_HEUTE_0807 :

_100.000—20130807    Die letzliche Menschwerdung ist knapp —JAHRE her;
_100.000—20130807    Das sind gerade mal 5.000—GENERATIONEN.
_04800807            † LEONIDAS—OF—SPARTA, GREECE—HERO
01170807             † TRAIAN, in SELINUS
03040807             † S—AFRA, des BISTUM—AUGSBURG—MIT—PATRONIN, den MÄRTYRER—TOD.
03170807             * RÖMER—KAISER—CONSTANTIUS—II,
04610807             † RÖMER—KAISER—MAJORIAN,
04790807             † YURYAKU—KAISER—VON—JAPAN
05940807             * KOGYOKU—KAISERIN—VON—JAPAN, 35. und 37.
06260807             —BATTLE—AT—CONSTANTINOPLE
06260807             —DEFEATED, Slavs, Persians and Avars were - EMPEROR—HERACLIUS REPELLED THE—ATTACKS.
06260807             Nach der Niederlage der slawischen Ruderer am Goldenen Horn wird die
06260807             —BELAGERUNG—VON—KONSTANTINOPEL durch AWAREN und SASSANIDEN abgebrochen.
07680807             STEPHAN—III—PAPA, gewählt.
07680807             Zu Beginn seines STEPHAN—III—PAPA—PONTIFIKATS muss er sich mit 2—GEGENPÄPSTEN, KONSTANTIN—II—PAPA—ANTI—PAPA, und PHILIPP—PAPA—ANTI—PAPA, auseinandersetzen.
09360807             OTTO—I. wird in AACHEN zum OST—FRÄNKISCHEN—KÖNIG gekrönt.
10780807             —SCHLACHT—BEI—MELLRICHSTADT kann Gegenkönig RUDOLF—VON—RHEINFELDEN einen Sieg über KÖNIG—HEINRICH—IV. erringen.
10780807             † DIEPOLD—II—VON—VOHBURG—MARK—GRAF auf dem bayerischen Nordgau und von Giengau
11060807             † HOLY—ROMAN—EMPEROR—HENRY—IV, —54—JAHRE—ALT,
11060807             † KAISER—HEINRICH—IV., Im Begriff, dem Sohne 1—SCHLACHT zu liefern, zu LÜTTICH.
11060807             —AUSGEGRABEN, KAISER—HEINRICH—IV—SEIN—LEICHNAM wurde auf des GREGORIUS—VII—PAPA Gebot wieder, und
11060807—11110000    —BIS, des KAISER—KAISER—HEINRICH—IV—ABSOLUTION durch S—ALEXANDER—I—PAPA erfolgte(?).
11210807             † ULRICH—I—VON—PASSAU, Klostergründer und BISCHOF—VON—PASSAU
11650807             * MUHYI—D—DIN—IBN—?ARABI, islamischer Mystiker/Sufi
11790807             † WILHELM—VI—GRAF—VON—ANGOULÊME
12180807             † ADOLF—III—GRAF—VON—BERG
13160807             —RESIDIERT, Als JOHANNES—XXII—PAPA—JAKOB—VON—CAHORS als 1.  dauerhaft in Avignon.
13760807             —APUD—VILLAMNOVAM.
13850807             † JOAN—OF—KENT oo EDUARD (der Schwarze PRINZ) und MUTTER des RICHARD—II—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND.
13910807             † OCKO—I—TOM—BROK, Häuptling des BROKMER—UND des Auricherlands in Ostfriesland
14340807             —URKUNDE—VOM, 1—INTERESSANTE, welche DER—VEREIN zu kaufen Gelegenheit fand, hat er dem STADT—ARCHIV geschenkt.
14400807             † JOHANNES—GEUSS, DEUTSCHER—PHILOSOPH und Theologe, Domkanoniker an S—STEPHAN—WIEN
14610807             [KARL—VII—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH]LE—ROI—CHARLES—VII.] est inhumé à S—DENIS
14650807             * PHILIBERT—I—HERZOG—VON—SAVOYEN
14790807             † WILHELM—II—GRAF—UND—HERR—ZU—CASTELL
14840807             —GESCHLOSSEN,
14840807             —FRIEDE—VON—BAGNOLO, Rollenwechsel herbeiführte, indem
14840807             —DIESMAL SIXTUS—IV—PAPA sehen musste wie seine BUNDES—GENOSSEN 1—FÜR VENEDIG vorteilhaften FRIEDE—VON—BAGNOLO Vertrag eingingen,
14840807             GEGEN FRIEDE—VON—BAGNOLO SIXTUS—IV—PAPA sein Bevollmächtigter vergebens Einspruch tat.
14840807             —FRIEDEN—VON—BAGNOLO DIE—NACHRICHT von dem den SIXTUS—IV—PAPA in grosser Aufregung traf und
14840807             —FRIEDEN—VON—BAGNOLO DIE—NACHRICHT—VON—DEM—ROM in äusserster Verwirrung. traf
14840807             SIXTUS—IV—PAPA hatte diese Verständigung durch GRÜNDUNG 1—KIRCHE gefeiert welche den Namen S—MARIA—DELLA—PACE führt, aber
14840807             DIE—STADT—ROM genoss des FRIEDEN—VON—BAGNOLO—WOHL—TATEN nicht
14840807             —SEIT—LANGE, hatte man in ROM nicht so wüste Scenen erlebt wie die welche NACH DER VERSTÄNDIGUNG MIT FERRANTE—KÖNIG—VON—NEAPEL stattfanden.
14850807             —SCHLIEßLICH, landete in ENGLAND, HEINRICH—TUDOR.
14850807             Ohne auf nennenswerten Widerstand zu stoßen, konnte HEINRICH—TUDOR in 1—EILMARSCH LICHFIELD erreichen.
14850807             Im Kampf um den ENGLISCHEN—THRON während der Rosenkriege landet HEINRICH—TUDOR, aus der Bretagne kommend, in MILFORD—HAVEN.
14850807             —KURZ—NACH—DER—LANDUNG, bricht auf der BRITISCHEN—INSEL erstmals eine als "ENGLISCHER—SCHWEIß" bezeichnete Seuche aus.
14850822—14850807    —RETURNED, HENRY—TUDOR had, from FRANCE—EXILE at MILFORD—HAVEN and
14850822—14850807    —ASSEMBLED, HENRY—TUDOR had, forces including 2—YORKIST defectors, THOMAS—STANLEY and his brother SIR—WILLIAM.
14850822—14850807    —RETURNED, HENRY—TUDOR had, from FRANCE—EXILE at MILFORD—HAVEN and assembled forces including 2—YORKIST defectors, THOMAS—STANLEY and his brother SIR—WILLIAM.
14880807             —ITEM iussit corpus suum sepeliri IN—ECCLESIA—CATHEDRALI EUGUBI apud quam elegit suum sepulcrum.
14880807             V. TESTAMENTO—DI—DOMENICO—DI—CECCO pittore.
14890807             —FRIEDE—ZU—BAGNOLO zwischen VENEDIG, seinen Gegnern ohne des PAPA Beteiligung.
14950807             —REICHS—TAG—ZU—WORMS, ZU—STANDE—KAM endlich der berühmte EWIGE—LAND—FRIEDEN, wodurch dem Faustrechte gesetzlich 1—ENDE gemacht wurde, u.
14950807             —EINGEFÜHRT—NUN, in DEUTSCHLAND, DAS—RÖMISCHE—RECHT, förmlich wurde und
14950807             Auf dem —REICHS—TAG—ZU—WORMS wird der Ewige Landfriede im Heiligen ROM—REICH verkündet.
14950807             —GEGRÜNDET, Gleichzeitig wird das Reichskammergericht.
14960807             —DOMINICA[—SONNTAG] LEGATUS cappa de rosaceo indulus venit ad ECCLESIAM—GALLIENSEM, ubi audivit missam MAJORem quam celebravit prepositus illius ecclesie, in cantu ministrantibus sibi diacono
14970807             LE—JOURNAL—DE—BURCHARD s'arrête ici pour ne reprendre QU'À—LA—DATE—DU—LUNDI;
15020807             † URSULA—VON—RAMMUNG, Stifterin und Dame des Kraichgauer Adels
15090807             —AM, wo DER—KAISER—KARL—V. schreibt,
15090807             * JOACHIM—FÜRST—VON—ANHALT—DESSAU
15140807             [LUDWIG—XII—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH]LOUIS—XII. négocie son remariage avec LA—SOEUR—DE—HENRY—VIII.
15140807             LOUIS—XII[LUDWIG—XII—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH] négocie son remariage avec la soeur DE—HENRY—VIII—KING—OF—ENGLAND
15160807             † FEDERICO—SANSEVERINO, Kardinal der ROM—KIRCHE
15470807             † KAJETAN—VON—THIENE, Ordensgründer, Heiliger
15490807             † HARTMUT—XII—VON—CRONBERG, DEUTSCHER—RITTER, Anhänger Luthers
15560807             —BEGAB—SICH, nach SPANIEN, KAISER—KARL—V.
15800807             † LALA—KARA—MUSTAFA—PASCHA, osmanischer Befehlshaber und Großwesir
15850807             —ATTACKED, Tatar forces of KHAN—KUTCHUM, 1—SLEEPING Cossack expedition under Yermak near the mouth of THE—VAGAY—RIVER—SIBERIA.
15850807             —DECIMATED, THE—COSSACKS were, and YERMAK drowned wearing 1—SUIT—OF armor given him by TSAR—IVAN.
15880807             Niederlage der SPANISCHEN—ARMADA in CALAIS
15880807             —KURZ—NACH—MITTERNACHT, schickt FRANCIS—DRAKE 3—BRENNENDE Schiffe in den Hafen von CALAIS, wo die SPANISCHE—ARMADA vor Anker liegt.
15880807             1—TEIL—DER—SPANISCHE—ARMADA verbrennt, während der andere in Panik ohne Schlachtordnung aufs offene Meer flüchtet.
15950807             ZÜLPICH
15950807             —VERZICHTET, ZÜLPICH, Vor Notar und Zeugen, des JOHAN—HEEP o†o BEELL—VEYLANDT,
15950807             gegenüber ihrem Schwager JOHAN—HEEP, Mönchhalfen zu BESSENICH,
15950807             gegen Zahlung von 30—GULDEN auf die MALTER—ROGGEN, die sie —BISLANG, erhielt, und
15950807             überträgt ihrem Schwager JOHAN—HEEP, der —BIS—JETZT —SCHON DAS—LAND besät und die Früchte geerntet hat,
15950807             nochmal aus Dankbarkeit ihr Gut.
15950807             Zeugen : NIELAß—SCHMIT—BÜRGER—ZU—ZÜLPICH, und - PETER—KERCKHORST.
15950807             Notar ARNOLT—KEMP—VON—DÜREN[DEUREN], apostolischer und kaiserlicher Notar.
15970807             † BEAT—LUDWIG—VON—MÜLINEN, Schultheiss von BERN
15980807             † JOHANN—LATOMUS, DEUTSCHER—KANONIKER und Chronist
16000807             † JOHANN—KONRAD—ULMER, deutscher evangelischer Theologe und Reformator
16020807             —DATADO—DE, Quanto a TOMÁS—LUÍS, CABE—LHE a autoria das pinturas da SALA—DE—MEDUSA (por contrato),
16150807             † MELCHIOR—VULPIUS, DEUTSCHER—KANTOR und Kirchenkomponist
16170807             † OTTO—VON—HESSEN—KASSEL, Erbprinz von HESSEN—KASSEL
16190807             —RÉVOLTE—DES—PRINCES soutenus par MARIE—DE—MÉDICIS contre Luynes favori de LOUIS—XIII.
16200807             —ARRESTED, KEPLER—MOTHER was, for witchcraft.
16200807             LOUIS—XIII—KING—OF—FRANCE beat his mother MARIE—DE—MEDICI at the Battle at PONTS—THE—CA, Poitou.
16200807             "Drôlerie des PONTS—DE—CÉ" LES—TROUPES—ROYALES dispersent celles de LA—REINE mère.
16310807             Im 3ßigjährigen Krieg folgt —NACH—DEM Beschuss der Stadt durch Truppen der katholischen Liga unter ihrem Feldherrn JOHANN—T'SERCLAES—VON—TILLY die
16310807             —SCHLACHT—BEI—WERBEN.
16310807             Die SCHWEDEN unter des KÖNIG—GUSTAV—II—ADOLF—BEFEHL, gewinnen den Kampf.
16350807             † FRIEDRICH—SPEE, DEUTSCHER—JESUIT, Moraltheologe, Lyriker und geistlicher Schriftsteller
16420807             1 Royalist force laid siege to WARWICK—CASTLE.
16420807             —TRIED, Soldiers loyal to THE—KING, without success to unseat the Parliamentarian forces that held it.
16420807             —WHILE 1—MINOR—SKIRMISH, the outcome would foreshadow the broader struggle for the country.
16420807—16420823    —LIFTED, The siege was, —WHEN the garrison was relieved by the forces of ROBERT—DEVEREUX, 3. EARL—OF—ESSEX, and the Royalists were forced to retreat to WORCESTER.
16450807             † GEORG—CORVIN, DEUTSCHER—PROFESSOR der Philosophie
16480807             Rat seiner VATER—STADT—KÖLN  —PROTESTIERTE in 1—SCHREIBEN (vom.
16480807             ABRAHAM—SPILLIEUR sei in den FONDACO aufgenommen worden,
16480807             —NACHDEM, bezüglich seiner Herkunft und ehelichen Geburt die nötigen Zeugnisse beigebracht worden, und unter ZUSTIMMUNG—DES—GENERAL—KAPITELS.
16480807             DIE—VON dem neuen CONSULAT statuirte Scheidung zwischen OBER—DEUTSCHLAND und NIEDER—DEUTSCHLAND sei ganz unstatthaft
16480807             und habe nicht im Sinne der GRÜNDER—UND—STIFTER—DES—FONDACO gelegen.
16480807             Auch seien FRÜHER und —ERST jüngst KAUF—LEUTE—AUS—IHRER NACHBAR—STADT—AACHEN in den FONDACO und zum vollen Genuss von dessen Privilegien zugelassen worden,
16480807             welche demselben Westfälischen Kreise angehöre und ebenfalls in NIEDER—DEUTSCHLAND LIEGE, wie KÖLN,
16480807             das doch nicht geringer zu 8. sei, als die NACHBAR—STADT.
16480807             DER—RAT—DER—STADT—KÖLN ersuchte daher den Dogen am Schluß nicht blos dem SPILLIEUR zu seinem Rechte zu verhelfen,
16480807             sondern auch 1—FÜR ALLE—MAL zu erklären, daß die KÖLNer befähigt und berechtigt seien, im FONDACO sowohl zu handeln als auch zu wohnen
16480807             und an allen Privilegien, Immunitäten usw. Anteil zu haben, die damit verbunden seien.
16480807             DER—RAT—DER—STADT—KÖLN dagegen in seinem —SCHREIBEN—VOM versicherte, daß DERSELBE aufgenommen worden sei
16520807             † MARKUS—FRIEDRICH—WENDELIN, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
16560807             † PRASAT—THONG—KÖNIG des siamesischen Königreiches von Ayutthaya
16570807             LE—ROI prend LA—VILLE—DE—MONTMÉDY
16600807             † JOHANN—IV—GRAF—VON—RIETBERG
16610807—20210000    —IN, 1—BIOGRAPHICAL—FILM about Benedetta Carlini called Benedetta, directed by PAUL—VERHOEVEN, was released.
16620807             * ANDREAS—DIETRICH—APEL, DEUTSCHER—HANDELSHERR und Seidenfabrikant
16720807             Michiel, FIGLIOLO—DI—M. Iseppo Belin, bastago in FONDACO—DEI—TEDESCHI;
16760714—16760807    —AM, DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN antworten hierauf mit dankbarer Anerkennung seiner BESTÄNDIGen Ausdauer und
16760714—16760807    —AM, DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN antworten hierauf mit dem Versprechen, sich der Interessen des GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG JEDER—ZEIT nach ihrem äussersten Vermögen anzunehmen.
16780502             GERHARD—KÜCHEN [AUS—FREUND, S.v. GERHARD] oo —VOR—6—JAHREN [17300807             ] in KORNELIMÜNSTER Larsch [oder Dahmen], Catharina [AUS—FREUND, T.v. Thönis] beide Landwirte, DISPENS—VOM—HINDERNIS—DER—BLUTSVERWANDTSCHAFT—3.-4.GRADES
16810807             FRANCISCUS—NICOLINUS, VICE—LEGATUS. dilecto nobis in Christo Carolo Gaspari Guillelmo de]'inliniille. ex
16990807             † ANTOINE—LEGRAND, niederländischer katholischer Mönch und Missionar, Philosoph und Theologe
17020807             * EHRENREICH—GERHARD—COLDEWEY, DEUTSCHER—GELEHRTER, Jurist, Poet und Kenner der ostfriesischen Geschichte
17040807             † PAUL—VON—FUCHS, brandenburgischer MINISTER
17070807             * CARL—GÜNTHER—LUDOVICI, DEUTSCHER—PHILOSOPH und Lexikograf
17120807             † FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—ZACHOW, sächsischer Komponist
17140807             —SEESCHLACHT—BEI—HANKO
17140807             —ERRINGT die Kaiserlich RUSSISCHE—MARINE ihren 1. wichtigen Sieg.
17140807             —GROßER—NORDISCHER—KRIEG
17140807             —WÄHREND—DES, kann die Mannschaft der zahlenmäßig weit überlegenen Armada die feindlichen SCHWEDISCHEN—SCHIFFE entern und den Befehlshaber NILS—EHRENSKIÖLD gefangen nehmen.
17200807             —GROßER—NORDISCHER—KRIEG besiegt 1—RUSSISCHE—GALEERENFLOTTE SCHWEDISCHE—SEGELSCHIFFE in der Seeschlacht bei Grönham bei den Ålandinseln.
17250807             † JEAN—II—BARRABAND, FRANZÖSISCHER—HUGENOTTE, Religionsflüchtling in BERLIN
17270807             Que se possa imprimir visto as licenças e do Ordinario, e
17270807             Que se possa imprimir visto as LICENÇAS—DO—SANTO—OFFICIO, e
17270807             —DEPOIS—DE impressa torne á MESA para se conferir, e taxar, e sem isso não correrá.
17310807             —ARRIVED, WILLIAM—COSBY, in NEW—YORK to assume his post as GOVERNOR—FOR—THE—NEW—YORK—PROVINCE.
17490807             † DANIEL—GOTTLIEB—TREU, DEUTSCHER—VIOLINIST und Komponist
17510807             * WILHELMINE—VON—PREUßEN, Erbstatthalterin der NIEDERLANDE
17530807             † MARKUS—GATTINGER, bayerischer Kunstschmied
17590807             † GEORG—WILHELM—KIRCHMAIER, DEUTSCHER—PHILOSOPH, Rhetoriker und Sprachwissenschaftler
17600807             —SURRENDERED, FORT—LOUDON, TENNESSEE, to Cherokee Indians.
17640807             † FRANZ—CHRISTOPH—NAGEL, DEUTSCHER—BAUMEISTER des Barocks
17690807             * JOHANN—CHRISTIAN—AUGUST—GROHMANN, DEUTSCHER—PHILOSOPH, Psychologe und Rhetoriker
17700807             † JOHANN—CASPAR—RICHTER, Kaufmann, Ratsherr und Ratsbaumeister in LEIPZIG
17710807             † JOHANN—DANIEL—SCHÖPFLIN, DEUTSCHER—PROFESSOR der Geschichte, Beredsamkeit und Staatsrechtslehre, Lehrer Goethes
17790807             * CARL—RITTER, cofounder of modern science of geography, in Quedlinberg, Prussia.
17790807             * CARL—RITTER, DEUTSCHER—GEOGRAF
17820802—17820807    —SEE
17820807             —CREATED, GENERAL—GEORGE—WASHINGTON, THE—ORDER—OF—THE—PURPLE—HEART, 1—DECORATION to recognize merit in enlisted men and noncommissioned officers.
17820807             —AUTHORIZED, WASHINGTON, the award of the Purple Heart for soldiers wounded in combat.
17820807             1—STATUE—OF—PETER—THE—GREAT was unveiled in S—PETERSBURG on the 100. ANNIVERSARY—OF—HIS—ACCESSION to the throne.
17820807             1—STATUE—OF—PETER—THE—GREAT was made by FRANCE—SCULPTOR—ETIENNE—MAURICE—FALCONET (17160000—17910000    ), who spent —12—YEARS on the work.
17830807—18160000    —BURNED, Luddites, down JOHN—HEATHCOAT his NOTTINGHAM factory.
17830807—18610000    * † JOHN—HEATHCOAT, ENGLAND—INVENTOR—OF—LACE—MAKING machinery (18090000             ).
17870807             LES—PARLEMENTAIRES déclarent cet enregistrement illégal
17890807             —ESTABLISHED, USA—WAR—DEPARTMENT, by Congress.
17910807             * ADOLF—IVAR—ARWIDSSON, FINNISCHER—JOURNALIST, Schriftsteller und Historiker
17940807             —PROTESTED, In THE—USA in WEST—PENNSYLVANIA, angry farmers, 1—NEW—FEDERAL—TAX on whiskey makers.
17940807             —FLARED, The protest, into the open warfare known as THE—WHISKEY—REBELLION between USA—MARSHALS and whiskey farmers.
17940807             Mehrere 1.000—BEWAFFNETE Siedler aus dem MONONGAHELA—VALLEY im Westen Pennsylvanias ziehen nach PITTSBURGH, um gegen 1—STEUER auf Alkohol zu kämpfen.
17940807             Die "WHISKEY—REBELLION" wird vom Militär unter dem Kommando von USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—WASHINGTON schnell niedergeschlagen.
17960807             Gegen die Zusicherung einer späteren Entschädigung tritt Württemberg seinen linksrheinischen Besitz Mömpelgard im Pariser Frieden an FRANKREICH ab.
17970807             * JUSTIN—VON—LINDE, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Politiker
18000807             * JOSEF—KRASOSLAV—CHMELENSKÝ, TSCHECHISCHER—KRITIKER, Dichter, Librettist und Volksaufklärer
18000807             † KARL—ANTON—VON—MARTINI, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—JURIST und Rechtsphilosoph
18010807             * MORITZ—KARL—AUGUST—AXT, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE und Altphilologe
18040807             In 1 geheimen Note fordert NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE—VON—KAISER—FRANZ—II. die Anerkennung als Kaiser der Franzosen und stellt dafür im Gegenzug die Anerkennung eines ÖSTERREICHISCHEN—ERBKAISERTUMS in Aussicht.
18110807             * ELIAS—LOOMIS, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—MATHEMATIKER, Meteorologe und Astronom
18130807             —ULTIMATUM autrichien à NAPOLEÓN
18150807             —RETOUR—DE, LOUIS—XVIII. à PARIS.
18150807             Die —NUN 22—SCHWEIZER—KANTONE beschwören im ZÜRCHER—GROSSMÜNSTER einen 15—ARTIKEL umfassenden Bundesvertrag.
18180807             * HENRI—CHARLES—LITOLFF, FRANCE—COMPOSER, pianist.
18190807             —SCHLACHT—VON—BOYACÁ
18190807             —BRINGT SIMÓN—BOLÍVAR Bogotá unter seine Herrschaft und
18190807             —FESTIGT SIMÓN—BOLÍVAR damit die Unabhängigkeit Neugranadas.
18200807             —PLANTED, The 1. potatoes were, in HAWAII.
18200807             † ELISA—BONAPARTE, Schwester des NAPOLÉON—BONAPARTE
18210719             † ELISA—BONAPARTE, 18210807            .
18210719—18210807    † GEORGE—IV—KING—OF—ENGLAND oo CAROLINE
18210807             † CAROLINE oo GEORGE—IV—KING—OF—ENGLAND.
18240807             * WILHELM—VON—SCHÖNING, PREUSSISCHER—GUTSBESITZER, Landrat und Politiker
18260807             —HIRED, MARC—BRUNEL, his son, Isambard, to replace WILLIAM—ARMSTRONG as CHIEF engineer for building the tunnel under ENGLAND—THAMES—RIVER.
18280807             † KARL—WILHELM—FERDINAND—VON—FUNCK, sächsischer GENERAL und Historiker
18280807             † RUDOLF—KOCHER, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Schriftsteller
18290807             † ALBERT—VON—SACK, schlesischer Forschungsreisender
18330807             * POWELL—CLAYTON, BRIGADIER—GENERAL (Union volunteers), (GOV—R—ARK), in PENNSILVANIA.
18340807             † DANIEL—ERHARD—GÜNTHER, DEUTSCHER—MEDIZINER und Hochschullehrer
18340807             † JOSEPH—MARIE—JACQUARD, FRANZÖSISCHER—ERFINDER der Musterwebmaschine
18390807             † BERNHARD—FREI—HERR—VON—ESKELES, banker, VIENNA[WIEN]
18390807             * EDUARD—EBEL, deutscher evangelischer Pfarrer und Dichter
18440807             * HUGO—KAUFFMANN, DEUTSCHER—MALER
18440807             † NIELS—HEIDENREICH, DÄNISCHER—UHRMACHER und Dieb der Goldhörner von Gallehus
18480807             —DER—MUSTER—STAAT—BELGIEN - Die Polendebatte in FRANKFURT
18480807             —VOM, DAS ABLÖSUNGS—GESETZ,
18490807             † ERNST—ELSENHANS, badischer Revolutionär
18540807             * HERMIONE—VON—PREUSCHEN, DEUTSCHE—MALERIN und Schriftstellerin
18560807             * EDUARD—HAHN, DEUTSCHER—AGRARETHNOLOGE, Geograph und Wirtschaftshistoriker
18580807             † ERNST—MEYER, DEUTSCHER—BOTANIKER und Autor
18600807             * ALAN—LEO, BRITISCHER—AUTOR, Theosoph und Astrologe
18610000—19410807    * † Rabindranath Tagore, 1—BENGALI polymath who reshaped Bengali literature and music, as well as INDIA—ART with Contextual Modernism in the late 19. and early 20. centuries, in CALCUTTA.
18610807             In 1—SITZUNG der 2. Tonkünstlerversammlung in Weimar wird von LOUIS—KÖHLER, FRANZ—BRENDEL, FRANZ—LISZT und anderen der Allgemeine DEUTSCHE—MUSIKVEREIN gegründet.
18640807             Union GENERAL—PHILIP—HENRY—SHERIDAN took command of his 30,000-man army at HARPER—FERRY—WEST—VIRGINIA.
18640807             His orders from GENERAL—GRANT were to march into the Shenandoah Valley and destroy THE—ARMY—OF—CONFEDERATE—GENERAL—JUBAL—EARLY.
18640807             * LOUIS—ARNOULD, FRANZÖSISCHER—ROMANIST und Französist
18690807             EISENACH, wird auf Initiative von —AUGUST—BEBEL und WILHELM—LIEBKNECHT—DER—GRÜNDUNGS—KONGRESS zur SOZIALDEMOKRATISCHE—ARBEITERPARTEI eröffnet, aus der später die Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD) hervorgeht.
18690807             † GUSTAV—RÉE, badischer Politiker
18690807—18690809    —TAGES—ORDNUNG—PROGRAMM und Organisation (—AUGUST—BEBEL);
18690807—18690809    In ihrem neuen Programm erklärt sich DIE—PARTEI ausdrücklich als Zweig der IAA.
18690807—18690809    Die ökonomische Abhängigkeit des —ARBEITER von den Kapitalisten bilde DIE—GRUND—LAGE der Knechtschaft in JEDER—FORM.
18690807—18690809    DIE—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHE—PARTEI erstrebe deshalb, unter Abschaffung der jetzigen PRODUKTIONS—WEISE, den vollen Arbeitsertrag für jeden —ARBEITER und den "Freien Volksstaat".
18690807—18690809    An der PARTEI—SPITZE steht 1—FÜNFKÖPFIGER Ausschuß, der von den im "Vorort" wohnenden Mitgliedern gewählt wird (mit Sitz in BRAUNSCHWEIG),
18690807—18690809    und 1—ELFKÖPFIGE KONTROLL—KOMMISSION (mit Sitz in HAMBURG), die des GESCHÄFT—LEITUNG des Ausschusses zu kontrollieren hat.
18690807—18690809    Über dem Ausschuß steht der PARTEI—KONGREß, der mindestens 1—MAL PRO—JAHR stattfinden muß.
18690807—18690809    —DER—KONGREß bestimmt des PARTEI—AUSSCHUSS—VORORT—SITZ.
18690807—18690809    DIE—ORGANISATION beruht auf dem Vertrauensmännersystem.
18690807—18690809    Zum PARTEI—ORGAN wird das "Demokratische Wochenblatt" bestimmt, das vom
18690807—18690809    —BESCHLIEßT—DER—KONGREß, daß es der PARTEI—MITGLIEDER—PFLICHT sei, auf 1—EINIGUNG der GEWERKSCHAFTEN mit allen Mitteln hinzuwirken und empfiehlt die weitere Bildung von GEWERKS—GENOSSENSCHAFTEN auf internationaler GRUND—LAGE.
18690807—18690809    des PARTEI—AUSSCHUSS—MITGLIEDER (PARTEI—VORSTANDES) werden: L. v. Bonhorst, W. Bracke, J. H. Ehlers, F. Neidel und S. Spier.
18690807—18690809    DER—KAMPF—FÜR—DIE—BEFREIUNG der arbeitenden Klassen sei nicht 1—KAMPF—FÜR—KLASSEN—PRIVILEGIEN und Vorrechte, sondern
18690807—18690809    DER—KAMPF—FÜR—DIE—BEFREIUNG der arbeitenden Klassen sei 1—KAMPF—FÜR—GLEICHE Rechte und gleiche Pflichten und
18690807—18690809    DER—KAMPF—FÜR—DIE—BEFREIUNG der arbeitenden Klassen sei 1—KAMPF—FÜR—DIE Abschaffung aller KLASSEN—HERRSCHAFT.
18690807—18690809    —FORDERUNGEN, Als nächste, in der Agitation der Partei werden unter anderem genannt: ErTEILUNG des allgemeinen, gleichen, direkten und geheimen WAHL—RECHTS an ALLE—MÄNNER vom 20.
18690807—18690809    das Verhältnis zur IAA;
18690807—18690809    das PARTEI—ORGAN;
18690807—18690809    die GEWERKS—GENOSSENSCHAFTEN.
18690807—18690809    DER—KAMPF—FÜR—DIE—BEFREIUNG der ARBEITENDE—KLASSEN sei nicht 1—KAMPF—FÜR—KLASSEN—PRIVILEGIEN und Vorrechte, sondern für gleiche Rechte und gleiche Pflichten und für die Abschaffung aller KLASSEN—HERRSCHAFT.
18690807—18690809    —FORDERUNGEN, Als nächste, in der Agitation der Partei werden unter anderem genannt:
18690807—18690809    ErTEILUNG des allgemeinen, gleichen, direkten und GEHEIMEN WAHL—RECHTS an ALLE—MÄNNER vom 20—LEBENS—JAHR für DAS—PARLAMENT und die LAND—TAGE—DER—EINZELSTAATEN;
18690807—18690809    den gewählten Vertretern sind genügend Diäten zu gewähren;
18690807—18690809    direkte GESETZ—GEBUNG durch DAS—VOLK;
18690807—18690809    Miliz an Stelle des stehenden Heeres;
18690807—18690809    Trennung von STAAT und Kirche;
18690807—18690809    Abschaffung aller indirekten STEUERN;
18690807—18690809    der NORMAL—ARBEITS—TAG;
18690807—18690809    Einschränkung der Frauen-, der KINDER—ARBEIT—VERBOT;
18690807—18690809    staatliche Förderung des GENOSSENSCHAFTS—WESENS und Staatskredite für freie PRODUKTIONS—GENOSSENSCHAFTEN unter demokratischen Garantien.
18720807             † FRIEDERIKE—SERRE, DEUTSCHE—MÄZENIN, Gastgeberin
18760807             * MARGARETHA—ZELLE (aka Mata Hari) in THE—NETHERLANDS.
18760807             —PASSED, Mata Hari, otherwise known as MARGARETHA—G—MACLEOD, secrets to the Germans —WWI—IN.
18760807             * MATA—HARI, NIEDERLÄNDISCHE—TÄNZERIN und Spionin
18800807             * POLLY—KOSS, ÖSTERREICHISCHE—SOUBRETTE und Schauspielerin
18800807             * WALTHER—LIETZMANN, DEUTSCHER—MATHEMATIKER, Pädagoge und Mathematikdidaktiker
18810807             * FRANÇOIS—DARLAN, FRANZÖSISCHER—ADMIRAL und Politiker
18820807             HATFIELDS—OF—SOUTH—WEST—VIRGINIA and MCCOYS—OF—EAST—KENTUCKY RE—ENGAGED in 1—FEUD that dated back to 18650000            .
18820807             —WOUNDED, Some 100 were, or †.
18820807—20070000    —IN, medical evidence indicated that MANY—OF—THE—DESCENDANTS—OF—THE—MCCOYS suffered from 1 inherited disease that leads to HAIR—TRIGGER rage and violent outbursts.
18830807             * JOACHIM—RINGELNATZ, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Kabarettist und Maler
18840807             DEUTSCH—SÜDWESTAFRIKA
18840807             * PAUL—FRÖLICH, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER und Autor, Biograph von Rosa LUXEMBURG
18840807             Die Kriegsschiffe LEIPZIG und Elisabeth nehmen in der Bucht von Angra Pequeña die Kolonie Südwestafrika für das DEUTSCHE—REICH in Besitz.
18850807             † BARON—JACOB—TREVES, financier, benefactor, VENICE[VENEDIG]
18850807             * GENE—BUCK, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—ILLUSTRATOR, Songwriter und Musikproduzent
18870807             * ANNA—ELISABET—WEIRAUCH, DEUTSCHE—SCHAUSPIELERIN und Schriftstellerin
18880807             The revolving door, the brainchild of PHILADELPHIA inventor Theophilus VAN Kannel (18410000—19190000    ), was patented.
18880807             Der Erfinder THEOPHILUS—VAN—KANNEL erhält in den USA das Patent auf die Drehtür.
18880807—18890000    —IN, he founded THE—VAN—KANNEL Revolving Door Company.
18920807             * ALBERT—SCHREINER, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER und Historiker
18930630—18930807    —ISSUED, PRESIDENT—CLEVELAND, 1—PROCLAMATION calling for 1—SPECIAL—SESSION—OF—CONGRESS to deal with the financial crises.
18930807             * GÜNTHER—RITTAU, DEUTSCHER—KAMERAMANN und Regisseur
18930807             † GUSTAV—GODEFFROY, DEUTSCHER—KAUFMANN und Hamburger SENATOR
18950807             * WILLY—ANDREESSEN, deutscher nationalsozialistischer Funktionär
18960807             * ERNESTO—LECUONA, composer (Malaguena), in HAVANA—CUBA.
18960807             † ELISE—KRINITZ, DEUTSCHE—SCHRIFTSTELLERIN und die letzte, platonische Geliebte HEINRICH—HEINES
18980807             † ERNST—HARDT, Pionier der Kölner Pferdebahn
18980807             † GEORG—EBERS, DEUTSCHER—ÄGYPTOLOGE und Schriftsteller
19000807             WILHELM—LIEBKNECHT,
19000807             120.000—150.000—BERLINER teilnehmen an des WILHELM—LIEBKNECHT—BEERDIGUNG.
19000807             † WILHELM—LIEBKNECHT, DEUTSCHER—LEHRER, Journalist, Redakteur und Politiker, Revolutionär, 1—DER—GRÜNDERVÄTER—DER—SPD, MdR
19000807             † ÉTIENNE—LENOIR, FRANZÖSISCHER—ERFINDER und Geschäftsmann
19030807             * LOUIS—LEAKEY, anthropologist, archeologist and paleontologist, in KENYA.
19030807             —BELIEVED, LOUIS—LEAKEY, that AFRICA was the cradle of mankind.
19040807             † RALPH—BUNCHE (19710000             , ), USA—DIPLOMAT and the 1. AFRICA—USA NOBEL PRIZE winner (19500000             ), was born.
19040807             "There are no warlike PEOPLES—JUST warlike leaders".
19040807             * JOHANNA—MELZER, DEUTSCHE—WIDERSTANDSKÄMPFERIN gegen den Nationalsozialismus
19060807             NORTH—CAROLINA, 1—MOB defies 1—COURT—ORDER and lynches 3—AFRICA—AMERICANS which becomes known as "THE—LYERLY—MURDERS".
19080807             Venus von Willendorf
19080807             * ROBERT—BERNARDIS, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—OFFIZIER, Widerstandskämpfer, Beteiligter am Attentat vom 19440720             19080807             Beim Bau der Donauuferbahn wird in Willendorf (NiederÖSTERREICH) die Kalksteinfigur "VENUS—VON—WILLENDORF" ausgegraben.
19080807_25.000      —JUNG—PALÄOLITHIKUM, Die VENUS—VON—WILLENDORF wird auf die Zeit um ins datiert.
19090807             —ARRIVED, ALICE—HUYLER—RAMSEY (22), in S—FRANCISCO on 1—FERRY boat —AFTER driving a 19090000             MAXWELL—MODEL—DA across the country.
19090807             Die Fahrtroute von ALICE—RAMSEY
19090807             —NACHDEM sie als 1. Frau mit einem Automobil die Vereinigten Staaten von AMERIKA durchquert hat, erreicht ALICE—RAMSEY ihren Zielort S—FRANCISCO.
19090807             ALICE—RAMSEY hat für ihre Fahrt knapp —2—MONATE benötigt.
19090807—19090609    —ON, She had left NEW—YORK.
19100807             S—FRANCISCO—THE—CHUTES, vaudeville theater on Fillmore St. attracted SOPHIE—TUCKER, who revived her career —AFTER being BLACK—BALLED by Flo Ziegfeld —BACK—IN NEW—YORK.
19100807             —PERFORMED, Tucker, the Grizzly Bear song in S—FRANCISCO.
19100807             SOPHIE—TUCKER at the Chutes theater creates 1—GENUINE furor with her rendition of "THE—DANCE—OF—THE—GRIZZLY—BEAR".
19100807             She did 2—SUNDAY through —SATURDAY runs, 19100807—19130807    , and 19100918—19240918.
19100807—19100000    —IN.
19100807—19130807    GRETA—GARBO did 2—SUNDAY through —SATURDAY runs, and 19100918—19240918.
19120807             —STORMED, EX—PRESIDENT—THEODORE—ROOSEVELT had, the Republican convention but failed to wrest the nomination from WILLIAM—HOWARD—TAFT.
19120807             —FOUNDED, He then, his own, SHORT—LIVED, Progressive Party.
19120807             —ALLOWED, The party SPLIT, Taft to win the election.
19120807             Bei 1—AUFSTIEG im Ballon bemerkt der Physiker VICTOR—FRANZ—HESS 1—VON—IHM—HÖHENSTRAHLUNG genannte Veränderung.
19120807             VICTOR—FRANZ—HESS wird dadurch zum Entdecker der Kosmischen Strahlung.
19150000—20040807    * † PAUL—N—ADAIR, TEXAS oil field firefighter.
19150807             † In the assault up RUSSELL—TOP at Gallipoli 232—AUSTRALIANS.
19160807             —FORMED, Persia, 1—ALLIANCE with BRITAIN and RUSSIA.
19190807             Der Flieger CHARLES—GODEFROY durchquert mit 1—NIEUPORT 11-Doppeldecker den Pariser Arc de Triomphe.
19210807             * SUSANNE—HIRZEL, DEUTSCHE—WIDERSTANDSKÄMPFERIN gegen den Nationalsozialismus (Weiße Rose)
19220000—20120807    * † JUDITH—CRIST, USA—FILM—CRITIC, at her home in Manhattan.
19220807             THE—IRELAND—REPUBLICAN—ARMY cut the cable link between THE—USA and EUROPE at Waterville landing station.
19230807             * LIANE—BERKOWITZ, DEUTSCHE—WIDERSTANDSKÄMPFERIN gegen den Nationalsozialismus (Rote Kapelle)
19231005             * PHILIP—BERRIGAN, militant priest (Chic19230807             ).
19250807             Der Honours Act 19250000             wird vom BRITISCHEN—UNTERHAUS verabschiedet, um künftig den Verkauf von Adelswürden zu unterbinden.
19260000—20150807    * † ARTHUR—FINGER, FORMER—SF Bay Area media veteran, at his home in VANCOUVER, BC.
19260807             * STAN—FREBERG, satirist, ad executive, cartoon voice (Bertie), in LA—CALIFORNIA.
19270807             * EDWIN—EDWARDS, GOVERNOR—OF—LOUISIANA (19720000—19800000    , 19840000—19880000    , 19920000—19960000    ).
19270807             —INCLUDED, His military service, commands in CUBA (19000000—19020000    ) and THE—PHILIPPINES 19050000             and 19210000—19270000.
19270807—19100000    —IN, he was named CHIEF—OF—STAFF—OF—THE—ARMY, the only medical officer to ever hold the position.
19270807—19420000    —MOVED, MAIA—WOJCIECHOWSKA, to THE—USA and became 1 acclaimed AUTHOR—OF—CHILDREN—BOOKS.
19270807—20020000    * † MAIA—WOJCIECHOWSKA in WARSAW.
19270807—20020000    —INCLUDED, MAIA—WOJCIECHOWSKA—WORK, the memoir "Till THE—BREAK—OF—DAY: Memories, 19390000—19420000    ".
19270807—20050000    —AUTHORED, JACK—MCCALLUM, the biography "LEONARD—WOOD".
19280807             * AMAZING—RANDI (JAMES—RANDI), skeptic magician (Nova), in TORONTO, ONTARIO.
19290807             THE—VÖLKISCHER—BEOBACHTER—NUMMER—181, reports that HITLER, —DURING the annual PARTY—GATHERING at NÜRNBERG
19290807             HITLER had held up the ancient SPARTA—POLICY—OF—SELECTIVE—INFANTICIDE as 1—ARCHE—TYPE[MODEL] for GERMANY.
19290807             "If GERMANY EVERY—YEAR would have 1.000.000—CHILDREN," HITLER said, "and
19290807             "If GERMANY EVERY—YEAR would eliminate 700.000—800,000—OF—THE—WEAKEST—CHILDREN,
19290807             the end result would probably be 1—INCREASE in (national) strength".
19290807             † VICTOR—L—BERGER, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—POLITIKER, Gründungsmitglied der Sozialistischen Partei Amerikas
19300807             MARION—INDIANA, 1—MOB broke into 1—JAIL and beat to death 2—YOUNG—BLACK—MEN and hung them from 1—TREE in the courthouse square.
19300807             TOMMY—SHIPP and Abe Smith and a 3. teenager had —JUST been arrested for 1 botched robbery that left CLAUDE—DEETER, 1—WHITE—MAN, dead.
19300807             —SAVED, JAMES—CAMERON, —16—JAHRE—ALT was, from hanging, even as 1—NOOSE was on his neck.
19300807             † JAMES—D—PHELAN (18970000—19010000    ), former 3-time MAYOR—OF—SF.
19300807             His unsuccessful 19200000             reelection campaign used the slogan "Keep CALIFORNIA White".
19300807—19140000    —IN, he was elected and served 1—SINGLE—TERM in THE—USA—SENATE.
19300807—20060000    —AUTHORED, Cynthia Carr, "Our Town: 1—HEARTLAND—LYNCHING, 1—HAUNTED Town and the Hidden HISTORY—OF—WHITE—AMERICA".
19310807             † LEON—BISMARCK "Bix" Beiderbecke (29), jazz cornetist (In Mist).
19310807—19740000    —AUTHORED, RICHARD—M—SUDHALTER, "Bix: Man and Legend".
19320222—17820807    —DESIGNATED, The original Purple Heart, as THE—BADGE—OF—MILITARY—MERIT, was established by GEORGE—WASHINGTON, by order from his NEWBURGH—NEW—YORK headquarters.
19320807             USA—ECONOMIST—FRED—MANVILLE—TAYLOR is best known for his contribution to THE—THEORY—OF—MARKET—SOCIALISM.
19320807             His "PRINCIPLES—OF—ECONOMICS" (19110000             ) went through 9—EDITIONS.
19320807—19730000    * † ABEBE—BIKILA, barefoot runner from ETHIOPIA, winner of 19600000             —THE—OLYMPIC marathon.
19330807             Jews in NÜRNBERG are forbidden to use the municipal baths and swimming pools.
19340807             THE—USA—COURT—OF—APPEALS upheld 1—LOWER—COURT ruling striking down the government's attempt to ban the controversial JAMES—JOYCE novel "Ulysses".
19340807             5—AMERICANS are beaten in NÜRNBERG for refusing to give THE—NAZI—SALUTE.
19340807             * DIETER—SCHLESAK, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Mitglied des DEUTSCHEN—P.E.N.-Zentrums
19340807—19340802    —AM, Der verstorbene REICHS—PRÄSIDENT—PAUL—VON—HINDENBURG wird im TANNENBERG—DENKMAL beigesetzt.
19350807             —AGREED, DANZIG, (GDANSK) 60—PERCENT—OF—VOTERS, to Nazism (NSDAP).
19380714             * JERRY—RUBIN, activist (Chic19380807             ), stockbroker.
19380807             —CLOSED, Nazi's, the theology DEPARTMENT—OF—INNSBRUCK university.
19380807             † Konstantin S. Stanislavsky (75), RUSSIA—DIRECTOR (S Method).
19380807             —BOMBED, THE—BEIRUT synagogue is, by Arab terrorists.
19390807             COUNT—CIANO requests a meeting with JOACHIM—VON—RIBBENTROP.
19400807             —RECOGNIZED, CHURCHILL, the De Gaulle government in exile.
19410807             ROMANIA, 551—JEWS were shot in the Kishinev ghetto.
19420807             * GARRISON—KEILLOR, USA—HUMORIST and writer.
19420807             * BJ (BILLY—JOE) Thomas, singer (Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head, Hooked on 1—FEELING).
19420807             THE—USA—1.—MARINE—DIVISION under GENERAL—A—A—VANDEGRIFT landed on the islands of Guadalcanal and Tulagi in THE—SOLOMON—ISLANDS.
19420807             This was the 1. USA—AMPHIBIOUS—LANDING—OF—THE—WAR and THE—START—OF—THE 1. major allied offensive in the Pacific —WWII—DURING.
19420807             —INCLUDED, The initial landing party, Navajo Codetalkers.
19420807             This was the 1. land JAPAN—DEFEAT—OF—WWII;
19420807             JAPAN was building 1—AIR—BASE with designs on isolating THE—AUSTRALIA—CONTINENT.
19420807             THE—NAZI 36.
19420807             —MASSACRED, Police Battalion, made up of ethnic Estonians, some 2,500 Jews at NOVOGRUDOK—BELARUS (according to THE—SIMON—WIESENTHAL—FOUNDATION).
19420807             —DEPARTED, Transport 16, with FRANCE—JEWS to NAZI—GERMANY.
19420807             USA—MARINES—LAND at Guadalcanal in the Solomons.
19420807             AMERIKANISCHE—TRUPPEN am Strand von GUADAL—CANAL
19420807             —WWII, AMERIKANISCHE—TRUPPEN landen am LUNGA—POINT auf Guadalcanal.
19420807             Damit übernehmen die Alliierten 1. die Offensive im Pazifikkrieg.
19430807             USA—MAJOR—GENERAL—LEWIS—B—HERSHEY, the National DIRECTOR—OF—SELECTIVE—SERVICE, said: "There are too MANY—MIDDLE—CLASS morons in the country, people with mental diseases who can't pass Army tests".
19430807             The last trainload of Jews from Salonica leaves for AUSCHWITZ,
19430807             AUSCHWITZ, where more than 43,000—OF—SALONICA—56,000—JEWS have already been murdered.
19430807             (Atlas)
19440000—20190807    * † Kary Banks Mullis, Nobel Prize winner (19930000             ), at his home in NEWPORT BEACH—CALIFORNIA.
19440807             —LAUNCHED, GERMANY—FORCES, a major counter attack against USA—FORCES near MORTAIN—FRANCE.
19440807             DIETRICH—VON—CHOLTITZ wird während des —WWII zum Wehrmachtsbefehlshaber von PARIS ernannt.
19460000             GI Special 4H7: He Was Disillusioned - 20060807             19470807             —CARRIED, The balsa wood raft KON—TIKI, which had, a 6—MAN crew 4,300 miles across the Pacific Ocean, crashed into 1—REEF in 1—POLYNESIAN archipelago.
19470807             THOR—HEYERDAHL erreicht mit dem Holzfloß KON—TIKI den TUAMOTU—ARCHIPEL in der Südsee.
19530807             —ENTERED, EAST—AIRLINES, the jet age with the Electra PROP—JET.
19550807             [NEW—YORK—TIMES ] Amazingly, over —50—YEARS—LATER 1—STILL hears the phrase " too cheap to meter " repeated by the media and the antinuclear movement, construed as 1—PROOF that nuclear science and technology promised SOME—UTOPIAN future but never delivered.
19550807             But did the nuclear industry really expect to generate electricity " too cheap to meter "?
19550807             Or is it —JUST 1—EASY, catchy and tired phrase taken OUT—OF—CONTEXT?
19560807             UK—GOVERNMENT sent 3—AIRCRAFT carriers to EGYPT.
19560807             In der Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister in DRESDEN beschädigt 1—VERWIRRTER—DAS—BILD—RUHENDE—VENUS mit Amor von GUIDO—RENI, indem er es mit einem Bleistift durchbricht.
19570807             † OLIVER—HARDY, —65—JAHRE—ALT, the heavier HALF—OF—THE—LAUREL and Hardy comedy team, in NORTH—HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA.
19580807             ALBERTO—LLERAS—CAMARGO (19060000—19900000    ) began serving as PRESIDENT—OF—COLOMBIA and continued to 19620807            .
19590807             —LAUNCHED, THE—USA, Explorer 6, which sent back 1—PICTURE—OF—THE—EARTH.
19590807             The satellite, popularly known as the "paddlewheel satellite," featured 1—PHOTOCELL scanner that transmitted 1—CRUDE—PICTURE—OF—THE—EARTH—SURFACE and cloud cover from 1—DISTANCE—OF—17,000—MILES
19600807             —STAGED, Students, KNEEL—IN demonstrations in ATLANTA churches.
19600807             —BECAME, IVORY—COAST, independent from FRANCE.
19600807             FELIX—HOUPHOUET—BOIGNY (19050000             *) began to rule IVORY—COAST as PRIME—MINISTER.
19600807             ENCOURAGEMENT—OF—INVESTMENT and stability made it 1—OF—REGION—MOST prosperous.
19600807             Die ELFENBEINKÜSTE erlangt die Unabhängigkeit von FRANKREICH.
19600807—19930000    —IN, HOUPHOUET—BOIGNY led the country —UNTIL his death.
19610807             —PREDICTED, SOVIET—PREMIER—KHRUSHCHEV, that THE—USSR economy would surpass THAT—OF—THE—USA.
19620807             Die Madonna im Rosenkranz von Tilman Riemenschneider wird aus der Wallfahrtskirche Maria im Weingarten im unterfränkischen Volkach gestohlen.
19620807             Der sogenannte Madonnenraub ist Auftakt für 1—DER—UMSTRITTENSTEN—RETTUNGSAKTIONEN—VON—KUNST in der bundesdeutschen Nachkriegszeit.
19640807             —PASSED, Congress, the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, giving PRESIDENT—JOHNSON broad powers in dealing with reported NORTH—VIETNAM—ATTACKS on USA—FORCES.
19640807             —UNLIMITED, It allowed THE—PRESIDENT to use, military force to prevent attacks on USA—FORCES.
19640807             —SUPPORTED, The resolution, PRESIDENT—LYNDON—JOHNSON—MILITARY actions against NORTH—VIETNAM in retaliation for its attack on A—USA—SPY ship in the Tonkin Gulf.
19640807             —PASSED, The resolution, in the House 414-0 and the Senate 88-2.
19640807             TURKEY began 1—AIR—ATTACK on GREEK—CYPRIOTS. Affidavit Of RICHARD—HELMS
19640807             RICHARD—HELMS - "Rick" to his friends is 1—FORENSIC—PSYCHOLOGIST, working in THE—COURTS—OF—NORTH—CAROLINA.
19640807             Unlike Gallegher, he has been uncommonly... murderexpress.bravepages_com/richard helms
19640807             Die Langlebige KIEFER—PROMETHEUS, mit geschätzten 4.—862—JAHREN 1—DER—ÄLTESTEN—BÄUME—DER—WELT, die an der Waldgrenze am Wheeler Peak im USA—BUNDESSTAAT NEVADA wuchs, wird gefällt.
19640807             Die Langlebige KIEFER—PROMETHEUS außergewöhnliches Alter wird —ERST bei einer späteren Untersuchung festgestellt.
19640807             † ALEKSANDER—ZAWADZKI, polnischer kommunistischer Politiker
19640807—19640804    —DIE TONKIN—RESOLUTION des USA—KONGRESSES als Reaktion auf den TONKIN—ZWISCHENFALL leitet die offizielle Beteiligung der USA am Vietnamkrieg ein.
19640807—19710113    —AMOUNTED, The resolution, which, to 1—DECLARATION—OF—WAR, was repealed by Congress.
19650807             —REVOKED, The troupe's permit had been, for its adoption of "Il Candelaio.," a 15010101—16001231     play by Giordano Bruno.
19650807             —CHARGED, He was, with performing in 1—PUBLIC—PARK without 1—PERMIT.
19650807             BILL—GRAHAM, manager of the troupe, soon threw 1—BENEFIT for the troupe and hired 1—UNKNOWN—BAND called the Jefferson Airplane.
19650807             —RAISED, The benefit, $4000 and led Graham to leave the Mime Troupe and open the Fillmore.
19650807             Wegen Differenzen mit MALAYSIA wird SINGAPUR aus der Föderation Malaya ausgeschlossen.
19660807             THE—USA—LOST 7—PLANES over NORTH—VIETNAM, the most in the war up to this point.
19660807             There was 1—RACE—RIOT in LANSING—MICHIGAN.
19660807             * JIMMY—WALES, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—UNTERNEHMER und Mitgründer von Wikipedia
19690807             —DISCOVERED, THE—BODY—OF—1—VERMONT man was, by 1—WORK crew in 1—WATER—FILLED pit off Interstate 93 in SALEM—NEW—HAMPSHIRE.
19690807             —RELEASED, He had been, from prison —3—MONTHS—EARLIER and was found shot at least 6—TIMES in the head.
19690807             —AM, wartete das Heldentrio von "APOLLO—11" auf das ENDE—DER—QUARANTÄNE.
19690807—20200000    —IN, fingerprint evidence identified him as Winston "Skip" Morris (30).
19700504—19700807    —ON, —4—MONTHS—AFTER its adoption, however, the Commission significantly amended the rule,
19700807             At 1—HEARING for the "SOLEDAD Brothers," JONATHON—P—JACKSON, —17—JAHRE—ALT, the younger brother of GEORGE—L—JACKSON, attempted 1 armed rescue attempt at the Marin Civic Center.
19700807             1—SHOOTOUT in the parking lot followed and 4—PEOPLE were killed and 5 injured.
19700807             —GRABBED, Assistant DA GARY—THOMAS (20170000             †), 1—PISTOL from 1—OF—THE—CONVICTS and shot dead 3—OF—THEM.
19700807             Among the dead were JACKSON, JUDGE—HAROLD—HALEY, Black Panther JAMES—MCCLAIN, and convict WILLIAM—A—CHRISTMAS.
19700807             COLOMBIA, Misael Pastrana (19230000—19970000    ), 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—CONSERVATIVE—PARTY, began serving as the country's 31.
19700807             PRESIDENT.
19700807             —ELECTED, He was, by 1—MARGIN—OF—63,000—VOTES.
19700807             —AGREED, ISRAEL, JORDAN and EGYPT, to 1—CEASEFIRE under THE—TERMS—OF—THE—USA proposed ROGER—PLAN.
19700807             —PROPOSED, THE—ROGER—PLAN was originally, in a 19691209             , speech at 1—ADULT—EDUCATION—CONFERENCE.
19700807—19700619    —ANNOUNCED, The plan was formally.
19700807—19720000    —CHARGED, ANGELA—DAVIS was, with murder, kidnapping and conspiracy, but was acquitted —AFTER spending —1—YEAR in jail.
19700807—19890000    —FAVORED, SOME—WHO, his opponent, GENERAL—GUSTAVO—ROJAS—PINILLA, formed the M—19—REBEL—GROUP and waged war for almost —2—DECADES—BEFORE they disarmed.
19710106—19640807    —ON, USA—SENATORS—WAYNE—MORSE—OF—OREGON and ERNEST—GRUENING—OF—ALASKA share the distinction of casting the only votes against the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.
19710807             Mit 1—SICHEREN Landung im Pazifik endet der USA—AMERIKANISCHE—MONDFLUG APOLLO—15, obwohl sich einer der 3—FALLSCHIRME der Kapsel nicht öffnet.
19730807             —BECAME, Hermine Braunsteiner Ryan (19190000—19990000    ), the 1. Nazi war criminal extradited from THE—USA to GERMANY.
19730807             She became the 1. Nazi war criminal to be extradited from THE—USA.
19730807             —BOMBED, A—USA—PLANE accidentally, 1—CAMBODIA—VILLAGE, killing 400—CIVILIANS.
19730807             Pat Halley (19500000—20070000    ), 1—DETROIT reporter for the 5. Estate, tossed 1—PIE in THE—FACE—OF—THE—TEENAGE "LORD—OF—THE—UNIVERSE" at 1—FORMAL—SESSION—OF—COMMON—COUNCIL in PROTEST—OF—THE—GURU—CLAIM—OF—DIVINITY.
19730807             —1—WEEK—LATER Halley was savagely beaten and almost killed by 2—DEVOTEES of the Guru Maharaj Ji (15).
19730807—19640000    —EXPOSED, THE—NY—TIMES had, the local housewife as 1—FORMER—GUARD at the Nazi Majdanek death camp in POLAND.
19730807—19730501    —ON, 1—USA—JUDGE had certified her extradition to THE—SECRETARY—OF—STATE.
19730807—19730501    —CERTIFIED, A—USA—JUDGE had, her extradition to THE—SECRETARY—OF—STATE.
19730807—19730821    —RELEASED, Halley was, from DETROIT GENERAL—HOSPITAL in good condition —AFTER undergoing surgery to repair 1—CAVED—IN portion of his skull.
19740807             Der FRANZÖSISCHE—HOCHSEILARTIST—PHILIPPE—PETIT geht achtmal über ein in 417—METERN Höhe gespanntes Stahlseil zwischen den Zwillingstürmen des World Trade Centers.
19740807             Die illegale Aktion hat seine Festnahme zur Folge.
19740807—19760704    —ON, who makes 1—FINAL, fateful skywalk between the Twin TOWERS—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER.
19740807—20020000    —AUTHORED, Petit, "To Reach the Clouds: My High Wire Walk Between the Twin Towers".
19740807—20030000    —AUTHORED, STEVEN—GALLOWAY, "Ascension," 1—NOVEL that featured 1—FICTIONAL Gypsy tightrope walker named Ursari,
19740807—20080000    —PRODUCED, JAMES—MARSH, his documentary FILM—OF—THE—EVENT: Man On Wire".
19750807             —KILLED, CHINA, 1—DAM—COLLAPSE in Henan province, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE.
19750807             —COVERED, The event was, up for MANY—YEARS.
19750807             —FAILED, Altogether 62—DAMS, in —1—NIGHT, including 2—MAJOR—DAMS.
19750807             † As 1—RESULT—OF—THIS catastrophe 85,600—PEOPLE, according to the official government figures but others place the toll at 230 10000000            .
19760807             —ANNOUNCED, Scientists in PASADENA—CALIFORNIA, that the Viking 1—SPACECRAFT had found the strongest indications to date of possible life on Mars.
19760807             Die RAUMSONDE—VIKING—2, SCHWENKT in die Umlaufbahn des Mars.
19770807             "Shenandoah" closed at ALVIN—THEATER in NEW—YORK—CITY—AFTER 1,050 performances.
19770807             article by JOHN—WILHELM stated that Dr...Retired Navy Admiral WILLIAM—RABORN, CIA director under Lyndon B. Johnson, —FOR—YEARS..
19770807             UNIVERSITY—ARCHIVES: Simonsen Collection: USA—MILITARY... 19870000             SIG USA—NAVY-- Admiral of the Fleet, Undated 3 11 ..INSC 8—PIRIE, ROBERT—B—SIG 8—RABORN, WILLIAM—F—SIG... 2—EHLERT, NE 19900000             SIG/INSC 2—ESHELMAN, WILLIAM—P 19930000             ...
19770807             Blazing the Trail.
19770807             THE—EARLY—HISTORY—OF—SPACECRAFT + Rocketry
19770807             -See also DFH-1 (Dong Fong Hong) Dönitz, Admiral 158—DONOVAN, Allen 390—DOOLITTLE.. R1 433—R2 434—R3 434—RABE Institute 161, 162—RABORN JUNIOR, William (Red) 254
19780807             Als Folge eines der 1. großen Giftmüllskandale erklärt USA—PRÄSIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER den Ortsteil Love Canal in Niagara FALLS—NEW—YORK, zum Katastrophengebiet.
19791219—20200807    —CONVICTED—OF, He was, 1.—DEGREE murder in February, 20200000             , and sentenced to life in prison.
19820000             IRAQ—RESISTANCE—REPORT for events of —MONDAY, 20060807             19830807             Some 675,000 employees struck ATT Corp.
19830807             —RAPED, Cynthia Munoz (17) of CAMPBELL—CALIFORNIA, was found, and murdered with stab wounds.
19830807—20070000    —IN, prosecutors with DNA evidence charged CHRISTOPHER—MELVIN—HOLLAND, —52—JAHRE—ALT with the murder and sought his arrest.
19830807—20071018    —ARRESTED, HOLLAND was, in S—JOSE, CALIFORNIA.
19840807             Die Uraufführung der Oper Un re in ascolto (1—KÖNIG horcht) von LUCIANO—BERIO findet unter der Leitung von Lorin Maazel am Kleinen Festspielhaus in SALZBURG statt.
19840807             Der Librettist Italo Calvino erscheint nicht zu der Aufführung, da von seinem Entwurf "nur noch der Titel übrig geblieben sei".
19850807             Spc.
19850807             EDWARD—PIMENTAL, —20—JAHRE—ALT, 1—USA—ARMY—SOLDIER, left 1—DISCOTHEQUE in THE—WEST—GERMANY—CITY—OF—WIESBADEN with 1—WOMAN and was soon killed.
19850807             Terrorists used PIMENTAL—ID card to enter THE—USA—RHEIN—MAIN—AIR base in FRANKFURT.
19850807             —PACKED, THE—FOLLOWING—DAY, explosives, in 1—VOLKSWAGEN rocked the parking lot behind the base headquarters.
19850807             2—AMERICANS were killed and 23—PEOPLE were injured.
19850807—19960000    —IN, 1—JUDGE—SAID—BIRGIT—HOGEFELD, who was also convicted in the Pimental killing and THE—RHEIN—MAIN bombing, had lured Pimental out of the disco.
19850807—20070000    —RELEASED, Haule (53) was, from jail —AFTER serving —21—YEARS—OF—1—LIFE—SENTENCE.
19870807             —BECAME, Lynne Cox, the 1. to swim from USA to RUSSIA across the Bering Strait.
19870807             The presidents of 5—CENTRAL—USA—NATIONS, meeting in GUATEMALA—CITY, signed an 11-point agreement designed to bring peace to their region.
19880807             —ENDED, THE—WRITERS—GUILD—OF—AMERICA, their —6—MONTHS—STRIKE.
19880807             —SIGNALED, IRAN—FOREIGN—MINISTER—ALI—AKBAR—VELAYATI, his government's acceptance of IRAQ's modified peace proposal aimed at bringing about 1—CEASE—FIRE in the Persian Gulf.
19880807             EBERHARD—DIEPGEN spricht als 1. Regierender BÜRGERMEISTER—BERLINS auf einer öffentlichen Veranstaltung in der DDR.
19880807             † DAVID—L—HOGGAN, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—HISTORIKER und Geschichtsrevisionist
19890807             1—SMALL—PLANE carrying CONGRESSMAN—MICKEY—LELAND—D—TEXAS, and 15—OTHERS disappeared —DURING 1—FLIGHT in ETHIOPIA.
19890807             THE—WRECKAGE—OF—THE—PLANE was found —6—DAYS—LATER; there were no survivors.
19900807             —USA—PERSIAN—GULF—WAR began.
19900807             —USA—PERSIAN—GULF—WAR cost $8.1—BILLION and
19900807             —USA—PERSIAN—GULF—WAR left 383—USA—CASUALTIES with 458 wounded.
19900807             —IMPOSED, THE—UN, sanctions on IRAQ and devastated the economy.
19900807             —ALLOWED, FAHD—KING—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA, USA—TROOPS into his country on condition that they would be withdrawn once THE—GULF—WAR was over.
19900807—19910228    —ENDED, OPERATION—DESERT—SHIELD
19910807             —AGREED, THE—5—PERMANENT—MEMBERS—OF—THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, to authorize IRAQ to sell as much as $1.6—BILLION in oil over —6—MONTHS to pay for food, humanitarian supplies and war reparations;
19910807             however, BAGHDAD rejected the resolution.
19920807             JENNIFER—CAPRIATI won the gold medal in tennis at THE—BARCELONA—OLYMPICS, beating Steffi GRAF.
19920807             The luxury liner QUEEN—ELIZABETH 2—RAN aground off MASSACHUSETTS.
19920807             —PRODUCED, The 39-nation Conference on Disarmament in GENEVA, the final draft of 1—TREATY to ban chemical weapons, ending —24—YEARS—OF—TALKS.
19930108             PALATINE, 1—SUBURB of Chic19930807             people were shot to death at 1 fried chicken restaurant.
19930807             The public got its 1. glimpse inside Buckingham Palace as people were given the opportunity to tour THE—LONDON—HOME—OF—QUEEN—ELIZABETH—II.
19930807             Proceeds from ticket sales were earmarked to help repair fire damage at WINDSOR—CASTLE.
19940807             —OPENED, The 10. - INTERNATIONAL Conference on AIDS, in YOKOHAMA—JAPAN.
19950807             —10—DAYS—BEFORE he was to be put to death for THE—MURDER—OF—1—POLICE—OFFICER, black activist and radio reporter Mumia ABU—JAMAL won 1—REPRIEVE from the original trial JUDGE—IN—PHILADELPHIA.
19950807             As of 20080000             , his legal appeals are still unsettled and he is 1—PRISONER at STATE—CORRECTIONAL—INSTITUTION—GREENE near WAYNESBURG—PENNSYLVANIA.
19950807             Die MILITÄR—OPERATION—OLUJA während des KROATIEN—KRIEGES wird offiziell für beendet erklärt.
19950904             THE—UCLA attorney spoke out for the politically unpopular in 1—CONTROVERSIAL—CAREER and defended the Chic19950807            .
19960807             More than 6—MILLION—USA—ONLINE customers worldwide were left stranded —WHEN the system crashed for almost —19—HOURS.
19960807             —LINKED, There was 1—REPORT that cervical cancer in women was, to the human papilloma virus (HPV).
19960807             —ESTIMATED, There is 1, 75—DIFFERENT strains of HPV and that 97—PERCENT—OF—CERVICAL—CANCERS were due to the virus and commonly spread by sexual intercourse.
19960807             —PRESENTED, NASA researchers formally, their case for THE—EXISTENCE—OF—LIFE—LONG ago on Mars.
19960807             —AGREED, THE—PRESIDENT—OF—SERBIA and THE—PRESIDENT—OF—CROATIA, to establish diplomatic relations.
19960807             —ACCUSED, HONDURAS, THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL, the army of spying on THOUSANDS—OF—PUBLIC—OFFICIALS, judges, politicians and journalists.
19960807             —ELECTED, RUSSIA, COMMUNIST—LEADER—GENNADY—ZYUGANOV was, to lead 1—COALITION—OF—COMMUNISTS and nationalists under the banner of the Popular Patriotic Union.
19960807             —KILLED, SPAIN, flash floods at 1—PYRENEES mountain campsite, at least 71 [86] people at 1—CAMPGROUND.
19970517—19970807    —DECLARED, The seizure was, legal.
19970807             —REPORTED, It was, that USA retail space and semiconductor manufacturing capacity far exceeded demand.
19970807             1—DOWNTURN in the economy was said to have already begun.
19970807             —LAUNCHED, The space shuttle Discovery was, with 1—CREW—OF—6. 1—SATELLITE was dropped off to study THE—EARTH—OZONE layer.
19970807             1—DC—8—CARGO—PLANE crashed on TAKE—OFF at MIAMI INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT.
19970807             4—PEOPLE were killed on the denim filled —29—YEAR—OLD—PLANE bound for THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC.
19970807             —FROM CHINA it was reported that Zhu Qihua planned to move the Big Green Mountain by LANZHOU, 1—RAILROAD hub, in order to clear the air of heavy smog.
19970807             —ARRESTED, MEXICO, JOSE—PAOLETTI—MOREDA and his son Renato were, on charges of leading 1—OPERATION that smuggled deaf people into THE—USA and forced them to work under virtual slavery conditions.
19970807             —ANNOUNCED, ROMANIA, PRIME—MINISTER—VICTOR—CIORBEA, the closure of 17—FACTORIES at the urging of THE—IMF.
19970807             30,000 jobs would be lost and THE—FOLLOWING—DAY thousands protested the closing of the essentially bankrupt companies.
19970807             1—RUSSIA—CAPSULE on 1—FIX—IT mission docked gingerly with the crippled Mir space station, bringing 1—NEW crew to salvage the orbiting outpost.
19970807             —DEPOSED, SWITZERLAND, the measures to freeze the assets of, Zairean PRESIDENT—MOBUTO—SESE—SEKO were declared legal.
19970807—19970815    —ARRESTED, Another couple was, with 10—DEAF smuggled immigrants in DALLAS.
19980807             THE—FEDERAL—AVIATION—ADMINISTRATION, in 1—FOLLOW—UP to the probe of 19960000             —THE explosion that destroyed TWA Flight 800, ordered the inspection of Boeing 747—FUEL—TANKS.
19980807             1—FIRE in TRACY—CALIFORNIA, burned some 2.5—MILLION tires at ROYSTER—TIRE—DISPOSAL.
19980807             —EXPECTED, Some 6—MILLION tires were, to burn —FOR—WEEKS.
19980807             † In UTAH 5—YOUNG—GIRLS (ages 2-6) from heat exposure —AFTER they were trapped in the trunk of 1—CAR in WEST—VALLEY—CITY.
19980807             —DEPARTED, STEVE—FOSSETT, from WEST—ARGENTINA on his 4. attempt to circle the world in 1—BALLOON.
19980807             —PASSED, CHINA, the death toll from the —SUMMER floods, 2,000 and the Jingjiang flood plain was ordered evacuated.
19980807             COLOMBIA, PRESIDENT—ANDRES—PASTRANA took office.
19980807             —REPLACED, —FOLLOWING his inauguration Pastrana, the top LEADERS—OF—THE—MILITARY.
19980807             CONGO, PRESIDENT—KABILA left KINSHASA for LUBUMBASHI, his former rebel base, to meet with 1—VISITING SOUTH—AFRICA—DELEGATION.
19980807             —KILLED, The bombings, 224—PEOPLE and marked the 1. LARGE—SCALE—ATTACK by al Qaeda.
19980807             12—AMERICANS were among the dead, and over 4,800 were injured.
19980807             —DAMAGED, In NAIROBI at least 53—BUILDINGS were.
19980807             —DEMOLISHED, The adjacent Ufundi Cooperative House was, and the 22-story Cooperative BANK—HOUSE had all its windows shattered.
19980807             Haroun FAZIL—OF—THE—COMOROS—ISLANDS was —LATER the 3. bombing suspect to be charged in THE—KENYA bombing.
19980807             —INVOLVED, ALI—MOHAMED, 1—FORMER—USA—ARMY—SERGEANT, was, in THE—USA—EMBASSY bombings.
19980807             —BLINDED, NAIROBI, CATHERINE—BWIRE (25) was 1—OF 25—PEOPLE, by the bombing.
19980807             —NAMED, PAKISTAN, Sadik Howaida (34), —LATER, as MOHAMMED—SADDIQ—ODEH, was detained at THE—KARACHI airport.
19980807             —CONFESSED, He reportedly, to participating in the bombing in NAIROBI.
19980807             He said that he and 2—COCONSPIRATORS had left NAIROBI and planned to enter AFGHANISTAN 1—FEW days —BEFORE the bombing.
19980807             —RECRUITED, He acknowledged that the team was, and financed by OSAMA—BIN—LADEN who was ensconced in 1—FORTRESS—STYLE hideout in KANDAHAR.
19980807             —REFUSED, Odeh —LATER, to admit responsibility to USA—OFFICIALS.
19980807             PERU, PRESIDENT—ANDRES—PASTRANA took office.
19980807             —DEVALUED, VIETNAM, its currency 7%.
19980807             —NOTIFIED, Riconosciuto, the...officials at THE—FEDERAL—CORRECTIONS—INSTITUTION (FCI...
19980807             Arianna Online FORUMS—WAS OSAMA—BIN—LADEN once "TIM—OSMAN?"
19980807             of Prisons) officials at THE—FEDERAL—CORRECTIONS—INSTITUTION (FCI...t it time to let MICHAEL—RICONOSCIUTO out of...Maybe you should ask Riconosciuto about all this....
19980807             Conspiracy PLANET—PRISONS/Slave LABOR—USA—SLAVE—LABOR... NUMBER—OF—ADULTS in the corrections system has...CHIEF researcher with the Justice DEPARTMENT—BUREAU—OF...
19980807             Conspiracy PLANET—PRISONS/Slave LABOR—MONTANA STATE—PRISON...
19980807             How could the prison and MONTANA DEPARTMENT—OF—CORRECTIONS let this happen?..
19980807             Yearbook: Instant Answers to Key Questions in Corrections (NEW—YORK...Rockville, MD, USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HEALTH...da HIV è oggi UNIVER—SALMENTE riconosciuto anche in.
19980807             Sitemap26 - Drugs Prisons Prohibition Propaganda Class War News... - KEN—KESEY—ON—LIFE—SUPPORT.
19980807             Ot Riconosciuto WARNS—OF—MISSILE—ATTACKS. Implant Removal Helped 91%.
19980807             More On MICHAEL—AQUINO....Corrections To From THE—WILDERNESS—STORIES.
19980807             bombings of THE—USA—EMBASSIES in TANZANIA and KENYA killed 224—PEOPLE, including 12—AMERICANS + injured thousands.
19980807             The bombings are the main part of a 308-count indictment naming 21—INDIVIDUALS for participating in 1 alleged —DECADE—LONG—CONSPIRACY to kill Americans and destroy USA—GOVERNMENT—PROPERTY.
19980807             —CITED, In his —2—DAYS—OF—TESTIMONY, AL—FADL, 10—OF—THE alleged conspirators named in the sweeping indictment, MOST—OF—WHOM are fugitives not on trial —AT—THIS—TIME.
19980807             —BELIEVED, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, the lead defendant, is, to be living in AFGHANISTAN.
19980807             that killed 257—PEOPLE + injured 5,500 more.
19980807             —AT—THE—TIME—OF—THE embassy bombings, 1—REPORTER in PAKISTAN, Rahimullah Yusufzai, said he received 1—CALL from AYMAN—AL—ZAWAHIRI, who identified himself as 1—SPOKESMAN for OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
19980807             "I have nothing to do with THE—BOMBING—OF—USA—EMBASSIES in AFRICA, but I urge the Muslims all over the world to continue their jihad against the Americans and Jews," AL—ZAWAHIRI, told the reporter on bin LADIN—BEHALF.
19980807             Bin Ladin hasn't been seen in more than —1—YEAR, and the last event he was associated with publicly was the embassy bombings.
19980807             Bin Ladin controls about $300—MILLION—OF his SAUDI—ARABIA—ARABIAN family's estimated $5—BILLION fortune, and he uses it almost exclusively to fund his INTERNATIONAL operations.
19980807             He is said to be behind terrorist training camps in AFGHANISTAN + PAKISTAN + building roads, tunnels+ hospitals in AFGHANISTAN + SUDAN.
19980807             —AM, waren außerdem DIE—USA—BOTSCHAFTEN in KENIA und TANSANIA angegriffen worden, mehr als 200—MENSCHEN starben.
19980807             LEAR
19980807             Bei fast zeitgleichen Bombenattentaten auf die USA—AMERIKANISCHEN—BOTSCHAFTEN in Daressalam und NAIROBI sterben mehr als 200—MENSCHEN.
19980807—19981027    —ON, She was pregnant and gave birth to 1—DAUGHTER.
19980807—20000000    —IN, he pleaded guilty for his role under the direction of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
19980807—20010000    —IN, MOHAMED—RASHED—DAOUD—AL—'OWHALI, —24—JAHRE—ALT—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA, Khalfan Khamis Mohamed (27) of TANZANIA, Wadi EL—HAGE, —40—JAHRE—ALT—OF—TEXAS, and MOHAMED—SADEEK—ODEH, —36—JAHRE—ALT—OF—JORDAN were convicted on 302—COUNTS.
19980807—20010000    —IN, Plaintiffs began suing SUDAN in FEDERAL—COURT—IN—WASHINGTON for harboring and providing support to al Qaeda.
19980807—20070000    —IN, WALID—MUHAMMAD bin Attash told 1—MILITARY—TRIBUNAL at GUANTANAMO that he was responsible for organizing 20000000             —THE—COLE attack in YEMEN as well as 19980000             —THE bombings in KENYA and TANZANIA.
19980807—20140000    —PLEADED, ADEL—ABDUL—BARY, 1—SUSPECT in the bombings, guilty to lesser charges of making threats against Americans.
19980807—20200000    —REFUSED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, to hear SUDAN—BID to avoid paying $3.8—BILLION in damages to family MEMBERS—OF—PEOPLE killed or injured in the bombings.
19980818             —REPORTED, The room was, to have been occupied by 2—PALESTINIANS, 1—SAUDI and 1—EGYPTIAN 19980803—19980807    —FROM—TO.
19980827—19980807    —IN—THE, 2—SUSPECTS—BOMBING—OF—THE—USA—EMBASSY in KENYA were sent to THE—USA to face charges.
19990807             —FOUNDED, THE—WAHABIS are 1—PURITAN branch of Sunni Islam, in the 17010101—18001231     in SAUDI—ARABIA.
19990807             —PROMISED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, —DURING 1—VISIT to his home STATE—OF—ARKANSAS, to devote the rest of his presidency to erasing poverty.
19990807             THE—SOUTH—PARTY held its inaugural rally in Flat ROCK—NORTH—CAROLINA, pledging to work peacefully for 1—SEPARATE—SOUTHERN nation.
19990807             —BECAME, Wade Boggs, the 1. player to homer for his 3THOUSANDTH hit.
19990807             —BASED, Islamic fighters, in Chechnya seized at least 2—VILLAGE in Dagestan.
19990807             Warlords Shamil Basayev and Wahabi COMMANDER—AMIR—KHATTAB (Hattab) were reported to be involved.
19990807             —TRIGGERED, This, the 2. Chechen war.
19990807             CHINA, Song Yongyi, 1—RESEARCH librarian at Dickinson College in Carlisle, PENNSILVANIA, was imprisoned —WHILE collecting data on the Cultural Revolution.
19990807             PRESIDENT—ISAIAS—AFWERKI—OF—ERITREA made 1—UNCONDITIONAL offer for cooperation with THE—OAU to end its war with ETHIOPIA —DURING 1—MEETING with ALGERIA—PRESIDENT—BOUTEFLIKA, THE—OAU chairman.
19990807             —COLLIDED, INDONESIA, 1—TUGBOAT and oil tanker, under thick haze and the tanker ignited killing 10—PEOPLE.
19990807             KOSOVO, FRANCE—TROOPS kept ethnic Albanians away from Serbs on the Ibar River bridge at the Kosovska Mitrovica mining center.
19990807             VRBAS, Serbia, some 2,000—PEOPLE rallied against PRESIDENT—MILOSEVIC.
19990807             —PLANNED, FINLAND, the village of Kutemajarvi, 1—SEX—FAIR for people over age 45 to commemorate THE—UN—DESIGNATION—OF—19990000              as THE—INTERNATIONAL—YEAR—OF—OLDER—PERSONS.
19990807—19991212    —ON, he was charged with "the purchase and illegal PROVISION—OF—INTELLIGENCE to foreigners".
19990807—20000128    —RELEASED, Yongyi was.
20000807             Lieberman was the 1. Jew on 1—MAJOR—PARTY—PRESIDENTIAL—TICKET.
20000807             —REPORTED, It was, that another 16—PEOPLE were killed by rebels in NORTH—COLOMBIA and that Occidental Petroleum had halted production at its 2. largest field due to rebel attacks.
20000807             —KILLED, Rightist paramilitary, 7—VILLAGERS in S—DIEGO.
20000807             —CLAIMED, Chechen rebels, 11—RUSSIA—SOLDIERS in 1—MILITARY—CONVOY were killed by 1—REMOTE controlled mine.
20000807             MALAYSIA, Anwar Ibrahim, former deputy PRIME—MINISTER, was convicted of sodomy and sentenced to —9—YEARS in prison.
20000807             Sukma Dermawan, IBRAHIM—CODEFENDANT and adopted brother, was also found guilty.
20000807             —EXPLODED, SPAIN, 1—BOMB, in BILBAO and killed 3 suspected Basque separatists, who appeared to be transporting explosives.
20000807             —ARRIVED, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ, in SAUDI—ARABIA to begin 1—TOUR—OF—10—OIL—PRODUCING nations that included IRAQ.
20000807             The killings, which left close to a 100—PEOPLE—DEAD, was clearly THE—RESULT—OF—TERRORIST—ANGER against the decision of Kashmir''s last indigenous militant group''s to talk to THE—INDIA—GOVERNMENT.
20000807             —EVOKED, The killings, widespread condemnation even within PAKISTAN.
20000807             —TARGETTED, The fact that Hindus were specifically, suggests that the perpetrators belonged to extremist organisation fighting under the banner of Islamic Jihad in Kashmir.
20000807             Raman argues that this KIND—OF—VIOLENCE in response to peace initiatives should not come as 1—SURPRISE—RATHER this KIND—OF—VIOLENCE will only increase.
20000807             INDIA—HOME—MINISTER—STATEMENT on the Hijackers
20000807             Von der Europäischen Südsternwarte aus wird von einem TEAM—VON—ASTRONOMEN um BRETT—GLADMAN und JOHN—J—KAVELAARS der —BISHER unbekannte SATURNMOND—YMIR gesichtet.
20000807—20000801    —ON, THE—WAVE—OF—TERRORIST—KILLINGS in Kashmir, according to analyst B.Raman, signals THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—END for terrorism in that state.
20000900             sfux — 200610060807 - sfux — 200610060807
20010807             3—RESEARCHERS told 1—COMMITTEE—AT—THE—NATIONAL—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES they were unswayed by arguments against human cloning and would soon try to clone human beings.
20010807             † LARRY—ADLER, —87—JAHRE—ALT, harmonica virtuoso, in LONDON.
20010807             —APPROVED, CAMBODIA, the Constitutional Council, legislation to establish 1—SPECIAL—COURT to try FORMER—KHMER Rouge leaders for crimes against humanity.
20010807             —ANNOUNCED, COLOMBIA, PRESIDENT—PASTRANA, that he was suspending talks with the 5,000 ELN rebels.
20010807             2—ISRAELIS were shot dead on THE—WEST—BANK.
20010807             ISRAEL gave its soldiers 1—FREER—HAND to fire on Palestinians.
20010807             —CONDUCTED, MACEDONIA, police, 1—PREDAWN raid in SKOPJE and 5—MEMBERS—OF—THE—NATIONAL—LIBERATION—ARMY were killed.
20010807             PERU, 1—GUNFIGHT between police and leftist rebels in THE—PROVINCE—OF—SATIPO left 12—REBELS and 4—POLICE—OFFICERS—DEAD.
20010807             —SIGNED, In THE—PHILIPPINES—THE—ISLAMIC and National fronts, 1—SEPARATE—UNITY—PACT to bridge their —23—YEAR—SPLIT.
20010807             —AGREED, Muslim separatists, to 1—CEASE—FIRE with the government.
20010807             Only THE—ABU—SAYYAF was left fighting the government.
20010807             —KILLED, ROMANIA, 1—GAS—EXPLOSION in the Vulcan coal mine, at least 14—MINERS.
20010807             —DENOUNCED, THE—VATICAN, what it called a "slanderous campaign" against THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH over THE—HOLOCAUST—ERA—PAPA, Pius XII.
20010807             WHITE—HOUSE censures magazine for LACK—OF—CENSORSHIP—GEEDUBYA—ADMINISTRATION has served notice that they will not cooperate with ANY—JOURNALIST writing for Talk magazine.
20010807             SOUTH—FLORIDA SUN—SENTINEL, ] Glass was a key informant in a sting...
20010807             THE—COMPLETE 20010911             —TIMELINE, PART 1
20011210             KENYA, Sheikh AHMED—SALIM—SWEDAN, 1—AL—QAEDA operative, was arrested in Mandera near THE—SOMALIA border for involvement 19980807             —IN—THE—USA—EMBASSY bombing.
20011210—19980807    —IN—THE, KENYA, Sheikh AHMED—SALIM—SWEDAN, 1—AL—QAEDA operative, was arrested in Mandera near THE—SOMALIA border for involvement —USA—EMBASSY bombing.
20020727—20020807    —ON, SERGEANT—CHRISTOPHER—JAMES—SPEER, —28—JAHRE—ALT—OF—ALBUQUERQUE † from his wounds.
20020807             For THE—PRESIDENT—REACTION, see PRESIDENT—BUSH + VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY meeting ( 20040429             ).
20020807             —DISAPPEARED, Destiny Wright, at 1—SLEEPOVER with other children in PHILADELPHIA.
20020807             —ARRESTED, ABDUL—EL—SHABAZZ, —18—JAHRE—ALT was, THE—NEXT—DAY and led police to her body.
20020807             —INDICTED, FORMER—IMCLONE Systems CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—SAMUEL—WAKSAL was, in NEW—YORK on CHARGES—OF—OBSTRUCTION—OF—JUSTICE and bank fraud in addition to previous securities fraud and perjury charges.
20020807             —PLEADED, Waksal —LATER, guilty to securities fraud and was sentenced to more than —7—YEARS in prison.
20020807             Ford Motor Co. and CANADA—FUEL—CELL developer Ballard Power Systems INCORPORATED jointly unveiled 1—HYDROGEN—FUELED internal combustion ENGINE—DRIVEN generator they said could help pave the way toward THE—COMMERCIALIZATION—OF—FUEL—CELL—TECHNOLOGY.
20020807             —CRASHED, A—USA—AIR—FORCE—CARGO—PLANE, on 1—PUERTO Rican mountaintop with at least 10—MILITARY—PERSONNEL on BOARD, and all were feared dead.
20020807             —URGED, Treasury SECRETARY—PAUL—O'NEILL—ARGENTINA to adopt 1—SOUND—RECOVERY strategy.
20020807             —PREPARED, As O'Neill, to leave ARGENTINA, more than 5,000—PEOPLE rallied near THE—PRESIDENT—DOWNTOWN offices to protest his visit.
20020807             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, at least 15—PEOPLE were, SOUTH—OF—KABUL in 1—SHOOTOUT between police and —RECENTLY escaped PAKISTAN—MEMBERS—OF—AL—QAEDA.
20020807             THE—1.—UK—CABINET—MINISTER to visit this country in —2—DECADES met with LIBYA—LEADER—MOAMMAR Gadhafi, saying LIBYA was making 1—SERIOUS—ATTEMPT to move away from its INTERNATIONAL pariah status.
20020807             —AGREED, THE—IMF, to lend BRAZIL $30—BILLION to stem 1—FINANCIAL—PANIC.
20020807             This was its biggest loan to date.
20020807             69—PEOPLE were wounded.
20020807             —ABOUT 30—ISRAEL—TANKS firing heavy machineguns raided THE—NORTH—GAZA Strip in 1—SWEEP for militants and troops shot dead 1—PALESTINE—POLICEMAN.
20020807             —VOWED, In THE—PHILIPPINES—MARXIST—REBELS, ALL—OUT resistance against the government's renewed campaign to crush their revolt —AFTER PRESIDENT—GLORIA—MACAPAGAL—ARROYO ordered THE—DEPLOYMENT—OF—TROOPS in their strongholds.
20020807             SAUDI—ARABIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—PRINCE—SAUD said his country had made it clear to WASHINGTON, publicly and privately, that THE—USA—MILITARY will not be allowed to use the kingdom's soil in ANY—WAY for 1—ATTACK on IRAQ.
20020807             Saud said the longtime USA—ALLY does not plan to expel USA—FORCES from 1—AIR—BASE used for flights to monitor IRAQ.
20020807             EAST—TAJIKISTAN, 1—DAM holding water in 1—LAKE in the Pamir Mountains broke and flooded 1—VILLAGE and killing 20—PEOPLE.
20020807             Card INTERVIEW—WITH—RON—FOURNIER.
20030807             —REPORTED, Scientists, 1—NEW—VACCINE that was successful against the Ebola virus in monkeys.
20030807             In the —AUGUST ISSUE—OF—FOUNDATIONS—OF—PHYSICS—LETTERS, PETER—LYNDS—OF—NEW—ZEALAND claimed to see time and motion in 1—NEW—WAY.
20030807             Lynds refutes 1—ASSUMPTION dating back 2,—500—YEARS, that time can be thought of in physical, definable quantities.
20030807             —ASSUMED, In essence, scientists have long, that motion can be considered in frozen moments, or instants, even as time flows on.
20030807             "There isn't 1—PRECISE—INSTANT underlying 1—OBJECT—MOTION," he said.
20030807             "And as its position is constantly changing over time -- and as such, never determined -- it also doesn't have 1 determined position at ANY—TIME".
20030807             —SUSPECTED, AFGHANISTAN, some 40, Taliban fighters killed 6—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS and 1—DRIVER for 1—USA—AID—ORGANIZATION.
20030807             —PLEDGED, BANGLADESH and NAMIBIA, more than 6,000 troops for 1—UN PEACE—KEEPING force to replace multinational soldiers —NOW deploying in WAR—TORN LIBERIA.
20030807             Chechen rebels using 1—SHOULDER—FIRED missile shot down 1—RUSSIA—MILITARY—HELICOPTER in the mountains, killing 3—OF—THE—CREW.
20030807             —AMBUSHED, Gunmen, 1—RUSSIA—MILITARY—CONVOY—NEAR the border with Chechnya, killing 6—SOLDIERS and wounding 7.
20030807             DENMARK—UNEMPLOYMENT rate rose in June to 6.2—PERCENT, the highest level in almost —5—YEARS.
20030807             —SHATTERED, IRAQ, 1—CAR—BOMB, 1—STREET outside the walled JORDAN—EMBASSY, killed 19—PEOPLE — including 2—CHILDREN.
20030807             —PICKED, LIBERIA, CHARLES—TAYLOR, VICE—PRESIDENT—MOSES—BLAH, —56—JAHRE—ALT as his successor.
20030807             1—OPPOSITION—PARTY in the Turks and Caicos, 1—UK—TERRITORY, won legislative elections and will return to power —AFTER—8—YEARS OUT—OF—OFFICE.
20030807             Is THE—USA "1—TERRORIST—MAGNET"?
20030807             Only because our government refuses to stop screwing —AROUND with other peoples' countries.
20030807             - M. R. - Volker Happe (MONITOR—MODERATOR)
20030807—20020000    —IN—THE, 1—INDONESIA—COURT—SENTENCED—AMROZI bin Nurhasyim to death Bali bombings that killed 202—PEOPLE.
20040000             (see 20040507             ) Return to Chronology 20040807             20040726             2004080709_und_Report
20040525             † DAVID—DELLINGER, peace activist and 1—OF 19680000             —THE "Chic20040807             " defendants, in VERMONT.
20040807             Of course they knew.
20040807             Anyone with —JUST 1—AVERAGE—DEGREE—OF—AWARENESS IN THE—18—MONTHS—BEFORE 20030323             knows very well that the current
20040807             —BECAME, GREG—MADDUX, the 22. pitcher in major league history to reach 300—VICTORIES, leading THE—CHICAGO—CUBS to an 8—4—VICTORY over S—FRANCISCO.
20040807             —REPORTED, AP, that 1—BEHEADING was broadcast on 2—ARAB TV stations.
20040807             The video of the beheading was fake and had been —INITIALLY made and —POSTED on THE—INTERNET in May by 3—PEOPLE from THE—SF—BAY—AREA.
20040807             BENJAMIN—VANDERFORD—OF—SF said he made the video to show how easy it is to spread lies over THE—INTERNET.
20040807             —SIGNED, Interim IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—AYAD—ALLAWI, 1—LONG—AWAITED amnesty law that would pardon Iraqis who have played minor roles in the country's —15—MONTH—LONG—INSURGENCY.
20040807             —CLOSED, THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT, THE—IRAQ—OFFICES—OF—THE—ARAB television station AL—JAZEERA —FOR—30—DAYS, accusing it of inciting violence.
20040807             Clashes between USA—LED forces and fighters loyal to AL—SADR continued for a 3. —DAY in Najaf and Sadr City.
20040807             23—CIVILIANS were killed and 121 wounded in THE—DAY—FIGHTING.
20040807             1—BOMB exploded outside 1—CAR—DEALERSHIP in KARACHI—PAKISTAN, killing 2—PEOPLE and wounding 3.
20040807             —RESIGNED, Nahed Arreyes, PALESTINE—JUSTICE MINISTER, to protest Yasser ARAFAT—REFUSAL to share power.
20040807             —FEATURED, THE—ROMANIA—SITCOM "THE—WINDING—ROAD to EUROPE", villagers in the fictional La EUROPA pub and swapping stories about how joining THE—EU will change their lives.
20040807             —FUNDED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—ROMANIA office has, 12—15—MINUTE—EPISODES—OF "Winding Road" at $16,800 each, 4—OF which had already aired.
20040807             THE—EDINBURGH—FESTIVAL—FRINGE, a —3—WEEK—CULTURAL jamboree, began this weekend.
20040807             —FEATURED, —THIS—YEAR—EVENT, 1,700 shows, 1—BIG jump on —LAST—YEAR—1,541.
20040807             —TURNED, Some 6,000—PEOPLE, out for the start of a —3—DAY—GAY and lesbian festival in SINGAPORE, where homosexual acts are still illegal.
20040807             "Nation.04" -- 1—FESTIVAL—OF—INTERNATIONAL—DJS, podium dancers, pumping music and muscular boys stripping off their tops on packed dance floors -- has increased in size EVERY—YEAR—SINCE it was launched —4—YEARS—AGO.
20040807             How will THE—WHITE—HOUSE be held accountable for its dishonesty?
20040807             —OMITTED, The elites are so elite that they are, from court appearances, local and INTERNATIONAL.
20040807             —ELECTED, Not getting, again is bullshit and not enough.
20040807             I would like to point out that like Cheney, DONALD—RUMSFELD was also caught on camera lying to THE—USA—PEOPLE.
20040807             In 1—INTERVIEW with "Meet the Press" Rumsfeld said that "...you + 1—FEW other critics are the only people I've heard use the phrase 'immediate threat',
20040807             I didn't, THE—PRESIDENT didn't... + it's become kind of folklore that that's what happened".
20040807             —CONFRONTED, He was then, with his own words: "No terror state poses 1—GREATER or more 'immediate threat' to the security of our people + the stability of our world than THE—REGIME—OF—SADAM Hussein in IRAQ".
20040807             To see the video go to: |
20040807             Uh...great article but, am I missing something here or was the —FOLLOWING quote —JUST 1—TYPO?
20040807             Wasn't WWII.
20040807             Rommel the "Desert Fox" + Bush [BGHW948] adventure in imperialism in IRAQ "Desert Storm?"
20040807             And, why does the left continually, + quite correctly, berate the Bush [BGW968] regime for obvious pathological lies regarding it's twisted excuses for 1—TOTALLY unwarranted invasion of 1—SOVERIEGN country and yet seems to buy it's equally, if not more so, false explanation for 20010911             ?
20040807             True or false: did or did not 1—OF—BUSH [BGW968] 's evil cronies say —AFTER they cooked up the Project for 1—NEW—USA—CENTURY, but well —BEFORE Bush [BGW968] league II stole power, "what we need is another Pearl Harbor?" Uh, duh...wouldn't you say?
20040807             How about creation? THE—BUSH [BGW968] regime from top to bottom are low life traitors...THE—WRITER—OF—THE—FOLLOWING—MAY not be clairvoyant or 1—PROPHET, however, you surely remember, loosely paraphrasing, "...it doesn't take 1—WEATHERMAN to know which way the wind blows..".
20040807             "We do not have ANY—DIRECT—EVIDENCE that IRAQ has used the period —SINCE Desert Fox to reconstitute its WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION—PROGRAMS".
20040807             —PERFORMED, You've, 1—INVALUABLE—SERVICE in bringing all this data together in 1—PLACE.
20040807             —AT—THE—TIME—ALL these things were happening, I was dismayed that the press was not taking take greater notice of "clues" that the administration was fudging.
20040807             All the data was right there on THE—INTERNET.
20040807             But unfortunately the press, like MANY—OTHERS, were blinded by fear.
20040807             I'll pass along 1—NOTE about your report to the peace E—MAIL networks I subscribe to.
20040807             READ MORE TRUTH HERE
20040807             Someone needs to print this article out, drop it on EVERY—BUSH [BGW968] Administration desk + say "Spin THIS".
20040807             Nobody wants to believe that their PRESIDENT + his handlers (which, in THE—CASE—OF—1—REAL—PRESIDENCY are called advisers) could so blatantly betray the people's trust.
20040807             But the truth is the truth + no matter how ugly it gets, it cannot be changed.
20040807             The longer we wait to take our country back, the harder it will be to do.
20040807             All this points very well to the fact that THE—PRESIDENT and his supporters are playing on 1—DIFFERENT—FIELD and listening to 1—DIFFERENT drummer.
20040807             I can't escape the intuition that the drumbeat is the fantasy world of the "Left Behind" series, which plays "good" against "great evil" in "Babylon," whose historical location is 50—MILES from BAGHDAD.
20040807             I was flabergasted to hear it + watched and recorded the shows —LATER RE—PLAY—JUST to make sure I had heard it right.
20040807             I was surprised no 1 picked up on it. Of course they knew.
20040807             "administration" was determined to effect regime change in IRAQ IRRESPECTIVE—OF—TERRORISM or WMD + that the latter was simply 1—FLIMSY pretext that insults the intelligence of ANY—THINKING American.
20040807             —SPONSORED, THERE—EVEN 1—HOUSE, COMMITTEE—ON—GOVERNMENTAL—REFORM, publication that consolidates sumarizes all the misstatements that prove unequivocably that THE—WHITE—HOUSE was NOT misled by bad intelligence.
20040807             This article proves our assertion that THE—WEB—OF—DECEPTION + scandalous manipulation has gotten so complicated that it's made it impossible for ANY—OF—THEM individually to be brought into focus on the nightly news + the nightly TALKING—HEAD fests.
20040807             Taken individually, ANY—1—OF—THESE deceptions could be grounds for THE—TYPE—OF—MEDIA—FOCUS and legal scrutiny that accompanied 1—LIE about private adult sexual activity in the previous administration.
20040807             —CREATED, But the noise, by trying to give EACH—1—OF—THEM the coverage it deserves serves to drown out ANY—ATTEMPT at significant, EASY—TO—FOLLOW reporting on ANY—1—OF—THEM individually.
20040807             It's much easier for the average HARD—WORKING busy family to follow 1—STORY about "sex" than, say, 1—STORY about undermining national security by treasonously exposing the identity of 1—UNDERCOVER CIA employee, thus endangering THE—LIVES—OF—PEOPLE working to make THE—USA—SAFER.
20040807             I knew he was 1—LIAR, but he more the facts are there to back it up (+ throw light on EVERY—GRUESOME detail) the better.
20040807             This entire situation and the people behind it sicken me.
20040807             How can people be so slimy and false?
20040807             Our pres manages to make Saddam look like 1—VICTIM—MORE than anything.
20040807             How was this able to happen? Why didn't somebody stand up and expose them?
20040807             LOTS—OF—PEOPLE knew...
20040807             So MANY—PEOPLE—ALL over the world are hurting because of what this administration has done, isn't doing + is rightly afraid will happen if Bush [BGW968] stays in office...
20040807             I dont' know, maybe this will teach us 1—LESSON...vote, challenge the government, don't be intimidated by fear tactics + propoganda...no, that's bs, we shouldn't have to babysit our government...but we do!
20040807             They apparently can't be trusted.
20040807             has 1—COPY online of 1—GOOD—TALK at CAL—TECH, with questions answers, given by 1—EX—UN—INSPECTOR that was 1—EX—USA—MARINE + is 1—EX—BUSH [BGW968] voter 1—CHRISTIAN + Republican.
20040807             —HEADED, This was the most clear, description, of the long term IRAQ conflict, that I have heard or seen, so far.
20040807             Thank you for 1—GREAT—ARTICLE—I'M sending it to everyone of voting age that I know.
20040807             If he is RE—ELECTED, I am afraid of what the next —4—YEARS would bring + the effects that Bush [BGW968] policy will have —FOR—YEARS to come, both nationally + internationally.
20040807             I am not 1—WEALTHY—PERSON but I am sending EVERY—EXTRA—DOLLAR I have to Kerry + THE—DNC.
20040807             For the future of my sons and for the future of this country.
20040807             These bastards should be impeached + put into jail.
20040807             The harm these arrogant fools have done to this country goes beyond belief.
20040807             If Bush [BGW968] doesn't, I fear for the future of USA.
20040807             I would like to see SADDAM—HUSSEIN—OFFER to go into exile included in the timeline.
20040807             BOB—WOODWARD in "PLAN—OF—ATTACK" indicates that the Bush [BGW968] Administration (I think Bush [BGW968] himself) was called by PRESIDENT—HOSNE—MUBARAK—OF—EGYPT to negotiate this very deal.
20040807             There were no weapons to capture + they new that, so why not?
20040807             Wouldn't that have got them the holy grail?
20040807             1—PEACEFUL—TRANSITION to DEMOCRACY—OR ANY—NEW—PEACEFUL—GOVERNMENT--rather than trying to reconstruct bombed out infrastructure + overcoming the massive CIVIL—CASUALTIES that would surely result from the bombing, invasion + occupation of 1—ARAB country.
20040807             Nevermind THE—PROPAGANDA fallout, both there + worldwide.
20040807             Actually PART—OF—THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—GOVERNMENT took back it's contrition that the meeting never happened.
20040807             I heard there was even 1—CORRECTION published in THE—NY—TIMES —FOLLOWING 1—ARTICLE they did pointing out their denial.
20040807             Someone once told me that last bit was found by way of 1—LEXIS Nexus search for the article, sorry I can't remember the date.
20040807             I don't have LN so I can't confirm it. see Slate below
20040807             The real reason for attacking THE—IRAQ—REGIME always has been disconnected from its public rationale.
20040807             that the paleocons have been pointing out that these guys were lying —FOR—MONTHS—NOW.
20040807             There is still time to remind ourselves WMDs were not the principal reason for going to war against SADDAM—HUSSEIN—IRAQ;
20040807             they were the pretext.
20040807             And that's why irrefutable evidence was not the standard.
20040807             Axis of evil regime change was the lodestar.
20040807             —WHEN this writer 1. heard from prominent neoconservatives 20020400             —IN that war was no longer 1—QUESTION—OF "if" but "—WHEN," the casus belli had little to do with WMDs.
20040807             —EXPLAINED, THE—BUSH [BGW968] administration, they, starkly + simply, had decided to redraw the geopolitical MAP—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20040807             The liberation of IRAQ, in the neocon scenario, would be followed by 1—DEMOCRATIC—IRAQ that would quickly recognize ISRAEL.
20040807             This, in turn, would "snowball" — the analogy only works in the Cedar Mountains of LEBANON — through the region, bringing democracy from Syria to EGYPT + to the sheikhdoms + emirates + monarchies of the Gulf.
20040807             All these new democracies would then embrace ISRAEL + hitch their backward economies to the Jewish state's advanced technology.
20040807             And ISRAEL could at long last lower its guard and look forward to 1—GENERATION—OF—PEACE.
20040807             That was the vision.
20040807             The truth eventually comes out, but who pays for the errors?
20040807             The great thing about this article is about how it has resources for the readers to view if they are skeptic + is very thorough on its information than other Bush [BGW968] pre war articles which ridicule him on the basis of their opinion;
20040807             not facts.
20040807             I knew this from the beginnign + im glad that it's published.
20040807             The article is great, but isn't this —JUST kicking 1—DEAD—HORSE?
20040807             Bush [BGW968] said in his terrornews conference —YESTERDAY that, he would have attacked IRAQ, even knowing what he knows —TODAY.
20040807             ALL—OF—THE—WMD talk was —JUST that, talk for the masses + the history books.
20040807             —NOW the situation is so grave in IRAQ, that the press hardly ever gives 1—TRUE—PICTURE—OF—EVENTS.
20040807             —TRIED, It is worse than VIETNAM, because if we, to retreat back to THE—KUWAIT—FRONTIER, we would be ambushed from all sides.
20040807             I for 1—BELIEVE that we are on the verge of 1—TOTAL—DEFEAT in IRAQ.
20040807             It isn't over, by far. The worst is yet to come.
20040807             We have 6—MILLION—SHIA—BETWEEN Bagdad, + KUWAIT.
20040807             If we start 1—PULL out, would they not draw as much blood as they could?
20040807             Think about it.
20040807             —MATCHED, JOSH—MARSHALL ( - ) —TODAY, what Bush [BGW968] is really saying about the commission's plan + what he really plans to do if such 1—POST is created, + discovers that in fact, Bush [BGW968] 's plan would create 1—ESSENTIALLY powerless post with no budgetary authority.
20040807             —TRUSTED, If Josh, who is 1, journalist who writes for 1—NUMBER—OF respected publications, can discover this in less than —24—HOURS, why can't the brains at THE—NY—TIMES do likewise?
20040807             + has also been noted, someone should clearly have called Bush [BGW968] on his claim that he wants the post to be OUTSIDE THE—WHITE—HOUSE "so it won't be subject to undue influence".
20040807             Given the clear EVIDENCE—OF—HOW the Bush [BGW968] Administration badgered + circumvented USA traditional intelligence channels with its own Special OFFICE—ON—INTELLIGENCE in the Pentagon + then went —AROUND THE—CIA to present its patently flawed (+ —NOW proven false) claims of WMD directly to THE—PRESIDENT, 1 should begin laughing out loud if it weren't so tragic.
20040807             It saddens me that we are so far ahead (at least I believed that) + that —AT—THIS—TIME and —DAY it is still possible for someone like Bush [BGW968] to be PRESIDENT.
20040807             —IMPEACHED, To think that Clinton almost got, for 1—CUBA—CIGAR + yet Bush [BGW968] has lied, openly lied to 1—NATION + he is on the ballot for 20041102             20040807             This article contains much pertinent information that should be broadcast across USA.
20040807             I would love to show this to my conservative friend, but I know she wouldn't even read it.
20040807             Or she would —JUST think that I don't get it.
20040807             How can we get through to them?
20040807             —REPORTED, If the media, the truth, they wouldn't be able to escape it.
20040807             I am not against republicans or conservatives (in theory), but I am against losing our democracy.
20040807             † It's like 1—CERTAIN—PORTION—OF—AMERICANS have forgotten what our veterans have, for + for what our troops are fighting (and dying) for + what our founding fathers' vision of our country was.
20040807             It's inspiring to know that there is 1—GROWING MAJORITY—OF—PEOPLE who can see through the corporate FOG—AND who will hopefully vote accordingly.
20040807             Thank you.
20040807             I agree with Charles.The "calculated USE—OF—DECEPTION + falsehood" is the single most dangerous weapon 1—GOVERNMENT can wield against it's people.
20040807             As 1—SIDE—QUESTION, what really is going on with mainstream media?
20040807             TENS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE are unaware that they are constantly lied to.
20040807             They come home to 1—SOFA + 1—COLD beer + suck this misinformation in.
20040807             PART—OF—THE—PROBLEM is their LACK—OF—CURIOSITY, yet most Americans have been taught to have faith in this system.
20040807             What we are witnessing is 1—COLLAPSE—OF—THE 4. BRANCH—OF—GOVERNMENT.
20040807             —CALCULATED, It is this, USE—OF—DECEPTION + falsehood that we should fear, more even than the wrongheaded policy.
20040807             —WHEN our leaders cease to know the difference between the truth and 1—LIE, the nation is headed for disaster.
20040807             If I may shamelessly flog 2—ARTICLES on this topic: |
20040807             But —NOW, INSTEAD—OF—CONTRITION, Republicans are insisting THE—WHITE—HOUSE—URANIUM charge was accurate.
20040807             Indeed, these apologists have no option but to try to distract public attention from the simple truth that not 1 shred of solid evidence exists to substantiate this key charge that fueled the push for war.
20040807             They knew there was no hard EVIDENCE—OF—CHEMICAL or biological weapons
20040807             —POINTED, In recent weeks, RIGHT—WING pundits have, to new evidence showing THE—IRAQ uranium charge may have flirted with the truth at SOME—POINT in the distant past.
20040807             These WHITE—HOUSE hatchet men say the administration did not manipulate or CHERRY—PICK—INTELLIGENCE.
20040807             They also tout the recent UK report (a.k.a. THE—BUTLER—REPORT) as defending THE—PRESIDENT—URANIUM claim.
20040807             Yet, if THE—WHITE—HOUSE did not CHERRY—PICK or manipulate intelligence, why did THE—PRESIDENT—TRUMPET—USA—INTELLIGENCE from 1—FOREIGN—GOVERNMENT—WHILE ignoring explicit warnings not to do so from his own?
20040807             The record shows USA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS explicitly warned THE—WHITE—HOUSE that "the Brits have exaggerated this issue".
20040807             —REFUSED, Yet, the administration, to listen.
20040807             Even THE—BUTLER—REPORT itself acknowledges the evidence is cloudy.
20040807             As nonproliferation expert JOSEPH—CIRINCIONE—OF—THE—CARNEGIE—ENDOWMENT for INTERNATIONAL Peace —RECENTLY pointed out, "The claim appears shaky at BEST—HARDLY the stuff that should make up presidential decisions".
20040807             —TODAY, experts agree the administration's aluminum tube claims were wholly without merit.
20040807             —SUPPORTED, They knew THE—IRAQ—URANIUM claims were not.
20040807             If desperation is ugly, then WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA —TODAY is downright hideous.
20040807             —RECENTLY As 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION reported, there was "
20040807             no credible evidence " of a collaborative relationship between IRAQ + al Qaeda.
20040807             Similarly, no WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION have been found in IRAQ.
20040807             With USA—CASUALTIES mounting in 1—ELECTION—YEAR, THE—WHITE—HOUSE is grasping at straws to avoid being held accountable for its dishonesty.
20040807             HIROSHIMA mayor slams USA over new nuclear arms : "Ignoring THE—UN + INTERNATIONAL law, THE—USA has resumed research to make nuclear weapons smaller and more 'USA ble'," he said.
20040807             —MISSED, In case you, it:
20040807             USA sees atom bomb as God, HIROSHIMA mayor says : HIROSHIMA—MAYOR lashed out at THE—USA ' nuclear weapons policy —YESTERDAY—DURING ceremonies marking the 58. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—CITY—ATOMIC bombing, which caused the deaths of over 230,000—PEOPLE.
20040807             —ALARMED, Scientists, at increase in melt RATE—OF—ICE : GREENLAND—COVER—OF—ICE is melting 10—TIMES—QUICKER than previously thought, 1—INCREASE that could lead to floods across the world, scientists have found.
20040807             Fear, Not Fortitude, Propels USA Empire : The shining STAR—OF—USA—DEMOCRACY may be fading, as USA responds to threats with fear and economic SELF—INTEREST.
20040807             Worldwide, democracy may also be on the retreat.
20040807             Parting ways with Bush [BGW968] 's gang: NEO—CON—FRANCIS—FUK uyama supported Bush [BGW968] —UNTIL he invaded IRAQ.
20040807             Despite his ranking as 1—OF—THE—WORLD—FOREMOST public intellectuals and 1—LEADING neoconservative thinker, he will not be voting Republican —THIS—YEAR and believes his old ally, Rumsfeld, should have resigned over IRAQ.
20040807             Ashcroft, Bush [BGW968], Ridge and THE—LAW—OF—AVERAGES : If they keep crying "WOLF" long enough they are bound to be right someday.
20040807             At that point, they'll rise up on their haunches and say, "See, we told you so!!"
20040807             —ACCUSED, SENATOR—ACCUSES—INVESTIGATORS—OF—ABUSE : SENATOR—RICHARD—SHELBY, FEDERAL—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—OFFICIALS—OF—ABUSE—THURSDAY—AFTER 1—NEWSPAPER reported that FEDERAL—INVESTIGATORS had concluded he leaked to the media classified messages from the eve of 20010911             —THE attacks.
20040807             VIETNAM Vets Organization Blasts Kerry in New TV Ad
20040807             McCain condemns ANTI—KERRY ads, calls on WHITE—HOUSE to follow suit : Republican SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN, 1—FORMER—PRISONER—OF—WAR in VIETNAM, called 1—AD criticizing JOHN—KERRY—MILITARY—SERVICE "dishonest and dishonorable" and urged THE—WHITE—HOUSE—ON—THURSDAY to condemn it as well.
20040807             Key Figure in ANTI—KERRY Book Recants;
20040807             Admits He Lied: 1—KEY—FIGURE in 1—VETERANS' ANTI—KERRY campaign, KERRY—FORMER commanding officer, admitted —TODAY he lied —WHEN he said the Democratic candidate for PRESIDENT did not deserve the Silver Star
20040807             Wealthy Texan helps fund ads blasting Kerry : 1—WEALTHY—TEXAN and prolific Republican donor is helping bankroll 1—TELEVISION ad assailing Democrat JOHN—KERRY'S decorated military record in THE—VIETNAM—WAR.
20040807             RALPH—NADER: DEMOCRATIC—PARTY—SHOULD Live Up to Its Name:
20040807             Though the Democrats have the right to robustly oppose my independent presidential campaign, they don't have the right to engage in dirty tricks designed to deny MILLIONS—OF—VOTERS the opportunity to choose who should be the next PRESIDENT.
20040807             Y - Playing War with Boy GEORGE—BUSH [BGW968]:
20040807             —CONVICTED, CHICAGO Man Arrested in Plot to Bomb Courthouse: A, counterfeiter who had 1—GRUDGE against the government was arrested —ON—THURSDAY for plotting with undercover USA—AGENTS to blow up the building housing FEDERAL—OFFICES in CHICAGO, prosecutors said.
20040807             —CHARGED, USA hold pair in missile scheme: 2—MEN are being, with providing material support to terrorism by participating in 1—CONSPIRACY to help someone they believed was 1—TERRORIST—PURCHASE 1—SHOULDER—FIRED missile.
20040807             —CONVICTED, The person was in fact 1, felon working undercover for the government to reduce his prison sentence.
20040807             JUDGE—RULING 1—MAJOR setback for prosecution in terrorism case : 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE has dealt the government 1—SETBACK in its HIGH—PROFILE—TERRORISM—CASE against former professor SAMI—AL—ARIAN, accused of being THE—USA—MASTERMIND—OF—PALESTINE—ISLAMIC—JIHAD.
20040807             —DENIED, Terror plot in Carmel, : Republican REPRESENTATIVE—KATHERINE—HARRIS said —WEDNESDAY she regrets making the claim that 1—PLOT existed to blow up the power grid in CARMEL—INDIANA.
20040807             —INVOLVED, If this case, 1—MUSLIM or 1—ARAB—MAN would it have been reported by Ashcroft and USA—MEDIA?
20040807             WMD Plot Uncovered In EAST—TEXAS : At least 1—WEAPON—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION - 1—SODIUM cyanide bomb capable of delivering 1—DEADLY—GAS—CLOUD—HAS been seized in the Tyler area.
20040807             —SEIZED, Investigators have, at least 100—OTHER—BOMBS, bomb components, machine guns, 500,000 ROUNDS—OF—AMMUNITION and chemical agents.
20040807             USA Uncovers WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION, Not in IRAQ But in TEXAS & the National Media Ignores The Story: This is 1—STORY—OF—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20040807             Chemical weapons. Domestic Terrorism.
20040807             Forged Identifications. And media double standards.
20040807             Foreigners own half USA—DEBT, tipping point unclear:
20040807             —RAISED, Data showing foreigners own half THE—USA—DEBT has, concerns about 1—POSSIBLE tipping point for USA—RELIANCE on foreign capital
20040807             Feds back wiretap rules for INTERNET:
20040807             The 5—0—VOTE by THE—FCC is 1—MAJOR—STEP toward regulations designed to help police + spy agencies eavesdrop on all FORMS—OF—HIGH—SPEED—INTERNET—ACCESS
20040807             EX—HALLIBURTON workers claim accounting fraud:
20040807             —ACCUSED—OF, Company unit, inflating figures
20040807             Putting The "F" —BACK—IN Freedom: Team USA—WORLD—POLICE.
20040807             AUSTRALIA: Asylum seekers can be locked up 'indefinitely ': The decision has outraged refugee supporters and opposition parties.
20040807             —CRITICISED, AUSTRALIA—DETENTION—CAMPS : Human rights groups and asylum seekers have repeatedly criticised conditions at AUSTRALIA—DETENTION—CENTRES for illegal immigrants.
20040807             —FACED, Gulf allies 'all, chemical exposure' : USA—INVESTIGATORS researching illnesses suffered by veterans of the 1. Gulf war —YESTERDAY insisted that all troops and civilians in the area might have been exposed to low levels of chemical agents.
20040807             BRUCE—SPRINGSTEEN: The stakes are too high to sit this out : It is through the truthful EXERCISING—OF—THE—BEST—OF—HUMAN—QUALITIES—RESPECT for others, honesty about ourselves, faith in our IDEALS—THAT we come to life in GOD—EYES.
20040807             It is how our soul, as 1—NATION and as individuals, is revealed.
20040807             THE—HAND—OVER That Wasn't:
20040807             Illegal Orders give THE—USA—1—LOCK on IRAQ—ECONOMY—PAUL—KRUGMAN: What About IRAQ?
20040807             1—FUNNY thing happened —AFTER THE—USA transferred sovereignty over IRAQ.
20040807             —ON the ground, things didn't change, except for the worse.
20040807             Why Bush [BGW968] Went to War : There were 3—REASONS why the Bush [BGW968] administration went to war: oil, ISRAEL + military transformation.
20040807             Law Experts Condemn USA—MEMOS On Torture:
20040807             "The position taken by the government lawyers in these legal memoranda amount to counseling 1—CLIENT as to how to get away with violating the law,"
20040807             Testimony Implicates ABU—GHRAIB—QUESTIONERS : The statements contradicted the government's position that only 7—ROGUE soldiers — all military police — were directly responsible for the abuse.
20040807             —HANDCUFFED, Schofield soldier gets —3—YEARS for murdering, IRAQ—CITIZEN : 1—SCHOFIELD—BARRACKS soldiers was sentenced —TODAY to —3—YEARS in prison and given 1—DISHONORABLE discharge for shooting to death 1 unarmed IRAQ—COWHERDER who was handcuffed.
20040807             Truckers recount IRAQ horror stories: Promised good salary, accommodation and attractive perks, they were made to live in circumstances similar to those in HITLER—CONCENTRATION—CAMPS.
20040807             "The process has to be conscious, or it would not be carried out with sufficient precision,
20040807             but it also has to be unconscious,or it would bring with it 1—FEELING—OF—FALSITY & hence of guilt.
20040807             To tell deliberate lies —WHILE genuinely believing in them, to forget ANY—FACT that has become inconvenient +
20040807             then, —WHEN it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for —JUST so long as it is needed,
20040807             to deny the existence of objective reality + all the —WHILE to take ACCOUNT—OF—THE—REALITY which 1—DENIES—ALL this is indispensably necessary". "1984"
20040807             Terror im IRAK: Enthauptungsvideo ist 1—FÄLSCHUNG
20040807             SATURN—SONDE: Neuer Ring und heftige Stürme
20040807             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Nachfolgende Generationen gerettet!"
20040807             Umfrage: Kerry [KFJ965] baut Vorsprung aus - Surftipp: —HEUTE—SCHON gezoogelt?
20040807             With a little help from my friends: Schwarzenegger kann doch Englisch
20040807             Terrorgruppe: Anschläge gegen ITALIEN angekündigt
20040807             Hemmungslos: Deutsche lieben freizügigen Sex - nergieversorger: Gas mit Luft verdünnt
20040807             EX—STAATSSEKRETÄR—PFAHLS in Haft: "Etwas besser als im KONGO"
20040807             COMEBACK—DROHUNG: Linkspartei freut sich —SCHON auf Lafontaine
20040807             USA—FOLTER in ABU—GHUREIB: Lynndie ENGLAND spricht von Einschüchterungstaktik
20040807             Hirnforschung: Schlaganfall macht Gehirn jünger
20040807             TERROR—FAHNDUNG: "Qaida plant Anschlag vor den USA—WAHLEN"
20040807             FOLTER—ANHÖRUNG: Richterin prüft Vorladung Rumsfelds
20040807             —BEKENNT, SPANIEN: Eta, sich zu Anschlägen in Urlaubsorten
20040807             —ENTFÜHRT, IRAK: IRANISCHER—DIPLOMAT, - IRAK: Todesstrafe wieder in Kraft
20040807             SUDAN: Regime verlangt nach Schützenhilfe der Arabischen Liga
20040807             Westafrika: Heuschrecken könnten Hungersnot auslösen
20040807             Der Mann, der alles löschte: Der "Höllenkämpfer" Red Adair ist tot - Rotes Meer: 12—TAUCHER verschwunden
20040807             Playing politics with terror warnings: 1—TIMELINE—THE—BIRD  "MANY—THANKS to SOME—DILIGENT researchers from the Democratic Underground website for digging up this information.
20040807             —INDEED, It leaves little doubt that there is, 1—DIRECT—CORRELATION between news that is unfavorable to USA—BUSH [BGW968] administration + the bogus terror alerts that have been issued over the last few years.
20040807             So here is the compiled evidence:
20040807             There is nothing we can do with such information.
20040807             —SERVED, They have, no purpose, other than to throw unfounded fear into Americans.
20040807             —NOW it appears as though there is a 2. PURPOSE—THAT—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION changing unpleasant + embarrassing TOPICS—OF—CONVERSATION among USA—USA—PEOPLE".
20040807             Mixed signals about loyalty oaths By the party faithful.
20040807             —IMPEACHED, To think that Clinton almost got, for 1—CUBAN—CIGAR + yet Bush [BGW968] has lied, openly lied to 1—NATION + he is on the ballot for 20041102             20040807             —IMPEACHED, To think that Clinton almost got, for 1—CUBA—CIGAR + yet Bush [BGW968] has lied, openly lied to 1—NATION + he is on the ballot for 20041102             20040807             This article contains much pertinent information that should be broadcast across USA.
20040807—20010911    —IN, Complacency ?
20040807—20020000    —IN, If the Dems had won the Senate Bush [BGW968] + Cheney + Rumsfield + Rice would be in the process of being impeached.
20040807—20030000    —IN—EARLY, So he has indeed made 1—MEA culpa that he was hell bent on invading IRAQ, no matter what THE—CIA or NSA told him.
20040807—20040000    —BEWILDERED, UK Muslims are, and scared: It is easy for 1—MUSLIM to relate to the pain of the Jews —IN—EARLY 19010101—20001231     UK
20040807—20040100    —CONFESSED, Actually, Bush [BGW968] buddie RICHARD—PERLE basically, on THE—CHARLIE—ROSE—SHOW—WAY back (?) He said that they never wanted to include WMD in the argument because they knew it was 1—LAME claim, but that the lawyers "made" them do it, to secure legal legitimacy to the case.
20040807—20041102    —IN, We must, as 1—NATION, deal with the lies accordingly + send the liars packing
20040807—20041102    —IN, I am amazed that there are citizens that will actually vote for Bush [BGW968]
20040807—20041102    —ON, LET—HOPE that Bush goes away.
20050226             THE—DAILY—STAR—BOOK—REVIEWS—BEIRUT—UNWRITTEN History... unwritten History By MICHAEL—KARAM—SATURDAY, 20040807            .
20050806—20050807    —TUNNELED, SAO—PAULO, BRAZIL, thieves, 260—FEET to 1—CENTRAL—BANK vault and stole some $70—MILLION, in what has been described as the biggest such robbery ever in BRAZIL.
20050806—20050807    —SENTENCED, In March he was, to nearly —50—YEARS in jail.
20050807             —DEPORTED, ZAMBIA, HAROON—RASHID—ASWAT, —31—JAHRE—ALT, 1—BRITON who has been questioned in connection with 20050707             —THE—LONDON transit bombings and is SUSPECTED—OF—LINKS to AL—QAIDA.
20050807             † PETER—JENNINGS, —67—JAHRE—ALT, CANADIAN—BORN ABC broadcaster, of cancer.
20050807             —DELIVERED, PETER—JENNINGS had, the news to Americans EACH—NIGHT in 5—SEPARATE—DECADES.
20050807             1—UK—REMOTE—CONTROLLED vehicle cut away undersea cables that snarled 1—RUSSIA—MINI—SUBMARINE in deep waters off the Kamchatka Peninsula allowing it to surface.
20050807             7—PEOPLE trapped for nearly —3—DAYS on THE—MINI—SUB were rescued.
20050807             —ATTEMPTED, SOUTH—CHINA, rescuers, to reach 123—MINERS trapped in 1 flooded coal mine.
20050807             —SUSPECTED, INDIA—NORTH—EAST—ASSAM, state, separatist rebels blew up 1—CRUCIAL—OIL—PIPELINE and nearby homes, shutting down operations.
20050807             —DETONATED, CENTRAL—IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER driving 1—EMPTY—FUEL—TANKER, his vehicle near 1—POLICE—STATION, killing at least 2—PEOPLE.
20050807             3—IRAQ—SOLDIERS and 2—OIL—MINISTRY—EMPLOYEES were killed in 2—SEPARATE—DRIVE—BY shootings in BAGHDAD.
20050807             —SUSPENDED, Envoys to NORTH—KOREAN—DISARMAMENT—TALKS, their meetings —FOR—3—WEEKS, deadlocked over THE—NORTH—INSISTENCE on retaining 1—PEACEFUL—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM.
20050807             Benon Sevan (67), THE—FORMER—HEAD—OF—THE—SCANDAL—TAINTED—OIL—FOR—FOOD—PROGRAM, resigned from THE—UN—HOURS—BEFORE he was expected to be accused of getting kickbacks from the $67—BILLION operation.
20050807             Voters across VENEZUELA cast ballots to select THOUSANDS—OF—LOCAL—OFFICIALS in elections that could predict how well PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ—POLITICAL—ALLIES will fare in key congressional elections in December.
20050807             —ACCUSED, Chavez, THE—USA—DRUG—ENFORCEMENT—AGENCY—OF using its agents as spies and said he was suspending cooperation with THE—DEA.
20050807             the Plame/Rove affair.
20050807             —JUST such 1—LINKAGE is 1—SUBTEXT of
20050807             this JUSTIN—RAIMONDO column which cites 1—UPI story (yes, I know who owns UPI ) as follows:
20050807             The investigation, which is continuing, could lead to indictments, 1—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIAL said.
20050807             "According to these sources, JOHN—HANNAH and CHENEY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, Lewis 'Scooter' Libby, were THE—2—CHENEY employees.
20050807             'We believe that Hannah was the major player in this,' 1—FEDERAL—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—OFFICER said... Hannah was the director for WASHINGTON Institute for Near EAST—POLICY -- euphoniously acronymed WINEP -- 1—THINK tank linked at the hip with AIPAC.
20050807             my previous discussion on the forthcoming war with IRAN elicited SOME—INTRIGUING discussion points.
20050807             THE—DARK—WRAITH—ANALYSIS—OF neocon plans are surely worth READING (start here),
20050807             "Buena Vista Social Club": Kubas SÄNGER—LEGENDE IBRAHIM—FERRER ist tot
20050807             Grüne contra Linkspartei: "Lieber in die Opposition als mit denen"
20050807             Unterwasserdrama im Pazifik: RUSSISCHE—MATROSEN nach —76—STUNDEN befreit
20050807             20032003232322antiwarblogg.html /
20050807             Gedenken an HIROSHIMA: "Normale Familien reden nicht über Krieg"
20050807—19870000    —SINCE, THOUSANDS—OF—MINERS stopped work for the 1. strike in SOUTH—AFRICA—KEY—GOLD—SECTOR—AFTER wage negotiations collapsed —LAST—WEEK.
20050807—20050808    NEPAL, communist insurgents overran about 200—TROOPS—340—MILES—NORTH—WEST—OF—KATHMANDU and killed at least 40—SOLDIERS in fierce clashes between the military and Maoist rebels.
20050811—20050807    —IN—THE, VENEZUELA—MAJOR—NEWSPAPERS calculated that PRO—CHAVEZ candidates won some 47—PERCENT—OF—CITY—COUNCIL—POSTS across the country, —WHILE opposition candidates won 17—PERCENT and other independent parties had 18—PERCENT—OF—POSTS—ELECTIONS.
20060227             —HOSTED, MAJOR—MICHAEL—SHAVERS said 20060807             —THE meeting, by the Strategic Command will be "fairly broad and WIDE—RANGING," but he declined to say directly whether THE—TOPIC—OF—MINI—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS will be on the table.
20060308             —REPORTED, Xinhua News, that 1—COURT—IN—SOUTH—CHINA has sentenced 16—OFFICIALS to jail terms of up to —6—YEARS in connection with 20050807             —THE, coal mine flood that killed 123—PEOPLE.
20060316—20010000    20010807             : WHITE—HOUSE censures magazine for LACK—OF—CENSORSHIP—GEEDUBYA—ADMINISTRATION has served notice that they will not cooperate with ANY—JOURNALIST writing for Talk magazine.
20060316—20040000    20040807             : Mixed signals about loyalty oaths By the party faithful.
20060418             —DECIDED, Despite this LESS—THAN—IMPRESSIVE—PERFORMANCE, Delay, to promote Kovak as 1—BUSINESSMAN par excellence : "Congressman TOM—DELAY, Majority Leader, has appointed Brent C Kovar to serve as the Honorary Chairman, Business Advisory Council," read the headline of an 20030807             release from PrimeZone Media newswire and press release service.
20060506             View our website story, www.cloakanddgger.ca "THE—OVERTHROW—OF—THE—AMERICA—REPUBLIC", Part 50, 20040316             , as to the efforts in the past to block us, threaten us falsely with arrest + actua lly arrest me as THE—HEAD—OF—OUR group, for our efforts to confront CIA "peace movement" fakers, "THE—CHIC20060807             ", RENNIE—DAVIS, JERRY—RUBIN, Abbie Hoffman, TOM—HAYDEN, and others.
20060506             Skolnick: "I am handing you, in the presence of this tv reporter, 1—COPY—OF our report about the 'Chic20060807             ', RENNIE—DAVIS + THE—CIA, entitled 'Chic20060807             ' Are They For Real' ".original CIA Station CHIEF: "We have already examined 1—COPY".
20060513—20010807    —SEIT—DEM, 5. haben die USA—UND ENGLAND—LUFTSTREITKRÄFTE wiederholt Ziele im IRAK bombardiert.
20060513—20010807    —SEIT—DEM, 5. haben die amerikanischen und ENGLISCHEN—LUFTSTREITKRÄFTE wiederholt Ziele im IRAK bombardiert.
20060706             The rule takes effect 20060807            .
20060805—20060807    —SURRENDERED, RUSSELL—RODRIGUES, —47—JAHRE—ALT, and
20060807             —ISSUED, PATRICK—MARTIN—IN 1—LETTER to PRESIDENT—BUSH, 20060730             , the top congressional LEADERS—OF—THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY have pledged their support for 1—USA—VICTORY in IRAQ, —WHILE criticizing the administration?s tactics and methods and calling for the "phased REDEPLOYMENT—OF—USA—FORCES" to deal with other crises facing USA—IMPERIALISM—AROUND the world.
20060807             Ramzy Baroud 1—SKY—NEWS newscaster, interviewing UK—FOREIGN—SECRETARY—MARGARET—BECKETT —ON—SUNDAY, 20060730             demanded 1—ANSWER to this paraphrased question: if indeed ISRAEL had precise intelligence that 1—HEZBOLLAH operative was present in the village of Qana, in SOUTH—LEBANON, how could it possibly fail to realise that the area was also crowded with civilians?
20060807             newsletter 20060805             - Part 2]- uruknet. info : information from occupied IRAQ : informazione dall'IRAQ occupato
20060807             WAR NEWS —FOR—SATURDAY, 20060805             20060807             —TODAY in IRAQ —ON—FRIDAY, gunmen shot dead 1—BODYGUARD—OF—1—SENIOR—JUSTICE—MINISTRY—OFFICIAL in WEST—BAGHDAD.
20060807             Messages In This Digest (1—MESSAGE) 1. 9/ 11—CONSPIRACY—THEORISTS thriving: AP YAHOO, Go and Comment From: JOE—STOKES—VIEW—ALL—TOPICS | Create New Topic Message 1. 9/ 11—CONSPIRACY—THEORISTS thriving: AP YAHOO, Go and Comment —POSTED—BY: "JOE—STOKES" joestokes@sbcglobal_net jokeslove7 Sun 20060806             —153—PM (PST) This AP story appearead on YAHOO news.
20060807             † In ARIZONA 9—ILLEGAL—IMMIGRANTS—WHEN their SUV, crammed with up to 22—PEOPLE, flipped —WHILE trying to evade pursuit by the Border Patrol.
20060807             —SEIZED, THE—SF, Bay Area SANTA—CLARA—COUNTY—SHERIFF'S—DEPUTIES, over 20,000 marijuana plants on MOUNT—HAMILTON.
20060807             —ESTIMATED, Street value at maturity was, at $80—MILLION.
20060807             † SUE—BIERMAN, —82—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—SF supervisor (19920000—20000000    ) in 1—CAR crash in COLE—VALLEY.
20060807             1—PARK created —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—DEMOLITION ramps leading to and away from the Embarcadero Freeway (19590000—19920000    ) was soon renamed Sue Bierman Park, —AFTER the former supervisor (d. 20060000             at 82) who battled city freeways.
20060807             —ANNOUNCED, WAL—MART, chainwide pay caps and said they were intended to move people up the company ladder.
20060807             —SEPARATED, UTAH doctors successfully, conjoined twins Kendra and Maliyah Herrin.
20060807             —FUSED, THE—4—YEAR—OLD—SISTERS had been born, at the midsection with —JUST 1—KIDNEY and 1—SET—OF—LEGS.
20060807             —CONTINUED, Reconstruction surgery.
20060807             1—NEW finding implied that the universe is about 15.8—BILLION years old and about 180—BILLION LIGHT—YEARS—WIDE based on new evidence, which suggested that the Hubble constant, 1—NUMBER that measures the expansion rate and AGE—OF—THE—UNIVERSE, is actually 15% smaller than other studies have found.
20060807             —SCRAMBLED, Oil company BP, to assess pipeline corrosion in ALASKA that will shut shipments from the nation's biggest oil field, removing about 8—PERCENT—OF—DAILY—USA crude production and driving oil and gasoline prices sharply higher.
20060807             BP said it would have to replace 16—MILES—OF—PIPELINE at the Prudhoe Bay field.
20060807             † JOHN—WEINBERG, —81—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—HEAD—OF—THE—GOLDMAN—SACHS investment firm.
20060807             JOHN—WEINBERG and JOHN—WHITEHEAD led the firm 19760000—19850000    —FROM—TO.
20060807             —HANGED, Suspected Taliban militants, 1—WOMAN, —70—JAHRE—ALT and her son (30) from 1—TREE in Helmand province —AFTER accusing them of spying for the government.
20060807             ROBERT—MCNAUGHT—OF—THE—SIDING—SPRING—OBSERVATORY in AUSTRALIA made the 1. sighting of 1—COMET that came to be called Comet McNaught.
20060807             —SOARED, BELGIUM—OFFICIALS said thefts of drain covers in CHARLEROI have, in recent days as skyrocketing metal prices have made them lucrative.
20060807             —SUSPECTED, BRAZIL, PCC gang members in THE—PRE—DAWN hours attacked 78—SYMBOLS—OF—GOVERNMENT and businesses across SAO—PAULO state, many in the city itself.
20060807             —KILLED, Police, 2—SUSPECTS—AFTER they allegedly opened fire on 1—GAS—STATION, torched 1—BUS and tried to flee in 1—CAR as officers chased them.
20060807             —MARKED, This, the 3. time in —4—MONTHS that the gang has unleashed its fury on the streets to oppose the prison transfer of its leaders.
20060807             CHINA—STATE—MEDIA said the death toll from Tropical Storm Prapiroon, named —AFTER THE—THAILAND—GOD—OF—RAIN, rose to 80 with 9—MORE—PEOPLE missing.
20060807             —KILLED, 1—EXPLOSION at 1—CHINA—PERFUME factory, at least 7—PEOPLE and left 3 hospitalized.
20060807             —INAUGURATED, COLOMBIA—PRESIDENT—ALVARO—URIBE, 1 unprecedented 2. term, promising to seek 1—ELUSIVE peace with leftist rebels —WHILE maintaining the hardline security policies credited with 1—SHARP—DROP in murder and kidnappings.
20060807             —KILLED, Gunmen in HAITI, GUIDO—VITIELLO (67), 1—ITALY—BUSINESSMAN, and kidnapped his wife, Gigliola Martino (65), amid 1—SPATE—OF—VIOLENCE in the impoverished Caribbean nation.
20060807             —BARRED, INDONESIA, Islamic militants from traveling to the Mideast to fight ISRAEL —AFTER 1—JAKARTA group said more than 200 had already gone.
20060807             1—SUICIDE—TRUCK—BOMBER struck the provincial headquarters of 1—IRAQ—POLICE commando force NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD, killing 10—POLICEMEN.
20060807             —KILLED, In Baquba 6—IRAQ—SOLDIERS were, and another 15 wounded —WHEN insurgents attacked their checkpoint.
20060807             In all insurgent and militia attacks left at least 30—IRAQIS killed or found dead.
20060807             2—IRAQ—JOURNALISTS were killed in separate incidents in BAGHDAD.
20060807             MOHAMMED—ABBAS—HAMAD, —28—JAHRE—ALT, 1—JOURNALIST—FOR—THE—SHIITE—OWNED newspaper AL—BAYINNAH—AL—JADIDA, was shot by gunmen at he left his home.
20060807             Police found THE—BULLET—RIDDLED BODY—OF—FREELANCE—JOURNALIST—ISMAIL—AMIN—ALI, —30—JAHRE—ALT, about 1—HALF—MILE from where he was abducted —2—WEEKS—AGO.
20060807             The death toll in 1—ISRAEL—AIRSTRIKE on 1—SHIITE neighborhood in SOUTH—BEIRUT reached 41.
20060807             —KILLED, Across the country 77—LEBANESE were, along with 3—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS.
20060807             12,000 TONS—OF—LEAKING oil had already polluted more than 140—KILOMETERS (87—MILES) of THE—LEBANON—COAST and spread north into SYRIA—WATERS.
20060807             —REPORTED, MOROCCO—STATE—NEWS—AGENCY, that security services have arrested 44 suspected terrorists and dismantled 1—NETWORK allegedly planning attacks.
20060807             1—PRO—NORTH—KOREAN—NEWSPAPER in JAPAN said floods —LAST—MONTH in NORTH—KOREA killed at least 549—PEOPLE and left 295—OTHERS still missing.
20060807             —DISCARDED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1, ordnance shell exploded in 1—TRIBAL—VILLAGE, killing 3—YOUNG—BROTHERS who were playing with the explosive.
20060807             1—RELIEF—OFFICIAL said flooding and heavy rains in NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN in recent days have left 144—PEOPLE—DEAD and 97—OTHERS injured.
20060807             SRI—LANKA, 17—CIVILIANS working for 1—FRANCE—AID—AGENCY were found slain execution style in Muttur —AFTER fierce battles between rebels and the government over water supplies.
20060807             All but 1 were Tamils.
20060807             —SIGNED, The only rebel leader to have, onto 1—PEACE—DEAL for Darfur was sworn in as 1—SENIOR—AIDE to THE—SUDAN—PRESIDENT—AS—INTERNATIONAL—AID—GROUPS said the fighting in THE—WAR—TORN region has intensified.
20060807             —CAPTURED, VENEZUELA—AUTHORITIES, ELIAS—VERDE, the alleged HEAD—OF—1—INTERNATIONAL—DRUG trafficking group that was involved in 1—MAJOR cocaine smuggling operation —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR in FRANCE.
20060807             illiam THOMAS—KING—OF— hieß eigentlich ALEXANDER—KEITH und kam AUS—HALIFAX, Nova Scotia.
20060807             Er betätigte sich während des
20060807             —GERIET, AMERIKANISCHEN—BÜRGERKRIEGS nach seinen Angaben als Blockadebrecher +, —SCHON einmal in den Verdacht, einen SPRENGSTOFF—ANSCHLAG verübt zu haben.
20060807             DEUTSCHE—GESCHICHTE—ALS die Höllenmaschine BREMERHAVEN erzittern ließ - Von Cord CHRISTIAN—TROEBST
20060807             Cord CHRISTIAN—TROEBST, Jahrgang 19330000             , lebte —10—JAHRE in NEW—YORK und auf Cape Cod, war dann VIELE—JAHRE—CHEFREDAKTEUR—DES—SPRINGER—AUSLANDSDIENSTS in HAMBURG.
20060807             —SEIT seiner Pensionierung 19940000             arbeitet er als freier Journalist.
20060807             Flutgefahr nach der Hitzewelle: Hochwasser in POLEN und ÖSTERREICH steigt
20060807             NAHOST—KRIEG: LIBANON will Truppen in den Süden schicken
20060807             Förderausfall in ALASKA: BP—PROBLEME treiben Ölpreis auf Rekordhoch
20060807             Familienhaft für arbeitslose Eltern: POFALLA—IDEE findet Anhänger in der Union
20060807             Vogelgrippe: Kein weiterer H5N1 - Fall im Dresdner Zoo
20060807             Energie: Hoffnung auf billigerer Strom - Mobil 2.0: Das soziale Netz macht mobil
20060807             Atomkraft: Gabriel ordnet nach schwedischem Störfall Sofortmaßnahmen an
20060807             OREGON: Meerestiere ersticken in der Todeszone
20060807             Allergien: Integration fördert Heuschnupfen
20060807             NAHOST—KRIEG: Siniora bricht bei arabischem Krisengipfel in Tränen aus
20060807             Umweltprobleme in ALASKA: Ölmulti BP kämpft um sein Image
20060807             —ESKALIERT, Union: Streit über die richtige Politik
20060807             Underwhelmed by It All With their vast arsenals of electronic gear, they are the most entertained generation ever.
20060807             Yet the YouTubing, MySpacing, MULTI—TASKING teens and young adults widely seen as HOLLYWOOD—MOST wanted audience are feeling — can it be? — 1—BIT bored with it all.
20060807             A new LOS—ANGELES—TIMES/.
20060807             AOL Hits Rock Bottom AND Pisses Off Google PAUL—STAMATIOU—USUALLY —AFTER hitting rock bottom once, 1—COMPANY learns from its actions and fixes things.
20060807             Apparently this is not the case with AOL.
20060807             —RELEASED, —EARLIER—YESTERDAY they, a 439MB file (~2GB uncompressed) of approximately 20—MILLION—SEARCH queries collected from about 650k unique users over roughly 3.
20060807             RUSSIA condemns USA—ARMS sanctions, RUSSIA—STATE arms exporter denounces USA—SANCTIONS over trade with IRAN.
20060807             WHITEHALL—TOP—BRASS speaks out, Ministers and top civil servants give 1—NO holds barred view of they THINK—OF—EACH—OTHER.
20060807             Record mirror for Euro telescope, European astronomers plan to build 1—OPTICAL telescope that is 4—TIMES—BIGGER than ANY—OTHER in existence.
20060807             Gene link in passive smoking risk, Children with 2—COMMON gene defects face 1 heightened risk of passive smoking, researchers say.
20060807             Images: VERIZON—FUEL—CELL—PROJECT—VERIZON—FUEL—CELL—SYSTEM on Long ISLAND, NEW—YORK, generates electrical power far more cleanly and efficiently than oil.
20060807             The great PC 'WHAT—IF' Imagine what the tech industry would be like if IBM demanded exclusive rights to its PC operating system.
20060807             Allmystery • 9—GRÜNDE für die Sprengung des WTC knolle.
20060807             Die Pflanzen reichen ihre Erinnerungen auf diese Art über die Generationen weiter.
20060807             Ultraviolette Strahlung oder bakterielle Eiweiße, die Schädlingsbefall VORTÄUSCHEN—FÜR Pflanzen bedeutet das Stress.
20060807             Im Labor der UNIVERSITÄT—BASEL war das Ungemach beabsichtigt und sollte die Testpflanzen gehörig unter Druck setzen.
20060807             Das gelang auch: Um sich der Stresssituation besser anzupassen, erhöhte das Kohlgewächs Ackerschmalwand die Geschwindigkeit, mit der sich seine Gene verändern.
20060807             ABRI COMMANDER—VISITS—SPAIN... military officer, GENERAL—FEISAL—TANJUNG, was in SPAIN —LAST—MONTH. looking at military equipment...
20060807             The delegation also went to factories such as Defex and Indra, that...
20060807             NISAT - - T he Self Accelerating Plasma Tube (SAP Tube) Ossie Callanan Anyone... T. HENRY—MORAY was quoted as saying THE—AMOUNT—OF—ENERGY his device produced was determined by the load he placed on it.
20060807             The more load he connected...
20060807             Stressreaktion: Pflanzen vererben Erinnerungen
20060807             PYROTECHNIK—WIKIPEDIA Pyrotechnik. aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie.
20060807             Die Pyrotechnik (von griechisch pyr "Feuer") weist auf 1—TECHNIK in Verbindung mit — meist explosiv ablaufender — Verbrennung hin.
20060807             Pyrotechnischer Effekt - Speichern Rheinmetall AG -
20060807             —GEHÖRT, NICO—PYROTECHNIK—NICO—PYROTECHNIK, zu den weltweit führenden Herstellern von Polizei - + Sicherheitsprodukten, Übungs - + Simulationssystemen sowie hochwertigen pyrotechnischen Produkten.
20060807             GmbH das Produktportfolio des Bereiches Schutzsysteme/ Pyrotechnik ab.
20060807             Die - Ein körperinternes Navigationsystem gebe es tatsächlich, berichten —NUN Wissenschaftler der kalifornischen Stanford UNIVERSITY—IM—ONLINE—FACHMAGAZIN "PLoS Genetics".
20060807             Hautzellen nutzten 1—KOORDINATENSYSTEM, um ihre Position im Körper zu bestimmen und daraus ihre persönlichen Aufgaben abzuleiten, schreiben der Biologe JOHN—RINN und 4—KOLLEGEN.
20060807             Genauso wie JEDER—PUNKT—DER—ERDE durch Breitengrad, Längengrad und Höhe eindeutig definiert ist, sei auch die Position JEDER—ZELLE durch einen dreiteiligen genetischen Code festgelegt, haben die Forscher entdeckt.
20060807             Hautzellen lesen in Genen ab, wo sie gerade sind
20060807             Die Hautzellen lesen aus diesem Code ab, ob sie auf der Kopfhaut, am Bauch oder auf der Handinnenseite lokalisiert sind und ob sie dort Haare wachsen lassen oder andere Aufgaben erfüllen sollen.
20060807             Nach ANGABEN—DER—BIOLOGEN und Mediziner könnte die Entdeckung helfen, die Wundheilung zu verbessern und maßgeschneiderte Hauttransplantate herzustellen.
20060807             Obwohl die menschliche Haut praktisch am ganzen Körper aus den gleichen Zellbausteinen besteht, sieht sie an jedem Körperteil anders aus.
20060807             So sind MANCHE—HAUTPARTIEN von einem dichten Haarkleid bedeckt, während die Haut in anderen Körperregionen dicke Hornhautschichten, Schweißdrüsen oder die Rillen der Fingerabdrücke bilden.
20060807             Hautzellen von 40—KÖRPERTEILEN hätten Rinn und seine Kollegen bei ihrer Suche nach einem Positionierungssystem isoliert und dann verglichen, welche Gene in welchen Zellen AN—ODER abgeschaltet waren.
20060807             Das Ergebnis: Die verschiedenen Hautzellen unterschieden sich in der Aktivität von fast 400—ERBGUTABSCHNITTEN.
20060807             Grober Dreifachcode
20060807             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Was ist eine gute Religion?"
20060807             Interview zu Bewerbungstricks: Du sollst nicht LÜGEN—ODER doch?
20060807             Ferienclub für Millionäre: JET—SETTEN in die Pleite
20060807             Körperkarte: Hautzellen haben GPS in den Genen
20060807             Zensur in CHINA: Korrespondenten schlagen Alarm
20060807             —ZERSTÖRT, LIBANON—KRIEG: ISRAEL, wichtigsten Versorgungsweg in den Süden
20060807             Krieg im Nahen Osten: Kein Frieden in Sicht - Mutual Assured Destruction, a.k.a. MAD.
20060807             Mutual Assured Destruction began to emerge —AT—THE—END—OF—THE—KENNEDY administration.
20060807             MAD reflects the idea that one's population could best be protected by leaving it vulnerable so long as the other side faced comparable vulnerabilities.
20060807             In short: Whoever shoots 1., dies 2.
20060807             —OCCUPIED, If IRAN needs to be invaded +, to prevent them from ever developing and possibly using 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON against the mainland USA, then our parents + grandparents wasted untold trillions in producing nuclear weapons and submarines to defend against —JUST such 1—THREAT.
20060807             And we want our money back.
20060807             See also: IRAQ: THE—WORDS—OF—MASS—DECEPTION
20060807             THE—OHIO class are the largest submarines ever built for THE—USA—NAVY + are 2. only to THE—RUSSIA n Typhoon class in mass and size.
20060807             1—SINGLE—SUBMARINE carries the destructive power more than 9—TIMES—GREATER than all Allied ordnance dropped in WWII.
20060807             Only the whales and dolphins know where these submarines are —WHEN they are out on patrol.
20060807             Not even THE—PRESIDENT knows their exact location. "Somewhere in the Pacific".
20060807             Why IRAN—NUCLEAR weapons don't matter.
20060807             Nothing.
20060807             —GRABBED, But Bush still got his invasion +, the oil wells.
20060807             —SHIFTED, Of course, the issue has.
20060807             Those that insist that IRAQ—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION were 1—THREAT that justified invasion are in essence claiming that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT took $5—TRILLION of your money (over $17,000 from EACH—OF—YOU alive —TODAY) in 1—GIGANTI c swindle, because the $5—TRILLION nuclear deterrent isn't 1—DETERRENT —AFTER all, that it doesn't work, that nobody is really afraid of it, because they all know it was —JUST 1—HOAX to soak THE—USA—TAXPAYER for another several 1000—DOLLARS.
20060807             Was it all 1—HOAX, MISTER—BUSH ?
20060807             Either the deterrent works or it does not.
20060807             —DEFRAUDED, If it doesn't, then THE—USA—TAXPAYERS have been, on 1—GRAND—SCALE.
20060807             But if the nuclear deterrent does work, then IRAQ can have all THE—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION they want, they —JUST won't dare use them.
20060807             The above image is 1—SCAN—OF—1—PIECE—OF—TRINITITE.
20060807             This is desert sand that was underneath THE—EXPLOSION—OF—THE—WORLD—1. Atomic bomb in NEW—MEXICO as PART—OF—PROJECT—TRINITY, hence the name Trinitite.
20060807             —MELTED, The heat from that blast, the sand into 1—GREEN—GLASS, not unlike the Fulgurites that result —WHEN lightning hits sandy soil.
20060807             —NOW, imagine 1—ENTIRE nation looking like the above sample, melted into green glass.
20060807             Buried in the green glass are the charred REMAINS—OF—THE—PEOPLE—OF—THAT nation.
20060807             It's not 1—IDLE fantasy.
20060807             THE—USA—SPENT $5—TRILLION dollars (1950s dollars) building 1—NUCLEAR deterrent capability that can actually do that;
20060807             melt ANY—NATION and it's people into 1—GIANT—SLAB—OF—GREEN—GLASS.
20060807             THE—USSR knew it, the world knows it, Saddam knew it.
20060807             The government of IRAN knows it.
20060807             —POSSESSED, Even if IRAQ had, WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION (which we —NOW know they did not) + even if IRAQ had the long range ICBMs to reach across the Atlanti c with (which we know they did not), IRAQ would still not have been 1—THREAT to THE—USA—BECAUSE ANY—ATTACK with 1—WEAPON—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION would be national suicide.
20060807             World dispatch Selective Memri
20060807             BRIAN—WHITAKER investigates whether the 'independent' media institute that translates the Arabic newspapers is quite what it seems BRIAN—WHITAKER
20060807             Right Web | Profile | Meyrav Wurmser (3) Ariel Center for Policy Research: Contributing Experts: Meyrav Wurmser...
20060807             Google DIRECTORY—SOCIETY > Issues > Terrorism > Terrorist... GUARDIAN UNLIMITED—SHARON—WAR—BREATHES—NEW—LIFE into Hizbullah —
20060807             These photos were taken at Ground 0, the World Trade Center site in NEW—YORK,
20060807             Hundreds lost in ETHIOPIA flood, Rescuers dig through mud and debris, searching for some 300—PEOPLE still missing —AFTER floods in ETHIOPIA.
20060807             Warning over food wrap allergy, SOME—FOOD packaging contains hidden latex that could trigger potentially fatal allergic reactions, 1—STUDY has revealed.
20060807             Hospitals Cater to Their 'Guests'
20060807             Perks like HIGH—SPEED—INTERNET, interactive TV and room service are blooming in SOME—HOSPITALS, where patients are "guests".
20060807             As THE—HOSPITAL—ITY industry takes on new meaning, SOME—PREDICT the model will become the norm.
20060807             Hagel: IRAQ Is 'A Hopeless, Winless Situation'
20060807             Appearing —TODAY on CBS Face the Nation, SENATOR—CHUCK—HAGEL (R—NE) described IRAQ as "1—HOPELESS, winless situation".
20060807             —CRITICIZED, He harshly, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—RECENT—DECISION to increase troop levels calling it "very wrong" and "irresponsible".
20060807             —HEADED, Hagel said IRAQ was "" toward 1—CIVIL—WAR.
20060807             He was adamant that "we cannot put USA—TROOPS + ask them to do the things that we're asking them to do in the middle of 1—CIVIL—WAR".
20060807             —ADDED, Hagel, "I hope this administration has got 1—WAY out of this".
20060807             HAGEL: THERE—NO—GOOD options here, no good options.
20060807             I—I would move toward 1—HIGHER—GROUND toward right back to what you talked about, Bob, the regionalization.
20060807             THE—UN can be PART—OF—THAT.
20060807             Unless you come at it that way, we're going to be leaving IRAQ + it is not going to be the way we intended to leave IRAQ.
20060807             Because THAT—THAT is the direction of where this is going.
20060807             It is very wrong, Bob, to put USA—TROOPS in 1—HOPELESS, winless situation, —JUST keep feeding them in TO—TO what's going on.
20060807             That's irresponsible and that is wrong.
20060807             SCHIEFFER: But if, if THE—USA—LEAVES, won't you somehow have 1—CONFEDERATION—OF—IRAN and the government there with the Shiites that are IN—IN—IN SOUTH—IRAQ?
20060807             SENATOR—HAGEL: Bob, like I said, there...THERE—BOB, Bob, there are no good options here.
20060807             THAT—THAT may well happen, I don't know.
20060807             But let me ask you the question + I hope THE—PRESIDENT and his people are —STARTING to ask themselves this question, that what IS—WHAT is the alternative?
20060807             Are we going to put our troops in the middle of 1—CIVIL—WAR?
20060807             Who are they going to fight? This will be slaughter of immense proportions.
20060807             THE—USA—PEOPLE will not put up with it, the leadership in Congress will not put up with it.
20060807             I hope this administration has got 1—WAY out of this, because yes that's 1—TOUGH—QUESTION, Bob, but the fact is that may well be the way it turns out.
20060807             But we cannot put USA—TROOPS + ask them to do the things that we're asking them to do in the middle of 1—CIVIL—WAR + that's where it's headed.
20060807             Switching off Life Support.
20060807             Felicity Arbuthnot...Protocol 1—DEFINES inhumanity's limits in conflict, making specific, through listing examples, principles that were and are inherent in MANY—HUMAN—RIGHTS and humanitarian law instruments.
20060807             Though signatury to 19490000             —THE—GENEVA—CONVENTION, THE—STATE—OF—ISRAEL refused and continues to refuse to sign the Additional Protocol, which essentially is prohibiting genocide.
20060807             1—UNIQUE—IRONY for 1—COUNTRY whose people have suffered 1, within historically recent memory.
20060807             USA—COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF, PRESIDENT—BUSH is famous for not READING (last known attempt : 'My Pet Goat', to 1—GROUP—OF—SCHOOL—CHILDREN, pictured with him holding it upside down), PRIME—MINISTER—BLAIR, QC., would seem to have the attention span of 1—GNAT and seemingly has not found THE—TIME—AND ISRAEL—LEADERS clearly don't care.
20060807             So much for the Protocol 1, which ISRAEL has, not signed;
20060807             THE—USA (whose missiles and bombs rain down on Palestine and LEBANON) has signed but not ratified.
20060807             Thus ISRAEL gives itself "legal" license to do exactly what is prohibited in the Convention.
20060807             That it can does not mean that it can forever get away with it.
20060807             Congressional Democrats on IRAQ: New tactics, more war
20060807             —SIGNED, The letter was, by the Senate and House minority leaders, HARRY—REID and NANCY Pelosi, by their deputies, RICHARD—DURBIN and Steny Hoyer + by the senior Democrats on the Senate and House committees with responsibility for the Pentagon, foreign policy, intelligence and the military appropriations.
20060807             —BASED, THE—12—SIGNATURES make the document the most broadly, and definitive STATEMENT—OF—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY—POLICY on the war in IRAQ.
20060807             An atrocity too far
20060807             —MURDERED, ELI—STEPHENS, Left I on the News —YESTERDAY—ISRAEL brutally, 33—SYRIA—FARM—WORKERS in THE—TOWN—OF—QAA in LEBANON, firing USA—MADE and supplied missiles from USA—MADE and supplied jets.
20060807             1—MASSACRE, 1—WAR—CRIME—OF—THE 1. order, quite possibly committed with weapons supplied by THE—USA—SINCE the shooting began.
20060807             —SATURATED, So how did the media, with similar atrocities occuring nearly EVERY—DAY, treat this news?
20060807             It 's headline says "ISRAEL—AIR—RAIDS—DESTROY—BRIDGES—NORTH—OF—BEIRUT," giving no HINT—OF—THE—MASSACRE in Qaa.
20060807             —EXTENDED, The participants, 1—SALUTE—OF—RESPECT to the Arab Nation?s martyrs in PALESTINE—LEBANON and IRAQ—REAFFIRMING their solidarity with emigrants of the standing fast LEBANON—PEOPLE who confront the zionist aggression;
20060807             they declared their absolute support to the heroic resistance defeating the enemy?s army in MANY—LOCATIONS despite of his destructive, genocidal military machine and his HIGH—TECH developed weapons + DESPITE—OF—THE—COVER recurred for the enemy by regional and INTERNATIONAL forces.
20060807             —ACKNOWLEDGED, They also, all the popular initiatives in solidarity with LEBANON and LEBANON—RESISTANCE.
20060807             Voices about LEBANON from the street
20060807             AL—JAZEERAH, 20060805             ...Omar adds that 'we are all Hezbollah —NOW.
20060807             Anyone who resists THE—ADVANCES—OF—THE—ENEMY is my friend.
20060807             And ISRAEL is the enemy, make no mistake about it.
20060807             They have no desire for peace, or else peace would have been established long ago and there would have been no Hezbollah or Hamas or ANY—OTHER—RESISTANCE—GROUP.
20060807             What we see ANGERS us deeply + AMERICA is the accomplice.
20060807             You can bet on 1—THING and that is that Hezbollah?s value has shot up tremendously among the people?
20060807             Badr says the 'Olmert is 1—WAR—CRIMINAL—JUST as was his boss Sharon.
20060807             But —NOW we have 2—MORE: Bush and Blair.
20060807             —UNDISPUTED, Their complicity in this crime is.
20060807             It was bad enough what they have done in IRAQ, but this time they have advanced it 1—NOTCH further.
20060807             —BLOODSHED, And they are resisting all efforts to stop this.
20060807             What do they think? By eliminating Hezbollah fighters, they have solved their problems?
20060807             They would have to eliminate ALL—OF—USA.? 3—USA—SOLDIERS killed in IRAQ
20060807             —ANNOUNCED, BAHRAIN News Agency THE—USA—ARMY has, —TODAY that 3—OF—ITS—SOLDIERS were killed in 2—SEPARATE—INCIDENTS in AL—ANBAR, WEST—OF—IRAQ.
20060807             2—SOLDIERS—OF—THE 1. armored battalion were killed —DURING security operations in AL—ANBAR —YESTERDAY, said the army in its statement.
20060807             —KILLED, Another Marines soldier was accidentally, in AL—ANBAR also, added the statement.
20060807             The bloodthirsty USA democratic army adds another crime to their idol Zion achievement : 1—MASSACRE—OF—3—WHOLE—FAMILIES in IRAQ.
20060807             THE—USA—BLOODTHIRSTY thugs open fire and butcher SCORES—OF—IRAQ—FARMERS..
20060807             Special REPORTS—AL—MOHARER—THE—USA bloodthirsty gangsters occupiers have committed again another butchery against innocent IRAQ—FARMERS wiping out 3—WHOLE—FARMER—FAMILIES in the locality of Dawanim near al Shurta 5. neighborhood WEST—OF—BAGHDAD.
20060807             —ASCERTAINED, Convergent press reports and eyewitnesses, that 1—HIGH—NUMBERS—OF—USA GANGSTERS—OCCUPIERS backed by tanks and armored vehicles and MANY—FOOT—SOLDIERS supported by war helicopters raided the al Kubayssi farm in THE—AREA—OF—DAWANIM and killed with cold blood 3—FARMERS—FAMILIES—MOST—OF—THEM women and children.
20060807             ISRAEL—IS 1—FAILED Colonial Project: No to USA—ISRAEL—WAR—CRIMES—AGAINST the
20060807             It calls on members and supporters to mobilize RANK—AND—FILE—WORKERS and broad SECTIONS—OF—THE—PEOPLE to bring to power in CANADA 1—ANTI—WAR—GOVERNMENT which upholds the right of all nations to their sovereignty and opposes THE—USE—OF—FORCE to settle conflicts.
20060807             Such 1—GOVERNMENT must demand THE—ENFORCEMENT—OF—THE—PALESTINE—PEOPLE'S—RIGHT to build 1—MODERN—NATION—STATE that can come to 1—ACCOMMODATION with all people living in THE—PALESTINE—HOMELAND, free of the constant threat posed by the foreign military base in their midst known as ISRAEL.
20060807             Such 1—GOVERNMENT must also hold ISRAEL to account for its violation of more than 70 UNITED—NATIONS resolutions, beginning with Resolution 273 which made ISRAEL—MEMBERSHIP to THE—UN conditional on its IMPLEMENTATION—OF—RESOLUTION—181 which defined the borders of partitioned Palestine and Resolution 194 which proclaimed THE—PALESTINE—REFUGEES' inalienable RIGHT—OF—RETURN.
20060807             In other words, ISRAEL is 1—ROGUE STATE—AND—THE—CANADA—GOVERNMENT—POSITION in support of ISRAEL is in complete violation of INTERNATIONAL RULE—OF—LAW.
20060807             Panic in DETROIT
20060807             KURT—NIMMO—IN—DEARBORN, MICHIGAN, Arab demonstrators are holding up portraits of SHEIK—HASSAN—NASRALLA, "chanti ng his name and Hezbollah," according to THE—DETROIT—FREE—PRESS.
20060807             "We find ANY—SUPPORT for murderous terrorist organizations like AL—QAIDA or Hezbollah very disappointing, if not disturbing," ERIC—STRAUS, CHIEF—OF—THE—COUNTERTERRORISM—UNIT at THE—USA—ATTORNEY?s OFFICE—IN—DETROIT, told the newspaper.
20060807             "Our office?s NUMBER 1—PRIORITY is preventing another terrorist attack," reports the Associated Press.
20060807             Of course, Hezbollah is not "AL—QAEDA," the infamous CIA—ISI MADE—TO—MEASURE—TERROR—GROUP.
20060807             Hezbollah is 1—LEGITIMATE—RESISTANCE—GROUP, completely legal under INTERNATIONAL law, minus its stupid ROCKETING—OF—ISRAEL—SETTLEMENTS.
20060807             But then we shouldn?t expect THE—USA—ATTORNEY?s office to admit this.
20060807             It should come as no surprise Nasralla and Hezbollah would find support in DETROIT?s Arab community, or for that matter among Arabs and Muslims anywhere.
20060807             THE—DAY—AFTER Qana MASSACRE—WHO Cares?
20060807             DOCTOR—ABBAS—BAKHTIAR—THOSE that know the "real" HISTORY—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST are not shocked with the recent tragic deaths of so MANY—INNOCENT—PEOPLE.
20060807             They know that this episode, along with so MANY—OTHER atrocities will soon be forgotten.
20060807             It is THE—NATURE—OF—THINGS that it is always the winners and the powerful that write the history.
20060807             The weak and the conquered are always the ones that are blamed for all the misfortune that has befallen them.
20060807             Looking back, we see that these atrocities have been happening for 1—LONG—TIME and with SOME—REGULARITY.
20060807             —INVOLVED, Those, then are indirectly involved —NOW.
20060807             They cheer, the slaughter of the innocent and the defenceless, —NOW as they did then.
20060807             MOSSAD—LINKS with TONY—BLAIR, No 10, Lord Levy and the Foreign Office
20060807             This guy looks like Uncle Werthur and should be force feeding the grandchildren with toffees.
20060807             Maybe he does.
20060807             He is Efraim Halevy + he has been on BBC TV defending the actions of the failed ISRAEL—STATE—WHICH is not surprising because he used to run Mossad -
20060807             He is also 1—SCHOOL chum (Hackney Downs) of the Karaoke KING, My Lord Levy, TONY—BLAIRS'S "Personal Envoy" to THE—MIDDLE—EAST who has houses + business interest in both THE—UK + ISRAEL.
20060807             There IS—OF—COURSE no Jewish Lobby at work in THE—UK and certainly not at THE—HEART—OF—GOVERNMENT.
20060807             To suggest that would be 1—SCANDALUM magnatum as mi learn'd friends might say.
20060807             —KIDNAPPED, As PROOF—NOTICE that —SINCE he was, by the Metropolitan Police + his computers seized + documents removed from his house, you haven't heard 1—WORD—OF, by or from him.
20060807             Which given THE—STATE—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST—AT—PRESENT might be considered odd.
20060807             Or not.
20060807             —NOW why don't those smart journalists who throng Downing Street ask Tony what his tennis playing chum, the man quite scandalously said to be at the heart of "cash for coronets" is doing to help him solve THE—PROBLEMS—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20060807             I wonder what the guys who work for MISTER—DESMOND, pornographer, labour funder and OWNER—OF—THE—STAR and the Express must think ?
20060807             THERE—NO party...
20060807             THERE—NO—PARTY—MORE smarmily mendacious in the Social Security debate than THE—WASHINGTON—POST—EDITORIAL—PAGE.
20060807             As LONG—TIME—READERS know, for several years THE—GOP has been trying to fool voters + protect vulnerable incumbents with unpopular positions by continually forcing changes in THE—NAME—OF—THEIR—POLICY on Social Security.
20060807             —CALLED, For literally decades they, their private account policy.
20060807             ISRAEL—ALLOWING—HEZBOLLAH rockets to be launched into ISRAEL for PR purposes
20060807             THOMAS—RICKS, REPORTER, "THE—WASHINGTON—POST": I think it will be.
20060807             But I think CIVIL—CASUALTIES are also PART—OF—THE—BATTLEFIELD—PLAY for both sides here.
20060807             1—OF—THE—THINGS that is going on, according to SOME—USA—MILITARY—ANALYSTS, is that ISRAEL purposely has left pockets of Hezbollah rockets in LEBANON, because as long as they're being rocketed, they can continue to have 1—SORT—OF—MORAL—EQUIVALENCY in their operations in LEBANON.
20060807             Group of 20010911             —WIDOWS 'question the veracity of the entire Commission
20060807             4—WIDOWS instrumental in getting Congress to push PRESIDENT—BUSH to create the 20010911             —INDEPENDENT—COMMISSION are insisting that it "failed in its duties" on the heels of 2—RECENT—NEWS—REPORTS which allege that SOME—COMMISSIONERS knew they were being "deceived" by NORAD officials + the widows are —NOW questioning "the veracity of the entire COMMISSION—REPORT," RAW STORY has found.
20060807             World Trade Center, 20010913             20060807             As they say, the picture is worth a 1000—WORDS.
20060807             —INDEED, And these, are powerful images.
20060807             Note the neat PILES—OF—DEBRIS where THE—WTC towers 1 and 2—ONCE stood.
20060807             Note the fact that 1—LARGE—PERCENTAGE—OF—THE stee
20060807             —STARTED, More than —3—YEARS—AGO Uruknet, its independent media project, "information from occupied IRAQ".
20060807             —OFFERED, In these Orwellian times we have, our readers with news and comments from 1—WIDE—RANGE—OF—SOURCES.
20060807             Without sponsors, public or private funding our staff work on 1—VOLUNTEER basis in solidarity with THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE?s —JUST struggle for freedom and INDEPENDENCE against the illegal and immoral invasion and occupation of their country.
20060807             In critical moments it?s our moral duty to stay close to the facts against the perils of rewriting history, without conceding points that shouldn't be conceded.
20060807             We believe this is more important than ANY—OTHER—CONSIDERATION.
20060807             It?s in this spirit that we release this editorial.
20060807             - Uruknet Editorial Staff - Go there and COMMENT
20060807             9/ 11—CONSPIRACY—THEORISTS thriving By JUSTIN—PAPA, AP Education Writer —1—HOUR, —8—MINUTES—AGO
20060807             KEVIN—BARRETT believes the U.S government might have destroyed the World Trade Center.
20060807             STEVEN—JONES is researching what he calls evidence that the twin towers were brought down by explosives detonated inside them, not by hijacked airliners.
20060807             —UNEDUCATED, These men aren't, junk scientists: Barrett will teach 1—CLASS on Islam at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—WISCONSIN this fall, over the protests of more than 60—STATE—LEGISLATORS.
20060807             —TENURED, Jones is 1, physicist at Brigham Young University whose mainstream academic job has made him 1—HERO to conspiracy theorists.
20060807             Members trade their ideas on THE—INTERNET and in SELF—PUBLISHED papers and in books.
20060807             —ATTENDED, About 500—OF—THEM, 1—RECENT—CONFERENCE in CHICAGO.
20060807             The movement claims to be drawing fresh energy and credibility from 1—RECENTLY formed group called Scholars for 20010911             —TRUTH.
20060807             The organization says publicity over BARRETT—CASE has helped boost membership to about 75—ACADEMICS.
20060807             They are 1—TINY—MINORITY—OF—THE—1—MILLION—PART—AND FULL—TIME faculty nationwide + SOME—HAVE no university affiliation.
20060807             Most aren't experts in relevant fields.
20060807             —EDUCATED, But SOME—ARE well, with degrees from elite universities such as Princeton and Stanford and jobs at schools including RICE—INDIANA and THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—TEXAS.CONT.
20060807             THE—CASE for Boycotting ISRAEL—BOYCOTT—NOW!
20060807             VIRGINIA TILLEY It is finally time.
20060807             —AFTER YEARS—OF—INTERNAL—ARGUMENTS, confusion + dithering, the time has come for 1—FULL—FLEDGED INTERNATIONAL boycott of ISRAEL.
20060807             Good cause for 1—BOYCOTT has, of course, been in place —FOR—DECADES, as 1—RAFT—OF—INITIATIVES already attests.
20060807             But ISRAEL—WAR—CRIMES are —NOW so shocking, its extremism so clear, the suffering so great, THE—UN so helpless + THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY'S need to contain ISRAEL—BEHAVIOR so urgent and compelling, that the time for global action has matured.
20060807             1—COORDINATED—MOVEMENT—OF—DIVESTMENT, sanctions + boycotts against ISRAEL must convene to contain not only ISRAEL—AGGRESSIVE—ACTS and crimes against humanitarian law but also, as in SOUTH—AFRICA, its founding racist logics that inspired and still drive the entire PALESTINE—PROBLEM.
20060807             Ground Rules Relevant to THE—MIDDLE—EAST + Statement by Leading Intellectuals on Palestine and LEBANON
20060807             MONA—BAKER 1.: THE—GROUND—RULES—RULE # 1: In THE—MIDDLE—EAST, it is always the Arabs that attack 1. + it's always ISRAEL who defends itself.
20060807             —CALLED, This is, "retaliation".
20060807             Rule # 2: THE—ARABS, whether Palestinians or Lebanese, are not allowed to kill Israelis.
20060807             —CALLED, This is, "terrorism".
20060807             Rule # 3: ISRAEL has the right to kill Arab civilians;
20060807             this is called "SELF—DEFENSE", or these days "collateraldamage".
20060807             Rule # 4: —WHEN ISRAEL kills too MANY—CIVILIANS, the Western world calls for restraint.
20060807             —CALLED, This is, the "REACTION—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY".
20060807             Rule # 5: Palestinians and LEBANON—DO not have the right to capture ISRAEL—MILITARY, not even 1 limited number, not even 1 or 2. Rule # 6: ISRAEL has the right to capture as MANY—PALESTINIANS as they want (Palestinians: —AROUND 10000 to date, 300—OF which are children, Lebanese: 1000s to date, being held without trial).
20060807             There is no limit; there is no need for proof of guilt or trial.
20060807             —NEEDED, All that is, is the magic word: "terrorism".
20060807             —DEPLETED, ISRAEL using USA—SUPPLIED, uranium in LEBANON
20060807             WRITTEN—BY—ISRAELI—COMMITTEE for 1—MIDDLE—EAST—FREE from Atomic, Biological & Chemical Weapons The government of ISRAEL has —RECENTLY purchased from THE—USA—BUNKER—BUSTING bombs (GBU-28), for use in its war in LEBANON.
20060807             —DEPLETED, These bombs contain, uranium - 1—CARCINOGENIC—SUBSTANCE that spreads in the form of 1—TOXIC and radioactive dust, which enters the lungs and bones and is especially harmful to babies and young children.
20060807             We call on the government of ISRAEL not to make use of these bombs.
20060807             Are you listening, JOE—BIDEN? Les Gelb?
20060807             ROBERT—DREYFUSS—THE—POST on line is running 1—Q&1 in regard to the proposition that IRAQ ought to be partitioned, divided into (at least) 3—ETHNIC and sectarian enclaves.
20060807             This dumb idea has been put forward by people such as Leslie GELB—OF—THE—COUNCIL on Foreign Relations, SENATOR—JOE—BIDEN + PETER—GALBRAITH, 1—FORMER—USA—DIPLOMAT who advises the Kurds.
20060807             THE—YOKE—OF—ZION by ISRAEL—SHAMIR
20060807             —DETERMINED, ISRAEL—SHAMIR 1—SMALL—BAND—OF, warriors takes on and fights off the mightiest army of the region: this is the stuff history is made of.
20060807             Thermopylae, move over, Bint Jbeil is coming inBishop PHILIP—OF—ANTI och compared the levelling of this small LEBANON—TOWN with THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—STALINGRAD, but these cities are also comparable by courage of their defenders.
20060807             Seldom is 1—GENERATION—ABLE to witness such 1—SHINING example of valour: for 3—LONG—WEEKS 1—HANDFUL of Hezbollah warriors ?
20060807             2000—BY the most optimistic count ?
20060807             fought to standstill 10, 20, 30—TIMES—MORE—NUMEROUS—ISRAEL—TROOPS.
20060807             —40—YEARS—AGO, Israelis defeated 3—ARMIES in —1—WEEK, but —NOW the invader?s charm has worn off, or it has passed over to the vanquished.
20060807             In —TODAY?s somewhat feminine VICTIM—CENTRED narrative, suffering attracts more attention than masculine gallantry.
20060807             —KILLED, More children, in RAFAH
20060807             —PERPETRATED, Report, PCHR THE—VICTIMS—OF—WAR—CRIMES, by ISRAEL—OCCUPATION—FORCES (IOF) for the 3. consecutive —DAY in RAFAH has increased to 16 killed, including 10—CIVILIANS (4—OF—THEM children).
20060807             1—OF—THE—VICTIMS was a —3—DAY—OLD infant girl who fell her mother's arm as the latter was fleeing from IOF.
20060807             2—OTHER—CHILDREN—VICTIMS were brothers.
20060807             —KILLED, They were, and their mother + brother were seriously injured —WHEN they were trying to flee their house.
20060807             —INJURED, The number of, is up to 39, including 13—CHILDREN and 1—WOMAN.
20060807             —INJURED, All were, by shrapnel and burns, MANY—OF—THEM were injured seriously.
20060807             THE—PRE—DAWN, hours of —FRIDAY, 20060804             , IOF planes bombed 2—CIVILIAN—HOUSES in GAZA, destroying them completely.
20060807             —RECEIVED, In both incidents, the house owners, calls to their MOBILE telephones from ISRAEL—INTELLIGENCE telling them to evacuate the house, which will be bombarded.
20060807             —PRECEDED, The warning, the bombardment by no more than —45—MINUTES.
20060807             ISRAEL—ARMY arrests PALESTINE—PARLIAMENT speaker Dweik
20060807             —REPORTED, PALESTINE—EYEWITNESSES and security sources, that THE—ISRAEL—ARMY—FORCE raided DWEIK—HOUSE in AL—MASAYEF neighborhood in Ramallah + took him from home to 1—ISRAEL—ARMY—BASE outside the city.
20060807             The security sources in Ramallah said that THE—ISRAEL—ARMY—FORCE detained Dweik and conveyed him to 1—NEARBY—ISRAEL—ARMY—HEADQUARTERS in the outskirts of Ramallah for questioning.
20060807             —BACKED, Residents in the area said that THE—ISRAEL—ARMY, by jeeps and armored vehicles besieged THE—HOUSE—OF—DWEIK in the neighborhood and asked him to come out raising his hands and hand himself over to the soldiers.
20060807             Palestinians hang Nasrullah?s photo next to those of Arafat, Saddam + SHAIKH—YASSIN
20060807             Aljazeerah.info The common denominator among the leaders in the headline is that all fought back against ISRAEL—MISSILES with those of their own.
20060807             † The late PRESIDENT—YASSER—ARAFAT, of mysterious causes —AFTER fighting against the occupation for more than —40—YEARS.
20060807             The spiritual LEADER—OF—HAMAS, the late SHAIKH—AHMED—YASSIN, who ISRAEL—FORCES assassinated by air —WHILE he sat in his wheel chair in front of 1—GAZA City mosque,sent them homemade Qassam projectiles which still rain from THE—GAZA—STRIP onto the south.
20060807             Gays flee IRAQ as Shia death squads find 1—NEW—TARGET
20060807             JENNIFER—COPESTAKE, THE—OBSERVER...There is growing evidence that Shia militias have been killing men suspected of being gay and children who have been sold to criminal gangs to be sexually abused.
20060807             The threat has led to 1—RAPID—INCREASE in the numbers of IRAQ—HOMOSEXUALS —NOW seeking asylum in THE—UK—BECAUSE it has become impossible for them to live safely in their own country (...) —11—YEAR—OLD—AMEER—HASOON—AL—HASANI was kidnapped by policemen from the front of his house —LAST—MONTH.
20060807             —FORCED, He was known in his district to have been, into prostitution.
20060807             His father Hassan told me he searched for his son —FOR—3—DAYS—AFTER his abduction, then found him, shot in the head.
20060807             1—COPY—OF—THE—DEATH—CERTIFICATE confirms THE—CAUSE—OF—DEATH.
20060807             "Kill All Military Age Men!" - AMERICA—HEROES on Trial
20060807             GARY—LEUPP...—RECENTLY acquiring more glory in IRAQ, Steele has boasted of his unit's death count.
20060807             Last —NOVEMBER he declared, "We are absolutely giving the enemy the maximum opportunity to die for his country".
20060807             This piece of petty bravado indicates that THE—COLONEL at least recognizes that the Iraqis he faces are indeed men fighting for their country, against 1—INVADER.
20060807             What to do with these patriots, but to kill them?
20060807             —CHARGED, Recall that 4—USA—SOLDIERS have —RECENTLY been, with murdering 3—IRAQ—CIVILIANS.
20060807             It happens that they were all under THE—COLONEL—STEELE—COMMAND + Steele has been reprimanded in connection with the incident.
20060807             His men, as PART—OF—THEIR—DEFENSE, are claiming he did.
20060807             9—BODIES, all apparently killed, were recovered in 5—PREDOMINANTLY Shiite neighborhoods in BAGHDAD —ON—SATURDAY.
20060807             5—OF—THE—BODIES were found in THE—EAST—BAGHDAD neighborhood of Baladiyat.
20060807             † 1—POLICE—OFFICER was killed —SATURDAY in the predominantly Sunni AREA—OF—ADHAMIYA in NORTH—BAGHDAD.
20060807             2—PEOPLE were killed and 4 wounded —FRIDAY—WHEN 3—MORTAR shells exploded in 1—RELIGIOUSLY mixed suburb near BAGHDAD...
20060807             Extraordinary Precision
20060807             —PROMPTED, The question was, by Beckett?s insistence that —WHILE ISRAEL—ATTACKS that victimise uncountable civilians ?
20060807             like that in Qana which killed scores, mostly children ?
20060807             were "appalling", they resulted from tactical errors + were never deliberate.
20060807             In fact, she referred to the "apparent deliberate targeting" - as described by UN SECRETARY—KOFI—ANNAN ?
20060807             of THE—UN—PEACEKEEPERS compound in SOUTH—LEBANON and the killing of 4 unarmed observers, as a "mistake".20060807             DAVID—CARR: Investors, Including Bono, Buy 1—PIECE—OF—FORBES—HEIRS—OF—MALCOLM—FORBES have sold 1—BIG—MINORITY—STAKE to investors who include Bono, the lead singer of U2.
20060807             FORBES—SELLS "Significant Minority Stake" To Elevation Partners; Could Be Up To 40% For $250M-300M
20060807             So the rumors about Forbes trying to sell 1—STAKE in the company were true: THE—FORBES family has formed 1—NEW—COMPANY, FORBES—MEDIA, which includes THE—89—YEAR—OLD—FORBES magazine;
20060807             the Forbes_com site; and 1—NUMBER—OF—SMALLER—MEDIA—PROPERTIES + sold a "significant minority stake"...
20060807             Keep 1—EYE on Government: WashingtonWatch
20060807             —PROPOSED, WashingtonWatch is 1—SITE that breaks down the costs behind, USA—FEDERAL—LEGISLATION and regulation + then asks your direct feedback in THE—FORM—OF—COMMENTS and 1—SIMPLE yes/no poll.
20060807             —SINCE government tends to go crazy in 1—ELECTION—YEAR, this site is particularly important right —NOW.
20060807             Santorum Trails Behind Opponent CASEY—IN—NEWEST—POLL... THE—HUFFINGTON—POST—THE—LATEST—INDEPENDENT statewide poll shows Democratic challenger BOB—CASEY with 1—SLIGHT—LEAD over Republican incumbent RICK—SANTORUM in their hotly contested Senate race.
20060807             —QUESTIONED, The poll found 45—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTERS, supported Casey, the state treasurer, —WHILE 39 % supported Santorum,
20060807             Photo fake: —WHEN will they ever learn...?
20060807             —HELPED, CHARLES—JOHNSON — who, expose the fake CBS memos that brought DAN—RATHER down — has done it again, showing how 1—REUTERS photographer (clumsily) faked 1—PHOTO in BEIRUT —YESTERDAY to add more smoke to the skyline.
20060807             This time, it didn't take the news organization —11—DAYS to.
20060807             THE—ANTI—SINGULARITY—TACO Buitenhuis Could we be heading towards THE—END—OF—ALL—TECHNOLOGICAL proggress?
20060807             If "Trusted Computing" initiatives with their "Digital Rights Management" (DRM) have their way, we may be.
20060807             Satellite Falls as Cable Takes Off —1—DECADE—LONG—GROWTH spurt for USA—SATELLITE—TV broadcasters is sputtering amid 1—RESURGENT cable industry + changes in what consumers want from their TV providers.
20060807             Blog Controversy in INDIA: New Details Emerge
20060807             —ORDERED, It is common knowledge that THE—INDIA—GOVERNMENT, local ISPs to restrict access to certain religious/political blogs in INDIA.
20060807             The technically inept ISPs went 1—STEP—FURTHER and blocked all blogspot, typepad blogs even —WHEN these sites were not mentioned in the official directive.
20060807             The.
20060807             ISRAEL hits LEBANON in new raids, Israelis warplanes launch fresh air attacks across LEBANON as troops BATTLE—HEZBOLLAH fighters in the south.
20060807             Police CHIEF warns on Muslim bias, BRITAIN—MOST senior Muslim police officer will say Muslims are discriminated against by law enforcement agencies.
20060807             'Bomb' protesters BOARD aircraft, 7—PEOPLE are arrested at Prestwick Airport —AFTER "bomb flight" protesters BOARD—A—USA—CARGO—FLIGHT.
20060807             —ORDERED, THE—PHILIPPINES—VOLCANO 'set to erupt', 1—MASS—EVACUATION is, as THE—PHILIPPINES' main volcano, MOUNT—MAYON, threatens to erupt.
20060807             Students 'work —16—HOURS —1—WEEK', Most UK students take on PART—TIME—WORK in TERM—TIME, working 1—AVERAGE—16—HOURS —1—WEEK, 1—STUDY suggests.
20060807             Rare blue butterfly returns home, 1—OF—BRITAIN—RAREST butterflies has returned to 1—SPOT where it has not been seen for more than —40—YEARS.
20060807             † '549 dead' in N KOREA flooding, At least 549—PEOPLE, and 295—ARE missing from recent flooding in NORTH—KOREA, 1—PRO—PYONGYANG daily says.
20060807             —DEFEATED, Obrador vows to keep up protests, MEXICO's, presidential candidate calls more protests —AFTER judges dismiss his demand for 1—FULL recount.
20060807             NEPAL talks 'close to collapse', 1—SENIOR—LEADER—OF—NEPAL—MAOISTS warns that peace talks with the government are on THE—VERGE—OF—COLLAPSE.
20060807             BP field closure raises oil price, Oil prices rise above $77 1—BARREL —AFTER 1—PIPELINE—LEAK—FORCES BP to close 1—OF—THE—LARGEST oilfields in THE—USA.
20060807             Raise air travel tax, report says, An MPs' report has called for taxes on air travel and high polluting cars to be increased to cut CO2 emissions.
20060807             More migrants arrive in Canaries, About 300—AFRICA—MIGRANTS—TRAVEL to the Canary Islands by boat, bringing the number of recent arrivals to 600.
20060807             Children of 'hot' men risk cancer, Children born to fathers who were exposed to excessive heat —AROUND THE—TIME—OF—CONCEPTION are at increased RISK—OF—BRAIN—CANCER, 1—STUDY shows.
20060807             —REVEALED, Target for new MS drugs, Scientists say they have found 1—DRUG—TARGET for new therapies to aid people with multiple sclerosis.
20060807             PR Firm Behind AL—GORE—YOUTUBE—SPOOF?
20060807             —SUPPOSED, ScuttleMonkey 391 - MYTRIP—ABC News is reporting that 1, amateur video —POSTED to YouTube_com may have actually been designed and —POSTED—BY—1—REPUBLICAN public relations firm called DCI.  "Public relations firms have long used computer technology to create bogus grassroots campaigns, which are called 'Astroturf.' —NOW these firms are being hired to push illusions on THE—INTERNET to create the false impression of real people blogging, E—MAILING and making films".
20060807             Scientists Measure Gravity Change From Earthquake
20060807             Science Daily is reporting that scientists were able to use satellite data to watch changes in THE—EARTH—SURFACE caused by 1—MASSIVE—EARTHQUAKE.
20060807             These changes had 2—MAJOR—MEASURABLE—EFFECTS on the region.
20060807             —CHANGED, The massive uplift in the seafloor, GPS measurements + THE—DENSITY—OF—THE—ROCK beneath the seafloor changed which produced 1—DETECTABLE—CHANGE in gravity.
20060807             —SINCE THE—ESTABLISHMENT—OF—THE—UN, THE—USA has used its veto no less than 40—TIMES to shield ISRAEL from THE—INTERNATIONAL scrutiny + to enable it to violate INTERNATIONAL norms + to commit war crimes with impunity.
20060807             The latest such obstruction of THE—INTERNATIONAL will occurred only 2 and 1—HALF—WEEKS ago
20060807             ISRAEL does not act or speak for EVERY—JEW: —UNTIL Jews are prepared to articulate the need to sever THE—IDENTIFICATION—OF—JUDAISM and ISRAEL, ANTI—SEMITISM will flourish.
20060807             Why doesn't ISRAEL work for peace?
20060807             Holocaust victims would decry the slaughter of innocent children —DURING attacks on Hezbollah.
20060807             Indigenous MIDDLE—EAST—JEWS condemn ISRAEL—AGGRESSION
20060807             UK: More than 100—MPS sign petition attacking Blair : THE—EXTENT—OF—THE—LABOUR backbench unrest over TONY—BLAIR—HANDLING—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST—CRISIS is laid bare for the 1. time —TODAY in 1—PETITION calling for 1—IMMEDIATE—CEASEFIRE.
20060807             Fury at Blair as 100,000 take to the streets over LEBANON Some 100,000 protesters took to THE—STREETS—OF—LONDON —ON—SATURDAY to demand 1—END to ISRAEL—ASSAULT—ON—LEBANON and GAZA—AND to express their fury at TONY—BLAIR—REFUSAL to call for 1—IMMEDIATE and unconditional ceasefire.
20060807             Saab stops VENEZUELA arms sales : Saab says it cannot continue SALES—OF—ANTI—AIRCRAFT and ANTI—TANK—DEVICES to VENEZUELA because of 1—USA—ARMS—EMBARGO against PRESIDENT—CHAVEZ—GOVERNMENT.
20060807             EXONERATED—FLORIDA Death Row Inmate Tells His Tale:
20060807             Some 63—PERCENT—OF—THE—INMATES on death row in THE—USA—ARE black or Latino, even though they represent 25—PERCENT—OF—THE—TOTAL—POPULATION, according to a
20060807             Video: Torture INCORPORATED Americas Brutal Prisons: They are —JUST SOME—OF—THE—VICTIMS—OF—WHOLESALE torture taking place inside THE—USA—PRISON—SYSTEM that we uncovered —DURING a —4—MONTH—INVESTIGATION for BBC Channel 4.
20060807             It's terrible to watch SOME—OF—THE—VIDEOS and realise that you're not only seeing torture in action but, in the most extreme cases, you are witnessing young men dying.
20060807             Feds threaten lawsuit over Verizon probe : THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is threatening to sue MAINE regulators should they decide to investigate whether Verizon Communications illegally turned over customer information to the National Security Agency.
20060807             ISRAEL—BOMBS—CUT—AID—LIFELINE : UN aid officials said THE—BOMBING—OF—THE—MAIN—COASTAL—HIGHWAY—NORTH from BEIRUT to THE—SYRIA—BORDER—EARLIER in the —DAY had cut an "umbilical cord" of aid supplies.
20060807             —HALTED, The bombing, 1—CONVOY—OF—8—LORRIES carrying 150—TONNES—OF—RELIEF—SHIPMENTS, though aid was arriving by air and by sea.
20060807             Hezbollah to Cease Fire If ISRAEL—DOES : LEBANON—MINISTER: "We are in 1—STATE—OF—DEFENSE. If THE—ISRAEL—AGGRESSION—ENDS it would be easier for us to stop our attacks under the condition that Tel Aviv pulls out from LEBANON," MINISTER—FNEISH said.
20060807             USA, FRANCE OK UNITED—NATIONS Mideast truce pact : It does not call for an "immediate CESSATION—OF—VIOLENCE," those officials said, speaking on CONDITION—OF—ANONYMITY because the draft had not yet been made public.
20060807             —APPEARED, That, to be 1—VICTORY for THE—USA and ISRAEL.
20060807             —FIRED, Missiles neutralizing ISRAEL—TANKS: Hezbollah has, RUSSIA N—MADE METIS—M ANTI—TANK—MISSILES and owns EUROPEAN—MADE Milan missiles, the army confirmed —ON—FRIDAY.
20060807             The underground voice of Hezbollah: EVERY—NIGHT—OF this —25—DAY—OLD—CONFLICT, ISRAEL—WARPLANES have tried to destroy HEZBOLLAH—TELEVISION—STATION, AL—MANAR.
20060807             —FAILED, EVERY—NIGHT they have.
20060807             Hizbullah rockets cannot be fired from buildings:THE—TYPE—OF—MISSILES being fired by Hizbullah at ISRAEL—CITIES cannot be fired from within houses, mosques, hospitals or even UN facilities as has been suggested by THE—IDF.
20060807             SENATOR—WANTS—USA—TROOPS out of IRAQ within —6—MONTHS: ". The reality is that we're losing in IRAQ".
20060807             Who's the extremist? -By Soumaya GHANNOUSHI—BY his own DEFINITION—AND his ACTIONS—BLAIR is as much of 1—DANGER to world peace as AL—QAIDA.
20060807             What happens —WHEN THE—USA—DREAM dies?
20060807             —WHEN dreams fall apart, humans often respond with rage, hysteria, hopelessness + fear.
20060807             How MANY—MORE will find false comfort in the preachments of dangerous demagogues, who offer certitude by finding scapegoats?
20060807             How many will seek solace in radical religious frenzy, pronouncing wrathful judgment on AMERICA —WHILE rooting out "the godless"?
20060807             Fed admits USA—RECESSION on cards : THE—USA—FACES almost a 40—PER cent chance of slipping into recession in the next —12—MONTHS, according to THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE—OWN—MARKET—MODEL.
20060807             How MANY—CIVILIANS can you make homeless —BEFORE you start 1—REVOLUTION?
20060807             And what is next? Are the Israelis to bomb the centre of BEIRUT?
20060807             THE—CORNICHE? Is this why all the foreign warships came and took their citizens away, to make BEIRUT safe to destroy?
20060807             A Letter To ROBERT—FISK
20060807             -The 2. Kana massacre and the New MIDDLE—EAST—BY Noureddine Ait Messaoudene
20060807             THE—WEST, in general but particularly meaning western governments, has to abandon the dogma of the moral superiority of ISRAEL over the Arabs altogether, the myth of the only democracy in THE—MIDDLE—EAST that stands as the ultimate barrier of the "Civilized World" against the threat of "Muslim Terror".
20060807             IDF plans attacks on key CIVIL—INFRASTRUCTURE in LEBANON:
20060807             We will continue hitting everything that moves in HEZBOLLAH—BUT we will also hit strategic CIVIL—INFRASTRUCTURE".
20060807             SYRIA—MINISTER says ready to join Hizbollah ranks : Asked about concerns that the war in LEBANON could spill over into 1—REGIONAL—WAR, Mouallem said: "Most welcome".
20060807             BEIRUT dismisses UN draft resolution: "NONE—OF—USA will give up anything to do with national sovereignty, rights, dignity," he said, affirming the government was committed "to LEBANON—TERRITORY, LEBANON—LIBERATION, THE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—THE—OCCUPATION from LEBANON—LAND".
20060807             LEBANON—CABINET expresses reservations about UN draft : The draft contains ambiguous wording, such as demanding cessation of the fighting instead of 1—COMPLETE and immediate ceasefire, Information MINISTER—GHAZI—ARIDI said —AFTER 1—CABINET meeting.
20060807             LEBANON urges UNITED—NATIONS to demand ISRAEL—WITHDRAWAL in resolution : LEBANON urged THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL—SUNDAY to revise 1—RESOLUTION aimed at ending THE—ISRAELI—HEZBOLLAH fighting to demand that ISRAEL pull its forces OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY once hostilities end and hand over its positions to UNITED—NATIONS peacekeepers.
20060807             Senior official says 'there won't be int'l force in LEBANON' : 1—SENIOR—OFFICIAL in JERUSALEM predicted —SUNDAY that 1—INTERNATIONAL—FORCE—WHICH ISRAEL demands be stationed in SOUTH—LEBANON as 1—BUFFER to separate Hezbollah from THE—NORTH—BORDER—WILL never materialize.
20060807             GIDEON—LEVY : The real estate war : This miserable war in LEBANON, which is —JUST getting more and more complicated for no reason at all, was born in ISRAEL's greed for land.
20060807             ISRAEL—PILOTS 'deliberately miss' targets:
20060807             Fliers admit aborting raids on CIVIL—TARGETS as concern grows over THE—RELIABILITY—OF—INTELLIGENCE
20060807             —KILLED, Boy, 3 injured in IOF strike : Sources in THE—GAZA—STRIP reported that 1—PALESTINE—BOY was killed and another 3 were wounded —AFTER 1—ISRAEL—OCCUPATION—FORCES—AIRCRAFT fired at them SOUTH—OF—RAFAH.
20060807             In a world gone crazy:
20060807             —ARRESTED, Hamas PARLIAMENT speaker " ": "We arrested him because he is 1—LEADER—OF—HAMAS, which is 1—TERRORIST—ORGANISATION," said the spokesman.
20060807             HALF—OF—USA still believes SADDAM—HUSSEIN had WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION : 1—DRUMBEAT—OF—VOICES from talk radio to DIE—HARD—BLOGGERS to the Oval Office, 1—SURPRISE headline here or there, 1—RALLYING —AROUND 1—PARTISAN flag + 1—GROWING need for people, in their own minds, to justify the war in IRAQ.
20060807             —VOWED, IRAN, says it will expand nuclear activities : IRAN, —SUNDAY to expand its uranium enrichment, defying A—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL—DEADLINE for it to suspend its nuclear activities by THE—END—OF—THE—MONTH or face THE—THREAT—OF—POLITICAL and economic sanctions.
20060807             BULGARIA—ENVOY to TEHRAN "Backs" IRAN Nuclear Program: "IRAN has 1—RIGHT to develop its own peaceful nuclear program," Shukurliev stated in 1—INTERVIEW for THE—IRAN—FARS—NEWS—AGENCY.
20060807             THE—PROFITS—OF—WAR : Why capitalists aren't eager to stop THE—MIDDLE—EAST—WARS?
20060807             THOUSANDS—OF—TROOPS say they won't fight:
20060807             —SERVED, More than half, in the Army
20060807             Classified intelligence bills often are unread : Nearly all MEMBERS—OF—THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES opted out of 1—CHANCE to read —THIS—YEAR'S classified intelligence bill + then voted on secret provisions they knew almost nothing about.
20060807             MIKE—FERNER: 1—WAR—RESISTERS—INVISIBLE—FENCE : Sitting at the computer, wearing my official Electronic Monitoring Ankle Bracelet is certainly better than sitting in jail...but it still does 1—PRETTY—GOOD—JOB—OF reminding you you're —NOW in the criminal class.
20060807             Slaughter in QANA—BY ROBERT—FISK—THE—UN in SOUTH—LEBANON suspects that ISRAEL is manufacturing NON—EXISTENT raids to pacify public opinion as Hizbollah missiles continue to fly across the frontier.
20060807             Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land
20060807             How ISRAEL manipulates and distorts USA—PUBLIC—PERCEPTIONS
20060807             Through THE—VOICES—OF—SCHOLARS, media critics, peace activists, religious figures + MIDDLE—EAST—EXPERTS, Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land carefully analyzes and explains HOW—THROUGH THE—USE—OF—LANGUAGE, framing + CONTEXT—THE—ISRAEL—OCCUPATION—OF—THE—WEST—BANK—AND—GAZA remains hidden in the news media + ISRAEL—COLONIZATION—OF—THE occupied terrorities appears to be 1—DEFENSIVE—MOVE rather than 1—OFFENSIVE 1.  20060807             Panic in DETROIT—BY KURT—NIMMO—IN DEARBORN—MICHIGAN,
20060807             Arab demonstrators are holding up portraits of SHEIK—HASSAN—NASRALLA, "chanti ng his name and Hezbollah," according to THE—DETROIT—FREE—PRESS.
20060807             "We find ANY—SUPPORT for murderous terrorist organizations like AL—QAIDA or Hezbollah very disappointing, if not disturbing,"
20060807             If Hezbollah attacks Tel AVIV—ISRAEL may attack TEHRAN : DAN—GILLERMAN, the ambassador to THE—UN, said in 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—BBC that 1—ATTACK by Hezbollah on Tel Aviv would be tantamount to an "ACT—OF—WAR" and Hezbollah would not make such 1—ATTACK without 1—EXPLICIT—ORDER from IRAN.
20060807             The implication of his words was that ISRAEL would retaliate by attacking TEHRAN.
20060807             The draft UN resolution:
20060807             —CONCLUDED, This is the draft, between THE—USA, FRANCE and BRITAIN on resolving THE—LEBANON crisis which has yet to be agreed by the Security Council
20060807             "Triple Alliance": THE—USA, TURKEY, ISRAEL and THE—WAR—ON—LEBANON:
20060807             TURKEY, through its military alliance with ISRAEL + THE—USA, is 1—DE facto PARTNER—IN—THE "terrible global war" alluded to by PRIME—MINISTER—ERDOGAN
20060807             INDIA Bans Arab TV Channels Under Pressure From ISRAEL : It seems the ban is 1—MOVE to ensure that Indians do not get to see the atrocities that are presently being committed by ISRAEL in LEBANON + the occupied territories.
20060807             THE—JEWS—OF—LEBANON : Though we believe in the universal PRINCIPAL—OF—THE—RIGHT to SELF—DEFENSE we condemn the indiscriminate + disproportionate response from THE—STATE—OF—ISRAEL + the deliberate targeting of civilians from both sides.
20060807             JUAN—COLE: 1—RING to Rule Them:
20060807             1—PEAK—OIL—THEORY—OF—THE—USA—ISRAEL—WAR—ON—LEBANON (and by proxy on IRAN).
20060807             I say, "consider" the "theory"
20060807             GEORGE—GALLOWAY—HIZBOLLAH Is Not 1—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION - 1—MANS—TERRORIST is another mans freedom fighter
20060807             GEORGE—GALLOWAY has spoken out in support of LEBANON, saying he believes Hizbollah is justified in defending LEBANON against ISRAEL—ATTACKS.
20060807             —LAMBASTED, THE—RESPECT—MP also, media COVERAGE—OF—THE—WAR and said THE—UN—RESOLUTION—MEANS nothing.
20060807             This draft shows who is running AMERICA—POLICY... ISRAEL
20060807             You could almost hear THE—LEBANON—GROAN at this draft resolution, 1—DOCUMENT—OF such bias and mendacity that 1—CLOSE—LEBANON—FRIEND read carefully through it —YESTERDAY, cursed + uttered the immortal question:
20060807             "Don't these bastards learn anything from history?" - Continue
20060807             —TRIED, LEBANON government in bid to have Blair, for war crimes -
20060807             THE—LEBANON—GOVERNMENT is working behind the scenes to bring TONY—BLAIR —BEFORE THE—SCOTLAND—COURTS, charged with war crimes for aiding and abetting THE—ISRAEL—ONSLAUGHT against LEBANON.
20060807             Osama Has Won
20060807             —SUPPORTED, ISRAEL is, root and branch by THE—PRESIDENT + CONGRESS—OF—USA—OF—AMERICA.
20060807             They unconditionally endorse the actions, no matter how barbaric or bizarre, of 1—RACIST, NUCLEAR—ARMED—COUNTRY that willfully ignores UN resolutions and assassinates people as 1—MATTER—OF—NATIONAL—POLICY.
20060807             JUNKIES—OF—WAR - EVERY—DAY on their TV screens TENS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—ARABS and 100—OF—MILLIONS—OF—MUSLIMS see the atrocious pictures of crushed babies, the sights of the horrible destruction.
20060807             —IMPRINTED, These are deeply, in THE—CONSCIOUSNESS—OF—THE—MASSES + will leave behind them 1—ACCUMULATION—OF—ANGER + hatred that is far more dangerous than 1—ARSENAL—OF—MISSILES.
20060807             -Declassified papers show USA atrocities went far beyond My Lai.
20060807             —BY NICK—TURSE and Deborah Nelson, Special to THE—TIMES
20060807             —ASSEMBLED, The files are PART—OF—1—ONCE—SECRET archive, by 1—PENTAGON task force in the early 1970s, that shows that confirmed atrocities by USA—FORCES in VIETNAM were more extensive than was previously known.
20060807             1—THING cannot be calibrated —UNTIL it is consumed," Tarkovsky cryptically replied.
20060807             Then he hung up.
20060807             —2—DAYS—AGO, the Democrats issued 1—MAJOR—REPORT detailing widespread abuses by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20060807             —MENTIONED, No network but CNN has even, it.
20060807             Dispatch from the BuzzFlash DEPARTMENT—OF—REALITY: Violence Explodes Across Mideast.
20060807             Bush is Getting His Armageddon.
20060807             8/7 - Israeli and LEBANON—CIVILIANS: Pawns in THE—NEO—CON "Great Game" -
20060807             1—BUZZFLASH—EDITORIAL (You Can —NOW Comment on BuzzFlash Commentaries!
20060807             Registration is Free, As Always.)
20060807             3—USA—SOLDIERS killed in IRAQ bombing 8/7
20060807             defiant Hezbollah pounded NORTH—ISRAEL with rockets —SUNDAY—AFTER rejecting 1—USA—FRANCE—TRUCE—PROPOSAL, killing at least 15—PEOPLE.
20060807             ISRAEL also struck hard, killing at least 14 in LEBANON as both sides tried to take ADVANTAGE—OF—THE—DAYS—BEFORE A—UNITED—NATIONS—RESOLUTION is put to 1—VOTE.
20060807             —FOOLED, HALF—OF—USA still, into thinking there were WMD.
20060807             People tend to become "INDEPENDENT—OF—REALITY" in these circumstances, says opinion analyst STEVEN—KULL.
20060807             CALVIN—TRILLIN is Back with "1—HECKUVA—JOB: MORE—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION in Rhyme".
20060807             JOE—LAST—DITCH attempt to win back voters with his IRAQ stance 8/7 - Not we sold Saddam the weapons;
20060807             DONALD—RUMSFELD and RICHARD—CHENEY sold Saddam these WMDs.
20060807             #—POSTED—BY notjonathon: 7:44 PM
20060807             That white cat is 1—BLACK—CAT "HALF—OF—USA still believes IRAQ had WMD".
20060807             What 1—AMAZINGLY effective disinfo campaign!
20060807             FOX—NEWS and other conservative outlets took SOME—OLD—STORIES about the discovery of aged chemical weaponry shells in IRAQ + they twisted this factoid into the grand pronouncement that, yes indeedy, SADDAM—HUSSEIN really did possess those legendary WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20060807             Never mind the fact that we sold such weapons to him well —BEFORE the 1. Gulf War.
20060807             —DEGRADED, Never mind the fact that the chemicals had, and were unusable.
20060807             —UNEXPECTED, Never mind the fact that NONE—OF—THIS was.
20060807             Never mind all that.
20060807             —POINTED, THE—MURDOCHIANS and the Dittoheads, to those shells and crowed: "We found 'em!
20060807             Those lying libruls were wrong, wrong wrong!"
20060807             It's easy to convince people that 1—WHITE—CAT is 1—BLACK—CAT.
20060807             All you need to do is point to SOME—SMALL—IMPERFECTION in the fur -
20060807             - "See that spot of grey? This isn't really 1—WHITE—CAT, —NOW, is it?" Once you create ANY—SMALL—DEGREE—OF—CONFUSION, ANY—OPENING for doubt, people will believe what they prefer to believe.
20060807             WHAT—REALLY going on in CUBA? JOY—TOMME—OF—RATBANG—DIARIES is asking what I consider to be some damned good questions:
20060807             http OSWALD—LEWINTER : Tinker, Tailor, Poet, Spy?
20060807             —NOW, It's 1—CONVINCING Act.
20060807             Die ENTDECKUNG—DES—LECKS und die unerwarteten ERGEBNISSE—DER—JÜNGSTEN—UNTERSUCHUNG hätten die Kondition der ÖL—TRANSITLEITUNGEN in Prudhoe Bay in Frage gestellt.
20060807             "Wir werden die Förderung am Ölfeld —ERST wieder aufnehmen, —BIS wir + die Aufsichtsstellen der Regierung davon überzeugt sind, dass sie sicher betrieben werden kann + keine BEDROHUNG—DER—UMWELT darstellt",
20060807             betonte MALONE—ER machte jedoch keine Angaben darüber, wie lange das Ölfeld ausfallen dürfte.
20060807             BP betreibe 35—KILOMETER ÖL—TRANSITPIPELINES in Prudhoe Bay.
20060807             Inspektionen seien auf mehr als 40—PROZENT—DER—GESAMTLÄNGE abgeschlossen.
20060807             Der Ölmarkt wird momentan durch die starke weltweite Nachfrage und die Probleme im Nahen Osten und NIGERIA beeinflusst.
20060807             —INZWISCHEN, Die diesjährige HURRIKAN—SAISON hat, begonnen.
20060807             Dies könnte zu einer Gefährdung der AMERIKANISCHEN—ÖLFÖRDERUNG im Golf von MEXIKO führen, falls es wie im Vorjahr zu schweren Hurrikans kommen sollte.
20060807             Deshalb kommt die BP—ANKÜNDIGUNG über die temporäre Stilllegung des großen Ölfelds in ALASKA nach Expertenmeinung zu einem denkbar ungünstigen Zeitpunkt.
20060807             —AM—MONTAG stieg der Ölpreis an den Weltmärkten kräftig.
20060807             Zeitweise verteuerte sich die USA—SORTE WEST—TEXAS Intermediate (WTI) auf über 76—DOLLAR pro Barrel.
20060807             Der BRITISCHE—ÖLKONZERN BP hat das größte Ölfeld in den USA GESCHLOSSEN—AM Prudhoe Bay in ALASKA entdeckten Mitarbeiter 1—LECK in einer Pipeline, aus der Öl auslief.
20060807             Experten befürchten —NUN, dass der Ölpreis weiter steigt.
20060807             ANCHORAGE—INSGESAMT 4—BIS 5—BARREL (1—BARREL: 159—LITER) Öl seien ausgelaufen, teilte der Betreiber des Felds, die BP Exploration ALASKA INCORPORATED, mit.
20060807             Nach der ENTDECKUNG—DES—LECKS in einer Transitleitung schloss BP das größte AMERIKANISCHE—ÖLFELD Prudhoe Bay im Norden Alaskas teilweise.
20060807             BP sprach von einem "kleinen Leck".
20060807             Allerdings seien bei Untersuchungen "16—ANOMALIEN an 12—STELLEN der ÖL—TRANSITLEITUNG an der Ostseite des Ölfelds" festgestellt worden.
20060807             PHILIPPINEN: Tausende flüchten vor Vulkan Mayon
20060807             Panne in ALASKA: BP schließt größtes Ölfeld in den USA
20060807             LIBANON—RESOLUTION: Erneute Blockade im Sicherheitsrat
20060807             Rechtsextremisten: Neue Kleidung, altes Weltbild
20060807             Luftangriffe im LIBANON: Israels Armee spricht von neuer Eskalationsstufe
20060807             Drudge Retort Red Meat for Yellow Dogs Among Young, BUSH—APPROVAL 20%Youth Give Bush Poor Grade, Hurting Republican Hopes, Poll Says (Bloomberg) -- PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—HOPES—OF attracting 1—NEW—GENERATION—OF—VOTERS to THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY may be fading
20060807             Younger Americans are far more critical of his job performance than the broader population.
20060807             1—BLOOMBERG/LOS—ANGELES—TIMES—POLL—OF—AMERICANS age 18 to 24—FOUND BUSH—APPROVAL rating was 20 %, with 53 % disapproving and 28 % with no opinion.
20060807             That compares to a 40 % approval rating among Americans of all ages in 1—SEPARATE—BLOOMBERG/Times poll.
20060807             —ATTRACTED, Much like FRANKLIN—ROOSEVELT, 1—NEW—GENERATION—OF—VOTERS with the New Deal, Bush and his administration have had high hopes of drawing younger voters to his party.
20060807             —AIMED, He has sought to do that through policy initiatives, at creating an ``ownership society,'' and public relations tactics like 1—YOUTH—CONVENTION at the party's 20040000             national convention, in which his twin daughters took the stage.
20060807             —AIMED, Among the initiatives, at drawing 1—NEW—GENERATION into the Republican fold are HEALTH—CARE—SAVINGS—ACCOUNTS, ELIMINATION—OF—THE—SO—CALLED—MARRIAGE—PENALTY in THE—USA—TAX—CODE + BUSH—PROPOSAL to create private investment accounts from 1—PORTION—OF—SOCIAL—SECURITY payroll taxes.
20060807             `Younger Americans really want to see SOME—LEADERSHIP,'' Bush said —LAST—YEAR as he launched his Social Security plan.
20060807             —FLOPPED, Instead, the Social Security initiative, in Congress —AFTER attracting criticism from the public and lawmakers of both parties + HEALTH—CARE—SAVINGS—ACCOUNTS—HAVEN'T done much to expand coverage, with only about 1—PERCENT—OF—THE—USA—POPULATION currently participating in them.
20060807             - 1—MANS—TERRORIST is another mans freedom fighter
20060807             Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC) at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—NORTH—DAKOTA: Study Addresses Critical Potential Public Health Risks to Pesticide Exposure.
20060807             —DURING the 1. —YEAR—OF—RESEARCH, laboratory testing on rats demonstrated that THE—AREAS—OF—THE—BRAIN showing change —FOLLOWING pesticide exposure are the same areas involved in multiple sclerosis.
20060807             Results also show pesticide exposure damages the same brain areas linked to epilepsy, PARKINSON—DISEASE + Alzheimer's.
20060807             Pesticides can also cause severe damage to the gastrointestinal system + cause neurological dysfunction.
20060807             ) — THE—CARLYLE—GROUP and Finmeccanica Agree to Sell Avio to...
20060807             Dittmar & INDRENIUS—NEWS—ARCHIVE D&I advises Carrier, 1—SUBSIDIARY—OF—UNITED—TECHNOLOGIES...
20060807             D&I advised THE—CARLYLE—GROUP, 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST—PRIVATE—EQUITY—FIRMS, in the Finnish...
20060807             RBS GLOBAL INC Annual Report (10-K) ITEM 10.
20060807             DIRECTORS +... + business development for Otis Elevator ( United Technologies ).
20060807             Statement by FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—DOCTOR—SALIM—AL—HOSS—AT—THE—SPECIAL—MEETING—OF—LEADERSHIPS—OF—THE—ARAB—NATIONAL—CONGRESS, BEIRUT, 20060804             20060807             THE—PRE—DAWN, hours of —FRIDAY, 20060804             , IOF planes bombed 2—CIVILIAN—HOUSES in GAZA, destroying them completely.
20060807             WAR NEWS —FOR—SATURDAY, 20060805             20061001—20060805    —SINCE, Her blog has not been updated and MANY—OF—USA who admire her are worried about her safety.
20060807             Amit Agarwal - ISRAEL,
20060807             —RELEASED, Martino was, 20060810            .
20060807             20060807             THINK—PROGRESS—REPRESENTATIVE—BOB—NEY (R—OH), "dogged by 1—INFLUENCE peddling probe" into his MANY—CONNECTIONS with disgraced lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF (like this photo), announced
200608072029         (melden) AW: 9—GRÜNDE für die Sprengung des WTC... und weiss, dass das wtc asbestverseucht war, eine... verschiede angestellte des wtc haben eine klage wegen... die Sprengung des WTC. präventiv Sprengladungen (Controlled Demolition INCORPORATED
20060807—19490000    —SINCE, ISRAEL has refused to implement Resolution 273.
20060807—19500000    —IN, Did THE—USA—PEOPLE—FOOT a $5—TRILLION bill s dollars for 1—DETERRENT system that isn't really 1—DETERRENT?
20060807—19900000    —UNTIL, Weinberg led it by himself.
20060807—19940000    —IN—THE, HOLLAND—POLICE arrested 1—RWANDA—IMMIGRANT, identified as JOSEPH—M, —38—JAHRE—ALT, and charged him with war crimes and torture for his alleged role genocide that tore apart his home country.
20060807—20000000    —SINCE, about 40,000 troops from all BRANCHES—OF—THE—MILITARY have deserted, the Pentagon says.
20060807—20010911    —ON, —5—YEARS—AFTER the terrorist attacks, 1—COMMUNITY that believes widely discredited ideas about what happened, persists and even thrives.
20060807—20040222    —SEIT.
20060807—20060302    —AM, BP hatte —BEREITS Pläne für den Ersatz eines rund 5—KILOMETER langen Leitungsstücks angekündigt, —NACHDEM eine große Ölmenge ausgelaufen war.
20060807—20060509    —ON, More than that, he is under investigation for issuing 1—ORDER to his men —DURING "OPERATION—IRON—TRIANGLE" in SAMARRA to "kill all military age males".
20060807—20060714    —CAUSED, THE—UN said 1—OIL spill, by ISRAEL—RAIDS on 1—LEBANON—POWER—PLANT could rival 19890000             —THE—EXXON—VALDEZ disaster that despoiled the Alaskan coast if not urgently addressed. the Jiyyeh plant, which was bombed by ISRAEL and 20060715             1—FEW days into its offensive against Hezbollah.
20060807—20060806    —ON, This call is of special significance, THE—ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—DROPPING of the atomic bomb on HIROSHIMA.
20060807—20080000    —IN, 1—LOCAL—RIGHTS—GROUP accused COLOMBO—OF—1—MAJOR—COVER—UP—OF—20060800             —THE—KILLING—OF—ACTION Against Hunger (ACF) workers and for the 1. time named 1—LIST—OF—SUSPECTS.
20060810             —ON 20060807             —THE edition of CNN—LIVE—FROM..., host Betty Nguyen left unchallenged the suggestion by blogger CHARLES—JOHNSON that photographs taken —AFTER 20060730             —THE—ISRAEL—AIR—STRIKE in QANA—LEBANON, that killed at least 28—CIVILIANS, MANY—OF—THEM children, were staged "for propaganda purposes," and that "Hezbollah controls 1—LOT—OF—THE—PICTURES and 1—LOT—OF—THE—MEDIA that you see coming out of LEBANON".
20060810—20010911    —ON, 20060807             20010911             Commission Chairmen Admit Whitewashing THE—CAUSE—OF—THE—ATTACKS—BY—JASON—MILLER "...al Qaeda committed the heinous strike ] BECAUSE—OF—THE—USA—MILITARY—PRESENCE in THE—MIDDLE—EAST and USA—SUPPORT for ISRAEL" by IVAN—ELAND—THE—INDEPENDENT—INSTITUTE
20060810—20060807    —ON, article announcing HAJJ—SUSPENSION specifically denied accusations that the Qana photographs were staged:
20060810—20060807    —FROM—THE, edition of CNN—LIVE—FROM... :
20060818—20060807    —OWNED, The strike began at the Escondida Mine, majority, by BHP.
20060829—19980807    —ON, which notes his role as the suspected MASTERMIND—OF—THE—DEADLY—USA embassy bombings in EAST—AFRICA.
20061022             2004080709_und_Report —WHILE driving back from the speech —LATER—THAT—DAY, Bush [BGW968]...
200611080704         —PM—ET: Associated Press exit polls find that "most white evangelicals said corruption was very important to their vote," and that
200611080704         —PM—ET, Associated Press exit polls find that "most white evangelicals said corruption was very important to their vote," and that 1/3—OF—WHITE—EVANGELICALS voted for Democrats.
200611080706         —PM—ET, CNN predicts Senate victories
200611080706         —PM—ET: CNN predicts
200611080709         —PM—ET: Roll Call reports, "In automated and live calls, Democrats allege, Latinos have been told that
200611080709         —PM—ET, Roll Call reports, "In automated and live calls, Democrats allege,
200611080718         —PM—ET: USA—NEWS—REPORTS, "50—7—PERCENT of late deciders, THE—FOX—EXIT—POLLS—SHOW, are
200611080718         —PM—ET, USA—NEWS—REPORTS, "57—PERCENT of late deciders, THE—FOX—EXIT—POLLS—SHOW, are breaking for the Democrats,
200611080722         —PM—ET, JIM—WEBB (D—VA) picked up 56—PERCENT—OF—WOMEN, according to CNN exit polls.
200611080729         —PM—ET: "Voters got an extra —HOUR to vote in 4—PRECINCTS in SOUTH—CAROLINA—5. Congressional DISTRICT—ON—TUESDAY because of
200611080729         —PM—ET, "Voters got 1—EXTRA—HOUR to vote in 4—PRECINCTS in SOUTH—CAROLINA—5. Congressional DISTRICT—ON—TUESDAY because of glitches with the electronic voting machines,
200611080736         —PM—ET: Criminally indicted EX—REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—DELAY to 110. Congress: "
200611080740         —PM—ET: "CNN projects Democratic wins for incumbent WEST—VIRGINIA SENATOR—ROBERT—BYRD and TED—STRICKLAND in THE—OHIO gubernatorial race".
200611080752         —PM—ET, Race to watch — IN—2—DONNELY (D) currently leading
200611080756         —PM—ET, Race to watch — IN—8—ELLSWORTH (D) currently leading
200611080759         —PM—ET: FOX—NEWS calls Ellsworth (D) over REPRESENTATIVE—HOSTETTLER (R) in IN-2.
200611080807         —PM—ET: Katherine Harris (R) has lost her intrepid bid for FLORIDA—SENATE—SEAT.
20070227             —RECOVERED, The paintings were, 20070807             and police took 3—PEOPLE into custody.
20070630             Nach einem Schreiben der Rechtsabteilung des Verteidigungsministeriums vom 20020807             zweifelten aus diesem Grund auch das Außenministerium und das Bundesjustizministerium an der "völkerrechtlichen Statthaftigkeit unserer gesamten Mitwirkung an Enduring Freedom".
20070719             more than —5—YEARS 20070807             /19
20070804—20070807    —ON, a —15—YEAR—OLD—BOY was arrested in the case.
20070807             Shahameen Sheikh, chairman and CEO—OF—INTERNATIONAL—STRATEGY—GROUP, 1—COMPANY created by... Shahameen Sheikh, the consortium head who made the delivery...
20070807             LR-19655, 20060413             , RAMY—EL—BATRAWI, et al.
20070807             See also: Complaint in this MATTER—LR—19654, 20060413             , Garner Anthony.
20070807             Menha Al) (aka EL—BATRAWI, Menha) Batraville, Dominic (aka Batraville.
20070807             CRC: 0xEFF7D9B4 File: AKA—NAMES.list Date: Sat 200106170000    Joe (aka Joe) A., Kodanda Rami Reddy (aka Reddy, A. Kondandarami) A.
20070807             Talking Points Memo: by JOSHUA—MICAH—MARSHALL 20050709             —0244—AM... pardon to 1—THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS, 1—LONG—ISLAND—REAL—ESTATE developer who'd... arranged PAY—OFFS totaling roughly 1—MILLION—DOLLARS to Queens school...
20070807             GILMOUR—EXPLANATION: "NAVY PERV WALKS FREE," Daily Record, 20070728             - "... Gilmour blamed the offences on the stress of serving in IRAQ and being far from his family.... "
20070807             SF, BARRY—BONDS his record breaking 756. homerun.
20070807             THE—GIANTS lost to THE—WASHINGTON—NATIONALS 8-6.
20070807             —AUCTIONED, The ball was —LATER, to fashion designer MARC—ECKO for 1—RECORD $752,467, which included a 20% buyer's premium.
20070807             —CONVICTED, A—USA—JURY, GREGORY—REYES, —44—JAHRE—ALT, THE—FORMER—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF—BROCADE Communications Systems INCORPORATED, on all counts in the government's 1. criminal trial of options backdating.
20070807             —APPROVED, THE—USA—FDA, 1—NEW—DRUG to help patients with AIDS.
20070807             PFIZER—SELZENTRY is the 1. ANTI—AIDS—DRUG that blocks the CCR5 receptor, often used by THE—HIV virus to enter white blood cells.
20070807             —REPORTED, Scientists, that 1—WIDESPREAD—DIE—OFF of frogs, toads and salamanders is primarily due to the chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis.
20070807             —BELIEVED, Global climate change was, to encourage THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—FUNGUS.
20070807             1—GROUP—OF—75—TALIBAN militants tried to overrun 1—USA—LED coalition base in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—RARE frontal attack that left more than 20—MILITANTS—DEAD.
20070807             —CLASHED, Taliban militants, with police in the same district where 23—SOUTH—KOREANS were abducted by AFGHANISTAN—INSURGENTS.
20070807             4—MILITANTS were killed and 6 wounded.
20070807             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ said VENEZUELA would invest in 1—REGASIFICATION—PLANT for liquid natural gas for ARGENTINA, which is weathering 1—ENERGY—CRISIS.
20070807             Chavez was in ARGENTINA as PART—OF—1—REGIONAL—TOUR.
20070807             Administers in VIENNA said that THE—MID—PACIFIC nation of PALAU has ratified the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, bringing to 139 THE—NUMBER—OF—COUNTRIES that have fully endorsed the pact.
20070807             The treaty, which bans all nuclear explosions, will not enter into force —UNTIL it has been ratified by 44—STATES listed in 1—ANNEX that participated in a 19960000             disarmament conference and have nuclear power or research reactors.
20070807             —SIGNED, Only 34—OF—THE—44—COUNTRIES have both, and ratified the pact.
20070807             —SOARED, The toll from severe floods across SOUTH—ASIA, to nearly 1,900 and although water levels in the region's swollen rivers started to recede, MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE in BANGLADESH, INDIA and NEPAL still faced hunger.
20070807             —ABOUT 40—PERCENT—OF—BANGLADESH was under water.
20070807             —CALLED, BRITAIN, for THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to release 5—UK—RESIDENTS held at GUANTANAMO Bay, 1—POLICY reversal that suggests new PRIME—MINISTER—GORDON—BROWN is pursuing 1—TOUGHER—LINE with THE—USA—THAN his predecessor.
20070807             —CONFIRMED, BRITAIN—ENVIRONMENT—SECRETARY—HILARY—BENN said tests had, a 2. FOOT—AND—MOUTH—OUTBREAK in SOUTH—ENGLAND as he awaited 1—INITIAL—REPORT into biosecurity at 1—VACCINE—LABORATORY suspected of being at THE—CENTER—OF—THE—CASES.
20070807             —ALLEGED, JUAN—CARLOS—RAMIREZ—ABADIA, —44—JAHRE—ALT, 1, COLOMBIA—DRUG kingpin wanted by THE—USA, was arrested in 1—LUXURY condominium on the outskirts of SAO—PAULO, BRAZIL.
20070807             —IDENTIFIED, He had extensive plastic surgery but was, by Brazilian and USA—ANTI—DRUG—AGENTS using advanced voice recognition technology.
20070807             —REPORTED, CHINA Daily, that foreign exchange and public security authorities had closed down the operations of 1—ILLEGAL—BANK based in SHENZHEN, across the border from HONG—KONG.
20070807             It did business in EVERY—PROVINCE—OF—THE—COUNTRY and in the —YEAR and half to May had done some $544—MILLION in unspecified transactions.
20070807             State media said CHINA—CITY—TRAFFIC—POLICE have 1—AVERAGE—LIFE expectancy of —JUST—43—YEARS because of the dire working conditions and pollution.
20070807             —TORCHED, Mobs, government buildings and foreign aid offices, as street violence triggered by THE—APPOINTMENT—OF—EAST—TIMOR—NEW PM spread to Baucau, the 2.-largest city.
20070807             The former ruling Fretilin party won 21—SEATS in the 65-member PARLIAMENT, well short of 1—MAJORITY, but insisted it had the right to form the next government.
20070807             —FORMED, GUSMAO—PARTY won 18, but, 1—COALITION that —NOW comprises 37—SEATS.
20070807             1—EUROPEAN diplomat said that RUSSIA—OFFICIALS told the Iranians about —2—WEEKS—AGO that RUSSIA—FUEL—ROADS to THE—BUSHEHR reactor would be held back as long as unresolved questions about TEHRAN—PAST—NUCLEAR—ACTIVITIES remained.
20070807             —ACCUSED, GEORGIA, RUSSIA of "undisguised aggression," saying 2—RUSSIA—FIGHTER—JETS intruded on its airspace and fired 1—MISSILE that landed near 1—HOUSE.
20070807             —DENIED, RUSSIA, the allegation.
20070807             —REJECTED, INDIA—COMMUNIST—PARTIES, which shore up the government, 1—LANDMARK nuclear pact between NEW—DELHI and WASHINGTON saying it compromised INDIA—SOVEREIGNTY and imposed USA—INFLUENCE.
20070807             —KILLED, In NORTH—EAST—ASSAM state, gunmen, 4—TRADERS in the village of Harinagar —AFTER they refused to pay about $1,200 each.
20070807             —BLAMED, Police, the militant group Dima Halam Daogah, which demands 1—AUTONOMOUS—STATE for people of the Dimasa tribe.
20070807             —KILLED, Kurdish guerrillas, 1—TURKEY—LIEUTENANT in the southeast, as THE—IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER arrived for 1—VISIT.
20070807             —AGREED, TURKEY and IRAQ, to try to root out 1—KURDISH—REBEL—GROUP from NORTH—IRAQ, but IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER said his PARLIAMENT would have the final say on efforts to halt the guerrillas' CROSS—BORDER—ATTACKS into TURKEY.
20070807             —APPROVED, IRAQ—SEMI—AUTONOMOUS—KURDISH—GOVERNMENT, 1—REGIONAL—OIL—LAW, paving the way for foreign investment in their northern oil and gas fields even as similar USA—BACKED legislation for the entire country remained stalled.
20070807             † 2—USA—MARINES, WEST—OF—BAGHDAD, 1 in fighting and the other in 1—NON—COMBAT incident that was under investigation.
20070807             ISRAEL—POLICE, using sledgehammers, chain saws and power clippers, stormed 1—BUILDING in the biblical CITY—OF—HEBRON and dragged out HUNDREDS—OF—JEWISH settlers who had holed up there illegally.
20070807             —CHARGED, AHMED—BENCHEMSI, THE—PUBLISHER—OF—2—MOROCCO—WEEKLIES, with showing disrespect to the monarchy, defended himself, reserving the right to criticize his country's political system.
20070807             —1—DAY—EARLIER—MAGISTRATES in CASABLANCA charged Benchemsi, THE—PUBLISHER—OF—THE—NISHAN and TelQuel weeklies, and ordered him to stand trial.
20070807             ECOWAS said the last refugees from LIBERIA and SIERRA—LEONE in NIGERIA have been allowed to settle and they will have access to work, education and health on the same terms as Nigerians, WEST—AFRICA—REGIONAL—BLOC.
20070807             —ACQUIRED, Rusal, the world's largest aluminium producer, 77—PERCENT—OF—THE—NIGERIA—COMPANY—ALSCON in February.
20070807             —ATTACKED, PAKISTAN, government forces, 2—MILITANT—BASES with helicopter gunships and artillery in SOME—OF—THE—ARMY—TOUGHEST action in the lawless AFGHANISTAN—BORDER region —SINCE militant attacks began surging —LAST—MONTH.
20070807             LOW—LEVEL AL—QAIDA members, including Arabs and Chechens, were among 12—MILITANT—FIGHTERS killed.
20070807             2—GUNMEN on 1—MOTORCYCLE opened fire on paramilitary forces in 1—TOWN in NORTH—WEST—FRONTIER—PROVINCE, killing 1.
20070807             1—LARGE—EXPLOSION in NORTH—GAZA killed an —8—YEAR—OLD—BOY and his —6—YEAR—OLD—SISTER and injured 5—OTHER—CHILDREN.
20070807             —STUMBLED, Witnesses said 1—GROUP—OF—CHILDREN, upon 1—HOMEMADE rocket or 1—MORTAR shell and began playing with it.
20070807             —EXPLODED, The device, injuring all 7—CHILDREN, 2—OF—WHOM † later of their wounds.
20070807             Darfur rebel commanders shot down 1—GOVERNMENT—MIG 29—PLANE they say was bombing CIVIL—VILLAGES in their areas in SUDAN—DARFUR region.
20070807             1—JUDGE—IN—TRINIDAD ordered 3—MEN extradited to THE—USA to face charges in 1 alleged plot to attack NEW—YORK—JOHN—F—KENNEDY—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT, and 1—CONFIDENTIAL—USA—DOCUMENT said they planned to seek help from IRAN.
20070807             Acústica cães. gatos. 10—KHZ a 120—KHZ.
20070807             10—HZ a 240—KHZ. 15—HZ a 50—KHZ. 10—HZ a 65—KHZ.
20070807             É qualquer oscilação mecânica audível composta por uma única frequência.
20070807             THE—USA—ARSENAL lost in IRAQ
20070807             - 110,000 AK-47s - - 80,000 pistols - - 135,000 BITS—OF—ARMOUR
20070807             —BY EWEN—MACASKILL in WASHINGTON
20070807             THE—FAILURE—OF—THE—USA to account for so MANY—WEAPONS is 1—EMBARRASSMENT for THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—AFTER months in which it has repeatedly accused IRAN of supplying weapons and explosives to the insurgents.
20070807             —COUNTED, JEFFREY—LUCEY is not, among THE—IRAQ war dead.
20070807             But he did die, —WHEN he came home. He committed suicide.
20070807             His parents are suing THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—VETERANS—AFFAIRS and R. JAMES—NICHOLSON, THE—SECRETARY—OF—VETERANS—AFFAIRS, for wrongful death, medical malpractice and other damages.
20070807             [l]Grammophonplattensammlung von Hitler in RUSSLAND gefunden, beinhaltet russische und jüdische Werke [l]Im INTERKONTINENTAL—FONDSDOMINO wackelt —JETZT der nächste DEUTSCHE—FONDS.
20070807             —BECAME, GERMANY, which —LAST—WEEK, the 1. European country to be infected by the woes in THE—USA—MORTGAGE—MARKET, suffered another blow —ON—MONDAY—WHEN 1—ASSET management firm in FRANKFURT closed 1—FUND to temporarily halt withdrawals by rattled investors.
20070807             The management firm, FRANKFURT—TRUST, said the withdrawals from the fund, FT ABS—PLUS, reflected jitters about the subprime lending market in THE—USA, even though the fund had only minor exposure to that market.
20070807             Discussion about - PATHOLOGIES—OF—INTELLIGENCE—POLICY—RELATIONS -
20070807             Council for National Policy Joint Projects, Media, Organizations —A—D CALIFORNIA Independent Business PAC ~ HOWARD—AHMANSON, JUNIOR...
20070807             THE—CHRISTIAN—EMBASSY >~ DOCTOR—WILLIAM "Bill" R..
20070807             Council for National Policy (CNP) - S - Member Biographies...
20070807             MEMBERS—OF—THE—COUNCIL for National Policy such as HOWARD—AHMANSON, JUNIOR... member 19980000             ;
20070807             member, Advisory BOARD, CHRISTIAN—EMBASSY 34;
20070807             eye surgeon... - CHRISTIAN—EMBASSY, in the Pentagon? [Archive] - SEAN—HANNITY... [Archive] CHRISTIAN—EMBASSY, in the Pentagon?
20070807             WASHINGTON Politics.
20070807             Council for National Policy Database A—G Ahmanson is 1—ORANGE—COUNTY financier who inherited Home Savings of...
20070807             Click on 1—NAME for 1—NEW—PROXIMITY—SEARCH: AHMANSON HOWARD F.
20070807             Campus Crusade Christ Covert Action Quarterly 19980000             -#63 (46).
20070807             AHMANSON HOWARD F - Contemporary Marxism 19820000             —W (83).
20070807             Contemporary Marxism 19820000             —W (64). - - CHRISTIAN—EMBASSY.
20070807             Evangelical Right: CHRISTIAN—GROUP—FILMS—PROMOTIONAL—VIDEO—INSIDE...
20070807             THE—CHRISTIAN—EMBASSY "has been 1—ROCK that I can rely on, been 1—ORGANIZATION that...
20070807             Evangelical Right: Weird CHRISTIAN—ALTERNACULTURE—ARCHIVES
20070807             CHRISTIAN—EMBASSY : "These people should be COURT—MARTIALED" (Salon) -
20070807             THE—PAPA wants ethical limits on fighting terrorists (Street Prophets)...
20070807             —FUNDED, THE—DISCOVERY—INSTITUTE is, in part by HOWARD—AHMANSON... +
20070807             remembered THE—CHRISTIAN—EMBASSY VIDEO—OF—SOME—OFFICERS in the Pentagon with "faith"...
20070807             THE—CHRISTIAN—EMBASSY
20070807             THE—CALIFORNIA political FRONT—OF—FOCUS on the Family ~ HOWARD—AHMANSON, Jr, H.. alfatomega.com/_themes_/_abramoff_links_search.html
20070807             Christians for ISRAEL, THE—INTERNATIONAL—CHRISTIAN—EMBASSY—JERUSALEM... Miller noted darkly that Ahmanson has been 1—CHIEF—FINANCIAL—BACKER—OF...
20070807             LONDON—DER BRITISCHE—AUSSENMINISTER DAVID—MILIBAND übermittelte eine entsprechende Aufforderung an seine USA—AMTSKOLLEGIN Condoleezza Rice.
20070807             Bei den 5—MÄNNERN aus SAUDI—ARABIEN, JORDANIEN, LIBYEN, ÄTHIOPIEN und ALGERIEN handelt es sich den Angaben nach zwar nicht um BRITISCHE—STAATSBÜRGER, sie hätten vor ihrer Festnahme aber alle mit einer Aufenthaltsgenehmigung in GROSSBRITANNIEN gelebt.
20070807             Die USA—REGIERUNG kündigte an, die Anfrage zu prüfen.
20070807             Die BRITISCHE—AUFFORDERUNG könnte 1—ZEICHEN für einen Kurswechsel unter Brown sein, dessen Vorgänger Blair engster außenpolitischer Verbündeter der USA—WAR.
20070807             MKS—ZWISCHENBERICHT: Seuchenerreger kommt wohl aus LABOR—ABSICHTLICHE Verbreitung denkbar
20070807             USA—NOTENBANK: Fed lässt Leitzins unverändert
20070807             Kurden: TÜRKEI und IRAK wollen gemeinsam PKK bekämpfen
20070807             Gefangenencamp: Brown fordert Freilassung von 5—GUANTANAMO—HÄFTLINGEN
20070807             POLEN: "Der Premier hat uns den Krieg erklärt" - Lepper droht mit Tonbändern
20070807             Fahndungserfolg: Polizei fasst TOP—DROGENBOSS in BRASILIEN
20070807             GENF—ÜBERSCHWEMMUNGEN in ENGLAND, WALES und PAKISTAN, Hitzewellen in RUSSLAND, Schneefälle in SÜDAFRIKA—DAS Wetter schlug in der 1. HÄLFTE—DES—JAHRES 20070000             ungewöhnlich VIELE—KAPRIOLEN.
20070807             "Der Jahresbeginn war bezogen auf extreme Wetterereignisse eine sehr aktive Periode", sagte OMAR—BADDOUR—VON—DER—WORLD—METEOROLOGICAL—ORGANIZATION (WMO) am heutigen —DIENSTAG in Genf.
20070807             Der milde —WINTER 20060000             /2007—HATTE —BEREITS ALLE—BISHERIGEN—REKORDE gebrochen, ebenso —DER—HERBST 20060000            .
20070807             Zwischenbilanz 20070000             : Weltweit ungewöhnlich VIELE—WETTEREXTREME
20070807             Abzug aus dem IRAK: Briten verweigern ihren Dolmetschern Asyl
20070807             Koalition: Datenschützer kritisieren neues Jahressteuergesetz
20070807             Mitarbeiterbeteiligung: "Wir bemühen uns alle um mehr Gewinn"
20070807             Flughafen Heathrow: Sieg für Umweltschützer vor Gericht
20070807             —GENANNT, Die neue VIERFACH—VERSCHMELZUNGSGALAXIE, CL0958+4702, liegt zirka 5—MILLIARDEN Lichtjahre von der Erde entfernt.
20070807             3—DER Galaxien haben alleine jeweils die Größe der Milchstraße, die 4. ist —SCHON—JETZT gar dreimal so groß.
20070807             "Wenn die Verschmelzung abgeschlossen ist, wird CL0958+4702—1—DER—GRÖSSTEN—GALAXIEN—DES—UNIVERSUMS sein", sagt Rines.
20070807             Solch große STRUKTUREN—ENTDECKEN Forscher nur selten.
20070807             —ENTOMBED, Microbes, in ANTARCTIC ice for 100,—000—YEARS grow —AGAIN—IN lab
20070807             This could end poorly.
20070807             BuzzFlash Finds BUSH—LAST—SUPPORTER in USA.
20070807             Ilona Meagher takes on THE—EPIDEMIC—OF—POST—TRAUMATIC—STRESS—SYNDROME among our returning GIs and becomes 1—ROLE—MODEL—OF—CITIZEN—JOURNALISM at its finest -- 1—BUZZFLASH—INTERVIEW
20070807             "The failing system wasn't only THE—ARMY—TRUTH—PIPELINE. It was the Pentagon's and THE—WHITE—HOUSE—DECEPTIVE MANAGEMENT—OF—WAR—STORIES. —JUST as the Pentagon had made up THE—STORY—OF—THE—HEROISM—OF—JESSICA Lynch, THE—WEST—VIRGINIA soldier wounded and captured in 1—AMBUSH in THE—EARLY—DAYS—OF—THE—IRAQ war -- the Pentagon said she went down firing her rifle —UNTIL she ran OUT—OF—AMMUNITION; in fact, she never fired 1—SHOT -- it made up 1—STORY about TILLMAN—HEROISM—UNTIL the story couldn't stand up to the facts. Hasn't that been the true overriding STORY—OF—THE—WARS in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN?"
20070807             Democrats to debate tonight outside in THE—HOME—OF—THE—MONSTERS—OF—THE—MIDWAY -- Soldier Field in CHICAGO;
20070807             —HANDED, More than 17,000 tickets have been, out;
20070807             Won't see this level of enthusiasm for 1—REPUBLICAN 'debate' 8/7
20070807             Nominate the BuzzFlash Media PUTZ—OF—THE—WEEK!
20070807             JEFF—COHEN: KEITH—OLBERMANN: Ask Democrats About.
20070807             Of Course, God Could Intervene, Give the Dems in Congress Spine Transplants + Bush Could be Impeached, Indicted and Jailed —BEFORE That Time.
20070807             But It Won't Happen.
20070807             WHAT—GOING on in Congress is Enough to Make ANY—SANE Person 1—ATHEIST.
20070807             Do You Want BuzzFlash in Your Mailbox EVERY—MORNING?
20070807             —WHILE the Bush eviks and Congress FIDDLE—IRAQ Burns -- and Our GIs Die: IRAQ—CRISIS—DEEPENS as 5—MORE—MINISTERS—QUIT Cabinet Meetings and USA Announces Deaths of 9—SOLDIERS, 4 Killed —ON—MONDAY in Diyala Province
20070807             NEW—YORK—TIMES—EDITORIAL—HITS the Mark on Craven Behavior of Democratic Leadership in Not Holding the Line Against Bush evik Stalinist Power Move: "It was appalling to watch over the last few days as Congress ?
20070807             —NOW led by Democrats ? caved in to yet another unnecessary and dangerous EXPANSION—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH ?s powers, this time to spy on Americans in violation of basic constitutional rights.
20070807             MANY—OF—THE—16—DEMOCRATS in the Senate and 41 in the House who voted for the bill said that they had acted in THE—NAME—OF—NATIONAL—SECURITY, but the only security at play was their job security".
20070807             Financial Crime News 20060600             —3
20070807             —CITED, For 11—PROPERTIES, in the indictment, Neusch and Davis used entities called... and DOUGLAS—E—JACOBSON—OF—LOS—ANGELES, identified as CFO—OF—GENI.
20070807             3—NEEDLES | Bigfoot Entertainment Olympia was nominated for THE—CANADA—ACADEMY—AWARD ( Genie ) 20040000             for "The... There have been men indicted for infecting multiple women with HIV in...
20070807             Export Control Blog: OFAC DOUG—JACOBSON—OF—INTERNATIONAL—TRADE—LAW—NEWS—REPORTS from —TODAY—OFAC breakout...
20070807             "With night vision you can see how the genie escaped from the bottle"...
20070807             Export Control Blog: ITAR Courtesy DOUG—JACOBSON—OF—INTERNATIONAL—TRADE—LAW—NEWS here's his summary of...
20070807             1—SAID he feared signing would leave him open to FEDERAL—INDICTMENT.
20070807             Financial firms —NOW kicking in big checks to Cato include AMERICA—EXPRESS, CHASE—MANHATTAN—BANK, Chemical Bank, Citicorp/Citibank, Commonwealth Fund, Prudential Securities and SALOMON—BROTHERS.
20070807             Energy conglomerates include: Chevron Companies, Exxon Company, Shell Oil Company and Tenneco Gas, as well as THE—USA—PETROLEUM—INSTITUTE, Amoco Foundation and Atlantic Richfield Foundation.
20070807             CATO—PHARMACEUTICAL donors include ELI—LILLY & Company, Merck & Company and Pfizer, INCORPORATED.
20070807             Friends in the Media
20070807             Die Arbeit der PORTUGIESISCHEN—POLIZEI steht —SEIT der Entdeckung am Wochenende in der Kritik.
20070807             Denn die Fahnder hatten das Apartment —SCHON am
20070807             JAMES—BAKER—DOUBLE—LIFE—SHAHAMEEN—SHEIKH, chairman and CEO—OF—INTERNATIONAL—STRATEGY—GROUP, 1—COMPANY created by the consortium to manage this deal, said that Carlyle told her that...
20070807             Carlyle Pulls Out of IRAQ Debt Recovery Consortium... MADELEINE—ALBRIGHT, by 1—WASHINGTON law firm, Coudert Bros, and by the consortium's leader, Shahameen Sheikh of the "INTERNATIONAL Strategy Group".
20070807             n o l o g o. o r g Shahameen Sheikh, chairman and CEO—OF—INTERNATIONAL—STRATEGY—GROUP... Consortium CEO—SHAHAMEEN—SHEIKH writes of making 5—TRIPS to KUWAIT in 4 ...
20070807             Interactivist Info Exchange | Naomi Klein, "JAMES—BAKER—DOUBLE—LIFE"
20070807             Why War? Bush Special Envoy & Carlyle Group In Scandal Over Iraqi...
20070807             1—COVERING letter was signed by MISS—ALBRIGHT;
20070807             DAVID—HUEBNER, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—COUDERT—BROTHERS—LAW—FIRM (another consortium member);
20070807             and Shahameen Sheikh...
20070807             Why War? Keywords: Coincidence Shahameen Sheikh, who made the delivery, said it was 1—COINCIDENCE.
20070807             "It had nothing to do with MISTER—BAKER—VISIT... I was in the region so I.
20070807             —EMBROILED, Bush special envoy, in controversy over IRAQ debt | IRAQ...
20070807             Shahameen Sheikh, who made the delivery, said it was 1—COINCIDENCE.
20070807             "It had nothing to do with MISTER—BAKER—VISIT.
20070807             I was in the region so I thought I would...
20070807             washingtonpost_com: Carlyle Disavows Plan to Get KUWAIT Business The proposal was signed by INTERNATIONAL Strategy CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—SHAHAMEEN—J—SHEIKH, Albright and LOS—ANGELES lawyer DAVID—HUEBNER, Coudert Brothers'...
20070807             Carlyle Covers Up Shahameen Sheikh, the consortium's CEO, told me that —WHEN Baker was named envoy in December, Carlyle was "very clear with us that they wanted to restrict...
20070807             TAIPEI TIMES—ARCHIVES... MADELEINE—ALBRIGHT, by 1—WASHINGTON law firm, Coudert Bros, and by the consortium's leader, Shahameen Sheikh of the "INTERNATIONAL Strategy Group".
20070807             BELLACIAO—CARLYLE Covers UP—NAOMI KLEIN—COLLECTIVE—BELLACIAO Shahameen Sheikh, the consortium's CEO, told me that —WHEN Baker was named envoy in December, Carlyle was "very clear with us that they wanted to restrict...
20070807             Shahameen SHEIK, che effettuò la consegna, disse che la data fu una mera... Shahameen Sheikh, CEO (manager) del Consorzio, mi aveva detto che quando Baker...
20070807             JAMES—BAKER " WordPress_com —TAG Feed - THE—COMMON—ILLS—IRAQ snapshot.
20070807             Violence and chaos continue in IRAQ, Shi'ites in PARLIAMENT push to SPLIT the nation of IRAQ.
20070807             The power of the Carlyle GROUP—ZAWYA_com | MIDDLE—EAST—BUSINESS—NEWS The proposal was signed by ISG—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE, Shahameen J. Sheikh, 1—PAKISTAN—WHO has worked on THE—KUWAIT—REPARATIONS for more than —1—DECADE...
20070807             Casa Bianca oro nero Il presidente Sheikh Shahameen scrive di aver effettuato cinque viaggi in KUWAIT in quattro mesi, mentre risulta che CAROL—BROWNER dell'Albright Group abbia...
20070807             —EMBROILED, THE—TRAVEL—FORUM—BUSH—SPECIAL—ENVOY, in controversy...
20070807             Shahameen Sheikh, chair and CEO—OF—INTERNATIONAL—STRATEGY—GROUP, a... Shahameen Sheikh, who made the delivery, said it was 1—COINCIDENCE.
20070807             Die beiden Physiker können mit den Linsen die CASIMIR—KRAFT nicht abschaffen, aber sie so manipulieren, dass effektiv 1—ABSTOßUNG zustande kommt.
20070807             "Wir haben 1—METHODE gefunden, wie man das Vakuum zurechtschneidern kann", sagt Leonhardt.
20070807             Die Theorie hinter der Idee sei mit der Theorie von Unsichtbarkeitsgeräten verwandt.
20070807             "Das Umwandeln der Klebekraft könnte die ultimative Lösung sein, um die Reibung in der Nanowelt zu reduzieren".
20070807             Cartoons und Paranormales
20070807             Die 19480000             theoretisch vorhergesagte und —10—JAHRE—SPÄTER experimentell nachgewiesene Kraft drückt 2—IM Vakuum befindliche Platten zusammen, sofern sich diese nur wenige Nanometer voneinander entfernt befinden.
20070807             "Das Nichts übt 1—KRAFT aus" - so beschreibt der Münchner Physiker HARALD—LESCH den paradoxen CASIMIR—EFFEKT.
20070807             Die Kraft entsteht, weil zwischen den beiden Platten weniger Vakuumfluktuationen auftreten, also weniger TEILCHEN—UND ANTITEILCHEN—PAARE aus dem Nichts entstehen.
20070807             Von außen drücken somit mehr Teilchen gegen die Metallplatten als von innen, was den Druckunterschied erklärt.
20070807             Auch Geckos nutzen die CASIMIR—KRAFT, wenn sie dank der vielen feinen Härchen an ihren Füßen mühelos Wände erklimmen und kopfüber an der Decke spazieren.
20070807             Störendes Kleben
20070807             USA—AUTOKONZERN: RUSSISCHER—MILLIARDÄR soll bei GENERAL—MOTORS eingestiegen sein
20070807             Korruptionsaffäre: Sachsens Innenminister will von MAFIA—REDE nichts mehr wissen
20070807             Geburt eines Giganten: VIERER—CRASH im All
20070807             Nanowelt: Physiker entdecken Schwebekraft
20070807             Südengland: 2. MKS—FALL in SURREY bestätigt
20070807             Unwetter in NRW: Regen flutet Keller und Straßen - Also see:
20070807             —RECEIVED, Remarkably, LITTLE—OF—BUSH—DEALINGS with GERMANY has, public scrutiny, partly because of the secret STATUS—OF—THE—DOCUMENTATION involving him.
20070807             But —NOW the multibillion dollar legal action for damages by 2—HOLOCAUST survivors against the Bush family + the imminent publication of 3—BOOKS on the subject are threatening to make Prescott BUSH—BUSINESS—HISTORY 1—UNCOMFORTABLE—ISSUE for his grandson, GEORGE W, as he seeks RE—ELECTION.
20070807             Sentient world: war games on the grandest scale - TY—VIRGINIA—MCCULLOUGH
20070807             —SPARED, Original Title: "EX—NAVY—COMMANDER, jail for downloading child porn and flashing at young girls"
20070807             UK: Navy COMMANDER—SPARED—JAIL for Child PORN—HE was Leading a "GLOBALLY—IMPORTANT" Mission in MIDDLE—EAST
20070807             "... Gilmour was leading 1—GLOBALLY—IMPORTANT—MILITARY—OPERATION in THE—MIDDLE—EAST—AT—THE—TIME he was exposing himself and downloading child pornography.... "
20070807             1—FORMER—ROYAL—NAVY—COMMANDER has been given a —2—YEAR—SUPERVISION—ORDER—AFTER flashing at young girls and downloading PICTURES—OF—CHILD—PORNOGRAPHY.
20070807             CRAIG—GILMOUR, 39, who was formerly CAPTAIN—OF—THE fishery patrol vessel HMS Tyne, drove up to young girls and exposed himself to them in PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire.
20070807             —INCLUDED, His victims, a —17—YEAR—OLD—GIRL on
20070807             CIA Contractors are Running the Agency - PRIVATE SPIES—WHO Runs THE—CIA ?
20070807             Outsiders for HIRE—WASHINGTON—POST
20070807             —BY R.J. Hillhouse
20070807             —RAISED, COVER—UP—THE—LINKS—OF—JI to THE—INDONESIA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY were never, in the official INDONESIA—GOVERNMENT—INVESTIGATION --which was guided behind the scenes by AUSTRALIA—INTELLIGENCE and THE—CIA.
20070807             Moreover, shortly —AFTER the bombing, AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD "admitted that AUSTRALIA—AUTHORITIES were warned about possible attacks in Bali but chose not to issue 1—WARNING".
20070807             AUSTRALIA: "Useful WAVE—OF—INDIGNATION"
20070807             —SERVED, REMINISCENT—OF—OPERATION—NORTHWOODS, the Bali attack, to trigger "1—USEFUL—WAVE—OF—INDIGNATION".
20070807             —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—BALI attack, THE—AUSTRALIA—GOVERNMENT "officially" joined THE—USA—LED "WAR—ON—TERRORISM".
20070807             It has not only used the Bali bombings as 1—PRETEXT to fully integrate THE—USA—UK military axis, it has also adopted drastic police measures including "ethnic profiling" directed against its own citizens:
20070807             PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD made the extraordinary declaration —RECENTLY that he is prepared to make PRE—EMPTIVE military strikes against terrorists in neighbouring ASIA—COUNTRIES planning to attack AUSTRALIA.
20070807             —WORRIED, AUSTRALIA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES also are very, about the likelihood of 1—AL—QAEDA attack using nuclear weapons.
20070807             —HIRED, Smoking, guns
20070807             Murdoch sits on THE—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS—OF—PHILIP—MORRIS, the tobacco giant —RECENTLY inducted into INFACT—HALL—OF—SHAME "for exerting undue influence over public POLICY—MAKING" with the help of 240 registered FEDERAL—AND—STATE—LOBBYISTS—SPENDING as much as $2—MILLION per —MONTH to lobby FEDERAL—OFFICIALS.
20070807             Murdoch publications such as TV Guide reap enormous profits from cigarette ads.
20070807             And MURDOCH—FOX—BROADCASTING is cozy with PHILIP—MORRIS subsidiary MILLER—BREWING—CO., which —RECENTLY boosted its advertising account with Fox to about $75—MILLION per —YEAR for sports and primetime programs (Advertising Age, 19970616             ).
20070807             1—OF—CATO—LUMINARIES is JOSÉ—PIÑERA, CO—CHAIR—OF—ITS—PROJECT on Social Security Privatization.
20070807             According to CATO—LATEST—ANNUAL—REPORT, "the project's work was cited by nearly EVERY—MAJOR—NEWSPAPER in THE—USA, including THE—WASHINGTON—POST, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES and THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL".
20070807             The report says that Piñera, 1—FORMER—MINISTER—OF—LABOR and welfare in CHILE, "oversaw THE—PRIVATIZATION—OF—CHILE—PENSION—SYSTEM in the early 1980s"-- but does not mention that —AT—THE—TIME THE—CHILE—GOVERNMENT was under THE—DICTATORSHIP—OF—GENERAL—AUGUSTO—PINOCHET.
20070807             CATO—CONCERN about intrusive government evidently does not extend to torture and murder.
20070807             —KINDRED, TERMS—OF—COMMITMENT, to human rights, Cato has found 1, spirit in RUPERT—MURDOCH, who is fond of floating lofty rhetoric about his Star TV satellite network.
20070807             "Satellite broadcasting makes it possible for INFORMATION—HUNGRY—RESIDENTS—OF many closed societies to bypass STATE—CONTROLLED television," said Murdoch, who touted new media technology as a "threat to TOTALITARY—REGIMES everywhere".
20070807             —KOWTOWED, But Murdoch quickly, to CHINA—TOTALITARY—REGIME—WHEN BEIJING objected to Star TV transmissions of BBC News reports about CHINA—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ABUSES.
20070807             —DISCOVERED, Novelist RICHARD—WRIGHT, —WHILE in exile, that "there is more freedom in 1—SQUARE—BLOCK—OF—PARIS than in the entire USA—OF—AMERICA".
20070807             It would appear that THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES is happy to profit from Chomsky;
20070807             they —JUST won't print him.
20070807             Interpol -- 1—INTERNATIONAL—POLICE—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY begun —AT—THE—END—OF—WWII in collaboration with Nazi war criminals and our own J. EDGAR—HOOVER—OF—FBI fame.[19]
20070807             —APPLIED, The term "useless eaters" was, by the Nazi doctors to their concentration camp victims + —LATER by FORMER—CIA—DIRECTOR—WILLIAM—COLBY to the peoples of MEXICO.
20070807             Nach Angaben einer Zeugin schoss der Nachbar auf "Bill", weil dieser auf sein Grundstück urinierte.
20070807             Der Mann habe die Tat zugegeben und erklärt, er habe den Kater regelrecht an einen Baum gepinnt, erklärte die Zeugin vor Gericht in S—DIEGO.
20070807             Bei einer Verurteilung wegen Tierquälerei drohen dem Beschuldigten mehr als —4—JAHRE Haft.
20070807             MARIA—MARTINÓN—TORRES vom Forschungszentrum für Evolution im SPANISCHEN—BURGOS und ihr Team analysierten mehr als 5000—ZÄHNE mehrerer HOMINIDEN—ARTEN, die —BIS zum Erscheinen der 1. Neandertaler im späten Eiszeitalter lebten.
20070807             Dabei zeigte sich, dass die Europäer des frühen und mittleren Pleistozäns, also des Eiszeitalters vor
20070807             1,8 Millionen —BIS vor 126.—000—JAHREN, mehrheitlich von Hominiden mit asiatischen Zahnmerkmalen abstammten.
20070807             Die These von ASIEN als Schwerpunkt der Artenbildung für Hominiden gab es —SCHON, bislang fehlten jedoch handfeste Belege.
20070807             —NUN glauben die Forscher, solche gefunden zu haben, wie sie online in der Wissenschaftszeitschrift "Proceedings of the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES" (PNAS) berichten.
20070807             —BEFÜRCHTET, USA—KREDITKRISE: EZB—RAT Kranjec, Einbruch privaten Nachfrage
20070807             Geschmack und Wahrnehmung: Forscher verkleiden Karotten als FAST—FOOD
20070807             Zahnanalyse: 1. Europäer kamen über ASIEN
20070807             USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTSKANDIDATEN: Drohung gegen MEKKA—REPUBLIKANER fängt sich Rüffel ein
20070807             Green LEFT—COVER—STORY: Wackenhut : Prisons, profits and golf...
20070807             Wackenhut : Prisons, profits and golf umbrellas.
20070807             SIEMENS—MANAGER behindern offenbar Aufklärung im Korruptionsskandal Das hätten die vom Konzern eingeschalteten Ermittler der AMERIKANISCHEN—KANZLEI Debevoise & Plimpton dem Aufsichtsrat bei dessen Treffen —IN—DIESER—WOCHE in...
20070807             SIEMENS—DISKRETE Minensucher: Anwälte von Debevoise & Plimpton in NEW—YORK sollen helfen, den Korruptionsskandal bei Siemens zu überwinden.
20070807             Warum ausgerechnet Debevoise & Plimpton ? - Er wird einiges ändern, der neue SIEMENS—CHEF—PETER—LÖSCHER.
20070807             Aber jedenfalls in einem Punkt wird er an der.
20070807             Debevoise & Plimpton (Handakte WebLAWg)
20070807             Wer hinter die Fassade der New Yorker Anwaltskanzlei schauen will, tut sich schwer.
20070807             Auch die telefonische Anfrage, mit einem der Anwälte sprechen zu dürfen.
20070807             Russians Selling Off USA—CURRENCY :
20070807             INVESTING & TRADING - - It's Time to Expect the Unexpected
20070807             —THE—CUNNING—REALIST : Personal Intelligence Agency Alert
20070807             C.R., Over at THE—TPM—CAFE, MISTER—S—PANSTREPPON (me) has 1—INTERESTING take on THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS, the man from GLEN—HEAD, Long ISLAND who bribed DUKE...
20070807             Cunningham, Randall HAROLD—BWTM—HE was 1—INSTRUCTOR at the Navy Fighter Weapons School "TOP GUN" at Naval... her HALF—OF—THE—COUPLE—REAL—ESTATE—PROFITS as it recovers the bribe money.
20070807             Queens Crap: 20070700             Apparently, the animal had run up the Long ISLAND Expressway ramp that borders on the Little Neck... THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS : Queens Sleaziest Businessman?...
20070807             Man Pleads Guilty in Cunningham SCANDAL—NEWSDAY_com Long ISLAND News.
20070807             NEW—YORK | Region. Nation | World.
20070807             Sports | High School. Business. Entertainment. NEW: Video.
20070807             Explore Long ISLAND. Travel. Health/Science.
20070807             SignOnSanDiego_com > News > Politics > Randy 'DUKE' Cunningham...
20070807             —5—YEARS—LATER, he sold the boat for $600000 to THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS... The defendants were ordered to repay the school BOARD $4.8—MILLION.
20070807             School Contracts Investigation Focuses on EX—SUPERINTENDENT—NEW...
20070807             THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—LONG—ISLAND—COMPANY is 1—BUSINESS—ASSOCIATE—OF—THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS, the Queens real estate developer who sold Ms.
20070807             Talking Points Memo | Talking Points Memo: by JOSHUA—MICAH...
20070807             —NOW you have the 3. player THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS (#4 was Kontogiannis' nephew.
20070807             is this guy really —JUST 1—REAL—ESTATE developer from Long ISLAND ?
20070807             —EXPANDED, Randy "DUKE" CUNNINGHAM—CONGRESSPEDIA He —LATER, his education experience as THE—DEAN—OF—THE—SCHOOL—OF—AVIATION at... WILLIAM—FINN—BENNETT, "Cunningham defends real estate deal," North...
20070807             village voice > news > How 1—CROOKED Congressman Got 1—PASS From...
20070807             1—CONFIDENTIAL—INFORMANT in Community School District 29 in Rosedale detailed for...
20070807             News Stories by JERRY—KAMMER—USA Embassy PHNOM—PENH, CAMBODIA.
20070807             for $600000 to THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS, the Long ISLAND businessman said —YESTERDAY.
20070807             —ORDERED, The defendants were, to repay the school BOARD $4.8—MILLION.
20070807             THE—DAILY—MUCK | TPMCafe THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS, THE—GREECE—BUSINESSMAN and convicted felon who... Piece about THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS, the man from Long ISLAND who bribed DUKE—CUNINGHAM.
20070807             Scandals, Wilkes, Wade and CUNNINGHAM—BWTM Michael is THE—NEPHEW—OF—THE—WIFE—OF—THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS, 1—LONG—ISLAND developer who... Wilkes was in default on a $12.1—MILLION—REAL—ESTATE—LOAN on the...
20070807             Financier pleads guilty in bribe case OAKLAND TRIBUNE—FIND Articles
20070807             —ADMITTED, THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS, to 1—SINGLE—COUNT—OF engaging in 1—UNLAWFUL... Kontogiannis' nephew, JOHN—T—MICHAEL, of Long ISLAND, has also pleaded not...              —1—
20070807             Poway News for 20070600             - Topix 1—PLEA—AGREEMENT from Long ISLAND businessman and longtime Cunningham associate THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS was unsealed —EARLIER—THIS—WEEK by 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—SAN...
20070807             War and Piece: 20060100             Archives
20070807             EX—CONGRESSMAN—FRIEND emerges as mystery man | THE—S—DIEGO...
20070807             antifa.html MICHAEL—FARKAS, the company's founder, for example, has longstanding ties to ADNAN—KHASHOGGI and his LIEUTENANT—RAMY—EL—BATRAWI, who supplied 1—OF—THE 2 ...
20070807             Stock Exchange Reports Full Story GenesisIntermedia and Ramy EL—BATRAWI Attacked By Illegal Sh Full Story EX—NACCHIO crony heads to college Full Story Gabrieli portfolio stocked...
20070807             Mars and Venus on 1—DATE... Trudy Green; Martin and Josie Brown; STAN—SINBERG;
20070807             JOANNE—LAMARCA; Bart and Merril Berens;
20070807             Reggie and ANDREA—HENKART; Rami El Batrawi ; SANDRA—WEINSTEIN;...
20070807             Securities Class Action Law Firm News Legal Attorneys and...
20070807             Rami EL—BATRAWI : CEO—GENESIS—INTERMEDIA—ULTIMATE—HOLDINGS: Adnan and RAMI—BERMUDA based holding company THE—STORY—BROKERAGES will only pay fees to borrow...
20070807             Hani EL—ASSAAD — SARAH—EL—DOORI : ZoomInfo Business People Information EL—BATRAWI, Ramy, GenesisIntermedia_com, INCORPORATED We expect that this arrangement should facilitate our ability to complete ACQUISITIONS—OF—BUSINESSES that...
20070807             ADNAN—KHASHOGGI : Information from Answers_com Ghaith PHARAON—AHMED—ZAKI—YAMANI;
20070807             Ramy EL—BATRAWI ;
20070807             LARRY—J—KOLB, who tells of his experience as 1—ASSISITANT to Khashoggi in his book Overworld: The...
20070807             Coupons, INCORPORATED—PRESS—RELEASES... giving them added incentive to visit + thus drive further traffic to the mall "explained Ramy EL—BATRAWI, Chairman and CEO—OF—GENESISINTERMEDIA_com.
20070807             Berman DeValerio Pease Tabacco Burt & Pucillo Reminds Investors Of...
20070807             The lawsuit accuses GenesisIntermedia, SAUDI—ARABIA—FINANCIER and arms dealer ADNAN—KHASHOGGI, FORMER—CEO—RAMY—EL—BATRAWI and others of reaping millions in illegal calbears.
20070807             Newly public firm no WALL—STREET darling LOS—ANGELES Business...
20070807             —WHEN Ramy EL—BATRAWI began planning to take his company public about —1—YEAR—AGO, he figured he had 1—SURE thing.
20070807             INTERNET stocks were hot even for companies...
20070807             CRC: 0xEFF7D9B4 File: AKA—NAMES.list Date: Sat 200106170000    Joe (aka Joe) A., Kodanda Rami Reddy (aka Reddy, A. Kondandarami) A.. Menha Al) (aka EL—BATRAWI, Menha) Batraville, Dominic (aka Batraville...
20070807             Find out the background of Ramy EL—BATRAWI and the Battle for Geni.
20070807             RAMYEL—BATRAWI_com... Bargain Prices.
20070807             Smart Deals. Shop for Ramy Beauty Cosmetics!
20070807             www.SAYED—ADNAN_com coming soon!
20070807             RAMYEL—BATRAWI_COM—ADNAN terzic.
20070807             THE—WORLD—BANK—WORK in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
20070807             RAMYEL—BATRAWI_COM—ETEL Adnan.
20070807             Check out Etel ADNAN—LATEST—BOOK, "In THE—HEART—OF.
20070807             RAMYEL—BATRAWI_com Find out the background of Ramy EL—BATRAWI and the Battle for Geni Meinten Sie: Ramy EL—BADRAWI
20070807             Ramy EL—BATRAWI, et al.: Lit. Rel.
20070807             NUMBER 19655 / - THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE, it seems, would prefer that the Pellicano... He is 1—THRICE—CONVICTED felon who most —RECENTLY pleaded guilty to...
20070807             ROSEDALE—NEW—YORK
20070807             —WEDNESDAY, 20061011            .
20070807—18800000    —J—IM, Die Temperaturen über Land —IN—DEN—MONATEN—JANUAR und —APRIL seien weltweit wahrscheinlich die höchsten —SEIT Beginn der Wetteraufzeichnungen gewesen.
20070807—20070603    —KIDNAPPED, NIGERIA, 6—RUSSIA—HOSTAGES, were freed in the oil producing NIGER Delta —AFTER—2—MONTHS in captivity.
20070807—20070804    —ON, He had —JUST tied Hank AARON—RECORD.
20070807—20070911    Frame the Arabs + steal their oil Shahameen Sheikh, the consortium's CEO, told me that —WHEN Baker was named envoy in December, Carlyle was "very clear with us...
20070807—20071217    —ON, Goodbye GEORGE 20080000             Desktop TEAR—OFF Calendar: A —400—DAY—COUNTDOWN—STARTING.
20070817—20060807    —SEIT DEM—DAS war der niedrigste Schlussstand und
20071204             Report : Heavy accusations against USA—PENTAGON : NAPALM—BOMBS in IRAQ—WAR Reported by : JOHN—GOETZ, GEORG—RESTLE / MONITOR 507—DATE : 20030807             Volker Happe (MONITOR—MODERATOR)
20080209             THE—MAN—WHO—BAGGED—THE—PELICAN - 20070807             0000—DATE
20080209             THE—MAN—WHO—BAGGED—THE—PELICAN - 20070807             20080806             NEPAL, 1—CONTEST to choose the next "Miss NEPAL," slated 20080807             , was cancelled —AFTER Maoist female lawmakers denounced the beauty pageant.
20080209             THE—MAN—WHO—BAGGED—THE—PELICAN - 20070807             20080209             THE—MAN—WHO—BAGGED—THE—PELICAN - 20070807             20080806             NEPAL, 1—CONTEST to choose the next "Miss NEPAL," slated 20080807             , was cancelled —AFTER Maoist female lawmakers denounced the beauty pageant.
20080726—19580807    —50—JAHRE—NASA
20080806             NEPAL, 1—CONTEST to choose the next "Miss NEPAL," slated 20080807             , was cancelled —AFTER Maoist female lawmakers denounced the beauty pageant.
20080807             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—ORDERED—DETROIT—MAYOR—KWAME—KILPATRICK to jail for violating the terms of his bond in his perjury case, 1—DECISION the judge said he would have made for any "John 6—PACK" defendant —BEFORE him.
20080807             —PACKED, ARIZONA, an SUV, with suspected illegal immigrants flipped over SOUTH—EAST—OF—PHOENIX killing at least 9—PEOPLE.
20080807             There were 19—PEOPLE in the vehicle.
20080807             NORTH—CALIFORNIA, THE—MUIR—HERITAGE—LAND—TRUST said it will pay $1.8—MILLION for 423—ACRES in FRANKLIN—CANYON, ending 1—LONG—STANDING land fight.
20080807             —KILLED, Afghan and coalition forces, at least 4—MILITANTS in Nahr Surkh DISTRICT—OF—HELMAND province.
20080807             —KILLED, CENTRAL—AFGHANISTAN, USA—LED coalition forces "inadvertently", 4—WOMEN and 1—CHILD —DURING 1—CLASH that killed several militants.
20080807             —REPORTED, ALGERIA, 18—PEOPLE were, dead from 1—CRASH between 1—VAN and 1—BUS—NEAR THE—CITY—OF—MASCARA, and 25 were reported injured.
20080807             † 3—MEN who were in critical condition subsequently.
20080807             —REPORTED, It was, that 2—SUBSIDIARIES—OF—GOVERNMENT—OWNED DUBAI World have acquired a 20% stake in CANADA—CIRCUS operator Cirque du Soleil.
20080807             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—DUBAI—BASED AL—YOUSUF—GROUP has invested $10—MILLION in Zap, 1—SANTA—ROSA—CALIFORNIA, firm that makes electric cars.
20080807             THAILAND, 1. lady Laura Bush, meeting with refugees who fled 1—BRUTAL campaign by MYANMAR—MILITARY junta, urged CHINA and other countries to join THE—USA in imposing sanctions against the country.
20080807             THE—USA—OLYMPIC—TEAM chose Lopez Lomong, 1—OF—THE "Lost Boys" of SUDAN, to carry the flag at the Olympic opening ceremony, throwing the spotlight on CHINA—MUCH—CRITICIZED policy on Darfur.
20080807             1—NEW—USA—EMBASSY report released by THE—JAPAN—FOREIGN—MINISTRY said THE—USS—HOUSTON submarine was already leaking —DURING 9—EARLIER port calls in JAPAN and THE—AMOUNT—OF—RADIATION leaked was larger than —INITIALLY reported.
20080807             It "has been steadily leaking 1—SMALL—AMOUNT" of radiation 20060600—20080700    —FROM—TO—WHEN it entered 1—DRYDOCK in HAWAII.
20080807             CRITICS—OF—CHINA—HUMAN—RIGHTS—RECORD made sure they were not forgotten, —1—DAY—BEFORE the grand OPENING—OF—THE—BEIJING—OLYMPICS, with protest actions the world over and in CHINA itself.
20080807             —DEMONSTRATED, THOUSANDS—OF—TIBETAN exiles, in NEPAL and INDIA.
20080807             Heavy shelling overnight in THE—GEORGIA—BREAKAWAY—PROVINCE—OF—SOUTH—OSSETIA wounded at least 21—PEOPLE.
20080807             Cyber attacks from RUSSIA began to target GEORGIA—GOVERNMENT—WEB sites.
20080807             1—ORGANIZATION known as THE—RUSSIA—BUSINESS—NETWORK was the leading suspect in the attacks.
20080807             —ORDERED, GEORGIA—PRESIDENT—SAAKASHVILI, the shelling of Tskhinvali, THE—CAPITAL—OF—SOUTH—OSSETIA.
20080807             SHEIK—SALAH—AL—OBEIDI said Shiite cleric Muqtada AL—SADR will call on his fighters to maintain 1—CEASE—FIRE against USA—TROOPS but may lift the order if 1 planned IRAQ—USA—SECURITY—AGREEMENT—LACKS 1—TIMETABLE for THE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—USA—FORCES.
20080807             1—ROADSIDE bomb killed 8—BEDOUINS, including 3—WOMEN and 2—CHILDREN, on 1—REMOTE—DESERT—HIGHWAY—WEST—OF—NASIRIYAH frequently used by USA and IRAQ—TROOPS.
20080807             —KILLED, Elsewhere in MOSUL, 3—IRAQ—POLICEMEN were, —WHEN 1—BOOBY—TRAPPED wooden cart exploded —AFTER they arrived to collect 1—BODY that had been left on the street beside it.
20080807             —ACCEPTED, JAPAN, over 200—INDONESIA—NURSES into the country, 1 unprecedented move as TOKYO struggles to quell 1—LABOR—SHORTAGE triggered by sinking fertility rates.
20080807             —SIGNED, MALDIVES PRESIDENT—MAUMOON—ABDUL—GAYOOM, and adopted 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION that allows multiparty elections and other democratic reforms —AFTER DECADES—OF—AUTHORITY—RULE.
20080807             Under the constitution Islam is the only religion its people can legally practice.
20080807             —ANNOUNCED, PAKISTAN—RULING coalition, plans to seek THE—IMPEACHMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF, alleging THE—USA—BACKED former general had "eroded the trust of the nation" —DURING his —8—YEARS in power.
20080807             —CANCELLED, Musharraf, his trip to the Olympics in BEIJING.
20080807             1—DEVICE exploded on 1—BEACH in SOCHI, 1—BLACK—SEA—RUSSIA—RESORT that will host 20140000             —THE—WINTER—OLYMPICS, killing 2—PEOPLE and wounding 3.
20080807             —ATTACKED, SRI—LANKA, army troops, and captured 1—REBEL—BUNKER in Welioya, where separate clashes killed 15—REBELS and 4—SOLDIERS.
20080807             —KILLED, In nearby Vavuniya district, fighting, 2—REBELS and wounded 2—SOLDIERS.
20080807             TURKEY, 1—SERIES—OF—EXPLOSIONS at 1—MUNICIPAL—GOVERNMENT building in ISTANBUL slightly injured 3—PEOPLE.
20080807             —FIRED, Shells from 1—MORTAR—LIKE—MECHANISM were, from 1—CEMETERY near 1—MUNICIPAL—GOVERNMENT building.
20080807             WASHINGTON (dpa) - Der USA—BIOWISSENSCHAFTLER BRUCE—IVINS ist nach Erkenntnissen der USA—BEHÖRDEN allein für die tödlichen ANTHRAX—ANSCHLÄGE...
20080807             Kurssturz: USA—BÖRSEN schließen tief im Minus
20080807             GUANTANAMO—PROZESS: Nur fünfeinhalb —JAHRE Haft für Bin Ladens FRÜHEREN—FAHRER
20080807             USA—KREDITKRISE: Citigroup muss Anlegern Milliarden zurückzahlen
20080807             Terrorismus: USA—MILITÄRANKLAGE fordert —30—JAHRE Haft für Bin Ladens Fahrer
20080807             Videobotschaft: CHINESISCHE—ISLAMISTEN drohen mit Anschlag auf Olympia
20080807             Öl, Lebensmittel, Gold: Experten stimmen auf weltweit steigende Rohstoffpreise ein
20080807             Varusschlacht: Archäologen finden Lager des RÖMER—FELDHERREN
20080807             Sportpsychologie: Rot macht aus Athleten Sieger
20080807             Geldpolitik: EZB—PRÄSIDENT ist besorgt über Inflation
20080807             Kaminsky stellt besorgten Anwendern auf seiner
20080807             Website ein kostenloses TEST—WERKZEUG zur Verfügung, mit dem sich prüfen lässt, ob die Nameserver des eigenen Internetproviders —SCHON gesichert sind.
20080807             Kaminsky: "Es ist möglich, Mails mit Anhängen abzufangen, die Dokumente mit SCHAD—SOFTWARE zu versehen und die Nachrichten an den Empfänger weiterzuleiten".
20080807             Kopiert 1—ANGREIFER die E—MAIL und leitet sie per DNS—HACK in seine eigene LAUSCHER—DATENBANK, kann er laut Kaminsky: "sehen, wer wem schreibt und die für ihn interessanten Nachrichten herausfiltern" - zwecks weiterer Analyse.
20080807             Sprich: Völlig sicher kann sich —DERZEIT kein WEB—NUTZER fühlen.
20080807             Die gute Nachricht, so Kaminsky in seinem Vortrag: Die meisten großen WEB—UNTERNEHMEN wie Google, Microsoft, Yahoo und Facebook aber auch VIELE—INTERNETPROVIDER haben ihre Systeme in den vergangenen —30—TAGEN abgedichtet.
20080807             Die schlechte Nachricht: Die Sicherheitslücke ist wegen technischer Probleme nicht überall geschlossen, kleinere Unternehmen "stopfen langsamer", so Kaminsky (in seinem Vortrag visualisiert er die Verbreitung der Flicken mit dem Video unten).
20080807             So sollen die INTERNET—ZENSOREN in CHINA —SCHON die Anfragen per Filter nach Stichworten 7—UND dafür sorgen, dass unliebsame ohne Antwort bleiben.
20080807             Das ist mit einem Proxy nicht mehr zu lösen: Man muss vielmehr dafür sorgen, dass der vom eigenen Rechner ausgehende Datenverkehr verschlüsselt wird.
20080807             Der vielleicht interessanteste WEB—BASIERTE Proxy ist —DERZEIT das DEUTSCH—SCHWEIZERISCHE—PROJEKT
20080807             picidae.
20080807             Die von picidae erzeugten PNG—SCREENSHOTS sind also voll funktionale, mit LINK—INFOS versehene
20080807             Bitmaps.
20080807             Es ist nicht unwahrscheinlich, dass etliche offene PROXY—DIENSTE in Wahrheit genau das Gegenteil von dem tun, was sie behaupten: So mancher mag beobachten und protokollieren, wer sich da weswegen anonymisieren will.
20080807             PROXY—SERVER im Ausland.
20080807             WEB—ANGEBOTE wie das Open Directory Project bieten stets aktuelle Linklisten zu diesem Thema.
20080807             INTERNET: Tricks gegen Zensur und Überwachung
20080807             INTERNET—ZENTRALREGISTER DNS: Wie 1—RIESENLOCH im Netz die Sicherheit bedroht
20080807             MUJAHEDIN—E Khalq Organization (MEK or MKO)MUJAHEDEEN—E Khalq (MEK) SAZMAN—E MOJAHEDIN—E KHALQ—E IRAN MUJAHEDIN—E Khalq Organization (MKO) National Liberation Army of IRAN (NLA)...
20080807             PEOPLE—MUJAHEDIN—OF—IRAN—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia
20080807             This article may require cleanup to meet WIKIPEDIA—QUALITY—STANDARDS.
20080807             Please improve this article if you can.
20080807             JAMAIKA wurde zum Inbegriff des Reggae.
20080807             Vor allem BOB—MARLEY, —BIS—HEUTE Säulenheiliger aller Marihuana rauchenden DREADLOCK—TRÄGER mit politischem Bewusstsein, hat der Musik in den Siebzigern zu weltweiter Popularität verholfen und sie mit ihrer Mischung aus sozialkritischen Texten und Elementen aus RASTAFARI—RELIGION UND—KULTUR zu einer ART—WELTANSCHAUUNG erhoben.
20080807             Kein Wunder, dass diese Musik gerade die BRITISCHEN—SKINHEADS, Kinder der Arbeiterklasse, besonders ansprach.
20080807             Doch Calypso ist mehr als PARTY—ODER Tanzmusik, in den Liedern wurden gesellschaftliche und politische Entwicklungen satirisch kommentiert und das Alltagsleben, inklusive Sex, verhandelt;
20080807             die Musik war traditionell 1—MITTEL der Kommunikation und des Protestes gegen die Obrigkeit.
20080807             —GESUNGEN, Im Calypso wurde —SCHON immer Klartext.
20080807             Den afrikanischen Sklaven auf den Zuckerrohrplantagen war es verboten, miteinander zu reden, also begannen sie, sich singend zu verständigen.
20080807             Den weltweiten Erfolg des Calypso markierte dann —MITTE der fünfziger —JAHRE HARRY—BELAFONTE mit seiner AUFNAHME—DES—KLASSIKERS "Banana Boat Song".
20080807             "It don't Gitmo better!" - ein Wortspiel.
20080807             "Gitmo" ist eine Abkürzung für GUANTANAMO, der Satz erinnert aber auch an den umgangssprachlichen Satz "It don't get more better" - es wird nicht besser.
20080807             Als sich vor einigen —WOCHEN CHRISTOPHER—HITCHENS, Reporter der amerikanischen "VANITY—FAIR", einem Waterbaording unterzog und seine Foltererlebnisse veröffentlichte,
20080807             schlug der Selbstversuch weltweit Wellen.
20080807             Dann kann der Zuschauer eine kleine Steintreppe hinaufsteigen und durch 1—GUCKLOCH die verstörende Installation "Waterboarding Thrill Ride" verfolgen.
20080807             "Ich wollte den Menschen die psychologischen Konsequenzen vor Augen führen", sagte Powers der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters.
20080807             —BETRACHTET, Die USA—REGIERUNG, Waterboarding als akzeptable Verhörmethode, Menschenrechtsorganisationen haben gegen diese Haltung immer wieder demonstriert.
20080807             "Was ist ekelerregender", fragte STEVE—POWERS in der "NEW—YORK—TIMES", "die offizielle Position der USA—REGIERUNG, dass Waterboarding keine Folter IST—ODER dass wir einen Nervenkitzel daraus machen?"
20080807             FOLTER—SELBSTVERSUCH
20080807             Tragischer Motorradunfall: DESIGNER—LEGENDE Pininfarina ist tot
20080807             "Waterboarding": USA—KÜNSTLER schockt Rummelplatzbesucher mit FOLTER—INSTALLATION
20080807             HYBRID—UND Elektroautos: Bosch unter Strom
20080807             BORME núm. 206—MIÉRCOLES 29—OCTUBRE 20030000             29233 DEFEX, SOCIEDAD... -
20080807             TOTAL INFORMATION ANALYSIS "The 1. journalist granted access to the 20010911             —NORAD tapes -- the... —WEDNESDAY,
20080807             It turns out that —AT—THE—TIME—CONGRESS did have _no_access to CIA—NIE... On
20080807             XMISSION—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia
20080807             XMission was the 1. and 1—OF—THE—FEW remaining independent INTERNET Service Provider (ISP) in UTAH—USA, founded in late
20080807             Return My Funds.
20080807             We are 1—COLLECTIVE—OF—ACCOUNT—HOLDERS with 1. Curacao INTERNATIONAL Bank (FCIB), situated in Curacao, THE—HOLLAND—ANTILLES.
20080807             10Q Detective: UK—PETROLEUM: skandale,escándalo,??...
20080807             UK—PETROLEUM : skandale, escándalo, A Scandal in ANY—LANGUAGE!
20080807             "Far from trying to hide the facts...
20080807             —SUSTAINED, The 3. sex that, the Empire The question HAMILTON is really posing —NOW is not whether FIELD—MARSHAL—LORD—MONTGOMERY—OF—ALAMEIN was gay, but whether he was 1 repressed paedophile.
20080807             UKIP in ROMANIA Lord KITCHENER : No role for him in this UK poster campaign... EVIDENCE—OF—1—COUNTRY—FULL—OF—RACISM, paedophiles, xenophobes and 1—UNDERACHIEVING local...
20080807             Kurzpässe: Hoeneß erbost über "Ölmafia" und Abramowitsch, Schalke sauer
20080807             Ägyptologie: DNA—TEST soll Geheimnis um Föten im TUTENCHAMUN—GRAB lüften
20080807             Geldpolitik: EZB hält Leitzins bei 4,25 %
20080807             NETZWELT—TICKER: Die "Times" klont elektronische Pässe
20080807             Forscher vermuten, dass die Domestizierung von Rindern, Schafen und Ziegen vor etwa 10.—000—JAHREN im Nahen Osten begann.
20080807             —BISHER gingen Wissenschaftler davon aus, dass die Viehhaltung zur PRODUKTION—VON—MILCH —ERST im 4. —JAHRTAUSEND vor Christus begann.
20080807             Über ihre Ergebnisse berichten RICHARD—EVERSHED—VON—DER—UNIVERSITÄT—VON—BRISTOL und seine Kollegen
20080807             im Fachmagazin "Nature".
20080807             Das schließen Forscher eines internationalen TEAMS—VON—WISSENSCHAFTLERN aus Milchrückständen, die sie in —BIS zu 8500—JAHRE alten Tonkrügen entdeckt haben.
20080807             Die Keramik war in der heutigen TÜRKEI und in Südosteuropa ausgegraben worden.
20080807             Amtsenthebungsverfahren in PAKISTAN: PRÄSIDENT—MUSHARRAF muss Olympiareise absagen
20080807             —ZERSTÖRT, CHINA vor den Spielen: "Olympia hat unser Leben "
20080807             Prost: Menschen trinken —SEIT 8500—JAHREN Milch
20080807             Energie: RWE baut riesige Windparks vor der DEUTSCHEN—KÜSTE
20080807             McCain vs. Obama: Amerikas ÖL—WAHLKAMPF kippt ins Absurde
20080807             Als "Todesstoß" wertet der prominente Denkmalschützer SALVATORE—SETTIS die drastischen Einsparungen an den vielfach bedrohten Kulturgütern der Halbinsel.
20080807             —SEIT —JAHREN führt der steitbare Kunsthistoriker und Rektor der angesehenen Scuola Normale in Pisa einen Feldzug gegen den "Ausverkauf des ITALIENISCHEN—KULTURERBES".
20080807             —BEREITS in seinem
20080807             "Wir hätten seine Schuld auch den Geschworenen beweisen und jeglichen Zweifel ausräumen können", sagte Taylor.
20080807             Sein Anwalt PAUL—KEMP wies auch —NACH—DEM Tod seines Mandanten die Anschuldigungen gegen diesen scharf zurück.
20080807             "Der unerbittliche Druck und die Anspielungen haben bei mehreren Menschen auf unterschiedliche Art und Weise ihren Tribut gefordert.
20080807             Im FALL—VON—DOCTOR—IVINS führten sie zu seinem vorzeitigen Tod", sagte er. "Ich glaube nicht, dass er es war.
20080807             Und ich glaube nicht, dass es diese Beweise gibt".
20080807             Der 62-Jährige, der jahrelang als Biowaffenexperte im Dienste der USA—REGIERUNG stand, hatte in der vergangenen —WOCHE vor einer
20080807             drohenden Prozesseröffnung Selbstmord begangen.
20080807             Ehemalige Arbeitskollegen von Ivins machten dem Fernsehsender zufolge FBI—AGENTEN für den Selbstmord des Wissenschaftlers mitverantwortlich:
20080807             Die Beamten hätten den Forscher in den Tod gejagt, indem sie unter anderem dessen Kinder unter Druck setzten.
20080807             So sollen sie bei einer Befragung in Ivins' Haus dessen Sohn 1—BELOHNUNG in Höhe von 2,5 Millionen Dollar in Aussicht gestellt haben, wenn er ihnen vertrauliche Informationen über seinen Vater gebe.
20080807             Sie hätten dem 24-Jährigen dabei Fotos der Milzbrandopfer gezeigt und gesagt: "Das hat dein Vater getan".
20080807             —VERKRAFTET, Ivins' habe den fortwährenden Druck nicht mehr.
20080807             Das FBI weist die Vorwürfe zurück und zeigt sich dagegen stolz, einen der "größten und komplexesten" Kriminalfälle in der GESCHICHTE—DES—LANDES gelöst zu haben.
20080807             "Eine akribische Untersuchung hat uns zu dem Schluss geführt, dass
20080807             Hier findet sich 1—ARTENVIELFALT, wie man sie in EUROPA kaum mehr findet: Rund 700—PFLANZENARTEN, über 3000—PILZE und 270—MOOSE gedeihen im Schatten von Erlen, Fichten, Linden, Birken und Eichen, von insgesamt 21—BAUMARTEN.
20080807             In diesem Dickicht fliegen, krabbeln, laufen und schwimmen rund 10.000—INSEKTEN-, 120—VOGEL—UND 44—SÄUGETIERARTEN.
20080807             Wolfsrudel und Luchse streifen umher, Fischotter und Biber hausen in den Wasseradern.
20080807             Berlusconis "Haushaltsmassaker": 1—KULTURNATION dankt ab
20080807             Handel: Exporte wachsen —IM—JUNI kräftig - Umfrage: Obama ermüdet die USA—BÜRGER
20080807             "THE—THEATRE": BRITISCHE—ARCHÄOLOGEN graben Shakespeares Bühne aus
20080807             PAKISTAN: Musharraf soll aus dem Amt gedrängt werden
20080807             Kriselnder Automarkt: Toyota erleidet Gewinneinbruch
20080807             OLYMPIA—PROTEST: Athleten prangern Chinas Führung an
20080807             TÜRKEI: Explosionsserie in ISTANBUL—MEHRERE Verletzte
20080807             GMs Elektroauto: CHEVY—VOLT kommt 20110000             nach EUROPA
20080807             —PRÄSENTIERT, AKTEN—HERAUSGABE nach Selbstmord: FBI, Beweise gegen mutmaßlichen ANTHRAX—ATTENTÄTER
20080807             Quartalsbilanz: Telekom leidet unter DOLLAR—SCHWÄCHE
20080807             Mikrobiologie: Auch Viren können krank werden
20080807             —KASSIERT, Finanzkrise: Allianz, Gewinnziel
20080807             Olympia in Peking: Bush fordert von CHINA Achtung der Menschenrechte
20080807             Chaos am Kap: "So beginnen Bürgerkriege"
20080807             Kraftstoffe: Ölpreis sinkt, Benzinpreis SPAN>SPAN>Dicker Nachwuchs: Übergewicht macht —SCHON Kleinkindern zu schaffen
20080807             Greenspan.
20080807             Für die konjunkturelle Misere findet er eine freilich recht unverfängliche Erklärung: "Der Grund für unsere aktuelle Verzweiflung ist... nicht der Markkapitalismus, sondern die allzu menschliche Neigung, zwischen Angst und Euphorie HIN—UND herzuschwanken".
20080807             Er habe —ERST Ende 20050000             1—VORSTELLUNG gehabt, wie schwerwiegend das Problem sei, sagte er im vergangenen —HERBST.
20080807             Die Krise konnte sie damit nicht ABWENDEN—IM Gegenteil.
20080807             ALAN—GREENSPAN: Machtloser Wunderheiler
20080807             Konjunktur: Auftragsrückgang in der Industrie schürt Rezessionsangst
20080807             —AM—ABEND des- (Ortszeit) in NEW—YORK—WENIGE —STUNDEN nach Beginn des GEORGISCHEN—ÜBERFALLS—TRAT der Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen zusammen.
20080807             Der USA—VERTRETER weigerte sich beharrlich, irgendeiner Resolutionsformulierung zuzustimmen, in der zur Ablehnung militärischer Gewalt aufgerufen wurde.
20080807             Die Situation erinnerte stark an - -in —DER—NACHT VOM—ZUM-
20080807             - Filed under Comment, Debate, Governance, Institutionalization, Listening, Management, Organisation, Public Relations, Reputation, Society, THE—PROFESSION
20080807             Professor BENNY—MORRIS, advocating 1—ISRAEL—NUCLEAR—GENOCIDAL attack on IRAN with the likelihood of killing 70—MILLION—IRANIANS — 12—TIMES the number of Jewish victims in THE—NAZI holocaust:
20080807             —ON—THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES published 1—ARTICLE by ISRAELI—JEWISH—HISTORIAN,
20080807             —KAUKASUS—KRIEG, beginnt, An der GRENZE—VON—GEORGIEN zu Südossetien, mit dem Einsatz militärischer Verbände Georgiens offiziell der —NACHDEM es —SCHON—IN—DEN—WOCHEN zuvor immer wieder zu Gefechten gekommen ist.
20080807—18870000    —SINCE, A—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE ruled that USA—INDIA—PLAINTIFFS were entitled to $455—MILLION, 1—FRACTION—OF—THE $47—BILLION they sought in —1—YEAR—TRIAL for alleged losses on royalties overseen by the Interior Department.
20080807—20000000    —SCHON, LONDON—DIE Karriere der Milch als Nahrungsmittel begann —JAHRE früher als —BISHER angenommen.
20080807—20000000    —VOR, "Der natürliche Kreislauf, 1—WALD wie —JAHREN", schwärmt ALEKSANDER—WASZKIEWICZ, "ein wilder Reichtum, 1—SCHATZ, einzigartig".
20080807—20070800    —SEIT, schraubte die Fed den Leitzins ganze siebenmal auf aktuell 2 % herunter, um die AMERIKANISCHE—WIRTSCHAFT anzukurbeln.
20080807—20110000    —AGREED, In May the circus had, to perform on Palm Jumeirah, 1—MAN—MADE ISLAND, —FOR—15—YEARS—STARTING.
20080807—20480000    —J—IM, Neue Prognose: wird JEDER—USA—AMERIKANER dick sein
20080823             "Don't do it", USA told GEORGIA on EVE—OF—ASSAULT: THE—USA warned GEORGIA against trying to retake rebel SOUTH—OSSETIA by force, including on the very eve of 20080807             —THE attack that drew 1—CRUSHING response from RUSSIA, THE—USA—ENVOY to NATO said —ON—THURSDAY.
20080826             —ESTABLISHED, RUSSIA claims proof of genocide : "It has been fully, that 20080807—20080812    —BETWEEN, GEORGIA's armed forces invaded the territory of the unrecognised republic with the aim of fully annihilating the Ossetian ethnic group living in SOUTH—OSSETIA," Investigative COMMITTEE—HEAD—ALEXANDER—BASTRYKIN told STATE—NEWSPAPER—ROSSIISKAYA—GAZETA.
20080828             —ON the night of 20080807             —8—WE found out why.
20081008—20080807    —ON, I know this because I was in Tskhinvali, THE—CAPITAL—OF—SOUTH—OSSETIA, —WHEN GEORGIA—TROOPS marched into the city and killed my friends and neighbors.
20090121             Archives. DAVID—IGLESIAS. | PBS - TAVIS Smiley.
20090121—20080701    TAVIS Smiley.
200902080722         —AM—IN BP Cafe, Economy, Markets |
20090804—20090807    —ON, the Electoral Commission released provisional results saying that 92.5—PERCENT—OF—VOTES cast supported 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION that would allow PRESIDENT—MAMADOU—TANDJA to stay in power.
20090806             1—HEARING —BEFORE JUDGE—ELLIS in the civil cases against Blackwater is scheduled for 20090807             20090806             Falscher Alarm: Bombe in Koffer von Verfassungsschützer vermutet
20090806             1—HEARING —BEFORE JUDGE—ELLIS in the civil cases against Blackwater is scheduled for 20090807             20090807             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, into law 1—MEASURE tripling the budget of the $1—BILLION incentive "cash for clunkers" program.
20090807             —AGREED, THE—USA—ENVIRONMENTAL—PROTECTION—AGENCY said THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—AGRICULTURE has, to pay $30,000 in penalties for alleged improper maintenance of underground storage tanks in PUERTO—RICO.
20090807             —KILLED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—USA—SERVICE—MEMBER was, in 1—ATTACK on 1—CONVOY.
20090807             1—BLAST in KANDAHAR—ZHARI district killed 1—AFGHANISTAN—GUARD escorting 1—NATO—SUPPLY—CONVOY.
20090807             BRITAIN—MINISTRY—OF—JUSTICE said Great Train Robber RONNIE—BIGGS, —79—JAHRE—ALT has been officially released from his prison sentence.
20090807             Escaping, he spent —35—YEARS as 1—CELEBRITY fugitive, living 1—PARTY—LIFESTYLE in BRAZIL —BEFORE returning home.
20090807             —ARRIVED, JAMES—ROBINSON, —71—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—CALIFORNIA priest, at LONDON—HEATHROW—AIRPORT—AFTER being extradited from THE—USA.
20090807             —CHARGED, He was, with sexually abusing young boys —WHEN he served in THE—UK 19590000—19830000    —BETWEEN.
20090807             † CHINA, Li Peiying (60), THE—FORMER—HEAD—OF—BEIJING airport's management company, was executed —FOLLOWING his conviction on corruption charges.
20090807             —FIRED, GUATEMALA—TOP 3—POLICE officials were, —AFTER HUNDREDS—OF—POUNDS—OF cocaine allegedly disappeared from 1—SHIPMENT seized by authorities.
20090807             —ENGAGED, INDONESIA—ANTI—TERRORISM—UNIT, in 1—SHOOTOUT in CENTRAL—JAVA —DURING 1—RAID targeting suspected militants behind deadly bomb attacks in JAKARTA —LAST—MONTH.
20090807             —DEVASTATED, IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMB, 1—SHIITE mosque in NORTH—IRAQ, 1—OF—1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS that killed at least 37—SHIITE pilgrims and worshippers.
20090807             —OCCURRED, The deadliest blast, in Rasheediyah, NORTH—OF—MOSUL, —WHEN 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMB struck 1—MOSQUE, killing at least 30—PEOPLE and trapping dozens more underneath the rubble.
20090807             —KILLED, BAGHDAD, 3—ROADSIDE bombs targeting Shiite pilgrims, 7—PEOPLE returning from KARBALA.
20090807             MEXICO, Zambrano Flores, 1—TOP—LIEUTENANT—OF—THE—TIJUANA—BASED—ARELLANO—FELIX cartel, was arrested in TIJUANA.
20090807             —SEIZED, Police, 10—RIFLES, 7—PISTOLS, almost 4,000 ROUNDS—OF—AMMUNITION —DURING his arrest.
20090807             —LAUNCHED, NEPAL—MAOISTS, 1—FRESH—ROUND—OF—PROTESTS, paralyzing PARLIAMENT and accusing the new government of failing to address their demands.
20090807             —RECEIVED, NIGERIA—PRESIDENT—UMARU—YAR'ADUA formally, 20090901             —THE—OF—32—NIGER Delta militants who have surrendered their arms under 1—AMNESTY he offered them in June and commended them for their "patriotism".
20090807             PAKISTAN, 1—DEADLY shooting reportedly took place at 1—MEETING—OF—TOP—TALIBAN commanders Hakimullah Mehsud (28), 1—DEPUTY to Baitullah Mehsud and the warlord's main spokesman, and WALI—UR Rehman, 1—SENIOR—COMMANDER—IN—MEHSUD—UMBRELLA—TEHREEK—E—TALIBAN—PAKISTAN (TTP) movement.
20090807             —CONVENED, They had, to discuss the choice of 1—SUCCESSOR to Baitullah Mehsud.
20090807             —PHONED, Both commanders —LATER, INTERNATIONAL media organizations to prove they were alive.
20090807             1—PERU—GOVERNMENT—PROSECUTOR presented homicide charges against 2—POLICE—GENERALS and 15—OTHER—OFFICERS for 1—JUNE government crackdown at 1—AMAZON highway blockade manned by Indians protesting development on their ancestral lands.
20090807             The criminal charges, which must be ratified by 1—JUDGE, were the 1. to implicate police in violence that left at least 33—DEAD, including 23—POLICE.
20090807             —AGREED, PORTUGAL said it has, to take 2—SYRIA—DETAINEES from GUANTANAMO prison.
20090807             —QUESTIONED, SRI—LANKA—AUTHORITIES, Selvarasa Pathmanathan, FORMER—CHIEF—ARMS—SMUGGLER the new LEADER—OF—THE—TAMIL—TIGER rebels, —AFTER he was arrested —2—DAYS—EARLIER in SOUTH—EAST—ASIA and flown to SRI—LANKA.
20090807             —ARRESTED, Rebels said he was, in KUALA—LUMPUR.
20090807             INTERNATIONAL donor the Global Fund, which had 1—FINANCIAL—DISPUTE with ZIMBABWE—PREVIOUS—GOVERNMENT, took the unusual step of giving $37.9—MILLION in aid directly to ZIMBABWE—NEW—UNITY—GOVERNMENT instead of channeling it through private groups.
20090807             21.32—BST - 1. Kongress —SEIT—20—JAHREN: Fatah versinkt in Machtkämpfen
20090807             Nordafghanistan: Taliban attackieren Bundeswehr
20090807             —GEWORDEN, ERGENEKON—PROZESS: "Die TÜRKEI ist immer autoritärer "
20090807             Rettungsgespräche: OPEL—TREUHÄNDER protestieren gegen Einmischung der Politik
20090807             —ENTLASTET, Dienstwagenaffäre: Rechnungshof, Ulla Schmidt
20090807             Filialschließungen: Gewerkschaft wirft Schlecker Lohndumping vor
20090807             Versicherungskonzern: AIG macht wieder Milliardengewinne
20090807             Pleitewelle: ZAHL—DER—INSOLVENZEN schnellt hoch
20090807             Konjunkturanalyse: DEUTSCHLAND taumelt aus der Krise
20090807             Kein Ersatz: Gericht weist Klage wegen LEHMAN—PAPIEREN ab
20090807             aktive Verweigerung: "VIELE—DER—HEUTIGEN—OFFLINER haben sich mit den VOR—UND Nachteilen des Internets auseinandergesetzt".
20090807             Kurz: Sie sehen keinen Mehrwert darin, ins INTERNET einzusteigen.
20090807             Wenn 1—POLIZIST bei einer Personenkontrolle diesen manipulierten E—PASS elektronisch einsehen wollte, bekäme er diese Meldung zu Gesicht: "Ich bin 1—TERRORIST, erschießt mich bei Sichtkontakt".
20090807             Nur um das klar zu machen: Das ist BRITISCHER—HUMOR.
20090807             NETZWELT—TICKER: Die Mär vom unknackbaren Ausweis
20090807             Half THE—UK—ONLINE population have 1—FACEBOOK profile
20090807             THE—PROLIFERATION—OF—PARENTS + teachers trawling the pages of Facebook trying to poke old schoolfriends + lovers + traversing the outer reaches of MySpace is causing 1—ADOLESCENT exodus from the
20090807             social networking sites, according to research from the media REGULATOR—OFCOM.
20090807             Nabelschnurblut: Wie das dubiose Geschäft mit tiefgekühlten Lebensrettern funktioniert
20090807             Hypothekenkrise: Fannie Mae braucht weitere Geldspritze vom STAAT
20090807             Neueren ISOTOPEN—AUSWERTUNGEN zufolge sollen die Australopithecinen im Zeitraum von vor 4,5-2,5 Mio.
20090807             —JAHREN —BEREITS geringe Mengen tierischer Nahrung aufgenommen,
20090807             jedoch eine vorwiegend harte, abrasive pflanzliche Kost konsumiert haben, die der rezenter Schimpansen ähnelte.
20090807             In other words, chimps make lousy guests in CHINA shops.
20090807             " Borderline Personality Disorder can become 1—LANGUAGE through which clinicians try to make SENSE—OF—ACTING in ways that go against their professional judgment," Lester explains.
20090807             "The findings illustrate how the dysfunctions of THE—USA—HEALTHCARE system can become displaced and replicated within healing relationships, even despite the best INTENTIONS—OF—CLINICIANS," she adds.
20090807             Rebecca J. Lester, "Brokering Authenticity: Borderline Personality Disorder and THE—ETHICS—OF—CARE in 1—USA—EATING—DISORDER—CLINIC," Current Anthropology, 20090600            .
20090807             —DOCUMENTED, Occasional meat eating is well, among baboons and chimpanzees [50]-[53]and —THEREFORE similar dietary behaviour in australopith from SOUTH—AFRICA SEEMS likely [54].
20090807             Our findings support the hypothesis of 1—MORE—COMPLEX—DIET—OF—A. africanus that occasionally could have included meat to supplement its diet
20090807             [14].
20090807             —NOW with the hypothesis of brucellosis in A. africanus, we may have EVIDENCE—OF—OCCASIONAL—MEAT eating directly linked to 1—FOSSIL hominin.
20090807             Die Frage —NACH—DEM Beginn des Fleischkonsums ist wichtig, weil sie bei den VOR—UND Frühmenschen mit der Entwicklung eines größeren Gehirns in Zusammenhang gebracht wird.
20090807             Anthropologen gehen aber davon aus, dass am —ANFANG zumindest gelegentlicher Fleischkonsum gestanden haben muss, da ohne diesen das Gehirn aus rein physiologischen Gründen nicht an Volumen zunehmen konnte.
20090807             Astronomie: "Kepler"-Teleskop kann erdähnliche Planeten finden
20090807             Drohnenangriff auf TALIBAN—CHEF: PAKISTAN fürchtet Rache der MEHSUD—KRIEGER
20090807             Experten kritisieren das Vorgehen der Klinik: "Es war fahrlässig, sich bei dieser Patientin mit deutlichen Grippesymptomen nur auf den Schnelltest zu verlassen und sie wieder zur Arbeit zu schicken, ohne das Laborergebnis abzuwarten",
20090807             Schulz rät daher Hausärzten und Kliniken, den Schnelltest nicht mehr zu verwenden und im Verdachtsfall einen Gentest vornehmen zu lassen.
20090807             Dazu aber muss 1—BLUTPROBE an 1—LABOR geschickt WERDEN—LAUT Schulz dauert es rund einen —TAG, —BIS das Ergebnis vorliegt.
20090807             Weiteres Problem sind die Kosten.
20090807             Der Gentest ist teurer als der Schnelltest:
20090807             "Die Krankenkassen zahlen nur den Schnelltest, aber nicht den Gentest auf Schweinegrippe", so Schulz.
20090807             Patienten mit Verdacht auf Schweinegrippe müssten daher die Kosten für den zuverlässigen Gentest in Höhe von 50—BIS 80—EURO selbst aufbringen,
20090807             um Gewissheit zu haben, ob sie mit der Seuche infiziert sind oder nicht
20090807             "Vielen Dank, Sie können —JETZT gehen".
20090807             Wie kann man aber von Neulingen in Sachen Parteigründung und Wahlzulassung die Einhaltung von Regeln verlangen, wenn die Amtsträger, die für deren Prüfung zuständig sind, dabei selbst gegen die ihnen auferlegten Pflichten verstoßen?
20090807             "Der letzte Wahlleiter in diesem Land, der derart undemokratisch mit kleinen und anderen Parteien umgesprungen ist", so Sonneborn an die Adresse von Bundeswahlleiter Roderich Egeler, "ist
20090807             HACKER—ANGRIFFE: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube wurden Kollateralschäden gezielter Attacke
20090807             Halbjahresbilanzen: BRITISCHES—BANKENSYSTEM zerfällt in Helden und Versager
20090807             H1N1-Ausbreitung: SCHWEINEGRIPPE—SCHNELLTESTS versagen in jedem 2. Fall
20090807             Knochenanalyse: Vormensch hatte Magenkrämpfe
20090807             KAUKASUS—KONFLIKT: Saakaschwili warnt vor neuem Krieg mit RUSSLAND
20090807             —SABOTIERT, Gesundheitsreform: KONGRESS—GEZÄNK, Obamas Megaprojekt
20090807             Lukrative Lebensversicherung: Ohne Dresdner verdient die Allianz wieder Geld
20090807             Saturnmond: Titan ähnelt der jungen Erde
20090807             Konjunktur: DEUTSCHE—EXPORTEURE verbuchen kräftiges Umsatzplus
20090807             PHILIPPINEN: Tote und Obdachlose nach MONSUN—REGEN
20090807             Kanaren: FERIENCLUB—BETRÜGER zocken Urlauber ab
20090807             Angst vor der Grippepandemie: Politiker werfen Krankenkassen PATIENTEN—ABZOCKE vor
20090807             Islamist Baitullah Mehsud: Taliban in PAKISTAN melden Tod ihres Anführers
20090807             Schweinegrippe: Experten fürchten Impfrisiko für Schwangere
20090807             —TRANSFORMED, It heard that Premier MICHAEL—MISICK was, from local estate agent with assets of $50,000 to INTERNATIONAL JET—SETTER with 1—BEACHSIDE mansion, 1—PRIVATE—JET leased through his government, and 1—USA—STARLET, LisaRaye McCoy for 1—WIFE in —5—YEARS at THE—HELM—OF—GOVERNMENT.
20090807             THE—TURKS—AND—CAICOS—ISLANDS: Trouble in THE—PARADISE I call home
20090807             UK calls for police probe into Turks and Caicos premier
20090807             Den Angaben zufolge finden 88—PROZENT, dass "die Folgen der Krise die kleinen Leute ausbaden müssen".
20090807             Zugleich sank das Vertrauen in die Bundesregierung bei der Bewältigung der Krise.
20090807             Ergo müsste man das Zitat verhindern.
20090807             Die Halbwertzeit exklusiver Informationen ist im Internetzeitalter gen 0—GESUNKEN.
20090807             Oft dauert es nur —MINUTEN, —BIS sich 1—INFORMATION im Web verbreitet.
20090807             Das Resultat kann man sich täglich auf NEWS—AGGREGATORENSEITEN ansehen:
20090807             Oft stehen Blogs, die Nachrichten anderer abschreiben, höher und prominenter platziert, als die Urheber der Nachricht selbst.
20090807—19630000    —IN—THE, Biggs earned notoriety for his role Great Train Robbery, for which he was sentenced to —30—YEARS in prison.
20090807—19950000    —SINCE, He was found guilty in February of accepting almost $4—MILLION in bribes and embezzling about $12—MILLION in public money.
20090807—20090806    —ON, Interior MINISTER—RAUL—VELAZQUEZ said police made the 1-ton seizure, but —WHEN FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS weighed the drugs, 258—POUNDS (117—KILOGRAMS) were missing.
20090807—20120000    —VOR, Hoher Quartalsverlust: Hypo Real Estate erwartet keinen Gewinn
20090811—20090807    —SENTENCED, AL—MOAYAD was, to —75—YEARS in prison and MOHAMMED—ZAYED received —45—YEARS, but they pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of supporting THE—PALESTINE—MILITANT—GROUP—HAMAS and given —6—YEARS—TIME served.
20100807             Elena Kagan was sworn in as the 112. person to serve on THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT.
20100807             S—FRANCISCO began charging a $7—FEE for visitors to the arboretum in Golden Gate Park.
20100807             —DEPARTED, The last bus, THE—S—FRANCISCO—TRANSBAY—TERMINAL allowing demolition to soon begin of THE—71—YEAR—OLD—TERMINAL.
20100807             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—ICE—ISLAND measuring 100—SQUARE—MILES has broken off the Petermann Glacier in NORTH—GREENLAND.
20100807             The environment MINISTER—OF—MAHARASHTRA state told reporters THE—NEXT—DAY that about 2—TONS—OF—OIL was pouring into the water EVERY—HOUR.
20100807             —KILLED, IRAQ, explosions, at least 20—PEOPLE at BASRA—AL—ASHAAR market.
20100807             5—POLICEMEN were killed in 1—OVERNIGHT shootout at 1 suspected bomb workshop in BAGHDAD.
20100807             1—POLICEMAN was shot dead at 1—CHECKPOINT in FALLUJAH.
20100807             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER killed 1—POLICEMAN and injured 3—OTHERS on foot patrol in MOSUL.
20100807—20100809    —PLUGGED, INDIA—AUTHORITIES, the fuel leak —AFTER some 500—TONS—OF—OIL had spewed into the Arabian Sea.
20101214080758       Schuldenatlas Wo die Milliarden DEUTSCHE—BANKEN stecken.htm
20110000—20140807    (unter schwarz gelb) STEUER—ZAHLERGEDENKTAGE
201102040807         THE—BBC—JON—LEYNE has been told by 1—RETIRED—EGYPT—GENERAL that the army is losing patience.
201102080724         Kairo, auf dem Platz der Befreiung
20110724—20110807    —NEEDED, THE—BILL—STILL, to be endorsed by PARLIAMENT and will likely be presented for debate at the next session.
20110804—20110807    —BY, oil had spread over 1—AREA—OF—7—NAUTICAL—MILES and cleanup efforts were underway.
20110807             —VOTED, CAPE—VERDE islanders, for 1—NEW—PRESIDENT—AS—PEDRO—PIRES wrapped up 2—TERMS at the helm of 1—NATION hailed for its stable democracy.
20110807             —FACED, His ruling party, 1—SPLIT vote.
20110807             1—RUN—OFF was scheduled for 00110821            .
20110807             Some 45,000 Verizon Communications INCORPORATED workers from MASSACHUSETTS to WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, went on strike —AFTER negotiations fizzled over 1—NEW—LABOR—CONTRACT for more than a 5. of the company's work force.
20110807             The company's revenue rose 2.8% to $27.5—BILLION in the 2. quarter.
20110807             † S—DIEGO police officer JEREMY—HENWOOD, —36—JAHRE—ALT —1—DAY—AFTER being shot in the face —WHILE sitting in his patrol car.
20110807             Suspect Dejon Marquee White (23) was fatally shot by police as he tried to avoid arrest.
20110807             † MARSHALL—GRANT, bassist in the original JOHNNY—CASH trio, in JONESBORO—ARKANSAS.
20110807             † HUGH—L—CAREY, FORMER—NEW—YORK GOVERNOR (19750000—19820000    ), at his shelter ISLAND —SUMMER home.
20110807             —BEFORE becoming GOVERNOR—CAREY spent —14—YEARS representing Brooklyn districts in THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES.
20110807             —ENDED, OHIO, 1—FAMILY—ARGUMENT outside AKRON, in the shooting deaths of 8—PEOPLE in 2—PLACES, including an —11—YEAR—OLD.
20110807             2—MORE—PEOPLE were wounded.
20110807             † MARK—HATFIELD, —89—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—OREGON GOVERNOR (19580000—19660000    ) and USA—SENATOR (19670000—19970000    ), in PORTLAND.
20110807             † TEXAS billionaire and philanthropist CHARLES—WYLY, —77—JAHRE—ALT—AFTER 1—CAR accident in WEST—COLORADO.
20110807             —DONATED, His family has, MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS to Republican causes and DALLAS arts projects.
20110807             He also was 1—FORMER—MEMBER—OF—1—WHITE—HOUSE—ADVISORY—COUNCIL for Management Improvement.
20110807             —ACCUSED, Last —SUMMER, THE—SEC, Wyly and his brother of using offshore havens to hide more than 1—HALF—BILLION dollars in profits over —13—YEARS—OF—INSIDER stock trading.
20110807             † NANCY—WAKE, —98—JAHRE—ALT, AUSTRALIA—GREATEST—WWII heroine, in LONDON.
20110807             NANCY—WAKE was a prominent figure in THE—FRANCE—RESISTANCE.
20110807             AFGHANISTAN, 2—FRANCE—FOREIGN—LEGION soldiers and 5—OTHERS were injured in 1—CLASH with insurgents in THE—NORTH—EAST—TAGAB valley.
20110807             —KILLED, They were among 4—NATO—TROOPS, in 2—SEPARATE—INSURGENT—ATTACKS.
20110807             Typhoon Muifa blew down power lines and billboards in THE—CHINA—FINANCIAL—HUB—OF—SHANGHAI and aimed at 1—NORTHEAST port city where beaches were closed and sandbags were piled on the waterfront.
20110807             —REPORTED, At least 1—DEATH was, with 1—PERSON missing.
20110807             —RUPTURED, DUBAI, water pipes, —DURING maintenance at THE—7—BUILDING Oceana complex on 1—OF—THE—ICONIC—PALM—ISLANDS, forcing residents to bath in the sea and head to the malls to use the restroom.
20110807             —KILLED, EGYPT, 1—COPTIC—CHRISTIAN was, and 4—MUSLIMS were wounded in clashes in THE—SOUTH—PROVINCE—OF—MINYA —AFTER clashes triggered by 1—ROAD—ACCIDENT.
20110807             —CLAIMED, INDIA—ARMY and police, they killed 1—PAKISTAN—COMMANDER—OF—LASHKAR E—TAIBA militants —DURING 1—GUNBATTLE in Poonch REGION—OF—KASHMIR.
20110807             1—INVESTIGATION found the dead man was 1—LOCAL—HINDU resident and mentally unsound.
20110807             1—SOLDIER and police officer were arrested and investigated for murder.
20110807             —KILLED, IRAQ, insurgents, at least 2—PEOPLE and wounded 11 in 1—OVERNIGHT bomb attack on the home of 1—SHIITE family in the mainly Sunni TOWN—OF—ISKANDIRIYAH.
20110807             —RECAPTURED, LIBYA—PRIME—MINISTER—BAGHDADI—MAHMUDI said government troops have, the strategic TOWN—OF—BIR Ghanam, SOUTH—WEST—OF—TRIPOLI, from rebel forces.
20110807             NEPAL, airports, hotels, restaurants, government offices and public transport became SMOKE—FREE under 1—NEW—LAW that went into effect —TODAY.
20110807             —OPENED, Rival PALESTINE—GROUPS—FATAH and Hamas, talks in EGYPT aimed at implementing 1—RECONCILIATION—AGREEMENT struck in May.
20110807             —DEMANDED, ABDULLAH—KING—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA, 1—STOP to Syria's "killing machine".
20110807             —VOTED, SAO—TOME and Principe, peacefully in the 2. round of 1—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION.
20110807             —ELECTED, Former strongman MANUEL—PINTO—DA—COSTA (75) was, back to power.
20110807             —BATTERED, Tropical Storm Muifa, SOUTH—KOREA with strong rain and winds leaving 4—PEOPLE—DEAD and 2—MISSING.
20110807             —KILLED, SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES, at least 59—PEOPLE including 42 in THE—EAST—CITY—OF—DEIR EL—ZOUR.
20110807             10—PEOPLE were reported shot dead in Idlib —WHILE taking part in 1—FUNERAL.
20110807             The 22-member Arab League, which had been silent —SINCE the uprising began, said it is "alarmed" by the situation in Syria and called for the immediate halt of all violence.
20110807             SAUDI—ARABIA said it is recalling its ambassador to Syria for consultations.
20110807             —SEIZED, SUDAN—SECURITY—FORCES, all the copies of AL—AHDATH newspaper from the printers, in the latest sign of 1—CLAMPDOWN on independent media in KHARTOUM.
20110807—19650000    —IN, Hatfield was the only USA GOVERNOR to vote against 1—RESOLUTION supporting PRESIDENT—JOHNSON—POLICY in VIETNAM.
20110807—20060000    —HELPED, CHARLES—WYLY had, his brother run their startup computer software company, UNIVERSITY—COMPUTING, and —LATER founded and led several other companies including arts and crafts retail chain Michaels Stores INCORPORATED, which was sold.
20110807—20110821    was scheduled for, 1—RUN—OFF, CAPE—VERDE—PRESIDENT—ELECTION.
20110807—20110822    —RETURNED, Workers, to work, despite not reaching 1—OVERALL—SETTLEMENT.
20110809             The trouble between Garga and the neighboring village of Nagaa Uweis began 20110807             —AFTER 1—FIGHT between 2—DRIVERS, 1—FROM Garga and the other from Nagaa Uweis, escalated into 1—GUNFIGHT.
20110829             —2—WEEKS 20110807             —PEOPLE were killed by landslides in THE—NORTH—EAST—KARAMOJA region.
20120118             —CHARGED, In Chic20120807             teens were, in the beating and robbery of a —17—YEAR—OLD—HIGH—SCHOOL—STUDENT in 1—INCIDENT that stemmed from 1—PREVIOUS—ALTERCATION last October.
20120316             —CLASHED, SYRIA—TROOPS, with army defectors in several areas near DAMASCUS in the 1. significant battles there —SINCE PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD—FORCES regained CONTROL—OF—THE—SUBURBS weeks 20120807             people were reported killed in overnight fighting in Dmeir and Qatana, also in THE—DAMASCUS region.
20120807             —VON, diesen NATUR—WISSENSCHAFTLICHEN Exzerpten her lässt sich nachvollziehen, wie MARX 18500101—18591231    —JAHREN—IN—DEN, den Formationsbegriff sozialwissenschaftlich drehte und den Neologismus "GESELLSCHAFTS—FORMATION"prägte, —DER—HEUTE zur Alltagssprache gehört.
20120807             —PLEADED, ARIZONA, JARED—LEE—LOUGHNER, guilty to 19—OF 49—CHARGES related to 20110108             —THE, shootings that killed 6—PEOPLE and wounded then REPRESENTATIVE—GABRIELLE—GIFFORDS and 12—OTHERS.
20120807             —REACHED, THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE, a $60—MILLION—SETTLEMENT with Pfizer for violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).
20120807             —AGREED, The government, not to seek the death penalty in the plea deal.
20120807             LOUISIANA, police found THE—BODY—OF—MICHAELA "Mickey" Shunick.
20120807             She had been last seen riding her bicycle from 1—FRIEND—HOUSE—EARLY 20120519             , days —BEFORE her 22. birthday.
20120807             —8—DAYS—LATER, the bike was found partially submerged in 1—SWAMPY area under 1—HIGHWAY—BRIDGE.
20120807             —REGISTERED, BRANDON—LAVERGNE, —33—JAHRE—ALT, 1, sex offender, has been charged with 1.—DEGREE murder and aggravated kidnapping in SHUNICK—DEATH.
20120807             —AGREED, NORTH—CAROLINA, Academi LLC, formerly knows as Blackwater, to pay $7.5—MILLION to settle FEDERAL—CRIME—CHARGES related to arms smuggling and other crimes.
20120807             —CONVICTED—OF, TEXAS, MARVIN—WILSON, —54—JAHRE—ALT, killing 1—POLICE—INFORMANT, was executed —AFTER THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT rejected arguments that he was too mentally impaired to qualify for the death penalty.
20120807             DreamWorks Animation said it plans to build a $3.2—BILLION "entertainment zone" in SHANGHAI, as THE—USA—FILM—GIANT seeks to bolster its presence in the booming CHINA—MARKET.
20120807             —DROPPED, Shares in Standard Chartered PLC, 22% sharply as investors reacted to USA—CHARGES that the bank was involved in laundering money for IRAN.
20120807             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—USA—SOLDIER was, —WHEN 2—INDIVIDUALS wearing AFGHANISTAN—NATIONAL—ARMY—UNIFORMS turned their weapons against ISAF service members in Paktia province.
20120807             9—CIVILIANS were killed in 1—ROADSIDE bomb explosion on the outskirts of KABUL.
20120807             1—SUICIDE—TRUCK—BOMB—ATTACK was launched against 1—NATO—BASE—SOUTH—OF—THE—CAPITAL.
20120807             1—FRANCE—SOLDIER and —AROUND 10—TALIBAN fighters were killed in 1—EARLY —MORNING ambush and subsequent firefight —DURING 1—JOINT—OPERATION with THE—AFGHANISTAN—ARMY in Kapisa province near KABUL.
20120807             —CHARGED, BAHRAIN authorities, 15—POLICEMEN with mistreating medics —DURING—LAST—YEAR—CRACKDOWN on opposition protesters.
20120807             1—INDEPENDENT—COMMISSION found 3—PROTESTERS were shot at close range.
20120807             BAHRAIN said in June that 3—POLICE—OFFICERS would be charged with murder.
20120807             Jessica Harper (50), former security CHIEF—OF—LLOYDS—BANKING—GROUP, pleaded guilty at Southwark Crown COURT—IN—LONDON to taking the money from her employers using false invoices over a —4—YEAR—PERIOD 20070000—20110000    —FROM—TO and then laundering the cash.
20120807             —IMMOLATED, CHINA, Dolkar Kyi (26), herself at Tso monastery in Kanlho prefecture (Gannan in Chinese), Gansu province, —AFTER chanting slogans calling for the return of the Dalai Lama.
20120807             —OPENED, EGYPT, gunmen, fire late this night on 3—SECURITY—CHECKPOINTS—AROUND EL—ARISH, THE—CAPITAL—OF—NORTH—SINAI province.
20120807             —STARTED, EGYPT—MILITARY in response, 1—JOINT—MILITARY—POLICE—GROUND—OPERATION in Sinai, backed by warplanes, to "restore stability and regain control" of the Sinai.
20120807             —SHOWED, ITALY, official government statistics, that the economy contracted by 0.7—PERCENT in the 2. quarter compared with the previous —3—MONTHS, shrinking for the 4. quarter in 1—ROW.
20120807             —EVACUATED, HUNDREDS—OF—TOURISTS, beach resorts along MEXICO—CARIBBEAN coast as Hurricane Ernesto headed toward landfall near MEXICO—BORDER with BELIZE.
20120807             It weakened to 1—TROPICAL—STORM—WHILE moving over land THE—NEXT—DAY.
20120807             NIGERIA, assailants shot at troops on patrol, sparking 1—EXCHANGE—OF—FIRE that left 2—SOLDIERS and 2—OF—THE—GUNMEN—DEAD in OKENE city.
20120807             —SUBMERGED, In THE—PHILIPPINES relentless rains, HALF—OF—MANILA, triggered 1—LANDSLIDE that killed 8—PEOPLE and sent emergency crews scrambling to rescue and evacuate tens of THOUSANDS—OF—RESIDENTS.
20120807             A 3,100 meter cable bridge to THE—ISLAND was the longest cable bridge in the world.
20120807             —KILLED, SENEGAL, at least 23—PEOPLE were, in 1—COLLISION between 1—BUS and 1—TRUCK—NEAR THE—TOWN—OF—KAFFRINE.
20120807             —FINED, THE—COMPETITION—TRIBUNAL—OF—SOUTH—AFRICA, Telkom, THE—1—TIME monopoly state telephone company, with a $54.8—MILLION—FINE over unfair competition.
20120807             —RECORDED, SOUTH—AFRICA—OFFICIALS, snowfall across EVERY—SOUTH—AFRICA—PROVINCE except Limpopo.
20120807             —SNOWED, SOUTH—AFRICA—WEATHER—SERVICE—RECORDS—SHOW it has, in JOHANNESBURG on only 22—OTHER—DAYS in the last —103—YEARS.
20120807             SYRIA, total of 225—PEOPLE, mostly civilians, were reported killed.
20120807             1—TURKEY—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL said 1,328 SYRIA—REFUGEES had crossed the border by midmorning, nearly double THE—NUMBER—OF—REFUGEES who reached TURKEY —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20120807             Standard Chartered: USA werfen BRITISCHER—BANK—GEHEIM—GESCHÄFTE—MIT—IRAN vor
20120807             KANAREN—INSEL: Brände verwüsten Lorbeerwälder von La Gomera
20120807             ARTEN—SCHUTZ, SOFTWARE erkennt Fledermäuse 1—IHREN Rufen
20120807             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS, "Großartige Epoche, um dumm zu sein"
20120807             EXTREMISMUS—DEBATTE: INNEN—MINISTERIUM prüft Demokratiebekenntnis für Sportler
20120807             —KRISEN—SITZUNG in MOSKAU: RUSSLAND sucht URSACHE—FÜR—TEURE Satellitenpanne
20120807             MARS—LANDUNG von "Curiosity": OBAMAs außerirdischer WAHL—KAMPF
20120807             ITALIENS—SOMMERMÄRCHEN: es lebe DIE—KRISE
20120807             EURO—KRISE, Wirtschaftsbosse WARNEN—VOR—SCHARFMACHERN
20120807             "Sollte irgendjemand ZWEIFEL—AN—DER—USA—FÜHRUNG im Weltall gehabt haben, —NUN, da gibt es dieses Stück AMERIKANISCHEN—ERFINDERGEISTS in Automobilgröße,
20120807             OHNE—POLITIK geht nichts im All.
20120807             Irgendwie scheint DAS—THEMA LEISTUNGS—SCHUTZ—RECHT der Regierung peinlich zu sein.
20120807             "So transparent DIE—NUTZER für GOOGLE sind, so intransparent ist DER—KONZERN, wenn es um eigene Interessen geht".
20120807             GOOGLE arbeitet subtiler, kauft keine Wahrheiten, sondern unterstützt jene, deren Überzeugungen den langfristigen Zielen des Konzerns in die Hände spielen".
20120807             "Man hätte —SCHON—VOR—500—JAHREN mit der Brit Mila aufhören sollen.
20120807             SÜD—DEUTSCHE—ZEITUNG,
20120807             —ERSCHIEN, Was als dreibändiges Werk, ist tatsächlich 1 in fast —20—JAHREN entstandener, ungeordneter MANUSKRIPTberg, den die MEGA 1.in authentischer Form präsentiert.
20120807             Außerdem belegt die Edition zum Beispiel, daß MARX für SEINE—CA—50—DRUCKSEITEN umfassende Artikelfolge über "REVOLUTIONary SPAIN"Bücher von 36—AUTOREN in 5—SPRACHEN las und 75-SEITEn Exzerpte anfertigte.
20120807             Allein im 2.BAND—DES—KAPITAL vornahm ENGELS 5.000—TEXTÄNDERUNGEN.
20120807             —BIS—ZUM, Abschluss der MEGA wird es noch 30—BIS —35—JAHRE dauern.
20120807             Schreiben für den Untergang
20120807             How APPLE and AMAZON SECURITY Flaws Led to My Epic Hacking
20120807             —IN—THE—SPACE—OF—1—HOUR, my entire digital life was destroyed.
20120807             1.my GOOGLE account was taken over, then deleted.
20120807             —COMPROMISED, Next my Twitter account was, and used as 1—PLATFORM to broadcast racist and homophobic messages.
20120807             And worst of all, my APPLEID account was broken into, and my hackers used it to remotely erase ALL—OF—THE—DATA on my iPhone, iPad, and MacBook.
20120807             MANY—WAYS, this was all my fault.
20120807             APPLE tech support gave the hackers access to my iCloud account.
20120807             It turns out, 1—BILLING address and the last 4—DIGITS—OF—1—CREDIT—CARD—NUMBER are the only 2—PIECES—OF—INFORMATION anyone needs to get into your iCloud account.
20120807             Spokeo, WhitePages, and PeopleSmart.
20120807             for example. And then there is APPLE. Nam Dang ? —9—HOURS—AGO
20120807             APPLE should patent "the method that enables hackers to remote wipe your data easily with only the last 4—DIGITS of your credit card number".
20120807             —NACH—DEM, trockensten —WINTER—SEIT —70—JAHREN ist DIE—ERDE in SPANIEN völlig ausgedörrt, die GEFAHR—VON—WALD—BRÄNDEN ist deshalb —IN—DIESEM—SOMMER noch größer als sonst.
20120807             —EINIGUNG—MIT—GAZPROM: E.on verdreifacht Gewinn
20120807             —URTEIL : KARLSRUHE stärkt WAHL—RECHT von Auslandsdeutschen
20120807             SCHULDEN—KRISE, ANLEGER setzen verstärkt auf Aktien
20120807             1—WEITERER TEIL—DES—WAHL—RECHTS ist für VERFASSUNGS—WIDRIG erklärt worden.
20120807             —BISLANG, DEUTSCHE, die im Ausland leben, mussten —3-MONATE am Stück in DER—BUNDES—REPUBLIK leben, um wählen zu dürfen.
20120807             DIE—FRIST sei unrechtmäßig, urteilten —NUN DIE—RICHTER—IN—KARLSRUHE.
20120807             Weil DIE—FRAUEN zur Klärung "einer allgemein bedeutsamen FRAGE—DES—WAHL—RECHTS beigetragen"haben, soll DER—BUND ihnen —NUN die Auslagen für DAS—VERFAHREN erstatten.
20120807             Rezession: ITALIEN—WIRTSCHAFT schrumpft und schrumpft
20120807             SECHSMONATS—PAPIERE: GRIECHENLAND leiht sich kurzfristig Geld
20120807             —APPELL aus dem BUNDES—TAG: DEUTSCHE—ABGEORDNETE fordern Milde für Pussy Riot
20120807             sagte JOHN—EDWARDS, DER—POLIZEI—CHEF—VON—OAK Creek.
20120807             "Wir müssen VIELE—INFORMATIONEN entschlüsseln".
20120807             DIE—POLIZEI bestätigte —BISHER, nur, daß Page FRÜHER SOLDAT war und 19980000             - offenbar nach 1—REIHE—VON—VERSTÖßEN—ENTLASSEN wurde.
20120807             Der, —40—JAHRE—ALTE diente zuletzt in FORT—BRAGG in NORTH—CAROLINA, in 1—EINHEIT für psychologische Operationen.
20120807             Er habe alles —BIS auf sein Motorrad verkauft und seine Heimat COLORADO verlassen, berichten DIE—WASHINGTON—POST und der Sender FOX—NEWS unter Berufung auf Pages altes Interview bei Label56.
20120807             GEORG—LUKÁCS - What is Orthodox Marxism?
20120807             LAND—WIRTSCHAFT, Insektizide belasten Gewässer an DEUTSCHEN—ÄCKERN
20120807             Fall Standard Chartered: SKANDALsommer für BRITANNIENs BANKEN
20120807             —STUDIE—ZU—FAHRZEUGKOSTEN: Autos verlieren schneller an Wert
20120807             EURO—GRUPPEN—CHEF—JUNCKER hält EURO—AUSTRITT der Griechen für beherrschbar
20120807             EZB—NOTHILFE: GRIECHEN—RETTUNG auf die krumme Tour
20120807             Teilzeit und Prekariat: Immer weniger Vollzeitjobs für junge Menschen (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 18:10)
20120807             ZWILLINGS—STUDIE, Neigung zur Ohnmacht liegt in den Genen
20120807             —KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN—ASSAD kündigt KAMPF—MIT—ALLER Härte an
20120807             [l] Zu dem APPLE—CLOUD—MEGAFAIL neulich gibt es —JETZT 1—AUTOPSIE.
20120807             Apple sagt natürlich, ihr Verfahren sei fundamental in Ordnung und hier sei bloß was schiefgelaufen, aber als Wired selber mal probiert hat, sind sie so auch durchgekommen.
20120807             Bei der Untersuchung von Standard Chartered förderte das DFS 1—AUFSCHLUSSREICHEN E—MAIL—WECHSEL zutage.
20120807             Selbst Politiker, die im BUNDES—TAG unter höchstem Zeitdruck die von DER—ANGELA—MERKEL—BUNDES—REGIERUNG ausgehandelten milliardenschweren Bürgschaften abnicken sollen, geben zu, dass
20120807             Das FORSCHER—TEAM um den UMWELTwissenschaftler Ralf SCHULZ verglich in 122—FÄLLEN die Insektizidmenge, die in Gewässern um die Äcker herum tatsächlich gemessen wurde,
20120807             DIE—MESSWERTE hätten in manchen Fällen die prognostizierten Mengen um das 10—BIS Tausendfache überschritten.
20120807             "—DERZEIT, kann aber so gut wie nicht kontrolliert werden, ob der Landwirt die Gewässerschutzvorgaben tatsächlich einhält", meint SCHULZ.
20120807             ALT—KANZLER—BEI—MAISCHBERGER: Schmidt rechnet mit EUROPAs Krisenmanagern ab
20120807             "Das wäre alles nicht so tragisch, wenn wir jemanden hätten in EUROPA, der 1—ÜBERBLICK über das GESAMT—PROBLEM hat", sagte der 93-Jährige.
20120807             Geräumtes Protestcamp in FRANKFURT: Occupy wird unsichtbar
20120807             PHILIPPINEN: Zehntausende fliehen vor den Fluten
20120807             Nationalpark Tongariro: VULKAN—AUSBRUCH hüllt NEUSEELANDs Nordinsel in Asche
20120807             Satelliten außer Kontrolle: Neuer Rückschlag für RUSSLANDs Raumfahrt
20120807             Faktor Mensch - So beklagte der EHEMALIGE—VIZE—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER den eklatanten MANGEL—AN—FACHPERSONAL.
20120807             Der RAUMFAHRT—INDUSTRIE fehle einerseits die komplette mittlere Generation der Facharbeiter, die in den neunziger —JAHREN dorthin gegangen sei, "wo DAS—GELD ist".
20120807             "Sollte irgendjemand ZWEIFEL—AN—DER—USA—FÜHRUNG im Weltall gehabt haben, —NUN, da gibt es dieses Stück AMERIKANISCHEN—ERFINDERGEISTS in Automobilgröße, das ZUR—ZEIT auf der MARS—OBERFLÄCHE steht", zitiert DIE—NEW—YORK—TIMES OBAMAs WISSENSCHAFTS—BERATER JOHN—HOLDREN.
20120807             beschäftigte er sich in 1—ARBEITSRAUSCH mit der Krise.
20120807             Selbst Politiker, die im BUNDES—TAG unter höchstem Zeitdruck die von DER—ANGELA—MERKEL—BUNDES—REGIERUNG ausgehandelten milliardenschweren Bürgschaften abnicken sollen, geben zu, daß sie die umfangreichen Papiere, die DIE—GRUND—LAGEN ihrer —ENTSCHEIDUNG bilden sollten, gar nicht mehr lesen können, geschweige denn verstehen.
20120807             Das FORSCHER—TEAM um den UMWELTwissenschaftler Ralf SCHULZ verglich in 122—FÄLLEN die Insektizidmenge, die in Gewässern um die Äcker herum tatsächlich gemessen wurde, mit den Werten, die im Zulassungsverfahren vorhergesagt worden waren.
20120807             Wie groß die Gesundheitsgefahr genau ist, lasse sich allerdings nur schwer sagen.
20120807             Last Updated: Appell aus dem BUNDES—TAG: DEUTSCHE—ABGEORDNETE fordern Milde für Pussy Riot (Politik, 15:06)
20120807—19921100    —CONVICTED—OF, Wilson was, murdering JERRY—WILLIAMS, —21—JAHRE—ALT, several days —AFTER police seized 24—GRAMS of cocaine from WILSON—APARTMENT and arrested him.
20120807—20061000    —IM, DER—CHEF—DES—AMERIKA GESCHÄFTS warnte DIE—ZENTRALE daß die IRAN—GESCHÄFTE 1 "katastrophalen Imageschaden"und STRAF—RECHTLICHE Konsequenzen nach sich ziehen könnten.
20120807—20061000    —IM, Darauf erreichte ihn 1—GEPFEFFERTE Antwort aus LONDON.
20120807—20061000    —IM, "Ihr verdammten USA—AMERIKANER.
20120807—20061000    —IM, Wer seid ihr, daß ihr dem Rest der Welt, verbieten wollt, mit den IRANern zu handeln", schrieb DER—CHEF—DES—RISIKOMANAGEMENTS.
20120807—20070600    —IN, The last snow fell there.
20120807—20090000    —COVERED, This, similar offences by Wyeth, which was acquired by Pfizer.
20120807—20150000    —BIS, gesichert.DIE—FINANZIERUNG im Rahmen des Akademieprogramms ist
20130612             Mit welcher Agressivität DIE—REGIERUNG—GEGEN—WHISTLE—BLOWER und überhaupt gegen Kritiker vorgeht, weiß man spätestens —SEIT—DEM, SELBST—MORD—VON—AARON—SWA16/EIN—DIKTATOREN—FREUND—ALS—KONKURRENT—RATZINGERS) 201108071741 Papstwahl
20130612             Mit welcher Agressivität DIE—REGIERUNG gegen WHISTLE—BLOWER und überhaupt gegen Kritiker vorgeht, weiß man spätestens —SEIT—DEM, Selbstmord von AARON—SWA16/EIN—DIKTATOREN—FREUND—ALS—KONKURRENT—RATZINGERS) 201108071741 Papstwahl 20050000             es hätte schlimmer kommen können"
20130807             DIE—GEMEINSAME Fernmeldeaufklärung von NSA und BND im bayerischen BAD—AIBLING finde auf GRUND—LAGE 1—ABKOMMENS (MEMORANDUM—OF—AGREEMENT) vom 20020428             statt, ergänzte Streiter.
20130807             —REFLECTED, The decision, both USA—ANGER over RUSSIA—HARBORING of National Security Agency leaker EDWARD—SNOWDEN and growing frustration within THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION over what it sees as MOSCOW—STUBBORNNESS on other key issues, including missile defense and human rights.
20130807             —UPDATED, THE—USA, sanctions on MYANMAR to maintain 1—BAN on importing rubies and jade amid 1—RELAXATION—OF curbs on USA—TRADE with THE—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—NATION.
20130807             —DECLARED, ARKANSAS—BASED TYSON—FOODS—INC, it would no longer accept cattle that had been fed the most popular brand of the feed additive, called Zilmax, 1—POWERFUL and FAST—SELLING product from pharmaceutical company Merck & Co.
20130807             DENVER, at the National CATTLEMEN—BEEF—ASSOCIATION—CONFERENCE, meat producer JBS USA presented 1—VIDEO showing short CLIPS—OF—COWS struggling to walk and displaying other signs of distress.
20130807             It was shown as PART—OF—1—PANEL—DISCUSSION on the pros and cons of using 1—CLASS—OF—DRUGS known as BETA—AGONISTS—THE additives fed to cattle in the weeks —BEFORE slaughter to add up to 30—POUNDS to bodyweight and reduce fat content in the meat.
20130807             —AMBUSHED, AFGHANISTAN, the Taliban, 1—CONVOY—OF—1—FEMALE—AFGHANISTAN—SENATOR, seriously wounding her in the attack and killing her —8—YEAR—OLD—DAUGHTER and 1—BODYGUARD in the Muqur DISTRICT—OF—GAZNI province.
20130807             —WOUNDED, SENATOR—ROUH—GUL—KHIRZAD—HUSBAND, son and another daughter were also, in the attack.
20130807             —SENTENCED, He had been, to —7—YEARS in jail —WHILE on the run and was detained in WEST—LONDON under 1—EUROPEAN arrest warrant.
20130807             —FINED, CHINA, 6—COMPANIES, including Mead JOHNSON—NUTRITION—CO, Danone and NEW—ZEALAND dairy giant Fonterra, 1—TOTAL—OF $110—MILLION —FOLLOWING 1—INVESTIGATION into price fixing and ANTI—COMPETITIVE—PRACTICES by foreign baby formula makers.
20130807             1—NEW—GOVERNMENT—OF technocrats appointed by THE—LEFT—LEANING CZECH—REPUBLIC—PRESIDENT lost 1—PARLIAMENTARY—CONFIDENCE—VOTE, leaving the country stuck in 1—POLITICAL—CRISIS.
20130807             TEGUCIGALPA—HONDURAS, EDWIN—MEJIA, —15—JAHRE—ALT shot and killed traffic officer SANTOS Arita (42) —AFTER he and gang PARTNER—EDUARDO—AGUILERA, —15—JAHRE—ALT were stooped for illegally riding tandem on 1—STOLEN motorcyle.
20130807             Aguilera was soon caught and beaten to death by police.
20130807             Mejia was also beaten and faced trial.
20130807             IRAQ, 1—ROADSIDE bomb struck 1—POLICE—PATROL in MOSUL, killing 3—POLICEMEN and wounding 2—OTHERS.
20130807             —MISSED, Another bomb in MOSUL, 1—POLICE—CONVOY but killed 1—CIVILIAN—PASSER—BY and wounded 2—OTHERS.
20130807             —ATTACHED, —LATER, 1—BOMB, to 1—CAR killed 2—PEOPLE in Musayyib.
20130807             —ATTACKED, Gunmen, on 1—POLICEMAN—HOME in Tikrit killing the policeman, his wife, 2—SONS and 1—DAUGHTER.
20130807             —GATHERED, As people, car bomb parked about 10—METERS away exploded, killing 8—PEOPLE and wounding 30.
20130807             ISRAEL gave preliminary approval for THE—CONSTRUCTION—OF—MORE than 800—NEW—HOMES in Jewish settlements on occupied WEST—BANK—LAND where Palestinians seek statehood.
20130807             —ALLOWED, ITALY, 102—MIGRANTS who were stranded on 1—TANKER in the Mediterranean to disembark on the Sicilian coast —AFTER MALTA refused them entry —FOR—3—DAYS despite EUROPEAN—UNION—CALLS for it to help on humanitarian grounds.
20130807             JAPAN—OFFICIALS said highly radioactive water from the crippled FUKUSHIMA nuclear plant was pouring out at 1—RATE—OF—300—TONS —1—DAY.
20130807             —ORDERED, PRIME—MINISTER—SHINZO—ABE, the government to step in and help in THE—CLEAN—UP.
20130807             1—FIRE engulfed KENYA—JOMO—KENYATTA—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT, forcing the indefinite suspension of INTERNATIONAL passenger flights and choking 1—VITAL—TRAVEL—GATEWAY to EAST—AFRICA.
20130807             1. responders looted electronics, 1—BANK and 1—ATM —DURING and —AFTER the blaze.
20130807             —WOUNDED, 1—EXPLOSION at the border with LEBANON, 4—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS.
20130807             THE—LEBANON—ARMY said the troops were 400—METERS inside LEBANON—TERRITORY—WHEN the blast occurred.
20130807             The area was known for having land mines.
20130807             NORTH—KOREA said it is lifting 1—BAN on operations at 1—JOINTLY run factory park shuttered —SINCE PYONGYANG pulled out its 53,000 workers —IN—APRIL amid tensions with SOUTH—KOREA.
20130807             —AGREED, The rivals, to meet —NEXT—WEEK for talks meant to restart the complex.
20130807             —PLANTED, SOUTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—BOMB, outside 1—SHOPPING center killed a —13—YEAR—OLD—GIRL and wounded over 20—PEOPLE in Mastung district, Baluchistan province.
20130807             1—BOMB—BLAST that appeared to be targeting 1—PROVINCIAL—GOVERNMENT—MINISTER killed 11—PEOPLE—BEFORE dawn at 1—SOCCER field in KARACHI.
20130807             —KILLED, SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES, at least 62—REBELS in 1—AMBUSH—NEAR—DAMASCUS, 1—BLOW to opposition fighters confronting 1—REGIME—OFFENSIVE in the capital.
20130807             In the north 1—MISSILE struck THE—REBEL—HELD CITY—OF—RAQQA, killing 3—PEOPLE and wounding dozens including children.
20130807             —CAPTURED, Kurdish gunmen, about 70—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS who fled the air base of Mannagh in THE—NORTH—PROVINCE—OF—ALEPPO.
20130807             TANZANIA—SEMI—AUTONOMOUS—ZANZIBAR, region men riding 1—MOTORBIKE threw acid at 2—UK—TEENAGE—GIRLS, —18—JAHRE—ALT in leaving them with facial, chest and back injuries.
20130807             The girls had been volunteering at 1—LOCAL—SCHOOL in ZANZIBAR.
20130807             —FUELED, Activists said his work has, the slaughter of more than 10,000 elephants dating back to the 1970s.
20130807             —KILLED, SOUTH—YEMEN, 1—USA—DRONE, 7 suspected al Qaeda militants, —1—DAY—AFTER USA and UK—EMBASSIES evacuated SOME—STAFF because of growing FEARS—OF—ATTACKS.
20130807             NEW—YORK—DIE—USA—REGIERUNG hat DIE—BANK—OF—AMERICA WEGEN ihrer Hypothekengeschäfte VOR—2007—VERKLAGT.
20130807             Hintergrund der Proteste ist die ERMORDUNG—DES—OPPOSITIONS—POLITIKER—MOHAMMED—BRAHMI am ;;0725;;.
20130807             Unglücklicherweise werde in TUNESIEN JEDES—MAL, wenn etwas Tragisches passiere, —NACH—DEM STURZ—DER—REGIERUNG und des PARLAMENTs gerufen.
20130807             DIE—ZUNEHMENDE ISLAMisierung steht vielen Tunesiern —BIS oben, es gibt viel SALAFISTENGEWALT—GEGEN—NORMALE BÜRGER, die hier überhaupt nicht in DIE—NACHRICHTEN kommt —, —NUN folgt das, was wir hier auch nach der Wiedervereinigung hatten: FRÜHER war's doch gar nicht so schlecht, unter BEN—ALI gab's sogar mehr Freiheit und vor allem Geld und Arbeit.
20130807             Strahlendes Grundwasser: Regierung ordnet SOFORT—MAßNAHMEN für AKW FUKUSHIMA an
20130807             DAS—LAND müsse dem ENERGIE—KONZERN TOKYO Electric Power (Tepco) seine Hilfe anbieten, sagte 1—REGIERUNGS—SPRECHER —AM—MITTWOCH.
20130807             —ERST—ANFANG—DER—WOCHE hatte Tepco zugeben müssen, daß die GEGEN—MAßNAHMEN der Firma wenig helfen.
20130807             Das BEWUSSTSEIN für DIE—KRISE sei bei Tepco nur gering ausgeprägt, sagte Kinjo.
20130807             —VERWENDET, DIE—GELDER könnten dazu, werden, den BODEN in der Umgebung des AKW einzufrieren, um zu verhindern, daß Grundwasser in die Reaktorgebäude laufe.
20130807             erstaunlich laxe BERICHT—ERSTATTUNG weltweit.
20130807             Das erinnert an Tschernobyl wo DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG EUROPAs von ihren jeweiligen Regierungen bewusst nicht vollständig über die Strahlungsmenge informiert wurde.
20130807             VOGEL—GRIPPE: Neues Indiz für MENSCH—ZU—MENSCH—ANSTECKUNG
20130807             —ANGRIFF—AUF—PKW—SOFTWARE: Hacker —STEUERN Autos fern
20130807             —REDUZIERT, Strafmaß für WIKILEAKS—INFORMANTEN: Richterin, mögliche HÖCHSTSTRAFE—FÜR—MANNING
20130807             PREIS—ABSPRACHEN, CHINA verhängt Millionenstrafen gegen MILCHPULVER—HERSTELLER
20130807             —REAKTION—AUF—ROHAN1—REDE: NETANJAHU will DRUCK—AUF—IRAN erhöhen
20130807             VERHALTENS—FORSCHUNG, Das erstaunliche Gedächtnis der Delfine
20130807             Liquidierungen im JEMEN, USA—DROHNE tötet 6—MUTMAßLICHE EXTREMISTEN
20130807             SICHERHEITS—LÜCKE: Windows Phone verrät W—LAN—ZUGANGS—DATEN
20130807             Überhöhte PREISE, Auch JP—MORGAN wird wegen ALUMINIUM—WUCHERS verklagt
20130807             Delfine können sich noch nach mehr als —20—JAHREN an EHEMALIGE—GEFÄHRTEN erinnern.
20130807             Signaturpfiffe sind so etwas wie die Namen von Delfinen.
20130807             DIE—ERGEBNISSE der —STUDIE deuteten darauf hin, daß die Großen Tümmler über recht weit entwickelte geistige Fähigkeiten verfügten, vergleichbar etwa mit Menschen oder Schimpansen.
20130807             DIE—ZUFÄLLIGEN UMWELTveränderungen der letzten 3—ODER 4.000.—000—JAHRE und DIE—EVOLUTION machten uns zu dem, was wir sind: Altweltaffen mit hohen kognitiven Fähigkeiten.
20130807             1—RICHTERIN hat —NUN die màstand, geht dem mit VERSTAND unbewaffneten
20130807             "Bewußt"-SEIN—PROPAGANDA—FÖRDERLICH verloren.
20130807             Und damit ist auch der Mechanismus der Lüge aufgedeckt.
20130807             U - "SELBST"?
20130807             —VERGESSEN, Bitte nicht : MANNING hat sich in vielen Anklagepunkten selbst für Schuldig befunden.
20130807             Ja, wie einst MITTELALTER—IM die Hexen.
20130807             Daß DAHINTER 1—DEAL stand, geht dem mit VERSTAND unbewaffneten
20130807             Und bei Herrn COLIN—POWELL[SHABBAS GOY]funktionierte es umgekehrt, oder so.
20130807             Der hat die original gar NICHT—EXISTIERENDEN "Beweise"in der UNO
20130807             "veröffentlicht"und ist —JETZT mit 1—SCHLECHTEN Gewissen bestraft.
20130807             Hat doch was, nicht wahr, IHR PHARISÄER ;-( - DIE—SOLDATEN dachten
20130807             Der Schutz, den die Hersteller eingebaut haben, lasse sich bei Autos praktisch aller MASSEN—HERSTELLER binnen —SEKUNDEN knacken, heißt es.
20130807             DIE—HACKER brauchen nur 1—PAAR —MINUTEN mit 1—AUTO —, —SCHON können sie eigene STEUERsignale einspeisen.
20130807             Sie beinflussten bei 1—AUTO bei voller Fahrt die Bremsenfunktion.
20130807             PEKING—FORSCHER habe neue Hinweise darauf GEFUNDEN, daß sich Menschen untereinander mit der tödlichen VOGEL—GRIPPE H7N9 angesteckt haben.
20130807             —VERSUCHT, Leno seinerseits, —ERST 1—WITZ—ER könne —JETZT mal persönlich mit OBAMA sprechen, sonst habe der ja nur Einblicke in Lenos E—MAILS und TELEFONATE—DANN geht's los.
20130807             Weiter mit NSA—INFORMANT EDWARD—SNOWDEN, über dessen Freundin Leno nebenbei noch zu bemerken weiß, daß sie 1 "Stripperin"sei.
20130807             Nächster Punkt auf Lenos —LISTE, RUSSLAND, das SNOWDEN temporäres Asyl gegeben und ihn NICHT—AN—DIE—USA ausgeliefert hat.
20130807             OBAMA sagt —NUN in der "Tonight Show"- es ist seine 1. öffentliche Äußerung in dieser Sache -, daß diese aktuelle Gefahr trotz aller Fortschritte, die man —BEREITS gemacht habe, an den "radikalen, gewaltbereiten Extremismus"erinnere, den es "da draußen"eben weiterhin gebe.
20130807             Und: Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, durch 1—TERROR—ATTACKE zu sterben, sei deutlich geringer als durch 1—AUTO—UNFALL zu Tode zu kommen.
20130807             Den Besuch... - bei Leno würde ich OBAMA —JETZT mal positiv anrechnen.
20130807             OBAMA macht SHOW—PROGAMM für die SPÄH—AFFÄRE.
20130807             Soll er doch lachen! Was soll`s, soll er doch lachen.
20130807             Reisewarnung für USA—BÜRGER
20130807             Bei der letzten Reisewarnung für USA—BÜRGR, die "für DIE—GANZE—WELT"galt, traute sich immerhin der "MIAMI—HERALD"noch, zu bemerken, daß diese Warnung auch zuhause das eigene Klo einschliesse.
20130807             DAS—PROBLEM: DIE—USA—AMIS ticken komplett anders
20130807             hier ist DAS—PROBLEM: DIE—USA—AMIS ticken komplett anders
20130807             hier ist DAS—PROBLEM: hier ist DAS—PROBLEM: s.O. - Ansonsten gebe ich Ihnen viel RECHT.
20130807             —AMERIKANISIERT, Verstehen Sie aber auch, daß die heutigen DEUTSCHEN sehr, sind.
20130807             1—ORDENTLICHE Analyse, die zu 1—SYNTHESE (eigene Meinung) führt, kann man da nicht gut erwarten.;-)
20130807             DIE—USA—AMIS BASHEN komplett anders
20130807             Gekürzter Newsfeed: Wie FACEBOOK filtert
20130807             IFO—WIRTSCHAFTSKLIMA: Stimmung in DER—EURO—ZONE steigt deutlich
20130807             —REKORDWERT: Jugendämter nehmen mehr als 40.000—JUGENDLICHE in Obhut
20130807             NSA—ÜBERWACHUNG: Pirat erstattet Anzeige
20130807             —GESCHEITERT, Vermittlungsgespräche : ÄGYPTENs neue MACHT—HABER drohen der Muslimbruderschaft
20130807             —VORMARSCH—DER—EXTREMISTEN: Salafisten unterwerfen TUNESIENs heilige Stadt
20130807             Der SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEINISCHE LAND—TAG—ABGEORDNETE WOLFGANG—DUDDA hat —AM—MONTAG Strafanzeige gegen unbekannt eingereicht.
20130807             es gehöre dem BRITISCHEN—PROVIDER Level 3—UND laufe über Sylt, dort gebe es vermutlich 1—STATION.
20130807             Damit sei die örtliche Zuständigkeit DER—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT und auch DER—GRUND vorhanden, mit Ermittlungen zu beginnen.
20130807             KAIROUAN, hat es Tradition, daß sich FASTEN—VERWEIGERER im Ramadan diskret zurückziehen, um gegen das Gebot zu verstoßen, sagt 1—DER Taxifahrer.
20130807             "DIE—SALAFISTEN schicken Schlägertrupps los.
20130807             KAIROUAN - wurde 670—VON den NORD—AFRIKA erobernden ARABERn GEGRÜNDET, von hier aus missionierten sie die gesamte Südküste des MITTELMEERs.
20130807             In ganz NORD—AFRIKA sind DIE—HARD—LINER auf dem Vormarsch.
20130807             TUNESIEN, soll es nach Schätzungen des MINISTERIUM—FÜR—RELIGION 10.000—GEWALTBEREITE DSCHIHADISTEN geben.
20130807             —EVOLUTION: Biologen lösen NEUNAUGEN—RÄTSEL
20130807             S.P.O.N. - Umstrittene RÜSTUNGS—DEALS: DEUTSCHE—WAFFEN—EXPORTE in DIE—GOLF—STAATEN boomen
20130807             Leben in TERRORländern: Ab in den Panikraum!
20130807             EKLAT um SNOWDEN—ASYL: OBAMA sagt TREFFEN—MIT—PUTIN ab
20130807             WASHINGTON/MOSKAU—BARACK—OBAMA fliegt zwar am 5. und;;0906;;
20130807             DIE—USA und RUSSLAND sind sich beispielsweise auch im Umgang mit dem SYRIEN—BÜRGER—KRIEG UNEINIG—WÄHREND WASHINGTON DIE—REBELLEN unterstützt, steht MOSKAU der Regierung nahe.
20130807             Zur Unterstützung SNOWDENs kündigte der RUSSISCHE—SENATOR—RUSLAN—GATTAROW —UNTERDESSEN ,1 INTERNETkampagne an, um Geld für den FRÜHEREN—USA—GEHEIM—DIENST—MIT—ARBEITER zu sammeln.
20130807             ich bin überrascht - das es nicht WELT—WEIT umgekehrt ist.
20130807             nichts anderes, als innenpolitisches Kalkül.
20130807             So 1—ENTSCHEIDUNG ist nichts anderes, als innenpolitisches Kalkül.
20130807             PUTIN hat das gute RECHT, SNOWDEN Asyl zu gewähren.
20130807             OBAMA setzt sich für Homosexuelle ein? Auch in SAUDI—ARABIEN?
20130807             WETTER—RARITÄT: Satellitenfilm zeigt Ursprung der HITZE—WELLE
20130807             Teure Förderung: Sonnenreicher;;07;;treibt ÖKO—STROMUMLAGE in die Höhe
20130807             GRENZ—STREIT, Rajoy wirft GIBRALTAR inakzeptables Verhalten vor
20130807             —NACH, der VERURTEILUNG: —CHEF—DER—REGIERUNGSPARTEI fordert BERLUSCONIs Rückzug
20130807             DATEN—WEITERGABE des BND: Regierung macht STEINMEIER für NSA—KO—OPERATION verantwortlich
20130807             STEINMEIER selbst bezeichnete die Vorhaltungen als "jämmerlich".
20130807             Der heutige SPD—FRAKTION—CHEF—HABE die Grundsatzentscheidung dazu getroffen, sagte der stellvertretende REGIERUNGS—SPRECHER GEORG—STREITER —AM—MITTWOCH in BERLIN.
20130807             "Dieses Dokument ist —HEUTE—BIS DIE—GRUND—LAGE für DIE—ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT zwischen BND und NSA in BAD—AIBLING.
20130807             DER—BND hatte —AM—SCHON, —SAMSTAG mitgeteilt, DIE—ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT—MIT—DER—NSA in BAD—AIBLING basiere auf 1—VEREINBARUNG
20130807             —SCHON - STEINMEIER reagierte kurze Zeit —SPÄTER.
20130807             Verarschen kann ich mich selbst...
20130807             —ZWISCHEN KO—OPERATION und Missbrauch ist doch wohl noch 1 Unterschied.
20130807             WAHL—KAMPF - SENSATION
20130807             Sensationell, BUNDES—REGIERUNG unter KANZLERIN—MERKEL entdeckt nach —8—JAHREN den GEHEIM—DIENST!
20130807             Huch...wer hat denn da DIE—VERANTWORTUNG? DAS—INTERNET vergisst nichts
20130807             Man muss nur nach Stichworten wie "VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG, Onlinedurchsuchung, Bundestrojaner, Websperren, Volkszählung, etc.
20130807             Selbst das ginge rein logisch nicht.
20130807             —DENN, wer bewacht dann die Bewacher bzw.
20130807             100 % Sicherheit gibt es tatsächlich nur bei 0 % Menschheit.
20130807             An ihrer Redlichkeit sollt ihr die erkennen... - Verantwortung
20130807             —VON, allen Parteispitzen wird DIE—VERANTWORTUNG entschieden abgelehnt.
20130807             TERROR—WARNUNGEN, USA sollen QAIDA—KONFERENZSCHALTE abgehört haben
20130807             1—USWEB—SITE berichtet —NUN, DER—GEHEIM—DIENST habe 1—KONFERENZSCHALTE—VON—20—TOP—TERRORISTEN abgehört.
20130807             es klingt reichlich abenteuerlich.
20130807             Diese Konferenzschalte soll der Auslöser für die AMERIKANISCHEN—TERROR—WARNUNGEN gewesen sein.
20130807             Das Medium ist keine Satireseite.
20130807             "es war wie 1—TREFFEN der BRUDERSCHAFT—DER—VERDAMMNIS", erzählte 1—USA—GEHEIM—DIENSTLER.
20130807             Selbst recht unbekannte Gruppen wie AL—QAIDA in USBEKISTAN beziehungsweise solche, die —ERST noch im Entstehen sind, wie AL—QAIDA auf der SINAI—HALBINSEL, seien dabei gewesen, erzählen DIE—USA—GEHEIM—DIENSTLER.
20130807             DIE—TERROR—WARNUNGEN der USA haben bei vielen —EXPERTEN Fragen aufgeworfen.
20130807             Das sind erstaunlich viele, verteilt über 1—WEITE Region.
20130807             DER—BERICHT—ÜBER DIE—KONFERENZSCHALTE mit dem guten Dutzend TERROR—CHEFS aus aller Welt könnte —NUN erklären, warum 1—SOLCHE große ZAHL—VON—BOTSCHAFTEN in so verschiedenen Ländern betroffen ist.
20130807             Wie kann es sein, daß QAIDA—CHEF—SAWAHIRI Konferenzschalten mit den Regionalablegern hält und ihnen Anweisungen erteilt?
20130807             Auch die aktuelle —ENTSCHEIDUNG DER—USA—REGIERUNG, öffentlich die Schließung so vieler Vertretungen zu verkünden, erscheint fragwürdig.
20130807             WASHINGTON wollte wohl mit allen Mitteln 1—WEITEREN Fall wie Bengasi vermeiden, wo 20120000             DER—USA—BOTSCHAFTER bei 1—STURM aufs KONSULAT ums Leben kam.
20130807             NSA damage control
20130807             —EXPLODIERT, Diese ganzen Meldungen von wegen nasse Kleidung, die, wenn sie trocknet, OBAMA redet nicht mehr mit PUTIN, AL—QAIDA—TERROR—WARNUNG für Botschaften, TERROR—KONFERENZ usw.
20130807             r. - Was für AL—QUAIDA—FÜHRER denn?
20130807             Wie bloedsinnig das ganze ist kann man
20130807             mal von der technischen Seite aus betrachten. Ist —SCHON erstaunlich
20130807             was man alles rausfindet, aber —ERST—SEIT—DEM, DIE—GRENZENLOSE Bürgerüberwachung public wurde.
20130807             Belege?
20130807             BeHauptungen von Politikern und GEHEIM—DIENSTLERN, die nicht mit nachprüfbaren Belegen fundiert sind, sollten mit Vorsicht genossen und von kritischen Journalisten auch als BeHauptungen ausgewiesen werden.
20130807             Und weshalb reden USA—BEAMTE mit Journalisten über solch brisante Informationen?
20130807             Na ja in diesem Forum glaubt das wohl niemand, aber was ist mit den restlichen 95—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG?
20130807             "DIE—MENSCHEN sind frei, frei, frei, auch wenn sie in Ketten geboren sind"FRIEDRICH—SCHILLER.
20130807             Dialektik - Klingt wie 1—KONFERENZSCHALTUNG des Aufsichtsrats von TERROR Incorporated.
20130807             Ablenkungs/Rechtfertigungsmanoever
20130807             —NUN, man ist auf gutem Wege dorthin.
20130807             Geschenkt, es gibt dutzende Anbieter die VoIP und VK Dienste online anbieten, diese sind ueberwiegend kostenlos und können mit wegwerfaccounts gefuettert werden.
20130807             KANZLERIN—MERKEL lässt BERICHT—ÜBER Rückzug dementieren
20130807             —BESCHLAGNAHMT, Elfenbeinschmuggel in HONGKONG: ZOLL, Stoßzähne im MILLIONEN—WERT
20130807             DDR—ZITATE über MERKEL: OST—MINISTER—PRÄSIDENTEN kritisieren Steinbrück
20130807             Medienwandel, USA—MAGAZINE verli 10—IM Kioskverkauf 10 %
20130807             Angebliche BESTECHUNG—VON—JÖRG—HAIDER: EX—CHEFS der BAYERNLB müssen vor Gericht
20130807             Schulden zurückbezahlt: UNGARN ist quitt mit dem IWF
20130807             H7N9: —FORSCHER wollen VIRUS für Tests aggressiver machen
20130807             HIRN—FORSCHUNG, Computer enträtselt Sehsinn von Mäusen und Fliegen
20130807             —KRITISIERT, Entlassung aus Psychiatrie: Mollath, MINISTERIN—MERK
20130807             OBAMA vs.
20130807             CYBER—ATTACKEN—IN—DEUTSCHLAND: 25%million Identitäten in —3—MONATEN geklaut
20130807             —VERLIERT, TSCHECHIEN: Regierung, Vertrauensabstimmung
20130807             —JETZT, können sich DIE—SCHWEDEN freuen.
20130807             Aus OBAMAs Sicht mag sich die verfahrene Lage so darstellen: Beim AMTS—ANTRITT 20090000             hat er 1—NEUANFANG mit RUSSLAND versucht, mit Medwedew lief es ganz ordentlich, dann aber ließ ihn PUTIN 1—UMS andere Mal auflaufen.
20130807             Kurzfristig und innenpolitisch könnte diese KONFRONTATIONS—STRATEGIE sogar beiden NUTZEN—SOWOHL OBAMA als auch PUTIN.
20130807             —ZUDEM, geht natürlich trotz der GIPFEL—ABSAGE DIE—ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT weiter.
20130807             ich bin gerade in RUSSLAND
20130807             und bin geschockt! Supermaerkte mit 1—ANGEBOT was ich im Westen noch nie sah!
20130807             Wohlstand, Reichtum, und vor allem freundliche Menschen.
20130807             —ANGENOMMEN, Nur mal, PUTIN liefert SNOWDEN—AN—DIE—USA aus.
20130807             sagte Mollath im INTERVIEW—MIT—DER SÜD—DEUTSCHE—ZEITUNG.
20130807             Mollath kündigte —NUN in der SZ an, um seine Ehre und seinen Ruf zu kämpfen.
20130807             —ZUDEM, forderte der nach —7—JAHREN entlassene Mann bessere Kontrollmechanismen in der Psychiatrie.
20130807             Hätte Mollath die Therapien bzw.
20130807             Warum machen die zahlreichen Schreihälse, die —DERZEIT, in den Kommentarspalten ihrer Empörung (und meist auch ihrer Ahnungslosigkeit) freien Lauf lassen, nicht ernst und kontrollieren die Justiz?
20130807             "Der gerichtlich bestellte Sachverständige attestierte Mollath — nach Aktenlage — 1—PARANOIDES Gedankensystem.
20130807             was mich etwas stört in der ganzen Diskussion ist, daß DER—BGH - NAZI—RICHTER—UND—STAATSANWÄLTE
20130807             es ist gemeinhin bekannt, daß kein einziger NAZI—RICHTER und kein einziger noch so grausame NAZI—STAATS—ANWALT jemals für das menschenverachtende und mordende Verhalten belangt wurden
20130807             Eigenständig waren ERNST—FRAENKELS—THESE vom "Doppelstaat" und FRANZ—NEUMANNS—THESE vom totalitären "NICHT—STAAT".
20130807             Substanz 1—JUSTIZ
20130807             Emotional kann die Abwicklung des Herrn Mollath in der GESELLSCHAFT zu schwierigen Entwicklungen führen.
20130807             Wieso darf z.B. - "Mollath
20130807             ist 1—DER schillerndsten in 1—MEER von Einzelfällen.
20130807             SACHEN, Hoeneß. - Ich weiß auch nicht, warum Spon nicht darüber berichtete, aber anscheinend ist die HOENEß—NUMMER doch wohl erheblich größer als angenommen.
20130807             Sie glauben das sowas nur in BAYERN möglich ist?
20130807             Sondergesetze, "Diagnosen und "Gutachten"
20130807             Das stimmt! Und zwar so, daß gemäß UN—BEHINDERTENRECHTSKONVENTION ALLE _psychiatrischen Sondergesetze_, oder doch zumindest die den Zwang legalisierenden Teile daraus, ersatzlos gestrichen werden.
20130807             —ÜBERSPANNT, Der Bogen ist, und das haben.....
20130807             Hallo broderlein.....und das haben deutlich beschrieben.
20130807             —BEHERRSCHT, Wir werden auf allen Ebenen von 1—JUNTA der Parteien
20130807             Was uns DIE—MEDIEN verschweigen und verschweigen müssen, dient nur der beherrschung und MANIPULATION des Wählerwillens, ja der ganzen Bevölkerung.
20130807             Selbstmorde - und selbstzerstümmelung habe ich in meiner ZEIT—IN—DER Psychiatrie erleben müssen, wo das Klinikpersonal verantwortlich ist.
20130807             —JAHR 2006!: HVB gibt Mithilfe bei STEUER—HINTERZIEHUNG zu
20130807             PRO—JAHR gibt in DEUTSCHLAND über 200.000—ZWANGSEINWEISUNGEN in die Psychartrie.
20130807             Ach du Schande!! Bin ich der einzige, dem dabei die Kinnlade runterfällt?
20130807             Das menschliche GEHIRN BESITZT—CA——NERVENZELLEN, und jede einzelne besitzt im Durchschnitt 10000000             Verknüpfungen zu anderen ZELLEN—DAS macht insgesamt 100—BILLIONEN.
20130807             "1—NÄCHSTER Schritt könnte die Landkarte  10—GEHIRN SEIN—IN 10—ODER —20—JAHREN", sagt auch MPI—FORSCHER  Borst.
20130807             DIE—ZUFÄLLIGEN UMWELTveränderungen der letzten 3.000.—000—JAHRE oder 4.000.—000—JAHRE und
20130807             1—RICHTERIN hat —NUN die mögliche HÖCHST—STRAFE reduziert: von 136—AUF —90—JAHRE.
20130807             Linds Ansicht nach seien EINIGE—DER—SPIONAGEVORWÜRFE, die MANNING zur Last gelegt werden, Ergebnis 1—UND derselben Handlung gewesen.
20130807             1—GUTES Zeichen für das Funktionieren der AMERIKANISCHEN—JUSTIZ.
20130807             STEINMEIER sprach gegenüber der "taz"von 1—ABLENKUNGSMANÖVER.
20130807             KANZLER—KANDIDAT Peer Steinbrück sprach von 1 "durchsichtigen Versuch".
20130807             —GENERAL—SEKRETÄRIN ANDREA—NAHLES sagte, DAS—KANZLER—AMT sei —HEUTE—BIS nicht in der Lage, den Verdacht auszuräumen, daß "millionenfach DIE—GRUND—RECHTE DEUTSCHER—BÜRGERINNEN und BÜRGER verletzt wurden".
20130807             1—ABLENKUNGS—MANÖVER sah in den Äußerungen der Regierung auch THOMAS—OPPERMANN, PARLAMENTarischer GESCHÄFTS—FÜHRER DER—SPD—FRAKTION.
20130807             Oppermanns UNIONS—AMTSKOLLEGE MICHAEL—GROSSE—BRÖMER (CDU) warf DER—SPD—SPITZE vor, sie erhebe wider besseren Wissens schwerste Vorwürfe und führe DEUTSCHE—BÜRGER offenbar bewusst in die Irre.
20130807             "Sie gaukeln Unwissenheit über Sachverhalte vor, die sie SEINERZEIT  selbst beschlossen haben".
20130807             CDU—GENERAL—SEKRETÄR—HERMANN—GRÖHE sprach von "purer Heuchelei"und 1—DURCHSICHTIGEN WAHL—KAMPF—MANÖVER der SPD.
20130807             FDP—GENERAL—SEKRETÄR PATRICK—DÖRING sagte, entweder —DIE—SPD habe Bürgerinnen und BÜRGER gezielt an der Nase herumgeführt - "oder STEINMEIER hat Steinbrück ins offene Messer laufen lassen".
20130807             —J—IM, 2002 - Ist das 1—GESTÄNDNIS?
20130807             Ja, wir liefern DATEN, aber wir haben nur DIE—ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT etwas intensiviert!
20130807             Und deswegen ist —DIE—SPD schuld und vor allen Dingen der STEINMEIER.
20130807             —VERPFLICHTET, HERR—STEINMEIER ist zu GEHEIM—HALTUNG, auch gegenüber seinen PARTEI—GENOSSEN.
20130807             Ich finde dieses Wort von FRIEDRICH skandalös, denn damit sagt er indirekt, daß DIE—SICHERHEIT wichtiger ist als DIE—MENSCHENWÜRDE und des es z.B.
20130807             1—SÜNDENBOCK wird —NUN gesucht,dabei ist es 1—GANZE Herde.
20130807             —JETZT, macht DIE—REGIERUNG ES—SICH aber einfach.
20130807             —NACH, der GRÜNDUNG DER—BUNDES—REPUBLIK—DEUTSCHLAND hat ADENAUER GEHEIM—PAPIEREN zugestimmt, daß ist Fakt.
20130807             DIE—REGIERUNG hat —NUN—2—MONATE benötigt um diesen Vorwurf zu formulieren.
20130807             DAS—LAND müsse dem ENERGIE—KONZERN TOKYO Electric Power (Tepco) seine Hilfe ?er die Strahlungsmenge informiert wurde.
20130807             —REKORDWERT: Jugendämter nehmen mehr als 40.000—JUGENDLICHE in Obhut (PDIE—DEUTSCHEN wollen das einfach nicht wahrhaben.
20130807             —SPÄTER, KURZE—ZEIT, —SCHON STEINMEIER reagierte.
20130807             mal angenommen, Auch die aktuelle —ENTSCHEIDUNG DER—USA—REGIERUNG, öffentlich die Schöglicherweise geht man dort davon aus, daß die AMERIKANISCHEN—KONSULATE und Botschaften deutlich besser gesichert sind als anderswo.
20130807             Aus OBAMAs Sicht mag sich die verfahrene Lage so DARSTELUSNOK—VERLIERT—VERTRAUEN—A—915410.html
20130807             LUNY - Letzteres immer schön step by step aber konsequent.
20130807             —FUNKTIONIERT, Leider, diese Methode sehr gut.
20130807             —NACH, STOCKHOLM reisen", heißt es in 1—AM—MITTWOCHMORGEN versendeten E—MAIL des WEIßES—HAUSES.
20130807             auf die von OBAMA bei seinem BERLIN—BESUCH angeregte Idee 1—NEUERLICHEN Abrüstungsrunde ging PUTIN nicht weiter ein.
20130807             —639—PM—EDT
20130807 [ZITAT—VON—1—DEAL]
20130807 [ZITAT—VON—GLEN13]
20130807 [ZITAT—VON—MPS58]
20130807 [ZITAT—VON—OLGR]
20130807 [ZITAT—VON—SPIEGELNEURONEN]100 %ige Sicherheit bei 0 %-iger Freiheit ginge —SCHON.
20130807—20010911    —NACH, Hallo Hohenstaufen45, haben sehr VIELE—STAATEN—DEN—USA ihre UNEINGE—SCHRÄNKTE Solidarität erklärt.
20130807—20010911    mit Verweis auf den es sei "jämmerlich, wie DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG versucht sich aus der Verantwortung zu stehlen", hieß es in 1—STELLUNGNAHME.
20130807—20010911    —AM, "bebte DIE—WELT", heißt es weiter in der Erklärung STEINMEIERs.
20130807—20010911    —"—NACH—DEM TERROR—ANGRIFF—AUF—AMERIKA war UNS—ALLEN schlagartig klar, daß DER—INTERNATIONALER—TERRORISMUS zu JEDER—ZEIT und an jedem Ort zuschlagen kann.
20130807—20010911    —ES WAR—DAMALS, die wichtigste —PFLICHT DER—BUNDES—REGIERUNG aus SPD und Grünen, einerseits DIE—SICHERHEIT DER—BÜRGER—IN—DEUTSCHLAND zu gewährleisten und andererseits Freiheit und BÜRGER—RECHTE zu wahren.
20130807—20051000    —AB, "Nach wie vor steht der Vorwurf ungeklärt im Raum, daß durch durch (DAS—USA—SPIONAGE—PROGRAMM - d.
20130807—20170000    —BIS, Der "Stern"hatte berichtet, MERKEL werde im Falle ihrer Wiederwahl nicht die volle LEGISLATUR—PERIODE im Amt bleiben, sondern sich 20160000             zurückziehen.
201308080807161244   IE 8.0
20130817—20130807    —IGNITED, IDAHO, the Beaver Creek wildfire, by lightning, forced the evacuation to over 2,300 residences.
20131005—19980807    —IN—THE, The senior AL—QAIDA militant is accused by THE—USA—OF—INVOLVEMENT, bombings of 2—USA—EMBASSIES in AFRICA.
20131102—20130807    —ON, he was convicted of 2. degree murder.
20140603—20140807    —ON, 1—COURT sentenced 2—MEN to life in prison and a 3. to —20—YEARS on charges that included kidnapping, attempted rape, torture and attempted murder.
20140807             —AUTHORIZED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA said he has, targeted USA—AIRSTRIKES against Islamic State fighters in NORTH—IRAQ and military airdrops of humanitarian supplies to besieged religious minorities.
20140807             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, a $16.3—BILLION bipartisan measure to address health care for veterans.
20140807             THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT said it has taken CONTROL—OF—MORE than $480—MILLION looted by FORMER—NIGERIA—DICTATOR—SANI Abacha and his associates —AFTER 1—COURT ruling.
20140807             The money stolen —DURING Abacha's 19930000—19980000     de facto presidency and stashed in banks —AROUND the world will be returned to THE—NIGERIA—GOVERNMENT.
20140807             —INVADED, CENTRAL—CALIFORNIA, 7—ROBBERS, 1—HOUSE used by pot growers and engaged the occupants in 1—GUN—BATTLE that killed 2—OF—THE—ATTACKERS.
20140807             —ARRESTED, Authorities soon, 3—OF—THE suspected robbers.
20140807             —CONVICTED—OF, He was, making bogus vintage wine in his SOUTH—CALIFORNIA kitchen and selling it for millions.
20140807             —VANISHED, WASHINGTON, state a —4—DAY—SEARCH for 1—MISSING girl who, from her Steele Creek MOBILE Home Park home over the weekend came to 1—TRAGIC—END, as authorities said they believe they have found THE—BODY—OF— 6—YEAR—OLD—JENISE Wright.
20140807             —ARRESTED, BRAZIL, police in Rio said they have, over 20—PEOPLE as alleged MEMBERS—OF—1—PARAMILITARY—MILITIA—GROUP that charged monthly fees for protection against drug gangs and for illegal services like cable TV connections.
20140807             —INCLUDED, Members, former police, firefighters, private security and OFF—DUTY—PRISON—GUARDS.
20140807             —SENTENCED, CAMBODIA, 1—UN—BACKED war crimes tribunal, Khmer Rouge leaders Khieu Samphan (83) and Nuon Chea (88) to life in prison on war crime charges 19750000—19790000    —FROM—TO, —WHEN the Khmer Rouge held power under top leader Pol Pot (19980000             †).
20140807             CHINA—STATE—MEDIA said plans are in place to build lighthouses on 5—ISLANDS in THE—SOUTH—CHINA—SEA, in DEFIANCE—OF—CALLS from THE—USA and THE—PHILIPPINES for 1—FREEZE on such activity to ease tension over rival claims.
20140807             At least 2—OF—THE—ISLANDS appear to be in waters also claimed by VIETNAM.
20140807             COLOMBIA—PRESIDENT—JUAN—MANUEL—SANTOS took the oath for his 2. term and promised to redouble his efforts to end the nation's HALF—CENTURY—WAR with FARC.
20140807             EAST—CUBA, 1—HOMEMADE boat carrying 32—PEOPLE left MANZANILLO.
20140807             —AFTER—3—WEEKS 15—BADLY sunburned and dehydrated survivors were rescued by THE—MEXICO—NAVY.
20140807             —OWNED, 1—OIL—COMPANY, by ISRAEL—BILLIONAIRE—DAN—GERTLER said it had discovered reserves of —AROUND 3—BILLION barrels in the Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO.
20140807             —LAUNCHED, IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—FORCES, Shiite militiamen and Kurdish troops, 1—LARGE—OPERATION to free Amerli, 1—TURKMENISTAN—TOWN that has been besieged by jihadists —FOR—50—DAYS.
20140807             —SEIZED, Jihadists, QARAQOSH—IRAQ—LARGEST—CHRISTIAN town and surrounding areas, sending tens of thousands of panicked residents fleeing in what was being called 1—HUMANITARIAN—DISASTER.
20140807             —RIPPED, In KIRKUK 1—BLAST, through 1—SHIITE mosque where displaced people had sought refuge, killing at least 8 and wounding 47.
20140807             —SEIZED, Sunni militants from the Islamic State group, THE—MOSUL—DAM—IRAQ—LARGEST—DAM, forcing Kurdish forces to withdraw from the area and placing them in CONTROL—OF—ENORMOUS—POWER and water resources and access to the river that runs through the heart of BAGHDAD.
20140807             LEBANON, militants from Syria who overran the border TOWN—OF—ARSAL mostly withdrew back across the rugged hills separating THE—2—COUNTRIES as 1—CEASE—FIRE appeared to hold, allowing LEBANON—TROOPS to free 7—FELLOW—SOLDIERS and ambulances to evacuate DOZENS—OF—CASUALTIES.
20140807             —KILLED, At least 17—SOLDIERS were, in the clashes, —WHILE 10 remained missing, along with 1—UNKNOWN—NUMBER—OF—POLICEMEN.
20140807             —IMPOSED, MOSCOW, 1—TOTAL—BAN on IMPORTS—OF—MANY—WESTERN—FOODS in retaliation against sanctions over UKRAINE, 1—STRONGER than expected measure that isolates RUSSIA—CONSUMERS from world trade to 1—DEGREE unseen —SINCE SOVIET—DAYS.
20140807             —BLOCKADED, SIERRA—LEONE, police and soldiers, rural areas hit by the deadly Ebola virus, —AFTER neighboring LIBERIA declared 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY to tackle THE—WORST—EVER OUTBREAK—OF—THE—DISEASE, which has killed 932—PEOPLE.
20140807             —CONFIRMED, SOUTH—KOREA—MINISTRY—OF—SCIENCE, ICT and Future Planning said CHINA has, it had blocked "SOME—FOREIGN messaging applications through which TERRORISM—RELATED information" was circulating.
20140807             —INCLUDED, These, KakaoTalk and Line.
20140807             —BLOCKED, It named other, apps as Didi, Talk Box and Vower.
20140807             The service disruptions in CHINA began —1—MONTH—AGO.
20140807             THAILAND—POLICE said authorities are investigating THE—DISCOVERY—OF—9—SURROGATE babies in 1—BANGKOK condominium who are believed to share the same JAPAN—BIOLOGICAL—FATHER.
20140807             —BRANDED, TURKEY—PRIME—MINISTER—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN, Amberin Zaman, 1—PROMINENT—FEMALE—JOURNALIST, a "shameless woman" and told her "to know your place".
20140807             TURKEY—OFFICIALS said up to 800—PEOPLE from IRAQ—YAZIDI community have fled across the border to TURKEY —AFTER escaping 1—LIGHTNING offensive by jihadists from the Islamic State (IS) group.
20140807             —CALLED, EAST—UKRAINE, 1—HOLLAND—RECOVERY—TEAM, off its work at the site where MALAYSIA—AIRLINER MH 17 was shot down over rebel held territory —LAST—MONTH, saying the frontline location had become too dangerous.
20140807             UKRAINE said the halt to the recovery meant it would stop observing 1—CEASEFIRE at the site.
20140807             7—MORE—UKRAINE—SERVICE—MEMBERS were killed in the past —DAY—OF—FIGHTING.
20140807             Sustained shelling in DONETSK struck residential buildings and 1—HOSPITAL, killing at least 4—PEOPLE and wounding 10—OTHERS.
20140807             —CLASHED, SOUTH—YEMEN, troops defending Sayoun, for a 2. —DAY with suspected AL—QAIDA militants killing at least 7 and raising the militant death toll to 25.
20140807             Glaube und Moral: Plädoyer für 1—TRENNUNG—VON—STAAT und Kirche
20140807             PROSTATAKREBS—SCREENING: Vorsorge mit schweren Nebenwirkungen
20140807             Lehrergeständnisse: Ich fürchte mich vor meinen Schülern
20140807             —VERURTEILT, KAMBODSCHA: Gericht, Rote Khmer zu lebenslanger Haft
20140807             EBOLA—EPIDEMIE: LIBERIA ruft Notstand aus
20140807             VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ, 400—ISLAMISTEN aus DEUTSCHLAND reisen nach SYRIEN
20140807             —HANDELS—KRIEG—GEGEN—WESTEN: BRASILIEN will RUSSLAND mit Geflügel aushelfen
20140807             DAS—ERGEBNIS ist ernüchternd: Zwar sinkt DIE—ZAHL—DER—PROSTATAKREBS—TODESFÄLLE durchs regelmäßige Screening per PSA—TEST.
20140807             Jedoch kommt es durch die verstärkte Früherkennung auch zu deutlich mehr Krebsdiagnosen.
20140807             Dabei werden vor allem kleine Tumoren entdeckt.
20140807             —TAGUNG, Auf der, 1—SEITE ist das 1—VORTEIL, weil diese gut behandelbar sind.
20140807             —TAGUNG, Auf der, anderen ist es 1—NACHTEIL, da MANCHE—DIESER—TUMOREN den Männern in ihrem Leben nie Probleme bereitet hätten, weil sie nicht oder nur EXTREM—LANGSAM gewachsen wären oder sich spontan zurückgebildet hätten;
20140807             —VON, 10.000—MÄNNERN, die über DIE—STUDIENDAUER zum Screening eingeladen wurden, wurde PRO—JAHR mindestens 1—VOR—1—FRÜH—ZEITIGEN Tod durch Prostatakrebs bewahrt.
20140807             —GLEICHZEITIG, erhielten 33—SCREENING—TEILNEHMER 1—KREBSDIAGNOSE, die sie sonst nicht bekommen hätten.
20140807             —BISHER, wird
20140807             Weniger Altlasten: COMMERZ—BANK—KANN—GEWINN mehr als verdoppeln
20140807             Politsatire "Freiland": DER—DEUTSCHE—BEAMTE übt REVOLUTION - Datenlese: OPFER—ZAHLEN aus GAZA
20140807             TERROR—MILIZ IS im IRAK: Zehntausende Jesiden im Gebirge eingeschlossen
20140807             KINDER—PORNOGRAFIE: VERDÄCHTIGEr nach Hinweis von MICROSOFT festgenommen
20140807             Plädoyer DER—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT: "Pistorius hat seine Version zusammengeschustert"
20140807             Gestoppter RUSSLAND—DEAL: RHEINMETALL will Entschädigung vom Bund
20140807             Zucht in der JUNG—STEIN—ZEIT: Welche Kuh passt vor den Wagen?
20140807             ERDBEBEN—IN—CHINA: Freiwillige behindern RETTUNGS—KRÄFTE
20140807             TRAMPENDER—ROBOTER: Hitchbot hat —SCHON mehr als 2500—KMHINTER sich
20140807             1—KNOCHENFUND zeugt von 1—DER 1.Versuche, Kühe zu züchten, die Wagen ziehen konnten.
20140807             BAUERn aus der Horgener Kultur versuchten dazu offenbar, wilde Rinder in ihre Zuchtpopulation einzukreuzen.
20140807             Wie das in der Praxis ablief, bleibt rätselhaft.
20140807             DIE—KLEINE HAUSRIND—KUH muss sich fremd vorgekommen sein zwischen ihren Weidegenossen, mit denen DIE—POLIZEI im frühen 4. —JAHRTAUSEND _VOR_CHRISTUS nahe der heutigen Stadt Twann graste.
20140807             ARCHÄOLOGEN fanden den Mittelhandknochen der seltsamen Kuh in der JUNG—STEIN—ZEIT—UFERSIEDLUNG am Bielersee.
20140807             Dort lag er zwischen Küchenabfällen in der obersten Schicht der Horgener Kultur, die auf 30930000—30720000    —ZWISCHEN—UND, VOR_CHRISTUS datiert werden konnten.
20140807             —EXCAVATED, THE—NEOLITHIC—SITE—OF—TWANN — Bahnhof (Twann station) was, 19750000—19760000                —BETWEEN, and —TODAY posesses UNESCO world heritage site status.
20140807             Dendrochronological dates place THE—10—CORTAILLOD phases 38380000—35320000                —BETWEEN, BC, and THE—3—HORGEN phases 34050000—30720000                —BETWEEN, BC.
20140807             Eppendorf, ALLSCHWIL—SWITZERLAND
20140807             For THE—MAJORITY—OF—EUROPEAN cattle (Bos taurus) genetic and archaeozoological evidence support initial domestication ca.
20140807             11'000 BP in the Near East from few founder aurochs (Bos primigenius) belonging to the mitochondrial DNA T MACRO—HAPLOGROUP.
20140807             Gene flow between wild European aurochs of P haplogroup and domestic cattle of T haplogroup, coexisting over THOUSANDS—OF—YEARS, appears to have been sporadic.
20140807             We report archaeozoological and ancient DNA evidence for the incorporation of wild stock into 1—DOMESTIC—CATTLE—HERD from 1—NEOLITHIC LAKE—DWELLING in SWITZERLAND.
20140807             1—COMPLETE metacarpus of 1—SMALL and compact adult bovid is morphologically and genetically 1—FEMALE.
20140807             With withers height of ca.
20140807             112—CM, it is comparable in size with small domestic cattle from contemporaneous sites in the area.
20140807             —1— D, The bone is directly, to 3.360—3.090—CAL—BC and associated to the Horgen culture, 1—PERIOD—OF—THE—SECONDARY—PRODUCTS—REVOLUTION.
20140807             —POSSESSED, The cow, 1—NOVEL mtDNA P haplotype variant of THE—EUROPEAN aurochs.
20140807             —BASED, We argue this is either 1—SINGLE—EVENT or, on osteological characteristics of the Horgen cattle, 1—RARE—INSTANCE—OF intentional breeding with female aurochs.
20140807             ALS VIEH—ZUCHT aus dem NAHER—OSTEN nach EUROPA kamen, ALS kam mit ihnen auch das Hausrind.
20140807             DIE—KLEINE KUH AUS TWANN brachte es auf 111,8—ZENTI—METER.
20140807             DIE—KLEINE KUH AUS TWANN trug die genetische Signatur DER—EUROPÄISCHEN Auerochsen.
20140807             Vieles spricht für 1—FRÜHERE Kreuzung zwischen 1—WEIBLICHEM europäischen Wildrind und 1—MÄNNLICHEN Hausrind.
20140807             was DIE—MENSCHEN der HORGENER—KULTUR sonst so —ZEIT—PUNKT—ZU—DIESEM, trieben, fallen die frühesten Belege von Holzrädern, Wagen und 1—JOCH auf.
20140807             Offenbar experimentierten sie damit, das Vieh auch vor den Wagen zu spannen.
20140807             DIE—FORSCHER vermuten, daß die frühen BAUERn aus der Horgener Kultur durch gezieltes Einkreuzen von wilden Auerochsen versucht haben könnten, 1—NEUE kleinere aber robustere FORM—VON—HAUSRINDERN zu ZÜCHTEN—DIE sich speziell als Arbeitstiere eigneten.
20140807             Keine iPads mehr: CHINESISCHE—BEAMTE müssen auf APPLE verzichten
20140807             —VERBIETET, PUTINs Gegensanktionen: KREML, Einfuhr von Fleisch, Milch, Obst aus DEM—WESTEN
20140807             —GEWÄHRT, USA—WHISTLE—BLOWER: RUSSLAND, SNOWDEN —3—JAHRE Aufenthalt
20140807             Selfies von Drohnen: TERRORjob erledigt, bin in der Bar
20140807             HALBJAHRES—BILANZ, Starkes USA—GESCHÄFT erhöht TELEKOM—GEWINN
20140807             Suche nach letztem Vermissten: Knochen auf "Costa CONCORDIA"gefunden
20140807             —NEUE— USA—STUDIE, Vitamin D könnte DemenzRISIKO reduzieren
20140807             Galapagosbussard: Die Läuse bleiben in der Familie
20140807             —STREIT—UM—RUSSLAND—POLITIK,KRIEG—TREIBER oder Weicheier?
20140807             —KÄMPFE—IN—IRAK und SYRIEN: TERROR—GRUPPE IS brüstet sich AUF—TWITTER mit militärischen Erfolgen
20140807             Extremismus: DEUTSCHER—ISLAMIST ruft zu Anschlägen auf ATOM—WAFFEN—LAGER auf
20140807             Dienst für Behörde: Hacker greifen Firma für BACKGROUND—CHECKS an
20140807             Gespräche mit WEISSRUSSLAND und KASACHSTAN: PUTIN sucht Verbündete für seinen LEBENS—MITTEL—BOYKOTT
20140807             ANGST—VOR—EBOLA in WEST—AFRIKA: Fürchte deinen Nächsten
20140807             MARIO—DRAGHI: EZB WARNT—VOR—FOLGEN politischer Krisen für DIE—EURO—ZONE
20140807             —ZERSTÖRT, SÜD—DEUTSCHLAND: Asiatische Fruchtfliege, BAUERn die Ernte
20140807             —ÜBERFORDERT, Zu gutes Wetter: Gurkenflut, Niederbayerns BAUERn
20140807             Welthöchste Minarette in ISTANBUL—ERDOGAN baut sein Denkmal
20140807             Totgeglaubtes Kind: E 10—N finden Tochter —10—JAHRE—NACH—TSUNAMI wieder
20140807             JESIDEN—VERTRETER im IRAK: "DIE—DSCHIHADISTEN wollen uns ausrotten"
20140807             —UKRAINE—DEBATTE: 1—APPELL für mehr Sachlichkeit
20140807             Rückschlag bei Aufklärung: Stimmrekorder zu AIR—ALGÉRIE—ABSTURZ nicht auswertbar
20140807             SCHOLLE—UND—SCHICKSAL—STORY: Der einsame Mann am Berg
20140807             —VERZÖGERT, Währung: CHINA, offenbar Liberalisierung des Yuan
20140807             —KAMPF—GEGEN—SEPARATISTEN: UKRAINE und NATO verhandeln über MILITÄR—HILFE
20140807             RUSSISCHE—IMPORTVERBOTE: Milch, Fleisch, GEMÜSE—SO hart —TREFFEN die Sanktionen
20140807             —KRISEN—FLUGGESELLSCHAFT, GOLF—AIRLINE Etihad steigt bei Alitalia 1
20140807             Jesiden auf der Flucht: OBAMA erwägt offenbar LUFT—SCHLÄGE im IRAK
20140807             —NEUEN—KRANKHEITSGEN: Mutation verneunfacht das BrustkrebsRISIKO
20140807             Bei dem TSUNAMI, der - "Volksrepublik DONEZK": SEPARATISTEN—CHEF—TRITT ab
20140807             —PRIVATISIERT, SENATS—BESCHLUSS: MEXIKO, den Energiesektor
20140807             Transformer: ORIGAM1—ROBOTER faltet sich selbst
20140807             TWITTER—REAKTION—AUF—RUSSLANDS Importverbote: "Lasst die Hunger Games beginnen"
20140807             Wie von Geisterhand bewegt, faltet sich das papierähnliche Gebilde zusammen, erhebt sich und krabbelt davon.
20140807             Für den eigenen Aufbau erhitzt DER—ROBOTER die Scharniere in 1—BESTIMMTEN Reihenfolge AUF—CA—100—GRAD—CELSIUS.
20140807             Dadurch faltet er sich nach und nach aus der flachen in die gehfähige Form.
20140807             —NACH, etwa —4—MINUTEN ist das Polystyrol wieder abgekühlt und hart DER—ROBOTER kriecht dann mit Hilfe zweier Motoren davon.
20140807             Er erreicht dabei 1—GESCHWINDIGKEIT—VON—5,4—ZENTI—METER—PRO—SEKUNDE und kann sich selbstständig umdrehen.
20140807             Der gesamte Prozess benötigt nicht mehr elektrische Energie als in 1—HERKÖMMLICHEN AA—BATTERIE (MIGNON—ZELLE) enthalten ist.
20140807             "Das Paradigma des Größer, Mehr und Teurer hat ausgedient, DIE—GRENZEN sind erreicht", sagt UNI—PROFESSOR STEFAN—BRATZEL.
20140807             USA—BANKEN—AUFSICHT: Warnschuss für DIE—DEUTSCHE—BANK
20140807             Umfrage, DEUTSCHE—GEGEN—ENGAGEMENT im GAZA—KONFLIKT
20140807—20140822    —LAUNCHED, Interpol said it has, 1—INVESTIGATION into the "Baby Factory" case in which Mitsutoki Shigeta (24), 1—JAPAN—BUSINESSMAN, fathered 16—SURROGATE babies.
20150224—20150807    —ARRIVED, Prime and her translator, in FRANCE.
20150805—20150807    —UNTIL, LONDON Underground staff walked out this —EVENING and will not return —MORNING, causing 1—SHUTDOWN—OF—THE—SUBWAY—NETWORK that has severely disrupted transport in the capital.
20150807             —UNPRECEDENTED, An "" agreement between THE—CHICAGO—POLICE—DEPARTMENT—AND—THE—USA—CIVIL—LIBERTIES—UNION went into effect.
20150807             It will allow independent EVALUATIONS—OF—THE—DEPARTMENT—CONTROVERSIAL "stop and frisk" program.
20150807             DALLAS police Officer BRAD—MILLER shot and killed CHRISTIAN—TAYLOR, —19—JAHRE—ALT, who was found roaming inside 1—CAR—DEALERSHIP in THE—EARLY—HOURS—OF—THE—MORNING.
20150807             —CALLED, THE—FBI was, in to investigate the shooting.
20150807             VERMONT, JODY—HERRING, —40—JAHRE—ALT, upset about losing custody of her daughter, used 1—HUNTING rifle to fatally shoot CHILD—WELFARE—AGENCY—WORKER—LARA Sobel, who had handled her case.
20150807             —DETAINED, Herring was, by people in and —AROUND the building —AFTER the shooting in Barre City.
20150807             —CHARGED, Herring was soon also, with the murder 3—WOMEN whose bodies were found —EARLIER in the —DAY.
20150807             —CONVICTED, VIRGINIA, 1—FEDERAL—JURY, Irek Hamidullin (55), 1—FORMER—RUSSIA—MILITARY—TANK—COMMANDER, of planning and leading 1—TALIBAN attack on USA—FORCES in AFGHANISTAN.
20150807             He allegedly led 3—GROUPS—OF—INSURGENTS in a 20090000             attack on AFGHANISTAN—BORDER—POLICE in Khost province.
20150807             AFGHANISTAN, 1—EARLY —MORNING truck bomb tore through buildings in CENTRAL—KABUL, killing at least 15—PEOPLE and wounding 248—OTHERS.
20150807             1—SUICIDE bombing at 1—POLICE—ACADEMY killed 27—PEOPLE and wounded 28.
20150807             1—INTERNATIONAL—SERVICE—MEMBER and 8—AFGHANISTAN—CONTRACTORS were killed in 1—ATTACK on Camp Integrity.
20150807             —ARMED, BANGLADESH, 1—GANG, with machetes hacked secular blogger Niloy Chakrabarti (40) to death at his home in DHAKA, sparking protests in THE—CAPITAL—OVER—THE 4. such murder in BANGLADESH —THIS—YEAR.
20150807             † IN—CHILE—MANUEL—CONTRERAS, —86—JAHRE—ALT.
20150807             —FEARED, IN—CHILE—MANUEL—CONTRERAS had led CHILE—NOW—DEFUNCT and much, secret police force for several years under the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.
20150807             —ANNOUNCED, —AFTER his death was, DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE gathered outside the hospital to celebrate.
20150807             —KILLED, EAST—CONGO, DRC 1—EARTHQUAKE, 2—CHILDREN and 1—POLICE—OFFICER and triggered fears that nearby volcano MOUNT—NYIRAGONGO could erupt.
20150807             —APPEALED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, to member countries to live up to pledges to provide planes and other assets so that its border agency can help GREECE and HUNGARY cope with 1—MIGRANT influx.
20150807             News weekly Der Spiegel said GERMANY—DOMESTIC spy agency named not —JUST bloggers but also lawmakers in 1—CRIMINAL complaint that sparked 1—CONTROVERSIAL treason probe.
20150807             —STOPPED, Doctors in GHANA, providing emergency care in 1—STRIKE over allowances and training.
20150807             PRIME—MINISTER—ALEXIS—TSIPRAS said GREECE—INFRASTRUCTURE cannot handle THE—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE landing on its shores from places like WAR—TORN Syria and AFGHANISTAN and needs EUROPEAN—UNION—HELP.
20150807             —COLLAPSED, NORTH—INDIA, 1—BUILDING wall, —WHILE being constructed, killing 10—WORKERS—NEAR—NARNAUL, Haryana state.
20150807             —GATHERED, IRAQ, several 1000—DEMONSTRATORS, in BAGHDAD to protest at rampant corruption and abysmal electricity services, calling for officials to be held to account.
20150807             —CONDUCTED, IRAQ, and Syria THE—USA—LED coalition, 19—AIR—STRIKES on Islamic State targets with 10 in IRAQ and 9 in Syria.
20150807             —ARRESTED, ITALY, 5—NORTH—AFRICA—MEN on suspicion of multiple homicide and human trafficking in the presumed drowning of more than 200—PEOPLE, saying they used clubs and knives against migrants.
20150807             —STORMED, CENTRAL—MALI, gunmen, 1—HOTEL in Sevare in 1—APPARENT—ATTEMPT to kidnap Westerners, killing 4—SOLDIERS, 4—UN—CONTRACTORS and 1—DRIVER in 1—ONGOING standoff with the army.
20150807             4—ATTACKERS were killed.
20150807             —DISAPPEARED, WEST—NEPAL, Dahlia Yehia (27), 1—USA—TEACHER from TEXAS, from the resort TOWN—OF—POKHARA.
20150807             —ARRESTED, Police —LATER, 1—LOCAL—TEACHER, NARAYAN—PAUDEL, who was hosting Yehia —WHILE she was in POKHARA to help VICTIMS—OF—1—DEVASTATING earthquake —IN—APRIL.
20150807             —CONFESSED, Paudel, to hammering the victim to death and throwing her body into the Seti River.
20150807             —SUSPECTED, NIGERIA, pirates traveling by speedboat killed 4—SOLDIERS and 1—POLICEMAN and stole weapons in 1—RAID—LATE—TODAY on 1—MILITARY—BASE in THE—OIL—RICH—SOUTHERN—DELTA region.
20150807             The move will allow it to differentiate its time zone from THAT—OF—JAPAN and SOUTH—KOREA.
20150807             —SUSPECTED, PAKISTAN, 1, USA—DRONE—STRIKE killed 4—MILITANTS in the village of Datta Khel, NORTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20150807             —BELIEVED, In THE—PHILIPPINES 1—HOMEMADE bomb, to have been set off by ABU—SAYYAF militants killed 2—SOLDIERS in Basilan province.
20150807             † 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—SOLDIER was killed by shelling from across THE—YEMEN—BORDER, becoming the 3. death —THIS—WEEK.
20150807             —REPORTED, It was, that THAILAND—NEW—INHERITANCE—TAX—ACT 20150000             has gone into effect and that it will start collecting inheritance tax for the 1. time —NEXT—FEBRUARY.
20150807             THE—UK—BASED SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said at least 230—PEOPLE were kidnapped or detained, including DOZENS—OF—CHRISTIANS, SOME—OF—WHOM were taken from 1—CHURCH in Qaryatain, the town captured overnight —AFTER heavy fighting with THE—SYRIA—ARMY.
20150807             2—THAILAND military courts handed down the country's harshest sentences in recent decades for insulting the monarchy.
20150807             1—MAN in BANGKOK was sentenced to prison —FOR—30—YEARS for 6—FACEBOOK postings, and 1—MOTHER—OF—2—YOUNG—GIRLS in THE—PROVINCE—OF—CHIANG —MAI was sentenced to —28—YEARS for 7—POSTINGS.
20150807             † In TURKEY 5—PEOPLE including 1—TURKEY—SOLDIER and several others were injured in clashes in the restive KURDISH—MAJORITY southeast, as violence raged between Kurdish militants and security forces.
20150807             —REPORTED, TURKEY—OFFICIAL—ANATOLIA news agency, that the government has frozen THE—ASSETS—OF—OFFICIALS from YEMEN—FORMER—REGIME including EX—PRESIDENT—ALI—ABDULLAH—SALEH, along with Huthi rebel leaders.
20150807             The freeze will be in place —UNTIL February 26, 20160000            .
20150807             TURKEY, 1—IRAN—BUS was hit in Dogubayazit DISTRICT—OF—THE—EAST—AGRI province.
20150807             The driver was fatally shot in the head.
20150807             —BLAMED, TURKEY—AUTHORITIES, Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) militants.
20150807             The passengers were unhurt.
20150807             SAUDI—BACKED YEMEN—OFFICIALS said PRO—GOVERNMENT—FORCES have retaken Labouza base, the last military base in the country's south that was held by Shiite rebels known as Houthis.
20150807             —ADOPTED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL unanimously, 1—RESOLUTION aimed at identifying those responsible for using chlorine and other chemical weapons in attacks in Syria.
20150807             IRAN—STREIT: ISRAEL—STAATSPRÄSIDENT sorgt sich um Verhältnis zu USA
20150807             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS: "NAZIs sind Mörder, keine angemalten PLAYMOBIL—FIGUREN"
20150807             JON—STEWARTS letzte "Daily Show": "Die beste Verteidigung gegen Bullshit ist Wachsamkeit"
20150807             Pranger im INTERNET: Feuert die Idioten nicht!
20150807             CYBER—ANGRIFF, Hacker legen E—MAIL—SYSTEM des USA—GENERALSTABS lahm
20150807             —STREIT—UM—ZINSEN: Sparer SIEGEN vor Gericht gegen ihre Sparkasse
20150807             [l] Auf der Blackhat hat jemand 1—NEUEN ANGRIFF—AUF—SYSTEM —MANAGEMENT Mode auf x86-CPUs gezeigt, mit denen man aus Hypervisoren ausbrechen kann.
20150807             Hätte uns doch nur jemand gewarnt, dass CLOUD—COMPUTING 1.schlechte Idee ist!
20150807             [l] NORD—KOREA führt aus antiimperialistischen Gründen 1.eigene ZEIT—ZONE ein.
20150807             [l] Ihr müsst —JETZT sehr tapfer sein: Die BER—BRANDSCHUTZ—FIRMA ist pleite, der Eröffnungsterm
20150807             More CLAIMS—OF—HIGH—LEVEL UK—PEDOPHILIA
20150807             Trotz der ungünstigen Taktung blieb der Auftakt des USA—VORWAHL—KAMPFS, der dieses Mal zu 1—OBSKUREN DONALD—TRUMP—EGO—SHOW wurde, natürlich nicht unkommentiert.
20150807             ungünstigen Taktung - DIE—"Daily Show"BEGANN als Kalauer, als Stewart sie
20150807             —ERST das Drama um fehlerhafte Stimmenauszählungen bei DER—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTS—WAHL 20000000             weckte Stewarts Sinn fürs Absurde.
20150807             Trotzdem: Es waren noch unschuldige —JAHRE im Vergleich zu —HEUTE.
20150807             —DANN kamen GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH, der 20010911, der ewige KRIEG—ZUSTAND,
20150807             "Bullshit ist überall!", lautete so auch in der Abschiedssendung seine letzte Warnung, bevor er das Publikum, unterlegt von der Musik von BRUCE—SPRINGSTEEN und der E—STREET—BAND, sich selbst überließ.
20150807             Satire - staplerfahrer_klaus 1216—GESTERN,
20150807             Sendungen wie die "Daily Show"oder bei uns "Neues aus der Anstalt"machen an vielen Stellen schlicht und ergreifend guten Jornalismus und übernehmen die AUFGABE—DER—REGULÄREN—MEDIEN.
20150807             Europäische Abschottung: Mit PROPAGANDA GEGEN—DIE—UNERWÜNSCHTEN
20150807             THAILAND: —30—JAHRE Haft für Majestätsbeleidigung per FACEBOOK
20150807             Massenaussterben: Wenn es zu warm wird, erstickt sich das Leben selbst
20150807             Mindestens fünfmal bedrohten gigantische Wellen massenhaften Aussterbens das Leben auf der Erde.
20150807             DIE—SCHLIMMSTE aller Katastrophen erfolgte —AM—ENDE—DES—PERM.
20150807             DIE—GESCHICHTE—DES—LEBENS kann man als ein stetes Auf und Ab beschreiben.
20150807             Was "uns"- respektive die Synapsiden, aus denen sich die Säugetiere ENTWICKELTEN—BREMSTE, war das MASSEN—STERBEN an der Grenze vom PERM zur Trias —VOR—252.000.—000—JAHREN.
20150807             Denn die PERM/TRIAS—KATASTROPHE enthält auch 1.Warnung für das —HEUTE, glauben DIE—AUTOREN 1—AKTUELLEN —STUDIE rund um den BERLINer PALÄODIVERSITÄTS—FORSCHER MARTIN—SCHOBBEN.
20150807             Der DINO—SAURIER beherrschte DIE—ERDE ca.
20150807             Es wurde 8.—000—JAHRE langsam um insgesamt 0,8 Grad kälter und dann —PLÖTZLICH, in —250—JAHREN um über 1—GRAD wärmer, das ist Stand der Wissenschaft.
20150807             Europäische FLÜCHTLINGS—POLITIK, Der RASSISMUS—WAR nie fort
20150807             Wirtschaft sucht Arbeitskräfte: Diese Branchen hoffen auf DIE—FLÜCHTLINGE
20150807             Drogenfund im PAZIFIK: Männer schmuggelten 8—TONNEN Kokain im U—BOOT
20150807             BUNDESWEHR: Ausrüstungsmängel kosten weitere 6—MILLIARDEN—EURO
20150807             Größter Kunstraub DER—USA—GESCHICHTE: Ermittler zeigen, —25—JAHRE—ALTE ÜBERWACHUNGS—BILDER
20150807             Radioaktiver Müll: ATOM—KONZERNE wehren sich gegen längere Haftung
20150807             DEUTSCHER—HITZE—REKORD eingestellt: 40,3 Grad in Kitzingen
20150807             Der zweitheißeste Ort war —AM—FREITAG Bad Mergentheim mit 40,2 Grad.
20150807             Der - Auf ergiebigen Regen warten DIE—MENSCHEN in VIELE—REGIONEN —SEIT—WOCHEN, vergeblich.
20150807             —SCHON, das Frühjahr sei zu trocken gewesen.
20150807             Besonders betroffen ist nach DWD—ANGABEN das RHEIN—MAIN—GEBIET.
20150807             SYRIEN: UNO will CHEMIE—WAFFEN—EINSATZ aufklären
20150807             Dramatische Zahlen: 50.000—FLÜCHTLINGE erreichen GRIECHENLAND—ALLEIN im;;07;;
20150807             [l] Endlich meldet sich auch OTTO—SCHILY in der Netzpolitik_ORG—AFFÄRE zu Wort:
20150807             Auf den Mann ist halt Verlass!
20150807             [l] Lesetipp: AUGSTEIN—KOLUMNE über den ZUSTAND—DER—DEMOKRATIE in EUROPA.
20150807             —ANNOUNCED, NORTH—KOREA, that it will turn back its current standard time by —30—MINUTES—EFFECTIVE 20150815            .
20150807             † CHILE—GENERAL—MANUEL—CONTRERAS, Geheimdienstler
20150807—18810000    —J—IM, —SEIT—BEGINN—DER—FLÄCHENDECKENDEN Wetteraufzeichnungen, 40,3 Grad ist die höchste jemals gemessene Temperatur in DEUTSCHLAND.
20150807—19630000    —IN, and 19650000             THE—STATE—OF—CALIFORNIA awarded him 2—GOLD medals for his "Mayor ART—ALMANAC," the 1. TV newscast for children in THE—USA.
20150807—20030808    Auf Platz 3—DER HITZE—ORTE kam laut DWD MANNHEIM mit dem REKORD—WERT—VON—39,8 Grad.
20150807—20150600    —SEIT—ANFANG, sei in DEUTSCHLAND nur gut 50 % des üblichen —SOMMERNIEDERSCHLAGS gefallen, und über 66 % —DES—SOMMERS seien —BEREITS vorbei,
20150807—20150810    —FIRED, Miller was.
20160710             Taweesak Kerdpoka was the 1. journalist to be arrested under 1—NEW—LAW that makes it illegal to criticize the planned 20160807             referendum on 1—NEW—DRAFT—CONSTITUTION.
20160724             NORTH—THAILAND, about 100—MACAQUES tore up voter lists publicly —POSTED ahead of 20160807             —THE—REFERENDUM—ON 1 proposed constitution.
20160802—20160807    —ON, Zewail was given 1—STATE—FUNERAL with military honors in CAIRO.
20160807             KANSAS, CALEB—SCHWAB, —10—JAHRE—ALT, THE—SON—OF—STATE—REPRESENTATIVE—SCOTT—SCHWAB, was decapitated as he rode a 168—FOOT—TALL—WATER slide at the Schlitterbahn WaterPark in KANSAS—CITY.
20160807             —ARRESTED, The slide's designer, JOHN—SCHOOLEY was also.
20160807             THE—BODY—OF—VANESSA Marcotte (27) of NEW—YORK—CITY was found in SOME—WOODS in PRINCETON—MASSACHUSETTS.
20160807             She had been out for 1—RUN—WHILE visiting her mother.
20160807             Raziq said the currency ban is in retaliation against PAKISTAN—PROTECTION—OF—THE—TALIBAN.
20160807             —KILLED, ETHIOPIA, about 50—PEOPLE were, in clashes between police and ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATORS as protests swept the vast Oromia region and ADDIS—ABABA.
20160807             —EXECUTED, IRAN said it has, Shahram Amiri (39), 1—NUCLEAR—SCIENTIST convicted of handing over "confidential and vital" information to THE—USA.
20160807             CENTRAL—MALI, fighting broke out near the village of Tenenkou in THE—MOPTI region and continued into THE—NEXT—DAY.
20160807             5—SOLDIERS were missing —AFTER the clashes with militants, in the latest in 1—STRING—OF—ATTACKS on army and UN forces claimed by the Islamist group Ansar Dine.
20160807             —CARRIED, PAKISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, out the attack at THE—GOVERNMENT—RUN—HOSPITAL in THE—SOUTH—WEST—CITY—OF—QUETTA that killed 53—PEOPLE and wounded dozens.
20160807             —LINKED, THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE publicly, more than 150—JUDGES, mayors, lawmakers, police and military personnel to illegal drugs, ordering them to surrender for investigation.
20160807             Voters in the tiny WEST—AFRICA—ARCHIPELAGO—OF—SAO—TOME and Principe went to the polls to elect 1—NEW—PRESIDENT, but only 1—CANDIDATE stood in 1—RUNOFF the incumbent boycotted as fraudulent.
20160807             Some 111,000 voters had originally been due to choose between Evaristo Carvalho, who won 49.8—PERCENT in the 1. round, and PRESIDENT—MANUEL—PINTO—DA—COSTA, who took 24.83—PERCENT.
20160807             —BREACHED, SYRIA, rebels, the government siege on opposition neighborhoods in THE—CITY—OF—ALEPPO, marking 1—MAJOR—MILITARY—BREAKTHROUGH that prompted 1—INTENSE—AIRSTRIKE—CAMPAIGN.
20160807             —APPROVED, THAILAND—VOTERS overwhelmingly, 1—NEW—JUNTA—BACKED constitution that lays the foundation for 1—CIVILIAN—GOVERNMENT influenced by the military and controlled by appointed, rather than elected, officials.
20160807             —GATHERED, TURKEY, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS, in ISTANBUL summoned by PRESIDENT—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN to denounce 1 failed coup.
20160807             —KILLED, UKRAINE—MILITARY said 3—SOLDIERS have been, and 4—OTHERS injured over the last —24—HOURS in fresh clashes between PRO—RUSSIA—REBELS and government forces in THE—WAR—SCARRED east.
20160807             —KILLED, YEMEN, 1—SAUDI—LED coalition air strike, 9—CIVILIANS outside SANAA this —EVENING, as forces loyal to the exiled government stepped up 1—OFFENSIVE in the area.
20160807             —ABSTIMMUNG—ÜBER—NEUE Verfassung: Thailands Junta bittet zur Wahl
20160807             Sharam Amiri: IRAN—ATOM—PHYSIKER angeblich hingerichtet
20160807             Spannungen nach PUTSCH—VERSUCH: EU—ABGEORDNETE wollen weiter mit TÜRKEI über Beitritt verhandeln
20160807             Vorgaben für USA—DROHNEN—ANGRIFFE: "So präzise wie möglich"
20160807             —FRUSTRIERT, EU—BÜRGER: Privat ganz zufrieden, politisch
20160807             Großeinsatz: POLIZEI riegelt TEILE—DER—SAARBRÜCKER—INNENSTADT ab
20160807             [l] Aktuelle Highlights der NOHATESPEECH—KAMPAGNE: 1—UND 2.
20160807             Ich habe da übrigens am Rande mitgekriegt, wie 1.Journalistin versucht hat, dieser Kampagne ein paar Fragen zu stellen.
20160807             Mein Eindruck an der Stelle ist, daß DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG das ganze HATESPEECH—ZEUG als PR—PROBLEM betrachtet.
20160807             Erinnert ihr euch eigentlich noch daran, als wir die INTERNET—ZENSUR wegen den KINDER—PORNOGRAPHEN brauchten?
20160807             Da hört man nichts mehr von.
20160807             Oder vielleicht war das ja auch alles PR—BULLSHIT und bloß vorgeschoben, und alles, was die wollen, ist mehr Zensurbefugnisse für den großen Bruder.
20160807             ;;044750;; Firefox 39.0 - DELAWARE,
20160807             —GEMACHT, RAINER—MAUSFELD hat —SEIT dem noch andere Sachen, u.a.
20160807             Es gibt dort unter anderem 1.Stelle, in der es um NEO—LIBERALISMUS geht.
20160807             Diese Stelle beunruhigt mich gerade, denn ich sehe Parallelen.
20160807             So und —JETZT gucken wir uns mal DIE—LINKEN an.
20160807             Linke Werte spielen keine Rolle mehr, es geht um 1.andere Agenda.
20160807             An Stelle von KAPITALISMUS—KRITIK, der Idee des zusammen DIE—WELT besser machens, der Gemeinsamkeit sogar als Mittel und Methode der Verbesserung (SOLIDAR—KONZEPTE für den SCHUTZ—DER—SCHWACHEN) ist 1—GEGENEINANDER geworden, 1—GRABEN—KRIEG,ein sich gegenseitig das LINKS—SEIN absprechen.
20160807             Ich glaube, wir haben hier das gleiche Phänomen, vielleicht sogar das selbe Phänomen in DER—LINKEN, das vorher die anderen politischen Bewegungen getötet hat.
20160807             Es gibt im politischen Haus jeweils noch ein paar Hausmeister und Reinigungspersonal, die die Lichter anlassen und rituelle Bewegungen durchführen, um den Anschein zu erwecken, als ginge es hier noch um die gleiche Sache wie früher.
20160807             Ich schlage vor, ab —JETZT analog zu NEO—CON und NEO—LIBERAL—VON—NEOLINKS zu sprechen.
20160807             Wenn ihr keine Zeit habt, guckt euch mindestens das aktuelle NACHDENKSEITE—INTERVIEW—MIT—MAUSFELD an.
20160807             —UPDATE, Nein, wirklich, lest euch das neue INTERVIEW—MIT—MAUSFELD durch.
20160807             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, Führerscheinentzug für Hasskommentare im INTERNET.
20160807             NEW—HOTNESS, Führerscheinentzug für säumige Unterhaltspflichtige.
20160807             Ärger über FACEBOOK und Co.: Behörden wollen schneller an  zu VERDÄCHTIGEN
20160807             NETZ—WERK in DEUTSCHLAND: Özdemir fordert mehr Transparenz von GÜLEN—BEWEGUNG
20160807             ÖFFENTLICH—RECHTLICHE Sender: Reflexionsniveau 1—STREICHHOLZSCHACHTEL
20160807             Absperrung in der Innenstadt: Schlafender Mann löst in SAARBRÜCKEN GROß—EINSATZ aus
20160807             Billigkonkurrenz aus der EU: FRANKREICHs Winzer sehen rot
20160807             PHILIPPINEN—PRÄSIDENT—DUTERTE droht Politikern und POLIZISTEN mit Ermordung
20160807             BELIZE: ARCHÄOLOGEN entdecken MAYA—HERRSCHERGRAB
20160807             1—GRABUNGS—TEAM um den ARCHÄOLOGEN JAIME—AWE hat in den Ruinen der MAYA—STADT Xunantunich
20160807             Beim Versuch, 1.Treppe zu 1—HÖHEREN Gebäude freizulegen, stolperten die Ausgräber regelrecht über den Zugang zur größten MAYA—GRABKAMMER, die —SEIT gut —100—JAHREN gefunden wurde.
20160807             ungewöhnlich.
20160807             Es war auch als Bauwerk 1.absolute Ausnahme —, nicht nur, was seine Größe angeht.
20160807             Unter 1—SCHICHT von Schutt aus rund eintausend —JAHREN fanden DIE—FORSCHER in 1—TIEFE—VON—3—BIS 9—METERN 1.Kammerstruktur von viereinhalb mal zweieinhalb Metern sowie 1—AUFGANG dahin.
20160807             Im Inneren lagen die Überreste der Leiche eines schätzungsweise 20—BIS, —30—JAHRE—ALT Mannes
20160807             Rund ums eigentliche Grab fanden DIE—FORSCHER 36—KERAMIKGEFÄßE, Jadeperlen, 13—OBSIDIANMESSER sowie Knochen von Tieren, möglicherweise Jaguaren oder Rehen.
20160807             —AM, Fuß der Grabstruktur lagen zusätzliche OPFER—GABEN:
20160807             DUTZENDE—VON—OBSIDIAN, Feuersteinwerkzeugen und Schneiden sowie zu Tiergestalten, Blättern und Symbolen zurechtgeschnitzte Steinobjekte.
20160807             Das Grabgebäude entstand vielmehr zeitgleich zu den umliegenden GEBÄUDEN—WAS darauf hindeutet, daß hier DIE—GRÖßEREN—BAUTEN begonnen wurden, um das Grab zu umgeben.
20160807             Das kennt man von ÄGYPTISCHEN—KÖNIGS—GRÄBERN, nicht aber von denen der MAYA.
20160807             —VERMUTET, Awe, 1—KÖNIGSGRAB aus der Zeit um das —JAHR 700—BIS 800
20160807             DIE—ÄLTESTEN Baustrukturen von Xunantunich werden auf 1—ALTER—VON—CA—1.—300—JAHREN taxiert, die jüngsten auf 10000000            .
20160807             KURZ—DANACH kollabierte DAS—REICH der MAYA aus —BIS—HEUTE nicht gänzlich verstandenen Gründen.
20160807             Xunantunich, das auch zu den populärsten Sehenswürdigkeiten des Landes gehört, wird
20160807             —BISHER, ist dort aber noch kein einziges Grab entdeckt worden.
20160807             —NEUE—VERFASSUNG: THAI—LÄNDER legitimieren die MILITÄRjunta
20160807             PARALYMPICS—SPERRE für RUSSLAND: 1—ENTSCHLUSS, der die olympische Welt erschüttert
20160807             BETRUG—VERDACHT, BRITISCHE—BEHÖRDEN ermitteln gegen Airbus
20160807             [l] Das TÜRKISCHE—VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT hebt den Strafrechtsparagraphen gegen Sex mit Kindern auf.
20160807             The local COURT—SAID—THE—LAW does not provide legal consequences for the "consent" of victims in cases where the child victim is from 12 to —15—YEARS—OF—AGE and able to understand the meaning of the sexual act.
20160807             [l] 1—GERICHT—ISTANBUL hat —JETZT auch 1—HAFTBEFEHL gegen Fetullah Gülen erlassen.
20160807—20090600    —DISAPPEARED, Amiri, in SAUDI—ARABIA and resurfaced —1—YEAR—LATER in THE—USA.
20160807—20100700    —KIDNAPPED, He returned to TEHRAN, saying he had been, at gunpoint by 2—FARSI—SPEAKING CIA agents in THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—CITY—OF—MEDINA.
20160807—20170000    —IDENTIFIED, DNA evidence from her hands, ANGELO—COLON—ORTIZ, —31—JAHRE—ALT of nearby WORCESTER as the suspect in her murder.
20160807—20180000    —IN, the water park CO—OWNER—JEFF—HENRY was arrested.
20160812—20160807    —TESTED, THE—CHINA—SWIMMING—ASSOCIATION said Chen Xinyi, positive for the diuretic hydrochlorothiazide —AFTER she finished 4. in the women's 100-meter butterfly in THE—RIO—OLYMPICS, missing 1—BRONZE medal by 9HUNDREDTHS of a 2.
20170807             André Maurois, eigentlich Émile SALOMON—WILHELM—HERZOG (18850726             * in ELBEuf, Département SEINE—MARITIME; † 19671009             in NEUILLY—SUR—SEINE, Département HAUTS—DE—SEINE), war 1—FRANKREICH—SCHRIFTSTELLER, LITERATurwissenschaftler und Historiker.
20170807             † CHANTEK (39), 1—MALE orangutan, at Zoo ATLANTA.
20170807             He was among the 1. apes to learn sign language, could clean his room and memorized the way to 1—FAST—FOOD—RESTAURANT.
20170807             —FIRED, Google, JAMES—DAMORE, 1—SOFTWARE—ENGINEER, who had written 1—MEMO saying the company's efforts to hire more women are biased.
20170807             —BATTERED, CHINA—STATE—NEWS—AGENCY—XINHUA said thunderstorms have, NORTH—EAST—LIAONING province for several days, killing 3—PEOPLE and prompting the evacuation of almost 190,000.
20170807             —KILLED, CONGO—SECURITY—FORCES, at least 14—MEMBERS—OF—SEPARATIST sect Bundu dia KONGO (BDK) —DURING clashes in THE—CAPITAL—KINSHASA and SOUTH—WEST—CITY—OF—MATADI in which at least 1—POLICE—OFFICER also †.
20170807             † In GERMANY some 2,600 pigs and piglets in 1—FIRE at 1—FARM—SOUTH—WEST—OF—BERLIN that caused 1 estimated 800,000 euros ($950,000) in damage in THE—AREA—OF—FRANKENFOERDE.
20170807             INDONESIA said that it will barter coffee, palm oil and other commodities for 11—RUSSIAN—MADE Sukhoi fighter jets, calling USA and European SANCTIONS—AGAINST—RUSSIA 1—OPPORTUNITY to boost THE—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—NATION—TRADE.
20170807             —REPORTED, IRAN—STATE—NEWS—AGENCY—IRNA, that security forces have broken up 1—GROUP linked to Islamic State which was planning attacks in religious centers in the country and trying to hide weapons in home appliances.
20170807             27—MILITANTS were detained.
20170807             —SIGNED, IRAN, the country's BIGGEST—EVER car deal o build TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—CARS annually under 1—JOINT—VENTURE with FRANCE—AUTOMOBILE manufacturer Groupe Renault, buoying its manufacturing industry in DEFIANCE—OF—THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION—MOVES to isolate the country.
20170807             MALAYSIA—DEPUTY—MINISTER in charge of religious affairs said he is investigating 1—INTERNATIONAL—ATHEIST—ORGANIZATION—AFTER 1—PICTURE—OF—THE—GROUP—LOCAL—CHAPTER went viral, sparking claims that Muslim apostates were involved.
20170807             THE—KUALA—LUMPUR CHAPTER—OF—ATHEIST—REPUBLIC, 1—CANADA—BASED organization, —POSTED 1—PICTURE—OF—THE—GROUP—MEMBERS attending 1—GATHERING —LAST—WEEK, sparking uproar among SOME—MUSLIMS and leading to THREATS—OF—DEATH and violence against the group on social media.
20170807             —CROSSED, MOROCCO, DOZENS—OF—SUB—SAHARAN migrants, into SPAIN in THE—EARLY—HOURS—TODAY—AFTER running through 1—BORDER—GATE into the enclave of Ceuta.
20170807             —DEMANDED, NIGERIA—PROTESTERS, that PRESIDENT—MUHAMMADU—BUHARI, receiving treatment in LONDON for 1 undisclosed ailment for more than —3—MONTHS, either return or resign.
20170807             —ENTERED, PAKISTAN, the JuD charity said it has, politics by forming 1—NEW—PARTY.
20170807             The new Milli Muslim League party will follow the ideology of JAMAAT—UD—DAWA (JuD), which THE—USA—SAYS is 1—FRONT for banned militant group LASHKAR—E—TAYYABA (LeT) and is run by Hafiz Saeed, the alleged mastermind of 20080000             —THE attacks that killed 166—PEOPLE.
20170807             —KILLED, PAKISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES, 4—TALIBAN militants in THE—EAST—CITY—OF—LAHORE hours —AFTER 1—TRUCK—BOMB killed 1—PERSON and wounded 22.
20170807             —SPEED, RUSSIA said it will, up work on reducing dependency on USA—PAYMENT—SYSTEMS and the dollar as 1—SETTLING currency in response to the new sanctions.
20170807             RUSSIA, 2—MEMBERS—OF—THE—FEMINIST punk band Pussy Riot were detained —AFTER 1—PROTEST outside the prison colony in SIBERIA—YAKUTIA where UKRAINE—FILMMAKER OLEG—SENTSOV is being held.
20170807             —ARRESTED, SICILY, 15—FIREFIGHTERS were, on suspicion of deliberately setting fires or having friends or family call in false alarms so they could be called to work and earn money, announcing the arrest of the alleged ringleader.
20170807             SLOVAKIA, 1—JUNIOR—PARTNER in the ruling coalition, THE—SLOVAKIA—NATIONAL—PARTY (SNS), surprised its partners by pulling out of 1—AGREEMENT underpinning the government and calling for 1—NEW—DEAL.
20170807             SOUTH—SUDAN—GOVERNMENT—FORCES overtook THE—REBEL—HELD stronghold and opposition headquarters of Pagak, along THE—ETHIOPIA—BORDER.
20170807             Opposition IO rebels still held TERRITORY—IN—PANYIJIAR—COUNTY in Unity state as well rural areas of Jonglei STATE—AND—AKOBO state, traditionally areas where SOUTH—SUDAN—NUER people live.
20170807             —BOMBED, SYRIA, government warplanes, Ein Tarma, 1—SUBURB—OF—DAMASCUS and 1—AREA controlled by the Failaq AL—RAHMAN rebel group, which does not recognize 1—RECENT—TRUCE.
20170807             —DENIED, THE—USA—LED coalition fighting Islamic State, responsibility.
20170807             —CLAIMED, Islamic State, it was responsible for the attack near At Tanf.
20170807             —KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN: DEL—PONTE tritt als UNO—SONDER—ERMITTLERIN zurück
20170807             Gewitter und WALD—BRÄNDE: TOTE—BEI—UN—WETTERN in ITALIEN
20170807             NITRAT—BELASTUNG in der LAND—WIRTSCHAFT, Verbrauchern drohen höhere WASSER—PREISE
20170807             ATOM—KONFLIKT, NORD—KOREA nennt Dialogangebot aus SÜD—KOREA "unaufrichtig"
20170807             —STREIT—UM—SANKTIONEN: TILLERSON glaubt an bessere Zeiten zwischen RUSSLAND und DEN—USA
20170807             Ökologische LAND—WIRTSCHAFT, Warum BIO—BAUERN 1—SCHWERMETALL spritzen
20170807             UMWELT—POLITIK,Warum DEUTSCHLAND seine KLIMA—ZIELE verfehlt
20170807             —NEUE—;;06;;-: DEUTSCHE—PRODUKTION sinkt überraschend
20170807             USA—ANALYSE: Hunde und Katzen sind schlecht fürs Klima
20170807             GROß—BRITANNIEN: Immer mehr BRITEN zweifeln an Mays BREXIT—STRATEGIE
20170807             —NACH, TEMPELBERG—UNRUHEN: ISRAELISCHE—REGIERUNG drängt auf Schließung des AL—JAZEERA—BÜROS
20170807             Astronomie: —HEUTE—ABEND ist Mondfinsternis
20180807             —ARRESTED, Yezza, who lives in FRANCE, was, 20180716             at the airport in Biskra as he tried to return home —AFTER attending his father's funeral.
20180807             —WARNED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, the world against doing business with IRAN as he hailed the "most biting sanctions ever imposed", triggering 1—MIX—OF—ANGER, fear and defiance in TEHRAN.
20180807             —ANNOUNCED, THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION, that it will go ahead with imposing 24—PERCENT tariffs on 1—ADDITIONAL $16—BILLION in CHINA—IMPORTS.
20180807             THE—CALIFORNIA—DEPARTMENT—OF—FORESTRY and Fire Protection (CAL—FIRE) said the Mendocino Complex grew to span 290,692 acres (117,639 hectares) by this —MORNING, with barely a 3. of it contained —SINCE 2—WILDFIRES merged at the southern tip of the Mendocino National Forest.
20180807             —TORCHED, THE—CARR—FIRE, which has, 167,000 acres in the scenic SHASTA—TRINITY region NORTH—OF—SACRAMENTO, was —NOW 47—PERCENT contained.
20180807             —CONTAINED, THE—FERGUSON—FIRE was 43—PERCENT.
20180807             FLORIDA, SpaceX used its newest style booster for a 2. time at Cape Canaveral to put 1—COMMUNICATIONS—SATELLITE into orbit for INDONESIA.
20180807             † ARVONNE—FRASER, —92—JAHRE—ALT, 1—LEADING voice on women's issues in MINNESOTA, nationally and abroad in HUDSON—WISCONSIN.
20180807             1—PHARMACEUTICAL—COMPANY filed 1—LAWSUIT to prevent NEBRASKA from using lethal injection drugs —NEXT—WEEK in what would be the state's 1. execution in more than —2—DECADES.
20180807             GERMANY—BASED Fresenius Kabi opposes the use of its drugs in executions.
20180807             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—STRING of Taliban attacks, 12—PEOPLE overnight, including 4—WOMEN who † in the crossfire —DURING 1—SHOOTOUT between insurgents and soldiers.
20180807             —KILLED, An errant NATO—AIRSTRIKE in Azrah, Logar province, 9—AFGHANISTAN—POLICE.
20180807             —REPORTED, —AROUND 30—TALIBAN fighters were, killed in the battle.
20180807             —CONVICTED, 1—ALGERIA—COURT, human rights activist Salim Yezza to a —1—YEAR suspended prison sentence and fined him 100,000 dinars (about $115.00) for inciting violence more than —4—YEARS—AFTER his statements in support of 1—MINORITY.
20180807             —ACCUSED, NEW—YORK—BASED Human Rights Watch said, THE—BANGLADESH government of using abusive measures in handling STUDENT—LED protests calling for safer roads.
20180807             —IMPRISONED, CHINA, 6—PEOPLE were, for up to —4—YEARS for their part in 1—SCHEME to cheat on the national graduate school exam.
20180807             —SIGNED, ETHIOPIA—GOVERNMENT, 1—AGREEMENT to end hostilities with the Oromo Liberation Front, which it had previously declared 1—TERRORIST—MOVEMENT.
20180807             —SIGNED, The government, 1—RECONCILIATION—AGREEMENT to end hostilities with THE—OLF'S exiled leader DAWUD—IBSA, who lives in exile in ASMARA—ERITREA.
20180807             —REITERATED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, its "firm support to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of GEORGIA within its internationally recognized borders" and lamented THE—RUSSIA—MILITARY—PRESENCE in Abkhazia and SOUTH—OSSETIA.
20180807             RUSSIA—PRIME—MINISTER—DMITRY—MEDVEDEV said 1—ATTEMPT by NATO to incorporate THE—FORMER—SOVIET—REPUBLIC—OF—GEORGIA could trigger 1—NEW, "horrible" conflict.
20180807             —CONVICTED, SOUTH—WEST—GERMANY, 1—MOTHER, —48—JAHRE—ALT and her partner were, and jailed for repeatedly raping the woman's young son, —NOW 10, and selling him to pedophiles on THE—INTERNET, abusing him for more than —2—YEARS.
20180807             GREECE—PRIME—MINISTER—ALEXIS—TSIPRAS said the demolition of 3,200 buildings will start —IMMEDIATELY in the Attica region, which includes THE—CAPITAL—ATHENS, in response to THE—DEATH—OF—DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE who were unable to escape 1—MAZE of poorly planned streets in the country's worst wildfire disaster.
20180807             INDIA, Muthuvel Karunanidhi (94), 1—HIGHLY popular SCRIPTWRITER—TURNED—POLITICIAN in THE—SOUTH—STATE—OF—TAMIL—NADU, † after 1 prolonged illness.
20180807             —RENEWED, Iranians awoke to, USA—SANCTIONS that had been lifted by TEHRAN—NUCLEAR—DEAL with world powers.
20180807             —IMPOSED, The newly, USA—SANCTIONS targeted USA—DOLLAR—FINANCIAL—TRANSACTIONS, IRAN—AUTOMOTIVE sector, and the purchase of commercial planes and metals, including gold.
20180807             —KILLED, 1—ISRAEL—STRIKE, 2—MILITANTS—OF—THE—GAZA—STRIP—RULING Hamas movement —AFTER shots were fired at soldiers.
20180807             —CONFIRMED, THE—EZZEDINE—AL—QASSAM—BRIGADES, in 1—STATEMENT that the dead men were its fighters, naming them as AHMED—MURJAN and ABDEL—HAFEZ AL—SILAWI.
20180807             —APPROVED, ITALY—SENATE, 1—DECREE curbing temporary job contracts and penalizing firms that move production abroad, passing the 1. major legislation by the new government.
20180807             MEXICO, Elba Esther Gordillo, the flamboyant FORMER—LEADER—OF—THE—POWERFUL—TEACHERS' union, was released from custody —AFTER 1—COURT determined there weren't sufficient grounds to proceed in —1—YEARS—LONG MONEY—LAUNDERING case.
20180807             † Authorities in PERU said at least 9—PEOPLE have from food poisoning —FOLLOWING 1—FUNERAL—CEREMONY.
20180807             —HOSPITALIZED, Another 20—PEOPLE were, with stomach pains and vomiting —AFTER 1—WAKE the previous —DAY in THE—AYACUCHO region.
20180807             —THREATENED, THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE, to kill corrupt police, including those ACCUSED—OF—INVOLVEMENT in illegal drugs and other crimes, in 1—EXPLETIVES—LADEN encounter on live TV.
20180807             —REPORTED, It was, that Romanian and GERMANY—ARCHAEOLOGISTS have discovered 1—PREHISTORIC fortress dating back as far as 3,—400—YEARS in WEST—ROMANIA.
20180807             —COMPLETED, —LAST—WEEK they, 1—DIG uncovering 55—HECTARES (135—ACRES) of the 80-hectare (198-acre) site, built between 1,400 BC and 1,200 BC, located near THE—TOWN—OF—SANTANA.
20180807             RUSSIA, MARIA—ALEKHINA, 1—ACTIVIST from the Pussy Riot punk collective, led 1—PROTEST outside THE—HEADQUARTERS—OF—THE—STATE—PENITENTIARY—AGENCY in response to torture and slave labor in RUSSIA—PRISONS.
20180807             The lawyer for UKRAINE—FILMMAKER OLEG—SENTSOV, hunger striking in 1—RUSSIA—JAIL for nearly —3—MONTHS, said that the prisoner has lost 30—KG from his original weight of 100—KG, his heart rate has slowed and he has very low levels of red blood cells.
20180807             THE—42—YEAR—OLD was serving a —20—YEAR—SENTENCE in the far NORTH—OF—RUSSIA —AFTER being convicted —3—YEARS—AGO of arson attacks in his native Crimea —FOLLOWING its annexation by MOSCOW.
20180807             According to KIEV—ESTIMATES, RUSSIA is currently holding —AROUND 70—UKRAINE—POLITICAL—PRISONERS.
20180807             SAUDI—ARABIA began selling CANADA—ASSETS in 1—ESCALATING row —AFTER OTTAWA criticized THE—ARREST—OF—1—FEMALE—ACTIVIST.
20180807             Authorities in SPAIN said the death toll from 1—PARTICULARLY virulent heatwave rose to 9 in —JUST —1—WEEK, as the country suffered SKY—HIGH—TEMPERATURES.
20180807             SWITZERLAND—ARMY—HELICOPTERS began airlifting water to THOUSANDS—OF—THIRSTY cows who are suffering in 1—DROUGHT and heatwave that has hit much of EUROPE.
20180807             UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—ANTONIO—GUTERRES said he has chosen FORMER—CHILE—PRESIDENT—MICHELLE—BACHELET to be the world body's new human rights CHIEF.
20180807             1—ZIMBABWE court freed on bail 27—OPPOSITION—SUPPORTERS arrested —LAST—WEEK on accusations of fomenting violence in THE—AFTERMATH—OF—PRESIDENT—EMMERSON—MNANGAGWA—ELECTION—VICTORY over NELSON—CHAMISA.
20180807             Joint statement by THE—HEADS—OF—MISSION—OF EU states in ZIMBABWE along with THE—USA, CANADA and SWITZERLAND condemned the "violence, attacks, and ACTS—OF—INTIMIDATION targeted at opposition leaders and supporters," saying such violations have no place in 1—DEMOCRATIC—SOCIETY.
20180807             NEW—YORK—BASED Human Rights Watch said ZIMBABWE—SECURITY—FORCES and unidentified gunmen have beaten and harassed DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE in 1—CRACKDOWN on the political opposition —FOLLOWING 1 disputed election.
20180807             DEUTSCHE in PORTUGAL
20180807             —BELASTET, PROZEß—WEGEN—STEUER—, Bankbetrug: Geschäftspartner, DONALD—TRUMP—EX—WAHL—KAMPF—CHEF—MANAFORT
20180807             —STREIT—UM—FESTNAHME—VON—AKTIVISTEN: SAUDI—ARABIEN setzt Flüge nach KANADA aus
20180807             KOLUMBIENs neuer PRÄSIDENT: Drohnen bei AMTS—EINFÜHRUNG—VON—IVÁN Duque verboten
20180807             —PASSIERT, Hitzekollaps: Was im Körper, wenn es draußen sehr warm ist (SPIEGEL+, 04:55)
20180807             Trotz Protesten: USA—SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—IRAN wieder in Kraft
20180807             —APPELL der EU—KOMMISSION: Länder sollen weniger "Goldene Reisepässe"vergeben
20180807             USA—FEUERWEHR kämpft gegen größten Waldbrand in der GESCHICHTE KALIFORNIENs
20180807             Hochkulturen: Was ein See über den Untergang der MAYA verrät
20180807             Extrem selten: Forscher finden Ursprung blauer Diamanten
20180807             —STUDIEEN deuten darauf hin, daß 1.ausgeprägte TROCKENHEIT den Untergang der MAYA—KULTUR besiegelte.
20180807             —NACH, den Untersuchungen lag die jährliche Niederschlagsmenge in dieser Region um fast die Hälfte, zeitweilig sogar um —BIS zu 70 % unter den heutigen Werten,
20180807             lagen die Niederschläge WÄHREND der Trockenphase um durchschnittlich 47 % unter den aktuellen Regenmengen, mit Schwankungen zwischen 20—UND 70 %.
20180807             "Wenn natürliche Trockenphasen mit menschengemachten zusammenfallen, entsteht quasi 1.doppelte Dürre".
20180807             —ETLICHE Forscher vermuten —INZWISCHEN, daß immer heftigere Kriege zwischen den Stadtstaaten im südlichen Tiefland für 1.ART—MACHT—VAKUUM gesorgt haben könnten.
20180807             DONALD—TRUMP—WIRTSCHAFTS—MINISTER—WILBUR Ross hat ein paar peinliche Betrugsvorwürfe am Bein.
20180807             Over several months, in speaking with 21—PEOPLE who know Ross, Forbes uncovered 1—PATTERN: MANY—OF—THOSE who worked directly with him claim that Ross wrongly siphoned or outright stole 1—FEW million here and 1—FEW million there, huge amounts for most but not necessarily for the commerce SECRETARY.
20180807             —ENDLICH, mal Personal, das sich auskennt!
20180807             InterNations - BRUNCH—FAN oder Partylöwe?
20180807             Werde MITGLIED—DER—GRÖßTEN EXPAT—COMMUNITY, finde Freunde und erweitere dein NETZ—WERK.
20180807             SYRIEN: Mossad mutmaßlich für ANSCHLAG—AUF—RAKETEN—FORSCHER verantwortlich
20180807             Legendärer KlavierBAUER: Chinesen könnten Steinway kaufen
20180807             Wegen Reißgefahr: Durex ruft Kondome zurück
20180807             USA—SANKTIONEN: Daimler stoppt ALLE—AKTIVITÄTEN in IRAN
20180807             Schwächeres Wachstum: —SOMMERHITZE vermiest Zalando das Geschäft
20180807             MANGEL—AN—BODENSCHÄTZEN: Wie DEUTSCHLAND blindlings in die ROHSTOFF—FALLE tappt
20180807             Spähauftrag gegen HELMUT—SCHMIDT: Barschels schmutzige Tricks der SIEBZIGER—JAHRE
20180807             SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN: Wölfe aus DÄNEMARK wandern durch Norddeutschland
20180807             —STUDIEE—ZUR—MEDIENNUTZUNG: 50 % aller Neunjährigen besitzt 1—HANDY
20180807             ARBEITS—MARKT: ZAHL—DER—OFFENEN Stellen so hoch wie noch nie
20180807             Investoren aus CHINA: BUNDES—REGIERUNG will Vetorecht —BEREITS bei 15- %-Beteiligungen
20180807             —NEUEN—SMARTPHONE—BETRIEBSSYSTEM: GOOGLE veröffentlicht Android Pie
20180807             Alarm wegen Sexspielzeug: TEIL—BEREICH—DES—FLUGHAFENS—BERLIN—SCHÖNEFELD gesperrt
20180807             Strafen für Touristen in AMSTERDAM: Saufen: 95—EURO, Grölen: 140—EURO
20180807             Wetter: HAMBURGs Alsterschwäne wegen Hitze ins —WINTER—QUARTIER gebracht
20180807             VENEZUELA und KOLUMBIEN nach mutmaßlicher Drohnenattacke: In aller Feindschaft
20180807             KOKAIN—UMSCHLAGPLATZ BREMERHAVEN: Hier gibt es viel Geld fürs Wegsehen
20180807             Über MAROKKO und SPANIEN: Wie sich DIE—FLÜCHTLINGS—ROUTEN nach EUROPA verändern
20180807             —VERBIETET, Verräterische POSITIONS—DATEN: PENTAGON, Soldaten im —EINSATZ FITNESS—APPS wie Strava
20180807             —ENDE—DER—TEILRÄUMUNG: Betrieb am FRANKFURTer Flughafen wieder aufgenommen
20180807             "Racial Profiling"in BOCHUM: AUSWEISKONTROLLE—WEGEN—HAUTFARBE war rechtswidrig
20180807             Migration: Zahl TÜRKISCHER—ASYLANTRÄGE im;;07;;stark gestiegen
20180807             Staufener Missbrauchsfall: "Es gibt VIELE—MÜTTER, die selbst missbrauchen"
20180807             UN—FALL—IN—BAYERN: Ersthelfer löschen Brand mit Wasserflaschen
20180807             SAUDI—ARABIEN—PROPAGANDA—GEGEN—KANADA: Die Wüstentrolle
20180807             Luxuswagen: Pro Auto verdient Ferrari 69.000—EURO—TESLA verliert 11.000
20180807             —GEWOLLT, Ordnungsdezernent im PROZESS, Loveparade war politisch
20180807             Experiment geglückt: Nierenkranke erhalten infizierte Organe —, leben —HEUTE gesund
20180807             BÜRGER—MEISTER—GEGEN—RENDITEJÄGER: DER—KAMPF—UM—DEN letzten bezahlbaren Wohnraum
20180807             Soziologe EMMANUEL—TODD über 1—SCHEITERN der EU: "DEUTSCHLAND fürchtet sich vor seinen Eigenarten"
20180807             Erfindergenie, Unternehmerlegende, KRIEG—GEWINNLER: Das Rätsel ALFRED—KRUPP
20180807             Künstliche Organe: Kommt —NUN endlich das ERSATZTEIL—LAGER—FÜR—DEN Menschen?
20180807             Hitze in DEUTSCHLAND: Wird das TRINK—WASSER bald knapp?
20180807             Wegen Brandgefahr: BMW ruft 324.000—AUTOS in EUROPA zurück
20180807             MUTMAßLICHER—SERIENTÄTER: Mann überfiel offenbar BANKEN, um seinen LEBENS—STANDARD zu decken
20180807             USA—PRÄSIDENT—TRUMP und die Lügen: COMMANDER—IN—SCHIEF
20180807             EUGH—ENTSCHEIDUNG zu Familiennachzug: DEUTSCHE—REGELN für Türken sind mit EU—RECHT konform
20180807             TÜRKEI—LIRA im freien Fall: Wenn die WÄHRUNGS—KRISE zur WIRTSCHAFTS—KRISE wird
20180807             "Walk of Fame": Stadtrat will DONALD—TRUMP—HOLLYWOOD—STERN beseitigen
20180807             Kushners PALÄSTINENSER—INITIATIVE: Der radikale Plan des Schwiegersohns
20180807             —HANDELS—STREIT—USA erheben neue STRAF—ZÖLLE—GEGEN—CHINA
20180807             NATO: SPANISCHER—KAMPFJET feuert versehentlich Rakete über ESTLAND ab
20180807—10500000    —BIS, "Wir fanden hohe Wahrscheinlichkeiten für 1.TROCKENHEIT insbesondere am —ANFANG—ETWA 750—BIS 850—NACH Christus —, —AM—ENDE—ETWA 950—NACH CHRISTUS—DER späten klassischen Phase",
20180807—19690000    —IN, He became the state's CHIEF—MINISTER and held that position 5—TIMES for 1—TOTAL—OF—19—YEARS.
20180807—19790000    —IN, THE—FEDERAL—LAWSUIT could delay 20180814             —THE execution of Carey DEAN—MOORE, who was sentenced to death for killing 2—OMAHA cab drivers.
20180807—19790000    —IN, THE—FEDERAL—LAWSUIT could delay
20190701—20200807    —ON, EX—ANGELS communications director ERIC—PRESCOTT—KAY, —45—JAHRE—ALT was ACCUSED—OF—PROVIDING fentanyl that led to Skaggs' overdose.
20190807             euronews_com, 20190610            .
20190807             USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP said THE—USA—FEDERAL—RESERVE must cut rates "bigger and faster" for THE—USA to be competitive against other countries.
20190807             —AGREED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP said that SOUTH—KOREA has, to pay THE—USA "substantially more" for protection against NORTH—KOREA and that talks have begun to further increase payments.
20190807             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA and TURKEY, they'd agreed to form 1—COORDINATION—CENTER to set up the safe zone in NORTH—EAST—SYRIA.
20190807             The coordination center would be based in TURKEY and would be set up "as soon as possible".
20190807             —LOCKED, Twitter temporarily, the campaign ACCOUNT—OF—SENATE—MAJORITY—LEADER—MITCH—MCCONNELL —AFTER it shared 1—VIDEO in which SOME—PROTESTERS—SPOKE—OF—VIOLENCE outside his KENTUCKY home, where he was recovering from 1—SHOULDER fracture.
20190807             SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, ZACHARY—CASTANEDA, —33—JAHRE—ALT was taken into custody —AFTER he went on a —2—HOUR stabbing and robbery rampage, killing 4—PEOPLE and wounding 2—OTHERS.
20190807             The suspect and all the victims were Hispanic.
20190807             —AWARDED, He was, the prize in chemistry for developing polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology, which allowed molecular biologists to create MILLIONS—OF—COPIES—OF 1—SINGLE strand of DNA in 1—FEW hours.
20190807             —ARRESTED, USA—IMMIGRATION—AUTHORITIES, nearly 700—PEOPLE at 7—AGRICULTURAL processing plants across MISSISSIPPI in what FEDERAL—OFFICIALS said could be the largest worksite enforcement operation in 1—SINGLE—STATE.
20190807             —CHAMPIONED, Cyntoia Brown (31), by celebrities as 1—SYMBOL—OF—UNFAIR sentencing, was released from THE—TENNESSEE—PRISON for Women, where she had been serving 1—LIFE—SENTENCE for killing 1—MAN—WHEN she was a —16—YEAR—OLD prostitute.
20190807             —DISCOVERED, TENNESSEE convict CURTIS—RAY—WATSON, —44—JAHRE—ALT was, missing, several hours —AFTER being seen near 1—HOUSE at WEST—TENNESSEE STATE—PENITENTIARY where EMPLOYEE—DEBRA—JOHNSON, —64—JAHRE—ALT lived.
20190807             —ASSAULTED, Authorities say Johnson was found sexually, and deceased in the house with 1—CORD —AROUND her neck.
20190807             USA—FIRM—FIREEYE said, 1—CYBERSECURITY—RESEARCHER, said 1—OF—THE—MOST effective TEAMS—OF—CHINA—GOVERNMENT—BACKED hackers is also conducting FINANCIALLY—MOTIVATED side operations.
20190807             —ANNOUNCED, The findings were, at the Black Hat security conference in LAS—VEGAS.
20190807             AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMB—ATTACK on 1—POLICE—STATION in KABUL killed 14—PEOPLE and wounded 145.
20190807             —CLAIMED, THE—TALIBAN, responsibility.
20190807             —CONDUCTED, Separately, security forces, raids on 2—ISLAMIC—STATE—MILITANT hideouts in KABUL overnight and killed 2—MILITANTS and seized 1—LARGE—QUANTITY—OF explosives and BOMB—MAKING equipment.
20190807             3—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SECURITY forces were also killed.
20190807             —CANCELED, UK—AIRWAYS, almost 100—FLIGHTS to and from LONDON airports —AFTER its CHECK—IN systems were hit by computer problems.
20190807             Bottles featuring busty blondes, raunchy taglines and lewd labels were banned from 1—OF—BRITAIN—BIGGEST beer festivals in 1—CRACKDOWN on sexist advertising.
20190807             CHINA—RARE—EARTHS—ASSOCIATION said it would support CHINA—COUNTER—MEASURES in the escalating trade row with THE—USA, which it accused of "bullying".
20190807             —URGED, EGYPT—PRESIDENT—ABDEL—FATTAH—EL—SISSI, the nation to back his government's efforts to defeat Islamic militants, saying it's the mission of EVERY—EGYPTIAN.
20190807             GREECE—ENERGY—MINISTER—KOSTIS—HATZIDAKIS said GREECE, ISRAEL, CYPRUS and THE—USA—HAVE agreed to enhance cooperation in energy, cyber and infrastructure security —FOLLOWING 1—MEETING—OF—THE—MINISTERS from THE—4—COUNTRIES in ATHENS.
20190807             —ANNOUNCED, INDONESIA—CAPITAL, new curbs on private cars as it moved to rein in choking air pollution.
20190807             —WARNED, Experts, the measures were unlikely to stamp out the problem.
20190807             —FAILED, KYRGYZSTAN special forces, to capture FORMER—PRESIDENT—ALMAZBEK—ATAMBAYEV —DURING 1—RAID on his compound outside BISHKEK.
20190807             1—OFFICER was left dead and a police CHIEF in a critical condition.
20190807             Jewish leaders in THE—LITHUANIA—CAPITAL—OF—VILNIUS said they are indefinitely closing the city's sole synagogue and community center —FOLLOWING threats sparked by 1—EMOTIONAL—DEBATE over the country's —WWII—ERA—HISTORY.
20190807             1—MYANMAR court jailed 1—AUSTRALIA—PUBLISHER—FOR—13—YEARS on drugs charges, —1—YEAR—AFTER police uncovered 1—STASH—OF—METHAMPHETAMINES and opium at his home.
20190807             —ARRESTED, ROSS—DUNKLEY, —62—JAHRE—ALT was, along with business PARTNER—JOHN—MACKENZIE and several MYANMAR women in a 20180600             bust in YANGON.
20190807             —STUNNED, NEW—ZEALAND—DOLLAR fell heavily —AFTER its central bank, markets with 1—AGGRESSIVE—INTEREST—RATE cut and said negative rates were possible, fuelling bets on more global easing.
20190807             —SLASHED, THE—RBNZ, rates by 50—BASIS—POINTS against 1 expected 25—BASIS—POINTS to 1%.
20190807             —ANNOUNCED, PAKISTAN—PRIME—MINISTER—IMRAN—KHAN—GOVERNMENT, 1—SERIES—OF—MEASURES to oppose what it called "unilateral and illegal actions" by INDIA.
20190807             He also said PAKISTAN will review bilateral agreements, take the matter to THE—UNITED—NATIONS Security Council and ensure the army remains vigilant.
20190807             —OVERTURNED, PUERTO—RICO—SUPREME—COURT, the swearing in of PEDRO—PIERLUISI as THE—ISLAND—GOVERNOR less than —1—WEEK—AGO, clearing the way for Justice SECRETARY—WANDA—VASQUEZ to be sworn in —AFTER WEEKS—OF—TURMOIL.
20190807             SAUDI—ARABIA and THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—STATE—MEDIA said their countries are providing SUDAN 540,000 TONS—OF—WHEAT to support the country whose PRESIDENT was ousted —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR.
20190807             —ARRESTED, SPAIN—POLICE, 5—FRANCE—TOURISTS, ages 18 to 19, on SUSPICION—OF—GANG—RAPING a —20—YEAR—OLD—NORWAY—WOMAN in the Costa Blanca resort of Benidorm.
20190807             —FREED, THE—RUSSIA—VIGILANTE activist who, HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE from slavery missed planned calls at 9am, 12pm and 3pm on THE—FOLLOWING—DAY, —AFTER which colleague MAXIM—VAGANOV followed the group's policy and informed the media and THE—RUSSIA—EMBASSY that he had disappeared.
20190807             —DELIVERED, THAILAND, 4,500 bottles of cannabis oil to treat hospital patients, its 1. official USE—OF—MARIJUANA for medical purposes —SINCE 1—MEASURE legalizing such use took effect —THIS—YEAR.
20190807             —SIGNED, MEMBERS—OF—THE—UNITED—NATIONS, THE—SINGAPORE—CONVENTION on Mediation, 1—AGREEMENT it hopes will make it easier to settle CROSS—BORDER—COMMERCIAL—DISPUTES and stabilize trade relationships.
20190807             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—CONFIDENTIAL UN report reveals that NORTH—KOREA has been employing 1—RANGE—OF sophisticated cyberattacks in 1—EFFORT to bankroll its DEVELOPMENT—OF—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20190807             UN political CHIEF—ROSEMARY—DICARLO said reports suggest more than 100,000—PEOPLE in Syria have been detained, abducted or gone missing —DURING THE—8—YEAR—CONFLICT, with the government mainly responsible.
20190807             —SUSPENDED, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO, mediated talks with the opposition movement to protest USA—PRESIDENT—TRUMP—LATEST—SANCTIONS.
20190807             —KILLED, YEMEN, at least 1—PRESIDENTIAL—GUARD was, and 4—PEOPLE, including 2—CIVILIANS, were wounded as supporters of 1 killed militia COMMANDER marched on the presidential palace and clashed with troops stationed there.
20190807             Morde an Journalisten in MEXIKO: Wo das Gesetz der Angst und Kugeln gilt
20190807             RAUSCHGIFT—SEUCHE in GRIECHENLAND: "Wir sehen Abhängige, die wie Tote herumlaufen" (SPIEGEL+, 00:48)
20190807             Erregung im Schattenreich: Wie schädlich ist Pornografie für Jugendliche? (SPIEGEL+, 00:49)
20190807             USA—ZEITUNG: NEW—YORK—TIMES  ändert TRUMP—ÜBERSCHRIFT nach massiven Protesten
20190807             Aktie bricht ein: "Avengers"-Helden können Disneys Bilanz nicht retten
20190807             WINDOWS—UPDATE nötig: Schwachstelle in INTEL—PROZESSOREN kann Passwörter preisgeben
20190807             "Goldenes NANO—SEEGRAS": Nur 2—ATOME DICK—DAS dünnste Gold der Welt
20190807             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MITTWOCH, Der USA—PRÄSIDENT—WILL—TRÖSTEN—UND ist nicht willkommen
20190807             USA—PRÄSIDENT—VERSUS—NOTEN—BANK, Und es soll Boom machen
20190807             Emanzipation am Arbeitsmarkt: ERFOLGS—MODELL Ostfrau (SPIEGEL+, 07:53)
20190807             19—STATT 7—PROZENT: Politiker fordern höhere Mehrwertsteuer auf Fleisch
20190807             Angeschlagener FLUGZEUG—KONZERN, USA—WIRTSCHAFT ist durch BOEING—KRISE massiv belastet
20190807             MOSKAUer DEMONSTRANTEN vor Gericht: "So absurd wie DAS—REGIME"
20190807             Weitergabe an Werbekunden: Twitter räumt mögliche Datenpanne ein
20190807             Mikrokredite in KAMBODSCHA: Lukratives Geschäft mit der Armut
20190807             Stau an Flughäfen: BRITISH—AIRWAYS hat Computerprobleme
20190807             —VERBOT in ROM: POLIZEI vertreibt Touristen von SPANISCHER—TREPPE
20190807             Sorge vor ungeregeltem BREXIT: PIZZA—KETTE bunkert Zutaten
20190807             —KLIMA—KRISE: GRÜNEN—POLITIKER Kretschmann lehnt FLUG—VERBOTAB
20190807             DIE—RE—AKTION der REDAKTION ließ nicht lange auf sich warten: Die NEW—YORK—TIMES  hat die Titelzeile ihrer Aufmachergeschichte für den 6;;08;;in einer 2. Auflage geändert.
20190807             Im Original las sich die Überschrift zu DONALD—TRUMP—REAKTION—AUF—DIE—MASSAKER—IN—TEXAS und OHIO so: "TRUMP mahnt zu Einheit gegen RASSISMUS" ("TRUMP urges UNITY—VERSUS—RACISM").
20190807             Diese Zeile hatte für erhebliche Proteste gesorgt.
20190807             NEUSEELAND: Forscher entdecken Fossilien von RIESEN—PAPA gei
20190807             SPD auf Chefsuche: Mutlos, ratlos, führungslos
20190807             DIE—KREUZFAHRTSCHIFFE von Carnival pumpen mehr Schwefeloxid in die Luft als ALLE—AUTOS in EUROPA.
20190807             "USA—CRIME—STORY": Lewinsky produziert Serie zum CLINTON—LEWINSKY—SKANDAL
20190807             Schießerei auf Volksfest: FBI stuft weiteren Fall als Inlandsterrorismus ein
20190807             Industrieproduktion sinkt: Autokrise erreicht Zulieferfirmen
20190807             —NACH, Rekordfund: HAMBURGer Zoll entdeckt erneut Kokain im MILLIONEN—WERT
20190807             Professorin über KLIMA—KRISE: "1—RIESENHERAUSFORDERUNG, aber auch 1—RIESENCHANCE" (SPIEGEL+, 14:12)
20190807             USA—GEGEN—CHINA: Warum der WIRTSCHAFTS—KRIEG noch hässlicher werden könnte
20190807             Asma AL—ASSAD: —ERST der KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN Krebs, dann DER—KRIEG
20190807             NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN: POLIZEI findet Waffen in falschem Streifenwagen
20190807             Spekulation am Immobilienmarkt: Ökonomen stufen BlasenRISIKO auf 92 % ein
20190807             —NEUE—PROBLEME bei der Bundeswehr: START—VERBOTFÜR alle 53 "Tiger"-Hubschrauber
20190807             Experiment im Alltag: Frauen mit Kopftuch bekommen seltener Hilfe
20190807             —FORDERUNGEN nach Reform: Darum wird Fleisch niedriger besteuert als Babynahrung
20190807             NOTEN—BANK, "DIE—FED ist zu stolz, ihre Fehler zuzugeben"
20190807             RISIKO—ATLAS: Einem Viertel der WELT—BEVÖLKERUNG droht Wasserknappheit
20190807             Explosion in Kopenhagen: "Jemand hat das Gebäude absichtlich angegriffen"
20190807             VIDEOCHAT—DIENST—VON—MICROSOFT, Auch MANCHE—SKYPE—GESPRÄCHE werden von Menschen ausgewertet
20190807             Der Thinktank "World Resource Institute" (WRI) hat untersucht, wie es um die Wasserressourcen in 189—STAATEN steht und dazu Daten aus —DEN—JAHREN
20190807             Insgesamt LEIDEN 17—STAATEN an extrem hohem Wasserstress.
20190807             Besondere Sorge bereiten den Forschern die knappen Wasserreserven in INDIEN.
20190807             Mit 1.300.000.000—EINWOHNERN hat DER—STAAT mehr als 3—MAL mehr Einwohner als die restlichen 16—STAATEN mit extrem hohem Wasserstress zusammen.
20190807             Zu den 17—STAATEN mit extrem hohem Wasserstress kommen 27—WEITERE Staaten mit ebenfalls hohem Risiko hinzu.
20190807             Das gilt etwa für ZYPERN, BELGIEN, MEXIKO, GRIECHENLAND, SPANIEN und PORTUGAL.
20190807             Insgesamt lebt damit sogar 33—PROZENT—DER—WELT—BEVÖLKERUNG in Gegenden mit extrem hohem oder hohem Wasserstress.
20190807             —SEIT, den SECHZIGER—JAHREN habe sich die entnommene Grundwassermenge mehr als verdoppelt,
20190807             SYRIEN—BRENN—PUNKT Idlib: Zynisches Spiel mit der Hoffnung
20190807             —NACH, jahrelangem RECHTS—STREIT, ISRAEL zeigt unveröffentlichte KAFKA—SCHRIFTEN
20190807             Der Thinktank "World Resource Institute" (WRI) hat untersucht, wie es um die Wasserressourcen in 189—STAATEN steht
20190807             Dort werden PRO—JAHR zwischen 40—UND 80—PROZENT—DER—VERFÜGBAREN—WASSERRESSOURCEN entnommen.
20190807             POLIZEI—ÜBERGRIFF in Galveston: Die rassistischen Staaten von AMERIKA
20190807             STAUFEN im BREISGAU: EX—PFADFINDERLEITER wegen sexuellen Missbrauchs in Hunderten Fällen angeklagt
20190807—19970000    —SEIT, Anhaltende Proteste: "HONG—KONG erlebt die schlimmste Situation ,
20190807—20060000    —CONVICTED, Brown was, of murdering —43—YEAR—OLD—NASHVILLE real estate agent JOHNNY—ALLEN.
20190807—20120000    —SINCE, SYRIA—STATE—MEDIA reported that government forces have captured 2—NORTHWESTERN villages in 1 intensified offensive on the last REBEL—HELD PART—OF—THE—COUNTRY, inching closer to THE—TOWN—OF—KFAR Zeita which has been held by insurgents.
20190807—20190811    —ESCAPED, Watson, who had, on 1—TRACTOR, was captured in THE—TOWN—OF—HENNING.
20190812—20190807    —ANNOUNCED, Royal CANADA—MOUNTED—POLICE, that Kam McLeod (19) and Bryer Schmegelsky (18) had † from "suicide by gunfire" —BEFORE their bodies were discovered in 1—REMOTE—AREA—OF—MANITOBA.
20200730—20200807    —ON, it was reported that the bodies of THE—8—MISSING were recovered —FOLLOWING salvage operations.
20200807             —FREITAG, 20200807
20200807             So war es bei den Krupps: 269—ZIMMER, 600—BEDIENSTETE—FÜR 1—FAMILIE—VON—MARTIN—PFAFFENZELLER
20200807             Im 2. Quartal fiel unter dem Strich 1—MINUS—VON—1,8 Milliarden Dollar (1,5 Milliarden Euro) an,
20200807             Wegen hoher Kosten für den großen Börsengang hatte das Unternehmen vor einem —JAHR sogar noch deutlich mehr Miese gemacht.
20200807             insgesamt sanken die Erlöse um 29—PROZENT auf 2,2 Milliarden Dollar.
20200807             sanken die Erlöse - die Erlöse
20200807             verzeichnete - Nur in Ozeanien gibt es weniger erfasste Infektionsfälle.
20200807             muss in beiden Statistiken von einer erheblichen Zahl nicht registrierter Fälle ausgegangen werden.
20200807             SÜDAFRIKA,
20200807             —GERECHNET, Ökonomen hatten mit einem deutlich stärkeren Minus.
20200807             "Für die exportorientierte DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT sind Geschäftsreisen ein wichtiger Wirtschaftsfaktor. Die Folgen der Reiseeinschränkungen sind daher erheblich",
20200807             —VERHINDERT, Er sei aber optimistisch, dass dies, werden könne - "vorausgesetzt, die Bevölkerung hält sich an die vereinbarten Regeln".
20200807             Regeln - Fri 20200807
20200807             Anstatt mal Excel wegzuschmeißen oder zu lernen wie man das bedient, benennen die Schwachmaten lieber Gene um.
20200807             Unfassbar. Und DIE sollen Krebs heilen?! (Kontext)
20200807             Aerosole, R—WERT und 2. Welle: CORONA—WISSEN zum Mitreden - Darüber spricht der Westen
20200807             Mehrheit ist für CORONA—TESTPFLICHT +++ CORONA—INFEKTIONEN erreichen höchsten Wert —SEIT—MAI+++Es wird noch heißer +++ |
20200807             USA—GOVERNMENT brokers 1—DEAL that would see SYRIA—OIL—FINANCE 1—TERROR—GROUP.
20200807             —TRIED, THE—IDF has, this more than once in the past, in LEBANON and in GAZA.
20200807             —PERPETRATED, It is utterly shameful that the nation that, such 1—ABSOLUTE—CRIME remains unapologetic and in denial.
20200807             THE—LESSONS—WE—HAVEN'T—LEARNED
20200807             —75—YEARS—AFTER THE—USA—ATOMIC—BOMBINGS—OF—JAPAN, we remain perched on the precipice of unparalleled catastrophe.
20200807             —BY GARY—G—KOHLS
20200807             War and Pandemic Journalism - THE—TRUTH—CAN—DISAPPEAR—FAST.
20200807             THE—BOGUS "Recovery," Stress and Burnout
20200807             —COVERED, War crimes in AFGHANISTAN, up by UK MINISTRY—OF—DEFENCE
20200807             More Farmers Declare Bankruptcy Despite Record LEVELS—OF—FEDERAL—AID
20200807             THE—BUILDING—BLOCKS—OF—TYRANNY from 1 to Z - Keine Plantagen in Palawans Wälder!
20200807             Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde des Regenwaldes,
20200807             Umweltgesetze und die Rechte indigener Völker sind offenbar wenig wert.
20200807             Bitte unterstützen Sie den Widerstand der Einheimischen und unterschreiben Sie diese Petition.
20200807             Zur Petition: Frisierte Wirtschaftsdaten: Weltwirtschaftswundern über CHINA—VON—BENJAMIN—BIDDER
20200807             der linken Kiezkneipe "Syndikat" im Stadtteil Neukölln
20200807             USA gegen TikTok: Der Handelskrieg im Kinderzimmer Von MARKUS—BÖHM, MAX—HOPPENSTEDT und ANTON—RAINER
20200807             Vor Erkältungssaison: Forscher arbeiten an CORONA—TESTS für zu Hause
20200807             Kolumbiens EX—PRÄSIDENT—UNTER—HAUSARREST: Mentor der Paramilitärs Von JENS—GLÜSING, RIO—DE—JANEIRO
20200807             Rechtsextreme bei Polizei und Bundeswehr: Die dunkle Seite der Staatsmacht Von MATTHIAS—BARTSCH, Maik Baumgärtner, JÖRG—DIEHL, MATTHIAS—GEBAUER, HUBERT—GUDE, Konstantin von Hammerstein, ROMAN—HÖFNER, JULIA—JÜTTNER, MARTIN—KNOBBE, Gunther Latsch, ROMAN—LEHBERGER, ANN—KATRIN—MÜLLER, SVEN—RÖBEL, Ansgar Siemens, ANDREAS—ULRICH, WOLF—WIEDMANN—SCHMIDT, Rebekka Wiese, STEFFEN—WINTER und JEAN—PIERRE—ZIEGLER
20200807             Streit um - Eigenheim auf Pump: Kreditsummen für Immobilienkäufe steigen kräftig Von ROBIN—WILLE
20200807             MICHELLE—OBAMA über Depression: "Mir geht es gut" - Morrison.
20200807             Er hoffe aber, dass die Regeln "irgendwann in der Zukunft" geändert werden könnten.
20200807             PERSEIDEN—SAISON: Sternschnuppen im Anflug
20200807             USA—DROHUNGEN gegen Sassnitz: Als säße auf Rügen 1—SCHURKENREGIME—1—KOMMENTAR—VON—BENJAMIN—BIDDER
20200807             Coronakrise: USA—ARBEITSLOSENQUOTE sinkt auf 10—PROZENT
20200807             Test durch TELEKOM—TOCHTER: Bundesamt ließ VIDEO—APP TikTok auf Sicherheitsrisiken prüfen Von MAX—HOPPENSTEDT
20200807             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—7—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—5—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—2—(=)
20200807             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—131—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—109—(+4)—CASOS—ATIVOS—22—(-4)
20200807             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—124—(=)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—87—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—34—(-1)
20200807             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—14—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—11—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—3—(=)
20200807             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—19—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—15—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—2—(-2)
20200807             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—45—(+1)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—27—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—18—(+1)
20200807             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—162—(+2)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—113—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—47—(+2)
20200807             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—168—(=)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—108—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—54—(=)
20200807             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—120—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—72—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—47—(-1)
20200807             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—35—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—26—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—9—(=)
20200807             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—47—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—37—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—10—(=)
20200807             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—22—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—17—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—3—(=)
20200807             EUSKIRCHEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—626—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—324,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—14,5—TODESFÄLLE—25—EINWOHNERZAHL—192.840
20200807             Aktualisierung 202008070000         —UHR
20200807             DÜREN—KREIS—FÄLLE—748—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—283,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—23,1—TODESFÄLLE—40—EINWOHNERZAHL—263.722
20200807             KÖLN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—3.093—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—284,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—11,6—TODESFÄLLE—109—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.085.664
20200807             BERLIN—NEUKÖLLN—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—1.174—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—356,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—10,9—TODESFÄLLE—42—EINWOHNERZAHL—329.691
20200807             KLEVE—KREIS—FÄLLE—936—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—301,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—26,7—TODESFÄLLE—37—EINWOHNERZAHL—310.974
20200807             VECHTA—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—505—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—356,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—27,5—TODESFÄLLE—12—EINWOHNERZAHL—141.598
20200807             Nebeneinkünfte von Abgeordneten: Mehr als 11—MILLIONEN Euro mit unklarer Herkunft Von SVEN—BECKER und MARCEL—PAULY
20200807             —VERZÖGERT, Rücktransport, sich: DEUTSCHER—ATOMMÜLL bleibt noch —JAHRZEHNTE in FRANKREICH—VON—STEFAN—SCHULTZ
20200807             Ammoniumnitrat im Beiruter Hafen: Kapitän des Schiffs mit explosiver Fracht erhebt schwere Vorwürfe
20200807             Prozess wegen erfundenem NSU—OPFER: Rechtsanwalt in Büßerpose Von Wiebke Ramm, AACHEN
20200807             Immunsystem: Wie frühere Erkältungen 1—CORONA€"VIRUS—INFEKTION beeinflussen könnten Von NINA—WEBER
20200807             Es gibt verschiedene Unterarten von T—ZELLEN, die unterschiedliche Jobs übernehmen:
20200807             EINIGE—T—ZELLEN aktivieren andere TEILE—DES—IMMUNSYSTEMS und fördern damit die Immunreaktion, andere unterdrücken diese, wieder andere töten befallene Zellen ab.
20200807             Sogenannte T—GEDÄCHTNISZELLEN bleiben nach einer einer Infektion oder Impfung bestehen und können bei einer erneuten Begegnung mit dem Erreger die Immunantwort fördern.
20200807             leider lässt sich nicht einmal klar sagen, ob diese IMMUN—ERINNERUNG bei einer SARS—COV—2—INFEKTION immer von Vorteil ist.
20200807             Lager mit Klopapier voll "—BIS oben hin" Von ALEXANDER—PREKER
20200807             Probleme mit automatischer Umwandlung: Forscher benennen menschliche Gene für Microsoft Excel um Von MATTHIAS—KREMP
20200807             Hurrikansaison 20200000             : Die doppelte Katastrophe Von MARCO—EVERS
20200807             gab es eine derart hohe Fallzahl —SEIT—MAI nicht mehr.
20200807             The backlash has begun.
20200807             —DISABLED, Twitter has, 1—ACCOUNT that appeared to represent 1—VIOLENT antifa group —AFTER it was determined to be 1—BOGUS front for 1—WHITE—NATIONALIST—GROUP.
20200807             —VIEWED, They, themselves as outsiders because they were outsiders, dismissed as unimportant FRINGE—DWELLERS by SHORT—SIGHTED mainstream writers.
20200807             —SUPPORTED, The fascists also, oppressed peoples —WHEN doing so served their purposes.
20200807             —FEATURED, That's why Nazi rallies in THE—USA—OFTEN, AMERICA—INDIANS on stage.)
20200807             Streit über die National Rifle Association: Warum die Waffenlobby Trump BRAUCHT—UND Trump die Waffenlobby Von MARIUS—MESTERMANN
20200807             Número de casos ativos desce para 252, enquanto recuperados sobem para 640
20200807             A quantidade média de chuva no mês passado correspondeu a 30% do valor normal.
20200807             So war es bei den Krupps: 269—ZIMMER, 600—BEDIENSTETE—FÜR 1—FAMILIE
20200807             Höchststand —SEIT—MAI: Spahn hält 1.000—NEU—INFEKTIONEN —AM—TAG—DERZEIT für unkritisch
20200807             —PROTESTE—NACH—EXPLOSIONEN: Konfrontationen zwischen SICHERHEITSkräften und Demonstranten in BEIRUT
20200807             Drastische PROGNOSE für DIE—USA: Forscher befürchten fast 300.000—CORONA—TOTE in den USA —BIS—DEZEMBER
20200807             CHINESISCHE—VIDEOPLATTFORM: TRUMP unterzeichnet Dekret zu Verbot von Geschäften mit TIKTOK—INHABER
20200807             —USA—PRÄSIDENTEN—WAHL: Kein zusätzliches TV—DUELL zwischen TRUMP und BIDEN
20200807             —BIS 38—GRAD am Wochenende: DEUTSCHLAND schwitzt
20200807             KATASTROPHE in BEIRUT: So will die Welt dem LIBANON helfen
20200807             —NACH, TRUMP—DEKRET—GEGEN—TIKTOK und WeChat: Börsenkurse in CHINA und HONG—KONG geben stark nach
20200807             —VERZEICHNET, Uber, wegen der PANDEMIE massive Verluste
20200807             Im 2. Quartal fiel unter dem Strich 1—MINUS—VON—1.800.000.000—DOLLAR (1.500.000.000—EURO) an,
20200807             insgesamt sanken die Erlöse um 29—PROZENT auf—DOLLAR.
20200807             DIE—ERLÖSE - Der ESSENLIEFER—DIENST Uber Eats verbuchte dank hoher NACH—FRAGE während des Lockdown zwar weiter starkes Wachstum,
20200807             —GERIET, DIE—AKTIE, nachbörslich —ZUNÄCHST mit mehr als 3—PROZENT ins Minus.
20200807             —ZUNÄCHST - Forscher befürchten fast 300.000—CORONA—TOTE in den USA —BIS—DEZEMBER
20200807             Wenn 95—PROZENT—DER—MENSCHEN in der Öffentlichkeit stets Masken trügen, könnte die ZAHL—DER—OPFER —BIS 1. ;;12;;MIT—CA—228.000—DEUTLICH geringer ausfallen,
20200807             Mehr als 1—MILLION verzeichnete CORONA—FÄLLE in AFRIKA
20200807             SÜD—AFRIKA, gab es —BIS DONNERSTAGABEND—CA—538.000—INFEKTIONEN und etwa 9600—TODES—OPFER.
20200807             —GENOMMEN, CHINA, wo DAS—VIRUS seinen Ausgang, hat, meldet 37—NEUE—CORONA—FÄLLE.
20200807             —NACH, einem Anstieg der CORONA—VIRUS—INFEKTIONSRATEN schließt GRIECHENLAND —NACHTS seine Grenze.
20200807             Nur die Grenzübergänge zu BULGARIEN bleiben —IN—DER—NACHT geöffnet,
20200807             Auf Poros gilt —NUN überall 1—MASKENPFLICHT und für Restaurants und Bars 1—SPERRSTUNDE.
20200807             Treffen mit mehr als 9—TEILNEHMERN sind auf der Insel untersagt.
20200807             JAPAN, haben die —STAAT—CORONA—HILFEN den Konsum wieder in Schwung gebracht.
20200807             Gekauft wurden vor allem Fernseher, Computer und Möbel.
20200807             "Für Geschäftsanbahnungen sowie MONTAGen oder Reparaturen von Maschinen ist der persönliche Kontakt vor Ort häufig aber unerlässlich",
20200807             Der CDU—WIRTSCHAFTSRAT hat 1—VERBOT von Reisen in CORONA—RISIKOGEBIETE gefordert.
20200807             —BEWERTET, Das "Reiserecht" könne nicht höher, werden als die Rechte von Millionen DEUTSCHEN, denen ein erneuter Lockdown drohen könnte,
20200807             Einen erneuten Lockdown mit BETRIEBS—UND Schulschließungen werde sich DEUTSCHLAND "nur unter erheblichsten Schwierigkeiten nochmal leisten können", warnte Steiger.
20200807             Dies müsse allen klar sein.
20200807             Deshalb erwarte er von der Politik "mehr vorausschauendes Handeln".
20200807             REKORD—ANSTIEG in INDIEN auf mehr als 2—MILLIONEN Fälle
20200807             INDIEN ist —NACH—DEN USA und BRASILIEN damit das 3. Land, das die Schwelle von 2—MILLIONEN Infektionen überschritten hat.
20200807             DIE—ZAHL—DER—NEU—INFEKTIONEN in DEUTSCHLAND hat damit den höchsten Wert —SEIT—ANFANG —MAI erreicht.
20200807             "Ich blicke mit großer Sorge auf die Zeit —NACH—DEM ENDE—DER—SOMMERFERIEN", sagte der CDU—POLITIKER der "HANNOVERschen Allgemeinen Zeitung".
20200807             "Wir müssen —JETZT—SCHON unser PANDEMIE—MANAGEMENT erweitern, denn einen 2. allgemeinen Shutdown können wir uns nicht leisten. Das wäre wirtschaftlich und gesellschaftlich 1—KATASTROPHE".
20200807             DIE—VEREINBARTEN - Fri 20200807
20200807             [l] Gute Nachrichten! Die Wissenschaft findet für alles 1—LÖSUNG!
20200807             —AKTUELL: Gene wie SEPT1 umbenannt, weil Excel das immer für 1—DATUMSANGABE hielt.
20200807             DIE—BEGRIFFE COVID—19, SARS—COV—2, Viruslast, R—WERT, 2. Welle, Präventionsparadox, Super Spreader, viruzid, Infodemie und Aerosole stehen vor einer Grafik von CORONA—VIREN
20200807             —CORONA ist allgegenwärtig.
20200807             Trotzdem fallen immer wieder Begriffe, über deren Bedeutung sich selbst die Wissenschaft nicht einig ist.
20200807             Aktuelles Beispiel die viel diskutierte 2. Welle. Wir erklären die wichtigsten.
20200807             Blick in das Großraumbüro des WDR—NEWSROOMS KÖLN
20200807             —THE—BATTLE—FOR—THE contested maritime region is over —BEFORE the shooting even begins and CHINA has won.
20200807             Empire is THE—ROOT—OF—USA—CHINA—HOSTILITIES
20200807             USA—OFFICIALS will stop at nothing to ensure that THE—USA—EMPIRE maintains its sole dominion and power —AROUND THE—WORLD.
20200807             ISRAEL is in shock, in 1—SICKENING —SHOW—OF—HYPOCRISY
20200807             HIROSHIMA Denial is Terror
20200807             —BLOCKED, We HISTORICALLY—ILLITE—RATE—AMERICANS are, again and again, from learning historical truths about THE—USA—EMPIRE.
20200807             —REPORTED, Even —BEFORE THE—PANDEMIC, over HALF—OF—AMERICANS, that their stress level was usually high.
20200807             'Most Believe' BEIRUT Blast 'Accident,' Esper Says, Contradicting TRUMP
20200807             —ALLEGED, ISRAEL launches air strikes on SYRIA —AFTER, border attack
20200807             Propaganda alert: Did MIKE—POMPEO—MISLEAD—CONGRESS—ABOUT—SYRIA—OIL?: THE—KURDS are claiming they never signed 1—CONTRACT with ANUSA—COMPANY.
20200807             POLL: About 3—QUARTERS—SUPPORT bringing troops home from IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN
20200807             SAUDI—ARABIA—HIT squad sent to CANADA to kill former intel official, lawsuit alleges
20200807             'How ISRAEL—STOLE—THE—BOMB':USA—OFFICIALS looked the other way and obstructed investigations
20200807             —CORONA—VIRUS, ISRAEL—COURT—RULES—PALESTINE—PRISONERS have no right to social distancing
20200807             GERMANY deploys 250—SOLDIERS for LIBYA—ARMS—EMBARGO—MISSION
20200807             USA announces HIGHEST—LEVEL visit to TAIWAN in decades, risking CHINA anger
20200807             USA  Paranoia? Crisis 'hotline' between USA, CHINA feared as possible strategic tool for attack
20200807             Critic calls USA' move on TikTok a 'mafia deal'
20200807             Nearly HALF—OF—GERMANS in FAVOR—OF—USA—MILITARY—WITHDRAWAL: survey
20200807             Twitter labels RT & SPUTNIK but NOT BBC, NPR & VOA as it launches blitz on state media staff & govt officials
20200807             USA—ARMY Shows 1.—EVER FOOTAGE—OF—NEW—HYPERSONIC—MISSILE In Flight And Impacting
20200807             To keep weapon sales in place, USA—OFFERS—NEW options for payment:USA—IS allowing FOREIGN—COUNTRIES to finance arms procurement THROUGHUSA—BANK—LOANS.
20200807             1—DEATH—EVERY— 80—SECONDS: The grim new toll of COVID—19 in AMERICA
20200807             FACEBOOK removes TRUMP —POST over false COVID—19—CLAIM for 1. time
20200807             Millions in USA—FACE eviction amid COVID—19—CRISIS
20200807             CHAPTER—11—USA—COMMERCIAL—BANKRUPTCY—FILINGS up 52% in July
20200807             Top Experts Warn That Market Collapse Is Imminent As FEDERAL—SPENDING—SPIRALS—OUT—OF—CONTROL
20200807             Watch: BIDEN pushes back on cognitive —TEST question: 'Why the hell would I take 1—TEST?'
20200807             Does THE—USA—MILITARY—ASSASSINATE Journalists? THE—ANSWER—IS—YES.
20200807             Leaked police bodycam footage shows MOMENT—BY—MOMENT—ARREST—OF—GEORGE—FLOYD for THE 1. time
20200807             WARNING: DISTURBING CONTENT—THE—TERROR on his face —WHEN officer points gun at his head, sobbing —BEFORE he's shoved into squad car and begging to breathe as his life drains away.
20200807             GADDAFI—PROPHECY comes true as foreign powers battle for LIBYA—OIL
20200807             ATOMIC—BOMBING at 75: Truman's 'Human Sacrifice' to Subdue MOSCOW
20200807             USA—ARMY—GUARD begins to reorganize force into 8—DIVISIONS to prepare for possible WAR—WITH—R USSIA and CHINA
20200807             PUTIN signs law legalizing Bitcoin & other cryptocurrencies
20200807             UK—STUNNING—HYPOCRISY over HONG—KONG: Further evidence THE—UK—HIDES behind "HUMAN—RIGHTS" rather than stands for them.
20200807             THE—PANDEMIC—IS 1—DRESS—REHEARSAL: THE—WORLD is entering 1—TRANSFORMATIVE era.
20200807             Prepare for more —CHAOS and instability.
20200807             GOLD—PRICES surge above $2,013; Silver jumps nearly 5%
20200807             Homeland SECURITY Seized $2—BILLION in Cash From Travelers at USA—AIRPORTS
20200807             Man kills Burger KING employee —AFTER order takes too long
20200807             —BEHEIMATET, DIE—PHILIPPINISCHE—INSEL Palawan, zahlreiche Tierarten, die nirgends sonst auf der Welt vorkommen.
20200807             Einige wie die örtlichen Varianten von Schildschnabel, Spitzhörnchen und Pangolin stehen auf der Roten Liste bedrohter Arten.
20200807             DIE—INSEL ist UNESCO Man & Biosphere Reserve und das angestammte Land indigener Völker.
20200807             Diejenigen, die in den abgelegenen Hochländern leben, haben kaum Kontakt zur Außenwelt.
20200807             Sie verfügen über eine reiche Tradition mündlicher Überlieferungen und tiefgründiges Wissen über die Natur.
20200807             Trotz dieses ökologischen und kulturellen Reichtums hat das PHILIPPINISCHE—UMWELT—MINISTERIUM 1—JOINT Venture mit der Firma Lionheart Agrotech geschlossen.
20200807             Dadurch könnten weitere Regenwälder und DAS—ACKERLAND indigener Völker in KOKOS—PLANTAGEN umgewandelt werden.
20200807             —LAUT, der Koalition gegen Landraub hat Lionheart —BEREITS heilige Orte und Grabstätten indigener Völker zerstört, ohne dass die betroffenen Gemeinschaften entschädigt worden wären.
20200807             Erholung vom CORONA—EINBRUCH: DEUTSCHE—EXPORTE legen um knapp 15—PROZENT zu
20200807             STATISTISCHES—BUNDESAMT: Schlachtbetriebe produzieren fast 50.00$—TONNEN weniger Fleisch
20200807             Einsatz in BERLIN—NEUKÖLLN: POLIZEI nimmt Dutzende Menschen bei Räumung von Kiezkneipe fest
20200807             1—GERICHTSVOLLZIEHER lässt mit Hilfe DER—POLIZEI das linke Berliner Szenelokal "Syndikat" räumen.
20200807             Protestierende stellten sich dem entgegen.
20200807             Es kam zu Rangeleien, Barrikaden brannten.
20200807             Bei vorangegangenen Protesten gegen die Zwangsmaßnahme nahm die POLIZEI nach eigenen Angaben eine zweistellige ANZAHL—VON—PERSONEN vorläufig fest.
20200807             1—POLIZEISPRECHER sprach von "um die 40".
20200807             —DIE—GANZE—NACHT—ÜBER, hatten mehrere 100—MENSCHEN gegen die Räumung durch einen Gerichtsvollzieher, den die POLIZEI unterstützte, protestiert.
20200807             Dabei kam es wegen der vom Eigentümer veranlassten Räumung zu Rangeleien und AUSEINANDERSETZUNGEN—MIT —POLIZISTEN.
20200807             Demonstranten setzten laut POLIZEI rund um das weiträumig abgesperrte Lokal Barrikaden in Brand, die die Feuerwehr löschen musste.
20200807             —LAUT—ANGABEN—DES—SPRECHERS will die POLIZEI etwa 700—POLIZISTEN einsetzen, um die Räumung der Kneipe abzusichern.
20200807             —AM—ABEND hatten sich an verschiedenen Stellen in BERLIN—NEUKÖLLN Menschen versammelt, um gegen die Schließung der Kneipe zu protestieren.
20200807             DIE—BETREIBER haben für die Kneipe —SEIT Längerem keinen Mietvertrag mehr, wollen aber nicht ausziehen.
20200807             DIE—UNTERSTÜTZER protestieren für den Erhalt des LOKALS—SOWIE gegen stark gestiegene MIET—PREISE in dem Viertel.
20200807             Viele fürchten, verdrängt zu werden.
20200807             1—HUBSCHRAUBER kreiste zeitweise über dem Ort. LINKS—EXTREME Randalierer
20200807             QAnon: FACEBOOK entfernt große GRUPPE—VON—VERSCHWÖRUNGSTHEORETIKERN
20200807             "Movie Money": POLIZEI, Handel und Banken konfiszieren deutlich mehr Falschgeld
20200807             USA—GEGEN—TIKTOK: Der HANDELS—KRIEG im Kinderzimmer
20200807             —PROTESTE—IN—BULGARIEN: POLIZEI räumt Straßenblockaden von Regierungsgegnern
20200807             —ATTACKE gegen Auto von Kommunalpolitikerin: "Ich darf DIE—ANGST nicht zulassen" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—VALERIE—HÖHNE
20200807             Kolumbiens EX—PRÄSIDENT—UNTER—HAUSARREST: Mentor der Paramilitärs
20200807             —VERLIERT, Drohende Umweltkatastrophe: Frachtschiff vor MAURITIUS, Öl
20200807             RECHTS—EXTREME bei POLIZEI und Bundeswehr: Die dunkle Seite der Staatsmacht
20200807             "Nordkreuz"-Gruppe: SEK—POLIZIST fiel —SCHON vor —JAHREN mit RECHTS—RADIKALEN Ansichten auf
20200807             —VERDACHT—AUF—RECHTS—EXTREMISMUS: Neue Ermittlungen gegen KSK—AUSBILDER
20200807             Bund und Länder: Hunderte RECHTS—EXTREMISMUS—VERDACHTSFÄLLE unter Polizisten
20200807             —STREIT—UM—CHINESISCHE—VIDEO—APP: TikTok will sich juristisch gegen USA—REGIERUNG wehren
20200807             —STREIT—UM— - EIGEN—HEIM auf Pump: Kreditsummen für Immobilienkäufe steigen kräftig
20200807             [l] DIE—USA haben eine innovative Methode zur Abwehr von Ausländern gefunden: Monatelang internieren, —BIS sie an Covid sterben.
20200807             —NACH, einem leichten Abflachen der CORONA—INFEKTIONEN hat ISRAEL—REGIERUNG 1—LOCKERUNG von Einschränkungen an Wochenenden beschlossen.
20200807             —GESCHLOSSEN, AUSTRALIEN will seine Grenzen vorläufig weiter, halten.
20200807             Es werde noch "EINIGE—MONATE" dauern, —BIS wieder Ausländer einreisen dürften,
20200807             —ZUDEM, gilt auch 1—AUSREISE—VERBOTFÜR Australier.
20200807             DIE—GRIECHISCHE—REGIERUNG hat 1. —SEIT Ausbruch der CORONA—PANDEMIE umfangreiche Einschränkungen auf einer Insel angeordnet.
20200807             DIE—SCHWEIZ hat sich Zugang zum von der USA—FIRMA Moderna entwickelten CORONA—VIRUS—IMPFSTOFF gesichert.
20200807             Der Bund habe einen VERTRAG über den Bezug von 4,5 Millionen Impfdosen abgeschlossen,
20200807             MEXIKO hat als 3. Land der Welt die Marke von 50.000—REGISTRIERTEN Todesfällen im Zusammenhang mit der Lungenkrankheit COVID—19—ÜBERSCHRITTEN.
20200807             Verurteilte Straftäter, die ihre Freiheitsstrafe wegen der CORONA—PANDEMIE vorübergehend nicht antreten mussten, werden in BAYERN  —INZWISCHEN. wieder zum Haftantritt geladen.
20200807             SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEINS BILDUNGS—MINISTERIUM hat nach eigenen Angaben Rechtsmittel gegen einen Gerichtsbeschluss eingelegt, demzufolge eine lungenkranke Lehrerin wegen der CORONA—RISIKEN vorerst nicht direkt Schüler unterrichten muss.
20200807             WUPPERTAL schließt Kita nach Infektionsfall
20200807             SAARLAND lockert CORONA—REGELN für Veranstaltungen
20200807             Insgesamt 78—CORONA—FÄLLE bei Blohm+Voss
20200807             ZAHL—DER—MALARIA—TOTEN in AFRIKA könnten sich verdoppeln
20200807             Sollten die Aktivitäten zur Prävention von Malaria stark beeinträchtigt werden, könne es 2020—CA—779.000—MALARIA—TOTE geben,
20200807             —NACH, einer Abifahrt nach KROATIEN sind  —INZWISCHEN.
20200807             10—CORONA—INFEKTIONEN bei einer Gruppe aus BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG bestätigt worden.
20200807             Explosionen in BEIRUT: Ermittler ziehen auch Anschlag als Ursache in Betracht
20200807             USA—DROHUNGEN—GEGEN—SASSNITZ: Als säße auf Rügen 1—SCHURKENREGIME
20200807             —CORONA—KRISE, USA—ARBEITSLOSENQUOTE sinkt auf 10—PROZENT
20200807             Test durch TELEKOM—TOCHTER: Bundesamt ließ VIDEO—APP TikTok auf SICHERHEITSrisiken prüfen
20200807             67—INFEKTIONEN in Fleischverarbeitungsbetrieb in BELGIEN
20200807             ALGARVE tem seis novos casos de COVID—19
20200807             Alentejo tem menos um caso de COVID—19, após acerto feito pela DGS
20200807             EUSKIRCHEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—626—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—324,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—14,5—TODES—FÄLLE—25,—EINWOHNERZAHL—192.840
20200807             DÜREN—KREIS—FÄLLE—748—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—283,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—23,1—TODES—FÄLLE—40,—EINWOHNERZAHL—263.722
20200807             KÖLN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—3.093—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—284,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—11,6—TODES—FÄLLE—109,—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.085.664
20200807             BERLIN—NEUKÖLLN—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—1.174—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—356,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—10,9—TODES—FÄLLE—42,—EINWOHNERZAHL—329.691
20200807             KLEVE—KREIS—FÄLLE—936—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—301,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—26,7—TODES—FÄLLE—37,—EINWOHNERZAHL—310.974
20200807             VECHTA—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—505—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—356,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—27,5—TODES—FÄLLE—12,—EINWOHNERZAHL—141.598
20200807             EKLAT im USA—BASEBALL: Trainer macht den HITLER—GRUß und sagt, es sei 1—VERSEHEN
20200807             Nebeneinkünfte von Abgeordneten: Mehr als 11—MILLIONEN—EURO mit unklarer Herkunft
20200807             —CORONA—REGELN: Steinmeier bedauert Verzicht auf MUND—NASEN—SCHUTZ bei Urlaubsfoto
20200807             —NACH, Verschiebung der Wahl: USA verhängen Sanktionen gegen HONG—KONG—REGIERUNG—CHEFIN Lam
20200807             —CORONA—KRISE: JUGEND—FORSCHER Hurrelmann will mehr Mitsprache für Jugendliche
20200807             THE—INVISIBLE—ENEMY: Scientists Weigh THE—BENEFITS—OF—AIR—PURIFIERS in Fighting COVID—19—BY MARCO—EVERS
20200807             —VERZÖGERT, Rücktransport, sich: DEUTSCHER—ATOM—MÜLL bleibt noch —JAHRZEHNTE in FRANKREICH
20200807             HESSEN: POLIZEI findet scharfe Waffe bei Mitglied der RECHTE—SZENE
20200807             Prozess wegen erfundenem NSU—OPFER: RECHTS—ANWALT in Büßerpose
20200807             Immunsystem: Wie frühere Erkältungen 1—CORONA—VIRUS—INFEKTION beeinflussen könnten
20200807             Wer sich mit dem CORONA—VIRUS— SARS—COV—2—INFZIERT, bleibt entweder so fit, daß er dies gar nicht bemerkt, oder plagt sich ein paar —TAGE mit leichten Symptomen oder wird schwer krank oder hat über —MONATE gesundheitliche Probleme oder er stirbt sogar.
20200807             1—THEORIE ist, daß frühere INFEKTIONEN—MIT—ANDEREN CORONA—VIREN, die als Erkältungserreger —SCHON lange zirkulieren, die Immunantwort auf SARS—COV—2—BEEINFLUSSEN—UND damit die Krankheitsschwere.
20200807             Verschiedene Studien zeigten eine deutliche Reaktion von T—ZELLEN auf Bestandteile des Virus bei 20—BIS 50—PROZENT—DER—MENSCHEN, die nachweislich noch nie mit SARS—COV—2—INFIZIERT waren.
20200807             JEDER—MENSCH hat andere T—GEDÄCHTNISZELLEN, davon abhängig, welche Krankheiten und Impfungen er oder sie bekommen hat.
20200807             Außerdem bildet nicht JEDER—MENSCH die gleichen Gedächtniszellen gegen einen bestimmten Erreger, sondern unterschiedliche.
20200807             Fürs SARS—COV—2—IDENTIFIZIERTEN die Forscherinnen und Forscher in dieser Studie 142—EPITOPE, auf die Immunzellen aus den Blutproben ansprachen.
20200807             "DIE—HYPOTHESE ist plausibel, daß —BEREITS bestehende T—GEDÄCHTNISZELLEN dazu beitragen können, daß COVID—19—UNTERSCHIEDLICH schwer VERLÄUFT—ABER —ZEIT—PUNKT—ZU—DIESEM, ist das höchst spekulativ".
20200807             Man weiß nämlich, daß in manchen Fällen eine frühere Erkrankung mit einem ähnlichen Erreger sogar 1—NACHTEIL sein kann, weil das Gedächtnis sozusagen die neue Immunantwort in —SCHON festgesteckte Bahnen LENKT—UND das muss nicht immer die beste sein.
20200807             Lager mit Klopapier voll "—BIS oben hin"
20200807             Probleme mit automatischer Umwandlung: Forscher benennen menschliche Gene für MICROSOFT Excel um
20200807             Reisebeschränkungen: DEUTSCHLAND lässt PARTNER—OHNE—TRAUSCHEIN einreisen
20200807             Hurrikansaison 20200000             : Die doppelte KATASTROPHE
20200807             Infektionen in SCHLACHTBETRIEB—SPÄTSCHICHT in QUARANTÄNE
20200807             —VERZEICHNET, JAPAN, Höchstwert an neuen Infektionen
20200807             Der saarländische INNEN—MINISTER—KLAUS—BOUILLON (CDU) hat sich für die Verwendung von CORONA—GÄSTELISTEN durch die POLIZEI ausgesprochen.
20200807             Diese Nutzung sei zur Aufklärung von Straftaten rechtmäßig und die Strafverfolgungsbehörden seien sich ihrer Verantwortung im Umgang mit den Daten bewusst, sagte er —AM—FREITAG in Saarbrücken.
20200807             Er verwies dabei auf die Strafprozessordnung als bundesgesetzliche Regelung.
20200807             Allerdings müsse die Nutzung verhältnismäßig sein, daher scheide der Griff auf die Gästelisten bei Bagatelldelikten wie einer einfachen Beleidigung aus.
20200807             —VERWEIGERT, Werde die HER—AUSGABE der Gästeliste, bedürfe es eines richterlichen Beschlusses.
20200807             Litauens STAATS—PRÄSIDENT—GITANAS Nauseda hat sich vorsorglich in Selbstisolation begeben, —NACHDEM 1—MITARBEITER—DER—PRÄSIDIALKANZLEI möglicherweise Kontakt mit einem CORONA—INFIZIERTEN gehabt hatte.
20200807             ITALIEN meldet wieder deutlich mehr Ansteckungen mit dem CORONA—VIRUS—.
20200807             —AM—FREITAG wurden nach offiziellen Angaben 552—NEU—INFEKTIONEN bestätigt, was der NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR AP zufolge einem Anstieg um 38—PROZENT im Vergleich zum Vortag entspricht.
20200807             1—VIELZAHL—DER—FÄLLE geht auf die Region Venetien zurück
20200807             Reisende aus MAROKKO dürfen nur noch dann in die EU kommen, wenn dies zwingend notwendig ist.
20200807             Das geht aus einem BESCHLUSS—DER—EU—LÄNDER hervor.
20200807             Damit gelten die wegen der CORONA—PANDEMIE verhängten Einreisebeschränkungen erneut für das nordwestafrikanische Land.
20200807             Wissenschaftlern zufolge zwischen 30—UND 40—MILLIONEN Mietern in den USA in den kommenden —MONATEN 1—ZWANGSRÄUMUNG.
20200807             —BIS zu 43—PROZENT aller Miethaushalte könnten betroffen sein,
20200807             —STUDIEE, an der Experten renommierter Einrichtungen wie dem MASSACHUSETTS—INSTITUTE—OF—TECHNOLOGY und der UNIVERSITÄT—PRINCETON beteiligt waren.
20200807             Demnach drohe die "womöglich schwerwiegendste UNTERKUNFTSKRISE—IN—DER Geschichte" des Landes.
20200807             —GEFÄHRDET, Besonders stark, sind demnach Angehörige von Minderheiten, darunter SCHWARZE und Latinos.
20200807             FRANKREICH, gibt es so VIELE—NEUANSTECKUNGEN mit dem CORONA—VIRUS— wie noch nie —SEIT dem ENDE—DES—LOCKDOWNS nicht mehr.
20200807             1—MENSCHENRECHTSORGANISATION hatte laut REUTERS jüngst 1—VIDEO auf Twitter veröffentlicht, auf dem mehrere junge Männer unter der Aufsicht eines Soldaten Liegestütze machen und dabei immer wieder sagen mussten: "Ich sollte nicht auf den Straßen unterwegs sein".
20200807             KRITIK—AN—VENEZUELAS Umgang mit Verstößen gegen CORONA—BESCHRÄNKUNGEN
20200807             Bei den —VERHANDLUNGEN über ein neues CORONA—HILFSPAKET in den USA ist 1—EINIGUNG zwischen Republikanern und oppositionellen Demokraten weiterhin nicht absehbar.
20200807             —WHEN, 1—DUMMY or 1—KOSSACK tells you "Don't freak out" -- freak the fuck out.
20200807             The enforced optimism on those sites is 1—FORM—OF brainwashing.
20200807             Selective information makes progs think that they are more numerous and more popular than they actually are.
20200807             BIDEN—LEAD is slipping.
20200807             Why is BIDEN losing steam? Because THE—GEORGE—FLOYD moment is over.
20200807             the "brilliant" strategic move of attacking 1—SILLY—MOVIE—WHILE ignoring the longstanding and continuing assaults on black voting rights.
20200807             In fact, there is 1—DOCUMENTED HISTORY—OF—WHITE—SUPREMACISTS posing as antifa online.
20200807             The account, with the handle @ANTIFA_US, was traced back to be 1—FALSE facade for the white nationalist group Identity Evropa.
20200807             —CALLED, It was specifically, out BYUSA—LAW—ENFORCEMENT as 1—EXAMPLE—OF—1—LEFT—WING radical group attempting to incite violence amid the unrest and nationwide protests.
20200807             1—COUPLE—OF—MONTHS ago, Boogaloo Bois infiltrated 1—PROTEST by posing as medics.
20200807             HERE—1—HEADLINE from last June which should not be forgotten: 1—MAN charged with killing 1—FEDERAL—OFFICER —DURING GEORGE—FLOYD protests is tied to THE—FAR—RIGHT 'Boogaloo' movement, authorities say.
20200807             —REPORTED, Politico also, —THIS—MONTH that 1—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY—INTELLIGENCE—NOTE warned LAW—ENFORCEMENT—OFFICIALS that 1—WHITE—SUPREMACIST—CHANNEL on the encrypted messaging app Telegram encouraged its followers to incite violence to start 1—RACE—WAR —DURING the protests.
20200807             Citing THE—FBI, it said that —2—DAYS—AFTER FLOYD—DEATH, the channel "incited followers to engage in violence and start the 'boogaloo.'"
20200807             THE—BOOGALOO—BOIS -- who want 1—NEW—CIVIL—WAR -- genuinely seem to hate THE—POLICE even more than BLM leaders do.
20200807             In the 1920s, THE—NAZIS were similarly ANTI—COP.
20200807             —NACH, USA—STRAFZÖLLEN auf Aluminium: KANADA kündigt umfassende Zölle auf USA—PRODUKTE an
20200807             EXPLOSIONS—KATASTROPHE in BEIRUT: Ermittler nehmen führende HAFEN—VERTRETER fest
20200807             —STREIT—ÜBER—DIE National Rifle Association: Warum die Waffenlobby TRUMP BRAUCHT—UND TRUMP die Waffenlobby
20200807             "É interessante perceber — e fica aqui o apelo — que os surtos têm, neste momento, uma base, sobretudo, de cariz familiar", disse.
20200807             Ou seja, o principal foco de infeção são "os encontros das famílias".
20200807             O SUBDIRETOR—GERAL da Saúde apela para que as pessoas "percebam que se estiverem em núcleos diferentes, pode haver risco de contágio ENTRE diferentes núcleos da mesma família", pedindo especial atenção "aos mais novos e aos seus comportamentos".
20200807             Ou seja, em tempo de férias para muitos portugueses, a transmissão laboral não tem um peso tão elevado, sendo o maior risco associado "a ajuntamentos de caráter social".
20200807             A vontade de participar neste tipo de eventos "é transversal a todas as idades" e "é isto que está a acontecer neste momento no ALGARVE, em particular", pelo que todo o cuidado é pouco.
20200807             "ao dia de hoje, não temos nenhum lar com casos positivos de COVID—19—NO Algarve",
20200807             O mês de Julho passado foi o mais quente dos últimos 90—ANOS, desde 19310000             , com o valor médio da temperatura máxima do ar a atingir os 33,34ºC, revelou hoje o Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA).
20200807             Julho foi um mês "extremamente quente" em PORTUGAL—CONTINENTAL, tendo contribuído para que os sete primeiros meses deste ano (Janeiro a Julho) fossem os mais quentes desde 19310000             , com a temperatura média a atingir os 15,96ºC (+1,51ºC do que o normal).
20200807             No final do mês, aumentou a área do território continental em seca, com as regiões do BAIXO—ALENTEJO e do ALGARVE 1—FICAREM sob seca moderada, pontualmente severa.
20200807             Apesar destes indicadores, a maioria do território de PORTUGAL—CONTINENTAL estava em Julho em seca fraca (71,4%).
20200807             No restante, estava em seca moderada (19,9%), normal (8,4%) e severa (0,3%).
20200807             —USA—SPIONAGEABWEHR: CHINA will offenbar Wiederwahl von TRUMP verhindern
20200807             —STREIT—UM—CORONA—HILFSGELDER: —VERHANDLUNGEN über nächstes USA—KONJUNKTURPAKET vorerst gescheitert
20200807   0200807   TRUMP regime approves the "stealing" of SYRIA—OIL
20200807—20200529    —ON, Yet the leaked materials —SHOW that, —2—DAYS—BEFORE TRUMP tweeted that antifa would be labeled 1—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION and Barr issued his DOJ statement, THE—PRESIDENT—OWN—DHS analysts issued 1—OPEN—SOURCE—INTELLIGENCE—REPORT detailing how 1—WHITE—SUPREMACIST—CHANNEL on Telegram, 1 encrypted messaging service, was encouraging followers to capitalize on the unrest by targeting THE—POLICE with Molotov cocktails and firearms.
20200807—20201101    —BIS, Vor der jüngsten starken Zunahme der NEU—INFEKTIONEN in den USA hatte das Modell noch MIT—CA—230.000—TOTEN gerechnet.
20200822             —REPORTED, It was, that at least 32—POSITIVE—CORONA€"VIRUS—CASES and —NOW 1—WOMAN—DEATH have been linked to an 20200807             WEDDING reception at the Big Moose Inn in MILLINOCKET—MAINE.
20201113—20200807    —ENTERED, The beef had, the country at QINGDAO port and
20210714—20210807    —AM, Trotz steigender Neuinfektionen sollen in WALES fast ALLE—CORONAMASSNAHMEN enden.
20210807             THE—USA is —NOW averaging 100,000 new COVID—19—INFECTIONS —1—DAY.
20210807             —REACHED, Total USA COVID—19—CASES, over 35,707,822 with the death toll at 616,547.
20210807             —REPORTED, It was, that more than 65,000 doses of COVID—19—VACCINES have expired in ALABAMA due to low demand for inoculations.
20210807             The state ranks last (34%) for THE—PERCENTAGE—OF—PEOPLE fully vaccinated.
20210807             NORTH—CALIFORNIA, GARY—MAYNARD, —47—JAHRE—ALT, man who taught criminal justice at Sonoma STATE—UNIVERSITY, was arrested on and charged with setting fire to public land —AROUND the massive Dixie Fire and in Shasta County.
20210807             † 1—CHICAGO police officer was killed and another fighting for their life —AFTER being shot —LATE—TODAY—DURING 1—TRAFFIC stop.
20210807             —CRASHED, SOUTH—EAST—MINNESOTA, 1—SINGLE—ENGINE—PLANE, into 1—VACANT—LOT and burst into flames, igniting 1—FIRE at 1—NEARBY—HOUSE.
20210807             —SURVIVED, No 1 on BOARD.
20210807             † Dennis "Dee Tee" Thomas (70), 1—FOUNDING MEMBER—OF—THE—LONG—RUNNING—SOUL—FUNK band Kool & the Gang known for such hits as "Celebration" and "Get Down On It,", in NEW—JERSEY.
20210807             † MICHAEL—THOMAS, —85—JAHRE—ALT, investment banker, writer and Bête Noire of the Moneyed Class, in Brooklyn.
20210807             —INCLUDED, MICHAEL—THOMAS—BOOKS, "Green —MONDAY (19800000             ), "Someone ELSE—MONEY" (19820000             ) and "Hanover Place" (19900000             ).
20210807             The catalog ran to 15—VOLUMES and took several decades to complete.
20210807             —REFUSED, TEXAS Democrats again, to return to THE—STATE—CAPITOL as GOVERNOR—GREG—ABBOTT began a 3. attempt at passing new election laws.
20210807             —KILLED, TEXAS, 3—WOMEN were found, at 1—CONDO on SOUTH—PADRE ISLAND.
20210807             Yordi Barthelemy (23) fled THE—SCENE—OF—THE—SHOOTING but —LATER turned himself in and was arrested in the neighboring community of Port Isabel.
20210807             —ENTERED, AFGHANISTAN, Taliban fighters, THE—CAPITAL—OF—NORTH—JAWZJAN province, —AFTER sweeping through 9—OF 10—DISTRICTS in the province.
20210807             More than HALF—OF—AFGHANISTAN—421—DISTRICTS and district centers are —NOW in Taliban hands.
20210807             —REPORTED, It was, that —AROUND 50—BODIES have been discovered over the last —2—WEEKS in the Setit River, which flows through some of the most troubled areas of THE—9—MONTH—CONFLICT in ETHIOPIA—TIGRAY region.
20210807             —MARCHED, FRANCE, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, in PARIS and other cities —DURING a 4. consecutive —WEEK—OF—PROTESTS against COVID—19—ENTRANCE—REQUIREMENTS and what opponents see as restrictions on personal freedom.
20210807             GREECE, flames swept through 1—TOWN—NEAR—ATHENS overnight and HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE were evacuated by ferry from THE—ISLAND—OF—EVIA EAST—OF—THE—CAPITAL as wildfires burned across the country for a 5. —DAY.
20210807             INDIA—HEALTH—MINISTER—SAID—JOHNSON & JOHNSON—SINGLE—DOSE COVID—19—VACCINE has been approved for emergency use.
20210807             ISRAEL—WARPLANES struck 2—TARGETS in THE—GAZA—STRIP —EARLY—TODAY, in response to incendiary balloons launched from GAZA into ISRAEL.
20210807             —REPUTED, ITALY, MARIA—LICCIARDI, —70—JAHRE—ALT, top Naples crime syndicate boss, was arrested as she was about to BOARD—1—FLIGHT to SPAIN.
20210807             —ALLEGED, Investigators have, that Licciardi ran extortion rackets as HEAD—OF—THE—LICCIARDI—CAMORRA crime syndicate clan.
20210807             JAPAN, Allyson Felix won her 11. medal, which made her the most decorated USA—TRACK—AND—FIELD athlete in Olympic history.
20210807             NEW—ZEALAND immigration services said LARRY—PAGE, GOOGLE—CO—FOUNDER and 1—OF—THE—WORLD—RICHEST—MEN, has become 1—LOCAL—RESIDENT.
20210807             The visa requires applicants to have NZ$10—MILLION ($7—MILLION) to invest in NEW—ZEALAND over a —3—YEAR—PERIOD.
20210807             2—OF—THE—GUNMEN were shot dead by police —WHILE the others escaped with the hostages in Ogun state.
20210807             —ENDANGERED, RUSSIA, wildfires in the Siberia region, 12—VILLAGES and prompted authorities to evacuate SOME—RESIDENTS.
20210807             93—FIRES were active in the region.
20210807             —FIRED, THAILAND, riot police, water cannons teat gas and rubber bullets to repel antigovernment protesters who marched on 1—ARMY—BASE where PRIME—MINISTER—PRAYUTH—CHAN—OCHA has his residence.
20210807             —SAMSTAG, 20210807
20210807             Nasa postet BILD—VON—PROBEN—SAMMLUNG: Rover "Perseverance" bohrt den Mars an
20210807             2—MÄNNER festgenommen: USA—ERMITTLER vereiteln Attentat auf Myanmars UNO—BOTSCHAFTER
20210807             E—BOOK—READER: Sicherheitsforscher hackt Amazon Kindle
20210807             Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: Klimakrise — was kommt da noch alles?
20210807             Reaktion auf Protestwelle: KUBA erlaubt Gründung von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen
20210807             Coronapandemie in SACHSEN: Wo Deutschlands Impfquote am niedrigsten ist
20210807             Umstrittene Diszplinarkammer: POLEN lenkt in Streit über Justizreform teilweise ein
20210807             "Gerade da die inzwischen verbreitete DELTA—VARIANTE nach internationalen Berichten mit einer hohen Infektiosität und mit einer erhöhten Erkrankungsrate auch bei Schwangeren einhergeht,
20210807             ist nach ANSICHT—DER—GYNÄKOLOGENVERBÄNDE 1—IMPFUNG vor und in der Schwangerschaft sowie im Wochenbett und in der Stillzeit sinnvoll",
20210807             USA—GESUNDHEITSBEHÖRDE erlaubt Export von ASTRAZENECA—CHARGEN
20210807             Weltärztebund schlägt Testpflicht für Reiserückkehrer vor
20210807             "ALLE—EINREISENDEN müssen ausnahmslos einen negativen Coronatest vorlegen, auch Geimpfte und Genesene"
20210807             Er verwies auf die steigende Zahl sogenannter Impfdurchbrüche, das sind symptomatische Infektionen bei Geimpften.
20210807             Das RKI habe —BISHER bei 42—MILLIONEN Doppelgeimpften 7500—IMPFDURCHBRÜCHE festgestellt.
20210807             Die Bundesvorsitzende der SPD, Saskia Esken, fordert einen Preisdeckel für CORONA—SCHNELLTESTS.
20210807             Es würde Missbrauch mit überteuerten Tests betrieben,
20210807             "Wenn teils hohe zweistellige Beträge verlangt werden, steht das in keinem Verhältnis zu den tatsächlichen SACH—UND Personalkosten",
20210807             Der STAAT müsse deshalb regulierend eingreifen, damit die Ungeimpften nach einem ENDE—DER—GRATIS—TESTS nicht abgezockt würden.
20210807             Amazon führt in USA Maskenpflicht für Mitarbeiter ein
20210807             RKI meldet 3206—NEUINFIZIERUNGEN, Inzidenz steigt auf 21,2
20210807             Das RKI zählte —SEIT Beginn der Pandemie 3.787.639 nachgewiesene Infektionen mit SARS—COV—2.
20210807             Die tatsächliche Gesamtzahl dürfte deutlich höher liegen, da VIELE—INFEKTIONEN nicht erkannt werden.
20210807             SPD—GESUNDHEITSEXPERTE KARL—LAUTERBACH schlägt in der Debatte über 1—UNGLEICHBEHANDLUNG—VON—GEIMPFTEN und Ungeimpften 1—PCR—TESTPFLICHT für Ungeimpfte bei hohen Inzidenzwerten vor.
20210807             "ANTIGEN—SCHNELLTESTS, für die man in Testzentren 1—ZERTIFIKAT erhält, liefern in 40—PROZENT—DER—POSITIVEN—FÄLLE 1—FALSCH—NEGATIVES Ergebnis",
20210807             Auf dieser Grundlage sei es angesichts schwererer Krankheitsverläufe durch die DELTA—VARIANTE verantwortungslos, Ungeimpfte, die mit einem Schnelltest getestet werden, mit Geimpften und Genesenen in Hochrisikobereichen wie Klubs oder Restaurants gleichzustellen.
20210807             Rund 256.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN und 739—WEITERE Tote in USA - Länderchefs fordern neue Indikatoren
20210807             werde 1—INDIKATOREN—MODELL gebraucht, "in das die Auslastung der KRANKENHAUS—UND ganz besonders Intensivbetten ebenso hineingehört wie die Impfquote",
20210807             Deutsche für SUPERMARKT—GUTSCHEINE als Impfprämie
20210807             Aus dem Kreis der Befragten, die materielle Anreize überhaupt befürworten, sprachen sich demnach 70—PROZENT für SUPERMARKT—EINKAUFSGUTSCHEINE aus.
20210807             An GRATIS—TICKETS für SPORT—UND Kulturveranstaltungen zeigten 33—PROZENT dieser Befragten Interesse.
20210807             Bratwürste, die in Thüringen und SACHSEN —BEREITS bei Impfungen angeboten wurden, befürworteten 17—PROZENT.
20210807             Allerdings ist eine knappe Mehrheit von 52—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN gegen materielle Anreize bei der CORONA—IMPFUNG.
20210807             Die Schulen werden aus Sicht des KINDERMEDIZIN—EXPERTEN DOMINIK—SCHNEIDER noch lange besondere CORONA—SCHUTZKONZEPTE brauchen.
20210807             Auch mit der Impfung ab —12—JAHREN sei "noch kein Problem gelöst",
20210807             sagte der Dortmunder Klinikdirektor, der auch Vorstandsmitglied der Gesellschaft für KINDER—UND Jugendmedizin (DGKJ) ist,
20210807             AUSTRALIEN hat nach Behördenangaben —AM—SAMSTAG die —BISHER höchste Zahl an CORONA—ERKRANKUNGEN —IN—DIESEM—JAHR verzeichnet.
20210807             AUSTRALIEN, befinden sich —DERZEIT rund 15—MILLIONEN Menschen im Lockdown, das sind etwa 60—PROZENT—DER—GESAMTBEVÖLKERUNG.
20210807             MANCHE—BÜRGER hielten sich nicht an die Auflagen, kritisierte BRAD—HAZZARD, Gesundheitsminister von New SOUTH—WALES.
20210807             "Bleibt einfach zu Hause — das unterbricht den Kreislauf.
20210807             Bleibt zu Hause und lasst euch impfen".
20210807             —VERZEICHNET, RUSSLAND, 22.320—NEUINFEKTIONEN und 793—WEITERE Tote
20210807             EINIGE—EPIDEMIOLOGEN sind der Auffassung, dies sei der beste Weg, um die tatsächliche ZAHL—DER—CORONA—TOTEN zu ermitteln.
20210807             54,5 Prozent aller Deutschen vollständig geimpft
20210807             —VERHINDERT, RKI—BERECHNUNG: Impfkampagne hat 38.000—TODESFÄLLE
20210807             "Unsere hier präsentierten Daten belegen den überragenden Nutzen der COVID—19—IMPFUNG —BEREITS in den 1. 6,—5—MONATEN der Impfkampagne",
20210807             Die ZAHL—DER—PATIENTEN, die nicht auf die Intensivstation mussten, wird auf knapp 20.000—GESCHÄTZT.
20210807             Für die Analyse modellierten Fachleute 1—SZENARIO mit Impfkampagne und eines ohne.
20210807             Das RKI weist zudem darauf hin, dass verschiedene Parameter und Annahmen mit gewissen Unsicherheiten eingeflossen seien.
20210807             Es geht zum Beispiel um Effekte der Priorisierung.
20210807             Angenommen wurde auch, dass ALLE—VERFÜGBAREN—IMPFSTOFFE ohne Zeitverzug eingesetzt werden.
20210807             "Zudem wurde angenommen, dass ohne die Impfkampagne außer den bestehenden NICHT—PHARMAKOLOGISCHEN Maßnahmen keine weiteren Maßnahmen getroffen worden wären"
20210807             INDIEN erteilt Notfallgenehmigung für Impfstoff von Johnson & Johnson
20210807             Der Impfstoff solle durch einen Liefervertrag mit dem heimischen Unternehmen Biological E Ltd.
20210807             ins Land gebracht werden.
20210807             Bislang haben INDISCHE—BEHÖRDEN die CORONA—IMPFSTOFFE von AstraZeneca, Bharat Biotech, RUSSIA—GAMALEYA—INSTITUTE und Moderna zugelassen.
20210807             Im Gegensatz zu anderen Vakzinen genügt bei Johnson & Johnson eine einzige Dosis.
20210807             Waldbrände in Südeuropa: Athen erstickt in Rauch und Asche - WALDBRAND—MONITORING: Die Welt brennt
20210807             —EVAKUIERT, Überschwemmungen: NORDKOREA, Tausende Menschen
20210807             Krieg in AFGHANISTAN: Taliban erobern 2. Provinzhauptstadt
20210807             Berkshire Hathaway: WARREN—BUFFETT steigert Gewinn deutlich
20210807             —GETESTET, CORONA€"VIRUS: 3—HELFER in Berliner Impfzentrum positiv
20210807             Klimakrise: Es geht nur noch um Spaß und Schmerzvermeidung
20210807             —ZERSTÖRT, Surfschulbesitzerin auf Sizilien: "Das Feuer hat —IN—MINUTEN alles "
20210807             Appell von PRINZ—WILLIAM und HERZOGIN—KATE: "Rettet Schmetterlinge"
20210807             Bidens Pläne: USA—SENAT vor endgültigem Votum über billionenschweres Infrastrukturpaket
20210807             Erschossener PRÄSIDENT—VON—HAITI: RICHTER—WOLLEN—MORDFALL nicht übernehmen — aus Angst
20210807             BAYERN: DEUTSCHER—WETTERDIENST warnt vor schweren Gewittern
20210807             Machtkampf an der der LITAUISCH—BELARUSSISCHEN Grenze: Verzweiflung im Niemandsland
20210807             FRANKREICH, haben das 4. Wochenende in Folge Zehntausende gegen Impfpass und verschärfte Coronaregeln demonstriert.
20210807             Kundgebungen gab es —AM—SAMSTAG wieder in der HAUPTSTADT—PARIS, aber auch in zahlreichen anderen Städten.
20210807             NIZZA, am Mittelmeer gingen nach einem Bericht des Nachrichtensenders BFMTV 10.000—BIS 20.000—MENSCHEN auf die Straße.
20210807             —AM vergangenen Wochenende waren es nach offiziellen Angaben landesweit insgesamt mehr als 200.000—TEILNEHMER.
20210807             523_DGS_boletim_20210807              20210807             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 362,7 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20210807             Continente: 369,2 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20210807             R(t) Nacional: 0,92 Continente: 0,92
20210807             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—476—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—43,8—FÄLLE—GESAMT—55.047—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—5.060,1—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—730—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.087.863
20210807             Cases 202.105.740  Deaths 4.284.043  Vaccine Doses Administered 4.375.633.210
20210807             Sat 20210807
20210807             [l] Aber Fefe, wenn Apple auf dem Gerät nach Kinderpornos scannen kann, dann können sie doch auch nach allen anderen Dingen scannen!
20210807             Klar können sie das.
20210807             Das konnten sie —SEIT—DER—SEKUNDE, in der ihr Geräte gekauft habt, die nicht euch gehören sondern Apple.
20210807             Wenn ihr die Souveränität über eure HARD—UND Software aufgebt, dann seid ihr solchen Übergriffen schutzlos ausgeliefert.
20210807             Das war von —MINUTE 1 an klar. Es war —SCHON vorher klar.
20210807             Leute haben davor gewarnt.
20210807             Ihr habt trotzdem lieber APPLE—GERÄTE gekauft.
20210807             —GEHABT, EIGENBAU—LINUX—PROJEKTE, die diese Probleme nicht, hätten, habt ihr verhungern und austrocknen lassen.
20210807             Guckt mich —JETZT nicht so an als müsste ich euch —JETZT vor den Konsequenzen eurer Handlungen schützen.
20210807             —JETZT steht ihr mal bitte schön ganz alleine auf der Straße und schimpft über Apple.
20210807             Ich habe euch das gleich gesagt.
20210807             Convenience war euch wichtiger.
20210807             —JETZT habt ihr den Salat.
20210807             Hört also bitte mit dem Herumgememme auf und fresst die Suppe, die ihr euch eingebrockt habt.
20210807             Was dachtet IHR denn?
20210807             Dass Apple anständig ist und sowas nicht bringen würde?!
20210807             —NACHDEM sie sich in CHINA den Regierungsauflagen gebeugt haben?
20210807             So blöde kann doch niemand sein! Nein.
20210807             Wir sind —JETZT da, wo der Weg die ganze Zeit hinführte.
20210807             Ihr habt eure Souveränität aufgegeben.
20210807             —VERHINDERT, Ihr benutzt Prozessoren mit Management Engines, die, dass ihr auf eurer Hardware den Kopierschutz von NETFLIX—VIDEOS brecht.
20210807             —VERWENDET, Ihr, Computer mit "Sicherheitschips",
20210807             die verhindern, dass ihr auf eurem Computer booten könnt, was ihr wollt.
20210807             Ihr benutzt Software, die eure Daten nicht nur nicht schützt sondern in die Cloud hochlädt.
20210807             Eure Daten sind längst in irgendwelchen Clouds in irgendwelchen Ländern.
20210807             Die sind —SCHON so oft weggekommen, dass die Preise für persönliche Daten aus CLOUD—HACKS inzwischen in Hunderttausenden von Datensätzen angegeben werden.
20210807             Ihr gebt irgendwelchen Webseiten euer Geburtsdatum!!
20210807             What THE—FUCK?
20210807             Apple war bloß der letzte umfallende Dominostein.
20210807             Eure Souveränität ist —SCHON länger futsch.
20210807             Ihr konntet euch nur —BISHER selbst belügen, dass es —SCHON nicht so schlimm werden würde
20210807—19920000    —SINCE, TOP—RANKED JAPAN prevailed over THE—USA, 2-0, to win its 1. gold medal in baseball in THE—6—TRIPS to the Olympics.
20210807—20201103    —APPLIED, He had, und
20210807—20210204    —ON, er 1—CATEGORY for wealthy investors and was approved.
20210807—20210600    —BIS, Nach REUTERS—BERECHNUNGEN auf Basis von ANGABEN—DES—STAATLICHEN—STATISTIKDIENSTES gab es von 20200400             rund 463.000—ÜBERMÄSSIGE Todesfälle.
202203080715         GAZPROM continues normal SUPPLY—OF—GAS for transit through UKRAINE, request for Tue is at maximum
202203080757         Humanitarian corridors opening from KYIV, CHERNIHIV, SUMY, KHARKIV, and Mariupol, SOURCE  RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY
202204080715 ========NEWS appended
202204080715 ========END NEWS appended
202206010807         UKRAINE—GRAIN export concerns could be resolved in COUPLE—OF—WEEKS, TURKEY says
20220804             The drills will continue till 20220807            .
20220807             —SONNTAG, 20220807
20220807             REPUBLIKANER—KONGRESS in TEXAS: Der paradoxe Mister Trump
20220807             Krieg in der UKRAINE: Druck auf Donezk nimmt zu, Sorgen um Weizenproduktion
20220807             Renaissance der Atomkraft: Abschalten, —JETZT—ERST recht!
20220807             Jede 2. Kommune ohne Station: Jede 2. Kommune in DEUTSCHLAND hat noch keine Ladestation für E—AUTOS
20220807             AFGHANISTAN: Taliban bremsen Baerbocks Notfallplan für Ortskräfte aus
20220807             Bedrohung durch invasive Art: Was macht 1—KALIFORNISCHE—KETTENNATTER in Offenburg?
20220807             Wirtschaftsdaten: Chinas Exporte steigen überraschend stark
20220807             Spannungen mit CHINA: USA rufen im Südpazifik zur Verteidigung der Demokratie auf
20220807             Mögliche AKW—LAUFZEITVERLÄNGERUNG: Warum rund um Isar 2—NUR wenige aufbegehren
20220807             —BEFÜRCHTET, Energiekrise: BRITISCHER—EX—PREMIER Brown, "—WINTER in tiefer Armut"
20220807             Inflation und Verteilungskämpfe: Zumutungen unter veränderten Vorzeichen
20220807             Ernte im fragilen Ökosystem: Was kann der Weizen aus den Tropen?
20220807             Wetteraussichten: "Erneut kein Tropfen Regen" - Sun 20220807
20220807             [l] Die USA haben ihre Lektion aus den Schulmassakern gelernt:
20220807             MARSHALL—IN response to THE—TEXAS school shooting that left 19—CHILDREN—DEAD 20220524             , the local school system and SHERIFF—OFFICE are rolling out some beefed up security measures in 20220000—20230000    , including putting AR-15 rifles in EVERY—SCHOOL.
20220807             Das sollten sie mal konsequent weiterdenken und noch Handgranaten in den Schulen bereithalten.
20220807             Vielleicht noch ein paar Raketenwerfer.
20220807             —APPELLIERT, Die UKRAINISCHE—REGIERUNG hat an die Grünen, die letzten Atomkraftwerke in DEUTSCHLAND über das Jahresende hinaus weiterlaufen zu lassen.
20220807             Der kommende —WINTER sei ein "Schlüsselwinter",
20220807             sagte der engste BERATER—DES—UKRAINISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN—WOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYY, Mychailo Podoljak, dem "Tagesspiegel".
20220807             Es sei angesichts der Drosselung RUSSISCHER—GASLIEFERUNGEN nicht sinnvoll, die 3—ANLAGEN —IM—DEZEMBER abzuschalten.
20220807             Laut BRITISCHEN—GEHEIMDIENSTANGABEN hat RUSSLAND —SEIT dem Einmarsch in die UKRAINE mindestens 6—HOCHRANGIGE Militärvertreter entlassen.
20220807             Die schlechte Leistung der Streitkräfte während der Invasion sei für die RUSSISCHE—MILITÄRFÜHRUNG kostspielig gewesen, was höchstwahrscheinlich zur Entlassung von mindestens 6—KOMMANDEUREN geführt habe, teilte das BRITISCHE—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUM in seinem regelmäßigen GEHEIMDIENST—UPDATE mit.
20220807             Abgesetzt worden sei unter anderem GENERAL—ALEXANDER—DWORNIKOW, —NACHDEM er das Gesamtkommando über die Operation in der UKRAINE erhalten habe.
20220807             Hinzu kämen mindestens 10—RUSSISCHE—GENERÄLE, die in der UKRAINE auf dem Schlachtfeld getötet worden seien, schrieben die Briten weiter.
20220807             Insgesamt hätten diese Entwicklungen wahrscheinlich zu Russlands taktischen und operativen Schwierigkeiten bei dem Angriffskrieg beigetragen.
20220807             —BEFÜRCHTET, Die UKRAINISCHE—REGIERUNG, für das laufende —JAHR einen Rückgang der Weizenernte um 20—MILLIONEN Tonnen.
20220807             —ENTSPRICHT, Das, einem Drittel des Vorjahreswerts".
20220807             Die größte Herausforderung ist es für uns, den Weizen auf den internationalen Markt zu bringen",
20220807             en, so der VIZE—MINISTER".
20220807             Wir müssten monatlich 6—MILLIONEN Tonnen Getrei
20220807             Infolge des RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFFSKRIEGS stiegen die Logistikkosten, während die ERZEUGERPREISE—TROTZ gestiegener Kurse auf dem WELTMARKT—SÄNKEN, s
20220807             Wie das staatliche UKRAINISCHE—ENERGIEUNTERNEHMEN Energoatom mitteilte, ist 1—ARBEITER verletzt worden, als RUSSISCHE—STREITKRÄFTE am Samstagabend erneut das Kernkraftwerk Saporischschja beschossen.
20220807             —BETREIBT, Energoatom, das Atomkraftwerk.
20220807             Auf Telegram hieß es, dass der Standort des Trockenlagers der Anlage, in dem 174—CONTAINER mit abgebrannten Kernbrennstoffen unter freiem Himmel gelagert werden, von Raketenangriffen getroffen wurde.
20220807             Das Atomkraftwerk Saporischschja ist das größte AKW Europas.
20220807             ANGABEN—DES—UKRAINISCHEN—GENERALSTABS zufolge verlegt RUSSLAND weiter Kriegstechnik ins benachbarte BELARUS.
20220807             Unter anderem im Grenzbereich zum westukrainischen Gebiet Wolhynien würden auf belarussischem Gebiet zusätzliche Kräfte und Ausrüstung zur Luftverteidigung stationiert, teilte der Generalstab mit.
20220807             Unabhängig überprüfen ließ sich das —ZUNÄCHST nicht.
20220807             Der Bundesgeschäftsführer der Linken, TOBIAS—BANK, hat die prominenten Bundestagsabgeordneten Sahra Wagenknecht und KLAUS—ERNST zur Zurückhaltung beim Thema RUSSLAND aufgefordert.
20220807             Er erwarte, "dass sie die Beschlüsse des Bundesparteitags respektieren und widersprechende Aussagen unterlassen",
20220807             sagte Bank dem "Spiegel".
20220807             Wagenknecht und Ernst hatten sich mehrfach kritisch zu den Sanktionen gegen RUSSLAND infolge des Angriffs auf die UKRAINE geäußert.
20220807             Auf Twitter schrieb Wagenknecht vor wenigen —TAGEN, es laufe ein "wahnsinniger KRIEG—GEGEN—RUSSLAND".
20220807             —ERST—AM—NÄCHSTEN—TAG ergänzte sie, der "—KONFLIKT" sei durch einen "völkerrechtswidrigen Angriffskrieg Russlands ausgelöst worden".
20220807             Zum 2. Mal binnen weniger —TAGE haben sich Moskau und Kiew gegenseitig den Beschuss des südukrainischen Atomkraftwerks Saporischschja vorgeworfen.
20220807             Die UKRAINISCHE—ARMEE habe —IN—DER—NACHT 1—RAKETE auf das AKW—GELÄNDE abgefeuert, meldete die RUSSISCHE—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR Interfax unter Berufung auf die Besatzungsverwaltung der Stadt Enerhodar, in der das Kraftwerk liegt.
20220807             Die UKRAINISCHE—ATOMBEHÖRDE Enerhoatom hingegen beschuldigte die Russen, das unter ihrer Kontrolle stehende Gelände selbst beschossen zu haben.
20220807             Bei dem Angriff wurden demnach 1—LAGER für abgebrannten Kernbrennstoff getroffen sowie Sensoren zur Strahlenmessung beschädigt.
20220807             Enerhoatom berichtete zudem, kurz vor der Explosion hätten sich Hunderte MITGLIEDER—DER—RUSSISCHEN—BESATZUNG in Bunkern versteckt.
20220807             Die Menschenrechtsorganisation AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL hat ihr Bedauern über die UKRAINISCHE—REAKTION auf einen kritischen Bericht über die Streitkräfte des Landes ausgedrückt".
20220807             —BEDAUERT, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL, zutiefst den Ärger und die Verärgerung, die unsere Pressemitteilung über die Kampftaktiken des UKRAINISCHEN—MILITÄRS hervorgerufen hat",
20220807             hieß es in einer Mail an die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters.
20220807             —BEDAUERT, Amnesty, "Verärgerung"
20220807             "Die Priorität von AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL in diesem und in jedem anderen —KONFLIKT ist es, den Schutz der Zivilbevölkerung zu gewährleisten.
20220807             Dies war in der Tat unser einziges Ziel, als wir diese jüngste Untersuchung veröffentlicht haben.
20220807             Wir stehen voll und ganz zu unseren Erkenntnissen, bedauern aber das verursachte Leid".
20220807             In dem Bericht hatte Amnesty der UKRAINISCHEN—ARMEE vorgeworfen, Zivilisten gefährdet zu haben, indem sie etwa Stützpunkte in Wohngebieten, Schulen und Krankenhäusern errichtet habe.
20220807             Nach der Veröffentlichung des Berichts war die Landeschefin von Amnesty in der UKRAINE, OKSANA—POKALTSCHUK, —GESTERN zurückgetreten.
20220807             Sie beschuldigte AMNESTY—ÄHNLICH wie zuvor PRÄSIDENT—WOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYY -, RUSSISCHE—PROPAGANDA zu übernehmen.
20220807             Das mit dem Frachtschiff "Razoni" gelieferte Getreide aus der UKRAINE sollte offenbar vom LIBANON aus weiter nach SYRIEN transportiert werden.
20220807             Händler hätten vermutlich einen TEIL—DER—ERWARTETEN—MAIS—LADUNG im LIBANON verkaufen und den Rest über Land ins benachbarte SYRIEN liefern wollen.
20220807             —GEGEBEN, Es habe "viel Rummel" um die "Razoni", sagte Hani Buschali, PRÄSIDENT—DES—KONSORTIUMS für Lebensmittelimporte im LIBANON".
20220807             Die Welt stellt sich 1—HILFSSCHIFF vor, das die Libanesen aus ihrer finanziellen Misere rettet.
20220807             Offen gesagt ist das nicht der Fall", sagte Boshali".
20220807             Der LIBANON braucht Weizen, keinen Mais".
20220807             —BIS—JETZT habe niemand das Gut auf der "Razoni" öffentlich beansprucht.
20220807             Mehr Klarheit werde es —ERST geben, wenn das Schiff tatsächlich anlege und die Ladung gelöscht werde.
20220807             Die für —HEUTE geplante Ankunft des Schiffes wurde abgesagt.
20220807             Zu den Gründen machte der UKRAINISCHE—BOTSCHAFTER—IM—LIBANON im Gespräch mit der ARD keine Angaben.
20220807             MOSCOW, 20220806            .
20220807             "It is reliably known that THE—COMMAND—OF—THE—UKRAINE—ARMED—FORCES, through the 72. center for information and psychological operation, are staging another LARGE—SCALE—PROVOCATION involving CIVIL—FATALITIES as 1—RESULT—OF alleged indiscriminate strikes by THE—RUSSIA—ARMED—FORCES," said Mizintsev, who heads THE—RUSSIA—JOINT—COORDINATION—HEADQUARTERS for Humanitarian Response in UKRAINE.
20220807             "For its implementation, mortar crews have been deployed outside Slavyansk, THE—DONETSK PEOPLE—REPUBLIC, which are planned to shell the locations where the local population and refugees live (Geologicheskaya Street) 20220807             —ON—WHEN humanitarian aid is handed out," he added.
20220807             —ARRIVED, According to the general, foreign journalists, in the city to take photos and shoot videos about the alleged "CIVIL—KILLINGS by Russians" and then publish them in the Ukrainian and Western media.
20220807             "We are warning the world community and INTERNATIONAL organizations in advance about the cynical provocation being prepared by THE—UKRAINE—AUTHORITIES.
20220807             Civilians may suffer in it, —WHILE the Kiev regime will blame THE—RUSSIA—ARMED—FORCES for CIVIL—DEATHS —FOLLOWING 1—WELL—TESTED scenario," the general said.
20220807             UNITED—NATIONS, 20220806             . - /TASS/.
20220807             —MENTIONED, UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—ANTONIO—GUTERRES should have, in his speech at —SATURDAY—HIROSHIMA—PEACE—MEMORIAL—CEREMONY that THE—USA had carried out that attack, Russian 1. Deputy Permanent Representative to the world organization Dmitry Polyansky wrote on Twitter.
20220807             —EMPHASIZED, In his speech, Guterres, that "Nuclear weapons are nonsense" and called on all the nuclear powers to "take the nuclear option off the table".
20220807             "Dear SECRETARY—GENERAL, the world must also never forget that it's THE—USA—WHO committed this crime being the only country who used Atomic Bomb against civilians.
20220807             Without ANY—MILITARY need.
20220807             —MENTIONED, Would be right if you, this in your statements as well!"
20220807             —TWEETED, Polyansky.
20220807             The official reason for those bombings was to force THE—JAPAN—EMPIRE to surrender —WWII—IN.
20220807             The attacks have been the only use of nuclear weapons in human history so far.
20220807             THE—UNITED—STATES has not yet taken moral responsibility for the bombings, justifying them by military necessity.
20220807             MOSCOW, 20220807             . - /TASS/.
20220807             —NOTIFIED, USA—BASED Google has, RUSSIA—STATE—HI—TECH—CORPORATION—ROSTEC about blocking of its YouTube channel citing previously imposed sanctions, THE—RUSSIA—COMPANY said in 1—STATEMENT.
20220807             "Google notified us —TODAY about the blocking of ROSTEC—YOUTUBE channel and cited sanctions as 1—REASON," Rostec said in its statement.
20220807             "It was 1—CHANNEL about THE—RUSSIA—ENGINEERING, our engineers and our technical innovations.
20220807             The channel had about 45,000 subscribers and HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS viewers annually," the company stated.
20220807             "This is 1—OBVIOUS—EXAMPLE—OF how the Western democracy works in reality.
20220807             This is not 1—DEMOCRACY, but its imitation, —WHEN THE—FREEDOM—OF—1—OPINION is being strangled and mouths are being shut.
20220807             There is no force and truth in such actions," the statement added.
20220807             —ADDED, RUSSIA—HI—TECH—STATE—CORPORATION—ROSTEC also, that it was prepared for 1—POSSIBLE—ELIMINATION—OF—ITS—YOUTUBE—CHANNEL and copied ALL—OF—ITS previously published videos to Rutube channel.
20220807             "Everyone can watch us on Rutube —STARTING—TODAY," the company added in its statement.
20220807             1—CASE was opened against Google LLC due to YOUTUBE—DOMINANT—POSITION on the services market.
20220807             —INITIATED, It was, by 1—STATEMENT—OF—THE—REGIONAL—PUBLIC CENTER—OF—INTERNET—TECHNOLOGIES, which had filed 1—COMPLAINT against GOOGLE—ACTIONS of sudden blocking and DELETION—OF—ACCOUNTS and user content on YouTube.
20220807             —SHELLED, UKRAINE—TROOPS once again, the Zaporozhe nuclear power plant, with the spent nuclear fuel storage area coming into the impact zone, the press SERVICE—OF—ENERGODAR—MILITARY—CIVIL—ADMINISTRATION said —ON—SUNDAY.
20220807             "At night, Ukrainian armed units made 1—STRIKE using a 220mm rocket of the Uragan MLRS," it reported.
20220807             —WHEN approaching the power units, the rocket released submunitions, the press service said.
20220807             "The damaged zone included THE—AREA—OF—THE—STORAGE—FACILITY for spent nuclear fuel and the station for COMPUTER—ASSISTANT—MONITORING—OF—THE—RADIATION—SITUATION," it said.
20220807             Administrative buildings and the adjoining TERRITORY—OF—THE—STORAGE—FACILITY were damaged by the projectiles," the report said.
20220807             All fires that broke out in THE—AREA—OF—THE—ZAPOROZHYE nuclear power plant in Energodar as 1—RESULT—OF—SHELLING from UKRAINE—TROOPS, have been put out, VLADIMIR—ROGOV, 1—COUNCIL—MEMBER—OF—THE—ZAPOROZHYE—REGION'S—MILITARY—CIVIL—ADMINISTRATION, told TASS —ON—SUNDAY.
20220807             "All fires have been put out completely," Rogov stressed.
202208071442         —UHR
20220807—19450806    1. nuclear bomb, —DROPPED, THE—UNITED—STATES, the world's THE—JAPAN—CITY—OF—HIROSHIMA and
20220807—20220200    FEBRUARY, THE—RUSSIA—FEDERAL—ANTI—MONOPOLY—SERVICE found Google to have transgressed RUSSIA—ANTITRUST—LAWS.
20220807—20220809    —ON, —3—DAYS—LATER, THE—UNITED—STATES dropped 1 2. ATOMIC—BOMB on NAGASAKI.