Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 21. December ?

Ereignisse an einem 21. December

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_3.000—20141221      —5.000—J—VOR—CA—TAG—AN—JENEM, verdunkelte und der Wind an Geschwindigkeit aufnahm, wussten DIE—MENSCHEN, daß 1—STURM aufzog.
_3.000—20141221      —5.000—J—ALTE—FUSSSPUREN—AUF—DER—DÄNEMARK—INSEL—LOLLAND haben ARCHÄOLOGEN gefunden.
_00560320_00551221   —WINTER—IM, in GALLIEN Einfall der USIPETEN VOLK, DAS—VOLK Namens TENCTERI ständig vergesellschaftet mit, erscheint so —SCHON
_00560320_00551221   —WINTER—IM, TENCTERI VOLK 1. beglaubigtes Auftreten, dem bei,
_00560320_00551221   —ÜBERWINTERN, TENCTERI—VOLK, USIPETI—VOLKVON des MENAPIER unbedeutendes Volk VORRÄTEN leben läßt des CAESAR—BERICHT
_00560320_00551221   —WINTER—IM,—1. BEGLAUBIGTES AUFTRETEN, TENCTERI—VOLK, des, bei,
_00560320_00551221   —WINTER—IM, CAESAR—BERICHT angibt der TENCTERI—VOLK, USIPETI—VOLK Kopfzahl auf 430.000,
_00560320_00551221   —WINTER—IM, CAESAR—BERICHT 1—ÜBERTREIBUNG um so augenfälliger ist, als
_00520923_00521221   —HERBST, LE—ARMÉE—GAULOISE en retraite s'enferme dans la place forte d'ALESIA.
_00520923_00521221   —HERBST, LE—CHEF—GAULOIS—VERCINGÉTORIX force CAESAR à battre en retraite par le TERRITOIRE—DE—SÉQUANES (FRANCHE—COMTÉ).
_00520923_00521221   —HERBST, LE—ARMÉE—DE—SECOURS attaque à 3—REPRISES les lignes romaines, sans succès.
_00520923_00521221   —HERBST, LE—CHEF—GAULOIS—VERCINGÉTORIX se résout à déposer les armes.
_00520923_00521221   —HERBST, LE—CHEF—GAULOIS—VERCINGÉTORIX se réservant l'option de se replier SUR 1—PLACE forte barrant la route aux ROMAins.
_00520923_00521221   —HERBST, LE—CHEF—GAULOIS—VERCINGÉTORIX est emmené à ROME[ROM,ROMA]
_00520923_00521221   —HERBST, LE—CHEF—GAULOIS—VERCINGÉTORIX désormais en position de force, prend l'initiative.
_00520923_00521221   —HERBST, LE—CHEF—GAULOIS—VERCINGÉTORIX SUR cet itinéraire,
_00520923_00521221   —HERBST, Dans les 2—CAMPS, la disette est grande.
_00520923_00521221   —HERBST, CAESAR libère les prisonniers arvernes
_00520923_00521221   —HERBST, CAESAR est contraint de mettre en place derrière lui 1 2. ligne de fortifications contre LE—ARMÉE—GAULOISE de secours (circonvallation)
_00520923_00521221   —HERBST, CAESAR est contraint de faire le —SIÈGE—DE—LA—VILLE (contrevallation)
_00520923_00521221   —HERBST, CAESAR donne les autres prisonniers gaulois en esclaves à ses soldats.
_00520923_00521221   —HERBST, CAESAR LE—SIÈGE—DE—ALÉSIA.
_00520923_00521221   —HERBST, Mais —CHEF—GAULOIS—VERCINGÉTORIX parvient à envoyer dans toute LA—GAULE[GALLIEN] des émissaires pour lever 1—ARMÉE de secours.
_00380000—20201221   —FORTAN sitzen die UBII westwärts —BIS [TOLBIACUM]ZÜLPICH.

00001221             S—THOMAS am APOSTEL—TAG
00001221—00990320    —WINTER—IM, DIE—ZIEGEN im Stall gehalten werden.
00680923—00681221    —HERBST, RÜCKRUF der durch NERO wegen MAJESTÄTS—DELIKTE verbannten SENATOREN verbannten SENAToren
00681100             —HERBST[AUTUM]SERVIUS—SULPICIUS—GALBA Rückruf der durch NERO 00680923—00681221    —HERBST, verbannten SENATOREN
00691221             VESPASIAN ist 1. plebejischer, nichtadliger RÖMER—KAISER—VESPASIAN und - VESPASIAN, einzieht in Rom
00691221             VESPASIAN, wird vom Senat als neuer RÖMER—KAISER—VESPASIAN anerkannt, der letzte des Vierkaiserjahres.
00691221—00790000    † Zum neuen KAISER wird VESPASIAN ausgerufen.
00691221—00960000    —BEGRÜNDET, VESPASIAN, der FLAVIER—DYNASTIE (—BIS ).
00790923—00791221    —HERBST, —3—TAGE ROM Brand um CAPITOL, MARSFELD
04011221             INNOZENZ—I—PAPA, antritt sein Amt als seines Vaters ANASTASIUS—I—PAPA—NACHFOLGER
04061221—04070320    —WINTER—HIVER
04081221—04090320    —WINTER—IM—DANN, werden SKIREN unter den Scharen genannt, die der HUNNEN—FÜRST—ULDIS zu 1—BEUTE—ZUG über die untere DONAU führt.
04081221—04090320    —DANN—IM, werden SKIREN unter den Scharen genannt, die der HUNNEN—FÜRST—ULDIS zu 1—BEUTE—ZUG über die untere DONAU führt.
07250923—07251221    —HERBST—IM, sonst hätten sich die BESATZUNGS—TRUPPEN unmöglich im Lande halten können.
07250923—07251221    —HERBST—IM, nach SPANIEN zurück zog des ABD—ER—RACHMAN selbst mit seiner Truppen GROS.
07250923—07251221    —HERBST—IM, In den besetzten Gebieten blieben nur schwache Garnisonen, und
07250923—07251221    —HERBST—IM, DIE—SÜD—FRANZOSEN müssen —SCHON sehr araberfreundlich gewesen sein, denn
07250923—07251221    —HERBST—IM, zurückzog, nach SPANIEN, des ABD—ER—RACHMAN selbst mit seiner Truppen GROS.
08821221—08821223    † ODER, HINKMAR—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—REIMS auf der Flucht vor den NORMANNEN[NORMANDES,WIKINGER], als diese REIMS angriffen, in ÉPERNAY{EPPENICH}
08821221—08821223    † ODER, HINKMAR—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—REIMS KLOSTER—S—REMI—REIMS begraben. wurde im
08920923—08921221    —HERBST—IM, und —NUN das durch HASTING geführte LOIRE—NORMANNEN—HEER nach der THEMSE—MÜNDUNG segelte.
08920923—08921221    —HERBST—IM, ZUR SELBEN ZEIT verließ auch 1—ANDERES WIKINGER—HEER FRANKREICH, nämlich das durch HASTING geführte,
08920923—08921221    —HERBST—IM, ENGLAND wo Die Reste des großen NORMANNEN[NORMANDES,WIKINGER] Heer in Ostkent landeten.
08920923—08921221    —HERBST—IM, Die Reste des großen NORMANNEN[NORMANDES,WIKINGER] Heer schifften sich daher mit den PFERDEn, dem gesamten TROß[PFERD] auf 250—SCHIFFEN 1, setzten nach ENGLAND über,
08920923—08921221    —HERBST—IM, ENGLAND wo Die Reste des großen NORMANNEN[NORMANDES,WIKINGER] Heer in OST—KENT landeten.
08920923—08921221    —HERBST—IM, ENGLAND wo Des großen NORMANNEN[NORMANDES,WIKINGER] HEER—RESTE, in Ostkent landeten.
08920923—08921221    —HERBST—IM, Des großen NORMANNEN[NORMANDES,WIKINGER] HEER—RESTE, einschifften sich daher mit den PFERDEn, dem gesamten TROß[PFERD] auf 250—SCHIFFEN, setzten nach ENGLAND über,
08920923—08921221    —DATE 08930923—08931221    Doch mit des ARNULF—VON—KÄRNTEN legitimer Sohn LUDWIG—DAS—KIND Geburt verschob sich die Nachfolge auf DEN;
08920923—08921221    —DATE 08920923—08921221    —HERBST—IM, Des großen NORMANNEN[NORMANDES,WIKINGER] HEER—RESTE, einschifften sich daher mit den PFERDEn, dem gesamten TROß[PFERD] auf 250—SCHIFFEN, setzten nach ENGLAND über,
08930923—08931221    Doch mit des ARNULF—VON—KÄRNTEN legitimer Sohn LUDWIG—DAS—KIND Geburt verschob sich die Nachfolge auf DEN;
08951221/08960320    —WINTER—IM, HATTO—I—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—MAINZ begleitete den KÖNIG auf seinen ITALIEN—ZÜGEN,
10011221             † HUGO—DER—GROßE—MARK—GRAF—VON—TUSZIEN
10501221             —AM, ABTEI—KIRCHE—BRAUWEILER geweiht durch den ROBERT—BISCHOF—VON—KÖLN DIE—KRYPTA mit 3—ALTÄREN wurde
11181221—11700000    * † THOMAS—BECKET, archbishop of Canterbury, (SOME—SOURCES say 11200000             ).
11241221             —ÜBERNIMMT, HONORIUS—II—PAPA, die Amtsgeschäfte als Kirchenoberhaupt.
11401221             der KRIEG—GEGEN—DER Eroberung Weinsbergs, bei welcher der Schlachtruf: Hie Welf!
11401221             Hie Waibling! ertönte, zu Ungunsten Welfs endigte.
11401221             Die Frauen tragen ihre Männer aus der Burg und retten ihnen so das Leben.
11401221             Die Frauen werden als Treue WEIBER—VON—WEINSBERG, DIE—BURG—WEINSBERG als Weibertreu bekannt.
11651221             MARQUARD, DIACON—UND—MÖNCH t —VOR
11731221             † ADOLF—I—ABT—VON—WERDEN
11921221             Auf dem Rückweg vom 3. Kreuzzug wird RICHARD—I—LÖWENHERZ vom ÖSTERREICHISCHEN—HERZOG—LEOPOLD—V. bei WIEN gefangen genommen.
11951221             † WERNHER—BISCHOF—VON—GURK
12251221             Der mit seinem Sohn WALDEMAR—VON—SCHLESWIG in des GRAF—HEINRICH—I—VON—SCHWERIN—GEFANGENSCHAFT geratene WALDEMAR—II—KÖNIG—VON—DÄNEMARK wird nach Anerkennung hoher Forderungen freigelassen.
12251221—12270000    —J—IM, Die starken Belastungen und Gebietsabtretungen lassen WALDEMAR—II—KÖNIG—VON—DÄNEMARK sofort Gegenmaßnahmen planen, die zur —SCHLACHT—BEI—BORNHÖVED führen werden.
12260304—20201221    —APPEARED, Jupiter and Saturn, as 1—BRIGHT—PLANET in the night sky.
12260304—20201221    —UNTIL, This did not happen again.
12301221             —NACH—DES—KLOSTER—FRÖNDENBERG Fertigstellung
12301221             —AM, 1—ABTISSIN und 12—NONNEN aus dem CISTERCIENSER—NONNEN—KLOSTER—HOVEN in der EIFEL FRÖNDENBERG erreicht haben sollen.
12301221             wäre die angegebene Filiation durchaus möglich.
12301221             KLOSTER—HOVEN, haben sich allerdings keine Erinnerungen an diese Verbindung zu FRÖNDENBERG erhalten.
12371221             —NACH—ERFOLGREICHER—BELAGERUNG—DURCH—MONGOLEN, DIE—STADT—RJASAN wird unter BATU—KHAN fast völlig zerstört.
12391221             † HENRY—DE—TRUBLEVILLE, anglonormannischer Militär und Beamter
12610923—12611221    —HERBST—IM, WALRAM—VON—BERGHEIM—HERR—ZU—BERGHEIM DER—HERR—ZU—BERGHEIM muss doch manchen Vorteil im Kriege errungen haben, denn
12610923—12611221    —HERBST—IM, WALRAM—VON—BERGHEIM—HERR—ZU—BERGHEIM, muss doch manchen Vorteil im Kriege errungen haben, denn
13040923—13041221    —HERBST—IM, nach PREUßEN ging WERNHER—GRAF—VON—HOMBERG, —20—JAHRE—ALT und
13240923—13241221    —HERBST, —SCHON—IM RADULF—VON—COLONSTER scheint zur LOMBARDEI aufgebrochen zu sein
13241221             HERMANNUS—GENANNT—DE—TUMBERG—SCHÖFFE—ZU—ZÜLPICH, und seine oo ALEIDIS, die 10—SCHILLING minus 3—HELLER (obulis) JAHRES—RENTE stiften,
13241221             HENRICUS SCHREINGENE—SCHÖFFE—ZU—ZÜLPICH, und seine oo Cunigundis, die 6—SCHILLING stiften,
13241221             SCHÖFFEN—ZU—ZÜLPICH.
13241221             zur Ehre Gottes, um ihres und ihrer Eltern Seelenheils willen haben verschiedene Christgläubige in der Krypta der KIRCHE—S—PETER—IN—DER—STADT—ZÜLPICH 36 1—ALTAR gestiftet und dotiert.
13241221             Auf ihre Bitte und mit ZUSTIMMUNG—DES—ABTES des KLOSTER—SIEGBURG und
13241221             —GEHALTEN, Die Stifter, für die Memorien, werden müssen, sind: 1)
13241221             THEODORICUS—GENANNT—SPISELGEMEINC, Knappe, mit seinen Eltern, der dem Altar 3—SCHILLING, 2—KAPAUNE und 2—HÜHNER jährlicher Rente gestiftet hat;
13241221             —GESTIFTET, JOHANNES—DE—MERTZENICH und seine oo ALHEIDIS, die ebenfalls 6—SCHILLING, haben,
13241221             —GESTIFTET, PETRUS—GENANNT—SCHIFGEN und seine oo AGNES, die gleichfalls 6—SCHILLING, haben, fällig auf S—MICHAELS—TAG aus ihrem Wohnhaus.
13241221             —GESTIFTET, ARNOLDUS—GENANNT—CUSTERS und seine oo CAECILIA, die ebenfalls 6—SCHILLING, haben,
13241221             Die o†o des HENRICUS—GENANNT—MEYNEMG
13241221             —GESTIFTET, TILMANUS—DE—KUHEWEIDEN und seine oo Sophia, die 3—SCHILLING, haben,
13241221             TILMANnus (der) Bäcker (pistor) von FÜSSENICH und seine oo AGNES, die 3—SCHILLING gestiftet haben,
13241221             Der Altarist JOHANNes selbst, der um seines und seiner Eltern Seelenheil willen dem Altar 1—MARK gestiftet hat,
13241221             —GESTIFTET, Derselbe Altarist, der 4—SCHILLING, hat, fällig zu den gleichen Terminen von 1—HAUS und Hof des DANIEL—BAZELIN in der PFARREI—S—MARTIN.
13241221             Es haben gesiegelt der PROPST CONRADUS SOWIE—ES haben gesiegelt JOHANNES—DE—EMBKE,
13241221             —IN—DIE—FESTO—THOMAE apostoli.
13241221—16170310    —ABSCHRIFT—PAPIER—LAT., von (NUMMER—68 ), SIEHE—DORT,
13300923—13301221    —HERBST—IM, nach LOMBARDEI mit 700—REITERN JOHANN—KÖNIG—VON—BÖHMEN gekommen war ^,
13300923—13301221    —HERBST—IM, JOHANN—KÖNIG—VON—BÖHMEN den Spuren seines Vaters, KAISER—HEINRICH—VII. folgend, in ITALIEN festen Fuß zu fassen.^
13300923—13301221    —HERBST—IM, gekommen war, nach LOMBARDEI, mit 700—REITERN JOHANN—KÖNIG—VON—BÖHMEN ^,
13320000—13751221    * † GIOVANNI—BOCCACCIO, ITALY—POET (VITA—DI—DANTE), at his home in CERTALDO.
13340923—13341221    —HERBST—IM, kamen noch 10—WEITERE—BANNER hinzu, die AUS DES PAPA KASSE bezahlt wurden
13410923—13411221    —HERBST—IM,—SCHLACHT—BEI—LUCCA, In der DIE—DEUTSCHE—REITER im Dienst der STADT—FLORENZ aber nach der Gewohnheit unserer DEUTSCHE—LANDS—LEUTE nur Pferd und Rüstung verloren und freigelassen wurden.
13410923—13411221    —HERBST—IM,—SCHLACHT—BEI—LUCCA, In der Daß DIE—DEUTSCHE—REITER Sieger waren, erkennt man nur indirekt aus dem Umstand, daß die IN—DER—SCHLACHT—GEFANGENEN—ITALIENER nach PISA weggeführt,
13530923—13531221    —HERBST—IM, DER—KARDINAL—LEGAT—ALBORNOZ fand in der Kirche ganzes HERRSCHAFTS—GEBIET nicht, wohin er sein Haupt hätte legen können,
13530923—13531221    —HERBST—IM, DER—KARDINAL—LEGAT—ALBORNOZ fand außer zu MONTEFIASCONE im PATRIMONIUM nicht, wohin er sein Haupt hätte legen können, und
13530923—13531221    —HERBST—IM, DER—KARDINAL—LEGAT—ALBORNOZ fand außer zu MONTEFALCO im HERZOGTUM—SPOLETO" nicht, wohin er sein Haupt hätte legen können,
13531221             DOMINUS—HENRICUS miles/ NICOLAUS—COMES—DE—URBINO COMES Luifus etc. conestabiles equites COMMUNIS—PERUSII;13540823             —DIE—ANNO, cujus JOHANNIS—DE—HAECH—DE—BRABANTIAM, beneficia DONATIONI—SEDIS—APOSTOLICAE erant reservata.
13531221             DOMINUS—HENRICUS miles/ NICOLAUS—COMES—DE—URBINO COMES Luifus etc. conestabiles equites COMMUNIS—PERUSII;
13550923—13551221    —HERBST—IM, erscheint 1—JOHANN—VON—KÖNIGSWINTER, bittet um 1—LAIEN—PFRÜNDE am KÖLNER—DOM:
13550923—13551221    —HERBST—IORDELAFFI aber zeigte sich in mehreren Treffen des PAPA Truppen überlegen.
13550923—13551221    —HERBST—IM, Die Gefahr war groß.
13560923—13561221    —HERBST—DAMALS, Da KAISER—KARL—IV. mit des PAPA KARDINAL—LEGAT verbündet GEGEN—DIE—VISCONTI war
13560923—13561221    —HERBST—DAMALS, Da KAISER—KARL—IV. mit dem PAPA verbündet GEGEN—DIE—VISCONTI war,und
13560923—13561221    —HERBST—IM, KONRAD—GRAF—VON—LANDAU mit dem größten Teile seiner Reiterei
13560923—13561221    —HERBST—DAMALS, Da KAISERKARL—I[KARL—DER—GROßE]. mit dem PAPA verbündet GEGEN—DIE—VISCONTI war,und
13560923—13561221    —HERBST—DAMALS, schickten die letzteren 1—HEER—VON—4.000—GEGEN des KAISER—VIKAR—MARKWALD—BISCHOF—VON—AUGSBURG.
13560923—13561221    —HERBST, Deshalb mußten die VISCONTI zurückgehen.
13570923—13571221    —HERBST—IM, vor FORLI 1—VIKTUALIEN—ZUG von den Feinden überfallen wurde für des PAPA BELAGERUNGS—HEER (I 13580000             , 3).
13620923—13621221    —HERBST—IM,—ENTSCHLOSS sich IBN—CHALDUN in seinem politischen Tatendrang deshalb dazu, nach GRANADA zu ziehen.
13621221             † KONSTANTIN—V—KÖNIG—VON—ARMENIEN
14011221             * MASACCIO, ITALIENISCHER—MALER
14030203—13241221    von der gleichen Hand wie u.
14030203—13241221    Gehörte zu (NUMMER—4), dort auch Angabe weiterer Kopien.
14030203—13241221    Gehörte zu (NUMMER—4), dort auch Angabe weiterer Kopien.14800203             * FERNÃO—DE—MAGALHAES.
14270923—14271221    —HERBST—IM, sucht den RAT—VON—ULM zu 1—GEMEINSAMEN Vorstellung bei SIGMUND zu bewegen
14280923—14281221    —HERBST—IM, gestattet SIGMUND wiederum den HANDEL—MIT—VENEDIG und
14291221             Jacquemart de Blaharies, Tournay "heretic", was burned to death.
14461221             † LOUIS—I—DE—BOURBON—GRAF—VON—VENDÔME
14490923—14491221    —HERBST—IM, e NICOLAUS—V—PAPA hatte ENEA—SILVIO nach seiner VATER—STADT—SIENA versetzt
14681221             * WILLIAM—CONYERS—BARON—CONYERS, 1., nordenglischer Adeliger
14711221             —ENTDECKT, Der PORTUGIESISCHE—SEEFAHRER—JOÃO—DE—SANTARÉM, die nahe am Äquator gelegene INSEL—SÃO—TOMÉ im GOLF—VON—GUINEA und nimmt die INSEL—SÃO—TOMÉ für PORTUGAL in Besitz.
14751221             È CONSIGLIERE del Q. S—A. (RIFORME—TOME—XXIX (14730000—14770000    ) FOLIA—66": cfr.
14751221             FOLIA—67.).
14890923—14891221    —HERBST—IM, e Selbst die nächste Umgebung des INNOCENZ—VIII—PAPA gab vielfaches Aergerniss.
14961221             —FERIA—QUARTA, FESTO—S—THOME apostoli, DICTUS DOMINUS—KARDINALIS—CAPUANUS, POST prandium incepit visitare KARDINALes et visitavit juniorem tantum.
14961221—14960320    —WINTER—IM, sollte gearbeitet werden von 5—UHR —MORGENS—BIS zum Dunkeln, mit denselben Unterbrechungen
15001221             * CASPAR—HUBERINUS, deutscher lutherischer Theologe und Reformator
15031221             † ADAM—VON—PODEWILS, Fürstlich Pommerscher Geheimer Rat, Amtshauptmann in Zanow und Belgard
15070621—15071221    —SOMMER—HERBST, erklärten sich DIE—STÄNDE zwar —SCHLIESSLICH, bereit, KAISER—MAXIMILIAN—I. 12.000—MANN Truppen zu stellen und ausserdem noch 120.000—FLORENI zu —STEUERN.
15070621—15071221    —SOMMER—HERBST, Aber das half dem KÖNIG für den Augenblick gar nichts;
15070621—15071221    —SOMMER—HERBST, denn DIE—REICHS—STEUERN eingingen stets mit unendlicher Langsamkeit, WÄHREND sofort bares Geld nötig war, um die "FREIEN KNECHTE DER EIDGENOSSEN"zu bezahlen,
15070621—15071221    —SOMMER—HERBST, deren FREIEN KNECHTE DER EIDGENOSSEN"Überlaufen zu FRANKREICH sonst unmittelbar bevorstand 8).
15081221             * THOMAS—NAOGEORG, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Schriftsteller
15111221             * ERASMUS—EBNER, DEUTSCHER—DIPLOMAT, Gelehrter und Staatsmann
15250923—15251221    —HERBST—IM, aus SPANIEN nach MAILAND für des KAISER—TRUPPEN RIMESSEN gemacht wurden,
15250923—15251221    —HERBST—IM, aus SPANIEN nach MAILAND für des KAISER—TRUPPEN RIMESSEN bei DEN Hauptsächlich beteiligt die Brüder TOMMASO, GIAMBATTISTA und DOMENICO—FORNARI waren.
15270923—15271221    —HERBST—IM—DAMALS, MAN der FUGGER kaum bedurfte.
15270923—15271221    —HERBST—IM, übernahm ANTON—FUGGER es zwar auf verschiedenen Wegen von SPANIEN nach DEUTSCHLAND zu schaffen für den KAISER—KARL—V. 100.000—KRONEN ,
15270923—15271221    —HERBST—IM, DEUTSCHLAND, wo DAS—GELD 100.000—KRONEN zur Anwerbung neuer Truppen in ITALIEN VER—WENDET wurde 53).
15270923—15271221    —HERBST—IM, Aber derartige Geschäfte waren ohne erhebliches Risiko durchzuführen.
15270923—15271221    —HERBST—IM—UM—DIESELBE—ZEIT Als DAGEGEN—DIE—MAESTRAZGOS aufs neue verpachtet wurden, liess ANTON—FUGGER sich von den GENUESEN[GENUA,GENOA] überbieten.
15270923—15271221    —HERBST—IM—DAMALS, überhaupt immer mehr in den Vordergrund traten diese GENUESEN[GENUA,GENOA] als des KAISER—KARL—V. GELD—GEBER und
15270923—15271221    —HERBST—IM—DAMALS, auch der GELD—MARKT—ANTWERPEN erwies sich als so ergiebig, daß
15270923—15271221    —HERBST—IM—DAMALS—UM—DIESE—ZEIT—NOCH—NICHT für ihre grossen GELD—GESCHÄFTE FUGGER der BÖRSE—ANTWERPEN sich bedienten,
15270923—15271221    —HERBST—IM—DAMALS—UM—DIESE—ZEIT—KURZ—ZUVOR, noch war des KAISER—KARL—V. Truppen in ITALIEN Lage wieder 1—GANZ ähnliche gewesen, wie
15310923—15311221    —HERBST—IM—ERST der sehr bedeutende Rest berichtigt wurde Aber,
15310923—15311221    —HERBST—IM, wie aus den NIEDERLANDE—FINANZ—RECHNUNGEN hervorgeht.
15310923—15311221    —HERBST—IM, DIE—NIEDERLANDE bewilligten ebenfalls neue "aides", und
15331221             —ENTDECKT, Der SPANISCHE—SEEFAHRER—HERNANDO—DE—GRIJALVA, die später in Socorro umbenannte Insel als 1. der MEXIKANISCHEN—REVILLAGIGEDO—INSELN im Ostpazifik.
15411221             * THOMAS—SCHWEICKER, armloser Kunstschreiber
15421221             * THOMAS—ALLEN, ENGLISCHER—MATHEMATIKER und Astrologe
15491221             —CRÉATION—DE tribunaux de commerce à LYON et à TOULOUSE - † MARGUERITE—DE—NAVARRE.
15491221             † MARGARETE—VON—NAVARRA—KÖNIGIN—VON—NAVARRA, Dichterin und Diplomatin
15520923—15521221    —HERBST—IM—BEREITS davon dienten 445.900—ZUR Rückzahlung von RENT—MEISTER—BRIEFEN, der Rest zur Deckung von KRIEGS—AUSGABEN.
15520923—15521221    —HERBST—IM—BEREITS Weitere 255.000—CAROLUS—GULDEN beschaffte GASPAR—SCHETZ von den FUGGERn und WELSERN.
15520923—15521221    —HERBST—IM—BEREITS IN DEMSELBEN —JAHR Ferner —STEUERTEN DIE—SCHETZ zur Ausrüstung der Flotte, welche aus SPANIEN das sehnlichst erwartete Silber holen sollte, 22.000—LIVRES oder CAROLUS—GULDEN (zu 40—GR.)
15520923—15521221    —HERBST—IM—BEREITS EBENFALLS NOCH—JAHR—IM—SELBEN Endlich streckten die SCHETZ, der KRONE—VON—ENGLAND über 100.000—CAROLUS—GULDEN vor,
15520923—15521221    —HERBST—IM—BEREITS Der Zinsfuss war bei diesen ANLEIHEN 12 % PER—ANNUM -" WÄHREND DER—KAISER sonst meist 13— 14 % ZINSEN bezahlen musste.
15520923—15521221    —HERBST—IM—BEREITS aufnahm GASPAR—SCHETZ für den KAISER nicht weniger als 1.000.000—CAROLUS—GULDEN (zu 40—GR.) ;
15520923—15521221    —HERBST—IM—BEREITS wofür sich DIE—STADT—ANTWERPEN verbürgte, wesshalb der Zinsfuss nur 9 % PER—ANNUM—WAR -
15550923—15551221    —HERBST, —SCHON—IM DIE—FUGGER 112.000—DUKATEN geliehen dem KÖNIG—IN—SPANIEN hatten, hinzukamen noch
15720923—15721221    —HERBST—IM—J—DES, kamen DIE—SCHETZ in schwere geschäftliche Bedrängniss.
15720923—15721221    —HERBST—IM—J—DES, DIE—SCHETZ ersuchten DIE—FUGGER um 1—GRÖSSERES DAR—LEHEN zu 12 % ZINSEN und wollten dafür sich selbst sammt allen ihren LIEGENDE—GÜTERN verschreiben.
15720923—15721221    —HERBST—IM—J—DES, DIE—FUGGER waren sehr erstaunt über dieses Anerbieten, dergleichen FRÜHER bei den Schetz nie üblich gewesen sei.
15720923—15721221    —HERBST—IM—J—DES, Sie waren anfangs geneigt, darauf einzugehen, scheinen aber dann doch hiervon Abstand genommen zu haben.
15720923—15721221    —HERBST—IM—J—DES, [GENUA,GENOA]DIE—GENUESENSTRECKTEN 300.000—FLORENI zu WUCHER—ZINSEN, wie es heisst, zu 30 % vor;
15720923—15721221    —HERBST—IM—J—DES, aber das half nur vorübergehend, und ebensowenig war durch Anwendung der Wucherklausel zu Gunsten der bedrängten Firma 1—ERFOLG zu erzielen.
15720923—15721221    —HERBST—IM—J—DES—DAMALS, GASPAR—SCHETZ muss indess nicht mehr so eng wie FRÜHER mit seinen Brüdern verbunden gewesen sein;
15720923—15721221    —HERBST—IM—J—DES, denn WÄHREND diese fallierten, und selbst ihr GRUND—BESITZ unter den Hammer kam, gelang es GASPAR—SCHETZ, sich über Wasser zu halten;
15730923—15731221    —HERBST—IM, wird der Abschluss 1—ANLEIHE—VON—750.000—DUKATEN von ihm berichtet.
15740923—15741221    —HERBST—IM, heisst es, JUAN—DE—CURIEL—DELLA—TORRE habe 500.000—ESCUDOS hergegeben;
15740923—15741221    —HERBST—IM, doch kam dieses Geschäft nicht zu Stande, weil JUAN—DE—CURIEL—DELLA—TORRE, wie 1—FUGGER—FAKTOR aus SPANIEN meldet, "gar zu vorteilige Rank gesucht hat";
15740923—15741221    —HERBST—IM, es wird hinzugefügt,
15740923—15741221    —HERBST—IM, man habe selbst bei den GENUESEN[GENUA,GENOA], "die doch gar für Truckenscheerer gehalten werden", mehr Bereitwilligkeit und Nutzen GEFUNDEN;
15740923—15741221    —HERBST—IM—BALD—DARAUF, heisst es, "daß DER—KÖNIG noch allwegen mehr Tugend bei den GENUESEN[GENUA,GENOA], als bei seinen SPANIERn findet".
15770923—15771221    —HERBST, als die SPANIEN—REGIERUNG kein solventes HANDELS—HAUS mehr fand, das gewillt war, für sie Geld ins Ausland zu schicken, was dringend Not tat,
15801221             * JOHANN—GEORGE—BESOLD, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Privatrechtler
15971221             † PETRUS—CANISIUS, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Kirchenlehrer, Gegenreformator
15981221             Rebellierenden Mapuche unter Führung des KRIEGSHÄUPTLING—PELANTARO gelingt 1—SIEG über den SPANISCHEN—GOUVERNEUR—MARTÍN—GARCÍA—ÓÑEZ—DE—LOYOLA und seine der
15981221             —SCHLACHT—VON—CURALABA in CHILE
16021221             Den Genfern gelingt es jedoch, DIE—ESCALADE—DE—GENÈVE zurückzuschlagen, was noch —HEUTE jährlich gefeiert wird.
16021221—16021222    —IN—DER—NACHT—ZUM, VERSUCHT, KARL—EMANUEL—I., mit seinen savoyischen Truppen DIE—STADT—GENF zu erobern.
16161221             * PIETRO—ANDREA—ZIANI, ITALIENISCHER—ORGANIST und Komponist
16201221             Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower went ashore for the 1. time —AT—PRESENT—DAY—PLYMOUTH—MASSACHUSETTS.
16201221             The crew of the ship did not have enough beer to get to VIRGINIA and back to ENGLAND so they dropped the Pilgrims at PLYMOUTH Rock to preserve their beer stock.
16201221             1—MIT der MAYFLOWER in der Neuen Welt angekommene Gruppe der Pilgerväter bildet 1—ANSIEDLUNG auf dem Festland.
16281221             1. Das barocke Hoftheater Teatro Farnese in PARMA wird bespielt.
16281221—16280320    —WINTER Beides ist für die Obrigkeit Beweis genug:
16281221—16280320    —WINTER Die Unglücklichen 16—MENSCHEN werden stranguliert oder
16281221—16280320    —WINTER Die Unglücklichen 16—MENSCHEN verbrannt auf der Zingscheider Höhe Scheiterhaufen.werden
16281221—16280320    —WINTER es sind unschuldige LEUTE, von üblen Denunzianten der Zauberei beschuldigt.
16281221—16280320    —WINTER läßt der RITTER—MARSILIUS—III—VON—PALANT—ZU—WACHENDORF in das —HEUTE—NOCH—ERHALTENE dunkle Verlies im "Hexenturm"der WILDENBURG werfen.
16281221—16280320    —WINTER Mindestens 16—WURDEN wegen angeblicher Hexerei auf 1—SCHEITERHAUFEN hingerichtet.
16281221—16280320    —WINTER Nur 2—MENSCHEN gelingt auf wundersame Weise DIE—FLUCHT.
16281221—16280320    —WINTER Sie werden schwer gefoltert, —BIS sie nie begangene Straftaten gestehen oder WÄHREND der Quälerei sterben.
16281221—16280320    —WINTER Wer an der Tortur verstirbt ist schuldig, wer gesteht —ERST recht.
16461221             —AM, beschlossen DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN sich ernstlich für den DER—GROSSE—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG in OSNABRÜCK selbst zu verwenden.
16461221             —AM, beschlossen DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN sich ernstlich für den DER—GROSSE—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG bei DER—KÖNIGIN—VON—SCHWEDEN selbst zu verwenden.und
16470923—16471221    —HERBST—IM—SCHON, des SPILLIEUR Austreibung erfolgte,
16521221             Im Palazzo Reale in Neapel erfolgt die Uraufführung des Dramas Veremonda, l'amazzone di Aragona von FRANCESCO—CAVALLI.
16570923—16571221    —HERBST, LOUIS—XIV[LUDWIG—XIV—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH] candidat Empire
16591221—16620117    FRANZ—CHRIST.
16591221—16620117    Ambtmann (Klagenfurt) und JOHANN—LEONHARD—SCHORER (AUGSBURG).
16671221             † HANS—ERNST—AUS—DEM—WINCKEL, DEUTSCHER—ADELIGER, Mitglied der "Fruchtbringenden Gesellschaft"
16701221             *, à la Force en PÉRIGORD LE
16721221             —AM, Weibnom, der Von WETZLAR aus den Rückweg angetreten,
16721221             * JOHANN—CHRISTOPH—SCHWEDLER, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Kirchenliederdichter
16871211/16871221    —DATUM—BERLIN,
16871211/16871221    —BERICHTE, von JACOB—HOP.
16871211/16871221    JACOB—HOP an den RATS—PENSIONÄR—VON—HOLLAND.
16871211/16871221    JACOB—HOP an den PRINZ—VON—ORANIEN.
16871211/16871221    Berichte von JACOB—HOP.
16871221             DIE—DIFFERENZ, in die er ohne seine Schuld mit Schomberg wegen des ZEREMONIELLs geraten ist, BEDAuert er sehr, da
16871221             DIE—DIFFERENZ namentlich von Rübenac und der FRANZÖSISCHEN—PARTEI am Hofe sehr ausgebeutet wird.
16871221             Sie haben, wie er sicher weiss, gejauchzt vor Freude, daß es ihnen —NUN gelungen sei, ihn in Verlegenheit zu bringen und für den STAAT unnütz zu machen.
16871221             Sie suchen mit allen Mitteln Schomberg gegen ihn aufzuhetzen.
16871221             Die Partei hat —SEIT seiner ANKUNFT ihm ALLE—MÖGLICHEN—HINDERNISSE in den Weg gelegt und dazu lauter Kleinigkeiten, ZEREMONIELL, Etiquette usw. benutzt.
16871221             FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG und EINIGE—DER—MINISTER haben sich aber —BIS—JETZT, dadurch nicht irre machen lassen.
16871221             Es ist unbeschreiblich, welche Machinationen die FRANZÖSISCHE—PARTEI, von der FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—DIEST "een seer dependente creature" ist, anwendet, um ihm die Gunst des GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG zu entziehen.
16871221             Man sucht den KUR—FÜRST glauben zu machen, daß ALLE—SEINE—BEMÜHUNGEN, DIE—DIFFERENZEN über den afrikanischen Handel beizulegen, vergeblich sein würden, und
16871221             Man sucht den KUR—FÜRST glauben zu machen, da HOP ihm "dienaeugaende alleen praetjes wijs gemaackt soude hebben";
16871221             FERNER—MAN sucht den KUR—FÜRST glauben zu machen, daß HOP beim PRINZ—VON—ORANIEN in Ungnade stehe und
16871221             Man sucht den KUR—FÜRST glauben zu machen, daß dieser PRINZ—VON—ORANIEN HOP durch diese Gesandtschaft habe entfernen wollen;
16871221             Man sucht den KUR—FÜRST glauben zu machen, daß HOP bloss die DÄNISCHE—SACHE anbefohlen sei, ALLE—ANDEREN—DEM—COMMISSÄR—HAM.
16871221             1—UNGÜNSTIGEN Eindruck macht hier freilich, daß Ham so wenig mit HOP verkehrt.
16871221             —MEINDERS, der CHEF—DER—CREATUREN REBENAC's, der stärksten Partei —JETZT am Hofe, versteht von HANDELS—SACHEN gar nichts,
16871221             —MEINDERS, ist vergnügungssüchtig und
16871221             —MEINDERS, sucht die —VERHANDLUNG—MIT—DÄNEMARK zu verzögern.
16871221/16871231    HOP an den PRINZ—VON—ORANIEN.
16961221             * JOHANN—THOMAS—VON—QUENTEL, Priester und Domherr in Köln
17051221             der 4—STÄNDE—VERTRETER versammeln sich zum BRAUNAUER—PARLAMENT im Stadtquartier des FREIHERR—VON—PAUMGARTEN im Gasthof Breuninger in Braunau am Inn.
17051221             Damit erreicht der bayerische Volksaufstand gegen des KAISER—JOSEPH—I—FREMDHERRSCHAFT, seinen Höhepunkt.
17081221             —SEIZED, FRANCE—FORCES, control of the eastern shore of Newfoundland —AFTER winning 1—VICTORY at S—JOHN'S.
17121221             † böhmischer KANZLER—JOHANN—WENZEL—WRATISLAW—VON—MITROWITZ,
17151221             * RUSSISCHER—GENERAL—GOTTLOB—CURT—HEINRICH—VON—TOTTLEBEN, sächsischer Abenteurer
17181221             † CAI—BURCHARD—GRAF—VON—AHLEFELDT, Gutsherr der Adligen Güter Bystorp, Gut Eschelsmark, Ornum und Stubbe
17221221             * THOMAS—JENKINS, BRITISCHER—MALER, Kunstsammler, Antikenhändler und Bankier
17341221             * MANUEL—DO—NASCIMENTO, PORTUGIESISCHER—LYRIKER und Ordensmann
17481221             * LUDWIG—HÖLTY, deutscher volkstümlicher Dichter
17531221             * MAXIMILIAN—THOMAS—VON—AICHER, bayerischer Offizier
17671221             * CHRISTIAN—JAKOB—SALICE—CONTESSA, schlesischer Kommunalpolitiker und Schriftsteller der Romantik
17801221             † CHRISTIANA—REGINA—HETZER, 1. Hausherrin des Gohliser Schlösschen zu LEIPZIG
17871221             * THOMAS—GRAF, deutscher katholischer Geistlicher
17901220—17901221    —SEE
17901221             —OPENED, SAMUEL—SLATER, the 1. cotton mill in THE—USA—IN—RHODE—ISLAND.
17921221—17920320    —WINTER, Kalter in der Region.
17940923—17941221    —HERBST—IM, DES J. die Vorgänge Den Beweis für die Berechtigung der FURCHT—VOR—DEM Untergang liefern
17991221             * DAVID—DON, BRITISCHER—BOTANIKER
18011221             † GIACOMO—MARIA—BRIGNOLE—DOGE—VON—GENUA, letzter
18041221             * BENJAMIN—DISRAELI, Bloomsbury, LONDON
18041221             * PREMIERMINISTER—BENJAMIN—DISRAELI, BRITISCHER—STAATSMANN und Romanschriftsteller,
18041221—18810000    * † BENJAMIN—DISRAELI, PRIME—MINISTER—OF—GREAT—BRITAIN (18680000             , 18740000—18800000    ).
18041221—18810000    —INSTITUTED, BENJAMIN—DISRAELI, reforms in housing, public health and factory regulations.
18041221—18810000    "Youth is 1—BLUNDER; manhood 1—STRUGGLE; old age 1—REGRET".
18041221—19930000    —PUBLISHED, STANLEY—WEINTRAUB, "Disraeli: 1—BIOGRAPHY".
18061221             —IN—DER—DARAUF—FOLGENDEN—NACHT, sind in BERLIN auch Polarlichter zu sehen.
18081221             Ludwig VAN BEETHOVEN—SYMPHONY—NUMBER 5 in C Minor and Symphony NUMBER 6 in F Major had their world premieres in VIENNA—AUSTRIA.
18101221             * JOHANN—CHRISTIAN—KONRAD—VON—HOFMANN, deutscher protestantischer Theologe
18131221             —EINRÜCKEN, ALLIIERTE—TRUPPEN der 6. Koalition zwischen BASEL und SCHAFFHAUSEN in die SCHWEIZ, der SCHWEIZ Grenztruppen sich kampflos zurückziehen.
18131221             Mit der Besetzung heraufzieht das ENDE—DER—MEDIATION im ALPENSTAAT—SCHWEIZ.
18161221             —GEGRÜNDET, In den USA, wird die AMERIKANISCHE—KOLONIALGESELLSCHAFT zur Lösung des Problems der Sklaverei
18161221             Die AMERIKANISCHE—KOLONIALGESELLSCHAFT—GRÜNDER eint die Meinung, dass Schwarze nicht in die Gesellschaft der Weißen integrierbar seien und nach AFRIKA zurück sollten.
18161221             In der Folge kauft die AMERIKANISCHE—KOLONIALGESELLSCHAFT in AFRIKA Land und gründet den STAAT LIBERIA.
18171221             3. Marathenkrieg
18171221             —SCHLACHT—VON—MAHIDPUR
18231221             * JEAN—HENRI—FABRE, FRANZÖSISCHER—ENTOMOLOGE, Dichter und Schriftsteller, gilt als 1—WEGBEREITER—DER—VERHALTENSFORSCHUNG und Ökophysiologie
18240923—18241221    —HERBST—BIS—ZUM, hatte ALFRED—VON—REUMONT,
18240923—18241221    —HERBST—IM—SCHONFREDERICK—NORTH—GRAF—VON—GIULFORD wollte den jungen Abiturienten ALFRED—VON—REUMONT mit sich nach Korfu nehmen,
18260923—18261221    —HERBST—IM, Achtzehnjährig bezog ALFRED—VON—REUMONT DIE—UNIVERSITÄT—BONN,
18270923—18271221    —HERBST—IM, wurde ALFRED—VON—REUMONT hier Gelegenheit geboten, mit 1—EBENSO tüchtigen wie liebenswürdigen Schotten, WILLIAM—CRAUFURD,
18270923—18271221    —HERBST—IM, wurde ALFRED—VON—REUMONT hier Gelegenheit geboten, die
18291221             The 1. stone arch railroad bridge in USA was dedicated in BALTIMORE.
18321221             † JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—PIERER, DEUTSCHER—MEDIZINER und Lexikograf
18351221             —SAILED, HMS Beagle, into BAY—OF—ISLANDS, NEW—ZEALAND.
18361221             * AUGUSTE—CHANTRE, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
18361221             * ERNST—CAMERER, DEUTSCHER—RECHTSANWALT und Vereinsfunktionär
18361221             An der OPÉRA—COMIQUE in PARIS findet die Uraufführung der komischen Oper L'Ambassadrice (Die Botschafterin) von DANIEL—FRANÇOIS—ESPRIT—AUBER statt.
18390923—18391221    —HERBST—IM, "Als BRUNO—BAUER auf KARL—MARX einsprach, dieser möge doch endlich das "lumpige Examen" abmachen,
18390923—18391221    —HERBST—IM, hatte BRUNO—BAUER insofern einigen Grund zur Ungeduld, als KARL—MARX —BEREITS 8—SEMESTER hinter sich hatte.
18390923—18391221    —HERBST—IM, Aber 1—EXAMENANGST im leidigen Sinne des Wortes hat BRUNO—BAUER bei KARL—MARX gleichwohl nicht vorausgesetzt, sonst hätte er ihm nicht zugetraut, die BONNer Philosophieprofessoren gleich beim 1. Anlauf über den Haufen zu rennen.
18390923—18391221    —HERBST—IM, mußte Altenstein BAUER nach BONN versetzen, um ihn in Sicherheit zu bringen.
18390923—18391221    —HERBST—IM, Vielleicht hat DER—MINISTER der noch Hegellosen dortigen UNIVERSITÄT—BONN auch etwas vom Hegelschen Geist beibringen wollen.
18390923—18391221    —HERBST—IM, Der UNIVERSITÄT—BONN theologische Fakultät war Schleiermacherianisch, vermittlungstheologisch.
18390923—18391221    —HERBST—IM, Der UNIVERSITÄT—BONN theologische Fakultät begrüßte den neuen Privatdozenten mit lebhaftem Mißtrauen wie 1—FREMDE Ente im Tümpel.
18390923—18391221    —HERBST—IM, Man wußte ja, daß Altenstein große Stücke auf ihn hielt.
18390923—18391221    —HERBST—IM, BAUER hatte von MARHEINEKE —SCHON erfahren, die Fakultät in BONN wäre 1—DER störrigsten.
18390923—18391221    —HERBST—IM, Aber es ging wohl eher darum, BRUNO—BAUER endlich aus BERLIN zu entfernen und von seinem dortigen Freundeskreis zu trennen,
18390923—18391221    —HERBST—IM, um seiner Karriere dann im fernen BONN nach 1—KURZEN, letzten Zeit als Dozent den längst beschlossenen Schlussstrich anzufügen.
18390923—18391221    —HERBST—IM, Denn dass aus seiner Professur nichts mehr werden würde, war sicher —SCHON den meisten klar, die mit den Gepflogenheiten der Zeit vertraut waren.
18390923—18391221    —HERBST—IM, Nur BRUNO—BAUERS bester Freund KARL—MARX soll laut dessen Biographen noch auf die Berufung von BRUNO—BAUER in BONN vertraut haben und
18390923—18391221    —HERBST—IM, wollte dann sich selbst bei diesem an seinem Lehrstuhl habilitieren,
18390923—18391221    —HERBST—IM, NOCHMALS zugeteilt ALFRED—VON—REUMONT der ROM—GESANDTSCHAFT, wurde
18391221             † ANDREAS—DUNG—LAC, vietnamesischer katholischer Priester, Märtyrer
18391221             † HANS—CONRAD—FINSLER, SCHWEIZER—MILITÄR und Politiker
18401221             † CHRISTIAN—RUDOLPH—WILHELM—WIEDEMANN, DEUTSCHER—PROFESSOR für Geburtshilfe, Naturwissenschaftler und Insektenforscher
18401221             † JOHANNES—HERZOG, SCHWEIZER—POLITIKER und Unternehmer
18411221—18410320    —WINTER—IM, desselben —JAHRES: Jesaia, die Leidensgeschichte Jesu —NACH—DEN 4—EVANGELIEN.
18411221—18410320    In
18431221             * CHARLES—PHELPS—TAFT, Mitglied des Repräsentantenhauses, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—POLITIKER,
18441221             —ERÖFFNEN, 28 in der ROCHDALE—SOCIETY—OF—EQUITABLE—PIONEERS vereinte Weber und andere Mitglieder 1—LADEN in ROCHDALE,
18441221             Ihre geschäftlichen Prinzipien geben dem Gedanken der Konsumgenossenschaften Auftrieb.
18441221             Bei der Eröffnung beschränkt sich das schmale Angebot auf Butter, Zucker, Hafermehl und EINIGE—KERZEN.
18441221             † SEBALD—BRENDEL, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Hochschullehrer
18451221             —SCHLACHT—VON—FEROZESHAH—BEGINNT, Während des - 1. SIKH—KRIEG
18460621—18461221    —SOMMER—HERBST, Durch VERMITTLUNG—VON—W. WOLFF—IHM widmet KARL—MARX den I—BAND—VON "DAS—KAPITAL" - kommt es zu Verbindungen mit schlesischen KOMMUNISTEN, die mehrere BERICHTE—ÜBER—DIE Lage DER—ARBEITER und BAUERn in SCHLESIEN schicken.
18461221             * HERMANN—AHLWARDT, DEUTSCHER—VOLKSSCHULLEHRER und antisemitischer Agitator
18470923—18471221    —HERBST—IM, begleitete ALFRED—VON—REUMONT den KÖNIG, die KÖNIGIN auf 1—KURZEN Reise durch NORD—ITALIEN.
18481221             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—174—KÖLN.
18481221             —ESCAPED, WILLIAM—CRAFT and his wife Ellen, slaves to separate masters, under disguise from MACON—GEORGIA, and made there way to PHILADELPHIA.
18481221             * JAKOB—HILLIER, rumäniendeutscher Komponist, Kirchenmusiker und Musikpädagoge
18481221—18600000    —AUTHORED, Craft, "Running a 1000—MILES for Freedom".
18490427             LASSALLE—LASSALLE... -
18490427             LASSALLE... -
18490923—18491221    —HERBST—SEIT—DEM wieder um sich versammelt KARL—MARX in LONDON seine MIT—ARBEITER und
18490923—18491221    —HERBST—SEIT—DEM wieder um sich versammelt KARL—MARX in LONDON seine Anhänger. hatte
18490923—18491221    —HERBST—SEIT—DEM Wenige fehlten:
18490923—18491221    —HERBST, war tot JOSEPH—MAXIMILIAN—MOLL, der
18490923—18491221    —HERBST, EHEMALS KARL—SCHAPPER für gefährliche Reisen wichtige
18490923—18491221    —HERBST, noch in WIESBADEN angeklagt KARL—SCHAPPER war und
18490923—18491221    —HERBST, Neu hinzu kam —AUGUST—WILLICH, von seinem ehemaligen Adjutanten FRIEDRICH—ENGELS angeworben und
18490923—18491221    —HERBST, Neu hinzu kam WILHELM—LIEBKNECHT, vor allem
18501221             * LLUÍS—DOMÈNECH—I—MONTANER, katalanischer Architekt und Politiker
18540923—18541221    —HERBST—IM, Dasselbe wiederholte sich bei Ankunft, im
18541221             KÖLN, stattfindet die Uraufführung der komischen Oper Der Advokat von FERDINAND—HILLER.
18550923—18551221    —HERBST, Dasselbe wiederholte sich im, bekanntlich 1—ZEIT—DER—AUFREGUNG und Beunruhigung,
18550923—18551221    —HERBST, durch die Ankunft von ungefähr 8.000.000 EDEL—METALL WÄHREND —DER—MONATE
18551221             † CHRISTIAN—FRIEDRICH—VON—BOECKH, badischer Beamter und Politiker, MINISTER
18571221             * MARKO—SMOLER, sorbischer Verleger und Redakteur
18591221             SAM—HOUSTON—GOUVERNEUR—VON—TEXAS wird.
18591221             Da SAM—HOUSTON dieses GOUVERNEUR—VON—TEXAS—AMT 18270000             18290000             —BIS—BEREITS in TENNESSEE ausgeübt hat, ist er 1. und einziger GOUVERNEUR in mehreren USA—BUNDESSTAATEN.
18600923—18601221    —HERBST—IM, ALFRED—VON—REUMONT nach ROM begab sich,
18600923—18601221    —HERBST—IM—UNTERDESSEN ,übernommen hatte ROM, wo HERR—VON—CANITZ DIE—GESANDTSCHAFT.
18601221             † PETER—FRIEDHOFEN, DEUTSCHER—SCHORNSTEINFEGER und Ordensgründer (Barmherzige Brüder von MARIA—HILF)
18610923—18611221    —HERBST—IM, erhielt ich von der "COMMISSION—FÜR—DIE HER—AUSGABE der URKUNDEN—UND—AKTENSTÜCKE zur GESCHICHTE—DES—GROSSEN KUR—FÜRST" den Auftrag, die Archive im Haag für diese Publication zu durchforschen.
18611221             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—LINCOLN, legislation establishing the Medal of Honor.
18611221             —AUTHORIZED, The medal was 1., for Sailors and Marines, and THE—FOLLOWING—YEAR for Soldiers as well.
18611221             * KARL—AUGUST—LINGNER, DEUTSCHER—UNTERNEHMER und Philanthrop
18621221             —AUTHORIZED, USA—CONGRESS, the Medal of Honor to be awarded to Navy personnel that had distinguished themselves by their gallantry in action.
18640621—18641221    4.600—EINGESCHRIEBENE Mitglieder, vor allem in HAMBURG, SACHSEN, im RHEIN—LAND.
18640621—18641221    —SOMMER—HERBST Das sind viel weniger als FERDINAND—LASSALLE erwartet hatte.
18640621—18641221    —SOMMER—HERBST In seinem TESTAMENT bestimmt er B. BECKER zu seinem Nachfolger.
18640621—18641221    —SOMMER—HERBST Doch stößt diese Wahl auf Widerstand.
18640621—18641221    —SOMMER—HERBST Es kommt zu Auseinandersetzungen innerhalb des ALLGEMEINER—DEUTSCHER—ARBEITER—VEREIN[ADAV] über persönliche, politische Fragen, bei denen FERDINAND—LASSALLES—FREUNDIN, die GRÄFIN—SOPHIE—HATZFELD, 1—WESENTLICHE Rolle spielt.
18640621—18641221    —SOMMER—HERBST Der ADAV hat bei FERDINAND—LASSALLES—TOD ca.
18640621—18641221    —SOMMER—HERBST Es kommt zu Auseinandersetzungen innerhalb des ADAV über persönliche, politische Fragen, bei denen FERDINAND—LASSALLES—FREUNDIN, die GRÄFIN—SOPHIE—HATZFELD, 1—WESENTLICHE Rolle spielt.
18641221             Im AMERIKANISCHEN—BÜRGERKRIEG endet in SAVANNAH GENERAL—SHERMANS berühmter "Marsch zum Meer", der 1—SCHNEISE—DER—ZERSTÖRUNG—VON—ATLANTA —BIS nach SAVANNAH ins Land geschlagen hat.
18651221             * GEORG—DEYCKE, DEUTSCHER—ARZT
18661221             —KILLED, Indians led by Red Cloud and Crazy Horse, CAPTAIN—WILLIAM—J—FETTERMAN and 79—OTHER—MEN who had ventured out from Fort PHIL—KEARNY to cut wood.
18661221             —BOASTED, USA—ARMY—CAPTAIN—WILLIAM—J—FETTERMAN once, "Give me 80—MEN and I'll march through the whole Sioux nation!" —WHEN Lakota warriors under the overall LEADERSHIP—OF—CHIEF—RED—CLOUD gathered —AROUND Fort PHIL—KEARNY (in what is —NOW WYOMING), Fetterman got command of his 80—MEN.
18661221             Disobeying THE—ORDERS—OF—HIS—COMMANDER, COLONEL—HENRY B Carrington, not to proceed beyond the Lodge Trail Ridge, Fetterman pursued 1—BAND—OF retreating Indians--and rode right into 1—WAITING trap, allegedly laid by the Ogallala warrior Crazy Horse.
18661221             —WIPED, Fetterman, his executive officer and 78—TROOPERS were, out.
18661226             —RECEIVED, BRIGADIER—GENERAL—PHILIP—S—GEORGE—COOKE, HEAD—OF—THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—THE—PLATTE, word of 18661221             —THE—FETTERMAN—FIGHT in Powder River County in the Dakota territory.
18670923—18671221    —HERBST—IM, BAKUNIN nach GENF übersiedelt war,
18670923—18671221    —HERBST, der den —10—STUNDEN—ARBEITS—TAG für alle erwachsenen —ARBEITER und DIE—EINSETZUNG—VON—FABRIK—INSPEKTOREN
18670923—18671221    —HERBST, und ständigen PARLAMENTskommissionen zur Erhebung und Festsetzung der im GEBIETE—DES—NORD—DEUTSCHEN—BUNDES vorhandenen städtischen und ländlichen ARBEITER—VERHÄLTNISSE fordert.
18670923—18671221    —HERBST, Es gelingt ihm nicht, die erforderlichen 15—UNTERSCHRIFTEN zu sammeln.
18670923—18671221    —HERBST, WILHELM—LIEBKNECHT erklärt, er könne keinen Antrag unterschreiben, der den NORD—DEUTSCHEN—BUND durch wichtige —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN stützen wolle.
18671221             * ALBERT—TRAUTMANN, DEUTSCHER—APOTHEKER, Heimatforscher und Schriftsteller
18671221             —SANKTIONIERT, KAISER—FRANZ—JOSEPH—I., —DIE—DEZEMBER—VERFASSUNG für die cisleithanischen Länder der Habsburgermonarchie.
18671221             1—TEIL—DER—DEZEMBER—VERFASSUNG, das Staatsgrundgesetz über die allgemeinen Rechte der Staatsbürger, ist —HEUTE noch in ÖSTERREICH gültig.
18681221             * HANS—WACKER, DEUTSCHER—MALER
18681221             † VICENTE—BARRIOS, PARAGUAY—MILITÄR und Politiker
18691221             * HEDWIG—BLESI, SCHWEIZER—ERZIEHERIN und Mundartschriftstellerin
18710923—18711221    —HERBST—IM, 1. mitten unter anderen dringenden Arbeiten DIE—NACHRICHT erhielt, daß das Buch "DAS—KAPITAL"vergriffen sei,
18711221             † LOUISE—ASTON, DEUTSCHE—FRAUENRECHTLERIN und Schriftstellerin
18721221             —SAILED, THE—HMS—CHALLENGER, under CAPTAIN—GEORGE—NARES, from PORTSMOUTH—ENGLAND, on a —4-YEAR journey to survey the world's oceans.
18721221             DIE—CHALLENGER—EXPEDITION bricht von PLYMOUTH aus auf der namensgebenden Korvette zu wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen, unter anderem zur Erforschung der Tiefsee und der Lage von Inseln, auf.
18741221             * TADEUSZ—BOY—?ELE?SKI, POLNISCHER—DICHTER und literarischer Übersetzer
18741221             Im Kulturkampf in der SCHWEIZ auflösen die Behörden das BISTUM—BASEL.
18750923—18751221    —HERBST, DER—REGIERUNG—VERSUCH 1—GEGEN—DIE—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATIE gerichtete verschärfte, erweiterte Fassung des §—130—DES STRAF—GESETZ—BUCHES:
18750923—18751221    —HERBST, "Wer in 1—DEN öffentlichen Frieden gefährdenden Weise verschiedene Klassen der Bevölkerung gegeneinander aufreizt
18750923—18751221    —HERBST, oder wer in gleicher Weise die Institute der Ehe, der —FAMILIE oder des Eigentums öffentlich durch Rede oder Schrift angreift, wird mit Gefängnis bestraft", durchzusetzen, wird vom REICHS—TAG abgewiesen.
18751221             * THOMAS—SCHNEIDER, DEUTSCHER—AUTOMOBILIST, 1—DER 1. Autofahrer in Baden
18761221             * KARL—MENSING, DEUTSCHER—JURIST
18781221             * JAN—?UKASIEWICZ, POLNISCHER—PHILOSOPH, Mathematiker und Logiker
18791221             JOSEPH—STALIN, Communist LEADER—OF—THE—SOVIET—UNION was responsible for THE—KILLING—OF—MORE than 10—MILLION—OF his own people.
18791221             —AM Det Kongelige Teater in Kopenhagen wird das Drama Nora oder 1—PUPPENHEIM—VON—HENRIK—IBSEN uraufgeführt.
18791221             Aus Rücksicht auf die zeitgenössische Sicht der Institution der Ehe bleibt Nora in dieser Aufführung am Ende bei ihrem Mann.
18791221             Die 1. Aufführung mit Ibsens originalem Schluss erfolgt —ERST 18800000             in München.
18801221             † AMOS—T—AKERMAN, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—POLITIKER, Justizminister
18811221             COUSIN—VON—PIETRO—MASCAGNI
18880923—18881221    —HERBST—IM, Beim ABBRUCH—DER—GASANSTALT in der Warmweiherstrasse zu BURTSCHEID ist 1—ZUSAMMENHÄNGENDES RÖMER—KANAL—STÜCK—VON—13,70—METER Länge blossgelegt worden.
18881221             —AM—STATTFAND unter der Leitung des Herrn STADT—ARCHIVARS Pick, welcher 1. auf DIE—KURZ—VORHER erfolgte Blosslegung 1—STÜCKES römischer
18891221             * SEWALL—WRIGHT, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—BIOLOGE und Genetiker
18891221             * WILLI—MAX—SCHEID, DEUTSCHER—ARCHITEKT, Gebrauchsgrafiker und Hochschullehrer
18891221             † FRIEDRICH—AUGUST—VON—QUENSTEDT, DEUTSCHER—GEOLOGE, Paläontologe, Mineraloge und Kristallograph
18901221             * HERMANN—JOSEPH—MULLER, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—BIOLOGE und Genetiker, Nobelpreisträger
18901221—18900320    —WINTER ÜBER DEN GESAMTEN, Eis und HOCH—WASSER führen zu 1—KATASTROPHE an der Wupper
18911221             * BUNDESPRÄSIDENT—PHILIPP—ETTER, SCHWEIZER—POLITIKER, Bundesrat, Innenminister,
18921221             * REBECCA—WEST, BRITISCHE—SCHRIFTSTELLERIN und Journalistin
18941221             * DEUTSCHER—GENERAL—WALTER—HAHM,
18960923—18961221    —HERBST—IM, bereist den KREIS—RHEINBACH HERR DOCTOR—POLACZEK hat und
18981221             —DISCOVERED, FRANCE—SCIENTISTS—PIERRE and MARIE—CURIE, 2—NEW—ELEMENTS that they —LATER named radium and polonium.
18981221             * HELMUT—STELLRECHT, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER und Schriftsteller, MdR
18981221             MARIE—CURIE und PIERRE—CURIE entdecken das chemische ELEMENT—RADIUM.
18991221             * GILBERT—COLGATE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—BOBSPORTLER und Unternehmer
19000923—19001221    —HERBST, DER—VORWÄRTS wird nach des WILHELM—LIEBKNECHT—TOD gemeinsam von allen Redakteuren geleitet.
19000923—19001221    —HERBST, DER—VORWÄRTS Politische Redakteure sind G. Gradnauer, KURT—EISNER, H. Ströbel.
19000923—19001221    —ÜBERNIMMT, Anstelle von C. Schmidt, —ZEIT—IN—DIESER H. Cunow DIE—WIRTSCHAFTSREDAKTION.
19001221             * IMMANUEL—BAUMANN, bessarabiendeutscher Geistlicher
19010101—19501221    —DICKINSON—TIME—LINE
19011221             —BEFINDET, An Bord, sich unter anderem ERNEST—SHACKLETON.
19011221             —VON—ANFANG—AN, Die DISCOVERY—EXPEDITION steht unter keinem guten Stern, —BEREITS bei der Ausfahrt aus dem Hafen kommt 1—MATROSE ums Leben.
19031221             1. Der PRIX—GONCOURT, Frankreichs bedeutendster Literaturpreis, wird vergeben.
19031221             1. Preisträger des ohne Unterbrechung —BIS—HEUTE jährlich vergebenen Preises ist JOHN—ANTOINE—NAU.
19040000—19761221    * † RUSSEL—WRIGHT, USA—DESIGNER.
19041221             —GEGRÜNDET, PARIS, wird der Motorradweltverband, die Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme,
19071221             † † ? MASSAKER—VON—IQUIQUE, werden mehrere 100—BIS 3.600—STREIKENDE Arbeiter der CHILENISCHEN—SALPETERINDUSTRIE und deren Familienangehörige von Militär erschossen.
19080923—19081221    —HERBST—IM, und —WINTER DESSELBEN JAHRS erfolgte die Aufstellung der Stichwörterliste, die
19091221             —BEGINNT, Von Bath im USA—BUNDESSTAAT—MAINE aus, DIE—WYOMING, mit 3730—BRUTTOREGISTERTONNEN der weltweit größte Sechsmastschoner, ihre Jungfernreise.
19101221             2.5—MILLION plague victims were reported in THE—AN—HUL (Anhui) PROVINCE—OF—CHINA.
19101221             —WHEN 1—CONTAGIOUS—PNEUMONIC plague was ravaging NORTH—EAST—CHINA, DOCTOR—WU—LIEN—THE, 1—CAMBRIDGE—EDUCATED MODERNIZER—OF—CHINA—MEDICINE, concluded that the disease traveled through the air.
19101221             He adapted something he had seen in ENGLAND and began instructing doctors, nurses, patients and MEMBERS—OF—THE—PUBLIC to wear gauze masks.
19101221             —KILLED, Explosion in coal mine in HULTON—ENGLAND, 344—MINE workers.
19111221             * JOSHUA—GIBSON, baseball player for the Negro Leagues, HOME—RUN KING.
19111221             —LASTED, Segregated baseball, —60—YEARS in THE—USA.
19111221             MOSKAU, wird die Kirche der Unbefleckten Empfängnis, —BIS—HEUTE das größte katholische Gotteshaus in ganz RUSSLAND, geweiht.
19131221             —CREATED, The 1. crossword puzzle, by ARTHUR—WYNNE, THE—ENGLISH—BORN NEW—YORK journalist, was published in THE—NEW—YORK World.
19131221             1. Kreuzworträtsel der Welt erscheint in der Wochenendbeilage der Zeitung NEW—YORK—WORLD, erfunden von ARTHUR—WYNNE.
19141221             THE—1.—FEATURE—LENGTH—SILENT—FILM comedy, "TILLIE—PUNCTURED—ROMANCE," was released.
19151221             Bei des 5. KRIEGS—KREDIT in Höhe von—MARK—BERATUNG
19151221             bejaht —DIE—SPD DIE—NOTWENDIGKEIT weiterer Verteidigung,
19151221             —GLEICHZEITIG, —DIE—SPD erhebt Einspruch gegen ALLE—ANNEXIONSWÜNSCHE und
19151221             —GLEICHZEITIG, —DIE—SPD ausspricht den dringenden Wunsch, daß DIE—DEUTSCHE—REGIERUNG JEDE—MÖGLICHKEIT zu FRIEDENS—VERHANDLUNGEN bereitwillig wahrnehme.
19151221             19—VON 45—SPD—ABGEORDNETEN, die sich in der FRAKTIONS—SITZUNG GEGEN—DIE—ZUSTIMMUNG ausgesprochen hatten, stimmen im Plenum GEGEN—DIE—KREDITE.
19151221             19—VON 45—SPD—ABGEORDNETEN, Ihre Ablehnung wird durch F. Geyer BEGRÜNDET.
19151221             —DIE—SPD—FRAKTION sieht in der SONDER—AKTION 1—DISZIPLINBRUCH bedauerlichster Art.
19170923—19171221    —HERBST, Die "—DAS einheitliche Angestelltenrecht" bildet 1—FESTERES Kartell und nennt sich —NUN "—ANGESTELLTENVERBÄNDE" (AfA).
19170923—19171221    Im MITTEL—PUNKT des des AKTIONS—PROGRAMM steht die gemeinsame Vertretung der ihr angeschlossenen Verbände auf DER—GRUND—LAGE 1 "reinen und einheitlichen ARBEITNEHMER—STANDPUNKTES".
19171221             * ANDRE—EGLEVSKY, choreographer (Limelight).
19171221             * HEINRICH—BÖLL, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Übersetzer, Nobelpreisträger
19171221—19170320    —WINTER Sehr strenger, SOLINGEN dies verstärkt enorm die Versorgungskrise;
19181221             So schrieb Rosa LUXEMBURG in der "Roten Fahne" :
19181221             "In allen FRÜHEREN—REVOLUTIONEN traten die Kämpfer mit offenem Visier in die Schranken...
19181221             In der heutigen Revolution treten die Schutzgruppen der alten Ordnung nicht unter eigenen Schildern + Wappen der herrschenden Klassen, sondern unter der Fahne einer sozialdemokratischen Partei in die Schranken.
19181221             Würde die Kardinalfrage der Revolution offen + ehrlich:
19181221             Kapitalismus oder Sozialismus lauten, 1—ZWEIFEL, 1—SCHWANKEN wäre in der großen Masse des Proletariats —HEUTE unmöglich".
19181221             * DONALD—REGAN, WHITE—HOUSE—STAFFER and USA—SECRETARY—OF—TREASURY (19810000—19850000    ).
19181221             * UN—GENERALSEKRETÄR—KURT—WALDHEIM, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—DIPLOMAT und Politiker, Außenminister, Bundespräsident
19191221             J. EDGAR—HOOVER gallantly deported anarchist, feminist Emma Goldman to RUSSIA for agitating against forced conscription in THE—USA.
19191221—19200101    —AB, Die DEUTSCHE—REICHSPOST mitteilt amtlich, dass sie die neue Sendungsart Päckchen zur Beförderung annimmt.
19211221             —RULED, SUPREME—COURT, labor injunctions and picketing unconstitutional.
19211221             * HEINRICH—ADAMECK, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER und Parteifunktionär, Mitglied des ZK der SED
19220000—20171221    * † CALIFORNIA political trailblazer March Fong Eu, who served as the state's 1. female SECRETARY—OF—STATE and —LATER 1—USA—AMBASSADOR to MICRONESIA, in IRVINE—CALIFORNIA.
19221221             * PAUL—WINCHELL, ventriloquist (JERRY—MAHONEY, Knucklehead Smith), in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19231221             —CHANGED, NEPAL, from UK—PROTECTORATE to independent nation.
19241221             * WALTER—ROSENWALD, DEUTSCHER—MINISTERIALBEAMTER, Militärhistoriker und Ordenskundler
19251221             Der propagandistische SERGEJ—EISENSTEIN—STUMMFILM—PANZERKREUZER—POTEMKIN mit der Musik von EDMUND—MEISEL wird aus Anlass des 20-jährigen Jubiläums der Revolution von 19050000             im Moskauer BOLSCHOI—THEATER uraufgeführt.
19281221             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—COOLIDGE, the Boulder Dam bill.
19281221             —AM Berliner Lessingtheater wird das Seiltänzerstück KATHARINA—KNIE—VON—CARL—ZUCKMAYER uraufgeführt.
19291221             THE—1.—USA—GROUP—HOSPITAL—INSURANCE—PLAN was offered in DALLAS, Tx.
19321221             FRED—ASTAIRE and Ginger Rogers made their 1. movie together, "Flying Down to Rio".
19321221             —APPLIED, CARL—MCGEE, OKLAHOMA inventor, for 1—PATENT for his parking meter.
19321221             He had came up with the 1. COIN—OPERATED, SINGLE—SPACE, mechanical meter to be used to free up parking spaces in downtown OKLAHOMA—CITY.
19331221             —PREPARED, Dried human blood serum was 1., at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—PENNSYLVANIA.
19331221             —REVERTED, Newfoundland, to being 1—CROWN colony.
19340000—20011221    * † Dick Schaap, EMMY—WINNING sports broadcaster and author, in NEW—YORK at age 67.
19351221             * PHIL—DONAHUE, talk show host, in CLEVELAND—OHIO.
19351221             WIEN, findet die Uraufführung der Operette Dschainah, das Mädchen aus dem Tanzhaus von PAUL—ABRAHAM statt.
19361221             —ERSTFLUG, Die JUNKERS—JU—88, 1—DER STANDARD—KAMPFFLUGZEUGE der Luftwaffe des nationalsozialistischen Deutschlands, absolviert ihren.
19371221             * JANE—FONDA, actress (Barbarella, Klute), physical fitness fanatic, VIETNAM Protestor, in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19371221             —PREMIERED, Walt Disney's "Snow White and THE—7—DWARFS", as the 1. FEATURE—LENGTH color & sound cartoon.
19371221             † FRANK—KELLOG, —80—JAHRE—ALT, USA foreign MINISTER (Nobel 19290000             ).
19371221             Vor 1—REIN erwachsenen Publikum hat der 1. abendfüllende Walt DISNEY—ZEICHENTRICKFILM Schneewittchen und die 7—ZWERGE in den USA Premiere.
19391221             —NAMED, HEINRICH—HIMMLER and REINHARD—HEYDRICH, ADOLF—EICHMANN leader of "Referat IV B," the group in CHARGE—OF—TRANSPORT—OF—JEWS for Final Solution.
19401221             * FRANK—ZAPPA, rocker (MOTHERS—OF—INVENTION, Catholic Girls), in BALTIMORE.
19410000—20071221    * † KEN—HENDRICKS, creator of ABC Supply (19820000             ), 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—USA roofing supply companies (19820000             ).
19411221             —BEGINNT, Im KONZENTRATIONSLAGER—BOGDANOWKA, der Massenmord an den etwa 54.000—JÜDISCHEN Häftlingen durch RUMÄNISCHE—SOLDATEN, UKRAINISCHE—POLIZISTEN und örtliche Volksdeutsche.
19421221             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, all states had to recognize divorces granted in NEVADA.
19421221             1—STREIK—DER—BERGLEUTE im BOLIVIANISCHEN—ZINN—BERGWERK—CATAVI für bessere Löhne und Arbeitsbedingungen wird durch 1—MILITÄREINSATZ blutig beendet.
19421221             † † ? Hunderte Zivilisten sterben.
19441221             —SURROUNDED, GERMANY—TROOPS, the 101. AIRBORNE—DIVISION at the Bastogne in BELGIUM.
19451221             † GENERAL—GEORGE—S—PATTON, at the age of 60 in HEIDELBERG—GERMANY, of injuries from 1—CAR—ACCIDENT.
19451221             It was 1—HISTORY—OF—THE—PATTON family.
19461221             —PREMIERED, FRANK—CAPRA'S "It's 1—WONDERFUL—LIFE,".
19461221             —SERVED, EUGENE—TALMADGE, 2—TERMS as the 67. GOVERNOR—OF—GEORGIA 19330000—19370000    —FROM—TO, and a 3. term 19410000—19430000    —FROM—TO.
19461221             Herman E. Talmadge took over as GEORGE—STATE—GOVERNOR—FOLLOWING—THE—DEATH—OF—HIS—FATHER, 1—STRIDENT racist.
19461221             1—EARTHQUAKE and tidal wave killed 1,086 in JAPAN.
19481221             † Seishiro Itagaki, JAPAN—GENERAL and MINISTER—OF—WAR, was hanged.
19500101—19591221    RONALD—REAGAN front man for THE—MONEY—LAUNDERING[GELD—WÄSCHE] ORGANIZATION "Crusade for Freedom",
19500101—19591221    THE—MONEY—LAUNDERING[GELD—WÄSCHE] ORGANIZATION "Crusade for Freedom" was PART—OF—DULLES—FASCIST 'freedom fighters' program".
19500101—19791221    im NAHER—OSTEN der USA Mörderische Bemühungen DIE—SOZIALISTISCHE—ARBEITER—BEWEGUNGEN zu liquidieren,
19521221             —BEGINNT, In der DDR, das Fernsehen als "öffentliches Versuchsprogramm" aus BERLIN—ADLERSHOF mit —2—STUNDEN täglicher Sendezeit.
19540412—19531221    —ACCUSED, LEWIS—STRAUSS, HEAD—OF—THE—AEC, had, ROBERT—OPPENHEIMER, of disloyalty and presented 1—LIST—OF—THE—CHARGES against him.
19541221             —CONVICTED—OF, DOCTOR—SAM—SHEPPARD, 1—OSTEOPATHIC surgeon, was, murdering his pregnant wife, Marilyn, and was sentenced to life in prison.
19541221             Sheppard spent —10—YEARS in prison —BEFORE THE—SUPREME—COURT overturned the verdict;
19541221             † REINHOLD—BURGER, DEUTSCHER—INGENIEUR, Erfinder der Thermosflasche
19541221—19660000    —IN, he was acquitted at retrial and † —4—YEARS—LATER.
19551221             Im Wiener Apollo Kino erfolgt die Uraufführung des Films Sissi von ERNST—MARISCHKA mit Romy Schneider und KARLHEINZ—BÖHM.
19581221             * DOCTOR—THOMAS—ENDERS, geboren AM—IST —SEIT
19581221             CHARLES—DE—GAULLE (18900000—19700000    ), having come OUT—OF—RETIREMENT, was elected to a —7—YEAR—TERM as the 1. PRESIDENT—OF—THE 5. REPUBLIC—OF—FRANCE.
19581221             —SELECTED, De Gaulle, MAURICE—COUVE—DE—MURVILLE (19990000             † age 92) as his foreign MINISTER.
19581221             —GEWÄHLT, wird CHARLES—DE—GAULLE mit 78—PROZENT—DER—STIMMEN 1—WAHLKOLLEGIUMS zum 1. Staatspräsidenten der 5. REPUBLIK—FRANKREICH,
19591221             * FLORENCE—GRIFFITH—JOYNER, runner (OLYMPIC—3—GOLD—19880000             ), in LA—CALIFORNIA.
19591221             —OPENED, WILLIAM—R—LARSON (19330000—20060000    ), his 1. Round Table Pizza parlor in Menlo PARK—CALIFORNIA, at 12350000             El Camino Real.
19591221             MOHAMMAD—REZA—PAHLAVI—SCHAH—VON—IRAN oo die Studentin FARAH—DIBA.
19591221—19790000    —IN, Larson sold 1—PORTION—OF—ROUND—TABLE—STOCK to 1—GROUP—OF—INVESTORS.
19591221—20170000    —ANNOUNCED, Round Table Pizza, that it was acquired by Global Franchise Group.
19601221             Ornette Coleman spielt mit 1—DOPPEL—QUARTETT das Album Free Jazz: A Collective Improvisation ein, —NACH—DEM 1—RICHTUNG—DES—JAZZ den Namen Free Jazz erhält.
19611221             JFK & UK—PRIME—MINISTER—MACMILLAN met in BERMUDA.
19621221             1—USA and CUBA accord released Bay of Pigs captives.
19621221             —GEGRÜNDET, Der RONDANE—NATIONALPARK wird in NORWEGEN als 1. seiner Art
19631221             —RIOTED, THE—TURK minority, in CYPRUS to protest ANTI—TURKEY—REVISIONS in the constitution.
19641221             —VOTED, BRITAIN—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS, to ban the death penalty.
19651221             4—PACIFISTS were indicted in NEW—YORK for burning draft cards.
19651221             —VERABSCHIEDET, Die UN—GENERALVERSAMMLUNG, das Internationale Übereinkommen zur Beseitigung JEDER—FORM—VON—RASSENDISKRIMINIERUNG.
19671203—19671221    —VERSTIRBT, Trotz gelungener Operation, der Patient LOUIS—WASHKANSKY an 1—LUNGENENTZÜNDUNG.
19671221             † LOUIS—WASHKANSKY, —55—JAHRE—ALT in SOUTH—AFRICAN— —18—DAYS—AFTER undergoing the 1. heart transplant.
19671221             * MICHEIL—SAAKASCHWILI, staatenloser Politiker, STAATSPRÄSIDENT—VON—GEORGIEN
19671221             † —18—TAGE nach der Operation durch CHRISTIAAN—BARNARD stirbt LOUIS—WASHKANSKY, der 1. Mensch, an dem erfolgreich 1—HERZTRANSPLANTATION durchgeführt worden ist.
19680000—20181221    "PUEBLO"-Geiseldrama: Heimatgrüße mit dem Mittelfinger (einestages, 13:14)
19681221             —LAUNCHED, Apollo 8 with astronauts Borman, Lovell & Anders was, on the 1. mission to orbit the moon.
19681221             An der Hamburger Staatsoper wird die SCIENCE—FICTION—OPER Hilfe, Hilfe, die Globolinks von GIAN—CARLO—MENOTTI uraufgeführt und wird sofort 1—ERFOLG.
19681221             ROM, wird SERGIO—LEONES—WESTERN—SPIEL mir das Lied vom Tod uraufgeführt.
19681221             Mit APOLLO—8, mit den ASTRONAUT—FRANK—BORMAN, JAMES—ARTHUR—LOVELL und WILLIAM—ANDERS an Bord, tritt vom KENNEDY—SPACE—CENTER aus 1. 1—BEMANNTES Raumschiff des APOLLO—PROGRAMMS seinen Weg in Richtung Mond an.
19690923—19691221    —SPÄTER, wird in 1—AUFZEICHNUNG festgehalten: "Auf Grund der Lage —NACH—DEN Wahlen zum BUNDES—TAG beschlossen DOCTOR—H. Globke
19690923—19691221    in Verbindung mit DOCTOR—K. G. Kiesinger und
19690923—19691221    —HERBST—IM, —SPÄTER, wird in 1—AUFZEICHNUNG festgehalten: "Auf Grund der Lage —NACH—DEN Wahlen zum BUNDES—TAG beschlossen DOCTOR—H. Globke in Verbindung mit DOCTOR—K—G—KIESINGER und FREI—HERR—VON—UND zu GUTTENBERG in Verbindung mit DOCTOR—F. J. STRAUß die GRÜNDUNG 1—INFORMATIONSDIENSTES für die OPPOSITION".
19690923—19691221    —HERBST—IM, —SPÄTER, Sie alle haben die Sorge, daß sie durch den REGIERUNG—WECHSEL von den Infokanälen DER—GEHEIM—DIENSTE abgeschnitten werden.
19690923—19691221    —HERBST—IM, Sie BEGANN und
19691221             DIANA—ROSS and the Supremes make their final television appearance on THE—ED—SULLIVAN—SHOW, singing "Someday We'll Be Together", which would be the last of their 12—NUMBER 1—SINGLES.
19691221             VINCE—LOMBARDI (19130000—19700000    ), HEAD—COACH—OF—THE—WASHINGTON—REDSKINS, coached his last football game and lost.
19700101—19791221    as PART—OF—PRESIDENT—RICHARD—M.—NIXON—WATERGATE—SCANDAL, refined intelligence [GELD—WÄSCHE]MONEY—LAUNDERING—SYSTEM in MEXICO, invented by EDWIN—PAULEY, say several of our sources,was the manAt 1—POINT—CIA—AGENTS used Pemex, THE—MEXICO—GOVERNMENT—OIL monopoly,as 1—BUSINESS—COVER at
19701221             1—MEETING took place between Elvis Presley and PRESIDENT—NIXON as Elvis sought to get the credentials of 1—FEDERAL—AGENT to help Nixon fight drugs.
19701221             Das USA—AMERIKANISCHE—KAMPFFLUGZEUG—GRUMMAN—F—14—TOMCAT absolviert seinen Erstflug.
19701221—19720127    —REMAINED, The meeting, secret —UNTIL THE—WASHINGTON—POST broke the story.
19710202—19751221    —ON, It came into force.
19711221             Der MUNZUR—VADISI—NATIONALPARK in Ostanatolien wird zum Nationalpark erklärt.
19721221             —DER—GRUNDLAGENVERTRAG zwischen der BUNDESREPUBLIK—DEUTSCHLAND und der DDR wird in OST—BERLIN—VON—EGON—BAHR und MICHAEL—KOHL unterzeichnet, mit dem gutnachbarliche Beziehungen zwischen den beiden Staaten begründet werden sollen.
19731221             ISRAEL, EGYPT, SYRIA—JORDAN, USA and USSR leaders met in GENEVA.
19731221             THE—GENEVA—CONFERENCE—OF—19730000              was 1—ATTEMPT to negotiate 1—SOLUTION to THE—ARAB—ISRAEL—CONFLICT as called for in UN Security Council Resolution 338 which was passed —AFTER 19730000             —THE—ARAB—ISRAEL—WAR.
19731221             DAS—BRASILIANISCHE—INDIANERSTATUT regelt die Beziehungen von STAAT und anderer Bevölkerung zur indigenen Bevölkerung Brasiliens.
19751221             3—PEOPLE were killed and 11—TAKEN hostage.
19751221             —HIJACKED, The oil ministers were taken to NORTH—AFRICA in 1, plane in a $1—BILLION ransom drama.
19751221             —ADMITTED, CARLOS—THE—JACKAL, aka Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, —LATER, to planning the attack.
19751221             —ACCUSED, Klein had, Sonja Suder of recruiting him to take part in the bloody VIENNA siege.
19751221             —AIDED, She was found GUILTY—OF—HAVING, in 3—NON—DEADLY explosives and arson attacks in GERMANY in the late 1970s.
19751221             He published a "red book" of Marxist principles and nationalized MUCH—OF—THE—ECONOMY.
19751221             —CHANGED, In the 1980s with severe economic decline Ratsiraka, course and established ties with the world BANK—AND—THE—IMF.
19751221             Im OPEC—HAUPTGEBÄUDE in WIEN kommt es durch Terroristen unter Führung von Carlos zu 1—SPEKTAKULÄREN Geiselnahme.
19751221             —GENOMMEN, Es werden etwa 70—GEISELN, darunter 11—ÖLMINISTER der OPEC—LÄNDER.
19751221             † † ? 3—MENSCHEN kommen bei der Aktion ums Leben.
19751221—19751222    1—DOKUMENTATIONSBERICHT,
19751221—20010000    —SENTENCED, GERMANY, HANS—JOACHIM—KLEIN to —9—YEARS for his role in the attack.
19751221—20130000    —ACQUITTED—OF, Suder was, having helped Carlos in THE—OPEC attack.
19761221             THE—LIBERIAN—REGISTERED tanker Argo Merchant ran aground near Nantucket ISLAND, spilling MILLIONS—OF—GALLONS—OF—OIL into THE—NORTH—ATLANTIC.
19761221—19390000    —FROM, His USA—MODERN dinnerware was manufactured by Steubenville Pottery to about 19590000             .
19781221             —ARRESTED, Police in Des PLAINES—ILLINOIS, JOHN—W—GACY—JUNIOR and began unearthing the remains of 33—MEN and boys that Gacy was —LATER convicted of murdering.
19781221             27—BODIES were found under his house, 2 in the back yard and 4 were fished out of the nearby Des Plaines River.
19781221—19940000    —EXECUTED, He was.
19791221             It ended biracial rule in ZIMBABWE Rhodesia —FOLLOWING negotiations between representatives of the Patriotic Front (PF), consisting of ZAPU (ZIMBABWE AFRICA—PEOPLES—UNION) and ZANU (ZIMBABWE AFRICA—NATIONAL—UNION) and THE—ZIMBABWE—RHODESIA government, represented by BISHOP—ABEL—MUZOREWA and IAN—SMITH.
19791221             LONDON, unterzeichnen ABEL—MUZOREWA, ROBERT—MUGABE und JOSHUA—NKOMO sowie PETER—CARINGTON—BARON—CARRINGTON, 6., nach 1—MEHRMONATIGEN Konferenz das LANCASTER—HOUSE—ABKOMMEN über einen Waffenstillstand zwischen den Konfliktparteien in Südrhodesien und die Vorgangsweise —BIS zur Unabhängigkeit des Landes von GROSSBRITANNIEN —IM—FOLGENDEN—JAHR.
19801221             —RULED, THE—CALIFORNIA—SUPREME—COURT, that 1—FATHER has no automatic right to give his child his last name.
19801221             —REPORTED, It was, that the deadly red tide had given NORTH—CALIFORNIA 1—OF—ITS—WORST—SEASONS—OF—PARALYTIC—SHELLFISH poisoning in years.
19801221             —REQUESTED, IRAN, $24—BILLION in USA—GUARANTEES to free hostages.
19830000             NucNews - 20001221             What is the Maldon Institute and Who is JOHN—REES ?... He saw in the Watergate scandal evidence of a "covert vigilante state" where those who challenged... nucnews_net/nucnews/2000nn/0012nn/001221nn.htm 20060525             19831221             —DURING—WWII, PAUL—DE—MAN had, favor CURRIED with Nazi occupiers and
19831221             PAUL—DE—MAN, fled to THE—USA, —AFTER being CONVICTED—OF—FRAUD and embezzlement in 1—PUBLISHING house PAUL—DE—MAN reated.
19831221—19190000    † * PAUL—DE—MAN, BELGIUM—BORN Yale professor of humanities, in CONNECTICUT.
19841221             Die sowjetische RAUMSONDE—VEGA—2, WIRD zur Erforschung des PLANET—VENUS und des KOMET—HALLEY gestartet.
19841221             Im —KONFLIKT um die Hainburger Au beschließt die ÖSTERREICHISCHE—REGIERUNG 1—RODUNGSSTOPP.
19861221             —GATHERED, 500,000—CHINA—STUDENTS in SHANGHAI—PEOPLE—SQUARE calling for democratic reforms, including FREEDOM—OF—THE—PRESS.
19871221             NEW—YORK—CITY, 3—WHITE—TEEN—AGERS from THE—HOWARD—BEACH—SECTION—OF—QUEENS were convicted of manslaughter in THE—DEATH—OF—1—BLACK—MAN who was chased onto 1—HIGHWAY, where he was struck by 1—CAR.
19871221             1 4. defendant was acquitted.
19881221             über Lockerbie explodierte PAN—AM—FLUGZEUG ist wahrscheinlich 1—VERTUSCHUNGSAKTION—DER—WAFFEN—UND—DROGENDEALS nach IRAN,
19881221             Zwischen 5—UND 8—CIA—AGENTEN eines Untersuchungsteams befinden sich auf dem Flug 103,
19881221             die ohne Erlaubis und mit Material in die USA zurückfliegen wollen, um die Regierung und die Öffentlichkeit zu informieren.
19881221             —VERHINDERT, Offenbar, der SYRISCHE—GEHEIMDIENST,
19881221             der verschiedene Connections zur CIA hat, die Rückkehr der Agenten, indem der Jumbo gesprengt wird.
19881221             —GESCHOBEN, Die Schuld soll Muammar AL—GADDHAFI in die Schule, werden (womit 1—INVASION oder 1—PUTSCH gerechtfertigt wäre).
19881221             Gaddhafi gibt nach, weil er auf seinem Öl sitzen bleibt +
19881221             über dem SCHOTTISCHEN—LOCKERBIE die Bombe an Bord eines PANAM—JUMBOS zur Explosion gebracht worden sein soll.
19881221             —AM, war 1—PAN—AM—MASCHINE mit 259—MENSCHEN an Bord über Lockerbie explodiert
19881221             —AM, war 1.Boeing 747—VON Panam über der Stadt in SCHOTTLAND explodiert, 270—MENSCHEN starben.
19881221             über Lockerbie explodierte Pan AM—FLUGZEUG ist wahrscheinlich 1—VERTUSCHUNGSAKTION—DER—WAFFEN—UND—DROGENDEALS nach IRAN, die in Zusammenhang mit der IRANISCHEN—GEISELNAHME und dem SYRISCHEN—GEHEIMDIENST steht.
19881221             Zwischen 5—UND 8—CIA—AGENTEN eines Untersuchungsteams befinden sich auf dem Flug 103, die ohne Erlaubis und mit Material in die USA zurückfliegen wollen, um die Regierung und die Öffentlichkeit zu informieren.
19881221             —VERHINDERT, Offenbar, der SYRISCHE—GEHEIMDIENST, der verschiedene Connections zur CIA hat, die Rückkehr der Agenten, indem der Jumbo gesprengt wird.
19881221             Mithilfe einer Wirtschaftblockade wird die Auslieferung von 2—LIBYERN erpresst.
19881221             —KONSTRUIERT, Lumpert, der die Uhr, habe, habe in 1—DER—ZEITUNG vorliegenden eidesstattlichen Aussage erklärt, dass
19881221             —PLEADED, Drexel Burnham Lambert INCORPORATED, guilty to SEC CHARGES—OF—SECURITY felonies and paid a $650—MILLION—FINE.
19881221             † BOB—STEELE, —60—JAHRE—ALT, [ROBERT—BRADBURY], —AFTER short illness.
19881221             —DOWNED, Pan Am Flight 103 was, over LOCKERBIE—SCOTLAND by 1—TERRORIST—BOMB.
19881221             259—PEOPLE were killed aboard the Boeing 747 and 11—MORE—PEOPLE on the ground.
19881221             LIBYA was ACCUSED—OF—RESPONSIBILITY for the bombing.
19881221             —CLAIMED, He also, that IRAN was behind 19940000             —THE bombing in ARGENTINA that killed 86—PEOPLE.
19881221             —CALLED, Behbahani was —LATER, 1—FRAUD by THE—CIA and FBI.
19881221             † He —LATER in TRIPOLI.
19881221             —ABSOLVIERT, Das sowjetische Frachtflugzeug ANTONOW—AN—225, seinen Erstflug.
19881221             Nach 1—BOMBENEXPLOSION an Bord von PAN—AMERICA FLUG 103, abSTÜRZT 1—BOEING—747 ÜBER Lockerbie in SCHOTTLAND, wobei alle 259—MENSCHEN an Bord sowie 11—EINWOHNER von Lockerbie ums Leben kommen.
19881221—19910000    —IN, 2—LIBYA—OPERATIVES, Abdel Basset AL—MEGRAHI and A—AMIN—KHALIFA—FAHIMAH, were indicted and thought to be in hiding in LIBYA.
19881221—19980000    —IN—THE, —COURT—CONVICTED—ABDEL—BASSET—ALI—AL—MEGRAHI, 1—LIBYA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER, of murder BOMBING—OF—PAN am Flight 103. A 2. Libyan, Lamen Khalifa Fhimah, was acquitted.
19881221—19990000    —IN, They were sent to THE—NETHERLANDS for trial and implicated MOHAMMED—ABU—TALB, 1—PALESTINE—TERRORIST jailed in SWEDEN.
19881221—20000000    —IN, AHMAD—BEHBAHANI, —32—JAHRE—ALT told a —60—MINUTES—JOURNALIST from 1—REFUGEE—CAMP in TURKEY that he proposed the Pan Am operation and coordinated 19960000             —THE—BOMBING—OF—THE—KHOBAR—TOWERS in SAUDI—ARABIA.
19881221—20010000    —IN, 1—SCOTLAND
19881221—20020000    —IN, The conviction was upheld.
19881221—20030000    —IN, LIBYA set up a $2.7—BILLION fund for families of 270—PEOPLE killed.
19881221—20030816    —AM, übernimmt LIBYEN die Verantwortung für diesen Terroranschlag und hat —BISHER 2,7—MILLIARDEN—USA—DOLLAR an die Hinterbliebenen (und deren Anwälte) gezahlt.
19881221—20090000    —RELEASED, AL—MEGRAHI was, —AFTER he was diagnosed with prostate cancer.
19891221             —SPELLED, VICE—PRESIDENT—QUAYLE sent out 30,000 Xmas cards with the word beacon, beakon.
19891221             —CONVICTED, Kentuckian LARRY—MAHONEY was, on 27—COUNTS—OF manslaughter for a 19880000             collision with 1—CHURCH—BUS.
19891221             It was the nation's most deadly DRUNKEN—DRIVING accident.
19891221             —DELIVERED, ROMANIA—PRESIDENT—NICOLAE—CEAUSESCU, what turned out to be his final public speech.
19891221             —STUNNED, THE—HARD—LINE—COMMUNIST—RULER was visibly, as his listeners began booing.
19891221             —EXECUTED, Ceausescu fled from power and was, —4—DAYS—LATER.
19901221             afterward, THE—2—LEADERS expressed their unity on the Persian Gulf crisis.
19901221             —PARTICIPATED, IRAQ, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—IRAQIS, in 1—EVACUATION—DRILL to test war readiness.
19910101—19911221    THE—DOW—JONES—INDUSTRIALS' seeming DEFIANCE—OF—THE—LAW—OF—GRAVITY in attainting 1—NEW—ALL—TIME—HIGH well above the 3000—MARK.
19911221             —ACQUITTED, El Sayyid Nosair was, in NEW—YORK of killing Jewish extremist Rabbi Meir Kahane.
19911221             —CONVICTED, Nosair was —LATER, in 1—FEDERAL—TRIAL.
19911221             BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA, 1—SERBIA—MINORITY held 1—UNOFFICIAL referendum opposing separation from YUGOSLAVIA.
19911221             —PROCLAIMED, Local SERBIA—LEADERS, 1—NEW—REPUBLIC—SEPARATE from Bosnia.
19911221             11—OF—THE—12—FORMER—SOVIET—REPUBLICS proclaimed the birth of the Commonwealth of Independent States and THE—DEATH—OF—THE—UNION—OF—SOVIET—SOCIALIST—REPUBLICS.
19911221             Die ehemaligen Sowjetrepubliken ASERBAIDSCHAN, ARMENIEN, KASACHSTAN, KIRGISISTAN, MOLDAWIEN—TADSCHIKISTAN, TURKMENISTAN und USBEKISTAN treten der Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger Staaten bei.
19911221—20010500    oo Cable TV and sports magnate TED—TURNER, actress JANE—FONDA near CAPPS—FLORIDA They divorced.
19921221             —TAPPED, PRESIDENT—ELECT Clinton, RICHARD—RILEY to be education SECRETARY—AND—HAZEL—O'LEARY to be energy SECRETARY;
19921221             —EXPRESSED, Clinton, anger at "bean counters" for saying he was not appointing enough women to his Cabinet.
19921221             † 1—DUTCH—DC—10—BURST into fire at landing on FARO—PORTUGAL, and 56.
19931221             1. lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, in 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS, said her husband, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, had solicited her advice on major issues;
19931221             but, she added, her powers were limited.
19941221             1—FIREBOMB on the #4 train at Fulton S—NEW—YORK—CITY—SUBWAY injured 48—PEOPLE.
19941221             —CONVICTED—OF, Unemployed computer programmer EDWARD—LEARY was —LATER, attempted murder and sentenced to —94—YEARS in prison.
19951221             —APPROVED, THE—HOUSE, sweeping welfare reform which PRESIDENT—CLINTON said he would veto.
19951221             —SIGNED, He —LATER, 1 revamped version.
19951221             1—TRAIN—COLLISION outside CAIRO—EGYPT, claimed 75—LIVES.
19951221             —PASSED, THE—CITY—OF—BETHLEHEM, from Israeli to PALESTINE—CONTROL.
19961221             —AFTER—2—YEARS—OF—DENIALS, House Speaker Newt Gingrich admitted violating House ethics rules.
19961221             —NAMED, DOCTOR—DAVID—HO, AIDS researcher, was, 'MAN—OF—THE—YEAR" by Time Magazine.
19961221             —ATTEMPTED, NEW—YORK, City 2—MEN were shot and killed —DURING 1, robbery in Queens.
19961221             1 was 1—OFF—DUTY—NYPD officer.
19961221             —SENTENCED, GEORGE—BELL, GARY—JOHNSON and ROHAN—BOLT were each, to at least —50—YEARS for the deadly attempted robbery.
19961221—19950000    —NAMED, CHINA—RULERS, 60—PRO—BEIJING stalwarts to 1—NEW—INTERIM—LEGISLATURE—OF—HONG—KONG to replace the panel elected.
19961221—20210000    —IN, the men released from prison —AFTER spending —24—YEARS behind bars for 1—CRIME they say they did not commit.
19971207             —RECEIVED, Vuk Draskovic, 16% and threatened to call 1—BOYCOTT in a 19971221             runoff.
19971221             —ACCOMPANIED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, by his wife and daughter, left for Bosnia to spread holiday cheer -- and to carry the news that he wanted USA—TROOPS to remain there indefinitely as the region recovered from its devastating war.
19971221             —REPORTED, It was, that ANDREW—S—GROVE, chairman and CEO—OF—INTEL—CORP., was named time magazine's "MAN—OF—THE—YEAR".
19971221             —ATTACKED, COLORADO, Susannah Chase (23) was brutally, abducted, sexually assaulted and beaten in Boulder.
19971221             † JOHNNY—COLES, —71—JAHRE—ALT, jazz trumpeter, in PHILADELPHIA.
19971221             CAMEROON, Pius Njawe, THE—PUBLISHER—OF—THE leading opposition newspaper Le Mesager, ran 1—STORY that PRESIDENT—PAUL—BIYA suffered 1—HEART—ATTACK.
19971221             COLOMBIA, rebels overran Patascoy, 1—SMALL—MILITARY—BASE in Narino province and killed 22—SOLDIERS.
19971221             —OVERWHELMED, Some 400—REBELS, 32—DEFENDERS.
19971221             3—SOLDIERS survived the attack and were found by rescuers —AFTER—2—DAYS.
19971221             In the northwest weekend fighting between rebels and RIGHT—WING paramilitaries left 6—DEAD.
19971221             —LATER reports said rebels were holding 18—19—SOLDIERS—HOSTAGE.
19971221             —CAPTURED, PRIVATE—LIBIO—JOSE—MARTINEZ was among those.
19971221             —CLAIMED, SERBIA, MILAN—MILUTINOVIC—OF—THE—RULING—SOCIALISTS, victory in the runoff election against Vojislav Seselj, but it wasn't clear if the turnout exceeded 50%.
19971221—19971229    —REPORTED, Njawe was, to have been imprisoned for the story.
19971221—20080000    —CONNECTED, DNA evidence, DIEGO—OLMOS—ALCALDE to the slaying, as he served time in WYOMING for 1—KIDNAPPING.
19971221—20090000    —SENTENCED, CHILE—CITIZEN—DIEGO—OLMOS—ALCALDE, —39—JAHRE—ALT was, to life in prison for CHASE—MURDER.
19971221—20111126    —KILLED, Martinez and 3—OTHERS were, by THE—FARC —DURING combat.
19981221             THE—WINTER—SOLSTICE.
19981221             —AWARDED, THE—WORLD—ASSOCIATION—OF—NEWSPAPERS, 19990000             —THE—GOLDEN—PEN—OF—FREEDOM—AWARD to exiled IRAN—WRITER—FARAJ Sarkuhi, former editor of the cultural journal Adineh.
19981221             —APPROVED, THE—FDA, the 1. vaccine against Lyme disease.
19981221             —SENTENCED, CHINA, 3—DISSIDENTS were, to prison terms of 11—13—YEARS.
19981221             —RECEIVED, Xu Wenli, —13—YEARS, Wang Youcai —11—YEARS and Qin Yongmin —12—YEARS for subversion, i.e. trying to organize 1—OPPOSITION—PARTY.
19981221             —VOTED, ISRAEL—PARLIAMENT, 81-30 for early elections, signaling THE—DEMISE—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU—AILING HARD—LINE government.
19981221             —REJECTED, Peace policies were, 56-48.
19981221             † KOSOVO, Serbia, Milic Jovic (52), 1—SERBIA—POLICE—OFFICER, was shot and killed in Podujevo.
19981221             —ABANDONED, TURKEY, PRIME—MINISTER—DESIGNATE Bulent Ecevit, efforts to form a new government.
19981221—20021200    —RELEASED, Xu Wenli was.
19990600—20011221    Bush ,G.W.-Fabulous —YEAR for Laura and me
19990930—19991221    —ON, Hisashi Ouchi (30), 1—OF—THE—3—WORKERS, † from radiation exposure.
19990930—19991221    —EXPOSED, THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE, was —LATER raised to 69. Hisashi Ouchi (30), 1—OF—THE—3—WORKERS, † from radiation exposure.
19991008—19991221    —ORDERED, CONGO, PRESIDENT—KABILA, foreign businessmen to put down a $500,000 guarantee or leave the country.
19991221             -NucNews -... From Coast to Coast, Fallout From 1—PROBE—WEN—HO—LEE—FAMILY: 'It's...who made their 1. public comments on their father's situation —YESTERDAY...
19991221             —FROM Coast to Coast, Fallout From 1—PROBE—WEN—HO—LEE—FAMILY: 'It's
19991221             who made their 1. public comments on their father's situation —YESTERDAY...
19991221             —HEIGHTENED, Amid, concerns about the possibility of 1—HOLIDAY—TERRORIST—ATTACK, security was ordered tightened at USA—AIRPORTS and the Pentagon said it was taking "appropriate action" to protect USA—FORCES—OVERSEAS.
19991221             —BLOCKED, THE—USA, $498—MILLION in loan guarantees to THE—RUSSIA—TYUMEN Oil Co. —FOLLOWING charges of illegal CONTROL—OF—1—BANKRUPTCY proceeding.
19991221             —SKIDDED, GUATEMALA—CITY, 1—CUBANA—DE—AVIACION—DC 10, and crashed on landing.
19991221             —KILLED, At least 26—PEOPLE were.
19991221             SRI—LANKA, presidential elections were held.
19991221             —KILLED, At least 7—PEOPLE were, in poll violence.
19991221             Ranil Wickremesinghe, the nearest rival, won 43%. - - in THE—CRIMSON
19991221             CHANDRIKA—KUMARATUNGA wird in ihrem Amt als Staatsoberhaupt von SRI—LANKA bestätigt.
1—KOLUMNE—VON—HENRIK—MÜLLER 202011221746 Wirtschaft
20001221             What is the Maldon Institute and Who is JOHN—REES ?...
20001221             JOHN—REES saw in the Watergate scandal evidence of a "covert vigilante state" where those who challenged...
20001221             LIEUTENANT—GOVERNOR—RICK—PERRY was sworn in to replace him.
20001221             —SHOWED, Final USA—ELECTION—RESULTS, AL—GORE with 50,996,116 votes vs. GOVERNOR—BUSH with 50,456,169. Gore led by over 500,000 votes but lost to bush by 1—ELECTORAL—COLLEGE—VOTE.
20001221             —OFFERED, TED—TURNER, to make up the $35—MILLION—DIFFERENCE between dues THE—USA—OWES to THE—UN and the amount Congress is wiling to pay.
20001221             1—UN—REPORT accused JONAS—SAVIMBI and UNITA rebels in ANGOLA of trading diamonds for arms.
20001221             —ANNOUNCED, INDONESIA, plans for talks with local leaders in Aceh, Irian Jaya and Maluku provinces.
20001221             —BLOCKED, ISRAEL, the legislature, 1—ATTEMPT by Shimon Peres to run for PRIME—MINISTER.
20001221             —ACKNOWLEDGED, ISRAEL—OFFICIALS, a "liquidation" policy for hunting down and killing PALESTINE—MILITANTS.
20001221             RUSSIA, the lower house gave preliminary backing for plans by the Ministry of Atomic Affairs to take in spent nuclear fuel from European and ASIA—COUNTRIES for hard currency.
20001221             —ANNOUNCED, SRI—LANKA, Tamil rebels, 1—UNILATERAL—MONTH—LONG—CEASE—FIRE with hopes of resuming peace talks.
20001221             —LAUNCHED, SRI—LANKA, 1—NEW—OFFENSIVE—JUST hours —FOLLOWING the rebel CEASE—FIRE.
20010600—20121221    —HEUTE—BIS, ist das Dieses CIA—BRIEFING "BIN—LADEN DETERMINED TO STRIKE IN—THE—USA jedoch unter Verschluss. ist das Dieses CIA—BRIEFING "BIN—LADEN DETERMINED TO STRIKE IN—THE—USA jedoch unter Verschluss.
20011221             Bush,G.W.-Fabulous —YEAR for Laura and me.html
20011221             Bush [BGW968] ,G.W.-Fabulous —YEAR for Laura and me.htm
20011221             12. - 210303antiwarblogg - 210403antiwarblogg.html
20011221             220403antiwarblogg.html - 230403antiwarblogg.html
20011221             All in all, it's been a fabulous —YEAR for Laura and me".
20011221             Bush,G.W. (Apparently the deaths of almost 3. - Welcome to CounterPunch.
20011221             JOHN—CHUCKMAN—THE—1.—VICTIM in THE—WAR—ON—TERROR...
20011221             BUSH ,G.W. (Apparently the deaths of almost 3.
20011221             SADDAM is like Osama in that he came into his own in militaristic TERROR ism in a...
20011221             Die Interimsregierung in. AFGHANISTAN wird vereidigt
20011221             PRESIDENT—BUSH met with PRESIDENT—NAZARBAYEV—OF—KAZAKSTAN and signed documents "related to transportation connections".
20011221             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, THE—ZIMBABWE—DEMOCRACY and Economic Recovery Act of 20010000             , which required THE—AFRICA—NATION to adopt land ownership protections in order to continue receiving USA—AID.
20011221             —ATTACKED, USA—WARPLANES, 1—CONVOY—OF—TRUCKS heading for THE—PAKISTAN border and 65—PEOPLE were reported killed.
20011221             12 were killed in the convoy and 15 in nearby villages.
20011221             The convoy was said to be heading for KABUL.
20011221             —CALLED, Plans, EDISON—SCHOOLS—INCORPORATED to help run the district.
20011221             —AGREED, Pfizer, to settle 1—SUIT over the diabetes drug Rezulin —AFTER 1—JURY awarded $43—MILLION to 1—TEXAS woman who said it destroyed her liver.
20011221             —TRANSFERRED, KABUL—AFGHANISTAN, power was officially, from PRESIDENT—RABBANI to HAMID—KARZAI.
20011221             —KILLED, BULGARIA, at least 7—YOUNG—PEOPLE were, —WHEN they rushed the entrance of 1—SOFIA downtown disco.
20011221             —RECALLED, INDIA, its top envoy from PAKISTAN and suspended bus and train service between THE—2—COUNTRIES.
20011221             6—PALESTINE—TEENAGERS were killed in skirmishes with THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY.
20011221             —CALLED, Hamas, 1—HALT to suicide bombings and mortar attacks.
20011221             Bush,G.W.-Fabulous —YEAR for Laura and me
20011221             † FRANZ—HEUBL, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Politiker, MdL, Landesminister, Landtagspräsident
20011221—20020524    Bush ,GW.on S.Hussein,20020525             GUARDIAN on USA spraying nerve gas on USA—SAILORS.
20021221             —RECEIVED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, 1—SMALLPOX vaccination, fulfilling 1—PROMISE he'd made —WHEN he ordered inoculations for about A—HALF—MILLION—USA—TROOPS.
20021221             OREGON, the bodies of RENEE—MORRIS, —31—JAHRE—ALT, Bryant (10), Alexis (8), and Jonathan (4), were found by hunters in Tillamook STATE—FOREST.
20021221             —ARRESTED, EDWARD—MORRIS, —37—JAHRE—ALT was, 20020104             .
20021221             —CREDITED, Lusetti is, with introducing THE—1—HANDED jump shot.
20021221             AFGHANISTAN, 6—PEOPLE in 1—GERMANY—MILITARY—HELICOPTER and up to 8 on the ground were killed —WHEN the aircraft crashed —BEFORE landing at 1—AIRPORT—NEAR THE—CAPITAL—KABUL.
20021221             —OPENED, FRANCE—FORCES, fire on rebels in WEST—IVORY—COAST, trying to stop the insurgents from pushing past them toward the commercial CAPITAL—ABIDJAN.
20021221             Bourrat † the —NEXT—DAY.
20021221             —JUMPED, SOUTH—INDIA, 1—EXPRESS train, the tracks, killing at least 18—PEOPLE and injuring 80.
20021221             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, 2—PEOPLE were, in HYDERABAD —WHEN 1—BOMB ripped through their bus.
20021221             † An —11—YEAR—OLD—PALESTINE—GIRL—OF—1—GUNSHOT wound in THE—GAZA—STRIP, where ISRAEL—TROOPS reinforced 1—BLOCKADE.
20021221             —OPENED, QATAR, SOME—PERSIAN—GULF leaders, 1—SUMMIT by calling for regional unity and fast inspections by UNITED—NATIONS experts searching for WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION in IRAQ.
20021221             † SPAIN, JOSE—HIERRO (80), 1—POET who won THE—SPANISH—SPEAKING world's highest literary award —WHILE writing in 1—MADRID coffee shop.
20021221—20020104    —ARRESTED, EDWARD—MORRIS, —37—JAHRE—ALT was.
20030129             ".. —YEAR for Laura and me 20011221    20020524             Bush,GW.on S.Hussein,20020525             GUARDIAN on USA spraying.".
20030129             ".. —YEAR for Laura and me 20011221   
20030129             ".. BUZZFLASH NEWS ANALYSIS 20020517             - noname38.html 20011221             Bush,G.W.-Fabulous —YEAR for Laura and me 20011221             -.".
20030317             "My role has been altered to provide
20030422             7. 20011221             Bush,G.W.-Fabulous —YEAR for Laura and me.htm
20030422—20011221    —DATE Bush,G.W.-Fabulous —YEAR for Laura and me.htm
20031221             —ISSUED, Another TERROR alert was, citing possible attacks for the holidays.
20031221             1—VESSEL, carrying some 60—MIGRANTS from JORDAN, IRAQ, IRAN and AFGHANISTAN, left THE—TURKEY—MEDITERRANEAN resort of Marmaris late 20031220             and was heading to THE—GREECE—ISLAND—OF—RHODES —WHEN it sank.
20031221             —PROMPTED, Again, no credible information, the alert.
20031221             Senators were told IRAQ—WEAPONS could hit USA
20031221             TOM—RIDGE, HEAD—OF—THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY, announced that the government was elevating the national terror alert warning to "Code ORANGE," 1—UPGRADE from the "Code Yellow" elevated status.
20031221             —NAMED, Time magazine's, THE—USA—SOLDIER, who bears the duty of "living with and dying for 1—COUNTRY—MOST fateful decisions," as PERSON—OF—THE—YEAR.
20031221             † DAVE—DUDLEY, —75—JAHRE—ALT, PIONEER—OF—TRUCK—DRIVING country songs.
20031221             —INCLUDED, DAVE—DUDLEY—HITS, "—6—DAYS on the Road".
20031221             —EXPECTED, GUINEA—LONGTIME leader Lansana Conte was, to easily win another term as PRESIDENT in elections —AFTER 1—OPPOSITION boycott left 1—LITTLE—KNOWN parliamentarian as the only challenger for the post.
20031221             HONDURAS, crowds at 1—CHRISTMAS toy giveaway at National Stadium surged OUT—OF—CONTROL, and a —7—YEAR—OLD—GIRL was killed and about 80—OTHER—PEOPLE were injured.
20031221             Television station, Compania Televisora, has run the charity giveaway —FOR—8—YEARS, and MANY—BUSINESSES contributed toys to the event.
20031221             —KILLED, More than 150—PEOPLE were, in mudslides in THE—PHILIPPINES.
20031221             —MOVED, THE—SUDAN government and rebels have, 1—STEP—CLOSER to ending their —20—YEAR—CIVIL—WAR—AFTER agreeing on how to divide the country's oil revenue.
20040127             —ALLEGED, Prosecutors, that Stewart intended to commit securities fraud in her 20011221             , sale of ImClone Systems shares.
20040227             —FAILED, She said prosecutors, to prove that Stewart intended to commit securities fraud in her 20011221             , sale of ImClone Systems shares.
20041216             FORMER—LOCKHEED executives serve on USA—DEFENSE—POLICY—BOARD + USA—DEFENSE—SCIENCE—BOARD + USA—HOMELAND—SECURITY—ADVISORY—COUNCIL, which help make military... 20041221             20041216             Spitting Image: 20040600             Archives -... the original story that highlighted THE—PENTAGON—BAN—VIA... building, were set according to Masonic ritual.
20041216             FORMER—LOCKHEED executives serve on USA—DEFENSE—POLICY—BOARD + USA—DEFENSE—SCIENCE—BOARD + USA—HOMELAND—SECURITY—ADVISORY—COUNCIL, which help make military... 20041221             20041216             FORMER—LOCKHEED executives serve on USA—DEFENSE—POLICY—BOARD + USA—DEFENSE—SCIENCE—BOARD + USA—HOMELAND—SECURITY—ADVISORY—COUNCIL, which help make military... 20041221             20041216             Spitting Image: 20040600             Archives -... the original story that highlighted THE—PENTAGON—BAN—VIA... building, were set according to Masonic ritual.
20041221             Scoop: Real Deal: CSC DynCorp & THE—ECONOMICS—OF—LAWLESSNESS... on Inslaw : / Nothing is... What is the role of PROMIS + SIMILAR—BLOCH 11:07 am BILL—BERKOWITZ—BTL: UKRAINE Crisis Could... 20050101             20041221             USA—CONGRESS—PROBE into Yushchenko funding unlikely —BEFORE Jan : 1—PROBE into the possible FUNDING—OF—THE—ELECTION—CAMPAIGN—OF—UKRAINE—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE—VIKTOR—YUSHCHENKO with money from USA—TAXPAYERS could be conducted in USA—CONGRESS not —EARLIER that 20040101             —IN—AIDE to TEXAS REPUBLIC—CONGRESSMAN—RON—PAUL, JEFF—DIST, said —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20041221             Scoop: Real Deal: CSC DynCorp & THE—ECONOMICS—OF—LAWLESSNESS... on Inslaw : / Nothing is... What is the role of PROMIS + SIMILAR—BLOCH 11:07 am BILL—BERKOWITZ—BTL: UKRAINE Crisis Could... 20050101             20041221             Nothing Is True!
20041221             DC Indymedia: newswire/75129.. by Clinton Fein / Annoy_com (No verified email address), 20030630             MODIFIED: 20040811             ... overlay/refinement that piles on the bullshit in the (jumpst) art form of... -
20041221             200409261002 - DC Indymedia: newswire/75129.. by Clinton Fein / Annoy_com (No verified email address), 20030630             MODIFIED: 20040811             ... overlay/refinement that piles on the bullshit in the (jumpst) art form of... -
20041221    - -
20041221             —ALARMED, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—NEW—MESSAGE: : Scheuer says he was particularly, by the video of AL—ZAWAHIRI, aired 20041129             on the Arabic TV network AL—JAZEERA,
20041221             aired 20041129             on the Arabic TV network AL—JAZEERA,
20041221             More on Clint CURTIS—STORY—BY—BENJAMIN—HARRISON —ON—MONDAY, 20041206             20041221             20041221             20041206... be made fully public.".
20041221             Subject: HEARING—CLINT CURTIS—YOU—GOT to be kidding To: REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—CONYERS 20041207             MISTER—LOPISI, esq: You are 1—ATTORNEY?...
20041221             Clint CURTIS—BRAD ( relayed by Wiley ), 09:08 PM,-20041207             (0):
20041221             ( 0.—48—SECONDS) - USATODAY_com... Subject: HEARING—CLINT CURTIS—YOU—GOT to be kidding To: REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—CONYERS 20041207             MISTER—LOPISI, esq: You are 1—ATTORNEY?...
20041221             Cleanup CREW—ANSWERING questions re: Clint Curtis... Subject: "Answering questions re: Clint Curtis "... Answering questions re: Clint CURTIS—BRAD ( relayed by Wiley ), 09:08 PM,-20041207             (0):
20041221             WILLIAM—RIVERS—PITT'S 20041215             expose of THE—INCREASINGLY—DUBIOUS recount occurring in OHIO.
20041221             WILLIAM—RIVERS—PITT'S 20041215             EXPOSE—IN the eyes of senior...
20041221             In the eyes of senior... 20041220             20041221             THE—PERISCOPE : INTERVIEW—WITH—JOURNALIST—PADDY—WOODWORTH—ETA...
20041221             THE—SECRET—NESTS: Flushing out SOME—BIRDS from deep cover!... MEXICO—POLICE, assisted by USA—DRUG—AGENTS, arrest ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON... for THE—NICARAGUA—CONTRAS, those photos were leaked to the media.
20041221             —SMUGGLED, VHeadline_COM—CIA—OPERATIVE secretly, 22—TONNES of... - Drug War: Viva Zapata..
20041221             1—CIA—WEAPONS—BROCHURE found in the personal papers of ALBERTO—SICILIA — Falcon,
20041221             —FORCED, PHOTOS—WERE, to raid 1—OF—THEIR—OWN protected operations.
20041221             "We don't do body counts", GENERAL—TOMMY—FRANKS
20041221             "This SOUTH—AFRICA—PROVOCATEUR—VITRIOLIC, darkly comic digital montages attack PRESIDENT—BUSH, his cabinet and his IRAQ policies".
20041221             Numb & Number features digital collages and PHOTO—BASED work reflecting on the last —4—YEARS—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20041221             —FROM 1—MISUSE—OF—THE—TERM fuzzy math that shaped 20000000             —THE election to the daily count of the dead + wounded in the war in IRAQ,
20041221             the show focuses on the extent to which numbers are used to numb, confuse + manipulate 1—INCREASINGLY insecure public.
20041221             FEIN—DIGITAL "WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION" are Photoshop, videos, music, poetry, text, photography + imported images off THE—INTERNET.
20041221             Seamless assemblages, photomontages, crude imagery + irony make up 1—VIRTUAL diary of the missteps and calamities of a 2. Bush regime.
20041221             Web Results 31 - 130—OF—ABOUT 437,000 for Clint Curtis.
20041221             Lefterer_com ~ Stoking the fire in your loins. I mean heart.
20041221             More on Clint CURTIS—STORY—BY—BENJAMIN—HARRISON —ON—MONDAY, 20041206             20041221             Clinton Fein: Introduction.. with the self + THE—SURFACE—OF—THINGS, Clinton FEIN—WORK dissects... FEIN—POLITICALLY charged art offers social critique through compelling, aggressive +
20041221             MIKL—EM—1. Frickin' —FRIDAY #1: THE—HUMOR—AGAINST—TERRORISM...... Gadeken (Artist, Producer & Kinetic ART—ENABLER);
20041221             Harry... Clinton FEIN—BITING satire is...
20041221             KAL — dino_bird.. whole RANGE—OF—ISSUES > www.annoy_COM—CLINTON FEIN—BITING satire... i am broke, i make art, i hang with... D. Hodge
20041221             —CHARGED, They are, with... - babble: Where is the Media?
20041221             —INCLUDED, Allegations also, the employment of 1 suspected illegal alien, MISTER—HAI—LIN—NEE, who worked as YEI 's "quality control" manager. quote:
20041221             Cleanup CREW—YANG—NON—RESPONSE to clinton curtis claims. claims", Question1)How did your TING—IH HSU HAI LIN NEE a/k/1—HENRY—NEE get computer chips for HELLFIRE MISSLES to send to CHINA ?...
20041221             Stolen Election 20040000             : —TUESDAY Update | Democrats_com Blog + 20030300             —LAST—THE—CHINA—NATIONAL that Curtis discussed, Hai Lin Nee, was arrested in a —4—YEAR—OLD—IMMIGRATION + Customs Enforcement sting operation for...
20041221             —WORKED, Hsu formerly, for.
20041221             USATODAY_com... Allegations also included the employment of 1 suspected > illegal alien, MISTER—HAI—LIN—NEE, who worked as YEI 's "quality control" manager.
20041221             [CTRL] Fwd: [bohemian_club] 1—FUNNY—GEORGE—BUSH—JOKE—KRIS—MILLEGAN [CTRL] Fwd: Truth be told, lies are PART—OF—PENTAGON strategy
20041221             Web Results 1 - 1—OF 1 for Madsen Inslaw Affair PORTUGAL [DOC]THE—WAR—ON—FREEDOM—MICROSOFT—WORD 97 -
20041221             1980s, actually 19790000             , by BILL—HAMILTON and 1—FIRM called INSLAW, in [the... Cancer Metastasis Research Society + THE—ALBERT—SCHWEITZER—AWARD in LISBON—PORTUGAL.
20041221             THE—WAR—ON—FREEDOM - - Please do not —JUST scan this info and disregard it.
20041221             Take 1—LOT—OF—TIME on this research study it, print it + share it with your compatriots.
20041221             Not the names and dates of these events and who the players are.
20041221             In 1—INTERVIEW (video tape) ERIC—ARRON—LIGHTER (FEDERAL—WITNESS) reveals the connection between the events of Inslaw (PROMIS SOFTWARE) Ruby Ridge and the events that occurred at WACO 19930200             —IN—19930400          .
20041221             MISTER—LIGHTER also exposes' THE—OKC bombing.
20041221             With TERRY—CANADY "THE—TRUTH—AS—I—SEE—IT".
20041221             I am not SURE—OF—THE—AVAILABLITY—OF—THE—VIDEO—TAPE.
20041221             ERIC—AARON—LIGHTER is in THE—APFN—NETWORK, + will receive 1—COPY—OF this posting.
20041221             1—LOT—OF—BLANKS need to be filled in + will be as you complete the study of the below information.
20041221             As far as can be determined, THE—CIA—PARAMILITARY—GROUP in GREECE was never disbanded.
20041221             In the mid-1980s in SPAIN, THE—STATE—SPONSORED paramilitary group GAL (Grupos... Seeks INTERNATIONAL Group to Combat Bioterror;
20041221             Open DEMOCRACY—UKRAINE, GREECE ;...
20041221             ZAPATISMO NEWS PAGE... having planned the assassinations of THE—4—MILITANTS—OF—THE—PARAMILITARY—GROUP.
20041221             CTRL] Fwd: ***WACO, RUBY RIDGE & INSLAW ALL CONNECTED***... In its 19920900             Investigative Report, THE—INSLAW—AFFAIR, the House Judiciary Committee reported... Next by Date: [CTRL] Fwd: FC: WAYNE—MADSEN replies to New...
20041221             USA Accuses ISRAEL—OF—SPYING; 2. Charge in —4—MONTHS : WASHINGTON allegedly is so furious over the spying allegations that it has demanded the resignation of AMOS—YARON, director GENERAL—OF—ISRAEL—DEFENSE—MINISTRY, according several news sources.
20041221             —DISCLOSED, Torture Begins at the Top : 1—RECENTLY, FBI memo indicates that "marching orders" to abandon traditional interrogation methods came from the defense SECRETARY himself.
20041221             Terrorism? Resistance? Censorship!
20041221             Defining 'terrorism' is harder than you'd think: Peoples under foreign occupation have 1—RIGHT to resistance and 1—DEFINITION—OF—TERRORISM should not override this right".
20041221             USA isn't winning against IRAQ—RESISTANCE, agencies warn:
20041221             THE—CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency and THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT have warned PRESIDENT—BUSH that THE—USA and its IRAQ—ALLIES aren't winning THE—BATTLE—AGAINST—THE—IRAQ—RESISTANCE, according to administration officials
20041221             USA free press faces tough challenge : Imprisoning journalists is typically associated with tyrannies and dictatorships, making it ironic that USA—JUDGES in the past —6—MONTHS have threatened at least 8—REPORTERS with sanctions or jail time for not naming sources, said 1. Amendment Center Ombudsman PAUL—MCMASTERS.
20041221             —ACCUSED, USA—ACCUSED—OF—AIDS—DRUG—COVER—UP : SOUTH—AFRICA—RULING party has, top USA—OFFICIALS—OF treating Africans like GUINEA pigs amid questions over testing of 1—KEY—HIV/AIDS drug —BEFORE 1—USA—BACKED ROLL—OUT—OF—THE—TREATMENT across the continent.
20041221             Bush overwhelmingly captures Catholic vote : Catholics, who have become 1—CLOSELY watched swing vote, favored Bush over Democrat JOHN—KERRY by 52—PERCENT to 47—PERCENT, according to national exit polls.
20041221             —MISSED, In case you, it; Katherine Yurica: Conquering by Stealth and Deception:
20041221             How the Dominionists Are Succeeding in Their Quest for National Control and World Power
20041221             Dominionist Dementia: WHAT—JESUS—GOT—TO—DO—WITH—IT?
20041221             Jesus' compassion would hardly include going to war, let alone constructing 1—PANOPLY of lies to justify doing so.
20041221             How IRAN will fight back:
20041221             THE—USA—AND—ISRAEL may be contemplating military operations against IRAN, as per recent MEDIA—REPORTS, yet IRAN is not wasting ANY—TIME in preparing its own COUNTER—OPERATIONS in the event 1—ATTACK materializes
20041221             IRAN: Woman to Be Buried Up to Chest and Stoned to Death : 1—IRAN—WOMAN charged with adultery faces death by stoning in the next —5—DAYS—AFTER her death sentence was upheld by THE—SUPREME—COURT—LAST—MONTH.
20041221             USA—CONGRESS—PROBE into Yushchenko funding unlikely —BEFORE Jan : 1—PROBE into the possible FUNDING—OF—THE—ELECTION—CAMPAIGN—OF—UKRAINE—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE—VIKTOR—YUSHCHENKO with money from USA—TAXPAYERS could be conducted in USA—CONGRESS not —EARLIER that 20040101             —IN—AIDE to TEXAS REPUBLIC—CONGRESSMAN—RON—PAUL, JEFF—DIST, said —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20041221             —LINKED, Secret Pinochet payments, to BAE : Sums of up to $5m (£2.57m) are listed in Gen PINOCHET—BANK—RECORDS obtained by 1—SENATE—INVESTIGATION in WASHINGTON.
20041221             'Chemical Ali' And HUSSEIN—DEFENSE—MINISTER—IN—IRAQI—COURT
20041221             USA—MILITARY sees sharp fall in black recruits : "Bush has 2—DAUGHTERS. Let them go over and fight," she added, to 1—CHORUS—OF "That's not our war" from the others.
20041221             USA threatening UN over Arab report : The lead writer of 1—UN—REPORT on freedom and governance in the Arab world has said THE—USA is threatening to cut off funds to 1—UN—AGENCY if THE—UNITED—NATIONS releases it.
20041221             Saddam bids to challenge case in USA : SADDAM—HUSSEIN is preparing 1—LEGAL—CHALLENGE in AMERICA to his trial for war crimes, according to leaked papers prepared by his defence team.
20041221             Interview: Pilger On THE—MEDIA : Journalist, author and documentary filmmaker JOHN—PILGER talks to ANTONY—LOEWENSTEIN about the media.
20041221             1—SYSTEM—BEREFT—OF—JUSTICE:
20041221             —WHILE enjoying Christmas, good food and drink with family and friends in the warmth and comfort of your home, take 1—MOMENT to remember the falsely imprisoned.
20041221             Think about how your own family would handle the grief, because wrongful imprisonment can happen to you
20041221             National ID Red Alert!
20041221             It might be the —YEAR what is left of Constitutional government in AMERICA—FACES—ITS—GREATEST—TEST yet.
20041221             —MISSED, In cae you, it:
20041221             —ANNOUNCED, GENERAL—ASHCROFT—DETENTION—CAMPS : "ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JOHN—ASHCROFT'S, desire for camps for USA—CITIZENS he deems to be 'enemy combatants' has moved him from merely being 1—POLITICAL—EMBARRASSMENT to being 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—MENACE.
20041221             Concentration Camps in Okanagon County?
20041221             —CONVINCED, Okanogan County Commissioner DAVE—SCHULZ says he's, his county is 1 designated home for a ``concentration camp'' in CASE—OF—CIVIL—UNREST.
20041221             Concentration Camps? That Could Never Happen Here!
20041221             CHARLEY—REESE: THE—3—STOOGES: Anybody who has ANY—DOUBTS that GEORGE—BUSH is 1—TRUE—BELIEVER in himself should finally be convinced by his awarding THE—MEDAL—OF—FREEDOM to THE—3—BLUNDERERS—OF—THE—WAR in IRAQ.
20041221             'USA—SOLDIER Killed IRAQ—TEENAGER—AFTER Sex' : 1—USA national guardsman who pleaded guilty to killing a —17—YEAR—OLD—IRAQ—SOLDIER said he shot the young man —AFTER they had consensual sex in 1—GUARD—TOWER, 1—NEWSPAPER reported —TODAY, citing COURT—MARTIAL records.
20041221             Freed HAITI—PRIEST GERARD—JEAN—JUSTE:
20041221             Aristide Supporters "Are Not Only Targeted, We Are Being Chased" - THE—COUP—CONNECTION:
20041221             —FINANCED, How 1—ORGANIZATION, by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT has been promoting the overthrow of elected leaders abroad
20041221             Report: CONGRESSWOMAN—FAMILY—PROFITED : REPRESENTATIVE—MAXINE—WATERS' family members earned more than $1—MILLION in the last —8—YEARS doing business with candidates, companies and causes she helped, 1—NEWSPAPER reported —SUNDAY.
20041221             Poll: HALF—OF—AMERICANS—WORRY—ABOUT—DEBTS : 1—HALF—OF—AMERICANS say they worry about the money they owe + MANY—SAY they worry MOST—OF—THE—TIME about their overall debts, 1—ASSOCIATED—PRESS—POLL found.
20041221             Report: USA Rentals Unaffordable to Poor : - Most Americans who rely on —JUST 1—FULL—TIME—JOB earning THE—FEDERAL—MINIMUM—WAGE cannot afford the rent and utilities on a 1- or 2—BEDROOM—APARTMENT, 1—ADVOCACY group on LOW—INCOME housing reported —MONDAY.
20041221             —ANNOUNCED, EARTH—HOSTILE—CHEMICAL—GETS WHITE—HOUSE OK : THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, new rules —THURSDAY to allow USA—FARMERS who grow tomatoes, strawberries and other crops to continue using methyl bromide, 1—OZONE—DEPLETING pesticide that had been scheduled to be phased out worldwide —NEXT—YEAR.
20041221             Our disappearing dollar : Foreigners put up 90—PERCENT of the $2—BILLION required EVERY—DAY to make sure Uncle SAM—CHECKS don't bounce.
20041221             Arabs wary about dealing with USA—BANKS : Wealthy Arabs, concerned about increased USA scrutiny of their offshore bank accounts, are nervous about dealing with USA—BANKS and may seek safer havens if the conflict in AFGHANISTAN spreads, bankers said —THURSDAY.
20041221             Revealed: HAITI bloodbath that left dozens dead in jail: Believe it or not:
20041221             USA takes border war on the road: Boats being sunk near ECUADOR : USA—COUNTERTERRORISM—OFFICIALS have set up 1—HIGH—SEAS gantlet deploying Coast Guard cutters off Latin AMERICA and arresting foreign nationals trying to leave their own countries.
20041221             GORDON—PRATHER: Threatening IRAN — despite the evidence : Director GENERAL—MOHAMED—ELBARADEI has —JUST reported to THE—IAEA—BOARD—OF—GOVERNORS that —AFTER —1—YEAR—LONG exhaustive and intrusive inspection he has — to date — found no evidence that IRAN has — or ever has had — 1—NUKE program.
20041221             —UNCOVERED, Report: IRAN says it has, spy ring for ISRAEL : IRAN said —SUNDAY its intelligence services have uncovered 1—SPY ring that collected intelligence information for ISRAEL, according to 1—REPORT by ISRAEL—RADIO—PERSIAN language program.
20041221             Bush says may step up Syria pressure : PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH has said that THE—USA could step up diplomatic and economic pressure on Syria over interference in the election process in IRAQ.
20041221             URI—AVNERY: The mountain and the mouse:
20041221             —EXPOSED, Sharon's "vision" for ISRAEL and the Palestinians
20041221             IRELAND—NOBEL Peace Prize winner compares ISRAEL to Nazi GERMANY
20041221             ISRAEL: 1—ENTIRE—VILLAGE in the balance : If the orders are carried out, the Ministry of the Interior will be able in another —35—DAYS (the legal period for appeal) to erase the entire village from THE—FACE—OF—THE—EARTH.
20041221             Deserters Are Heroes : —TODAY let us take the sad, sordid CASE—OF—1—GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20041221             Our PRESIDENT.
20041221             —DECIDED, Love him or hate him, it was he and he alone who, that our mighty armies should travel to IRAQ and kill TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, MOST—OF—WHOM were GUILTY—OF—NOTHING more than being there.
20041221             Slain Soldiers' Kin RIP—ROBO—RUMMY Letters : The grieving FAMILIES—OF—NEW—YORK soldiers killed in IRAQ blasted Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD —YESTERDAY for letting 1—MACHINE—SIGN his name to condolence letters they got in the mail.
20041221             —ENDED, POLAND—SPECIAL—FORCES back home : POLAND—SPECIAL—FORCES have, their mission in IRAQ where they took part in joint operations alongside USA—TROOPS, THE—POLAND—MILITARY said —TODAY.
20041221             —BLOODIED, ERIC—MARGOLIS: West has, hands : Who was the 1. high government official to authorize use of mustard gas against rebellious Kurdish tribesmen in IRAQ?
20041221             If your answer was SADDAM—HUSSEIN—COUSIN, the notorious "Chemical Ali", aka ALI—HASSAN—AL—MAJID, you're wrong.
20041221             Lawyers to resign over UK terror law:
20041221             "My role has been altered to provide 1—FALSE—LEGITIMACY to indefinite detention without KNOWLEDGE—OF—THE—ACCUSATIONS being made and without ANY—KIND—OF—CRIMINAL—CHARGE or trial".
20041221             in which he offered a "final PIECE—OF—ADVICE for AMERICA... - "What bothered me is he said this is the 'final' time we're going to raise this.
20041221             —GOVERNED, PATRICK—COCKBURN : 1—POLL, by fear:
20041221             Millions will get no chance to vote + the war will go on
20041221             Saddam claims election is USA—PLOT : Ousted IRAQ—PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN has urged his compatriots to unite against THE—USA—OCCUPATION and warned that upcoming elections were designed to divide the nation.
20041221             —BLEED, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN targets oil to, USA : OSAMA—BIN—LADEN claims to have bled THE—SOVIET—UNION into bankruptcy as 1—ISLAMIC—GUERRILLA—FIGHTER in AFGHANISTAN in the 1980s.
20041221             —HATED, Could he do the same to another, superpower — THE—USA?
20041221             —CIRCULATED, IRAQ Pipeline Watch : 1—STATEMENT, in Bayji said that ABU—MUSAB—AL—ZARQAWI had blown up 1—PIPELINE, —FOLLOWING orders from ''SUPREME—COMMANDER—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN''.
20041221             Rise of the Amerikan Nazis Part II—DEMOCRACY at DEATH—DOORSTEP
20041221             Push for Broader Presidential Powers 1—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—LAWYER may have been laying the groundwork for THE—IRAQ invasion long —BEFORE it was discussed publicly by THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20041221             THE—ENEMIES—AMONG—USA—THE—NEW—INTELLIGENCE—REFORM—BILL is 1—MORE stunning attack on THE—BILL—OF—RIGHTS than the Patriot Act.
20041221             Most people have no idea how dramatically their "inalienable" rights have been savaged, or to what extent the Congress has sold them out.
20041221             It's no exaggeration to say that the foundation of personal liberty, guaranteed in the law, is cracking at the base.
20041221             It'll be 1—MIRACLE if we can put it back together in time to pass it on to our children.
20041221             Disgraced by SILENCE—EDITORIAL—THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES
20041221             —WHEN will THE—PRESIDENT respond to the cascading ALLEGATIONS—OF—PRISONER—ABUSE by the military?
20041221             1—MARINE—GUARD in IRAQ sprayed 1—ALCOHOL—BASED liquid on 1—DETAINEE, struck 1—MATCH and ignited the prisoner, burning and blistering the man's hands.
20041221             Another Marine held wires from 1—ELECTRIC transformer to 1—DETAINEE—SHOULDERS, so that the man "danced as he was shocked," according to military documents made public —THIS—MONTH.
20041221             1—DIARIST on Kos, has stumbled across 1—ONLINE cache of internal emails from Global Elections Systems, which became PART—OF—DIEBOLD.
20041221             It's quite clear from this internal email that Global Election Systems knew that their machines dropped votes + looked the other way.
20041221             Check it out for yourselves here.
20041221             The story, alas, is not told in 1—LINEAR, EASILY—COMPREHENSIBLE fashion.
20041221             You may want to download the links —BEFORE they go away.
20041221             "Wired gives us 1—FOLLOW—UP story on the mystery of the Triad EMPLOYEE—NAMED—MICHAEL—BARBIAN who, —WHILE examining 1—VOTING machine —DURING the recount, SPOKE—OF—DATA—LOSS due to battery failure. This comment mystified MANY—WHO wondered how 1—BAD batery could affect the hard drive".
20041221             It's the only game in town.
20041221             "Against the House: Only Chumps and Compulsive Gamblers Keep On Playing in 1—RIGGED—GAME" is 1—GOOD opinion piece by JAMES—HEDDLE
20041221             Salon finally gives the Conyers investigation respectful treatment.
20041221             Way to go! Salon had become so cautious,
20041221             1—STUDY in 10—COUNTIES in various states, proving widespread BALLOT—COUNTING problems.
20041221             —UNCOVERED, The unofficial audit by Scripps HOWARD—NEWS—SERVICE, malfunctioning voting machines, improperly designed ballots and poor accounting procedures —AROUND the nation.
20041221             "THE—USA—ECONOMY is —JUST 1—BIG—PONZI scheme, with its prosperity 1—ILLUSION created on its ability to borrow more and more money.
20041221             Like all Ponzi schemes, this can't go on forever + eventually THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD will figure 1—WAY to get out as painlessly as possible.
20041221             This will cause problems all over the world, but mostly in THE—USA, as the drastic decline in the value of the U. S. dollar will cause the cheap Walmart consumer goods made in CHINA—THE—REAL—OPIUM—OF—THE—MASSES—TO become expensive consumer goods made in CHINA.
20041221             There is SOME—TRUTH in this.
20041221             But XYMPHORA—ANALYSIS does not explain the conundrum of the longstanding subterranean connections between the Reagan and Bush administrations and CHINA.
20041221             —POINTED, However, as ROBERT—PARRY and others have, out, Chinese "theft" (do note the quotation marks) of sensitive USA nuclear data did, in fact, occur.
20041221             Unfortunately for the G.O.P. propagandists, it occurred —DURING the Reagan and Bush administrations.
20041221             Why did Republican administrations turn 1—BLIND—EYE to CHINA—UNFRIENDLY behavior?
20041221             —PROVIDED, Because the Chinese had, SA—7—MISSILES to THE—NICARAGUA—CONTRAS.
20041221             SOME—BELIEVE that Reagan and Bush had come to 1—QUID pro quo arrangement with CHINA.
20041221             Raw story has taken an
20041221             IN—DEPTH look at the claims made by Conton Curtis, THE—VOTE—RIGGING whistleblower.
20041221             In particular, they take at look at 1—FASCINATING subsidiary issue: Curtis ' ALLEGATIONS—OF—CHINA—ESPIONAGE conducted by 1—HENRY—NEE.
20041221             THE—CHINA—ANGLE puzzles me —NOW even more than it did —BEFORE.
20041221             I cannot help but compare the Nee /Yang affair to another simmering scandal: ISRAEL—UPGRADING—OF—CHINA—WEAPONS—SYSTEMS, no doubt making use of USA—KNOW—HOW.
20041221             —PUBLISHED, The mysterious blogger known as Xymphora has, 1—INTERESTING analysis of this strange business.
20041221             You'll want to read his comments here and here.
20041221             XYMPHORA—BOTTOM—LINE? ISRAEL knows that THE—USA—ECONOMY is headed down the tubes + thus —NOW hopes to befriend another 900—POUND gorilla:"
20041221             "Harder still to believe that NO—1 in the media noticed the dichotomous REACTION—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20041221             —WHEN the administration said "THERE—NOTHING there but 1—ODD fold in the material," the mainstream media repeated the line.
20041221             —INTERVIEWED, And they, Bilbo de PARIS, or whatever his name is, because the tailor provided a "hook" which made the line easier to sell.
20041221             —WHEN THE—SECRET—SERVICE changed the story and said "It's 1—BULLETPROOF vest," the reporters decided that the bulge really did exist.
20041221             And they went back to Bilbo for more confirmation.
20041221             —ADDRESSED, Odd that NO—1, the fact that the administration had lied —FOR—WEEKS.
20041221             Odd that so MANY—PEOPLE were able to convince themselves that the photographs showed something other than the obvious.
20041221             Odd that the "bulletproof vest" explanation took hold so rapidly, even though NO—1 has shown me 1—PICTURE—OF—1—VEST that would create such 1—BULGE.
20041221             —PERSUADED, Early on, I told Salon that I was, but not convinced that Bush wore 1—WIRE.
20041221             —CONVINCED, —NOW I'm. - Most people don't lie without good reason.
20041221             "I can appreciate the broader factors weighing on the paper's top editors, particularly that close to the election.
20041221             But personally, I think that NELSON—ASSERTIONS did rise above THE—LEVEL—OF—GARDEN—VARIETY—SPECULATION, mainly because of who he is.
20041221             Here was 1—VETERAN—GOVERNMENT—SCIENTIST, whose DECADES—LONG—CAREER revolves —AROUND interpreting imagery like features of Mars, who decided to say very publicly that, without reservation,
20041221             he was convinced there was something under 1—PRESIDENT—JACKET —WHEN THE—WHITE—HOUSE said there was nothing".
20041221             "He essentially put his HARD—WON reputation utterly on the line (not to mention his job) in doing so + certainly with little prospect that he might gain something as 1—RESULT, except, as he put it, his preserved integrity".
20041221             —PUBLISHED, None — —UNTIL Salon —, anything on NELSON—ANALYSIS.
20041221             "I'd certainly choose [Nelson's] opinion over that of 1—TAILOR," Revkin concluded, referring to news reports that cited the man who makes THE—PRESIDENT—SUITS.
20041221             "Hard to believe that so many in the media chose the tailor, even in coverage —AFTER the election".
20041221             The photographic evidence was not speculative. It was photographic evidence.
20041221             Remember the bulge? Remember how DAVID—LINDORFF reported that THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES was goin to report on the story —AFTER NASA scientist ROBERT—NELSON climbed on BOARD, but the editors decided to kill it?
20041221             —CONFIRMED, Well, the "killing" has —NOW been : E—FUNDRAISING: "Da wird Masse bewegt"
20041221             Grassierender Pessimismus: Konjunkturexperten kappen ihre Prognosen
20041221             USA: MEHRHEIT—DER—BÜRGER lehnt IRAK—KRIEG ab
20041221             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Am Ende müssen wir selbst dran glauben"
20041221             Tagesrhythmus: —MORGENS um 10—IST HERZINFARKT—ZEIT
20041221             Herzprobleme: USA—BEHÖRDE warnt vor BAYER—MEDIKAMENT
20041221             GROSSBRITANNIEN: Unterhaus billigt Ausweispflicht
20041221             Order aus BERLIN: E.ON soll GASPROM—ANTEIL AUFSTOCKEN—UMFRAGE: Die Großen legen zu
20041221             PUTIN—BESUCH: Bütikofer verlangt von Schröder Gespräche über Jukos
20041221             Gehaltsaffäre: RWE soll 40—WEITERE Politiker auf Lohnliste haben
20041221             Erbkrankheiten: Gesetz gegen Diktatur der Gene
20041221             Kritik 1—ABZOCKE: Müntefering greift Arbeitgeber an
20041221             Unschuldig: USA—TRIBUNAL lässt GUANTANAMO—HÄFTLING frei
20041221             Schuldenrückzahlung: Putin plant riesiges Weihnachtsgeschenk
20041221             Energiebranche: E.ON soll GAZPROM—BETEILIGUNG aufstocken
20041221             UKRAINE: Harter Schlagabtausch beim TV—DUELL
20041221             Jahresbilanz: Bush nimmt Rumsfeld in Schutz
20041221             Juschtschenko gegen Janukowitsch: Spannung vor TV—DUELL in der UKRAINE
20041221             Verkauf DEUTSCHER—GOLDRESERVEN: Eichel sauer auf die Bundesbank
20041221             With parts of its sprawling business empire in decline, the Unification Church headed by the Rev.
20041221             Religious Movements Homepage: THE—UNIFICATION—CHURCH—THE—UNIFICATION—CHURCH.
20041221             Unification theology pivots on 3—EVENTS in history.
20041221             JOHNSON—COUNTY: Election Worker Fired
20041221             Alternde Abwehr: Forscher finden Schwächling im Immunsystem
20041221             Historienfilm "Alexander": Elan und Größenwahn
20041221             1—MELDUNG und ihre Geschichte: Wie 1—GENIE—1—ZAHLENMONSTER besiegt
20041221             WELTREKORD—METHODE: In 11,—6—SEKUNDEN die 13. Wurzel ziehen
20041221             Konzernkrise: JUKOS—GROßAKTIONÄR will mysteriöse Baikalfinanzgruppe verklagen
20041221             THE—NEW—MILITARY—LIFE: Heading Back to the War
20041221             JUKOS—ZERSCHLAGUNG: Rätsel um mysteriöse Baikalfinanzgruppe
20041221             Tosender Sand: Geheimnis der singenden Dünen gelöst
20041221             Urabstimmung: Neue Linkspartei gründet sich —IM—JANUAR—CHRONOLOGIE: Der Fall Daschner
20041221             Entrüstung im Kongress: Rumsfeld ließ Kondolenzbriefe vom Automaten unterschreiben
20041221             Tödliche Schläfer: Besiegter Krebs lauert im Körper
20041221             —FOUNDED, THE—USA was, by people who most definitely were not Christians, or Jewish, or Islamic.
20041221             They were MEN—OF—THE—ENLIGHTENMENT.
20041221             —DEDICATED, And they were, to reason, to the idea that human beings with good will and faith in THE—HONESTY—OF—EACH—OTHER could create 1—NATION which would last.
20041221             They chose not 1—DEMOCRACY.
20041221             They chose 1—REPUBLIC as their model, where you would have elections, representative government.
20041221             And for 1—LONG—TIME, in 1—MESSY way, our system worked.
20041221             —WANTED, We've always had problems with groups that, to seize control, wanted to keep us from drinking alcohol, take drugs, have sex, do this, do that.
20041221             We've had MANY—PRESSURE—GROUPS.
20041221             But we've never had, —UNTIL—NOW, 1—PRESSURE—GROUP take over the executive BRANCH—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT, THE—2—BRANCHES—OF—CONGRESS and the judiciary.
20041221             —CALLED, That is 1—CLEAN—SWEEP for what are, neoconservatives, conservatives or reactionaries
20041221             So we're in 1—CURIOUS bind.
20041221             —TURNED, We've been, into 1—CHRISTIAN nation —WHEN we're not 1. We're 1—DIVERSE nation, not based on ANY—RELIGION at all — SOME—PEOPLE are religious, SOME—ARE not.
20041221             The state is not religious — and this must be emphasized heavily, because ANY—ATTEMPT to make it so is 1—ATTEMPT to overthrow the original republic, which is the aim of these people who say they want revolution.
20041221             There was about as much revolution in the recent election as I think Americans can bear.
20041221             Going ANY—FURTHER in the in the direction of banning Roe vs. Wade, or whatever it is that they happen to be shooting for, is going to cause great resistance.
20041221             —WARNED, And we must guard carefully, as THOMAS—JEFFERSON, us, THE—TREE—OF—LIBERTY.
20041221             This always offends the right wing, because they don't like THOMAS—JEFFERSON.
20041221             They don't like THE—USA—REPUBLIC + they don't really like the founding fathers.
20041221             They are willing to worship them as long as they don't have to listen to them or be guided by them.
20041221             —WARNED, Jefferson, us early on.
20041221             As you'll remember, he wanted to have 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—CONVENTION—EVERY— 30—YEARS or so, because, he said, "the earth belongs to the living".
20041221             We are not to be held by our forefathers;
20041221             no matter how wise they were, we must design EACH—SOCIETY for ourselves.
20041221             Well, I'll say they are good Jeffersonians, THE—FAITH—BASED religious right.
20041221             They are going to base everything on the good book, which they regard as the ultimate good.
20041221             And THOSE—OF—USA who are more skeptical, including the founding fathers of our country, don't find this to be the case.
20041221             —INVITED, We find that we are being, into 1—PRISON — which, by the way, is 1—OF—THE—GROWING activities in THE—USA, building prisons.
20041221             And as we've seen in IRAQ, we are certainly masters at running prisons + would like to have MANY—MORE—OF them all over the earth.
20041221             And we shall have, if the current Bush/Cheney junta continues to have its way —AROUND the world.
20041221             —FAMED, THE—MARK—LEVINE interview with this, "vote fraud" whistleblower, but 1—ARCHIVE—OF—THE—BROADCAST should soon appear here or here.
20041221             —COBBLED, Steele has, together 1—PERSUASIVE report on vote tampering.
20041221             The closing words deserve quotation:
20041221             Feds approve new Voting machine that prints paper receipts!
20041221             Sounds great, eh? Here's the catch:
20041221             Populex, and initial signs indicate that this group may be partisan.
20041221             —HEADED, The advisory BOARD is, by FRANK—CARLUCCI.
20041221             Yes, this is the same spooky fellow known for his links to THE—CARLYLE group + to IRAN/contra.
20041221             —POPULARIZED, So far, I've found that he is the man who, the phone tree ("Press 1 for...), 1—FACT which SOME—MAY consider sufficient grounds for hatred.
20041221             Several OTHER—BIGWIGS in this company appear to be Republicans.
20041221             They also list Democrat TONY—COELHO on their BOARD—OF—ADVISORS.
20041221             Obviously, 1—PAPER recipt helps quell SOME—FEARS.
20041221             He turns the worker into an insensible being lacking all needs, —JUST as he changes his activity into a pure abstraction from all activity.
20041221             To him, —THEREFORE, EVERY—LUXURY—OF—THE—WORKER seems to be reprehensible +
20041221             everything that goes beyond the most abstract NEED—BE it in the realm of passive enjoyment, or 1—MANIFESTATION—OF—ACTIVITY—SEEMS to him 1—LUXURY.
20041221             Political economy,
20041221             this SCIENCE—OF—WEALTH, is —THEREFORE simultaneously THE—SCIENCE—OF—RENUNCIATION, of want, of saving - +
20041221             it actually reaches the point where it spares man the need of either fresh air or physical exercise.
20041221             This science of marvellous industry is simultaneously THE—SCIENCE—OF—ASCETICISM + its true ideal is the ascetic but extortionate miser + the acetic but productive slave.
20041221             Its moral ideal is the worker who takes PART—OF—HIS—WAGES to THE—SAVINGS—BANK + it has even found READY—MADE 1—SERVILE art which embodies this pet idea:
20041221             it has been presented, bathed in sentimentality, on the stage.
20041221             Thus political economy--despite its worldly and voluptuous appearance--is 1—TRUE—MORAL—SCIENCE, the most moral of all the sciences.
20041221             SELF—RENUNCIATION, THE—RENUNCIATION—OF—LIFE and of all human needs, is its principal thesis.
20041221             The less you eat, drink and buy books; the less you go to the theatre; the dance hall, the public house;
20041221             the less you think, love, theorise, sing, paint, fence, etc., the more you save--the greater becomes your treasure which neither moths nor rust will devour--your Capital.
20041221             The less you are, the less you express your own life, the more you have, i. e., the greater is your alienated life, the greater is the store of your estranged being.
20041221             It goes without saying that the abstract thinke
20041221             ] exists for the other person as the other exists for him, insofar as EACH—BECOMES 1—MEANS for the other.
20041221             The political economist reduces everything (—JUST
20041221             "prototype of all unscientific doctrinairism. 1849
20041221             —VERÄRGERT, Ölwirtschaft: Bush, über JUKOS—ZERSCHLAGUNG
20041221             IRAK: Kidnapper lassen FRANZÖSISCHE—JOURNALISTEN frei
20041221             Weltrekord: Kleinstes Baby wiegt nur 250—GRAMM
20041221             Personalabbau: Telekom streicht 10.000—STELLEN
20041221             Großaufträge aus Moskau: Schweigen ist Gold
20041221             —GESCHEITERT, Klage : "Mausarm" keine Berufskrankheit
20041221             Verstaatlichungspläne: Putin verteidigt JUKOS—DEAL
20041221             PUTIN—BESUCH: RUSSLAND will Auslandsschulden schneller begleichen
20041221             Vioxx, Celebrex & Co.: Schmerzmittel unter Generalverdacht
20041221             Überraschungsbesuch: Blair lobt die "Helden des neuen IRAK"
20041221             Lukrativer Großauftrag: Siemens baut den RUSSEN—ICE
20041221             GUANTANAMO—MISSHANDLUNGEN: Glimmende Zigaretten in den Ohren
20041221             IRAK: Blair zum Überraschungsbesuch in Bagdad
20041221             —IDENTIFIZIERT, JUKOS—KRISE: BAIKAL—HINTERMÄNNER möglicherweise
20041221             to Combat Bioterror; Open DEMOCRACY—UKRAINE, GREECE... & Loans scandal (S&L), THE—INSLAW—AFFAIR—INSLAW—PROMIS...... 024346 ` THE—INSLAW—AFFAIR ' W Madsen...
20041221             Intelligence Briefs - 20000700             ...
20041221             BILL—HAMILTON, PRESIDENT—OF—INSLAW, said that "if he... 1—COPY—OF—THE—LATEST—PROMIS software, it could... the luxuriously appointed 737—OF—UKRAINE—PRESIDENT winged...
20041221             Scoop: THE—REAL—DEAL: THE—MONEY—LORDS—OF—HARVARD / )... role in the management and use of Promis software for BILL—BERKOWITZ—BTL: UKRAINE Crisis Could...
20041221             Everything Is Permitted!
20041221             —AFTER he investigated the Promis software scandal that.. of software from the Inslawcorporation +.. the same establishment as that UKRAINE Presidential Candidate...
20041221             —FROM THE—WILDERNESS—PUBLICATIONS—WWW.copvcia_com FROM THE... especially important: AZERBAIJAN, UZBEKISTAN, + UKRAINE".
20041221             had stolen the software from Inslaw, THE—FBI.. s reported possession of Promis software was clearly.
20041221             ? legal FORMS—ATTORNEY forms irs power...
20041221             & Number features digital collages + PHOTO—BASED work...+ Stoned to Death : 1—IRAN—WOMAN charged with.. UK terror law: "My role has been altered to provide
20041221             How the Dominionists Are Succeeding... on the mystery of the Triad employee named.. Barbian who, —WHILE examining 1—VOTING machine —DURING
20041221             —ANNOUNCED, Sensibly Eclectic Main As the Dominionists continue their, intentions to... him to existing allegations that Triad Systems, 1—REPUBLICAN—LINKED supplier of voting machines to...
20041221             TOMMY—FRANKS—NUMB & Number follows on the momentum of Clinton Fein's acclaimed NEW—YORK exhibition, WARNING!, of which NEW—YORK—TIMES' KEN—JOHNSON wrote:
20041221             Ariel Ruiz Mondragón: Bibliálogos: Entrevista con Jesús...
20041221             peligrosa como el narcotráfico? ¿Es a partir de su encuentro con ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCÓN, como se podría desprender de su libro?
20041221             THE—UNDERGROUND—EMPIRE, Excerpt 6 ... Assassin MICHAEL—DECKER, SUSPECTED—OF—CIA—CONNECTIONS, describes 1—CIA—WEAPONS—BROCHURE found in the personal papers of ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON, 1—MAJOR...
20041221             THE—UNDERGROUND—EMPIRE, Excerpt 2—EVERYONE had heard of Mafia superstars like JOSEPH—BONANNO and SAM—GIANCANA, but who were Lu HSU—SHUI, ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON, DONALD—STEINBERG?
20041221             la Revista Peninsular Es a partir de su encuentro con ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCÓN ?
20041221             Jesús Blancornelas (JB): DON—FRANCISCO—MARTÍNEZ—DE—LA—VEGA me trae gratos recuerdos.
20041221             Est?ICA del NARCO—EL CUBANO—ESTAODUNIDENSE ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCÓN y su socio, el MEXICANO—GRIEGO CARLOS—KYRIAKIDES—VILLASE— ñor, triunfadores de la incipiente TIJUANA de los..
20041221             to the Judiciary COMMITTEE—DEMOCRATS—LEFTERER_com ~ Stoking the fire in your loins.
20041221             I mean heart.
20041221             More on Clint CURTIS—STORY—BY—BENJAMIN—HARRISON —ON—MONDAY,
20041221             Vote Fraud :: 20040000             :: Inform... Mobilize... Democratize... the effort to examine the vote TALLIES—OF—THE—MACHINE—OPERATED voting in FLORIDA + OHIO...but the great folks, well at least, BENJAMIN—HARRISON—OF—LEFTERER_com, has... /
20041221             Systems INCORPORATED—OF—ORLANDO—FLORIDA, + Hai Lin Nee, 1—CHINA—CITIZEN who works at Azure Systems.
20041221             —CHARGED, They are, with... www.GUARDIAN. Dead MARINE—E—MAILS In Limbo
20041221             Family fights to see soldier's last words
20041221             essays, documents, historical photos + links, screened for content...homicidal POWER—OBSESSED CUBA—HOMOSEXUAL named ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON,
20041221             Drug War: Viva Zapata... by the likes of Archbishop Casariego, who, in 1—FAMOUS photo, blessed USA... 1—CIA—WEAPONS—BROCHURE found in the personal papers of ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON, 1—MAJOR...
20041221             —ASSISTED, MEXICO—POLICE, by USA—DRUG—AGENTS, arrest ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON, whose TIJUANA—BASED operation was reportedly generating $3.6—MILLION —1—WEEK from the...
20041221             In 1—INTERVIEW (video tape) ERIC—ARRON—LIGHTER (FEDERAL—WITNESS) reveals the connection between the events of Inslaw (PROMIS SOFTWARE) Ruby Ridge + the...
20041221             HTML—TOTSE_com | Helicopter Crashes, Wackenhut + Underground UFO Bases OKLAHOMA—CITY.
20041221             Ruby Ridge.
20041221             Secret Societies... in 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—TC. conducted from jail, THE—PROMIS software was modified to install a.
20041221             misconduct_fbi.. Horiuchi is immune from prosecution for the shooting at Ruby RIDGE—IDAHO.... + others included the modification of the Enhanced PROMIS software by individuals... /
20041221             Truth, Lies + THE—LEGEND—OF—20010911             , by Chaim Kupferberg THERE—SOMETHING—ABOUT—OMAR:
20041221             of ORLANDO—FLORIDA, + Hai Lin Nee, 1—CHINA—CITIZEN who works at Azure Systems...Also arrested was 1—EMPLOYEE—OF—AZURE, Hai Lin Nee, who is 1—CHINA—CITIZEN...
20041221             Raw Print | HENRY—NEE—TIMECARD: 1—BRAD—BLOG—EXCLUSIVE—PAGE 1 2 "Weekly Time Reports" showing Hai Lin Nee (a/k/1—HENRY—NEE ) as 1—YANG—ENTERPRISE s, INCORPORATED (YEI) consultant.
20041221             Submitted to THE—FLORIDA—DEPARTMENT.
20041221             Capitol Grilling: Programmer signs affidavit re: Vote Switching...
20041221             I provided the program to MISTER—HAI—LIN—NEE, the Quality Control person at YEI, + discussed it with him.
20041221             He approved its distribution.
20041221             Daily Kos :: Interview with 'VOTE—RIGGING' programmer is up...
20041221             Note from my lawyer brother about the Hai Lin Nee story: "The whole thing, I have to say, drips with ANTI—CHINA—RACIST venom...
20041221             Daily Kos :: Clint Curtis' "show stopper" testimony causes "gasps"...
20041221             —CHARGED, Curtis had, in his affidavit that 1—EMPLOYEE, Hai Lin Nee (a/k/1—HENRY—NEE ) with whom Curtis worked at YANG—ENTERPRISE s, INCORPORATED..
20041221             THE—BLUE—LEMUR—PROGRESSIVE—POLITICS and Media News " Vote...
20041221             Arianna Online FORUMS—TRUTH Or Dare! *Voterigging Whistleblower...
20041221             concern to conservatives/neocons here, but this item should have them jumping (well, unless all their remarks are faux outrage) : MISTER—HAI—LIN—NEE, "the ilegal...
20041221             National Ballot Integrity Project Discussion FORUM—PROGRAMMERS...
20041221             Hai Lin Nee, 1—CHINA—NATIONAL, was arrested for passing sensitive information on USA—WEAPONS to CHINA.
20041221             —WORKED, Curtis claims that Nee.
20041221             TEXAS to FLORIDA: WHITE—HOUSE—LINKED clandestine operation paid... The program was also reviewed by CURTIS—SENIOR coder, Hai Lin (Henry) Nee, who according to FLORIDA DEPARTMENT—OF—TRANSPORTATION—SOURCES, was 1—ILLEGAL
20041221             —REVIEWED, ONLINE JOURNAL™- The program was also, by CURTIS—SENIOR coder, Hai Lin (Henry) Nee, who according to FLORIDA DEPARTMENT—OF—TRANSPORTATION—SOURCES, was 1—ILLEGAL...
20041221             Radio Left :: Programmers weigh in on VOTE—RIGGING idea, some... - Curtis claims that Nee.
20041221             —CHARGED, SignOnSanDiego_com > News > Nation, 2, with illegally...+Atlantic & Pacific ICS INCORPORATED + Hai Lin Nee, 1—CHINA—CITIZEN who worked for both companies, were charged with attempting to violate the Export Control...
20041221             OVERVIEW—OF—THE—CASE—FOR CHALLENGING FLORIDA—ELECTORS—ACCORDING to Curtis, Hai Lin Nee, 1—CHINA—NATIONAL employed by Yang, also served as 1—SENIOR coder who reviewed the vote rigging software code...
20041221             More on Clint CURTIS—STORY—BY—BENJAMIN—HARRISON—ON—MONDAY, 20041206             20041221             20041206...
20041221             THE—SECRET—NESTS: Flushing out SOME—BIRDS from deep cover!...
20041221             —ASSISTED, MEXICO—POLICE, by USA—DRUG—AGENTS, arrest ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON... for THE—NICARAGUA—CONTRAS, those photos were leaked to the media.
20041221             Odom made his remarks —BEFORE THE—ABU—GHRAIB photos were released.
20041221             Historical Text Archive: Articles: Noriega and Key Players in the...
20041221             essays, documents, historical photos + links, screened for content,
20041221             —ASSISTED, MEXICO—POLICE, by USA—DRUG—AGENTS, arrest ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON... his $2-billion fortune as 1—COCAINE supplier to ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON.
20041221             1—CIA—WEAPONS—BROCHURE found in the personal papers of ALBERTO—SICILIA — FALCON, PHOTOS—WERE forced to raid 1—OF—THEIR—OWN protected operations.
20041221             Numb & Number follows on the momentum of Clinton Fein's acclaimed NEW—YORK exhibition,
20041221             WARNING!, of which NEW—YORK—TIMES' KEN—JOHNSON wrote:
20041221             [Details] - WEB RESULTS 31 - 130—OF—ABOUT 437,000 FOR CLINT CURTIS.
20041221             Cleanup CREW—ANSWERING questions re: Clint Curtis...
20041221             Subject: "Answering questions re: Clint CURTIS ",
20041221             Answering questions re: Crooks and Liars...
20041221             Clint CURTIS, 46, claims that he built the software for FEENEY
20041221             ;;11;; 2—TRUTH—BREAKTHROUGH Congressional Testimony...
20041221             —RECEIVED, THE—BRAD—BLOG has —JUST, 1—EXCLUSIVE 1.—HAND account of Clint CURTIS ' sworn testimony (as reported —EARLIER) to the Judiciary COMMITTEE—DEMOCRATS
20041221             Clinton Fein: Introduction..
20041221             with the self + THE—SURFACE—OF—THINGS, Clinton FEIN—WORK dissects
20041221             —CHARGED, FEIN—POLITICALLY, art offers social critique through compelling, aggressive +
20041221             MIKL—EM—1.—FRICKIN' —FRIDAY #1: THE—HUMOR—AGAINST—TERRORISM......
20041221             Gadeken (Artist, Producer & Kinetic ART—ENABLER); HARRY—CLINTON—FEIN—BITING satire is...
20041221             KAL — dino_bird.. - i am broke, i make art, i hang with
20041221             overlay/refinement that piles on the bullshit in the (jumpst) art form of...-
20041221             —CHARGED, They are, with...
20041221             ;;11;; 2—TRUTH—VOTE—RIGGING prototype story gains steam, but...
20041221             HAI LIN NEE, who CURTIS names in his affidavit, was arrested in a —4—YEAR—OLD—IMMIGRATION + Customs Enforcement sting operation for trying to mail sensitive...-
20041221             Cleanup CREW—YANG—NON—RESPONSE to clinton curtis claims.
20041221             claims", Question1)How did your TING—IH HSU HAI LIN NEE a/k/1—HENRY—NEE get computer chips for HELLFIRE MISSLES to send to CHINA ?...
20041221             Stolen Election 20040000             : —TUESDAY Update | Democrats com Blog
20041221             +20030300             —LAST—THE—CHINA—NATIONAL that CURTIS discussed,
20041221             —ARRESTED, HAI LIN NEE, was, in a —4—YEAR—OLD—IMMIGRATION + Customs Enforcement sting operation for...
20041221             —ARRESTED, Also, was 1—EMPLOYEE—OF—AZURE, HAI LIN NEE, who is 1—CHINA—CITIZEN.
20041221             [CTRL] Fwd: [bohemian_club] A FUNNY GEORGE—BUSH—JOKE
20041221             KRIS—MILLEGAN [CTRL] Fwd: Truth be told, lies are PART—OF—PENTAGON strategy
20041221             —BY BILL—HAMILTON and 1—FIRM called INSLAW, in [the
20041221             Cancer Metastasis Research Society + THE—ALBERT—SCHWEITZER—AWARD in LISBON—PORTUGAL..
20041221             ACTUALLY 19790000             , by BILL—HAMILTON and 1—FIRM called INSLAW, in [the...
20041221             It is the most important evidence you can have as to the basis of the motives behind the outrageous events in AmericaIN THE—LAST—20—YEARS.
20041221             Terrorists PROFILED—WORLD—MOST comprehensive open source DATABASE—BE made fully public.".
20041221             In the eyes of senior.
20041221             —REMAINED, At 1—POINT, Ocalan, in GREECE for several days.
20041221             Only 1—PARAMILITARY—GROUP—1—OF—NORTH—IRELAND—MOST vicious, the Loyalist Volunteer Force...
20041221             In the mid-1980s in SPAIN, THE—STATE—SPONSORED paramilitary group GAL (Grupos
20041221             Seeks INTERNATIONAL Group to Combat Bioterror;
20041221             Open DEMOCRACY—UKRAINE, GREECE ;... - ZAPATISMO NEWS PAGE...
20041221             having planned the assassinations of THE—4—MILITANTS—OF—THE—PARAMILITARY—GROUP.
20041221             RECEIVED FOR 20040000             —THE—SUMMER—OLYMPIC—GAMES IN ATHENS—GREECE, PAID OFF
20041221             CTRL] Fwd: WACO, RUBY RIDGE & INSLAW ALL CONNECTED...
20041221             In its 19920900             Investigative Report, THE—INSLAW—AFFAIR,
20041221             the House Judiciary Committee reported
20041221             [CTRL] Fwd: FC: WAYNE—MADSEN replies to New...
20041221             [PS] Computer and COMMUNICATIONS—ALL or nothing.
20041221             024346 ` THE—INSLAW—AFFAIR ' W Madsen, Computer Fraud + Security Bulletin (Sep 93) pp 12 - 15—THIS article attacks.
20041221             [PDF] Government, Cryptography + the Right To Privacy...
20041221             —ESTABLISHED, Center (NCIC),
20041221             USA Accuses ISRAEL—OF—SPYING; 2. Charge in —4—MONTHS:
20041221             WASHINGTON allegedly is so furious over the spying allegations that it has demanded the resignation of AMOS—YARON,
20041221             director GENERAL—OF—ISRAEL—DEFENSE—MINISTRY, according several news sources.
20041221             Torture Begins at the Top:
20041221             1—RECENTLY disclosed FBI memo indicates that "marching orders" to abandon traditional interrogation methods came from the defense SECRETARY himself.
20041221             USA free press faces tough challenge:
20041221             —ASSOCIATED, Imprisoning journalists is typically, with tyrannies and dictatorships,
20041221             making it ironic that USA—JUDGES in the past —6—MONTHS have threatened at least 8—REPORTERS with sanctions or jail time for not naming sources,
20041221             said 1. Amendment Center Ombudsman PAUL—MCMASTERS.
20041221             USA—ACCUSED—OF—AIDS—DRUG—COVER—UP:
20041221             —ACCUSED, SOUTH—AFRICA—RULING party has, top USA—OFFICIALS—OF treating Africans like GUINEA pigs amid questions over testing of 1—KEY—HIV/AIDS drug —BEFORE 1—USA—BACKED ROLL—OUT—OF—THE—TREATMENT across the continent.
20041221             Bush overwhelmingly captures Catholic vote:
20041221             —WATCHED, Catholics, who have become 1—CLOSELY, swing vote, favored Bush over Democrat JOHN—KERRY by 52—PERCENT to 47—PERCENT,
20041221             according to national exit polls. That is 1—TURNAROUND
20041221             THE—USA—AND—ISRAEL may be contemplating military operations against IRAN,
20041221             as per recent MEDIA—REPORTS, yet IRAN is not wasting ANY—TIME in preparing its own COUNTER—OPERATIONS in the event 1—ATTACK materializes
20041221             RUSSIA may build 7—MORE—REACTORS for IRAN:
20041221             IRAN: Woman to Be Buried Up to Chest and Stoned to Death:
20041221             1—IRAN—WOMAN charged with adultery faces death by stoning in the next —5—DAYS—AFTER her death sentence was upheld by THE—SUPREME—COURT—LAST—MONTH.
20041221             —UNNAMED, Her, CO—DEFENDANT is at risk of imminent execution by hanging.
20041221             USA—CONGRESS—PROBE into Yushchenko funding unlikely —BEFORE Jan:
20041221             1—PROBE into the possible FUNDING—OF—THE—ELECTION—CAMPAIGN—OF—UKRAINE—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE—VIKTOR—YUSHCHENKO with money from USA—TAXPAYERS could be conducted in USA—CONGRESS not —EARLIER that in ;;01;;,
20041221             —LINKED, Secret Pinochet payments, to BAE:
20041221             —LISTED, Sums of up to $5m (£2.57m) are, in Gen PINOCHET—BANK—RECORDS obtained by 1—SENATE—INVESTIGATION in WASHINGTON.
20041221             USA—MILITARY sees sharp fall in black recruits:
20041221             "Bush has 2—DAUGHTERS. Let them go over and fight," she added, to 1—CHORUS—OF "That's not our war" from the others.
20041221             USA threatening UN over Arab report:
20041221             The lead writer of 1—UN—REPORT on freedom and governance in the Arab world has said THE—USA is threatening to cut off funds to 1—UN—AGENCY if THE—UNITED—NATIONS releases it.
20041221             Saddam bids to challenge case in USA:
20041221             SADDAM—HUSSEIN is preparing 1—LEGAL—CHALLENGE in AMERICA to his trial for war crimes, according to leaked papers prepared by his defence team.
20041221             Interview: Pilger On THE—MEDIA:
20041221             Journalist, author and documentary filmmaker JOHN—PILGER talks to ANTONY—LOEWENSTEIN about the media.
20041221             —WHILE enjoying Christmas, good food and drink with family and friends in the warmth and comfort of your home,
20041221             take 1—MOMENT to remember the falsely imprisoned.
20041221             Think about how your own family would handle the grief,
20041221             because wrongful imprisonment can happen to YOU—GENERAL—ASHCROFT—DETENTION—CAMPS:
20041221             "ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JOHN—ASHCROFT'S announced desire for camps for USA—CITIZENS he deems to be 'enemy combatants' has moved him from merely being 1—POLITICAL—EMBARRASSMENT to being 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—MENACE.
20041221             CHARLEY—REESE: THE—3—STOOGES:
20041221             'USA—SOLDIER Killed IRAQ—TEENAGER—AFTER Sex':
20041221             1—USA national guardsman who pleaded guilty to killing a —17—YEAR—OLD—IRAQ—SOLDIER said he shot the young man —AFTER they had consensual sex in 1—GUARD—TOWER,
20041221             1—NEWSPAPER reported —TODAY, citing COURT—MARTIAL records.
20041221             Report: CONGRESSWOMAN—FAMILY—PROFITED:
20041221             —EARNED, REPRESENTATIVE—MAXINE—WATERS' family members, more than $1—MILLION in the last —8—YEARS doing business with candidates,
20041221             companies and causes she helped, 1—NEWSPAPER reported —SUNDAY.
20041221             Food stamp use is on rise across U.S:
20041221             Poll: HALF—OF—AMERICANS—WORRY—ABOUT—DEBTS:
20041221             1—HALF—OF—AMERICANS say they worry about the money they owe + MANY—SAY they worry MOST—OF—THE—TIME about their overall debts, 1—ASSOCIATED—PRESS—POLL found.
20041221             Report: USA Rentals Unaffordable to Poor: -
20041221             Most Americans who rely on —JUST 1—FULL—TIME—JOB earning THE—FEDERAL—MINIMUM—WAGE cannot afford the rent and utilities on a 1—OR 2—BEDROOM—APARTMENT,
20041221             1—ADVOCACY group on LOW—INCOME housing reported —MONDAY.
20041221             EARTH—HOSTILE Chemical Gets WHITE—HOUSE OK:
20041221             —ANNOUNCED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, new rules —THURSDAY to allow USA—FARMERS who grow tomatoes,
20041221             strawberries and other crops to continue using methyl bromide, 1—OZONE—DEPLETING pesticide that had been scheduled to be phased out worldwide —NEXT—YEAR.
20041221             Weak dollar may threaten balance: 1—WEAKENING dollar is raising alarms.
20041221             Our disappearing dollar:
20041221             —REQUIRED, Foreigners put up 90—PERCENT of the $2—BILLION, EVERY—DAY to make sure Uncle SAM—CHECKS don't bounce.
20041221             Arabs wary about dealing with USA—BANKS:
20041221             —CONCERNED, Wealthy Arabs, about increased USA scrutiny of their offshore bank accounts,
20041221             are nervous about dealing with USA—BANKS and may seek safer havens if the conflict in AFGHANISTAN spreads, bankers said —THURSDAY.
20041221             REED—LINDSAY is the only journalist to get into THE—PORT—AU—PRINCE—PRISON—SINCE 1—RIOT —3—WEEKS—AGO—WHEN, it is said, guards executed inmates
20041221             Believe it or not: USA takes border war on the road: Boats being sunk near ECUADOR:
20041221             USA—COUNTERTERRORISM—OFFICIALS have set up 1—HIGH—SEAS gantlet deploying Coast Guard cutters off Latin AMERICA and arresting foreign nationals trying to leave their own countries.
20041221             GORDON—PRATHER: Threatening IRAN — despite the evidence:
20041221             —REPORTED, Director GENERAL—MOHAMED—ELBARADEI has —JUST, to THE—IAEA—BOARD—OF—GOVERNORS that —AFTER —1—YEAR—LONG exhaustive and intrusive inspection he has — to date — found no evidence that IRAN has — or ever has had — 1—NUKE program.
20041221             —UNCOVERED, Report: IRAN says it has, spy ring for ISRAEL:
20041221             —UNCOVERED, IRAN said —SUNDAY its intelligence services have, 1—SPY ring that collected intelligence information for ISRAEL,
20041221             according to 1—REPORT by ISRAEL—RADIO—PERSIAN language program.
20041221             Bush says may step up Syria pressure:
20041221             PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH has said that THE—USA could step up diplomatic and economic pressure on Syria over interference in the election process in IRAQ.
20041221             ISRAEL: 1—ENTIRE—VILLAGE in the balance:
20041221             —CARRIED, If the orders are, out, the Ministry of the Interior will be able in another —35—DAYS (the legal period for appeal) to erase the entire village from THE—FACE—OF—THE—EARTH.
20041221             Deserters Are Heroes:
20041221             —TODAY let us take the sad, sordid CASE—OF—1—GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20041221             —DECIDED, Love him or hate him, it was he and he alone who, that our mighty armies should travel to IRAQ and kill TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE,
20041221             MOST—OF—WHOM were GUILTY—OF—NOTHING more than being there.
20041221             Slain Soldiers' Kin RIP—ROBO—RUMMY Letters:
20041221             —KILLED, The grieving FAMILIES—OF—NEW—YORK soldiers, in IRAQ blasted Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD —YESTERDAY for letting 1—MACHINE—SIGN his name to condolence letters they got in the mail.
20041221             POLAND—SPECIAL forces back home:
20041221             —ENDED, POLAND—SPECIAL—FORCES have, their mission in IRAQ where they took part in joint operations alongside USA—TROOPS, THE—POLAND—MILITARY said —TODAY.
20041221             —BLOODIED, ERIC—MARGOLIS: West has, hands:
20041221             Who was the 1. high government official to authorize use of mustard gas against rebellious Kurdish tribesmen in IRAQ?
20041221             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—NEW—MESSAGE::
20041221             —ALARMED, Scheuer says he was particularly, by the video of AL—ZAWAHIRI,
20041221             in which he offered a "final PIECE—OF—ADVICE for AMERICA
20041221             - "What bothered me is he said this is the 'final' time we're going to raise this.
20041221             —GOVERNED, PATRICK—COCKBURN : 1—POLL, by fear: Saddam claims election is USA—PLOT:
20041221             —URGED, Ousted IRAQ—PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN has, his compatriots to unite against THE—USA—OCCUPATION and warned that upcoming elections were designed to divide the nation.
20041221             —BLEED, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN targets oil to, USA: IRAQ Pipeline Watch:
20041221             1—STATEMENT circulated in Bayji said that ABU—MUSAB—AL—ZARQAWI had blown up 1—PIPELINE, —FOLLOWING orders from ''SUPREME—COMMANDER—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN''.
20041221             Rise of the Amerikan Nazis Part II Democracy at DEATH—DOORSTEP—PUSH for Broader Presidential Powers
20041221             1—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—LAWYER may have been laying the groundwork for THE—IRAQ invasion long —BEFORE it was discussed publicly by THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20041221             THE—ENEMIES—AMONG—USA
20041221             The new Intelligence reform bill is 1—MORE stunning attack on THE—BILL—OF—RIGHTS than the Patriot Act.
20041221             Another Marine held wires from an electric transformer to a detainee's shoulders,
20041221             so that the man "danced as he was shocked," according to military documents made public —THIS—MONTH.
20041221             "Wired gives us 1—FOLLOW—UP story
20041221             —ON the mystery of the Triad EMPLOYEE—NAMED—MICHAEL—BARBIAN who, —WHILE examining 1—VOTING machine —DURING the recount,
20041221             SPOKE—OF—DATA—LOSS due to battery failure.
20041221             —MYSTIFIED, This comment, MANY—WHO wondered how 1—BAD batery could affect the hard drive".
20041221             Take NOTE—OF—THE—FBI—STRANGE—RESPONSE to THE—HENRY—NEE spying scandal (see BRAD—FRIEDMAN—LATEST commentary here),
20041221             which is almost as striking as WASHINGTON—LENIENT attitude toward Israeli/CHINA—COOPERATION on weapons.
20041221             THE—FBI—LATEST commentary on THE—NEE case may indicate 1—INITIAL burst of investigative zeal followed by 1—HASTY BOUT—OF—COVER—UP.
20041221             THE—NEE affair has 1—OBVIOUS—PARALLEL in the infamous WEN—HO—LEE—CASE.
20041221             —CLEARED, Of course, Lee was, —WHILE NEE has pled guilty.
20041221             (For 1—SUMMARY of this theory, see here.) - Clinton CURTIS, NEE and CHINA.
20041221             Raw story has taken 1—IN—DEPTH look
20041221             at the claims made by Conton CURTIS, THE—VOTE—RIGGING whistleblower.
20041221             In particular, they take at look at 1—FASCINATING subsidiary issue:
20041221             Yang denies ever employing NEE, even though documentary evidence indicates otherwise.
20041221             I cannot help but compare THE—NEE /Yang affair to another simmering scandal:
20041221             ISRAEL—UPGRADING—OF—CHINA—WEAPONS—SYSTEMS, no doubt making use of USA—KNOW—HOW.
20041221             You'll want to read his comments here
20041221             —NOW I'm convinced.
20041221             Most people don't lie without good reason.
20041221             Here was 1—VETERAN—GOVERNMENT—SCIENTIST, whose DECADES—LONG—CAREER revolves —AROUND interpreting imagery like features of Mars,
20041221             who decided to say very publicly that, without reservation,
20041221             "He essentially put his HARD—WON reputation utterly on the line (not to mention his job) in doing so + certainly with little prospect that he might gain something as 1—RESULT, except,
20041221             as he put it, his preserved integrity".
20041221             —CALLED, Revkin also told me that —BEFORE Nelson, Broad, he had approached other media outlets as well.
20041221             —NOTICED, Harder still to believe that NO—1 in the media, THE—DICHOTOMOUS—REACTION—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE".
20041221             Remember the bulge? Remember how DAVID—LINDORFF reported that THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES was goin to report on the story —AFTER NASA scientist ROBERT—NELSON climbed on BOARD,
20041221             but the editors decided to kill it?
20041221             —CONFIRMED, Well, the "killing" has —NOW been : Unification Church
20041221             Unification Church, REVEREND—SUN—THIS page contains information THE—RICK—A—ROSS—INSTITUTE has gathered about the Unification Church.
20041221             VISIT—CHURCH—PISTOL—FIRM—EXPLOITS a Niche
20041221             Unification Church, REVEREND—SUN... Mintz.
20041221             —WANTED, We've always had problems with groups that, to seize control, wanted to keep us from drinking alcohol,
20041221             take drugs, have sex, do this, do that.
20041221             But we've never had, —UNTIL—NOW, 1—PRESSURE—GROUP take over the executive BRANCH—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT,
20041221             THE—2—BRANCHES—OF—CONGRESS and the judiciary.
20041221             —TURNED, We've been, into 1—CHRISTIAN nation —WHEN we're not 1.
20041221             —BASED, We're 1—DIVERSE nation, not, on ANY—RELIGION at all — SOME—PEOPLE are religious, SOME—ARE not.
20041221             The state is not religious — and this must be emphasized heavily,
20041221             because ANY—ATTEMPT to make it so is 1—ATTEMPT to overthrow the original republic, which is the aim of these people who say they want revolution.
20041221             As you'll remember, he wanted to have 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—CONVENTION—EVERY— 30—YEARS or so,
20041221             because, he said, "the earth belongs to the living".
20041221             —FAMED, THE—MARK—LEVINE interview with this, "vote fraud" whistleblower,
20041221             but 1—ARCHIVE—OF—THE—BROADCAST should soon appear here
20041221             —COBBLED, Steele has, together 1—PERSUASIVE report
20041221             —ON vote tampering. The closing words deserve quotation:
20041221             of THE—INCREASINGLY—DUBIOUS recount occurring in OHIO.
20041221             —PROVIDED, The machines are, by 1—COMPANY called Populex--
20041221             Yes, this is the same spooky fellow known for his links to the Carlyle
20041221             I've been trying to learn more about THE—PRESIDENT—OF—POPULEX, Sanford MORGANSTEIN.
20041221             —WORKED, In the past, MORGANSTEIN, for ROCKWELL COMMUNICATIONS, ITT + RCA.
20041221             Several other bigwigs in this company
20041221             And THE—DESCRIPTION—OF—THE—SYSTEM given here
20041221             —BY—COUNTING the most meagre FORM—OF—LIFE (existence) as the standard, indeed, as the general STANDARD—GENERAL because it is applicable to THE—MASS—OF—MEN.
20041221             The less you eat, drink and buy books; the less you go to the theatre;
20041221             the dance hall, the public house; Everything [XVI.2.]
20041221             and the glittering illusion about THE—NATURE—OF—WEALTH, blinded by sensual appearances, is confronted by the working, sober, prosaic, economical industrial
20041221             But nature too, taken abstractly, for itself--nature fixed in isolation from man--is nothing for man.
20041221             It goes without saying that the abstract thinker exists for the other person as the other exists for him, insofar as EACH—BECOMES 1—MEANS for the other.
20041221             The political economist reduces everything (—JUST "prototype of all unscientific doctrinairism.
20041221             —VERÄRGERT, Ölwirtschaft: Bush, über JUKOS—ZERSCHLAGUNG—WALL—STREET: Dow auf höchstem Stand
20041221             Dead MARINE—E—MAILS In Limbo
20041221             —YAHOO denies family access to slain soldier's E—MAIL
20041221             Fallen MICHIGAN MARINE—E—MAIL messages held up over a privacy issue (—YAHOO!)
20041221             —YAHOO denies family access to dead marine's E—MAIL
20041221             —BY, Stealth + Deception:
20041221             —ANNOUNCED, FEDERAL—OFFICIALS, that naproxen, 1—PAINKILLER sold by prescription and also over the counter as Aleve, might increase people's risk of having 1—HEART—ATTACK or stroke.
20041221             THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS told the Bowl Championship Series to stop using its college football poll to determine which teams would play for the national title and in the most prestigious bowl games.
20041221             —FINED, THE—NFL, JACKSONVILLE safety Donovin Darius $75,000 for 1—HIT across THE—NECK—OF—GREEN—BAY—ROBERT—FERGUSON that left the wide receiver temporarily paralyzed.
20041221             Siemens CEO—HEINRICH—VON—PIERER said his GERMANY—INDUSTRIAL conglomerate has signed a $2—BILLION deal to provide RUSSIA—NATIONAL—RAILWAY with 60—HIGH speed trains.
20041221             THE—INTERCITYEXPRESS (ICE) trains would —INITIALLY run between MOSCOW and S—PETERSBURG at speeds of up to 155—MILES per —HOUR.
20041221             They also will be used between S—PETERSBURG and HELSINKI—FINLAND, and between other large cities within RUSSIA.
20041221             —TABLED, INDIA—PARLIAMENT, the Employment Guarantee Act, which planned to give 1—MEMBER—OF—EVERY—POOR—FAMILY at least —100—DAYS—OF—WORK at minimum wage on public works projects.
20041221             UK—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR made 1—SURPRISE—VISIT to BAGHDAD, urging Iraqis to support national elections and describing violence here as a "battle between democracy and terror".
20041221             1—SUICIDE bombing on 1—BASE—NEAR—MOSUL killed 22—PEOPLE and wounded 72 at Forward Operating Base Marez as USA—SOLDIERS sat down to lunch.
20041221             Halliburton Co. lost 4—EMPLOYEES in the attack at the military base.
20041221             1—RADICAL—MUSLIM group, the Ansar AL—SUNNAH—ARMY, claimed responsibility.
20041221             2—FRANCE—REPORTERS held hostage —FOR—4—MONTHS in IRAQ were released.
20041221             —VOTED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL, unanimously to maintain economic SANCTIONS—AGAINST—LIBERIA but promised to review 1—BAN on diamond sales in —3—MONTHS and 1—BAN on timber exports in —6—MONTHS.
20041221             —TRIED, MOROCCO, to blot out STAINS—OF—PAST—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ABUSES with public testimony about tortures and disappearances in the Muslim kingdom.
20041221             —AGREED, SUDAN—GOVERNMENT and Darfur rebels, to formally end faltering talks.
20041221             —URGED, THE—AFRICAN—UNION, both sides to stop fighting so peace efforts could resume in January.
20041221             Save the Children UK is pulling out of the Darfur REGION—OF—SUDAN because 4—OF—ITS—WORKERS have been killed there.
20041221             —FROM THE—ABRAMS—REPORT -
20041221             —GEARBEITET, Curtis sagt, er habe für YANG—ENTERPRISES, wurde... Cleanup Crew — YANG—NON—RESPONSE to clinton curtis... is 1—SOFTWARE called Promis software, which was
200412210000 — 20050101             20041224             —DETERMINED, ISRAEL—EXPERTS have, THE—THUMB—SIZED object is 1—LOT older than believed, dating to the 13. or 13010101—14001231     BC, rather than to the 07010101—08001231     BC, which scholars say was —AROUND the time of Solomon.
20041221—19410406    —ON, the Division played 1—IMPORTANT—ROLE in the Invasion of GREECE.
20041221—19790000    —SINCE, Janes' Defense Weekly said THE—USA will assign serving military officers to its de facto embassy in TAIWAN for the 1. time in 1—REVERSAL—OF—1—LONGSTANDING policy.
20041221—19800000    —IN—THE, they use to do this is 1—SOFTWARE called Promis software, which was developed S,
20041221—19800000    —IN—THE, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN claims to have bled THE—SOVIET—UNION into bankruptcy as 1—ISLAMIC—GUERRILLA—FIGHTER in AFGHANISTAN S.
20041221—19800000    —IN—THE.. they use to do this is 1—SOFTWARE called Promis software, which was developed s, actually 19790000             , by BILL—HAMILTON and 1—FIRM called INSLAW, in [the...
20041221—19960000    —ARRESTED, PAKISTAN—POLICE, oo FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—BENAZIR—BHUTTO in THE—KILLING—OF—1—FORMER—JUDGE and his son, taking him back into custody —JUST —1—MONTH—AFTER he'd been freed on bail.
20041221—19980000    Global Terrorism: EUROPE Overview...
20041221—20000000    —IN, Crooks and Liars... Clint Curtis, 46, claims that he built the software for Feeney —WHILE working at 1—SOFWARE design + engineering company in OVIEDO—FLORIDA (Feeney 's...
20041221—20000000    —FROM, That is 1—TURNAROUND, —WHEN Bush got 47—PERCENT to Democrat AL—GORE—50—PERCENT.
20041221—20000000    —SINCE, Food stamp use is on rise across USA:, Gray and more than 6—MILLION—OTHER—AMERICANS have joined THE—RANKS—OF—THE—FAMILIES who find it increasingly difficult to perform 1—MOST basic FUNCTION—TO put food on their tables.
20041221—20010600    —SEIT, WALL—STREET: Dow auf höchstem Stand
20041221—20040700    —IN, Raw Print | HENRY—NEE : 1—BRAD—BLOG exclusive Hai Lin Nee (a/k/1—HENRY—NEE ), in 1—PLEA—AGREEMENT, where he stated that "he had only sent parts OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY 10 to 20—TIMES" in the...
20041221—20041200    Security News... received for 20040000             —THE—SUMMER—OLYMPIC—GAMES in ATHENS—GREECE, paid off...
20041221—20041200    The demobilization of 3,000 MEMBERS—OF—1—COLOMBIA—PARAMILITARY—GROUP represents an.
20041221—20050000    —YEAR, : The is —NOW less than —2—WEEKS away.
20041221—20050400    —BY, haul fleet.) —MEANWHILE, Lufthansa... UKRAINE PARLIAMENT Votes for Sweeping Electoral... FEDERAL—CORRUPTION: INSLAW—PROMIS—SOFTWARE—REALLY it's old...
20041226—20041221    THE—HYBRID—SERIES #10: Mastering Fear in the Face of Utter Demonic... the coattails of the tyrannical triad, not realizing... and 1—GAGGLE—OF—OTHER—DOMINIONISTS—NOW in..election"- with conventions, debates, ads, voting, the whole...
20050109             20041221             ICE ARMS & STRATEGIC TECHNOLOGY INVESTIGATIONS TING—IH Hsu...
20050119             20041221             Curtis sagt, er habe für YANG—ENTERPRISES gearbeitet, wurde... Cleanup Crew — YANG—NON—RESPONSE to clinton curtis... is 1—SOFTWARE called Promis software, which was
20050126             ".. N20041221             20050126             - 200312110124. - ".. N20041221             20050323             Homeland Security, Homeland Profits, by WAYNE—MADSEN, CorpWatch, 20011221             20050323             14: Broadening Our Perspectives of 20010911             — Footnotes... Homeland Security, Homeland Profits, by WAYNE—MADSEN, CorpWatch, 20011221             ...+ the committee's investigation of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro ( BNL ).
20050126             - 200312110124. - ".. N20041221             20050323             Homeland Security, Homeland Profits, by WAYNE—MADSEN, CorpWatch, 20011221             20050323             14: Broadening Our Perspectives of 20010911             — Footnotes... Homeland Security, Homeland Profits, by WAYNE—MADSEN, CorpWatch, 20011221             ...+ the committee's investigation of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro ( BNL ).
20050126             23. 11. - - 200312110124. - ".. N20041221             20050323             Homeland Security, Homeland Profits, by WAYNE—MADSEN, CorpWatch, 20011221             20050323             14: Broadening Our Perspectives of 20010911             — Footnotes... Homeland Security, Homeland Profits, by WAYNE—MADSEN, CorpWatch, 20011221             ...+ the committee's investigation of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro ( BNL ).
20050323             Homeland Security, Homeland Profits, by WAYNE—MADSEN, CorpWatch, 20011221
20051017—20061221    —VERWÜSTET, Ganz Landstriche sind, in GUATEMALA starben rund 2.0000—MENSCHEN.
20051101—20041221    to Combat Bioterror; Open DEMOCRACY—UKRAINE, GREECE & Loans scandal (S&L), THE—INSLAW—AFFAIR—INSLAW—PROMIS
20051221             Terrorermittlungen: Soldaten gaben sich als Journalisten aus...
20051221             entschied das Amtsgerichts BONN, dass die DFG die Gutachten auch weiterhin unter Verschluss halten darf (Aktenzeichen 9—C 390/05).
20051221             Is That 1—OF—BUSH—ARMS—ON—THE—FLOOR?
20051221             Bunch of Conservative FEDERAL—JUDGES to PRESIDENT—BUSH :
20051221             —DELIVERED, Bite Me: 1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT, 1—STUNNING rebuke to THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—TODAY, refusing to allow the transfer of JOSE—PADILLA from military custody to CIVIL—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—AUTHORITIES to face terrorism charges in criminal court.
20051221             (Snip) What made —TODAY—ACTION by THE—USA—COURT—OF—APPEALS for the 4. Circuit in RICHMOND—VIRGINIA, so startling, lawyers and others said, was that it came from 1—PANEL—OF—JUDGES who had provided the administration with 1—MAJOR—COURT—VICTORY—IN—SEPTEMBER, saying that PRESIDENT—BUSH had the authority to detain MISTER—PADILLA, 1—USA—CITIZEN, as 1—ENEMY combatant.
20051221             You know, if you poke the tiger in the cage enough times you (A) start to think that the tiger has no claws or teeth + (B) eventually get scratched/bit/dismembered.
20051221             Don't piss on (or off) THE—FEDERAL—JUDGES, no matter what party they are in.
20051221             I know that RIGHT—WING nutjobs constantly try to connect the jihadist movement with communism.
20051221             That's because RIGHT—WING nutjobs are incapable of learning the basic FACTS—OF—HISTORY.
20051221             1—OF—THOSE facts is this:
20051221             THE—SALAFIST—MOVEMENT (AL—QAEDA is 1—OUTGROWTH—OF—SALAFISM) is closely allied to the Muslim Brotherhood, which had stood against Nasserism,
20051221             which was the last major Arab political movement to display ANY—SYMPATHY for ANY—VARIETY—OF—SOCIALISM.
20051221             Die gesundheitsschädigende Wirkung von Staubpartikeln in der Luft hängt neben ihrer Zusammensetzung auch von ihrer Größe ab, wobei PM-2,5 aufgrund der geringen Teilchengröße als besonders gefährlich gelten.
20051221             In der EU gelten für Teilchen dieser Größe bislang noch keine Grenzwerte, wohl aber in den USA.
20051221             Die durchschnittliche Jahresmenge darf dort 15—TAUSENDSTEL Gramm pro Kubikmeter Luft nicht überschreiten.
20051221             Diesen Grenzwert hatten die Forscher bei ihrer Studie an Mäusen eingehalten:
20051221             An —5—TAGEN—IN—DER—WOCHE atmeten die Tiere mehrere —STUNDEN lang Luft ein, deren Staubkonzentration typisch für NEW—YORK, aber noch gesetzlich erlaubt ist.
20051221             —NACH—6—MONATEN waren die Arterien der Tiere zu 19 % mit Ablagerungen gefüllt.
20051221             Bei einer Kontrollgruppe, die nur staubfreie Luft eingeatmet hatte, lag der Wert dagegen bei 13 %.
20051221             Deutlicher war der Effekt bei Tieren, die anstelle normalen Futters während der gesamten Studiendauer sehr fettreiche Nahrung bekommen hatten:
20051221             Deren Arterien waren zu über 41 % verstopft, wenn die Tiere wiederholt Schmutzpartikel eingeatmet hatten + zu etwa 26 % unter staubfreien Bedingungen.
20051221             Ölförderung in ALASKA: USA—SENATOREN blockieren Abstimmung
20051221             Terrorermittlungen: Soldaten gaben sich als Journalisten aus
20051221             —GEWUSST, Terrorismus: BKA soll von Foltervorwürfen, haben
20051221             Nichtstaatliche Organisationen: RUSSLAND verschärft Kontrolle
20051221             Prozess: Saddam wirft Amerikanern Folter vor
20051221             Herzleiden: Feinstaub —SCHON in kleinen Mengen schädlich
20051221             Atom: IRAN besteht auf URAN—ANREICHERUNG im eigenen Land
20051221             Strafrechtler Schünemann zu MANNESMANN—PROZESS: "Es kann —NUN keinen faulen Frieden mehr geben"
20051221             Streik: NEW—YORK im Ausnahmezustand
20051221             Vogelgrippe: Ölscheichs bangen um ihre JAGDFALKEN—SPRACHFORSCHUNG: Fluchen tut gut
20051221             MANNESMANN—PROZESS: Wie der BGH die Freisprüche zerpflückte
20051221             POLIT—DRAMA "Genua 01": Protest, ein starkes Stück
20051221             Verändertes Erbgut: Zivilisation formt den Menschen
20051221             Begrenzte Freude: Wirtschaftsinstitute erhöhen Prognosen
20051221             Tschetschenien: Mysteriöse Massenerkrankung bedroht Schulkinder
20051221             —VERMUTET, Mannesmann: BGH, Untreue bei Ackermann, Zwickel und Funk
20051221             FASCHISTEN—GRUß: Berlusconi hält zu Di Canio
20051221             Prozess: Saddam will lieber beten als zuhören
20051221             Wahlsieger: Boliviens neuer PRÄSIDENT—NENNT—BUSH—TERRORIST
20051221             Naturgewalten: Seebeben erschüttert INDONESIEN
20051221             NSA—AFFÄRE: USA—RICHTER tritt wegen Bush s Lauschangriffen zurück
20051221             Vereinte Nationen: Neue UNO—KOMMISSION soll Krisenstaaten Frieden bringen
20051221             Terror: Rumsfeld glaubt nicht mehr an Einfluss Bin Ladens auf AL—QAIDA
20051221             Metropole im Ausnahmezustand: New Yorker Nahverkehr setzt Streik FORT—WORLD Finance Corporation holdings
20051221             "—WHILE we usually THINK—OF—CORRUPTION in relation to police officers on the street and local prosecutors, the drug war has managed to offer incentives for corruption that reach to the very highest LEVELS—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT.
20051221             —INDEED, It is, ironic that the very AGENCIES—OF—GOVERNMENT who are beating the drums loudest in THE—WAR—ON—DRUGS have also established 1—INFAMOUS—RECORD—OF accepting assistance from and providing logistical support to some of the largest drug trafficking syndicates in the world.
20051221             Consider the —FOLLOWING examples (Chambliss and Block, 19810000             ;
20051221             Lernoux, 19840000             ;
20051221             Lyman and Potter, 19990000             ;
20051221             McCoy, 19720000             ; Mills, 19860000             ;
20051221             Simon, 19980000             ): For more than —3—DECADES THE—USA—GOVERNMENT has directly supported THE—OPIUM—GROWING warlords of the Golden Triangle in SOUTH—EAST—ASIA.
20051221             Not only does the government provide them with military assistance and arms under the guise of fighting communism, but it has also protected corrupt governments, such as that of THAILAND, which nurture the heroin industry.
20051221             —IMMEDIATELY followingWWI.
20051221             I, THE—OSS, predecessor to THE—CIA struck 1—DEAL with Corsican organized crime groups in Marseilles to break 1—DOCKWORKERS strike which was impeding FRANCE—EFFORTS to put down 1—REBELLION in the colony of VIETNAM.
20051221             In return the Corsicans were given carte blanche to refine heroin in Marseilles and import to THE—USA.
20051221             THE—RESULT—OF—THIS deal was the infamous FRANCE—CONNECTION.
20051221             —DURING THE—VIETNAM war and for SOME—TIME thereafter, CIA—FUNDED LAOS—TRIBESMEN were used to refine opium poppies into heroin.
20051221             1—CIA—FRONT—COMPANY, Air AMERICA, was used to transport the heroin OUT—OF—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA.
20051221             —HELPED, THE—CIA has, to establish MONEY—LAUNDERING facilities for THE—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—HEROIN connection.
20051221             —ESTABLISHED, THE—NUGAN—HAND—BANK, in AUSTRALIA 19730000             , laundered funds for both THE—CIA and THE—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—HEROIN traffickers.
20051221             CIA associates in the Caribbean, including the paymaster for THE—ILL—FATED Bay of Pigs invasion, played key roles in THE—OPERATIONS—OF—CASTLE—BANK, 1—FLORIDA money laundry for organized crime's drug money.
20051221             Another FLORIDA bank with strong INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY—CONNECTIONS, THE—BANK—OF—PERRINE, has been used by THE—COLOMBIA—CARTELS to launder money from their burgeoning cocaine business.
20051221             —ORGANIZED, THE—CIA +, crime played 1—KEY—ROLE in establishing and operating the World Finance Corporation, 1—FLORIDA—BASED company involved in laundering drug money and supporting terrorist activities in the early 1970s.
20051221             —CLAIMED, MEXICO—HEROIN magnate ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON not only, to have been 1—CIA—AGENT operating on orders from WASHINGTON but also had access to classified CIA documents and had 1—CHIEF enforcer with CIA ties.
20051221             —OPERATED, The world's largest opium merchant, Chang CHI—FU, as 1—CIA 'client.'
20051221             Another heroin TSAR, Li WEN—HUAN, was given direct financial and logistical assistance by THE—CIA.
20051221             A 3. major heroin trafficker, Lu HUS—SHUI, was protected from 1—DRUG—ENFORCEMENT—ADMINISTRATION—INVESTIGATION on orders from THE—CIA.
20051221             —PROVIDED, In the 1980s, THE—CIA, assistance to the mujahadeen rebels fighting 1—CIVIL—WAR in AFGHANISTAN.
20051221             —SUPPLIED, As PART—OF—THE—EFFORT, USA, funds, supplies + technical assistance were used to RE—OPEN the heroin pipeline out of AFGHANISTAN through PAKISTAN which had been severed —DURING the war.
20051221             —BLOCKED, THE—CIA effectively, 1—MAJOR—DEA INVESTIGATION—OF—DRUG trafficking and money laundering by MANUEL—NORIEGA in PANAMA + THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT blocked 1—INVESTIGATION targeting the government of THE—BAHAMAS, —AFTER evidence was developed that the government drug traffickers were making 1—DEAL to use the islands as 1—SAFE—HAVEN for both drugs and money.
20051221             In the 1980s, USA—GOVERNMENT—INTELLIGENCE—AGENTS working with THE—NICARAGUA—CONTRAS in 1—ATTEMPT to overthrow the government of NICARAGUA
20051221             (1) solicited funds for the operation from THE—MEDELLIN—CARTEL;
20051221             (2) provided logistical air support for cocaine flights to USA + allowed the cartels use of contra landing strips in COSTA—RICA;
20051221             (3) arranged State department payments to companies owned by drug traffickers, ostensibly as PART—OF—1—HUMANITARIAN—RELIEF—OPERATION;
20051221             AND—ALLOWED the contras to deal in large quantities of cocaine themselves.
20051221             —REVEALED, Recent investigations have, that 1—SIZEABLE—PORTION—OF—THE cocaine being sold to LOS—ANGELES—BASED street gangs for the production of crack came from the contras".
20051221             CRJ 875: Crime and Public Policy
20051221             Module 5: THE—FAILURE—OF—DRUG—CONTROL—POLICIES
20051221             GARY—W—POTTER, Professor, Criminal Justice and Police Studies EAST—KENTUCKY University
20051221             Pipe Dreams: THE—CIA, Drugs + the Media
20051221             Drugs and THE—FINANCING—OF—USA Sponsored CONFLICT—CLICK here
20051221             "In Chambliss' view governments often engage in smuggling (arms and drugs), assassination conspiracies, terrorist acts + other crimes in order to further their foreign policy objectives...
20051221             In this section [of this UNIVERSITY—COURSE] we will examine THE—ISSUE—OF—STATE—ORGANIZED crime as it relates to THE—USA...
20051221             In recent years, intelligence agencies in THE—USA—HAVE sought and received assistance from drug traffickers.
20051221             —WHILE it is, of course, outrageously hypocritical for 1—GOVERNMENT waging 1—DRUG—WAR against its own citizens to seek assistance from drug traffickers, it is not surprising...
20051221             —PLAYED, In the early 1970s, THE—CIA and organized crime, 1—KEY—ROLE in establishing and operating the World Finance Corporation, 1—FLORIDA—BASED company involved in laundering drug money + supporting terrorist activities (Lernoux, 19840000             )... There is precious little difference between those people who society designates as respectable + law abiding + those people society castigates as hoodlums + thugs.
20051221             The world of corporate finance and corporate capital is as criminogenic and probably more criminogenic than ANY—POVERTY—WRACKED slum neighborhood...
20051221             In the everyday LANGUAGE—OF—THE—POLICE, the press + popular opinion, 'organized crime' refers to 1—TIGHTLY knit GROUP—OF—PEOPLE, usually alien + often Italian, that run 1—CRIME—BUSINESS structured
20051221             along the lines of feudal relationships.
20051221             This conception bears little relationship to the reality of organized crime —TODAY... "
20051221             Module 9: STATE—ORGANIZED Crime as 1—CASE—STUDY—OF—CRIMINAL—POLICY
20051221             GARY—W—POTTER, Professor, Criminal Justice and Police STUDIES—THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—CRIMINAL—JUSTICE and Police STUDIES—EAST—KENTUCKY University
20051221             "The men who perfected THE—GUNS—FOR—DOPE traffic moved to THE—MIDDLE—EAST as experts in the sale of sophisticated arms, protected by officials at the top in the Pentagon and CIA.
20051221             —NOW the key Pentagon official in COUNTER—TERROR + covert operations-
20051221             is named consistently by investigators as the man who helped the drug warlords market their crops...
20051221             The most prominent name recurring in this [CIA drug tafficking] connection is VICE—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH.
20051221             —WHILE he was CIA director, much of these activities blossomed, but more serious charges are being made by former intelligence officers, who fear that their institutions have been corrupted by 1—FEW—SELF—PROCLAIMED patriots".
20051221             BANK—OF—INTRIGUE
20051221             "Wir müssen uns der Überlegenheit unserer Zivilisation bewusst sein, die aus Prinzipien und Werten besteht, die einen breiten Wohlstand für die Allgemeinheit gebracht haben.
20051221             Der Westen wird weiterhin Völker erobern, so wie es ihm gelungen ist, die kommunistische Welt und einen TEIL—DER—ISLAMISCHEN—WELT zu erobern, aber ein anderer Teil davon ist um 14000000             E zurückgeblieben.
20051221             Die westliche Gesellschaft hat Werte wie Freiheitsliebe, die FREIHEIT—DER—VÖLKER und des Einzelnen, die sicherlich nicht zum Erbgut anderer Zivilisationen, wie der islamischen, gehören.".
20051221             (Silvio Berlusconi)
20051221             —MITTE der Siebziger —JAHRE, als sich Berlusconi vom Bauunternehmertum dem Mediengeschäft zuwandte, trat er dem Geheimbund "Propaganda Due" (P2 ) bei,
20051221             was er später natürlich bestritt, doch aufgrund vorliegender Beweise dafür wegen Meineids verurteilt wurde.
20051221             Dank einer allgemeinen Amnestie wurde ihm die Bestrafung allerdings erlassen.
20051221             Der P-2-Fall ist einer der am besten dokumentierten Verschwörungsfälle der jüngeren Zeit -
20051221             angesichts des kometenhaften Wiederaufstiegs des neuen Duce Berlusconi sind EINIGE—BEOBACHTER sogar der Meinung,
20051221             dass er immer noch läuft.
20051221             Zu den TOP—NAZIS, die über die Rattenlinie und Genouds Netzwerk —NACH—DEM Krieg in sicheren Häfen untergebracht wurden, gehörten nicht nur Figuren wie ADOLF—EICHMANN, KLAUS—BARBIE oder OBERST—RUDEL, sondern auch der ITALIENISCHE—FASCHIST und SS—MANN Licio Gelli (geb.
20051221             Für die DEUTSCHEN—TERROR—FACHLEUTE vom Schlage der "Bestie" Barbie fand sich in der Folge beim Aufbau bzw. der Destabilisierung diverser südamerikanischer Länder reichlich VERWENDUNG—VIELE—DER—UNTER—DER—PATRONAGE—DER—CIA ausgerüsteten "Befreiungskrieger", Todesschwadronen und "Contras" wurden von deutschen "Profis" geschult.
20051221             Gelli ging —ANFANG der 70er —JAHRE nach ITALIEN zurück und soll dort P2 gegründet haben, um in einem "weißen Staatsstreich" die Macht in ITALIEN zu ÜBERNEHMEN—ALS der Coup 19810000             aufflog, wurde in seinem Haus die P2 -Mitgliederliste gefunden, in der 43—REGIERUNGS—UND Parlamentsmitglieder, rund 900—HOHE Beamte, führende Offiziere der Streitkräfte, der Nachrichtendienste sowie Führungskräfte aus Medien, Industrie und Banken verzeichnet WAREN—DARUNTER mit der NUMBER 18160000             auch Silvio Berlusconi.
20051221             1—DER—TOP P2 -Mitglieder, der Bankier ROBERTO—CALVI, wurde kurz darauf unter erhängt unter einer Londoner Brücke GEFUNDEN—SPÄTER fand man heraus, dass der "Bankier Gottes" über seine "Banco Ambrosiano" und die Vatikanbank (IOR) eine große Waschanlage für MAFIA—UND Drogengelder betrieben hatte.
20051221             Unter den zahlreichen Banken und Scheinbanken, die Calvi weltweit gegründet hatte, befand sich auch die CISALPINE—BANK auf den BAHAMAS, als deren 2. Haupteigentümer ERZ—BISCHOF—PAUL—MARCINKUS—VON—DER—VATIKANBANK eingetragen war.
20051221             Die Cisalpine war 19810000             in der Gerichtsverhandlung gegen die "World Finance Corporation " (WFC ) anrüchig geworden, einer BANK—IN—MIAMI, deren Leiter, ein "ehemaliger" CIA—AGENT, angeklagt war, Geld aus dem Kokainhandel südamerikanischer Diktatoren gewaschen zu haben + zwar über das "Schwarze Loch" des CALVI—MARCINKUS—P2 -Konsortiums.
20051221             Die Autorin BENNY—LERNOUX ("In Banks we trust"), die den Fall recherchiert hat, geht davon aus, dass P2 der Hauptfinanzkanal faschistischer Regime in Lateinamerika war.
20051221             Diese enge Verknüpfung mit den netten Hurensöhnen der USA—AUßENPOLITIK erklärt dann auch, warum Michele SINDONA—PARTNER—VON—CALVI und Gelli im GELDWÄSCHE—GESCHÄFT—BEIM Inaugurationsball von PRÄSIDENT—NIXON geladen war und Gelli höchstselbst Gast bei selbigem Ball zur Inauguration RONALD—REAGANS.
20051221             —GENANNT, Dass die Mafia auch "Ehrenwerte Gesellschaft", wird, hatte mit der Liste von zu schützenden Mitgliedern der "ehrenwerten Gesellschaft" Italiens zu tun, die New Yorker Mafiosi den USA—GEHEIMDIENSTEN übergaben, als sie mit ihnen zum Zwecke der USA—INVASION in ITALIEN 19440000             zusammenarbeiteten.
20051221             —NACHDEM die wildgewordenen "Hurensöhne" Hitler und Mussolini gestoppt waren, baute sich die CIA über die Mafia und den Vatikan einen neuen ANTI—KOMMUNISTISCHEN Einflusskanal auf, der in den terroristischen 70er —JAHREN u.a. mit zahlreichen Bombenattentaten aktiv wurde, die dank falscher Spuren den "Roten Brigaden" angelastet wurden.
20051221             2—TÄTER erhielten lebenslänglich, ihre Auftraggeber kamen mit jeweils —10—JAHREN davon: der P-2-Großmeister Licio Gelli und seine rechte Hand, der CIA—AGENT, FRANCESCO—PAZIENZA,
20051221             Auch wenn es dafür keinen Beweis gibt scheinen die jüngsten Bombenattentate in Genua und Venedig, die zum Anlass wurden, die ANTI—GLOBLASIERUNGS—DEMONSTRANTEN brutal anzugreifen, doch ganz die Handschrift dieser typischen, ITALO—AMERIKANISCHEN—COUNTER—INTELLIGENCE—OPERATIONEN zu tragen.
20051221             Zumal mit Berlusconi ein gelehriger Schüler Gellis —JETZT an den Schalthebeln der Medien und der Macht sitzt.
20051221             Diebold Rejected by S—LOUIS—COUNTY, MO!
20051221             Lobbyist Inquires Into BRAD—BLOG and 1—FAMILY—MEMBER!
20051221             Diebold Withdraws from NORTH—CAROLINA! (Again)
20051221             Refuses to Meet STATE—LAW—REQUIRING—SOURCE—CODE—INSPECTION by State
20051221             Missing Black Boxes in WTC Attacks Found 1—OF—THE—MOST important news items to emerge in SOME—TIME.
20051221             NPR USA—NEWS—JACK—ABRAMOFF, 1—REPUBLICAN lobbyist under criminal investigation for bribe ry, is said to be negotiating with FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS.
20051221             1—LAWYER on the Abramoff team said he could not comment on the reports, which have appeared in the Associated Press and othe
20051221             Lobbyist Abramoff May Make Plea Deal
20051221             Lobbyist Is Said to Discuss Plea and Testimony
20051221             NEW—YORK—TIMES—THE—DEAL would grant JACK—ABRAMOFF 1—SHORTER—SENTENCE in exchange for his testimony against former political associates.
20051221             Newspapers to drop columnist who took CASH—DIEBOLD Rejected by S—LOUIS—COUNTY, MO!
20051221             Missing Black Boxes in WTC Attacks Found
20051221             —STOPPED, THE—USA—SENATE, 1—BID by TED—STEVENS, ALASKA—REPUBLICAN—SEN., on 1—MEASURE for oil drilling in THE—ARCTIC—NATIONAL—WILDLIFE Refuge in THE—USA—MILITARY spending bill.
20051221             —FORCED, Senators also, through a —5-MONTH EXTENSION—OF—KEY—PROVISIONS—OF—THE—PATRIOT—ACT.
20051221             —KILLED, The move effectively, 1—COMPROMISE that would have made permanent 14—OF 16—PROVISIONS.
20051221             The —NEXT—DAY—SENATORS cut the extension to —5—WEEKS.
20051221             —ANNOUNCED, USA—ENERGY—SECRETARY—SAMUEL—BODMAN, that THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA would retain MANAGEMENT—OF—THE—NEW—MEXICO Los Alamos nuclear weapons lab in a —7-YEAR, $512—MILLION—CONTRACT in 1—CONSORTIUM that includes Bechtel Corp.
20051221             —TRUDGED, MILLIONS—OF—NEW—YORKERS, to work in another BONE—CHILLING commute without subways and buses as 1—TRANSIT—STRIKE entered its 2. —DAY.
20051221             —SUGGESTED, The transit union, it would be willing to end the strike if 1—PLAN to change workers' pensions were dropped.
20051221             MARYLAND, 2—OFF—DUTY—BALTIMORE police officers were shot to death at 1—SUBURBAN townhouse in Randallstown by 1—STATE—OFFICER for THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—GENERAL—SERVICES.
20051221             —SURRENDERED, EUGENE—VICTOR—PERRY—JUNIOR, —33—JAHRE—ALT, shortly —AFTER the shootings.
20051221             1—OF—THE—VICTIMS was his former fiancee.
20051221             AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI said the coming reduction in USA—TROOP—LEVELS should have no harmful effect on AFGHANISTAN—SECURITY.
20051221             Hallam Tennyson (85), THE—GREAT—GRANDSON—OF—POET ALFRED—LORD—TENNYSON, was found stabbed to death at his LONDON apartment.
20051221             —VOTED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, unanimously to maintain diamond and timber SANCTIONS—AGAINST—LIBERIA but said it will lift the embargoes —WHEN the country's new government ends illicit trade in its valuable resources.
20051221             GEORGE—WEAH, the loser of LIBERIA—1. postwar presidential elections, dropped his legal CHALLENGE—OF—THE—RESULTS, saying he would accept the outcome in the interest of national reconciliation.
20051221             —ANNOUNCED, NIGERIA, ANGLO—HOLLAND—OIL—GIANT—SHELL, the closure of a 3. flowstation, —FOLLOWING the alleged sabotage of 1—PIPELINE, bringing 1—LOSS in crude oil production to 180,000 barrels per —DAY (bpd).
20051221             —DECLARED, PERU—PRESIDENT, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY in 6—JUNGLE provinces and promised to stamp out the nation's remaining Shining Path guerrillas —AFTER suspected rebels killed 8—POLICE—OFFICERS in 1—AMBUSH.
20051221             RUSSIA—FAR—EAST, authorities in KHABAROVSK cut off water to its 10,000—PEOPLE as 1—TOXIC slick from 1—CHEMICAL—PLANT—EXPLOSION in CHINA floated downriver.
20051221             —CONDEMNED, THE—UN and THE—AFRICA—UNION, 1—ATTACK on 1—VILLAGE in SUDAN—WEST—DARFUR region in which camel and HORSE—RIDING assailants killed 20—CIVILIANS and burned their huts.
20051221             —SENTENCED, UZBEKISTAN courts, 42—PEOPLE to between 12 and —20—YEARS in prison in connection with the May uprising in THE—EAST—CITY—OF—ANDIJAN, which was brutally suppressed by government troops.
20051221             Unter den homosexuellen Paaren, die am erstmöglichen —TAG in GROSSBRITANNIEN 1—EINGETRAGENE—PARTNERSCHAFT eingehen, befindet sich Popstar ELTON—JOHN mit seinem PARTNER—DAVID—FURNISH.
20051221—19800802    —AM, So auch der Höhepunkt der Terrorserie, der Bombenanschlag auf den Bahnhof von BOLOGNA, der 85—TOTE und 200—VERLETZTE hinterließ.
20051221—19951100    —IM, Die wahren Hintermänner wurden —ERST verurteilt.
20051221—19980500    —IN, 1—INTERNATIONAL—PANEL, formed to resolve disputes between ERITREA and ETHIOPIA, said ERITREA violated INTERNATIONAL law —WHEN it invaded THE—NORTH—OF—ETHIOPIA.
20060422             THE—EARTH—BROKEN crust is constantly shifting...20060422             —TUESDAY, 20041221             .
20060422             —TUESDAY, 20041221             .
20061218             —ADMITTED, In February 20060000             Sharp, that he and Randy LEE—REEDER, —50—JAHRE—ALT killed 4—MEN 20061218—20061221    —BETWEEN for stealing metal that he and Reeder had collected to sell for salvage.
20061221             1—TORONTO—BASED film director who is completing 1—TELEVISION—
20061221             —INFORMED, Lord Russel, THE—PRESIDENT—GLIGOROV about the current preoccupations + ACTIVITIES—OF—THE—COUNCIL—OF—EUROPE + its efforts for improvement of the...ZERBAIJAN Democratic Reforms Party " 20060109             20070100             ICH Daily 20070109—20140109     20050000             FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JAMES—A—BAKER—III, 1—ARCHITECT—OF—THE—USA—WAR... Lynn Woolsey of Petaluma called on PRESIDENT—BUSH—ON—WEDNESDAY to begin the...
20061221             —BY—WILLIAM—FISHER 20061219             —5—YEARS—AFTER the terrorist attacks of 20010911             ,
20061221             Lawrence in PARIS—TE LAWRENCE—STUDIES—LIST—RE—GEORGE—HOFFMAN—QUERY—OF—20060305              about where Lawrence stayed in PARIS —DURING the Peace Conference : The letter to his FAMILY—OF—JAN.
20061221             Re GEORGE—HOFFMAN—QUERY—OF—20060305              about where Lawrence stayed in PARIS —DURING the Peace Conference : The letter to his FAMILY—OF—JAN.
20061221             ROBERTO—MARTÍNEZ, Prensa Libre, 20000427             , GUATEMALA—CITY
20061221             2005060210 - " Necessity is the plea for EVERY—INFRINGEMENT—OF—HUMAN—FREEDOM. It is the argument of tyrants, it is THE—CREED—OF—SLAVES ".
20061221             WILLIAM—PITT speech to the House
20061221             Killed in action 19170928             .
20061221             - 'Hibernating' Man Survives —FOR—3—WEEKS
20061221   —WHO—TOUGH on TEHRAN?
20061221             Forschung und Werbung: Die RUCKSACK—CONNECTION—
20061221             —CHARGED, THE—USA—MARINE—CORP., 4—MARINES at Camp Pendleton with multiple COUNTS—OF—MURDER for 20051119             —THE, slayings of 2—DOZEN—CIVILIANS in HADITHA—IRAQ.
20061221             Explosivos de BURGOS (EDB), Fabricaciones Extremeñas (FAEX),
20061221             1—MAN who went missing in WEST—JAPAN survived in NEAR—FREEZING weather without food and water for over —3—WEEKS by falling into 1—STATE—SIMILAR to hibernation, doctors said.
20061221             Meditation changes temperatures
20061221             Mind controls body in extreme experiments. Cool article.
20061221             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX
20061221             UN approves AL—QAEDA appeal list : THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL has voted unanimously to approve 1—APPEAL—PROCEDURE for people and groups subject to sanctions because of suspected ties to AL—QAEDA and AFGHANISTAN—FORMER—TALIBAN rulers.
20061221             True Solidarity in a Cold World:
20061221             HUGO—CHAVEZ is 'Black' Santa Claus for USA Poor
20061221             MEXICO—SOLDIERS Freelancing for Drug Cartels on USA—SOIL : GUN—TOTING MEMBERS—OF—THE—MEXICO—MILITARY are crossing regularly into USA—TERRITORY, where they are partnering with drug cartels and criminal gangs to protect sophisticated smuggling operations, according to TEXAS sheriffs and lawmakers.
20061221             1—SUBPOENA in SERVICE—OF—SECRECY:
20061221             —LEAKED, WHITE—HOUSE—ATTEMPT to retrieve 1, document is unprecedented
20061221             Report Reveals 2.2—MILLION—BORROWERS Face Foreclosure on Subprime Home Loans : 1—NEW—CENTER for Responsible Lending (CRL) study reveals that 2.2—MILLION—USA—HOUSEHOLDS will lose their homes and as much as $164—BILLION due to foreclosures in the subprime mortgage market.
20061221             IRAN, CHINA sign $16b gas deal : IRAN and CHINA—BIGGEST offshore oil producer, CNOOC, have signed 1—MEMORANDUM of understanding worth more than 16—BILLION dollars to develop 1—GIANT—NATURAL—GAS—FIELD, the Fars news agency reported —THURSDAY.
20061221             RUSSIA—LUKOIL starts drilling in VENEZUELA : RUSSIA—OIL—COMPANY—LUKOIL started drilling the 1. out of 17—WELLS at "Junín 3," 1—BLOC—OF—HEAVY—OIL located in Orinoco belt, SOUTH—VENEZUELA.
20061221             —EVACUATED, Shell families, in NIGERIA : Royal HOLLAND—SHELL is evacuating the dependants of its expatriate staff from THE—NIGER—DELTA—AFTER fighters planted 1—CAR—BOMB in 1—RESIDENTIAL compound —EARLIER in the —WEEK.
20061221             Syria in BUSH—CROSS—HAIRS: Exclusive:
20061221             1 classified document suggests the Administration is considering 1—PLAN to fund political opposition to THE—DAMASCUS government.
20061221             —UNWARRANTED, SOME—CRITICS say it would be 1, covert ACTION—USA, UK—WARSHIPS to head for gulf:
20061221             THE—USA + BRITAIN will begin moving additional warships and strike aircraft into the Persian Gulf region in 1—DISPLAY—OF—MILITARY resolve toward IRAN that would come as THE—UNITED—NATIONS debates possible sanctions against the country
20061221             Bush: No Direct Talks with IRAN: "If they want to sit down with us for THE—GOOD—OF—THE—IRAN—PEOPLE, they ought to verifiably suspend their program," he said.
20061221             "We have made that clear to them. It is obvious to them how to move forward".
20061221             Ahmadinejad derides Bush for baseless accusations against IRAN:
20061221             "It is —27—YEARS that THE—USA + BRITAIN have stood against our nation to stop national progress but they failed".
20061221             —IMPOSED, SADDAM—DEFEAT—DURING—8—YEARS—OF, war (19800000—19880000) is 1—GOOD—EXAMPLE to THE—USA—HOSTILITY to IRAN—NATION, he pointed out.
20061221             —LAMBASTED, IRAN rejects Blair's "hateful" criticism : IRAN, 1—CALL by PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR for Middle Eastern countries to form 1—ALLIANCE against TEHRAN.
20061221             War Crimes Report Advertised In THE—MILITARY—TIMES—NEWSPAPERS : "We felt that the people who are ordered to fight in IRAQ + those who support USA—PRESENCE—IRAQ, ought to KNOW—OF—THE—OPPORTUNITY to learn about THE—MANY—WAYS in which THE—USA has violated and continues to violate INTERNATIONAL law there," said NICK—MOTTERN, DIRECTOR—OF—CONSUMERSFORPEACE_org, PUBLISHER—OF—THE—WAR—CRIMES—REPORT.
20061221             Suicide rate spikes among troops sent to IRAQ war :
20061221             —DEPLOYED, The suicide rate among troops, for THE—IRAQ war reached its highest point —LAST—YEAR—SINCE 20030000             —THE invasion, according to 1—ARMY—MENTAL—HEALTH—STUDY released —TUESDAY.
20061221             —TORTURED, Navy vet says he was, by USA—FORCES: Suit filed against Rumsfeld : - 1—NAVY—VETERAN from CHICAGO says he was detained and tortured by USA—FORCES in BAGHDAD without being charged.
20061221             —ACCUSED—OF, Flouting THE—LAWS—OF—WAR: DAVID—HICKS has been, SOME—ILL—DEFINED war crimes.
20061221             —PROMOTED, But is he THE—VICTIM—OF—1—POLICY, by THE—AUSTRALIA—GOVERNMENT that is itself 1—WAR—CRIME?
20061221             Pentagon wants $99.7—BILLION more for IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN: The military's request, if embraced by PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH + approved by Congress,
20061221             would boost —THIS—YEAR—BUDGET for those wars to about $170—BILLION.
20061221             —BRAINWASHED, Bush '' Blair on IRAQ PULLOUT—IRAQ VP: - UK—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR was in favor of announcing 1—TIMETABLE to pull troops out of IRAQ, but was "brainwashed" out of it by PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, IRAQ—VICE—PRESIDENT said.
20061221             USA—OCCUPATION—FORCES—SQUAD—LEADER Charged in Killings Of 24—IRAQ—CIVILIANS:
20061221             —CHARGED, Squad leader, in killings of 24—IRAQ—CIVILIANS;
20061221             —EXPECTED, More Marines, to be CHARGED—TARGET—IRAN - This Is 1—MUST—LISTEN
20061221             And prove to me, AMERICA, that you CARE—AND prove to me, AMERICA, you're aware
20061221             WHO—DYING for your freedom in this land
20061221             Who pays the cost for the liberties you demand.
20061221             Dead On ARRIVAL—THE—NIST 20010911             Report on THE—WTC—COLLAPSE—BY MARK—H—GAFFNEY
20061221             GREG—PALAST—INVESTIGATES: In NEW—ORLEANS, —1—YEAR—LATER, Nothing Much Has Happened,
20061221             BOB—HERBERT: NEW—ORLEANS, the Open WOUND—OF—AMERICA
20061221             —FROM THE—UPI: " 1—NEW—REPORT published —MONDAY documents grim confirmation of the most pessimistic assessments we have made in these columns over the rapidly deteriorating situation in IRAQ —DURING the past —10—MONTHS".
20061221             Unhappy Holiday: USA—DEATHS in IRAQ Could Top 20010911             Toll On Christmas
20061221             It's the Stunted Adolescent, Bush, Vs. the Pentagon, Vs. THE—USA—PEOPLE, Vs. Reality.
20061221             He Should be Removed From Office, Tried + Given Intensive Psychotherapy in Prison.
20061221             Jeb Says He Has No Future.
20061221             Is "Brand" Bush Going Bankrupt?
20061221             Enough is Enough: Send Bush, Cheney and the Twins to the Front Lines.
20061221             We Have 1—SOCIOPATH—RUNNING—OUR—GOVERNMENT: "Bush said —WEDNESDAY he is considering 1—INCREASE in USA—FORCES and warned that —NEXT—YEAR will bring more painful USA—LOSSES".
20061221             —DAMNED, THE—MORE—THINGS—CHANGE, THE—MORE—THEY—STAY—THE—SAME: "We need to make, sure that the neighbors understand that we're going to be here for 1—LONG—TIME, here being the Persian Gulf," said Gates.
20061221             —COMMENTED, Crazy Quite 1—FEW have, on GEORGE—BUSH—APPARENT—INSTABILITY.
20061221             JOY—TOMME argues + I agree, that W is crazy to ask for another $170—BILLION for this war.
20061221             —DEMANDED, However, I posit that the Saudis may have, this proposed "surge".
20061221             They can enforce their demands by threatening to disinvest in THE—USA, which means, crazily enough, that spending $170—BILLION might prove less costly than the alternative.
20061221             THE—NIST investigation of THE—WTC building failures was extensive, but NIST did not substantiate its conclusions experimentally.
20061221             —CONTRADICTED, On the contrary, MANY—OF—NIST—TESTS, its conclusions.
20061221             Furthermore, there are several examples in which NIST chose to manipulate input data + then certify its findings based upon the inevitable conclusions that derive from the manipulated input.
20061221             1—FINDS little acknowledgement on THE—PART—OF—NIST that uncertainties in its simulations translate into uncertainties in its findings.... Source:
20061221             Shanksville students see 'fighter plane' seconds —AFTER explosion
20061221             John: We think it was shot down because as soon as it crashed 1—BIG—FIGHTER—PLANE flew over the school.
20061221             Brian: We saw that [fighter] plane like right —AFTER it happened.
20061221             We were the only ones who saw it pretty much from the school.
20061221             Nobody 1—ELSE saw.
20061221             Narrator: How long —AFTER did you guys see the fighter plane?
20061221             John: Like —10—SECONDS.
20061221             As soon as we saw the mushroom cloud, this plane goes flying over.
20061221             Brian: Right there. It was right —AFTER everything.
20061221             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has been quietly nurturing individuals and parties opposed to THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT in 1—EFFORT to undermine THE—REGIME—OF—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD.
20061221             —OUTLINED, PARTS—OF—THE—SCHEME are, in 1 classified, 2—PAGE—DOCUMENT which says that THE—USA.
20061221             1—UNION—HEARING - ' In a 20040600             , speech JOHN—KERRY brought 1—NEW—JERSEY crowd to its feet —WHEN he declared: "It's time once and for all we change the laws so workers can organize —WHEN 1—MAJORITY—OF—THEM wants to, without intimidation and interference from management".
20061221             Memorable words.
20061221             Foreigners Living In BRITAIN Face Compulsory Biometric ID Cards
20061221             'Compulsory powers to fingerprint and photograph 700,000 foreigners —1—YEAR who live in BRITAIN as part of the national identity card scheme were announced —YESTERDAY by the home SECRETARY, JOHN—REID, as the scope of what critics see as 1—FUTURE—BIG—BROTHER—STATE became clearer.'At the same time, 150—SCREENING centres —AROUND the world are to be set up in —18—MONTHS so that biometric DATA—ELECTRONIC—FINGERPRINTS and PHOTOS—CAN be taken and stored from passengers coming to BRITAIN from 169—COUNTRIES outside EUROPE.
20061221             —ASSERTED, Kristol falsely, that SENATOR—KENNEDY wants to continue failed IRAQ strategy
20061221             —ON FOX—NEWS—SUNDAY, Weekly Standard EDITOR—BILL—KRISTOL misrepresented SENATOR—TED—KENNEDY'S "current position" on IRAQ as 1—PLAN to "continue to pursue 1—STRATEGY which has not been winning".
20061221             To read the entire item and check out the video clip, go to:
20061221             —TODAY I read of 1—GEORGIA judge who sentenced a —17—YEAR—OLD—MALE to —10—YEARS in prison without parole for having a —15—YEAR—OLD—GIRL give him consensual ORAL sex.
20061221             THE—SEVERITY—OF—THE—SENTENCE reminds me of horror stories about IRAN or CHINA.
20061221             I understand THE—GEORGIA is the Bible Belt, but —10—YEARS?
20061221             —VIDEOTAPED, The act was, + the prosecutor says the suspect turned down 1—PLEA bargain —FOR—2—YEARS.
20061221             But SCOTT—LEMIEUX points to 1—EXPLANATION for it, by Publius + puts the case in the larger historical CONTEXT—OF—RACISM in GEORGIA.
20061221             THE—MALE was black and the female was white.
20061221             —REVERSED, If their races were, we wouldn't see a —10—YEAR—SENTENCE.
20061221             And the larger context Scott points out is that MANY—DECISIONS by THE—WARREN—COURT to limit police and prosecutors were made to stop abuses by... Source:
20061221             There is no such thing as an "INTERNATIONAL" tribunal
20061221             Check out this piece CO—AUTHORED by 1—GERMANY—JOURNALIST—FOR—AL—AKHBAR showing how Detlev Mehlis THE—FORMER—UN—PROSECUTOR sacrificed relevance and professionalism with regards to the Hariri assassination in order to compulsively voice his obsession with Syria.... Source:
20061221             THE—COST—OF—ISLAMOPHOBIA
20061221             —BY WILLIAM—FISHER 20061219             —5—YEARS—AFTER the terrorist attacks of 20010911             , "Islamophobia", intensified by the war in IRAQ and USA—GOVERNMENT actions at home — has left MILLIONS—OF—AMERICA—MUSLIMS FEARFUL—OF—HARASSMENT, discrimination + questionable prosecutions + confused about their place in USA—SOCIETY.
20061221             Recent polls indicate that almost HALF—OF—AMERICANS have 1—NEGATIVE—PERCEPTION—OF—ISLAM and that 1 in 4—OF—THOSE surveyed have "extreme" ANTI—MUSLIM views.
20061221             1—SURVEY by the Council on USA—ISLAMIC—RELATIONS (CAIR) found that 1—QUARTER—OF—AMERICANS consistently believe stereotypes such as: "Muslims value life less than other people" and "THE—MUSLIM religion teaches violence and hatred".
20061221             Source: Sheldon Drobny: —60—MINUTES: THE—BACK—STORY—OF—NAZI—HOLOCAUST—ARCHIVES
20061221             Is It —NOW Illegal To Link To Other Websites?
20061221             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—LANDMARK—SYDNEY legal ruling sets precedent for wholesale DEVASTATION—OF—INTERNET—NEWS—WEBSITES and blogs
20061221             LENNON—CONVICTION: You Can Change THE—WORLD
20061221             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—AVOIDS assassination conspiracy questions but Yoko ONO—CRYPTIC quote lets suspicions linger
20061221             In 1—LETTER sent —THIS—MONTH to his constituents, REPRESENTATIVE—VIRGIL—GOODE (R—VA) attacked incoming REPRESENTATIVE—KEITH—ELLISON (D—MN), the 1. Muslim elected to Congress:
20061221             —ELECTED, THE—MUSLIM—REPRESENTATIVE—FROM—MINNESOTA was, by THE—VOTERS—OF—THAT—DISTRICT and if USA—CITIZENS don't wake up and adopt the Virgil Goode position on immigration there will likely be MANY—MORE—MUSLIMS elected to office...
20061221             In the letter, Goode repeatedly
20061221             justifies his attack as related to immigration policy :
20061221             We need to stop illegal immigration totally and reduce legal immigration and end the diversity visas policy pushed hard by PRESIDENT—CLINTON and allowing MANY—PERSONS from THE—MIDDLE—EAST to come to this country.
20061221             I fear that in the next —CENTURY we will have MANY—MORE—MUSLIMS in THE—USA—IF we do not adopt the strict immigration policies that I believe are necessary to preserve the values and beliefs traditional to THE—USA—OF—AMERICA and to prevent our resources from being swamped.
20061221             1—PROBLEM: KEITH—ELISION is not 1—IMMIGRANT.
20061221             In fact, his ancestors have been
20061221             living on the continent for over —250—YEARS, —BEFORE THE—USA was established as 1—COUNTRY:
20061221             —DISMISSED, MISTER—ELLISON, MISTER—GOODE—COMMENTS, saying they seemed ill informed about his personal origins as well as about Constitutional protections of religious freedom.
20061221             "I'm not 1—IMMIGRANT," added MISTER—ELLISON, who traces his USA—ANCESTORS back to 17420000             .
20061221             "I'm 1—AFRICA—AMERICAN".
20061221             —BIGOTED, In other words, GOODE—ATTACK is not only, it's also ignorant.
20061221             Nevertheless, Ellison told THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, "I'm looking forward to making friends with REPRESENTATIVE—GOODE, or at least getting to know him. I want to let him know that there's nothing to fear. The fact that there are MANY—DIFFERENT—FAITHS, MANY—DIFFERENT colors and MANY—DIFFERENT—CULTURES in AMERICA is 1—GREAT—STRENGTH".
20061221             "—AFTER YEARS—OF—EXTENSIONS sought by FEDERAL—AGENCIES behaving like college students facing 1—TERM—PAPER, the end of 20060000             means the government's 1. automatic DECLASSIFICATION—OF—RECORDS".
20061221             expressed 1—CONCERN about" PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLAN to increase USA—TROOP—LEVELS in IRAQ.
20061221             —WEIGHED, REAL—ESTATE—BUS - t, on overall business activity".
20061221             "THE—PENTAGON wants THE—WHITE—HOUSE to seek 1—ADDITIONAL $99.7—BILLION to fund the wars in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN," the Associated Press reports.
20061221             "The military's request, if embraced by PRESIDENT—BUSH and approved by Congress, would boost —THIS—YEAR—BUDGET for those wars to about $170—BILLION".
20061221             "Overall, THE—WAR in IRAQ has cost about $350—BILLION.
20061221             GOVERNOR—JON—CORZINE (D—NJ) will sign 1—CIVIL—UNIONS—BILL into law —TODAY that grants to gay couples "all the rights and RESPONSIBILITIES—OF—MARRIAGE under state law".
20061221             NEW—JERSEY will "become the
20061221             3. in the nation to institute civil unions
20061221             and the 5. to offer SOME—VERSION—OF—MARRIAGE".
20061221             —YESTERDAY, PRESIDENT—BUSH said he would support 1—FEDERAL—INCREASE in the minimum wage only if it were tied to tax breaks for small businesses.
20061221             The political OPPONENTS—OF—IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD "won local council an
20061221             embarrassing blow
20061221             to THE—HARD—LINE—LEADER that could force him to change his staunch ANTI—WESTERN—STANCE and focus more on domestic issues".
20061221             " Bears have stopped hibernating in THE—MOUNTAINS—OF—NORTH—SPAIN, scientists revealed —YESTERDAY, in what may be 1—OF—THE—STRONGEST—SIGNALS yet of how much
20061221             climate change is affecting the natural world.
20061221             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH—YESTERDAY " 1—BILL that extends the Special Inspector GENERAL for IRAQ Reconstruction, 1—INDEPENDENT—AGENCY that
20061221             oversees $32—BILLION in USA—EXPENDITURES
20061221             —ON the rebuilding of IRAQ, into 20080000             ".
20061221             SENATOR—PATRICK—LEAHY, the incoming CHAIR—OF—THE—SENATE—JUDICIARY committee, "has vowed to get to the bottom of 1 alleged rendition of 1—CANADA—MAN wrongly ACCUSED—OF—TERRORIST—TIES".
20061221             —BEFORE the committee to explain why Maher Arar is still barred from THE—USA, —AFTER he was CLEARED—OF—TERRORIST—LINKS by 1—CANADA—JUDICIAL—INQUIRY".
20061221             REPRESENTATIVE—LOUISE—SLAUGHTER (D—NY) asks PRESIDENT—BUSH : - NICO—DID you censor information about IRAN?
20061221             —EXPLAINED, THE—WAR—ON—CHRISTMAS.
20061221             - NICO—IT—1—GIANT—CASH—COW for the religious right.
20061221             SENATOR—NORM—COLEMAN (R—MN) opposes IRAQ escalation.
20061221             Coleman "said —TODAY—AFTER a —2—DAY—TRIP to IRAQ that he would not support 1—INCREASE in THE—NUMBER—OF—SOLDIERS in BAGHDAD.
20061221             He said he would 'stand against' ANY—EFFORT to send 1—SURGE of more troops to BAGHDAD unless there's 1—CLEAR—VISION that it will help end sectarian violence in the city.
20061221             I think we would put more life at risk,
20061221             Congresswoman Caught In Lie Over Castro Assassination Claim
20061221             Clips from 1—NEW documentary —POSTED online —RECENTLY show REPRESENTATIVE—ILEANA—ROS—LEHTINEN (R—FL) saying, "I welcome the opportunity of having anyone assassinate Fidel Castro and ANY—LEADER who is oppressing the people".
20061221             —DISAVOWED, ROS—LEHTINEN quickly, the comments and
20061221             gave 1—LONG, tortured explanation about how the video was doctored:
20061221             ROS—LEHTINEN, who has never hid her loathing for Castro, says the clip was spliced together.
20061221             Watch the video closely, she says.
20061221             She says her lips aren't saying what the audio says she is.
20061221             At 1—POINT in the clip, 1—SHARP—EYED viewer can see what appears to be 1—SKIP in the filming.
20061221             "It's twisted in 1—WAY that gives the viewer 1—TOTALLY wrong impression," ROS—LEHTINEN said —FRIDAY.
20061221             "I've said the community has moved on, that those strategies are not being used —TODAY, but apparently the filmmakers think we're still in a `60s mentality".
20061221             —RELEASED, Director Dollan Cannell has —NOW, the unedited VERSION—OF—THE—ROS—LEHTINEN interview, confirming that nothing was doctored.
20061221             In response to 1—QUESTION about whether there is an "argument for assassination" of Fidel Castro, Lehtinen clearly states, "I welcome the opportunity of having anyone assassinate Fidel Castro and ANY—LEADER who was oppressing... oppressing the people + if they don't assassinate and if they bring him to trial, I welcome the opportunity to having him meet the... 1—JURY—OF his peers and answer".
20061221             —CALLED, Cannell has, ROS—LEHTINEN—ACCUSATIONS "
20061221             completely, totally false " and called on her "to retract what she said and to apologize". ROS—LEHTINEN had "no comment" on the new footage.
20061221             ANTI—MUSLIM Congressman Has 'No Intention Of Apologizing'
20061221             REPRESENTATIVE—VIRGIL—GOODE (R—VA) is under fire for 1—VIRULENTLY—ANTI—MUSLIM letter sent to constituents —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH.
20061221             In the letter, Goode says, "
20061221             I fear that in the next —CENTURY we will have MANY—MORE—MUSLIMS in THE—USA
20061221             " if we do not adopt "strict immigration policies". He references the election of Muslim Rep.-elect KEITH—ELLISON (D—MN) + warns "USA—CITIZENS" to "wake up" or "there will likely be MANY—MORE—MUSLIMS elected to office".
20061221             Last night, the Council on AMERICA ISLAMIC RELATIONS said the letter "sends 1—MESSAGE—OF—INTOLERANCE" and
20061221             called on Goode to apologize.
20061221             In 1—INTERVIEW—TODAY with ThinkProgress, GOODE—PRESS—SECRETARY—LINWOOD—DUNCAN declared that Goode has "no intention of apologizing".
20061221             —REFUSED, Duncan repeatedly, to answer more detailed questions, saying only that GOODE—LETTER "speaks for itself".
20061221             —TARGETED, Asked whether Goode had ever, MUSLIM—AMERICANS in his previous statements, Duncan said, "I've worked here —FOR—10—YEARS + I'm not aware of this topic being addressed in the past".
20061221             You can call and ask for 1—APOLOGY—HERE. "THE—FBI agreed —TUESDAY
20061221             to make public the final 10—DOCUMENTS about the surveillance of JOHN—LENNON that it had withheld —FOR—25—YEARS from 1—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA, IRVINE historian on the grounds that releasing them could cause '
20061221             military retaliation against THE—USA.
20061221             "1—DANGEROUS—HYPOTHETICAL".- NICO—WHAT—PRESIDENT—BUSH called 1—QUESTION this —MORNING about the possibility that he may increase troop levels in IRAQ against THE—WISHES—OF—MILITARY—LEADERS.
20061221             Talk Host Gallagher: 'Round Up' Olbermann, Damon + 'Put Them In 1—DETENTION—CAMP'
20061221             —YESTERDAY on FOX—NEWS, talk radio host MIKE—GALLAGHER said THE—USA—GOVERNMENT should "round up" actor MATT—DAMON, "THE—VIEW" host JOY—BEHAR + MISS—NBC anchor KEITH—OLBERMANN and "put them in 1—DETENTION—CAMP—UNTIL this war is over because they're 1—BUNCH of traitors".
20061221             HITLER—TYPE " like DONALD—RUMSFELD as its PERSON—OF—THE—YEAR. Gallagher said Damon should also be incarcerated because he "attacked GEORGE—BUSH and Dick Cheney";
20061221             he didn't explain why he wanted to imprison Olbermann.
20061221             —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR, Gallagher was 1—OF 5—CONSERVATIVE—TALK radio hosts invited to THE—WHITE—HOUSE to meet with PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20061221             (HT: NewsHounds) Digg It!
20061221             GALLAGHER: You know, it's 1—LITTLE—BIT—RIDICULOUS that we continue to watch these TV stars and movie stars who smear our leaders.
20061221             I —JUST wonder, Rob, if you'll think for 1—MOMENT what our enemies think of seeing TV personalities compare the outgoing defense SECRETARY—TO—ADOLPH—HITLER.
20061221             I mean, you know, conservatives never get 1—PASS.
20061221             —WISHED, Strom Thurmond is, 1—HAPPY—BIRTHDAY by TRENT—LOTT and the sky falls in on TRENT—LOTT.
20061221             But JOY—BEHAR goes on national TV and compares 1—GOOD—MAN—LIKE—RUMSFELD to the evilest man in the world and nobody, you know, there's no repercussions for JOY—BEHAR.
20061221             I think we should round up ALL—OF—THESE folks. Round up JOY—BEHAR.
20061221             —ATTACKED, Round up MATT—DAMON, who last night on MISS—NBC, GEORGE—BUSH and Dick Cheney.
20061221             Round up Olbermann.
20061221             Take the whole bunch of them and put them in 1—DETENTION—CAMP—UNTIL this war is over because they're 1—BUNCH of traitors.
20061221             THOMPSON: They're not traitors, they're Americans.
20061221             And you know what the great thing about AMERICA is you get to say what you like and you don't get thrown into detention camps.
20061221             GALLAGHER: No, you don't. - THOMPSON: And that's what THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD sees.
20061221             They see free Americans say what they like without having ANY—FEAR—OF—GOING to jail.
20061221             —WANTED, So, if I, to compare someone to Hitler or anybody else, Pol Pot, whatever it might be, I have no FEAR—OF—GOING to jail because that is what 1—AMERICA is.
20061221             GALLAGHER: THERE—SUCH 1—THING as treason, Rob. THOMPSON: That's not treason.
20061221             That's —JUST political talk and satire and it might be funny at the best, at the least.
20061221             With Recession Looming, Bush Tells AMERICA TO 'Go Shopping More'
20061221             —TODAY, PRESIDENT—BUSH held 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE where he discussed the "way forward" for the economy 20070000             —IN.
20061221             Renowned MORGAN—STANLEY economist STEVEN—ROACH says the the "ODDS—OF—THE—USA—ECONOMY tipping into recession are about 40 to 45—PER cent".
20061221             BUSH—SOLUTION? "Go shopping more".
20061221             widened to 1—RECORD $225.6—BILLION in the 3. quarter, officials announced —YESTERDAY.
20061221             Below, USA—PROGRESS Senior Economist CHRISTIAN—WELLER explains why it matters.)
20061221             The greatest current threat to our standard of living is the current account deficit, which —NOW stands at a
20061221             whopping $225.6—BILLION in —JUST the 3. quarter of 20060000             .
20061221             This is the equivalent of 6.8—PERCENT—OF—OUR gross domestic product (GDP).
20061221             Current account deficits above 5 % flash 1—THREAT level of "red" to economists.
20061221             The current account is the broadest measure of our INTERNATIONAL transactions.
20061221             It includes, among other, smaller items, exports and imports, as well as the interest USA residents earn on their investments abroad, minus the interest paid on debt that USA residents owe to THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD.
20061221             For MOST—OF—THE—PAST —3—DECADES, the current account was in the deficit, largely because imports were larger than exports.
20061221             —NOW, we also pay more in interest to THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD than we earn on our assets abroad, adding to the deficit.
20061221             1—CURRENT—ACCOUNT—DEFICIT—MEANS that we spend more than we earn.
20061221             To pay for this, we borrow from THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD, most importantly by foreigners financing 78—PERCENT—OF—OUR budget deficit.
20061221             As 1—RESULT, we send 1—LOT—OF—INTEREST abroad.
20061221             In the 3. quarter of 20060000             , THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT spent $37—BILLION — or 1.1—PERCENT—OF—OUR ECONOMY—ON interest payments to THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD.
20061221             —NOW, we actually spend more on interest payments than we earn.
20061221             With trade deficit continuing to be large, we will add more to our debt and interest payments abroad will continue to rise.
20061221             Why is this bad? At SOME—POINT foreigners will not want to lend us money at low interest rates, especially if 1—EVER larger SHARE—OF—USA—INCOME is dedicated to interest payments on INTERNATIONAL debt and not on important investments, such as education or health care.
20061221             ALREADY—JAPAN — the largest foreign CREDITOR—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT — has slowly been selling off its T—BILLS.
20061221             If other countries follow suit, interest rates will go up to attract more money to THE—USA—THIS means higher mortgage and credit card payments for families, but also less investment by firms, all of which spells less growth and fewer jobs.
20061221             Conservatives contend that our trade deficit is 1—SIGN—OF—USA economic strength: we consume, —THEREFORE we are!
20061221             This is like celebrating 1—SATISFYING drinking binge.
20061221             It ignores the hangover.
20061221             Our past debt is coming due + if we continue on this path, we will have to spend 1—EVER larger share of our economic resources to pay for this debt, automatically leaving less money for investments and possibly leading the way for 1—SERIOUS—ECONOMIC—SLOWDOWN.
20061221             Ignore this economic logic at your own risk.
20061221             — CHRISTIAN—WELLER
20061221             Media More Interested In Laura BUSH—SKIN—CONDITION—THAN—IRAQ
20061221             —DURING—TODAY—PRESS briefing, the media devoted MOST—OF—ITS—ATTENTION to the skin cancer tumor 1. Lady Laura Bush —RECENTLY had removed.
20061221             Reporters were CRITICAL—OF—MISTER—S—BUSH—DECISION to not publicize her condition —INITIALLY, asking Press SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW why she "didn't feel ANY—OBLIGATION as 1—PERSON—OF—PUBLIC—STATUS to talk about this " and arguing that she should —NOW become 1—ADVOCATE for preventative care against skin cancer.
20061221             —ASKED, In fact, THE—WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS corps, more questions about Laura BUSH—SKIN—CONDITION than they did about ANY—OTHER—ISSUE:
20061221             22 : NUMBER—OF—QUESTIONS on Laura BUSH—SKIN—CANCER.
20061221             18 : NUMBER—OF—QUESTIONS on IRAQ.
20061221             3 : NUMBER—OF—QUESTIONS on IRAN.
20061221             1 : NUMBER—OF—QUESTIONS on NORTH—KOREA.
20061221             HIGHLIGHTS—OF—REPORTERS' questions from THE—BRIEFING :
20061221             Q Tony, can you tell us about MISTER—S—BUSH—SKIN—CANCER?
20061221             How is she doing? And how was the decision reached not to disclose this publicly —UNTIL questions were asked?
20061221             Q She is often 1—ADVOCATE for women's health in THE—AREA—OF—BREAST cancer or heart disease, advocating screenings, preventative care.
20061221             Is she likely to talk about skin cancer in that way?
20061221             Q And she didn't feel ANY—OBLIGATION as 1—PERSON—OF—PUBLIC—STATUS to talk about this?
20061221             Q Going back to MISTER—S—BUSH, it seems that there are 2—THINGS going on, in terms of not informing the public and the press.
20061221             Which was it, was it that it was medical privacy that was the reason for not informing us, or was it that it was no big deal?
20061221             MISTER—S—BUSH—DECISION not to reveal the details of her skin condition is hardly 1—MATTER—WORTHY—OF—INTENSE—PUBLIC scrutiny, especially —WHEN there are so MANY—ISSUES—OF—REAL—SIGNIFICANCE that the media could be covering.
20061221             11. - NICO—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS who support escalating the war in IRAQ by adding at least 20,000 additional USA—FORCES, according to 1—POLL.
20061221             As ClimateProgress notes, global warming "has also taken its toll on the economy, significantly slowing AUSTRALIA—GROWTH—SINCE so MUCH—OF—THE—COUNTRY—GDP relies on agriculture".
20061221             Cheney to testify in leak case.
20061221             "VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY will be called as 1—DEFENSE—WITNESS in THE—CIA—LEAK—CASE,
20061221             We're calling THE—VICE—PRESIDENT, ' attorney TED—WELLS said in court".
20061221             SHIFT, To Right, McCain Embraces HENRY—KISSINGER
20061221             opted not to have THE—2—APPEAR publicly together,
20061221             " fearing Kissinger "would taint the image of the 'Straight Talk Express.'"
20061221             —NOW, in his latest shift to the right, McCain is openly embracing Kissinger.
20061221             Hotline On Call reports that
20061221             McCain has chosen Kissinger to be the Honorary CO—CHAIR for his presidential campaign in NEW—YORK.
20061221             —UNIFIED, The selection reflects 1—INCREASINGLY, position on IRAQ advocated by Kissinger, McCain + PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20061221             Bush is reportedly set to adopt MCCAIN—PLAN to escalate the war with TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—ADDITIONAL—USA—TROOPS + has
20061221             taken up KISSINGER—MANTRA that victory in IRAQ simply requires "sticking it out":
20061221             —SENSED, Kissinger, wobbliness everywhere on IRAQ + he increasingly saw it through THE—PRISM—OF—THE—VIETNAM—WAR.
20061221             For Kissinger, the overriding lesson of VIETNAM is to stick it out.
20061221             Save THE—INTERNET.
20061221             - NICO—SAVETHEINTERNET_com has 1—BRAND—NEW—VIDEO on net neutrality that is currently ranked #1 on YouTube.
20061221             Check it out: FLASHBACK: Bush Insisted The 'Sober Judgment of Our Military Leaders' Would Determine Troop Levels
20061221             THE—WHITE—HOUSE is "aggressively promoting" 1—PLAN to send "15,000 to 30,000—MORE—TROOPS" to IRAQ "
20061221             over the unanimous disagreement of the Joint CHIEFS—OF—STAFF,
20061221             " THE—WASHINGTON—POST—REPORTS—TODAY. "THE—PENTAGON has cautioned that 1—MODEST surge could lead to more attacks by AL—QAEDA, provide more targets for Sunni insurgents and fuel the jihadist appeal for more foreign fighters to flock to IRAQ to attack USA—TROOPS".
20061221             —INSISTED, Bush has repeatedly, that troop levels were determined by military commanders.
20061221             "As we determine the right force level," Bush said, "our troops can know that I will continue to be guided by the advice that matters: the sober judgment of our military leaders".
20061221             JOHN—BOLTON: Coming To 1—PODIUM—NEAR—YOU
20061221             JOHN—BOLTON—TENURE as UNITED—NATIONS ambassador is over, but his neoconservative cheerleading is —JUST beginning.
20061221             —OBTAINED, ThinkProgress, 1—MESSAGE from the
20061221             WASHINGTON Speakers Bureau, which is advertising BOLTON—NEW—JOB on the speakers circuit:
20061221             JOHN—BOLTON, who was USA—AMBASSADOR to THE—UNITED—NATIONS, has joined WASHINGTON Speakers Bureau for exclusive representation.
20061221             —DESCRIBED, —LAST—WEEK, the "WALL—STREET—JOURNAL", him as someone who "saw the world as it really was" and spoke "with moral clarity about it".
20061221             I hope you will call me as you start planning your upcoming events.
20061221             Have 1—GREAT holiday season.
20061221             BOLTON was an "outspoken critic " of outgoing UNITED—NATIONS SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN.
20061221             —NOW, with BOLTON gone, THE—USA—DELEGATION to THE—UNITED—NATIONS has found great new admiration for Annan.
20061221             1—STATEMENT released late —LAST—WEEK heaped praise on Annan, saying he "worked tirelessly to make THE—UN 1—MORE—EFFICIENT and effective organization," was a "strong voice condemning terrorism" and "1—CHAMPION of human rights".
20061221             Full TEXT—OF—EMAIL:
20061221             —WANTED, Dear ****, I, you to be among the 1. to know that 1—NEW—SPEAKER has joined WASHINGTON Speakers Bureau.
20061221             In —1—YEAR, JOHN—BOLTON led efforts to prevent IRAN from developing nuclear weapons, led efforts to move Syria out of LEBANON + pushed THE—UNITED—NATIONS to send peacekeepers to SOMALIA.
20061221             He arranged for THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL—1. deliberations on BURMA—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ABUSES.
20061221             He led the Security COUNCIL—RESOLUTION to end last —SUMMER—HEZBOLLAH—WAR—ON—ISRAEL.
20061221             —PRAISED, He was, for successfully implementing strong sanctions on NORTH—KOREA within DAYS—OF—PYONGYANG—OCTOBER nuclear test.
20061221             —INVITED, And in 1—UNIQUE—EFFORT, BOLTON, actor GEORGE—CLOONEY and Nobel Laureate ELIE—WIESEL to brief the Security Council on THE—MASS—MURDERS in DARFUR—SUDAN, exclaiming, "EVERY—DAY we delay only adds to THE—SUFFERING—OF—THE—SUDAN—PEOPLE".
20061221             —DURING his speech "AMERICA: Worth Standing Up For", JOHN—BOLTON speaks with clarity and conviction about THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD that is increasingly important to AMERICA and USA—BUSINESS.
20061221             RIGHT—WING Think Tank Advocating —2—YEAR—USA—TROOP—ESCALATION In IRAQ 'Has THE—PRESIDENT—EAR'
20061221             —NOTED, Last night on, reporter SUZANNE—MALVEAUX, that THE—USA—ENTERPRISE—INSTITUTE (AEI), 1—RIGHT—WING think tank in WASHINGTON, DC, "has THE—PRESIDENT—EAR and is influencing his thinking" on IRAQ.
20061221             KAGAN—REPORT specifically calls for at least 30,000 more Army and Marines per —YEAR for the next —2—YEARS.
20061221             It also advocates longer TOURS for ground forces and increased deployments for National Guard troops.
20061221             The full report can be found here. Digg It! Transcript:
20061221             SUZANNE—MALVEAUX, WHITE—HOUSE—CORRESPONDENT: Aides say THE—PRESIDENT is weighing his numerous options for changing tactics in IRAQ, —FOLLOWING his consultations —LAST—WEEK with IRAQ—LEADERS and advisers at the Pentagon and State.
20061221             Sources say 1—CONSERVATIVE—POLICY—GROUP that has THE—PRESIDENT—EAR and is influencing his thinking is THE—USA—ENTERPRISE—INSTITUTE.
20061221             It briefed WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS—LAST—WEEK about its own report, which dismisses THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP—RECOMMENDATION to move USA—TROOPS from fighting positions to training IRAQ—SOLDIERS.
20061221             FREDERICK—W—KAGAN: 1—SURGE—OF—2 or —3—MONTHS is not going to be productive.
20061221             We're proposing 1—SURGE that would probably last for anywhere from 18 to —24—MONTHS.
20061221             —AT—THE—END—OF—THAT, we would expect that we will have brought the security situation sufficiently under control.
20061221             —PREPARED, As CHILE, to bury GENERAL—AUGUSTO—PINOCHET, the National Security Archive —TODAY—POSTED 1—SELECTION—OF declassified USA—DOCUMENTS that illuminate the former dictator's RECORD—OF—REPRESSION.
20061221             The documents include... 20061221             Bush: Mehr Soldaten für KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—TERROR—SFUX WASHINGTON -
20061221             USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH will die Streitkräfte personell aufstocken.
20061221             Dabei gehe es aber nicht nur um den Krieg im IRAK, sondern um den weltweiten Kampf gegen islamische Extremisten, sagte Bush —AM—DIENSTAG in einem Interview der "WASHINGTON—POST".
20061221             Er habe seinen neuen Verteidigungsminister ROBERT—GATES aufgefordert, einen entsprechenden Plan auszuarbeiten.
20061221             1—ZAHL nannte Bush nicht.
20061221             Er fügte aber hinzu, er stimme mit Regierungsbeamten.
20061221             SECRETS—OF—SKIN—CANCER fightback The deadliest FORM—OF—SKIN—CANCER cheats chemotherapy by disguising itself as 1—NORMAL—CELL, say scientists.
20061221             High vitamin D levels cut MS risk Higher levels of vitamin D in the blood may lower the risk of multiple sclerosis, research suggests.
20061221             —UNLOCKED, GENETICS—OF—EYE—COLOUR, —JUST 1—FEW "letters" out of 6—BILLION that make up the genetic code control most variation in human eye colour.
20061221             New bird flu cases in VIETNAM VIETNAM confirms THE—DEATH—OF—SOME 6,000 domestic poultry from bird flu, —AFTER being free of human cases for —1—YEAR.
20061221             Researchers 'grow' heart arteries Scientists use an £84,000 to fund attempts to "grow" arteries in test tubes.
20061221             Gazprom gains huge gas stake RUSSIA—STATE—OWNED energy giant Gazprom wrests control of a massive gas field from ANGLO—HOLLAND—RIVAL—SHELL.
20061221             USA—GROWTH hit by house market THE—USA—ECONOMY has been growing slower than forecast as 1—WEAK housing market hurt consumers, figures show.
20061221             'Virgin births' for giant lizards Scientists report 2—CASES where female Komodo dragons have produced OFFSPRING—DESPITE no MALE contact.
20061221             Robots could demand legal rights Intelligent robots could —1—DAY be granted the same rights as humans says 1—REPORT commissioned by the government.
20061221             Cheney to testify over CIA leak VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY will be called to testify in THE—CIA—LEAK—CASE involving his EX—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, lawyers say.
20061221             COLOMBIA fighter gives testimony COLOMBIA—RIGHT—WING paramilitary COMMANDER—SALVATORE—MANCUSO testifies —BEFORE a special tribunal.
20061221             Fish deal put forward in BRUSSELS EU officials table 1—COMPROMISE to cut cod catches by 25% but allow boats to spend longer at sea.
20061221             Dow Jones at record on oil rises THE—DOW—JONES—INDEX hits 1—RECORD closing high of 12,471, prompted by rising oil prices.
20061221             Shock Waves Can Save Hearts Scientists in JAPAN blast patients in the chest to restore blood flow to cardiac muscle without lifting 1—SCALPEL.
20061221             —BY ARIA—PEARSON.
20061221             Media Takes on AT&T in Spy Case Press outlets, including Wired News, will ask 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE to unseal evidence in 1—LAWSUIT alleging AT&T illegally cooperated in warrantless government SURVEILLANCE—OF—THE—INTERNET.
20061221             The phone company says the documents contain sensitive trade secrets.
20061221             —BY RYAN—SINGEL.
20061221             Bloggers Shrink the Planet THE—INTERNATIONAL—GLOBAL—VOICES—SUMMIT—BRINGS together political refugees, human rights advocates and people —JUST determined to save the world, or 1—PART—OF—IT.
20061221             What they have in common is 1—DEEP certainty that THE—INTERNET can do more than —JUST sell us stuff.
20061221             QUINN—NORTON reports from NEW—DELHI.
20061221             THE—BUSH—ERA—DRAWS to 1—CLOSE—FROM warrantless surveillance to torture, the ugliest aspects of the "WAR—ON—TERROR" ended 20060000             teetering on THE—BRINK—OF—REFORM + renunciation.
20061221             Commentary by JENNIFER—GRANICK.
20061221             NASA Sees GLOW—OF—UNIVERSE—1. OBJECTS—KDAWSON 62+ -Damek writes with news from NASA—SPITZER—SPACE—TELESCOPE,
20061221             which has captured light from what may have been the 1. glowing objects in the universe, light generated 14—BILLION years ago.
20061221             "'We are pushing our telescopes to the limit and are tantalizingly close to getting 1—CLEAR—PICTURE—OF—THE—VERY—1.—COLLECTIONS—OF—OBJECTS,' said DOCTOR—ALEXANDER—KASHLINSKY... 'Whatever these objects are, they are intrinsically incredibly bright and very different from anything in existence —TODAY.' Astronomers believe the objects are either the 1. stars — humongous stars more than 1,000—TIMES the mass of our sun — or voracious black holes that are consuming gas and spilling out TONS—OF—ENERGY. If the objects are stars, then the observed clusters might be the 1. MINI—GALAXIES..".
20061221             Evidence That Good Moods Prevent COLDS—KDAWSON 132+ - duguk writes in with another reason to keep happy over Christmas.
20061221             1—NEW—SCIENTIFIC—STUDY suggests that people who frequently experience positive emotions are less likely to catch colds.
20061221             Psychologist Sheldon Cohen and his colleagues at Carnegie Mellon University interviewed 193—HEALTHY—ADULTS—DAILY—FOR—2—WEEKS and recorded the positive and negative emotions they had experienced EACH—DAY.
20061221             —EXPOSED, The researchers then, the volunteers to 1—COLD or 1—FLU—VIRUS.
20061221             —REPORTED, Those with "generally positive outlooks", fewer cold symptoms.
20061221             "'We need to take more seriously the possibility that 1—POSITIVE—EMOTIONAL—STYLE is 1—MAJOR—PLAYER in disease risk,' Cohen says... Although 1—POSITIVE—EMOTIONAL—STYLE bore no relation to whether participants became infected, it protected against the emergence of cold symptoms. For instance, among people infected by the influenza virus... 28 % who often reported positive emotions developed coughs, congestion + other cold symptoms, as compared with... 41 % who rarely reported positive emotions".
20061221             Face Search Engine Raises Privacy Concerns
20061221             "Startup Polar Rose is in the news —TODAY—AFTER announcing it will soon launch 1—SERVICE that uses facial recognition software, along with collaborative input, to identify and find people in photos online. But such technology has serious implications for privacy, according to 2—UK civil liberties groups. Will people be so keen to put their lives on Flickr once anyone from ID thieves to governments can find out their name + who they associate with?"
20061221             Human SENSE—OF—SMELL—UNDERESTIMATED
20061221             study, by 1—TEAM—OF—NEUROSCIENTISTS and engineers, that demonstrated that humans can follow 1—SCENT trail —
20061221             1—ABILITY that most had assumed only animals possessed.
20061221             —DEMONSTRATED, Furthermore, the study, for the 1. time that humans make use of differential information from THE—2—NOSTRILS.
20061221             —BLINDFOLDED, The researchers, college students who crawled through grass to sniff out 1—CHOCOLATE—SCENTED trail.
20061221             Here is THE—ABSTRACT—OF—THE—PAPER in Nature Neuroscience.
20061221             "The humans, however, still sniffed much more slowly than dogs, which may partially account for canines' greater efficiency at scent tracking. [1—COMMENTATOR] says that despite their relatively sluggish speed, the fact that subjects improved with training is noteworthy. 'I think that shows the effect of our distinctively different behavior in actually using this sense,' he says. 'The dog [has] been doing this its whole life + humans [were] —JUST asked to plunge in the 1. time they've ever done it.'"
20061221             —WHEN THE—CAT—AWAY: STAAT, Anarchie und Ordnung in NEW—ORLEANS
20061221             TACRIMSP—EMENTÁRIO nº 2—HABEAS Corpus nº 350.692/7 - São Paulo - 4ª CÂMARA—RELATOR: Marco... Para que os latidos de cachorro durante a noite configurem o delito previsto no art.
20061221             MATÉRIAS O latido do cachorro, ainda que durante o dia, é nefasto ao ouvido de alguns... pode ser penalizado com as multas previstas na convenção de condomínio...
20061221             Síndico Net :: O braço direito do síndico na INTERNET Não há como ter controle sobre os incessantes latidos de cachorros, que muitas vezes... Associação das ADMINIS—TRADORAS de Bens Imóveis e Condomínios de SP...
20061221             Como viver em harmonia no condomínio O latido incansável do cachorro pode estar ocorrendo pela falta de companhia.
20061221             Se eles voltarem a extrapolar, uma multa será aplicada", completou.
20061221             Blog do Cintrão Cachorros da vizinhança. Latidos fazem fundo musical a todos os meus dias de... Mas tem que ser multa com abordagem, para fazer o apressadinho parar...
20061221             Grupo Financiero Uno Implements Falcon to Bring Advanced Fraud...
20061221             BAI Online | Banking Strategies BAI TransPay Insights | SPECIAL... Wells also has 2—BANK—PARTNERS in GUATEMALA, Banco Industrial and Banco... would solve all or even MOST—OF—THEIR—FRAUD—PROBLEMS may need 1—REALITY—CHECK...
20061221             ILLINOIS Congressman JERRY—WELLER,Refco and the collapse of... Anyway —AFTER so MANY—YEARS—OF—LIVING in GUATEMALA in poverty for 'investing' in THE—REFCO—BALMORE—STANFORD penny stock fraud Endovasc, it is paradoxical to...
20061221             SCOTLAND Yard + the metropolitan police forces on commercial and banking fraud. money laundering + drug trafficking cases.
20061221             ARGENTINA.
20061221             BOLIVIA... badly wanting in light of the massive banking fraud uncovered.
20061221             Threats to Democratic Stability in THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC and... URUGUAY arrested banking magnate JOSE—PERIANO on fraud charges.
20061221             GUATEMALA suspends Bancafe operations over Refco... account holders and assets worth about $1—BILLION, GUATEMALA—BANKING regulatory body says.
20061221             —PLEADED, Bennett has, not guilty to fraud charges.
20061221             BARBARA—ROSE—JOHNSTON: GUATEMALA—GENOCIDE and USA—SECURITY—DEMOCRACY Betrayed: Electoral Fraud and Rebellion in MEXICO... WILL—THE—USA—PROFIT by banking on violence to "secure" its economic interests and halt the...
20061221             Refco INC—GUATEMALA Bancafe BANK—SCANDAL—HAS—BARBADOS—LINK... Collapse & Fraud At Commodities Broker Refco INCORPORATED... The entire GUATEMALA banking system has been shaken... and the tremors and aftershocks are —STARTING to...
20061221             —MONATE könne es dauern, so die "WASHINGTON—POST ", —BIS die freigegebenen geheimen Regierungsdokumente für Forscher aufbereitet werden können.
20061221             Trotzdem feiern USA—HISTORIKER diesen Jahreswechsel wohl ausgelassener als sonst.
20061221             "AMERIKA muss seine Geschichte kennen lernen + die Geschichte steckt in diesen Dokumenten", sagte ANNA—K—NELSON, Historikerin aus WASHINGTON.
20061221             1—EINSCHRÄNKUNG gibt es allerdings: Die Regierungsakten müssen —25—JAHRE alt sein.
20061221             CIA, FBI und Co. wuchsen die Aktenmassen jedoch über den Kopf, die Regierung setzte den Behörden immer neue Fristen.
20061221             Nach der Amtsübernahme durch USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH befürchteten Historiker, dass dieser das Gesetz kippen werde.
20061221             RUSSISCHES—ÖLFELD: Gasprom verdrängt ausländische Investoren
20061221             Schneechaos in den USA: Blizzard legt Mittleren Westen lahm
20061221             Atomprogramm: Sicherheitsrat will rasch über IRAN—SANKTIONEN entscheiden
20061221             Rekordboni für Investmentbanker: $o $chön war$ noch nie
20061221             MOSKAU—REISE: Steinmeier fordert rasche Aufklärung von LITWINENKO—MORD
20061221             Kritik an Energiekonzernen: Alle gegen hohe Strompreise
20061221             Weltpremiere: Frau mit DOPPEL—GEBÄRMUTTER bringt Drillinge zur Welt
20061221             CSU—AFFÄRE Pauli: "Methoden wie in FRÜHEREN—OSTBLOCKSTAATEN"
20061221             Auskünfte zu Geheimdiensten: Grüne verklagen Bundesregierung in KARLSRUHE
20061221             Luftprobe: Bakterienzähler soll BIOWAFFEN—ATTACKE melden
20061221             —ÜBERFORDERT, BENZIN—SINTFLUT: Dieselboom, Raffinerien
20061221             AFGHANISTAN: Spionageverdacht gegen BRITISCHEN—TOP—MILITÄRDOLMETSCHER
20061221             Bundeswehr: Scharfe Kritik an geplantem TORNADO—EINSATZ in AFGHANISTAN
20061221             Religion: Widerstand gegen KÖNIG—JESUS—VON—POLEN
20061221             Regierungsdokumente: USA geben Millionen Geheimakten frei
20061221             Anleger im Rausch: Der blinde Glaube ans goldene Glück
20061221             Bundesregierung: Wachstumsprognose steigt auf —BIS zu 2—PROZENT
20061221             Schlechtes Wetter: Nasa sucht Landeplatz für "Discovery"
20061221             MUNCH—GEMÄLDE: "Schrei" hat irreparable Schäden
20061221             Mitarbeiterbeteiligung: Bundesregierung will Investivlohn steuerlich fördern
20061221             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Bin ich Deutscher?"
20061221             Fusionsrekord: Der 2.900.000.000.000- EURO—BOOM
20061221             —GESTRANDET, Fluggäste in LONDON : "Es ist wie im Irrenhaus"
20061221             CRE—SREDA, Wealth Disparities WILL—INTENSIFY (Drummond and... in Speechless by oceanflynn - —6—DAYS—AGO - 5—BLOGS link here
20061221             Wealth Disparities WILL—INTENSIFY (Drummond and Tulk 20060000             )
20061221             Da habe ich auch noch einen schönen:
20061221             GEORGE—W—BUSH und TONY—BLAIR treffen sich zum ESSEN mit Gästen im Weißen Haus.
20061221             Fragt 1—DER—GÄSTE: "Mister PRESIDENT, worüber unterhalten Sie sich denn so den ganzen —TAG?"
20061221             "Wir planen gerade den 3. Weltkrieg". "Und wie sieht der aus?"
20061221             —VERWIRRT, Der Gast schaut etwas : "Wieso einen Zahnarzt?"
20061221             Von: THE—STOCK—PHOTO—INDUSTRY—PRESS—RELEASE—CEMETERY: Masterfile... JOHN—MCDONALD, VICE—PRESIDENT—MARKETING, Masterfile Corporation says, "—TAG Clouds can reduce THE—AMOUNT—OF—TIME you spend thinking of keywords to filter
20061221             CIA: "You could get 1—JOURNALIST—CHEAPER than 1—GOOD—CALL—GIRL...
20061221             "Katherine THE—GREAT," by Deborah Davis (NEW—YORK:
20061221             PEHI—APPENDIX A - Institutes WORLDWIDE—PROVEN & Unproven Industrieclub (GERMANY and abroad), ISRAEL... In his 19770000             book 'THE—NIGHT—WATCH', FORMER—CIA—OFFICER—DAVID—ATLEE—PHILLIPS wrote on page 123 (according to...
20061221             faschismusdiskussion... zu Terroristen abgestempelte OPFER—DER—CIA peinigen und foltern und morden in... Kohle- + Stahlbarone mit ADOLF—HITLER im Düsseldorfer Industrieclub.
20061221             Does THE—CIA—OPERATE the History Channel? [Free Republic]
20061221             Government Miscellaneous Keywords: CIA HISTORY CHANNEL Source: self...
20061221             LOS—ANGELES Center for Law and Justice CALIFORNIA Community FOUNDATION—MUNGER Tolles and OLSEN—FARMERS—INSURANCE—ADELPHIA CABLE—SKADDEN, Arps, Slate Meagher & Flom...
20061221             ABA Pro Bono Publico Award Munger, Tolles and Olsen 19960000             .
20061221             Rolando CRUZ—DEFENSE—TEAM 19960000             .
20061221             B. Riney Green 19960000             .
20061221             JUDGE—ANN—Q—NIEDERLANDER 19970000             . - - JOHN—CHEN 19970000             .
20061221             - ALLAN—GROPPER 19970000             .
20061221             Folleto: 1 - Página: 31—LA mayor es EXPAL ( Explosivos Alaveses S.A.), que produce un número importante de minas, explosivos y bombas de racimo para la exportación a países como...
20061221             España, Landmine Monitor Report 20040000             20061221             Existían cinco empresas de fabricación: Bressel, Explosivos Alaveses ( Expal ), Explosivos de BURGOS, Fabricaciones Extremeñas, y Unión Española de Explosivos...
20061221             Acción Directa Noviolenta contra la fábrica de armas SENER en...
20061221             CAMPAÑAS—CONTRA el gasto militar y el salvaje ARMAMENTO—VENTA...
20061221             Explosivos Alaveses ( Expal ) ganó un concurso internacional para suministrar bombas de aviación al Ejército del Aire turco al que se presentaron empresas de
20061221             Centre d'Estudis per la Pau J.M.Delàs Explosivos Alaveses, SA ( EXPAL ), fundada el 19460200             , havia aconseguit a principi dels 80—UNA important activitat exportadora.
20061221             Worldwide Production and EXPORT—OF—CLUSTER—MUNITIONS: Appendix...
20061221             Expal Explosivos SA (SPAIN). - - - Forges de Zeebrugge (BELGIUM). - - - Giat Industries (FRANCE).
20061221             Propiedad: EXPAL es la cabecera del Grupo de Defensa de Unión Española de Explosivos (UEE, propiedad del Grupo Pallas Investment, formado por SWITZERLAND—BANK...
20061221             Legislación MCYT—RESOLUCIÓN 320/38048/2004, de 9—DE marzo, de LOS—ANGELES..
20061221             Recibida en la Dirección GENERAL—DE—ARMAMENTO y Material la solicitud presentada por la empresa EXPLOSIVOS ALAVESES, S.A. ( EXPAL ), con domicilio social en...
20061221             2005060210
20061221             —PRODUCED, Mines were, by 5—SPAIN—PRIVATE—COMPANIES: Bressel, Explosivos Alaveses ( Expal ), Explosivos de BURGOS (EDB), Fabricaciones Extremeñas (FAEX)...
20061221             down with murder inc
20061221             WILLIAM—COLBY wrote in his memoirs that he received SUPPORT—OF—GOVERNMENTS in...
20061221             REFERENCES—BIBLIOGRAPHY—THESIS: Le organizzazioni paramilitari... Martini Fulvio, Maletti Gianadelio, Morucci Valerio, Piperno Franco... THE—MEMOIRS of an Intelligence Agent, Corgi PUBLISHER, LONDON, 19800000             .
20061221             CIA Sûreté d'Etat Gladio Tueurs Brabant CCC fraude électorale vote...
20061221             Gianadelio Maletti (4) Gianalfonso (1) Gianantonio Arduini (1)... Memoir (1) Memoria (1) Memorial Cecchi Gori (5) Memorial Ruffini (1) Memorie (1)...
20061221             Conservative Revolutionary USA—PARTY—III: 20051100             ... to the Sea" wherein Sherman claimed in his memoirs that his army "destroyed... and culprits," GENERAL—GIANADELIO—MALETTI told la Republica newspaper in...
20061221             Palladismo ed erotomania dell'Alta Massoneria statunitense : ITALY imc GEN GIANADELIO MALETTI ROMA ATTIVO 499—DOTT FRANCESCO—MALFATTI—DI—MONTETRETTO—ROMA—ATTIVO 812—PROF GIANCARLO—MALTONI—FIRENZE—ATTIVO 415 ...
20061221             —HELPED, Terrorists ' by CIA' to stop rise of left in ITALY | The... The allegation was made by GENERAL—GIANADELIO—MALETTI, 1—FORMER—HEAD—OF—MILITARY... In 1—POSTHUMOUS—MEMOIR published —LAST—YEAR, the wartime resistance hero...
20061221             Operation GLADIO—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia GENERAL—GIANADELIO—MALETTI, COMMANDER—OF—THE—COUNTER—INTELLIGENCE—SECTION—OF... Clarridge (quotes from Clarridge's 19970000             memoirs 1—AGENT for All Seasons)...
20061221             Operation Gladio: Information from Answers_com According to DANIELE—GANSER, GENERAL—GIANADELIO—MALETTI, FORMER—HEAD—OF—ITALIAN... (quotes from Clarridge's 19970000             memoirs 1—AGENT for All Seasons)...
20061221             Diputación de VALENCIA - S. Estudios Arqueológicos Valencianos GENERAL—GIANADELIO—MALETTI, COMMANDER—OF—THE—COUNTER—INTELLIGENCE—SECTION—OF... released his memoirs in which he described THE—SETTING—UP—OF—STAY—BEHIND...
20061221             Estopines de ARTILLERÍA—MUNICION_org M 82—V.E." fabricados por EXPAL ( Explosivos Alaveses, S.A.) de Gasteiz.
20061221             FOTOS: SIMÓN. - Explosivos Alaveses S.A. ( Expal ) de Paraje de Ollavarre (VITORIA).
20061221             Antimilitarismo. Gastos de armamento. Guerra.
20061221             Datos sobre LOS—ANGELES.. En segundo lugar nos aparece EXPAL ( Explosivos Alaveses) con 18.078—MILLONES de pesetas repartidos en 134—ADJUDICACIONES recibidas (es, con DIFE—RENCIA.
20061221             Guerra IRÁN—IRAQ—WIKIPEDIA, la enciclopedia libre Esta inspección examinó obuses iraquíes que no habían estallado, llenos de gas mostaza.
20061221             TRANSPARENCIA EN EL CONTROL DEL—COMERCIO—DE—ARMAMENTO—LAS empresas exportadoras más importantes son: Construcciones Aeronáuticas (CASA) Empresa Nacional Bazán, Explosivos Alaveses ( EXPAL ) Explosivos de BURGOS...
20061221             Feria Internacional del Aire y del Espacio 20080000             EXPAL, EXPLOSIVOS ALAVESES, S.A.
20061221             PEMAC/CONSUEGRA. AFARMADE.
20061221             [Infomoc] La empresa de explosivos Expal cerrará su La empresa de explosivos Expal cerrará su planta alavesa, que emplea a 82—OPERARIOS Planteará a sus 82—OPERARIOS el traslado a las fábricas que tiene en...
20061221             SPAIN, Landmine Monitor Report 20040000             There were 5—MANUFACTURING companies: Bressel, Explosivos Alaveses ( Expal ), Explosivos de BURGOS, Fabricaciones Extremeñas + Unión Española de...
20061221             PaNeDu Los obuses estaban fabricados por EXPAL ( Explosivos Alaveses).
20061221             Las minas terrestres en AFRICA: el terror después de la guerra... fabricando actualmente en el centenar de industrias públicas y privadas de unos 50—PAÍSES.13 Entre ellas, la española Expal ( Explosivos Alaveses S.A).14 ...
20061221             LOS—ANGELES Downtown News; news THOMAS—E—EDWARDS, ROBERT—K—JOHNSON, R. GREGORY—MORGAN... Wa;
20061221             mit Creel, CA, Medical malpractice;
20061221             professional liability; insurance coverage;... - Fraud on 1—NOISY—MARKET
20061221             MIT Sloan Working Paper... See BRADFORD Cornell & R. GREGORY—MORGAN, Using Finance Theory to Measure...
20061221             FRAUD ON 1—NOISY—MARKET -
20061221             Traders ( MIT Sloan SCHOOL—OF—MANAGEMENT, Working Paper NUMBER... See BRADFORD Cornell & R. GREGORY—MORGAN, Using Finance Theory to Measure...
20061221             JSTOR: Rethinking USA—SECURITIES—LAWS in THE—SHADOW—OF...
20061221             J. RICHARD—ZECHER, THE—SEC and the Public Interest 51 ( MIT Press, 19810000             ).
20061221             62.... More generally, see Braddord Cornell & R. GREGORY—MORGAN, Using Finance
20061221             SPRÜCHE—SAYINGS—DITADOS -
20061221             WILLIAM—PITT speech to the House...
20061221             Reservan datos del secretario de MARTA—SAHAGÚN—ANTE la negativa de OMAR—SAAVEDRA—BODDY, secretario particular... y del CUBANO—ESTADUNIDENSE ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCÓN, considerado el primer ZAR de las drogas.
20061221             Consulta Efemérides SECRETARÍA DE EDUCACIÓN PÚBLICA... Se dio en el penal de Lecumberri de... de un largo túnel: ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCÓN, LUIS—ANTONIO—ZÚCCOLI—BRAVO, Alberto...
20061221             "But these principles were not observed at the referendum held —YESTERDAY," THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—PARLAMENTARY—ASSEMBLY—OF—THE—COUNCIL—OF—EUROPE Lord Russel...
20061221             Gazetteer for SCOTLAND: Definitive DESCRIPTION—OF—SIR—DAVID—RUSSELL—JOHNSTON (19320000             —UNTIL—NOW)
20061221             —RECEIVED, MINISTER—OSKANIAN, THE—PACE—DELEGATION led by Lord Russel...
20061221             Concerning the elections on
20061221             —DISCUSSED, MINISTER—OSKANIAN and Lord RUSSEL—JOHNSTON, progress in the ongoing...
20061221             CYPRUS News Agency: News in English (PM), 20990000             [[D19[[M02
20061221             —ISSUED, According to 1—PRESS—RELEASE, by Council of EUROPE, Lord RUSSEL—JOHNSTON
20061221             Lord RUSSEL—JOHNSTON said "the presence of INTERNATIONAL observers at the...
20061221             News Reports
20061221             THE—REPORT—OF—THE—HEAD—OF—THE subcommittee of the Parliamentary ASSEMBLY—OF—THE—COUNCIL—OF—EUROPE (PACE) on Nagorny Karabakh, lord RUSSEL—JOHNSON have been...
20061221             JOHN—RUSSELL, 1. EARL—RUSSELL—WIKIPEDIA—AUS Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie.
20061221             Wechseln zu: Navigation, Suche. JOHN—RUSSELL - - vergrößern.
20061221             JOHN—RUSSELL.
20061221             Lord JOHN—RUSSELL, 1. EARL—RUSSELL (* 18.
20061221             Bedfordshire, Lord Russel.
20061221             SIR—WILLIAM—GOSTWICK... Whitchurch, Lord Russel, RICHARD—WOOLLASTON.
20061221             Winchelsea, THOMAS—NEWPORT, ROBERT—BRISTOW.
20061221             Speake... Whitchurch, JAMES—LORD—RUSSEL, CHRISTOPHER—STOKES...
20061221             PHILADELPHIA Rare Books and Manuscripts: Wing Books
20061221             Redeploy the troops out of IRAQ, to surrounding regions, like BAHRAIN +... torture your parents + have you sent to Checkoslovakia to be tortured...
20061221             A.B.A denounces Bush Admin re detainees [Archive] - MAC—FORUMS —JUST like IRAQ,NORTH—KOREA, IRAN,afgahnistan,syria, <insert favourite axis...
20061221             POLAND, BULGARIA, ROMANIA, HUNGARY, Checkoslovakia all fell to the iron fist...
20061221             MATTHEW—YGLESIAS: Not Good...
20061221             "In general rewarding ACTS—OF—AGGRESSION with appeasement is 1—NET—NEGATIVE. See: Hitler, Checkoslovakia ".
20061221             Well, there is 1—CONTRIBUTION finally.
20061221             ANTI—AMERICANISM/USA—APPRECIATION Thread.
20061221             - Page 51 ... THE—POLICY—OF—APPEASEMENT towards Hitler by the Brits and Russians who sold out POLAND and Checkoslovakia certainly didn't engender ANY—FEELING of moral.
20061221             BBC NEWS | Talking Point | Is FRANCE right to force 1—SPLIT on IRAQ?
20061221             THE—THREAT—OF—BIOLOGICAL, chemical and nuclear weapons from outlaw regimes like IRAQ, IRAN, LIBYA or NORTH—KOREA falling into the hands of Islamic terror...
20061221             Political Forums > Westerners Losing Heart to Preserve Greatness Refusing to 'give' Hitler Checkoslovakia would have changed nothing.
20061221             I do agree that the " appeasement " of 19380000             may have had SOME—BENEFICIAL—SIDE—EFFECTS.
20061221             HISTORY COUNTY—OF—BRANT
20061221             came the official ENDING—OF—THE—WAR with THE—SIGNING—OF—THE—PEACE—TREATY.
20061221             LAWRENCE, PARIS 2. - Battalion.
20061221             Kermit ROOSEVELT ~ War in the Garden of EDEN—I last saw COLONEL—LAWRENCE in PARIS, whither he had brought THE—SON—OF—THE—KING—OF—THE—HEDJAZ to attend the Peace Conference.
20061221             —WHEN I got back to ALEXANDRIA.
20061221             WIND IN THE—SAHARA—BODLEY, RVC The author, 1—GRAND—NEPHEW—OF—GERTRUDE—BELL, met TE Lawrence at THE—PARIS—PEACE—CONFERENCE : ~"Go and live with the Arabs!" he cried.
20061221             lawrence "He, said Malraux, had already into his pocket THE—7—PILLARS, the collaboration with CHURCHILL —DURING the Peace Conference, THE—BREAK—UP with the world...
20061221             Webmaster Friendly FORUM—THREAT—LEVEL Or Terror alert to High What IRAQ looks like is POLAND or Checkoslovakia.
20061221             Who does Bush look like huh? And what do the war cheerleaders who seem to be well represented here look.
20061221             THE—GOP—IDIOTIC—COMPARISON with WWII [Archive] - Page 6 - Sean... Islamic Extremist are the ones running countries like IRAQ, IRAN, Syria, etc.
20061221             —ENGAGED, We, in at least as much ' appeasement ' with THE—SOVIET—UNION for 50.
20061221             Daily Kos: Why THE—ARAB—WORLD—HATES—USA—BECAUSE—OF—THE—WAR and the subsequent occupation of IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN... and THE—OSTRO—HUNGARY—EMPIRE + so was HUNGARY, Checkoslovakia and AUSTRIA.
20061221             [FREE IRAN Project] In THE—SPIRIT—OF—CYRUS—THE—GREAT :: View topic... - did in IRAN—IRAQ war.
20061221             We have completely different agenda time.
20061221             We are... Checkoslovakia...1968. THE—MARCH—OF—FREEDOM is 1—LONG—HARD—ROAD + it doesn't.
20061221             Time to boycott IRAN IRAN and Syria carry on like this because they know they will suffer no... —WHEN it comes to the E.U. crowd all we have to recall is Checkoslovakia & POLAND...
20061221             - 38 - Bush Criticizes FDR Over Yalta In contrast, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, like MISTER—CHAMBERLAIN, will be forever associated with THE—APPEASEMENT—OF—DICTATORS.
20061221             I can only imagine what SENATOR—KERRY'S.
20061221             - 80 - THE—BALTIMORE—REPORTER—WHEN Britian and FRANCE gave Hitler Checkoslovakia, Hitler —LATER turned the tanks and the weapons from Checkoslovakia on EUROPE.
20061221             It is the appeasement of.
20061221             THE—RAVING—ATHEIST " Archives " 20050600             " JUDGE—ORDERS—CHILD to...
20061221             1—LOT—OF—THIS stuff about Chamberlain and appeasement is nothing more than... deciding and taken AUSTRIA and checkoslovakia without firing 1—BULLET.
20061221             hatte sich —BEREITS an den 3—VORGÄNGERFONDS—VON—EQT beteiligt.
20061221             EQT Scandinavia I und II erwirtschafteten —BISHER eindrückliche.
20061221             Gewinne.
20061221             "Die Bevölkerung weiß am besten, was 1—KRIEG bedeutet".
20061221             Doch dann legt er NACH—WIE 1—VERTRETER einer Mittelmacht.
20061221             Neue UNSICHERHEIT—IN KOOPERATION MIT... DE—BUG—MAGAZIN für elektronische Lebensaspekte
20061221             Damit die ängstlichen HANDY—BESITZER nicht vom eigenen Mobiltelefon mit UV—STRAHLUNG angegriffen werden, funktioniert die Desinfektion nur, wenn das Gerät zugeklappt ist.
20061221             Die Selbstreinigung soll etwa —3—MINUTEN in Anspruch nehmen.
20061221             Dass sich der Vorgang per Definition im Verborgenen abspielt, könnte sich allerdings noch als Manko erweisen, schließlich handelt es sich beim HANDY—SCHMUTZ eher um ein psychologisches als ein medizinisches PROBLEM—JEDENFALLS aus europäischer Sicht.
20061221             Unlängst zeigte NOKIA—ENTWICKLER JAN—CHIPCHASE auf seinem Blog "Future Perfect"
20061221             entsprechende Fotos, die hierzulande eher für Heiterkeit sorgen dürften.
20061221             Sollte die Weltbevölkerung allerdings eines Tages von einem Virus dahingerafft werden, das sich ausschließlich über Mobiltelefone verbreitet, werden wohl die Südkoreaner zuletzt lachen.
20061221             Unionszwist: Müntefering schimpft über Stoibers Attacken auf Merkel
20061221             Dichter Nebel in LONDON: Zehntausende Fluggäste sitzen in Heathrow fest
20061221             PALÄSTINENSER—KONFLIKT: Olmert plant Treffen mit Abbas
20061221             Fischereiwirtschaft: EU einigt sich auf neue Fangquoten
20061221             Hochwasser in MALAYSIA: Zehntausende sind auf der Flucht
20061221             Überhöhte Strompreise: Politiker wollen ALLE—ENERGIEKONZERNE überprüfen
20061221             IRAK: USA—DEMOKRATEN folgen Bush s TRUPPEN—PLÄNEN
20061221             Gute Nase: Maus erschnüffelt Futter unter Wasser
20061221   —WHO—TOUGH on TEHRAN?
20061221             IRAN—VOTERS are, but not THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL.
20061221             Welcome, WAL—MART Comrades WAL—MART—EMBRACE—OF—UNION and Communist Party.
20061221             Hedge Fund Secrets A new challenge to SEC disclosure efforts.
20061221             —BY MICHAEL—S—MALONE—EMBRACE the Deficit
20061221             The trade deficit and capital inflow reflect growth, not weakness.
20061221             "We're Americans with dreams and aspirations". By MICHAEL—JUDGE
20061221             THE—WASHINGTON—POST and LOS—ANGELES—TIMES—LEAD, —WHILE THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL tops its worldwide newsbox, with PRESIDENT—BUSH—END—OF—YEAR—NEWS—CONFERENCE, where he called 20060000             a "difficult —YEAR," gave 1—HARSH—ASSESSMENT—OF—THE—SITUATION in IRAQ + insisted he is still considering several options on how to proceed.
20061221             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—LEADS with another story in its energy series that looks at how 1—UNITED—NATIONS—BACKED program to limit global warming is inefficient + enriches 1—SELECT few.
20061221             USA—TODAY—LEADS with the heavy snowstorm that hit COLORADO and has delayed thousands in the middle of 1—RECORD—BREAKING travel season.
20061221             —CLOSED, DENVER—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT, down + more than 1,000 flights were canceled through —THURSDAY.
20061221             —CLOSED, SOME—HIGHWAYS and roads were also.
20061221             The airport set up cots as they predict some could be stuck for several days.
20061221             To continue READING, click here.
20061221             IRAK: AL—SADR—ANHÄNGER beenden REGIERUNGS—BOYKOTT
20061221             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH—YESTERDAY " 1—BILL that extends the Special... Trio... Powiadom znajomego o ksiazce "Tadeusz KISIELEWSKI—IMPERIUM Americanum ?...  - 506
20061221             'Hibernating' Man Survives —FOR—3—WEEKS
20061221             Meditation changes temperatures Mind controls body in extreme experiments.
20061221             UN approves AL—QAEDA appeal list :
20061221             —VOTED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL has, unanimously to approve 1—APPEAL—PROCEDURE for people and groups subject to sanctions because of suspected ties to AL—QAEDA and AFGHANISTAN—FORMER—TALIBAN rulers.
20061221             MEXICO—SOLDIERS Freelancing for Drug Cartels on USA—SOIL:
20061221             GUN—TOTING MEMBERS—OF—THE—MEXICO—MILITARY are crossing regularly into USA—TERRITORY,
20061221             where they are partnering with drug cartels and criminal gangs to protect sophisticated smuggling operations,
20061221             according to TEXAS sheriffs and lawmakers.
20061221             Report Says Berger Hid Archive Documents:
20061221             —REMOVED, Former national security adviser SANDY—BERGER, classified documents from the National Archives
20061221             Report Reveals 2.2—MILLION Borrowers Face Foreclosure on Subprime Home Loans:
20061221             1—NEW—CENTER for Responsible Lending (CRL) study reveals that 2.2—MILLION—USA—HOUSEHOLDS will lose their homes and as much as $164—BILLION due to foreclosures in the subprime mortgage market.
20061221             IRAN, CHINA sign $16b gas deal:
20061221             RUSSIA—LUKOIL starts drilling in VENEZUELA:
20061221             —STARTED, RUSSIA—OIL—COMPANY—LUKOIL, drilling the 1. out of 17—WELLS at "Junín 3," 1—BLOC—OF—HEAVY—OIL located in Orinoco belt, SOUTH—VENEZUELA.
20061221             —EVACUATED, Shell families, in NIGERIA:
20061221             Royal HOLLAND—SHELL is evacuating the dependants of its expatriate staff from THE—NIGER—DELTA—AFTER fighters planted 1—CAR—BOMB in 1—RESIDENTIAL compound —EARLIER in the —WEEK.
20061221             Bush "If they want to sit down with us for THE—GOOD—OF—THE—IRAN—PEOPLE, they ought to verifiably suspend their program," he said.
20061221             IRAN rejects Blair's "hateful" criticism:
20061221             —LAMBASTED, IRAN, 1—CALL by PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR for Middle Eastern countries to form 1—ALLIANCE against TEHRAN.
20061221             War Crimes Report Advertised In THE—MILITARY—TIMES—NEWSPAPERS:
20061221             "We felt that the people who are ordered to fight in IRAQ + those who support USA—PRESENCE—IRAQ,
20061221             ought to KNOW—OF—THE—OPPORTUNITY to learn about THE—MANY—WAYS in which THE—USA has violated and continues to violate INTERNATIONAL law there," said NICK—MOTTERN,
20061221             —DEPLOYED, The suicide rate among troops, for THE—IRAQ war reached its highest point —LAST—YEAR—SINCE 20030000             —THE invasion,
20061221             according to 1—ARMY—MENTAL—HEALTH—STUDY released —TUESDAY.
20061221             —TORTURED, Navy vet says he was, by USA—FORCES: Suit filed against Rumsfeld: -
20061221             1—NAVY—VETERAN from CHICAGO says he was detained and tortured by USA—FORCES in BAGHDAD without being charged.
20061221             Flouting THE—LAWS—OF—WAR:
20061221             —ACCUSED—OF, DAVID—HICKS has been, SOME—ILL—DEFINED war crimes.
20061221             Pentagon wants $99.7—BILLION more for IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN:
20061221             —EMBRACED, The military's request, if, by PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH + approved by Congress, would boost —THIS—YEAR—BUDGET for those wars to about $170—BILLION.
20061221             —BRAINWASHED, Bush '' Blair on IRAQ PULLOUT—IRAQ VP: -
20061221             UK—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR was in favor of announcing 1—TIMETABLE to pull troops out of IRAQ, but was "brainwashed" out of it by PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, IRAQ—VICE—PRESIDENT said.
20061221             —EXPECTED, More Marines, to be charged
20061221             Who pays for the liberty you DEMAND—AND prove to me, AMERICA, that you care
20061221             And prove to me, AMERICA, you're AWARE—WHO—DYING for your freedom in this land
20061221             THE—NIST 20010911             Report on THE—WTC—COLLAPSE—BY MARK—H—GAFFNEY
20061221             New paper on NIST—WTC investigation at Journal of 20010911             Studies-
20061221             —ON the contrary, MANY—OF—NIST—TESTS contradicted its conclusions.
20061221             1—UNION—HEARING - ' In a ;;06;;, 20040000             , speech JOHN—KERRY brought 1—NEW—JERSEY crowd to its feet —WHEN he declared:
20061221             "It's time once and for all we change the laws so workers can organize —WHEN 1—MAJORITY—OF—THEM wants to,
20061221             without intimidation and interference from management".
20061221             'Compulsory powers to fingerprint and photograph 700,000 foreigners —1—YEAR who live in BRITAIN as part of the national identity card scheme were announced —YESTERDAY by the home SECRETARY,
20061221             JOHN—REID, as the scope of what critics see as 1—FUTURE—BIG—BROTHER—STATE became clearer.
20061221             At the same time, 150—SCREENING centres —AROUND the world are to be set up in —18—MONTHS so that biometric DATA—ELECTRONIC—FINGERPRINTS and PHOTOS—CAN be taken and stored from passengers coming to BRITAIN from 169—COUNTRIES outside EUROPE.
20061221             —ON FOX—NEWS—SUNDAY, Weekly Standard EDITOR—BILL—KRISTOL misrepresented Sen.
20061221             TED—KENNEDY'S "current position" on IRAQ as 1—PLAN to "continue to pursue 1—STRATEGY which has not been winning.
20061221             Suddenly, the strange case makes sense...-
20061221             "Islamophobia", intensified by the war in IRAQ and USA—GOVERNMENT actions at home — has left MILLIONS—OF—AMERICA—MUSLIMS FEARFUL—OF—HARASSMENT,
20061221             discrimination + questionable prosecutions + confused about their place in USA—SOCIETY.
20061221             1—SURVEY by the Council on USA—ISLAMIC—RELATIONS (CAIR) found that 1—QUARTER—OF—AMERICANS consistently believe stereotypes such as:
20061221             "Muslims value life less than other people" and "THE—MUSLIM religion teaches violence and hatred".
20061221             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—LANDMARK—SYDNEY legal ruling sets precedent for wholesale DEVASTATION—OF—INTERNET—NEWS—WEBSITES and blogs
20061221             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—AVOIDS assassination conspiracy questions but Yoko ONO—CRYPTIC quote lets suspicions linger
20061221             In 1—LETTER sent —THIS—MONTH to his constituents, REPRESENTATIVE—VIRGIL—GOODE (R—VA) attacked incoming REPRESENTATIVE—KEITH—ELLISON (D—MN),
20061221             the 1. Muslim elected to Congress:
20061221             In the letter, Goode repeatedly justifies his attack as related to immigration policy:
20061221             In fact, his ancestors have been living on the continent for over —250—YEARS,
20061221             —BEFORE THE—USA was established as 1—COUNTRY:
20061221             Nevertheless, Ellison told THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, "I'm looking forward to making friends with REPRESENTATIVE—GOODE,
20061221             or at least getting to know him.
20061221             I want to let him know that there's nothing to fear.
20061221             The fact that there are MANY—DIFFERENT—FAITHS, MANY—DIFFERENT colors and MANY—DIFFERENT—CULTURES in AMERICA is 1—GREAT—STRENGTH".
20061221             AMANDA—HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—PAGES—OF—SECRET—DOCUMENTS that are —25—YEARS—OLD or older will be instantly declassified.
20061221             "—AFTER YEARS—OF—EXTENSIONS sought by FEDERAL—AGENCIES behaving like college students facing 1—TERM—PAPER,
20061221             the end of 20060000             means the government's 1. automatic DECLASSIFICATION—OF—RECORDS.
20061221             —AFTER 1—MEETING in IRAQ with USA—GENERALS, Defense SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES acknowledged that commanders "out here have expressed 1—CONCERN
20061221             —ABOUT " PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLAN to increase USA—TROOP levels in IRAQ.
20061221             " Economic growth slowed to a 2 % pace in the —LATE—SUMMER, more sluggish than previously thought, as THE—REAL—ESTATE—BUS
20061221             NEW—JERSEY will "become the 3. in the nation to institute civil unions
20061221             —INCREASED, THE—FEDERAL—MINIMUM—WAGE has not been
20061221             The political OPPONENTS—OF—IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD "won local council 1—EMBARRASSING blow
20061221             " Bears have stopped hibernating in THE—MOUNTAINS—OF—NORTH—SPAIN,
20061221             scientists revealed —YESTERDAY, in what may be 1—OF—THE—STRONGEST—SIGNALS yet of how much climate change is affecting the natural world.
20061221             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH—YESTERDAY " 1—BILL that extends the Special Inspector GENERAL for IRAQ Reconstruction,
20061221             1—INDEPENDENT—AGENCY that oversees $32—BILLION in USA—EXPENDITURES
20061221             SENATOR—PATRICK—LEAHY, the incoming CHAIR—OF—THE—SENATE—JUDICIARY committee,
20061221             "has vowed to get to the bottom of 1 alleged rendition of 1—CANADA—MAN wrongly ACCUSED—OF—TERRORIST—TIES".
20061221             NICO—DID you censor information about IRAN?
20061221             NICO—IT—1—GIANT—CASH—COW for the religious right.
20061221             'I think it would create more targets.
20061221             I think we would put more life at risk, Clips from 1—NEW documentary
20061221             —RECENTLY show REPRESENTATIVE—ILEANA—ROS—LEHTINEN (R—FL) saying, "I welcome the opportunity of having anyone assassinate Fidel Castro
20061221             and ANY—LEADER who is oppressing the people".
20061221             —DISAVOWED, ROS—LEHTINEN quickly, the comments and gave 1—LONG, tortured explanation
20061221             In response to 1—QUESTION about whether there is an "argument for assassination" of Fidel Castro,
20061221             Lehtinen clearly states, "I welcome the opportunity of having anyone assassinate Fidel Castro and ANY—LEADER who was oppressing... oppressing the people + if they don't assassinate and if they bring him to trial,
20061221             I welcome the opportunity to having him meet the... 1—JURY—OF his peers and answer".
20061221             —CALLED, Cannell has, ROS—LEHTINEN—ACCUSATIONS "completely, totally false
20061221             " and called on her "to retract what she said and to apologize". ROS—LEHTINEN had "no comment" on the new footage.
20061221             In the letter, Goode says, "I fear that in the next —CENTURY we will have MANY—MORE—MUSLIMS in THE—USA
20061221             Last night, the Council on AMERICA ISLAMIC RELATIONS said the letter "sends 1—MESSAGE—OF—INTOLERANCE" and called on Goode to apologize.
20061221             —REFUSED, Duncan repeatedly, to answer more detailed questions,
20061221             saying only that GOODE—LETTER "speaks for itself".
20061221             —TARGETED, Asked whether Goode had ever, MUSLIM—AMERICANS in his previous statements,
20061221             —WORKED, Duncan said, "I've, here —FOR—10—YEARS + I'm not aware of this topic being addressed in the past".
20061221             to make public the final 10—DOCUMENTS about the surveillance of JOHN—LENNON that it had withheld —FOR—25—YEARS from 1—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA,
20061221             IRVINE historian on the grounds that releasing them could cause 'military retaliation against THE—USA.
20061221             "A dangerous hypothetical".-
20061221             —CALLED, NICO—WHAT—PRESIDENT—BUSH, 1—QUESTION this —MORNING about the possibility that he may increase troop levels in IRAQ against THE—WISHES—OF—MILITARY—LEADERS.
20061221             —YESTERDAY on FOX—NEWS, talk radio host MIKE—GALLAGHER said THE—USA—GOVERNMENT should "round up" actor MATT—DAMON,
20061221             "THE—VIEW" host JOY—BEHAR + MISS—NBC anchor KEITH—OLBERMANN and "put them in 1—DETENTION—CAMP—UNTIL this war is over because they're 1—BUNCH of traitors".
20061221             Gallagher was upset over BEHAR—COMMENT that Time magazine should have chosen 1—CONTROVERSIAL "HITLER—TYPE
20061221             But JOY—BEHAR goes on national TV and compares a good man like Rumsfeld to the evilest man in the world and nobody,
20061221             you know, there's no repercussions for JOY—BEHAR.
20061221             " NEW—YORK—TIMES—COLUMNIST—PAUL—KRUGMAN notes that "the odds are very good — maybe 2 to 1,
20061221             " that THE—USA will teeter toward 1—RECESSION—BUSH—SOLUTION?
20061221             "Go shopping more".
20061221             Similarly, (THE—USA—CURRENT—ACCOUNT—DEFICIT widened to 1—RECORD $225.6—BILLION in the 3. quarter,
20061221             officials announced —YESTERDAY.
20061221             The greatest current threat to our standard of living is the current account deficit, which —NOW stands at 1—WHOPPING $225.6—BILLION
20061221             in —JUST the 3. quarter of 20060000             .
20061221             It includes, among other, smaller items, exports and imports, as well as the interest USA residents earn on their investments abroad,
20061221             minus the interest paid on debt that USA residents owe to THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD.
20061221             In the 3. quarter of 20060000             ,
20061221             THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT spent $37—BILLION
20061221             — or 1.1—PERCENT—OF—OUR—ECONOMY—ON interest payments to THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD.
20061221             The last 4—QUARTERS have been the 1. time —SINCE the government has collected these data
20061221             such as education or health care.
20061221             If other countries follow suit, interest rates will go up to attract more money to THE—USA—THIS means higher mortgage and credit card payments for families,
20061221             but also less investment by firms, all of which spells less growth and fewer jobs.
20061221             Conservatives contend that our trade deficit is 1—SIGN—OF—USA economic strength:
20061221             we consume, —THEREFORE we are!
20061221             Our past debt is coming due + if we continue on this path,
20061221             we will have to spend 1—EVER larger share of our economic resources to pay for this debt,
20061221             automatically leaving less money for investments and possibly leading the way for 1—SERIOUS—ECONOMIC—SLOWDOWN.
20061221             —DURING—TODAY—PRESS briefing, the media devoted MOST—OF—ITS—ATTENTION to the skin cancer tumor
20061221             1. Lady Laura BUSH —RECENTLY had removed.
20061221             Reporters were critical of Mrs.
20061221             BUSH—DECISION to not publicize her condition —INITIALLY, asking Press SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW why she "didn't feel ANY—OBLIGATION as 1—PERSON—OF—PUBLIC—STATUS to talk about this
20061221             " and arguing that she should —NOW become 1—ADVOCATE for preventative care against skin cancer.
20061221             HIGHLIGHTS—OF—REPORTERS' questions from the briefing: How is she doing?
20061221             MISTER—S—BUSH—DECISION not to reveal the details of her skin condition is hardly 1—MATTER—WORTHY—OF—INTENSE—PUBLIC scrutiny,
20061221             especially —WHEN there are so MANY—ISSUES—OF—REAL—SIGNIFICANCE that the media could be covering.
20061221             11—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS who support escalating the war in IRAQ
20061221             —BY—ADDING at least 20,000 additional USA—FORCES, according to 1—POLL.
20061221             —INDUSTRIALIZED, AUSTRALIA, the only major, country other than THE—USA to reject THE—KYOTO—PROTOCOL,
20061221             As ClimateProgress notes, global warming "has also taken its toll on the economy,
20061221             significantly slowing AUSTRALIA—GROWTH
20061221             —SINCE so MUCH—OF—THE—COUNTRY—GDP relies on agriculture".
20061221             'We're calling THE—VICE—PRESIDENT,
20061221             Hotline On Call reports that McCain has chosen Kissinger to be the Honorary CO—CHAIR
20061221             for his presidential campaign in NEW—YORK.
20061221             BUSH is reportedly set to adopt MCCAIN—PLAN to escalate the war with TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—ADDITIONAL—USA—TROOPS + has taken up KISSINGER—MANTRA
20061221             that victory in IRAQ simply requires "sticking it out":
20061221             In his writing, speeches and private comments,
20061221             —CLAIMED, Kissinger, that THE—USA had essentially won the war
20061221             titled "Lessons for 1—EXIT—STRATEGY," Kissinger wrote, "Victory over the insurgency is the only meaningful exit strategy".
20061221             Asked —RECENTLY about his friendship with Kissinger, McCain said, "I'm not at all embarrassed about it; I'm proud of it".
20061221             THE—WHITE—HOUSE is "aggressively promoting" 1—PLAN to send "15,000 to 30,000—MORE—TROOPS" to IRAQ "over the unanimous disagreement of the Joint CHIEFS—OF—STAFF,
20061221             " THE—WASHINGTON—POST—REPORTS—TODAY. "THE—PENTAGON has cautioned that 1—MODEST surge could lead to more attacks by AL—QAEDA,
20061221             provide more targets for Sunni insurgents and fuel the jihadist appeal for more foreign fighters to flock to IRAQ to attack USA—TROOPS".
20061221             —INSISTED, BUSH has repeatedly
20061221             that troop levels were determined by military commanders.
20061221             —1—YEAR—AGO, BUSH said he would not raise troop levels because the "commanders tell me they have THE—NUMBER—OF—TROOPS they need to do their job".
20061221             "As we determine the right force level," BUSH said,
20061221             "our troops can know that I will continue to be guided by the advice that matters:
20061221             the sober judgment of our military leaders.
20061221             —OBTAINED, ThinkProgress, 1—MESSAGE from THE—WASHINGTON—SPEAKERS—BUREAU,
20061221             which is advertising BOLTON—NEW—JOB on the speakers circuit: BOLTON was an "outspoken critic
20061221             " of outgoing UNITED—NATIONS SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN.
20061221             1—STATEMENT released late —LAST—WEEK
20061221             heaped praise on Annan, saying he "worked tirelessly to make THE—UN 1—MORE—EFFICIENT and effective organization," was a "strong voice condemning terrorism" and "1—CHAMPION of human rights".
20061221             Full TEXT—OF—EMAIL: Dear ****,
20061221             —PRAISED, He was, for successfully implementing strong sanctions on NORTH—KOREA within DAYS—OF—PYONGYANG'S ;;10;;
20061221             nuclear test.
20061221             —INVITED, And in 1—UNIQUE—EFFORT, BOLTON, actor GEORGE—CLOONEY and Nobel Laureate ELIE—WIESEL to brief the Security Council on THE—MASS—MURDERS in Darfur,
20061221             SUDAN, exclaiming, "EVERY—DAY we delay only adds to THE—SUFFERING—OF—THE—SUDAN—PEOPLE".
20061221             —NOTED, Last night on, reporter SUZANNE—MALVEAUX, that THE—USA—ENTERPRISE—INSTITUTE (AEI),
20061221             1—RIGHT—WING think tank in WASHINGTON, DC, "has THE—PRESIDENT—EAR and is influencing his thinking" on IRAQ.
20061221             —BRIEFED, —LAST—WEEK—BUSH was, on 1—REPORT by AEI scholar FREDERICK—W—KAGAN that calls for 1—TROOP surge in IRAQ that "would probably last for anywhere from 18 to —24—MONTHS".
20061221             The full report can be found here.
20061221             SUZANNE—MALVEAUX, WHITE—HOUSE—CORRESPONDENT: Aides say THE—PRESIDENT is weighing his numerous options for changing tactics in IRAQ,
20061221             —FOLLOWING his consultations —LAST—WEEK with IRAQ—LEADERS and advisers at the Pentagon and State.
20061221             A Declassified Documentary Obit-
20061221             The documents include... 20061221             BUSH
20061221             Mehr Soldaten für KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—TERROR
20061221             Dabei gehe es aber nicht nur um den Krieg im IRAK, sondern um den weltweiten Kampf gegen islamische Extremisten,
20061221             sagte BUSH —AM—DIENSTAG in einem Interview der "WASHINGTON—POST".
20061221             1—ZAHL nannte BUSH nicht. SECRETS—OF—SKIN cancer fightback
20061221             The deadliest FORM—OF—SKIN—CANCER cheats chemotherapy by disguising itself as 1—NORMAL—CELL, say scientists.
20061221             High vitamin D levels cut MS risk
20061221             Higher levels of vitamin D in the blood may lower the risk of multiple sclerosis, research suggests.
20061221             —UNLOCKED, GENETICS—OF—EYE—COLOUR
20061221             —JUST 1—FEW "letters" out of 6—BILLION that make up the genetic code control most variation in human eye colour.
20061221             New bird flu cases in VIETNAM
20061221             VIETNAM confirms THE—DEATH—OF—SOME 6,000 domestic poultry from bird flu, —AFTER being free of human cases for —1—YEAR.
20061221             Researchers 'grow' heart arteries
20061221             Scientists use an £84,000 to fund attempts to "grow" arteries in test tubes.
20061221             Gazprom gains huge gas stake
20061221             RUSSIA—STATE—OWNED energy giant Gazprom wrests CONTROL—OF—1—MASSIVE—GAS—FIELD from ANGLO—HOLLAND—RIVAL—SHELL.
20061221             USA—GROWTH hit by house market
20061221             THE—USA—ECONOMY has been growing slower than forecast as 1—WEAK housing market hurt consumers, figures show.
20061221             'Virgin births' for giant lizards
20061221             —PRODUCED, Scientists report 2—CASES where female Komodo dragons have, OFFSPRING—DESPITE no MALE contact.
20061221             Robots could demand legal rights
20061221             Intelligent robots could —1—DAY be granted the same rights as humans says 1—REPORT commissioned by the government.
20061221             Cheney to testify over CIA leak
20061221             VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY will be called to testify in THE—CIA—LEAK—CASE involving his EX—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, lawyers say.
20061221             COLOMBIA fighter gives testimony
20061221             COLOMBIA—RIGHT—WING paramilitary COMMANDER—SALVATORE—MANCUSO testifies —BEFORE a special tribunal.
20061221             Fish deal put forward in BRUSSELS
20061221             EU officials table 1—COMPROMISE to cut cod catches by 25% but allow boats to spend longer at sea.
20061221             Dow Jones at record on oil rises
20061221             —PROMPTED, THE—DOW—JONES—INDEX hits 1—RECORD closing high of 12,471, by rising oil prices.
20061221             Shock Waves Can Save Hearts
20061221             Scientists in JAPAN blast patients in the chest to restore blood flow to cardiac muscle without lifting 1—SCALPEL.
20061221             —BY ARIA—PEARSON—MEDIA—TAKES on AT&T in Spy Case
20061221             THE—BUSH—ERA—DRAWS to 1—CLOSE
20061221             —FROM warrantless surveillance to torture, the ugliest aspects of the "WAR—ON—TERROR" ended 20060000             teetering on THE—BRINK—OF—REFORM + renunciation.
20061221             NASA Sees GLOW—OF—UNIVERSE—1.—OBJECTS
20061221             with news from NASA—SPITZER—SPACE—TELESCOPE,
20061221             "'We are pushing our telescopes to the limit and are tantalizingly close to getting 1—CLEAR—PICTURE—OF—THE—VERY—1.—COLLECTIONS—OF—OBJECTS,' said Dr.
20061221             ALEXANDER—KASHLINSKY... 'Whatever these objects are, they are intrinsically incredibly bright and very different from anything in existence —TODAY.
20061221             Astronomers believe the objects are either the 1. stars — humongous stars more than 1,000 times the mass of our sun — or voracious black holes that are consuming gas and spilling out TONS—OF—ENERGY.
20061221             If the objects are stars, then the observed clusters might be the 1. MINI—GALAXIES..".
20061221             Evidence That Good Moods Prevent Colds-
20061221             other reason to keep happy over Christmas.
20061221             "'We need to take more seriously the possibility that 1—POSITIVE—EMOTIONAL—STYLE is 1—MAJOR—PLAYER in disease risk,' Cohen says... Although 1—POSITIVE—EMOTIONAL—STYLE bore no relation to whether participants became infected,
20061221             it protected against the emergence of cold symptoms.
20061221             —INFECTED, For instance, among people, by the influenza virus... 28 % who often reported positive emotions developed coughs,
20061221             congestion + other cold symptoms, as compared with... 41 % who rarely reported positive emotions".
20061221             "Startup Polar Rose is in the news —TODAY—AFTER announcing it will soon launch 1—SERVICE that uses facial recognition software,
20061221             along with collaborative input, to identify and find people in photos online.
20061221             But such technology has serious implications for privacy, according to 2—UK civil liberties groups.
20061221             Will people be so keen to put their lives on Flickr once anyone from ID thieves to governments can find out their name + who they associate with?"
20061221             study, by 1—TEAM—OF—NEUROSCIENTISTS and engineers,
20061221             that demonstrated that humans can follow 1—SCENT trail —
20061221             "The humans, however, still sniffed much more slowly than dogs, which may partially account for canines' greater efficiency at scent tracking.
20061221             [1—COMMENTATOR] says that despite their relatively sluggish speed, the fact that subjects improved with training is noteworthy.
20061221             'I think that shows the effect of our distinctively different behavior in actually using this sense,' he says.
20061221             'The dog [has] been doing this its whole life + humans [were] —JUST asked to plunge in the 1. time they've ever done it.'"
20061221             —WHEN THE—CAT—AWAY: STAAT, Anarchie und Ordnung in NEW—ORLEANS- - TACRIMSP—EMENTÁRIO nº 2
20061221             Habeas Corpus nº 350.692/7 - São Paulo - 4ª CÂMARA—RELATOR: Marco
20061221             Para que os latidos de cachorro durante a noite configurem o delito previsto no art.
20061221             Síndico Net :: O braço direito do síndico na INTERNET
20061221             Não há como ter controle sobre os incessantes latidos de cachorros, que muitas vezes... Associação das ADMINIS—TRADORAS de Bens Imóveis e Condomínios de SP...
20061221             Como viver em harmonia no condomínio
20061221             O latido incansável do cachorro pode estar ocorrendo pela falta de companhia.
20061221             Blog do CINTRÃO—CACHORROS da vizinhança. Latidos fazem fundo musical a todos os meus dias de
20061221             Mas tem que ser multa com abordagem, para fazer o apressadinho parar...
20061221             Falcon analyzes fraud and —TRANSACTION data in search of the most subtle signs in CENTRAL—AMERICA, covering GUATEMALA, EL—SALVADOR, HONDURAS, NICARAGUA...
20061221             BAI Online | Banking Strategies BAI TransPay Insights | SPECIAL...
20061221             Wells also has 2—BANK partners in GUATEMALA, Banco Industrial and Banco
20061221             would solve all or even MOST—OF—THEIR—FRAUD—PROBLEMS may need 1—REALITY—CHECK...
20061221             ILLINOIS Congressman JERRY—WELLER,Refco and the collapse of...
20061221             Anyway —AFTER so MANY—YEARS—OF—LIVING in GUATEMALA in poverty for 'investing' in THE—REFCO—BALMORE—STANFORD penny stock fraud Endovasc, it is paradoxical to...
20061221             ANTI—MONEY Laundering and Combating THE—FINANCING—OF—TERRORISM- - GUATEMALA.
20061221             JAMAICA. HAITI. ARGENTINA.
20061221             Threats to Democratic Stability in THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC and...
20061221             —ARRESTED, URUGUAY, banking magnate JOSE—PERIANO on fraud charges.
20061221             GUATEMALA, government corruption appears to be worsening and activities to combat it.
20061221             GUATEMALA suspends Bancafe operations over Refco...
20061221             account holders and assets worth about $1—BILLION, GUATEMALA—BANKING regulatory body says.
20061221             Democracy Betrayed: Electoral Fraud and Rebellion in MEXICO
20061221             WILL—THE—USA—PROFIT by banking on violence to "secure" its economic interests and halt the...
20061221             PRESCOTT—SPECIALTY was banking fraud. And GEORGE—SENIOR—SPECIALTY?
20061221             LiberIL View :: ILLINOIS Congressman JERRY—WELLER, Refco and...
20061221             —COLLAPSED, Refco has, and been found to be committing investor fraud and
20061221             and assets worth about $1—BILLION, GUATEMALA—BANKING regulatory body says.
20061221             Journalists Killed
20061221             and their accomplices killed Cardoso BECAUSE—OF—METICAL—COVERAGE—OF—THAT banking fraud.
20061221             Refco INC—GUATEMALA Bancafe BANK—SCANDAL—HAS—BARBADOS—LINK...
20061221             Collapse & Fraud At Commodities Broker Refco INCORPORATED
20061221             The entire GUATEMALA banking system has been shaken... and the tremors and aftershocks are —STARTING to...
20061221             WASHINGTON—DAS AMERIKANISCHE—NATIONALARCHIV kann die Massen an Material, die am 1. 20070100             zugänglich werden, kaum verarbeiten.
20061221             das die staatlichen Behörden verpflichtete, ihr altes geheimes Material öffentlich zu machen.
20061221             BUSH blieb in dieser Angelegenheit aber auf der Linie seines Amtsvorgängers Clinton.
20061221             "Dass das Gesetz nicht gescheitert ist, ist auch BUSH s Verdienst", sagte der Forscher STEVEN—AFTERGOOD—DER "WASHINGTON—POST ".
20061221             BUSH : "Wir töten 4—MILLIONEN Moslems und einen Zahnarzt..".
20061221             TONY—BLAIR klopft BUSH auf die Schulter und meint: "Was habe ich dir gesagt, GEORGE. Keiner wird —NACH—DEN Moslems fragen..".
20061221             JOHN—MCDONALD, VICE—PRESIDENT—MARKETING, Masterfile Corporation says,
20061221             "—TAG Clouds can reduce THE—AMOUNT—OF—TIME you spend thinking of keywords to filter
20061221             "Technically, 1—MORON is someone who is stupid but looks normal," said ALBERT—NERENBERG,
20061221             babble: THE—CONSERVATIVE—GUIDEBOOK and List
20061221             Famous Quote: " LET—LOWER the age to 10". - - (The age to be tried as 1—ADULT.
20061221             ( ALBERT—NERENBERG, filmmaker of the documentary, Stupidity)... - This is 1 must watch BBC documentary
20061221             THE—POWER—OF—NIGHTMARES continues its assessment of whether the threat from 1—HIDDEN + organised terrorist network is
20061221             EFODON e.V. - Die BIBEL—NICHT Gottes Wort? (H. G. Birk)
20061221             JOHN—MARCO—ALLEGRO anlässlich eines Interviews der BRITISCHEN—BBC für helle...
20061221             Die zunehmenden Feindseligkeiten der entmachteten AMUN—PRIESTER führten zur...
20061221             journalists willing to peddle CIA PROPAGANDA and cover stories.
20061221             PEHI—APPENDIX A - Institutes WORLDWIDE—PROVEN & Unproven
20061221             Industrieclub (GERMANY and abroad), ISRAEL - faschismusdiskussion...
20061221             zu Terroristen abgestempelte OPFER—DER—CIA peinigen und foltern und morden in
20061221             Kohle- + Stahlbarone mit ADOLF—HITLER im Düsseldorfer Industrieclub.
20061221             At the Industrie Club in DUSSELDORF—OPERATION—MOCKINGBIRD Part 2
20061221             CIA operative discussing with PHILIP—GRAHAM, EDITOR—WASHINGTON—POST... - LOS—ANGELES Center for Law and Justice
20061221             CALIFORNIA Community FOUNDATION—MUNGER Tolles and OLSEN—FARMERS INSURANCE—ADELPHIA CABLE—SKADDEN, Arps, Slate Meagher & Flom...
20061221             ABA Pro Bono Publico Award
20061221             Munger, Tolles and Olsen 19960000             .
20061221             ALLAN—GROPPER 19970000             ... - Folleto: 1 - Página: 31
20061221             y en explosivos ( Expal, Explosivos Río Tinto...).
20061221             Hoy se ha refinado la forma de matar y se fabrican misiles, turbopropulsores, sistema de guiado... (JPEG)
20061221             Centre d'Estudis per la Pau J.M.Delàs
20061221             Explosivos Alaveses, SA ( EXPAL ), fundada el febrer de 19460000             , havia aconseguit a principi dels 80—UNA important activitat exportadora.
20061221             Expal Explosivos SA (SPAIN). - - Forges de Zeebrugge (BELGIUM).
20061221             Giat Industries (FRANCE). - - INFORME: "Industria Aerospacial 20000000             "
20061221             Recibida en la Dirección GENERAL—DE—ARMAMENTO y Material la solicitud presentada por la empresa EXPLOSIVOS ALAVESES,
20061221             S.A. ( EXPAL ), con domicilio social en...
20061221             —PRODUCED, Mines were, by 5—SPAIN—PRIVATE—COMPANIES: Bressel, Explosivos Alaveses ( Expal ),
20061221             REFERENCES—BIBLIOGRAPHY—THESIS: Le organizzazioni paramilitari...
20061221             Martini Fulvio, Maletti Gianadelio, Morucci Valerio, Piperno Franco,
20061221             THE—MEMOIRS—OF—1—INTELLIGENCE—AGENT, Corgi PUBLISHER, LONDON, 19800000             .
20061221             Gianadelio Maletti (4) Gianalfonso (1) Gianantonio Arduini (1)
20061221             Memoir (1) Memoria (1) Memorial Cecchi Gori (5) Memorial Ruffini (1) Memorie (1)...
20061221             Conservative Revolutionary USA—PARTY III: 20051100             ...
20061221             to the Sea" wherein Sherman claimed in his memoirs that his army "destroyed
20061221             and culprits," GENERAL—GIANADELIO—MALETTI told la Republica newspaper in...
20061221             Omnipelagos com ~ article "Operation Gladio"
20061221             Palladismo ed erotomania dell'Alta Massoneria statunitense : ITALY imc
20061221             —HELPED, Terrorists ' by CIA' to stop rise of left in ITALY | The...
20061221             The allegation was made by GENERAL—GIANADELIO—MALETTI, 1—FORMER—HEAD—OF—MILITARY
20061221             —PUBLISHED, In 1—POSTHUMOUS—MEMOIR, —LAST—YEAR, the wartime resistance hero...
20061221             Operation GLADIO—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia
20061221             Clarridge (quotes from Clarridge's 19970000             memoirs An Agent for All Seasons)...
20061221             —POWERED, Gladio Wikipedia RSS Feed, by BlinkBits
20061221             Operation Gladio: Information from Answers com
20061221             Diputación de VALENCIA - S. Estudios Arqueológicos Valencianos
20061221             released his memoirs in which he described THE—SETTING—UP—OF—STAY—BEHIND...
20061221             THE—CIA in WEST—EUROPE, by
20061221             —PUBLISHED, In 1—POSTHUMOUS—MEMOIR
20061221             Re: More complete examples about THE—MYTH of "extreme right wing...
20061221             —ENCHANTED, Bonaparte, upon READING this memoir, was, with 1—EXPLANATION so
20061221             This article provides 1—GENERAL overview of the. nature, history and OPERATIONS—OF—THE—CIA and is.
20061221             followed by more detailed ACCOUNTS—OF—THE—SECURITY—CULTURE : SF Indymedia
20061221             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—CORRESPONDENT Cy Sulzberger presents in his memoirs the
20061221             —EXPLAINED, GENERAL—GIANADELIO—MALETTI, that SID had discovered that right wing...
20061221             Euskal Herria Journal | A Basque Journal | News
20061221             EXPAL ( Explosivos Alaveses) has been shipping bombs to IRAQ—ESTOPINES de ARTILLERÍA—MUNICION ORG
20061221             M 82—V.E." fabricados por EXPAL ( Explosivos Alaveses, S.A.) de Gasteiz.
20061221             Antimilitarismo. Gastos de armamento.
20061221             Guerra. Datos sobre LOS—ANGELES.
20061221             Guerra IRÁN—IRAQ—WIKIPEDIA, la enciclopedia libre
20061221             Esta inspección examinó obuses iraquíes que no habían estallado, llenos de gas mostaza.
20061221             Las empresas exportadoras más importantes son: Construcciones Aeronáuticas (CASA) Empresa Nacional Bazán,
20061221             Explosivos Alaveses ( EXPAL ) Explosivos de BURGOS...
20061221             [Infomoc] La empresa de explosivos Expal cerrará su
20061221             La empresa de explosivos Expal cerrará su planta alavesa, que emplea a 82—OPERARIOS Planteará a sus 82—OPERARIOS el traslado a las fábricas que tiene en...
20061221             There were 5—MANUFACTURING companies: Bressel, Explosivos Alaveses ( Expal ), Explosivos de BURGOS, Fabricaciones Extremeñas + Unión Española de...
20061221             Enlace: Las minas terrestres en AFRICA: el terror después de la guerra...
20061221             fabricando actualmente en el centenar de industrias públicas y privadas de unos 50—PAÍSES.13 Entre ellas,
20061221             la española Expal ( Explosivos Alaveses S.A).14 ... - LOS—ANGELES Downtown News;
20061221             THOMAS—E—EDWARDS, ROBERT—K—JOHNSON, R. GREGORY—MORGAN... Wa; mit Creel, CA, Medical malpractice;
20061221             More generally, see Braddord Cornell & R. GREGORY—MORGAN, Using Finance
20061221             " Necessity is the plea for EVERY—INFRINGEMENT—OF—HUMAN—FREEDOM. It is the argument of tyrants, it is THE—CREED—OF—SLAVES".
20061221             Reservan datos del secretario de MARTA—SAHAGÚN—ANTE la negativa de OMAR—SAAVEDRA—BODDY,
20061221             secretario particular
20061221             y del CUBANO—ESTADUNIDENSE ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCÓN, considerado el primer ZAR de las drogas.
20061221             Consulta Efemérides SECRETARÍA DE EDUCACIÓN PÚBLICA
20061221             Se dio en el penal de Lecumberri de... de un largo túnel:
20061221             —INFORMED, Lord Russel, THE—PRESIDENT—GLIGOROV about the current preoccupations + ACTIVITIES—OF—THE—COUNCIL—OF—EUROPE + its efforts for improvement of the
20061221             AZERBAIJAN Democratic Reforms Party " 09.01.
20061221             1—LIST—OF—THE—COMMONS: 2. PARLIAMENT—OF—KING—WILLIAM (16900000             —95 ...
20061221             —THINK—PROGRESS " GENERAL—BATISTE: Rumsfeld 'Served Up Our Great...
20061221             Redeploy the troops out of IRAQ, to surrounding regions, like BAHRAIN +
20061221             torture your parents + have you sent to Checkoslovakia to be tortured...
20061221             A.B.A denounces Bush Admin re detainees [Archive] - MAC—FORUMS
20061221             —JUST like IRAQ ,NORTH—KOREA, IRAN,afgahnistan,syria,
20061221             "In general rewarding ACTS—OF—AGGRESSION with appeasement is 1—NET—NEGATIVE.
20061221             See: Hitler, Checkoslovakia ".
20061221             - Well, there is 1—CONTRIBUTION finally.
20061221             ANTI—AMERICANISM/USA—APPRECIATION Thread... - Page 51 ...
20061221             Political Forums > Westerners Losing Heart to Preserve Greatness
20061221             —CHANGED, Refusing to 'give' Hitler Checkoslovakia would have, nothing.
20061221             Killed in action ;;09;;. - - Kermit ROOSEVELT ~ War in the Garden of Eden
20061221             I last saw COLONEL—LAWRENCE in PARIS, whither he had brought THE—SON—OF—THE—KING—OF—THE—HEDJAZ to attend the Peace Conference.
20061221             WIND IN THE—SAHARA—BODLEY, RVC
20061221             The author, 1—GRAND—NEPHEW—OF—GERTRUDE—BELL, met TE Lawrence at THE—PARIS—PEACE—CONFERENCE : ~"Go and live with the Arabs!" he cried.
20061221             Lawrence in PARIS—TE LAWRENCE—STUDIES—LIST
20061221             —ENJOYED, At the Peace Conference, Feisal, the support of LLOYD—GEORGE who
20061221             —CONVENED, At THE—PARIS peace conference, to settle THE—FUTURE—OF—THE—POST—WAR—WORLD, Bell and AT found western politicians ignorant and uninterested in the...
20061221             Eject! Eject! Eject!: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY
20061221             —STARTED, You mean like the 1 in IRAQ that
20061221             Webmaster Friendly FORUM—THREAT Level Or Terror alert to High
20061221             What IRAQ looks like is POLAND or Checkoslovakia. Who does BUSH look like huh?
20061221             —REPRESENTED, And what do the war cheerleaders who seem to be well, here look...
20061221             THE—GOP—IDIOTIC—COMPARISON with WWII [Archive] - Page 6 - Sean...
20061221             Islamic Extremist are the ones running countries like IRAQ, IRAN, Syria, etc.
20061221             Daily Kos: Why THE—ARAB—WORLD—HATES—USA
20061221             BECAUSE—OF—THE—WAR and the subsequent occupation of IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN
20061221             and THE—OSTRO—HUNGARY—EMPIRE + so was HUNGARY, Checkoslovakia and AUSTRIA.
20061221             We ARE—CHECKOSLOVAKIA...1968.
20061221             THE—MARCH—OF—FREEDOM is 1—LONG—HARD—ROAD + it doesn't... - Time to boycott IRAN
20061221             IRAN and Syria carry on like this because they know they will suffer no
20061221             —WHEN it comes to the E.U. crowd all we have to recall is Checkoslovakia & POLAND...
20061221             Bush Criticizes FDR Over Yalta
20061221             In contrast, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, like MISTER—CHAMBERLAIN, will be forever associated with THE—APPEASEMENT—OF—DICTATORS.
20061221             I can only imagine what SENATOR—KERRY'S.. - THE—BALTIMORE—REPORTER
20061221             —WHEN Britian and FRANCE gave Hitler Checkoslovakia, Hitler —LATER turned the tanks and the weapons from Checkoslovakia on EUROPE.
20061221             1—LOT—OF—THIS stuff about Chamberlain and appeasement is nothing more than
20061221             deciding and taken AUSTRIA and checkoslovakia without firing 1—BULLET.
20061221             APEN—QB 20043006             -
20061221             Die Gesellschaft. ist —BEREITS Investor im Vorgängerfonds Carlyle EUROPE Partners.
20061221             Doch dann legt er NACH—WIE 1—VERTRETER einer Mittelmacht.
20061221             Damit die ängstlichen HANDY—BESITZER nicht vom eigenen Mobiltelefon mit UV—STRAHLUNG angegriffen werden,
20061221             funktioniert die Desinfektion nur, wenn das Gerät zugeklappt ist.
20061221             Dass sich der Vorgang per Definition im Verborgenen abspielt, könnte sich allerdings noch als Manko erweisen,
20061221             schließlich handelt es sich beim HANDY—SCHMUTZ eher um ein psychologisches als ein medizinisches PROBLEM—JEDENFALLS aus europäischer Sicht.
20061221             Unlängst zeigte NOKIA—ENTWICKLER JAN—CHIPCHASE auf seinem Blog "Future Perfect" entsprechende Fotos,
20061221             die hierzulande eher für Heiterkeit sorgen dürften.
20061221             Sollte die Weltbevölkerung allerdings eines Tages von einem Virus dahingerafft werden,
20061221             das sich ausschließlich über Mobiltelefone verbreitet, werden wohl die Südkoreaner zuletzt lachen.
20061221             WHO—TOUGH on TEHRAN? Welcome, WAL—MART Comrades
20061221             WAL—MART—EMBRACE—OF—UNION and Communist Party.
20061221             Commentary THE—PUMP—AND—DUMP ECONOMY—IPOS go AWOL.
20061221             lead, —WHILE THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL tops its worldwide newsbox, with PRESIDENT—BUSH—END—OF—YEAR—NEWS—CONFERENCE,
20061221             where he called 20060000             a "difficult —YEAR," gave 1—HARSH—ASSESSMENT—OF—THE—SITUATION in IRAQ
20061221             + insisted he is still considering several options on how to proceed.
20061221             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES
20061221             leads with another story in its energy series that looks at how 1—UNITED—NATIONS—BACKED program to limit global warming is inefficient
20061221             —DELAYED, USA—TODAY—THAT hit COLORADO and has, thousands in the middle of 1—RECORD—BREAKING travel season.
20061221             To continue READING, click here.
20061221             4—OFFICERS were also charged with crimes related to their alleged failure to investigate and report the slayings.
20061221             Tan DUN—OPERA "THE—1.—EMPEROR," premiered at THE—NY—METROPOLITAN with Placido —DOMINGO as the Emperor.
20061221             —BASED, It was, on the life of Qin Shi Huang (260-210BC), who unified CHINA.
20061221             The libretto was by Tan Dun and novelist Ha Jin was drawn from the screenplay for "THE—LEGEND—OF—THE—BLOODY—ZHENG" by Lu Wei.
20061221             —DEPOSED, THE—USA—CENSUS—BUREAU—SAID—ARIZONA had, NEVADA as the fastest growing USA—STATE.
20061221             —SIGNED, NEW—JERSEY GOVERNOR—JON—CORZINE, legislation giving SAME—SEX—COUPLES—ALL the rights and RESPONSIBILITIES—OF—MARRIAGE under state law, but not the title.
20061221             —OFFERED, BRISTOL—MYERS Squibb Co., to pay $499—MILLION to settle FEDERAL—INVESTIGATIONS into whether the company bilked insurers by inflating wholesale prices of 1—NUMBER—OF—ITS—DRUGS.
20061221             —AGREED, DEUTSCHE—BANK—AG, to pay $208—MILLION to end SEC investigations into improper mutual fund trading.
20061221             Fidelity Investments said it will pay more than $42—MILLION to its mutual funds —AFTER 1—REVIEW found that its traders had "misdirected" business to brokers who lavished them with expensive gifts.
20061221             THE—DENVER area was motionless for a 2. —DAY—AFTER 1—POWERFUL blizzard dumped 2—FEET—OF—SNOW on the region.
20061221             † CONCORD—CALIFORNIA, 4—PEOPLE, —WHEN their small plane struck Highway 4 as it attempted to land at Buchanan Field.
20061221             —DISPERSED, BANGLADESH, riot police, THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS who smashed vehicles —DURING 1—GENERAL—STRIKE to force electoral reforms —BEFORE—NEXT—MONTH—ELECTIONS.
20061221             —CHARGED, UK—POLICE, STEVEN—WRIGHT, a —48—YEAR—OLD—TRUCK—DRIVER who lives in THE—RED—LIGHT—DISTRICT—OF—IPSWICH, with the murder of 5—LOCAL prostitutes whose naked bodies were found in rural areas —AROUND THE—EAST—ENGLAND town.
20061221             —STRANDED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PASSENGERS were, —AFTER 1—THICK blanket of freezing fog forced HUNDREDS—OF—FLIGHTS to be canceled at Heathrow, EUROPE—BUSIEST—AIRPORT.
20061221             CAPE—VERDE PRIME—MINISTER—JOSE—MARIA—DAS—NEVES said AFRICA must stop blaming its colonial past for its problems and instead point the finger at the continent's leaders.
20061221             Officials said Arcelor Mittal, the world's largest steelmaker, has signed a $8.7—BILLION project with the Orissa government to build 1—STEEL—PLANT in THE—EAST—INDIA—STATE.
20061221             —SHOWED, IRAN, final election results, PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD—OPPONENTS won local council elections.
20061221             Delegates representing Shiite groups forming the largest bloc in IRAQ—PARLIAMENT gathered in Najaf at THE—HOME—OF—THE—COUNTRY—TOP—SHIITE cleric to seek his blessing for 1—NEW—COALITION that would promote national reconciliation.
20061221             —AGREED, Radical cleric Muqtada AL—SADR, to allow his supporters to go back to their positions in THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—AFTER a —3—WEEK boycott to protest THE—IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—MEETING with USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20061221             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER killed 15—PEOPLE and wounded 15—OTHERS in 1—CROWD—OF—POLICE volunteers in EAST—BAGHDAD.
20061221             † 4—USA—TROOPS, from combat wounds in Anbar province.
20061221             JAPAN said it saw no hope of 1—BREAKTHROUGH in talks on scrapping NORTH—KOREA—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS, accusing PYONGYANG of using 1—FINANCIAL—DISPUTE with THE—USA to drive 1—STAKE into 1 proposed deal.
20061221             —ARRESTED, LEBANON, police, 4—PEOPLE and seized 1—LARGE—QUANTITIES—OF—WEAPONS, explosives and fuses in raids against 1—PRO—SYRIA—PARTY.
20061221             —ARMED, SOUTH—NIGERIA, militants in speedboats have killed 3—POLICEMEN in 1—OVERNIGHT attack on 1—RESIDENTIAL—FACILITY belonging to FRANCE—OIL—COMPANY—TOTAL.
20061221             Shell, began relocating staff dependants —AFTER 1—BOMB—BLAST.
20061221             —ERUPTED, Fighting, for a 3. straight —DAY between SOMALIA—FIGHTERS, —1—DAY—AFTER 1—EU envoy got both the government and 1—RIVAL—ISLAMIC—MOVEMENT to agree to resume peace talks.
20061221             —AGREED, Royal HOLLAND—SHELL and its partners, to hand over 50% plus 1—SHARE—OF—THE—SAKHALIN—II oil and gas project to OAO Gazprom, THE—RUSSIA—STATE—CONTROLLED energy firm, for $7.45—BILLION.
20061221             Shell and its partners have already put $12—BILLION into the project, which was about 80% complete.
20061221             —REPORTED, But —JUST hours —AFTER NIYAZOV—DEATH was, the national security council named Berdymukhamedov acting PRESIDENT and announced that speaker Overzgeldy Atayev had been charged with unspecified criminal offenses.
20061221             Operation GLADIO—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia GENERAL—GIANADELIO... MINISTER—OSKANIAN and Lord RUSSEL—JOHNSTON discussed progress in the ongoing.
20061221             HOUSE—OF—LORDS—UK—SW1A 0PW—LONDON.
20061221             Tel: Fax: - MOBILE: E—MAIL: coepa.del@PARLIAMENT.UK...
20061221             Liberal Democrats : People 1—PICTURE—OF—LORD—RUSSELL—JOHNSTON.
20061221             Address: HOUSE—OF—LORDS—LONDON SW1A 0PW. BIOGRAPHY.
20061221             —PASSED, Lord RUSSELL—JOHNSTON, away at the weekend at the age of 75.
20061221             Politician.
20061221             Born in Minginish and educated in Carbost.
20061221             Ermeni soykirimi yoktur demenin suç oldugu ülkeler ve sirketler...... Ingiliz parlamenter Lord RUSSEL—JOHNSTON tarafindan hazirlanan... Ayrica Wikipedia 'nin ARMENIA—GENOCIDE sayfasinin icerigini nasil buldugunuzu... Népszabadság Online: Tema: POLITIKA—GULAGVILAG CIA módra De ahogyan meghalt, az szomorú, szánalmas, helytelen volt" - mondta Lord RUSSEL—JOHNSTON...
20061221             Kürt DILI ve kültürü tehdit degil miras Ingiliz parlamenter Lord RUSSEL—JOHNSTON tarafindan hazirlanan raporda, kültürel ve dil farkliliklarin Avrupa... Benzer Siteler.
20061221             * Vikipedi ( Wikipedia ).
200612211054         —AM Subject: Latest: How Breaches in THE—USA—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—PROGRAM—ENDANGER—YOU
20061221—10000000    —IN, is facing its worst drought years.
20061221—10000000    —IN, AUSTRALIA facing worst drought years.
20061221—10000000    —INDUSTRIALIZED, AUSTRALIA, the only major, country other than THE—USA to reject THE—KYOTO—PROTOCOL, is facing its worst drought years.
20061221—19600000    —IN, The last 4—QUARTERS have been the 1. time —SINCE the government has collected these data that this has happened.
20061221—19720000    —IN, In his writing, speeches and private comments, Kissinger claimed that THE—USA had essentially won the war, only to lose it because of the weakened RESOLVE—OF—THE—PUBLIC and Congress.
20061221—19730000    —SINCE, SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN (R—AZ) has known FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—HENRY—KISSINGER, but —DURING 20000000             —THE presidential campaign, "MCCAIN—HANDLERS
20061221—19760000    —SINCE, Euskal Herria Journal | 1—BASQUE—JOURNAL | News EXPAL ( Explosivos Alaveses) has been shipping bombs to IRAQ.
20061221—19770000    In his book 'THE—NIGHT—WATCH', FORMER—CIA—OFFICER—DAVID—ATLEE—PHILLIPS wrote on page 123 (according to...
20061221—19780000    —IN, Omnipelagos_com article "Operation Gladio" According to DANIELE—GANSER, GENERAL—GIANADELIO—MALETTI, FORMER—HEAD—OF..., WILLIAM—COLBY, FORMER—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—CIA, released his memoirs in...
20061221—19820000    —BOASTED, At the Industrie Club in DUSSELDORF, von Blucher, to journalists...
20061221—19820000    —EXPORTED, EXPAL, arms to IRAQ valued at ESP 1000—MILLION.
20061221—19910000    —IN, Eject! Eject! Eject!: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY You mean like the 1 in IRAQ that started —WHEN they thought we... If Isreal is allowed to fall (as Checkoslovakia and POLAND were allowed to fall...
20061221—19960000    —SINCE, THE—FEDERAL—MINIMUM—WAGE has not been increased.
20061221—20000000    —IN, Journalists Killed ROBERTO—MARTÍNEZ, Prensa Libre, 20000427             , GUATEMALA—CITY... and their accomplices killed Cardoso BECAUSE—OF—METICAL—COVERAGE—OF—THAT banking fraud.
20061221—20020000    —IN—THE, INDONESIA—SUPREME—COURT has overturned the conviction on conspiracy charges Bali bombings against cleric ABU—BAKAR—BASHIR.
20061221—20020000    —IN—THE, INDONESIA—COURT—CLEARS—BASHIR : INDONESIA—SUPREME—COURT has overturned the conviction on conspiracy charges Bali bombings against cleric ABU—BAKAR—BASHIR.
20061221—20020000    —IN—THE, INDONESIA overturned 1—TERROR—CONVICTION against the militant Islamic cleric ABU—BAKAR—BASHIR, who served 2 1/—2—YEARS for conspiracy Bali nightclub bombings that killed more than 200—PEOPLE.
20061221—20030000    —IN, Report Says Berger Hid Archive Documents : Former national security adviser SANDY—BERGER removed classified documents from the National Archives and hid them under 1—CONSTRUCTION trailer, the Archives inspector general reported —WEDNESDAY.
20061221—20050000    —RECEIVED, CAIR, 1,972 c.
20061221—20050812    —ON, In 1—COLUMN in THE—WASHINGTON—POST—0000—DATE,
20061221—20050812    —TITLED, In 1—COLUMN in THE—WASHINGTON—POST, "Lessons for 1—EXIT—STRATEGY," Kissinger wrote, "Victory over the insurgency is the only meaningful exit strategy".
20061221—20061222    Fighting between Darfur rebels and government forces near THE—TOWN—OF—KUTUM killed 7—PEOPLE and insurgents shot down 2—ARMY—HELICOPTERS in the area.
20061221—20061231    —ON, At midnight ,-
20061221—20061231    —ON, At midnight ,- AMANDA—HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—PAGES—OF—SECRET—DOCUMENTS that are —25—YEARS—OLD or older will be instantly declassified.
20061221—20070000    —IN, NEW—YORK—TIMES—COLUMNIST—PAUL—KRUGMAN notes that "the odds are very good — maybe 2 to 1 ," that THE—USA will teeter toward 1—RECESSION.
20061221—20070101    —AM, WASHINGTON—DAS AMERIKANISCHE—NATIONALARCHIV kann die Massen an Material, die zugänglich werden, kaum verarbeiten.
20061221—20070700    —VOTED, In fact, Kennedy was 1—OF—ONLY 13—SENATORS who, to withdraw troops from IRAQ.
20061223             —POSTED—BY—KILLTOWN @20061221             20070106             20041221             1—SHAW—CLAY L 1—SICILIA FALCON ALBERTO 1—SINDONA MICHELE 1—SINGLAUB JOHN K.
20061223             20041200             Navy says tactics seen in latest torture photos OK : Preliminary.
20061223             —POSTED—BY—KILLTOWN @20061221             20061223             The most outrageous comments of 20060000             .
20070414             UNDERESTIMATED—KDAWSON—205+ - BENJAMIN—LONG writes to note a study...
20071015—20071221    —ON, THE—3—LARGEST—USA—BANKS gave up on the fund.
20071217—20071221    —FREED, Volz (28) was, and quickly left NICARAGUA.
20071221             Bundesinnenminister WOLFGANG—SCHÄUBLE hatte 20070601             —IM—ERHÖHUNG—DER—TERRORGEFAHR unter anderem mit der Festnahme mehrerer Männer aus DEUTSCHLAND in PAKISTAN begründet, darunter die des 29-jährigen Tolga D. Er ist den DEUTSCHLAND—BEHÖRDEN als islamistischer Gefährder mit engen Kontakten in die radikale Szene bekannt.
20071221             —VERÄNDERT, VIELE—KÄFERARTEN haben sich in dieser langen Zeit auch kaum.
20071221             EU—BÜRGER können die Grenzen ohne ZOLL—UND Polizeikontrollen passieren.
20071221             Die Erfolgsgeschichte der Käfer begann vor 285—MILLIONEN —JAHREN.
20071221             Denn nicht nur haben sie in ihrer Artenvielfalt fast den gesamten Erdball erobert.
20071221             Denn Wissenschaftler beobachten, dass das größte Massenaussterben —SEIT dem Verschwinden der Dinosaurier —BEREITS—IM Gange ist.
20071221             Damals wie —HEUTE lautete das Spiel: Wer am besten angepasst ist, gewinnt.
20071221             —DEFRAUDED, 20071001             —IN—COMMISSION—PANEL found that Thow, HUNDREDS—OF—CLIENTS 20030100—20050500    —BETWEEN, convincing some to sell their mutual funds and mortgage their homes to raise money to invest in NON—EXISTING construction loans and JAMAICA—BANK.
20071221             —AM—MORGEN des 20071214             waren Offiziersschüler in den Kreml eingedrungen und hatten 1—BLUTBAD unter den dort stationierten Soldaten angerichtet, die mit den Bolschewiki sympathisierten.
20071221             —AM—VERHAFTET worden, JEAN—CHRISTOPHE—MITTERRAND, war.
20071221             Klimaschutz: EU—UMWELTMINISTER beschließen ABGAS—ABGABE für Airlines
20071221             UNDERDOG—FORSCHUNG: Warum David mehr Fans hat als Goliath
20071221             Kreditkrise: UBS—AKTIONÄRE protestieren gegen arabische Geldspritze
20071221             PESTIZID—SKANDAL: MILLIONEN—ENTSCHÄDIGUNG für impotente Bananenarbeiter
20071221             Für solche Ziele setzt sich meine Partei ein.
20071221             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Wohin steuert die TÜRKEI?
20071221             Gür: Der nationalistische antikurdische Kurs führt uns jedenfalls nicht weiter.
20071221             Ich befürchte, dass die Radikalisierung noch zunehmen wird, auch auf kurdischer Seite.
20071221             Es wird Gegenreaktionen geben.
20071221             Ich hoffe nur nicht, dass es zum Bürgerkrieg kommt, dass sich Türken und Kurden gegenseitig die Köpfe einschlagen.
20071221             Niemand will hier Verhältnisse wie auf dem Balkan, wie im KOSOVO.
20071221             Sie haben, was Dinosaurieren fehlte: Anpassungsfähigkeit
20071221             Die KÄFER—SO scheint ES—BEHERRSCHEN das ewige Spiel der Evolution meisterhaft.
20071221             Bewegungsfreiheit sei eines der höchsten Menschenrechte.
20071221             Sicherheitsbedenken zurückgewiesen
20071221             Wie Barroso wies auch Bundesinnenminister WOLFGANG—SCHÄUBLE (CDU) Sicherheitsbedenken zurück.
20071221             Auch —NACH—DEM Wegfall der Grenzkontrollen zu POLEN und Tschechien werde die Bundespolizei im Umkreis von 30—KILOMETERN "mit erhöhtem Personalaufwand Kontrollen durchführen",
20071221             sagte Schäuble der Tageszeitung "Die Welt".
20071221             "Darum werden wir einen Gewinn an Sicherheit haben, nicht einen Verlust".
20071221             Zudem LIEGE die Öffnung gerade im Interesse der Grenzregionen, die "aus der Randlage" herauskomme.
20071221             "Das wird die Wirtschaft beleben und den Handel stärken", sagte Schäuble.
20071221             FRANKFURT/SLUBICE—FREIE Fahrt von TALLINN —BIS Lissabon: —SEIT—MITTERNACHT gehören dem SCHENGEN—RAUM —NUN insgesamt 24—STAATEN an,
20071221             Neben den DEUTSCHEN—NACHBARN POLEN und Tschechien zählen —SEIT—HEUTE UNGARN,
20071221             die SLOWAKEI, SLOWENIEN und die Mittelmeerinsel MALTA sowie die 3—BALTENSTAATEN dazu
20071221             Knappe Kasse in Kalifornien:
20071221             —ENTLASSEN, Schwarzenegger will Tausende Häftlinge, - Käfer: Meister der Evolution
20071221             Kurdenkonflikt: "Die Radikalisierung wird zunehmen"
20071221             Bush somehow defends THE—EPA—DECISION to deny CALIFORNIA—BID to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from cars,
20071221             claiming 1—NATIONAL—STRATEGY is more effective.
20071221             So impose CALIFORNIA—STANDARD on the rest of THE—USA and you will have 1—NATIONAL—STANDARD -- Problem solved.
20071221             House Judiciary Hearing on Destroyed CIA Tapes 12/21 - More Torture Chambers Found In IRAQ.
20071221             THE—BUSH eviks Blame AL—QAEDA, Which Had 1—MINIMAL—PRESENCE in IRAQ.
20071221             More Than Likely, It's 1—OF—THE—TORTURE—DENS of the Sunni or Shiite Death Squads that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is —NOW Working With.
20071221             CIA ?Black Site? Survivor Relates Horrific Tale
20071221             Parenting excellence depends on how you handle crises,
20071221             not the crises themselves -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ANALYSIS
20071221             —BLOCKIERT, Gesetzesentwurf eines Folterverbots im USA—SENAT - Jeb Bush im SUBPRIME—SUMPF
20071221             Auf kultureller Ebene war Rußland auf dem Stand des Mittelalters.
20071221             Religion spielte eine große Rolle, das Bildungsniveau war extrem niedrig, 70—BIS 80—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG waren Analphabeten.
20071221             Die Sowjetmacht setzte hier 1—KULTURREVOLUTION in Gang.
20071221             —BEREITS—AM—TAG nach der Oktoberrevolution hatte Lenin den bekannten marxistischen Kulturpolitiker ANATOLI—W—LUNATSCHARSKI—DAS—VOLKSKOMMISSARIAT für "Aufklärung" mit den Worten anvertraut,
20071221             seine Hauptaufgabe LIEGE in der Bekämpfung des Analphabetentums.
20071221             Dies sei noch keine politische Aufgabe, sondern vielmehr die Vorbedingung, um überhaupt über Politik sprechen zu können.
20071221             Mit der Deklaration über die Rechte der Völker Rußlands löste die Sowjetmacht am 15.
20071221             ;;11;; ein weiteres wesentliches Versprechen der Revolu­tion ein.
20071221             Die einstmals vom Zarismus unterdrückten Völker hatten —NUN das Recht auf Selbstbestimmung —BIS zur Lostrennung und Bildung eines eigenen Staates.
20071221             Gleichzeitig warb die Sowjetregierung um einen Bund, durch den "die Arbeiter und Bauern der Völker Rußlands zu einer einzigen revolutionären Kraft zusammengeschweißt werden,
20071221             fähig, allen Anschlägen der imperialistischen, annexionistischen Bourgeoisie zu widerstehen".9
20071221             Kulturelle Befreiung In einem Aufruf an alle "werktätigen Muslime Rußlands und des Ostens" wurde diesen die Achtung ihrer Religion und Kultur zugesichert.
20071221             Gleichzeitig wurden sie zum Kampf gegen koloniale Unterdrückung an der Seite der Rätemacht aufgerufen.
20071221             Gemäß dem Prinzip der Selbstbestimmung unterzeichnete der Rat der Volkskommissare am 31.
20071221             ;;12;; das Dekret über die staatliche Unabhängigkeit Finnlands.
20071221             —AM—MORGEN—DES, ;;1214;; waren Offiziersschüler in den Kreml eingedrungen und hatten 1—BLUTBAD unter den dort stationierten Soldaten angerichtet,
20071221             die mit den Bolschewiki sympathisierten.
20071221             —NUN beschossen die Revolutionäre auch den Kreml mit Artillerie.
20071221             —NACH—DEM Sturm dieses wichtigsten historischen Denkmals des alten Rußland —AM—FOLGENDEN—TAG erklärte sich das "Komitee für öffentliche Sicherheit" zu einem Waffenstillstand bereit.
20071221             Die Offiziere und Junker mußten einen Teil ihrer Waffen abgeben, wurden aber nicht arretiert.
20071221             Kerenski konnte entkommen und wurde mit Hilfe eines BRITISCHEN—GEHEIMAGENTEN aus Rußland geschleust.
20071221             Gegenüber seinem GENERAL—PJOTR—N—KRASNOW ließen die Revolutionäre Milde walten.
20071221             Auf sein Ehrenwort, nicht wieder gegen die Revolution zu kämpfen, wurde er freigelassen.
20071221             Wortbrüchig setzte er sich zum Don ab und führte ab dem Frühjahr eine antibolschewistische Kosakenbewegung an.
20071221             Besser noch wäre 1—STEUER—VON—5—PROZENT auf ALLE—GELDVERMÖGEN, die die GRENZE—VON—1—MILLION—EURO überschreiten.
20071221             Eine solche Steuer würde allein über 100—MILLIARDEN Euro pro —JAHR in die öffentlichen Kassen spülen.
20071221             Und sie träfe ausschließlich Haushalte, die im Geld schwimmen und ihr Vermögen wohl kaum selbst erarbeitet haben.
20071221             war besitzt im statistischen Durchschnitt JEDER—HAUSHALT in DEUTSCHLAND 1—VERMÖGEN von etwa 20000000             00—EURO.
20071221             Aber die reale Verteilung ist extrem ungleich.
20071221             2—DRITTEL der DEUTSCHEN—BEVÖLKERUNG verfügen über wenig oder gar kein Vermögen.
20071221             Dagegen besitzen allein die reichsten 10—PROZENT—DER—HAUSHALTE mehr als 2—DRITTEL des gesamten Vermögens.
20071221             —BEFINDET, Und mehr als 1—VIERTEL—DES—GELDVERMÖGENS, sich in den Händen der reichsten 0,5 PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG.
20071221             Auch die Prügelstrafe des islamischen Rechts wird von nahezu 90—PROZENT—DER—MUSLIME nicht gutgeheißen.
20071221             Unterschiede werden vor allem deutlich, wo es um die Forderung nach einer stärkeren Rolle des Staates als Tugendwächter geht.
20071221             So bejahen 2—DRITTEL der befragten Muslime eine stärkere staatliche KONTROLLE—DER—MEDIEN zur Sicherung der Moral.
20071221             In diesem Punkt allerdings dürften sie mit dem Innenminister auf einer Linie liegen.
20071221             —FAILED, USA homeowners increasingly, to keep up with their home loan payments in ;;11;;,
20071221             as the number of foreclosure filings surged 68—PERCENT nationwide compared with the same —MONTH —1—YEAR—AGO,
20071221             according to 1—MORTGAGE—RESEARCH—COMPANY.
20071221             SEXTON for CONGRESS | Politicker NJ
20071221             THE—USA—FEDERAL—RESERVE, working to combat the effects of 1—SEVERE—CREDIT crunch, announced it had auctioned another $20—BILLION in funds to commercial banks at 1—INTEREST—RATE—OF—4.67%.
20071221             It pledged to continue with the auctions "for as long as necessary".
20071221             KEN—HENDRICKS used his wealth in part to rebuild his home TOWN—OF—BELOIT, WISCONSIN.
20071221             2—AFGHANS were killed in KANDAHAR province —WHEN 1—BOMB exploded that was planted in 1—DECAPITATED—AFGHAN.
20071221             —STORMED, BAHRAIN—SECURITY—FORCES, THE—HOUSES—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST outspoken Shiite opposition group at dawn, arresting at least 7—OF—ITS—MEMBERS.
20071221             Shiites account for about 70—PERCENT—OF—BAHRAIN—450,000 citizens, but the ruling family is Sunni.
20071221             —ARRESTED, BELGIUM—POLICE, 14—MUSLIM extremists suspected of planning the jailbreak of 1—AL—QAIDA prisoner convicted of plotting 1—TERRORIST—ATTACK on USA—AIR—BASE—PERSONNEL.
20071221             —RELEASED, They were, the —NEXT—DAY—AFTER 1—COURT decided there was insufficient evidence to hold them for more than —24—HOURS.
20071221             —ANNOUNCED, BRAZIL, it will create 1—LANDHOLDER registry and send 700—MORE—FEDERAL—POLICE to the Amazon River basin in 1—NEW—EFFORT to monitor and prevent deforestation in the environmentally sensitive region.
20071221             FORMER—UK—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR left the Church of ENGLAND and converted to Catholicism, the faith of his wife and children.
20071221             IAN—THOW, 1—FORMER—MUTUAL—FUND—SALESMAN in UK—COLUMBIA, was fined C$6—MILLION ($6.1—MILLION) and banned from working in THE—WEST—COAST—PROVINCE'S—CAPITAL—MARKETS for life.
20071221             —GATHERED, Caribbean leaders, in CUBA for 1—REGIONAL—OIL—SUMMIT.
20071221             —PRESIDED, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ, at 1—REGIONAL petroleum summit, pressing his efforts to counter USA—INFLUENCE in Latin AMERICA and the Caribbean by suggesting more of his neighbors could pay for cheap oil with goods or services in LIEU—OF—CASH.
20071221             1—CHINA—RADIO—STATION reported that about 1,000 riot police fired tear gas at protesters in SOUTH—CHINA who were blocking 1—ELECTRICITY pylon near 1—POWER—STATION in Dongzhou village they felt was built on unfairly seized land.
20071221             CHINA—1. fully homegrown commercial aircraft, the 70-seat ARJ21, rolled off the production line, marking 1—POTENTIAL—MILESTONE for the country's aviation program.
20071221             Its 1. test flight was set for 20080000             .
20071221             —RAISED, CHINA—ARCHEOLOGISTS, 1—MERCHANT ship loaded with porcelain and other rare antiques to the surface in 1—SPECIALLY built basket.
20071221             COSTA—RICA—AGENTS made the largest marijuana bust in THE—CENTRAL—USA—NATION—HISTORY, seizing 4.85—TONS—OF—THE—DRUG found in 1 abandoned boat.
20071221             —KILLED, At least 8—EGYPTIANS were, and 24—OTHERS injured —WHEN 1—BUS collided HEAD—ON with another vehicle on 1—INTERCITY—ROAD—SOUTH—OF—CAIRO.
20071221             † GUATEMALA, CONGRESSMAN—ELECT MARCO—ANTONIO—XICAY, —42—JAHRE—ALT of the conservative Patriotic Party was shot to death by unidentified attackers outside the popular Fuentes Georginas resort.
20071221             Rudd said that —AFTER the troops withdraw in JUNE—AUSTRALIA will continue to help train THE—IRAQ—POLICE—FORCE and army.
20071221             1—GUNMEN attacked 1—FAMILY in Diyala province near Balad Ruz, killing 2—MEN and kidnapping a 3.
20071221             —JUST EAST—OF—BAQOUBA, THE—CAPITAL—OF—DIYALA, 2—MEN standing in front of their house were killed by unknown armed men.
20071221             1—DOUBLE roadside bomb attack killed 1—USA—SOLDIER and wounded 11 in NORTH—KIRKUK province.
20071221             † 1—HAMAS militant was killed in 1—CLASH with ISRAEL—TROOPS—NEAR THE—ISRAEL—GAZA border.
20071221             —ANNOUNCED, JAPAN—REGULATORS, the country's biggest financial market reforms in —1—DECADE amid hot competition in ASIA to be the region's financial hub.
20071221             CHIEF—CABINET—SECRETARY—NOBUTAKA—MACHIMURA said JAPAN is dropping its plan to kill humpback whales in the seas off ANTARCTICA.
20071221             The fleet will, however, kill some 935—MINKE whales, 1—SMALLER, more plentiful species, and 50—FIN whales.
20071221             —DETONATED, PAKISTAN, 1—SUICIDE attacker, 1—BOMB packed with ball bearings and nails amid HUNDREDS—OF—WORSHIPPERS at the residential compound of 1—FORMER—TOP—SECURITY—OFFICIAL for PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF, killing 56—PEOPLE in Sherpao, 1—VILLAGE 25—MILES—NORTHEAST—OF—THE—CITY—OF—PESHAWAR.
20071221             SAUDI—ARABIA, the annual —5—DAY—HAJJ come to 1—CLOSE as some 3—MILLION pilgrims participated.
20071221             FREETOWN—SIERRA—LEONE, a 2—STORY—BUILDING—OF—APARTMENTS and shops caught fire and exploded, killing 14—PEOPLE and injuring 40.
20071221             —EARLIER reports had put the toll at 15.
20071221             —VOTED, THE—SECURITY—COUNCIL, unanimously to extend THE—UN peacekeeping mission in CONGO for —1—YEAR and demanded that all militias and armed groups in the volatile east lay down their weapons and start disarming.
20071221             Kriselnde Investmentbank: Merrill Lynch verhandelt über Geldspritze aus SINGAPUR
20071221             —ENTLASSEN, Islamismus: Terrorverdächtiger von ULM aus Haft
20071221             —VERZICHTET, Rückzieher nach Protesten: JAPAN, auf BUCKELWAL—JAGD
20071221             "Die Reaktionen der Menschen auf den ARABISCH—ISRAELISCHEN—KONFLIKT sind vermutlich stark davon beeinflusst, welche Seite als der Außenseiter (Underdog) wahrgenommen wird", schreiben Vandello und Kollegen.
20071221             "Gerissene politische Führer könnten versuchen, mehr Unterstützung für ihre Sache zu bekommen, indem sie ihre Seite als benachteiligten Außenseiter darstellen".
20071221             Die Psychologen führten 4—EXPERIMENTE durch, in denen sie zeigen konnten, dass sich die Sympathien für eine von 2—PARTEIEN mit Leichtigkeit manipulieren LASSEN—SELBST, wenn es um ein so ernstes und vielbesprochenes Thema wie den Nahostkonflikt geht.
20071221             "Die Unterstützung nimmt zu, wenn jemand oder etwas als seinem Widersacher gegenüber benachteiligt dargestellt wird", fassen Vandell und seine Kollegen im "Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin" zusammen (Bd.
20071221             33, S. 16030000             ). - - - Sind sie für Moskau oder Tel Aviv?
20071221             Ermittler hatten dem Ulmer Islamisten vorgeworfen, 2—DER mutmaßlichen Bombenbauer aus dem Sauerland für das Training in Terrorcamps rekrutiert zu haben.
20071221             —HEUTE wurde das Verfahren eingestellt.
20071221             Anwalt Sertsöz sagte, sein Mandant sei "ein kleiner Fisch" und selbst noch nicht in einem solchen Camp gewesen.
20071221             Auch das Landgericht München habe Beweise für das "Anwerben für einen fremden Wehrdienst" gesehen.
20071221             Die Bundesanwaltschaft habe die Übernahme des Ermittlungsverfahrens abgelehnt.
20071221             Weder PRINZ—SULTAN noch 1—UBS—SPRECHER waren der "FT" zufolge für 1—STELLUNGNAHME zu erreichen.
20071221             Die Zustimmung der Aktionäre zu den milliardenschweren Investitionen auf einer außerordentlichen Generalversammlung —MITTE—FEBRUAR scheint —NUN fraglich.
20071221             Aus Sorge vor einer Revolte der Aktionäre auf dieser Versammlung —BIS hin zu einer Ablehnung der aus Sicht der UBS—FÜHRUNG hilfreichen Investition meldete sich —NUN die SCHWEIZERISCHE—NATIONALBANK (SNB) zu Wort.
20071221             Bei dem asiatischen und arabischen Investment handele es sich "um einen sehr guten Deal", sagte SNB—VIZEPRÄSIDENT PHILIPP—HILDEBRAND.
20071221             Anteilseigner sollten auf der Generalversammlung erkennen, dass das Investment "sehr wichtig für UBS und für das Land" sei.
20071221             ULRICH—GRETE vom SWITZERLAND—SOCIAL Security Compensation Fund erklärte dagegen, die Bedingungen, zu denen UBS—ANTEILE an SINGAPUR und an den arabischen Investor angeboten worden seien, seien aus Sicht der ALT—AKTIONÄRE ungerecht.
20071221             "Ich bin überzeugt, dass diese Lösung bisherige Anteilseigner benachteiligt", zitiert ihn die "FT".
20071221             Grete verlangte von der UBS, den Namen des arabischen Investors zu benennen, da er mit 2—PROZENT Anteil an UBS zu einem der größten Einzelaktionäre werde.
20071221             Durch die Aktion ist der KFW—EIGENE Fonds für allgemeine Bankrisiken in Höhe von 5,3 Milliarden Euro nahezu verbraucht.
20071221             Um ihn zu schonen, hatte KFW—CHEFIN Ingrid MATTHÄUSA—MAIER 1—BUNDESBÜRGSCHAFT—VON—FINANZMINISTER—PEER—STEINBRÜCK (SPD) über 5—MILLIARDEN Euro verlangt.
20071221             Steinbrück lehnte ab.
20071221             BMW: 8000—JOBS WEG—IG Metall findet Stellenabbau normal
20071221             CRASH—KURS: Asteroid könnte Ende —JANUAR auf Mars einschlagen
20071221             Zu wenig Rendite: BMW streicht 8000—STELLEN
20071221             Gür: Es ist nicht gut, dass mit Unterstützung der USA und der EU ALLE—CHANCEN auf Dialog verbaut werden.
20071221             Es gibt 1—ALTERNATIVE zum Krieg in den BERGEN, die heißt für mich Demokratie, Wille zum Konsens, Aufklärung und echte Information statt Propaganda.
20071221             Denn Wissenschaftler beobachten, dass das
20071221             größte Massenaussterben —SEIT dem Verschwinden der Dinosaurier —BEREITS im Gange ist.
20071221             3—GROßE Massenaussterben haben die Käfer —BEREITS ÜBERSTANDEN—AUCH nach diesem wird es sie mit Sicherheit noch geben.
20071221             Auch —NACH—DEM Wegfall der Grenzkontrollen zu POLEN und Tschechien werde die Bundespolizei im Umkreis von 30—KILOMETERN "mit erhöhtem Personalaufwand Kontrollen durchführen", sagte Schäuble der Tageszeitung "Die Welt".
20071221             FRANKFURT/SLUBICE—FREIE Fahrt von TALLINN —BIS Lissabon: —SEIT—MITTERNACHT gehören dem SCHENGEN—RAUM —NUN insgesamt 24—STAATEN an, EU—BÜRGER können die Grenzen ohne ZOLL—UND Polizeikontrollen passieren.
20071221             Neben den DEUTSCHEN—NACHBARN POLEN und Tschechien zählen —SEIT—HEUTE UNGARN, die SLOWAKEI, SLOWENIEN und die Mittelmeerinsel MALTA sowie die 3—BALTENSTAATEN dazu
20071221             Knappe Kasse in Kalifornien: Schwarzenegger will Tausende Häftlinge entlassen
20071221             ABGAS—VORSCHRIFTEN: Schwarzenegger will gegen USA—UMWELTBEHÖRDE klagen
20071221             Bush somehow defends THE—EPA—DECISION to deny CALIFORNIA—BID to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from cars, claiming 1—NATIONAL—STRATEGY is more effective.
20071221             TIM—RUSSERT, Mitt Romney, and GOVERNOR—PURDUE—RAIN—DANCE -- DOCTOR—J'S 'He Really Said That'
20071221             Conyers: Mukasey Must Answer Congress about NEW—HAMPSHIRE Phone Jamming
20071221             More Torture Chambers Found In IRAQ.
20071221             Parenting excellence depends on how you handle crises, not the crises themselves -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ANALYSIS
20071221             JOE—BIDEN: Special Counsel Needed to Probe CIA Videotape Destruction
20071221             Dems eye '2. choice' supporters in IOWA in transparent grassroots process where EVERY—BODY is literally a vote
20071221             Die starke AUSBREITUNG—DES—DINOFLAGELLATEN muss ungefähr 3000—BIS 4000—JAHRE vor der größten TREIBHAUSGAS—BELASTUNG der Erdatmosphäre erfolgt sein.
20071221             Damit deutet alles auf eine katastrophale Abfolge von Ereignissen hin: —ZUNÄCHST erwärmte sich aus —BISHER nicht bekanntem Grund die ATMOSPHÄRE—NACH Lage der Sedimente —SCHON einmal um ungefähr 3—GRAD.
20071221             Dadurch wurden aus unterseeischen Lagern riesige Methanvorräte (Schätzungen gehen von —BIS zu 20000000             Gigatonnen aus) in die Lufthülle gespült, die den Treibhauseffekt enorm VERSTÄRKTEN—UND schließlich kam es zum beobachteten Temperaturanstieg um insgesamt 6—GRAD.
20071221             Das Spannende (und Erschreckende) an diesen Erkenntnissen besteht vor allem darin, dass heutige Klimamodelle, mit den Daten von damals gefüttert, diesen starken Temperaturanstieg gar nicht vorhersagen WÜRDEN—DER doch in der Realität nachweislich auftrat.
20071221             Könnte es sein, dass die Klimamodelle für die heutige Zeit ebenso versagen?
20071221             Jebs' Engagement bei Lehman Brothers ist übrigens nicht die einzige Verflechtung des Investmenthauses mit dem BUSH—CLAN.
20071221             Zuvor dürfte er allerdings in recht
20071221             enger Symbiose mit dem AMERIKANISCHEN—WOHNBAU—UND Wohnbaufinanzierungsindustrie
20071221             (7) gelebt haben.
20071221             Der konservative AMERIKANISCHE—TRAUM vom Eigenheim im lauschigen Vorort, der angesichts der großen Probleme mit der Zersiedelung politisch —ERST einmal erlaubt werden muss, konnte also plötzlich mit SUBPRIME—HYPOTHEKEN von jedem vorübergehend realisiert werden.
20071221             Das tatsächlich neben Kalifornien am stärksten in FLORIDA, wozu Jebs' Regierung einen erheblichen Beitrag geleistet haben soll, zumindest hat er einen großen Teil seiner Wahlkampfgelder aus damit verbundenen Quellen bezogen.
20071221             Was er —JETZT allein Lehman Brothers an Verlusten erspart haben soll, dürfte locker auch für einen Präsidentschaftswahlkampf reichen.
20071221             Bear Stearns Loss Presages More Turmoil
20071221             Klageflut gegen Schäubles SCHNÜFFELGESETZ—KETTENREAKTION beim Klima
20071221             —BEREITS—AM—TAG nach der Oktoberrevolution hatte Lenin den bekannten marxistischen Kulturpolitiker ANATOLI—W—LUNATSCHARSKI—DAS—VOLKSKOMMISSARIAT für "Aufklärung" mit den Worten anvertraut, seine Hauptaufgabe LIEGE in der Bekämpfung des Analphabetentums.
20071221             Gleichzeitig warb die Sowjetregierung um einen Bund, durch den "die Arbeiter und Bauern der Völker Rußlands zu einer einzigen revolutionären Kraft zusammengeschweißt werden, fähig, allen Anschlägen der imperialistischen, annexionistischen Bourgeoisie zu widerstehen".9
20071221             Toleranz und Achtung gegenüber anderen Religionen befürworten rund 3—VIERTEL der Muslime wie Nichtmuslime.
20071221—19870000    —DISCOVERED, The 100-foot Nanhai NUMBER 1, sank off THE—SOUTH—CHINA—COAST—SOME— 800—YEARS—AGO—DURING THE—SOUTH—SONG—DYNASTY (11270000—12790000    ).
20071221—20071115    —AM, Mit der Deklaration über die Rechte der Völker Rußlands löste die Sowjetmacht ein weiteres wesentliches Versprechen der Revolu­tion ein.
20071221—20071214    —AM—MORGEN des, Offiziersschüler in den Kreml eingedrungen waren und
20071221—20071214    —AM—MORGEN des, Offiziersschüler hatten 1—BLUTBAD unter den dort stationierten Soldaten angerichtet, die mit den Bolschewiki sympathisierten.
20071221—20071231    —AM, Gemäß dem Prinzip der Selbstbestimmung unterzeichnete der Rat der Volkskommissare das Dekret über die staatliche Unabhängigkeit Finnlands.
20071221—20080000    —HEIGHTENED, THE—UK—POUND hit an historic low against the euro owing to, expectations of cuts to UK—INTEREST—RATES.
20071221—20170000    —BIS, Milliardenverluste: Hypothekenkrise belastet KfW
20081220—20081221    —EXPECTED, THOUSANDS—OF—OTHERS were, to stage similar demonstrations across RUSSIA.
20081221             ICTS INTERNATIONAL
20081221             The veteran DELAWARE SENATOR has been 1 the leading congressional SUPPORTERS—OF—USA—MILITARIZATION—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST and EAST—EUROPE,
20081221             of strict economic SANCTIONS—AGAINST—CUBA, AND—OF—ISRAEL—OCCUPATION—POLICIES.
20081221             Most significantly, however, Biden,
20081221             who chaired the Senate Foreign Relations COMMITTEE—DURING—THE—LEAD—UP to THE—IRAQ—WAR —DURING the latter half of
20081221             and BARACK—OBAMA is rapidly catching up...
20081221             SOME—BACKGROUND on BARACK—HUSSEIN—OBAMA—DEMOCRAT—VP candidate JOSEPH—BIDEN,whose fascist tendencies make 1—SUSPECT that his ignorance of ISRAEL—EX military men who run ICTS INTERNATIONAL 's,(that is incorporated in his home STATE—OF—DELAWARE),may not be 1—CASE—OF—SIMPLE—INCOMPETENCE.
20081221             —COMBINED, That, with the fact that BIDEN—SONS are self serving and self dealing WASHINGTON,DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA lobbyists and hedge fund scamsters and right wing political wanna bees opens the question of whether he minds or even encouraged both the war fraud as well as securities fraud committed by ICTS Israelis operating out of his own state.
20081221             Über die Vorteile Lebenslangen Lernens
20081221             Former 20010911             commissioner JOHN—LEHMAN and UTAH GOVERNOR—JON—HUNTSMAN sat in solidarity —WHILE McCain delivered chilling warnings about "ISLAMO—FASCISM"...
20081221             —SEIT—JEHER, Die Fahrer, selbst Stammesangehörige, kooperieren in dieser Region eng mit den Taliban und verfolgen möglicherweise auch diesmal ein doppeltes Spiel:
20081221             Ihr Streik zielt darauf ab, die Preise in die Höhe zu treiben,
20081221             gleichzeitig wollen die TRUCK—FAHRER die Interessen der Taliban und ihrer Verbündeten von AL—QAIDA befördern,
20081221             die durch die tödlichen Attacken aus der Luft zunehmend in Bedrängnis geraten.
20081221             EINIGE—STAMMESFÜHRER bieten den Taliban ihr Territorium als RUHE—UND Rückzugsraum an.
20081221             Dafür kämpften die RADIKAL—ISLAMISCHEN Extremisten den Händlern —SCHON in ihren Anfängen der TALIBAN—BEWEGUNG in den neunziger —JAHREN die Fahrwege nach Zentralasien frei.
20081221             Die LKW—FAHRER mussten dann keine teuren Zölle mehr an örtliche Warlords bezahlen.
20081221             Der Globus zeigt also eine toroidale EIGENSCHWINGUNG—1—PHÄNOMEN, das —BISHER lediglich von Erdbeben bekannt war.
20081221             DIETER—KURRLE hat es entdeckt und im
20081221             "Der Hum besteht aus einer Überlagerung von etwa 60—FREQUENZEN zwischen 3—UND 7—MILLIHERTZ",
20081221             erläutert der Geophysiker RUDOLF—WIDMER—SCHNIDRIG,
20081221             Die Quelle der tiefen Töne ist die Erde selbst.
20081221             —FASZINIERT, Forscher sind, von den Geräuschen, die der Planet von sich gibt.
20081221             Denn sie können wertvolle Informationen darüber liefern, wie Atmosphäre, Ozeane und Kontinente zusammenwirken.
20081221             Die Erde schwebt nicht still durchs All.
20081221             Vorrangig bleibt aber vor allem, dass die Lösung dem TRIPLE—S folgt: schnell, stark, sozialverträglich.
20081221             Es wäre sinnvoll, der STAAT—WÜRDE—ARBEITSLOSE—LÖCHER ausschaufeln lassen, die dann von anderen Arbeitslosen wieder zugeschüttet würden.
20081221             Hauptsache sei, dass neue Einkommen entstünden, die dann für den Konsum ausgegeben und den makroökonomischen Kreislauf antreiben würden.
20081221             —GEWORDEN, —NUN aber ist aus der Theorie Praxis :
20081221             Die AMERIKANISCHE—WIRTSCHAFT ist in einer schweren Rezession,
20081221             die Notenbank hat —AM—DIENSTAG den Zinssatz für kurzfristiges Geld auf 1—SPANNE—VON—0—BIS 0,25 % GESENKT—UND dennoch wird in der realen Wirtschaft wenig passieren.
20081221             Damit sind ALLE—THEORETISCHEN—BEDINGUNGEN einer Liquiditätsfalle erfüllt.
20081221             Amerikas Wirtschaft steckt in der Falle, die Geldpolitik ist am Ende ihrer Möglichkeiten.
20081221             Schutz der Schiffe: SCHWEIZ schickt Soldaten gegen Somalias Piraten
20081221             —GETRENNT, Keine gültige Fahrkarte: Mutter in Bahn von Kindern
20081221             Koalitionsspiele: Müntefering segnet ROT—ROTE Bündnisse ab
20081221             SAUDI—ARABIEN: Gericht lehnt Scheidung einer Achtjährigen ab
20081221             Große Depression: Retten kann uns nur noch die Steuerpolitik
20081221             —KAMPF—GEGEN—FINANZKRISE: Obama peilt 3—MILLIONEN neue Jobs an - -Schwingender Planet: Die Erde brummt
20081221             Chaosnacht in GRIECHENLAND: Vermummte bewerfen Athener Polizei mit MOLOTOW—COCKTAILS
20081221             —AM—ABEND sollte es 1—MAHNWACHE vor dem GRIECHISCHEN—GENERALKONSULAT geben.
20081221             Die Polizei war dort mit einem Großaufgebot und Wasserwerfern vertreten.
20081221             —AUSSCHREITUNGEN bei Demo: Linke bewerfen Polizisten
20081221             † CHRISTOPHER—HIBBERT (19240000             ), 1—UK—HISTORIAN.
20081221             —THREATENED, CONGO—TUTSI rebels, to advance into UN—MONITORED buffer zones in EAST—CONGO —AFTER refusing to sign 1—DECLARATION ending hostilities with the government.
20081221             —REPORTED, IRAN, that RUSSIA has begun delivering S—300—AIR—DEFENSE—SYSTEMS, which could help repel ANY—ISRAELI and USA—AIR—STRIKES on its nuclear sites.
20081221             —FIRED, BARRAGES—OF—ROCKETS, from GAZA hit ISRAEL—TOWNS and THE—ISRAEL—AIR—FORCE responded with 1—MISSILE—STRIKE as violence surged —FOLLOWING the official expiration of 1—SHAKY truce with Hamas.
20081221             The deposed PRESIDENT—OF—MAURITANIA was set free —AFTER 4 1/—2—MONTHS under house arrest and —IMMEDIATELY began working to retake power from the junta that overthrew him.
20081221             MEXICO—AUTHORITIES found the decapitated bodies of 12—MEN in THE—SOUTH—STATE—OF—GUERRERO, and SOME—OF—THE—VICTIMS have been identified as soldiers.
20081221             NEPAL, 12—STAFF at 1—PROMINENT—NEWSPAPER and magazine PUBLISHER were injured —WHEN they were attacked by DOZENS—OF—MAOIST—ACTIVISTS angered by critical coverage.
20081221             —ATTACKED, PAKISTAN—FIGHTER—JETS, suspected Taliban and AL—QAEDA positions in 1—LAWLESS—TRIBAL—AREA on the border with AFGHANISTAN, killing 4—MILITANTS.
20081221             Police found 2—BULLET—RIDDEN bodies of AFGHANISTAN—NATIONALS in 1 abandoned village in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN, who allegedly acted as spies for USA—FORCES.
20081221             —CLUBBED, In far EAST—RUSSIA riot police in VLADIVOSTOK, kicked and detained DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE as hundreds across the country protested 1—INCREASE in car import tariffs.
20081221             —CAPTURED, SRI—LANKA—GOVERNMENT said its troops, the strategic village of Nedunkerni in the northeast.
20081221             1—PRO—REBEL—REPORT said Tamil Tiger rebels killed 60—SRI—LANKA—TROOPS advancing toward their de facto capital.
20081221             † The government said 12—SOLDIERS.
20081221             - JOHN—MCPAIN—I mean McCain would bode even worse — if that's POSSIBLE—THAN bidin' his time Biden
20081221             Most significantly, however, Biden, who chaired the Senate Foreign Relations COMMITTEE—DURING—THE—LEAD—UP to THE—IRAQ—WAR —DURING the latter half of
20081221             QUOTE—OF—THE—MOMENT......: 20071100             Former 20010911             commissioner JOHN—LEHMAN and UTAH GOVERNOR—JON—HUNTSMAN sat in solidarity —WHILE McCain delivered chilling warnings about "ISLAMO—FASCISM"...
20081221             Die Fahrer, selbst Stammesangehörige, kooperieren in dieser Region —SEIT jeher eng mit den Taliban und verfolgen möglicherweise auch diesmal ein doppeltes Spiel:
20081221             Ihr Streik zielt darauf ab, die Preise in die Höhe zu treiben, gleichzeitig wollen die TRUCK—FAHRER die Interessen der Taliban und ihrer Verbündeten von AL—QAIDA befördern,
20081221             "Der Hum besteht aus einer Überlagerung von etwa 60—FREQUENZEN zwischen 3—UND 7—MILLIHERTZ", erläutert der Geophysiker RUDOLF—WIDMER—SCHNIDRIG,
20081221             Die heutigen PROBLEME—DER—USA—WIRTSCHAFT sind die Folge einer überreichlichen Liquidität und eines mangelnden Vertrauens in die Kreditwürdigkeit und die Zukunftsfähigkeit.
20081221             Kampf gegen Finanzkrise: Obama peilt 3—MILLIONEN neue Jobs an
20081221             Randale in HAMBURG: Verletzte nach GRIECHENLAND—DEMO
20081221             —BASED, THE—WORLD—WIDE—ASSOCIATION—OF—SPECIALTY—PROGRAMS and Schools (WWASPS or WWASP) is 1—UTAH, USA, organization that runs...
200812210248         —GMT, JOSEPH—BIDEN, in allowing ICTS INTERNATIONAL to escape scrutiny and allowing his brother and his son to involve themselves with Paradigm hedge fund scum and penny stock operaters and pump and dump 'derivatives' scam artists is below contempt
20081221—20020000    was perhaps the single most important congressional BACKER—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—DECISION to invade that OIL—RICH—COUNTRY.
20090110             —SURROUNDED, Not surprisingly, the May AN—INSPIRED mania, 20121221             is more MONEY—GRUBBING than actual science.
20090111             As theorists and extremist SUBGROUPS—OF—THE—NEW—AGE—MOVEMENT continue to speculate about our future and 20120000             disaster flicks continue to make Holly wood rich, all facts seem to show 20121221             will have the same fate as the dreaded Y 2K.
20090820             —FREED, KENNY—MACASKILL, SCOTLAND—JUSTICE—SECRETARY, Abdel Baset AL—MEGRAHI, —57—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—LIBYA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENT and alleged Lockerbie bomber (19881221             ), on compassionate grounds —AFTER—8—YEARS in jail allowing him to go home to LIBYA to die.
20090923—20091221    —HERBST—IM, als in BERLIN DIE—GROßE—KOALITION durch 1—SCHWARZ—GELBES—BÜNDNIS abgelöst worden war und auch im AUßEN—MINISTERIUM 1—WECHSEL erfolgte, stand man im STATE—DEPARTMENT—VOR—DER—FRAGE: Wer ist denn eigentlich dieser GUIDO—WESTERWELLE?
20091008—20091221    —SENTENCED, Marshall was, 1 to —3—YEARS in prison.
20091219—20091221    —ON, police arrested Abderrahmane Ould Imidou, 1—MAN presumed to have kidnapped THE—2—ITALIANS.
20091221             THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION took aim at tarmac horror stories, ordering airlines to let passengers stuck in stranded airplanes to disembark —AFTER—3—HOURS.
20091221             Senate Democrats won 1—CRUCIAL—TEST—VOTE on PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA—HEALTH—CARE—OVERHAUL, putting them on track for passage —BEFORE Christmas of the historic legislation to remake the nation's medical system and cover 30—MILLION uninsured.
20091221             —DISCOVERED, ALASKA, 1—OIL spill was, coming from a 6-inch pipeline in the Prudhoe Bay oil field.
20091221             AFGHANISTAN, police fought a —3—HOUR—GUNBATTLE in the center of Gardez, Paktia province, finally killing 2—TALIBAN militants who stormed 1—MULTISTORY market with DOZENS—OF—CIVILIANS inside.
20091221             CAMBODIA, Ieng Thirith, the last of THE—FORMER—KHMER Rouge leaders standing trial for alleged crimes committed —3—DECADES—AGO, was charged with genocide.
20091221             The ultracommunist regime's social affairs MINISTER—AND—THE—WIFE—OF—ANOTHER defendant, Ieng Sary, had —EARLIER been charged with crimes against humanity.
20091221             —SIGNED, CAMBODIA, 14—DEALS worth 1 estimated $850—MILLION with CHINA, —2—DAYS—AFTER defying INTERNATIONAL pressure by deporting 20—ETHNIC—CHINA—ASYLUM—SEEKERS, underlining growing trade and diplomatic links.
20091221             —HAILED, CHINA and FRANCE, their reinvigorated ties and sealed 1—SERIES—OF—ECONOMIC—DEALS —DURING 1—VISIT to BEIJING by PRIME—MINISTER—FRANCOIS—FILLON.
20091221             Electricite de FRANCE (EDF) and CHINA Guangdong Nuclear Power Company (CGNPC) formalized their joint venture for the construction of 2—NUCLEAR—REACTORS at 1—POWER—PLANT in Taishan in SOUTH—GUANGDONG province.
20091221             FRANCE—AEROSPACE and defense industries group Safran and USA conglomerate GENERAL—ELECTRIC won 1—MULTI—BILLION—DOLLAR—CONTRACT to equip CHINA—FUTURE—C919 passenger jet with engines.
20091221             —ABDUCTED, COLOMBIA, at least 10—MEN in military uniforms, GOVERNOR—LUIS—FRANCISCO—CUELLAR, —69—JAHRE—ALT from his home in FLORENCIA, CAPITAL—OF—THE—SOUTH—STATE—OF—CAQUETA, killing 1—POLICE—GUARD and blasting open THE—GOVERNOR—DOOR with explosives.
20091221             —BELIEVED, FARC was, to be responsible.
20091221             CUELLAR—BODY, still clad in pajamas, was found lying at the top of 1—STEEP—HILL on FLORENCIA—OUTSKIRTS the —NEXT—MORNING.
20091221             PRESIDENT—ALVARO—URIBE soberly told Colombians that kidnappers had slit THE—THROAT—OF—THE—SOUTH—GOVERNOR.
20091221             —HALTED, Eurostar, services for a 3. —DAY to probe 1—BREAKDOWN—OF—TRAINS through the Channel Tunnel that stranded thousands, prompting 1—ANGRY—FRANCE—GOVERNMENT to demand 1—EXPLANATION and call its own inquiry.
20091221             —SUMMONED, PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—SARKOZY, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—FRANCE—TRAIN—AUTHORITY to the Elysee Palace and ordered him to get the Eurostar moving again —AFTER a —3—DAY—SUSPENSION—OF—THE—CROSS—CHANNEL—TRAIN—SERVICE that has wreaked havoc on the holiday travel plans of some 40,000—PEOPLE.
20091221             The death toll from —WINTER storms across EUROPE rose to at least 80 as transport chaos spread amid mounting anger over THE—FAILURE—OF—HIGH—SPEED—TRAINS.
20091221             —REPORTED, It was, that gunmen in GUATEMALA have killed more than 170—BUS—DRIVERS—THIS—YEAR to scare them and transportation companies into paying extortion fees that fuel the country's MULTIMILLION—DOLLAR organized crime network.
20091221             —BASED, INDIA, Riona Wines, in WEST—MAHARASHTRA state, the country's GRAPE—GROWING centre, signed investment agreements with ITALY—VINTNERS Moncaro and ENZO—MECELLA.
20091221             —TURNED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—IRAN—MOURNERS, the funeral PROCESSION—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST senior dissident cleric into 1—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTEST, chanting "death to the dictator" and slogans in SUPPORT—OF—THE—OPPOSITION amid heavy security.
20091221             —ATTACKED, NORTH—IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, the convoy of 1—TEL—AFAR city council CHIEF, killing Hussein Akrash and 3—GUARDS.
20091221             MEXICO—CITY—LAWMAKERS made the city the 1. in Latin AMERICA to legalize SAME—SEX—MARRIAGE, 1—CHANGE that will give homosexual couples more rights, including allowing them to adopt children.
20091221             MEXICO, construction began on the Palace of the Maya Civilization Museum in Yucatan state.
20091221             1—PAKISTAN—COURT—IN—LAHORE ordered the noses and ears of 2—MEN cut off —AFTER they did the same thing to 1—YOUNG—WOMAN whose family spurned 1—OF—THE—MEN—MARRIAGE—PROPOSAL.
20091221             SHER—MOHAMMAD and 1—FRIEND, Amanat Mohammad, were accused of kidnapping the woman and cutting off her ears and nose in —LATE—SEPTEMBER in the Raiwind AREA—OF—LAHORE.
20091221             SOMALIA, 1—BOMB—BLAST and 1—SEPARATE mortar attack on 1—RADIO—STATION in MOGADISHU killed 8—PEOPLE.
20091221             —ACCUSED, THE—UN, THE—UGANDAN—BASED LORD—RESISTANCE—ARMY—OF killing, mutilating and raping villagers in SUDAN and CONGO in what may have been crimes against humanity.
20091221             ZIMBABWE PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE and his rival PRIME—MINISTER—MORGAN—TSVANGIRAI announced 1—AGREEMENT on commissions to drive media and electoral reforms, 1—OF—THE—KEY—ISSUES which has been threatening their POWER—SHARING deal.
20101217—20101221    —AGREED, Halliburton said it had, to pay 32.5—MILLION—DOLLARS to THE—NIGERIA—GOVERNMENT, plus 2.5—MILLION—DOLLARS in costs.
20101221             —ANNOUNCED, USA—TAX—AUTHORITIES, that DEUTSCHE—BANK has admitted criminal wrongdoing and agreed to pay more than $550—MILLION in connection with its participation in tax shelters 19960000—20020000    —FROM—TO that enabled the rich to temporarily avoid paying HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in USA—TAXES.
20101221             —APPROVED, THE—USA—SAID it has, travel SANCTIONS—AGAINST—LAURENT—GBAGBO and about 30—OTHERS —FOLLOWING IVORY—COAST'S disputed presidential election.
20101221             —IMPOSED, THE—USA—TREASURY—DEPARTMENT, SANCTIONS—AGAINST—ZIMBABWE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL, JOHANNES—TOMANA, saying his actions undermined the country's democratic institutions.
20101221             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—UK—SOLDIER was 1—OF 2—NATO—SERVICE members, in Helmand.
20101221             † 5—CIVILIANS, as militants attacked coalition forces in the Sangin district.
20101221             7—INSURGENTS were killed in the battle.
20101221             THE—AUSTRALIA—DEFENSE—FORCE said steroids and unidentified substances had been seized in recent raids —AFTER 1—TIP—OFF.
20101221             1—REPORT claimed AUSTRALIA—SAILORS have been stashing large amounts of cocaine and heroin on navy ships and selling them in SYDNEY's red light district and that this has been going on "—FOR—YEARS".
20101221             —ARRESTED, BELARUS, Grigory Kostusyev, 1—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE, —AFTER weekend elections, said THE—KGB tried to pressure him into renouncing his opposition to the country's AUTHORITY—REGIME.
20101221             —CALLED, UK—MAN—STEPHEN—GRIFFITHS, —40—JAHRE—ALT, who, himself the "Crossbow Cannibal," was sentenced to life in prison —AFTER pleading guilty to killing 3—PROSTITUTES.
20101221             —ADMITTED, Griffiths, murdering SUZANNE—BLAMIRES (36), SHELLEY—ARMITAGE (31) and SUSAN—RUSHWORTH (43), who all worked as prostitutes near his home in BRADFORD.
20101221             TORONTO—DOMINION Bank said it will buy Chrysler Financial from private equity firm Cerberus CAPITAL—MANAGEMENT for $6.3—BILLION, joining THE—THRONG—OF—CANADA—INSTITUTIONS expanding foreign operations.
20101221             —URGED, CHINA, NORTH—KOREA to follow through on its offer to allow UN nuclear monitors into the country as 1—WAY to alleviate INTERNATIONAL tensions —DURING 1—STANDOFF with the South.
20101221             —HANDED, CUBA, FRANCISCO—CHAVEZ—ABARCA—OF—EL—SALVADOR was, a —30—YEAR—PRISON—SENTENCE for his role in 1—STRING—OF—BOMBINGS at tourist hotels in the 1990s.
20101221             The leaders of EGYPT and LIBYA were in KHARTOUM for talks with SUDAN—LEADERS on THE—FUTURE—OF—AFRICA—LARGEST—COUNTRY ahead of 1—REFERENDUM that's likely to break it into 2.
20101221             The former "executive SECRETARY" of the Hutu guerrilla FDLR, who had been living in FRANCE as 1—COMPUTER—TECHNICIAN, was charged with crimes against humanity.
20101221             —HERALDED, Alpha Conde, 1—NEW—ERA for GUINEA —AFTER being sworn as the nation's 1. freely elected PRESIDENT in front of visiting HEADS—OF—STATE and jubilant supporters.
20101221             —PASSED, HUNGARY—FIDESZ party, the 2. PART—OF—CONTENTIOUS—LEGISLATION placing broadcast, print and online media under the supervision of 1—NEW—AUTHORITY with power to impose large fines for ILL—DEFINED offenses.
20101221             —CLINCHED, INDIA, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—MEDVEDEV, agreements with its Cold WAR—ERA—ALLY to deepen nuclear energy cooperation and develop 1—SUPERSONIC—FIGHTER to rival 1—USA—JET.
20101221             —PLEDGED, RUSSIA and INDIA, to share intelligence and work together to fight INTERNATIONAL terror.
20101221             —APPROVED, IRAQ—LAWMAKERS unanimously, 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT to be headed by incumbent Shiite PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI, ending —9—MONTHS—OF—POLITICAL deadlock that threatened to stall economic development and suck the country back into sectarian violence.
20101221             —ADOPTED, They also, a 43-point program aimed at liberalizing the economy and fighting terrorism.
20101221             Women made up 1—QUARTER—OF—THE—325—SEAT—PARLIAMENT but were given only 2—MINISTRIES in the 44-member Cabinet, approved —AFTER a —9—MONTH—DELAY.
20101221             —SUSPECTED, THE—ISRAEL—AIR—FORCE hit 7, militant sites in THE—GAZA—STRIP in 1—UNUSUALLY large operation.
20101221             —RETALIATED, PALESTINE—MILITANTS, by sending 1—ROCKET crashing down near 1—KINDERGARTEN in SOUTH—ISRAEL.
20101221             —MARKED, This, 1—NEW—MILESTONE for GAZA militants, who have steadily built up their arsenal from 1—COLLECTION—OF—CRUDE, homemade rockets to include more menacing imported weapons.
20101221             ISRAEL—DEFENSE—OFFICIALS said THE—LASER—GUIDED Kornet came from IRAN.
20101221             —CALLED, ISRAEL—ANSWER, Trophy, was the 1.—OF—ITS—KIND—ISRAELI—MADE system carried by tanks that is designed to shoot down missiles like the Kornet.
20101221             —AGREED, Toyota Motor Corp., to pay THE—USA—GOVERNMENT 1—RECORD $32.4—MILLION in additional fines to settle 1—INVESTIGATION into its handling of 2—RECALLS at the heart of its safety crisis.
20101221             The latest settlement, on top of a $16.4—MILLION—FINE—TOYOTA paid —EARLIER in 1 related investigation, brought the total penalties levied on the company to $48.8—MILLION.
20101221             —KIDNAPPED, MEXICO, 7—GUNMEN, 9—CENTRAL—USA—MIGRANTS from 1—TRAIN—NEAR the Ixtepec, 1—TOWN in OAXACA state.
20101221             5—OF—THE—MIGRANTS escaped and reported the kidnapping.
20101221             —KILLED, Another was, as he tried to flee. 3 remained missing.
20101221             NETHERLANDS—BASED Royal DSM NV, the world's largest maker of vitamins, agreed to buy Martek Biosciences, 1—USA—MAKER—OF nutritional ingredients for baby food, for $1.09—BILLION.
20101221             1—SUDAN military source said 20—SOLDIERS from THE—SOUTH—SUDAN army (SPLA) have been killed in clashes with rebels led by former general GEORGE—ATHOR.
20101221             TONGA, Noble Lord Tu'ivakano won 1—SECRET—BALLOT among lawmakers to become the country's 1. PRIME—MINISTER elected by PARLIAMENT rather than appointed by GEORGE—TUPOU—V—KING—OF—.
20101221             —DOMINATED, VENEZUELA—CONGRESS, by PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ—ALLIES, passed 1—LAW barring foreign funding for nongovernment organizations and political parties, adding to 1—SERIES—OF—MEASURES that critics say aim to stifle dissent.
20101221             † In ZIMBABWE 9—PEOPLE and 25 were injured —WHEN 1—SPEEDING bus slammed into 1—TRUCK in HARARE.
20101221             3—INFANTS were among the dead.
20101221—19940000    —IN—THE, 1—FRANCE—JUDGE charged exiled RWANDA—HUTU rebel leader Callixte Mbarushimana (47) over his alleged role RWANDA—GENOCIDE.
20101221—19970000    —KILLED, The bombings, 1—ITALY—TOURIST.
201101301221         - EX—MUSEUMSDIREKTORIN beschuldigt Wachleute der Plünderung
2011020212210000     THE—BBC—LINA—SINJAB reports from YEMEN that the opposition there do not appear satisfied with PRESIDENT—SALEH—ANNOUNCEMENT that he won't run again
20110208—20111221    —REPORTED, The tanker was, freed along with 22—CREW members.
20111221             —RELEASED, Human Rights Watch, 1—REPORT stating CongoDRC security forces had killed at least 24—PEOPLE and "arbitrarily" arrested dozens more —SINCE Kabila's disputed victory was announced 20111209             .
20111221             —ISSUED, THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION, the 1. USA—STANDARDS to cut mercury and other toxic emissions from COAL—FIRED power plants.
20111221             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT said it is suspending training for new Peace Corps volunteers in THE—CENTRAL—USA—NATIONS—OF—GUATEMALA and EL—SALVADOR—WHILE it assesses security concerns.
20111221             —DECIDED, It was also, to pull all volunteers from HONDURAS.
20111221             —REPORTED, It was, that CALIFORNIA Watch has found repeated violations over the past —YEAR by Prime Healthcare Services for aggressive billing to Medicare.
20111221             Operators ran the 1. train down AFGHANISTAN—1. major railroad, clearing the way for 1—LONG—AWAITED service from the northern border that should speed up THE—USA—MILITARY—CRUCIAL—SUPPLY—FLOW and become 1—HUB for future trade.
20111221             UZBEKISTAN—STATE—OWNED—SE—SOGDIANA—TRANS will run the commercial train service.
20111221             —KILLED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—ROADSIDE bomb blast, 5—POLAND—SOLDIERS in Ghazni province.
20111221             AFGHANISTAN—POLICE shot dead 1—WOULD—BE—SUICIDE—BOMBER—BEFORE he was able to attack 1—POLICE—STATION in Khost province.
20111221             —REPORTED, Bosnia police and local media, that as MONIKA—ILIC, 1—BOSNIAN—SERBIA—WOMAN suspected of such brutal crimes against NON—SERBS at the beginning of the 19920000—19950000     BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—WAR, has been detained.
20111221             —CALLED, Her victims reportedly, her the "Female Monster".
20111221             —CONVICTED, Ilic was reportedly 18—WHEN she oo Goran Jelisic, 1, murderer and concentration camp torturer.
20111221             —ANNOUNCED, CAMBODIA and THAILAND, 1—AGREEMENT in principle to withdraw troops from 1—BORDER—AREA where 1—TERRITORIAL—DISPUTE triggered deadly clashes.
20111221             CHINA, villagers of Wukan gave up their protests over land confiscations —AFTER the Guangdong party leadership promised to look into their complaints.
20111221             EGYPT, voting in election runoffs for the 1. PARLIAMENT —SINCE Hosni MUBARAK—OUSTER resumed without the long lines outside polling centers seen in previous rounds of the staggered vote.
20111221             1—ETHIOPIA—COURT—CONVICTED—SWEDISH—JOURNALISTS—MARTIN—SCHIBBYE and JOHAN—PERSSON of supporting 1—TERRORIST—GROUP and entering the country illegally, with the prosecution calling for 1—MAXIMUM—SENTENCE—OF—18—YEARS and —6—MONTHS.
20111221             FINLAND—OFFICIALS said they have found —AROUND 160—TONS—OF—EXPLOSIVES and 69—SURFACE—TO—AIR—PATRIOT missiles on 1—CARGO ship bearing 1—UK—FLAG and ultimately destined for CHINA.
20111221             They didn't know THE—ORIGIN—OF—THE—MISSILES or who was supposed to receive them.
20111221             HONG—KONG health workers began slaughtering 17,000 chickens —AFTER 1—CARCASS was found infected with bird flu at 1—POULTRY—MARKET.
20111221             —KILLED, INDONESIA, 4—PEOPLE were, but 100 rescued —WHEN 1 overloaded boat sank.
20111221             The wooden boat was carrying villagers returning home for the Christmas holidays.
20111221             —GRANTED, IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI said he has, a —6—MONTH—EXTENSION on 1—DEADLINE to close Camp Ashraf, which has housed IRAN—EXILES—FOR—DECADES.
20111221             He also said THE—UN would relocate 400 to 800—OF—THE—RESIDENTS to other countries by END—OF—DECEMBER.
20111221             AL—MALIKI also told Kurdish authorities to hand over Sunni VICE—PRESIDENT—TARIQ—AL—HASHEMI, who fled to the semiautonomous region to escape 1—ARREST—WARRANT on charges he ran hit squads targeting government officials.
20111221             JAMAICA—INVESTIGATORS found the severed HEAD—AND—BULLET—RIDDLED BODY—OF—NAVARDO—HODGES of the Clansman gang, 1—MAN they believe was 1—HIGH—RANKING MEMBER—OF—1—NOTORIOUS—DRUG—AND—EXTORTION gang known for beheading victims.
20111221             MEXICO, VERACRUZ STATE—SPOKESWOMAN—GINA—DOMINGUEZ said 800—POLICE—OFFICERS and 300—ADMINISTRATIVE—EMPLOYEES have been laid off 1—EFFORT to root out corruption.
20111221             She said they can still apply for state police jobs but must meet stricter standards.
20111221             In the meantime the Navy will take over.
20111221             1—BLAST in MYANMAR—COMMERCIAL—HUB and FORMER—CAPITAL—YANGON killed 1—WOMAN and wounded another.
20111221             Shell, the major oil producer in NIGERIA, said 1—OIL spill —1—DAY—EARLIER—LIKELY occurred as workers tried to offload oil onto 1—WAITING tanker.
20111221             —ESTIMATED, Shell, the Bonga spill likely was less than 40,000 barrels, or 1.68—MILLION gallons.
20111221             —AFFECTED, The oil slick, 115—MILES (185—KM) of ocean along NIGERIA—COAST.
20111221             —URGED, The opposition SYRIA—NATIONAL—COUNCIL, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL and Arab League to hold emergency meetings —AFTER regime forces "massacred" more than 200—PEOPLE in —2—DAYS.
20111221             —COLLIDED, SOUTH—EAST—TURKEY, 1—PASSENGER—BUS, with 1—TRUCK on 1—SINGLE—LANE—ROAD, killing 25—PEOPLE.
20111221             It said compensation must be paid not on the land itself but only on improvements.
20111221             YEMEN, overnight fighting against AL—QAIDA—LINKED fighters in the south killed 10—OF—THE—MILITANTS and 5—SOLDIERS outside Zinjibar.
20111221             ABDEL—RAHMAN—AL—WAHISHI, brother of YEMEN—AL—QAIDA leader, was among DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE killed in battles raging —FOR—DAYS in THE—SOUTH—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20111221—19940000    —HANDED, THE—UN—TRIBUNAL for RWANDA, life sentences to Matthieu Ngirumpatse and Edouard Karemera, FORMER—HEADS—OF—THE—EX—RULING party, for genocide crimes committed.
20111221—19940000    —IN—THE, MARIE—CLAIRE—MUKESHIMANA (43), 1—RWANDA—WOMAN convicted in absentia by 1—COURT in her country for her role genocide, arrived in KIGALI —AFTER being extradited from THE—USA.
20111221—20090000    —SENTENCED, She was, to —19—YEARS in prison for complicity in THE—KILLING—OF—SEVERAL children who had sought refuge at 1—CONVENT in SOUTH—RWANDA.
20111221—20111227    —ON, 1—COURT—SENTENCED—THE—2—JOURNALISTS to —11—YEARS in prison on charges of supporting terrorism.
20111221—20120115    —ON, protest leader Lin Zuluan was appointed as the village's new party CHIEF.
20120325—20111221    —ON, He had left LAGOS—PORTUGAL.
20121110—20121221    —ON, the home's owner, Monserrate Shirley;
20121130—20121221    —ON, prosecutors charged Raven Chanel Dixon, 1—PROSTITUTE from Alameda, as 1—ACCESSORY to murder —AFTER the fact as well as gang enhancement.
20121217—20121221    —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—AQUINO—III, the legislation.
20121218—20121221    —REPORTED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA, that police have detained more than 500—PEOPLE from 1—FRINGE—CHRISTIAN group for spreading rumors about the world's impending end.
20121221             Bombenfund in BONN: DEUTSCHE wollen mehr Videoüberwachung
20121221             Ratet mal, was DIE—ANTWORT auf die Schulmassaker mit SCHUSS—WAFFEN ist.
20121221             OBAMA nominates JOHN—KERRY for SECRETARY—OF—STATE
20121221             —TODAY, PRESIDENT—OBAMA nominated KERRY...
20121221             GOP disarray jeopardizes fiscal cliff deal
20121221             —FORCED, REPUBLICAN disarray over taxes...
20121221             —ON, 1—CA—500—JAHRE—ALT Festung, dem Sitz des Verteidigungsmtansey says the speaker's failur...
20121221             Darfur: Blauhelmsoldat tötet 3—KAMERADEN—T'A1—PEI, TAIWAN Moec
20121221             —AM, Die Version DER—MITARBEITERIN, die die 1.SUCHAN—FRAGE machte, geht so: Anlass sei 1—SPRENGSTOFF—ANSCHLAG—AUF—EDATHYS BÜRO gewesen. es HABE—DAMALS, "1—WE—MELDUNG"gegeben: Wichtiges Ereignis.
20121221             —DARAUFHIN sei sie tätig geworden.
20121221             Warum sie und die anderen 3—BKA—BEAMTEN dem anderen Vorgang, also der Frage nach möglichen KINDER—PORNOS, nicht nachgingen?
20121221             —GERICHTET, Ihr Augenmerk sei eben auf etwas anderes, gewesen.
20121221             unseres GREGORIANISCHER—KALENDERS und
20121221             UNSERER ZEITRECHNUNG,FÜR DEN dass DIE—MAYA das Weltende erwarteten, GEGEN—DIE—ANNAHME spricht außerdem, daß DIE—MAYA durchaus mit DATEN jenseits dieser Grenze hantierten.
20121221             Solange sie Götter und Kalender ehrten, mussten sie ihren Untergang sowieso nicht fürchten
20121221             —AM, nicht mehr bei ihm beschweren über das Ausbleiben 1—NEUEN Zeit.
20121221             —NOMINATED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA formally, Democratic Senate Foreign Relations COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—JOHN—KERRY to succeed Hillary Clinton as SECRETARY—OF—STATE.
20121221             THE—NATIONAL—RIFLE—ASSOCIATION said guns and police officers in all USA—SCHOOLS are what's needed to stop the next killer "waiting in the wings".
20121221             —DELIVERED, NRA executive CHIEF—WAYNE—LAPIERRE, a —25—MINUTE tirade against the notion that another gun law would stop killings.
20121221             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—NATIONAL—OCEANIC and Atmospheric Administration, that ringed seals and bearded seals will be listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.
20121221             —BLAMED, LOSS—OF—SEA—ICE due to climate warning was.
20121221             1—JUDGE—IN—ATLANTA, GEORGIA, suspended 1—STATE—LAW banning abortions for women who are more than —20—WEEKS—PREGNANT.
20121221             —SLASHED, BRENDA—STOKES—WILSON (50), 1—CO—WORKER at the Bellagio casino in LAS—VEGAS.
20121221             —LEARNED, It was —LATER, that she had stabbed to death JADE—MORRIS (10), her EX—BOYFRIEND—DAUGHTER, whom she was supposed to take Christmas shopping.
20121221             PENNSYLVANIA, JEFFREY—LEE—MICHAEL—OF—GEESEYTOWN, —44—JAHRE—ALT fatally shot 1—WOMAN decorating for 1—CHILDREN—CHRISTMAS party at 1—TINY—CHURCH—HALL and killed 2—MEN elsewhere in 1—RURAL—TOWNSHIP—BEFORE he was shot dead in 1—GUNFIGHT with state troopers.
20121221             —STRIPPED—OF, UK—DOCTOR—DEREK—KEILLOH was, his medical license for misconduct and dishonesty over THE—DEATH—OF—1—IRAQ—MAN who was beaten and killed —WHILE in THE—CUSTODY—OF—UK—TROOPS.
20121221             —CLASHED, EGYPT, THOUSANDS—OF—ISLAMISTS, with their opponents in ALEXANDRIA, on THE—EVE—OF—THE 2. leg of voting on the country's contentious constitution that has deeply polarized the nation.
20121221             —AGREED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION said it has, to RE—LAUNCH ?174.3—MILLION in development funds to GUINEA.
20121221             —ANNOUNCED, HAITI—GOVERNMENT, that it has awarded permits for the 1. time in its history to allow 2—COMPANIES to openly mine for gold and copper.
20121221             —THREATENED, IRAQ, Sunni Deputy PRIME—MINISTER—SALEH—AL—MUTLAQ, that his Iraqiya bloc could withdraw from the political process altogether if lawmakers and independent bodies are not allowed to monitor the investigation involving AL—ISSAWI—STAFF.
20121221             —PASSED, Monti had said he would step down —AFTER the budget was.
20121221             IVORY—COAST, say at least 1—PERSON was dead —AFTER 2—SIMULTANEOUS—ATTACKS overnight on Ivorian security forces.
20121221             —KILLED, SOUTH—EAST—KENYA, at least 39—PEOPLE were, —WHEN farmers raided 1—VILLAGE—OF herders.
20121221             —RAIDED, THE—POKOMO—TRIBE—OF—FARMERS, 1—VILLAGE—OF—THE—SEMI—NOMADIC—ORMA herding community at dawn in the Tana River Delta.
20121221             13—CHILDREN, 6—WOMEN, 11—MEN and 9—ATTACKERS were killed.
20121221             KYRGYZSTAN—STATE—OWNED natural gas company said it is to be sold to RUSSIA—ENERGY monopoly Gazprom, raising hopes of 1—END to debilitating energy shortages in the impoverished CENTRAL—ASIA—NATION.
20121221             THE—AL—QAIDA—LINKED group that controls MUCH—OF—NORTH—MALI and other rebels agreed to cease hostilities in the areas they control, —1—DAY—AFTER THE—UNITED—NATIONS backed 1—REGIONAL—PLAN to oust the Islamists from power in 1—MILITARY—INTERVENTION—NEXT—YEAR.
20121221             Dawn broke over ancient holy sites in SOUTH—MEXICO to celebrations, ushering in THE—START—OF—1—NEW—ERA for the Maya people that had been billed as 1—POSSIBLE—END—OF—THE—WORLD.
20121221             —JAILED, MEXICO, USA—MARINE—VETERAN—JON—HAMMAR, —27—JAHRE—ALT, —FOR—MONTHS—AFTER trying to carry 1—FAMILY heirloom shotgun across the border, was freed.
20121221             JOSE—SALVADOR—ALVARENGA left MEXICO in his 23—FOOT (7m) fiberglass boat for —1—DAY—FISHING, accompanied by 1—TEEN he knew only as Ezekiel, who was between 15 and 18. 1—STORM blew them off course.
20121221             Ezekial † —AFTER —1—MONTH.
20121221             —ENDED, Alvarenga, up surviving —13—MONTHS on fish, birds and turtles —BEFORE washing ashore on the remote MARSHALL—ISLANDS some 5,500 miles (8,800 km) away.
20121221             † In MOZAMBIQUE 14—PEOPLE—WHEN 1—TIRE burst on 1—SPEEDING minibus, causing the driver to lose control and collide with 1—ONCOMING vehicle.
20121221             —CONTINUED, NATO—SECRETARY—GENERAL—ANDERS Fogh Rasmusen said THE—SYRIA—MILITARY has, to fire SCUD—TYPE—MISSILES against ANTI—GOVERNMENT—FORCES, describing the move as 1—ACT—OF—DESPERATION—OF 1—REGIME nearing its end.
20121221             —IDENTIFIED, NORTH—KOREA said that 1—USA—CITIZEN, as Pae JUN—HO, has been detained —AFTER confessing to unspecified crimes, confirming news reports about his arrest.
20121221             1—MOB in SOUTH—PAKISTAN stormed 1—POLICE—STATION to seize 1—MENTALLY unstable Muslim man accused of burning 1—COPY—OF—ISLAM—HOLY—BOOK, beat him to death, and then set his body afire.
20121221             —ARRESTED, Police, 30—PEOPLE for suspected involvement in the attack.
20121221             —KILLED, SOUTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, gunmen, 11—PAKISTANIS and Afghans in 1—BORDER—TOWN as they were trying to cross to IRAN to travel on to EUROPE as illegal migrants.
20121221             POLAND—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said the death toll from SUB—FREEZING temperatures that set in in December was 49—PEOPLE so far, compared to 19 in the whole of December —LAST—YEAR.
20121221             † Another 15—PEOPLE, of cold in October and 5—IN—NOVEMBER.
20121221             —KILLED, Another 41—HAVE been, by carbon monoxide inhalation from coal or other ways of heating their homes —SINCE temperatures started falling.
20121221             The lower HOUSE—OF—THE—RUSSIA—PARLIAMENT overwhelmingly passed 1—BILL that would ban ADOPTION—OF—RUSSIA—CHILDREN by Americans, sending the controversial legislation 1—STEP—CLOSER to PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN—DESK.
20121221             This was PART—OF—1—LARGER—MEASURE by angry lawmakers retaliating against 1—RECENTLY signed USA—LAW that calls for SANCTIONS—AGAINST—RUSSIANS deemed to be human rights violators.
20121221             SIERRA—LEONE, THE—OCTEA diamond mining company said that the company is increasing THE—YEAR—END—SALARY—BONUS for workers from 20% to 30%.
20121221             Officials said 1—DEADLY—STRIKE at THE—KOIDU diamond mine is —NOW over.
20121221             2—PEOPLE were killed in violence there, where workers went on strike over bonuses and work conditions.
20121221             —ATTACKED, SYRIA—REBELS, 1—BASE protecting 1—MILITARY—INDUSTRIAL compound in the country's north as ANTI—GOVERNMENT—FORCES pushed forward in efforts to capture wider areas near the border with TURKEY.
20121221             7—REBELS were reported killed in the attack on the air defense base in THE—TOWN—OF—AL—SAFIRA.
20121221             —KILLED, THE—UN said 4—PEACEKEEPERS have been, and 1 injured in SUDAN—DARFUR region —WHEN 1—PEACEKEEPER opened fire on fellow UN—AU peacekeepers.
20121221             —PRESSED, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA, his opposition to gay marriage, denouncing what he described as people manipulating their GOD—GIVEN identities to suit their sexual choices — and destroying the very "essence of the human creature" in the process.
20121221             —RALLIED, YEMEN, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS, across the country to support 1—MILITARY—SHAKE—UP —THIS—WEEK that limited the powers held by LOYALISTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY'S ousted leader, including his son.
20121221             FEBRUARY, 1—VIDEO was —POSTED in which he said his captors would kill him in —1—WEEK if 1—RANSOM demand was not met.
20121221_31140811    —SEIT—DEM, Die lange Zählung des MAYA—KALENDERS, die v. Chr. läuft, endet.
20121221—20030900    —TREATED, Keilloh had, Baha Mousa, 1—HOTEL clerk who † at 1—UK—BASE—AFTER being detained in Basra.
20121221—20121103    —ARRIVED, State media said Pae, in the far NORTH—EAST—CITY—OF—RAJIN as PART—OF—1—TOUR.
201301221939         —HEUTE, Psychische Krankheiten: Mehr USA—SCHUL—KINDER erhalten ADHS—DIAGN        kuac
20131006   — -
20131129—20131221    —ON, 1—PRELIMINARY—INVESTIGATION reported that THE—CAPTAIN had a "clear intention" to crash.
20131205—20131221    —APOLOGIZED, YEMEN—BRANCH—OF—AL—QAIDA took responsibility and, for the attack on the hospital that killed 52—PEOPLE.
20131213—20131221    —ON, Student CLAIRE—DAVIS (17), shot in the face, † —AFTER—8—DAYS on life support.
20131215—20131221    —ON, police said 4—MEN have been arrested on CHARGES—OF—MURDER in the carjacking.
20131221             —KRAWALLE—IN—HAMBURG: POLIZEI und Demonstranten liefern sich Straßenschlachten
20131221             —AM—ABEND, hat DIE—POLIZEI die Reeperbahn abgesperrt.
20131221             [l] In TEXAS kann man —JETZT 1—DURCHSUCHUNG—BEFEHL auf Basis der Annahme zukünftiger Verbrechen erwirken.
20131221             ANSPRACHE—PAPA: Du sollst nicht tratschen
20131221             —ESKALIERT, HAMBURG — Die Lage, —SCHON—KURZ—NACH, BEGINN der Demonstration vor dem linken Kulturzentrum Rote Flora in HAMBURG.
20131221             DIE—STADT erlebt laut Beobachtern die schlimmsten Krawalle —SEIT—LANGEM.
20131221             DIE—GESETZLICHE GRUND—LAGE für die verdachtsunabhängigen Kontrollen durch das "Gesetz zur Erhöhung der Sicherheit und Ordnung"vom 20050616             geschaffen
20131221             —VERWEIGERT, Restitution: FINANZ—MINISTERIUM, Rückgabe von GEMÄLDEn
20131221             150—BEAMTE gegen 300—RANDALIERER: In HAMBURG ist es auf der Reeperbahn zu gewalttätigen Krawallen gekommen.
20131221             —AM, —NACHMITTAG werden neue Proteste erwartet, DIE—POLIZEI hat das STADT—GEBIET zum "Gefahrengebiet"erklärt.
20131221             —AM—ABEND, waren in dem Bereich 150—BEAMTE zusammengezogen worden, um die Davidwache zu sichern.
20131221             Mehrere 1.000—MENSCHEN wollen —AM—SAMSTAG für den Erhalt des linken Kulturzentrums Rote Flora im HAMBURGer Schanzenviertel auf die Straße gehen.
20131221             Aus SORGE—VOR—KRAWALLEN hat DIE—POLIZEI die gesamte Innenstadt zum GEFAHREN—GEBIET erklärt.
20131221             Zwischen 14—UND 23—UHR können Beamte dort ohne konkreten Verdacht Menschen durchsuchen oder in Gewahrsam nehmen sowie Platzverweise erteilen.
20131221             ALLE—FRAKTIONEN—DER—HAMBURGER—BÜRGERSCHAFT hatten parteiübergreifend zum friedlichen PRO—TEST aufgerufen.
20131221             1—FRAGE—DER—EHRE
20131221             1 4—MILLIONEN—PROZESS um die FRAGE—DER—EHRE 1—ABGEHALFTERTEN Präsidenten, versorgt auf LEBENS—ZEIT.
20131221             1—ELB—HARMONIE, deren Kosten in den Himmel schießen.
20131221             1—BERLINER SALON—SOZI, wieder mal Aufsichtsratvorsitzender für den Flughafenbau, Bänkster und FUßBALL—PRÄSIDENTEN im Fadenkreuz der Strafverfolger, 1—PAPA mit linker PROPAGANDA GEGEN—DIE—REICHEN, aber kein Geld für 1—STADT—TEILZENTRUM?
20131221             Guarded Ghettos sind Gefahrengebiete.
20131221             Geübt wird DER—POLIZEI—STAAT.
20131221             Ich mache mir da keine Illusionen mehr.
20131221             es ist die Kulmination der Einzelfälle, die zu 1—ALLMÄHLICHEN Entrechtung des gemeinen Bürgers führt, und es ist 1—LANGE LISTE—DER—HARTNÄCKIGEN—ENTRECHTUNG vor allem auch DER—GRUND—RECHTE (teils vergeblich vom VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT bekämpft) durch die staaatliche Obrigkeit.
20131221             —GEBIETET, Wer über den AUSNAHME—ZUSTAND, ist der wahre Herrscher des Landes.
20131221             Der wahre Herrscher sollte eigentlich DAS—VOLK SEIN—STATT DER—POLIZEI.
20131221             DER—POLIZEIAPPARAT setzt gewaltsam durch, daß die Elbphilharmonie fur zich Mio.
20131221             Demonstrationskultur
20131221             Und willst du nicht mein Bruder sein, dann schlag ich dir den Schädel ein.
20131221             DIE—SICH hier über linke Demonstranten auslassen, sind meist die Asozialen, DIE—FRAU und Kind zu Haus verprügeln.
20131221             Das ist 1—LINKEN Kultur fremd. Venceremos...No pasarán.
20131221             FALSCH—WIR haben es hier mit AKTIVISTen zu tun, die von großen Teilen der GESELLSCHAFT unterstützt werden.
20131221             Deshalb wird es auch nie passieren, daß den AKTIVISTen die rechtsfreien Räume entzogen werden.
20131221             Man benötigt sie als Speerspitze zur Umsetzung des sogenannten Mainstreams.
20131221             Wenn es zu doll wird kann man sich distanzieren, wenn nicht, lacht man sich ins Fäustchen und ist wieder 1—STÜCK weiter.
20131221             Zu den Sympathiesanten dieser AKTIVISTen (ein schöner DDR—BEGRIFF) gehören oft die Dienstherren DER—POLIZEI.
20131221             Der politischer STREIT—UM—DIE—ROTE—FLORA, die LAMPEDUSA—GRUPPE und die ESSO—HÄUSER in HAMBURG zeigen doch auch 1: Trotz aller Abgesänge auf DIE—LINKE Szene und der massenhaften medialen, wissenschaftlichen und politischen Reden zur neuen jugendlichen LEIT—KULTUR "rechts", ist DIE—LINKE Bewegung nach wie vor die Bewegung, die in DEUTSCHLAND Menschen mobilisieren kann.
20131221             Emanzipation hat sich auch im jugendlichen Mainstream zum Glück NOCH NICHT nach rechts(außen) verschoben, sondern findet auch hier ihren Platz im linken Denken.
20131221             Dass DIE—POLIZEI und DER—STAAT auf die angekündigte Demo mit dem Ausrufen 1—ALLGEMEINEN GEFAHREN—ZONE reagiert (Methoden aus dem POLIZEI—STAAT) zeigt nur, wie sehr DIE—LINKE Bewegung GEGENWÄRTIG in HH den öffentlichen und politischen DIS—KURS beeinflussen kann.
20131221             Für unseren demokartischen RECHTS—STAAT sind diese Methoden schlicht unangemessen.
20131221             Erinnert alles immer mehr an Demos in MOSKAU...
20131221             Vielen Dank Spiegel für diesen tollen ARTIKEL—UND das so KURZ—VOR, Weihnachten.
20131221             Ich freu mich immer, wenn ich so etwas lesen darf.
20131221             Und 1—GANZ besonderes Schmankerl sind auch die Kommentare.
20131221             So kommt man doch gut —IN—DEN—TAG. Da weiß man doch wo man lebt.
20131221             "Das asoziale Pak soll Schaffen" — tun sie doch, ich schätze von den 300—VERMUMMTEN hatte 50 % 1—DIENSTAUSWEIS.
20131221             —GESTELLT, Damit sind die Weichen für —HEUTE—ABEND, und man kann nochmal schön den ganzen Weihnachtsfrust auf Straße lassen.
20131221             Also dann Frohe Wiehnachten mein asoziales Dschland.
20131221             Lustig zu lesen, der Thread ? Ob die Vertreter von Law & Order NOCH—IMMER so große töne spucken, wenn´s wirklich rappelt im Karton?
20131221             Insofern könnte JEDE—SOLCHE—AKTION, die unsere Law & ORDER—SCHREIHÄLSE hier recht eindimensional ("zusammenknüppeln!") kommentieren, 1—INITIALZÜNDUNG sein.
20131221             Da sollte man mal überlegen, ob man an den Symptomen rumdortoren will, oder vielleicht doch mal die Ursachen anpackt.
20131221             Nunja, —BISHER, scheint man mit Symptome bekämpfen ganz gut zu fahren, die GroKo hat im PARLAMENT immerhin 80 %.
20131221             In der GESAMT—BEVÖLKERUNG sollte dies allerdings weniger als 50 % darstellen, von wegen DEMOKRATEN—LEGITIMATION und so...
20131221             "Ohne konkreten Verdacht Menschen in Gewahrsam nehmen..".Sind wir in DEUTSCHLAND —SCHON wieder soweit?
20131221             Sie haben sich sicher NOCH NICHT mit den "Verträgen von LISSABON"beschäftigt, die als EU—WEITE DIE—RICHTLINIE gelten.
20131221             Zechen aus HH an den Rest der REPUBLIK?
20131221             Ich hoffe sehr, daß —HEUTE aus HAMBURG 1—KARFTVOLLES politischen Zeichen an den Rest der REPUBLIK gesendet wird.
20131221             es sind vor allem 2—ASPEKTE die mich positiv STIMMEN—SO KURZ—VOR, Weihnachten: A) In DEUTSCHLAND scheint es wieder genug Menschen zu geben, ganz offensichtliche Gerechtigkeitsdefizite politisch auch offen auf der Straße anzuprangern.
20131221             es gibt wieder genug Menschen, die für 1—FREIES und selbstsbestimmtes Leben 1—DEMO organisiseren können, vor der unserer STAAT—DERMAßEN—ANGST entwickelt, daß er kurzerhand die ganze Stadt zum GEFAHREN—GEBIET erklärt.
20131221             Wer sich über die Demonstrationskultur in MOSKAU aufregt, darf —HEUTE bei HAMBURG aus dem Schreien nicht mehr rauskommen...
20131221             B) Die politische Kraft in DEUTSCHLAND steht endlich wieder (klassisch) links.
20131221             HH, gehen DIE—MENSCHEN für 1—AUTONOMES, antirassistisches und antisexistisches LEBENS—MODELL auf die Straße, sie unterstützen die gelüchteten Menschen der LAMPEDUSA—GRUPPE und solidarisieren sich mit den schwächsten in unserer GESELLSCHAFT.
20131221             Dem RECHTS—RUCK der spießigen —MITTE der GESELLSCHAFT wird hier 1—KARFTVOLLES Signal aus 1—EMANZIPATORISCHEN Perpektive entgegengestzt.
20131221             Politische Praxis wie sie sich 1—LAND in der TRADITION—DER—PHILOSOPHISCHEN—AUFKLÄRUNG nur wünschen kann.
20131221             Viel Erfolg an ALLE—HEUTE in HAMBURG!
20131221             Was ist denn die RE—AKTION der "Anwohner"?
20131221             Niemand stört sich an 1—LINKSALTERNATIVEN Kulturzentrum, man könnte sich allerdings endlich mal die Aufrufe zur Randale sparen und das Haus streichen.
20131221             Stimmt schlicht nicht!
20131221             es gab —BISHER, bei der DEMO—DIE NOCH NICHT stattgefunden HAT—AUCH noch keinen Krawall!
20131221             Ihr Logik kennen wir aus MOSKAU und anderen "gelenkten Demokratien"Demo wird unter general —VERDACHT gestellt und dann —BEREITS präventiv mit POLIZEI—STAAT—METHODEN "bekämpft".
20131221             Wir erleben GEGENWÄRTIG in ganz EUROPA 1—SOLCHE Neudefinition von Staatsmacht.
20131221             —VON, unserem eigenen IDEAL—WELCHES wir als Idealtyp NOCH—IMMER auf andere STAATEN ANWEDEN—HABEN wir uns —SCHON sehr weit entfernt.
20131221             Da waren die "MAßNAHMEn"zum G8—GIPFEL 20070000             nur 1—ART—VORSPIEL.
20131221             —GEWESEN, DIE—MEDIEN sind damlas leider fast alle "auf Linie".
20131221             Das scheint sich aber —NUN auch zu ändern.
20131221             —HEUTE, in HAMBURG geht es um mehr als 1—DEM um DIE—ROTE—FLORA!
20131221             Immer das GLEICHE—JA, ja, DIE—GANZE—WELT bereist und doch nichts verstanden.
20131221             Das nenne ich dann 1—KLASSISCHE Fehlinvestition.
20131221             Werden Sie sich doch mal klar darüber, weshalb es DEUTSCHLAND so gut ging.
20131221             DEUTSCHLAND —HEUTE ist nicht mehr vergleichbar mit dem von 19890000             .
20131221             Und es geht weiter bergab.
20131221             Was niemand verstehen will, ist doch, daß in DEUTSCHLAND die oberen 10.000—MEHR Vermögen besitzen als 60—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG.
20131221             Das hat nichts mit Neid zu tun, sondern mit falscher VerTEILUNG.
20131221             Zum Glück erkennen nach und nach auch Menschen wie Sie, daß Geld nicht arbeitet.
20131221             Ihre ZINS—EINNAHMEN sind —HEUTE geringer als DIE—INFLATION.
20131221             Irgendwann crasht DIE—ZENTRALBANKFINANZIERTE BÖRSE und dann schauen wir mal, wie schnell Sie sich Menschen herbei sehnen die noch aktiv gegen Unrecht in der NSA—ZEIT eintreten.
20131221             —VERLOREN, Sie haben Ihre GRUND—RECHTE, und stören sich an der Randale?
20131221             Das ist ja unglaublich.
20131221             —BESCHLOSSEN, Das wurde nicht von der EU, sondern von der CDU.
20131221             Wenn also überhaupt, dann hätte man sich das überlegen müssen, als man unreflektiert die CDU bejubelt und gewählt hatte.
20131221             DIE—DIREKTE Konfrontation mit paramilitärischen Einheiten auf der Straße liefert nur Rechtfertigungen für die SCHARF—MACHER und wenn Unbeteiligte oder deren Eigentum beschädigt wird, ist das sogar ansatzweise nachvollziehbar.
20131221             Zumal der Frust nicht einmal diejenigen trifft, bei denen er abgeladen werden sollte.
20131221             Ich —FRAGE mich, wann man endlich effektivere, dezentrale Wege des Protestes findet und er an die Wurzel des Übels getragen wird.
20131221             fight for your right!
20131221             —THIS—MORNING, I woke up in 1—CURFEW; O God, I was 1—PRISONER, TOO—YEAH!
20131221             Could not recognize the faces standing over me;
20131221             —DRESSED, They were all, in UNIFORMS—OF—BRUTALITY.
20131221             Eh! How MANY—RIVERS do we have to cross, —BEFORE we can talk to the boss?
20131221             We must have really paid the cost.
20131221             (That's why we gonna be) Burnin' and A—LOOTIN' tonight;
20131221             (Say we gonna burn and loot) Burnin' and A—LOOTIN' tonight; Burnin' all pollution tonight;
20131221             —PROTESTIERT, Wer im Westen......
20131221             ist 1—RANDALIERER oder zumindest 1 "Low Level TERRORIST"(NSA über Occuppy Wallstreet Demonstranten) Wer immer in RUSSLAND oder DER—UKRAINE demonstriert ist 1—FREIHEITS—KÄMPFER und SUPER—SUPER Demokrat.
20131221             Das auch dann, wenn er auf zumindest obskure Weise Milliardär geworden ist und vorhatte 1—ERHEBLICHE Teil dieses Reichtums A—USA—MULTIS (Exxon) zu VERSCHERBELN—ZUM Nachteil des RUSSISCHEN—VOLKES.
20131221             Was ich nicht verstehe ist, daß die Falschaussage (oder bewusste Lüge) 20—PROZENT—DER—OBEREN—EINKOMMENSSCHICHTEN bezahlen 80—PROZENT—DER—STEUERN sich so hartnäckig hält.
20131221             Diese STEUERart erbringt jedoch nur ca. Sachbeschädigung = Gewalt.
20131221             DIE—IMMER weiter GEWOLLT um sich greifende Verarmung breiter Schichten, empfinden diese ebenfalls als Sachbeschädigung und Gewalt die ihnen angetan wird.
20131221             DER—UNTERSCHIED zw.
20131221             ist der, daß LINKS—EXTREMISTEN den STAAT und den KAPITALISMUS als FEIND—BILD haben und die RECHTS—EXTREMEN dagegen Minderheiten und Schwache.
20131221             Das ist DER—GRUND, warum RECHTS—EXTREMISTEN die üblere und feigere —SORTE des Extremismus darstellt und bekämpft werden muss, wo sie nur auftaucht!
20131221             DIE—LEBENSFREUDE der Bhutaner will DIE—REGIERUNG erhalten.
20131221             Sie misst nicht nur das WIRTSCHAFTS—WACHSTUM im Land, sondern AUCH—WELT—WEIT EINZIGARTIG—DAS Bruttoglücksprodukt.
20131221             Dafür werden Gesundheit, LEBENS—STANDARD und das Wissen um Legenden und Mythen erfragt, auch der Bildungsstand wird ermittelt.
20131221             Außerdem zählt, wie sehr DER—MENSCH im Einklang mit der Natur lebt.
20131221             1—GESETZ stellt sicher, daß 60 % Bhutans mit Wald bedeckt sind.
20131221             Rauchen ist überall im Land verboten.
20131221             DRESDEN war 1—LOHNENDES Motiv für den venezianischen BAROCK—MALER—BERNARDO—BELLOTTO.
20131221             —WÄHREND, DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG —NACH—DEM spektakulären Kunstfund der Sammlung Gurlitt in MÜNCHEN rückhaltlose Aufklärung versprach, ist sie offenbar bei eigenen Beständen weniger auf Transparenz bedacht.
20131221             Das zuständige FINANZ—MINISTERIUM weigert sich in mehreren Fällen, rechtmäßigen Erbberechtigten Bilder zurückzugeben
20131221             —DENN, es dürften wohl mehr als 100—KUNSTWERKE aus jüdischem Besitz betroffen sein, die DER—BUND vom NS—REGIME erbte.
20131221             So lautet jedenfalls die Schätzung von Kunsthistorikern.
20131221             Anwälte der Erbberechtigten sprechen von —BIS zu 10000000             Werken, deren Herkunft nicht lückenlos geklärt ist.
20131221             Wie kompromisslos die Haltung des FINANZ—MINISTERIUMS ist, erlebt —SEIT—JAHREN, Mel URBACH.
20131221             Der NEW—YORKER Anwalt vertritt GEMEINSAM—MIT—SEINEM DEUTSCHEN—KOLLEGEN MARKUS—STÖTZEL die Nachfahren des jüdischen Kunstsammlers MAX—EMDEN, die den "Zwingergraben"und 1—WEITERES CANALETTO—GEMÄLDE vom Bund zurückfordern.
20131221             Sein FIRMEN—IMPERIUM in DEUTSCHLAND musste er —SPÄTER, unter Zwang verkaufen, Wertpapierdepots ließen DIE—NAZIS sperren.
20131221             Folglich lebte der jüdische Emigrant in der SCHWEIZ überwiegend vom Verkauf seiner GEMÄLDE, die er rechtzeitig in Sicherheit gebracht hatte.
20131221             —NACHDEM, Emden 3—CANALETTOS 19380000             über KUNSTHÄNDLER—IN—MÜNCHEN und LONDON angeboten hatte, erwarb sie HITLERs Aufkäufer KARL—HABERSTOCK.
20131221             DIE—BAROCKEN Stadtansichten von WIEN und DRESDEN sowie 1—WEITERES GEMÄLDE des ITALIENISCHEN—MALERS sollten —NACH—DEM "Endsieg"das geplante "Führermuseum"in LINZ zieren.
20131221             Als KAUF—PREIS waren 60.000—SCHWEIZER—FRANKEN vereinbart, 1—PREIS, der laut 1—GUTACHTEN deutlich unter dem damaligen MARKT—WERT lag.
20131221             —HEUTE—BIS ist zudem fraglich, ob MAX—EMDEN selbst diese Summe überhaupt erhalten hat.
20131221             Der 2. Canaletto aus der EMDEN—SAMMLUNG, "KARLSKIRCHE—DEUTSCHLANDWIEN",
20131221             DIE—EMDEN—ERBBERECHTIGTEN und ihr NEW—YORKER Anwalt fordern die $—BILDER—SEIT—JAHREN, zurück.
20131221             Doch das FINANZ—MINISTERIUM blieb hart Ihnen sei durchaus bewusst, daß MAX—EMDEN "den vermögensrechtlichen VERFOLGUNGS—MAßNAHMEN des Regimes ausgesetzt war",
20131221             Mit dieser Argumentation zielen DIE—BEAMTEN auf den Unterschied zwischen Raubkunst, DIE—JUDEN im Reich abgepresst wurde, und Fluchtkunst, die NS—VERFOLGTE im Exil verkauften.
20131221             Sensibler als DER—BUND reagierte 1—PRIVATER Kunstfreund auf die unheilvolle GESCHICHTE.
20131221             Einladung zu 1—KONFERENZ: DEUTSCHE—BANK—WILL—KRITIKER—DER—AGRAR—SPEKULATION besänftigen
20131221             TÜRKEI—MINISTERSÖHNE müssen in Untersuchungshaft
20131221             Anteilnahme: Nicht aufgeben, das Gute siegt!
20131221             Technikwettbewerb: HOLPER—AUFMARSCH der RETTER—ROBOTER
20131221             INSELSTREIT—CHINA wirft JAPAN Heuchelei bei neuer MILITÄR—STRATEGIE vor
20131221             Chodorkowskis Freilassung: "Triumph DER—DEUTSCHEN—GEHEIMDIPLOMATIE"
20131221             —MACHT—KAMPF—IN—THAILAND: OPPOSITION will Neuwahlen —BOYKOTTIEREN
20131221             LEBENS—MITTELZUSÄTZE: NATÜRLICH künstlich
20131221             Campingauto mit TESLA—ANTRIEB: Der WUMMS—BUS
20131221             SÜD—SUDAN, USA—FLUGZEUG beschossen - 4—SOLDATEN verletzt
20131221             GENSCHER und —DER—FALL—CHODORKOWSKI: Mission Freiheit
20131221             Himmelsschauspiel: Sternschnuppen und KOMET leuchten zur Weihnachtszeit
20131221             eskalierte Großdemo: Schwere KRAWALLE—IN—HAMBURG
20131221             USA—AUTOTÜFTLER Otmar EBENHOECH steckt JEDE—FREIE—SEKUNDE in das ehrgeizige Projekt.
20131221             EBENHOECH—DAS Vorhaben klingt ziemlich durchgeknallt, doch Otmar EBENHOECH ist zuversichtlich.
20131221             —IM—BEREITS, Alter von —12—JAHREN erwachte EBENHOECHS Faible für elektrisch angetriebene Fahrzeuge.—DAMALS, verpasste er seinem hölzernen GO—KART 1—E—MOTOR.
20131221             "Immerhin", sagt EBENHOECH [EPPENICH], "müssen wir IN—DEN—USA nicht befürchten, auf den TÜV zu treffen".
20131221             Da ES—SICH im Prinzip um 1—TESLA Model S mit modifizierter Karosserie handle, geht EBENHOECH davon aus, daß er die
20131221             DIE—SCHILDER WARNEN nicht vor realen Gefahren.
20131221             17—ROBOTERTEAMS aus aller Welt sind hier zusammengekommen, um ihre Maschinen gegeneinander antreten zu lassen.
20131221             DIE—MISSION: Die Automaten sollen beweisen, wie gut sie zum —EINSATZ—IM—KATASTROPHENFALL taugen.
20131221             ROBOTER—EXPERTE Gill Pratt, der den Wettbewerb im Auftrag der AMERIKANISCHEN—RÜSTUNGS—AGENTUR Darpa ausgerichtet hat, weiß, wie schwierig die Aufgaben sind, die er den Kombattanten aufgetragen hat.
20131221             Aber all das sei ja nur DER—ANFANG: "Wir sind hier Zeuge 1—TECHNOLOGIE, die —ERST im Werden begriffen ist".
20131221             Mit Glubschaugen und rotierenden Laserscannern erkunden sie ihre Umgebung, sie fuchteln mit vielgliedrigen Armen, und wie Menschen stapfen sie auf 2—BEINEN umher.
20131221             Beim REAKTORUN—FALL—IN—FUKUSHIMA aber zeigte sich, wie hilflos die automatischen Helfer angesichts 1—REALEN KATASTROPHE sind: Dampf nahm ihnen JEDE—ORIENTIERUNG.
20131221             —DANN, um Punkt 8, so sieht es der ZEITPLAN—DER—DARPA vor, soll es losgehen.
20131221             Schließlich hat DER—KONZERN aus Mountainview unmittelbar vor dem Wettbewerb 1—BEISPIELLOSE ROBOTIK—OFFENSIVE gestartet.
20131221             Und die Manager an den Ständen der ROBOTIK—FIRMEN freuen sich über das gewachsene INTERESSE—AN—IHRER Branche, das DIE—AKTIEN—KURSE in die Höhe treibt.
20131221             Als DIE—POLIZEI den Protestzug auflöst, ruft 1—DER Redner auf dem Demonstrationswagen der aufgebrachten Menge zu: "Das —HEUTE ist nicht das Ende, das ist —ERST DER—ANFANG".
20131221             Auch Demonstranten wurden verletzt, Angaben zu der ZAHL—DER—VERLETZTEN gab es —ZUNÄCHST nicht.
20131221             —NACH, Einschätzung DER—POLIZEI waren unter den 7300—DEMONSTRANTEN—CA—4500—AUS dem linksextremen SPEKTRUM—VIELE davon gewaltbereit.
20131221             Gleich mehrere Konfliktthemen standen im MITTEL—PUNKT des Protests: es ging um DIE—ZUKUNFT—DER—ROTEN Flora, den Erhalt der ESSO—HÄUSER, den allgemeinen Wohnungsmangel und die Lage der LAMPEDUSA—FLÜCHTLINGE.
20131221             Als sich die 1. Demonstranten —AM—FRÜHEN—NACHMITTAG vor der Roten Flora versammelt hatten, war die Stimmung noch friedlich.
20131221             Doch als sich dann KURZ—VOR, 15—UHR vermummte LINKS—AUTONOME im SCHWARZER—BLOCK an der Spitze des Demonstrationszugs versammelten, kippte die Stimmung.
20131221             KURZ—DANACH herrschte AUSNAHME—ZUSTAND im gesamtem Schanzenviertel.
20131221             Teilnehmer der Demo seien mit Straßenschildern und Farbbeuteln auf POLIZISTEN losgegangen.
20131221             —GEWORFEN, Pflastersteine und GLAS—FLASCHEN wurden auf POLIZISTEN.
20131221             —SEIT—WOCHEN wusste die HAMBURG—POLIZEI, daß an diesem 4. Adventssamstag 1—GROß—EINSATZ bevorstand.
20131221             Was sich dann aber zwischen Schanzenviertel und Kiez abspielte, war auch für HAMBURGer —VERHÄLTNISSE ungewöhnlich.
20131221             es habe keinerlei Rücksicht auf die GESUNDHEIT—VON—POLIZISTEN und Unbeteiligten gegeben, sagt POLIZEI—SPRECHER MIRKO—STREIBER —AM—ABEND.
20131221             Doch es gibt auch Klagen über DAS—VORGEHEN der mehr als 2.000—BEAMTEN, die teilweise Pfefferspray einsetzten.
20131221             —NACH, der Auflösung der Demonstration zogen die Randalierer in Gruppen in Richtung Reeperbahn weiter und lieferten sich 1 "KATZ—UND—MAUS"-Spiel mit DER—POLIZEI.
20131221             Durch die Krawalle war auch der Nah—, FERN—VERKEHR in HAMBURG beeinträchtigt.
20131221             [l] Demonstration des Tages: Gewerkschaft DER—POLIZEI demonstriert in DRESDEN, kein Demonstrant erscheint.
20131221             [l] es geht gerade 1—PAPER herum, daß DAS—FBI bei Macbooks die Kamera anschalten kann, ohne dass die Warnlampe angeht.
20131221             —BEMERKENSWERT, DIE—BEGRÜNDUNG—DER—TEXANER ist auch :
20131221             —RULED, THE—CCA, that THE—STATE'S "exclusionary rule" bans illegally seized evidence from trial, but FEDERAL—PRECEDENT allows it to be introduced if it was 1. confirmed by 1—INDEPENDENT—SOURCE.
20131221             Mit anderen Worten: Wenn man nur 1 "INDEPENDENT—SOURCE"findet, die 1—DA irgendwelche Anschuldigungen in den Notizblock deliriert, dann kann man alles verwenden.
20131221             [l] 51—MATROSEN auf dem Flugzeugträger USS RONALD—REAGAN haben —PLÖTZLICH, Tumore, Schilddrüsenkrebs oder Leukämie.
20131221             DIE—MATROSEN haben —JETZT 1—KLAGE—GEGEN—TEPCO eingereicht.
20131221             [l] Gruselmeldung —DER—WOCHE: Kinder demonstrieren in BOLIVIEN gegen der KINDER—ARBEIT—VERBOT.
20131221             Sie bräuchten aber Jobs, um ihren Familien zu helfen
20131221             Deshalb haben sie in Lap Paz den Platz vor dem PARLAMENT zu besetzen versucht.
20131221             DIE—POLIZEI setzte Tränengas ein. Furchtbar.
20131221             [l] Nach CISCO hat —NUN Boeing Nachteile wegen der NSA: BRASILIEN kauft ihre Kampfjets lieber bei Saab.
20131221             [l] Die GSG9 soll endlich auch INTERNATIONAL die falschen Türen eintreten können, will mittels 1—ANTONOV—FRACHTFLUGZEUGS innerhalb von —48—STUNDEN nahezu jeden Ort der Welt erreichen können.
20131221             [l] In dem NSA—REPORT steht noch mehr drin.
20131221             Finally, we cannot discount the risk, in light of the lessons of our own history, that at SOME—POINT—IN—THE—FUTURE, HIGH—LEVEL—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS will decide that this massive database of extraordinarily sensitive private information is there for the plucking.
20131221             Uiuiui! Wenn sie das doch nur jemand vorher gewarnt hätte!1!!
20131221             Public Officials, um hier mal 1—FEHLÜBERSETZUNG vorzubeugen, sind nicht bloß Politiker.
20131221             [l] Was macht eigentlich ROLAND—KOCH —JETZT so?
20131221             Der EHEMALIGE—HESSISCHE MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT und jetzige VORSTANDS—CHEF—DES—BAUKONZERNS Bilfinger hat auf 1—ÖFFENTLICHEN Veranstaltung dazu aufgerufen, Steine auf PHOTOVOLTAIK—ANLAGEN zu werfen, um den Solarboom zu beenden.
20131221             —DARAUFHIN hat 1—BETREIBER von sowas Strafanzeige gestellt.
20131221             [l] Endlich darf auch die ITALIENISCHE—ANTI—PIRATERIE—BEHÖRDE DAS—INTERNET zensieren!1!!
20131221             Man muss ja sagen: So übel der BERLUSCONI auch war.
20131221             [l] DAS—FBI hat 1—INTERNES Handbuch zur GEFANGENEN—BEFRAGUNG.
20131221             Das finde ich ja 1—SEHR elegante LEAK—METHODE, muss ich sagen.
20131221             [l] ITALIEN hat 1—COOLEN Ansatz, um STEUERbetrüger dingfest zu machen: Wer in ITALIEN Werbung schalten will, muss auch 1—STEUERN zahlende Präsenz in ITALIEN haben.
20131221             Und —JETZT ratet mal, wer ihnen da 1—STRICH durch die Rechnung macht?
20131221             [l] Haha, der Uhl ist schockiert — SCHOCKIERT!!1! —, daß DIE—AMERIKANER ihn so behandeln wie er uns immer behandelt hat.
20131221             —LAUT, 1—WASHINGTON—REISE sagte Uhl dem "Focus", IN—DEN—USA gebe es auf der Fachebene nur Arroganz und DESINTERESSE—AN—BERLINS EMPÖRUNG—ÜBER—DIE—NSA—AKTIVITÄTEN.
20131221             Tja, Herr Uhl, da müssen wir wohl mal schleunigst die VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG einführen, gell?
20131221             [l] Der Tagesspiegel hat mich gebeten, für die morgige —SONNTAGS—AUSGABE 1—ARTIKEL—ZU schreiben.
20131221             [l] Die "Ich bin dieses Duckmäusertum sowas von leid"-GYSI—REDE ist zur "Rede —DES—JAHRES"gekürt worden ?
20131221             [l] Redtube hat laut FR 1—EINSTWEILIGE Verfügung gegen THE—ARCHIVE—AG erwirkt.
20131221             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE—VON—OBAMA:
20131221             I have confidence in the fact that THE—NSA is not engaging in domestic surveillance or snooping —AROUND
20131221             GEWALT—GEGEN, den STAAT ist nie notwendig, aber immer gerechtfertigt.
20131221             Mein Gott, Sie schreiben 1—UNINFORMIERTE Sch
20131221             Der 2. Canaletto aus der EMDEN—SAMMLUNG, "KARLSKIRCHE—DEUTSCHLANDWIEN", lagert —SEIT über —40—JAHREN im Magazin des DÜSSELDORFer Museums Kunstpalast.
20131221             Doch das FINANZ—MINISTERIUM blieb hart
20131221             DAS—GESETZ richtet sich offensichtlich gegen Firmen wie Google, FACEBOOK, APPLE und co.
20131221             Sie machen dort 1—JAHRESRÜCKBLICK und wollten von mir 1—EINORDNUNG der SNOWDEN—ENTHÜLLUNGEN haben, oder 1—AUSBLICK darauf, was da noch kommen wird.
20131221             DER—ARTIKEL—IST beim Tagesspiegel —SCHON online, und wie üblich veröffentliche ich auch meine Rohversion aus TRANSPARENZ—GRÜNDEN.
20131221             DIE—ÄNDERUNGEN sind —DIESMAL etwas umfangreicher als sonst, insofern ist der Vergleich vielleicht auch etwas interessanter als sonst.
20131221             Ich hielt z.B.
20131221             —KILLED, At least 2—PEOPLE were, as wild storms and suspected tornadoes tore through parts of MISSISSIPPI and ARKANSAS.
20131221             FLORIDA—FISH and Wildlife Research Institute said annual manatee deaths topped 800 for the 1. time —SINCE RECORD—KEEPING began in the 1970s.
20131221             † EDGAR—BRONFMAN—SENIOR, —84—JAHRE—ALT, THE—FORMER—SEAGRAM liquor company executive and EX—WORLD—JEWISH—CONGRESS—HEAD, at his home in NEW—YORK.
20131221             —HELPED, He had, obtain restitution for Holocaust victims from SWITZERLAND—BANKS.
20131221             —WARNED, CUBA—PRESIDENT—RAUL—CASTRO, his country could remain estranged from THE—USA—FOR—DECADES if WASHINGTON does not drop political demands.
20131221             —DEPOSED, EGYPT's, Islamist PRESIDENT, MOHAMED—MORSI, and 129—OTHERS including MEMBERS—OF—HAMAS and Hezbollah, were referred to trial on murder and other charges related to 1—MASS—JAIL—BREAK —DURING 20110000             —THE uprising against Hosni Mubarak.
20131221             —SUSPENDED, THE—MAYOR—OF—GEORGIA—CAPITAL—TBILISI was, from office —AFTER he was charged with misspending public funds in 1—CASE he and his opposition colleagues said was 1—WITCH—HUNT against SUPPORTERS—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—MIKHEIL—SAAKASHVILI.
20131221             —PUSHED, GREECE—COALITION—GOVERNMENT, through PARLIAMENT 1—NEW—PROPERTY—TAX required under the country's INTERNATIONAL bailout obligations, but saw its majority dwindle in the process.
20131221             IRAQ, 5—SENIOR—OFFICERS, including 1—DIVISIONAL—COMMANDER, and 10—SOLDIERS were killed in 1—RAID on 1—AL—QAEDA hideout in Anbar province.
20131221             —KILLED, Violence elsewhere, 5—POLICEMEN, including the police CHIEF—OF—AL—SHARQAT—DISTRICT—NORTH—WEST—OF—BAGHDAD.
20131221             ISRAEL—SOLDIERS shot and wounded 1—PALESTINE—MAN in THE—SOUTH—GAZA Strip.
20131221             —HAPPENED, Witnesses said the shooting, —WHEN several young Palestinians who were hunting birds approached the security fence separating THE—TERRITORY—FROM—ISRAEL and came under fire.
20131221             —ATTEMPTED, ISRAEL said terrorists had, to conceal 1—EXPLOSIVE device in order to attack IDF soldiers.
20131221             —DETAINED, ITALY, 9, illegal immigrants stitched their lips together with thread from their bedsheets in 1—PROTEST to demand their release.
20131221             —AMBUSHED, LEBANON, Hezbollah fighters, 1—GROUP—OF—SYRIA—REBELS as they infiltrated through 1—SMUGGLER—ROUTE outside Nahle.
20131221             —REPORTED, About 30—REBELS were, killed.
20131221             —CLAIMED, MADAGASCAR—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATES both, victory in RUN—OFF polls, EACH—ACCUSING the other of rigging THE—RUN—OFF as results started to trickle in.
20131221             MAURITANIA held runoff elections.
20131221             —SECURED, The ruling party, 1—MAJORITY—OF—SEATS in round 2—OF—THE—PARLIAMENTARY—ELECTION.
20131221             The decisive victory for THE—UNION—OF—THE—REPUBLIC—PARTY assured that PRESIDENT—MOHAMED—OULD—ABDEL—AZIZ, who came to power in a 20080000             coup, will retain complete CONTROL—OF—THE—ORGANS—OF—STATE.
20131221             —MARCHED, NIGER, up to 1,000 demonstrators, in NIAMEY to protest their country's "unbalanced" partnership with nuclear firm Areva as THE—FRANCE—GIANT negotiates 1—NEW uranium mining agreement with the government.
20131221             —ATTACKED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, gunmen, 1—ANTI—POLIO—VACCINATION—CENTER in the Khyber tribal region, killing 1—MEDIC on duty.
20131221             † SAUDI—ARABIA said 1—MORE—PERSON has from 1—NEW respiratory virus related to SARS, bringing to 56 THE—NUMBER—OF—DEATHS in the kingdom at THE—CENTER—OF—THE—OUTBREAK.
20131221             —APPROVED, SOMALIA—PARLIAMENT, as the new PRIME—MINISTER—ABDIWELI—SHEIKH—AHMED, 1—POLITICAL newcomer and economist who faces tough challenges in THE—WAR—TORN nation.
20131221             SOUTH—SUDAN, rebel gunfire hit 1—USA—MILITARY—AIRCRAFT trying to evacuate USA—CITIZENS caught in 1—BOR, 1—BATTLE—GROUND between the country's military and renegade troops.
20131221             4—USA—SERVICE—MEMBERS were wounded, 1—CRITICALLY.
20131221             —LIBERATED, SUDAN—MILITARY said it has "" several AREAS—OF—WAR—TORN SOUTH—KORDOFAN state, but rebels dismissed the claim as propaganda, saying 1—GOVERNMENT—OFFENSIVE achieved nothing.
20131221             —BURNED, Vandals in SWEDEN, down 1—GIANT straw goat meant to symbolize Christmas spirit.
20131221             —ANNOUNCED, THAILAND—MAIN—OPPOSITION—PARTY, it would boycott 1—ELECTION in February, deepening uncertainty about the poll and fuelling 1—CAMPAIGN to overthrow PRIME—MINISTER—YINGLUCK—SHINAWATRA—GOVERNMENT.
20131221             —DENOUNCED, TURKEY—PRIME—MINISTER—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN, "INTERNATIONAL groups" and "dark alliances" for entangling TURKEY in 1—CORRUPTION—SCANDAL that has exposed deep rifts between him and Fethullah Gulen, 1—USA—BASED—MUSLIM cleric who helped him rise to power.
20131221             —PARALYZED, SOUTH—YEMEN, several cities were virtually, by a 2. —DAY—OF—CONFRONTATIONS between militants and security forces in which 11—PEOPLE were wounded.
20131221             —RAGED, Fighting, in the north as the Sunni Islamist AL—ISLAH party accused Zaidi Shiite rebels known as Huthis of abducting 1—OF—ITS—MEMBERS.
20131221             THE—EAST—PROVINCE—OF—MARIB, saboteurs blew up 2—SECTIONS—OF—1—OIL—PIPELINE.
20131221—19330000    —VOR, MAX—EMDEN, dem auch Werke HOLLÄNDISCHER—ALT—MEISTER und FRANZÖSISCHER—IMPRESSIONISTEN gehörten, emigrierte —BEREITS und siedelte in den SCHWEIZER—KANTON—TESSIN über.
20131221—19660000    —SINCE, This was the 27. time it was burned down, —WHEN the Yule symbol was 1. erected.
20131221—19730000    —SEIT, ÜBER —40—JAHREN lagert im Magazin des DÜSSELDORFer Museums Kunstpalast.
20140414—20161221    —ON, jurors recommended that Gordon should be given the death penalty.
20141219—20141221    —CHARGED, Warria was, with 8—COUNTS—OF—MURDER.
20141221             —HANGED, PAKISTAN, 4—ISLAMIST—MILITANTS 20140902             —IN—THE—OF—EXECUTIONS—SINCE the government lifted 1—MORATORIUM—AFTER the Taliban massacred 132—CHILDREN and 9—OTHERS at 1—SCHOOL—LAST—WEEK.
20141221             —GETÖTET, SCHÜSSE—IN—DEN Streifenwagen: 2—POLIZISTEN in NEW—YORK
20141221             Stopfleber in FRANKREICH: Qual für das Festtagsessen
20141221             mmer mehr Stadtmenschen gründen BAU—GRUPPEN, um ihren WOHN—RAUMSELBST zu gestalten.
20141221             DEUTSCHLAND, gibt es MITTLERWEILE 4.000—BIS 5.000—WOHNPROJEKTE, die aus dieser Einstellung heraus entstanden sind, schätzen Experten.
20141221             "In Städten wie BERLIN, HAMBURG, MÜNCHEN oder KÖLN boomt DIE—SZENE.
20141221             —GETAN, Mit gutem Willen allein ist es allerdings nicht, wenn man kapitalistischen GRUND—SÄTZEN entfliehen möchte.
20141221             Doch wie macht man das: im Kollektiv bauen?
20141221             SONY—HACK und TERROR—DROHUNGEN, USA bitten CHINA um Hilfe gegen CYBER—ATTACKEN—AUS—NORD—KOREA
20141221             —BEFÜRCHTET, Trotz EBOLA und FLÜCHTLINGS—WELLE: Rotes Kreuz, drastischen Rückgang bei Spenden
20141221             STEIN—ZEIT: Fußspuren zeugen von 5.—000—JAHRE—ALTEM UN—WETTER
20141221             BIBEL—EPOS "Exodus": 1—PLAGE—VON—1—KINOFILM
20141221             POLIZISTENmord in NEW—YORK: "Unsäglicher Akt der Barbarei"
20141221             1—GIGANTISCHE Wasserwand erhebt sich am 2. WEIHNACHTS—TAG 20040000             aus dem INDISCHEN—OZEAN.
20141221             —BIS, zu 6—TSUNAMIS, VIELE—METER hoch, schlagen an Land.
20141221             DIE—WELLEN vernichten Häuser, Dörfer, Städte.
20141221             DIE—MEHRDER TOTEN—ZAHL sind Kinder und Frauen.
20141221             es war 1—DER größten NATUR—KATASTROPHEN —SEIT Menschengedenken.
20141221             —BEGINNT, Das Unglück, —AM—MORGEN—DES, ;;1226;;
20141221             um 0759—UHR nahe der Insel Simeulue: In 30—KMTIEFE gibt es 1—GEWALTIGES ERDBEBEN.
20141221             —EXPERTEN—DES—USA—GEOLOGICAL—SURVEY legen die Stärke auf 9,1 FEST—ES ist das drittstärkste aller —BISLANG registrierten Beben.
20141221             DIE—1.INSELN—DER—NIKOBAREN werden —MINUTEN—NACH—DEM Beben von riesigen Wellen überrollt.
20141221             —16—MINUTEN—NACH—DEM Beben erreicht der TSUNAMI das Festland.
20141221             BANDA—ACEH liegt nur 255—KILOMETER vom Epizentrum entfernt.
20141221             An den Traumstränden Westthailands kündigt sich die KATASTROPHE —2—STUNDEN—NACH—DEN Erdstößen an: Das Meer weicht urplötzlich um Hunderte Meter, zurück bleiben verdutzte Touristen und am Strand zappelnde Fische.
20141221             TSUNAMI
20141221             —STEIN—ZEIT—AUS—DER, DIE Abdrücke erzählen 1—BEWEGENDE GESCHICHTE vom KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE—NATURGEWALTEN und das harte Leben DER—MENSCHEN an der Küste.
20141221             an der KÜSTE—VON—LOLLAND 1—RICHTIGES UN—WETTER.
20141221             Obwohl die 1.Regentropfen —SCHON fielen, machten sich 2—BEWOHNER auf zu den Fischzäunen.
20141221             —GERETTET, DIE—FANGANLAGEN waren 1—KOSTBARES Gut —, mussten unbedingt, werden.
20141221             —SCHON, oft hatten der WIND—UND—DE Strömung Löcher in die Netze gerissen, und JEDES—MAL wieder hatten DIE—MENSCHEN die Fangzäune geduldig geflickt.
20141221             Doch —DIESMAL drohte das SCHWERE—UNWETTER, die alten Zäune gänzlich zu zerstören —, damit der Familie die LEBENSGRUND—LAGE zu nehmen.
20141221             Kaum hatten die 2—DIE Zäune abgebaut, brach der Sturm los.
20141221             Mit ihm kam die heftige Strömung und schwemmte aufgewühlte Sedimente in ihre frischen Fußabdrücke.
20141221             Soweit ich weiß, haben wir in der DÄNISCHEN—STEIN—ZEIT—ARCHÄOLOGIE noch nie zuvor menschliche Fußspuren gefunden".
20141221             So blieb 1—FARBLICH leicht abgehobener Abdruck erhalten".1 TEIL—DER—SPUREN stammt von großen FÜßEN—DER andere von kleineren. es waren also eindeutig 2—MENSCHEN, die versuchten zu retten, was zu retten war.
20141221             —BIS—ZUM—DIESE Landschaft bot vielen Tieren optimale Lebensbedingungen, etwa Wasservögeln und vielen Fischarten.
20141221             DIE—MENSCHEN fingen die Fische mit V—FÖRMIG zulaufende Bahnen mit Seiten aus Flechtwerk, die durch 1—SCHMALEN Durchlass in 1—ABGESCHLOSSENES Rund mündeten.
20141221             DIE—FISCHE SCHWAMMEN—GELEITET durch die SEITENWÄNDE—MIT der Strömung in das Fangbassin, fanden aber durch die schmale Öffnung nicht wieder hinaus und saßen so in der Falle.
20141221             "DIE—UNTERSUCHUNGEN haben uns gezeigt, daß DIE—MENSCHEN in der STEIN—ZEIT wiederholt ihre Fangzäune reparierten, um sicherzustellen, daß sie immer einsatzbereit waren",
20141221             Da der KÜSTEN—BEREICH ständig in Bewegung war, mussten sie auch darauf 8., daß die Zäune richtig platziert waren.
20141221             Zu starke Strömung riss Löcher in die Zäune, zu schwache Strömung brachte keine Fische.
20141221             "Wir konnten den Fußspuren folgen und ahnen, welche große Bedeutung die Fangzäune für DIE—MENSCHEN hatten. Sie sicherten die LEBENSGRUND—LAGE und mussten deshalb sorgfältig gewartet werden".
20141221             [l] —NACHDEM wegen des LEISTUNGS—SCHUTZ—RECHTES die LSR[LEISTUNGS—SCHUTZ—RECHT]-Verlage aus den ganzen DEUTSCHEN—SUCHMASCHINEN rausgeflogen waren, hat Springer —JETZT 1—WEG gefunden, zumindest bei T— wieder gelistet zu werden.
20141221             Sony hack alternatives.
20141221             —WHILE MOST—OF—THE—MAIN—STREAM—MEDIA has gone along with THE—FBI—ASSESSMENT, SOME—STILL—QUESTION the "blame NORTH—KOREA"theory.
20141221             For example:
20141221             —LATCHED, The attackers only, onto "THE—INTERVIEW" —AFTER THE—MEDIA did — the film was never mentioned by GOP right at THE—START—OF—THEIR—CAMPAIGN.
20141221             —STARTED, It was only —AFTER 1—FEW people, speculating IN—THE—MEDIA that this and the communication from DPRK "might be linked" that suddenly it became linked.
20141221             —DETAILED, If you need 1, CHRONOLOGY—OF—EVENTS, try this.
20141221             Who benefits from the Sony hack?
20141221             Well, 1—POSSIBLE beneficiary would be the 1. company who approaches Sony and says these words: "Your previous approach to security was pathetic. We can protect you. We have proprietary methods that go far beyond —STANDARD measures. But it's gonna cost you..".
20141221             Hack attack?
20141221             Probably further up the food chain, like the Rand Corp. that convinced Sony to have 1—VERY—VIOLENT—DEATH for NK VIP.
20141221             ERDBEBEN—IN—FLORENZ: MICHELANGELOs DAVID zittern die Knie
20141221             Herkunft unbekannt: Drohne überfliegt BELGISCHES—ATOM—KRAFT—WERK
20141221             —UKRAINE—KRISE—MERKEL und POROSCHENKO hoffen auf baldige FRIEDENS—GESPRÄCHE
20141221             FLORENZ—DIE—REGION um FLORENZ ist —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—3—TAGEN von mehr als 250—ERDBEBEN erschüttert worden.
20141221             Sie zogen keine größeren Schäden nach sich, und Verletzte gab es auch nicht.
20141221             Aber Kunstliebhaber sind —NUN in großer Sorge.
20141221             —SCHON, der Marmorblock, aus dem MICHELANGELO die Statue
20141221             RUSSLAND: RUBEL—ABSTURZ verschärft SANKTIONS—DEBATTE
20141221             UNDER—COVER bei Demo: RTL feuert Reporter nach PEGIDA—AUFTRITT—MUSIKLEGENDE: UDO—JÜRGENS ist tot
20141221             BOGIDA—INITIATORIN Dittmer: "es ist unerheblich, ob es den HOLOCAUST gegeben hat"
20141221             Müllers Memo: Ausblick auf 1—DÜSTERES —JAHR
20141221             HACKER—AFFÄRE: NORD—KOREA droht USA mit "ULTRA—HARTEM Reaktionskrieg"
20141221             FREMDEN—FEINDLICHE Tat in Dormagen: Rassisten schmieren Hakenkreuze auf MOSCHEE—ROHBAU
20141221             Smacks of another color REVOLUTION.
20141221             I quote 1—GREAT—ARTICLE from antiwar_com here: consumo
20141221             —ATTACKED, USA—LED forces, Islamic State targets with 13—AIR—STRIKES in IRAQ and 3 in Syria, using fighter, bomber and other aircraft.
20141221             —LINKED, USA—CYBERSECURITY—RESEARCHERS said malicious software likely, to CHINA is being used to infect visitors to 1—WIDE—RANGE—OF—OFFICIAL—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT—WEBSITES.
20141221             FLORIDA police Officer CHARLES—KONDEK was shot and run over —EARLY—TODAY in Tarpon Springs.
20141221             —ARRESTED, MARCO—ANTONIO—PARILLA—JUNIOR was, on suspicion of 1. degree murder.
20141221             —BLOCKED, BELARUS, 3—OF—BELAPAN—WEBSITES were, along with THE—INTERNET—NEWSPAPER—SOLIDARNOST and the website of the human rights organization Khartiya-97.
20141221             —COLLABORATED, UK—ACTRESS BILLIE—WHITELAW (82), who, closely with IRELAND—PLAYWRIGHT—SAMUEL—BECKETT and appeared on stage and screen —FOR—DECADES, † in 1—LONDON nursing home.
20141221             —KILLED, CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC, at least 18—PEOPLE were, and dozens injured in fresh attacks in and —AROUND the southwestern towns of Gamboula and Nola, near the border with CAMEROON.
20141221             —REPORTED, CHINA—STATE—NEWS—AGENCY—XINHUA, that authorities have detained over 30,000—PEOPLE —DURING a —2—MONTH clamp down on pornography and gambling.
20141221             —STOPPED, CHINA—POLICE in THE—SOUTH—WEST—PROVINCE—OF—GUANGXI, 1—GROUP—OF "religious extremists" from illegally crossing into neighboring VIETNAM —AFTER shooting 1—PERSON—DEAD and detaining 21.
20141221             —OPENED, EGYPT, THE—RAFAH border crossing for incoming passengers from THE—GAZA—STRIP for the 1. time in almost —2—MONTHS.
20141221             RAFAH would open —FOR—2—DAYS to allow Gazans with serious illnesses to travel to EGYPT and beyond for treatment and to allow foreign nationals and students to travel.
20141221             —REPORTED, EGYPT—STATE—MEDIA, that 1—COURT has jailed MOHAMED—ALI—ABDEL—BAKI, 1—SUEZ—CANAL shipping services manager, —FOR—10—YEARS on charges of spying for ISRAEL about naval movements through the strategic waterway.
20141221             1—FRENCHMAN (19740000             *) in DIJON ploughed into pedestrians shouting "Allahu Akbar" and left 13—PEOPLE injured —BEFORE he was shot dead.
20141221             He had been to psychiatric hospital 157—TIMES and had no known links to jihadist groups.
20141221             —NAMED, HAITI—HEALTH—MINISTER—FLORENCE—DUPERVAL—GUILLAUME, was, interim PRIME—MINISTER to replace Laurent Lamothe who resigned —1—WEEK—AGO —FOLLOWING several WEEKS—OF—PROTESTS.
20141221             —KILLED, NORTH—EAST—INDIA, 1—EXPLOSION in the parking LOT—OF—1—BUS—STATION, 3—WORKERS and wounded 5—OTHERS in Manipur state.
20141221             —ROUNDED, ISRAEL police, up 8—JEWISH—EXTREMISTS from 1—RACIST—ANTI—ARAB organization overnight, in the 2. such swoop targeting the group within —1—WEEK.
20141221             —ENDED, JORDAN, an —8—YEAR—MORATORIUM on the death penalty with the hangings of 11—MEN CONVICTED—OF—MURDER.
20141221             —BACKED, Kurdish fighters, by USA—LED coalition airstrikes, pushed into THE—NORTH—IRAQ—TOWN—OF—SINJAR, touching off heavy clashes with Islamic State militants who have controlled the area —FOR—MONTHS.
20141221             —CALLED, LIBYA—ISLAMIST—BACKED rival government, for diplomats and foreign firms to return to TRIPOLI, pledging to protect them despite 1—ATTACK on the empty HOME—OF—THE—SWITZERLAND—AMBASSADOR.
20141221             —STORMED, NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, Boko Haram gunmen, Geidam, Yobe state, setting fire to several buildings and forcing residents to flee to the bush.
20141221             —HIJACKED, NIGERIA, pirates, 1—MILITARY gunboat and 3—SOLDIERS were missing —AFTER the ambush in THE—SOUTH—OIL—RICH—STATE—OF—BAYELSA.
20141221             Rights groups believe PAKISTAN has about 8,000 prisoners on death row, more than 500—OF—THEM for terrorist offences.
20141221             ROMANIA, center politician KLAUS—IOHANNIS (55) was sworn in as PRESIDENT.
20141221             He promised to crack down on corruption and strengthen institutions.
20141221             —RAIDED, SUDAN—SECURITY—AGENTS, the headquarters of 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—MONITOR and seized computers, nearly —2—WEEKS—AFTER 1—OF—ITS founders was arrested.
20141221             1—SYRIA—MILITARY—SOURCE announced that 1—ISRAELI unmanned SKYLARK—1—MODEL—DRONE has been shot down in Quneitra province, close to the village of Hader" near the Golan Heights.
20141221             —VOTED, Tunisians, in THE—RUNOFF—OF—THE—COUNTRY—1. free presidential election, with authorities urging 1—BIG turnout to consolidate democracy —AFTER 1—CHAOTIC —4—YEAR transition.
20141221             Veteran politician Beji Caid Essebsi (88) won the presidential election with 55.68—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
20141221             UZBEKISTAN voters cast ballots in parliamentary elections in THE—EX—SOVIET—CENTRAL—ASIA—STATE where all 4—COMPETING parties support PRESIDENT—ISLAM—KARIMOV—POLICIES.
20141221—18730000    —BIS, das Kunstwerk im Freien stand
20141221—19720000    —IN, She made more than 50—MOVIES, including ALFRED—HITCHCOCK'S "Frenzy".
20141229—20151221    —ON, 14—CONSTRUCTION—MANAGERS were sentenced to prison terms of 3 to —6—YEARS for the deadly scaffolding collapse.
20150922             —MARTIN—SHKRELI (@MartinShkreli)   20150812             20151221             THE—DIA report, formerly classified "SECRET—NOFORN" and —DATED   20120812, was circulated widely among VARIOUS—GOVERNMENT—AGENCIES, including CENTCOM, THE—CIA, FBI, DHS, NGA, STATE—DEPARTMENT, and MANY—OTHERS.
20151119—20161221    —RETURNED, They were, to the museum.
20151213—20151221    —ON, SALINAS couple Tami Huntsman (39) and GONZALO—CURIEL (17), THE—CUSTODIANS—OF—THE—CHILDREN, were charged with murder, child abuse, torture and conspiracy.
20151218—20151221    —ON, biotech firm KaloBios announced that Shkreli had been terminated as its CEO.
20151221             —CLASSIFIED, THE—DIA report, formerly, "SECRET//NOFORN" and —DATED 20120812             , was circulated widely among VARIOUS—GOVERNMENT—AGENCIES, including CENTCOM, THE—CIA, FBI, DHS, NGA, STATE—DEPARTMENT, and MANY—OTHERS.
20151221             Reaktionen zur PARLAMENTS—WAHL: "—HEUTE wurde ein neues SPANIEN geboren"
20151221             Das ZWEIPARTEIEN—SYSTEM ist GESCHICHTE".
20151221             —HEUTE, sei ein neues SPANIEN geboren worden.
20151221             "Wunsch nach Wechsel": SPANIENs Wähler beenden das ZWEIPARTEIEN—SYSTEM
20151221             Nach WARNUNG—VOR—GESTOHLENEN Pässen: Innenpolitiker fordern Einzelfallprüfung für SYRIEN—FLÜCHTLINGE
20151221             DGB—CHEF—HOFFMANN: FLÜCHTLINGE sollen soziale Tätigkeiten erledigen
20151221             FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, Länder schieben deutlich mehr ASYL—BEWERBER ab
20151221             TALIBAN in AFGHANISTAN: GOUVERNEUR warnt vor dem FALL—VON—HELMAND
20151221             Innovationsvergleich: Mittelständler geben zu wenig für Forschung aus
20151221             Erfolgreiches —JAHR 20150000             : Kaufkraft stieg im Rekordtempo
20151221             MILLIARDEN—VERLUST: Toshiba muss Tausende STELLEN—STREICHEN
20151221             Rückholaktion: BUNDES—BANK—SAMMELT—GOLDBARREN ein
20151221             Der GOLD—SCHATZ DER—BUNDES—BANK ist legendär: Mit mehr als 270.000—BARREN ist er der zweitgrößte der Welt.
20151221             Doch der Großteil der 3384—TONNEN Edelmetall lagert aus historischen Gründen im Ausland
20151221             "Wir holen das Gold nicht zurück, denn es war nie hier.
20151221             Das waren seinerzeit nur 2—PROZENT—DES—GESAMTBESTANDES.
20151221             Denn DIE—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT —BIS hin zum Bundesrechnungshof ist misstrauisch, ob das DEUTSCHE—GOLD nach —JAHRZEHNTEN in Tresoren anderer NOTEN—BANKEN sicher und noch vollständig vorhanden ist —, ob DEUTSCHLAND im Krisenfall darauf zugreifen könnte.
20151221             Dass der GROßTEIL—DES—DEUTSCHEN—GOLDES —BISHER, in den Tresoren der Fed, der Banque de FRANCE in PARIS und der BANK—OF—ENGLAND in LONDON lagert, hat historische Gründe.
20151221             In den Fünfziger—, SECHZIGER—JAHREN wuchs der DEUTSCHE—GOLD—SCHATZ rasant:
20151221             —AKTUELL sind die Barren—EURO wert.
20151221             —WÄHREND—DES KALTER—KRIEG wurde DEUTSCHES—GOLD gezielt außerhalb der Landesgrenzen aufbewahrt.
20151221             Raubbau in SÜD—AMERIKA: GOLD—MINEN sind das neue Kokain
20151221             RUSSLAND—PUTIN will DIE—UDSSR nicht zurück
20151221             Im UKRAINE—KONFLIKT arbeiteten die westlichen STAATEN nicht im Interesse DER—UKRAINE, sondern um die WIEDER—HERSTELLUNG der SOVIET—UNION zu verhindern, sagte PUTIN in 1—DOKUMENTARFILM, der —AM—SONNTAG vom Fernsehsender Rossija 1—AUSGESTRAHLT wurde.
20151221             MOSKAU wirft DEM—WESTEN —SEIT—BEGINN des UKRAINE—KONFLIKTS vor, 1.EINDÄMMUNGS—STRATEGIE wie zu Zeiten des Kalten Kriegs zu verfolgen.
20151221             PUTIN bezichtigte den Westen in dem Dokumentarfilm zudem, das Modell der Demokratie anderen STAATEN in Nordafrika und dem NAHER—OSTEN aufdrängen zu wollen.
20151221             "Ihr könnt nicht einfach eure VERSION—DER—DEMOKRATIE, von Gut und Böse, Leuten anderer Kulturen und mit anderen Religionen und Traditionen aufzwingen", sagte PUTIN.
20151221             SYRIEN: MENSCHEN—RECHTLER prangern vermehrten —EINSATZ—VON—STREUBOMBEN an
20151221             Mit der Berufsbezeichnung "Psychologe"sei ebenso wie mit dem "Wirtschaftspsychologen"eine bestimmte Qualifikation verbunden, auf die Verbraucher vertrauen können müssten, so der BDP.
20151221             DER—TITEL des Wirtschaftspsychologen ist nicht geschützt.
20151221             ANSCHLÄGE—VON—PARIS: BRÜSSELer POLIZEI nimmt mehrere VERDÄCHTIGE fest
20151221             —ENTSCHEIDET, PARLAMENTS—WAHL: SPANIEN, sich für kompliziertes Regieren
20151221             Studie: Schulden der Großstädte steigen auf 83—MILLIARDEN—EURO
20151221             Keime im TRINK—WASSER: Der Feind in meiner Wasserleitung
20151221             "Querfront"—DEBATTE: Links und Rechts, alles 1?
20151221             Abgeschossener Kampfjet: RUSSISCHE—BLACKBOX angeblich nicht lesbar
20151221             [l] ISRAEL—VIZE—PREMIER Shalom tritt wegen des Vorwurfs sexueller Belästigung zurück.
20151221             [l] HILLARY fordert ein "MANHATTAN—LIKE project"gegen BÜRGER mit ordentlicher Datenverschlüsselung.
20151221             —KILLED, If HILLARY—CLINTON can say that BASHAR—AL—ASSAD, 250,000 SYRIAns, then -- by the same logic -- we can also STATE—THAT—ABRAHAM—LINCOLN killed 640,000 Americans.
20151221             other estimates are higher, and CLINTON—FIGURE is roughly in line with them.
20151221             DIA memo.
20151221             —CHANGED, That may all have, —NOW—WHEN 1 declassified secret USA—GOVERNMENT—DOCUMENT obtained by THE—PUBLIC—INTEREST—LAW—FIRM, Judicial Watch, shows that Western governments deliberately allied with AL—QAEDA and other ISLAMist EXTREMIST groups to topple SYRIA—DICTATOR—BASHIR AL—ASSAD.
20151221             —ACCORDING—TO, investigative reporter Nafeez AHMED in Medium, the "leaked document reveals that in coordination with the Gulf states and TURKEY, THE—WEST intentionally sponsored violent ISLAMist groups to destabilize ASSAD, despite anticipating that doing so could lead to the emergence of an 'ISLAMIC—STATE' in IRAQ and SYRIA (ISIS).
20151221             —ACCORDING—TO—THE—NEWLY declassified USA—DOCUMENT, THE—PENTAGON foresaw the likely rise of THE—'ISLAMIC—STATE' as 1—DIRECT—CONSEQUENCE—OF—THE—STRATEGY, but described this outcome as 1—STRATEGIC—OPPORTUNITY to "isolate THE—SYRIA—REGIME".
20151221             Noting that "the Salafist [sic], the Muslim Brotherhood, and AQI [AL—QAEDA in IRAQ] are the major forces driving the insurgency in SYRIA," THE—DOCUMENT—STATES that "THE—WEST, Gulf countries, and TURKEY support the opposition," —WHILE RUSSIA, CHINA and IRAN "support the [ASSAD] regime".
20151221             The 7-page DIA document states that AL—QAEDA in IRAQ (AQI), the precursor to THE—'ISLAMIC—STATE—IN—IRAQ,' (ISI) which became THE—'ISLAMIC—STATE—IN—IRAQ and SYRIA,' "supported THE—SYRIA—OPPOSITION from the beginning, both ideologically and through THE—MEDIA".
20151221             The formerly secret PENTAGON report notes that the "RISE—OF—THE—INSURGENCY in SYRIA" has increasingly taken a "sectarian direction," attracting diverse support from Sunni "religious and tribal powers" across the region.
20151221             —HEADED, And who, THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—AT—THIS—TIME?
20151221             THE—DOCUMENT shows that as —EARLY, as 20120000             , USA—INTELLIGENCE predicted THE—RISE—OF—THE—ISLAMIC—STATE—IN—IRAQ and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS), but instead of clearly delineating the group as 1—ENEMY, THE—REPORT—ENVISIONS the terror group as 1—USA—STRATEGIC asset.
20151221             —WHILE 1—NUMBER—OF—ANALYSTS and journalists have documented long ago THE—ROLE—OF—WEST—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES in the formation and TRAINING—OF—THE—ARMED—OPPOSITION in SYRIA, this is THE—HIGHEST—LEVEL—INTERNAL—USA—INTELLIGENCE—CONFIRMATION—OF—THE—THEORY that western governments fundamentally see ISIS as their own tool for regime change in SYRIA.
20151221             the plan to overthrow ASSAD can be traced back to 20060000             (and probably —EARLIER).
20151221             "In that CHAPTER—IS 1—CABLE from USA—AMBASSADOR—WILLIAM—ROEBUCK, who was stationed in DAMASCUS, which apparently discusses 1—PLAN for THE—OVERTHROW—OF—THE—ASSAD—GOVERNMENT—IN—SYRIA," RT reported.
20151221             In his appearance on THE—RT program "Going Underground," ASSANGE elaborated on the cable's contents:
20151221             That plan was to use 1—NUMBER—OF—DIFFERENT—FACTORS to create paranoia within THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT;
20151221             to push it to overreact, to make it fear there's 1—COUP...
20151221             —CONTINUED, ASSANGE, explaining that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT sought to make THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT appear weak by causing ASSAD to overreact to THE—THREAT—OF—ISLAMIC—EXTREMISTS crossing into his country.
20151221             The cable also details plans to foster sectarian strife in the region and make IRAN appear like 1—LARGER—THREAT to ASSAD than it really was, ASSANGE continued:
20151221             In particular, to take rumors that are known to be false... or exaggerations and promote them — that IRAN is trying to convert poor Sunnis, and to work with Saudi and EGYPT to foster that perception in order to make it harder for IRAN to have influence, and also harder for THE—GOVERNMENTT to have influence in the population.
20151221             WIKILEAKS cables reveal that these plans came from THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT, and —SHOW that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT intended to work with SAUDI—ARABIA, TURKEY, QATAR and EGYPT to encourage the breakdown of THE—ASSAD regime as 1—WAY—OF also weakening IRAN and Hezbollah.
20151221             "[I]f SYRIA sufficiently destabilized, it might be in 1—POSITION where it can keep the Golan Heights forever, or even advance that territory," ASSANGE said.
20151221             And yet THE—ATLANTIC, in its live BLOGGING—OF—THE—DEBATE, had the —FOLLOWING words to say about HILLARY—CLINTON—BIG—LYING on SYRIA:
20151221             0927—PM: ASSAD has killed 250,000 SYRIAns, says HILLARY.
20151221             Yoni is Sanskrit for "cunt".
20151221             I'll take the opportunity to once AGAIN plug "50,000—EDITIONS—OF—THE—IMPERIALIST, warmongering, HATE—FILLED GUARDIAN newspaper":
20151221             —POSTED—BY—BLOGGER—STEPHEN—MORGAN : 0259—PM
20151221             THE—GUARDIAN—SOURCES for its New EAST—NETWORK includes THE—INTERPRETER.
20151221             To publicize it Legatum held a media event in LONDON.
20151221             "1 livestreamed public panel discussion will include GEOFFREY—PYATT, USA—AMBASSADOR—TO—KIEV;
20151221             PETER—POMERANTSEV, AUTHOR—OF—REVOLUTIONARY—TACTICS: Insights from POLICE and Justice Reform in GEORGIA;
20151221             So THE—GUARDIAN is —NOW front and centre for USA—BACKED RUSSIA—REGIME—CHANGE—AGENCIES.
20151221             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS fred : 0412—PM
20151221             —DISINTERESTED, To embody and promote, social science research and the dissemination of its results in RUSSIA and Eurasia;
20151221             —DISINTERESTED, Although 1—WONDERS—JUST how "" 1—PARTY can be, —WHEN its BOARD—MEMBERS include PETER—AVEN, THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—ALFA—BANK — the largest private BANK—IN—RUSSIA.
20151221             —IN—THE—SPACE—OF—2—YEARS THE—GUARDIAN has gone from broadcasting the illegal ACTIONS—OF—THE—USA/UK governments, to RE—PRINTING CIA and STATE—DEPARTMENT—PRESS—RELEASES.
20151221             It is quite amazing to see how western leaders and experts project their own mindset unto others and then end up terrifying themselves in the process.
20151221             MILITÄR—OFFENSIVE: TÜRKISCHE—ARMEE nimmt Silopi unter Beschuss
20151221             Studie: Zuwanderer bekommen deutlich niedrigere Löhne
20151221             Datenverschlüsselung: Forscher knacken Quantenkryptografie
20151221             Keine Zeit für Kontrollen: SCHWEDISCHE—STAATSBAHN stellt Zugverkehr mit DÄNEMARK ein
20151221             —ANNOUNCED, THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION, 1—MOVE to make it harder for USA—BIG—GAME hunters to bring 1—LION—HEAD or hide into the country.
20151221             —LANDED, At Cape CANAVERAL—FLORIDA, SpaceX successfully, its powerful Falcon 9—ROCKET for the 1. time, 1—MAJOR—MILESTONE in the drive to cut costs and waste by making rockets as reusable as airplanes.
20151221             AUSTRIA—VICE—CHANCELLOR said that AUSTRIA could not accept much more than the roughly 100,000 asylum seekers it expects to receive —THIS—YEAR.
20151221             AZERBAIJAN let its currency float freely, leading to its sharp depreciation as global oil prices hit new lows.
20151221             —FOLLOWING the move, the manat fell by 32—PERCENT.
20151221             CAMBODIA—POLICE made DOZENS—OF—ARRESTS and used water cannon to break up 1—STRIKE by garment workers protesting over low pay.
20151221             —FILED, CHINA—TOP—PROSECUTOR said prosecutors in EAST—SHANDONG province, 1—LAWSUIT—LAST—WEEK against 1—COUNTY—LEVEL—ENVIRONMENTAL—PROTECTION—DEPARTMENT, accusing it of "failing to fulfil its regulatory duties" in its supervision of 1—LOCAL—SEWAGE—FIRM.
20151221             —MARKED, This, the 1. time prosecutors had sued 1—GOVERNMENT—DEPARTMENT in 1—PUBLIC—INTEREST—CASE.
20151221             CHINA—GOVERNMENT said it ordered 2,100 factories to suspend or reduce production as PART—OF—ITS "red alert" measures to deal with smog in BEIJING.
20151221             —REVOKED, THE—CENTRAL—BANK—OF—CYPRUS, the operating license for the local BRANCH—OF—TANZANIA—FBME—BANK—LTD.
20151221             JULY, THE—USA—FINANCIAL—CRIMES—ENFORCEMENT—NETWORK, or FinCen, concluded that FBME was used by customers involved in money laundering, fraud and terrorist financing.
20151221             —KILLED, DJIBOUTI, at least 7—CIVILIANS were, and SCORES—OF—PEOPLE wounded in clashes —WHEN police broke up 1—TRADITIONAL—RELIGIOUS—CEREMONY in Buldhoqo district.
20151221             † The opposition Union for National Salvation (USN) party claimed 19—PEOPLE.
20151221             —EXTENDED, THE—EU, SANCTIONS—AGAINST—RUSSIA —FOR—6—MONTHS for fueling the separatist war in UKRAINE and its annexation of Crimea.
20151221             —BLASTED, The unmanned Progress cargo spacecraft, off from RUSSIA—SPACE—LAUNCH—COMPLEX in BAIKONUR—KAZAKHSTAN, on 1—JOURNEY to THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20151221             † In KENYA witnesses said 2—PEOPLE in the attacks in NORTH—MANDERA County —WHEN gunmen believed to be SOMALIA—AL—SHABAB rebels shot at 1—BUS and truck headed for Mandera town.
20151221             2—MIGRANTS trying to reach EUROPE by boat drowned off LIBYA, another 10 were missing and more than 100 were rescued by THE—LIBYA—COASTGUARD.
20151221             —ANNOUNCED, MALI—GOVERNMENT, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY that will last —FOR—10—DAYS through the holidays.
20151221             —ORDERED, PANAMA—SUPREME—COURT, THE—DETENTION—OF—PRESIDENT—RICARDO—MARTINELLI for allegedly intercepting communications of at least 150—PEOPLE —DURING his 20090000—20140000     administration.
20151221             Martinelli said he would stay outside the country —WHILE fighting the charges.
20151221             —CONVICTED—OF, POLAND, 1—CHEMIST was, 1—BOMB—PLOT against PARLIAMENT and other government buildings, and he was sentenced to —13—YEARS in prison.
20151221             —INTERCEPTED, SAUDI—ARABIA, multiple missiles fired —BEFORE dawn by Houthi rebels from YEMEN towards its southern border region.
20151221             SAUDI—ARABIA, JOURNALIST—ZUHAIR—KUTBI was found GUILTY—OF—INCITING public opinion, fomenting sedition, defaming state institutions and harming the government's prestige.
20151221             —SENTENCED, He was, to —4—YEARS in prison with —2—YEARS suspended.
20151221             SWEDEN—STATE—OWNED railway operator SJ said it would halt its passenger services to and from DENMARK because it was unable to carry out the identity checks demanded by the government to stem 1—INFLUX—OF—REFUGEES.
20151221             THAILAND—GOVERNMENT said it is not ignoring the slavery and forced labor in its lucrative shrimp industry.
20151221             —ARRESTED, UGANDA—POLICE, 20—SUPPORTERS and security guards at the headquarters of 1—OPPOSITION—CANDIDATE vying to end the nearly —30—YEAR—RULE—OF—PRESIDENT—YOWERI—MUSEVENI in elections —NEXT—FEBRUARY.
20151221—19870000    —IN—THE, BURKINA—FASO said it has issued 1—INTERNATIONAL—WARRANT for ousted leader Blaise Compaore, who is living in exile in THE—IVORY—COAST, for his suspected role KILLING—OF—HIS—FORMER—COMRADE, EX—PRESIDENT—THOMAS—SANKARA.
20151221—20110000    —SINCE, AP: THE—UNITED—NATIONS has estimated 1—DEATH—TOLL—OF—220,000 ;
20151221—20110000    —IN, THE—USA and its allies IN—THE—MIDDLE—EAST, including TURKEY and ISRAEL, have been frequently accused of contributing to the ongoing destabilization of SYRIA —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE uprising and subsequent CIVIL—WAR which began.But ACCORDING—TO—CABLES from THE—WIKILEAKS archive, discussed —IN—THE—SYRIA—CHAPTER—OF—ASSANGE—BOOK, plans to deliberately destabilize the region go back at least —5—YEARS—FURTHER.
20151221—20120000    —FROM, The newly declassified DIA document confirms that the main component of THE—ANTI—ASSAD REBEL—FORCES by this time comprised ISLAMist insurgents affiliated to groups that would lead to the emergence of ISIS.
20151221—20120000    —IN, BRUNON—KWIECIEN, 1—AGRICULTURAL—UNIVERSITY—TEACHER in KRAKOW, was arrested in 1—MUCH publicized case in which prosecutors said a "terrorist" attack was foiled.
20151221—20130000    —LAUNCHED, THE—INTERPRETER, which was, was made possible by 1 seed grant from THE—LONDON—BASED Herzen Foundation and 1—GRANT from THE—NEW—YORK—BASED INSTITUTE—OF—MODERN—RUSSIA, of which the journal is 1—SPECIAL—PROJECT.
20151221—20130000    —BEGANN, DIE—BUNDES—BANK—MIT—DER—VERLAGERUNG—DES—EDELMETALLS aus PARIS und NEW—YORK, die Goldbestände in LONDON bleiben unangetastet.
20151221—20141000    —IN, THE—LONDON—BASED Legtaum Institute FOUNDED 1—NEW—INSTITUTE—INITIATIVE entitled "Countering RUSSIA—PROPAGANDA".It was headed up by MICHAEL—WEISS.
20151221—20160300    THROUGH, JAPAN—SCANDAL—PLAGUED manufacturer Toshiba Corp. said it is cutting 6,800 jobs —AFTER projecting 1—NET—LOSS—OF—550—BILLION yen ($4.5—BILLION) for the fiscal —YEAR.
20161214—20161221    —AFTER, THE—UNITE union said THOUSANDS—OF—CABIN crew working for UK—AIRWAYS have voted overwhelmingly in FAVOR—OF—STRIKE action in 1—PAY—DISPUTE and could walk out.
20161219—20161221    —ON, 1—PERSON † of his wounds.
20161221             SYRIEN—KRIEG, RUSSLAND, TÜRKEI und IRAN streben FEUER—PAUSE an
20161221             VATILEAKS—2—PROZESS, PAPA begnadigt verurteilten PRIESTER
20161221             —REAGIERT, DONALD—TRUMP, auf Kritik: "BILL—CLINTON hat keine Ahnung"
20161221             EIN—CHINA—STREIT: INSEL—STAAT—SÃO—TOMÉ kappt Beziehungen zu TAIWAN
20161221             BANKEN und Immobilienkredite: TOP—ÖKONOMEN WARNEN—VOR—NEUER FINANZ—KRISE
20161221             POLEN und DIE—EU: Letztes Druckmittel: Geld
20161221             Politische Reaktionen: CSU will gesamte FLÜCHTLINGS—POLITIK überprüfen
20161221             Rückholaktion: BUNDES—BANK—HOLT—GOLDBARREN aus dem Ausland zurück
20161221             EX—CHEFARZT rechnet ab: "Im Krankenhaus ist DER—MENSCH kein Mensch mehr"
20161221             —URTEIL—ZU—ÜBERWACHUNG: EuGH definiert hohe Hürden für VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG
20161221             AKTIEN—KURS unter Druck: ITALIENs KRISEN—BANK—MONTE—DEI—PASCHI geht DAS—GELD aus
20161221             WETTER—STATISTIK, Forscher rechnen 20160000             erneut mit Hitzerekord
20161221             Ähnlichkeiten zum BERLINer AN—SCHLAG, ARD zeigt am NEUJAHRS—TAG TERROR—"Tatort"
20161221             USA—ZAHL—DER—HINRICHTUNGEN auf tiefstem Stand —SEIT—25—JAHREN
20161221             Wie Clärenore Stinnes um DIE—WELT fuhr: "Sie muss aus Stahl gemacht sein"
20161221             Fahndung nach AN—SCHLAG, Angreifer legen BKA—PORTAL lahm
20161221             TWITTER—MÄDCHEN: ERDOGAN IN—SZENIERT sich mit Bana aus ALEPPO
20161221             Haft wegen Vergewaltigung: ISRAEL—EX—PRÄSIDENT—KATSAV freigelassen
20161221             ALGERISCHE—SAHARA: Zum 1.Mal Schnee —SEIT fast —40—JAHREN
20161221             KABINETTsbeschluss: BUNDES—REGIERUNG weitet Videoüberwachung aus
20161221             [l] Ich hatte —SCHON befürchtet, das TERROR—BINGO habe ausgesorgt!
20161221             Na dann gucken wir doch mal.
20161221             war DER—POLIZEI —SEIT geraumer Zeit bekannt ankreuz
20161221             DIE—AM Tatort gefundenen Papiere ANKREUZ—FÜHREN in DIE—SALAFISTENSZENE ankreuz
20161221             Ja Moment, Moment!
20161221             Er soll KONT—AKTE zum NETZ—WERK des unlängst verhafteten ABU—WALAA unterhalten haben und gilt als Gefährder.
20161221             Das werte ich mal als "Pflegte KONT—AKTE zu bekannten TERRORISTEN"ankreuz.
20161221             Den Recherchen zufolge soll in die Gruppe 1—V—MANN eingeschleust worden sein.
20161221             Na sag ich doch!
20161221             So... was haben wir denn noch auf dem Bingofeld.
20161221             Also wer da kein Bingo hat, der hat echt ein ungünstiges Spielfeld erwischt und muss sich noch ein paar —MINUTEN gedulden, —BIS jemand mehr Befugnisse für GEHEIM—DIENSTE fordert oder die VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG.
20161221             —UPDATE, Die Ausweitung der Videoüberwachung "ist keine REAKTION—AUF—DEN ANSCHLAG—VON—BERLIN".
20161221             [l] Auf den letzten Metern wollen USA—PRÄSIDENTEN IMMER—NOCH schnell was für ihren Platz in den Geschichtsbüchern tun.
20161221             Es läuft gerade 1.Petition an OBAMA, er möge noch schnell CANNABIS BUNDES—WEIT legalisieren.
20161221             —GEFUNDEN, Aber OBAMA hat was Besseres : 1—GESETZ—VON—19530000             , das ihm erlaubt, DIE—ARKTIS und den Atlantik vom Ölbohren auszunehmen, und das keine Möglichkeit vorsieht, wie sein Nachfolger das wieder rückgängig machen kann.
20161221             [l] Weihnachtsgeschenk: EuGH kippt anlasslose VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG.
20161221             Sie sei ein schwerwiegender Eingriff in DIE—GRUND—RECHTE, heißt es in dem Urteil.
20161221             Oh ach so, Ausnahmen sind möglich.
20161221             [l] Oh gucke Mal, Kabel DEUTSCHLAND ist —SCHON wieder minutenlang ausgefallen.
20161221             —AB, wann ist es eigentlich irreführende Werbung, von 1—INTERNET—ZUGANG zu reden in seiner Werbung?
20161221             Kann man die selber abmahnen oder muss das über 1.VERBRAUCHER—ZENTRALE gehen?
20161221             —UPDATE, Geil, das Kontaktformular ist auch im Arsch.
20161221             The certificate is only valid for the —FOLLOWING names: *.brandslisten com, brandslisten com
20161221             Gibt es eigentlich irgendwas, was die können?
20161221             —REACHED, Lawyers of 3—USA—FAMILIES said Ikea has, 1—TENTATIVE settlement to pay them $50—MILLION for the deaths of 3—CHILDREN, all —AROUND age 2, killed —WHEN the company's furniture fell on them.
20161221             —CLASHED, Police in BAHRAIN, with residents of the besieged TOWN—OF—DIRAZ that is home to Shiite cleric Sheikh ISA—QASSIM, arresting at least 2—YOUTHS and fueling protests —THROUGHOUT the —DAY.
20161221             Qassim lost his citizenship in June over THE—SUNNI—RULED government's allegations that he fueled extremism.
20161221             BRAZIL—CONSTRUCTION—FIRM—ODEBRECHT SA and affiliated petrochemical company Braskem SA pleaded guilty in 1—USA—COURT to violating USA—FOREIGN—BRIBERY—LAWS as PART—OF—1—DEAL resolving 1—SWEEPING corruption PROBE—OF—BRAZIL—STATE—OIL—COMPANY.
20161221             —ADMITTED, Odebrecht, that it had paid bribes to win contracts across Latin AMERICA—INCLUDING PERU.
20161221             It said that it had paid $29—MILLION in PERU 20050000—20140000    —BETWEEN to secure concessions.
20161221             —KILLED, CHINA, 4—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 1—MINIBUS drove into 1—MARKET in 1—NORTH—PART—OF—BEIJING and MANY—OTHERS have sustained injuries.
20161221             CHINA—SMOGGIEST city SHIJIAZHUANG, THE—CAPITAL—OF—HEBEI province, closed schools as MUCH—OF—THE—COUNTRY suffered its 6. —DAY under 1—OPPRESSIVE haze, sparking public anger about the slow response to the threat to children's health.
20161221             —KILLED, CONGO—SECURITY—FORCES, 8—CIVILIANS and wounded 35—OTHERS in the southeastern mining hub of LUBUMBASHI over the last —24—HOURS—DURING protests against PRESIDENT—JOSEPH—KABILA.
20161221             THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—HIGH—COURT said that EU agreements on closer ties and trade with MOROCCO should not apply to the disputed WEST—SAHARA region.
20161221             —ISSUED, GERMANY—AUTHORITIES, 1 wanted notice for ANIS—AMRI, describing him as potentially violent and armed.
20161221             1—GREECE—STATE—FOOD—SAFETY—AGENCY said several soft drinks and food products mostly made by multinational companies have been withdrawn from sale in greater ATHENS —AFTER 1—ANARCHIST—GROUP said it had injected packages and plastic bottles with chlorine and hydrochloric acid.
20161221             —DEMANDED, INDIA, leading opposition figure Rahul Gandhi, 1—INVESTIGATION into allegations that 2—INDIA—CONGLOMERATES paid MILLIONS—OF—RUPEES as bribes to PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI in 20130000—20140000     —WHEN he was governing 1—WESTERN—STATE.
20161221             —FREED, ISRAEL—EX—PRESIDENT—MOSHE—KATSAV was, from prison —AFTER prosecutors declined to appeal 1—PAROLE BOARD decision to release him —AFTER he served —5—YEARS—OF a —7—YEAR—TERM for rape.
20161221             —ANNOUNCED, JAPAN—GOVERNMENT, that it will bolster its coast guard capabilities to defend EAST—CHINA—SEA—ISLANDS that CHINA also claims and regularly patrols.
20161221             Save the Children and THE—INTERNATIONAL—FEDERATION—OF—THE—RED—CROSS said that this —WINTER will likely see vast swathes of THE—MONGOLIA—STEPPE affected by the extreme weather phenomenon known in MONGOLIA as "dzud".
20161221             —DEMANDED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, restrictions on the sale of surrogate alcohol.
20161221             † At least 77—PEOPLE, in THE—IRKUTSK—REGION—OF—SIBERIA from drinking bath oil laced with methylated spirit in search of alcoholic highs.
20161221             THE—KREMLIN said it did not expect the incoming USA—ADMINISTRATION to reject NATO—ENLARGEMENT overnight and that almost all communications channels between RUSSIA and THE—USA were frozen.
20161221             —FACED, SPAIN—BANKS, the prospect of having to pay back several billion dollars to clients —FOLLOWING 1—EUROPEAN—COURT—OF—JUSTICE ruling over mortgage agreements that insured that interest rates did not fall below 1—CERTAIN—LEVEL.
20161221             —LOADED, SYRIA, buses, with SYRIA—CIVILIANS have begun leaving the last REBEL—HELD ENCLAVE—OF—EAST—ALEPPO again, —AFTER being stalled for —1—DAY.
20161221             —ESCALATED, NORTH—SYRIA, clashes, —AROUND THE—TOWN—OF—AL—BAB with TURKEY—SOLDIERS and 138—JIHADISTS killed.
20161221             UKRAINE officials said at least 2—UKRAINE—TROOPS have been killed in the past —24—HOURS in renewed fighting in EAST—UKRAINE.
20161221—20161218    —SINCE, At least 7—UKRAINE—TROOPS have been killed in fighting with dozens more injured and SHELL—SHOCKED.
20161221—20161219    —LAUNCHED, GERMANY—POLICE, 1—MANHUNT for 1—TUNISIA—SUSPECTED—OF—DRIVING the truck that ploughed through 1—BERLIN—CHRISTMAS market in 1—DEADLY—ASSAULT claimed by the Islamic State jihadist group.
20161221—20161219    —ON, 1—GROUP calling itself "Green Nemesis" —POSTED the threat on THE—INTERNET, saying it intended to cause financial damage to the companies.
20171028             —CALLED, Rajoy also, 20171221             elections for the region.
20171031             —OUSTED, BELGIUM, Catalonia's, leader Carles Puigdemont agreed to 20171221             —THE snap election called by SPAIN—CENTRAL—GOVERNMENT—WHEN it took control of the region to stop it breaking away, but he said the fight for INDEPENDENCE would go on.
20171104—20171221    —IN—THE, Speaking in BELGIUM ousted Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont called for 1 united political front election to continue the drive for INDEPENDENCE from SPAIN and to protest against the imprisonment of former members of the regional government.
20171215             87—VOTES will be needed to oust him in 1—SESSION scheduled for 20171221             , —WHEN he will be asked to defend himself.
20171221             —PRESENTED, MOBILE data and DNA results, —DURING the preliminary hearing were enough to support charges against Alfred and GEORGE—DEGIORGIO and VINCENT—MUSCAT for 20171016             —THE murder.
20171221             —VOTED, THE—UN—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY, 128-9 for 1—RESOLUTION rejecting USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP'S 20171206             JERUSALEM declaration.
20171221             [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON?
20171221             —DERZEIT, deutet aber nur wenig darauf hin, daß DER—BEAMTE seinen Job verlieren wird.
20171221             Äh, wie meinen?
20171221             Das STRAF—GESETZ—BUCH sagt, daß NAZI—ARTIKEL lediglich nicht "öffentlich verwendet werden dürfen".
20171221             [l] LACHER—DES—TAGES: EISTEE—HERSTELLER tut "Blockchain"in den Firmennamen, AKTIEN—KURS verdreifacht sich.
20171221             WEST—VIRGINIA, WAHL—KRIMI in VIRGINIA: Gericht hebt EIN—STIMMEN—VORSPRUNG wieder auf
20171221             Innerkoreanische Grenze: NORD—KOREANISCHER SOLDAT flieht in den SÜDEN
20171221             —DIE—LAGE—AM—DONNERSTAG: Immer Ärger mit KATALONIEN
20171221             Osten DER—UKRAINE: 100.000e Kinder durch Minen in Gefahr
20171221             Obdachlos in HAMBURG: "Ohne Zusammenhalt verreckst du"
20171221             Obdachlosigkeit in DEUTSCHLAND: "Wir haben 1—RIESENPROBLEM"
20171221             Altersarmut: Tafeln versorgen immer mehr Rentner mit ESSEN
20171221             JANE—FONDA wird 80: Barbarella, HANO1—JANE und AEROBIC—QUEEN
20171221             —STUDIE—ZU—LOHNGERECHTIGKEIT: Ungerechte Bezahlung macht krank (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 10:16)
20171221             Erneute Abstimmung : Die Schicksalswahl der verkrachten Katalanen
20171221             António Guterres: UNO—GENERAL—SEKRETÄR WARNT—VOR—IMMER längeren Konflikten
20171221             Obdachlose Familien: "Wir möchten 1.einfache Wohnung, ein normales Leben"
20171221             22—KM hoher MARS—GIPFEL, TSUNAMIs am höchsten Berg des SONNEN—SYSTEMS
20171221             —NEUE—NASA—MISSIONEN: Mit "Dragonfly"zum Titan oder Rückkehr zu Tschuri?
20171221             VATIKAN—PAPA geißelt Geistliche in den eigenen Reihen als "Krebsgeschwür"
20171221             JERUSALÉM—RESOLUTION: NETANYAHU nennt UNO "Lügenhaus"
20171221             DIE—NÄCHSTE "mutige Mission": 1—REISE zum SATURN—MOND—TITAN könnte laut DER—USA—RAUMFAHRT—AGENTUR —BIS etwa 20250000             Wirklichkeit werden.
20171221             "Dragonfly"ist 1.Drohne, die an Dutzenden Orten auf dem größten SATURN—MOND—TITAN landen soll.
20171221             Unicef-"Foto —DES—JAHRES": Das Grauen im Blick
20171221             —ABSTIMMUNG—IN—KATALONIEN: "Diese Wahl entzweit Familien"
20171221             Gefährliche Krankenhauskeime: Wieso NIEDERLÄNDISCHE—KLINIKEN sicherer sind als deutsche
20171221             —DOKUMENTIERT, JUDENHASS—IN—BERLIN : FACEBOOK entschuldigt sich für VIDEO—SPERRUNG
20171221             Seltener Fund: Blauhai auf Sylt angeschwemmt
20171221             Psychologie: Wie Kinder Schadenfreude entwickeln —, Sinn für Gerechtigkeit
20171221             Kryptowährung: EUROPA—POLITIKER Brok WARNT—VOR—BITCOIN—BLASE
20171221             USA—ARZNEIMITTEL—BEHÖRDE: FDA geht gegen gefährliche Homöopathika vor
20171221             Übergang verschoben: Raúl CASTRO tritt —ERST im;;04;;als KUBAs STAAT—CHEF—AB
20171221             —ABSTIMMUNG der Uno: USA sollen JERUSALÉM—ENTSCHEIDUNG zurücknehmen
20171221             KATALONIEN wählt: Schicksalsnacht in BARCELONA
20171221             Verschwundenes U—BOOT: Warum 2—DEUTSCHE—FIRMEN unter Verdacht stehen
20171221             DES—INFORMATION als Kriegswaffe: RUSSLANDs perfider FELD—ZUG—GEGEN—DIE—WAHRHEIT
20171221             Obdachlosigkeit: Wohnen ist 1—MENSCHEN—RECHT
20171221             G20—GIPFEL—HAMBURG: Knapp 200—HINWEISE nach FAHNDUNGS—AUFRUF
20171221             WAHL—IN—KATALONIEN: Separatisten —STEUERN auf absolute Mehrheit zu
20171221             NEUWAHL—IN—KATALONIEN: Separatisten verteidigen PARLAMENT—MEHRHEIT
20171221             THE—USA—CONDEMNED—MYANMAR—GENERAL—MAUNG—MAUNG—SOE to 1—BLACKLIST—OF shame for his role in atrocities against Rohingya Muslims.
20171221             —PUBLISHED, THE—HUFFINGTON—POST, leaked emails showing Miss AMERICA PAGEANT officials ridiculing past Miss Americas, including crass and sometimes vulgar comments about them.
20171221             SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, THE—THOMAS—FIRE, the 2. largest in state history, was 60% contained.
20171221             —DESTROYED, It had, at least 750—HOMES and burned about 425—SQUARE—MILES.
20171221             † NASA ASTRONAUT—BRUCE—MCCANDLESS, —80—JAHRE—ALT, the 1. person to fly freely and untethered in space (19840000             ), in CALIFORNIA.
20171221             —ALLOWED, GEORGIA state's utility regulators, construction to continue on 2—NEW—NUCLEAR—REACTORS despite massive cost overruns.
20171221             Ford and Mazda said they are recalling more than 380,000 older small pickup trucks for a 2. time to replace Takata air bag inflators that can explode and hurl shrapnel.
20171221             The recalls cover driver and passenger inflators in certain 20040000             to 20060000             Ford Ranger and Mazda B—SERIES—TRUCKS made by Ford.
20171221             AUSTRALIA, 1—WHITE—SUZUKI—SUV ran 1 red light in CENTRAL—MELBOURNE and sped up to slam into pedestrians crossing the road —BEFORE crashing into 1—TRAFFIC—BARRIER.
20171221             19—PEOPLE were injured.
20171221             Police said the driver was 1—AUSTRALIA—CITIZEN, —32—JAHRE—ALT—OF—AFGHANISTAN—DECENT who has 1—HISTORY—OF—DRUG—USE and mental health issues.
20171221             —CONFIRMED, THE—ENGLAND—CITY—OF—BIRMINGHAM was, as the host of 20220000             —THE—COMMONWEALTH—GAMES—AFTER 1 troubled bidding process.
20171221             3—OPERA—SINGERS and 1—CLASSICAL—MUSICIAN say that WORLD—RENOWNED CONDUCTOR—CHARLES—DUTOIT, —81—JAHRE—ALT sexually assaulted them.
20171221             —ACCUSED, The women, the artistic director and principal CONDUCTOR—OF—LONDON—ROYAL—PHILHARMONIC—ORCHESTRA of sexual misconduct on THE—SIDELINES—OF—REHEARSALS and performances in 5—CITIES 19850000—20100000    —BETWEEN.
20171221             —CONVICTED, CHINA, 1—BEIJING court, 85—PEOPLE, including 44—FROM SELF—RULED TAIWAN, of running phone scams in KENYA and INDONESIA that targeted CHINA—PEOPLE.
20171221             2—TAIWANESE were sentenced to —15—YEARS in prison.
20171221             —SENTENCED, The other 83—DEFENDANTS were, to up to —14—YEARS in prison and fined.
20171221             —APPROVED, THE—EU, 1—DEAL that will see Lufthansa take over PART—OF—DEFUNCT—AIR—BERLIN, formerly the 2.—LARGEST carrier in GERMANY.
20171221             —RECALLED, FRANCE—DAIRY giant Lactalis, millions more products globally BECAUSE—OF—FEARS—OF salmonella contamination.
20171221             —JAILED, HONG—KONG woman Law WAN—TUNG, —FOR—6—YEARS for starving and beating Erwiana Sulistyaningsih, her INDONESIA—DOMESTIC helper, was ordered by 1—COURT to pay more than $100,000 in damages for the "inhumane" abuse.
20171221             —ARRESTED, IRAN, police, 140—OF—THE—YOUNG partygoers —LATE—TODAY in 1—GARDEN on the outskirts of TEHRAN and 90 in the city's uptown —WHILE dancing and drinking alcohol.
20171221             3—MALTA—MEN believed to have triggered 1—POWERFUL—CAR—BOMB that killed investigative JOURNALIST—DAPHNE—CARUANA—GALIZIA were ordered to stand trial for murder.
20171221             1—SMALL reindeer herder from the indigenous Sami community in THE—NORWAY—ARCTIC lost 1—MUCH—PUBLICIZED appeal with NORWAY—TOP—COURT over 1—RULING that he must cull 41—OF—HIS—116—STRONG—HERD.
20171221             PERU, opposition legislators, who control Congress, fell 8—VOTES—SHORT—OF—THE—2—THIRDS threshold in the 130-seat chamber needed to oust PRESIDENT—PEDRO—PABLO—KUCZYNSKI —FOLLOWING 1—HALF—DAY—OF impassioned debate.
20171221             —FACED, He still, 1—DISTRACTING criminal investigation into his involvement with BRAZIL—CONSTRUCTION—GIANT—ODEBRECHT.
20171221             1—PHILIPPINE—INTER—ISLAND ferry with more than 250—PASSENGERS and crew, including Christmas holiday travelers, sank —AFTER being battered by fierce winds and big waves off the country's northeast, leaving at least 4—PEOPLE—DEAD and at least 7—OTHERS missing.
20171221             POLAND, UK—PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—MAY and POLAND—PRIME—MINISTER—MATEUSZ—MORAWIECKI pledged to deepen their cooperation in fighting RUSSIA—DISINFORMATION, as well as on MATTERS—OF—DEFENSE and security.
20171221             1—COURT—IN—SOMALIA released without charge ABDIRAHMAN—ABDISHAKUR, 1—FORMER—MINISTER and government critic, who spent —2—DAYS in jail —AFTER being arrested for alleged treason.
20171221             —IGNITED, His arrest, 1—SMOLDERING political crisis for the fragile government.
20171221             —FIRED, SOUTH—KOREA—SOLDIERS, 20—WARNING machine gun rounds, turning back NORTH—KOREA—SOLDIERS apparently pursuing 1—COMRADE who had —EARLIER dashed across the rivals' shared border.
20171221             It is the 4. time —THIS—YEAR 1—NORTH—KOREA—SOLDIER has defected across the world's most heavily armed border.
20171221             CENTRAL—SOUTH—KOREA, 1—FIRE broke out at an 8—STORY building in THE—CITY—OF—JECHEON, killing 29—PEOPLE and injuring 29—OTHERS.
20171221             —APPROVED, ROMANIA—UPPER—HOUSE, judicial reforms that have sparked street protests and concerns abroad about THE—EU country's commitment to tackling corruption.
20171221             CENTER—RIGHT—PRESIDENT—KLAUS—IOHANNIS —NOW has to sign the legislation into law.
20171221             SAUDI—ARABIA paid 2—BILLION riyals ($533—MILLION) in the 1. monthly installment of 1—NEW—WELFARE—SYSTEM for low and MIDDLE—INCOME—FAMILIES that make up approximately HALF—OF—THE—KINGDOM—POPULATION.
20171221             —WRAPPED, SOUTH—AFRICA—DEPUTY—PRESIDENT—CYRIL—RAMAPHOSA, up the party conference that elected him ANC leader, with 1—VOW to stamp out corruption in the organization and in government.
20171221             —DECIDED, SOUTH—AFRICA—RULING ANC, to downgrade its embassy in Tel Aviv to 1—LIAISON office over 1—USA—DECISION to recognize JERUSALEM as ISRAEL—CAPITAL, ahead of 1—UN—VOTE—TODAY on 1—RESOLUTION urging WASHINGTON to drop the move.
20171221             SOUTH—SUDAN, 1—SPOKESMAN for THE—SPLA—IO rebel group said army forces had attacked 1—REBEL—BASE in Deim Jalab, in THE—WEST—PART—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20171221             Lam PAUL—GABRIEL said 2—REBELS and 5—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS were killed in the fighting.
20171221             —DIVIDED, SPAIN, voters in 1—DEEPLY, Catalonia flocked to the polls with support for its separatist and unionist camps running NECK—AND—NECK.
20171221             Catalan separatists won the regional vote, thwarting PRIME—MINISTER—MARIANO—RAJOY—BID to resolve the country's biggest political crisis in decades.
20171221             SWITZERLAND—FINANCIAL—MARKET—REGULATOR said THE—SWITZERLAND—DIVISION—OF—J.P. Morgan "seriously breached" ANTI—MONEY laundering rules relating to THE—MALAYSIA—SOVEREIGN wealth fund 1MDB.
20171221             —RESCUED, TURKEY—POLICE said they had, THOUSANDS—OF—ARTEFACTS dating back to Anatolian, Greek and EGYPT—CIVILIZATIONS in the largest operation to combat smuggling of ancient treasures in the country's history.
20171221             —VOTED, THE—UKRAINE—PARLIAMENT, to withdraw 1—LAW on the creation of 1—ANTI—CORRUPTION—COURT, paving the way for the submission of 1—NEW—LAW—MORE in line with demands from backers, including THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND.
20171221             —INTRODUCED, YEMEN—UN—AMBASSADOR, 1—UN—RESOLUTION calling THE—USA—DECISION to recognize JERUSALEM as ISRAEL—CAPITAL "0 and void" and urging all "PEACE—LOVING countries" to vote in favor of it.
20171221             —THREATENED, USA—AMBASSADOR—NIKKI Haley, THE—193—UN—MEMBER—STATES and THE—UN with funding cuts if THE—UN—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY approves 1 the resolution.
20171221             The vote did little to calm PALESTINE—ANGER over his REVERSAL—OF—DECADES—OLD—USA—POLICY on the contested holy city.
20171221             —SUSPECTED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMITTEE—OF—THE—RED—CROSS said the number of, cholera cases in WAR—TORN YEMEN has reached 1—MILLION.
20171221             —EVICTED, ZIMBABWE, white farmer ROBERT—SMART, by the government of ROBERT—MUGABE, became the 1. to get his land back under new PRESIDENT—EMMERSON—MNANGAGWA.
20171221—19140000    —VOR—103—JAHREN gesunken: Wrack des 1.AUSTRALISCHEN—U—BOOTS entdeckt (Panorama, 08:39)
20171221—20120000    —APPROVED, They were, and —INITIALLY estimated to cost $14—BILLION.
20171221—20140000    —IN, Cho HYUN—AH, THE—FORMER—KOREAN Air executive, will avoid jail as SOUTH—KOREA—TOP—COURT upheld her suspended prison term for her onboard "nut rage" tantrum that delayed 1—FLIGHT.
20171223—20171221    —ACCUSED—OF, AUSTRALIA, AFGHANISTAN—REFUGEE Saeed Noori, deliberately plowing into Christmas shoppers on 1—STREET in MELBOURNE, was charged with 18—COUNTS—OF attempted murder and 1—COUNT—OF—CONDUCT endangering life.
20181122—20181221    —ON, PATRICK—FRAZEE, —32—JAHRE—ALT, her fiance, was arrested at his home in Florissant and charged with 1.—DEGREE murder.
20181217—20181221    —ON, His body was found with gunshot wounds in his face, arm and leg.
20181221             MINNESOTA prosecutors said CHINA—BILLIONAIRE RICHARD—LIU will not face charges over an 20180831             rape accusation by 1—CHINA—WOMAN studying in MINNESOTA because they could not prove his guilt beyond 1—REASONABLE—DOUBT.
20181221             Sehr reiche Menschen gehen davon aus, daß jeder ein sehr reicher Mensch sein kann, wenn sie sich ein wenig anstrengt.
20181221             Rechte KRAWALLE—IN—LEIPZIG: Alles nur Mitläufer?
20181221             AUSSCHREITUNGEN—IN—CHEMNITZ: Wie —POLITIK und POLIZEI versagten
20181221             —NACH, Landung in KASACHSTAN: ALEXANDER—GERST ist zurück in DEUTSCHLAND
20181221             USA—TRUMP will offenbar auch Soldaten aus AFGHANISTAN abziehen
20181221             Politikveranstaltung in KÖLN: POLIZIST bei Tumulten verletzt
20181221             UMWELT—SCHUTZ, Tübingen will Einwegverpackungen BE—STEUERN
20181221             STÖR—AKTION mit Drohnen: Flughafen LONDON—GATWICK droht weiterer Chaostag
20181221             ALBINO—ORANG—UTAN: Alba ist wieder in Freiheit
20181221             —DIE—LAGE—AM—FREITAG, Das wunderbare Misstrauen des JUAN—MORENO
20181221             Für 1.knappe MILLIARDE—EURO: Delivery Hero verkauft DEUTSCHES—LIEFERDIENST—GESCHÄFT
20181221             Kleidungsregeln für Mormoninnen: Die neue Beinfreiheit
20181221             —RÜCKTRITT—VON—JAMES—MATTIS: DONALD—TRUMP macht das —CHAOS perfekt
20181221             Drohender Shutdown: REPUBLIKANER im USA—REPRÄSENTANTEN—HAUS bewilligen MILLIARDEN für Mauerbau
20181221             —NACH, STÖR—AKTION mit Drohnen: START—UND Landebahn in Gatwick GEÖFFNET—ABER keine Entwarnung
20181221             PRESSE—STIMMEN zum USA—ABZUG aus SYRIEN: "Dumm, töricht, verräterisch, kurzsichtig"
20181221             Schießen mit RECHTS—EXTREMEN: Die merkwürdige Reise des AFD—ABGEORDNETEN Bystron
20181221             —STREIT—ÜBER—AUSLANDSSENDER: RUSSLAND erwägt rechtliche Schritte gegen BBC
20181221             —NACH, Zugeständnissen an Gelbwesten: Oettinger fordert EU—DEFIZIT—VERFAHREN—GEGEN—FRANKREICH
20181221             AUSTRALIEN: Hagelstürme richten in SYDNEY Millionenschaden an
20181221             STUTTGART: AUSSPÄH—AKTIONEN am FLUGHAFEN—POLIZEI durchsucht mehrere Wohnungen
20181221             —VORFAHREN des USA—PRÄSIDENT—TRUMP will offenbar Kallstadt an der Weinstraße besuchen
20181221             —NEUE—FRANKFURTER Schule: F.W.
20181221             PREIS—KAMPF: Kaufland entfernt ALLE—UNILEVER—PRODUKTE aus dem Angebot
20181221             FERGUS—FALLS—BEWOHNER zum Fall Relotius: "Zu perfekt, um wahr zu sein" (SPIEGEL+, 11:56)
20181221             FERGUS—FALLS—BEWOHNER zum Fall Relotius: "Zu perfekt, um wahr zu sein"
20181221             Weihnachten in der gespaltenen Gesellschaft: Und dann kommt Onkel BREXIT
20181221             —ENDE—DES—BERGBAUS: "Man hat gedacht, man könnte DIE—NATUR beherrschen"
20181221             Krebserregende Substanzen: Gen macht aus Zimmerpflanze Schadstofffilter
20181221             TERROR—ALARM am STUTTGARTer Flughafen: EXTREMISTEN—CHATS, Fotos, VIELE—FRAGEN
20181221             Auf dem Mars: Weihnacht ROT—WEIß
20181221             Der Fleischfresser, von den Wissenschaftlern Saltriovenator zanellai genannt, lebte vor etwa 200.000.—000—JAHREN—BEGINN—DES—ZU Jura,
20181221             Forscher entdeckten die Überreste des Tieres —BEREITS 19960000             in einem Steinbruch nördlich von MAILAND.
20181221             DIE—PUZZLE—ARBEIT erstreckte sich über 1—ZEIT—RAUM—VON—10—JAHREN.
20181221             Solche großen Raubsaurier, sogenannte Theropoden, tauchten 1. vor 150.000.—000—JAHREN auf, hatten Forscher —BISHER, gedacht.
20181221             Auch —BEGINN—DES—ZU Jura gab es —SCHON große Räuber.
20181221             DIE—GREIFHAND von Saltriovenator fülle 1.wichtige Lücke im evolutionären Stammbaum der Theropoden,
20181221             "DIE—RAUBDINO—SAURIER verloren zuerst allmählich den kleinen Finger und dann den Ringfinger.
20181221             [l] KLIMA—WANDEL, fuck yeah: Wegen Wassermangel können —DIESES—JAHR die Schneekanonen in den Skigebieten keinen Kunstschnee machen.
20181221             [l] REPORTER—OHNE—GRENZEN hat —JETZT DIE—USA in den Top 5—GEFÄHRLICHSTEN Ländern für Journalisten.
20181221             THE—WORLD—5—DEADLIEST countries for journalists include 3— INDIA—MEXICO and, for the 1. time, THE—USA — where journalists were killed in cold blood, even though those countries weren't at war or in —KONFLIKT, the group said.
20181221             "THE—HATRED—OF—JOURNALISTS that is voiced
20181221             BREXIT—IRLAND lehnt Vorbereitungen für harte Grenze ab
20181221             —STREIT—UM—GELD für Mauerbau: USA —STEUERN auf teilweisen Stillstand der Regierungsgeschäfte zu
20181221             BUDA—PEST, Tausende UNGARN PROTESTIEREN—GEGEN—"Sklavereigesetz"
20181221             —STREIT—UM—MEXIKO—MAUER, "Shutdown" legt WASHINGTON lahm
20181221             DROHNEN—ALARM am Flughafen Gatwick: POLIZEI nimmt 2—VERDÄCHTIGE fest
20181221             WIKILEAKS—DOKUMENTE: Frankfurter GENERALkonsulat versorgt USA—BOTSCHAFTEN mit Geräten aller Art
20181221             —ERSCHROCKEN, GRÜNEN—CHEFIN: Baerbock, über Aggressivität gegen Politiker
20181221             "Shutdown" DER—USA—REGIERUNG: Stolz auf den Stillstand
20181221             BÖRSEnjahr 20180000             : Die größten Gewinner und Verlierer im Dax
20181221             Psychologie: Schenken macht glücklich
20181221             Aggressive Fahrgäste: Gewaltsame ANGRIFFE—AUF—BAHNPERSONAL nehmen zu
20181221             Pfarrer über Weihnachten: "...dann wäre DIE—ERDE ein cooler Ort"
20181221             Haushalt: BÜRGER spenden STAAT—REKORD—SUMME zum Schuldenabbau
20181221             Gelbwesten in FRANKREICH: Die Revolte ist vorbei
20181221             —VOM, ;;0101;;             —BIS zum ;;0612;;
20181221             gingen knapp 610.000—EURO in 150—ÜBERWEISUNGEN auf dem Konto ein.
20181221             Schuldentilgungskonto des Bundes
20181221             Bund, Länder, Gemeinden und Sozialversicherung schuldeten ihren GELD—GEBERN Ende ;;09;;
20181221             1,93—BILLIONEN—EURO—DAVON entfielen auf den Bund 1,23—BILLIONEN.
20181221             Das Schuldentilgungskonto wa
20181221             —BEKOMMT, Wer einzahlt, weder 1—DANKESSCHREIBEN noch 1.Spendenquittung.
20181221             Der FINANZ—EXPERTE—DER—FDP—FRAKTION, MARKUS—HERBRAND, lobte das finanzielle Engagement DER—BÜRGER.
20181221             DER—BÜRGER.
20181221             Amber Rudd: BRITISCHE—ARBEITS—MINISTERIN wirft JUNCKER "groteskes" VERHALTEN—GEGENÜBER—FRAUEN vor
20181221             Glücksgefühle währen oft nicht allzu lange;
20181221             JEDES—MAL, wenn sich ein bestimmtes glückauslösendes Ereignis wiederholt, kehren wir schneller wieder in den Normalzustand zurück.
20181221             wer jeden —TAG ins FÜNFSTERNE—RESTAURANT geht, wird —NACH—DEM hundertsten Mal sicher nicht mehr so euphorisch davon schwärmen wie am —ANFANG.
20181221             —WÄHREND, bei den Teilnehmern, die DAS—GELD für sich selbst ausgaben, das Glücksgefühl jeden —TAG nachließ, war bei denen, die DAS—GELD verschenkten, das Glück am 5. —TAG noch genauso groß wie am 1.
20181221             Verschenken macht nur dann so richtig Spaß, wenn sich der Beschenkte auch wirklich freut.
20181221             Egoismus und Weihnachten: Die Liebe ist 1.ERFINDUNG—DES—KAPITALISMUS, um Zeug zu verkaufen
20181221             In der Weihnachtszeit steigt der Wunsch nach Güte oft ins Uferlose.
20181221             GOLDMAN—SACHS asks in biotech research report: 'Is curing patients 1—SUSTAINABLE—BUSINESS—MODEL?'
20181221             Menschen über 1—MIO.
20181221             Sehr reiche Länder verhalten sich ähnlich.
20181221             Das heißt EIGENTLICH—SIE wollen Menschen, die kein Bruttosozialprodukt schaffen, weghaben
20181221             in der SCHWEIZ vor nicht allzu langer Zeit, VIELE—DER ärmsten Gebiete EUROPAs zu finden waren.
20181221             Menschen, die nach AMERIKA auswanderten, um nicht zu verhungern,
20181221             ihre Kinder als Schornsteinreiniger verkauften,
20181221             DAS—LAND entdeckte, daß sich mit dreckigem Geld aus aller Welt viel Geld machen ließ.
20181221             —DEMONSTRIERT, DIE—VERSCHWINDENDE, abgehängte Mittelschicht, in vielen Ländern, mit oder ohne Westen gegen oder für Despoten, gegen miese Infrastruktur und GEGEN—DIE—UNGERECHTIGKEIT im Allgemeinen
20181221             Im Vergleich zu den Leuten in BANGLADESCH oder RUMÄNIEN, die meist die Kleider der demonstrierenden Mitteleuropäer hergestellt haben, scheinen sie allerdings unermesslich reich.
20181221             Es hat sich im Denken der Mehrheit —SEIT Feudalzeiten nicht viel verändert.
20181221             1—KOLUMNE—VON—SIBYLLE—BERG
20181221             —GEFUNDEN, USB—STICK : Video zeigt STRAßBURG—ATTENTÄTER bei IS—TREUEEID
20181221             DIESEL—MANIPULATION: ABGAS—SKANDAL kostet VW —J—IN—DIESEM, 5.500.000.000
20181221             Tipps für das Weihnachtsmenü: "Es ist wichtig, daß das Gehör beim ESSEN mit angeregt wird"
20181221             PERSISCHER—GOLF—IRAN startet erneut MILITÄR—MANÖVER
20181221             BREXIT: BERLIN sagt BRITEN in DEUTSCHLAND großzügige Aufenthaltsrechte zu
20181221             Truppenabzug aus SYRIEN— USA—SONDER—GESANDTER für KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN—IS tritt zurück
20181221             "Arbeit, Brot, Freiheit": Tausende demonstrieren in ISTANBUL für Preissenkungen
20181221             Verhängnisvolles Schmerzmittel Oxycontin: Wie Amerikas DROGEN—EPIDEMIE begann
20181221             ISRAEL—MEDIEN—BERICHTE,Letzter Widerstandskämpfer des Warschauer Ghettos gestorben
20181221             USA—HAUSHALTSSPERRE hält über Weihnachten
20181221             Medien in UNGARN—DES ORBÁN—PRESSEEINHEIT
20181221             —THREATENED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, a "very long" FEDERAL—WORK—STOPPAGE unless Democrats agree to his border wall demands.
20181221             —FACED, More than 800,000 FEDERAL—WORKERS, furloughs or work without pay if 1—RESOLUTION was not reached by midnight.
20181221             1—USA—OFFICIAL said PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP has decided to pull about 7,000 troops from AFGHANISTAN.
20181221             —BRUSHED, THE—AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENCY, off concerns the drawdown would affect security.
20181221             —GRANTED, THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT—SAID—THE—USA has, IRAQ a —90—DAY—IRAN sanctions waiver to allow it to continue to import electricity from TEHRAN.
20181221             BRETT—MCGURK, THE—USA—ENVOY to the global coalition fighting the Islamic State group, submitted his resignation in protest over PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—ABRUPT decision to withdraw USA—TROOPS from Syria.
20181221             —EMPLOYED, USA—FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS said that Hongjin Tan (35), 1—CHINA—NATIONAL, by 1—OKLAHOMA petroleum company, has been charged with stealing trade secrets from his unnamed USA—BASED employer that operates 1—RESEARCH—FACILITY in THE—TULSA area.
20181221             THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT—SAID—THE—USA will provide 1—ADDITIONAL $10—MILLION in military financing to UKRAINE to bolster its navy —AFTER RUSSIA captured 3—UKRAINE—VESSELS at sea —LAST—MONTH.
20181221             —SCRAPPED, THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION formally, 1—OBAMA—ERA—POLICY from that was meant to curb racial discrimination in schools but that became tangled in 1—NATIONAL—DEBATE over school safety.
20181221             Another —DAY—OF—BIG—LOSSES left THE—USA—MARKET with its worst —WEEK in more than —7—YEARS.
20181221             THE—DOW—JONES—INDUSTRIAL—AVERAGE sank 414.23—POINTS, or 1.8—PERCENT, to 22,445.37.
20181221             —APPROVED, THE—CALIFORNIA—PUBLIC—UTILITIES—COMMISSION, 1—BID by Zoox of Foster City to offer rides to the public in SELF—DRIVING cars, but with 1 trained test driver at the wheel ready to take over.
20181221             This was the state's 1. approval of 1—ROBOT—TAXI.
20181221             COLORADO, 3—MEN stole about $800,000 worth of DIAMOND—ENCASED jewelry from 1—DISPLAY—CASE in the Little Nell hotel in Aspen.
20181221             —SENTENCED, INDIANA, JOHN—MILLER, —59—JAHRE—ALT was, to —80—YEARS in prison for 19880000             —THE abduction, rape and KILLING—OF—APRIL—TINSLEY, —8—JAHRE—ALT—OF—FORT—WAYNE.
20181221             —REPORTED, It was, that Cargill, Bunge and other global traders have halted food supply deals with IRAN because new USA—SANCTIONS have paralyzed banking systems required to secure payments.
20181221             † In AUSTRIA 1—PERSON and another was seriously injured —AFTER 1—SHOOTING in the center of VIENNA.
20181221             —ESCAPED, The suspected shooter, in 1—CAR.
20181221             —DETAINED, Police soon, both 1—WITNESS and 1—MAN who was wounded in the shooting at 1—VIENNESE restaurant that left another man (32) dead.
20181221             Police said it appeared the dispute was over illegal drug deals.
20181221             —ARRESTED, UK—POLICE, 2—PEOPLE—LATE—TODAY over the suspected "criminal USE—OF—DRONES" at LONDON—GATWICK—AIRPORT.
20181221             1 damaged drone was soon found near the airfield perimeter.
20181221             —SWITCHED, BRITAIN—BEEFEATER guards at the Tower of LONDON, their traditional red uniforms for yellow vests as they went on strike with staff at other historic sites over pensions.
20181221             —CALLED, CHINA, THE—USA—ARROGANT and selfish —AFTER 2—CHINA—CITIZENS were charged with stealing USA—TRADE—SECRETS and other sensitive information on BEHALF—OF—BEIJING—MAIN—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY.
20181221             —REPORTED, It was, that schools in SOUTH—CHINA are using CHIP—POWERED "smart" school uniforms to track their students in 1—BID to tackle truancy and boost attendance.
20181221             —TERRORIZED, COLOMBIA, WALTER—ARIZALA, 1—FORMER—LEFTIST—REBEL who, RESIDENTS—OF—SOUTH—COLOMBIA —AFTER abandoning the country's peace process to plunge headlong into drug trafficking, was killed —DURING 1—OPERATION—AFTER —1—MONTHS—LONG, USA—BACKED manhunt that followed the kidnapping and murder of 3—ECUADOR—PRESS—WORKERS in the turbulent border area.
20181221             —SLAPPED, THE—EU, asset freezes and travel bans on 7—MORE—PEOPLE accused of human rights violations against the Rohingya minority in MYANMAR.
20181221             This brings to 14 the total NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE in MYANMAR under EU sanctions for such abuses.
20181221             Europol said that police in SPAIN, ITALY and ARGENTINA took part in 1—OPERATION that broke up 1—INTERNATIONAL—COCAINE—TRAFFICKING gang.
20181221             —ARRESTED, Almost 50—SUSPECTS were.
20181221             —CONFIRMED, FRANCE—AUTHORITIES, the arrest of 1 suspected extremist linked to 20150000             —THE attack on CHARLIE—HEBDO satirical magazine that killed 12—PEOPLE.
20181221             —REPORTED, FRANCE—MEDIA, that FRANCE—CITIZEN—PETER—CHERIF, also known as ABU—HAMZA, had been arrested in DJIBOUTI.
20181221             —VOTED, GUYANA, 1—LAWMAKER from the ruling coalition, —LATE—TODAY with the opposition for 1—NO—CONFIDENCE motion, bringing down THE—ADMINISTRATION—OF—PRESIDENT—DAVID—GRANGER and forcing fresh elections by March.
20181221             HUNGARY, at least 5,000 demonstrators took to THE—STREETS—OF—THE—BUDAPEST —LATE—TODAY, as rightwing nationalist PRIME—MINISTER—VIKTOR—ORBAN dismissed 1—WAVE—OF—PROTESTS against 1—NEW—LABOR—REFORM as "hysterical shouting".
20181221             —ARRESTED, INDIA—POLICE, 126—PEOPLE working for 1—ALLEGEDLY fake call center making up to $50,000 —1—DAY by duping USA—CITIZENS.
20181221             —CRASHED, INDIA, boulders, down on INDIA—WORKERS who were widening 1—MOUNTAINOUS—ROAD leading to 1—HINDU temple in the Himalayas, killing 7—OF—THEM in Uttarakhand state.
20181221             INDONESIA, HUNDREDS—OF—MUSLIMS held 1—RALLY outside THE—CHINA—EMBASSY in JAKARTA to protest against THE—TREATMENT—OF—MEMBERS—OF—THE mostly Muslim ethnic Uighur minority in CHINA—FAR—WEST—XINJIANG region.
20181221             —APPROVED, JAPAN—CABINET, 1—RECORD 5.26—TRILLION yen ($47—BILLION) defense budget as the country seeks to bolster its arms capability by increasingly buying advanced USA—WEAPONS.
20181221             —ACCUSED, Prosecutors in JAPAN, CARLOS—GHOSN—OF—1—BREACH—OF—TRUST causing Nissan 1—FINANCIAL—LOSS—OF—MORE than 1.8—BILLION yen ($16—MILLION).
20181221             MEXICO—FOREIGN—MINISTER—MARCELO—EBRARD said his government would not deport people seeking asylum, —1—DAY—AFTER the country said it would accept SOME—MIGRANTS returned from THE—USA—WHILE their asylum requests are being processed.
20181221             —ANNOUNCED, THE—MYANMAR military, 1—MORE than —4—MONTH—CESSATION—OF—ITS—ACTIVITIES in northern areas where it is fighting ethnic minority insurgents, in what appeared to be 1—RARE conciliatory move aimed at KICK—STARTING peace talks.
20181221             100% Noticias station director MIGUEL—MORA was detained.
20181221             —OPENED, PAKISTAN reportedly, fire in the Keran sector of Kashmir, killing 2—INDIA—ARMY—OFFICERS.
20181221             NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, the bodies of 2—MEN and 2—WOMEN, 18 to —21—YEARS—OLD were found near their remote mountain village.
20181221             THE—4—COUSINS were reportedly shot dead over "family honor" on THE—ORDERS—OF—1—VILLAGE—COUNCIL.
20181221             —ARRESTED, Police soon, 1—MAN involved in the killings and searched for others.
20181221             3—PALESTINIANS were killed by ISRAEL—FIRE —DURING protests along THE—GAZA—ISRAEL frontier, including MOHAMMED—JAHJOUH, —16—JAHRE—ALT.
20181221             † A 4. Palestinian, AYMAN—SHEHR, —18—JAHRE—ALT, of his wounds the —NEXT—DAY.
20181221             PORTUGAL, 1—FEW 100 "yellow vest" protesters demanding lower taxes and inspired by RIOTS—IN—PARIS took to the streets across the country in 1—ATTEMPT to stop traffic.
20181221             —SUGGESTED, ROMANIA, visiting AUSTRIA—CHANCELLOR—SEBASTIAN—KURZ, that foreign companies could pull out of ROMANIA —AFTER the government unveiled 1—SURPRISE—PLAN to levy extra taxes on banks and energy companies.
20181221             1—RUSSIA—COURT charged 1—OF—THE—KREMLIN—MOST vocal foreign critics, UK—FINANCIER and human rights activist WILLIAM—BROWDER, with creating 1—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL syndicate.
20181221             —CALLED, The court, for his extradition to RUSSIA and a —2—MONTH—PERIOD—OF—ARREST.
20181221             —SLAMMED, SOUTH—SERBIA, 1—TRAIN, into 1—BUS carrying mostly high school students, killing 5—PEOPLE and injuring 30—NEAR THE—CITY—OF—NIS.
20181221             The number of dead in the crash —LATER rose to 7.
20181221             —DECREED, SPAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—PEDRO—SANCHEZ, a 22—PERCENT rise in the minimum wage, the biggest in —4—DECADES, and 1—MOVE that could strengthen his grip on power but defies warnings that it could worsen unemployment.
20181221             —BLOCKED, SPAIN, Catalan PRO—INDEPENDENCE—GROUPS, roads and clashed with BATON—WIELDING police in protests against 1—SPAIN—GOVERNMENT—CABINET meeting in BARCELONA branded 1—PROVOCATION by separatists.
20181221             SUDAN, protests over the rising COST—OF—BREAD broke out in KHARTOUM and its twin city OMDURMAN.
20181221             —LAUNCHED, SYRIA, the Islamic State, 1—ATTACK in the southeast against THE—USA—BACKED SDF militia, employing car bombs and DOZENS—OF—MILITANTS.
20181221             Das Bergwerk PROSPER—HANIEL in BOTTROP schließt als letzte DEUTSCHE—ZECHE.
20181221—20181217    —IN—THE, MOROCCO—AUTHORITIES said 9—MORE—PEOPLE have been arrested for connections to THE—4—INITIAL—SUSPECTS killing of 2—SCANDINAVIAN university students in 1—REMOTE—CORNER—OF—THE—ATLAS—MOUNTAINS.
20181221—20181223    —ARRESTED, PAUL—GAIT, —47—JAHRE—ALT and his wife Elaine Kirk (54), over the drone disruption, were released without charge.
20181221—20190000    —AB: VERKEHRS—MINISTERIUM gibt 333.000.000—EURO für DIESEL—NACHRÜSTUNGEN—VON—LIEFERAUTOS aus (Wirtschaft, 12:14)
20190328—20171221    —RAMMED, He had, 1—CAR into pedestrians on 1—BUSY—MELBOURNE sidewalk, killing 1—PERSON and injuring 16—OTHERS.
20191221             BANNON, for his part, is 1—BIG fan of JULIUS—EVOLA, the fascist philosopher who has 1—PROMINENT—PLACE in ANY—HISTORY—OF—OCCULTISM 19000101—19991231    —IN—THE.
20191221             —NACH, Hochwasser: Venedigs Hoteliers beklagen dramatischen Rückgang bei Buchungen
20191221             GRIECHENLAND baut HAFT—LAGER für Flüchtlinge: EUROPAs Gefängnisinsel
20191221             Verdacht auf Korruption und Betrug bei Krebsmedikamenten: Alanta Health Group weist Vorwürfe zurück
20191221             Aus SICHERHEITSgründen: IRAKISCHE—KATHOLIKEN verzichten auf Messen an Heiligabend
20191221             "Islamischer STAAT": DEUTSCHER—REGIERUNGSANGESTELLTER bot geheime RÜCKHOL—AKTION für IS—FRAUEN an
20191221             —MASSAKER an TUTSI—MINDERHEIT in RUANDA:, —71—JAHRE—ALTER wegen Völkermordes zu —25—JAHREN Haft verurteilt
20191221             NAZI—DEBATTE in der CDU: Die Fragen bleiben
20191221             "Im Geiste des Respekts vor der Verfassung": PELOSI lädt DONALD—TRUMP für Rede zur Lage der Nation ins Repräsentantenhaus ein
20191221             —NACH, Auftritt in TV—DEBATTE: EX—TRUMP—SPRECHERIN Sanders entschuldigt sich bei Biden über STOTTERER—WITZ
20191221             —REAGIERT, GAS—STREIT—ZWISCHEN—RUSSLAND und UKRAINE: DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT, erleichtert auf Grundsatzeinigung
20191221             Sat 20191221             20191221             [l] Bei den ganzen SECURITY—PROBLEMEN gerade würde man ja denken, daß DAS—PARLAMENT sich beim Aufreißen neuer SICHERHEITSlücken zurückhalten würde.
20191221             DAS—PARLAMENT hat die Befugnisse des Zollkriminalamts und der Zollfahndungsämter deutlich ausgeweitet und etwa auf die QUELLEN—TKÜ erstreckt.
20191221             Wieso zum Teufel braucht denn bitte der Zoll Staatstrojaner, fragt ihr euch —JETZT vielleicht?
20191221             Na das ist wie in der Privatwirtschaft.
20191221             Ich finde ja beschämend, daß bei uns wegen GELD—MANGEL die Wände in den Schulen schimmeln, aber für den Kauf von Staatstrojanern haben sie Budget.
20191221             Es waren natürlich wieder mal die Stimmen der großen Koalition.
20191221             Wofür braucht denn der Zoll Staatstrojaner?
20191221             Die Begründung ist doch sicher abendteuerlich! Oh ja und wie:
20191221             —LAUT, Paragraf 72—DES Entwurfs dürfen die Zollfahnder künftig im KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN Terrorismus und den illegalen Handel mit KRIEGS—WAFFEN, Rüstungsmaterial einschließlich darauf bezogener Herstellungsausrüstung und Technologie —SCHON in Verdachtsfällen heimlich "dem Brief— oder Postgeheimnis unterliegende Sendungen öffnen und einsehen sowie die dem Fernmeldegeheimnis unterliegende Telekommunikation überwachen und aufzeichnen".
20191221             Terrorismus!!! Der Zoll bekämpft —JETZT Terrorismus!!
20191221             Hey, Golfschläger raushol, bekämpft ihr eigentlich auch —SCHON den Terrorismus?
20191221             Und lasst uns mal nicht den Teil mit "—SCHON in Verdachtsfällen".
20191221             Aber aber aber warte Fefe, das Verfassungsgericht hat doch klargestellt, daß es einen KERN—BEREICH privater Lebensgestaltung gibt, der tabu ist!
20191221             Ja klar, und dem haben sich auch voll ernsthaft Rechnug getragen und so:
20191221             Liegen "tatsächliche ANHALTS—PUNKTE für die Annahme vor", daß durch eine einschlägige Maßnahme "allein Erkenntnisse aus dem KERN—BEREICH privater Lebensgestaltung erlangt würden", ist das Instrument generell unzulässig.
20191221             Mit anderen Worten: Das Hacken von den Telefonen von Privatpersonen und das Kopieren von NACKT—FOTOS ist legal, solange es nicht vorher tatsächliche ANHALTS—PUNKTE für die Annahme gab, daß unter den NACKT—FOTOS nicht auch ein weiterbringender Scan eines Briefes ist oder so.
20191221             —GEWARTET, Na kein Wunder, daß sie auf Weihnachten, haben mit dem Burying.
20191221             —SAMSTAG, Keine Führung, kein Konzept: Die Bahn weiß nicht, wohin mit dem ganzen Geld (SPIEGEL+, 03:23)
20191221             CHRISTIAN—LINDNER im Interview: "VIELE—MENSCHEN haben auch noch andere Sorgen als das Klima" (SPIEGEL+, 03:25)
20191221             Falsche Wohnung durchsucht: 9—POLIZISTEN und eine halbnackte Frau (SPIEGEL+, 03:27)
20191221             Philosoph über die Scheinheiligkeit der DEUTSCHEN: "Wer wählt die Grünen?
20191221             Die mit dem größten CO2-Fußabdruck" (SPIEGEL+, 03:29)
20191221             Tipps von der Psychologin: So kommen Sie ohne Stress durch die Feiertage (SPIEGEL+, 03:33)
20191221             —STREIT—ÜBER—OSTSEEPIPELINE: USA verhängen Sanktionen wegen NORD—STREAM—2
20191221             —DIE—LAGE—AM—SAMSTAG, Das zerrissene Königreich
20191221             BUSCHBRÄNDE—IN—AUSTRALIEN: Wie eine, —13—JAHRE—ALTE zum Gesicht des Protests wurde
20191221             "Nur, wenn es keine Eifersucht gibt": SCHOLZ will 2500—KOMMUNEN einmalig Schulden erlassen
20191221             Aufgeblähter BUNDESTAG: PARLAMENT—IN—DER Mehrzweckhalle?
20191221             Finanzhilfen vom Bund: Werden arme Großstädte endlich ihre ALT—SCHULDEN los? (SPIEGEL+, 08:07)
20191221             Kringel, Häkchen, ZICKZACK—STRICH: So bearbeiten Sie WORD—TEXTE mit Tablet und Stift
20191221             LÖSCH—AKTION im Verteidigungsministerium: Grüne stellen Strafanzeige wegen von der Leyens Handy
20191221             USA—COMEBACK für VW—DIESEL: Heiße Ware
20191221             Psychologie: Christkind und WEIHNACHTSMANN—KINDER brauchen Mythen
20191221             DONALD—TRUMP über neue USA—TEILSTREITKRAFT "Space Force": "Amerikas Überlegenheit im WELT—RAUMIST unerlässlich"
20191221             USA—SANKTIONEN gegen Ostseepipeline: NORD—STREAM—2—STOCKT auf den letzten Kilometern
20191221             —WHEN Christianity —TODAY—EDITOR, MARK—GALLI, called for TRUMP—REMOVAL from office, I was gratified -- though I knew that his sentiment would have little impact in the evangelical world.
20191221             —OFFERED, Sure enough, FRANKLIN—GRAHAM has, 1—FURIOUS—RESPONSE (on FACEBOOK -- how typical!), FULL—OF—INVECTIVE and NAME—CALLING —WHILE avoiding the substantive issues that Galli laid out.
20191221             Christianity —TODAY said it's time to call 1—SPADE—1—SPADE.
20191221             Utterly illogical and meaningless.
20191221             FRANKLIN—GRAHAM is 1—MAN who can advocate THE—SO—CALLED "prosperity Gospel," which his father would have denounced as 1—HERESY, —WHILE labeling Christianity —TODAY 1—EXEMPLAR of liberal elitism.
20191221             In the modern world, evangelical Christianity has become 1—RATIONALIZATION—MACHINE.
20191221             These people devote ALL—OF—THEIR craft and cunning to concocting justifications for the dictates of their own Ids, and they don't give even 1—FLECK of fecal matter about your ACCUSATIONS—OF—HYPOCRISY.
20191221             Principle means nothing to them;
20191221             they are devoted to Dear Leader and that is that.
20191221             —ASKED, DONALD—TRUMP is on record as saying that he has never, for forgiveness because he does not believe that he has done anything requiring forgiveness.
20191221             Yet he remains popular among evangelicals.
20191221             —ADDRESSED, KURT—EICHENWALD, this bizarre situation.
20191221             The evangelical movement is 1—DEAD—GROUP walking.
20191221             These "faithful" had 1—CHOICE between 1—WOMAN who teaches —SUNDAY school and 1—GUY who was in 2—PORNS, could not name books of the Bible, cited as his favorite phrase in the Bible 1—OLD—TESTAMENT verse which is LITERALLY the only 1—SPECIFICALLY repudiated by JESUS in the New TESTAMENT.
20191221             —WANTED, If evangelists, to vote for him and say "his policies are what I support," fine.
20191221             So remember, evangelicals: EVERY—TIME you say DONALD—TRUMP is Godly, you stick another dagger in your movement by demonstrating its meaninglessness.
20191221             —REFERENCED, THE—OLD—TESTAMENT verse, above was THE—1—CONTAINING the phrase "1—EYE for 1—EYE".
20191221             TRUMP: That's not 1—PARTICULARLY NICE thing.
20191221             JESUS: You have heard that it hath been said, 1—EYE for 1—EYE, and 1—TOOTH for 1—TOOTH.
20191221             this obvious contradiction between TRUMP—WORDS and the Sermon on the Mount.
20191221             Fundamentalist religion always offers the brutes 1—RATIONALE to justify their brutishness.
20191221             TRUMPism and the occult.
20191221             Oddly enough, there is evidence that TRUMP—ENTIRE—CAMPAIGN constituted 1—KIND—OF occult ritual.
20191221             —NOTED, GARY—LACHMAN -- formerly 1—MUSICIAN, —NOW 1, historian of esoteric thought -- tracked what we might call "Alt Right occultism" in real time —THROUGHOUT—THE, 20160000             campaign.
20191221             AREAS—OF—THE—INTERNET, where RATIONAL—MINDED folk rarely visit, Alt Rightists saw the campaign as 1—KIND—OF—GROUP working, as 1—EXPERIMENT in ceremonial magic.
20191221             LACHMAN—BOOK.
20191221             —EVINCED, TRUMP—HARDCORE followers have, 1—ATTITUDE toward religion which may, at 1., seem unfathomable and contradictory.
20191221             Being young, haughty, ILL—READ and pretentious, these libertarians embraced all of the sillier trends in pop impiety, such the "mythicist" view of JESUS' historicity.
20191221             —SEEPED, Their atheism eventually, out of them like milk trickling out of 1 punctured container.
20191221             Turns out there's only so much you can do with atheism; it gets boring —AFTER 1—WHILE.
20191221             —MORPHED, As their libertarianism, into fascism, some turned to EVOLA—STYLE esoterica, —WHILE others turned to 1—VERY—ORTHODOX and unforgiving FORM—OF—CHRISTIANITY, which often manifested as CAPITAL—O Orthodox Christianity.
20191221             —ARGUED, They, against the wall separating Church and state, and rationalized their new EMBRACE—OF—THAT—OLD—TIME religion with vague mutterings about "WEST—TRADITION".
20191221             (The moment you see THE—T—WORD capitalized, you know you're dealing with 1—FASCIST—IN—DISGUISE.)
20191221             —CONSIDERED, Traditional faith is, necessary for the masses, who, without religion, might rebel against their masters.
20191221             Esotericism is for the elite, for the BANNONs of this world.
20191221             In other words, leading Alt Rightist thinkers are both elitists and occultists -- characteristics which RIGHT—WING CONSPIRACY—THEORISTS traditionally ascribe to the left (without citing ANY—EVIDENCE).
20191221             Projection is the best protection.
20191221             Actually, I should write that book -- but I always have about 3 or 4—BOOKS going simultaneously, and I never finish them.
20191221             the "eye for eye" quote did not originate with the Bible, it came from the Code of Hammurab about 18000000             BCE.
20191221             Depending on your religious beliefs, that would be SOME— —500—YEARS—BEFORE—WHEN Moses was supposed to have dictated the Bible or
20191221             over 13000000             years —BEFORE Ezra edited the Bible.
20191221             ANY—EVENT, THE—ORAL—JEWISH—TRADITION, which probably began —DURING the exile and was definitely —AROUND by the time of the Maccabees, was quite clear that "eye for eye" related to monetary damage.
20191221             The term was understood to simply mean that damages equal to the harm were to be paid.
20191221             In other words, for Hammurabi morality was justice,
20191221             in the Jewish tradition, morality meant justice tempered with mercy.
20191221             —ALIGNED, In the Christian tradition, morality if more, with mercy, hence the instruction to turn the other cheek.
20191221             Judaism and Islam are tribal religions,
20191221             —DEVISED, Christianity was, as 1—UNIVERSAL religion, hence THE—UNIVERSAL—CATHOLIC—CHURCH.
20191221             —WORKED, It hasn't, out that way, Christianity has also broken down into tribes.
20191221             THE—KORAN says that, "I have made you tribes so that you can know EACH—OTHER".
20191221             —POSTED—BY—BLOGGER joseph : 1108—PM
20191221             Interne POLIZEI—ERMITTLUNGEN in Thüringen: "Erhebliches Führungsproblem"
20191221             NEW—YORK : SCHLAG—GEGEN—STRAßENGANG MS-13 - mehr als 200—FESTNAHMEN
20191221             Na wie sollen wir auch KI—BIG—DATA in der Cloud machen, wenn wir DIE—DATEN löschen?!?
20191221             Dies betrifft nicht nur Angaben zu Tatverdächtigen, Beschuldigten und Straftätern, sondern auch von anderen Beteiligten wie Zeugen oder Opfern.
20191221             [l] Und noch 1—MALWARE—NACHZÜGLER: Die Bundesanstalt für Immobilienaufgaben (BImA).
20191221             [l] Zusätzlich zu den Flächenbränden hat AUSTRALIEN —JETZT auch noch 1—WASSERDIEBSTAHL—PROBLEM.
20191221             1—FARMER in the small TOWN—OF—EVANS—PLAIN had about 80,000 GALLONS—OF—WATER (300,0000—LITERS) stolen from his property
20191221             [l] Alternativlos Folge 44—IST draußen.
20191221             Wir sind dann inhaltlich ein bisschen abgeglitten und am Ende war sogar noch ein bisschen BREXIT dran ?
20191221             —GESCHRIEBEN, Frank hat ja —IN—DEN—LETZTEN—JAHREN mehrere Sachbücher, aber fand das nicht mehr herausfordernd genug und hat daher —JETZT einen SCIFI—ROMAN geschrieben.
20191221             Falsche Daten: BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG lässt BREXIT—MÜNZEN PRÄGEN—ZUM 3. Mal
20191221             —SONNTAG, 22. - Könige, Propheten, Sagengestalten: Die historische Wahrheit über die Helden der Bibel (SPIEGEL+, 07:09)
20191221             Rechte Rhetorik: "DIE—TRICKS der Nazis und der AfD sind im Kern die gleichen" (SPIEGEL+, 07:09)
20191221             TÜRKEI in LIBYEN: ERDOGANs nächster Krieg
20191221             5.—143—TAGE im Amt: MERKEL zieht mit Adenauer gleich
20191221             Zerstörte Kathedrale in PARIS: 1. —SEIT—MEHR—ALS—200—JAHREN keine WEIHNACHTS—MESSE in NOTRE—DAME
20191221             Zwischenfall mit CHINA—FLAGGE: HONG—KONGER—POLIZEI löst Demo für Uiguren auf
20191221             Beängstigendes Naturphänomen: "Feuer, das man nicht bekämpfen kann"
20191221             —LAUNCHED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP officially, THE—USA—SPACE—FORCE, AMERICA—1. military service in more than —70—YEARS.
20191221             —COMPLAINED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, about House Speaker NANCY Pelosi's delayed TRANSMISSION—OF—THE—ARTICLES—OF—IMPEACHMENT to the Senate, which may delay 1—TRIAL in THE—GOP—CONTROLLED chamber.
20191221             THE—USA—DROPPED—SUDAN from its list of nations that severely violate religious freedoms, signaling increased support for SUDAN—NEWLY created transitional government.
20191221             —KILLED, NEVADA, 6—PEOPLE were, and 13 injured —AFTER 1—FIRE this —MORNING in a 3—STORY—APARTMENT—COMPLEX in downtown LAS—VEGAS.
20191221             † JOSEPH—SEGEL, —88—JAHRE—ALT, THE—FOUNDER—OF—HOME shopping television channel QVC.
20191221             —DETAINED, THE—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT said it has, about 700—ISLAMIC—STATE—GROUP—FIGHTERS and family members in EAST—AFGHANISTAN over the past —6—MONTHS.
20191221             MANY—OF—THE—GROUP were from foreign countries.
20191221             —PARALYZED, AUSTRALIA—MOST populous state (New SOUTH—WALES) was, by "catastrophic" fire conditions amid soaring temperatures, —WHILE 1—PERSON † as wildfires ravaged the country's southeast.
20191221             The devastation has put pressure on PRIME—MINISTER—SCOTT—MORRISON, who has received criticism for going on 1—FAMILY—VACATION in HAWAII —DURING the wildfire crisis.
20191221             —HAILED, CYPRUS, the new USA—EAST—MEDITERRANEAN Security and Energy Partnership Act of 20190000             geared toward boosting energy and security cooperation in THE—EAST—MEDITERRANEAN saying it is INDICATIVE—OF—THE—SIGNIFICANCE that WASHINGTON attaches to the region.
20191221             —CARRIED, FRANCE, out its 1. armed drone strike, killing 7—ISLAMIC—EXTREMISTS in the Ouagadou forest of CENTRAL—MALI.
20191221             —STRUGGLED, FRANCE—TRAVELERS and tourists were, to get to their destinations as the Christmas season ramped up amid continuing strikes against the government's plans to raise the retirement age to 64.
20191221             SWITZERLAND—BASED Allseas, which operates ships laying sections of the undersea pipeline, said it was suspending work on the £8.5—BILLION project, which is well advanced.
20191221             —COLLIDED, EAST—GUATEMALA, 1—TRAILER truck, with 1—PASSENGER—BUS—EARLY—TODAY, killing at least 20—PEOPLE and leaving 12 wounded.
20191221             The national disaster agency said 9—OF—THE—DEAD were minors.
20191221             † In NORTH—INDIA 9—PEOPLE —DURING clashes between demonstrators and police, raising the nationwide death toll in protests against 1—NEW—CITIZENSHIP—LAW to 23.
20191221             —REPORTED, THE—TIMES—OF—INDIA, that INDIA—BANKS may ask depositors and customers to list their religion.
20191221             Reserve BANK—OF—INDIA made changes to 1—BANKING law that allows selected NON—RESIDENTS to open bank accounts and own property.
20191221             —UNNOTICED, The amendments were made —LAST—YEAR but went.
20191221             LIBYA—SELF—STYLED—LIBYAN—NATIONAL—ARMY, which backs THE—EAST—BASED administration, said 1—VESSEL flying 1—GRENADA flag with several TURKEY—CREW members had been forcibly taken into 1—LIBYA—PORT for inspection.
20191221             NEW—ZEALAND, 1—SWEEPING nationwide ban on most semiautomatic weapons took effect.
20191221             —REPORTED, It was, that NEW—ZEALAND authorities have collected more than 50,000 SEMI—AUTOMATIC—GUNS in 1—GOVERNMENT buyback program —8—MONTHS—AFTER lawmakers responded to the country's worst massacre in history.
20191221             —BELIEVED, CENTRAL—SYRIA, NEAR—SIMULTANEOUS—ATTACKS, to have been carried out by drones hit 3—GOVERNMENT—RUN—OIL and gas installations in HOMS province.
20191221             —KILLED, NORTH—SYRIA, airstrikes on 1—REBEL—HELD town, 7—PEOPLE and wounded more than 12 in Idlib province.
20191221             1—SURGE in violence left 12—CIVILIANS—DEAD in the last major opposition bastion as aid groups warned of 1—HUMANITARIAN—CATASTROPHE if CROSS—BORDER—AID stops reaching the region.
20191221             † At least 7—REGIME—LOYALISTS, in 1—CAR bombing by the country's FORMER—AL—QAEDA affiliate, Hayat Tahrir AL—SHAM (HTS).
20191221             —APPROVED, TURKEY—PARLIAMENT, 1—SECURITY and military deal with LIBYA—UN—SUPPORTED government on the heels of 1—CONTROVERSIAL maritime agreement —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH that has drawn INTERNATIONAL ire.
20191221             The deal allows TURKEY to provide military training and equipment at THE—REQUEST—OF—THE—LIBYA—GOVERNMENT that controls TRIPOLI and SOME—OF—THE—COUNTRY—WEST.
20191221—19200000    —AROUND, EVOLA—INTERESTS led him into spiritual, transcendental, and "SUPRA—RATIONAL" studies.
20191221—19860000    —FOUNDED, Segel, QVC, which stands for Quality Value Convenience, as 1—ALTERNATE to the Home Shopping Network (HSN).
20191221—20130000    —SEIT, DIE—BERLIN—POLIZEI hat in ihrem POLIZEI—SYSTEM Poliks nichts mehr gelöscht und wilde Abfragen geduldet, beanstandet DIE—DATENSCHUTZAUFSICHT.
20201130—20201221    —JUMPED, Tesla Inc shares, 4% in extended trade —AFTER S&P Dow Jones Indices said it would add 1—OF—WALL—STREET—MOST valuable companies to the S&P 500—INDEX—ALL at once.
20201210             Vom 20201221             an dürfen Belarussen und Ausländer mit einer Aufenthaltsgenehmigung nicht mehr über Kontrollpunkte an Straßen und Bahnhöfen ausreisen,
20201215—20201221    —AM, COVID—19: Ema könnte CORONA—IMPFSTOFF zulassen
20201216—20201221    —FROM, Farmers have called for a —24—HOUR rotating hunger strike among protesters at home and abroad.
20201217—20201221    —AM, wenige —TAGE vor Heiligabend, ist es schließlich so weit.
20201219—20200106    —BIS, Dieser gelte vom 20201221             ,
20201221             Gatherings of more than 5—PEOPLE will be banned in the capital region 20201223—20200103    —FROM—TO, as 1 elevated step to suppress what authorities call an "explosive" surge in CORONA€”VIRUS infections.
20201221             —MONTAG, 20201221
20201221             Kinderarbeit auf Kakaoplantagen in Westafrika: Schuld und Schokolade
20201221             CORONA—MUTATION in GROSSBRITANNIEN: Flugpassagiere aus LONDON an Flughäfen gestoppt
20201221             Nach monatelangem Streit: USA—KONGRESS einigt sich auf neues CORONA—HILFSPAKET
20201221             Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: Mutation "außer Kontrolle"
20201221             FRANKREICH: Antisemitische Attacken überschatten Kür der "Miss FRANCE"
20201221             Streik an 6—STANDORTEN: AMAZON—MITARBEITER legen Arbeit nieder
20201221             Faktencheck zur USA—WAHL 20200000             : FOX—NEWS räumt Verbreitung von Falschinformationen ein
20201221             —GERISSEN, Frist : BREXIT—PAKT kann nicht ratifiziert werden
20201221             Vor dem SUPREME—COURT: Trump will PENNSYLVANIA—ERGEBNIS anfechten
20201221             —BEFÜRCHTET, Unterbrochene Lieferketten: BRITISCHER—HANDELSVERBAND, Versorgungsengpässe
20201221             —REFORMIERT, Dramatische Abwertung der Währung: KUBA, die Revolution
20201221             DEUTSCHE—RADIOPIONIERE — wie alles begann: Das Weihnachtswunder von 1920
20201221             Jene Kombination aus Information und Unterhaltung also, die —BIS—HEUTE das Wesen des Radios ausmacht, damals aber für VIELE—DEUTSCHEN noch nach SCIENCE—FICTION klang.
20201221             Für VIELE—RADIOHISTORIKER gilt das Weihnachtskonzert als 1. Übertragung, —DIE—DER—HEUTE gängigen Definition von Rundfunk entsprach.
20201221             Und das knapp —3—JAHRE vor dem Start eines regelmäßigen Radioprogramms aus dem Berliner "VOX—HAUS", der offiziellen Geburtsstunde des Rundfunks.
20201221             Die noch "inoffizielle" Radiosendung aus Königs Wusterhausen hingegen war nirgendwo angemeldet oder genehmigt.
20201221             Nach heutiger Definition funkte da 1—PIRATENSENDER mit freundlicher Beihilfe DEUTSCHER—BEAMTER.
20201221             Wie VIELE—HÖRER diese Sendung erreichte, kann nur geschätzt werden, womöglich 150.
20201221             Aber es gab sie, auch Hunderte Kilometer entfernt, belegt durch eine —ERST 19500000             entdeckte Quellensammlung:
20201221             So lobte 1—MANN aus den Niederlanden per Brief vom 19201223             , alles sei "absolut ohne Nebengeräusche" zu hören gewesen.
20201221             Aus Königsberg, 530—KILOMETER entfernt, hieß es: "Ihr Abschiedskonzert in Königsberg wunderbar gehört.
20201221             Es rief direkte Weihnachtsstimmung hervor".
20201221             Und selbst im 1500—KILOMETER entfernten Sarajewo war die Weihnachtsmusik made in BRANDENBURG zu empfangen: "Ihr heutiges Telephoniekonzert war ausgezeichnet, ebenso der Gesangsvortrag (...).
20201221             Beglückwünschen Ihren Erfolg".
20201221             Doch ausgerechnet als die Funkexperten der Post mit viel Improvisation Lösungen gefunden hatten, fehlte ihnen das Bewusstsein, dass sie gerade Geschichte schrieben
20201221             Jedenfalls verzichteten sie darauf, die Weihnachtssendung aufzuzeichnen, obwohl das technisch möglich gewesen wäre: per Magnetdraht, Zinnfolie oder Wachsplatte.
20201221             Die Radiotüftler dachten nicht mal daran, sich zu fotografieren;
20201221             die meisten Aufnahmen im Funkhaus entstanden —JAHRE später.
20201221             Ungestüm funkten die Pioniere damals einfach los.
20201221             Wichtigste Quelle für das Konzert ist 1—ARTIKEL vom 19201223             aus dem Luxemburger "Escher Tageblatt".
20201221             Darin finden sich Zitate und Beschreibungen von Beginn und Verlauf des Konzerts.
20201221             1—HOCHZEITSMARSCH—VON—RICHARD—WAGNER wird erwähnt und der Klang von Cello und Geige gelobt, die "besonders schön" durchdrangen.
20201221             Als Zugabe habe man "mit viel Pathos" MARTIN—LUTHERS—HYMNE "Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott" vorgetragen.
20201221             In einem 2., später verfassten Bericht verwendete das Fachmagazin "Funk" teils wortgleiche Zitate.
20201221             Doch die Militärs pfiffen ihn zurück, um "diesen Unfug" sofort zu beenden,
20201221             europaweit auf Kurzwelle 5960—KHZ
20201221             Zur etwa gleichen Zeit entdeckten VIELE—LÄNDER die Vorzüge des Radios auch als mögliches Unterhaltungsmedium.
20201221             Die USA waren DEUTSCHLAND mit manchen Entwicklungen um —JAHRE voraus, allerdings fehlte es dort anfangs an jeglicher staatlichen Regulierung.
20201221             Das führte später zu Patentkriegen.
20201221             die AUSTRALISCHE—SÄNGERIN Nellie Melba bei der 1. Rundfunkübertragung aus LONDON 19200000             .
20201221             Trump nimmt RUSSLAND in Schutz: Republikaner streiten über Reaktion auf Cyberangriff
20201221             CORONA—MUTATION in GROSSBRITANNIEN: "Schlimmste Weihnachten —SEIT dem —WWII" Aus LONDON berichtet JULIA—SMIRNOVA
20201221             TERRORISMUS—VORWÜRFE in der TÜRKEI: Kurdische Politikerin Leyla Güven zu —22—JAHREN Haft verurteilt
20201221             Schmuggel von Kokain: Polizei in BELGIEN nimmt "2—DER größten Drogenbosse Europas" fest
20201221             Verschlüsselter Messenger: Threema ist —JETZT 1—OPEN—SOURCE—APP
20201221             Inhaftierter WIKILEAKS—GRÜNDER: Bundestagsabgeordnete fordern Assanges Freilassung
20201221             Steigende Infektionszahlen: Bundesregierung ruft zu Verzicht auf Weihnachtsbesuche auf
20201221             —VERRINGERT, Wegen Kohleausstieg: RWE, Stromerzeugung um 1—DRITTEL
20201221             QUANTEN—ÜBERTRAGUNG per Glasfaser: Forschern gelingt weiterer Schritt auf dem Weg zum SUPER—INTERNET
20201221             Forschern aus den USA ist —NUN ein wichtiger Schritt auf dem Weg zum Quanteninternet gelungen: Sie haben sogenannte Quantenbits (Qubits) als Lichtpartikel durch eine etwa 44—KILOMETER lange Glasfaserleitung geschickt.
20201221             Bei der sogenannten Quantenteleportation, die allerdings nichts mit dem Beamen in "Star Trek" zu tun hat, haben die Wissenschaftler miteinander verschränkte Qubits zwischen 2—NETZWERKEN mit einer Genauigkeit von 90—PROZENT teleportiert.
20201221             Die Forscher haben zudem nach eigenen Angaben lediglich Hardware benutzt, die "in Serie gefertigt wird" sowie auf —BEREITS existierender TELEKOMMUNIKATIONS—INFRASTRUKTUR basiert.
20201221             "Das Projekt schafft 1—BASIS für 1—HOCHLEISTUNGS—QUANTEN—INTERNET mit gewöhnlichen Geräten",
20201221             Außerdem sei das zerbrechliche Qubit extrem gut geschützt gegen Lauschangriffe.
20201221             "Wenn jemand das Photon unterwegs abfängt, dann bekommt das der Empfänger sofort mit".
20201221             Das liegt daran, dass die Zustände der Qubits sehr flüchtig sind und sich teilweise —SCHON dann ändern, wenn man das Teilchen nur betrachtet.
20201221             Der Wissenschaftler schätzt, dass es noch "etwa —10—JAHRE dauert, —BIS Quantencomputer eine oder mehrere einfache, aber nützliche Aufgaben übernehmen können".
20201221             "Wenn Quantencomputer so weit sind, gehen wir davon aus, dass sie die vielen wichtigen Probleme lösen, die die besten Supercomputer der Welt nicht in Millionen —JAHREN ausrechnen können".
20201221             Vor Wahlen: RUSSLAND und RUANDA entsenden Truppen in ZENTRALAFRIKANISCHE—REPUBLIK
20201221             ROBERT—E—LEE: Statue des Südstaatengenerals aus USA—KAPITOL entfernt
20201221             Nach IMPFSTOFF—RALLY: Dax schließt mit größtem Verlust —SEIT—2—MONATEN
20201221             Die Lage —AM—ABEND: Weltpolitik mit den Mitteln des Telefonstreichs
20201221             Coronakrise und Mikrokredite in INDIEN: Pinky Devi im Teufelskreis der Schulden
20201221             CORONA€”VIRUS: EU—KOMMISSION genehmigt CORONA—IMPFSTOFF von Biontech und Pfizer
20201221             Anschlag auf Passagierflieger: USA—JUSTIZMINISTERIUM will Libyer wegen LOCKERBIE—ATTENTAT vor Gericht stellen
20201221             CORONA—HILFSPAKET in den USA: 900—MILLIARDEN gegen die Angst
20201221             O fenômeno poderá ser observado uma hora depois do pôr do sol, inclusive a olho nu, algo que não acontece há quase 800—ANOS.
20201221             Não importa onde você esteja, a grande conjunção será visível de quase todos os lugares da Terra.
20201221             A visibilidade dependerá das condições meteorológicas.
20201221             Quem não conseguir observar essa aproximação entre eles hoje, só irá observar algo assim no dia 15—DE março de 2080.
20201221             Depois de hoje, 21—DE dezembro, Júpiter e Saturno voltarão a se distanciar.
20201221             As conjunções entre os dois planetas acontecem a cada 20—ANOS.
20201221             Poderemos ver outras grandes conjunções em 20400000             , 20600000             e 2080.
20201221             A de 2080—SERÁ a última que nos oferecerá um espetáculo semelhante a deste ano.
20201221             Depois de 2080, a dupla não fará aparição semelhante até depois de 2400.
20201221             Já se passaram quase 400—ANOS desde que os dois estiveram tão próximos um do outro, e cerca de 800—ANOS desde que o encontro acontece à noite.
20201221             A última vez foi em 4—DE março de 12260000             , na Idade Média.
20201221             Kinderschutzbund für Verlängerung der Schulferien —BIS Ende —JANUAR
20201221             Die Zukunft der "Querdenken"-Bewegung ist nach Einschätzung des Verfassungsschutzes noch völlig offen.
20201221             "Ich habe die Hoffnung, dass diese Bewegung mit ihren Verschwörungstheorien —NACH—DEM ENDE—DER—CORONA—PANDEMIE wieder in den Hintergrund verschwindet", sagte der PRÄSIDENT—DES—BUNDESAMTS für Verfassungsschutz (BfV), THOMAS—HALDENWANG
20201221             Die "Querdenken"-Initiative hat ihren Ursprung in STUTTGART.
20201221             "Die einzelnen QUERDENKEN—INITIATIVEN sind sehr heterogen".
20201221             Bei ihren Veranstaltungen seien auch Rechtsextremisten, Reichsbürger, sogenannte Selbstverwalter und "weitere Personen mit verfassungsfeindlichen Einstellungen" zugegen.
20201221             ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT meldet mehr als 16.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN
20201221             Charité stellt Betrieb auf Notfallprogramm um
20201221             "Wir befinden uns nach wie vor in einer ungewöhnlich schweren Krise, wie wir sie noch nicht erlebt haben",
20201221             Schnell steigende Infektionen in den USA und in INDIEN
20201221             Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass die neue, angeblich deutlich ansteckendere CORONA—VARIANTE über kurz oder lang nach DEUTSCHLAND kommt, beziffert Lauterbach mit 100—PROZENT.
20201221             Angst vor VIRUS—MUTATION: EUROPA schottet sich von GROSSBRITANNIEN ab
20201221             Der Virologe CHRISTIAN—DROSTEN geht davon aus, dass die in GROSSBRITANNIEN entdeckte Virusmutation —BEREITS in DEUTSCHLAND angekommen ist.
20201221             Er sei deshalb aber nicht besorgt,
20201221             Er wolle die Lage allerdings auch nicht verharmlosen und sei — wie alle anderen auch — in einer "etwas unklaren Informationslage".
20201221             RUSSLAND meldet mit 29.350—NEUINFEKTIONEN Höchstwert
20201221             Die Nachricht von dem mutierten CORONA€”VIRUS verschärft die Probleme im Zusammenhang mit dem Brexit.
20201221             Nach der Entdeckung einer neuen CORONA€”VIRUS—VARIANTE in Südostengland hat Großbritanniens PREMIERMINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON 1—KRISENSITZUNG seines Kabinetts einberufen.
20201221             Bei dem Treffen werde es um die "Situation bezüglich des internationalen Verkehrs", insbesondere des Frachtverkehrs, gehen,
20201221             4—PASSAGIERE aus GROSSBRITANNIEN am Flughafen FRANKFURT positiv getestet — einer in HANNOVER
20201221             Mehr als 189.000—NEUE CORONA—FÄLLE an einem —TAG in den USA
20201221             ISRAEL—MANN, erstmals nach Wiederinfektion mit CORONA€”VIRUS gestorben
20201221             Das SCHIBA—KRANKENHAUS bei Tel Aviv bestätigte, der 74-Jährige habe sich bei seiner Neuerkrankung mit einer mutierten CORONA—VARIANTE angesteckt.
20201221             1—WIEDERINFEKTION mit dem CORONA€”VIRUS gilt weltweit als selten.
20201221             war der Mann aus Bnei Brak bei Tel Aviv —IM—SOMMER zum 1. Mal an CORONA erkrankt.
20201221             —GENESEN, Nach einer Behandlung im Krankenhaus sei er ;
20201221             mehrere CORONA—TESTS seien damals negativ gewesen.
20201221             Rund —3—MONATE—SPÄTER habe sich der Einwohner eines Seniorenheims dann erneut infiziert.
20201221             —GEBRACHT, Er sei mit Atemnot ins SCHIBA—KRANKENHAUS, worden und dort später verstorben.
20201221             beunruhigend.
20201221             "Wenn 1—MENSCH sich mehrmals infizieren kann, während das CORONA€”VIRUS sich verändert, welche Bedeutung hat dann der Impfstoff?"
20201221             Man habe das ISRAELISCHE—GESUNDHEITSMINISTERIUM und die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) von dem Fall unterrichtet.
20201221             Diese wolle —NUN ähnliche Fälle in ISRAEL untersuchen,
20201221             "Es ist 1—DER—FÄLLE, in denen es sich eindeutig um 1—WIEDERINFEKTION handelt, und es besteht kein Zweifel daran, dass der Verstorbene nach seiner 1. Infektion vollständig genesen war".
20201221             Es habe sich um 2—VERSCHIEDENE Varianten des CORONA€”VIRUS gehandelt.
20201221             BELARUS will ab —JANUAR Bürger mit "Sputnik V" impfen
20201221             BELARUS soll nach ANGABEN—DES—RUSSISCHEN—STAATSFONDS—RDIF zudem im 1. Quartal 20210000             mit der PRODUKTION—VON—SPUTNIK V beginnen.
20201221             war bekannt geworden, dass AstraZeneca 1—KOMBINATION seines eigenen Impfstoffkandidaten mit Sputnik V in klinischen Studien testen wolle.
20201221             Dabei geht es darum, ob durch die SPUTNIK—V—ERGÄNZUNG die Wirksamkeit des ASTRAZENECA—IMPFSTOFFS erhöht werden kann.
20201221             Im Durchschnitt lag die Wirksamkeit zuletzt bei 70—PROZENT.
20201221             Katholische Kirche hält an Weihnachtsgottesdiensten in DEUTSCHLAND fest
20201221             Zuvor hatte die evangelische Kirche in Westfalen ihren Gemeinden dringend empfohlen, während des Lockdowns und auch an Weihnachten auf ALLE—PRÄSENZGOTTESDIENSTE zu verzichten.
20201221             Bundesregierung: Mutation könnte Infektionsgeschehen beschleunigen
20201221             Man wisse aber noch zu wenig über die Mutation, als dass man sie abschließend bewerten könne,
20201221             DEUTSCHE—POST stoppt Paketsendungen nach GROSSBRITANNIEN
20201221             FRANKREICH und andere EU—STAATEN haben wegen der raschen AUSBREITUNG—DER—NEUEN—CORONA€”VIRUS—VARIANTE die Grenzen zum Vereinigten Königreich geschlossen.
20201221             Damit können Lastwagen nicht mehr über den Ärmelkanal setzen.
20201221             Regierung ruft dringend zu Kontaktvermeidung über Weihnachten auf
20201221             "Wenn Weihnachten nicht zu einer weiteren Verschlimmerung der Lage beitragen soll, dann gilt, dass wir am besten ALLE—ZU—HAUSE bleiben".
20201221             Nach wie vor steckten sich viel zu VIELE—MENSCHEN an.
20201221             —GEBOTEN, Große Vorsicht und Umsicht seien weiter.
20201221             Von den am Hamburger Flughafen aus GROSSBRITANNIEN eingereisten Passagieren sind 7—MENSCHEN positiv auf das CORONA€”VIRUS getestet worden.
20201221             "In HAMBURG sind —AM—SONNTAG noch 3—FLÜGE aus GROSSBRITANNIEN angekommen.
20201221             In diesen dreien waren insgesamt 7—PERSONEN, die bei den Schnelltests positiv getestet wurden",
20201221             Auf den zuletzt in DEUTSCHLAND gelandeten Passagierflügen aus GROSSBRITANNIEN sind nach einem Medienbericht —BISHER mindestens 10—MIT CORONA infizierte Passagiere identifiziert worden.
20201221             Maas dringt auf gemeinsame EU—REAKTION auf CORONA—MUTATION
20201221             Maas sprach von einer "substanziell veränderten Gefährdungseinschätzung" in GROSSBRITANNIEN.
20201221             SCHWEIZ verhängt rückwirkende Quarantäne wegen neuer Virusvariante
20201221             ISRAEL verschärft Einreisebeschränkungen - Macron zeigt weiterhin Symptome
20201221             —BEGIBT, Söder, sich in Quarantäne
20201221             Lautstarker Gesang einer christlichen Kirchengemeinde hat die Polizei in ESSEN —AM—SONNTAG mit einer Hundertschaft auf den Plan gerufen und zu knapp 60—ANZEIGEN vor allem wegen Verstößen gegen die CORONA—SCHUTZVERORDNUNG geführt.
20201221             2—MÄNNER wurden festgenommen.
20201221             Wie die Polizei —AM—MONTAG mitteilte, hatten sich Anwohner über den — wegen CORONA verbotenen — Gesang der Gemeinde beschwert.
20201221             "Im Gebäude trafen die Beamten auf 57—ERWACHSENE sowie 25—KINDER",
20201221             Es sei kein Mindestabstand eingehalten und nur wenige Schutzmasken seien getragen worden.
20201221             1—ANWESENHEITSLISTE habe es auch nicht gegeben.
20201221             Da bei 2—MÄNNERN der Verdacht der illegalen Einreise bestehe, wurden diese festgenommen.
20201221             Gekappte Warenströme nach GROSSBRITANNIEN: Schlimmer als beim Brexit
20201221             "Denn wir schützen die Verwundbarsten zuerst", schrieb Spahn.
20201221             Auch SPANIEN untersagt Einreise von Besuchern aus GROSSBRITANNIEN
20201221             Sollte sich zeigen, dass der Impfstoff bei der neuen Mutante weniger wirksam sei, wäre es technisch nicht allzu schwer, den Impfstoff anzupassen,
20201221             Forscher: CORONA€”VIRUS—VARIANTEN in SÜDAFRIKA und GROSSBRITANNIEN ähnlich
20201221             "Die Variationen in ENGLAND und SÜDAFRIKA sind ähnlich, aber vermutlich unabhängig voneinander entstanden", sagte der DEUTSCHE—WISSENSCHAFTLER WOLFGANG—PREISER, Leiter der Abteilung für Medizinische Virologie an der UNIVERSITÄT—VON—STELLENBOSCH in SÜDAFRIKA,
20201221             Auch die Europäische Gesundheitsbehörde ECDC teilte in einer Gefahreneinschätzung vom —SONNTAG mit, die Variante in SÜDAFRIKA habe "keine enge evolutionäre Beziehung" zu jener in GROSSBRITANNIEN.
20201221             Sie zeige aber, dass die Entstehung erfolgreicher Varianten mit ähnlichen Eigenschaften womöglich nicht selten sei.
20201221             SCHWEDEN untersagt Einreisen aus GROSSBRITANNIEN und DÄNEMARK
20201221             Mittlerweile rund 125—COVID—19—FÄLLE bei Amazon in Garbsen
20201221             Die etwa 10—PROZENT, die einen Test verweigerten, dürften das Firmengelände nicht mehr betreten.
20201221             —VERBIETET, DÄNEMARK, NERZ—ZUCHT für —1—JAHR
20201221             EU—KOMMISSION erteilt Zulassung für CORONA—IMPFSTOFF von Biontech und Pfizer
20201221             —GEWESEN, Abgesehen von DÄNEMARK seien es Einzelfälle,
20201221             Das Virus könne auch in der neuen Variante unter Kontrolle gebracht werden, betonte der WHO—NOTHILFEKOORDINATOR MICHAEL—RYAN.
20201221             "Die Situation ist nicht außer Kontrolle", sagte er.
20201221             "Wir müssen uns aber noch mehr anstrengen.
20201221             —GESTOPPT, Das Virus kann, werden".
20201221             GROSSBRITANNIEN, breitet sich die neue FORM—DES—VIRUS vor allem in LONDON und Südostengland rasant aus.
20201221             sich - Warnung vor illegalen CORONA—TESTS an Tankstellen und in Supermärkten
20201221             ie könnten, wenn sie nicht von Fachkräften angewendet würden, "katastrophale Infektionsfolgen" haben.
20201221             Wie die Behörde mitteilte, sind solche Schnelltests unter anderem an Tankstellen, in Supermärkten, Tierarztpraxen, Brauereien und vielen anderen Stellen illegal in den Verkehr gebracht worden.
20201221             Die Bezirksregierung warnte vor vermeintlicher Sicherheit durch falsche negative Tests beim unsachgemäßen Gebrauch durch Laien — gerade vor den anstehenden Feiertagen.
20201221             Auch 1—VERLETZUNGSGEFAHR sei nicht auszuschließen.
20201221             Die Tests sind den Angaben zufolge von einem Unternehmen aus NRW in Umlauf gebracht worden und somit für Privatkunden auch ohne Fachkenntnisse frei käuflich.
20201221             Filas no Aeroporto de FARO à chegada dos voos do Reino Unido por causa dos testes à COVID—19
20201221             Comissão Europeia elege "Culatra 2030" como exemplo de especialização inteligente no Algarve
20201221             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—793—(+4)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—696—(+20)—CASOS—ATIVOS—91—(-16)
20201221             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—30—(+1)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—17—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—12—(+1)
20201221             CASTRO—MARIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—65—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—44—(+10)—CASOS—ATIVOS—1—(-10)
20201221             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—932—(+6)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—763—(+15)—CASOS—ATIVOS—163—(+9)
20201221             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—260—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—169—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—89—(=)
20201221             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—607—(+1)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—508—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—95—(+1)
20201221             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1046—(+7)—ÓBITOS—14—(=)—RECUPERADOS—890—(+143)—CASOS—ATIVOS—142—(-136)
20201221             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—44—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—37—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—7—(=)
20201221             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—412—(+3)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—330—(+19)—CASOS—ATIVOS—81—(-16)
20201221             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1008—(+3)—ÓBITOS—12—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—828—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—168—(+2)
20201221             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—385—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—307—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—77—(=)
20201221             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—327—(+2)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—300—(+7)—CASOS—ATIVOS—23—(-5)
20201221             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—278—(+1)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—241—(+16)—CASOS—ATIVOS—31—(-15)
20201221             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—82—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—77—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—3—(=)
20201221             GLOBAL—CASES—77.269.379—GLOBAL—DEATHS—1.700.399
20201221             LK—DÜREN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—637—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—240,7—FÄLLE—GESAMT—6.517—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—2.462,6—TODESFÄLLEE—GESAMT—124—EINWOHNERZAHL—264.638
20201221             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—1.844—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—169,5—FÄLLE—GESAMT—23.896—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—2.196,6—TODESFÄLLEE—GESAMT—304—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.087.863
20201221             Der 21-jährige Beethoven zockelt in "Louis VAN Beethoven" in einer Kutsche in Richtung ÖSTERREICH und sieht, als er sich aus dem Fenster lehnt, auf traurig dahintrottende, ramponierte Soldaten.
20201221             Die offenbar DEUTSCHEN—KRIEGER, so verrät eine eingeblendete Schrift, sind geschlagen "von den Truppen der FRANZÖSISCHEN—REVOLUTION" — und es hebt der 4. Satz der 9. Sinfonie an, der aufs FRIEDENS—UND Jubellied "Freude schöner Götterfunken" zusteuert.
20201221             Das zentrale Anliegen des Films aber ist es, den Menschen Ludwig VAN Beethoven als unseren politischen Zeitgenossen vorzuführen — als, wie es der Regisseur in einem Statement zum Film formuliert, "leidenschaftlichen Verteidiger von Demokratie, Meinungsfreiheit und Toleranz".
20201221             Der FRANZÖSISCHE—SCHRIFTSTELLER Romain Rolland hat den großen Komponisten einst verherrlicht als "die Verkörperung des Heldentums in der ganzen modernen Kunst".
20201221             —MONTAG, 20201221
20201221             Kinderarbeit auf Kakaoplantagen in Westafrika: Schuld und Schokolade
20201221             —GESTORBEN, ISRAEL—MANN, erstmals nach Wiederinfektion mit CORONA€”VIRUS
20201221             Auch SCHWEIZER—KANTON Graubünden lässt Skigebiete AUF—TROTZ internationaler Kritik
20201221             Die neue Variante des CORONA€”VIRUS SARS—COV—2—IST außer in GROSSBRITANNIEN auch in AUSTRALIEN—ISLAND, ITALIEN, den Niederlanden und DÄNEMARK gefunden worden.
20201221             breitet SICH—DIE neue FORM—DES—VIRUS—RASANT AUS—BREITET
20201221             SICH—WARNUNG vor illegalen CORONA—TESTS an Tankstellen und in Supermärkten
20201221             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1046(+7)—ÓBITOS—14—(=)—RECUPERADOS—890—(+143)—CASOS—ATIVOS—142—(-136)
20201221             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1008(+3)—ÓBITOS—12—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—828—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—168—(+2)
20201221             —PASSED, THE—USA—CONGRESS, a $900—BILLION stimulus bill to provide 1—LOT—OF—HELP to the economy.
20201221             But MANY—ECONOMISTS believe that it also has major flaws.
20201221             —TARGETED, Among them: It isn't especially, at THE—PARTS—OF—THE—ECONOMY that need help.
20201221             1—PROVISION in the bill allows businesses that that get government money in the Paycheck Protection Program to deduct from their taxes expenditures used with that money.
20201221             SENATOR—RON—WYDEN, D—ORE., said DOZENS—OF—EMAIL—ACCOUNTS at the Treasury Department were compromised in 1—MASSIVE—BREACH—OF—USA—GOVERNMENT—AGENCIES being blamed on RUSSIA, with hackers breaking into systems used by the department's HIGHEST—RANKING officials.
20201221             MISTER—MASUD is in custody in LIBYA.
20201221             It is not yet known if he would be brought to THE—USA for trial.
20201221             Officials said THE—USA—MILITARY—ACADEMY—AT—WEST—POINT is confronting its biggest academic scandal in nearly —5—DECADES—AFTER more than 70—CADETS were accused of cheating on 1—CALCULUS exam last —SPRING.
20201221             —PLEADED, CHICAGO White Sox manager TONY—LA—RUSSA, —76—JAHRE—ALT, guilty to 1—LESSER—CHARGE to resolve misdemeanor drunken driving charges stemming from his arrest nearly —10—MONTHS—AGO on 1—FREEWAY in METRO PHOENIX.
20201221             —SENTENCED, He was, to —1—DAY—OF—HOME—DETENTION, fined nearly $1,400 and was required to complete —20—HOURS—OF—COMMUNITY—SERVICE.
20201221             CALIFORNIA to date had 1,866,392 CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS and 22,676 deaths.
20201221             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 225,228 cases and 2,295 deaths.
20201221             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 18,011,849 with the death toll at 319,255.
20201221             —AGREED, NEW—YORK GOVERNOR—ANDREW—CUOMO said UK—AIRWAYS has, to allow only passengers who test negative for the novel CORONA€”VIRUS to fly to NEW—YORK—JOHN—F—KENNEDY—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT, as INTERNATIONAL leaders reacted to news of 1—HIGHLY infectious new strain.
20201221             † HANK—ADAMS, —77—JAHRE—ALT, 1—OF—INDIAN—COUNTRY—MOST prolific thinkers and strategists, at S—PETER—HOSPITAL in OLYMPIA—WASHINGTON.
20201221             —INVOLVED, Adams was, with nearly EVERY—MAJOR—EVENT in USA—INDIA—HISTORY from the 1960s forward.
20201221             —REPORTED, It was, that INTERNATIONAL Business Machines (IBM) will acquire FINLAND—BASED startup Nordcloud, the latest in 1—SERIES—OF—ACQUISITIONS for THE—109—YEAR—OLD—FIRM preparing 1—MEGA—SPIN—OFF to focus on cloud computing.
20201221             —LAUNCHED, AFGHANISTAN, Taliban insurgents, attacks against security checkpoints in NORTH—BAGHLAN province, killing 2—SECURITY—OFFICERS and wounding 2—OTHERS.
20201221             4—TALIBAN were also killed —WHILE 2—OTHERS were wounded in the battle.
20201221             —KILLED, NORTH—FARYAB, province, at least 2—SECURITY—OFFICERS were, and 5—OTHERS were wounded —WHEN Taliban militants detonated 1—VEHICLE—FULL—OF—EXPLOSIVES in 1—MARKET.
20201221             —GUNNED, JOURNALIST—RAHMATULLAH—NEKZAD was, down in Ghazni City.
20201221             —DETECTED, AUSTRALIA said it had, CASES—OF—THE—NEW—FAST—SPREADING CORONA€”VIRUS strain identified in THE—UK, —WHILE HONG—KONG and INDIA said they would suspend flights from BRITAIN.
20201221             Authorities say 1—NEW—STRAIN—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS in SYDNEY—NORTH most likely originated in THE—USA, but how it got from the airport to the community remains 1—PUZZLE.
20201221             1—VIRULENT new CORONA€”VIRUS strain (the B.1.1.7—LINEAGE) in THE—UK prompted 1—LONDON lockdown and widespread travel restrictions against Britons.
20201221             —WARNED, Supermarkets, that supplies of fresh produce could run short within days.
20201221             "FRANCE—BORDERS closed," signs on roads approaching THE—ENGLAND—CHANNEL port of Dover flashed, steering truck drivers away as traffic backed up.
20201221             —APPROVED, AstraZeneca Plc said that THE—USA—DRUG—REGULATOR had, Tagrisso, THE—UK—DRUGMAKER—TOP selling treatment for another type of lung cancer —WHEN diagnosed at 1—EARLY—STAGE, pushing its potential sales higher.
20201221             —AGREED, DENMARK, on 1—TEMPORARY—BAN on mink breeding, leaving little hope to rebuild the industry, which pioneered the global fur trade.
20201221             THE—EU gave official approval for THE—CORONA€”VIRUS vaccine developed by BioNTech and Pfizer to be used across the 27-nation bloc.
20201221             1—GERMANY—COURT—SENTENCED—STEPHAN—BALLIET, —28—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FAR—RIGHT—TERRORIST, to life in prison on 1—DOUBLE—MURDER—CHARGE—AFTER he attempted to storm 1—SMALL—TOWN synagogue in 1—GUN—RAMPAGE on Yom Kippur —LAST—YEAR.
20201221             —REPORTED, It was, that death threats linked to police computers and THE—DISCOVERY—OF—FAR—RIGHT chat groups in police departments across GERMANY have fed concerns about FAR—RIGHT—INFILTRATION.
20201221             —OPENED, ISRAEL—POLICE shot and killed 1—PALESTINE—ATTACKER who, fire at 1—GROUP—OF—OFFICERS in JERUSALEM—OLD—CITY.
20201221             —KILLED, SOUTH—CENTRAL—ITALY, 1—EXPLOSION in 1—GUNPOWDER processing factory, 3—PEOPLE in Casalbordino, Chieti province.
20201221             —ADDED, ITALY, 415—DEATHS to what is EUROPE—HIGHEST—NATIONAL—TOLL—OF—PANDEMIC—DEAD, raising to 69,214 the known total to date of COVID—19—DEATHS.
20201221             10,872 confirmed COVID—19—CASES were registered in the last —24—HOUR—PERIOD.
20201221             —DECLARED, JAPAN—NATIONAL—ASSOCIATIONS—OF—DOCTORS, nurses and 7—OTHER—MEDICAL—GROUPS, 1—STATE—OF—MEDICAL—EMERGENCY, urging the government to support the nation's medical system creaking under THE—STRAIN—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS—PANDEMIC.
20201221             KENYA—DOCTORS and other crucial medical personnel in public hospitals started 1—NATIONWIDE strike to protest the lack of personal protective equipment and health insurance for frontline workers fighting against THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS.
20201221             —NAMED, THE—COMMITTEE—TO—PROTECT—JOURNALISTS (CPJ), MEXICO as the most dangerous country for journalists worldwide.
20201221             —CLOSED, MYANMAR, off public gardens, parks and 1—LAKE in its biggest city YANGON, hoping to prevent 1—SPIKE in CORONA€”VIRUS cases —DURING—YEAR—END—HOLIDAYS.
20201221             —RECORDED, MYANMAR has, more than 116,000 infections and 2,443 deaths.
20201221             —REPORTED, PAKISTAN, 1,792 newly confirmed COVID—19—CASES and 62—DEATHS in the past —24—HOURS.
20201221             There have been 9,392 deaths among 458,968 COVID—19—CASES—SINCE February —WHEN the 1. infection was detected in the country.
20201221             —RELEASED, RUSSIA—OPPOSITION—LEADER—ALEXEI—NAVALNY, 1—RECORDING—OF—1—PHONE—CALL he said he made to 1 alleged state security operative who revealed details of how the politician was supposedly poisoned.
20201221             —IDENTIFIED, Media outlets, the man Navalny said he spoke with as Konstantin Kudryavtsev, 1—TRAINED—CHEMICAL—WEAPONS—SPECIALIST.
20201221             —EXPLAINED, Kudryavtsev, that the poison had been applied to NAVALNY—UNDERPANTS.
20201221             —REPORTED, It was, that RWANDA has deployed what it called a "protection force" to THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC—AFTER its peacekeepers there were attacked by rebels advancing to the capital, BANGUI.
20201221             —REPORTED, SOUTH—KOREA, 24—MORE—VIRUS—RELATED deaths in the country's highest daily fatalities —SINCE the pandemic began.
20201221             —ADDED, The government, 1—TOTAL—OF—926—NEW—CASES, taking the country's total to 50,591 including 698—DEATHS.
20201221             —CALLED, THAILAND—PRIME—MINISTER—PRAYUTH—CHAN—OCHA, for calm and said there were no immediate plans for 1—WIDER—LOCKDOWN—AFTER 382—NEW—CORONA€”VIRUS—INFECTIONS were confirmed, the majority linked to the country's worst outbreak yet.
20201221             THE—VATICAN said it's "morally acceptable" for faithful to receive COVID—19—VACCINES whose research used cell lines from tissue obtained from abortions.
20201221             YEMEN—IRAN—BACKED—HOUTHI rebels shot down 1—CHINESE—MADE, SAUDI—ARABIA—DRONE along the border with SAUDI—ARABIA over the Madghal district, Marib province.
20201221—12260000    —YEAR, The last time they came this visibly close to EACH—OTHER was in the.
20201221—19110000    —SEIT, in Königs Wusterhausen, wo —SCHON militärische Funksender standen.
20201221—19170000    —SCHON, Bredow hatte im Weltkrieg mit Musikübertragungen an der Front experimentiert.
20201221—19180000    —SEIT, Auf dem Funkerberg in Königs Wusterhausen betrieb die Post einen Sender, der drahtlos WETTER—UND Bö