Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 10. December ?

Ereignisse an einem 10. December

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_3.500—20121210      —VOR—CA—5.—000—JAHREN in MESOPOTAMIEN DIE—SUMERER—KULTUR entstand
_2.000—20121210      —VOR—CA—4.—000—JAHREN, es war kein einzelner TROCKENER—SOMMER, der den SUMERERN zu schaffen machte.
_2.000—20121210      —VOR—CA—4.—000—JAHREN, STARBEN In Folge der andauernden Trockenheit VIELE—MENSCHEN,
_2.000—20121210      —VOR—CA—4.—000—JAHREN, —300—JAHRE—DÜRRE herrschten in dem sonst fruchtbaren LAND ZWISCHEN EUPHRAT UND TIGRIS,
_2.000—20121210      —VOR—CA—4.—000—JAHREN STARB DIE—SUMERER—SPRACHE.
_2.000—20121210      —VOR—CA—4.—000—JAHREN, wie FORSCHER—INZWISCHEN, annehmen.
_12210000            v. Chr.
07411210             —INTHRONISIERT, ZACHARIAS—PAPA, der bislang letzte Grieche als PAPA.
09491210             † HERMANN—I—HERZOG—VON—SCHWABEN
09691210             † BYZANZ—CO—EMPEROR—NICEPHORUS—II—PHOCAS, was murdered.
10411210             1—DES MICHAEL—V—KAISER—DES—BYZANTINISCHEN—REICHES 1. Amtshandlungen besteht darin, seinen Onkel JOHANNES—ORPHANOTROPHOS, dem er den Thron verdankt, in 1—KLOSTER zu verbannen.
11011210             † FATIMIDEN—KALIF—AL—MUSTALI,
11981210             † AVERROES, SPANISCH—ARABISCHER Philosoph, Arzt und Mystiker
12701210             —VERURTEILT, ÉTIENNE—TEMPIER—BISCHOF—VON—PARIS, 13—THESEN des als AVERROISMUS bekannten radikalen Aristotelismus, ohne jedoch dessen Hauptvertreter SIGER—VON—BRABANT beim Namen zu nennen.
12810815—20141210    —GEFUNDEN, haben Forscher, Sandschichten die WÄHREND starker Stürme abgelagert wurden.
12810815—20141210    haben Forscher Sandschichten gefunden, die WÄHREND starker Stürme abgelagert wurden.
13071210             † DIETRICH—IV—MARK—GRAF—DER—LAUSITZ
13071210/13101015    (-[]).GOTTFRIED—I—GRAF—VON—VIANDEN].
13241210             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, JOHANNES—XXII—PAPA—BULLA—QUIA—QUORUNDAM, in der er KAISER—LUDWIG—IV., der sich im Armutsstreit auf die Seite der Franziskaner gestellt hat, der Ketzerei bezichtigt.
13241210             —ZITIERT, Außerdem, JOHANNES—XXII—PAPA die FRANZISKANER—ORDEN—OBEREN MICHAEL—VON—CESENA, WILHELM—VON—OCKHAM und BONAGRATIA—VON—BERGAMO zu sich nach Avignon, um über sie zu richten.
13531210             A. MARGARITAE—COMITISSAE—HANNONIAE indulgetur, quod IN—LOCIS—INTERDICTO suppositis coram ipsa et familiaribus Missa aliaque DIVINA—OFFICIA privatim celebrari queant
13531210             B. Eidem MARGARITAE—COMITISSAE—HANNONIAE conceditur licentia,
13531210             B. Eidem MARGARITAE—COMITISSAE—HANNONIAE quod cum sex honestis MATRONIS—MONASTERIA filiarum inclusarum quorumcumque ordinum in suis Hannoniae,
13531210             B. Eidem MARGARITAE—COMITISSAE—HANNONIAE—COMITISSAE—HANNONIAE conceditur licentia,
13531210             Devotionis tue.
13531210             HOLLANDIAE et ZELANDIAe comitatibus consistentia ingredi possit, non tamen ibi comedere aut pernoctare.
13541210             LAMBERTIONO—DE—SAL,i' (19—POSTE, 3—RONCINI) PRO—STIPENDIIS 13541206—13550106: 164—FLORENI
13541210             HENRICO—DE—RAMISBERGH PRO—EMENDA—EQUI bai bruni cum Stella in fronte balzani pedibus dextro anteriori et ambobus posterioribus cum cicatrice in spatula dextra, quem equitabat GUARNERIUS—DE—BERG,
13551210             A. MARGARITAE—COMITISSAE—HANNONIAE indulgetur, quod Missatn, —ANTEQUAM illucescat dies circa tamen diurnam lucetn, cum qualitas negotiorum id exegerit, celebrari facere valeat.
13831210             A pedido dos HOMENS—BONS de diversos concelhos,
13831210             DONA—LEONOR, apesar dos protestos populares),
13831210             DONA—LEONOR, concretizando uma das clausulas do TRATADO—DE—SALVATERRA—DE—MAGOS (e
13831210             Perante o acto de aclamação dos novos monarcas e da regente,
13831210             de preservação da sua identidade ÉTNICO—CULTURAL e religiosa.
13831210             em diversas localidades DE—PORTUGAL eclodem movimentos de REVOLTA e contestação.
13831210             que, se por um lado foi sempre segregada e periodicamente perseguida,
13831210             A—REGENTE—DONA—LEONOR—TELES demite OS—JUDEUS de todos os CARGOS—PUBLICOS até então ocupados por membros desta comunidade minoritaria
13831210             DOM—BEATRIZ acaba por desposar o próprio DOM—JOÃO—I—REI—DE—CASTELA:
13831210             DOM—JOÃO—I—REI—DE—CASTELA, com apenas Ir anos)
13831210             A—REGENTE—DONA—LEONOR—TELES, apesar dos protestos populares),
13831210             A—REGENTE—DONA—LEONOR—TELES, concretizando 1—DAS clausulas do TRATADO—DE—SALVATERRA—DE—MAGOS (e
13831210             TELES assume o cargo de REGENTE—DE—PORTUGAL em nome de DOM—BEATRIZ e de DOM—JOÃO de CASTELA.
13831210             por outro manteve ao longo da IDADE—MÉDIA 1—ARREIGADO espírito de autonomia e
13941210             † EBERHARD—GRAF—VON—ZWEIBRÜCKEN
14351210             Es siegeln JOHAN—VAN—BEPPENHOEVEN,
14351210             JOHANNES—BUSSCHOFF—DECHANT des Kapitels zu ZÜLPICH, UND—KOPIE—FOLIA—31'-32 (lit.
14351210             37—ORIGINAL—NUMMER—96 -
14351210             Neben der Kaufsumme in BAR—GELD zahlt HERR—GOEDERT 1.ERB—RENTE—VON—1—MALTER—ROGGEN, die sie der KIRCHE—S—MARIEN—ZÜLPICH, zu 1—ERBMEMORIE für HERR—PETER und seine Eltern und Freunde überwiesen haben.
14351210             PHILIPPUS—VAN—KALLE—KLERIKER—VON—ZÜLPICH, Rubrumvermerk:
14351210             WILHEM—VAN—BEPPENHOEVEN und
14351210             Weiterhin verkaufen sie seinen Garten gegenüber der S—PETER—KIRCHE up dem Hoeve längs der Behausung des Priesters JOHAN—GENSSGIS.
14351210             das Haus mit dem Kelter(haus), das Herr PETER bewohnt und —NUN hinterlassen hat und
14351210             das oberhalb des Hospitals zu ZÜLPICH, zwischen S—NIKOLAUS—HAUS und Lentz Buitgis Haus (enboeven dem hospitaill zo [ZÜLPICH]TZULPGE entussen sente Nycolaiss huyse INDIANA.) gelegen ist.
14351210             verkaufen als Treuhänder des t Herrn PETER—MAN—VAN—INGELSHEM, Pastor zu ERP[ERPPE],
14591210             JACOBUS—CLANT, decretorum Dr. und Scholaster von S—S—SEVERIN—KÖLN, als Commissarius und des DIETRICH—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—KÖLN—EXEKUTOR, kraft 1—VON diesem ausgestellten URKUNDE
14591210             —AUFFORDERT, die ZÜLPICHer Geistlichen ,
14831210             * KARDINAL—TOMMASO—BADIA, ITALIENISCHER—DOMINIKANER, der katholischen Kirche
14880000—15241210    * † HEINRICH—VON—ZÜTPHEN, Reformator und evangelischer Märtyrer
14950412—14951210    —DU—AU, 1—LACUNE DE 8—MOIS, LE—JOURNAL—DE—BURCHARD présente.
14951210             —IN—DATA Scrivendo à GIACOMO—DE—ADRIA a Mantova
14961210             —SAMSTAG
15081210             —AM, THE—LEAGUE—OF—CAMBRAI was signed and
15081210             —AM, THE—LEAGUE—OF—CAMBRAI stipulated that the claims of THE—FORMER—SHOULD be referred to arbitration and
15081210             —AM, THE—LEAGUE—OF—CAMBRAI stipulated that LOUIS should render him no assistance if he failed to respect the award.
15081210             —AM, IN THE—MEANTIME both [HERZOGTUM]THE—DUCHY—OF—GUELDERS and THE—COUNTY—OF—ZUTPHEN were to remain in the hands of CHARLES—OF—EGMONT.^
15081210             jettent les bases de 1—LIGUE contre Venise,
15081210             LOUIS—XII[LUDWIG—XII—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH], KAISER—MAXIMILIAN—I. réunissant, qui se sont réCONCILiés,
15081210             —SIGNED, THE—LEAGUE—OF—CAMBRAI was, and
15081210             —STIPULATED, THE—LEAGUE—OF—CAMBRAI, that the claims of THE—FORMER—SHOULD be referred to arbitration and
15081210             —STIPULATED, THE—LEAGUE—OF—CAMBRAI, that LOUIS should render him no assistance if he failed to respect the award.
15081210             —SEEMED, THE—LEAGUE—OF—CAMBRAI, to promise relief from all FEAR—OF—ATTACK from CHARLES—OF—EGMONT and ROBERT—DE—LA—MARCK, for
15081210             —LES—TRAITÉS—DE—CAMBRAI
15081210             —LIGA—VON—CAMBRAI, GEBILDET, wird.Die
15081210             † RENÉ—II—HERZOG—VON—LOTHRINGEN
15081210             Offiziell dem Kampf gegen die OSMANEN—TÜRKEN VERPFLICHTET, richtet sich das —LIGA—VON—CAMBRAI—BÜNDNIS mehrerer Herrscher und des PAPA real gegen die REPUBLIK—VENEDIG.
15081210—15080420    DURCH DIE am GESCHLOSSENE LIGA—VON—CAMBRAY[CAMBRAI] ausser Kraft gesetzt wurde des KAISER—MAXIMILIAN dreijähriger WAFFEN—STILLSTAND mit der REPUBLIK—VENEDIG.
15081210—15090000    Andererseits musste man in DEUTSCHLAND deshalb der Spezereien und WAREN entbehren, die man sonst aus VENEDIG bezog, da man sie anderswo nicht so bequem und nicht so billig bekommen konnte
15081210—15090000    —JAHR—ZUM, DIE—DEUTSCHEN—FÜHRT PRIULI einmal AUS—TRAUTEN sich nicht, mit Geld nach VENEDIG zu kommen, aus Furcht, unterwegs ausgeplündert zu werden.
15081210—15090000    Daher, fährt PRIULI fort, beklagten sich VENEDIG, DEUTSCHE in gleicher Weise über den KRIEG, da sie wegen der alten HANDELS—VERBINDUNG, die zwischen ihnen bestand, gleichsam 1—SEELE geworden waren"
15081210—15090000    Dadurch aber entstand GELD—MANGEL in VENEDIG zu 1—ZEIT, wo man desselben gar sehr bedurfte.
15081210—15170000    —HINZOG—BIS, DER—KRIEG, der SICH entspann,SICH,
15081210—15170000    —NAMENTLICH in der 1. Zeit, wo DER—KRIEG noch energischer geführt wurde-
15081210—15170000    —NUN, —BIS IN DAS —JAHR—DER—KRIEG, führte zwar nicht zu 1—VOLLSTÄNDIGEN HANDELS—SPERRE,
15081210—15170000    —IM, Gegenteil: MAXIMILIAN benahm sich, wie sogleich näher gezeigt werden soll, im Ganzen sehr loyal gegen DIE—KAUF—LEUTE.
15081210—15170000    und man empfand den Stillstand in VENEDIG wie auch in DEUTSCHLAND in gleich unliebsamer Weise.
15081210—15170000    —BEHINDERT, Allein, und gehemmt, bisweilen ganz unterbrochen war der HANDELS—VERKEHR natürlich doch
15081210—15170000    —NUN, —BIS IN DAS —JAHR—DER—KRIEG, der sich entspann, sich hinzog,
15181210             —ON—THE—MYCONIUS succeeded in procuring his friend's —ELECTION to the place by 1—LARGE—MAJORITY—OF—VOTES
15201210             —ON—THE, 1—LEO—X—PAPA—BULLA was burnt by LUTHER in GERMANY,
15201210             —ON—THE, together with THE—LEO—X—PAPA—DECRETALS at WITTENBERG.
15201210             —TIME—AT—THIS, THE—CANON law was burned.
15201210             1—LARGE—NUMBER—OF—DOCTORS and students accompanied LUTHER to THE—ELSTER—GATE.
15201210             1—PRECEPTOR—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY applied the torch to the pile, and
15201210             —EXPRESSED, Different opinions have been, in regard to this step of LUTHER's, and
15201210             —SUGGESTED, MEANTIME pronouncing the —FOLLOWING words, by JOSHUA—VII—25:
15201210             No longer was it possible to delay repressive measures, and
15201210             —REGARDED, SOME—HAVE, it as the most heroic of LUTHER his actions, whilst others look upon it as mere empty rhodomontade.
15201210             Such, manifestly, was the meaning of THE—BURNING—OF—THE—BULL[BULLA] ACT.
15201210             That LUTHER did not himself regard THE—BURNING—OF—BOOKS as 1—PARTICULARLY heroic act, is perfectly evident from his own utterances;
15201210             SOME—FEW writings of LUTHER his opponents, JOHN—ECK, JEROME—EMSER,
15201210             together with THE—BULL[BULLA] of THE—LEO—X—PAPA, and
15201210             —"Because thou hast troubled THE—HOLY 1—OF—THE—LORD, may the eternal fire trouble and devour thee".
15201210             —WHEN the fire was kindled, LUTHER cast into it THE—LEO—X—PAPA decretals,^
15201210             —THE—BURNING—OF—THE—BULL[BULLA] ACT proceeding was, moreover, by no means 1 unexampled 1.
15201210             —THE—BURNING—OF—THE—BULL[BULLA] to intimate THAT—THE—TIME for such burnings had gone by, was designed ;
15201210             —THE—BURNING—OF—THE—BULL[BULLA]to intimate that, if THE—LEO—X—PAPA—PARTY could build piles, the reforming party could do so LIKEWISE;
15201210             —THE—BURNING—OF—THE—BULL[BULLA]to intimate that, if THE—LEO—X—PAPA—PARTY had no better arguments than such fires, LUTHER, his friends would not fear them
15201210             Either view appears to me to be extreme.
15201210             it is fitting that we should enter upon 1—SOMEWHAT closer examination of it.
15201210             —AT—09—O'CLOCK—OF—THE—SAME—MORNING—LUTHER publicly announced, by 1—PLACARD, that it was his intention to burn THE—LEO—X—PAPA decretals, BULLs[BULLA].
15201210             —SEE D'AUBIGNFI, VOLUME II. PAGINA—106. -Tk.]
15201210             —BURNED, MARTIN—LUTHER publicly, the papal edict demanding that he recant, or face excommunication.
15201210             —VERBRENNT, MARTIN—LUTHER, in Wittenberg die BULLA—PAPA—EXSURGE—DOMINE, die ihn zum Ketzer erklärt hat, und vollzieht damit den Bruch mit der Kirche von Rom.
15201210—14200000    1—CENTURY—BEFORE, JEROME—OF—PRAGUE, his associates, had burned THE—BULL[BULLA] which condemned HUSS
15241210             † Der von DOMINIKANER—MÖNCHEN überfallene protestantische PREDIGER—HEINRICH—VON—ZÜTPHEN wird nach schweren Misshandlungen in Heide (Holstein) getötet.
15411210             —KONFRONTIERT, Mit dem Vorwurf, außereheliche Beziehungen zu CATHERINE—HOWARD, der 5. oo HEINRICH—VIII., unterhalten zu haben, werden die ENGLISCHEN—ADLIGEN THOMAS—CULPEPER und FRANCIS—DEREHAM hingerichtet.
15411210             † FRANCIS—DEREHAM, ein weiterer Geliebter von CATHERINE—HOWARD
15411210             † THOMAS—CULPEPER, 1—DER—GELIEBTEN—VON—CATHERINE—HOWARD, der 5. oo HEINRICH—VIII—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND (15140000             * um )
15601126—15601210    † LE—PRINCE—DE—CONDÉ, JUGÉ par 1—COMMISSION EXTRA—ORDINAIRE, doit être exécuté 10—DÉC
15611210             † KASPAR—SCHWENCKFELD, schlesischer Reformator und religiöser Schriftsteller
15641210             † DOMENICO—CAMPAGNOLA, ITALIENISCHER—MALER, Zeichner und Kupferstecher
15691210             f v. ARNOLD—FLECK, JOHANN, MÖNCH—IN—KLOSTER—KNECHTSTEDEN und Parthenopolis
15691210             † PAUL—EBER, deutscher evangelischer Theologe, Kirchenliederdichter und Reformator
15791210             † PAULUS—HECTOR—MAIR, Ratsdiener in AUGSBURG
15851210             * GREGOR—FRANCKE, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
15861210             1. Höchster Stadtbrand, wird 1—GROSSTEIL—DER—KLEINSTADT—HÖCHST—AM—MAIN zerstört, 56—HÄUSER und 23—SCHEUNEN des rund 100—GEBÄUDE umfassenden Ortes werden 1—RAUB—DER—FLAMMEN.
15881210             * ISAAC—BEECKMAN, NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—PHILOSOPH und Wissenschaftler
15881210             * JOHANN—GRAF—VON—ALDRINGEN, LUXEMBURGISCHER—FELDHERR im 3ßigjährigen Krieg
16031210             Nomination de JACQUES—TURRICELLU à l'cvèclié d'Angoulèine.
16031210             † WILLIAM—GILBERT, ENGLISCHER—ARZT und Naturforscher
16081210             AGUSTIN—TEDESCHO, —25—JAHRE—ALT;
16211210             * kurbrandenburgischer GENERAL—CHRISTIAN—ALBRECHT—VON—DOHNA,
16301210             VALTEN—MEHLING, —TAG—LÖHNER;
16371210             —EXIL du PÈRE—CAUSSIN—CONFESSEUR—DU—ROI, qui blâmait la politique de RICHELIEU.
16521210             —SEESCHLACHT—BEI—DUNGENESS Mit ihrem Sieg über ENGLAND und dem Rückzug der gegnerischen Kriegsschiffe  in der
16521210             —ERRINGEN die NIEDERLANDE die Herrschaft über den Ärmelkanal.
16711210             in ihrem —SCHREIBEN—VOM •'^) angebotenen;
16721210             —ANNOUNCED, GOVERNOR—LOVELACE, monthly MAIL—SERVICE between NY and BOSTON.
16751210             † JOHANN—FINK, DEUTSCHER—MALER
16761210             * JOHANN—GEORGE—SCHREIBER, DEUTSCHER—KUPFERSTECHER, Kartograph und Verleger
16791210             † ITALIENISCHER—KARDINAL—FRANCESCO—BARBERINI, Antiquar und Mäzen
16880610—16881210    —ON, within —6—MONTHS—OF—HIS—BIRTH, MARY—OF—MODENA took baby James to FRANCE, worried about his safety, —WHILE
16880610—16881210    baby James his father, JAMES—II, continued to fight (unsuccessfully) to retain his crown.
16921210             † JOHANN—MICHAEL—STRAUß, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
16951210             * JOHANN—JAKOB—ZIMMERMANN, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
16961210             † JOHANN—CHRISTOPH—ARNSCHWANGER, DEUTSCHER—PFARRER und Kirchenliederdichter
17081210             —NACH—FAST—VIERMONATIGEM Halten gegen die belagernden Truppen des HERZOG—VON—MARLBOROUGH und des PRINZ—EUGEN—VON—SAVOYEN
17101210             —VICTOIRE—A—VILLAVICIOSA de VENDÔME
17101210             —VICTOIRE—DÉCISIVE—DE—VENDÔME à VILLAVICIOSA qui permet à PHILIPPE—V—KING—OF—SPAIN, de reprendre son trône en ESPAGNE.
17101210             * JOHAN—CHRISTIAN—WENTZINGER, DEUTSCHER—BILDHAUER, Maler und Architekt
17161210             † REINHOLD—JOHAN—VON—FERSEN, deutschbaltischer Militär und Politiker in SCHWEDEN—DIENSTEN
17211210             —AM, CHRISTOPH—BERNHARD—VON—HERDING zu HILTRUP leistete Profeß;
17241210             * KARL—THEODOR—KUR—FÜRST—DER—PFALZ und von BAYERN
17251210             † NICOLAS—HARTSOEKER, NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—BIOLOGE, Mathematiker und Physiker
17361210             † ANTONIO—MANOEL—DE—VILHENA, Großmeister des Malteserordens
17461210             † TEODORICO—PEDRINI, ITALIENISCHER—MISSIONAR, Cembalist und Komponist
17481210             † FRIEDEMANN—ANDREAS—ZÜLICH, evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
17511210             * GEORGE—SHAW, BRITISCHER—BOTANIKER und Zoologe
17611210             † JOHANN—GEORG—PLATZER, Tiroler Barockmaler
17621210             —ORDONNANCE—MILITAIRE
17641210             * AGATHE—DE—RAMBAUD, Gouvernante des FRANZÖSISCHEN—DAUPHIN
176531210            † — — MAURUS, PFARRER—IN—VORST
17761210             * ABRAHAM—MENDELSSOHN—BARTHOLDY, DEUTSCHER—BANKIER und Kulturförderer
17850000—18511210    * † KARL—VON—DRAIS, noble GERMANY—FOREST official and inventor, in KARLSRUHE.
17871210             * THOMAS—H—GALLAUDET, 1—PIONEER of educating the deaf, in PHILADELPHIA.
17881210             LES—ETATS—DU—DAUPHINÉ se prononcéent pour le doublement du nombre des REPRÉSENTANTS—DU—TIERS—ÉTAT
17881210             † WILHELM—CHRISTIAN—JUSTUS—CHRYSANDER, deutscher lutherischer Theologe, Mathematiker und Orientalist
17891210             † WILLIAM—PIERCE, Delegierter für GEORGIA im Kontinentalkongress
17921210             † FRANZ—ANTON—KNITTEL, deutscher evangelischer Geistlicher und Paläograf
179301210800         † LUDWIG—XVI—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH, guillotiniert
17981210             TURIN, wird —NACH—DEM FRANZÖSISCHEN—SIEG im 1. Koalitionskrieg auf dem GEBIET—DES—FÜRSTENTUMS—PIEMONT die Piemontesische REPUBLIK, 1—TOCHTERREPUBLIK—DER—REPUBLIK—FRANKREICH ausgerufen.
17991210             —ESTABLISHED, The metric system was, in FRANCE.
17991210             —ENTSCHEIDET, FRANKREICH, sich als 1. Land für das metrische System und aufbewahrt das Urmeter aus Platin.
18041210—18510218    in BERLIN, war 1—DEUTSCHER—MATHEMATIKER.
18051210—18310000    —IN, * † WILLIAM—LLOYD—GARRISON, abolitionist PUBLISHER, in NEWBURYPORT—MASSACHUSETTS he published "THE—LIBERATOR".
18090730—18091210    —AM, Diese WALCHEREN—EXPEDITION scheitert später.
18091210             —FRIEDENSSCHLUSS—VON—JÖNKÖPING, Der DÄNISCH—SCHWEDISCHE—KRIEG geht mit dem zu Ende.
18110000—18901210    * † SPENCER—M—CLARK.
18130808—20121210    —SEITDEM, liegen sie unberührt auf dem Grund.
18131210             * ZACHARIAH—CHANDLER, USA merchant and politician.
18141210             * MARIA—CATHARINA—NOLDEN F iv 1, 2 in PISSENHEIM.
18161210             —COMMITTED, The estranged WIFE—OF—POET—PERCY—SHELLEY, suicide by drowning in LONDON—HYDE—PARK.
18161210             —20—DAYS—LATER Percy oo MARY—GODWIN, AUTHOR—OF "Frankenstein" (18180000             ).
18170000—19111210    * † JOSEPH—DALTON—HOOKER, UK—BOTONIST and explorer.
18171210             —ADMITTED, MISSISSIPPI was, as the 20. STATE—OF—THE—UNION.
18171210             MISSISSIPPI wird 20. Bundesstaat der USA.
18231210             * THEODOR—KIRCHNER, DEUTSCHER—KOMPONIST—UND—DIRIGENT, Organist und Pianist
18241210             * GEORGE—MACDONALD, BRITISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Dichter und Pfarrer aus SCHOTTLAND
18241210             † PEDER—ANKER, NORWEGISCHER—STAATSMANN und Gutseigner
18261210             † BENEDIKT—SCHAK, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—TENOR und Komponist
18301210             Perhaps THE—BEST—KNOWN woman poet in THE—USA—TODAY, Dickinson led 1—RATHER secluded life.
18301210             —AFTER studying at Amherst Academy and then for —1—YEAR at THE—MOUNT—HOLYOKE Female Seminary, she lived with her family and never oo.
18301210             —RECEIVED, The few friends that EMILY—DICKINSON did have, regular gifts of poetry and letters from her.
18301210             —PURSUED, Although she wrote poetry constantly, she never seriously, publishing her work.
18301210             —PUBLISHED, Only about 10—POEMS were, in her lifetime, and those were submitted for publication without her permission.
18301210             —AKZEPTIERT, DES—KANTON—AARGAU—REGIERUNG, die Forderungen der Aufständischen des Freiämtersturms.
18301210             —BEGONNEN, Mit der Ausarbeitung 1—NEUEN Verfassung wird.
18301210—18860000    —IN, —AFTER her death, more than 1,700—OF—HER poems, which she had bound together in bundles, were discovered and published.
18321210             * KARL—EDUARD—FERDINAND—ASCHERSON, DEUTSCHER—KLASSISCHER Philologe und Bibliothekar
18321210             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Im Zuge der Nullifikationskrise, der AMERIKANISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—ANDREW—JACKSON 1—PROKLAMATION, in der er die Nullifikationsdoktrin verwirft und beteuert, das von SOUTH—CAROLINA für ungültig erklärte Zollgesetz von 18320000             weiter durchsetzen zu wollen.
18331021—18971210    —ACQUIRED, By the time of his death, Nobel had, 1—MASSIVE—FORTUNE.
18341210             —BECAME, ROBERT—PEEL (17880000—18500000    ), PRIME—MINISTER—OF—BRITAIN —AFTER launching the 1. national election manifesto in UK—HISTORY.
18351210             —VERBOTEN, Die Publikationen der literarischen Bewegung JUNGES—DEUTSCHLAND werden im Vormärz auf Beschluss des Frankfurter Bundestages.
18381210             † KARL—FRIEDRICH—VON—BEYME, PREUSSISCHER—JURIST und Politiker
18391210             † JOHANN—DANIEL—HENSEL, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE, Schriftsteller und Komponist
18441210             † JOSEPH—WIDMER, SCHWEIZER—RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHER Theologe und Hochschullehrer
18450000—19261210    * † Nikola Pasic, 1—SERBIAN and YUGOSLAVIA—POLITICIAN and diplomat.
18451210             * WILHELM—VON—BODE, DEUTSCHER—KUNSTHISTORIKER und Museumsdirektor
18451210             Dem SCHOTTISCHEN—ERFINDER ROBERT—WILLIAM—THOMSON wird 1—PATENT für den von ihm erdachten Vollgummireifen zuerkannt.
18461210             —RECEIVED, NORBERT—RILLIEUX (18060000—18940000    ), AFRICA—USA—ENGINEER, 1—PATENT for the Rillieux Process for refining sugar.
18461210             He won several patents for 1—WAY to refine sugar in 1—PROCESS that —LATER came to be called MULTIPLE—EFFECT—DISTILLATION.
18471210             * ADOLPH—WOERMANN, DEUTSCHER—KAUFMANN, Reeder und Politiker
18481210             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—165—KÖLN.
18481210             Der NATIONALRAT—DIE Bourgeoisie und die Kontrerevolution
18481210             Im weiteren Verlauf der Februarrevolution wird LOUIS—NAPOLÉON—BONAPARTE, 1—NEFFE—DES—EHEMALIGEN—KAISERS—NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE, zum Staatspräsidenten Frankreichs gewählt.
18481210—18481231    —DATE 18481210—18481231    DIE BOURGEOISIE UND DIE KONTREREVOLUTION
18481210—18520000    —IN, he dismantled the Republic and replaced it with the 2. Empire of FRANCE, with himself as emperor.
18511210             * MELVIL—LOUIS—DEWEY, creator of the Dewey Decimal System (c.1872).
18511210             —INVENTED, KARL—VON—DRAIS, the Laufmaschine ("running machine"), —LATER called the velocipede, draisine (English) or draisienne (French), also nicknamed the hobby horse or dandy horse.
18511210             It incorporated THE—2—WHEELER principle that is basic to the bicycle and motorcycle and was the beginning of mechanized personal transport.
18511210             —INVENTED, Drais also, the earliest typewriter with 1—KEYBOARD (18210000             ).
18511210             † KARL—DRAIS, DEUTSCHER—ERFINDER
18541210             * ERNST—HENRICI, DEUTSCHER—GYMNASIALLEHRER, Schriftsteller, Kolonialabenteurer und antisemitischer Politiker
18591210             VENEZUELA—WAR, for INDEPENDENCE from SPAIN Ezequiel ZAMORA (18170000—18600000    ) led THE—BATTLE—OF—SANTA—INES.
18591210             —DEFEATED, ZAMORA and 3,400—MEN, THE—CENTRAL—ARMY—OF—2,300—MEN, with about 1,200 casualties altogether on both sides.
18591210             —RETURNED, ZAMORA had, to VENEZUELA to lead THE—FEDERAL—WAR, which lasted to 18630000             .
18601210             * GERDA—HILL—MELING: NORWAY[NORWEGEN].
18611210             * DAISY—GREVILLE, Countess of Warwick, BRITISCHE—HIGH—SOCIETY—LADY und Mätresse
18611210             * KARL—GROOS, DEUTSCHER—PHILOSOPH und Psychologe
18631210             * ALFRED—GEIST, DEUTSCH—BALTISCHER Pastor und evangelischer Bekenner
18641210             —REACHED, GENERAL—SHERMAN—ARMIES, SAVANNAH and a —12—DAY—SIEGE began.
18651210             Durch den Tod seines Vaters LEOPOLD—I. wird LEOPOLD—II. zum KÖNIG—DER—BELGIER.
18651210             † LEOPOLD—I, 1. KÖNIG—DER—BELGIER
18651210             † LOUIS—ADRIEN—HUART, FRANZÖSISCHER—JOURNALIST, Schriftsteller und Theaterdirektor
18661210             * EMILIO—ZANINI, SCHWEIZER—LEHRER und Schriftsteller
18680000—19281210    * † CHARLES—RENNIE—MACKINTOSH, SCOTLAND—ARCHITECT and designer.
18681210             1. Ampel weltweit wird vor dem HOUSE—OF—PARLIAMENT in LONDON aufgestellt.
18681210             Ampel wird —ZUNÄCHST mit Gaslicht betrieben.
18691210             —SIGNED, GOVERNOR—JOHN—CAMPBELL, 1—BILL that granted women in THE—WYOMING—TERRITORY the right to vote as well as hold public office.
18691210             —PRESSED, Esther Morris had, STATE—SENATOR—WILLIAM—BRIGHT to sponsor the suffrage bill.
18691210             —BECAME, WYOMING, the 1. USA—STATE to enfranchise women.
18701210             * ADOLF—LOOS, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—ARCHITEKT und Architekturtheoretiker
18701210             * PAUL—BÜTTNER, DEUTSCHER—CHORLEITER, Musikkritiker und Komponist
18701210             —DEUTSCH—FRANZÖSISCHEN—KRIEG endet die —SEIT—2—TAGEN andauernde
18701210             —SCHLACHT—BEI—BEAUGENCY.
18701210             Um 1—DROHENDEN Einschließung zu entgehen zieht sich die FRANZÖSISCHE—LOIREARMEE unter dem BEFEHL—VON—GENERAL—ANTOINE—CHANZY in Richtung LE—MANS zurück.
18711210             Während des Kulturkampfes wird unter Federführung von REICHSKANZLER—OTTO—VON—BISMARCK 1—NEUER § 130a in das DEUTSCHE—STRAFGESETZBUCH eingefügt.
18711210—19530000    —BIS, DER—KANZELPARAGRAPH untersagt Geistlichen, in ihren Predigten politische Ereignisse zu kommentieren, und ist in DEUTSCHLAND gültig.
18741210             † FRIEDRICH—AUGUST—BELCKE, DEUTSCHER—POSAUNIST und Komponist
18781210             1. Feuerbestattung in 1—DEUTSCHEN—KREMATORIUM durchgeführt, Auf dem GOTHA—HAUPTFRIEDHOF wird.
18811210             DIE—ABGEORDNETEN der liberalen Fortschrittspartei sprechen sich für die ABSCHAFFUNG—DES—GESETZES aus.
18811210             WALTER—HASENCLEVER greift im Rahmen der DEBATTE—ÜBER—1—RECHENSCHAFTS—BERICHT, betreffend die Ausführung des SOZIALISTEN—GESETZES, die Praxis der Regierung als rigoros und unnötig hart an.
18811210             VISCOUNT—ALEXANDER—OF—TUNIS took his title from his part in the Allied victories in NORTH—AFRICA.
18821210             * OTTO—NEURATH, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—PHILOSOPH, Soziologe und Ökonom
18831210             * GIOVANNI—MESSE, ITALIENISCHER—FELDHERR und Politiker
18831210             * DEUTSCHER—GENERAL—RUDOLF—VEIEL,
18841210             * ALBERT—STEFFEN, SCHWEIZER—ANTHROPOSOPH und Dichter
18841210             † EDUARD—RÜPPELL, DEUTSCHER—NATURWISSENSCHAFTLER und Afrikaforscher
18871210             * ARTHUR—HOFFMANN, DEUTSCHER—LEICHTATHLET, Olympiamedaillengewinner
18881210             Priestermangel und Sprachprobleme könnten Rückwirkungen auf die Spendung der Sakramente haben.
18881210             Entsandte Geistliche aus ITALIEN sollen dem Engpass abhelfen.
18881210             † AUGUSTE—PLACET, FRANZÖSISCHER—VIOLINIST und Dirigent
18891210             "DAILY—NEWS", VOM.)
18891210             —VOM, Das Minimum ist 1%, das Maximum 5%.[F. E.]
18891210             * LUDWIG—HUBER, DEUTSCHER—LANDWIRT, Politiker
18901210             THE—NEW—YORK World Building, also known as the Pulitzer Building, was completed in NEW—YORK—CITY.
18901210             —DESIGNED, It was, by early skyscraper specialist GEORGE—BROWNE—POST and built to house THE—NOW—DEFUNCT newspaper, THE—NEW—YORK World.
18901210             SPENCER—M—CLARK was the 1. SUPERINTENDENT—OF—THE—USA—NATIONAL—CURRENCY—BUREAU, —TODAY known as THE—BUREAU—OF—PRINTING and Engraving, 18620000—18680000    —FROM—TO.
18901210             * ZEKI—VELIDI—TOGAN, TÜRKISCHER—HISTORIKER und Politiker
18901210             NEW—YORK—CITY wird DAS—NEW—YORK—WORLD—BUILDING des Zeitungsverlags NEW—YORK World fertiggestellt.
18901210             DAS—NEW—YORK—WORLD—BUILDING ist mit 94—METERN Höhe der zu diesem Zeitpunkt höchste Wolkenkratzer der Welt und das 1. Gebäude, das die Trinity Church überragt.
18901210—19550000    —RAZED, It was, for the expanded car ramp entrance to THE—BROOKLYN—BRIDGE.
18911210             * NELLY—SACHS, Nobel PRIZE—WINNING poet.
18911210             * NELLY—SACHS, JÜDISCH—DEUTSCH—SCHWEDISCHE—SCHRIFTSTELLERIN und Lyrikerin, Nobelpreisträgerin
18951127             —SIGNED, ALFRED—NOBEL, explosives magnate, his last will and testament at THE—SWEDISH—NORWAY—CLUB in PARIS, setting aside his estate to establish the Nobel Prize —AFTER his death (see 18961210             ).
18951210             † JOSEF—MARASTANI, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—MALER, Radierer und Lithograph
18961210             † ALFRED—NOBEL, —63—JAHRE—ALT, SWEDEN—NOBEL Prize ceremony on this date.
18961210             In his will, he left instructions that the bulk of his estate should endow the annual Nobel prizes for those who had most contributed to THE—AREAS—OF—PHYSICS, chemistry, medicine, literature and peace.
18961210             At his death he was 1—OF—THE—RICHEST—MEN in the world, he also felt it would be wrong to leave his fortune to relatives.
18961210             "Inherited wealth is 1—MISFORTUNE which merely serves to dull man's faculties".
18961210             —WISHED, Nobel, the Peace Prize to be administered in NORWAY.
18961210             Das Theaterstück KÖNIG—UBU des FRANZÖSISCHEN—SCHRIFTSTELLER—ALFRED—JARRY, später von Surrealisten und Dadaisten gefeiert und in zahlreiche Sprachen übersetzt, entfacht bei seiner Uraufführung in PARIS 1—SKANDAL.
18961210—19010000    —PRESENTED, THE—1.—OF—THE—NOBEL—PRIZES was, according to instructions in his will.
18961210—19680000    —IN, a 6. award for economics was established 18951127             —SEE.
18980812—18981210    —SEE
18981210             —RATIFIED, THE—USA—SENATE, the treaty February 6, 18990000             .
18981210             —GOVERNED, THE—USA—MILITARY, PUERTO—RICO 18981000—19000500    —FROM—UNTIL, —WHEN THE—USA—CONGRESS instituted 1—CIVIL—GOVERNMENT.
18981210             Die USA erhalten von SPANIEN, KUBA, PUERTO—RICO, GUAM und die PHILIPPINEN, Die USA müssen aber im Gegenzug 20—MILLIONEN USA—DOLLAR zahlen.
18981210—19500000    —IN, The civil government underwent MANY—CHANGES—UNTIL 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—ASSEMBLY formed and
18981210—19520725    —ON, established 1—COMMONWEALTH—OF—PUERTO—RICO, which was proclaimed.
18990000—19821210    * † Freeman Gosden, white actor.
18991210             —SUCCEEDED, Sobhuza (18990000—19820000    ), Ngwane V as Paramount CHIEF—OF—SWAZILAND, —WHEN he was only 1—FEW months old.
18991210             —SCHLACHT—VON—STORMBERG, erleiden die Briten die 1. Niederlage in der so genannten BLACK—WEE, Kwährend des
18991210             2. Burenkrieg.
18991210—19211222    —UNTIL, His grandmother, Labotsibeni Mdluli, acted as regent.
19010000—19871210    * † Jascha Heifetz, LITHUANIA—BORN Jewish violinist, in LOS—ANGELES.
19011210             VON—NUN—AM Todestag ALFRED—NOBELS wird  alljährlich unter anderem der Friedensnobelpreis verliehen.
19011210             Auf Anfrage erklärt sich die BELGISCHE—REGIERUNG außerstande im SÜDAFRIKANISCHEN—KRIEG zu intervenieren.
19011210             1. Verleihung der Nobelpreise, werden unter anderem die DEUTSCHEN—EMIL—VON—BEHRING (Medizin) und WILHELM—CONRAD—RÖNTGEN (Physik) ausgezeichnet.
19011210             Es ist der einzige Nobelpreis, der in OSLO verliehen wird (siehe LISTE—DER—FRIEDENSNOBELPREISTRÄGER).
19011210             Die anderen Nobelpreise werden am SELBEN—TAG in STOCKHOLM den Geehrten überreicht.
19021210             * ~ FRITIOF—MELIN M Bred, UPPSALA—SCHWEDEN
19021210             in Betrieb genommen, Die vom BRITISCHEN—INGENIEUR—SIR—WILLIAM—WILLCOCKS geplante Staumauer im Nil bei Assuan wird nach Abschluss der Bauarbeiten.
19021210             —EINGEWEIHT, NIL—STAUDAMM bei ASSUAN wird.
19021210             Das Kraftwerk liefert jährlich 10—MISTER—D—KILOWATTSTUNDEN.
19021210             NIL—STAUDAMM ist 2—KM breit und staut 1—SEE—VON—300—KM Länge.
19031210             —INCLUDED, MARY—NORTON—WORK, "Bedknobs and Broomsticks".
19031210             —AWARDED, THE—NOBEL—PRIZE for physics was, to Pierre and MARIE—CURIE and fellow physicist HENRI—BECQUEREL for their work with radioactivity.
19031210             MARIE—CURIE, the 1. woman to win 1—NOBEL—PRIZE, had coined the term radioactivity.
19031210             —SHOWED, They, that the elements uranium and thorium emitted radiation that Becquerel had detected in uranium and had found to be similar to X—RAYS.
19031210             —CAUSED, They also found that radioactivity, particles to be electrically charged, and they discovered 2—NEW—ELEMENTS, polonium and radium.
19031210             —FAMED, Their daughter Irène, —LATER 1, scientist in her own right, was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry for THE—SYNTHESIS—OF—NEW—RADIOACTIVE—ELEMENTS.
19031210             STOCKHOLM, und OSLO (Friedenspreis) werden durch den KÖNIG—VON—SCHWEDEN und das Nobelkomitee des NORWEGISCHEN—PARLAMENTS die diesjährigen Nobelpreise verliehen:
19031210             Björnstjerne Björnsson (NORWEGEN) für Literatur, Niels Ryberg Finden (DÄNEMARK) für Medizin, HENRI—BECQUEREL und Pierre und MARIE—CURIE (FRANKREICH) für Physik, Svante Arrhenius (SCHWEDEN) für Chemie und den Friedenspreis für WILLIAM—R—CREMER (GROSSBRITANNIEN).
19031210—18950000    —IN, Working together —AFTER their marriage, the Curies made several significant discoveries.
19041210             —RESIGNED, Schwab, his position at USA—STEEL to run Bethlehem Steel.
19041210             * STAATSPRÄSIDENT—ANTONÍN—NOVOTNÝ, tschechoslowakischer Politiker, Generalsekretär der KS?,
19041210—19010000    —ACQUIRED, As PRESIDENT—OF—USA—STEEL he had, THE—PENNSYLVANIA steel maker.
19041210—20080000    —AUTHORED, KENNETH—WARREN, "Bethlehem Steel: Builder and ARSENAL—OF—AMERICA".
19061210             —BECAME, PRESIDENT—THEODORE—ROOSEVELT, the 1. American to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, for helping mediate 1—END to THE—RUSSO—JAPAN—WAR.
19071210             * RUMOR—GODDEN, ENGLAND—NOVELIST (Black Narcissus).
19071210             —VERABSCHIEDET, In der SCHWEIZ wird das Zivilgesetzbuch.
19071210—19120101    —AM, Die Reform des Privatrechts tritt in Kraft.
19081210             * OLIVER—MESSIAN, FRANCE—COMPOSER.
19081210             —INCLUDED, OLIVER—MESSIAN—WORK, "Quartet for THE—END—OF—TIME".
19081210             Abe Ruef (18640000—19360000    ), 1—SAN—FRANCISCO political power broker, was found GUILTY—OF—BRIBING 1—FORMER supervisor to vote for the United Railroad franchise.
19081210             CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR—WILLIAM—D—STEPHENS (19170000—19230000    ) pardoned him.
19081210             NEW—YORK, wird das Orchesterwerk Le Poème de l'Extase von ALEXANDER—SKRJABIN uraufgeführt.
19081210—19150000    —SENTENCED, He was, to —14—YEARS in prison, but was freed on parole.
19091210             † RED—CLOUD, Sioux INDIA—CHIEF.
19101210             —PREMIERED, THE—NY—METROPOLITAN—OPERA, "La Fanciulla del West" (THE—GIRL—OF—THE—WEST) by GIACOMO—PUCCINI (18580000—19240000    ).
19101210             —BASED, It was, on the play "THE—GIRL—OF—THE—GOLDEN—WEST" by THE—USA—AUTHOR—DAVID—BELASCO, set in THE—CALIFORNIA gold rush.
19101210             Dirigiert von ARTURO—TOSCANINI erfolgt an der Metropolitan Opera in NEW—YORK die Uraufführung der Oper La fanciulla del West (Das Mädchen aus dem goldenen Westen) von GIACOMO—PUCCINI —NACH—DEM gleichnamigen Schauspiel von DAVID—BELASCO.
19111210             * Chester "Chet" Huntley, USA—BROADCAST journalist.
19111210             He teamed with DAVID—BRINKLEY to anchor TV nightly news.
19150000—19681210    * † THOMAS—MERTON, USA—TRAPPIST monk and writer, in BANGKOK—THAILAND from accidental electrocution.
19150000—20061210    * † CHILE, GENERAL—AUGUSTO—PINOCHET, dashing HOPES—OF—VICTIMS—OF—HIS—REGIME—ABUSES that he would be brought to justice.
19160000—20051210    * † FORMER—USA—SENATOR—EUGENE—MCCARTHY, D—MINNESOTA, at age 89 at his home in GEORGETOWN, DC.
19181210             —JETZT— Möchte das REAL—LEXIKON in reichem Maße beitragen zur Belebung und Förderung des Interesses am GERMANISCHEN—ALTERTUM!
19181210             —LEARNED, There the welcome was warmer, but there FEISAL also, that FEISAL might have to accept FRANCE as overlord in Syria.
19181210             —REMINDED, FEISAL was also, that the British were not prepared to consider Palestine 1—PART—OF—ANY—ARAB state.
19181210             —TRAVELED, FEISAL left FRANCE temporarily +, to ENGLAND.
19181210             —JETZT— HEIDELBERG, JOHANNES—HOOPS.
19181210             —JETZT— Ihrer sei hier wehmutsvoll und dankbar gedacht.
19181210             —CALLED, USA—TROOPS were, to guard BERLIN as 1—COUP was feared.
19191210             —BECAME, CAPTAIN—ROSS—SMITH, the 1. person to fly 11,500 miles from ENGLAND to AUSTRALIA.
19230000—20141210    * † RALPH—GIORDANO, 1—GERMANY—WRITER and Holocaust survivor who spoke out against ANTI—SEMITISM and the far right, and —LATER became 1—PROMINENT—CRITIC—OF—GERMANY—FAILURE to integrate Muslim immigrants.
19240000—19781210    * † EDWARD—D—WOOD, film director, in NORTH—HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA.
19241210             * PAUL—MIKAT, DEUTSCHER—JURIST, Landesminister, MdL, MdB
19261210             —PUBLISHED, Part 2—OF—HITLER—MEIN—KAMPF was.
19261210             He served several times PM—OF—THE—KINGDOM—OF—SERBIA (1891—92, 1904—05, 1906—08, 1909—11, 1912—18) and PM—OF—THE—KINGDOM—OF—YUGOSLAVIA (19180000             , 1921—24, 1924—26).
19281210             —DESIGNED, CHARLES—RENNIE—MACKINTOSH, the walls of Kate CRANSTON—1. tea rooms in GLASGOW (19030000             ).
19281210             —INCLUDED, His watercolors, "THE—ROCK" (19270000             ).
19291210             DEUTSCHLAND, in Kraft tritt das Opiumgesetz, der Vorläufer des Betäubungsmittelgesetzes, seitdem ist auch Cannabis verboten.
19301210             Lady aviator RUTH—NICHOLS 19300901             —NEW—WOMEN—RECORD for coast to coast flight, traveling from LOS—ANGELES to NEW—YORK in —13—HOURS—22—MINUTES.
19301210             1—AUFFÜHRUNGSVERBOT verhängt Über LUIS—BUÑUEL surrealistischen Tonfilm Das goldene Zeitalter wird in FRANKREICH.
19301210—19810000    —BIS—ZUM—JAHR, andauert, 1—AUFFÜHRUNGSVERBOT.
19311210             —BECAME, JANE—ADDAMS, 1—CO—RECIPIENT of the Nobel Peace Prize, for her efforts as THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—WOMEN—INTERNATIONAL—LEAGUE for Peace and Freedom.
19311210             —HONORED, She was the 1. USA—WOMAN so.
19311210             She was also known for her work as 1—SOCIAL—REFORMER and pacifist, and founded the Hull House in CHICAGO.
19311210             NICHOLAS—MURRAY—BUTLER (18620000—19470000    ), presidential advisor and PRESIDENT—OF—COLUMBIA—UNIV.
19311210             (19020000—19450000    ), was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work on behalf of the Briand Kellogg Pact (19290000             ), 1—TREATY that denounced war as 1—INSTRUMENT—OF—NATIONAL—POLICY.
19321210             ZÜRICH, wird die Operette Venus in Seide von ROBERT—STOLZ uraufgeführt.
19321210             —BEKOMMT, Siam (—HEUTE THAILAND), seine 1. dauerhafte Verfassung.
19321210             —BIS—HEUTE—DER—TAG ist als "—TAG—DER—VERFASSUNG" gesetzlicher Feiertag.
19341210             HAROLD—C—UREY (18930000—19810000    ), USA—CHEMIST, was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry for his work with deuterium.
19361210             —ABDICATED, EDWARD—VIII, to marry Wallis Warfield Simpson, 1—USA—BORN divorcee.
19361210             EDUARD—VIII—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND—ABDANKUNG Wegen seiner geschiedenen bürgerlichen Lebensgefährtin WALLIS—SIMPSON verzichtet auf die BRITISCHE—KRONE.
19381210             In der SCHWEIZ auflöst der Vorsitzende ERNST—LEONHARDT die aus dem Volksbund hervorgegangene NATIONALSOZIALISTISCHE—SCHWEIZERISCHE—ARBEITERPARTEI.
19381210             —WENIGE—WOCHEN—ZUVOR, NATIONALSOZIALISTISCHE—SCHWEIZERISCHE—ARBEITERPARTEI—KUNDGEBUNGEN und die Parteizeitung waren behördlich verboten worden.
19400000—20051210    * † RICHARD—PRYOR, USA—BLACK comedian and actor.
19411210             THE—USA—SUBMARINE—SEALION was sunk in 1—AIR—ATTACK at MANILA Bay.
19411210             10—CREWMAN were captured by the Japanese and shipped to work in 1—MITSUBISHI copper mine in NORTH—JAPAN.
19411210             UK—BATTLESHIP—PRINCE—OF—WALES sank off SINGAPORE.
19411210             —RAISED, THE—SIEGE—OF—TOBRUK in NORTH—AFRICA, was.
19411210             —ANGREIFEN, JAPANISCHE—FLIEGERVERBÄNDE im Pazifikkrieg die Force Z und versenken mit der HMS—PRINCE—OF—WALES und der HMS—REPULSE die 2—EINZIGEN Großkampfschiffe der Briten im Pazifik.
19421210             —AM, notierte SS—CHEF—HEINRICH—HIMMLER ungeachtet der Niederlage in EL—ALAMAIN:
19431210             —SIGNED, FRANKLIN—D—ROOSEVELT, 1—BILL that postponed 1—DRAFT—OF—PRE—PEARL—HARBOR fathers.
19431210             —BOMBED, Allied forces, SOFIA, THE—CAPITAL—OF—BULGARIA.
19441210             THE—USA 394. REGIMENT—INTELLIGENCE and Reconnaissance platoon was ordered into the village of LANZARETH—BELGIUM, to fill 1—GAP between allied divisions along the Western front.
19441210             —SURRENDERED, The platoon, —AFTER running OUT—OF—AMMUNITION.
19441210             —SURVIVED, All members, imprisonment.
19441210—19441216    —ON, 1—GERMANY—COUNTEROFFENSIVE, launched, sent through Lanzareth.
19461210             † DAMON—RUNYON, —66—JAHRE—ALT, NEW—YORK—BASED syndicated newspaper columnist and author (Guys & Dolls).
19461210             * EBERHARD—AURICH, DEUTSCHER—PARTEIFUNKTIONÄR, Mitglied des ZK der SED, 1. Sekretär des Zentralrates der FDJ
19471210             Bei der Währungsreform in ÖSTERREICH wird der Schilling auf 30% abgewertet.
19481210             —WURDEN klare Vorgaben für 1—MENSCHENRECHTS—KONFORMES WIRTSCHAFTS—MODELL geschaffen.
19481210             —MENSCHEN—RECHTE & Schulden
19481210             —AM, explizit nicht unterzeichnet, man hat sich, neben 7—WEITEREN STAATEN enthalten.
19481210             Mit DER—UN—RESOLUTION 217 A (III) der GENERAL—VERSAMMLUNG VOM — Allgemeine Erklärung DER—MENSCHEN—RECHTE — wurden klare Vorgaben für 1—MENSCHENRECHTS—KONFORMES WIRTSCHAFTS—MODELL geschaffen.
19481210             —ADOPTED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY, its Universal Declaration on Human Rights.
19481210             * ABU—ABBAS, PALÄSTINENSISCHER—TERRORIST, GRÜNDER—UND—FÜHRER—DER—PLF, gilt als Drahtzieher der Entführung der Achille Lauro
19481210             —VERABSCHIEDET, Die Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen, die Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte.
19491210             150,000 FRANCE—TROOPS massed at the border in VIETNAM to prevent 1—CHINA—INVASION.
19491210             —EINNIMMT, Die CHINESISCHE—VOLKSBEFREIUNGSARMEE die Stadt CHENGDU, die letzte von der Kuomintang gehaltene Großstadt auf dem Festland.
19491210             Die REGIERUNG—DER—REPUBLIK—CHINA hat sich davor auf die INSEL—TAIWAN zurückgezogen.
19501210             —BECAME, DOCTOR—RALPH—J—BUNCHE (19040000             *), the 1. AFRICA—AMERICAN to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.
19501210             He won for mediating peace between EGYPT and ISRAEL.
19541210             JAPAN, PRIME—MINISTER—SHIGERU—YOSHIDA (18680000—19670000    ), POST—RECONSTRUCTION statesman and 2-time PRIME—MINISTER, was unseated by Ichiro Hatoyama.
19551210             THE—1.—USA—FEDERAL—SERVICE—ENTRANCE—EXAMINATION was held.
19551210             —DISCOVERED, THE—ANTI—PROTON, in October by 1—TEAM—OF—UC—BERKELEY scientists that included OWEN—CHAMBERLAIN, Emilio Segre and CLYDE—WIEGAND (19150000—19960000    ), was confirmed by scientists at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—ROME and THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA.
19551210—19810000    —DITCHED, The exams were, and
19551210—20150000    —IN, resurrected.
19581210             The 1. domestic passenger jet flight took place in THE—USA as 1—NATIONAL—AIRLINES—BOEING 707—FLEW 111—PASSENGERS from NEW—YORK City to MIAMI.
19581210             † HEINRICH—ASCHOFF, DEUTSCHER—LANDWIRT, Gerechter unter den Völkern
19591210             Die SÜDAFRIKANISCHE—POLIZEI erschießt beim Aufstand an der Alten Werft im südwestafrikanischen WINDHOEK 11—MENSCHEN, viele andere werden verletzt.
19601210             —REPORTED, THE—S—FRANCISCO—CHRONICLE, that a 3. of 1—MILLION—FIFTHS—OF—1—EXOTIC moonshine, known as bok chow, were being distilled in Chinatown.
19601210             1—RECENT—RAID at 15550000             MASON—ST. gave up 22—GALLONS.
19621210             "LAWRENCE—OF—ARABIA," DAVID—LEAN—EPIC—FILM starring PETER—O'TOOLE as UK—OFFICER T.E. Lawrence, had its royal gala premiere in LONDON.
19631210             WALTER—CRONKITE—RE—AIRED 1—CBS—NEWS—REPORT from LONDON on the Beatles.
19631210             SANSIBAR und PEMBA werden als Sultanat von GROSSBRITANNIEN unabhängig.
19631210—19631122    —FILED, It had been 1., the —DAY JFK was assassinated.
19640112—19631210    —KNAPP—1—MONAT—NACH der Unabhängigkeit Sansibars, erhebt sich die schwarze Bevölkerungsmehrheit unter der Führung von JOHN—OKELLO gegen die arabische Herrschaft und ruft die Volksrepublik Sansibar aus.
19641210             —RECEIVED, DOCTOR—MARTIN—LUTHER—KING—JUNIOR, the Nobel Peace Prize —DURING ceremonies in OSLO—NORWAY.
19671210             † SINGER—OTIS—REDDING, —26—JAHRE—ALT and 6—OTHERS in the crash of his private plane in Lake MONONA—WISCONSIN.
19671210             Bei 1—ERDBEBEN in INDIEN, das vermutlich durch die neu erbaute KOYNA—TALSPERRE bzw. den entstandenen Stausee ausgelöst wurde, wird die Talsperre schwer beschädigt, hält aber stand.
19671210—19680000    —RECORDED, SINGER—OTIS—REDDING had —RECENTLY, "Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay," which became 1—BIG hit.
19681023             NICARAGUA, the Cerro Negro volcano began erupting again and continued to 19681210             .
19681210             —FINISHED, He had —JUST, his 7. journal "THE—OTHER—SIDE—OF—THE—MOUNTAIN".
19681210             —INFLUENCED, Merton was, by the Hindu scholar Mahanambrata Brahmachari (19990000             †).
19681210             MERTON—WORK also the spiritual autobiography "THE—7—STORY Mountain".
19681210—19780000    —AUTHORED, Monica Furlong (20030000             †), 1—BIOGRAPHY—OF—MERTON.
19711210             —3—TAGE—SPÄTER, auch erreichten.
19711210             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—NIXON, THE—USA—REVENUE—ACT into law launching the income tax checkoff system for campaign contributions and paving the way for public funding.
19711210             —CONFIRMED, WILLIAM—H—REHNQUIST (19240000             *) was, as USA—SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICE.
19711210             JOHN—LENNON made 1—PUBLIC—APPEARANCE at 1—BENEFIT—CONCERT for poet JOHN—SINCLAIR who was in jail for POSSESSION—OF—MARIJUANA.
19711210             —3—DAYS—LATER Sinclair was released.
19721210             KENNETH—ARROW (19210000—20170000    ) of Stanford Univ. shared the Nobel Prize in economics with JOHN—R—HICKS (19040000—19890000    ) of OXFORD—ENGLAND.
19721210—19610000    —FOUNDED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL, in LONDON, launched its 1. worldwide campaign for THE—ABOLITION—OF—TORTURE on Human Rights —DAY, with the aim to make torture "as unthinkable as slavery".
19731210             AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL held its 1. worldwide conference to abolish torture.
19731210             † DOCTOR—LEONARD—SAGAN (19970000             , age 69) was the medical reporter at THE—PARIS conference.
19731210             DOCTOR—SAGAN wrote the book "THE—HEALTH—OF—NATIONS: True CAUSES—OF—SICKNESS and WELL—BEING" (19870000             ).
19731210             —KIDNAPPED, ITALY, the personnel CHIEF—OF—FIAT was, and held —FOR—8—DAYS.
19731210             —ESTABLISHED, NORTH—KOREA and INDIA, diplomatic ties.
19731210—19720000    —LAUNCHED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL had, its 1. worldwide campaign for THE—ABOLITION—OF—TORTURE.
19741210             —CREDITED, ED—WOOD (19240000             *), as the worst filmmaker of all time, † 1—PENNILESS drunk.
19741210             —INCLUDED, His films, "Jail Bait," "Plan 9—FROM Outer Space," "BRIDE—OF—THE—MONSTER," "Glen or Glenda?" and "Night of the Ghouls".
19741210             His 19480000             "Crossroads of Loredo" was unreleased.
19741210             Mit HELIOS—1 WIRD die 1. nicht von der UdSSR oder den USA gebaute Raumsonde in das Weltall transportiert.
19741210             Die von CAPE—CANAVERAL aus gestartete DEUTSCHE—SONDE—HELIOS—1 liefert nach Erreichen ihrer Umlaufbahn um die Sonne Daten zur Sonnenerforschung.
19741210—19960000    —IN, 1—DOCUMENTARY by BRETT—THOMPSON was released titled "THE—HAUNTED—WORLD—OF—EDWARD—D—WOOD".
19751210             Elena Bonner Sacharova (19230000             *) read ANDREI—SACHAROV—NOBEL—PEACE—PRIZE acceptance speech in OSLO.
19761210             —OF, SEE LA—VANGUARDIA—ESPANOLA PAGE—22.
19771210             —SATURDAY, at 2pm, RELEASE—OF—PRISONERS
19771210             —SATURDAY, at 2pm, RE—OPENING—OF—CHURCHES,
19771210             —SATURDAY, at 2pm, FREEDOM—OF—RELIGION and thought,
19771210             —SATURDAY, at 2pm, Free circulation of the Bible,
19771210             —SATURDAY at 2pm, to be held in front of THE—SOVIET—EMBASSY.
19771210             Free circulation
19771210             ARGENTINA, Azucena Villaflor, along with mothers Esther Ballestrino de Careaga and MARIA—EUGENIA—PONCE—DE—BIANCO, were kidnapped by state security agents.
19771210             —FOUNDED, Villaflor had, the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, the legendary protest group against ARGENTINA—DIRTY—WAR.
19771210             —ON UN Human Rights —DAY, THE—SOVIET—UNION placed 20—PROMINENT—DISSIDENTS under house arrest, cutting off telephones and threatening to break up 1 planned silent demonstration in MOSCOW—PUSHKIN—SQUARE.
19771210—20050000    —RECOVERED, Investigators, the remains of Villaflor and 2—COLLEAGUES at 1—RURAL cemetery.
19771210—20110000    —IN, Alfredo Astiz (59), 1—FORMER—NAVY—SPY known as "THE—ANGEL—OF—DEATH," was convicted in the disappearance of Azucena Villaflor.
19781210             —INCLUDED, His films, "Plan 9—FROM Outer Space" (19590000             ).
19781210             He became infamous for his bad movies.
19781210—19940000    —IN, the film "ED—WOOD" by TIM—BURTON was made in homage.
19801210             USA REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—W—JENRETTE (DEMOCRAT—SOUTH—CAROLINA) resigned to avoid being expelled from the House —FOLLOWING his conviction on charges relating to THE—FBI—ABSCAM investigation.
19801210             —RECEIVED, Czeslaw MILOSZ—OF—UC—BERKELEY, 1—POLISH—BORN—AMERICAN, the Nobel Prize in literature from CARL—GUSTAF—KING—OF— in SWEDEN.
19811210             —WÄHREND des Bürgerkrieg in EL—SALVADOR, Regierungstruppen vom Batallón Atlacatl erreichendie Kantone von El Mozote, La Joya und Los Toriles im nördlichen Departamento Morazán und
19811210             —IN—DEN—FOLGENDEN—2—TAGEN, EL—SALVADOR—REGIERUNGSTRUPPEN begehen mit dem Massaker von El Mozote das größte Kriegsverbrechen in der Geschichte Mittelamerikas.
19811210             —LAUT Ermittlungen der Wahrheitskommission werden CA—900—MENSCHEN während der Operación Rescate ermordet.
19821210             —OPENED, THE—UN—LAW—OF—THE—SEA (UNCLOS) treaty, for signature.
19821210             —RECOGNIZED, It extended internationally, territorial waters to 200—MILES offshore.
19821210             The treaty gave countries the power to restrict fishing within 231—MILES—OF—THEIR—COASTS.
19821210             —RATIFIED, As of 20160000             it was still not, by THE—USA.
19821210             —STARRED, He had, as Amos in the "Amos 'n' Andy" radio shows 19280000—19600000    —FROM—TO.
19821210—19941116    —ON, The convention came into force, —1—YEAR—AFTER the sixtieth state, GUYANA, signed it.
19841210             —BEFORE the final flight on -
19841210             —DEVELOPED, NASA Dryden, the remote piloting techniques necessary for the B-720 to fly as 1—DRONE—AIRCRAFT;
19841210             —INSTALLED, GENERAL—ELECTRIC, + tested 4—DEGRADERS (1 on EACH—ENGINE); +
19841210             —REFINED, THE—FAA, AMK (blending, testing + fueling 1—FULL—SIZE—AIRCRAFT).
19841210             —ON the final flight (NUMBER 15) with no crew, all fuel tanks were filled with 1—TOTAL—OF—76,000—POUNDS—OF—AMK +
19841210             —LANDED, THE—REMOTELY—PILOTED aircraft, on Rogers Dry Lakebed
19841210             —ON THE—FINAL—FLIGHT (NO. 15) WITH NO CREW,
19841210             "It's claimed that MANY—OF—THOSE named as hijackers are still alive" - Yes, yes it is.
19841210             —JUST SOME—SILLY "name CONFUSION ".
19841210             Yeah, and... - THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—AIRLINES—PILOT, Saeed AL—GHAMDI, 25 +
19841210             Abdulaziz AL—OMARI, 1—ENGINEER from RIYADH,
19841210             are furious that the hijackers' "personal details" — including name, place, DATE—OF—BIRTH + occupation — matched their own.
19841210             — Revealed: the men with stolen identities
19841210             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—CREOSOTE bush in CALIFORNIA—MOJAVE—DESERT was determined to be 11,—700—YEARS—OLD.
19841210             —RECEIVED, SOUTH—AFRICA—ARCHBISHOP DESMOND—TUTU, the Nobel Peace Prize.
19841210             THE—CONVENTION against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (the "Torture Convention") was adopted by THE—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY—OF—THE—UNITED—NATIONS (resolution 39/46).
19841210—19870626    —ENTERED, THE—CONVENTION, into force —AFTER it had been ratified by 20—STATES.
19860000             (198). - - GATELY ROBERT—GENE:
19861210             Human rights advocate and Holocaust survivor ELIE—WIESEL accepted the Nobel Peace Prize.
19861210—19861230    CHINA, THOUSANDS—OF—STUDENTS began protesting for democracy in SHANGHAI and the demonstrations spread to BEIJING.
19870131             (25 30).
19871210             —NACH—IM—19871001              neuerlichen und unerwartet hohen USA—AUßENHANDELSDEFIZIT—VON—17,6 Milliarden Dollar kommt es zu starken Verkäufen an der NEW—YORK—STOCK—EXCHANGE.
19880000             (374).
19880000             (432 ... - USA—POLICY / PHILIPPINES-...
19880325             (188); HERMAN,E. - Christic Institute.
19881210             AUSTRALIA, USA—MATHEMATICIAN—SCOTT—JOHNSON, —27—JAHRE—ALT was found dead at the base of 1—CLIFF near MANLY—NORTH—HEAD—IN—SIDNEY.
19881210             —VISITED, SOVIET—PRESIDENT—MIKHAIL—GORBACHEV, THE—REPUBLIC—OF—ARMENIA, the scene of 1—DEVASTATING earthquake that had killed 1 estimated 25,000—PEOPLE.
19881210—20200000    —IN, police arrested 1—MAN, —49—JAHRE—ALT and charged with murdering the Johnson.
19890000             (97). - - HALE FOUNDATION: Assn.
19890000             (247).
19890000             -... - F (130); GARCIA MEZA LUIS (GEN) (67-8);
19891210             Bei der 1. Demonstration für demokratische Reformen in der MONGOLEI vor dem Palast der Jugend in ULAN—BATOR verkündet TSACHIAGIIN—ELBEGDORDSCH die Gründung 1—DEMOKRATIEBEWEGUNG.
19901210             WORLD—IN—ACTION.
19901210             1—STAND—IN for MIKHAIL—GORBACHEV accepted 19900000             —THE—NOBEL—PEACE—PRIZE.
19901210             —APPROVED, THE—FOOD and Drug Administration, Norplant, 1—LONG—ACTING contraceptive implant.
19901210             —RETURNED, The space shuttle "COLUMBIA", from its 10. mission.
19901210             † Industrialist Armand Hammer at age 92.
19910000             (330). - - GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION :
19911210             —ELECTED, S—FRANCISCO—FRANK—JORDAN, was, over ART—AGNOS by 1—MARGIN—OF—52%-48%.
19911210             —FARED, Agnos, poorly with ASIA—VOTERS —FOLLOWING his support the demolition of the Embarcadero Freeway.
19911210             JORDAN had built 1—HUGE—MARGIN among absentee voters, who accounted for 1—3. of the vote.
19911210             —ACCUSED—OF, WILLIAM—KENNEDY—SMITH, raping PATRICIA—BOWMAN, proclaimed his innocence —DURING his trial in WEST—PALM—BEACH—FLORIDA.
19911210             ASERBAIDSCHAN, erklärt sich das überwiegend von Armeniern bewohnte Gebiet Bergkarabach für unabhängig.
19920000             PALMER—NATIONAL—BANK...
19920000             (166);
19920000             20041210             ... PIERRE (127-8) GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION (155-6
19921210             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—ELECT Clinton, his 1. Cabinet selections, including LLOYD—BENTSEN to be treasury SECRETARY—AND—LEON—PANETTA to be budget director.
19921210             SENATOR—BOB—PACKWOOD, R—ORE., apologized for what he called "unwelcome and offensive" actions toward women, but refused to resign.
19930000             (375, 377-80) WASHINGTON—POST 19830322             (D1, 9) WASHINGTON—POST 19830822             (A1, 5) WASHINGTON—POST 19840914             (A1) WASHINGTON—POST 19850411             (A18) WASHINGTON—POST 19850809             (A6) WASHINGTON—POST 19860730             (D2) WASHINGTON—POST 19861029             (A8) WASHINGTON—POST 19890629             (D4) WASHINGTON—POST 19901130             (A3) WASHINGTON Times Insight Magazine 19920712             (8) WASHINGTON Times 19860714             (2A) WASHINGTON Times 19871210             (A3) WASHINGTON Times 19890106             (A6) WASHINGTON Times 19890117             (A12) WASHINGTON Times 19890913             (E5) WASHINGTON Times 19911202             (A7) WASHINGTON Times 19940929             (A19) WASHINGTON Times 19950917             (A12) WASHINGTON Times 19970514             (A5) Wilcox,D.A. THE—RIGHT—GUIDE.
19931210             —DEPLOYED, THE—CREW—OF—THE—SPACE—SHUTTLE—ENDEAVOUR, the repaired Hubble Space Telescope into Earth orbit.
19931210             Das Computerspiel Doom von id Software wird, für MS—DOS, weltweit veröffentlicht.
19931210             Das Computerspiel Doom entwickelt sich, aufgrund seiner neuen SPIEL—ENGINE, rasch zu 1—DER populärsten und kommerziell erfolgreichsten EGO—SHOOTER—COMPUTERSPIELE in den 1990er —JAHREN.
19931210—19940000    —IN—EARLY, THE—USA—CIA—LATER reported that he was taken to LIBYA and executed.
19940000             (375).
19940000             (193).
19940000             (375). - - HASHEMI MANUCHER: Corn,D. Blond Ghost.
19940000             (393); Thomas,K. Keith,J. - THE—OCTOPUS.
19941210             —RECEIVED, Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin, the Nobel Peace Prize, pledging to pursue their mission of healing the anguished MIDDLE—EAST.
19941210             —KILLED, Advertising executive THOMAS—MOSSER was, by 1—MAIL bomb attributed to the Unabomber at his home in NORTH—CALDWELL NEW—JERSEY.
19960000             (20).
19960800—19961210    —RECEIVED, Where no candidate, 1—MAJORITY—OF—THE—VOTES cast, 1—RUNOFF—ELECTION was held ,
19961210             —ON INTERNATIONAL Human Rights —DAY, PRESIDENT—CLINTON urged the Senate to embrace a —17—YEAR—OLD—TREATY barring abuses against women.
19961210             —SENTENCED, ARMENIA, THE—SUPREME—COURT, 3—MEMBERS—OF—THE outlawed Dashnaksitun political party to death on terrorism charges.
19961210             THE—FRANCE—AFRICA—AID—BUDGET was more than $3—BILLION, nearly 4—TIMES THAT—OF—THE—USA—AID to AFRICA.
19961210             —BELIEVED, GABON, PRESIDENT—BONGO was, to be among the world's richest individuals.
19961210             NATO took formal steps to expand and reassured RUSSIA that it had no plans to move nuclear weapons into THE—TERRITORY—OF—NEW—MEMBERS.
19961210             —SIGNED, SOUTH—AFRICA—PRESIDENT—NELSON—MANDELA, the finished constitution, largely the work of ALBIE—SACHS.
19961210             —CONVICTED—OF, SOUTH—AFRICA, 1—POLICEMAN, 11—MURDERS in 1 botched 19880000             assassination attempt and serving a —30—YEAR—SENTENCE was freed from prison by the amnesty panel.
19961210             —REFUSED, THE—USA, to provide aid to TOGO because of endemic corruption and repression but FRANCE has resumed 1—MAJOR—AID—PROGRAM.
19961210             —PURGED, TURKEY, the military, 70—OFFICERS and NON—COMMISSIONED in 1—CONTINUING effort to purge Muslim fundamentalists from its ranks.
19971210             —ENDED, Julia, her protest 19991218             .
19971210             THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT—NARROWED—DOUBLE—JEOPARDY protections for people who face both civil fines and criminal prosecution for the same conduct, ruling that 3—OKLAHOMA men could be prosecuted in 1—BANK—FAILURE—CASE even though they'd already paid civil fines for their actions.
19971210             —OVERTURNED, This, a 19890000             ruling that said it would be DOUBLE—JEOPARDY to impose both criminal punishment and civil fines.
19971210             —ANNOUNCED, VICE—PRESIDENT—GORE, that $425—MILLION would be made available from the Technology Literacy Challenge Fund to help state and local officials improve teaching and learning with new technology.
19971210             —ANNOUNCED, Researchers, that the genetic BLUEPRINT—OF—THE—MICROBE that causes Lyme disease has been deciphered.
19971210             —CLIMBED, JULIA—BUTTERFLY (23), nee JULIA—HILL, into 1—REDWOOD tree in Humboldt COUNTY—CALIFORNIA, on Pacific Lumber Co. property and remained there for over —2—YEARS.
19971210             She named the tree Luna and in her meditations came up with the equation: truth + hope = action + change.
19971210             1—DEAL was reached to preserve Luna and a 200-foot buffer in exchange for a $50,000 payment to Pacific Lumber, which would be donated to Humboldt STATE—UNIV. for scientific research.
19971210             —APPROVED, BRITAIN, THE—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS, 1—BILL to reduce welfare payments to single parents.
19971210             —EXPELLED, JORDAN, 7—IRAQ—DIPLOMATS—AFTER IRAQ executed 4—JORDANIANS accused of smuggling $850—WORTH of auto parts.
19971210             Jesus Carrola, the new judicial police CHIEF—OF—MEXICO—CITY, stepped down amid ALLEGATIONS—OF—LINKS to torture and drug traffickers.
19971210             MEXICO, VINCENT—CARROZA, 1—HOTEL—MANAGER in ACAPULCO from NEW—JERSEY, was kidnapped by 9—GUNMEN dressed as FEDERAL—POLICE—AGENTS.
19971210             —REPORTED, His was the 104. kidnapping, in the state in —20—MONTHS.
19971210             —RELEASED, He was, unharmed —AFTER—8—DAYS.
19971210             —ATTACKED, RWANDA, Hutu guerrillas, known as Interhamwe, the Mudende Tutsi refugee camp and killed at least 231 [327] people and wounded over 200—OTHERS—JUST hours —BEFORE THE—ARRIVAL—OF—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—MADELEINE—ALBRIGHT, who came to promote peace.
19971210             —PLEDGED, UGANDA, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—MADELEINE—ALBRIGHT, $2.2—MILLION for World Vision, 1—CENTER that cares for abducted children, and a $2—MILLION—GRANT for Lacor Hospital, where MANY—CHILDREN receive treatment.
19971210             ZIMBABWE, the government withdrew key components of 1—CONTROVERSIAL—TAX—PACKAGE.
19971210             die KASACHSTAN—HAUPTSTADT—AKMOLA in ASTANA umbenannt.
19971210             In 1—MEDIENWIRKSAMEN Aktion klettert die AMERIKANISCHE—UMWELTAKTIVISTIN—JULIA—BUTTERFLY—HILL auf 1—KALIFORNISCHEN Küstenmammutbaum und lebt dort —FÜR—738—TAGE, um ihn vor der Abholzung zu schützen.
19971210—20000000    —PUBLISHED, Hill, "THE—LEGACY—OF—LUNA: THE—STORY—OF—1—TREE, 1—WOMAN, and the Struggle to Save the Redwoods".
19981210             —LINED, Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee, up 1—BY 1 in favor of impeaching PRESIDENT—CLINTON;
19981210             —VOWED, Democrats, opposition —AFTER lawyers clashed in closing arguments over alleged "high crimes and misdemeanors".
19981210             6—ASTRONAUTS jubilantly swung open the doors to the new INTERNATIONAL space station, becoming the 1. guests aboard THE—250—MILE—HIGH outpost.
19981210             —REPORTED, Scientists, that all 97—MILLION—GENETIC "letters" of the worm "Caenorhabditis elegans" had been precisely mapped.
19981210             It was the 1. complete genetic blueprint of 1—ANIMAL.
19981210             DETROIT, ANDRZEJ—OLBROT (52), 1—WAYNE—STATE—UNIV. engineering Prof., was shot and killed —WHILE administering final exams.
19981210             A —48—YEAR—OLD graduate student turned himself in THE—NEXT—DAY.
19981210             —REACHED, ALGERIA, the death toll for the —MONTH, 200.
19981210             —DISAPPEARED, Mansur Tagirov, CHECHNYA—TOP—PROSECUTOR, —WHILE returning to Grozny.
19981210             Zhang Jieying, CHINA—WRITER and columnist, was reported to have sold 200,000 legal copies and millions of pirated editions of her book "Absolute Privacy".
19981210             The book was 1—COLLECTION—OF—PEOPLE—PRIVATE—STORIES on love and sex in 1—ERA—OF—SOCIAL—CHANGE.
19981210             —FILED, NICARAGUA, 1—LARGE—DAMAGE suit against all major USA tobacco companies.
19981210             GUATEMALA and PANAMA already had suits on file.
19981210             —REPORTED, NORTH—KOREA, it was, that 1—FALL—SCIENTIFIC—SURVEY found that 62—PERCENT—OF—THE—CHILDREN under —7—YEARS—OLD suffered from stunted growth due to malnutrition.
19981210             1—ENTIRE—GENERATION—OF—CHILDREN were feared to be physically and mentally impaired.
19981210             —VOTED, LEADERS—OF—THE—PLO, to annul passages of their 19640000             constitutional charter that called for ISRAEL—DESTRUCTION.
19981210             —REPORTED, SUDAN, the death toll from THE—15—YEAR—CIVIL—WAR was, to have reached at least 1.9—MILLION.
19981210             A 40—NATION AFRICA—CONFERENCE on refugees opened in KHARTOUM.
19981210             BULGARIEN, wird die Todesstrafe abgeschafft.
19981210             SÜDAFRIKA, gründen ZACKIE—ACHMAT und weitere Personen die Treatment Action Campaign.
19991210             Filed 19991202             20001202             Die Geschichte seiner "Synchronoptischen Weltgeschichte" Artikel lesen |.
19991210             Weekly Advisory —INITIAL Decisions.
19991210             DAREN—J and MARY—D—FLITCROFT v. LFG, LLC + Universal Financial Bancorp, INCORPORATED, d/b/1—POTOMAC—FUTURES.
19991210             Filed 19991202             19991210             Filed 19991202             20001202             Die Geschichte seiner "Synchronoptischen Weltgeschichte" Artikel lesen |.
19991210             Von Doris Kachulle...
19991210             —FREED, Lee was —LATER, —AFTER pleading guilty to 1—COUNT—OF downloading restricted data to tape;
19991210             —CHARGED, WEN—HO—LEE, nuclear physicist, was, with 59—COUNTS—OF mishandling classified information at LOS ALAMOS National Laboratory.
19991210             —AFTER—3—YEARS under suspicion as 1—SPY for CHINA, computer scientist WEN—HO—LEE was arrested + charged with removing secrets from secure computers at THE—LOS—ALAMOS weapons lab.
19991210             58—OTHER—COUNTS were dropped.
19991210             —CLAIMED, Death, rock SINGER—MUSICIAN—RICK—DANKO at age 56 and actress Shirley Hemphill at age 52.
19991210             —PROMISED, His campaign, to revive the economy.
19991210             —SIGNED, CHINA, 1—DEAL to advance BELGRADE some $300—MILLION in cash and credits for reconstruction.
19991210             —MARCHED, More than 2—MILLION—PEOPLE, in CUBA to demand the return of Elian Gonzalez.
19991210             † CROATIA, PRESIDENT—FRANJO—TUDJMAN, at age 77. Vlatko Pavletic (19300000—20070000    ), SPEAKER—OF—CROATIA—PARLIAMENT, began serving as acting PRESIDENT —FOR—2—MONTHS.
19991210             —ACCEPTED, THE—EU, TURKEY as 1—CANDIDATE for membership.
19991210             —GRANTED, Preliminary consideration for membership was also, to BULGARIA, LATVIA, LITHUANIA, ROMANIA, SLOVAKIA, and MALTA.
19991210             —KILLED, KUWAIT, 1—USA airmen was instantly, —WHEN 1—AIR—FORCE C—130—TRANSPORT landed short of the runway at AL—JABER—AIR—BASE.
19991210             —REGAINED, The plane, altitude, dumped fuel and made 1—EMERGENCY belly landing —FOLLOWING which 2—MORE airmen were killed.
19991210             —CHARGED, The pilot was, with involuntary manslaughter for killing 3—SERVICEMEN by crashing the plane.
19991210             —MASKED, MEXICO, men with guns attacked 1—PRISON in Chiapas and 44—OF—239—INMATES fled and a —5-MONTH old child, whose mother was visiting her husband, was killed.
19991210             —GATHERED, SOUTH—KOREA, nearly 20,000—PEOPLE, for 1—LABOR—RALLY in SEOUL that turned violent and left 160—PEOPLE injured.
19991210             —EXTENDED, THE—UN, IRAQ's "OIL—FOR—FOOD" program —FOR—6—MONTHS and set the stage for THE—SUSPENSION—OF—SANCTIONS if UN weapon's inspectors are allowed back into the country.
19991210             HELEN—CLARK—PREMIERMINISTERIN—VON—NEUSEELAND Labour Party führt vorläufig 1—MINDERHEITSKABINETT mit der Alliance Party und der Green Party.
19991210             ALBANIEN, erklärt das Verfassungsgericht die Todesstrafe für verfassungswidrig.
19991210—20030000    —AGREED, It also, to draft 1—COMMON—DEFENSE—POLICY with 1—DEPLOYMENT—FORCE—OF—60,000—PEACEKEEPERS to diffuse crises at its doorstep.
20000000             RICHARD—VERNON—SECORD, Gen Singlaub, Col.
20001126             A 20001210             runoff was expected between Social Democrat Ion Iliescu and ultranationalist Corneliu VADIM—TUDOR.
20001210             —RECEIVED, JACK—S—KILBY (19230000—20050000    ), the Nobel Prize in Physics for his invention of the microchip (19580000             ).
20001210             Zhores Alferov of RUSSIA and HERBERT—KROEMER—OF—UC—SANTA—BARBARA shared the prize for their work on heterostructure semiconductors.
20001210             —RECEIVED, KIM—DAE—JUNG, PRESIDENT—OF—SOUTH—KOREA, the Nobel Peace Prize for his campaign to unify his country.
20001210             —FILED, WASHINGTON, lawyers for AL—GORE and GEORGE—W—BUSH, briefs outlining their cases to be argued THE—NEXT—DAY—BEFORE THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT.
20001210             —SUBMITTED, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—BARAK, his resignation, —STARTING the countdown toward 1—SPECIAL—ELECTION.
20001210             —ANNOUNCED, FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU, his intent to unseat Ehud Barak.
20001210             —PROCEEDED, IVORY—COAST, with parliamentary elections against the wishes of both FRANCE and THE—USA.
20001210             —ANNOUNCED, In THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—ESTRADA, that he would order the commutation of all death sentences to life imprisonment.
20001210             —DRAGGED, Fishermen, the corpse of Dariusz Janiszewski, stripped to 1—SHIRT and underwear, from the muddy banks of the Oder River in SOUTH—WEST—POLAND.
20001210             —SHOWED, His body, SIGNS—OF—STARVATION and torture.
20001210             —SENTENCED, He was, to —25—YEARS in prison.
20001210             Bala's 20030000             novel, "Amok," 1—ALCOHOL—AND SEX—FUELED tale was narrated by 1—MAN named Chris, who stabs 1—WOMAN—AFTER binding her hands behind her back and then running the rope to 1—NOOSE —AROUND her neck.
20001210             —TURNED, ROMANIA, Ion Iliescu, FORMER—COMMUNIST, social democrat, won the presidential runoff elections over nationalist Corneliu VADIM—TUDOR 70-30%.
20001210             SLOVENIA RE—ESTABLISHED diplomatic ties with YUGOSLAVIA.
20001210             wurde Kilby für seinen Beitrag zur ENTWICKLUNG—DER—HALBLEITERTECHNIK mit dem Nobelpreis für Physik ausgezeichnet.
20001210             ION—ILIESCU setzt sich in der Stichwahl gegen den ULTRANATIONALIST—CORNELIU—VADIM—TUDOR durch.
20001210—19890000    Der maßgeblich an der Revolution gegen NICOLAE—CEAU?escu beteiligte ION—ILIESCU wird Staatspräsident in RUMÄNIEN.
20001210—20070000    —IN, 1—COURT ruled that AUTHOR—KRYSTIAN—BALA planned and directed the grisly killing, but said there was insufficient evidence to convict him of carrying out the murder himself.
200109121016         a.m.DoD News BRIEFING—VICTORIA Clarke, ASD PENNSILVANIA —WEDNESDAY, (Also participating are DAVID—CHU, under SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE for...
20011210             KENYA, Sheikh AHMED—SALIM—SWEDAN, 1—AL—QAEDA operative, was arrested in Mandera near THE—SOMALIA border for involvement 19980807             —IN—THE—USA—EMBASSY bombing.
20011210             The entire article is available at www.sfbayview_com
20011210             "NASA AMES RESEARCH CENTER NORTH—WEST—AIRLINES BRIEFING " Electronic Privacy Information Center.
20011210             Stop CARLYLE ! website.
20011210             PRESIDENT—BUSH told reporters 1—VIDEOTAPE—OF—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN in which THE—AL—QAIDA leader talked happily about 20010911             —THE attacks "—JUST reminded me of what 1—MURDERER he is".
20011210             —CHARGED, FEDERAL—AUTHORITIES, Golden STATE—TRANSPORTATION, 1—LOS—ANGELES—BASED bus company, with illegally transporting thousands of undocumented aliens from staging areas near THE—USA—MEXICO border.
20011210             —PICKED, Raids over the last —2—DAYS had, up 26—OF—THE 32 indicted.
20011210             —CONTINUED, USA—AIR—STRIKES, at Tora Bora and AFGHANISTAN—FIGHTERS moved in on al Qaeda defenders in fortified caves.
20011210             —OPENED, PHILADELPHIA, 1—GUNMAN, fire outside the Great Valley Shopping Center in EAST—WHITELAND Township and killed 2—PEOPLE.
20011210             A 3. was wounded.
20011210             † It was reported that at least 43—TALIBAN prisoners had in shipping containers —DURING a 2—3—DAY—TRANSIT from Kunduz to Shibirghan.
20011210             —FIRED, ISRAEL—HELICOPTERS, missiles at 1—CAR in HEBRON.
20011210             2—BOYS aged 3 & 13 were killed and 7—PEOPLE were wounded.
20011210             —CLOSED, THOUSANDS—OF—BUSINESSES, and millions stayed home as PRESIDENT—CHAVEZ countered as host of the annual AIR—FORCE—SHOW in CARACAS.
20011210—19980807    —IN—THE, KENYA, Sheikh AHMED—SALIM—SWEDAN, 1—AL—QAEDA operative, was arrested in Mandera near THE—SOMALIA border for involvement —USA—EMBASSY bombing.
20011210—20011211    Air Travel Privacy FOIA Documents:
20020817             Air Travel Privacy FOIA Documents: "NASA Ames Research Center NORTH—WEST—AIRLINES Briefing 20011210—20011211," Electronic Privacy Information Center,
20021210   —20030501-datesbase.html
20021210             Depsecdef Wolfowit on Stryker Combat Brigades THE—DEPUTY—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA 20301-10000000             20021210             THE—HONOR.
20021210             they require against foreign terrorist and intelligence threats.
20021210             DANIEL—K—INOUYE—CHAIRMAN,
20021210             that IRAQ is FREE—OF—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20021210             Please accept our consideration. DOCTOR—AMER—AL—SAADI—ADVISER.
20021210             Presidency.
20021210             Red Cross ultimatum to USA on Saddam | IRAQ | GUARDIAN Unlimited
20021210             They include scientists who were never MEMBERS—OF—THE—BA'ATH party, like DOCTOR—AMER—AL—SAADI, who was THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—LIAISON with THE—UNITED—NATIONS'...
20021210             Justifications for War: WMDs and Other ISSUES—GLOBAL—POLICY...
20021210             DOCTOR—AMER—AL—SAADI, 1—FORMER—SCIENTIFIC—ADVISER to SADDAM—HUSSEIN, remains jailed as 1—PRISONER—OF—WAR in IRAQ despite calls by USA—MILITARY and CIA interrogators for his...
20021210             —BOMBED, A—USA—F—16—FIGHTER, 1—IRAQI—SURFACE—TO—AIR—MISSILE—SYSTEM—AFTER IRAQ moved it deep into THE—SOUTH—NO—FLY zone.
20021210             —REPORTED, THE—COLOMBIA—ARMY, that at least 8—RIGHT—WING militia members were killed by leftist guerrillas near Tierradentro.
20021210             1—LOCAL—CLINIC reported at least 28—MILITIA—MEMBERS—DEAD along with 2—REBELS.
20021210             1—TRAIN—ACCIDENT at COLISEO—CUBA, killed 14—PEOPLE and injured more than 70.
20021210             —FORCED, PORTUGAL, 1—NATIONAL—STRIKE, schools to cancel classes, reduced hospital care to emergency treatment, left garbage uncollected and clogged roads with traffic as most public transport stopped running.
20021210             —REPORTED, SAUDI—ARABIA—DISSIDENTS, 1—NEW—RADIO—STATION, Sawt AL—ISLAH (THE—VOICE—OF—REFORM), had started broadcasting from EUROPE to push for reforms.
20021210             —AWARDED, SWEDEN, CARL—XIV—KING—OF—GUSTAF, the Nobel Prizes.
20021210             —ACCEPTED, FORMER—USA—PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER, the Peace Prize for his diplomacy in THE—MIDDLE—EAST in the 1970s.
20021210             Der Europäische Gerichtshof bestätigt das Verbot der Angabe "leicht" und "mild" auf Zigarettenschachteln.
20021210             † DEUTSCHER—GENERAL—HANS—EISEN,
20021210             20050410             20021210             20050415             120041210 -... follows: "Army Says Constitution Lets Satanist Hold TopSecret Job," by reporters... THE—NAPA—SENTINEL—TABLE—OF—CONTENTS.
20021210—20060400    —BIS, Mit dem Vágatunnilin wird der längste und 1. unterseeische Tunnel der Färöer eingeweiht.
20030301             Search: PORTER—GOSS/t_BLANK—FOX—NEWS... GEOMILITECH. homepage. oninet. pt//20041210.html...
20031210             —OPPOSED, USA—ALLIES that, the war in IRAQ were angered and surprised by Deputy SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—PAUL—WOLFOWITZ—DECISION to bar their companies from bidding for $18.6—BILLION WORTH—OF—RECONSTRUCTION—CONTRACTS, with FRANCE questioning its legality and CANADA threatening to halt aid.
20031210             —EXCLUDED, The 63-nation eligibility list, GERMANY, FRANCE, RUSSIA and CHINA.
20031210             1—DIVIDED—SUPREME—COURT upheld the broadest restrictions on campaign donations in nearly —30—YEARS.
20031210             1—APPEALS—COURT ordered 1—NEW—TRIAL for LIONEL—TATE, 1—FLORIDA teen sentenced to life for causing the death of a —6—YEAR—OLD playmate, Tiffany Eunick.
20031210             —REPORTED, Scientists, on 1—PARTIAL—LIST—OF genes that make people human based on comparisons with the chimpanzee genome.
20031210             † ROBERT—BARTLEY, —66—JAHRE—ALT, conservative HEAD—OF—THE—WSJ editorial pages.
20031210             1—INTERNATIONAL—COURT—SENTENCED—FORMER—BOSNIAN—SERBIA—COLONEL—DRAGAN—OBRENOVIC, —40—JAHRE—ALT to —17—YEARS in prison for his role in the slaughter of more than 7,000—MEN and boys in Srebrenica, Bosnia.
20031210             —REPORTED, It was, that CHINA was forcibly repatriating some 100—NORTH—KOREA—REFUGEES—EACH—WEEK and the 852 were detained in camps awaiting deportation.
20031210             —AUTHORIZED, IRAN—RULERS, the signing of 1—UN—NUCLEAR—DEAL.
20031210             —APPEALED, ETHIOPIA—OFFICIALS, for USA$380—MILLION for food and medicine to care for more than 7—MILLION—PEOPLE who will go hungry —NEXT—YEAR if INTERNATIONAL aid doesn't make up for 1—CHRONIC—FOOD shortfall.
20031210             Aslan Abashidze (65), 1—FORMER—SOVIET—BUREAUCRAT who has ruled THE—REGION—OF—ADZHARIA —SINCE GEORGIA's 19910000             INDEPENDENCE, refused to accept GEORGIA—INTERIM—LEADERSHIP or PARLIAMENT.
20031210             —INSTALLED, IRAQ—USA—INTERIM—GOVERNMENT established 1—SPECIAL—TRIBUNAL to deal with crime against humanity committed by SADDAM—HUSSEIN—REGIME.
20031210             —ORDERED, IRAQ—HEALTH—MINISTRY has, 1—HALT to 1—COUNT—OF—CIVILIANS killed —DURING the war and told its statistics department not to release figures compiled so far.
20031210             —WOUNDED, JOURNALIST—MICHAEL—WEISSKOPF, —57—JAHRE—ALT was seriously, —WHEN 1—GRENADE thrown into 1—ARMY—HUMVEE exploded as he attempted to throw it back out.
20031210             † MOSUL—IRAQ, 2—USA—SOLDIERS were killed.
20031210             —ARMED, In 1—BAGHDAD suburb, men robbed 1—GOVERNMENT—BANK—OF almost $1.4—BILLION dinars ($800,000).
20031210             4—LATVIA—CLIMBERS plunged HUNDREDS—OF—FEET to their deaths on MOUNT—COOK, NEW—ZEALAND—HIGHEST peak.
20031210             LIBERIA, rampages by EX—GOVERNMENT—FIGHTERS left at least 9—PEOPLE—DEAD in MONROVIA.
20031210             All but 1—OF—THE—DEATHS came in fighting between UNITED—NATIONS troops and THE—EX—MILITIAMEN.
20031210             THE—NOBEL—PRIZE awards ceremony were held in SWEDEN and NORWAY.
20031210             IRAN—DEMOCRACY—ACTIVIST—SHIRIN Ebadi, the 1. Muslim woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize, accepted the award in OSLO—NORWAY.
20031210             THE—WORLD—SUMMIT on the Information Society began a —3—DAY—MEETING in GENEVA, Switz.
20031210             Bei den Wahlen in der SCHWEIZ wird die SCHWEIZERISCHE—VOLKSPARTEI unter CHRISTOPH—BLOCHER in beiden Kammern des Parlaments stärkste Partei.
20031210             Aus diesem Grund erhebt die SCHWEIZERISCHE—VOLKSPARTEI Anspruch auf 1 2. Bundesrat.
20031210—19590000    —SEIT, Das sprengt die bestehende "Zauberformel".
20031210—19790000    —SINCE, The presidents of EGYPT and IRAN met for the 1. time.
20031210—20040100    —CONVICTED—OF, Originally, 1.—DEGREE murder, Tate pleaded guilty to 2.-degree murder and went free.
20040812             Affidavit of ARI—BEN—MENASCHE...
200411021210         AUSA Report with Kate Sutton - 12.20: Broadcaster, actor and basketball coach JOHN—DYBVIG - 1.30: Public ADDRESS—JOLISA—GRACEWOOD from CT USA...
20041120             —HAPPENED, —AFTER all, these things, in 1—COUNTRY that prides itself on its tolerance... [Read More]Tracked 200411210437—PM             —ON
200411210115         —PM—MORE THAN 16,000—PEOPLE ARE MARCHING...
20041126—19871210    (A3) WASHINGTON Times
20041200             —DENTED, ANDREW—DERRIG was fixing 1.50-caliber MACHINE—GUN—ROUND outside 1—OF...
20041200             FEAR—USA losing its grip: REPUBLICAN SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN has criticised the Pentagon...
20041202—20041210    —REQUESTED, Kerik, that his name be removed from consideration saying he had not paid taxes for 1—RECENT nanny who may have been 1—ILLEGAL—IMMIGRANT.
20041206—20041210    The recount brought the number up to 17,329. Over 1.000—NEW—VOTES were "found.".
20041210             Mailing Roster.
20041210             19870118             (15). - Institute. Sheehan Affidavit.
20041210             WASHINGTON—POST 19870226             (18).GLESER LEO:
20041210             GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION : WASHINGTON—POST 19870226             (18).
20041210             GLIBBERY PETER: VOLUME—1—NUMBER—5 ***** 19960307             ****
20041210             GADD SHARON: WASHINGTON—POST 19870322             (18). - Sheehan Affidavit.
20041210             Sheehan Affidavit. 19880325             -.
20041210             7. - 2005041827 - 2005041827
20041210             WASHINGTON—POST 19850503             (22);
20041210             HALPER STEFAN A: HOUSTON Post 19900610             .
20041210             GAMBINO ROBERT W: HOUSTON Post 19900610             (22).
20041210             HOUSTON Post 19900610             (22).
20041210             SCOTT—SUSALA—... - HOUSTON Post 19900610             (22).
20041210             20041210             GEOMILITECH.
20041210             GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION: GUARDIAN (NEW—YORK) 19920805             (7).
20041210             GARRISON LYNN: Time 19931108             (46).
20041210             - (36). - - GARRISON LYNN: Time 19931108             (46). - Institute.
20041210             Sheehan Affidavit.
20041210             GLIBBERY PETER:
20041210             In 1—OF—HIS glib "NOTHING—PERFECT," "FREEDOM—UNTIDY" + "Stuff happens" maxims,
20041210             Rummy told the soldier: "As you know, you go to war with the Army you have".
20041210             It wouldn't make 1—GOOD—ARMY slogan + it was 1—LOUSY answer, especially —WHEN our kids are getting blown up EVERY—DAY in 1—WAR ginned up on administration lies.
20041210             —PROMISED, Remember —WHEN THE—PRESIDENT, in the campaign that the troops would have all the body armor they needed?
20041210             These young men and women went to IRAQ believing the pap they were told: they'd have 1—BRIEF—BATTLE, chocolate, flowers, gratitude.
20041210             —PROLONGED, Instead, they were thrust into 1, +
20041210             savage insurgent WAR—WITHOUT the troop levels or armor they needed because
20041210             —BASED, THE—PENTAGON—NEOCONS—HAD made plans, on their
20041210             spin - - that turning IRAQ—INTO 1—DEMOCRACY—WOULD be 1—CAKEWALK.
20041210             + because Rummy wanted to make his mark by experimenting with 1—LEAN, SLIMMED—DOWN force.
20041210             + because Rummy kept nattering on about 1—FEW "DEAD—ENDERS,"
20041210             never acknowledging the true force, or true nationalist fervor, of the opposition.
20041210             But it's immoral to trap our USA—TROOPS in 1—GUERRILLA—WAR without essential, lifesaving support + matériel
20041210             —JUST so 1—BUNCH—OF—OFFICIALS who have never been in 1—WAR can test their theories.
20041210             How did this dangerous chucklehead keep his job?
20041210             —ARGUED, He must have, that BECAUSE—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—RE—ELECTION—CAMPAIGN,
20041210             the military was constrained from doing what it is trained to do,
20041210             to flatten Falluja + other insurgent strongholds.
20041210             He must have told W. he deserved 1—CHANCE to try again —AFTER the election.
20041210             He had 1—WILLING audience.
20041210             W. likes officials who feed him swaggering fictions instead of uncomfortable facts.
20041210             Geomilitech Consultants CORPORATION—GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION.
20041210             —MENTIONED, The names below are, on the listed pages with the name GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION.
20041210             DAREN—J—FLITCROFT -... 19890000             (97). - - FRANCE—GEORGE W: Corn,D. Blond Ghost.
20041210             Jack D Atkinson -... 19890000             (225).
20041210             GREEN ROY (FHLB DALLAS): Pizzo,S. Fricker,M. Muolo,P. Inside Job.
20041210             KEVIN—KATTKE -... 19950000             (36).
20041210             NATHAN—HALE—INSTITUTE -... 19890000             (97).
20041210             LAWRENCE—BRADLEY—SULC - -... 19890000             (97). - - - GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION
20041210             Herman,E. O'Sullivan,G. THE—TERRORISM—INDUSTRY.
20041210             HALE FOUNDATION: Assn. FORMER—INTELLIGENCE Officers.
20041210             LOPEZ REYES WALTER -... 19890000             (136).
20041210             WASHINGTON—POST 19870226             (18).GLESER LEO: Herman,E. O'Sullivan,G. THE—TERRORISM—INDUSTRY...
20041210             INTER—USA—DEFENSE BOARD -... 19950000             (219).
20041210             Victor A Fediay -...Helms, Jesse.
20041210             GATELY ROBERT—GENE: Covert Action Information Bulletin 19800000             -#10 (42).
20041210             Fidel V Ramos -... 19890000             (181).
20041210             GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION : Covert Action Information Bulletin 19880000             -#29 (18).
20041210             JUAN—PONCE—ENRILE -... 19890000             (181);
20041210             National Reporter 19870000             —SP (6). - - GOLEZ.
20041210             GEORGE—LLOYD (OSO): Thomas,E. THE—VERY—BEST—MEN.
20041210             Hale Foundation -... Terrorism Industry. GRAHAM.
20041210             RICHARD—J—LEON -... 19890000             (415).
20041210             HASHEMI MANUCHER: Corn,D. Blond Ghost.
20041210             AFGHANISTAN—MEDIA RESOURCE CENTER -... 19950000             (208-209 216).
20041210             GULF CARIBBEAN FOUNDATION: Zvi Reuter -... 19910000             (227).
20041210             BIRAN YOSEF: ISRAEL—FOREIGN—AFFAIRS 1989000011            (3).
20041210             GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION : Cockburn,A.& L. Dangerous Liaison.
20041210             SCHWEITZER ROBERT L (GEN) -... 19890000             (181). - - - GENG BIAO: Weiner,T. Blank Check.
20041210             JOSEPH—CHURBA -... 19930000             (102). - - Sheehan Affidavit.
20041210             Palmer National Bank -... Bush.
20041210             John E Carbaugh -... 19890000             (68); Scott,PD Marshall,J. Cocaine Politics.
20041210             EARL—NORBERT—GARRETT -... National Security Alumni.
20041210             Unclassified 19950000             —F (26).
20041210             CIA in AFGHANISTAN -... 19830000             (179-180); Weiner,T. Blank Check.
20041210             Weiner,T. Blank Check.
20041210             JAMESON DONALD—FB (JAMIE) -... 19880000             (273).
20041210             William H Schaap -... 19950000             (295). - - - GAIRY ERIC M: Agee,P. On the Run.
20041210             GILLIES. Robert W Gambino -... Persico,J. Casey.
20041210             GRAYBEAL SIDNEY—NORMAN: Corson,W. TRENTO,S.& J. Widows.
20041210             Lewis E Lehrman -... 19880000             (241). - James L McCoy -... Institute.
20041210             GLIBBERY PETER: Edward N Luttwak -... FRYE ALTON: Council on Foreign Relations.
20041210             Annual Report. VESSEY JOHN W JR (GEN) -... Club. Mailing Roster.
20041210             GIAP VO NGUYEN: Don R Dixon -... 19900000             (121 238);
20041210             RONALD—JOSEPH—MARTIN -... Institute.
20041210             Sheehan Affidavit. CARLOS—CARDOEN -... AMERICA.
20041210             Thomas,K. Keith,J. THE—OCTOPUS.
20041210             —CITED, Pages, this search: 1—ORDER—HARD—COPY—OF these pages.
20041210             Stefan A Halper -... 19920000             (130).
20041210             EDGAR—CHAMORRO -... 19880000             (87). - GENERAL ELECTRIC (11); GENG BIAO (162);
20041210             Seagrave,S. THE—MARCOS—DYNASTY.
20041210             GAPUD ROLANDO C (288); GARCIA CESAR (250);
20041210             GADD SHARON: WASHINGTON—POST 19870322             (18).
20041210             GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION : Prados,J. Presidents' Secret Wars.
20041210             BEN—MENASHE,A. PROFITS—OF—WAR.
20041210             GAZIT SHLOMO (17); GELB LESLIE H (103);
20041210             GEMAYEL PIERRE (127-8); GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION (155-6, 278);
20041210             GEORGE—CLAIR—COCKBURN,A.& L. Dangerous Liaison.
20041210             GEMAYEL BASHIR (325-6, 332-3);
20041210             GARCIA MEZA LUIS (GEN) (67-8);
20041210             GARFINKLE ADAM M (244); GELDARD IAN (114);
20041210             Christic Institute. Sheehan Affidavit.
20041210             GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION (187-8, 237-9);
20041210             GEORGE—CLAIR—ELROY (246); GHORBANIFAR MANUCHER (271-5, 284, 286, 289); GIANCANA.
20041210             Corn,D. Blond Ghost.
20041210             GARDINER KEITH (228-9); GEHLEN REINHARD (40);
20041210             Adolfo Calero -... 19920000             (42);
20041210             National Reporter 19860000             —F (34); Webb,G. Dark Alliance.
20041210             USA—POLICY / ISRAEL—USA—POLICY / ISRAEL. Cockburn, Andrew + Leslie.
20041210             NEW—YORK: HarperCollins, 19910000             .
20041210             ALBERT—HAKIM -... Institute. Sheehan Affidavit.
20041210             John K Singlaub -... 19880000             (84);
20041210             WASHINGTON—POST 19850917             (14). - - BEN—MENASHE—ARI—BEN—MENASHE—ARI.
20041210             DC BANK—SWEPT—UP—IN—INTRIGUE... [CIA, MAFIA, S&L FRAUD... -... Cline told the joint congressional IRAN—CONTRA committee that he was advising individuals with GeoMiliTech, the company connected to Singlaub, on selling arms...
20041210             IRC | RightWeb | Group Watch: USA—COUNCIL for World...
20041210             Pollard AL—NETWORK—CONSULTANTS -... 19920000             ... USA—ISRAEL—ARMS—NETWORK.
20041210             NEW—YORK: Sheridan Square Press... PIERRE (127-8) GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION (155-6, 278.
20041210             Thatcher ARIZONA Network Consultants -... 19920000             ... PIERRE (127-8) GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION (155-6, 278 ...BARBARA F (155, 279) THATCHER MARGARET (112, 119) THATCHER.....
20041210             Council for National Policy (CNP) - SH—MEMBER—BIOGRAPHIES -... He identified FORMER—NSC aide OLIVER—NORTH as his liaison to THE—WHITE—HOUSE...38. "...1—HIGHLY intriguing proposition from GeoMiliTech Consultants Corp., a...
20041210             THE—COUNCIL for National Policy : Selected Members Biographies CNP...
20041210             -... He identified FORMER—NSC aide OLIVER—NORTH as his liaison to THE—WHITE—HOUSE...
20041210             38. "...1—HIGHLY intriguing proposition from GeoMiliTech Consultants Corp., a...
20041210             THE—COUNCIL for National Policy : Selected Members Biographies CNP... -... 45. "...1—HIGHLY intriguing proposition from GeoMiliTech Consultants Corp., 1—WASHINGTON arms brokerage secretly shipping weapons to the contras... GeoMiliTech...
20041210             Intelligence ONLINE—BACK—ISSUES -... named Bayshore BANK—OF—FLORIDA, was jailed for —1—YEAR—EARLIER—THIS—MONTH for illegally diverting funds from his establishment to GeoMiliTech Consultants INCORPORATED..
20041210             THE—CHUPACABRAS—OF—INFOWAR - -.. they are going to strike".
20041210             —FIRED, Schweitzer was, and —LATER worked for GeoMilitech,1—WASHINGTON arms brokerage known primarily for its secret shipments of
20041210             DoD employees hold forth on radio frequency weapons for Congress.
20041210             -... move" they are going to strike".
20041210             HARPER—MAGAZINE: Licensed To KILL—ARMS—DEALER—ERNST—WERNER...
20041210             HARPER—MAGAZINE: LICENSED TO KILL.(arms dealer ERNST—WERNER... -... Studley, Barbara had gathered archconservative military + political leaders to establish 1—WASHINGTON—BASED arms company called GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation... =
20041210             EAST—EUROPE—ARSENAL on the Loose -... including AK-47s, to Christian militias in LEBANON [8].
20041210             —SHIPPED, POLAND—WEAPONS worth $5—MILLION were, to Contra forces in NICARAGUA by GeoMilitech, 1—ARMS.
20041210             FINAL—EAST—EUROPE—ARSENAL on the Loos -... 8—POLAND—WEAPONS worth $5—MILLION were shipped to Contra forces in NICARAGUA by GeoMilitech, 1—ARMS—COMPANY implicated in THE—IRAN—CONTRA affair...
20041210             —BY GOVERNMENTS —...
20041210             —HOTBED—OF, THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL editorial pages - 1, wild conspiracy tales —DURING the Clinton administration -
20041210             same UNIVERSITY—OF—WASHINGTON site mentioned above also offers 1—PIECE -- dismissive, but not as dismissive as you might suspect -- on the likelihood of
20041210             conspiracy to rig the vote.
20041210             (Yeah, Tara -- and I've also heard "rumors" that the earth revolves —AROUND the sun.) Alas, she does not mention the fact that ESS is largely owned by the Ahmanson family, which also funds THE—ANT—DEMOCRATIC—CHRISTIAN—RECONSTRUCTION—MOVEMENT.
20041210             She also neglects to note that another VOTING—MACHINE—COMPANY, Sequoia Pacific, is run by people accused + in 1—CASE, convicted -- of
20041210             BRIBERY—OF—PUBLIC officials.
20041210             But the Sequoia Pacific "SOUTH—EAST—SALES—MANAGER, " 1—MAN named Pasquale "Rocco" RICCI—OF—MARLTON—NEW—JERSEY,
20041210             barely even got 1—SLAP on the wrist.
20041210             —POLARIZED, The problem: With the electorate so, THE—MARGIN—OF—VICTORY in MANY—RACES will be smaller than THE—RATE—OF—ERROR.
20041210             New elections.
20041210             revote : THE—INTERNET, Pacifica radio + 1—SMALL—NUMBER—OF—INDEPENDENT—STATIONS are the only ones with news of what the entire world recognizes as the most fraudulent election in THE—HISTORY—OF—GREAT nations,
20041210             excluding THOSE—OF—COURSE by JOSEPH—STALIN + Adolph Hitler...
20041210             I agree with the sentiment -- but please: That's AdolF, with an F. The "ph" spelling is American.
20041210             Raising Kane.
20041210             1—INTERESTING news nugget on potential USA—MANIPULATION—OF—UKRAINE—POLITICS can be found in the latest piece by
20041210             Hopsicker, DANIEL—WALL—STREET—SCHLUSS: GENERAL—ELECTRIC treibt Kurse an
20041210             USA : Oberster Gerichtshof verhandelt über INTERNET—TAUSCHBÖRSEN
20041210             Spekulation über Vergiftung: Juschtschenko lässt sich in WIEN untersuchen
20041210             IRAK—POLITIK: Powell beschwichtigt nach Strucks Wutausbruch
20041210             IRAK: USA—SOLDAT—GIBT—MORD an Zivilisten zu
20041210             EADS: Dickes Umsatzplus bei Rüstung erwartet
20041210             Knauseriges Kartell: Opec fördert weniger Öl
20041210             Chronik: Berlusconis Prozesse in den vergangenen —JAHREN
20041210             USA—KABINETT: Bush s macht Finanzexperten zum Energieminister
20041210             Mailand: Berlusconi von Korruptionsvorwurf freigesprochen
20041210             Spionage: Bundesanwalt ermittelt wegen NACHTSICHTBRILLEN—GESCHÄFT
20041210             Ver.dis LIDL—SCHWARZBUCH: Wie in der Fremdenlegion
20041210             —VERLIERT, Pariser Flughafen: Polizei, Sprengstoff bei Antiterrorübung
20041210             —SANIERT, Konzernkrise: GENERAL—MOTORS, Opel auf Staatskosten
20041210             —KONTROLLIERT, VW Überprüfung: Kleine Dieselmotoren müssen, werden
20041210             Übersinnliche Wahrnehmung: Zweifel an Geisterstunde im Magnetfeld
20041210             Afrikanische Dynastie: Dürre im Land der Regenkönigin
20041210             Abschlussbericht: LEUKÄMIE—HÄUFUNG in der Elbmarsch bleibt ungeklärt
20041210             Eurobarometer: Europäer vereint in ihrer USA—KRITIK
20041210             Nobelpreis für Elfriede Jelinek: Renitenz und Differenz
20041210             Friedensnobelpreis für Maathai: "Ermutigung für Menschen überall in AFRIKA"
20041210             Verschämte USA—BÜRGER: Kanadier in —30—SEKUNDEN, eh?!
20041210             —VERNICHTET, Kursmassaker in Moskau: 10—MILLIARDEN Dollar an einem —TAG
20041210             JAPAN: Fingerabdrücke und Fotos bei der Einreise
20041210             Dokumentation: Auszüge aus dem LIDL—SCHWARZBUCH—UMFRAGE: Wenig Lust auf Patriotismus
20041210             Diplomatischer Eklat: Struck wirft Powell Unverschämtheit vor
20041210             Terrorübung im ZDF: Mit dem 2. bombt man besser
20041210             Satellitenatlas: Die Welt mit ASTRONAUTEN—AUGEN sehen
20041210             —BEOBACHTET, Im Trockenwald Nordbrasiliens haben Wissenschaftler, wie
20041210             berichten ANTONIO—MOURA und Phyllis LEE—VON—DER—UNIVERSITY—OF—CAMBRIDGE im Fachmagazin "Science" (Bd.
20041210             306, S.1909).
20041210             Knollen, Wurzeln oder Insekten zu —TAGE förderten.
20041210             —BEOBACHTET, Die Forscher haben auch,
20041210             Microsofts WOHNZIMMER—PC: Schicke Fassade, eingeschränkte Funktionen
20041210             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Welch gottverdammt trauriges Ende"
20041210             Bush s Weltraumpläne: Rätselraten um mysteriöses Rüstungsprojekt
20041210             Schwere Unwetter: 10.000—ARGENTINIER werden obdachlos
20041210             Nahrungssuche: Wilde Affen benutzen Werkzeug
20041210             TEXAS: Kleinflugzeug auf Lastwagen notgelandet
20041210             —TAG—DES—URTEILS: Berlusconi drohen —8—JAHRE Haft
20041210             FBI—WARNUNG: Terroristen testen EINSATZ—VON—LASER—KANONEN
20041210             Biometrischer Reisepass: 130—EURO für ein bisschen mehr Sicherheit
20041210    — Wiki.TerrororganisationPora... Intervening in foreign elections, under the guise of an... url]... für die Opposition vom Popstar Ruslana gesendet worden...
20041210             DEFEX—PORTUGAL, Lda.. a PORTUGAL—ARMS brokerage firm that sold.
20041210             3 2 1 1 - ACADEMY—TRAINING — 19820000             Gleser, Leo, PRESIDENT—OF—ISDS,INTERNATIONAL Security & Defence Systems Ltd. established the company in to provide cutting edge COUNTER—TERRORISM training to law enforcement, security professionals, 1. responders...
20041210             Fall Roll Call 04.qxp
20041210             HTML—WASHINGTON (AP) - THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has spent more than $65—MILLION in the past —2—YEARS to aid political organizations in UKRAINE, paying to bring opposition leader VIKTOR—YUSHCHENKO to meet USA—LEADERS and helping to underwrite exit polls indicating he won —LAST—MONTH'S disputed runoff election.
20041210             weapons to Secord, Richard + his agents; + GeoMilitech ( GMT ), another...GeoMilitech, founded by Singlaub + Singlaub partner, Studley, Barbara, procured $5.3
20041210             The origins of IRAN—CONTRA : Lessons from the Durrani Affair The firm, GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation ( GMT ), was established by BARBARA—F—STUDLEY, the former beauty QUEEN—FROM—MIAMI who became 1—CONSERVATIVE...
20041210             FTR#489—2. INTERVIEW—WITH—ROBERT—PARRY—(2—30—MINUTE
20041210             "...—AFTER leaving THE—USA—ATTORNEY—OFFICE and going into private practice, Barcella
20041210             represented BARBARA—STUDLEY, THE—PRESIDENT—OF—GMT, THE—WASHINGTON...
20041210             GATELY ROBERT—GENE : Covert Action Information Bullet20040000             .1980-#10 (42).GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION : Herman.
20041210             CIA in AFGHANISTAN -.
20041210             Via Media METHODISTS—HOME—GATHERING Place for Moderate +... the finances for Scaife was ROBERT—GENE—GATELY, 1—CIA... official, the senior LEADERSHIP—OF—THE—CIA had had... up for the core program in AFGHANISTAN --PRE—APPROVED... /
20041210             NLS/BPH: Talking Book Topics, July-20040800             .
20041210             the World RC 55924 by IAIN—GATELY read by Bill... —60—MINUTES—PRODUCER relates THE—CIA—SECRET—WAR... DOUGLAS—MACARTHUR—FORCES, Navy LIEUTENANT—GENE—CLARK and
20041210             Inmate RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO, center, is seen in this security
20041210             that its HIGHEST—PROFILE—INMATE, Caro Quintero, had escaped... to quell the rumors.(AP PHoto/SSP—HO...
20041210             Fact Sheet Overview of the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation...
20041210             RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO ; Vicente Carrillo...
20041210             2004127 GENERAL: Drugwar_com Newspapers both THE—USA + abroad published 1—PICTURE—OF both presidents —BEFORE...
20041210             RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO—CARTEL level...
20041210             THE—BCCI—AFFAIR... it dealt with such figures as Noriega, Saddam, Marcos, PERU—PRESIDENT... Western intelligence groups as well, especially in arms deals... It could have been guns.
20041210             BLACK—MARKET—TRANSFERS According to Comandante Marcos, 1—OF—THE—TOP—LEADERS—OF... 1—MILITARY—EXPEDITION against HAITI and to export arms.. 1—SMALL—QUANTITY—OF—MACHINE—GUNS to BRAZIL...
20041210             SOUTH—FRONT—CONTRAS... of 1—WORKING arrangement with COLOMBIA—DRUG—DEALERS...its belief to Headquarters that MARCOS—AGUADO, a... that 1—CONTACT—OF—PRADO'S, arms dealer Sarkis Garabed...
20041210             CHRONIK Berlusconis Prozesse in den vergangenen —JAHREN —SEIT mehr als einem —JAHRZEHNT brachte die ITALIENISCHE—JUSTIZ Silvio Berlusconi immer wieder in Bedrängnis.
20041210             Das Spektrum reichte von Meineid über Bilanzfälschung und Steuerbetrug —BIS zur Bestechung.
20041210             —BEREITS 19900000             wurde Berlusconi wegen falscher Aussage über seine Zugehörigkeit zur Geheimloge P2 wegen Meineids verurteilt.
20041210             Das Urteil wurde in einer Berufungsverhandlung bestätigt, verfiel aber wegen einer Amnestie.
20041210             Die Fahnder waren für sein Medienimperium Fininvest und EINIGE—TOCHTERUNTERNEHMEN zuständig.
20041210             Nach einem BERUFUNGS—UND Kassationsverfahren wurden die Vorwürfe 20000000             als hinfällig betrachtet.
20041210             —1—JAHR später wurde das Urteil kassiert.
20041210             In der Sache ging es um Zahlungen von damals umgerechnet 20—MILLIONEN Mark (rund 10,2 Millionen Euro) auf schwarze Konten des ehemaligen sozialistischen Ministerpräsidenten Bettino Craxi.
20041210             Wegen Verjährung und Amnestie entfiel JEDE—WEITERE—STRAFVERFOLGUNG.
20041210             Berlusconi war beschuldigt worden, die ROM—JUSTIZ bestochen zu haben.
20041210             Laut Anklage hatte Berlusconi als PRÄSIDENT—DES—FUßBALLCLUBS—AC—MAILAND 19920000             den Millionentransfer für einen Spieler teils mit Schwarzgeld bezahlt und zu niedrig deklariert.
20041210             © SPIEGEL—ONLINE 20040000             ALLE—RECHTE vorbehalten Vervielfältigung nur mit Genehmigung der SPIEGELnet GmbH [nach oben] [----] [ ]
20041210             DEFEX—PORTUGAL, Lda., Secord, Richard + his agents; + GeoMilitech (GMT... Terrorismo CRISTIANO—ULTRA DERECHA, CLERO—FASCISMO y TERRORISMO... GeoMilitechSinglaubhis partner, Studley...
20041210             PARIS. POLAND. PORTUGAL. PRAGUE.
20041210             RUSSIA. SWEDEN.
20041210             SWITZERLAND... Fascismo=clero clero=fascismo.
20041210             Non so quale dei due e il peggio,tutti nelle foibe.
20041210             Centro de Medios INDEPENDIENTES—NAZIS EN ECUADOR!
20041210             todos las palabras. cualquier palabra. medios. imágenes. audio. vídeo.
20041210             Sitios con información sobre ECUADOR y la región. NAZIS EN ECUADOR!
20041210             PAgina de los nacional socialistas ecuatorianos.
20041210             SWITZERLAND. ¿Que es el CLERO—FASCISMO ?
20041210             El sistema de gobierno CLERO—FASCISTA es una ideología basada en la encíclicas papales Ultramontanistas y el principio Führer.
20041210             CLERO—FASCISMO turco de Kamal Ataturk, el cuál Hudal lo llama Kamalism.' AUSTRIA, Croacia, Eslovaquia, ESPAÑA—PORTUGAL... dio su definición de CLERO—FASCISMO el 28—DE agosto de.
20041210             ".. 97). - - - GRAHAM.
20041210             GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION: Corn,D. Blond Ghost.
20041210             7. - 2005041827 - 2005041827 alfatomega.COM—REAGAN—ADMINISTRATION.
20041210             In the main, this was not 1—ILLICIT nor 1—ILLEGAL...
20041210             mentioned on the listed pages with the name GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION.
20041210             Gmt Corporation GMT CORPORATION. see: GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION. pages cited this search: 1. Order hard copy of these pages.
20041210             Try... GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS.
20041210             zingmagazine 20 declassified. jenny holzer. curated by melanie flood.
20041210             GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation, JOHN—K—SINGLAUB to WILLIAM—J—CASEY.
20041210             THE—USE—OF—ISLAMIST—MILITANTS by American and ISRAEL—MILITARISTS -- The war in AFGHANISTAN to 11,
20041210             —ESTABLISHED, GeoMiliTech (GMT) Consultants Corporation is, by conservative talk...
20041210             Entity Tags: GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation, ISRAEL—MILITARY—INDUSTRIES...
20041210             JOHN—K—SINGLAUB—ASSASSINATION—OF—JOHN—F—KENNEDY, Watergate, Author, Search Website, Email... a company called GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation (GMT) a WASHINGTON—BASED...
20041210             Council for National Policy (CNP) - N—PA—MEMBER—BIOGRAPHIES
20041210             PAUL—HILL—OF—THE—RAND—CORPORATION/UNIVERSITY—OF—WASHINGTON + Connie... intriguing proposition from GeoMiliTech Consultants Corp., 1—WASHINGTON arms...
20041210             [CTRL] [9] THE—MARCOS—DYNASTY
20041210             for reasons of political sensitivity, the private consultants were brought in.
20041210             with Singlaub in 1—WASHINGTON consulting firm called GeoMiliTech Corporation.
20041210             PHILIPPINES—SECURITY Council, angeführt von CIA—TOPAGENT GENERAL—JOHN—SINGLAUB + dem...
20041210             leader, Adolfo Calero, in...
20041210             The origins of IRAN—CONTRA : Lessons from the Durrani Affair...
20041210             Legal PROBLEMS—IRAN/contra s:Chapter 1: USA v. ROBERT—C.
20041210             it, North described contra leader Adolfo CALERO—DESIRE for intelligence reports to help the contras ``take...
20041210             Daily Kos: Plame Leak/Fake News, Summary/Process: Part V HERBERT—GEORGE ( KEVIN—KATTKE—ASSOCIATE) (34, 36) HIGGINS MICHAEL R (65) HINSHAW WILLIAM L (140) HIRSCH ALLEN (ATLANTA LAWYER) (120) HOGAN—JOHN M (x, 218...
20041210             Hunt, Rudman + Jack pictures and videos on WEBSHOTS—JACK—REYNOLDS—TERRELL.
20041210             TERRELL JACK—REYNOLDS.
20041210             HONDURAS 19840000—19850000 PHILIPPINES 19860000—19900000 BURMA 19870000             THAILAND 19870000             ... Hitz Report on Contras and Cocaine.
20041210             'Disposable Patriot: Revelations Of 1—SOLDIER—IN—AMERICA—SECRET...
20041210             Is this JACK—REYNOLDS—TERRELL ?" 1—VOICE asked. I was 1—BIT taken aback.
20041210             Simple Entropy Search in ALL—OF—ALFATOMEGA_com. alfatomega_com/20041210.html
20041210             Conspiracy to commit 1—OFFENSE >> Fraud >> Wire fraud >> Obstruction of proceedings —BEFORE departments, agencies + committees >> Tampering with 1—WITNESS...
20041210             LUKE—AKEHURST—BLOG: Statue Competition Entries Flood In
20041210             "In gustatus perquam putidus est" - VATICAN Bank... feeble excuse of protecting MILLIONS—OF—POUNDS—OF—COUNCIL—FUNDS from fraud + embezzlement in order to...
20041210             BARBARA F (155, 279) THATCHER MARGARET (112, 119) THATCHER.
20041210             —GATHERED, Studley, Barbara had, archconservative military + political leaders to establish a...
20041210             IRAN—CONTRA committee that he was advising individuals with GeoMiliTech, the...
20041210             PAUL—HILL—OF—THE—RAND—CORPORATION / UNIVERSITY—OF—WASHINGTON + Connie... of the "Enterprise'' that went into action 15 to —20—YEARS—LATER in IRAN—CONTRA.
20041210             JOHN—K—SINGLAUB... a company called GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation (GMT) a WASHINGTON—BASED...
20041210             another person involved in THE—IRAN—CONTRA Scandal, took 1—OVERDOSE—OF—DRUGS.
20041210             VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—WESTINGHOUSE—ELECTRIC—CORPORATION + PRESIDENT—OF—CBS—TV... proposition from GeoMiliTech Consultants Corp., 1—WASHINGTON arms brokerage...
20041210             Jack D Atkinson.
20041210             In 1—OF—HIS glib "NOTHING—PERFECT," "FREEDOM—UNTIDY" + "Stuff happens" maxims, RUMMY told the soldier: "As you know, you go to war with the Army you have".
20041210             These young men and women went to IRAQ believing the pap they were told:
20041210             they'd have 1—BRIEF—BATTLE, chocolate, flowers, gratitude.
20041210             The dreams of RUMMY + THE—NEOCONS were bound to collide.
20041210             the military was constrained from doing what it is trained to do, to flatten Falluja + other insurgent strongholds.
20041210             Daren J—FLITCROFT... - FRANCE—GEORGE W: Corn,D. Blond Ghost.
20041210             SCOTT—SUSALA—... - HOUSTON Post 19900610             (22). - - GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION :
20041210             KEVIN—KATTKE—... - GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION : Corn,D. Blond Ghost...
20041210             FORMER—INTELLIGENCE Officers...
20041210             LOPEZ REYES WALTER-... - Herman,E. O'Sullivan,G. THE—TERRORISM—INDUSTRY...
20041210             INTER—USA—DEFENSE BOARD-...
20041210             GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION : Seagrave,S. THE—MARCOS—DYNASTY... - Victor A Fediay-... - HELMS, JESSE.
20041210             Covert Action Information Bulletin 19800000             -#10 (42).
20041210             - Fidel V Ramos-... - JUAN—PONCE—ENRILE.
20041210             GOLEZ... - JOHN—RYDER—HORTON...
20041210             Richard J—LEON... - Vernon Gillespie-...
20041210             Zvi Reuter-... - GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION : Cockburn,A.& L. Dangerous Liaison...
20041210             JOSEPH—CAGE... - P. Inside Job.
20041210             GAMBINO ROBERT W: HOUSTON Post 19900000             —06 ... - SCHWEITZER ROBERT L (GEN)-...
20041210             JOSEPH—CHURBA... - Palmer National Bank-... - Bush.
20041210             John E Carbaugh-... - EARL—NORBERT—GARRETT... - National Security Alumni.
20041210             Unclassified 19950000             —F (26). - - CIA in AFGHANISTAN-.
20041210             Weiner,T. Blank Check... - JAMESON DONALD—FB (JAMIE)-... - William H Schaap-...
20041210             Lewis E Lehrman-... - James L McCoy-... - Edward N Luttwak-...
20041210             FRYE ALTON: Council on Foreign Relations.
20041210             Annual Report. 19880000             (89-90).
20041210             Sheehan Affidavit... - VESSEY JOHN W JR (GEN)-... - Club.
20041210             Mailing Roster. 19870118             (15).
20041210             GIAP VO NGUYEN:
20041210             CARLOS—CARDOEN... - AMERICA.
20041210             —CITED, Pages, this search: 1—ORDER—HARD—COPY—OF these pages... - Stefan A Halper-...
20041210             EDGAR—CHAMORRO... - Weiner,T. Blank Check. 19910000             -.
20041210             DYNAMICS CORPORATION (11, 93); GENERAL ELECTRIC (11); GENG BIAO (162);
20041210             GEORGE—CLAIR—ELROY... - Seagrave,S. THE—MARCOS—DYNASTY.
20041210             N (336-7); GAPUD ROLANDO C (288); GARCIA CESAR (250); GATAN ROMEO (243);
20041210             GLAZER CHARLES (299 ... - Technology Stanford-...
20041210             LAWTON (88-9); GEMAYEL BASHIR (325-6, 332-3);
20041210             GERSTNER... - 235); GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION (187-8, 237-9);
20041210             GEORGE—CLAIR—ELROY (246); GHORBANIFAR MANUCHER (271-5, 284, 286, 289); GIANCANA... - Corn,D. Blond Ghost.
20041210             GERRITY EDWARD J—JR... - Adolfo Calero-... - Dark Alliance.
20041210             NEW—YORK: HARPERCOLLINS, 19910000             ... - KEEGAN—GEORGE J (GEN)-...
20041210             JACK—REYNOLDS—TERRELL...
20041210             INTERNATIONAL Business Communications-...
20041210             John K Singlaub-...
20041210             ISRAEL 19660000—19890000     IRAN 19790000—19800000     CHILE 19880000             PARAGUAY 19880000             PERU 19880000             SRI—LANKA 19890000             AUSTRALIA 19910000             —1992—CANADA 20000000             : Assn.
20041210             RAY—STEINER—CLINE...
20041210             DC BANK—SWEPT—UP—IN—INTRIGUE... [CIA, MAFIA, S&L FRAUD...-...
20041210             Peeples Valley ARIZONA Network Consultants-... - BEN—MENASHE,A. PROFITS—OF—WAR.
20041210             ANTHONY (112-3, 121-2) PEEPLES JOE (136) PERES SHIMON... - Pollard AL—NETWORK—CONSULTANTS...
20041210             PIERRE (127-8) GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION (155-6, 278 ..... - Thatcher ARIZONA Network Consultants-...
20041210             Intelligence ONLINE—BACK—ISSUES...
20041210             they are going to strike".
20041210             move" THEY ARE GOING TO STRIKE".
20041210             Crypt Newsletter 47-... - move"... they are going to strike".
20041210             —FIRED, SCHWEITZER was, + —LATER worked for GEOMILITECH, 1—WASHINGTON arms brokerage.
20041210             —GATHERED, STUDLEY, BARBARA had, archconservative military + political leaders to establish 1—WASHINGTON—BASED arms company called GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION...
20041210             EAST—EUROPE—ARSENAL on the Loose-...
20041210             —MENTIONED, The matters, in our previous section (i.e., THE—DUBIOUS—FOLK BEHIND DIEBOLD + ESS + SEQUOIA) do not trouble the good FOLK—OF—THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL.
20041210             WRONG.
20041210             same UNIVERSITY—OF—WASHINGTON site mentioned above also offers a piece -- dismissive,
20041210             but not as dismissive as you might suspect -- on THE—LIKELIHOOD—OF—CONSPIRACY
20041210             (Yeah, Tara -- and I'VE ALSO HEARD "RUMORS" THAT THE—EARTH—REVOLVES —AROUND THE—SUN.) Alas,
20041210             excluding THOSE—OF—COURSE by JOSEPH—STALIN + Adolph Hitler... - RAISING KANE.
20041210             1—INTERESTING—NEWS—NUGGET—ON—POTENTIAL—USA—MANIPULATION—OF—UKRAINIAN—POLITICS can be found in the latest piece by Hopsicker, Daniel.
20041210             WALL—STREET—SCHLUSS: GENERAL—ELECTRIC treibt Kurse an
20041210             Korruptionsprozess: Freispruch 2. Klasse für Berlusconi
20041210             Intervening in foreign elections, under the guise of an
20041210             für die Opposition vom Popstar Ruslana gesendet worden...
20041210             WASHINGTON (AP) - THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has spent more than $65—MILLION in the past —2—YEARS to aid political organizations in UKRAINE,
20041210             paying to bring opposition leader VIKTOR—YUSHCHENKO to meet USA—LEADERS and helping to underwrite exit polls indicating he won —LAST—MONTH'S disputed runoff election.
20041210             Herbalife would like you believe that taking Niteworks™ will benefit your heart.
20041210             —PICKED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, SAMUEL—BODMAN to be the new energy SECRETARY.
20041210             BERNARD—KERIK withdrew his name from consideration to be PRESIDENT—BUSH—HOMELAND—SECURITY—SECRETARY.
20041210             —SUSPENDED, Sprinter MICHELLE—COLLINS was, —FOR—8—YEARS for 1—DOPING violation linked to THE—BALCO scandal.
20041210             —REDUCED, The suspension was —LATER, to —4—YEARS.
20041210             1—USA—TRADE—PANEL gave final approval to ANTI—DUMPING duties of up to 198—PERCENT on imports of about $1.2—BILLION worth of wooden bedroom furniture from CHINA.
20041210             —OPENED, PARIS, 1—SKATING rink, on 1—OBSERVATION deck of the Eiffel Tower, 188—FEET—ABOVE the streets.
20041210             PRESIDENT—OSCAR—BERGER said GUATEMALA—ACADEMICS will create 1—UNIVERSITY dedicated to rescuing and developing the ancient KNOWLEDGE—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MAYAN cultures.
20041210             ISRAEL—TROOPS shot and killed a —7—YEAR—OLD—PALESTINE—GIRL—AFTER militants fired mortar rounds at 1—GAZA—STRIP settlement, injuring 4—ISRAELIS, 1—OF—THEM 1—CHILD.
20041210             —DOGGED, ITALY—PREMIER—SILVIO—BERLUSCONI was ACQUITTED—OF—CORRUPTION—CHARGES that have, his government from the start.
20041210             —OVERHAULED, JAPAN—GOVERNMENT, its defense guidelines, easing 1—ARMS—EXPORTS—BAN and singling out NORTH—KOREA and CHINA as security threats.
20041210             —AGREED, OPEC, to reduce output by 1—MILLION barrels —1—DAY in hopes of staving off further price declines without triggering 1—NEW buying frenzy.
20041210             —STRAPPED, SOUTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—BOMB, to 1—BICYCLE exploded next to 1—ARMY—TRUCK parked at 1 crowded outdoor market, killing at least 10—PEOPLE and wounding 27.
20041210             1—VENEZUELA—MILITARY—PLANE crashed in 1—MOUNTAINOUS region near CARACAS —ON—FRIDAY, killing 16—PEOPLE, including HIGH—RANKING officers.
20041210             1—USA—PASSENGER—JET, United Flight 869, landed in VIETNAM, the 1. —SINCE THE—VIETNAM—WAR ended nearly —30—YEARS—AGO.
20041210             Cline told the joint congressional IRAN—CONTRA committee that he was advising...
20041210             FBI agent shoots FBI agent —AFTER mistaking him for 1—LOBSTER...
20041210             —UNPUBLISHED, According to 1, paper by UK IRAN/Contra scholar JOHN—SIMKIN...
20041210             KEVIN—KATTKE.
20041210             —RIPPED, Kattke was 1—TEXTBOOK "SOLDIER—OF—FORTUNE", from the pages.
20041210             VATICAN bank: Hillary Rodham Clinton and her GLOBE—TRAVELING law...
20041210             IRAN—CONTRA ; Islands, Channel; Jefferson, Chelsea; Jones, Dow;
20041210             Right Web | Profile | USA—COUNCIL for World Freedom.
20041210             Singlaub as 1—PARTICIPANT with BARBARA—STUDLEY --1—TV—PERSONALITY + HEAD—OF—GEOMILITECH --in 1—SCHEME to loot the bank to buy arms for the contras.
20041210             rightweb.IRC—ONLINE_org/gw/2813 - NACLA Digital ARCHIVE—TRICONTRANENTAL
20041210             With BARBARA—STUDLEY, his partner in the arms firm GeoMiliTech, Singlaub also drafted 1—MEMO outlining 1—CONTRA INTERNATIONAL—OF—SORTS with its own arms...
20041210             —ABOUT through his association with eccentric former beauty QUEEN—BARBARA—STUDLEY.
20041210             arms company called GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation (GMT).
20041210             [CTRL] [9] THE—MARCOS—DYNASTY... consulting firm called GeoMiliTech Corporation.
20041210             —RETIRED, Similarly, —WHEN TED—SHACKLEY had, under pressure from THE—CIA, he had joined 1—CONSULTING firm in...
20041210             [eDebate] operation unrelenting shitbag
20041210             National Reporter 19870000             —SP (6) GELB LESLIE H HARPER—MAGAZINE 19840000             —09 (34 39 46) GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION Brewton,P..
20041210             Intelligence Online: l'information stratégique globale...
20041210             la Bayshore BANK—OF—FLORIDA, a été condamné début avril à un an de prison pour abus de biens sociaux au bénéfice de GeoMiliTech Consultants INCORPORATED.
20041210             BARBARA F (155, 279) THATCHER MARGARET (112, 119) THATCHER.
20041210             Search results for "IRAN—CONTRA "
20041210             GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION (155-6, 278 ... BARBARA F (155, 279)...
20041210             —GATHERED, Studley, Barbara had, archconservative military + political leaders to...—CONTRA _.html
20041210             INTER—USA—DEFENSE BOARD -. - - -
20041210             —PROCURED, BARBARA—STUDLEY, $5.3—MILLION in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader.
20041210             Singlaub + BARBARA—STUDLEY, THE—HEAD—OF—GEOMILITECH, had —EARLIER arranged for the sale of $5—MILLION in weapons to the Contras.
20041210             Un Informe de la ONU sobre los Tecos
20041210             —FOUNDED, GeoMilitech, by Singlaub and his partner, BARBARA—STUDLEY, procured $5.3—MILLION in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero...
20041210             revolutionary terror was 1—VERY—PROFITABLE—ENTERPRISE indeed.
20041210             —FOUNDED, GeoMilitech, by Singlaub and his partner, BARBARA—STUDLEY, procured \\$5.3—MILLION in...
20041210             1—SMALL—CIRCLE—OF—FRIENDS—DEBATE—BOTH Sides
20041210             Volume 1, Number 5 ***** 19960307             ****
20041210             ***** Communism as the ultimate evil has...
20041210             eListas_NET—MIS eListas: felipetorrealba: Mensajes [43] Herman & O'Sullivan, op. cit., p. 69—SUPPORTING COUNTER—REVOLUTIONARY terror was a very profitable enterprise indeed.
20041210             —FOUNDED, GeoMilitech, by Singlaub...
20041210             Re: Foreign intelligence agency attack warnings -- 20010911             20041210             Studley PRESIDENT—OF—GEOMILITECH—CONSULTANTS—CORPORATION—BARBARA—G—FAST—SENIOR intelligence officer in IRAQ BARBARA—LEE—USA—HOUSE—REPRESENTATIVE...
20041210             BRUCE—E—HERBERT—DEUSS—JOHN: Corn,D. Blond Ghost.
20041210             THE—MAFIA, CIA, and GEORGE—BUSH.
20041210             —FORMULATED, The product was, by LOUIS—J—IGNARRO, PhD..
20041210             —WHEN OSAMA—BIN—LADEN was TIM—OSMAN, by J. Orlin Grabbe.. Um das —JAHR 20080000             könnte der Wagen in EUROPA sowie auf anderen Weltmärkten eingeführt werden.
20041210             —BASED, Free web, E—MAIL ?? [Archive] - Wilders Security Forums DMT Orlin Grabbe SCAM—METROPIPE (eavesdropping service)...
20041210             HE—1—SERIOUS developer both domestically and in COSTA—RICA, HE—GOT 1—DECENT—WEBSITE on...
20041210             THE—FIELD " Delegate Math Guarantees Clinton a "Big, Big...
20041210             million in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero, in... plan of IRAN/Contra), DONALD—GREGG, GENE—TATUM, JOHN—SINGLAUB + many...
20041210             Amiram Nir 19920000             (166-9, 174-7, 180-1, 187, 288-90) Bill,J. THE—EAGLE +...
20041210             TATUM GENE (CHIP) Stich,R. Drugging AMERICA: A Trojan Horse.
20041210             DAN—RAY—LASATER—CALERO—ADOLFO, Morris,R. Partners in Power.
20041210             GAMBINO ROBERT W: HOUSTON Post.
20041210             _A_O_inzoome_ - JOSEPH—CAGE; JOSEPH—CHURBA;... RYAN—KEVIN R (USA—ATTORNEY ) 2. Ryder, Dan;
20041210             S, Bissiges; S. AMERICA; Sachs...—CONTRA_.htm
20041210             "Nihon Keizai Shimbun" soll das 1—LITER—AUTO in THAILAND gebaut werden.
20041210             GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION: Covert Action Information Bulletin...
20041210             Search results for "GeoMilitech"
20041210             GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION: Covert Action Information Bulletin
20041210             "Application of Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields to NonLethal Weapons"...
20041210             More results from alfatomega_com "KROLL SENDS 2—HEAVYWEIGHTS TO LONDON—INTELLIGENCE—ONLINE
20041210             These are EARL—NORBERT—GARRETT, 1—FORMER—CIA—STATION—CHIEF (he worked with the agency in PAKISTAN, JORDAN, EGYPT, INDIA, KUWAIT and THE—PHILIPPINES) and...
20041210             Intelligence Online: THE—GLOBAL—STRATEGIC—INFORMATION... le siège de NEW—YORK a envoyé à Londres deux de ses managing directors, EARL—NORBERT—GARRETT, EX—CHEF de station de la CIA (qui a été notamment en poste...
20041210             TOWER CLUB | - - We hate Blackwell, Ken because Blackwell, Ken is a "kapo" who is helping to disenfranchise blacks.
20041210             www.geomilitech_com/       - (179-180); Weiner,T. Blank Check.
20041210             ITALIEN, wird MINISTERPRÄSIDENT—SILVIO—BERLUSCONI durch 1—GERICHT in Mailand vom Vorwurf der Korruption freigesprochen bzw. im FALL—DER—NACHGEWIESENEN—GELDZAHLUNGEN an einen ROM—RICHTER aufgrund mildernder Umstände eine verkürzte Verjährungsfrist angewandt.
20041210             20041210.html... 1—SHAW—CLAY L 1—SICILIA FALCON ALBERTO 1—SINDONA MICHELE 1—SINGLAUB JOHN K.
20041210             Vernon Gillespie -... 19950000             (35). - - DEUSS JOHN : Corn,D. Blond Ghost.
20041210             Vernon Gillespie -... 19950000             (35).
20041210             GEOMILITECH. 20041210             GEOMILITECH.
20041210             .. DEFEX—PORTUGAL, Lda., Secord, Richard + his agents; + GEOMILITECH (GMT
20041210             19890000             (97). -  19890000             (97). - - FRANCE—GEORGE W :
20041210             40); GEMLER ADOLF (51-2);
20041210             40); GEMLER ADOLF (51-2);  20070409   
20041210—19830000    19910000             (146).
20041210—19870000    —IN.
20041210—19880000    FRIENDS AMERICAS FOUNDATION : GUARDIAN (NEW—YORK) 19850313             (3).
20041210—19880000    WASHINGTON—POST 19850917             (14).
20041210—19880000    GEIMER WILLIAM W: Kessler,R. Escape from THE—CIA.
20041210—19880000    19910000             (147).
20041210—19880000    GAILANI SAYED: Covert Action Information Bulletin 19880000             -#30 (63).
20041210—19890000    GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION : HOUSTON Post 19900610             (22).
20041210—19890000    GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION : 19870226             WASHINGTON—POST (18).
20041210—19890000    GLESER LEO : Herman,E. O'Sullivan,G. THE—TERRORISM—INDUSTRY.
20041210—19890000    FRIEDMAN MAX: Foreign Intelligence Literary Scene 19880000             —12 (11).
20041210—19890000    GATAN ROMEO: Seagrave,S. THE—MARCOS—DYNASTY.
20041210—19890000    19880000             (243).
20041210—19890000    (181); National Reporter 19870000             —SP (6).
20041210—19890000    FRONTIERE GEORGIA: Moldea,D. Interference.
20041210—19890000    19890000             (415).
20041210—19890000    GENG BIAO: Weiner,T. Blank Check.
20041210—19890000    19910000             (162).
20041210—19890000    (68); Scott,PD Marshall,J. Cocaine Politics.
20041210—19890000    19910000             (87).
20041210—19890000    —DATE 20041210—19900000    (121 238);
20041210—19890000    Pizzo,S. Fricker,M. Muolo,P. Inside Job.
20041210—19890000    19890000             (225 329).
20041210—19920000    19890000             (13).
20041210—19920000    (42); National Reporter 19860000             —F (34);
20041210—19920000    Webb,G.
20041210—19920000    . USA—ISRAEL—ARMS—NETWORK.
20041210—19920000    NEW—YORK: Sheridan Square Press
20041210—19920000    . PIERRE (127-8) GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION (155-6, 278 ...BARBARA F (155, 279) THATCHER MARGARET (112, 119) THATCHER.....
20041210—19930000    GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION : Christic Institute.
20041210—19950000    FRANCOIS J—MICHEL: Time 19931108             (46).
20041210—19950000    GAVAZZO JOSE—NINO: Dinges,J. THE—CONDOR—YEARS.
20041210—19950000    20040000             (218).
20041210—19950000    DEUSS JOHN: Corn,D. Blond Ghost.
20041210—19950000    19940000             (373).
20041210—19950000    GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION : Covert Action Information Bulletin 19880000             -#30 (59).
20041210—19950000    GULF CARIBBEAN FOUNDATION:
20041210—19950000    GAIRY ERIC M: Agee,P. On the Run.
20041210—19950000    19870000             (309).
20041210—19971200    —IM, erhielt Berlusconi wegen Bilanzfälschung beim Erwerb der Filmverleihfirma Medusa in den achtziger —JAHREN —16—MONATE Haft.
20041210—19980700    —IM, wurde er wegen Bestechung von Finanzbeamten zu —33—MONATEN Haft verurteilt.
20041210—19980700    —IM, Ebenfalls verurteilte 1—GERICHT—BERLUSCONI wegen illegaler Parteienfinanzierung zu —28—MONATEN Haft.
20041210—19990300    —IM, wurde Berlusconi gerichtlich vom Vorwurf mutmaßlicher Unregelmäßigkeiten beim Kauf eines privaten Grundstücks freigesprochen.
20041210—20000000    —J—IM, Dann erfolgte Freispruch wegen "erwiesener Unschuld" nach BERUFUNGS—UND Kassationsverfahren.
20041210—20011100    —IM, stellten die RICHTER—1—VERFAHREN um Korruption beim Kauf des Buchverlags Mondadori wegen Verjährung ein.
20041210—20040818    —ON, Staff SERGEANT—JOHNNY—M—HORNE—JUNIOR, —30—JAHRE—ALT—OF—WILSON—NORTH—CAROLINA, was sentenced to —3—YEARS in prison for killing severely wounded QASIM—HASSAN, —16—JAHRE—ALT in Sadr City.
20041211             Comment: RegDate: Updated: 20020912             OrgAbuseHandle: IANA—IP—ARIN OrgAbuseName: INTERNET Corporation for Assigned Names and Number OrgAbusePhone: +1—310—301—5820—ORGABUSEEMAIL: abuse@iana_org OrgTechHandle: IANA—IP—ARIN OrgTechName: INTERNET Corporation for Assigned Names and Number OrgTechPhone: +1—310—301—5820—ORGTECHEMAIL: abuse@iana_org # ARIN WHOIS database, last updated 200412101910          # Enter ?
20041212             Normenstaat ", in dem... 20041210             20041217             The request specifically goes to 20041210             —THE testimony regarding machine tampering in Hocking County.
20041212             Normenstaat ", in dem... 20041210             20041212             20041212             Normenstaat ", in dem... 20041210             20041217             The request specifically goes to 20041210             —THE testimony regarding machine tampering in Hocking County.
20041217             The request specifically goes to 20041210             —THE testimony regarding machine tampering in Hocking County.
20041219             SINGLAUB, RONALD—REAGAN : 1—AUTOPSY by MURRAY—N—ROTHBARD -... —WHEN the Premier of ISRAEL visited Reagan at THE—WHITE—HOUSE, the... despite the best efforts of Ollie and Secord and Singlaub and Abrams and... Enter the Neocons.
20041229—20041206    —ON, At SOME—POINT between BLACKWELL—OFFICIAL—COUNT + 1—OFFICIAL—COUNTY—ANNOUNCEMENT—OF—VOTE—TOTALS issued 20041210             —ON, THE—NUMBER—OF—VOTES jumped from 16,242 to 17,300. The recount brought the number up to 17,329. Over a 1000—NEW—VOTES were "found".
20050103             —BASED, Carlyle Group, an investment firm, in WASHINGTON, DC + the Canadian... LOTHAR 1—GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION
20050127             SINGLAUB—ALFATOMEGA_com/20041210.html RONALD—REAGAN : An Autopsy by MURRAY—N—ROTHBARD -
20050202             1, #5 part GeoMilitech, founded by Singlaub + his partner.
20050202             JORGE—CANDEIAS 19990810             20050202             JORGE—CANDEIAS 19990810             20050308             SOA Students and Instructors from PANAMA 19500000             — 19860000             ... 19610000             PRIVATE—MATA—JUNIOR—LUIS—ANTONIO—HEAVY—ENGINEERING—EQUIPMENT 20050605—20050810    ... 19810000             Guardia Ortega Aizprua JUAN—MILITARY—INTELL—NCO E-16 20050802—20051210    ...
20050204             —BEKOMMT, Finanzinvestor KKR, Grünen Punkt zum SCHNÄPPCHEN—PREIS 20041210             20050204             —BEKOMMT, Finanzinvestor KKR, Grünen Punkt zum SCHNÄPPCHEN—PREIS 20041210             20050204             —BEKOMMT, Finanzinvestor KKR, Grünen Punkt zum SCHNÄPPCHEN—PREIS 20041210             20050214             Date: Sun 19951210             —855—PM—CST From: DAVID—J—SUSSMAN—EMS... initial PHASE—OF—THE—COMPUTER—SPY—EFFORT succeeded in downloading data from... Developed was 1—HIGHLY refined VERSION—OF—THE—INSLAW software called PROMIS
20050204             —BEKOMMT, Finanzinvestor KKR, Grünen Punkt zum SCHNÄPPCHEN—PREIS 20041210             20050204             —BEKOMMT, Finanzinvestor KKR, Grünen Punkt zum SCHNÄPPCHEN—PREIS 20041210             20050214             Date: Sun 19951210             —855—PM—CST From: DAVID—J—SUSSMAN—EMS... initial PHASE—OF—THE—COMPUTER—SPY—EFFORT succeeded in downloading data from... Developed was 1—HIGHLY refined VERSION—OF—THE—INSLAW software called PROMIS
20050214             Date: Sun 19951210             —855—PM—CST From: David J—SUSSMAN—EMS... initial PHASE—OF—THE—COMPUTER—SPY—EFFORT succeeded in downloading data from... Developed was 1—HIGHLY refined VERSION—OF—THE—INSLAW software called PROMIS
20050308             SOA Students and Instructors from PANAMA 19500000             — 19860000             ... 19610000             PRIVATE—MATA—JUNIOR—LUIS—ANTONIO—HEAVY—ENGINEERING—EQUIPMENT 20050605—20050810    ... 19810000             Guardia Ortega Aizprua JUAN—MILITARY—INTELL—NCO E-16 20050802—20051210    ...
20050317             GEMLER ADOLF (51-2);GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION (375);  20041210             40);
20050415             120041210 -... follows: "Army Says Constitution Lets Satanist Hold TopSecret Job," by reporters... THE—NAPA—SENTINEL—TABLE—OF—CONTENTS.
20050906—19761210    —ON, Adopted by Resolution 31/72—OF—THE—UNITED—NATIONS—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY.
20051209—20051210    —ATTACKED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, Taliban fighters, 2—POLICE—POSTS, with 8—POLICEMEN and 6—ATTACKERS killed in the ensuing battles.
20051210             So erregte sich die ITALIENISCHE—PRESSE darüber, dass das ANTI—TERROR—PAKET selbst das Tragen von Burka und Schador unter Strafe stellte (der Strafkatalog sieht Geldstrafen von 1000—EURO und sogar Haft —BIS zu —2—JAHREN vor).
20051210             Dass sich die Besitzer von Internetcafes künftig um eine polizeiliche Betriebslizenz bemühen mussten, darüber konnte sich dagegen kaum jemanden empören: Der Nachweis, das ausgerechnet der Bruder eines der mutmaßlichen Attentäter von LONDON in Rom 1—INTERNETCAFE und CALL—CENTER betrieb, wirkte als wahres KILLER—ARGUMENT.
20051210             WAHRHEIT, jedoch scheint es die Schärfe des Gesetzes selbst zu sein, die seine Durchsetzung in der Praxis verhindert.
20051210             Die PERSONALPAPIER—KONTROLLEN in Cybercafes, geben auch mit der Durchsetzung des Gesetzes betraute Polizisten zu, seien oft sehr lax.
20051210             Kein Wunder: Die Betreiber sehen gern weg, wenn sie die Wahl zwischen Anzeige und Bankrott haben.
20051210             Die Härte des neuen ANTI—TERROR—GESETZES trifft damit genau die Falschen.
20051210             —HEALED, Spinal injuries, in dogs
20051210             1—TARGET is to install living computers in unmanned aircraft so they can be deployed on missions too dangerous for humans.
20051210             Dass sich die Besitzer von Internetcafes künftig um eine polizeiliche Betriebslizenz bemühen mussten,
20051210             darüber konnte sich dagegen kaum jemanden empören: Der Nachweis, das ausgerechnet der Bruder eines der mutmaßlichen Attentäter von LONDON in Rom 1—INTERNETCAFE und CALL—CENTER betrieb, wirkte als wahres KILLER—ARGUMENT.
20051210             Die PERSONALPAPIER—KONTROLLEN in Cybercafes,
20051210             geben auch mit der Durchsetzung des Gesetzes betraute Polizisten zu, seien oft sehr lax.
20051210             SOUTH—CALIFORNIA running back REGGIE—BUSH won the Heisman Trophy.
20051210             NEW—YORK—CITY, police officer DANIEL—ENCHAUTEGUI, —28—JAHRE—ALT was shot 1 killed —WHEN he interrupted 1—BURGLARY in progress —WHILE off duty.
20051210             2—SUSPECTS were arrested.
20051210             —CONVICTED, STEVEN—ARMENTO, —48—JAHRE—ALT, 1, burglar, and Lillo Brancato JUNIOR (29), 1—ACTOR who appeared in episodes of "THE—SOPRANOS" and in films including "1—BRONX—TALE," were shot by the officer and were in stable condition —YESTERDAY in the critical care unit of Jacobi Medical Center.
20051210             —MURDERED, ANNA—ELIZABETH—VUORI (90) was found, and sexually assaulted at her home in LAFAYETTE—CALIFORNIA DNA samples led police to arrest RICHARD—CRAIG—MCNEW, —32—JAHRE—ALT, 1—TRAVELING salesman from MISSOURI with 1—CRIMINAL—RECORD dating back to 19930000             .
20051210             —INCLUDED, His films, "Stir Crazy," "Silver Streak," "Which Way Is Up?" and "RICHARD—PRYOR—LIVE on the Sunset Strip".
20051210             BRAZIL, Rayfran das Neves Sales and Clodoaldo CARLOS—BATISTA were convicted of killing DOROTHY—STANG, 1—USA—NUN.
20051210             Stang had spent decades trying to save the Amazon rain forest.
20051210             Prosecutor Esdon Cardoso said the case would only be resolved —WHEN 3—OTHER—MEN accused in the killing are convicted, including 2—RANCHERS accused of ordering the killing.
20051210             A 3. man has been charged with acting as 1—GO—BETWEEN for the gunmen and the ranchers.
20051210             —EXPECTED, THE—3—ARE, to face trial SOME—TIME—NEXT—YEAR.
20051210             —AGREED, CANADA, more than 150—NATIONS, to launch formal talks on mandatory post-20120000             reductions in greenhouse gases, talks that will exclude 1—UNWILLING—USA.
20051210             The agenda item on "Reducing emissions from deforestation in developing countries and approaches to stimulate action" was 1. introduced into THE—CONFERENCE—OF—THE—PARTIES (COP) agenda at its 11. session in MONTREAL.
20051210             —BECAME, THE—REDUCED—EMISSIONS from Deforestation and Forest Degradation plan, known as REDD.
20051210             —SIGNED, CHINA—MINISTRY—OF—RAILWAYS, 1—AGREEMENT to let 1—USA—SUBSIDIARY—OF—SHANGHAI—BASED TZG Partners operate 1—LUXURY—TRAIN—SERVICE that will cross the Tibetan plateau.
20051210             —ADJUSTED, Custom carriages will need oxygen levels, for the high altitude.
20051210             DONGZHOU—CHINA, residents of the southern village near HONG—KONG described 1—TENSE standoff in the area with thousands of armed troops patrolling the perimeter and blocking anyone from leaving.
20051210             Frightened villagers said they were either hunkering down at home or arguing with police, who are refusing to return the dead to their families.
20051210             —VOWED, CHINA and PORTUGAL, to boost their economic cooperation in RESOURCE—RICH—FORMER—PORTUGAL—COLONIES in AFRICA as the premiers of THE—2—NATIONS attended 1—BUSINESS—CONFERENCE in LISBON.
20051210             —ANNOUNCED, EGYPT—JUSTICE—MINISTER, that —JUST 26% of registered voters cast ballots in THE—MONTH—LONG—PARLIAMENTARY—ELECTIONS that ended —THIS—WEEK.
20051210             —REFLECTED, The low turnout, both voter apathy and FEAR—OF—VIOLENCE.
20051210             The ruling party won 71—PERCENT—OF—THE—SEATS.
20051210             —REOPENED, THE—PETIT—PALAIS, 1—LONG forgotten gem among PARIS museums, —AFTER an $84—MILLION—RENOVATION that has restored the full splendor of 1—STRUCTURE originally built for 19000000             —THE—WORLD—FAIR.
20051210             Police said they suspect homicide.
20051210             Miss ICELAND, Unnur Birna Vilhjalmsdottir (21), 1—ANTHROPOLOGY and law student and PART—TIME policewoman, was crowned Miss World on THE—SOUTH—CHINA—RESORT—ISLAND—OF—HAINAN.
20051210             IRAN—TOP—NUCLEAR—OFFICIAL said that his country will enrich uranium and produce nuclear fuel despite THE—USA—LED INTERNATIONAL campaign to persuade it to abandon such ambitions.
20051210             —KILLED, IRAQ, 4—USA—SOLDIERS were, in separate attacks in THE—BAGHDAD area, the —DAY kidnappers of 4—CHRISTIAN peace activists set as 1—DEADLINE for killing the hostages unless USA and IRAQ—AUTHORITIES released all prisoners.
20051210             NORTH—OF—TIKRIT EGYPT—ENGINEER MOHAMMED—IBRAHIM—AL—HILALI, —46—JAHRE—ALT found dead —AFTER being snatched by gunmen —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20051210             † 1—IRAQ—SOLDIER was killed and 9 wounded in 1—BOMB—ATTACK targeting 1—ARMY—PATROL in the Sunni Arab TOWN—OF—BALAD.
20051210             —KILLED, In MOSUL 2—CIVILIANS were, and 1 wounded —WHEN 1—CAR—BOMB exploded as 1—USA—CONVOY rolled past.
20051210             —SIGNED, MALAYSIA, AUSTRALIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—ALEXANDER—DOWNER, THE—TREATY—OF—AMITY and Cooperation in SOUTH—EAST—ASIA, which calls for signatories not to interfere in EACH—OTHER—INTERNAL—AFFAIRS.
20051210             * The treaty within the 10-member ASEAN, which made signing the pact 1—CONDITION for entry into —NEXT—WEEK—INAUGURAL EAST—ASIA—SUMMIT.
20051210             —RAIDED, MEXICO—POLICE, 1—HOUSE outside MEXICO—CITY, capturing 2 alleged kidnappers and rescuing 3—PEOPLE, including an —8—YEAR—OLD—GIRL, who had been held for more than —2—MONTHS.
20051210             —BELONGED, THE—2—ALLEGEDLY, to 1—GANG called "THE—ZODIAC," tied to at least 10—KIDNAPPINGS and 1—MURDER.
20051210             —SENTENCED, FLORENCE Cassez was —LATER, to —60—YEARS in prison for 3—KIDNAPPINGS.
20051210             It describes 1—SERIES—OF—INCONSISTENCIES in the case that she says weren't taken into account.
20051210             NIGERIA—SOSOLISO—AIRLINES—FLIGHT 11450000             carrying 110—PASSENGERS crashed —WHILE landing —DURING 1—STORM in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—PORT—HARCOURT.
20051210             —KILLED, Some 107—PEOPLE were, including 71—CHILDREN.
20051210             The runway lights were off because the airport had not bought 1—GENERATOR.
20051210             —ACCEPTED, NORWAY, CHIEF—UN—NUCLEAR—INSPECTOR MOHAMED—ELBARADEI, 20050000             —THE—NOBEL—PEACE—PRIZE, sharing the award with his INTERNATIONAL Atomic Energy Agency for efforts to control THE—SPREAD—OF—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS.
20051210             —AWARDED, The other Nobel Prizes were, in SWEDEN.
20051210             —ORDERED, POLAND—PRIME—MINISTER—MARCINKIEWICZ said that he has, 1—PROBE—OF—ALLEGATIONS that THE—CIA ran secret prisons for terror suspects on POLAND—TERRITORY.
20051210             RUSSIA, a —24—HOUR, ENGLISH—LANGUAGE, STATE—FUNDED television channel went live from its MOSCOW studios, designed to broadcast news from 1—RUSSIA—PERSPECTIVE—AROUND the globe.
20051210             —CONCEDED, ZIMBABWE—PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE, that shortcomings in his land redistribution program contributed to critical food shortages as his party wrapped up its annual conference.
20051210             —RECOMMENDED, ZIMBABWE—RULING party, 1—CRACKDOWN on WESTERN—SPONSORED groups hostile to PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE and asked security forces to make 1—LIST—OF—PEOPLE whose passports should be seized.
20051210             1—FLUGZEUG—DER—FLUGGESELLSCHAFT—SOSOLISO verfehlt bei der Landung auf dem FLUGHAFEN—PORT—HARCOURT—NIGERIA, die Landebahn und geht in Flammen auf.
20051210             † † ? 108—MENSCHEN kommen ums Leben, nur 2—ÜBERLEBEN.
20051210—20051206    —OPENED, Police had, fire on demonstrators there.
20051210—20051211    —SMASHED, HUNDREDS—OF—FRANCE—YOUTHS, shop windows, ignited trash cans and pelted police with bottles through the night to protest against 1—BAN on 1—RAVE party they planned in THE—WEST—CITY—OF—RENNES.
20051210—20080000    —CONVICTED—OF, Armento was, 1. degree murder and sentenced to life in prison.
20051210—20090109    —SENTENCED, Brancato was, to —10—YEARS in prison.
20051210—20100000    —RELEASED, FLORENCE Cassez, 1—BOOK about her case.
20051217—20051210    —ON, GEORGE—GALLOWAY, Respect MP for Bethnal Green and Bow, speaking at THE—INTERNATIONAL—PEACE—CONFERENCE in LONDON.
20060216             GEOMILITECH Singlaubhis partner, STUDLEY— -
20060216          20041210.html -...
20060426             CIA—DRUGS] TREASON—BUSH SENIOR
20060426—20041210    19890000             (97).
20061003—20061210    —AM, Seine geistigen Enkel Mather und Smoot werden vom SCHWEDISCHEN—KÖNIG—CARL—GUSTAV—XVI. die Medaillen mit dem Konterfei ALFRED—NOBELS überreicht bekommen.
20061023—19961210    —RECEIVED, Where no candidate, 1—MAJORITY—OF—THE—VOTES cast, 1—RUNOFF—ELECTION was held, between the top 2—VOTE—GETTERS, REGARDLESS—OF—PARTY.
20061121050400       PRIME—MINISTER—POSTED by Google Video team to
20061121050400       PM —POSTED by Google Video team to Official Google Video Blog
20061124—20061210    —AM, strahlt der USA—FERNSEHSENDER "National Geographic Channel" den Einblick in die Bäuche trächtigen Tiere in den USA aus.
20061131—20241131    —DATE 20060216             20041210             ... DEFEX—PORTUGAL, Lda., Secord, Richard + his agents; + GEOMILITECH (GMT
20061201             Impeachment —DAY Remember: 20061210             is Impeachment —DAY + I urge EVERY—1—OF—YOU to do what you can.
20061208             THE—ALEX—JONES—REPORT 20061207             20061210             That's fair, isn't it?
20061209             —SCHEDULED, Here is 1—LIST—OF—EVENTS, for this —SUNDAY, 20061210             (
20061209—20061210    UTAH puritan puzzle —WHEN teen is plaintiff and defendant in sex case 12/10
20061210             3—BIDDERS seen for Raytheon aircraft UNIT—BG - - 3—BIDDERS seen for Raytheon aircraft unit
20061210             † Obituary : Augusto Pinochet : CAPTAIN—GENERAL—AUGUSTO Pinochet, who has, aged 91, was the most notorious of Latin AMERICA's 19010101—20001231     military rulers.
20061210             † CAPTAIN—GENERAL—AUGUSTO Pinochet, who has, aged 91, was the most notorious of Latin AMERICA's 19010101—20001231     military rulers.
20061210             He should have extensive conversations with key military commanders — Generals JOHN—ABAZAID, GEORGE—CASEY, JIM—JONES, KARL—EIKENBERRY and UK—GENERAL—DAVID—RICHARDS — to receive 1—OPERATIONAL update and 20060901             —NEW—TONE with the military leadership as THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP suggested.
20061210             That's fair, isn't it? The latest illustration of this point came —THURSDAY (20061207             ) on FOX—NEWS' "Live Desk" with Martha MacCallum.
20061210             The latest illustration of this point came —THURSDAY (20061207             0000—DATE ) on FOX—NEWS' "Live Desk" with Martha MacCallum.
20061210             —POSTED—FRIDAY, 20061208             , at 6:07 AM ET
20061210             :end snip Source: waynemadsenreport : date headline 20101208             20061210             —POSTED—FRIDAY, 20061208             , at 6:07 AM ET
20061210             —POSTED—FRIDAY, 20061208             0000—DATE, at 6:07 AM ET
20061210             is Human Rights —DAY + —THIS—YEAR we're making it Human Rights and Impeachment —DAY.
20061210             Slogan: "Putting Impeachment on the Table".
20061210             —BY Linda Milazzo - - KENNEDYS, BUSHES And OIL: Public Interest Vs. Self Interest
20061210             —FILLED, THE—HISTORY—OF—THE—USA is, with prominent families who achieved wealth, power and influence through legitimate and/or nefarious means.
20061210             But in THE—230—YEAR—HISTORY—OF—THIS nation, no 2—FAMILIES have ascended to THE—APEX—OF—USA—POLITICS—LIKE the Bush es and KENNEDYS—OF—TODAY.
20061210             —BY JUDE—ACOSTA—VIRAL Fear And THE—STATE—OF—NATIONAL—INSECURITY—WHAT makes MEDIA—INDUCED fear so destructive?
20061210             What makes us so susceptible?
20061210             - BG - + Ethnic Cleansing of the Palestinians
20061210             Example: ISRAEL "must refrain...from colonizing THE—WEST—BANK... has written 1—COURAGEOUS... Source:
20061210             Advertise your Podcast on Google Base? - BG—GOOGLE Base Becoming 1—STEALTH—PODCAST—SEARCH—ENGINE?
20061210             HERE—MY—ENTRY: MICHAEL—BERGER talks about 911—TRUTH—ABSURD, Criminal + Impeachable
20061210             - BG—IT—BEEN —1—MONTH—SINCE the Democratic tsunami of
20061210             Secret USA—TALKS with insurgents break down (Times of LONDON)
20061210             — SECRET talks in which senior USA—OFFICIALS came FACE—TO—FACE with SOME—OF—THEIR most bitter enemies in THE—IRAQ—INSURGENCY broke down —AFTER—2—MONTHS—OF—MEETINGS, rebel commanders have disclosed.
20061210             Imam, A—USA—CITIZEN, denies terrorism links (PAMELA—MILLER/MINNEAPOLIS Star Tribune)
20061210             Imam, A—USA—CITIZEN, denies terrorism links — 1—ARIZONA man at the center of 1—CONTROVERSY defended his Islamic fundraising activities and his group's actions on the flight from which they were removed.
20061210             — 1—PHOENIX imam who was 1—OF 6—MUSLIM men removed from 1—USA—AIRWAYS flight... Source: MINNEAPOLIS Star TRIBUNE—PAMELA—MILLER—LINK:
20061210             The character ASSASSINATION—OF—JIMMY—CARTER
20061210             Carter makes 1—COMPELLING case that if ISRAEL does not change its policies + continues to rule the Palestinians as it does, then the system they are using to control and segregate the Palestinians is in fact defacto Apartheid.
20061210             There is no other word for it.
20061210             But in THE—USA, as Carter also argues, THE—USA—MEDIA is afraid to challenge ISRAEL—POLICIES.
20061210             The proof is in the immediate assault against Carter by Stein and by Ross.
20061210             It also is in the confrontational NATURE—OF—THE—REVIEWS, the interviews and the writings in the media about CARTER—BOOK.
20061210             Yes, Carter is getting coverage.
20061210             SANDRA—DAY—O'—CONNOR: "My Life as 1—BUCK—PASSING—PHONY"
20061210             Brit Hume | Special REPORT—FOXNEWS_COM—BG—POLITICAL—GRAPEVINE If you thought impeaching Bush was 1—DEAD—ISSUE, think again Videos Watch the Political Grapevine
20061210             So Much for Plan B THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP—CHICKENS out.
20061210             —RAVAGED, So MANY—CAREERS and reputations have been, by IRAQ.
20061210             Even JAMES—BAKER, THE—CANNIEST—OF—OPERATORS, has —NOW met his Waterloo.
20061210             But who knew it would amount to such 1—AMORPHOUS, equivocal grab bag.
20061210             —DISJOINTED, Its outline of 1—NEW "diplomatic offensive" is so, that even 1—WILLING PRESIDENT would be left puzzled by what precisely to do + GEORGE—W—BUSH seems far from willing.
20061210             Postman Patel: GENERAL—JACKSON gets the thumbs finger UP—BG—POSTMAN Patel: GENERAL—JACKSON gets the thumbs finger up
20061210             —ACTED, GENERAL should have, on his concerns —BEFORE he retired Letter Daily Telegraph
20061210             Protesters Throng LEBANON—CAPITAL—NEW—YORK—TIMES—BG—PROTESTERS Throng LEBANON—CAPITAL—NEW—YORK—TIMES Filed at 7:16 a.m. ET
20061210             USA REPRESENTATIVE—CYNTHIA—MCKINNEY—FULL—REMARKS on Her New Bush Impeachment Bill
20061210             —TODAY became the 1. USA Congresswoman to introduce ARTICLES—OF—IMPEACHMENT against PRESIDENT—BUSH, as well as VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY + SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZA—RICE... Source: by MATTHEW—CARDINALE
20061210             This article courtesy OF—ATLANTA Progressive News.
20061210             —OBTAINED, ATLANTA Progressive News has, the —FOLLOWING remarks prepared by the Congresswoman + has learned she was not allowed to read them on THE—USA—HOUSE—FLOOR.
20061210             —EXPECTED, The remarks are, to become PART—OF—THE—CONGRESSIONAL—RECORD but will not be available on
20061210             —UNTIL—NEXT—WEEK.
20061210             FOXNews_COM—TRUTH about Pearl HARBOR—BG - P - Was Pearl Harbor really a surprise?
20061210             Spies sent 'to seize cash from Yukos exiles'
20061210             —MURDERED, In his last investigation —BEFORE he was, ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO claimed to have uncovered 1—PLAN by THE—RUSSIA—FEDERAL—SECURITY—SERVICE to claw back MILLIONS—OF—POUNDS from wealthy Russians who fled to LONDON and other Western capitals.
20061210             Source:
20061210             —CLEARED, IAN—BLAIR, by inquiry into de Menezes murder
20061210             —CLEARED, SIR—IAN—BLAIR has been, OFFICIALLY—OF—ANY—MISCONDUCT—CHARGES over his handling of the aftermath of the Stockwell shooting... Source:
20061210             —ON FOX—NEWS, Only Whites Have Rights
20061210             —ON FOX—NEWS, white people have unlimited rights and people of color have rights only to the extent they don't interfere with THOSE—OF—WHITE—PEOPLE, which means, they don't really have any at all.
20061210             —INTERVIEWED, MacCallum, 1—ATTORNEY for 1—OHIO bar that had put up 1—SIGN READING, "For Service, Speak English".
20061210             The attorney, K.C. McAlpin, is the executive DIRECTOR—OF—1—GROUP advocated ENGLISH—ONLY—LAWS.
20061210             —CONTENDED, THE—OHIO—CIVIL—RIGHTS—COMMISSION, the sign amounted to discrimination on the basis of national origin and pressured the owner to change the sign.
20061210             The new sign reads, "Here we speak English".
20061210             Republican SENATOR—SAYS—IRAQ war "may even be criminal"
20061210             —NOW OREGON—REPUBLICAN—SENATOR—GORDON—SMITH is right.
20061210             BUSH—WAR is criminal.
20061210             In 1—EMOTIONAL—SPEECH on the Senate floor —THURSDAY night, Smith called for changes in USA—POLICY that could include rapid PULLOUTS—OF—USA—TROOPS from IRAQ.
20061210             —VOTED, He said he never would have, for the conflict if he had known the intelligence that PRESIDENT—BUSH gave THE—USA—PEOPLE was inaccurate.
20061210             "I for 1—AM —AT—THE—END—OF—MY rope —WHEN it comes to supporting 1—POLICY that has our soldiers patrolling the same streets... Source:
20061210             The very process of getting those subpoenas out there, getting witnesses out there, getting this evidence that we already have in the public record, into 1—HEARING format, is essential.
20061210             The more we can illuminate the truth, the more people are going to understand... we have to have these hearings in Congress.
20061210             That is what I'm advocating.
20061210             Politics: Ghetto CAPITALISM—GHETTO Capitalism
20061210             Sudhir VENKATESH—NEW—BOOK unravels the mystery of the underground economy.
20061210             AMERICA—UNDERGROUND—ECONOMY stubbornly resists reliable study or measurement.
20061210             Its overall size may be anywhere from 5 % to 10—PERCENT—OF—AMERICA—GDP.
20061210             Estimates of annual unpaid taxes range from $200—BILLION to $500—BILLION.
20061210             Even the low ballparks are high.
20061210             So, why do the dynamics remain so mysterious?
20061210             1—ANSWER is that UNDER—THE—TABLE—DEALS are by their nature surreptitious + whether you're paying 1 undocumented immigrant to rake your lawn, underreporting the money your restaurant made on 1—SATURDAY night, or dealing crack in 1—SCHOOLYARD, you're not likely to expound on those activities to 1—ACADEMIC (much less 1—IRS investigator).
20061210             It doesn't help that social scientists tend to employ THE—BLUNTEST—OF—TOOLS.
20061210             In their BEST—SELLER—FREAKONOMICS, STEVEN—LEVITT and STEPHEN—DUBNER tell the story of 1—GRAD student, Sudhir Venkatesh, who entered poor black CHICAGO neighborhoods armed with 1—WONKY questionnaire —WHILE studying urban poverty in the late 1980s.
20061210             The typical response to questions like, "How do you feel about being poor and black?" was so contemptuous that Venkatesh wondered whether, in addition to the multiple choice answers ranging from a) Very Bad to e) Very Good, he should perhaps have appended f) for Fuck You.
20061210             To continue READING, click here.
20061210             PREVAILING—SAME shit, different —DAY: WASHINGTON — PRESIDENT—BUSH—YESTERDAY argued against key recommendations of the bipartisan IRAQ Study Group and insisted that victory was not only still possible, but crucial.
20061210             Bush, standing side by side with his staunchest ally in THE—IRAQ war, PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR—OF—BRITAIN, said THE—2—COUNTRIES must stand firm in the face of rising extremism in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, which he called an "unprecedented threat to civilization".
20061210             "I believe we'll prevail," he said.
20061210             "I understand how hard it is to prevail.
20061210             EDITOR—NOTE: In 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—TRUTHDIG research EDITOR—JOSHUA—SCHEER*, REPRESENTATIVE—DENNIS—KUCINICH (D—OHIO) criticizes the leadership of his own party for announcing —TUESDAY that it would support 1—MASSIVE—INCREASE in spending for THE—IRAQ war.
20061210             —CONCENTRATED, The inevitable logic of, power + the need to share wisely
20061210             —BY Herb Ruhs, MD, Unknown News
20061210             Excerpt: Concentrated power is 1—FATAL toxin for the human species.
20061210             Anything that serves to decentralize power is 1—MOVE toward our salvation.
20061210             —CONCENTRATED, The major threat to, power is THE—TENDENCY—OF—PEOPLE with conflicting views to find common ground in 1—COMMITMENT to humanistic impulses.
20061210             Hence the tremendous effort to convince us that we, as 1—SPECIES, as 1—FUNCTION—OF our "human nature," are fundamentally flawed.
20061210             People believing in this lie are very subject to being set against EACH—OTHER, to being susceptible to the argument: "LET—YOU and him fight".
20061210             —DEFEATED, We are not, by power.
20061210             We defeat ourselves at THE—BEHEST—OF—POWER.
20061210             BOB—GATES & locking you up forever -
20061210             Excerpt: As the next Defense SECRETARY, ROBERT—M—GATES will be in charge of 1—NEW—STAR—CHAMBER legal system that can lock up indefinitely "unlawful enemy combatants" and "ANY—PERSON" accused of aiding them.
20061210             Yet, despite these extraordinary new powers, his confirmation is being treated more like 1—CORONATION than 1—TIME for tough questions.
20061210             Impeachment —DAY: If Congress fails to act... the people will -
20061210             Those causes include the War in IRAQ, lying to get us into that war, using terrorism to start 1—WAR that enriched those closely connected to THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, including RICHARD—CHENEY, violating the Constitution, attempting to alter the Constitution, which sets forth the inherent rights of Americans, using the political process to 1. covertly engage in torture and then to cover it up.
20061210             The list goes on, covering activities that include the political MANIPULATION—OF—AMERICA—COURT—SYSTEM and systemic VIOLATIONS—OF—THE—RIGHTS—OF—AMERICANS using the Patriot Act to enable spying on all Americans.
20061210             The other ongoing terrorist threat -
20061210             Excerpt: Had the criminal, DAVID—MCMENEMY, been Arab or Muslim, this would have been headline news —FOR—WEEKS.
20061210             But —SINCE his target was the Edgerton WOMEN—HEALTH—CENTER, rather than, say, 1—BANK or 1—POLICE—STATION, media have not called this terrorism -
20061210             - even —AFTER—3—DECADES—OF—EXTREME—VIOLENCE by ANTI—ABORTION—FANATICS, mostly fundamentalist Christians who believe they're fighting 1—HOLY—WAR.
20061210             THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP: Official damage control and COVER—UP—BY LARRY—CHIN, Global Research Excerpt:
20061210             —CHARGED, THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP is, with bringing "fresh eyes" to THE—MIDDLE—EAST—CONFLICT.
20061210             However, 1—GLANCE at the directors of THE—ISG should remove ANY—ILLUSIONS.
20061210             THE—ISG—LEADERS are WORLD—RENOWNED USA—ELITES and Cold Warriors, EACH—OF—WHOM played major roles in THE—CRIMES—OF—THE—REAGAN—BUSH and Clinton administrations.
20061210             These are very old eyes, on very BLOOD—SOAKED globalists who seek to FINE—TUNE, perfect + expand the war, not end it.
20061210             Excerpt: This event is obscene enough by itself, but it illustrates 1—LARGER—PROBLEM we're facing as 1—COUNTRY.
20061210             —TITLED, THE—CATO—INSTITUTE has 1—INTERACTIVE "raidmap" up, "Botched Paramilitary Police Raids: 1—EPIDEMIC—OF 'Isolated Incidents'".
20061210             Based on 1—GOOGLE maps frame, it dots the country with markers for various incidents where paramilitary units have killed innocent people, raided innocent subjects, or were involved in various other excesses.
20061210             —OCCURRED, In 1—TYPICAL—CASE that, 1—FEW miles from here: THE—USA—V. GEORGE—BUSH -
20061210             Excerpt: What would the case against GEORGE—BUSH for intelligence fraud in THE—LEAD—UP to the war in IRAQ look like?
20061210             1—FORMER—FEDERAL—PROSECUTOR lays out her case to 1—IMAGINARY grand jury + all she needs is the evidence available in the public record to make her case.
20061210             The next —2—YEARS—OF—1—POWER—CRAZED administration-
20061210             Excerpt: —WHILE it is NICE that Democrats, rather than BUSH—LOYAL—REPUBLICANS, —NOW control Congress, the people who occupy THE—WHITE—HOUSE don't think that matters because they believe -- literally -- that Congress has no power to restrain what they do.
20061210             What will you do —WHEN the government demands your laptop?
20061210             Excerpt: Courtesy of 1—DECISION from the 4. Circuit COURT—OF—APPEALS, USA—CUSTOMS—OFFICIALS can seize and copy the contents of ANY—LAPTOP carried across A—USA—BORDER.
20061210             —REQUIRED, THERE—NO—ARREST, warrant or probable cause, -- —JUST "gimme".
20061210             If you're 1—DEFENSE—ATTORNEY, your most confidential client files may wind up in THE—HANDS—OF—GOVERNMENT—PROSECUTORS.
20061210             If you're 1—POLITICAL—OPPONENT—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, your correspondence and the names and addresses of everyone you've contacted can —NOW be used against you to support a "terror" investigation.
20061210             RUMSFELD—MEMO reveals staggering ignorance, hubris
20061210             —BY JUAN—COLE, Informed Consent
20061210             Excerpt: Rumsfeld openly admits that he wants to run IRAQ —JUST like Saddam did.
20061210             The penalty for success
20061210             We've seen PLENTY—OF—EXAMPLES—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—LOVE for rewarding disaster.
20061210             Screw up 1—LITTLE? Promotion.
20061210             Screw up 1—LOT? MEDAL—OF—FREEDOM—TIME!
20061210             That's been harder to characterize, because
20061210             there have been so few successes in this administration that the policy went untested.
20061210             —RECOVERED, BOBBY—MAXWELL had already, HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS for taxpayers.
20061210             —UNCOVERED, He had —JUST, indications that 1—MAJOR—OIL—COMPANY was cheating,
20061210             costing taxpayers millions more.
20061210             —REORGANIZED, His reward was to be "" out of 1—JOB.
20061210             - especially success which takes money from his pals in the oil patch.
20061210             Blaming the victims in IRAQ
20061210             More insidious is the manner in which the Democrats, who are about to take over THE—USA—CONGRESS, have framed their arguments for withdrawal.
20061210             —ELECTED, Last —SATURDAY the newly, House majority leader, Steny Hoyer, suggested that the Americans would pull out because the Iraqis were too disorganized and SELF—OBSESSED.
20061210             "In the days ahead, the Iraqis must make the tough decisions and accept responsibility for their future," he said.
20061210             "And the Iraqis must know: our commitment, —WHILE great, is not unending".
20061210             It is absurd to suggest that the Iraqis -- who have been invaded, whose country is currently occupied, who have had their police and army disbanded and their entire civil service fired -- could possibly be in 1—POSITION to take responsibility for their future and are simply not doing so.
20061210             He's the worst PRESIDENT ever
20061210             —BY ERIC—FONER, WASHINGTON—POST
20061210             Excerpt: Historians are loath to predict the future.
20061210             But somehow, in his 1. —6—YEARS in office he has managed to combine THE—LAPSES—OF—LEADERSHIP, misguided policies and ABUSE—OF—POWER—OF his failed predecessors.
20061210             I think there is no alternative but to rank him as the worst PRESIDENT—IN—USA—HISTORY.
20061210             THE—CEASE—FIRE will go up in flames
20061210             —BY GIDEON—LEVY, Ha'aretz [JERUSALEM—ISRAEL] - Excerpt: Here is the forecast:
20061210             —WANTED, Gates, to bomb NICARAGUA to produce "regime change"
20061210             Excerpt: ROBERT—GATES, PRESIDENT—BUSH—NOMINEE to lead the Pentagon, advocated 1—BOMBING campaign against NICARAGUA
20061210             Saudis reportedly funding IRAQ—SUNNIS—YAHOO!
20061210             NEWS—BG - - Permanent Bases and Temporary Presidents | LET—TRY—DEMOCRACY—BG—DID you notice something about THE—BAKER—HAMILTON IRAQ Study Group Report?
20061210             Reason MAGAZINE—WHERE to From Here?
20061210             It doesn't take long to see that THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP—REPORT, released —ON—WEDNESDAY by 1—BIPARTISAN band of old WASHINGTON sages, reads like 1—POOR—NEWSPAPER—EDITORIAL.
20061210             Truffled with hopeful "shoulds and "musts", redolent with high Establishment piousness, it sets ambitious aims, but offers relatively few practicable means to implement them.
20061210             REPRESENTATIVE—WILLIAM—JEFFERSON (D—LA) easily won REELECTION—NICO—IN —YESTERDAY—RUN—OFF against a fellow Democrat, " despite an ongoing FEDERAL—BRIBERY investigation," THE—AP reports.
20061210             "In complete but unofficial returns, Jefferson, LOUISIANA—1. black congressman —SINCE Reconstruction, received 57—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE over STATE—REPRESENTATIVE—KAREN—CARTER, who had 43 % ".
20061210             —AFTER enduring YEARS—OF—POSTURING on IRAQ by FOX—BRIT—HUME and the National REVIEW—BILL—KRISTOL on THE—FOX—NEWS—SUNDAY roundtable, Jaun Williams reached his limit.
20061210             This —MORNING, Williams said, "Sometimes I —JUST want to scream. You guys have been going on —SINCE this thing began".
20061210             —NOTED, Williams, that Hume and Kristol "don't give credit to people...who said from the start this is 1—MISTAKE".
20061210             Instead, "—NOW it's everybody's 1—SURRENDER monkey or impatient or squeamish or weak".
20061210             WILLIAMS: Squishy, impatient, you know, they'll be in THE—LAND—OF—MILK and honey?
20061210             What do you imagine, 1—USA—ADMINISTRATION is coming in, Republican or Democrat, —AFTER PRESIDENT—BUSH that's —JUST going to lay down and run away like scared little —
20061210             HUME: It will not be phrased that way.
20061210             Listen, Juan, it's very simple.
20061210             WILLIAMS: This is really — sometimes i —JUST want to scream.
20061210             I mean, you don't give credit to people, NANCY Pelosi, HOWARD—DEAN, BARBARA—LEE, people who said from the start this is 1—MISTAKE.
20061210             You put them down.
20061210             —NOW it's everybody's 1—SURRENDER monkey or impatient or squeamish or weak.
20061210             Why can't you say, hey, there's 1—REAL—PROBLEM in IRAQ?
20061210             SENATOR—GORDON—SMITH (R—OR) Calls BUSH—IRAQ—POLICY a 'Dereliction' and 'Deeply Immoral'
20061210             —ON the Senate floor —THURSDAY night, SENATOR—GORDON—SMITH (R—OR) said BUSH—IRAQ policy "
20061210             STEPHANOPOULOS: SENATOR—SMITH, let me begin with you.
20061210             That was clearly 1—DEEPLY personal speech + it showed 1—DRAMATIC—CHANGE—OF—HEART.
20061210             —TRIGGERED, What, it?
20061210             SMITH: Waking up the other —MORNING and turning on the news + hearing that yet another 10—OF—OUR soldiers † the same way that several 1000—HAVE —
20061210             STEPHANOPOULOS: —WEDNESDAY.
20061210             SMITH: —WEDNESDAY, to roadside bombs.
20061210             I went from steamed to boiled + I felt I had to speak out because if we're going to be there, let's win.
20061210             If we're not, let's at least fight THE—WAR—ON—TERROR in 1—WAY that makes sense.
20061210             STEPHANOPOULOS: You said in that speech that current policy may be criminal.
20061210             SMITH: I said it.
20061210             You can use ANY—ADJECTIVE you want, GEORGE.
20061210             —BELIEVED, But I have long, in 1—MILITARY—CONTEXT, —WHEN you do the same thing over and over again, without 1—CLEAR—STRATEGY for victory, at the expense of your young people in arms, that is dereliction.
20061210             That is deeply immoral.
20061210             SENATOR—BROWNBACK—SOLUTION—FOR—IRAQ: 'Park' Cheney 'In THE—REGION'
20061210             1—OF—THE—KEY—RECOMMENDATIONS—OF—THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP was direct, unconditional engagement with IRAN and Syria.
20061210             This —MORNING on FOX—NEWS—SUNDAY, SENATOR—SAM—BROWNBACK — 1—OF—THE—MOST conservative MEMBERS—OF—THE—SENATE — embraced the recommendation, but with 1—UNUSUAL—TWIST.
20061210             Brownback said that the administration should "park" VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY in the region, leading the diplomatic effort.
20061210             Of course, Cheney has been 1—OF—THE—PRIMARY—FORCES within the administration
20061210             resisting direct engagement with IRAN and Syria.
20061210             BROWNBACK: I'm not — I'm not jumping ship.
20061210             I —JUST think it's time that we really put pressure on the situation.
20061210             —INVESTED, And we've been very patient with this + we've, 1—LOT.
20061210             I do think as well it's time for us to put diplomatic pressure to the point where you —JUST park THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—AND—SECRETARY—OF—STATE in the region.
20061210             It's shuttle diplomacy going back and forth between the countries that will receive us, really pushing on them to stop funding things into IRAQ and start working with us, because they don't need 1—CIVIL—WAR in that region either +
20061210             to really have them start coming to the table instead of —JUST sitting back and even hurting the situation inside of IRAQ.
20061210             62%. - - - - JUDD—PERCENTAGE—OF—AMERICANS who "want THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to 20060901             —TIMETABLE for withdrawal " of USA—TROOPS from IRAQ.
20061210             RUMSFELD—FAREWELL tour makes stop in IRAQ.
20061210             to thank USA—TROOPS for their service —JUST days —BEFORE he steps down from his post, 1—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT—SPOKESMAN said".
20061210             85 % : - PAYSON—NUMBER—OF—AMERICANS who support "allowing the government to negotiate prescription drug prices for the Medicare program,
20061210             suggesting there will be considerable political pressure on the next Congress to do so".
20061210             THE—KAISER—FAMILY—FOUNDATION—POLL found "
20061210             substantial majorities of Democrats (92%), Independents (85%) + Republicans (74%)" support such negotiations.
20061210             SENATOR—GORDON—SMITH (R—OR): BUSH—IRAQ—POLICY 'May Even Be Criminal'
20061210             As the 109. Congress drew to 1—CLOSE, SENATOR—GORDON—SMITH took to the Senate floor and delivered 1—SCATHING INDICTMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—POLICY in IRAQ.
20061210             —ADDED, Smith, "That is absurd. It may even be criminal".
20061210             GORDON: I, for 1, am —AT—THE—END—OF—MY rope —WHEN it comes to supporting 1—POLICY that has our soldiers patrolling the same streets in the same way being blown up by the same bombs —DAY—AFTER —DAY.
20061210             That is absurd. It may even be criminal.
20061210             I cannot support that ANY—MORE.
20061210             I believe we need to figure out not —JUST how to leave IRAQ but how to fight THE—WAR—ON—TERROR and to do it right.
20061210             Bush v. HARRY—TRUMAN.
20061210             - JUDD—MCCLATCHY describes —FRIDAY—MEETING between Bush and congressional leaders:
20061210             Bush began his talk by comparing himself to PRESIDENT—HARRY S Truman, who launched THE—TRUMAN—DOCTRINE to fight communism, got bogged down in the Korean War and left office unpopular.
20061210             —REALIZED, Bush said that "in years to come they, he was right and then his doctrine became the standard for AMERICA," recalled Senate Majority WHIP—ELECT RICHARD—DURBIN, D—ILLINOIS "HE—TRYING to position himself in history and to justify those who continue to stand by him, saying sometimes if you're right you're unpopular + be prepared for criticism".
20061210             Durbin said he challenged BUSH—ANALOGY, reminding him that Truman had THE—NATO—ALLIANCE behind him and negotiated with his enemies at THE—UNITED—NATIONS.
20061210             Durbin said that's what THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP is recommending that Bush do —NOW—WORK—MORE with allies and negotiate with adversaries on IRAQ.
20061210             (VIA—WASHINGTON Monthly) - The last gasps of the 109. Congress.
20061210             "Republicans dumped 1 unfinished budget on the Democrats about to take power, with the Senate
20061210             barely meeting 1—MIDNIGHT deadline to pass 1—STOPGAP spending bill
20061210             The failure to pass budget bills for domestic agencies, said REPRESENTATIVE—DAVID—OBEY, D—WISCONSIN, amounted to 'a blatant admission of abject failure by the most useless Congress in modern times.'"
20061210             WORD—OF—THE—YEAR: - NICO—TRUTHINESS.
20061210             (Leave your WORD—OF—THE—YEAR in the comments section.)
20061210             At 1—PENTAGON townhall meeting —TODAY, outgoing SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—DONALD—RUMSFELD said he began READING books about THE—USA—CIVIL—WAR, but "turned away from that" because he "there were so MANY—PEOPLE killed and wounded + they were all Americans".
20061210             Rumsfeld said he began READING books about WWII. instead.
20061210             currently in IRAQ.
20061210             QUESTION: MISTER—SECRETARY, I'm wondering what books you read —WHILE you were SECRETARY that you found most useful and edifying.
20061210             RUMSFELD: Well, I've read 1—GREAT—MANY—BOOKS.
20061210             They're all history books; 1—NUMBER about the Revolutionary War and about GEORGE—WASHINGTON and JOHN—ADAMS and others, Jefferson.
20061210             I started READING 1—NUMBER—OF—BOOKS about the Civil War.
20061210             And 1—PARTICULARLY good 1 was 1—BOOK on Ulysses S. Grant.
20061210             —STOPPED, But I.
20061210             I found the struggle going on — gosh, those years, there were so MANY—PEOPLE killed and wounded + they were all Americans, except for the foreign fighters who came over from GERMANY and POLAND and elsewhere.
20061210             —TURNED, So I, away from that and read 1—GREAT—DEAL about —WWII.
20061210             And that has been basically what I've been READING.
20061210             Congress Stuffs Essential Tax BILL—WITH—PORK—FOR—THE—WEALTHY
20061210             In the coming days, Congress will likely pass a "tax extenders" bill to "
20061210             renew popular expired tax breaks,
20061210             " such as the "research credit, 1—DEDUCTION for tuition and other college expenses + 1—DEDUCTION for teachers who spend money out of their own pocket for classroom supplies".
20061210             —DECIDED, But Congress has, to use the bill for partisan purposes.
20061210             —ADDED, In CLOSED—DOOR—NEGOTIATIONS, Congress " 1—TAX—BREAK benefiting HIGH—INCOME taxpayers that was never passed by either the full House or Senate".
20061210             The measure would increase the amount that individuals could contribute to Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), "thereby allowing those who could make these additional contributions to
20061210             shelter even more of their income from taxation ". - - - 1—LOOK at these HSAs:
20061210             — HSAs are disproportionately used by HIGH—INCOME—INDIVIDUALS.
20061210             THE—GOVERNMENT—ACCOUNTABILITY—OFFICE found "that the
20061210             compared to $51,000 for all NON—ELDERLY tax filers".
20061210             — The higher the participants' incomes, the larger their TAX—DEDUCTIBLE—HSA contributions.
20061210             more than double
20061210             the average contribution made by participants with incomes below $50,000".
20061210             — MANY—HSA participants are use their accounts as tax shelters.
20061210             Ethics committee weighs in on Foley scandal.
20061210             "THE—HOUSE—ETHICS—COMMITTEE has concluded that Republican leaders did not break ANY—RULES in handling EX—REPRESENTATIVE—MARK—FOLEY—IMPROPER advances to FORMER—MALE—PAGES but
20061210             were negligent in protecting the teenagers, 1—CONGRESSIONAL aide said —FRIDAY".
20061210             Why Is Bush Waiting —12—DAYS To Swear In ROBERT—GATES?
20061210             —INVOLVED, THE—USA is, in 2—WARS — IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN — that it is not winning.
20061210             waiting —12—DAYS to go to work?
20061210             Why is DONALD—RUMSFELD, the leading architect of the failed strategy in both IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN, still on the job?
20061210             1—THEORY is that MISTER—GATES wants to preside at the fall graduation ceremonies at TEXAS A&M —BEFORE he begins at the Pentagon.
20061210             Given the rich tradition of the A&M Corps of Cadets, MISTER—GATES—PRESENCE as SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE rather than UNIVERSITY—PRESIDENT would be equally fitting.
20061210             Given THE—SEVERITY—OF—THE—SITUATION —
20061210             † 30—USA—TROOPS, in IRAQ —DURING the 1. —WEEK of December — 1—SENATE—CONFIRMED—MISTER—GATES should —NOW be in charge.
20061210             There is literally not 1—MOMENT to lose.
20061210             Over the next —7—DAYS, he should undertake 1—DETAILED—FACT—FINDING mission to both IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN.
20061210             —LATER in December, he should confer with the military chiefs and the National Security Council principals in order to make informed recommendations to THE—PRESIDENT on 1—NEW—MILITARY—STRATEGY.
20061210             Most significantly, he should strongly recommend that THE—PRESIDENT—ACCEPT—THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP—JUDGMENT to end THE—USA—COMBAT mission in IRAQ within —15—MONTHS.
20061210             THE—PRESIDENT should be in 1—POSITION to announce this CHANGE—OF—COURSE as soon as possible.
20061210             PJ CROWLEY—AMERICANS Overwhelmingly Support Direct Talks With IRAN And Syria
20061210             1—OF—THE—CORE—RECOMMENDATIONS—OF—THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP was direct engagement with IRAN and Syria without preconditions.
20061210             —DISMISSED, PRESIDENT—BUSH—QUICKLY, the idea :
20061210             If people come to the table to discuss IRAQ they need to come understanding their responsibilities to not fund terrorists, to help this young democracy survive, to help with THE—ECONOMICS—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20061210             —COMMITTED, And if people are not, if Syria and IRAN is not committed to that concept, then they shouldn't bother to show up.
20061210             THE—USA—PEOPLE, however, overwhelmingly support direct talks with both countries.
20061210             —FROM 1—NEW—POLL BY—WORLDPUBLICOPINION_org :
20061210             Check out the whole WorldPublicOpinon_org POLL—HERE.
20061210             Foley scandal report could be released —TODAY. "Speculation was raised that
20061210             1—REPORT on the Foley scandal would be issued this afternoon,
20061210             but staffers for THE—COMMITTEE—ON—STANDARDS—OF—OFFICIAL—CONDUCT did not respond to rumors sweeping through Capitol Hill...1—SPOKESMAN for SPEAKER—ELECT NANCY Pelosi said THE—CALIFORNIA—DEMOCRAT would be disappointed if the investigation is unresolved —WHEN the House adjourns either —TODAY or tomorrow".
20061210             —CLAIMED, —YESTERDAY, TONY—SNOW, that THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP—REPORT contained "
20061210             no suggestions for DROP—DEAD—DATES or benchmarks " for THE—REDEPLOYMENT—OF—USA—FORCES.
20061210             —FILLED, —WHILE THE—ISG report is, with so MANY—CAVEATS that it's difficult to tell what it is actually saying, 1—IMPLICATION is clear: the Iraqis have —1—YEAR to take over military operations — or else.
20061210             In other words, yes, it's 1—TIMETABLE, Tony.
20061210             —ON page 72, the report calls for "all combat brigades not necessary for force protection to be out of IRAQ. At that time, USA combat forces in IRAQ could be deployed only in units embedded with IRAQ—FORCES".
20061210             Recommendation 42—OF—THE—REPORT says that we should "seek to complete the training and equipping mission by the 1. quarter of 20080000             ".
20061210             —BY indicating that "combat brigades" should be out of IRAQ by early 20080000             , the clear implication of THE—ISG report is that the Iraqis have 1—LITTLE—MORE than —1—YEAR to fully take over military operations.
20061210             —CAUSED, What has, confusion is that the report leaves open the possibility of "embedding" 1 unspecified NUMBER—OF—USA—TROOPS in IRAQ—UNITS—AFTER the 1. quarter of 20080000             .
20061210             This has led many to believe that the troop redeployments called for by THE—ISG report would be very limited.
20061210             But THE—EMBEDDING—OF—USA—TROOPS is conditional on the Iraqis having 1—CAPABLE fighting force.
20061210             —EMBED, You cannot, USA—FORCES unless there is 1—STABLE, disciplined + effective IRAQ—FIGHTING force.
20061210             As MICHAEL—GORDON
20061210             pointed out —TODAY, many in the military do not believe THE—IRAQ—MILITARY will be capable of supporting embedded forces in —1—YEAR.
20061210             But that is precisely the challenge that ISG is putting to the Iraqis.
20061210             —EMBEDDED, And if the Iraqis are unable to support, USA—TROOPS, the report states that THE—USA "carry out its plans, including planned redeployments,
20061210             even if IRAQ does not implement its planned changes.
20061210             " The implication, in other words, is that if Iraqis don't 'stand up,' we are all out of there in —14—MONTHS.
20061210             — MAX—BERGMANN—FRIST In Farewell Address: 'Let Us Not Allow...Destructive Partisanship On This Floor'
20061210             —TODAY, with VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY
20061210             presiding over the Senate chamber, BILL—FRIST delivered his farewell address, urging his colleagues not to be influenced by "destructive partisanship".
20061210             1—ODD—STATEMENT coming from Frist, who in his —4—YEARS as Majority Leader allowed 1—POLARIZING issue —AFTER another to divide the Senate and the nation.
20061210             ThinkProgress recounts SOME—OF—FRIST—PARTISAN ploys: Frist Pushed Gay Marriage Ban.
20061210             "Senate Majority Leader BILL—FRIST said —MONDAY he plans 1—VOTE—IN—EARLY—JUNE on 1—CONSTITUTIONAL
20061210             amendment banning SAME—SEX—MARRIAGE,
20061210             a move likely to fail but sure to spark a fiery ELECTION—YEAR debate".
20061210             Frist Pushed Flag Burning Amendment.
20061210             "Amending the Constitution TO—PROHIBIT flag burning
20061210             may be considered political posturing in the nation's capital, says Senate Majority Leader BILL—FRIST, but it's not pandering to THE—GOP—CONSERVATIVE—BASE to pursue such protection.
20061210             'It's important to the heart and SOUL—OF—THE—USA—PEOPLE,' said Frist".
20061210             Frist Lumped Minimum Wage Hike With Estate Tax Cut.
20061210             "The only opportunity —THIS—YEAR to increase the minimum wage and renew popular tax breaks will be
20061210             linked to 1—REDUCTION in the estate tax,
20061210             Senate Majority Leader BILL—FRIST, R—TENNESSEE, said —TUESDAY.
20061210             'It's —NOW or never,' Frist said".
20061210             Frist Bucked Bush On Immigration, Proposed ENFORCEMENT—ONLY—BILL.
20061210             secure THE—BORDERS—AND predicted Democrats would resist.
20061210             'Right —NOW I got 1—FEELING—THE—DEMOCRATS may obstruct it,' said Frist".
20061210             Frist Offered False Medical Diagnosis From Senate Office.
20061210             "BILL—FRIST (R—TENNESSEE), 1 renowned heart surgeon —BEFORE becoming Senate majority leader, went to the floor —LATE—THURSDAY—NIGHT for the 2. time in —12—HOURS to argue that FLORIDA doctors had erred in saying Terri Schiavo is in a 'persistent vegetative state.' 'I question it based on a
20061210             REVIEW—OF—THE—VIDEO—FOOTAGE
20061210             which I spent an —HOUR or so looking at last night in my office,' he said".
20061210             Frist Advocated Teaching Intelligent Design.
20061210             "Echoing similar comments from PRESIDENT—BUSH, Senate Majority Leader BILL—FRIST said
20061210             'intelligent DESIGN'—SHOULD be taught in public schools alongside evolution".
20061210             I think, as 1—CONSEQUENCE, we are moving toward 1—BODY that has too much of a —2—YEAR—VISION, governing for that next election, rather than 1—BODY with a —20—YEAR—VISION, governing for the future.
20061210             As we consider THE—FUTURE—OF—THE—INSTITUTION, I urge that we ask ourselves what it is that our forefathers envisioned.
20061210             Is —TODAY—REALITY what they foresaw?
20061210             I urge that we consider our work in this chamber.
20061210             What is it really all about? Is it about keeping the majority?
20061210             Is it about red states versus blue?
20061210             Is it about lobbing attacks, in SOME—WAY, across the aisle, back and forth?
20061210             Is it about war rooms, whose purpose is not to contrast ideas but to destroy?
20061210             Or is it more? [...]
20061210             I think we need to remember this VISION—OF—THE—SENATE: that the framers established the Senate to protect people from their rulers and as 1—CHECK on the House and on the passions of the electorate.
20061210             And let us not allow these passions of the electorate be reflected as destructive partisanship on this floor.
20061210             —ASKED, No questions.
20061210             - NICO—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP—MEMBER—LAWRENCE—EAGLEBURGER "said —AFTER the event that —WHEN the group met with Bush, 'I don't recall, seriously, that he asked ANY—QUESTIONS. '"
20061210             Among scientists,
20061210             there is no doubt humans are responsible for climate change.
20061210             1—OF—THE—FEW remaining doubters is SENATOR—JAMES—INHOFE (R—OK).
20061210             In his —LAST—WEEK as CHAIR—OF—THE—SENATE—ENVIRONMENT & Public Works Committee,
20061210             —AIMED, Inhofe said goodbye "with 1—FINAL hearing, at
20061210             spanking the press for its COVERAGE—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE ".
20061210             —CONCEIVED, Inhofe: "Poorly, policy decisions may result from the media's OVER—HYPED reporting.
20061210             —SUBVERTED, Much of the mainstream media has, its role as 1—OBJECTIVE—SOURCE—OF—INFORMATION on climate change into the role of 1—ADVOCATE.
20061210             Rather than focus on the hard science of global warming, the media has instead become advocates for hyping scientifically unfounded climate alarmism".
20061210             DAN—GAINOR, Director, Business & Media Institute:
20061210             "We're here to discuss the media COVERAGE—OF—THE—CLIMATE—CHANGE—DEBATE.
20061210             But there's only 1—PROBLEM, there is almost NONE—OF—THAT—DEBATE actually in the media.
20061210             This goes against the basic TENETS—OF—JOURNALISM to be skeptical of all sides of 1—ISSUE.
20061210             "There is 1—OVERWHELMING bias —TODAY in the media regarding the issue of global warming.
20061210             —BLOOMED, In the past —2—YEARS, this bias has, into 1—IRRATIONAL hysteria.
20061210             —MISINFORMED, As 1—RESULT, the public has become vastly, on this and other environmental issues".
20061210             The media watchdog FAIR explains why the concept of "fairness" applies differently to scientific issues than it does to political issues:
20061210             The professional canon of journalistic fairness requires reporters who write about 1—CONTROVERSY to present competing POINTS—OF—VIEW.
20061210             —WHEN the issue is of 1—POLITICAL or social nature, FAIRNESS—PRESENTING the most compelling arguments of both sides with equal WEIGHT—IS 1—FUNDAMENTAL—CHECK on biased reporting.
20061210             —APPLIED, But this canon causes problems —WHEN it is, to ISSUES—OF—SCIENCE.
20061210             It seems to demand that journalists present competing POINTS—OF—VIEW on 1—SCIENTIFIC—QUESTION as though they had equal scientific weight, —WHEN actually they do not.
20061210             —INSERTED, Journalists have long, doubt into their reporting on climate change.
20061210             1—FAIR—STUDY found that 19880000—20020000    —BETWEEN, "
20061210             53—PERCENT—OF—ARTICLES in the mainstream media " cast doubt on global warming science.
20061210             ISG Report: BUSH—ADMINISTRATION 'Significantly Underreporting THE—VIOLENCE—IN—IRAQ'
20061210             —BASHED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has consistently, the media for ignoring all the "good news"in IRAQ.
20061210             —RELEASED, But according to THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP (ISG) report
20061210             —YESTERDAY, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has actually been filtering out the bad news in IRAQ by underreporting violence "in order to suit THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—POLICY—GOALS".
20061210             —FROM pp.
20061210             94-5: In addition, there is significant UNDERREPORTING—OF—THE—VIOLENCE in IRAQ.
20061210             The standard for recording attacks acts as 1—FILTER to keep events OUT—OF—REPORTS and databases.
20061210             1—MURDER—OF—1—IRAQI is not necessarily counted as 1—ATTACK.
20061210             If we cannot determine the source of 1—SECTARIAN—ATTACK, that assault does not make it into the database.
20061210             1—ROADSIDE bomb or 1—ROCKET or mortar attack that doesn't hurt USA—PERSONNEL doesn't count.
20061210             For example, on —1—DAY—EX—DIKTATOR und Folterpapst Augusto Pinochet tot
20061210             —GESTORBEN, Der 91-Jährige sei im Kreise seiner Familie, teilte 1—ARZT—DES—MILITÄRSPITALS in SANTIAGO mit.
20061210             Vor einer —WOCHE hatte Pinochet einen Herzinfarkt erlitten und war ins Spital eingeliefert worden.
20061210             Nach Auskunft der Ärzte wurde er —AM—SONNTAG erneut auf die Intensivstation gebracht, wo er
20061210             14.15—UHR Ortszeit (18.15—UHR MEZ) starb.
20061210             —IN—DEN—TAGEN zuvor hatten die Ärzte seinen Zustand.
20061210             —REAGIERT, ISRAEL, gereizt auf Gates' Äußerungen zu Atomwaffen
20061210             ISRAEL hat gereizt auf Äußerungen des designierten USA—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERS ROBERT—GATES reagiert, denen zufolge der jüdische STAAT—ÜBER—ATOMBOMBEN verfügt.
20061210             "So was gab es noch nie", kommentierte ein ISRAELISCHER—EX—DIPLOMAT —AM—DONNERSTAG die Worte des künftigen Ministers.
20061210             Gates müsse sich noch mit dem Grundverständnis auseinander setzen, das zwischen den USA und seinem Lande herrsche.
20061210             Gates hatte —AM—DIENSTAG in seiner Senatsanhörung als Grund für das mögliche.
20061210             Uranpreis in der SENKRECHTEN—SFUX—AUS für die Atomkraftwerke?
20061210             5—WESENTLICHE Gründe haben zu einer Vervielfachung des Preises von Uran innerhalb kurzer Zeit geführt:
20061210             Gefährliche Urantransporte fahren immer wieder durch DEUTSCHLAND.
20061210             Um keine Aufmerksamkeit zu erregen werden die Transporte getarnt.
20061210             Aber die Sicherheit dieser Transporte ist dennoch mangelhaft.
20061210             Die Gefahren die solche Transporte implizieren, terroristische Anschläge und Raubüberfalle, sind unkalkulierbar.
20061210             Wie leicht ungenügend gesicherte Transporte von radioaktiven.
20061210             Last ACT—OF—CONGRESS—PRESERVES Internment Camps
20061210             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—SUSPICIOUS—RESTORATION in name of "historical interest" will raise FEARS—OF—LINK to Halliburton camps for
20061210             Poison plot spreads to GERMANY
20061210             The mystery surrounding the poisoning DEATH—OF—1—FORMER—RUSSIA—SPY has veered into GERMANY,
20061210             Police inquiry may end Diana murder theories
20061210             1—LONG—AWAITED—UK—POLICE—REPORT into PRINCESS—DIANA—DEATH due —THIS—WEEK could finally lay to rest conspiracy theories that she was murdered rather than that she † THE—VICTIM—OF—1—TRAGIC—ACCIDENT.
20061210             OHIO—STONEHENGE
20061210             —PRESERVED, Fort Ancient is largest, best, earthwork of its kind in AMERICA.
20061210             Its purpose is not known.
20061210             GCC members ponder nuclear project : Gulf Arab states have announced that they are considering 1 shared nuclear programme for peaceful purposes.
20061210             SOUTH—USA—LEADERS study unity:
20061210             —AGREED, SOUTH—USA—LEADERS have, to create 1—HIGH—LEVEL—COMMISSION to study the idea of forming 1—CONTINENT—WIDE—COMMUNITY—SIMILAR to THE—EUROPEAN—UNION
20061210             † CHILE—PINOCHET dead : EX—DICTATOR—AUGUSTO Pinochet, —TODAY —1—WEEK—AFTER suffering 1—HEART—ATTACK, CHILE—TELEVISION reported.
20061210             Pinochet death 'saddens' Thatcher : FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—BARONESS—THATCHER is "greatly saddened" by THE—DEATH—OF—AUGUSTO—PINOCHET, said 1—SPOKESMAN.
20061210             'Die AMERICA!' chants Afghan "mob" at USA—BASE :
20061210             —TRIED, More than 1,000 STONE—THROWING Afghans, to break down 1—OUTER—GATE at the main USA—BASE here —TUESDAY—WHILE demanding the release of 8 detained villagers +
20061210             —FIRED, AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS, warning shots + - used CLUBS—TO beat "the mob" - back.
20061210             —FIRED, USA—TROOPS also, into the air.
20061210             —FLOODED, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—FLAG—WAVING protesters, CENTRAL—BEIRUT overnight —AFTER 1—CALL by THE—HEZBOLLAH—LED opposition to step up their —10—DAY—CAMPAIGN to topple LEBANON—WESTERN—BACKED government.
20061210             IRAQ PRESIDENT—REJECTS—BAKER report : Jalal Talabani, IRAQ—PRESIDENT, has rejected recommendations by THE—USA—BIPARTISAN—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP, calling them dangerous and 1—INSULT to Iraqis.
20061210             Bush Aides Seek Alternatives to IRAQ Study GROUP—PROPOSALS, Calling Them Impractical : Administration officials say their preliminary review of the bipartisan IRAQ Study GROUP—RECOMMENDATIONS has concluded that MANY—OF—ITS—KEY—PROPOSALS are impractical or unrealistic + 1—SMALL—GROUP inside the National Security Council is —NOW racing to come up with alternatives to the panel's ideas.
20061210             CIA is undermining UK—WAR—EFFORT, say military chiefs:
20061210             Confidential report speaks of 'serious tensions' in the coalition over strategy in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN
20061210             Pulling Out Combat Troops Would Still Leave 77—PERCENT—OF—USA—FORCES in IRAQ -
20061210             Frontline combat troops in THE—15—BRIGADES carrying out THE—USA—FIGHT in IRAQ — which THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP says could be largely withdrawn in —JUST over —1—YEAR — represent about 23—PERCENT—OF—THE—140,000 military personnel committed to the overall war effort there.
20061210             CONTINUE—INDUSTRY 'paid top cancer expert' 1—TOP—SCIENTIST was paid by 1—CHEMICALS—FIRM—WHILE investigating cancer risks in chemical industry, it emerges.
20061210             UK patients' vCJD risk warning Experts say patients given blood contaminated with the human form of mad cow disease face substantial risk.
20061210             Pill 'alternative' to methadone 1—CHEAPER and safer treatment for heroin addicts is found to be as effective as methadone, according to 1—NEW—STUDY.
20061210             Ebola 'kills over 5,000 gorillas' The deadly Ebola virus may have killed more than 5,000 gorillas in CENTRAL—AFRICA, 1—STUDY finds.
20061210             CHILE—GEN—PINOCHET dies at 91—CHILE—FORMER—MILITARY—RULER—GENERAL—AUGUSTO—PINOCHET dies at the age of 91 - —1—WEEK—AFTER entering hospital in SANTIAGO to receive treatment for 1—HEART—ATTACK.
20061210             BEIRUT rally attracts huge crowd HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—LEBANON—TAKE part in 1—HEZBOLLAH—LED protest against THE—WEST—BACKED government.
20061210             IRAQ—LEADER criticises USA—REPORT IRAQ—PRESIDENT rejects a HIGH—LEVEL USA—REPORT calling for changes in USA—STRATEGY in IRAQ.
20061210             BANGLADESH—BANKER accepts Nobel BANGLADESH—MUHAMMAD—YUNUS and the Grameen Bank receive 20060000             —THE—NOBEL—PEACE—PRIZE.
20061210             LAT—AM leaders end 2. summit Latin USA—LEADERS wrap up 1—SUMMIT in BOLIVIA with 1—CALL for more regional initiatives and integration.
20061210             Thousands flee PHILIPPINES storm TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE in THE—PHILIPPINES are moved to emergency shelter to escape Typhoon Utor.
20061210             Gulf states consider nuclear plan Gulf states say they are considering 1 shared nuclear energy programme for peaceful purposes.
20061210             'Fat scan' shows up health risk 1—SCAN can reveal which people harbour dangerous levels of fat —AROUND their internal organs, work shows.
20061210             Spy widow points finger at RUSSIA THE—WIDOW—OF—ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO tells 1—NEWSPAPER—THE—RUSSIA—AUTHORITIES could have been behind his death.
20061210             † Tests 'prove' Diana driver drunk DNA tests indicate PRINCESS—DIANA—DRIVER was drunk the night she, a BBC documentary reveals.
20061210             Kurds condemn IRAQ report IRAQ—KURDISH—LEADER criticises 1—REPORT by THE—USA—IRAQ—SURVEY—GROUP, branding it "unrealistic and inappropriate".
20061210             Council given new draft over IRAN FRANCE, GERMANY and THE—UK—REVISE 1—DRAFT—UN—RESOLUTION outlining SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN over its nuclear activities.
20061210             USA—HOUSE—BACKS—VIETNAM trade THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES approves 1—BILL normalising trade relations with VIETNAM for the 1. time.
20061210             Manhunt recaptures ISRAEL rapist ISRAEL—BIGGEST—EVER manhunt captures 1—SERIAL rapist who escaped police custody —2—WEEKS—AGO.
20061210             SUDAN—LEADER lashes out at UN SUDAN—PRESIDENT—ACCUSES—THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY—OF supporting rebel groups in Darfur.
20061210             Bush pledges joint effort on IRAQ PRESIDENT—BUSH says he will work with congressional leaders to find 1—WAY—FORWARD for THE—USA—IN—IRAQ.
20061210             —SUSPENDED, FIJI, from Commonwealth FIJI—MEMBERSHIP—OF—THE—COMMONWEALTH is suspended days —AFTER the military seized power in 1—COUP.
20061210             —BRACED, AUSTRALIA—STATE, for fires Firefighters in THE—AUSTRALIA—STATE—OF—VICTORIA tackle wildfires, amid forecasts of high winds and soaring heat.
20061210             God KING pays tax for 1. time GYANENDRA—KING—OF—NEPAL is forced to pay tax for the 1. time in THE—HISTORY—OF—THE—MONARCHY.
20061210             UK firms 'exploiting BANGLADESH' BANGLADESH—WORKERS making clothes for major UK stores are being paid 1—PITTANCE, 1—REPORT says.
20061210             Aspirin 'blocks prostate problem' Aspirin + other similar painkillers, may prevent or delay enlargement of the prostate, research suggests.
20061210             Birth rate 'harms poverty goals' A—UK—PARLIAMENTARY group concludes population growth threatens THE—UN—MILLENNIUM—DEVELOPMENT—GOALS.
20061210             Malaria 'speeds SPREAD—OF—AIDS' Scientists working in KENYA believe that malaria is helping THE—SPREAD—OF—AIDS across AFRICA—AND vice versa.
20061210             PHILIPPINES delays Asean talks 1—MEETING—OF—ASIA—LEADERS in THE—PHILIPPINES is postponed because of 1—COMING tropical storm, officials say.
20061210             —ARRESTED, USA—MAN, in 'grenade plot' 1—MAN is arrested in ILLINOIS —AFTER police say he attempted to obtain grenades to explode at 1—SHOPPING centre.
20061210             RUSSIA—YOUTHS 'hound UK envoy' BRITAIN complains to RUSSIA about HARASSMENT—OF—THE—UK—AMBASSADOR by 1—PRO—PUTIN youth group.
20061210             DIESEL—READY to Clean Up Fuel refiners and distributors comply with the law and make ultra low sulfur diesel readily available at the pump.
20061210             According to THE—EPA, about 85—PERCENT—OF—HIGHWAY diesel filling stations offer ULSD.
20061210             AUTOPIA.
20061210             New Rubber Lets Sweat Out Scientists develop 1—LIGHT, breathable material for hazmat suits that keeps toxins out —WHILE letting water vapor escape.
20061210             This could be the new GORE—TEXAS By CYRUS—FARIVAR.
20061210             Square ROOT—OF—TERRORISM Is...
20061210             Formula for disaster? THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY busts out the math to assess risks.
20061210             In 27B Stroke 6.
20061210             Yeast Raises Ethanol Output Researchers at MIT say 1—GENETICALLY modified yeast can increase ethanol production by 50 %.
20061210             Debating Traveler Terror Ratings 2—PROMINENT—LAWMAKERS—CALL 1—CONTROVERSIAL—PROGRAM that assigns risk scores to INTERNATIONAL travelers secret + unlawful.
20061210             —TALKED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION disagrees, saying it's, about the program repeatedly.
20061210             MOON—BASE—PLAN—MASKS—CUTS at NASA 1—NIFTY moon colony sounds so very exotic.
20061210             But the dreamy mission comes at 1—TERRIBLE—PRICE: slashing funding for Earth science.
20061210             —BEYOND, the Beyond.
20061210             SENATOR: Illegal images must be reported JOHN—MCCAIN proposes law to force Web sites to report unlawful activity and delete posts by sex offenders.
20061210             InGaAs is the new silicon MIT is working with 1—NEW transistor material called indium gallium arsenide, or InGaAs, it hopes will outpace the speed of silicon.
20061210             Market Research Company Secretly Installs Spyware - - Zonk 32 - - "Forbes reports that
20061210             2—SECURITY—EXPERTS are raising new questions about comScore, claiming that company's tracking software is being installed without consent on 1—UNKNOWN—NUMBER—OF—COMPUTERS.
20061210             THE—WIDELY—USED online research company takes SCREENSHOTS—OF—EVERY—WEB—PAGE viewed by its 1—MILLION—PARTICIPANTS, even transactions completed in secure sessions, like shopping or online checking.
20061210             ComScore then aggregates the information into market analysis for its clients, which include such large companies as Ford Motor, Microsoft and THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES Co."  "'[The] software is sneaking onto users' computers without the user agreeing to receive it,' says Harvard UNIVERSITY—RESEARCHER—BEN—EDELMAN, who documented at least 10 unauthorized comScore downloads.
20061210             ERIC—HOWES, DIRECTOR—OF—MALWARE research at antivirus company Sunbelt Software + his researchers separately observed hundreds of unauthorized comScore downloads in a —3—MONTH—PERIOD this fall".
20061210             WORD—OF—THE—YEAR - "Truthiness"
20061210             "STEPHEN—COLBERT calls it 'truth that comes from the gut, not books.' MERRIAM—WEBSTER calls it their 20060000             WORD—OF—THE—YEAR.
20061210             —INTRODUCED, The word, 1., [Windows media] on 'THE—WORD' SEGMENT—OF—THE—COLBERT—REPORT, won by a 5—TO—1—MARGIN.
20061210             In spite of COLBERT—IRONIC dismissal of dictionaries and other reference books, will Colbert's coined word actually be added to those books?
20061210             With media outlets like CNN and MISS—NBC covering it, the idea may very well have truthiness".
20061210             —HANDED, Arson Science REWRITTEN—ZONK 108 - 1—ANONYMOUS—READER, us 1—LINK to 1—AP story about advances in the science of arson investigation.
20061210             MANY—ASSUMPTIONS about fire, long held by investigators, have been overturned in recent years as scientists have come to understand concepts like 'flashover'.
20061210             The repercussions of these findings is having 1—EFFECT not unlike the use of DNA in CRIME—SOLVING;
20061210             people are being set free + old cases are being RE—EXAMINED.
20061210             USA Refuses to Hand Over Fighter Source Code to UK
20061210             "THE—UK is heavily involved in THE—JSF (Joint Strike Fighter program) but has —RECENTLY considered abandoning the project because THE—USA—REFUSES to share the source code. THE—UK had intended to purchase $120—BILLION dollars WORTH—OF—AIRCRAFT to operate on 2—NEW—AIRCRAFT—CARRIERS, but is —NOW seriously considering Plan 'B'. This is likely to be further investments in the Eurofighter Typhoon project".
20061210             "It appeared that TONY—BLAIR and GEORGE—BUSH had solved the impasse in May, —WHEN they announced 1—AGREEMENT in principle that THE—UK would be given access to the classified details on conditions of strict secrecy. The news was widely seen as evidence that THE—PRIME—MINISTER—CLOSE—ALLIANCE with THE—USA—PRESIDENT did have benefits for BRITAIN... 'If THE—UK does not obtain the assurances it needs from THE—USA—THEN it should not sign the Memorandum of Understanding covering production, sustainment and FOLLOW—ON development,' the MPs insisted".
20061210             "Welcome to Jesusland": Formerly Known as THE—USA—MAKES for Great Holiday READING.
20061210             Newspapers That Once Called Upon Clinton To Resign Are Silent On Bush
20061210             Death claims dictator Pinochet at 91. His only escape for war crimes was death.
20061210             Pelosi is promising that the new Democratic era will get off to 1—QUICK—START with votes to raise THE—FEDERAL—MINIMUM—WAGE
20061210             for the 1. time in —1—DECADE, enact lobbying and ethics reform + lower Medicare prescription drug costs
20061210             USA—WEAPONS—BROUGHT With Our Money End Up in THE—HANDS—OF—THE—INSURGENTS.
20061210             Another Colossal Bush evik Disaster.
20061210             Freezer cash Dem holds on in LOUISIANA runoff 12/11
20061210             Kos is wrong on impeachment Dems and other progressives have begun sniping at EACH—OTHER over THE—ISSUE—OF—IMPEACHMENT.
20061210             Kos has come out against the idea.
20061210             I expected as much: In his wisdom, he also POOH—POOHED the notion of computerized vote fraud -- —UNTIL the evidence and 1—MASS—MOVEMENT (in which he played no role) made the issue inescapable.
20061210             So what is more important, proving that we can govern and making the case for future Democratic majorities?
20061210             It really is —JUST 1 or the other.
20061210             It's 1—EASY—CALL. You bet it is.
20061210             Democrats can never and will never be able to govern effectively as long as the right controls this country.
20061210             I do not mean Congressional control or even executive branch control -- I mean thought control.
20061210             CONTROL—OF—THE—DEBATE.
20061210             Control of the underlying political assumptions that most people carry with them.
20061210             Can't we come up with something stronger than impeachment?
20061210             They can't get off that easily! #—POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS : 1:09 AM (add this slap in the face)
20061210             —FROM the direction of the Hague and THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT, are they calling THE—NAME—OF—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH and his neocon warmonger friends?
20061210             THE—KELLOGG—BRIAND Pact (also known as THE—PARIS—PEACE—PACT) formally renounced war as 1—INSTRUMENT—OF—NATIONAL—POLICY and its violation by THE—GERMANY—NAZIS was 1—OF—THE—4—MAIN—CHARGES in their indictment at Nuremberg, to wit, "crimes against peace (planning, preparation, initiation, or waging of 1—WAR—OF—AGGRESSION, or 1—WAR in violation of INTERNATIONAL treaties, agreements, or assurances, or participation in 1—COMMON—PLAN or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the forgoing".).
20061210             THE—USA is 1—PARTY to THE—KELLOGG—BRIAND Pact, the terms of which remain in force to this —DAY and which remains A—USA—LAW.
20061210             THE—USA is also 1—PARTY to THE—UNITED—NATIONS Charter of 19450000             , which also renounces war unless for REASONS—OF—SELF defense and is also USA—LAW as 1 ratified TREATY—OF—THE—USA.
20061210             —FROM this —NOW abandoned and desolate parade and rally stand in Nuremberg, Nazi leaders proclaimed —BEFORE HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS their rejection of INTERNATIONAL treaties to which GERMANY was 1—SIGNATORY.
20061210             Leading NEO—CON politicians and political operatives (who are linked to Nazi ideology via the close links between NEO—CON ideologist LEO—STRAUSS and CHIEF—NAZI philosopher MARTIN—HEIDEGGER) did no less than their Nazi forbearers in conspiring to wage WARS—OF—AGGRESSION in violation of INTERNATIONAL law.
20061210             NEO—CONSERVATIVE—POLITICAL—OPERATIVES who are —NOW trying to distance themselves from the illegal war against IRAQ should take notice of THE—KELLOGG—BRIAND Pact clause referring to those who participate in "conspiracy" to wage 1—WAR—OF—AGGRESSION.
20061210             They can run to their villas in THE—SOUTH—OF—FRANCE, apartments in Tel Aviv, ranches in PARAGUAY, or flats in ROME, but they cannot escape ultimate accountability for their participation in 1—CRIMINAL—CONSPIRACY—OF—GLOBAL—PROPORTIONS that has resulted in the deaths of over 630,000 innocent IRAQ—CIVILIANS, 3,000—USA—MILITARY—PERSONNEL + HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS of maimed and permanently disabled men, women + children from military action and torture in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN.
20061210             —AFTER becoming 1—PARTY to THE—ICC, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT must bring the full WEIGHT—OF—THE—USA—LAW—ENFORCEMENT and the intelligence community, including provisions of the Patriot Act, to bear on these NEO—CON political conspirators, regardless of where they live or their age, gender, religion, nationality, or ethnicity.
20061210             If these individuals do not turn themselves into INTERNATIONAL legal authorities voluntarily, they should be forcibly apprehended, detained + transported to THE—HAGUE or ANY—OTHER venue deemed necessary by THE—ICC to face justice —BEFORE 1—INTERNATIONAL—WAR—CRIMES—TRIBUNAL.
20061210             Allies of the illegal USA—WAR against IRAQ should also heed THE—KELLOGG—BRIAND provision that makes participation in a "common plan" to wage 1—WAR—OF—AGGRESSION 1—WAR crime.
20061210             Political and military leaders of BRITAIN, DENMARK, AUSTRALIA, JAPAN, SOUTH—KOREA, ITALY, ISRAEL, SPAIN, EL—SALVADOR, HONDURAS, DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC, POLAND, GEORGIA, AZERBAIJAN, ALBANIA, CZECH—REPUBLIC, ROMANIA, BULGARIA, ESTONIA, LITHUANIA, LATVIA, RWANDA, THAILAND + other members of the original SO—CALLED "Coalition of the Willing" who sent armed forces and irregular paramilitaries to IRAQ to assist the illegal USA—WAR—OF—AGGRESSION are —NOW subject to prosecution by THE—ICC as their nations are subject to THE—ICC and/or THE—UN—CHARTER (and many, as well, are signatories to THE—KELLOGG—BRIAND—PACT).
20061210             POWELL—BOOKS—OATH Betrayed: Torture, Medical Complicity +...
20061210             Miles describes THE—WORK—OF—THE—BEHAVIORAL—SCIENCE—CONSULTATION—TEAMS - (known as BSCTs, or ' biscuits ')
20061210             active IN—IRAQ + - GUANTANAMO : GROUPS—OF—PSYCHIATRISTS... - til 1—TIS 1—TWAS 1 a's 1.
20061210             mysociety: CHECK—IN [6980]... 4 + DEUKMEJIAN—4 + DEUPREE 2 + DEUSCHLE 2 + DEUSER 2 + DEUSS 1 + DEUTCH...
20061210             2 + KHARG 1 + KHARTOUM 2 + KHASBULATOV 4 + KHASBULATOV—4 + KHASHOGGI 3 +...
20061210             cause course em end inner quote end quote... deuel deukmejian deukmejian's deupree deuschle deuser deuss deutch deuterium...
20061210             Final LIST—OF—PARTICIPANTS
20061210             MINISTRY—OF—COMMUNICATIONS and Information...
20061210             MISTER—KATARIN—DEUSS, Representative, WEMF, -...
20061210             Tremont (BERMUDA), 4—PARK Street, HAMILTON.
20061210             Believed to be owned or controlled or both by ADNAN—KHASHOGGI, 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—ARMS—BERMUDA—ONLINE_org/intcoys.htm
20061210             Le Cercle and the struggle for the European CONTINENT—DARK—TRUTH
20061210             He did this with controversial partners as JOHN—DEUSS + TED—SHACKLEY,
20061210             forces training + equipment for LIBYA has been negotiated by ADNAN—KHASHOGGI...
20061210             ÐÏ à¡± á > þÿ Z \ þÿÿ? U V W X Y.
20061210             —VERKEERT, En verder, hij vaak in gezelschap VAN ADNAN—KHASHOGGI en allerlei...
20061210             Alle discussies tot nu toe onderwerp:
20061210             ( 0.—36—SECONDS) - Scoop: UQ Wire: PORTER—GOSS—RESIGNATION—SOLVED
20061210             —CHARGED, —LAST—MONTH the Securities and Exchange Commission, Khashoggi + Ramy Al... And with the media having reduced Deuss to 1—BALANCE—SHEET over the...
20061210             Scoop: Clandestine Op. Paid For "Vote Switching" Software
20061210             Francisco: Institute for THE—STUDY—OF—LABOR and Economic Crisis, published twice...
20061210             forum.ontem_org > Verificar TÓPICO—CULTURA celta... 1—MÃE—DEUSA protetora da mulher e do nascimento das crianças;... Registo:
20061210             ROCHESTER oddd_org Der Landesteil ENGLAND ist in EUROPA das Land mit der ältesten...
20061210             Das Vereinigte Königreich hat die höchsten Rüstungsausgaben in EUROPA + ist dessen...
20061210             The deputy and THE—HOLLAND—TYCOON—MESSAGE—BOARD—EZBOARD_com
20061210             This put Nkuhlu in the ambiguous position of being in DEUSS—EMPLOY...
20061210             —BASED, Postman Patel: VAT scams used BERMUDA, Transworld Payment...
20061210             —RENTED, BCB, premises in SIR—JOHN—SWAN—WONDERFUL, shiny BERMUDA Commercial...
20061210             SA was then under 1—GLOBAL—OIL—EMBARGO that DEUSS—TRANSWORLD—OIL cheerfully...
20061210             Scoop: Suzan Mazur: JOHN—DEUSS—THE—MANHATTAN projects
20061210             IT'S been 1—WHILE —SINCE I've had 1—CONVERSATION with BERMUDA—BASED oil maverick JOHN—DEUSS.
20061210             Royal Gazette Home sweet home: JOHN—DEUSS—CASTLE in Berg en Dal, THE—NETHERLANDS.
20061210             —TRANSFERRED, THE—FORMER—CHAIRMAN—OF—BERMUDA—COMMERCIAL—BANK was, into their custody...
20061210             'Carousel' bank's founder due in court
20061210             So to better understand the significance of the
20061210             —DECIDED, Deuss /Curtis connection, I, to revisit my own archives.
20061210             Pondblog This is 1—ODD—LITTLE sidebar to THE—STORY—OF—JOHN—DEUSS—ARREST on suspicion of being involved...
20061210             Tycoon held in carousel fraud investigation | Special reports...
20061210             —DETAINED, JOHN—DEUSS, a —64—YEAR—OLD—HOLLAND—OIL—TRADER + banker, was, by police on BERMUDA —AFTER his disappearance from his luxury home on THE—ISLAND...
20061210             Banker to face court over carousel fraud |
20061210             Special REPORTS—JOHN—DEUSS is due to appear in THE—NETHERLANDS, where he is accused by HOLLAND—PROSECUTORS...
20061210             SUCHERGEBNISSE—DENN "Demokratie heißt —ENTSCHEIDUNG durch die Betroffenen " - meint der...
20061210             — In FAVOR—OF—ESCALATION: "I would [tell PRESIDENT—BUSH ] in terms of broad strategy, we are clearly at 1—CROSSROADS...and, honestly, I'd rather win than control the narrative at the moment....[To 'win'], I suspect we're probably talking about 20,000 or 30,000, something along those lines, 1—MUCH more substantial KIND—OF—INCREASE".
20061210             [MTP,
20061210             — Critical of ISG Report: Gave THE—ISG report an "F" and SAID—OF—THE—REPORT, "I think it is wholly inadequate. It's 1—COVER—STORY to accept defeat".
20061210             [ABC, 20061211             ]
20061210             — In FAVOR—OF—ESCALATION: "Keane is 1—OF—MORE than 150—EXPERTS the study group has interviewed + he recommends that 40,000—ADDITIONAL—USA—TROOPS be sent to secure BAGHDAD".
20061210             [ABC News, Similarly, on 20061211             —THE edition of 's THE—SITUATION—ROOM, Smith told host WOLF—BLITZER that he had changed his mind because he had believed that the war was about "taking out 1—TYRANT and 1—TERRORIST and ridding HIM—OF—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION and establishing democracy" but had —NOW turned THE—USA—INTO "street cops in 1—SECTARIAN—CIVIL—WAR".
20061210             Asked w... Source:
20061210             But in THE—230—YEAR—HISTORY—OF—THIS nation,
20061210             no 2—FAMILIES have ascended to THE—APEX—OF—USA—POLITICS—LIKE THE—BUSH es and KENNEDYS—OF—TODAY.
20061210             What makes MEDIA—INDUCED fear so destructive? What makes us so susceptible?
20061210             JIMMY—CARTER on: ISRAEL—APARTHEID, Colonisation...-
20061210             BG - + Ethnic Cleansing of the Palestinians
20061210             PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER (19770000             —1981) -... to ISRAEL—COLONISATION—OF—PALESTINE.
20061210             Example: ISRAEL "must refrain...from colonizing THE—WEST—BANK
20061210             has written 1—COURAGEOUS... Source: Advertise your Podcast on Google Base?-
20061210             BG—GOOGLE Base Becoming 1—STEALTH—PODCAST—SEARCH—ENGINE?
20061210             HERE—MY—ENTRY: MICHAEL—BERGER talks about 911—TRUTH
20061210             BG—IT—BEEN —1—MONTH—SINCE the Democratic tsunami of
20061210             — SECRET talks in which senior USA—OFFICIALS came FACE—TO—FACE with SOME—OF—THEIR most bitter enemies in THE—IRAQ—INSURGENCY broke down —AFTER—2—MONTHS—OF—MEETINGS,
20061210             rebel commanders have disclosed.
20061210             — The meetings, hosted by Iyad Allawi... Source: Times of LONDON Link:
20061210             — 1—PHOENIX imam who was 1—OF 6—MUSLIM men removed from 1—USA—AIRWAYS flight... Source:
20061210             Carter makes 1—COMPELLING case that if ISRAEL does not change its policies + continues to rule the Palestinians as it does,
20061210             then the system they are using to control and segregate the Palestinians is in fact defacto Apartheid.
20061210             But it is 1—NEGATIVE, haphazard coverage that is more intellectually dishonest than the worst alleged "errors" that Stein and Ross claim are in CATER—BOOK
20061210             If you thought impeaching BUSH was 1—DEAD—ISSUE,
20061210             think again Videos Watch the Political Grapevine
20061210             Headlines: 1. ISRAEL—AGREES to Reopen MOUNT—ZION—TALKS with VATICAN—BG—THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP—CHICKENS out.
20061210             Postman Patel: GENERAL—JACKSON gets the thumbs finger up-
20061210             —ACTED, GENERAL should have, on his concerns —BEFORE he retired
20061210             led protesters gathered in downtown BEIRUT —ON—SUNDAY, demanding PRIME—MINISTER—FUAD—SANIORA cede SOME—POWER to the opposition or step down
20061210             —TODAY became the 1. USA Congresswoman to introduce ARTICLES—OF—IMPEACHMENT against PRESIDENT—BUSH ,
20061210             Truth about Pearl Harbor-
20061210             —ON FOX—NEWS, white people have unlimited rights and people of color have rights only to the extent they don't interfere with THOSE—OF—WHITE—PEOPLE,
20061210             which means, they don't really have any at all. That's fair, isn't it?
20061210             —CLAIMED, McAlpin, the legal action was unfair be... Source:
20061210             How come it took him so long to figure this out?:
20061210             —VOTED, OREGON SENATOR—GORDON—SMITH, 1—REPUBLICAN who, in favor of THE—IRAQ war
20061210             The very process of getting those subpoenas out there, getting witnesses out there,
20061210             getting this evidence that we already have in the public record, into 1—HEARING format, is essential.
20061210             The more we can illuminate the truth, the more people are going to understand
20061210             we have to have these hearings in Congress. That is what I'm advocating.
20061210             3—BIDDERS seen for Raytheon aircraft unit-
20061210             Tammy Bruce: Euro Leftists Heart the Democrat Party-
20061210             1—ANSWER is that UNDER—THE—TABLE—DEALS are by their nature surreptitious + whether you're paying 1 undocumented immigrant to rake your lawn,
20061210             underreporting the money your restaurant made on 1—SATURDAY night,
20061210             or dealing crack in 1—SCHOOLYARD, you're not likely to expound on those activities to 1—ACADEMIC (much less 1—IRS investigator).
20061210             In their BEST—SELLER—FREAKONOMICS,
20061210             STEVEN—LEVITT and STEPHEN—DUBNER tell the story of 1—GRAD student,
20061210             The typical response to questions like, "How do you feel about being poor and black?
20061210             was so contemptuous that Venkatesh wondered whether, in addition to the multiple choice answers ranging from a) Very Bad to e) Very Good,
20061210             he should perhaps have appended f) for Fuck You.
20061210             To continue READING, click here. but crucial.
20061210             BUSH, standing side by side with his staunchest ally in THE—IRAQ war,
20061210             PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR—OF—BRITAIN, said THE—2—COUNTRIES must stand firm in the face of rising extremism in THE—MIDDLE—EAST,
20061210             which he called an "unprecedented threat to civilization".
20061210             BUSH used the word "prevail" 11—TIMES in THE—HOUR—LONG—WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—CONFERENCE in his 1. expansive remarks —SINCE THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP offered 1—DEVASTATING assessment —WEDNESDAY—OF—USA—POLICY in IRAQ.
20061210             But I also want THE—USA—PEOPLE to understand that if we w... Source:
20061210             REPRESENTATIVE—DENNIS—KUCINICH (D—OHIO) criticizes the leadership of his own party for announcing —TUESDAY that it would support 1—MASSIVE—INCREASE in spending for THE—IRAQ war.
20061210             People believing in this lie are very subject to being set against EACH—OTHER,
20061210             to being susceptible to the argument: "LET—YOU and him fight".
20061210             Excerpt: On ;;12;; 10. MANY—AMERICANS will participate in Impeachment —DAY,
20061210             with events taking place across the country to discuss the causes for impeachment and plan further action.
20061210             Those causes include the War in IRAQ, lying to get us into that war,
20061210             using terrorism to start 1—WAR that enriched those closely connected to THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION,
20061210             including RICHARD—CHENEY, violating the Constitution, attempting to alter the Constitution,
20061210             which sets forth the inherent rights of Americans, using the political process to 1. covertly engage in torture and then to cover it up.
20061210             But —SINCE his target was the Edgerton WOMEN—HEALTH—CENTER, rather than,
20061210             say, 1—BANK or 1—POLICE—STATION, media have not called this terrorism -
20061210             THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP: Official damage control and COVER—UP-
20061210             —BY—LARRY—CHIN, Global Research Excerpt:
20061210             1—SOBERING look at paramilitary police raids in THE—USA
20061210             —TITLED, THE—CATO—INSTITUTE has 1—INTERACTIVE "raidmap" up, "Botched Paramilitary Police Raids:
20061210             1—EPIDEMIC—OF 'Isolated Incidents'". - - Based on 1—GOOGLE maps frame,
20061210             it dots the country with markers for various incidents where paramilitary units have killed innocent people,
20061210             raided innocent subjects, or were involved in various other excesses.
20061210             —BY—GLENN—GREENWALD, Unclaimed Territory
20061210             Excerpt: —WHILE it is NICE that Democrats, rather than BUSH—LOYAL—REPUBLICANS,
20061210             —NOW control Congress, the people who occupy THE—WHITE—HOUSE don't think that matters because they believe -- literally -- that Congress has no power to restrain what they do.
20061210             What does BUSH Co do about success?
20061210             —UNCOVERED, He had —JUST, indications that 1—MAJOR—OIL—COMPANY was cheating, costing taxpayers millions more.
20061210             BUSH, World success cannot be tolerated
20061210             —ELECTED, Last —SATURDAY the newly, House majority leader, Steny Hoyer,
20061210             suggested that the Americans would pull out because the Iraqis were too disorganized and SELF—OBSESSED.
20061210             It is absurd to suggest that the Iraqis -- who have been invaded,
20061210             whose country is currently occupied, who have had their police and army disbanded and their entire civil service fired -- could possibly be in 1—POSITION to take responsibility for their future and are simply not doing so.
20061210             It is impossible to say with certainty how BUSH will be ranked in, say, 20500000             .
20061210             But somehow, in his 1. —6—YEARS in office he has managed to combine THE—LAPSES—OF—LEADERSHIP,
20061210             misguided policies and ABUSE—OF—POWER—OF his failed predecessors.
20061210             Excerpt: ROBERT—GATES, PRESIDENT—BUSH—NOMINEE to lead the Pentagon,
20061210             advocated 1—BOMBING campaign against NICARAGUA
20061210             Permanent Bases and Temporary Presidents | LET—TRY—DEMOCRACY
20061210             BG—DID you notice something about THE—BAKER—HAMILTON IRAQ Study Group Report?
20061210             It doesn't take long to see that THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP—REPORT, released —ON—WEDNESDAY by 1—BIPARTISAN band of old WASHINGTON sages,
20061210             reads like 1—POOR—NEWSPAPER—EDITORIAL.
20061210             Truffled with hopeful "shoulds and "musts",
20061210             redolent with high Establishment piousness, it sets ambitious aims, but offers relatively few practicable means to implement them.
20061210             REPRESENTATIVE—WILLIAM—JEFFERSON (D—LA) easily won reelection-
20061210             NICO—IN —YESTERDAY—RUN—OFF against a fellow Democrat,
20061210             " despite 1—ONGOING FEDERAL—BRIBERY investigation,
20061210             "In complete but unofficial returns, Jefferson, LOUISIANA—1. black congressman —SINCE Reconstruction,
20061210             received 57—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE over STATE—REPRESENTATIVE—KAREN—CARTER, who had 43 %".
20061210             —AFTER enduring YEARS—OF—POSTURING on IRAQ by FOX—BRIT—HUME and the National REVIEW—BILL—KRISTOL on THE—FOX—NEWS—SUNDAY roundtable,
20061210             —REACHED, Jaun Williams, his limit.
20061210             This —MORNING, Williams said, "Sometimes I —JUST want to scream.
20061210             You guys have been going on —SINCE this thing began".
20061210             What do you imagine, 1—USA—ADMINISTRATION is coming in, Republican or Democrat,
20061210             —AFTER PRESIDENT—BUSH that's —JUST going to lay down and run away like scared little —
20061210             —ON the Senate floor —THURSDAY night, SENATOR—GORDON—SMITH (R—OR) said BUSH—IRAQ policy "may even be criminal.
20061210             " This —MORNING on ABC—THIS—WEEK, Smith elaborated on his CRITICISM—OF—BUSH, calling his IRAQ policy a "dereliction" and "deeply immoral". Smith said the death of 10—SOLDIERS—ON—WEDNESDAY made him go from "steamed to boiled" about BUSH 's failed policies.
20061210             Watch it: Bush _s_Iraq_Policy_Deeply_Immoral">Digg It!
20061210             let's win.
20061210             —BELIEVED, But I have long, in 1—MILITARY—CONTEXT,
20061210             —WHEN you do the same thing over and over again, without 1—CLEAR—STRATEGY for victory,
20061210             at the expense of your young people in arms, that is dereliction.
20061210             but with 1—UNUSUAL—TWIST.
20061210             Brownback said that the administration should "park" VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY in the region,
20061210             leading the diplomatic effort.
20061210             Of course, Cheney has been 1—OF—THE—PRIMARY—FORCES within the administration resisting direct engagement with IRAN and Syria.
20061210             It's shuttle diplomacy going back and forth between the countries that will receive us,
20061210             really pushing on them to stop funding things into IRAQ and start working with us,
20061210             because they don't need 1—CIVIL—WAR in that region either +
20061210             62%.- - JUDD—PERCENTAGE—OF—AMERICANS who "want THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to 20060901             —TIMETABLE for withdrawal
20061210             "Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD has arrived in IRAQ on 1—SURPRISE—TRIP
20061210             85 % :- - THE—KAISER—FAMILY—FOUNDATION—POLL found "substantial majorities
20061210             of Democrats (92%), Independents (85%) + Republicans (74%)" support such negotiations.
20061210             BUSH began his talk by comparing himself to PRESIDENT—HARRY S Truman,
20061210             who launched THE—TRUMAN—DOCTRINE to fight communism, got bogged down in the Korean War and left office unpopular.
20061210             —REALIZED, BUSH said that "in years to come they, he was right and then his doctrine became the standard for AMERICA," recalled Senate Majority WHIP—ELECT RICHARD—DURBIN,
20061210             D—ILLINOIS "HE—TRYING to position himself in history and to justify those who continue to stand by him,
20061210             saying sometimes if you're right you're unpopular + be prepared for criticism".
20061210             —REACTED, BUSH, Durbin said, " very strongly. He got very animated in his response" and emphasized that he is "THE—COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF".
20061210             (Via WASHINGTON Monthly)
20061210             "Republicans dumped 1 unfinished budget on the Democrats about to take power,
20061210             with the Senate barely meeting 1—MIDNIGHT deadline to pass 1—STOPGAP spending bill
20061210             —SIGNED, BUSH quickly, THE—BILL—ON—SATURDAY.
20061210             The failure to pass budget bills for domestic agencies, said Rep.
20061210             —AMOUNTED, DAVID—OBEY, D—WISCONSIN, to 'a blatant admission of abject failure by the most useless Congress in modern times.'"
20061210             WORD—OF—THE—YEAR:- - (Leave your WORD—OF—THE—YEAR in the comments section.)
20061210             30%.- - JUDD—BUSH—APPROVAL rating, according to 1—NEW—ZOGBY poll, 1—ALL—TIME low.
20061210             At 1—PENTAGON townhall meeting —TODAY, outgoing SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—DONALD—RUMSFELD said he began READING books about THE—USA—CIVIL—WAR,
20061210             but "turned away from that" because he "there were so MANY—PEOPLE killed and wounded + they were all Americans".
20061210             Rumsfeld appears to be in denial about civil wars, refusing to read books on THE—USA—HISTORY and failing to recognize there is 1—GOING on currently in IRAQ.
20061210             I found the struggle going on — gosh, those years,
20061210             there were so MANY—PEOPLE killed and wounded + they were all Americans, except for the foreign fighters who came over from GERMANY and POLAND and elsewhere.
20061210             In the coming days, Congress will likely pass a "tax extenders" bill to "renew popular expired tax breaks,
20061210             CLOSED—DOOR, negotiations,
20061210             —ADDED, Congress " 1—TAX—BREAK benefiting HIGH—INCOME taxpayers that was never passed by either the full House or Senate".
20061210             The measure would increase the amount that individuals could contribute to Health Savings Accounts (HSAs),
20061210             "thereby allowing those who could make these additional contributions to shelter even more of their income from taxation.
20061210             THE—GOVERNMENT—ACCOUNTABILITY—OFFICE found "that the average income of HSA users was $133,000
20061210             According to 1—GAO study, the "average HSA contribution made by participants with incomes exceeding $200,000 was more than double
20061210             "THE—HOUSE—ETHICS—COMMITTEE has concluded that Republican leaders did not break ANY—RULES in handling EX—REP.
20061210             MARK—FOLEY—IMPROPER advances to FORMER—MALE—PAGES but were negligent in protecting the teenagers,
20061210             AMANDA—CNN is reporting that the House Ethics committee will hold 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE to report on its findings in the Foley case.
20061210             If the situation is dire and deteriorating, as THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP concluded, why is MISTER—GATES — who was confirmed by the Senate on ;;12;;
20061210             † GIVEN—THE—SEVERITY—OF—THE—SITUATION—30—USA—TROOPS, in IRAQ —DURING the 1. —WEEK of ;;12;;
20061210             — 1—SENATE—CONFIRMED—MISTER—GATES should —NOW be in charge.
20061210             He should have extensive conversations with key military commanders — Generals JOHN—ABAZAID,
20061210             GEORGE—CASEY, JIM—JONES, KARL—EIKENBERRY and UK—GENERAL—DAVID—RICHARDS — to receive 1—OPERATIONAL update and 20060901             —NEW—TONE with the military leadership as THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP suggested.
20061210             If people come to the table to discuss IRAQ they need to come understanding their responsibilities to not fund terrorists,
20061210             to help this young democracy survive, to help with THE—ECONOMICS—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20061210             "Speculation was raised that 1—REPORT on the Foley scandal would be issued this afternoon,
20061210             —CLAIMED, —YESTERDAY, TONY—SNOW, that THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP—REPORT contained "no suggestions for DROP—DEAD—DATES or benchmarks
20061210             " for THE—REDEPLOYMENT—OF—USA—FORCES.
20061210             —FILLED, —WHILE THE—ISG report is, with so MANY—CAVEATS that it's difficult to tell what it is actually saying,
20061210             1—IMPLICATION is clear: the Iraqis have —1—YEAR to take over military operations — or else.
20061210             —ON page 72, the report calls for "all combat brigades not necessary for force protection to be out of IRAQ.
20061210             At that time, USA combat forces in IRAQ could be deployed only in units embedded with IRAQ—FORCES". Recommendation 42—OF—THE—REPORT says that we should "seek to complete the training and equipping mission by the 1. quarter of 20080000             .
20061210             —BY—INDICATING that "combat brigades" should be out of IRAQ by early 20080000             ,
20061210             the clear implication of THE—ISG report is that the Iraqis have 1—LITTLE—MORE than —1—YEAR to fully take over military operations.
20061210             —POINTED, As MICHAEL—GORDON, out —TODAY,
20061210             —EMBEDDED, And if the Iraqis are unable to support, USA—TROOPS, the report states that THE—USA "carry out its plans,
20061210             including planned redeployments, even if IRAQ does not implement its planned changes.
20061210             —TODAY, with VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY presiding
20061210             "Senate Majority Leader BILL—FRIST said —MONDAY he plans 1—VOTE—IN—EARLY ;;06;;
20061210             —ON 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—AMENDMENT banning SAME—SEX—MARRIAGE, Frist Pushed Flag Burning Amendment.
20061210             may be considered political posturing in the nation's capital, says Senate Majority Leader BILL—FRIST,
20061210             but it's not pandering to THE—GOP—CONSERVATIVE—BASE to pursue such protection.
20061210             "The only opportunity —THIS—YEAR to increase the minimum wage and renew popular tax breaks will be linked to 1—REDUCTION in the estate tax,
20061210             "Maneuvering toward 1—PRE—ELECTION showdown on immigration, Senate Majority Leader BILL—FRIST —ON—SUNDAY said he would seek PASSAGE—OF—LEGISLATION to secure the borders
20061210             and predicted Democrats would resist. "BILL—FRIST (R—TENNESSEE),
20061210             1 renowned heart surgeon —BEFORE becoming Senate majority leader,
20061210             went to the floor —LATE—THURSDAY—NIGHT for the 2. time in —12—HOURS to argue that FLORIDA doctors had erred in saying Terri Schiavo is in a 'persistent vegetative state.' 'I question it based on 1—REVIEW—OF—THE—VIDEO—FOOTAGE
20061210             "Echoing similar comments from PRESIDENT—BUSH ,
20061210             Senate Majority Leader BILL—FRIST said 'intelligent design'
20061210             I think, as 1—CONSEQUENCE, we are moving toward 1—BODY that has too much of a —2—YEAR—VISION,
20061210             governing for that next election, rather than 1—BODY with a —20—YEAR—VISION, governing for the future.
20061210             I urge that we consider our work in this chamber. What is it really all about?
20061210             Is it about keeping the majority?
20061210             NICO—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP—MEMBER—LAWRENCE—EAGLEBURGER "said —AFTER the event that —WHEN the group met with BUSH ,
20061210             'I don't recall, seriously, that he asked ANY—QUESTIONS.
20061210             Inhofe Hearing Accuses Media of 'Hyping Scientifically Unfounded Climate Alarmism'-
20061210             Among scientists, there is no doubt
20061210             humans are responsible for climate change.
20061210             —AIMED, Inhofe said goodbye "with 1—FINAL hearing, at spanking the press for its COVERAGE—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE.
20061210             " 1—FEW lowlights from INHOFE—HEARING:
20061210             The media does deserve to be criticized for its climate change coverage;
20061210             —FOR—YEARS, reporters have tried to show "journalistic balance" by injecting more doubt than can be supported by scientific evidence.
20061210             —BASHED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has consistently, THE—MEDIA—IN IRAQ.
20061210             Sometimes it's hard to tell it —WHEN you listen to the filter.
20061210             In addition, there is significant UNDERREPORTING—OF—THE—VIOLENCE in IRAQ.
20061210             If we cannot determine the source of 1—SECTARIAN—ATTACK,
20061210             that assault does not make it into the database.
20061210             For example, on —1—DAY—DER FRÜHERE—CHILENISCHE—DIKTATOR—AUGUSTO—PINOCHET ist tot.
20061210             —GESTORBEN, Der 91-Jährige sei im Kreise seiner Familie,
20061210             teilte 1—ARZT—DES—MILITÄRSPITALS in SANTIAGO mit.
20061210             ISRAEL hat gereizt auf Äußerungen des designierten USA—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERS ROBERT—GATES reagiert,
20061210             denen zufolge der jüdische STAAT—ÜBER—ATOMBOMBEN verfügt.
20061210             KARL—WEISS—WENN die FAZ schreibt ?Der Uranpreis hat abgehoben.?
20061210             und ?[Er] -... ist förmlich in die Vertikale übergegangen.?, so muss —SCHON wirklich etwas passiert sein.
20061210             URANTRANSPORTE—MIT Sicherheit unsicher-
20061210             Die Gefahren die solche Transporte implizieren,
20061210             terroristische Anschläge und Raubüberfalle, sind unkalkulierbar.
20061210             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—SUSPICIOUS—RESTORATION in name of "historical interest" will raise FEARS—OF—LINK to Halliburton camps for
20061210             where investigators —SATURDAY found TRACES—OF—RADIATION in 1—APARTMENT connected to 1—RUSSIA—BUSINESSMAN who met the spy on the —DAY he fell ILLINOIS
20061210             —PRESERVED, OHIO—STONEHENGE—FORT—ANCIENT is largest, best, earthwork of its kind in AMERICA.
20061210             Its purpose is not known. GCC members ponder nuclear project:
20061210             —ANNOUNCED, Gulf Arab states have, that they are considering 1 shared nuclear programme for peaceful purposes.
20061210             CHILE—PINOCHET dead:
20061210             † EX—DICTATOR—AUGUSTO Pinochet, —TODAY —1—WEEK—AFTER suffering 1—HEART—ATTACK, CHILE—TELEVISION reported.
20061210             Obituary : Augusto Pinochet:
20061210             —PILED, Pressure, on LEBANON government: IRAQ PRESIDENT—REJECTS—BAKER report:
20061210             Jalal Talabani, IRAQ—PRESIDENT, has rejected recommendations by THE—USA—BIPARTISAN—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP,
20061210             calling them dangerous and 1—INSULT to Iraqis.
20061210             Bush Aides Seek Alternatives to IRAQ Study GROUP—PROPOSALS, Calling Them Impractical:
20061210             Administration officials say their preliminary review of the bipartisan IRAQ Study GROUP—RECOMMENDATIONS has concluded that MANY—OF—ITS—KEY—PROPOSALS are impractical or unrealistic + 1—SMALL—GROUP inside the National Security Council is —NOW racing to come up with alternatives to the panel's ideas.
20061210             CONTINUE—INDUSTRY 'paid top cancer expert'
20061210             1—TOP—SCIENTIST was paid by 1—CHEMICALS—FIRM—WHILE investigating cancer risks in chemical industry, it emerges.
20061210             UK patients' vCJD risk warning
20061210             —CONTAMINATED, Experts say patients given blood, with the human form of mad cow disease face substantial risk.
20061210             Pill 'alternative' to methadone
20061210             1—CHEAPER and safer treatment for heroin addicts is found to be as effective as methadone, according to 1—NEW—STUDY.
20061210             Ebola 'kills over 5,000 gorillas'
20061210             —KILLED, The deadly Ebola virus may have, more than 5,000 gorillas in CENTRAL—AFRICA, 1—STUDY finds.
20061210             CHILE—GEN—PINOCHET dies at 91
20061210             CHILE—FORMER—MILITARY—RULER—GENERAL—AUGUSTO—PINOCHET dies at the age of 91 - —1—WEEK—AFTER entering hospital in SANTIAGO to receive treatment for 1—HEART—ATTACK.
20061210             BEIRUT rally attracts huge crowd
20061210             HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—LEBANON—TAKE part in 1—HEZBOLLAH—LED protest against THE—WEST—BACKED government.
20061210             IRAQ—LEADER criticises USA—REPORT
20061210             IRAQ—PRESIDENT rejects 1—HIGH—LEVEL—USA—REPORT calling for changes in USA—STRATEGY in IRAQ.
20061210             BANGLADESH—BANKER accepts Nobel
20061210             BANGLADESH—MUHAMMAD—YUNUS and the Grameen Bank receive 20060000             —THE—NOBEL—PEACE—PRIZE.
20061210             LAT—AM leaders end 2. summit
20061210             Latin USA—LEADERS wrap up 1—SUMMIT in BOLIVIA with 1—CALL for more regional initiatives and integration.
20061210             Thousands flee PHILIPPINES storm
20061210             —MOVED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE in THE—PHILIPPINES are, to emergency shelter to escape Typhoon Utor.
20061210             Gulf states consider nuclear plan
20061210             —SHARED, Gulf states say they are considering 1, nuclear energy programme for peaceful purposes.
20061210             Pinochet death 'saddens' THATCHER—'FAT scan' shows up health risk
20061210             1—SCAN can reveal which people harbour dangerous levels of fat —AROUND their internal organs, work shows.
20061210             Spy widow points finger at RUSSIA
20061210             THE—WIDOW—OF—ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO tells 1—NEWSPAPER—THE—RUSSIA—AUTHORITIES could have been behind his death.
20061210             USA—HOUSE backs INDIA nuclear bill
20061210             THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVE—IN—THE—USA approve legislation allowing THE—EXPORT—OF—CIVIL—NUCLEAR—FUEL to INDIA.
20061210             Tests 'prove' Diana driver drunk
20061210             † DNA tests indicate PRINCESS—DIANA—DRIVER was drunk the night she, 1—BBC documentary reveals.
20061210             Kurds condemn IRAQ report
20061210             IRAQ—KURDISH—LEADER criticises 1—REPORT by THE—USA—IRAQ—SURVEY—GROUP, branding it "unrealistic and inappropriate".
20061210             Council given new draft over IRAN
20061210             FRANCE, GERMANY and THE—UK—REVISE 1—DRAFT—UN—RESOLUTION outlining SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN over its nuclear activities.
20061210             USA—HOUSE backs VIETNAM trade
20061210             THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES approves 1—BILL normalising trade relations with VIETNAM for the 1. time.
20061210             Manhunt recaptures ISRAEL rapist
20061210             —ESCAPED, ISRAEL—BIGGEST—EVER manhunt captures 1—SERIAL rapist who, police custody —2—WEEKS—AGO.
20061210             SUDAN—LEADER lashes out at UN
20061210             SUDAN—PRESIDENT—ACCUSES—THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY—OF supporting rebel groups in Darfur.
20061210             PRESIDENT—BUSH says he will work with congressional leaders to find 1—WAY—FORWARD for THE—USA—IN—IRAQ.
20061210             —SUSPENDED, FIJI, from Commonwealth
20061210             —SUSPENDED, FIJI—MEMBERSHIP—OF—THE—COMMONWEALTH is, days —AFTER the military seized power in 1—COUP.
20061210             —BRACED, AUSTRALIA—STATE, for fires
20061210             Firefighters in THE—AUSTRALIA—STATE—OF—VICTORIA tackle wildfires, amid forecasts of high winds and soaring heat.
20061210             God KING pays tax for 1. time
20061210             —FORCED, GYANENDRA—KING—OF—NEPAL is, to pay tax for the 1. time in THE—HISTORY—OF—THE—MONARCHY.
20061210             UK firms 'exploiting BANGLADESH'
20061210             BANGLADESH—WORKERS making clothes for major UK stores are being paid 1—PITTANCE, 1—REPORT says.
20061210             Aspirin 'blocks prostate problem'
20061210             Aspirin + other similar painkillers, may prevent or delay enlargement of the prostate, research suggests.
20061210             Birth rate 'harms poverty goals'
20061210             A—UK—PARLIAMENTARY group concludes population growth threatens THE—UN—MILLENNIUM—DEVELOPMENT—GOALS.
20061210             Malaria 'speeds SPREAD—OF—AIDS'
20061210             Scientists working in KENYA believe that malaria is helping THE—SPREAD—OF—AIDS across AFRICA—AND vice versa.
20061210             PHILIPPINES delays Asean talks
20061210             1—MEETING—OF—ASIA—LEADERS in THE—PHILIPPINES is postponed because of 1—COMING tropical storm, officials say.
20061210             —ARRESTED, USA—MAN, in 'grenade plot'
20061210             1—MAN is arrested in ILLINOIS —AFTER police say he attempted to obtain grenades to explode at 1—SHOPPING centre.
20061210             RUSSIA—YOUTHS 'hound UK envoy'
20061210             BRITAIN complains to RUSSIA about HARASSMENT—OF—THE—UK—AMBASSADOR by 1—PRO—PUTIN youth group.
20061210             DIESEL—READY to Clean Up
20061210             Fuel refiners and distributors comply with the law and make ultra low sulfur diesel readily available at the pump.
20061210             AUTOPIA. New Rubber Lets Sweat Out
20061210             Scientists develop 1—LIGHT, breathable material for hazmat suits that keeps toxins out —WHILE letting water vapor escape.
20061210             This could be the new GORE—TEXAS By CYRUS—FARIVAR—SQUARE—ROOT—OF—TERRORISM Is...
20061210             In 27B Stroke 6. - Yeast Raises Ethanol Output
20061210             —MODIFIED, Researchers at MIT say 1—GENETICALLY, yeast can increase ethanol production by 50 %.
20061210             Technology may be the key to replacing fossil fuels, but let's not be blinded by science.
20061210             AUTOPIA. Debating Traveler Terror Ratings
20061210             2—PROMINENT—LAWMAKERS—CALL 1—CONTROVERSIAL—PROGRAM that assigns risk scores to INTERNATIONAL travelers secret + unlawful.
20061210             In 27B Stroke 6. - MOON—BASE—PLAN—MASKS—CUTS at NASA
20061210             1—NIFTY moon colony sounds so very exotic. BEYOND, the Beyond.
20061210             SENATOR: Illegal images must be reported
20061210             JOHN—MCCAIN proposes law to force Web sites to report unlawful activity and delete posts by sex offenders.
20061210             InGaAs is the new silicon
20061210             —CALLED, MIT is working with 1—NEW transistor material, indium gallium arsenide, or InGaAs, it hopes will outpace the speed of silicon.
20061210             THE—WIDELY—USED online research company takes SCREENSHOTS—OF—EVERY—WEB—PAGE viewed by its 1—MILLION—PARTICIPANTS,
20061210             even transactions completed in secure sessions, like shopping or online checking.
20061210             ComScore then aggregates the information into market analysis for its clients, which include such large companies as Ford Motor, Microsoft and THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES Co.
20061210             "'[The] software is sneaking onto users' computers without the user agreeing to receive it,' says Harvard UNIVERSITY—RESEARCHER—BEN—EDELMAN,
20061210             who documented at least 10 unauthorized comScore downloads.
20061210             "STEPHEN—COLBERT calls it 'truth that comes from the gut, not books.
20061210             MERRIAM—WEBSTER calls it their 20060000             WORD—OF—THE—YEAR.
20061210             In spite of COLBERT—IRONIC dismissal of dictionaries and other reference books,
20061210             will Colbert's coined word actually be added to those books?
20061210             With media outlets like CNN and MISS—NBC covering it,
20061210             the idea may very well have truthiness". Arson Science Rewritten-
20061210             —ZONK—108 - 1—ANONYMOUS—READER handed us 1—LINK to 1—AP story about advances in the science of arson investigation.
20061210             "Significantly, flashover can create very hot and very FAST—MOVING fires.
20061210             And it can occur within —JUST 1—FEW minutes, dashing the concept that only arson fires fueled by accelerants can quickly rage OUT—OF—CONTROL.
20061210             The studies began to chip away at the old beliefs -- critics call them myths -- but it took years.
20061210             Through 19800000             —THE S, texts at the National Fire ACADEMY—IN—EMMITSBURG, Md., still taught the traditional techniques.
20061210             —WHEN 1—GUIDE to fire investigations by the National Fire Protection Association -- 'NFPA921:
20061210             Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations' -- clearly laid out,
20061210             in 1—DOCUMENT relied upon by authorities nationwide, that the —EARLIER beliefs were wrong".
20061210             "THE—UK is heavily involved in THE—JSF (Joint Strike Fighter program) but has —RECENTLY considered abandoning the project because THE—USA—REFUSES to share the source code.
20061210             —INTENDED, THE—UK had, to purchase $120—BILLION dollars WORTH—OF—AIRCRAFT to operate on 2—NEW—AIRCRAFT—CARRIERS,
20061210             but is —NOW seriously considering Plan 'B'.
20061210             This is likely to be further investments in the Eurofighter Typhoon project.
20061210             "It appeared that TONY—BLAIR and GEORGE—BUSH had solved the impasse in May,
20061210             —WHEN they announced 1—AGREEMENT in principle that THE—UK would be given access to the classified details on conditions of strict secrecy.
20061210             The news was widely seen as evidence that THE—PRIME—MINISTER—CLOSE—ALLIANCE with THE—USA—PRESIDENT did have benefits for BRITAIN
20061210             'If THE—UK does not obtain the assurances it needs from THE—USA—THEN it should not sign the Memorandum of Understanding covering production,
20061210             sustainment and FOLLOW—ON development,' the MPs insisted".
20061210             Or 1—HIGH—PROFILE—VENDETTA—CAMPAIGN against BUSH ?
20061210             They can't get off that easily! #
20061210             —FROM the direction of the Hague and THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT,
20061210             are they calling THE—NAME—OF—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH and his neocon warmonger friends?
20061210             THE—KELLOGG—BRIAND Pact (also known as THE—PARIS—PEACE—PACT) formally renounced war as 1—INSTRUMENT—OF—NATIONAL—POLICY and its violation by THE—GERMANY—NAZIS was 1—OF—THE—4—MAIN—CHARGES in their indictment at Nuremberg,
20061210             to wit, "crimes against peace (planning, preparation, initiation,
20061210             or waging of 1—WAR—OF—AGGRESSION, or 1—WAR in violation of INTERNATIONAL treaties,
20061210             agreements, or assurances, or participation in 1—COMMON—PLAN or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the forgoing".).
20061210             THE—USA is also 1—PARTY to THE—UNITED—NATIONS Charter of 19450000             ,
20061210             which also renounces war unless for REASONS—OF—SELF defense and is also USA—LAW as a ratified TREATY—OF—THE—USA.
20061210             —FROM this —NOW abandoned and desolate parade and rally stand in Nuremberg,
20061210             —PROCLAIMED, Nazi leaders, —BEFORE HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS their rejection of INTERNATIONAL treaties to which GERMANY was 1—SIGNATORY.
20061210             The same fate that befell the Nazi leaders at the Nuremberg Courthouse
20061210             They can run to their villas in THE—SOUTH—OF—FRANCE, apartments in Tel Aviv,
20061210             ranches in PARAGUAY, or flats in ROME, but they cannot escape ultimate accountability for their participation in 1—CRIMINAL—CONSPIRACY—OF—GLOBAL—PROPORTIONS that has resulted in the deaths of over 630,000 innocent IRAQ—CIVILIANS,
20061210             3,000—USA—MILITARY—PERSONNEL + HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS of maimed and permanently disabled men, women + children from military action and torture in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN.
20061210             —AFTER becoming 1—PARTY to THE—ICC, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT must bring the full WEIGHT—OF—THE—USA—LAW—ENFORCEMENT and the intelligence community,
20061210             including provisions of the Patriot Act, to bear on these NEO—CON political conspirators,
20061210             regardless of where they live or their age, gender, religion, nationality, or ethnicity.
20061210             If these individuals do not turn themselves into INTERNATIONAL legal authorities voluntarily,
20061210             they should be forcibly apprehended, detained + transported to THE—HAGUE or ANY—OTHER venue deemed necessary by THE—ICC to face justice —BEFORE 1—INTERNATIONAL—WAR—CRIMES—TRIBUNAL.
20061210             Political and military leaders of BRITAIN, DENMARK, AUSTRALIA, JAPAN,
20061210             ESTONIA, LITHUANIA, LATVIA, RWANDA, THAILAND + other members of the original SO—CALLED "Coalition of the Willing" who sent armed forces and irregular paramilitaries to IRAQ to assist the illegal USA—WAR—OF—AGGRESSION are —NOW subject to prosecution by THE—ICC as their nations are subject to THE—ICC and/or THE—UN—CHARTER (and many,
20061210             as well, are signatories to THE—KELLOGG—BRIAND Pact).
20061210             POWELL—BOOKS—OATH—BETRAYED: Torture, Medical Complicity +... - Miles describes the work of the
20061210             Behavioral Science Consultation Teams (known as BSCTs, or ' biscuits ') active in IRAQ + GUANTANAMO : GROUPS—OF—PSYCHIATRISTS...
20061210             til 1—TIS 1—TWAS 1 a's 1..
20061210             4 + DEUKMEJIAN—4 + DEUPREE 2 + DEUSCHLE 2 + DEUSER 2 + DEUSS 1 + DEUTCH...
20061210             cause course em end inner quote end quote...
20061210             deuel deukmejian deukmejian's deupree deuschle deuser DEUSS deutch deuterium...
20061210             khanate khanna kharg KHARTOUM khasbulatov khasbulatov's KHASHOGGI khat...
20061210             Director GENERAL—INTERNATIONAL—AFFAIRS, MINISTRY—OF—COMMUNICATIONS and Information...
20061210             He did this with controversial partners as JOHN—DEUSS + TED—SHACKLEY... affair with THE—FORMER—WIFE—OF—FAMOUS—ARMS—DEALER—ADNAN—KHASHOGGI ;
20061210             MP;... - PEHI—PROJECT for the Exposure of Hidden INSTITUTIONS—LE Cercle...
20061210             —HIRED, SHACKLEY was, by oil BARON—JOHN—DEUSS to organise SHIPMENTS—OF—OIL to...
20061210             He did this with controversial partners as JOHN—DEUSS + TED—SHACKLEY, forces training + equipment for LIBYA has been negotiated by ADNAN—KHASHOGGI...
20061210             Zo wist hij oliehandelaar John "der Führer" DEUSS te behoeden voor de wraak...
20061210             Alle discussies tot nu TOE—DEUSS en de Ruski's. datum: maandag
20061210             Web Results 1 - 10—OF—ABOUT 59 for KHASHOGGI DEUSS.
20061210             —CHARGED, —LAST—MONTH the Securities and Exchange Commission, KHASHOGGI + Ramy Al
20061210             —REDUCED, And with the media having, DEUSS to 1—BALANCE—SHEET over the...
20061210             Contemporary Marxism 19820000             —W..
20061210             a MÃE—DEUSA protetora da mulher e do nascimento das crianças; *)A EDUCAÇÃO DOS CÃES...E... DOS DONOS...-
20061210             Der Landesteil ENGLAND ist in EUROPA das Land mit der ältesten...
20061210             —DECIDED, DEUSS /Curtis connection, I, to revisit my own archives... JOHN—DEUSS—FASHION—LABEL—ALEXANDRA...
20061210             Special reports-
20061210             —ACCUSED, JOHN—DEUSS is due to appear in THE—NETHERLANDS, where he is, by HOLLAND—PROSECUTORS...
20061210             —ARRESTED, MISTER—DEUSS—SISTER, Martina, was, by HOLLAND—POLICE in the...
20061210             denn "Demokratie heißt —ENTSCHEIDUNG durch die Betroffenen " - meint der...
20061210             "Dass die BUSH—REGIERUNG —NACH—DEM
20061210             in which he denounced THE—IRAQ war as the result of "turning on the news" on ;;12;;
20061210             † 6 and "hearing that yet another 10—OF—OUR soldiers, the same way that several thousands have, through roadside bombs.
20061210             Asked w... Source: Andras Riedlmayer wrote: > Nikola Kavaja is 1—FAMOUS—MAN in SOME—CIRCLES.
20061210             N—I—K—O—L—A K—A—V—A—J—A.
20061210             We're making good progress". 1—CONGRESSIONAL aide said —FRIDAY".
20061210             add this slap in the face for ignoring all the "good news" pledges joint effort on IRAQ —UNTIL—NEXT—WEEK.
20061210             v. HARRY—TRUMAN.- - " of USA—TROOPS from IRAQ. " 1—LOOK at these HSAs:
20061210             —OPENED, BOSTON, its new $41—MILLION—INSTITUTE—OF—CONTEMPORARY—ART, designed by Diller Scofidio + Renfro architects.
20061210             THE—OIL—RICH—ARAB states on the Persian Gulf said that they will consider —STARTING 1—JOINT—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM for peaceful purposes.
20061210             —HURLED, ALGERIA, assailants, 1—BOMB and shot at 2—VEHICLES transporting employees in THE—TOWN—OF—BOUCHAOUI, 9—MILES—WEST—OF—ALGIERS.
20061210             THE—SALAFIST—GROUP for Call and Combat, known by its FRANCE—ACRONYM GSPC, claimed responsibility for the attack.
20061210             —BATTLED, More than 3,000 firefighters, SOME—OF—AUSTRALIA—WORST wildfires in —70—YEARS, as flames fanned by strong winds and searing temperatures destroyed 1—HOME and threatened dozens more.
20061210             —ELECTED, He overthrew CHILE—DEMOCRATICALLY, Marxist PRESIDENT in 1—BLOODY—COUP and —FOR—17—YEARS.
20061210             —ANNOUNCED, The military regime, 1—CRACKDOWN on CRITICS—OF—FIJI—COUP, —JUST hours —AFTER 1—HOUSE that had become 1—RALLYING point for those wanting 1—RETURN to democracy was ransacked by unknown assailants.
20061210             —OFFERED, IRAQ—PRESIDENT—JALAL—TALABANI said THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP—REPORT, dangerous recommendations that would undermine his country's sovereignty and were "1—INSULT to the people of IRAQ".
20061210             —KILLED, Gunmen, 9—MEMBERS—OF—2—SHI'ITE families in BAGHDAD.
20061210             OMAR—ABDUL—SATTAR, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—SUNNI—ARAB—IRAQI—ISLAMIC—PARTY, said that 1 organized effort was under way in the Hurriyah neighborhood of BAGHDAD to force Sunnis out.
20061210             —CRITICIZED, ANTI—USA—CLERIC—MUQTADA AL—SADR sharply, PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI—GOVERNMENT and once again demanded that all foreign troops leave the country.
20061210             —WALKED, Tenor ROBERTO—ALAGNA, out of 1—PERFORMANCE—OF—VERDI'S "Aida" at ITALY's famed La Scala opera house —WHEN the audience booed his rendition of the aria "Celeste Aida".
20061210             —GATHERED, THOUSANDS—OF—HEZBOLLAH—LED protesters, in downtown BEIRUT, demanding PRIME—MINISTER—FUAD—SANIORA cede SOME—POWER to the opposition or step down.
20061210             ROMANIA, more than 6,000 inmates at 24—PRISONS took part in hunger strikes and other protests to demand amnesty and better living conditions.
20061210             † 9—PATIENTS—OF—1—CLINIC for the mentally ill in 1—FIRE, in SIBERIA.
20061210             SRI—LANKA, some 3,000 civilians fled the northeast as heavy artillery duels over the last —2—DAYS killed more than 110—PEOPLE, including 41—CIVILIANS.
20061210             † 24—SOLDIERS were killed and 69 wounded in artillery and mortar battle with the insurgents in THE—EAST—BATTICALOA district.
20061210             † 40—REBELS were also killed.
20061210             We're the goddamn cavalry, flying THE—FLAG—OF—TRUTH, wrapped in strip malls and Ford pickups and MCDONALD—FRANCHISES.
20061210             Andras Riedlmayer wrote: Nikola Kavaja is a famous man in SOME—CIRCLES.
20061210             NIKOLA—KAVAJA lives in 1—DRAB, COMMUNIST—ERA—HIGH—RISE in BELGRADE... NIKOLA—KAVAJA Write down my name.
20061210             warum der "Waffenhandel im INTERNET" durch "Cybercops schärfer überwacht" werden müsse.
20061210             Beckstein sagte, "ONLINE—ANBIETER" könnten NICHT—GEZWUNGEN, werden, "zuverlässig die Käuferidentitäten sowie die zum Kauf erforderlichen Lizenzen zu prüfen".
20061210             Da müsse man die "ZAHL—DER—CYBERCOPS deutlich erhöhen".
20061210             Denn: "Das INTERNET darf kein rechtsfreier Raum werden".
20061210             Die Liste ließe sich fortsetzen.
20061210             Das SPACE—SHUTTLE—DISCOVERY startet vom KENNEDY—SPACE—CENTER mit der MISSION—STS—116 zur Internationalen Raumstation.
20061210             —BEFINDET, In der Mannschaft an Bord, sich mit Christer Fuglesang der 1. Raumfahrer aus SCHWEDEN.
20061210—19450000    —IN, The same fate that befell the Nazi leaders at the Nuremberg Courthouse may soon await their NEO—CON philosophical children and grandchildren in 1—COURTROOM in THE—HAGUE.
20061210—19800000    —IN—THE—LATE, Sudhir Venkatesh, who entered poor black CHICAGO neighborhoods armed with 1—WONKY questionnaire —WHILE studying urban poverty S.
20061210—19920000    —UNTIL, It wasn't ,
20061210—19920000    —UNTIL, "Significantly, flashover can create very hot and very FAST—MOVING fires. And it can occur within —JUST 1—FEW minutes, dashing the concept that only arson fires fueled by accelerants can quickly rage OUT—OF—CONTROL. The studies began to chip away at the old beliefs -- critics call them myths -- but it took years. Through the 1980s, texts at the National Fire ACADEMY—IN—EMMITSBURG, Md., still taught the traditional techniques. It wasn't, —WHEN 1—GUIDE to fire investigations by the National Fire Protection Association -- 'NFPA921: Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations' -- clearly laid out, in 1—DOCUMENT relied upon by authorities nationwide, that the —EARLIER beliefs were wrong".
20061210—20010911    —AM, aufgenommen ]
20061210—20020000    —IN, How come it took him so long to figure this out?: OREGON SENATOR—GORDON—SMITH, 1—REPUBLICAN who voted in favor of THE—IRAQ war and has supported it —EVER—SINCE, —NOW says the current USA—WAR—EFFORT is "absurd" and "may even be criminal".
20061210—20031000    —IN, —DATE, PRESIDENT—BUSH said, "And, listen, we're making good progress in IRAQ.
20061210—20031000    —IN, PRESIDENT—BUSH said, "And, listen, we're making good progress in IRAQ. Sometimes it's hard to tell it —WHEN you listen to the filter. We're making good progress".
20061210—20040000    —IN, average income of HSA users was $133,000 ,
20061210—20060215    —UNTIL, putting the government on autopilot.
20061210—20061206    —ON, If the situation is dire and deteriorating, as THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP concluded, why is MISTER—GATES — who was confirmed by the Senate —
20061210—20061206    —EXPLAINED, EDITION—OF—ABC—THIS—WEEK, SENATOR—GORDON—SMITH (R—OR), to host GEORGE—STEPHANOPOULOS his emotional statement on THE—FLOOR—OF—THE—SENATE, in which he denounced THE—IRAQ war as the result of "turning on the news" and "hearing that yet another 10—OF—OUR soldiers † the same way that several thousands have... through roadside bombs".
20061210—20061210    —ON, Excerpt: MANY—AMERICANS will participate in Impeachment —DAY, with events taking place across the country to discuss the causes for impeachment and plan further action.
20061210—20061215    —BY, If he headed to THE—MIDDLE—EAST—TODAY, he could be back to distribute diplomas.
20061210—20061217    Take THE—RED—PILL:
20061212—20061210    —ON, GENERAL—AUGUSTO—PINOCHET—DEATH—MEANS the Bush Family can BREATHE—1—LITTLE—BIT easier, knowing that criminal proceedings against CHILE—NOTORIOUS—DICTATOR can no longer implicate his longtime friend and protector, FORMER—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—HW—BUSH.
20061213             [MTP, 20061210             ]
20061214—20061210    —AM, Die Wälder von Dikika existieren —SCHON lange nicht mehr +, als die Wissenschaftler sich unter der sengenden Sonne erneut auf die Suche machten, gab es nicht ein schattiges Plätzchen.
20070206             GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION : Corn,D. - 250 ... 20070200             WASHINGTON DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, USA : Der Sicherheitsprofi...
20070206             GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION : Corn,D. - 250 ...
20070924112106       FINANZKRISE DEUTSCHE—BANK drohen —BIS zu 1.700.000.000—EURO Verlust.htm
200711210000         Und hier noch 1—PANIKMACHE—HIGHLIGHT.
200711210000         ist der kleine Bruder von Fannie Mae,
20071205—20071210    —AM, Trotz der forschen Töne aus PRISTINA rechnet —ZURZEIT niemand mit einer Unabhängigkeitserklärung.
20071210             Der Kampf gegen den Klimawandel werde auch ein wesentlicher Faktor in der Sicherheitspolitik des 20010101—21001231     sein.
20071210             More than 500—IRAQ—SCIENTISTS and professors have been murdered by ISRAEL—MOSSAD intelligence agency, 1—IRAQ—NEWSPAPER—REPORTS.
20071210             1—KEY—ALLY—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT signaled —ON—SUNDAY that ISRAEL intends to hold on to all Jewish neighborhoods in JERUSALEM - 1—POSITION that undercuts the Palestinians' claim to THE—EAST—PART—OF—THE—CITY for their future capital.
20071210             —STOPPED, Major crude producer IRAN has completely, carrying out its oil transactions in dollars,
20071210             labelling the greenback an "unreliable" currenc
20071210             The consequences of 1—ATTACK on IRAN—NUCLEAR—FACILITIES which has been advocated by MANY—ARE too hazardous to even contemplate seriously
20071210             BOLTON says USA intel report on IRAN was political:
20071210             —DESCRIBED, BOLTON, THE—NIE, released —MONDAY, as a "QUASI—PUTSCH" by the agencies, Der Spiegel said.
20071210             ISRAEL no nuclear threat to neighbors, says Gates:
20071210             —GREETED, The statement was, by laughter from 1—ROOM filled with government officials from Middle Eastern countries.
20071210             PM: ISRAEL set to "expose" IRAN—NUCLEAR program:
20071210             —CONDUCTED, ISRAEL—OFFICIALS have, 1—QUIET—CAMPAIGN aimed at exposing the National Intelligence ESTIMATE—DEFICIENCIES.
20071210             In his address to the cabinet, Olmert said that ISRAEL—STANCE on THE—IRAN—NUCLEAR—MATTER would not change despite THE—USA—REPORT.
20071210             USA Democrats retreat and allow more IRAQ FUNDING—NEWSPAPER:
20071210             USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES—DEMOCRATIC—LEADERS are contemplating legislation that would give PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH $70—BILLION in new funds for war but without ANY—TIMETABLES for withdrawing troops from IRAQ.
20071210             —ACCUSED, FORMER—BUSH—REGIME—OFFICIAL—JOHN—BOLTON, AMERICA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES with conspiring to discredit PRESIDENT—BUSH with politicized intelligence.
20071210             CONTINUE—CINDY Sheehan: NIEs: WASTE—OF—TIME?-
20071210             Investigative JOURNALIST—SEYMOUR—HERSH claims that BUSH Co has known at the highest levels about this intelligence for over —1—YEAR,
20071210             but they have all been beating their evil DRUMS—OF—WAR against IRAN, nevertheless.
20071210             CONTINUE—AN Alleged "2—PARTY—SYSTEM"
20071210             "EVERY— 10—MINUTES 1—IRAQ—CIVILIAN is injured or killed in 1—WAR that GEORGE—BUSH says will not end —UNTIL he leaves office.
20071210             —KILLED, EVERY— 10—HOURS 1—USA—SOLDIER is, in 1—WAR that GEORGE—BUSH says will not end —UNTIL he leaves office.
20071210             —REMOVED, EVERY— 10—DAYS $2—BILLION is, from THE—USA—TREASURY and placed in the accounts of Halliburton,
20071210             Blackwater and all other war profiteers that are getting rich off the misery of Iraqis and Americans" Continue
20071210             OMAR—BARGHOUTI: "No STATE—HAS—THE—RIGHT to Exist as 1—RACIST—STATE"
20071210             OMAR—BARGHOUTI belongs to 1—NEW—GENERATION—OF—PALESTINIANS who never adhered to the solution of " 2—STATES, 2—PEOPLES".
20071210             They are advocating, instead, 1—SECULAR, democratic state" solution,
20071210             where Palestinians and Israelis would share equal rights, —AFTER historic injustices are redressed and the refugees are allowed to return.
20071210             The government has known —FOR—DECADES that AMERICA is on 1—COUNTDOWN to SELF—DESTRUCTION.
20071210             STEVE—DUERR—THIN—GREEN—LINE: Part 1 | Business and the New
20071210             his former wife's father and her 2—BROTHERS were killed in 1—PLANE...
20071210             —BECAME, McCollister, entangled in 1—DRAWN out legal struggle with JOHN—DEUSS...
20071210             Salomonsohn (von der DISCONTO—GESELLSCHAFT). ua. stellten EDUARD—STADTLER 1—SUMME von mehreren 100—MILLIONEN Mark zur Verfügung.
20071210             ions, among them Adolph Salomonsohn and MAX—VON—SCHINCKEL—OF—NORDDEUTSCHE—BANK,
20071210             1—BANK strongly connected to THE—DISCONTO—GESELLSCHAFT —SINCE
20071210             Wie groß das Ausmaß der Kreditkrise tatsächlich ist, bleibt unklar.
20071210             Banker sind sich selbst nicht einig darüber:
20071210             JOSEF—ACKERMANN, Vorstandschef der DEUTSCHEN—BANK, erklärte im ;;11;;, die Finanzmarktkrise sei keineswegs ausgestanden.
20071210             "Rein psychologisch ist das die schlimmste Krise,
20071210             die ich in meinen —30—JAHREN als Banker erlebt habe".
20071210             DEUTSCHE—BANK—VORSTANDSMITGLIED HERMANN—JOSEF—LAMBERTI sagte dagegen kurze Zeit später,
20071210             man habe die Krise "im Griff", sie sei "keine Bedrohung für die Weltwirtschaft".
20071210             In den USA haperte es —SCHON im Vorfeld der Krise bei Ermittlungen:
20071210             Die Zeitung schreibt, dass USA—BEHÖRDEN eine "mögliche Chance zur Warnung vor den Risiken" der Kreditkrise verpassten.
20071210             die Ermittlungen aber ohne Nennung von Gründen wieder beendet.
20071210             In den getrennten Untersuchungen überprüften SEC und Staatsanwälte,
20071210             ob Bear Stearns Investoren durch unangemessene Bewertung von Wertpapieren auf der Basis von Hypothekendarlehen geschädigt hatte.
20071210             Doch da sie die Untersuchungen nicht fortführten, wurden die Vorzeichen der Krise nicht rechtzeitig erkannt.
20071210             Allein Bear Stearns musste in Folge der Krise milliardenschwere Abschreibungen wegen der Geschäfte mit zweitklassigen Darlehen vornehmen.
20071210             UMWELT—STREIT in KANADA: BP will Öl aus Sand fördern
20071210             Kreditkrise: LBBW verlangt Milliardenbürgschaft für SachsenLB
20071210             Unter Palmen: Kokain, CALLBOYS—UND ein toter Fondsmanager
20071210             BALI—KONFERENZ: Autokonzerne beteuern Willen zum Klimaschutz
20071210             Offener Brief: Autokonzerne fordern politische Hilfe beim Klimaschutz
20071210             Latest Top Poll: It's a 3—WAY—RACE for Dems in IOWA, NEW—HAMPSHIRE and SOUTH—CAROLINA.
20071210             The winners of 20070000             —THE—NOBEL—PEACE—PRICE—SUNDAY called for a "strong mandate" to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at the ongoing UN climate conference meeting on THE—INDONESIA—RESORT—ISLAND—OF—BALI.
20071210             "What we are facing is 1—PLANETARY emergency," FORMER—USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—AL—GORE said at 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE,
20071210             adding that "the challenge —NOW is to awaken the global community —NOW to reduce global emissions sharply".
20071210             —TORTURED, Allegation: CIA photos 'show UK GUANTANAMO detainee was '
20071210             —ADVOCATED, MIKE—HUCKABEE once, isolating AIDS patients from the general public,
20071210             opposed increased FEDERAL—FUNDING in the search for 1—CURE and said homosexuality could "pose 1—DANGEROUS—PUBLIC—HEALTH—RISK".
20071210             Heck, that will get him 1—TON—OF—REPUBLICAN votes!
20071210             —16—YEAR—OLD—ICELAND student calls BUSH—SECRET—NUMBER
20071210             TURKEY flexes diplomatic muscle as economy booms -- and more in GLORIA—R—LALUMIA—WORLD—MEDIA—WATCH for 20071210             20071210             Biden calls for Special Counsel to investigate CIA
20071210             Youth With 1—MISSION ( YWAM ), 1—CHRISTIAN evangelical group that actively tries to get...
20071210             DAVID—CUNNINGHAM—SON—OF—YWAM FOUNDER—LOREN—CUNNINGHAM... So far, I have yet to...
20071210             1—FEW stories about YWAM last ;;09;;; see here and here
20071210             Der Gedächtnisfilter, so schreiben die Forscher sei vergleichbar mit einem Pförtner:
20071210             —VERHINDERT, Gleichzeitig, er, dass nicht benötigte Daten die begrenzten Ressourcen des Gehirns belegen.
20071210             Die Notwendigkeit gemeinsamer Maßnahmen zum Klimaschutz werde offenbar weltweit anerkannt.
20071210             Nusa DUA—DIE Vereinten Nationen haben auf der Weltklimakonferenz vor einem wachsenden Konfliktpotential durch die globale Erwärmung gewarnt.
20071210             Es sei zu erwarten, dass der Klimawandel einen massiven Mangel an Wasser und Nahrungsmitteln mit sich ziehen werde,
20071210             erklärte der Leiter des UNO—UMWELTPROGRAMMS Unep Achim Steiner.
20071210             Weltweite —KONFLIKTE um die Verteilung von Ressourcen und 1—WELLE—VON—UMWELTFLÜCHTLINGEN seien die Folge.
20071210             Der führende DEUTSCHE—KLIMAEXPERTE HANS—JOACHIM—SCHELLNHUBER warnte sogar vor einem "globalen Bürgerkrieg",
20071210             wenn die Erderwärmung weiter voranschreite.
20071210             "Bei Konflikten der Zukunft wird es nicht mehr um nationale Armeen gehen,
20071210             sondern etwa um in sich zerfallende Länder und die Auswirkungen auf andere Länder und Regionen", sagte Schellnhuber.
20071210             "Es bestehen gewaltige Chancen für staatliche Vermögensverwalter,
20071210             die schnell und vertrauensvoll reagieren können", sagte Chen —HEUTE während einer PRESSEKONFERENZ—IN—DUBAI.
20071210             Investoren sollten sich den Finanzsektor anschauen.
20071210             Etliche USA—BANKEN kämpfen wegen der Marktturbulenzen im Zuge der USA—HYPOTHEKENKRISE mit Milliardenabschreibungen.
20071210             Einkommensdebatte: Merkel lehnt Gesetz gegen hohe MANAGER—BEZÜGE ab
20071210             Gesellschaftliche Schieflage: Deutsche vermissen soziale Gerechtigkeit
20071210             Lauernde Staatsfonds: Alptraum der WALL—STREET
20071210             Urteil: Hessisches Kopftuchverbot ist VERFASSUNGSGEMÄß—WEST—WING: Das ENDE—DER—GLOBALISIERUNG?
20071210             —VERBÜNDET, FRANZÖSISCH—RUSSISCHE—ALLIANZ: Renault, sich mit Lada
20071210             BALI—KLIMAKONFERENZ: Experten warnen vor weltweitem Kampf um Rohstoffe
20071210             Jugendgewalt: Sheriffs gehen vor Berliner Schulen in Stellung
20071210             Hirnforschung: Filter hilft, Wichtiges von Unwichtigem zu unterscheiden
20071210             Vielmehr sei der Normenstaat durch den Maßnahmenstaat situativ außer Kraft gesetzt worden + zwar an genau den Punkten,
20071210             welche die Polizeiapparate gemäß
20071210             Teheran: IRANISCHE—STUDENTEN demonstrieren gegen Ahmadinedschad
20071210             HOOLIGAN—ATTACKE: Bewaffneter Überfall auf Leipziger Clubheim
20071210             Knapper Rohstoff: Ölstaaten brauchen ihre eigenen Vorräte auf
20071210             Mittweida: Nazis stoppen Weihnachtsumzug
20071210             Gleichberechtigung: NORWEGEN zwingt Frauen an die Macht
20071210             1—USA—JUDGE sentenced former media mogul CONRAD—BLACK, —63—JAHRE—ALT to 6-1/—2—YEARS in prison for obstructing justice and defrauding shareholders in 1—TIME—NEWSPAPER publishing empire Hollinger INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED, and ordered him to report to prison in —12—WEEKS.
20071210             THE—CANADIAN—BORN MEMBER—OF—BRITAIN—HOUSE—OF—LORDS was found guilty in July of 1—COUNT—OF obstructing justice and 3—COUNTS—OF—FRAUD.
20071210             CO—DEFENDANTS—JACK—BOULTBEE, —64—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—HOLLINGER CHIEF financial officer, got —27—MONTHS and FORMER—VICE—PRESIDENT and general counsel PETER—ATKINSON, —60—JAHRE—ALT got —2—YEARS for fraud.
20071210             —SENTENCED, Suspended NFL star MICHAEL—VICK was, by 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, to —23—MONTHS in prison for bankrolling 1—DOGFIGHTING operation and killing dogs that underperformed.
20071210             —REACHED, MADISON—SQUARE—GARDEN and NEW—YORK Knicks coach ISAIAH—THOMAS, an $11.5—MILLION—SETTLEMENT—OF—1—SEXUAL—HARASSMENT—CASE brought by former team executive Anucha Browne Sanders.
20071210             —ACCEPTED, FORMER—VICE—PRESIDENT—AL—GORE, the Nobel Peace Prize with 1—CALL for humanity to rise up against 1—LOOMING climate crisis and stop waging war on the environment.
20071210             —CONTENDED, USA commuters, with treacherous roads from THE—SOUTH—PLAINS to the Northeast as 1—STORM spread 1—COATING—OF—ICE and freezing rain.
20071210             —LINKED, The storm eventually was, to 38—DEATHS including 21 in OKLAHOMA, 4 in KANSAS and 3 EACH—IN—MISSOURI and MICHIGAN and 1 in NEBRASKA.
20071210             SEATTLE—BASED WASHINGTON Mutual said it will lay off over 3,000 workers and close 190—OFFICES in response to loan losses in the mortgage market.
20071210             Afghan and INTERNATIONAL forces retook THE—SOUTH—TOWN—OF—MUSA—QALA, held by Taliban militants —SINCE—FEBRUARY.
20071210             1—TALIBAN spokesman said the militants fled to avoid civilian and Taliban casualties.
20071210             —CLASHED, In Sangin DISTRICT—AFGHANISTAN—POLICE, with 1—GROUP—OF—TALIBAN militants, leaving 15—MILITANTS—DEAD and 11—OTHERS wounded.
20071210             1—AFGHANISTAN—ARMY—HELICOPTER crashed in CENTRAL—AFGHANISTAN because of bad weather, killing 4—PEOPLE.
20071210             —STOPPED, UK—PRIME—MINISTER—GORDON—BROWN, in at Camp Bastion, the main UK—CAMP in Helmand province.
20071210             CRISTINA—KIRCHNER was sworn in as PRESIDENT—OF—ARGENTINA.
20071210             —ACCUSED—OF, HECTOR—FEBRES, —66—JAHRE—ALT, kidnapping and torturing dissidents —DURING ARGENTINA—PAST—MILITARY—DICTATORSHIP, was found dead in his cell at 1—NAVY brig —4—DAYS—BEFORE 1 expected verdict in his HIGH—PROFILE—CASE.
20071210             —ACCEPTED, AUSTRALIA, 7—ASYLUM—SEEKERS from MYANMAR as refugees as the country's new Labor government began unwinding tough immigration laws which force boatpeople into detention on Pacific ISLAND nations.
20071210             —PERFORMED, LONDON, Led Zeppelin, their 1. full concert in nearly —3—DECADES.
20071210             3—SURVIVING members, singer ROBERT—PLANT, guitarist JIMMY—PAGE and BASSIST—KEYBOARDIST—JOHN—PAUL—JONES, were joined by the late JOHN—BONHAM—SON—JASON on drums.
20071210             PETRO—CANADA, CANADA—3. largest oil and gas company, signed a $7—BILLION deal with LIBYA—STATE—RUN—NATIONAL—OIL—CORP. to invest in exploration in THE—NORTH—AFRICA—NATION.
20071210             —CLASHED, MISSISSAUGA—CANADA, Aqsa Parvez (16), who was said to have, with her father about whether she should wear 1—TRADITIONAL—MUSLIM head scarf, †—OF—INJURIES, and her father told police he had killed her.
20071210             —MASTERED, USA—BLUES—GUITARIST "PHILADELPHIA" JERRY—RICKS, —67—JAHRE—ALT, who, the sound of the 1930s' Delta Blues, † in 1—CLINIC in CROATIA.
20071210             CUBA said it would sign 1—INTERNATIONAL—AGREEMENT on civil and political rights —WHILE 1—FEW blocks away government supporters shoved and shouted down activists calling for improved human rights on THE—COMMUNIST—RUN—ISLAND.
20071210             —ENDANGERED, INDONESIA—PRESIDENT—SUSILO—BAMBANG—YUDHOYONO said a —10—YEAR—PROGRAM has begun to save, orangutans from extinction by protecting tropical jungle habitat from logging, mining and palm oil plantations.
20071210             As many as 50,000 orangutans have been lost over the past —35—YEARS due to shrinking habitat.
20071210             As of 20040100             , about 6,650 Sumatran orangutans and 55,000 Borneo orangutans remained in the wild.
20071210             —SLAMMED, BAGHDAD, mortar shells, into 1—INTERIOR—MINISTRY—PRISON, killing at least 7—INMATES and wounding 23. 1—ROADSIDE bomb targeting 1—POLICE—PATROL in EAST—BAGHDAD killed 1—POLICEMAN and injured 5—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20071210             Gunmen on motorcycles fatally shot DOCTOR—IBRAHIM—MOHAMMED—AJIL, THE—HEAD—OF—IRAQ—LARGEST—PSYCHIATRIC—HOSPITAL, as he was returning home from work.
20071210             —ROUNDED, IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES, up several Shiite militia fighters in raids targeting suspects in THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—1—USA—BACKED provincial police CHIEF—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20071210             1—FIRE broke out at 1—OF—IRAQ—MAIN—OIL refineries, but THE—USA—MILITARY said it was due to 1—INDUSTRIAL—ACCIDENT, not 1—ATTACK.
20071210             —REPORTED, It was, that some 1,217—PEOPLE in IRAQ—NORTH—SULAYMANIYA province have been infected with cholera —SINCE—LATE—AUGUST.
20071210             JAPAN—DRUGMAKER Eisai Co. said it will buy USA biopharmaceutical company MGI Pharma INCORPORATED for $3.9—BILLION in cash in 1—MOVE aimed at boosting its cancer drug business and sustain sales growth.
20071210             KOSOVO ALBANIA—LEADERS said they will start immediate talks with Western backers towards 1—INDEPENDENCE—DECLARATION as THE—EU came closer to unity in SUPPORT—OF—THE—PROVINCE—DRIVE to secede from Serbia.
20071210             —MARCHED, THOUSANDS—OF—WILDLY cheering PRO—INDEPENDENCE—DEMONSTRATORS, through PRISTINA, as 1—SENSE—OF—EUPHORIA swept the breakaway province preparing to gain statehood early —NEXT—YEAR.
20071210             —ARRIVED, LIBYA—LEADER—MOAMER Kadhafi, on his 1. visit to FRANCE in —34—YEARS, sparking protests from rights groups and criticism from the government's own human rights MINISTER.
20071210             Gadhafi got straight to business, cutting $14.7—BILLION in deals for arms and nuclear reactors on his 1. official visit to THE—WEST—SINCE renouncing terrorism and atomic weapons.
20071210             1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER struck near 1—BUS carrying CHILDREN—OF—PAKISTAN—AIR—FORCE—EMPLOYEES to school at 1—NORTHERN—ARMY—BASE.
20071210             —WOUNDED, At least 5—CHILDREN were.
20071210             —FACED, PERU—FORMER—PRESIDENT—ALBERTO—FUJIMORI, trial on charges of using 1—DEATH—SQUAD to kill leftist guerrillas and collaborators, 1—CASE stirring mixed emotions in 1—COUNTRY where MANY—ADMIRE him for defeating 1—BLOODY—INSURGENCY.
20071210             PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN threw his support behind 1. Deputy PRIME—MINISTER—DMITRY—MEDVEDEV (19650000             *) as his successor, saying that electing him PRESIDENT would keep RUSSIA on the same COURSE—OF—THE—PAST —8—YEARS.
20071210             —SERVED, Medvedev also, as CHAIRMAN—OF—AOA—GAZPROM, THE—STATE—CONTROLLED energy giant.
20071210             SWITZERLAND—BANKING giant UBS AG said it will write off 1—FURTHER $10—BILLION on losses in THE—USA—SUBPRIME lending market and will raise capital by selling substantial stakes to SINGAPORE and 1 unnamed investor in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20071210             —SIGNALED, ISRAEL—SAYS—IT—WILL—KEEP—JERUSALEM—AREAS : 1—KEY—ALLY—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT, —ON—SUNDAY that ISRAEL intends to hold on to all Jewish neighborhoods in JERUSALEM - 1—POSITION that undercuts the Palestinians' claim to THE—EAST—PART—OF—THE—CITY for their future capital.
20071210             IRAN drops dollar from oil deals: report:
20071210             —STOPPED, Major crude producer IRAN has completely, carrying out its oil transactions in dollars, Oil MINISTER—GHOLAM—HOSSEIN—NOZARI said —ON—SATURDAY, labelling the greenback an "unreliable" currenc
20071210             BOLTON says USA intel report on IRAN was political : BOLTON described THE—NIE, released —MONDAY, as a "QUASI—PUTSCH" by the agencies, Der Spiegel said.
20071210             ISRAEL no nuclear threat to neighbors, says Gates: The statement was greeted by laughter from 1—ROOM filled with government officials from Middle Eastern countries.
20071210             PM: ISRAEL set to "expose" IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM : ISRAEL—OFFICIALS have conducted 1—QUIET—CAMPAIGN aimed at exposing the National Intelligence ESTIMATE—DEFICIENCIES.
20071210             USA Democrats retreat and allow more IRAQ FUNDING—NEWSPAPER : USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES—DEMOCRATIC—LEADERS are contemplating legislation that would give PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH $70—BILLION in new funds for war but without ANY—TIMETABLES for withdrawing troops from IRAQ.
20071210             —WHEN Is Bush Going to Come Clean?
20071210             Cindy Sheehan: NIEs: WASTE—OF—TIME?
20071210             Investigative JOURNALIST—SEYMOUR—HERSH claims that Bush Co has known at the highest levels about this intelligence for over —1—YEAR, but they have all been beating their evil DRUMS—OF—WAR against IRAN, nevertheless.
20071210             An Alleged "2—PARTY System"
20071210             "EVERY— 10—MINUTES 1—IRAQ—CIVILIAN is injured or killed in 1—WAR that GEORGE—BUSH says will not end —UNTIL he leaves office. EVERY— 10—HOURS 1—USA—SOLDIER is killed in 1—WAR that GEORGE—BUSH says will not end —UNTIL he leaves office. EVERY— 10—DAYS $2—BILLION is removed from THE—USA—TREASURY and placed in the accounts of Halliburton, Blackwater and all other war profiteers that are getting rich off the misery of Iraqis and Americans"
20071210             They are advocating, instead, 1—SECULAR, democratic state" solution, where Palestinians and Israelis would share equal rights, —AFTER historic injustices are redressed and the refugees are allowed to return.
20071210             We risk blowing the world apart, to avoid watching AMERICA SLOWLY choke on its own excesses.
20071210             - The government has known —FOR—DECADES that AMERICA is on 1—COUNTDOWN to SELF—DESTRUCTION.
20071210             Among the elite it is common knowledge that our "global economy" must —1—DAY—COLLAPSE from its own dead weight.
20071210             Henrik Bródy: Information and Much More from Answers_com
20071210             Salomonsohn, "Widerspricht der Zionismus Unserer Religion?
20071210             bull 2-20030000             .p65 -
20071210             ions, among them Adolph Salomonsohn and MAX—VON—SCHINCKEL—OF—NORDDEUTSCHE—BANK, 1—BANK strongly connected to THE—DISCONTO—GESELLSCHAFT —SINCE
20071210             "Rein psychologisch ist das die schlimmste Krise, die ich in meinen —30—JAHREN als Banker erlebt habe".
20071210             DEUTSCHE—BANK—VORSTANDSMITGLIED HERMANN—JOSEF—LAMBERTI sagte dagegen kurze Zeit später, man habe die Krise "im Griff", sie sei "keine Bedrohung für die Weltwirtschaft".
20071210             Einem Bericht des "WALL—STREET Journal" zufolge hätten sich die Banken diese Krise ersparen können.
20071210             In den USA haperte es —SCHON im Vorfeld der Krise bei Ermittlungen: Die Zeitung schreibt, dass USA—BEHÖRDEN eine "mögliche Chance zur Warnung vor den Risiken" der Kreditkrise verpassten.
20071210             In den getrennten Untersuchungen überprüften SEC und Staatsanwälte, ob Bear Stearns Investoren durch unangemessene Bewertung von Wertpapieren auf der Basis von Hypothekendarlehen geschädigt hatte.
20071210             Erneuerbare Energie: BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG will ALLE—HAUSHALTE mit Windkraft versorgen
20071210             Milliardenverluste: USA—BEHÖRDEN haben Kreditkrise verschlafen
20071210             Huckabee Pulls 12 % Points Ahead in IOWA.
20071210             "What we are facing is 1—PLANETARY emergency," FORMER—USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—AL—GORE said at 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE, adding that "the challenge —NOW is to awaken the global community —NOW to reduce global emissions sharply".
20071210             Gore will receive the Nobel Prize in OSLO —ON—MONDAY.
20071210             —ADVOCATED, MIKE—HUCKABEE once, isolating AIDS patients from the general public, opposed increased FEDERAL—FUNDING in the search for 1—CURE and said homosexuality could "pose 1—DANGEROUS—PUBLIC—HEALTH—RISK".
20071210             TURKEY flexes diplomatic muscle as economy booms -- and more in GLORIA—R—LALUMIA—WORLD—MEDIA—WATCH for 20071210             20071210             In den USA mit ihren 300—MILLIONEN Einwohnern befinden sich nach Behördenangaben 200—MILLIONEN Schusswaffen im Besitz von Privathaushalten.
20071210             —SORTIERT, Er, die hereinkommenden Informationen vor und ermöglicht es dem Arbeitsspeicher so, sich nur auf die wesentlichen zu konzentrieren.
20071210             Gabriel kündigte an, DEUTSCHLAND werde den ärmeren Länder Hilfen in Höhe von 120—MILLIONEN Euro für die Entwicklung fortschrittlicher Technologien und die Anpassung an den Klimawandel zur Verfügung stellen.
20071210             Es sei zu erwarten, dass der Klimawandel einen massiven Mangel an Wasser und Nahrungsmitteln mit sich ziehen werde, erklärte der Leiter des UNO—UMWELTPROGRAMMS Unep Achim Steiner.
20071210             Der führende DEUTSCHE—KLIMAEXPERTE HANS—JOACHIM—SCHELLNHUBER warnte sogar vor einem "globalen Bürgerkrieg", wenn die Erderwärmung weiter voranschreite.
20071210             "Bei Konflikten der Zukunft wird es nicht mehr um nationale Armeen gehen, sondern etwa um in sich zerfallende Länder und die Auswirkungen auf andere Länder und Regionen", sagte Schellnhuber.
20071210             Der Kreditkrise könnte ein großer Ausverkauf der USA—BANKEN folgen.
20071210             "Es bestehen gewaltige Chancen für staatliche Vermögensverwalter, die schnell und vertrauensvoll reagieren können", sagte Chen —HEUTE während einer PRESSEKONFERENZ—IN—DUBAI.
20071210             Wasserversorgung in Kalifornien: Beben könnte LOS—ANGELES trockenlegen
20071210             Lauernde Staatsfonds: Alptraum der WALL—STREET—WEST—WING: Das ENDE—DER—GLOBALISIERUNG?
20071210             Arbeitsmarkt: AUTO—BRANCHE muss —BIS zu 35.000—STELLEN streichen
20071210             USA—KREDITKRISE: Scheichs sollen SCHWEIZER—GROSSBANK stützen
20071210             Phase 2 - Vielmehr sei der Normenstaat durch den Maßnahmenstaat situativ außer Kraft gesetzt worden + zwar an genau den Punkten, welche die Polizeiapparate gemäß...
20071210             Bluttaten: Tote nach Schießereien vor USA—KIRCHEN—AND perhaps most significantly the
20071210—20050000    —J—IM, Die USA—BÖRSENAUFSICHT SEC und die New Yorker Generalstaatsanwaltschaft hätten fragwürdige KREDIT—WERTPAPIERGESCHÄFTE der Investmentbank Bear Stearns untersucht,
20071210—20050000    —J—IM, Die USA—BÖRSENAUFSICHT SEC und die New Yorker Generalstaatsanwaltschaft hätten fragwürdige KREDIT—WERTPAPIERGESCHÄFTE der Investmentbank Bear Stearns untersucht, die Ermittlungen aber ohne Nennung von Gründen wieder beendet.
20071210—20071214    —ON, police detained the wife and 2—GROWN children of the former coast guard officer hours —AFTER 1—AUTOPSY found cyanide in his blood.
20071222—19421210    —AM, In einem —ERST vor wenigen —JAHREN aufgefundenen Taschenkalender notierte SS—CHEF—HEINRICH—HIMMLER ungeachtet der Niederlage in EL—ALAMAIN: "Juden in FRANKREICH 600—BIS 700.000—ABSCHAFFEN".
20080404             of IRAN/Contra), DONALD—GREGG, GENE—TATUM, JOHN—SINGLAUB + MANY—
20080517             "Verlogen und naiv" : Obama und McCain streiten über BUSH—REDE—ALFATOMEGA_com/20041210.html
20080517             alfatomega_com/20041210.html
20080707             Milfuegos: 20061210             20080707             —CORROBORATED, TEICHER—AFFIDAVIT, —EARLIER public statements by FORMER—ISRAEL—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER—ARI—BEN—MENASHE and IRANIAN—BORN businessman Richard...
20080707             Milfuegos: 20061210             20081104             Contaminação acústica nos vários sectores de actividade...
200811210630         —PM Special report on the activity of the volcano Nevado del Huila.
20081206—20081210    —ON, the severed HEAD—OF—SALEKH—AZIZOV, —20—JAHRE—ALT, the other TAJIKISTAN—MIGRANT—WORKER, was found in 1—TRASH bin.
20081210             Congressional officials said majority Democrats and THE—WHITE—HOUSE have finalized 1—DEAL to spend $15—BILLION on emergency loans for struggling USA—AUTOMAKERS.
20081210             —PROPOSED, THE—USA, to track down SOMALIA—PIRATES not only at sea, but on land and in Somalian air space with cooperation from THE—AFRICA—COUNTRY'S—WEAK UN—BACKED government.
20081210             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 6—POLICE and 1—CIVILIAN were, —WHEN USA—LED forces targeting 1—TALIBAN COMMANDER bombed 1—POLICE—STATION in Zabul province.
20081210             ANGLO—AUSTRALIA—MINING giant RIO—TINTO said it will slash some 14,000 jobs globally to cut its debt by 10—BILLION USA—DOLLARS as it battles falling prices and 1—GLOBAL—SLOWDOWN.
20081210             —JAILED, AUSTRALIA, Taha ABDUL—RAHMAN—OF—SYDNEY was, for 3½ years for buying 7—ROCKET launchers stolen from the military 20010000—20030000    —BETWEEN, most of which have never been recovered by authorities.
20081210             † UK—TELEVISION—BROADCAST—1—DOCUMENTARY of the assisted suicide of CRAIG—EWERT (20060000             † age 59), 1—TERMINALLY ill American, as he, in SWITZERLAND.
20081210             The documentary, "Right to Die?," was made by OSCAR—WINNING director JOHN—ZARITSKY.
20081210             Sark, THE—ENGLAND—CHANNEL—ISLAND that let only landowners vote —FOR—450—YEARS, held the 1. parliamentary election in its history.
20081210             —AGREED, The government of CAMBODIA and THE—UN, in principle to strengthen measures to prevent corruption among staff at the country's genocide tribunal.
20081210             —AWARDED, THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION, the 1. Chaillot Prize to THE—AL—NAHDA—PHILANTHROPIC—SOCIETY for Women, 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—CHARITY which helps divorced and underprivileged women.
20081210             —ATTACKED, Protesters, ATHENS' main courthouse with firebombs —DURING 1—HEARING for police officers whose shooting of 1—TEENAGER set off rioting that appeared to be tapering off even as 1—GENERAL—STRIKE paralyzed the country.
20081210             —LAUNCHED, INDONESIA, the Bali Democracy Forum to promote human rights and democracy.
20081210             —ATTENDED, The forum was, by foreign ministers from —AROUND 20—COUNTRIES, with PRESIDENT—SUSILO—BAMBANG—YUDHOYONO and AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER—KEVIN—RUDD as CO—CHAIRS.
20081210             —AGREED, ISRAEL, to allow THE—DELIVERY—OF—CASH to banks in THE—GAZA—STRIP to ease 1—CASH crunch that has badly hobbled the economy of the blockaded PALESTINE—TERRITORY.
20081210             —EXPECTED, ITALY, 1—BUMPER harvest was, to push wine production above that of neighboring FRANCE for the 1. time in —1—DECADE, making ITALY the world's largest wine producer.
20081210             —ARMED, Police in JAMAICA said, gangs wrestling for control of 2—COMMUNITIES—NEAR the capital have forced over 200—PEOPLE from their homes.
20081210             —KILLED, MEXICO, 1—SHOOTOUT between rival gangs, 10—PEOPLE in Sinaloa state, home of the powerful cartel of the same name.
20081210             —KIDNAPPED, USA—SECURITY consultant FELIX—BATISTA was, in SALTILLO, Coahuila state, —WHILE there to offer advice on how to confront abductions for ransom.
20081210             —HELPED, He claimed to have, resolve nearly 100—KIDNAP and ransom cases.
20081210             ROMANIA, THEODOR—STOLOJAN (65), FORMER—WORLD Bank economist, was chosen to become the next PRIME—MINISTER.
20081210             —POURED, SAUDI—ARABIA, Muslims, into MECCA for 1—FINAL—DAY—OF—THE hajj.
20081210             NORTH—SRI—LANKA, separatist Tamil rebels fought intense battles against government forces trying to advance on the militants' de facto capital, killing at least 89—SOLDIERS.
20081210             —DISPUTED, The military, the death toll, saying pitched battles in the north over the past —2—DAYS had left 20—SOLDIERS and 27—REBELS—DEAD.
20081210             —AWARDED, THE—NOBEL—PRIZES were, in twin ceremonies in STOCKHOLM and OSLO.
20081210             —SOARED, The death toll from ZIMBABWE—CHOLERA outbreak, to nearly 800 and 1—COURT ordered police to find 1—MISSING rights activist, piling more pressure on PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE—GOVERNMENT.
20081210             Bei 1—AUKTION von Christie's in LONDON wird der Blaue Wittelsbacher für 16,4—MILLIONEN—PFUND—STERLING versteigert, den höchsten je für 1—DIAMANTEN erzielten Preis.
20081210—20081215    —RENOUNCED, Stolojan, the job and was replaced by EMIL—BOC, —42—JAHRE—ALT, the leader of the same centrist Democratic Liberal Party.
20090424             —KIDNAPPED, Batista was, in Coahuila state 20091210             and has not been heard from —SINCE.
20090501—20091210    —FREED, THE—ARIANA was, —FOLLOWING 1—RANSOM payment of $2.8—MILLION by ATHENS—BASED Alloceans Shipping.
20090505—20091210    —ON, officials charged 2—MEN with misdemeanors for allegedly sparking the Jesusita fire.
20091210             HansMeier555 20091209             , 10000
20091210             —SOLVED, Ancient Mediterranean flood mystery
20091210             —REVEALED, Research has, details of the catastrophic Zanclean flood that refilled the Mediterranean Sea more than 5—MILLION—YEARS ago.
20091210             was für 1—POLIZEI sie haben wollen", sagt Erös und kritisiert die Politiker gleich weiter:
20091210             "Aber hier fehlt jegliches Konzept".
20091210             Das Erstaunlichste an diesem Artikel ist, daß er für VIELE—FAZ—LESER hier,
20091210             die bestimmt nicht das sind, was man als minderbemittelt bezeichnen könnte, so überraschend kommt.
20091210             Daß sie auf diese Zusammenhänge irgendwie nicht vorbereitet waren.
20091210             Nehmen wir mal an, die Narratio des Don sei keine linksradikale Verschwörungstheorie,
20091210             sondern eine durchaus plausible Erklärung der politischen Gegenwartsökonomie:
20091210             Was würde das über die Qualität des gleichnamigen Journalismus' aussagen,
20091210             der die hier aufgeworfenen Fragen normalerweise gar nicht —ERST stellt (abgesehen von Schöngeistern wie NILS—MINKMAR) ?
20091210             —PASSIERT, Es, einfach so, —GESTERN waren die Milliarden hier und —NUN sind sie dort,
20091210             kein Gesetz wurde gebrochen und niemand ausgeraubt, keine Steuer hinterzogen
20091210             - ausser im üblichen UMFANG—UND niemand direkt geschädigt.
20091210             —GETAN, Viel hat sich, —SEIT jenen grausamen Zeiten in der Oberpfalz,
20091210             aber nichts wird sich davon später als Beschwerden im Staatsarchiv finden.
20091210             AFGHANISTAN könnte Obamas "Waterloo" werden, frohlockt der konservative TV—MODERATOR BILL—O'REILLY.
20091210             Weißt du, wer für gerade Derivate für den Emissionshandel entwickelt?
20091210             Na? Kommst du nie drauf! Die Frau, die auch CDOs erfunden hat
20091210             (die thermonuklearen Wertpapiere, die die globale Finanzkrise ausgelöst haben).
20091210             —BERICHTET, Und Bloomberg, dass es beim Emissionshandel hauptsächlich um Derivate gehen soll.
20091210             —GERETTET, Damit ist klar, das Klima ist so gut wie !1!!
20091210             CHINA richtet ihren 1. Banker hin.
20091210             DON—ALPHONSO rechnet dort vor, dass die ganzen Milliardensummen nur Kosmetik sind und im Kreis fließen, am Ende zahlt keiner wirklich was.
20091210             Und lauter alte Bekannte sind beteiligt, sogar AIG!
20091210             Jemand hat vertrauliche DATEN—VON—SCHWEIZER—BANKKUNDEN an die FRANZÖSISCHE—STEUERFAHNDUNG verkauft.
20091210             Die können ja mit den Liechtensteinern 1—SELBSTHILFEGRUPPE aufmachen :-
20091210             Und, äh, es scheint sich ja zu lohnen, SCHWEIZER—BANKDATEN zu befreien:
20091210             Da zu vermuten ist, dass KOLUMBIANISCHE—INHABER geheimer Konten nicht besonders viel Federlesens machen,
20091210             wenn sie den Datendieb in die Finger kriegen,
20091210             lebt er anonym und unter Polizeischutz mit einer neuen Identität, irgendwo in der Nähe von Nizza an der Cote d'Azur.
20091210             Das 2. Dokument, das ich einfließen lassen will, rechnet mal die Nichtwähler aus dem ERGEBNIS—DER—BUNDESTAGSWAHL heraus,
20091210             und kommt für CDU und FDP (unsere Regierungskoalition!
20091210             zusammen auf 33,75—PROZENT—DER—STIMMEN.
20091210             Nobelpreisträger Obama: 9—REGELN, um ein großer PRÄSIDENT zu werden
20091210             Vor 5,33 Millionen —JAHREN brach sich das Wasser vom Atlantik her seine Bahn und füllte das langsam ausgetrocknete Mittelmeer wieder auf.
20091210             nicht wirklich komisch ist"
20091210             Ein PAKISTANISCHER—POLIZEISPRECHER, Tahir Guijrar, sagte dem Sender, es sei zu früh, die Festgenommenen in Verbindung mit Terrororganisationen zu bringen.
20091210             1. Ermittlungen hätten aber ergeben, dass die Männer Kontakt zu 2—MILITANTEN Gruppen gesucht hätten.
20091210             Milliardenprojekt: Weltbank plant Solaroffensive
20091210             Vor 5,3 Millionen —JAHREN: Flutkatastrophe füllte Mittelmeer wieder auf
20091210             Offensive gegen Boni: Sarkozy und Brown wollen Banker schröpfen
20091210             Wintereinbruch: Mehrere Tote bei Wetterchaos in den USA
20091210             —VERHAFTET, PAKISTAN: Polizei, 5—USA—BÜRGER wegen Terrorverdachts
20091210             Streit um Entlastungen: Wirtschaftsweise rügen SCHWARZ—GELBE Steuerpläne
20091210             —GESCHADET, Ehrung in OSLO: "Das Nobelpreiskomitee hat Obama "
20091210             HARRY—BOHRER fragte uns, ob wir Lust hätten, die Time in exakter Kopie unter dem
20091210             in DOCTOR—RASCHES—NÄHE zu bleiben, nahm ich 1—ANGEBOT—VON—HENRI—NANNEN an...
20091210             SPIEGEL—VERLAG RUDOLF—AUGSTEIN—GMBH & Co. KG -- Company History
20091210             Doch Freundschaft entwickelt sich —IN—JENEN—TAGEN nur zwischen den Deutschen und den beiden NEU—BRITEN Ormond und Bohrer.
20091210             DER SPIEGEL 19470000—19560000    —JAHR—BIS:
20091210             "Dieses Schmierblatt wird leider Gottes...
20091210             Die GESCHICHTE—DES—SPIEGEL startet unstrittig 19460000             in HANNOVER mit den 3—BRITISCHEN—BESATZUNGSSOLDATEN JOHN—CHALONER, HENRY—ORMOND und HARRY—BOHRER...
20091210             —SELECTED, CALIFORNIA, THE—ASSEMBLY—DEMOCRATIC—CAUCUS, openly gay Latino Democrat JOHN—PEREZ from LOS—ANGELES as the lower house's leader.
20091210             —EXPECTED, He was, to be voted in as the 68. Assembly speaker in January.
20091210             —ARRESTED, SF, police, 25—PROTESTERS —1—DAY—AFTER students barricaded themselves inside the business SCHOOL—OF—S—FRANCISCO—STATE—UNIV. to protest fee hikes and budget cuts at the state's public universities.
20091210             —APPROVED, In THE—SF—BAY—AREA—BART directors, a 3.2—MILE—PEOPLE mover connection to THE—OAKLAND—AIRPORT.
20091210             $440—MILLION in contracts were approved with 1—TARGET—DATE as soon as 20130000             .
20091210             —CHARGED, PENNSYLVANIA police, ALFONSO—FRANK—FRAZETTA, —52—JAHRE—ALT with theft, burglary and trespass —AFTER he was caught loading artwork into his trailer and SUV.
20091210             —OWNED, He had used 1—BACKHOE to break into 1—MUSEUM, by his father, fantasy artist FRANK—FRAZETTA (19280000             *) loading artwork.
20091210             1—CONSORTIUM including Google and KDDI Corp signed 1—DEAL to build and operate 1—INTERNATIONAL undersea cable system, estimated to cost $400—MILLION.
20091210             —OWNED, Globe Telecom, part, by SINGAPORE Telecommunications Ltd, and units of Bharti Airtel and Reliance Communications were also part of the consortium.
20091210             —REPORTED, USA—RESEARCHERS, that they have developed 1—LESS—TOXIC—TRANSPLANT—PROCEDURE using bone marrow transplants to cure sickle cell disease in adults.
20091210             —REPORTED, Over 200,000—PEOPLE were, to have been hospitalized —SINCE THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—PANDEMIC —7—MONTHS—EARLIER.
20091210             50—MILLION—AMERICA were estimated to have contacted the disease.
20091210             —FANNED, SOUTH—EAST—AUSTRALIA, more than 120—WILDFIRES, by high winds and soaring temperatures raged, prompting emergency warnings for several towns.
20091210             EGYPT—SECURITY—OFFICIALS said 1—PROJECT is under way along THE—GAZA border to stem smuggling into THE—PALESTINE—TERRITORY through underground tunnels.
20091210             1—BORDER—GUARD with Hamas' GAZA rulers said the Egyptians are digging —DURING the —DAY and putting SHEETS—OF—METAL into the trenches at night.
20091210             —ACCUSED, IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NURI—AL—MALIKI, rivals of stoking political rows that have put security at risk, as USA—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES arrived on 1—SURPRISE—VISIT.
20091210             † 1—USA—SOLDIER, —OF—INJURIES unrelated to combat.
20091210             Ichiro Ozawa, JAPAN's "shadow shogun," flew 645—PEOPLE in 5—AIRPLANES, including 143—MEMBERS—OF—THE—DPJ, to meet with CHINA—PREMIER—HU—JINTAO.
20091210             LIBYA, 1—FOUNDATION—RUN by Moamer KADHAFI—SON, Seif AL—ISLAM, published 1—NEW—REPORT cataloguing 1—ARRAY—OF—CASES—OF—TORTURE, wrongful imprisonment and other abuses.
20091210             —KILLED, MEXICO, 2—FEDERAL—AGENTS were, in 1—SHOOTOUT with gunmen in the port CITY—OF—LAZARO—CARDENAS.
20091210             —KILLED, —EARLIER in the —DAY, 1—PASSER—BY was, in the same city —WHEN he drove into 1—SHOOTOUT between agents and gunmen outside 1—HOTEL where THE—FEDERAL—POLICE—OFFICERS were staying.
20091210             † 3—MORE—OFFICERS who had been wounded last —EVENING in 1—ATTACK in THE—TOWN—OF—APATZINGAN, at 1—HOSPITAL.
20091210             —AGREED, NORTH—KOREA, to accept medicine from SOUTH—KOREA to fight 1—OUTBREAK—OF—SWINE—FLU, in 1—DEVELOPMENT that could improve relations between the nations —AFTER 1—DEADLY maritime clash.
20091210             —ACCEPTED, OSLO—NORWAY, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, the Nobel Peace Prize, acknowledging his own few accomplishments —WHILE delivering 1—ROBUST DEFENSE—OF—WAR and promising to use the prestigious award to "reach for the world that ought to be".
20091210             ABDULLAH—ABU—RAHMEH, —38—JAHRE—ALT, 1—TEACHER and leader of the most persistent PALESTINE—PROTEST—MOVEMENT against ISRAEL—WEST—BANK—SEPARATION—BARRIER, was arrested by ISRAEL—TROOPS in 1—PRE—DAWN raid.
20091210             —OVERTURNED, PARAGUAY, 1—APPEALS—COURT, the corruption conviction and prison sentence for FORMER—PRESIDENT—LUIS—GONZALEZ—MACCHI, drawing criticism from the current government.
20091210             —SENTENCED, Macchi had been, to —8—YEARS in prison for stashing $370,000 in 1—SECRET—SWITZERLAND—BANK—ACCOUNT —DURING his term.
20091210             —ABDUCTED, In THE—PHILIPPINES gunmen, 65—STUDENTS and teacher from 1—SCHOOL in S—MARTIN—VILLAGE on Mindanao ISLAND.
20091210             Suspected bandits trying to evade police serving arrest warrants abducted DOZENS—OF—VILLAGERS and were still holding 57—HOSTAGES—AFTER releasing all the schoolchildren they had seized.
20091210             —SUSPENDED, SOUTH—AFRICA SAID it has, DOZENS—OF—IMMIGRATION—OFFICIALS being investigated for giving SOUTH—AFRICA—CITIZENSHIP to foreigners, mainly from PAKISTAN.
20091210             SOUTH—AFRICA, the Industrial Development CORPORATION—OF—SOUTH—AFRICA (IDC) said it has approved a 10—MILLION—DOLLAR—GRANT to fund the expansion of ZIMBABWE—FREDA—REBECCA gold mine.
20091210             SUDAN, gunmen in NYALA, WEST—DARFUR, shot and killed HASSAN—TAGEDDINE—HASSAN—AL—HELW—OF—THE—RULING—NATIONAL—CONGRESS—PARTY along with 2—OTHERS in his car.
20091210             —FAILED, TANZANIA, 1—UNDERSEA cable to the archipelago of ZANZIBAR.
20091210             THAILAND, THOUSANDS—OF—RED—SHIRTED SUPPORTERS—OF—FORMER—THAILAND—PRIME—MINISTER—THAKSIN—SHINAWATRA flooded back into THE—STREETS—OF—BANGKOK in 1—ATTEMPT to step up pressure on the embattled government.
20091210             —CAUSED, TURKEY, 1—EXPLOSION, the collapse of 1—UNDERGROUND chamber of 1—COAL—MINE, killing 19—WORKERS in WEST—BURSA province.
20091210             —APPROVED, UGANDA—PARLIAMENT, 1—BILL banning female genital mutilation.
20091210             1—ANGRY—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ demanded she be kept in 1—CELL for the maximum sentence, —30—YEARS.
20091210             The pheromone PHENOMENON—IT—PHREAKY.
20091210             Ein AFGHANISCHER—POLIZIST verdient umgerechnet circa 80—EURO, da braucht es nicht zu verwundern, dass die Korruption grassiert.
20091210             was für 1—POLIZEI sie haben wollen", sagt Erös und kritisiert die Politiker gleich weiter: "Aber hier fehlt jegliches Konzept".
20091210             Das Erstaunlichste an diesem Artikel ist, daß er für VIELE—FAZ—LESER hier, die bestimmt nicht das sind, was man als minderbemittelt bezeichnen könnte, so überraschend kommt.
20091210             sondern eine durchaus plausible Erklärung der politischen Gegenwartsökonomie: Was würde das über die Qualität des gleichnamigen Journalismus' aussagen,
20091210             Und sie können noch nicht mal etwas DAFÜR—DAS macht alles der bankenfreundliche und liberale AMERIKANISCHE—STAAT mit seinen Konzernen.
20091210             —PASSIERT, Es, einfach so, —GESTERN waren die Milliarden hier und —NUN sind sie dort, kein Gesetz wurde gebrochen und niemand ausgeraubt, keine Steuer hinterzogen
20091210             —GETAN, Viel hat sich, —SEIT jenen grausamen Zeiten in der Oberpfalz, aber nichts wird sich davon später als Beschwerden im Staatsarchiv finden.
20091210             —ÜBERLEBT, Nur dieser Eintrag hier, der, vielleicht in der Erinnerung all jener, die sich auf dessen Grundlage für die richtige Seite entscheiden.
20091210             Die Frau, die auch CDOs erfunden hat (die thermonuklearen Wertpapiere, die die globale Finanzkrise ausgelöst haben).
20091210             Und der hat umgerechnet nicht mal 10—MILLIONEN Dollar veruntreut.
20091210             Wie sich herausstellt, kann man zu Wirtschaft, GENERAL—MOTORS, den Bailouts und Opel noch viel mehr spannende Details sagen.
20091210             Da zu vermuten ist, dass KOLUMBIANISCHE—INHABER geheimer Konten nicht besonders viel Federlesens machen, wenn sie den Datendieb in die Finger kriegen,
20091210             Eliteeinheit in Kunduz: KSK unterstützte OBERST—KLEIN in der Bombennacht
20091210             Begegnung: "Unglück ist die Hebamme allen Genies" | Feuilleton...
20091210             HARRY—BOHRER fragte uns, ob wir Lust hätten, die Time in exakter Kopie unter dem... in DOCTOR—RASCHES—NÄHE zu bleiben, nahm ich 1—ANGEBOT—VON—HENRI—NANNEN an...
20091210             Im Raum daneben fand ich auch MISTER—ORMOND wieder, der seinen Arbeitsplatz...
20091210             In the —SUMMER he and his CO—WORKERS from the Publications Production Unit, lawyer HENRY—ORMOND and glass factory manager HARRY—BOHRER, who had both escaped...
20091210             Besonders HARRY—BOHRER wurde zu.
20091210—19560000    —BIS, DER SPIEGEL 19470000             : "Dieses Schmierblatt wird leider Gottes...
20091210—19990000    —IN, The publication of the Kadhafi FOUNDATION—HUMAN—RIGHTS—REPORT, its 1. —SINCE it was set up, came —JUST—2—DAYS—BEFORE NEW—YORK—BASED watchdog Human Rights Watch is due to bring out its own report on LIBYA.
20091210—20091114    —REPORTED, THROUGH, † THE—USA—CENTERS for Disease Control (CDC), that nearly 10,000—PEOPLE have from H1N1 influenza.
20091210—20100220    —VOWED, The government, to have it restored.
20101118             THE—NORWAY—NOBEL COMMITTEE—RUSSIA, KAZAKHSTAN, CUBA, MOROCCO, IRAQ and CHINA have declined to attend 20101210             —THE—NOBEL—PEACE—PRIZE ceremony for jailed CHINA—DISSIDENT—LIU Xiaobo.
20101210             The deal did not require congressional approval, but Congress could have rejected it within —90—DAYS—OF—CONTINUOUS—SESSION — 1—PERIOD that elapsed 20101209             without 1—VOTE—OF disapproval.
20101210             USA—DEPUTY—ENERGY—SECRETARY—DANIEL—PONEMAN said that the framework pact — known as THE—123—AGREEMENT because its requirements are set in section 123—OF—THE—USA—ATOMIC—ENERGY—ACT — would help boost nonproliferation efforts and create new business opportunities.
20101210             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—FEDERAL—AVIATION—ADMINISTRATION (FAA) is missing key information on who owns 1—3. of the 357,000 private and commercial aircraft in THE—USA, 1—GAP the agency fears could be exploited by terrorists and drug traffickers.
20101210             —COMPLETED, THE—USA—NAVY, its latest test of 1—ELECTROMAGNETIC—RAIL—GUN at the naval Surface Warfare Center in DAHLGREN—VIRGINIA.
20101210             —GENERATED, The gun, 1—RECORD 33—MEGAJOULES—OF—FORCE out of the barrel and sent a 20-pound SLUG—OF—ALUMINUM at 7—TIMES THE—SPEED—OF—SOUND.
20101210             The electric gun was able to send 1—PROJECTILE over 100—MILES.
20101210             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—USA is concerned that MOZAMBIQUE could become 1—NARCO—STATE because of close ties between drug smugglers and the nation's government, according to USA Embassy cables released by WikiLeaks.
20101210             NEW—YORK—CITY, NICHOLAS—BROOKS, —24—JAHRE—ALT, THE—SON—OF—1—OSCAR—WINNING songwriter, was arrested on charges of attempted murder and strangulation in THE—DEATH—OF—FASHION designer Sylvie Cachay (33), who was discovered —AROUND 3 a.m. the previous —DAY at the Soho House hotel.
20101210             Brooks' ACADEMY—AWARD—WINNING father, JOSEPH—BROOKS, —72—JAHRE—ALT, is awaiting trial in 1 unrelated case.
20101210             —ACCUSED—OF, He was, raping 11—WOMEN he lured to his apartment with the promise of 1—STARRING role in 1—MOVIE.
20101210             —PLEADED, He has, not guilty to sexual assault charges and is free on bail.
20101210             AFGHANISTAN, in recognition of INTERNATIONAL Human Rights —DAY, several 100—DEMONSTRATORS, SOME—HOLDING PHOTOGRAPHS—OF—VICTIMS—OF— 3—DECADES—OF—WAR, shouted for justice and peace in KABUL, —JUST hours —BEFORE 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER blew himself up in Nangarhar province, killing 2—CIVILIANS.
20101210             —KILLED, In the south 1—NATO—SERVICE—MEMBER was, by 1—ROADSIDE bomb.
20101210             15—CIVILIANS were killed —WHEN their vehicle struck 1—ROADSIDE bomb in Helmand province.
20101210             —KILLED, ALGERIA—TROOPS, 10—ISLAMIST—REBELS in THE—EAST—KABYLIE region known as 1—STRONGHOLD—OF—AL—QAEDA in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM).
20101210             —DECLARED, AUSTRALIA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL, 45—COMMUNITIES along the country's east coast disaster areas, —FOLLOWING—WEEKS—OF drenching rains that have submerged homes, destroyed crops and killed 4—PEOPLE.
20101210             —ENACTED, BOLIVIA, 1—LAW lowering the country's retirement age to 58. The current retirement age was 65 for men and 60 for women.
20101210             —ENTITLED, THE—BRAZIL—GOVERNMENT said gay couples in stable relationships are, the same social security pension benefits enjoyed by heterosexual couples.
20101210             —RAISED, CHINA—CENTRAL—BANK, THE—AMOUNT—OF—MONEY the country's lenders must keep on reserve for the 3. time in —1—MONTH, —FOLLOWING 1—SPATE of robust data that strengthened the case for policy tightening.
20101210             —ISSUED, Police in CROATIA, 1—INTERNATIONAL—ARREST—WARRANT overnight for FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—IVO—SANADER, who left the country —JUST as it became clear that prosecutors wanted him investigated and detained on corruption charges.
20101210             —ARRESTED, Sanader was, on 1—INTERNATIONAL—WARRANT in AUSTRIA.
20101210             —AGREED, EU banking supervisors, on finalized mandatory guidelines for awarding bank bonuses, saying key requirements can be "neutralized" for less risky firms and staff.
20101210             1—GERMANY—BATTALION in 1—FRENCH—GERMANY—MILITARY—BRIGADE officially took up arms at 1—CEREMONY in EAST—FRANCE attended by THE—2—COUNTRIES' defense ministers.
20101210             This was the 1. time —WWII—SINCE that GERMANY—COMBAT troops were stationed in FRANCE, PART—OF—1—CONSCIOUS—EFFORT to show THE—2—EU powers have forever buried former hatreds.
20101210             —LIFTED, GUINEA, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY in 1—SIGN—OF rising stability —SINCE elections marred by street violence.
20101210             —CONFIRMED, THE—AFRICAN—UNION, that it has lifted SANCTIONS—AGAINST—GUINEA —FOLLOWING the country's presidential election.
20101210             —ARRESTED, INDONESIA—POLICE, ABU—THOLUT, —42—JAHRE—ALT, 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST—WANTED—MUSLIM militants, accusing him of plotting HIGH—PROFILE—ASSASSINATIONS and bloody attacks on foreigners at luxury hotels in the capital.
20101210             —IDENTIFIED, Tholut, 4—MORE—MILITANTS.
20101210             Anwar Effendi, Wardi, Sukirno, and Sri Puji Mulyo Siswanto were suspected of concealing information about terrorism and of hiding Tholut.
20101210             —ARRESTED, All 4 were, by THE—NEXT—DAY.
20101210             —SENTENCED, Sakineh Mohammedi Ashtiani, 1—IRAN—WOMAN, to death by stoning for adultery, confessed to helping 1—MAN kill her husband and RE—ENACTED the alleged crime in 1—INTERVIEW—BROADCAST by IRAN—STATE—TELEVISION, 1—APPARENT—EFFORT by the government to deflect INTERNATIONAL criticism over the case.
20101210             —CLASHED, JORDAN, fans of rival soccer teams, —AFTER 1—MATCH, injuring 250—PEOPLE in violence that pointed to the deep divisions between the nation's native Bedouin clans and its Palestinians.
20101210             —ARRESTED, Police in INDIAN—CONTROLLED Kashmir, 1—COLLEGE lecturer on charges he gave his students 1—ENGLAND—EXAM filled with questions attacking INDIA—CRACKDOWN on demonstrations in the disputed region.
20101210             Discuss".
20101210             MEXICO, 1—GUNBATTLE between rival gangs left 11—PEOPLE—DEAD —DURING 1—VIRGIN—OF—GUADALUPE celebration in THE—WEST—TOWN—OF—TECALITLAN.
20101210             —SCRAMBLED, MEXICO, to break 1—IMPASSE between rich and poor nations over future cuts in greenhouse gas emissions as 190-nation climate talks went down to the wire.
20101210             —CELEBRATED, Dignitaries in NORWAY, —THIS—YEAR—NOBEL—PEACE—PRIZE winner, imprisoned CHINA—DISSIDENT—LIU Xiaobo, with 1—EMPTY—CHAIR.
20101210             —DERIDED, Xiaobo, by BEIJING as 1—POLITICAL farce, dedicated it from his prison cell to the "lost souls" of 19890000             —THE—TIANANMEN—SQUARE—CRACKDOWN.
20101210             —PACKED, PAKISTAN, 1—SUICIDE attacker drove 1—VEHICLE, with explosives into 1—HOSPITAL for Shiite Muslims that was under construction in the northwest, killing at least 10—PEOPLE.
20101210             1—MISSILE fired from 1—USA—DRONE destroyed 1—VEHICLE in THE—MIR—ALI—TOWN—OF—NORTH—WAZIRISTAN, killing at least 4 suspected militants.
20101210             —ACKNOWLEDGED, Leading PAKISTAN—NEWSPAPERS, they were hoaxed —AFTER publishing reports based on fake WikiLeaks cables that contain crude ANTI—INDIA—PROPAGANDA.
20101210             PANAMA—PRESIDENT—RICARDO—MARTINELLI said he will declare 1—NATIONAL—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY allowing the government to mobilize more resources for affected areas.
20101210             —KILLED, Heavy rains and flooding in PANAMA have, 10—PEOPLE and forced more than 4,700 from their homes.
20101210             —ORDERED, THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—BENIGNO—AQUINO—III, prosecutors to drop criminal charges against 43—HEALTH—WORKERS arrested by the army as suspected communist rebels —10—MONTHS—AGO, saying their rights were violated.
20101210             1—SERBIA—COURT acquitted 10—MEN charged with helping Ratko Mladic, EUROPE—MOST wanted fugitive, evade arrest on genocide charges —BEFORE 1—UN—WAR—CRIMES—COURT.
20101210             —REVERSED, Serbia, its boycott of the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony honoring imprisoned CHINA—DISSIDENT—LIU Xiaobo —AFTER facing sharp criticism from THE—EU and human rights activists at home.
20101210             —HIJACKED, SOMALIA—PIRATES, THE—MV—PANAMA —JUST EAST—OF—THE—TANZANIA—MOZAMBIQUE border, making it 1—OF—THE—MOST southerly attacks SOMALIA—PIRATES have pulled off.
20101210             All 23—CREW members were from MYANMAR.
20101210             —CONVICTED, SWEDEN, 1—COURT, 2—MEN linked to the al Shabaab militant group for conspiracy to commit 1—TERRORIST—ACT and sentenced them to —4—YEARS—JAIL.
20101210             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ said he will ask his congressional allies to again grant him special powers to enact laws by decree.
20101210—20101128    —IN—THE, 1—MOLDOVA court ordered 1—RECOUNT in the inconclusive national election —AFTER the Communist Party complained of "massive irregularities" vote.
20101210—20101208    —ON, The exam WRITTEN—BY—NOOR—MOHAMMED—BHAT and administered to students across the region included questions such as, "Are the stone pelters real heroes?
20110527—20121210    —SENTENCED, She was, to life in prison.
20110712—20111210    —FREED, Her son was.
20111210             MASSACHUSETTS, police swept through Dewey Square tearing down tents of the Occupy BOSTON encampment and arrested DOZENS—OF—PROTESTERS.
20111210             MISSOURI, MARVIN—RICE, —44—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—RURAL—SHERIFF—DEPUTY, was suspected of killing his EX—WIFE and her new boyfriend —BEFORE leading officers on 1—HIGH—SPEED—CHASE that ended with 1—SHOOTOUT at 1—UPSCALE hotel hosting 1—CHRISTMAS party for HUNDREDS—OF—DOCTORS, nurses and their families.
20111210             Rice was in fair condition at 1—COLUMBIA hospital —AFTER being wounded in the shootout.
20111210             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—BICYCLE bomb, at least 2—PEOPLE, including 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—PEACE—COUNCIL, and left 16 wounded —WHEN it exploded in Kunduz city.
20111210             3—PEOPLE were killed in KANDAHAR province —WHEN their vehicle hit 1—ROADSIDE bomb.
20111210             —DENOUNCED, BENIN—JUSTICE—MINISTER, the country's judiciary as 1—OF—THE—MOST corrupt sectors in the country.
20111210             UK—POLICE said the final NUMBER—OF—VICTIMS—OF—PHONE hacking by RUPERT—MURDOCH—NEWS—OF—THE—WORLD will be —AROUND 800—PEOPLE, far fewer than originally thought.
20111210             —DESCRIBED, BOB—DIAMOND, THE—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF—BARCLAYS bank, in 1 published interview how he has introduced a "no jerks rule" to weed out bankers he considers too greedy or ostentatious.
20111210             He also said pay for investment bankers at Barclays will be lower —THIS—YEAR but the actual level has yet to be set.
20111210             —REPORTED, It was, that UK—RESEARCHERS have successfully treated 6—PATIENTS suffering from the blood clotting disease known as hemophilia B, by injecting them with the correct form of the defective gene, Factor IX.
20111210             —KILLED, CHINA, 9—PEOPLE were, and 7—SERIOUSLY injured in the far WEST—REGION—OF—XINJIANG —WHEN 1—LONG—DISTANCE—BUS collided with 1—HEAVY—DUTY—TRUCK.
20111210             —PROWLED, CongoDRC police in KINSHASA, opposition neighborhoods rounding up young men, who were seen being dragged out of their homes and shoved into waiting cars.
20111210             —KILLED, CONGO—POLICE—CHIEF said at least 4—PEOPLE have been, in the recent postelection violence.
20111210             Observers with THE—ATLANTA—BASED CARTER—CENTER said that there is growing EVIDENCE—OF—POSSIBLE—VOTE—SUPPRESSION in PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY—FAVORABLE to the opposition, and vote inflation in regions known to support Kabila.
20111210             —DRESSED, GERMANY, 1—MAN, as Santa drugged 1—GIRL, —15—JAHRE—ALT at 1—BERLIN—CHRISTMAS market.
20111210             9—OTHER—PEOPLE at various BERLIN Christmas markets have fallen prey to similar attack.
20111210             INDONESIA—POLICE in Aceh, the country's most conservative province, raided 1—PUNK—ROCK—CONCERT and detained 65—FANS, buzzing off their spiky mohawks and stripping away body piercings because of the perceived threat to Islamic values.
20111210             IRAQ, 1—SPATE—OF—GUN and bomb attacks across northern and CENTRAL—IRAQ killed 7—PEOPLE and left 4—OTHERS wounded.
20111210             —ATTACKED, ISRAEL—WARPLANES, GAZA and militants fired 4—ROCKETS at SOUTH—ISRAEL in return.
20111210             LIBYA, the army CHIEF—OF—STAFF, GENERAL—KHALIFA—HIFTER, was in 1—CONVOY traveling from his home in TRIPOLI to the military headquarters —WHEN 1—GROUP—OF armed men at 1—FAKE checkpoint tried to stop them.
20111210             —ARRESTED, Soldiers, 2—GUNMEN.
20111210             Fighters from the western mountain TOWN—OF—ZINTAN, who control TRIPOLI—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT, opened fire on 2—OCCASIONS on THE—CONVOY—OF—GENERAL—KHALIFA—HIFTER.
20111210             —BLAMED, THE—ZINTAN fighters, the violence on the army's failure to notify them that the general was coming.
20111210             —ARMED, MEXICO, men holed up in 1—BUILDING in THE—CITY—OF—VALLE—HERMOSO opened fire on the troops.
20111210             —SEIZED, The army patrol —LATER, the building, finding 11—DEAD—GUNMEN and 73—RIFLES inside.
20111210             MEXICO, 1—MAGNITUDE—6.5—EARTHQUAKE struck WEST—GUERRERO state, shaking buildings and causing panic in the nation's CAPITAL—AND—THE—PACIFIC—RESORT—OF—ACAPULCO.
20111210             † Officials said at least 3—PEOPLE.
20111210             —BLAMED, CENTRAL—NIGERIA, 3—BOMB—ATTACKS, on the feared Boko Haram radical sect, killed 1—PERSON and wounded 11—OTHERS in JOS.
20111210             —ANNOUNCED, The deputy CHIEF—OF—THE—PAKISTANI—TALIBAN, that the militant group was in peace talks with the government and 1—AGREEMENT to end its brutal —4—YEAR—INSURGENCY was within striking distance.
20111210             CENTRAL—PAKISTAN, at least 13—PEOPLE, including 3—CHILDREN, were killed and another 15 injured —WHEN 1—ROAD—COLLISION led to 1—GAS—CYLINDER—EXPLOSION.
20111210             —CRASHED, In THE—PHILIPPINES a 4—SEATER cargo plane, onto 1—CROWDED—MANILA slum, sparking 1—FIRE that killed 13—PEOPLE and left 5—MISSING and at least another 20 injured.
20111210             —THRONGED, Tens of THOUSANDS—OF—MUSCOVITES, to 1—SQUARE across the river from the Kremlin to protest alleged electoral fraud and urge 1—END to PRIME—MINISTER—VLADIMIR—PUTIN—RULE, demands repeated at other rallies across this vast country in the largest public show of discontent in POST—SOVIET—RUSSIA.
20111210             —REPORTED, SAUDI—ARABIA—OKAZ newspaper, that 1—MAN convicted of raping his daughter has been sentenced to receive 2,080 lashes over the course of a —13—YEAR—PRISON—TERM.
20111210             1—COURT—IN—MECCA found the man GUILTY—OF—RAPING his teenage daughter —FOR—7—YEARS—WHILE under THE—INFLUENCE—OF—DRUGS.
20111210             —SCHEDULED, SOUTH—AFRICA, —1—DAY—AFTER their, close, UN climate talks fought against despondency as 194—COUNTRIES grappled for 1—DEAL to tame greenhouse gases.
20111210             —PRESENTED, Research, at DURBAN said the world is on track for a 3.5—C (6.3—F) rise, 1—LIKELY recipe for droughts, floods, storms and rising sea levels that will threaten TENS—OF—MILLIONS.
20111210             —OFFERED, SOUTH—AFRICA—RULING AFRICA—NATIONAL Congress, to help PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE—RULING ZANU—PF win the next elections in neighboring ZIMBABWE.
20111210             —OVERLOADED, CENTRAL—SOUTH—AFRICA, the driver of 1, VAN lost control, veered into the oncoming lane and collided with 1—TRUCK, leaving 30—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20111210             —KILLED, SYRIA—ACTIVISTS said 9—CIVILIANS were, by the security forces in the flashpoint regions of HOMS, Daraa and Idlib.
20111210             —PILED, World powers, pressure on Syria to allow observers to monitor spiraling deadly violence as activists condemned rights violations on this ANNIVERSARY—OF—INTERNATIONAL—HUMAN—RIGHTS—DAY.
20111210             YEMEN—NATIONAL—UNITY—GOVERNMENT, led by the opposition, was sworn in to lead a —3—MONTH—TRANSITION—PERIOD—UNTIL early elections are held and PRESIDENT—ALI—ABDULLAH—SALEH formally steps down.
20111210             —HEADED, The new 34-member cabinet, by PRIME—MINISTER—MOHAMMED—BASINDAWA, will carry out its duties —UNTIL February elections.
20111210             Then VICE—PRESIDENT—ABDRABUH—MANSUR—HADI will take over the presidency for 1—INTERIM —2—YEAR period.
20111210             —MARCHED, THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS, in Taez, demanding Saleh be tried.
20111210             —ATTACKED, AL—QAIDA—LINKED militants, 1—MILITARY barracks in Zinjibar overnight, leaving 2—SOLDIERS and 11—MILITANTS—DEAD.
20111215—20111210    —ON, 3—TELEVISION—EMPLOYEES began holding 1—HUNGER—STRIKE seeking THE—DISMISSAL—OF—MANAGERS they say are responsible for censorship and restricting news coverage in STATE—OWNED media.
20111227—20111210    —SINCE, THE—STATE—MEDIA—SERVICE—SUPPORT and Asset Management Fund (MTVA, said that Balazs Nagy Navarro and Aranka Szavuly were dismissed because their fast — in which they have only been ingesting liquids — is illegal and a "provocation" of their employer.
20121129—20121210    —ON, 1—SETTLEMENT was agreed to.
20121210             Longtime civil servant DJANGO—CISSOKO was chosen as the new PRIME—MINISTER in the transitional government, 20120901             up —AFTER the military coup in March.
20121210             AUSTRALIA—RADIO announcers Mel Greig and MICHAEL—CHRISTIAN, who made a 20121204             prank call to 1—UK—HOSPITAL treating PRINCE—WILLIAM—PREGNANT—WIFE—KATE, broke a —3—DAY—SILENCE to speak of their distress at the apparent SUICIDE—OF—NURSE—JACINTHA Saldanha.
20121210             "DIE—EU hat die Kunst des Kompromisses zur Perfektion geführt".
20121210             "Damit wird die Aufmerksamkeit wieder auf das gerichtet, was für VIELE—ALS—SELBST—VERSTÄNDLICHKEIT gilt: Nämlich dass es hier in EUROPA keinen KRIEG gibt".
20121210             1.Umstrittener Friedenspreis
20121210             APG III Classification: Domain: Eukaryota ? (unranked): Archaeplastida ?
20121210             Regnum: Plantae ? Cladus: angiosperms ?
20121210             Cladus: monocots ? Cladus: commelinids ?
20121210             Ordo: Poales ? familia: Poaceae ?
20121210             Cladus: PACCAD clade ? Subfamilia: Panicoideae ?
20121210             Tribus: Paniceae ? Genus: Melinis
20121210             BERLIN, Bei der Veröffentlichung von Artikeln über einzelne Personen ist das ONLINE—LEXIKON Wikipedia vom GRUND—RECHT der PRESSE—FREIHEIT geschützt.
20121210             BERLUSCONIs Comeback: Die Rache des Cavaliere
20121210             BSE—ERREGER im KUH—SPEICHEL: Abgeleckt, angesteckt?
20121210             CHINAs 1.KAISER Qin Shi Huang nahm nicht nur 1—ARMEE aus Terrakotta mit in sein Grab, sondern offenbar auch 1—GANZEN Palast.
20121210             Category: MELINIS—CATEGORY:Paniceae
20121210             Christliche Gemeinschaften hielten sich in ganz SYRIEN und im NORD—IRAK.
20121210             —VERBREITET, DAS—JUDENTUM war noch erheblich weiter,
20121210             DER—CHEF—DES—NORWEGISCHEN—NOBEL—KOMITEES Thorbjørn Jagland dankte den zahlreichen Politikern in seiner Rede für ihr Kommen: So könne gemeinsam gefeiert werden, daß EUROPA—VON—1 "Kontinent des Kriegs zu 1—KONTINENT des Friedens geworden ist".
20121210             DER—CHEF—DES—NORWEGISCHEN—NOBEL—KOMITEES mahnte zu Solidarität auch in DER—FINANZ—KRISE und würdigte DIE—ROLLE DER—EUROPÄISCHEN Institutionen.
20121210             DIE—"HAMILTON"und das HANDELS—SCHIFF "Scourge"sanken 18130000             im BRITISCH—AMERIKANISCHEN—K 10—UND liegen etwa 10—KMVOR der KÜSTE—VON—PORT—DALHOUSIE in 90-METERn Tiefe.
20121210             DIE—STUDIE ergab, daß die Aktivität im sogenannten ventromedialen präfrontalen Cortex bestimmt, wie selbstbewusst sich Menschen bei —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN fühlen.
20121210             DIE—EG hat dem KRIEG aber auch nur —1—JAHR—LANG zugesehen und hat dann immerhin 1—BOYKOTT gegen SERBIEN und MONTENEGRO verhängt.
20121210             DIE—ERBAUER—VON—STONEHENGE begannen nicht mit Geklecker, sondern klotzten gleich los.
20121210             DIE—EROBERUNG—VON—KONSTANTINOPEL 14530000             durch DIE—OSMANEN bedeutete das ENDE—DES OST—ROM—REICHES.
20121210             DIE—EU verkörpere als politisches Projekt die Werte der Gerechtigkeit und Freiheit, in ihr sei Frieden nicht nur von gutem Willen DER—MENSCHEN abhängig, sondern sei auch in RECHT gegossen.
20121210             DIE—NEUEN Forschungen zeigten auch, daß STONEHENGE sehr SCHNELL—ERBAUT, wurde.
20121210             DIE—NICHT—MUSLIMISCHEN Glaubensgemeinschaften des OSMAN—REICHES wurde durch das MILLET—SYSTEM neu organisiert.
20121210             Dahiya DOCTRINE—DAS Gericht berücksichtigte auch, daß der WIKIPEDIA—ART.
20121210             Der Palast des Qin Shi Huang besteht aus 18—GEBÄUDEN, die um 1—ZENTRALES großes Gebäude herum angeordnet sind.
20121210             Dissidenten sind kuenstlich...
20121210             —VERLÄNGERT, EURO—KRISE—GRIECHENLAND, Frist für Schuldenrückkauf
20121210             Einheitliche Aufsicht: ZYPERN kommt DEUTSCHLAND bei Bankenunion entgegen
20121210             —FROM Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
20121210             —VERGESSEN, Für 1—MOMENT scheint es, als habe sie die Kamera.
20121210             GELD—WÄSCHE—SKANDAL: GROß—BANK—HSBC zahlt angeblich Rekordstrafe
20121210             GENERAL—MICHAEL—ROSE, THE—UK—HEAD—OF—THE, SARAJEVO—BASED UNITED—NATIONS Protection Force (Unprofor), said —AT—THE—TIME that he could not be sure who was responsible.
20121210             GERICHT—NEW—YORK: STRAUSS—KAHN einigt sich mit Zimmermädchen Diallo
20121210             —UNIONIZED, GERMANY is heavily.
20121210             GESCHICHTE—DER—NICHT—MUSLIMISCHEN Glaubensgemeinschaften in OSMANISCHER—ZEIT
20121210             Hat DIE—EU 1—KRIEG—ZWISCHEN—DEUTSCHLAND und FRANKREICH ums ELSASS verhindert?
20121210             Hat DIE—EU 1—KRIEG—ZWISCHEN—ITALIEN und ÖSTERREICH um Südtirol verhindert?
20121210             Hat DIE—EU POLEN und die baltischen Länder vor 1—RÜCK—FALL—IN—DIE RUSSISCHE—MACHTSPHÄRE geschützt?
20121210             —GESICHERT, Hat DIE—EU, daß in den bald vergangenen —70—JAHREN kein KRIEG—IM—AUSMAß des 30-jährigen, NAPOLÉONischen, 1.und
20121210             Hat DIE—EU den Kriegen in EX—JUGOSLAWIEN etwa vorgebeugt?
20121210             IM—ÜBRIGEN könnte man auch daran Denken, das —BEREITS WÄHREND der Gründungsprozesse der Union der äusserst blutige ALGERIEN—KRIEG (1.000.000—TOTE) wenig beeinflusst wurde...
20121210             ITALIEN—BERLUSCONI erschreckt DIE—MÄRKTE
20121210             —GELUNGEN, In 1—FRÜHEREN—EXPERIMENT war es dem Team —BEREITS, aus Urin entnommene Nierenzellen in IPS—ZELLEN umzuwandeln.
20121210             In der Abwägung unterschiedlicher RECHTS—GÜTER sei aber das GRUND—RECHT—AUF—PRESSE—FREIHEIT höher zu bewerten.
20121210             —GEWARTET, Jagland hat, —BIS 1 (kritisches) MITGLIED—DES—KOMITEES krank war, um den Beschluss zu fassen.
20121210             Jump to: navigation, search
20121210             —BEENDET, Konzern in der —KRISE, Opel, 20160000             AUTO—PRODUKTION in BOCHUM
20121210             Krankenhauskeim: Resistenter Durchfallerreger entstand IN—DEN—USA
20121210             Kreuz net: KARDINAL LEHMANn dankt Schwulen für ERFOLG—GEGEN—HETZPORTAL
20121210             Leben der QUEEN—MAN sollte auch dazu sagen, daß die Zahl "80 %"aus der konservativen Aftenposten stammt....;-)
20121210             Mehr als 80—PROZENT—DER—NORWEGER haben Probleme diesen Preis zu verstehen und viele empfinden ihn als Hohn gegenüber den Südeuropäern
20121210             Minustemperaturen: DEUTSCHLAND stellt sich auf Eiseskälte 1
20121210             Montis Rückzug: EUROPA fürchtet ITALIENs —CHAOS—MUND points out that this goes
20121210             Mutmaßliche RECHTS—TERRORISTIN: Zschäpe soll psychiatrisch untersucht werden
20121210             —GEWORDEN, NOBEL—ZEREMONIE in OSLO: "EUROPA ist zum Kontinent des Friedens "
20121210             Nein, es hätte den art.
20121210             —BEGINNT, Ortseingang von Néchin: Kurz hinter der Grenze, das (STEUER—)Paradies.
20121210             —GEWINNT, PARLAMENTS—WAHL—IN—RUMÄNIEN: REGIERUNGS—CHEF—PONTA, haushoch - Passend.
20121210             SELBST—VERSTÄNDLICH sind das KRIEGS—VERBRECHEN.
20121210             SYRIA is raising concern in 2—LETTE...
20121210             SYRIA to UNITED—NATIONS: USA—MAY try to frame us
20121210             So konnten sie in nur —12—TAGEN Zellen aus Urin gewinnen, die induzierten pluripoten10 Stammzellen ähneln.
20121210             Spende von Google: WWF jagt Wilderer mit Drohnen
20121210             Stammzellen: —FORSCHER erzeugen Hirnzellen aus Urin
20121210             Studie: Betriebe ersetzen Vollzeitkräfte durch Minijobber
20121210             THE—DAHIYA doctrine is 1—MILITARY—STRATEGY put forth by THE—ISRAEL—GENERAL—GADI Eizenkot that pertains to asymmetric warfare in 1—URBAN setting, in which THE—ARMY deliberately targets CIVIL—INFRASTRUCTURE, as 1—MEANS—OF inducing suffering for THE—CIVIL—POPULATION, thereby establishing deterrence.[1] The doctrine is named —AFTER 1—SOUTHERN suburb in BEIRUT with large apartment buildings which were flattened by THE—ISRAEL—DEFENSE—FORCES (IDF) —DURING—20060000—THE—LEBANON—WAR.[2] ISRAEL has been accused of implementing the strategy —DURING Operation Cast Lead.
20121210             Typisch Reiche....ohne die einfachen LEUTE, die darben, wären diese Reichen —ERST gar nicht reich geworden.
20121210             Tötung durch POLIZIST: Erschossener trug keine scharfe Waffe
20121210             Umstrittene Spekulanten: -STUDIE verteidigt AGRAR—ZOCKER
20121210             Vor 30.—000—JAHREN nahm sich 1-MENsch im heutigen CHINA 1—GEGLÄTTETEN Stein zur Hand und ritzte darauf 1—REIHE Linien ein, von denen sich 2—ÜBERKREUZEN.
20121210             WEST—AFRIKA—PRÄSIDENT—VON—GHANA im Amt bestätigt
20121210             We will wield disproportionate power against [them] and cause immense damage and destruction.
20121210             Wilderei in KENIA: ZAHL—DER—ELEFANTEN sinkt rapide
20121210             Zusätzlich transplantierten DIE—FORSCHER die IPS—ZELLEN in die GEHIRNe neugeborener Ratten.
20121210             [l]—IN—RETZTER—ZEIT kommen hier gehäuft ISRAEL—APOLOGETEN—MAILS rein.
20121210             against all mainstream wisdom of THE—NEO—LIBERALS.
20121210             doch wenn BANKER keine eindeutigen Signale aus ihrem GEHIRN bekommen, welche Investition die bessere ist, kann das ernste Konsequenzen haben.
20121210             erbaute oder falls sie —SCHON existieren von anderen Politikern unterstuetzte Personen oder Gruppen die das erreichen sollen;
20121210             es hätte den art. vielleicht vertieft, wenn der AUTOR—BEMERKT hätte, wie umstritten sowohl Jagland als auch der PREIS—IN—DER NORWEGISCHEN—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT ist.
20121210             es war kein einzelner TROCKENER—SOMMER, der den Sumerern zu schaffen machte.
20121210             ich muß sie enttäuschen, das hat nichts mit der EU zu tun.
20121210             müsse seine BÜRGER—SCHIMPFT Kioskbesitzer Alain.
20121210             ÄGYPTEN—STAAT—CHEFS—KRISE, Mursi verschanzt sich hinter MILITÄRschutz
20121210             —ABSTIMMUNG: FACEBOOK—NUTZER wählen sich ab
20121210             —DER—BISCHOF—VON—KONSTANTINOPEL, der sein Amt auf den Apostel Andreas zurückführte, war
20121210             —EISEN—ZEIT—IN—DER, griffen DIE—MENSCHEN in der Not offenbar —SCHON mal zu ungewöhnlichen Urnen für die Bestattung.
20121210             —KRISE—DES—STAHL—KONZERNS: THYSSEN—KRUPP macht—EURO Verlust
20121210             —URTEIL: Wikipedia kann sich auf PRESSE—FREIHEIT berufen
20121210             —WÄHREND die großen SAND—STEINE —BIS zu 4$—TONNEN auf die Wage bringen, sind die kleineren Blausteine nur um die $—TONNEN schwer.
20121210             1—STUDY, from THE—INTERNATIONAL—HUMANIST and Ethical Union (IHEU) said atheists and other religious skeptics suffer persecution or discrimination in MANY—PARTS—OF—THE—WORLD and in at least 7—NATIONS can be executed if their beliefs become known.
20121210             IHEU said it was issuing the report to mark THE—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—DAY.
20121210             Gunmen fatally shot and killed Najia Sediqi, the official in CHARGE—OF—WOMEN—AFFAIRS for THE—EAST—LAGHMAN province.
20121210             —KILLED, In the south 1—NATO—SERVICE—MEMBER was, in 1—BOMB—ATTACK.
20121210             PRIME—MINISTER—CAMERON said BRITAIN will be the 1. country to introduce 1—DATABASE—OF—GENETIC—SEQUENCES into 1—MAINSTREAM—HEALTH—SERVICE, giving doctors 1—MORE advanced understanding of 1—PATIENT—ILLNESS and what drugs and other treatments they need.
20121210             —AWARDED, THE—UK—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENCE said it has, a 1.2—BILLION—POUND ($1.92—BILLION) submarine contract to UK—DEFENSE—CONTRACTOR—BAE Systems.
20121210             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—BANGLADESH war crimes tribunal has accused THE—ECONOMIST—MAGAZINE—OF hacking the computer of its presiding judge to record conversations and read E—MAILS he exchanged with 1—LAWYER regarding charges related to its 19710000             WAR—OF—INDEPENDENCE.
20121210             —ASSUMED, THE—EGYPT—MILITARY, joint responsibility with the police for security and protecting state institutions —UNTIL the results of a 20121215             constitutional referendum are announced.
20121210             —APPROVED, EU foreign ministers, the concept of 1—EU training mission for 1—ATTEMPT by Malian and other AFRICA—TROOPS to deprive the Islamists of 1—HAVEN and training sites in NORTH—MALI.
20121210             —ORDERED, ABDULLAH—II—KING—OF—JORDAN, the release of 116—PROTESTERS jailed for their involvement in —LAST—MONTH—VIOLENT—RALLIES against hikes in fuel prices.
20121210             Traffic began moving over border crossings between KOSOVO and Serbia.
20121210             —ARRESTED, MALI, soldiers, PRIME—MINISTER—CHEIKH—MODIBO—DIARRA and ordered him to resign, showing that the military is still the real power.
20121210             —ARMED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, Taliban militants, with 1—ROCKET, hand grenades and automatic weapons attacked 1—POLICE—STATION killing 6—PEOPLE in Bannu, 1—GATEWAY to THE—NORTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20121210             —SIGNED, SOUTH—AFRICA SAID its diplomats have, 1—AGREEMENT with VIETNAM to try and halt the trade of horns taken from poached rhinoceros.
20121210             —CAUSED, SOUTH—AFRICA HEAVY, rains, 1—BRIDGE to collapse, killing 14—PEOPLE in Mpumalanga province.
20121210—18130808    —AM, es war 1—HEFTIGE Sturmbö, die —KURZ—NACH, —MITTERNACHT die 2—SCHIFFE erfasste und unter Wasser drückte.
20121210—19430000    —IM, DIE—"Kriegsprinzessin"auf dem Cover des "Life"-MAGAZINs —J ;
20121210—20000000    —SEIT, : Bahn und THYSSEN—KRUPP wussten von Schienenkartell (Wirtschaft, 08:56)
20121210—20111200    —DECODED, IRAN—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARD said it has, ALL—OF—THE—DATA from 1—RQ 170—SENTINEL craft, 1—ADVANCED—CIA—SPY—DRONE captured.
20121210—20121207    —ON, Saldanha (46) was found dead in staff accommodation near EDWARD—VII—KING—OF—LONDON hospital —AFTER putting the hoax call through to 1—COLLEAGUE who unwittingly disclosed DETAILS—OF—KATE—MORNING sickness to 2DayFM's presenters.
20130607—20131210    —ON, she pleaded guilty in 1—DEAL to cap her prison time at —18—YEARS.
20130608—20131210    —REPORTED, Both were, released.
20131208—20131210    —ON, 1—LATE—NIGHT reprieve saved his life —JUST hours —BEFORE he was to be hanged.
20131210             —SCHEDULED, Elections were, for 20130202             .
20131210             "Curiosity"—DATEN: Marshöhlen könnten Menschen vor Extremstrahlung schützen
20131210             "DIE—ZERSTÖRUNG—DER—AMAZONAS—REGENWÄLDER hat 1—ERSCHRECKENDE Effizienz erreicht", warnt der WWF.
20131210             "Der Regen ist 1—GROßER Segen für uns AFRIKAner", sagte Sisiwe Maeko.
20131210             "DODD—FRANK—ACT": WALL—STREET —REFORM geht ins Finale
20131210             "LET—MAKE—THE—WORLD—SAFE for Democracy,"
20131210             "OBAMA versucht Madiba nachzueifern", sagt Kailas.
20131210             "Obgleich die Sonne im Maximum ihres elfjährigen Zyklus ist, scheint sie momentan 1—EHER ruhige Phase durchzumachen".
20131210             "ROSETTA"—MISSION: Sonde soll 1. MINI—LABOR auf KOMETEN bringen
20131210             "Those who manipulate THE—UNSEEN—MECHANISM—OF—SOCIETY constitute 1—INVISIBLE—GOVERNMENT
20131210             1 "Leuchtfeuer der Hoffnung und DER—MENSCHEN—RECHTE", nannte UNO—GENERAL—SEKRETÄR BAN—KI—MOON den KÄMPFER—GEGEN—DIE Rassentrennung.
20131210             —1—JAHR in der Nähe der ATOM—RUINE—FUKUSHIMA ergibt 1—STRAHLUNGSBILANZ von etwa 1,5 Millisievert.
20131210             1—ZEITUNGSAUSSCHNITT aus dem "Stader Sonntagsblatt"vom
20131210             1—OF—HIS—MAJOR stunts was,to organize what he called "LIBERTY TOURCHE"
20131210             3—DER beteiligten Behörden wollen —AM—DIENSTAGÜBER den endgültigen Entwurf abstimmen.
20131210             564—INDIGENE wurde 10—DEN vergangenen —10—JAHREN in BRASILIEN ermordet, 319—ALLEIN in Mato Grosso do Sul.
20131210             1—TOP—SECRET—DOCUMENT retrieved by USA—WHISTLE—BLOWER—EDWARD—SNOWDEN reveals CANADA has set up covert spying posts —AROUND THE—WORLD and conducted espionage against trading partners at THE—REQUEST—OF—THE—USA—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY.
20131210             ANNA war 1—KNIFFLIGER Fall.
20131210             ANT—ARKTIS: Satellit misst Kälterekord auf der Erde
20131210             ARBEITS—RECHT : Advent, Advent, 1—SCHREIBTISCH brennt (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 08:30)
20131210             AUSBRUCH—DES—CHAITEN—VULKANS: —FORSCHER löst Rätsel um grünen Blitz
20131210             Aber warum glimmte es grün in der Asche des Chaitén?
20131210             Abschied in SÜD—AFRIKA: Tausende strömen zu MANDELA—TRAUERFEIER
20131210             Als DER—USA—PRÄSIDENT—IM—STADION erscheint, bricht Jubel aus, der noch lauter wird, als der USA—AMERIKANER als "Sohn afrikanischen BODENs"ans Mikrofon gebeten wird.
20131210             Als sie in MOSKAU vor ihre MIT—ARBEITER tritt, ist Swetlana Miron 10—DEN Tränen nah.
20131210             Amnestie in RUSSLAND: GREENPEACE—AKTIVISTEN und PUSSY—RIOT—SÄNGER—INNEN könnten freikommen
20131210             Arbeitsvermittler: Good Cop und Bad Cop in 1—PERSON (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 09:27)
20131210             —BERICHTET, Auch DER—GUARDIAN, über den Autorenaufruf "DIE—DEMOKRATIE verteidigen im digitalen Zeitalter"und hebt als Unterzeichner hervor: Hanif Kureishi, Björk, Arundhati Roy, DON—DELILLO, IAN—MCEWAN, TOM—STOPPARD, MARGARET—ATWOOD und MARTIN—AMIS.
20131210             Auch Piyãko von den Asháninka hat MORD—DROHUNGEN erhalten.
20131210             —AUSGERUFEN, Auch wenn SÜD—AFRIKA Trauer für NELSON—MANDELA, hat, ist es kein offizieller Feiertag.
20131210             Auf ihrem —BISHERIGEN Weg drang "ROSETTA"—BIS zu 800.000.000—KM von der Sonne entfernt ins äußere SONNEN—SYSTEM VOR—NAHE der Umlaufbahn des Jupiters -, um so den Zielkometen 67P/TSCHURJUMOW—GERASSIMENKO zu erreichen und ihn schließlich auf dem Weg zur Sonne zu begleiten.
20131210             —GELUNGEN, BARACK—OBAMA ist das Kunststück Mandelas nicht, 1—WELT—WEIT gefeierter Held zu werden und zu bleiben.
20131210             BGH—URTEIL: Reiseveranstalter muss sich an Flugzeiten halten
20131210             BRASILIENs indigene Völker: Blutiger KAMPF—UM—DEN Urwald
20131210             BUNDES—TAG: SCHWARZ—ROT will der OPPOSITION mehr Redezeit einräumen
20131210             —GESTALTET, Baan selbst, sein Leben nur noch unterwegs.
20131210             Bei der Großveranstaltung kam es zu KEINER—DER—BEFÜRCHTETEN—PANNEN oder Zwischenfälle.
20131210             Bei der sogenannten VOLCKER—REGEL, die den BANKEN riskante Wetten auf eigene Rechnung verbieten soll, werde die endgültige Fassung stark von der URSPRÜNGLICHen Version abweichen, sagte —AM—MONTAG—ABEND, DANIEL—GALLAGHER—VON—DER—BÖRSEN—AUFSICHT SEC.
20131210             Beobachter werten die Neuordnung der Medien als Niederlage des liberalen KREML—FLÜGELS um PREMIER—MINISTER—DMITRIJ—MEDWEDEW.
20131210             BERNAYS—REMARKABLY candid book,
20131210             BROWSER—SICHERHEIT: FRANKREICH—FINANZ—MINISTERIUM gab sich als Google aus
20131210             CASTRO verbeugte sich leicht und lächelte, als OBAMA auf ihn zuschritt.
20131210             COMPUTER—STEUERUNG per Zunge: Maus für den Mund
20131210             Chefredakteurin Mironjuk aber formte den angestaubten Sowjetapparat nach und nach zu 1—MODERNEN NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR.
20131210             CyanogenMod: Freies Android verschlüsselt künftig SMS
20131210             DER—SPRECHER—DES—SÜD—AFRIKAISCHEN AUßEN—MINISTERIUMS, Clayson Monyela, sprach von enormen organisatorischen und logistischen Herausforderungen.
20131210             DIE—1. Menschen auf dem Mars wären dann Höhlenmenschen.
20131210             DIE—DATEN sind 1—ECHTES Novum: Sie erlauben 1. DIE—STRAHLENDOSIS für kommende MARS—MISSIONEN realistisch abzuschätzen.
20131210             —BEGONNEN, DIE—FEIER hatte allerdings mit —1—STUNDE Verspätung.
20131210             —ANGENOMMEN, DIE—KORRUPTION im Land hat riesige Ausmaße, DIE—MACHTELITE bereichert sich hemmungslos.
20131210             DIE—OBERSTE Justizinstanz DER—USA—STREIT—KRÄFTE warnt MILITÄRangehörige vor der Nutzung der Tauschbörsen, da die Verfolgung illegaler Downloads in DEUTSCHLAND strenger sei als in anderen Ländern.
20131210             DIE—RAUMSONDE "ROSETTA"soll IM- ;;08;;
20131210             DIE—REGIERUNG, sagt Piyãko, hat beim Schutz von UR—EINWOHNERN versagt.
20131210             DIE—STIMMUNG: 1—MERKWÜRDIGE Mischung aus Traurigkeit und Frohsinn.
20131210             DIE—TAGES—ZEITUNG, 20131210             20131210             DIE—TRAUERFEIER —IM—MINUTEN—PROTOKOLL: Tausende buhen PRÄSIDENT—ZUMA aus
20131210             DIE—UR—EINWOHNER PROTESTIEREN—GEGEN—DIE Rodung des Waldes.
20131210             DIE—ÜBERTRAGUNG von Ultraschallwellen hängt dabei maßgeblich von der Luftfeuchtigkeit und der Temperatur ab.
20131210             Darin findet Alsdorf alles, was sich zu 1—HINRICHTUNG so archivieren lässt.
20131210             Das ASHÁNINKA—GEBIET IST—WIE die Territorien vieler UR—EINWOHNER—ZWAR geschützt.
20131210             Das Einschwenken in 1—ORBIT um den KOMETEN ist für
20131210             Dass Tauschbörsennutzer in DEUTSCHLAND prinzipiell gefährlich leben, hat —INZWISCHEN, auch das AMERIKANISCHE—MILITÄR registriert.
20131210             —PRAKTIZIERT, Der Brauch ist uralt und wurde —SCHON in der Antike.
20131210             —GESCHLAFEN, Der Chaitén hatte JAHRTAUSENDe, BEVOR er 20080000             ausbrach.
20131210             Der Fehler sei aufgetreten, bei "einem Prozess der die IT—SICHERHEIT des FINANZ—MINISTERIUMS stärken sollte", heißt es in der offiziellen STELLUNGNAHME—DER—ANSSI.
20131210             Der Historiker ALEXANDER—KRATOCHVIL betont, daß es bei den Protesten IN—DER—UKRAINE nicht darum geht, 1—FÜHRUNGSRIEGE GEGEN—DIE—ANDERE auszutauschen, sondern um 1—NEUE politische —KULTUR, "DIE—SCHRIFTSTELLERIN LARYSA—DENYSENKO schreibt —NACH—DEM blutigen POLIZEI—EINSATZ —AM—VERGANGENEN—WOCHEN—ENDE auf dem Maidan an PRÄSIDENT—JANUKOWITSCH adressiert: 'Sie haben keine Lebens—, SCHICKSALS—LINIE mehr.
20131210             Digitale Zertifikate sollen INTERNETnutzer vor Angriffen schützen und Betreiber von Webseiten identifizieren.
20131210             Doch vergeblich.
20131210             Drohende Schließung von DEUTSCHLAND—BÜROS : Microsoft beugt sich Druck von MitARBEITern
20131210             EU—GELDER für AFRIKA—EINSATZ: Hollandes Vorstoß verblüfft BRÜSSEL und BERLIN
20131210             Emissionshandel: EU—PARLAMENT stimmt für VER—TEUERUNG des CO2—AUSSTOßES
20131210             Er glaubt dennoch weiter an 1—FRIEDLICHEN Weg, träumt von 1—UNIVERSITÄT—IM—URWALD, dort, wo —JETZT sein AUSBILDUNG—ZENTRUM im Dorf Apiwtxa steht.
20131210             Fledermäuse: Gewinner und Verlierer des KLIMA—WANDELS
20131210             Für RUSSLANDs Medien ist PUTINs Reform 1—SCHRITT zurück.
20131210             GEHEIM—DIENSTE: Sie hassen unsere Freiheit
20131210             Ganz schön beeindruckt zeigt sich MARTIN—FILLER im Blog der NYRB von der Melancholie, Introspektion und der Verzweiflung in den Portraits aus WIEN 1900ca00             , die gerade in der LONDONer National Gallery gezeigt werden: "VIENNA was not only a BIRTHPLACE—OF—MODERNISM;
20131210             Glasfund in Stade: Sie tranken daraus das Blut der Kindsmörderin
20131210             —BERICHTET, Google, in ihrem Blog, wie sie VERGANGENE—WOCHE die unerlaubt ausgestellten Zertifikate bemerkt hat und sie zur Agence NATIONALE—DE—LA—SÉCURITÉ des systèmes d'information (ANSSI), DER—STAATLICHEN Agentur für DIE—SICHERHEIT von Informationssystemen in FRANKREICH, zurückverfolgen konnte.
20131210             Götz Aly schätzt an Fernand Braudels "GESCHICHTE als Schlüssel zur Welt"den "Geist der Freiheit"sowie die "Lust an guten Fragen".
20131210             HANDY—FUNK—TECHNIK, PayPal will Nutzer automatisch in Geschäften anmelden
20131210             Hauptsächlich scheinen in DER—USA—MILITÄR—BASIS WIESBADEN stationierte Soldaten betroffen zu sein, das JAGC—SCHREIBEN firmiert denn auch unter dem Titel des örtlichen juristischen Dienstes.
20131210             HERE—1—PARAGRAPH from
20131210             His 1. task was to popularize smoking by women, which he did —BY, equating smoking with WOMEN—LIBERATION.
20131210             INDIEN und PAKISTAN: ATOM—KRIEG hätte weltweite HUNGER—KATASTROPHE zur Folge
20131210             —GERATEN, INTERNETsurfern in Uniform wird, ihre W—LAN—VERBINDUNGEN vor dem Zugriff 3. zu sichern und so den Download von illegalen Inhalten zu verhindern.
20131210             —BELIEVED, If you were 1—WOMAN who, in equal rights with men,
20131210             Ihr Ziel heißt 67P/TSCHURJUMOW—GERASSIMENKO, es liegt 9.000.000—KM entfernt: DIE—EUROPÄISCHE Raumsonde "ROSETTA"soll 1—MINI—LABOR auf dem KOMETEN absetzen.
20131210             In almost EVERY—ACT—OF our lives,
20131210             THE—POST—WWI, years, Bernays was in great demand —BY, business firms looking for mass marketing techniques to sell their products.
20131210             In wärmerer Luft werden hohe Töne über 1—GERINGERE Distanz und tiefe Töne über 1—WEITERE Entfernung übertragen.
20131210             It is they who pull the wires that control THE—PUBLIC—MIND".
20131210             —JAHR—ZEHNT e —SPÄTER, verdient Alsdorf sein Brot bei der Kreisarchäologie LAND—KREIS—STADE und schreibt akribisch recherchierte ROMAne über historische Persönlichkeiten seiner Heimat.
20131210             KOMETEN sollen Urmaterie vom BEGINN des SONNEN—SYSTEMS vor 4.600.000.—000—JAHRE enthalten.
20131210             KORRUPTION—FALL : BAU—KONZERN Bilfinger zahlt mehr als 23.000.000—EURO Strafe
20131210             Kein BESUCH—IN—SOTSCHI: EU—KOMMISSARIN schließt sich Gaucks OLYMPIA—BOYKOTT an
20131210             Klitschko und der — AUFSTAND—IN—KIEW: Das letzte Wort haben die Oligarchen
20131210             Konjunkturrisiken: Rechnungshof warnt SCHÄUBLE vor Lockerung des Sparkurses
20131210             KÜNSTLICHE—INTELLIGENZ: COMPUTER—HIRNE sollen FACEBOOK auswerten
20131210             Lehre aus DER—FINANZ—KRISE, EU—PARLAMENT will Immobilienkäufer besser schützen
20131210             LENA—MUCHINAS 19410000—19420000    —UND, in LENINGRAD entstandenes Tagebuch, das Dorion Weickmann an die Tagebücher der ANNE—FRANK erinnert.
20131210             LEVERKUSEN in der Champions League: EUROPAs Duckmäuser
20131210             MANDELA—GEDENKFEIER: Jubel für OBAMA, Pfiffe für Zuma
20131210             MANDELA—TRAUERFEIER: OBAMA und CASTRO geben sich die Hand
20131210             MARK—SIEMONS schreibt über DIE—VERSCHÄRFUNG der ARBEIT—BEDINGUNGEN für ausländische Journalisten in CHINA.
20131210             MEDIEN—GIGANT "RUSSLAND—HEUTE": PUTINs neue PROPAGANDA—MASCHINE gegen den Westen
20131210             Mindestens 3—MENSCHEN starben hier
20131210             Mobilfunkanbieter: Vodafone weitet SPAR—PROGRAMM aus
20131210             Neubesetzung im WEIßES—HAUS: OBAMA holt sich CLINTON—STABS—CHEF—INS Team
20131210             Nur für Fälle wie Raub oder Mord, die das STRAF—RECHT berühren, gelten andere Regelungen.
20131210             OBAMA und CASTRO: Aufregung um 1—HANDSCHLAG
20131210             OPCW in SYRIEN: SYRIEN—CHEMIE—WAFFEN sollen Ende ;;01;;vernichtet werden
20131210             PHARMA—INDUSTRIE, MILLIONEN—STRAFE gegen JOHNSON & JOHNSON und Novartis
20131210             PROPAGANDA: "Those who manipulate THE—UNSEEN—MECHANISM—OF—SOCIETY 1—INVISIBLE—GOVERNMENT which is the true ruling power.
20131210             PULSGE—STEUERTES E—BIKE: Das Elektrorad, das Herzen schont
20131210             Parkplatzmangel in ISTANBUL: Die schwimmende Großgarage
20131210             —ENTLASSEN, Patient mit Mordgedanken : Ärztin wegen fahrlässiger Tötung verurteilt
20131210             Piyãko, 39, lebt mit seinem Stamm von 600—MENSCHEN am AMÔNIA—FLUSS.
20131210             Podesta zählt zu OBAMAs engsten Vertrauten.
20131210             Projekt JORDANIENs, ISRAEL—UND—DER—PALÄSTINENSER: Pipeline soll Wasser ins Tote Meer pumpen
20131210             Prozess um BILLIG—IMPLANTATE: Gefängnis für den SILIKON—PANSCHER
20131210             Radioaktives Diebesgut in MEXIKO: Haftbefehle gegen mutmaßliche Täter
20131210             Rauschende Weihnachtsfeier: Tod in der Sauna
20131210             Redtube: Spamwelle nach PORNO—ABMAHNUNGEN
20131210             Rücksichtslos zerstören Farmer und Holzfäller in BRASILIEN DAS—LAND der UR—EINWOHNER.
20131210             SCHRIFTSTELLER gegen ÜBERWACHUNG: Der Aufruf im Wortlaut
20131210             SIEMENS—KORRUPTIONS—AFFÄRE: EX—FINANZ—CHEF—ZU 15.000.000—EURO Schadensersatz verurteilt
20131210             STAATS—GÄSTE : Wer zu Mandelas Trauerfeier kam
20131210             STUDIE—ZUR—VERSCHULDUNG: Vielen DEUTSCHEN—STÄDTEN droht die Pleite
20131210             Schuldspruch gegen PSYCHIATRIE—ÄRZTIN: Tödlicher Fehler
20131210             Selbst 1—6—MONATE—AUFENTHALT auf DER—INTERNATIONALE—RAUM—STATION—ISS fällt mit etwa 130—MILLISIEVERT vergleichsweise moderat aus.
20131210             Selbst bei trockenen Wirtschaftsthemen vergreift sich Kisseljow im Ton.
20131210             —EMPFANGEN, Selbstbewusst wird DER—USA—PRÄSIDENT—IN—JOHANNESBURG.
20131210             Sie beschreiben, was geschah, als der Kopf der Kindesmörderin am BODEN lag: "Etwa 6—EPILEPTISCHE Kranke tranken darauf Blut, wozu sie vorher vor ANNA—BRÜMMERS—AUGEN die Gläser gereicht, natürlich ohne dass diese die furchtbare Bedeutung derselben ahnte".
20131210             —PRÄSENTIERT, Slate, zum heutigen MENSCHEN—RECHTSTAG 1—WELTKARTE mit den 76—LÄNDERN, in denen Homosexualität illegal ist.
20131210             So viel internationale Prominenz läuft —AN—DIESEM—DIENSTAG in JOHANNESBURG für NELSON—MANDELAS—TRAUERFEIER ein, daß selbst DIE—SICHERHEITS—KRÄFTE den Überblick verloren haben.
20131210             —GEKOMMEN, So VIELE—REGIERUNGS—CHEFS sind nach JOHANNESBURG, daß man dort eher aufgelistet hat, wer FEHLT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN aus RUSSLAND etwa oder auch BUNDES—KANZLERIN—ANGELA—MERKEL.
20131210             Spurensuche: Schlüpfriges Sediment begünstigte Seebeben von JAPAN
20131210             —KRITISIERT, STAATS—AUSGABEN, Rechnungshof, Verschwendung bei BUNDESWEHR
20131210             Studie: DEUTSCHE—FORSCHUNGSAUSGABEN erreichen neuen Rekord
20131210             Süßstoff: EU—LEBENS—MITTEL—BEHÖRDE erklärt Aspartam für unbedenklich
20131210             S—FRANCISCO: Wütende Anwohner stoppen Bus mit GOOGLE—MITARBEITERN
20131210             TALIBAN—JUSTIZ— in NORD—AFGHANISTAN: POLIZEI rettet Frau vor Steinigung
20131210             TRAUER—FEIER—FÜR—NELSON—MANDELA: "Wenn die Großen gehen, weint auch der Himmel"
20131210             TRAUER—FEIER—FÜR—NELSON—MANDELA: Mittagspause mit OBAMA
20131210             TRAUER—FEIER—IN—JOHANNESBURG: OBAMA würdigt MANDELA als Giganten der GESCHICHTE
20131210             TV—DOKUS zu BRANDT und Schmidt: Genosse Messias
20131210             —INCREASED, The sale of cigarettes to women, PHENOMENALLY—THIS is 1—LOGICAL—RESULT
20131210             TORSTEN—KLEINZ schreibt auf über das Anonymisierungstool Tor, das von GEHEIM—DIENSTEN argwöhnisch beäugt wird, und macht auf 1—IRONISCHEN Umstand aufmerksam: "Das Netzwerk war einst mit Unterstützung DER—USA—REGIERUNG geschaffen worden, um beispielsweise Dissidenten in CHINA und IRAN Zugriff auf DAS—INTERNET zu verschaffen und GLEICHZEITIG ihre Identität vor den —STAAT—ZENSOREN zu verbergen".
20131210             Trotz Dauereinsatz: LEIH—ARBEITER haben kein RECHT—AUF—FESTANSTELLUNG
20131210             UMWELT—SCHÜTZER glauben, daß die —KONFLIKTE um das AMAZONAS—GEBIET zunehmen könnten.
20131210             UNTERSUCHUNGS—AUSSCHUSS zu S21: Neue Fragen zum "SCHWARZEn —DONNERSTAG"
20131210             USA—AUTOBAUER: RETTUNG—VON—GE 10—L Motors kostete—DOLLAR
20131210             Und bei der Lektüre von NEIL—MACGREGORS "SHAKESPEARE ruhelose Welt"staunt DIE—HISTORIKERIN BARBARA—STOLLBERG—RILINGER über "das Wunder 1—HISTOIRE totale im Kleinen".
20131210             VERDÄCHTIGEr Schmusebetrieb: Kuschelhaus von WISCONSIN muss SCHLIEßEN—VAST numbers of human beings
20131210             Vast numbers of human beings MUST cooperate if they are to live together as 1—SMOOTHLY functioning society.
20131210             Verzerrte INVESTITIONS—STATISTIK: Warum Politiker lieber bauen als forschen
20131210             VIELE—INDIANER wollen die Ausbeutung ihrer Naturschätze nicht mehr hinnehmen.
20131210             WAID—MANN—IN—RAGE: Jäger soll Hund fast zu Tode gequält haben
20131210             WLADIMIR—PUTIN lässt DIE—AGENTUR "liquidieren", so steht es in 1—PRÄSIDENTENDEKRET, das DER—KREML —AM—MONTAG veröffentlichte.
20131210             —GOVERNED, We are,
20131210             WEIMAR—ROT werden die Augen von Benki Piyãko AM—DIENSTAGBEMALT sein, schwarze Striche werden die Flügel 1—KOLIBRIS darstellen.
20131210             Wenn 1—TAGES Astronauten den Mars besuchen, werden sie womöglich kaum Tageslicht sehen.
20131210             —BEKANNT, Wie VIELE—USA—SOLDATEN betroffen sind, ist nicht, aber es scheinend genügend zu sein, um das JUDGE—ADVOCATE—GENERAL—CORPS (JAGC) zu 1—OFFIZIELLEN Rundschreiben zu veranlassen.
20131210             Zum ZEIT—PUNKT des Weckrufs wird "ROSETTA"noch 9.000.000—KILOMETER vom Zielkometen 67P/TSCHURJUMOW—GERASSIMENKO entfernt sein.
20131210             Zur Trauerfeier war —LAUT—ANGABEN, der SÜD—AFRIKAISCHEN Regierung die größte ZAHL—VON—STAATSOBERHÄUPTERN zusammengekommen, die sich jemals in der GESCHICHTE versammelt hatte.
20131210             [l] Die KANADISCHEN—MEDIEN wachen langsam auf.
20131210             [l] MANDELA hat selbst —NACH—DEM Tod noch 1—COUP gelandet: Auf seiner Beerdigung haben sich OBAMA und RAUL—CASTRO die Hand gegeben.
20131210             [l] SIGMAR—GABRIEL lobt auf FACEBOOK den FAZ—APPELL der SCHRIFTSTELLER und kriegt dafür aber sowas von voll auf die Fresse von einmal allen Kommentatoren, daß es 1—FREUDE ist.
20131210             [l] WÄHREND KANADAs Regierung Austerity predigt, bauen sie hinten milliardenschwer 1—NEUES GEHEIM—DIENSTHAUPT—QUARTIER, das von der Presse als "Palast"bezeichnet wird und in internen Papieren "Camelot"heißt.
20131210             —SMOKED, AGAINST—ALL, cigarettes
20131210             —ALMOST overnight.
20131210             as 1—SMOOTHLY functioning society.
20131210             as their SYMBOL—OF—WOMEN—LIBERATION—COINED the slogan
20131210             CONSTITUTE—DASS JULIO—ZEH und Ilija Trojanow haben 1—INTERNATIONALEN Aufruf lanciert: "DIE—DEMOKRATIE verteidigen im digitalen Zeitalter", den DIE—FAZ —HEUTE veröffentlicht.
20131210             DECISION—ENTER THE—WAR
20131210             es bleibt zudem noch unklar, in welchem Rahmen und für welchen genauen Zweck die Verletzung der SICHERHEITS—REGELN begangen wurde.
20131210             es handle sich anscheinend um sogenannte Streamer, meint Few: positiv geladene Blitze, die von unten nach oben SCHIEßEN—IM—GEGENSATZ zu den negativ geladenen weißen, die vom Himmel zucken.
20131210             es muss —SCHON USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA sein an diesem besonderen —TAG, damit die SÜD—AFRIKANER überhaupt noch hinsehen.
20131210             es scheine tatsächlich, daß die ernsthafteste Bedrohung, der sich USA—SOLDATEN in DEUTSCHLAND gegenübersehen, der von USA—BEHÖRDEN angestoßene "KAMPF—GEGEN—ONLINE—PIRATERIE"ist, spottet das Szeneportal "TorrentFreak".
20131210             es sei ratsam, weder mit der Abmahnkanzlei direkt in Kontakt zu treten oder IRGENDEIN—DOKUMENT zu unterzeichnen, noch irgendwelche Zahlungen zu leisten, BEVOR nicht DER—RAT 1—ANWALTS eingeholt worden sei.
20131210             —FROM ANTI—WAR—GOT his start
20131210             hatte DIE—NASA —IN—DER—VERGANGENHEIT diesbezüglich viel Glück.
20131210             Hätte der SONNEN—STURM, der am 2. Augu 10 972—LOSBRACH und —10—TAGE wütete, 1 "Apollo"-Crew auf dem Mond erwischt, wäre 1—SOFORTIGER Rückflug zur Erde wohl die einzige Option gewesen.
20131210             —DENN, nur die unverzügliche medizinische Behandlung hätte das Leben der Astronauten retten können.
20131210             Glücklicherweise waren —WÄHREND—DES, Sturms keine Mondfahrer unterwegs.
20131210             Als "APOLLO—17" ;;1200;;    —IM, —J—DESSELBEN, den Trabanten erreichte, hatte sich die Sonne wieder beruhigt.
20131210             he told them, if they are to live TOGETHER—IN moulding public opinion
20131210             in our social conduct or our ethical thinking,
20131210             in which our democratic SOCIETY—IN which THOUSANDS—OF—MARCHING WOMEN—IS organized.
20131210             ITS—LARGELY by MEN—LOOKING for mass marketing techniques
20131210             n Michio Kakus "PHYSIK der ZUKUNFT"freundet sie sich mit dem behaglichen Gedanken an, daß DIE—WELTGESCHICKE künftig von Robotern geführt werden und DER—MENSCH 1—SACHE der GESCHICHTE ist.
20131210             of his biggest CLIENTS—OF—THE—WAY—OUR ideas SUGGESTED—OUR minds moulded, our tastes formed,
20131210             sammelten sich UR—EINWOHNER aus ganz BRASILIEN zu —1—WOCHE von Protesten.
20131210             TO—TO ORGANIZE—TO POPULARIZE—TO popularize smoking by women, to PRO—WAR, to sell their products.
20131210             was CREDITED—WAS in great DEMAND—WAS the tobacco industry.
20131210             we are DOMINATED—WE have never heard of.
20131210             what he CALLED—WHETHER —IN—THE—SPHERE—OF—POLITICS or business,
20131210             which he DID—WHICH is the true ruling power.
20131210             who MANIPULATE—WHO understand the mental PROCESSES—WITH changing public sentiment
20131210             years, you should have the same right as men to smoke
20131210             Über die Umsetzung der VOLCKER—REGEL herrschte zuletzt Uneinigkeit auch unter den AUFSICHT—BEHÖRDEN, die in die Gestaltung eingebunden sind.
20131210             —AUFRUF gegen NSA—ÜBERWACHUNG: SPD—CHEF—GABRIEL wird für SCHRIFTSTELLER—LOB verspottet
20131210             —BY, business firms
20131210             —BY, equating smoking with WOMEN—LIBERATION.
20131210             —BY, the relatively small NUMBER—OF—PERSONS
20131210             —CHEF—VON—"RUSSLAND—HEUTE"wird Dmitrij Kisseljow.
20131210             —DEBATTE um Finanzen der Kirche: BISCHOF—SPRICHT—VON "deutlichem Spendenrückgang"
20131210             —DURING—THE—1.WORLD—WAR,
20131210             —IM, Interview sprechen Zeh und Trojanow, die auf ihren 1. OFFENER—BRIEF—AN—ANGELA—MERKEL vor einigen —MONATEN keine Antwort bekamen, über ihre Aktion und widersprechen dem Eindruck, daß sich vor allem DEUTSCHE über DIE—AFFÄRE aufregen: "Da hat man sich wirklich getäuscht.
20131210             —IM, Weiteren wird erklärt, mit welchen Mitteln Filesharer ertappt werden.
20131210             —IM, Zuge der NSA—AFFÄRE hat er ES—SICH selbst mit engen Verbündeten wie den DEUTSCHEN verscherzt.
20131210             —IM, BRASILIANISCHEN—AMAZONAS—GEBIET hingegen zeigt das Foto 1—RIESIGEN Baustelle, wie schnelles WIRTSCHAFTS—WACHSTUM und die gigantische NACH—FRAGE nach neuen Energiequellen über 1.500—QUADRAT—KILOMETERN des BRASILIANISCHEN—REGEN—WALDES vernichtet und die Zwangsumsiedlung TAUSENDER—MENSCHEN nach sich zieht.
20131210             —IM, CHINESISCHEN—SANMENXIA fotografiert er unterirdische Höhlen, in denen —BIS ins neue —JAHRTAUSEND hinein fast 40.000.000—MENSCHEN lebten.
20131210             —J—INS that followed.
20131210             —KRISE beim RÜSTUNGS—KONZERN, EADS—SPITZE spricht —SCHON von neuem Jobabbau
20131210             —KULTUR, Wissen verbreitet sich bei Schimpanse und Mensch gleich
20131210             —LONDON, Fledermäuse mit eher tiefen Ultraschallrufen könnten bei der Jagd von wärmeren Temperaturen durch den KLIMA—WANDEL profitieren.
20131210             —MACHT—KAMPF—IN—THAILAND: REGIERUNGS—CHEFIN Yingluck lehnt erneut ihren Rücktritt ab
20131210             —NACH, ANSICHT—DER—FORSCHER bevorzugt DER—KLIMA—WANDEL deshalb Arten mit tiefen Ultraschallrufen, weil sie ihre Beute in 1—GRÖßEREN—UMFELD aufspüren können.
20131210             —NACH—DEM, Zusammenbruch der SOVIET—UNION ging aus APN die neue NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR Ria Nowosti hervor.
20131210             —POLIZEI—OFFENSIVE—IN—KIEW: "DIE—WUT wird nicht verfliegen"
20131210             —POST—WWI
20131210             —SEIT—DEM
20131210             —STREIT—MIT—KANADA: PUTIN verstärkt MILITÄR in der ARKTIS
20131210             —TAGUNG, Auf der, Medienseite schildert der KOMMUNIKATIONS—BERATER DANIEL—ECKMANN seine Erfahrungen mit der PR—BRANCHE und den Medien, mithin den "Schönfärbern und den Schwarzmalern".
20131210             —VON—DEM erfahrenen Strategen und DEMOKRATEN JOHN—PODESTA.
20131210             —WHEN he was asked by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT
20131210             —WÄHREND, DER—USA—PRÄSIDENT—AUF—DEM—PODIUM—VON—FREIHEIT und Gerechtigkeit spricht, werden beim Public Viewing in JOHANNESBURG Worte wie "GUANTANAMO"geraunt, 1—DER vielen großen Versprechen, die OBAMA nicht erfüllt hat.
20131210             —EVEN in public.
20131210             —REACHED, Key MEMBERS—OF—THE—USA—CONGRESS, 1—MODEST—BUDGET—AGREEMENT to restore $63—BILLION in automatic cuts from programs ranging from parks to the Pentagon.
20131210             5—USA—FINANCIAL—REGULATORS approved the Volcker rule.
20131210             It prohibits deposit taking banks from trading on their own account.
20131210             —MOVED, Fresh —WINTER snow, into THE—USA—MID—ATLANTIC region, shutting schools and offices in the nation's capital and elsewhere as THE—MID—SECTION—OF—THE—COUNTRY remained in the grip of ARCTIC air.
20131210             † In NORTH—ARGENTINA 7—PEOPLE overnight in looting sparked by 1—POLICE—STRIKE.
20131210             —BLAMED, At least 10—DEATHS were, on police —SINCE their job action began —1—WEEK—AGO.
20131210             —ANNOUNCED, CHINA—CABINET, THE—STATE—COUNCIL, that it was removing 82—POWERS from 1—NUMBER—OF—CENTRAL—GOVERNMENT—MINISTRIES, including the powerful National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the Ministry of Environmental Protection.
20131210             THE—MINISTRY—OF—HUMAN—RESOURCES said the retirement age, currently at 60 for men and 55 for female white collar workers, would be gradually raised.
20131210             CHINA, 12—RESIDENTS—OF—WUHAN, Hubei province, drank pesticide in BEIJING to protest the demolition of their homes.
20131210             —SURVIVED, All 12, and were treated for poisoning.
20131210             —FIRED, EGYPT, police, tear gas to prevent students of the Islamic AL—AZHAR—UNIVERSITY from taking protests outside their campus, in the 3. straight —DAY—OF—UNREST there.
20131210             —FILLED, FRANCE—BUSINESSMAN—JEAN—CLAUDE—MA, who sold tens of THOUSANDS—OF—BREAST implants, with INDUSTRIAL—GRADE silicone and prone to leaks, was CONVICTED—OF—FRAUD and sentenced to the maximum —4—YEARS in prison.
20131210             2—FRANCE—SOLDIERS were killed in overnight fighting in THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC, FRANCE—1. casualties in 1—OPERATION to restore stability in its former colony.
20131210             —KILLED, IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 11—PEOPLE and wounded 19 at THE—ABU—IDRIS shrine in Baquba.
20131210             —IDENTIFIED, JAMAICA, the Caribbean Community Reparations Commission, 8—NATIONS that should work with regional governments to address slavery reparations.
20131210             DENMARK, NORWAY, PORTUGAL, SPAIN and SWEDEN were added to 1—LIST that already included BRITAIN, FRANCE and THE—NETHERLANDS.
20131210             —KILLED, KENYA, gunmen, 8—PEOPLE including 5—POLICEMEN and wounded at least 2—OTHERS in 1—AMBUSH in the Garissa region close to WAR—TORN SOMALIA.
20131210             KUWAIT, leaders of THE—6—NATION Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) gathered for a —2—DAY—MEETING to discuss plans to boost economic integration as well as defence and security coordination.
20131210             —ARRESTED, MEXICO—AUTHORITIES said police have, 1—MAN accused of ordering and participating in the murders of more than 200—PEOPLE, including kidnap victims, rival gang members and drug dealers.
20131210             —DETAINED, Felipe Viveros Garcia (30) was, in THE—WEST—STATE—OF—JALISCO along with 2—OTHER—SUSPECTS, JOSE—BERNABE—LOPEZ—ALCARAZ (43) and Froylan Barrera Morales (40).
20131210             —ORDERED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, the military to step up its presence in THE—ARCTIC—AFTER CANADA signalled its intention to claim THE—NORTH—POLE and surrounding waters.
20131210             1—SAUDI—ARABIA—COURT jailed 1—AL—QAEDA—LINKED jihadist —FOR—16—YEARS for plotting to kill the kingdom's grand mufti, Sheikh ABDUL—AZIZ bin ABDULLAH—AL—SHEIKH, and other clerics.
20131210             The sentence which includes 40—LASHES and a —16—YEAR—TRAVEL—BAN.
20131210             SINGAPORE, THE—USA and 11—OTHER nations negotiating 1—FREE—TRADE—ZONE stretching from CHILE to JAPAN failed to reach 1—FINAL—AGREEMENT, but indicated they were closing in on 1—LANDMARK—TRANS—PACIFIC—PARTNERSHIP.
20131210             —FILED, SINGAPORE, charges against 24—INDIA—NATIONALS who allegedly took part in its 1. riot for over —40—YEARS, as officials and activists warned against inciting racial hatred over the incident.
20131210             SOUTH—AFRICA—WORLD, leaders, family, friends and THOUSANDS—OF—MOURNERS paid tribute to SOUTH—AFRICA—ANTI—APARTHEID icon NELSON—MANDELA.
20131210             —BOOED, Thousands attending the commemoration, and jeered PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA.
20131210             —CHEERED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA was, and shook hands with CUBA—PRESIDENT—RAUL—CASTRO in 1—SIMPLE—GESTURE stoked talk of 1—POSSIBLE—RAPPROCHEMENT between the leaders of 2—COLD—WAR foes.
20131210             —COLLECTED, Nobel Prize winners, their awards in SWEDEN amd NORWAY.
20131210             —POUNDED, SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS, 1—REBEL—STRONGHOLD—NEAR THE—LEBANON—BORDER, with airstrikes and artillery hitting Yabroud in the mountainous region where they believe opposition fighters are holding 1—GROUP—OF—NUNS.
20131210             In the north fighters belonging to rival Islamic rebel groups battled EACH—OTHER, killing at least 12.
20131210             —PLEADED, THAILAND—PRIME—MINISTER—YINGLUCK—SHINAWATRA, for ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS to clear the streets —AFTER she called 1—SNAP election, but protests leaders said she should step down within —24—HOURS.
20131210             Officials in ISTANBUL—TURKEY, said they plan to introduce floating car parks to try to resolve the chronic traffic problems.
20131210             —ANCHORED, They will use OUT—OF—SERVICE ferries, in the Bosphorus to create MULTI—STOREY lots near traffic hotspots.
20131210             —HUDDLED, UKRAINE, about 2,000 PRO—EUROPE protesters, by braziers in their main tented camp in snowbound Kiev, in DEFIANCE—OF—RIOT—POLICE who herded them away from government buildings overnight.
20131210             THE—UN said it would for the 1. time begin airlifting food and other aid items across the border from IRAQ to Syria —AFTER receiving THE—GO—AHEAD from both governments.
20131210             —LAUNCHED, THE—UN—COMMAND and CONGO—TROOPS, 1—OFFENSIVE in THE—EAST—DEMOCRATIC—REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO against against THE—FDLR (Democratic Forces for the Liberation of RWANDA), 1—RWANDA—REBEL—GROUP linked to 19940000             —THE genocide.
20131210             URUGUAY gave congressional approval for THE—LEGALIZATION—OF—MARIJUANA.
20131210             —EXPECTED, PRESIDENT—JOSE—MUJICA was, to sign it.
20131210—20140517    —GESTERN, wiesen wir auf 1—ARTIKEL—IN der LONDON REVIEW—OF Books hin, in dem DER—REPORTER SEYMOUR—HERSH den USA—PRÄSIDENT beschuldigt, nicht ALLE—FAKTEN zu dem GIFT—GAS—ANGRIFF—IN—SYRIEN öffentlich gemacht zu haben.
20140707121026       IE 9.0 8.0—WIN7 GERMANY Flag FRIEDRICHshafen, BADEN—WURTTEMBERG, GERMANY Zf FRIEDRICHshafen Ag, FRIEDRICHshafen ( l(No referring link)
20141210             "DIE—VERHÖRE waren keine anspruchsvolle Informationserfassung", resümiert das Magazin "NEW—YORKER"entsetzt.
20141210             "es waren LEUTE, die wild drauflos gingen, in der vagen Hoffnung, daß irgendetwas dabei herauskommt".
20141210             "Erlauben Sie mir, es Ihnen zu sagen: es kann Fälle geben, wenn 1—BOMBE—TICK tack tick tack tick TACK—IN 1—ODER —2—STUNDEN explodieren soll und dabei 200—ODER 300—ZIVILE Opfer fordern würde", so LE—PEN weiter: "Da ist es nützlich, die Person zum Sprechen zu bringen".Dabei müssten "die Mittel"eingesetzt werden, "die möglich sind", sagte sie.
20141210             "Imagine this scenario. Officers of the local STADT—POLIZEIEI investigating 1 suspected leak to THE—PRESS descend on DEUTSCHE—BANK—HEADQUARTERS in FRANKFURT, GERMANY,"Microsoft said.
20141210             "They serve 1—WARRANT to seize 1—BUNDLE of private letters that 1—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTER is storing in 1—SAFE—DEPOSIT—BOX at 1—DEUTSCHE—BANK—USA—BRANCH in MANHATTAN. THE—BANK complies by ordering THE—NEW—YORK branch manager to open THE—REPORTER—BOX with 1—MASTER—KEY, rummage through it, and fax the private letters to THE—STADT—POLIZEIEI".
20141210             "Man darf sich nicht am KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN—TERROR stören, sondern nur am TERROR selbst", sagte Miller.
20141210             "Silent enim leges inter arma".Viel hat sich leider in den letzten 2.—000—JAHREN nicht getan.
20141210             "THE—GUARDIAN": ALAN—RUSBRIDGER will als Chefredakteur abtreten
20141210             "This case presents 1—DIGITAL—VERSION—OF—THE—SAME—SCENARIO, but the shoe is on the other foot,"the Redmond, WASHINGTON—BASED company said in its opening brief in 1—CLOSELY watched appeal.
20141210             "Thousands and THOUSANDS—OF—USA—MARINES are on maximum alert
20141210             (add THE—VIDEO—OF—MARINES entering 1—MILITARY—PLANE from the back)
20141210             1—AM—DIENSTAGVERÖFFENTLICHTER BERICHT—DES—USA—SENATS kommt zu dem Schluss, daß DIE—CIA TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGE noch brutaler verhörte, als —BISHER, bekannt war, daß dabei aber kaum relevante Informationen gewonnen wurden.
20141210             1—HÄFTLING wurde in 1—SARG gezwungen und musste darin mehrere —TAGE zubringen.
20141210             Seine Befrager drohten ihm, er werde den Kerker nur in 1—SARG verlassen.
20141210             1—VERDÄCHTIGER wurde mehrmals hintereinander auf diese Weise gefoltert, was 1 "SERIE—VON—BEINAHE—ERTRINKEN"gleichkam.
20141210             1—MIT Containern beladener Güterzug schaffte DIE—CA—13.000—KM—LANGE Strecke von Yiwu an der CHINESISCHEN—OST—KÜSTE —BIS nach MADRID in —21—TAGEN.
20141210             1—OFFIZIELLES Eingeständnis, wonach POLEN den USA—GEHEIM—DIENST—CIA auf seinem Territorium TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGE foltern ließ, gibt es —BIS—HEUTE nicht.
20141210             13.000—KMIN —21—TAGEN: Spanier feiern 1.Güterzug aus CHINA
20141210             1—OF—HIS uploads is 1—COMPLETE 19400000             issue of 1—OBNOXIOUS—LITTLE—PUBLICATION called Der Stürmer.
20141210             I didn't know that this magazine carried ads, but it did, and 1—OF—THOSE ads features...wait for it...guns for sale.
20141210             See below.
20141210             2—MÄNNER geistern jedoch mit fantasievollen Pseudonymen durch die 499—SEITEN der Zusammenfassung, die DIE—DEMOKRATEN im GEHEIM—DIENST—AUSSCHUSS des USA—KONGRESSES AM—DIENSTAGVORLEGTEN: "DOCTOR—GRAYSON—SWIGERT"und "DOCTOR—HAMMOND—DUNBAR".
20141210             —3—TAGE—SPÄTER, waren die meisten MONGOLISCHEN—KRIEGER tot oder gefangen.
20141210             40.000—SAMURAI und andere KÄMPFER stellten sich den Invasoren entgegen.
20141210             AUSGANGS—PUNKT für die Versuche war die —BEREITS früher aufgestellte These, daß die ameisensäurehaltige Verbindung Formamid (CH3NO) bei der ENTSTEHUNG der Nukleinbasen 1—ZENTRALE Rolle gespielt hat.
20141210             ABU—ZUBAYDAH war der 1.von vielen USA—HÄFTLINGEN, an denen die 2—DIESE Mittel oft auch "persönlich ausübten", in GEHEIMEN CIA—FOLTERLAGERN im Ausland.
20141210             —VERHÖRT, DIE—FBI—AGENTEN, die Zubaydah 1. hatten, hätten heftig protestiert.
20141210             AMERIKA—AMONG them "Der Stürmer"
20141210             And yes, my huge library I lost in 1—FIRE, —10—YEARS—AGO.
20141210             As 1—MATTER—OF—INTERNATIONAL—LAW, THE—USA is legally obliged to bring those responsible to justice.
20141210             THE—UN—CONVENTION—AGAINST Torture and THE—UN—CONVENTION on Enforced Disappearances require States to prosecute ACTS—OF—TORTURE and enforced disappearance where there is sufficient evidence to provide 1—REASONABLE—PROSPECT—OF—CONVICTION.
20141210             States are not free to maintain or permit impunity for these grave crimes.
20141210             ASTEROIDEN—BESCHUSS: Lebensbausteine aus dem Höllenfeuer
20141210             Auch AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL fordert 1—STRAFVERFOLGUNG.
20141210             Auch mit der FOLTER—METHODE Waterboarding hätten "Swigert"und "Dunbar"keinerlei Erfahrungen gehabt, da es im SERE—TRAINING nicht vorgekommen sei, heißt es weiter.
20141210             Trotzdem hätten sie es als "absolut überzeugende Technik"beschrieben —, als notwendig, um die "Widerstandsfähigkeit"von Zubaydah und anderen Gefangenen zu "brechen".
20141210             —BEKANNT, Aus dem —JETZT, gewordenen BERICHT—DES—USA—SENATS geht jedoch hervor, daß gerade aus Verhören mit brutaler GEWALT—ANWENDUNG keine wichtigen Erkenntnisse gewonnen worden seien.
20141210             So heißt es dort etwa, daß "die meisten Dokumente, Stellungnahmen und Aussagen", die 1—ZUSAMMENHANG—ZWISCHEN—DER FOLTER von Gefangenen und der JAGD—AUF—BIN—LADEN konstruieren, "fehlerhaft"seien und nicht mit anderen CIA—PROTOKOLLEN übereinstimmten.
20141210             Aus diesen Basen besteht DAS—ERBGUT der Lebewesen, die DNA.
20141210             Sie lagern sich zu Paaren zusammen und bauen so 1—GERÜST, die Doppelhelix des DNA—MOLEKÜLS.
20141210             DIE—FORSCHER wiesen in ihren Experimenten —BIS zu 47—TAUSENDSTEL Gramm Nukleinbasen pro Liter nach.
20141210             Autoritäre Regime zum Beispiel quälen Menschen in ihren Kerkern.
20141210             BUNDES—PRÄSIDENT—GAUCK zur RAMELOW—WAHL: "Ich respektiere das"
20141210             BUT the advertisements.
20141210             Bedrohte Meeressäuger: 450—SCHWEINSWALE leben IN—DER—OST—SEE
20141210             Bei "DOCTOR—SWIGERT"und "DOCTOR—DUNBAR"handelt ES—SICH um 2—MILITÄRPSYCHOLOGEN, die DIE—CIA beauftragte, die schlimmsten FOLTER—METHODEN zu entwickeln und sogar persönlich durchführen zu lassen.
20141210             Beim sogenannten Waterboarding wurde den Häftlingen so lange Wasser in den Mund geschüttet, —BIS sie —KURZ—VORM Ertrinken standen.
20141210             —GESICHERT, Belohnung ist
20141210             CANNES—GEWINNER "Winterschlaf": Einsam ist es in der Festung des Wortes
20141210             —KRITISIERT, CHINA, doppelte Standards
20141210             CIA—BERICHT, UNO fordert Strafen für FOLTERer
20141210             CIA—FOLTER—BERICHT, Die Psychologen des Grauens
20141210             Could 1—ORDER firearms via the mail in NAZI—GERMANY...?
20141210             Awesome!
20141210             DER—BERICHT bestätige die Vermutungen DER—INTERNATIONALEN Gemeinschaft, daß in der REGIERUNG—DES—FRÜHEREN—USA—PRÄSIDENTEN—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH auf hoher Ebene "systematische Verbrechen und grobe Verletzungen DER—INTERNATIONALEN MENSCHEN—RECHTSGESETZE"begangen worden seien.
20141210             —GEBRACHT, DER—BERICHT—ÜBER—DIE—FOLTER—METHODEN DER—CIA hat neue Details ans Licht.
20141210             WAREN die MAßNAHMEn verhältnismäßig?
20141210             Müssen DIE—VERANTWORTLICHEN —JETZT vor Gericht?
20141210             Der PRESSE—KOMPASS zeigt den Meinungstrend der Medien.
20141210             DER—EUROPA—GERICHT—HOF—HOF—FÜR—MENSCHEN—RECHTE hatte POLEN im;;07;;zur Entschädigung zweier GUANTANAMO—HÄFTLINGE wegen Freiheitsberaubung und Beihilfe zur FOLTER—IN—1—GEHEIM—CIA—GEFÄNGNIS—IN—NORDOSTPOLEN verurteilt.
20141210             DER—REPORT bestätigt FRÜHERE—BERICHTE, wonach "Swigert"und "Dunbar"für 1—GEHEIMES TRAININGS—PROGRAMM DER—USA—ARMEE gearbeitet haben (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, escape, kurz: SERE).
20141210             —BEREITET, Dieses, USA—SOLDATEN auf mögliche FOLTER nach 1—GEFANGENNAHME durch den Feind vor.
20141210             —GEHABT, Beide Männer hätten aber weder Erfahrung mit Verhören, noch irgendwelche "Spezialkenntnisse über AL—QAIDA"- geschweige denn "andere relevante, kulturelle oder linguistische Expertise".
20141210             Will heißen: Sie sprachen nicht mal Arabisch.
20141210             DER—USA—BERICHT—ÜBER—DIE—CIA—FOLTER von TERRORhäftlingen enthüllt: VIELE—VERHÖRE wurden an 2—EHEMALIGE—MILITÄRPSYCHOLOGEN "outgesourct".
20141210             Sie bekamen DAFÜR—CA—81.000.000—DOLLAR.
20141210             DIE—2—VERDÄCHTIGEN wurden 20030000             aus POLEN in DAS—USA—GEFANGENEN—LAGER—VON—GUANTANAMO auf KUBA ausgeflogen, wo sie —HEUTE—NOCH, inhaftiert sind.
20141210             DIE—AMTIERENDEN politischen Verantwortlichen in Warschau hüllen sich über das dunkle Kapitel NOCH—IMMER in Schweigen und verweisen auf die laufenden Ermittlungen.
20141210             DIE—CIA entwickelte ihre "verschärften VERHÖR—METHODEN"nach "Konsultationen"mit diesen Psychologen.
20141210             —ZITIERT, DER—REPORT, 1—BERICHT "Swigerts"und "Dunbars"über ihre Lieblingstechniken: "Kapuzen, —EINSATZ lauter Musik, Schlafentzug, KONTROLLE—VON—DUNKELHEIT und Licht, Ohrfeigen, an die Wand werfen".
20141210             DIE—CIA selbst räumte Mängel ein.
20141210             ZUGLEICH beharrte CIA—CHEF—JOHN—BRENNAN darauf, daß die "harschen VERHÖR—METHODEN"von TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGEN geholfen hätten, ANSCHLAGS—PLÄNE zu vereiteln und Menschenleben zu retten. es treffe nicht zu, daß DIE—CIA DIE—REGIERUNG über ihr Vorgehen getäuscht habe. es sei aber richtig, daß die Agenten bei ihren Verhören nicht immer die vorgegeben Standards eingehalten hätten.
20141210             DIE—DEMOKRATEN—SENATORIN DIANNE—FEINSTEIN, die den Bericht vorstellte, nannte das 1 "klaren INTERESSEN—KONFLIKT und 1—VERLETZUNG professioneller DIE—RICHTLINIEN".
20141210             DIE—PSEUDONYME der Psychologen ziehen sich durch den gesamten HORROR—REPORT, Seite für Seite, Fußnote für Fußnote.
20141210             Sie zeigen auch, daß DIE—CIA das FOLTERn gern suspekten Menschen überließ.
20141210             Ab —DEM—JAHR 20080000             seien 85 % aller "VERHÖR—FÜHRER"keine CIA—LEUTE gewesen, sondern private VERTRAGsarbeiter.
20141210             DIE—FOLTER—METHODEN DER—CIA.
20141210             Regime wie NORD—KOREA und CHINA versuchen den Bericht für sich auszuschlachten:
20141210             DIE—FORSCHER vermuten, daß DAS—WETTER—PHÄNOMEN EL—NIÑO für erhöhte Sturmaktivität MITTELALTER—IM gesorgt hat.
20141210             DIE—HEFTIGSTEN wehen üblicherweise im ;;08;;, wenn das Meer vor JAPAN am wärmsten ist.
20141210             "Unsere —STUDIE stützt DIE—THESE, daß Taifune entscheidend geholfen haben, DIE—INVASÃONEN der MONGOLEN abzuwehren", schreiben DIE—FORSCHER im FACH—MAGAZIN "Geology".
20141210             DIE—INTERNATIONALE—ATOM—ENERGIE—BEHÖRDE (IAEA) erklärte, sie stehe mit den moldawischen BEHÖRDEN—IN—KONTAKT.
20141210             DIE—UNO—ATOMAUFSICHT hat ihre Mitgliedstaaten zuletzt verstärkt dazu aufgefordert, radioaktive Stoffe nicht in die falschen Hände gelangen zu lassen.
20141210             Bei dem —NUN beschlagnahmten Uran handelt ES—SICH nicht um dasselbe Isotop, das in ATOM—BOMBEN zum —EINSATZ kommt.
20141210             Für 1—NUKLEAR—BOMBE ist URAN—235—NOTWENDIG.
20141210             DIE—KAMIKAZE—ERZÄHLUNG hat Historikern zufolge die Überzeugung vieler JAPANer BEGRÜNDET, ihr Land werde von Göttern beschützt.
20141210             DIE—NAMEN DER—CIA—FOLTER—KNECHTE, penibel geschwärzt, um sie zu schützen.
20141210             DIE—NAMEN der mindestens 119—GEFANGENEN.
20141210             DIE—POLNISCHE—GENERALSTAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT, die NOCH—IMMER zu den CIA—GEHEIM—GEFÄNGNISSEN auf ihrem Territorium ermittelt, will von DEN—USA —NUN den ORIGINAL—BERICHT zu den FOLTERpraktiken fordern.
20141210             DIE—STAATLICHE CHINESISCHE—NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR Xinhua veröffentlichte —BEREITS —1—TAG vor der Veröffentlichung des FOLTER—BERICHTS 1—KOMMENTAR.
20141210             Auch hier wird der SKANDAL—IN—FERGUSON durch 1—WEIßEN POLIZISTEN als weiterer Beleg für das Unrecht IN—DEN—USA genannt.
20141210             AMERIKA sei deshalb weder 1—GEEIGNETES Vorbild, noch sei es dazu qualifiziert, über MENSCHEN—RECHTSVERSTÖßE in anderen Ländern zu urteilen.
20141210             DIE—USA—BÜRGER—RECHTS—ORGANISATION AMERICA CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION (ACLU) forderte von USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA die Einsetzung 1—SONDER—ERMITTLERS".Wenn es ausreichende Beweise für kriminelles Verhalten gibt, sollten die Übeltäter bestraft werden", erklärte ACLU—CHEF—ANTHONY—ROMERO. es sei unmöglich, den Bericht zu lesen, ohne sich über die "schrecklichen Verbrechen"unter der BUSH—REGIERUNG zu empören.
20141210             DIE—VERANTWORTLICHEN für die "kriminelle VERSCHWÖRUNG"müssten zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden, sagte DER—UNO—SONDERBERICHTERSTATTER für TERRORISMUS—BEKÄMPFUNG und MENSCHEN—RECHTE, BEN—EMMERSON.
20141210             DIE—VERSTÖßE der USA—AMERIKANER
20141210             DISKUSSION—ÜBER—CIA—REPORT: RECHTS—POPULISTIN LE—PEN findet FOLTER manchmal "nützlich"
20141210             Des INNEN—MINISTERIUM—STATEMENT ist eigentlich sehr interessant: wenn U—238—ZUM Bau von "schmutzigen Bomben"geeignet ist, verschiesst DIE—NATO also letztere —SEIT—JAHR—10. und tonnenweise in FORM—VON—DU (depleted uranium) Munition?
20141210             Benutzt DIE—NATO etwa schmutzige Bomben?
20141210             Definetly I rember, 1—TOBACCO—COMPANY—REEMTSMA, which, I guess, is / was a
20141210             Den Bericht zu veröffentlichen, sei 1 1.Schritt, um sicherzustellen, daß solche FOLTER—METHODEN nie wieder angewendet würden, so OBAMA: "Zu den Dingen, die uns von anderen Ländern unterscheiden, gehört, daß wir Fehler zugeben".
20141210             Der damalige REGIERUNGS—CHEF—LESZEK Miller, der die Existenz geheimer CIA—GEFÄNGNISSE in POLEN stets bestritten hatte, kritisierte am Dienstagabend im POLNISCHEN—NACHRICHTEN—SENDER TVN 24—DIE REAKTIONEN—AUF—DEN Inhalt des USA—SENATSBERICHTS.
20141210             Der erschütternde BERICHT—ÜBER—FOLTER unter USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH enthält VIELE—NAMEN.
20141210             Der JAPANISCHEN—LEGENDE zufolge hatten sich beide MALE höhere Mächte auf die Seite JAPANs geschlagen.
20141210             "Göttliche Winde", japanisch "Kamikaze", hätten DIE—SCHIFFE DER—ANGREIFER versenkt.
20141210             Dies sei die längste direkte Bahnverbindung der Welt.
20141210             Diese RADIKALE reagierten in den Versuchen mit unverändertem Formamid und bildeten über verschiedene Zwischenschritte Adenin, Cytosin, Guanin und Uracil.
20141210             Don't ask me nothing about nothing I —JUST might tell you THE—TRUTH.
20141210             Dubiose STEUERpraktiken: LUXEMBURG—DOKUMENTE belasten Disney und SKYPE
20141210             EHEMALIGE—CIA—AGENTEN haben die VERSION—DES—GEHEIM—DIENSTES indes bekräftigt:
20141210             Auf der INTERNETseite CIASavedLives com ("DIE—CIA hat Leben gerettet") erklären sie, daß mit dem Programm nicht nur ranghohe QAIDA—ANFÜHRER gefangen genommen werden KONNTEN—SONDERN es habe eben auch dabei geholfen, TERROR—CHEF—"OSAMA—BIN—LADEN zu finden".
20141210             Der FOLTER—BERICHT—DES—SENAT enthalte "Fehler"hinsichtlich Fakten und Interpretation DER—CIA—ARBEIT und widerspreche der Realität, hieß es auf der Seite.
20141210             EX—MIT—ARBEITER unter Abhörverdacht: Wohnung nach Anzeige von THÜRINGER CDU—FRAKTION—CHEF—DURCHSUCHT
20141210             Epidemie : CHIKUNGUNYA—FIEBER breitet sich in der DOMINIKANISCHEN—REPUBLIK aus
20141210             Ermittlungen der POLNISCHEN—MILITÄRSTAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT zu den Vorwürfen, die —SEIT—JAHREN, unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit geführt werden, wurden ;;1100—IM, verlängert.
20141210             —CLASSIFIED, Even the classification stamp is. Here is the actual report.
20141210             FLÜCHTLINGsroman: Höllenfahrt ins Nichts
20141210             Fahrdienstvermittler: KALIFornische STAATS—ANWÄLTE verklagen Uber
20141210             Freundliche Ratschläge aus anderen Ländern in Bezug auf MENSCHEN—RECHTE seien CHINA willkommen.
20141210             Aber wenn 1—LAND "doppelte Standards"anlege, zu Hause "locker", bei anderen "streng", könne das als Missachtung DER—MENSCHEN—RECHTE gesehen werden, so DIE—STAATLICHE NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR.
20141210             Geheime Trainingsmethoden? Was ist daran geheim?
20141210             Ich wurde, wie JEDES—MITGLIED—VON—SOCOM (Special Operations Command) sowohl beim Auswahllehrgang zum 75. Ranger Regiment, als auch SPÄTER beim Auswahllehrgang zur 5. Special Forces Group dem sogenannten SERE—TRAINING unterzogen, das uns auf FOLTER und harsche VERHÖR—METHODEN bei 1—EVENTUELLEN Gefangennahme VORBEREITET—WER das nicht durchhält gehört nicht in 1—SPEZIAL—EINHEIT!
20141210             Das SERE—TRAINING setzte jeden von uns viel härteren "MAßNAHMEn" aus, als die angeblichen FOLTERungen DER—TERRORISTEN durch unsere CIA!
20141210             HAMBURG—DIE—MONGOLEN hatten weite Teile ASIENs erobert, ihr Reich dehnte sich
20141210             HUMAN—RIGHTS—WATCH warnte, daß sich GESCHICHTE ohne 1—JURISTISCHE Aufarbeitung wiederholen könnte: "Wenn dieser wichtige Prozess des Aussprechens der Wahrheit nicht zu 1—STRAFVERFOLGUNG—DER—VERANTWORTLICHEN—OFFIZIELLEN führt, wird FOLTER für künftige Präsidenten 1—POLITIKOPTION bleiben".
20141210             Haushalt, USA—REGIERUNG und OPPOSITION einigen sich auf Etat
20141210             However, the heaviest penalties should be reserved for those most seriously implicated in the planning and purported authorisation of these crimes.
20141210             Hôtel MONTANA —NACH—DEM ERDBEBEN: "Aufgeben liegt nicht in der Natur der Haitianer"
20141210             I didn't read 1—LOT—OF—IT, in order to secure my mental health.
20141210             INTERNATIONAL—LAW prohibits the granting of immunities to public officials who have engaged in ACTS—OF—TORTURE.
20141210             This applies not only to the actual perpetrators but also to those senior officials WITHIN—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT who devised, planned and authorised these crimes.
20141210             —GEBOREN, Ich bin in der DDR, habe dort auch im Gefängnis, wegen Gefährdung der Sicherheit des Staates, gesessen.
20141210             —HEUTE, sehe ich es war doch nicht alles LÜGENPROPAGANDA—DIE—WAHRHEIT ist viel erscheckender.
20141210             Ihre Klarnamen, von GEHEIM—DIENSTKREISEN bestätigt, waren auch —SCHON mal im SPIEGEL zu lesen: JAMES—MITCHELL und BRUCE—JESSEN.
20141210             —GEWESEN, Ihre Schiffe sollen weniger robust, sein als die der JAPANer.
20141210             Im SchlammBODEN des DAIJA—SEES nahe dem Schlachtfeld
20141210             Im WWII nutzten JAPANISCHE—FELD—HERREN die historische Siegesgeschichte, um die SELBSTMORDAB—STÜRZE ihrer KAMPF—FLIEGER als Kamikaze zu glorifizieren.
20141210             IRAN, war der FOLTER—BERICHT am Dienstagabend stundenlang die Top Story auf der WEB—SEITE DER—STAATLICHEN NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR Fars.
20141210             In 1—MONDAY legal filing with the 2. USA—CIRCUIT—COURT—OF—APPEALS, Microsoft added that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT would be outraged.
20141210             It is no defence for 1—PUBLIC—OFFICIAL to claim that they were acting on superior orders.
20141210             —COMMITTED, CIA—OFFICERS who physically, ACTS—OF—TORTURE—THEREFORE bear individual criminal responsibility for their conduct, and cannot hide behind the authorisation they were given by their superiors.
20141210             It is —NOW time to take ACTION.
20141210             The individuals responsible for the criminal CONSPIRACY revealed in —TODAY—REPORT must be brought to justice, and must face criminal penalties COMMENSU—RATE with the gravity of their crimes.
20141210             Kwasniewski sagte —AM—MITTWOCH, seine Regierung habe —ZUNÄCHST nichts von den FOLTERpraktiken gewusst, sondern nur die "GEHEIMEN Einrichtungen"erlaubt.
20141210             —GEWORDEN, Er sei aber misstrauisch, weil DIE—USA ihr Vorgehen so intensiv versteckt hätten, und habe —DARAUFHIN interveniert.
20141210             Er habe aber seinen damaligen USA—KOLLEGEN GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH 20030000             im WEIßES—HAUS persönlich gebeten, DIE—FOLTERPRAXIS zu stoppen, was dann auch geschehen sei.
20141210             —GEDACHT, Landwirtschaft: Bio bringt mehr Ertrag als
20141210             —ZERSTÖRTEN, Legendäre —INVASÃONEN: KAMIKAZE—TAIFUNE, Flotten der MONGOLEN
20141210             MADRID—SPANIEN und CHINA haben 1.—1—DIREKTE EISENBAHNVERBINDUNG—ZWISCHEN—BEIDEN Ländern hergestellt.
20141210             MEDIZIN—BERICHT—ERSTATTUNG: Pressestellen übertreiben häufiger als Journalisten
20141210             MENSCHEN—RECHTS—ORGANISATIONEN hatten —BEREITS 20050000             über 1—GEHEIMES CIA—GEFÄNGNIS im Nordosten POLENs berichtet, in dem
20141210             MOLDAU:: POLIZEI stellt geschmuggeltes Uran sicher
20141210             MORE—THAN—40—YEARS—AGO I got hold of 1—NICE cache of "national"-"SOCIALIST"printings.
20141210             —VERLOREN, Mehrere Opfer, das BEWUSSTSEIN.
20141210             —GEFOLTERT, Meistens wird im Verborgenen.
20141210             Mit CHINA und NORD—KOREA melden sich —JETZT ausgerechnet 2—STAATEN zu Wort, die von DEN—USA und DER—INTERNATIONALE Gemeinschaft wegen ihrer MENSCHEN—RECHTSVERGEHEN —SEIT—JAHREN, massiv kritisiert werden:
20141210             NORD—KOREA braucht keinen FOLTER—BERICHT dafür. DIE—USA—AMIS haben im KOREA—KRIEG 2.500.000 NORD—KOREANISCHE Zivilisten mit hundertausenden Bomben und 40.000t Napalm getötet, als sie 18—DER 24—GROßSTÄDTE NORD—KOREAS völlig zerstört haben.
20141210             DRESDEN und Co —NACH—DEM 2. Wk waren da im Vergleich "blühende Landschaften".
20141210             1 could argue, that THE—DOCUMENTARY value of a 19400000             EDITION—OF—THAT—RUBBISH
20141210             Auf die in 1—SENATS—BERICHT beschriebenen brutalen FOLTERverhöre des USA—GEHEIM—DIENST—CIA angesprochen, sagte DIE—CHEFIN des FRANZÖSISCHEN—FRONT—NATIONAL (FN) —JETZT den Sendern BFMTV und RMC: "Ich verurteile das nicht".
20141210             PEGIDA—AUFMÄRSCHE: "Das ist 1—POLITISCHES Pulverfass"
20141210             PHILIP—MORRIS subsidiary.
20141210             POLENs ehemaliger STAAT—CHEF—ALEKSANDER—KWASNIEWSKI hat den USA—AMERIKANERN persönlich erlaubt, "geheime Einrichtungen"in seinem Land zu betreiben.
20141210             1—ZUSTIMMUNG zur FOLTER habe es von ihm aber nicht gegeben, betont er.
20141210             PRESSE—KOMPASS: Darf man foltern? — Das sagen DIE—MEDIEN
20141210             PRAG—DIE junge Erde erlebte vor knapp 4—MILLIARDEN —JAHREN 1—PHASE heftigen Meteoritenbeschusses, —EXPERTEN sprechen vom "Late Heavy Bombardement"("spätes heftiges Bombardement").
20141210             Psyche: Wenn Kinder depressiv werden
20141210             Remington, of Remington arms, if my memory can be trusted, was among the adds.
20141210             SCHMIER—GELD: CHINA steckt hohen Wirtschaftsplaner in lebenslange Haft
20141210             —SCHON CICERO sagte "Silent enim leges inter arma".Viel hat sich leider in den letzten 2.—000—JAHREN nicht getan.
20141210             Schöne neue Welt.
20141210             Sie haben nicht "Gestapo"gesagt, aber es wird trotzdem sehr klar, was sie meinen
20141210             Sie verdammen DIE—VERSTÖßE der USA—AMERIKANER -
20141210             Sieg am SUPREME—COURT: AMAZON muss USA—ANGESTELLTE nicht für SICHERHEITS—CHECKS bezahlen
20141210             Signale ans Hirn: Dehnbare Kunsthaut spürt Druck und Wärme
20141210             Slum in MADRID: Wo Kinder zwischen Müll und Ratten leben
20141210             Strategie DER—CIA: Tötung BIN—LADENS sollte FOLTER rechtfertigen
20141210             —ANNOUNCED, The 7.—DAY Adventist Church in GERMANY, that smoking was 1—UNHEALTHY vice spread by THE—JEWS
20141210             —REVEALED, The fact that the policies, in this report were authorised at 1—HIGH—LEVEL—WITHIN—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT provides no excuse whatsoever.
20141210             Indeed, it reinforces the need for criminal accountability.
20141210             The machines are able to identify and greet 1—USER, remember 1—PERSON—PREFERENCES and even refuse to vend 1—CERTAIN—PRODUCT based on 1—SHOPPER—AGE, medical record, dietary requirements or purchase history.
20141210             Torture is 1—CRIME—OF—UNIVERSAL—JURISDICTION.
20141210             The perpetrators may be prosecuted by ANY—OTHER—COUNTRY they may travel to.
20141210             However, the primary responsibility for bringing them to justice rests with THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE and THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL".
20141210             UNO—BERICHT, ZAHL—DER—BOOTSFLÜCHTLINGE auf Rekordniveau
20141210             UNO—REPORT: EBOLA—EPIDEMIE—IN—WEST—AFRIKA breitet sich weiter aus
20141210             —REAGIERT, USA—FOLTER—BERICHT, "Nashiri, gut auf harte Behandlung"
20141210             USA—FOLTER—BERICHT, So bestialisch quälte DIE—CIA ihre Gefangenen
20141210             USA—KLAGE: INTERNETprovider macht KUNDEN—ROUTER zu W—LAN—HOTSPOTS
20141210             USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA sagte, DAS—VORGEHEN DER—CIA habe dem Ansehen der USA in der Welt geschadet und nicht der nationalen Sicherheit gedient.
20141210             Er werde als —PRÄSIDENT alles dafür tun, "dass wir nie mehr auf diese Methoden zurückgreifen".
20141210             Sie seien brutal, falsch und kontraproduktiv.
20141210             Umfrage, GABRIEL so unbeliebt wie noch nie
20141210             Umstrittenes Reformpaket: LAISSEZ—FAIRE und gute Laune für FRANKREICH—WIRTSCHAFT
20141210             —ENTSTANDEN, Unter diesen Bedingungen teilte sich Formamid, und es, sogenannte RADIKALE.
20141210             Dabei handelt ES—SICH um Moleküle, die 1—UNGEPAARTES Elektron besitzen und dadurch besonders reaktionsfreudig sind.
20141210             Wenn DER—MENSCHEN—RECHTSRAT weiter die Augen vor den "ernsten Verstößen"in AMERIKA verschließe, die Einfluss auf Frieden und Sicherheit in der Welt hätten, sei das der Beweis dafür, daß das Gremium "zum Werkzeug der tyrannischen USA—PRAKTIKEN"geworden sei.
20141210             Wer das zu Zeiten von BUSH und RUMSFELD
20141210             Wohl als wohlverdiente Belohnung darf Herr Kwasniewski —JETZT Seite an Seite mit dem SOHN—DES—USA—AMERIKANISCHEN—VIZE—PRÄSIDENTEN—JOE—BIDEN sowie dem juristischen BERATER—DER—FIRMA—HEINZ (KERRY`s Ehefrau) im UKRAINISCHEN—ENERGIE—UNTERNEHMEN "Burisma"gut bezahlt für die Interessen der AMERIKANISCHEN—SCHIEFERGAS—INDUSTRIE kämpfen... was für 1—ABSTOßENDE Mischpoke!
20141210             Wow! Der nimmt keine Gefangenen!
20141210             Aber wartet, der Klopper kommt —ERST noch!
20141210             Zwischen —DEN—JAHREN 250—UND 16000000             erlebte JAPAN deutlich mehr Taifune als —SEITHER.
20141210             [1]offenbart DER—BERICHT —JETZT, daß die 2—MIT der sadistischen, und oft SINN—WIE zwecklosen Quälerei 1—VERMÖGEN verdienten:—CA—81.000.000—DOLLAR habe DIE—CIA dem Unternehmen der 2—MÄNNER gezahlt, das diese
20141210             [l] 1—KURZER Hinweis noch zu dem FOLTERn. es ist ja nicht so, als wäre überhaupt niemand juristisch verfolgt worden für das FOLTERn.
20141210             Aber nein, mein Herr! OBAMAs Junta hat jemanden verfolgt.
20141210             Den Mann, der den Medien erzählt hat, daß es das FOLTER—PROGRAMM gibt.
20141210             Der Mann heißt JOHN—KIRIAKOU und sie haben natürlich sofort 1—EXEMPEL an ihm statuiert.
20141210             [l] CHINA und NORD—KOREA nutzen den geschenkten CIA—FOLTER—REPORT—GAUL für 1—PAAR Sticheleien.
20141210             Beide sind unbeeindruckt davon, daß DIE—USA sich se4it —JAHR—ZEHNT en als MENSCHEN—RECHTSPOLIZEI aufspielen, wenn sie selber solche Leichen im Keller haben.
20141210             NORD—KOREA findet außerdem, daß 1—FOLTERREGIME wie DIE—USA nichts im UNO—SICHERHEITS—RAT verloren haben.
20141210             DIE—CHINESEN ziehen dann noch 1—LINIE zu den WEIßER—COP—NICHT—ANKLAGEN —IN—LETZTER—ZEIT und kritisieren den "tief verwurzelten RASSISMUS"IN—DEN—USA.
20141210             Gerade in Sachen RASSISMUS hätte ich CHINA ja Zurückhaltung empfohlen.
20141210             [l] Endlich! 1—VERKAUFSAUTOMAT mit Gesichtserkennung!
20141210             [l] Microsofts STREIT—MIT—DER—USA—REGIERUNG, ob sie DATEN auf ihren internationalen CLOUD—SERVERN rausrücken müssen, ist —KURZ—VOR, den HITLER—VERGLEICHE n angekommen.
20141210             —GEGEBEN, Hier ist, was Microsoft zu Protokoll, hat:
20141210             [l] Wer dachte, Justizwillkür ist bei VERFAHREN—GEGEN—POLIZISTEN schlimm... bei VERFAHREN—GEGEN—RICHTER riecht es noch übler.
20141210             all over the globe, BECAUSE—OF—THE—PUBLICATION—OF—THE—REPORT
20141210             behauptet hat, wurde als VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORETIKER abgekanzelt.
20141210             Und —SCHON wieder 1—VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIE, die Mainstream wird.
20141210             DIE—MEDIEN sollten das Wort so langsam nicht mal mehr mit der Zange anfassen.
20141210             Ach ja: Das Ding hier wird AMERIKA noch sehr lange nachhängen.
20141210             Erschreckend, wie dumm sich die BUSH—ADMINISTRATION und DIE—CIA hier verhalten haben.
20141210             Irgendwann musste das rauskommen.
20141210             —JETZT, haben sie den Salat.
20141210             enthielten Schichten, die 12740000—12810000    —UND, abgelagert worden sind, ungewöhnlich VIELE—STEINCHEN.
20141210             erhoben? und wann distanziert sich frau merkel von ihren früheren partnern?
20141210             merke: frau merkel ist —UNMITTELBAR—NACH BK schröders absage zu 1—TEILNAHME an DER—IRAK—INVASÃON zu BUSH geflogen und hat ihm ihre volle —UNTERSTÜTZUNG zugesagt. auch SPÄTER: nie 1—KRITISCHER kommentar.
20141210             es sei das 1.Dokument 1—HOHEN USA—INSTITUTION, und DIE—BEHÖRDE wolle es für ihre eigene Untersuchung nutzen, sagte ihr Sprecher PIOTR—KOSMATY.
20141210             is different from, let's say, a 19270000             edition.
20141210             ist 1—TIEF gespaltenes Land.
20141210             scheint MITTLERWEILE erwiesen, daß DIE—MONGOLEN ihr Schicksal teils selbst verschuldet haben: Ihnen wurde wohl auch ihre mangelnde Erfahrung in der Seefahrt zum Verhängnis.
20141210             und wen überrascht das —JETZT?
20141210             JEDER—MENSCH weiß, was für 1—VERBRECHER Organisation DIE—USA ist.
20141210             widerlichst! wann wird anklage
20141210             —AM, häufigsten wurde 20010911             —DRAHTZIEHER Khalid Sheikh MOHAMMED—DEM—WATERBOARDING unterzogen: 183—MAL.
20141210             "Swigert"und "Dunbar"hätten die Prozeduren meist persönlich durchgeführt.
20141210             —AM, registrierten 202—ERDBEBENSENSOREN in SÜD—JAPAN seltsame Signale: langsame Schwingungen, die senkrecht von unten kamen.
20141210             —AM, the torture practic of the..".
20141210             —AM—DIENSTAG stöberten USA—REPORTER "DOCTOR—SWIGERT"alias JAMES—MITCHELL in FLORIDA auf, wo er im Ruhestand lebt.
20141210             "Warum können Sie mich nicht in Ruhe lassen?", bellte er 1—REUTERS—JOURNALISTEN am Telefon an.
20141210             "Sprechen Sie mit DER—CIA".
20141210             —DANN, war JAPAN an der Reihe.
20141210             —DEBATTE um CIA—REPORT: POLEN—EX—PRÄSIDENT—RÄUMT—ZUSTIMMUNG zu Gefängnissen 1
20141210             —EARLY, subscribers were —EARLY, FINANCERS.
20141210             —KRISENSCHUTZ, USA—NOTEN—BANK—FED verlangt von GROß—BANKEN dickere Kapitalpolster
20141210             —LATER, on, some of the advertisers would also include opportunists.
20141210             —MILITÄR—ÜBUNG bei DONEZK: Tschetschenische KÄMPFER mischen IN—DER—UKRAINE mit
20141210             —NACH, internationalem RECHT könnten DIE—VERANTWORTLICHEN in jedem Land vor Gericht gestellt werden, so Emmerson.
20141210             Sie sollten jedoch IN—DEN—USA angeklagt und bestraft werden.
20141210             —NEUE—STATISTIK: Inflation in CHINA fällt auf Fünfjahrestief
20141210             —POLIZEI—AKTION: THE—PI—RATE Bay nach Razzia offline
20141210             —REAKTIONEN—AUF—CIA—FOLTER—BERICHT, UNO und MENSCHEN—RECHTLER fordern strafrechtliche Konsequenzen
20141210             —REAKTIONEN kamen auch von den TERRORISTEN des ISLAMISCHER—STAATES (IS)".1—NIEDERLANDE—EX—SOLDAT, der —DERZEIT, als DSCHIHADist für den IS in SYRIEN und im IRAK kämpft, twitterte: "Sie nennen uns barbarisch?
20141210             Sie nennen uns mittelalterlich?
20141210             Sie nennen uns Monster? Geb Dir 1—KLAPS ins Gesicht, lies in den CIA—FOLTER—BERICHT rein und wach auf".DER—IS bringt jedoch systematisch Zivilisten um und FOLTERT—MANCHMAL —BIS zum Tod.
20141210             AMERIKANISCHE—GEISELN quälte er mit denselben Methoden wie DIE—CIA, folterte und exekutierte sie.
20141210             —RECENTLY, I went through A.J. WEBERMAN—UPLOADS on Scribd.
20141210             If you don't recognize the name, WEBERMAN—1—OLD—SCHOOL—JFK researcher.
20141210             Although he's 1—BIT—OF—1—ODD duck, he has SOME—AMAZING files, and I'm very grateful that he has seen fit to share his cache of strange items.
20141210             (WEBERman is also 1—STRONG—ZIONIST.
20141210             I mention this fact because SOME—OF—MY readers may feel tempted to say something inane.)
20141210             —SCHON, —MONATE vor DER—GEHEIMEN KOMMANDO—AKTION in PAKISTAN habe DIE—CIA geplant, die von ihr mittels FOLTER gesammelten Informationen als GRUND—LAGE für die JAGD—AUF—BIN—LADEN darzustellen.
20141210             —1—TAG nach der Tötung BIN—LADENS haben CIA—MIT—ARBEITER demnach 1.Berichte in diesem Sinn an den USA—KONGRESS verfasst.
20141210             —ZEIT—IN—DIESER, stieg DIE—ZAHL—DER—EINSCHLÄGE rasant An, und die kosmischen Geschosse waren mit —BIS zu 75.000—KM—PRO—STUNDE auch deutlich schneller und damit energiereicher als zuvor.
20141210             "O humor é fundamental na vida e, sobretudo, na política".
20141210             É assim que ISABEL—PIRES—DE—LIMA caracteriza a sua forma de viver.
20141210             Natural de BRAGA, a EX—DEPUTADA...
20141210             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, $1—BILLION in PRIVATE—PUBLIC spending on programs for young learners.
20141210             —NAMED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—CONSORTIUM of Investigative Journalists, Disney and Koch Industries, 1—ENERGY and chemical conglomerate, as among 35—BIG—COMPANIES it said had been seeking secret tax deals in LUXEMBOURG.
20141210             —LAUNCHED, USA—MILITARY—OFFICIALS said THE—USA and partner nations have, 20—AIRSTRIKES against Islamic State militants in recent days with 7—STRIKES in Syria and led 13—STRIKES in IRAQ.
20141210             —EMERGED, DETROIT formally, from court protection, ending the largest municipal bankruptcy in USA—HISTORY.
20141210             Goodwin reportedly had 1—IQ—OF—73.
20141210             —DELIVERED, BRAZIL—NATIONAL—TRUTH—COMMISSION, 1—DAMNING report on the killings, disappearances and ACTS—OF—TORTURE committed by government agents —DURING the country's 19640000—19850000     military dictatorship.
20141210             CHINA, authorities in URUMQI, the capital of the restive WEST—REGION—OF—XINJIANG, introduced 1—LAW banning veiled robes in public amid measures taken by BEIJING to curb Muslim extremism.
20141210             —PASSED, The new law was, by THE—URUMQI legislature's standing committee but needs endorsement at the regional level —BEFORE going into effect.
20141210             —SURGED, Shares in CHINA—LARGEST—NUCLEAR—POWER—PRODUCER, almost 20—PERCENT on its debut.
20141210             1—GROUP—OF—GAMBIA—DIPLOMATS were jailed —AFTER being found GUILTY—OF—RUNNING 1—HUGE—TAX—DODGING tobacco operation out of THE—GAMBIA—EMBASSY in LONDON.
20141210             —IDENTIFIED, Yusupha Bojang (54), was, as THE—RINGLEADER—OF—THE—OPERATION, ordering HALF—A—MILLION—PACKETS—OF—TAX—FREE rolling tobacco over —3—YEARS and selling it OUT—OF—THE—WEST—LONDON building.
20141210             Giordano was known for his autobiographical 19820000             novel "THE—BERTINIS" and 22—OTHER—BOOKS.
20141210             INDIA—GOVERNMENT said that it was decriminalizing suicide attempts, which —EARLIER were punishable by up to —1—YEAR in prison.
20141210             1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS in and near BAGHDAD, including 1—INVOLVING 1—SUICIDE bomber driving 1—TANKER—TRUCK, killed at least 15—PEOPLE.
20141210             —ADOPTED, THE—IRELAND—PARLIAMENT, 1—NONBINDING resolution supporting 1—INDEPENDENT—PALESTINE.
20141210             ISRAEL—ECOLOGISTS said it could take years to clean up 1—MASSIVE—OIL spill that flooded the Evrona desert reserve with up to 5—MILLION liters of crude and threatened to spread to the Red Sea shore and neighboring JORDAN.
20141210             —STARTED, The breached pipeline, spewing oil —1—WEEK—AGO.
20141210             —LAUNCHED, ITALY, police in PERUGIA, Operation 4. Step against the "Ndrangheta, the mafia from Calabria.
20141210             61—PEOPLE were arrested.
20141210             —CHARGED, JAPAN—PROSECUTORS, a —68—YEAR—OLD—WOMAN with murder, weeks —AFTER she was arrested on suspicion of poisoning her husband, 1—OF at least 6—MEN who have † while in 1—RELATIONSHIP with her over the past —20—YEARS.
20141210             —DENIED, Chisako Kakehi has, responsibility for the deaths.
20141210             † In WEST—MADAGASCAR 2—PEOPLE in violence at 1—CHINESE—RUN—SUGAR—REFINERY.
20141210             1—PART—OF—THE—REFINERY was destroyed in unrest sparked by 1—DISPUTE over contracts for seasonal workers and wages for FULL—TIME—STAFF.
20141210             1—MALDIVES government official said water supply in the capital, cut by 1—FIRE—LAST—WEEK in its only treatment plant, won't be fully restored —UNTIL—NEXT—WEEK.
20141210             † NORTH—EAST—MALI, AHMED—EL—TILEMSI, 1—LEADER—OF—THE—MOURABITOUNE militant group, was killed in 1—EVENING operation conducted by French and MALI—FORCES—NEAR THE—TOWN—OF—GAO.
20141210             —NEUTRALIZED, About 10—MILITANTS in total were "" —DURING the sweep.
20141210             —VOTED, Mauritians, in parliamentary elections with rival parties promising to boost the economy and battling over the proposed strengthening of presidential powers.
20141210             The opposition Lepep coalition took 1—STRONG—EARLY—LEAD —DURING vote counting.
20141210             —ATTACKED, NORTH—MYANMAR, Kokang rebels, 1—ARMY outpost, killing 7—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS and wounding 20—OTHERS.
20141210             —MARCHED, NICARAGUA, several 1000—PEOPLE, in MANAGUA to protest 1 planned $50—BILLION interoceanic canal.
20141210             —SCHEDULED, Groundbreaking was, for 20141222             .
20141210             —RIPPED, NIGERIA, 1—BLAST, through 1—BUSY textile market in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—KANO.
20141210             4—PEOPLE were killed —WHEN 2—FEMALE—SUICIDE—BOMBERS attacked the Kantin Kwari textile market.
20141210             THE—PALESTINIANS were attempting to plant olive trees on land they claimed as theirs.
20141210             —OVERTURNED, POLAND—CONSTITUTIONAL—COURT, 1—BAN on the ritual SLAUGHTER—OF—ANIMALS which had affected the Jewish and Muslim communities.
20141210             PUERTO—RICO, thieves broke the lock on the main GATE—OF—THE—EGG—MARKET—WAREHOUSE in BAYAMON and stole 456,000 eggs worth nearly $150,000.
20141210             —VOTED, RUSSIA—LOWER—HOUSE—OF—PARLIAMENT, unanimously to approved 1—TREATY allowing ARMENIA to join the Eurasian Economic Union, 1—TRADE—BLOCK that already includes RUSSIA, BELARUS and KAZAKHSTAN.
20141210             Up to 17,000 residents in THE—WEST—OF—SCOTLAND were left without power as a "weather bomb" of wet and windy conditions battered parts of BRITAIN with gusts expected to reach up to 80—MILES per —HOUR.
20141210             —LAUNCHED, SIERRA—LEONE authorities, a —2—WEEK "lockdown" in 1—EASTERN diamond mining district, hoping to halt THE—SPREAD—OF—EBOLA —AFTER the area recorded 7 confirmed cases in —1—DAY.
20141210             —REPORTED, THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES, that 4—EMIRATIS tried in absentia received life sentences —AFTER they were found GUILTY—OF—TRYING to set up 1—AL—QAIDA affiliate in the Gulf nation and aiding rebels fighting in Syria.
20141210             7—OTHER—MEN, including CITIZENS—OF—THE—EMIRATES, Syria and THE—COMOROS—ISLANDS, received between 3 and —15—YEARS—IMPRISONMENT.
20141210             4—OTHER—DEFENDANTS were acquitted.
20141210             1—TOP—UNITED—NATIONS special investigator said senior USA—OFFICIALS who authorized and carried out torture as PART—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—NATIONAL—SECURITY—POLICY must be prosecuted.
20141210             ZIMBABWE—PRESIDENT—MUGABE told 1—RULING party meeting that Justice MINISTER—EMMERSON—MNANGAGWA and appointee Phelekezela Mphoko will "automatically" become vice presidents.
20141210             —RECEIVED, ZIMBABWE said it has, a $110—MILLION—GRANT from THE—AFRICA—DEVELOPMENT—BANK to repair and upgrade ageing infrastructure including water and power supply facilities.
20141210—12740000    —NACH, Damit war der 2. Eroberungsversuch der MONGOLEN in JAPAN gescheitert.
20141210—12740000    enthielten Schichten, die abgelagert worden sind, ungewöhnlich VIELE—STEINCHEN. und abgelagert worden sind, ungewöhnlich VIELE—STEINCHEN.
20141210—12740000    Zum anderen lagerten sich MITTELALTER—IM deutlich häufiger solch grobe Schichten ab.
20141210—19070000    —APOLOGIZED, THE—UK—SCOUTING Association, —AFTER revealing that 48—SEXUAL—ABUSE—LAWSUITS had been made —SINCE the movement started, 36—OF which had been brought 20121000             —SINCE.
20141210—19790000    —CONVICTED—OF, ABU—EIN, who was, killing 2—YOUNG—ISRAELIS in 1—BOMB—ATTACK and
20141210—19850000    —IN, released as PART—OF—1—PRISONER swap, was 1—VOCAL OPPONENT—OF—ISRAEL—SETTLEMENT building in THE—WEST—BANK.
20141210—19940000    —ESTABLISHED, CHINA GENERAL—NUCLEAR—POWER, floated shares on THE—HONG—KONG stock exchange.
20141210—19980000    —EXECUTED, MISSOURI inmate PAUL—GOODWIN, —48—JAHRE—ALT was, for the fatal beating and sexual assault of JOAN—CROTTS, —63—JAHRE—ALT.
20141210—20050000    —BIS, Kwasniewski war POLNISCHER—STAAT—CHEF.
20141210—20050000    —AB, Obwohl —BIS—DAHIN ohne JEDE—PRAKTISCHE—ERFAHRUNG mit "verschärften VERHÖR—METHODEN", habe das Duo schließlich 1—SO zentrale Rolle gespielt, daß DIE—CIA ihr FOLTER—PROGRAMM fast GANZ—AN—DIE—PRIVAT—FIRMA der Männer "outgesourct"habe.
20141210—20200000    —AB, BILLIG—PRODUKTE, Lidl will Chemie aus Kinderkleidung verbannen
20151103—20151210    —ON, indicted.
20151210             "Aus 1—GRAMM Wasserstoff können wir dieselbe Energiemenge gewinnen wie aus 10—MILLIONEN Gramm Kohle",
20151210             "Die plausibelste Interpretation unserer Ergebnisse ist, dass sich unter der Oberfläche von Ceres zumindest stellenweise 1.Mischung aus Eis und Salzen erstreckt", berichtete Nathues.
20151210             "Wir sehen aktuell wahrscheinlich Überreste eines VERDUNSTUNGsprozesses, der an verschiedenen Stellen verschieden weit fortgeschritten ist", erläuterte Nathues.
20151210             1—REAKTION, wie sie wohl ehrlicher und enthusiastischer nicht sein könnte.
20151210             1—KONTROLLIERTE Kernfusion ist Forschern
20151210             1. haben Physiker in dem Greifswalder Reaktor Wendelstein 7-X 1—PLASMA—ERZEUGT—VORAUSSETZUNG für 1.Kernfusion.
20151210             Aber macht euch keine Sorgen, denn bei UNS ist die EDV SICHER:
20151210             —ÜBERFLUTET, Allein in der GRAFSCHAFT Cumbria, WO—CA—6500—HÄUSER, wurden, sei 1—SCHADEN—VON—500.000.000—PFUND entstanden, berichtet DER—GUARDIAN.
20151210             Bei LUFT—ANGRIFFEN wurde —LAUT—ANGABEN, der USA der FINANZ—CHEF—DER—IS—TERROR—MILIZ getötet.
20151210             DIE—SCHADSOFTWARE, um die es geht, sperrt den Computer und fordert zu 1—ZAHLUNG auf, um DAS—PROBLEM zu beheben.
20151210             DIE—SONDE WAR—DIE—STÄRKSTE je auf der Erde gezündete Bombe nutzte Wasserstoff und war 4000—MAL stärker als die ATOM—BOMBE—VON—HIROSHIMA.
20151210             DIE—VERZÖGERUNGEN bei Iter, dem Fusionsreaktor im südfranzösischen Cadarache.
20151210             DONALD—TRUMP—WAHLPROGRAMM: Dem DONALD seine Ideen
20151210             Da kann DER—WESTEN dann nicht mehr rumlügen, dass DIE—RUSSEN was manipuliert haben müssen, wenn ihre eigenen —EXPERTEN dabei waren.
20151210             Dann steckt der Zauberer 1—DECKEL auf den Becher mit der Kastanie, schüttelt ihn, entfernt dabei unauffällig den Inhalt.
20151210             Den Quellen der Zeit zufolge habe sich ZDF—INTENDANT THOMAS—BELLUT—GEGEN—DIE—WEITERFÜHRUNG entschieden, weil andere Großereignisse wie 1.FUßBALL—EM sowie der gemeinsame Jugendkanal mit der ARD Mittel beanspruchten.
20151210             Der OCCATOR—KRATER ist in kosmischen Maßstäben besonders jung.
20151210             Der Regen an diesem Wochenende habe aber "ALLE—VORHERSAGEN übertroffen"
20151210             Der letzte Todesfall im Zusammenhang mit 1—KATHOLISCHEN Exorzismus ist in DEUTSCHLAND fast —4—JAHRZEHNTE her: 19760000             starb die Studentin Anneliese Michel, —NACHDEM 2—VOM Würzburger BISCHOF—JOSEF—STANGL bestellte PRIESTER —10—MONATE lang Dämonen beschworen hatten, den Körper der, —23—JAHRE—ALTEN zu verlassen.
20151210             Diplomatische Annäherung: KUBA liefert 1. WIEDER—VERDÄCHTIGEN an DIE—USA aus
20151210             Eingebauter Flammenwerfer: Diese Drohne brennt für ihren Besitzer
20151210             Ermittlungen zu Anschlägen: Waffen aus Magstadt nicht in PARIS eingesetzt
20151210             Es bestand —LAUT—ANGABEN, des INSTITUT—FÜR—1.ZEHNTEL—SEKUNDE und erreichte 1.Temperatur VON—CA—1—MILLION Grad.
20151210             FRANKREICH und der FRONT—NATIONAL: "Unser Land macht uns Schande"
20151210             Fall Abigail Fisher: USA—RICHTER empfiehlt schlechtere Unis für Schwarze
20151210             Flugzeuge und Schiffe: Klimaverhandler trauen sich nicht an die großen UMWELTverpester
20151210             Frauen als Extremistinnen: Böses, böses Mädchen
20151210             Fusionsanlage Wendelstein 7-X: Die SONNEN—MASCHINE läuft
20151210             Fusionskraftwerke könnten langfristig das ENERGIE—PROBLEM DER—MENSCHHEIT lösen.
20151210             GROß—BRITANNIEN: Schwere Schäden nach Sturm "Desmond"
20151210             Hass, Gewalt und DONALD—TRUMP: Unter Amerikas Muslimen geht die Angst um
20151210             Herxheim: 2—BRÄNDE in FLÜCHTLINGS—HEIMEN in —1—WOCHE
20151210             Hier in Greifswald soll —AN—DIESEM—DONNERSTAG Forschungsgeschichte geschrieben werden.
20151210             Im Greifswalder Reaktor Wendelstein 7-X wollen Forscher —HEUTE—GRAD—CELSIUS heiße Atomsuppe minutenlang kontrollieren.
20151210             —VERLÄNGERT, Irrtum aufgedeckt: Glück, nicht das Leben
20151210             JAPANISCHE—SONDE: "Akatsuki"schwenkt in VENUS—ORBIT—MIT —5—JAHREN Verspätung
20151210             KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN—IS: 1 "Tornados"starten Richtung TÜRKEI
20151210             Kernfusionsanlage Wendelstein 7-X: Diese künstliche Sonne soll ALLE—ENERGIEPROBLEME lösen
20151210             Kims Onkel über FLUCHT—AUS—NORD—KOREA: "Ich habe die Grausamkeit der MACHT kennengelernt"
20151210             Konjunktur in DEUTSCHLAND: RWI erwartet längeren Aufschwung
20151210             Kältemittel für Autos: BRÜSSEL verklagt DEUTSCHLAND im KLIMAANLAGEN—STREIT
20151210             Langsam wird klar: Die UN—WETTER haben vor allem im NORD—WESTEN Englands und in SCHOTTLAND schwere Schäden angerichtet.
20151210             MOSKAU: "WLAN macht den Aufenthalt auf dem Friedhof angenehmer"
20151210             Mit fünfjähriger Verzögerung ist 1.JAPANISCHE—SONDE erfolgreich in den Orbit der Venus eingeschwenkt.
20151210             Na dann ist ja alles gut.
20151210             Nach ANSCHLÄGEN—VON—PARIS: POLIZEI sucht in Genf nach TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGEN
20151210             Nach scharfer KRITIK—AM—HOCH—WASSERSCHUTZ teilte die BRITISCHE—UMWELT—BEHÖRDE mit, dass —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—10—JAHREN 45.000.000—PFUND für SCHUTZ—MAßNAHMEN ausgegeben worden seien.
20151210             Oh, ach?
20151210             —GRATULIERT, Persönlichkeit —DES—JAHRES: OBAMA, MERKEL
20151210             Rund 1—MILLIGRAMM—HELIUMGAS speisten sie in den ausgepumpten 16—METER großen Ring ein, schalteten die Mikrowellenheizung für 1—KURZEN 1,8—MEGAWATT—PULS an —, konnten über Kameras das 1.Plasma beobachten.
20151210             SICHERHEITS—RELEVANTE SYSTEMe seien aber weder bei DER—POLIZEI noch beim VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ betroffen gewesen.
20151210             SINKENDER—ÖL—PREIS: Schmierstoff der WELT—KRISEN
20151210             STUDIE—ZUR—FINANZBERATUNG: Zu teuer, zu unrentabel, zu riskant
20151210             SYRIEN—KONFLIKT, RUSSLAND weist TÜRKISCHE—VORWÜRFE der ethnischen Säuberung zurück
20151210             —AUFGEHOBEN, Smog in PEKING: Alarmstufe Rot
20151210             Tote Tigerbabys AUF—DER—KRIM: Zoodirektor schließt Tierparks aus Protest
20151210             Tropenkrankheit: MEXIKO lässt WELT—WEIT 1.DENGUE—IMPFSTOFF zu
20151210             USA—PROMINENTE versus DONALD—TRUMP: Vereint gegen den HETZEr
20151210             Unweit des auf der grünen Wiese errichteten MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUT—FÜR—PLASMAPHYSIK war 19740000             das ATOM—KRAFT—WERK Lubmin in Betrieb GEGANGEN—DAS größte AKW der DDR.
20151210             Verleihung in OSLO: TUNESISCHES—QUARTETT mit FRIEDENS—NOBEL—PREIS ausgezeichnet
20151210             Wahl zur Frau —DES—JAHRES: "Yasssss Mom!!!!!!!
20151210             Zwergplanet Ceres: Rätsel um weiße Flecken offenbar gelöst
20151210             [l] Das INNEN—MINISTERIUM—VON—NRW hat "vorsorglich"Computer ausgeschaltet.
20151210             [l] Die Freifunker mit ihrem "wir machen die Störerhaftung weg"—VERFAHREN haben den EuGH involviert gekriegt.
20151210             [l] Dieser PUTIN ist —SCHON ein gerissenes Schlitzohr.
20151210             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN!
20151210             [l] In GROß—BRITANNIEN kann man sich —JETZT gegen INTERNET—TROLLE versichern.
20151210             [l] ZDF stellt Lobbyradar ein.
20151210             hat Schatzkanzler GEORGE—OSBORNE 1—FONDS—VON—50.000.000—PFUND eingerichtet, um Flutopfern ad hoc zu helfen.
20151210             —AM—DIENSTAG hatte RUSSLAND den Flugschreiber des Jets präsentiert.
20151210             —ANSCHLAGSPLÄNE: POLIZEI nimmt 15-jährigen TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGEN in SYDNEY fest
20151210             —BIS—HEUTE, läuft der aufwendige Rückbau.
20151210             —KLIMA—GIPFEL: Die verflixten anderthalb Grad
20151210             —NUN, haben Forscher das Rätsel der mysteriösen Flecken wohl aber gelöst: Sie bestehen aus Salzmineralen und mancherorts auch aus Wassereis, berichten Wissenschaftler um ANDREAS—NATHUES vom MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUT—FÜR—SONNEN—SYSTEMFORSCHUNG in Göttingen im Fachblatt "Nature".
20151210             —NUN, stellt der Sender DAS—PROJEKT ein — laut 1—BERICHT wegen Drucks aus der Politik.
20151210             —PARTEI—TAG: STEINMEIER warnt SPD vor Unterschätzung DER—TERROR—GEFAHR
20151210             —STAGED, THE—USA and its allies, 25—AIR—STRIKES against the Islamic State militant group in IRAQ and Syria.
20151210             —ANNOUNCED, THE—NATIONAL—HIGHWAY—TRAFFIC—SAFETY—ADMINISTRATION, that Fiat Chrysler will pay a $70—MILLION—FINE to THE—USA—GOVERNMENT for its mishandling of 23—RECALLS involving 11—MILLION—VEHICLES.
20151210             —ANNOUNCED, NEVADA—GOVERNOR—BRIAN—SANDOVAL, plans to offer $335—MILLION in state tax incentives and infrastructure upgrades to 1—UPSTART, CHINA—INVESTOR—BACKED electric carmaker that wants to build $1—BILLION production plant in 1—LAS—VEGAS suburb.
20151210             —DETONATED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—WOMAN, her explosives' vest at 1—CHECKPOINT in EAST—NANGARHAR province, killing her 3—CHILDREN and 1—OFFICER who stopped their SUSPICIOUS—LOOKING car.
20151210             Argentine PRESIDENT—MAURICIO—MACRI was sworn in, inheriting myriad economic problems from THE—OFTEN—DIVISIVE outgoing PRESIDENT—CRISTINA—FERNANDEZ.
20151210             Inflation was about 30% and the budget deficit was 5.4—PERCENT—OF—GDP.
20151210             —KILLED, AZERBAIJAN said 3—OF—ITS—TROOPS have been, in the past —10—DAYS as the conflict in its separatist REGION—OF—NAGORNO—KARABAKH escalates.
20151210             —STOPPED, THE—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBIA—REGIONAL—GOVERNMENT said it has, all cooperation with the state court, prosecution office and police because they ordered or carried out the arrest of 5—SERBIA—WAR—CRIMES—SUSPECTS and raided 1—LOCAL—POLICE—STATION in THE—SERBIA—REPUBLIC.
20151210             THE—1.—CANADA—GOVERNMENT—PLANE carrying SYRIA—REFUGEES arrived in TORONTO —LATE—TODAY where they were greeted by PRIME—MINISTER—JUSTIN—TRUDEAU.
20151210             —AGREED, THE—ASIA—DEVELOPMENT—BANK (ADB) said it has, to loan CHINA $430—MILLION to support government efforts to reduce coal use and tackle the choking smog that regularly envelops the capital and other major cities.
20151210             —DISCOVERED, COSTA—RICA, THE—BODY—OF—SONDRA—LYNN was, on 1 bed in 1—SAN—JOSE hotel.
20151210             —ORGANIZED, She had, volunteer medical missions in CENTRAL—AMERICA and was found stabbed to death.
20151210             —IDENTIFIED, THE—VIDA—VOLUNTEER organization, her as Sondra Lynn Elizondo and gave her age as 46.
20151210             —BACKED, EU lawmakers, plans to track airline passenger names as PART—OF—EFFORTS to prevent 1—REPEAT—OF—THE—PARIS attacks.
20151210             —LAUNCHED, THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION, an "infringement case" against HUNGARY over its asylum legislation, 1—MOVE—BUDAPEST dismissed as 1—ACT—OF revenge for its rejection of mandatory migrant quotas.
20151210             —DECIDED, THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION said it has, to take POLAND to court over its failure to address its poor air quality.
20151210             —SENTENCED, The main defendant was, to —6—YEARS in prison.
20151210             4—OTHERS were given suspended sentences of between —18—MONTHS and —2—YEARS.
20151210             —ENDANGERED, GABON, home to HALF—OF—AFRICA'S, forest elephants, said it has impounded more than 200—KG (440—LBS.) of ivory in what may be its largest seizure ever.
20151210             † HONDURAS midfielder ARNOLD—PERALTA was shot to death in THE—CITY—OF—LA—CEIBA.
20151210             —ATTACKED, Peralta (26) was, by several men as he got into his car at 1—SHOPPING center in his birth city.
20151210             IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES have made advances on 2—FRONTS in THE—CITY—OF—RAMADI, clearing Islamic State militants from 1—KEY—MILITARY—COMMAND—BASE and 1—SPRAWLING neighborhood on its western edge.
20151210             1—HOLLAND—COURT convicted 6—MEN—OF belonging to 1—NETWORK recruiting young Muslims to join the Islamic State jihadist group, handing them jail terms of up to —6—YEARS.
20151210             1—ISRAEL—PARLIAMENTARY—COMMITTEE said that $400,000—OF—GOLD was exported to NORTH—KOREA —AFTER a 20060000             UN ban.
20151210             —APPEARED, NORTH—KOREA—LEADER—KIM—JONG—UN, to claim his country has developed 1—HYDROGEN bomb, 1—STEP up from the less powerful atomic bomb, but outside experts were skeptical.
20151210             —AGREED, SAUDI—ARABIA, OPPONENTS—OF—SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD, to bring together political and armed factions in 1—SINGLE—BODY in preparation for possible peace talks with his government.
20151210             —PULLED, Ahrar AL—SHAM, OUT—OF—OPPOSITION—TALKS.
20151210             —INSISTED, The group had, the priority should be overthrowing the regime, preserving SYRIA—UNITY and rejecting sectarianism.
20151210             —DETAINED, SOUTH—KOREA—POLICE, HAN—SANG—GYUN, THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—KOREAN—CONFEDERATION—OF—TRADE—UNIONS, for his alleged involvement in organizing antigovernment protests that turned violent —LAST—MONTH.
20151210             —HOLED, SANG—GYUN had been, up in 1—BUDDHIST temple for —1—MONTH.
20151210             Preliminary results said the ruling party in THE—EAST—CARIBBEAN islands of S—VINCENT and the Grenadines has won 1—NARROW—ELECTION—VICTORY that gives it a 4. term in office.
20151210             —STAGED, NORTH—SYRIA, the Islamic State, attacks in the predominantly Kurdish PROVINCE—OF—HASSAKEH targeting offices of the main Kurdish militia known as YPG.
20151210             —REPORTED, At least 26—PEOPLE were, killed.
20151210             —SENTENCED, TAJIKISTAN, 1—DUSHANBE district court, 1—MAN and 1—WOMAN, recruited by the militant group Islamic State, to 10 and 8—AND—A—HALF—YEARS in prison respectively for planning to assassinate PRESIDENT—IMOMALI—RAKHMON.
20151210             1—TURKEY—NEWS—AGENCY said authorities have begun constructing 1—WALL along a 82-km (50-mile) STRETCH—OF—TURKEY—BORDER with Syria that is under THE—CONTROL—OF—THE—ISLAMIC—STATE—GROUP on THE—SYRIA—SIDE.
20151210             THE—VATICAN said Catholics should not try to convert Jews and should work with them to fight ANTI—SEMITISM.
20151210             —PROMOTED, VENEZUELA—OUTGOING congress, 1—JUDGE who drew INTERNATIONAL criticism by handing down 1—LONG—PRISON—TERM to opposition leader LEOPOLDO—LOPEZ.
20151210             —NAMED, Lawmakers from the ruling socialist party, JUDGE—SUSANA—BARREIROS as head public defender.
20151210—20140600    —ARRESTED, FINLAND—POLICE said they have, 2—IRAQ—BROTHERS believed to have been MEMBERS—OF—THE—ISLAMIC—STATE—GROUP in IRAQ and suspected of fatally shooting "11 unarmed and defenseless prisoners".
20151210—20151210    Das 1.Plasma bestand aus Helium und erreichte 1.Temperatur VON—CA—1—MILLION Grad Celsius.
20151210—20160500    —FROM, 4—TOBACCO giants launched 1—HIGH—COURT—LEGAL—CHALLENGE against 1—UK—LAW banning THE—USE—OF—LOGOS or branding on packets of tobacco products.
20151210—20170220    —CONVICTED, THE—5—SOUTH—KOREANS were.
20161112—20161210    —ARRESTED, Suspect RAY—SIMMONS, —32—JAHRE—ALT was.
20161113             —CHARGED, 20161210             —IN—POLICEMEN were, with torturing Magdy Makain.
20161210             "DIE—POLITISCHE Unsicherheit ist gut für DAS—THEMA Gold", sagt ALEXANDRA—VON—KALNEIN—VON—HYDE—PARK—INVESTMENT.
20161210             "Maybrit Illner"zu FLÜCHTLINGEn: "Wir schieben die Falschen ab"
20161210             'These are the same people that said SADDAM—HUSSEIN had WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION,' 1—DONALD—TRUMP transition statement said.
20161210             1—STARKER $ verteuert DAS—EDEL—METALL für Käufer anderer Währungsräume.
20161210             —66—JAHRE—ALT: URALT—ALBATROS erstaunt Forscher
20161210             —BELIEBT, ARD—UMFRAGE: SCHULZ ist —JETZT so, wie MERKEL
20161210             DIE—USA—GEHEIM—DIENSTE haben neuen Berichten zufolge immer mehr Indizien für 1.gezielte Einflussnahme RUSSISCHER—HACKER auf den USA—WAHL—KAMPF zugunsten des REPUBLIKANERs DONALD—TRUMP.
20161210             —BERICHTET, DIE—WASHINGTON—POST, unter Berufung auf 1.Einschätzung des USA—AUSLANDSGEHEIMDIENST—CIA, es seien Personen mit Verbindung zur RUSSISCHEN—REGIERUNG identifiziert worden, die Tausende gehackte Mails etwa vom WAHL—KAMPF—KOMITEE der unterlegenen Kandidatin HILLARY—CLINTON—AN—DIE—ENTHÜLLUNGSPLATTFORM WIKILEAKS weitergeleitet hätten.
20161210             DONALD—TRUMP—ANTWORT ist absolut großartig:
20161210             Dem Bericht zufolge informierten CIA—BEAMTE vor wenigen —TAGEN ranghohe MITGLIEDER—DES—SENAT über ihre Schlussfolgerungen.
20161210             Der Crash KOMMT—DIE Frage ist nur, wann.
20161210             Der Fotohistoriker Hammacher dazu: "Meist liegt eher Unwissenheit vor beziehungsweise ein mangelndes BEWUSSTSEIN um den historischen Quellenwert von Bildern".
20161210             DOCTOR—HOUSE in die BrandwundenABTEILUNG, DOCTOR—HOUSE bitte!
20161210             Durch ihren emotionalen Gehalt ist DIE—MACHT der Bilder viel größer als die von Büchern, sagt auch Hammacher.
20161210             —GEWESEN, Es sei Ziel RUSSLANDs, "TRUMP zur Wahl zu verhelfen", zitierte DIE—ZEITUNG 1—USA—BEAMTEN.
20161210             FAKE—BILDER IM—NETZ: Wenn Lady Di den Mittelfinger zeigt
20161210             FRANKREICH: Cazeneuve will AUSNAHME—ZUSTAND
20161210             FRIEDENS—NOBEL—PREIS für Kolumbianer SANTOS: Die Euphorie ist verflogen
20161210             FARC—REBELLEN: Frieden in KOLUMBIEN sorgt für Kokainboom in EUROPA
20161210             Förderkürzung: Breite STAATEN—ALLIANZ will ÖLPREISE—NACH—OBEN treiben
20161210             Für den Bilderpedanten Ordoveza hat die Motivation der "History Porn"—ACCOUNTS wenig mit Liebe zu tun.
20161210             Gemeinsame EU—MEDIEN: Hier spricht EUROPA
20161210             HACKER—ANGRIFFE: MOSKAU wollte laut CIA DONALD—TRUMP zum Sieg verhelfen
20161210             —VIOLATED, He completely, journalistic ethics.
20161210             Hinrichtung in ALABAMA: TODES—KANDIDAT leidet —13—MINUTEN
20161210             Höhere ZINSEN senken seine Attraktivität im Wettbewerb mit anderen GELD—ANLAGEN.
20161210             IM—NETZ verbreiten sich gefälschte Bilder rasant.
20161210             IRAN: VERGEWALTIGUNGS—OPFER soll Täter heiraten
20161210             Immobilien: HäusleBAUER ab 40—SIND weniger kreditwürdig
20161210             JEFF—ZUCKER belongs in prison for treason against THE—USA.
20161210             KUNST—BILDER und PHOTOSHOP—FAKES machen aber nur 1—KLEINEN TEIL—DER—VIRALEN—BILDERFLUT aus.
20161210             Marilyn Monroe und JOHN F.
20161210             Mit dem Geld sollen eigentlich zukunfsträchtige Sektoren wie Digitales oder die ENERGIE—INFRASTRUKTUR gefördert werden, wie die "SÜDDEUTSCHE—ZEITUNG" schreibt.
20161210             Mord in FREIBURG: Erfundenes Zitat auf FACEBOOK—KÜNAST stellt Strafanzeige
20161210             More important was JEFF—ZUCKER and CNN.
20161210             NATÜRLICH zeigt sich DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG offen!
20161210             —NOTED, NONE—OF—THIS blatant —KONFLIKT—OF—INTEREST was, in the primaries.
20161210             —NUN, High Tech stimmt.
20161210             PUTIN—GEGNER unter Druck: AUFRUHR und KONTER—REVOLUTION
20161210             Relativ alltägliche Sachverhalte werden zu Sensationen aufgeblasen, ohne explizite Fälschungsabsicht.
20161210             —GESUCHT, SAUDI—ARABIEN: ZUKUNFT ohne Öl
20161210             Spekulationsblasen an FINANZ—MÄRKTEN: Warum Gold DIE—ANLEGER retten könnte
20161210             Spätestens nach der —ENTSCHEIDUNG DER—EUROPÄISCHEN ZENTRAL—BANK (EZB) —IN—DIESER—WOCHE, ihre Anleihenkäufe nochmals auszuweiten und damit die Geldhähne noch weiter zu öffnen, kommen VIELE—KOMMENTATOREN zu diesem Schluss.
20161210             TÜRKEI—SOLDATEN in GRIECHENLAND: "Wir sind in Gefahr"
20161210             —BESCHMIERT, USA—NEWSBLOG: Haus von NFL—PROFI mit Hakenkreuz und "TRUMP"
20161210             Um —BIS zu 20 % legte DER—GOLD—PREIS zu -
20161210             Umstrittenes Gesetz: TÜRKEI—ABGEORDNETE sollen PRÄSIDIAL—SYSTEM absegnen
20161210             Und: RUSSLAND soll sich auch bei den REPUBLIKANERn reingehackt haben, aber die nicht an WIKILEAKS weitergereicht haben.
20161210             VW—ABGAS—AFFÄRE: Kritische Passagen aus UNTERSUCHUNGS—BERICHT getilgt
20161210             Viel häufiger sind falsch eingeordnete Bilder.
20161210             WAHLEN—IN—GAMBIA—PRÄSIDENT—JAMMEH erkennt Wahlergebnis doch nicht an
20161210             WAHLEN—IN—RUMÄNIEN und MAZEDONIEN: OST—EUROPA—POPULISTEN hoffen auf den nächsten Triumph
20161210             —BEGRÜNDET, Wenn das jemand mit den Arbeitsplätzen, würde DIE—BUNDES—REPUBLIK auch 1.Firma fördern, die Kleinkindhächselmaschinen baut.
20161210             Zucker did this for ratings and ad revenue.
20161210             Zum Aufdecken der Fakes können aber auch Programme wie FotoForensics genutzt werden.
20161210             [l] DIE—CIA sagt —JETZT offiziell, daß RUSSLAND in DIE—WAHL eingegriffen hat.
20161210             [l] Habt ihr euch auch gefragt, was eigentlich mit der ganzen Kohle aus dem INNOFATIONS—FONDS der EU passiert?
20161210             der allgemeine Optimismus in Bezug auf DIE—USA—WIRTSCHAFT lässt seinen Status als "sicherer HAFEN"in den Hintergrund rücken.
20161210             was als Kunst gedacht ist, wird munter als gefühlte Wahrheit geteilt.
20161210             ÖSTERREICH—AUßEN—MINISTER—KURZ: "Wir müssen die Beitrittsgespräche mit der TÜRKEI einfrieren"
20161210             —DER—MORGEN—LIVE, Die Geisterfahrer von GROß—BRITANNIEN
20161210             —DIE—LAGE—AM—FREITAG, VON—DER—LEYEN muss Schockvideos schauen
20161210             —INTERVIEW—MIT—ISLAMWISSENSCHAFTLERIN Klausing: Ist DER—KORAN frauenfeindlich?
20161210             —KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN—IS erobert wichtiges Gasfeld in SYRIEN
20161210             —KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN—IS marschiert wieder in PALMYRA ein
20161210             —NACHDEM, das Metall nach seinem ALLZEIT—HOCH
20161210             —POSTED—BY—BLOGGER—OTE admin : 1131—PM
20161210             —SEIT, an der BÖRSE DIE—AKTIEN—KURSE steigen, befindet sich DER—GOLD—PREIS auf Talfahrt.
20161210             —SEIT, klar ist, daß DONALD—TRUMP der nächste PRÄSIDENT—DER—USA wird, hat DER—GOLD—PREIS wieder um —BIS zu 10 % nachgegeben.
20161210             —MOVED, PRESIDENT—ELECT DONALD—TRUMP, closer to selecting ExxonMobil CEO—REX—TILLERSON as SECRETARY—OF—STATE.
20161210             —ELECTED, LOUISIANA STATE—TREASURER—JOHN—KENNEDY was, to THE—USA—SENATE in 1—RUNOFF over Democrat Foster Campbell.
20161210             This gave THE—GOP a 52—48—EDGE in THE—USA—SENATE —STARTING in January.
20161210             THE—TALIBAN said hardline cleric MULLAH—HAIBATULLAH—AKUNDZADA has reinforced his position as the new LEADER—OF—THE—AFGHANISTAN—TALIBAN by winning the support of 2—SENIOR—MEMBERS.
20161210             —KILLED, BULGARIA, at least 5—PEOPLE were, and 29 injured —WHEN 1—CARGO—TRAIN derailed and exploded in THE—NORTH—EAST—BULGARIA—VILLAGE—OF—HITRINO, demolishing about 50—HOUSES and public buildings.
20161210             2—CHINA—FILMMAKERS won the top awards at the Marrakesh film festival, with Zang Qiwu's "THE—DONOR" on the controversial ISSUE—OF—ORGAN—TRANSPLANTS taking the coveted Golden Star.
20161210             The best director award went to CHINA—WANG—XUEBO for "Knife in the Clear Water".
20161210             —KILLED, CHINA, 6—WORKERS were, —AFTER being hit by 1—EXPRESS cargo train on the railway line connecting BEIJING and THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—GUANGZHOU.
20161210             FRANCE, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JOHN—KERRY was given the Legion d'Honneur, FRANCE—HIGHEST honor, with his FRANCE—COUNTERPART calling him "the most FRENCH—OF—USA—OFFICIALS".
20161210             —CALLED, GAMBIA—PRESIDENT—ELECT Adama Barrow, on longtime leader YAHYA—JAMMEH, —51—JAHRE—ALT to drop his challenge to —LAST—WEEK—ELECTION and appealed for calm —FOLLOWING the dramatic political U—TURN.
20161210             —PASSED, THE—GREECE—PARLIAMENT, 1—BUDGET—OF continued austerity.
20161210             —PREDICTED, PRESIDENT—TSIPRAS, 2.7% economic growth for 20170000             .
20161210             —ENDED, GREECE—FERRY workers, a —9—DAY—STRIKE, saying they did not wish to disrupt the holiday season, but promised to resume action if the government did not back off tax hikes for ferry workers.
20161210             —DETONATED, INDONESIA—POLICE safely, 1—BOMB in 1—NEIGHBORHOOD on the outskirts of JAKARTA —AFTER arresting 1—FEMALE—WOULD—BE—SUICIDE—BOMBER and other suspected Islamic militants who were planning to attack the presidential palace this weekend.
20161210             THE—IRAQ—ARMY said it took full control of 2—MORE—DISTRICTS—OF—EAST—MOSUL, pushing back Islamic State militants in 1—SLOW and HARD—FOUGHT advance into the city whose 1—MILLION—RESIDENTS face growing SHORTAGES—OF—FUEL, water and food.
20161210             † In KENYA at least 39—PEOPLE—WHEN 1—TANKER carrying flammable materials crashed into other vehicles and burst into flames outside THE—TOWN—OF—NAIVASHA —LATE—TODAY.
20161210             —CLAIMED, New Zealander JOSEPH—PARKER, the vacant WBO world heavyweight boxing title with 1—CONTENTIOUS—MAJORITY—POINTS—DECISION against MEXICO—ANDY—RUIZ.
20161210             —KILLED, SOUTH—EAST—NIGERIA, at least 160—PEOPLE were, by the collapse of the Reigners Bible church in UYO, THE—CAPITAL—OF—AKWA—IBOM state, —WHILE 1—PASTOR was being consecrated as BISHOP—IN—THE—PRESENCE—OF—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS.
20161210             † THE—AKWA—IBOM state government —LATER said only 23—PEOPLE, in the tragedy, 1—APPARENT—ATTEMPT to cover up 1—DEATH—TOLL—OF—MORE than 150—WHEN metal girders and the corrugated iron roof crashed onto 1 crowded service.
20161210             PAKISTAN, gunmen shot and killed counterterrorism police Officer Riazul Islam and wounded his young son in THE—NORTH—WEST—CITY—OF—PESHAWAR.
20161210             —KILLED, SOMALIA, 1—CAR—BOMB, at least 2—POLICEMEN—WHEN it exploded at 1—CHECKPOINT—NEAR—MOGADISHU.
20161210             —CLAIMED, AL—SHABAAB, responsibility.
20161210             —FIRED, SRI—LANKA—NAVAL—TROOPS, warning shots to break up 1—PROTEST by striking dock workers who have held up 1—JAPAN—VESSEL—FOR—4—DAYS at THE—ISLAND—SOUTH—INTERNATIONAL port.
20161210             —ACCEPTED, SWEDEN, COLOMBIA—PRESIDENT—JUAN—MANUEL—SANTOS, the Nobel Peace Prize, saying it helped his country achieve the "impossible dream" of ending 1—HALF—CENTURY—LONG—CIVIL—WAR.
20161210             —BOMBARDED, SYRIA—MILITARY and RUSSIA—WARPLANES, REBEL—HELD districts of ALEPPO as DAMASCUS—ALLIES said victory was near, but insurgents fought back and army advances halted —AFTER rapid gains —DURING the —WEEK.
20161210             Hundreds more civilians fled what REMAINED—OF—THE—OPPOSITION—ENCLAVE in ALEPPO.
20161210             —ANNOUNCED, SYRIA—DEMOCRATIC—FORCES (SDF), 1—USA—BACKED—ARAB—KURDISH—ALLIANCE, "phase 2" of its campaign for the Islamic State group's bastion of Raqa as WASHINGTON said it was sending 200—MORE—TROOPS to back the offensive.
20161210             —DESTROYED, TURKEY said its warplanes have, 39—ISLAMIC—STATE—TARGETS and killed 4—MILITANTS in NORTH—SYRIA.
20161210             —KILLED, TURKEY, twin bombings, at least 44—PEOPLE and wounded 155—OUTSIDE 1—ISTANBUL soccer stadium.
20161210             —CLAIMED, THE—KURDISTAN—FREEDOM—HAWKS (TAK) soon, responsibility and THE—TURKEY—GOVERNMENT vowed vengeance.
20161210             —KILLED, YEMEN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 48 and wounded 29—OTHERS as HUNDREDS—OF—TROOPS had gathered to collect their monthly pay at 1—BARRACKS in AL—SAWLABAN near ADEN—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT.
20161210             —CLAIMED, THE—ISLAMIC—STATE—GROUP, responsibility.
20161210—20010000    —SINCE, OPEC and other NON—OPEC producers, including RUSSIA, reached their 1. deal to curtail oil output jointly and ease 1—GLOBAL glut —AFTER more than —2—YEARS—OF—LOW—PRICES that overstretched MANY—BUDGETS and spurred unrest in SOME—COUNTRIES.
20170927—20151210    —WANTED, Hodge was, on SUSPICION—OF—MURDER in connection with the shooting of WILLIAM—FREEMAN, —68—JAHRE—ALT in Fairfield.
20171110—20171210    —ON, 4—MORE—WOMEN joined them.
20171203             —SCHEDULED, The 2. round of voting is, for 20171210             .
20171210             AUSTRALIENs FLÜCHTLINGS—POLITIK,Abschrecken, abschotten, abwälzen
20171210             CO—AUTORIN Lulu Qian sagt: "Solche sich selbst zusammensetzenden Strukturen sind Schlüsselkomponenten, um künstliche molekulare Maschinen zu bauen".DIE—NEUE FORM—DER—ANORDNUNG ermögliche es —NUN, noch komplexere molekulare Maschinen zu bauen, sagte Qian.
20171210             FRANKREICHs neuer SARKOZY: "Ich bin einfach nur rechts"
20171210             Göteborg: Maskierte werfen brennende Gegenstände auf Synagoge
20171210             KALIFORNIEN: GOUVERNEUR—NENNT—WALD—BRÄNDE —WINTER—IM, "neue Normalität"
20171210             Kampagne zur Abschaffung von ATOM—WAFFEN: FRIEDENS—NOBEL—PREIS an Ican übergeben
20171210             Kryptogeld: Warum der BITCOIN—HYPE Vorbote eines großen Crashs sein könnte
20171210             MEDIEN—BERICHT—USA—STAATEN wollen Häftlinge mit Fentanyl hinrichten
20171210             Nanotechnik : Forscher bauen winzige MONA—LISA aus DNA
20171210             Pläne zum digitalen GEGEN—SCHLAG, Wenn DER—STAAT—ZUM—HACKER wird
20171210             Unzivilisierte Barbaren! USA—VON—EUROPA: Ladenhüter DER—LINKEN
20171210             [l] CHINA nimmt keinen Müll aus Übersee mehr an und prompt bricht IN—DEN—USA die "Recycling"-Infrastruktur zusammen.
20171210             —ADVANCED, CALIFORNIA—LARGEST wildfire, THE—THOMAS—FIRE, on coastal towns near Santa Barbara, stoked by the gusty winds and dry conditions that have fueled destructive blazes across the state's southern region.
20171210             —BLACKENED, The blaze has already, 155,000 acres (62,726 hectares) and consumed HUNDREDS—OF—STRUCTURES.
20171210             —DEMANDED, Arab foreign ministers meeting in CAIRO, that THE—USA—RESCIND—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—DECISION to recognize JERUSALEM as ISRAEL—CAPITAL, calling it a "grave" development that puts WASHINGTON on the same side as "occupation" and the violation of INTERNATIONAL law.
20171210             —CAUSED, The heaviest snowfall to hit BRITAIN in —4—YEARS, widespread disruption, with roads becoming hazardous and flights grounded —FOLLOWING runway closures.
20171210             Disgraced UK—CELEBRITY—PUBLICIST—MAX—CLIFFORD, —74—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CONFIDANT to the stars who fell from grace amid BRITAIN—INVESTIGATION—OF—PAST—SEXUAL—ABUSE, † after collapsing at Littlehey Prison in Cambridgeshire.
20171210             Voters in THE—FRANCE—MEDITERRANEAN ISLAND—OF—CORSICA, with 1—POPULATION—OF—320,000—PEOPLE, voted to elect 1—NEW—REGIONAL—ASSEMBLY — with victory expected for Corsican nationalists.
20171210             THE—HEAD—OF—GERMANY—DOMESTIC—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY said the number of Islamic radicals is growing and becoming increasingly difficult to keep under surveillance as recruiting efforts move underground.
20171210             He warned that CHINA allegedly is using social networks to try to cultivate lawmakers and other officials as sources.
20171210             —PROMISED, IRAN—PRESIDENT—HASSAN—ROUHANI, high economic growth as he laid out —NEXT—YEAR—BUDGET.
20171210             BRITAIN—FOREIGN—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON met with Rouhani, wrapping up 1—VISIT in which they discussed 1—FULL—RANGE—OF—REGIONAL and bilateral issues.
20171210             —DESTROYED, THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY said it has, 1—TUNNEL built by the Hamas militant group that stretched from THE—GAZA—STRIP several 100—METERS (yards) into ISRAEL—TERRITORY.
20171210             The guard was in critical condition and the assailant was taken into custody —AFTER 1—PASSER—BY tackled him.
20171210             Police said Comiti held 1—INDIA—BUSINESS visa which did not permit him to make 1—DOCUMENTARY on political or SECURITY—RELATED issues.
20171210             —ANNOUNCED, KUWAIT, new picks for Cabinet, with 5—OUT—OF—16—MEMBERS hailing from the royal family, including the ruler's son, NASSER—SABAH—AL—SABAH, who has been chosen to HEAD—THE—DEFENSE—MINISTRY.
20171210             —FIRED, LEBANON—SECURITY—FORCES, tear gas and water cannons at demonstrators near THE—USA—EMBASSY as they protested WASHINGTON—DECISION to recognize JERUSALEM as THE—CAPITAL—OF—ISRAEL.
20171210             —LOOKED, FORMER—NEPALI PRIME—MINISTER—KP—OLI, set for 1—RETURN to power —AFTER winning his seat in PARLIAMENT and his Communist UML party and Maoist allies on course to win 1—MAJORITY.
20171210             —EXPECTED, Final election results were, to take about —1—WEEK.
20171210             —KILLED, NIGERIA, 2—SOLDIERS were, —AFTER their vehicle hit 1—HOMEMADE explosive planted by Boko Haram insurgents along THE—MAIDUGURI—DAMBOA highway.
20171210             —REPORTED, SOUTH—KOREA—MEDIA, that the government will impose new unilateral SANCTIONS—AGAINST—NUCLEAR—ARMED—PYONGYANG.
20171210             —ARRESTED, SWEDEN, 3—PEOPLE were, —EARLY—TODAY—AFTER 1 attempted arson attack at 1—SYNAGOGUE in THE—CITY—OF—GOTHENBURG.
20171210             —AGREED, SYRIA, USA—BACKED militias, to form 1—JOINT—MILITARY—CENTER with THE—IRAQ—ARMY to protect their common border region —AFTER ousting Islamic State militants.
20171210             —VOTED, Venezuelans, in mayoral races, boycotted by the major opposition parties.
20171210             —PREDICTED, The ruling Socialist Party as, dominated mayoral polls with the help of 1—PARTIAL boycott by 1—CRUMBLING opposition.
20171210             —REPORTED, YEMEN—OFFICIAL—NEWS—AGENCY, that SAUDI—BACKED forces were advancing toward the Red Sea port of Hodeida, which provides 1—LIFELINE to the Shiite rebels known as Houthis.
20171210—20090000    —IN, 1—KEY—FOCUS—OF—JOHNSON—VISIT was THE—CASE—OF—BRITISH—IRANIAN—NAZANIN—ZAGHARI—RATCLIFFE, who is serving —5—YEARS for taking part in mass protests, which she denies.
20180222             —CONVICTED—OF, Witaker had been, masterminding 20031210             —THE, fatal shooting of his mother and brother.
20180529—20181210    —AGREED, THE—4—LEADERS, to hold parliamentary and presidential elections and vowed to respect the results.
20180913             —EXTENDED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, its political mission in LIBYA for —1—YEAR but did not endorse a 20181210             date for elections that was agreed —DURING 1—PARIS meeting —4—MONTHS—AGO.
20181120             ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU said ISRAEL would join THE—USA and other countries in rejecting THE—UN—GLOBAL—COMPACT for Migration, aimed at boosting cooperation to address the world's growing NUMBER—OF—MIGRANTS, set to be adopted —DURING 1—CONFERENCE in MOROCCO on 20181210—20111210.
20181210             May said she would seek "assurances" from THE—EU and bring the Brexit deal back to PARLIAMENT, but did not 20180901             —NEW—DATE for the vote.
20181210             "Volksrepubliken": EU verhängt Sanktionen wegen Wahlen IN—DER—OST—UKRAINE
20181210             "Voyager 2": Hinterm Sonnenwind geht's weiter
20181210             AFRIKAs Blick auf den UNO—MIGRATIONSPAKT: "Keine Illusionen"
20181210             AUSTRITTsvertrag: EU will BREXIT—DEAL nicht neu verhandeln
20181210             Alternative Antriebe: "DIE—BRENNSTOFF—ZELLE wird sich durchsetzen"
20181210             —VERLIERT, Astronomie: Neu entdeckter EXO—PLANET, 300—KG Helium pro —SEKUNDE
20181210             Außenhandel: DEUTSCHER—EXPORT steigt stärker als erwartet
20181210             BERATER—AFFÄRE im VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUM: Der GENERAL und sein Freund (SPIEGEL+, 15:39)
20181210             Bei uns macht DIE—DEUTSCHE—WELLE —BISHER, eher TRANSATLANTIK—PROPAGANDA, aber wir haben ja auch keinen glaubwürdigen Herausforderer für die CDU —IM—MOMENT, den man bekämpfen müsste.
20181210             CDU unter KRAMP—KARRENBAUER: Das endgültige ENDE—DER—UNION (wie wir sie kennen)
20181210             DEAL—MIT—USA—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT: Mutmaßliche Spionin Butina will offenbar gestehen
20181210             DEUTSCHE—BANK—UNTER—DRUCK: Im Panikmodus (SPIEGEL+, 14:41)
20181210             DIE—GUTE—NACHRICHT ist: Der vorige Ansatz, ihm AntiSEMITISMUS anzuhängen, kann damit als gescheitert gelten.
20181210             Das war übrigens 1—LABOUR—ABGEORDNETER.
20181210             Der "THINK—TANK" der BRITEN wurde gerade erwischt, wie er PROPAGANDA verbreitet hat, um JEREMY—CORBYN als KOMMUNISTEN und PUTIN—HANDLANGER zu diffamieren.
20181210             —SYMBOLISIERT, Dieser Stab, also DIE—MACHT des PARLAMENTs, und wird jeden —MORGEN—VON—1—PROZESSION ins PARLAMENT getragen.
20181210             EUGH—URTEIL: GROSSBRITANNIEN dürfte einseitig vom BREXIT zurücktreten
20181210             EU—RAT—PRÄSIDENT: Tusk beruft BREXIT—GIPFEL ein
20181210             —ENDE—DER—FÖRDERUNG: Tausende Windräder stehen vor dem Aus
20181210             ENGLAND: Mann nutzte 4.—000—JAHRE—ALTES Kunstwerk als Zahnputzbecher
20181210             Es gibt in Orwells 19840000             1.Szene, wo in der —MITTE der Hate —WEEK DER—POLITISCHE—FEIND wechselt, quasi in der —MITTE 1—REDE.
20181210             Flugschautragödie 19880000             : Die Flammenhölle von Ramstein
20181210             —AMÜSIERT, Ich habe mich ja —SCHON vor vielen —JAHREN darüber, wie PowerPC die völlig offensichtlich überlege Plattform war, —BIS hin zu —DEM—TAG, an dem APPLE auf Intel umstiegt.
20181210             Inhaltlich haben sie natürlich völlig RECHT.
20181210             Internationales Ranking: DEUTSCHLANDs Paketzustellung ist nur Mittelmaß
20181210             KRIM—KRISE—MERKEL fordert von PUTIN Freilassung UKRAINISCHER—SEELEUTE
20181210             KUNDEN—GESPRÄCHE, Worte, die APPLE—STORE—MIT—ARBEITER nicht sagen sollen
20181210             Kommentar: Wieso —DIE—SPD dem Untergang geweiht ist (SPIEGEL+, 09:24)
20181210             LIRA—KRISE, TÜRKEI—WIRTSCHAFT ist im 3. Quartal deutlich langsamer gewachsen
20181210             LOBBY—SEILSCHAFTEN: Warum der CDU Tabakwerbung wichtiger ist als Jugendschutz
20181210             NASA—RAUMSONDE: "Voyager 2" hat EINFLUSS—BEREICH—DER—SONNE verlassen
20181210             NEUE—STUDIE, VIELE—MIGRANTEN arbeiten für NIEDRIGLÖHNE—TROTZ hoher Qualifikation (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 15:35)
20181210             NORD—AMERIKANISCHE—KUNST: DIE—MACHT der Bilder
20181210             Nachfolge AL—STABS—CHEF—IM WEIßES—HAUS:des DONALD—TRUMPWUNSCH—KANDIDAT Ayers sagt ab
20181210             Onlinedebatte: Meinungsroboter twitterten gegen Migrationspakt
20181210             PATENT—STREIT, CHINESISCHES—GERICHT verhängt Verkaufssperre gegen iPhones
20181210             Rendered obsolete by technology heißt: —JETZT verschlüsseln alle ordentlich.
20181210             Rüstungsprojekte: Juristen halten EU—VERTEIDIGUNGS—FONDS für illegal
20181210             SCHWEDEN: Regierungsbildung scheitert auch im 4. Anlauf
20181210             So läuft das bei APPLE auch —SEIT—JAHREN.
20181210             Stattdessen seien neutralere Begriffe wie "Zustand" und "Situation" zu verwenden sowie Beschreibungen wie "reagiert nicht".
20181210             THE—UK—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES are to significantly increase their USE—OF—LARGE—SCALE—DATA hacking —AFTER claiming that more targeted operations are being rendered obsolete by technology.
20181210             —ALARMED, The move, which has, civil liberty groups, will see 1—EXPANSION in what is known as the "bulk equipment interference (EI) regime" — the process by which GCHQ can target entire communication networks overseas in 1—BID to identify individuals who pose 1—THREAT to NATIONAL—SECURITY.
20181210             Tödlicher Unfall durch selbstfahrendes Auto: DIE—FRAU, die für 1—FETZEN Papier gehalten wurde (SPIEGEL+, 14:57)
20181210             UNO—KLIMA—KONFERENZ: USA brüskieren WELTGEMEINSCHAFT—MIT einem Wort
20181210             VERDACHT—AUF—VOLK—VERHETZUNG: POLIZISTEN sollen Hakenkreuze und HITLER—BILDER ausgetauscht haben
20181210             Verkauf von Versuchsautos: STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT prüft ERMITTLUNGEN—GEGEN—VW
20181210             Verschobene BREXIT—ABSTIMMUNG: Die Zirkusnummer
20181210             Waffenhandel: WELT—WEIT—RÜSTUNGS—PRODUKTION steigt WEITER—RUSSLAND holt auf
20181210             Zigaretten: Selbstdreher hängen stärker an der Kippe
20181210             [l] DIE—BRITEN haben in der —POLITIK noch Stil.
20181210             [l] Die Open Knowledge FOUNDATION stellt ALLE—GESETZBLÄTTER offen ins INTERNET.
20181210             [l] Hat euer APPLE—GERÄT 1—PROBLEM?
20181210             [l] In ENGLAND hat 1—ABGEORDNETER "THE—MACE" mitgenommen und setze an, es rauszutragen.
20181210             [l] —JETZT so mit BREXIT und so... sagt GCHQ gleich mal an, daß sie die neuen Freiheiten für weitere BELGACOM—STYLE Angriffe nutzen wollen.
20181210             [l] NSFL: ANDY—SERKIS channelt THERESA—MAY.
20181210             [l] Wir haben ja aktuell 1.Menge "ANTI—FAKE—NEWS"—OFFENSIVEN, in ENGLAND zum Beispiel vom AUßEN—MINISTERIUM finanziert.
20181210             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MONTAG, Es droht —CHAOS—IM—GANZEN Land
20181210             —EU—STUDIE—ZU—ANTISEMITISMUS: Jeder 3. Jude denkt über Wegzug aus EUROPA nach
20181210             —KONFERENZ—IN—MARRAKESCH: UNO—GENERAL—SEKRETÄR—GUTERRES wirbt für Migrationspakt
20181210             —NACH, Verschiebung von BREXIT—ABSTIMMUNG: BRITISCHES—PFUND fällt auf 20—MONATS—TIEF
20181210             —NEUEN—2—JAHRES—TIEF: DAX—FÄLLT unter 10.600—PUNKTE
20181210             —PROTESTE—IN—FRANKREICH—MACRON kündigt Zugeständnisse an
20181210             —STUDIE—ZU—WEITERBILDUNG: Kein Aufstieg durch Bildung (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 17:35)
20181210             —ANNOUNCED, USA tire company Goodyear, it will no longer continue production in VENEZUELA as economic conditions in THE—SOUTH—USA—NATION continue to deteriorate.
20181210             CALIFORNIA, Kaiser therapists began a —5—DAY—STATEWIDE strike to protest long wait times for patients seeking appointments for mental health conditions.
20181210             —KILLED, MIAMI—DADE librarian JAMIE—HUMET, —47—JAHRE—ALT was, —AFTER leaving 1—ATM.
20181210             † In OHIO 5—CHILDREN, including —1—YEAR—OLD twins, in a house fire in YOUNGSTOWN.
20181210             BANGLADESH—TELECOMS—REGULATOR shut down DOZENS—OF—ONLINE news portals for several hours, citing security reasons.
20181210             1—OFFICIAL said 58—SITES were found to be not registered with the information ministry and —THEREFORE their content was being examined ahead of 1—PARLIAMENTARY—ELECTION—LATER—THIS—MONTH.
20181210             BRAZIL—INCOMING foreign relations MINISTER—SAID—BRAZIL will pull out of 1—UNITED—NATIONS pact on dealing with rising migration, joining THE—USA and 1—GROWING NUMBER—OF—COUNTRIES in rejecting the agreement.
20181210             —POSTPONED, UK—PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—MAY, PARLIAMENT—VOTE on her Brexit divorce deal with THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, acknowledging that lawmakers would have rejected it by a "significant margin".
20181210             1—UK—COURT handed charismatic INDIA—TYCOON—VIJAY Mallya 1—SUBSTANTIAL—SETBACK by ruling he should be extradited to INDIA to face financial fraud allegations.
20181210             —DETAINED, CHINA, entrepreneur MICHAEL—SPAVOR and former diplomat MICHAEL—KOVRIG on suspicion of "engaging in activities that endanger the national security".
20181210             —SERVED, Kovrig, 1—CHINESE—SPEAKING expert, had, as 1—CANADA—DIPLOMAT in BEIJING—HONG—KONG and at THE—UNITED—NATIONS.
20181210             —SUSPECTED, EAST—CONGODRC, ADF militiamen killed 9—CIVILIANS in 1—FRESH—LATE—NIGHT—ATTACK in THE—TOWN—OF—OICHA, in the Beni region.
20181210             —UNVEILED, CROATIA has, 1—MONUMENT to late leader Franjo Tudjman, who led the country to INDEPENDENCE from THE—FORMER—YUGOSLAVIA but has also been criticized for his nationalist policies.
20181210             —MARKED, This, the 19. ANNIVERSARY—OF—TUDJMAN—DEATH.
20181210             —VOICED, THE—EU, alarm as 1—SURVEY showed 9—OF 10—EUROPEAN Jews believe ANTI—SEMITISM has worsened in the last —5—YEARS, calling it a "canary in the coal mine".
20181210             —ALLEGED, EU security commissioner JULIAN—KING, that RUSSIA launched —1—YEAR—LONG fake news campaign about Kiev's and NATO—PLANS for the Azov Sea —BEFORE seizing 3—UKRAINE—SHIPS and their crew there.
20181210             —BLACKLISTED, THE—EU, 9—LOCALS involved in —LAST—MONTH—REBEL—ELECTIONS in EAST—UKRAINE, but was unlikely to heed swiftly KIEV—CALL for more reprisals against MOSCOW over the latest FLARE—UP—OF—TENSIONS in the Azov Sea.
20181210             —ANNOUNCED, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON, measures to help LOW—INCOME—FAMILIES and so end the "yellow vest" protests.
20181210             —ESTIMATED, Economists soon, that the cost of the sweeteners could reach 11—BILLION euros ($12.5—BILLION) -- 1—BLOWOUT for 1—COUNTRY already struggling to meet EU budget rules.
20181210             —SENTENCED, GERMANY, THOMAS—K, —37—JAHRE—ALT was, in Duesseldorf state court to —6—YEARS in prison.
20181210             He had fought for the Taliban in AFGHANISTAN 20130000—20180000    —FROM—TO and was CONVICTED—OF—MEMBERSHIP in 1—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION.
20181210             —AFFECTED, GERMANY, a —4—HOUR—STRIKE, more than 1,400 trains nationwide, hitting LONG—DISTANCE—TRAFFIC and also METRO rail systems in BERLIN, MUNICH, HANNOVER and FRANKFURT.
20181210             —ACCELERATED, HONG—KONG, 1—RUNAWAY school bus with no 1—ABOARD, downhill and plowed into pedestrians, killing 2—PEOPLE and injuring 12—OTHERS.
20181210             —RESIGNED, Reserve BANK—OF—INDIA—GOVERNOR—URJIT—PATEL, amid 1—GROWING SPLIT between THE—INDIA—GOVERNMENT and the independent monetary policy authority.
20181210             —DISAGREED, THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI has, with some of the central bank's decisions under Patel, including 1—MOVE to restrict lending by DEBT—RIDDEN banks.
20181210             IRAQ began removing cement walls from areas surrounding the capital's most fortified enclave, opening PARTS—OF—THE—SO—CALLED—GREEN—ZONE to traffic in 1—SYMBOLIC—MOVE coinciding with nationwide celebrations marking THE—ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—COUNTRY—COSTLY—VICTORY over the Islamic State group.
20181210             ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU said OMAN will let ISRAEL—PLANES fly through its airspace.
20181210             The permission however provides ISRAEL with little immediate practical use —SINCE its planes cannot fly over OMAN—NEIGHBOR—SAUDI—ARABIA.
20181210             They withdrew from the agency's office —AFTER they took COPIES—OF—SECURITY—CAMERA—FOOTAGE.
20181210             —BECAME, ISRAEL, 1—FULL—MEMBER—OF—THE—PARIS—BASED—FINANCIAL—ACTION—TASK—FORCE (FATF), 1—GLOBAL—FINANCIAL—WATCHDOG on money laundering and terror financing, —AFTER having previously been blacklisted by the organization.
20181210             —CHARGED, Prosecutors in JAPAN, Nissan Motor Co.'s former chairman CARLOS—GHOSN, executive GREG—KELLY and the automaker itself for allegedly violating financial laws by underreporting income.
20181210             1—KENYA—COURT charged senior officials from THE—STATE—RUN—OIL—PIPELINE and others from the state health insurance fund for ABUSE—OF—OFFICE and economic crimes that led to the loss of BILLIONS—OF—SHILLINGS from THE—2—INSTITUTIONS.
20181210             LATVIA—PRESIDENT—RAIMONDS—VEJONIS said he had withdrawn his nomination of Aldis GOBZEMS—OF—THE—POPULIST—KPV LV party as PRIME—MINISTER—AFTER—GOBZEMS failed to secure majority support for his proposed cabinet.
20181210             —ADOPTED, MOROCCO, 1—UNITED—NATIONS conference in Marrakesh, 1—MIGRATION—PACT in FRONT—OF—LEADERS and representatives from —AROUND 150—COUNTRIES, despite 1—STRING—OF—WITHDRAWALS driven by ANTI—IMMIGRANT—POPULISM.
20181210             NORWAY, Nobel laureates DENIS—MUKWEGE—OF—CONGODRC and Nadia Murad of IRAQ called on the world to protect VICTIMS—OF—WARTIME sexual violence in their Peace Prize acceptance speeches, slamming indifference to THE—PLIGHT—OF—WOMEN and children in conflict.
20181210             —DISTURBED, POLAND, protesters, 1—USA—SPONSORED event promoting fossil fuels on THE—SIDELINES—OF—THE—UN—CLIMATE—CHANGE—TALKS, saying attempts to rebrand coal as 1—POTENTIALLY "clean" energy source were misleading.
20181210             —SIGNED, PUERTO—RICO—GOVERNOR, 1—BILL to overhaul THE—USA—TERRITORY—TAX—LAWS in 1—BID to help workers and SOME—BUSINESS—OWNERS amid a —12—YEAR—RECESSION.
20181210             —DIAGNOSED, ROMANIA—AUTHORITIES said THE—NUMBER—OF—BABIES, with ANTIBIOTIC—RESISTANT Staphylococcus aureus at 1—MATERNITY—HOSPITAL in BUCHAREST has risen to 39.
20181210             —CLAMBERED, ROMANIA, men from 3—CARS, onto 1—MOVING truck and looted laptops and other electrical equipment worth 50,000 euros ($70,000).
20181210             —DETAINED, Police soon, 7—MEN suspected of previously committing similar thefts.
20181210             —JAILED, RUSSIA, MIKHAIL—POPKOV, —54—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—POLICE—OFFICER, for murdering 22—WOMEN, received a 2. life sentence for the murder of 56—MORE—PEOPLE, making him 1—OF—MODERN—RUSSIA—DEADLIEST serial killers.
20181210             —DUBBED, He has been, the "maniac of ANGARSK" —AFTER his home city in Siberia.
20181210             —ANNOUNCED, SYRIA—ARMY, THE—DEMOBILIZATION—OF—OFFICERS who have completed —5—YEARS—OF—COMPULSORY—SERVICE, the 2. such move in recent months as fighting abates in the civil war.
20181210             —PUSHED, SYRIA, THE—KURDISH—LED SDF, deeper into Hajin, the Islamic STATE—LAST remaining stronghold, and took full control of 1 abandoned hospital on THE—EDGE—OF—TOWN.
20181210             —ACCEPTED, FRANCIS—PAPA, THE—RESIGNATION—OF—INDIA—BISHOP—PRASAD—GALLELA, —56—JAHRE—ALT of Cuddapah who, according to news reports, was accused of misappropriating church funds to support 1—SECRET—FAMILY.
20181210             —DISCUSSED, Delegations from YEMEN—WARRING sides, expanding 1—SHAKY truce in the key port CITY—OF—HODEIDA, however neither side appeared ready to agree on initial draft proposals at THE—UN sponsored talks in SWEDEN.
20181210—20181208    —CALLED, THE—EVG labor union, THE—SO—CALLED "warning strike" to put pressure on DEUTSCHE—BAHN —AFTER wage negotiations broke off without 1—AGREEMENT.
20181210—20200000    —ARRESTED, MIAMI Gardens police, suspect SEAN—FORTUNE, —19—JAHRE—ALT on charges of 2.—DEGREE murder and armed robbery.
20190517—20161210    —ON, 1—TURKEY—COURT sentenced 14—PEOPLE to life in jail without parole for involvement in twin bombings in ISTANBUL that killed dozens.
20191112—20201210    —ON, he was found GUILTY—OF—WEAPONS smuggling in USA—FEDERAL—COURT.
20191208—20191210    —ON, —WHEN she takes THE—REINS—OF—THE—COUNTRY, most likely, she will become the world's youngest sitting HEAD—OF—GOVERNMENT.
20191210             —ANNOUNCED, USA—HOUSE—DEMOCRATS, 2—ARTICLES—OF—IMPEACHMENT against PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP — ABUSE—OF—POWER and OBSTRUCTION—OF—CONGRESS — pushing toward historic votes over charges he threatened THE—INTEGRITY—OF—THE—USA—ELECTION—SYSTEM and endangered national security in his dealings with UKRAINE.
20191210             THE—USA—HELD back 1—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL meeting to discuss NORTH—KOREA—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ABUSES, —AFTER PYONGYANG warned it would be a "serious provocation".
20191210             —BLACKLISTED, THE—USA, 4—MYANMAR military leaders, including THE—COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF, in the toughest action taken yet by WASHINGTON for alleged human rights abuses against the Rohingya and other minorities.
20191210             —ANNOUNCED, FEDERAL—OFFICIALS, the arrest of 3—PEOPLE for running 1—CRYPTOCURRENCY mining operation that bilked investors out of $722—MILLION.
20191210             —ARRESTED, MATTHEW—GOETTSCHE, —37—JAHRE—ALT was, in COLORADO, Jobadiah Weeks (38) was arrested in FLORIDA and JOSEPH—ABEL, —49—JAHRE—ALT was arrested in CALIFORNIA.
20191210             —REPORTED, THE—DETROIT—NEWS, that Leotek Electronics USA has agreed to pay $4—MILLION to settle 1—LAWSUIT over THOUSANDS—OF—DEFECTIVE streetlights in DETROIT.
20191210             † In NEW—JERSEY 1—POLICE—OFFICER, 3—BYSTANDERS and 2—KILLERS—ALL in 1—ATTACK that targeted 1—JEWISH—MARKET in JERSEY—CITY.
20191210             The shooting began near 1—CEMETERY, where Detective JOSEPH—SEALS, a —40—YEAR—OLD—MEMBER—OF—1—UNIT devoted to taking illegal guns off the street, was killed —WHILE trying to stop "bad guys".
20191210             THE—2—KILLERS had apparently been followers of the Black Hebrew Israelites — 1—FRINGE group whose members have been known to rail against white people and Jew.
20191210             —IDENTIFIED, The attackers were —LATER, as DAVID—N—ANDERSON 47) and Francine Graham (50) — both of them also prime suspects in THE—SLAYING—OF—1—LIVERY driver found dead in 1—CAR trunk in nearby Bayonne over the weekend.
20191210             —REPORTED, THE—PITTSBURGH—POST—GAZETTE, that Ravitej Reddy, the owner of Personalized Genetics LLC in PITTSBURGH and Med Health Services Management in Monroeville, is scheduled to plead guilty to FEDERAL—CHARGES that he conspired with OUT—OF—STATE marketing companies to pay kickbacks for lucrative lab tests at his 2—TESTING facilities.
20191210             WASHINGTON—BASED research group C4ADS said global consumers purchasing teak may be fuelling conflict in SOUTH—SUDAN, warning that armed groups are benefiting from 1 unregulated logging trade worth TENS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS.
20191210             —ABDUCTED, AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIALS said the Taliban have, as many as 45—ELDERLY—FAMILY—MEMBERS—OF—1—LATE—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT—EMPLOYEE who were attending his funeral.
20191210             —DISPUTED, THE—HEAD—OF—INTELLIGENCE in Jawzjan province, THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE who were kidnapped, saying only 6—FAMILY—MEMBERS were taken and that other local elders were negotiating for their release.
20191210             ARGENTINA—PERONIST—LEADER, ALBERTO—FERNANDEZ, was sworn in as PRESIDENT, marking 1—SHIFT to the left for Latin AMERICA—NUMBER 3—ECONOMY as the country fights rampant inflation, credit default fears and rising poverty.
20191210             —ENGULFED, AUSTRALIA, smoke from wildfires, THE—CITY—OF—SYDNEY.
20191210             —ADVISED, People were, to stay indoors and avoid all outdoor activity.
20191210             —WIDENED, BRAZIL—AUTHORITIES, 1—POLITICAL—GRAFT—INVESTIGATION to target telecom firms Oi and Telefonica Brasil over alleged irregular payments to 1—COMPANY—PART—OWNED by THE—SON—OF—EX—PRESIDENT—LUIZ—INACIO—LULA da Silva.
20191210             1—BULGARIA—COURT sentenced radical imam AHMED—MUSSA and 13—OTHER—BULGARIANS for propagating religious hatred and incitement to war in their support for the Islamic State militant group.
20191210             THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—,1—MAN, —42—JAHRE—ALT with 1—ILLEGAL—GUN fatally shot 6—PEOPLE and wounded 3—OTHERS at 1—HOSPITAL in OSTRAVA.
20191210             —KILLED, The gunman —LATER, himself as police approached his car.
20191210             —REPORTED, It was, that evidence from DENMARK suggested that —WHEN frozen embryos are used —DURING in vitro fertilization (IVF), the resulting children have 1—SLIGHTLY higher risk than other kids for certain TYPES—OF—CANCER.
20191210             UK—AUTHOR—LINDSAY—DE—FELIZ went missing in THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC.
20191210             —BURIED, Days —LATER her body was found, in 1—SHALLOW—GRAVE in 1 wooded area near her home.
20191210             Her DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—HUSBAND, STEP—SON and another man were arrested by police.
20191210             FINLAND—NEW—PRIME—MINISTER—SANNA—MARIN, —34—JAHRE—ALT took office as the world's youngest national leader.
20191210             FINLAND, which holds the rotating EU presidency —UNTIL THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR, said it aims to teach 1—PERCENT—OF—ALL—EUROPEANS basic skills in artificial intelligence through 1—FREE online course.
20191210             —LODGED, THE—GREECE—GOVERNMENT said it has, objections to THE—UNITED—NATIONS over 1—ACCORD between LIBYA and TURKEY mapping out maritime boundaries as 1—VIOLATION—OF—INTERNATIONAL—LAW.
20191210             IRAN said that USA—AUTHORITIES are holding about 20—IRAN—NATIONALS in jail, —1—DAY—AFTER TEHRAN said it was ready for more prisoner swaps with THE—USA.
20191210             —AWARDED, FORMER—SOVIET—DISSIDENT—NATAN—SHARANSKY was, ISRAEL—PRESTIGIOUS 20200000             Genesis Prize for 1—LIFETIME—OF—WORK promoting political and religious freedoms.
20191210             —SANCTIONED, LATVIA—POLITICIAN and oligarch Aivars Lembergs, —THIS—WEEK by THE—USA—OVER alleged corruption, hit back saying allegations against him were "fake news" and instigated by his political opponents.
20191210             —PROHIBITED, The sanction means USA—CITIZENS are, from doing business with Lembergs and 4—ENTITIES THE—USA—SAYS he owns or controls and which are crucial to the running of Ventspils port.
20191210             —MOVED, LATVIA, to ensure the port could still operate.
20191210             —ATTACKED, LEBANON, angry protesters, the municipality headquarters in TRIPOLI, smashing windows and setting 1—ROOM on fire, in 1—OUTBURST—OF—VIOLENCE triggered by the collapse of 1—HOUSE overnight in the area that killed 2—SIBLINGS.
20191210             1—RUSSIA—COURT ordered the deportation of 5—EMPLOYEES—OF—THE—USA'—UNIVERSITY—AT—BUFFALO —AFTER finding them GUILTY—OF—VIOLATING the terms of their visas.
20191210             THE—COURT—IN—THE—CITY—OF—RYAZAN, 200—KM (125—MILES) SOUTH—EAST—OF—MOSCOW, said the group had arrived in RUSSIA on 1—MULTIPLE—ENTRY—TOURIST visa but had given 1—LECTURE at 1—LOCAL—UNIVERSITY.
20191210             † YURY—LUZHKOV, —83—JAHRE—ALT, who served as MOSCOW—MAYOR —FOR—18—YEARS, —AFTER 1—HEART—OPERATION at 1—CLINIC in MUNICH.
20191210             —OPENED, SAUDI—ARABIA, 1—SUMMIT—OF—ARAB—GULF nations, in RIYADH without QATAR—RULER in attendance, despite signs of 1—THAW in 1—DIPLOMATIC—CRISIS that has gripped the regions USA—ALLIES.
20191210             —ATTENDED, QATAR—PRIME—MINISTER—SHEIKH—ABDULLAH bin NASSER—AL—THANI, the annual Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).
20191210             Mines across SOUTH—AFRICA SHUT down —AFTER flash flooding triggered the most severe power blackouts in more than —1—DECADE, threatening 1—KEY—EXPORT—SECTOR in 1—FURTHER—BLOW to the country's already slowing economy.
20191210             SPAIN, 1—GLOBAL—ASSESSMENT at UN climate TALKS—OF—COUNTRIES' emissions trajectories said THE—USA—AND—SAUDI—ARABIA are among major polluters showing "hardly ANY—SIGNS" of reducing their greenhouse gas production.
20191210             —STAGED, SPAIN—ARMS—CONTROL—GROUPS, 1—PROTEST against the presence of 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—CARGO ship they suspect is carrying weapons for use in YEMEN.
20191210             TAIWAN—TOP—DIPLOMAT said that his government stands with HONG—KONG citizens pushing for "freedom and democracy," and would help those displaced from THE—SEMI—AUTONOMOUS—CHINA—CITY if BEIJING intervenes with greater force to quell the protests.
20191210             UN experts said the interference of Chadian and SUDAN—FIGHTERS in LIBYA is "1—DIRECT—THREAT" to the security and STABILITY—OF—THE—WAR—TORN country, which 1—LEADER—OF—THE—ISLAMIC—STATE—EXTREMIST—GROUP has declared "1—OF—THE—MAIN axes" of its future operations.
20191210—19940000    —SINCE, THE—USMCA would replace THE—NORTH—USA—FREE—TRADE—AGREEMENT (NAFTA), 1—REGIONAL—PACT in place that encompasses $1.2—TRILLION in annual trade across the continent.
20201101—20201210    —EXPECTED, It was, to conclude.
20201121             Aktualisierung 202011210000         —UHR
20201210             —NACH—DEN CDU—MINISTERPRÄSIDENTEN aus NRW und SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN, ARMIN—LASCHET und DANIEL—GÜNTHER, hat sich —NUN der bayerische Ministerpräsident MARKUS—SÖDER für einen "kompletten Lockdown" von Weihnachten —BIS zum 20200110             ausgesprochen.
20201210             Eine bessere Zeit als die zwischen Weihnachten und 20200110             werde man im ganzen —JAHR nicht mehr finden.
20201210             —DONNERSTAG, 20201210
20201210             Schriftstellerin Anke Stelling: Grausamer Blick auf die Nachbarschaft
20201210             Geheimdokumente zur "Force de Frappe": Wie Kohl und Mitterrand um Atomraketen stritten
20201210             Strengere CORONA—MAßNAHMEN: Laschet und Günther forcieren LOCKDOWN—DEBATTE
20201210             Rückblick auf Trumps Schicksalswochen: Der Verlierer des Jahres
20201210             —EXPLODIERT, Testflug: SPACEX—RAKETE, bei Landung — Elon Musk ist trotzdem zufrieden
20201210             1. Lady vor dem Umzug: Melania Trump will "nur noch nach Hause"
20201210             Eskalierende Pandemie: USA melden mehr als 3000—CORONA—TOTE binnen —24—STUNDEN
20201210             "Maischberger" zur Pandemiebekämpfung: "Wir müssen dem Virus 1—AUF den Deckel geben"
20201210             Berufseinstieg als Tierärztin: "Das Gehalt ist nach fünfeinhalb —JAHREN Studium 1—SCHLAG ins Gesicht" Aufgezeichnet von FLORIAN—GONTEK
20201210             Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: Lockdown steht vor der Tür
20201210             Banken und Versicherungen investieren in Kohle und Öl: Milliarden für klimaschädliche Großprojekte
20201210             Coronakrise: TUI meldet Milliardenverlust
20201210             Debatte über Lockdown nach Weihnachten: Söder will "einfach mal alles runterfahren"
20201210             "Familienreport 2020" des Bundesfamilienministeriums: STAAT gibt deutlich mehr für Familien aus
20201210             Innovationen: DEUTSCHLAND fällt bei Patentanmeldungen zurück
20201210             TOM—SCHILLING über 1. CORONA—SHUTDOWN: "Ich fand das wahnsinnig toll als Extremerfahrung"
20201210             Regeln und Verbote: So feiert EUROPA CORONA—WEIHNACHTEN
20201210             Razzien in BERLIN und HAMBURG: Hunderte Polizisten durchsuchen Dutzende Gebäude im Clanmilieu
20201210             Nach Retweet von TRUMP—NACHRICHT: CHINESISCHE—BOTSCHAFT spricht von Hackerangriff
20201210             Kandidat für CDU—VORSITZ: Röttgen fordert WIEDERAUFNAHME—VON—ABSCHIEBUNGEN nach SYRIEN
20201210             Medienberichte: Biden will CHINA—EXPERTIN Katherine Tai zur Handelsbeauftragten machen
20201210             Bericht des RKI: Syphilisfälle in DEUTSCHLAND auf neuem Höchststand
20201210             Studie zu Einkommensverlusten: CORONA nimmt's, der STAAT gibt's
20201210             BGH—URTEIL: YouTube muss nach illegalen Uploads keine E—MAIL—ADRESSEN herausgeben
20201210             In der Coronakrise: Vermögen der USA—MILLIARDÄRE wächst um 1—BILLION
20201210             Streit über Cookies: Frankreichs Datenschutzbehörde macht ERNST—GOOGLE soll 100—MILLIONEN Euro zahlen
20201210             RECHTSSTAATS—KOMPROMISS: Wie EUROPA das Gipfeldesaster verhindern will
20201210             Krisengewinner: Paketdienstleister profitieren vom Trend zum Homeoffice
20201210             "fuck", "shit", "damn": NICOLAS—CAGE philosophiert über Schimpfwörter
20201210             —VERLÄNGERT, Ausfuhrstopp : Rüstungsexporte an SAUDI—ARABIEN bleiben verboten
20201210             Australiens Einreisesperre: Fehlende Backpacker und Obstpflücker gefährden Australiens Ernte
20201210             EU und TÜRKEI: Endlich Klartext Richtung ANKARA 1—GASTBEITRAG—VON—CEM—ÖZDEMIR
20201210             —VERSCHLECHTERT, RKI—PRÄSIDENT—WIELER: "Die Lage hat sich tatsächlich "
20201210             Mundspülungen: Gurgeln gegen CORONA — bringt das was?
20201210             "Artemis"-Programm: Nasa stellt Raumfahrer für Mondmission vor
20201210             Brexit: EU—KOMMISSION schlägt Notfallmaßnahmen für NO—DEAL—SZENARIO vor
20201210             Neue CORONA—STUDIE: So ansteckend sind Kinder wirklich Von Rafaela von Bredow
20201210             GROßEINSATZ—DER—POLIZEI: Razzien im Clanmilieu — Verdächtige wollten offenbar Immobilie ergaunern
20201210             —EXPLODIERT, Nach Testflug: STARSHIP—RAKETE, bei Landung
20201210             "Kinder werden erneut zu Verlierern": Kitaverband kritisiert trotz hoher CORONA—ZAHLEN die Schließungen in SACHSEN
20201210             Regulierung von Messengern: WhatsApp, Telegram und Co. sollen Bestandsdaten herausgeben
20201210             DIW—PROGNOSE: DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT könnte Ende 20210000             auf Vorkrisenniveau sein
20201210             Atompläne von PRÄSIDENT—MACRON: Der Strahlemann
20201210             —INVESTIERT, Finanzbericht für 20190000             : DEUTSCHLAND, 150—MILLIARDEN Euro in Bildung
20201210             Verknüpfung von Nutzerdaten: Bundeskartellamt eröffnet Verfahren gegen Facebook
20201210             Krisenplan für 20210000             : TUI—CHEF will auch ungeimpfte Touristen befördern
20201210             Falscher Alarm: Doch kein CORONA—FALL bei Kreuzfahrt vor SINGAPUR
20201210             Kampf gegen CORONA: Wir haben uns den Lockdown redlich verdient
20201210             Europäische Zentralbank: EZB stockt ihr CORONA—NOTPROGRAMM massiv auf
20201210             Nachrichtenversand nicht möglich: Nutzer beklagen Probleme mit Facebook Messenger und Instagram
20201210             —GEFÄHRDET, Rote LISTE—DER—BEDROHTEN—ARTEN: Wisente sind weniger
20201210             —ENDE—DER—BREXIT—ÜBERGANGSPHASE: SCHWEIZ verschärft Einreiseregeln für BRITISCHE—HAUSTIERE
20201210             Coronakrise in der HAUPTSTADT: BERLIN steht vor dem harten Shutdown
20201210             BGH—EINSCHÄTZUNG: Gebühren für PAYPAL—ZAHLUNGEN wahrscheinlich rechtens
20201210             Katholische Kirche: Widerstand gegen Woelki
20201210             Reaktion auf Bauernproteste: Lidl macht Schweinefleisch teurer
20201210             Bei verschärftem CORONA—SHUTDOWN: Bundesregierung plant Hilfen für den Einzelhandel
20201210             Explosionskatastrophe von BEIRUT: Libanons Regierungschef und 3—MINISTER angeklagt
20201210             Erdogan als Ehrengast bei Militärparade in BAKU: Der PATE des Sieges - Thu 20201210
20201210             [l] Die Amis sind —JETZT mit ihren COVID—TOTEN pro —TAG über 3000.
20201210             Das ist mehr als bei 20010911             starben.
20201210             [l] Wisst ihr noch, früher?
20201210             Als Angreifer das Ziel hatten, ATOMBOMBEN—KNOWHOW zu klauen?
20201210             Vielleicht Raketentechnologie? URANZENTRIFUGEN—TECHNIK?
20201210             —GEWORDEN, Die Zeiten sind härter.
20201210             —HEUTE wollen Angreifer nichts mehr klauen sondern DONALD—TRUMP retweeten.
20201210             [l] —NACHDEM ALLE—ANDEREN—VERHALTENSMUSTER —BEREITS offiziell als Geisteskrankheiten klassifiziert wurden, ist —JETZT endlich auch die TWITTER—OPFEROLYMPIADE dran.
20201210             1—INITIAL 3—STUDIES established THE—TIV as 1—CONSISTENT and stable trait that involves 4—DIMENSIONS: moral elitism, 1—LACK—OF empathy, the need for recognition, and rumination.
20201210             1—FOLLOW—UP study further found that this tendency for victimhood is linked to anxious attachment — 1—ATTACHMENT—STYLE characterized by feeling insecure in one's relationships — suggesting that the personality trait may be rooted —IN—EARLY—RELATIONSHIPS with caregivers.
20201210             Ach nee! Die Eltern sind schuld!
20201210             Na DAS ist ja mal eine Überraschung!
20201210             Ob es die Participation Medals waren?
20201210             TIV steht übrigens für Tendency for Interpersonal Victimhood.
20201210             Mir gefällt der Begriff Opferolympiade besser.
20201210             MONCHIQUE continua com campanha de apoio ao comércio e restauração...que dá prémios
20201210             COVID—19: Algarve tem mais um óbito e 63—CASOS
20201210             COVID—19: DGS regista mais dois óbitos e 267—INFETADOS no Alentejo
20201210             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—729—(+7)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—564—(+3)—CASOS—ATIVOS—159—(+4)
20201210             ALCOUTIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—23—(=)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—18—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—2—(=)
20201210             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—22—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—13—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—8—(=)
20201210             CASTRO—MARIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—65—(+2)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—49—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—16—(+2)
20201210             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—773—(+10)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—518—(+7)—CASOS—ATIVOS—252—(+3)
20201210             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—249—(+5)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—118—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—129—(+5)
20201210             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—556—(+7)—ÓBITOS—3—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—391—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—162—(+6)
20201210             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—910—(+17)—ÓBITOS—13—(=)—RECUPERADOS—534—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—363—(+17)
20201210             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—39—(+1)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—24—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—15—(+1)
20201210             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—328—(+9)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—260—(+4)—CASOS—ATIVOS—67—(+5)
20201210             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—944—(+25)—ÓBITOS—9—(=)—RECUPERADOS—582—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—353—(+24)
20201210             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—336—(+16)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—235—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—100—(+16)
20201210             SÃO—BRÁS—DE—ALPORTEL—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—109—(+2)—ÓBITOS—8—(=)—RECUPERADOS—80—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—21—(+1)
20201210             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—300—(=)—ÓBITOS—4—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—279—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—17—(-1)
20201210             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—242—(+4)—ÓBITOS—5—(=)—RECUPERADOS—213—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—24—(+4)
20201210             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—80—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—49—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—30—(=)
20201210             GLOBAL—CASES—69.069.399—GLOBAL—DEATHS—1.572.565
20201210             —BEREITS—IM Frühjahr hatte eine 1. STUDIE—DES—FORSCHUNGSVERBUNDS ergeben, dass sich VIELE—JUNGE—LEUTE mit ihren Sorgen in der CORONA—ZEIT nicht gehört fühlten.
20201210             Weiterhin hätten sie den Eindruck, dass ihre Bedarfe von der Politik nicht wahrgenommen würden, teilten die Hochschulen —AM—DONNERSTAG mit.
20201210             Mehr als 14000000             Teilnehmer nutzten die Möglichkeit, eigene Kommentare zu formulieren.
20201210             "Jugendliche wollen mitbestimmen — auch in der CORONA—ZEIT.
20201210             Sie haben wichtige Ideen zur Umsetzung unterschiedlicher Maßnahmen in ihrem Alltag", sagte Jugendforscherin JOHANNA—WILMES—VON—DER—UNI—FRANKFURT.
20201210             Junge Leute und CORONA: VIELE—HABEN—ANGST vor der Zukunft
20201210             Knapp 46—PROZENT—DER—IM—RAHMEN einer bundesweiten Studie befragten 15- —BIS 30-Jährigen stimmten der Aussage voll beziehungsweise eher zu, Angst vor der Zukunft zu haben.
20201210             Besonders junge Menschen, die nicht mehr zur Schule gehen, klagten über Einsamkeit, finanzielle Sorgen und andere Nöte.
20201210             Das sind 1. ERGEBNISSE—DER—STUDIE "JuCo 2" des Forschungsverbunds "Kindheit — Jugend — Familie in der CORONA—ZEIT".
20201210             Mehr als 7000—JUGENDLICHE und junge Erwachsene beantworteten die ONLINE—FRAGEBÖGEN von Wissenschaftlern der Universitäten Hildesheim und FRANKFURT.
20201210             LOCKDOWN—STREIT spitzt sich nach Merkels Appell zu
20201210             In einer emotionalen Rede mahnte KANZLERIN—ANGELA—MERKEL die Ministerpräsidentinnen und Ministerpräsidenten zu schnellen —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN in der Coronakrise.
20201210             Von denen schwenken —NUN immer mehr auf einen schärferen LOCKDOWN—KURS ein.
20201210             Es gelte, alles runterzufahren von den Geschäften —BIS hin zu den Betriebsferien in vielen Unternehmen, sagte der CSU—POLITIKER in der ZDF—SENDUNG "MARKUS—LANZ".
20201210             Dann hätten man knapp —3—WOCHEN, in denen man einfach Kontakte reduzieren könne.
20201210             Er zeigte sich zuversichtlich, dass es vor Weihnachten noch zu einer BUND—LÄNDER—RUNDE kommt.
20201210             BRITISCHE—ARZNEIMITTELBEHÖRDE warnt bestimmte Personen vor Pfizer/BIONTECH—IMPFSTOFF
20201210             für Personen mit einer erheblichen allergischen Vorgeschichte konkretisiert.
20201210             "Personen mit einer Vorgeschichte eines anaphylaktischen Schocks bei Impfungen, ARZNEI—ODER Lebensmitteln sollten den Pfizer/BIONTECH—IMPFSTOFF nicht erhalten.
20201210             —VERABREICHT, Die 2. Dosis sollte niemandem, werden, bei dem nach Verabreichung der 1. Dosis dieses Impfstoffs 1—ANAPHYLAXIE aufgetreten ist",
20201210             Der Impfstoff des Pharmaherstellers AstraZeneca könnte in den USA —ERST—MITTE kommenden Jahres verfügbar sein, falls die USA—ARZNEIMITTELBEHÖRDE FDA das Vakzin —ERST nach Abschluss der finalen Studie zulässt,
20201210             "Das ist zu spät, um die Vorteile dieses Impfstoffes zu nutzen, der effektiv, in großem Maßstab verfügbar und einfach einzusetzen ist",
20201210             Bundesarbeitsminister HUBERTUS—HEIL (SPD) erwartet auch nach der erneuten Verschärfung der Coronakrise keine bleibenden Schäden für den DEUTSCHEN—ARBEITSMARKT.
20201210             "Gemessen am tiefen Einschnitt der Wirtschaft ist der Tsunami am Arbeitsmarkt durch durchdachte —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN ausgeblieben", sagte der SPD—POLITIKER der "Augsburger Allgemeinen".
20201210             Die CORONA—PANDEMIE habe zur größten Wirtschaftskrise unserer Generation geführt.
20201210             —JETZT gehe es darum, dauerhaften Schaden am DEUTSCHEN—ARBEITSMARKT zu verhindern.
20201210             Dabei werde das Instrument der Kurzarbeit weiterhin die wichtigste Rolle spielen.
20201210             "Die Erfahrung aus —DIESEM—JAHR hat gezeigt, dass hohe Kurzarbeiterzahlen nicht zu hoher Arbeitslosigkeit geführt haben", sagte der SPD—POLITIKER.
20201210             Wirtschaftsminister von DEUTSCHLAND und FRANKREICH warnen vor Firmenpleiten
20201210             Der FRANZÖSISCHE—WIRTSCHAFTS—UND Finanzminister BRUNO—LE—MAIRE warnt im selben Interview, dass —NUN eine "gefährliche Phase" beginne, in der fragile Sektoren wie Hotels, Restaurants, der KULTUR—UND der Sportsektor besonders unterstützt werden müssen.
20201210             "Wir machen uns keine Sorgen um die europäischen Banken, die besser kapitalisiert sind als früher",
20201210             Es seien ALLE—NOTWENDIGEN—MASSNAHMEN ergriffen worden, um die Institute und die Einlagen der Sparer zu schützen.
20201210             USA melden mehr als 3000—CORONA—TOTE binnen —24—STUNDEN
20201210             Höchstwert erreicht: An einem —TAG wurden dort mehr als 3000—TODESFÄLLE nach einer COVID—ERKRANKUNG gezählt.
20201210             —GERATEN, Auch die Krankenhäuser, an Grenzen.
20201210             —VERZEICHNET, RKI, mehr als 20.000—CORONA—TOTE — und steigende Infektionszahlen
20201210             —AM Vortag war mit 590—TOTEN 1—HÖCHSTWERT gemeldet worden.
20201210             Deutsche sehen vergleichsweise wenig psychische Probleme durch CORONA
20201210             Rund 44—PROZENT—DER—DEUTSCHEN haben in einer repräsentativen Umfrage angegeben, die CORONA—PANDEMIE habe negative Auswirkungen auf ihre psychische Gesundheit.
20201210             Das ist der geringste Anteil unter den 15—LÄNDERN und HONGKONG, die das Meinungsforschungsinstitut YouGov dazu untersucht hat.
20201210             GROSSBRITANNIEN, sehen 65—PROZENT negative Auswirkungen auf die psychische Gesundheit durch CORONA — das war der höchste Anteil.
20201210             Unter Einwohnern in HONGKONG machten 63—PROZENT diese Angabe, in ITALIEN 62—PROZENT.
20201210             Die USA lagen mit 56—PROZENT auf Platz 9—DIESER Liste.
20201210             Für die —AM—DONNERSTAG veröffentlichten Ergebnisse hatte YouGov mehr als 21.000—MENSCHEN in 15—LÄNDERN und in HONGKONG interviewt.
20201210             Umgekehrt sagten die Deutschen am häufigsten (45—PROZENT) von allen Befragten, dass das Virus gar keine Auswirkungen auf ihre psychische Gesundheit habe.
20201210             Befragte aus den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten machen diese Angabe am seltensten (23—PROZENT), es folgen Indonesier und Chinesen mit jeweils 26—PROZENT.
20201210             4—PROZENT—DER—DEUTSCHEN sagten, es habe sich sogar positiv auf ihre psychische Gesundheit ausgewirkt.
20201210             Der Landkreis Bautzen übersprang mit (530,4) laut RKI auch wieder die 500-Marke bei der —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ.
20201210             Bundesweit hatte lediglich der Landkreis Regen in Niederbayern —AM—DONNERSTAG mit 589,1 einen höheren Inzidenzwert.
20201210             Es folgen in SACHSEN die Landkreise Sächsische SCHWEIZ—OSTERZGEBIRGE (486), Meißen (426) und Zwickau (420).
20201210             Die Wirtschaft Großbritanniens hat auch zu Beginn des 4. Quartals die Erholung vom starken CORONA—EINBRUCH im Frühjahr fortgesetzt.
20201210             —IM—OKTOBER sei die Wirtschaftsleistung im Monatsvergleich um 0,4 Prozent gestiegen,
20201210             —ÜBERRASCHT, Analysten wurden von der Entwicklung.
20201210             Sie hatten für den Auftaktmonat des 4. Quartals im Schnitt mit einer Stagnation des Bruttoinlandsprodukts (BIP) gerechnet.
20201210             RKI: CORONA—LAGE in DEUTSCHLAND "ÄUß—ERST fragil"
20201210             Die Fallzahlen könnten rasch wieder exponentiell ansteigen, dafür reichten wenige zusätzliche Fälle aus.
20201210             "Das müssen wir verhindern".
20201210             "Wir wissen noch nicht, ob eine geimpfte Person noch ansteckend ist oder nicht", sagte er —AM—DONNERSTAG zur Bilanzvorlage in HANNOVER.
20201210             "Aber Tests sind —JETZT verfügbar.
20201210             —GEWESEN, Im vergangenen —SOMMER sei das Problem, "dass es keine Tests gab und die Menschen nach der Reise —2—WOCHEN in Quarantäne mussten".
20201210             Dies werde 20210000             anders sein, glaubt der TUI—CHEF.
20201210             "Wir testen die Menschen, bevor sie fliegen".
20201210             Bayerns Innenminister JOACHIM—HERRMANN (CSU) geht davon aus, dass sich die Polizeien von Bund und Ländern arbeitsteilig um die Bewachung des CORONA—IMPFSTOFFS kümmern werden.
20201210             Die Bundespolizei werde den Transport des Impfstoffs —BIS zu den jeweiligen Zentrallagern in den Ländern bewachen.
20201210             Für die Sicherheit bei der Verteilung des Impfstoffs innerhalb der Länder seien dann die Polizeibehörden der Länder verantwortlich,
20201210             1—BETEILIGUNG—DER—BUNDESWEHR, etwa durch die Nutzung von Kasernen zur Lagerung, schloss er nicht aus.
20201210             Die Innenminister der Länder beraten bei der IMK unter anderem über 1—SICHERHEITSKONZEPT zur Verteilung des CORONA—IMPFSTOFFS.
20201210             —BEWACHT, Herrmann betonte, der Impfstoff müsse, werden, damit Transporte nicht überfallen, Impfdosen nicht gestohlen und keine Anschläge von Impfgegnern verübt werden könnten.
20201210             Bundeswirtschaftsminister PETER—ALTMAIER (CDU) hat den harten Lockdown in FRANKREICH gelobt und auch für DEUTSCHLAND zusätzliche CORONA—MAßNAHMEN gefordert.
20201210             "Dieses Mal hat FRANKREICH alles richtig gemacht und eindrucksvolle Erfolge erzielt, während in DEUTSCHLAND die Dynamik der 2. Welle leider immer noch nicht gebrochen ist",
20201210             "Es muss unser gemeinsames Ziel sein, diese Pandemie bestmöglich zu bekämpfen, die Menschen auch möglichst zu schützen, dass es möglichst wenig Tote gibt, dass die Krankenhäuser nicht überlastet werden".
20201210             Deshalb sei in diesen Zeiten schnelles verantwortliches Handeln notwendig, und deshalb habe er am Vorabend auch von einem harten Lockdown spätestens ab Weihnachten gesprochen.
20201210             Umfrage: HÄLFTE—DER—DEUTSCHEN für strengere CORONA—REGELN
20201210             Obwohl die Regelungen zuletzt weiter verschärft wurden, sind 49—PROZENT—DER—MEINUNG, die Maßnahmen müssten "härter ausfallen".
20201210             Das sind 18—PROZENTPUNKTE mehr als noch —VOR—2—WOCHEN,
20201210             13—PROZENT halten die Vorschriften demnach aktuell für "übertrieben", 35—PROZENT finden sie "gerade richtig".
20201210             —STABILISIERT, ÖSTERREICH: Lage auf Intensivstationen
20201210             Die —IM—NOVEMBER drohende "absolute Katastrophe" einer kompletten Überlastung und Triage sei verhindert worden, Entlastung herrsche aber nicht
20201210             Die CORONA—INTENSIVPATIENTEN im Universitätsklinikum AKH WIEN seien im Durchschnitt —55—JAHRE alt, darunter auch junge Berufstätige ohne wesentliche Vorerkrankungen, die mitten im Leben gestanden hätten.
20201210             SIMONE—BARRIENTOS, kulturpolitische SPRECHERIN—DER—LINKENFRAKTION, zeigte sich unzufrieden, dass es keine Auskunft zur Anzahl bewilligter Anträge gibt.
20201210             —INZWISCHEN, Zudem sei unklar, "wie viel der KULTUR—MILLIARDE, tatsächlich bei den Antragstellern angekommen ist".
20201210             BELARUS schließt Landesgrenzen für Ausreise — Kritik von Opposition
20201210             BELARUS schränkt die Ausreise aus dem Land vorübergehend massiv ein und nennt den Schritt 1—CORONA—SCHUTZMAßNAHME.
20201210             Vom 20201221             an dürfen Belarussen und Ausländer mit einer Aufenthaltsgenehmigung nicht mehr über Kontrollpunkte an Straßen und Bahnhöfen ausreisen,
20201210             In den Augen der Bürgerrechtlerin Swetlana Tichanowskaja benutzt Machthaber ALEXANDER—LUKASCHENKO—CORONA nur als Vorwand: "Covid hat ihn bislang nicht gekümmert", schrieb Tichanowskaja auf Twitter.
20201210             "—NUN können unterdrückte Belarussen nicht fliehen und im Ausland Asyl beantragen".
20201210             Das oppositionelle Portal Nexta schrieb auf Telegram von einem "neuen Eisernen Vorhang".
20201210             Das unabhängige Nachrichtenportal erinnerte daran, dass Lukaschenko —IM—MÄRZ 1—GRENZSCHLIESSUNG wegen CORONA noch als "hohl" bezeichnet hatte.
20201210             Nur in Ausnahmefällen soll laut Regierungsmitteilung 1—AUSREISE gestattet werden — etwa bei schwerer Krankheit oder Tod eines Verwandten im Ausland.
20201210             Außerdem sollen unter anderem Diplomaten und MITARBEITER—DES—STAATSDIENSTS von den Einschränkungen ausgenommen sein.
20201210             RKI—PRÄSIDENT—WIELER: Lockerungen über Weihnachten verhindern
20201210             Unabhängig von den —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN der Politik könne er nur an jeden Bürger appellieren, Kontakte möglichst einzuschränken und sich selbst zu schützen, sagte Wieler.
20201210             Der Bildungsstand in DEUTSCHLAND sei hoch, "wir sind ein cleveres Volk".
20201210             Er könne nur dazu ermutigen, das Schicksal selbst in die Hand zu nehmen.
20201210             Das könnten nicht ALLE—IN—DER—GESELLSCHAFT, aber sehr, sehr VIELE—MENSCHEN.
20201210             Leugner der Krankheit werde wahrscheinlich niemand belehren können,
20201210             Er hatte auch die Empfehlungen der Nationalen Wissenschaftsakademie Leopoldina mitunterzeichnet, wonach Weihnachten und der Jahreswechsel für einen "harten Lockdown" genutzt werden sollten.
20201210             BERLIN steht vor dem harten Shutdown
20201210             Volkswagen plant CORONA—IMPFUNGEN im Stammwerk
20201210             Indirekt könnte eine großflächige Impfung gegen das neue CORONA€”VIRUS am Standort auch Einrichtungen in der Umgebung entlasten, wenn sich Mitarbeiter im Werk behandeln lassen.
20201210             VW bietet der Belegschaft auch CORONA—TESTS an, um das Risiko weiterer Ansteckungen zu senken.
20201210             Container für die Tests stehen —BEREITS in mehreren DEUTSCHEN—WERKEN.
20201210             MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN: Distanzunterricht für ältere Schüler in Risikogebieten
20201210             Zu hohe Infektionszahlen, zu VIELE—TOTE — und JEDER—TAG zählt.
20201210             Eigentlich müssten wir sofort das öffentliche Leben herunterfahren.
20201210             Aber —JETZT soll —ERST mal das Weihnachtsgeschäft laufen, und dann sehen wir weiter: in den Abgrund.
20201210             Es sollen für diese Zeit einfach ALLE—ZU—HAUSE bleiben".
20201210             Man müsse zudem den dringenden Appell an die Unternehmen richten, in dieser Zeit, soweit möglich, Betriebsferien zu machen.
20201210             TRUMP—ANWALT Giuliani verlässt Krankenhaus nach COVID—ERKRANKUNG
20201210             Er habe wie Trump ein experimentelles Antikörpermittel sowie das Medikament Remdesivir erhalten,
20201210             "Ich kam mit ernsthaften Symptomen, als ich rausging, fühlte ich mich besser denn je", schrieb Giuliani —AM—DONNERSTAG bei Twitter.
20201210             —VERBESSERT, Sein Prominentenstatus habe seine Behandlung, sagte er in dem Radiointerview.
20201210             "Wenn man berühmt ist, haben sie manchmal mehr Angst, dass einem etwas passiert, und sind gründlicher und machen alles richtig".
20201210             Innenminister dringen auf frühe Impfungen für Polizisten
20201210             Die Polizistinnen und Polizisten seien ständig draußen unterwegs und hätten VIELE—KONTAKTE, wodurch sich 1—INFEKTIONSRISIKO ergebe.
20201210             Niedersachsens Innenminister BORIS—PISTORIUS (SPD) sagte am Rande der Innenministerkonferenz in BERLIN, er wolle das mit seinen Amtskollegen aus den anderen Ländern besprechen, "weil ich auch der Auffassung bin, dass wir Polizei und übrigens auch Feuerwehr im Zweifel natürlich nicht in die 1. Priorität schieben dürfen, aber in der letzten Priorität sollten sie auch nicht sein".
20201210             Schließlich seien sie gerade in Zeiten, in denen unklar sei, "in welche Richtung sich die Krise entwickelt", von großer Bedeutung für die Aufrechterhaltung von Sicherheit und Ordnung.
20201210             Er betonte: "Es geht am Ende nicht darum, die Polizei nach oben zu holen, sondern nur etwas weiter nach vorne zu rücken".
20201210             Gesamtzahl der CORONA—TOTEN in SPANIEN offenbar höher als —BISHER angenommen
20201210             SPANIEN, ist nach der Veröffentlichung neuer Statistiken von insgesamt 65.000—CORONA—BEDINGTEN Todesfällen —SEIT Beginn der Pandemie auszugehen.
20201210             —IN—DEN—MONATEN—MÄRZ —BIS—MAI starben rund 18.000—MENSCHEN mehr an dem CORONA€”VIRUS als —BISHER offiziell bekannt,
20201210             Insgesamt starben demnach in den —3—MONATEN 45.684—CORONA—INFIZIERTE.
20201210             Das Gesundheitsministerium hatte dagegen etwas über 27.000—CORONA—TOTE für diesen Zeitraum gemeldet.
20201210             Laut INE wurde von —MÄRZ—BIS —MAI bei 32.652—MENSCHEN 1—CORONA—INFEKTION eindeutig als Todesursache festgestellt, bei den weiteren 13.032—SEI wegen der Symptome von einer COVID—19—ERKRANKUNG auszugehen.
20201210             Damit würde SPANIEN mehr CORONA—TOTE zählen als jedes andere europäische Land.
20201210             FRANZISKUS—PAPA hat die Weihnachtsmesse —2—STUNDEN vorverlegt.
20201210             Das Oberhaupt der Katholischen Kirche wolle damit den Gläubigen entgegenkommen, die wegen der in Rom geltenden Ausgangssperre um 22.00—UHR zu Hause sein müssen,
20201210             Zu dem Gottesdienst ist jedoch nur eine begrenzte ZAHL—VON—MENSCHEN zugelassen, damit die Abstandsregeln eingehalten werden können.
20201210             ÖSTERREICH: Polizei soll offenbar in Wohnungen kontrollieren dürfen
20201210             Entwurf eines Abänderungsantrags zum Epidemiegesetz.
20201210             Den öffentlichen Sicherheitsdiensten werde in dem Entwurf ausdrücklich 1—BETRETUNGSBEFUGNIS für "sonstige Gebäude" erteilt.
20201210             Damit könnten diese neben den Gesundheitsbehörden beispielsweise QUARANTÄNE—ODER Isolationsmaßnahmen kontrollieren.
20201210             "Sonstige Gebäude" werden in dem Entwurf laut ORF definiert als Gebäude, "die keine Betriebe bzw.
20201210             keine Betriebsstätten sind; unter anderem auch der private Wohnbereich".
20201210             Die Oppositionspartei SPÖ kritisierte das Papier.
20201210             Der SPÖ—NATIONALRATSABGEORDNETE JÖRG—LEICHTFRIED sagte dem ORF, er bewerte den Entwurf als einen schweren Eingriff ins Privatleben, zumal die Regelung offenbar unbefristet sei.
20201210             Die Stadt ERFURT hat eine für —SAMSTAG unter dem Motto "Für die Freiheit und Rechte der Menschen" ankündigte Großversammlung verboten.
20201210             Das Vorhaben sei ausführlich in Absprache mit dem Gesundheitsamt und der Rechtsabteilung geprüft worden, sagte Oberbürgermeister ANDREAS—BAUSEWEIN (SPD).
20201210             Im Zuge dessen habe sich die Stadt entschlossen, die Versammlung und ALLE—EVENTUELLEN—ERSATZVERANSTALTUNGEN zu untersagen.
20201210             Mit Blick auf den Infektionsschutz und die immer kritischer werdende CORONA—ENTWICKLUNG in der Landeshauptstadt sei die Versammlung nicht zu verantworten.
20201210             Das Bündnis "Thüringen steht zusammen" hatte 3000—TEILNEHMER angemeldet.
20201210             Es sei nicht auszuschließen, dass auch sogenannte Querdenker darunter seien, sagte der Beigeordnete für Sicherheit ANDREAS—HORN.
20201210             Die Initiative zweifelt die staatlichen CORONA—REGELUNGEN an und kritisiert die Einschränkung von Grundrechten.
20201210             Es sei zu befürchten, dass Mindestabstände nicht eingehalten und keine Masken getragen werden würden.
20201210             Man begrüße die bisherige Koordinierung auf EU—EBENE und bekenne sich dazu, die Bemühungen zu verstärken,
20201210             Auch ein gemeinsamer Ansatz für Impfpässe soll entwickelt werden.
20201210             Es sei wichtig, faktenbasierte Informationen über die Impfungen bereitzustellen und Desinformation zu bekämpfen.
20201210             [l] Wisst ihr, als wir in der Schule über die Nazis sprachen, da habe ich mich immer gefragt: Was für Menschen sind das, die nichts tun, wenn nebenan die Juden umgebracht werden?
20201210             Und wie kann man das vor sich selbst rechtfertigen?
20201210             —GEDACHT, Ich hätte nicht, dass ich die mal persönlich kennenlernen würde.
20201210             Im Moment habe ich die in der Inbox.
20201210             Die schreiben mir so Sachen wie dass die 12—BUSSE mit den COVID—TOTEN kein fairer Vergleich seien.
20201210             Weil, äh, erstens sind das ja nur 9—BUSSE, denn die sind ja nicht alle am selben —TAG gestorben, die sind nur am selben —TAG gemeldet worden.
20201210             OH ACH SOOOO! Na dann ist ja alles OK!!1!
20201210             Und außerdem seien das ja die Alten, die da sterben.
20201210             Die anderen, die auch an Covid sterben, das sind bloß Einzelfälle.
20201210             Mal abgesehen von der offensichtlichen Hirnrissigkeit dieser Aussage: Das ist genau die Argumentation, wie sie die NAZI—ZUGUCKER gebracht haben müssen.
20201210             Ach komm, die 9—BUSSE da, die täglich ins KZ fahren, das sind doch bloß Juden und Zigeuner, nicht so Leute wie du oder ich!
20201210             Die Zivilisationsdecke ist dünn.
20201210             Übrigens, an dieser Stelle ein kurzes Public Service Announcement: Wenn ihr gerade darüber nachdenkt, mir 1—MAIL zu schicken, die so oder so ähnlich losgeht:
20201210             Ich bin ja kein COVID—LEUGNER, aber
20201210             Dann tut bitte euch und mir den Gefallen und löscht die direkt.
20201210             Schickt sie nicht ab.
20201210             Ich will die nicht lesen, und ihr wollt meine Beschimpfungen nicht abkriegen.
20201210             Wenn ihr jemanden zum Belästigen braucht, macht es wie die anderen und geht in die YOUTUBE—KOMMENTARE oder HEISE—FOREN.
20201210             [l] Der Innenminister von NRW, ein gewisser Herr Reul, ist noch nie durch Sachkenntnis oder Kompetenz aufgefallen, oder auch nur durch übermäßigen Realitätsbezug seiner Äußerungen.
20201210             Aber das hier ist echt unglaublich:
20201210             "Ähnliche Entwicklungen hatten wir im Hambacher Forst, wo sich auch gewalttätige Demonstranten unter Klimaprotestler gemischt haben.
20201210             Deshalb wäre ich dafür, den Landfriedensbruchparagrafen neu zu fassen mit dem Ziel, dass die Polizei auch gegen jene Demonstranten vorgehen kann, die Gewalttäter allein durch ihre physische Präsenz schützen".
20201210             Auf welchem Karneval finden die eigentlich immer wieder solche GRUSELKABINETT—FIGUREN?
20201210             EU—BESCHLUSS: Facebook und YouTube müssen Terrorpropaganda künftig binnen einer —STUNDE löschen
20201210             Kampf gegen Facebook, Amazon, Google und Apple: "Kopieren, kaufen, killen" soll 1—ENDE haben
20201210             Gewalt an Weihnachten: Die gefährlichste Zeit des Jahres
20201210             FC BARCELONA: Griezmann kündigt Sponsorenvertrag — wegen Chinas UIGUREN—POLITIK
20201210             FRANKREICH ringt mit Islamismusproblem: Gegen den Feind im Inneren 1—ANALYSE—VON—BRITTA—SANDBERG, PARIS
20201210             Klinikleiter zur Situation in den Krankenhäusern: "Belastungskapazität lässt keinen normalen Operationsbetrieb mehr zu" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—KATHERINE—RYDLINK
20201210             Tweet von USA—PRÄSIDENT—TRUMP: MAROKKO will offenbar Beziehungen zu ISRAEL normalisieren
20201210             Kompromiss zum Rechtsstaatsverfahren: EU—REGIERUNGSCHEFS einigen sich auf Haushalt und CORONA—HILFEN
20201210             AIRBNB—AKTIE schießt bei Börsendebüt rund 140—PROZENT in die Höhe
20201210             Spionageverdacht: NIEDERLANDE weisen 2—RUSSISCHE—DIPLOMATEN aus
20201210             Coronakrise: Reeder fordern mehr Hilfe für Seeleute
20201210             CROWDFUNDING—AUKTION: TRUMP—HAUS im Angebot
20201210             Ehemalige UNO—BOTSCHAFTERIN: Biden macht Außenpolitikexpertin Rice zur innenpolitischen Beraterin
20201210             Wegen der CORONA—PANDEMIE dürfen die Franzosen den Jahreswechsel nicht im Freien feiern: Die Regierung verhängt ab dem 20201215             eine nächtliche Ausgangssperre ab 20—UHR, die —NUN auch für Silvester gilt.
20201210             Gelockert werden soll die Ausgangssperre jedoch an Heiligabend.
20201210             Sprunghafter Anstieg der CORONA—TOTENZAHL in ITALIEN
20201210             Auch die ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN stieg den DATEN—DES—GESUNDHEITSMINISTERIUMS zufolge deutlich um 16.999—NACH einem Zuwachs von 12.756—AM—MITTWOCH.
20201210             Portugueses vão comer entre quatro e cinco mil toneladas de bacalhau na consoada
20201210             Machtdemonstration: USA schicken B52-Bomber in den Nahen Osten
20201210             —DONNERSTAG, 20201210             20201210             Schriftstellerin Anke Stelling: Grausamer Blick auf die Nachbarschaft
20201210             Erdogan als Ehrengast bei Militärparade in BAKU: Der PATE des SIEGES—THU 20201210             20201210             [l] Die Amis sind —JETZT mit ihren COVID—TOTEN pro —TAG über 3000.
20201210             Dieses MAL—GÜNTHER zu CORONA—LOCKDOWN: Schnelles Handeln notwendig
20201210             Ministerpräsident DANIEL—GÜNTHER—IN—KIEL.
20201210             1—GROßSTUDIE aus ÖSTERREICH zeigt: SARS—COV—2—BEFÄLLT ähnlich VIELE—SCHÜLER wie Lehrer — und die Kleinen infizieren Erwachsene.
20201210             Die EU—STAATS—UND Regierungschefs bemühen sich weiter um eine abgestimmte Linie im Kampf gegen die CORONA—PANDEMIE.
20201210             Há menos casos ativos e mais recuperados da COVID—19—NO Algarve
20201210             —ANNOUNCED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP has, that MOROCCO has agreed to normalize relations with ISRAEL, as 1—PART—OF—1—DEAL which sees THE—USA—RECOGNIZE its claim over the disputed WEST—SAHARA region.
20201210             —SANCTIONED, THE—USA, alleged human rights abusers in RUSSIA, YEMEN and HAITI including Ramzan Kadyrov, who is THE—LEADER—OF—RUSSIA—MUSLIM—MAJORITY—CHECHNYA region and 1—CLOSE—ALLY—OF—RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN.
20201210             —FINALIZED, THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION, 1—REGULATION that greatly restricts access to asylum in THE—USA, PART—OF—1—LAST—MINUTE—IMMIGRATION—CRACKDOWN that incoming PRESIDENT—ELECT JOE—BIDEN will likely try to reverse.
20201210             THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION sold oil and gas leases on FEDERAL—LAND in CALIFORNIA for the 1. time in —8—YEARS despite widespread opposition to the auction in the Democratic state, including from its GOVERNOR.
20201210             7—PARCELS covering 4,100 acres (16.6—SQUARE km) brought in —JUST over $46,000 in high bids.
20201210             ALL—OF—THE—ACREAGE sold with the average price per acre was $11.
20201210             THE—USA—FEDERAL—COMMUNICATIONS—COMMISSION (FCC) said it has begun the process of revoking CHINA TELECOM—AUTHORIZATION to operate in THE—USA as it took further steps to crack down on CHINA—ROLE in USA—TELECOMMUNICATIONS.
20201210             THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT let 3—USA—MUSLIM men sue several FBI agents who they accused of placing them on the government's "NO—FLY list" for refusing to become informants, rejecting 1—CHALLENGE to the lawsuit by PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION.
20201210             —NAMED, Time magazine, its 20200000             person — in this case, people — of the —YEAR: JOE—BIDEN and Kamala Harris.
20201210             —VOTED, An FDA advisory panel, in FAVOR—OF—PFIZER—VACCINE, clearing 1—OF—THE—FINAL hurdles —BEFORE the agency authorizes the drug.
20201210             It is likely to do so within days.
20201210             TODD—GLORIA took OFFICE—AS—S—DIEGO—1. openly gay mayor.
20201210             CALIFORNIA to date had 1,452,878 CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS and 20,468 deaths.
20201210             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 180,495 cases and 2,076 deaths.
20201210             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 15,586,978 with the death toll at 291,929.
20201210             S—FRANCISCO—BASED—AIRBNB made its LONG—AWAITED debut on the public market.
20201210             —TRADED, Shares, on the Nasdaq Stock Market under the symbol ABNB.
20201210             —ENDED, Airbnb, with 1—MARKET—CAPITALIZATION—OF $101—BILLION.
20201210             —SKYROCKETED, The company's shares, on their 1. —DAY—OF—TRADING, rising 113—PERCENT above the initial public offering price of $68 to close at $144.71.
20201210             —RAISED, S—FRANCISCO—BASED startup Nesos, $16.5—MILLION to fund 1—MEDICAL—DEVICE that it hopes can train PARTS—OF—THE—BRAIN to treat inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.
20201210             The company's experimental device, which resembles 1—PAIR of wireless earbuds, uses electric fields to make changes, or 'hack' the brain.
20201210             INDIANA, BRANDON—BERNARD, —40—JAHRE—ALT was put to death for his part in a 19990000             KILLING—OF—1—RELIGIOUS—COUPLE from IOWA —AFTER he and other teenage MEMBERS—OF—1—STREET—GANG abducted and robbed Todd and Stacie Bagley in TEXAS.
20201210             Bernard, who was 18—AT—THE—TIME—OF—THE—KILLINGS, was 1—RARE—EXECUTION—OF—1—PERSON who was in his teens —WHEN his crime was committed.
20201210             MASSACHUSETTS' highest COURT—SAID—GOVERNOR—CHARLIE—BAKER didn't overstep his authority with orders to close businesses and limit gatherings to control THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS.
20201210             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—MINNEAPOLIS—CITY—COUNCIL has voted (7-6) to defund its police department by $7.77—MILLION.
20201210             The city's 20210000             budget will redirect those funds to other programs.
20201210             NEVADA, about 20—BICYCLISTS were riding on USA—HIGHWAY 95—SOUTH—OF—BOULDER City —WHEN 1—BOX—TRUCK allegedly hit 1—SAFETY escort vehicle that was —FOLLOWING the cyclists.
20201210             5—CYCLISTS were killed in the crash.
20201210             —REPORTED, It was —LATER, that truck driver JORDAN—ALEXANDER—BARSON, —45—JAHRE—ALT—OF—ARIZONA had 1—HIGH—LEVEL—OF—METHAMPHETAMINE in his system.
20201210             —BLOCKADED, OREGON, 1—GENTRIFICATION—PROTEST that has, several city blocks in PORTLAND, entered its 3. —DAY as people dressed in black and wearing ski masks continued to build makeshift barriers.
20201210             —PLEDGED, THE—BILL—AND—MELINDA—GATES—FOUNDATION, 1—ADDITIONAL $250—MILLION to support THE—DEVELOPMENT—OF—LOW—COST and easier to deliver treatments and vaccines against COVID—19.
20201210             —FILED, Biogen said it has, for regulatory approval in JAPAN for 1—ALZHEIMER—DISEASE—DRUG it developed with local PARTNER—EISAI—CO.
20201210             —PROHIBITED, Mastercard and Visa said they had, the use of their cards on the adult website Pornhub, —AFTER THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—COLUMNIST—NICHOLAS—KRISTOF reported that the platform included VIDEOS—OF—CHILD—ABUSE and rape.
20201210             —DOSED, Moderna Inc said it had, the 1. participants in 1—MID—TO—LATE—STAGE—STUDY testing its COVID—19—VACCINE—CANDIDATE in adolescents aged 12 to less than 18, and aims for data ahead of 20210000             —THE school —YEAR.
20201210             —PROMOTED, Newsmax, 1—CONSERVATIVE—CABLE—NEWS—CHANNEL, by PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, said it plans to expand in THE—USA—AND—BRITAIN.
20201210             —INAUGURATED, The leaders of AFGHANISTAN and IRAN, the 1. railway link between THE—2—COUNTRIES, expressing hope it would enhance trade links across the region.
20201210             AFGHANISTAN, gunmen shot and killed Malala Maiwand, 1—FEMALE—TV—ANCHOR and women's rights activist, as she left her home in Nangarhar province.
20201210             —DEVELOPED, AUSTRALIA—SCIENTISTS said they had, 1—RAPID—GENOME sequencing method that would cut to within —4—HOURS the time taken to trace THE—SOURCE—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS—CASES, helping to quickly contain ANY—FUTURE—OUTBREAKS.
20201210             AZERBAIJAN, More than 3,000 troops took part in 1—MILITARY—PARADE to celebrate reclaiming control over broad swathes of NAGORNO—KARABAKH and surrounding lands in 1—CONFLICT with ARMENIA.
20201210             —ANNOUNCED, BAHRAIN, plans to give the public free CORONA€”VIRUS vaccines.
20201210             —VOTED, BHUTAN—PARLIAMENT, to decriminalize SAME—SEX relations.
20201210             —WARNED, THE—EU—BOSNIA mission, in 1—STATEMENT that current weather conditions are putting at risk the lives of more than 3,000—PEOPLE who have been sleeping rough or staying in inadequate conditions in the country.
20201210             —STARTED, BRAZIL—SÃO—PAULO state, producing THE—COVID—19—VACCINE developed by CHINA—SINOVAC—BIOTECH, GOVERNOR—JOÃO—DORIA said, even though THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—JAIR—BOLSONARO has yet to approve its use.
20201210             —SIGNED, BRITAIN, 1—FREE—TRADE—DEAL with SINGAPORE.
20201210             The deal came as PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON and EU CHIEF—URSULA—VON—DER—LEYEN tried to seal 1—NEW—TRADE—PACT and avert what SOME—FEAR will be 1—CHAOTIC—END to THE—5—YEAR—BREXIT process.
20201210             ENGLAND—COVID test and trace system said it is making a 500—POUND ($665) support payment available for people who SELF—ISOLATE —AFTER receiving 1—NOTIFICATION—VIA—ITS—APP.
20201210             CANADA—POLICE—OFFICER—ALEX—DUNN was found GUILTY—OF—ASSAULT causing bodily harm —AFTER slamming Dalia Kafi, 1 handcuffed black woman, against 1—CEMENT floor in a "JUDO—STYLE" throw.
20201210             —SHARED, Video FOOTAGE—OF—THE—ASSAULT, widely on social media, was seen as emblematic of systemic racism in CANADA—POLICING.
20201210             CHINA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY said that 2—CANADIANS held —FOR—2—YEARS in 1—CASE linked to 1—HUAWEI executive have been indicted and put on trial.
20201210             —CONFIRMED, CANADA said that it has, with CHINA that 2—CANADIANS held —FOR—2—YEARS in CHINA in 1—CASE linked to 1—HUAWEI executive have not been put on trial, contrary to remarks by 1—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—SPOKESPERSON.
20201210             CHINA said it is imposing restrictions on travel to HONG—KONG and MACAU by SOME—USA—OFFICIALS and others in retaliation for similar measures imposed on CHINA—INDIVIDUALS by WASHINGTON.
20201210             —RECEIVED, EGYPT, its 1. shipment of 1—CHINA—CORONA€”VIRUS—VACCINE, which was tested in THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES and is said to be 86% effective.
20201210             —AGREED, EU members, to a —7-YEAR EU budget worth ?1.1—TRILLION, as well as a 1—OFF ?750—BILLION fund to speed recovery from THE—COVID—19—CRISIS.
20201210             —UNLEASHED, THE—EU—CENTRAL—BANK, another $600—BILLION—OF—STIMULUS as 1—SURGE in COVID—19—INFECTIONS shut down large PARTS—OF—THE—ECONOMY.
20201210             —HANDED, FRANCE—DATA—PRIVACY—WATCHDOG said it has, out its biggest ever fine of 100—MILLION—EUROS ($121—MILLION) to ALPHABET—GOOGLE for breaching the country's rules on online advertising trackers (cookies).
20201210             —FINED, THE—CNIL said it had also, E—COMMERCE—GIANT—AMAZON 35—MILLION—EUROS for breaking the same rules.
20201210             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—GERMANY—COURT has ruled that automaker Tesla INCORPORATED has to stop clearing trees on the site where it's building its 1. electric car factory in EUROPE.
20201210             The ban would last —UNTIL 1—DECISION was made on the appeal by the environmentalist groups NABU and Gruene Liga.
20201210             HONDURAS—AUTHORITIES began trying to break up 1—CARAVAN—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE who set off for THE—USA to escape THE—IMPACT—OF—BACK—TO—BACK hurricanes, testing efforts to stem immigration from the battered region.
20201210             —REPORTED, It was, that top executives of Carlsberg, SABMiller and INDIA—UNITED—BREWERIES (UB) exchanged commercially sensitive information and colluded to fix beer prices in INDIA over —11—YEARS.
20201210             1—BIRD—FLU—OUTBREAK in JAPAN worsened with farms in 2—MORE prefectures slaughtering chicken in 1—RECORD—CULL—OF—POULTRY as the government ordered the disinfection of all chicken farms.
20201210             —SUBJECTED, KENYA, 4—WOMEN, to sexual assault in the violence that followed the disputed 20070000             election were set to receive compensation.
20201210             —ORDERED, The government was, to pay $36,000 (£27,000) to each 1.
20201210             1—LEBANON—PROSECUTOR placed the caretaker PRIME—MINISTER and 3—FORMER—MINISTERS under investigation in connection with BEIRUT—AUGUST devastating port explosion.
20201210             2—RUSSIA—CITIZENS who had been held by THE—UN—BACKED government in LIBYA for more than 1 1/—2—YEARS on spying charges were released from captivity.
20201210             —APPROVED, SAUDI—ARABIA said it has, 1—INOCULATION by Pfizer and its GERMANY—PARTNER—BIONTECH to fight THE—CORONA€”VIRUS pandemic.
20201210             —OWNED, Advanced MedTech, which is 1—WHOLLY, subsidiary of SINGAPORE STATE—INVESTOR—TEMASEK, said SINGAPORE has approved its COVID—19—KIT for use in testing saliva from deep within the throat.
20201210             TURKEY—POLICE shot and killed 1—SUSPECTED—KURDISH—MILITANT who was allegedly planning to detonate 1—BOMB that was strapped to his body at 1—CHECKPOINT—NEAR THE—TOWN—OF—VIRANSEHIR, Sanliurfa province.
20201210—19890000    —IN—THE, † ACTRESS—CAROL—SUTTON, —76—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FIXTURE on stages in her native NEW—ORLEANS, from complications from COVID—19. ACTRESS—CAROL—SUTTON had built 1—STEADY—CAREER on the big and small screens, including roles comedy "Steel Magnolias" and THE—TV—SERIES "QUEEN—SUGAR".
20201210—20070000    —BEGAN—IN, The $75—MILLION—PROJECT.
20201210—20160000    —IN—THE, ITALY—PROSECUTORS formally put 3—HIGH—RANKING MEMBERS—OF—EGYPT—NATIONAL security force and 1—POLICE—OFFICER under investigation kidnapping, torture and KILLING—OF—GIULIO—REGENI, 1—ITALY—YOUTH doing doctoral research in CAIRO.
20201210—20181210    —SINCE, Former diplomat MICHAEL—KOVRIG and businessman MICHAEL—SPAVOR have been confined, —JUST days —AFTER CANADA detained Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou.
20201210—20201212    —ON, 1—USA sailor (20) reportedly fell overboard from THE—USS—THEODORE—ROOSEVELT off THE—COAST—OF—SOUTH—CALIFORNIA. search and rescue efforts for as Aviation Ordnanceman Airman Apprentice ETHAN—GOOLSBY—OF—SAN—ANTONIO were called off.
20201210—20201216    —ARRESTED, He was, and faced 12—FELONY charges.
20210104—20211210    —SEIT, Im Zuge des geltenden Shutdowns ist das Verlassen der eigenen Wohnung in BERLIN nur aus triftigen Gründen zulässig.
20211210             —FREITAG, 20211210
20211210             GEORG—STEFAN—TROLLER erinnert sich —AN—DEN—SOMMER 19450000             : "Wo blieb das Schuldgefühl, das Bekennen, die Reue, verdammt noch mal?"
20211210             INTERVIEW—MIT—ENTWICKLER—FREDERIC—FRIEDEL: Die Schachrevolution — und der Deutsche, der sie prägte
20211210             REVOLUTION - PRÄGTE1!1!!
20211210             Kalifornien: Teenager schlägt BASKETBALL—GEGNERIN nieder — Mutter wird angeklagt
20211210             Verbund von 26—STAATEN: KROATIEN vor Aufnahme in den SCHENGEN—RAUM
20211210             Niederlage für Trump: USA—GERICHT erlaubt Herausgabe von Akten zu —ERSTÜRMUNG des Kapitols
20211210             Sicherheitsmängel im USA—PARLAMENT: Kongressmitarbeiter lief minutenlang mit Waffe durchs Kapitol
20211210             Spruch der Geschworenen: USA—SCHAUSPIELER Jussie Smollett hat rassistischen Angriff selbst inszeniert
20211210             Virusexperte CHRISTIAN—DROSTEN: "Jeder, der kann, soll sich —JETZT sofort boostern lassen"
20211210             Migranten auf dem Weg in die USA: 53—TOTE bei Lastwagenunfall in MEXIKO
20211210             Zahlen des RKI: —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ sinkt erneut — auf unter 414
20211210             1. Amtshandlung: Lindner macht 60—MILLIARDEN Euro Schulden auf Vorrat
20211210             Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: —JETZT hofft Macron auf Scholz' Hilfe Von Mathieu von Rohr, Leiter des SPIEGEL—AUSLANDSRESSORTS
20211210             Streit über Klimaausschuss: Klimaaktivisten protestieren gegen Linken KLAUS—ERNST
20211210             EIN—CHINA—DOKTRIN: NICARAGUA bricht diplomatische Beziehungen zu TAIWAN ab
20211210             Giftige Amphibien: TAIWAN kämpft gegen plötzliche AUSBREITUNG—VON—RIESENKRÖTEN
20211210             Lauterbach über die Impfpflicht: "Ins Gefängnis muss niemand" 1—SPIEGEL—GESPRÄCH—VON—MARKUS—FELDENKIRCHEN, Milena Hassenkamp und MARTIN—KNOBBE
20211210             Novum in den USA: Angestellte der Kaffeehauskette Starbucks bekommen erstmals Betriebsrat
20211210             Nach Machtübernahme der Taliban: EU—STAATEN wollen rund 40.000—MENSCHEN aus AFGHANISTAN aufnehmen
20211210             —VERSCHWINDET, OPIOID—HERSTELLER: Name des SACKLER—CLANS, aus dem Metropolitan Museum
20211210             —VERSPÄTET, Paketstau: Abgeordnete erhalten Adventskalender deutlich
20211210             Hohe Einbußen: 3—VIERTEL der DEUTSCHEN—UNTERNEHMEN LEIDEN unter Lieferengpässen
20211210             Brutale Militärdiktatur: Myanmars Bevölkerung tritt in "stillen Streik" gegen die Junta
20211210             MUND—NASEN—SCHUTZ im Test: Stiftung Warentest hält FFP2-Kindermasken für wenig tauglich
20211210             Sismo de 2.4—COM epicentro a 20—QUILÓMETROS de Ferreira do Alentejo foi sentido
20211210             4. großes Mobilfunknetz: 1&1—SCHLIESST FUNKTURM—MIETVERTRAG ab
20211210             JOE—BIDENS—DEMOKRATIEGIPFEL: Die bösen Buben müssen draußen bleiben
20211210             Bundesgeld für Schulen: Linke fordert gerechtere Bildungsfinanzierung
20211210             RUSSLAND verlegt massenhaft Streitkräfte nach Westen: Der rätselhafte Weg der 41. Armee
20211210             Löwen, Nashörner und Elefanten: BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG will Einfuhr von Jagdtrophäen beschränken
20211210             Beihilfe zu 249.000—STRAFTATEN?: Urteil im "Cyberbunker"-Prozess steht bevor
20211210             SPD—PARTEITAG: Jusos fordern AUFNAHME—VON—FLÜCHTLINGEN aus BELARUS
20211210             Neues Gerichtsurteil: USA erzielen Etappensieg im Kampf um Auslieferung von Assange
20211210             Schulen und Omikron: Lehrerverband warnt vor massiven Beeinträchtigungen
20211210             —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ sinkt erneut — auf unter 414
20211210             —VERLÄNGERT, ISRAEL, Einreiseverbot für Touristen wegen Omikron
20211210             Umfrage: 70—PROZENT wollen private Kontakte zu Weihnachten einschränken
20211210             12—PROZENT wollten dies sehr stark tun, 27—PROZENT stark und 31—PROZENT weniger stark, ergab 1—BEFRAGUNG für den am Donnerstagabend veröffentlichten ARD-"Deutschlandtrend".
20211210             eder 4. Befragte (26—PROZENT) will demnach dagegen auf private Kontakte und Besuche nicht verzichten.
20211210             Damals galten allerdings deutschlandweit auch strenge Kontaktbeschränkungen und mit Impfungen wurde —ERST nach Weihnachten begonnen.
20211210             Staatliche Hilfsmilliarden und Ausnahmeregelungen haben 1—WELLE an Firmenpleiten in DEUTSCHLAND verhindert.
20211210             Von —JANUAR—BIS einschließlich 20210900             meldeten die Amtsgerichte 10.682—BEANTRAGTE Unternehmensinsolvenzen.
20211210             Das waren nach ANGABEN—DES—STATISTISCHEN—BUNDESAMTES 14,5 Prozent weniger als im Vorjahreszeitraum.
20211210             Das Niveau der nicht von der Coronakrise betroffenen 1. —9—MONATEN des Jahres 20190000             wurde noch deutlicher unterschritten, um 25,7 Prozent.
20211210             Allerdings meldeten von —JANUAR—BIS einschließlich 20210900             nach ANGABEN—DES—BUNDESAMTES mehr wirtschaftlich bedeutende Unternehmen Insolvenz an als im Vorjahreszeitraum.
20211210             —FORDERUNGEN, Daher erhöhten sich die voraussichtlichen, der Gläubiger von etwa 39,3 Milliarden Euro auf rund 45,5 Milliarden Euro.
20211210             77—PROZENT—DER—DEUTSCHEN sind laut ZDF—POLITBAROMETER für starke Einschränkungen für Ungeimpfte.
20211210             21—PROZENT halten das nicht für richtig.
20211210             Eine allgemeine Impfpflicht unterstützen 68—PROZENT, 31—PROZENT sind dagegen.
20211210             61—PROZENT—DER—BÜRGER glauben nicht, mit den aktuell geltenden Coronamaßnahmen die 4. Welle brechen zu können.
20211210             FRANKREICH empfiehlt trotz hoher Coronazahlen keine Obergrenze fürs Weihnachtsessen
20211210             "Es ist zu sehen, dass die Franzosen gut aufpassen",
20211210             Die Regierung wolle die Menschen "nicht wie Kinder behandeln".
20211210             Ob es für Weihnachten noch Empfehlungen oder Restriktionen gebe, hänge vom Infektionsgeschehen ab.
20211210             SLOWAKEI: Lockerungen trotz höchster Infektionsrate weltweit
20211210             Die Regierung in BRATISLAVA begründete die trotzdem vorgenommenen Lockerungen mit Druck aus der Bevölkerung.
20211210             Die Menschen klagten etwa darüber, keine Weihnachtseinkäufe oder Pläne für die Feiertage machen zu können,
20211210             Die Öffnung von Geschäften sei "ein relativ riskanter Schritt aus epidemiologischer Sicht, aber er erfolgt, um die Bevölkerung zu beruhigen".
20211210             Die Coronalage sei "weiterhin sehr ernst", sei aber "unter Kontrolle".
20211210             Je nach Lage in den Krankenhäusern, könnten die Maßnahmen auch wieder geändert werden.
20211210             Die SLOWAKEI hat 1—DER—NIEDRIGSTEN—IMPFRATEN in der EU: Weniger als die HÄLFTE—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG ist gegen das CORONA€”VIRUS geimpft.
20211210             Der Berufsverband der KINDER—UND Jugendärzte findet die Empfehlung der Ständigen Impfkommission (Stiko) zur Impfung von Kindern angemessen.
20211210             Es gebe —NUN eine klare Empfehlung für Kinder mit bestimmten Vorerkrankungen, und die Möglichkeit der Impfung auch für gesunde Kinder
20211210             Die Stiko hatte 1—IMPFUNG—VON—KINDERN von 5—BIS—11—JAHREN empfohlen, die Risikofaktoren für einen schweren COVID—19 Verlauf oder Angehörige mit hohem Risiko haben.
20211210             Tschechien führt CORONA—IMPFPFLICHT für alle ab —60—JAHREN ein
20211210             Verpflichtend wird die Impfung dann auch für GESUNDHEITS—UND Pflegepersonal, Ärzte und Medizinstudenten, Polizisten, Feuerwehrleute und Soldaten.
20211210             —VERÄRGERT, Gesundheitspolitiker der Ampelkoalition sind, über den Vorstoß Bayerns, das Gehalt von Intensivpflegekräften verdoppeln zu wollen.
20211210             —AM—TAG 1—DER neuen Regierung vorzuschlagen, man könne einfach und schnell 1—GEHALTSERHÖHUNG in einem derartigen Umfang beschließen, ist plump".
20211210             Zudem seien die Gehaltslücken in der Langzeitpflege deutlich höher als in der Fachkrankenpflege.
20211210             Die Ampel wolle deshalb die Arbeitsbedingungen durch finanzielle und strukturelle Maßnahmen verbessern,
20211210             ENGLAND weitet Maskenpflicht wegen Omikron aus
20211210             So muss —NUN grundsätzlich in Theatern, Kirchen, Museen und Kinos 1—MUND—NASEN—SCHUTZ getragen werden.
20211210             Gesundheitsminister SAJID—JAVID sagte, die Regeln sollten die Verteidigungslinie stärken.
20211210             Von —MONTAG an SOLL—WENN MÖGLICH—ZUDEM wieder von zu Hause aus gearbeitet werden, von —MITTWOCH an muss zur Teilnahme an Großveranstaltungen 1—IMPFPASS oder negativer CORONA—TEST vorgelegt werden.
20211210             Die Maßnahmen stoßen aber auf scharfe Kritik in der Konservativen Partei von PREMIERMINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON.
20211210             Mehrere Dutzend Abgeordnete haben —BEREITS angekündigt, am kommenden —DIENSTAG im Parlament gegen die Regeln zu stimmen.
20211210             Sie fürchten schlimme Folgen für die Wirtschaft und werfen Johnson vor, mit den Maßnahmen von mehreren Skandalen ablenken zu wollen.
20211210             —AM Donnerstagabend waren im Vereinigten Königreich insgesamt 817—OMIKRON—FÄLLE bestätigt.
20211210             Allerdings rechnen Experten mit einer ÄUß—ERST hohen Dunkelziffer.
20211210             BUNDESTAG beschließt Impfpflicht für KLINIK—UND Pflegepersonal
20211210             Das Votum des Bundesrats steht noch aus.
20211210             Chipmangel: VW fährt herben Rückgang bei Verkäufen ein
20211210             "Helfende Hände" im Ahrtal: Bundeswehrgeneral soll Vorzugsbehandlung bei Fluthilfe bekommen haben
20211210             Bürgerkrieg in ÄTHIOPIEN: Rebellen aus Tigray sollen Zivilisten hingerichtet haben
20211210             Zeugen über Missbrauch in der Katholischen Kirche: Der Teufel hinter der Kirchentür
20211210             Ceratonia siliqua[Johannisbrot, Carob] - CAROB—DIE Schokolade aus der alten Welt
20211210             Auf mehr als 260—HA werden in Vale de Camelos die mit vielfältigen Eigenschaften ausgestatteten Johannisbrotbäume angebaut und geerntet.
20211210             Sowohl das Fruchtfleisch wie auch die Hülsen mit ihren Samen zeichnen sich durch eine hohe Verwendungsfähigkeit, insbesondere in der Nahrungsmittelindustrie aus.
20211210             Unter der Nummer E 410—IST Carubin deshalb in der EU uneingeschränkt (auch für BIO—PRODUKTE) als Lebensmittelzusatzstoff zugelassen.
20211210             Wie die meisten Hülsenfrüchtler gehen die Wurzelknöllchen des Johannisbrotbaums 1—SYMBIOSE mit stickstofffixierenden Bakterien (Rhizobium) ein und tragen dadurch zur Fruchtbarkeit des Bodens bei.
20211210             Die ledrigen Laubblätter verhindern, dass gespeichertes Wasser schnell verdunstet.
20211210             Da der Johannisbrotbaum viele der älteren, dürren Blätter abwirft und dadurch seine Verdunstungsoberfläche reduziert, genügen ihm 350—BIS 550—MM Jahresniederschlag.
20211210             Die Erntekosten machen etwa 1—DRITTEL der gesamten Produktionskosten aus.
20211210             Der Johannisbrotbaum hat formstabiles, nicht schwindendes, hartes Holz mit rustikaler, farbiger Zeichnung.
20211210             Es ist widerstandsfähig gegen Verrottung an der Luft und im Boden und eignet sich deswegen zur Herstellung von Zäunen, Parkett und Türen.
20211210             Wegen seiner Härte und Bruchfestigkeit kann es zur Fertigung von Werkzeugstielen und Wanderstöcken verwendet werden.
20211210             Außerdem wird es zur Herstellung langsam brennender Holzkohle benutzt.
20211210             Die Weltproduktionsmenge der JOHANNISBROT—FRUCHT lag 20180000             bei 144.961—TONNEN.
20211210             Die 3—GRÖSSTEN Produzenten waren PORTUGAL (29 %), ITALIEN (25 %) und MAROKKO (15 %), gefolgt von der TÜRKEI und GRIECHENLAND.
20211210             Kleinere Mengen werden in ZYPERN, ALGERIEN, SPANIEN und im LIBANON produziert.[9]
20211210             —ANGENOMMEN, Es wird, dass die Wildform von Ceratonia siliqua aus Arabien stammt und um das 2. —JAHRTAUSEND v. Chr. in ÄGYPTEN zum 1. Mal angebaut wurde.
20211210             Diese Theorie wird unterstützt durch Berichte über Thutmosis II. und Ramses III., die das Holz des Karubbaums als Baumaterial nutzen.
20211210             Außerdem sollen die bei der Mumifizierung von Toten eingesetzten Textilstreifen mit dem Extrakt der Frucht des Baums versehen worden sein.
20211210             Die Römer brachten den Baum —IM—LETZTEN—JAHRHUNDERT v. Chr. nach GRIECHENLAND und ITALIEN (vgl.
20211210             Columella: Tractatus de Arboribus), von wo aus die Araber die Verbreitung in den Osten und Süden Spaniens und entlang der nordafrikanischen Küste fortsetzten.
20211210             Man nutzte — wie in ÄGYPTEN — das GEWICHTS—UND Hohlmaß Charr?ba in der Größe des Kornes des Johannisbrotbaumes.
20211210             Das biblische Gleichnis vom Verlorenen Sohn spricht von Schoten, die als Viehfutter verwendet wurden, und meint damit aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach die Früchte dieses Baumes.[10]
20211210             —NACHDEM Ceratonia siliqua im Südosten Frankreichs und Portugals Algarve angekommen war, begann im 18010101—19001231    —CENTURY auf dem Seeweg die Verbreitung durch Emigranten.
20211210             So gelangte sie 18500000             nach AUSTRALIEN und 18540000             in die USA.
20211210             SPANISCHE—AUSWANDERER brachten die Pflanze nach MEXIKO, ARGENTINIEN, CHILE und PERU.
20211210             —BEFINDET, Während die Briten ihr Glück damit in INDIEN versuchten, sich das Hauptanbaugebiet nach wie vor zwischen dem 30. und 45. Grad nördlicher Breite in den Subtropen.
20211210             —SCHON—SEIT dem 18010101—19001231    —CENTURY wurde Johannisbrotmehl als Ersatz für Kakao und zur Herstellung von Alkohol und anderen zuckerhaltigen Produkten verarbeitet.
20211210             Im 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY begann die industrielle Verarbeitung der Früchte als Kaffeeersatz und Tierfutter.
20211210             Seine Erhaltung und Anpflanzung ist aus ökologischen Gründen wünschenswert, denn Johannisbrotbäume schützen den Boden, liefern Futter und Lebensraum für Tiere und erhalten den Charakter der Landschaft sowie traditionelle Arbeitsplätze.
20211210             Obstbauern schätzen die tiefen Wurzeln der Johannisbrotbäume, weil dadurch Plantagen vor Sturmschäden geschützt werden.
20211210             Bei der Aufforstung von Küstengebieten, die von Erosion oder Austrocknung bedroht sind, leistet der Johannisbrotbaum durch seine Genügsamkeit gute Dienste und wirft sogar Gewinn ab.
20211210             Alfarrobeira - carob
20211210             Was so lapidar als "E 410" auf der Zutatenliste eines Lebensmittels aufgedruckt ist, beinhaltet eine spannende Geschichte, die mindestens —BIS zu Ramses III. ( ca.
20211210             — 11560000             v. Chr). reicht.
20211210             johannisbrot - Schutzmechanismus für Demokratie: VON—DER—LEYEN lässt EU—PARLAMENT abblitzen
20211210             —50—JAHRE nach Verurteilung: Italiens PRÄSIDENT—MATTARELLA begnadigt Südtiroler Aktivisten
20211210             UNGARN: Verfassungsgericht weist Einspruch der Regierung Orbán gegen EU—RECHT ab
20211210             Energieversorgung: Gazprom füllt DEUTSCHE—GASSPEICHER nicht auf
20211210             Terrorverdacht im 20010911             —UMFELD: Ermittler in HAMBURG verhinderten offenbar Anschlag
20211210             Im Falle des Weltuntergangs: "Black Box" der Erde soll Klimakrise dokumentieren
20211210             oliven öl kuchen - Ölkuchen - Oliventrester gegen Schimmelpilze
20211210             Von wegen "jungfräulich rein": Die Olivenölherstellung erzeugt giftiges Abwasser.
20211210             Das kann zu ernsthafter Umweltbelastung führen
20211210             Resteverwertung: Bioenergie aus Oliventrester
20211210             CORONA, Dürre, Arbeitskräftemangel und umherstreifende Wildschweine: Herausforderungen für Italiens Landwirte
20211210             Von: MIKE—SEEGER 20110428             :45 0—KOMMENTARE
20211210             Tausende Kleinbauern haben mit saisonalem Arbeitskräftemangel, einem Mangel an Ersatzteilen für ihre Maschinen, schwerer Dürre und Wildschweinen zu kämpfen, die durch unbearbeitete Felder streifen.
20211210             Die ITALIENISCHE—LANDWIRTSCHAFT steht inmitten der COVID—19—PANDEMIE vor Herausforderungen aus allen Richtungen.
20211210             Gute Olivenöle enthalten 250—BIS über 800—MG Polyphenole.
20211210             Billige Olivenöle aus dem Supermarkt kommen auf maximal 100—MG — und das ist —SCHON fast übertrieben.
20211210             Eine Methode zur Bestimmung des Biophenolgehalts in Olivenöl mittels HPLC wurde vom INTERNATIONAL Olive Council festgelegt.
20211210             Quellen: Quelle:—ANALYSE—POLYPHENOLE
20211210             Bauprobleme wegen Tierschutz: Klimaministerium will für erneuerbare Energien EU—NATURSCHUTZREGELN lockern
20211210             Polizeiakten: FRANKREICH öffnet Archive zu Algerienkrieg früher als erwartet
20211210             Hannes Gnauck: AfD schickt als Extremisten eingestuften Soldaten in Verteidigungsausschuss
20211210             Preisspirale: USA—INFLATIONSRATE steigt auf 6,8 Prozent - Fri 20211210
20211210             [l] Hat sich unter dem Strich doch gelohnt, der Brexit.
20211210             Endlich können die Briten, gänzlich unbelastet von Menschenrechten oder EU—STANDARDS, JULIAN—ASSANGE an ihre letzten PSEUDO—FREUNDE, die USA, ausliefern.
20211210             —NUN war das trotzdem ein bisschen 1—EIERTANZ, denn es gab ja —SCHON ein vorhergehendes Urteil, das 1—AUSLIEFERUNG—ASSANGES ausschloss.
20211210             —BEGRÜNDET, Das war ja.
20211210             Die Justiz der Briten mag 1—TREPPENWITZ sein, aber selbst die machen keine höchstrichterlichen Urteile ganz ohne Begründungen.
20211210             Die Begründung war: Die unmenschlichen Haftbedingungen der Amis.
20211210             Gut, die Amerikaner haben —SCHON für das vorherige Verfahren "versprochen",
20211210             dass dem Assange keine Todesstrafe droht.
20211210             Sonst hätte es —SCHON letztes Mal gar kein Verfahren geben müssen.
20211210             —GEWESEN, Die Sache wäre —SCHON formal völlig klar.
20211210             Aber lebenslange Einzelhaft im SUPERMAX—KNAST ist halt immer noch 1—BRUCH—DER—MENSCHENRECHTE.
20211210             Und so haben Bidens Diplomaten —JETZT schön die Finger hinter dem Rücken gekreuzt und den Briten ins Gesicht gelogen, diese ART—VON—MISSHANDLUNG sei ausgeschlossen.
20211210             Fußnote im Kleingedruckten:
20211210             —SIDED, But in their ruling —ON—FRIDAY, they, with THE—USA—AUTHORITIES—AFTER 1—NEAR—UNPRECEDENTED—PACKAGE—OF—ASSURANCES were put forward that Assange would not face those strictest measures either PRE—TRIAL or POST—CONVICTION unless he committed 1—ACT in the future that required them.
20211210             Aber hey, die Briten hatten noch nie 1—PROBLEM damit, einen Berg der Schande über sich aufzutürmen.
20211210             Ihr könnt ja mal kurz DIEGO—GARCIA nachschlagen.
20211210             Ich möchte an dieser Stelle nochmal darauf hinweisen, dass inzwischen aktenkundig ist, dass die USA—GEHEIMDIENSTE Wege diskutiert haben, wie sie JULIAN—ASSANGE ermorden können.
20211210             Was sagt der "Richter" dazu?
20211210             Lord Burnett of Maldon, lord CHIEF justice, and Lord Justice Holroyde added in their ruling: "There is no reason why this court should not accept the assurances as meaning what they say.
20211210             There is no basis for assuming that THE—USA has not given the assurances in good faith".
20211210             Klar, niemand hat so viel good faith wie die Amerikaner!
20211210             Thoughts and prayers!
20211210             Wenn ich mal kurz meine Glaskugel polieren darf: Die USA haben auf dem Papier Gewaltenteilung und unabhängige Justiz.
20211210             Die ist zwar in der Praxis weder unabhängig (der geheim tagende FISA—COURT beispielsweise weist keine Überwachungsanforderungen des Staates zurück.
20211210             —GEWALTENGETEILT, Keine) noch, (die Bundesrichter werden von der gerade regierenden politischen GERRYMANDER—MEHRHEIT ernannt), aber —JETZT, wo es um die Interessen des Bidenschen Pressevernichtungsapparats geht, da könnte man sich prima darauf berufen.
20211210             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Der Sonneborn ist auch etwas ungehalten und, dazu sogar 1—DRUCKSACHE.
20211210             Ja aber Fefe, es gibt doch noch den SUPREME—COURT!
20211210             Bei dem kann der Assange doch noch einen Appeal eintüten!
20211210             Wenn ihr das denkt, dann habt ihr wohl nicht mitgeschnitten, wie es zu diesem Gericht kam.
20211210             —GEGRÜNDET, Der wurde für DIEGO—GARCIA, damit die Regierung sich über das Urteil des High Courts hinwegsetzen konnte.
20211210             Wie, sowas geht? Klar geht das, wenn man keine Verfassung hat.
20211210             Und 1—WINNER—TAKES—ALL-"Wahlrecht".
20211210             COVID—19: PORTUGAL está entre os dois cenários mais graves para o OUTONO—INVERNO
20211210             Bei einer Lieferung von mehr als 23—MILLIONEN CORONA—SCHUTZMASKEN an das Bundesgesundheitsministerium sollen 4—MÄNNER aus HAMBURG 5,5 Millionen Euro an Steuern hinterzogen haben.
20211210             Sie müssen sich von —NÄCHSTEM—FREITAG an wegen bandenmäßiger Steuerhinterziehung in einem Prozess vor dem Landgericht HAMBURG verantworten,
20211210             AFD—FRAKTIONSCHEFIN ALICE—WEIDEL ist nach eigenen Angaben positiv auf das CORONA€”VIRUS getestet worden.
20211210             Die 42-Jährige schrieb —AM—FREITAG auf Twitter: "Wegen eines positiven CORONA—TESTS konnte ich —HEUTE leider nicht an der wichtigen Abstimmung im BUNDESTAG teilnehmen.
20211210             Ich werde noch —HEUTE einen 2. Test zur Überprüfung abgeben".
20211210             Sie habe keine Symptome.
20211210             Wer in NIEDERSACHSEN nicht gegen das CORONA€”VIRUS geimpft oder von einer COVID—INFEKTION genesen ist, darf nach einer —ENTSCHEIDUNG des Oberverwaltungsgerichts (OVG) in Lüneburg nicht vom Besuch beim Friseur ausgeschlossen werden.
20211210             Die derzeitige 2G PLUS—REGEL bei körpernahen Dienstleistungen sei unangemessen und unter Berücksichtigung des aktuellen Infektionsgeschehens im BUNDESLAND keine notwendige Schutzmaßnahme,
20211210             Mehrsprachige Infos über BOOSTER—IMPFUNGEN für Flüchtlinge
20211210             Die Klickzahlen diverser anderer mehrsprachiger Podcasts des LAF zu CORONA—THEMEN zeigen nach ANGABEN—VON—LAF—PRÄSIDENT—ALEXANDER—STRASSMEIR: "Wir erreichen mit unseren Podcasts darüber hinaus auch VIELE—ANDERE—MENSCHEN weltweit".
20211210             Die Angebote zum Anhören würden vielfach über Messengerdienste geteilt und als verlässliche Informationsquelle genutzt.
20211210             —SEIT Beginn der Pandemie hätten sie Menschen in 82—STAATEN erreicht.
20211210             Ramelow mahnt wegen hoher Coronazahlen zur Vorsicht beim Weihnachtsfest
20211210             "Es ist besser, wenn wir uns gegenseitig schützen, wenn wir achtsam miteinander umgehen, wenn die Maske getragen wird, wenn gelüftet wird und wenn nicht zu VIELE—MENSCHEN in einem Raum sind",
20211210             betonte er.
20211210             Die aktuelle Situation sei deutlich schlimmer als im vergangenen —JAHR um diese Zeit.
20211210             NIEDERSACHSEN kündigt verschärfte Maßnahmen über die Feiertage an
20211210             NIEDERLANDE bieten CORONA—IMPFUNGEN für Kinder an
20211210             Das Gremium erklärte, die Vorteile einer Impfung würden auch bei Kindern eventuelle Nachteile klar überwiegen und vor möglichen schweren Krankheitsverläufen schützen.
20211210             Kinder mit Vorerkrankungen oder anderen erhöhten Risiken können —BEREITS—JETZT gegen CORONA geimpft werden, verwendet wird der Impfstoff von Biontech und Pfizer.
20211210             500—BLANKO—IMPFPÄSSE bei polizeibekanntem Reichsbürger gefunden
20211210             —GELEISTET, Bei der Festnahme habe er Widerstand, und dabei 3—BEAMTE verletzt.
20211210             Aufgeflogen war der Mann Ende —NOVEMBER durch Hinweise von Mitarbeitern einer Postverteilerstelle.
20211210             In einem beschädigten Paket hatten sie BLANKO—IMPFPÄSSE entdeckt und die Polizei informiert.
20211210             n einem gemeinsamen Appell haben etliche Thüringer Bürgermeisterinnen und BÜRGERMEISTER dazu aufgerufen, nicht an rechtswidrigen CORONA—PROTESTEN am Wochenende teilzunehmen.
20211210             "1—TEILNAHME an Zusammenkünften, bei denen weder Abstand gehalten, noch Masken getragen werden, trägt unmittelbar dazu bei, dass die Infektionszahlen weiter steigen und das Gesundheitssystem weiter belastet wird"
20211210             Sie hätten Verständnis dafür, dass die erneuten Einschränkungen —NACH—21—MONATEN Pandemie eine große Belastung darstellten, schrieben die BÜRGERMEISTER weiter.
20211210             Dennoch sei es in der aktuellen dramatischen Lage wichtig, zusammenzustehen und solidarisch gegen die Pandemie zu kämpfen.
20211210             Sachsens VIZE—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT fordert Zeichen des Rechtsstaats gegen CORONA—RADIKALISIERUNG
20211210             Es müsse deutlich werden, "dass der Rechtsstaat mit allen ihm zur Verfügung stehenden Mitteln ein klares Stoppzeichen setzt, konsequent verfolgt und auch bestraft",
20211210             sagte der SPD—POLITIKER —AM—FREITAG im Bundesrat in BERLIN.
20211210             "Die Leute wollen geschützt sein.
20211210             Und sie wollen auch wissen, dass der STAAT handlungsfähig ist",
20211210             —IN—DER—NACHT zum —FREITAG war zudem das Wahlkreisbüro des neuen Bundesgesundheitsministers KARL—LAUTERBACH (SPD) in Köln mit Parolen wie "Krankheitsminister",
20211210             "Mörder" und "Hände weg von unseren Kindern" beschmiert worden.
20211210             Dulig sagte im Bundesrat, die MEHRHEIT—DER—MENSCHEN in SACHSEN sei geimpft.
20211210             "Diese MEHRHEIT—DER—VERNÜNFTIGEN dürfen wir aber auch nicht verlieren, indem wir einer lautstarken Minderheit, welche sich zunehmend radikalisiert, Zugeständnisse machen".
20211210             Bundesratspräsident Bodo Ramelow (Linke) betonte, in der Ministerpräsidentenkonferenz seien gerade die Weichen gestellt worden, "dass wir nicht tatenlos zusehen".
20211210             Die Radikalisierung über digitale Kanäle dürfe nicht immer weiter Ausmaße annehmen, die sich zerstörerisch gegen Jeden, der für diesen STAAT eintrete, sowie gegen deren Familien auswirke.
20211210             Der Landesrechnungshof SACHSEN—ANHALT hat das Uniklinikum MAGDEBURG für ein umstrittenes FFP2-Maskengeschäft im Wert von mehreren hunderttausend Euro scharf kritisiert.
20211210             Das Vorgehen habe grundlegenden Regelungen des Vergaberechts widersprochen, teilten die Rechnungsprüfer in einer Stellungnahme mit.
20211210             SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN fordert finanzielle Hilfe des Bundes für Kliniken
20211210             Dazu sollen die Ausgleichszahlungen für Erlösverluste, die sich aus dem Verschieben oder Aussetzen planbarer Aufnahmen, Operationen oder Eingriffe ergeben, —BIS mindestens zum 20220319             verlängert werden,
20211210             AFD—FRAKTIONSCHEFIN ALICE—WEIDEL hat sich nach eigenen Angaben doch nicht mit CORONA infiziert.
20211210             "Falscher Alarm: Das Ergebnis meines 2. PCR—TESTS ist erfreulicherweise negativ",
20211210             Der VORSITZENDE—DER—STÄNDIGEN—IMPFKOMMISSION, THOMAS—MERTENS, hat eingeräumt, mit seiner persönlichen Aussage zur Ablehnung einer Kinderimpfung gegen CORONA einen Fehler gemacht zu haben.
20211210             Mertens hatte in einem Podcast der "Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung" —ANFANG—DEZEMBER erklärt, wenn er ein 7—ODER achtjähriges Kind hätte, würde er es "wahrscheinlich —JETZT nicht impfen lassen".
20211210             "Die —ENTSCHEIDUNG über die Impfung ist wirklich eine sehr persönliche Sache, und das reflektiert sich ja auch in unserer derzeitigen Impfempfehlung.
20211210             Es war damals wahrscheinlich der einzige Fehler, den ich gemacht habe, dass ich überhaupt etwas Persönliches gesagt habe".
20211210             Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe ahnden Verstöße gegen 3G-Regel künftig mit 50—EURO
20211210             Neue Coronavariante Omikron: Rätsel um Kinderinfektionen in SÜDAFRIKA
20211210             Zwar scheint Omikron für weniger schwere Verläufe zu sorgen.
20211210             Nur etwa 1—DRITTEL—DER—FÄLLE landet im Krankenhaus, und von diesen Menschen erleben auch weniger einen Aufenthalt auf einer Intensivstation — das hatten beispielsweise auch DATEN—DER—USA—SEUCHENSCHUTZBEHÖRDE CDC ergeben.
20211210             Aber - ein anderer Trend: Kinder unter —5—JAHREN landen häufig mit einer Infektion in Kliniken.
20211210             Noch ist unklar, was dahintersteckt.
20211210             Nicht ALLE—KINDER waren wegen einer Coronaerkrankung in Behandlung, trotzdem wurden sie häufiger positiv auf das Virus getestet,
20211210             traf das Virus Kinder in der Vergangenheit in der Regel weniger hart als Erwachsene.
20211210             In einem Krankenhaus in SOWETO wurden —AM—DIENSTAG allerdings 12—KINDER aufgenommen, von denen 3—SAUERSTOFF benötigten,
20211210             In einem anderen landeten 10—AUF der KINDER—COVID—STATION, aber nur eines benötigte nach einer Lungenentzündungsdiagnose Sauerstoff.
20211210             —BEKANNT, Doch es ist nicht, ob die Kinder aus Haushalten mit geimpften Menschen stammen.
20211210             1—CORONASCHUTZIMPFUNG für Kinder unter —12—JAHREN gibt es in SÜDAFRIKA noch nicht.
20211210             Noch sei es zu früh, zu sagen, ob Kinder häufiger unter schwereren OMIKRON—VERLÄUFEN LEIDEN, heißt es.
20211210             Oder ob Kinder aufgrund der Variante häufiger unter dem seltenen PIMS—SYNDROM LEIDEN könnten, das beispielsweise heftige Entzündungsreaktionen des Körpers zur Folge hat.
20211210             Diese Erkrankung entwickelt sich aber teils —ERST—WOCHEN nach der Infektion.
20211210             Gerade Kinder unter —5—JAHREN scheinen häufiger von schweren Verläufen betroffen zu sein,
20211210             Über die erhöhten Ansteckungsraten sagte Drosten, dass sich das Infektionsgeschehen nach bisherigen Daten aus anderen Ländern etwa alle —3—TAGE verdoppele, das sei schneller als bei der DELTA—VARIANTE.
20211210             DEUTSCHLAND, werde die Vermehrung von Omikron vielleicht etwas weniger schnell voranschreiten als in GROSSBRITANNIEN, wo wegen der höheren Impfquote und der starken Vorinfektion der Bevölkerung keine Kontrollmaßnahmen mehr in Kraft sind.
20211210             Omikron verfügt über rund 30—MUTATIONEN auf dem SPIKE—PROTEIN des Virus, jenem Teil, mit dem es an menschliche Zellen andockt.
20211210             Das sind mehr Veränderungen als bei jeder anderen bekannten Variante.
20211210             —BEKANNT, MANCHE—DER—MUTATIONEN waren —SCHON, und gaben den Forschenden einen Hinweis auf mögliche Eigenschaften der neuen Variante, die —ANFANG—NOVEMBER in AFRIKA erstmals entdeckt wurde, aber nicht zwingend aus BOTSWANA oder SÜDAFRIKA stammen muss.
20211210             Andere sind neu.
20211210             Immerhin geht Drosten auch trotz Omikron oder möglichen weiteren Mutanten davon aus, dass sich SARS—COV—2 langfristig zu einem normalen Erkältungsvirus abschwächen wird.
20211210             Vielleicht sei dieser Zustand auch —ERST in —3—JAHREN erreicht.
20211210             "Irgendwann wird das aufhören",
20211210             CITY—OF—WARRIORS: Resistance Across the Border to THE—MYANMAR Military Junta By Maria Stöhr in MAE—SOT, THAILAND
20211210             Kreidezeit: So schnell waren die Fleischfresser auf 2—BEINEN
20211210             1—ANALYSE—VON—120—MILLIONEN —JAHRE alten Dinosaurierspuren aus SPANIEN deuten darauf hin, dass fleischfressende Dinosaurier, die zur gleichen Gruppe wie der T—REX gehören, sehr beweglich sein konnten.
20211210             Die Spuren stammen von einem mittelgroßen Raubsaurier, der wohl mit —BIS zu 45—KILOMETER pro —STUNDE unterwegs war.
20211210             Die Forscher stützen ihre Vermutungen auf versteinerte Fußspuren.
20211210             —GEFUNDEN, UTAH, und TEXAS wurden ebenfalls DINOSAURIER—SPUREN, die auf recht hohe Geschwindigkeiten hindeuten.
20211210             Die dortigen Zweibeiner kamen auf —BIS zu 50—KILOMETER pro —STUNDE.
20211210             Die schnellsten Dinos stammen aus der FAMILIE—DER—THEROPODEN.
20211210             Diese fleischfressenden Dinosaurier standen auf 2—BEINEN und konnten nicht fliegen,
20211210             Alarmierendes Gutachten: Pfuschvorwürfe gegen Zulieferer der DEUTSCHEN—BAHN
20211210             BioNTech Founder ?ahin on the Omicron Variant: "It WILL—MAKE—SCIENTIFIC—SENSE—TO—OFFER—BOOSTER —AFTER—3—MONTHS" Interview Conducted by THOMAS—SCHULZ
20211210             Treffen in PARIS: Scholz und Macron wollen Gesprächsrunde mit RUSSLAND und UKRAINE wiederbeleben
20211210             TEUERUNGS—PANIK: Es kommen schlechte Zeiten für INFLATIONS—HYPOCHONDER
20211210             Coronapandemie: 1—IMPFPFLICHT für Pflegepersonal löst kein einziges Problem 1—GASTBEITRAG—VON—NORBERT—W—PAUL und NORBERT—PFEIFFER
20211210             "VÖLKISCH—NATIONALISTISCH sowie minderheitenfeindlich": Verfassungsschutz stuft "Compact"-Magazin als gesichert extremistisch ein
20211210             Menschenrechtsverletzungen: EU plant Sanktionen gegen RUSSISCHE—SÖLDNERFIRMA "Wagner"
20211210             Protest gegen Coronamaßnahmen: GRIECHISCHE—IMPFVERWEIGERER führen Schuldirektor in Handschellen ab
20211210             "Heartbeat Bill": Oberster USA—GERICHTSHOF erlaubt Klagen gegen texanisches Abtreibungsgesetz
20211210             Auslieferungsprozess gegen WIKILEAKS—GRÜNDER: JULIAN—ASSANGES letzte Chance
20211210             [l] Die gute Nachricht: Bald gibt es 1—RECHT auf schnellen Internetzugang!
20211210             Die schlechte Nachricht: Sie hatten keine Zeit mehr, um "schnell" zu definieren.
20211210             Damit greift die vorige Definition. 56—KBIT.
20211210             Da werden bei mir ja alte Erinnerungen wach.
20211210             Als ich mich in den 1990er —JAHREN das 1. Mal mit ISDN eingewählt habe.
20211210             *schwelg*
20211210             [l] Wie prognostiziert: Kein einziges Mal tauchen Kinderpornos auf in diesem "Begründung" für Internetzensur.
20211210             Die LEERDENKER—TERRORISTEN reichen als Begründung völlig aus.
20211210             [l] Der "Verfassungsschutz" hat herausgefunden, dass "compact" als "gesichert extremistisch" einzustufen sei.
20211210             Die finden ja alles raus, sage ich euch. Alles finden die raus!
20211210             Test Beispiele - [l] Die Anstalt hat sich in ihrer letzten Sendung mit den Anthroposophen beschäftigt.
20211210             Tausende Menschen wollen —AM—SAMSTAG in WIEN protestieren
20211210             gegen die geltenden CORONA—MAßNAHMEN und die von der Regierung angekündigte Impfpflicht geben.
20211210             Insgesamt wurden nach ANGABEN—DER—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR—APA 24—DEMONSTRATIONEN angemeldet, tausende Teilnehmer werden erwartet.
20211210             —ORGANISIERT, Die vermutlich größte Veranstaltung, die rechtspopulistische FPÖ, die selbst von einer "MEGA—DEMO" spricht.
20211210             Mehr als 1000—POLIZISTEN sollen im Einsatz sein.
20211210             B—SEIT—3—WOCHEN, In ganz ÖSTERREICH gilt 1—TEIL—LOCKDOWN, der —AM—SONNTAG endet.
20211210             Im Kampf gegen die neue OMIKRON—VARIANTE hat Russlands PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN 1—FLUGZEUG mit Ärzten und medizinischer Ausrüstung nach SÜDAFRIKA geschickt.
20211210             Die Iljuschin Il-76 des Zivilschutzministeriums brachte ein mobiles Labor, Epidemiologen und Virologen sowie EXPERTEN—DES—GESUNDHEITSMINISTERIUMS in das Land,
20211210             Putin hatte zweimal innerhalb einer —WOCHE mit seinem SÜDAFRIKANISCHEN—KOLLEGEN CYRIL—RAMAPHOSA telefoniert.
20211210             —VEREINBART, Es sei, worden, die Kräfte im Kampf gegen die Pandemie zu bündeln, teilte der Kreml in Moskau mit.
20211210             648_DGS_boletim_20211210
20211210             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 457,7 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211210             Continente: 462,5 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211210             R(t) Nacional: 1,11 Continente: 1,11
20211210             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—9475—(+51)—ÓBITOS—102—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—8923—CASOS—ATIVOS—450—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—872
20211210             Internados: 84 (-1) | Em UCI: 20 (-3)  | Ventilados: 11 (-2) Incidência 100—MIL / hab.: 844 (+)
20211210             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—4.123—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—380,5—FÄLLE—GESAMT—87.660—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—8.090,5—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—837—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.083.498
20211210             Total Cases 268.905.646  Total Deaths 5.292.757  Total Vaccine Doses Administered 8.367.310.497
20211210             Im Alter von —78—JAHREN: MONKEES—SÄNGER MICHAEL—NESMITH gestorben
20211210             RUSSISCHE—FORDERUNG: Nato soll der UKRAINE die Tür zuschlagen
20211210             Auf Antrittsreise mit OLAF—SCHOLZ: Ein sehr leiser KANZLER
20211210—20200000    —SEIT, Der 36-jährige Mann sei den Behörden als Mitglied der REICHSBÜRGER—SZENE bekannt.
20211210—20201200    —IM, hatten laut "Deutschlandtrend" 83—PROZENT angekündigt, ihre privaten Kontakte zu Weihnachten zu beschränken.
20211216             1—TEEN—DEATH in KENTUCKY pushed the total of 20211210             —THE—STORM—RELATED casualties in 5—STATES to 90, including 76 in KENTUCKY.
202203121030         RUSSIA not ousting U.S media, business, SOURCE  Ryabkov
202203121045         RUSSIA—USA contact continuing nonstop, SOURCE  Ryabkov
202203121045         BIDEN—TALK—OF—DANGER—OF—WWIII attempt to play on nerves, SOURCE  Ryabkov
20221210             —SAMSTAG, 20221210
20221210             USA—BUNDESSTAAT ARIZONA: TRUMP—ANHÄNGERIN Lake wehrt sich gegen ihre Niederlage bei der Gouverneurswahl
20221210             Arbeitsmarkt: Babyboomer machen eifrig von Rente mit 63—GEBRAUCH
20221210             Energiekrise: Netzagenturchef Müller mahnt trotz Kälte zu Zurückhaltung beim Heizen
20221210             Brasiliens abgewählter PRÄSIDENT—BOLSONARO: "Es schmerzt in meiner Seele"
20221210             "Kriegsführung gegen Gott": IRAN will offenbar weitere Demonstranten hinrichten
20221210             Reaktionen auf Bestechungsvorwürfe in der EU: "Unser Parlament steht entschieden gegen Korruption"
20221210             —VERURTEILT, HONGKONG: Demokratieaktivist JIMMY—LAI zu Haftstrafe
20221210             —GESTIEGEN, ZAHL—DER—BEDÜRFTIGEN sprunghaft : Die Tafeln in DEUTSCHLAND arbeiten am Limit
20221210             —VERSTEIGERT, Saurierknochen : T—REX—SCHÄDEL brachte 6—MILLIONEN Dollar
20221210             PRINCE—PUTSCH and His Gang: THE—MOTLEY—CREW that Wanted to Topple THE—GERMANY—GOVERNMENT
20221210             Krieg in der UKRAINE: Scholz dämpft Hoffnung auf Einlenken Putins
20221210             —VERURTEILT, Friedensnobelpreis für Menschenrechtler: MEMORIAL—VORSITZENDER, "verrückten und kriminellen Angriffskrieg"
20221210             DEUTSCHLAND verschneit und kalt: Mal wieder richtig —WINTER
20221210             [l] OpenAI ChatGPT is —NOW 1—AWS—CERTIFIED—CLOUD—PRACTITIONER.
20221210             —BESTIMMT, Und, auch Dutzende anderer WERT—UND belangloser Bullshit-"Zertifikate".
20221210             UNITED—NATIONS, 20221210             .
20221210             /TASS/. - Kiev authorities seek to literally raze DONETSK with Western weapons, RUSSIA—PERMANENT—REPRESENTATIVE—TO—THE—UN—VASILY—NEBENZYA said —DURING the Security Council meeting on UKRAINE —FRIDAY.
20221210             "—DURING THE—LAST—WEEK, 1—TRUE—MASSACRE has been going on in DONETSK with Western weapons.
20221210             Incited by Western states, UKRAINE—PUNISHERS seek to literally raze the city," he said.
20221210             UNITED—NATIONS, 20221210             . - /TASS/.
20221210             —ARMED, Countries that ship weapons to Kiev and aid the Ukrainian, forces will face concrete legal consequences, RUSSIA—PERMANENT—REPRESENTATIVE—TO—THE—UN—VASILY—NEBENZYA said —DURING the Security Council meeting on UKRAINE —FRIDAY.
20221210             "We scrupulously register all such criminal ACTIONS—OF—THE—USA and its allies, they will have concrete legal consequences for everyone involved," Nebenzya said.
20221210             "We track and destroy the shipped vehicles.
20221210             —SINCE there its amount in Western warehouses drops, WASHINGTON and its allies have —RECENTLY been trying to actively work with 3. countries, buying weapons and military equipment from them and shipping it to UKRAINE," the diplomat said".
20221210             —ADMITTED, The fact of such deals was —RECENTLY, by UKRAINE—FOREIGN—MINISTER [Dmitry] Kuleba".
20221210             MOSCOW, 20221210             .
20221210             /TASS/. - BERLIN and PARIS should pay compensation to Donbass residents —FOLLOWING 1—RECENT—CONFESSION from GERMANY—EX—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL who said THE—MINSK agreements had enabled UKRAINE to get stronger, STATE—DUMA—SPEAKER—VYACHESLAV—VOLODIN said —ON—SATURDAY.
20221210             "MERKEL—CONFESSION puts moral and material responsibility for the developments in UKRAINE on GERMANY and FRANCE," he wrote on his Telegram channel".
20221210             They will have to pay compensation to residents of the Donbass republics for THE—8—YEARS—OF—GENOCIDE and inflicted damage.
20221210             This is —JUST the beginning," he warned.
20221210             "In —TODAY—COMMUNICATIONS—ENVIRONMENT, ANY—INFORMATION—TRUE or FAKE—IS spread widely instantly.
20221210             —INTERESTED, Those unscrupulous ' parties' who drive wedges into our relations take advantage of this —IMMEDIATELY," Lavrov said.
20221210             "We know how closely our USA counterparts and THE—REPRESENTATIVES—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—UNION follow the developments in THE—POST—SOVIET—SPACE," THE—MINISTER said".
20221210             They watch out for ANY—CLUES in order to 'inflate' the statement of certain individuals up to THE—LEVEL—OF—THE—STATE—POLICY—OF—1 or another country.
20221210             They do not even attempt to conceal it". USE—OF—USA—DOLLAR
20221210             Accodring to THE—RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER it is also time for RUSSIA and KAZAKHSTAN to wean themselves off financial arrangements in the dollar and euro, as those currencies have proved to be unreliable.
20221210             "In bilateral trade with KAZAKHSTAN in JANUARY—20221000             , trade rose by about 10%, which equals about $22—BILLION in annual terms.
20221210             I say 'dollars' as I am used to saying it.
20221210             It is time for us to wean ourselves off calculating our achievements and cooperation in the currency that has proved to be unreliable.
20221210             THE—ISSUERS—OF—DOLLARS and euros are impossible to negotiate with and can unilaterally impose discriminatory measures at ANY—TIME," Lavrov said.
20221210             Die USA haben kein Problem mit der Lieferung DEUTSCHER—KAMPFPANZER vom Typ Leopard-2-Panzer oder DEUTSCHER—PATRIOT—FLUGABWEHRSYSTEME in die UKRAINE".
20221210             Unsere Position ist in beiden Fällen dieselbe: Es ist Deutschlands —ENTSCHEIDUNG, was DEUTSCHLAND tut",
20221210             sagte USA—VIZEAUßENMINISTERIN WENDY—SHERMAN während ihres DEUTSCHLAND—BESUCHS in BERLIN vor Journalisten.
20221210             Sherman sagte, die Bundesregierung habe bei der militärischen Unterstützung der UKRAINE —BISHER Großartiges geleistet, Führungsstärke bewiesen und sehr harte —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN getroffen".
20221210             Ich gehe davon aus, dass DEUTSCHLAND alles Mögliche tun wird, von dem es meint, dass es angemessen und richtig für DEUTSCHLAND ist".
20221210             Die USA—REGIERUNG warnt vor einer zunehmenden IRANISCHEN—UNTERSTÜTZUNG für das RUSSISCHE—MILITÄR und kündigt deshalb neue Sanktionen an".
20221210             Wir erlegen den Akteuren, die an der Weitergabe IRANISCHER—DROHNEN an RUSSLAND für den Einsatz in der UKRAINE beteiligt waren, Kosten auf",
20221210             sagte der Kommunikationsdirektor des Nationalen Sicherheitsrats, JOHN—KIRBY
20221210             Die westlichen Staaten sollten nach ANSICHT—DER—FRIEDENSFORSCHERIN—CHRISTINE—SCHWEITZER die Sanktionen gegen RUSSLAND stärker als Druckmittel nutzen, um den UKRAINE—KRIEG zu beenden.
20221210             Sie sollten 1—AUFHEBUNG—DER—MASSNAHMEN für den Fall eines Waffenstillstandes und eines Abzuges der RUSSISCHEN—TRUPPEN von ukrainischem Gebiet ankündigen, sagte die Geschäftsführerin des Bundes für Soziale Verteidigung der Nachrichtenagentur epd.
20221210             Wenn dem Umfeld des RUSSISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN WLADIMIR—PUTIN in Aussicht gestellt werde, wieder frei reisen und handeln zu können, könne dies Veränderungen im Regierungssystem Russlands bewirken.
20221210             RUSSLAND hat westliche Vorwürfe zurückgewiesen, es lasse sich vom IRAN mit Waffen beliefern".
20221210             Der MILITÄRISCH—INDUSTRIELLE Komplex in RUSSLAND kann perfekt arbeiten und braucht von niemandem Unterstützung",
20221210             Dagegen habe die UKRAINE im Grunde gar keine Militärindustrie und werde vom Westen unterstützt.
20221210             Moskau bilde im Gegenzug IRANISCHE—PILOTEN auf dem Kampfflugzeug Suchoi Su-35 aus, das der IRAN noch —IN—DIESEM—JAHR erhalten könnte, so Kirby.
20221210             Die Waffenlieferungen verstießen gegen die Resolutionen des UN—SICHERHEITSRATS.
20221210             Bundeskanzler OLAF—SCHOLZ hat wenig Hoffnung, dass Russlands PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN den Angriffskrieg auf die UKRAINE schnell beendet".
20221210             Immer wenn ich mit Putin spreche, sagt er auch sehr genau, es geht ihm genau darum, etwas zu erobern",
20221210             Dies sei nach wie VOR—TROTZ hoher RUSSISCHER—VERLUSTE—DER Fall.
20221210             Die ZAHL—DER—GEFALLENEN—RUSSISCHEN—SOLDATEN bezifferte Scholz auf —BIS zu 100.000 - der KANZLER räumte aber zugleich ein, dass darüber nur wenige verifizierbare Informationen vorliegen.
20221210             Scholz betonte aber, dass er trotz der Haltung Putins den Dialog fortsetzen wolle".
20221210             Wir sind völlig unterschiedlicher Meinung", sagte Scholz".
20221210             Trotzdem werde ich weiter mit ihm reden, weil ich ja den Moment erleben will, wo es möglich ist, rauszukommen aus der Situation.
20221210             Und das geht nicht, wenn man sich nicht spricht".
20221210             Das letzte Gespräch —ANFANG—DEZEMBER war von gegenseitigen Vorwürfen geprägt.
20221210             Scholz verurteilte die RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFFE auf die UKRAINISCHE—INFRASTRUKTUR.
20221210             Putin sprach von einer "zerstörerischen Linie westlicher Staaten, einschließlich Deutschlands", die Kiew mit Waffen unterstützten und dessen Soldaten ausbildeten.
20221210             Der KANZLER betonte aber auch, dass die Gespräche mit Putin immer höflich verliefen.
20221210             "Da schreit auf der anderen Seite des Telefons niemand rum".
20221210             —VERRIET, Und Scholz, dass er mal Russisch lernen wollte.
20221210             "Ich habe mal versucht, das —8—STUNDEN in der Volkshochschule zu lernen.
20221210             —GEBLIEBEN, Aber außer dem Alphabet ist da nichts hängen ".
20221210             Da Putin aber sehr gut Deutsch spreche, brauche er keine Übersetzung in den Gesprächen mit ihm, sagte der KANZLER.
20221210             Nach der Festnahme der Vizepräsidentin des EU—PARLAMENTS, EVA—KAILI, haben EUROPA—UND Bundespolitiker mit Empörung reagiert und Aufklärung sowie Konsequenzen gefordert.
20221210             "Unser Parlament steht entschieden gegen Korruption", erklärte die Präsidentin des Europaparlaments, Roberta Metsola aus MALTA, angesichts des Bestechlichkeitsverdachtes ihrer Stellvertreterin.
20221210             KAILI und 4—WEITERE Verdächtige waren —AM—FREITAG unter Korruptionsverdacht von der BELGISCHEN—JUSTIZ festgenommen worden.
20221210             Laut Medienberichten werden sie verdächtigt, dass sie aus dem Golfstaat KATAR Geld und andere Vergünstigungen erhielten.
20221210             Hintergrund sind demnach umfassende Korruptionsermittlungen zu mutmaßlicher Bestechung und Bestechlichkeit, Geldwäsche und versuchter Einflussnahme auf politische —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN durch das Emirat KATAR, den Gastgeber der laufenden FUßBALL—WM.
20221210             Es bestehe aber 1—LÜCKE bei den europäischen Vorgaben, nämlich die Einflussnahme von Staaten außerhalb der EU: "Künftig sollten deshalb auch die Lobbytätigkeiten von Drittstaaten in die Transparenzpflichten für das EU—PARLAMENT aufgenommen werden", forderte der Grüne.
20221210             Er fürchte um das Ansehen des Parlaments durch die Geldgier einzelner Abgeordneter, erklärte der Sozialexperte der konservativen EVP—FRAKTION —AM—SAMSTAG — und nahm auch die anderen Beschuldigten in den Blick: "Dass ausgerechnet MITGLIEDER—DER—SOZIALDEMOKRATISCHEN—ALLIANZ und der Generalsekretär des Internationalen Gewerkschaftsbundes unter dem Verdacht der Korruption festgenommen wurden, betrübt mich sehr".
20221210             KAILI, die für die PASOK—PARTEI ins EU—PARLAMENT gewählt wurde und dort zur sozialdemokratischen Fraktion gehört.
20221210             —GEÖFFNET, Das Land habe sich der Welt, sagte KAILI darin: "Dennoch rufen einige hier dazu auf, die Katarer zu diskriminieren.
20221210             Sie schikanieren sie und beschuldigen jeden, der mit ihnen spricht, der Korruption".
20221210             Ebenfalls unter den Festgenommenen ist nach DPA—INFORMATIONEN ihr Lebensgefährte, der im Parlament als politischer Berater tätig ist.
20221210             Nach ANGABEN—DER—STAATSANWALTSCHAFT wurde auch ein ehemaliger Europaabgeordneter festgenommen sowie —AM—ABEND der ITALIENISCHEN—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR Ansa zufolge auch dessen Frau und Tochter.
20221210             Bei Durchsuchungen in BELGIEN wurden 600.000—EURO Bargeld und Handys beschlagnahmt.
20221210             Der CHEF—DER RUSSISCHEN—STAATSDUMA, Wjatscheslaw Wolodin, macht DEUTSCHLAND und FRANKREICH für den gescheiterten Friedensplan im Osten der UKRAINE verantwortlich.
20221210             "DEUTSCHLAND und FRANKREICH müssen den Bewohnern des DONBASS—GEBIETS Kompensation zahlen.
20221210             Die heutige Lage in der UKRAINE ist die Folge der verlogenen POLITIK—DER—FÜHRER dieser Staaten", schrieb der Parlamentsvorsitzende —AM—SAMSTAG im Nachrichtendienst Telegram.
20221210             Wolodin warf den Regierungen in BERLIN und PARIS vor, 20140000             —ERST bei den Protesten in der UKRAINISCHEN—HAUPTSTADT—KIEW als Garanten für einen friedlichen Machtwechsel aufgetreten zu sein, der dann aber zu einem "Staatsumsturz" geführt habe.
20221210             Anschließend hätten beide Länder zusammen mit RUSSLAND und der UKRAINE in der belarussischen HAUPTSTADT—MINSK einen Friedensplan unterzeichnet, ohne ihn einhalten zu wollen, behauptete Wolodin.
20221210             Der Minsker Friedensplan für den unter russischem Einfluss stehenden Osten der UKRAINE nach Beginn der Kampfhandlungen 20140000             sah weitreichende Verpflichtungen für die Konfliktparteien vor.
20221210             Die meisten wurden aber nie umgesetzt.
20221210             RUSSLAND und die UKRAINE gaben sich gegenseitig die Schuld dafür.
20221210             In den Folgejahren warnte Russlands PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN den Westen immer wieder davor, die UKRAINE in die Nato aufzunehmen.
20221210             —AM—FREITAG hatte Putin Äußerungen von EX—BUNDESKANZLERIN ANGELA—MERKEL zur UKRAINE so interpretiert, dass das Minsker Abkommen nur geschlossen wurde, um der UKRAINE zu geben, sich zu bewaffnen und auf einen Krieg mit RUSSLAND vorzubereiten.
20221210             Wolodin schlug in die gleiche Kerbe: "Die im Voraus geplante Nichterfüllung der bei der Unterzeichnung eines internationalen Vertrags auf sich genommenen Verpflichtungen — das bedeutet nicht nur einen Vertrauensverlust, sondern 1—VERBRECHEN, wofür sich die Unterzeichner des Minsker Abkommens — Merkel, (Francois) Hollande und (Pedro) Poroschenko — verantworten müssen", schrieb der DUMA—VORSITZENDE.
20221210             Diese Politiker seien —JETZT auch an der Energiekrise in EUROPA schuld.
20221210             Je jünger Mitarbeiter sind, desto wichtiger sind ihnen klassische Werte wie Jobsicherheit, Gehalt und Kollegialität. UMWELT—UND Klimaschutz spielen hingegen eine eher untergeordnete Rolle.
20221210             Das Thema Nachhaltigkeit wird für Beschäftigte insgesamt wichtiger, spielt aber aus ihrer Sicht immer noch eine untergeordnete Rolle.
20221210             So gaben 49—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN an, dass Nachhaltigkeit in ihrem Unternehmen ein grundsätzlich wichtiges Ziel sei.
20221210             —BESTELLT, Diplomatischer Schlagabtausch: IRAN, erneut deutschen und BRITISCHEN—BOTSCHAFTER ein
20221210             Trotz Blockade durch UNGARN: EU—STAATEN beschließen milliardenschweres Hilfspaket für die UKRAINE
20221210             Visaerleichterungen für KATAR: EU—PARLAMENTARIER wollen —VERHANDLUNGEN wegen Korruptionsermittlungen auf Eis legen
20221210             Migration über SERBIEN, UNGARN, ÖSTERREICH: "Es kracht an allen Ecken und Enden"
20221210             Korruptionsvorwürfe: Vizepräsidentin des Europäischen Parlaments abgesetzt
20221210—20201200    —IM, Bei einer Vergleichsbefragung hatte der Wert noch bei 37—PROZENT gelegen.
20221210—20220224    —AM, Die Invasion begründete er auch damit, 1—ENTMILITARISIERUNG—DER—UKRAINE erreichen zu wollen.
20221210—20221121    —AM, Noch hatte sie nach einem Besuch in KATAR im EU—PARLAMENT 1—REDE gehalten, in der sie den Golfstaat als Vorreiter bei Arbeitsrechten lobte.