_HEUTE_0813 :


00000000—20200813    —RÖMER—HERRSCHAFT—HAUPT—ORT—ZÜLPICH[TOLBIACUM] 1—DER ältesten Ansiedelungen darstellt:
00000000—20200813    1 2. RÖMER—STRASSE—ZÜLPICH—NEUSS—IN NORD—OST—RICHTUNG zulief auf
00000000—20200813    1 2. RÖMER—STRASSE—ZÜLPICH—NEUSS HAUPT—RÖMER—STRASSE KREIS—BERGHEIM ganzes —GEBIET in des erhalten ist die
00000000—20200813    der wichtigste 2—RÖMER—STRASSE—KREUZUNGS—PUNKT—ZÜLPICH ist der
00000000—20200813    der wichtigste RÖMER—STRASSE—ZÜLPICH—AACHEN
00000000—20200813    der wichtigste RÖMER—STRASSE—ZÜLPICH—LECHENICH—KÖLN (an Osten LECHENICH vorüber direkt auf zuführt}
00000000—20200813    der wichtigste RÖMER—STRASSE—ZÜLPICH—REIMS
00000000—20200813    Fortsetzung Diese 2. RÖMER—STRASSE—ZÜLPICH—NEUSS HAUPT—RÖMER—STRASSE KREIS—BERGHEIM ganzes —GEBIET über findet ihre
00000000—20200813    RÖMER—STRASSE—ZÜLPICH "DIE—RÖMER—STRASSE" bekannt, gangbar Strassenzug.
00000000—20200813    ZÜLPICH 1 3. RÖMER—STRASSE endlich verbindet direkt BILLIG 1 3. RÖMER—STRASSE endlich verbindet direkt
00000000—20200813    Diese RÖMER—STRASSE die 1. über BÜRVENICH
00000000—20200813    Diese RÖMER—STRASSE findet ihre Fortsetzung über auf and
00000000—20200813    Diese RÖMER—STRASSE findet ihre Fortsetzung nach REIMS zuführt
07620813             worin dem KLOSTER—PRÜM auch Besitz bestätigt wurde, der
07620813             —ZUVOR, DER—BISCHOFS—KIRCHE—VON—LE—MANS gehört hatte
09000813             † ZWENTIBOLD—KÖNIG—VON—LOTHARINGIEN, in 1 Gefecht, in der MAAS—GEGEND.
09000813—08950000    ZWENTIBOLD—UNTER—KÖNIG—IN—LOTHRINGEN[LOTHARINGIEN], aber nur beschränkt gegen den Adel von LOTHRINGEN durchsetzen. konnte sich
09460813             ISMAIL—AL—MANSUR bei KAIRUAN entscheidend schlagen DIE—BERBER unter ABU—YAZID.konnte
10050813             —CHARTER, Salm is mentioned under which HEINRICH—II—KING—OF— donated
10050813             —CHARTER, "DECIMAM ex Walecre et Goslar et Trutmannie...villas...Soron et Salmaniam [Salm]
10050813             —CHARTER, [GAU]IN—PAGO—LIUWA [Liège?] in comitatu--- sitas, NEROldeshausen...sitam [GAU]IN—PAGO—NATRESGAUWE in comitatu Widelonis,
10050813             —CHARTER, HORC—HEIM insuper [GAU]IN—PAGO—COLINGAUWE et comitatu---, Kivenheim...
10050813             —CHARTER, [GAU]IN—PAGO—MEINUELT et comitatu Bethelini" to AACHEN, by —URKUNDE—VOM
12190616—12190813    3. —SIÈGE—DE—TOULOUSE
13380713—13380813    —USQUE—AD, qua fuerunt scripti, qua fuerunt cassi, 25—FLORENI
13510813             HENRICO—DICTO—BLYDE CLERICO—TRAIECTENSIS—DIOECESIS confertur perpetu^ vicaria seu altare IN—ECCLESIA—TRAJECTENSI^ vacans
13510813             ex eo quod JOHANNES—ALBUS canonicatum et [PFRÜNDE]PRAEBENDAM ibidem pacifice est assecutus et 40—FLORENORUM—AURI[GOLD—GULDEN]VALOREM—ANNUUM NON EXCEDENS.
13510813             GHISELBERTO—DE—BENEN—CANONICO—TRAJECTENSI conceditur ^), quod priores literae^) apostolicae^ quibus ipsi canonicatus ECCLESIAE—TRAIECTENSIS collatus^ prae^
13680000—20110813    —SEITDEM—DAUERND, das ZÜLPICHer Amt,—BEI—KÖLN zu bleiben.
13680000—20110813    —HEUTE—NOCH, geben die erhaltenen Reste der WAND—MALEREIEN in den Fensternischen
13820813             Délibération du conseil île LA—VILLE—DE.MARSEILLE : oligantur duo ambascialores ad cundum presentiam domini
14150813             HENRY—V—KING—OF—ENGLAND, took his army across THE—ENGLAND—CHANNEL and
14150813             HENRY—V—KING—OF—ENGLAND, laid siege on THE—FRANCE—PORT—OF—HARFLEUR.
14220813—14910000    * † WILLIAM—CAXTON, 1. ENGLAND—PRINTER.
14390813             —ITEM dio et pagho a Mastro Tauiano pentore per la pentura chesso fio ella faccia della casa nuoua del dicto hospedale ciò e lame (sic) del nostro comuno de Vgubbio, de ser Balduccio e del collegio (?) dei notarij bon. diece — anc. 5 " (IVI—FOLIA—65^),
14390813             (f TAUIANO—DI—MARTINO—DI—NELLO " vende a LODOVICO MEO—DI—VANNELLO 1—PEZZO—DI—TERRA posseduto tra loro indiviso NELLA—VILLA—DI—BAGELATA in contrada S—GIORGIO, per 44—FLORENI—DE—ORO
14480813             übergeben die 2—NOCH übrigen Nonnen des "IN—SPIRITUALIBUS et saecularibus"gänzlich RUINIERTen KLOSTER—BOTTENBROICH dieses mit allen seinen Gütern DER—ABTEI—KAMP
14480813             DAS—KLOSTER wird mit Mönchen aus KAMP besetzt.
14500813             —BIS— Ambrosianische REPUBLIK.
14530813             S—CAPISTRANO had JEWS burnt at LIEGNITZ.
14620813             ENEA—SILVIO erhob zu 1—BISTUM—CORSIGNANO.
14640813             —AM—FOLGENDEN—MORGEN, den., sollte des Dogen Empfang stattfinden, als dieser durch den KARDINAL—VON—PAVIA DIE—NACHRICHT erhielt des PIUS—II—PAPA Zustand mache es unmöglich.
14640813             CRISTOLBRO—MORO sandte mistrauisch seinen Arzt den Peruginer MATTIOLO—DE—MATTIOLI;
14640813             MATTIOLO—DE—MATTIOLI brachte DIE—NACHRICHT zurück, des PIUS—II—PAPA Auflösung sei nahe.
14840813             DAS—VOLK—VON—ROM des SIXTUS—IV—PAPA Galeeren bei OSTIA ausleert
14840813             DAS—VOLK—VON—ROM beschuldigte des SIXTUS—IV—PAPA DRÜCKENDER—FINANZ—SPEKULATIONEN, namentlich bei
14840813             DAS—VOLK—VON—ROM beschuldigte SIXTUS—IV—PAPA des GETREIDE—WUCHER.
14840813             —AM—MORGEN ganz ROM in Waffen. war
14840813             —AM—MORGEN—DES, GIROLAMO—ITIARIO Haus bei S—APOLLINARE nebst dem anstossenden Garten wurde geplündert, verwüstet;
14840813             —AM—MORGEN—DES, unter dem Ruf: COLONNA COLONNA! zerschlugen junge LEUTE alles, selbst die marmornen Türpfosten, Fensterpfosten.
14840813             —AM—MORGEN—DES, Auch der Genuesen[GENUA,GENOA] Magazine in TRASTEVERE DAS—VOLK—VON—ROM plündert,
14840813             —AM—MORGEN—DES, der Genuesen[GENUA,GENOA] 2—MIT Wein beladenen Schiffe an RIPAGRANDE DAS—VOLK—VON—ROM wegnimmt
14840813             Des VOLK—VON—ROM GRIMM GEGEN—DIE—COLONNA so gross war weil
14840813             DAS—VOLK—VON—ROM beschuldigte DIE—COLONNA die Hand geboten zu haben dem SIXTUS—IV—PAPA bei
14840813             CASTEL—GIUBILEO, wo Kiarios GEMAHLIN 1—MENGE Vorräte aufgehäuft hatte,
14840813             DAS—VOLK—VON—ROM stürmt CASTEL—GIUBILEO,
14840813             ausleert DAS—VOLK—VON—ROM das CASTEL—GIUBILEO
14840813             DAS—VOLK—VON—ROM des Riario Schwager GIOVANNI—BATTISTA—PALLAVICINI Magazine ausleert
14840813             —DAMALS—SCHON, CATERINA—RIARIO—SFORZA, jene männliche Gesinnung an den Tag legte die
14840813             der ENGELS—BURG—CASTELLAN in des verstorbener SIXTUS—IV—PAPA Familie Interesse war.
14840813             —AM—MORGEN—DES, Der Palast, vor dessen TORE man Verhaue angebracht hatte,
14840813             —AM—MORGEN—DES, NACHDEM SIXTUS—IV—PAPA Leiche mit geringem Gepränge nach S—PETER gebracht worden war.
14840813             —AM—MORGEN—DES, Der Palast blieb von den Wachen besetzt,
14840813             —AM—MORGEN—DES, in der STADT—ROM So sah es aus.
14840813             —AM—MORGEN Im Lager vor Paliano die Verstörung nicht minder gross. war
14840813             —ALSBALD beschlossen der Belagerung Aufhebung wurde die und
14840813             der Belagerung Aufhebung mit solcher Eile ausgeführt, daß
14840813             zurückliess MAN schwere ARTILLERIE,
14840813             zurückliess MAN Zelte,
14840813             zurückliess MAN Munitionswagen,
14840813             zurückliess MAN Zugvieh,
14840813             zurückliess MAN mehr als 1.400—BÜISEL.
14840813             1—AUSFALL der Belagerten, mehrte DIE—UNORDNUNG.
14840813             —CA, 300—DES PAPA getötet oder verwundet bei 1—AUSFALL der Belagerten wurden,
14960813             Elle envoya, à cet effet, des instructions à Foscari, en date du (DISPACCI—DI—FOSCARI—SEITE—807, note 1).
14960813             Elle envoya, à cet effet, des instructions à Foscari, Ce fut en vain.
14980813             —ABLEGTE, CESARE—BORGIA den KARDINALspurpur ,
14980813             an des KARDINALspurpur Stelle LUDWIG—XII. CESARE—BORGIA [VALENCIA]VALENCE im Dauphine mit dem HERZOGstitel verlieh.
14980813             Der gewesene KARDINAL—CESARE—BORGIA verzichtete, so heisst es, auf 530.000—DUCATEN EINKÜNFTE—VON—GEISTLICHEN Benefizien.
15070813             —AM, KAISER—MAXIMILIAN—I. Auch der STADT—MEMMINGEN die Besorgnis ausdrückte ,
15070813             —AM, DIE—SCHWEIZER möchten dem LUDWIG—XII—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH]LOUIS—XII. zulaufen "durch Gelt, so er überflüssig hierinn ausgibt".
15140813             —TRAITÉ—DE—NOYON, offrant [MAILAND]LE MILANAIS à LA—FRANCE.
15160813             THE—PEACE—OF—NOYON -. _ _. 357
15160813             ACCORD—DE—NOYON où le FRANÇOIS—I. offre en mariage sa fille Louise à CHARLES—DE—HABSBOURG, futur CHARLES—VI.
15160813             —TRAITÉ—DE—NOYON
15191108—15210813    SPAIN—CONQUEROR—HERNANDO—CORTEZ, with THE—AID—OF—INDIA—ALLIES, SPAIN—REINFORCEMENTS, superior weapons and disease,
15191108—15210813    —ATTACKED, MONTEZUMA—WARRIORS, the Spaniards but with THE—AID—OF—INDIA—ALLIES, SPAIN—REINFORCEMENTS, superior weapons and disease, Cortez defeated 1—EMPIRE of approximately 25—MILLION—PEOPLE.
15210813             EMPEROR—CUAUHTEMOTZIN was taken prisoner.
15540813             à RENTY est vaincu KAISER—KARL—V[CARLOS—I[V.]CHARLES—V—CHARLES—QUINT]
16000813             —INVENTAIRE—DU,;
16040813             LI, PAPIRIO CARTARI Fu nel tempo che esercitava tal carica MORI in ORVIETO sepolto nella CHIESA Catedrale senza iscrizione.
16080813             —SUBMITTED, JOHN—SMITH—STORY—OF—JAMESTOWN—1. days was, for publication.
16240813             —ARRESTATION—DE—LA—VIEUVILLE
16420813             —DISCOVERED, CHRISTIAN—HUYGENS, the Martian south polar cap.
16480813             —DATUM—KLEVE[CLEVE]
16480813             Sollen sich BEI—VON—D. Capellen näheren RAT einholen.
16480813             Empfehlung der ALLIANZ an die "Staaten.
16480813             Erkundigung über die noch vorhandenen DIFFERENZ—PUNKTE und die Meinung DER—STAATEN darüber.]
16480813             Es werden sich obgemelte Unsere Rätlie ALSBALD—LAUT, ihrer ANKUNFT beim HERRn Capellen anmelden und
16480813             vermittelst Vermeldung Unsers günstigen Grusses wie auch Danksagung für seine bei denen wegen 1—ALLIANCE zwischen Uns und denen HERREN Staaten GENERALder Unirten Niederländischen PROVINCIEn gepflogenen TRACTATEN zu Uns verspürte gute Aifection,
16480813             imgleichen Uns jüngst'^) alliier beschehene Zusage, daß er auch solch Werk zur Perfection zu bringen
16480813             sich ferners bemühen wollte, sich erkundigen, ob er, daß Unsere RÄTE sich in völliger Versammlung der HERREN Gelderschen Stände anmelden und ihre Proposition ablegen, für gut befinde;
16480813             ob er es aber besser und nützlicher zu sein erachte, daß sie nur 1—ODER andern aus bemelter Gelderschen Stände Mittel UND—ZWAR welchem das Werk recommandiren.
16480813             Nach solchem des HERRn Capellen Gutbefinden nun haben sich Unsere RÄTE zu richten und an dienlichen Oerteni'^ nach
16510813             —FOUNDED, LITCHFIELD—CONNECTICUT, was.
16550813             * JOHANN—CHRISTOPH—DENNER, inventor of the clarinet.
16680813             —— Greg. Broell, KLOSTER—LAACH 1
16690813             —EDIT—DE—COLBERT sur la qualité des draps et toiles
16780731             —VOM, 1.0. u. 16780813             s. in den ACTES—DE—LA—PAIX—DE—NIMEGUE II. 567. 583—U. 628.
16780813             —TRAITÉ—DE—NIMÈGUES avec LA—HOLLANDE et LA—ESPAGNE
16830815—16830813    —AM, haben sämmtliche MINISTER—DER—ALLIIERTEN 1—KONFERENZ beim GRAFEN Köuigseck gehabt,
17040813             —BATTLE—OF—BLENHEIM, GERMANY, was fought during THE—WAR—OF—THE—SPAIN—SUCCESSION, resulting in 1—VICTORY for English and AUSTRIA—FORCES.
17040813             —VICTOIRE—DES—ALLIÉS à Höchstädt sur les FRANCO Bavarois
17040813—17050000    —IN, JOSEPH—ADDISON wrote the poem "The Campaign" for THE—DUKE—OF—MARLBOROUGH to commemorate the military victory over FRANCE and SPAIN at THE—BATTLE—OF—BLENHEIM:
17040813—17050000    "Do you not think 1—ANGEL rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm".
17320813             —PREMIERED, Voltaire's "Zaire,", in PARIS.
17500813             den 13. augusdo, had JOHAN—GILES—SCHORN und ANNA—MAREA—MELDERS, ELEUTH, HAPEN DIS HAUS AÜFFGERIHT (so).
17920813             —IMPRISONED, Revolutionaries, THE—FRANCE—ROYAL—FAMILY, including LOUIS—XVI—KING—OF— and MARIE—ANTOINETTE.
17920813             LA—FAMILLE—ROYALE est conduite au TEMPLE par JÉROME Pétion LE—MAIRE—DE—PARIS
17920813—17920810    —SEE
18020813             * NIKOLAUS—LENAU, GERMANY—POET (Faust, Die Albigenser), in HUNGARY.
18080615—18080813    Die —BIS zum dauernde 1. Belagerung Saragossas durch napoleonische Truppen während der Napoleonischen Kriege auf der Iberischen Halbinsel beginnt.
18080813             —REPRISE—DE—MADRID par LES—ESPAGNOLS.
18140813             —TREATY—OF—LONDON—NETHERLAND, BY agreement BRITAIN paid the Dutch £6—MILLION in compensation for the Cape of Good Hope.
18180000—18650813    * † IGNAZ—SEMMELWEIS, HUNGARY—GYNECOLOGIST, from 1—INFECTION in VIENNA after being beaten up by warders in 1—ASYLUM.
18200813             * GEORGE—GROVE, biblical scholar, musicographer (GROVE—DICTIONARY), in LONDON—ENGLAND.
18260813             —BECAME, MAJOR—GORDON—LAING, SCOTLAND—EXPLORER, the 1. European to enter TIMBUKTU—MALI, where some 12,000—PEOPLE lived.
18260813—18260926    —KILLED, MAJOR—GORDON—LAING was, by 1—TUAREG nomad spear as he headed for MOROCCO.
18260813—18260926    † MAJOR—GORDON—LAING, KILLED, by 1—TUAREG—NOMAD—SPEAR, as he headed for MOROCCO.
18260813—20050000    —AUTHORED, FRANK—T—KRYZA, "The Race for Timbuktu: In SEARCH—OF—AFRICA—CITY—OF—GOLD".
18320813             SOLINGEN Durch 1—SCHWERES Gewitter gerät DER—TURM der ev. STADT—KIRCHE—BRAND und stürzt zusammen;
18330813             —BEGAN, THE—BANK—OF—THE—USA, under NICHOLAS—BIDDLE, to contract its loans.
18350813             PETER—EPPENICH, Marriage 1—SPOUSE Unknown
18350813             PETER—EPPENICH, Marriage 1—SPOUSE Unknown JOHANN—HUBERT, who is also 1—FARMER, IN—THE—TOWN—OF—LAKE in MILWAUKEE County which later became THE—CITY—OF—S—FRANCIS. 1—ID: I348
18350813             —LISTED, Note: OCCUPATION: PETER is, as a 70—YEAR—OLD—FARMER living with his son
18400813             * GIOVANNI—VERGA, ITALY—WRITER (Eros).
18440813             * A. DREESBACH, DÜSSELDORF, Tischler, DER—FÜHRER der badischen SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN,
18460813             1. TIME, THE—USA—FLAG WAS—RAISED, in LOS—ANGELES.
18480000—20120813    Die S—KUNIBERTUS—SCHÜTZEN—GESELLSCHAFT In den GRÜNDER—JAHREN war es NOCH NICHT üblich, daß jedes Mitglied 1—UNIFORM hatte.
18480000—20120813    Die S—KUNIBERTUS—SCHÜTZEN—GESELLSCHAFT In den GRÜNDER—JAHREN Die Offiziere hatten zwar stets 1—UNIFORM getragen, grüner Rock, weiße Hose, eingeführt
18490813             RUSSIA gave HUNGARY back to AUSTRIA.
18510813—19370000    * † JOHN—LINCOLN—CLEM, drummer (last SURVIVOR—OF—UNION—VOLUNTEERS).
18600813             MONTENEGRO—NIKOLA—I—PETROVI—NJEGOŠ (18410000—19210000    ) was still in PARIS when, in CONSEQUENCE—OF—THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—HIS—UNCLE—DANILO—I, he succeeded as PRINCE.
18600813—19260000    * † ANNIE—OAKLEY, SHARP—SHOOTER and entertainer, in Darke COUNTY—OHIO, as Phoebe ANNE—OAKLEY—MOZEE (Mosey).
18640813             —BATTLE—OF—DEEP—BOTTOM, VIRGINIA, (Strawberry Plains) and FUSSELL—MILL—VIRGINIA.
18660000—19460813    * † H.G. Wells, SCI—FI author (Time Machine), in LONDON.
18680813             A magnitude 9.0—QUAKE in ARICA—PERU (later CHILE), generated catastrophic tsunamis;
18680813             more than 25,000—PEOPLE were killed in SOUTH—AMERICA.
18700813—18701112    —CONCLUDED BETWEEN
18710813             * KARL—LIEBKNECHT, LEIPZIG
18760813             —RATIFIED, Reciprocity TREATY—BETWEEN USA and HAWAII was.
18760813             —PREMIERED, RICHARD—WAGNER—MONUMENTAL epic, "Ring of the Nibelung", with 4—OPERAS on 4—CONSECUTIVE nights) at the Festspielhaus in Bayreuth, BAVARIA—GERMANY.
18760813—18480000    —IN, Wagner had begun writing the opera.
18780813             * LEONID—VLADIMIROVICH—NIKOLAYEV, composer.
18780813             1—NEUER Entwurf 1—AUSNAHME—GESETZES gegen DIE—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATIE wird von der Regierung dem BUNDES—RAT vorgelegt, der ihn annimmt.
18790813             * JOHN—N—IRELAND, ENGLAND—COMPOSER, pianist (MAI—DUN).
18810813             —OPENED, The 1. AFRICAN—USA—NURSING school, at Spelman College in ATLANTA—GEORGIA.
18820813             Zahlreiche SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN werden aus BERLIN ausgewiesen.
18820813             Zahlreiche SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN BEI ihrer Abreise kommt es zu Demonstrationen.
18820813             —DROWNED, WILLIAM—JEVONS (18350000             *), ENGLAND—ECONOMIST, while bathing near HASTINGS.
18820813             His book "The Theory of Political Economy" (18710000             ) declared that value depends entirely upon utility.
18830000—19130813    AUGUST—BEBEL, MdR
18830000—20120813    —ZEIT—DIESER—SEIT, gehört der grüne Rock, die weiße Hose am CHRISTI—HIMMELFAHRTS—TAG beim GYMNICHER—RITT mit dazu.
18830000—20120813    JEDOCH 1—EINGEFÜHRT wurde für die Gesamtheit der Schützen diese GYMNICHER—RITT S—KUNIBERTUS—SCHÜTZEN—GESELLSCHAFT Uniform
18880813             * JOHN—LOGIE—BAIRD, inventor (FATHER—OF—TV), in SCOTLAND.
18890813             —PATENTED, The 1. COIN—OPERATED telephone was, by WILLIAM—GRAY—OF—HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT A foreman had refused to let Gray call his sick wife from the company phone.
18910000—19430813    * † HAROLD—E—STEARNS, USA—JOURNALIST.
18920813             1. issue of the "Afro American" newspaper was published in BALTIMORE—MARYLAND.
18920813             —AM—BEREITS, schwamm der todbringende Keim IM Elbwasser.
18920813             Russische Auswanderer, die im HAMBURGer HAFEN zu Tausenden auf ihre Passage in die Neue Welt warteten, hatten ihn in sich getragen.
18920813             —NACH—1—LANGEN Hitzeperiode waren die Pegelstände der ELBE niedrig, das Wasser mit 22—GRAD—CELSIUS ungewöhnlich warm.
18920813             In dieser Umgebung vermehrte sich der Bazillus rasant und verseuchte in Windeseile das gesamte Hafengebiet.
18920813             Hinzu kam, daß DER—SENAT ökonomische Nachteile mehr fürchtete als die Krankheit.
18920813             Den Bau 1—SANDFILTRATION—FÜR DEUTSCHE—STÄDTE BEREITS—DAMALS, hygienischer STANDARD—HATTE DER—SENAT von den siebziger —JAHREN an aus Kostengründen verzögert.
18920813             Besonders oft fuhren die Leichenwagen in den Arbeiterquartieren wie dem Gängeviertel vor, 1—GEWIRR aus engen, lichtarmen Gassen, feuchten Höfen und baufälligen Häusern in der HAMBURGer Innenstadt.
18980813             —REPORTED, It was later, that ADMIRAL—GEORGE—DEWEY had agreed to sacrifice THE—LIVES—OF—USA—SOLDIERS in order to give SPAIN—OFFICERS, who had retained dead soldiers on payroll, 1—CHANCE to report heavy fatalities back to SPAIN.
18990813—19800000    * † ALFRED—HITCHCOCK, movie director, in LONDON.
18990813—19800000    "A woman, I always say, should be like 1—GOOD suspense movie: The more left to the imagination, the more excitement there is.
18990813—19800000    This should be her aim -- to create suspense, to let 1—MAN discover things about her without her having to tell him".
19020000—20070813    * † BROOKE—ASTOR, philanthropist, at her Holy Hill estate in NEW—YORK.
19020813             * FELIX—WANKEL, inventory of the rotary engine which bears his name, in GERMANY.
19040000—20080813    * † HENRI—CARTAN, FRANCE—MATHEMATICIAN, in PARIS.
19060813             —ARMED, At FORT—BROWN—TEXAS, some 10-20, men engaged an ALL—BLACK—ARMY—UNIT in 1—SHOOTING rampage that left 1—TOWNSPERSON dead and 1—POLICE—OFFICER wounded.
19060813—19100000    —A—INQUIRY, placed guilt on the soldiers and PRESIDENT—ROOSEVELT ordered all 167 discharged without honor.
19060813—19700000    —AUTHORED, JOHN—WEAVER (20020000             †), "THE—BROWNSVILLE Raid," 1—ACCOUNT—OF—THE—INCIDENT that led the Army to exonerate all 167—MEN.
19070813             * ALFRED—ALWIN—FELIX—KRUPP, arms manufacturer, in ESSEN—GERMANY.
19070813             1. taxicab began operating in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19080812—19080813    Die bayerische LAND—TAG—FRAKTION und badische LAND—TAG—FRAKTION stimmen den Budgets zu.
19100813             † FLORENCE Nightingale (90), UK—NURSE—FAMOUS for her CARE—OF—UK—SOLDIERS during the Crimean War.
19100813—20040000    —AUTHORED, GILLIAN—GILL, "Nightingales: The Extraordinary Upbringing and Curious LIFE—OF—MISS—FLORENCE—NIGHTINGALE".
19100813—20080000    —AUTHORED, MARK—BOSTRIDGE, FLORENCE Nightingale: The Making of an Icon".
19110813             S—FRANCISCO, 10—MEMBERS—OF—THE—INDUSTRIAL—WORKERS—OF—THE—WORLD were arrested during 1—RIOT in NORTH—BEACH.
19110813             Speakers had been addressing 1—CROWD denouncing all FORMS—OF—GOVERNMENT along with 1—TIRADE against THE—PAPA.
19120813             * BEN—HOGAN, USA—GOLFER (USA Open 19500000             , 51, 53), in DUBLIN, Tx.
19120813             * JAN—PEETERS, HOLLAND—WATER colors painter, monumental artist.
19120813             † JULES—EF—MASSENET, 70—JAHRE—ALT, FRANCE—OPERA composer (Werther, Manon).
19130813             * MAKARIOS—III—ARCH—BISHOP, [Michail Moeskos], PRESIDENT—CYPRUS.
19130813             † AUGUST—BEBEL, in PASSUGG—SCHWEIZ
19130813             DIE—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATIE verliert mit AUGUST—BEBEL 1—IHRER bedeutendsten Führer.
19140813             CARL—WICKMAN began Greyhound, the 1. USA—BUS—LINE, in MINNESOTA.
19140813             —PARTEI—VORSTAND und GENERAL—KOMMISSION unterbreiten der REICHS—REGIERUNG 1—PROGRAMM, in dem grundlegende MAßNAHMEn für 1—DURCHGREIFENDE Organisation der gesamten Ernährung gefordert werden.
19160813             * DANIEL—SCHORR, radio and television correspondent.
19190813             * REX—HUMBARD, televangelist.
19200813             * GEORGE—SHEARING, blind pianist, composer (Lullaby of Byrdland), in LONDON.
19230813             —INITIATED, USA—STEEL—CORPORATION, an 8-hour work day.
19230813             GUSTAV—STRESEMANN (DVP) wird REICHS—KANZLER
19230813             GUSTAV—STRESEMANN—CHANCELLOR—OF—GERMANY, becomes.
19260000—19910813    * † JACK—RYAN, designer and inventor (Barbie Doll, Hot Wheels).
19260813             * FIDEL—CASTRO, revolutionary leader, PRESIDENT, in BIRAN—CUBA.
19270000—20180813    * † Influential UK—PUBLISHER—JOHN—CALDER, in EDINBURGH.
19280000—20080813    * † STUART—CARY—WELCH, USA—TEACHER and collector of Indian and Islamic art, while traveling in JAPAN.
19280000—20200813    Die OPUS—DEI—MITGLIEDER leben auch im Alltag, im Beruf nach strengen KIRCHEN—REGELN, nehmen häufig Einfluss auf DIE—POLITIK.
19300813             —PUBLICIZED, According to CAPTAIN—FRANK—M—HAWKS' own widely, account, the Travel Air performed flawlessly, with 1—AVERAGE airspeed of 215—MPH.
19300813             CAPTAIN—FRANK—M—HAWKS made 3 15-minute refueling stops during the 2,510-mile journey.
19300813             CAPTAIN—FRANK—M—HAWKS battled 1—RAINSTORM, crosswinds, hunger and 1—THICK haze that made "the ground barely visible at 8,000—FEET," but reached NEW—YORK City in time for dinner.
19320813             —REFUSED, ADOLF—HITLER, PRESIDENT—HINDENBURG—OFFER to serve as Franz Von PAPEN—VICE—CHANCELLOR saying he was prepared to hold out "for all or nothing".
19320813             HINDENBURG rejects HITLER—DEMAND to be appointed CHANCELLOR.
19320813             Formal talks begin between HITLER, BRÜNING and THE—CATHOLIC—CENTER—PARTY.
19320813             —FOR—WEEKS, DRAG—ON, The meetings between HITLER, BRÜNING and THE—CATHOLIC—CENTER—PARTY.
19340813             The satirical comic strip "Li'l Abner," created by AL—CAPP, made its debut.
19340813             —REMOVED, United Aircraft was, from THE—DJIA.
19340813             —ADDED, National Distillers and Chemical CORPORATION was.
19370813             —ATTACKED, Japanese, SHANGHAI.
19370813             THE—GERMAN—MINISTRY—OF—EDUCATION—ORDERS—ALL—GERMANS knowing 1—FOREIGN—LANGUAGE to register with the government.
19390813             * SAUL—STEINBERG, USA—ARTIST (The Art of Living, New Yorker Magazine), in ROMANIA.
19390813             "They have betrayed us and lied to us.
19390813             —NOW they are dragging us into 1—ADVENTURE which we do not want and which may compromise the regime and THE—COUNTRY as 1—WHOLE". (ITALY—FOREIGN—MINISTER—COUNT—GALEAZZO—CIANO)
19400813             Der Adler Tag (Eagle Day) was the name given to the day THE—GERMANY—LUFTWAFFE launched an ALL—OUT offensive against the Royal AIR—FORCE and THE—UK—AIRCRAFT—INDUSTRY in SOUTH—ENGLAND.
19400813             —HOPED, With this action, Adolf Hitler, to knock out ANY—AERIAL resistance to his planned invasion of THE—UK—ISLES.
19400813             RAF fighter pilots successfully held off the numerically superior Luftwaffe, in SPITE—OF—THE—LOSS—OF—415—PILOTS out of 1—FORCE—OF—1,500.
19400813             GOEBBELS issues orders to THE—GAU—LEITERS to organize memorial ceremonies for fallen soldiers in order to overcome the influence and ACTIVITIES—OF—THE—CHURCHES in this sphere.
19400813             —UNTIL—NOW, GOEBBELS said, certain restraints had had to be observed.
19400813             —NOW, after the victorious CONCLUSION—OF—THE—WAR with FRANCE, the offensive could again be taken.
19400813             —ALMOST 1,500 GERMANY—PLANES—SWEEP across THE—ENGLAND—CHANNEL and attack BRITAIN. (Duffy)
19410813             —EVACUATED, RED—ARMY, SMOLENSK.
19420000—20050813    * † DAVID—LANGE, FORMER—NEW—ZEALAND PRIME—MINISTER (19840000—19890000    ), in AUCKLAND.
19420808—19420813    —AM, Die USA—PREMIERE folgt —ERST in NEW—YORK.
19420810             He arrived 19420813             .
19420813             —ANIMATED, Walt Disney's, feature "Bambi" premiered at Radio City Music Hall in NEW—YORK.
19420813             —WATERED, The film was 1, down version of a 19230000             novel by FELIX—SALTEN.
19420813             —FEATURED, The animated cartoon, "Thumper" the bunny.
19420813             —IMBUED, The Bambi character was, with poetic quality by CHINESE—BORN artist Tyrus Wong (19100000—20160000    ).
19420813             THE—SWITZERLAND—POLICE begin turning back JEWISH—REFUGEES who manage to cross into SWITZERLAND. (Atlas)
19420813—18870000    —FOUNDED, BRAZIL—BASED Bemol was, by 3—GRANDSONS—OF—MOROCCO—JEWISH—IMMIGRANTS who had arrived.
19420813—20200000    —BY, it was the largest department store in the Amazon.
19430813             —INCLUDED, His books, "Liberalism in AMERICA" (19190000             ).
19430813             —EDITED, He also, the influential "Civilization in THE—USA—AN Inquiry by 30—AMERICANS" (19220000             ), the book that inspired many dissatisfied young Americans to go abroad.
19440813             —STABBED, NEW—YORK—CITY, LUCIEN—CARR, to death DAVID—KAMMERER following sexual advances by Kammerer, who had been CARR—BOY—SCOUT—SCOUTMASTER during his youth.
19440813             —TURNED, Carr, himself in and was later sentenced to 20—YEARS, but served only 2—YEARS in prison at Elmira Correctional Facility in upstate, NEW—YORK LUCIEN—CARR later introduced ALLEN—GINSBERG, JACK—KEROUAC and WILLIAM—BURROUGHS to EACH—OTHER.
19450813             35—JEWS sacrificed their lives to blow up 1—NAZI rubber plant in SILESIA.
19450813             An AIR—RAID on TOKYO destroys SCORES—OF—JAPAN—AIRCRAFT while still on the ground.
19460813             —TRANSFERRED, BRITAIN, illegal immigrants bound for PALESTINE to CYPRUS.
19480813             —DURING THE—BERLIN Airlift, the weather over BERLIN became so stormy that USA—PLANES had their most difficult day landing supplies.
19480813             —DEEMED, They, it 'Black —FRIDAY.'
19530813             4—5—MILLION—FRENCH—WENT on strike against ECONOMIZATIONS.
19600813             1. 2—WAY—TELEPHONE—CONVERSATION by satellite took place with THE—HELP—OF—ECHO 1, 1—BALLOON—SATELLITE.
19600813             —BECAME, CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC, independence from FRANCE and DAVID—DACKO was named 1. PRESIDENT.
19600813             THE—SOVIET—UNION withdrew advisors, aid and other support from CHINA.
19610813             der DDR WEST—GRENZE Schließung MAUER—BAU In Verbindung mit ,
19610813             —AM—ERST—AM—NACHMITTAG DES, PRÄSIDENT—KENNEDY erfuhr vom Mauerbau, der zu diesem ZEIT—PUNKT bereits begonnen hatte.
19610813             —DIVIDED, BERLIN was, as EAST—GERMANY sealed off the border between the city's eastern and western sectors in order to halt THE—FLIGHT—OF—REFUGEES.
19610813             —2—DAYS—LATER, work began on THE—BERLIN—WALL.
19610813             schließlich auch geschah: Abriegelung der Grenze in BERLIN.
19610813             Ein durchaus erstaunlicher Erfolg.
19610813             Historiker schätzen den Kreis der tatsächlich Eingeweihten nämlich auf "nur etwa 60—PERSONEN".
19610813             —GERADE—NOCH—RECHTZEITIG vor dem Bau der MAUER—NACH Westberlin geschafft hatte.
19610813             —AM, BAUTE DIE—DDR 1—MAUER mitten durch BERLIN.
19610813             der DDR WEST—GRENZE Schließung Aufbau der "Grenzbrigade Küste"
19630813             A 17—YEAR—OLD Buddhist monk burned himself to death in Saigon, SOUTH—VIETNAM.
19650813             SF, the Jefferson Airplane made its 1. public performance opening at the new Matrix club at 3138—FILLMORE Street.
19650813             the Jefferson Airplane Band CO—FOUNDER—MARTY—BALIN (19420000—20180000    ) held 1—OWNERSHIP interest in the club.
19650813             —FOUNDED, The radical paper, by MAX—SCHERR, continued —FOR—15—YEARS.
19670813             The movie "Bonnie and Clyde," starring WARREN—BEATTY and Faye Dunaway, had its USA premiere.
19680813             GREECE, there was 1—ASSASSINATION—ATTEMPT—AGAINST COLONEL—GEORGE—PAPADOPOULOS (19190000—19990000    ), THE—RIGHT—WING—MILITARY—LEADER, organized by ALEXANDROS—PANAGOULIS (19390000—19760000    ), GREECE—POLITICIAN and poet.
19710813             —REQUESTED, BRITAIN, to exchange USA—DOLLARS for gold.
19710813—19710815    —PROMPTED, This, PRESIDENT—NIXON to suspend such conversions.
19730813—19740430    —ON, PHASE—IV controls went into effect for the general economy and lasted —UNTIL Economic Stabilization Program (ESP) expired.
19760501—19680813    —ON, ALEXANDROS—PANAGOULIS became famous for his attempt to assassinate DICTATOR—GEORGE—PAPADOPOULOS, and also for the torture that he was subjected to —DURING his detention.
19760501—19680813    —BECAME, ALEXANDROS—PANAGOULIS, famous for his ATTEMPEROR—TO assassinate dictator GEORGE—PAPADOPOULOS, and also for the torture that he was subjected to —DURING his detention.
19780813             In 1—PALESTINE—AREA—OF—BEIRUT, LEBANON, 1—BOMB killed 100—PEOPLE.
19790813—19790814    A force 9—GALE off THE—SOUTH—WEST—COAST—OF—IRELAND left 15—YACHTSMEN of the 28. Fastnet Race dead.
19810813             In 1—CEREMONY at his CALIFORNIA ranch, PRESIDENT—REAGAN signed 1—HISTORIC—PACKAGE—OF—TAX and budget reductions, also known as THE—KEMP—ROTH—TAX—CUTS.
19810813             —INTRODUCED, ABSTINENCE—ONLY—SEX education programs were, under PRESIDENT—REAGAN.
19810813             Sponsors REPRESENTATIVE—JACK—KEMP and SENATOR—WILLIAM—ROTH, had hoped for more significant tax cuts, but settled on this bill after 1—GREAT—DEBATE in Congress.
19810813             The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) of 19810000             included 1—RIDER known as the Adolescent Family Life Act (AFLA), sponsored by Republican Senators ORRIN—HATCH (UTAH) and Jeremiah Denton (ALABAMA).
19810813             AFLA set aside 1—SMALL but significant AMOUNT—OF—FEDERAL—MONEY to be used for THE—PROMOTION—OF—ABSTINENCE, as well as religious instruction in sexual matters within the public schools.
19810813             In the 1. 4—YEARS following IMPLEMENTATION—OF—THE—TAX—REFORM—ACT—ANNUAL—REVENUES were reduced by almost 2—PERCENT—OF—GDP.
19860813             TEXAS, Christine Morton was found beaten and killed in her Williamson County home.
19860813—20110000    —CONVICTED, Her husband MICHAEL—MORTON was, and spent 25—YEARS in prison before being freed after DNA evidence showed another man was responsible.
19860813—20130419    —ON, 1—JUDGE ruled that FORMER—DA KEN—ANDERSON had acted improperly and issued 1—ARREST—WARRANT on criminal CONTEMPEROR—AND tampering charges.
19870813             A rented Piper Cherokee airplane flew close to PRESIDENT—REAGAN—HELICOPTER in restricted airspace over SOUTH—CALIFORNIA;
19870813             the pilot and PASSENGER—OF—THE—PLANE were arrested.
19870813             —ON the 5. ANNIVERSARY—OF—1—BULL market, THE—DOW—JONES industrial average closed at 2,691.49—AFTER briefly surpassing 2,700.
19870813             TORONTO—SUN
19870813             "While we usually THINK—OF—CORRUPTION in relation to police officers on the street and local prosecutors,
19870813             the drug war has managed to offer incentives for corruption that reach to the very highest LEVELS—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT
19870813             It is indeed ironic that the very AGENCIES—OF—GOVERNMENT who are beating the drums loudest in the war on drugs have also established 1—INFAMOUS—RECORD—OF accepting assistance from and providing logistical support to SOME—OF—THE—LARGEST—DRUG trafficking syndicates in the world".
19870813             CRJ 875: Crime and Public Policy
19870813             Module 5: THE—FAILURE—OF—DRUG—CONTROL—POLICIES
19870813             GARY—W—POTTER, Professor, Criminal Justice and Police STUDIES—EAST—KENTUCKY—UNIVERSITY
19880808—19880813    —KILLED, Police in BURMA[MYANMAR], nearly 3,000 protesters in THE—STREETS—OF—RANGOON.
19880813             —CONTEMPLATED, VICE—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH, 1—LIST—OF—POTENTIAL running mates as Republicans gathered in NEW—ORLEANS for their party's national convention.
19880813             BIRMA—BETR.: Tagesthemenseite Birma, taz vom 19881308
19890813             —RETURNED, The space shuttle COLUMBIA, from 1—SECRET—MILITARY—MISSION.
19890813             13—PEOPLE were killed when their hot air balloon collided with another over THE—AUSTRALIA—OUTBACK near THE—TOWN—OF—ALICE—SPRINGS.
19890813             THE—2—BALLOONS were flying at 1—ALTITUDE—OF—600—METERS when 1 plunged to the ground after the collision.
19890813             Searchers in ETHIOPIA found the wreckage of 1—PLANE which had disappeared almost 1—WEEK—EARLIER while carrying TEXAS—CONGRESSMAN—MICKEY—LELAND and 15—OTHER—PEOPLE on 1—HUMANITARIAN—MISSION.
19890813             There were no survivors.
19900813             —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, DEFENSE—SECRETARY—DICK—CHENEY to the PERSIAN—GULF for the 2. time since IRAQ invaded KUWAIT.
19900813             USA—COMBAT—TROOPS in SAUDI—ARABIA, meanwhile, were told to prepare for 1—LONG stay.
19900813             ALEJANDRO—OTERO (19210000             *), VENEZUELA—PAINTER—OF—GEOMETRIC—ABSTRACTION, 1—SCULPTOR, 1—WRITER and 1—CULTURAL promoter, † in CARACAS.
19910813             VICE—PRESIDENT—DAN—QUAYLE made 1—SPEECH attacking lawyers.
19910813             —RESIGNED, CLARK—CLIFFORD, as chairman of 1. USA—BANKSHARES—INCORPORATED, 1—BANK holding company the government said had been illegally acquired by THE—BANK—OF—CREDIT—AND—COMMERCE—INTERNATIONAL[BCCI].
19910813             —ACQUITTED, ROBERT—ALTMAN was, at trial, and remaining charges against both men were dropped.
19910813—19920000    —INDICTED, CLARK—CLIFFORD and law PARTNER—ROBERT—ALTMAN were, on charges of lying to regulators and receiving bribes from BCCI;
19920813             "Real Inspector Hound" opened at Criterion in NEW—YORK—CITY for 61—PERFORMANCES.
19920813             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, that SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JAMES—A—BAKER—III was leaving his diplomatic post to be WHITE—HOUSE—CHIEF—OF—STAFF in 1—SHAKE—UP designed to energize BUSH—RE—ELECTION—CAMPAIGN.
19920813             Comedian, actor and director WOODY—ALLEN began legal action against actress Mia Farrow to win custody of their 3—CHILDREN.
19920813             A judge later ruled against WOODY—ALLEN.
19930803—19930813    —UNTIL, his remains were not identified.
19930813             —ANNOUNCED, Negotiators for THE—USA, CANADA and MEXICO, they had resolved side issues concerning the proposed NORTH—USA—FREE—TRADE—AGREEMENT (NAFTA).
19930813             —RULED, USA—COURT—OF—APPEALS, that congress must save all e-mails.
19940813             In his weekly radio address, PRESIDENT—CLINTON put Congress on notice that he wouldn't give up 1—ASSAULT—WEAPONS—BAN as the price to revive 1—CRIME—BILL stalled on CAPITOL—HILL.
19940813             † NATO—SECRETARY—GENERAL—MANFRED—WOERNER at age 59.
19950813             † Baseball Hall of Famer MICKEY—MANTLE at 1—DALLAS hospital of rapidly spreading liver cancer at the age of 63.
19950813             HANS—CHRISTIAN—OSTRO, a 27—YEAR—OLD NORWAY—WHO had come to INDIA to study dance was found dead in the Pahalgam district with his severed head balanced between his thighs, close to the sight of 1—PREVIOUS kidnapping by Kashmir guerillas.
19960813             —DELIVERED, At their convention in S—DIEGO, Republicans, 1—BLISTERING CRITIQUE—OF—PRESIDENT—CLINTON—RECORD, portraying the Democratic incumbent as 1 unprincipled liberal conning voters with ELECTION—YEAR—CONSERVATISM.
19960813             —SIGNED, MARY—HIGGINS—CLARK, suspense writer, a 3-book contract with Simon & Schuster for $3—MIL per book.
19960813             —RELEASED, Microsoft, Internet Explorer 3.0.
19960813             BELGIUM, MARC—DUTROUX, on parole following rape charges, was arrested for kidnapping and THE—MURDER—OF—2—GIRLS.
19960813             —CONVICTED, MARC—DUTROUX His wife and 2—ACCOMPLICES were also.
19960813             BURUNDI, the last 2—COMMERCIAL—FLIGHTS left the country as the outside world tightened sanctions to punish the new military regime.
19960813             —CALLED, SOUTH—AFRICA, Nadthmie Edries, LEADER—OF—1—GROUP, People Against Gangsterism, was charged with sedition in connection with the vigilante SLAYING—OF—1—DRUG—GANG—LEADER.
19960813             SPAIN, at PERPIGNAN 1—GANG—OF, MASKED—MEN stole $800,000 in SPAIN—PESETAS from the cargo hold of an Air FRANCE plane.
19960813—20040000    —IN, he was convicted of kidnapping and murder.
19970809—19990000    —IN, 19970813             —SEE Volpe was sentenced to —30—YEARS in prison and ordered to pay $277,495 in restitution.
19970813             —WRAPPED, USA—ENVOY—DENNIS—ROSS, up a 4—DAY—MISSION to THE—MIDDLE—EAST, during which he'd persuaded the Palestinians to resume security cooperation with ISRAEL.
19970813             DETROIT—MICHIGAN, Yolanda Bellamy was slain with 2—YOUNG—SONS, 1—NIECE and 1—NEPHEW.
19970813             A suspect was later arrested and jumped from a 5. floor police station window.
19970813             —INJURED, He was critically.
19970813             A NEW—YORK—CITY—POLICE—OFFICER—OF—THE 70. precinct in Flatbush was arrested for sexually assaulting 1—HAITI—IMMIGRANT who was arrested in 1—NIGHTCLUB fight.
19970813             —SODOMIZED, Officer JUSTIN—VOLPE, Abner Louima with 1—TOILET plunger and then forced the handle into LOUIMA—MOUTH.
19970813             —ORDERED, VOLPE—PARTNER, THOMAS—BRUDER, was, off active duty and Mayor Giuliani ordered 1—SHAKEUP and investigation.
19970813             —ARRESTED, Officer CHARLES—SCHWARTZ was later, for his participation.
19970813             2—MORE—OFFICERS, THOMAS—WIESE and THOMAS—BRUDER, were later arrested for beating Louima after his arrest.
19970813             —ACQUITTED, Officers Bruder, Wiese and Bellomo were.
19970813             —SENTENCED, Schwartz was, to 15—YEARS and 8—MONTHS in prison and ordered to pay $277,495 in restitution.
19970813             —SENTENCED, Bruder and Wiese were, to 5—YEARS each.
19970813             —ORDERED, INDIA, THE—SUPREME—COURT, the government to come up with legislation to protect women from sexual harassment in the workplace.
19970813             TEHRAN—IRAN, ALI—REZA—KHOSHRUY—KURAN—KORDIYEH ("the vampire") was flogged and hung for the rape, murder and burning of 9—WOMEN in 1—CRIME—SPREE that began in March.
19970813             —FROM PANAMA it was reported that PRESIDENT—BALLADARES has given JOURNALIST—GUSTAVO—GORRITI until THE—END—OF—THE—MONTH to leave PANAMA.
19970813             —PUBLISHED, MISTER—GORRITI had, investigative articles detailing the financial DEALINGS—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—ELECTION—CAMPAIGN, his allies and gentlemen of questionable character.
19970813             RUSSIA, the book "BORIS—YELTSIN: From Dawn to Sunset" by former bodyguard ALEXANDER—KORZHAKOV went on sale.
19970813             —FROM RUSSIA it was reported that 1—HELICOPTER accidentally had dropped a 2.3—TON lead box containing strontium 90—INTO 66—FEET—OF—WATER off Sakhalin Island.
19970813—19980000    —IN, federal civil rights charges were filed against the involved officers.
19970813—19990000    —JAILED, Officer Volpe was, after he pleaded guilty that he had sodomized Abner Louima.
19970813—19990000    —IN, Officer Schwarz was found GUILTY—OF—HOLDING Louima down.
19970813—20000000    —IN, officers Bruder, Schwartz and Wiese were convicted of covering up the assault on Louima.
19970813—20020000    —IN, 1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT overturned the convictions against Schwarz, Wiese and Bruder.
19980813             —KILLED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON led the nation in mourning 12—AMERICANS, in 1—PAIR—OF—USA embassy bombings in AFRICA.
19980813             Standing before black hearses carrying 10—OF—THE—BODIES, THE—PRESIDENT pledged to seek justice "for these evil acts".
19980813             —DECLARED, OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, a medical marijuana club a city agency.
19980813             USA—BORDER—AGENTS found 7—PEOPLE—DEAD in THE—ANZA—BORREGO Desert.
19980813             —BELIEVED, They were, to be illegal immigrants abandoned by their smuggler.
19980813             —STABBED, CALIFORNIA, JACK—JESSEE was, to death by hit man, THOMAS—JOSEPH—GARRICK, 36—JAHRE—ALT of Laguna Hills.
19980813             —MURDERED, His wife had him, to avoid paying for his cancer treatment and to collect insurance money.
19980813             —COLLECTED, She had, $650,000 after her husband's murder from the sale of their home, his death benefits and insurance.
19980813             —UNEMPLOYED, Jose Garcia Reyes (57), 1, tomato picker, was murdered at the edge of THE—UC Davis campus.
19980813             —ARRESTED, RUBEN—CAMPOS, GUADALUPE Franklin and JUAN—PALOMINO were, for the murder but their prosecution fell apart due to alleged coercive interrogation tactics.
19980813             † JULIEN—GREEN, 97—JAHRE—ALT, the 1. American to be elected to the Academie Francaise, in PARIS.
19980813             —PRODUCED, The Catholic and homosexual writer, 18—NOVELS that included "Moira" and "Each in his Darkness".
19980813             —PUBLISHED, He also, 14—VOLUMES of journals and 5—VOLUMES—OF—MEMOIRS.
19980813             BANGLADESH, more rain left 11—MORE—PEOPLE—DEAD and the death toll grew to 326.
19980813             —SEIZED, CONGO, rebels, a hydroelectric dam and cut off power to KINSHASA.
19980813             —FIRED, Kabila, his army CHIEF in response.
19980813             † IN—BERLIN, GERMANY, 1—MONUMENT to THE—BERLIN Wall and THE—255—PEOPLE who crossing it was dedicated at the corner of Ackerstrasse and Bernauer Strasse.
19980813             —ORDERED, THE—PRESIDENT—OF—SOUTH—KOREA, 1—AMNESTY for 7,007 prisoners to mark 19500815             —THETH ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—REPUBLIC.
19980813             —APPROVED, PUERTO—RICO, a 19981213             referendum for statehood.
19980813             —CALLED, GEORGE—SOROS, in 1—LETTER to the Financial Times, for the government of RUSSIA to devalue its currency by 15-25%.
19980813             —INSISTED, The government, that it would not devalue and the ruble continued to drop.
19980813             3—RUSSIA—COSMONAUTS lifted off for the 2.—TO—LAST Mir mission.
19980813             —FORMED, KOSOVO, SERBIA, IBRAHIM—RUGOVA, a delegation to begin talks with PRESIDENT—MILOSEVIC.
19980813—20070000    —ARRESTED, SANDRA—JESSEE was, in PHOENIX.
19990813             —RETIRED, Tennis player Steffi Graf, from the sport she had dominated —FOR—2—DECADES.
19990813             —RAGED, ARGENTINA, protests and riots, OUT—OF—CONTROL in NEUQUEN province where unemployment was 40%.
19990813             —REPORTED, Skirmishes were also, from TUCUMAN, CORDOBA, CORRIENTES, and Tierra del Fuego.
19990813             BOGOTA—COLOMBIA, motorcycle gunmen shot to death humorist and radio CO—HOST, JAIME—GARZON, 39—JAHRE—ALT, in 1—KILLING that authorities later blamed on THE—LEADER—OF—THE—COUNTRY—RIGHT—WING paramilitary.
19990813             —AGREED, IRAN, under pressure to join TURKEY for simultaneous military operations against THE—PKK.
19990813             —ABDUCTED, LIBERIA, 7, aid workers were freed and some 90—OTHER UN and foreign workers fled into GUINEA to avoid fighting.
19990813             —CONFIRMED, Izvestia, that 4—RUSSIA—HELICOPTERS were destroyed in Dagestan and that an SU—24—FIGHTER—PLANE was damaged.
19990813             TURKEY, THE—PARLIAMENT made constitutional changes to overhaul the economy and bring in foreign investment.
19990813             UGANDA, troops were sent across the northeast to quell ethnic unrest following 155—KILLINGS in the past month.
19990813             A clan of ethnic Karamajongs was attacked —2—WEEKS—EARLIER by rival Karamajongs and Turkanans from NORTH—KENYA and at least 140—PEOPLE were killed.
20000813             —ON THE—EVE—OF—THE—DEMOCRATIC—NATIONAL—CONVENTION in LOS—ANGELES, 3500—PROTESTERS demonstrated against police brutality and in support of Mumia ABU—JAMAL, on death row for killing 1—PHILADELPHIA police officer.
20000813             —REPORTED, It was, that physicist Humphrey MARIS—OF—BROWN—UNIV. had reported findings in June to the Quantum Fluids and Solids Conference that challenged the indivisibility of electrons.
20000813             —KILLED, KASHMIR, 16—PEOPLE were, and dozens injured in explosions and gun battles across the province.
20000813             † 2—LAND—MINES killed 6—SOLDIERS and 10—REBELS, in battles with government troops.
20000813             —GATHERED, Over 2,000 SOMALIA—LEADERS, in DJIBOUTI to form a central government with a new 225-member PARLIAMENT.
20000813             PRESIDENT—CHAVEZ—OF—VENEZUELA held talks in LIBYA with Moammar Khadafy and proceeded to NIGERIA to meet PRESIDENT—OBASANJO.
20010809             1—PEACE—AGREEMENT was scheduled to be formally signed 20010813             .
20010813             —JUST say no to cocoa! Leads to devil's food cake!) - 20010223
20010813             "I have said that the sanction regime is like SWITZERLAND—CHEESE—THAT meant that they weren't very effective".
20010813             "We need to change that attitude about how prolific we can be with the people's money" - 20010316
20010813             "There are SOME—MONUMENTS where the land is so widespread, they —JUST encompass as much as possible.
20010813             And the integral PART—OF—THE—PRECIOUS—PART, so to speak, I guess all land is PRECIOUS—BUT the part that the people uniformly would not want to spoil, will not be despoiled. But there are PARTS—OF—THE—MONUMENT—LANDS where we can explore without affecting the overall environment".
20010813             —FROM 1—INTERVIEW printed in THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, 20010606             :
20010813             "Can't living with the bill means it won't become law" - 20010613             (BELGIUM, regarding the patients' BILL—OF—RIGHTS).
20010813             (—WHEN asked what THE—WHITE—HOUSE is like by 1—STUDENT at Morningside Primary School in EAST—LONDON ) - 20010723             20010813             ''I know what I believe.
20010813             † ELIZABETH—CAVANNA—HARRISON (aka Betsy Allen or ELIZABETH Headley), USA—ROMANCE—WRITER in FRANCE at age 92.
20010813             —INCLUDED, ELIZABETH—CAVANNA—HARRISON—OVER 80—ROMANCES, "Going on 16" (19450000             ), and "Spice Island Mystery" 19700000             .
20010813             —SEIZED, SOUTH—EAST—CHECHNYA—REBELS, the village of BENOI—YURT.
20010813             † PRO—MOSCOW administrators were reported killed.
20010813             —SIGNED, MACEDONIA, 1—PEACE—DEAL was, by rival leaders of THE—2—MAIN—ETHNIC—GROUPS and paved the way for NATO—TROOPS to arrive and disarm ethnic ALBANIA—REBELS.
20010813             —HELPED, Representatives of THE—EU—USA and NATO, MACEDONIA—POLITICIANS produce 1—PLAN for peace at LAKE—OHRID called THE—OHRID—AGREEMENT.
20010813             "THERE—1—LOT—OF—PEOPLE in THE—MIDDLE—EAST who are desirous to get into the Mitchell process.
20010813             have got to end in order for us to get the framework.. - the groundwork.. not framework,
20010813             the groundwork to discuss 1—FRAMEWORK for peace, to lay the.. all right".
20010813             "The ground grounds me".
20010813             "My administration has been calling upon all the leaders in THE—IN THE—MIDDLE—EAST to do everything they can to stop the violence, to tell the different parties involved that peace will never happen".
20010813             "It is white".
20010813             I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe.. I believe what I believe is right".
20010813             "The true GREATNESS—OF—AMERICAN—ARE the people".
20010813             (When asked what Independance Day meant to him on 1—VISIT to the Jefferson memorial): "It means what these words say, for starters. The great inalienable rights of our country. We're blessed with such values in AMERICA. And I — it's — I'm 1—PROUD—MAN to be the nation based upon such wonderful values".
20010813             "THE—BEST—OF—AMERICAN—OCCURS when people walk up and say, MISTER—PRESIDENT, I'm praying for you".
20010813             "I want to thank you for coming to THE—WHITE—HOUSE to give me 1—OPPORTUNITY to urge you to work with these 5—SENATORS and 3—CONGRESSMEN, to work hard to get this trade promotion authority moving. The power that be, well MOST—OF—THE—POWER that be, sits right here".
20010813             (When asked whether Poles might soon travel to THE—USA—WITHOUT visas): "CHICAGO is 1—CITY with MANY—MANY—PEOPLE—OF—POLAND—HERITAGE".
20010813             "THERE—NOTHING more inspiring than instilling in people the will to do away with leaders who were done away with decades ago. We can build 1—OPEN—EUROPE -- 1—EUROPE without Hitler and Stalin, without Brezhnev and Honecker and Ceaucescu and, yes, without Milosevic".
20010813             "EUROPE should have more countries".  (SWEDEN)
20010813             "We spent 1—LOT—OF—TIME talking about AFRICA, as we should. AFRICA is 1—NATION that suffers from incredible disease".
20010813             "I haven't had 1—CHANCE to talk, but I'm confident we'll get 1—BILL that I can live with if we don't".
20010813             "Sometimes I catch SOME—OF—THOSE elected officials, maybe not saying things about me that my mother would like to hear. But the tone is changing. It is. We're working hard to change it".
20010813             "RUSSIA is no longer our enemy and therefore we shouldn't be locked into 1—COLD—WAR—MENTALITY that says we keep the peace by blowing EACH—OTHER up. In my attitude, that's old, that's tired, that's stale".
20010813             "I'm gracious that my brother Jeb is concerned about the hemisphere as well".
20010813             "Our nation must come together to unite".
20010813             Q. What do you find most frustrating about the job?
20010813             A. "That it's hard to run OUT—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE and jog on tghest marginal rate".
20010813             "That's uncredibly unfair"
20010813             "I do think we need for 1—TROOP to be able to house his family".
20010813             "I think there is some methodology in my travels".
20010813             "A sure way to make sure this economy gets drug down is to overspend".
20010813             "Of all states that understands local CONTROL—OF—SCHOOLS, IOWA is such 1—STATE".
20010813             "THOSE—OF—USA who spent time in the agricultural sector and in the heartland, we understand how unfair the death penalty is".
20010813             "My pan plays down 1 unprecedented AMOUNT—OF—OUR national debt".
20010813             "Let THE—USA—PEOPLE spend their OWN money to meet their OWN needs".
20010813             "I'm concerned about THE—AMOUNT—OF—ACREAGE in cultivation for the growth of cocoa leaves" (defined: We must halt the trafficking in chocolate!
20010813             "You teach 1—CHILD to read + he or her will be able to pass the literary test" - 20010221             20010813             "THERE—NO such thing as legacies. At least, there is 1—LEGACY, but I'll never see it".
20010813             "I am mindful not only of preserving executive powers for myself, but for predecessors as well".
20010813             "My PRO—LIFE—POSITION is I believe there's life. It's not necessarily based in religion. I think there's 1—LIFE there, therefore THE—NOTION—OF—LIFE, liberty and PURSUIT—OF—HAPPINESS".
20010813             "I hope the ambitious realize that they are more likely to succeed with success as opposed to failure".
20010813             "Redefining the role of THE—USA—FROM enablers to keep the peace to enablers to keep the peace from peacekeepers is going to be 1—ASSIGNMENT".
20010813             "THE—CALIFORNIA crunch really is THE—RESULT—OF—NOT enough POWER—GENERATING plants and then not enough power to power the power of generating plants".
20010813             "If HE'S—THE—INFERENCE is that somehow he thinks slavery is A—IS 1—NOBLE—INSTITUTION I—WOULD—I would strongly reject that ASSUMPTION—THAT—JOHN—ASHCROFT is 1—OPEN—MINDED, inclusive person".
20010813             "SHE—JUST trying to make sure Anthony gets 1—GOOD—MEAL—ANTONIO".—ON Laura Bush inviting Justice Antonin Scalia to dinner at THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20010813             - GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSHISMS -.txt
20010813             "I am MINDFUL—OF—THE—DIFFERENCE between the executive branch and the legislative branch.
20010813             I assured all 4—OF—THESE leaders that I know the difference,
20010813             and that difference is they pass the laws and I execute them".
20010813             Bushspeak : "THERE—1—LOT—OF—PEOPLE in THE—MIDDLE—EAST
20010813             who are desirous to get into the Mitchell process.
20010813             And.. but 1. things 1. - The.. these terrorist acts and, you know, the responses,
20010813             >>>>MORE - - GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSHISMS—NEED SORTING!-
20010813             - GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSHISMS—NEED SORTING!->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>click!
20010813             Hoffman spricht leise, langsam und setzt Pausen, in denen kein Laut
20010813             aus den Kehlen der 500—ANWESENDEN Promis kommt.
20010813             "Ich bin nicht ANTI—AMERIKANISCH, aber ich bin gegen die Ansichten
20010813             der amtierenden Regierung", sagt der Schauspieler und zum 1. Mal
20010813             brandet der Applaus der GÄSTE—RICHTIG auf.
20010813             Die britische Öffentlichkeit fordert mehr Zeit für die Inspektoren im Irak.
20010813             GEORGE—ORWELL: "During times
20010813             of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes - 1—REVOLUTIONARY—ACT".
20010813             Bush [BGW968] speak : "THERE—1—LOT—OF—PEOPLE in THE—MIDDLE—EAST who are desirous to get into the Mitchell process.
20010813             And.. but 1. things 1.
20010813             The..these terrorist acts +, you know, the responses, have got to end in order for us to get the framework..the groundwork..not...framework,the gro undwork to discuss 1—FRAMEWORK for peace, to lay the..all right"
20010813             >>MORE—GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH [BGW968] ISMS—NEED SORTING!-
20010813             -NeedsSORTING!>>>>click!
20010813             "Bush [BGW968] ist der Strohmann der Kalten Krieger" - Ich fand Ihren Artikel
20010813             "Bush [BGW968] s Masterplan: Der Krieg, der aus dem Think Tank kam" so interessant, dass ich einem amerikanischen Freund dazu 1—E—MAIL schrieb.
20010813             —HEUTE antwortete er mir: "My suspicion is that the 'cold war warriors' managed to get a naive controllable Bush [BGW968] (read: puppet)
20010813             to carry their plan,because not 1—OF—THEM had the charisma to be PRESIDENT..".
20010813             Man könnte das wohl so interpretieren:
20010813             "The ground grounds me". GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH [BGW968] isms
20010813—20000000    —REPORTED, It was, that THE—USA—STATE—PRISON—POPULATION had declined for the 1. time 19720000             —SINCE.
20010813—20010103    —DATE 20010813—20010103    —DATE20010813—20010114    .2001
20010813—20010103    —DATE20010813—20010114    .2001
20010813—20010118    2001
20010813—20010207    —DATE
20010813—20010207    —DATE20010813—20010813—20010313    —DATE 20010813—20010813—20010604    20011100             —COMPLICATED, The story is too, to greatly detail here, but THE—FBI and media have variously filled Saeed SHEIKH—SHOES with 1—EGYPTIAN named Shaykh Saiid [SYDNEY —MORNING Herald, 20010928             , NEW—YORK—TIMES, 20011015             , LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20011020             ], 1—SAUDI named Sa'd AL—SHARIF, said to be OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—BROTHER—IN—LAW [NEWSWEEK, 20011111             , AP, 20011218             ], 1—KENYAN named Sheik Sayyid el Masry [CNN, 20011016             , Trial Transcript, 20010220             , Trial Transcript, 20010221             ], 1—MUSTAFA AHMED—AL—HAWSAWI or AL—HISAWI (suggesting no alias was used) [MISS—NBC, 20011211             , WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, 20020617             ], 1—SHAIKH—SAIID—AL—SHARIF [AP, 20020604             ], 1—ALI—ABDUL—AZIZ—ALI (for SOME—OF—THE—MONEY—TRANSFERS) [Congressional Intelligence Committee, 20020926             ], and so on.
20010813—20010207    —DATE20010813—20010813—20010313    —DATE 20010813—20010406              20010813—20010604    —DATE20011100             —COMPLICATED, The story is too, to greatly detail here, but THE—FBI and media have variously filled Saeed SHEIKH—SHOES with 1—EGYPTIAN named Shaykh Saiid [SYDNEY —MORNING Herald, 20010928             , NEW—YORK—TIMES, 20011015             , LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20011020             ], 1—SAUDI named Sa'd AL—SHARIF, said to be OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—BROTHER—IN—LAW [NEWSWEEK, 20011111             , AP, 20011218             ], 1—KENYAN named SHEIK—SAYYID—EL—MASRY [CNN, 20011016             , Trial Transcript, 20010220             , Trial Transcript, 20010221             ], 1—MUSTAFA AHMED—AL—HAWSAWI or AL—HISAWI (suggesting no alias was used) [MISS—NBC, 20011211             , WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, 20020617             ], 1—SHAIKH—SAIID—AL—SHARIF [AP, 20020604             ], 1—ALI—ABDUL—AZIZ—ALI (for SOME—OF—THE—MONEY—TRANSFERS) [Congressional Intelligence Committee, 20020926             ], and so on.
20010813—20010207    —DATE20010813—20010813—20010313    20010813—20010813—20010604    20011100             —COMPLICATED, The story is too, to greatly detail here, but THE—FBI and media have variously filled Saeed SHEIKH—SHOES with 1—EGYPTIAN named Shaykh Saiid [SYDNEY—MORNING—HERALD, 20010928             , NEW—YORK—TIMES, 20011015             , LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20011020             ], 1—SAUDI named Sa'd AL—SHARIF, said to be OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—BROTHER—IN—LAW [NEWSWEEK, 20011111             , AP, 20011218             ], 1—KENYAN named Sheik Sayyid el Masry [CNN, 20011016             , Trial Transcript, 20010220             , Trial Transcript, 20010221             ], 1—MUSTAFA AHMED—AL—HAWSAWI or AL—HISAWI (suggesting no alias was used) [MISS—NBC, 20011211             , WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, 20020617             ], 1—SHAIKH—SAIID—AL—SHARIF [AP, 20020604             ], 1—ALI—ABDUL
20010813—20010604    —DATE 20011100             —COMPLICATED, The story is too, to greatly detail here, but THE—FBI and media have variously filled Saeed SHEIKH—SHOES with 1—EGYPTIAN named Shaykh Saiid [SYDNEY—MORNING—HERALD, 20010928             , NEW—YORK—TIMES, 20011015             , LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20011020             ], 1—SAUDI named Sa'd AL—SHARIF, said to be OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—BROTHER—IN—LAW [NEWSWEEK, 20011111             , AP, 20011218             ], 1—KENYAN named SHEIK—SAYYID—EL—MASRY [CNN, 20011016             , Trial Transcript, 20010220             , Trial Transcript, 20010221             ], 1—MUSTAFA AHMED—AL—HAWSAWI or AL—HISAWI (suggesting no alias was used) [MISS—NBC, 20011211             , WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, 20020617             ], 1—SHAIKH—SAIID—AL—SHARIF [AP, 20020604             ], 1—ALI—ABDUL—AZIZ—ALI (for SOME—OF—THE—MONEY—TRANSFERS) [Congressional INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE, 20020926             ], and so
20010813—20010608    —DATE20020000             BOGGS THOMAS HALE JR Nation 19980608             (27).
20010813—20010614    (SWEDEN)
20010813—20010615    —DATE20010813—20010615    (POLAND)
20010813—20010618    —DATE20010813—20010621    20010813—20010621    —DATE20020614—20020621    —REPORTED, Scientist, that 1—ASTEROID (20020000             MN) the size of 1—SOCCER field whizzed by Earth, —DAY—ON—THIS at 1—DISTANCE—OF—75,000—MILES, a 3. of the distance to the Moon, the biggest such space rock in decades to get this close.
20010813—20010621    —DATE20020614—20020621    —REPORTED, Scientist, that 1—ASTEROID (20020000             MN) the size of 1—SOCCER field whizzed by Earth on this —DAY at 1—DISTANCE—OF—75,000—MILES, a 3. of the distance to the Moon, the biggest such space rock in decades to get this close.
20010813—20010722    —DATE20020715—20020722    —SENTENCED, He was, to death.
20010813—20010722    —DATE20010813—20010722    —DATE20020715—20020722    —SENTENCED, He was, to death.
20010813—20010806    —DATE20010911             Show me where in THE—SO—CALLED 20010806             PDB where Bush was warned of an "imminent threat.
20010813—20010806    —DATE20010813—20010806    —DATE20010911             Show me where in THE—SO—CALLED 20010806             PDB where Bush was warned of an "imminent threat.
20010813—20010813    —DATE20010813—20010814    with RUSSIA—DEFENSE... missile defense + nuclear arms in WASHINGTON this week as senior defense...
20010813—20010911    —FROM, (—WHEN asked what THE—WHITE—HOUSE is like by 1—STUDENT at Morningside Primary School in EAST—LONDON ) - 20010723             —DAT TalkLeft: THE—POLITICS—OF—CRIME — 20040723             19561030             EST
20010813—20011203    —DATE20020109             —ARRESTED, Weaver was, 20020813             for the rape of his 19—YEAR—OLD—SON—GIRLFRIEND.
20010813—20011203    —DATE 20010813—20011203    —DATE20020109             —ARRESTED, Weaver was, 20020813             for the rape of his 19—YEAR—OLD—SON—GIRLFRIEND.
20020109             —ARRESTED, Weaver was, 20020813             for the rape of his 19—YEAR—OLD—SON—GIRLFRIEND.
20020803             He † 20020813             .
20020803—20020813    † CHRIS—WHITSON.
20020813             —HOSTED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, 1—HALF—DAY—ECONOMIC—FORUM at Baylor University in WACO—TEXAS, where he assured Americans that his administration had 1—STEADY—HAND on the economy.
20020813             USA—AIRLINES said it would eliminate 7,000 and cut flights.
20020813             Deaths from flooding in BANGLADESH (157), INDIA (265) and NEPAL (422) and reached at least 874.
20020813             —ROCKED, CHECHNYA, explosions, 1—BUS in Grozny and Shali, killing at least 5—PEOPLE and wounding several others.
20020813             —POURED, Vltava River floodwaters, into 1—HISTORIC—PART—OF—PRAGUE, despite the frantic efforts of rescue workers to save the ancient CZECH—REPUBLIC—CAPITAL from rising river levels, which have forced tens of thousands to flee.
20020813             —AMBUSHED, INDIA, separatist guerrillas, 1—TRUCK in Meghalaya state and killed at least 15—PEOPLE.
20020813             —CALLED, NIGERIA, the lower house, for THE—RESIGNATION—OF—PRESIDENT—OBASANJO.
20020813             —ISSUED, TURKMENISTAN—PRESIDENT—SAPARMURAT—NIYAZOV, 1—DECREE that extends adolescence until age 25 and postpones old age until 85.
20020813             TURKMENISTAN—PRESIDENT—SAPARMURAT—NIYAZOV His edict divides life into 12-year cycles. Childhood lasts until age 12.
20020813             Next comes adolescence which will now last to age 25.
20020813             —CONSIDERED, Turkmen aged between 25 and 37—ARE, youthful, while those aged between 27 and 49—YEARS are mature.
20020813             —DIVIDED, The next 12-year cycles are, into periods labeled as prophetic, inspirational and wise.
20020813             LIHOP SUSPECT NO.
20020813             6—JAMES—WOOLSEY (Shea + Gardner, CFR, EX—CIA )
20020813—19940000    —IN—THE, ANGOLA reported THE—CAPTURE—OF—AUGUSTIN Bizimungu, 1—KEY—FIGURE—RWANDA—GENOCIDE.
20030327             - 20010813             — GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSHISMS—NEED SORTING!
20030626—20010813    —AM, Das unbemannte Solarflugzeug Helios, das einen neuen Höhenrekord für nichtraketengetriebene Flugzeuge aufgestellt hatte, stürzt ab.
20030813             —NAMED, ARNOLD—SCHWARZENEGGER, candidate for GOVERNOR—OF—CALIFORNIA, WARREN—BUFFET as his economic adviser.
20030813             135—CANDIDATES were certified.
20030813             —APPROVED, FLORIDA—LEGISLATURE, 1—BILL that capped most medical malpractice damage awards at $500,000.
20030813             —RIPPED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—BOMB, through 1—BUS in Lashkargah, killing 15—PEOPLE, including 6—CHILDREN.
20030813             —BLAMED, Officials, AL—QAIDA and remnants of the Taliban militia for the bombing, the deadliest in nearly 1—YEAR.
20030813             —ERUPTED, Heavy fighting, between government soldiers and Taliban remnants.
20030813             43—DEATHS were reported in the fighting.
20030813             —REPORTED, ONTARIO health officials, that 1—FAMILY—DOCTOR had become the 44. person to die from SARS in TORONTO.
20030813             —REPORTED, CHINA—RESEARCHERS, that they had created hybrid embryos of human and rabbit DNA as 1—SOURCE for stem cells.
20030813             IRAQ began pumping crude oil from its northern oil fields for the 1. time since THE—START—OF—THE—WAR.
20030813             † IN—IRAQ—BRITISH—PRIVATE—JASON—SMITH, 32—JAHRE—ALT—OF—HEAT—STROKE as the local temperature passed THE—LIMITS—OF—AVAILABLE thermometers.
20030813             Scientists are blaming global warming for falling fish harvests in AFRICA—LAKE—TANGANYIKA, threatening the diets of several poor nations.
20030813             —AM, mit 38,4 Grad erreicht
20030813—19880000    —IN—THE, LIBYA agreed to set up a $2.7—BILLION fund for families of 270—PEOPLE killed Pan Am bombing.
20030813—20070000    —RULED, An inquest, that troops were not adequately advised on how to cope with high temperatures.
20030813—20090000    —BREACHED, THE—UK—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENSE upheld 1—EARLIER—JUDGMENT that the military had, SMITH—RIGHT to life.
20040325             THE—OLYMPIC torch was lit in ILIDA—GREECE, and began its journey to herald the —SUMMER Olympiad, 20040813—20290813 .
20040325             THE—OLYMPIC torch was lit in ILIDA—GREECE, and began its journey to herald the —SUMMER Olympiad, 20040813—20040829.
20040811—20040813    —ARRESTED, PAKISTAN—OFFICIALS, —AROUND 12—LOCAL and foreign militants who hatched 1—PLOT to launch strikes and
20040813             —ROARED, Hurricane Charley, across CUBA, ripping apart roofs, downing power lines and yanking up huge palm trees on its way to FLORIDA.
20040813             Charley hit FLORIDA with winds at 145mph.
20040813             —KILLED, It flattened oceanfront homes, 23—PEOPLE and left thousands more homeless.
20040813             † JULIA—CHILD, 91—JAHRE—ALT, the grande DAME—OF—USA—TELEVISION cooking shows and books, in Santa BARBARA—CALIFORNIA During WWII she spent 3—YEARS working for THE—OFFICE—OF—STRATEGIC—SERVICES (OSS).
20040813             —RAIDED, THE—FNL, 1—BURUNDI—HUTU rebel faction, Gatumba camp, 1—UN—REFUGEE—CAMP in WEST—BURUNDI, shooting and hacking to death 160—PEOPLE.
20040813             —SHELTERED, The camp, CONGO—ETHNIC—TUTSI refugees, known as the Banyamulenge.
20040813             —OUTLAWED, COLOMBIA, 3, paramilitary factions agreed to disarm immediately.
20040813             —WEAKENED, Typhoon Rananim, to 1—TROPICAL—STORM.
20040813             The death toll from Rananim rose to 115, after it slammed into THE—CHINA—SOUTHEASTERN coast.
20040813             —OPENED, The Olympics, In ATHENS.
20040813             A sea of athletes under 202—FLAGS parted to let 1—GREECE—WINDSURFING champion jog across the stadium and climb to the Olympic cauldron, which dipped on its slender 102-foot arm to receive the spark from his torch.
20040813             —DEBUTED, WOMEN—WRESTLING, as an Olympic sport.
20040813             —CONVICTED—OF, CALCUTTA, 1—MAN, raping and killing 1—SCHOOLGIRL was executed, becoming the 1. person hanged for their crimes in INDIA in nearly 1—DECADE.
20040813             —EXECUTED, Apartment guard Dhananjoy Chatterjee (42) was, for 19900000             —THE rape and MURDER—OF—1—TEENAGE schoolgirl.
20040813             —NEGOTIATED, IRAQ—OFFICIALS and aides to 1—RADICAL—SHIITE cleric, to end fighting that has raged in the holy CITY—OF—NAJAF —FOR—9—DAYS, after USA—FORCES suspended 1—OFFENSIVE against Muqtada AL—SADR—MILITIA.
20040813             An Islamic Web site —POSTED still pictures that purportedly show IRAQ—MILITANTS beheading an EGYPT—MAN they claim was spying for THE—USA—MILITARY.
20040813             —CRITICIZED, LEBANON, FRANCE—EFFORTS to ban the militant group HEZBOLLAH—TELEVISION—STATION, saying the channel may be ANTI—ISRAEL—BUT it is not ANTI—SEMITIC.
20040813             —GATHERED, In THE—MALDIVES 3,000—PEOPLE, outside the police headquarters —FRIDAY demanding THE—RELEASE—OF—PRISONERS.
20040813             —ARRESTED, The government, 185—PEOPLE, including 1—FORMER—MINISTER and a 1—TIME—ATTORNEY—GENERAL.
20040813             A PALESTINE—GUNMAN killed an ISRAEL—SECURITY guard near a Jewish WEST—BANK settlement before being slain himself.
20040813             A SOUTH—PHILIPPINES court sentenced 17—MEMBERS—OF—THE—AL—QAIDA—LINKED ABU—SAYYAF militant group to death for kidnapping nurses from 1—HOSPITAL there 3—YEARS ago.
20040813             1. elements of a 300-strong African Union protection force left KIGALI—RWANDA, for SUDAN's troubled REGION—OF—DARFUR, SUDAN.
20040813             Bush [BGW968] 's War Stories Simply Don't Fly
20040813             Citizens for Honest Fighter Pilots Ask Bush [BGW968] to Get Honest, BuzzFlash,
20040813             "When Bush [BGW968] joined the guard, he said he had 1—GOAL—OF 'making flying 1—LIFETIME pursuit,' and signed 1—DOCUMENT stating,'"I understand that I may be ordered to active duty for 1—PERIOD not to exceed 24—MONTHS for unsatisfactory participation.' Yet, even under THE—THREAT—OF—BEING placed on active duty, he failed to show up.
20040813             Off will comply with para 2-10, AFM 35-13'...2 retired generals say it is unheard of for 1—PILOT to miss 1—FLIGHT—PHYSICAL + not be investigated".
20040813             Was Bush [BGW968] AWOL? Another Look ",
20040813—19720801    —ON, Bush [BGW968] 19720000             suspension order states: 'Verbal ORDERS—OF—THE—COMDR suspending 1STLT GEORGE—W—BUSH [BGW968]... from flying status are confirmed... Reason for Suspension: Failure to accomplish annual medical examination.
20040813—19970000    —AUTHORED, NOEL—RILEY—FITCH, "Appetite for Life: The Biography of Julia Child".
20040813—20060000    —IN, Her memoir "My Life in FRANCE," CO—WRITTEN with ALEX—PRUD'HOMME, was published.
20040813—20120000    —AUTHORED, BOB—SPITZ, "Dearie: The Remarkable Life of Julia Child".
20041023             KLEIBACKER, KRISANN KLEIMAN, DAVID KLEIN AND META KLEIN, DALE KLEIN... Der Feldzug gegen AL—QAIDA und Co gilt den meisten Amerikanern als die... alfatomega.com/20070813.html
20041219             les i gjesteboka //... Navn: Knut Tooooomas, Tidspunkt: Fri, 20040813151646       —1— +0200—EMAIL: Jepp, jepp, pyrrisept.....Hasselvika e godt representert...
20050127             Navn: Knut Tooooomas, Tidspunkt: Fri, 20040813151646       —JAHR +0200 Email:
20050813             The Pentagon said for the 2. time since THE—IRAQ war began, it was replacing body armor for USA—TROOPS in AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ, citing 1 need for better protection.
20050813             —CLAIMED, Khosraw Basheri (23), a historic title of MISTER—AFGHANISTAN in the country's 1.—EVER national competition to select a top bodybuilder.
20050813             —LAUNCHED, USA—MARINES and AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS, 1—OFFENSIVE to take 1—REMOTE—MOUNTAIN—VALLEY from insurgents tied to the deadliest blow on USA—FORCES since the Taliban regime was ousted nearly 4—YEARS ago.
20050813             JAMES—PETERSEN, 51—JAHRE—ALT, 1—UNIVERSITY—OF—VERMONT anthropology professor on 1—RESEARCH—TRIP to BRAZIL, was killed while he was being robbed in Iranduba near the Amazon River.
20050813             3—SUSPECTS were taken into custody.
20050813             BRITAIN—TAX—FUNDED—NATIONAL—HEALTH—SERVICE is unsustainable and should be scrapped, the country's most senior doctor said, but the country's largest health union warned that ANY—CHANGE to THE—NHS' founding principles would lead to a "public outcry".
20050813             A CHUNK—OF—ICE—BIGGER than THE—AREA—OF—MANHATTAN broke from the Ayles Ice Shelf at Ellesmere Island in CANADA—FAR—NORTH.
20050813             —REPORTED, It was, that DELHI—WATER—BOARD (DJB) planned a $246—MILLION—WATER—PROJECT with $140—MILLION financed by the World Bank.
20050813             —SUFFERED, As in MANY—INDIA—CITIES 16—MILLION people in DELHI, chronic water shortages.
20050813             The death toll in INDIA from WATER—BORNE diseases following floods in Bombay and surrounding areas 2—WEEKS ago rose to at least 125.
20050813             † In INDIA—KASHMIR 9—PEOPLE in fresh fighting.
20050813             —INTENSIFIED, Troops, search operations ahead of INDIA's 20050815             INDEPENDENCE Day, which separatists observe as a "black day".
20050813             —REPORTED, IRAN, at least 17—PEOPLE were, killed over the last 3—WEEKS and MANY—MORE wounded during ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS in THE—WEST—PROVINCE—OF—KURDISTAN.
20050813             —KILLED, IRAQ, 3—SOLDIERS were, and 1—OTHER wounded in 1—ROADSIDE bombing near Tuz Khormato, 95—MILES—NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20050813             —KILLED, Another soldier was, at another roadside bombing.
20050813             —REPORTED, An ITALY—NEWSPAPER, that more than 100—ITALY—TROOPS whose tours in SOUTH—IRAQ have ended are not being replaced, apparently marking THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—COUNTRY—WITHDRAWAL from IRAQ ahead of schedule.
20050813             A small plane carrying tourists crashed in SOUTH—ITALY, killing at least 2—PEOPLE.
20050813             For the 1. time in 1—DECADE, the founders and top political leaders of Hamas gathered on the same stage, vowing to go on fighting ISRAEL and claiming victory for its impending withdrawal from THE—GAZA Strip.
20050813             FERNANDO—OLIVERA, PERU—NEW—FOREIGN—MINISTER, said he was resigning his post, just —2—DAYS—AFTER the uproar from his appointment sparked 1—MAJOR—SHAKE—UP—OF—PRESIDENT—ALEJANDRO—TOLEDO—CABINET.
20050813             Fires at 1—RATE—OF—400—PER day began breaking out in PORTUGAL.
20050813             —BATTLED, Rival militias in arid SOUTH—WEST—SOMALIA, for control over 1—VILLAGE with pastures and wells.
20050813             † 12—COMBATANTS, and HUNDREDS—OF—RESIDENTS fled.
20050813             —DECLARED, SRI—LANKA, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY and deployed troops to search for suspects —SATURDAY after THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—THE—FOREIGN—MINISTER.
20050813—20070000    —IN, Scientists later said that it could wreak havoc if it starts to float westward toward OIL—DRILLING regions and shipping lanes.
20051207             —1—, 20060401             Doctors In Demand | 20060331             0000173518?????????—JAHR 20060401             Lawyer: REPRESENTATIVE—MCKINNEY—VICTIM—OF—RACISM | 20060331             0000182350?????????—JAHR 20060401             THE—BULL—MARKET—IS—BACK | 20060331             0000173518?????????—JAHR 20060813             reaching the Litani River and engaging in SOME—OF—THE—HEAVIEST—GROUND—COMBAT—OF—THE—WAR, —JUST hours —AFTER THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL adopted 1—CEASEFIRE—PLAN., 20060813045554?????????—JAHR 20060813             taking advantage of 1—LEBANON—GOVERNMENT paralyzed by 1 complicated ethnic..., 20060813012140?????????—JAHR 20060824043045?????????—GMT, —THURSDAY 1—WAY—OF growing embryonic stem cells that could overcome ethical concerns is developed in THE—USA.
20051207             20060401             Doctors In Demand | 20060331             0000173518              20060401             Lawyer: REPRESENTATIVE—MCKINNEY—VICTIM—OF—RACISM | 20060331             0000182350              20060401             THE—BULL—MARKET—IS—BACK | 20060331             0000173518              20060813             reaching the Litani River and engaging in SOME—OF—THE—HEAVIEST—GROUND—COMBAT—OF—THE—WAR, —JUST HOURS—AFTER THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL adopted 1—CEASEFIRE—PLAN., 20060813045554              20060813             taking advantage of 1—LEBANON—GOVERNMENT paralyzed by 1 complicated ethnic..., 20060813012140              20060824043045             —GMT, —THURSDAY 1—WAY—OF growing embryonic stem cells that could overcome ethical concerns is developed in THE—USA.
20051207             20060401             Doctors In Demand | 20060331             0000173518?????????—JAHR 20060401             Lawyer: REPRESENTATIVE—MCKINNEY—VICTIM—OF—RACISM | 20060331             0000182350?????????—JAHR 20060401             The Bull Market Is Back | 20060331             0000173518?????????—JAHR 20060813             reaching the Litani River and engaging in SOME—OF—THE—HEAVIEST—GROUND—COMBAT—OF—THE—WAR, just HOURS—AFTER THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL adopted 1—CEASEFIRE—PLAN., 20060813045554?????????—JAHR 20060813             taking advantage of 1—LEBANON—GOVERNMENT paralyzed by 1 complicated ethnic..., 20060813012140?????????—JAHR 20060824043045?????????—GMT, —THURSDAY A way of growing embryonic stem cells that could overcome ethical concerns is developed in THE—USA. 20060824044524?????????—GMT, —THURSDAY THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—GLORIA—ARROYO 20060824090854?????????—GMT, —THURSDAY A BRAZIL—PO
20051207             —1—, 20060401             Doctors In Demand | 20060331             0000173518              20060401             Lawyer: REPRESENTATIVE—MCKINNEY—VICTIM—OF—RACISM | 20060331             0000182350              20060401             The Bull Market Is Back | 20060331             0000173518              20060813             REACHING the Litani River and engaging in SOME—OF—THE—HEAVIEST—GROUND—COMBAT—OF—THE—WAR, just HOURS—AFTER THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL adopted 1—CEASEFIRE—PLAN., 20060813045554              20060813             TAKING advantage of 1—LEBANON—GOVERNMENT paralyzed by 1 complicated ethnic..., 20060813012140              20060824043045             —GMT, —THURSDAY 1—WAY—OF growing embryonic stem cells that could overcome ethical concerns is developed in THE—USA. 20060824044524             —GMT, —THURSDAY THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—GLORIA—ARROYO 20060824090854
20051207             —1—, 20060401             Doctors In Demand | 20060331             0000173518?????????—JAHR 20060401             Lawyer: REPRESENTATIVE—MCKINNEY—VICTIM—OF—RACISM | 20060331             0000182350?????????—JAHR 20060401             The Bull Market Is Back | 20060331             0000173518?????????—JAHR 20060813             reaching the Litani River and engaging in SOME—OF—THE—HEAVIEST—GROUND—COMBAT—OF—THE—WAR, just hours after THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL adopted 1—CEASEFIRE—PLAN., 20060813045554?????????—JAHR 20060813             taking advantage of 1—LEBANON—GOVERNMENT paralyzed by 1 complicated ethnic..., 20060813012140?????????—JAHR 20060824043045?????????—GMT, —THURSDAY 1—WAY—OF growing embryonic stem cells that could overcome ethical concerns is developed in THE—USA.
20060810             - freundeskreis v i d e o c l i p s ANTI—G8—CAMP Inski, 20060804—20060813     ROSTOCK—ANTIRASSISTISCHE Demo
20060810             ANTI—G8—CAMP Inski, 20060804—20060813     ROSTOCK—ANTIRASSISTISCHE Demo
20060811             - THINK—PROGRESS—PRESIDENT—BUSH—APPROVAL rating has "dropped to 33, matching his low in May," according to an AP—IPSOS poll.
20060812             alfatomega.com/20060813.html
20060812             Booga booga! alfatomega.com/20060813.html
20060813             —MODELED, Wine SUPER—SNIFFER, on insect 'noses' Blog: The nose of 1—WORM 20060501             —DAY determine the nose of 1—FINE—WINE.1—GROUP—OF—AUSTRALIA—SCIENTISTS are collaborating to build a...
20060813             Die Attacken, die noch im Planungsstadium sind, gehen nach Einschätzung der Terrorexperten im Ministerium weit über die Anschläge vom 20050707             oder die vereitelten Flugzeugattacken hinaus.
20060813             Allein —SEIT den Anschlägen vom 20060707             hätte die Polizei 4—TERRORISTISCHE Verschwörungen vereitelt, die ALLE—ZUM—TOD zahlreicher Menschen geführt hätten, sagte Reid —HEUTE der "BBC".
20060813             Reid tells of 'four terror plots' The security forces have thwarted "4—MAJOR—PLOTS" against THE—UK—SINCE 20060707             —THE—ATTACKS, JOHN—REID says.
20060813             - the show with zefrank :: share movie : 20060811             " - Key Terror Clues Found —10—DAYS—AGO
20060813             Deconstructing 1—FALSE—FLAG—OPERATION—CHICAGO—HANCOCK—CENTER—HEADS for sale block By culhavoc on All Research 20060811             BY Culhavoc Deconstructing 1—FALSE—FLAG—OPERATION This may be something to keep 1—EYE on.
20060813             MICHIGAN, CITY—INDIANA, fire swept through a 2—STORY—HOUSE, killing at least 6—PEOPLE.
20060813             An unknown NUMBER—OF—OTHERS were missing.
20060813             It was not clear whether they had left the scene or were still inside the home.
20060813             AFGHANISTAN, at least 5—AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS and 25—MILITANTS were killed.
20060813             —OPENED, The 16.
20060813             INTERNATIONAL AIDS conference, in TORONTO with some 24,000—PEOPLE in attendance.
20060813             The death toll from Typhoon Saomai, the strongest storm to hit CHINA in 50—YEARS, rose to 114 as more evacuees † when buildings used as shelters collapsed.
20060813             —REPORTED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA, About 17—MILLION—PEOPLE in SOUTH—WEST—CHINA don't have access to clean drinking water due to sustained drought.
20060813             —ON his 80. birthday, Fidel Castro cautioned Cubans that he faced 1—LONG—RECOVERY from surgery and advised them to prepare for "adverse news," but he urged them to stay optimistic.
20060813             —ALIGNED, IRAQ—HEALTH—MINISTER, who is, to 1—POWERFUL—SHIITE militia, claimed that USA—FORCES arrested 7—OF—HIS—PERSONAL—GUARDS in 1—SURPRISE—PRE—DAWN raid on his office.
20060813             4—VEHICLE—BOMBS killed 63—IRAQIS and wounded 140 in 1—PREDOMINANTLY Shiite neighborhood of BAGHDAD.
20060813             —AFTER 1—STORMY debate, ISRAEL—CABINET approved 1—MIDEAST CEASE—FIRE, agreeing to silence the army's guns 20060814             —ON—8—AM.
20060813             —EMBARKED, THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY, on 1—LAST—MINUTE push to devastate Hezbollah guerrillas, rocketing SOUTH—BEIRUT with at least 20—MISSILES.
20060813             —FIRED, ISRAEL—WARPLANES, missiles into gasoline stations in the southern port CITY—OF—TYRE, killing at least 12—PEOPLE in those and other attacks.
20060813             —FIRED, Hezbollah, more than 150—ROCKETS at NORTH—ISRAEL, killing an ISRAEL—MAN.
20060813             2—ISRAEL—AIR—RAIDS on 1—VILLAGE in LEBANON—EAST—BEKAA—VALLEY killed at least 7—PEOPLE and wounded nearly 2—DOZEN.
20060813             —CONFIRMED, MEXICO, 1—RECOUNT, Calderon as the next PRESIDENT.
20060813             —VOWED, Lopez Obrador, to mount new legal challenges.
20060813             SRI—LANKA—TROOPS and Tamil Tiger rebels fought ground battles and artillery duels as the weekend death toll rose to 186.
20060813             —DENIED, The rebels, they were ready to talk peace.
20060813             † At least 15—PEOPLE, in fighting around THE—S—PHILIP—NERI—CHURCH in Allaiiddy, 1—PREDOMINANTLY Tamil village located on 1—ISLAND just WEST—OF—THE—JAFFNA Peninsula.
20060813             The island, like the peninsula, is held by the government.
20060813             —KILLED, TURKEY, THE—PKK, 2—POLICEMEN in a bomb attack near Tunceli.
20060813             —DISCOVERED, VENEZUELA, prison officials, that CARLOS—ORTEGA, an ANTI—CHAVEZ union leader, had slipped out of the Ramo Verde prison WEST—OF—CARACAS, where he was serving a 16-year sentence for civil rebellion.
20060813             3 convicted military officers also escaped.
20060813             Feingold: JOE—LIEBERMAN 'Doesn't Get IT'—NICO—SENATOR—JOE—LIEBERMAN (D-CT) echoed VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY last week by arguing that 1—TIMELINE for IRAQ redeployment (backed by 57—PERCENT of Americans) "will be taken as 1—TREMENDOUS—VICTORY by the same people who wanted to blow up these planes in this plot hatched in ENGLAND. It will strengthen them and they will strike again".
20060813             This morning on ABC—THIS—WEEK, SENATOR—RUSS—FEINGOLD (D-WI) responded to LIEBERMAN—REMARKS.
20060813             "Joe is showing with that regrettable statement that he doesn't get it. He doesn't get it," Feingold said.
20060813             Watch it: Full transcript:
20060813             STEPHANOPOULOS: SENATOR—LIEBERMAN thinks that your approach will strengthen the terrorists and it's 1—VICTORY for terrorists.
20060813             WHAT—YOUR response?
20060813             FEINGOLD: Well, I like JOE—LIEBERMAN, but I support Ned Lamont, because Joe is showing with that regrettable statement that he doesn't get it.
20060813             He doesn't get it.
20060813             —ATTACKED, The fact is that we were, on 9/11—BY AL—QAEDA and its affiliates and its sympathizers, not by Saddam Hussein.
20060813             —SUPPORTED, And unfortunately SENATOR—LIEBERMAN has, the Bush ADMINISTRATION—DISASTROUS—STRATEGIC—APPROACH—OF getting us stuck in IRAQ instead of focusing on those who attacked us.
20060813             I mean, look at the places that have been attacked: INDIA, MOROCCO, TURKEY, AFGHANISTAN, INDONESIA, SOMALIA, SPAIN, GREAT—BRITAIN.
20060813             What does this have to do with IRAQ?
20060813             And SENATOR—LIEBERMAN is stuck on that point.
20060813             Ned Lamont and I believe that we should refocus on those who attacked us on 9/11 and not simply try to cover our tracks because this was such 1—VERY—POOR—DECISION in terms of the overall battle against the terrorists who attacked us.
20060813             STEPHANOPOULOS: Do you think SENATOR—LIEBERMAN should get OUT—OF—THE—RACE?
20060813             FEINGOLD: Well, you know, I think that's his own decision.
20060813             It would be better for THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY, I think it would be better for the people of CONNECTICUT, it would be better for the country if he did it.
20060813             Not because he hasn't been 1—GOOD—SENATOR, not because he isn't 1—GOOD—MAN, but this is 1—CRITICAL—TIME.
20060813             And we have to change course.
20060813             —ATTACKED, We have to focus on those that, us on 9/11 + get away from this very mistaken policy in IRAQ.
20060813             So it would be helpful if he would do it, but obviously Joe will have to make that decision for himself.
20060813             Transcript H/T: A.G. 20060813             20060813             Liquid Bomb PAKISTAN Link Is False Flag Smoking Gun
20060813             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—VERACITY of liquid explosives method also put under dubious doubt
20060813             Microsoft to introduce Windows Live Writer
20060813             This new product will be called Windows Live Writer.
20060813             This new product from Microsoft will allow 1—USER to write documents/blog postings from 1—DOWNLOADABLE—APPLICATION called Windows Live Writer + post them to 1—BLOG (.
20060813             Bush links Hezbollah and 'PLOT'PRESIDENT—BUSH says UK terror suspects and LEBANON militant group Hezbollah share a "TOTALITARY—IDEOLOGY".
20060813             Partial reprieve for BP oilfield BP says PART—OF—ITS—PRUDHOE bay oilfield in ALASKA will keep running, after fears of 1—TOTAL—SHUT—DOWN.
20060813             —ERST vor vier Wochen hat das mehr als 200—JAHRE alte Familienunternehmen DuMont Schauberg die Mehrheit an der "Frankfurter Rundschau" übernommen.
20060813             Deutschlands viertgrößter Zeitungsverlag übernahm von der SPD—MEDIEN—HOLDING DDVG insgesamt 50—PROZENT der Anteile und 1—STIMME.
20060813             DuMont Schauberg gibt unter anderem den "Kölner STADT—ANZEIGER", die "Kölnische Rundschau" und die "Mitteldeutsche Zeitung" sowie das Boulevardblatt "Express" heraus.
20060813             Verleger AMOS—SCHOCKEN, dessen Großvater Salman die LINKS—LIBERALE "Haaretz" vor 71—JAHREN erworben hatte, begründete die Partnerschaft damit, dass es Entwicklungspotenziale für den Verlag gebe, dafür aber die Kapitaldecke nicht ausreiche.
20060813             In einer Pressemitteilung der HAARETZ—GRUPPE hieß es, mit DuMont Schauberg habe man einen "traditionsreichen Partner mit einem tiefen Verständnis für den öffentlichen Auftrag dieser Branche + mit einer gemeinsamen Wertebasis" gefunden, der eine langfristige Partnerschaft anstrebe.
20060813             Verlage: DuMont steigt bei "Haaretz" in ISRAEL ein
20060813             Nahost: Kriegsparteien stimmen für WAFFENRUHE—UND kämpfen weiter
20060813             CIA—AFFÄRE: Anklage noch in diesem Herbst
20060813             Die Schweizer Militärjustiz hat offenbar einen konkreten Verdacht, wer das geheime Fax über CIA—GEFÄNGNISSE in EUROPA den Medien zugespielt hat.
20060813             Noch in diesem Herbst könnte es zur Anklage kommen.
20060813             Die laufende Voruntersuchung sei weit gediehen, bestätigte MARTIN—IMMENHAUSER, Sprecher des Oberauditorats, Meldungen von "SonntagsZeitung" und "SonntagsBlick".
20060813             Report: ISRAEL to end war 7AM —MONDAY.
20060813             "ISRAEL, meanwhile, flew HUNDREDS—OF—COMMANDOS into SOUTH—LEBANON on —SATURDAY, tripling its troop strength to 30,000 and sending some army units as far as the Litani River even as both sides indicated they would accept A—UNITED—NATIONS—CEASE—FIRE—PLAN to stop the heavy fighting," the
20060813             AP reports.
20060813             REPRESENTATIVE—JO—ANN—DAVIS (R-VA) calls on RUMSFELD—JUDD—TO resign.
20060813             A "FAILURE—OF—IMAGINATION" at Homeland SECURITY—PAYSON - + "1—NEARLY obsessive focus on the previous attacks may have prevented THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT from combating new threats effectively," terrorism experts say.
20060813             "While the department has hardened cockpit doors and set up screening for guns and knives, it has done far too little to protect against plastic + liquid explosives, bombs in air cargo and SHOULDER—FIRED missiles".
20060813             Lying For Empire
20060813             Source: USA, UK at odds over TIMING—OF—ARRESTS
20060813             Anyone doubt THE—TIMING—OF—THIS—STORY now ?
20060813             —WANTED, British, to continue surveillance on terror suspects, official says.
20060813             —LEARNED, NBC News has, that USA and UK—AUTHORITIES had 1—SIGNIFICANT—DISAGREEMENT over when to move in on the suspects in the alleged plot to bring down TRANS—ATLANTIC airliners bound for THE—USA.
20060813             A senior UK—OFFICIAL—KNOWLEDGEABLE about the case said UK—POLICE were planning to continue to run surveillance for at least another week to try to obtain more evidence, while USA—OFFICIALS pressured them to arrest the suspects sooner.
20060813             The official spoke on CONDITION—OF—ANONYMITY due to THE—SENSITIVITY—OF—THE—CASE.
20060813             —SUGGESTED, In contrast to previous reports, the official, 1—ATTACK was not imminent, saying the suspects had not yet purchased ANY—AIRLINE—TICKETS.
20060813             In fact, some did not even have passports.
20060813             Lies? Propaganda? - WorldNetDaily: Hezbollah claims spies inside ISRAEL—INTELLIGENCE
20060813             CJR Daily: Parroting the Party Line Comment from Buzzflash:
20060813             Why do "respectable" journalists like Jim Leher parrot the party line without engaging their own mental faculties?
20060813             Aviation critic MICHAEL—BOYD on our Airport security
20060813             —BY JOHN—AMATO on Homeland Security
20060813             CTBlogger sent ME—THIS clip and writes.
20060813             —DETAILED, Boyd was on MISS—NBC and he carefully, the absolute stupidity regarding the new airport CARRY—ON rules while rightfully blasting Bush Administration, Transportation Security Administration + THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY.
20060813             It's amazing that almost —5—YEARS—AFTER 9-11, where still having TO—DEAL with these huge holes in security.
20060813             —AFTER you hear what Boyd has to say, you'll be really piss you off at the Bush administration (because it's all true).
20060813             …and don't forget JOE—LIEBERMAN—ROLE with THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY.
20060813             VIDEO—WMP VIDEO—QT
20060813             ISRAEL—WAR—CRIMES: NGOs Need to Get 1—CLUE Another Day in the Empire
20060813             ISRAEL—WAR—CRIMES: NGOs Need to Get 1—CLUE
20060813             —BY Administrator on Uncategorized
20060813             More useless HAND—WRINGING from the humanitarian NGOs.
20060813             "Humanitarian agencies sought ways to get aid to 1 estimated 100,000—PEOPLE trapped in SOUTH—LEBANON on —FRIDAY + the mayor of Tyre said the port city could run OUT—OF—FOOD in 2—DAYS," reports
20060813             ABC News.
20060813             "UNITED—NATIONS and other convoys have been unable to deliver supplies to the region since an ISRAEL—AIR—STRIKE destroyed the last bridge across the Litani river on —MONDAY".
20060813             It is interesting to note that these humanitarian organizations refuse to admit the obvious and act upon IT—ISRAEL + its patron, THE—USA, are criminal organizations and unless there is political consciousness realizing this fact and political action on THE—PART—OF—THE—NGOS and, indeed, MILLIONS—OF—CITIZENS in these countries, nothing will change.
20060813             Remarkably, INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE—OF—THE—RED—CROSS—CHIEF—JAKOB—KELLENBERGER wasted 1—WHOLE—LOT—OF—PRECIOUS—TIME playing pattycakes in JERUSALEM, attempting to convince the racist settler state to stop killing innocents in LEBANON.
20060813             In other words, the good MISTER—KELLENBERGER is 1—DUPE for the Zionists, who have no intention of letting up on their diabolical ethnic cleansing and SLAUGHTERING—OF—BABIES and grandmothers in LEBANON with depleted uranium and other illegal weapons.
20060813             Kellenberger should refuse to talk with the Jabotinskyites and instead talk about organizing 1—ECONOMIC—BOYCOTT—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20060813             "THE—UNITED—NATIONS—WORLD—FOOD—PROGRAM, overseeing logistics for UNITED—NATIONS agencies, said a 15-truck convoy to THE—EAST—TOWN—OF—BAALBEK halted at THE—CITY—OF—ZAHLE due to shelling on the road ahead," ABC News continues.
20060813             "It also received ISRAEL—CLEARANCE for convoys to Nabatiyeh, 1—TOWN—NORTH—OF—THE—LITANI, but could not reach Tyre, the biggest city SOUTH—OF—THE—RIVER, or border villages".
20060813             As we know, ISRAEL not only purposely shells roads, preventing humanitarian assistance, but also targets ambulances and fleeing refugees, scurrilous war crimes all.
20060813             It is all PART—OF—THE—MASTER—PLAN—OF "reshaping" the Arab and Muslim MIDDLE—EAST by WAY—OF—MASS—MURDER and starvation, crimes reminiscent of the Nazis.
20060813             In the short term, this plan includes ethnically cleansing SOUTH—LEBANON to the Litani and annexing HUNDREDS—OF—SQUARES—MILES, much of it prime agriculture real estate and the crown jewel, the fresh water of the Litani River, 1—RESOURCE—ISRAEL sorely needs and has conspired to steal for decades.
20060813             ISRAEL, driven insane by its own hubris and racist religious precepts, fully intends to clear all Arabs, both Muslim and Christian, from this snatched "security zone," 1—OBJECTIVE—ONLY—ITS demented leaders and military strategists believe can be accomplished.
20060813             Hezbollah, 1—ENTIRELY legal resistance movement (minus its ILL—ADVISED rocketing of ISRAEL), knows differently.
20060813             Hezbollah understands from personal experience that people will resist occupation and slowly, methodically take out brutal occupiers 1—TROOP at 1—TIME, as the Vietnamese and Algerians did before them.
20060813             "It is now clear that ISRAEL—CONTROL over the occupied territories is + has all along been intended to be, 1—DRIVE to assert exclusive Jewish control, taming the Palestinians into submission and squeezing them into ever smaller, more disconnected SEGMENTS—OF—LAND or, failing that, forcing them to leave Palestine altogether," write
20060813             Kathleen and BILL—CHRISTISON.
20060813             "It is totally obvious to anyone who spends time on the ground in PALESTINE—ISRAEL that the animating force behind THE—POLICIES—OF—THE—PRESENT and all past ISRAEL—GOVERNMENTS in ISRAEL and in the occupied WEST—BANK, GAZA + EAST—JERUSALEM has always been 1—DETERMINATION to assure the predominance of Jews over Palestinians. Such policies can only be described as racist + we should stop trying ANY—LONGER to avoid the word".
20060813             Or for that matter, the predominance of Jews over LEBANON—ARABS.
20060813             Like 1—DIM—WITTED fool who continually makes the same mistake over and over again, THE—ICRC and other humanitarian organizations seem dedicated to not solving the problem in LEBANON and Palestine, avoiding THE—OBVIOUS—ISRAEL and its patron THE—USA—ARE renegade, criminal nations and should be criticized at EVERY—TURN, boycotted, shunned + denounced.
20060813             Otherwise, the insanity will go on indefinitely.
20060813             Or until Newt Gingrich and the perfidious neocons realize their World War 3. On that day, as the nukes fly and the planet begins its descent into irreparable damage, it will be too late to save not only the Lebanese, but humankind as 1—WHOLE.
20060813             Certain Jewish folks and certain dubious ACTIVITIES—AANGIRFAN
20060813             Disclaimer: THE—POSTING—OF—STORIES, commentaries, reports, documents and links (embedded or otherwise) on this site does not in ANY—WAY, shape or form, implied or otherwise, necessarily express or suggest endorsement or support of ANY—OF—SUCH —POSTED material or parts therein.
20060813             Certain Jewish folks and certain dubious activities
20060813             The sources for the following include:
20060813             'The Sacred Chain - A HISTORY—OF—THE—JEWS' by NORMAN—CANTOR—HARPER—COLLINS, 19950000             20060813             "It was the Jews, by and large," says NORMAN—CANTOR, "not the Italians, who created what was later called the Mafia.
20060813             DECEIT—THE—USA—THINKER: Gettting it wrong over and over again.
20060813             SENATOR—CLINTON—DENOUNCES—CHENEY for TERRORISM—WNYC—NEWS—CLINTON Denounces Cheney for Terrorism -
20060813             Mehlman is the backside of 1—DONKEY.
20060813             We really couldn't think of 1—NICER—WAY to put th
20060813             THINK—PROGRESS " Mehlman Attacks Murtha With Report Retracted 6—WEEKS Ago
20060813             2—OF—THE—3—GREEN—PARTY—CANDIDATES who jointly collected 90,000 signatures to be on the November ballot said —FRIDAY they were withdrawing...
20060813             NEWSVINE—PENNSILVANIA Green Party Candidates Withdraw
20060813             AP Covers Depleted Uranium Weaponry
20060813             911—TRUTH Action
20060813             Messages In This Digest (19—MESSAGES)
20060813             NSA ARCHIVE—GOVERNMENT—RELEASES Detailed Information on 9/11—CRASH
20060813             2. - Fwd: Revealing News: 9/11—COMMISSIONERS Backpedal, Electric Car
20060813             3. - Operation Squelch THE—911—CONSPIRACY—NUTBARS
20060813             4. - Flight 93—NEWS Blackout
20060813             5. - UK Terror a 'rerun' of 1995?? / ISRAEL—BOMBED—CHRISTIANS!!
20060813             6. - cnn to question 9/11 ?
20060813             7. - Lou Dobbs calls for new 911—INVESTIGATION
20060813             8. - Re: some food for thought
20060813             9. - Fwd: GlobalResearch.CA—THE—PENTAGON'S "2. 911"
20060813             11. - ***SOS***911—TRUTH seekers need help
20060813             12. - Fwd: DIEBOLD CERTIFICATION NOT LEGAL Reply to:
20060813             13. - PLEASE you can keep 9/11 on 1—BUSY—FORUM if you go NOW.. SPREAD THE
20060813             14. - Check Out This 9/11—SITE !!! More 9/11—INFO than ANY—OTHER—SITE !!!!
20060813             15. - 9/11—UPDATE - 8/12—TVNL news
20060813             16. - A Day in the Life: 8/12/6—FROM: PRESIDENT, USA—EXILE—GOVERNMENT.
20060813             17. - MORE Concentration Camps! / ISRAEL—CROOK—FLEES! / J—BIRCH—PARROTS
20060813             18. - The early HISTORY—OF—ZIONIST—TERRORISM
20060813             TIMES—OF—INDIA—WHITE—WINE may be just as good for the heart as red, says 1—NEW—STUDY.
20060813             —SUGGESTED, Till recently researchers had, that red wine contained antioxidants that were good for the heart.
20060813             —CRUSHED, Grape skins are, along with the pulp to make red wine, but the skins are separated for preparing white wine.
20060813             A GROUP—OF—AMERICAN and ITALY—RESEARCHERS compared the effects of feeding laboratory rats water or equal amounts of grape pulp extract, or grape skin extract —FOR—30—DAYS.
20060813             —PUBLISHED, The results, in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry showed both extracts were equally effective in protecting the rats from induced heart attacks, reported online EDITION—OF—HEALTH—MAGAZINE—WEB MD. Rats fed either grape skin or grape pulp extract had significantly smaller heart attacks compared with those fed water, it said.
20060813             —SHOWED, In addition, tests, both extracts appeared to have the same level of antioxidant activity.
20060813             Ludicrous FAUX—TERRORIST—STORY—OF—THE—MONTH—DEPARTMENT—TEXAS men arraigned on terrorism charges in Thumb
20060813             Hey, terrorism lurks. Open Thread
20060813             If its —SATURDAY nite, then its time for an Open Thread.
20060813             The questions before you: Is this THE—END—OF—THE—FED cycle -- or is it 1—PAUSE before the next raise?
20060813             Oil? Energy? I said about 6—MONTHS ago its 1—ELECTION—YEAR, so we can expect more.
20060813             Airline laptops
20060813             —BORED, How are, and anxious travelers going to manage 8-10-hour flights across the Atlantic with nothing to do — no computers, no iPods, no books, no nothing? * I predict the airlines will have to start renting laptops if this keeps up.
20060813             * Why not lending libraries on the planes? * Lots more.
20060813             MCCAIN—LIEBERMAN
20060813             —NOW ANDREW—SULLIVAN has joined DAVID—BROOKS proposing 1—MCCAIN—LIEBERMAN party.
20060813             Says Andrew in the —SUNDAY Times of LONDON: What if the Democratic left rejects Lieberman and, in the Republican primaries, the religious right rejects McCain?
20060813             Both are too centrist for their party's base. Both can.
20060813             Fact Sheet: Guidance For Airline Passengers
20060813             —RAISED, THE—USA—THREAT—LEVEL is, to Severe, or Red, for all commercial flights flying from THE—UK to THE—USA.
20060813             —RAISED, THE—USA—THREAT—LEVEL is, to High, or ORANGE, for all commercial aviation operating in THE—USA, including INTERNATIONAL flights.
20060813             Flights from the. An infinite ETERNITY—OF—BOOKS to eat
20060813             I love how books smell.
20060813             I want to read EVERY—NOVEL and poetry collection, especially French, surreal, dada, beatnik.
20060813             I want to read EVERY—BUSINESS and marketing book.
20060813             I want to read tech books on subjects I have no clue about.
20060813             I want to devour entire libraries and book stores, chew my way through.
20060813             Evolution theory holds no water in THE—USA
20060813             —JUST over 1 3. of USA—POPULATION is ready to accept THE—THEORY—OF—EVOLUTION according to 1—STUDY to be published in the next ISSUE—OF—SCIENCE.
20060813             ISRAEL—CABINET backs truce deal ISRAEL—MINISTERS endorse THE—UN Security Council resolution calling for a end to fighting in SOUTH—LEBANON.
20060813             CUBA media show 'improving' Fidel CUBA—MEDIA—PUBLISH the 1. photos of Fidel Castro since his surgery last month, as he marks his 80. birthday.
20060813             SPAIN battles raging forest fires Authorities in NORTH—WEST—SPAIN battle against a STRING—OF—FOREST fires, as a man dies from burn injuries.
20060813             —MISJUDGED, Foreign policy letter '' Home SECRETARY—JOHN—REID says a letter by UK—MUSLIM groups urging changes to UK foreign policy was 'misguided'.
20060813             —CRITICISED, Web firms, over CHINA Internet firms are criticised by UK MPs for "collaborating" with STATE—CENSORSHIP—OF—THE—WEB in CHINA.
20060813             —FREED, Hostages, in SOUTH—MEXICO Protesters in THE—MEXICO—CITY—OF—OAXACA hand over to police 4—PEOPLE seized after 1—DEMONSTRATOR was shot dead.
20060813             Archbishop in LEBANON peace vigil The Archbishop of YORK embarks on 1—ACT—OF 'public witness' to encourage peace in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20060813             Air security causes flight cuts Disruption to flights following the alleged jet terror plot continues to affect air passengers in SCOTLAND.
20060813             Match security high after alert High visibility security will be in force for THE—FA Community Shield game at the Millennium Stadium on —SUNDAY.
20060813             MINISTER criticises Muslim letter Foreign OFFICE—MINISTER—KIM—HOWELLS criticises Muslim leaders over a letter about UK—FOREIGN policy.
20060813             Talk is cheap and getting cheaper BBC Click finds out if there is 1—CATCH involved with signing up to companies providing "free" phone calls.
20060813             Leaders agree to UN truce timing A ceasefire between ISRAEL and Hezbollah will begin early on —MONDAY, THE—UN—SECRETARY—GENERAL announces.
20060813             Emotional patients get wrong idea Some patients are too emotional to remember what 1—DOCTORS tells them, researchers suggest.
20060813             We Can Detect Liquid Explosives Scanning machines that can spot liquid or GEL—BASED explosives exist already -- some based on 10—YEAR—OLD—TECHNOLOGIES.
20060813             But they're not in airports and probably won't be anytime soon.
20060813             USA—SOLDIERS Are Sick of It
20060813             Suffering from 1—MULTITUDE—OF—HEALTH—PROBLEMS and 1—ARRAY of similar symptoms, MANY—VETERANS—OF both IRAQ wars believe they are suffering the effects of depleted uranium used in USA weaponry.
20060813             —DISMISSED, But they are, OUT—OF—HAND by THE—DOD and VIRGINIA.
20060813             Cleaning Uranium Waste with Bacteria
20060813             "Nuclear bombs can kill people even if they're not used.
20060813             THE—USA—ALONE, THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—ENERGY estimates that more than 2,500 billion liters of groundwater are contaminated with uranium as 1—CONSEQUENCE—OF—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—PRODUCTION.
20060813             In "Uranium 'pearls' before slime," scientists from the Pacific NORTH—WEST—NATIONAL—LABORATORY (PNNL) say they discovered that some common bacteria could "convert deadly heavy metal into less threatening NANO—SPHERES".
20060813             In fact, these bacteria can convert soluble radioactive uranium into 1—NON—TOXIC—SOLID—FORM called uraninite.
20060813             —STILL, more research needs to be done before using these bacteria on 1—LARGE—SCALE, but it's 1—STEP in the good direction.
20060813             Read more for additional references and photos showing how Shewanella oneidensis can help us to decontaminate groundwater at nuclear waste sites".
20060813             Defeating GOOGLE—PERPETUAL—SEARCH—LOGGING
20060813             But at least 1—USER is fighting back.
20060813             His short and simple guide tells you how to set up ANY—DECENT—WEB browser so that it routes Google requests through 1—ANONYMOUS proxy, while sending everything else direct to the net for FULL—SPEED surfing.
20060813             Follow these steps and get GOOGLE—NOSE out of your business once and for all".
20060813             New SUPER—SIZED Customer Database for Amazon?
20060813             "Amazon_com has applied for 1—PATENT to create 1—ONLINE customer database which would allegedly contain 'massive amounts of intimate information about its MILLIONS—OF—SHOPPERS, including their religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity and income.'  "The database, which would combine information disclosed voluntarily by customers with facts gleaned from public databases, conceivably would give Amazon 1—LARGER or more detailed profile of its customers than ANY—OTHER—RETAILER.
20060813             Does this cross the privacy line or is it just reasonable data gathering to make retail sales more responsive to customer needs?"
20060813             It's that's time again — for another 'terror plot' : It's amazing really that nobody sees the paradox of Reid calling for the abolition of what's left of our civil rights in order to preserve them but then there's nothing logical about the 'war on terror', it is itself 1—CONTRADICTION—OF—TERMS.
20060813             —ACCUSED—OF, USA, jumping the gun in blaming AL—QAEDA: UK—OFFICIALS are furious with THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION for "jumping the gun" by declaring that AL—QAEDA was behind the airline terror plot, The Times has learnt.
20060813             GORDON—PRATHER: Homegrown 'Islamic fascists' : perhaps THE—PAKISTANI—BRITS thought they might "shape the will" of 1—FEW MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS, get them to quit supporting AMERICAN—ISRAEL—WARS—OF—AGGRESSION against Islam, by at least threatening to blow USA—AIRLINERS OUT—OF—THE—SKY in retaliation.
20060813             —TRACKED, PAKISTAN, AL—QAEDA—BRITON well before swoop : PAKISTAN—INTELLIGENCE—AGENTS monitored telephone calls + E—MAILS—OF—UK—AL—QAEDA operative Rashid Rauf for some time before arresting the man they say was central to 1—PLOT to blow up transatlantic airliners.
20060813             Bureaucracy impedes BOMB—DETECTION—WORK : As THE—UK—TERROR—PLOT was unfolding, the Bush administration quietly tried to take away $6—MILLION that was supposed to be spent this year developing new explosives detection technology.
20060813             —MISSED, In case you, it:
20060813             Audio: The Incredible Lying Bush Co : Tell me lies, Tell me sweet little lies.
20060813             Destroying PARADISE for Profit: What role did TOM—DELAY and JACK—ABRAMOFF play in allowing USA—COMPANIES to profit by exploiting TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—FEMALE—WORKERS in THE—NORTH—MARIANAS Islands?
20060813             IRAQ informs TURKEY on banning PKK : IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALEKI has informed his TURKEY—COUNTERPART RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN that the government decided to shut down all offices and halt activities of the Kurdish sepratist movement, the Workers Party of Kurdistan (THE—PKK).
20060813             Turkish, IRAN—ARMIES build up forces along IRAQ—ONLY—QUIET—AREA : The Kurdish PROVINCES—OF—NORTH—IRAQ are the country's most stable and prosperous area.
20060813             But to neighbouring IRAN and TURKEY, they are something else: 1—INSPIRATION and 1—SUPPORT—BASE for the large Kurdish minorities in their own countries.
20060813             ISRAEL—ATTACK on convoy kills 7 a 'mistake' : At least 7—PEOPLE were killed and 36 wounded when 1 unmanned ISRAEL—AIRCRAFT fired on the convoy of more than 500—VEHICLES.
20060813             7—ISRAEL—OCCUPATION troops killed, 11—SERIOUSLY hurt in LEBANON : 7—SOLDIERS killed, 84 injured in SERIES—OF—INCIDENTS in SOUTH—LEBANON;
20060813             wounded evacuated to hospitals in NORTH—ISRAEL.
20060813             —FLOODED, ISRAEL—TROOPS—REACH—THE—LITANI—RIVER : The units were PART—OF—1—MASSIVE—FORCE that, into LEBANON, trying to seize as much territory as possible before A—UNITED—NATIONS—CEASE—FIRE comes into effect.
20060813             The objective was to control SOUTH—LEBANON up to the Litani River, about 18—MILES from THE—ISRAEL—BORDER, before handing over the area to THE—LEBANON—ARMY and UNITED—NATIONS troops.
20060813             —LANDED, Rockets land near HAIFA, Maalot : More than 50—ROCKETS, in northern communities —SATURDAY.
20060813             6—PEOPLE were lightly injured by shrapnel.
20060813             The last barrages hit the Akko area at around 7—P.m., causing several people to suffer from shock.
20060813             ISRAEL's, LEBANON attacks will continue : Ehud OLMERT—OFFICE said late —FRIDAY that the expanded incursion into LEBANON would continue "for the time being," despite agreeing to 1—CEASE—FIRE—RESOLUTION drafted by THE—UNITED—NATIONS Security Council.
20060813             ISRAEL, Hezbollah issue caveats on deal : Sayyed HASSAN—NASRALLAH, HEZBOLLAH—LEADER, said on —SATURDAY "We must not make 1—MISTAKE, not in the resistance, the government or the people + believe that the war has ended. The war has not ended. There have been continued strikes and continued casualties," he added.
20060813             Security Council OKs Mideast Peace Deal: THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL unanimously adopted 1—RESOLUTION——FRIDAY that calls for 1—END to the fighting between ISRAEL and Hezbollah + authorizes the deployment of 15,000 UNITED—NATIONS peacekeepers to help LEBANON—TROOPS take CONTROL—OF—SOUTH—LEBANON as ISRAEL withdraws.
20060813             † USA: Should Deny ISRAEL—REQUEST for Cluster Munitions : HRW : Civilians in LEBANON have already, from ISRAEL—USE—OF—SIMILAR—WEAPONS, which blanket 1—WIDE—AREA with deadly submunitions.
20060813             HARD—LINE—NEO—CONS Assail ISRAEL for Timidity : While MUCH—OF—THE—WORLD has criticised ISRAEL for carrying out a "disproportionate" war against Hezbollah in LEBANON, HARD—LINE—NEO—CONSERVATIVES have attacked THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT for timidity.
20060813             Face to faith:
20060813             Christian fundamentalists may offer unwavering support for ISRAEL—BUT not in THE—NAME—OF—RELIGIOUS—TOLERANCE, says DAVID—SELF
20060813             If you want THE—ROOTS—OF—TERROR, try here
20060813             There were more thumps in the darkness across BEIRUT where 1—AWFUL—LOT—OF—PEOPLE are suffering from TERROR—ALTHOUGH I can assure GEORGE W that while THE—PILOTS—OF—THE—AIRCRAFT dropping bombs across the city in which I have lived —FOR—30—YEARS may or may not be fascists, they are definitely not Islamic.
20060813             —EXPECTED, ISRAEL to withdraw in week or 2: The government is, on —SUNDAY morning to approve Security Council Resolution 17010000             to stop the fighting in SOUTH—LEBANON, but THE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—ISRAEL—DEFENSE—FORCES—SOLDIERS from LEBANON will only begin in about 1—WEEK or 2,
20060813             USA assures ISRAEL it will not be forced to withdraw from Shaba : An agreement reached between ISRAEL and THE—USA on the disputed Shaba Farms area, located on ISRAEL—BORDER with LEBANON, enabled 1—BREAKTHROUGH in reaching 1—CEASE—FIRE—RESOLUTION at THE—UNITED—NATIONS on —FRIDAY.
20060813             Bush won't allow IRAN to go nuclear:
20060813             ISRAEL—ARMY—SHOOTS—UNARMED—PROTESTORS in Bil'in: To view 1—VIDEO—OF—THE—INITIAL—VIOLENCE—OF—THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY and shooting of Lymar click here.
20060813             MEXICO leftist claims election recount proves fraud: MEXICO—OPPOSITION—LEADER said on —FRIDAY 1—PARTIAL—RECOUNT—OF—VOTES from the presidential election he narrowly lost has shown so MANY—ERRORS that the top electoral court will have to declare him PRESIDENT—ELECT.
20060813             BOLIVIA Suspends NATIONALIZATION—OF—OIL—FIELDS, Razon Reports : BOLIVIA temporarily suspended 1—PLAN to seize oil and natural gas fields controlled by foreign companies, saying the state oil company lacks the necessary funds to execute the process, La Razon reported.
20060813             S AFRICAN—WARNS white FARMERS—OF—EXPROPRIATION: SOUTH—AFRICA has told white farmers it may seize their properties under the land restitution program if they fail to agree on 1—SELLING price within 6—MONTHS.
20060813             What the Hell Has Happened To THE—ISRAEL—ARMY? -
20060813             —ON the 32. DAY—OF—THE—WAR, Hizbullah is still standing and fighting.
20060813             That by itself is 1—STUNNING feat: 1—SMALL—GUERILLA—ORGANIZATION, with 1—FEW 1000—FIGHTERS, is standing up to 1—OF—THE—STRONGEST—ARMIES in the world and has not been broken after 1—MONTH—OF "pulverizing".
20060813             Tea and rockets: Café Society, BEIRUT—STYLE
20060813             Too MANY—JOURNOS are wearing flak jackets and helmets, little spacemen who want to show they are "in combat" on television.
20060813             I notice how their drivers and interpreters are usually not given flak jackets.
20060813             —RESERVED, These are, for us, the Westerners, the Protected Ones, Those Who Must Live.
20060813             Fighting Jim Crow in ISRAEL—BY MIKE—WHITNEY—IN ISRAEL, there is a 2—TIERED SYSTEM—OF—JUSTICE;
20060813             1 for Jews and another for non Jews;
20060813             FULL—CITIZENSHIP for ISRAELI—JEWS and "Jim Crow" for Arabs.
20060813             Descent Into Moral Barbarism -
20060813             As ISRAEL—MILITARY bravely fires away shells and missiles to lay waste the fragile human and physical infrastructure of LEBANON, Harvard Law Professor ALAN—DERSHOWITZ, waging battle on a 2. front to legitimize ISRAEL—CRIMINAL—AGGRESSION, bravely fires away OP—EDS from his foxhole at MARTHA—VINEYARD to lay waste the fragile infrastructure of INTERNATIONAL law.
20060813             New RULER'S—OF—THE—WORLD
20060813             A documentary film by JOHN—PILGER
20060813             'Global economy' is 1—MODERN—ORWELLIAN term.
20060813             —ON the surface, it is instant financial trading, mobile phones, McDonald's, Starbucks, holidays booked on the net.
20060813             Beneath this gloss, it is THE—GLOBALISATION—OF—POVERTY, 1—WORLD where most human beings never make 1—PHONE—CALL and live on less than 2—DOLLARS 1—DAY, where 6,000 children die EVERY—DAY from diarrhea because most have no access to clean water.
20060813             Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Video INTERVIEW—WITH—JOHN—PERKINS—HOW THE—USA—USES—GLOBALIZATION to Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions.
20060813             ALL—OF—OUR information derives from pronouncements by the British, Pakistani and USA—GOVERNMENTS.
20060813             4—YEARS ago, I would have taken such pronouncements at face value.
20060813             —TODAY, the phrase "consider the source" suggests itself.
20060813             2—THINGS are certain: 1. Bush has lied about a
20060813             supposed connection between this plot and Hezbollah.
20060813             Hezbollah is an IRANIAN—SUPPORTED Shi'ite group;
20060813             AL—QAEDA supporters consider Shi'ism to be 1—KIND—OF heresy + they have no love for IRAN.
20060813             2. Bush has actually weakened our security.
20060813             —FROM THE—AP (quoted by Buzzflash): "While THE—UK—TERROR—SUSPECTS were hatching their plot, the Bush administration was quietly seeking permission to divert $6—MILLION that was supposed to be spent this year developing new homeland explosives detection technology".
20060813             Le pire désastre écologique Depuis les premiers jours de la guerre ouverte contre le Liban, les catastrophes s'enchaînent Mort d...
20060813             Hezbollah gains as LEBANON—LEADERS—STRUGGLE (BOSTON Globe)
20060813             —POSITIONED, Hezbollah leader Sheik HASSAN—NASRALLAH has, himself to be 1—MORE—INFLUENTIAL—PLAYER than ever in the event of an ISRAEL—WITHDRAWAL from LEBANON, taking advantage of 1—LEBANON—GOVERNMENT paralyzed by 1 complicated ethnic..., 20060813             —12140
20060813             ISRAEL triples troops in LEBANON (THE—COLUMBUS Dispatch)
20060813             BEIRUT—LEBANON ? More ISRAEL—TANKS and soldiers surged into SOUTH—LEBANON yesterday, reaching the Litani River and engaging in SOME—OF—THE—HEAVIEST—GROUND—COMBAT—OF—THE—WAR, just hours after THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL adopted 1—CEASEFIRE—PLAN., 20060813             —45554
20060813             —SCHON am MITTWOCHABEND—KURZ vor den bevorstehenden RAZZIEN—HATTE Reid bei einem Gespräch mit Mitgliedern eines Thinktanks gesagt: "Großbritannien steht wahrscheinlich vor der am längsten anhaltenden Phase ernsthafter Bedrohung seit dem 2. Weltkrieg".
20060813             Immerhin besteht einem Bericht der "—SUNDAY Times" zufolge die Hoffnung, der Polizei könnte bei ihrer Razzia ein richtig großer Fisch ins Netz gegangen sein: Unter den 23—FESTGENOMMENEN befindet sich nämlich einem anderen Zeitungsbericht zufolge auch der britische Chef der Terrororganisation AL—QAIDA.
20060813             Bei den Ermittlungen zu dem jetzigen Plot sei man bereits auf enorme Mengen von Sprengstoff und einige Waffen gestoßen, die einen Massenmord ermöglicht hätten.
20060813             Größte Bedrohung seit dem 2. Weltkrieg
20060813             So wird auch Innenminister JOHN—REID nicht müde, vor der außerordentlichen Gefahr zu warnen: "Wie ich schon die ganze Zeit gesagt habe, sollte sich niemand der Illusion hingeben, die Bedrohung sei nach den jüngsten Festnahmen vorbei. Das ist sie nicht".
20060813             Er gab die Zahl der allein im Moment laufenden Terrorermittlungen mit zwei Dutzend an.
20060813             Zwei Mitglieder der in der Nacht auf —DONNERSTAG ausgehobenen Terrorzelle sollen der Polizei entkommen und jetzt auf der Flucht sein.
20060813             Meteoriteneinschlag: Forscher auf den Spuren der Apokalypse
20060813             TERROR—ERMITTLUNGEN: Fahnder warnen vor Apokalypse
20060813             Irak: Heftige Kämpfe zwischen Extremisten und USA—SOLDATEN
20060813             Libanon: Wie ISRAEL beinahe den schärfsten Kritiker der Hisbollah ausschaltete
20060813             Neuberechnung: Weltall soll größer und älter sein
20060813             LIBANON—SCHUTZTRUPPE: Immer mehr deutsche Politiker erwägen Einsatz der Bundeswehr
20060813             NAHOST—KRIEG: Schwerste Verluste vor der Waffenruhe
20060813             Gestrichene Flüge: Auch heute Behinderungen in Heathrow
20060813             USA lags behind world in evolution acceptance.
20060813             "A COMPARISON—OF—PEOPLES' views in 34—COUNTRIES finds THAT—THE—USA—RANKS near the bottom
20060813             —WHEN it comes to public ACCEPTANCE—OF—EVOLUTION.
20060813             —RANKED, Only TURKEY, lower". 1—MAJOR—FACTOR: politics. "Major political parties in THE—USA—ARE more willing to make opposition to evolution 1—PROMINENT—PART—OF—THEIR—CAMPAIGNS to garner conservative VOTES—SOMETHING that does not happen in EUROPE or JAPAN".
20060813             "While THE—UK—TERROR—SUSPECTS were hatching their plot,
20060813             the Bush administration was quietly seeking permission to divert $6—MILLION that was supposed to be spent this year
20060813             developing new homeland explosives detection technology,
20060813             " THE—AP reports. "Congressional leaders rejected the idea, the latest in 1—SERIES—OF—STEPS by the Homeland Security Department that has left lawmakers and SOME—OF—THE—DEPARTMENT—OWN—EXPERTS questioning the commitment to create better ANTI—TERROR—TECHNOLOGIES".
20060813             THE—LONDON Plot
20060813             Fountainhead Truth exists, falsehood has to be invented.(image : terror alert guide) THE—LONDON Plot By Anwaar HUSSAIN—SOMETHING is Rotten in THE—STATE—OF—DENMARKBY—ANWAAR—HUSSAINA huge 'terrorist plot' has just been uncovered in LONDON.
20060813             "This was intended to be mass murder on 1—UNIMAGINABLE—SCALE" say THE—LONDON Metropolitan police.
20060813             —UNANSWERED, As the list of
20060813             Vblog: ANALYSIS—OF—CODE—RED, Homeland Security, Etc.
20060813             Breaking News: CBSnews_com Top Breaking News Stories from CBSNews_com Key Terror Clues Found 10—DAYS—AGO UK—INTELLIGENCE—AGENTS secretly raided 1—HOME 10—DAYS ago that contained the bomb materials that were to be used for blowing up USA—BOUND planes, officials told CBS News.
20060813             This article does not expose FALSE—FLAG—TERROR. It does set the stage.
20060813             - Daily Kos: Why The Sudden Conservative Venom?
20060813             THE—NOW—PUBLIC—FAILURE—OF—IRAQ
20060813             Qaeda Operative in LONDON Bomb Plot Escapes
20060813             Informed Comment Blogged with FLOCK—POLITICAL—COMMENTARY
20060813             - Olmert cannot remain in THE—PRIME—MINISTER—OFFICE—HAARETZ—ISRAEL—NEWS
20060813             new articles on APFN.
20060813             SELLING, FEAR! FEAR! FEAR! — "Radio Your Way", Fri
20060813             KARL—ROVE—TINGLER; "it's name is 9/11 , ready to be loosed upon THE—USA—SUBCONSCIOUS at ANY—TIME"
20060813             Station Charon: KARL—ROVE—TINGLER
20060813             CHICAGO—HANCOCK—CENTER—HEADS for sale block
20060813             THE—OWNERS—OF—CHICAGO—JOHN—HANCOCK—BUILDING are considering selling the property.
20060813             It's the 3.—TALLEST skyscraper in CHICAGO and THE—MIGHTY—GEORGE
20060813             I got this link yesterday and I've watched it like 10—TIMES now.
20060813             EVERY—TIME I watch political debates/interviews I always find it extremely frustrating because the people are not talking about the real issues here, they're smoke screened out.
20060813             The 'objective' journalism is.
20060813             Young drive 'radical media shift'
20060813             —NETWORKED, The " generation" is driving 1—RADICAL—SHIFT in media consumption, says UK telecoms regulator Ofcom.
20060813             16 to 24—YEAR—OLDS are spurning television, radio and newspapers in favour of online services, says the regulator's study.
20060813             Social Networks gaining on Internet portals
20060813             USA—WEB stats company Compete has some interesting analysis on how Social Networking sites compare to portals.
20060813             —FROM 1—SAMPLE—SIZE—OF around 2—MILLION—USA—PEOPLE, Compete concludes that social networking sites are quickly approaching the traffic level of the big portals like Google and Yahoo.
20060813             Fuel crisis could be offset with better gas mileage
20060813             This is belaboring the obvious, but we obviously didn't learn the last time this happened in the '70s.
20060813             Will we learn this time? Drilling more won't help either, as world demand for resources scream for more economical vehicle solutions.
20060813             The loss of 400,000 BARRELS—OF—OIL 1—DAY.
20060813             CARRY—ON electronics may be the next to go due to latest terror threat
20060813             I don't know what would happen to business travel if they prohibited CARRY—ON electronics because I'd never trust my gear to the cargo bay.
20060813             Our favourite electronic devices are suddenly facing 1—VERY—UNCERTAIN—FUTURE on INTERNATIONAL flights under new security measures being.
20060813             Confusion and Delays at Airports, Taken Mostly in Stride
20060813             —PROGRESSED, As the day, the lines and delays grew shorter as screeners and travelers got accustomed to the changes, which had been ordered by Homeland Security officials.
20060813             Is opposing nanotechnology really being Friendly to the Earth?
20060813             —PUBLISHED, FRIENDS—OF—THE—EARTH—AUSTRALIA has, 1—SPECIAL—ISSUE—OF—THEIR—MAGAZINE titled Nanotechnology: Small Science, Big Questions! (4.3—MB PDF).
20060813             It includes over 17—SHORT—PIECES opposing or questioning the endeavor.
20060813             —ON the upside, the group does appear to appreciate THE—MAGNITUDE—OF—THE—CHANGES.
20060813             Terror Plot Foiled; Airports Quickly Clamp Down
20060813             —IMPLEMENTED, Security regulations, —THURSDAY required passengers to place personal items in clear plastic bags.
20060813             —ARRESTED, The officials said they had, 24—MEN, all BRITISH—BORN Muslims, who planned to carry the liquids in drink bottles and combine them into explosive cocktails to commit mass murder.
20060813             Hezbollah 'will observe UN truce' HEZBOLLAH—LEADER says his group will abide by 1—UN—CEASEFIRE—PLAN to end fighting with ISRAEL.
20060813             Reid warns terror threat remains Home SECRETARY—JOHN—REID warns a terror threat remains as police continue to hold 23—PEOPLE over an alleged plot.
20060813             Muslim plea over foreign policy UK—MUSLIM groups write to TONY—BLAIR calling for "urgent" changes to UK foreign policy to safeguard civilians.
20060813             BA accuses Heathrow over delays UK—AIRWAYS says Heathrow Airport is not coping with the extra airport security measures.
20060813             Guenter Grass was in WAFFEN—SS Nobel PRIZE—WINNING GERMANY—NOVELIST Guenter Grass admits he was recruited into THE—WAFFEN—SS.
20060813             Army in CHINA typhoon CLEAR—UP CHINA mobilises more than 20,000 troops to help clear up after the most powerful typhoon to hit in 50—YEARS.
20060813             Police investigate mosque blaze Police are treating 1—FIRE at 1—MOSQUE in Hampshire as suspicious and have promised to act swiftly.
20060813             Disney proceeds with Gibson film Walt Disney goes ahead with the distribution of 1—MEL GIBSON—NEXT—FILM, rebutting claims it would pull out.
20060813             Air travel 'returning to normal' Airport operators say flights in SCOTLAND have effectively returned to normal after an alleged plot to blow up jets.
20060813             Blair urges 'immediate ceasefire' THE—PRIME—MINISTER—CALLS for 1—IMMEDIATE—CEASEFIRE after 1—RESOLUTION on THE—MIDDLE—EAST—CRISIS is passed at THE—UN.
20060813             Police quiz terror plot suspects ANTI—TERROR police continue to question 22—PEOPLE arrested over an alleged plot to blow up transatlantic jets.
20060813             —TRIPLED, Israelis 'triple LEBANON force' ISRAEL says it has, the number of its troops in SOUTH—LEBANON, despite 1—UN—VOTE backing 1—CEASEFIRE—PLAN.
20060813             Terror fears in Walthamstow Walthamstow is tense after terror raids in the area saw 1—NUMBER—OF—LOCAL—MEN arrested.
20060813             WEEKEND—OF—TRAVEL woe Air passengers can expect flight delays to continue in coming days as new security measures remain in place at UK airports.
20060813             UN vote backs LEBANON ceasefire THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL unanimously backs 1—RESOLUTION calling for 1—TRUCE in LEBANON and ISRAEL.
20060813             Robot Balances on 1—SINGLE—SPHERICAL—WHEEL
20060813             "Researchers at Carnegie Mellon UNIVERSITY—ROBOTICS—INSTITUTE have developed 1—NEW—KIND—OF—ROBOT called the Ballbot that balances on 1—STEEL—BALL. Using 1—MECHANISM—SIMILAR to 1—BALL mouse, the Ballbot uses rollers to drive its single, spherical wheel and balance in place or glide around the room. The promise of such dynamically stable robots is that they can be much taller without having to have 1—WIDE—BASE, making them much more suitable for working with humans. They are also much more agile, since they can be pushed OUT—OF—THE—WAY easily without falling over. You can read the press release or check out the project's web page when it recovers from traffic".
20060813             Reporters' Roundtable: Does real privacy still exist?
20060813             AOL under the magnifying glass Video: AOL under the magnifying glass.
20060813             —AFTER this week's big security flub at AOL, the answer to the privacy question is 1—LOT—LESS—CLEAR.
20060813             Tune in to 1—DISCUSSION between Elinor Mills, DECLAN—MCCULLAGH and CHARLIE—COOPER on this week's edition of THE—CNET News_com REPORTER—ROUNDTABLE.
20060813             Liquid explosives threaten air travel Leave your water bottle behind if you're planning to fly anytime soon.
20060813             And in LONDON you can't bring 1—IPOD either.
20060813             Where to find the world's hottest START—UPS Also: Nuclear power's green promise dulled by rising temps.
20060813             Police STATE—USA: Authorities ban water, books for air travelers
20060813             A plot to bring down planes between ENGLAND and THE—USA—USING LIQUID—BASED explosives was uncovered —THURSDAY + now MANY—NORMAL—CARRY—ON items have been completely banned from flights as 1—RESULT—OF—THE—TERRORISTS' intention to use liquid explosives.
20060813             Under the new counterterrorism. THE—LONDON Terror Gang
20060813             01? Financial Sanctions - 02? Chemical Mix - "Peace Activists" with 1—SECRET—AGENDA?
20060813             - sfux Introduction & Part 1:
20060813             Drahtzieher vereitelter Flugzeuganschläge identifiziert?
20060813             Unter den fünf noch flüchtigen Verdächtigen der in Großbritannien vereitelten Serie von Anschlägen auf Passagierflugzeuge ist angeblich auch der Kopf der Gruppe.
20060813             Der 29-jährige mutmaßliche Anführer Matiur Rehman habe fünf Jahre nach den Anschlägen vom 20060911             einen "spektakulären Anschlag" geplant, berichtete der USA—FERNSEHSENDER ABC unter Berufung auf pakistanische Ermittler.
20060813             Nach Angaben britischer und amerikanischer Behörden wollten die Täter im Handgepäck Sprengstoff.
20060813             Video cameras on the lookout for terrorists
20060813             It sounds like something OUT—OF—SCIENCE—FICTION.
20060813             Researchers at GENERAL—ELECTRIC—CO.'s sprawling research center, are creating new "smart video surveillance" systems that can detect explosives by recognizing the electromagnetic waves given off by objects, even under clothing.
20060813             Headline News Anchor: 'Might Some Argue That Lamont…Is The al Qaeda Candidate?'
20060813             —TODAY on CNN Headline News, anchor Chuck Roberts discussed the impact of the foiled UK—TERROR—PLOT with Hotline senior EDITOR—JOHN—MERCURIO.
20060813             —ASKED, Roberts, Mercurio, "How does this factor into the Lieberman/Lamont contest?
20060813             And might some argue, as some have, that Lamont is the al Qaeda candidate?" Watch it:
20060813             VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY said some pretty outrageous things about THE—IMPACT—OF—LAMONT—VICTORY on terrorists.
20060813             But even Cheney didn't call Lamont "the al Qaeda candidate" That's 1—CHUCK Roberts original.
20060813             —REACHED, UNITED—NATIONS deal, on Mideast crisis.
20060813             "FRANCE and THE—USA reached agreement on —FRIDAY on 1—DRAFT—RESOLUTION aimed at halting the bloodshed in LEBANON and ISRAEL".
20060813             A Security Council vote is expected later today.
20060813             UPDATE: ISRAEL launches ground offensive: "ISRAEL began an expanded ground offensive today in SOUTH—LEBANON after
20060813             expressing dissatisfaction over an emerging CEASE—FIRE deal,
20060813             "systematic" human rights violations + decided to send 1—COMMISSION to investigate.
20060813             —CONTAINED, The resolution, no mention of Hezbollah.
20060813             Bush Officials Admit Playing Little Role In Foiling UK—TERROR—PLOT
20060813             —SEIZED, Conservatives have " on THE—ARRESTS—OF—TERRORISM—SUSPECTS in BRITAIN yesterday to
20060813             bolster a WHITE—HOUSE campaign
20060813             to turn national security issues to their advantage".
20060813             —ADMITTED, But as WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS have, — and news reports have verified — the Bush administration apparently had little to do with foiling the potential "2. 20060911             ".
20060813             Homeland Security SECRETARY—MICHAEL—CHERTOFF:
20060813             —SUCCEEDED, Well, we think the British, in disrupting the plot.
20060813             And there's no question the focal point of the operational activity was in BRITAIN.
20060813             … Now we really took 1—LOT—OF—OUR cue from them because they had the boots on ground.
20060813             They had the firsthand knowledge. [10Aug.2006]
20060813             [Gonzales, SENATOR—CLINTON blasts Cheney.
20060813             I don't take anything he says seriously anymore," SENATOR—HILLARY—CLINTON (D-NY) said yesterday.
20060813             "I think that he has been 1—VERY counterproductive, even destructive, force in our country and I am very disheartened by THE—FAILURE—OF—LEADERSHIP from THE—PRESIDENT and VICE—PRESIDENT".
20060813             9/11—COMMISSIONER: Terror Plot Shows Danger of Putting 'All Our Intelligence and Military Resources in IRAQ'
20060813             This morning on CNN, former 9/11—COMMISSIONER—TIM Roemer argued that the recent terror plot in BRITAIN illustrated why we need to direct resources from IRAQ to the global terrorist threat.
20060813             Roemer said, "It's very important that we don't put all our intelligence and military resources in IRAQ and take our eye off the ball in other places in the world".
20060813             —EMPHASIZED, He also, that "it's very important that we capture OSAMA—BIN—LADEN" because OSAMA—BIN—LADEN is producing "CNN quality tapes" and "communicating with HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—POTENTIAL—JIHADIST and trying to get them to sign up".
20060813             It's been 4—YEARS, 10—MONTHS and 20—5—DAYS since PRESIDENT—BUSH pledged to capture OSAMA—BIN—LADEN "dead or alive".
20060813             ROEMER: We need to finish the job in AFGHANISTAN.
20060813             We need to capture OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20060813             —UNFINISHED, These are, PARTS—OF—THE—AGENDA. AFGHANISTAN is backsliding.
20060813             We are sending more NATO—TROOPS there.
20060813             We are running into more problems in the south.
20060813             More sorties are going on there then maybe even in IRAQ and we're having problems with the Tora Bora hills and trying to find OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and Zawahiri who seem very confident these days releasing their tapes and these are CNN studio quality tapes that they are putting out there these days communicating with HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—POTENTIAL—JIHADISTS and trying to get them to sign up.
20060813             O'BRIEN: You mention more problems potentially than IRAQ, that's 1—LITTLE—BIT—OF—1—QUOTE of what you just said.
20060813             Are you suggesting that maybe we should be withdrawing resources and money out of IRAQ and putting it into capturing OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and in AFGHANISTAN and other things?
20060813             I mean at THE—END—OF—THE—DAY, right, it comes down to 'X' NUMBER—OF—DOLLARS can be spent in certain things.
20060813             Where do you put that money?
20060813             ROEMER: I don't think you can cut and run from AFGHANISTAN.
20060813             I think you really have to finish the job there.
20060813             —STARTED, We, out well.
20060813             We did some things innovatively there with special operation forces and our CIA recruiting Muslim Americans to help.
20060813             We did 1—GREAT—JOB there initially and now we're seeing some backsliding and some LACK—OF—PROGRESS there + I think it's very important to finish the job in AFGHANISTAN.
20060813             It's very important that we don't put all our intelligence and military resources in IRAQ and take our eye off the ball in other places in the world and it's very important that we capture OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and we are not letting him release 1—TAPE—EVERY—FEW months trying to motivate and inspire and recruit new jihadists.
20060813             GREENLAND—ICECAP "is melting faster than ever before on record + the pace is speeding year by year," new data shows.
20060813             "The consequence is already evident in a
20060813             small but ominous rise in sea levels around the world,
20060813             a pace that is also accelerating".
20060813             —CALLED, SENATOR—JOE—LIEBERMAN (D-CT) once, using national security issues for political purposes "just unacceptable and in my opinion UN—AMERICAN".
20060813             Yesterday he said that 1—TIMELINE for IRAQ redeployment (backed by 57—PERCENT of Americans) "will be taken as 1—TREMENDOUS—VICTORY by the same people who wanted to blow up these planes in this plot hatched in ENGLAND. It will strengthen them and they will strike again".
20060813             Reps.
20060813             HENRY—WAXMAN (D-CA) and CHARLIE—MELANCON (D-LA) have written to FEMA about 1—REPORT that 94—PERCENT—OF—EMERGENCY housing trailers for Katrina victims "contain
20060813             hazardous levels of formaldehyde,
20060813             THE—GAO found
20060813             —ALMOST 30—PERCENT
20060813             of STATE—DEPARTMENT—DIPLOMATS abroad are " failing to speak and write the local language well enough to meet required levels ".
20060813             " IRAQ needs 1 to 2—YEARS to rebuild its security forces," VICE—PRESIDENT—TARIQ—AL—HASHEMI said —THURSDAY,
20060813             contradicting 1—RECENT—CLAIM by IRAQ—PRESIDENT—JALAL—TALABANI that they would be fully operational by the end of 20060000             .
20060813             "The Bush administration has illegally denied the public 1—CHANCE to comment before
20060813             approving THE—LOGGING—OF—WOODLANDS damaged by fires or infestations," 1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT ruled yesterday.
20060813             Violence in genocidal Darfur is increasing.
20060813             "The number of armed clashes during that period was
20060813             twice as high as the number last year," says JAN—PRONK, Special REPRESENTATIVE—OF—THE—UN—SECRETARY—GENERAL to SUDAN.
20060813             "Most states HAVE—SHIRKED the law
20060813             —BY failing to ensure that poor and minority students get their fair share of qualified teachers, 1—NEW—ANALYSIS contends".
20060813             And finally: Is Rummy getting ready for his CLOSE—UP?
20060813             Premier Magazine reports DONALD—RUMSFELD "hangs around movie sets — as in 1—RECENT—VISIT to the Clint EASTWOOD—DIRECTED war epic 'Flags of Our Fathers.'" "What was funny is that he stuck around for 1—WHILE," cast member JESSE—BRADFORD said.
20060813             "It's like, 'Don't you have anything better to do?
20060813             —SUPPOSED, You're, to be running the country.
20060813             This man should know...
20060813             Isreali ambassador caught lying through his teeth
20060813             WHATREALLYHAPPENED—COM
20060813             Isreali ambassador caught lying through his teeth In ISRAEL Watch Isreali Ambassador to THE—USA, DANIEL—AYALON, dodge the truth and squirm his way through this INTERVIEW—WITH—SAM—HUSSEINI, from THE—INSTITUTE—OF—PUBLIC—ACCURACY.
20060813             Ayalon buries himself with his brazen arrogance and intransigence.
20060813             Typical.
20060813             —JUST Wonderin'
20060813             —JAUNDICED, Suburban Guerrilla Keeping 1, eye on the corporate media.
20060813             —JUST Wonderin' By Susie on The Regime How does THE—EVER—INCREASING number of homegrown terrorists (particularly in the land of our CHIEF ally) make it look like the Bush national security policies are working?
20060813             And how does that reflect on the "STATE—SPONSORED terrorism" theory?
20060813             Why the Recent Airline Bombing Plot Was Most Likely Bogus
20060813             Humint Events Online The 9/11—HIJACKING attacks were very likely facilitated by 1—ROGUE group within THE—USA—GOVERNMENT that created an Islamic terrorist "Pearl Harbor" event as 1—CATALYST for the military INVASION—OF—MIDDLE—EASTERN—COUNTRIES.
20060813             This weblog will explore the incredibly strange events of 9/11 /01 + other ISSUES—OF—USA—GOVERNMENT—RESPONSIBILITY.
20060813             USA—JEWS and ISRAEL
20060813             Left I on the News A leftwing VIEW—OF—THE—DAY—NEWS and the way it's presented in the media USA—JEWS and ISRAEL—BY—ELI—THERE—1—INTERESTING—OP—ED in today's S—JOSE—MERCURY—NEWS by HENRI—PICCIOTTO, 1—LEBANON—JEW now living in THE—USA and who is CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—BOARD—OF—JEWISH—VOICES for Peace.
20060813             He concludes:Jewish USA—LEADERS—WORK—MOSSAD: THE—ISRAEL—CONNECTION to 9/11
20060813             —IGNORED, USA—INVESTIGATORS and the controlled media have, 1—PREPONDERANCE—OF—EVIDENCE pointing to ISRAEL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, the Mossad, being involved in the terror attacks of 9/11.
20060813             RINF: News Politics War 9/11—CONSPIRACY PROPAGANDA—NEWSLETTER—RINF Alternative News Breaking News:
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20060813             Essential: 9/11—TRUTH Event LONDON: Was 9/11 an inside job?
20060813             LEBANON: Victim of the Global Democratic Revolution
20060813             A quick look back at top stories this week: INDIA—STATE—BANS—PEPSI and Coke
20060813             USA—SOLDIERS could be COURT—MARTIALLED
20060813             9/11—COMMISSION—CHAIRMEN—ADMIT Whitewashing THE—CAUSE—OF—THE—ATTACKS
20060813             Detainee death: CIA officer testifies
20060813             The Hypocrisy of Corporate Wars
20060813             This draft shows who is running AMERICA?s policy? ISRAEL
20060813             Reuters admits altering BEIRUT photo
20060813             911—TRUTH Movement: Focus or Die
20060813             Dems Release Report Alleging WHITE—HOUSE Lawbreaking
20060813             Hackers crack new biometric passports
20060813             IRAQ—CIVIL—WAR has already begun, USA—TROOPS say
20060813             Blood on his hands
20060813             Group of 9/11—WIDOWS ?question the veracity of the entire Commission?s report?
20060813             The World?s Worst Internet Laws Sneaking Through the Senate
20060813             USA—TROOPS face ?war crimes? Claim
20060813             UW lecturer?s 9—11—TRUTH media blitz panned
20060813             GUANTANAMO detainees may remain indefinitely: Gonzalez
20060813             Clinton tells Rumsfeld to resign
20060813             Tower block fire aids 9/11—DEBATE
20060813             Bill would ban chip implantation in employees
20060813             —RULED, Forest Gate shooting, accidental
20060813             Breaking News: Multimedia Archives:
20060813             MI-5 in ludicrous Heathrow terror stunt
20060813             Beck has 1—WARNING for Muslims "who have sat on [their] frickin' hands" and have not "lin[ed] up to shoot the bad Muslims in the head"
20060813             USA—COURT—FINDS—WE—HAVE an Official Secrets Act
20060813             —BY Michael on Law: Free SPEECH—SECRECY—NEWS has the scoop at
20060813             Recipients of "Leaks" May Be Prosecuted, COURT—RULES.
20060813             Basically -- for the 1. time and I'd argue contrary to the 1. Amendment and legislative intent -- THE—1—USA—COURT has
20060813             held in USA v. Rosen (THE—AIPAC case), that private citizens who have no contractual obligations to keep government secrets + no security clearances, can nonetheless be prosecuted under the Espionage Act for sharing classified information they receive.
20060813             JUDGE—TS—ELLIS, III (ED VA—WHERE else?) argues in his opinion that this ruling is but 1—NARROW 1—SINCE it requires that the private citizen know the information is classified and that release would be potentially detrimental to national security, intend to share it + do so knowing that this is illegal.
20060813             Seems to me that Nixon would have used this argument to prosecute newspapers for publishing the Pentagon papers;
20060813             perhaps, given what we know now, they might have won on the merits, but surely THE—FEAR—OF—JAIL (for Espionage ) would have acted as 1—SUBSTANTIAL deterrent to that and other important publications.
20060813             Indeed, it's not hard to see this ruling as pushing us well down the slippery slope to 1—WORLD in which in practice only Official Leaks, those giving THE—PRO—ADMINISTRATION—SIDE—OF—1—STORY will be published.
20060813             Don't look for the 4. Circuit, the most statist in the nation, to overturn this.
20060813             But I'll bet even Scalia will vote to overturn it, as will THE—SUPREME—COURT with at least 6—JUDGES in the majority.
20060813             LIQUID TERROR: Training People To Act Like Subservient Slaves
20060813             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON——TERRORISTS planned to mix liquids so why are they all being poured into airport bins?
20060813             Where We Stand
20060813             In response to 1—SERIOUS—TERRORIST—THREAT to INTERNATIONAL aviation security, THE—SECRETARY—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY has elevated the Homeland Security Advisory System Threat Condition to Severe, or Red, for all commercial flights from THE—UK to THE—USA + to High, or ORANGE...
20060813             —INFILTRATED, Agent, terror cell, USA says
20060813             Terrorists were in the "final stages" of 1—PLOT to simultaneously blow up as many as 10—JETS leaving BRITAIN for THE—USA, sending the planes + THOUSANDS—OF—PASSENGERS into the Atlantic Ocean, USA—HOMELAND—SECURITY—SECRETARY—MICHAEL—CHERTOFF said —THURSDAY.
20060813             British.
20060813             UK—AUTHORITIES—SAY—PLOT to Blow Up Airliners Was Foiled At least 24—PEOPLE, said to be mainly BRITISH—BORN Muslims SOME—OF—PAKISTAN—DESCENT, were arrested.
20060813             AOL—DISTURBING glimpse into users' lives
20060813             —EXPOSED, THE—21—MILLION—SEARCH queries also have, 1—INNUMERABLE—NUMBER—OF—LIFE—STORIES ranging from the mundane to the illicit and bizarre.
20060813             The Guns Of August
20060813             2—FULL—BLOWN crises, in LEBANON and IRAQ, are merging into 1—SINGLE—EMERGENCY.
20060813             A chain reaction could spread quickly almost anywhere between CAIRO + Bombay.
20060813             TURKEY is talking openly of invading NORTH—IRAQ to deal with Kurdish terrorists based there.
20060813             —PULLED, Syria could easily get, into the.
20060813             USA—DRUG—TSAR—JOHN—WALTERS claims that drug tests are not INVASIONS—OF—PRIVACY and wants them mandatory in public schools
20060813             - SN USA—DRUG TSAR wants mandatory drug tests in schools
20060813             INDONESIA executions put on hold The execution of 3—INDONESIA—CHRISTIANS for attacking Muslims is delayed until after independence day.
20060813             USA hunt for UK terror plot links Investigators in THE—USA—ARE following leads from THE—UK to check for domestic links to 1—PLOT to blow up airplanes.
20060813             EU to hold talks on UK jet 'plot' EU to hold 1—MEETING—OF—AVIATION and security experts next week on the suspected UK planes terror plot.
20060813             UN rights body backs ISRAEL probe THE—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—COUNCIL—VOTES for 1—INQUIRY into ISRAEL—ACTIONS in LEBANON but omits mention of Hezbollah.
20060813             —NAMED, PAKISTAN arrests in UK bomb plot PAKISTAN has, 1—OF 2—UK—MEN arrested over 1 alleged UK plot to blow up planes to THE—USA.
20060813             Markets steady after bomb alert World markets steady in the aftermath of UK police disrupting 1—PLOT to blow up transatlantic jets.
20060813             GREENLAND melt 'speeding up' GREENLAND—ICE—SHEET is melting 3—TIMES—FASTER than 2—YEARS ago, according to satellite data.
20060813             Global warming hits Glorious 12. The opening DAY—OF—THE—GROUSE—SHOOTING season suffers from 1—FALL in bird stocks blamed on global warming.
20060813             —SENTENCED, WAL—MART boss, for theft EX—WAL—MART VICE—CHAIRMAN—TOM—COUGHLIN is sentenced to 27—MONTHS—OF—HOME—CONFINEMENT for stealing from the group.
20060813             —SIDELINED, Reid says Prescott not, Home SECRETARY—JOHN—REID moves to scotch claims that JOHN—PRESCOTT has been sidelined in ANTI—TERROR—TALKS.
20060813             ANTI—WAR—MARCH set for EDINBURGH A march protesting about the conflict in LEBANON is to take place in EDINBURGH on —SATURDAY.
20060813             Cabin baggage ban hits musicians RUSSIA—MUSICIANS returning from LONDON face 1—OVERLAND journey because of THE—UK—CABIN baggage ban on planes.
20060813             'Fewer delays' as alert remains Passenger flights show signs of returning to normal after the nation's HIGH—SECURITY—ALERT, airport bosses say.
20060813             Official warning on Windows bugs THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY has issued 1—WARNING about 1—FLAW found in MICROSOFT—WINDOWS.
20060813             Blair upbeat about UN resolution TONY—BLAIR hopes for 1—UN—DEAL over THE—MIDDLE—EAST—CRISIS as MPs increase demands for PARLIAMENT—RECALL.
20060813             Foreign nurse clampdown comes in Restrictions on INTERNATIONAL nurse recruitment are set to come into force in THE—NHS in ENGLAND on —MONDAY.
20060813             —URGED, NHS drug error 'crackdown', Hospitals have been told to do more to cut out medication errors after figures showed 40,000 are made EACH—YEAR.
20060813             —PREPARED, Health experts' heatwave warning THE—UK must be better, for the health impact of heatwaves as climate change means more will occur, experts say.
20060813             Glaxo pays $70m in price row GlaxoSmithKline agrees to pay out $70m to settle numerous USA—LAWSUITS alleging that it inflated prices of its drugs.
20060813             Bomb Threat Posed by Pants, Belts Shampoo and hair gel are banned from airplanes, but experts say bombers can waltz past security while salami sets off false alarms.
20060813             FAQ: AOL—SEARCH—GAFFE and You Searching the web can be hazardous to your privacy.
20060813             HERE—HOW to protect yourself from the worst risks.
20060813             MIT—ENERGY 'Manhattan Project' The university is spearheading 1—AMBITIOUS—EFFORT to develop 1—RAFT—OF—GREEN—TECHNOLOGIES, including LAPTOP—POWERED hybrids and PLASMA—CHARGED turbo engines.
20060813             Chipped Passports Coming —MONDAY Scorned by privacy groups but embraced by THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT, the new "smart" documents soon will land in THE—HANDS—OF—USA—CITIZENS.
20060813             Lifelong Effects of Cybersex Sex that happens in cyberspace does not stay in cyberspace.
20060813             It's PART—OF—OUR overall sexual development. Commentary by REGINA Lynn.
20060813             Foiling THE—WOULD—BE—HIJACKER Developing 1—AIRCRAFT that is HIJACK—PROOF is the goal of 1—AMBITIOUS—PROGRAM now under way in EUROPE.
20060813             —PLANNED, If everything goes as, 1—SYSTEM could be in place by THE—END—OF—THE—DECADE.
20060813             Did AOL Put Your Id Online?
20060813             Find out how to fight back if you find yourself in 1—COMPROMISING position as 1—RESULT—OF—THE—MASSIVE—SECURITY breach.
20060813             Censured for Censorship in CHINA
20060813             Windows' Patchguard Hinders Security Vendors
20060813             "Windows' PatchGuard seems to be upsetting 3. party security vendors such as Symantec, Sana Security and Agnitum. It sounds like the 'black hats' will be able to bypass this security feature (which will be in all copies of Vista) but force security software companies to give up developing software for Windows.  'PatchGuard will make it harder for 3. parties, particularly host INTRUSION—PREVENTION—SOFTWARE, to function in Vista,' said Yankee Group analyst ANDREW—JAQUITH. '3. parties have 2—CHOICES: continue to petition Microsoft to create 1 approved KERNEL—HOOKING interface so products like theirs can work, or use "black hat" techniques to bypass the restrictions.' Apparently, using these techniques is not 1—DIFFICULT trick".
20060813             Making THE—WORLD—FASTEST—KAYAK
20060813             "BusinessWeek looks at the world's fastest kayak, which floats over the water rather than nosing through waves like more typical boats. Named 'Little Wing' for the fore and aft wings that add stability, the kayak is the creation of Ted WARREN. An MIT—EDUCATED engineer, WARREN 'played around —FOR—3—YEARS with 3-D wire mesh designs on his PC, crunching the numbers for speed and stability, then started building actual models to test in the waters near his MASSACHUSETTS home.'"
20060813             Contagious Cancer Found in Dogs
20060813             "Scientists in ENGLAND have gathered definitive evidence that 1—KIND—OF—CANCER in dogs, known as STICKER—SARCOMA, is contagious. It is spread by tumor cells getting passed from dog to dog through sex or from animals biting or licking EACH—OTHER. ROBIN—WEISS and his colleagues did genetic studies on the tumor cells from 40—DOGS with STICKER—SARCOMA, collected from 5—CONTINENTS, which showed that all the tumor cells are CLONES—OF—EACH—OTHER. The parent cell probably arose in 1 domesticated dog of ASIA—ORIGIN — perhaps 1—HUSKY — HUNDREDS—OF—YEARS ago + perhaps more than 1,000—YEARS ago. A similarly transmissible cancer has recently been discovered spreading through populations of Tasmanian devils".
20060813             ACLU, EFF, & Others Fight RIAA for Debbie Foster
20060813             "In 1—LANDMARK legal document, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, THE—USA—CIVIL—LIBERTIES—UNION, Public Citizen, THE—ACLU—OF—OKLAHOMA Foundation + THE—USA—ASSOCIATION—OF—LAW—LIBRARIES have submitted 1—AMICUS curiae brief in support of the motion for attorneys fees that has been made by Deborah Foster in Capitol Records v. Debbie Foster, in federal court in OKLAHOMA. This brief is mandatory reading for EVERY—PERSON who is interested in THE—RIAA litigation campaign against consumers".
20060813             How THE—IBM PC Changed the World
20060813             Cray Wins $52—MILLION Supercomputer Contract
20060813             "Cray and THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—ENERGY (DOE) OFFICE—OF—SCIENCE announced that Cray has won the contract to install 1—NEXT—GENERATION supercomputer at THE—DOE—NATIONAL—ENERGY—RESEARCH—SCIENTIFIC—COMPUTING—CENTER (NERSC). The systems and MULTI—YEAR—SERVICES—CONTRACT, valued at over $52—MILLION, includes delivery of 1—CRAY massively parallel processor supercomputer, CODE—NAMED 'Hood.'"
20060813             Charter Flight Websites / Services?
20060813             "TSA—LATEST—ANNOUNCEMENT banning all fluids (toothpaste even) from CARRY—ON luggage is the icing on 1—VERY sour cake. MANY—PASSENGERS are growing tired of the invasive security screenings, the increasing prices, lost and stolen luggage + the decreasing QUALITY—OF—SERVICE with commercial flights in THE—USA. However, given the geographical size of this country and THE—LACK—OF—RAIL options, flight remains the only practical METHOD—OF—TRAVEL for most destinations. Can anyone suggest alternative flight services?
20060813             Are there websites that connect Cessna or other small scale air charter services with interested passengers?
20060813             I've found CharterX and CharterHub but they seem more geared toward executives looking for jets. Does anyone have experience traveling this way?
20060813             Is the price point 1—LOT—HIGHER, making this 1—DUMB idea (just resign myself to buying toiletries at EVERY—DESTINATION and prepare for the mandatory anal probes in '07)?"
20060813             † Reinhard Gehlen + USA—INTELLIGENCE—ROOSEVELT—PLAN, with him ( 19450000             ).
20060813             Libanon: Ab —MONTAG, 6—UHR, sollen Israels Waffen schweigen
20060813             STEUER—MEHREINNAHMEN: Tauziehen um unerwarteten Geldsegen
20060813             Nahost: Libanon akzeptiert UNO—RESOLUTION zur Waffenruhe
20060813             SS—VERGANGENHEIT: Grass' Geständnis entzweit die Intellektuellen
20060813             TERROR—PLOT—VON—LONDON: Behörden prüfen Kontakte nach Deutschland
20060813             LIBANON—RESOLUTION: Frieden auf dem Flugblatt
20060813             Verschobener Quartalsbericht: Nasdaq rügt Apple
20060813             No, THE—GOP is staring at real problems with their record + when that happens, it is time for the ole KARL—ROVE 2—STEP.
20060813             Jane Hamsher: KARL—ROVE and JOE—LIEBERMAN: BFFs
20060813             EVERY—SECRETARY—OF—STATE from HENRY—KISSINGER to WARREN—CHRISTOPHER +... negotiated with Syria, including those Republican icons GEORGE—SHULTZ + JAMES—BAKER.
20060813             Blundering toward the brink Waterloo Record
20060813             KENNETH—DE—ANGELO, 1—NEW—JERSEY stock finder with 1—CRIMINAL and civil record... Brotherhood of Teamsters;
20060813             and BRADFORD Keiller, 1—LAS—VEGAS...
20060813             taking advantage of a LEBANON—GOVERNMENT paralyzed by a complicated ethnic…, 20060813012140       —JAHR
20060813012140       20060824043045             —GMT, —THURSDAY 1—WAY—OF growing embryonic stem cells that could overcome ethical concerns is developed in THE—USA.
20060813045554       20060813             taking advantage of 1—LEBANON—GOVERNMENT paralyzed by 1 complicated ethnic...,
20060813—19950900    —FROM, " JUDGE—BATES spent 2—YEARS working for KENNETH—STARR and the Independent COUNSEL—OFFICE during the investigation into PRESIDENT—BILL—CLINTON, specifically Deputy Independent Counsel under KEN—STARR until leaving 19970300             —IN.
20060813—20000000    —SINCE, 40,000—USA—TROOPS Have Deserted
20060813—20040000    —VOTED, THE—MAJORITY—OF—PEOPLE who, for Bush (57—PERCENT) DISAPPROVE—OF—THE—JOB he is doing.
20060813—20060814    —ON, Microsoft, will be reaviling 1—NEW—WINDOWS—LIVE—PRODUCT.
20060813—20060900    —IM, Er rechnet damit, dass das Dossier oder 20061000             —IM an den Oberauditor, der in der...
20060813—20380000    —IN, "GOOGLE—POLICY—OF storing everyone's search histories forever is causing concern amongst many, especially since Google stores 1—COOKIE on everyone's PC expiring.
20060814             In an 20060812             20060814             IRAQ—RESISTANCE—REPORT for events of —SUNDAY, 20060813             20060814             GI Special 4H13: " Well, What Are We Doing Here?" - 20060813             20060814             DAILY WAR NEWS —FOR—SUNDAY, 20060813             20060814             ISRAEL says air, sea embargo still in place CNN_com —SUNDAY, 20060813—20060814              20060814             —MEANWHILE, on 20060813             —THE—EDITION—OF—ABC—THIS—WEEK, host GEORGE—STEPHANOPOULOS noted this report, but left the false impression that the allegations were the product of the "blogosphere," rather than of 1—MAJOR—NEWS—OUTLET.
20060814             IRAQ—RESISTANCE—REPORT for events of —SUNDAY, 20060813             20060814             GI Special 4H13: " Well, What Are We Doing Here?" - 20060813             20060814             DAILY WAR NEWS FOR —SUNDAY, 20060813             20060814             ISRAEL says air, sea embargo still in place CNN_com —SUNDAY, 20060813—20060814             20060814             Meanwhile, on 20060813             —THE—EDITION—OF—ABC—THIS—WEEK, host GEORGE—STEPHANOPOULOS noted this report, but left the false impression that the allegations were the product of the "blogosphere," rather than of 1—MAJOR—NEWS—OUTLET.
20060814             —ON 20060813             —THE—EDITION—OF—ABC—THIS—WEEK, Stephanopoulos noted the allegations that THE—USA had rushed THE—UK to make the arrests while "the Brits wanted to wait," but he left the impression that the story had been reported by bloggers.
20060814             IRAQ—RESISTANCE—REPORT for events of —SUNDAY, 20060813             20060814             Translated and/or compiled by MUHAMMAD—ABU—NASR, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice
20060814             GI Special 4H13: " Well, What Are We Doing Here?" - 20060813             20060814             THOMAS—F—BARTON..".3—MONTHS into IRAQ, my friend, 1—MAN that I drank beer with, 1—MAN that I had even gone to college with for awhile, shot 1—INNOCENT—CIVIL—WHO was raking rocks along THE—SIDE—OF—THE—ROAD. I remember having to go back to Forward Operating Base Marez + reporting to my commanding officer what I just seen. I remember writing 1—MISSION—STATEMENT. I remember requesting 1—INVESTIGATION be done and I remember it being r!
20060814             DAILY WAR NEWS FOR —SUNDAY, 20060813             20060814             —TODAY in IRAQ...Deputy head of provincial council of Diyala escapes assassination attempt, as does GOVERNOR—OF—NINEVEH—PROVINCE, but bodyguard is injured in the latter attack.
20060814             ISRAEL says air, sea embargo still in place CNN_com —SUNDAY, 20060813—20060814             20060814             —ACCUSED—OF, USA, jumping the gun in blaming AL—QAEDA—TERRORISM—NEWS—USA accused of jumping the gun in blaming AL—QAEDA By _H_
20060814             —MEANWHILE, on 20060813             —THE—EDITION—OF—ABC—THIS—WEEK, host GEORGE—STEPHANOPOULOS noted this report, but left the false impression that the allegations were the product of the "blogosphere," rather than of 1—MAJOR—NEWS—OUTLET.
20060814—20060813    —FROM—THE, interview:
20060814—20060814    —ON, GI Special 4H12: " Why Am I—HERE?" - 20060812             20060813             —THE—EDITION—OF—NBC—MEET—THE—PRESS, guest host and NBC News CHIEF—WHITE—HOUSE—CORRESPONDENT—DAVID—GREGORY interviewed Homeland Security SECRETARY—MICHAEL—CHERTOFF about the —RECENTLY foiled UK—TERROR—PLOT, but Gregory failed to question Chertoff about an 20060812             report by his own network that, —WHILE UK—OFFICIALS had intended to continue surveillance on the suspected plotters, USA—AUTHORITIES had pressured them to arrest the suspects sooner.
20060817             GI Special 4H13A: Military Training And Atrocities - 20060813             - Part 2
20060818             —ANNOUNCED, The United Liberation Front of Asom, that it would stop attacking THE—FORCES—OF—THE—INDIA—GOVERNMENT, which announced 1—UNILATERAL CEASE—FIRE 20060813             .
20060821             Eggen and Hsu, in their 20060813             article, reported that HUNDREDS—OF—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—OFFICIALS undertook "DOZENS—OF—CLANDESTINE surveillance and search operations on individuals with possible links to THE—LONDON plotters," including "people who had been called or e-mailed by suspects or their relatives and acquaintances".
20060821—20060813    —REPORTED, WASHINGTON—POST—STAFF—WRITERS—DAN—EGGEN and SPENCER—S—HSU, that USA—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—AGENCIES found "no links" between the plotters and anyone inside THE—USA.
20060908134651       -0400——5—YEARS—AFTER the 9/11—ATTACKS, There Are Few Explanations About Why He Has Not Been Caught
20061025             [20040813             ]
20061030             "Das ist der berühmte 'Brief vom 20060813             ', der die Gründung einer KP vorschlug", erzählt Wang.
20070212             Katherine + MARK VALENTINE, TTEES for THE—VALENTINE Family Trust U/D/T 97171212             p.54)(AP, 20070813             )(WSJ, 20071213             , p.A18)(AP, 20080412             ) alfatomega.com/20060412.html
20070212             p.54)(AP, 20070813             )(WSJ, 20071213             , p.A18)(AP, 20080412             )
20070212             p.54)(AP, 20070813             )(WSJ, 20071213             , p.A18)(AP, 20080412             ) alfatomega.com/20060412.html
20070813             Todestag: "Der wichtigste Erneuerer im 19010101—20001231    "
20070813             Elvis Presleys 30. Todestag: "Der wichtigste Erneuerer im 19010101—20001231    "
20070813             —ANNOUNCED, KARL—ROVE, THE—WHITE—HOUSE—DEPUTY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, his retirement effective at THE—END—OF—THE—MONTH.
20070813             † PHIL—RIZZUTO, 89—JAHRE—ALT, Hall of Fame Yankees shortstop and broadcaster, in WEST—ORANGE, NEW—JERSEY.
20070813             —BELOVED, PHIL—RIZZUTO was, by 1—GENERATION—OF—FANS for exclaiming "Holy cow!" as 1—BROADCASTER.
20070813             —KIDNAPPED, AFGHANISTAN, 2—WOMEN among THE—23—SOUTH—KOREANS, by the Taliban in MID—JULY were freed on 1—RURAL roadside and then driven to 1—USA—BASE.
20070813             A GERMANY—HELD hostage said in 1—TELEPHONE—CONVERSATION orchestrated by his captors that he was in ill health and the Taliban had threatened him with death.
20070813             —KILLED, In SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN 6—CIVILIANS were, when 1—ROCKET—PROPELLED grenade blew up their vehicle when Taliban militia attacked 1—MILITARY—CONVOY.
20070813             A separate clash between troops and insurgents in Ghazni province, further north, left 4—TALIBAN dead.
20070813             —ACCELERATED, According to new data CHINA—INFLATION—RATE, to the highest monthly rate in 1—DECADE, driven by a 15.4% surge in food prices over THE—YEAR—EARLIER—PERIOD.
20070813             Officials said CHINA is still freeing people, including children, forced to work as slaves in illegal brick factories, —2—MONTHS—AFTER the scandal involving the brick yards was exposed.
20070813             A bridge under construction in THE—CENTRAL—HUNAN CITY—OF—FENGHUANG collapsed as workers removed scaffolding from its facade, killing 64—PEOPLE.
20070813             A boat carrying illegal immigrants capsized off FRANCE—INDIAN—OCEAN—ISLAND—OF—MAYOTTE, killing at least 17—PEOPLE, 8—OF—THEM children.
20070813             The boat carrying 38—PEOPLE was en route from THE—COMOROS Islands about 125—MILES to the northwest when it overturned while trying to evade THE—FRANCE—COAST—GUARD.
20070813             —LAUNCHED, USA—TROOPS in IRAQ, 1—MAJOR—ASSAULT against AL—QAEDA—LINKED militants and alleged IRANIAN—AIDED extremist groups as 1—SUNNI leader accused IRAN of plotting genocide against his people.
20070813             —ARRESTED, THE—USA—MILITARY also said it had, 1—TOP "financier" of IRAQ—EXTREMIST—GROUPS believed to be supported by TEHRAN—QUDS—FORCE in 1—BAGHDAD raid.
20070813             3—USA—SOLDIERS were killed in 1—EXPLOSION—NEAR—THEIR—VEHICLE in NORTH—WEST—NINEVAH province.
20070813             —SUSTAINED, Another † of wounds, during combat operations in WEST—BAGHDAD.
20070813             † In MALAYSIA 20—PEOPLE after 1—EXPRESS bus overturned on the main highway, tearing off the vehicle's roof and flinging seats into the air in what officials said was the country's worst traffic disaster.
20070813             —INJURED, The toll rose to 22—AFTER 2, people † later.
20070813             —ATTACKED, Armed pirates, 1—MALAYSIA—BARGE in the Malacca Strait and kidnapped 2—INDONESIA—CREW, in the 1. high sea abduction in the busy waterway in more than 2—YEARS.
20070813             AkzoNobel, 1—HOLLAND—CHEMICALS—GROUP under Hans Wijers, made 1—CASH—OFFER for THE—UK—FIRM—ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries) under JOHN—MCADAM for $16—BILLION.
20070813             —TURNED, The deal, Akzo into the world's biggest maker of paints.
20070813             A monsoon storm unleashed landslides and collapsed houses in 1—VILLAGE in PAKISTAN—MOUNTAINOUS northwest, killing 22—PEOPLE.
20070813             Hamas militiamen beat protesters with clubs and rifle butts to try to stop 1—DEMONSTRATION by political opponents in THE—GAZA Strip, but hundreds chanting "We want freedom" defied the ban.
20070813             POLAND—FRACTIOUS governing coalition came to 1—END when the country's PRESIDENT dismissed 4—CABINET—MINISTERS from 2—JUNIOR—PARTNERS, clearing the way for 1—EARLY—ELECTION expected this fall.
20070813             A bomb explosion threw the Neva Express train, which was en route from MOSCOW to S—PETERSBURG, off the tracks and injuring 60—PEOPLE.
20070813             SOUTH—KOREA, 1—FAMILY—OF—5—FELL to their deaths from 1—FERRIS wheel after 2—CARS collided at 1—AMUSEMENT—PARK in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—BUSAN.
20070813             —CAUSED, CENTRAL—VIETNAM, the death toll from 1—TROPICAL—STORM that, widespread flooding hit 70—AFTER 5—MORE—BODIES were recovered, while 6—PEOPLE were still missing and feared dead.
20070813             Subprime: The Ugly USA—HITS—EUROPE:
20070813             FRANCE—BANK—BNP suspends SUBPRIME—LINKED funds.
20070813             EUROPE—CENTRAL bank responds; stocks tumble
20070813             The "Plunge Protection Team" (PPT) Working Overtime to Save USA—STOCK—MARKET : THE—PPT cannot afford to sit back and watch both THE—USA—HOUSING market + the stock market sinking at the same time.
20070813             That might spell the dreaded "R" word, - Recession.
20070813             Prevent torture equipment sales at arms fairs, say MPs:
20070813             Arms fairs should be patrolled by customs officers to stop THE—SALE—OF—INSTRUMENTS—OF—TORTURE and other equipment banned in BRITAIN, 1—CROSS—PARTY—COMMITTEE—OF—MPS say in 1—REPORT—TODAY
20070813             The inside STORY—OF—UK—DEATH—SQUADS in NORTH—IRELAND:
20070813             SIMON—BASKETTER reveals how 1—CAMPAIGN to terrorise Catholics was orchestrated by military intelligence
20070813             Cheney urging strikes on IRAN : At 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE——THURSDAY, Bush said IRAN had been warned of unspecified consequences if it continued its alleged support for ANTI—USA—FORCES in IRAQ.
20070813             —CONVEYED, USA—AMBASSADOR to IRAQ RYAN—CROCKER had, the warning in meetings with his IRAN—COUNTERPART in BAGHDAD, THE—PRESIDENT said.
20070813             Unknown terror: What is DU?
20070813             Video THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA, THE—PRIME—MINISTER—OF—THE—UK + THE—PRIME—MINISTER—OF—ISRAEL must acknowledge and accept responsibility for the willfu: l use of uranium MUNITIONS—THEIR—OWN "dirty bombs"—RESULTING in adverse health and environmental effects.
20070813             It also leaves behind 1—FINE—RADIOACTIVE—DUST with 1—HALF—LIFE—OF—4.5—BILLION years
20070813             —INCREASED, Polls find, support for IRAQ war : The results from 1—POLL conducted last month by THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES so surprised top editors that they ordered 1—NEW—SURVEY, but the results were the same the 2. time around: More Americans now think that PRESIDENT—BUSH was right to send troops into IRAQ.
20070813             Need help with 1—DOWN payment?
20070813             Ask the Army: Need 1—DOWN payment for your home?
20070813             Seed money to start 1—BUSINESS?
20070813             The Army wants to help — if you're willing to join up.
20070813             Despite spending nearly $1—BILLION last year on recruiting bonuses and ads, Army leaders say 1—EVEN bolder approach is needed to fill wartime ranks.
20070813             How the Democrats Blew It in Only 8—MONTHS
20070813             The voters put the Democrats in to end the war + it's escalating.
20070813             —VOTED, The Democrats, the money for the surge + the money for the next $459.6—BILLION military budget.
20070813             Their latest achievement was to provide enough votes in SUPPORT—OF—BUSH to legalize warrantless wiretapping for "foreign suspects whose communications pass through THE—USA ".
20070813             —JOINED, Enough Democrats, Republicans to make this a 227—183—VICTORY for Bush.
20070813             Fighting the Democrats' Complicity with Bush
20070813             The Democrats in Congress have taken no effective steps to stop, impede, or thwart the Bush JUNIOR administration's WARS—OF—AGGRESSION against IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN, SOMALIA, or anywhere else, including their LONG—STANDING threatened war against IRAN.
20070813             To the contrary, the new DEMOCRAT—CONTROLLED Congress decisively facilitated these serial Nuremberg crimes against peace on
20070813             CHINA's "nuclear option" is real
20070813             20——4—HOURS—AFTER I reported CHINA—ANNOUNCEMENT that CHINA, not the Federal Reserve, controls USA—INTEREST—RATES by its decision to purchase, hold, or dump USA—TREASURY—BONDS, THE—NEWS—OF—THE—ANNOUNCEMENT appeared in sanitized and unthreatening form in 1—FEW USA—NEWS—SOURCES.
20070813             The Grim Reaper Pays 1—VISIT to WALL—STREET
20070813             ALAN—GREENSPAN—LOW—INTEREST, subprime, SNAKE—OIL—CARAVAN took another spin down WALL—STREET—TODAY---ripping up pavement, knocking down POWER—POLES and sending traders scampering for safety.
20070813             —WHEN the dust finally settled, "Maestro's" wrecking ball had lopped another 387—POINTS off the Dow Jones leaving markets reeling and investors cringing in fear.
20070813             Fighting for the Right to Learn in NEW—ORLEANS
20070813             —ASKED, No 1, THE—PERMISSION—OF—THE—CHILDREN.
20070813             —ASKED, No 1, permission of their parents.
20070813             This experiment involves 1—FIGHT for THE—EDUCATION—OF—CHILDREN.
20070813             USA—SPARKS—WORLDWIDE—PANIC : THE market's biggest 1—DAY—FALL in almost 6—YEARS knocked almost $53—BILLION off THE—VALUE—OF—AUSTRALIA—TOP—200—COMPANIES.
20070813             Fed Injects $19—BILLION More in Liquidity, Fed Funds Rate Falls : THE—USA—FEDERAL—RESERVE——FRIDAY provided the largest AMOUNT—OF—LIQUIDITY for 1—SINGLE—MARKET—OPERATION in 4—YEARS, adding ample funds for the 2. day running as markets fretted over credit conditions.
20070813             BANK—OF—JAPAN injects 1—TRILLION yen into money markets : The injection followed the European CENTRAL—BANK—MOVE——THURSDAY to pump 1—RECORD 94.8—BILLION euros (130.2—BILLION dollars) into the eurozone banking market as lenders struggled for funds in 1—FLIGHT to safety from the growing defaults in THE—USA—HOME—LOANS—MARKET.
20070813             WILLIAM—BLUM: SEPARATION—OF—OIL and state:
20070813             Read this or GEORGE—W—BUSH will be PRESIDENT the rest of your life
20070813             COURT—SAYS—TRAVELERS—CAN'T Avoid Airport Searches : USA—AIRLINE—PASSENGERS—NEAR the security checkpoint can be searched ANY—TIME and no longer can refuse consent by leaving the airport, the nation's largest federal appeals court ruled —FRIDAY.
20070813             UK: Police to use terror laws on Heathrow climate protester s: Armed police will use ANTI—TERRORISM—POWERS to "deal robustly" with climate change protesters at Heathrow next week, as confrontations threaten to bring major delays to the already overstretched airport.
20070813             Partitioning INDIA over lunch : "The viceroy, Mountbatten, must take THE—BLAME—THOUGH not the sole BLAME—FOR the massacres in the Punjab in which between 500,000 to 1—MILLION—MEN, women and children perished," he writes.
20070813             —WORRIED, USA, about nukes POST—MUSHARRAF: Key questions include the identity of those who would gain CONTROL—OF—PAKISTAN—NUCLEAR—ARSENAL in POST—MUSHARRAF PAKISTAN.
20070813             Bhutto, Sharif must not return: Musharraf : Opposition leaders Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif should not return to PAKISTAN before the general elections or else the country would witness political turmoil that it could ILL—AFFORD at this time, PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF told PAKISTAN newspaper owners on —SATURDAY.
20070813             Pak govt opens cases against Sharif: report: THE—PAKISTAN government has decided to reopen corruption cases against FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—NAWAZ—SHARIF close on THE—HEELS—OF—THE—SUPREME—COURT taking up his petition seeking 1—END to his exile.
20070813             Bush, Sarkozy promote ties over burgers, hot dogs:
20070813             Sarkozy, wearing blue jeans in keeping with the casual NATURE—OF—THE—MEETING, also stressed good relations.
20070813             "Do we agree on everything? No," he said.
20070813             "Even within families there are disagreements, but we are still the same family".
20070813             Chevron joins FRANCE—FIRM to pursue oil field in IRAQ : THE—S—RAMON oil giant and FRANCE—TOTAL—SA have agreed to jointly develop 1—OF—THE—WAR—TORN nation's largest oil fields, if THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT allows them, according to 1—REPORT published —WEDNESDAY.
20070813             BAE profits soar on IRAQ conflict:
20070813             THE—UK—LARGEST—DEFENCE—FIRM, BAE made 1—PRE—TAX—PROFIT—OF £657m ($1.4bn), compared with £378m 1—YEAR—EARLIER
20070813             BUSH—WAR—ADVISER.php">BUSH—WAR—ADVISER says military draft is worth considering: Frequent tours for USA—FORCES in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN have stressed THE—ALL—VOLUNTEER force and made it worth considering 1—RETURN to 1—MILITARY—DRAFT, PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—NEW—WAR—ADVISER said —FRIDAY.
20070813             Myths of Mideast Arms Sales
20070813             The Bush administration's proposal to send $20—BILLION WORTH—OF—ARMS and $43—BILLION in military aid to USA—ALLIES in THE—MIDDLE—EAST has been promoted by repeating 1—SERIES—OF—TIME—WORN myths that should have long since been abandoned.
20070813             With 1—SHOOTING war in IRAQ and 1—WAR—OF—WORDS with IRAN well under way, the last thing the region needs is 1—NEW influx of high tech weaponry.
20070813             No End in Sight
20070813             Remember the scene in "A Clockwork ORANGE" where Alex has his eyes clamped open and is forced to watch 1—MOVIE?
20070813             I imagine 1—SIMILAR—EXPERIENCE for the architects of our catastrophe in IRAQ.
20070813             I would like them to see "No End in Sight," the story of how we were led into that war + more than 3,000 USA—LIVES and HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—OTHER—LIVES were destroyed.
20070813             Stock Market Brushfire; WILL—THERE—BE 1—RUN On The Banks?
20070813             The contamination from the massive real estate bubble has now infected nearly EVERY—AREA—OF—THE—BROADER—MARKET.
20070813             The swindle which began at the Federal Reserve--with cheap, low interest credit---has spread through the entire system and is threatening to wreak financial havoc across the planet.
20070813             THE—FED—MULTI—BILLION dollar bailout will do nothing to contain the brushfire they started or avert the catastrophe that lies just ahead.
20070813             Is Mitt Romney "Brainwashing" Us? -- A BuzzFlash Editorial
20070813             Less Safe, Less Free: Why AMERICAN—IS—LOSING—THE—WAR on Terror (Hardcover)
20070813             Wear it Proudly: I am "Proud to be an USA—AGAINST—THE—WAR"
20070813             Video Surfaces of Cheney,
20070813             "GENERAL—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF, THE—PRESIDENT—OF—PAKISTAN, made 1—RARE—ADMISSION—TODAY that support for militants emanating from PAKISTAN has caused problems for AFGHANISTAN + that his country should work to secure peace on its side of their mutual border".
20070813             "Military opens door to more dropouts".
20070813             Opportunity knocks, we guess.
20070813             But what about THE—5—ROMNEY boys + the Bush twins.
20070813             Shouldn't they get their chance to fight for 1—WAR—THEIR—PARENTS—SUPPORT with such ardor?
20070813             Bush Thinks He is Creating Armageddon for His CHRISTO—RAPTURE Followers: How firearms intended for IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES are winding up in THE—HANDS—OF—EXTREMISTS across the region.
20070813             —THREATENED, The national SECURITY—OF—AMERICA is increasingly, everyday Bush is in office.
20070813             So MANY—GOP Hypocrites, So Little Time.
20070813             But EACH—WEEK—BUZZFLASH Selects Just 1 for Special Republican HYPOCRITE—OF—THE—WEEK—HONORS!
20070813             SIEMENS—AFFÄRE: Ermittler entdecken dubiose Zahlungen von über einer Milliarde Euro
20070813             Ob die Krise am USA—HYPOTHEKEN + Immobilienmarkt allerdings nur eine notwendige Korrektur oder aber der Auftakt für eine viel tiefergehende Finanzmarkt + -Wirtschaftskrise ist -
20070813             darüber streiten sich die Finanzmarktexperten.
20070813             Die einen verweisen darauf, dass in den USA noch fast zehn Billionen Dollar Hypothekenkredite ausstehen, davon rund 1—DRITTEL mit schlechter oder zumindest nicht primärer Bonität.
20070813             Die "Wirtschaftswoche" zitiert den Aachener PRIVATE—EQUITY—EXPERTEN Ralf Fix mit den Worten, für viele Anleger habe sich "1—TOR zur Hölle" geöffnet.
20070813             Was dahinter hervorkomme, wisse niemand wirklich.
20070813             Auch auf CHINA richten sich die Blicke inzwischen:
20070813             Dort leistet sich sei die rapide wachsende Mittelklasse in großem Stil neue WOHNUNGEN—UND die Kreditvergabe sei noch laxer als in den USA.
20070813             Die chinesischen Banken, die Hypothekenkredite über umgerechnet 289—MILLIARDEN Euro gewährt hätten, nähmen keine Bonitätsprüfungen vor,
20070813             zitierte die Zeitung "SOUTH—CHINA Morning Post" den Wissenschaftler Yi Xianrong von der chinesischen Akademie der Sozialwissenschaften.
20070813             Die Behörden befürchten vor allem in großen Städten wie SHANGHAI ungezügelte Spekulationen und eine starke Übertreibung bei den Preisen und versuchen daher, den Markt zu zügeln.
20070813             USA—KREDITKRISE: Angst vor dem schwarzen —MONTAG
20070813             NEXT: But no HIGH—LEVEL—OFFICIALS—QUESTION the official story, right?
20070813             Un juge américain a ajourné au 24—AOÛT sa décision sur la légalité d'une extradition en FRANCE, où il est recherché pour blanchiment d'argent, de l'ancien dirigeant panaméen Manuel (...) >
20070813             Audience pour MANUEL—NORIEGA qui tente de contrer la demande d'extradition française
20070813             Siemens : les scandales font des dégâts
20070813             à 6:41 - 194—MOTS Electronique Siemens : le montant des caisses noires pourrait dépasser 1—MILLIARD d'euros La somme est très importante.
20070813             Le montant du système de caisses noires du groupe technologique allemand Siemens, qui fait l'objet d'une (...) >
20070813             Malte : un mercenaire en cale sèche
20070813             12—AOÛT 20070000             PAR—MARIEAGNES
20070813             Malte : un mercenaire en cale sèche Les indiscrets de l'Express (
20070813             Policy of Genocide
20070813             —GREED, The demon of, never seems to get enough.
20070813             Over 1—MILLION—DEAD—IRAQIS — with Dick CHENEY—OLD—COMPANY—KBR/Halliburton being the prime BENEFACTOR—OF—THEFT, MISTER—CHENEY now has his eyes on IRAN.
20070813             More bodies, dead ones, are needed for the task.
20070813             Once again, his old company, KBR/Halliburton, not only comes to the rescue, but benefits from the deal.
20070813             CASE, You Missed It - - Dick Cheney '94: Invading BAGHDAD Would Create Quagmire
20070813             The Joyride That Was THE—USA—EMPIRE
20070813             It is crucial to understand that the current economic meltdown is 1—TRANSFER—OF—WEALTH from the middle and lower classes to the ruling elite.
20070813             Wealth transfers do not just happen, nor are they THE—PRODUCTS—OF—INCOMPETENCY.
20070813             They are intentional and WELL—PLANNED. Continue
20070813             INDIA—AGRARIAN—MARTYRS: Are you listening?
20070813             FISA Courts Dismantled Just in Time
20070813             What if you or I could secretly commit crimes against our fellow citizens, bury THE—EVIDENCE—OF—THE—CRIME by stamping it "TOP SECRET," refuse to answer questions when we are accused of committing the crime + then, before we can be prosecuted for the crime, we can make 1—LAW that says the crime we committed is no longer 1—CRIME.
20070813             And then call ourselves heroes. Welcome to the New AMERICA.
20070813             Looking Forward To Armageddon -
20070813             Rapture Ready: The Christians United for ISRAEL—TOUR - 9—MINUTE—VIDEO
20070813             MAX—BLUMENTHAL—LATEST takes us on 1—SHOCKING and at times bizarre TOUR—OF—RIGHT—WING Pastor JOHN—HAGEE—ANNUAL—WASHINGTON—ISRAEL Summit, blowing the cover off THE—CHRISTIAN—ZIONIST—MOVEMENT in the process.
20070813             Starring JOE—LIEBERMAN, TOM—DELAY, Pastor JOHN—HAGEE, Ambassador Dore Gold and 1—HOST—OF—RAPTURE—READY—EVANGELICALS praying for Armageddon.
20070813             There are also some interesting speculations on ROVE—PERSONAL—WEALTH in this Daily Kos diary that may be relevant.
20070813             My prediction: Rove will help Bloomberg campaign -- overtly or covertly.
20070813             —WHEN Karl understood that the Republicans cannot win 20080000             without 1—SPLIT in the Democratic vote,
20070813             * a scheme.
20070813             MISTER—ROVE also said he expects THE—PRESIDENT—APPROVAL rating to rise again + that conditions in IRAQ will improve as THE—USA—MILITARY surge continues.
20070813             He said he expects Democrats to be divided this fall in the battle over warrantless wiretapping... (Emphasis added.)
20070813             Of course he expects it. He planned it.
20070813             Or so I speculate. Permalink #—POSTED—BY—JOSEPH
20070813             Börsianer warnten jedoch vor vorschneller Euphorie.
20070813             "Wir haben die SUBPRIME—KRISE noch nicht überstanden", sagte 1—HÄNDLER.
20070813             Das aktuelle Problem mit Kreditausfällen in den USA sei nicht in zwei bis drei Tagen zu lösen.
20070813             —HEUTE Morgen hatte die EZB—WIE bereits in den vergangenen HANDELSTAGEN—DEN Kreditinstituten der Eurozone nochmals
20070813             47—MILLIARDEN Euro zur Verfügung gestellt.
20070813             Auch die USA—NOTENBANK und die BANK—OF—JAPAN hatten mit sogenannten Schnelltendern auf die Liquiditätsengpässe auf den Finanzmärkten reagiert.
20070813             "An sich ist das sehr positiv und zeigt, dass die Marktmechanismen greifen", sagte 1—HÄNDLER.
20070813             Ungeachtet der Hypothekenkrise pokern die Investoren anderswo allerdings unvermindert weiter.
20070813             GROßBRITANNIEN, etwa:
20070813             käme 1—KETTENREAKTION in Gang: Der Preisverfall beschleunigte sich und weitere Hausbesitzer kämen in Not, deren Kredit nicht mehr durch den Wert ihres Hauses gedeckt wäre.
20070813             "Der Vertrauensverlust ist fatal".
20070813             "Die Zahl lässt sich, wie gesagt, nicht beziffern", betont SPÖRK—UND fügt vielsagend hinzu: "Aber das Geschäft war sehr attraktiv".
20070813             Der Schritt war nur logisch:
20070813             Der Grund für die Ungewissheit liegt in der Natur der Sache:
20070813             Einem Bericht des "WALL—STREET Journal" zufolge ist es sogar denkbar, dass europäische Banken viel stärker unter der Hypothekenkrise leiden könnten als die Institute der USA.
20070813             1—VERMUTUNG, die durch die Meldungen im Zusammenhang mit der Insolvenz des USA—IMMOBILIENFINANZIERERS HomeBanc noch gestärkt wird.
20070813             Denn Gläubiger der HomeBanc waren auch die Deutsche Bank, die Commerzbank und die französische GROßBANK—BNP—PARIBAS.
20070813             BNP erklärte heute, sie sei mit 30—MILLIONEN Euro an der HomeBanc beteiligt.
20070813             Die Deutsche Bank wollte sich zwar nicht äußern.
20070813             Finanzkreisen zufolge liegt der Betrag jedoch unter dem der BNP.
20070813             Die Commerzbank hatte bereits erklärt, insgesamt 1,2 Milliarden Euro in USA—IMMOBILIENKREDITE gesteckt zu haben.
20070813             Konkrete Zahlen existieren nicht
20070813             Der Vorsitzende des Justizausschusses im USA—SENAT, der Demokrat PATRICK—LEAHY, sagte zu Roves Rücktrittsankündigung, über dem Weißen Haus liege 1—WOLKE + 1—STURM braue sich zusammen.
20070813             "Eine ähnliche Wolke umhüllt Herrn Rove, auch wenn er jetzt das Weiße Haus verlässt".
20070813             Rove galt schon in der gemeinsamen Zeit in den Achtziger Jahren in TEXAS als wichtiger Berater, später auch während der GOUVERNEURS—ZEIT von Bush.
20070813             Er war maßgeblich für dessen erfolgreiche Präsidentschaftskampagne 20000000             und die knappe Wiederwahl 20040000             verantwortlich.
20070813             Bush sei ein politischer Reformer, der sich durch Integrität, Charakter und Anstand auszeichne und sich menschlich in all den Jahren als Gouverneur in TEXAS und Präsident nicht verändert habe.
20070813             Er sei stolz, 34—JAHRE lang 1—WEGBEGLEITER von Bush gewesen zu sein, sagte ROVE—DEN Tränen nahe.
20070813             Als Grund für seinen Rücktritt zum Ende des Monats nannte Rove allerdings nicht die anhaltende Kritik an seiner Person, sondern private Gründe.
20070813             "Ich werde nicht gehen oder bleiben, nur damit der Mob zufrieden ist", erklärte der 56-Jährige seine Entscheidung.
20070813             "Es gibt immer etwas, das einen hier halten KANN—UND so sehr ich auch bleiben möchte, muss ich das meiner Familie zuliebe tun".
20070813             Angkor: Forscher entdecken Ruinen riesiger DSCHUNGEL—METROPOLE
20070813             USA: Berater Rove geht, Bush trauert
20070813             SCHIEßBEFEHL—STREIT: Honecker, Heuchelei, Hysterie
20070813             Finanzkrise: "Der Vertrauensverlust ist fatal"
20070813             Finanzkrise: Aktienmärkte beruhigen sich
20070813             Hedgefonds: Blackstone verdreifacht Gewinn
20070813             Für Außenstehende bleibt unklar, wo Mathematik aufhört und wo Meinung anfängt.
20070813             Experten zufolge haben die Agenturen einen Spielraum für ihre Bewertung.
20070813             Wie groß der ist, bleibt das Geheimnis der RATING—AGENTUREN.
20070813             Studien zufolge hinken die RATING—AGENTUREN mit ihren Bewertungen hinter Entwicklungen her, sagt Wenger.
20070813             "Gerade in Krisenzeiten, ob bei Betrieben oder in gesamtwirtschaftlicher Sicht, sind diese Agenturen nicht in der Lage, frühzeitig korrekte Bewertungen abzugeben".
20070813             —ERST wenn die Kurse gefallen seien, würden auch die Bewertungen herabgestuft.
20070813             "Aus meiner Sicht sind Bewertungen von RATING—AGENTUREN nicht sonderlich nützlich".
20070813             So wie im Fall Enron.
20070813             Jahrelang bewerteten die Agenturen den Energiekonzern als soliden Schuldner.
20070813             Noch fünf Tage vor der Insolvenz bescheinigten Standard & POOR—UND MOODY—DEM Konzern eine gute Bonität.
20070813             Ohne RATING—AGENTUREN wäre die heutige Situation in diesem Ausmaß niemals möglich gewesen".
20070813             Panikartig zogen Investoren ihr Geld aus den Fonds.
20070813             Plötzlich war die Krise da.
20070813             HAMBURG—DER "NEW—YORK—TIMES "-Kolumnist THOMAS—FRIEDMAN schrieb schon vor etwa einem Jahrzehnt, seiner Meinung nach gebe es heute zwei Supermächte.
20070813             Erstens die Vereinigten Staaten von AMERIKA, zweitens die RATING—AGENTUR Moody's. "Und glauben Sie mir, es ist keinesfalls sicher, wer der Mächtigere von beiden ist".
20070813             MOODY—IST neben Standard & POOR—UND Fitch Publishing Company eine der drei Großen der Branche.
20070813             Schweiz: Ärzte beobachten MASERN—EPIDEMIE
20070813             Zweifel an Klimawandel: Australischer PARLAMENTS—BERICHT sorgt für Streit
20070813             JUKOS—INSOLVENZ: Rosneft will Reste der ÖL—KONKURRENZ kaufen
20070813             SIEMENS—KONTEN in LIECHTENSTEIN: 4,1 Millionen Euro für "Waigaoqiao"
20070813             RATING—AGENTUREN: Die böse Macht der KRISEN—KATALYSATOREN
20070813             Reformen von 18070000             : Wie Preußen zur Großmacht wurde
20070813             Soweit sind wir schon, daß Bundestagsabgeordnete Bundesministerien auf Akteneinsicht verklagen müssen.
20070813             KLIMA—AKTIV_com | RWE nimmt 1. Biogasanlage in Betrieb
20070813             19.- 20070813             20070824             '07: Goldschmidt Konferenz 20070000             ...
20070813             SCHNÜFFEL—OFFENSIVE: CHINA errichtet Überwachungsparadies
20070813             MAUT—DEBATTE um BBC: Engpässe im BREITBAND—NETZ
20070813             kapital " WordPress_com Tag Feed Für andere ist Greenspan 1—SCHURKE.
20070813             Kritiker werfen ihm vor, dass er in den... einer der Gründer der HEDGE—FONDS—BERATUNGSFIRMA Hennessee Group.
20070813             Privater Datenschutz: 1—FÜNFTEL der Deutschen zeigt sich im Web
20070813             Conference Program -
20070813             Arcadi Gaydamak, PRESIDENT, Congress of Jewish Communities of RUSSIA... The "Herzliya Address ".
20070813             Chair: PROFESSOR—URIEL—REICHMAN.
20070813             Gut 65 % der eigenen Bevölkerung bewerten den USA—PRÄSIDENTEN inzwischen negativ.
20070813             Die internationale Bilanz ist ähnlich verheerend:
20070813             Einer Befragung zufolge glauben inzwischen die Bürger in 42—VON 47—STAATEN, dass WASHINGTON mit der Förderung der Demokratie in 1. Linie eigene Interessen verfolgt.
20070813             Die Machtpolitik von Bush s Regierung steht weltweit in der Kritik.
20070813             Willem Buiter, Ökonomieprofessor an der LONDON SCHOOL—OF—ECONOMICS, empfiehlt: "Beten und sicherstellen, dass die Zentralbanken das Richtige tun".
20070813             Wenn die Geldinstitute nicht mehr so großzügig Kredite vergeben, dann werden Privatkunden und Unternehmen gleichermaßen leiden.
20070813             Die einen müssten ihren Konsum begrenzen, die anderen ihre Investitionen.
20070813             Und schon könnte es vorbei sein mit dem schönen Aufschwung, an dem sich nicht nur Deutschland gerade erfreut.
20070813             Solche Meldungen sorgen für anhaltende Unruhe auf den Finanzmärkten.
20070813             Die Folgen sind noch nicht absehbar.
20070813             Eine eilige Analyse hatte ergeben, dass bei der kleinen Düsseldorfer Bank mit Abschreibungen von etwa 45 % zu rechnen ist.
20070813             Trotz des guten Ratings gibt es keine Bank, die in der aktuellen Situation mit der WestLB tauschen möchte, der Markt ist komplett zusammengebrochen.
20070813             Sarkozys BUSH—BESUCH: Chéri, chéri ohne Lady
20070813             NETZWELT—TICKER: Rechnercrash schickt 17.000—PASSAGIERE in die Warteschleife
20070813             USA—WAHLKAMPF: Der Phantomkandidat
20070813             Langsame Angleichung: Rente von Frauen STEIGT—DIE—VON—MÄNNERN sinkt
20070813             Nun besitzen sie Fondsanteile, können diese aber nicht verkaufen.
20070813             Es gleicht einer Enteignung auf Zeit.
20070813             Die Krise auf einem Markt kann sich so blitzschnell in der ganzen Welt ausbreiten.
20070813             Die Banken werden in Versuchung geführt, wesentlich leichtfertiger Kredite zu VERGEBEN—NICHT nur an Bauherren in den USA, die gar keine ausreichenden Sicherheiten mitbringen, sondern auch an PRIVATE—EQUITY—FIRMEN, die mit wenig Eigenkapital andere Konzerne übernehmen.
20070813             Diese weitgehend auf Pump organisierten Firmenübernahmen stellen für die Finanzmärkte jetzt ein ähnlich großes Risiko wie die IMMOBILIEN—HYPOTHEKEN dar.
20070813             Die Europäische Zentralbank warnt, es könnte auch dort zu "tiefer greifenden Verwerfungen" kommen.
20070813             Das ist der Vorteil dieses Systems.
20070813             Aber es hat auch einen gravierenden Nachteil.
20070813             Aufmerksame Zentralbanken können verhindern, dass der Geldkreislauf zusammenbricht.
20070813             Aber die eigentlichen Ursachen für die Turbulenzen können sie nicht beheben.
20070813             Diese liegen schon ein paar Jahre zurück + sie hängen vor allem damit zusammen, dass Geld global betrachtet scheinbar im Überfluss vorhanden und entsprechend billig war.
20070813             Das Kreditgeschäft zwischen den Banken drohte zu erstarren.
20070813             Um dies zu verhindern, pumpte die EZB viele Milliarden in die Hauptschlagadern des Marktes.
20070813             In den Führungsetagen der Banken geht das große Zittern um.
20070813             Jeder traut derzeit jedem fast alles zu.
20070813             Oder: Man traut niemandem mehr.
20070813             Das führte vergangene Woche zu einem ernsten Liquiditätsengpass, der die EZB und andere Währungshüter weltweit zum akuten Eingreifen veranlasste.
20070813             Es genügten Gerüchte, um die Finanzwelt in Aufruhr zu versetzen.
20070813             Der WestLB drohe die Pleite, war so eines.
20070813             Die Bank räumte ein, zwar von den Problemen in den USA betroffen zu sein.
20070813             Aber das Engagement halte sich in engen Grenzen.
20070813             Doch wie solide sind solche Aussagen?
20070813             Die IKB hatte noch kurz vor ihrem BEINAHE—ZUSAMMENBRUCH behauptet, alles sei im grünen Bereich.
20070813             Die Aktienkurse in TOKIO—NEW—YORK und FRANKFURT rutschten auf breiter Front ab.
20070813             Alle waren nervös: Bankmanager, -aufseher, Zentralbanker, aber zunehmend auch Kleinanleger, die ihr Erspartes in einen vermeintlich sicheren Geldmarktfonds investiert hatten und nun erfahren mussten, dass auch der einen Teil seines Geldes im USA—HYPOTHEKENMARKT angelegt hat.
20070813             —AM—MITTWOCH vergangener Woche aber fiel es auch dem Franzosen an der Spitze der EZB schwer, Contenance zu wahren.
20070813             Er startete eine finanzielle Hilfsaktion, wie es sie seit den Terror anschlägen vom 20010911             nicht gegeben hatte.
20070813             MEHR AUS DEM NEUEN SPIEGEL — TITEL -
20070813             Preußens wirkliche GLORIA—VOR 200—JAHREN: Die Erfindung des modernen Staates
20070813             Die Europäische Zentralbank stellte den Banken knapp 95—MILLIARDEN Euro für einen Zins von vier % zur Verfügung.
20070813             Trichets Kollege BEN—BERNANKE von der amerikanischen Notenbank Fed offerierte 24—MILLIARDEN Dollar + auch die kanadische Notenbank kündigte an, zusätzlich Cash auf den Grabbeltisch zu werfen.
20070813             Die EZB bot den Banken sogar mehr Geld an als nach dem 20010911             20070813             Es war eine konzertierte Aktion der Hochfinanz.
20070813             Das sorgte für zusätzliche Unruhe.
20070813             Der Präsident wollte beruhigen.
20070813             Das allein hatte etwas höchst Beunruhigendes.
20070813             Die USA—HYPOTHEKENKRISE um marode Immobilienkredite hat Banken und Börsen der Welt mit voller Wucht erfasst.
20070813             Erstmals wird klar, wie fragil das Netz des großen Geldes ist.
20070813             Viele Risiken werden offenbar erst erkannt, wenn es schon zu spät ist.
20070813             Die Präsidenten der Notenbanken, ganz egal ob in den USA, ASIEN oder EUROPA, pflegen eine ganz eigene Sprache.
20070813             Sie ermöglicht es ihnen, viel zu reden, ohne allzu viel zu sagen.
20070813             Alles, was über Sprechblasen hinausgeht, könnte 1—BEBEN an den Weltbörsen auslösen.
20070813             Die deutsche Nahrungsmittelindustrie macht inzwischen mobil gegen Biosprit: Vertreter der Mühlen, Großbäcker, Brauer und Süßwarenproduzenten sowie der Tierfutterhersteller haben ein "Netzwerk LEBENSMITTEL—FORUM" gegründet, um auf die Gefahren aufmerksam zu machen, die die Produktion von Bioenergie anstelle von Lebensmitteln mit sich bringt.
20070813             "In zwei bis vier Jahren kann es zu substanziellen Problemen mit der Ernährung der Bevölkerung kommen", sagte KARL—HEINZ Legendre vom Verband der Margarineindustrie.
20070813             "Wir werden die Preise bis Ende des Jahres halten", sagt HARIBO—SPRECHER MARCO—ALFTER, danach aber könnten die Goldbärchen teurer werden.
20070813             "Wichtig wird sein, ob die Politik weiterhin das Verbrennen von Lebensmitteln subventionieren wird", so Alfter.
20070813             Die Debatte um den Biosprit bekommt neue Dimensionen: Experten warnen vor einer massiven Wasserknappheit, sollte die Produktion von Kraftstoff aus Biomasse weiter steigen.
20070813             DEUTSCHLAND, warnt die Lebensmittelindustrie vor Preissprüngen durch den vermeintlichen ÖKO—SPRIT.
20070813             STOCKHOLM—KRAFTSTOFFE wie Biodiesel und Ethanol genießen das Image ökologisch und politisch neutralen Sprits.
20070813             Doch dieser schöne Schein bekommt hässliche Flecken:
20070813             Umweltschützer warnen vor den dramatischen Folgen, sollte insbesondere in ASIEN und Lateinamerika immer mehr Regenwald den rapide wachsenden Ackerflächen zum Opfer fallen.
20070813             Auch soziale Verwerfungen und ethische Fragen kommen ins Spiel:
20070813             Kann man guten Gewissens Biosprit in Automotoren verfeuern, wenn das für 120—LITER Ethanol nötige Getreide 1—JAHR lang einen Menschen ernähren könnte?
20070813             AP—ETHANOL—TANKS in Brasilien: In Südamerika führt der BIOSPRIT—BOOM zur massiven Abholzung von Regenwald Die Argumente gegen den Biosprit werden immer zahlreicher.
20070813             Experten haben jetzt vor einer weiteren möglichen Folge des BIOSPRIT—BOOMS gewarnt.
20070813             Zum Auftakt der Weltwasserwoche legte das STOCKHOLM INTERNATIONAL Water Institute Berechnungen vor,
20070813             denen zufolge die Massenproduktion von Ethanol und anderen Biobrennstoffen zu einer gefährlichen Wasserverknappung führen könnte.
20070813             Engpass: Experten fürchten Wassermangel durch BIOSPRIT—BOOM
20070813             USA—KREDITKRISE: Das große Zittern
20070813             Beziehungsdrama: Mann schießt Frau ins Gesicht
20070813             MATTEL—RÜCKRUFAKTION: Chinesischer Unternehmer begeht Selbstmord
20070813             1—USA—BUNDESGERICHT in WASHINGTON hatte die Klage Plames Ende Juli ZURÜCKGEWIESEN—AUS juristischen Gründen: Plame und ihr Ehemann hätten nicht alle Rechtsmittel ausgeschöpft und könnten deshalb weder gegen Individuen klagen, die im Rahmen ihrer Funktion gehandelt hätten, noch gegen den Staat, lautete die Begründung.
20070813             USA—PRÄSIDENT Bush verliert seinen engsten Berater: KARL—ROVE tritt Ende des Monats zurück.
20070813             Er war wegen der Enttarnung der CIA—SPIONIN Plame und der Massenentlassung von Bundesanwälten in die Kritik geraten.
20070813             WASHINGTON - "Ich denke, es ist Zeit", sagte KARL—ROVE in einem Interview des "WALL—STREET Journal".
20070813             Selbst wenn er gern noch bleiben würde, "muss ich dies um meiner Familie willen tun", fügte Rove hinzu.
20070813             Rove hatte GEORGE—W—BUSH unter anderem in seinen beiden Wahlkämpfen für das Präsidentenamt beraten.
20070813             Zuletzt war er stellvertretender Stabschef im Weißen Haus.
20070813             Protest in LONDON: Umweltschützer schlagen Camp in Heathrow auf
20070813             EXOTEN—SUCHE in der Tiefsee: Inventur im Abyss
20070813             Geldmarkt: EZB hilft mit weiterer Milliardenspritze
20070813             USA: BUSH—BERATER Rove kündigt Rücktritt an
20070813             Trotz Kreditkrise: Börsen starten mit Kursgewinnen
20070813             Elvis Presleys 30.
20070813             Loch im Hitzeschild: "Endeavour" muss länger im All bleiben
20070813             FLUGHAFEN—KONTROLLE: 250—BABY—KROKODILE im Gepäck
20070813             ISRAEL: Regierung billigt REKORD—HAUSHALT
20070813             Neuer Job: Greenspan heuert bei der Deutschen Bank an
20070813             Kreditkrise an den Börsen: Japanische Notenbank pumpt erneut Milliarden in den Markt
20070813             SCHIEßBEFEHL—DOKUMENT: CDU—POLITIKER fordert Ermittlungen wegen Mordes
20070813             Tragödie im Gottesdienst: Pfarrer und zwei Kirchgänger erschossen
20070813             Fannie Mae, FREDDIE—MAC—REGULATOR—REJECTS—CAP—REQUEST (Update2)
20070813             USA—AGENCY rejects Fannie MAE—REQUEST for larger loan portfolio
20070813             ASIA—CENTRAL—BANKS—STAND—PAT as BOJ, RBA Add Cash to System
20070813             Bloomberg - 22—MINUTES—AGO—BY Shamim Adam
20070813             Emerging ASIA—CENTRAL—BANKS are standing pat as their counterparts in EUROPE, THE—USA and JAPAN pump money into their markets in response to 1—SUDDEN—DEMAND for capital from lenders.
20070813             Rate rises may not be over
20070813             SYDNEY Morning Herald - 25—MINUTES ago
20070813             —RAISED, AUSTRALIA—CENTRAL—BANK on —MONDAY, its forecast for core inflation from 2.5 % to 3 %, higher than expected +
20070813             the very top of its target range, pointing to 1—REAL—RISK that further increases in interest rates would be needed.
20070813             'No plans' to sell off greenback
20070813             CHINA Daily - 2—HOURS—AGO—BY XIN—ZHIMING (CHINA Daily)
20070813             THE—USA—DOLLAR—PLAYS 1—IMPORTANT—ROLE in the global monetary system and dollar assets are 1—IMPORTANT—PART—OF—CHINA—FOREIGN—EXCHANGE—RESERVE, the central bank said yesterday.
20070813             No USA—DOLLAR SELL—OFF, CHINA—CENTRAL bank official says
20070813             CHINA talks up importance of its USA—DOLLAR—RESERVES
20070813             Miliz überprüft Informationen über Diebstahl eines Splitters des...
20070813             Experten warnen vor Pleiten in CHINA
20070813             WIRTSCHAFTSWOCHE—VOR 13—STUNDEN gefunden
20070813             Nach einer Woche mit beispiellosen MILLIARDEN—SPRITZEN der Notenbanken droht dem internationalen Finanzsystem eine neue Belastungsprobe im Sog der USA—HYPOTHEKENKRISE.
20070813             Neue Informationen über GROßBANKEN—VERLUSTE könnten den lähmenden Vertrauensverlust...
20070813             [25 %]... cell occupant of 1—EMPLOYEE—BENEFITS captive sponsored by JOHN—HANCOCK—MUTUAL—LIFE—INSURANCE—CO.
20070813             "We're using our cell for the health insurance benefits we provide retirees," explains RICHARD—HEYDINGER, former director...
20070813             P2 unter Lucio Gelli, deren Angehörige entscheidende Posten im Vatikan beherrschten.
20070813             alfatomega.com/20070813.html
20070813             The Army wants to help — if you're willing.. de corretaje y transporte de armas... de Arcadi Gaydamak... alfatomega.com/20070813.html
20070813             Bush... alfatomega.com/20070813.html
20070813             The Bush administration's proposal to send $20—BILLION WORTH—OF—ARMS and $43—BILLION in military aid to USA—ALLIES in THE—MIDDLE—EAST has been promoted by...
20070813             UNION CORRUPTION UPDATE (Vol. 10, Issue 17 -- )
20070813             Lulaj v. Wackenhut CORP—USA—COURT—OF—APPEALS for the 6...
20070813             —PROMISED, The Supervisor position she was, did carry those benefits.
20070813             Joyce + Snyder were Wackenhut managers for the Chrysler contract.
20070813             GERMANY enacts 'ANTI—HACKER' law
20070813             20:11 MIAMI (Reuters) - Un juge américain a ajourné au
20070813—20500000    —BIS —SEI durch den Anbau von Biobrennstoffen 1—VERDOPPELUNG der derzeitigen Wassernachfrage aus der Landwirtschaft zu erwarten.
20070814             Entreprises & secteurs La Tribune.fr — 20070813             à 6:41
20070814             | 20070813             | 20:11 MIAMI (Reuters) - Un juge américain a ajourné au
20070814             | 20070813             | 17:39 L'ancien dictateur panaméen MANUEL—NORIEGA, qui doit être libéré en septembre aux ETATS—UNIS, était attendu —LUNDI au tribunal pour une audience sur la demande d'extradition déposée (...) >
20070925—19610813    —AM, Punkt 1—UHR morgens, der intern vereinbarten "X-Zeit", begann ein aufregendes Kapitel der jüngeren WELTGESCHICHTE—IN BERLIN wurde die Mauer gebaut.
20071011             20060813             Fascist CHRISTIAN—MILITIA—WITH—HISTORY—OF—WAR—CRIMES—CONSULTING—WITH—FASCIST...
20071107—20090813    —ON, Fleet Management Ltd. of HONG—KONG pleaded guilty to CHARGES—OF—WATER—POLLUTION and falsifying documents and agreed to pay $10—MILLION in fines.
20080810—20080813    —ON, he was charged with attempted murder.
20080813             —ASKED, CALIFORNIA, prison receiver CLARK—KELSO, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE to seize $8—BILLION from the state's treasury over the next 5—YEARS to build 7—MEDICAL—FACILITIES for inmates throughout the state.
20080813             LITTLE—ROCK, ARKANSAS, TIMOTHY—DALE—JOHNSON, 50—JAHRE—ALT, described as 1—LONER, drove more than 30—MILES to ARKANSAS' DEMOCRATIC—PARTY—HEADQUARTERS and fatally shot its chairman, BILL—GWATNEY, hours after losing his job.
20080813             Johnson was later shot dead by officers.
20080813             MICHAEL—PHELPS swam into history as the winningest Olympic athlete ever with his 10. and 11. career gold medals, and 5—WORLD—RECORDS in 5—EVENTS at THE—BEIJING Games.
20080813             —REPORTED, It was, that at least 150—FUEL—TANKS, managed by THE—USA—FEDERAL—EMERGENCY—MANAGEMENT—AGENCY (FEMA), needed inspection for leaks.
20080813             —ESTIMATED, It was, that some 500,000 fuel storage tanks, both private and publicly owned, were leaking.
20080813             —REPORTED, It was, that the red lionfish, 1—TROPICAL native of the Indian and Pacific oceans, was rapidly multiplying in the Caribbean.
20080813             THE—MAROON—STRIPED marauder with venomous spikes was swallowing native species, stinging divers and generally wreaking havoc on the ecologically delicate region.
20080813             † JACK—WEIL (107), patriarch of western clothing.
20080813             —AMBUSHED, AFGHANISTAN, militants brandishing assault rifles, 1—USA—RELIEF—ORGANIZATION'S—VEHICLE, killing 3—AID—WORKERS and their AFGHANISTAN—DRIVER and leaving their white SUV riddled with HUNDREDS—OF—BULLETS.
20080813             —KILLED, THE—3—WOMEN, in Logar province worked for THE—NEW—YORK—BASED INTERNATIONAL Rescue Committee (IRC).
20080813             SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, militants began launching attacks on 1—COALITION—PATROL.
20080813             —KILLED, Over 3—DOZEN—MILITANTS were, in the fighting.
20080813             —APPROVED, Argentine senators, 1—BILL declaring obesity and other eating disorders diseases covered by the nation's public and private health care programs.
20080813             —AGREED, BOLIVIA and LIBYA, to establish diplomatic relations and join efforts to develop the nations' energy resources.
20080813             —UNVEILED, Scientists from BRITAIN—UNIVERSITY—OF—READING, Gordon, 1—NEURON—POWERED machine, whose grey matter was stitched together from cultured rat neurons.
20080813             A CHINA—TEAM beat THE—USA and clinched CHINA—1. women's team Olympic gold in gymnastics, amid allegations that at least 1—MEMBER, He Kexin, of THE—CHINA—TEAM was under age.
20080813             —ROLLED, RUSSIA—TANKS, into the crossroads CITY—OF—GORI then thrust deep into GEORGIA—TERRITORY, violating the truce designed to end THE—6—DAY—WAR.
20080813             † GEORGIA said that 175—GEORGIANS had, in 5—DAYS—OF—AIR and ground attacks that left homes in smoldering ruins.
20080813             —AGREED, EU foreign ministers, in principle to send monitors to supervise 1—FRENCH—BROKERED ceasefire between RUSSIA and GEORGIA in the breakaway GEORGIA—REGION—OF—SOUTH—OSSETIA.
20080813             THE—INDIA—ARMY said that it was investigating UN allegations its troops had engaged in sexual abuse while on peacekeeping duties in the Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO.
20080813             A 5—STORY building in 1 crowded residential NEIGHBORHOOD—OF—MUMBAI—INDIA—MAIN—FINANCIAL—CITY, collapsed after monsoon rains, killing at least 20—PEOPLE.
20080813             A suicide truck bomber targeted the mayor of 1—TOWN—NEAR THE—OIL—RICH—CITY—OF—KIRKUK, while another car bomb struck civilians elsewhere in NORTH—IRAQ.
20080813             A bomb in 1 parked car struck 1—LOCAL—MARKET in the Qayara area SOUTH—OF—THE—NORTHERN—CITY—OF—MOSUL, killing at least 2—PEOPLE and wounding 5.
20080813             —ERUPTED, Riots, across INDIAN—CONTROLLED Kashmir as Muslims mourned 15—PEOPLE killed in 1—DAY—OF—BLOODY—VIOLENCE, as the protests spread to other parts of INDIA.
20080813             —ISSUED, INDIA—POLICE say they have, orders to shoot protesters defying 1—CURFEW in THE—TOWN—OF—KISHTWAR in INDIAN—CONTROLLED Kashmir.
20080813             —RIPPED, NORTH—LEBANON—CITY, 1—BOMB, through 1—BUS during morning rush hour in TRIPOLI, killing 18—SOLDIERS and civilians, raising fears that an AL—QAIDA—INSPIRED militant group is stepping up revenge attacks against the military.
20080813             MEXICO, 1—SPOKESMAN for THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—OFFICE said 6—FEDERAL—AGENTS have been arrested on suspicion of passing information to 1—GROUP—OF—POWERFUL—DRUG—LORDS.
20080813             —INVADED, NIGERIA—OFFICIALS said flocks of quelea birds have, farmlands in NORTH—BORNO state, destroying crops that were due for harvest in 2—MONTHS' time.
20080813             LAHORE—PAKISTAN, 1—BOMBER struck outside 1—MOSQUE just before midnight as Pakistanis poured into the streets to celebrate the nation's 61.
20080813             8—PEOPLE were killed and 18 wounded.
20080813             —ALLEGED, An, assault by SAUDI—ARABIA—PRINCE—ALWALEED bin Talal (19550000             *) reportedly took place on 1—YOUNG—MODEL, 20—JAHRE—ALT on 1—YACHT on the Mediterranean ISLAND—OF—IBIZA.
20080813             SOUTH—AFRICAN—PRESIDENT—THABO—MBEKI left ZIMBABWE after failing to secure a POWER—SHARING deal between its main rivals during marathon talks, adding to doubts over chances of an agreement.
20080813             SRI—LANKA, 1—WAVE—OF—BATTLES across the front lines in the 25—YEAR—OLD civil war killed 14—ETHNIC—TAMIL rebels and 2—GOVERNMENT—SOLDIERS.
20080813             The deal to buy JOHN—MANEELY from 1—SHAREHOLDER group including global PRIVATE—EQUITY—FIRM—CARLYLE Group and the Zekelman family is expected...
20080813—19460000    —AFTER, JACK—WEIL created the western style shirt which sold through his DENVER—BASED company Rockmount Ranch Wear.
20080813—19560000    —IN, he and SAMUEL—EILENBERG wrote 1—FUNDAMENTAL textbook on homological algebra.
20080813—20080000    —IN, Finance MINISTER—ALEXEI—KUDRIN said RUSSIA will spend at least $400—MILLION on restoring SOUTH—OSSETIA'S battered CAPITAL—TSKHINVALI.
20080813—20100000    —CLOSED, An investigating magistrate on the resort island, the case on grounds of insufficient evidence.
20080813—20110000    —REOPENED, SPAIN, 1—RAPE probe after tests done by 1—FORENSIC—LAB found semen in the woman and traces of 1—SEDATIVE called nordazepam.
20090813             —ERUPTED, IRAQ, 1—GUNFIGHT, —DURING 1 attempted bank heist in BAGHDAD, as 1—COURT—OFFICIAL announced that 5—MEMBERS—OF—IRAQ—PRESIDENTIAL—GUARD will go on trial —LATER—THIS—MONTH for their alleged roles in the deadly 20090728             ROBBERY—OF—BAGHDAD—RAFIDAIN—BANK.
20090813             —PIONEERED, Legendary guitarist and inventor Les Paul (94), who, the design of solid body Gibson electric guitars that bore his name, † at 1—NEW—YORK HOSPITAL—OF—COMPLICATIONS from pneumonia.
20090813             —CHARGED, AUSTRALIA—POLICE said a 20—YEAR—OLD AUSTRALIA—MAN has been, with infecting more than 3,000 computers around the world with 1—VIRUS designed to capture banking and credit card data.
20090813             —REPORTED, It was, that MILLIONS—OF—SOCKEYE salmon have disappeared mysteriously from the Fraser river on CANADA—PACIFIC—COAST.
20090813             It was once known as the world's most fertile spawning ground for sockeye.
20090813             Up to 10.6—MILLION—BRIGHT—RED sockeye salmon were expected to return to spawn this summer.
20090813             —RETURNED, The latest estimates say fewer than 1—MILLION have.
20090813             —CLOSED, THE—CANADA—GOVERNMENT has, the river to commercial and recreational sockeye fishing for the 3. straight year, hitting the livelihood of nearby INDIA—RESERVES.
20090813             —SUSPECTED, CHECHNYA, 1—GUN—BATTLE between police and 2, militants left THE—2—MILITANTS—DEAD as well as 4—POLICE—OFFICERS.
20090813             —RETREATED, CHINA—OFFICIALS, from 1—PLAN to install ANTI—PORNOGRAPHY—SOFTWARE on EVERY—COMPUTER sold, but said Internet cafes, schools and other public places must use the program.
20090813             —OPENED, DAGESTAN, some 10—MEN, fire on 1—POLICE—POST in Buinaksk, killing 4—OFFICERS.
20090813             —ENTERED, The gunmen then, 1—SAUNA complex nearby and killed 7—WOMEN working there.
20090813             —CALLED, ECUADOR—CITIZEN—PARTICIPATION—MINISTER—DORIS—SOLIZ, for the creation of local citizen committees to defend the government and its "revolution," sparking criticism that THE—PRESIDENT—AIMS to control opponents in 1—SYSTEM reminiscent of CUBA or VENEZUELA.
20090813             THE—EU said it was extending its sanctions on MYANMAR to cover MEMBERS—OF—THE—JUDICIARY responsible for the verdict in THE—TRIAL—OF—OPPOSITION—LEADER—AUNG S—SUU—KYI.
20090813             INDIA, THOUSANDS—OF—SCHOOLS, colleges and cinemas shut down in Mumbai to combat THE—SPREAD—OF—SWINE—FLU as the government struggled to contain public anxiety.
20090813             —APPEALED, IRAN, a GROUP—OF—FORMER reformist lawmakers, to a powerful clerical body to investigate SUPREME—LEADER Ayatollah ALI—KHAMENEI—QUALIFICATION to rule in an unprecedented challenge to the country's most powerful man over the postelection crackdown.
20090813             THE—NORTH—WEST—CITY—OF—SINJAR, 2—SUICIDE—BOMBERS blew themselves up at 1—POPULAR—CAFE killing 21—PEOPLE and wounding 30—OTHERS.
20090813             —CRASHED, JAPAN, 1—WOMAN, 23—JAHRE—ALT, her moped when it hit 1—ROPE that was stretched across the road.
20090813             —FRACTURED, She suffered 1, skull after being thrown from her bike near WEST—TOKYO—USA—YOKOTA—AIR—BASE.
20090813             —ARRESTED, Police later, 4—CHILDREN, 3—BOYS and 1—GIRL aged between 15 and 18, of USA—MILITARY—PERSONNEL on suspicion of attempted murder.
20090813             —HAILED, LIBERIA, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—HILLARY—CLINTON, the country's POST—WAR—TRANSITION to democracy and threw support behind PRESIDENT—ELLEN—JOHNSON—SIRLEAF, who has faced calls to resign because she helped fund 1—WARLORD.
20090813             —BANNED, MEXICO, state security officials, police from setting up sobriety checkpoints in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—MONTERREY because they say the officers routinely use them to extort motorists.
20090813             —FREED, NORTH—KOREA, YU—SEONG—JIN, 44—JAHRE—ALT, 1—SOUTH—KOREAN—WORKER it had detained since March, raising hopes of better CROSS—BORDER—RELATIONS——AFTER—18—MONTHS—OF—BITTER—HOSTILITY from the communist state.
20090813             —PUMMELED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, helicopter gunships, the bases of Taliban COMMANDER—HAKIMULLAH—MEHSUD, killing at least 12—INSURGENTS as government forces ratcheted up pressure on the militants following their top leader's reported death.
20090813             2—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS said 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER killed PRO—GOVERNMENT lashkar leader MALIK—KHADEEN, who was instrumental in fighting UZBEKISTAN—MILITANTS operating with the Taliban in SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20090813             In the Bajur tribal area authorities found the bodies of 2—ANTI—TALIBAN lashkar leaders near 1—SECURITY—CHECKPOINT.
20090813             THE—2—LASHKAR commanders, MALIK—SEHAR—GUL and MALIK—JALINDHAR, had been kidnapped the night before.
20090813             SCOTLAND—OFFICIALS said they were considering early release for the Lockerbie bomber, leading to sharp debate among victims' relatives in THE—USA and BRITAIN over whether he should be allowed to return home to LIBYA.
20090813             UK—MEDIA said Abdel Baset ALI—AL—MEGRAHI could soon be freed on compassionate grounds because he is terminally ill with cancer.
20090813             —OVERPOWERED, THE—CREW—OF—2—EGYPT—FISHING vessels, SOMALIA—PIRATES after being held hostage —FOR—4—MONTHS and, with machetes and tools, killed at least 2—PIRATES before sailing to freedom.
20090813             The fight took place near the coastal TOWN—OF—LAS Qorey off the Gulf of ADEN.
20090813             —DEMANDED, The pirates had, 1—RANSOM of $1.5—MILLION.
20090813             —DEPLOYED, TAIWAN, THOUSANDS—OF—EXTRA—TROOPS as it faced growing public anger and pressure to rescue people trapped by landslides.
20090813             —WREAKED, The confirmed death toll from the destruction, by the typhoon rose to at least 116.
20090813             —INJURED, VENEZUELA, attackers, 12—OF—THE—JOURNALISTS as they passed out leaflets warning against 1—NEW—EDUCATION—LAW that critics fear could lead to indoctrination in schools.
20090813             —WARNED, Their fliers, against 1—PROVISION for sanctions against reports that "produce terror" among children or incite hate.
20090813             —CONDEMNED, The government, the violence and ordered 1—INVESTIGATION.
20090813             —BOMBED, YEMEN—WARPLANES, 1—NORTHERN—PROVINCE bordering SAUDI—ARABIA for a 2. straight day, in 1—ONGOING offensive that has brought casualties and pushed the area close to an ALL—OUT war.
20090813             kann man DANN—MIT gezielten Hormongaben kann man dann die ELEFANTEN—EIZELLEN heranreifen LASSEN—IM Körper der Ratte.
20090813             Um 1—MAMMUT zu klonen, braucht man einen Zellkern, der die DNA in Chromosomen abgepackt enthält.
20090813             Diesen bringt man in die entkernte Eizelle eines Elefanten und entwickelt daraus den Embryo.
20090813             Wissenschaftler schätzen, dass sich rund 100.000—ASTEROIDEN und Kometen in der Nähe der Erde befinden.
20090813             Bei 20.000—DAVON bestehe die Gefahr, dass sie früher oder später auf der Erde einschlagen.
20090813             USA—STUDIE: Nasa fehlt Geld für Fahndung nach KILLER—ASTEROIDEN
20090813             Internetsperren: Justizministerin Zypries will keine WEB—ZENSURBEHÖRDE
20090813             HAMBURG: Vierjähriger stirbt an COLIBAKTERIEN—INFEKTION
20090813             Chinas Internetfilter: Der Grüne Damm wird nicht zur Pflicht
20090813             Untreuevorwurf: EX—WESTLB—CHEF muss erneut vor Gericht
20090813             Hauptversammlung: Hypo Real Estate braucht noch mehr Geld
20090813             Klimabilanz: MALLORCA—URLAUB so schädlich wie 1—JAHR Autofahren
20090813             Konjunkturwende: Deutschland und Frankreich schieben EURO—WIRTSCHAFT an
20090813             7. Man kann sich wehren und jederzeit der unerwünschten Datennutzung an verantwortlicher Stelle widersprechen.
20090813             Ob im Supermarkt, dem Coffeeshop oder dem Internetkauf: Überall gibt es PUNKTE—UND Kundenkarten.
20090813             Das Bonussystem hat allerdings selten etwas mit der endlosen Großzügigkeit der Unternehmen zu tun.
20090813             Nach Aussage vieler Verbraucherschützer handele es sich dabei vielmehr um 1—METHODE, an Daten der Verbraucher zu kommen.
20090813             Es ist wie immer im Leben: Man bekommt nichts geschenkt.
20090813             Was auch immer Bonussysteme BIETEN—MAN erkauft es sich.
20090813             Russische Kriegsschiffe suchen nach der "ARCTIC Sea", Präsident Dmitrj Medwedew beauftragte seinen Verteidigungsminister Anatoli Serdjukow, alles in Bewegung zu setzen, um den Frachter "wiederzufinden UND—WENN NÖTIG—ZU befreien".
20090813             Reeder vermutet Entführung der "ARCTIC Sea"
20090813             So was gefällt ihm: Wenn seine Kunst den Betrachter auf eine andere Fährte führt und damit plötzlich feste Vorstellungen in Frage stellt und Geschichtsbilder zertrümmert.
20090813             Seine eigene Person versucht Danh Vo im Unscharfen zu lassen:
20090813             "wie Staatskombinate im Ostblock".
20090813             Reporter wie CHRISTOPH—ARNOWSKI, der die Hauptversammlung für die "Tagesschau" besuchen wird, sind fassungslos.
20090813             Welches Material überhaupt nach draußen dringt, das entscheidet allein die Bank.
20090813             "Unser Vorgehen ist gängige Praxis".
20090813             "Sollten wird damit hadern, dass die Herren dieses neuen Wolkenkuckucksheims theoretisch über jeden Griff ins virtuelle Bibliotheksregal informiert sind?
20090813             Dass sie sogar ein ungefähres Bild unseres Lesetempos erhalten?
20090813             Das lässt sich ja doch alles ohne weiteres dokumentieren, wird aber die um ihre Intimität unbekümmerte Generation Facebook nicht weiter stören".
20090813             —JETZT liegt die Bestätigung der USA—WELTRAUMBEHÖRDE Nasa vor: In weiten Teilen Indiens geht das Grundwasser schnell zur Neige.
20090813             Vor allem im Nordwesten des Landes werde es in "unhaltbarem Maße" verbraucht, so dass extreme Wasserknappheit und damit Produktionsausfälle in der Landwirtschaft drohten, schreiben die Forscher vom Nasa Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt (USA—STAAT MARYLAND)
20090813             im britischen Fachjournal "Nature".
20090813             "Das USA—BRUTTOINLANDSPRODUKT wird in der 2. Jahreshälfte voraussichtlich steigen", fügt der Experte hinzu.
20090813             Aber dieser Anstieg werde vor allem von den Staatsausgaben sowie der Aufstockung der Lagerbestände der Unternehmen getrieben werden.
20090813             Eine tatsächliche Erholung der Privatwirtschaft liegt noch in weiter Ferne".
20090813             Menschenrechtsgruppen hatten vor einiger Zeit angeprangert, dass Hingerichteten Organe für Transplantationen entnommen werden.
20090813             PEKING—IN CHINA werden noch immer in großem Stil illegal Organe an zahlungskräftige Ausländer verkauft.
20090813             rechtswidrig.
20090813             Händler wurden verurteilt, weil sie den Text des Justizministeriums bei ihren ONLINE—VERKÄUFEN nutzten.
20090813             Der Rechtswissenschaftler vermisst in Deutschland einen "Plan, wie gute Internetregulierung aussieht".
20090813             Er sieht "enorme Herausforderungen, eine neue Balance von Datenschutz-, PERSÖNLICHKEITS—UND Urheberrecht zu finden".
20090813             Doch der Politik mangle es da an grundlegenden Vorstellungen.
20090813             Der Gesetzgeber bemühe sich nicht einmal um wissenschaftliche Forschung, die 1—BASIS dafür schaffen könnte.
20090813             - seine Bilanz: "Das Internet ist durchreguliert. Es gibt extrem überregulierte Bereiche".
20090813             Wenn er "zum Beispiel im Impressum oder in der Widerrufsbelehrung meines WEB—SHOPS 1—KOMMA vergesse oder 'seien' statt 'wären' schreibe", könne er abgemahnt werden.
20090813             "Da gibt es sehr viele Regelungen und sehr viele Meinungen, wie die zu interpretieren und umzusetzen sind".
20090813             —ANFANG der neunziger Jahre gab es da noch ganz andere Ansichten, als Juristen wie DAVID—POST von rechtsfreien Räumen SCHWÄRMTEN—ABER "das ist in der Theorie und in der Praxis schon lange Vergangenheit", sagt Hoeren.
20090813             Satellitenmessungen: Indiens Grundwasserspiegel sinkt dramatisch
20090813             Immobilienkrise: Zwangsvollstreckungen in den USA erreichen Rekordhoch
20090813             "TRANSPLANTATIONS—TOURISMUS": Organhandel in CHINA blüht weiter
20090813             Konjunkturbelebung: Deutsche Wirtschaft wächst wieder
20090813             Pahlavi: Angesichts der organisatorischen und finanziellen Ressourcen, die ein ölreicher, revolutionärer Staat darauf verwandt hat, meinen Vater zu verunglimpfen, kann meiner Meinung nach kein fairer Mensch sagen, dass seine Freunde und seine Feinde bisher gleichen Zugang zum Gericht der öffentlichen Meinung oder den Seiten des Geschichtsbuchs hatten.
20090813             Ich erwarte kein faires Urteil, so lange beide Seiten nicht auch gleiches Mitspracherecht haben.
20090813             Pahlavi:
20090813             Die Welt hat guten Grund, einem Regime zu misstrauen, das Terrorismus im Ausland gesponsert hat und zugleich seine eigene Gesellschaft jahrelang unterdrückt.
20090813             —REPORTED, SIR—CHRISTOPHER, that ALL—OF—THE—15—SECTION 49—NOTICES served over THE—YEAR—INCLUDING THE—2—THAT resulted in CONVICTIONS—WERE in "counter terrorism, child indecency and domestic extremism" cases.
20090813             domestic extremism
20090813             "In truth, they went as far as creating acts," said THOMAS—AUGUSTO—VASCONCELOS, intelligence SECRETARY for Amazonas state.
20090813             "It's been determined that the crimes were committed in order to generate news for the program".
20090813             Für den innenpolitischen Sprecher der oppositionellen Liberalen, CHRIS—HUHNE, sind die Zahlen dagegen 1—ZEICHEN dafür, dass die Briten endgültig in eine Überwachungsgesellschaft getaumelt seien.
20090813             Auch wenn viele der durchgeführten Maßnahmen von Polizeien und Geheimdiensten sicher nötig seien, sei ihre reine Anzahl "erschreckend".
20090813             Es könne sich nicht um eine gerechtfertigte Antwort auf die Probleme des Landes handeln, "wenn der Staat eine halbe Million Menschen pro Jahr ausspioniert".
20090813             Die Überwachung der Überwacher durch das federführende Innenministerium selbst sei nicht ausreichend, bemängelte Huhne weiter.
20090813             Die Regierung habe GEORGE—ORWELLS—ROMAN "1984" offenbar nicht als Warnung, sondern als Blaupause verstanden.
20090813             ENGLAND, haben sie jetzt zwei Leute erfolgreich angeklagt, weil sie sich geweigert haben, ihre KRYPTO—PASSWÖRTER rauszurücken
20090813             Die Vorratsspeicherung, müßt ihr wissen, die ist gegen Terroristen und Schwerverbrecher.
20090813             Gegen den Abschaum der Erde.
20090813             Da greifen wir nur gaaaaanz, ganz selten drauf zu. So ca.
20090813             Von einem Dammbruch der Privatsphäre kann also gar keine Rede sein!1!!
20090813             " Financial institutions did not amass TRILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS—OF—TOXIC—ASSETS and tangle themselves up in 1—DESTRUCTIVE—WEB—OF—CREDIT—DERIVATIVES by accident. Financial institutions did not produce and maintain technology allowing them to take advantage of traditional investors by accident. A thief was not able to operate 1—MULTI—BILLION—DOLLAR—PONZI scheme for decades by accident. We are not talking about the occasional rogue trader here who has bribed his compliance officer. Even within the existing regulatory architecture, these activities required 1—CONSIDERABLE—AMOUNT—OF—COMPLACENCY (to be polite) by financial regulators across agencies, over THE—COURSE—OF—MANY—YEARS, and through MANY—CYCLES—OF—POLITICAL—APPOINTEES from both parties".
20090813             "ARCTIC Sea"- Kaperung: Indizien deuten auf Geheimdienstaktion...
20090813             Frachter "ARCTIC Sea" - Von der DEA gehijackt?
20090813—19150609    —ON, Paul was born as LESTER—WILLIAM—POLSFUSS in WAUKESHA—WISCONSIN.
20090813—19410000    —IN, He created 1—OF—THE 1. SOLID—BODY—ELECTRIC guitars, but it took nearly —10—YEARS—BEFORE he, working with Gibson Guitar Corp., perfected it.
20090815             SOMALIA—PIRATES found 7—DEAD colleagues floating in the ocean and vowed to take revenge against EGYPT—FISHERMEN they say killed them during an 20090813             escape.
20090910             —ARRESTED, The government of the semiautonomous Kurdish region, the head of the provincial intelligence service, BRIGADIER—ABDUL—RAHMAN—ALI, on accusations he was directly involved in the planning of an 20090813             bombing near MOSUL.
20100108—20100813    —ON, 1—MALAYSIA—COURT sentenced 2—MUSLIM brothers to 5—YEARS in prison for torching 1—CHRISTIAN church —DURING THE—HEIGHT—OF—THE—DISPUTE.
20100813             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, a $600—MILLION—BILL to put more agents and equipment along THE—MEXICO—BORDER.
20100813             —DOUBLED, The new law nearly, fees on visas for skilled workers brought in by companies whose employees are more than 50—PERCENT foreign, 1—MOVE that largely affects INDIA—IT and outsourcing industries.
20100813             —ENDORSED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA forcefully, building a mosque near ground 0, saying the country's founding principles demand no less.
20100813             THE—USA—FEDERAL—DEPOSIT—INSURANCE—CORP. took over the Palos Bank and Trust Co. based in Palos HEIGHTS—ILLINOIS.
20100813             It was the 110. - USA—BANK to go under this year.
20100813             † GERAL—ROSEN, 71—JAHRE—ALT, USA—NOVELIST, in SF.
20100813             —INCLUDED, GERAL—ROSEN—7—BOOKS, "Blues for 1—DYING Nation" (19720000             ) and his autobiography "Cold Eye, Warm Heart" (20090000             ).
20100813             A UK—SOLDIER was also killed by SMALL—ARMS—FIRE in the Sangin DISTRICT—OF—HELMAND province.
20100813             3—SMALL—CHILDREN were killed and their mother was wounded when 1—CIVILIAN—HOUSE was hit by 1—INSURGENT—ROCKET in Khost city.
20100813             2—PRIVATE—SECURITY—GUARDS and 2—MILITANTS were killed in 1—GUNBATTLE in the Karukh DISTRICT—OF—HERAT province, 12—OTHER—GUARDS were wounded in the skirmish.
20100813             3—AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIANS were killed and another was wounded by insurgents in 3—SEPARATE—INCIDENTS in KANDAHAR province.
20100813             —GUNNED, AUSTRALIA, 2—MEN were, down in 1—POPULAR—MELBOURNE bar area, shortly after THE—KILLING—OF—1—KNOWN crime figure sparked fears of 1—NEW—GANG—WAR in the city's notorious underworld.
20100813             † A BELGIUM—MAN from 1—DRUG—RESISTANT "superbug" originating in SOUTH—ASIA, the 1. reported death from the bacteria.
20100813             —CALLED, The superbug -- 1—BACTERIAL gene, NEW—DELHI METALLO—LACTAMASE—1 (NDM-1) -- was 1. identified last year in 1—SWEDEN—PATIENT admitted to hospital in INDIA.
20100813             Franc Kos, Stanko Kojic, Vlastimir Golijan and Zoran Goronja all served with THE—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBIA—ARMY—10. commando unit.
20100813             WEST—CANADA, at least 450—SRI—LANKA—ASYLUM—SEEKERS, on BOARD—THE—MV—SUN—SEA—CARGO ship, arrived at 1—NAVAL—BASE escorted by 1—NAVAL frigate and police helicopters.
20100813             —KILLED, NORTH—WEST—CHINA, new landslides, 24—PEOPLE and left 24—MISSING in Gansu province as downpours threatened more devastation and made rescue work nearly impossible in 1—REGION where more than 1,100—PEOPLE have †.
20100813             EGYPT, 1—GUNBATTLE between ERITREA—MIGRANTS and Bedouin traffickers demanding more money to take them to ISRAEL left at least 4—PEOPLE in THE—SINAI—DESERT.
20100813             2—OTHERS were shot dead by EGYPT—POLICE barring them from illegally crossing the border.
20100813             —KILLED, Police later said as many as 10—MIGRANTS were, and that dozens more could be lost in the desert.
20100813             —ARRESTED, GUATEMALA—POLICE, the former head of the national prison system, accusing him of orchestrating the executions of 7—PRISONERS during a 20060000             government raid on 1—INFAMOUS—JAIL.
20100813             Alejandro Giammattei, in charge of penitentiaries during the previous ADMINISTRATION—OF—PRESIDENT—OSCAR—BERGER, turned himself over to authorities after trying to seek asylum in THE—HONDURAS—EMBASSY this week.
20100813             —STAGED, KASHMIR, tens of thousands, angry street demonstrations after government forces killed 4—PEOPLE and injured 31—OTHERS during the latest unrest against INDIA—RULE in the disputed Himalayan region.
20100813             —CONVICTED, SRI—LANKA, 1—MILITARY—COURT, FORMER—SRI—LANKA—ARMY—CHIEF and presidential candidate GENERAL—SARATH—FONSEKA—OF—INVOLVEMENT in politics while in service and stripped him of his rank and military honors.
20100813             —RAIDED, TURKEY—OFFICIALS said police have, 1—HOUSE used by people suspected of digging illegally for antiquities and discovered 2—TUNNELS leading to 1—UNDERGROUND tomb that housed 1—ANCIENT marble coffin and frescoes.
20100813             —BELIEVED, The tomb was, to be that of Hecatomnus, satrap of Caria (391BC-377BC).
20100813132708       —VERLUSTE in der Finanzkrise Nonnen verklagen DEUTSCHE—BANK.htm
20100813—19950700    —CONFIRMED, THE—BOSNIA—WAR—CRIMES—COURT, charges of genocide for 4—FORMER—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBIA—ARMY—SOLDIERS over the killing of at least 800—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—MUSLIMS from Srebrenica.
20100813—20100815    —ON, 1—WOMAN † of her injuries.
20100904—20100813    —ON, They include opposition leader ABDUL—JALIL AL—SINGACE, whose arrest marked the 1. salvo by officials against MEMBERS—OF—1—SHIITE majority, 60—70—PERCENT—OF—THE—POPULATION being cast as coup plotters who could open the door to IRAN—INFLUENCE.
20110810—20110813    —ON, 1—MAN and teenager were charged with THE—MURDER—OF—3—MEN.
20110813             THE—IOWA, Republican straw poll MINNESOTA congresswoman Michelle Bachmann won with 4,823 votes, TEXAS REPRESENTATIVE—RON—PAUL got 4,671.
20110813             His 3. place finish led him to drop OUT—OF—THE—RACE.
20110813             —TOPPLED, INDIANA, 1—WIND gust, 1—STAGE at the state fair in INDIANAPOLIS killing 5—PEOPLE and injuring DOZENS—OF—FANS waiting for the country band Sugarland to perform.
20110813             —REACHED, The death toll, 7—PEOPLE in the disaster with 58 injured.
20110813             † Ctirad Masin (81), 1—CONTROVERSIAL—ANTI—COMMUNIST—FIGHTER in the former nation of Czechoslovakia, in CLEVELAND—OHIO.
20110813             —ELUDED, He had, 1—MASSIVE—EAST—BLOC—MANHUNT during the Cold War.
20110813             AFGHANISTAN, 1—MINIVAN struck 1—ROADSIDE bomb in the Gereshk DISTRICT—OF—HELMAND province, killing 5—CIVILIANS.
20110813             2—POLICEMEN and 4—INSURGENTS were reported killed in shootout in HERAT province.
20110813             —BARRED, ANGOLA—AUTHORITIES, activists from entering the country ahead of the annual SOUTH—AFRICAN—DEVELOPMENT—COMMUNITY—SUMMIT that opens 20110816             .
20110813             CUBA, 1—GAY—MAN and 1—WOMAN whose SEX—CHANGE—OPERATION was paid for by the state were oo in HAVANA.
20110813             THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—1. gay pride parade was held in PRAGUE under strong police guard as some 3,000 gays and lesbians marched through the city center.
20110813             —WARNED, EGYPT—LARGEST—POLITICAL—GROUP, the Muslim Brotherhood, the country's military rulers not to interfere in the writing of 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION.
20110813             —SUSPECTED, INDIA, rebels fired guns at motorists on 1—HIGHWAY in THE—INSURGENCY—WRACKED northeast, killing 1—PERSON and wounding 5—OTHERS in Assam state.
20110813             IRAQ, bombings and shootings, including 1—ATTACK—NEAR—CAFES and ice cream shops, killed 5—IRAQIS and wounded 14 in BAGHDAD and AL—BAGHDADI, Anbar province.
20110813             —REPORTED, ISRAEL—MILITARY—MAGAZINE Ba'mahaneh, that the army is planting new land mines along its border with Syria in 1—ATTEMPEROR—TO dissuade protesters from rushing into the Golan Heights.
20110813             —POURED, Tens of THOUSANDS—OF—ISRAELIS, into streets across the country for a 4. consecutive week, expanding their protest movement against the nation's high cost of living from major central cities to smaller ones in outlying areas.
20110813             —WOUNDED, JORDAN—POPULAR—DEMOCRATIC—UNITY—PARTY said at least 8—OF—ITS—MEMBERS were, in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—KARAK during 1—PROTEST demanding government reforms.
20110813             LEBANON, 4—LEBANESE and 1—SUDAN—CITIZEN broke out of THE—HEAVILY—GUARDED Roumieh prison EAST—OF—BEIRUT.
20110813             The Lebanese were MEMBERS—OF—THE—AL—QAIDA—INSPIRED Fatah Islam group.
20110813             LIBYA—REBELS fought with regime troops for CONTROL—OF—GHARYAN, 1—KEY—MOUNTAIN—TOWN that is 1—STRATEGIC—GATEWAY on the road to TRIPOLI.
20110813             ACAPULCO—MEXICO, THE—BODY—OF—1—MAN who had been beaten in several places was found HALF—BURIED in the ground wrapped in 1—BEDSPREAD, while 2—MEN who had been shot were found in 1—GRAVEYARD.
20110813             NORTH—IRELAND police came under attack from IRELAND—CATHOLIC rioters in THE—UK—TERRITORY—2.—LARGEST CITY—OF—LONDONDERRY but reported no serious injuries.
20110813             —FOLLOWED, Several HOURS—OF—VIOLENCE, 1—PEACEFUL—PARADE through the medieval walled center of Londonderry by about 12,000 MEMBERS—OF—THE—APPRENTICE Boys of Derry.
20110813             —ABDUCTED, PAKISTAN, gunmen, WARREN—WEINSTEIN, an USA—DEVELOPMENT—EXPERT, after breaking into his house in LAHORE.
20110813             —ILLUSTRATED, The unusually brazen raid, the threat to foreigners in this MILITANCY—WRACKED country.
20110813             Ihab Ghussein, 1—SPOKESMAN for GAZA—HAMAS rulers, said foreigners must now obtain visas to enter THE—GAZA Strip.
20110813             † Fashion designer Jesus del Pozo (65), 1—OF—SPAIN—MOST influential style modernizers.
20110813             —FANNED, SYRIA—TANKS, out across 1—NEIGHBORHOOD in the coastal CITY—OF—LATAKIA amid intense shooting that sent MANY—RESIDENT fleeing to safer areas.
20110813             —ENTERED, SCORES—OF—SECURITY—AGENTS and PRO—GOVERNMENT—GUNMEN, known as Shabiha, THE—TOWN—OF—QUSAIR near the border with LEBANON and several nearby villages, arresting scores of residents.
20110813             —KILLED, At least 2—PEOPLE were, after 20—TANKS and armored personnel carriers rolled into LATAKIA—AL—RAMEL district.
20110813             —LANDED, VENEZUELA, 1—LIGHT—PLANE, on 1—COASTAL—ROAD in Falcon state with 1.4—TONS—OF—COCAINE.
20110813             A shootout followed between state police and national detectives (CICPC).
20110813             The plane had taken off from 1—MILITARY—AIRPORT in CARACAS.
20110813             2—PEOPLE were killed.
20110813—19740000    —OPENED, DEL—POZO, his 1. outlet in MADRID, making him 1—CONTEMPORARY—OF—ANTONIO—MIRO and Adolfo Dominguez.
20110813—19760000    —UNVEILED, His 1. collection was.
20110813—20110819    —ON, A 6. person † of her injuries.
20110813—20110824    —BY, 3—ARRESTS were made after officers tracked cell phone numbers.
20110813—20111202    —ACKNOWLEDGED, AL—QAEDA leader AYMAN—AL—ZAWAHIRI, that the terror group was holding Weinstein.
20110813—20120000    —IN, A government blamed fair officials, 1—STAGEHANDS union and 1—COMPANY that built the roof and lights rigging for the stage collapse.
20111003—20110813    —ON, Spec.
20120323             CALIFORNIA, Sandra Jessee (61) was sentenced to life in prison for the 19980813             —DATE, murder of her 3. husband.
20120323             —SENTENCED, CALIFORNIA, SANDRA—JESSEE, 61—JAHRE—ALT was, to life in prison for 19980813             —THE, MURDER—OF—HER 3. husband.
20120810             PAKISTAN—CENTRAL—BANK cut its benchmark interest rate from 12—PERCENT to 10.5—PERCENT, effective 20120813             , as it looked to encourage private sector investment.
20120813             —ANNOUNCED, USA Interior SECRETARY—KEN—SALAZAR, the 1. comprehensive plan to manage the national petroleum reserve in ALASKA, allowing new drilling on HALF—OF—THE—NEARLY 23—MILLION—ACRE reserve, while putting the rest off limits.
20120813             TEXAS, THOMAS—A—CAFFALL—III, 35—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MAN facing eviction, opened fire on police officers and bystanders near THE—TEXAS A&M University campus, killing 2 and wounding 4—BEFORE being shot to death by police.
20120813             Constable BRIAN—BACHMANN was shot dead while trying to serve 1—COURT summons.
20120813             Google said it will cut some 4,000 jobs at its Motorola Mobility Holdings unit, which it bought just months ago for some $12.5—BILLION.
20120813             Helen Gurley Brown (19220000             *), former editor in CHIEF—COSMOPOLITAN magazines' 64—INTERNATIONAL editions, † in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20120813             She authored the bestseller "Sex and the Single Girl" (19620000             ).
20120813             —EXPLODED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—REMOTE—CONTROLLED roadside bomb, killing 5—PEOPLE, including provincial peace councilor MOHAMMAD—HASHIM and ABDUL—AZIZ, the mayor of Ishkamesh district, Takhar province.
20120813             —ATTACKED, Insurgent gunmen also, the convoy of the same district's police CHIEF and CHIEF administrator, sparking 1—BATTLE on the road.
20120813             2—TALIBAN gunmen were killed in the fighting and another was captured.
20120813             —OPENED, An AFGHANISTAN—POLICEMAN, fire on NATO—FORCES and AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS in Nangarhar province in the 5. attack reported in 1—WEEK by AFGHANISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES on their INTERNATIONAL partners.
20120813             —KILLED, No coalition service members were.
20120813             —WOUNDED, At least 1—AFGHANISTAN—INTELLIGENCE—AGENT was, and the shooter escaped.
20120813             —ANNOUNCED, AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER—GILLARD, 1—SHARP reversal in her government's policy on asylum seekers, saying it will introduce legislation allowing their deportation to the poor Pacific NATIONS—OF—PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA and NAURU to face lengthy stays in detention camps.
20120813             —TOUCHED, The Olympic flag, down on BRAZIL—SOIL, marking THE—START—OF—4—YEARS—OF—PREPARATIONS ahead of 20160000             —THE games in RIO—DE—JANEIRO.
20120813             —AGREED, UK—ENERGY—GROUP BP said that it has, to sell its Carson refinery in CALIFORNIA to USA peer Tesoro Corporation for $2.5—BILLION (2.02—BILLION euros) as PART—OF—ITS ongoing restructuring.
20120813             BP also said that Eagle Rock Energy Partners is paying $227.5—MILLION in cash for the Sunray and Hemphill gas processing plants in TEXAS.
20120813             —NAMED, In far WEST—CHINA 1—KIRTI monk, Lungtok and another man, identified as Tashi, set themselves alight in Sichuan province's ABA prefecture.
20120813             Police beat 1—TIBETAN man to death during 1—CLASH that broke out after THE—2—TIBETANS set themselves on fire.
20120813             CONGODRC—SPORTS—MINISTRY said 1—JUDOKA and 3—COACHES from its Olympic delegation have gone missing after leaving the Athletes' Village at THE—LONDON Games.
20120813             NORTH—EAST—CONGODRC, 1—LANDSLIDE at 1—GOLD—MINE in remote Pangoyi left at least 60—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20120813             NORTH—FRANCE, MONTHS—OF—TENSION between police and young people exploded in AMIENS, with DOZENS—OF—YOUTHS facing off against riot officers in 1—NIGHT—OF—VIOLENCE.
20120813             —INJURED, Some 17—OFFICERS were, after more than 200—RIOT—POLICE were stationed to the area.
20120813             —ACQUIRED, GERMANY—MUNICH—RE, the world's largest reinsurer, said it has, 3—WIND—PARKS in BRITAIN as part of a 2.5—BILLION—EURO ($3.0-billion) investment in renewable energies.
20120813             A government spokesman says IRAQ has asked FRANCE—OIL—GIANT—TOTAL S.A. to choose between working with THE—SELF—RULED NORTH—KURDISH region or to quit developing 1—OF—THE—MAJOR—OIL—FIELDS in SOUTH—IRAQ.
20120813             HOLLAND—SAILORS taking part in NATO—PIRATE—BUSTING operation Ocean Shield helped rescue THE—CREW—OF—1—SOMALIA—DHOW hijacked by pirates in the Gulf of ADEN.
20120813             —FIRED, SOUTH—EAST—SENEGAL, police, teargas at STONE—THROWING demonstrators, injuring 1—PERSON as protests erupted over THE—DEATH—OF—1—DEAF—MUTE youth in police custody.
20120813             † In SPAIN 2—FIREFIGHTERS over the last 24—HOURS from injuries sustained in battling 1—WILDFIRE in THE—EAST—PROVINCE—OF—ALICANTE, while hundreds were evacuated by boat to escape 1—FIRE raging on the Canary ISLAND—OF—LA Gomera.
20120813             Julius Baer Group, 1—SWITZERLAND—PRIVATE banking group, said it has agreed to pay 860—MILLION francs ($879—MILLION) to buy BANK—OF—AMERICA—CORP.'s Merrill Lynch wealth management operations outside THE—USA.
20120813             —RELEASED, Activists, 1—VIDEO which they claim shows 1—GOVERNMENT—SOVIET—MADE MiG warplane catching fire apparently after it was hit by ground fire over THE—EAST—PROVINCE—OF—DEIR EL—ZOUR.
20120813             —EJECTED, STATE—RUN—MEDIA said the pilot, from the warplane after technical failure.
20120813             —BOMBARDED, Regime forces, rebel strongholds around DAMASCUS and launched 1—MASS—RAID in the historic HEART—OF—THE—CAPITAL.
20120813             —KILLED, THE—SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said 160—PEOPLE were, nationwide.
20120813             A SYRIA—REBEL—GROUP kidnapped HASSAN—AL—MUQDAD, accusing him of being 1—SNIPER and 1—MEMBER—OF—LEBANON—SHIITE militia Hezbollah.
20120813             USA—FREELANCE JOURNALIST—AUSTIN—TICE, 31—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—USA—MARINE, disappeared in Syria.
20120813             ABDALLAH—KOMBO, THE—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—ZANZIBAR Maritime Authority (ZMA), said it was "cheated" by its DUBAI—BASED agent Philtex Corporation, which is alleged to have reflagged THE—IRAN—VESSELS.
20120813             Maritime Transport MINISTER—RASHID—SULEIMAN—SEIF said The government in ZANZIBAR, 1—SEMI—AUTONOMOUS—PART—OF—TANZANIA, will deregister IRAN—OIL—TANKERS flying its flag to dodge sanctions.
20120813             A VATICAN judge ordered PAOLO—GABRIELE, 45—JAHRE—ALT, THE—BUTLER—PAPA, and fellow lay EMPLOYEE—CLAUDIO—SCIARPELLETTI, 48—JAHRE—ALT to stand trial for allegedly pilfering documents from BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA—PRIVATE—APARTMENT.
20120813             —EMBARRASSED, The scandal has, THE—VATICAN and exposed infighting and alleged corruption at the highest levels.
20120813             "THE—QUEEN has been 1—GREAT—FRIEND'—TELEGRAPH
20120813             —ON-;;0713;; When THE—USA—AMBASSADOR arrived in LONDON, he was merely expected to give good parties.
20120813             1—FRIEND—OF—THE—ROYAL—FAMILY and THE—BUSHES, golf partner to 2—PRESIDENTS and 1—OF—THE—RICHEST—MEN in AMERICA, he seemed the perfect host.
20120813             THE—QUEEN had sat in his kitchen in KENTUCKY, where he trains 3—OF—HER—HORSES at his stables.
20120813             "I was at home LAST—TUESDAY when Sarah came in and said that something horrible was happening on CNN.
20120813             happening on CNN
20120813             —AT—THAT—POINT, there was just 1—HOLE IN—THE—WORLD—TRADE Centre;
20120813             I didn't THINK—OF—TERRORISTS.
20120813             —LOOKED, It simply, like 1—SMALL—PLANE had gone off course.
20120813             —WHEN, the other plane hit, I thought it was 1—REPLAY,"he says.
20120813             MISTER—S—FARISH
20120813             he was as clueless as the other 500.000—AMERICANS in BRITAIN.
20120813             "I had no facts, no 1—DID,"he says.
20120813             —WATCHED, TONY—BLAIR has done 1—REMARKABLE—JOB, I, him in PARLIAMENT—LAST—WEEK and I was impressed.
20120813             MISTER—S—FARISH smiles.
20120813             It must have been 1—BIT—LIKE the Blitz, that SENSE—OF—NOT knowing where they are going to hit next.
20120813             "We're so fortunate, we haven't had ANY—THREATS except THE—OKLAHOMA bomb.
20120813             so fortunate
20120813             Somehow we always end up doing everything bigger.
20120813             We had to be figureheads
20120813             It was easier for us because we had something to do,"MISTER—S—FARISH explains.
20120813             "THE—PRIME—MINISTER has talked directly to THE—PRESIDENT but he can't do IT—EVERY—DAY.
20120813             the —PROBLEM is only 1—TINY vocal minority.
20120813             —OBSESSED, She and my husband are, by racing bloodlines".
20120813             "I used to jump, play polo, do everything I could possibly do on 1—HORSE.
20120813             He reads the Racing Post before the other newspapers.
20120813             because the current USA—AMBASSADOR is 1—OF—THE—MOST reticent in the 250-year HISTORY—OF—THE—POST.
20120813             WILLIAM—STAMPS—FARISH—IIIII belies his grand moniker:
20120813             "It's bizarre to have 1—AMBASSADOR who is so anonymous,"
20120813             his grandfather, WILLIAM Stamps WILL—FARISH, FOUNDED Humble Oil in
20120813             —WHEN GEORGE—HERBERT—WALKER—BUSH announced his decision to run for PRESIDENT, WILL—FARISH gave $100.000 to his fighting fund.
20120813             But who knows what WILL—FARISH is doing? HE—JUST not out there".
20120813             The invisible ambassador
20120813             WILL—FARISH has long been GEORGE—HERBERT—WALKER—BUSH—CLOSEST—FRIEND and confidante.
20120813             PRESIDENT—GEORGEHERBERT—WALKER—BUSH can count on WILL—FARISH not to betray the violent secrets surrounding THE—BUSH—FAMILY—MONEY.
20120813             —WHILE PRESCOTT—BUSH escaped publicity when THE—GOVERNMENT seized his NAZI—BANKING ORGANIZATION in ;;10;;, WILL—FARISH had been nailed.
20120813             —WHILE PRESCOTT—BUSH escaped publicity when THE—GOVERNMENT seized his NAZI—BANKING ORGANIZATION
20120813             —DEVASTATED, THE—WILL—FARISH—FAMILY was, by the exposure.
20120813             With this double death, the fortune comprising MUCH—OF—STANDARD—OIL—PROFITS from TEXAS and NAZI—GERMANY was now to be settled upon the little 4—YEAR—OLD—GRAND—SON, WILLIAM (`` Will '') Stamps WILL—FARISH—III.
20120813             USA—AMBASSADOR—TO—ENGLAND Inherited "AUSCHWITZ"money (Farish)
20120813             Fotostrecke: LONDON verabschiedet DIE—JUGEND der Welt
20120813             Anwalt für ANONYMOUS—AKTIVISTEN: Der Auserwählte
20120813             WAHL—KAMPF—IN—DEN—USA : OBAMA greift ROMNEY—VIZE Ryan an
20120813             —VONDER—LEYEN—PLAN: Zwangsrente für Selbständige steht vor dem Aus
20120813             TAHRIR—PLATZ: Tausende Ägypter feiern Entmachtung des MILITÄRrats
20120813             ÄGYPTEN, hat DER—ISLAMISTISCHE PRÄSIDENT—MURSI die MILITÄR—FÜHRUNG entlassen und seine eigenen Befugnisse ausgedehnt
20120813             Hunderte kamen in der STADT—ALEXANDRIA zusammen.
20120813             nun beginne 1—NEUE Zeit, berichtete der NACHRICHTEN—SENDER AL—DSCHASIRA am Abend.
20120813             —BERICHTET, e
20120813             Mursi hatte zuvor im MACHT—KAMPF—MIT—DEM MILITÄRrat 1—ENTSCHEIDENDEN Schritt getan und VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER—MOHAMMED HUSSEIN Tantawi sowie GENERAL—STABS—CHEF—SAMI Annan ihrer Ämter enthoben und sie stattdessen zu seinen Beratern ernannt.
20120813             DIE—ENTSCHEIDUNG war 1—BERICHT—DER—AMTLICHEN NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR MENA zufolge offenbar mit dem MILITÄR abgesprochen.
20120813             Mit diesem Schritt wolle er niemanden persönlich verärgern, sagte Mursi in 1—FERNSEHANSPRACHE.
20120813             Er habe nur die Interessen des Volkes im Sinn, erklärte er.
20120813             erklärte er.
20120813             —IN—DER—VERGANGENEN—WOCHE waren bei 1—ÜBERFALL—AUF—1—ISRAELISCH—ÄGYPTISCHEN Grenzübergang auf der Halbinsel Sinai 16—GRENZSOLDATEN getötet worden.
20120813             —ZUDEM, nahm Mursi VERFASSUNGS—ZUSÄTZE zurück, mit denen sich der MILITÄRrat Ende;;06;;DIE—ZENTRALEN MACHT—BEFUGNISSE im Land gesichert hatte.
20120813             Den ranghohen Richter Mahmud Mekki ernannte Mursi zudem zu seinem VIZE—PRÄSIDENTEN.
20120813             Mursi übernahm überdies DIE—KONTROLLE—ÜBER—DIE Ausarbeitung 1—VERFASSUNG.
20120813             DIE—NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR MENA berichtete jedoch, der Schritt sei im Vorfeld "bedacht und koordiniert"gewesen.
20120813             DIE—ABSETZUNG der israelfreundlichen MILITÄRspitze durch Mursi und die Annullierung der Beschneidung seiner Befugnisse seien überraschend früh gekommen, schrieb DIE—ZEITUNG "JERUSALÉM Post"-AM—MONTAG.
20120813             98 % der —BEVÖLKERUNG leben am existenzminimum, 1—ERNEUTER MACHT—WECHSEL wird durch die mangelnde bildung der —BEVÖLKERUNG und der fehlenden alternative erschwert.
20120813             auch korruption und wahlbetrug werden weiterhin 1—THEMA sein.
20120813             DIE—SPEISEKARTEN der Metropolen haben sich IN DEN LETZTEN JAHREN grundlegend verändert: Die FLEISCH—GERICHTE sind weniger geworden, die Portionen kleiner.
20120813             DIE—DISKUSSIONEN um Massentierhaltung und CO2-Fußabdruck, DIE—BILDER aus Mastanlagen und von den SCHLACHTHÖFEN—IN den deutschen Großstädten bewegt sich was.
20120813             TEMPORA mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis
20120813             Als ICH—VOR—42—JAHREN meine Ernährung aus ethischen Gründen auf fleischlose Kost (heut überwiegend vegan) umstellte, waren etwa 0,3 % der Bevölkerung in DE Vegetarier.
20120813             —HEUTE, sind es etwa 25—30—MAL MEHR—ALSO 1—BEWUSSTSEINSWANDEL!-DAMALS, wurde ich nur ausgelacht und man schüttelte den Kopf: "Du isst ja den Tieren das Futter weg!"HEUTE ist bekannt, daß der Fleischkonsum mit Masttieren etwa 1-MILLIARDE der Ärmsten das essen WEGGFRISST—IN Form von 50-70 % GETREIDE und Soja.
20120813             Mastfutter statt Menschenfutter! 1—VEGANER braucht nur 1—SIEBTEL bis 1—ZEHNTEL der Landfläche für seine Ernährung wie 1—FLEISCHESSER.
20120813             Auch wissen wir heute, daß die Tiermast sehr stark klimaschädliche (erwärmende) Gase (CO2 und CH4) erzeugt und somit zur Vernichtung von landökonomischen Flächen und damit zu weiterem Hunger beiträgt.
20120813             Auf Fleisch zu verzichten, könnte HEUTE angesichts des immer größer werdenden Hungersproblems gemäß dem Kant´schen Imperativ 1—SOZIALE, ethische und ÖKOLOGISCHE—PFLICHT werden.
20120813             STROMP—REISE, Verbraucher zahlen Nachlass für DIE—INDUSTRIE
20120813             NEW—YORK—POLIZISTEN erschießen Mann beim TIMES Square
20120813             IMPORT—EXPORT—BILANZ: DEUTSCHLAND erzielt weltgrößten HANDELS—ÜBERSCHUSS
20120813             Radikalkur: GOOGLE streicht 4.000—STELLEN bei Motorola
20120813             —VORSTOß für PKW—MAUT: "Wir brauchen dringend mehr Geld für Straßen und Schienen"
20120813             Suchmaschine: GOOGLE will Piratenseiten zurückstufen
20120813             THAILAND: SENATOR erschießt "aus Versehen"seine Sekretärin
20120813             Bruttoinlandsprodukt: Griechische Wirtschaft schrumpft langsamer als befürchtet
20120813             NEUSEELAND: Gesteinsteppich stammt aus erwachtem Vulkan
20120813             frei werden.
20120813             EIS—FORSCHER der  UNIVERSITÄT—HAMBURG sagen 1—REKORDSCHMELZE des Meereises in der ARKTIS voraus.
20120813             Dieses JAHR würden sich die Schollen voraussichtlich so stark zurückziehen wie noch NIE—SEIT—BEGINN—DER—SATELLITENMESSUNGEN in den siebziger —JAHREN, sagt Lars Kaleschke vom KlimaCampus an der  UNIVERSITÄT—HAMBURG.
20120813             Den neuen DATEN zufolge könnten auch in den nächsten Wochen wieder Schiffe durch DIE—ARKTIS dampfen.
20120813             "Überraschend"sei der Tongariro in NEUSEELAND nach mehr als HUNDERT—JÄHRIGEM Schlaf ausgebrochen, wurde WELT—WEIT berichtet, NACHDEM DER—VULKAN Teile der Nordinsel am vergangenen —DIENSTAG unter Asche begrub.
20120813             Nur 8—STUNDEN nach der MITTEILUNG DER—FORSCHER  explodierte der Tongariro.
20120813             Das ist das bekannte Totschlagargument von Leuten, die alles in 1—SUPPENTOPF werfen, aus durchsichtigen Gründen.
20120813             Sie wissen offensichtlich nicht, was 1—TOTSCHLAGARGUMENT ist.
20120813             Er soll dem KIRCHENOBER—HAUPT 1—SCHECK über 100.000—EURO gestohlen haben.
20120813             VATILEAKS—AFFÄRE
20120813             Konkret werden in der Anklageschrift folgende Punkte genannt: staatsfeindliche Aktivitäten, ANGRIFFE—AUF—DIE—STAATSMACHT, Verunglimpfung staatlicher Institutionen, Rufmord, üble Nachrede, schwerer Diebstahl, Beteiligung an strafbaren Handlungen, Begünstigungen und GEHEIMNIS—VERRAT.
20120813             GABRIELe soll vor Ermittlern zugegeben haben,
20120813             —WÄHREND—DES, Arrests sei 1—PSYCHOLOGISCHES Gutachten von GABRIELe erstellt worden, hieß es.
20120813             Angeklagt wegen Beihilfe ist Claudio S., 1—BEKANNTER von GABRIELe und Programmierer im Staatssekretariat des VATIKANs.
20120813             Geschlechtertrennung: SAUDI—ARABIEN plant Städte nur für Frauen
20120813             Trapwire, USA—FIRMA vernetzt Videoüberwachung
20120813             Neuer MILLIARDENbedarf: Pleitebank Dexia stürzt BELGIEN in —KRISE
20120813             Bilanzkosmetik: EUROPA—BANKEN verdienen mit Schuldenrückkauf
20120813             Mit Partner in CHINA: Bosch steigt in ELEKTROROLLER—MARKT 1
20120813             CHINA sei mit 1—MARKT—ANTEIL—VON—CA—98 % der größte PRODUKTIONSSTAND—ORT.
20120813             eScooter
20120813             Der Boom, der teilweise in CHINA für derartige Fahrzeuge besteht, ist dem VERBOT—VON—MOTORRÄDERN und Mopeds/Mofas mit Verbrennungsmotoren in den meisten chinesischen Städten geschuldet.
20120813             OSLO—ATTENTAT: BREIVIK—BERICHT listet schwere POLIZEI—FEHLER auf
20120813             —WENN DIE—POLIZEI nicht geschlampt hätte.
20120813             wenn die "bereits existierenden SICHERHEITS—MAßNAHMEN effektiv angewandt worden wären", heißt es in 1—BERICHT, der an REGIERUNGS—CHEF—JENS—STOLTENBERG übergeben wurde.
20120813             20—KAPITEL UND—CA—500—SEITEN.
20120813             "inakzeptabel".
20120813             Demnach seien 1—AUTO—BOMBEN—ANSCHLAG "auf den Regierungskomplex und koordinierte Angriffe  —SEIT—JAHREN stets wiederkehrende Szenarien bei Bedrohungs-, SICHERHEITS—ANALYSEN"gewesen.
20120813             DIE—MELDUNG zu Breiviks möglichem Fluchtfahrzeug sei nach der Bombenexplosion im REGIERUNGS—VIERTEL zu lange in der Einsatzzentrale liegen geblieben, heißt es.
20120813             DIE—1.beiden POLIZISTEN hätten dem Regelwerk zufolge alles unternehmen müssen, um auf die Insel zu gelangen, blieben aber auf dem Festland.
20120813             Alles andere ist aber einfach 1—MIESER Zufall.
20120813             Aha, hätte möglicherweise verhindert werden können.
20120813             DIE—NORWEGER HABEN 1—ÄHNLICH liberales Waffenrecht wie DIE—USA gehabt, als die Untat geschah.
20120813             Nur Entscheidungsträger, die JAHR—ZEHNT elang dieses Entscheiden trainiert haben, sind dazu in der Lage.
20120813             —ENTSCHEIDUNGSTRÄGER
20120813             DIE—NORWEGER haben 1—SEHR liberales Waffenrecht.
20120813             1—TERRORIST und Mehrfachmörder bleibt 1—MEHRFACHMÖRDER.
20120813             31.DER—BERICHT ist dennoch 1—PERSILSCHEIN
20120813             Nicht DIE—POLIZEI hat versagt, sondern DIE—POLITIK! Woher kommen denn solche ÄNGSTE—VOR—ÜBERFREMDUNG? Die ganzen EXTREMISTEN und Fanatiker? Eliten sind immer nur gut darin, Taten zu verurteilen und ihr eigenes Versagen auf andere zu schieben.
20120813             SKANDALöse Zustände
20120813             Alle Piloten GLEICHZEITIG in Urlaub zu schicken und andere Fehlleistungen sind sicher VERMEIDBAR—DAS sind aber eigendlich Grundanforderungen.
20120813             Verschiebungsspuren: Driftende Platten lassen Mars beben
20120813             Vermutlich ruhe DAS—SYSTEM—ZEIT—FÜR—LANGE und wache nur alle paar Millionen JAHRE mal auf.
20120813             "Der Mars ist in 1—PRIMITIVEN Stadium der Plattentektonik", erklärt Yin.
20120813             Mursis MACHT—KAMPF—ÄGYPTENS oberster Putschist
20120813             WALD—BRÄNDE auf La Gomera: "Wir gehen hier durch die Hölle"
20120813             Exportboom: BUNDES—REGIERUNG verteidigt deutschen HANDELS—ÜBERSCHUSS
20120813             Unter Meeresbiologen gelten Wale aufgrund ihrer umfangreichen Ausscheidungen als Gärtner der Meere.
20120813             "Der natürliche Dünger kann dazu führen, daß es mehr Krill gibt, mehr Fische und damit auch mehr Wal", erklärt JOE—ROMAN von der [UNIVERSITÄT—UNIVERSITY—OF—VERMONT gegenüber der Nachrichtenseite "Wired News".
20120813             fressen die Tiere in der Tiefe und verteilen anschließend stickstoffhaltige, verdaute Nahrung im warmen Oberflächenwasser.
20120813             Dort verteilt sie sich und fördert das Planktonwachstum, zu dem auch der Krill gehört.
20120813             —BEVOR Wale zwischenzeitlich zu kommerziellen Zwecken gejagt wurden, brachten sie laut der Berechnung der Zoologen durch ihren Kot dreimal mehr Stickstoff in den Golf von MAINE ein, als das Meer aus der Atmosphäre aufnimmt.
20120813             Der Kot der Blauwale muss das ÖKO—SYSTEM also maßgeblich beeinflussen".
20120813             —HEUTE—AUCH—NOCH gelange mehr Stickstoff durch den Kot der Wale in den Golf von MAINE, als durch alle Zuflüsse.
20120813             Unklar ist noch, wie die sinkende ANZAHL—DER—WALE das ÖKO—SYSTEM verändert hat.
20120813             BEVOR Wale in großem Stil gejagt wurden, lebten mehr als 200.000—BLAUWALE im Südpolarmeer.
20120813             —HEUTE, sind es Schätzungen zufolge etwa 8000—TIERE WELT—WEIT.
20120813             Der strebsame BAUERnsohn aus dem NIL—DELTA, der es zum ASSISTENZPROFESSOR—FÜR INGENIEUR—WESEN IN—DEN—USA brachte, hat sich als erstaunlich gewiefter Politiker erwiesen.
20120813             Doch statt sich von den mächtigen Generälen herumkommandieren zu lassen, scheint Mursi geschickt ihre momentane Schwäche auszunutzen.
20120813             —WÄHREND, DIE—ARMEE nach dem Debakel auf dem Sinai in der Kritik steht, hat DER—PRÄSIDENT die Gelegenheit ergriffen, um mit dem MILITÄRrat 1—DEAL AUSZUHANDELN—VON dem vor allem er selbst profitiert.
20120813             —IM, aktuellen KABINETT kontrollieren die Generäle DAS—VERTEIDIGUNGS-, INNEN—MINISTERIUM, die ISLAMISTEN das Bildungs-, PROPAGANDA-, Religions-, JUSTIZ—MINISTERIUM.
20120813             Mursi hat signalisiert, daß er, 1—ZIVILIST, im ÄGYPTEN nach Mubarak das letzte Wort hat.
20120813             Dazu hat er SICH—AM—SONNTAG quasi diktatorische Vollmachten ausgestellt:
20120813             Dazu 1—TÜRKISCHES Szenario, bei dem DAS—MILITÄR im Hintergrund seine Interessen wahrt, die ISLAMISTEN DIE—POLITIK bestimmen und mittelfristig schrittweise ihre MACHT gegenüber den Generälen ausbauen, scheint für ÄGYPTEN immer wahrscheinlicher.
20120813             Achja, der TRANS—ATLANTISCHE Elitarismus bei SPIEGEL—ONLINE wieder
20120813             "Putschist", weil er sich des westlichen MARIONETTEN—MILITÄRS entledigt, und DEN—USA 1—WEITERER Verbündeter in der Region anhanden kommt.
20120813             und "BAUERnsohn", weil er nicht zur TRANS—ATLANTISCHEN HARVARD—ELITE gehört.
20120813             Brzezinskis chauvinistische Lehren sitzen tief hier...
20120813             WISSENS—STUDIE unter Jugendlichen: Nachrichten sind uns egal
20120813             doch für die Ärmsten der Welt könnte es schon zu spät sein.
20120813             Als Lehre aus den HUNGER—KRISEN der JAHRE 20080000—20100000    —UND, haben die G20 1—GREMIUM geschaffen, um schneller auf steigende LEBENS—MITTEL—PREISE reagieren zu können.
20120813             Hintergrund ist die Dürre IN—DEN—USA.
20120813             Auch in INDIEN sorgt die Dürre für erhebliche Ernteausfälle
20120813             —BEREITS jetzt ist es der 3. Preisschock in nur 5—JAHREN es kam zu HUNGER—REVOLTEN.
20120813             1—KRISE—AUF den LEBENS—MITTELMÄRKTEN steht KURZ—BEVOR.
20120813             —LAUT, WELT—BANK hat die NAHRUNGS—KRISE 2008—CA—100.000.000—MENSCHEN in den Hunger getrieben, 20100000             waren es 44-MILLIONEN.
20120813             Klar ist aber: Die Wetten auf steigende oder fallende Preise verschärfen das Auf und Ab an den ROH—STOFFBÖRSEN.
20120813             Jah.-Dürre?
20120813             Willkommen in DER—NEUEN Welt des Anthropozäums.
20120813             Unser Wohlstand...
20120813             basiert zu 1—GROßEN Teil darauf, daß es anderen schlecht geht.
20120813             Aber auch bei der aktuellen GETREIDE—PREISRUNDE ist klar, wir werden kaum teurere NAHRUNGS—MITTEL haben, WÄHREND die Ärmsten nicht wissen, was sie essen sollen.
20120813             ANKLAGE—GEGEN—PAPA—KAMMERDIENER: Gnade oder Gefängnis
20120813             —POLIZEI—EINSATZ—IN—NEW—YORK: 12—SCHÜSSE am TIMES Square
20120813             Krankschreibung: Tausende Arbeitnehmer fehlen wegen psychischer LEIDEN
20120813             KANZLER—KANDIDATEN—RENNEN : SPD—FÜHRUNG erklärt K-Frage zum Tabu
20120813             KALIFORNIEN: BP verkauft Raffinerien und Tankstellen
20120813             ERDBEBEN—IN—IRAN: Kritiker prangern KRISEN——MANAGEMENT der Regierung an
20120813             —BERICHT, zu BREIVIK—ANSCHLÄGEN: "Einige Personen haben ihre Aufgaben nicht erfüllt"
20120813             Massenfestnahme: POLIZEI sperrt YOGA—GURU und Tausende Anhänger in Stadion
20120813             USA—VERLETZTE bei Schießerei an UNIVERSITÄT—TEXAS
20120813             —ERST —VOR—5—TAGEN hatte Ramdev mit etwa 20.000—ANHÄNGERN 1—MESSEGELÄNDE in NEU—DELHI besetzt und bis —SONNTAG 1—ANTWORT von der Regierung auf seine Forderungen verlangt.
20120813             Baba Ramdev hat zahlreiche Unterstützer im In-, Ausland.
20120813             in den letzten Wochen ist ROMNEY sowohl in den landesweiten Umfragen als auch in den entscheidenden SWING—STATES hinter OBAMA zurückgefallen.
20120813             Ryan sei 1 "Ideologe vom rechten Flügel", stellte OBAMAs Chefstratege DAVID Axelrod auf CNN fest.
20120813             —AT—THAT—POINT, there was just 1—HOLE IN—THE—WORLD—TRADE Centre, I didn't THINK—OF—TERRORISTS.
20120813             12:0 1am BST 20010919             20120813             —WHEN BUSH announced his decision to run for PRESIDENT, WILL—FARISH gave $100.000 to his fighting fund.
20120813             WILL—FARISH has long been BUSH—CLOSEST—FRIEND and confidante.
20120813             USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH can count on WILL—FARISH not to betray the violent secrets surrounding THE—BUSH—FAMILY—MONEY.
20120813             † He collapsed and, of 1—HEART—ATTACK—ON—19421129          .
20120813             ENTHÜLLUNGS—AFFÄRE: VATIKAN stellt Benedikts EX—KAMMERDIENER vor Gericht
20120813             Dazu
20120813             ERDOGAN ist einfach nur 1—VERURTEILTER KRIMineller der
20120813             —J—IN—DIESEM, Mais-, Sojaernte werden um bis zu 17 % schwächer ausfallen, teilte DAS—USA—LANDWIRTSCHAFTS—MINISTERIUM mit.
20120813             —WHEN BUSH announced his decision to run for PRESIDENT, WILL—FARISH gave $100.000 to his fighting fund.
20120813             † He collapsed and, of 1—HEART—ATTACK—ON—19421129     .
20120813—20040000    —SEIT—BEREITS, geplant gewesen sei, DIE—STRAßE entlang des Regierungssitzes in OSLO für den Verkehr zu schließen.
20120813—20080000    Als Lehre aus den HUNGER—KRISEN der JAHRE und
20120813—20080000    Als Lehre aus den HUNGER—KRISEN der JAHRE haben die G20 1—GREMIUM geschaffen,
20120813—20080000    Als Lehre aus den HUNGER—KRISEN der JAHRE um schneller auf steigende LEBENS—MITTEL—PREISE reagieren zu können.
20120813—20120611    —ARRESTED, ZAMBIA—MAIN—OPPOSITION—LEADER, Hakainde Hichilema, was, and charged with publishing false information —AFTER he claimed that ruling party youth were being trained by SUDAN—MILITIA.
20120813—20120812    —AM, ALSO —1—TAG —NACHDEM DER DIA SEINE EINSCHÄTZUNG ABGAB, "Westliche GEHEIM—DIENSTE berichten, das von OSAMA—BIN—LADEN gegründete TERROR—NETZ—WERK AL—QAIDA sei mit '—BIS zu 15000000             KÄMPFERn' am SYRISCHEN—BÜRGER—KRIEG beteiligt".
20120813—20120827    —ON, 1—JUDGE ruled that the activists must leave by 9—P.m.
20120827—20120813    —COMMUNICATED, Tice last, with his colleagues, though he did not indicate how he planned to leave Syria.
20130813             —RULED, A—USA—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT, that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has been violating federal law by delaying 1—DECISION on 1 proposed nuclear waste dump in NEVADA.
20130813             —FILED, THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT, suit to stop a $14—BILLION UNION—OF—USA—AIRLINES and USA Airways.
20130813             LOUISIANA, Fuaed Abdo Ahmed (20) shot 2—HOSTAGES, killing 1, at 1—RURAL—BANK before police shot him dead after an hours long standoff.
20130813             CROATIA—FARMERS said they would press protests to demand the government pay them 600—MILLION kuna ($105.83—MILLION) in lost subsidies, cut in 1—BUDGET crunch to meet deficit targets set by THE—EU.
20130813             Finance MINISTER—SLAVKO—LINIC said CROATIA had to rein in spending.
20130813             He said country's public debt is at 190—BILLION kuna, 60—PERCENT—OF—GDP.
20130813             —DOMINATED, THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—CABINET, by ALLIES—OF—LEFTIST—PRESIDENT—MILOS—ZEMAN resigned, after losing 1—CONFIDENCE—VOTE last week, clearing the way for early elections that could resolve 1—POLITICAL deadlock.
20130813             —ACCEPTED, Zeman, the resignation and said PRIME—MINISTER—JIRI—RUSNOK, 1—ECONOMIST, would stay on in 1—CARETAKER—CAPACITY.
20130813             EGYPT—INTERIM—PRESIDENT swore in 20—NEW—PROVINCIAL governors.
20130813             This meant the official removal of 10—BROTHERHOOD governors appointed under Morsi.
20130813             † GREECE—STUDENT Thanassis Kanaoutis (19) after 1—ARGUMENT with 1—BUS ticket inspector in ATHENS.
20130813             GREECE—STUDENT quickly came to symbolize the plight of 1—POPULATION—GROUND down by worsening poverty and unemployment.
20130813             —DETONATED, INDIA, some weapons, accidentally on 1—SUBMARINE and fire swept through it.
20130813             18—SAILORS were on BOARD—THE 16—YEAR—OLD RUSSIAN—BUILT INS Sindhurakshak.
20130813             —DOCKED, It was, at the main naval base in Mumbai when 2—BLASTS rocked the vessel late just before midnight.
20130813             —SUSPENDED, PRESIDENT—YUDHOYONO, him the next day.
20130813             —KILLED, IRAQ, 2—POLICEMEN were, as they were trying to defuse 1—CAR—BOMB left on the road near KIRKUK.
20130813             A mosque bombing in THE—TOWN—OF—MADAIN killed 5—PEOPLE and left 13 wounded.
20130813             A bomb attack stopped oil flows through THE—KIRKUK—CEYHAN pipeline linking IRAQ to TURKEY.
20130813             —LAUNCHED, THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY shot down 1—ROCKET, toward 1—RED—SEA—RESORT—TOWN—NEAR the border with EGYPT.
20130813             It was the 1. time ISRAEL—IRON—DOME—MISSILE—DEFENSE—SYSTEM successfully intercepted 1—ROCKET—ATTACK on the resort of Eilat.
20130813             —FORCED, LIBYA, MEMBERS—OF—THE—ETHNIC—BERBER minority, their way into THE—PARLIAMENT building in TRIPOLI, smashing windows and destroying furniture, in 1—DEMONSTRATION to press for greater recognition.
20130813             PAKISTAN, 1—PAIR—OF—HAND—GRENADE—ATTACKS on minority Ismaili prayer houses in KARACHI killed 2—PEOPLE and wounded 30—OTHERS.
20130813             —ACCEPTED, PALESTINE—PRIME—MINISTER—RAMI—HAMDALLAH, 1—REQUEST by PRESIDENT—ABBAS to remain on the job, weeks after announcing his resignation.
20130813             —OPENED, ROMANIA, 1—TRIAL, on artwork stolen last october in THE—NETHERLANDS.
20130813             Lawyers for the defendents said the paintings have not been burned and that the gang responsible would like to cut 1—DEAL so the artwork can be returned.
20130813             —KILLED, SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD—FORCES, at least 18—REBELS in overnight clashes near the country's main NORTH—SOUTH highway near Morek in Hama province.
20130813             ZIMBABWE—LONGTIME PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE said his party won "1—RESOUNDING mandate" from voters to complete 1—SWEEPING black empowerment program to take over foreign and WHITE—OWNED assets.
20130813             —KILLED, YEMEN—MILITARY said AL—QAIDA militants have, 3—SOLDIERS in the southwest during what the military said was 1—ATTEMPEROR—TO capture Hawtah, THE—CAPITAL—OF—LAHJ province.
20130813             EMU—ÖL: Wundermittel aus der STEIN—ZEIT
20130813             —KRISEN—STAAT in AFRIKA: Keita triumphiert bei PRÄSIDENTEN—WAHL—IN—MALI
20130813             "Stop and frisk", USA—GERICHT verurteilt Durchsuchungspraxis der NEW—YORKER POLIZEI
20130813             Das willkürliche Anhalten und Durchsuchen von Menschen
20130813             Das willkürliche Anhalten und Durchsuchen von Menschen auf den Straßen der Stadt, bekannt als "stop and frisk"("anhalten und durchsuchen"), verletze die Rechte der Betroffenen, urteilte BUNDES—RICHTERIN Shira Scheindlin.
20130813             1—VOLLSTÄNDIGE Beendigung von "stop and frisk"forderte DIE—RICHTERIN nicht.
20130813             BÜRGER—MEISTER Bloomberg sagte, die geforderte ÜBERWACHUNG stelle die knapp 35.000—UNIFORMIERTEN POLIZEI—BEAMTEN der Stadt praktisch "unter Zwangsverwaltung".
20130813             DIE—ÜBERPRÜFUNG und Durchsuchung von nicht unmittelbar VERDÄCHTIGEN gehört zu den wichtigsten MAßNAHMEn, die DIE—NEW—YORKER Behörden ergriffen, um die in den Achtzigern und Anfang der neunziger JAHRE eskalierende GEWALT—IN—DER—METROPOLE einzudämmen.
20130813             DIE—POLIZEI hielt Menschen auf der Straße an, um sie dann etwa nach Waffen oder Drogen zu durchsuchen.
20130813             —SEIT—JAHREN, seien systematisch unschuldige Menschen ohne Verdachtsgründe angehalten und durchsucht worden, stellte Scheindlin fest.
20130813             Tatsächlich betrafen die geschätzt 4.400.000 "stop and frisk"-Fälle zwischen
20130813             Freiheitsberaubung
20130813             es ist wie mit der "allgemeinen Verkehrskontrolle"durch unsere POLIZEI.
20130813             Na toll
20130813             4.400.000—MAL DIE—MENSCHENWÜRDE mit Füßen getreten, um "8000—WAFFEN"einzusammeln.
20130813             Nsa
20130813             —ZITAT, Die exzessiv angewandte Praxis verstoße gegen das VERFASSUNGS—RECHT—AUF—SCHUTZ gegen unBEGRÜNDETe Durchsuchungen sowie GEGEN—DIE—VERFASSUNGS—GARANTIE der Gleichbehandlung vor dem Gesetz
20130813             VERKEHRS—KONTROLLEN sind verdachtsunabhängig erlaubt.
20130813             Kurioses Urteil: Kleiner Junge darf nicht mehr Messias heißen
20130813             WASHINGTON, Sein Name erinnert zu sehr an JESUS—CHRISTUS, deshalb darf 1—KLEINKIND im USA—BUNDES—STAAT TENNESSEE nicht mehr Messias heißen.
20130813             "es könnte ihm Probleme mit 1—MENGE LEUTE einbrocken", wurde Ballew von der Zeitung zitiert.
20130813             Namensgebung
20130813             Aber "HITLER" darf man IN—DEN—USA seine Kinder nennen.
20130813             Beliebt
20130813             Messiah ist 1—DER aktuell beliebtesten Trendnamen in den STAATEN.
20130813             GALÁPAGOS—INSELN, USA—MARINE beschlagnahmt 1—TONNE Kokain
20130813             S—JOSÉ—EINHEITEN—DER—USA—MARINE haben nahe den GALÁPAGOS—INSELN im PAZIFIK 1—SCHIFF kontrolliert.
20130813             4—MENSCHEN seien festgenommen worden.
20130813             OBAMA HATTE—FREITAG—AM, bei 1—PRESSE—KONFERENZ 1—TRANSPARENZ—OFFENSIVE bei den GEHEIM—DIENSTEN angekündigt, offenbar im Bemühen, durch die SPÄH—AFFÄRE erschüttertes Vertrauen DA—HEIM und im Ausland zurückzugewinnen.
20130813             OBAMAs REFORM—PLÄNE sehen zudem vor, daß DER—USA—KONGRESS den besonders umstrittenen Teil des PATRIOT—ACT überarbeiten soll, der als GRUND—LAGE für DAS—SAMMELN—VON—TELEFON—DATEN durch DIE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY[NSA] dient.
20130813             VERFASSUNGS—ÄNDERUNG: MEXIKO will ÖL—BRANCHE liberalisieren
20130813             HIRN—STRÖME, —FORSCHER finden mögliche Erklärung für Nahtoderlebnis
20130813             Inflation in DEUTSCHLAND: Preise für LEBENS—MITTEL steigen massiv an
20130813             Heimkontrolle: PFLEGE—TÜV prüft alles außer Pflege
20130813             —VOR, NAH—OST—FRIEDENS—GESPRÄCHEN: JERUSALÉM genehmigt weiteres Siedlungsbauprojekt
20130813             Presseschau zur NSA—AFFÄRE: "Hier tobt der nackte WAHL—KAMPF"
20130813             "Mag ja sein, daß RONALD—POFALLA selbst überzeugt von dem ist, was er da vorgetragen hat.
20130813             "In BERLIN hat das geheimste aller GEHEIM—GREMIEN des DEUTSCHEN BUNDES—TAGES —AM—MONTAG in aller Öffentlichkeit getagt.
20130813             —NATÜRLICH müssen diese "GRUND—LAGENVERTRÄGE"mit Blick auf die dynamische Weiterentwicklung von technischen Möglichkeiten stets neu justieren werden!
20130813             DIE—AUFREGUNG des Herrn STEINMEIER ist 1—GUTES Beispiel, wer denn diese Angelegenheit für WAHL—KAMPFZWECKE missbraucht.
20130813             Hier wurden auch vom Kandidaten Verunsicherungen und Ängste in der Bevölkerung geschürt!
20130813             Und jetzt zur Natur DER—MENSCHEN (HOMO—SAPIENS)
20130813             Sein Gegenteil hiesse dann "homo IGNORANS", wahlweise auch "homo IDIOTIS".
20130813             es gäbe DANN—REIN logischerweise - 2—KLASSEN "homo".
20130813             Rein empirisch scheint dies gerade in der Entwicklung beobachtbar zu sein.
20130813             Ich denke, die Gesetze, besonders DIE—GRUND—GESETZE bedürfen einer Anpassung.
20130813             So oder so.
20130813             "DIE—NATUR der Dinge..".
20130813             Regierung im Urlaub.
20130813             GEHEIM—DIENSTE schliessen NICHT—AGRIFFSPAKT.
20130813             DIE—VÖLKER Schweigen.
20130813             Der DEMOKRATEN—LACK ist ab.
20130813             es gibt nichts zu Überwachen.
20130813             Ohne Widerstand ist Kurzschluss.
20130813             DIE—(öffentliche) Aussenpolitk der "befreundeten"GEHEIM—DIENSTE
20130813             es gibt aber Verträge wie den NATO—TRUPPEN—STATUT, die u.a.
20130813             Diese Verträge könnte DEUTSCHLAND aber kündigen.
20130813             Doch mit DEN—USA, der WELT—MACHT #1, will ES—SICH halt fast kein Land der Welt, außer IRAN, NORD—KOREA—AND—COMPANY, verscherzen.
20130813             Fast alle westlichen STAATEN haben CIA—STÜTZ—PUNKTE im Land und erlauben DEN—USA sogar in ihrem Land zu spionieren.
20130813             Das hat nichts mit besetztes Land zu tun, sonst wäre fast der ganze "Westen"von DEN—USA besetzt und nicht nur DEUTSCHLAND.
20130813             —VERSUCHEN Sie mal, lustiges Spiel mit Worten.
20130813             —IM, Moment gilt, nach USA—REGIERUNGSAUSSAGE "AB—GE—HÖRT"
20130813             Besetzt, Bewacht, Befreit..
20130813             —PROGNOSE: CHINA soll USA bei Ölimporten überholen
20130813             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS, "Das Explizite entsteht im Kopf des Zuschauers"
20130813             FORTSCHRITT, der ÜBERWACHUNGS—TECHNIK weist Dirk Meiner auf des GutenAchse ein.
20130813             Der Trailer der "Feuchtgebiete"-Verfilmung wird auf FACEBOOK zensiert, meldet MARC—RÖHLIG im TagesSPIEGEL, "Im Trailer wird die Protagonistin Helen (gespielt von Carla Juri) unter anderem bei der Selbstbefriedigung oder Intimhygiene GEZEIGT—ALLERDINGS stets so, daß das Explizite erst im Kopf des Zuschauers entsteht.
20130813             Besprochen werden 1—SCHAU zur amerikanischen BÜRGER—RECHT—BEWEGUNG im WASHINGTONer Newseum,
20130813             Der PAKISTAN—AUTOR Mohsin Hamid spricht im INTERVIEW—MIT—BLOOMSBERG Businessweek über fruchtbares Falschlesen, seinen neuen ROMAn "How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising ASIA"
20130813             ÜBERWACHUNGS—KULTUR
20130813             Knochenfunde: NEANDERTALER nutzten Spezialwerkzeuge
20130813             Ausgegrenzt im Alltag: —STUDIE offenbart Diskriminierung an Schulen und Unis
20130813             kurz & krass: Arzt klaut HEROIN aus dem Bauch 1—DROGENKURIERS
20130813             Bissiger Fisch: —FORSCHER entdecken PIRANHA—COUSIN in OST—SEE
20130813             Lieferung von USA—JETS: NSA—AFFÄRE gefährdet RÜSTUNGS—DEAL—MIT—BRASILIEN
20130813             Bildungspolitische Pläne der Parteien: Geld spielt keine Rolle
20130813             KENIA: Nashorn in streng bewachtem Wildpark erschossen
20130813             NSA—AFFÄRE: "Bild"erhöht RISIKO—FÜR—ENTFÜHRUNGSOPFER
20130813             Das am besten erhaltene Lissoir stammt aus der Grabung PECH—DE—LE—AZÉ I, 3—WEITERE Fragmente vom nur 35—KM entfernt liegenden Abri Peyrony.
20130813             DAS—ALTER von Knochen aus der Schicht des Abri Peyrony, in der auch die Lissoirs lagen, konnte auf ru        Beistand für Steinbrück: MÜNTEFERING kritisiert Fehlstart in SPD—WAHL—KAMPF
20130813             SPÄH—AFFÄRE: DIE—REGIERUNG kapituliert vor der NSA
20130813             es ist nicht so, daß DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG —BISHER, INTERNATIONAL durch Machtlosigkeit aufgefallen wäre.
20130813             Praktisch stehen dem ENDE—DER—VOLLÜBERWACHUNG mindestens 2—PUNKTE entgegen, und DIE—KAPITULATION DER—BUNDES—REGIERUNG besteht darin, die Punkte zu kennen, aber sie schweigend hinzunehmen.
20130813             Der NACHRICHTEN—DIENSTLICHE Apparat der USA schreckt nicht mehr davor zurück, 1—WAFFE anzuwenden, mit der jede Demokratie zersetzt werden kann: die Lüge gegenüber dem PARLAMENT.
20130813             Wenn 1—USA—GEHEIM—DIENST—CHEF—ABER selbst KONGRESS—ABGEANORDNETELÜGT, dürfte 1—SCHRIFTLICHE Versicherung irgendeines namentlich nicht bekannten NSA—OFFIZIERS gegenüber EUROPÄERn nur knapp den ideellen Wert 1—GEBRAUCHTEN Papptellers übersteigen.
20130813             USA—FATALER wirkt der 2. Punkt DER—BUNDESKAPITULATION.
20130813             Zur Groteske um 1—SPAZIERGANG zum DAGGER—AREAL zitiert das "Darmstädter Echo"1—SCHREIBEN des zuständigen GRIESHEIMer Ordnungsamts.
20130813             In seinem Vortrag versuchte der KANZLER—AMT—MINISTER, den Eindruck zu erwecken, die SPÄH—AFFÄRE sei vorbei: "Der Vorwurf der vermeintlichen Totalausspähung in DEUTSCHLAND ist nach den Angaben der NSA, des britischen Dienstes und unserer NACHRICHTEN—DIENSTE vom Tisch".In gewisser Weise stimmt das sogar.
20130813             DIE—GLÄSERNE MARKTwirtschaft!
20130813             es wird abgefischt, ÜBERWACHT, kontrolliert, ausgewertet und analysiert.
20130813             FAKTEN—ANTWORT
20130813             Das ist genau DAS—PROBLEM.
20130813             —PROTEST—IN—GROß—BRITANNIEN—LONDON stoppt DATEN—SAMMELNDE Abfalltonnen
20130813             Wunschnummernschild: Behörde verbietet Autokennzeichen BUL—LE
20130813             Skurriler Wahlsong der SPD: Kompetent und FEMININ—AB nach BERLIN!
20130813             —STUDIEE: Transparency legt Betrugsmaschen der PFLEGE—BRANCHE offen
20130813             NSA—AFFÄRE: Kauder will öffentliche DEBATTE—ÜBER—GEHEIM—DIENSTE beenden
20130813             EX—PARTEICHEF—BISKY, LINKEN—POLITIKER gestorben
20130813             Mathematik: Vierjährige lösen ABSTR—AKTE GEOMETRIE—AUFGABEN
20130813             Kanzlerin als Vertretungslehrerin: "FRAU—MERKEL hat ganz schön kleine Füße"
20130813             [l] Wer dachte, DIE—SPRINGER—PRESSE könne nicht noch weiter sinken: Falsch gedacht.
20130813             [l] In Zeiten von schließenden KRYPTO—EMAIL—PROVIDERN hat nur 1—MANN genug Cojones, um 1—NEUEN KRYPTO—EMAIL—DIENST aufzumachen: Kimble!
20130813             RENEW—GESCHÄFTS—FÜHRER Kaveh Memari hat der BBC bestätigt, daß die Tonnen seiner Firma —DERZEIT, keine MAC—ADRESSEN mehr erfassen.
20130813             BRASÍLIA—DIE AUSSPÄH—AKTIONEN DER—USA—GEHEIM—DIENSTE kommen den FlugzeugBAUER Boeing möglicherweise teuer zu stehen.
20130813             USA—AUßEN—MINISTER—JOHN—KERRY reist AM—DIENSTAGNACH BRASILIEN und wollte WÄHREND seines Besuchs eigentlich für DIE—USA—JETS werben.
20130813             DIE—ENTHÜLLUNGEN hatten in Brasília für große Empörung gesorgt.
20130813             Ist das nicht verstaendlich?
20130813             Wer will schon 1—JET kaufen, der in seinem KONTROLL—SYSTEM 1—HINTERTEURCHEN fuer DIE—NSA hat, und auf Knopfdurck zu Absturz gebracht werden kann.
20130813             Verstimmung hat tiefere Ursachen...
20130813             DIE—CIA versucht ständig Angehörige der brasilianischen STREIT—KRÄFTE mit höheren Paten10 anzuheuern.
20130813             Schülerin JUDITH—HARTMANN zeigte sich "ziemlich überrascht, daß sie so lustig und offen ist".
20130813             Zu meiner ZEIT—IN—DER 12.
20130813             So naiv sind wir nicht.
20130813             "Sie war lustig und offen", sagte 1—GYMNASIASTIN.
20130813             MÜNCHEN - "Dreist, unangebracht, geschmacklos": GUSTL—MOLLATHS Verteidiger wählte klare Worte für die Werbung des Autovermieters Sixt.
20130813             Sixt stehe SEIT JEHER für 1—PROVOKANTE und polarisierende Werbung, die aktuelle Sachverhalte in satirischer Form aufgreift, teilte DAS—UNTERNEHMEN mit.
20130813             Beim DEUTSCHEN Werberat gingen 1. Beschwerden aus der Bevölkerung ein.
20130813             1—SIXT—SPRECHER räumte ein, daß auch die Werbung mit Mollath nicht abgesprochen gewesen sei.
20130813             ist DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG um große Worte nicht verlegen.
20130813             es LIEGE in der Natur der Sache, daß laufende Verhandlungen nicht durch Kommentierungen oder Erläuterungen der VERHANDLUNGS—PARTNER begleitet würden, hieß es weiter.
20130813             —IM, Einzelnen werden dabei folgende MAßNAHMEn aufgelistet:
20130813             "Keine Verletzung der jeweiligen nationalen Interessen, d.h.
20130813             "Keine gegenseitige SPIONAGE, d.h.
20130813             "Keine wirtschaftsbezogene Ausspähung, d.h.
20130813             "Keine Verletzung des jeweiligen nationalen Rechts".
20130813             SPD—FRAKTIONS—GESCHÄFTS—FÜHRER—THOMAS—OPPERMANN hatte bereits nach des POFALLA Aussage vor dem PARLAMENTarischen KONTROLL—GREMIUM angemahnt,
20130813             1—SOLCHES Abkommen sollte nicht nur DEUTSCHE—REGIERUNGSSTELLEN ODER—EUROPÄISCHE Institutionen umfassen, sondern auch "GRUND—RECHTSTRÄGER"
20130813             —WORUNTER in DEUTSCHLAND gemeinhin natürliche Personen und Personenvereinigungen sowie alle juristischen Personen des deutschen PRIVAT—RECHTS verstanden WERDEN—ALSO auch Unternehmen.
20130813             Der FDP—INNENPOLITIKER Hartfrid Wolff erklärte, es dürfe keine WIRTSCHAFT—SPIONAGE geben und ebenso keine gegenseitige SPIONAGE unter Partnern.
20130813             1—ABKOMMEN allein zwischen BND und NSA hält auch DER—SPD—AUSSEN—POLITIKER Rolf Mützenich für zu wenig: "Wichtiger wäre es, DIE—INFORMATIONSFREIHEITSRECHTE und DIE—DATENSICHERHEIT durch 1—VÖLKERRECHTLICHEN VERTRAG—ZWISCHEN—DER—EU—UND—DER—USA zu erarbeiten".es sei Zeit für 1 "BILL—OF—RIGHTS in CYBER".
20130813             Und warum sollte DIE—NSA sich daran halten?
20130813             Dummes Zeug
20130813             Dummes Zeug und Ablenkungsmanöver.
20130813             Der Hase und DER—PFEFFER
20130813             Da liegt 1—DER Probleme: DIE—AMERIKANER DÜRFEN in DEUTSCHLAND abhören.
20130813             ungeniessbare Nebelpetarden
20130813             DIE—USA und ihre "Dienste"lassen KEINE Zweifel daran, daß Wirtschaft und AUSSEN—POLITIK des angeblich souveränen Staates DEUTSCHLAND Ziel ihrer SPIONAGE sind.
20130813             nsa aktivitäten
20130813             Realität geht über Geld und dahingehend wird man sich IN—DEN—USA noch so den 1—ODER anderen Gedanken zu machen müssen..
20130813             Abwarten
20130813             Warten Sie nur ab.
20130813             Veträge mit dem NSA?
20130813             DIE—KUNST—DIE andere Seite auszuspionieren liegt darin: es unsichtbar, lautlos und unerkannt zu tun.
20130813             Was aber POFALLA betreibt ist WAHL—KAMPF—IN—LETZTER Minute.
20130813             Und wir DEUTSCHEN?
20130813             Verträge mit dunklen Mächten und GEHEIM—GERICHTEN?
20130813             Nicht umsonst wussten Hardliner von MONSANTOs, wie unsere LAND—WIRTSCHAFT funktioniert und wie man in DIE—EU durch die HINTER—TÜR eindringt.
20130813             Das ist auch 1—FRAGE DER—STAATS—TREUE unserer eigenen REGIERUNG—DIE sind nämlich alle käuflich.
20130813             Wir haben verloren
20130813             Glaubt hier im Forum jemand ernsthaft, Pofi und Mutti und die anderen Röslis würden UNS überzeugen wollen?
20130813             —HEUTZUTAGE, ist JEDER—TERRORIST, der irgendwo 1—USA—FEINDLICHE Agenda hat.
20130813             —HANDELS—PARTNER—USA
20130813             IN—DEN LETZTEN JAHREN gab es ja besonders großvolumigen HANDEL—MIT—INSOLVENTEN Wertpapieren.
20130813             Passive BUNDES—KANZLERIN!!!
20130813             Herr Lobo schreib das DIE—REGIERUNG die Möglichkeit hätte ihre MACHT einzusetzen.
20130813             Der Kommentar von ALEXANDER HAMILTON zur BILL—OF—RIGHTS beginnt aber mit den Worten: "The sacred rights of MANKIND".
20130813             TRANSPARENZ—BEMÜHUNGEN der USA: EXPERTEN—GRUPPE soll Arbeit DER—GEHEIM—DIENSTE durchleuchten
20130813             WASHINGTON, Mit 1—VIER—PUNKTE—PLAN will BARACK—OBAMA DIE—ARBEIT DER—USA—GEHEIM—DIENSTE, vor allem der NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY[NSA], reformieren —, damit nach eigenen Worten 1—SIGNAL setzen.
20130813             DIE—EXPERTEN sollen "prüfen, ob DIE—USA im Lichte der Fortschritte der KOMMUNIKATIONS—TECHNOLOGIEN ihre Kapazitäten der DATEN—SAMMLUNG auf 1—WEISE nutzen, die unsere NATIONAL—SICHERHEIT und unsere AUSSEN—POLITIK am besten schützt", erklärte DIE—NATIONALE GEHEIM—DIENSTDIREKTION (ODNI) —AM—MONTAG in WASHINGTON.
20130813             DAS—ALTER von Knochen aus der Schicht des Abri Peyrony, in der auch die Lissoirs lagen, konnte AUF—CA—41.000—BIS 47.700—JAHRE datiert werden.
20130813             Mit allen 4—LISSOIRS schabten also wahrscheinlich bereits NEANDERTALER über Tierhäute, BEVOR der 1. MODERNE—MENSCH seine Füße in der Dordogne BADETE—JEDENFALLS nach heutigem Wissensstand, wonach der MODERNE—MENSCH vor frühestens 45.000—JAHREN in EUROPA auftauchte, und zwar weit IM—OSTEN.
20130813             "es sind nicht die 1. NEANDERTALER—WERKZEUGE, die wir GEFUNDEN haben", sagt SHANNON—MCPHERRON, "aber es sind die 1., die so hergestellt wurden, wie es sonst nur für den modernen Menschen typisch ist".
20130813             Beistand für Steinbrück: MÜNTEFERING kritisiert Fehlstart in SPD—WAHL—KAMPF
20130813             Persönlicher Brief: Autovermieter Sixt entschuldigt sich bei Mollath
20130813             —BEREITS, mit 4—JAHREN können sie ABSTR—AKTE Probleme meistern, wie —FORSCHER beobachtet haben.
20130813             —BISLANG befinden wir uns in 1—KREISDISKUSSION.
20130813             —BISLANG keine Dokumente vorlegen.
20130813             —BISLANG nichts Handgreifliches produziert.
20130813             Lobo ist genau wie AUGSTEIN.
20130813             Schade, daß diese jungen Menschen so gut wie überhaupt keine Ahnung von dem haben, was sie wissen müssten um zu erkennen, wie FRAU—MERKEL ihre —POLITIK zu Gunsten der Wirtschaft und gegen das Wohl der breiten GESELLSCHAFT führt.
20130813             Die einzige möglichkeit auf Besserung wäre es, wenn DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG der USA selbst die Schnauze voll von den Machenschaften ihrer Regierung, des MILITÄRs und DER—GEHEIM—DIENSTE hätte, und das auch öffentlich kundtun würde.
20140226—20150813    —CONVICTED—OF, Yip KIM—WAH and Wong CHI—WAH were, causing "grievous bodily harm with intent" in the stabbing.
20140812—20140813    —ON, Her daughter, Heather Mack (19) and boyfriend, TOMMY—SCHAEFER, —21—JAHRE—ALT were arrested and detained as suspects.
20140813             —RESPONDED, MISSOURI police, about an hour after midnight to reports of 4 or 5—MEN with shotguns and wearing ski masks.
20140813             —ENCOUNTERED, They, multiple suspects running, 1—OF—WHOM pulled 1—GUN on 1—OFFICER, who shot and critically wounded the man in Ferguson near THE—SITE—OF—PROTESTS over the death of 18—YEAR—OLD MICHAEL—BROWN.
20140813             —PLEADED, FORMER—OKLAHOMA doctor WILLIAM—VALUCK, 71—JAHRE—ALT, guilty to 8—COUNTS—OF—2.-degree murder in connection with the drug overdose deaths of several patients.
20140813             —CALLED, The plea deal, —FOR—8—YEARS in prison.
20140813             A fire aboard the Pine Galaxy chemical tanker left 1—CREWMAN dead and the ship adrift off the ocast of OREGON.
20140813             21—CREW members from CHINA and SOUTH—KOREA remained onboard.
20140813             BRAZIL, socialist politician and presidential candidate EDUARDO—CAMPOS, 49—JAHRE—ALT and 6—OTHER—PEOPLE were killed when their small plane crashed near SANTOS, ahead of 20141004             —THE presidential election.
20140813             —REPLACED, Running mate Marina Silva soon, CAMPOS on THE—PSB ticket.
20140813             FRANCE said it would start supplying arms to the Kurdish forces fighting Sunni extremists from the Islamic State group.
20140813             —DECLARED, GUINEA, 1—PUBLIC—HEALTH—EMERGENCY over an Ebola epidemic that has killed more than 1,000—PEOPLE in 3—WEST—AFRICAN states and is sending health workers to all affected border points.
20140813             IRAQ, suicide bomber attacks 1—CHECKPOINT—NEAR THE—HOME—OF—THE—NEW—PRIME—MINISTER in BAGHDAD, causing severe damage.
20140813             —CONTINUED, PRIME—MINISTER—MALIKI, to defy INTERNATIONAL pressure to step aside, declaring that it would take 1—FEDERAL—COURT ruling for him to quit.
20140813             —POURED, IRAQ, thousands more Yazidis, across 1—BRIDGE into camps in the autonomous Kurdish region after trekking from MOUNT—SINJAR, most with nothing but the clothes they wore.
20140813             A—USA—ASSESSMENT—TEAM found the humanitarian situation for the Yazidis on MOUNT—SINJAR not as grave as expected.
20140813             —REMAINED, Roughly 4,500—PEOPLE, atop Sinjar Mountain.
20140813             —LIVED, Nearly half were herders who, there before the siege and have no interest in being evacuated.
20140813             —ORDERED, ABDULLAH—II—KING—OF—JORDAN, the activation of 1—DEFENSE—MINISTRY to support the military, which is under increasing pressure from the wars in neighboring Syria and IRAQ as well as 1—MASSIVE—INFLUX—OF—SYRIA—REFUGEES.
20140813             —EXPLODED, ISRAEL—ORDNANCE, in GAZA, killing 5—PEOPLE including ITALY—JOURNALIST—SIMONE—CAMILLI and his PALESTINE—TRANSLATOR—ALI—SHEHDA—ABU—AFASH, as bomb experts tried to disable 1—MISSILE on the last day of a 72-hour truce.
20140813             —AGREED, ISRAEL and Hamas, to extend 1—TEMPORARY—CEASE—FIRE——FOR—5—DAYS.
20140813             —ELECTED, LIBYA—NEWLY, PARLIAMENT asked THE—UN for an "INTERNATIONAL intervention" as militia violence raged across the country.
20140813             —DISMISSED, PAKISTAN, as "baseless rhetoric" claims by INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI that it was waging a "proxy war" in disputed Kashmir.
20140813             —SEALED, PAKISTAN, THOUSANDS—OF—RIOT—POLICE, off ISLAMABAD with barbed wire and shipping containers on THE—EVE—OF—THE—COUNTRY—INDEPENDENCE—DAY, in 1—BID to foil mass protests aimed at toppling embattled PRIME—MINISTER—NAWAZ—SHARIF.
20140813             † In PUERTO—RICO 2—MEN and 2—OTHERS were injured in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting in THE—USA—TERRITORY.
20140813             —REPORTED, The Observatory also, 2—MORE crucifixions by Islamic State in Deir AL—ZOR overnight.
20140813             EAST—UKRAINE, 12—NATIONALIST—FIGHTERS, battling 1—PRO—RUSSIA—INSURGENCY, were killed early today and 1—UNKNOWN—NUMBER taken captive when rebels ambushed their bus.
20140813             —KILLED, More than 100—RUSSIA—SOLDIERS were, near THE—TOWN—OF—SNIZHNYE, DONETSK Province, while helping PRO—RUSSIA—SEPARATISTS fight UKRAINE—TROOPS.
20140813             A RUSSIA—CONVOY—OF nearly 300—TRUCKS, carrying what RUSSIA says is humanitarian aid for VICTIMS—OF—FIGHTING in EAST—UKRAINE, moved slowly towards the border despite concerns by Kiev and the West over the shipment.
20140813             THE—UN said the death toll in fighting in EAST—UKRAINE had doubled in the last 2—WEEKS to over 2,000.
20140813             UKRAINE said it could allow RUSSIA—AID to enter the country after it was inspected by UKRAINE—BORDER—GUARDS and foreign monitors.
20140813             At THE—INTERNATIONAL—CONGRESS—OF—MATHEMATICIANS in SOUTH—KOREA, Stanford PROFESSOR—MARYAM—MIRZAKHANI, an IRANIAN—BORN mathematician, became the 1. woman to be awarded the Fields Medal for her work in understanding the mathematical symmetry of curved surfaces and SADDLE—SHAPED spaces.
20140813             THE—SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said Islamic State insurgents have seized 8—TOWNS and villages from rival Islamist groups in ALEPPO province.
20140813             The fighting left 52—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20140813             —PLANTED, SOUTH—YEMEN, 1—BOMB, near 1—PRISON by presumed AL—QAEDA militants, exploded killing 10—CIVILIANS and 3—ARMY—TECHNICIANS in the Tibn AREA—OF—LAHIJ province.
20140813             PESCHMERGA—ARMEE im IRAK: Die KÄMPFER Kurdistans
20140813             HILFS—EINSATZ für Jesiden: USA schicken mehr Soldaten in den IRAK
20140813             Erschossener USA—TEENAGER MICHAEL—BROWN: Das gespaltene Land
20140813             Höhere MEHR—WERT—STEUER: JAPAN—WIRTSCHAFT bricht 1
20140813             Einfühlsames ROMAN—DEBÜT : Hart werden, aber zart bleiben
20140813             KRITIK—AN—USA—SYRIEN—POLITIK,CLINTON entschuldigt sich bei OBAMA
20140813             —NEUE—ÜBERWACHUNGS—TECHNIK, Die Geschwindigkeit verrät DAS—ZIEL
20140813             MOSKAUs HILFS—LIEFERUNG, Russischer Konvoi rollt Richtung ukrainischer Grenze
20140813             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS, "Der DATEN—SCHUTZ wandelt sich zum KAFKA—MONSTER"
20140813             —KAMPF—GEGEN—IS—MILIZ: CDU streitet über WAFFEN—LIEFERUNGEN in den IRAK
20140813             Tier macht Sachen: Python als Verantwortlicher für Katzenschwund identifiziert
20140813             VOLKSWAGEN—MARKE: Audi gesteht VERSTOß—GEGEN—WETTBEWERB in CHINA
20140813             Größtes Landtier der ANT—ARKTIS: Die Mücke mit dem MINI—GENOM
20140813             Aktion "Art Everywhere"IN—DEN—USA: Raus aus dem Museum, hin zu den Menschen
20140813             Internationales Rotes Kreuz: "Jeder Truck muss gecheckt werden"
20140813             GRÜNEN—AUSSEN—POLITIKER Nouripour zum IRAK: "DEUTSCHE LUFT—WAFFE könnte den USA—EINSATZ unterstützen"
20140813             Klauen von Obst und Gemüse : BAUERn jagen Mundräuber
20140813             —STREIT—UM—HILFSKONVOI für OST—UKRAINE—KIEW wirft RUSSLAND "grenzenlosen Zynismus"vor
20140813             Überraschender Rückgang: Industrie in EURO—ZONE produziert weniger
20140813             —KAMPF—GEGEN—IS: FRANKREICH beliefert IRAK mit Waffen
20140813             Uno: Todeszahl im UKRAINE—KRIEG—IN—2—WOCHEN verdoppelt
20140813             Überblick: Der HANDELS—KRIEG—ZWISCHEN—RUSSLAND und DEM—WESTEN
20140813             BUNDES—REGIERUNG warnt: DEUTSCHE sollen EBOLA—LÄNDER verlassen
20140813             SNOWDEN—ENTHÜLLUNG: NSA trennte SYRIEN versehentlich vom INTERNET
20140813             Video aus dem NORD—IRAK: EU—POLITIKER filmt dramatischen Hilfsflug für Jesiden
20140813             BODENmission für Jesiden: USA erwägen RETTUNGS—EINSATZ—IM—NORD—IRAK
20140813             Kolumne Die MENSCH—MASCHINE: Wie es bei SASCHA—LOBO weitergehen soll
20140813             Fehlende Förderung: BUNDES—AGENTUR lässt ältere Arbeitslose im Stich
20140813             Hilfskonvoi aus RUSSLAND: Geheimnisvolle Ladung, heikle Kontrolle
20140813             Nutzerzahlen: Jedes 12. TWITTER—PROFIL ist 1—BOT
20140813             —KÄMPFE—IN—SYRIEN: SCHLACHT—UM—ALEPPO bringt TÜRKEI in Not
20140813             —BESUCH—IN—SEWASTOPOL: PUTINs patriotische KRIM—FESTSPIELE
20140813             Entführte Segler: PHILIPPinische Separatisten führen deutsche Geiseln vor
20140813             —WARNUNG—DES—ZOLLS: Medikamentenschmuggel erreicht ungekannte Ausmaße
20140813             SUCH—AKTION nach Dreijähriger: Kleines Mädchen irrt tagelang durch sibirische Wildnis
20140813             BRASILIEN—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFT—KANDIDAT CAMPOS stirbt bei Flugzeugunglück
20140813             Rotes Kreuz: RUSSLAND legt Liste über HILFS—GÜTER in Konvoi vor
20140813             Trotz UKRAINE—KRISE, GAZPROM liefert mehr Gas nach EUROPA
20140813             —VOR, Ende DER—WAFFEN—RUHE: ISRAEL zieht Truppen am GAZA—STREIFEN zusammen
20140813             EBOLA—EPIDEMIE—IN—WEST—AFRIKA: Die illusorische Rettung für alle
20140813             Packungen ohne Logo: DEUTSCHE Politiker wollen großflächige SCHOCK—FOTOS auf ZIGARETTEN—SCHACHTELN in IRLAND verhindern
20140813             GAZA—KRIEG: ISRAEL meldet RAKETEN—BESCHUSS vor Ende DER—WAFFEN—RUHE
20140813             Itzehoe: PANNE—BEI—DIGITALISIERUNG kostete 4—MENSCHEN das Leben
20140813             GAZA—KRIEG : ISRAEL erwidert trotz neuer WAFFEN—RUHE Beschuss aus GAZA
20140813             WELT—WEIT—ANALYSE: Hoher Salzkonsum könnte 1,65.000.000 Leben kosten
20140813             TODES—FÄLLE in DÄNEMARK: Verseuchte Wurst auch in SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20140813             Blind für die UMWELT: Multitasking überfordert Kinder
20140813—20200000    —BIS, Unterschiede zwischen Ost und West: MERKEL will Rentenkluft schließen
20140815—20140813    —ABDUCTED, The sisters were, from 1—FARM—STAND in FRONT—OF—THE—FAMILY—HOME in Oswegatchie.
20150727—20150813    —REPORTED, Suspect Jamar Bludson (35) was, arrested.
20150728—20150813    —ARRESTED, BAHRAIN—CHIEF—OF—POLICE said 5—SUSPECTS with links to IRAN have been, in connection with 1—BOMBING.
20150813             —SPARED, CONNECTICUT—SUPREME—COURT, the lived of all 11—MEN remaining on death row.
20150813             —ACQUITTED, NEW—YORK, 1—JURY, Charles "Teddy" Pierre in the deaths of Clara Sconiers and THOMAS—REED.
20150813             —SERVED, THE—TRINIDAD—BORN man had, 13—YEARS in prison for a 20020000             double homicide.
20150813             —FACED, He still, 1—POSSIBLE—DEPORTATION.
20150813             A PENNSYLVANIA judge, citing new DNA evidence, vacated the murder CONVICTION—OF—LEWIS—FOGLE, 63—JAHRE—ALT, who has been in prison —FOR—34—YEARS in the shooting DEATH—OF—1—GIRL, 15—JAHRE—ALT.
20150813             Tesla Motors Inc CEO Elon Musk said he will invest $20—MILLION as PART—OF—THE—COMPANY'S $500—MILLION—STOCK offering in 1—SHOW—OF—CONFIDENCE at 1—TIME when the electric car maker is burning through cash.
20150813             A HIGH—LEVEL AFGHANISTAN—DELEGATION arrived in PAKISTAN to discuss security cooperation and peace efforts.
20150813             AL—QAEDA—LEADER—AYMAN—AL—ZAWAHIRI, in 1—ONLINE audio message, pledged allegiance to MULLAH—MOHAMMAD—AKHTAR—MANSOUR, the new HEAD—OF—THE—AFGHAN—TALIBAN, in 1—MOVE that could bolster his accession after THE—DEATH—OF—TALIBAN FOUNDER—MULLAH—MOHAMMAD—OMAR.
20150813             —REPORTED, AUSTRALIA—SIDNEY—MORNING—HERALD, that the Islamic State has hacked the personal INFORMATION—OF—DEFENSE—FORCE—EMPLOYEES and their relatives, New SOUTH—WALES health employees and several other public servants.
20150813             —BRAGGED—OF, It said THE—IS has, gathering the names of some 1,400—PEOPLE, MOST—OF—WHOM are supposedly USA—MILITARY—PERSONNEL.
20150813             —SENTENCED, AZERBAIJAN, 1—COURT in BAKU, Leyla Yunus, 1—PROMINENT—RIGHTS defender, to 8½ years in prison on CHARGES—OF—FRAUD, tax evasion and illegal business activities.
20150813             Her husband Arif Yunus was given a 7-year sentence on fraud charges, and the court also confiscated the couple's assets.
20150813             BRAZIL, at least 17—PEOPLE were shot to death within the span of about 3—HOURS in the suburbs of SAO—PAULO.
20150813             Police soon began investigating whether THE—STRING—OF—MURDERS were 1 coordinated act of revenge by OFF—DUTY—OFFICERS following the nearby deaths of 2—COLLEAGUES.
20150813             BRITAIN said it would make 1—FORMAL—PROTEST to ECUADOR over its decision to provide asylum to WikiLeaks FOUNDER—JULIAN—ASSANGE in its LONDON embassy and so prevent his extradition to SWEDEN over alleged sex crimes.
20150813             —TERMED, BURUNDI—RULING party, the controversial RE—ELECTION—OF—PRESIDENT—PIERRE—NKURUNZIZA, 51—JAHRE—ALT a "divine miracle", as the opposition accused him of declaring war by clinging to power.
20150813             —CONTINUED, Meanwhile violence, unabated with at least 3—PEOPLE killed in the last 24—HOURS.
20150813             —SLASHED, BEIJING, 1—MAN, 1—CHINA—WOMAN to death and injured her FRANCE—COMPANION in 1—OF—THE—CITY—BUSIEST shopping districts in broad daylight.
20150813             The man (25), family name Gao, was arrested.
20150813             † EGYPT—HEALTH—MINISTER said 17—MORE—PEOPLE have due to an "unprecedented" heat wave, raising this week's death toll to 76.
20150813             3—OTHER—OFFICERS again received suspended terms.
20150813             —RIPPED, IRAQ, 1—TRUCK—BOMB, through the popular Jameela market in 1—PREDOMINANTLY Shiite NEIGHBORHOOD—OF—BAGHDAD—SADR—CITY—EARLY—TODAY, killing at least 67—PEOPLE.
20150813             —CLAIMED, THE—IS group, responsibility.
20150813             —TORCHED, ISRAEL—,1—TENT was, and HEBREW—LANGUAGE graffiti was sprayed at 1—PALESTINE—BEDOUIN village in the occupied WEST—BANK in what residents and an NGO said was 1 suspected attack by Jewish extremists.
20150813             —CALLED, PRESIDENT—ANOTE—TONG—OF—THE—LOW—LYING Pacific island nation of KIRIBATI, for 1—GLOBAL—MORATORIUM on new coal mines to slow global warming and 1—CREEPING rise in world sea levels.
20150813             —KILLED, CENTRAL—LIBYA, at least 17—PEOPLE were, in heavy clashes between Islamic State fighters and 1—RIVAL—ISLAMIST—GROUP in the Islamic STATE—HELD CITY—OF—SIRTE.
20150813             —EARLIER this week 1—SALAFIST—MUSLIM group and armed residents attacked IS fighters in Sirte.
20150813             Residents said around 15—LOCAL—FIGHTERS and 2 IS commanders were killed.
20150813             MEXICO, 5—GUNMEN burst into 1—BAR—EARLY—TODAY and killed Jose Marquez Balderas, 1 reputed local boss of the Zetas drug gang, JOURNALIST—JUAN—SANTOS—CABRERA and 4—OTHER—PEOPLE in the coast STATE—OF—VERACRUZ.
20150813             —ANNOUNCED, MYANMAR—MILITARY—BACKED ruling party, the ouster of Shwe Mann, its politically popular chairman, hours after security forces seized the party headquarters, preventing some members from leaving.
20150813             Shwe Mann was seen as 1—LEADING candidate for the presidency in upcoming 20151108             elections.
20150813             NIGERIA—PRESIDENT—MUHAMMADU—BUHARI swore in a new SET—OF—MILITARY chiefs, ordering them to end Boko HARAM—BLOODY 6—YEAR Islamist insurgency within 3—MONTHS.
20150813             —ANNOUNCED, PAKISTAN—ARMY, the death penalty for 6—MILITANTS linked to 20141216             —THE, assault on 1—SCHOOL in PESHAWAR that killed 151—PEOPLE, mainly students.
20150813             —ANNOUNCED, The army also, it would execute another man for carrying out 1—ATTACK on soldiers in THE—CITY—OF—KARACHI in March that killed 3.
20150813             —REPORTED, ROMANIA—EDUCATION—AUTHORITIES were, investigating some 400—CASES in which students are suspected of getting into high schools without having the necessary grades.
20150813             —BROADENED, RUSSIA, 1—FOOD—EMBARGO imposed in retaliation for Western sanctions over UKRAINE to include ICELAND, 1—SIGNIFICANT—FISH importer, as well as MONTENEGRO—ALBANIA and LIECHTENSTEIN.
20150813             —WANTED, SERGIO—MORATE, 29—JAHRE—ALT, by SPAIN for murdering his girlfriend and another woman, was detained in THE—WEST—CITY—OF—LUGOJ, ROMANIA.
20150813             A ROMANIA—COURT ruled the next day that he can be extradited to his home country to face charges.
20150813             —DROPPED, SWEDEN—PROSECUTORS, 1—SEXUAL—ASSAULT—PROBE against JULIAN—ASSANGE after the time limit on the case expired but the Wikileaks founder, who still faces 1—RAPE claim, voiced disappointment.
20150813             SYRIA, rockets hit several districts in Latakia, 1—STRONGHOLD—OF—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD, killing 2—CIVILIANS and wounding 13.
20150813             A 2—DAY—CEASE—FIRE between Hezbollah fighters and rebel groups in Zabadani, as well as in Foua and Kfarya, 2—SHIITE villages in Idlib province, was extended for another 48—HOURS.
20150813             —DEFENDED, THAILAND—MILITARY—INSTALLED interim PRIME—MINISTER—PRAYUTH—CHAN—OCHA, 1—NEW—LAW that places tight restrictions on public gatherings and warned it will be strictly enforced as the Public Assembly Act took effect.
20150813             TURKEY, efforts PRIME—MINISTER—AHMET—DAVUTOGLU to forge 1—COALITION—ALLIANCE with the country's PRO—SECULAR—PARTY failed, edging the country closer toward new elections.
20150813             —FIRED, YEMEN, mortar rounds, by Shiite Houthi rebels killed 6—CIVILIANS in THE—CENTRAL—CITY—OF—TAIZ.
20150813             TWITTER—NUTZER müssen sich künftig bei Direktnachrichten nicht mehr kurz fassen: Der Dienst hat das 140—ZEICHEN—LIMIT bei den Direct Messages gekippt.
20150813             —FORTAN, passen bis zu 10.000—ZEICHEN in 1.Direktnachricht.
20150813             —LAUT—DER Anwältin wird MANNING unter anderem beschuldigt, sie habe sich respektlos gegenüber Wärtern verhalten und ESSEN auf den Boden geworfen.
20150813             —ZUDEM, habe sie verbotene Gegenstände besessen und Medikamentenmissbrauch begangen.
20150813             Der letzte Vorwurf rührt laut Rechtsanwältin Hollander von 1—ZELLENDURCHSUCHUNG am ;;0709;;her.
20150813             —DAMALS, fanden die Wärter ANTI—KARIES—ZAHNCREME in MANNINGS Zelle.
20150813             Zu den verbotenen Gegenständen in MANNINGS Besitz gehörten laut der Anwältin die Memoiren von FRIEDENS—NOBEL—PREIS—TRÄGERIN—MALALA—YOUSAFZAI, die "VANITY—FAIR"-Ausgabe mit Caitlyn JENNER auf der Titelseite sowie DER—USA—SENATSBERICHT—ÜBER—DIE—FOLTERPRAKTIKEN DER—CIA.
20150813             Warum diese Bücher und Zeitschriften als verboten eingestuft werden, sei —DERZEIT, völlig unklar.
20150813             "Mir macht Sorgen, dass ihr die Bücher genommen wurden", sagte Verteidigerin Hollander.
20150813             CHINAs Währung auf Talfahrt: Yuan verliert den 3. Tag in Folge
20150813             Australische Offiziere, die den INSEL—STAAT —WWII—IM, vor der Eroberung durch JAPAN bewahrten, riefen die Clans 1. 19570000             zum "Sing Sing", zu 1—FESTLICHEN Übereinkunft.
20150813             PAPUA—NEUGUINEA
20150813             Hintergrund war wohl auch, die extrem isoliert lebenden und untereinander meist feindlich gesinnten Gruppierungen zu befrieden.
20150813             GUINEA ist nach Grönland die zweitgrößte Insel der Welt.
20150813             DIE—DEUTSCHEN hissten 18840000             des REICH—FAHNE in Finschhafen und gründeten DEUTSCH—NEUGUINEA.
20150813             Das Hochland jedoch galt bis in die Dreißigerjahre als Terra incognita.
20150813             Unzugänglicher Urwald und das Fehlen jeglicher Infrastruktur bewahrte DIE—MENSCHEN lange vor dem Erstkontakt.
20150813             Selbst die 1.Missionare drangen erst nach dem WWII —IN—DAS wild zerklüftete Gebirge vor.
20150813             —FOLGTEN ihnen, die Ethnologen.
20150813             1—UNVERSTELLTER Blick in die Vergangenheit, ein unfassbarer KULTUR—REICHTUM und über 800—SPRACHEN—SO unterschiedlich wie Französisch und CHINESISCH—BIETEN —NOCH—HEUTE Stoff für viele Doktorarbeiten.
20150813             Immer um den UNABHÄNGIGKEITS—TAG
20150813             Goroka
20150813             Tausende Darsteller kommen auf den Ladeflächen klappriger PICK—UPS und rostiger Laster hierher.
20150813             Darsteller
20150813             Viele der gut 7.000.000—EINWOHNER des Inselstaates leben wie in 1—ANDEREN Zeit.
20150813             Schwarze Magie, Hexenglauben und Selbstjustiz, 'Raids' und 'Counterraids' sind IMMER—NOCH möglich.
20150813             USA—AMERIKANER schauen selten nach DEUTSCHLAND.
20150813             GERMANY ist einfach zu weit weg.
20150813             E—MAIL—AFFÄRE: HILLARY Rodham Steinbrück
20150813             ALLIANZ von Hackern und BÖRSEN—HÄNDLERN: Klauen, weitergeben, abkassieren
20150813             Wenn Hacker sich mit Finanzleuten zusammentun, dann lässt sich sehr viel Geld machen.
20150813             Das zeigt sich nun an 1—BANDE, die IN—DEN—USA aufgeflogen ist.
20150813             1—GRUPPE aus Hackern und BÖRSEN—HÄNDLERN soll mehr als 100.000.000—DOLLAR bei illegalen Insidergeschäften verdient haben.
20150813             DIE—INFOS für die Geschäfte bezogen sie aus gestohlenen PRESSE—MITTEILUNGEN.
20150813             DIE—MUTMAßLICHEN Täter
20150813             Im Fall 1—ENERGIE—FIRMA reichte der Gruppe 1—FENSTER—VON—2—STUNDEN vor der Veröffentlichung aus, um auf ähnliche Weise 100.000—DOLLAR zu verdienen.
20150813             —ÜBER—DIE—JAHRE habe sich die Gruppe Zugriff AUF—CA—150.000—PRESSE—MITTEILUNGEN verschafft, etwa 800—DAVON seien für Aktienkäufe genutzt worden,
20150813             Zugang zu den Computersystemen verschafften sich DIE—ANGREIFER zum Teil über E-Mails mit präparierten Inhalten, die an MIT—ARBEITER der Plattformen verschickt wurden.
20150813             DIE—SEC verdächtigt insgesamt 32—MENSCHEN, Teil des kriminellen Rings zu sein.
20150813             "Diese Hacker und HÄNDLER werden beschuldigt, mehr als 100.000.000—DOLLAR an illegalen Gewinnen eingestrichen zu haben", sagte SEC—CHEFIN MARY Jo White
20150813             DIE—MEISTEN der Angeklagten stammen aus DER—UKRAINE und Georgien.
20150813             Zu dem NETZ—WERK gehörten laut den Ermittlern HÄNDLER aus NEW—YORK, ZYPERN, FRANKREICH—MALTA und RUSSLAND.
20150813             Wenn die Sicherungen versagen, weil (MONOPOL—)Gesetze und Verordnungen aus der analogen Zeit den Kunden zum DATEN—SKLAVEN machen,
20150813             dann braucht es kompetente Hacker, die zeigen, was das für den einzelnen bedeutet und welche schädliche Wirkung das für DIE—GESELLSCHAFT haben kann, dass verfassungsrechtlich geschützte Werte DE—FACTO durch die Praxis unterminiert und ausgehebelt werden —,
20150813             staatliche Institutionen sich an potenziell kriminellen Aktionen beteiligt (Missbrauch der IT durch POLIZEI und GEHEIM—DIENSTE, NSA/BND—SKANDAL..).
20150813             Nach PROTESTE—IN—FRANKREICH: MCDONALD—ENTSCHULDIGT sich für Umgang mit Obdachlosen
20150813             —STUDIEE: OECD fordert strengere BE—STEUERUNG von Reichen
20150813             —DAMALS, befand sich das College für 1—JAHR in ELIZABETH und anschließend 9—JAHRE in NEWARK.
20150813             Unter seiner Führung entwickelte sich das College zum pädagogisch wohl fortschrittlichsten Amerikas.
20150813             Witherspoon führte etwa GESCHICHTE in das Studiencurriculum ein und verbreitete in seinen Vorträgen DIE—IDEEN der aufklärerischen COMMON—SENSE—PHILOSOPHIE.
20150813             Witherspoon selbst war 17760000             1—DER Unterzeichner der Unabhängigkeitserklärung, und viele seiner Studenten zählten zu den führenden Persönlichkeiten der REVOLUTIONszeit und der frühen Republik,
20150813             Bei der verfassungsgebenden PHILADELPHIA CONVENTION 17870000             fanden sich unter den 55—DELEGIERTEN 9—PRINCETON—ABSOLVENTEN;
20150813             Yale und WILLIAM & MARY stellten im Vergleich nur vier, Harvard 3—ALUMNI.[3]
20150813             NEW—YORK,
20150813             Schutzschicht im All: Was wurde eigentlich aus dem Ozonloch?
20150813             Den indischen NGO—BOOM erklären —EXPERTEN mit den Umwälzungen, die DAS—LAND seit seiner Öffnung für die MARKT—WIRTSCHAFT 19920000             erfahren hat.
20150813             Der Graben zwischen Arm und Reich sei seitdem dramatisch aufgerissen, sagte Madhav Chavan der WEB—SEITE scroll.in.
20150813             Man schrieb das Frühjahr 19740000             —, Rowlands und Molinas Warnung nahm kaum jemand für voll.
20150813             "Die OZON—SCHICHT ist noch fast genau so dünn, wie sie es zu den schlechtesten Zeiten war".
20150813             DIE—MENSCHHEIT
20150813             manni.baum 1112—HEUTE
20150813             "DIE—MENSCHHEIT"gibt es nicht, nur Einzelinteressen.
20150813             Voraussichtlich erst
20150813             GORDON—DOBSON und die französischen Wissenschaftler Leroy and Rigaud in der anderen Station Dumont D'Urville entdeckten 19570000             als 1.DAS—OZON—LOCH.
20150813             —MACHT—KAMPF—IN—BURMA: Generäle stürzen —CHEF—DER—REGIERUNGSPARTEI
20150813             —LAUT—KANZLER—AMT: USA—REGIERUNG war gegen Freigabe der NSA—SPÄH—LISTE
20150813             KANZLER—AMT—MINISTER—PETER—ALTMAIER bestreitet, von DER—USA—REGIERUNG freie Hand für die HER—AUSGABE 1—SPÄH—LISTE des AMERIKA—GEHEIM—DIENST—NSA bekommen zu haben.
20150813             Es gebe "Spielregeln zwischen GEHEIM—DIENSTEN", an die sich DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG zu halten habe,
20150813             Deshalb sei 1.HER—AUSGABE der Liste an PARLAMENTarier nur mit Zustimmung DER—USA—SEITE möglich.
20150813             —VERDACHT—AUF—BRANDSTIFTUNG: Scheune von NEO—NAZI—GEGNERN in Jamel brennt ab
20150813             Lichtblick: GRIECHENLAND überrascht mit WIRTSCHAFTS—WACHSTUM
20150813             IMPORTVERBOT—FÜR—LEBENS—MITTEL: RUSSLAND droht UKRAINE mit Einfuhrstopp
20150813             2—VORWÜRFE der sexuellen Belästigung und Nötigung gegen WIKILEAKS—GRÜNDER JULIAN—ASSANGE sind verjährt.
20150813             —NACHDEM, ASSANGE nicht zu 1—BEFRAGUNG nach SCHWEDEN reisen wollte, hatte DIE—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT versucht, ihn in der Botschaft zu interviewen.
20150813             SCHWEDEN, muss beim Vorwurf sexueller Belästigung und Nötigung innerhalb von 5—JAHREN Anklage erhoben werden.
20150813             "Beim Camp geht es um das Zwischenmenschliche.
20150813             DIE—KÖNIGE der 19.
20150813             Reeves vermutet wie schon einige Ägyptologen vor ihm, dass Neferneferuaton und Semenchkare ein und dieselbe Person sind: Nofretete.
20150813             Als sie zur MIT—REGENTIN erhoben wurde, bekam sie nicht nur mehr MACHT, sondern 1—NEUEN Namen: Ankhkheperure Neferneferuaton.
20150813             Als DIE—PRIESTER des Amun an MACHT zurückgewannen, könnte es zu brenzlig geworden sein, den Namen Aton weiterhin als Teil des eigenen Namens zu führen: Aus Neferneferuaton wurde Semenchkare.
20150813             "Eine —SEIT—MEHR—ALS—3.000—JAHREN hermetisch abgeriegelte KAMMER—SO etwas ist in der modernen Archäologie
20150813             "Philaes"KOMET: Tschuri verliert mehr als 100—KG pro Sekunde
20150813             DER—KOMET Tschuri ist unbeschadet an der Sonne vorbeigeflogen.
20150813             —DERZEIT, verliert "Tschuri"—LAUT—ANGABEN, des DEUTSCHEN Zentrums für Luft—, Raumfahrt (DLR) in KÖLN pro Sekunde einige 100—KILOGRAMM seiner Masse.
20150813             Das nächste Mal wird Tschuri den sonnennächsten Punkt seiner Bahn in etwa 6,5—JAHREN passieren.
20150813             FLÜCHTLINGS—ELEND auf Kos: "Sind wir hier in EUROPA?"
20150813             GERICHTS—URTEIL: CONNECTICUT darf TODES—STRAFE nicht länger ausführen
20150813             —VERDACHT—AUF—BRANDSTIFTUNG: NEO—NAZI—GEGNER in Jamel stehen unter POLIZEI—SCHUTZ
20150813             NETZPOLITIK—AFFÄRE: VERDACHT—AUF—LANDESVERRAT macht berühmt und beliebt
20150813             ASERBAIDSCHAN: BÜRGER—RECHTLERIN zu achteinhalb —JAHREN Haft verurteilt
20150813             Zurück zu Sachleistungen: DE—MAIZIÈRE fordert unattraktivere Leistungen für ASYL—BEWERBER
20150813             —DONNERSTAG, im Zentrum ATHENS: Tausende Menschen haben sich vor dem GRIECHENLAND—PARLAMENT versammelt: GEWERKSCHAFTer, Krankenhausmitarbeiter, Familien mit Kindern.
20150813             alfatomega.com/20051023.html
20150813             alfatomega.com/20051104.html
20150813—20100000    —SEIT, Die mutmaßlichen Täter verschafften sich laut USA—ERMITTLERN immer wieder Einblick in noch unveröffentlichte Finanzberichte auf Webseiten wie die von Business Wire, Marketwired und PR Newswire.
20150813—20100000    —SEIT, Die ebenfalls laufenden Ermittlungen wegen des Vorwurfs der Vergewaltigung würden jedoch fortgesetzt.
20150813—20111000    —IM, DIE—PRESSEMITTEILUNGEN der Firmen werden zum Teil schon TAGE vor der Veröffentlichung auf die Plattformen der FINANZ—WEBSEITEN hochgeladen, bleiben für das Publikum aber ZUNÄCHST unsichtbar.
20150813—20120000    —ABOLISHED, The state's death penalty had been.
20150813—20130800    —SENTENCED, EGYPT, police LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—AMR—FAROUK was, to a reduced 5—YEARS in jail in a RE—TRIAL over the deaths of 37—ISLAMIST prisoners being transported to jail in an overcrowded van.
20150813—20140517    —GESTERN, noch Krieger mit Speer, —HEUTE als Angestellter mit iPhone in der Tasche hinter der SUPER—MARKTKASSE?
20160610             CZECH—REPUBLIC / cs CHARLES—UNIVERSITY ( alfatomega.com/20090813.html
20160628—20160813    —ON, police said they have arrested 9—MILITANTS, including 2 suspected of carrying out the grenade attack.
20160804—20160813    —RELEASED, THE—AFGHANISTAN—TALIBAN, all 5—PAKISTANIS and 1—RUSSIA—CREW member.
20160813             NORTH—CALIFORNIA, the Clayton wildfire broke out in Lake County.
20160813             Torrential downpours in parts of LOUISIANA left at least 3—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20160813             NEW—YORK—CITY, Imam Maulama Akonjee (55) and friend Thara Uddin (64) were shot and killed as they left afternoon prayers at THE—AL—FURQAN Jame Masjid mosque in Queens.
20160813             —RELEASED, Police the next day, 1—SKETCH—OF—THE—SUSPECT: 1—DARK—HAIRED, bearded man wearing glasses and soon arrested OSCAR—MOREL, 35—JAHRE—ALT, 1—BROOKLYN man, following 1—HIT and run near the crie scene.
20160813             MILWAUKEE police shot and killed Sylville Smith (23) after he failed to drop 1—GUN.
20160813             An angry crowd of at least 200—PEOPLE took to the streets, torching at least 6—BUSINESSES, including 1—GAS—STATION and auto parts store.
20160813             —CONTINUED, Looting, into the next night as police in riot gear moved in on the Sherman Park neighborhood.
20160813             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, at least 9—POLICEMEN were, late today in Taliban attacks on checkpoints in THE—NORTH—AFGHANISTAN—PROVINCE—OF—BAGHLAN, while another 2 were killed in the east.
20160813             5—INSURGENTS were killed and 3 wounded in the ensuing gun battles.
20160813             —EXTENDED, Authorities in INDIAN—CONTROLLED Kashmir, 1—STRICT curfew to most parts of the restive region as separatist leaders called for weekend protests against INDIA—RULE.
20160813             —MARCHED, PERU, more than 50,000—PEOPLE, in LIMA and 8—OTHER—CITIES to protest violence against woman and what they say is the indifference of the judicial system.
20160813             —RESTARTED, THE—PHILIPPINES, peace talks with the country's largest Muslim rebel group, the 1. under PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE aimed at ending DECADES—OF—VIOLENCE that has claimed TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—LIVES.
20160813             —EXPLODED, SINGAPORE, in celebration after homegrown swimming hero JOSEPH—SCHOOLING beat USA—LEGEND MICHAEL—PHELPS in the 100m butterfly in Rio to win the tiny republic's 1. ever Olympic gold.
20160813             —INDICTED, SOUTH—KOREA, prosecutors, THE—FORMER—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF—THE—SOUTH—KOREAN—UNIT—OF—SWSS—BASED Novartis and 5—OTHER—FORMER and current managers over allegations they illegally paid doctors 2.6—BILLION won ($2.3—MILLION) in return for prescribing the company's drugs.
20160813             —FLARED, Fighting, in SOUTH—SUDAN late today SOUTHWEST—OF—THE—CAPITAL between forces loyal to THE—PRESIDENT and those backing the opposition, after clashes last month raised fears of 1—SLIDE back into civil war.
20160813             —CARRIED, SWITZERLAND, 1—SWITZERLAND—NATIONAL—MAN, out 1—STABBING and arson attack on 1—SWITZERLAND—TRAIN, injuring 6—OTHERS.
20160813             † The attacker and 1—OF—THE—VICTIMS soon, of their injuries.
20160813             —SEIZED, NORTH—SYRIA, USA—BACKED forces, full CONTROL—OF—MANBIJ near THE—TURKEY—BORDER after the last remaining Islamic State fighters, who had been using civilians as human shields, left.
20160813             —CONTINUED, Clashes and airstrikes, across ALEPPO province, resulting in at least 49—CIVILIAN—DEATHS.
20160813             Within 10—DAYS—OF—THE—LIBERATION—OF—MANBIJ booby traps and mines planted by retreating jihadists killed 29—PEOPLE.
20160813             —WELCOMED, THOUSANDS—OF—VENEZUELANS were, to COLOMBIA by 1—MILITARY—BAND—EARLY—TODAY as THE—2—COUNTRIES' borders were officially reopened after being closed by VENEZUELA 1—YEAR ago.
20160813             —KILLED, YEMEN, 10—CHILDREN were, in coalition air raids on 1—SCHOOL in Haydan, 1—TOWN in REBEL—HELD Saada province.
20160813             —BOMBED, The coalition said the next day it had, 1—CAMP at which IRAN—BACKED rebels train underage soldiers.
20160813             FLÜCHTLINGS—STREIT, Stoiber schließt eigenen CSU—KANZLER—KANDIDATEN nicht aus
20160813             STEUER—PLÄNE des UNIONS—WIRTSCHAFTSFLÜGELS: Schön für alle, die gut verdienen
20160813             —KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN: STEINMEIER erwägt Luftbrücke über ALEPPO
20160813             —DIE—LAGE—AM—SAMSTAG, Wie DER—MENSCH zerstört, was er LIEBT—DIE Meere
20160813             GROß—BRITANNIEN—LONDON will EU—SUBVENTIONEN nach BREXIT voll ersetzen
20160813             Eroberung durch REBELLEN: Syrer in Manbidsch feiern Befreiung vom IS
20160813             FRANKREICH: Gericht versagt Mörderin FREILASSUNG—TROTZ Begnadigung durch HOLLANDE
20160813             Allein im Auto: Sechsjähriger in USA schlägt neugeborene Schwester tot
20160813             "Identitäre Bewegung": DIE—RECHTEN LIKES—FÄNGER
20160813             Bedrohter Ozean: "Das Paradies geht verloren"
20160813             FIDEL—CASTRO wird 90: NOCH—IMMER der Comandante
20160813             Seltener VOGELSPINNEN—NACHWUCHS: Spinnefreund
20160813             FIDEL—CASTROS Trainingsanzüge: 3—STREIFEN müssen es sein
20160813             "Unbedacht und schrecklich": Was Reagans Tochter von DONALD—TRUMP—WAFFEN—ÄUßERUNG hält
20160813             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN!
20160813             Soso, "LUFT—ANGRIFF"also, ja?
20160813             [l] Also diese Schiedsgerichte, die lohnen sich!
20160813             Fragt nur BULGARIEN!
20160813             Oh und BONUS—PUNKTE für das Detail, daß RUSSLAND das westliche SCHIEDSGERICHT—BULLSHIT—SYSTEM gesehen hat und es dann direkt mal benutzt, um seinen fahnenflüchtigen EX—VASALLEN 1.reinzuhauen.
20160813             [l] DIE—GUTE—NACHRICHT: Man kann aus dem Stoßdämpfer Strom erzeugen.
20160813             —DIE—SCHLECHTE—NACHRICHT, das bringt natürlich auf SCHLAGLOCH—BUCKELPISTEN mehr als auf ordentlichen Straßen.
20160813             [l] Aus der beliebten Reihe "bei UNS ist Kernkraft SICHER", heute: Im belgischen AKW Tihange sind in den 80er —JAHREN falsch deklarierte Stahlteile im Reaktordruckbehälter verbaut worden.
20160813             Aber macht euch keine Sorgen, denn:
20160813             Das sei kein SICHERHEITS—RISIKO, sagt die belgische ATOM—AUFSICHT.
20160813             Nein, natürlich nicht.
20160813             [l] Hat zufällig jemand DIE—MASCHINENPISTOLE gesehen, die die —LEIPZIG—POLIZEI sucht?
20160813             DER—BEAMTE sei AM—DONNERSTAG—ABEND, zu 1——EINSATZ wegen eines vermeintlichen Raubes an 1—TANKSTELLE im Plattenbauviertel Grünau gerufen worden.
20160813             FIDEL—CASTRO wird an diesem —SAMSTAG, 90—JAHRE—ALT.
20160813             Raúl hat auf dem letzten kommunistischen Posten der westlichen Welt
20160813             Und Raúl CASTRO hat die ÜBER JAHRZEHNTE sorgsam gepflegte Feindschaft zu DEN—USA beendet.
20160813             BERUFS—REVOLUTIONÄR—CASTRO, der behauptet, 638—ATTENTATE und MORD—VERSUCHE überlebt zu haben.
20160813             Tatsächlich haben DER—USA—GEHEIM—DIENST—CIA, die EXIL—KUBANER und DIE—MAFIA CASTRO mal mit explodierenden Zigarren, mal mit Giftpfeilen und Dolchen, mal mit Handgranaten, FEUER—WAFFEN, vergifteten Kugelschreibern oder mit gedungenen Geliebten zur Strecke zu bringen versucht.
20160813             DIE—KUBANISCHE Wirtschaft liegt aber gerade mal wieder am Boden,
20160813             —NACHDEM, VENEZUELA, der Haupthandelspartner und Verbündete, die Öllieferungen zum VORZUGS—PREIS drastisch reduziert hat.
20160813             —SOMMER—IN—DIESEM, wurden
20160813             Trotz aller Widrigkeiten
20160813             Widrigkeiten
20160813             hat DAS—SYSTEM KUBA, das so sehr 1—SYSTEM CASTRO ist, erstaunliches Überlebenstalent bewiesen.
20160813             Aber insbesondere die ANNÄHERUNG—AN—DEN Lieblingsfeind in WASHINGTON
20160813             Lieblingsfeind
20160813             Der Fluchtinstinkt wird absurderweise gespeist von der ANNÄHERUNG—AN—DIE—USA und der ANGST—WASHINGTON könnte die von HAVANNA kritisierte Vorzugsbehandlung kubanischer Migranten stoppen, die jedem KUBAner 1—BLEIBERECHT zusichert, der trockenen Fußes USA—TERRITORIUM erreicht.
20160813             —FLUCHTINSTINKT
20160813             KANTON—S—GALLEN: Bewaffneter ANGRIFF—IN—SCHWEIZER ZUG—MEHRERE Verletzte
20160813             [l] USA—BERUFUNGSGERICHT urteilt, daß die Beschlagnahme von Kimbles Vermögen rechtens war.
20160813             Ja, richtig gelesen.
20160813             Megaupload founder never came to USA to face charges, so he's a "fugitive".
20160813             Jurisprudenz Marke JOHN—WAYNE!
20160813             Und der hätte ja in DIE—USA kommen können, um sich VOR—1—SCHAUPROZESS zu verteidigen.
20160813             Ich meine, wie fair and balanced die Strafverfolgung IN—DEN—USA ist, das haben wir ja gerade wunderschön gezeigt bekommen, als gegen HILLARY—CLINTON nichts unternommen wurde, obwohl DAS—FBI auf Anklageerhebung bestand.
20160813             MONEY—QUOTE:
20160813             Under USA—LAW, authorities can seize cash and ITEMS—OF—VALUE if they are believed to be ILL—GOTTEN, even without filing ANY—CRIMINAL—CHARGES.
20160813             Willkür und WILDWEST—JUSTIZ—?
20160813             Übrigens, falls sich jemand dachte, wenn die ihn FLÜCHTLING nennen, dann war er mindestens einmal IN—DEN—USA?
20160813—20140000    —SINCE, EAST—CONGO, DRC at least 36—PEOPLE were killed late today in 1—MASSACRE by suspected rebels of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), near Beni, NORTH—KIVU province, 1—AREA that has been shaken by violence.
20160813—20160801    —SINCE, Mothers in EAST—MEXICO searching for missing loved ones said they have found 1—TOTAL—OF—28—CLANDESTINE gravesites with remains of some 40—BODIES in THE—GANG—RAVAGED STATE—OF—VERACRUZ.
20160813—20160815    —CHARGED, Morel was, with 2—COUNTS—OF—MURDER and 2—COUNTS—OF—CRIMINAL—POSSESSION—OF—1—WEAPON.
20160813—20161215    —ON, police Officer Dominique HEAGGAN—BROWN, who is also black, was charged with murder.
20170813             —LOCKED, Police in TEXAS acting on 1—TIP found 17—IMMIGRANTS, inside 1—TRACTOR—TRAILER parked at 1—GAS—STATION about 20—MILES (30—KM) from MEXICO—BORDER.
20170813             —BELIEVED, SOUTH—EAST—WISCONSIN, 3—MEN from ILLINOIS, to be gang members, were shot to death at close range during 1—DRAG racing event at the Great Lakes Dragaway in THE—TOWN—OF—PARIS.
20170813             —SUSPECTED, BURKINA—FASO, Islamic extremists opened fire at 1—TURKEY—RESTAURANT in OUAGADOUGOU late today, killing at least 18—PEOPLE in the 2. such attack on 1—RESTAURANT—POPULAR with foreigners in the last 2—YEARS.
20170813             —NEUTRALIZED, Security forces, 2—TERRORISTS.
20170813             —SUSPECTED, EGYPT, 2, militants were killed in 1—EXCHANGE—OF—FIRE with the police in 1—PROVINCE outside THE—CAPITAL—CAIRO.
20170813             —PACKED, INDIA, 2, buses were swept into 1—GORGE overnight by 1—LANDSLIDE so powerful it destroyed 1—ENTIRE—STRETCH—OF—HIGHWAY in Himachal Pradesh state.
20170813             17—BODIES were recovered from the site, but dozens remained missing.
20170813             —VOTED, IRAN—PARLIAMENT, unanimously to increase spending on its ballistic missile program and the foreign operations of its paramilitary Revolutionary Guard, PART—OF—1—SANCTIONS—BILL mirroring 1—NEW—USA—LAW targeting the country.
20170813             —PASSED, IRAN—PARLIAMENT, 1—LONG—AWAITED amendment to its drug trafficking laws, raising the thresholds that can trigger capital punishment and potentially saving the lives of many on death row.
20170813             —KILLED, NORTH—IRAQ, 2—USA—SOLDIERS were, during combat operations, but their deaths were not caused by enemy contact.
20170813             —WELCOMED, THE—ITALY—GOVERNMENT, LIBYA—DECISION to bar foreign vessels from 1—STRETCH—OF—WATER off its coast.
20170813             —ORDERED, LIBYA—NAVY last week, foreign vessels to stay out of 1—COASTAL "search and rescue zone" for migrants headed for EUROPE, saying the measure was aimed at NON—GOVERNMENTAL—ORGANIZATIONS it accuses of facilitating illegal migration.
20170813             —KILLED, SOUTH—KASHMIR, 2—INDIA—SOLDIERS and 3—MILITANTS were, in a 12-hour overnight gunfight in the Shopian district.
20170813             —CALLED, KENYA—OPPOSITION—LEADER—RAILA Odinga, for 1—STRIKE to support his claim to the presidency and accused the ruling party of "spilling the blood of innocent people", despite growing pressure on him to concede election defeat.
20170813             24—PEOPLE have been killed since the election.
20170813             KUWAIT said it will finish cleaning up 1—CRUDE—OIL spill in its southern waters near the Ras AL—ZOUR area this week.
20170813             —QUOTED, KUWAIT—MEDIA, local oil experts as saying the spill originated from 1—OLD 50-km (31-mile) pipeline from AL—KHAFJI.
20170813             —KIDNAPPED, LIBYA—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—ALI—ZEIDAN (Zidan) was, by 1 armed group in WAR—TORN TRIPOLI.
20170813             The gunmen were from THE—GNA—LINKED TRIPOLI Revolutionary Brigade, 1—MILITIA—OF—FORMER—REBELS from THE—NATO—BACKED 20110000             uprising that led to the overthrow and KILLING—OF—LONGTIME dictator Moamer Kadhafi.
20170813             MALAYSIA, 1—TOWN—HALL meeting with FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—MAHATHIR—MOHAMAD, 92—JAHRE—ALT, who now heads 1—OPPOSITION—COALITION, was marred by violence, with several people hurling flares, chairs and shoes at the stage.
20170813             WEST—MYANMAR, HUNDREDS—OF—BUDDHISTS took to the streets to protest against aid organizations they accuse of giving support to Muslim Rohingya militants.
20170813             —UPGRADED, NEPAL—AUTHORITIES, the death toll from flash flooding across the country to 49 as the water kept rising, forcing thousands to flee for higher ground.
20170813             —REMAINED, Another 17, missing.
20170813             —STRUGGLED, PORTUGAL, more than 3,000 firemen, to put out forest fires across the country, after the country requested assistance from EUROPE to fight blazes that threaten to spread with more hot weather in the coming days.
20170813             SOMALIA, Mukhtar Robow ABU—MANSUR, 1—DEPUTY—DIRECTOR—OF—AL—SHABAB, was flown to MOGADISHU from Hudur following his surrender to the government.
20170813             —KILLED, THE—SYRIA—FAILAQ—AL—RAHMAN rebel faction said it has, 20—ARMY—SOLDIERS in 1—TUNNEL—BLAST as the battle for DAMASCUS—NORTHEASTERN suburbs shows no signs of letting up.
20170813             —STABBED, TURKEY, police Officer Sinan Acar (24) was, to death by 1 suspected MEMBER—OF—THE—ISLAMIC—STATE (IS) group, who had been arrested for allegedly planning 1—SUICIDE—ATTACK.
20170813             The suspected IS member was shot dead on the spot by other police officers.
20170813             YEMEN—CENTRAL—BANK said THE—SAUDI—LED coalition is "strangling" the economy by preventing planes from flying in NEWLY—MINTED cash.
20170813             Diebstahl von geistigem Eigentum: DONALD—TRUMP will CHINAs Handelspraktiken offiziell untersuchen
20170813             Ultrarechte in Charlottesville, USA—POLIZEI—HUBSCHRAUBER abgestürzt - 2—TOTE
20170813             Glaube an Scheibenwelt: Flachwitz
20170813             VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIEN: Wieso —PLÖTZLICH, so viele Menschen den größten Irrsinn glauben
20170813             RASSISTEN—AUFMARSCH in USA: Das moralische Versagen des USA—PRÄSIDENTEN
20170813             GEWALT—BEI—RASSISTEN—AUFMARSCH: FBI übernimmt Ermittlungen in Charlottesville
20170813             BREXIT—STRATEGIE: Britische MINISTER plädieren für zeitlich begrenzte Übergangsphase
20170813             Experiment in JAPAN: Schimpansen lernen "Schnick, Schnack, Schnuck"
20170813             —SPIEGEL—GESPRÄCH—MIT—JURIST Gnisa: "Ich verzweifle am Rechtssystem"
20170813             Chodorkowski über PUTIN und USA—SANKTIONEN: "Im KREML sitzen fantastische Idioten"
20170813             "Duschen Sie mit viel Seife": Wie GUAM seine BÜRGER auf den ATOM—ANGRIFF vorbereitet
20170813             —ANTWORT auf neue USA—SANKTIONEN: IRAN gibt mehr Geld für Raketen aus
20170813             GEWALT—AUSBRUCH in Charlottesville: Vereint im Rassenhass
20170813             KRITIK—AN—RASSISTENAUFMARSCH: IVANKA—TRUMP spricht aus, worüber ihr Vater schweigt
20170813             Traumatisierte Kinder IN—DER—UKRAINE: Kaspern gegen den KRIEG
20170813             UN—WETTER in INDIEN und NEPAL: Mindestens 94—TOTE nach starkem Monsunregen
20170813             KRYPTO—WÄHRUNG—BITCOIN—KURS steigt auf mehr als 4000—DOLLAR
20170813             [l] Neulich in DRESDEN:
20170813             An USA—TOURIST in GERMANY was beaten up by 1—PASSER—BY after he began giving THE—NAZI—SALUTE outside 1—CAFE in DRESDEN, police said —SUNDAY.
20170813—20170810    —INFORMED, The spill began days ago and activists, authorities about it.
20170813—20170816    —ON, 1—ANALYSIS—OF—SATELLITE imagery by 1—USA—BASED nonprofit organization suggested at least 34,000 GALLONS—OF—OIL have leaked out during 1—SPILL off THE—COAST—OF—KUWAIT.
20170816—20170813    —ACCUSED—OF, She is, attacking Gabriella ENGELS with 1—ELECTRICAL—EXTENSION cord at 1—JOHANNESBURG hotel where her 2—SONS were staying.
20170820             NORWAY—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—MUSEUM—OF—BERGEN said some 400—VIKING objects were stolen at SOME—TIME over the weekend of 20170811—20170813    , describing the loss as "immeasurable".
20180514—20180813    —ON, the health ministry in HAMAS—RUN—GAZA said he † —WHILE being treated in EGYPT.
20180719—20180813    —CHARGED, Drejka was, with manslaughter.
20180724—20180813    —BY, some 113—TURTLES were found dead at the Playas de Puerto Arista Sanctuary.
20180811—20180813    —SUPPOSED, The man (39) was, to return to JAPAN but was reportedly arrested in NAMPO city.
20180813             —SIGNED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, a $716-billion defense policy act that authorizes military spending and waters down controls on USA—GOVERNMENT—CONTRACTS with CHINA—ZTE—CORP and Huawei Technologies Co Ltd.
20180813             —LASHED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, out at his former adviser Omarosa Manigault Newman, who is promoting 1—TELL—ALL—BOOK—OF—HER—WHITE—HOUSE—EXPERIENCE.
20180813             Newman said: "THERE—1—LOT—OF—VERY corrupt things happening in THE—WHITE—HOUSE, and I am going to blow the whistle on 1—LOT—OF—THEM".
20180813             A—USA—LAWYER for PETER—STRZOK, 1—SENIOR—FBI counterintelligence agent, said Strzok has been fired for violating bureau policies.
20180813             —DISPARAGED, Strzok had, PRESIDENT—TRUMP in inflammatory text messages and helped oversee the Hillary Clinton and RUSSIA investigations.
20180813             —ALLEGED, CALIFORNIA, the body count in the Golden STATE—KILLER'S, REIGN—OF—TERROR increased to 13—WHEN prosecutors in Tulare County filed charges linking suspect JOSEPH—JAMES—DE—ANGELO, 72—JAHRE—ALT to 19750000             —THE—MURDER—OF—COLLEGE—TEACHER—CLAUDE Snelling (45) in Visalia.
20180813             —ACCUSED—OF, De Angelo has also been, being THE—EAST—AREA—RAPIST and Original Night Stalker.
20180813             NORTH—CALIFORNIA, Ricardo Gardcia Lopez (39), on probation for domestic violence and failing to register as 1—SEX—OFFENDER, shot and killed 3—OF—HIS—CHILDREN before killing himself early today in Clearlake, Lake County.
20180813             —KILLED, NORTH—CALIFORNIA, 1—FIREFIGHTER from UTAH was, while battling the Ranch Fire, PART—OF—THE—MENDOCINO Complex.
20180813             —CONTAINED, The 300,970-acre Ranch Fire was 59—PERCENT.
20180813             —CONTAINED, The associated River Fire was fully, at 48,920 acres.
20180813             UTAH, Duane Youd flew 1—SMALL—PLANE into his own house hours after being arrested and released on bail for assaulting his wife.
20180813             —SURVIVED, Youd † in the crash, but his wife and child.
20180813             —IMPEACHED, THE—WEST—VIRGINIA HOUSE—OF—DELEGATES, all 4—JUSTICES—OF—THE—STATE—SUPREME—COURT on charges of extravagant spending and other misconduct.
20180813             —DESCRIBED, Democrats have, the whole process as 1—PARTISAN power grab.
20180813             Tesla CHIEF executive Elon Musk said he was in talks with SAUDI—ARABIA—SOVEREIGN wealth fund and other investors to take the electric automaker private.
20180813             AFGHANISTAN—DEFENSE—MINISTER said 4—DAYS—OF—FEROCIOUS fighting between AFGHANISTAN—FORCES and the Taliban over Ghazni has claimed the lives of about 100—AFGHANISTAN—POLICEMEN and soldiers and at least 20—CIVILIANS.
20180813             A suicide attacker detonated explosives near THE—OFFICE—OF—THE—ELECTION—COMMISSION in KABUL where DOZENS—OF—PROTESTERS had gathered.
20180813             —KILLED, At least 1—POLICE—OFFICIAL was, and 1—OFFICER was wounded.
20180813             —RELEASED, ARMENIA, 1—APPEALS—COURT in YEREVAN, FORMER—PRESIDENT—ROBERT—KOCHARIAN on the grounds of constitutional immunity for actions as PRESIDENT.
20180813             † 8—DEMONSTRATORS and 2—POLICE, in the clash.
20180813             A court in AZERBAIJAN freed human rights activist Ilgar Mammadov after he had served 5—YEARS—OF a 7—YEAR—JAIL—SENTENCE.
20180813             —DESCRIBED, The European COURT—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS has, his sentence "1 unjustified RESTRICTION—OF—FREEDOM".
20180813             —BATTLED, He championed AVANT—GARDE authors, censorship and published such European writers as ANTON—CHEKHOV, LEO—TOLSTOY and EMILE—ZOLA, as well as newer authors, notably SAMUEL—BECKETT, and edgy Americans including HENRY—MILLER and WILLIAM—S—BURROUGHS.
20180813             —INSISTED, CHINA, there is no "arbitrary detention" and there are no "RE—EDUCATION—CENTERS" in its WEST—XINJIANG region, rejecting concerns raised by 1—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—COMMITTEE that more than 1—MILLION—ETHNIC—UIGHURS may be being held in camps.
20180813             —KILLED, EGYPT—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said security forces have, 6 suspected militants in 1—RAID on 1—HOUSE on the outskirts of CAIRO.
20180813             —SUFFERED, INDONESIA—AUTHORITIES said the holiday ISLAND—OF—LOMBOK, damage running into more than 5—TRILLION rupiah ($342—MILLION) from last week's 6.9—EARTHQUAKE as the death toll climbed to more than 430.
20180813             —DEMANDED, INDONESIA—PROSECUTORS, an 18-month prison term for 1—WOMAN who was charged with blasphemy after she complained about the volume of 1—MOSQUE—LOUDSPEAKERS.
20180813             —UNVEILED, IRAN, 1—NEXT—GENERATION—SHORT—RANGE—BALLISTIC—MISSILE and vowed to further boost its capabilities.
20180813             MALAYSIA—PRIME—MINISTER—MAHATHIR—MOHAMAD said he is looking to cancel MULTIBILLION—DOLLAR—CHINESE—BACKED infrastructure projects signed by the previous SCANDAL—TAINTED government as the country digs itself OUT—OF—DEBT.
20180813             NORWAY—RIGHTWING Fisheries MINISTER—PER—SANDBERG, 58—JAHRE—ALT quit after breaching security protocol when he went on holiday to IRAN in July with an IRANIAN—BORN former beauty QUEEN (28), in 1—MAJOR—MEDIA—SCANDAL.
20180813             A presidential spokesman said THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE has fired 20—PEOPLE, including colonels and 1—GENERAL, over ACCUSATIONS—OF—FRAUD and graft in PURCHASES—OF—MILITARY—MEDICAL—SUPPLIES.
20180813             POLAND used its powers as 1—EUROPEAN Union member to ban human rights UKRAINE—ACTIVIST—LYUDMYLA Kozlovska (32) from all 26—COUNTRIES in EUROPE—SCHENGEN area.
20180813             —STOPPED, Kozlovska was, at THE—BRUSSELS Zaventem airport after arriving from Kiev, held overnight and put on 1—EARLY—FLIGHT back to Kiev the next morning.
20180813             —ACTED, BELGIUM—AUTHORITIES, after POLAND entered her in the Schengen Information System, 1—DATABASE aimed at ensuring security in EUROPE—PASSPORT—FREE—SCHENGEN—AREA.
20180813             Workers at SOUTH—AFRICA—HIGH—SPEED—TRAIN—SERVICE that mainly caters for business commuters ended a 2—WEEK—STRIKE over pay after reaching a 12-month agreement with their employer.
20180813             More than 8,900 families have been left homeless.
20180813             —KILLED, TAIWAN, 1—FIRE at 1—HOSPITAL—EARLY—TODAY, 9—PEOPLE and injured 15.
20180813             —LAUNCHED, An investigation was, into the cause of the blaze.
20180813             —PROPOSED, TUNISIA—PRESIDENT—BEJI—CAID—ESSEBSI, giving women equal inheritance rights despite protests from THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE objecting to ANY—CHALLENGE to Islamic law.
20180813             TURKEY—CENTRAL—BANK took action to free up cash for banks as the country grapples with 1—CURRENCY—CRISIS sparked by concerns over PRESIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN—ECONOMIC—POLICIES and 1—TRADE and diplomatic dispute with THE—USA.
20180813             —ANNOUNCED, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO, that from now on DIRT—CHEAP—FUEL will be available only to people with 1—SPECIAL—GOVERNMENT—AID—CARD that the opposition has denounced as 1—TOOL for controlling people.
20180813             MEDIEN—BERICHT, SICHERHEITS—BEHÖRDEN verhängen offenbar EINREISE—SPERRE für SAMI—A
20180813             —PROTEST—GEGEN—NEO—NAZI—MARSCH in WASHINGTON: "Hass ist hier nicht willkommen"
20180813             DONALD—TRUMP—HANDELS—KRIEGE: Verbrannte Erde
20180813             —NACH, Inkrafttreten DER—USA—STRAF—ZÖLLE: TÜRKEI—ZENTRAL—BANK springt BANKEN bei
20180813             290.000.000—DOLLAR Schmerzensgeld: BAYER—AKTIE stürzt nach URTEIL—GEGEN—MONSANTO ab
20180813             Enthüllungsbuch über DONALD—TRUMP—REGIERUNG: "DER—PRÄSIDENT belügt das amerikanische Volk"
20180813             VULKAN—APOKALYPSE—VON—SANTORIN: Der größte Knall der —BRONZE—ZEIT
20180813             —KRIEG—IN—AFGHANISTAN: Mehr als 100—SOLDATEN "verschwunden oder tot"
20180813             USA—SCHWERES—ERDBEBEN erschüttert den NORDEN Alaskas
20180813             Währungsverfall der Lira: TÜRKEI will negative Kommentare zur Wirtschaft bestrafen
20180813             BAYER—AKTIE: Wie 1—URTEIL 10—MILLIARDEN—EURO BÖRSEN—WERT auslöscht
20180813             Zu süß, zu fettig: Foodwatch fordert Standards für ESSEN in Schulen und Kitas (Leben und Lernen, 12:20)
20180813             Wählen per App IN—DEN—USA: Bequem, SCHNELL—UNSICHER
20180813             Pro und Kontra: Kann Sprache DIE—GESELLSCHAFT ändern?
20180813             war DER—VULKAN—AUSBRUCH von Thera, wie SANTORIN einst hieß, 1.KATASTROPHE von gigantischem Ausmaß.
20180813             An 1—STEILWAND in SANTORIN entdeckte 1—DOKTORAND 20040000             im Bimsstein ein verkohltes Stück Holz.
20180813             DIE—DATIERUNG von Olivenholz ist komplizierter als gedacht, wie Forscher um Elizabetta Boaretto nun im Fachblatt "Scientific Reports"schreiben.
20180813             Das Holz verfügt leider über 1.Eigenheit, die Dendrochronologen, wie DIE—SPEZIALISTEN zur Holzdatierung heißen, vor Schwierigkeiten stellt.
20180813             Gewiss scheint mittlerweile, daß Spyridon Marinatos mit seiner These vom plötzlichen ENDE—DER—MINOER wohl daneben lag.
20180813             Tierzüchtung: SCHWEIZer Kühe werden zu groß
20180813             —VORSTOß aus ROM: ITALIEN schiebt BRITEN Verantwortung für "Aquarius"-FLÜCHTLINGE zu
20180813             MILLIONEN—SCHMERZENSGELD IN—DEN—USA: Warum das GLYPHOSAT—URTEIL kein Beweis für 1—KREBSRISIKO ist
20180813             —GEPLANTE Produktionsverlagerung: DONALD—TRUMP regt HARLEY—DAVIDSON—BOYKOTT an
20180813             Stromerzeugung: Forschern gelingt WELTREKORD—BEI—BIEGSAMEN Solarzellen
20180813             LIRA—VERFALL: ANLEGER verkaufen massenhaft türkische BANK—AKTIEN
20180813             ITALIEN—REGIERUNGSPARTEI in der —KRISE, Sterne, schnuppe
20180813             IRAN: Khamenei verbietet VERHANDLUNGEN—MIT—DEN—USA
20180813             —DISKUSSION in der CDU: MERKEL lehnt Bündnisse mit DER—LINKEN ab
20180813             TÜRKEI in der WIRTSCHAFTS—KRISE, —PRÄSIDENT ohne Plan
20180813             BREMER Projekt: 1—SUCH—MASCHINE für Gesprochenes
20180813             Neuer Satellit: "Aeolus"soll Wettervorhersage deutlich verbessern
20180813             Währungsverfall der Lira: "Der TÜRKEI könnte es wie VENEZUELA oder SIMBABWE ergehen"
20180813             Omarosa Manigault Newman: DONALD—TRUMP lästert über EX—MITARBEITERIN
20180813             Endokrine Disruptoren: Warum kommen Kinder immer früher in die Pubertät?
20180813             Syrische Frauen und Kinder in IS—HAND: Drama um die Drusen
20180813             AfD und VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ, Auch Grüne wollen MAAßEN befragen
20180813             Forscher um Yongsheng Chen von der Nankai UNIVERSITÄT—TIANJIN, CHINA, gelang es, Prototypen mit dem Rekordwirkungsgrad von 17,3 % zu entwickeln.
20180813             DIE—ORGANISCHEN Zellen
20180813             STATISTISCHES—BUNDES—AMT: Ausgaben für Sozialhilfe steigen auf fast—EURO
20180813             Freiwilliges TEXTIL—BÜNDNIS, KLEIDER—FIRMEN veröffentlichen Nachhaltigkeitsziele
20180813             KORRUPTION—PROZESS—IN—ARGENTINIEN—EX—PRÄSIDENTIN—KIRCHNER beklagt "politische Verfolgung"
20180813             UNO—BERICHT, Noch bis zu 30.000 IS—KÄMPFER im IRAK und in SYRIEN
20180813             Sensationsfund in UTAH, USA—FORSCHER entdecken FLUGSAURIER—SKELETT
20180813             FLUG—SAURIER tauchten vor etwa 225.000.000—JAHREN auf, es gab sie etwa 160.000.000—JAHRE—LANG, bis zum ENDE—DER—KREIDE—ZEIT.
20180813—19860000    —SINCE, UGANDA—POLICE arrested 3—OPPOSITION—LAWMAKERS and SCORES—OF—OTHERS after stones were thrown at THE—CONVOY—OF—PRESIDENT—YOWERI—MUSEVENI, who has ruled the country.
20180813—20080300    —JAILED, Kocharian was, 20180727             on charges of violating constitutional order for sending police and soldiers to break up 1—DEMONSTRATION in YEREVAN.
20180813—20180518    —ON, The ethnic CHINA—DEFENDANT, Meiliana (44), was arrested, about —2—YEARS—AFTER her case triggered 1—RIOT in Tanjung Balai.
20180813—20180723    —SINCE, SUDAN—RED—CRESCENT—SOCIETY said at least 23—PEOPLE have been killed in heavy flooding.
20180816—20180813    —IN—THE, 3—UGANDA—LAWMAKERS, CRITICS—OF—PRESIDENT—YOWERI—MUSEVENI, were charged with treason for their suspected role stoning of his convoy.
20180828—20180813    —IN—THE, UGANDA—ARMY said soldiers involved in THE—BEATING—OF—UGANDA—LAWMAKERS and civilians over their alleged role STONING—OF—PRESIDENT—YOWERI—MUSEVENI—CONVOY have been arrested.
20190804—20190813    —ON, her unclothed body was reported found near 1—STREAM about 2.5—KM (1.6—MILES) from the resort.
20190813             SWITZERLAND—BASED Education 1. (EF), which runs 300—SCHOOLS across 50—CHINA—CITIES, has seen a "significant" increase in detentions in CHINA for alleged offences including drugs, fighting and cybersecurity violations, according to a 20190627             internal notice sent to employees.
20190813             —PLAYED, DONALD—TRUMP, Santa Claus, telling reporters he was delaying tariffs on CHINA—IMPORTS to avoid ANY—ADVERSE—IMPACT on USA shoppers before the festive season.
20190813             KEN—CUCCINELLI, the acting DIRECTOR—OF—THE—USA—CITIZENSHIP and Immigration Services, said the famous inscription on THE—STATUE—OF—LIBERTY welcoming immigrants is about "people coming from EUROPE" and that AMERICA is looking to receive migrants "who can stand on their own 2—FEET".
20190813             A coalition of 21—DEMOCRATIC—LED states sued the Trump administration over its decision to ease restrictions on COAL—FIRED power plants, with CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR saying THE—PRESIDENT is trying to rescue 1 outdated industry.
20190813             THE—LOS—ANGELES Opera said it will investigate accusations of sexual misconduct against SPAIN—TENOR—PLACIDO —DOMINGO, as 2—ORGANIZATIONS canceled planned appearances by him.
20190813             —REVERSED, THE—S—FRANCISCO school board, course and voted to obscure art panels at GEORGE—WASHINGTON—HIGH—SCHOOL that depicted slavery and white settlers stepping over 1—DEAD—NATIVE American.
20190813             A police officer in GASTONIA—NORTH—CAROLINA, shot 1—SUSPECT—LATE—TODAY after responding to 1—CALL about a "subject with 1—WEAPON" at 1—POPULAR—RESTAURANT.
20190813             —WRESTLED, AUSTRALIA, Mert Ney (21) was, to the ground by 3—UK—MEN after he yelled "Allahu akbar" (God is great) and wounded 1—WOMAN and attempted to stab others in Sidney.
20190813             —STABBED, He had already allegedly, 1—WOMAN, 21—JAHRE—ALT to death in 1—NEARBY—APARTMENT.
20190813             Police said he had 1—HISTORY—OF—MENTAL—HEALTH—ISSUES.
20190813             —REPORTED, It was, that arrests and deportations of foreign teachers in CHINA have soared this year, amid 1—BROAD—CRACKDOWN defined by new police tactics and BEIJING—PUSH for a "cleaner", more patriotic education system.
20190813             —KILLED, Ariti Shununde (32) was, during operations to suppress the armed Oromo Liberation Army (OLA).
20190813             GUATEMALA—PRESIDENT—ALEJANDRO—GIAMMATTEI said his country is too poor to tend to its own people, let alone those from other countries.
20190813             —SIGNED, This was in response to 1—JULY agreement, by the outgoing ADMINISTRATION—OF—PRESIDENT—JIMMY—MORALES that would require migrants from other countries who cross into GUATEMALA to apply for asylum locally rather than in THE—USA.
20190813             —FORCED, Protests, HONG—KONG—AIRPORT to suspend CHECK—INS for departing flights -- its 2. straight DAY—OF—MAJOR—SERVICE—DISRUPTIONS -- as embattled local leader Carrie Lam warned that the city risked sliding into an "abyss".
20190813             —RESUMED, LIBYA, fighting around TRIPOLI, overnight, following a 2—DAY—TRUCE observed during the Muslim holiday of Eid AL—ADHA.
20190813             THE—SELF—STYLED LIBYA—NATIONAL—ARMY led by COMMANDER—KHALIFA—HIFTER carried out airstrikes overnight on TRIPOLI—SOUTHERN outskirts.
20190813             —ORDERED, NIGERIA—PRESIDENT—MUHAMMADU—BUHARI, the central bank to stop dollar supply for food imports, saying food security has been achieved and agricultural production has increased.
20190813             —CALLED, PAKISTAN, for 1—URGENT—MEETING—OF—THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, saying INDIA—DECISION to strip its part of disputed Kashmir of autonomy poses "1—IMMINENT—THREAT" to INTERNATIONAL peace and could lead to ethnic cleansing and genocide in THE—MUSLIM—MAJORITY region.
20190813             —TRIGGERED, SUDAN state news said flooding, by weekend heavy rains inundated HUNDREDS—OF—HOUSES in KHARTOUM and elsewhere in the country and killed at least 6—PEOPLE.
20190813             —SIGNED, UKRAINE—PRESIDENT—VOLODYMYR—ZELENSKIY, 1—DECREE offering citizenship to Russians suffering political persecution, and also to foreigners who fought on KIEV—SIDE in the conflict in EAST—UKRAINE.
20190813             Schmuck und Glücksbringer: ARCHÄOLOGEN präsentieren neuen Fund aus POMPEJI
20190813             ANGST—VOR—TERROR: Mit dem Funkwellengewehr auf Drohnenjagd (SPIEGEL+, 00:49)
20190813             Psychoanalytiker über Populismus: Verachtung für die da oben (SPIEGEL+, 00:50)
20190813             Greencards und USA—STAATS—BÜRGERSCHAFT, DONALD—TRUMP will legale Zuwanderung drastisch erschweren
20190813             Wirtschaftliche Interessen, USA—REGIERUNG weicht Schutz bedrohter Tierarten auf
20190813             RUSSLAND: Behörden stoppen neue DEMONSTRATION—IN—MOSKAU
20190813             Interniert im —BÜRGER—KRIEG: Was passiert, wenn LIBYEN seine Flüchtlingsgefängnisse schließt?
20190813             Brandstiftung, Diebstahl, Überschwemmung: Kinder richten Verwüstung in bayerischem Ort an
20190813             Schwangerschaft im sozialen Wandel: "1—FRAU soll keinen Mann brauchen müssen, um 1—KIND zu gebären"
20190813             —WARNUNG der WHO: MASERN—FÄLLE haben sich WELT—WEIT verdreifacht
20190813             —NACH, Flugverboten für Boeing 737—MAX: TUI—GEWINN bricht um 46 % ein
20190813             Wegen EIS—SCHMELZE: Wieder EISBÄREN—ALARM am Nordpolarmeer
20190813             IFO—STUDIE: DEUTSCHLAND profitiert von HANDELS—STREIT
20190813             Überlebensquote bis zu 90—PROZENT: DURCHBRUCH—BEI—EXPERIMENTELLER EBOLA—THERAPIE
20190813             1—GLASPERLE mit dem eingravierten Kopf von Dionysos, dem römischen Gott des Weins, der Fruchtbarkeit und des rituellen Wahnsinns.
20190813             Skarabäen aus dem Nahen Osten.
20190813             All das haben ARCHÄOLOGEN nun in einem Haus in der antiken STADT—POMPEJI entdeckt, das dort wie alle anderen seit 79—NACH Christus unter Vulkanasche vergraben war.
20190813             In dem frei gelegten Haus in POMPEJI stießen Wissenschaftler zudem auf 10—LEICHEN, darunter auch Frauen und Kinder.
20190813             [l] RUSSLAND hatte mal wieder einen NUKLEAR—VORFALL, bei dem sie jetzt zugeben, daß sich in der benachbarten Stadt das Strahlungsniveau um bis zu den Faktor 16—ERHÖHT hat.
20190813             DIE—GERÜCHTELAGE ist, daß sie eine nuklear angetriebene Cruise Missile getestet haben und ihnen das um die Ohren geflogen ist.
20190813             [l] Bei einem ACLU—TEST hat 1—KRIMINELLEN—ERKENNEN—SOFTWARE 20% der Abgeordneten Kaliforniens als kriminell "erkannt".
20190813             Ich weiß gar nicht, welche Variante ich witziger finde.
20190813             Atom— steigert angeblich wieder seine Uranbestände
20190813             Konjunkturbarometer: Wirtschaftsaussichten so schlecht wie seit acht —JAHREN nicht mehr
20190813             Photovoltaik: 2. Chance für Solarzellen "made in GERMANY"
20190813             ATOMUN—FALL—IN—RUSSLAND: PUTINs fatale WUNDER—WAFFE
20190813             Nationaler Notstand in Kolumbien: Killerpilz bedroht Bananenexporte
20190813             Meteorologe zum Temperatursturz: "Der Sommer ist noch lange nicht vorbei"
20190813             RUSSLAND: WAFFEN—TEST setzte mehr Radioaktivität frei als bisher bekannt
20190813             MILIZEN—MACHTKAMPF—IM—JEMEN: Wie den Saudis DER—KRIEG entglitt
20190813             —DER—TAG—KOMPAKT, RUSSLANDs rätselhafter ATOM—UNFALL
20190813             —HANDELS—STREIT—MIT—CHINA: DONALD—TRUMP verschiebt Zölle auf Smartphones und Schuhe
20190813             Bundeswehr: Frühere Generäle streiten wegen AFD—MITGLIEDSCHAFT
20190813             Antisemitismus in DER—KAISERZEIT: Als Baden für JUDEN verboten war (SPIEGEL+, 18:03)
20190813             WALDBRÄNDE—IN—GRIECHENLAND: "Flammen, die 20—BIS 30—METER hoch sind"
20190813             UM—FRAGE in DEUTSCHLAND: Nur jeder 2. ist mit der Demokratie zufrieden
20190813             Lufteskorte für MINISTERmaschine: Russische Kampfflieger vertreiben NATO—JET
20190813             Für die SOLAR—ENERGIE in DEUTSCHLAND ist 20190000             —BISLANG, ein gutes Jahr.
20190813             Im besonders sonnenreichen ;;06;; war die Photovoltaik sogar 1. die stärkste Energiequelle in einem einzelnen Monat, noch vor der Braunkohle und der Windkraft, wie das FRAUNHOFER—INSTITUT für Solare ENERGIE—SYSTEME ermittelt hat.
20190813             —AKTUELL sind in DEUTSCHLAND knapp 48—GIGAWATT SOLAR—LEISTUNG installiert.
20190813             "DIE—PRODUKTIONSKOSTEN wären in DEUTSCHLAND nicht höher als in CHINA, weil die Herstellung stark automatisiert ist".
20190813             Der wachsende ANTEIL—DER—TRANSPORTKOSTEN am GESAMT—PREIS für PV—MODULE aus ASIEN spreche zudem für 1—FERTIGUNG in DEUTSCHLAND.
20190813             Umstrittener Sponsor: Werbung auf SCHÜLERWESTEN—SENATORIN schaltet VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ ein (Leben und Lernen, 19:01)
20190813             1. Auftritt nach Sommerpause: MERKEL bezeichnet Seenotrettung als "Gebot der Menschlichkeit"
20190813             SALVINIs "Italexit"-Drohung: Der Mann, der den EURO zerstören könnte
20190813             IMMOBILIEN—KONZERN, DEUTSCHE Wohnen verkauft Tausende Wohnungen
20190813             Soldaten gegen DEMONSTRANTEN?: DONALD—TRUMP berichtet von chinesischem TRUPPEN—AUFMARSCH vor HONG—KONG
20190813             Vorwürfe der Belästigung: Orchester lädt Startenor Plácido —DOMINGO aus
20190813             —NACH, Tod von JEFFREY—EPSTEIN: Gefängnisdirektor versetzt, Wachen beurlaubt
20190813             Toter USA—MILLIONÄR: Welche Rolle spielt Epsteins "Madame"?
20190813             Unterstützung gegen CHINA: LONDONer Politiker will HONG—KONGERN britische STAATS—BÜRGERSCHAFT verleihen
20190813—20190000    —IN, An ETHIOPIA—SOLDIER shot 1—MAN—DEAD in front of several people after his phone rang during 1—PUBLIC meeting.
20200813             Donnerstag, 13. August 2020 13 de Agosto de 2020
20200813             Aljezur Casos confirmados - 7 (=) Óbitos - 1 (=) - 5 (=) Casos ativos - 1 (=)
20200813             Lagos Casos confirmados - 140 (+1) Óbitos - 0 (=) - 118 (+4) Casos ativos - 22 (-3)
20200813             Portimão Casos confirmados - 126 (=) Óbitos - 3 (=) - 100 (+1) Casos ativos - 23 (-1)
20200813             Monchique Casos confirmados - 15 (=) Óbitos - 0 (=) - 12 (+1) Casos ativos - 3 (-1)
20200813             Lagoa Casos confirmados - 20 (+1) Óbitos - 2 (=) - 17 (+1) Casos ativos - 1 (=)
20200813             Silves Casos confirmados - 51 (+3) Óbitos - 0 (=) - 31 (=) Casos ativos - 20 (+3)
20200813             Albufeira Casos confirmados - 165 (=) Óbitos - 2 (=) - 118 (=) Casos ativos - 45 (=)
20200813             Loulé Casos confirmados - 176 (+2) Óbitos - 7 (=) - 110 (=) Casos ativos - 59 (+2)
20200813             Faro Casos confirmados - 120 (=) Óbitos - 1 (=) - 83 (+6) Casos ativos - 36 (-6)
20200813             Olhão Casos confirmados - 36 (=) Óbitos - 0 (=) - 28 (+1) Casos ativos - 8 (-1)
20200813             São Brás de Alportel Casos confirmados - 9 (=) Óbitos - 1 (=) - 8 (=) Casos ativos - 0 (=)
20200813             Tavira Casos confirmados - 49 (=) Óbitos - 0 (=) - 39 (=) Casos ativos - 10 (=)
20200813             Castro Marim Casos confirmados - 3 (=) Óbitos - 0 (=) - 3 (=) Casos ativos - 0 (=)
20200813             164_DGS_boletim_20200813
20200813             Euskirchen Kreis Fälle 641 Fälle/100.000 EW 332,4 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 11,4 Todesfälle 25 Einwohnerzahl 192.840
20200813             Aktualisierung 13.08.2020, 00:00 Uhr
20200813             Düren Kreis Fälle 792 Fälle/100.000 EW 300,3 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 18,2 Todesfälle 40 Einwohnerzahl 263.722
20200813             Köln Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 3.166 Fälle/100.000 EW 291,6 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 7,3 Todesfälle 110 Einwohnerzahl 1.085.664
20200813             RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Kreis Fälle 568 Fälle/100.000 EW 200,4 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 14,1 Todesfälle 23 Einwohnerzahl 283.455
20200813             Berlin Neukölln Bezirk Fälle 1.244 Fälle/100.000 EW 377,3 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 21,8 Todesfälle 42 Einwohnerzahl 329.691
20200813             DINGOLFING—LANDAU Landkreis Fälle 804 Fälle/100.000 EW 835,6 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 93,5 Todesfälle 10 Einwohnerzahl 96.217
20200813             Berlin Mitte Bezirk Fälle 1.517 Fälle/100.000 EW 394,9 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 28,1 Todesfälle 16 Einwohnerzahl 384.172
20200813             Duisburg Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 2.162 Fälle/100.000 EW 433,6 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 26,5 Todesfälle 64 Einwohnerzahl 498.590
20200813             Bochum Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 921 Fälle/100.000 EW 252,6 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 25,5 Todesfälle 22 Einwohnerzahl 364.628
20200813             Hagen Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 563 Fälle/100.000 EW 298,2 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 27,0 Todesfälle 13 Einwohnerzahl 188.814
20200813             Unna Kreis Fälle 1.056 Fälle/100.000 EW 267,5 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 27,4 Todesfälle 39 Einwohnerzahl 394.782
20200813             Ludwigshafen am Rhein Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 418 Fälle/100.000 EW 244,4 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 26,9 Todesfälle 2 Einwohnerzahl 171.061
20200813             Thu Aug 13 2020
20200813             [l] Verdächtiger VW—MANAGER in verbranntem Auto tot aufgefunden.
20200813             Also SO einen klaren Fall von spontaner Selbstentzündung hatten wir ja schon lange nicht mehr!!1!
20200813             [l] An dieser Stelle einen herzlichen Glückwunsch zur erfolgreichen Promotion an KARL—THEODOR zu XEROX—GUTTENBERG. Diesmal hat er aber bestimmt ordentlich gearbeitet, da bin ich mir sicher. Dafür bürgt schon seine Alma Mater:
20200813             Seine neue Abschlussarbeit reichte Guttenberg den Berichten zufolge bereits 2018 an der Fakultät für Wirtschaft, Recht und Kunst der Southampton Business School ein
20200813             Fehlt nur noch "… und Sport".
20200813             Sehe ich übrigens auch so. Sowas braucht Tests, und die haben sie auch nach eigenen Angaben noch nicht alle gemacht. Daher hab ich darüber nicht berichtet. "Wir wissen noch nicht, ob es funktioniert" heißt ja nicht, dass es Bullshit ist. Muss man jetzt gucken, und vielleicht hatten sie ja einen Glückgriff.
20200813             Sowas ärgert mich ja sehr, muss ich euch sagen.
20200813             Minus 20 Prozent allein in Brandenburg: So gefährdet sind Deutschlands schönste Alleen Von Guido Kleinhubbert
20200813             Forscher holen Wildlinge ins Labor: Das "Dirty Mouse"-Modell Von Julia Koch
20200813             Katastrophe im Libanon: So kamen die tödlichen Chemikalien nach Beirut Von Ian Urbina
20200813             Historiker über Kriegsgewinnler nach 1945: "Der Erfolg der westdeutschen Wirtschaft beruhte auf Zwangsarbeit" Ein Interview von Klaus Wiegrefe
20200813             Zehntausende Testergebnisse fehlen: Söder streicht Reise an die Nordsee wegen CORONA—PANNEN
20200813             Schmähpreis "Goldener Windbeutel" für Lebensmittel: Täuschen, tricksen, in die Irre führen Von Carolin Wahnbaeck
20200813             Popsängerin: Billie Eilish verteidigt ONLINE—ABHÄNGIGKEIT ihrer Generation
20200813             LOCKDOWN—FOLGEN: Firmen erwarten erst im Sommer 2021 eine normale Geschäftslage
20200813             Grünenpolitiker zu Koalitionsoptionen: Trittin sieht wegen CORONA—POLITIK neue Schnittmengen mit Union
20200813             Im ersten Halbjahr 2020: Bundesagentur für Arbeit meldet zehn Milliarden Euro Defizit
20200813             Kalifornien: Hunderte Häuser nach Buschbrand evakuiert
20200813             Aufstand gegen Lukaschenko in Belarus: "Die Führung sieht uns wie eine Schafherde, die man verarschen kann" Von Alexander Chernyshev und Christina Hebel, Moskau
20200813             Trotz CORONA—ANGST: Lehrer sollen zum Unterricht gezwungen werden Von Silke Fokken, Annette Langer, Ansgar Siemens und Benita Stalmann
20200813             Maskenstreit in Deutschland: Der ZÜND—STOFF Von Jörg Blech, Antje Blinda, Felix Bohr, Simon Book, Sarah Heidi Engel, Silke Fokken, Hubert Gude, Detlef Hacke, Kristin Haug, Christoph Hickmann, Wolfgang Höbel, Nils Klawitter, Heike Klovert, Martin Knobbe, Roman Lehberger, Timo Lehmann, Philipp Löwe, Lydia Rosenfelder, Cornelia Schmergal, Benita Stalmann und Rebekka Wiese
20200813             Rente: Arbeitgeber verlangen längere Lebensarbeitszeit
20200813             verlangen
20200813             Bückeburg: Eltern vergessen bei Sommerhitze zweijährige Tochter im Auto
20200813             Fahndung nach Jan Marsalek: Kaum Hinweise auf geflüchteten WIRECARD—VORSTAND Von Martin Hesse
20200813             Ende des CORONA—EINBRUCHS: Migration in die EU nimmt wieder zu Von Markus Becker, Brüssel
20200813             Hamburger EX—BÜRGERMEISTER : Auch Ole von Beust arbeitete für Wirecard Von David Böcking
20200813             LEBENSMITTEL—IMPORT aus Brasilien: China findet Coronavirus auf CHICKEN—WINGS Von Julia Merlot
20200813             Zuletzt hatten die Infektionsraten im Land wieder zugenommen. Seit Anfang August sind die täglichen Infektionszahlen nicht mehr unter die Schwelle von 1000 gesunken.
20200813             Das argentinische Unternehmen mAbxience werde nach einer Vereinbarung zum Technologietransfer mit dem britischen Pharmakonzern Astrazeneca, der den Impfstoff in Brasilien testet, zunächst 150 Millionen Dosen des Wirkstoffs herstellen. Die abschließende Beschichtung soll den Angaben zufolge die mexikanische Firma Liomont übernehmen.
20200813             Neuseeland rechnet mit Anstieg von Infektionen
20200813             [l] Old and busted: Ernteausfälle wegen zu wenig Regen.
20200813             Schule öffnet nach FALSCH—POSITIVEM Test wieder
20200813             Sie warte noch heute auf die Ergebnisse ihres Tests vom 2. August,
20200813             Chronotypen: Wer früher aufsteht, hat mehr Bewegung Von Irene Berres
20200813             Protestwelle in Belarus: Tausende Frauen demonstrieren gegen die Gewalt Von Christina Hebel, Moskau
20200813             Über das Loslassen, Wie Reue helfen kann
20200813             Sie warte noch —HEUTE auf die Ergebnisse ihres Tests vom 20200802             ,
20200813             PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP said his team was rejecting Democrats' bid to include funds for THE—USA—POSTAL Service and to shore up election infrastructure in 1—NEW—CORONAVIRUS—RELIEF—BILL, as he vowed to block money to facilitate MAIL—IN voting.
20200813             —ACKNOWLEDGED, Trump, that his position would starve THE—AGENCY—OF—MONEY—DEMOCRATS say it needs to process 1 anticipated surge in MAIL—IN ballots during the coronavirus pandemic.
20200813             —REQUIRED, The Abraham accords, ISRAEL to halt its contentious plan to annex occupied WEST—BANK—LAND sought by the Palestinians.
20200813             PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP gave credence to 1—FALSE and racist conspiracy theory about Kamala Harris' eligibility to be VICE—PRESIDENT, fueling 1—ONLINE misinformation campaign that parallels THE—1—HE used to power his rise into politics.
20200813             —WEAKENED, The Trump administration formally, 1—MAJOR—CLIMATE—CHANGE—REGULATION, effectively freeing oil and gas companies from the need to detect and repair methane leaks.
20200813             —ACCUSED, THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT, Yale University of violating federal civil rights law by discriminating against ASIAN—AMERICAN and white applicants.
20200813             USA federal law enforcement officials said that they had conducted the "LARGEST—EVER SEIZURE—OF—CRYPTOCURRENCY" connected to terrorism.
20200813             3—FORFEITURE complaints involved THE—AL—QASSAM Brigades, better known as the military wing of Hamas, in addition to AL—QAEDA and ISIS.
20200813             A federal appeals court in NEW—ORLEANS upheld THE—CONSTITUTIONALITY—OF—THE—ALL—MALE—MILITARY—DRAFT—SYSTEM, citing a 19810000             USA—SUPREME—COURT—DECISION.
20200813             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—USA has seized the cargo of 4—VESSELS, called Luna, Pandi, Bering and Bella, on the high seas in recent days and that they are now en route to HOUSTON.
20200813             —FILED, USA—PROSECUTORS, 1—LAWSUIT last month to seize the gasoline aboard THE—4—TANKERS that IRAN is trying to ship to VENEZUELA.
20200813             A USA—BASED THINK—TANK said satellite imagery suggests recent flooding in NORTH—KOREA may have damaged pump houses connected to the country's main nuclear facility.
20200813             THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT left in place 1—LOWER—COURT ruling that relaxes voting restrictions in RHODE—ISLAND during the coronavirus pandemic.
20200813             —RELEASED, MICHAEL—COHEN, PRESIDENT—TRUMP—1—TIME—LAWYER and fixer, the foreward of his upcoming jailhouse TELL—ALL in which he promised stories involving THE—PRESIDENT.
20200813             The memoir will be titled: "Disloyal: The True STORY—OF—THE—FORMER—PERSONAL—ATTORNEY to PRESIDENT—DONALD—J—TRUMP".
20200813             —TRIED, The governemnt has, to stop the publication.
20200813             STEVEN—DONZIGER, THE—USA—LAWYER who spent more than 2—DECADES suing Chevron Corp over pollution in THE—ECUADOR—RAIN—FOREST, was disbarred in NEW—YORK by 1—STATE—APPEALS—COURT.
20200813             9—YEARS ago, Donziger had won a $9.5—BILLION judgment against Chevron in an ECUADOR court, but was unable to enforce it after 1—USA—JUDGE found it had been obtained through fraud.
20200813             CALIFORNIA to date had 601,975 CASES—OF—CORONAVIRUS and 10,981 deaths.
20200813             THE—SF Bay Area had 67,778 cases and 947—DEATHS.
20200813             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 5,244,238 with the death toll at 167,029.
20200813             GEORGIA—STATE—GOVERNOR—BRIAN kemp said he's dropping 1—LAWSUIT against THE—CITY—OF—ATLANTA in 1—DISPUTE over the city's requirement to wear marks in public and other restrictions related to the coronavirus pandemic.
20200813             —RECORDED, NEVADA, 602—NEW—CASES—OF—THE—CORONAVIRUS to bring its total to 58,650.
20200813             The death toll grew 34 to 1,030.
20200813             PORTLAND—OREGON, 1—CROWD—OF several 100—ANTI—RACISM—PROTESTERS, SOME—OF—WHOM had 20200901             —FIRE and launched fireworks around THE—USA—COURTHOUSE, mostly dispersed early today after police declared the gathering 1—RIOT and fired tear gas at them.
20200813             MARYLAND—BASED Novavax Inc said SOUTH—KOREA—SK bioscience would manufacture 1—COMPONENT—OF—THE—USA—DRUG developer's experimental coronavirus vaccine in 1—BID to boost its supply.
20200813             DALLAS resident Collin GARRETT—HAYDEN, 28—JAHRE—ALT, a MALE stripper ACCUSED—OF—DRUG—DEALING and being a white supremacist, was sentenced to 200—MONTHS in federal prison.
20200813             —SWARMED, CROWDS—OF—PROTESTERS in BELARUS, the streets and THOUSANDS—OF—WORKERS rallied outside industrial plants to denounce 1—POLICE—CRACKDOWN on demonstrations over 1 disputed election that extended the 26-year RULE—OF—AUTHORITY—PRESIDENT—ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO.
20200813             —DETAINED, Nearly 7,000—PEOPLE have been, and hundreds injured in 1—HARSH clampdown by police on demonstrators protesting the official results.
20200813             —IDENTIFIED, THE—CHINA—CITY—OF—SHENZHEN—GOVERNMENT, 1—BRAZIL—MEAT—PLANT owned by AURORA, the country's 3. largest PROCESSOR—OF—CHICKEN and pork, as THE—SOURCE—OF—CHICKEN—WINGS that tested positive for the novel coronavirus.
20200813             —REPORTED, Authorities in THE—CHINA—CITY—OF—XIAN separately, that the outer packaging of shrimp imported from ECUADOR also tested positive for the coronavirus.
20200813             ShanghaiPRIDE, 1—OF—CHINA—LONGEST running gay pride groups, said it was cancelling all activities and events for the foreseeable future, citing the need to protect the "safety" of its people and prompting 1—CHORUS of regret on social media.
20200813             —DEVELOPED, Researchers said 1—CORONAVIRUS—VACCINE—CANDIDATE, by 1—UNIT—OF—CHINA—NATIONAL—PHARMACEUTICAL—GROUP (Sinopharm) appeared to be safe and triggered ANTIBODY—BASED immune responses in early and MID—STAGE—TRIALS.
20200813             —REPORTED, CHINA, 30—NEW—CORONAVIRUS—CASES on the mainland, up from 19 on the previous day.
20200813             CHINA—TOTAL—NUMBER—OF—CASES now stands at 84,786.
20200813             —UNCHANGED, The official death toll is, at 4,634.
20200813             † IN—EGYPT—ESSAM—EL—ERIAN, 66—JAHRE—ALT, senior leader of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group, of 1—HEART—ATTACK in 1—CAIRO prison where he had been serving a 25-year sentence.
20200813             —RAISED, GERMANY—BIOTECH firm CureVac BV, $213.3—MILLION in its initial public offering in NEW—YORK, setting the stage for the 1. stock market debut of 1—COMPANY developing 1—POTENTIAL—VACCINE to combat the coronavirus.
20200813             —RECORDED, IRAN, 174—DEATHS from coronavirus and 2,625 new cases to take its death toll to more than 19,000 and total cases to 336,324.
20200813             —CONDUCTED, ISRAEL—DEFENSE—MINISTRY said it has, 1—SUCCESSFUL—TEST—OF—THE—ARROW—2—INTERCEPTOR, the country's advanced missile defense system against LONG—RANGE—BALLISTIC—ATTACKS.
20200813             THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY struck Hamas militant sites in THE—GAZA Strip early today in response to continued launches of EXPLOSIVES—LADEN balloons from THE—PALESTINE—TERRITORY into ISRAEL.
20200813             —CHARGED, ISRAEL, 5—MEMBERS—OF—ITS—BORDER—SECURITY—FORCE with stealing from Palestinians who were crossing illegally into ISRAEL from THE—WEST—BANK.
20200813             —DEVELOPED, ISRAEL—LARGEST—MEDICAL—CENTER said 1—NEWLY, saliva test aims to determine in less than a 2. whether or not you are infected with the novel coronavirus.
20200813             —DEMONSTRATED, THE—IVORY—COAST, opposition and civil society groups, in ABIDJAN against PRESIDENT—ALASSANE—OUATTARA—DECISION to run for a 3. term in October.
20200813             —DESIGNATED, LITHUANIA, THE—LEBANON—MILITANT—HEZBOLLAH group as 1—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION and issued a 10-year ban on all individuals related to THE—IRAN—BACKED group from entering the Baltic nation's territory.
20200813             MOZAMBIQUE said its troops are fighting to regain CONTROL—OF—THE—KEY port of Mocimboa da PRAIA, following multiple reports that it had fallen to Islamist militants 1—DAY—EARLIER.
20200813             —REPORTED, DOZENS—OF—SOLDIERS were, killed, and 1—PATROL—BOAT sunk.
20200813             —KILLED, The army said it has, about 60—MILITANTS.
20200813             —CONFIRMED, SOUTH—KOREA, plans to start building its 1. aircraft carrier next year as tensions grow in THE—INDO—PACIFIC region between THE—USA and CHINA and THE—QUESTION—OF—NORTH—KOREA—NUCLEAR—AMBITIONS remains unresolved.
20200813             SPAIN now leads EUROPE with 44,400 new coronavirus cases confirmed over the past 14—DAYS.
20200813             —REACHED, New daily cases, nearly 3,000.
20200813             SPAIN—REGIONAL—GOVERNMENT—OF—ANDALUSIA said 12—OUT—OF—19—PEOPLE suffering from meningitis in THE—SOUTH—PROVINCE—OF—SEVILLE have tested positive for Nile fever, with the remaining 7—SAMPLES still pending results.
20200813             —REPORTED, GREECE has, 10—CASES—OF—NILE fever and 1—DEATH so far this summer.
20200813             † THE—UN reported that at least 8—CHILDREN under the age of 5—HAVE in recent days from health problems linked to the dire conditions in 1—CAMP in NORTH—SYRIA housing TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—FEMALE—SUPPORTERS—OF—THE—ISLAMIC—STATE—GROUP and their children.
20200813             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—OIL spill in VENEZUELA has coated 1—STRETCH—OF—THE—COUNTRY—CARIBBEAN coastline.
20200813             Fishermen and locals living around Morrocoy National Park began reporting oil washing ashore last week.
20200813             —DONNERSTAG, 20200813             13—DE Agosto de 2020
20200813             Algoz e Tunes são as próximas paragens do Ciclo de Cinema ao Ar Livre de SILVES
20200813             PORTIMÃO tem luz verde para avançar com videovigilância
20200813             Sines: PJ apreende 400—QUILOS de cocaína em contentor que vinha do Brasil
20200813             COVID—19, ALGARVE
20200813             Há mais 8—CASOS de COVID—19—NO ALGARVE
20200813             No Alentejo, há hoje mais 6—INFETADOS com o novo coronavírus,
20200813             ALJEZUR CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—7 (=) ÓBITOS—1 (=) - 5 (=) Casos ativos - 1 (=)
20200813             LAGOS CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—140 (+1) ÓBITOS—0 (=) - 118 (+4) Casos ativos - 22 (-3)
20200813             PORTIMÃO CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—126 (=) ÓBITOS—3 (=) - 100 (+1) Casos ativos - 23 (-1)
20200813             MONCHIQUE CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—15 (=) ÓBITOS—0 (=) - 12 (+1) Casos ativos - 3 (-1)
20200813             LAGOA CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—20 (+1) ÓBITOS—2 (=) - 17 (+1) Casos ativos - 1 (=)
20200813             SILVES CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—51 (+3) ÓBITOS—0 (=) - 31 (=) Casos ativos - 20 (+3)
20200813             ALBUFEIRA CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—165 (=) ÓBITOS—2 (=) - 118 (=) Casos ativos - 45 (=)
20200813             LOULÉ CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—176 (+2) ÓBITOS—7 (=) - 110 (=) Casos ativos - 59 (+2)
20200813             FARO CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—120 (=) ÓBITOS—1 (=) - 83 (+6) Casos ativos - 36 (-6)
20200813             OLHÃO CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—36 (=) ÓBITOS—0 (=) - 28 (+1) Casos ativos - 8 (-1)
20200813             SÃO—BRÁS—DE—ALPORTEL CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—9 (=) ÓBITOS—1 (=) - 8 (=) Casos ativos - 0 (=)
20200813             TAVIRA CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—49 (=) ÓBITOS—0 (=) - 39 (=) Casos ativos - 10 (=)
20200813             CASTRO—MARIM CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3 (=) ÓBITOS—0 (=) - 3 (=) Casos ativos - 0 (=)
20200813             164_DGS_boletim_20200813             20200813             EUSKIRCHEN Kreis Fälle 641—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 332,4—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 11,4—TODES—FÄLLE 25,—EINWOHNERZAHL—192.840
20200813             Aktualisierung 20200813             , 0000—UHR
20200813             DÜREN Kreis Fälle 792—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 300,3—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 18,2—TODES—FÄLLE 40,—EINWOHNERZAHL—263.722
20200813             KÖLN Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 3.166—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 291,6—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 7,3—TODES—FÄLLE 110,—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.085.664
20200813             RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER—KREIS Fälle 568—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 200,4—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 14,1—TODES—FÄLLE 23,—EINWOHNERZAHL—283.455
20200813             BERLIN Neukölln Bezirk Fälle 1.244—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 377,3—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 21,8—TODES—FÄLLE 42,—EINWOHNERZAHL—329.691
20200813             DINGOLFING—LANDAU Landkreis Fälle 804—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 835,6—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 93,5—TODES—FÄLLE 10,—EINWOHNERZAHL—96.217
20200813             BERLIN Mitte Bezirk Fälle 1.517—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 394,9—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 28,1—TODES—FÄLLE 16,—EINWOHNERZAHL—384.172
20200813             DUISBURG Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 2.162—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 433,6—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 26,5—TODES—FÄLLE 64,—EINWOHNERZAHL—498.590
20200813             BOCHUM Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 921—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 252,6—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 25,5—TODES—FÄLLE 22,—EINWOHNERZAHL—364.628
20200813             HAGEN Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 563—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 298,2—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 27,0—TODES—FÄLLE 13,—EINWOHNERZAHL—188.814
20200813             Unna Kreis Fälle 1.056—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 267,5—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 27,4—TODES—FÄLLE 39,—EINWOHNERZAHL—394.782
20200813             LUDWIGshafen am RHEIN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE 418—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 244,4—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 26,9—TODES—FÄLLE 2,—EINWOHNERZAHL—171.061
20200813             Thu 20200813
20200813             [l] In BERLIN sind 50% der NEU—INFEKTIONEN von Reiserückkehrern.
20200813             Das liegt auf der einen Seite natürlich daran, daß wir bei denen eine hohe TEST—RATE erreichen. Auf der anderen Seite liegt das auch daran, daß die nervigen Masken und die Isolation schlicht funktionieren.
20200813             Ich schlage vor, daß wir ganz leise bleiben, wenn das nächste Mal in RUSSLAND 1—OPPOSITIONELLER überraschend aus dem Fenster stürzt. Bei uns passiert das ja offensichtlich auch.
20200813             Seine neue Abschlussarbeit reichte Guttenberg den Berichten zufolge bereits 20180000             an der Fakultät für Wirtschaft, Recht und Kunst der SOUTHAMPTON Business School ein
20200813             [l] Habt ihr das mitgekriegt, daß DIE—RUSSEN die Tage einen COVID—IMPFSTOFF angekündigt hatten? PUTINs Tochter hat sich damit schon impfen lassen, die scheinen also zumindest sicher zu sein, daß er nicht schadet.
20200813             Und die REAKTION—DER—WELT war Häme. Ja nee klar, DIE—RUSSEN, völlig unverantwortlich, das kann gar nichts sein, viel zu kurzfristig, so schnell geht das nicht.
20200813             Aber darum geht es mir gerade nicht. Heute in den NACHRICHTen, Heldenhafte amerikanische CORONA—FORSCHER bringen Nasenspray. Da hätte die Reaktion genau so sein müssen, denn inhaltlich ist das vergleichbar unfertig. Stattdessen... das Gegenteil. Boah geil, Hoffnung, lobet die Amis!!1! Oh und 1—DEUTSCHER war auch beteiligt!1!!
20200813             [l] 1—LESER fragt, ob nicht die EU mit Geld auf ein paar Entwickler werfen könnte, die dann die SERVO—ENGINE und Rust weiterentwickeln, und wir perspektivisch einen vertrauenswürdigen Browser mit weniger SICHERHEITSlücken kriegen könnten, möglicherweise gar einen, der unsere Privatsphäre wahrt.
20200813             Finde ich eine gute Idee. Hey, wir haben doch gerade 1—BUNDESBEHÖRDE für CYBERsicherheit gekriegt!!1! Mag da nicht mal jemand anfragen?
20200813             —DENN, das wäre aus meiner Sicht das wichtigste, was man auf absehbare Zeit für CYBERsicherheit tun könnte. Wenn man den Leuten einen ordentlichen Browser in die Hand gäbt.
20200813             —STREIT—ÜBER—TÜRKISCHE Erdgasbohrungen: Macron verstärkt FRANKREICHs Präsenz im östlichen Mittelmeer
20200813             —PROTESTE—NACH—WAHLEN—IN—BELARUS: Demonstrant stirbt in POLIZEIgewahrsam
20200813             Minus 20—PROZENT allein in BRANDENBURG: So gefährdet sind DEUTSCHLANDs schönste Alleen
20200813             Forscher holen Wildlinge ins Labor: Das "Dirty Mouse"-Modell
20200813             KATASTROPHE im Libanon: So kamen die tödlichen Chemikalien nach BEIRUT
20200813             1. Auftritt von JOE—BIDEN und Kamala Harris: "AMERIKA schreit nach Führung"
20200813             —STREIT—ÜBER—AIRBUS: USA erheben STRAF—ZÖLLE—AUF—DEUTSCHE Marmelade
20200813             —DIE—LAGE—AM Morgen: Warum die deutsche Selbstbezogenheit gefährlich ist Von Mathieu von Rohr, Ressortleiter Ausland
20200813             SCHMÄH—PREIS "Goldener Windbeutel" für Lebensmittel: Täuschen, tricksen, in die Irre führen
20200813             LOCKDOWN—FOLGEN: Firmen erwarten erst im Sommer 20210000             eine normale Geschäftslage
20200813             MILLIARDEN—VERLUST im Frühjahr: TUI meldet Umsatzeinbruch von 98,5 Prozent
20200813             Im 1. Halbjahr 20200000             : BUNDES—AGENTUR für Arbeit meldet 10—MILLIARDEN Euro Defizit
20200813             GESUNDHEITS—MINISTER—SPAHN: CORONA—INFEKTIONEN bei Jüngeren steigen an
20200813             —AUFSTAND gegen LUKASCHENKO in BELARUS: "DIE—FÜHRUNG sieht uns wie 1—SCHAFHERDE, die man verarschen kann"
20200813             Nobelpreisträgerin Alexijewitsch zu LUKASCHENKO: "Verzieh dich, bevor es zu spät ist!"
20200813             —NACH, Wahlmanipulationen in BELARUS—POLIZEI nimmt ERNEUT—CA—700—DEMONSTRIERENDE fest
20200813             Altreaktoren Doel 1—UND 2: ATOM—GEGNER klagt gegen BRENNELEMENT—EXPORT für grenznahes AKW in Belgien
20200813             Trotz CORONA—ANGST: Lehrer sollen zum Unterricht gezwungen werden
20200813             —CORONA—TESTS: "Schweres Versäumnis"
20200813             Wahlkampfauftritt von BIDEN und Harris: "Wir müssen die gescheiterte Regierung von DONALD—TRUMP nicht länger akzeptieren"
20200813             TRUMP über Wasserverbrauch: "Mein Haar muss perfekt sein"
20200813             AMAZON Echo: Forscher finden SICHERHEITSlücke in Smartspeakern
20200813             —KLIMA—WANDEL, Tropenböden emittieren mehr CO2 als gedacht
20200813             The Dark SIDE—OF—STATE—POWER: Exploring RIGHT—WING Extremism in GERMANY—POLICE and MILITARy
20200813             Fahndung nach JAN—MARSALEK: Kaum Hinweise auf geflüchteten WIRECARD—VORSTAND
20200813             Jens Spahn und seine CHAOS—PLANUNG: Die BUNDES—REGIERUNG hat 250.000.000 Masken zu verschenken
20200813             Mögliche USA—VIZEPRÄSIDENTIN Harris: Ihr Programm lautete: Ich, Kamala Von René Pfister
20200813             —ENDE des CORONA—EINBRUCHS: Migration in die EU nimmt wieder zu
20200813             Söder über TEST—PANNE, "Fehler passieren"
20200813             HAMBURGer EX—BÜRGERMEISTER : Auch OLE—VON—BEUST arbeitete für Wirecard
20200813             —PROTESTE—IN—BELARUS: Aufstand gegen EUROPAs letzten Diktator
20200813             Dangerous NAVEL—GAZING: EUROPE—FOREIGN—POLICY—DISAPPEARING—ACT A Commentary by Mathieu von Rohr
20200813             Zahl der NEU—INFEKTIONEN in BRASILIEN steigt
20200813             Da viele Unternehmen in der Krise ihre Priorität darauf legen, ihre Stammbelegschaft zu halten, werden die Jobs von Zeitarbeitern oft als 1. gestrichen. LINKEN—PARTEICHEF Bernd Riexinger forderte in der "RHEINISCHE—POST", Leiharbeit als "Beschäftigung 2. Klasse" abzuschaffen.
20200813             Zahl der Zeitarbeiter um mehr als 120.000—GESUNKEN
20200813             In der Türkei ist der Beginn des normalen SCHUL—UND Universitätsbetriebs nach den Sommerferien um mindestens 3—WOCHEN verschoben worden.
20200813             Zuletzt hatten die Infektionsraten im Land wieder zugenommen. Seit Anfang August sind die täglichen Infektionszahlen nicht mehr unter die Schwelle von 10000000             gesunken.
20200813             Der von Forschern der Universität OXFORD entwickelte Impfstoffkandidat gegen DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— soll in ARGENTINIEN und Mexiko für LATEIN—AMERIKA hergestellt werden. Sollte die 3. Phase der klinischen Studien erfolgreich sein und die nötigen Zulassungen erteilt werden, werde die Substanz im 1. Halbjahr des kommenden —JAHRES zur Verfügung stehen, teilte ARGENTINIEN—PRÄSIDENT—ALBERTO Fernández mit.
20200813             Das argentinische Unternehmen mAbxience werde nach einer Vereinbarung zum Technologietransfer mit dem britischen PHARMA—KONZERN Astrazeneca, der den Impfstoff in BRASILIEN testet, zunächst 150.000.000 Dosen des Wirkstoffs herstellen.
20200813             Die abschließende Beschichtung soll den Angaben zufolge die mexikanische Firma Liomont übernehmen.
20200813             Ziel sei es, ganz LATEIN—AMERIKA mit Ausnahme BRASILIENs zu versorgen.
20200813             Von den 1. 150.000.000 Dosen seien etwa 22,4 Millionen für medizinisches Personal, Ältere und Menschen in Risikogruppen vorgesehen. Der Impfstoff solle zwischen 3—UND 4—USA—DOLLAR (etwa 2,55 bis 3,40—EURO) pro Dosis kosten,
20200813             DIE—DINGE würden wohl erst schlimmer, bevor sie sich wieder besserten.
20200813             NEW—HOTNESS: Ernteausfällt wegen Feldmäusen.
20200813             Das Probenmaterial des Kindes war stark mit biologischem Material einer anderen Person verunreinigt, die tatsächlich COVID—19—POSITIV ist", t
20200813             Insgesamt waren 127—PERSONEN von der verhängten Quarantäne betroffen.
20200813             Weitere CORONA—INFEKTION in FLÜCHTLINGS—LAGER auf Chios
20200813             Im Lager auf Chios HARREN—CA—3900—ASYLBEWERBER aus und warten auf 1—ANHÖRUNG in ihrem Asylverfahren.
20200813             —DIE—LAGER sind völlig überfüllt. Sollte DAS—CORONA—VIRUS—IN—DIE Camps gelangen, ist 1—AUSBREITUNG kaum noch zu verhindern, fürchten Experten.
20200813             DIE—BEWOHNER leben vor allem in Zelten, können meist keinen Abstand halten, bisweilen haben sie nicht einmal fließendes Wasser zur Verfügung.
20200813             DIE—VIZEPRÄSIDENTIN des Bundestages, Claudia Roth, war nach eigenen Angaben zumindest zwischenzeitlich von der Übermittlungspanne bei den CORONA—TESTS in BAYERN betroffen.
20200813             Nachfragen seien ins Leere gelaufen, DIE—CORONA—HOTLINE sei nie erreichbar gewesen.
20200813             Claudia Roth erhielt ihr negatives Ergebnis erst nach einem 2. CORONA—TEST bei einem Arzt in AUGSBURG
20200813             "Mittlerweile bin ich bei einem Arzt in AUGSBURG GEWESEN—INNERHALB—VON—23—STUNDEN hatte ich mein negatives Testergebnis".
20200813             Zahlen für 20190000             : Armutsrisiko in DEUTSCHLAND steigt leicht
20200813             Historischer Durchbruch: ISRAEL und Vereinigte Arabische EMIRATE wollen diplomatische Beziehungen aufnehmen
20200813             Bundeswehr: ISRAELische und deutsche LUFT—WAFFE üben 1. zusammen in DEUTSCHLAND
20200813             Chronotypen: Wer früher aufsteht, hat mehr Bewegung
20200813             —KONFLIKT mit Zulieferer: Ermittler prüfen Zusammenhang zwischen Todesfall und VW—ABHÖRAFFÄRE
20200813             Kontroverse um Wahl: Auswärtiges Amt bittet Botschafter von BELARUS zum "dringenden Gespräch"
20200813             —PROTESTWELLE in BELARUS: Tausende Frauen demonstrieren gegen die Gewalt
20200813             Telefonat mit Erdogan: MERKEL versucht V—ERMITTLUNG im —STREIT—UM—ERDGASBOHRUNGEN
20200813             TRUMP now publicly admits that he is denying funds to  THE—USA—POSTAL—SERVICE in order to defeat MAIL—IN voting.
20200813             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS fred : 9:18 AM
20200813             "Schändliche Erklärung", Palästinenser verurteilen Abkommen zwischen ISRAEL und Emiraten
20200813             "Mindestens in den kommenden 3—MONATEN", BIDEN fordert landesweite Maskenpflicht im KAMPF—GEGEN—CORONA
20200813             —ENTDECKUNG bei UR—MEERESBEWOHNER, Das 429.000.000 —JAHRE alte Fossil mit dem 200—PIXEL—BLICK
20200813—19450000    —NACH, Historiker über Kriegsgewinnler : "Der Erfolg der westdeutschen Wirtschaft beruhte auf Zwangsarbeit" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—KLAUS—WIEGREFE
20200813—20170000    —SINCE, It was reported that at least 782—USA—GUNS have been discovered by UK—POLICE.
20200813—20200825    —UNTIL, GREECE—AUTHORITIES quarantined the country's 3. largest migrant camp on the Aegean Sea ISLAND—OF—CHIOS after 1—ASYLUM—SEEKER and 1—STAFF—MEMBER were diagnosed with COVID-19.
20200813—20200908    —ON, It was set for release.
20200813—20200921    —AB, Der MINISTER äußerte die Hoffnung, daß dann die Schulen und Hochschulen schrittweise wieder geöffnet und Unterricht und Lehrveranstaltungen wieder in deren Räumen stattfinden könnten.
20210813             Freitag, 13. August 2021
20210813             Zweitgrößte Stadt Afghanistans: Taliban nehmen Kandahar ein
20210813             Prominente über die Klimakrise: »Wer im freien Fall auf den Erdboden zurast, sollte nicht über die Kosten für den Fallschirm debattieren«
20210813             Volkszählung: Zahl der Weißen in den USA geht erstmals zurück
20210813             RKI—WOCHENBERICHT: Vor allem junge Menschen stecken sich derzeit mit dem Coronavirus an
20210813             Die Lage am Morgen: 60 Jahre Mauerbau und die westdeutsche Ignoranz
20210813             TALIBAN—OFFENSIVE: Republikaner McConnell drängt Biden zu mehr Hilfe für Afghanistans Armee
20210813             Weiterer Anstieg im Juli: US—GRENZPOLIZEI greift 213.000 Menschen nach Grenzübertritt aus Mexiko auf
20210813             Trotz Brexit: Vorerst keine ROAMING—GEBÜHREN in Großbritannien
20210813             Schwere Waldbrände: Frankreich schickt erneut Löschflugzeuge nach Italien
20210813             Früherer sächsischer Ministerpräsident: CDU—POLITIKER Kurt Biedenkopf ist tot
20210813             Bundesverfassungsgericht: FDP, Linke und Grüne scheitern mit Eilantrag gegen Wahlrechtsreform
20210813             Rekordrallye: Dax knackt erstmals Marke von 16.000 Punkten
20210813             Gutachten: Scholz' Berater nennen bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen unbezahlbar
20210813             Zum 60. Jahrestag: Steinmeier nennt Mauerbau »Zeugnis eines hoffnungslosen Scheiterns«
20210813             Infrastrukturpläne: Bill Gates will Milliardenbetrag für Kampf gegen den Klimawandel spenden
20210813             Geleakter Teil des IPCC—BERICHTS: Die reichsten zehn Prozent verursachen mehr als ein Drittel der Treibhausgase
20210813             Kurz vor Ende der Amtszeit: Merkel reist am kommenden Freitag nach Moskau
20210813             Flutkatastrophe in NRW und RHEINLAND—PFALZ: Hauseigentümer sollen 80 Prozent der Kosten erstattet bekommen
20210813             Studie: Chinesische Maschinenbauer hängen deutsche Konkurrenten immer weiter ab
20210813             Onlinewerbung: DATENSCHUTZ—AKTIVISTEN legen Beschwerden gegen Medienhäuser ein
20210813             Automesse: Klimaschützer rufen zum Protest gegen neue IAA auf
20210813             Stark gestiegene Verbraucherpreise: Bundesregierung hält hohe Inflation für vorübergehendes Phänomen
20210813             Mutmaßliche Kochsalzimpfungen in Friesland: Zahl möglicher Betroffener steigt auf mehr als 10.000
20210813             Gefahr aus dem Weltall: Einschlag von Asteroid Bennu wahrscheinlicher als gedacht
20210813             Asteroid Bennu
20210813             Der Klumpen mit einem durchschnittlichen Durchmesser von rund 500 Metern und einer Masse von mehr als 60 Millionen Tonnen gehört zu den sogenannten erdnahen Asteroiden.
20210813             liegt das Risiko laut der in der Fachzeitschrift »Icarus« veröffentlichten Studie bei 1:1750, dass Bennu bis zum Jahr 2300 mit der Erde kollidieren könnte.
20210813             Frühere Berechnungen fielen etwas beruhigender aus und kamen auf eine Wahrscheinlichkeit von 1:2700 für einen Einschlag bis 2200.
20210813             Entscheidend für das Einschlagrisiko ist der Einfluss der Erde auf einen Vorbeiflug von Bennu im Jahr 2135.
20210813             Dann wird er uns näher sein als der Mond und ungefähr den halben Abstand unseres rund 380.000 Kilometer entfernten Erdtrabanten einnehmen.
20210813             bestimmte, winzige Gebiete in der Nähe unseres Planeten passieren, Astronomen sprechen von sogenannten Gravitationsschlüssellöchern.
20210813             Um 24 dieser 26 Schlüssellöcher, die größer als ein Kilometer sind, macht Bennu 2135 einen Bogen.
20210813             Trotzdem könnte Bennu mit einer Wahrscheinlichkeit von 1:1750 oder 0,057 Prozent irgendwann später mit der Erde kollidieren, weil sein Kurs entsprechend abgelenkt wird.
20210813             kein Grund zur Panik.
20210813             Andere dieser Überbleibsel aus der frühen Phase unseres Sonnensystems sind laut Schätzungen von Forschern ohnehin noch gar nicht entdeckt worden — oder fliegen schon jetzt bis auf wenige Tausend Kilometer an der Erde vorbei.
20210813             So passierte der etwa kleinwagengroße Asteroid »2020 QG« den südlichen Indischen Ozean im August 2020 in einer Höhe von knapp 3000 Kilometern.
20210813             Forscher schätzen, dass Asteroiden ab einer Größe von mehr als 500 Metern auf der Erde bei Einschlägen überregionale Schäden anrichten.
20210813             Weltweit mehr als 205 Millionen Infektionen und 4,5 Millionen Tote
20210813             Erste Bundesländer melden ansteigende Nachfrage nach CORONA—IMPFUNGEN
20210813             Australischer Bundesstaat New South Wales meldet Rekordzahl an Neuinfektionen
20210813             San Francisco verlangt Impfnachweis für Restaurantbesucher
20210813             Sydney seit sieben Wochen im Lockdown — weiter Rekordzahlen
20210813             Dritte Impfung für immungeschwächte Menschen in den USA
20210813             5578 Neuinfektionen, SIEBEN—TAGE—INZIDENZ bei 30,1
20210813             Forscher mahnen zu niedrigen Inzidenzen überall in Europa
20210813             WELTÄRZTE—PRÄSIDENT: Jede Impfung verhindert Mutationsrisiko
20210813             Schließlich gehe es bei der Frage einer Impfung nicht nur um die Gesundheit des Einzelnen, sondern um die Verhinderung der Infektion insgesamt.
20210813             Man hätte ein Riesenproblem, sollte es eine Variante so ansteckend wie Delta und so tödlich wie das EBOLA—VIRUS geben.
20210813             Dass sich auch Geimpfte in einzelnen Fällen erneut infizierten, sei kein maßgeblicher Faktor.
20210813             »Unter 42 Millionen Geimpften hat es 7200 Impfdurchbrüche gegeben«.
20210813             Israel beginnt mit Drittimpfung für über 50-Jährige
20210813             Russland meldet Höchstwert an CORONA—TODESFÄLLEN
20210813             Masken verschwinden in Dänemark auch aus Bussen und Bahnen
20210813             Infektionen in Japan haben sich seit Olympia verdoppelt
20210813             In der Pandemie wird anhand von Daten entschieden, wie massiv das Leben eingeschränkt wird.
20210813             Jetzt zeigt sich: Viele Zahlen sind ungenau oder falsch.
20210813             Was bedeutet das für die drohende vierte Welle?
20210813             Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) hat die internationale Staatengemeinschaft aufgefordert, die Suche nach dem Ursprung des Coronavirus nicht zu politischen Zwecken zu missbrauchen.
20210813             Es komme auf rasche internationale Kooperation an, um künftig bei Krankheitserregern mit pandemischem Potenzial besser reagieren zu können, teilte die WHO am Donnerstagabend mit.
20210813             Die Suche nach den Ursprüngen des Erregers sollte keine Übung in Schuldzuweisungen oder Fingerzeigen sein.
20210813             Die WHO macht dabei Druck auf China, für weitere Forschungen Zugang zu den wichtigen Daten der ersten Fälle von 2019 zu gewähren.
20210813             In diesem Zusammenhang gehe Italien als eines der ersten und am schwersten betroffenen Länder vorbildlich vor, so die WHO.
20210813             »Der Austausch von Rohdaten und die Erlaubnis zur erneuten Untersuchung von Proben in Laboren außerhalb Italiens spiegeln beste wissenschaftliche Solidarität wider und
20210813             unterscheidet sich nicht von dem, wozu wir alle Länder, einschließlich China, ermutigen, zu unterstützen,
20210813             damit wir die Studien zu den Ursprüngen schnell vorantreiben können und effektiv«.
20210813             In Israel müssen sich Kinder ab drei Jahren testen lassen
20210813             Gesundheitsministerium: Impfmonitoring in Deutschland sehr zuverlässig
20210813             Der schlimmste Ausbruch des Coronavirus in China seit einem Jahr ist nach Einschätzung der Gesundheitsbehörden unter Kontrolle gebracht worden.
20210813             Das Risiko einer erneuten landesweiten Ausbreitung sei »vergleichsweise gering«,
20210813             sagte He Qinghua von der Gesundheitskommission nach Angaben von Staatsmedien.
20210813             Die Sterblichkeit in der Europäischen Union liegt weiter über dem Durchschnittsniveau der Jahre 2016 bis 2019.
20210813             Im Juni 2021 starben rund sechs Prozent mehr Menschen als im Vergleichszeitraum der Jahre vor der Coronapandemie, wie aus veröffentlichten Daten des Statistikamts Eurostat hervorgeht.
20210813             Damit sinkt die sogenannte Übersterblichkeit weiter, nachdem sie im April bei rund 20 Prozent gelegen hatte.
20210813             Der höchste Wert seit Pandemiebeginn wurde im November 2020 mit 40 Prozent verzeichnet, dieser sank dann bis Februar auf knapp sechs Prozent, bevor es im Frühjahr wieder zu einem Anstieg kam.
20210813             Aus der Statistik geht nicht hervor, wie viele Menschen an den Folgen einer Coronainfektion gestorben sind.
20210813             Es wird aber betont, dass die teils erheblichen Anstiege der Übersterblichkeit weitgehend mit Covid-19-Ausbrüchen in den jeweiligen Ländern zusammenfallen.
20210813             Die Daten unterscheiden keine Todesursachen und differenzieren nicht nach Geschlecht oder Alter.
20210813             Covid-19/Incidência Confirmados: 35.143 (+260) | Ativos:  4.313 (+59) | Óbitos: 398 (+1) | Recuperados: 30.432 (+200) Internados: 79 (=) | Em UCI:  15 (-2) | Ventilados:  10 (-2) Incidência 100 mil / hab.:  725 (-)
20210813             Albufeira Casos confirmados 4507 (+34) Óbitos 46 (=) Recuperados 3603 (+79) Casos ativos 858 (+16) Incidência 100 mil/hab 928
20210813             Alcoutim Casos confirmados 101 (=) Óbitos 4 (=) Recuperados 92 (+2) Casos ativos 5 (-2) Incidência 100 mil/hab 433
20210813             Aljezur Casos confirmados 180 (=) Óbitos 2 (=) Recuperados 163 (=) Casos ativos 15 (=) Incidência 100 mil/hab 286
20210813             Castro Marim Casos confirmados 474 (+5) Óbitos 2 (=) Recuperados 442 (+1) Casos ativos 30 (+4) Incidência 100 mil/hab 484
20210813             Faro Casos confirmados 5297 (+29) Óbitos 65 (=) Recuperados 4604 (+40) Casos ativos 628 (-11) Incidência 100 mil/hab 747
20210813             Lagoa Casos confirmados 1329 (+23) Óbitos 15 (=) Recuperados 1107 (+13) Casos ativos 207 (+10) Incidência 100 mil/hab 840
20210813             Lagos Casos confirmados 2523 (+25) Óbitos 29 (=) Recuperados 2144 (+9) Casos ativos 350 (+16) Incidência 100 mil/hab 981
20210813             Loulé Casos confirmados 6659 (+50) Óbitos 78 (=) Recuperados 5824 (+41) Casos ativos 757 (+9) Incidência 100 mil/hab 809
20210813             MONCHIQUE Casos confirmados 233 (=) Óbitos 11 (=) Recuperados 208 (+2) Casos ativos 14 (-2) Incidência 100 mil/hab 402
20210813             Olhão Casos confirmados 2912 (+15) Óbitos 31 (+1) Recuperados 2638 (+5) Casos ativos 243 (+9) Incidência 100 mil/hab 403
20210813             Portimão Casos confirmados 4542 (+36) Óbitos 35 (=) Recuperados 3849 (+86) Casos ativos 658 (+8) Incidência 100 mil/hab 1007
20210813             Silves Casos confirmados 1983 (+14) Óbitos 12 (=) Recuperados 1712 (+9) Casos ativos 259 (+5) Incidência 100 mil/hab 453
20210813             São Brás de Alportel Casos confirmados 646 (+1) Óbitos 13 (=) Recuperados 595 (+3) Casos ativos 38 (-2) Incidência 100 mil/hab 318
20210813             Tavira Casos confirmados 1850 (+11) Óbitos 29 (=) Recuperados 1739 (+5) Casos ativos 82 (+6) Incidência 100 mil/hab 305
20210813             Vila Real de Santo António Casos confirmados 1612 (+13) Óbitos 20 (=) Recuperados 1484 (+13) Casos ativos 108 (=) Incidência 100 mil/hab 708
20210813             Vila do Bispo Casos confirmados 295 (+4) Óbitos 6 (=) Recuperados 228 (+11) Casos ativos 61 (-7) Incidência 100 mil/hab 1360
20210813             529_DGS_boletim_20210813
20210813             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 319,9 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID-19 por 100 000 hab. Continente: 324,6 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID-19 por 100 000 hab.
20210813             R(t) Nacional: 0,95 Continente: 0,95
20210813             LK Borken Fälle letzte 7 Tage 186 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 50,1 Fälle gesamt 14.415 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 3.881,9 Todesfälle gesamt 264 Einwohnerzahl 371.339 Bundesland NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210813             LK Dillingen a.d.Donau Fälle letzte 7 Tage 63 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 65,2 Fälle gesamt 3.933 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 4.073,0 Todesfälle gesamt 119 Einwohnerzahl 96.562 Bundesland Bayern
20210813             LK DINGOLFING—LANDAU Fälle letzte 7 Tage 62 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 64,1 Fälle gesamt 5.938 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 6.141,7 Todesfälle gesamt 99 Einwohnerzahl 96.683 Bundesland Bayern
20210813             LK Düren Fälle letzte 7 Tage 96 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 36,3 Fälle gesamt 13.976 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 5.281,2 Todesfälle gesamt 289 Einwohnerzahl 264.638 Bundesland NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210813             LK Euskirchen Fälle letzte 7 Tage 68 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 35,1 Fälle gesamt 8.129 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 4.197,6 Todesfälle gesamt 241 Einwohnerzahl 193.656 Bundesland NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210813             LK Gütersloh Fälle letzte 7 Tage 196 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 53,7 Fälle gesamt 20.561 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 5.634,1 Todesfälle gesamt 320 Einwohnerzahl 364.938 Bundesland NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210813             LK Heinsberg Fälle letzte 7 Tage 175 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 68,5 Fälle gesamt 11.973 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 4.685,1 Todesfälle gesamt 378 Einwohnerzahl 255.555 Bundesland NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210813             LK Herford Fälle letzte 7 Tage 131 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 52,3 Fälle gesamt 11.463 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 4.574,6 Todesfälle gesamt 184 Einwohnerzahl 250.578 Bundesland NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210813             LK Kaiserslautern Fälle letzte 7 Tage 53 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 50,0 Fälle gesamt 4.045 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 3.816,8 Todesfälle gesamt 83 Einwohnerzahl 105.979 Bundesland RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210813             LK Märkischer Kreis Fälle letzte 7 Tage 219 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 53,4 Fälle gesamt 21.413 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 5.219,9 Todesfälle gesamt 415 Einwohnerzahl 410.222 Bundesland NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210813             LK Mühldorf a.Inn Fälle letzte 7 Tage 62 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 53,5 Fälle gesamt 7.070 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 6.101,6 Todesfälle gesamt 155 Einwohnerzahl 115.872 Bundesland Bayern
20210813             LK Oberbergischer Kreis Fälle letzte 7 Tage 168 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 61,8 Fälle gesamt 14.936 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 5.490,0 Todesfälle gesamt 253 Einwohnerzahl 272.057 Bundesland NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210813             LK Pinneberg Fälle letzte 7 Tage 185 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 58,5 Fälle gesamt 11.163 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 3.531,4 Todesfälle gesamt 378 Einwohnerzahl 316.103 Bundesland SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210813             LK RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Fälle letzte 7 Tage 198 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 42,1 Fälle gesamt 20.783 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 4.416,1 Todesfälle gesamt 408 Einwohnerzahl 470.615 Bundesland NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210813             LK RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Fälle letzte 7 Tage 122 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 43,1 Fälle gesamt 11.607 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 4.097,5 Todesfälle gesamt 180 Einwohnerzahl 283.271 Bundesland NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210813             LK Stadtverband Saarbrücken Fälle letzte 7 Tage 165 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 50,2 Fälle gesamt 16.327 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 4.966,9 Todesfälle gesamt 466 Einwohnerzahl 328.714 Bundesland Saarland
20210813             SK Aschaffenburg Fälle letzte 7 Tage 36 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 50,7 Fälle gesamt 3.600 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 5.070,3 Todesfälle gesamt 115 Einwohnerzahl 71.002 Bundesland Bayern
20210813             SK Berlin CHARLOTTENBURG—WILMERSDORF Fälle letzte 7 Tage 202 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 60,4 Fälle gesamt 15.967 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 4.774,8 Todesfälle gesamt 302 Einwohnerzahl 334.401 Bundesland Berlin
20210813             SK Berlin FRIEDRICHSHAIN—KREUZBERG Fälle letzte 7 Tage 189 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 67,0 Fälle gesamt 15.405 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 5.461,6 Todesfälle gesamt 170 Einwohnerzahl 282.059 Bundesland Berlin
20210813             SK Berlin Mitte Fälle letzte 7 Tage 239 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 63,7 Fälle gesamt 23.301 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 6.209,7 Todesfälle gesamt 303 Einwohnerzahl 375.238 Bundesland Berlin
20210813             SK Berlin Neukölln Fälle letzte 7 Tage 245 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 76,3 Fälle gesamt 21.675 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 6.749,8 Todesfälle gesamt 416 Einwohnerzahl 321.123 Bundesland Berlin
20210813             SK Berlin Reinickendorf Fälle letzte 7 Tage 150 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 57,8 Fälle gesamt 14.362 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 5.530,5 Todesfälle gesamt 297 Einwohnerzahl 259.689 Bundesland Berlin
20210813             SK Berlin TEMPELHOF—SCHÖNEBERG Fälle letzte 7 Tage 172 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 50,3 Fälle gesamt 18.169 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 5.316,1 Todesfälle gesamt 479 Einwohnerzahl 341.772 Bundesland Berlin
20210813             SK Bielefeld Fälle letzte 7 Tage 169 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 50,6 Fälle gesamt 16.263 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 4.866,3 Todesfälle gesamt 348 Einwohnerzahl 334.195 Bundesland NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210813             SK Bochum Fälle letzte 7 Tage 218 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 59,6 Fälle gesamt 16.705 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 4.569,4 Todesfälle gesamt 245 Einwohnerzahl 365.587 Bundesland NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210813             SK Bonn Fälle letzte 7 Tage 239 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 72,5 Fälle gesamt 15.145 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 4.593,9 Todesfälle gesamt 255 Einwohnerzahl 329.673 Bundesland NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210813             SK Dortmund Fälle letzte 7 Tage 312 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 53,0 Fälle gesamt 29.058 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 4.939,7 Todesfälle gesamt 394 Einwohnerzahl 588.250 Bundesland NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210813             SK Düsseldorf Fälle letzte 7 Tage 398 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 64,0 Fälle gesamt 26.666 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 4.288,0 Todesfälle gesamt 440 Einwohnerzahl 621.877 Bundesland NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210813             SK Flensburg Fälle letzte 7 Tage 82 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 90,9 Fälle gesamt 2.448 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 2.715,1 Todesfälle gesamt 39 Einwohnerzahl 90.164 Bundesland SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210813             SK Gelsenkirchen Fälle letzte 7 Tage 141 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 54,3 Fälle gesamt 15.863 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 6.109,5 Todesfälle gesamt 415 Einwohnerzahl 259.645 Bundesland NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210813             SK Hamburg Fälle letzte 7 Tage 1.270 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 68,8 Fälle gesamt 81.129 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 4.391,9 Todesfälle gesamt 1.634 Einwohnerzahl 1.847.253 Bundesland Hamburg
20210813             SK Herne Fälle letzte 7 Tage 84 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 53,7 Fälle gesamt 9.711 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 6.207,1 Todesfälle gesamt 270 Einwohnerzahl 156.449 Bundesland NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210813             SK Kiel Fälle letzte 7 Tage 265 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 107,4 Fälle gesamt 5.978 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 2.422,3 Todesfälle gesamt 105 Einwohnerzahl 246.794 Bundesland SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210813             SK Köln Fälle letzte 7 Tage 604 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 55,5 Fälle gesamt 55.636 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 5.114,2 Todesfälle gesamt 731 Einwohnerzahl 1.087.863 Bundesland NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210813             SK Leverkusen Fälle letzte 7 Tage 94 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 57,4 Fälle gesamt 8.254 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 5.041,3 Todesfälle gesamt 102 Einwohnerzahl 163.729 Bundesland NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210813             SK Lübeck Fälle letzte 7 Tage 115 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 53,1 Fälle gesamt 6.128 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 2.830,1 Todesfälle gesamt 100 Einwohnerzahl 216.530 Bundesland SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210813             SK Mönchengladbach Fälle letzte 7 Tage 221 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 84,7 Fälle gesamt 11.465 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 4.392,1 Todesfälle gesamt 233 Einwohnerzahl 261.034 Bundesland NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210813             SK Neumünster Fälle letzte 7 Tage 58 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 72,3 Fälle gesamt 2.024 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 2.523,8 Todesfälle gesamt 23 Einwohnerzahl 80.196 Bundesland SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210813             SK Offenbach Fälle letzte 7 Tage 83 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 63,7 Fälle gesamt 9.491 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 7.285,1 Todesfälle gesamt 185 Einwohnerzahl 130.280 Bundesland Hessen
20210813             SK Solingen Fälle letzte 7 Tage 107 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 67,2 Fälle gesamt 9.740 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 6.116,4 Todesfälle gesamt 197 Einwohnerzahl 159.245 Bundesland NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210813             SK Wolfsburg Fälle letzte 7 Tage 83 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 66,7 Fälle gesamt 4.305 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 3.461,4 Todesfälle gesamt 87 Einwohnerzahl 124.371 Bundesland Niedersachsen
20210813             SK Wuppertal Fälle letzte 7 Tage 257 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 72,4 Fälle gesamt 20.792 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 5.855,3 Todesfälle gesamt 491 Einwohnerzahl 355.100 Bundesland NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210813             Offensive der Taliban: Bundesregierung reduziert Botschaftspersonal in Kabul massiv
20210813             Pressefreiheit: BBC—KORRESPONDENTIN muss Russland verlassen
20210813             Der Impfstoff des US—PHARMAHERSTELLERS Moderna wirkt zuverlässig bis zu sechs Monate gegen besorgniserregende Varianten des Coronavirus.
20210813             Das teilte das Unternehmen am Donnerstagabend
20210813             Demnach zeigten die Mehrheit der Teilnehmenden im Rahmen einer Studie innerhalb eines halben Jahres nachweisbare und funktionelle Antikörper unter anderem gegen die Virusvarianten Alpha, Beta und Gamma.
20210813             Bundesregierung stuft Türkei, Israel und USA als Hochrisikogebiete ein
20210813             Inzidenz in Italien steigt — Impfappell an über 50-Jährige
20210813             Am fünften Wochenende in Folge werden in Frankreich wieder Zehntausende Gegner der Coronaregeln auf den Straßen erwartet.
20210813             Die Behörden stellen sich auf mindestens 250.000 Demonstranten ein,
20210813             Kanada verhängt Impfpflicht für viele Reisende und Bundesbeamte
20210813             Israel kündigt Impfungen rund um die Uhr an
20210813             Niederlande öffnen HOCHSCHULEN—NACHTKLUBS bleiben zu
20210813             Zum Stopp von Migranten: Litauen setzt Armee an der Grenze zu Belarus ein
20210813             Demoted, Suspended and Threatened: Poland's Judges Are Fighting To Save Rule of Law and Their Own Jobs By Maximilian Popp und Jan Puhl in Warsaw
20210813             Möglicher Verstoß gegen das Betäubungsmittelgesetz: Lidl nimmt Hanfprodukte aus Sortiment
20210813             Urteil zum Zweckentfremdungsverbot: Stewardess darf Wohnung an Touristen vermieten
20210813             Gerichtsentscheidung: Belarus verbietet unabhängige Nachrichtenseite
20210813             Attacke auf Bücher in Berliner Bibliothek: »Hinter der Tat sehe ich eine deutliche rechtsextreme Motivation«
20210813             Hoffnungsträger der Rechten: Dänischer Rechtspopulist wegen Missbrauchs von EU—GELDERN verurteilt
20210813             Anhaltender CHIP—MANGEL: Daimler schickt erneut Tausende in Kurzarbeit
20210813             Afghanistan: Der Westen überlässt das Land den Taliban
20210813             US—AUßENMINISTERIUM: »Es gibt keine militärische Lösung in Afghanistan«
20210813             USA: Kleinkind schießt Mutter während Videoschalte in den Kopf
20210813             Oroville Damm: Kalifornien schließt großes Wasserkraftwerk wegen Wassermangels
20210813             Daten der US—KLIMABEHÖRDE: Juli 2021 wärmster Monat seit Beginn der Messungen
20210813             Kritik an Zeitplan: Bidens Großreformen stoßen auf parteiinternen Widerstand
20210813             Kürzlich aufgetauchte Kunstwerke: Banksy bekennt sich zu Werken an englischer Nordseeküste
20210813             Total Cases 205.915.670 Total Deaths 4.341.685 Total Vaccine Doses Administered 4.608.387.298
202203081301         Danilov: "Never fight against Ukraine, our people have crushed more than one empire"
202203081311         In einer Videokonferenz mit Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz und dem französischen Präsidenten Emmanuel Macron bezeichnete Chinas Präsident Xi Jinping die Lage als »zutiefst beunruhigend«,
202203081340         Putin signs govt's ANTI—CRISIS package
202203081346         Georgian government: War is no obstacle for exporting dairy to Russia
202203081349         Ankara announces tripartite talks with participation of Lavrov and Kuleba
202203170813         No active Russia-U.S. talks, just pinpoint contacts addressing particular problems, SOURCE  Russian Foreign Ministry
20220802             1—CONTEST—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—ARMY—GAMES that will run on the territory of 12—STATES on 20220813—20270813     will for the 1. time take place in VENEZUELA on THE—AMERICA—CONTINENT, RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTER—SERGEY—SHOIGU said at the ministry's conference call —ON—TUESDAY.
20220802             "Preparations continue to hold the 8. INTERNATIONAL Army Games that will run on the territory of 12—STATES on 20220813—20270813   .
20220813             Samstag, 13. August 2022
20220813             Kritik an Milliardenausgaben des Bundes: Bundesrechnungshof fordert Ende des Digitalpakts Schule
20220813             Die Vereinigten Staaten sind besorgt über Berichte, dass britische, schwedische und kroatische Staatsangehörige von "illegalen Behörden in der Ostukraine" angeklagt wurden, schreibt Außenminister Antony Blinken auf Twitter".
20220813             Russland und seine Stellvertreter sind verpflichtet, das humanitäre Völkerrecht zu respektieren, einschließlich der Rechte und des Schutzes von Kriegsgefangenen",
20220813             so der Politiker.
20220813             Russland droht einer Nachrichtenagentur zufolge den Vereinigten Staaten bis hin zum Abbruch diplomatischer Beziehungen, wenn Russland zum "staatlichen TERRORISMUS—SPONSOR" erklärt werden würde.
20220813             Die Verabschiedung eines solchen Gesetzes würden "schwerste Kollateralschäden für die bilateralen diplomatischen Beziehungen verursachen, bis hin zu einem Rückgang oder gar einem Abbruch",
20220813             zitiert die amtliche russische Nachrichtenagentur Tass den Leiter der NORDAMERIKA—ABTEILUNG des russischen Außenministeriums, Alexander Darchijew".
20220813             Die amerikanische Seite ist gewarnt",
20220813             fügt Darchijew laut Tass hinzu.
20220813             Spannungen mit China: USA planen Durchquerungen der Taiwanstraße mit Schiffen und Flugzeugen
20220813             Experten diskutieren über Verkehrssicherheit: Cannabis im Straßenverkehr — neuer THC—GRENZWERT?
20220813             Völkerrechtlerin zur Ukraine: »Ich finde das Ausmaß der Angriffe auf Amnesty besorgniserregend«
20220813             »Umweltkatastrophe nie dagewesenen Ausmaßes«: Fischsterben könnte sich auf Ostsee ausweiten
20220813             Ukrainischer Verteidigungsminister: Resnikow fordert Hilfe bei Verfolgung russischer Kriegsverbrechen
20220813             Afghanistan: Taliban lösen Frauenprotest mit Warnschüssen auf
20220813             Quecksilber als Ursache für Fischsterben?: »Dafür müsste es einen richtig großen Industrieunfall gegeben haben«
20220813             Umweltdesaster in der Oder: Polen setzt für Aufklärung des Fischsterbens hohe Belohnung aus
20220813             Russland kommt mit seinem Nachschub für die Truppen in der Südukraine britischen Angaben zufolge weiter in Bedrängnis.
20220813             Die beiden wichtigsten Straßenbrücken für eine Verbindung der russischen Streitkräfte zu dem besetzten Gebiet am Westufer des Dnipro in der Region Cherson seien wahrscheinlich nicht mehr für umfangreiche militärische Nachschublieferungen nutzbar, teilt das britische Verteidigungsministerium auf Basis eines geheimdienstlichen Lageberichts mit.
20220813             Der CDU—VORSITZENDE Friedrich Merz kann sich im russischen Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine keine Vermittlerrolle Deutschlands vorstellen".
20220813             Ich sage es mal losgelöst von Personen: Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland hat in diesem Konflikt keine Vermittlerrolle",
20220813             sagte der Oppositionsführer im Bundestag der Nachrichtenagentur dpa".
20220813             Wir stehen gemeinsam mit Europa auf der Seite der Ukraine und sind damit nicht neutral in diesem Konflikt".
20220813             Merz war gefragt worden, ob er sich vorstellen könne, dass zum Beispiel die frühere Kanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) vermittelnd eingreifen könne, um zu einem Ende des Krieges zu kommen.
20220813             Mit Blick auf weitere Belastungen in den kommenden Monaten hat Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) an den Zusammenhalt aller appelliert.
20220813             Dieses Jahr sei mit großen Herausforderungen verbunden, sagte er in seiner wöchentlichen Videobotschaft "Kanzler kompakt"".
20220813             Herausforderungen, die durch den Krieg kommen, den Russland gegen die Ukraine angezettelt hat.
20220813             Herausforderungen, die für die Energiesicherheit unseres Landes existieren.
20220813             Und natürlich Herausforderungen, die etwas zu tun haben mit den steigenden Preisen",
20220813             erklärte Scholz.
20220813             Er betonte zugleich: "Wenn wir zusammenhalten, dann werden wir das schaffen".
20220813             Deutschland habe sich darauf vorbereitet, als Land gemeinsam durch diese Zeit gehen können, sagte der Kanzler.
20220813             So seien Vorschriften erlassen worden, die sicherstellten, dass neue Terminals gebaut würden, dass Gas gespeichert werde oder dass mit Kohle betriebene Kraftwerke wieder zum Laufen gebracht würden.
20220813             Gegen die Abschiebung von UKRAINE—FLÜCHTLINGEN aus sogenannten Drittstaaten wie Simbabwe, Jemen, Sudan, Senegal und Bangladesch will am Sonntag in Hamburg ein breites Bündnis demonstrieren.
20220813             Der Protest richte sich ab 12 Uhr unter dem Motto "Hamburg zum sicheren Hafen - § 24 für alle Geflüchteten" gegen "rassistische Abschiebungen" durch den Hamburger Senat, teilte das Bündnis mit.
20220813             Zu dem Bündnis gehören Ende Gelände, Asmara‘s World, Black Community Coalition for Justice & SELF—DEFENCE, Arrivati, Beyond Evacuation, Seebrücke Hamburg, Wilder Wald und Africans from.
20220813             Derzeit würden Geflüchtete, darunter auch viele Studierende aus Drittstaaten, aus ihren Unterkünften verwiesen, hieß es.
20220813             Ihnen werde eine zweiwöchige Frist zur Ausreise gestellt.
20220813             Die Betroffenen seien von Wohnungslosigkeit und Abschiebung bedroht, obwohl die bundesweite Regelung den Geflüchteten einen regulären Aufenthalt in Deutschland bis zum 31. August erlaube.
20220813             Angriff auf Salman Rushdie: HARRY—POTTER—AUTORIN Rowling online bedroht
20220813             Russische Truppen haben nach Angaben des ukrainischen Militärgeheimdienstes das Gelände des Atomkraftwerks Saporischschja unter Feuer genommen.
20220813             Der Beschuss sei von einem wenige Kilometer entfernten Dorf aus erfolgt und habe eine Pumpstation und eine Feuerwache beschädigt, teilte der Geheimdienst mit.
20220813             Zuvor hätten die russischen Truppen Menschen in das Kraftwerk gebracht und eine ukrainische Flagge am Rande der Stadt Enerhodar gehisst, zu dessen Territorium die Anlage gehört.
20220813             "Offensichtlich wird es (das Kraftwerk) für eine weitere Provokation genutzt, um dann die Streitkräfte der Ukraine zu beschuldigen",
20220813             teilte der Geheimdienst mit, ohne Einzelheiten zu nennen.
20220813             Von Seiten der Ukraine hieß es wiederholt, die russischen Streitkräfte benutzten das Atomkraftwerk als Schutzschild, während sie die Ortschaften auf der anderen Seite des Dnepr BESCHOSSEN—WOHL wissend, dass das ukrainische Militär aus Sorgen vor einem Atomunglück nicht zurückschießen werde.
20220813             Der russische Beschuss habe eine Frau in der Stadt Saporischschja das Leben gekostet, teilte die ukrainische Seite mit.
20220813             Zwei weitere Zivilisten seien verletzt worden.
20220813             Russische Truppen kontrollieren die Anlage Saporischschja seit den ersten Tagen der russischen Invasion.
20220813             Sie wird allerdings immer noch von ukrainischen Mitarbeitern betrieben.
20220813             Harald Welzer (* 27. Juli 1958 in Bissendorf/Han). ist ein deutscher Soziologe und Sozialpsychologe.
20220813             Er arbeitet heute als Publizist.
20220813             Als Publizist bezog Harald Welzer mehrmals Stellung zum RUSSISCH—UKRAINISCHEN Krieg.
20220813             Nach der Invasion der Ukraine äußerte sich Welzer am 16. März 2022 auf Stern.de in einem Meinungsbeitrag kritisch zur „Ästhetik und Rhetorik des Krieges“ in deutschen Medien: „Wer hätte es für gut gehalten, dass Begriffe wie ‚Tapferkeit‘, ‚Vaterland‘, ‚Held‘ usw. usf. plötzlich nicht nur sagbar, sondern positiv verstanden werden könnten?“[22] Der langjährige Chefredakteur und Herausgeber des Reportagemagazins Geo, PETER—MATTHIAS Gaede, warf ihm daraufhin Zynismus vor und erwiderte in seiner Replik: „Frage, Herr Welzer: Ist bei Ihnen eigentlich überhaupt schon angekommen, dass es in der Ukraine tatsächlich einen Krieg gibt?
20220813             Und zwar nicht um Wörter.“[23]
20220813             Er gehört zu den Erstunterzeichnern des offenen Briefs der Zeitschrift Emma an Olaf Scholz im Zusammenhang mit dem Russischen Überfall auf die Ukraine 2022.
20220813             Darin wird der Bundeskanzler aufgefordert, keine schweren Waffen in die Ukraine zu liefern, da dies den Krieg verlängern würde und die Gefahr eines dritten Weltkriegs mit Deutschland als involvierter Kriegspartei heraufbeschwören könnte.[24] Auf dem Kongress taz lab 2022 wandte sich Welzer auf dem Podium erneut gegen Waffenlieferung der Bundesregierung an die Ukraine: „Das positivste Szenario, über das man überhaupt sprechen kann in dem Zusammenhang, ist ein lange andauernder ZERMÜRBUNGS—UND Abnutzungskrieg.
20220813             […] Das ist eine höchstgefährliche Angelegenheit und ich sehe nicht, wie das auch nur ein einziges Menschenleben in der Ukraine retten könnte.“[25] Auf einer MAI—KUNDGEBUNG konterte Scholz Kritik aus dem offenen Brief: Von Kiew zu fordern, sich ohne Waffen zu verteidigen, sei „aus der Zeit gefallen.“[26]
20220813             Am 8. Mai 2022 kam es in der Talkshow Anne Will zu einem vielbeachteten Schlagabtausch zwischen Harald Welzer und dem ukrainischen Botschafter in Deutschland Andrij Melnyk.[27][28][29] Welzer warnte vor einer Eskalationsdynamik der Gewalt und einem langen Abnutzungskrieg durch die Lieferung schwerer Waffen.
20220813             Stattdessen solle man auf Waffenstillstandsverhandlungen setzen.
20220813             Andrij Melnyk widersprach und bezeichnete Welzers Ansatz als „illusorisch“ und aus ukrainischer Sicht als „moralisch verwahrlost“.
20220813             Daraufhin kritisierte Welzer die offensive „Sprecherposition“ des Botschafters, verwies auf die Kriegserfahrungen in seiner eigenen Familie und berief sich auf die WEIZSÄCKER—REDE vom 8. Mai 1985.
20220813             Als Melnyk „ich weiß“ einwarf, erteilte ihm Welzer den Ratschlag: „Bleiben Sie mal […] beim Zuhören und nicht beim Kommentieren!“, worauf dieser entgegnete: „Sie sind wieder so belehrend, wie Sie auftreten. Das ist Ihre Art und Weise. Ich bin kein Student.“[30] Ihm wurde vorgeworfen, mit seinem Rückgriff auf die eigene Familiengeschichte einen Nachfahren der Opfer zu belehren und daraus eine moralische Überlegenheitsposition abzuleiten.[31] Der DEUTSCH—ISRAELISCHE Erziehungswissenschaftler Meron Mendel warf Welzer in der Zeit vor, aus der Tätergeschichte Deutschlands moralische Überlegenheit gewinnen zu wollen.[32] Andere Beobachter weisen darauf hin, dass die Moderatorin letztlich durch ihre Lust am Spektakel zu verantworten hatte, dass der Disput scheiterte. „Dabei wäre es doch wünschenswert gewesen, die beiden Standpunkte, die das Land immer spürbarer in zwei Meinungslager teil[en], im Sinne einer rhetorischen Abrüstung mit besseren Argumenten zu versorgen.“[33]
20220813             Harald Welzer: Endlichkeit als Befreiungsschlag | Sternstunde Philosophie | SRF Kultur
20220813             Harald Welzer
20220813             Wie wird die Welt gebildet?
20220813             Richard David Precht im Gespräch mit Robert Menasse
20220813             Richard David Precht (* 8. Dezember 1964 in Solingen) ist ein deutscher Schriftsteller, Philosoph, Publizist und Moderator.
20220813             Er ist Honorarprofessor für Philosophie an der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg und Honorarprofessor für Philosophie und Ästhetik an der Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler in Berlin.[1][2][3] Seit dem großen Erfolg mit Wer bin ich — und wenn ja, wie viele? wurden manche seiner Bücher zu philosophischen oder gesellschaftspolitischen Themen Bestseller.
20220813             Precht ist seit 2012 Moderator der gleichnamigen Sendung Precht.
20220813             1999 erhielt er das HEINZ—KÜHN—STIPENDIUM.
20220813             Lindners FDP: Was ist eigentlich aus dem mitfühlenden Liberalismus geworden?
20220813             Fischsterben in der Oder: Umweltministerin Lemke kritisiert mangelhafte Zusammenarbeit mit Polen
20220813             Erklärung zu brisanten Dokumenten: TRUMP—ANWALT soll falsche Angaben gemacht haben
20220813             Energiekrise: Ungarn erhält offenbar zusätzliche Gaslieferungen aus Russland
20220813             Erstes Ziel früher erreicht: Gasspeicher zu rund 75 Prozent gefüllt
20220813             Sat Aug 13 2022
20220813             [l] Alternativlos 50 ist draußen.
20220813             Frank und ich wollten eigentlich eine LOCKER—FLOCKIGE Sommersammelsendung machen, mal über die Dinge reden, die so passiert sind.
20220813             Bei näherer Betrachtung stellt sich raus, dass fast nur negative Dinge passiert sind.
20220813             Also ist es jetzt eine Katastrophensendung geworden.
20220813             Aber das kannt ihr ja von uns schon.
20220813             [l] Wait, what?!
20220813             Die deutschen Gasspeicher sind wieder zu 75% gefüllt?!
20220813             Einfach so?
20220813             Obwohl Nord Stream 2 dicht ist und Putin seine Turbine noch nicht abgeholt hat?!
20220813             Boah Alter, war das echt alles nur Agitprop die letzten Monate?
20220813             Du kannst echt keinem mehr glauben.
20220813             Angesichts der Kämpfe um das AKW Saporischschja hat Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj den Westen zu Sanktionen gegen Russlands Atomindustrie aufgerufen.
20220813             Die Strafmaßnahmen müssten die Nuklearindustrie des AGGRESSOR—STAATES treffen, sagte Selenskyj in seiner Videoansprache.
20220813             Russland benutze das Atomkraftwerk im Süden der Ukraine, um die Menschen in Angst zu versetzen sowie um die ukrainische Führung und die ganze Welt zu erpressen.
20220813             Selenskyj warf den russischen Truppen vor, das Gelände als Festung zu nutzen, um von dort auf die am anderen Ufer des DNIPRO—STAUSEES liegenden Kleinstädte Nikopol und Marhanez zu schießen.
20220813             Er warnte davor, dass der Aufmarsch russischer Truppen auf dem Areal des AKW "die radioaktive Bedrohung für Europa so erhöht wie es sie nicht einmal zu den schwierigsten Augenblicken der Konfrontation in den Zeiten des Kalten Krieges gab".
20220813             NEW YORK, August 13. /TASS/.
20220813             Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger believes that Washington is currently on the brink of war with Moscow and Beijing, he said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal.
20220813             "We are at the edge of war with Russia and China on issues which we partly created, without any concept of how this is going to end or what it’s supposed to lead to," he said.
20220813             "You can’t just now say we’re going to split them off and turn them against each other.
20220813             All you can do is not to accelerate the tensions and to create options, and for that you have to have some purpose," Kissinger added.
20220813             PARIS, August 14. /TASS/.
20220813             French President Emmanuel Macron signed protocols on NATO accession for Finland and Sweden on Saturday, AFP reported with reference to the Elysee Palace.
20220813             "This sovereign choice by Finland and Sweden will strengthen their security in the face of the existing threat in their immediate vicinity and will make a significant contribution to the collective position and our European security," the press service of the French leader's administration was quoted as saying.
20220813             On August 3, the National Assembly (lower house of parliament) of France ratified the protocol on the accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO.
20220813             The accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO must be ratified by all members of the bloc.
20220813             To date, more than 20 of the 30 countries that make up the alliance have done that.
20220813             On May 18, Finland and Sweden applied to join NATO, but Turkey immediately blocked the accession process, demanding that these countries declare Kurdish organizations terrorist, extradite those accused of terrorism or participating in a coup attempt in 2016 to Ankara, and lift bans on weapons supply to Turkey.
20220813             On June 28, the Foreign Ministers of Turkey, Sweden, and Finland signed a memorandum that removes obstacles to the accession of the two countries to NATO, but later Ankara said that it was not final and the Turkish parliament might not approve it if Stockholm and Helsinki did not comply with the provisions enshrined in it has obligations to counter terrorist organizations.