —INVESTIGATED, Authorities in CHILE, yet another burning of 1—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH as FRANCIS—PAPA visited the nation.
20180117             —URGED, FRANCIS—PAPA, the indigenous Mapuche people to shun violence, saying unity was the best weapon against "THE—DEFORESTATION—OF—HOPE," as they struggle to defend their culture and reclaim ancestral lands.
20180117             —RESIGNED, THE—CABINET—OF—CZECH—REPUBLIC—PRIME—MINISTER—ANDREJ—BABIS, 1—DAY—AFTER losing 1—CONFIDENCE—VOTE on the billionaire politician's 1. attempt to form 1—GOVERNMENT—WHILE battling fraud allegations.
20180117             The government will stay in office —UNTIL 1—NEW—CABINET is put in place, which could take months.
20180117             —RELEASED, ETHIOPIA—TOP—OPPOSITION—FIGURE and HUNDREDS—OF—OTHERS were, from prison as PART—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—RECENT pledge to free detained politicians and "widen the democratic space for all" —AFTER the worst ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS in 1—QUARTER—CENTURY.
20180117             —SHELVED, The European Union, a 3.6—BILLION shilling ($35—MILLION) water conservation assistance scheme to KENYA 1—DAY—AFTER forest guards killed 1—MEMBER—OF—1—COMMUNITY—INDIGENOUS to 1—OF—THE—FORESTS involved in the project.
20180117             The bloc had told the government it would reconsider financial support if THE—USE—OF—FORCE against innocent locals persisted.
20180117             —ABANDONED, THE—FRANCE—GOVERNMENT, plans for 1—NEW—580—MILLION—EURO ($710—MILLION) airport in WEST—FRANCE in favor of expanding 1—EXISTING airport in NANTES, 1—SENSITIVE—DECISION that past governments had shirked for decades.
20180117             —CANCELED, Air FRANCE—KLM, 228—EUROPEAN flights to and from AMSTERDAM—SCHIPHOL airport planned for 20180118             , as 1—STORM is expected to disrupt traffic at THE—HOLLAND—NATIONAL—AIRPORT.
20180117             GERMANY and POLAND said they would consider setting up 1—COMMISSION to explore POLAND—CALLS for reparations for GERMANY—ACTIONS —WWII—DURING.
20180117             —STABBED, EAST—GUINEA, 1—YOUNG—LOCAL—MAN, THE—CHIEF—OF—THE—TRADITIONAL hunters in the village of Kantedou Balandou.
20180117             Authorities said this was likely 1—REVENGE killing in response to the shooting DEATH—OF—1—SAUDI—ARABIA—PREACHER 1—DAY —EARLIER.
20180117             —AGREED, The rival Koreas, to form their 1. unified Olympic team and have their athletes parade together for the 1. time in 11—YEARS —DURING the opening ceremony of next —MONTH—WINTER—OLYMPICS in SOUTH—KOREA.
20180117             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—HOLLAND—GOVERNMENT has told the highest REPRESENTATIVE—OF—ERITREA in THE—NETHERLANDS to leave the country as the government saw mounting EVIDENCE—OF—ERITREA continuing to force tax payments from people who fled the country.
20180117             —SUSPECTED, NIGER, Boko Haram fighters killed at least 4—SOLDIERS and 1—CIVILIAN in 1—ATTACK on 1—MILITARY—POST in THE—SOUTH—EAST—DIFFA region.
20180117             NORTH—NIGERIA, 1—DOUBLE—SUICIDE bombing at 1—MARKET in MAIDUGURI killed at least 12—PEOPLE and wounded 45—OTHERS.
20180117             —AMBUSHED, NIGERIA, 2—AMERICANS and 2—CANADIANS were, by unknown gunmen —WHILE traveling from THE—TOWN—OF—KAFANCHAN in KADUNA state to the capital, ABUJA.
20180117             —MASKED, RUSSIA, attackers torched the office of the prominent RUSSIA—RIGHTS—GROUP—MEMORIAL in THE—REGION—OF—INGUSHETIA, the latest ESCALATION—OF—TENSIONS between the activists and officials in THE—NORTH—CAUCASUS.
20180117             —ORDERED, SALMAN—KING—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA, the transfer of $2—BILLION to YEMEN, 1—DAY—AFTER YEMEN—SAUDI—BACKED—PRIME—MINISTER made 1—URGENT—APPEAL on the kingdom and its allies to save the local currency from complete collapse.
20180117             —REPORTED, SERBIA—POLICE, the arrest of 3—AUSTRALIA—CITIZENS suspected of being PART—OF—1—INTERNATIONAL—DRUG—SMUGGLING group.
20180117             —LINKED, The men were, to the discovery of 1,280 kg (2,822 pounds) of cocaine that was seized last April on 1—CHINA—BOAT docked in SYDNEY—AUSTRALIA.
20180117             Police in SLOVENIA found 20—MIGRANTS from PAKISTAN in 1—VAN that crashed —AFTER entering the country illegally from CROATIA on 1—QUEST to reach WEST—EUROPE.
20180117             —ELECTED, SPAIN, the new PARLIAMENT of Catalonia, 1—PRO—SECESSION—SPEAKER, virtually guaranteeing that the push for independence for SPAIN—NORTHEASTERN region will continue as its lawmakers prepare to elect 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT.
20180117             —CALLED, SYRIA—DOMINANT—KURDISH—PARTY, on THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL to act quickly to ensure THE—SAFETY—OF—KURDISH—CONTROLLED territories in the country's north, including 1—ENCLAVE that TURKEY has threatened to attack.
20180117             1—TURKISH—AIR—FORCE—CARGO—PLANE crashed in SOUTH—WEST—TURKEY —DURING 1—TRAINING flight, killing 2—PILOTS and 1—TECHNICIAN on BOARD.
20180117             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—WAVE—OF looting by hungry mobs across VENEZUELA has left streets of shuttered shops in provincial towns and pushed SOME—STORE—OWNERS to arm themselves with guns and machetes, stirring fear that the turmoil could spread to THE—CAPITAL—CARACAS.
20180117             65.000.000—DOLLAR, USA—REGIERUNG friert FINANZ—HILFEN für PALÄSTINENSER ein
20180117             —ABSTIMMUNG: EU—PARLAMENT will Elektrofischerei weiter einschränken
20180117             —KLIMA—SCHUTZ, BDI macht Vorschläge für industriefreundliche ENERGIE—WENDE
20180117             MEXIKO: Taucher entdecken längste Unterwasserhöhle der Welt
20180117             WOHLSTAND—IN—DEUTSCHLAND: Geldvermögen steigt auf Rekordwert
20180117             Einsturz des STADT—ARCHIV—KÖLNS: Anklage sieht BAU—FEHLER als Unglücksursache
20180117             —ABSTURZ der DIGITALWÄHRUNG—BITCOIN fällt unter 10.000—DOLLAR—MARKE
20180117             Wildtiere breiten sich in Städten aus: Wildschweine im SUPER—MARKT
20180117             Test zur geistigen Gesundheit: DONALD—TRUMP kann Löwe und Nashorn benennen
20180117             KÖLN, hat der Prozess zum Einsturz des STADT—ARCHIV—KÖLNS begonnen
20180117             LAUT—ANGABEN—DER—STADT—KÖLN beläuft sich der Sachschaden auf 1,2—MILLIARDEN—EURO.
20180117             DIE—PRIVATEN Haushalte in DEUTSCHLAND sind SO—REICH wie nie zuvor
20180117             Berücksichtigt werden dabei BAR—GELD, Bankeinlagen, Wertpapiere und Ansprüche an VERSICHERUNGEN—NICHT jedoch Immobilien.
20180117             —BIS, Dank des Booms am ARBEITS—MARKT und steigender REAL—LÖHNE konnten VIELE—MENSCHEN mehr sparen.
20180117             DIE—PRÄFERENZ der privaten Haushalte für "liquide und risikoarme Anlagen"halte weiter an,
20180117             DIE—PRIVAT—HAUSHALTE horteten zudem mehr Geld als BAR—GELD oder parkten es als Sichteinlagen bei BANKEN—ALSO auf Giro— oder Tagesgeldkonten, deren Bestände man rasch umschichten kann.
20180117             —VERLOREN, Weil DIE—INFLATION zuletzt wieder anzog, Sparer mit BAR—GELD und Bankeinlagen unter dem Strich Geld
20180117             DIE—ALLIANZ bezifferte die Kaufkraftverluste —BIS Ende des —VERGANGENEN—JAHRES auf etwa—EURO.
20180117             DEUTSCH—FRANZÖSISCHER Vorstoß: TOP—ÖKONOMEN wollen EURO—ZONE radikal umbauen
20180117             NOTRES—DAME—DES Landes: MACRONs Regierung stoppt Bau von umstrittenem GROß—FLUGHAFEN
20180117             FLÜCHTLINGE: DEUTSCHLAND und ÖSTERREICH wollen EU—AUßENGRENZE besser schützen
20180117             NAMIBIA kontert DONALD—TRUMP: Das schönste "Drecksloch"AFRIKAs
20180117             "Epidemie im Verborgenen": GROß—BRITANNIEN hat künftig ein MINISTERIUM—FÜR—EINSAMKEIT
20180117             —ZEITUNGS—BERICHT, Britische Supermärkte produzieren 1.000.000—TONNEN Plastikmüll PRO—JAHR
20180117             AFRIKAnische SCHWEINE—PEST, 100.000e Wildschweine sollen —STERBEN—WOFÜR?
20180117             [l] YOUTUBE—FILM (10m): CALIFORNIA Homeless Problem
20180117             Unabhängig vom Prozess wird der Archiveinsturz DIE—STADT—KÖLN noch lange beschäftigen
20180117             [l] Was machen DIE—BEHÖRDEN—IN—NRW, wenn sie nicht Youtubern 1.Rundfunklizenz aufnötigen?
20180117             Altersheime (mit BINGO—ABENDEN) wegen illegalen Glücksspiels verfolgen!
20180117             Na ein Glück, dass
20180117             [l] FNORD—DES—TAGES, ERDOGAN fordert NATO—BEISTAND—GEGEN—DIE—USA.
20180117             [l] Aus der beliebten Reihe "Not the Onion", —HEUTE: PAKISTAN—HUMANIST denied UK asylum —AFTER failing to identify Plato.
20180117             MONEY—QUOTE: THE—HOME—OFFICE—SAID—HAMZA bin WALAYAT—FAILURE to identify Plato and ARISTOTELES as humanist PHILOSOPHers indicated his KNOWLEDGE—OF—HUMANISM was "rudimentary at best".
20180117             Wir erinnern uns: DIE—BRITEN treten gerade aus der EU aus, um nicht MEHR—AN—DIE—MENSCHEN—RECHTE gebunden zu sein, damit sie islamistische HASS—PREDIGER ausweisen können
20180117             Tarnnamen von EX—AGENT: WERNER—MAUSS = RICHARD Nelson = Claus Möllner
20180117             Wegen DONALD—TRUMP: APPLE holt MILLIARDEN in DIE—USA zurück
20180117             5—DOLLAR PRO—WOCHE: Mutter verlangt Miete von fünfjähriger Tochter
20180117             BÖRSE: DOW—JONES schließt 1. über 26.000—PUNKTEN
20180117—20140000    —IN—THE, 1—HONG—KONG court sentenced democracy activist JOSHUA—WONG, 21—JAHRE—ALT to 3—MONTHS in prison for contempt, his 2. prison term stemming from his role "Umbrella Movement" protests.
20180117—20180119    —FREED, The 4 were.
20180117—20190300    —BIS, Wenn, kein erstinstanzliches Urteil ergangen ist, ist die Sache verjährt.
20180117—20230000    —IN, 1—COPY—OF—LITHUANIA'S 19180000              INDEPENDENCE Act found in GERMANY—ARCHIVES was returned to the Baltic country, but only on loan, to be returned.
20180628             —FIRED, 1—ISRAEL—TANK, 1—SHELL in their direction and —LATER discovered firebombs at the sc20180117             —YEAR—OLD—ABDEL—FATTAH Azzom was wounded and soon † in 1—GAZA hospital.
20190117             —ARRESTED, GREECE—POLICE, 1—MAN trying to sell antiquities excavated by grave robbers that dated back to the 02010101—03001231     BC.
20190117             —ACKNOWLEDGED, MICHAEL—COHEN, PRESIDENT—TRUMP—FORMER—ATTORNEY, that he paid 1—TECHNOLOGY—COMPANY to rig TRUMP—STANDINGS in 2—ONLINE polls —BEFORE the presidential campaign.
20190117             FLORIDA, 1—SHOOTING at 1—STRIP club in MIAMI left 1—SECURITY—GUARD—DEAD.
20190117             —CONSIDERED, Police, the Booby Trap to be the country's most CRIME—RIDDEN strip club.
20190117             —ACQUITTED, CHICAGO, 1—JUDGE, 3—POLICE—OFFICERS—OF trying to cover up 20140000             —THE police shooting of black teenager Laquan McDonald to try to protect another officer who pulled the trigger.
20190117             Officer JASON—VAN—DYKE shot McDonald 16—TIMES.
20190117             † USA—POET—MARY—OLIVER, 83—JAHRE—ALT at her home in Hobe sound, FLORIDA.
20190117             1—USA federal judge struck down EARLY—VITING restrictions enacted by WISCONSIN Republicans in 1—LAME—DUCK legislative session —LAST—YEAR.
20190117             —REMOVED, Facebook said it has, HUNDREDS—OF—RUSSIA—LINKED pages, groups and accounts that it says were part of 2—BIG—DISINFORMATION—OPERATIONS targeting users outside THE—USA.
20190117             AUSTRALIA, THE—BODY—OF—MONIKA—BILLEN, a 62—YEAR—OLD—GERMANY—TOURIST, was found beneath 1—TREE in the searing heat of THE—CENTRAL—OUTBACK, —8—DAYS—AFTER she was reported missing.
20190117             RIO—DE—JANEIRO state prosecutors said they were temporarily suspending 1—INVESTIGATION into suspicious payments handled by THE—FORMER—DRIVER—OF—BRAZIL—PRESIDENT—JAIR—BOLSONARO—SON, Flavio, due to 1—SUPREME—COURT ruling.
20190117             —WARNED, CHINA—AMBASSADOR to CANADA, THE—CANADA—GOVERNMENT to stop recruiting INTERNATIONAL support in its feud with CHINA and threatened retaliation if CANADA bans CHINA—TELECOMMUNICATIONS—GIANT—HUAWEI for security reasons.
20190117             —KILLED, COLOMBIA, at least 8—PEOPLE were, and another 10 injured in 1—CAR bombing at 1—POLICE—ACADEMY—IN—BOGOTA.
20190117             —RAMMED, Jose Aldemar Rojas (59), a 19930000              Nissan loaded with 175—POUNDS—OF—PENTOLITE through 1—CHECKPOINT—THE—DEATH—TOLL from the bombing soon rose to 21. Authorities blamed Jose Aldemar Rojas (56), 1—LONGTIME MEMBER—OF—THE—NATIONAL—LIBERATION—ARMY (ELN).
20190117             —KIDNAPPED, EGYPT, Islamic militants, 1—CHRISTIAN man traveling in 1—COMMUNAL taxi in the turbulent north of the Sinai peninsula.
20190117             —IDENTIFIED, He was —LATER, as Adeeb Nakhlah (45), 1—POLICE—FORENSIC—EXPERT.
20190117             —PURSUED, Police, the kidnappers into the desert to which they fled —AFTER the incident, killing 1—OF—THEM and wounding 2—OTHERS in 1—FIREFIGHT, but could not free the hostage.
20190117             FRANCE, ALEXANDRE—BENALLA, 1—FORMER bodyguard for PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON, was taken into police custody over his continued use of diplomatic passports —AFTER he was fired for roughing up protesters.
20190117             —ARRESTED, GERMANY—AUTHORITIES said they have, Navanithan G. (39), 1 suspected MEMBER—OF—THE—TAMIL—TIGERS.
20190117             GREECE, striking school teachers and other civil servants shut down CENTRAL—ATHENS for hours —DURING 1—PROTEST—OF—NEW hiring criteria for teachers that were under consideration in PARLIAMENT.
20190117             1—INDIA—COURT sentenced 1—POPULAR and flamboyant spiritual guru and 3—FOLLOWERS to life in prison in the murder 16—YEARS ago of 1—JOURNALIST who published 1—LETTER about the guru's alleged sexual EXPLOITATION—OF—WOMEN.
20190117             —SUSPENDED, JAPAN—BASED HITACHI said it has, work on 1—MAJOR—NEW—NUCLEAR—POWER—STATION, the Horizon Project, located in Wylfa, on THE—WALES—ISLAND—OF—ANGLESEY, because it had been unable to agree on financing with THE—UK—GOVERNMENT.
20190117             —LOCATED, HITACHI said it will also suspend work on another site, in ENGLAND.
20190117             —JAILED, KAZAKHSTAN, ARMAN—KUDAYBERGENOV and Nural Kiyasov to 18—YEARS in prison for THE—MURDER—OF—DENIS 10, the country's 1. Olympic figure skating medalist.
20190117             10 (25) was stabbed in ALMATY last July as he struggled with 2—MEN he had caught trying to steal the mirrors on his car.
20190117             Female defendant Zhanar Tolybayeva was found GUILTY—OF—THEFT and failing to report 1—CRIME, and sentenced to 4—YEARS.
20190117             —ARRESTED, KENYA—POLICE said 9—MORE—PEOPLE have been, for their alleged involvement in the extremist attack on the DusitD2 complex in NAIROBI this —WEEK, bringing the total NUMBER—OF—SUSPECTS in detention to 11.
20190117             —ANNOUNCED, LITHUANIA—PRIME—MINISTER—SAULIUS—SKVERNELIS, he will run for PRESIDENT this —YEAR, saying his election would lead to "more harmony" and less intrigue in the Baltic eurozone state.
20190117             His challengers include independent economist Gitanas Nauseda and conservative EX—FINANCE—MINISTER—INGRIDA—SIMONYTE, who he described as the "heirs" to PRESIDENT—GRYBAUSKAITE.
20190117             NORWAY, 1—WOMAN in her 20s was in critical condition —AFTER being stabbed in 1—DOWNTOWN—OSLO supermarket.
20190117             1—RUSSIA—SUSPECT, 20—JAHRE—ALT arrested —AFTER the assault told investigators he wanted to kill several people and that it was 1—TERROR—ATTACK.
20190117             POLAND—PRIVATE—RADIO—RMF FM, citing confirmation from THE—PRIME—MINISTER—OFFICE, said 1—POLAND—MAN arrested on charges of spying for CHINA last —WEEK was 1—ADVISOR to FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—BEATA—SZYDLO.
20190117             —ENDED, ROMANIA—COAL miners, 1—WEEKLONG strike —AFTER the energy MINISTER offered them wage hikes and other perks.
20190117             —ARRIVED, PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, to 1—ROUSING welcome in Serbia, 1—KEY—MOSCOW ally, where he will confer RUSSIA—TOP—AWARD to his counterpart ALEKSANDAR—VUCIC.
20190117             —CLAIMED, Anastasia Vashukevich, the Belarusian model who, —LAST—YEAR that she had EVIDENCE—OF—RUSSIA—INTERFERENCE in the election of DONALD—TRUMP as USA—PRESIDENT, was arrested —IMMEDIATELY upon her arrival in MOSCOW —FOLLOWING deportation from THAILAND.
20190117             —REPORTED, It was, that another SAUDI—ARABIA—WOMAN has turned to social media for protection from her father, —JUST days —AFTER CANADA granted refuge to Rahaf AL—QUNUN, THE—18—YEAR—OLD—SAUDI—ARABIA—WHO fled her family.
20190117             —REVEALED, Nojoud AL—MANDEEL has not fled the kingdom, has not, her face and has only made her pleas for help on Twitter in Arabic.
20190117             SUDAN—PROFESSIONAL and opposition groups held protests in at least 12—MAJOR—CITIES.
20190117             —BRAVED, In KHARTOUM hundreds, tear gas and sometimes live fire as they marched toward the presidential palace to deliver 1—WRITTEN request that PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR step down.
20190117             Riot police broke up 1—MARCH by HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE on the presidential palace.
20190117             3—DEMONSTRATORS were killed.
20190117             EAST—SYRIA, intense USA—LED coalition airstrikes hit THE—EAST—PROVINCE—OF—DEIR—EL—ZOUR, the last area held by the Islamic State group, where the extremists' control has been shrinking over the past weeks.
20190117             1—PUBLIC—SECTOR—STRIKE brought TUNISIA to 1—STANDSTILL as workers heeded calls from 1—POWERFUL—TRADE—UNION to stay home over demands for wage hikes and economic reforms.
20190117             —DEPORTED, TURKEY, HOLLAND—JOURNALIST—ANS—BOERSMA, 31—JAHRE—ALT —AFTER TURKEY—OFFICIALS said ANKARA received 1—TIP—OFF from police in THE—NETHERLANDS that she had suspected links to 1—JIHADIST—GROUP in Syria.
20190117             Boersma was 1—PERSON—OF—INTEREST in 1—ONGOING investigation into militant activity.
20190117             —VERBIETET, UPSKIRTING—GESETZ: Großbritannien, Fotografieren unter Röcke
20190117             Frau des USA—VIZE—PRÄSIDENTEN: Karen Pence unterrichtet an Schule, die Homosexuelle ablehnt
20190117             Gesunde Ernährung: Iss nur 43—GRAMM Fleisch PRO—TAG, rette DIE—WELT
20190117             Penislängen: Einsiedlerkrebse haben ungern Sex außer Haus
20190117             —DIE—LAGE—AM—DONNERSTAG: Noch 1.Chance für May
20190117             Stimmen aus BREXIT—HOCHBURG, Hauptsache raus
20190117             Abwärtstrend: Wert der genehmigten RÜSTUNGS—EXPORTE sinkt um fast 25 %
20190117             VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ prüft Partei: AFD—POLITIKER distanzieren sich von HÖCKE—FLÜGEL und eigener Jugendorganisation
20190117             Flaute beim TECH—KONZERN: APPLE bremst offenbar bei Neueinstellungen
20190117             "Mangelnde Unterstützung": UMWELT—MINISTERIN SCHULZe attackiert Agrarministerin Klöckner
20190117             STUDIE—ZUR—E—MOBILITÄT: In NORWEGEN fährt —BEREITS jeder 2. Neuwagen elektrisch
20190117             5G—NETZE: BUNDES—REGIERUNG erwägt angeblich doch Ausschluss von Huawei
20190117             Studie: Zahlreiche UNO—MIT—ARBEITER berichten von sexueller Belästigung
20190117             APPLE—CHEF—TIM Cook fordert GESETZ—GEGEN—DATEN—HÄNDLER
20190117             Passagierrekord an Flughäfen: DEUTSCHE fliegen so viel wie noch nie
20190117             E—MAIL—ADRESSEN und Passwörter: Unbekannte stellen Hunderte Millionen ZUGANGS—DATEN ins Netz
20190117             Russische PROPAGANDA : FACEBOOK entfernt fast 300—ACCOUNTS aus dem Netzwerk
20190117             VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ—GUTACHTEN zur AfD: Diffamierend, antisemitisch, rassistisch
20190117             —BOYKOTTIERT, Ärger über STIMM—RECHTSENTZUG: RUSSLAND, weiterhin EUROPArat
20190117             DONALD—TRUMP und DER—DRUCK durch den Shutdown: Eingemauert
20190117             —PROTESTE—IN—GRIECHENLAND—POLIZEI geht mit Schlagstöcken gegen Lehrer vor
20190117             —VERHAFTET, ZUGRIFF—IN—BUDA—PEST, WHISTLE—BLOWER von Football Leaks
20190117             —JAHRESREPORT—VON—HUMAN—RIGHTS—WATCH: Wider die Autokraten!
20190117             GENERAL—STREIK: TUNESIEN am Scheideweg
20190117             RAKETEN—ABWEHR: DONALD—TRUMP stellt neue ABWEHR—STRATEGIE vor
20190117             —GETAN, Keiner weiß warum, aber irgendwann haben sie es einfach : Vor etwa 350.000.000—JAHREN verließen amphibienartige LEBE—WESEN das Wasser, um an Land zu leben.
20190117             Schlüsselart dieser Urtiere gilt Orobates pabsti.
20190117             Der entscheidende Schritt zur Unabhängigkeit vom Wasser habe wohl EINIGE—MILLIONEN—JAHRE—FRÜHER—ALS—BISHER angenommen stattgefunden,
20190117             DONALD—TRUMP—EX—ANWALT: DONALD—TRUMP—LAGER soll FÄLSCHUNGS—VERSUCHE unternommen haben
20190117             —STREIT—ZWISCHEN— USA—CHINA: Bumerang aus PEKING
20190117             Wenn DATEN das Öl des 21, Jh. sind, dann sind unsere Energieprobleme gelöst!1!!
20190117             [l] Meine Damen und Herren, Der Breitbandausbau in DEUTSCHLAND ist beendet.
20190117             Wenn Vectoring und FTTB auf der letzten Meile kollidieren, befürwortet DIE—BUNDESNETZ—AGENTUR 1.SCHUTZ—ZONE für den VDSL—ANBIETER — die Telekom.
20190117             Wie können Vectoring und Glasfaser kollidieren, fragt ihr euch?
20190117             Nun, die Glasfaser geht —BIS zum Haus, nicht —BIS in die Wohnung.
20190117             Wen die Telekom dafür wohl in den Puff einladen musste von DER—BUNDESNETZAGENTUR?
20190117             [l] Angesichts der aktuellen Feiern zu "100—JAHRE FRAUENWAHL—RECHT" fragt sich vielleicht der 1.oder andere, ab wann es eigentlich MÄNNERWAHL—RECHT in DEUTSCHLAND gab.
20190117             Das zählt also nicht (REICHENWAHL—RECHT, nicht MÄNNERWAHL—RECHT). - Nicht überall, zählt also nicht.
20190117             Der nächste Schwung war der Norddeutsche Bund, mit dem norddeutschen WAHL—GESETZ—VON—18690000             , das später auch im DEUTSCHEN Reich galt.
20190117             Wählen durften Männer über 25—JAHREN, sofern sie nicht etwa durch Entmündigung vom Wählen ausgeschlossen waren.
20190117             Das klingt —SCHON mal gut, allerdings:
20190117             In den deutschen Gliedstaaten blieb allerdings meistens ungleiches WAHL—RECHT in Kraft, zum Beispiel das 3—KLASSEN—WAHL—RECHT in PREUßEN oder 1—PLURALWAHL—RECHT (in dem MANCHE—WÄHLER mehrere Stimmen haben) in anderen Einzelstaaten.
20190117             Zählt also auch noch nicht.
20190117             DIE—VON Sozialdemokraten geführte ;;11;;revolution 19180000              brachte DEUTSCHLAND das VERHÄLTNISWAHL—RECHT und DAS—FRAUEN—WAHL—RECHT.
20190117             Mit anderen Worten: Das MÄNNERWAHL—RECHT gibt es in DEUTSCHLAND genau so lange wie DAS—FRAUEN—WAHL—RECHT.
20190117             In diesem Sinne: Lasst uns die freien Wahlen feiern, 100—JAHRE freie Wahlen!
20190117             Wobei ja eigentlich auch das mit den 100—JAHREN nicht wirklich stimmt, weil es bei den NAZIs dann halt doch wieder kein WAHL—RECHT für alle gab.
20190117             Nur damit hier niemand in Freudentaumel verfällt, nur weil die Zahl gerade so schön rund ist.
20190117             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE—VON—"SOS—KINDERDÖRFER weltweit":
20190117             DIE—SAUDI—ARABISCHE Armee setzt —LAUT—ANGABEN, der SOS—KINDERDÖRFER WELT—WEIT Jungen und Mädchen aus dem SUDAN im JEMEN als Kindersoldaten ein.
20190117             Das ist natürlich 1—KRIEGS—VERBRECHEN, wenn das stimmt.
20190117             [l] Ihr müsst —JETZT sehr tapfer sein.
20190117             DIE—STEUERABTEILUNG DER—DEUTSCHEN—BANK wusste nach Recherchen von WDR, NDR und "SZ" frühzeitig, daß Finanzjongleure in DIE—STAATS—KASSE griffen.
20190117             Nein, wirklich! DIE—DEUTSCHE—BANK!!
20190117             "Vertrauen ist DER—ANFANG von allem".
20190117             [l] VERWALTUNGS—GERICHT—BERLIN setzt Allgemeinverfügung DER—BUNDES—POLIZEI gegen "gefährliche Werkzeuge" in der S-Bahn aus.
20190117             SUDAN: PROTESTE—GEGEN—PRÄSIDENTEN—POLIZEI setzt Tränengas ein
20190117             —AM, : Hier ein interessanter Artikel, der die Ereignisse der letzten TAGE sehr gut Zusammenfasst und nachvollziehbar macht: " - Die 2. Amtszeit NICOLAS—MADUROS und die DELEGETIMIERUNGS—MACHINE"
20190117             —NEUEN—JAHR, neuer DATEN—REICHTUM!
20190117             Wenn DATEN das Öl des 2d{1}, Jh.(\d{1}) \, Jh. sind, dann sind unsere Energieprobleme gelöst!1!!
20190117—18150000    —SEIT, Wahlen gibt es ,
20190117—18150000    —NACH, BAYERN, WÜRTTEMBERG—BADEN und HESSEN—DARMSTADT waren die 1.STAATEN mit Repräsentativverfassung.
20190117—20190111    —CONVICTED, DOCTOR—SAINT—GURMEET—SINGH—RAM—RAHIM—INSAN and his 3—FOLLOWERS were, on murder charges.
20190120             —DRESSED, THOUSANDS—OF—COLOMBIANS, in white poured into the streets to repudiate terrorism —AFTER 20190117             —THE car bombing at 1—BOGOTA police academy killed 21—PEOPLE and left dozens more wounded.
20200105—20200117    CHINA, HUNDREDS—OF—PATIENTS were appearing in hospitals not —JUST in WUHAN but across the country with SYMPTOMS—OF—THE—CORONAVIRUS.
20200117             IN—TEXAS—MARC—STRICKLAND was shot 20200111              inside 1—GYMNASIUM —DURING 1—GAME between Kimball and SOUTH—OAK Cliff high schools.
20200117             THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION took another step toward dismantling Michelle OBAMA—SCHOOL—NUTRITION guidelines, proposing 1—NEW—RULE that could lead to more pizza and fries and less fruit and 1—SMALLER—VARIETY—OF—VEGETABLES on school menus.
20200117             —ANNOUNCED, The Pentagon, new restrictions and controls on all INTERNATIONAL military students at USA—BASES, including barring them from having privately owned firearms on base, in response to 1—SHOOTING by 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—TRAINEE in December that killed 3—SAILORS in FLORIDA.
20200117             —ISSUED, The Pentagon, 1—MEMO giving the Navy and other military services conditional approval to resume training of SAUDI—ARABIA—NATIONALS in THE—USA.
20200117             It said NON—CLASSROOM training can resume once the military services have met certain conditions, including implementing 1—PROHIBITION on the possession — on or off USA—MILITARY—PROPERTY — of privately owned firearms and ammunition by INTERNATIONAL military students and their families.
20200117             Navy CAPTAIN—JOHN—R—NETTLETON, 1—FORMER—COMMANDER—OF—THE—USA—NAVY—BASE at GUANTANAMO Bay, was convicted of interfering with 1—INVESTIGATION into THE—DEATH—OF—1—CIVILIAN with whom THE—COMMANDER had fought and argued over his alleged affair with the man's wife.
20200117             —TURNED, USA federal authorities, to 1—NEW—TACTIC in the escalating conflict over NEW—YORK CITY—SO—CALLED—SANCTUARY—POLICIES, issuing 4 "immigration subpoenas" to the city for information about inmates wanted for deportation.
20200117             † Terence Hallinan (83), FORMER—S—FRANCISCO supervisor (19880000—19950000    ) and district attorney (19950000—20030000    ).
20200117             —SENTENCED, FORMER—NEW—YORK GOP REPRESENTATIVE—CHRIS—COLLINS was, to 2—YEARS in federal prison on charges of insider trading and lying to THE—FBI.
20200117             † IN—TEXAS—MARC—STRICKLAND, 18—JAHRE—ALT at 1—HOSPITAL in DALLAS.
20200117             A 15—YEAR—OLD—BOY who was charged with aggravated assault —AFTER surrendering to police THE—DAY—AFTER the shooting —NOW faced 1—MURDER—CHARGE.
20200117             —ARMED, UTAH, 1—BOY, with 1—GUN killed 3—CHILDREN and 1—WOMAN inside 1—HOME in Grantsville, then accompanied a 5. victim to 1—HOSPITAL, where he was arrested.
20200117             —REPORTED, It was, that the most serious outbreak of locusts in 25—YEARS is spreading across EAST—AFRICA and posing 1 unprecedented threat to food security in SOME—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST vulnerable countries.
20200117             Authorities said unusual climate conditions are partly to blame.
20200117             —AFFECTED, The outbreak has, parts of DJIBOUTI, ERITREA, ETHIOPIA, SOMALIA and SUDAN.
20200117             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—SUEZ Canal has suffered 1—INVASION—OF—NON—NATIVE species, including toxic jellyfish and aggressive lionfish.
20200117             —REPORTED, It was, that BRAZIL—GOVERNMENT—PLANS to push ABSTINENCE—BASED sex education to help cut teenage pregnancy rates, in 1—CONTROVERSIAL—MOVE inspired by 1—EVANGELICAL—CHRISTIAN pressure group and DONALD—TRUMP—POLICY in THE—USA.
20200117             —ISSUED, Leaders of native tribes in BRAZIL, 1—RALLYING call to protect the Amazon rainforest and its indigenous people from what they called the "genocide, ethnocide and ecocide" planned by the country's FAR—RIGHT—PRESIDENT—JAIR—BOLSONARO.
20200117             —TOUCHED, CHINA—PRESIDENT—XI—JINPING, down in MYANMAR—CAPITAL on 1—STATE—VISIT aimed at buttressing the embattled government of Aung S—SUU—KYI and driving through MULTI—BILLION—DOLLAR—INFRASTRUCTURE—DEALS.
20200117             DENMARK—DRUGMAKER Novo Nordisk said its new diabetes pill, Rybelsus, will be covered by Express Scripts Holding Co, 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—USA pharmacy benefit managers.
20200117             THE—HEAD—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—BORDER—AGENCY said THE—NUMBER—OF—MIGRANTS entering EUROPE from TURKEY rose significantly —LAST—YEAR as people fleeing strife in Syria and AFGHANISTAN flooded into the country and then set out for GREECE.
20200117             —WARNED, GREECE, it may try to block ANY—LIBYA—PEACE—DEAL that doesn't resolve 1—DISPUTE over regional maritime borders, as PRIME—MINISTER—KYRIAKOS—MITSOTAKIS met with military COMMANDER—KHALIFA—HAFTAR ahead of 1—BERLIN conference on the country's future.
20200117             Haftar held talks in ATHENS 2—DAYS ahead of 1—PEACE—CONFERENCE in BERLIN, which he and THE—HEAD—OF—TRIPOLI—UN—RECOGNIZED government Fayez AL—SARRAJ are expected to attend.
20200117             IRAN—SOCCER federation said it has been told it will not be hosting ANY—INTERNATIONAL—MATCHES on IRAN—SOIL.
20200117             2—PROTESTERS were killed and over 12 wounded in CENTRAL—BAGHDAD in renewed violence between ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATORS and IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES.
20200117             —DEMONSTRATED, HUNDREDS—OF—JORDANIANS, in downtown AMMAN, calling on the government to cancel 1—AGREEMENT in which ISRAEL began pumping natural gas to the kingdom this —YEAR.
20200117             Samherji, THE—ICELAND—FISHING company at the center of NAMIBIA—BIGGEST corruption scandal, announced that it is withdrawing from THE—SOUTH—WEST—AFRICAN nation.
20200117             7—TREKKERS, including 4—SOUTH—KOREANS, went missing in NEPAL—NORTH—WEST—HIMALAYAN region —AFTER 1—AVALANCHE hit their trail.
20200117             —BASED, SPAIN—BALEARIC—ISLANDS—REGIONAL—GOVERNMENT, in PALMA de Mallorca, passed 1—LAW prohibiting the organization and PROMOTION—OF—PUB crawls and publicity promoting of alcohol sales by means of "open bars" and "happy hours".
20200117             SWEDEN—ACTIVIST—GRETA Thunberg (17) and 1—CROWD—OF some 10,000 protesters marched in THE—SWITZERLAND—CITY—OF—LAUSANNE —BEFORE MANY—OF—THEM—HEAD—TO—DAVOS next —WEEK to challenge political and business leaders to combat the climate crisis.
20200117             —TENDERED, UKRAINE PRIME—MINISTER—OLEKSIY—HONCHARUK, his resignation —AFTER he was heard on 1 leaked recording criticizing his boss's GRASP—OF—THE—ECONOMY.
20200117             The move was seen as 1—FORMALITY and 1—PLEDGE of loyalty.
20200117             —REJECTED, PRESIDENT—VOLODYMYR—ZELENSKIY, the offer.
20200117             —HANDELS—STREIT—MIT—DEN USA: Chinas Wirtschaft wächst so langsam wie —SEIT fast 30—JAHREN nicht mehr
20200117             MATERIAL—FORSCHUNG, Wissenschaftler erzeugen lebenden Beton
20200117             —KORRIGIERT, Militär, Angaben: Mehrere USA—SOLDATEN wurden bei iranischem ANGRIFF—IM—IRAK verletzt
20200117             —GEWACHSEN, Glyphosat: ZAHL—DER—KLÄGER gegen Bayer deutlich
20200117             VIELE—BETREIBER betroffen: Bundesweite Störungen bei Festnetz und INTERNET
20200117             —NACH, wenigen Monaten im Amt: Ukrainischer MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—GONTSCHARUK reicht Rücktritt ein
20200117             Umweltauflagen: Bauern legen BERUFS—VERKEHR lahm
20200117             STUDIE—DES—WELTWIRTSCHAFTSFORUMS: Konzerne sollen Klimaschutz im Alleingang betreiben
20200117             —NACH, USA—HANDELSEINIGUNG mit CHINA: EUROPÄER auf Friedensmission in AMERIKA
20200117             —FREITAGSGEBET in IRAN: Khamenei warnt davor, den EUROPÄERn beim Atomabkommen zu trauen
20200117             Bevölkerungsentwicklung: Einwohnerzahl in DEUTSCHLAND erreicht Höchststand
20200117             2. DIE—USA verfügen über ENERGIERESSOURCEN—DAS ist korrekt.
20200117             Andererseits ist es totaler Blödsinn.
20200117             —DENN, diese Ressourcen sind nicht ausreichend, um DIE—USA zu versorgen.
20200117             Die EIA—DEREN eigenes MINISTERIUM—SAGT auf ihrer Webseite klar und deutlich, daß Zeihans Behauptungen von 'energy independence' exakt das sind, was sie immer waren.
20200117             Ein feuchter Traum.
20200117             DIE—WAHRHEIT ist, daß DIE—USA noch immer Öl importieren.
20200117             Wesentlich weniger als z. B. 20110000             , aber immer noch was.
20200117             Ähnliches gilt für den Preis des Fracking.
20200117             Wenn das USA—SUPERÖL nur 40$/barrel kostet, warum macht dann kein einziges FRACKER—UNTERNEHMEN Gewinne?
20200117             Warum haben alleine im letzten —JAHRE mindesten 50—FRACKER die Flügel gestreckt?
20200117             All das kann man simpel ergooglen.
20200117             Und warum trocknet die Kreditline, die doch gar nicht notwendig sein sollte, langsam aus, wenn dieses Geschäft soviel Zukkunft verspricht?
20200117             Sagt die FT, nicht etwa Greenpeace.
20200117             Fracking ist eine Finanzblase und wird wie ALLE—BLASEN implodieren.
20200117             [l] Realsatire pur: Geht weiter mit dem "Leistungsschutzrecht".
20200117             Der neu formulierte Paragraf 87g des Urheberrechtsgesetzes (UrhG) schreibt demnach vor, daß die Überschrift einer Presseveröffentlichung, "ein kleinformatiges Vorschaubild mit einer Auflösung von —BIS zu 128—MAL 128—PIXELN" und eine "Tonfolge, Bildfolge oder BILD—UND Tonfolge mit einer Dauer von —BIS zu 3—SEKUNDEN" lizenzfrei genutzt werden dürfen.
20200117             Ja aber hey, das betrifft mich ja nicht, ich mach das ja privat und nicht als Nachrichtensite!!1!
20200117             So gilt das neue LEISTUNGS—SCHUTZ—RECHT nicht nur für Suchmaschinen und NEWS—AGGREGATOREN, sondern für alle "Anbieter von Diensten der Informationsgesellschaft".
20200117             D.h. auch dein Blog, dein FACEBOOK und dein Twitter.
20200117             Fri 20200117
20200117             In den NIEDERLANDEn sind gerade mehrere Gemeinden wegen CITRIX—ABSCHALTUNG nicht arbeitsfähig.
20200117             U.a. können keine Neugeburten registriert werden. Leserbrief zum Erdöl
20200117             EU—AUßENBEAUFTAGTER Borrell zu Militäreinsätzen: "Wir müssen unsere Interessen stärker DURCHSETZEN—NOTFALLS robust" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—MARKUS—BECKER, Christiane Hoffmann und PETER—MÜLLER
20200117             Arbeitsmarkt: DEUTSCHE kümmern sich kaum um digitale Weiterbildung im Job
20200117             Neuartiges CORONA—VIRUS— in CHINA: 2. Patient stirbt an Lungenkrankheit
20200117             Kommende Woche: MERKEL reist zu Treffen mit ERDOGAN in die TÜRKEI
20200117             Bundesregierung bestätigt: USA drohten mit Zöllen gegen EUROPA
20200117             Makler und Notare im Visier: FINANZ—MINISTERIUM will KAMPF—GEGEN—GELD—WÄSCHE verschärfen
20200117             FRONTEX—BERICHT für 20190000             : Weniger illegale Grenzübertritte in die EU
20200117             Arbeitsbedingungen in Katar: "Gesetze sind die Tinte nicht wert"
20200117             Regenmangel: Im Panamakanal wird das Wasser knapp
20200117             Mordfall DAPHNE—CARUANA Galizia: MALTAs POLIZEIchef tritt zurück
20200117             RUSSLANDs neue Hyperschallwaffe: "Das Gefühl von Sicherheit durch ABWEHR—SYSTEME ist 1—ILLUSION" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—JULIA—MERLOT
20200117             Wirtschaft der Zehnerjahre: Das Märchen vom goldenen deutschen —JAHRZEHNT 1—KOLUMNE—VON—THOMAS—FRICKE
20200117             IMPEACHMENT—VERFAHREN: PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP holt EX—ANWALT—VON—O. J. Simpson in sein Team
20200117             Studie: Je höher die Position, desto mehr sexuelle Belästigung
20200117             —MACHT—WECHSEL in RUSSLAND: PUTIN denkt sich PUTIN weg
20200117             ITALY—FOREIGN—MINISTER—DI—MAIO on the Proxy War in LIBYA: "EUROPE Stands To Lose the Most" Interview Conducted By FRANK—HORNIG
20200117             Honest Broker: How THE—LIBYA Summit in BERLIN Took Shape By CHRISTIAN—ESCH, MATTHIAS—GEBAUER, Christiane Hoffmann, CHRISTOPH—SCHULT und Severin Weiland
20200117             BERLIN Peace Summit: Can Diplomacy Stop the War in LIBYA?
20200117             —NEUE—ENTHÜLLUNGEN: PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP soll USA—GENERÄLE als "Trottel und Babys" beschimpft haben
20200117             Football Leaks: RUI—PINTO bleibt im Gefängnis
20200117             GRETA—THUNBERG vor WELTWIRTSCHAFTS—FORUM, "Das ist —ERST DER—ANFANG, das garantieren wir euch!"
20200117             —FREITAG, ITALY—FOREIGN—MINISTER—DI—MAIO on the Proxy War in LIBYA: "EUROPE Stands To Lose the Most"
20200117             Wirtschaft der Zehnerjahre: Das Märchen vom goldenen deutschen —JAHRZEHNT
20200117—20150000    —SEIT, Warum steigt die SCHULDEN—AUFNAHME—DER—BRANCHE immer weiter an?
20200117—20150000    —INCREASED, The influx has, significantly —SINCE EGYPT doubled its capacity with the opening of the "New SUEZ Canal".
20200117—20190000    —IN, 1—NEW—REPORT by the Economic Commission for Latin AMERICA and the Caribbean (ECLAC) from THE—UNITED—NATIONS indicates that the Commonwealth of DOMINICA was the fastest growing economy in the entire Latin AMERICA and the Caribbean region.
20200117—20200108    —TREATED, THE—USA—MILITARY said 11—TROOPS were, for concussion —AFTER IRAN launched 1—ROCKET—ATTACK at THE—AL—ASAD air base in WEST—IRAQ, despite —INITIALLY saying no service members had been hurt.
20201122—19190117    —AM, Eine neue Maskenverordnung trat in Kraft.
20201229—20200117    —UNTIL, The government said it will extend 1—HARD—LOCKDOWN—FOR—2—WEEKS to limit THE—SPREAD—OF—COVID 19.
20201229—20200117    —UNTIL, MOSCOW said it will extend the school holiday by 1—WEEK in hopes of stabilizing the situation regarding new coronavirus infections and avoid new COVID-19-related restrictions.
20210102—20210117    —UNTIL, SOUTH—KOREA said it will expand 1—BAN on private gatherings larger than 4—PEOPLE to include the whole country, and extend unprecedented social distancing rules in SEOUL and neighboring areas.
20210104—20210117    —UNTIL, last.
20210117             THE—USA—MILITARY said its troop withdrawal from SOMALIA is complete, in 1—OF—THE—LAST—ACTIONS—OF—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—PRESIDENCY.
20210117             CALIFORNIA to date had 2,951,771 CASES—OF—CORONAVIRUS and 33,418 deaths.
20210117             THE—SF Bay Area had 336,222 cases and 3,350 deaths.
20210117             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 23,819,290 with the death toll at 396,549.
20210117             —REACHED, RICHARD—BRANSON—VIRGIN—ORBIT, space, —8—MONTHS—AFTER the 1. demonstration flight of its AIR—LAUNCHED rocket system failed.
20210117             —CARRIED, THE—2—STAGE—LAUNCHERONE rocket, 1—CLUSTER—OF—VERY—SMALL—SATELLITES known as CubeSats developed and built as PART—OF—1—NASA educational program involving USA—UNIVERSITIES.
20210117             1—SMALL—SATELLITE, called CAPE-3, carried 1—CHIP designed and built by students at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—LOUISIANA at LAFAYETTE to detect radiation, with 1—EYE to keeping astronauts safe.
20210117             8—OF—THE—OTHER 9 were built by students at other schools.
20210117             The 10. was built by NASA.
20210117             † JUNIOR—MANCE, 92—JAHRE—ALT, bluesy jazz pianist, at his home in Manhattan.
20210117             —WORKED, JUNIOR—MANCE, with some of the biggest names in jazz, including LESTER—YOUNG, Dizzy Gillespie, Cannonball Adderley and DINAH—WASHINGTON, —BEFORE establishing himself as THE—LEADER—OF—HIS—OWN—GROUPS.
20210117             —LOCKED, Twitter Inc, the account of Republican USA—REPRESENTATIVE—MARJORIE—TAYLOR—GREENE, 1—POLITICAL newcomer known for promoting the baseless QAnon conspiracy theory.
20210117             —UNIDENTIFIED, AFGHANISTAN, gunmen killed 2—FEMALE—JUDGES from the country's SUPREME—COURT—IN—KABUL.
20210117             —REPORTED, Authorities in CHINA, 109—NEW—COVID—19—CASES, MOST—OF—THEM in Hebei province surrounding BEIJING.
20210117             CHINA has in the past —WEEK seen the number of daily cases jump to 1—OVER 10-month high.
20210117             —TRAPPED, CHINA, 12—OUT—OF—22—WORKERS, for 1—WEEK by 1—EXPLOSION in 1—GOLD—MINE sent 1—NOTE saying they are alive, as HUNDREDS—OF—RESCUERS sought to bring them to safety.
20210117             —REPORTED, It was, that EGYPT—ARCHAEOLOGISTS have unearthed THE—TEMPLE—OF—QUEEN—NEIT, WIFE—OF—KING—TETI, the 1. KING—OF—THE 6. Dynasty that ruled from 2323—BC till 2150—BC.
20210117             —DESTINED, It was, for THE—UK—AND—EUROPE.
20210117             —APPREHENDED, The boat and her 8—CREW were, and handed over to THE—VENEZUELA—AUTHORITIES.
20210117             GERMANY—PHARMACEUTICAL—GIANT—BAYER said it is examining whether it can help CureVac to produce its experimental COVID—19—VACCINE.
20210117             —HUDDLED, HUNDREDS—OF—MOSTLY—HONDURAS—MIGRANTS, overnight on 1—HIGHWAY in EAST—GUATEMALA —AFTER domestic security forces used sticks and tear gas to halt the passage of 1—USA—BOUND caravan —JUST days —BEFORE USA—PRESIDENT—ELECT JOE—BIDEN takes office.
20210117             —RETRIEVED, INDONESIA—RESCUERS, more bodies from THE—RUBBLE—OF—HOMES and buildings toppled by 1—STRONG—EARTHQUAKE, raising the death toll to 77, —WHILE military engineers managed to reopen ruptured roads to clear access for relief goods.
20210117             —FINALIZED, LEBANON, 1—DEAL with Pfizer for 2.1—MILLION—DOSES—OF—THE—CORONAVIRUS—VACCINE amid surge in infections that has overwhelmed the country's health care system.
20210117             —UNAUTHORIZED, In THE—NETHERLANDS several 1000—PEOPLE held 1, protest in AMSTERDAM against 1—NATIONAL—LOCKDOWN to slow THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONAVIRUS—PANDEMIC, —BEFORE being dispersed by riot police.
20210117             —PASSED, NORTH—KOREA—RUBBER—STAMP—PARLIAMENT, decisions made by 1—MAJOR ruling party meeting where leader KIM—JONG—UN vowed to bolster his nuclear deterrent and established plans to salvage the country's battered economy.
20210117             Alexey Navalny, 1—RUSSIA—OPPOSITION—LEADER and fierce Kremlin critic, departed BERLIN and headed for MOSCOW several months —AFTER he was nearly killed —FOLLOWING 1 alleged poisoned by RUSSIA—FSB spy agency.
20210117             —DETAINED, Upon arrival home Navalny was —IMMEDIATELY.
20210117             SUDAN, the death toll from tribal violence between Arabs and NON—ARABS in WEST—DARFUR province climbed to at least 83, including women and children, 1—DOCTOR—UNION and aid worker said, as sporadic violence continued.
20210117             Police in TUNISIA used tear gas to disperse violent protests led by disgruntled youths in several cities overnight, including in TUNIS and in the seaside CITY—OF—SOUSSE.
20210117             Tunisians in general are angry that the country is on THE—VERGE—OF—BANKRUPTCY and has dire public services.
20210117             —DISMISSED, UGANDA—OPPOSITION—PARTY, election results as "fraud" and called for the release of their leader, Bobi Wine, who has been under house arrest for several days.
20210117             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO said that 1—CONVOY—OF—TRUCKS carrying emergency oxygen supplies for BRAZIL—NORTH—AMAZONAS state, where a 2. WAVE—OF—THE—CORONAVIRUS—PANDEMIC has hit hard, has departed and is set to arrive at the border by tomorrow —MORNING.
20210117             —SONNTAG, 20210117
20210117             Dekrete zu Klima, CORONA, Einreise: Biden will Trumps Politik rückgängig machen — direkt am 1. —TAG
20210117             —ORGANISIERT, DAIMLER—MANAGERIN, Impfzentrum: "Meine CORONA—INFEKTION hat mich zutiefst verstört" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—MATTHIAS—KAUFMANN
20210117             —VERBIETET, Vor Bidens Amtseinführung: Facebook, Werbung für Waffenzubehör
20210117             Kampf gegen Wegwerfplastik: Umweltministerin Schulze will Restaurants zu Mehrwegverpackungen verpflichten
20210117             Über GUATEMALA in die USA: 9000—SCHUTZSUCHENDE aus HONDURAS auf dem Weg durch Mittelamerika
20210117             AFGHANISTAN: Attentäter erschießen 2—RICHTERINNEN in KABUL
20210117             CORONA—HILFEN der Bundesregierung: Hilfloses Chaos
20210117             Atomabkommen mit IRAN: Frankreich und Deutschland warnen vor neuem Griff nach der Bombe
20210117             Vor Rückkehr von Kremlkritiker: NAWALNY—ANHÄNGER berichten von zahlreichen "präventiven" Festnahmen in Russland
20210117             Sonderrechte für Geimpfte: PRIVILEGIEN—VORSCHLAG von Außenminister Maas stößt auf Ablehnung — und Häme
20210117             Deutsche CORONA-"Strategie": Der schlimmste, ärgste, längste Fehler
20210117             USA—FRACKING vs. NORD—STREAM 2: Was ist klimaschädlicher: PIPELINE—ODER Flüssiggas?
20210117             Wegen CORONA—PANDEMIE: Deutsche Bahn so pünktlich wie —SEIT—15—JAHREN nicht mehr
20210117             —VERLÄNGERT, Kampf gegen das Virus: Österreich, Lockdown
20210117             Nach Rassismusdebatte: Britische Regierung will Abschaffung von Denkmälern erschweren
20210117             Trotz EUGH—URTEIL: Ungarn schiebt weiterhin unrechtmäßig Asylsuchende ab
20210117             Seevetal bei NIEDERSACHSEN: Waldarbeiter entdecken möglichen RAF—BUNKER
20210117             USA—VIZEPRÄSIDENT MIKE—PENCE: Der Mann, der seine Seele verkaufte — und nichts dafür bekam
20210117             Neue Allianzen: Gegen CHINA ist die Nato zu klein 1—GASTBEITRAG—VON—JOHANNES—VOGEL, FDP
20210117             Unerwarteter Fund: Archäologen entdecken Totentempel und weitere Särge bei Kairo
20210117             In der Totenstadt Sakkara bei Kairo haben Archäologen einen weiteren Totentempel mit rund 50—SARKOPHAGEN und verschiedene Artefakte aus altägyptischer Zeit entdeckt.
20210117             Darunter sind laut Mitteilung des Ministeriums für Tourismus und Altertümer ein 4—METER langer Papyrus mit einem Kapitel aus dem Totenbuch, das im alten Ägypten als Grabbeigabe üblich war.
20210117             Sakkara liegt am Nil südlich von Kairo und diente in pharaonischer Zeit als Friedhof für die HAUPTSTADT—DES—REICHES—MEMPHIS.
20210117             ZAHL—DER—CORONA—INFEKTIONEN in CHINA sinkt nach 10—MONATS—HOCH erneut
20210117             BAYER—KONZERN will bei PRODUKTION—VON—CORONA—IMPFSTOFFEN helfen
20210117             "Mit unserem Produktionsnetzwerk in Deutschland und den USA sowie dem entsprechenden zeitlichen Vorlauf wären wir grundsätzlich in der Lage, Impfstoff in größeren Mengen zu produzieren",
20210117             Der Deutsche STÄDTE—UND Gemeindebund hat vor überzogenen CORONA—MAßNAHMEN gewarnt.
20210117             Zwar sei 1—VERLÄNGERUNG—DES—LOCKDOWNS angesichts der Infektionslage notwendig,
20210117             Der vielfach geforderte "MEGA—LOCKDOWN" sei allerdings "keine Lösung und könnte die unverzichtbare Akzeptanz der Menschen für die zahlreichen Maßnahmen gefährden".
20210117             Landsberg lehnte unter anderem eine generelle Schließung von Schulen und Kitas ab.
20210117             Biden plant gleich am 1. Amtstag Dekrete gegen CORONA
20210117             Bei den "4—KRISEN" CORONA—PANDEMIE, Erderwärmung, kriselnde USA—WIRTSCHAFT und Ungleichbehandlung von Menschen bestehe "dringender Handlungsbedarf", schrieb Klain in einem Memo an hochrangige MITARBEITER—DES—WEIßEN—HAUSES.
20210117             Daher werde Biden —BEREITS an seinem 1. Amtstag mit rund einem Dutzend Dekreten Maßnahmen dagegen auf den Weg bringen.
20210117             Die japanische HAUPTSTADT—TOKYO hat am —SONNTAG 15920000              Neuinfektionen gemeldet.
20210117             Damit erreicht das Land einen neuen Höchststand.
20210117             Der Verantwortliche für die internationalen PISA—STUDIEN, ANDREAS—SCHLEICHER, hat für die Öffnung von Grundschulen und Kindergärten plädiert.
20210117             "Selbst in der gegenwärtigen Infektionslage habe ich wenig Verständnis dafür, dass Grundschulen und Kindergärten flächendeckend geschlossen werden,
20210117             Wissenschaftler fordern strikte Maskenpflicht
20210117             Basierend auf einer Auswertung entsprechender Studien betont ein internationales Forscherteam im Fachblatt "PNAS", Regierungen und Behördenvertreter müssten dafür sorgen, dass entsprechende Regeln strikt eingehalten würden.
20210117             Masken sind nach Auffassung der Autoren unter anderem wichtig, weil Erkrankte in der 1. Phase nach einer Infektion am ansteckendsten seien, wenn sie noch wenige oder keine Symptome zeigten.
20210117             1—DER—UNTERSUCHTEN—STUDIEN sei zu dem Schluss gekommen, dass 40—BIS 45—PROZENT—DER—INFEKTIONEN von symptomlosen Menschen ausgehen.
20210117             Indiens GROß—IMPFUNG läuft gut an, sagt der Gesundheitsminister
20210117             RKI: knapp 14.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN und 445—NEUE Todesfälle
20210117             Die 7—TAGE—INZIDENZ betrug 136—CORONA—INFEKTIONEN pro 100.000—EINWOHNER.
20210117             Illegale CORONA—PARTYS in Südhessen und HAMBURG gesprengt
20210117             Da sich niemand als Inhaber der Bar zu erkennen gab, wurde das Lokal durch die Polizei geschlossen.
20210117             Russland auf Platz 4—DER am stärksten infizierten Länder
20210117             Längerer Lockdown und FFP2-Pflicht in Österreich
20210117             Dann dürfen Händler, Museen, Friseurbetriebe und ähnliche Dienstleister wieder öffnen.
20210117             Großbritannien hofft auf Lockerungen ab März
20210117             Presidenciais: Mais de 246—MIL eleitores começam hoje 1—VOTAR
20210117             Lagoa é um dos 13—DESTINOS europeus mais seguros para visitar em tempo de pandemia
20210117             Algarve regista 348—NOVOS casos de COVID—19—E mais 3—MORTES
20210117             Albufeira Casos confirmados - 15120000              (+57) Óbitos - 9 (+1) Recuperados - 933 (+15) Casos ativos - 570 (+41)
20210117             Alcoutim Casos confirmados - 40 (+2) Óbitos - 3 (=) Recuperados - 21 (=) Casos ativos - 16 (+2)
20210117             Aljezur Casos confirmados - 51 (=) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 31 (=) Casos ativos - 19 (=)
20210117             Castro Marim Casos confirmados - 131 (+7) Óbitos - 0 (=) Recuperados - 79 +4) Casos ativos - 52 (+3)
20210117             Faro Casos confirmados - 17680000              (+80) Óbitos - 9 (=) Recuperados - 11390000              (+34) Casos ativos - 620 (+46)
20210117             Lagoa Casos confirmados - 402 (+14) Óbitos - 4 (=) Recuperados - 290 (+4) Casos ativos - 108 (+10)
20210117             LAGOS Casos confirmados - 909 (+9) Óbitos - 10 (+1) Recuperados - 717 (+16) Casos ativos - 182 (-8)
20210117             Loulé Casos confirmados - 2106 (+69) Óbitos - 21 (=) Recuperados - 12910000              (+28) Casos ativos - 794 (+41)
20210117             Monchique Casos confirmados - 51 (=) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 47 (+1) Casos ativos - 3 (-1)
20210117             Olhão Casos confirmados - 911 (+35) Óbitos - 2 (=) Recuperados - 577 (+9) Casos ativos - 332 (+26)
20210117             Portimão Casos confirmados - 13720000              (+27) Óbitos - 16 (=) Recuperados - 10920000              (+10) Casos ativos - 264 (+17)
20210117             Silves Casos confirmados - 736 (+20) Óbitos - 4 (+1) Recuperados - 437 (+7) Casos ativos - 295 (+12)
20210117             São Brás de Alportel Casos confirmados - 242 (+5) Óbitos - 10 (=) Recuperados - 178 (+4) Casos Ativos - 54 (+1)
20210117             Tavira Casos confirmados - 11020000              (+25) Óbitos - 15 (+1) Recuperados - 590 (+49) Casos ativos - 497 (-25)
20210117             VRSA Casos confirmados - 531 (+14) Óbitos - 8 (=) Recuperados - 363 (+12) Casos ativos - 160 (+2)
20210117             Vila do Bispo Casos confirmados - 103 (+4) Óbitos - 4 (=) Recuperados - 86 (=) Casos ativos - 13 (+4)
20210117             LK Aurich Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 83—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 43,8 Fälle gesamt 1.781—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 938,9 Todesfälle gesamt 23—EINWOHNERZAHL 189.694—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210117             LK Düren Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 291—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 110,0 Fälle gesamt 7.784—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.941,4 Todesfälle gesamt 192—EINWOHNERZAHL 264.638—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210117             LK Euskirchen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 161—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 83,1 Fälle gesamt 4.306—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.223,5 Todesfälle gesamt 136—EINWOHNERZAHL 193.656—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210117             LK Osterholz Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 40—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 35,1 Fälle gesamt 1.482—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.300,8 Todesfälle gesamt 37—EINWOHNERZAHL 113.928—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210117             LK Plön Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 55—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 42,7 Fälle gesamt 670—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 520,6 Todesfälle gesamt 16—EINWOHNERZAHL 128.686—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210117             LK RENDSBURG—ECKERNFÖRDE Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 103—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 37,6 Fälle gesamt 2.017—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 735,9 Todesfälle gesamt 23—EINWOHNERZAHL 274.098—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210117             LK RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 557—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 118,4 Fälle gesamt 10.102—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.146,6 Todesfälle gesamt 233—EINWOHNERZAHL 470.615
20210117             LK RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 347—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 122,5 Fälle gesamt 6.191—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.185,5 Todesfälle gesamt 89—EINWOHNERZAHL 283.271
20210117             LK Rotenburg (Wümme) Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 74—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 45,2 Fälle gesamt 2.111—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.288,9 Todesfälle gesamt 59—EINWOHNERZAHL 163.782—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210117             LK SAALFELD—RUDOLSTADT Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 516—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 500,0 Fälle gesamt 3.450—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.343,1 Todesfälle gesamt 110—EINWOHNERZAHL 103.199—BUNDESLAND Thüringen
20210117             LK SCHLESWIG—FLENSBURG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 81—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 40,3 Fälle gesamt 1.201—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 597,0 Todesfälle gesamt 30—EINWOHNERZAHL 201.156—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210117             LK TRIER—SAARBURG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 66—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 44,2 Fälle gesamt 2.638—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.765,8 Todesfälle gesamt 72—EINWOHNERZAHL 149.398—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210117             LK Verden Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 59—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 43,0 Fälle gesamt 2.408—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.756,0 Todesfälle gesamt 33—EINWOHNERZAHL 137.133—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210117             SK Bamberg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 36—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 46,5 Fälle gesamt 1.526—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.972,3 Todesfälle gesamt 61—EINWOHNERZAHL 77.373—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210117             SK BERLIN Neukölln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 516—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 160,7 Fälle gesamt 13.475—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.196,2 Todesfälle gesamt 251—EINWOHNERZAHL 321.123—BUNDESLAND BERLIN
20210117             SK Emden Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 19—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 38,1 Fälle gesamt 473—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 947,6 Todesfälle gesamt 5—EINWOHNERZAHL 49.913—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210117             SK Köln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 1.112—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 102,2 Fälle gesamt 28.677—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.636,1 Todesfälle gesamt 393—EINWOHNERZAHL 1.087.863
20210117             SK ROSTOCK Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 87—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 41,6 Fälle gesamt 1.124—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 537,3 Todesfälle gesamt 12—EINWOHNERZAHL 209.191—BUNDESLAND MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN
20210117             Global Cases 94.602.582 Global Deaths 2.024.168
20210117             Um im Systemwettbewerb mit CHINA zu bestehen, sollte EUROPA die Partnerschaft mit den USA wiederbeleben — und gemeinsam mit JOE—BIDEN eine demokratische Allianz schmieden, die größer sein muss als das transatlantische Bündnis.
20210117             Systemwettbewerb - 1—GASTBEITRAG—VON—JOHANNES—VOGEL, FDP
20210117             im CHINA der Kommunistischen Partei niemand und nichts sicher ist.
20210117             Außer: Totalkontrolle, beispiellose digitale Überwachung und Steuerung, brutale Menschenrechtsverletzungen — und immer aggressiveres Ausgreifen in die Welt.
20210117             im CHINA—ABER auch die Demokratin und SPRECHERIN—DES—REPRÄSENTANTENHAUSES, NANCY Pelosi, nannte "tough on CHINA" zu sein einmal als einzigen Punkt, bei dem sie sich mit Trump einig sei.
20210117             Selbst zarteste Hinweise, die Bundeswehr möge funktionsfähig ausgestattet sein, haben in Deutschland immer noch regelmäßig einen vulgärpazifistischen Ausdruckstanz zur Folge.
20210117             vulgärpazifistisch
20210117             Das Einstimmigkeitsprinzip bei Entscheidungen in der Europäischen Union muss fallen.
20210117             Deutschland muss bereit sein, mehr Geld für sein Militär auszugeben.
20210117             DEUTSCHLAND—INNERHALB der Allianz und notfalls auch im südchinesischen Meer.
20210117             NOTFALLS—EINE deutsche Fregatte aber noch nie durch die Taiwanstraße gefahren ist
20210117             1—SYMBOLIK, die man leider auf der ganzen Welt versteht — und die sich ändern muss.
20210117             SYMBOLIK—DIE - SICH—ÄNDERN - MUSS—FEINDBILD Chlorhuhn
20210117             Die westliche Politik muss sich eingestehen, dass die tradierten internationalen Organisationen allein nicht mehr ausreichen und der atlantische Westen für das 20010101—21001231    —CENTURY zu klein gedacht ist.
20210117             jener Freiheitsanker im pazifischen —JAHRHUNDERT
20210117             globale "Demokratische Allianz" - transatlantisches Gravitationsfeld.
20210117             —JETZT sind wir dran. WIR—EILMELDUNG
20210117             Rückkehr nach Russland: Kremlkritiker Nawalny ist aus Deutschland abgeflogen
20210117             Regulierung sozialer Netzwerke: 7—IDEEN, sie zu zähmen
20210117             Kampagnen, Drohungen und Einschüchterungen: Wie europäische Abtreibungsgegner in NIGERIA Einfluss nehmen
20210117             Nach Wahl in UGANDA: Oppositionsführer Wine offenbar unter Hausarrest gestellt
20210117             Philosophie der Pandemie: Warum wir die Coronakrise noch immer nicht begreifen
20210117             Die Coronakrise ist 1—NATURKATASTROPHE
20210117             NATURKATASTROPHE—SAGT Philosophieprofessor ALBERT—NEWEN.
20210117             Stürme, Erdbeben, Überflutungen, Tsunamis — Naturkatastrophen
20210117             Auch die CORONA—PANDEMIE ist eine solche NATURKATASTROPHE—AUCH - das Phänomen
20210117             die meisten Menschen —ERST drastische Konsequenzen erfahren müssen, bevor sie etwas als Phänomen angemessen einschätzen
20210117             Nur vergleichsweise wenige Menschen sehen die Erkrankten in der Klinik leiden.
20210117             Der Mensch ist ein soziales WESEN—DER Mensch ist ein
20210117             Die soziale Begegnung und Anerkennung ist das, was unser Leben ausmacht.
20210117             Warum fällt es vielen so schwer, neue FORMEN—DER—SOZIALEN—INTERAKTION als Substitut zu akzeptieren?
20210117             Warum fällt es vielen so schwer,
20210117             SUBSTITUT—ALS - neue FORMEN—DER—SOZIALEN—INTERAKTION—ZU akzeptieren?
20210117             VIELE—MENSCHEN in den westlichen Ländern empfinden es —BEREITS als starke Beschränkung ihrer Freiheit, wenn sie große TEILE—DES—TAGES 1—MASKE tragen sollen.
20210117             Aber hier schlägt wiederum durch, dass wir die Pandemie meist noch nicht als Naturkatastrophe wahrnehmen.
20210117             die PANDEMIE—ALS NATURKATASTROPHE—WAHRNEHMEN - meist noch NICHT—NOCH NICHT—DER Mensch glaubt,
20210117             Der MENSCH—WOHLSTAND und individuelle Freiheit stehen ihm zu
20210117             IHM—WIR haben MITHILFE—VON—WISSENSCHAFT und Industrie Hunger weitgehend überwunden,
20210117             Wissenschaft und Industrie
20210117             Wir sind es gewohnt, dass wir ohne existentielle Herausforderungen aufwachsen,
20210117             WIR—ES gewohnt, sodass
20210117             1—DER—HÄUFIGSTEN—TODESURSACHEN bei Menschen zwischen 15—UND 29—DER Suizid ist (neben Verkehrsunfällen).
20210117             Die meisten leben in einem so "gesicherten" Alltag, dass sie sich darauf beschränken dürfen, ihre individuellen Vorlieben im Lebensalltag zu gestalten:
20210117             Die MEISTEN—DIE Grundidee, Die Pandemie bedroht auch den Wohlstand und Wirtschaft in Deutschland
20210117             Doch de facto sind große TEILE—DER—EUROPÄISCHEN—WIRTSCHAFT erschüttert
20210117             WIRTSCHAFT—UNSERE echten bürgerlichen Freiheiten nicht gefährdet sind, wenn wir Maske tragen
20210117             Auch wenn wissenschaftlicher Standard sich stets weiterentwickelt, Standard SICH—WEITERENTWICKELT
20210117             Ist dies 1—EINGRIFF in die persönlichen Freiheitsrechte?
20210117             Nur dann, wenn man meint, JEDES—EGOISTISCHE—INTERESSE einer Person als Freiheit reklamieren zu dürfen, auch wenn dieses Verhalten die gesamte Gemeinschaft sowie deren EXISTENZ—UND Freiheitsrechte bedroht
20210117             sowohl dem Leugnen, Wegschauen und Ignorieren klar entgegentreten als auch JEDER—ART—VON—CHINESISCHER—ZWANGSDIKTATUR.
20210117             chinesischer Zwangsdiktatur.
20210117             CORONA in Gebirgslagen: Virus im Höhenflug
20210117             Politpunks Sleaford Mods: "Der Brexit vertieft die Kluft zwischen Arm und Reich" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—WOLFGANG—HÖBEL
20210117             Rückkehr nach Giftanschlag: Kremlkritiker Nawalny in Moskau gelandet
20210117             +++ Livestream +++: Nawalny ist zurück in Russland
20210117             Japans Regierung hat Berichte über eine mögliche Absage der Olympischen Spiele in Tokio dementiert.
20210117             "Wir haben die Veranstaltungsorte und den Zeitplan (für die Spiele) festgelegt, und die beteiligten Personen arbeiten an Vorbereitungen einschließlich der Infektionskontrolle", erklärte Regierungssprecher Katsunobu Kato
20210117             Das Bundesgesundheitsministerium hat einen Vorstoß von Außenminister Heiko Maas (SPD) zurückgewiesen, geimpften Menschen Ausnahmen von CORONA—BESCHRÄNKUNGEN zu ermöglichen.
20210117             "Eingriffe in Freiheitsrechte müssen immer gut begründet sein", sagte 1—SPRECHER—DES—GESUNDHEITSMINISTERIUMS am —SONNTAG auf Anfrage in BERLIN.
20210117             "Aber solange nicht klar ist, ob 1—GEIMPFTER das Virus übertragen kann, kann es keine Ausnahmen geben".
20210117             Die französische Regierung lehnt 1—DEBATTE über einen EU—IMPFPASS —DERZEIT ab.
20210117             "Wir sind da sehr zurückhaltend", sagte Europaminister Clément Beaune
20210117             In einer Zeit, in der die Impfkampagnen gerade —ERST anliefen, darüber zu sprechen, ob es mehr Rechte für bestimmte Bevölkerungsgruppen geben solle, sei "schockierend",
20210117             Der griechische Ministerpräsident Kyriakos Mitsotakis hatte am —DIENSTAG in einem Schreiben an EU—KOMMISSIONSCHEFIN Ursula von der Leyen die Einführung eines einheitlichen Impfzertifikats gefordert, damit CORONA—GEIMPFTE wieder frei reisen dürfen.
20210117             In einem belgischen Altenheim ist es zu einer Massenansteckung mit der zuerst in Großbritannien entdeckten CORONAVIRUS—MUTANTE gekommen.
20210117             75—MENSCHEN hätten sich in der Einrichtung in der Stadt Houthulst mit der ansteckenderen Variante des Virus infiziert,
20210117             Bislang seien 3—BEWOHNER nach einer Infektion mit dem Virus gestorben.
20210117             Die CORONA—ZAHLEN sinken zu langsam, als dass —SCHON bald der Lockdown gelockert werden könnte, sagt der Bremer Professor Hajo Zeeb vom LEIBNIZ—INSTITUT für Präventionsforschung und Epidemiologie.
20210117             Seiner Meinung nach werden die Einschränkungen noch mindestens mehrere Wochen nötig sein.
20210117             Entscheidend für die Dauer des Lockdowns sind nach Ansicht Zeebs 3—FAKTOREN: 1—TRENDWENDE mit deutlich sinkenden CORONA—ZAHLEN, gleichzeitig intensives Testen und besonders die breite Akzeptanz sowie erfolgreiche Durchführung der Impfung.
20210117             "Da gerade der letzte Teil noch dauert —NACH—DEN letzten Nachrichten, gehe ich von mindestens weiteren 6—BIS 8—WOCHEN aus".
20210117             Falls 1—TRENDWENDE vorher gelinge, könnte auch vorher —SCHON etwas geändert werden — "aber immer mit vorsichtigen und gut monitorierten Lockerungen".
20210117             Proteste in HAMBURG: "Solidarität statt Querdenken"
20210117             —FORDERUNGEN, Mit, wie "Mietbefreiung für ALLE—CORONA—GESCHÄDIGTEN" oder "Impfstoff für alle — Sonst gibt`s Krawalle.
20210117             Pharmakonzerne enteignen" sind am —SONNTAG Hunderte Linke in HAMBURG gegen die CORONA—POLITIK und gegen CORONA—LEUGNER auf die Straße gegangen.
20210117             Nach ANGABEN—DER—POLIZEI zogen am Vormittag —BIS zu 825—DEMONSTRANTEN — coronabedingt aufgeteilt in Blöcke — vom linksautonomen Zentrum Rote Flora im Hamburger Schanzenviertel in Richtung Innenstadt.
20210117             Außer dem Zünden von Pyrotechnik sei alles friedlich verlaufen, sagte 1—POLIZEISPRECHER.
20210117             "Wir werden nicht zulassen, dass die CORONA—KRISE auf dem Rücken jener abgewälzt wird, die im Kapitalismus eh —SCHON die Zeche zahlen: Frauen, Migranten, Arbeiter", sagte die Rotfloristin Svenja Lorelai.
20210117             Vielmehr sollten reiche Menschen für die Krise zahlen.
20210117             Auch ein weltweit freier Zugang zu Medizin und weniger Rücksicht auf Profit standen im Fokus der Demo.
20210117             In einem offenen Brief haben sich Eltern an die Regierung und den BUNDESTAG gewandt.
20210117             Die Bundeselternvertretung für Kitas (Bevki) stemmt sich darin weitere Belastungen.
20210117             "Für Familien mit Kindern ist —JETZT eindeutig die GRENZE—DER—BELASTBARKEIT erreicht", erklärte Bundeselternsprecher AXEL—BRIEGE sich 2—TAGE vor den neuerlichen BUND—LÄNDER—BERATUNGEN.
20210117             "Weitergehende Maßnahmen zur PANDEMIE—EINDÄMMUNG müssen nun von anderen, stärkeren Partnern mit geschultert werden".
20210117             Die Elternvertretung verlangte eine bessere Unterstützung der arbeitnehmenden Elternteile durch zusätzliche, vom Bund finanzierte Urlaubstage, die Neuauflage des CORONA—KINDERBONUS in Höhe von 1000—EURO pro Kind und —MONAT und die verbindliche Festlegung auch für Unternehmen, dass die Betreuung von Kindern nicht zeitgleich mit dem Homeoffice zu vereinbaren sei.
20210117             DGS reporta 388—NOVOS casos de COVID—19—E mais 12—MORTES no Alentejo
20210117             Ventiladores comprados pela AMAL não funcionam e municípios vão pedir dinheiro de volta
20210117             Folgen der Coronakrise in Brasilien: "Wie ihr in EUROPA die Flüchtlinge hasst, so hassen die Leute hier die Armen" Aus São Paulo berichtet Nicola Abé
20210117             20—JAHRE Wikipedia: "Wenn Google das Projekt angehen würde, das würde glorios scheitern" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—HILMAR—SCHMUNDT
20210117             Geschäfte des scheidenden USA—PRÄSIDENTEN: Totalschaden der Marke Trump
20210117             CORONA—SONDERTOPF der EU: Verpuffen die 750—MILLIARDEN Euro gegen die Krise?
20210117             Auch Fürth untersagt CORONA—PROTESTE
20210117             MITTELFRANKEN, sind Gegner der CORONA—MAßNAHMEN mit ihrem Versuch gescheitert, Ersatzveranstaltungen für verbotene Demonstrationen anzumelden.
20210117             Die meisten Anmelder kämen auch nicht aus Mittelfranken und seien teilweise polizeibekannte CORONA—LEUGNER.
20210117             Mehr als 8—MILLIONEN Menschen haben sich in Brasilien bislang mit dem Coronavirus infiziert.
20210117             Menschen haben SICH—INFIZIERT.
20210117             Nun hat die Nationale Behörde für Gesundheitsüberwachung (Anvisa) den CORONA—IMPFSTOFFEN von Sinovac und AstraZeneca jeweils 1—NOTFALLZULASSUNG erteilt.
20210117             Die dafür vorgesehene Software Sormas sei zum Jahreswechsel —ERST in 111—DER Behörden betriebsbereit gewesen
20210117             Die neue Software soll das Nachverfolgen von CORONA—INFIZIERTEN deutlich vereinfachen, ebenso das Dokumentieren von Symptomen sowie den Datenaustausch mit anderen zuständigen Behörden.
20210117             Bislang arbeiten die Ämter vielerorts noch mit EXCEL—LISTEN und mit Software, die keine Weitergabe von Daten über Landkreisgrenzen erlauben.
20210117             Bund und Länder gegen CORONA: Sicher länger, aber wie viel härter?
20210117             Sun 20210117
20210117             [l] Kennt ihr jemanden, der dringend 1—BEGNADIGUNG—VON—DONALD—TRUMP braucht?
20210117             —VERHÖKERT, Giuliani, gerade TRUMP—PARDONS für $2—MIO das Stück.
20210117             Jemand sollte mal schnell 1—SPENDENSEITE aufmachen.
20210117             Ich hörte, in Großbritannien sitzt ein gewisser Australier im Folterknast und könnte 1—TRUMP—PARDON brauchen.
20210117             1—LOBBYIST, BRETT—TOLMAN, 1—FORMER—FEDERAL—PROSECUTOR who has been advising THE—WHITE—HOUSE on pardons and commutations, has monetized his clemency work, collecting TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS, and possibly more, in recent weeks to lobby THE—WHITE—HOUSE for clemency for THE—SON—OF—1—FORMER—ARKANSAS—SENATOR;
20210117             the founder of the notorious online drug marketplace Silk Road;
20210117             1—ONETIME top adviser to the Trump campaign was paid $50,000 to help seek 1—PARDON for JOHN—KIRIAKOU, 1—FORMER—C.I.A officer convicted of illegally disclosing classified information, and agreed to a $50,000 bonus if THE—PRESIDENT granted it, according to 1—COPY—OF—1—AGREEMENT.
20210117             Few regulations or disclosure requirements govern presidential clemency grants or lobbying for them, particularly by lawyers, and there is nothing illegal about Trump associates being paid to lobby for clemency.
20210117             "The criminal justice system is badly broken, badly flawed," said THE—FORMER—SENATOR, TIM—HUTCHINSON, 1—REPUBLICAN who served in Congress 19930000—20030000    —FROM—TO.
20210117—10700000    —BIS, Die Funde sollen aus der Zeit des Neuen Reiches aus den Jahrhunderten etwa 15500000              vor Christus stammen.
20210117—20210000    —ANFANG, Bund und Länder sind laut einem Medienbericht mit ihrem Vorhaben gescheitert, —BIS 90—PROZENT der rund 380—GESUNDHEITSÄMTER mit moderner Software auszurüsten.
20210117—20210106    —AM, Je mehr Tage vergehen, desto größer wird der Schrecken über das, was in den USA passiert ist.
20210117—20210207    —UNTIL, AUSTRIA—CHANCELLOR—SEBASTIAN—KURZ said the coronavirus lockdown will be extended and that social distancing rules will be toughened.
20210117—20210208    —AM, Frühestens soll das öffentliche Leben wieder hochgefahren werden.
20210118             321_DGS_boletim_20210117