Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 19. December ?

Ereignisse an einem 19. December

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00691219             TITUS—FLAVIUS—VESPASIANUS
00691219             —BRAND—DES—KAPITOL—ROM;
00691219             † FLAVIUS—SABINUS, in ROM, ERMORDUNG—DES
02111219             † —RÖMER—KAISER—GETA
04011219             † ANASTASIUS—I—PAPA
11111219             † AGNES—HERZOGIN—VON—ZÄHRINGEN
11111219             † AL—GHAZ?L?, persischer islamischer Theologe, Philosoph und sufistischer Mystiker
11871219             CLEMENS—III—PAPA—PAOLO—SCOLAI, zum PAPA gewählt, annimmt den Namen
12161219             —URKUNDE—VOM, BRAUNSCNWEIG, der PROPST soll die, Propstei an S—SEVERIN—KÖLN erhalten
12491219             * HENRY—DE—LACY—EARL—OF—LINCOLN, 3., ENGLISCHER—MAGNAT, Diplomat und Feldherr
12651219             —AM, verkauft WALRAM—VON—BERGHEIM—HERR—ZU—BERGHEIM für seinen Teil dem STIFT—S—MARIA—IM—KAPITOL—KÖLN den ROTT—ZEHNTEN zwischen LivcnmlUiln und VVarnnrwgraben,
13431219             * WILHELM—I—MARK—GRAF—VON—MEISSEN
13571219             —ZUM, MISTER—EXIL. 279.
13681219             —ET finiendi 19. mens. lan., quam habere debet pro sua persona ultra Stipendium bannerie AD—RATIONEM 27—FLORENI sine retentione cabelle palacii, pontium et diricto scripturarum.
13701219             † URBAN—V—PAPA
13731219             DIE—BEHÖRDEN—VON—TREVISO ersuchen den Rat—von—Augsburg um Zeugenvernehmung in 1—STREITSACHE zwischen 1—GENANNTER BÜRGER—VON—TREVISO und JOHANNES—REM (cf. NUMMER—39),
13821219             "Vanni de Machaiana MAGISTRO lignaminis prò suo salario unius DIEI quo stetit ad aptandum leticas scanna et certa alia edificia in palatio barigelli bon.
13821219             quinque " (Rifornì, Tom. cit., FOLIA—200).
14241219             —BEFORE, i) MARGUERITE—DE—LATOUR.
14241219             —BEFORE, ii) RAOUL—DE—LATOUR.
14441219             —BEFORE, iii) WENCELIN—DE—LATOUR (
14541219—14640404    JOHANN—VON—MELEN—PROPST—IN—ZÜLPICH erscheint vom ,
14611219             —QUANDO usci CONSULTORE—DEI—SINDACI del Podestà Qy. ma aveva già chiuso il suo protocollo notarile col ;;
14751219             † éxécution du connétable—de—S—POL
14751219             Der durch KÖNIG—LUDWIG—XI, des HOCHVERRAT angeklagte und zum Tod verurteilte LUDWIG—I—VON—LUXEMBURG, 1—CONNÉTABLE—VON—FRANKREICH, wird auf der PLACE—DE—GRÈVE—PARIS enthauptet.
14911219             —SIGNÉ, par son défunt père et CHARLES—VIII[KARL—VIII—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH]
14911219             ANNE—DE—BRETAGNE contrevient ainsi à LE—ACCORD—DU—VERGER,
14961219             —FERIA—SECUNDA—IN—MANE[—AM—MORGEN] RRmi.
15101219             In dem Dekrete der REPUBLIK—VENEDIG—REGIERUNG vom, welches die Miete für die Kammern und Gewölbe im neuen Hause usw. endgültig festsetzt
15101219             und am wurde alsdann durch 1—DEKRET der Regierung folgende mit ALLEN—DAMALS, in VENEDIG weilenden DEUTSCHE—KAUF—LEUTEN getroffene Übereinkunft verkündigt.
15241219             * JOHANNES—VISCHER, DEUTSCHER—MEDIZINER und Hochschullehrer
15251219             1—LAND—TAG—ZU—AUGSBURG AM—DIESES Monats KÖNIG—FERDINAND—IN feierlichem Zug das FUGGERhaus passierte,
15251219             —AM, dieses Monats zu AUGSBURG KÖNIG—FERDINAND—IN feierlichem Zug das FUGGER—HAUS passierte,
15251219             1—LAND—TAG—ZU—AUGSBURG zu AUGSBURG KÖNIG—FERDINAND gebot den Trompetern,
15251219             —AM, dieses Monats zu AUGSBURG KÖNIG—FERDINAND gebot den Trompetern,
15251219             Paukenschlägern persönlich, still zu schweigen,
15251219             um JAKOB—FUGGER in seiner tödtlichen Krankheit nicht zu stören.
15541219             —AM, 1—PROCESSION was held at ANTWERP[ANTVERPIAE,ANTWERPEN,ANVERS] to give thanks for the restoration of THE—CATHOLIC—RELIGION in ENGLAND.
15621219             —BATAILLE—DE—DREUX.
15621219             LES—CATHOLIQUES prennent la VILLE—DE—DREUX.
15621219             LE—PRINCE—DE—CONDÉ est fait prisonnier.
15621219             THE—FRANCE—WARS—OF—RELIGION between THE—HUGUENOTS and THE—CATHOLICS began with
15621219             —BATTLE—OF—DREUX.
15621219             —BATAILLE—DE—DREUX. Les catholiques prennent la ville.
15621219             —SCHLACHT—BEI—DREUX, im 1. Hugenottenkrieg.
15621219             LUDWIG—I—PRINZ—VON—CONDÉ, in Gefangenschaft der katholischen Armee unter FRANÇOIS—DE—LORRAINE—DUC—DE—GUISE.gerät
15821219             KUR—FÜRST—GEBHARD—I—VON—WALDBURG—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—KÖLN, der —SEIT—JAHREN 1—BEZIEHUNG zu AGNES—VON—MANSFELD—EISLEBEN unterhalten hat, tritt öffentlich zum Calvinismus über und verkündet die Glaubensfreiheit im ERZSTIFT—KÖLN.
15851219             † WENZEL—JAMNITZER, Nürnberger Goldschmied, Kupferstecher und Stempelschneider
15931219             † TOBIAS—HOPFER, —24—JAHRE—ALT
16031219             FELIPO—KINI[TRINI,PRINI], merchante TEDESCHO, —80—JAHRE—ALT, ;
16181219             † WILLEM—AMSINCK, NIEDERLÄNDISCH—DEUTSCHER—KAUFMANN und Hamburger Hanseat
16231219             † HEINRICH—BROCKES—I, Lübecker BÜRGERMEISTER
16291219             * TOMÁŠ—PEŠINA—Z—?ECHORODU, TSCHECHISCHER—HISTORIKER und Schriftsteller
16491219             † FEDERIGO—SAVELLI, KAISER—FELDHERR und Diplomat
16521219             —ARRESTATION—DU—CARDINAL—DE—RETZ qui avait participé à LA—FRONDE.
16521219             —ARRESTATION—DE—RETZ (exclu de l'amnistie)
16521219             LUDWIG—XIV—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH lässt KARDINAL—DE—RETZ wegen seiner Einmischungen in die Tagespolitik verhaften und im Staatsgefängnis im DONJON—VON—VINCENNES gefangen setzen.
16561219             lluijbert und YSBRANDTS—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER.
16581219             † JOHANN—BERGIUS, deutscher reformierter Theologe
16631219             MADEMOISELLE—DE—LA—VALLIÈRE donne son 1. bâtard au ROI
16661219             Unter deS minderjährigeR KARL—XI—KÖNIG—VON—SCHWEDEN—REGIERUNG, gegründet DIE—UNIVERSITÄT—LUND wird.
16731209             DATUM CELLE
16731209/16731219    BRASSER an den RATS—PENSIONÄR—VON—HOLLAND.
16731219             DIE—DEFENSIV—ALLIANZ—ZWISCHEN—BRANDENBURG und SCHWEDEN ist abgeschlossen').
16751219             * JOHANN—IGNAZ—EGEDACHER, süddeutscher Orgelbauer
16761219             —DANN, werde SCHWEDEN den KAISER—VON—JEDEM BEISTAND—GEGEN—FRANKREICH abhalten können, abgesehen davon, daß
16761219             —DANN, VIELE—DEUTSCHE—FÜRSTEN, die —JETZT still sitzen müssen, für SCHWEDEN und FRANKREICH sich erklären werden.
16761219             so werde ihm FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG folgen, und
16761219             Man erklärt hier, man müsse zu Wasser und zu Lande von den ALLIIERTEN unterstützt werden, sonst könne man den KRIEG nicht fortführen und bei der ALLIANZ nicht bleiben.
16761219             LE—MAIRE—MAN erklärt hier, man müsse zu Wasser und zu Lande von den ALLIIERTEN
16761219             unterstützt werden, sonst könne man den KRIEG nicht fortführen und bei der ALLIANZ nicht bleiben.
16761219             —DANN, werde SCHWEDEN mit 1—GROSSEN Heere in's REICH ziehen und
16761219             LE—MAIRE - DER—BRANDENBURG—GESANDTE"^) hat ihm gesagt, wenn DÄNEMARK durch MANGEL—AN—BEISTAND mit SCHWEDEN Frieden zu schliessen genötigt würde,
16830220—16831219    —SEE
16831219             * PHILIPPE—DUC—DE—ANJOU
16831219             * PHILIP—V—KING—OF—SPAIN (17000000—17240000    , 24-46), in VERSAILLES—FRANCE.
16831219             * PHILIPP—V—KÖNIG—VON—SPANIEN
16861219             —AFTER—28—YEARS, ROBINSON—CRUSOE left his ISLAND (as per DEFOE).
16901219             † GUSTAV—DÜBEN, SCHWEDISCHER—HOFKAPELLMEISTER, Organist und Komponist
16921219             —ENTSTEHT, DAS—KURFÜRSTENTUM—HANNOVER, durch das Zusammenfassen seiner Herrschaftsgebiete.
16991219             ELENA—LUCIA, FILIA—DI—SENOR Gio. CARLO—HERZHAUSER, aus 8;
17051219             Der NIEDERLÄNDISCHE—WASSERBAUINGENIEUR und Kartograf NICOLAUS—SAMUELIS—CRUQUIUS beginnt in Delft als 1—DER weltweit 1. mit regelmäßigen meteorologischen Aufzeichnungen (Temperatur, Luftdruck, Luftfeuchtigkeit, Niederschlag).
17051219—17060000    —SEIT, Dadurch existieren in den Niederlanden ununterbrochene Wetteraufzeichnungen.
17111219             † ?or?e Brankovi?, siebenbürgischer GRAF—UND—GESANDTER
17141219             † JOHANN—STRIDBECK—DER—JÜNGERE, DEUTSCHER—ZEICHNER, Kupferstecher und Verleger
17141219             † JOHANN—VON—REUTERN, Ratsherr in RIGA
17231219             * DEUTSCHE—STIFT—DAME—SUSANNE—VON—KLETTENBERG, und religiöse Schriftstellerin
17261219             * ISAAC—ROOSEVELT, AMERIKANISCHER—HÄNDLER und Politiker
17321219             —BEGAN publishing, BENJAMIN—FRANKLIN,"Poor RICHARD—ALMANACK".
17371219             * JOHANN—NICOLAUS—ANTON, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
17421219             † JOHANN—MICHAEL—SENCKEISEN, Leipziger Architekt und Baumeister
17431219             * DANIEL—TOBENZ, österreichischer katholischer Theologe
17441219             † VIKAR—KONRAD—KALDENBACH, in PIER )
17441219             * KARL—VON—HESSEN—KASSEL, hessischer Adliger
17471219             * NATALIS—PINOT, FRANZÖSISCHER—PRIESTER und Märtyrer
17471219             † JOHANN—ZACHARIAS—PLATNER, sächsischer Mediziner
17491219             * BENJAMIN—GEITHNER, evangelischer Geistlicher
17511219             † Balthasar GERHARD—HANNEKEN, DEUTSCHER—EVANGELISCH—LUTHERISCHER Geistlicher, Hauptpastor am LÜBECK—DOM und Senior
176001219            † — Hülsen, Theod., ABT—VON—KLOSTER—GLADBACH
17641219             † JOHANN—ZACHARIAS—RICHTER, Leipziger RATS—HERR und HANDELS—HERR
17750000—18511219    * † JOSEPH—MALLORD—WILLIAM—TURNER, ENGLAND—PAINTER and printmaker.
17761219             —PUBLISHED, THOMAS—PAINE, his 1. "USA—CRISIS" essay, writing: "These are the times that try men's souls".
17771219             GENERAL—GEORGE—WASHINGTON led his army of about 11,000—MEN to VALLEY—FORGE—PENNSILVANIA, to camp for THE—WINTER.
17781219             * de MARIE—THÉRÈSE—CHARLOTTE 1. enfant du COUPLE—ROYAL
17791219             * AUGUSTE—GASPARD—LOUIS—DESNOYERS, engraver, in PARIS—FRANCE.
17851219             † GIAN—PIETRO—RIVA, SCHWEIZER—SCHULLEITER und Übersetzer
17891219             —CRÉATION—DES—ASSIGNATS dont la valeur est assignée SUR LES—BIENS—NATIONAUX
17901219             * SIR—WILLIAM—PARRY, ENGLAND, ARCTIC explorer.
17921219             * VOORTREKKER—ANFÜHRER—ANDRIES—HENDRIK—POTGIETER, burischer Politiker und
17921220—17921219    —GESTERN, Kein feierlicher Aufzug,
17931219             —REPRISE—DE—TOULON aux ANGLAIS
17931219             NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE led the intense SHELLING—OF—UK—POSITIONS.
17931219             This led to his promotion to BRIGADIER—GENERAL.
17931219             —ZURÜCKEROBERT, Die FRANZÖSISCHE—REVOLUTIONSARMEE, im 1. Koalitionskrieg, das durch die Engländer besetzte TOULON.
17951219             * KARL—GUSTAV—HESSE, DEUTSCHER—MEDIZINER und Schriftsteller
18021219             * JOHN—ELLA, ENGLISCHER—GEIGER, Musikschriftsteller und Konzertveranstalter
18031219             † JUSTINIAN—BUKER, PROTESTANT, —41—JAHRE—ALT Â").
18111219             —ERNEUT, ermordet, LONDON, werden 3—PERSONEN in ihrem Wohnhaus, der Fall eingeht in die Geschichte als RATCLIFFE—HIGHWAY—MORDE.
18121219             —ARRIVÉE À PARIS, NAPOLEÓN
18131219             —CAPTURED, UK—FORCES, FORT—NIAGARA —DURING the War of 18120000             .
18131219             * THOMAS—ANDREWS, IRISCHER—PHYSIKER und Chemiker
18141219             * EDWIN—M—STANTON, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—POLITIKER und Kriegsminister
18171219             * CHARLES—DANCLA, FRANZÖSISCHER—VIOLINIST und Komponist
18171219             * JOHN—FRANKENSTEIN, deutschamerikanischer Maler und Bildhauer
18311219             * PRINCESS—BERNICE—PAUAHI, the last in THE—ROYAL—LINEAGE...
18401219             * GIULIO—RICORDI, ITALIENISCHER—MUSIKVERLEGER und Komponist
18421219             * GEORGE—S—MORISON, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—JURIST, Eisenbahnmanager und Bauingenieur
18421219             —ANERKENNEN, DIE—USA, die Unabhängigkeit Hawaiis.
18431219             1. published, THE—NOVELLA—1—CHRISTMAS—CAROL, by CHARLES—DICKENS was
18431219             THE—NOVELLA—1—CHRISTMAS—CAROL recounts the story of EBENEZER—SCROOGE, 1—ELDERLY miser who is visited by the ghost of his FORMER—BUSINESS—PARTNER—JACOB—MARLEY and the spirits of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come.
18431219             —TRANSFORMED, —AFTER their visits, Scrooge is, into 1—KINDER, gentler man.
18431219             1—CHRISTMAS—CARD was also printed about this time, 1—LITHOGRAPH by JOHN—CALCOTT—HORSLEY, and
18431219             1—CHRISTMAS—CARD is the 1. known card to have been printed and mailed.
18431219             * ALBERT—STECK, Mitgründer der Sozialdemokratischen Partei der SCHWEIZ
18431219             * MAURO—FERNÁNDEZ—ACUÑA, COSTA—RICANISCHER MINISTER für öffentliche Bildung und Bankdirektor
18431219             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Der Engländer CHARLES—DICKENS, den Roman A Christmas Carol[1—WEIHNACHTSGESCHICHTE]
18441219             * JOSEPH—STÖCKLE, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Philologe
18481219             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—172—KÖLN.
18491219—19190000    * † HENRY—CLAY—FRICK, coal and steel magnate, in WEST—OVERTON, Penn.
18501219             —AM, wird KARL—MARX sein Schwager FERDINAND—VON—WESTPHALEN das MINISTERium des Innern in der REGIERUNG—VON—PREUßEN übernehmen.
18511219—20160000    —AUTHORED, FRANNY—MOYLE, "THE—EXTRAORDINARY—LIFE and Momentous Times of J.M.W. Turner.
18521219             * ALBERT—A—MICHELSON, DEUTSCH—USA—AMERIKANISCHER—PHYSIKER und Nobelpreisträger
18571219             † JOHANN—DANIEL—ELSTER, DEUTSCHER—MUSIKPROFESSOR und Chorleiter
18591219             Aber nie besser die Exploitation, die Aneignung fremder unbezahlter Arbeit als der dem Eigentümer des KAPITAL gebührende ARBEITS—LOHN dargestellt
18591219             wurde als von 1—VERTEIDIGER—DER—SKLAVEREI—IN—DEN—USA[USA],
18591219             "aber DIE—NATUR, die ihm diese Stärke gab, verweigerte ihm sowohl den VERSTAND zum Regieren, wie den Willen zur Arbeit".
18591219             "Und dieselbe Natur, die ihm den Willen zur Arbeit vorenthielt,
18591219             gab ihm 1—HERRN, diesen Willen zu erzwingen
18591219             "Ich beHaupte, daß es keine Ungerechtigkeit ist, den Neger in der Lage zu lassen,
18591219             worin DIE—NATUR ihn gestellt hat;
18591219             "UND—DIE—ER anwendet, und ihn für sich UND—FÜR—DIE—GESELLSCHAFT - nützlich
18591219             —VON, 1—ADVOKAT O'Conor auf 1—MEETING zu NEW—YORK,
18591219             —UNTER—DEM, Panier: "GERECHTIGKEIT FÜR DEN SÜDEN".
18591219             "—NOW, gentlemen"1*), sagte Advokat O'Conor unter großem Applaus,
18591219             "DIE—NATUR selbst hat den Neger zu dieser Knechtschaftslage bestimmt.
18591219             "Er hat die Stärke und ist kräftig zur Arbeit;
18591219             "(BEIFALL.) - "Beide sind ihm verweigert
18591219             "Und dieselbe Natur, die ihm den Willen zur Arbeit vorenthielt, gab ihm 1—HERRN, diesen Willen zu erzwingen
18591219             "und ihn in dem Klima, wofür er geschaffen, zu 1—NÜTZLICHEN Diener zu machen, sowohl für sich selbst, wie für den Herrn, der ihn regiert.
18591219             "Ich beHaupte, daß es keine Ungerechtigkeit ist, den Neger in der Lage zu lassen, worin DIE—NATUR ihn gestellt hat;
18591219             "ihm 1—HERRN zu geben, der ihn regiert;
18591219             "und man beraubt ihn keines seiner Rechte, wenn man ihn zwingt, "dafür auch wieder zu arbeiten
18591219             "und seinem Herrn 1—GERECHTE Entschädigung zu liefern
18591219             "für DIE—ARBEIT und Talente, "die er anwendet, "um ihn zu regieren - "und - "ihn - "für sich selbst und
18591219             "für DIE—GESELLSCHAFT nützlich zu machen".[57]
18591219             "—NUN muß auch der LOHN—ARBEITER wie der SKLAVE 1—HERRN haben, um ihn arbeiten zu machen und ihn zu regieren.
18591219             "Und dies HERRSCHAFT—, KNECHTSCHAFTS—VERHÄLTNIS vorausgesetzt,
18591219             "ist es in der Ordnung, daß der LOHN—ARBEITER gezwungen wird,
18591219             "seinen eignen - "Arbeits - "lohn zu produzieren - "und obendrein - "den Aufsichtslohn,
18591219             "1—KOMPENSATION für DIE—ARBEIT der Herrschaft und Oberaufsicht über ihn,
18591219             ZUMACHEN".
18591219             für DIE—ARBEIT und Talente, DIE—ER anwendet, um ihn zu regieren
18591219             und ihn für sich und - für - die - GESELLSCHAFT - nützlich - ZUMACHEN".
18591220—18591219    "NEW—YORK—DAILY—TRIBUNE"vom
18621219             NATHAN—B—FORREST tore up the railroads in Grant and Rosecrans' rear, causing considerable delays in THE—MOVEMENT—OF—UNION—SUPPLIES.
18711219             —PATENTED, ALBERT—L—JONES, corrugated paper in NEW—YORK—CITY.
18741219             —AM Teatro de la Zarzuela in MADRID wird die Zarzuela El Barberillo de Lavapies von FRANCISCO—ASENJO—BARBIERI uraufgeführt.
18781219             Im KÜNSTLER—CLUB in S—PETERSBURG erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper Der SOHN—DES—MANDARIN—VON—CÉSAR—CUI.
18801219             † MAXIMILIAN—HEINRICH—RÜDER, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Politiker, Mitglied der Frankfurter Nationalversammlung
18801219—18260000    † * FRANK—BUCKLAND, ENGLAND—SURGEON, zoologist, popular author and natural historian, †.
18801219—20160000    —AUTHORED, RICHARD—GIRLING, "THE—MAN—WHO—ATE—THE—ZOO: FRANK—BUCKLAND, Forgotten Hero of Natural— History".
18811219             —AM Théâtre de la Monnaie in Brüssel wird die Oper Hérodiade von JULES—MASSENET uraufgeführt.
18821219             * RALPH—DEPALMA, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—MOTORRAD—UND Automobilrennfahrer
18841219             * ANTONÍN—ZÁPOTOCKÝ, tschechoslowakischer Politiker
18871219             * AUGUST—ABEL, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER und Journalist
18871219             —GEGRÜNDET, DIE—DEUTSCHE—KOLONIALGESELLSCHAFT wird durch die Verschmelzung des DEUTSCHEN—KOLONIALVEREINS und der Gesellschaft für DEUTSCHE—KOLONISATION mit dem Sitz in BERLIN.
18881219             * FRITZ—REINER, USA conductor (CHICAGO Symphony Orch), in BUDAPEST—HUNGARY.
18881219             * GUSTAV—GUNDELACH, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, MdL, MdB, Widerstandskämpfer gegen den Nationalsozialismus
18891219             * EDUARD—HIIOP, ESTNISCHER—EISKUNSTLÄUFER und Leichtathlet
18901219             START—OF—SHERLOCK—HOLMES "Adventure of Beryl Coronet".
18911219             * EDWARD—RACZY?SKI, POLNISCHER—DIPLOMAT und Politiker
18911219             * PHILIPP—KELLER, DEUTSCHER—ARZT und Schriftsteller
19031219             —OPENED, THE—WILLIAMSBURG suspension bridge, between Brooklyn and Manhattan.
19031219             HEINRICH—LIENHARD—HIS—REMINISCENCES for the years 18220000—18500000    are 1—IMPORTANT—HISTORICAL—SOURCE re CALIFORNIA Trail and SUTTER—FORT in CALIFORNIA 18460000—18500000    —FROM—TO.
19061219             * H—ALLEN—SMITH, Ill, humorist, author (Low Man on Totem Pole).
19061219             * LEONID—ILJITSCH—BRESCHNEW, Parteichef der KPdSU, STAATSCHEF und vierfacher Held der Sowjetunion
19071219             A gas explosion killed 239—WORKERS in a coal mine in Jacobs Creek, PENNSILVANIA.
19080000—19971219    * † Masaru Ibuka, CO—FOUNDER—OF—JAPAN—SONY—CORP), at age 89.
19081219             —SEIZED, VENEZUELA—GENERAL—JUAN—VICENTE—GOMEZ (18570000—19350000    ), power from PRESIDENT—CIPRIANO—CASTRO, —WHILE Castro was in EUROPE for medical treatment.
19101219             * JEAN—GENET, criminal, novelist, dramatist (THE—BLACKS), in PARIS—FRANCE.
19101219             —PRODUCED, RAYON ''                                                                                                                                               was 1. commercially, by MARCUS—HOOK in Penn.
19101219—19930000    —PUBLISHED, EDMUND—WHITE, "JEAN—GENET: 1—LIFE".
19111219             —PILOTED, Onetime RACE—CAR—DRIVER—WELDON Cooke, the homemade Black Diamond airplane over MOUNT—TAMALPAIS on 1—FLIGHT from OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, to Marin County.
19151219             * EDITH—PIAF, internationally famous FRANCE—CABARET singer.
19151219             —REMEMBERED, EDITH—PIAF is best, for her songs "La Vie en rose" and "Non, je ne regrette rein".
19160610—19251219    —UNTIL, He was followed by ALI—BIN—HUSSEIN, who continued.
19161219             —AM, DER—FRONT—VERLAUF hatte sich kaum verschoben.
19181219             ROBERT—RIPLEY (18900000—19490000    ) began his "Champs and Chumps" cartoon series in THE—NY—GLOBE.
19181219             —AM Nationaltheater Prag findet die Uraufführung der Oper Nep?emožení (Die Unüberwundenen) von JOSEF—BOHUSLAV—FOERSTER statt.
19181219—19290000    —BY, the sports series turned into "RIPLEY—BELIEVE—IT or Not!"
19191219             THE—THIMBLE—THEATRE cartoon strip, by Elzie Segar (18940000—19380000    ) of CHESATER—ILLINOIS, made its debut in THE—NEW—YORK Journal and featured the characters Olive Oyl, Castor Oyl, and Ham Gravy, who were the comic's leads for about —1—DECADE.
19191219             —FOUNDED, USA—METEOROLOGICAL—SOCIETY was.
19191219—19290000    —ADDED, Segar, Popeye.
19241219             Der wegen seiner Beteiligung an der Münchner Räterepublik verurteilte DEUTSCHE—SCHRIFTSTELLER—ERICH—MÜHSAM wird vorzeitig aus der Haft entlassen.
19241219             —VERURTEILT, FRITZ—HAARMANN wird in HANNOVER wegen 24—FACHEN Mordes zum Tode.
19241219             † LUIS—EMILIO—RECABARREN, chilenischer kommunistischer Politiker
19261219             —FOR—1—FEW hours, SERVED, FORMER—LITHUANIA—PRESIDENT—ALEKSANDRAS—STULGINSKIS, as acting PRESIDENT, the 5. PRESIDENT—OF—LITHUANIA, —FOLLOWING 1—COUP that returned ANTANAS—SMETONA (18740000—19440000    ) to office.
19281219             1. AUTOGIRO flight was made in THE—USA.
19321219             —BEGAN transmitting overseas, THE—UK—BROADCASTING—CORPORATION, with its "EMPIRE—SERVICE" to AUSTRALIA.
19321219             Bei 1—PROBEFAHRT zurücklegt DER—FLIEGENDE—HAMBURGER die Strecke zwischen BERLIN und HAMBURG in der Rekordzeit von —142—MINUTEN.
19321219—19330515    —AB—DEM, DER—FLIEGENDE—HAMBURGER—SCHNELLTRIEBWAGEN wird fahrplanmäßig eingesetzt.
19331219             * CICELY—TYSON, actress, best remembered for her role in THE—AUTOBIOGRAPHY—OF—MISS—JANE—PITTMAN.
19340000—20031219    * † Wim Sombroek, HOLLAND—SOIL researcher.
19350000—20191219    * † Ward —JUST, USA—JOURNALIST and novelist, in PLYMOUTH—MASSACHUSETTS.
19361219             Der UNIVERSITÄT—BONN—PHILOSOPHISCHE—FAKULTÄT, aberkennt THOMAS—MANN die Ehrendoktorwürde, —NACHDEM er vom DEUTSCHEN—REICH ausgebürgert worden ist.
19381219             OTTO—HAHN und FRITZ—STRASSMANN suchen in 1—MIT Neutronen bestrahlten Uranprobe nach Transuranen und finden des ELEMENT—BARIUM—SPUREN
19381219             —INFORMIERT, OTTO—HAHN, brieflich LISE—MEITNER über das ihm unerklärliche Geschehen bei der KERNSPALTUNG—ENTDECKUNG
19391219             The still neutral USA—HEAVY—CRUISER—TUSCALOOSA was also in the area, and silently observed THE—2—SHIPS.
19391219             —SCUTTLED, Rather than surrender the ship, her crew, her, and she burned and sank.
19391219             THE—GERMANY—LINER—COLUMBUS passengers and crew, 567—MEN and 9—WOMEN, were taken aboard Tuscaloosa as rescued seamen, not as PRISONERS—OF—WAR as they would have been had the British picked them up.
19391219             Tuscaloosa took all THE—GERMANY—LINER—COLUMBUS personnel to NEW—YORK—CITY.
19391219             —1—YEAR—LATER, 512—MEMBERS—OF—THE—GERMANY—LINER—COLUMBUS—CREW were settled on ANGEL—ISLAND in SF Bay.
19401219             * PHIL—OCHS, ANTI—WAR—FOLK—SINGER (JOE—HILL, War is Over), in EL—PASO—TEXAS.
19411219             This was in response to PRESIDENT—ROOSEVELT—FEAR that mistreatment of blacks would be used in propaganda by JAPAN and GERMANY.
19411219             —CREATED, USA—OFFICE—OF—CENSORSHIP was, to control info about —WWII.
19411219             Hitler took complete COMMAND—OF—GERMANY—ARMY.
19411219             —LANDED, Japanese, on HONG—KONG and clashed with UK—TROOPS.
19411219             —WWII—IM, ÜBERNIMMT, ADOLF—HITLER, den Oberbefehl über das DEUTSCHE—HEER, anstelle des entlassenen GENERALFELDMARSCHALL—WALTHER—VON—BRAUCHITSCH den Oberbefehl über das DEUTSCHE—HEER
19421219             —ADVANCED, British, 40—MILES into Burma in 1—DRIVE to oust THE—JAPAN—FROM the colony.
19431219             * WILLIAM—DE—VRIES, SURGEON—INVENTOR (Symbion artificial heart), in Brooklyn.
19441219             * RICHARD—LEAKEY, anthropologist.
19441219             —BATTLE—OF—THE—BULGE—DURING, USA—TROOPS began pulling back from the twin BELGIUM—CITIES—OF—KRINKELT and Rocherath in front of the advancing GERMANY—ARMY.
19441219             THE—FRANCE—NEWSPAPER Le Monde began publishing.
19441219             —CALLED, CHARLES—DE—GAULLE, for THE—LAUNCH—OF—LE—MONDE to replace Le Temps, which had become tainted by collaboration with GERMANY—INVADERS.
19451219             —CONFIRMED, Congress, Eleanor ROOSEVELT as THE—USA—DELEGATE to THE—UN.
19451219             —PREMIERED, JEAN—GIRAUDOUX' "La Folle de Chaillot,", in PARIS.
19451219             —AM Théâtre de l'Athénée in PARIS wird JEAN—GIRAUDOUX'—SATIRE—LA—FOLLE—DE—CHAILLOT uraufgeführt.
19451219             † JOHN—AMERY, BRITISCHER—FASCHIST
19461219             NOEL—COWARD—MUSICAL "Pacific 18600000             ," premiered in LONDON.
19461219             War broke out in INDOCHINA as troops under Ho CHI—MINH launched widespread attacks against THE—FRENCH.
19461219             —FRANCE—RETOOK HOA—BINH with 1—DROP by airborne forces.
19461219             DIE—VI?T—MINH gehen nach 1—ANGRIFF auf die in der VIETNAM—HANOI—STADT befindliche FRANZÖSISCHE—GARNISON in den Untergrund und
19461219             DIE—VI?T—MINH beginnen den als Indochinakrieg geführten KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE—FREMDHERRSCHAFT.
19461219—19501000    —ABANDONED, THE—FRENCH, it in the panic —FOLLOWING VIET—MINH victories on COLONIAL—ROUTE—4.
19471219—19471220    —EXPLOSIONSKATASTROPHE—VON—MITHOLZ—AM—UND, in 1—MUNITIONSLAGER der SCHWEIZER—ARMEE explodieren Tausende Tonnen Sprengstoff, was einen schweren Sachschaden und 9—TODESOPFER zur Folge hat.
19491219             —AM, in 1—VORTRAG[10] bei der "CORONA—LEGENTIUM—AQUENSIS" in AACHEN.
19491219             wurden sowohl in 1—AMERIKANISCHEN—PRESSE—MITTEILUNG[14] als
19491219             seiner —POLITIK und seines Reiches interpretiert. in Frage gestellt und
19491219             dieser Preis zusätzlich auch als vermeintliche und nicht angebrachte "Mystifizierung" des KARL—DER—GROßE,
19491219             den ebenfalls NS—BELASTETEN Mitgliedern des 1.KARLS—PREIS—DIREKTORIUM, auch 1—BRITISCHEN—PRESSE—MITTEILUNG[15]
19491219             Oberstadtdirektor und BÜRGER—MEISTER—ALBERT—SERVAIS und
19491219             DIE—IDEE des KARLS—PREIS wegen des KURT—PFEIFFER—KAUFMANN—VON—AACHEN Mitgliedschaft in der NSDAP und 5—WEITEREN NS—ORGANISATIONEN sowie
19491219             1. öffentliche UNIVERSITÄT—INDONESIENS gegründet, YOGYAKARTA, wird mit der GADJAH—MADA—UNIVERSITÄT.
19501219             TIBET—DALAI—LAMA fled a CHINA—INVASION.
19531219             † ROBERT—A—MILLIKAN, —85—JAHRE—ALT, USA—PHYSICIST (Nobel 19230000             ).
19561219             —FESTNIMMT, Die BRITISCHE—POLIZEI, den ARZT—JOHN—BODKIN—ADAMS unter dem Verdacht, 1—SERIENMÖRDER zu sein.
19561219             —SPÄTER, Als Angeklagter wird JOHN—BODKIN—ADAMS freigesprochen.
19571219             The musical play "THE—MUSIC—MAN," starring ROBERT—PRESTON, with book and songs by Meredith Willson, opened on Broadway at the Majestic Theater for 1,375 performances.
19571219             —UNVEILED, MASON—CITY, IOWA, WILLSON—HOME town, Music Man Square in 2002
19581219             BERN, beschliesst das SCHWEIZER—PARLAMENT das Strassenverkehrsgesetz (SVG) SR—NUMMER—741.01.
19591219             † WALTER—WILLIAMS (117), OFFICIALLY—RECOGNIZED, as the last SURVIVOR—OF—THE—4—MILLION who fought in THE—CIVIL—WAR, in HOUSTON.
19591219             —SERVED, WALTER—WILLIAMS, as forage master for 1—CONFEDERATE—CAVALRY company.
19591219             The last SURVIVOR—OF—THE—UNION—ARMY was ALBERT—WOOLSON.
19591219—19560802    —ON, He † at the age of 109.
19601219             1—FIRE aboard THE—USS—CONSTELLATION, under construction at Brooklyn, killed 50.
19601219             —RECORDED, FRANK—SINATRA, "RING—A—DING—DING" in his 1. session with Reprise Records.
19611219             —ADOPTED, THE—UN—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY, Resolutions 17140000             (XVI) for the formation of its World Food Program (WFP).
19621219             Transit 5A1, the 1. operational navigational satellite, was launched.
19631219—19630105    —ZWISCHEN—DEM, Damit können  WEST—BERLINER 1. —SEIT dem Bau der Berliner Mauer ihre Verwandten in OST—BERLIN besuchen.
19651219             Mitterrand got 45—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
19661219             * Alberto "La Bomba" Tomba, ITALY—SKIER (OLYMPIC—GOLD—1988, 92).
19671219             Der Spielfilm Bonnie und CLYDE—VON—ARTHUR—PENN, mit WARREN—BEATTY und FAYE—DUNAWAY, wird in DEUTSCHLAND erstmals aufgeführt.
19681219             —ERÖFFNET, Der ausgebaute und auch für Seeschiffe geeignete ZEEKANAL—GENT–Terneuzen wird von der NIEDERLÄNDISCHEN—KÖNIGIN—JULIANA und BAUDOUIN—I—KÖNIG—DER—BELGIER, und für den Verkehr freigegeben.
19691219             An der DEUTSCHE—OPER—BERLIN erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper Lanzelot von PAUL—DESSAU.
19691219             Der Spielfilm Easy Rider, von und mit DENNIS—HOPPER und PETER—FONDA, hat seine Erstaufführung in den Kinos der Bundesrepublik DEUTSCHLAND.
19691219—19690508    —AM, Die Premiere war bei den Filmfestspielen in Cannes.
19701219             KURT—CANNON fliegt mit 355,5 km/h neuen Weltrekord für Hubschrauber mit seinem SIKORSKY—S—67 Blackhawk.
19721219             —SPLASHED, APOLLO—17, down in the Pacific, ending the Apollo program of manned lunar landings.
19721219             Mit APOLLO—17 zurückKEHREN die vorläufig letzten Menschen, die ihren Fuß auf den Mond gesetzt haben, auf die Erde.
19731219             In der Tonight Show verulkt Showmaster JOHNNY—CARSON sein Publikum mit der Behauptung, es stünde 1—RATIONIERUNG—VON—TOILETTENPAPIER bevor, und löst damit den weltweit 1. Panikkauf dieses Haushaltsprodukts aus.
19740404             Policy Report PRE—PARED by SRI Center for the study of Social Policy, Director, Professor Willis Harmon.
19741219             —ON, STEWART—SMITH wrote to JOSTEN offering him and FROLIK money to prove that HAROLD—WILSON was lying
19741219             —AFTER—1—HOUSE—VOTE, NELSON—A—ROCKEFELLER was sworn in as the 41. VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA.
19741219             —LATER, 1—COURT ruled that MUCH—OF—THE—FORMER—PRESIDENT—NIXON—PRESIDENTIAL—PAPERS—MATERIAL belonged to NIXON and that he deserved compensation.
19741219             1. westeuropäische NACHRICHTENSATELLIT—SYMPHONIE—1, Von CAPE—CANAVERAL aus wird in 1—GEOSTATIONÄRE Umlaufbahn gebracht.
19741219—19980000    —IN, there was still no settlement on value.
19751219             1—DEUTSCH—DEUTSCHE—VEREINBARUNG über den Ausbau der Transitstrecken nach BERLIN kommt zustande.
19771219             The act made it 1—CRIME for 1—USA—CITIZEN to pay bribes to win contracts abroad.
19771219             —BRIBED, THE—LOCKHEED—CORP. had, JAPAN—OFFICIALS for business contracts and caused 1—FUROR that brought down THE—TOKYO government and inspired the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in THE—USA.
19781219             Jury selection began in SALEM, Ore., in THE—CASE—OF—JOHN—J—RIDEOUT, accused of raping his wife, Greta.
19781219             —ACQUITTED, Rideout was ; the couple divorced —AFTER the trial.
19791219             —KILLED, IOWA, MICHELLE—MARTINKO (18) was.
19791219             Her body was found THE—NEXT—DAY inside her family's car at 1—CEDAR—RAPIDS mall.
19791219             —STABBED, She had been, in the face and chest.
19791219             —MATCHED, Investigators —LATER, 1—BLOOD—SAMPLE from the crime scene with 1—SAMPLE taken from JERRY—BURNS.
19791219—20181219    —ARRESTED, Burns was.
19791219—20200807    —CONVICTED—OF, He was, 1.—DEGREE murder in February, 20200000             , and sentenced to life in prison.
19801219             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER, legislation to protect Lake Tahoe.
19801219             GROSSBRITANNIEN vollzieht die, von ANGUILLA gewünschte, Abtrennung Anguillas von S—KITTS und Nevis.
19811219             BERLIN, aufnimmt die 130—MILLIONEN—D—MARK teure SYNCHROTRONSTRAHLUNGS—ANLAGE BESSY—1, DEN Betrieb.
19821219             Bei den vorgezogenen Wahlen zur Hamburger Bürgerschaft zurückholt die SPD die absolute Mehrheit unter dem 1. BÜRGERMEISTER—KLAUS—VON—DOHNANYI.
19821219             Beim Brand 1—TANKLAGERS im VENEZOLANISCHEN—TACOA kommen durch 1—ALS BLEVE eingeordnete Explosion 150—MENSCHEN ums Leben.
19840000—20041219    IntelliBriefs:
19841219             † NEAR—ORANGEVILLE, UTAH, 27—MINERS in 1—COAL—MINE—FIRE due to 1—FAULTY air compressor at the Wilberg Mine.
19841219             —PLEDGED, CHINA, to grant HONG—KONG 1—HIGH—DEGREE—OF autonomy in everything but foreign affairs and national defense and permit it to retain its capitalist system —FOR—50—YEARS.
19841219             This laid the ground for HONG—KONG—BASIC—LAW.
19841219             Mit River Raid wird in DEUTSCHLAND das 1. Videospiel wegen "Gewaltverherrlichung" indiziert.
19841219             Unter dem Motto 1—LAND, 2—SYSTEME wird in PEKING die CHINESISCH—BRITISCHE gemeinsame Erklärung zu HONGKONG zwischen der VOLKSREPUBLIK—CHINA und dem VEREINIGTES—KÖNIGREICH über Hongkongs zukünftigen Status unterzeichnet.
19851219             —BECAME, MINNEAPOLIS—MINNESOTA, MARY—LUND, the 1. woman to receive 1—JARVIK—VII artificial heart.
19851219             —RECEIVED, Lund, 1—HUMAN—HEART—TRANSPLANT—45—DAYS—LATER; she † 19861014             .
19851219             she † 19861014             .
19860500             He worked primarily with the arms company Defex PORTUGAL, maintaining a...
19861219             —APPOINTED, LAWRENCE—E—WALSH was, independent counsel to investigate THE—IRAN—CONTRA affair.
19861219             —ANNOUNCED, THE—SOVIET—UNION, it had freed dissident ANDREI—SAKHAROV from internal exile, and pardoned his wife, Yelena Bonner.
19861219             —REHABILITIERT, Der sowjetische Regimekritiker ANDREI—SACHAROW wird von der sowjetischen Regierung und darf aus der Verbannung nach Moskau zurückkehren.
19871219             —OCCUPIED, THE—PALESTINE—UPRISING in ISRAEL's, territories spread to Arab EAST—JERUSALEM.
19881219             —AGREED, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—YITZHAK—SHAMIR, to 1—LIKUD—LABOR—COALITION to govern the Jewish state.
19881219             —OPENED, Polisario Front fighters, fire on 2—DC—7S chartered by USAID to spray for locusts over MOROCCO.
19881219             1 crashed, killing all 5—CREW onboard.
19891219             —DISARMED, Police in JACKSONVILLE—FLORIDA, 1—PARCEL bomb at the local NAACP office, the 4. in 1—SERIES—OF—MAIL bombs to turn up in the Deep South.
19891219             1—BOMB killed 1—SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, alderman, and another 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—ALABAMA.
19891219             —CONVICTED, WALTER—L—MOODY—JUNIOR was, in both bombings.
19901219             —URGED, IRAQ, its people to stockpile oil to avoid shortages should war break out, and SADDAM—HUSSEIN declared he was "ready to crush ANY—ATTACK".
19911219             —AM, zog er mit seinem Kumpel Carsten los.
19911219             The failed BANK—OF—CREDIT and Commerce INTERNATIONAL (BCCI) agreed to settle FEDERAL—RACKETEERING charges by forfeiting all its USA—ASSETS.
19911219             —ACCUSED, PATRICIA—BOWMAN, who had, WILLIAM—KENNEDY—SMITH—OF raping her, told ABC's "Prime Time Live" she was shocked by his acquittal.
19911219             —MURDERED, DONNA—ANN—MORROW (37) was, in Menlo PARK—CALIFORNIA, —FOLLOWING 1—ARGUMENT with her husband, JOSEPH—MORROW, who fled the country.
19911219             —DECLARED, Rebel Serbs, INDEPENDENCE in the Krajina region, which was almost a 3. of CROATIA.
19911219             —LASTED, THE—REPUBLIC—OF—SERBIAN—KRAJINA, —4—YEARS with the hilltop fortress of Knin as the capital.
19911219—20030000    —IN, Her body was found in THE—SANTA—CRUZ—MOUNTAINS on property that had been owned by JOSEPH—MORROW.
19911219—20030100    —TRACKED, Police, Morrow to MANILA, where he was arrested.
19911219—20060000    —IN, MORROW—TRIAL began.
19911219—20070000    —AGREED, Morrow (59), to be sentenced to —25—YEARS to life in prison.
19921219             —SUSPECTED, More than 400, Muslim fundamentalists deported by ISRAEL were confined to 1—MAKESHIFT—REFUGEE—CAMP in a "no man's land" in LEBANON BECAUSE—OF—THE—LEBANON—GOVERNMENT—REFUSAL to accept them.
19921219             Die Kuomintang hervorgeht daraus als stärkste Partei.
19921219—19470000    —SEIT, Die 1. freie und demokratische Wahl des REPUBLIK—CHINA—LEGISLATIV—YUAN stattfindet.
19931219             —ENDED, ISRAEL—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SHIMON—PERES and senior PLO officials, —2—DAYS—OF—CLOSED—DOOR—TALKS in OSLO—NORWAY, in which they sought to break 1—DEADLOCK over PALESTINE—SELF—RULE in the occupied territories.
19931219             GUINEA, stattfinden 1. demokratische Präsidentschaftswahlen.
19931219             GUINEA—STAATSPRÄSIDENT—LANSANA—CONTÉ wird in seinem Amt bestätigt.
19941219             —NEW—YORK Newsday-
19941219             Bosnia Tragedy: THE—UNKNOWN—ROLE—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT & Pentagon
19941219             ORIGINS—OF—THE—BREAKUP—A—USA—LAW/Control of the purse strings
19941219             1—SECTION—OF—LAW—101—513—SUDDENLY and without previous warning cut off all... ( NEW—YORK Newsday, 19941219             ).
19941219             The - —NEW—YORK NEWSDAY—BOSNIA Tragedy: THE—UNKNOWN—ROLE—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT & Pentagon
19941219             NEW—YORK Newsday,) 19900000             —THE foreign APPROPRIATIONS law also
19941219             A SECTION—OF—LAW 101—513—SUDDENLY and without previous warning cut off all
19941219             ( NEW—YORK Newsday, 19941219             0000—DATE).
19941219             The - 16. Future Plans for Dismemberment
19941219             —REPORTED, In addition, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES has, that NATO—SOURCES have indicated
19941219             Workers World: YUGOSLAVIA Under Sanctions
19941219             Here are SOME—IMPORTANT—DATES leading up to the dismemberment of YUGOSLAVIA :
199412190000 . The
19941219—19900000    The foreign APPROPRIATIONS law also...
19951219             THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE cut 1—KEY—INTEREST—RATE, turning fears to cheers on WALL—STREET —1—DAY—AFTER the biggest —1—DAY—STOCK plunge in —4—YEARS.
19951219             1—GUNMAN opened fire inside 1—BRONX, NEW—YORK, shoe store, killing 5—PEOPLE.
19951219             Yigal Amir, the confessed ASSASSIN—OF—ISRAELI—PRIME—MINISTER—YITZHAK—RABIN, went on trial.
19960702—19961219    —ON, 2—MEMBERS pleaded guilty to explosives and weapons charges.
19961219             —UNVEILED, The television industry, 1—PLAN to rate programs using tags such as "TV—G," "TV—Y" and "TV—M."
19961219             —VOTED, The school BOARD—OF—OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA, to recognize Black English, also known as "ebonics," in 1—DECISION that set off 1—FIRESTORM of controversy.
19961219             —REVERSED, THE—BOARD—LATER, its stance.
19961219             Known as the National Ignition Facility, its goal will be to ignite 1—SELF—SUSTAINING fusion reaction in 1 controlled lab setting.
19961219             —APPEARED, MARCELLO—MASTROIANNI, in 171—FILMS and had —JUST finished shooting "Journey to THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—WORLD.
19961219             —APPROVED, INDONESIA, 1—NEW—CITY was, in Jonggol, 25—MILES—SOUTH—EAST—OF—JAKARTA.
19961219             PRESIDENT—SUHARTO—SON, Bambang Trihatmodjo, was in charge of the consortium overseeing the project.
19961219             PAKISTAN, Benazir BHUTTO—HUSBAND, the former investment MINISTER, was released from jail, and shortly —AFTER charged with THE—MURDER—OF—BHUTTO—BROTHER.
19961219             Der SCHWEIZER—BUNDESRAT einsetzt die BERGIER—KOMMISSION, die im Rahmen des Verfahrens um jüdische Vermögen bei SCHWEIZER—BANKEN den Verbleib von Vermögenswerten untersuchen soll, die während des 2. Weltkriegs in die SCHWEIZ transferiert worden sind.
19970503             -La JORNADA—SU presidente, LEO—GLESER, dijo que para...
19971219             B.B. KING, blues guitarist, gave his electric guitar, "Lucille," to JOHN—PAPA—PAUL—AFTER—THE—VATICAN—ANNUAL Christmas concert.
19971219             —OPENED, The $200—MILLION—JAMES—CAMERON epic film "Titanic", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19971219             It went on make box office records.
19971219             † In NEW—YORK—CITY—REGINALD Bannerman —AFTER he was struck by 1—TRAIN.
19971219             He was fleeing 1—BEATING by 6—NEW—YORK—CITY—NARCOTICS—DETECTIVES, who had been out drinking.
19971219             —DRAGGED, He was, and kicked outside 1—CROWN—HEIGHTS—NIGHTCLUB and was fired upon —WHEN he fled onto the tracks of the Steeling St. subway station.
19971219             MILWAUKEE, 1—POSTAL clerk, ANTHONY—J—DE—CULIT, shot and killed his supervisor, 1—CO—WORKER and wounded another and then killed himself.
19971219             —OPERATED, INDONESIA, 1—SINGAPORE—SILKAIR, Boeing 737—300—JET crashed by the Musi River NORTH—OF—PALEMBANG on its flight from JAKARTA to SINGAPORE.
19971219             —FEARED, All 104—PEOPLE on BOARD were, dead.
19971219             THE—10—MONTH—OLD—PLANE was —LATER found to have SOME—FASTENERS missing.
19971219             —SUSPECTED—OF, CAPTAIN—TSU—WAY—MING was —LATER, having committed suicide due to investment losses
19971219             † † † Beim Absturz 1—BOEING—737 DER SILK—AIR in SUMATRA—INDONESIEN, sterben alle 104—MENSCHEN an Bord.
19981219             —SATURDAY on charges of lying under oath to 1—FEDERAL—GRAND—JURY + obstructing justice in the Monica Lewinsky affair. from
19981219             WASHINGTON (AllPolitics)
19981219             —IMPEACHED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON was, on 2—COUNTS, Articles 1 and 3, by THE—REPUBLICAN—CONTROLLED House for perjury and OBSTRUCTION—OF—JUSTICE.
19981219             —BECAME, The 42. CHIEF executive, only the 2. in history to be ordered to stand trial in the Senate, where, like ANDREW—JOHNSON —BEFORE him, he was acquitted.
19981219             —ADMITTED, He had —EARLIER, to being unfaithful to his wife.
19981219             —ENDED, THE—USA—AND—BRITAIN, their attack on IRAQ —AFTER—4—DAYS—OF—AIR and missile strikes in Operation Desert Fox.
19981219             1—EARLY—ESTIMATE—OF—USA—DEFENSE expenses was put at $500—MILLION.
19981219             —KILLED, Some 62—MEMBERS—OF—THE—REPUBLICAN—GUARD were.
19981219             THE—RAMADAN holiday began in SAUDI—ARABIA.
19981219             SIERRA—LEONE, rebels overran the eastern diamond CITY—OF—KOIDU and many were killed.
19981219             † IN—SPAIN—ANTONIO—ORDONEZ, bullfighter, at age 66. IN—SPAIN—ANTONIO—ORDONEZ—CAREER was chronicled in 1—HEMINGWAY novel.
19981219             Das Repräsentantenhaus in WASHINGTON—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA stimmt für 1—AMTSENTHEBUNGSKLAGE gegen USA—PRÄSIDENT—BILL—CLINTON wegen Meineids und Behinderung des USA—KONGRESSES.
19991219             —LAUNCHED, The shuttle Discovery was, —FOLLOWING 9—DELAYS from Cape Canaveral with 7—ASTRONAUTS on 1—MISSION to repair the Hubble Space Telescope.
19991219             —STARRED, Actor DESMOND—LLEWELYN, —85—JAHRE—ALT, who'd, as the eccentric gadget expert Q in 1—STRING—OF—JAMES—BOND—FILMS, was killed in 1—CAR—CRASH in EAST—SUSSEX, ENGLAND.
19991219             Macao spent its last —DAY under PORTUGAL—CONTROL—BEFORE being handed back to CHINA, ending —442—YEARS—OF—COLONIAL—RULE.
19991219             MALUKU, province, INDONESIA, 1—LEAST 5—PEOPLE were killed in 1—CLASH between Christians and Muslims in AMBON.
19991219             —KILLED, ACEH, province at least 3—PARAMILITARY—POLICE were, by separatist guerrillas.
19991219             RUSSIA, parliamentary elections were held.
19991219             THE—COMMUNIST—PARTY led with OVER24—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
19991219             4—OF—THE—NEXT 5—PARTIES were centrist groups with Unity at 23.2%.
20001219             24.14.28#nodate?##nodate?##nodate?##nodate?##nodate?#.77 writes:
20001219             Dear Sir: I mean you no disrespect, but, you are either.
20001219             Editoriais Notícias Editoriais Antigos Arquivo de notícias Calendário Local e... CONHEÇ1—OS princípios do Centro de Mídia Independente.
20001219             Bate.
20001219             CMI GALIZA—GALIZA Indymedia indymedia,imci, galiza, galicia, prestige, nunca máis...
20001219             Mulher. Saúde.
20001219             Especulação. Redes. Direitos Humanos. Convocatórias. Laboral.
20001219             Resistência Global.
20001219             IMC BRAZIL—CRÔNICA da Guerra Contra as Drogas #376 indymedia,imc... archive the... um projeto do WASHINGTON OFFICE—ON—LATIN—AMERICA, se concentra especificamente...
20001219             [IMC—EDITORIAL] Are GEORGE—BUSH—JUNIOR and SENIOR Pedophiles?
20001219             Are GEORGE—BUSH—JUNIOR + SENIOR Pedophiles?
20001219             L. Nelson "Mac" McAlexander alexanderlaw at mediaone net Tue 20211205             :37:44 PST 20000000             ...
20001219             [IMC—EDITORIAL] Why isn't the media reporting this to the public.
20001219             LARRY—MCALEXANDER vocnas at bellsouth net Sun ;;11;;
20001219             12 22:42:20 PST 20000000             ...
20001219             Editoriais Notícias Editoriais Antigos Arquivo de notícias Calendário Local e
20001219             CONHEÇ1—OS princípios do Centro de Mídia Independente.
20001219             archive the... um projeto do WASHINGTON OFFICE—ON—LATIN—AMERICA, se concentra especificamente...
20001219             PRESIDENT—ELECT Bush met with PRESIDENT—CLINTON in WASHINGTON.
20001219             USA—STOCKS fell sharply as THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE left the interest rate unchanged at 6.5%.
20001219             Nasdaq fell 112 to 2,511.
20001219             —CLAIMED, Death, jazz bassist Milt Hinton at age 90.
20001219             —CLAIMED, Death, gospel singer Roebuck "Pops" Staples at age 85.
20001219             —CLAIMED, Death, FORMER—NEW—YORK City Mayor JOHN—V. Lindsay at age 79.
20001219             —CLAIMED, Death, ROB—BUCK, —42—JAHRE—ALT, lead guitarist for the rock band 10,000 Maniacs.
20001219             —VOTED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, to impose broad sanctions on AFGHANISTAN Taliban rulers unless they closed "terrorist" training camps and surrender USA embassy bombing suspect OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20001219             —TRAVELED, INDONESIA, PRESIDENT—WAHID, to Aceh province.
20001219             He ordered troops to stop targeting civilians and apologized for failing to stop military abuses.
20001219             —DROPPED, ISRAEL—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU, from the election race —AFTER the Knesset voted not to disband itself.
20001219             —EVACUATED, MEXICO, over 30,000—PEOPLE were, from THE—AREA—OF—THE—POPOCATEPETL volcano as the volcano resumed activity.
20001219             MOSCOW, Deputy Mayor Iosif Ordshonikidze was shot and gravely wounded by masked gunmen near City Hall.
20001219             He was overseeing CONSTRUCTION—OF—THE—MULTI—BILLION—DOLLAR "Citi" business district.
20001219             —DETAINED, SRI—LANKA, government soldiers, 8—TAMIL civilians.
20001219             Their bodies were —LATER found in 1—MASS—GRAVE.
20001219             —REPORTED, It was, that swiftlet colonies in THAILAND were threatened due to the excessive harvesting of their edible nests for CHINA—RESTAURANTS.
20001219             —KILLED, TURKEY, at least 17—PEOPLE were, —WHEN security forces stormed 20—PRISONS to end a —2-MONTH hunger strike.
20001219             in THE—CRIMSON - 24.14.28#nodate?##nodate?#.77 writes:
20001219             6—CMI BRASIL—CRÔNICA da Guerra Contra as Drogas #382 indymedia,imc...
20001219203619       24.14.28#nodate?#.77 writes:
20001219—20001010    —ON, † It was reported that 60—RUSSIANS had of hypothermia in MOSCOW —SINCE the weather turned cold.
20010119             [AP 20001219             ]
20010923—20011120    —ON, the official count was reduced to —JUST below 3,900. 20011219             —SEE
20011102             —DROPPED, Estimated of THE—WTC dead, to 4,396. 20011219             —SEE
20011219             informierte die AMERIKANISCHE—HIGHTECH—FIRMA über ihr neuestes Produkt namens Verichip.
20011219             Es soll, sobald die AMERIKANISCHE—FOOD and Drug Administration ihren Segen gibt, —IN—DEN—NÄCHSTEN—MONATEN in AMERIKA eingeführt werden.
20011219             Laut Firmenaussage wird Südamerika und EUROPA —SCHON früher mit dem "Verichip" bedient werden können.
20011219             HARVARD—JANITORS/12_19—HARVARD commission recommends pay hikes for LOW—WAGE—WORKERS, but rejects living wage by THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS
20011219             HARVARD—JANITORS/12_19—HARVARD students get what they want, but ask for more by THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS
20011219             —AGREED, Comcast Corp., to buy AT&T Broadband as PART—OF—1—AGREEMENT valued at $72—BILLION.
20011219             —BURNED, The fires that had, beneath THE—RUINS—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER in NEW—YORK City for the previous —3—MONTHS were declared extinguished except for 1—FEW scattered hot spots.
20011219             —DECLARED, ARGENTINA, PRESIDENT—DE—LA—RUA, 1—STATE—OF—SIEGE as looters ransacked shops and markets in BUENOS—AIRES and across the north.
20011219             —DOMINGO Cavallo, economy MINISTER, resigned.
20011219             —ADVISED, BRITAIN, THE—UN that it would lead 1—SECURITY—FORCE in AFGHANISTAN and contribute 1,500 soldiers to 1—FORCE—OF—5,000.
20011219             —KILLED, In THE—COMOROS—ISLANDS—TROOPS, 5—OF 13—GUNMEN who posed as USA—AGENTS hunting al Qaeda fugitives.
20011219             † AL—QAEDA prisoners in PAKISTAN revolted and 14 were killed.
20011219             —ESCAPED, Another 18.
20011219             —DECLARED, SRI—LANKA, rebels, a —1—MONTH—TRUCE.
20011219             In der ARGENTINIEN—KRISE kommt es in BUENOS—AIRES zum Gewaltausbruch bei von der Bevölkerung massiv unterstützten Cacerolazos gegen das Beschränken von Bargeldauszahlungen.
20011219             Den Folgetag eingerechnet sterben dabei 28—MENSCHEN.
20011219             Die ARGENTINIEN—REGIERUNG lässt im sogenannten CORRALITO—MAXIMAL nur 250—PESO—PRO—WOCHE pro Konto abheben, um die Flucht in den USA—DOLLAR einzuschränken.
20011219             In der MONGOLEI werden im ORT—TOSENTSENGEL 1.085,7 Hektopascal Luftdruck gemessen, der weltweit bislang höchste Wert.
20011219—20011224    —ARRESTED, Longo was, in MEXICO 20010113             .
20011219—20011224    —KILLED, CHRISTIAN—MICHAEL—LONGO, —27—JAHRE—ALT, his wife and 3—CHILDREN.
20011219—20011224    THE—BODIES—OF—MARY—JANE—LONGO and —2—YEAR—OLD—DAUGHTER were found in 1—INLET along THE—CENTRAL—OREGON coast —1—WEEK—AFTER the bodies of 2—OTHER—LONGO children were found.
20011219—20011224    —CONVICTED, Longo was, and sentenced to death 20030416             .
20011219—20020000    —IN, 20010911             —THE—WTC death toll was reduced to 3,000. 1 revised tally put the total dead at 2,795.
20011219—20030000    —IN, the count was reduced to 2,752.
20021219             NEWS RELEASE Tetrahedron Publishing Group.
20021219             For Immediate RELEASE—IN addition, the Congress ional Record FROM—
20021219             For Immediate RELEASE—IN addition, THE—CONGRESS ional Record from
20021219             —REPORTED, UNITED—NATIONS weapons inspectors, that IRAQ—NEW—ARMS—DECLARATION contained inconsistencies and contradictions and didn't answer key questions about its nuclear, chemical and biological programs.
20021219             SENATOR—PATTY—MURRAY—OF—WASHINGTON told high school students that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN was popular in poor countries because of his charitable works and challenged THE—USA to do the same.
20021219             10—USA—BROKERAGE—FIRMS agreed to pay $1.44—BILLION in fines to end investigations over misleading stock recommendations.
20021219             —AFTER 1—PROSECUTOR cited new DNA evidence, 1—JUDGE—IN—NEW—YORK threw out the convictions of 5—YOUNG—MEN in a 19890000             attack on 1—CENTRAL—PARK jogger who had been raped and left for dead.
20021219             1—TORNADO in NEWTON—MISSISSIPPI, hit stores and injured at least 50—PEOPLE.
20021219             † 2—AFGHANISTAN—INTERPRETERS, from their wounds THE—NEXT—DAY.
20021219             —PARTICIPATED, CAMBODIA, SOME—1—MILLION—PEOPLE, in the transfer of SOME—REMAINS—OF—BUDDHA from PHNOM—PENH to 1—NEW shrine in Oudong.
20021219             —KILLED, INDIA, Maoist rebels, 18—POLICEMEN in 1—AMBUSH in 1—DENSE—FOREST in THE—EAST—STATE—OF—JHARKHAND.
20021219             —CAPTURED, In THE—IVORY—COAST—REBELS, THE—CITY—OF—MAN in THE—COFFEE—RICH—WEST and vowed to continue their push —UNTIL they reached the commercial capital, as FRANCE—TROOPS prepared to face them.
20021219             —KILLED, Suspected militants, 3—YOUNG—WOMEN (21-22) in their homes —JUST days —AFTER posters appeared in INDIA—JAMMU and Kashmir state ordering women to wear 1—VEIL.
20021219             SOUTH—KOREA, elections Roh MOO—HYUN, —56—JAHRE—ALT had 48.9—PERCENT and LEE—HOI—CHANG 46.6—PERCENT.
20021219             Turnout among the nation's 35—MILLION—ELIGIBLE—VOTERS was 70.2%.
20021219—20060000    —REPORTED, It was, that AIDS in THAILAND infected 1 in 60—PEOPLE and that some 50,000 annual deaths would result from AIDS—RELATED causes.
20031211—20031219    —UNTIL, USA—OFFICIALS delayed 1—CONFERENCE for companies seeking $18.6—BILLION in reconstruction contracts in IRAQ by —8—DAYS.
20031219             —RULED, A—USA—FEDERAL—APPEALS court, against USA—BUSH [BGW968] administration, in a case pertaining to detainees rights to legal counsel.
20031219             —PROMPTED, AGAIN, no credible information, the alert.
20031219             ANNOUNCEMENT was met with widespread approval.
20031219             1—LOT—OF—POSITIVE—PRESS—COVERAGE.
20031219             —REVEALED, New plans, that the signature NEW—YORK—CITY skyscraper at the World Trade Center site will be a 1,776-foot glass tower that twists into the sky, topped by ENERGY—GENERATING windmills and 1—SPIRE that evokes THE—STATUE—OF—LIBERTY.
20031219             —PRODUCED, The plan was, —AFTER MONTHS—OF—CONTENTIOUS—NEGOTIATIONS between DANIEL—LIBESKIND, who designed the overall 5—BUILDING site plan, and DAVID—CHILDS, the lead architect for the Freedom Tower.
20031219             USA—TROOPS mistakenly shot and killed 3—IRAQ—POLICE—OFFICERS and wounded 2—OTHERS, thinking they were bandits.
20031219             † HOPE—LANGE, —70—JAHRE—ALT, film actress, in Santa Monica.
20031219             † LES—TREMAYNE, —90—JAHRE—ALT, film actor.
20031219             1—ONTARIO court ruled that THE—CANADA—GOVERNMENT discriminated against SAME—SEX—COUPLES by denying pension benefits to survivors whose partners † —BEFORE 19980000             .
20031219             Benefits were made RETRO—ACTIVE to 19850417             .
20031219             —ISSUED, CHINA said it has, rules restricting EXPORTS—OF—MISSILE, nuclear and biological technologies that can be used to make or deliver WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20031219             —CHARGED, COLOMBIA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL, THE—CREW—OF—1—MILITARY—HELICOPTER with involuntary manslaughter for killing 17—CIVILIANS with 1—BOMB —DURING a 19980000             clash with rebels.
20031219             —REACHED, Fisheries ministers of THE—15—EUROPEAN—UNION nations, 1—COMPROMISE deal to protect dwindling stocks of cod, hake and other species.
20031219             —ADOPTED, GERMANY—LAWMAKERS, 1—PACKAGE—OF—TAX cuts and looser employment laws.
20031219             —USHERED, Israelis, in THE—8—DAY—HANUKKAH holiday.
20031219             —REPORTED, Parmalat SpA, 1—ITALY—FOOD—GIANT, a $4.9—BILLION shortfall.
20031219             Soon another $3.6—BILLION in bonds was also in question.
20031219             —PLANNED, Parmalat, to file for bankruptcy protection in what turned into the biggest corporate fraud in EUROPE—HISTORY.
20031219             —EMPLOYED, Parmalat, 36,000—PEOPLE in 29—COUNTRIES.
20031219             —REACHED, The accounting scandal, $17—BILLION.
20031219             —ANNOUNCED, JAPAN, that it will begin building 1—MISSILE—DEFENSE—SYSTEM.
20031219             LIBYA—LEADER—MOAMMAR Gadhafi, —AFTER secret negotiations with THE—USA—AND—BRITAIN, agreed to halt his nation's drive to develop nuclear and chemical weapons and THE—LONG—RANGE—MISSILES to deliver them.
20031219             —ADMITTED, LIBYA, to nuclear fuel projects, including possessing centrifuges and centrifuge parts used in uranium enrichment.
20031219             —SHOWED, LIBYA, American and UK—INSPECTORS 1—SIGNIFICANT—QUANTITY of mustard agent.
20031219             —ACKNOWLEDGED, LIBYA, it intended to acquire equipment and develop capabilities to create biological weapons.
20031219             He was the 1. modern investigator of terra preta, Amazonian dark earths, THE—CARBON—RICH—SOILS developed by ancient civilizations in what was once thought to be 1—PRISTINE wilderness.
20031219             THE—PHILIPPINES, landslides and floods left least 127—PEOPLE—DEAD, and dozens were still missing and feared dead.
20031219             —TURNED, VENEZUELA—OPPOSITION, in 3.4—MILLION signatures to demand 1—RECALL referendum on HUGO—CHAVEZ' rule.
20031219             ZIMBABWE, riot police shut down the printing plant of the only independent daily newspaper, defying 1—COURT—ORDER that overturned 1—GOVERNMENT—BAN.
20031219—20010000    —IN, 1—AUDITOR in BRAZIL had raised 1—ALARM over financial transactions.
20031219—20040706    Edwards, JOHN—ANNOUNCED as KERRY [KFJ966] running mate.
20031221             Another TERROR alert was issued, citing possible attacks for the holidays.
20031225—20031226    —ON, Contact with THE—CHARLES—DARWIN probe was lost —AFTER it separated from its European Space Agency Mars Express mother ship 20031219             —ON.
20040803             MOORES, Film sei eine vermeintlich authentische Titelseite des "Pantagraph" vom 20011219             zu sehen, auf der die Schlagzeile einen Wahlsieg des unterlegenen Präsidentschaftskandidaten AL—GORE verkündet.
20040803             MOORES, Film sei eine vermeintlich AUTHENTISCHE Titelseite des "Pantagraph" vom20011219             zu sehen,
20041130             Truth Diamond: 20041219—20041225     - Truth and Consequences in UKRAINE:
20041218             MONTAGREX—OPTAGREX ( Soc Portuguesa de Importaco e Exp ). - - -
20041219             20060104             20021125             Expanded Perspectives Cel...using slave labor from Nazi camps... 19420000             .
20041219             200501041049          - MARIA—HANSFORD
20041219             —BY THE—INI (the Industry National Institute)... absolutely nails THE—LONG—HEARD allegation that voting machines were deliberately withheld from...
20041219             TP: Update: Wahlbetrug in FLORIDA ?
20041219             MILNET: Terrorist Group Profiles... of GREECE—FIRMS involved in NATO—RELATED defense contracts in GREECE.
20041219             Operation: NORTH—IRELAND THE—UDA, the largest loyalist paramilitary group in Northern.
20041219             Voters RE—FILE legal challenge to OHIO Presidential results
20041219             Official Wire, NY - —7—HOURS—AGO... COLUMBUS, OH -- (OfficialWire) - 1—GROUP—OF—VOTERS who claim fraud, errors + numerous inexplicable problems with THE—OHIO voting process on...
20041219             OHIO Voters Refile Election Challenge
20041219             OHIO vote count battles escalate amidst new EVIDENCE—OF—POTENTIAL...
20041219             THE—BOSTON—GLOBE and THE—WASHINGTON—POST have run stories dismissing the questions about the legitimacy of 20040000             —THE presidential election as —JUST another INTERNET hoax.
20041219             Here, thanks to WASHINGTON attorney Cynthia Butler, are 6—REASONS why they are wrong, foremost among them that the journalists are covering this as 1—RUMOR rather than analyzing the validity of the central allegation.
20041219             Inside the Capitol our brave leaders will rise to challenge the legitimacy of 20040000             —THE presidential election.
20041219             Outside we must show them we stand with them.
20041219             Join us in Upper Senate Park adjacent to the Capitol from 10:00 AM —UNTIL they emerge to speak to us.
20041219             Rumsfeld unterschreibt Kondolenzschreiben persönlich
20041219             USA—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER—DONALD—RUMSFELD will künftig die Kondolenzbriefe an die Angehören getöteter USA—SOLDATEN persönlich unterschreiben.
20041219             WASHINGTON—DAS meldet die "WASHINGTON—POST".
20041219             —BISHER hatte Rumsfeld dies in den rund 13000000             Todesfällen —SEIT dem Einmarsch in den IRAK vor fast —2—JAHREN durch 1—SIGNIERMASCHINE erledigen lassen, so die Zeitung.
20041219             Er habe die Briefe nicht selbst unterzeichnet, um zeitliche Verzögerung zu vermeiden, wenn er nicht im Pentagon sei, hieß es.
20041219             JUKOS—SPRECHER ALEXANDER—SHADRIN nannte die Auktion —AM—SONNTAG illegal und völkerrechtswidrig.
20041219             Der Gewinner, wer auch immer er sei, habe sich keinen Gefallen getan.
20041219             —GESCHADET, Er habe seiner Reputation, und sich erhebliche rechtliche Risiken aufgeladen.
20041219             1—SPRECHER—DES—RUSSISCHEN—UNTERNEHMERVERBANDES monierte in einem Radiointerview in MOSKAU, es schade dem Ansehen des Standortes RUSSLAND, dass der größte Ölföderbetrieb des Landes an eine völlig unbekannte Firma verkauft worden sei.
20041219             Die Kaufsumme solle mit Krediten eines Bankenkonsortiums unter Beteiligung von
20041219             —NACH—DEM Richterspruch aus den USA hieß es, die westlichen Banken würden sich doch neutral verhalten + die Kreditsumme für Gasprom wieder einfrieren.
20041219             Die DEUTSCHE—BANK hatte keinen offiziellen Kommentar dazu abgegeben.
20041219             Gasprom liefert über Pipelines auch nach DEUTSCHLAND.
20041219             Der Energiekonzern E.ON ist mit 6,5 % an dem RUSSISCHEN—UNTERNEHMEN beteiligt.
20041219             Das Engagement DEUTSCHER—UNTERNEHMEN hatte ebenso für Kritik gesorgt wie die Haltung des DEUTSCHEN—BUNDESKANZLERS GERHARD—SCHRÖDER.
20041219             TIM—OSBORNE, der CHEF—DES—JUKOS—HAUPTAKTIONÄRS Menatep, hatte Schröder —ANFANG—DER—WOCHE bei einem Auftritt in BERLIN vorgeworfen, aus wirtschaftliche Interessen nicht gegen die JUGANSK—VERSTEIGERUNG opponiert zu haben.
20041219             Saudische SURFGEWOHNHEITEN—LIEBER XXX—SITES als AL—QAIDA
20041219             Für die Bürger SAUDI—ARABIENS sind VIELE—SEITEN im INTERNET gesperrt, entweder aus politischen oder aus moralischen Gründen.
20041219             Trotzdem versuchen VIELE—SURFER, diese Sites aufzurufen.
20041219             Meist ist es nicht die Sympathie mit Terroristen, die sie dabei umtreibt.
20041219             RIAD—DIE staatliche INTERNET—BEHÖRDE teilte —AM—SONNTAG in der HAUPTSTADT—RIAD mit, dass rund 92,7 % aller Versuche, Seiten zu betrachten, die in SAUDI—ARABIEN gesperrt sind, "Pornografie" betreffen.
20041219             Als pornografisch werden in dem arabischen Land allerdings zum Teil auch Inhalte eingestuft, die in westlichen Staaten als nicht anstößig gelten.
20041219             Wie der stellvertretende DIREKTOR—DER—BEHÖRDE, Meschal bin ABDULLAH—AL—KADHI, mitteilte, hatten lediglich 7,3—PROZENT—DER—VERBOTENEN—SEITEN, die Saudis beim Surfen ansteuerten, politische oder religiöse Inhalte oder riefen zum Terror auf.
20041219             PSYCHOLOGIE—STUDIE: Frau = Sonnenschein
20041219             USA—URTEIL: SPAM—GESCHÄDIGTER streicht 1—MILLIARDE—DOLLAR ein
20041219             PALÄSTINA: Blutigster Militäreinsatz —SEIT Arafats Tod
20041219             Überraschungsgebot: Unbekannte Finanziers kaufen JUKOS—TOCHTER
20041219             Getötete USA—SOLDATEN: Rumsfeld unterschreibt Kondolenzschreiben persönlich
20041219             Lorbeeren: "Time" wählt Bush zur Person des JAHRES—PROZESS: Saddam setzt auf USA—JUSTIZ
20041219             Putin vs. Jukos : Countdown —BIS zur Zerschlagung läuft
20041219             KONGO—KRISE: Das heimliche Massensterben
20041219             NATUR—MULTIKULTI: DEUTSCHLAND ist Einwanderungland für Tiere und Pflanzen
20041219             "Ruling Elite" Kerry is Hindering RECOUNT—COBB
20041219             —LASHED, THE—GREEN—PARTY—DAVID—COBB has, out at JOHN—KERRY, saying he has tried to 'undermine,' and 'minimize' THE—OHIO recount —WHILE not spending 'a single dime' towards OHIO recount efforts.
20041219             "Sadly, JOHN—KERRY seems to be trapped under the pile of $51—MILLION that is preventing him from getting up and standing up," Cobb told RAW STORY.
20041219             "As 1—MEMBER—OF—1—RULING elite, THE—1—THING that JOHN—KERRY values over everything else is continued membership in the ruling elite".
20041219             OHIO Recount SHAM—OHIO Recount Fixed by "clean" PRECINCTS—PDF of Latest OHIO SUPREME—COURT—FILING
20041219             CONFIDENT—OF—NEW JOINED—UP Writing Prowess — Bush Signs Intelligence BILL—DESPITE—INHERENT—OXYMORON
20041219             OHIO SUPREME—CT Challenge on Election Filed Again
20041219             Recounts Continue Across OHIO --But expert questions precinct picks
20041219             Secret OHIO Slush Fund as Problems Mar Recount
20041219             Greens say Random Recounts Not RANDOM—OHIO Voting Problems Cost 220,000 Votes
20041219             Bev HARRIS—COMES—CLEAN on THE—MONEY - 1—LITTLE
20041219             New OHIO Lawsuit over voting irregularities
20041219             USA—MONEY Helped Opposition in UKRAINE By MATT—KELLEY—ASSOCIATED—PRESS—WRITER
20041219             Enter THE—USA—GOVERNMENT + its defense contractors, who began joint development of remote flight control + flight circumvention technology at least —2—DECADES—AGO, using the full force of their virtually infinite R&D resources.
20041219             The existence of these programs + of the resulting technology, was verified
20041219             If the computer can override the pilot SOME—OF—THE—TIME, 1—POTENTIAL exists for it to override the pilot ALL—OF—THE—TIME.
20041219             If THE—SPEECHES—OF—BUSH and Cheney often sound as if they came from the lips of Sharon, 1—OF—THE—REASONS may be that their speechwriters, JOSEPH—SHATTAN, MATHEW—SCULLY and JOHN—MCCONNELL, are NEO—CONS, as is Cheneys CHIEF—OF—STAFF, LEWIS—LIBBY.
20041219             The immense influence of this largely Jewish group stems from its close alliance with the extreme RIGHT—WING Christian fundamentalists, who nowadays control BUSH—REPUBLICAN—PARTY.
20041219             The founding fathers were JERRY—FALWELL—OF—THE—MORAL—MAJORITY, who once got 1—JET—PLANE as 1—PRESENT from Menachem Begin +
20041219             Pat ROBERTSON—OF—THE—CHRISTIAN—COALITION + THE—CHRISTIAN—BROADCASTING—NETWORK, which help to finance THE—CHRISTIAN—EMBASSY—IN—JERUSALEM, OF—J.W—VAN—DER Hoeven, 1—OUTFIT that supports the settlers and their RIGHT—WING allies.
20041219             The man who symbolizes this victory is GENERAL—JAY—GARNER, who has —JUST been appointed CHIEF—OF—THE—CIVIL—ADMINISTRATION in IRAQ.
20041219             —PICKED, He is no anonymous general who has been, accidentally.
20041219             Garner is the ideological PARTNER—OF—PAUL—WOLFOWITZ and THE—NEO—CONS.
20041219             —2—YEARS—AGO he signed, together with 26—OTHER—OFFICERS, 1—PETITION organized by the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
20041219             —ARRIVED, Their big moment, with THE—COLLAPSE—OF—THE—TWIN—TOWERS.
20041219             THE—USA—PUBLIC and politicians were in 1—STATE—OF—SHOCK, completely disoriented, unable to understand 1—WORLD that had changed overnight.
20041219             THE—NEO—CONS were the only group with 1—READY—EXPLANATION and 1—SOLUTION.
20041219             Only —9—DAYS—AFTER the outrage, WILLIAM—KRISTOL (THE—SON—OF—THE—GROUP—FOUNDER, IRVING Kristol)
20041219             published 1—OPEN—LETTER to PRESIDENT—BUSH, asserting that it was not enough to annihilate the network of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN,
20041219             but that it was also imperative to "remove SADDAM—HUSSEIN from power" and to "retaliate" against Syria and IRAN for supporting Hizbullah.
20041219             You're kidding, right? Kissinger, Perle and Sonnenfeldt —BACK—IN THE—DAY—NOW back to Zakheim.
20041219             Flag to: Fletch, beowolf 1—OF—THE—MAJOR—REASONS that dual citizens shouldn't be allowed into government is for the doubt that's sown by their presence.
20041219             The funding of our defense relies on the decisions of ZAKHEIM—SOMEONE that has SPLIT allegiances.
20041219             —AFTER the debacle of Perle + Pollard + other ISRAEL—SPIES in highly placed positions in USA—GOVERNMENT, it strikes me that THE—INTERESTS—OF—THE—USA—PEOPLE are no longer being given even a 2. thought.
20041219             "It is 1—SORT—OF—DISEASE—WHEN you consider yourself SOME—KIND—OF—GOD, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable —NOW—SINCE I began to live it out".
20041219             —GEORGE—SOROS—IN addition to the fixed site capability, the Test WING—NP 3D aircraft can be configured to provide airborne CTS functions as 1—OVER—THE—HORIZON repeater or "STAND—ALONE" transmitter".
20041219             —MODULATED, THE—RF signal is frequency, by selected tones (IRIG 20—TONE format) that correspond to particular control FUNCTIONS—OF—THE—MISSILE, aircraft or boat.
20041219             4—OF—THESE systems are located at Laguna Peak + 3—ARE located on SNI.
20041219             —DESIGNED, THE—CTS is 1—TUNABLE—UHF—FM transmitter, for ground use in controlling guided missiles, pilotless aircraft and pilotless boats.
20041219             + is 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—COUNCIL—ON—FOREIGN—RELATIONS and other professional organizations.
20041219             DOCTOR—ZAKHEIM is THE—RECIPIENT—OF—THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE—DISTINGUISHED—PUBLIC—SERVICE—MEDAL (19860000             ), the Bronze Palm to the DoD Distinguished Public Service Medal (19870000             ), Congressional Budget OFFICE—DIRECTOR—AWARD for Outstanding Service (19790000             ) + THE—SPC—DIRECTOR—AWARD for Outstanding Service (19970000             ).
20041219             —SERVED, Zakheim has, as Adjunct Professor at the National War College, Yeshiva University + COLUMBIA University + as Presidential Scholar + Adjunct Professor at Trinity College, HARTFORD, CT.
20041219             bluegrass writes: " 1—DOV S. Zakheim:
20041219             Dov S. Zakheim is Corporate VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—SYSTEM—PLANNING—CORPORATION (SPC), 1—HIGH—TECHNOLOGY, research, analysis + manufacturing firm based in ARLINGTON—VIRGINIA.
20041219             He is also CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OFFICER of
20041219             SPC INTERNATIONAL Corporation, 1—SUBSIDIARY—OF—SPC that specializes in political, military + economic consulting + INTERNATIONAL sales + analysis.
20041219             In addition, DOCTOR—ZAKHEIM serves as Consultant to THE—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE and the Under SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE for Policy.
20041219             —NEGOTIATED, Zakheim also successfully, numerous arms cooperation agreements with various USA—ALLIES.
20041219             ADD—ON options are available from SPC for remote control features.
20041219             —INTEGRATED, For more information on 1, control system, see SPC—FLIGHT—TERMINATION—SYSTEM—DOWNLOAD 1—CTS brochure.
20041219             External modulation inputs may be used to modulate the transmitters with EXTERNALLY—GENERATED tones from 10—HZ to 100—KHZ.
20041219             The system can be switched automatically or manually between transmitters.
20041219             —COMPLETED, Automatic switching to the redudant system is, in less than 5ms upon detection of 1—INTERNAL fault or at preset RF power thresholds.
20041219             —MOUNTED, The system is, in 2—STANDARD 60"-high racks for easy installation in MOBILE platforms.
20041219             EXCITER—THE exciter incorporates STATE—OF—THE—ART—DIRECT—DIGITAL—SYNTHESIS technology to simultaneously generate an RF carrier + up to 6—OF 20—AVAILABLE—STANDARD—IRIG—B tones.
20041219             It has 20—WATTS—OF—OUTPUT—POWER + 1—INTERNAL ferrite isolator.
20041219             The exciter may also be used as 1—STANDALONE unit. HIGH—POWER Amplifier
20041219             HOUSTON Caretaker 11:18 am EST Re: GERMANY—GUY: The information is most important...analysis required.
20041219             We are working OVERTIME$ all weekend to unload boxes and BOXES—OF—FOOD and BOTTLES—OF—WATER in to all the schools.
20041219             DAF Special Products Division in THE—NETHERLANDS; Nauteknik Defence & Security in NORWAY;
20041219             Bravia -- Sodedade LUSO—BRASILEIRA & ITB in PORTUGAL ;
20041219             News>>Inmate RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO, center, is seen in this...
20041219             Inmate RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO, center, is seen in this security... that its HIGHEST—PROFILE—INMATE, Caro Quintero, had escaped... to quell the rumors.(AP PHoto/SSP—HO).
20041219             Gasin Gases Industriale / SPAIN DEFEX SA / / / East / WEST—ENGINEERING Co /... www... 4—NAMIBIA, INECO—PAGE—DEFEX ( SPAIN ) signs-.
20041219             7. - ASBA (THE—AUSTRALIA—SPAIN—BUSINESS...
20041219             He was Chairman + CEO—OF—FOCOEX, DEFEX, SOVHISPAN, all SPAIN—STATE—OWNED CARLOS—JONES has lived in ARGENTINA...
20041219             a Izar para que realice la fusión por absorción de Defex y Defoback...
20041219             ACTUALIDAD—CONSEJO de Ministros... filial al 100—POR cien, Izar Construcciones Navales, SA, lleve a cabo la fusión por absorción de Defex, SA, (sociedad absorbente) y Defoback, SL, (sociedad...
20041219             pb d'evt de clic de souris:execute 4—FOIS l'evt au lieu d'une [ Au...
20041219             UNE INTERFACE POUR MYSQL, Source N°20316 ¤ Java Codes Sources...
20041219             Economía/Empresas.- El Gobierno autoriza a Izar para que realice...E conomía/Empresas.- El Gobierno autoriza a Izar para que realice la fusión por absorción de Defex y Defoback.
20041219             MADRID, 25 (EUROPA.
20041219             HispaVista : La Bolsa : Noticias : Últimas NOTICIAS—DE—LA—BOLSA... - millones.
20041219             25. - CincoDías_COM—VERSIÓN sólo texto La AUDITORÍA—DE—LA—EMPRESA recoge también la fusión por ABSORCIÓN—DE—LA—SOCIEDAD Defoback, mediante su disolución sin liquidación....
20041219             ::: Estrella Digital ::: HACIENDA.
20041219             MADRID, 25—DE julio de 20030000             . - - - El Consejo de Ministros.
20041219             DEFEX, SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA (Sociedad absorbente) DEFOBACK, SOCIEDAD LIMITADA Sociedad unipersonal (Sociedad absorbida).
20041219             DESARROLLO.
20041219             BORME 29—DE octubre de 20030000             (núm 206) CROF, SL.
20041219             BORME 31—DE octubre de 20030000             (núm 208)COMPAÑÍA TRASATLÁNTICA ESPAÑOLA, SA.
20041219             ::: Estrella Digital ::: SAUDI—ARABIA. Night Vision Optics. SPAIN.
20041219             Defex SA.
20041219             SWITZERLAND.Gasin Gases Industriale / SPAIN DEFEX SA / / / East / WEST—ENGINEERING Co /.
20041219             Defensa_com -> EXTRA Nº 71 >.
20041219             NucNews - 20030401             -... conspirators secretly acquired weapons from ISRAEL and sold... Abrams, RICHARD—SECORD, JOHN—SINGLAUB, ROBERT—MACFARLANE... of 1—RIGHTEOUS—CAUSE, the neocons long ago... nucnews_net/nucnews/2003nn/0304nn/030401nn.htm logbriefer for piet's netperusals -...
20041219             1—FOLLOW up -- Subject: RE: [LBO—TALK] Neocons Inspired By... to do with the former's support for ISRAEL as a... —EVER—SINCE I was researching JOHN—SINGLAUB and the... members.tripod_com/poetpiet/july.htm Electrolite: 20030400             Archives -... including preventive warfare such as ISRAEL 's 19810000             ... you read THE—OUT—OF—POWER neocons they seem... ELLIOT—ABRAMS, RICHARD—SECORD, JOHN—SINGLAUB, ROBERT—MACFARLANE.
20041219             les i gjesteboka //... Navn: KNUT—TOOOOOMAS, Tidspunkt: Fri, 20040813151646        +0200—EMAIL: Jepp, jepp, pyrrisept.....Hasselvika e godt representert...
20041219             200501041049          - MARIA—HANSFORD - If we are at war, who is the enemy?...
20041219             SINGLAUB, RONALD—REAGAN : 1—AUTOPSY by MURRAY—N—ROTHBARD -... —WHEN the Premier of ISRAEL visited Reagan at THE—WHITE—HOUSE, the... despite the best efforts of Ollie and Secord and Singlaub and Abrams and... Enter the Neocons.
20041219             HAI LIN NEE, von dem CURTIS sagt, er habe für YANG—ENTERPRISES gearbeitet, wurde unter dem Verdacht festgenommen, Informationen über Waffen an CHINA weiter...
20041219             MILNET: Terrorist Group Profiles...
20041219             of GREECE—FIRMS involved in NATO—RELATED defense contracts in GREECE.
20041219             Official Wire, NY - —7—HOURS—AGO
20041219             COLUMBUS, OH -- (OfficialWire) - 1—GROUP—OF—VOTERS who claim fraud, errors + numerous inexplicable problems with THE—OHIO voting process on...
20041219             OHIO vote count battles escalate amidst new EVIDENCE—OF—POTENTIAL... - THE—BOSTON—GLOBE
20041219             have run stories dismissing the questions about the legitimacy of 20040000             —THE presidential election as —JUST another INTERNET hoax.
20041219             Here, thanks to WASHINGTON attorney Cynthia Butler, are 6—REASONS why they are wrong,
20041219             foremost among them that the journalists are covering this as 1—RUMOR rather than analyzing the validity of the central allegation.
20041219             so die Zeitung.
20041219             Er habe die Briefe nicht selbst unterzeichnet, um zeitliche Verzögerung zu vermeiden,
20041219             wenn er nicht im Pentagon sei, hieß es.
20041219             1—SPRECHER—DES—RUSSISCHEN—UNTERNEHMERVERBANDES monierte in einem Radiointerview in Moskau,
20041219             es schade dem Ansehen des Standortes RUSSLAND, dass der größte Ölföderbetrieb des Landes an eine völlig unbekannte Firma verkauft worden sei.
20041219             MEDIENBERICHTEN, hatte es vor der Auktion geheißen, westliche Banken wollten das Gebot durch Gasprom finanzieren.
20041219             TIM—OSBORNE, der CHEF—DES—JUKOS—HAUPTAKTIONÄRS Menatep, hatte Schröder —ANFANG—DER—WOCHE bei einem Auftritt in BERLIN vorgeworfen,
20041219             aus wirtschaftliche Interessen nicht gegen die JUGANSK—VERSTEIGERUNG opponiert zu haben.
20041219             Menatep ist die HOLDING—GESELLSCHAFT, über die Chodorkowski JUKOS kontrollierte.
20041219             RIAD—DIE staatliche INTERNET—BEHÖRDE teilte —AM—SONNTAG in der HAUPTSTADT—RIAD mit,
20041219             dass rund 92,7 % aller Versuche, Seiten zu betrachten, die in SAUDI—ARABIEN gesperrt sind, "Pornografie" betreffen.
20041219             Wie der stellvertretende DIREKTOR—DER—BEHÖRDE, Meschal bin ABDULLAH—AL—KADHI,
20041219             mitteilte, hatten lediglich 7,3—PROZENT—DER—VERBOTENEN—SEITEN, die Saudis beim Surfen ansteuerten, politische oder religiöse Inhalte oder riefen zum Terror auf.
20041219             Discussion - Obstruction Found in Recount say Greens
20041219             Enter THE—USA—GOVERNMENT + its defense contractors, who began joint development of remote flight control + flight circumvention technology AT LEAST —2—DECADES—AGO,
20041219             If THE—SPEECHES—OF—BUSH and Cheney often sound as if they came from the lips of Sharon,
20041219             1—OF—THE—REASONS may be that their speechwriters, JOSEPH—SHATTAN,
20041219             MATHEW—SCULLY and JOHN—MCCONNELL, are NEO—CONS, as is Cheneys CHIEF—OF—STAFF, LEWIS—LIBBY.
20041219             The immense influence of this largely Jewish group stems from its close alliance with the extreme RIGHT—WING Christian fundamentalists,
20041219             who nowadays control BUSH—REPUBLICAN—PARTY.
20041219             1—OUTFIT that supports the settlers and their RIGHT—WING allies.
20041219             —2—YEARS—AGO he signed, together with 26—OTHER—OFFICERS,
20041219             1—PETITION organized by the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
20041219             You're kidding, right? Kissinger, Perle and Sonnenfeldt —BACK—IN THE—DAY
20041219             —NOW back to ZAKHEIM.
20041219             ZAKHEIM isn't —JUST CHIEF beancounter.
20041219             ZAKHEIM—THE—RESOURCE—ALLOCATOR and financial policy planner for the DoD.
20041219             —AFTER the debacle of PERLE + POLLARD + OTHER ISRAEL—SPIES in highly placed positions in AMERICA—GOVERNMENT,
20041219             it strikes me that THE—INTERESTS—OF—THE—AMERICA—PEOPLE are no longer being given even a 2. thought.
20041219             —EXPECTED, The 4. system at SNI is, to be operational in fiscal
20041219             2—COMMAND TRANSMITTER SYSTEM (CTS)
20041219             —CONTROLLED, THE—CTS at the Sea Range provides safe, testing of unmanned targets, platforms and missiles, including ballistic missiles and other LONG—RANGE—VEHICLES.
20041219             DOCTOR—ZAKHEIM is 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—ADVISORY—BOARDS—OF—THE—CENTER for Security Policy, the Initiative for Peace and Cooperation in THE—MIDDLE—EAST + THE—AMERICA—JEWISH—COMMITTEE.
20041219             the Bronze Palm to the DoD Distinguished Public Service Medal (19870000             ),
20041219             Congressional Budget OFFICE—DIRECTOR'S—AWARD for Outstanding Service (19790000             ) + THE—SPC DIRECTOR—AWARD for Outstanding Service (19970000             ).
20041219             —EARNED, DOCTOR—ZAKHEIM, his doctorate in economics + politics at St.
20041219             ANTONY—COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY—OF—OXFORD, where ZAKHEIM was a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow,
20041219             a COLUMBIA College Kellett Fellow, + a POST—DOCTORAL Research Fellow.
20041219             —SERVED, ZAKHEIM has, as Adjunct Professor at the National War College,
20041219             Yeshiva University + COLUMBIA University + as Presidential Scholar + Adjunct Professor at Trinity College, HARTFORD, CT.
20041219             a HIGH—TECHNOLOGY, research, analysis + manufacturing firm based in ARLINGTON,
20041219             VIRGINIA.
20041219             1—SUBSIDIARY—OF—SPC that specializes in political, military + economic consulting + INTERNATIONAL sales + analysis.
20041219             He is 1—ADJUNCT—SENIOR—FELLOW for ASIA—STUDIES—OF—THE—COUNCIL on Foreign Relations,
20041219             Adjunct SCHOLAR—OF—THE—HERITAGE—FOUNDATION + 1—SENIOR—ADVISOR at the Center for INTERNATIONAL and Strategic Studies.
20041219             00MAR.1985-19870300             DOCTOR—ZAKHEIM was USA—DEPUTY Under SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE for Planning and Resources.
20041219             —INTEGRATED, For more information on 1, control system, see SPC—FLIGHT—TERMINATION—SYSTEM
20041219             Command Transmitter System
20041219             The exciter may also be used as a standalone unit.
20041219             HIGH—POWER Amplifier - HOUSTON Caretaker 11:18 am EST Re: GERMANY—GUY:
20041219             The information is most important...analysis required.
20041219    - ALVAREZ MARTINEZ GUSTAVO ADOLFO - If we are at war, who is the enemy?...
20041219             102—TOTAL.... - ASBA (THE—AUSTRALIA.
20041219             20050130             Operation GLADIO—GUARDIAN, 19901212—19740000 BRITISH "Gladio " visit to ITALY Gladio "counterparts in UK BRITAIN, where the plan was given the name Operation Stay Behind, visited ITALY...
20041219             Gasin Gases Industriale/SPAIN DEFEX SA///East/WEST—ENGINEERING Co
20041219—20010911    The remote control THEORY—OF—LOOKS 1—LITTLE—BETTER—EVERY—DAY.
20041219—20041225    Truth Diamond:
20050110             20041219... - DAF Special Products Division in THE—NETHERLANDS; Nauteknik Defence & Security in NORWAY;
20050305             THYSSEN—BORNEMISSZA de Kászon HEINRICH—BARON—THYSSEN—BORNEMISZA de Kászon, adopted by Gábor BARON—BORNEMISZA de...Hedwig, *Mülheim an der Ruhr 18781219             , +Kreuzlingen, Turgau 19500731             ;
20050329             CANNONFIRE: 20041219             — 20041225             .. In Greek, this phrase sounded indistinguishable from "eat the flesh of the.. Elsewhere in the badlands of the nation, 1—RICHARD—VIGUERIE was —NOW the...
20050728—20071219    —ON, she testified —BEFORE Congress.
20051024             —DISPUTED, The actual date of the escape remains : SOME—SOURCES—STATE 20011129             , —WHILE the most recent NYT account gives the date of 20051219             .
20051208             —SCHEDULED, THE—1.—MEETING—OF—PARLIAMENT was, for 20051219             .
20051218             Truth Diamond: 20041219—20041225              20051218             The contract, known as IDENT1 , spans —8—YEARS with 3—ADDITIONAL option years.
20051219             In the 14010101—15001231    , the British, under the direction of Black GUELPH Venetian ROBBER—BANKERS saw the possibilities of entrenching themselves in Arabia, where they were opposed by the Koreish tribe, the tribe of the prophet Muhammad, the posthumous SON—OF—THE—HASHEMITE, Abdullah, out of which came the Fatima and Abbasid Dynasties.
20051219             In the 14010101—15001231    , the British, under the direction of Black GUELPH Venetian ROBBER—BANKERS saw the possibilities of entrenching themselves in Arabia,
20051219             Cassiopaeans, 20020928             20060212             —MITTWOCH, 20050928             .
20051219             - Was macht überhaupt 1—GEHEIMDIENST ?
20051219             L'ex presidente americano GEORGE—BUSH, infatti, sarebbe stato iniziato nel 19430000             , alla setta "Skull and Bones" dell'Università di Yale, fondata nel 18320000             .
20051219             La "Skull and Bones", assieme a società come il Rhodes Trust, secondo l'autorevole rivista inglese "Economist" (25—DICEMBRE 19920000             ), sono la moderna risorgenza degli "Illuminati di Baviera" di JEAN—ADAM—WEISSHAUPT (17480000—18300000).
20051219             Bush, tra l'altro, è anche un 33° grado della Massoneria di Rito Scozzese, lo ha rivelato Giuliano Di Bernardo, Gran Maestro della Massoneria italiana, al quotidiano "La Stampa" (23—MARZO 19900000             ).
20051219             A COUNCIL—ON—FOREIGN Relations azonban csak egyike a nemzetközi pénzhatalom hálózatához tartozó intézményeknek.
20051219             1—HÁLÓZAT központi intézményének 1—KUTATÓK "1—HÁROMSZÁZAK—BIZOTTSÁGÁT "(THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300) tartják, - egyes kutatók ezt a " Club of the Isles"- zal azonosítják -, amely 1—HÁTTÉR hatalom legfobb döntéshozó szervének tekintheto.
20051219             Kvázi ügyintézo és a személyi kiválogatást végzo szerve viszont a Royal Institute of INTERNATIONAL Affairs, a RIIA, ( Királyi Külügyi Intézet) politikai bizottsága, amely amerikai ikerintézményével, a COUNCIL—ON—FOREIGN RELATIONS—EL együtt irányítja a világrégiók közti együttmuködést összehangoló Trilateral Commission -t, TC—T (Trilaterális Bizottságot), valamint a központi döntéseket továbbító és azoknak az egyes országokban történo végrehajtásáról gondoskodó Bilderberg GROUP—OT (Bilderberg Csoportot) is.
20051219             Számos erre szakosodott kutató legújabb eredményei szerint a Bilderberg Csoport a legfontosabb a felsorolt intézmények közül./19/ Ugyancsak az RIIA irányítja az OXFORD közelében lévo Tavistock Institute For Human Relations -t, (Az emberi kapcsolatok Tavistock Intézetét), amely viszont a nemzetközi pénzhatalom szolgálatában álló olyan kutatóintézetek munkáját hangolja össze, mint a Stanford Research Institute, a MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE—OF—TECHNOLOGY, Institute For Policy Studies, RAND Corporation, HUDSON—INSTITUTE, Wharton SCHOOL—OF—ECONOMICS.
20051219             Ugyancsak a Tavistock Institut irányítja a RÓ—MAI Klubot és a hozzátartozó kutatócsoportok tevékenységét. Az 19930000             —BAN létrehozott BUDAPEST Klub viszont a RÓ—MAI Klub fiókintézmények tekintheto.
20051219             Alapítója és jelenlegi elnöke a világhíru tudós és zongoramuvész László Ervin, aki a RÓ—MAI Klub egyik legfontosabb kutatási programját irányítja már évek óta számos kiváló tudós közremuködésével./20/ De a Tavistock Intézet nevéhez fuzodik, pl. annak a kísérleti programnak a kidolgozása is, amelynek homályban tartott célja az volt, hogy a hagyományos értékrendszert hordozó kultúrát olyan igénytelen popkultúrával cserélje le, a mely elosegíti a TÖMEGEK—ELSOSORBAN a FIATALOK—ÍZLÉSROMBOLÓ manipulálását a ROCK—DRUG—SEX szubkultúra rafinált eszközeiv el.
20051219             Az itt elokészített program alapján indultak 1—VILÁG meghódítására az 19600000             —AS évek elején 1—BEATLESEK is.
20051219             Erre utalt JOHN—LENNON, amikor 19620000             —BEN ezeket mondotta TONY—SHERIDAN—NAK a hamburgi STARCLUB—BAN:
20051219             Don't be MIS—LED by labels such as "Rockefeller" or "Rothschild";
20051219             for these are simply the families who have THE—MECHANISMS—OF—CONTROL already set in place,but of themselves are not the entire network;
20051219             that being the "COMMITTEE—OF—300".
20051219             It is THEY who control THE—UN, who tell the heads of nations "—WHEN to jump and how high", they who are behind the world's illicit drug trade via THE—CIA and the old UK—EAST—INDIA links.
20051219             They who manage THE—IMF,set policy at GATT conferences.
20051219             It is they who ARE the "SHADOW—GOVERNMENT".
20051219             It is they who manage THE—CIA,NSA,DIA..the same group that took out JFK and have MURDERED —AROUND 173—PEOPLE in their efforts to suppress the truth about all the links..they who were behind THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—RFK,MLK..they who are behind THE—SUPPRESSION—OF—TRUTH regarding the MIA's;
20051219             It is the same group behind E. HOWARD—HUNT, JOHN—SINGLAUB, OLLIE—NORTH..the very same group who brought down RICHARD—NIXON in Watergate..the same group behind the persecution of the Christic Institute..the same people who were behind NUGAN—HAND..the same group that groomed JIMMY—CARTER for the Presidency..the same group who ARE the "MILITARY—INDUSTRIAL—COMPLEX", the same group behind the total militarization of NASA..the same group who ARE "MJ-12", were behind the "JASON—GROUP"..the same behind Project BLUE—BOOK, THE—CONDON—COMMITTEE, the same who started up THE—NSA..who are responsible for THE—MURDER—OF—DANNY—CASALARO..the same group responsible for THE—WORLD—WIDE—DISINFO campaign regarding THE—TRUTH—OF—UFO sightings and contacts.
20051219             The same group behind THE—WARREN—COMMISSION,ad nauseum.
20051219             Please understand that the Bilderbergers, THE—COUNCIL—ON—FOREIGN—RELATIONS, THE—TRI—LATERAL Commission,the Institute for Policy Studies, the Roundtables, the "Club of ROME",etc are ALL bound by common denominators of LONG—STANDING families ties + interests and come together as a _single_ policy making body that is known —TODAY as "THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300".
20051219             This has also been known as "THE—OLYMPIANS", the "Policy Committee".
20051219             Coleman, John.
20051219             —DESIGNED, THE—WTC was, by 1—NEW—WORLD—ORDER—JAPAN—ARCHITECT, Minora Yamasaki.
20051219             —DURING his life he oo 4—TIMES, the 1. and last times to the same woman.
20051219             He traveled —THROUGHOUT JAPAN, INDIA, EUROPE and THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20051219             —ASSOCIATED, He was, with over 85—PROJECTS in THE—USA, JAPAN and SAUDI—ARABIA, the latter including Dhahran Air Terminal in DHAHRAN—SAUDI—ARABIA and THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—MONETARY—AGENCY—HEADQUARTERS in RIYADH.
20051219             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN is 1—SAUDI, as is also PRINCE—ABDULLAH, 1—MAJOR—FINANCIAL—SUPPORTER—OF—MUSLIM terrorists.
20051219             —DESIGNED, Coincidentally, Yamasaki also, THE—USA—CONCRETE—INSTITUTE building in DETROIT.
20051219             —SELECTED, He was, to design THE—WTC over 12—OTHER architects + worked closely with the construction engineers on the project.
20051219             Listen to his outlook on life:
20051219             "I feel this way about it. World trade means world peace and consequently the World Trade Center buildings in NEW—YORK...had 1—BIGGER—PURPOSE than —JUST to provide room for tenants. THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER is 1—LIVING SYMBOL—OF—MAN—DEDICATION to world peace...beyond the compelling need to make this 1—MONUMENT to world peace, the World Trade Center should, because of its importance, become 1—REPRESENTATION—OF—MAN—BELIEF in humanity, his need for individual dignity, his beliefs in THE—COOPERATION—OF—MEN + through cooperation, his ability to find greatness".
20051219             I think he forgot to add, "And if we have to blow THE—WTC up to bring people closer together for a 1—WORLD—GOVERNMENT, so be it".
20051219             His opinion sounds to me like what THE—ARCHITECTS—OF—THE—TOWER—OF—BABEL probably said.
20051219             —CONDUCTED, The cleanup of THE—WTC site was, by Controlled Demolition, INCORPORATED—OF—BALTIMORE, headed by MARK—LOIZEAUX (Bollyn, 20010000             ).
20051219             —HANDLED, Coincidentally they, THE—OKLAHOMA—CITY—MURRAH building as well.
20051219             —PREVENTED, This action, investigators from determining what really brought that building down.
20051219             FEBRUARY, 20000000             , 1—FEDERAL—GRAND—JURY indicted MISTER—LOIZEAUX, DOUGLAS—LOIZEAUX + CDI for allegedly falsely reporting campaign contributions.
20051219             —DISCUSSED, As, above in detail, DOCTOR—THOMAS—EAGAR—OF—MIT was apparently called upon to disperse disinformation regarding THE—WTC collapse.
20051219             MIT is 1—OF—THE—BEST—RESEARCH groups for THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300 (Coleman, 19960000             ).
20051219             —REGURGITATED, They, the typical Malthusian doctrine of not enough resources to go —AROUND, too MANY—PEOPLE, etc.
20051219             1—OF—MIT—PROFESSORS was Walt Ristow, who became 1—ADVISOR to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson.
20051219             This was in pursuit of the 300's plan to have socialist professors make USA—POLICY.
20051219             Escutem o banqueiro Sionista*, PAUL—WARBURG:
20051219             "Teremos um governo mundial quer queiram quer não. A única questão é se esse governo será conseguido por conquista ou com consentimento.
20051219             (17—DE Fevereiro de 19500000             , tal como foi testemunhado no Senado Americano.
20051219             A intenção deles é ter total e completo controlo sobre qualquer ser humano existente no planeta e reduzir dramaticamente a população mundial em 2/3. Enquanto que o nome "Nova Ordem Mundial" é o termo mais frequentemente utilizado para nos referirmos vagamente a alguém envolvido nesta conspiração, o estudo de exactamente quem faz parte de este grupo é complexo e intrigante.
20051219             Em 19920000             , o DOCTOR—JOHN—COLEMAN publicou o livro Conspirators Hierarchy: THE—STORY—OF—THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300 (Hierarquia dos Conspiradores: 1—HISTÓRIA do Comité dos 300).
20051219             Com uma boa bolsa de estudo e uma pesquisa meticulosa, DOCTOR—COLEMAN identifica os jogadores e cuidadosamente demonstra os planos da Nova Ordem Mundial para um domínio e controlo mundial.
20051219             Na página 161—DO livro Conspirators Hierarchy, DOCTOR—COLEMAN sumariza com precisão as intenções e propósitos dos Comité dos 300:
20051219             "Um Governo Mundial e um sistema único monetário, numa permanente hierarquia sem eleições que se auto nomeiam entre si na forma de um sistema feudal como era feito na Idade Média. Nesta entidade de "Um Mundo", a população estará limitada por restrições no número de crianças por família, doenças, guerras, fome, até que 1—BILIÃO de pessoas que são inúteis para a classe administradora, em áreas que serão claramente e estritamente definidas, sejam o total da população mundial.
20051219             Não existirá classe média, apenas governadores e escravos.
20051219             Todas as leis serão uniformes de acordo com um sistema legal de tribunais mundiais que praticam o mesmo código legal unificado, reforçados por uma força policial e militar para impor as leis nos países formados onde não existirão fronteiras.
20051219             O sistema estará na base dum estado de BEM—ESTAR, aqueles que forem obedientes e subversivos para o Governo serão recompensados com os meios para sobreviver;
20051219             os rebeldes irão simplesmente morrer a fome ou serão considerados FORA—DA—LEI e serão um alvo para qualquer pessoa que os queira matar.
20051219             Possuir armas de fogo ou qualquer tipo de arma serão proibidas entre o povo.
20051219             Porquê que a conspiração é desconhecida?
20051219             Several links to JOHN—COLEMAN'S 'COMMITTEE—OF—300' book
20051219             Links with THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300 - Club Of ROME - 1—OLD—MEMBERSHIP—LIST
20051219             The high level Illuminati had MANY—MEETINGS then UK—INTELLIGENCE had meetings at Tryall Compound at Montego BAY—JAMAICA + Mafia meetings in other places.
20051219             To overthrow THE—HOUSE—OF—WINDSOR, 1—SMEAR campaign is being conducted to portray PRINCE—CHARLES, heir apparent to THE—UK—THRONE, as the Antichrist.
20051219             " THE—ANTICHRIST and 1—CUP—OF—TEA uniquely offers HARD—EVIDENCE concerning THE—IDENTITY—OF—THE—ANTICHRIST—OF—BIBLE prophecy, who appears to be PRINCE—CHARLES—OF—WALES. PRINCE—CHARLES, unlike all previous candidates, fulfills the —FOLLOWING scriptural criteria: His name calculates to 666 in both English and Hebrew; the symbols in his heraldic achievement or COAT—OF—ARMS are identical to those of the '1. beast' of Revelation 13; he claims descent from David, Jesus + Mohammed, but is most likely from the tribe of Dan and Odin (Satan); he literally serves the red dragon (Satan), which was central to his 19690000             investiture as THE—PRINCE—OF—WALES; he wants to be THE—KING—OF—EUROPE; he heads the United World Colleges; he steers the environmental ethics and business agendas of over 100—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST multinational corporations; he is credited for THE—SUCCESS—OF—THE—RIO—EARTH—SUMMIT and thus THE—KYOTO—PROTOCOL + he has spearheaded the push for enforceable environmentalism worldwide; he initiated the Global Security Programme and its lecture series, for which MIKHAIL—GORBACHEV has become 1—SPOKESPERSON; he has partnered with THE—UNITED—NATIONS and the World Bank; he appears to be responsible for the initiation of the current Mideast 'peace process' + has been directly involved —SINCE Yitzhak RABIN—FUNERAL; he has taken 1—TRACEABLE—BIO—CHIP implant; and his media exposure has exceeded THAT—OF—EVERY—OTHER—MAN in history. The book also details THE—UK—MONARCHY—CENTURIES—LONG—CONSPIRACY for a 'New World Order' using THE—ORDER—OF—THE—GARTER, which is the core leadership of the Priory of Sion, the Knights Templar, the Rosicrucians, English and FRANCE—FREEMASONRY + the Illuminati, as well as the overarching 'COMMITTEE—OF—300.' This work is must READING for all who are interested in the modern fulfillment of Bible prophecy".
20051219             VAN DEN BROEK (COMMITTEE—OF—300  - you find the complete story by former intelligence officer DOCTOR—JOHN—COLEMAN.
20051219             - This committee is central in the drive for 1—WORLD—GOVERNMENT.
20051219             —PARTICIPATED, VDB, several times at Bilderberg meetings.
20051219             Was THE—EU—COMMISSIONER who got the job to unify EUROPE—HAD to leave the job —LAST—YEAR—WHEN scandals in THE—EU—COMMISSION became public.
20051219             Was THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—MAASTRICHT meeting.
20051219             MAASTRICHT was the birthplace of the United EUROPE.
20051219             Old German (?) way of writing MAASTRICHT is MASTRICHT (I have 1—PICTURE and 1—MAP—LIKE that).
20051219             Was the spokesman for EUROPE at the "Peace" Conference between the Arabs and the Israelis 19910000             , —WHEN THE—KISSINGER led GEORGE—BUSH—GOVERNMENT worked for "Peace" in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.).
20051219             1—OF—THE—MAJOR—PLAYERS. COMMITTEE—OF—300 as well.
20051219             Related to THE—UK—ROYAL—INSTITUTE for INTERNATIONAL Affairs (RIIA). - - In his book, THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300,
20051219             —REVEALED, FORMER—BRITISH—MI6 officer JOHN—COLEMAN, that 1—HIGH—LEVEL—FABIAN—SOCIETY—MEMBER and agent of the Tavistock Institute also managed the Heritage Foundation.
20051219             "THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300—THROUGH its many affiliated organizations was able to nullify the Reagan presidency.
20051219             Here is what STUART—BUTLER—OF—THE—HERITAGE—FOUNDATION had to say on the subject 'The right thought it had won
20051219             AFRICA—FUND. Agency of INTERNATIONAL Development.
20051219             ALBERT—PREVIN—FOUNDATION. Alliance Israelite Universalle.
20051219             USA—DEFENSE Society. USA—PRESS Institute.
20051219             USA—PROTECTIVE League. ANTI—DEFAMATION League.
20051219             Arab Bureau. Arab Higher Committee.
20051219             ARCA Foundation. Armour Research Foundation.
20051219             Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus.
20051219             Aspen Institute. Association for Humanistic Psychology.
20051219             Augmentation Research Center.
20051219             BARON—DE—HIRSH—FUND. Battelle Memorial Institute. Berger National Foundation.
20051219             BERLIN Center for Future Research. Bilderbergers. Black Order.
20051219             Boycott JAPAN—GOODS—CONFERENCE. UK—NEWFOUNDLAND Corporation.
20051219             UK—ROYAL—SOCIETY.
20051219             Brotherhood of Cooperative Commonwealth.
20051219             Cathedral of S—JOHN—THE—DIVINE, NEW—YORK.
20051219             Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences.
20051219             Center for Constitutional Rights.
20051219             Center for CUBA—STUDIES. Center for Democratic Institutions.
20051219             Center for INTERNATIONAL Policy.
20051219             Center for the Study of Responsive Law. CHRISTIAN—SOCIALIST—LEAGUE.
20051219             Cini Foundation. Club of ROME.
20051219             Cominform. COMMITTEE—FOR—THE—NEXT—30—YEARS.
20051219             Communist League. Congress of Industrial Organizations.
20051219             COUNCIL—ON—FOREIGN Relations.
20051219             DAVID—SASSOON—COMPANY. De Beers Consolidated Mines.
20051219             Democratic League of BRUSSELS.
20051219             Environmetrics INCORPORATED Esalen Institute.
20051219             Ford Foundation.
20051219             Foundation for National Progress.
20051219             GARLAND Fund. GERMANY—MARSHALL—FUND.
20051219             Gulf SOUTH—RESEARCH Institute. Haganah. Harvard University.
20051219             Hells Fire Club. HORACE—MANN—LEAGUE.
20051219             HUDSON—GUILD. HUDSON—INSTITUTE.
20051219             HUDSON—BAY—COMPANY. Imperial College UNIVERSITY—OF—LONDON.
20051219             Industrial CHRISTIAN—FELLOWSHIP—INSTITUTE for Brain Research.
20051219             Institute for Pacific Relations. Institute for Policy Studies.
20051219             Institute for Social Research.
20051219             Institute for the Future. Institute for World Order.
20051219             Institute on Drugs, Crime and Justice.
20051219             INTER—ALPHA. INTER—USA—SOCIAL—DEVELOPMENT Institute.
20051219             INTERNATIONAL Institute for Strategic Studies.
20051219             Interreligious Peace Colloquium. Irgun. Knights of MALTA.
20051219             League of Nations. Logistics Management Institute.
20051219             MARY—CARTER—PAINT—COMPANY.
20051219             Mellon Institute. Metaphysical Society. Milner Group. Mocatto Metals.
20051219             Mont Pelerin Society. NAACP.
20051219             National Action Research on Military/Industrial Complex.
20051219             National Center for Productivity Institute. National COUNCIL—OF—CHURCHES.
20051219             National Opinion Research Center.
20051219             National Training Laboratories.
20051219             New Democratic Coalition. New World Foundation.
20051219             NEW—YORK Rand Institute. NORML.
20051219             NORTH—ATLANTIC—TREATY Organization (NATO). - - - Odd Fellows.
20051219             ORDER—OF—S—JOHN—OF—JERUSALEM.
20051219             ORDER—OF—THE—GOLDEN—DAWN. OXFAM.
20051219             OXFORD Univac. Pacific Studies Center. Palisades Foundation.
20051219             Peninsula and Orient Navigation Company.
20051219             PERMINDEX. Princeton University.
20051219             Rand Corporation. Rand School of Social Sciences.
20051219             Research Triangle Institution. Rhodes Scholarship Committee.
20051219             RIO—TINTO—ZINC—COMPANY. RIVERSIDE Church Disarmament Program.
20051219             Round Table.
20051219             Royal Institute for INTERNATIONAL Affairs.
20051219             Sharps Pixley Ward. Social Science Research Council.
20051219             Socialist INTERNATIONAL. Socialist Party of THE—USA.
20051219             Society for PROMOTION—OF—STUDY—OF—RELIGIONS. Society of Heaven (TRIADS).
20051219             SOVIET—STATE—COMMITTEE—FOR—SCIENCE and Technology. Stanford Research Institute.
20051219             STOCKHOLM INTERNATIONAL Peace Research Institute.
20051219             Sun Yat Sen Society. Systems Development Corporation.
20051219             Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.
20051219             Tempo Corporation. THE—HIGH 12—INTERNATIONAL. THE—PUBLIC—AGENDA—FOUNDATION.
20051219             THE—QUALITY—OF—LIFE—INSTITUTE.
20051219             Theosophist Society. Thule Society.
20051219             Transatlantic Council. Trilateral Commission.
20051219             USA—INSTITUTE for Peace. Union of Concerned Scientists.
20051219             UNITAR.
20051219             UNIVERSITY—OF—PENNSYLVANIA—WHARTON—SCHOOL. Warburg, JAMES—P and Family.
20051219             WEST—TRAINING Laboratories.
20051219             Wilton Park. WOMEN—CHRISTIAN—TEMPERANCE—UNION.
20051219             —EXCERPTED, Above, from report by JOHN—COLEMAN & Lyndon Larouche
20051219             This book is 1—ATTEMPT to open THE—EYES—OF—THE—USA—PEOPLE to this terrible truth: We are not 1—INDEPENDENT nation, nor can we ever be, as long as we are ruled by 1—INVISIBLE—GOVERNMENT, THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300.
20051219             There is not 1—SINGLE—ASPECT—OF—LIFE in AMERICA—THAT is not watched over, steered in the "right" direction, manipulated + controlled by the invisible GOVERNMENT—OF—THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300. There is not 1 elected official or political leader that is not subject to its rule.
20051219             No 1—THUS far has got away with defying our secret rulers, who do not hesitate to make "1—HORRIBLE—EXAMPLE" of anyone, including THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA—OF—AMERICA.
20051219             The invisible GOVERNMENT—OF—THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300 has put tremendous pressure on AMERICA to change its ways--for the worse.
20051219             AMERICA is the last BASTION—OF—FREEDOM and unless our freedoms are taken away from us, progress toward a 1—WORLD—GOVERNMENT will be considerably slowed.
20051219             Such 1—UNDERTAKING as a 1—WORLD—GOVERNMENT is 1—MASSIVE 1, requiring 1—GREAT—DEAL—OF—SKILL, organizing abilities, CONTROL—OF—GOVERNMENTS and their policies.
20051219             The only organization that could possibly have undertaken this mammoth task with ANY—HOPE—OF—SUCCESS is THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300 + we have seen —JUST how far it has come toward total success.
20051219             Above all, the battle is 1—SPIRITUAL 1. Unfortunately, the Christian churches have become little more than social clubs run by the infinitely evil World COUNCIL—OF—CHURCHES (WCC), whose beginnings lie not in MOSCOW but in THE—CITY—OF—LONDON, as we see from the chart —AT—THE—END—OF—THE—BOOK which gives the structure of THE—1—WORLD—GOVERNMENT—CHURCH.
20051219             —INVITED, PRESIDENT—RONALD—REAGAN had, GEORGE—SCHULTZ, CASPAR—WEINBERGER, GEORGE—KENNAN and Lane Kirkland to be present at his meeting with Vogel, who explained to PRESIDENT—REAGAN what the aims and objectives of the Ditchley Group were.
20051219             >From —THAT—DAY, PRESIDENT—REAGAN did 1—ABOUT face and worked with THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300'S various agencies to advance THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND and THE—BANK—OF—INTERNATIONAL—SETTLEMENTS as the authority on U.S domestic and foreign monetary policies.
20051219             —CALLED, LEVER—PLAN, for THE—IMF—INFLUENCE to be broadened so that it could influence central banks of all nations, including THE—USA and guide them into the hands of a 1—WORLD—GOVERNMENT—BANK.
20051219             Thrusting aside the pious platitudes and posturings of defending the Constitution, SENATOR—SAM—ERVIN did more to change THE—USA—THAN anything PRESIDENT—NIXON was alleged to have done + THE—USA has not yet recovered from THE—EAR—MORTAL wound of Watergate, 1—COMMITTEE—OF—300 sponsored operation conducted by the Royal Institute for INTERNATIONAL Affairs, the Round Table and "hands on" MI6 officers based in THE—USA.
20051219             Yet it shows the immense POWER—OF—THE—PRESS, as Lippman + Bernays had quite properly anticipated, in that MISTER—S—GRAHAM, long SUSPECTED—OF—THE—MURDER—OF—HER—HUSBAND, PHILIP—L—GRAHAM—OFFICIALLY classed as "suicide"--should have retained ANY—CREDIBILITY at all.
20051219             —INDICTED, Other traitors who should have been, for insurrection and treason were Kissinger, Haig, Halperin, Ellsberg, Young, McCord, JOSEPH—CALIFANO and Chomsky of IPS and those CIA operatives who went to MCCORD—HOUSE and burned ALL—OF—HIS—PAPERS.
20051219             Again, it is worth repeating that Watergate, like MANY—OTHER—OPERATIONS we do not have the space to include here, demonstrated THE—COMPLETE—CONTROL exercised over THE—USA—BY—THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300.
20051219             Life is religion.
20051219             Life experiences reflect how 1—INTERACTS with God.
20051219             Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation.
20051219             SOME—PEOPLE think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out.
20051219             For those individuals, the worlds will cease.
20051219             They will become exactly what they give to life.
20051219             They will become merely 1—DREAM in the 'past.' People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the 'Future.'
20051219             Cassiopaeans, 20020928             20051219             —ORCHESTRATED, However, this eschaton conspiracy is being, by higher powers + we don't mean THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300.
20051219             Very FEW—OF—THE—PEOPLE even near THE—CENTER—OF—THE—ORCHESTRATION have 1—CLEAR—PICTURE—OF what is coming down, but they do know that something is coming and that they will have front row seats.
20051219             UK—CONSPIRACY—WRITER—JOHN—COLEMAN follows up his COMMITTEE—OF—300—BOOK with this expose on the secret mechinations of the secret British and USA—ALLIANCES and how their citizens are deceived by the detrimental
20051219             policies of these governments.
20051219             Coleman gives fascinating accounts and sheds new light on such diverse operations as the Gulf War;
20051219             the creation of 1—ARTIFICIAL—SAUDI—ARABIA—CLIENT—STATE for the oil industry;
20051219             the rape of MEXICO by British and USA—OIL barons;
20051219             the invasion of PANAMA; how THE—UNITED—NATIONS is used as 1—WAR—MAKING body and more.
20051219             GP-0100---CONSPIRATORS' HIERARCHY : THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300 - DOCTOR—JOHN—COLEMAN - 19970000             (4. Ed.) - 267—P.- List Price - $20.00
20051219             This book by DOCTOR—COLEMAN, 1—FORMER—INTELLIGENCE—AGENT—OF—BRITISH—MI6, rips the lid off the conspiratorial group that knows no national boundaries, is above the laws of all countries and controls EVERY—ASPECT—OF—POLITICS, religion, commerce, industry, banking, insurance, mining + even the drug trade !
20051219             Learn how this small elite group, which is answerable to no 1—EXCEPT its members has pulled the strings on all world events + why, —UNTIL—NOW, few people have even been aware of their existence, or power in manipulating the affairs of the entire world.
20051219             —REVEALED, ALL—OF—THESE members are, as well as ALL—OF—THE—CORPORATIONS, government agencies and various movements that "they" have developed and control to further their own aims for world domination
20051219             Should Bush and Kerry be allowed to be MEMBERS—OF—1—HIGHLY secret organization, where MANY—AMERICA—PRESIDENTS and other high government officials and key business leaders come out of, without THE—USA—PEOPLE knowing what this organization stands for?
20051219             How can this be? Shouldn't the media be intensely questioning both Bush and Kerry about Skull and Bones, especially in the Presidential debates?
20051219             Shouldn't THE—FBI, CIA and EVERY—OTHER—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY be investigating Skull and Bones on BEHALF—OF—THE—USA—PEOPLE to see "what is going on here?" And —WHILE they're at it, they could investigate the other connected "elite" secret societies, who have 1—AGENDA—OF "total world domination" and who exist all over the world >>>Illuminati, Bildebergers, Trilateral Commission, COMMITTEE—OF—300, Round Table, Club of ROME, Council of Foreign Relations etc.
20051219             Forget that idea because the C.I.A., F.B.I and EVERY—OTHER—USA—GOVERNMENT—AGENCY is controlled by the Illuminati also.
20051219             And to anyone who cannot bring themselves to begin to believe ANY—OF—THIS, please take the time and put the names of EACH—OF—THESE organizations into www.google_com and read about them to your amazement.
20051219             —CONNECTED, Yes these, "elite" secret societies of of 1—FEW extremely wealthy individuals really do exist and meet on 1—REGULAR—BASIS to pursue their quest for a 1—WORLD—GOVERNMENT, organized as 1—GLOBAL—FASCIST—POLICE—STATE, ruled by 1—SO—CALLED "elitist" dictatorship!
20051219             NON—COMMERCIAL Affiliations / Organizations
20051219             Patron and CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—ADVISORY—BOARD, THE—NEW—ATLANTIC—INITIATIVE—PATRON,Atlantic Partnership
20051219             Chairman, Eisenhower Exchange FELLOWSHIPS—DIRECTOR,Center for Democracy
20051219             /Center for Democracy Director, DAN—DAVID—PRIZE
20051219             Director, INTERNATIONAL Rescue Committee [24]
20051219             Advisory BOARD,Puppies Behind Bars  (with wife, NANCY Kissinger)
20051219             Counselor/Trustee, Center for Strategic and INTERNATIONAL Studies
20051219             Honorary Trustee, Aspen INSTITUTE—TRUSTEE, Open RUSSIA Foundation
20051219             (IIE) Trustee and Counselor,Center for Strategic and INTERNATIONAL Studies [25]
20051219             Member, Honorary COUNCIL—OF—ADVISORS at the ">USA—AZERBAIJAN CHAMBER—OF—COMMERCE
20051219             Member and Trustee Emeritus, Metropolitan MUSEUM—OF—ART
20051219             Reputed Member, COMMITTEE—OF—300 - Reputed Member, Trilateral Commission
20051219             Reputed Member, Bilderberg
20051219             UNIVERSITY—OF—PENNSYLVANIA, Wharton SCHOOL—OF—FINANCE & Commerce Founded by ERIC—TRIST
20051219             1—OF—THE "brain trusts" of Tavistock, Wharton has become 1—OF—THE—MORE—IMPORTANT—TAVISTOCK in so far as "Behavioral Research" is concerned.
20051219             This method was very much in demand as we came to the close of 19910000             with millions more OUT—OF—WORK than was reflected in USDL statistics.
20051219             HUDSON—INSTITUTE
20051219             This institution has done more to shape the way Americans react to political and social events, think, vote and generally conduct themselves than perhaps ANY—EXCEPT—THE—BIG 5. Hudson specializes in defense policy research and relations with THE—USSR.
20051219             —CLASSIFIED, MOST—OF—ITS—MILITARY—WORK is, as SECRET.
20051219             (1—IDEA —DURING THE—VIETNAM—WAR was to build 1—MOAT —AROUND Saigon.) Hudson may be properly classified as 1—OF—THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300'S BRAINWASHING establishments.
20051219             1—OF—ITS—LARGEST—CLIENTS is THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE which includes matters of civil defense, national security, military policy and arms control.
20051219             The enhanced and updated 4. EDITION—OF—CONSPIRATORS' Hierarchy: THE—STORY—OF—THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300 is only available directly from DOCTOR—COLEMAN.
20051219             World In Review is a 40—PAGE BI—MONTHLY—PUBLICATION and is the only political, science and economic news magazine that carries no advertisements!
20051219             —PUZZLED, If you are, and perplexed as to why things are occurring that we as 1—NATION don't like yet seem powerless to prevent, why it is that THE—USA—ALWAYS seems to back the wrong horse, why our former social and moral values have been turned aside and seemingly buried;
20051219             if you are confused by THE—MANY—CONSPIRACY—THEORIES, then THE—CONSPIRATORS'—HIERARCHY: THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300 will clearly establish that these conditions have been deliberately created to bring us to our knees.
20051219             —CALLED, That there is such 1—BODY, THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300, is graphically told in this book.
20051219             —WHEN most people attempt to address our problems, they speak or write about "THEY".
20051219             This book tells precisely who they are + what they have planned for our future.
20051219             It tells what methods they use and exactly how they have us all brainwashed.
20051219             MOST—OF—ITS—IMMENSE—WEALTH arose out of the opium trade with CHINA.
20051219             This group is responsible for the phony drug wars here in THE—USA—THESE phony drug wars were to get us to give away our constitutional rights.
20051219             Asset forfeiture is 1—PRIME—EXAMPLE, where huge assets can be seized without trail and no proof of guilt needed.
20051219             —DECREED, Also THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300—LONG ago, that there shall be 1—SMALLER—MUCH—SMALLER—AND better world, that is, their idea of what constitutes 1—BETTER—WORLD.
20051219             The myriads of useless eaters consuming scarce natural resources were to be culled.
20051219             Industrial progress supports population growth.
20051219             —THEREFORE the command to multiply and subdue the earth found in Genesis had to be subverted.
20051219             —CALLED, This, for 1—ATTACK upon Christianity;
20051219             the slow but sure disintegration of industrial nation states;
20051219             —REFERRED, THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE, to by THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300 as "surplus population, " and THE—REMOVAL—OF—ANY—LEADER who dared to stand in THE—WAY—OF—THE—COMMITTEE—GLOBAL planning to reach the foregoing objectives.
20051219             Not that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT didn't know, but as it was PART—OF—THE—CONSPIRACY, it helped to keep the lid on information rather than let the truth be known.
20051219             QUEEN, ELIZABETH II, is THE—HEAD—OF—THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300.
20051219             THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300—LOOKS to social convulsions on 1—GLOBAL—SCALE, followed by depressions, as 1—SOFTENING—UP technique for bigger things to come, as its principal method of creating MASSES—OF—PEOPLE—ALL over the world who will become its "welfare" RECIPIENTS—OF—THE—FUTURE.
20051219             The committee appears to base much of its important decisions affecting mankind on the philosophy of POLAND—ARISTOCRAT, FELIX—DZERZINSKI, who regarded mankind as being slightly above THE—LEVEL—OF—CATTLE.
20051219             As 1—CLOSE—FRIEND—OF—UK—INTELLIGENCE—AGENT—SYDNEY Reilly (Reilly was actually DZERZINSKI—CONTROLLER —DURING the Bolshevik REVOLUTION—FORMATIVE years), he often confided in REILLY—DURING his drinking bouts.
20051219             Dzerzinski was, of course, the beast who ran the Red Terror apparatus.
20051219             He once told Reilly, —WHILE the 2 were on 1—DRINKING binge, that "Man IS—OF—NO—IMPORTANCE. Look at what happens —WHEN you starve him. He begins to eat his dead companions to stay alive. Man is only interested in his own survival. That is all that counts. All the Spinoza stuff is 1—LOT—OF—RUBBISH".
20051219             Article from WAKE UP AMERICA—GET DOCTOR—COLEMAN—BOOK—HERE
20051219             Edit this PAGE—DISCUSS this PAGE—PAGE—HISTORY—WHAT links here
20051219             Related CHANGES—WIKI.PHTML—TITLE=SPECIAL—SPECIALPAGES.htm ">Special pages
20051219             * INTERNATIONAL Institute for Strategic STUDIES—WHAT is it -
20051219             Critical description of IISS from "THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300" by DOCTOR—JOHN—COLEMAN: page 178
20051219             THE—IISS is the vehicle for MI6-Tavistock black propaganda + wet jobs (1—INTELLIGENCE over name denoting 1—OPERATION where bloodshed is required), adverse nuclear incidents and terrorism, which goes to the world's press for dissemination, as well as to governments and military establishments.
20051219             Membership in THE—IISS includes representatives of 87—MAJOR wire services and press associations, as well as 138—SENIOR—EDITORS and columnists....
20051219             —FORMED, In THE—WRITING—OF—BOOKS + in newspapers, IISS was, to be 1—COORDINATING centre for not only creating opinions, but to get those opinions and scenarios out much faster and to 1—FAR—GREATER—AUDIENCE than could be reached by 1—BOOK for example....
20051219             "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of organized habits and OPINIONS—OF—THE—MASSES is 1—IMPORTANT—ELEMENT in 1—DEMOCRATIC—SOCIETY.
20051219             Those who manipulate this unseen MECHANISM—OF—SOCIETY constitute 1—INVISIBLE—GOVERNMENT, which is the true ruling power in our country......
20051219             —GOVERNED, We are, our minds are moulded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of...".
20051219             1—RESEARCH—ORGANIZATION dedicated to thinking about the future from 1—CONTRARIAN POINT—OF—VIEW"-in other words 'futurists' who focus on defense policy research ~
20051219             THE—CLINTON—GORE Incinerator [1—COMPENDIUM] [Free Republic]
20051219             ".. 19810000             joint venture with THE—SWEDEN—INCINERATOR—MAKER—VON Roll and 2—OTHER—COMPANIES. 20—ACRES—OF—LAND from the Columbiana County Port Authority were to be used in connection with "river.".
20051219             ".. 19810000             and 19900000             , owners and partners on the project changed several times.
20051219             —INVOLVED, At least 1—OF—THOSE transfers, 1—REPUNCTUATION—OF—WTI—NAME -- 1—TECHNIQUE, opponents claim, that is commonly used by.".
20051219             Tschetschenien: Plünderer finden STRAHLEN—MÜLL in Fabrikruine
20051219             REUTERS—WASHINGTON (Reuters ) - 2—USA—NEWSPAPERS said —ON—MONDAY that they would no longer publish opinion pieces by 1—CONSERVATIVE—COMMENTATOR who has admitted taking payments from lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF to write OP—ED pieces favorable to ABRAMOFF—CLI
20051219             —ACCEPTED, Money from lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF was eagerly, by MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS—UNTIL —THIS—YEAR.
20051219             —NOW lawmakers are beginning to return the funds.
20051219             Writer Suspended for Taking Story Payments (AP )
20051219             -- THE—NSA and Domestic Surveillance PRESIDENT—BUSH said he did not... and elsewhere, USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES said —TUESDAY.
20051219             Does THE—PRESIDENT—REALLY—KNOW—BEST?
20051219             1—FORMER—PROSECUTOR examines what's behind BUSH—LEGAL fig leaf.
20051219             warrant —BEFORE conducting electronic surveillance on people within THE—USA.
20051219             ATTORNEY—GENERAL—OF—THE—USA...electronic surveillance or physical searches under FISA were required to include.
20051219             COUNTRYWATCH—GLOBAL—NEWS—UPDATE—OF—THE—3—FORMER—PRESIDENTS, 2 were facing trial.
20051219             The hearings began on 1—RATHER rough note —WHEN USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES did not take.
20051219             Our position is, is that the authorization to use force, which was passed by the Congress in the days —FOLLOWING 20050911             , constitutes that other authorization, that other statute by Congress, to engage in this KIND—OF—SIGNALS—INTELLIGENCE.
20051219             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION doesn't argue that warrantless wiretapping was something specifically contemplated in the text or by Congress.
20051219             —IMPLIED, Rather, the administration argues that it is, as PART—OF—1—BROAD—AUTHORIZATION to "
20051219             use all necessary and appropriate force.
20051219             —REJECTED, THE—SUPREME—COURT has, that expansive interpretation.
20051219             It's 1—HUGE—BLOW to the administration's legal rationale for warrantless wiretapping.
20051219             sagte BUSH weiter.
20051219             der eigentlich für die Auslandsaufklärung zuständig ist, genehmigt zu haben.
20051219             Der USA—PRÄSIDENT hatte am Wochenende zugegeben, zahlreiche Lauschangriffe durch den GEHEIM—DIENST NSA (National Security Agency),
20051219             —OPERATED, AMERICA, 1—SECRET—PRISON in AFGHANISTAN as —RECENTLY as —LAST—YEAR and tortured inmates there, according to 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ORGANISATION.
20051219             THE—USA—POLICY—OF "extraordinary rendition" has 1—HUMAN face + it is mine.-By Khaled EL—MASRI I am still recovering from 1—EXPERIENCE that was completely beyond the pale,
20051219             outside THE—BOUNDS—OF—ANY—LEGAL—FRAMEWORK and unacceptable in any civilized society.
20051219             Die ONLINE—ENZYKLOPÄDIE umfasst nach eigenen Angaben 2—MILLIONEN Artikel 00.000.20 0—SPRACHEN,
20051219             die fast ausschließlich von Freiwilligen erstellt wurden.
20051219             WASHINGTON—ER werde weitere Abhöraktionen erlauben, solange die Vereinigten Staaten der andauernden Bedrohung durch Terroristen ausgesetzt seien,
20051219             sagte GEORGE—W—BUSH —HEUTE im Weißen Haus in WASHINGTON.
20051219             Der Kampf gegen die Terrororganisation AL—QAIDA,
20051219             "die kein konventioneller Gegner ist", erfordere "ein neues Denken und Handeln".
20051219             "Sie müssen verstehen + ich hoffe,
20051219             dass das AMERIKANISCHE—VOLK das versteht: Es existiert noch immer 1—FEIND, der DIE—USA angreifen will, und sie sind sehr gefährlich".
20051219             PARLIAMENT sworn in for AFGHANISTAN:
20051219             boding ill for efforts to account for abuses and to stamp out 1—DRUGS—TRADE.
20051219             USA—RUN 'torture jail' in KABUL:
20051219             —OPERATED, AMERICA, 1—SECRET—PRISON in AFGHANISTAN as —RECENTLY as —LAST—YEAR and tortured inmates there,
20051219             according to 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ORGANISATION.
20051219             IRAN confirms ambush on PRESIDENT—MOTORCADE:
20051219             IRAN PRESIDENT—BANS—WESTERN music:
20051219             —BANNED, IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD has, Western and "indecent" music from STATE—RUN TV and radio stations.
20051219             Gulf summit raps ISRAEL, not IRAN on nuclear issue:
20051219             In 1—FINAL—STATEMENT, THE—6—NATION Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) focussed on ISRAEL—FAILURE to join the nuclear NON—PROLIFERATION—TREATY (NPT), which IRAN has signed.
20051219             SHARON—AIDE helps Spielberg promote controversial film:
20051219             —ABOUT the hunt for the Palestinians responsible for the hostage crisis that led to the deaths of 11—ISRAEL—ATHLETES at 19720000             —THE—OLYMPICS.
20051219             Unofficial Results Show Morales Victory:
20051219             —ASSURED—OF, Socialist Evo Morales appears, becoming BOLIVIA—NEXT—PRESIDENT,
20051219             according to unofficial results —MONDAY, 1—OUTCOME that would solidify SOUTH—AMERICA—SHIFT toward the political left.
20051219             New BOLIVIA—LEADER poses challenge to USA—POLICY:
20051219             —TRIED, USA—OFFICIALS have, to demonize Evo Morales, 1—FORMER—LEADER—OF—COCA farmers and the country's 1. INDIA—LEADER,
20051219             —SINCE he 1. came to prominence.
20051219             USA—HOUSE—WRAPS Up Budget With Defense Plan, Spending Cuts:
20051219             —ADJOURNED, THE—USA—HOUSE, for THE—YEAR—AFTER approving a $453—BILLION DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE—BUDGET for fiscal 20060000             and $39.7—BILLION in spending cuts over —5—YEARS to benefit programs such as Medicaid and student loans.
20051219             USA—HOUSE approves $39.7—BLN spending cuts:
20051219             —VOTED, THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES—ON—MONDAY narrowly, to cut $39.7—BILLION from FEDERAL—SPENDING over —5—YEARS,
20051219             including health care and other social welfare, as PART—OF—1—CONSERVATIVE push to contain these growing programs.
20051219             is carrying out intelligence collection,
20051219             analysis and operations within THE—USA and abroad, according to 1—PENTAGON fact sheet on the Counterintelligence Field Activity,
20051219             or CIFA, provided to THE—WASHINGTON—POST.
20051219             Rumsfeld Spies on Quakers and Grannies:
20051219             THE—PENTAGON has 1—FILE on 1—ANTI—WAR—GROUP that was gathering at the Quaker Meeting House in Lake Worth,
20051219             FLORIDA, to plan 1—COUNTER—RECRUITING effort at local high schools.
20051219             Big Brother Bush / THE—PRESIDENT took a step toward a police state:
20051219             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is continuing its ASSAULT—ON—AMERICANS' privacy and freedom in THE—NAME—OF—THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM.
20051219             How the Media "Authorize" THE—ABUSE—OF—GOVERNMENT—POWER:
20051219             THE—STORY—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH deliberately breaking the law to create 1—DOMESTIC—SPY—OPERATION is 1—LOT—OF—DIFFERENT—THINGS:
20051219             it is 1—TALE—OF—POWER—ABUSE, arrogance + contempt for the law by 1—OUT—OF—CONTROL—PRESIDENT.
20051219             Congressional Perks: How THE—TRAPPINGS—OF—OFFICE—TRAP—TAXPAYERS:
20051219             —TODAY, MEMBERS—OF—THE—USA—CONGRESS enjoy 1—VAST—WEB—OF perquisites that benefit them personally as well as professionally, including:
20051219             Bush FUND—RAISERS cash in by giving — then receiving:
20051219             —SUPPLIED, AMERICA—BUSINESS—LEADERS, more than $75—MILLION to return Mr.
20051219             BUSH to THE—WHITE—HOUSE—LAST—YEAR—AND he has paid dividends.
20051219             House Votes to Open Alaskan Refuge to Oil Drilling:
20051219             —VOTED, Working through the night, the House —EARLY—TODAY, to open THE—ARCTIC—NATIONAL—WILDLIFE Refuge to oil drilling as PART—OF—1—MILITARY—MEASURE and narrowly approved a $40—BILLION BUDGET—CUTTING plan as BLEARY—EYED lawmakers concluded 1—MARATHON weekend session.
20051219             How Spy Chips Are Quietly Reshaping Privacy:
20051219             You may not realize it, but that pack of disposable razors you —JUST bought can enable you to be tracked wherever you go.
20051219             Same with that discount card you used to buy the razors in the 1. place.
20051219             —CREATED, New LIFE—FORMS, with artificial:
20051219             —WHEN scientists announced the reconstruction of the lethal 19180000             SPAIN—FLU—VIRUS—LAST—MONTH,
20051219             they opened 1—WINDOW on 1—BOOMING new research field with enormous promise for good — or for harm.
20051219             —JUSTIFIED, McCain says SOME—TORTURE :
20051219             —PUSHED, SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN, who, THE—WHITE—HOUSE to support 1—BAN on torture,
20051219             suggested —SUNDAY that harsh treatment of 1—TERRORISM—SUSPECT who knew of 1—IMMINENT—ATTACK would not violate INTERNATIONAL standards.
20051219             The most effective way to control people is to control their assumptions about the world.
20051219             JUAN—COLE: BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—REMAINS Detached From Reality:
20051219             THE—HISTORY—OF—GUERRILLA insurgencies is replete with groups that simulaneously fought on both the political and paramilitary fronts.
20051219             Listen to how angry the Sunni politicians are,
20051219             as they speak out —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—ELECTIONS,
20051219             both at BUSH and at the Shiites + you get 1—SENSE—OF—HOW detached THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION remains from reality.
20051219             Behind the Steel Curtain: THE—REAL—FACE—OF—THE—OCCUPATION:
20051219             Modhhir Najim Abdulla, 1—SECURITY—OFFICER in the hospital took us to his uncle's bombed house where 17—WOMEN,
20051219             children + civilians were killed.
20051219             Not 1—OF—THEM was 1—STRANGER or 1—FIGHTER.
20051219             Road to ANTI—AMERICANISM: UKRAINE—TROOPS end operations in IRAQ:
20051219             IRAQ fuel price hike sparks protests: USA—SETS SADDAM—SCIENTISTS free:
20051219             8—FORMER—AIDES to SADDAM—HUSSEIN—INCLUDING 2—WOMEN accused of making biological WEAPONS—HAVE been released from USA custody in IRAQ.
20051219             What greater marketing ploy could be manufactured to make enemies of the same people whose resources you desire?
20051219             —ENRICHED, THE—BUSH—GENERATIONS have, themselves —WHILE impoverishing the presidency.
20051219             Behind GEORGE W, there are 4—GENERATIONS—OF—BUSHES and Walkers devoted 1. to using political networks to pile up and protect personal fortunes and,
20051219             latterly, to using absolutely ANY—MEANS to gain office, not because they want to do good, but because they are what passes in American for hereditary aristocrats.
20051219             WE SEE them morphing into 1—ORWELLIAN nightmare of monstrous proportions that promises to pursue us to our graves.
20051219             And he does not believe in democracy. He prefers theocracy.
20051219             NORTH—CAROLINA: WHAT—GOING on?
20051219             MIKE—WILBURT, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—WARREN—COUNTY—REPUBLICAN—PARTY in that state, has grown disenchanted with Diebold:
20051219             THE—WARREN—COUNTY—REPUBLICAN—PARTY respectfully asks that no taxpayer money be appropriated for the purchase of electronic voting machines from Diebold,
20051219             or ANY—OTHER—PROVIDER, —UNTIL such time as all questions regarding the certification process and the relationship between Chairman Leake and DIEBOLD—REPRESENTATIVES have been satisfactorily answered.
20051219             This, from a ;;11;;
20051219             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES published 1—OP—ED questioning Diebold.
20051219             —ACCUSED—OF, The company was, installing improperly certified software,
20051219             which is illegal, in a 20020000             GOVERNOR—RACE in GEORGIA.
20051219             Nearly half THE—STATES—INCLUDING large ones like CALIFORNIA,
20051219             NEW—YORK, ILLINOIS and OHIO—NOW require SO—CALLED paper trails.
20051219             But always keep in mind that —1—YEAR—AGO -- back —WHEN THE—NYT had yet to call JUDY—MILLER on her crap,
20051219             back —WHEN the paper censored the news about spying on Americans without warrants -- they refused to offer ANY—COVERAGE—OF—JOHN—CONYERS' heroic work + they dismissed as BLOG—DRIVEN RUMOR—MONGERING all ALLEGATIONS—OF—VOTE—FRAUD.
20051219             Congressman Rush Holt is trying to drum up grass roots support for H.R. 550,
20051219             the Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 20050000             .
20051219             He will have more to say soon, I am sure.
20051219             Of course, BUSH may prefer to resolve the issue by attempting to install 1—USA—FRIENDLY—REGIME in TEHRAN.
20051219             For 1—GOOD—VIEW—OF what really went down in these elections, start with this GUARDIAN article
20051219             —ON the likelihood of rigged voting in IRAQ:
20051219             —EXCEEDED, Suspected polling violations on voting —DAY—LAST—WEEK—FAR, the number in IRAQ—1. election in ;;01;;,
20051219             local and INTERNATIONAL monitors said —YESTERDAY.
20051219             —ON the deadline for filing complaints, the number of alleged violations which could swing results in the 275-seat PARLIAMENT was "well into double figures",
20051219             1 accredited INTERNATIONAL election observer, who wished to remain anonymous, said.
20051219             More: PERMALINK—THE—DARK—WRAITH
20051219             carries 1—CHILLING report of 1—DARTMOUTH student who ended up talking to Homeland Security agents simply because he sought out 1—COPY—OF—MAO—LITTLE—RED—BOOK.
20051219             Doch die neue FORM—DES—PREISDUMPINGS führt auch zu Problemen, wie Piller festgestellt hat:
20051219             "EINIGE—FESTANGESTELLTE—FORSCHER fürchten anscheinend um ihren Job und überfluten Innovationsbörsen absichtlich mit unlösbaren Aufgaben,
20051219             um die Konkurrenten im Netz zu frustrieren".
20051219             Auch die starre Vertragspolitik sorgt bisweilen für Unmut: "ALLE—RECHTE am geistigen Eigentum an eine anonyme Firma abzutreten,
20051219             wie es oft geschieht, ist —SCHON sehr gewöhnungsbedürftig", sagt etwa der Privatforscher Hügin aus Genf.
20051219             Aber seine besten Ideen behält er künftig für sich:
20051219             Demnächst will er ein eigenes Patent anmelden.
20051219             Über die Ursache der explosiven Artenbildungen bei Menschenaffen und Elefanten,
20051219             die zeitlich relativ nah beieinander liegen, will Hofreiter nur spekulieren:
20051219             "Möglicherweise hat sich in dem Zeitalter das Klima geändert.
20051219             Offenbar haben sich die Afrikanischen Elefanten —SCHON vor etwa 6—MILLIONEN —JAHREN in einen Artenzweig abgespalten,
20051219             schreiben die Wissenschaftler im Magazin "Nature".
20051219             MICHAEL—HOFREITER und seine Kollegen nutzten dabei eine neuentwickelte Technik namens multiple POLYMERASE—KETTENREAKTION (PCR),
20051219             um aus nur 200—MILLIGRAMM Knochenmaterial MAMMUT—DNA zu extrahieren.
20051219             AFGHANISTAN: Parlament tagt erstmals —SEIT —JAHRZEHNTEN
20051219             —GEWINNT, BOLIVIEN: Morales, Präsidentschaftswahl
20051219             —COMMISSIONED, In this regard THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300, Tavistock Institute to prepare
20051219             Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations (LAYER—OF—THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300)
20051219             Khomeini was a CREATION—OF—UK—INTELLIGENCE Military Intelligence Division 6..
20051219             THE—7—SISTERS—THE—7—MAJOR—OIL—COMPANIES.
20051219             —FROM Diplomacy by Deception,
20051219             Together they form PART—OF—1—MAJOR—NETWORK—OF interlocking,
20051219             interfacing banks, insurance companies and brokerage houses controlled by THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300, which are hardly known outside their circle.
20051219             The reality of THE—1—WORLD—GOVERNMENT, or New World Order upper level government,
20051219             brooks no interference from anyone, no matter who it might be — even powerful national governments — the rulers of nations great and small,
20051219             corporations or private people.
20051219             It is evident from the vastness and the complexity of their operations
20051219             that the petroleum industry is 1—OF—THE—MOST powerful components that make up the economic OPERATIONS—OF—THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300.
20051219             THE—BRUTAL, Illegal Gulf War
20051219             —CARRIED, The most RECENT—OF—WARS, out under THE—CLOAK—OF—DIPLOMACY by deception,
20051219             the Gulf War, differs from others in that THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300, THE—COUNCIL—ON—FOREIGN—RELATIONS, Illuminati and Bilderbergers did not adequately cover their tracks along the way to war.
20051219             THE—GULF—WAR—THEREFORE is 1—OF—THE—EASIEST wars to trace back to Chatham House and HAROLD—PRATT—HOUSE,
20051219             and, fortunately for us, it is 1—OF—THE—EASIEST to prove the diplomacy by deception thesis.
20051219             —AIDED, UK—IMPERIALISTS, by their USA—COUSINS, began to implement their plans to seize CONTROL—OF—ALL—MIDDLE—EAST—OIL in or —AROUND the mid-1980's.
20051219             The illegal Gulf War was 1—INTEGRAL—PROVISION—OF—THAT—PLAN.
20051219             ought to have been impeached for violation the Constitution.
20051219             1—UK—INTELLIGENCE—SOURCE told me that —WHEN Baker met QUEEN—ELIZABETH—II at Buckingham Palace,
20051219             he actually bragged about how he got —AROUND the Constitution + then, in THE—PRESENCE—OF—THE—QUEEN, chastised EDWARD—HEATH who had opposed the war.
20051219             Obviously Baker and PRESIDENT—BUSH, who was also present at the gathering,
20051219             placed their fealty to THE—1—WORLD—GOVERNMENT—ABOVE THAT—OF—THE—OATH—OF—OFFICE they took to uphold the Constitution of THE—USA.
20051219             where they were opposed by the Koreish tribe, the tribe of the prophet Muhammad,
20051219             the posthumous SON—OF—THE—HASHEMITE, Abdullah, out of which came the Fatima and Abbasid Dynasties.
20051219             Strict observation of the fundamental principles of the Muslim religion make 1 1—FUNDAMENTALIST,
20051219             which the Wahabi and ABDUL—AZIZ families (THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—ROYAL—FAMILY),
20051219             are not.
20051219             —DRIFTED, THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—ROYAL—FAMILY has slowly but surely, away from fundamentalism,
20051219             which has not endeared them to Islamic fundamentalist countries like IRAQ and IRAN, who —NOW blame them for making the Gulf War possible in the 1. place.
20051219             The leading UK—COORDINATOR—OF—THE—OSS and its policy was WILLIAM—STEPHENSON,
20051219             —FROM there he ran 1—NETWORK—OF—UK—AGENTS in THE—USA which, according to Mullins,
20051219             were involved in the murders of GERMANY—SAILORS in NEW—YORK, acts designed to entice Hitler to declare WAR—ON—AMERICA.
20051219             Mullins suggests that 3—OTHER—MEMBERS—OF—THE—BRITISH—CHIEFS—OF—STAFF behind the creation of THE—OSS were:
20051219             Lord LOUIS—MOUNTBATTEN (COMMITTEE—OF—300, Bilderberg), 1—COUSIN—OF—THE—KING and related to the Frankfort banking families,
20051219             and COLONEL—STEWART—MENZIES,
20051219             #1—UK—BARCLAYS—GLOBAL—INVESTORS (COMMITTEE—OF—300); #2- Fidelity Mgmt & Research ;#3- STATE—STREET—GLOBAL—ADVISORS ; #4- Alliance CAPITAL—MGMT ; #5- Vanguard Group ; #6- J.P. MORGAN—FLEMING—ASSET—MGMT ; #7- Wells Fargo Bank ; #8- Teachers Insurance & Annuity ; #9- GE Asset Mgmt ; #10- DEUTSCHE—BANKERS Trust ; #11- Putnam Investment Mgmt ( MARSH & MCLENNAN ) ; #12- NORTH—TRUST Co.
20051219             ; #13- Janus CAPITAL—MGMT.
20051219             2) Jennison Associates - 3) Citigroup - 4) Merrill Lynch - 5) STATE—STREET—FINANCIAL—ADVISORS
20051219             4) Vanguard Group - 5) Jennison Associates - 6) Putnam ( MARSH & MCLENNAN )
20051219             —SUPERVISED, Its financial expansion was, for 1—LONG—TIME by Brown Brothers Harriman and its senior partner,
20051219             Prescott BUSH who was 1—CBS director.
20051219             —INCLUDED, THE—CBS—BOARD :
20051219             WILLIAM—S—PALEY (COMMITTEE—OF—300), the chairman (for whom Prescott BUSH personally organised the money to buy the company);
20051219             HAROLD—BROWN (CFR),
20051219             Roswell Gilpatric (CFR, HENRY—B—SCHNACHT, MICHEL—C—BERGERAC,
20051219             who has close links with the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, ( - SOME—COMMON—NE$t$ Between the Tracks
20051219             For another corporation in which Alliance CAPITAL—MANAGEMENT was the #1 investor, GO TO > > > THE—STORY—OF—ENRON
20051219             —FROM... and the truth shall set you free,
20051219             Given all of the incriminating evidence linking PRESIDENT—BUSH 's "WAR—ON—TERRORISM" to global industrialists like the Rockefellers,
20051219             HENRY—KISSINGER, the Mercks of EUROPE + THE—UK—OLIGARCHY, Dr.
20051219             Horowitz concludes it is not likely 1—ACCIDENT that the names "Merck" and " BUSH " both decipher to "300" using the same code.
20051219             It is, likewise, no "coincidence" that Kissinger, the only modern —DAY political leader whose name deciphers to "666," with his "special services" record at THE—CFR,
20051219             became 1—TOP—ADVISOR to the Merck pharmaceutical COMPANY—THE—WORLD—LEADING vaccine MAKER—WITH the word 'vaccination' also resolving to "666".
20051219             "—NOW that we have SOME—OF—THEIR—SECRET—CODES," DOCTOR—HOROWITZ concludes,
20051219             "it is possible to perform statistical analyses, the scientific method of determining correlation (coefficients) for testing ASSOCIATIONS—IN this case CO—CONSPIRATORS in 1—GLOBAL—CONSPIRACY.
20051219             —WHEN this is done, the outcome proves 1—GENOCIDAL theory beyond our worst nightmares".
20051219             Lending further credence to DOCTOR—HOROWITZ—GLOBAL—CONSPIRACY—THEORY,
20051219             historians reveal that NELSON—ROCKEFELLER appointed his protg, Kissinger,
20051219             to become the nuclear weapons "special studies" director at THE—COUNCIL—ON—FOREIGN—RELATIONS (CFR)
20051219             As of 20010930             , the top institutional holders were:
20051219             followed closely by #2 - Janus CAPITAL—MGMT with 41,361,200 shares; #3 - Putnam Investment Mgmt ( MARSH & MCLENNAN ) with 23,122,100 shares; #4 - Barclays Global Investors (1—MEMBER—OF—THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300 ) with 23,047,196 shares;
20051219             STATE—ST.
20051219             Global Advisors; Aim Mgmt; Vanguard Group;
20051219             MASSACHUSETTS Financial Service; Presdner Rcm; Cs 1. BOSTON Investment.
20051219             For more on MARSH & MCLENNAN, GO TO > > > THE—MARSH—BIRDS
20051219             For more on MORGAN—STANLEY and the investment game, GO TO > > > Nests Along WALL—STREET
20051219             In much the same way THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300 used "The "Beatles" to popularize "social drugs" with THE—YOUTH—OF—AMERICA and THE—HOLLYWOOD "IN—CROWD.
20051219             —ACQUAINTED, ED—SULLIVAN was sent to ENGLAND To become, with THE—1.—TAVISTOCK—INSTITUTE "rock group" to hit the shores of THE—USA.
20051219             —RETURNED, Sullivan then, to THE—USA to draft the strategy for the electronic media on how to package and sell the group.
20051219             Without the full cooperation of the electronic media and ED—SULLIVAN, in particular, "THE—BEATLES" and their "music" would have † on the vine.
20051219             The prime function to "THE—BEATLES" was to be discovered by teenagers,
20051219             who where then subjected to 1—NON—STOP barrage of "Beatle music," —UNTIL they became convinced that they liked the sound and adopted it,
20051219             along with all that accompanied it.
20051219             —PERFORMED, THE—LIVERPOOL group, up to expectations + with "1—LITTLE—HELP from their friends," i.e.
20051219             illegal substances we call drugs created 1—WHOLE—NEW—CLASS to young Americans in the precise mold ordained by the Tavistock Institute.
20051219             thanks to his Friend KENNY—LOVE,
20051219             Ginsberg got the massive advertising all for free.
20051219             With newspapers like THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES and THE—WASHINGTON—POST under THE—CONTROL—OF—THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300,
20051219             Even such highly respectable establishment magazines as "Harpers Bazaar" and "TIME" made Mr.
20051219             Ginsberg respectable.
20051219             —PRESENTED, If 1—NATION—WIDE—CAMPAIGN—OF this magnitude were, to Ginsberg and the promoters of LSD by 1—ADVERTISING agency,
20051219             the price —TAG would have run into at least $1—MILLION in terms of 19700000             dollars.
20051219             THE—NEWLY—CREATED group and its "lifestyle" swept MILLIONS—OF—YOUNG—AMERICANS into the cult.
20051219             USA—YOUTH underwent 1—RADICAL—REVOLUTION without ever being aware of it,
20051219             —WHILE the older generation stood by helplessly, unable to identify THE—SOURCE—OF—THE—CRISIS + thus reacting in 1—MALADAPTIVE manner against its manifestation,
20051219             which were drugs of all types, marijuana + —LATER Lysergic acid, "LSD," so conveniently provided for them by THE—SWITZERLAND—PHARMACEUTICAL—COMPANY,
20051219             SANDOZ, —FOLLOWING the discovery by 1—OF—ITS—CHEMISTS, ALBERT—HOFFMAN, how to make synthetic ergotamine, 1—POWERFUL—MIND—ALTERING drug.
20051219             —EMBARKED, Tavistock and Stanford Research then, on the 2. PHASE—OF—THE—WORK commissioned by THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300.
20051219             —TURNED, This new phase, up the heat for social change in AMERICA.
20051219             so too did the "beat generation," trigger words designed to separate and fragment society.
20051219             Other TAVISTOCK—COINED words came seemingly out of nowhere:
20051219             "beatniks," "hippies," "flower children" became PART—OF—THE—VOCABULARY—OF—AMERICA.
20051219             THE—BEATLES did 1—PERFECT—JOB, or perhaps it would be more correct to say that Tavistock and Stanford did 1—PERFECT—JOB,
20051219             the Beatles merely reacting like trained robots "with 1—LITTLE—HELP from their friends"--code words for using drugs and making it "cool.
20051219             —BECAME, THE—BEATLES, 1—HIGHLY visible "new type"-- more Tavistock jargon--and as such it was not long —BEFORE the group made new styles (fads in clothing,
20051219             hairstyles and language usage) which upset the older generation, as was intended.
20051219             THE—BEATLES and the Aquarian Conspiracy - was the "advent" of THE—BEATLES.
20051219             —CRAFTED, Instead it was 1—CAREFULLY, plot to introduce by 1—CONSPIRATORIAL body which could not be identified,
20051219             1—HIGHLY destructive and divisive element into 1—LARGE—POPULATION—GROUP targeted for change against its will.
20051219             to be "discovered" by "teenagers".
20051219             Incidentally, the word "teenagers" was never used —UNTIL—JUST—BEFORE the Beatles arrived on the scene,
20051219             courtesy of the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations.
20051219             —AS—IN THE—CASE—OF—GANG—WARS, nothing could or would have been accomplished without THE—COOPERATION—OF—THE—MEDIA,
20051219             especially the electronic media and, in particular, the scurrilous ED—SULLIVAN who had been coached by the conspirators as to the role he was to play.
20051219             "PRESIDENT—JEFFERSON once said he pitied those who thought they knew what was TAKING—PLACE through READING the newspaper.
20051219             Disraeli, THE—UK—PRIME—MINISTER, said much the same thing.
20051219             —DELIGHTED, Indeed, down through the ages, rulers have, in RUNNING—THINGS from behind the scenes.
20051219             DOCTOR—JOHN—COLEMAN, Conspirators Heirarchy, COMMITTEE—OF—300
20051219             Lord Carrington (Royal Institute of INTERNATIONAL Affairs, Bilderberger,
20051219             Trilateral Commission, COMMITTEE—OF—300); LLOYD—OWEN, (Bilderberger,
20051219             —FOLLOWED, Trilateral Commission) and SWEDEN—CARL—BILDT (Bilderberger), EACH—OTHER as official "peace negotiators" for THE—EUROPEAN—UNION in THE—FORMER—YUGOSLAVIA.
20051219             —WHEN Vance resigned, THE—UN appointed NORWAY—THORVALD—STOLTENBERG (TC, BIL).
20051219             —REPORTED, CFR) who, to WARREN—CHRISTOPHER (TC, CFR).
20051219             having been subjected to 1—BARRAGE—OF—CRIMES in high places, plus the trauma of THE—VIETNAM war, our nation seemed no longer to want truths.
20051219             Worse yet, in not wishing to accept truth, we took matters 1—STEP—FURTHER:
20051219             Included in the membership [COMMITTEE—OF—300] are the old families of the European Black Nobility,
20051219             the Illuminati, or as it is known by the Committee "MORIAH CONQUERING WIND," the Mumma Group,
20051219             THE—NATIONAL and World COUNCIL—OF—CHURCHES, the Circle of Initiates,
20051219             THE—9—UNKNOWN—MEN, Lucis Trust, Jesuit Liberation Theologists,
20051219             —SELECTED, Tavistock Institute, personnel, various MEMBERS—OF—LEADING—FOUN—DATIONS and insurance companies named in the lists that follow,
20051219             THE—HONG—KONG and SHANGHAI Bank, the Milner GROUP—ROUND—TABLE, Cini Foundation,
20051219             GERMANY—MARSHALL—FUND, Ditchley Foundation, NATO, Club of ROME, Environmentalists, THE—ORDER—OF—S—JOHN—OF—JERUSALEM, 1—WORLD—GOVERNMENT—CHURCH,
20051219             Dowbenko, sempre su "Nexus" n.23 (cit.) scrive:
20051219             L'ex presidente americano GEORGE—BUSH, infatti,
20051219             sarebbe stato iniziato nel 19430000             ,
20051219             alla setta "Skull and Bones" dell'Università di Yale, fondata nel 18320000             .
20051219             La "Skull and Bones", assieme 1—SOCIETÀ come il Rhodes Trust, secondo l'autorevole rivista inglese "Economist" (25—DICEMBRE 19920000             ),
20051219             sono la moderna risorgenza degli "Illuminati di Baviera" di JEAN—ADAM—WEISSHAUPT (17480000             —1830).
20051219             BUSH, tra l'altro, è anche un 33° grado della Massoneria di Rito Scozzese,
20051219             lo ha rivelato Giuliano Di Bernardo, Gran Maestro della Massoneria italiana, al quotidiano "La Stampa" (23—MARZO 19900000             ).
20051219             1—HÁLÓZAT központi intézményének 1—KUTATÓK "1—HÁROMSZÁZAK—BIZOTTSÁGÁT "(THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300) tartják,
20051219             - egyes kutatók ezt a " Club of the Isles"- zal azonosítják -, amely 1—HÁTTÉR hatalom legfobb döntéshozó szervének tekintheto.
20051219             Kvázi ügyintézo és a személyi kiválogatást végzo szerve viszont a Royal Institute of INTERNATIONAL Affairs,
20051219             a RIIA, ( Királyi Külügyi Intézet) politikai bizottsága, amely amerikai ikerintézményével,
20051219             a COUNCIL—ON—FOREIGN RELATIONS—EL együtt irányítja a világrégiók közti együttmuködést összehangoló Trilateral Commission -t,
20051219             TC—T (Trilaterális Bizottságot), valamint a központi döntéseket továbbító és azoknak az egyes országokban történo végrehajtásáról gondoskodó Bilderberg GROUP—OT (Bilderberg Csoportot) is.
20051219             Számos erre szakosodott kutató legújabb eredményei szerint a Bilderberg Csoport a legfontosabb a felsorolt intézmények közül./19/ Ugyancsak az RIIA irányítja az OXFORD közelében lévo Tavistock Institute For Human Relations -t,
20051219             (Az emberi kapcsolatok Tavistock Intézetét), amely viszont a nemzetközi pénzhatalom szolgálatában álló olyan kutatóintézetek munkáját hangolja össze,
20051219             mint a Stanford Research Institute, a MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE—OF—TECHNOLOGY,
20051219             Institute For Policy Studies, RAND Corporation, HUDSON—INSTITUTE, Wharton SCHOOL—OF—ECONOMICS.
20051219             Ugyancsak a Tavistock Institut irányítja a Ró;;05;;
20051219             Klubot és a hozzátartozó kutatócsoportok tevékenységét.
20051219             Az 19930000             —BAN létrehozott BUDAPEST Klub viszont a Ró;;05;;
20051219             Klub fiókintézmények tekintheto.
20051219             Alapítója és jelenlegi elnöke a világhíru tudós és zongoramuvész László Ervin,
20051219             aki a Ró;;05;; Klub egyik legfontosabb kutatási programját irányítja már évek óta számos kiváló tudós közremuködésével./20/ De a Tavistock Intézet nevéhez fuzodik,
20051219             pl. annak 1—KÍSÉRLETI programnak 1—KIDOLGOZÁSA is,
20051219             amelynek homályban tartott célja az volt,
20051219             hogy a hagyományos értékrendszert hordozó kultúrát olyan igénytelen popkultúrával cserélje le,
20051219             a mely elosegíti a TÖMEGEK—ELSOSORBAN a FIATALOK—ÍZLÉSROMBOLÓ manipulálását a ROCK—DRUG—SEX szubkultúra rafinált eszközeiv el.
20051219             It is THEY who control THE—UN, who tell the heads of nations "—WHEN to jump and how high",
20051219             they who are behind the world's illicit drug trade via THE—CIA and the old UK—EAST—INDIA links.
20051219             It is the same group behind E. HOWARD—HUNT,
20051219             JOHN—SINGLAUB, OLLIE—NORTH..the very same group who brought down RICHARD—NIXON in Watergate..the same group behind the persecution of the Christic Institute..the same people who were behind NUGAN—HAND..the same group that groomed JIMMY—CARTER for the Presidency..the same group who ARE the "MILITARY—INDUSTRIAL—COMPLEX",
20051219             the same group behind the total militarization of NASA..the same group who ARE "MJ-12", were behind the "JASON—GROUP"..the same behind Project BLUE—BOOK,
20051219             —STARTED, THE—CONDON—COMMITTEE, the same who, up THE—NSA..who are responsible for THE—MURDER—OF—DANNY—CASALARO..the same group responsible for THE—WORLD—WIDE—DISINFO campaign regarding THE—TRUTH—OF—UFO sightings and contacts.
20051219             Please understand that the Bilderbergers, THE—COUNCIL—ON—FOREIGN—RELATIONS,
20051219             THE—TRI—LATERAL Commission,the Institute for Policy Studies, the Roundtables,
20051219             the "Club of ROME",etc are ALL bound by common denominators of LONG—STANDING families ties + interests and come together as 1—SINGLE—POLICY making body that is known —TODAY as "THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300".
20051219             CARSON—CITY, NEVADA
20051219             —ASSOCIATED, He was, with over 85—PROJECTS in THE—USA, JAPAN and SAUDI—ARABIA,
20051219             the latter including Dhahran Air Terminal in DHAHRAN—SAUDI—ARABIA and THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—MONETARY—AGENCY—HEADQUARTERS in RIYADH.
20051219             "I feel this way about it.
20051219             World trade means world peace and consequently the World Trade Center buildings in NEW—YORK...had 1—BIGGER—PURPOSE than —JUST to provide room for tenants.
20051219             THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER is 1—LIVING SYMBOL—OF—MAN—DEDICATION to world peace...beyond the compelling need to make this 1—MONUMENT to world peace,
20051219             the World Trade Center should, because of its importance,
20051219             become a REPRESENTATION—OF—MAN—BELIEF in humanity,
20051219             his need for individual dignity, his beliefs in THE—COOPERATION—OF—MEN + through cooperation, his ability to find greatness".
20051219             so be it".
20051219             —RECEIVED, They, the Club of ROME—1. "global planning contract.
20051219             A intenção deles é ter total e completo controlo sobre qualquer ser humano existente no planeta e reduzir dramaticamente a população mundial em 2/3.
20051219             Enquanto que o nome "Nova Ordem Mundial" é o termo mais frequentemente utilizado para nos referirmos vagamente a alguém envolvido nesta conspiração,
20051219             o estudo de exactamente quem faz parte de este grupo é complexo e intrigante.
20051219             Em 19920000             , o Dr.
20051219             JOHN—COLEMAN publicou o livro Conspirators Hierarchy:
20051219             THE—STORY—OF—THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300 (Hierarquia dos Conspiradores: 1—HISTÓRIA do Comité dos 300).
20051219             Com uma boa bolsa de estudo e uma pesquisa meticulosa,
20051219             DOCTOR—COLEMAN identifica os jogadores e cuidadosamente demonstra os planos da Nova Ordem Mundial para um domínio e controlo mundial.
20051219             Na página 161—DO livro Conspirators Hierarchy,
20051219             DOCTOR—COLEMAN sumariza com precisão as intenções e propósitos dos Comité dos 300:
20051219             "Um Governo Mundial e um sistema único monetário, numa permanente hierarquia sem eleições que se auto nomeiam entre si na forma de um sistema feudal como era feito na Idade Média.
20051219             Nesta entidade de "Um Mundo", a população estará limitada por restrições no número de crianças por família,
20051219             doenças, guerras, fome, até que 1—BILIÃO de pessoas que são inúteis para 1—CLASSE administradora,
20051219             em áreas que serão claramente e estritamente definidas, sejam o total da população mundial.
20051219             Todas as leis serão uniformes de acordo com um sistema legal de tribunais mundiais que praticam o mesmo código legal unificado,
20051219             reforçados por uma FORÇ1—POLICIAL e militar para impor as leis nos países formados onde não existirão fronteiras.
20051219             The high level Illuminati had MANY—MEETINGS then UK—INTELLIGENCE had meetings at Tryall Compound at Montego Bay,
20051219             JAMAICA + Mafia meetings in other places.
20051219             To overthrow THE—HOUSE—OF—WINDSOR, 1—SMEAR campaign is being conducted to portray PRINCE—CHARLES,
20051219             heir apparent to THE—UK—THRONE, as the Antichrist.
20051219             " THE—ANTICHRIST and 1—CUP—OF—TEA uniquely offers HARD—EVIDENCE concerning THE—IDENTITY—OF—THE—ANTICHRIST—OF—BIBLE prophecy,
20051219             who appears to be PRINCE—CHARLES—OF—WALES.
20051219             PRINCE—CHARLES, unlike all previous candidates,
20051219             fulfills the —FOLLOWING scriptural criteria: His name calculates to 666 in both English and Hebrew;
20051219             the symbols in his heraldic achievement or COAT—OF—ARMS are identical to those of the '1. beast' of Revelation 13;
20051219             he claims descent from David,
20051219             Jesus + Mohammed, but is most likely from the tribe of Dan and Odin (Satan);
20051219             he literally serves the red dragon (Satan),
20051219             which was central to his 19690000             investiture as THE—PRINCE—OF—WALES;
20051219             he wants to be THE—KING—OF—EUROPE; he heads the United World Colleges;
20051219             he steers the environmental ethics and business agendas of over 100—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST multinational corporations;
20051219             he is credited for THE—SUCCESS—OF—THE—RIO—EARTH—SUMMIT and thus THE—KYOTO—PROTOCOL + he has spearheaded the push for enforceable environmentalism worldwide;
20051219             he initiated the Global Security Programme and its lecture series,
20051219             for which MIKHAIL—GORBACHEV has become 1—SPOKESPERSON;
20051219             he has partnered with THE—UNITED—NATIONS and the World Bank;
20051219             he appears to be responsible for the initiation of the current Mideast 'peace process' + has been directly involved —SINCE Yitzhak RABIN—FUNERAL;
20051219             he has taken 1—TRACEABLE—BIO—CHIP implant;
20051219             and his media exposure has exceeded THAT—OF—EVERY—OTHER—MAN in history.
20051219             The book also details THE—UK—MONARCHY—CENTURIES—LONG—CONSPIRACY for a 'New World Order' using THE—ORDER—OF—THE—GARTER,
20051219             which is the core leadership of the Priory of Sion, the Knights Templar,
20051219             the Rosicrucians, English and FRANCE—FREEMASONRY + the Illuminati, as well as the overarching 'COMMITTEE—OF—300.
20051219             —INTERESTED, This work is must READING for all who are, in the modern fulfillment of Bible prophecy".
20051219             - 728 - "Even BRITAIN—LATE SIR—IAIN—MONCRIEFFE,
20051219             her MAJESTY—ALBANY—HERALD—OF—ARMS, made 1—POINT - JOHN—COLEMAN.
20051219             Was the spokesman for EUROPE at the "Peace" Conference between the Arabs and the Israelis 19910000             ,
20051219             —WHEN THE—KISSINGER led GEORGE—BUSH—GOVERNMENT worked for "Peace" in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.).
20051219             BUSH and GORABTCHOV were also there.
20051219             There is no MENTION—OF—SIR—PETER—VICKERS—HALL on the Heritage website,
20051219             but then Heritage has covered its fascist tracks on other occasions:
20051219             "[Roger] PEARSON—TENURE on HERITAGE—POLICY—REVIEW editorial BOARD was short lived.
20051219             due to 1—WASHINGTON—POST—EXPOSE—OF—THE—RACIST and fascist undercurrents of 1—WORLD—ANTI—COMMUNIST—LEAGUE chaired by Pearson
20051219             EAST—INDIA COMMITTEE—OF—300. Economic and Social Control (ECOSOC). - - Environmental Fund.
20051219             MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE—OF—TECHNOLOGY. Mont Pelerin Society. NAACP.
20051219             There is not 1—SINGLE—ASPECT—OF—LIFE in AMERICA—THAT is not watched over,
20051219             steered in the "right" direction, manipulated + controlled by the invisible GOVERNMENT—OF—THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300.
20051219             —ELECTED, There is not 1, official or political leader that is not subject to its rule.
20051219             No 1—THUS far has got away with defying our secret rulers, who do not hesitate to make "1—HORRIBLE—EXAMPLE" of anyone,
20051219             including THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA—OF—AMERICA.
20051219             Above all, the battle is 1—SPIRITUAL 1. Unfortunately, the Christian churches have become little more than social clubs run by the infinitely evil World COUNCIL—OF—CHURCHES (WCC),
20051219             whose beginnings lie not in MOSCOW but in THE—CITY—OF—LONDON, as WE SEE from the chart —AT—THE—END—OF—THE—BOOK which gives the structure of THE—1—WORLD—GOVERNMENT—CHURCH.
20051219             —ON  ;;01;; 8., 19830000             , —BEFORE their big meeting on ;;01;;
20051219             lOth-11., HANS—VOGEL, 1—LEADING—CLUB—OF—ROME member, was received at THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20051219             GEORGE—KENNAN and Lane Kirkland to be present at his meeting with Vogel, who explained to PRESIDENT—REAGAN what the aims and objectives of the Ditchley Group were.
20051219             THE—DITCHLEY—PLAN to usurp control of the fiscal and monetary policies of THE—USA was THE—BRAINCHILD—OF—SIR—HAROLD—LEVER,
20051219             —CALLED, LEVER—PLAN, for THE—IMF—INFLUENCE to be broadened so that it could influence central banks of all nations,
20051219             including THE—USA and guide them into the hands of a 1—WORLD—GOVERNMENT—BANK.
20051219             Thrusting aside the pious platitudes and posturings of defending the Constitution,
20051219             SENATOR—SAM—ERVIN did more to change THE—USA—THAN anything PRESIDENT—NIXON was alleged to have done + THE—USA has not yet recovered from THE—EAR—MORTAL wound of Watergate,
20051219             1—COMMITTEE—OF—300 sponsored operation conducted by the Royal Institute for INTERNATIONAL Affairs,
20051219             the Round Table and "hands on" MI6 officers based in THE—USA.
20051219             Yet it shows the immense POWER—OF—THE—PRESS,
20051219             as Lippman + BERNAYS had quite properly anticipated,
20051219             in that MISTER—S—GRAHAM, long SUSPECTED—OF—THE—MURDER—OF—HER—HUSBAND, PHILIP—L—GRAHAM—OFFICIALLY classed as "suicide"--should have retained ANY—CREDIBILITY at all.
20051219             —INDICTED, Other traitors who should have been, for insurrection and treason were Kissinger,
20051219             Haig, Halperin, Ellsberg, Young, McCord, JOSEPH—CALIFANO and Chomsky of IPS and those CIA operatives who went to MCCORD—HOUSE and burned ALL—OF—HIS—PAPERS.
20051219             Again, it is worth repeating that Watergate,
20051219             like MANY—OTHER—OPERATIONS we do not have the space to include here,
20051219             demonstrated THE—COMPLETE—CONTROL exercised over THE—USA—BY—THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300.
20051219             Very FEW—OF—THE—PEOPLE even near THE—CENTER—OF—THE—ORCHESTRATION have 1—CLEAR—PICTURE—OF what is coming down,
20051219             but they do know that something is coming and that they will have front row seats.
20051219             rips the lid off the conspiratorial group that knows no national boundaries,
20051219             is above the laws of all countries and controls EVERY—ASPECT—OF—POLITICS,
20051219             religion, commerce, industry, banking, insurance, mining + even the drug trade !
20051219             Learn how this small elite group, which is answerable to no 1—EXCEPT its members has pulled the strings on all world events + why,
20051219             —UNTIL—NOW, few people have even been aware of their existence, or power in manipulating the affairs of the entire world.
20051219             —REVEALED, ALL—OF—THESE members are, as well as ALL—OF—THE—CORPORATIONS,
20051219             government agencies and various movements that "they" have developed and control to further their own aims for world domination
20051219             THE—BUSH and CHENEY Drug Empire, Both BUSH and Kerry are sworn to secrecy and do not talk about Skull and Bones.
20051219             Should BUSH and Kerry be allowed to be MEMBERS—OF—1—HIGHLY secret organization,
20051219             How can this be? Shouldn't the media be intensely questioning both BUSH and Kerry about Skull and Bones,
20051219             especially in the Presidential debates?
20051219             And —WHILE they're at it, they could investigate the other connected "elite" secret societies,
20051219             who have 1—AGENDA—OF "total world domination" and who exist all over the world >>>Illuminati,
20051219             Bildebergers, Trilateral Commission, COMMITTEE—OF—300, Round Table, Club of ROME, Council of Foreign Relations etc.
20051219             Forget that idea because the C.I.A.
20051219             F.B.I and EVERY—OTHER—USA—GOVERNMENT—AGENCY is controlled by the Illuminati also.
20051219             —CONNECTED, Yes these, "elite" secret societies of of 1—FEW extremely wealthy individuals really do exist and meet on 1—REGULAR—BASIS to pursue their quest for a 1—WORLD—GOVERNMENT,
20051219             organized as 1—GLOBAL—FASCIST—POLICE—STATE,
20051219             ruled by 1—SO—CALLED "elitist" dictatorship!
20051219             Honorary GOVERNOR, Foreign Policy Association
20051219             Honorary Chairman, USA—ACADEMY—IN—BERLIN—HONORARY Director, Friends of DRESDEN
20051219             Honorary Member, INTERNATIONAL Olympic Committee + Public Sector MEMBER—USA Olympic Committee[23]
20051219             /Center for DEMOCRACY—DIRECTOR, INTERNATIONAL Rescue Committee[24] - Advisory BOARD, Puppies Behind Bars
20051219             Trustee, Institute of INTERNATIONAL Education
20051219             This institution has done more to shape the way Americans react to political and social events, think, vote and generally conduct themselves than perhaps ANY—EXCEPT—THE—BIG 5.
20051219             Hudson specializes in defense policy research and relations with THE—USSR.
20051219             1—OF—ITS—LARGEST—CLIENTS is THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE which includes matters of civil defense,
20051219             national security, military policy and arms control.
20051219             Coleman.
20051219             World In Review is a 40—PAGE BI—MONTHLY—PUBLICATION and is the only political,
20051219             science and economic news magazine that carries no advertisements!
20051219             —PUZZLED, If you are, and perplexed as to why things are occurring that we as 1—NATION don't like yet seem powerless to prevent,
20051219             why it is that THE—USA—ALWAYS seems to back the wrong horse, why our former social and moral values have been turned aside and seemingly buried;
20051219             if you are confused by THE—MANY—CONSPIRACY—THEORIES,
20051219             then THE—CONSPIRATORS'—HIERARCHY: THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300 will clearly establish that these conditions have been deliberately created to bring us to our knees.
20051219             —BY—DOCTOR—JOHN—COLEMAN—COMMITTEE—OF—300 - (aka Olympians)
20051219             referred to by THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300 as "surplus population, " and THE—REMOVAL—OF—ANY—LEADER who dared to stand in THE—WAY—OF—THE—COMMITTEE—GLOBAL planning to reach the foregoing objectives.
20051219             THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300—LOOKS to social convulsions on 1—GLOBAL—SCALE,
20051219             followed by depressions, as 1—SOFTENING—UP technique for bigger things to come,
20051219             as its principal method of creating MASSES—OF—PEOPLE—ALL over the world who will become its "welfare" RECIPIENTS—OF—THE—FUTURE.
20051219             The committee appears to base much of its important decisions affecting mankind on the philosophy of POLAND—ARISTOCRAT,
20051219             —REGARDED, FELIX—DZERZINSKI, who, mankind as being slightly above THE—LEVEL—OF—CATTLE.
20051219             he often confided in REILLY—DURING his drinking bouts.
20051219             He once told Reilly,
20051219             —WHILE the 2 were on 1—DRINKING binge, that "Man IS—OF—NO importance.
20051219             Look at what happens —WHEN you starve him.
20051219             He begins to eat his dead companions to stay alive.
20051219             —INTERESTED, Man is only, in his own survival. That is all that counts.
20051219             All the Spinoza stuff is 1—LOT—OF—RUBBISH". Article from WAKE UP AMERICA
20051219             THE—IISS is the vehicle for MI6-Tavistock black propaganda + wet jobs (1—INTELLIGENCE over name denoting 1—OPERATION where bloodshed is required),
20051219             adverse nuclear incidents and terrorism, which goes to the world's press for dissemination, as well as to governments and military establishments.
20051219             Membership in THE—IISS includes representatives of 87—MAJOR wire services and press associations,
20051219             as well as 138—SENIOR—EDITORS and columnists....
20051219             THE—IISS is nothing more than 1—HIGHER echelon opinion maker, as defined by LIPPMANN + BERNAYS.
20051219             —FORMED, In THE—WRITING—OF—BOOKS + in newspapers, IISS was, to be 1—COORDINATING centre for not only creating opinions,
20051219             but to get those opinions and scenarios out much faster and to 1—FAR—GREATER—AUDIENCE than could be reached by 1—BOOK for example....
20051219             offshoot of Rand which is PART—OF—THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300 ;
20051219             ".. 19810000             joint venture with THE—SWEDEN—INCINERATOR maker Von Roll and 2—OTHER—COMPANIES.
20051219             20—ACRES—OF—LAND from the Columbiana County Port Authority were to be used in connection with "river.".
20051219             -- THE—NSA and Domestic Surveillance PRESIDENT—BUSH said he did not
20051219             and elsewhere, USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES said —TUESDAY.
20051219             —INSTRUCTED, Moreover, ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ASHCROFT, EVERY—USA—ATTORNEY across the...
20051219             electronic surveillance or physical searches under FISA were required to include...
20051219             COUNTRYWATCH—GLOBAL News Update
20051219             Of THE—3—FORMER—PRESIDENTS, 2 were facing trial.
20051219             PRESIDENT—BUSH in 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE said he had legal power to authorize THE—NSA to tap domestic calls and called leaking of the spying project to the media 1—SHAMEFUL—ACT.
20051219             —OPENED, USA—HOUSE—LAWMAKERS, the way for oil drilling in THE—ARCTIC—NATIONAL—WILDLIFE Refuge and approved $29—BILLION for hurricane relief —DURING 1—ALL—NIGHT—SESSION bringing their legislative —YEAR to 1—CLOSE.
20051219             —INCLUDED, The budget package, $454.3—BILLION for defense.
20051219             —INVOLVED, Nearly —1—DECADE—OF—VIOLATIONS, billions in transactions passing through bank offices in NY and DUBAI, UAR.
20051219             —AGREED, USA—FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS said MSC Ship Management of HONG—KONG had, to pay $10.5—MILLION to settle 1—POLLUTION—CASE.
20051219             —ANNOUNCED, Energy supplier FPL Group INCORPORATED, it is buying rival POWER—PLANT—OPERATOR—CONSTELLATION—ENERGY—GROUP INCORPORATED for more than $11—BILLION in stock in 1—DEAL that would create 1—OF—THE—NATION—BIGGEST electricity conglomerates.
20051219             —REPORTED, THE—USA—ENERGY—DEPARTMENT, that GREENHOUSE—GAS—EMISSIONS grew 2% over the past —YEAR, well off the pace to hit KYOTO targets.
20051219             —OWNED, FLORIDA, a —58—YEAR—OLD propeller seaplane, by CHALK—OCEAN—AIRWAYS, crashed in the water off MIAMI Beach —AFTER taking off for Bimini in THE—BAHAMAS.
20051219             20—PEOPLE were killed.
20051219             FEDERAL—INVESTIGATORS found longstanding cracks in 1—WING that fell off.
20051219             † Vincent "THE—CHIN" Gigante, Mafia KING, at THE—FEDERAL—PRISON in SPRINGFIELD—MISSOURI.
20051219             He was serving a —12—YEAR—SENTENCE—FOLLOWING a 19970000             conviction for racketeering.
20051219             —INAUGURATED, AFGHANISTAN, its 1. popularly elected PARLIAMENT in more than —3—DECADES, 1—MAJOR—STEP toward democracy —FOLLOWING the ouster of the hardline Taliban.
20051219             BOLIVIA, Evo Morales, candidate for the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS), won the presidential elections, 1—VICTORY that would solidify the continent's shift toward the political left.
20051219             —KILLED, CHAD—ARMY said its forces had, about 300—REBELS—AFTER they launched 1 failed offensive on 1—BORDER—TOWN in 1—OF—THE—WORST—ATTACKS in 1—ESCALATING conflict.
20051219             —CHASED, CHAD—FOREIGN—MINISTER said the troops then, the rebels into SUDAN and destroyed their bases across the border.
20051219             1—WORLD—BANK—FUND signed deals to buy pollution credits from 2—CHINA—CHEMICAL—COMPANIES for $930—MILLION under 1—PLAN that lets richer countries meet commitments to cut greenhouse gas emissions by paying for reductions in poorer economies.
20051219             THE—INTERNATIONAL—COURT—OF—JUSTICE held UGANDA responsible for the killing, torture and cruel treatment of civilians in CONGO 19980800—19990700    —FROM—TO and ordered reparations.
20051219             GERMANY, Ladislav Niznansky (88), 1—FORMER—NAZI COMMANDER, was ACQUITTED—OF—MURDER in 3—MASSACRES in SLOVAKIA —AFTER 1—COURT said there was no reliable evidence he was involved in the killings.
20051219             Niznansky, 1—FORMER—SLOVAKIA—ARMY—CAPTAIN who at 1. supported 19440000             —THE revolt, changed sides —AFTER he was captured and took CHARGE—OF—THE—SLOVAKIA—SECTION—OF—1—NAZI unit, CODE—NAMED Edelweiss, that hunted resistance fighters and Jews.
20051219             IRAQ, about 24—TOP—FORMER—OFFICIALS in SADDAM—HUSSEIN—REGIME, including 1—BIOLOGICAL—WEAPONS—EXPERT known as "DOCTOR—GERM," have been released from jail.
20051219             1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMB exploded outside 1—CHILDREN—HOSPITAL in WEST—BAGHDAD, killing at least 2—CIVILIANS and wounding 11, including 7—POLICEMEN.
20051219             THE—USA—MILITARY said 5—SOLDIERS from 1—ELITE—USA—ARMY—UNIT have been sentenced to up to —6—MONTHS—CONFINEMENT in cases concerning THE—ABUSE—OF—DETAINEES in IRAQ.
20051219             THE—UK—1. gay couple to win legal recognition under 1—NEW—CIVIL—PARTNERSHIP—LAW drove past protesters to make their vows inside BELFAST City Hall.
20051219             —BATTERED, ISRAEL's, Likud Party chose BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU to run against Ariel Sharon in March elections, and THE—FORMER—ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER pledged to bring the party back to power.
20051219             —CLOSED, LEBANON, 1—MILITARY—ROUTE that crossed its border into Syria, ending nearly —3—DECADES—OF unmonitored flow of HIGH—RANKING officials and goods between THE—2—COUNTRIES.
20051219             —LABELED, FERNANDO—ZEVALLOS, 1—AIRLINE founder who was, PERU—DRUG kingpin by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, was CONVICTED—OF—MONEY laundering and cocaine trafficking and sentenced to —20—YEARS in prison.
20051219             —ORDERED, The court also, him to pay 1—FINE—OF $29—MILLION for conspiring with PERU—NORTENOS drug gang to ship 3.3—TONS—OF—COCAINE to MEXICO.
20051219             —ARRESTED, SPAIN—POLICE, 15—PEOPLE on suspicion of recruiting and indoctrinating fighters for IRAQ—INSURGENCY.
20051219             —KILLED, SUDAN, some 500—CAMEL and HORSE—RIDING assailants, 20—CIVILIANS and burned their huts in WEST—DARFUR.
20051219             VIETNAM, Trinh Huu (53), 1—AUSTRALIAN—OF—VIETNAM—ORIGIN, was convicted and sentenced to death by firing squad for trafficking heroin.
20051219             As of 20010331             , top institutional investors in CSX and JOHN—PAPA—INCLUDED:
20051219             THE—BEATLES were 1—INTEGRAL—PART—OF "THE—AQUARIAN—CONSPIRACY," 1—LIVING organism which sprang From "THE—CHANGING—IMAGES—OF—MAN," URH (489)-2150-Policy Research Report NUMBER 19740404             .
20051219             Uni Köln: NEONAZI—ALARM im Asta
20051219             "Wir müssen die Punkte miteinander verbinden, bevor die Feinde angreifen, nicht danach".
20051219             Wahlanalyse: CSU setzt auf Emotionen
20051219             Vor rund 8—MILLIONEN —JAHREN hatten sich Gorillas evolutionär vom Vorfahren von Schimpanse und Mensch getrennt.
20051219             —SCHON allein die Diskussion über das Programm helfe den Feinden der Vereinigten Staaten, die nach wie vor Anschläge aufs Land planten.
20051219             Nur 1—MILLION—JAHRE später trennten sich die Linien von Mensch und Schimpanse.
20051219             Nach einem Bericht der "NEW—YORK—TIMES " waren mehrere 100, möglicherweise sogar mehrere 1000—MENSCHEN betroffen.
20051219             Massaker in der SLOWAKEI: Gericht spricht NAZI—OFFIZIER Niznansky frei
20051219             Im Kongress laufen Bestrebungen zu einer Untersuchung des Vorgehens, das Partei übergreifend Kritik ausgelöst hat.
20051219             Die Enthüllung der geheimen Lauschangriffe nannte er eine "schändliche Tat" und "Verrat von Geheimnissen".
20051219             Die Abhöraktionen fanden demnach —NACH—DEN Terroranschlägen vom 20010911             statt.
20051219             Der Kampf gegen die Terrororganisation AL—QAIDA, "die kein konventioneller Gegner ist", erfordere "ein neues Denken und Handeln".
20051219             AFGHANISTAN: Schwere Foltervorwürfe gegen USA—GEHEIMDIENST
20051219             Cassiopaeans, 20020928             20051219             Cassiopaeans, 20020928             20060212             —MITTWOCH, 20050928             .
20051219             As of 20010930             , the top institutional holders were: As of 20010930             :
20051219             For the Quarter ending 20010930             :
20051219             —KIDNAPPED, AMERICA, me
20051219             —GEGRÜNDET, Wikipedia wurde 20010000             , und hat nur 3—FESTE Mitarbeiter.
20051219             Nach einer gerade im Wissenschaftsmagazin "Nature" veröffentlichten Untersuchung ist das Lexikon in der Regel fast so verlässlich wie eine herkömmliche Enzyklopädie.
20051219             Dabei wurden jeweils 42—ARTIKEL zu wissenschaftlichen Themen aus Wikipedia und der Encyclopaedia Britannica verglichen.
20051219             In beiden Werken wurden je 4—SCHWERE Fehler entdeckt, dazu 162—LEICHTERE in der Wikipedia und 123—LEICHTERE in der Britannica.
20051219             "Das AMERIKANISCHE—VOLK erwartet, von uns beschützt zu werden. Und wir werden das tun, das ist unser Job",
20051219             Die Veröffentlichung der NSA—MAßNAHMEN schwäche den Kampf gegen die Terroristen.
20051219             dass das AMERIKANISCHE—VOLK das versteht: Es existiert noch immer 1—FEIND, der die Vereinigten Staaten von AMERIKA angreifen will, und sie sind sehr gefährlich".
20051219             Human Rights Watch says up to 60—PERCENT—OF—THE—DEPUTIES are former commanders or their proxies and THE—LIST—OF—DEPUTIES reads like 1—WHO'S—WHO—OF—PROTAGONISTS—OF—THE—BLOODY—PAST,
20051219             Entire REGION—OF—NORWAY to boycott Apartheid ISRAEL!:
20051219             The regional council of THE—SØR—TRØNDELAG in NORWAY has passed 1—MOTION calling for 1—COMPREHENSIVE boycott on ISRAEL—GOODS to be followed up with 1—AWARENESS raising campaign across the region.
20051219             —HIRED, STEVEN—SPIELBERG has, the public relations consultant who is spearheading ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON'S—RE—ELECTION—CAMPAIGN to promote his film MUNICH,
20051219             —CALLED, He himself has, his Movement Toward Socialism a "nightmare" for WASHINGTON.
20051219             Pentagon unit collects intelligence in USA:
20051219             Brilliant Fools: HAROLD—PINTER, JOHN—LE—CARRÉ—AND—THE—MEDIA:
20051219             THE—TASK—OF—PROPAGANDA is to apply POWER—FRIENDLY—LABELS and make them STICK—IT is the key to everything.
20051219             THE—HOUSE—OF—ARKAN was —JUST heaps of concrete blocks; the roof was flattened to the ground.
20051219             There were 5—FAMILIES living there.
20051219             Not 1—OF—THEM was 1—STRANGER or 1—FIGHTER. Road to ANTI—AMERICANISM:
20051219             I wrote this post with 1—HEAVY—HEART, fully AWARE—OF—THE—EXISTENCE—OF—MILLIONS—OF—AMERICANS who do not fit the gloomy picture the post portrays... but sometimes it may be more useful in the long run to face ugly conclusions.
20051219             UKRAINE—TROOPS end operations in IRAQ:
20051219             IRAQ fuel price hike sparks protests:
20051219             Violent demonstrations broke out across IRAQ and the oil MINISTER threatened to resign —MONDAY—AFTER the government raised the prices of gasoline and cooking fuel by up to 9—TIMES.
20051219             USA—SETS SADDAM—SCIENTISTS free:
20051219             The freed detainees no longer pose 1—SECURITY—THREAT, 1—USA—SPOKESMAN said.
20051219             THE—MAKING—OF—THE—ENEMY
20051219             What better scapegoat than the Arab/Persian population if 1—WANTS to conquer THE—RESOURCES—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST and CENTRAL—ASIA?
20051219             Continue - The miscreant dynasty
20051219             - By HOWELL—RAINES
20051219             VICTIMS—OF—CREEPING—FASCISM -
20051219             —MISLED, Easily, by false idols intoxicated with power and driven by insatiable greed, we are witnessing nothing less astonishing than THE—DEMISE—OF—THE—AMERICA—EXPERIMENT.
20051219             DREAMS—OF—DEMOCRACY, justice, peace and hope are receding into the dim recesses of ever more distant memory.
20051219             THE—USA—POLICY—OF "extraordinary rendition" has 1—HUMAN face + it is mine.-By Khaled EL—MASRI
20051219             I am still recovering from 1—EXPERIENCE that was completely beyond the pale, outside THE—BOUNDS—OF—ANY—LEGAL—FRAMEWORK and unacceptable in any civilized society.
20051219             Fact: The money power behind ES&S is the Ahmanson family, which is also the money power behind the Dominionst movement.
20051219             HOWARD—AHMANSON has 1—LOT—OF—CONTROL over the machines Americans use on election —DAY.
20051219             20051219             - NORTH—CAROLINA: WHAT—GOING on?
20051219             Several newspaper articles, editorials and published commentaries have raised questions about the process in which DIEBOLD—CERTIFICATION was obtained.
20051219             —RAISED, Further questions have been, relative to STATE—BOARD—OF—ELECTIONS—COMMISSION—CHAIRMAN—LARRY—LEAKE—RELATIONSHIP with 1—DIEBOLD lobbyist.
20051219             And, as you know, THE—STATE—BOARD—OF—ELECTIONS is being sued for alleged statutory violations in their certification of Diebold as 1—PROVIDER—OF—ELECTRONIC voting machines.
20051219             20051219
20051219             This, from a ;;11;; 21—LETTER—WRITTEN—BY—THE—INTERESTINGLY—NAMED ARTHUR—BOVINO,
20051219             of THE—NYT—OFFICE—OF—THE—PUBLIC—EDITOR.
20051219             —UNCOVERED, Of course, Conyers, massive INDICATIONS—OF—VOTE—RIGGING + conclusive proof that KENNY—THE—KAPO acted illegally.
20051219             Yet the Times' response to the evidence was so complacent as to be...well, bovine.
20051219             —TREATED, This, from 1—PAPER that, Achmed Chalabi as 1—REALLY trustworthy source.
20051219             —PUBLISHED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, 1—OP—ED questioning Diebold.
20051219             This column is 1—VICTORY—OF—SORTS, although I, for 1, feel that skepticism should have been voiced much —EARLIER.
20051219             —STILL, let us be grateful for these 3—PARAGRAPHS:
20051219             —TROUBLED, DIEBOLD—VOTING machines have 1, history.
20051219             Across the country, it reached 1—MULTIMILLION—DOLLAR—SETTLEMENT with THE—CALIFORNIA ATTORNEY—GENERAL—LAST—YEAR—OF—1—LAWSUIT alleging that it made false claims about the security of its machines.
20051219             —LAST—WEEK, the top elections officer in LEON—COUNTY, FLORIDA, which includes TALLAHASSEE, concluded —AFTER 1—TEST that Diebold machines can be hacked to change vote totals.
20051219             —INSISTED, Diebold has always, that its electronic voting machines are so reliable that there is no need for paper RECORDS—OF—VOTES that can be independently verified.
20051219             Fortunately, THE—AMERICA—PEOPLE feel otherwise.
20051219             Paper trails are important, but they are no substitute for voting machine manufacturers of unquestioned integrity.
20051219             As Diebold enters THE—POST—O'DELL era, it should work to make itself worthy of the important role it —NOW plays in AMERICA—DEMOCRACY.
20051219             All very well and good.
20051219             Both MATTHEW—PURDY, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—TIMES—INVESTIGATIVE unit + RICK—BERKE, the paper's WASHINGTON editor, assure me that reporters will continue to look into the ssue.
20051219             I'm confident that if they find something, they'll publish it.
20051219             1—GOOD investigative reporter (much less 1—WHOLE—STAFF—OF them) turning away from 1—STORY—LIKE this 1 ­ if true ­ would be like 1—FLOWER turning away from the sun.
20051219             Careers are made by stories that detail massive election fraud.
20051219             Sign up! Yes, I know you hear about PLENTY—OF—PETITIONS for good causes, but this one's really important.
20051219             —POISED, This legislation is 1—BROOM, to clean house.
20051219             Please get behind it. 20051219
20051219             And in light of the latest news from FLORIDA, I encourage everyone to hear Dean out.
20051219             He will have more to say soon, I am sure. 20051219
20051219             THE—ALLEGATIONS—OF—VOTE—FRAUD—STRIKE me as 1—FORETASTE—OF—1—LOOMING civil war.
20051219             Sunni participation in the election does not mean that the insurgency has ended + 1 can only imagine how Sunnis will chafe under 1—REGIME—FRIENDLY to TEHRAN.
20051219             Shi'ites, conversely, will snarl mightily if they lose ANY—OF—THE—POWER they have already gained.
20051219             If he makes such 1—TRY, the world will enter hell.
20051219             Of course, civil war in IRAQ will break out 1—FEW minutes —AFTER we break away, but at least we would no longer be melting and torturing those we intended to liberate.
20051219             —SUBJECTED, Obviously, loan requests are, to keyword searches.
20051219             The thought will infuriate anyone who relies on libraries to obtain political books.
20051219             S'funny -- —WHEN I was young, —WHEN Mao was alive, the free availability of his book was usually cited as the classic example proving AMERICA's unfettered intellectual freedom.
20051219             (The other example was Mein Kampf.) Most Americans felt proud to boast that ANY—CITIZEN could read ANY—POLITICAL—TEXT without FEAR—OF—GOVERNMENTAL—INTRUSION.
20051219             —CENSORED, Back then, only sexual materials were.
20051219             —NOW, sexual writings of all sorts have become so widely available that few writers can profit from them;
20051219             why should the public pay for what it can get for free?
20051219             Yet if you show ANY—INTEREST (even 1—HISTORICAL—INTEREST) in certain proscribed political works, you will end up on a "watch" list.
20051219             Antrittsbesuch in Rom: Merkel und Berlusconi wollen enger kooperieren
20051219             Dennoch jobbt er weiter im globalen Ideenlabor.
20051219             Kürzlich hat er wieder 20.000—DOLLAR bekommen, weil er geholfen hat, Joghurtkulturen haltbarer zu machen.
20051219             Antrittsbesuch: Jung um Schulterschluss mit USA bemüht - IRAK: Sunniten ziehen ins Parlament ein
20051219             Anzeige von Menschenrechtlern: USBEKISCHER—INNENMINISTER flieht aus DEUTSCHLAND
20051219             IRAK: USA—ARMEE lässt DOCTOR—KEIM und DOCTOR—MILZBRAND frei
20051219             NSA—AFFÄRE: Bush kündigt weitere Lauschangriffe an
20051219             AFGHANISTAN: 1. Parlamentssitzung —SEIT—32—JAHREN
20051219             Mafiöse Strukturen: KAVIAR—SCHMUGGEL in EU blüht
20051219             Skandalbanker: Italiens Notenbankchef tritt zurück
20051219             Veraltetes Machtsymbol: USA schicken "Tomcat"-Kampfjet in Rente
20051219             Wintereinbruch: Chaos auf Deutschlands Straßen
20051219             11—MILLIARDEN—DOLLAR—DEAL: USA—VERSORGER FPL übernimmt Constellation
20051219             Tüftler im INTERNET: ERFINDER—BÖRSE zahlt für Ideen
20051219             USA—CHRISTFEST: Frohe WEIHNACHTEN—SONST setzt es was!
20051219             Aber —DERZEIT fehle es an Daten, um dies belegen zu können.
20051219             Das TEAM—VON—HOFREITER konnte die MITOCHONDRIEN—DNA komplett EXTRAHIEREN—SIE ist knapp 17.000—BASENPAARE lang.
20051219             Um Verunreinigungen und Artefakte auszuschließen, wurde das Erbgut auch in anderen Laboren UNTERSUCHT—ALLERDINGS nur auf einer Länge von 5000—BASENPAAREN.
20051219             Die Trennung von Mammuts und INDISCHEN—ELEFANTEN sei dann nur 440.—000—JAHRE—SPÄTER erfolgt.
20051219             Frühere Versuche, TEILE—DES—MAMMUT—ERBGUTS zu rekonstruieren, waren am Material gescheitert, das nach 10.—000—JAHREN oder mehr zu stark beschädigt war.
20051219             Wollmammuts starben in der letzten Eiszeit vor rund 11.—000—JAHREN aus.
20051219             Mit der jetzigen Analyse liegt laut Hofreiter "die längste kontinuierliche DNA aus der Eiszeit" vor.
20051219             Gleichzeitig handle es sich um das einzige mitochondriale Genom aus der Eiszeit.
20051219             —REKONSTRUIERT, DEUTSCHE—WISSENSCHAFTLER haben erstmals wichtige TEILE—DER—MAMMUT—DNA.
20051219             Demnach stehen die ausgestorbenen Giganten den INDISCHEN—ELEFANTEN genetisch näher als den Afrikanischen.
20051219             Das ausgestorbene Mammut ähnelt in seinem Erbgut stark dem INDISCHEN—ELEFANTEN und weniger dem Afrikanischen.
20051219             Dies haben Wissenschaftler vom Leipziger MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUT für Evolutionäre Anthroplologie —JETZT erstmals nachgewiesen.
20051219             USA—MEDIEN im IRAK: Millionen Dollar für den Krieg ums Image
20051219             INTERVIEW—MIT—TOM—KOENIGS: "Geheimdienste müssen aus allen Quellen Informationen erhalten"
20051219             FORSCHER—RAT: Was tun, wenn die Erde bebt - NEUSEELAND: Die Rückkehr der Wale
20051219             Geschichte: Nur einer kam heim aus AFGHANISTAN
20051219             Zucker: Süßes hilft Kindern gegen Schmerzen
20051219             Textkompression: HANDY—TOOL macht SMS fast 400—ZEICHEN lang
20051219             Eingefrorener Immobilienfonds: Banker boykottieren ACKERMANN—INITIATIVE
20051219             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Lauter Liebesinvaliden"
20051219             AFGHANISTAN: Parlament tagt erstmals —SEIT—JAHRZEHNTEN - ISRAEL: Scharon erleidet Schlaganfall
20051219             —GEWINNT, BOLIVIEN: Morales, Präsidentschaftswahl - Olympics, Laodicea and Olympians
20051219             Groups Promoting 1—GLOBALIST—ANTI—AMERICA—AGENDA pt2
20051219             Other countries had felt the lash of the petroleum industry as well.
20051219             MEXICO is 1—CLASSIC—CASE—OF—PETROLEUM companies foreign POLICY—MAKING ability which transcended national boundaries and cost AMERICA—S 1—HUGE—FORTUNE.
20051219             Oil, it seemed, was the foundation of 1—NEW—ECONOMIC—ORDER, with undisputed power in the hands of 1—FEW people hardly known outside of the petroleum industry.
20051219             —REFERRED, The "majors" have been, to 1—NUMBER—OF—TIMES.
20051219             This is shorthand for the major oil companies that form the most successful cartel in THE—HISTORY—OF—COMMERCE.
20051219             Exxon (called Esso in EUROPE), Shell, BP (UNITED—KINGDOM—PETROLEUM), Gulf, Texaco, MOBILE and SOCOL—CHEVRON.
20051219             These supranational giants have expertise and accounting methods that have flummoxed the best brains in government, out of whose reach they remain.
20051219             Through diplomacy by deception it seems the majors were able to induce governments to parcel out oil concessions to them, no matter who opposed it.
20051219             —APPROVED, JOHN—D—ROCKEFELLER would very much have, this closed shop, run for the last —68—YEARS by Exxon and Shell.
20051219             —PLOTTED, In secret, THE—7—SISTERS—CLUB has, wars and decided amongst themselves which governments must bow to their depredations.
20051219             —WHEN trouble arises it is only 1—MATTER—OF calling upon the right AIR—FORCE, navy, intelligence service to solve the problem and get rid of the "nuisance".
20051219             —BECAME, THE—7—SISTERS, 1—GOVERNMENT within 1—GOVERNMENT.
20051219             THE—GULF—WAR must be viewed as 1—SINGLE—COMPONENT—OF—THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300's overall strategy for THE—MIDDLE—EAST—OIL—PRODUCING Islamic states.
20051219             Only 1—BRIEF—HISTORICAL overview can be given here.
20051219             It is essential to know the truth and to be set free from THE—PROPAGANDA—OF—MADISON—AVENUE—OPINION—MAKERS, also known as "advertising agencies".
20051219             I say illegal, because... only the Congress can declare war, as laid down in Article I, Section 8, clauses 1, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 18—OF—THE—USA—CONSTITUTION.
20051219             —RECOGNIZED, HENRY—CLAY, 1, authority on the Constitution, said this on 1—NUMBER—OF—OCCASIONS.
20051219             —BOASTED, Baker also, about how his threats against THE—IRAQ—NATION were carried out + QUEEN—ELIZABETH—II nodded her approval.
20051219             —EXISTED, The land of Arabia, for THOUSANDS—OF—YEARS.
20051219             —LINKED, The land was, to events in TURKEY, Persia (—NOW IRAN) + IRAQ through the Wahabi and THE—ABDUL—AZIZ families.
20051219             THE—GULF—WAR was only 1—EXTENSION—OF—THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300's attempts to destroy Muhammad and the Hashemite people in IRAQ.
20051219             —HATED, The rulers of SAUDI—ARABIA are, and despised by all true followers of Islam, more so —SINCE they allowed "infidels" (USA troops) to be stationed in the land of the prophet Muhammad.
20051219             Stephenson and LOUIS—BLOOMFIELD, THE—HEAD—OF—PERMINDEX, also ran Operation Underworld with the Lansky Syndicate.
20051219             Lord VICTOR—ROTHSCHILD was also at the heart of it.
20051219             —AFTER the war, Donovan was special assistant to THE—USA—PROSECUTOR at the Nuremberg Trials to ensure that British and AMERICA—INVOLVEMENT with the Nazis was not revealed.
20051219             —DISBANDED, PRESIDENT—TRUMAN, THE—OSS 19450000             , but it was reformed as THE—CIA
20051219             And to complete the incestuous circle... - WHO owns GE ?
20051219             As of 20011231             , the top institutional holders were:
20051219             ; #14- BANC—OF—AMERICA ; #15- Smith BARNEY—ASSET—MGMT.
20051219             WHO OWNS ENRON?
20051219             As of 20010930             :
20051219             1) Barclay's (1—TOP—MEMBER—OF—THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300 - along with GEORGE—HW—BUSH )
20051219             6) Oppenheimer Funds - 7) MASSACHUSETTS Financial
20051219             8) Smith Barney - 9) Renaissance Technologies
20051219             10) Orbis Holdings - 11) Wachoria Asset Mgmt - 12) Invesco - 13) JP Morgan
20051219             14) National Asset Mgmt - 15) Munder Capital
20051219             ~ ~ ~ - And who were THE—TOP—INSTITUTIONAL—SELLERS—OF—GLOBAL CROSSING stock?
20051219             1) BANK—OF—AMERICA - 2) Smith Barney - 3) J.P. Morgan
20051219             7) WELLINGTON - 8) TEXAS Teachers Retirement System
20051219             9) MASSACHUSETTS Financial Services - 10) Standard Life
20051219             Which brings us to CBS, the 3. of the 'independent' networks.
20051219             CBS banks through THE—MORGAN—GUARANTY—TRUST and reports of CBS connections with THE—CIA and UNITED—KINGDOM—INTELLIGENCE are legion among New World Order researchers.
20051219             SOME—KNOW it as the Conspiracy Brainwashing System.
20051219             Roswell Gilpatric (CFR,
20051219             Bil), from the Kuhn, Loeb (Rothschild) law firm, Cravath, Swaine + Moore + FORMER—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE—BANK—OF—NEW—YORK;
20051219             HENRY—B—SCHNACHT,
20051219             DIRECTOR—OF—THE—CHASE—MANHATTAN—BANK (Rockefeller/Rothschild), the Council on Foreign Relations, Brookings Institution + COMMITTEE—FOR—ECONOMIC—DEVELOPMENT;
20051219             MICHEL—C—BERGERAC,
20051219             > Alliance CAPITAL—MANAGEMENT—COMPANY—THE—LARGEST—INSTITUTIONAL—INVESTOR in CSX Transportation with $873,043,250 invested;
20051219             and $364,330 invested in Papa JOHN—PIZZA.
20051219             > CAPITAL—RESEARCH & Management COMPANY—THE 2. largest institutional investor in CSX Transportation with $662,653,210 invested;
20051219             and the number 6—INVESTOR in Papa John's, with 1—INVESTMENT—OF $18,811,880.
20051219             > Fidelity Management & RESEARCH—THE 3. largest institutional investor in CSX Transportation with $518,336,400 invested;
20051219             and the #1 institutional investor in Papa John's, with 1—INVESTMENT—OF $80,954,400.
20051219             > Barclays Global Investors (1—UNITED—KINGDOM—COMPANY and 1—KEY—MEMBER—OF—THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300 ) is the 5. largest institutional investor in CSX with $225,266,100 invested;
20051219             and the 8. largest investor in Papa John's, with 1—INVESTMENT—OF $11,389,470 .
20051219             HENRY—KISSINGER, the Mercks of EUROPE + THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—OLIGARCHY, Dr.
20051219             This is consistent with the "Committee of 300" and its powerful influence over global politics and governmental policies.
20051219             AND —JUST WHO OWNS ENRON?
20051219             #1 - Alliance CAPITAL—MGMT with 42,939,048 shares;
20051219             and #5 - Fidelity Mgmt & Research with 20,790,452 shares.
20051219             —INCLUDED, THE—REMAINING—OF—THE—TOP 15—INVESTORS : Smith Barney ;
20051219             —CONTROLLED, The drug trade is, by the Committee of 300—FROM the Top down.
20051219             —STARTED, The drug trade, with THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—EAST—INDIA Company and was closely followed by THE—HOLLAND—EAST—INDIA Company.
20051219             —CONTROLLED, Both were, by a "Council of 300".
20051219             THE—LIST—OF—NAMES—OF—MEMBERS and stockholders of THE—BEIC read like something out of Debretts Peerage.
20051219             —ESTABLISHED, BEIC, the "CHINA Inland Mission," whose job it was to get THE—CHINA—PEASANTS, or coolies, as they were called, addicted to opium.
20051219             —CREATED, This, the market for opium which THE—BEIC then filled.
20051219             Instead, our national life and the character of THE—USA was forever changed.
20051219             —NOW that we know, it is all too clear how successful the "Beatles" campaign to proliferate THE—USE—OF—DRUGS became.
20051219             The fact that "THE—BEATLES" had their music and lyrics written for them by THEO—ADORNO was concealed from public view.
20051219             (1) 1—INSTITUTE in UK where they research in mind control, run by highly trained psychiatrists who answer to the Illuminati.
20051219             —FROM here Ayatollah Khomeini, Radovan Karadzic and Milosevic among others were all trained for their mission.
20051219             —PRINTED, LOVE—5—PAGE pro LSD pro Ginsberg article was duly, by THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES.
20051219             —TRIED, Had Ginsberg, to buy the same AMOUNT—OF—SPACE in 1—ADVERTISEMENT, it would have cost him at least $50,000. But Ginsberg didn't have to worry;
20051219             this kind of free advertising is given to ANY—SUBJECT—MATTER + more especially to those promoting decadent life styles--DRUGS—HEDONISM-- anything that will confuse THE—AMERICA—PEOPLE.
20051219             —AFTER the trial run with Ginsberg and LSD, it became standard Club of ROME practice to call upon major newspapers in AMERICA to give free advertising on demand to people and ideas they were promoting.
20051219             Worse yet--or better yet, depending upon the viewpoint-- United Press (UP) picked up KENNY—LOVE—FREE advertising for Ginsberg and LSD and telexed it to HUNDREDS—OF—NEWSPAPERS—AND magazines —AROUND the country under the guise of a "news" story.
20051219             —TODAY the price —TAG would be nothing less than $15-$16—MILLION—DOLLARS.
20051219             It is no wonder that I refer to the news media as "jackals".
20051219             —FINANCED, THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300, the project through 1—OF—THEIR—BANKS, S. C. Warburg + the drug was carried to AMERICA by the philosopher, Aldous Huxley.
20051219             —APPEARED, As quickly as the Beatles had, on THE—AMERICA—SCENE,
20051219             —FOCUSED, The media —NOW, its attention on the "beat generation".
20051219             It became popular to "drop out" and wear dirty jeans, go about with long unwashed hair.
20051219             The "beat generation" cut itself off from MAIN—STREAM—AMERICA.
20051219             —BECAME, They, —JUST as infamous as the cleaner Beatles —BEFORE them.
20051219             This was part of the "FRAGMENTATION—MALADAPTATION" process worked out by Willis Harmon and his team of social scientists and genetic engineering tinkerers and put into action.
20051219             The —FOLLOWING is 1—EXCERPT from DOCTOR—JOHN—COLEMAN—EXCELLENT—BOOK "THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300", which is very informative on the subject of the Illuminati and is highly recommended.
20051219             —PREDICTED, Very much of what he "" in the early 80's happened exactly the way he said it would.
20051219             The book in itself is from the early 90's.
20051219             1—OUTSTANDING example of social conditioning to accept change, even —WHEN it is recognized as unwelcome change by the large population group in the sights of Stanford Research Institute,
20051219             was the "advent" of THE—BEATLES.
20051219             The Beatles were brought to THE—USA as PART—OF—1—SOCIAL—EXPERIMENT which would subject large population groups to brainwashing of which they were not even aware.
20051219             —WHEN Tavistock brought the Beatles to THE—USA—NOBODY could have imagined the cultural disaster that was to follow in their wake.
20051219             The phenomenon of the Beatles was not 1—SPONTANEOUS—REBELLION by youth against the old social system.
20051219             —PREPARED, New words and new phrases-- by Tavistock(1)-- were introduced to AMERICA along with the Beatles.
20051219             Words such as "rock" in relation to music sounds, "teenager," "cool," "discovered" and "pop music" were 1—LEXICON of disguised code words signifying THE—ACCEPTANCE—OF—DRUGS and arrived with and accompanied the Beatles wherever they went,
20051219             Nobody would have paid much attention to the motley crew from LIVERPOOL and the 12-atonal system of "music" that was to follow had it not been for 1—OVERABUNDANCE—OF—PRESS—EXPOSURE.
20051219             —CONSISTED—OF, The 12-atonal system, heavy, repetitive sounds, taken from THE—MUSIC—OF—THE—CULT—OF—DIONYSUS and the Baal priesthood by Adorno and given a "modern" flavor by this special FRIEND—OF—THE—QUEEN—OF—ENGLAND and hence the Committee of 300.
20051219             —CREATED, Tavistock and its Stanford Research Center, trigger words which then came into general usage —AROUND "rock music" and its fans.
20051219             —CREATED, Trigger words, 1—DISTINCT—NEW—BREAK—AWAY largely young population group which was persuaded by social engineering and conditioning to believe that the Beatles really were their favorite group.
20051219             —DEVISED, All trigger words, in the context of "rock music" were designed for mass CONTROL—OF—THE—NEW targeted group, THE—YOUTH—OF—AMERICA.
20051219             Disraeli, THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—PRIME—MINISTER, said much the same thing.
20051219             In the light of all this, there are SOME—INTERESTING connections between the "peace negotiators" in Bosnia.
20051219             CYRUS—VANCE (CFR, TC, BIL, Comm300) was THE—UN "peace negotiator" —WHILE at the same time 1—DIRECTOR—OF—MANUFACTURERS—HANOVER—TRUST.
20051219             —FAILED, And, —WHEN they understandably, to "achieve peace," JIMMY—CARTER (TC), flies to Bosnia as an "independent negotiator".
20051219             Remember the horrific genocide in RWANDA?
20051219             —ARRIVED, Who, in RWANDA —JUST days —BEFORE it broke out on 1 undisclosed "diplomatic mission"?
20051219             Lord Carrington and HENRY—KISSINGER. Can pigs fly?
20051219             Consider he —FOLLOWING from 1—BOOK by DOCTOR—JOHN—COLEMAN, Conspirators Hierarchy: THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300.
20051219             "...I was privileged to receive 1—COPY—OF—THE—CHANGING—IMAGES—OF—MAN from my intelligence colleagues —5—DAYS—AFTER it was accepted by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT.
20051219             —SHOCKED, What I read, me, as I realized I was looking at 1—BLUEPRINT for 1—FUTURE—AMERICA unlike anything I had ever seen —BEFORE.
20051219             The nation was to be programmed to change and become so accustomed to such planned changes that it would hardly be noticeable —WHEN profound changes did occur...As 1—NATION we have not noticed how Changing IMAGES—OF—MAN has radically altered our AMERICA—WAY—OF—LIFE forever...Worse yet,
20051219             —EXPLAINED, Such reaction is carefully, in Willis HARMON—TECHNICAL—PAPER.
20051219             In short, THE—AMERICA—NATION was reacting exactly as profiled.
20051219             we looked to government to shield us from the truth..".
20051219             Note: Changing IMAGES—OF—MAN is 1—SCIENTIFIC—TECHNICAL—REPORT originally commissioned to SRI INTERNATIONAL (largest military THINK—TANK in USA, even larger than Rand and Hudson)
20051219             THE—AMERICA—EAST—LIBERAL—ESTABLISHMENT (in Freemason hierarchy and THE—ORDER—OF—SKULL and Bone),
20051219             — JOHN—COLEMAN, Committee of 300, pp.
20051219             159-160 - In quasi tutta l'AMERICA si celebrano culti satanici, che praticano feroci cerimonie e, in non pochi casi, sacrifici umani.
20051219             THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300. 19960000             . - World in Review.
20051219             THE—HEAD—OF—BRITISH—INTELLIGENCE [or MI6=UNITED—KINGDOM—VERSION—OF—THE—CIA ] —DURING 19600000             —THE'S and 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300 [Illuminati group making up of THE—USA—AND—UK secret government and 300—OF—THE—MOST wealthy families on Earth] involved in the Kennedy assassination and who is LOUIS—MORTINER—BLOOMFIELD—LEADER was SIR—WILLIAM—STEPHENSON.
20051219             heir apparent to THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—THRONE, as the Antichrist.
20051219             he steers the environmental ethics and business agendas of over 100—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST multinational corporations; he is credited for THE—SUCCESS—OF—THE—RIO—EARTH—SUMMIT and thus THE—KYOTO Protocol + he has spearheaded the push for enforceable environmentalism worldwide; he initiated the Global Security Programme and its lecture series,
20051219             he has taken 1—TRACEABLE—BIO—CHIP implant; and his media exposure has exceeded THAT—OF—EVERY—OTHER—MAN in history.
20051219             her MAJESTY—ALBANY—HERALD—OF—ARMS, made 1—POINT
20051219             VAN DEN BROEK (Committee of 300 - you find the complete story by former intelligence officer Dr.
20051219             JOHN—COLEMAN.
20051219             Related to THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—ROYAL—INSTITUTE for INTERNATIONAL Affairs (RIIA).
20051219             In his book, THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300,
20051219             AMERICA—DEFENSE Society. AMERICA—PRESS Institute. AMERICA—PROTECTIVE League.
20051219             ANTI—DEFAMATION League. Arab Bureau.
20051219             Arab Higher Committee. ARCA Foundation. Armour Research Foundation.
20051219             Boycott JAPAN—GOODS Conference.
20051219             Institute on Drugs, Crime and Justice. INTER—ALPHA.
20051219             INTER—AMERICA—SOCIAL Development Institute.
20051219             including THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—UNITED—STATES—OF—AMERICA.
20051219             Cassiopaeans, 20020928
20051219             —ORCHESTRATED, However, this eschaton conspiracy is being, by higher powers + we don't mean the Committee of 300.
20051219             GP-0550---DIPLOMACY BY DECEPTION : 1—ACCOUNT—OF—THE—TREASONOUS—CONDUCT by the Gov'ts of BRITAIN & THE—USA--JOHN—COLEMAN— 19980000             - 272—P. - List Price - $16.95 -
20051219             the rape of MEXICO by British and AMERICA—OIL barons; the invasion of PANAMA; how THE—UNITED—NATIONS is used as 1—WAR—MAKING body and more.
20051219             Is their personal allegiance to Skull and Bones or to THE—AMERICA—PEOPLE?
20051219             where MANY—AMERICAN—PRESIDENTS and other high government officials and key business leaders come out of,
20051219             without THE—AMERICA—PEOPLE knowing what this organization stands for?
20051219             Shouldn't THE—FBI, CIA and EVERY—OTHER—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY be investigating Skull and Bones on BEHALF—OF—THE—AMERICA—PEOPLE to see "what is going on here?
20051219             /Center for Democracy - Director, INTERNATIONAL Rescue Committee[24]
20051219             Advisory BOARD, Puppies Behind Bars - Honorary Trustee, Aspen Institute
20051219             Trustee, Open RUSSIA Foundation
20051219             Wharton attracts clients such as THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—LABOR—WHICH teaches how to produce "cooked" statistics at the Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates Incorporated.
20051219             It tells how they have been at war with THE—AMERICA—NATION for over —50—YEARS, 1—WAR that we, the people, are losing.
20051219             —INTERESTED, Man is only, in his own survival.
20051219             That is all that counts.
20051219—17760000    —FROM, —WHEN JEREMY—BENTHAM and WILLIAM—PETTY, THE—EARL—OF—SHELBURNE, fresh from THE—TRIUMPH—OF—THE—FRANCE—REVOLUTION which they planned and ran, were drafted by THE—UK—CROWN to bring their combined experience to bear against the colonists, to 18120000             —WHEN the British sacked and burned WASHINGTON, destroying secret documents that would have exposed the treason being worked against the young USA—OF—AMERICA to THE—WATERGATING—OF—PRESIDENT—NIXON and ASSASSINATION—OF—PRESIDENT—KENNEDY, THE—HAND—OF—THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300 is clearly visible.
20051219—19200000    —IN—THE, This body was set up 'S to serve as 1—VEHICLE for 1—WORLD—GOVERNMENT—POLICIES + stands as 1—MONUMENT to THE—LONG—RANGE planning CAPABILITIES—OF—THE—COMMITTEE—OF—300.
20051219—19620000    —IN, He was CONVICTED—OF—THE—MASSACRES and sentenced to death in absentia by Czechoslovakia.
20051219—19780500    —IN, There is no MENTION—OF—SIR—PETER—VICKERS—HALL on the Heritage website, but then Heritage has covered its fascist tracks on other occasions: "[Roger] PEARSON—TENURE on HERITAGE—POLICY—REVIEW—EDITORIAL—BOARD was short lived... due to 1—WASHINGTON—POST—EXPOSE—OF—THE—RACIST and fascist undercurrents of 1—WORLD—ANTI—COMMUNIST—LEAGUE chaired by Pearson in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA" 68. DOCTOR—COLEMAN—REMARKS are worth including as SUPPORTIVE—OF—OTHER—SOURCES which locate the origins of the "RIGHT—WING" Council for National Policy in THE—UK—ROUND—TABLE and FABIAN—SOCIETY, which has the reputation of being a "socialist" organization.
20051219—19830108    —ON, —BEFORE their big meeting on January lOth-11., HANS—VOGEL, 1—LEADING—CLUB—OF—ROME member, was received at THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20051219—20000900    —ACQUITTED, They were.
20051219—20030600    —RAGED, Fighting in the region, for 3—MORE—YEARS and the armies withdrew only, despite the court's order 20000700             —IN to halt operations and safeguard civilians.
20051219—20070000    —IN, JAPAN—HONDA—MOTOR—CO. said it plans to start MASS—PRODUCING solar cells, eyeing growing demand for environmentally friendly energy sources.
20051219—20080900    —BELIEVED, His body and that of 1—WOMAN, to be his IRAQ—FIANCEE were found by THE—USA—MILITARY in 1—GRAVE.
20060104             20021125             Expanded Perspectives Cel...using slave labor from Nazi camps... 19420000             .
20060108             Published 20051219             —0816—PM—CST
20060108             Published 20051219             —816—PM—CST
20060130             FEDERAL—TAX cuts leave state's AT—RISK—RESIDENTS with less: Congress voted to cut $40—BILLION from vital health care and education programs in the wee hours of 20061219             .
20060521             The sanctions also impose 1—ARMS—EMBARGO against the Taliban, but not against NORTH—ALLIANCE—FORCES battling the Taliban.
20060630—20051219    —ON, HERE—ALBERTO—GONZALES :
20061219             NevadaLabor_com Bulletins 8/1-20060922             20070105             —RECEIVED, Acelor, who also, a —15—YEAR—SENTENCE, put them in touch with INTERNATIONAL...
20061219             Wilsongate: CIA Plame leak case (20030000             1720040623             MAY )
20061219             Cops Caught Stealing Protestors' Cameras
20061219             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON, NYPD refuses to return stolen property despite video documentation
20061219             BERLIN—ON the —DAY JAMES—BAKER—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP - I didn't have to wait long.
20061219             "AMERICA—FACES Up to THE—IRAQ—DISASTER" read 1—HEADLINE in Der Spiegel.
20061219             In the patronizing tones of 1—SENIOR—DOCTOR, Le Monde diagnosed the "political feverishness" gripping WASHINGTON in BAKER—WAKE.
20061219             —OPINED, Le Figaro, that nothing Baker proposed could improve the "catastrophic state" of IRAQ anyway.
20061219             And then, —FOR—2—WEEKS... silence.
20061219             If there are politicians, academics, or journalists anywhere in GERMANY + FRANCE who have better ideas about how to improve the catastrophic STATE—OF—IRAQ, they aren't talking very loudly.
20061219             —UNDERMINED, There is no question that AMERICA—CREDIBILITY has been, by THE—IRAQ war in "Old EUROPE" as everywhere else.
20061219             There is no question that AMERICA—REPUTATION for competence has been destroyed.
20061219             But that doesn't mean there are DOZENS—OF—EAGER—CANDIDATES, or even 1—EAGER—CANDIDATE, clamoring to replace us.
20061219             To continue READING, click here.
20061219             Detainee 20030000             43 - BG >From Crooks and Liars:
20061219             I meant to post about this story sooner, but there was 1—POWER—OUTAGE in my neighborhood MOST—OF—THE—WEEKEND.
20061219             This story is unbelievable: I know, I say that 1—LOT.
20061219             Yet in MANY—RESPECTS his case is unusual.
20061219             The detainee was DONALD—VANCE, a —29—YEAR—OLD—NAVY—VETERAN from CHICAGO who went to IRAQ as 1—SECURITY—CONTRACTOR.
20061219             He wound up as 1—WHISTLE—BLOWER, passing information to THE—FBI. about suspicious activities at THE—IRAQ—SECURITY—FIRM where he worked, including what he said was possible illegal weapons trading.
20061219             —17—YEAR—OLD who received a —10—YEAR—SENTENCE in GEORGIA for engaging in ORAL sex with a —15—YEAR—OLD—GIRL.... - BG -
20061219             JIMMY—CARTER, has 1—BOOK out with the inflammatory title "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid," and 1—SELF—PITYING—OP—ED in THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES:
20061219             Book reviews in the mainstream media have been written mostly by representatives of Jewish organizations who would be unlikely to visit the occupied territories + their primary criticism is that the book is ANTI—ISRAEL.
20061219             2—MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS have been publicly critical.
20061219             —ISSUED, Incoming House Speaker NANCY Pelosi for instance, 1—STATEMENT (—BEFORE the book was published) saying that "he does not speak for THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY on ISRAEL ".
20061219             SOME—REVIEWS—POSTED on Amazon_com call me "ANTI—SEMITIC," and others accuse the book of "lies" and "distortions".
20061219             1—FORMER—CARTER—CENTER—FELLOW has taken issue with it + ALAN—DERSHOWITZ called the book's title "indecent".
20061219             Out in the real world, however, the response has been overwhelmingly positive.
20061219             I've signed books in 5—STORES, with more than 1,000 buyers at EACH—SITE.
20061219             I've had 1—NEGATIVE remark--that I should be tried for treason--and 1—CALLER on C—SPAN said that I was 1—ANTI—SEMITE.
20061219             My most troubling experience has been the rejection of my offers to speak, for free, about the book on university campuses with high Jewish enrollment and to answer questions from students and professors.
20061219             —MEANWHILE, MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD, IRAN—PRESIDENT, held 1—HOLOCAUST—DENIAL conference in TEHRAN, which drew at least 1—AMERICAN,
20061219             Reuters reports: - BLAIR—LEAKED—MEMO: UK—VOTERS—THINK GOVERNMENT Is In Shambles...
20061219             Labour has no chance of winning the next Election because voters think the Government is 1—SHAMBLES—AND there is little GORDON—BROWN can do to stop DAVID—CAMERON becoming PRIME—MINISTER.
20061219             Crooks and Liars " OLLIE—PROPAGANDA—TAGS: OLIVER—NORTH
20061219             There Are No Missile Defenses at the Pentagon JAMES—BENNETT provides details in convincing article:
20061219             There Are No Missile Defenses at the Pentagon
20061219             Jamail Hussein, Disputed AP Source, Finally Located?
20061219             SHADES—OF—PAUL—WELLSTONE 20020000             .
20061219             Wouldn't it be wierd if 1—DEMOCRATIC—SENATOR in 1—STATE with 1—REPUBLICAN—GOVERNOR were to be incapacitated + have to be replaced by appointment —JUST SHY—OF—THE—OPENING of the 110. Congress -
20061219             thus negating the narrow Democratic majority + handing VOTE—SPLITTING authority to VICE—PRESIDENT—RICH, Rich, RICHARD—HALLIBURTON ?
20061219             It's the time to hear the melodic BEEPS—OF—COMPUTER—CASH registers in our heads —WHILE making up LISTS—OF—PEOPLE we're giving useless shit to so we can show how much we love them.
20061219             What would you do if you began to realize you were playing 1—VAST—SOCIAL/worldly game whose number 1—GAME—RULE was that the game was not 1—GAME?
20061219             With THE—RELEASE—OF—THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP—REPORT, which has almost everyone expressing various degrees of chagrin, the "realists" have moved back onto THE—STAGE—OF—USA—FOREIGN—POLICY.
20061219             —CALLED, But who are these people and why are they, realists?
20061219             What is so real about what they advocate, both for the current debacle in IRAQ and the larger VENTURE—OF—AMERICA—LED globalism?
20061219             And who are the people who justify viral fear by calling it an "enlightened panic?"
20061219             —BY DAVE—LINDORFF -
20061219             Innocents Abroad: AMERICA CRACKS Down On GUANTANAMO Detainees, Despite Overwhelming Evidence Most Are Not Terrorists
20061219             Are the detainees at GUANTANAMO deadly terrorists?
20061219             —RELEASED, If so, why are they being ?
20061219             If not, why is the government making their detention ever harsher?
20061219             —BY STEVEN—LESER -
20061219             —PRESIDED, This PRESIDENT has, over the most irresponsible fiscal record in history.
20061219             His administration, along with his cronies in the Republican congress, turned several YEARS—OF—SURPLUS—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—BUDGETS delivered by the previous administration into massive deficits.
20061219             —BY Kathy Dopp -
20061219             Experts For THE—USA—CONGRESS To Consult With On Election Integrity Legislation
20061219             THE—USA—CONGRESS must consult with independent experts this time —WHEN it passes FEDERAL—LEGISLATION to ensure the integrity of our democracy.
20061219             Here is 1—LIST—OF—EXPERTS and recommendations for legislation.
20061219             —BY ROBERT—RAITZ
20061219             Culture Clot...- My theory on the appauling LACK—OF—CULTURE in AMERICA for the past 20—PLUS years.
20061219             Imagine for 1—MOMENT you were ABC—CHIEF—WASHINGTON—CORRESPONDENT, as well as 1—FORMER—MEMBER—OF—THE—CLINTON administration who was currently quite opposed to THE—IRAQ war.
20061219             Further assume that in the months leading up to the recent midterm elections, the Democrat Senate minority leader had been aggressively advocating immediate troop withdrawals from the region, 1—POSITION you agreed with.
20061219             —INTERVIEWED, Contrary to his previous view, —WHEN you, this SENATOR —AFTER the elections, he stated that he could actually support 1—INCREASE in troops.
20061219             —EXPRESSED, Given his, positions —BEFORE the elections + the fact that he was about to be sworn in as the new Senate majority leader, would you aggressively challenge this HIGH—RANKING official about his sudden CHANGE—OF—HEART, or give him 1—PASS?...Source:
20061219             Unemployed GERMANY—MAN Stirs Debate | World Latest | GUARDIAN UNLIMITED—BG—UNEMPLOYED GERMANY—MAN Stirs Debate | World Latest | GUARDIAN Unlimited
20061219             —KILLED, Sleeping HOUSTON woman, by stray bullet | Chron_COM—HOUSTON CHRONICLE—BG—SLEEPING HOUSTON woman killed by stray bullet | Chron_COM—HOUSTON Chronicle
20061219             GENERAL—REVEALS—RESIDUAL—NEOCON—LIKUDNIK—HAUNTING at PENTAGON—FORGET the rhetoric, say the neocons.
20061219             Bomb IRAN, —NOW.
20061219             Of course, this is nothing new, as THE—ISRAEL 1. neocons, at the behest of LIKUD—KADIMA, THE—NATIONALIST—RELIGIOUS—PARTIES + the fanatical settler wing of THE—ISRAEL i government, have called for mass murdering untold numbers in IRAN for SOME—TIME—NOW.
20061219             However, with EACH—PASSING —DAY, the calls get more strident, more shrill, more desperate, especially with ISRAEL—HUMILIATING defeat at the hands of Hezbollah last —SUMMER.
20061219             —TARNISHED, Hezbollah over the border in LEBANON and 1, invincibility image, however, take 1—BACKSEAT to the cardinal FEAR—OF—THE—ISRAEL—IS—INTERNATIONAL—PRESSURE may force them to seriously negotiate with the Palestinians and, dread to imag... Source:
20061219             77—VICTIMS' Remains Found Outside the Pentagon "Exit Hole"?
20061219             The official gov't Pentagon victims remains chart (double click to enlarge): Notice almost HALF—OF—THE—FLIGHT 77—VICTIMS remains were found outside the exit hole, in THE—A—E drive (the dense CLUSTER—OF—CIRCLES at THE—TOP—OF—THE—DIAGRAM).I know this will really piss off the folks at "Screw Loose Change"-- to question the sanctity of this diagram-- but here's 1—PICTURE—OF—THE exit hole with apparent plane debris outlined in red: I have to say that I am having trouble understanding:a) how so MANY—REMAINS came out the exit hole —WHEN so LITTLE—OF—THE—PLANE came OUT—OF—THE—HOLE.b) where exactly all these remains are in the small pile of rubble in the picture.—NOW I suppose the official story is that THE—CRASH—OF—THE—PLANE caused the passengers' bodie... Source:
20061219             Good Science and 20010911             Demolition THEORIES—BG—THIS guy's work is hooey.
20061219             Citigroup "hold"
20061219             (20061219             ) - DEUTSCHE—TELEKOM "buy"
20061219             —RATING—UPDATE: FRANKFURT ( AG) - Die ANALYSTENNO—VON—DEUTSCHE—SECURITIES stufen die DEUTSCHE—TELEKOM—AKTIE (ISIN DE0005557508/WKN 555750) von "hold" auf "buy" hoch.
20061219             (20061219             ) - Citigroup "buy"
20061219             —RATING—UPDATE: NEW—YORK ( AG) - Die ANALYSTENNO—VON—PUNK Ziegel & Co. stufen die Aktie der Citigroup (ISIN US1729671016/WKN 871904) unverändert mit "buy" ein.
20061219             Das Kursziel werde von 59—USD auf 69—USD angehoben.
20061219             (20061219             )
20061219             Snow On Whether We Are Winning In IRAQ: 'I'm Not Playing THE—GAME—ANYMORE'
20061219             - THINK—PROGRESS.
20061219             THE—WHITE—HOUSE is "aggressively promoting" 1—PLAN to send "15,000 to 30,000—MORE—TROOPS" to IRAQ "over the
20061219             unanimous disagreement of the Joint CHIEFS—OF—STAFF," THE—WASHINGTON—POST—REPORTS.
20061219             $100—MILLION.
20061219             Amount the Pentagon wants to spend to build 1—NEW courthouse at GUANTANAMO Bay.
20061219             —ABOUT 60—CASES would be tried in this courthouse, totaling "
20061219             $1.6—MILLION per defendant —JUST for the building.
20061219             The trials will cost MANY—MILLIONS—MORE".
20061219             According to 1—NEW—PENTAGON report to Congress, " attacks against American and IRAQ—TARGETS had surged this —SUMMER and —AUTUMN to their highest level".
20061219             There was "AN—INCREASE—OF—22 %
20061219             —FROM the level for —EARLY—MAY to —EARLY—AUGUST".
20061219             "Over the past —6—MONTHS, BAGHDAD has been all but isolated electrically, IRAQ—OFFICIALS say, as
20061219             insurgents have effectively won their battle
20061219             to bring down critical HIGH—VOLTAGE—LINES and cut off the capital from the major power plants to the north, south and west".
20061219             "20050000             ,
20061219             53—MEMBERS—OF—THE—HOUSE and Senate did not publicly report trips paid for by outside groups within —30—DAYS—OF—THE—TRAVEL," as is mandated by congressional rules.
20061219             SENATOR—TIM—JOHNSON (D—SD) has been "conscious at times —SINCE his emergency brain surgery —LAST—WEEK".
20061219             More good news: Johnson "has made it through the crucial 1. —72—HOURS—SINCE the brain surgery...1—BENCHMARK that doctors consider a
20061219             good sign for recovery.
20061219             CBS News reports, "THE—PENTAGON is planning a - major buildup of USA naval forces
20061219             in and —AROUND the Gulf as 1—WARNING to IRAN ". - why their aid was cut off
20061219             —BLOCKED, SENATOR—SAM—BROWNBACK (R—KS), "who, the confirmation of 1—WOMAN to THE—FEDERAL—BENCH because she attended 1—SAME—SEX—COMMITMENT—CEREMONY for THE—DAUGHTER—OF—HER—LONG—TIME—NEIGHBORS, says he will
20061219             —NOW allow 1—VOTE on the nomination " —AFTER legal scholars said his demands may have been unconstitutional.
20061219             And finally: TOM—BROKAW thinks the web is making you "flabby".
20061219             TOM—BROKAW told THE—PHILADELPHIA—INQUIRER, "Americans have gotten flabby 'by spending all our time
20061219             riffing through Google and other Web sites.
20061219             —16—MONTHS—AFTER flood waters surged through NEW—ORLEANS' 9. Ward —FOLLOWING the landfall of Hurricane Katrina and the bursting of levees, the devastated SECTION—OF—THE—CITY "remains all but vacant,"
20061219             THE—TIMES—PICAYUNE reports —TODAY.
20061219             —APPLIED, Only 3—PERCENT—OF—THE—WARD—HOMEOWNERS have, for electrical permits — "
20061219             enough to power only 152—HOUSES.
20061219             1—RECORD 70 % "said they disapproved of his handling of the nearly —4—YEAR—OLD—WAR".
20061219             Blutige Höchstleistung im IRAK
20061219             Im IRAK ist die ZAHL—DER—ANSCHLÄGE auf USA—TRUPPEN und IRAKISCHE—SOLDATEN auf den höchsten Stand —SEIT über —2—JAHREN gestiegen.
20061219             Wie das USA—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUM —AM—MONTAG weiter mitteilte, hat sich im Zeitraum von
20061219             —GENANNT, Eine genaue Zahl wurde in dem Bericht nicht.
20061219             Zuletzt hatte das Pentagon von durchschnittlich 959—ANSCHLÄGEN pro —WOCHE...
20061219             FATAH—UND Hamas liefern sich Kampf vor SPITAL—SFUX—GAZA—DIE Waffenruhe zwischen den Gruppierungen Hamas und Fatah im Gazastreifen wird immer brüchiger.
20061219             Bei einer Schiesserei in der Nähe eines Spitals in der Stadt GAZA wurde —AM—MORGEN ein Kämpfer der RADIKAL—ISLAMISCHEN Hamas getötet.
20061219             Wie die örtlichen Medien weiter berichteten, wurden weitere 8—PALÄSTINENSER verletzt.
20061219             —ERST—AM Vorabend ist bei einem Schusswechsel im Flüchtlingslager Dschabalia 1—MITGLIED der von PRÄSIDENT—MAHMUD—ABBAS geführten Fatah...
20061219             Caught between THE—MILLSTONES—THE—CASE—OF—LITVINENKO
20061219             —BASED, DAVID—DASTYCH—WHEN you compare 1—TODAY—BBC report, on YURI—SHVETS interview to the explanations of DMITRI—KOVTUN and the statement of ALEX—GOLDFARB...
20061219             MOSSAD—CHEF—DAGAN warnt vor Irans Bau einer Atombombe
20061219             —BEFÜRCHTET—ISRAEL, die Entwicklung einer Atombombe im IRAN.
20061219             "Sollte IRAN die Arbeit an seinem Nuklearprogramm im gegenwärtigen Tempo fortführen, wird dieses Land in 3—BIS —4—JAHREN eine (Atom)Bombe haben",
20061219             sagte der CHEF—DES ISRAEL ischen Aufklärungsdienstes Mossad, Meir Dagan, wie FRANZÖSISCHE—MEDIEN —AM—MONTAG berichten.
20061219             Was My Son Poisoned in ENGLAND? - SFUX—DAVID—DASTYCH -
20061219             —RECEIVED, MID—DECEMBER, at 04:00 a.m., I, 1—SUDDEN—PHONE—CALL: ?Your son, Olaf, † tonight.?
20061219             It was 1—TERRIBLE—SHOCK.
20061219             ?Could that be real??, I thought in the 1. moment, still emerging from 1—SOUND—SLEEP.
20061219             ?Maybe.
20061219             —SENTENCED, LIBYA sentences medics to death -6—FOREIGN—MEDICS are, to death in LIBYA for deliberately infecting HUNDREDS—OF—CHILDREN with HIV.
20061219             Schools shut amid GAZA 'anarchy' Schools are shut in GAZA amid what officials say is anarchy caused by fighting between Fatah and Hamas factions.
20061219             Saddam trial sees graphic footage Graphic footage of dead Kurdish civilians allegedly killed in chemical attacks is shown at SADDAM—HUSSEIN—TRIAL.
20061219             NIGERIA leader denies corruption NIGERIA—PRESIDENT denies claims by his deputy that he awarded contracts to his favourite aides and ministers.
20061219             Compulsory HIV tests for couples Officials in INDIA—ANDHRA—PRADESH state say an HIV test will soon be compulsory —BEFORE marriage.
20061219             NIGERIA opposition pick candidate NIGERIA—MAIN—OPPOSITION—PARTY—SELECTS 1—FORMER—MILITARY—RULER as its candidate —IN—APRIL—POLLS.
20061219             VENEZUELA head seeks party merger VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ wants to merge his coalition partners into 1—SINGLE—PARTY.
20061219             USA and N KOREA discuss sanctions USA and NORTH—KOREA—OFFICIALS—MEET FACE—TO—FACE to discuss financial sanctions, on the sidelines of nuclear talks.
20061219             FRANCE—BIRD—FLU scare evaporates FRANCE—EXPERTS say 4,000 chickens found dead at 1—FARM in NORTH—EAST—FRANCE did not DIE—OF—BIRD—FLU.
20061219             Ministers haggle over fish quotas Politicians and fishing leaders embark on the latest round of annual talks over catch limits.
20061219             AFGHANISTAN 'holds PAKISTAN—SPY' PRESIDENT—KARZAI—OFFICE—IN—AFGHANISTAN says 1—PAKISTAN—SPY who worked with AL—QAEDA has been arrested.
20061219             NEPAL rebels reject appointments NEPAL—MAOIST—REBELS—CALL 1—GENERAL—STRIKE in the capital, KATHMANDU, in protest at key government appointments.
20061219             —DISCHARGED, Pc shooting death jury, THE—PC—SHARON—BESHENIVSKY death trial jury is discharged —AFTER failing to reach 1—VERDICT on 1—ROBBERY—CHARGE.
20061219             USA sees surge in producer prices USA wholesale inflation surged by its highest amount in —3—DECADES—IN—NOVEMBER, figures show.
20061219             Stopping malaria —BEFORE the bite Researchers work on 1—VACCINE that attacks the malaria parasite —WHILE it is still inside the mosquito.
20061219             KYRGYZSTAN Cabinet resigns OFFICE—KYRGYZ—PRESIDENT—BAKIYEV accepts his government's resignation, paving the way for parliamentary elections.
20061219             —ACCEPTED, BOTSWANA bushmen ruling, BOTSWANA—GOVERNMENT will not appeal against 1—COURT ruling allowing bushmen to return to the Kalahari desert.
20061219             —UNTOUCHED, Rover fund has £50m, Up to £50M—OF—GOVERNMENT—FUNDS set aside to help MG Rover workers has not been used, official figures show.
20061219             ::Walk&Talk:: - Terra Blog Personagens de uma região de conflito, onde a lei do silêncio ainda impera.
20061219             quatro curtas metragens — Manual para Atropelar Cachorro, Fúria... / 20061219             GUANTANAMO: Pentagon erlaubte unmenschliche Verhörmethoden.
20061219             Welt Nachrichten WIEN—PENTAGON verteidigt "kreative Verhörmethoden" - Aktuelle Nachrichten aus aller Welt.
20061219             News aus den Bereichen Politik, Kultur und Chronik.
20061219             Rumsfeld erlaubte offenbar harte Verhörmethoden... Sendezeit: Chuck Adams: Worst.
20061219             Consultant. Ever.
20061219             Categories: chuck adams legislature majority pac OREGON politics
20061219             SOME—OREGON, political circles, GOP consulatant, Chuck Adams, is known as the "SULTAN—OF—SLIME"
20061219             Bush Appointee Seeks to Cut Budget For Government Audits" href="
20061219             Categories: BUSH—ADMINISTRATION Corruption Government Audits GSA
20061219             —LIMITED, Why is the party of, government and personal responsibility so consistently and eggregiously opposed to accountability in government?
20061219             Corporate Criminals and AMERICA—RACE to the Bottom
20061219             Categories: Corporate Crime Globalism Nader
20061219             It is clear, in the midst of a —7—YEAR—CORPORATE—FINANCIAL—CRIME—WAVE, that
20061219             USA—NAVY—PLANS for 1—ICE—FREE—ARTIC—CATEGORIES: Global Warming If global warming is 1—MYTH perpetrated by the liberal media, why is THE—USA—NAVY planning for 1—ICE—FREE—ARTIC?
20061219             read more | - BARACK—OBAMA—AMERICA—VOICE—OF—UNITY and Optimism Categories: 20080000             Election BARACK—OBAMA—DEMOCRATIC—PRIMARY—PRESIDENTIAL—POLITICS "Students for Obama" are distributing the —FOLLOWING video of ILLINOIS SENATOR—BARACK—OBAMA. read more |
20061219             How Democrats Should Talk About Democrats Categories: 20080000             Election BARACK—OBAMA—PRESIDENTIAL—POLITICS—WASHINGTON—TIMES
20061219             —PUBLISHED, THE—WASHINGTON—TIMES blog, 1—IMPORTANT—PIECE that illustrates why it's important for bloggers to understand THE—POWER—OF—WORDS, especially their own. read more |
20061219             Building on the Progressive VICTORY—CATEGORIES: 20060000             election democratic politics framing heath shuler Lakoff rahm emanuel
20061219             The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present.
20061219             —PILED, The occasion is, high with difficulty + we must rise with the occasion.
20061219             As our case is new, so we must think anew + act anew.
20061219             We must disenthrall ourselves + then we shall save our country".
20061219             - ABRAHAM—LINCOLN
20061219             There has been SOME—CONVERSATION here about why the Democrats won 20060000             —THE election + what it means for the country.
20061219             Peace Women, Convicted of Trespassing, Teach THE—USA—GOVERNMENT 1—LESSON in Diplomacy Categories: CodePink IRAQ IRAQ War Medea Benjamin
20061219             It must sound absurd, perhaps even unbelievable, that 4—PEACE—WOMEN were arrested and put on trial for attempting to deliver 1—PEACE—PETITION to THE—USA—MISSION to THE—UNITED—NATIONS.
20061219             But —WHILE our arrests reflect the "shoot 1., ask questions —LATER" STYLE—OF—GEORGE—BUSH and outgoing UN Ambassador JOHN—BOLTON, we ended up teaching the government 1—LESSON in diplomacy.
20061219             DOZENS—OF—HOUSE—MEMBERS, especially from the South and Mountain West, oppose abortion rights, gun control + SAME—SEX—MARRIAGE.
20061219             Other lawmakers still believe THE—USA can emerge victorious in IRAQ;
20061219             they criticize the way THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has managed the war, not the decision to invade and occupy the country in the 1. place.
20061219             Vertrag mit Nasa: Google plant virtuelle Flüge über Mond und Mars
20061219             IRAK—STRATEGIE: USA—MILITÄRS rebellieren gegen BUSH—PLÄNE
20061219             Überwältigende Mehrheit: EURONEXT—AKTIONÄRE wollen mit NYSE fusionieren
20061219             Gerichtsentscheid zur MÜLLER—MILCH: Greenpeace darf "GEN—MILCH" sagen
20061219             Reaktion auf Entschädigungsklagen: Warschau stellt DEUTSCH—POLNISCHEN—GRENZVERTRAG in Frage
20061219             —AKZEPTIERT, DÜSSELDORF—DEUTSCHLANDS größter Textilhändler C&A etwa, anstandslos DM—SCHEINE UND—MÜNZEN.
20061219             In großen KAUFHOF—FILIALEN kann man vor der SHOPPING—TOUR an der Zentralkasse die Mark in Euro umtauschen.
20061219             Und auch in vielen anderen Geschäften lohnt es sich dem Hauptverband des DEUTSCHEN—EINZELHANDELS (HDE) zufolge, einmal nachzufragen:
20061219             "Wenn einer noch einen 100—MARK—SCHEIN gefunden hat, sind die Chancen groß, dass er einen Händler findet, der ihn akzeptiert".
20061219             MÄUSE—EXPERIMENT: Alkohol als RHEUMA—SCHUTZ für Menschen nicht ratsam
20061219             ISS—REPARATUR: Klemmendes Sonnensegel klappt mit sanfter Gewalt ein
20061219             —5—JAHRE EURO—BARGELD: Noch immer 14—MILLIARDEN Mark im Umlauf
20061219             Zitate und Aphorismen für den ATHEISTEN—UEBER Kirche, Religion...
20061219             Wenn die Menschen von Gott reden, so kommen sie mir vor wie Lichtenbergs Kahlenberger...
20061219             Die Geschichte lehrt uns, daß sie ihn, wo sie ihm begegnet sind...
20061219             fluter.DE—MAGAZIN der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
20061219             Kurz vor 'm Zeitpunkt des Todes des Menschen "Jesus" ließ ihn Gott ganz los: " Mein Gott, mein Gott, warum hast du mich verlassen?".
20061219             Re : XAVIER—NAIDOO—AUTOR: anna1286 Datum: 06090315             :32 ich könnt grad kotzen, wenn ich das hier lese!
20061219             mein gott... ich bin auch onkelz fan, aber dass was...
20061219             Warum Amerikaner fast alles glauben -D-.htm Haushaltsreiniger.
20061219             Chlor. Tabak. Dioxin. Globale Erwärmung.
20061219             Verbleites Benzin. Krebsforschung +-behandlung.
20061219             Meeresverschmutzung. Holz + Wälder.
20061219             Wissenschaftliche Artikel zu THE—FATTY—BOOM—BATTY com Network Learning to love the older CONSUMER—SZMIGIN—ZITIERT durch: 6
20061219             AUSTRALIA Rules Linking to Copyright Material Also Illegal
20061219             "1—RECENT ruling in FEDERAL—COURT upheld the ruling that the operator and ISP that hosted the site 'mp3s4free_net' were GUILTY—OF—COPYRIGHT—INFRINGEMENT—VIOLATIONS because they provided access to the copyright material.
20061219             'DALE—CLAPPERTON, VICE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—NON—PROFIT—ORGANIZATION—ELECTRONIC—FRONTIERS—AUSTRALIA (EFA), explained the ruling as follows: "If you give someone permission to do something that infringes copyright, that in itself is infringement as if you'd done it yourself. Even if you don't do the infringing act yourself, if you more or less condone someone else doing it, that's 1—INFRINGING act".'"
20061219             NEW—ZEALAND DMCA Moves Forward
20061219             "THE—DMCA—LIKE—AMENDMENTS to THE—NEW—ZEALAND Copyright Act passed their 1. hurdle in PARLIAMENT —TODAY, with 1—OVERWHELMING 113 to 6—VOTE to pass THE—BILL—TO—THE—COMMERCE—SELECT—COMMITTEE for further discussion. THE—DETAIL—ORIENTED can read the full debate (or rather LACK—OF—DEBATE) + 1—ENTERPRISING NEW—ZEALAND legal blogger has 1—EXCELLENT—SERIES—OF—POSTS on the Bill, its background + its implications. New Zealanders interested in fighting this legislation have —UNTIL the 16. of February 20070000             to make submissions to THE—SELECT—COMMITTEE, —BEFORE the committee makes its recommendations and sends the Bill back for a 2. READING".
20061219             Rotating SOLAR—POWERED Skyscraper
20061219             "Wired is pointing out 1—RECENT—GEAR—FACTOR blog entry that highlights 1—NEW skyscraper in the works which will be SOLAR—POWERED + what's more will rotate with the sun.
20061219             'The completed tower will offer 200—EXPENSIVE—APARTMENTS for people who want to spend LOTS—OF—MONEY to screw up their circadian rhythm.
20061219             Singh said they want to build MANY—MORE such towers, with 1 for EVERY—TIME—ZONE.'" 20061219             20061219             ISECOM—TOP 10—REAL Computer Crimes
20061219             "ISECOM, the Institute for Security and Open Methodologies, has —JUST—POSTED their Top 10—REAL—COMPUTER—CRIMES for 20070000             and Beyond.
20061219             —DESIGNED, This list runs the gambit from poorly, patches to chlamydia!
20061219             It's entertaining, but also scary, as MANY—OF—USA could fall victim to SOME—OR—ALL—OF—THEM".
20061219             Blogging in IRAN Takes Courage
20061219             "This —MORNING—BOSTON—GLOBE has 1—THOUGHT—PROVOKING PROFILE—OF—IRAN—BLOGGERS who are risking everything, quite literally, to bring 1—MODICUM—OF—OPENNESS and truth to 1—SOCIETY where the former is not tolerated and the latter strictly defined by government/religious authorities".
20061219             GNOSIS—RIVISTA Italiana di Intelligence (40) Cosa Nostra in Sicilia, nonostante l'energica repressione fascista sotto il... ROSE—MARIE—BORNGÄSSER, Albaner haben die Mafia längst verdrängt...
20061219             SICILY—HISTORICAL Flags (ITALY) # fahnenversand.DE—FAHNEN...
20061219             OJAG Army... MISTER—RAYMOND—HEDDINGS, DTRA Associate GENERAL—COUNSEL, opened the Plenary Session by.
20061219             Inside cover Final (Page II)- CRAIG—W—PARKER—GENERAL—COUNSEL.
20061219             VICTOR—NAKAS—EXECUTIVE—DIRECTOR—OF. Public Affairs.
20061219             J. MICHAEL—O'NEILL, 19740000             , Deceased.
20061219             DONALD—J—SHEEHY, 19630000             .
20061219    .pdf
20061219             [CTRL] OEN 20000201             20061219             Eye on the Empire No doubt he was not the only CIA employee to be sometimes lax about the details...
20061219             Nora Slatkin + general counsel, MICHAEL—O'NEILL, "had the effect of... - WIA—IU Partial ARCHIVE—VOL.
20061219             01, NUMBER 05 - - cnn_com -
20061219             FORMER—CIA GENERAL—COUNSEL—DECLINES to Testify in Deutch...
20061219             The committee has been told MICHAEL—O'NEILL will not appear on the advise of his lawyer.
20061219             O'Neill was general counsel at THE—CIA—AT—THE—TIME the classified...
20061219             Investigation into Deutch Security Breach Impeded
20061219             The original investigation into DEUTCH—ACTIONS was overseen by MICHAEL—O'NEILL, THE—CIA—GENERAL—COUNSEL—AT—THE—TIME + executive director Nora Slatkin...
20061219             Deutch Took Consulting Post To Retain Classified Computers
20061219             Neohapsis ARCHIVES—ISN - #0079 - [ISN] Pentagon probe targets Deutch
20061219             THE—FBI was 1. told about the security breach by MICHAEL—O'NEILL, THE—CIA—GENERAL—COUNSEL + friend of MISTER—DEUTCH, in 1—TELEPHONE—CALL.
20061219             Eye on the Empire by ALAN—BOCK—IT—MORE by incompetence + inattention than by design, but THE—CIA — indeed... Nora Slatkin + general counsel, MICHAEL—O'NEILL, "had the effect of...
20061219             WWIII.
20061219             - AXIS—OF—EVIL—BUSH, Blair + Sharon, attempt to.
20061219             We must act not only for THE—GOOD—OF—THE—PEOPLES—OF—SOUTH—WEST—ASIA... Of DAVID—KELLY,'
20061219             SF events 3.28—CHARLIE—SHEEN on 911 - tribe_net
20061219             —THURSDAY 3/30—FREE—CHCOCLATE TASTING hosted by THE—BAY—AREA—FAIR—TRADE...
20061219             Culture hackers are planning 1—MAJOR—UN—COORDINATED political act to get this...
20061219             Legal Rights for Sailors, Soldiers, Airmen JAG Corps Judge...
20061219             What will his excuse be to use the Bomb?...[was Re: Sadly, the...
20061219             role as general counsel for THE—ACLU... the organization that supported the...
20061219             And the State, through drug runners like BARRY—SEAL, 1—CIA—COVERT...
20061219             If I go to Novak and tell him that TOENSING—1—CIA "operative" (the... Re:Wilsongate: WH outs fmr ambassador WILSON—CIA—WIFE in revenge for yellowcake...
20061219             Thunderstone: GlobalSecurity_ORG—RELIABLE Security Information
20061219             Comptroller Childs; National Intelligence...
20061219             JAG Corps JUDGE—ADVOCATE—GENERAL—CORPS: Legal Branch of THE—USA...
20061219             Officers' Directory :: INTERNATIONAL Bar Association
20061219             Richard P Bernard, Executive VICE—PRESIDENT & GENERAL—COUNSEL, USA... MICHAEL—O'NEILL, Howrey LLP—USA.
20061219             Roundtable Hurrican Katrina Roundup
20061219             But 1., "NEW—YORK—TIMES " reporter JUDITH—MILLER made her 2. appearance —TODAY—BEFORE 1—GRAND—JURY investigating THE—LEAK—OF—CIA—OFFICER—VALERIE...
20061219             In that capacity, she has become 1—OF—THE—TOP—FOIA...
20061219             Democrats_com Archive: Compu. chip 4—HUMANS—HEATED DEBATE—TRIBE_net
20061219             Your Credit: Personal Information goes public —STARTING 20060701             ...
20061219             THE—FEDERAL—FAIR—CREDIT—REPORTING—ACT specifies who can obtain 1—COPY—OF your credit report +...
20061219             —ON THE—LONDON—BOMBINGS (new thread) | Independent World Television
20061219             completely of their choosing + for 1—CITIZEN to get credit on the quiz you must show...
20061219             Taking Back Your Power: Your RE—DECLARATION—OF—INDEPENDENCE
20061219             Your credit, labor, productivity and property have been used + is —NOW being used... editors + publishers for reporting the truth about the government.
20061219             Gegenwärtig verfolgt Snow die Idee, weibliche Pythons gleichsam als Lockvögel in die Freiheit zu entlassen.
20061219             4—WEIBCHEN waren vergangene —WOCHE—BEREITS in den Everglades unterwegs, unter der Haut winzige implantierte Funksender.
20061219             In der bald anbrechenden Paarungszeit, so die Hoffnung, werden sie die Ranger zu den versteckten Balzplätzen der Pythons führen.
20061219             Sie wollten wissen, wie gute Laune, Aufmerksamkeit und Kreativität zusammenhängen.
20061219             Sie ist nicht nur ÄUß—ERST angenehm, die gute Laune.
20061219             Sie hilft sogar bei der Bearbeitung kreativer Aufgaben.
20061219             Das fanden Psychologen der UNIVERSITY—OF—TORONTO in einer
20061219             Studie heraus, die in der Wissenschaftszeitschrift "Proceedings to the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES" (PNAS) erscheint.
20061219             Gute Laune fördert ALLE—DENKLEISTUNGEN, die mit Einfallsreichtum und ungewöhnlichen Sichtweisen zu tun HABEN—SCHLECHTE Laune die räumliche Konzentration.
20061219             So lassen sich die ERGEBNISSE—DES—TESTS schnell zusammenfassen.
20061219             die Probanden in trauriger oder neutraler Stimmung.
20061219             Diese könnten ihre Konzentration in einer ART—TUNNELBLICK so verengen, dass sie sich nicht so sehr ablenken ließen.
20061219             Diese gesteigerte Fähigkeit, abseitige Assoziationen für vertraute Worte zu erzeugen, legten die Forscher als Kreativität aus.
20061219             —GERETTET, Vor Sizilien: 648—FLÜCHTLINGE aus 30- METER—BOOT
20061219             IFO—GESCHÄFTSKLIMAINDEX: Wirtschaft im Weihnachtstaumel
20061219             Hacker gegen Mafiosi: Handy abgeschaltet, FBI hört mit
20061219             MILLIARDEN—GESCHÄFT: Swisscom kauft VODAFONE—ANTEIL zurück
20061219             BRASILIEN: Frau sticht Abgeordneten wegen Diätenerhöhung nieder
20061219             Nahost: Blutige Kämpfe zwischen Hamas und Fatah
20061219             —VERSCHLECHTERT, PENTAGON—BERICHT: Sicherheitslage im IRAK dramatisch
20061219             Psychologie: Gute Laune erweitert den Blickwinkel
20061219             Nuclear Weapon Nearly Detonated in THE—USA : 1—WATCHDOG—GROUP—CHARGES 1—NUCLEAR—WARHEAD nearly exploded in TEXAS —WHEN it was being dismantled at the government's Pantex facility near AMARILLO.
20061219             —ACCUSED—OF, UNITED—NATIONS peacekeepers, rape: Reports that peacekeepers raped teenage girls have surfaced in HAITI, where 1—UNITED—NATIONS mission so far had avoided the sexual abuse scandals that have sullied THE—INTERNATIONAL—ORGANIZATION'S—REPUTATION in other PARTS—OF—THE—WORLD.
20061219             TUCSON military recruiters ran cocaine : 2—MILITARY recruiting stations sit SIDE—BY—SIDE there, 1—RUN by the Army, the other by the Marines.
20061219             Between them, 1—TOTAL—OF—7—RECRUITERS were on the take, secretly accepting bribes to transport cocaine, even as most spent their days visiting local high schools.
20061219             JASON—MILLER: Call me Ebenezer, but Christmas as we know it needs to go.....
20061219             —RENEWED, Bursting forth with, intensity, the "WAR—ON—CHRISTMAS" is back 20060000             .
20061219             Blair to Peretz: Help strengthen Abbas : UK—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR—REQUESTED—OF—ISRAEL—DEFENSE—MINISTER—AMIR—PERETZ to help construct PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS' abilities in 1—MEETING between the 2.
20061219             War is a racket: ISRAEL arms sales peak despite LEBANON war fallout:
20061219             Syria willing to attack ISRAEL : Despite SYRIA—PEACE overtures it is "more willing —NOW than ever —BEFORE" to take military action against ISRAEL, Mossad CHIEF—MEIR—DAGAN told the Foreign Affairs and Defense COMMITTEE—ON—MONDAY.
20061219             War Pimp Alert:
20061219             —VOTED, USA sees UN SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN, within days: THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL will adopt SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN within days in response to TEHRAN—REFUSAL to suspend its uranium enrichment program, 1—SENIOR—USA—OFFICIAL said.
20061219             —VOTED, REPUTATION—OF—SECURITY—COUNCIL at stake: USA sees UN SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN, within days:
20061219             THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL will adopt SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN within days in response to TEHRAN—REFUSAL to suspend its uranium enrichment program, 1—SENIOR—USA—OFFICIAL said.
20061219             IRAN claims to have 1,400 uranium mines : 1—SENIOR—NUCLEAR—OFFICIAL in IRAN said that the country has 1,400 uranium mines it is using to fuel its growing nuclear power generation.
20061219             —DROPPED, Dollar, in IRAN asset move : IRAN is to shift its foreign currency reserves from dollars to euros and use the euro for oil deals in response to USA—LED pressure on its economy.
20061219             No Matter What Ahmadinejad Does He'll be Portrayed as the New Hitler : No matter how vigorously Ahmadinejad plays to Western public opinion, he can't win.
20061219             —SPIRITED, IRAQ—EX—MINISTER, from police custody : PLAIN—CLOTHES Americans have taken 1—FORMER—IRAQ—ELECTRICITY—MINISTER, who is 1—DUAL—USA—CITIZEN, from IRAQ—POLICE custody where he was awaiting trial on corruption charges, IRAQ—OFFICIALS said —ON—MONDAY.
20061219             FORMER—USA—DETAINEE in IRAQ Recalls Torment : Detainee 20030000             43 was among THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE who have been held and released by THE—USA—MILITARY in IRAQ + his account of his ordeal has provided 1—OF—THE—FEW detailed VIEWS—OF—THE—PENTAGON—DETENTION—OPERATIONS—SINCE the abuse scandals at ABU—GHRAIB.
20061219             USA seeks to rein in its military spy teams:
20061219             USA Special Forces teams sent overseas on secret spying missions have clashed with THE—CIA and carried out operations in countries that are staunch USA—ALLIES
20061219             It's Either Occupation or Education: 2 in 3—CHILDREN in IRAQ have simply stopped going to school, according to 1—GOVERNMENT—REPORT.
20061219             Top Marine Says More Troops For IRAQ Possible:
20061219             —CONVINCED, GENERAL—JAMES—T—CONWAY said 1—MEETING with PRESIDENT—BUSH left him, that THE—PRESIDENT was considering a "strategy change" that could send 5—MORE—BRIGADES — about 17,500 troops — to IRAQ
20061219             —DEFENDED, Clinton Wants "Larger Plan" For IRAQ : Clinton again, her vote to authorize military intervention in IRAQ, but criticized PRESIDENT—BUSH—HANDLING—OF—THE—WAR and other issues.
20061219             —ABOUT Face: Soldiers Call for IRAQ Withdrawal : For the 1. time —SINCE VIETNAM, 1 organized, robust MOVEMENT—OF—ACTIVE—DUTY—USA—MILITARY—PERSONNEL has publicly surfaced to oppose 1—WAR in which they are serving.
20061219             —INVOLVED, Those, plan to petition Congress to withdraw USA—TROOPS from IRAQ.
20061219             BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—ELABORATES—PLANS for bloodbath in IRAQ: Reports on THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—DISCUSSIONS on 1—CHANGE—OF—COURSE in IRAQ indicate that WASHINGTON is preparing 1—MAJOR—NEW bloodbath as PART—OF—1—DESPERATE—ATTEMPT to salvage its nearly —4—YEAR—OLD—BID to conquer THE—OIL—RICH—COUNTRY.
20061219             Gates sworn in as USA—DEFENSE—SECRETARY: FORMER—CIA—DIRECTOR—ROBERT—GATES was officially sworn in as USA—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—ON—MONDAY, replacing embattled Pentagon CHIEF—DONALD—RUMSFELD, who was under fire for his handling of THE—IRAQ war.
20061219             FORMER—IRAQ—CABINET—MINISTER escapes police custody in BAGHDAD : 1—DUAL—USA—IRAQ—CITIZEN and the country's only postwar Cabinet MINISTER to be CONVICTED—OF—CORRUPTION has escaped police custody for a 2. time, 1—IRAQ—OFFICIAL said —MONDAY.
20061219             Rumsfeld has 1—LAST lie for the road
20061219             I'm not going down that negative road that finished off old BOB—MCNAMARA—LEGACY.
20061219             What 1—DISAPPOINTMENT—THIS is 1—GUY who could sell us THE—VIETNAM—WAR and then blows it by suddenly getting all squishy about the truth —WHEN he's long retired.
20061219             Jeez Louise, he was once my role model.
20061219             No SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE ever sold 1—LOSING war better.
20061219             Advising THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION on how to deal with THE—IRAQ fiasco, the report of the bipartisan IRAQ Study Group urges THE—PRESIDENT to clarify that WASHINGTON does not seek to control IRAQ—OIL.
20061219             It then gets down to business and sets out exactly how WASHINGTON should take CONTROL—OF—IRAQ—OIL.
20061219             Designer MONSTERS—BY WILLIAM—BLUM—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD is 1—MAN seemingly CUSTOM—MADE for THE—WHITE—HOUSE in its endless quest for enemies with whom to scare Congress, THE—USA—PEOPLE + the world, in order to justify the unseemly behavior of the empire.
20061219             Hamas ready for peaceful coexistence with ISRAEL within the borders of 19670000             .
20061219             WILL—THE—ISRAEL i PALESTINE—CONFLICT—EVER End? -By LIAM—BAILEY—IN the current climate it is unlikely that ISRAEL will go all out for peace.
20061219             —AIMED, It appears that their EVERY—ACTION is, at guaranteeing continued U.S support.
20061219             —PROJECTED, The weakest link in WASHINGTON's, strategy in LATIN—AMERICA is THE—RE—EMERGENCE—OF—SOCIO—POLITICAL—MOVEMENTS, like those which burst forth in the late 1990's and 1. YEARS—OF—THE—NEW—CENTURY: THE—MST in BRAZIL, the workers, peasant and INDIA—MOVEMENTS in BOLIVIA and ECUADOR and the mass uprising in OAXACA and electoral protests in MEXICO are in the process of RE—GROUPING, none having suffered 1—HISTORIC—DEFEAT.
20061219             The terrorist you've never heard OF—BY ALEX—KOPPELMAN—UNLIKE alleged AL—QAIDA terrorist JOSE—PADILLA, RIGHT—WING "dirty bomber" DEMETRIUS—CROCKER was investigated and prosecuted THE—OLD—FASHIONED—CONSTITUTIONAL—WAY.
20061219             Poll: Approval for IRAQ handling drops to new low.
20061219             1—RECORD 70—PERCENT—OF—RESPONDENTS said they DISAPPROVED—OF—BUSH—WAR—MANAGEMENT, up from 64 % in the October poll.
20061219             Why is This Pathetic Man Still Occupying THE—WHITE—HOUSE?
20061219             Pentagon: IRAQ Violence in Fall Reaches Record Levels
20061219             RAY—COUGHENOUR: Staying in IRAQ —UNTIL the "Job Is Done"?
20061219             Powell dismisses —SUNDAY "surge" hype: "There really are no additional is about broken" 12/18
20061219             THE—TORMENT—OF—WHISTLEBLOWER—DONALD—VANCE, Detainee 20030000             43: "Unimaginable" treatment of 1—AMERICAN in IRAQ.
20061219             It's pretty clear that this brave man got Bush evik payback for informing on the war profiteering that undermined our armed forces.
20061219             FEMA—RENAISSANCE—VILLAGE: "HUNDREDS—OF—CHILDREN in the trailer camp that is run by FEMA; They?re trapped here in 1—DEMORALIZING, overcrowded environment with adults who are mostly broke, jobless and —AT—THE—END—OF—THEIR—EMOTIONAL tethers".
20061219             GINGRICH—LATEST—POLITICAL—RESSURECTION: Corporate Pointman for INTERNET Censorship 12/19
20061219             THE—SAUDIS and the surge Why would the new Senate Majority Leader, HARRY—REID—OF—NEVADA, offer tentative backing for a "surge" of additional troops in IRAQ, albeit for 1 limited period?
20061219             At this point, most Dems want 1—WITHDRAWAL; the only question is how rapid.
20061219             —IGNORED, The commentary on REID—REMARK has, THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—FACTOR.
20061219             —NOTED, As, in a
20061219             If AMERICA LEAVES, Saudia Arabia will have to step in to protect IRAQ—SUNNIS, —JUST as IRAN will support IRAQ—SHI'ITES.
20061219             Proxy war may give way to regional chaos.
20061219             THE—SAUDIS hold 1—COMMANDING position: "We're not asking you; we're telling you".
20061219             We need their oil and their money.
20061219             THE—SAUDIS have already begun to shift major investments to EUROPE + they may follow IRAN—LEAD by switching to the Euro.
20061219             Deuss was 1—CLOSE—FRIEND—OF—STEPHEN—CURTIS, 1—UK—LAWYER who held...
20061219             L'étrange destin du banquier JOHN—DEUSS—RUSSIA Intelligence... l'une aux Bermudes ( BERMUDA Commercial Bank ) l'autre à Curaçao dans les Antilles...
20061219             Deuss était très lié avec STEPHEN—CURTIS, l'avocat britannique qui... - BERMUDA Credit Card Processors
20061219             Commercial Credit News BERMUDA Commercial BANK—CHAIRMAN—RESIGNS... CURTIS—LUMBER acquires 4—YARDS.
20061219             —LIFTED, Dollar, as market sees silver lining in weak jobs repo...
20061219             Foreign Direct Investing BERMUDA Commercial BANK—CHAIRMAN—RESIGNS... Mortgages deserve keen attention.
20061219             WHAT—SO bad about being rich? CURTIS—LUMBER acquires 4—YARDS... - Millionaire maker
20061219             Says Life Coach CURTIS—JASPER... for, with + by them with someone who is
20061219             —UNTIL—RECENTLY, CHAIRMAN—OF—BERMUDA—COMMERCIAL—BANK, is being questioned in...
20061219             This was the world of STEPHEN—CURTIS —UNTIL he lost his nerve and...
20061219             Institutional Investor | Investing Financial News | Financial...
20061219             Conyers Dill & Pearman BERMUDA, BERMUDA Commercial BANK—LIMITED, N/A, Leverage is only used for bridging subscriptions + redemptions.
20061219             Scoop: Suzan Mazur: JOHN—DEUSS—THE—MANHATTAN projects
20061219             Global AFFAIRS—WHAT is the relationship between STEPHEN—CURTIS + the —FOLLOWING individuals + institutions?...
20061219             BERMUDA Commercial BANK—BCB. Thank you. currents 00—DEV -
20061219             Curtis + EDITH—MUNSON—FOUNDATION... - BERMUDA Commercial BANK—LIMITED.
20061219             BERMUDA Forwarders Ltd. BERMUDA Gas & Utility.
20061219             BERMUDA Paint Company Limited... - Welcome to KIPF Homepage
20061219             Curtis was also 1—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—BERMUDA—COMMERCIAL—BANK, which, according to its website, performs discreet financial services for wealthy clients,
20061219             1. BUSH—ADMINISTRATION
20061219             —INVOLVED, Formerly, with JINSA—THE—JEWISH—INSTITUTE for National Security AFFAIRS—WHICH included Dick Cheney, PAUL—WOLFOWITZ, PAUL—FEITH, JOHN—BOLTON +...
20061219             ALLEIN—FORSCHER schlagen Alarm: Alle 200—BIS —300—JAHRE habe es in der Region blitzschnelle Fluten mit KATASTROPHEN—POTENZIAL gegeben, doch —NUN würden sie alle 2—BIS —3—JAHRE kommen, sagt ARUN—SHRESTHA vom INTERNATIONAL Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) in NEPAL.
20061219             Der Grund ist der gleiche, der die Polkappen schmelzen und den Meeresspiegel steigen lässt: der Klimawandel und die damit einhergehende Erderwärmung.
20061219             "Was dem Euro helfen könnte, ist der sehr unwahrscheinliche Fall eines Beitritts Großbritanniens zum gemeinsamen Währungsraum", meint der Experte.
20061219             Grundsätzlich gelte, "je größer und stärker 1—VOLKSWIRTSCHAFT ist, desto größer ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass ihre Währung zur internationalen Reservewährung wird".
20061219             Trotz der Bemühungen seitens des Staates, den HASCHISCH—KONSUM mit Verboten zu unterbinden, umfasse die jährliche Produktion das Zehnfache der Menge von 19810000             , argumentiert Gettman.
20061219             Damals betrug die jährliche Produktion offiziellen Zahlen zufolge gerade einmal 1000—TONNEN.
20061219             "Das Problem ist nicht nur größer geworden, was Umfang und Produktion ANGEHT—DIE Produktion hat sich auch noch im ganzen Land verbreitet", schreibt er.
20061219             "Zu sagen, der Geist ist aus der Flasche, ist noch eine herzliche Untertreibung".
20061219             Man solle deshalb Marihuana und Haschisch gesetzlich wie Alkohol oder Tabak BEHANDELN—SCHLIEßLICH beständen für den STAAT—UNGEAHNTE—GEWINNMÖGLICHKEITEN, da auf das Rauschgift ordentlich Steuern erhoben werden könnten.
20061219             stufen die Aktie der Citigroup (ISIN US1729671016/WKN 871904) unverändert mit "buy" ein.
20061219             Break Up IRAQ —NOW! - ISRAEL—FORUM—PRESIDENT—BUSH—NEEDS to perform radical surgery on IRAQ —NOW, —WHILE the world remains in 1—FUNK... more so than the difference between sunni's + shiites.
20061219             Abschied als UNO—GENERAL—SEKRETÄR: Annan warnt USA vor Militäreinsatz gegen IRAN
20061219             Atomenergie: Gutachterstreit sorgt für Neuordnung im Strahlenschutz
20061219             Nahost: Neue Waffenruhe zwischen Fatah und Hamas
20061219             SIEMENS—AFFÄRE: Münchens OB fordert indirekt von Pierers Rücktritt
20061219             —PREVENTED, USA—BANS—HICKS psychiatrist : THE—USA—MILITARY has, 1—SENIOR—MELBOURNE psychiatrist from visiting DAVID—HICKS at GUANTANAMO Bay to provide 1—INDEPENDENT—MENTAL—HEALTH—ASSESSMENT for his legal team.
20061219             40,000 Take 5. Ave In March For Bell" Heard All Over THE—WORLD" : 1—ROILING crowd of 40,000 protesters poured onto 5. Avenue —YESTERDAY to protest the fusillade of 50—COP bullets that killed 1—GROOM on his wedding —DAY—AND to demand better treatment by THE—NYPD.
20061219             Witness says police shot man in back : The shooting DEATH—OF—RONALD—MADISON, a —40—YEAR—OLD, mentally retarded man, has triggered 1—POLICE—INVESTIGATION and 1—GRAND—JURY—PROBE even though THE—NOPD claim that the incident has been thoroughly investigated already.
20061219             LORAIN—OHIO police use Taser on —12—YEAR—OLD—CHILD : I'm digging —AROUND for old news about police brutality where officers used Tasers on children, elderly, handicapped, or other defenseless people.
20061219             Christians plan 'night to honor ISRAEL': 1—LEADING—EVANGELICAL—USA pastor has announced plans to hold a "night to honor ISRAEL " in EVERY—MAJOR—USA—CITY as PART—OF—1—EVANGELICAL—POLITICAL—CAMPAIGN.
20061219             War pimp alert: Netanyahu to ambassadors: It's 19380000             again, stop IRAN : Opposition leader speaks to 60—AMBASSADORS in Tel Aviv, says Ahmadinejad, like Hitler, is 1—PROBLEM for Jews but also for REST—OF—WORLD.
20061219             THE—PENTAGON is planning to bolster its presence in the Persian Gulf as 1—WARNING to IRAN's "continuously defiant government".
20061219             USA wants vote on UN sanctions resolution against IRAN —THIS—WEEK : THE—USA—WANTS—THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL to vote —THIS—WEEK on imposing sanctions on IRAN for its failure to freeze its uranium enrichment programme, THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—SAID—TUESDAY.
20061219             IRAN: sanctions will not stop nuclear plans : "The new draft resolution, which has been drawn up by the European troika (BRITAIN, FRANCE and GERMANY) and is —NOW being debated within THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, takes MOST—OF—OUR approaches into consideration," THE—RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER, SERGEI—LAVROV, told the news service Interfax.
20061219             IRAN to replace dollar with euro : THE—IRAN—CENTRAL—BANK is to convert the state's foreign dollar assets into euros and use the euro for foreign transactions.
20061219             Oil producers shun dollar : Oil producing countries have reduced their exposure to the dollar to the lowest level in —2—YEARS and shifted oil income into euros, yen and sterling, according to new data from THE—BANK—FOR—INTERNATIONAL—SETTLEMENTS.
20061219             —INVESTIGATED, UK: No 10, for PERVERSION—OF—JUSTICE : Downing Street aides + Labour officials involved in THE—CASH—FOR—HONOURS inquiry are being investigated on suspicion of perverting THE—COURSE—OF—JUSTICE, THE—TIMES has learnt.
20061219             —SPEED, ISRAEL—HOUSING to expand in Golan : ISRAEL is to, up development on land it occupies in the Golan Heights, despite SYRIA—CALLS for talks, the country's interior MINISTER says.
20061219             Roni BAR—ON told ISRAEL—ARMY—RADIO—ON—TUESDAY:
20061219             AFGHANISTAN—GENERAL held for spying for PAKISTAN:
20061219             —DETAINED, GENERAL—KHAIR—MOHAMMAD was, within the past —WEEK—AFTER he was found to be selling information to PAKISTAN—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES, the press OFFICE—OF—THE—AFGHANISTAN—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY said
20061219             WHITE—HOUSE, Joint Chiefs At Odds on Adding Troops:
20061219             Joint Chiefs think THE—WHITE—HOUSE, —AFTER —1—MONTH—OF—TALKS, still does not have 1 defined mission and is latching on to the surge idea in part because of limited alternatives, despite warnings about the potential disadvantages for the military, said the officials
20061219             WHITE—HOUSE: more USA—TROOPS in IRAQ under consideration, no rift with Joint Chiefs : THE—WHITE—HOUSE said —TUESDAY that increasing USA—TROOPS in IRAQ is 1—OPTION under consideration and denied that there are differences with the Joint CHIEFS—OF—STAFF over that idea.
20061219             IRAQ on BRINK—OF—COLLAPSE: report : IRAQ is on THE—BRINK—OF—TOTAL—DISINTEGRATION and could drag its neighbors into 1—REGIONAL—WAR, 1—LEADING—THINK—TANK said, —AFTER the Pentagon confirmed violence was at 1—ALL—TIME—HIGH.
20061219             —FAILED, IRAQ becoming, state : Radical action is needed to save a "HOLLOWED—OUT and fatally weakened" IRAQ—STATE and ease violence that 1—NEW—PENTAGON report says is at 1—ALL—TIME—HIGH, 1—PROMINENT—THINK—TANK warned —ON—TUESDAY.
20061219             Pentagon: Sadr —NOW main IRAQ problem : AL—QAIDA in IRAQ has been replaced by Moqtada SADR—MEHDI—ARMY as the most dangerous group fueling sectarian violence, A—USA—PENTAGON report says.
20061219             MALIKI—TIES to Sadr Complicate USA—MISSION in IRAQ : THE—USA is counting on Maliki to take responsibility for securing + governing IRAQ, but he has blocked USA—ATTEMPTS to crack down on SADR—MILITIA, the Mehdi Army.
20061219             —RELEASED, IRAQ executes 13—PRISONERS, shows video : Video, by the government showed the men wearing hoods and green jumpsuits + standing against 1—WALL shortly —BEFORE they were hanged.
20061219             —SHOWED, SOME—IMAGES, 2—MEN standing together on 1—GALLOWS with nooses —AROUND their necks.
20061219             War criminal seeks forgiveness, on road to WHITE—HOUSE:
20061219             SENATOR—CLINTON qualifies IRAQ vote : USA—SENATOR—HILLARY—RODHAM—CLINTON, D—NEW—YORK, said she wouldn't have supported 1—CALL for action against IRAQ if she knew then what she knows —NOW.
20061219             Hillary Clinton: No regret on IRAQ vote:
20061219             SENATOR—HILLARY—RODHAM—CLINTON said she is not sorry she voted for 1—RESOLUTION authorizing PRESIDENT—BUSH to take military action in IRAQ despite the recent problems there but she does regret "the way THE—PRESIDENT used the authority".
20061219             THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP—REPORT: Defeat With Honor
20061219             That's what it is: 1—PLAN for defeat with honor.
20061219             To put the report in very simple terms, its message is: THE—USA—GOT its ass kicked, time to go.
20061219             Or, if you prefer 1—DIRECT quote: "The ability of THE—USA to shape outcomes is diminishing. Time is running out".
20061219             And —LATER they ponder how to "avert catastrophe".
20061219             Why we stand for immediate withdrawal of all USA—TROOPS from IRAQ
20061219             —DESTROYED, IRAQ—INFRASTRUCTURE has been, + USA—PLANS for reconstruction abandoned.
20061219             There is less electricity, less clean drinking water + more unemployment —TODAY than —BEFORE THE—USA—INVASION.
20061219             End of the strongmen -
20061219             —ENGULFED, Do AMERICA and ISRAEL want THE—MIDDLE—EAST, by CIVIL—WAR? -By JONATHAN—COOK in Nazareth
20061219             —PROPPED, THE—ERA—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST—STRONGMAN, up by and enforcing Western policy, appears well and truly over.
20061219             —REPLACED, His power is being, with rule by CIVIL—WAR, apparently —NOW THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION'S favoured model across the region.
20061219             Noam Chomsky: From BOLIVIA to BAGHDAD Audio and TRANSCRIPT—NOAM Chomsky on Creating Another World in 1—TIME—OF—WAR, Empire and Devastation.
20061219             Our Own Nuremberg Trials
20061219             Our rampant lawlessness —DURING the past —4—YEARS at Guantánamo has long been "controversial" in THE—INTERNATIONAL—PRESS and among human rights groups.
20061219             But the extent and depth of our abuse of these PRISONERS—RESULTING in 1—NUMBER—OF—DESPERATION—SUICIDES—HAVE been illuminated with damning clarity in 1—SERIES—OF—REPORTS by NEW—JERSEY—SETON—HALL—UNIVERSITY—SCHOOL—OF—LAW.
20061219             USA—ARMY might break Goodyear strike
20061219             Another Take On THE—BAE—SAUDI—ARABIA Arms Deal
20061219             Instead of buying arms to protect their country, it was the commissions to members of the royal family and to their counterparts on the this side which mattered.
20061219             Coming on TOP—OF—ARMS—DEALS—LIKE—YAMAMA this means the Saudis pay for protection twice.
20061219             Hang in there Joseph.
20061219             DOCTOR—JONES should have his say but I don't think he is right, —JUST as I don't think the nutty MISSLE—HIT—THE—PENTAGON theory is right.
20061219             SOME—PEOPLE are —JUST not rational, at least on certain subjects.
20061219             I myself was —RECENTLY called a "zionist troll" on another site, —JUST because I criticized Holocaust Denial.
20061219             1—THING I have learned is that you cannot engage in reasonable discussion with unreasonable people.
20061219             These people who say that the fall of WT7 defies the "LAWS—OF—PHYSICS" probably don't know the 1. thing about physics.
20061219             That's ok, neither do I.The difference is that I am less likely to advance 1—OPINION on 1—SUBJECT—OF which I am ignorant + to defer to THE—OPINIONS—OF—EXPERTS.
20061219             I believe that Bertrand Russell once said that on scientific matters, the best that 1—LAYMAN could do was to go with the scientific consensus, —WHILE recognizing that the consensus was sometimes wrong.
20061219             #—POSTED—BY—ZONTAR—THE—GOOD
20061219             Bush and Cheney (2—COMBAT Personal Cowards) Vs. the Pentagon: "THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is SPLIT over the idea of 1—SURGE in troops to IRAQ, with WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS aggressively promoting the concept over the unanimous disagreement of the Joint CHIEFS—OF—STAFF, according to USA—OFFICIALS—FAMILIAR with the intense debate".
20061219             Attacks in IRAQ at Record High, Pentagon Says.
20061219             1—REPORT found 1—AVERAGE—OF almost 960—ATTACKS on USA and IRAQ—TARGETS—EVERY—WEEK from —EARLY—AUGUST to —EARLY—NOVEMBER.
20061219             —MEANWHILE, the Boy in the Bubble Walks —AROUND Oblivious to the Damage of His "Decidering".
20061219             And, Remember, Free Shipping in THE—USA on ANY—ORDER.
20061219             Lucinda Marshall: Thank You Alice: 1—MEDITATION for the —WINTER Solstice -
20061219             —ARRESTED, Aiham Alsammarae, the most senior IRAQ—OFFICIAL, on corruption charges, made 1—BRAZEN escape —SUNDAY in BAGHDAD.
20061219             —PRIVATIZED, SOME—REPORTS say that he escaped with American, military support.
20061219             —ON 1—WORLDWIDE—RESOLUTION against small arms, EVERY—SINGLE—COUNTRY in THE—UNITED—NATIONS voted to pass 1—NONBINDING resolution to look into tighter regulation.
20061219             EVERY—SINGLE—COUNTRY, that is, save for 1.
20061219             THE—USA was the sole vote against reason.
20061219             BECAUSE—OF—THE—INFLUENCE—OF—THE—NRA, our government is standing alone against the fight to end gun violence —AROUND the world.
20061219             Arab2000_NET—THE 1. online Arabic news site in NORTH—AMERICA.
20061219             —BY DOCTOR—MOHAMED—ELMASRY...
20061219             —BY : Salim Nazzal.
20061219             Clutching at straws —WHILE looking for leadership to prevent drowning in chaos...
20061219             NevadaLabor_com Bulletins 8/1-20060922             20061219             human rights watch | COLOMBIA — guerra sin cuartel Información sobre los derechos humanos en COLOMBIA.
20061219             Josué Giraldo, CO—FUNDADOR del Comité Cívico para los Derechos Humanos de Meta...
20061219             "Wir sind auf gutem Weg" "Wir sind auf gutem Weg"
20061219             mit Porträts der Ajatollah Khomeini und Khamenei (dahinter 1—PLA—... Lebenslauf :
20061219             Gleichzeitig warnt die Organisation, dass das "noch weitgehend unerforschte URWALD—PARADIES" bedroht sei.
20061219             Alle —20—SEKUNDEN verschwände auf Borneo Regenwald von der Fläche eines Fußballfeldes, die HÄLFTE—DER—URSPRÜNGLICHEN—WÄLDER seien —BEREITS durch Brände, Umwandlung in Plantagen sowie durch legalen und kriminellen Holzhandel vernichtet worden.
20061219             Das Holz werde vor allem zur PRODUKTION—VON—GUMMI, Öl und Papier verwendet.
20061219             Insgesamt 52—NEUE TIER—UND Pflanzenarten haben Forscher der Umweltschutzorganisation WWF zwischen 20050700             und 20060900             auf Borneo gefunden: 30—BISHER unbekannte Fische, 6—NEUE Spezies des Siamesischen Kampffisches, 2—ARTEN—VON—BAUMFRÖSCHEN sowie mehrere neue Ingwerarten und 3—NEUE Baumspezies.
20061219             Viele dieser neuen Spezies wurden laut WWF DEUTSCHLAND im Herzen von Borneo entdeckt, einem 220.000—QUADRATKILOMETER großen, gebirgigen, von dichtem Urwald überwucherten Hochlandgebiet im Inselzentrum.
20061219             Nur wenige Millimeter groß ist der Karpfen, den Forscher der Umweltschutzorganisation WWF auf der Regenwaldinsel Borneo entdeckt haben.
20061219             Das macht ihn zum zweitkleinsten Wirbeltier der Welt.
20061219             Er ist nur eine von 52—NEU gefundenen, überraschenden Spezies.
20061219             Nein, das ist keine Kaulquappe.
20061219             Sondern ein richtiger FISCH—UND das zweitkleinste Wirbeltier der Welt: Nicht einmal einen Zentimeter lang ist das Tier.
20061219             Wissenschaftler haben den MINI—FISCH in einem extrem sauren Torfmorast der südostasiatischen Regenwaldinsel Borneo entdeckt und festgestellt: Das ist eine neue Karpfenart.
20061219             Paedocypris micromegethes soll die neue Spezies heißen.
20061219             Das kleinste Wirbeltier ist ebenfalls 1—MINI—FISCH: Paedocypris progenetica, beheimatet auf der Nachbarinsel Sumatra.
20061219             —BELASTET, Fall Litwinenko: Weitere Menschen mit Polonium
20061219             DEUTSCHES—U- Boot: UNTERWASSER—SARKOPHAG für das GIFT—WRACK der Nazis
20061219             Protektionismus: RUSSLAND droht EU mit Fleischkrieg
20061219             SIEMENS—AFFÄRE: EX—VORSTAND soll Mitwisserschaft eingeräumt haben
20061219             Einkommen: Steuern zehren Gehaltserhöhung auf
20061219             Überraschende neue Arten: Minifische, Klebefische, schimmernde Fische
20061219             Less than —2—MONTHS—AGO, PRESIDENT—BUSH said explicitly that THE—USA was "winning" in IRAQ.
20061219             was published, I gritted my teeth and waited for THE—WELL—EARNED, LONG—AWAITED FRANCO—GERMAN "Old European" gloat to begin.
20061219             —STRIPPED, Süddeutsche Zeitung said the report " BUSH of his authority," although
20061219             But that doesn't mean there are DOZENS—OF—EAGER—CANDIDATES, or even 1—EAGER—CANDIDATE, clamoring to replace us.To continue READING, click here.
20061219             Detainee 20030000             43-
20061219             He wound up as 1—WHISTLE—BLOWER, passing information to THE—FBI. about suspicious activities at THE—IRAQ—SECURITY—FIRM where he worked,
20061219             including what he said was possible illegal weapons trading.
20061219             JIMMY—CARTER, has 1—BOOK out with the inflammatory title "Palestine:
20061219             Peace Not Apartheid," and 1—SELF—PITYING—OP—ED in THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES:
20061219             Incoming House Speaker NANCY Pelosi for instance,
20061219             issued 1—STATEMENT (—BEFORE the book was published) saying that "he does not speak for THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY on ISRAEL.
20061219             My most troubling experience has been the rejection of my offers to speak,
20061219             for free, about the book on university campuses with high Jewish enrollment and to answer questions from students and professors.
20061219             So you see, CARTER isn't ANTI—SEMITIC, regardless of what the Jews who control the media and the universities want you to believe.
20061219             held 1—HOLOCAUST—DENIAL conference in TEHRAN, which drew at least 1—AMERICAN, Reuters
20061219             - BLAIR—LEAKED—MEMO: UK—VOTERS—THINK GOVERNMENT Is In Shambles...
20061219             That is the devastating verdict of 1—SECRET—DOWNING—STREET—MEMO drawn up for TONY—BLAIR by his senior advisers and obtained by THE—MAIL —ON—SUNDAY.
20061219             propaganda.html">Crooks and Liars " OLLIE—PROPAGANDA
20061219             Journal Of Debunking 20010911             Conspiracy Theories
20061219             thus negating the narrow Democratic majority + handing VOTE—SPLITTING authority to VICE—PRESIDENT—RICH,
20061219             Rich, RICHARD—HALLIBURTON ? By LARRY—SAKIN
20061219             THE—USA—OF—EGOISM—THE—HOLIDAY—SEASON is here.
20061219             —BY—W. CHRISTOPHER—EPLER (Bill) - THE—EVERYTHNG—GAME
20061219             which has almost everyone expressing various degrees of chagrin,
20061219             What is so real about what they advocate,
20061219             both for the current debacle in IRAQ and the larger VENTURE—OF—AMERICA—LED globalism?
20061219             What Exactly Is 1—ENLIGHTENED—PANIC?
20061219             AMERICA CRACKS Down On GUANTANAMO Detainees,
20061219             Despite Overwhelming Evidence Most Are Not Terrorists
20061219             His administration, along with his cronies in the Republican congress,
20061219             turned several YEARS—OF—SURPLUS—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—BUDGETS delivered by the previous administration into massive deficits.
20061219             —BY—KATHY DOPP—EXPERTS—FOR THE—USA—CONGRESS To Consult With On Election Integrity Legislation
20061219             Imagine for 1—MOMENT you were ABC—CHIEF—WASHINGTON—CORRESPONDENT,
20061219             as well as 1—FORMER—MEMBER—OF—THE—CLINTON administration who was currently quite opposed to THE—IRAQ war.
20061219             Further assume that in the months leading up to the recent midterm elections,
20061219             the Democrat Senate minority leader had been aggressively advocating immediate troop withdrawals from the region,
20061219             1—POSITION you agreed with.
20061219             Contrary to his previous view,
20061219             —WHEN you interviewed this SENATOR —AFTER the elections,
20061219             he stated that he could actually support 1—INCREASE in troops.
20061219             —EXPRESSED, Given his, positions —BEFORE the elections + the fact that he was about to be sworn in as the new Senate majority leader,
20061219             would you aggressively challenge this HIGH—RANKING official about his sudden CHANGE—OF—HEART, or give him 1—PASS?
20061219             Unemployed GERMANY—MAN Stirs Debate | World Latest | GUARDIAN Unlimited-
20061219             —KILLED, Sleeping HOUSTON woman, by stray bullet HOUSTON Chronicle-
20061219             For the neocons, it was not enough —LAST—MONTH—WHEN BUSH compared IRAN to AL—QAEDA.
20061219             Forget the rhetoric, say the neocons.
20061219             Bomb IRAN, —NOW. Of course, this is nothing new,
20061219             as THE—ISRAEL 1. neocons, at the behest of LIKUD—KADIMA, THE—NATIONALIST—RELIGIOUS—PARTIES + the fanatical settler wing of THE—ISRAEL i government,
20061219             have called for mass murdering untold numbers in IRAN for SOME—TIME—NOW.
20061219             —TARNISHED, Hezbollah over the border in LEBANON and 1, invincibility image,
20061219             however, take 1—BACKSEAT to the cardinal FEAR—OF—THE—ISRAEL—IS—INTERNATIONAL—PRESSURE may force them to seriously negotiate with the Palestinians and, dread to imag... Source:
20061219             The official gov't Pentagon victims remains chart (double click to enlarge):
20061219             Notice almost HALF—OF—THE—FLIGHT 77—VICTIMS remains were found outside the exit hole, in THE—A—E drive (the dense CLUSTER—OF—CIRCLES at THE—TOP—OF—THE—DIAGRAM).I know this will really piss off the folks at "Screw Loose Change"-- to question the sanctity of this diagram-- but here's 1—PICTURE—OF—THE exit hole with apparent plane debris outlined in red:
20061219             I have to say that I am having trouble understanding:a) how so MANY—REMAINS came out the exit hole —WHEN so LITTLE—OF—THE—PLANE came OUT—OF—THE—HOLE.b) where exactly all these remains are in the small pile of rubble in the picture.—NOW I suppose the official story is that THE—CRASH—OF—THE—PLANE caused the passengers' bodie... Source:
20061219             Good Science and 20010911             Demolition Theories-
20061219             DEUTSCHE—TELEKOM "buy"- - Citigroup "buy"-
20061219             RATING—UPDATE: NEW—YORK ( AG) - Die ANALYSTENNO—VON—PUNK Ziegel & Co.
20061219             REPORTER: Are we winning?
20061219             PRESIDENT—BUSH: Absolutely, we're winning.
20061219             This weekend, FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—COLIN—POWELL said that "we're not winning.
20061219             We are losing.
20061219             " Asked about POWELL—COMMENTS, Snow replied, "I'm not playing the game ANY—MORE".
20061219             Q Can I —JUST come back to Powell 1—MORE—TIME? —JUST to be clear, 1—OF—THE—POINTS—OF—DISAGREEMENT, we are losing, you disagree with that?
20061219             MISTER—SNOW: Again, THE—PRESIDENT has said —BEFORE that we are winning.
20061219             Look, what COLIN—POWELL is saying, we're not winning, so —THEREFORE we must be losing + then he says, all is not lost.
20061219             So I'm —JUST — I'm not going to get — what I am saying is that we will win and we have to win + that's the most important — that's the most —
20061219             Q You're not disagreeing with him?
20061219             MISTER—SNOW: I'm —JUST — I'm not playing the game anymore.
20061219             It's 1—OF—THESE things where you end up — it all ends up trying to — you're trying to summarize 1—COMPLEX—SITUATION with 1—SINGLE—WORD or gerund,
20061219             or even 1—PARTICIPLE.
20061219             And the fact is that what you really need to do is to take 1—LOOK at the situation and understand that it is vital to win,
20061219             that there is — by winning, that means to have 1—INDEPENDENT—IRAQ that really does stand on its own as 1—DEMOCRATIC and free state that supports us in THE—WAR—ON—TERROR.
20061219             Q Can I ask the gerund another way?
20061219             THE—PRESIDENT said in ;;10;;, "Absolutely, we're winning".
20061219             Is that still his belief —TODAY?
20061219             MISTER—SNOW: Again, THE—PRESIDENT — that's why I'm —JUST — I think at this point it ceases to be fruitful to jump into this.
20061219             We think that what is happening is we are going to win and that we need to find better ways of dealing with the sectarian problem.
20061219             THE—WHITE—HOUSE is "aggressively promoting" 1—PLAN to send "15,000 to 30,000—MORE—TROOPS" to IRAQ "over the unanimous disagreement
20061219             of the Joint CHIEFS—OF—STAFF," THE—WASHINGTON—POST—REPORTS.
20061219             —ABOUT 60—CASES would be tried in this courthouse, totaling "$1.6—MILLION per defendant —JUST for the building.
20061219             "Over the past —6—MONTHS, BAGHDAD has been all but isolated electrically,
20061219             IRAQ—OFFICIALS say, as insurgents have effectively won their BATTLE—THE—WASHINGTON—POST examines
20061219             "20050000             0000—JAHR, 53—MEMBERS—OF—THE—HOUSE and Senate
20061219             did not publicly report trips paid for by outside groups within —30—DAYS—OF—THE—TRAVEL," as is mandated by congressional rules.
20061219             More good news: Johnson "has made it through the crucial 1. —72—HOURS—SINCE the brain surgery...1—BENCHMARK that doctors consider 1—GOOD—SIGN for recovery.
20061219             "Under 1—COURT—ORDER, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION will restart 1—HOUSING program for Hurricane Katrina victims early —THIS—WEEK and begin explaining to THOUSANDS—OF—EVACUEES why their aid was cut off
20061219             says he will —NOW allow 1—VOTE on the nomination
20061219             " —AFTER legal scholars said his demands may have been unconstitutional.
20061219             "Americans have gotten flabby 'by spending all our time riffing through Google and other Web sites.
20061219             9. ward "remains all but vacant".-
20061219             —16—MONTHS—AFTER flood waters surged through NEW—ORLEANS' 9. Ward —FOLLOWING the landfall of Hurricane Katrina and the bursting of levees,
20061219             the devastated SECTION—OF—THE—CITY "remains all but vacant," - THE—TIMES—PICAYUNE reports —TODAY.
20061219             —APPLIED, Only 3—PERCENT—OF—THE—WARD—HOMEOWNERS have, for electrical permits — "enough to power only 152—HOUSES.
20061219             28—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS who support PRESIDENT—BUSH—MANAGEMENT—OF—THE—WAR in IRAQ, 1—RECORD—LOW, down from 34 % in ;;10;;.
20061219             —AUGUST—BIS ;;11;; die durchschnittliche ZAHL—DER—ANSCHLÄGE pro —WOCHE um knapp 1—VIERTEL im Vergleich zu —DEN—MONATEN davor erhöht.
20061219             FATAH—UND Hamas liefern sich Kampf vor Spital-
20061219             SFUX—GAZA—DIE Waffenruhe zwischen den Gruppierungen Hamas und Fatah im Gazastreifen wird immer brüchiger.
20061219             —WHEN you compare 1—TODAY—BBC report based on YURI—SHVETS interview to the explanations of DMITRI—KOVTUN and the statement of ALEX—GOLDFARB...
20061219             "Sollte IRAN die Arbeit an seinem Nuklearprogramm im gegenwärtigen Tempo fortführen,
20061219             wird dieses Land in 3—BIS —4—JAHREN eine (Atom)Bombe haben",
20061219             Eine diesbezügliche Aussage hat Dagan in einer Rede vor der Kommission für Verteidigung und Internationale Beziehungen...
20061219             Was My Son Poisoned in ENGLAND?-
20061219             In mid-;;12;;, at 04:00 a.m., I received 1—SUDDEN—PHONE—CALL: ?Your son, Olaf, † tonight.?
20061219             It was 1—TERRIBLE—SHOCK. ?Could that be real??,
20061219             I thought in the 1. moment, still emerging from 1—SOUND—SLEEP.
20061219             ?Maybe. LIBYA sentences medics to death-
20061219             6—FOREIGN—MEDICS are sentenced to death in LIBYA for deliberately infecting HUNDREDS—OF—CHILDREN with HIV.
20061219             Schools shut amid GAZA 'anarchy'
20061219             Schools are shut in GAZA amid what officials say is anarchy caused by fighting between Fatah and Hamas factions.
20061219             Saddam trial sees graphic footage
20061219             —KILLED, Graphic footage of dead Kurdish civilians allegedly, in chemical attacks is shown at SADDAM—HUSSEIN—TRIAL.
20061219             NIGERIA leader denies corruption
20061219             NIGERIA—PRESIDENT denies claims by his deputy that he awarded contracts to his favourite aides and ministers.
20061219             Compulsory HIV tests for couples
20061219             Officials in INDIA—ANDHRA—PRADESH state say an HIV test will soon be compulsory —BEFORE marriage.
20061219             IRAQ attacks reach record levels
20061219             Attacks against troops and civilians in IRAQ are at their highest level
20061219             NIGERIA opposition pick candidate
20061219             NIGERIA—MAIN—OPPOSITION—PARTY—SELECTS 1—FORMER—MILITARY—RULER as its candidate in ;;04;;'s polls.
20061219             VENEZUELA head seeks party merger
20061219             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ wants to merge his coalition partners into 1—SINGLE—PARTY.
20061219             USA and N KOREA discuss sanctions
20061219             USA and NORTH—KOREA—OFFICIALS—MEET FACE—TO—FACE to discuss financial sanctions, on the sidelines of nuclear talks.
20061219             FRANCE—BIRD flu scare evaporates
20061219             FRANCE—EXPERTS say 4,000 chickens found dead at 1—FARM in NORTH—EAST—FRANCE did not DIE—OF—BIRD—FLU.
20061219             Ministers haggle over fish quotas
20061219             Politicians and fishing leaders embark on the latest round of annual talks over catch limits.
20061219             AFGHANISTAN 'holds PAKISTAN—SPY'
20061219             —WORKED, PRESIDENT—KARZAI—OFFICE—IN—AFGHANISTAN says 1—PAKISTAN—SPY who, with AL—QAEDA has been arrested.
20061219             NEPAL rebels reject appointments
20061219             NEPAL—MAOIST—REBELS—CALL 1—GENERAL—STRIKE in the capital, KATHMANDU, in protest at key government appointments.
20061219             —DISCHARGED, Pc shooting death jury
20061219             —DISCHARGED, THE—PC—SHARON—BESHENIVSKY death trial jury is, —AFTER failing to reach 1—VERDICT on 1—ROBBERY—CHARGE.
20061219             USA sees surge in producer prices
20061219             —SURGED, USA wholesale inflation, by its highest amount in —3—DECADES in ;;11;;, figures show.
20061219             Stopping malaria —BEFORE the bite
20061219             Researchers work on 1—VACCINE that attacks the malaria parasite —WHILE it is still inside the mosquito.
20061219             KYRGYZSTAN Cabinet resigns office
20061219             Kyrgyz PRESIDENT—BAKIYEV accepts his government's resignation, paving the way for parliamentary elections.
20061219             GERMANY—BUSINESS confidence soars
20061219             GERMANY—BUSINESS—CONFIDENCE is at its highest level
20061219             —ARRESTED, Key MEXICO—DRUGS—BOSS
20061219             —ACCEPTED, BOTSWANA bushmen ruling
20061219             BOTSWANA—GOVERNMENT will not appeal against 1—COURT ruling allowing bushmen to return to the Kalahari desert.
20061219             —UNTOUCHED, Rover fund has £50m
20061219             Up to £50M—OF—GOVERNMENT—FUNDS set aside to help MG Rover workers has not been used, official figures show.
20061219             Personagens de uma região de conflito, onde a LEI DO SILêNCIO ainda impera.
20061219             quatro curtas metragens — Manual para Atropelar Cachorro, Fúria...
20061219             GUANTANAMO: Pentagon erlaubte unmenschliche Verhörmethoden...
20061219             news.CH—EX—CIA—AGENTEN kritisieren VERHÖRMETHODEN—AUSLAND, Krieg/Terror, Soziales, Verbrechen
20061219             RUMSFELD erlaubte offenbar harte Verhörmethoden
20061219             SOME—OREGON, political circles, GOP consulatant,
20061219             Chuck Adams, is known as the "SULTAN—OF—SLIME" read more
20061219             BUSH Appointee Seeks to Cut Budget For Government AUDITS—CATEGORIES: BUSH—ADMINISTRATION
20061219             Corporate Criminals and AMERICA—RACE to THE—BOTTOM—CATEGORIES: Corporate Crime
20061219             the business moguls + their academic apologists, who make up THE—COMMITTEE—ON—CAPITAL—MARKETS—REGULATION (CCMG) have no SENSE—OF—IRONY. read more
20061219             USA—NAVY—PLANS for 1—ICE—FREE—ARTIC
20061219             —PERPETRATED, If global warming is 1—MYTH, by the liberal media, why is THE—USA—NAVY planning for 1—ICE—FREE—ARTIC
20061219             BARACK—OBAMA—AMERICA—VOICE—OF—UNITY and Optimism
20061219             "Students for Obama" are distributing the —FOLLOWING video of ILLINOIS SENATOR—BARACK—OBAMA. read more
20061219             How Democrats Should Talk About DEMOCRATS—THE—WASHINGTON—TIMES blog
20061219             published 1—IMPORTANT—PIECE that illustrates why it's important for bloggers to understand THE—POWER—OF—WORDS, especially their own. read more
20061219             Building on the Progressive Victory
20061219             I've had SOME—TIME to reflect on my own race + on the Democratic landslide in OREGON and AMERICA + what I've come up with is this: read more
20061219             Peace Women, Convicted of Trespassing, Teach THE—USA—GOVERNMENT 1—LESSON in Diplomacy
20061219             But —WHILE our arrests reflect the "shoot 1., ask questions —LATER" STYLE—OF—GEORGE—BUSH and outgoing UN Ambassador JOHN—BOLTON ,
20061219             we ended up teaching the government 1—LESSON in diplomacy. read MORE—UNPROGRESSIVE Democrats
20061219             they criticize the way THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has managed the war,
20061219             not the decision to invade and occupy the country in the 1. place. read more
20061219             Kurz vor 'm Zeitpunkt des Todes des Menschen "Jesus" ließ ihn Gott ganz los:
20061219             " Mein Gott, mein Gott, warum hast du mich verlassen?". - - wenn ich das hier lese! mein gott
20061219             ich bin auch onkelz fan, aber dass was...
20061219             Wissenschaftliche Artikel zu THE—FATTY—BOOM—BATTY com Network
20061219             explained the ruling as follows: "If you give someone permission to do something that infringes copyright,
20061219             that in itself is infringement as if you'd done it yourself.
20061219             Even if you don't do the infringing act yourself,
20061219             if you more or less condone someone else doing it, that's 1—INFRINGING act".'"
20061219             "THE—DMCA—LIKE—AMENDMENTS to THE—NEW—ZEALAND Copyright Act passed their 1. hurdle in PARLIAMENT —TODAY,
20061219             with 1—OVERWHELMING 113 to 6—VOTE to pass THE—BILL—TO—THE—COMMERCE—SELECT—COMMITTEE for further discussion.
20061219             THE—DETAIL—ORIENTED can read the full debate (or rather LACK—OF—DEBATE) + 1—ENTERPRISING NEW—ZEALAND legal blogger has 1—EXCELLENT—SERIES—OF—POSTS on the Bill,
20061219             its background + its implications.
20061219             —INTERESTED, New Zealanders, in fighting this legislation have —UNTIL the 16. of 20070200             to make submissions to THE—SELECT—COMMITTEE,
20061219             —BEFORE the committee makes its recommendations and sends the Bill back for a 2. READING".
20061219             Singh said they want to build MANY—MORE such towers, with 1 for EVERY—TIME—ZONE.
20061219             " 20061219             ISECOM—TOP 10—REAL Computer Crimes-
20061219             "This —MORNING—BOSTON—GLOBE has 1—THOUGHT—PROVOKING PROFILE—OF—IRAN—BLOGGERS who are risking everything,
20061219             quite literally, to bring 1—MODICUM—OF—OPENNESS and truth to 1—SOCIETY where the former is not tolerated and the latter strictly defined by government/religious authorities".
20061219             GNOSIS—RIVISTA Italiana di Intelligence
20061219             (40) Cosa Nostra in Sicilia, nonostante l'energica repressione fascista sotto il
20061219             ROSE—MARIE—BORNGÄSSER, Albaner haben die MAFIA längst verdrängt...
20061219             GIULIANO had relationships to THE—MAFIA + THE—USA—THOUGHT...
20061219             Executive Summary- - Inspector MICHAEL—O'NEILL—NYPD.
20061219             MISTER—B—DON—PERRITT—OJAG—ARMY
20061219             —OPENED, MISTER—RAYMOND—HEDDINGS, DTRA Associate GENERAL—COUNSEL, the Plenary Session by...
20061219             Inside cover Final (Page II)- - VICTOR—NAKAS—EXECUTIVE—DIRECTOR of.
20061219             Public Affairs.
20061219             DONALD—J—SHEEHY, 00.000.199 6—HE became THE—CIA—GENERAL—COUNSEL.
20061219             —AFTER taking over at THE—CIA, MISTER—DEUTCH decided not to have 1 classified computer installed in his suburban...
20061219             [CTRL] EX—CIA—CHIEF, —DURING Inquiry, Helped 1—AIDE (fwd)
20061219             MICHAEL—O'NEILL, who was then general COUNSEL—OF—THE—AGENCY... - Eye on the Empire
20061219             No doubt he was not the only CIA employee to be sometimes lax about the details...
20061219             NORA SLATKIN + general counsel, MICHAEL—O'NEILL, "had the effect of...
20061219             —INSISTED, But DEUTCH, and, with support from THEN—CIA—GENERAL—COUNSEL—MICHAEL—O'NEILL, changed the contract proposed by the attorneys.
20061219             Eye on the Empire by ALAN—BOCK
20061219             We must act not only for THE—GOOD—OF—THE—PEOPLES—OF—SOUTH—WEST—ASIA,
20061219             Of DAVID—KELLY,' - SF events 3.28—CHARLIE—SHEEN on 911 - tribe net
20061219             Advocate JAG Corps Army GENERAL—COUNSEL—STAFF—JUDGE—ADVOCATE—JAG—CORPS...
20061219             If I go to Novak and tell him that TOENSING—1—CIA "operative" (the
20061219             Re:Wilsongate: WH outs fmr ambassador WILSON—CIA wife in revenge for yellowcake...
20061219             —APPEARED, CASEY, —BEFORE HPSCI + SSCI with these CIA officers:
20061219             ;;06;; O'NEILL, Mercury Chambers, ISLE—OF—MAN.
20061219             Right to Financial Privacy Act • - Fair Credit Reporting Act..
20061219             —WHEN the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) was passed, WACKENHUT gave the......
20061219             Your credit, labor, productivity and property have been used + is —NOW being used
20061219             editors + publishers for reporting the truth about the government.
20061219             Das fanden Psychologen der UNIVERSITY—OF—TORONTO in einer Studie heraus,
20061219             Diese könnten ihre Konzentration in einer ART—TUNNELBLICK so verengen,
20061219             dass sie sich nicht so sehr ablenken ließen.
20061219             Nuclear Weapon Nearly Detonated in THE—USA:
20061219             1—WATCHDOG—GROUP—CHARGES 1—NUCLEAR—WARHEAD nearly exploded in TEXAS —WHEN it was being dismantled at the government's Pantex facility near AMARILLO.
20061219             —ACCUSED—OF, UNITED—NATIONS peacekeepers, rape:
20061219             —RAPED, Reports that peacekeepers, teenage girls have surfaced in HAITI,
20061219             where 1—UNITED—NATIONS mission so far had avoided the sexual abuse scandals that have sullied THE—INTERNATIONAL—ORGANIZATION'S—REPUTATION in other PARTS—OF—THE—WORLD.
20061219             TUCSON military recruiters ran cocaine:
20061219             2—MILITARY recruiting stations sit SIDE—BY—SIDE there, 1—RUN by the Army, the other by the Marines.
20061219             Between them, 1—TOTAL—OF—7—RECRUITERS were on the take,
20061219             secretly accepting bribes to transport cocaine, even as most spent their days visiting local high schools.
20061219             Blair to Peretz: Help strengthen Abbas:
20061219             Syria willing to attack ISRAEL :
20061219             Despite SYRIA—PEACE overtures it is "more willing —NOW than ever —BEFORE" to take military action against ISRAEL ,
20061219             Mossad CHIEF—MEIR—DAGAN told the Foreign Affairs and Defense COMMITTEE—ON—MONDAY.
20061219             War Pimp Alert: —MONDAY that the time for stopping IRAN from acquiring 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON is growing shorter.
20061219             —VOTED, USA sees UN SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN, within days:
20061219             REPUTATION—OF—SECURITY—COUNCIL at stake:
20061219             IRAN claims to have 1,400 uranium mines:
20061219             1—SENIOR—NUCLEAR—OFFICIAL in IRAN said that the country has 1,400 uranium mines it is using to fuel its growing nuclear power generation.
20061219             —DROPPED, Dollar, in IRAN asset move:
20061219             IRAN is to shift its foreign currency reserves from dollars to euros and use the euro for oil deals in response to USA—LED pressure on its economy.
20061219             No Matter What Ahmadinejad Does He'll be Portrayed as the New Hitler:
20061219             No matter how vigorously Ahmadinejad plays to Western public opinion, he can't win.
20061219             Taliban Plans 'TAKEOVER'—THE—TALIBAN organization has set the
20061219             —SPIRITED, IRAQ—EX—MINISTER, from police custody:
20061219             PLAIN—CLOTHES Americans have taken 1—FORMER—IRAQ—ELECTRICITY—MINISTER, who is 1—DUAL—USA—CITIZEN, from IRAQ—POLICE custody where he was awaiting trial on corruption charges, IRAQ—OFFICIALS said —ON—MONDAY.
20061219             FORMER—USA—DETAINEE in IRAQ Recalls Torment: It's Either Occupation or Education:
20061219             2 in 3—CHILDREN in IRAQ have simply stopped going to school, according to 1—GOVERNMENT—REPORT.
20061219             Democrat backs IRAQ troop increase:
20061219             —OFFERED, The senate's top Democrat politician has, qualified support for 1—PLAN to increase USA—FORCES in IRAQ,
20061219             saying it would be acceptable as PART—OF—1—BROADER—STRATEGY to bring combat forces home
20061219             Clinton Wants "Larger Plan" For IRAQ:
20061219             —DEFENDED, Clinton again, her vote to authorize military intervention in IRAQ, but criticized PRESIDENT—BUSH—HANDLING—OF—THE—WAR and other issues.
20061219             —ABOUT Face: Soldiers Call for IRAQ Withdrawal:
20061219             —ORGANIZED, For the 1. time —SINCE VIETNAM, 1, robust MOVEMENT—OF—ACTIVE—DUTY—USA—MILITARY—PERSONNEL has publicly surfaced to oppose 1—WAR in which they are serving.
20061219             BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—ELABORATES—PLANS for bloodbath in IRAQ:
20061219             Reports on THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—DISCUSSIONS on 1—CHANGE—OF—COURSE in IRAQ indicate that WASHINGTON is preparing 1—MAJOR—NEW bloodbath as PART—OF—1—DESPERATE—ATTEMPT to salvage its nearly —4—YEAR—OLD—BID to conquer THE—OIL—RICH—COUNTRY.
20061219             Gates sworn in as USA—DEFENSE—SECRETARY:
20061219             FORMER—CIA—DIRECTOR—ROBERT—GATES was officially sworn in as USA—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—ON—MONDAY,
20061219             replacing embattled Pentagon CHIEF—DONALD—RUMSFELD, who was under fire for his handling of THE—IRAQ war.
20061219             FORMER—IRAQ—CABINET MINISTER escapes police custody in BAGHDAD:
20061219             1—DUAL—USA—IRAQ—CITIZEN and the country's only postwar Cabinet MINISTER to be CONVICTED—OF—CORRUPTION has escaped police custody for a 2. time, 1—IRAQ—OFFICIAL said —MONDAY.
20061219             Advising THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION on how to deal with THE—IRAQ fiasco,
20061219             the report of the bipartisan IRAQ Study Group urges THE—PRESIDENT to clarify that WASHINGTON does not seek to control IRAQ—OIL.
20061219             CONTINUE—DESIGNER Monsters-
20061219             —BY—WILLIAM—BLUM—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD is 1—MAN seemingly CUSTOM—MADE for THE—WHITE—HOUSE in its endless quest for enemies with whom to scare Congress,
20061219             THE—USA—PEOPLE + the world, in order to justify the unseemly behavior of the empire.
20061219             —BY—LIAM—BAILEY—IN the current climate it is unlikely that ISRAEL will go all out for peace.
20061219             That includes continuing the conflict and making the Palestinians look like --terrorists-- the bad guys.
20061219             CONTINUE—USA and LATIN—AMERICA: Overview for 20060000             -
20061219             —PROJECTED, The weakest link in WASHINGTON's, strategy in LATIN—AMERICA is THE—RE—EMERGENCE—OF—SOCIO—POLITICAL—MOVEMENTS,
20061219             THE—MST in BRAZIL, the workers, peasant and INDIA—MOVEMENTS in BOLIVIA and ECUADOR and the mass uprising in OAXACA and electoral protests in MEXICO are in the process of RE—GROUPING,
20061219             none having suffered 1—HISTORIC—DEFEAT.
20061219             CONTINUE—THE—TERRORIST you've never heard of-
20061219             —BY—ALEX—KOPPELMAN—UNLIKE alleged AL—QAIDA terrorist JOSE—PADILLA,
20061219             up from 64 % in the ;;10;; poll.
20061219             Spend or Donate $100.00 or More From ;;12;;
20061219             8—THROUGH ;;12;; 18. and Receive 1—FREE—BUZZFLASH—FLOPPY—HAT!
20061219             -- And, Remember, Free Shipping in THE—USA on ANY—ORDER.
20061219             "Unimaginable" treatment of 1—AMERICAN in IRAQ.
20061219             Gunmen in IRAQ—ARMY—UNIFORMS burst into Red Crescent offices —ON—SUNDAY and kidnapped more than 2—DOZEN—PEOPLE at the humanitarian organization in the latest SIGN—OF—THE—COUNTRY—GROWING lawlessness
20061219             FEMA—RENAISSANCE—VILLAGE: "HUNDREDS—OF—CHILDREN in the trailer camp that is run by FEMA;
20061219             They?re trapped here in 1—DEMORALIZING,
20061219             overcrowded environment with adults who are mostly broke, jobless and —AT—THE—END—OF—THEIR—EMOTIONAL tethers".
20061219             THE—SAUDIS and the surge Why would the new Senate Majority Leader, HARRY—REID—OF—NEVADA,
20061219             offer tentative backing for a "surge" of additional troops in IRAQ,
20061219             albeit for 1 limited period? At this point, most Dems want 1—WITHDRAWAL;
20061219             the only question is how rapid.
20061219             —NOTED, As, in 1—PREVIOUS—POST,
20061219             the Saudis, who did not favor the invasion, —NOW do not favor 1—USA—WITHDRAWAL.
20061219             The owner of 2—BANKS, 1 in BERMUDA ( BERMUDA COMMERCIAL BANK ) + the other in...
20061219             L'étrange destin du banquier JOHN—DEUSS—RUSSIA—INTELLIGENCE...
20061219             l'une aux Bermudes ( BERMUDA COMMERCIAL BANK ) l'autre à CURAçAO dans les Antilles...
20061219             CURTIS—WARD: 441-239-20120000             - GORDON—WARD: 441-239-20130000             ...
20061219             BERMUDA COMMERCIAL BANK—BLDG., 2. Fl., 43—VICTORIA St., HAMILTON HM 12, Email Web Site...
20061219             Foreign Direct INVESTING—MORTGAGES deserve keen attention.
20061219             WHAT—SO bad about being rich? CURTIS—LUMBER acquires 4—YARDS... - Truth and Beauty...-
20061219             —AFTER —1—DAY—OF—WORK in wintry LONDON, CURTIS was looking forward to getting home to...
20061219             —AT—THE—TIME—OF—CURTIS ' death, he was also 1—DIRECTOR—OF—BERMUDA—COMMERCIAL—BANK, the bank chaired by DEUSS.
20061219             "It's close," DEUSS said, sometime towards the... - BERMUDA COMMERCIAL BANK—BCB.
20061219             Thank you.
20061219             BERMUDA Paint Company Limited...
20061219             PAUL—WOLFOWITZ, PAUL—FEITH, JOHN—BOLTON +...
20061219             Forscher schlagen Alarm: Alle 200—BIS —300—JAHRE habe es in der Region blitzschnelle Fluten mit KATASTROPHEN—POTENZIAL gegeben,
20061219             doch —NUN würden sie alle 2—BIS —3—JAHRE kommen, sagt ARUN—SHRESTHA vom INTERNATIONAL Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) in NEPAL.
20061219             Der Grund ist der gleiche, der die Polkappen schmelzen
20061219             lässt: der Klimawandel und die damit einhergehende Erderwärmung.
20061219             meint der Experte.
20061219             Trotz der Bemühungen seitens des Staates, den HASCHISCH—KONSUM mit Verboten zu unterbinden,
20061219             umfasse die jährliche Produktion das Zehnfache der Menge von 19810000             , argumentiert Gettman.
20061219             schreibt er.
20061219             Man solle deshalb Marihuana und Haschisch gesetzlich wie Alkohol oder Tabak BEHANDELN—SCHLIEßLICH beständen für den STAAT—UNGEAHNTE—GEWINNMÖGLICHKEITEN,
20061219             da auf das Rauschgift ordentlich Steuern erhoben werden könnten.
20061219             Break Up IRAQ —NOW! - ISRAEL—FORUM
20061219             PRESIDENT—BUSH—NEEDS to perform radical surgery on IRAQ —NOW, —WHILE the world remains in 1—FUNK
20061219             more so than the difference between sunni's + shiites.
20061219             USA—BANS Hicks psychiatrist:
20061219             40,000 Take 5. Ave In March For Bell" Heard All Over THE—WORLD":
20061219             1—ROILING crowd of 40,000 protesters poured onto 5. Avenue —YESTERDAY to protest the fusillade of 50—COP bullets that killed 1—GROOM on his wedding —DAY—AND to demand better treatment by THE—NYPD.
20061219             Witness says police shot man in back:
20061219             The shooting DEATH—OF—RONALD—MADISON, a —40—YEAR—OLD, mentally retarded man,
20061219             has triggered 1—POLICE—INVESTIGATION and 1—GRAND—JURY—PROBE even though THE—NOPD claim that the incident has been thoroughly investigated already.
20061219             LORAIN—OHIO police use Taser on —12—YEAR—OLD—CHILD:
20061219             I'm digging —AROUND for old news about police brutality where officers used Tasers on children, elderly, handicapped, or other defenseless people.
20061219             Christians plan 'night to honor ISRAEL':
20061219             1—LEADING—EVANGELICAL—USA pastor has announced plans to hold a "night to honor ISRAEL " in EVERY—MAJOR—USA—CITY as PART—OF—1—EVANGELICAL—POLITICAL—CAMPAIGN.
20061219             War pimp alert: Netanyahu to ambassadors: It's 19380000             again, stop IRAN:
20061219             Opposition leader speaks to 60—AMBASSADORS in Tel Aviv, says Ahmadinejad, like Hitler, is 1—PROBLEM for Jews but also for REST—OF—WORLD.
20061219             USA wants vote on UN sanctions resolution against IRAN —THIS—WEEK:
20061219             THE—USA—WANTS—THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL to vote —THIS—WEEK on imposing sanctions on IRAN for its failure to freeze its uranium enrichment programme, THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—SAID—TUESDAY.
20061219             IRAN: sanctions will not stop nuclear plans:
20061219             "The new draft resolution, which has been drawn up by the European troika (BRITAIN,
20061219             —DEBATED, FRANCE and GERMANY) and is —NOW being, within THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL,
20061219             takes MOST—OF—OUR approaches into consideration," THE—RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER, SERGEI—LAVROV, told the news service Interfax.
20061219             WHITE—HOUSE—NOW Grows Skittish Over IRAN—DEMARCHE—OF—20030000             :
20061219             THE—WHITE—HOUSE does not want the public to know THAT—IRAN to replace dollar with euro :
20061219             THE—IRAN—CENTRAL—BANK is to convert the state's foreign dollar assets into euros and use the euro for foreign transactions.
20061219             Oil producers shun dollar:
20061219             —REDUCED, Oil producing countries have, their exposure to the dollar to the lowest level in —2—YEARS and shifted oil income into euros,
20061219             yen and sterling, according to new data from THE—BANK—FOR—INTERNATIONAL—SETTLEMENTS.
20061219             —INVESTIGATED, UK: No 10, for PERVERSION—OF—JUSTICE:
20061219             —INVOLVED, Downing Street aides + Labour officials, in THE—CASH—FOR—HONOURS inquiry are being investigated on suspicion of perverting THE—COURSE—OF—JUSTICE, THE—TIMES has learnt.
20061219             ISRAEL—HOUSING to expand in Golan:
20061219             —SPEED, ISRAEL is to, up development on land it occupies in the Golan Heights, despite SYRIA—CALLS for talks, the country's interior MINISTER says.
20061219             Roni BAR—ON told ISRAEL—ARMY—RADIO—ON—TUESDAY: UK troops rampage through KANDAHAR:
20061219             1—OFFICIAL—INVESTIGATION was launched ;;12;;
20061219             9—INTO allegations that UK—TROOPS had opened fire indiscriminately at civilians in KANDAHAR city,
20061219             —ARRESTED, AFGHANISTAN—INTELLIGENCE—AGENTS have, 1—LOCAL—ARMY—GENERAL on charges of spying for PAKISTAN, officials said —ON—MONDAY.
20061219             —DETAINED, GENERAL—KHAIR—MOHAMMAD was, within the past —WEEK—AFTER he was found to be selling information to PAKISTAN—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES,
20061219             Joint Chiefs think THE—WHITE—HOUSE, —AFTER —1—MONTH—OF—TALKS, still does not have 1 defined mission and is latching on to the surge idea in part because of limited alternatives,
20061219             despite warnings about the potential disadvantages for the military, said the officials
20061219             WHITE—HOUSE: more USA—TROOPS in IRAQ under consideration, no rift with Joint Chiefs:
20061219             THE—WHITE—HOUSE said —TUESDAY that increasing USA—TROOPS in IRAQ is 1—OPTION under consideration and denied that there are differences with the Joint CHIEFS—OF—STAFF over that idea.
20061219             Pentagon: IRAQ suffers 1,000 attacks a —WEEK:
20061219             The average NUMBER—OF—ATTACKS per —WEEK on American and IRAQ—TROOPS and IRAQ—CIVILIANS from MID—AUGUST to mid-;;11;;
20061219             increased by 22—PER cent from the previous —3—MONTHS,
20061219             the largest number —SINCE IRAQ regained its SOVEREIGNTY—IRAQ on BRINK—OF—COLLAPSE: report:
20061219             —FAILED, IRAQ becoming, state:
20061219             —NEEDED, Radical action is, to save a "HOLLOWED—OUT and fatally weakened" IRAQ—STATE and ease violence that 1—NEW—PENTAGON report says is at 1—ALL—TIME—HIGH,
20061219             1—PROMINENT—THINK—TANK warned —ON—TUESDAY.
20061219             Pentagon: Sadr —NOW main IRAQ problem:
20061219             —REPLACED, AL—QAIDA in IRAQ has been, by Moqtada SADR—MEHDI—ARMY as the most dangerous group fueling sectarian violence, A—USA—PENTAGON report says.
20061219             MALIKI—TIES to Sadr Complicate USA—MISSION in IRAQ:
20061219             THE—USA is counting on Maliki to take responsibility for securing + governing IRAQ, but he has blocked USA—ATTEMPTS to crack down on SADR—MILITIA, the Mehdi Army.
20061219             IRAQ executes 13—PRISONERS, shows video:
20061219             —RELEASED, Video, by the government showed the men wearing hoods and green jumpsuits + standing against 1—WALL shortly —BEFORE they were hanged.
20061219             War criminal seeks forgiveness, on road to WHITE—HOUSE: SENATOR—CLINTON qualifies IRAQ vote:
20061219             —SUPPORTED, USA—SENATOR—HILLARY—RODHAM—CLINTON, D—NEW—YORK, said she wouldn't have, 1—CALL for action against IRAQ if she knew then what she knows —NOW.
20061219             To put the report in very simple terms,
20061219             its message is: THE—USA—GOT its ass kicked, time to go.
20061219             Or, if you prefer 1—DIRECT quote:
20061219             "The ability of THE—USA to shape outcomes is diminishing.
20061219             Time is running out". And —LATER they ponder how to "avert catastrophe".
20061219             —BY—TARIQ Ali, Arundhati Roy, HOWARD—ZINN and MANY—OTHERS
20061219             —REPLACED, His power is being, with rule by CIVIL—WAR,
20061219             apparently —NOW THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION'S favoured model across the region.
20061219             CONTINUE—NOAM Chomsky: From BOLIVIA to BAGHDAD
20061219             Audio and TRANSCRIPT—NOAM Chomsky on Creating Another World in 1—TIME—OF—WAR, Empire and Devastation.
20061219             CONTINUE—THE—USA—ARMY is considering measures to force striking workers back to their jobs at 1—GOODYEAR—TIRE & Rubber plant in KANSAS in the face of 1—LOOMING shortage of tyres for Humvee trucks and other military equipment used in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN.
20061219             CONTINUE—ANOTHER Take On THE—BAE—SAUDI—ARABIA Arms Deal-
20061219             —INVADED, As we saw —WHEN Saddam, KUWAIT—HANG in there Joseph.
20061219             I believe that Bertrand Russell once said that on scientific matters,
20061219             the best that 1—LAYMAN could do was to go with the scientific consensus, —WHILE recognizing that the consensus was sometimes wrong.#
20061219             BUSH and Cheney (2—COMBAT Personal Cowards) Vs. the Pentagon: "THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is SPLIT over the idea of 1—SURGE in troops to IRAQ,
20061219             with WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS aggressively promoting the concept over the unanimous disagreement of the Joint CHIEFS—OF—STAFF,
20061219             according to USA—OFFICIALS—FAMILIAR with the intense debate".
20061219             Lebenslauf : Bettina Zimmermann. q. geboren 19750000             in Großburgwedel. bei HANNOVER.
20061219             Alle —20—SEKUNDEN verschwände auf Borneo Regenwald von der Fläche eines Fußballfeldes,
20061219             die HÄLFTE—DER—URSPRÜNGLICHEN—WÄLDER seien —BEREITS durch Brände, Umwandlung in Plantagen sowie durch legalen und kriminellen Holzhandel vernichtet worden.
20061219             In ganz INDONESIEN ist nach WWF—ANGABEN
20061219             Insgesamt 52—NEUE TIER—UND Pflanzenarten haben Forscher der Umweltschutzorganisation WWF zwischen 20050700             und 20060900             auf Borneo gefunden:
20061219             30—BISHER unbekannte Fische, 6—NEUE Spezies des Siamesischen Kampffisches, 2—ARTEN—VON—BAUMFRÖSCHEN sowie mehrere neue Ingwerarten und 3—NEUE Baumspezies.
20061219             Viele dieser neuen Spezies wurden laut WWF DEUTSCHLAND im Herzen von Borneo entdeckt,
20061219             einem 220.000—QUADRATKILOMETER großen, gebirgigen, von dichtem Urwald überwucherten Hochlandgebiet im Inselzentrum.
20061219             Sondern ein richtiger FISCH—UND das zweitkleinste Wirbeltier der Welt:
20061219             Nicht einmal einen Zentimeter lang ist das Tier.
20061219             Wissenschaftler haben den MINI—FISCH in einem extrem sauren Torfmorast der südostasiatischen Regenwaldinsel Borneo entdeckt und festgestellt:
20061219             Das ist eine neue Karpfenart.
20061219             Das kleinste Wirbeltier ist ebenfalls 1—MINI—FISCH:
20061219             —BEHEIMATET, Paedocypris progenetica, auf der Nachbarinsel Sumatra.
20061219             PRESIDENT—BUSH said he plans to expand the overall SIZE—OF—THE—USA—MILITARY.
20061219             USA and NORTH—KOREA—FINANCIAL—EXPERTS met over WASHINGTON—CAMPAIGN to isolate the communist country from THE—INTERNATIONAL banking system, the key stumbling block in negotiations over PYONGYANG—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM.
20061219             —SUSPENDED, MARYLAND, executions —AFTER 1—STATE—APPEALS—COURT ruled that lethal injection procedures didn't get 1—PROPER hearing.
20061219             —ACCEPTED, HARRAH—ENTERTAINMENT, the world's largest casino company, a $17.1—BILLION offer from Apollo Management LP and TEXAS Pacific Group.
20061219             It was the 4. largest private equity buyout to date.
20061219             AFGHANISTAN, MULLAH—AKHTAR—MOHAMMAD—OSMANI, 1—TOP—TALIBAN military COMMANDER described as 1—CLOSE—ASSOCIATE—OF—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and Taliban leader MULLAH—OMAR was killed, in 1—AIRSTRIKE—CLOSE to the border with PAKISTAN.
20061219             —DENIED, Qari Yousef Ahmadi, 1—PURPORTED—TALIBAN spokesman, that Osmani had been killed, saying the airstrike instead killed MULLAH—ABDUL—ZAHIR, 1—GROUP—COMMANDER, and 3—OTHER—TALIBAN fighters.
20061219             —AWARDED, STEPHEN—TAME, —29—JAHRE—ALT from SUFFOLK—ENGLAND, was, more than 3—MILLION—POUNDS in damages.
20061219             —BOOSTED, The devout Christian said 1—ACCIDENT at work, his libido and wrecked his marriage as he turned to prostitutes and pornography.
20061219             EAST—ENGLAND, a —48—YEAR—OLD—MAN, who reportedly lives in THE—RED—LIGHT—DISTRICT—OF—IPSWICH, was arrested as the 2. suspect in the recent deaths of 5—PROSTITUTES.
20061219             —FEARED, SALVATORE—MANCUSO, 1—OF—COLOMBIA—MOST, paramilitary warlords, testified —BEFORE 1—SPECIAL—TRIBUNAL.
20061219             His confession was meant to sharply reduce his jail time for HUNDREDS—OF—MURDERS and forcing tens of thousands from their land —DURING —1—DECADE—LONG—REIGN—OF—TERROR.
20061219             —GATHERED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—INDIA—TRIBAL—PEOPLE, MANY—CARRYING bows and arrows, in the impoverished CENTRAL—STATE—OF—CHHATTISGARH to protest against Maoist rebel violence.
20061219             MILLIONS—OF—POOR—TRIBAL—PEOPLE living in INDIA—REMOTE—FORESTS for generations will receive ownership rights under 1—NEW—BILL approved by PARLIAMENT.
20061219             INDONESIA—CENTRAL—JAVA, province 10—PEOPLE, mostly teenagers, were killed and dozens injured in 1—STAMPEDE at 1 packed music concert.
20061219             —EXECUTED, IRAQ—AUTHORITIES, 13—MEN by hanging —AFTER they were CONVICTED—OF—MURDER and kidnapping, lining them up in hoods and green jumpsuits with their hands bound behind their backs.
20061219             —ROBBED, Gunmen in military uniforms, government accountants as they left 1—BAGHDAD BANK—WITH—BAGS—OF—CASH in the 2. such theft in —1—WEEK.
20061219             —KILLED, Roadside bombs, at least 2—CIVILIANS in the capital.
20061219             —KILLED, Gunmen in BAGHDAD, Mitashar AL—SUDANI, —60—JAHRE—ALT, 1—VETERAN—IRAQ—ACTOR and comedian.
20061219             He was known for his stage portrayal of the lighter SIDE—OF—LIFE in BAGHDAD —DURING Ottoman rule in the early 1900s.
20061219             1—OFFICIAL—REPORT into IRELAND—BIGGEST political scandal said FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—CHARLES—HAUGHEY received more than $15—MILLION in secret payments and lied about his KNOWLEDGE—OF—THE—FUNDS.
20061219             ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT made 1—SURPRISE—VISIT to JORDAN for talks with ABDULLAH—II—KING—OF— on ways to revive Mideast peacemaking.
20061219             † 1—WANTED—PALESTINE—MILITANT was killed and 2—OTHERS were arrested by ISRAEL—FORCES in THE—WEST—BANK—CITY—OF—NABLUS.
20061219             —RAGED, Gunbattles, in THE—STREETS—OF—GAZA—CITY between the Hamas and Fatah movements, killing at least 4—PEOPLE in factional fighting that shredded 1—SHAKY truce.
20061219             —WOUNDED, At least 18—PEOPLE were, including 5—CHILDREN caught in the crossfire.
20061219             1—LIBYA court convicted 5—BULGARIA—NURSES and 1—PALESTINE—DOCTOR—OF deliberately infecting 400—CHILDREN with HIV and sentenced them to death, despite scientific evidence the youngsters had the virus —BEFORE the medical workers came to LIBYA.
20061219             —REFERRED, The verdict, which will be automatically, to LIBYA—SUPREME—COURT, drew quick condemnation from European nations.
20061219             —COMMUTED, THE—6—LATER had their death sentences, and were transferred to BULGARIA, where they were pardoned and set free.
20061219             Officials said THOUSANDS—OF—SOLDIERS sent to seize CONTROL—OF—1—OF—MEXICO—TOP—DRUG—PRODUCING regions have discovered widespread cultivation of 1—HYBRID—MARIJUANA—PLANT that is easy to grow and difficult to kill.
20061219             —EVACUATED, THE—UN, 71—AID—WORKERS from the largest refugee camp in Darfur —AFTER gunmen looted their compounds, leaving some 130,000 refugees virtually without humanitarian help.
20061219             —WARNED, SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD said he was ready for dialogue with THE—USA—BUT, WASHINGTON against giving DAMASCUS orders.
20061219             —EXPERIENCED, THAILAND—STOCK—MARKET, 1—RECORD—DECLINE as the government moved to clamp down on foreign investment.
20061219             THAILAND—SET—INDEX lost 15—PERCENT—OF—ITS—VALUE.
20061219             —LIFTED, By THE—END—OF—THE—DAY the government partially, its restrictions.
20061219             1—TURKEY—COURT—ACQUITTED—IPEK—CALISLAR, 1—WRITER—OF insulting the country's founder, amid calls from THE—EU to change repressive laws curbing FREEDOM—OF—EXPRESSION.
20061219             banks post record earnings : Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns sent 1—NOT—SO—SUBTLE—MESSAGE to WALL—STREET—ON—THURSDAY—WHEN announcing 20060000             results
20061219             - the word "record" appears 1 combined 37—TIMES... - tives for 2007 - this —SUMMER".
20061219             Your Credit: Personal Information goes public —STARTING 20060701             20061219             —RATING—UPDATE: S—LOUIS ( AG) - Die ANALYSTENNO—VON—A.G. Edwards & Sons stufen die Aktie der Citigroup (ISIN US1729671016/WKN 871904) von "buy" auf "hold" herunter.
20061219             I didn't have to wait long.
20061219             Detainee 20030000             43 was among THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE who have been held + released by THE—AMERICA—MILITARY in IRAQ + his account of his ordeal has provided 1—OF—THE—FEW detailed VIEWS—OF—THE—PENTAGON—DETENTION—OPERATIONS—SINCE the abuse scandals at ABU—GHRAIB.
20061219             —RAIDED, But —WHEN AMERICA—SOLDIERS, the company at his urging, MISTER—VIRGINIA.. Source:
20061219             —BY—MIKAEL—RUDOLPH—SD—DEM—SENATOR—TIM—JOHNSON—FALLS—ILL, Cheney Salivates
20061219             THE—UNITED—STATES—OF—EGOISM - The holiday season is here.
20061219             the "realists" have moved back onto THE—STAGE—OF—AMERICA—FOREIGN—POLICY.
20061219             —BY—JGIDEON—'DAILY Voting News' For
20061219             —BY—ROBERT—RAITZ—CULTURE—CLOT...-
20061219             RATING—UPDATE: S—LOUIS ( AG) - Die Analysten von A.G. Edwards & Sons stufen die Aktie der Citigroup (ISIN US1729671016/WKN 871904) von "buy" auf "hold" herunter.
20061219             DEUTSCHE—TELEKOM "buy"-
20061219             Citigroup "buy"-
20061219             (20061219             /ac/a/u)
20061219             20061025             :
20061219             Der erneut aufgerollte HIV—PROZESS in LIBYEN endet mit dem Todesurteil für die angeklagten 5—BULGARISCHE—KRANKENSCHWESTERN und 1—PALÄSTINENSISCHEN—ARZT.
20061219             5—BULGARISCHE—KRANKENSCHWESTERN und 1—PALÄSTINENSISCHEN—ARZT werden für die Infektion von 426—KINDERN mit HIV in 1—KRANKENHAUS in BENGASI verantwortlich gemacht.
20061219             1. —SEIT—15—JAHREN, bekommen die RUSSISCHE—LUFTSTREITKRÄFTE neue Kampfflugzeuge.
20061219             2—JAGDBOMBER—SUCHOI—SU—34 werden übergeben.
20061219—19250000    —IN, The book was the 1. comprehensive biography of Latife Ussaki, who was oo to Ataturk for about —2—YEARS—UNTIL he divorced her.
20061219—19900000    —IN—THE—LATE, like those which burst forth 'S and 1. YEARS—OF—THE—NEW—CENTURY:
20061219—19900000    —INVADED, As we saw —WHEN SADDAM—KUWAIT, the Saudis paid the Americans and their partners in the coalition to protect them and eject Saddam from KUWAIT.
20061219—19910000    —SINCE, GERMANY—BUSINESS—CONFIDENCE soars GERMANY—BUSINESS—CONFIDENCE is at its highest level, 1—LEADING survey finds.
20061219—19960000    —SEIT, In ganz INDONESIEN ist nach WWF—ANGABEN die Abholzung auf rund 2—MILLIONEN Hektar pro —JAHR gestiegen.
20061219—20030500    —IN, WHITE—HOUSE—NOW Grows Skittish Over IRAN—DEMARCHE—OF—20030000              : THE—WHITE—HOUSE does not want the public to know that, THE—IRAN—FOREIGN—MINISTRY floated the prospect of 1—WIDE—RANGING dialogue with AMERICA on everything from uranium enrichment to ANTI—ISRAEL terrorism.
20061219—20040000    —SINCE, IRAQ attacks reach record levels Attacks against troops and civilians in IRAQ are at their highest level, 1—PENTAGON report says.
20061219—20040600    —IN, Pentagon: IRAQ suffers 1,000 attacks —1—WEEK : The average NUMBER—OF—ATTACKS per —WEEK on American and IRAQ—TROOPS and IRAQ—CIVILIANS from MID—AUGUST to MID—NOVEMBER increased by 22—PER cent from the previous —3—MONTHS, the largest number —SINCE IRAQ regained its sovereignty.
20061219—20061208    —FROM, Spend or Donate $100.00 or More 20061218             THROUGH and Receive 1—FREE—BUZZFLASH—FLOPPY—HAT! -- And, Remember, Free Shipping in THE—USA on ANY—ORDER.
20061219—20061209    UK troops rampage through KANDAHAR: 1—OFFICIAL—INVESTIGATION was launched into allegations that UK—TROOPS had opened fire indiscriminately at civilians in KANDAHAR—CITY—SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, —FOLLOWING 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMB—ATTACK on 1—NATO—LED—CONVOY.
20061219—20061219    —BY, [CTRL] OEN 20000201             JUDE—ACOSTA—WHAT—EXACTLY—IS—AN—ENLIGHTENED—PANIC?
20061219—20061219    —BY, USA and LATIN—AMERICA: Overview for 20060000             JAMES—PETRAS
20061219—20080000    —BY, Democrat backs IRAQ troop increase : The senate's top Democrat politician has offered qualified support for 1—PLAN to increase USA—FORCES in IRAQ, saying it would be acceptable as PART—OF—1—BROADER—STRATEGY to bring combat forces home.
20061219—20100000    —BY, Taliban Plans 'Takeover' : THE—TALIBAN organization has set the 20100000             —YEAR as its deadline for the complete takeover of AFGHANISTAN, 1—INTELLIGENCE—SOURCE revealed, according to THE—PAKISTAN—DAILY THE—NATION.
20061221             —BY WILLIAM—FISHER 20061219             —5—YEARS—AFTER the terrorist attacks of 20010911             , "Islamophobia" -- intensified by the war in IRAQ and USA—GOVERNMENT actions at home — has left MILLIONS—OF—AMERICA—MUSLIMS FEARFUL—OF—HARASSMENT, discrimination + questionable prosecutions + confused about their place in USA—SOCIETY.
20061221             —BY—WILLIAM—FISHER 20061219             —5—YEARS—AFTER the terrorist attacks of 20010911             ,
20070403             Navios Maritime Holdings INCORPORATED (Form: 6-K, Received: 20061219             09...
20070827—20071219    —ANNOUNCED, THE—TEXAS—TRAVIS—COUNTY—DISTRICT—ATTORNEY, his office's intention to pursue the death penalty.
20071123—20071219    —ARRESTED, Mireles was, in MEXICO and
20071205—20071219    —AM, Und der muss dann dieses Papier mit seinen Anmerkungen und Empfehlungen an den Weltsicherheitsrat, —DER—TAGEN soll, vorlegen.
20071208             Her body was found 20071219             at the Newby ISLAND Landfill in Milpitas.
20071219             Insgesamt gibt es —HEUTE weniger als 20—ABSCHRIFTEN der Magna Charta aus dem 12010101—13001231    ;
20071219             The financial CONDITION—OF—THE—OTHER twooffshore banks that were taken over by GRENADA—MINISTRY—OF—FINANCEON 20020425             remains unclear.
20071219             MORGAN—STANLEY to Sell Stake to CHINA Amid Loss
20071219             Sie schämte sich ihrer Armut und zog sich immer mehr zurück.
20071219             Sie kaufte Blätter von Wirsing,
20071219             Blumenkohl und Kohlrabi für 30—CENT im Supermarkt — mit der Bemerkung "Für meine Kaninchen".
20071219             Dennoch kam 1—WOCHENENDE, an dem sie keinen Cent mehr hatte.
20071219             Das ist —NUN vorbei.
20071219             MARIA—RÜCKERT ist —JETZT nicht mehr allein.
20071219             Zum Amt geht sie nur mit Zeugen.
20071219             Das Prinzip, Solidarität weiterzugeben, hat sie verinnerlicht.
20071219             Sie will 1—GRUPPE gründen, die andere vor Amtswillkür schützt
20071219             Students in Canton given electrical shocks —AFTER prank call, report says
20071219             1—STATE investigative report has found.
20071219             1—UK—RESIDENT being held in GUANTANAMO Bay may be close to suicide —AFTER—5—YEARS—OF—CAPTIVITY and torture at the hands of the Americans,
20071219             the Foreign SECRETARY—DAVID—MILIBAND has been warned in 1—MEDICAL—REPORT sent to the Government —THIS—WEEK.
20071219             CONTINUE—THE—UNHOLY—TRINITY—FROM LATIN—AMERICA TO IRAQ—DEATH—SQUADS, Disappearances, and Torture-
20071219             "—BEFORE all else, you must be efficient," said USA—POLICE—ADVISOR—DAN—MITRIONE,
20071219             assassinated by URUGUAY—REVOLUTIONARY—TUPAMAROS
20071219             THE—USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES in cahoots with major telecom providers are intercepting and reviewing your communications.
20071219             This is occurring without warrants.
20071219             And the legal community is in accord: it was criminal conduct.
20071219             And that's why THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is frantically pushing right —NOW for immunity:
20071219             to ensure that its collaborators face no adverse consequences from their criminal acts.
20071219             What KIND—OF—SOCIETY does this sound like? CONTINUE—POLICE—STATE—AMERICA
20071219             —YEAR end is 1—GOOD—TIME to look back and reflect on what's ahead.
20071219             If past is prologue, however, the outlook isn't good, and nothing on the horizon suggests otherwise.
20071219             CONTINUE—YOU can demonize BUSH and Cheney (rightfully) —UNTIL hell freezes over--but it's not going to change anything.
20071219             KEITH—OLBERMANN does it almost EVERY—NIGHT on his MISS—NBC television show, but it doesn't change anything.
20071219             Trashing BUSH and Cheney or Hillary or Obama might make 1—LOT—OF—PEOPLE feel good,
20071219             but it doesn't change anything.
20071219             They're only pawns in the game.
20071219             DIE—USA—BANKEN brauchen gerade Cash wegen der KLÄRSCHLAMM—HYPOTHEKEN, und CHINA sitzt auf Cash, das sie gerne los werden wollen.
20071219             WIN—WIN!
20071219             BradBlog: OHIO GOP Party Blog Launches Shameful ASSAULT—ON—OHIO—SECRETARY—OF—STATE 12/20
20071219             The reason given was that the guy had 1—HOOD on his head.
20071219             In rejecting 1—SIMILAR shot,
20071219             'the reason given was that the burlap bag over the prisoner's head depicted torture, which was not appropriate for children to see.' Yes, torture isn't ideal,
20071219             but this isn't "Saw," this is 1—DOCUMENTARY about real torture that is really happening.
20071219             —EARLY—MORNING Jokes for ;;12;; 19 -- TONY—PEYSER
20071219             BRENT—BUDOWSKY: Torture Tapes are the Watergate of Our Times 12/20 - TIME—PERSON—OF—THE
20071219             —FROM THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—FUNDAMENTAL—TRUTH: "Iraqis of all sectarian and ethnic groups believe that THE—USA—MILITARY—INVASION is the primary root of the violent differences among them,
20071219             and see the departure of "occupying forces" as the key to national reconciliation, according to focus groups conducted for THE—USA—MILITARY—LAST—MONTH".
20071219             Entsprechend massiv war im ;;12;;
20071219             der Druck auf die Teilnehmer der Weltklimakonferenz auf Bali,
20071219             zügig und entschlossen die —VERHANDLUNGEN über 1—NACHFOLGEABKOMMEN für das KYOTO—PROTOKOLL vorzubereiten.
20071219             Der zähe Verlauf der Konferenz aber wollte nicht so recht zur gefühlten Dringlichkeit passen.
20071219             —BETRACHTET, Weltweit, war —BEREITS der ;;01;;
20071219             extrem WARM—UM 1,89 Grad über dem sogenannten Normalwert.
20071219             Es war das 1. Mal —SEIT Beginn der weltweiten Messungen —J—IM
20071219             —VERSTEIGERT, Rekordpreis: Magna Charta für 21—MILLIONEN Dollar
20071219             Bashmilah, who at age 39 is —NOW physically 1—FREE—MAN, still suffers the mental consequences of prolonged detention and abuse.
20071219             He is undergoing treatment for the damage done to him at THE—HANDS—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT.
20071219             —ON—FRIDAY, Bashmilah laid out his story in 1—DECLARATION to A—USA—DISTRICT—COURT—AS—PART—OF—1—CIVIL—SUIT brought by THE—ACLU against Jeppesen Dataplan INCORPORATED,
20071219             1—SUBSIDIARY—OF—BOEING accused of facilitating secret CIA rendition flights.
20071219             Bashmilah said in the phone interview that the psychological anguish inside 1—CIA—BLACK—SITE is exacerbated by the unfathomable unknowns for the prisoners.
20071219             —WHILE he figured out that he was being held by Americans, Bashmilah did not know for sure why, where he was, or whether he would ever see his family again.
20071219             He said, "EVERY—TIME I realize that there may be others who are still there where I suffered, I feel the same thing for those innocent people who —JUST fell in 1—CRACK".
20071219             Klebsiella planticola--THE—GENE—ALTERED—MONSTER—THAT—ALMOST—GOT—AWAY
20071219             genetically engineered soil bacteria called Klebsiella planticola.
20071219             —TESTED, The bacteria had been --as it turns out in 1—CARELESS and very unscientific mannner--by scientists working for the biotech industry and
20071219             was believed to be safe for the environment.
20071219             —DECIDED, University, to run their own tests on THE—GENE—ALTERED—KLEBSIELLA planticola.
20071219             —DISCOVERED, What they, was not only startling, but terrifying--
20071219             the biotech industry had created 1—BIOLOGICAL—MONSTER--1—GENETICALLY engineered microorganism that would kill all terrestrial plants.
20071219             —AFTER—INGHAM—EXPOSE, of course THE—GENE—ALTERED—KLEBSIELLA planticola was never commercialized.
20071219             But as Ingham points out, THE—LACK—OF—PRE—MARKET—SAFETY
20071219             —ALTERED, TESTING—OF—OTHER genetically, organisms virtually guarantees that future biological monsters will be released into the environment.
20071219             MOREOVER—IT—NOT only genetic engineering that poses 1—MORTAL threat to our soil ecology, the soil food web, as Ingham calls it.
20071219             CHEMICAL—INTENSIVE—AGRICULTURE is slowly but surely poisoning our soil and our drinking water as well.
20071219             —APPEARED, This article orginally, in the Green Party publication Synthesis/Regeneration 18 (—WINTER 19990000             ) Ecological Balance and Biological Integrity
20071219             Good Intentions and Engineering Organisms that Kill Wheat by Elaine INGHAM—OREGON STATE—UNIVERSITY <
20071219             Die Europäische Zentralbank kloppt noch mal 500—MILLIARDEN Dollar mit Zinsen unter Marktwert raus.
20071219             The aim is to cut the cost of lending between retail and commercial banks, which has jumped in the past few weeks.
20071219             —SUBMITTED, All banks with enough collateral, and which, bids of at least 4.21%, received funds from THE—ECB.
20071219             Microsoft hat den NSA—BACKDOOR—RNG in Vista eingebaut.
20071219             Man muß ihn wohl explizit anschalten, damit er benutzt wird,
20071219             aber es stellt sich —SCHON die Frage: WTF?!
20071219             Wenn DIE—USA—REGIERUNG ihre Buchführung machen würde, wie sie es von Firmen verlangt, müßten sie 69% mehr Defizit ausweisen.
20071219             Bei uns sieht das sicher ähnlich aus.
20071219             Vielleicht taucht da ja auch mal eine solche Statistik auf.
20071219             die reichsten 1—PROZENT—DER—AMERIKANER haben von 20030000—20050000    —JAHR—BIS ihr Einkommen um mehr gesteigert,
20071219             als die ärmsten 20—PROZENT—DER—AMERIKANER insgesamt einnehmen.
20071219             Na endlich bauen Menschen komplett künstliche DNA zusammen.
20071219             Wurde aber auch Zeit.
20071219             So toll wie wir bestehende Technologie im Griff haben, ich erwähne da nur mal
20071219             Software, da war es höchste Zeit, wass wir endlich auch eigene Monster aus DNA synthetisieren.
20071219             Wer nicht auf Anhieb versteht, was daran schlimm ist, kann sich ja auch mal das hier durchlesen.
20071219             Da ging es um 1—BAKTERIUM, das nach der Ernte Pflanzenreste fressen sollte, damit man die Felder nicht brandroden muß.
20071219             Als sie das dann ausgesetzt haben,
20071219             haben sie festgestellt, dass dieses Bakterium dann auf dem Feld auch alles weitere Leben verhindert hat.
20071219             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, 1—BILL calling for 1—INCREASE in AUTO—FUEL—EFFICIENCY, the 1. in —32—YEARS.
20071219             —REJECTED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, 1—REQUEST by CALIFORNIA for it to be allowed to introduce tough new vehicle emissions standards, dealing 1—BLOW to the state's hopes of slashing greenhouse gas levels over the —NEXT—DECADE.
20071219             —NAMED, Time magazine, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN its 20070000             "PERSON—OF—THE—YEAR".
20071219             USA—RESEARCHERS said 1—HIGHLY sensitive microchip may help doctors detect rare TRACES—OF—CANCER circulating in the bloodstream, offering 1—WAY to better manage treatment.
20071219             LANCE—CPL.
20071219             —DISAPPEARED, MARIA—FRANCES—LAUTERBACH (20), —JUST days —AFTER meeting with military prosecutors to talk about her allegation that Marine Cpl.
20071219             —RAPED, CESAR—ARMANDO—LAUREAN, —21—JAHRE—ALT, her.
20071219             Her cell phone was found 20071220             near the main gate at Camp Lejeune, NC.
20071219             Leaders of BELGIUM—FEUDING DUTCH—AND FRENCH—SPEAKING parties agreed to form 1—INTERIM—GOVERNMENT to run the country in the short term, —WHILE 1—MORE—PERMANENT—SOLUTION to the political crisis is sought.
20071219             —RETIRED, CHILE, 1, general and 2—FORMER sergeants were fined and sentenced to —10—YEARS in prison for killing 1—LEFTIST—COUPLE shortly —AFTER CHILE's 19730000             military coup.
20071219             —RETIRED, LUIS—FERNANDEZ and HECTOR—VALLEJOS, all, were ordered to pay $600,000 to the son of the slain couple, Ernesto Lejderman.
20071219             —CONVICTED—OF, TIANJIN—CHINA, Li Baojin was, taking bribes worth $760,000 from 7—BUSINESSES 19960000—20060000    —BETWEEN.
20071219             —CONVICTED—OF, Li was also, misappropriating $1.9—MILLION from THE—TIANJIN prosecutor's office.
20071219             —SUSPENDED, LI—SENTENCE was, —FOR—2—YEARS.
20071219             That means his death sentence will be commuted to life imprisonment if he shows good behavior for the next —2—YEARS.
20071219             —PLEDGED, Donors, MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS at 1—CONFERENCE in SPAIN to help GUINEA BISSAU, which 1—TOP—UN—OFFICIAL called "under siege" by drug cartels who might even sway the country's future polls.
20071219             —CROWDED, SOUTH—PAKISTAN, 1—EXPRESS train, with holiday travelers derailed, killing 40—PEOPLE and leaving hundreds of terrified survivors to claw their way OUT—OF—THE—WRECKAGE in total darkness.
20071219             1—TRAILER truck hit 1—RICKSHAW crowded with children going to school in EAST—PAKISTAN, leaving 14—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20071219             1—HAMAS official confirmed that GAZA's embattled Hamas leaders are seeking 1—CEASE—FIRE—AFTER MONTHS—OF—ISRAEL—ATTACKS and sanctions, going so far as to make 1 unprecedented appeal through THE—ISRAEL—MEDIA.
20071219             —CLAIMED, SOUTH—KOREA, FORMER—HYUNDAI CEO—LEE—MYUNG—BAK, —66—JAHRE—ALT, victory in presidential election as voters overlooked fraud allegations to give him 1—LANDSLIDE win on hopes he will revive the economy.
20071219             This was also MYUNG—BAK—BIRTHDAY and 37. wedding anniversary.
20071219             —KILLED, THE—SRI—LANKA military said soldiers, 4—SEPARATIST—TAMIL Tiger rebels in 2—SEPARATE clashes.
20071219             UGANDA—MILITARY said it had shot dead 2—CONGO—SOLDIERS on the volatile border between THE—2—COUNTRIES, —AFTER they tried to resist being arrested on suspicion of raping 2—TEENAGE—GIRLS.
20071219             40—PROZENT weniger Sprit: Bush verpflichtet Industrie auf ÖKO—KURS
20071219             Bush Lawyers Discussed Fate of C.I.A. Tapes
20071219             Sie kaufte Blätter von Wirsing, Blumenkohl und Kohlrabi für 30—CENT im Supermarkt — mit der Bemerkung "Für meine Kaninchen".
20071219             30—EURO sollte sie vom Amt bar erhalten.
20071219             Doch der Amtsmann zog vor, zu überweisen. Das Geld kam —ERST—AM—MONTAG.
20071219             2—SPECIAL—EDUCATION—STUDENTS at the controversial JUDGE—ROTENBERG—EDUCATIONAL—CENTER in Canton were wrongfully delivered DOZENS—OF—PUNISHING electrical shocks —IN—AUGUST based on 1—PRANK phone call from 1—FORMER—STUDENT posing as 1—SUPERVISOR, 1—STATE investigative report has found.
20071219             GUANTANAMO Detainee Near Suicide —AFTER YEARS—OF—TORTURE, Doctors Warn
20071219             —BY ROBERT—VERKAIK, Law Editor
20071219             1—UK—RESIDENT being held in GUANTANAMO Bay may be close to suicide —AFTER—5—YEARS—OF—CAPTIVITY and torture at the hands of the Americans, the Foreign SECRETARY—DAVID—MILIBAND has been warned in 1—MEDICAL—REPORT sent to the Government —THIS—WEEK.
20071219             Death Squads, Disappearances, and Torture
20071219             "You must cause only the damage that is strictly necessary, not 1—BIT—MORE".
20071219             Mitrione taught by demonstration, reportedly torturing to death 1—NUMBER—OF—HOMELESS—PEOPLE kidnapped off THE—STREETS—OF—MONTEVIDEO.
20071219             Another Milestone on the Road to Serfdom
20071219             And that's why THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is frantically pushing right —NOW for immunity: to ensure that its collaborators face no adverse consequences from their criminal acts.
20071219             —WANTED, Voters last —NOVEMBER, change but got betrayal from the bipartisan criminal class in WASHINGTON.
20071219             Only Pawns in the Game
20071219             Trashing Bush and Cheney or Hillary or Obama might make 1—LOT—OF—PEOPLE feel good, but it doesn't change anything.
20071219             WIN—WIN! ? The company also said CHINA—GOVERNMENT—CONTROLLED investment vehicle has invested $5—BILLION to help replenish its capital.
20071219             In rejecting 1—SIMILAR shot, 'the reason given was that the burlap bag over the prisoner's head depicted torture, which was not appropriate for children to see.' Yes, torture isn't ideal, but this isn't "Saw," this is 1—DOCUMENTARY about real torture that is really happening.
20071219             Hillary Campaigns In IOWA With NBA Legend -- VERSE—CASE—SCENARIO by TONY—PEYSER
20071219             Really? Would have preferred the "Don't Tase Me, Bro" guy or possibly the "Leave Britney Alone" person.
20071219             —FROM THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—FUNDAMENTAL—TRUTH: "Iraqis of all sectarian and ethnic groups believe that THE—USA—MILITARY—INVASION is the primary root of the violent differences among them, and see the departure of "occupying forces" as the key to national reconciliation, according to focus groups conducted for THE—USA—MILITARY—LAST—MONTH".
20071219             —NACH—DEN 4—BERICHTEN des Weltklimarats —IN—DIESEM—JAHR kann niemand mehr sagen, dass der Klimawandel nichts mit der Lebensweise der Planetenbewohner zu tun hat.
20071219             Entsprechend massiv war —IM—DEZEMBER der Druck auf die Teilnehmer der Weltklimakonferenz auf Bali, zügig und entschlossen die —VERHANDLUNGEN über 1—NACHFOLGEABKOMMEN für das KYOTO—PROTOKOLL vorzubereiten.
20071219             —BETRACHTET, Weltweit, war —BEREITS—DER—JANUAR extrem WARM—UM 1,89 Grad über dem sogenannten Normalwert.
20071219             Stürme, Hitze, Dürre: 20070000             - —JAHR—DER—WETTEREXTREME
20071219             Optik: Tarnkappe für sichtbares Licht entwickelt
20071219             Auszeichnung: "Time" kürt Putin zum Mann des Jahres
20071219             Regierungsbericht: DEUTSCHLAND gibt Zuwanderern kaum noch Chancen
20071219             Newsfrom our REGION—FUNNY business : GRENADA regulators step IN—BY DAVID—MARCHANT, Special to UPI
20071219             AL—KASSAR—PAST includes 1—DRUG—SMUGGLINGCONVICTION in THE—UK, acting as 1—BAGMAN for OLIVER—NORTH—INTHE—IRAN—CONTRA ARMS—FOR—CASH—SCANDAL and being tried for the1985 Achille Lauro hijacking, of which he was acquitted.
20071219             At 1—TIME in his dispute with ImperialConsolidated, al Kassar accused Imperial of being involved withsuspected terrorist OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, although he has not providedany proof to support his allegation and IMPERIAL—MANAGEMENTVEHEMENTLY has denied the accusation.
20071219             Imperium BANK—SUBSIDIARIES are believedto include I. C. Consultants SL (SPAIN), IC Mutual (Australasia)INCORPORATED—OF—AUSTRALIA, Imperial Consolidated (AUSTRALIA) Pty Ltd.,IC Mutual Funds (GRENADA) Ltd., IC Mutual (GRENADA) Ltd., ImperialConsolidated (GRENADA), Imperium Accredited Investor Funds Ltd.of GRENADA, Imperium Qualified Investor Funds Ltd. of GRENADA,United INTERNATIONAL Administrators INCORPORATED—OF—GRENADA, Alpha Leewardand Windward Ltd. of GRENADA, IC Mutual (GREECE) Ltd., ImperialConsolidated of CANADA, Imperial Consolidated (HONG—KONG) Ltd.,Imperial Consolidated Investment Advisory Co. Ltd. of JAPAN, ImperialConsolidated (JAPAN), Imperial Consolidated (NEW—ZEALAND) Ltd.,Imperial Funds (BVI) Ltd. and Imperial Marketing (DUBAI) Ltd.
20071219             AvantGuard BANK—AND—TRUST, which is partof 1—USA—BASED—MULTI—LEVEL marketing group known asProsper INTERNATIONAL League Ltd., may be solvent, 1—SOURCE toldUnited Press INTERNATIONAL.
20071219             The 3. bank, Cornerstone InternationalBank and Trust, was operated by religious zealots and appearsto have disappeared from THE—ISLAND—BEFORE regulators took action.
20071219             Monzer AL—KASSAR and THE—IRAN—CONTRA Affair
20071219             CHAPTER, 8—OF—THE—FINAL—REPORT—OF—THE—INDEPENDENT—COUNSEL for IRAN/Contra Matters, the authors allege that Monzer AL—KASSAR made $500,000 selling arms to supply the Contras.
20071219             AL—KASSAR in ARGENTINA
20071219             This MIDDLE—EAST—INTELLIGENCE—BULLETIN report describes the investigation into AL—KASSAR—INVOLVEMENT in THE—BUENOS—AIRES bombings of THE—ISRAEL—EMBASSY and the Jewish Cultural Center, unsolved —10—YEARS—LATER.
20071219             AL—KASSAR and PRESIDENT—MENEM
20071219             PUEBLO DIGITAL—SONO uno dei quattro soci della INTERNATIONAL waste group EUROPE, Iwg EUROPA, la società madre con sede legale a Dublino, in Irlanda...
20071219             PANNA: News Note: Pesticide Burning in MOZAMBIQUE Halted
20071219             ANTONIO—AGUIRRE cooperó con OSAMA—BIN—LADEN
20071219             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN y Alkasar Por Javier Romero (Morón)
20071219             Articles and information on THE—HISTORY—OF—IMPERIAL—CONSOLIDATED—GROUP
20071219             landmark ruling against ZURICH IFA—INSURER and adviser ordered to pay £500,000 compensation...
20071219             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Y MORON
20071219             Que la empresa británica Imperial Consolidated actuó como representante... irregulares en paraísos fiscales, la COMPAÑÍ1—IMPERIAL—CONSOLIDATED ofrece...
20071219             LA PRENSA—NACIONALES Según las informaciones PERIODÍSTICAS—DE—LA—ÉPOCA, como representante de OSAMA—BIN—LADEN aparecía la empresa británica Imperial Consolidated.
20071219             || Walter goobar || PERIODISTA
20071219             AL—KASSAR admitió que REPRESENTANTES—DE—LA—FIRMA británica Imperial Consolidated le pagaron cuatro millones de dólares como anticipo de una operación de..
20071219             "Hemos vivido dos años de terror" —SÍ.
20071219             El consigue la empresa inglesa Imperial Consolidated.
20071219             La Imperial Consolidated hace una sociedad con AL—KASSAR, la Consolidated Mining Corporation...
20071219             —4—DECADES—OF—1—DEADLY trade
20071219             His father was 1—HIGH—RANKING civil servant.
20071219             He speaks at least 5—LANGUAGES and holds, or has held, Yemeni, Syrian and ARGENTINA—PASSPORTS.
20071219             He —NOW has permanent SPAIN—RESIDENCY.
20071219             —REFUSED, BRITAIN has, his visa requests for the past —10—YEARS.
20071219             —BEHAUPTET, Bislang, das Weiße Haus, der PRÄSIDENT sei —ERST kürzlich über die Existenz und Vernichtung von CIA—VIDEOS informiert worden, auf denen die stundenlange
20071219             "raue Befragung" der Terrorverdächtigen ABU—SUBEIDA, einem Vertrauten Osama Bin Ladens, und ABD—AL—RAHIM—AL—NASCHIRI zu sehen gewesen sein soll.
20071219             Die "NEW—YORK—TIMES " enthüllt —JETZT, dass zwischen
20071219             Wegen der ZERSTÖRUNG—DER—BÄNDER hatte 1—USA—BUNDESRICHTER—GESTERN 1—ANHÖRUNG angeordnet.
20071219             Er setzte sich damit über Wünsche des Justizministeriums hinweg.
20071219             RICHTER—HENRY—KENNEDY setzte die Anhörung für —FREITAG an.
20071219             Dabei geht es um die Frage, ob die Regierung gegen 1—GERICHTSENTSCHEIDUNG verstoßen hat, die Videobänder nicht zu vernichten.
20071219             —BEREITS—ANFANG—DEZEMBER hatten das Justizministerium und der GEHEIM—DIENST CIA nach Kritik der Demokraten selbst Vorermittlungen eingeleitet.
20071219             Die GEHEIM—DIENSTAUSSCHÜSSE von Senat und Abgeordnetenhaus wollen eigene Ermittlungen beginnen.
20071219             Vernichtung von Foltervideos: Schwere Vorwürfe gegen BUSH—BERATER
20071219             Neue Richtlinie: Gabriel wirft EU Wettbewerbskrieg gegen DEUTSCHE—AUTOBAUER vor
20071219             Rand des Sonnensystems: Astronomen entdecken HIMMELSKÖRPER—TRIO
20071219             Das Auktionshaus SOTHEBY—SAGTE, das Pergament sei das "wichtigste Dokument, das je auf einer Auktion versteigert wurde".
20071219             von den Originalen sind nach ANGABEN—DES—ZENTRUMS für zeitgenössische Kunst in VIRGINIA nur 4—EXEMPLARE erhalten.
20071219             Das handgeschriebene Dokument aus —DEM—JAHR
20071219             Unterdessen hat der UNO—SICHERHEITSRAT das Mandat für die STATIONIERUNG—DER—USA—TRUPPEN im IRAK um —1—JAHR verlängert.
20071219             Die Regierung in Bagdad hatte die Verlängerung beantragt, kündigte jedoch an, dass es das letzte Mal sei, dass 1—UNO—MANDAT für ausländische Truppen in dem Golfstaat ersucht werde.
20071219             —GERECHNET, Es wird damit, dass auch —NACH—DEM Auslaufen des Auftrags Ende 20080000             USA—SOLDATEN im IRAK stationiert bleiben.
20071219             Die Führung in Bagdad will deren Präsenz aber in bilateralen Abkommen mit der Regierung in WASHINGTON regeln.
20071219             Das Unternehmen wollte nach seiner Pleite mehrere Kreditinstitute in einer Sammelklage zur Zahlung von Schadenersatz zwingen.
20071219             Den Banken wird vorgeworfen, Enron bei der Verschleierung seiner tatsächlichen Lage geholfen und damit Investoren in die Irre geführt zu haben.
20071219             IFO—INDEX: Geschäftsklima kühlt sich überraschend deutlich ab
20071219             MILLIONEN—ZAHLUNG: DEUTSCHE—BANK einigt sich mit ENRON—GLÄUBIGERN
20071219             USA—SENAT: Bush setzt höhere Kriegsausgaben durch
20071219—19450000    —IN, Monzer AL—KASSAR was born in Nabek, Syria.
20071219—19700000    —IN, "—BEFORE all else, you must be efficient," said USA—POLICE—ADVISOR—DAN—MITRIONE, assassinated by URUGUAY—REVOLUTIONARY—TUPAMAROS for training security forces in the finer POINTS—OF—TORTURE.
20071219—19870000    —IN, investigations into THE—IRAN—CONTRA scandal found that AL—KASSAR had been paid 1.5—MILLION—POUNDS by someone in THE—USA—GOVERNMENT to sell arms to NICARAGUA—CONTRAS.
20071219—19900000    —IN—THE—EARLY, Web Note: S 1—EUROPEAN genetic engineering company was preparing to field test and then commercialize on 1—MAJOR—SCALE a
20071219—20011200    —IM, Der Energiehandelskonzern Enron hatte Gläubigerschutz beantragt.
20071219—20020308    —ON, 1—COURT—IN—MARBELLA, Spainissued an $8.5—MILLION asset freeze order against the group afteran application by SYRIAN—BORN INTERNATIONAL arms dealer Monzeral Kassar over 1 failed business deal.
20071219—20070000    —YEAR, TIME—PERSON—OF—THE : VLADIMIR—PUTIN;
20071219—20070111    —ON, her burned remains were found in THE—BACKYARD—OF—LAUREAN—HOME as 1—NATIONWIDE search for Laurean continued.
20071219—20071220    EX—MORMON Cartoonist Says Romney Not Telling Truth 12/20
20071219—20100000    —IN, 1—JURY found Laurean guilty of 1. degree murder and sentenced him to life in prison.
20071219—20100000    —IN, CHINA Investment Corp., which also owns 1—STAKE in PRIVATE—EQUITY—FIRM—BLACKSTONE Group LP, will control no more than 9.9—PERCENT—OF—MORGAN—STANLEY once its investment converts to common shares.
20080212—20081219    —SENTENCED, McInerney was, to —21—YEARS in prison.
20081207—20081219    —AM, Damit können wir das Gesetz im Bundesrat beschließen und der BUNDESTAG kann am selben —TAG dasselbe tun.
20081219             According to Justice DEPARTMENT—AND—FAA records, "ATTORNEY—GENERAL—MICHAEL—MUKASEY has taken personal trips on government jets almost EVERY—WEEKEND—SINCE he took office less than —1—YEAR—AGO at 1—COST to taxpayers of more than $155,800 ".
20081219             Mukasey was out of WASHINGTON on personal trips "for almost half or more of ;;02;;, May, ;;07;; and ;;09;;" and
20081219             Controversy Over New 'Conscience' Rule
20081219             An 11.—HOUR ruling from THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION gives health care workers,
20081219             hospitals, and insurers more leeway to refuse health services for moral or religious reasons.
20081219             —VERERBT, Bush, Obama das Autodesaster
20081219             —VERERBT, MILLIARDEN—NOTKREDITE: BUSH, Obama das Autodesaster (Wirtschaft)
20081219             —BETEUERT, Skandal um Obamas Senatsposten: GOUVERNEUR "Blago", Unschuld
20081219             GRIECHENLAND: Jugendliche attackieren FRANZÖSISCHES—KULTURINSTITUT
20081219             Neues BKA—GESETZ: Opposition spricht von "schwarzem —TAG für die Grundrechte"
20081219             Unis in FINANZ—KRISE: Yale büßt 5—MILLIARDEN Dollar ein
20081219             —VERLÄNGERT, Kampf gegen Spekulation: BaFin, Verbot von Leerverkäufen
20081219             STROMSTOß—EXPERIMENT: So leicht werden Menschen zu Folterknechten
20081219             Bush will Autokonzerne mit Notkrediten retten
20081219             GENERAL—MOTORS, Chrysler, Ford: BUSH will Autokonzerne mit Notkrediten retten (Wirtschaft)
20081219             EU—MISSION vor SOMALIA: BUNDESTAG beschließt MARINE—EINSATZ gegen Piraten
20081219             BUSH—SCHUHE Massenbestellung: TÜRKISCHE—FABRIK freut sich über Auftragsboom für "BUSH—SCHUHE" (Politik)
20081219             EX—AUßEN—MINISTER—FISCHER: "DEUTSCHLAND versagt als Führungsmacht"
20081219             —BEKOMMT, DUBAI—FILMFESTIVAL: Schuhwerfer von Bagdad, Drehbuchpreis
20081219             —VERABSCHIEDET, Innere Sicherheit: Bundesrat, BKA—GESETZ
20081219             Client disclosure could breach confidentiality agreements between public affairs firms and their clients.
20081219             Lord Bell, whose firm Bell Pottinger Pubic Affairs... - THE—PR—INDUSTRY : PR and Government
20081219             —HIRED, Bell Pottinger Public Affairs was, to lobby both central government and opposition groups including trade unions[63].
20081219             That equation hides 1—DEEPER—TRUTH.
20081219             Als Quelle der meisten Malware und des meisten Spams.
20081219             —GENANNT, Bush s Karriereplan: ein Institut für Staatschefs, "Freedom Institute".
20081219             Wie frei kann das —SCHON sein mit BUSH an der Fuchtel?
20081219             —GEHÖRT, Wartet, ihr habt ja noch nicht, wer da die Dozenten sein sollen!
20081219             "PRÄSIDENT—BUSH will Leuten wie Saakaschwili die Möglichkeit geben, andere Spitzenpolitiker auszubilden",
20081219             sagte die SPRECHERIN—DES—WEIßEN—HAUSES.
20081219             Ihr zufolge sollen auch der BRITISCHE—EX—PREMIER TONY—BLAIR und Spaniens EX—PRÄSIDENT—JOSÉ—AZNAR als Dozenten eingeladen werden.
20081219             RUN FOR THE—HILLS!!!
20081219             DIE—USA—BANKEN wollten ihre Anteile an CHINESISCHEN—BANKEN verkaufen, um ihre Kapitalbasis zu verstärken,
20081219             aber die CHINESISCHE—REGIERUNG hat sie nicht gelassen.
20081219             Die BANK—OF—AMERICA HATTE ca 3—MILLIARDEN Dollar reinholen wollen durch den Verkauf ihrer Anteile 15% unter Wert,
20081219             und hatten auch Käufer, aber die Chinesen haben 1—MEETING mit dem BOA—CHEF gemacht,
20081219             mit "Konsequenzen" gedroht, und daraufhin hat BoA das abgeblasen.
20081219             Wow.
20081219             "Nach diesem Fall wird auch anderen ausländischen Investoren klar, dass sie es nicht selbst sind,
20081219             die den Zeitpunkt ihres Ausstiegs BESTIMMEN—SONDERN Chinas Regierung", sagte 1—INSIDER.
20081219             Größter DEUTSCHER—INVESTOR ist die Allianz.
20081219             Philips SEMICONDUCTORS—HAMBURG...
20081219             Beim SCHNEEBALL—PRINZIP werden die versprochenen hohen Renditen mit dem Geld immer neuer Investoren bezahlt
20081219             ALLE—KONTROLLMECHANISMEN haben offenbar versagt.
20081219             Verantwortlich für den Vertrieb der Fonds an institutionelle Anleger sei die Wiener Privatbank Medici gewesen.
20081219             Deren Vorstand PETER—SCHEITHAUER bestätigte der Zeitung:
20081219             "Der GROßTEIL—DER—GELDER wurde bei Madoff veranlagt".
20081219             Die bislang betroffenen Gesellschaften, FRANKFURT—TRUST, AMPEGA—GERLING,
20081219             Carat, Alceda und UNIVERSAL—INVESTMENT,
20081219             mussten der Zeitung zufolge den Wert der beiden Fonds in ihren Portfolios auf einen Wert von 10—CENT abschreiben.
20081219             Die europäische Aufsicht hat offenbar versagt.
20081219             Die gemeinschaftliche Brutpflege vieler heutiger Vogelarten ist demnach später entstanden.
20081219             Weibchen, die sich selbst nicht ausschließlich um das Nest kümmern,
20081219             können ihre Eier mit mehr Ressourcen versorgen, erklärt Varricchio.
20081219             —VERORTET, Der Mensch, sich zwar selbst gern über dem Tierreich statt mittendrin.
20081219             Doch manchmal ist die Tatsache, dass Homo sapiens eben auch nur 1—SÄUGETIER ist,
20081219             allzu offensichtlich. Nehmen wir die Brutpflege:
20081219             Bei mehr als 90 % —DER—HEUTE lebenden Vogelarten sind die Männchen an der Brutpflege zumindest beteiligt.
20081219             Bei Säugetieren sind es dagegen weniger als 5 %.
20081219             Bei Laufvögeln wie dem Emu oder dem Strauß wiederum sind gar ausschließlich die Männchen für das Ausbrüten und die Aufzucht des Nachwuchses verantwortlich.
20081219             Da stellt sich die Frage: Woher haben die Vögel das?
20081219             Kalter Krieg: Wunderwaffe Jazz
20081219             1—ANTWORT mag uns das Forschungsprojekt der Berliner Freien UNIVERSITÄT geben, wenn es —ANFANG
20081219             Die meisten der Referate und Diskussionen kamen zu dem Fazit:
20081219             Obwohl die Jazzszene nicht Teil einer gezielten politischen Opposition war,
20081219             galt sie als Sammelbecken von jungen Menschen,
20081219             die sich dem staatlich regulierten Kulturleben — mit Aufbauhymnen,
20081219             STALIN—LIEDERN und lahmer Tanzmusik — entziehen wollten.
20081219             Statt in der großen SOVIET—UNION suchten sie sich Vorbilder in den USA.
20081219             Sie kleideten sich westlich (Kreppschuhe,
20081219             Ringelsocken), ließen sich westliche Frisuren scheren (Bürstenhaarschnitt),
20081219             waren stolz darauf, als "Stiljagi" (in der UdSSR) oder "Halbstarke" (in der DDR) aufzufallen.
20081219             Freilich richtete sich dieses Aufbegehren oft gleichermaßen gegen die Eltern wie die staatlichen Autoritäten,
20081219             die stets versuchten, diese Subkultur zu unterdrücken:
20081219             keine Jazzclubs außerhalb der staatlichen Jugendorganisation,
20081219             nur angemeldete Konzerte, keine Publikationen.
20081219             Beispiele für den Zickzackkurs: In der UdSSR wurden einmal ALLE—ARMEE—EINHEITEN aufgefordert,
20081219             Jazzbands zu bilden (die Anweisung wurde nie umgesetzt); dann wurden Saxofone
20081219             ELEKTRO—KONZERNE: Panasonic will Sanyo für 3—MILLIARDEN Euro schlucken
20081219             Jazz hinter dem Eisernen Vorhang: Effektiver als B-52-Bomber
20081219             Vermehrung: —SCHON DINO—MÄNNER pflegten die Brut
20081219             WIRTSCHAFTS—KRISE: Konjunkturpaket soll Schulen,
20081219             Straßen und INTERNET—INFRASTRUKTUR modernisieren
20081219             "Deep Throat": Informant im WATERGATE—SKANDAL stirbt an Herzversagen
20081219             Milliardenbetrug: MADOFF—SKANDAL erreicht DEUTSCHE—ANLEGER
20081219             Castro propõe libertação de dissidentes em troca dos cinco agentes presos nos EUA
20081219             How to make cheap wine taste like 1—FINE—VINTAGE
20081219             Traditionalists, of course, would insist that nothing can replace genuine quality plus long,
20081219             slow ageing in 1—OAK barrel and YEARS—OF—STORAGE in cool, cobwebby cellars.
20081219             But could there be 1—SHORT cut?
20081219             PERU—RUINS reveal THE—SECRETS—OF—SEX—ACTS and ritualistic human sacrifices Archaelogists in PERU have discovered the ruins of 1—ANCIENT—CITY that they hope might finally answer SOME—QUESTIONS about the fate of the Moche culture,
20081219             best known for the ceremonial sex acts and ritualistic human sacrifices depicted on its pottery.
20081219             DEUTSCHLAND genießt unter Geldgebern die höchste Kreditwürdigkeit.
20081219             Gates soll auch unter Obama VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER bleiben.
20081219             Pentagonchef ROBERT—GATES hat sein Ressort beauftragt,
20081219             Pläne für die Schließung des Camps auf KUBA auszuarbeiten.
20081219             Das teilte sein Sprecher GEOFF—MORRELL —AM—DONNERSTAG in WASHINGTON mit.
20081219             Citing danger to the national economy, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION approved 1—EMERGENCY—BAILOUT—OF—THE—USA—AUTO industry, offering $17.4—BILLION in rescue loans in exchange for deep concessions from the desperately troubled carmakers and their workers.
20081219             —ARRESTED, IRS agents, Ausaf UMAR—SIDDIQUI, —42—JAHRE—ALT, VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—FRYE—ELECTRONICS in S—JOSE, CALIFORNIA, for gambling with millions in stolen money.
20081219             7—OTHER felony counts were dropped in exchange.
20081219             —ORDERED, CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR—SCHWARZENEGGER, layoffs and mandatory unpaid time off for state workers.
20081219             —TOPPED, FLORIDA—PRISON—POPULATION, 100,000, making it the 3. state to break into 6—DIGITS —AFTER CALIFORNIA and TEXAS.
20081219             † IN—ATLANTA, GEORGIA, 1—WORKER and at least 18—OTHERS were injured —WHEN 1—WALKWAY being built collapsed at THE—ATLANTA—BOTANICAL—GARDEN.
20081219             3—DENMARK—SOLDIERS and 1—FROM THE—NETHERLANDS were killed in separate incidents in AFGHANISTAN, losing their lives —JUST as THE—COMMITMENT—OF—SOME—COUNTRIES to the fight in AFGHANISTAN begins to wane.
20081219             —FIRED, BAHRAIN—SECURITY—TROOPS, tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS demanding Arab governments take action to end the closure of THE—GAZA—STRIP.
20081219             —FAILED, The lower CHAMBER—OF—CZECH—REPUBLIC—PARLIAMENT, to extend 1—MANDATE for THE—DEPLOYMENT—OF—THE—COUNTRY—TROOPS in AFGHANISTAN, IRAQ and other foreign missions for —NEXT—YEAR, meaning the soldiers will leave soon.
20081219             EGYPT—COMMUNICATIONS—MINISTRY says INTERNET cables in the Mediterranean Sea have been cut, causing massive INTERNET outages.
20081219             —UNVEILED, FRANCE—FINANCE—MINISTRY, 1—PACKAGE—OF—FINANCIAL—AID from THE—EU and others totaling $10.7—BILLION to help LATVIA.
20081219             —ATTACKED, Masked youths, THE—FRANCE—INSTITUTE in ATHENS with firebombs —FRIDAY, —WHILE GREECE—UNION—MEMBERS and university professors geared up for new ANTI—GOVERNMENT—RALLIES outside PARLIAMENT.
20081219             —KILLED, MEXICO, 3—GUNMEN were, —FOLLOWING 1—SHOOTOUT with army troops in THE—SOUTH—STATE—OF—GUERRERO.
20081219             NORTH—MEXICO, 1—SMALL—PLANE carrying government officials and television reporters crashed in NORTH—MEXICO and all 5—PEOPLE on BOARD are in serious condition.
20081219             The plane was carrying state water commission CHIEF—RAFAEL—REYES, his assistant and 2—TV—AZTECA reporters.
20081219             —HOSPITALIZED, They were, along with the pilot.
20081219             —ATTACKED, NIGERIA—NIGER—DELTA, gunmen in speedboats, 3—OIL—SERVICES ships and kidnapped at least 2—RUSSIANS in separate incidents.
20081219             —LAUNCHED, Militants in PAKISTAN, rockets at 2—TRUCKS returning from delivering fuel to USA—LED forces in AFGHANISTAN, killing 3—PEOPLE along 1—CRITICAL and increasingly dangerous supply route.
20081219             † 3—PEOPLE, in RAWALPINDI —WHEN 1—BUILDING collapsed —AFTER it was ravaged by 1—FIRE for several hours.
20081219             —ARRESTED, FEDERAL—AGENTS in PUERTO—RICO, 3—ISLAND—POLICE—OFFICERS accused of providing security for drug traffickers.
20081219             —DESIGNED, RUSSIA—PRIME—MINISTER—VLADIMIR—PUTIN said that new tariffs were, to prop up demand for RUSSIAN—MADE cars and secure jobs in the ailing RUSSIA—AUTO industry.
20081219             The tariff hike would send prices for used FOREIGN—MADE cars up 50—PERCENT, —WHILE prices for new FOREIGN—MADE cars could jump up to 15—PERCENT.
20081219             —COMPLETED, SOUTH—KOREA —FRIDAY, its troop pullout from IRAQ, ending a —4—YEAR—MISSION to help reconstruct THE—WAR—TORN nation.
20081219             —BOMBED, SRI—LANKA—FIGHTER—JETS and attack helicopters, rebel bunkers and 1—FLOTILLA—OF—BOATS in the northern war zone —FRIDAY as government troops breached another section of the Tamil Tigers defense fortifications.
20081219             —STAGED, S—KITTS and Nevis, its 1. hanging in —1—DECADE.
20081219             —DECLARED, PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE, that "ZIMBABWE is mine" and vowed never to surrender to calls to step down, as his political rival threatened to quit stalled unity government talks.
20081219             —RELEASED, Mediators said YEMEN—KIDNAPPERS have, their 3—GERMANY—HOSTAGES—AFTER THE—YEMEN—GOVERNMENT agreed to meet SOME—OF—THEIR—CONDITIONS, including paying 1—RANSOM and releasing SOME—TRIBESMEN from prison.
20081219             Mukasey was out of WASHINGTON on personal trips "for almost half or more of February, May, July and —SEPTEMBER" and
20081219             An 11.-hour ruling from THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION gives health care workers, hospitals, and insurers more leeway to refuse health services for moral or religious reasons.
20081219             Rettungsschirm: Commerzbank zahlt STAAT 9 % Zinsen
20081219             MILLIARDEN—STAATSHILFE: Obama drängt GENERAL—MOTORS und Chrysler zu RADIKAL—REFORM
20081219             WALL—STREET: Ermittler decken millionenschweren Insiderhandel auf
20081219             BUSH—SCHUHE—KREDITKLEMME: VW—BANK braucht mehr als 10—MILLIARDEN Euro Staatsgarantien
20081219             Public Affairs industry's Clause 4—MOMENT : Behind the Spin
20081219             Lord Bell, whose firm Bell Pottinger Pubic Affairs.
20081219             THE—PR—INDUSTRY : PR and Government Bell Pottinger Public Affairs was hired to lobby both central government and opposition groups including trade unions[63].
20081219             —LATER, the Agency used its friends and assets to protect Felt.
20081219             —LATER still, Woodward made sure that the simplistic equation MARK—FELT = Deep Throat stuck in the public mind.
20081219             Auch die Iren, die letzte Bastion der Demokratie in EUROPA, wundern sich über unser BKA—GESETZ.
20081219             DIE—USA haben CHINA wieder überholt!
20081219             DIE—USA—BANKEN wollten ihre Anteile an CHINESISCHEN—BANKEN verkaufen, um ihre Kapitalbasis zu verstärken, aber die CHINESISCHE—REGIERUNG hat sie nicht gelassen.
20081219             LU—PEN—REI—NE Marktwirtschaftler, da in CHINA!
20081219             Die BANK—OF—AMERICA HATTE ca 3—MILLIARDEN Dollar reinholen wollen durch den Verkauf ihrer Anteile 15% unter Wert, und hatten auch Käufer, aber die Chinesen haben 1—MEETING mit dem BOA—CHEF gemacht, mit "Konsequenzen" gedroht, und daraufhin hat BoA das abgeblasen.
20081219             "Nach diesem Fall wird auch anderen ausländischen Investoren klar, dass sie es nicht selbst sind, die den Zeitpunkt ihres Ausstiegs BESTIMMEN—SONDERN Chinas Regierung", sagte 1—INSIDER.
20081219             TTC—THURN und Taxis CONSULTING—REFERENZEN Rockwell Collins DEUTSCHLAND GmbH, HEIDELBERG;
20081219             Philips SEMICONDUCTORS—HAMBURG... 20081219             20081219             ALLE—KONTROLLMECHANISMEN haben offenbar versagt.
20081219             Deren Vorstand PETER—SCHEITHAUER bestätigte der Zeitung: "Der GROßTEIL—DER—GELDER wurde bei Madoff veranlagt".
20081219             Die bislang betroffenen Gesellschaften, FRANKFURT—TRUST, AMPEGA—GERLING, Carat, Alceda und UNIVERSAL—INVESTMENT, mussten der Zeitung zufolge den Wert der beiden Fonds in ihren Portfolios auf einen Wert von 10—CENT abschreiben.
20081219             Weibchen, die sich selbst nicht ausschließlich um das Nest kümmern, können ihre Eier mit mehr Ressourcen versorgen, erklärt Varricchio.
20081219             Doch manchmal ist die Tatsache, dass Homo sapiens eben auch nur 1—SÄUGETIER ist, allzu offensichtlich.
20081219             Nehmen wir die Brutpflege: Bei mehr als 90 % —DER—HEUTE lebenden Vogelarten sind die Männchen an der Brutpflege zumindest beteiligt.
20081219             Obwohl die Jazzszene nicht Teil einer gezielten politischen Opposition war, galt sie als Sammelbecken von jungen Menschen, die sich dem staatlich regulierten Kulturleben — mit Aufbauhymnen, STALIN—LIEDERN und lahmer Tanzmusik — entziehen wollten.
20081219             Sie kleideten sich westlich (Kreppschuhe, Ringelsocken), ließen sich westliche Frisuren scheren (Bürstenhaarschnitt), waren stolz darauf, als "Stiljagi" (in der UdSSR) oder "Halbstarke" (in der DDR) aufzufallen.
20081219             Freilich richtete sich dieses Aufbegehren oft gleichermaßen gegen die Eltern wie die staatlichen Autoritäten, die stets versuchten, diese Subkultur zu unterdrücken:
20081219             keine Jazzclubs außerhalb der staatlichen Jugendorganisation, nur angemeldete Konzerte, keine Publikationen.
20081219             — schließlich war der Jazz gleichermaßen die Musik des verhassten kapitalistischen AMERIKA wie auch dessen unterdrückter schwarzer Unterschicht.
20081219             Beispiele für den Zickzackkurs: In der UdSSR wurden einmal ALLE—ARMEE—EINHEITEN aufgefordert, Jazzbands zu bilden (die Anweisung wurde nie umgesetzt);
20081219             dann wurden Saxofone
20081219             Koalitionsplan: —BIS zu —10—JAHRE Haft für Aufenthalt in Terrorcamp
20081219             Korruptionsskandal bei Siemens: Cromme prangert FRÜHERE—SIEMENS—CHEFS an
20081219             Pläne der Bundesregierung: Neues Konjunkturpaket soll 40—MILLIARDEN Euro umfassen
20081219             WIRTSCHAFTS—KRISE: Konjunkturpaket soll Schulen, Straßen und INTERNET—INFRASTRUKTUR modernisieren
20081219             Traditionalists, of course, would insist that nothing can replace genuine quality plus long, slow ageing in 1—OAK barrel and YEARS—OF—STORAGE in cool, cobwebby cellars.
20081219             PERU—RUINS reveal THE—SECRETS—OF—SEX—ACTS and ritualistic human sacrifices
20081219             —DISCOVERED, Archaelogists in PERU have, the ruins of 1—ANCIENT—CITY that they hope might finally answer SOME—QUESTIONS about the fate of the Moche culture,
20081219             1—FRÜHERER—INSASSE hat die Häftlingsanstalt als "schlimmsten Ort auf Erden" beschrieben.
20081219             Pentagonchef ROBERT—GATES hat sein Ressort beauftragt, Pläne für die Schließung des Camps auf KUBA auszuarbeiten.
20081219             Lieferstopp: RUSSLAND will UKRAINE erneut den Gashahn zudrehen
2008121920081219     a —MONTH—BEFORE PRESIDENT—BUSH leaves office.
20081219—20050000    —SINCE, he had collected over $65—MILLION in kickbacks from 5—VENDORS.
20081219—20060000    —CONDEMNED, CHARLES—ELROY—LAPLACE, for killing his wife in 1—KNIFE—ATTACK, was hanged as 1—SMALL—CROWD held 1—VIGIL outside the brick prison walls in BASSETERRE.
20081219—20080215    —ESCAPED, The pair, on foot from 1—MILITANT—CAMP and
20081219—20080219    —ON, were found by naval personnel on patrol.
20081219—20100000    eine "theoretisch und empirisch abgesicherte These zur gesellschaftlichen Wirkung des Jazz im Staatssozialismus" vorlegt.
20081219—20110000    —PLEADED, Siddiqui, guilty to wire fraud and money laundering.
20090304—20051219    Sodexho, INCORPORATED joins the Conference of Mayors in bringing national attention to the factors that impact hunger...
20090817             19/12/ 20062000             5—TALLINN, 20091219             (RIA Novosti).
20091219             —AGREED, SENATOR—BEN—NELSON—OF—NEBRASKA, to provide the 60. and deciding vote for sweeping health care legislation in the Senate, capping —1—YEAR—OF—STRUGGLE and 1—FINAL—BURST—OF—DEADLINE bargaining on PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA—TOP—DOMESTIC—PRIORITY.
20091219             —UNVEILED, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI, his CHOICE—OF—CABINET, reflecting 1 need to please all his backers from warlords to WASHINGTON and commit to clean government.
20091219             Out of THE—23—NOMINATIONS, only 1—WOMAN was put forward, to HEAD—THE—MINISTRY for WOMEN—AFFAIRS.
20091219             4—PASSENGER—TRAINS broke down in the Channel Tunnel between BRITAIN and FRANCE, stranding more than 2,000 passengers —FOR—HOURS, MANY—WITHOUT heating, light or water.
20091219             —ARRIVED, Fatigued passengers, in LONDON —10—HOURS—LATE—AFTER 1—LONG—NIGHT trapped on trains.
20091219             The problem began because of the abrupt temperature change —WHEN trains traveled through extremely cold air in FRANCE and then entered the warm tunnel.
20091219             CAMBODIA sent back to CHINA 20—UIGHUR Muslims who had fled CHINA —AFTER deadly ethnic rioting and sought asylum in CAMBODIA, even though rights groups feared they faced persecution and possibly execution there.
20091219             2—OTHER—UIGHURS who had been with the group were missing.
20091219             —ESCAPED, It narrowly, collapse by agreeing to recognize 1—POLITICAL—ACCORD brokered by PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA with CHINA and other emerging powers.
20091219             1—PLAN to protect the world's biologically rich tropical forests was shelved —AFTER world leaders failed to agree on 1—BINDING deal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
20091219             1—SMALL—GROUP—OF—NATIONS blocked THE—COPENHAGEN—ACCORD, because it lacks specific targets for reducing carbon emissions.
20091219             —GAVELED, —AFTER 1—BREAK, the conference PRESIDENT, the decision to "take note" of the agreement instead of formally approving it.
20091219             Experts said that clears the way for the accord to become operational in practice even though it has not been formally approved by the conference.
20091219             Several developing countries, including BOLIVIA, CUBA, SUDAN and VENEZUELA, bitterly protested the deal and said it is unacceptable because it lacks specific targets for reducing carbon emissions.
20091219             —OPENED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, its borders unrestricted to more than 10—MILLION—SERBS, Montenegrins and Macedonians —AFTER nearly —20—YEARS, 1—MAJOR—BOOST for the troubled region's hopes for closer ties with the 27-nation bloc.
20091219             —KILLED, GEORGIA—,1—WOMAN and her —8—YEAR—OLD—DAUGHTER were, —WHEN 1—WORLD—WAR—II memorial was intentionally blown up in KUTAISI.
20091219             The 46-meter (150-foot) concrete and bronze war memorial stood on the proposed site for 1—NEW—PARLIAMENT building.
20091219             —PELTED, HUNDREDS—OF—SUPPORTERS—OF 1—SLAIN—PAPUAN rebel leader Kelly Kwalik, INDONESIA—POLICE with stones as tensions flared AHEAD—OF—THE—COMMANDER—FUNERAL.
20091219             —ACKNOWLEDGED, IRAN—HARD—LINE judiciary, for the 1. time that at least 3—PRISONERS detained —AFTER June's disputed presidential election were beaten to death by their jailers.
20091219             The judiciary said 12—OFFICIALS at Kahrizak prison were charged, 3—OF—THEM with murder.
20091219             1—IRAQ—OFFICIAL said 1—MASS—GRAVE discovered in NORTH—EAST—IRAQ contains DOZENS—OF—BODIES, MOSTLY—OF—WOMEN and children, believed killed —DURING 1—CRACKDOWN against Kurds by former dictator SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
20091219             The grave was originally found nearly —2—YEARS—AGO WEST—OF—KIRKUK, though its discovery was only made public —THIS—WEEK—AFTER forensic pathologists began examining it.
20091219             —MASSED, IRAQ—TROOPS, near 1—OIL well on the border in 1—STANDOFF with IRAN—FORCES that seized CONTROL—OF—THE—SITE in 1—SUDDEN flare UP—OF—TENSION between THE—2—UNEASY—NEIGHBORS.
20091219             —BLAMED, LEBANON—PRIME—MINISTER—SAAD—HARIRI, who has, neighboring Syria for THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—HIS—FATHER, visited DAMASCUS for the 1. time —SINCE 20050000             —THE killing, 1—TRIP that 1—CLOSE—ASSOCIATE said was extremely difficult for him to make.
20091219             EAST—MAURITANIA, 1—ITALIAN, SERGIO—CICALA and his wife, Philopene Kabore, were missing and their car was found abandoned, near the border with MALI.
20091219             —EXPELLED, Tagle was, from THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC flown to MEXICO, where he was taken into custody on kidnapping charges.
20091219             —FRUSTRATED, WALLACE—MOTHER, MARIA—ISABEL—MIRANDA, with investigators' LACK—OF—PROGRESS in her son's case, had launched her own probe and 1—PUBLIC—CAMPAIGN to press for justice.
20091219             —CARRIED, NIGERIA—MILITANTS said they had, out their 1. attack on 1—OIL—PIPELINE—SINCE 1—AMNESTY—OFFER because THE—ABSENCE—OF—PRESIDENT—YAR'ADUA was delaying peace talks.
20091219             1—TRUCK carrying bags of cement crushed and killed at least 55—PEOPLE—WHEN the driver lost control and ran into 1—CROWD on 1—ROAD in Dekina, in CENTRAL—KOGI state.
20091219             A 6.4-magnitude quake was centered off THE—EAST—COAST—OF—TAIWAN.
20091219             14—PEOPLE were injured and with minor damage in TAIPEI as well as near the epicenter.
20091219             † HOSSEIN—ALI—MONTAZERI, IRANISCHER—GROSS—AJATOLLAH und Regimekritiker
20091219—20000000    —CONFIRMED, THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY, that the practice took place and said it had stopped.
20091219—20091220    ISRAEL, parts of a 20000000             interview were broadcast on Channel 2—TV over the weekend describing how forensic pathologists in the 1990s harvested organs from dead bodies, including Palestinians, without permission of their families.
20091219—20091221    —ON, police arrested Abderrahmane Ould Imidou, 1—MAN presumed to have kidnapped THE—2—ITALIANS.
20091223—20091219    —ON, Nestle, THE—SWISS—BASED food giant, said ZIMBABWE—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS and police had made an "unannounced visit" to the plant, forcing staff to take delivery of 1—TANKER—OF—MILK from NON—CONTRACTED suppliers.
20101213—20101219    —DEMANDED, AFGHANISTAN—LAWMAKERS, that PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI inaugurate 1—NEW—PARLIAMENT and draw 1—LINE under disputed results of 1—FRAUD—HIT—SEPTEMBER election.
20101217—20101219    —ON, Her body was found bound and with multiple stab wounds near 1—ROAD outside JERUSALEM.
20101219             NORTH—AFGHANISTAN, troops shot dead rebels at 1—ARMY—RECRUITMENT—CENTER in Kunduz to end —1—DAY—LONG—SIEGE —FOLLOWING 2—ATTACKS by militants that killed at least 13—SECURITY—PERSONNEL.
20101219             † 1—CIVILIAN was killed and 4—CHILDREN were wounded —WHEN their vehicle was struck by 1—ROADSIDE bomb in Panjwayi district, in KANDAHAR province.
20101219             BELARUS held elections.
20101219             —EXPRESSED, AUTHORITY—LEADER—ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO, confidence that he would win a 4. term.
20101219             —REPORTED, Opposition leaders and rights activists, that more than 30—PEOPLE campaigning against THE—PRESIDENT had been detained.
20101219             —DECLARED, The country's election commission, that Lukashenko got almost 80—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE in 1—PRELIMINARY—COUNT, handing him a 4. term in office.
20101219             1—DUBAI COURT—SENTENCED—MARK—ARNOLD, —42—JAHRE—ALT, 1—BRITON, charged with killing Kelly —WINTER, his SOUTH—AFRICA—EX—LOVER, to life in prison.
20101219             —CHARGED, Prosecutors, him with clubbing her to death with 1—BASEBALL bat and dumping her body with weights in the sea.
20101219             Her body was never found.
20101219             Life in prison equals —25—YEARS in THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES.
20101219             EUROPE saw little respite from THE—ARCTIC—CONDITIONS that have closed airports and disrupted travel on the weekend —BEFORE Christmas.
20101219             —DECLARED, THE—GUATEMALA—MILITARY, 1—STATE—OF—SIEGE in 1—NORTHERN—PROVINCE that authorities say has been overtaken by MEXICO—DRUG—TRAFFICKERS.
20101219             —LEVIED, IRAN, up to a 5—FOLD hike in fuel prices as the government started scrapping subsidies as PART—OF—1—LONG—AWAITED economic overhaul, despite initial resistance by conservatives.
20101219             —STOPPED, THOUSANDS—OF—TRUCK—DRIVERS nationwide, working because they were not allowed to increase their prices.
20101219             —DECIDED, ISRAEL—CABINET, to limit stipends paid to FULL—TIME—ULTRA—ORTHODOX—JEWISH seminary students —AFTER the payments sparked widespread protests among university students.
20101219             IVORY—COAST—STATE—TELEVISION left no doubt who's in CONTROL—OF—THE—MEDIA: Laurent Gbagbo was shown taking THE—OATH—OF—OFFICE with no mention that THE—UNITED—NATIONS says he lost the presidential election and should step down.
20101219             —WARNED, THE—UN, against attacks on its personnel in IVORY—COAST and said it would stay.
20101219             MEXICO, 1—MASSIVE—OIL—PIPELINE—EXPLOSION lay waste to parts of in S—MARTIN—TEXMELUCAN, incinerating people, cars, houses and trees as gushing crude turned streets into flaming rivers.
20101219             —KILLED, At least 29—PEOPLE were, 14—OF—THEM children.
20101219             —BLAMED, Authorities, oil thieves —AFTER investigators found 1—HOLE in the pipeline and equipment for extracting crude.
20101219             —HOSTED, PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS, DOZENS—OF—ISRAEL—LEGISLATORS and activists, and urged them to relay 1—SIMPLE—MESSAGE to THE—ISRAEL—PUBLIC — he is serious about negotiating 1—PEACE—DEAL and that the Palestinians will never again resort to violence.
20101219             THE—NORTH—PHILIPPINES, 1—FIRE rapidly swept through a 5-storey budget hotel in Tuguegarao burning to death 15—PEOPLE, several crammed in bathrooms where they fled in panic.
20101219             9—OF—THE—VICTIMS were nursing students in town to take 1—LICENSING exam.
20101219             † THE—DEATH—TOLL—ROSE—TO—16—AFTER—1—PERSON, in 1—HOSPITAL
20101219             —ANNOUNCED, SOMALIA, 1—MERGER was, between AL—SHABAB and Hizbul Islam.
20101219             Analysts and fighters said the weak, UN—BACKED government could face 1—INCREASE in attacks from Islamist insurgents —AFTER THE—2—LARGEST—GROUPS dropped their running feud and merged.
20101219             SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR said the country would adopt 1—ISLAMIC—CONSTITUTION if THE—SOUTH—SPLIT away in 1—REFERENDUM due —NEXT—MONTH, in 1—SPEECH in which he also defended police filmed flogging 1—WOMAN.
20101219             THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL held 1—EMERGENCY meeting on rising tensions on the Korean Peninsula.
20101219—20080800    —DISAPPEARED, —WINTER (36), —FOLLOWING 1—QUARREL with Arnold.
20101219—20100110    —ON, 1—POLICE—OFFICER † of his injuries bringing the death toll to 30.
20101222—20101219    —IN—THE, 1—TALIBAN leader involved bus bombing in KABUL and 2—OTHER—INSURGENTS in 1—AIRSTRIKE in Ghazni province in THE—CENTER—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20110109             AFGHANISTAN—NORTHERN, PROVINCE—OF—KUNDUZ, NATO—FORCES, in tandem with their AFGHANISTAN—COUNTERPARTS, arrested 5—PEOPLE in connection with a 20111219             attack that killed at least 8—AFGHANISTAN—SECURITY—SOLDIERS and police in the area.
20110118—20111219    —ON, 1—MONTHLONG STATE—OF—SIEGE that began in Alta Verapaz province has been successful but that he'll extend it 1—EXTRA—MONTH.
20111021—20111219    —SENTENCED, Haggerty was, to 1.3 to —4—YEARS in prison.
20111219             The class action against Grunenthal is open to Australians born between 19580101             , and 19701231             , who were injured —AFTER their mothers took thalidomide —WHILE pregnant.
20111219             —INTENDED, Berenson said she fully, to return to PERU by THE—COURT—ORDERED deadline of 20110111             .
20111219             —CAUSED, Fierce winds and snow that, fatal road accidents and shuttered highways in COLORADO, KANSAS, NEW—MEXICO, TEXAS and UTAH.
20111219             —BLAMED, The storm was, for at least 6—DEATHS.
20111219             NEW—YORK—CITY—MAYOR MICHAEL—R—BLOOMBERG said Cornell University has chosen by NEW—YORK City to build 1—TECHNOLOGY—CAMPUS on ROOSEVELT ISLAND with 1—GRANT—OF—CITY—OWNED land and $100—MILLION.
20111219             —DONATED, CHARLES—FEENEY—OF—THE—DUTY—FREE Shopping Group, $350—MILLION.
20111219             In, WEBSTER—PENNSYLVANIA, police shot and killed ELI—FRANKLIN—MYERS, —58—JAHRE—ALT—DURING 1—STANDOFF hours —AFTER he killed EAST—WASHINGTON officer JOHN—DAVID—DRYER —DURING 1—TRAFFIC stop.
20111219             MEMBERS—OF—1—AUSTRALIA—CLASS action lawsuit, who blame 1—GERMANY—PHARMACEUTICAL—COMPANY—ANTI—MORNING sickness drug, Thalidomide, for causing birth defects, won the right to have their case heard in their own country.
20111219             —ARRESTED, BELARUS police, DOZENS—OF—REGIME opponents who tried to stage 1 banned vigil in MINSK.
20111219             —DETAINED, AUSTRALIA—FILMMAKER Kitty Green (27) was, —WHILE covering 1—TOPLESS—PROTEST outside the offices of the Belarussian KGB security services to mark Lukashenko's disputed RE—ELECTION —1—YEAR—AGO.
20111219             3—MEMBERS—OF—THE—RADICAL—FEMEN group were also seized by KGB security agents who forced them to strip naked in 1—FOREST and threatened to torch them.
20111219             BRAZIL, 1—JUVENILE COURT—JUDGE—IN—THE—NORTH—EAST—STATE—OF—ALAGOAS sentenced 3—PRIESTS for sexually abusing minors —FOR—YEARS.
20111219             —SENTENCED, Monsignor Luiz Marques Barbosa was, to —21—YEARS in prison, —WHILE Monsignor Raimundo Gomes and priest Edilson Duarte were given —16—YEARS and —4—MONTHS in prison.
20111219             —CONJOINED, NORTH—BRAZIL, say 1—WOMAN gave birth to, twin boys with 1—BODY and 2—HEADS at the Santa Casa de Misericodia Hospital in BELEM.
20111219             EGYPT—SOLDIERS in riot gear swept through CAIRO—TAHRIR—SQUARE and opened fire on protesters demanding 1—IMMEDIATE—END to military rule.
20111219             —KILLED, THE—HEALTH—MINISTRY said at least 3—PEOPLE were, bringing the death toll —FOR—4—DAYS—OF—CLASHES to 14.
20111219             —CLAIMED, GABON—RULING party, THE—GABON—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY (PDG), it had won 114—OUT—OF—PARLIAMENT—120—SEATS in 1—LEGISLATIVE—ELECTION largely boycotted by the opposition but given 1—CLEAN—BILL—OF—HEALTH by observers.
20111219             THE—AIR—BERLIN group, GERMANY—2.-largest airline, said UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—AIRLINE, Etihad, is to pay 72.9—MILLION—EUROS ($95—MILLION) to become its biggest shareholder.
20111219             —POSTPONED, PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA—OFFICIALS indefinitely, legislative elections —INITIALLY set for 20111229             to meet opposition demands for 1—ROLE in planning the polls to prevent fraud.
20111219             —BARRED, IRAQ—OFFICIALS said judges have, Sunni VICE—PRESIDENT—TAREQ—AL—HASHEMI from travelling overseas.
20111219             —KILLED, KENYA, 1—POLICE—OFFICER was, and 2—OTHERS seriously wounded —AFTER 1 suspected landmine attack on their patrol vehicle in THE—NORTH—DADAAB refugee camp.
20111219             —SIGNED, MAURITANIA said it has, 1—AGREEMENT with FRANCE—OIL—GROUP—TOTAL to explore for oil at sea and to extract ANY—OIL discovered.
20111219             —ANNOUNCED, MEXICO—PROSECUTORS, they have found another clandestine grave holding 10—BODIES in THE—NORTH—STATE—OF—DURANGO, bringing to 14 the number of such burial sites found in the state —THIS—YEAR.
20111219             Soldiers found THE—10—BODIES—LAST—WEEK in 1—FIELD on THE—OUTSKIRTS—OF—THE—STATE—CAPITAL.
20111219             —MUTILATED, Prosecutors also said 2, bodies were found scattered in the plaza of PUEBLO Viejo, Morelos state, —WHILE 1—BOY was killed —AROUND the same time in what police say may have been 1 related crime.
20111219             —ANNOUNCED, MEXICO—TAX—SERVICE, that authorities had found 480—DRUMS containing almost 100—METRIC—TONS—OF—PRECURSOR chemicals used to make methamphetamines at the Pacific coast port of Lazaro Cardenas, Michoacan state.
20111219             MOROCCO—ISLAMIST—AL—ADL—WAL—IHSANE (Justice and Charity) group said they were ending their role in the weekly protests that have taken place —SINCE February, because the movement had been taken over by elements that wanted to limit the demands for change.
20111219             NEPAL, a 2. general strike in —3—DAYS brought MUCH—OF—THE—COUNTRY to 1—HALT as protestors blocked roads and torched cars over the prison KILLING—OF—1—SENIOR—OPPOSITION—PARTY—ACTIVIST.
20111219             —LAUNCHED, The satellite was, from XICHANG in SOUTH—WEST—CHINA.
20111219             —BLOCKED, HUNDREDS—OF—FURIOUS—PAKISTANIS, off THE—ISLAMABAD airport highway, demonstrating against debilitating gas shortages and pelting police with stones.
20111219             A 2. angry crowd torched tires in ISLAMABAD and twin city RAWALPINDI, throwing stones at police and private vehicles over gas rationing that has left THOUSANDS—OF—HOMES without heat —FOR—HOURS at 1—TIME.
20111219             1—TEENAGE—PAKISTAN—WOMAN told of her terror as her husband chopped off her nose and lips in 1—FURIOUS marital row, and threatened to kill herself unless the police brought him to justice.
20111219             —SUBJECTED, Salma Bibi (17) said her husband, Ghulam Qadir (22), her to 1—BEATING, then bound her hands and feet with rope and hacked into her face with 1—RAZOR in 1—REMOTE—VILLAGE in the southwestern province Baluchistan.
20111219             —PAROLED, PERU—MIGRATION—OFFICIALS gave, USA—LORI Berenson (42) 1—DOCUMENT, —3—DAYS—AFTER barring her exit, clearing her to leave the country with her toddler son to spend the holidays with her family in NEW—YORK City.
20111219             THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES, the death toll from devastating flash floods rose to 927 and was expected to climb higher as relief workers recovered more bodies from Mindanao.
20111219             SAUDI—ARABIA—BILLIONAIRE PRINCE—WALID bin Talal and his Kingdom Holding Company announced 1 combined investment of $300—MILLION in the social networking site Twitter.
20111219             —KILLED, SOUTH—SUDAN—REBEL—CHIEF—GEORGE—ATHOR was, in 1—CLASH with soldiers of the newly independent nation.
20111219             —RAISED, SUDAN—PARLIAMENT, taxes on THE—INTERNET, MOBILE phone calls and other telecommunications in 1—BID to help cover lost oil income from SOUTH—SUDAN.
20111219             —FILED, SWEDEN—SAAB—AUTOMOBILE, for bankruptcy, giving up 1—DESPERATE—STRUGGLE to stay in business —AFTER previous owner GENERAL—MOTORS—CO. blocked takeover attempts by CHINA—INVESTORS.
20111219             —SIGNED, Syria, 1—ARAB—LEAGUE—INITIATIVE that will allow Arab observers into the country, as PART—OF—1—EFFORT to end the nation's increasingly bloody —9—MONTH—OLD—CRISIS.
20111219             TUNISIA—PRESIDENT—MONCEF—MARZOUKI said that TUNISIA—JEWS are full citizens and those that had left were welcome to return.
20111219             His comments came almost —2—WEEKS—AFTER ISRAEL—DEPUTY—PRIME—MINISTER—SILVAN—SHALOM called on the country's remaining Jews to emigrate to ISRAEL.
20111219             1—TURKEY—NEWS—AGENCY reported that security forces may have killed as many as 20—KURDISH—SEPARATIST—REBELS in the country's southeast.
20111219             —APPROVED, THE—UN—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY, 1—RESOLUTION denouncing human rights violations in IRAN in an 89—30—VOTE.
20111219             There were 64—ABSTENTIONS.
20111219             —SUSPECTED, YEMEN, fresh fighting between, AL—QAEDA militants and army troops in Abyan province killed 4—SOLDIERS and 16—AL—QAIDA—LINKED militants.
20111219             † HORST—EBERHARD—RICHTER, DEUTSCHER—PSYCHOANALYTIKER, Psychosomatiker und Sozialphilosoph
20111219—19950000    —IN, The court also found him GUILTY—OF—RAPING 3—TEENAGERS and a —23—YEAR—OLD—WOMAN and
20111219—20050000    —IN, 2—WOMEN and 20100000             , respectively.
20111219—20080000    —LAUNCHED, NIGERIA, 1—COMMUNICATIONS—SATELLITE into space to replace 1—THAT failed.
20111219—20111206    —ON, Shiva Poudel, CHAIRMAN—OF—1—PARTY—YOUTH wing, was critically injured —WHEN 1—GROUP—OF—INMATES attacked him in 1—PRISON in THE—SOUTH—DISTRICT—OF—CHITWAN and
20111219—20111217    —ON, he † in KATHMANDU.
20111225—20111219    —ON, 2—OTHER—WOMEN were found dead in 1—CAR trunk.
20121216—20121219    —TRIGGERED, The rapes, massive protests as police fished out the raped body of a —10—YEAR—OLD—GIRL from 1—CANAL in BIHAR state's Saharsa district.
20121219             USA—HAUSHALTS—STREIT, REPUBLIKANER KURZ—VOR, dem Tabubruch
20121219             MEERES—MÜLL im Museum: Friedhof der Plastiktiere
20121219             REPORTER—OHNE—GRENZEN: Mehr als 130—JOURNALISTEN starben IM—EINSATZ
20121219             Verkauf von privaten Fotos: Instagram knickt nach NETZ—PROTEST 1
20121219             NORDEN—VON—MEXIKO: Mindestens 17—MENSCHEN —STERBEN bei GefängnisREVOLTE
20121219             —ANSCHLAG—AUF—KONSULAT in LIBYEN: KOMMISSION wirft USA—AUßEN—MINISTERIUM schwere Fehler vor
20121219             NEWTOWN—MASSAKER: USA—WAFFEN—ROBBY gerät unter Druck
20121219             Fernwirkung: Nordpolstürme wärmen EUROPA
20121219             Schuldenrückkauf: HEDGE—FONDS verdient halbe Milliarde mit GRIECHENLAND
20121219             Bandenmäßige Zuhälterei: ERMITTLUNGSVERFAHREN—GEGEN—STRAUSS—KAHN geht weiter
20121219             Automatisiertes Fahren: Kein Mensch am STEUER? Ungeheuer!
20121219             Zyklon "Evan": Regierung erklärt FIDSCHI zum KATASTROPHEN—GEBIET
20121219             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS, "—NACHDEM der WELT—UNTERGANG ausgefallen war"
20121219             EU—POSSE: Europäische Beamte bekommen sattes Gehaltsplus
20121219             Google Music: EUROPÄER freuen sich über AMERIKANISCHES—ANGEBOT
20121219             GEWALT—GEGEN—INTERNATIONALE Helfer : UNO setzt Impfkampagne in PAKISTAN aus
20121219             IFO—INDEX: DEUTSCHE—UNTERNEHMER hoffen auf Besserung
20121219             WAHL—KAMPF—IN—ITALIEN : BERLUSCONIs Masterplan für DIE—MACHT
20121219             WELT—UNTERGANG 20120000             : Mythos MAYA—KALENDER
20121219             —INTERVIEW—MIT—RAY—KURZWEIL: "1—SIMULIERTES GEHIRN kann lernen wie 1—KIND"
20121219             Filmprojekt in KATAR: 1-MILLIARDE $ für MOHAMMED
20121219             Abtreibung im Härtefall: IRISCHE—BISCHOFE verurteilen REGIERUNGSPLAN—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTS—WAHL—IN—SÜD—KOREA:
20121219             USA—HAUSHALTS—STREIT, Fitch droht USA mit Entzug der TOP—NOTE
20121219             BILLIG—IN den Gemäuern von Lower Dover scheint der letzte MAYA—KÖNIG—DER—REGION gelebt zu haben.
20121219             Kleine Wirbel, große Wirkung: Eisige Stürme über der ARKTIS treiben 1—MEERESSTRÖMUNG an, die Wärme nach EUROPA bringt.
20121219             DIE—STUDIE zeigt, daß die Stürme die Umwälzung des Wassers etwa im Europäischen Nordmeer zwischen GRÖNLAND,
20121219             SKANDINAVIEN und Spitzbergen verstärken.
20121219             "DIE—TATSACHE, daß Klimamodelle diese Stürme nicht simulieren,
20121219             ist 1—ECHTES Problem, denn diese Modelle werden fehlerhaft vorhersagen,
20121219             wie viel Wärme nach NORDEN in die Polarregion geleitet wird", betont Condron laut 1—PRESSE—MITTEILUNG seiner UNIVERSITÄT.
20121219             DIE—FIRMA heißt BUNDES—REPUBLIK—DEUTSCHLAND FINANZ—AGENTUR GmbH und sie bedient sich 1—MITTELS,
20121219             das —SEIT einigen —JAHREN ziemlich in Verruf geraten ist: Sie macht Schulden.
20121219             In dieser Phase bildet sich im HANDELS—RAUMDER Agentur 1—KLEINE Menschentraube hinter den Bildschirmen.
20121219             DIE—2.500.000.000—EURO, die DEUTSCHLAND—TAG—AN—DIESEM, im ;;11;;
20121219             —MITTEN im Frankfurter Bankenviertel.
20121219             Aus den Boxen tönt das Lied "Money for Nothing"- zu deutsch: "Geld für Nichts".
20121219             Der EZB—RAT tagt. DAS—GELD geht an DIE—BANKEN.
20121219             —SEIT—BEGINN DER—KRISE ist das kaum mehr möglich.
20121219             DIE—BANKEN bekommen also unbegrenzt Geld -, das geschenkt.
20121219             Insgesamt überwies DIE—EZB—CA—1—BILLION EURO—GELD, das sie aus dem Nichts geschaffen hat.
20121219             "DAS—GELD wird praktisch am Computer geschaffen ", sagt Bindseil,
20121219             "was ab was forced by BUSH—ERA—CIRCUMSTANCES to surround himself with ideological and political rivals,
20121219             his policies were often sabotaged opening the way for ROMNEY to attack him that he did little to bring about the change he promised and in fact stole that phrase from him.
20121219             —RECORDED, Billig1 THE—ONLY, success by 1—OUTSIDE—COUNTRY in dealing with insurgencies was what ROME did to CARTHAGE and Judea by salting the earth and killing or deporting the inhabitants,
20121219             and what THE—USA did to Native Americans by disease, killing them, and conning them into being obedient to treaties that they could not read or understand.
20121219             "Variante ist ausgewählt", sagt WEIN—BERG am Ende, als der Preis und die versteigerte Menge feststehen.
20121219             DIE—2.500.000.000—EURO, die DEUTSCHLAND—TAG—AN—DIESEM, —IM, ;;1100;;einnimmt, kommen von BANKEN.
20121219             Das klassische Modell, SPAR—EINLAGEN zu VER—ZINSEN und Kredite zu vergeben, ist in den Hintergrund getreten.
20121219             Stattdessen wird in Wertpapiere INVESTIERT—AM liebsten in deutsche.
20121219             —DENN, DEUTSCHLAND, so lautet 1—DER letzten Wahrheiten, die an den FINANZ—MÄRKTEN als unumstößlich gelten, kann nicht pleite gehen.
20121219             schrieben DIE—BEAMTEN an den USA—ANWALT am
20121219             Für die "Veräußerung der 2—GEMÄLDE"sei aber die "ökonomische Situation ausschlaggebend"gewesen und nicht 1 "nationalsozialistische VERFOLGUNGS—MAßNAHME".
20121219             —AM, Ihnen sei durchaus bewusst, daß MAX—EMDEN "den vermögensrechtlichen VERFOLGUNGS—MAßNAHMEN des Regimes ausgesetzt war",
20121219             PRESIDENT—OBAMA said VICE—PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN will lead 1—EFFORT to craft policies to reduce gun violence.
20121219             Obama laid out 1—PLAN to reduce gun violence amid calls for action —AFTER the massacre of 26—PEOPLE including 20—CHILDREN in 1—CONNECTICUT elementary school.
20121219             4—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIALS resigned under pressure, less than —1—DAY—AFTER 1—DAMNING report blamed management failures for 1—LACK—OF—SECURITY at THE—USA—DIPLOMATIC—MISSION in BENGHAZI—LIBYA.
20121219             LAS—VEGAS, Olivia Culpo (20), 1—STUDENT at BOSTON University, became the new Miss Universe, defeating DOZENS—OF—CONTESTANTS from 6—CONTINENTS.
20121219             1—NEW—GALLUP poll said 7—OF—THE—WORLD—10—COUNTRIES with the most upbeat attitudes are in LATIN—AMERICA with PANAMA and PARAGUAY at the top.
20121219             —LIVED, The people least likely to report positive emotions, in SINGAPORE.
20121219             —SIGNED, ARGENTINA—CASH—STRAPPED state energy company, 1—PARTNERSHIP—DEAL with Chevron Corp. for a "massive development" of THE—SOUTH—USA—COUNTRY—VAST nonconventional oil and gas resources.
20121219             —ORDERED, BOLIVIA—AUTHORITIES, THE—ARREST—OF—MAGISTRATE—ARIEL—ROCHA in 1—WIDENING scandal triggered by USA—JACOB—OSTREICHER—REPORT—OF being fleeced and extorted by corrupt prosecutors.
20121219             THE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND said that new GOVERNOR—MARK—CARNEY, currently GOVERNOR—OF—THE—BANK—OF—CANADA, will receive a 250,000 pound —1—YEAR housing allowance in addition to his 624,000 pound salary.
20121219             UK—OIL—COMPANY BP said it is selling its stake in 1—SOUTH—CHINA—SEA—GAS—FIELD to KUWAIT Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company for $308—MILLION in cash.
20121219             —NAMED, THE—BRITISH—APPOINTED GOVERNOR—OF—THE—CAYMAN—ISLANDS, Julianna O'Connor as the territory's new premier.
20121219             —DESIGNATED, THE—COOK—ISLANDS, a 756,000 square mile shark sanctuary.
20121219             —RESIGNED, ECUADOR—CENTRAL—BANK—PRESIDENT—PEDRO—DELGADO, —AFTER acknowledging that he presented 1—FAKE academic degree —22—YEARS 20120801             —SCANDAL that prompted the country's leader to call for him to face justice.
20121219             Delgado, who is 1—COUSIN—OF—ECUADOREAN—PRESIDENT—RAFAEL—CORREA, apologized to the nation.
20121219             FORMER—GERMANY—DEFENSE—MINISTER—PETER—STRUCK, —69—JAHRE—ALT, 1—VEHEMENT opponent of 20030000             —THE—USA—LED invasion of IRAQ, † —FOLLOWING 1—HEART—ATTACK.
20121219             —CONFESSED, THE—CHIEF reportedly, that he took part in terrorist attacks.
20121219             9—OTHER bodyguards of AL—ISSAWI were arrested and under investigation.
20121219             —DENOUNCED, THE—NEXT—DAY AL—ISSAWI angrily, the arrests.
20121219             1—JERUSALEM municipal official said ISRAEL is pressing forward with construction in 1—NEW—EAST—JERUSALEM settlement, PART—OF—1—SERIES—OF—NEW building plans that have drawn worldwide rebuke, including from its closest ally, THE—USA.
20121219             KAZAKHSTAN, 1—SOYUZ spacecraft carrying 1—AMERICAN, 1—RUSSIAN and 1—CANADIAN lifted off for THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION for a —2—DAY—JOURNEY and —4-MONTH stay.
20121219             —STORMED, NORTH—NIGERIA, more than 30—ASSAILANTS, 1—HOUSE, killing 2—PEOPLE and kidnapping FRANCE—ENGINEER—FRANCIS—COLLOMP in THE—TOWN—OF—RIMI, KATSINA state.
20121219             NORWAY—ENERGY—COMPANY—STATOIL ASA said it has bought 70,000 ACRES—OF—LAND—RICH in gas and liquid gas in WEST—VIRGINIA and OHIO.
20121219             —BACKED, PAKISTAN, gunmen shot dead 1—WOMAN working on UN, polio vaccination efforts and her driver in THE—NORTH—WEST—TOWN—OF—CHARSADDA.
20121219             —EARLIER in the —DAY gunmen shot 1—POLIO—WORKER in THE—HEAD—IN—THE—CITY—OF—PESHAWAR, wounding him critically.
20121219             —PROMPTED, The recent killings, THE—UN—PUBLIC—HEALTH—ARM to suspend work on the vaccination drive in 2—OF—PAKISTAN—4—PROVINCES.
20121219             This was the 1. step in ending —22—YEARS—OF—IMPUNITY that began —WHEN the deposed FORMER—PRESIDENT fled to SENEGAL, leaving behind 1—COUNTRY strewn with mass graves.
20121219             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFRICA SAID at least 633—RHINOCEROS have been, —THIS—YEAR—ALONE as 1—POACHING epidemic continues to threaten the animals.
20121219             —ELECTED, RULING—PARTY—CANDIDATE—PARK—GEUN—HYE (Bahk GUHN—HAE) was, SOUTH—KOREA—PRESIDENT, becoming the country's 1. female leader despite her past as THE—DAUGHTER—OF—1—DIVISIVE dictator.
20121219             —AGREED, SWITZERLAND—UBS—AG, to pay some $1.5—BILLION in fines to INTERNATIONAL regulators —FOLLOWING 1—PROBE into the rigging of 1—KEY—GLOBAL—INTEREST—RATE.
20121219             SYRIA—STATE—MEDIA said government forces are carrying out 1—BROAD—OFFENSIVE against rebels in the suburbs of DAMASCUS, as THE—UN appealed for 1—BILLION dollars to support rising NUMBERS—OF—SYRIA—REFUGEES.
20121219             —ORDERED, YEMEN PRESIDENT—ABED—RABU—MANSOUR—HADI, 1—SHAKEUP—OF—THE—COUNTRY—DEFENSE—MINISTRY, removing the powerful son, relatives and aides of ousted leader ALI—ABDULLAH—SALEH.
20121219             Die konservative Politikerin PARK—GEUN—HYE (SAENURI—PARTEI) gewinnt als 1. Frau die Präsidentschaftswahl in SÜD—KOREA.
20121219—19960000    —CODENAMED, He oversaw a —16—DAY—MILITARY—CAMPAIGN, "Grapes of Wrath," against Hezbollah guerrillas in LEBANON.
20121219—19970000    —IN, 1—AMERICAN had not won the Miss Universe title —SINCE Brook Lee won.
20121219—20131117    —REPORTED, Collomp was, freed.
20130430             —RAIDED, SOUTH—KOREAN—STATE—PROSECUTORS—THE—HEADQUARTERS—OF—THE—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE to investigate accusations that the spy agency had used its agents and hired bloggers to influence 20131219             —THE—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTIONS.
20131218—20131219    —DISCLOSED, Target, the breach.
20131219             Unglück in PORTUGAL: Wenn Monsterwellen auf Strände krachen
20131219             —FORDERUNGEN, DATEN—SCHUTZ und NSA—AFFÄRE: EU will OBAMA nicht mit harten, nerven
20131219             FINANZT—MARKTREGULIERUNG: SPD fordert von SCHÄUBLE höhere Bankenabgabe
20131219             —NEUE—ESA—SONDE: "Gaia"soll 3-D-Karte der Milchstraße zeichnen
20131219             —UKRAINE—MILLIARDÄR: "Wir erwarten 1—DEUTLICHE Geste der EU"
20131219             Verbotsverfahren: 25—PROZENT—DER—NPD—FUNKTIONÄRE ist vorbestraft
20131219             Beibehaltung des Versicherungsbeitrags: ARBEIT—GEBER kritisieren RENTEN—PLÄNE der Regierung scharf
20131219             —UNRUHEN, Blutige : DEUTSCHER—GENERAL sitzt im SÜD—SUDAN fest
20131219             So setzt man THEMEN—TRENDS: Wie PR—THEMEN in den Medien landen
20131219             FED—ENTSCHEIDUNG: Investoren feiern —KURS DER—USA—NOTEN—BANK
20131219             1000—TOTE: AMNESTY prangert KRIEGS—VERBRECHEN in ZENTRAL—AFRIKA an
20131219             PROGNOSE: REAL—LÖHNE sinken 1. —SEIT Krisenjahr 20090000             20131219             Heftige KÄMPFE: BUNDESWEHR evakuiert DEUTSCHE aus SÜD—SUDAN
20131219             —NACH—6—JAHREN Forschung: ERB—GUT der Zuckerrübe entschlüsselt
20131219             FORSCHUNGS—PROJEKT: Hacker können MACBOOK—WEBCAMS unbemerkt einschalten
20131219             HELMUT—SCHMIDT wird 95: Der Lotse hat das Wort
20131219             Kündigung: EuGH stärkt Rechte von Lebensversicherungskunden
20131219             ARMUTS—BERICHT, SOZIAL—VERBAND WARNT—VOR—VERÖDUNG ganzer Regionen
20131219             VISA—VORAUSSETZUNG: CHINA stellt USA—JOURNALISTEN Akkreditierungen aus
20131219             Soziales Netzwerk: Zuckerberg verkauft FACEBOOK—AKTIEN für 2.300.000.000—$
20131219             Inhaftierter Ölboss: PUTIN kündigt Begnadigung Chodorkowskis an
20131219             —STREIT—MIT—USA: INDISCHE—DIPLOMATIN wirft Hausmädchen Erpressung vor
20131219             Wende in DER—USA—GELD—POLITIK,Warum der Crash —ERST mal abgeblasen ist
20131219             Elektronische Geräte: BRITISH—AIRWAYS erlaubt ab sofort HANDY—NUTZUNG
20131219             Ohne Ticket in WUPPERTAL: Gericht setzt schwarzfahrende "Oma Gertrud"auf freien Fuß
20131219             USA—SPÄH—AFFÄRE: Die Hintertüren im NSA—BERICHT
20131219             NOT—MAßNAHME: CHINAs ZENTRAL—BANK—STÜTZT—FINANZ—INSTITUTE mit frischem Geld
20131219             BUNDES—REGIERUNG in der NSA—AFFÄRE: 1—HALBES —JAHR —, kaum Antworten
20131219             —NACH—50—JAHREN: KUBA hebt IMPORT—VERBOT—FÜR—AUTOS auf
20131219             Filesharing: SCHWEDISCHES—GERICHT verhängt REKORD—STRAFE
20131219             SYRIEN—TERROR—CHEF—GOLANI: 1—PHANTOM meldet sich zu Wort
20131219             Gescheiterte KLIMA—PR: "Das laaaaangweiligste Thema DER—MENSCHHEIT"
20131219             [l] DIE—FED will PRO—MONAT—DOLLAR weniger an USA—STAATS—ANLEIHEN kaufen.
20131219             Der Punkt ist, daß DIE—USA—REGIERUNG —SCHON—LÄNGER ihr Budget nicht im Griff hat,
20131219             wie auch die meisten anderen westlichen Regierungen.
20131219             Dazu kommt, daß CHINA neulich angekündigt hat, keine $ mehr zu kaufen.
20131219             EU—GIPFEL—BRÜSSEL: HOLLANDE erwartet Geld für FRANKREICHs AFRIKA—1ÄTZE
20131219             —VERURTEILT, FRANKREICH: LE—PEN wegen Beleidigung von ROMA
20131219             ASYL—RATGEBER in SACHSEN: Bitte bestechen Sie keine Beamten
20131219             KUBA: FIDEL—CASTRO lobt seinen Bruder für Handschlag mit OBAMA
20131219             HAVANNA—DER—FRÜHERE—KUBANISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—FIDEL—CASTRO hat seinen Nachfolger und Bruder Raúl CASTRO für dessen Handschlag mit BARACK—OBAMA bei der TRAUER—FEIER—FÜR—NELSON—MANDELA gelobt.
20131219             "Ich gratuliere Genosse Raúl für seinen brillanten Auftritt", so FIDEL—CASTRO, "besonders für seine Standhaftigkeit und Würde, mit der er den Präsidenten der USA begrüßte.
20131219             Der, —82—JAHRE—ALTE soll sich laut seinem Bruder mit den Worten "Mr.
20131219             DIE—GESTE war historisch, zuvor hatten sich DIE—PRÄSIDENTEN beider Länder nicht öffentlich begrüßt.
20131219             In dem Beitrag schrieb FIDEL—CASTRO vor allem über MANDELA, der "ein ganzer Mann,
20131219             1—FUNDIERTER REVOLUTIONär und 1—RADIKALER Sozialist"gewesen sei, der mit Gleichmut —27—JAHREN Haft ausgehalten habe.
20131219             DOHA—TAISIR—ALUNI hat als Reporter —SCHON einiges mitgemacht.
20131219             Zuckerrübensorten.
20131219             DIE—ZUCKERRÜBE wird laut HimmelBAUER —SCHON—SEIT etwa —200—JAHREN gezüchtet.
20131219             Der —JETZT vorgelegte "Bericht zur regionalen Armutsentwicklung in DEUTSCHLAND 20130000             "kommt zum gegenteiligen Ergebnis:
20131219             Die Armut ist demnach auf 1—REKORD—HOCH, DAS—LAND sozial und regional tief zerrissen.
20131219             DIE—KLUFT zwischen bundesdeutschen Wohlstandsregionen auf der 1—UND Armutsregionen auf der anderen Seite wachse stetig und deutlich.
20131219             DIE—ARMUTSQUOTE sei
20131219             Allerdings ändert dieser Bericht allein NOCH NICHTs an der durch EDWARD—SNOWDENS—ENTHÜLLUNGEN wohl nur ansatzweise öffentlich bekannten Kampagne der NSA gegen BÜRGER—RECHTE und INTERNETsicherheit.
20131219             Der Brief, aufgesetzt von der LITAUISCHEN—RAT—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFT,
20131219             trägt den sperrigen Titel "Beitrag der EU und ihrer Mitgliedstaaten im Kontext der von DEN—USA vorgenommenen Überprüfung der ÜBERWACHUNGS—PROGRAMME".
20131219             Auf Wunsch des Rates sollen "in der EU ansässige Personen"IN—DEN—USA 1—RECHT—AUF—PRIVAT—SPHÄRE wie USA—BÜRGER BEKOMMEN—INSBESONDERE dann,
20131219             wenn ihre DATEN in DEN—USA verarbeitet werden.
20131219             EU—BÜRGER sollen endlich wirksame Rechtsmittel gegen SPÄH—MAßNAHMEN oder zweifelhafte Massendatensammlungen einlegen können.
20131219             WASHINGTONs Beamte sollen Eingriffe in GRUND—RECHTE—VON—EU—BÜRGERN künftig auf NOTWENDIGKEIT und Verhältnismäßigkeit prüfen oder,
20131219             wie es im Schreiben vorsichtig heißt: Sie "werden ersucht, in Betracht zu ziehen, ob vergleichbare Grundsätze bei der Überprüfung von Nutzen sein könnten".
20131219             EUROPAs Regierungen verlangen weder Aufklärung über —BEREITS bekannt gewordenen Spähattacken noch das ENDE—DER—ABHÖRPROGRAMME.
20131219             Auch —NUN ist aus Ratskreisen zu erfahren, daß EUROPAs REGIERUNGS—CHEFS wenig INTERESSE—AN—DEM Thema zeigen.
20131219             Dabei ist von AMERIKANISCHEN—PARLAMENTARIERN bei BRÜSSEL—VISITEN zu hören,
20131219             sie seien für europäische Verbesserungsvorschläge aufgeschlossen, weil DIE—NSA—DEBATTEN IN—DEN—USA an Fahrt gewinnen.
20131219             Das —AM—DONNERSTAG ins All startende Teleskop "Gaia"soll DIE—BISHER, größte und detaillierteste 3-D-Karte unserer Milchstraße anfertigen.
20131219             hat "Gaia"1—BILDSENSOR an Bord, der aus 106—EINZELNEN Detektoren besteht.
20131219             werde EUROPA "zum Vorreiter in Sachen Präzisionsastronomie".
20131219             Selbst das neue HIGHTECH—GERÄT kann sich gerade einmal 1 % aller Sterne in unserer Galaxis ansehen.
20131219             DIE—NEUE Sonde soll auch kosmische Objekte neu entdecken, darunter:
20131219             —BIS, zu 250.000—UNBEKANNTE Asteroiden und KOMETEN in unserem SONNEN—SYSTEM,
20131219             100.000e Quasare, also Kerne weit entfernter aktiver Galaxien,
20131219             Tausende EXO—PLANETEN mit Planetensystemen, TAUSENDE—VON—SUPERNOVAE sowie
20131219             Zehntausende Braune Zwerge, also Sterne, deren Masse zu gering war, um in ihrem Inneren das kosmische Feuer der Kernfusion zu starten.
20131219             1 "galaktisches Mikroskop"und das "Auge des Universums".
20131219             —CA—20—JAHRE hat die Vorbereitung für DIE—MISSION gedauert.
20131219             DIE—UNO—VOLL—VERSAMMLUNG hat die von DEUTSCHLAND und BRASILIEN eingebrachte RESOLUTION gegen INTERNETspionage gebilligt.
20131219             stimmten —AM—MITTWOCH in NEW—YORK auch die 193—MITGLIEDER—DER—VOLLVERSAMMLUNG im Konsens für DIE—RESOLUTION.
20131219             "DIE—GLEICHEN Rechte, DIE—MENSCHEN offline haben, müssen auch online geschützt WERDEN—VOR allem DAS—RECHT—AUF—PRIVATHEIT", steht in der Erklärung.
20131219             So werden in dem Papier weder DIE—USA noch 1—ANDERES Land oder gar DIE—NSA namentlich genannt.
20131219             DEUTSCHLAND und BRASILIEN erreichten auch, daß DIE—UNO—MENSCHEN—RECHTS—KOMMISSARIN Navi Pillay im kommenden —JAHR 1—BERICHT—ÜBER geheimdienstliche ÜBERWACHUNGS—PROGRAMME und den PRIVAT—SPHÄRE—SCHUTZ vorlegen soll.
20131219             DIE—BÜRGER—RECHTE und DIE—SICHERHEITS—BEDÜRFNISSE im KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN—TERRORISMUS müssten in 1 "besseres Gleichgewicht"gebracht werden.
20131219             [l] Bei Target (Zweitgrößte USA—SHOPPING—KETTE nach WAL—MART) wurden —IN—DEN—LETZTEN—WOCHEN flächendeckend Kartendaten rausgetragen, insgesamt —BIS zu 40.000.000 Karten.
20131219             [l] DIE—BUNDES—BANK dementiert ungewohnt direkt und nachdrücklich, daß wir 1—DEFLATIONS—PROBLEM haben.
20131219             [l] Zensursulas DROHNEN—ALBT—RAUMGEHT gut los:
20131219             Als 1—DER 1. Amtshandlungen muss sie die Zahlung von 1.730.000—EURO für 1—HERON—DROHNE anweisen, die am;;1108
20131219             [l] DIE—USA haben die tolle UN—RESOLUTION zu "PRIVAT—SPHÄRE ist MENSCHEN—RECHT"entkernt:
20131219             Das Dokument war aber auf Drängen der USA hin deutlich entschärft worden.
20131219             Was SOLL denn dieser Scheiß —SCHON wieder?
20131219             [l] DAS—WEIßE—HAUS hat ja —JETZT den Report zur NSA fertig.
20131219             —CONTRIBUTED, Our review suggests that THE—INFORMATION, to terrorist investigations by THE—USE—OF—SECTION—215—TELEPHONY META—DATA was not essential to preventing attacks and could readily have been obtained in 1—TIMELY manner using CONVENTIONal section 215—ORDERSELBE
20131219             —VERHINDERT, Und —SCHON die "TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE", die sie da, haben wollen, wirkten ja irgendwie vorgeschoben.
20131219             —FINED, THE—CALIFORNIA—PUBLIC—UTILITIES—COMMISSION, Pacific Gas & Electric more than $14—MILLION for the utility's "delay and obfuscation" in revealing that its records for 1—NATURAL—GAS—PIPELINE in S—CARLOS failed to show potentially risky welds.
20131219             oo S—FRANCISCO, nudism activist Gypsy Taub (44), Jaymz Smith (20) and both promptly went naked in FRONT—OF—CITY—HALL.
20131219             FRESNO—CALIFORNIA, 4—TEENAGE—BOYS shot and injured teacher STEVEN—GUERRERO —AFTER he fought back —DURING 1 attempted robbery at EDISON—HIGH—SCHOOL.
20131219             4—NORTENO gang members, ages 16-17, were soon arrested.
20131219             NEW—JERSEY, 1—CHINA—CITIZEN, the admitted ringleader of 1—INTERNATIONAL smuggling operation that trafficked in $4.5—MILLION worth of rhinoceros horns, ivory cups and trinkets, pleaded guilty in FEDERAL—COURT.
20131219             —LEGALIZED, NEW—MEXICO—SUPREME—COURT, gay marriages in the state.
20131219             —VOTED, THE—NEW—YORK—CITY Council, to ban electronic cigarettes in indoor public places.
20131219             † AL—GOLDSTEIN, —77—JAHRE—ALT, THE—PUBLISHER—OF—SCREW magazine, at 1—BROOKLYN hospice.
20131219             —ARRIVED, FORMER—NBA star DENNIS—RODMAN, in NORTH—KOREA to help train the national team and renew his friendship with THE—NORTH—YOUNG—LEADER, KIM—JONG—UN.
20131219             —RAINED, Hunks of plaster and dust, down on 1 packed audience —WHEN THE—CEILING—OF—LONDON—APOLLO—THEATER partially collapsed.
20131219             —INJURED, More than 75—PEOPLE were, — 7—SERIOUSLY.
20131219             —ANNOUNCED, CUBA, it will allow unrestricted car imports for the 1. time in HALF—1—CENTURY, marking THE—END—OF—1—ERA that made ICONS—OF—THE—ISLAND—VINTAGE automobiles.
20131219             —IMPORTED, Cubans soon found that, cars were priced far beyond what 1—AVERAGE—SALARY could afford.
20131219             —APPROVED, DENMARK—LAWMAKERS, sending 1—CARGO ship and 1—WARSHIP to pick up SYRIA—MOST dangerous chemical weapons.
20131219             1—EGYPT—COURT acquitted former leader Hosni MUBARAK—2—SONS and his last PRIME—MINISTER, AHMED—SHAFIK, of corruption charges.
20131219             —LAUNCHED, THE—EUROPEAN—SPACE—AGENCY, its STAR—SURVEYING satellite Gaia into space, hoping to produce the most accurate 3—DIMENSIONAL map of the Milky Way and to better understand THE—EVOLUTION—OF—OUR galaxy.
20131219             GERMANY—MEDIA and officials in BERLIN said about 200—CARS stolen in GERMANY have been tracked down in TAJIKISTAN, where most are —NOW driven by family and FRIENDS—OF—PRESIDENT—EMOMALI—RAKHMON.
20131219             —FIRED, HONDURAS PRESIDENT—PORFIRIO—LOBO, GENERAL—JUAN—CARLOS—BONILLA, the national police CHIEF, who has long faced accusations he ran death squads —WHEN he was 1—LOWER—LEVEL—OFFICER and whose force has been hit with frequent abuse claims.
20131219             IRAQ, suicide bombings targeting Shiite pilgrims —AROUND BAGHDAD on their way to KARBALA and other violence across the country killed at least 36—PEOPLE.
20131219             —RECEIVED, IRAQ, 75—HELLFIRE AIR—TO—GROUND—MISSILES from THE—USA to help combat operations against the country's branch of AL—QAIDA.
20131219             —HELPED, THE—TOKYO—GOVERNOR who, his city secure 20200000             —THE—OLYMPICS resigned —AFTER revelations that he received 50—MILLION yen ($480,200) from 1—HOSPITAL—COMPANY.
20131219             MEXICO, GENERAL—JESUS—GUTIERREZ—REBOLLO, —79—JAHRE—ALT, 1—DRUG—TSAR disgraced by his arrest and conviction for aiding 1—POWERFUL—DRUG—CARTEL, † —AFTER 1—LONG bout of prostate cancer.
20131219             —JAILED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN said he will pardon, oil tycoon MIKHAIL—KHODORKOVSKY.
20131219             —JAILED, The move, along with 1—AMNESTY for the 2, MEMBERS—OF—THE—PUSSY—RIOT punk band and the 30-member CREW—OF—1—GREENPEACE ship, appears designed to assuage INTERNATIONAL CRITICISM—OF—RUSSIA—RIGHTS—RECORD—AHEAD—OF—FEBRUARY—WINTER—OLYMPICS in SOCHI.
20131219             —REPORTED, SAUDI—ARABIA—AL—HAYAT newspaper, that 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—COURT has jailed 1—MAN—FOR—15—YEARS—AFTER convicting him of recruiting 14—NATIONALS to join AL—QAEDA—AFFILIATE in neighbouring YEMEN.
20131219             —INCLUDED, The upgrades, 1—SWIMMING pool, chicken coop and cattle pen.
20131219             SOUTH—AFRICA—ENVIRONMENTAL—MINISTRY said the country has lost nearly 1,000 rhinos —THIS—YEAR in 1—POACHING surge to feed THE—BLACK—MARKET—DEMAND for their horns.
20131219             SOUTH—SUDAN said that the government no longer controls Bor, THE—CAPITAL—OF—JONGLEI, its largest and most populous state.
20131219             2—UN—PEACEKEEPERS from INDIA were killed and a 3. wounded —WHEN 1—UN—BASE was overrun by armed youths in Jonglei State.
20131219             2—DOZEN—DINKA officials were killed —DURING the attack in Akobo.
20131219             —ACCUSED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL, 1—AL—QAIDA—LINKED rebel group that controls large PARTS—OF—NORTH—SYRIA of running secret prisons in which torture and summary killings are common.
20131219             The last SUDAN—PRISONERS to be released from USA—DETENTION at GUANTANAMO Bay arrived home, as USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA tried to speed up repatriations and close the controversial facility.
20131219             —FREED, TOGO, 2—INDIA—SAILORS imprisoned —SINCE July —AFTER INDIA appealed to PRESIDENT—FAURE—GNASSINGBE for their release on compassionate grounds.
20131219             —DISMISSED, TURKEY, ISTANBUL—MOST senior police official was, days —AFTER police launched raids that detained DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE.
20131219             1—UN—PANEL probing war crimes in Syria reported that people —AROUND the country are systematically vanishing without 1—TRACE as PART—OF—1—WIDESPREAD—CAMPAIGN—OF—TERROR against civilians.
20131219             A —52—YEAR—OLD—ITALY—MAN set himself on fire in S—PETER—SQUARE in THE—VATICAN and suffered serious burns.
20131219             —GESTARTET, Die europäische RAUMSONDE—GAIA der WELTRAUMORGANISATION—ESA wird.
20131219—19680000    —IN, AL—GOLDSTEIN and JIM—BUCKLEY—CO—FOUNDED the magazine and it continued to 20030000             .
20131219—20131215    —IN—THE, TURKMENISTAN, official election results said the ruling party won the most seats legislative elections, —WHILE 1—NEW—PARTY set up to diversify politics in THE—ULTRA—CONTROLLED state won its 1.—EVER mandates.
20141112—20141219    —RESCUED, Police, Suleman.
20141216—20141219    —RESCUED, All 12 were.
20141218—20141219    —ORDERED, Lakhvi, back to jail for at least 3—MORE—MONTHS.
20141219             —GEWESEN, Sie soll dafür verantwortlich, sein, daß DIE—CIA vor den Anschlägen vom 20010911             INFORMATIONEN—ÜBER—DIE späteren Attentäter nicht ans FBI weitergab.
20141219             EDATHY—AFFÄRE: Zeuge HARTMANN schlingert durch die Vernehmung
20141219             SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—RUSSLAND: EUROPÄER bleiben hart gegen PUTIN
20141219             UMTS—VERSCHLÜSSELUNG umgangen: Hacker entdecken SICHERHEITS—LÜCKE im Mobilfunknetz
20141219             Verbrauchertäuschung: Pestizide in niedersächsischer ÖKO—HÜHNERFARM entdeckt
20141219             die die Möglichkeit bekommen, mit NORD—KOREA—DIKTATOR—KIM—JONG—UN 1—INTERVIEW zu führen.
20141219             DIE—CIA gibt ihnen —DARAUFHIN den Auftrag, den STAAT—CHEF—ZU töten.
20141219             1—GRUPPE, die sich selbst "DIE—FRIEDENSWAHRER"nennt,
20141219             hatte unter Berufung auf DIE—ANSCHLÄGE vom
20141219             IRAK—KURDEN und USA—AMERIKANER melden Erfolg im KAMPF—GEGEN—IS
20141219             Rekordbeschäftigung: STEUER—EINNAHMEN steigen deutlich
20141219             BAYREUTH: 3—VERLETZTE nach Brand in FLÜCHTLINGS—UNTERKUNFT
20141219             —ANSCHLAG 20080000             : PAKISTAN will gegen Freilassung des mutmaßlichen MUMBA1—ATTENTÄTERS vorgehen
20141219             Pop!: Durchformulierter Dauerrausch
20141219             INTERNET für alle: "Sojus"-Rakete schießt 4—SATELLITEN ins All
20141219             Rekord: ZAHL—DER—FLÜGE steigt auf 33.000.000
20141219             —BELASTET, EDATHY—AFFÄRE: Bosbach sieht GROßE—KOALITION
20141219             —ANTI—SEMITISMUS—VORWURF,
20141219             —GESPERRT, Balotelli für INSTAGRAM—POST
20141219             LEIB—PAPA—WACHE in der —KRISE, Helm ab für DIE—SCHWEIZER—GARDE
20141219             SPD—FRAKTION—CHEF—OPPERMANN nennt Edathys Vorwürfe "völlig absurd"
20141219             Unzulässige Kreditgebühren: Kunden beschweren sich massenhaft über BANKEN
20141219             Wandel in KUBA: OPPOSITION fordert Freilassung aller politischen Häftlinge
20141219             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS, "Eine gigantische wolkenartige Verdichtung"
20141219             Politically, the most interesting news from down UNDER—IS FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—MALCOLM—FRASER—RECENT—PIECE arguing that AUSTRALIA must distance itself from THE—USA.
20141219             Fraser (in office 197500001983         ) uses surprisingly blunt language:
20141219             IT IS time for AUSTRALIA to end its strategic dependence on THE—USA.
20141219             —REGARDED, The relationship with AMERICA, which has long been, as beneficial, has —NOW become dangerous to AUSTRALIA—FUTURE.
20141219             —CEDED, We have effectively, to AMERICA the ability to decide —WHEN AUSTRALIA goes to war.
20141219             Even if AMERICA were the most perfect and benign power, this posture would still be incompatible with the integrity of AUSTRALIA as 1—SOVEREIGN nation.
20141219             It entails not simply deference but submission to WASHINGTON, 1—INTOLERABLE—STATE—OF—AFFAIRS for 1—COUNTRY whose power and prosperity are increasing and whose 'NATIONAL—INTERESTS dictate that it enjoy amicable,
20141219             not hostile, relations with its neighbors, including CHINA.
20141219             BOTTOM—LINE: We're bellicose.
20141219             Australians don't want war: They want to do business.
20141219             —WHEN I see "USA—OFFICIALS"in ANY—NEWS—ARTICLE as 1—SOURCE, I —IMMEDIATELY assume that SOME—SORT—OF—PROPAGANDA is forthcoming.
20141219             The term is basically meaningless, and 1—WAY for THE—MEDIA to let you know they will be towing THE—GOVERNMENTT line in THE—REST—OF—THE—ARTICLE.
20141219             "Which parties have done this TYPE—OF—THING IN—THE—PAST?
20141219             And what is this similar to? "
20141219             —ETC.
20141219             Having heard that news —AT—THE—TIME, it made me buy 1—TV—CARD for my —COMPUTER—IMMEDIATELY.
20141219             Expecting for something to happen in short time..So it came.
20141219             —VERLIERT, INSTAGRAM—LÖSCHOFFENSIVE: JUSTIN—BIEBER, Millionen Follower
20141219             Frühwarnsystem: Vögel hören Tornadostürme —TAGE im Voraus
20141219             TOURISMUS—STUDIE, DEUTSCHE sind SO—REISELUSTIG wie nie zuvor
20141219             Tierqual in Mastbetrieb für WIESENHOF—KONZERN:
20141219             —ARBEITER erschlagen Enten mit Mistgabeln
20141219             USA—OPERATION gegen DIKTATOR Noriega: "Ich habe BUSH an den Eiern"
20141219             —VERBIETET, STAATS—BESUCH aus CHINA: MACAU, Regenschirme
20141219             Konsumklima: Kauflaune DER—DEUTSCHEN—STEIGT
20141219             Eurokritiker: AFD—VIZE—GAULAND verteidigt PEGIDA—MÄRSCHE—HACKER—ANGRIFF—AUF—SONY:
20141219             EX—ABGEORDNETER: Edathy wirft SPD—POLITIKER Lauterbach Lüge vor
20141219             HOLLYWOOD gegen illegale Kopien: Google fürchtet sich vor SUCHMASCHINEN—ZENSUR
20141219             Mutter mit 63: ALBATROS—OMA brütet wieder
20141219             PROZESS—IN—MOSKAU—PUTIN—KRI 10—R Nawalni drohen —10—JAHRE—HAFT
20141219             —REAKTION—AUF—SCHULMASSAKER:
20141219             PAKISTAN ordnet Hinrichtung von EXTREMISTEN an
20141219             —UKRAINE—KONFLIKT, Jazenjuk vergleicht PUTIN mit "Drogensüchtigem"
20141219             BRITISCHES—MILITÄR: Frauen sollen an die vorderste Front
20141219             AIRBUS—MILITÄRTRANSPORTER: 1.A400M auf dem Fliegerhorst Wunstorf gelandet
20141219             BUNDES—RAT: BESITZ—VON—KINDER—PORNOS wird härter bestraft
20141219             Rechter Opportunismus: Erschrecken vor dem GESTAPO—SCHATTEN
20141219             Dubiose FINANZ—GESCHÄFTE: FRANZISKANERn droht die Pleite
20141219             —VERURTEILT, CHINA: Gericht, Immobilienmogul Kwok wegen KORRUPTION
20141219             Wölfe und Bären in EUROPA: Mensch und Raubtier rücken zusammen
20141219             Führende CIA—MITARBEITERIN: Der Aufstieg der FOLTERFRAU—LÄRMBELASTUNG: EUROPA ist zu laut
20141219             Marodes Material: Triebwerkprobleme halten BUNDESWEHR—HUBSCHRAUBER am BODEN
20141219             Rekord: Forscher filmen Fisch in 8—KMTIEFE
20141219             TERROR—MILIZ: GROßTEIL—DER—IS—REKRUTEN kommt offenbar aus MAROKKO
20141219             Der Orden wollte sich DAZU—FREITAG—AM, nicht äußern.
20141219             Auch kommentierte er MEDIEN—BERICHTE nicht,
20141219             wonach in der SCHWEIZ Konten beschlagnahmt worden sind.
20141219             —INVESTIERT, Über diese Konten soll auch Geld in Gesellschaften, worden sein,
20141219             GEGEN—DIE—UNTER anderem wegen Drogen—, Waffenhandels ermittelt werde, wie das ITALIENISCHE—MAGAZIN—PANORAMAOHNE ANGABEN—VON—QUELLEN schrieb.
20141219             —BENANNT, FRANZISKUS—I—PAPA hat sich nach FRANZ—VON—ASSISI, der den FRANZISKANER—ORDEN MITTELALTER—IM gegründet hatte.
20141219             DIE—FRANZISKANER leben —NACH—DEM Gelübde der Armut.
20141219             —HEUTE, ist der Orden nach eigenen Angaben mit 14.000—MITGLIEDERN —NACH—DEN JESUITen die zweitgrößte Bruderschaft der Welt und in etlichen Ländern aktiv,
20141219             darunter DEUTSCHLAND. Hier leben knapp 360—FRANZISKANER.
20141219             USA—ERMITTLER: FBI macht NORD—KOREA für SONY—HACK verantwortlich
20141219             —BERICHTET, DIE—ARBEIT der Frau, über die NBC ausführlich, taucht mehrfach in dem kürzlich veröffentlichen USA—SENATS—BERICHT auf,
20141219             der DIE—CIA—FOLTER—VON—TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGEN aufarbeitet.
20141219             Doch die SENAToren durften in ihrem Report keine Pseudonyme für die wichtigsten Protagonisten in dem Bericht verwenden.
20141219             —DENN, dann wäre aufgefallen, welchen Einfluss DIE—FRAU in DER—CIA hat.
20141219             —LAUT, Recherchen des NBC—REPORTERS MATTHEW—COLE spielte DIE—FRAU —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—15—JAHREN 1—ZENTRALE Rolle.
20141219             DER—GEHEIM—DIENST erfuhr
20141219             —SPÄTER, erlangte DIE—CIA Kenntnis davon, daß 1—ANDERER QAIDA—TERRORIST, Nawaf AL—HAZMI, nach LOS—ANGELES flog.
20141219             Diese Erkenntnisse, die möglicherweise —TAUSENDE—MENSCHENLEBEN hätten retten können, behielten die GEHEIM—DIENSTLER jedoch für sich.
20141219             DIE—FRAU, in deren Verantwortung DAS—THEMA fiel, wurde dafür nicht bestraft -
20141219             im Gegenteil: Sie machte weiter Karriere.
20141219             Sie wurde zur stellvertretenden Chefin DER—CIA—EINHEIT, die QAIDA—CHEF—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN jagte.
20141219             —GEFANGEN, Mehrfach war sie dabei, als der, genommene 20010911             —CHEFPLANER Khalid Sheikh MOHAMMED—IN 1—GEHEIM—GEFÄNGNIS—IN—POLEN dem sogenannten Waterboarding und anderen FOLTER—METHODEN unterzogen wurde.
20141219             DIE—ANGEBLICH brisanten Informationen, die sie den Häftlingen unter FOLTER abrang, erwiesen sich mehrfach als falsch.
20141219             —NACHDEM, er in Verhören mehrfach von seinen CIA—PEINIGERN GEGEN—DIE—WAND geschleudert und Waterboarding unterzogen wurde,
20141219             bestätigte MOHAMMED diese angeblichen Pläne.
20141219             Das führte schließlich dazu, daß DIE—USA—POLIZEI im BUNDESSTAAT—MONTANA nach mutmaßlichen TERRORISTEN fahndete.
20141219             —GEGEBEN, Ohne Erfolg, denn diese ANSCHLAGS—PLÄNE hatte es nie.
20141219             USA—MEHR bemühte sich DIE—FRAU, diese Fehlschläge zu verschleiern:
20141219             "Allein Khalid Sheikh MOHAMMEDs Informationen haben mindestens mehrere 100,
20141219             wenn nicht —TAUSENDE—MENSCHENLEBEN gerettet", behauptete sie
20141219             Das diente als Vorlage, um die sogenannten verschärften VERHÖR—METHODEN des GEHEIM—DIENSTES vor —POLITIK und Medien zu rechtfertigen.
20141219             Auch 1—DEUTSCHER wurde so zum Opfer DER—CIA—FRAU.
20141219             DIE—CIA—FRAU war MITVERANTWORTLICH—FÜR—DIE Entführung von Khaled EL—MASRI,
20141219             den DER—USA—GEHEIM—DIENST in MAZEDONIEN aufgriff und in 1—GEHEIM—GEFÄNGNIS—IN—AFGHANISTAN steckte.
20141219             —VERHÖRT, Dort wurde der Mann über —MONATE, und misshandelt.
20141219             Obwohl DER—CIA —SCHON nach wenigen —WOCHEN klar wurde, daß EL—MASRI Opfer 1—VERWECHSLUNG und keinesfalls QAIDA—MITGLIED war,
20141219             hielt DER—GEHEIM—DIENST den DEUTSCHEN—STAATS—BÜRGER fest.
20141219             —ERST nach —5—MONATEN kam er frei, DIE—CIA zahlte ihm 14.500—EURO Entschädigung.
20141219             Zuletzt leitete DIE—CIA—FRAU die GEHEIM—DIENSTABTEILUNG, die sich mit dem internationalen DSCHIHAD befasst.
20141219             —INZWISCHEN, soll sie zur CIA—FÜHRUNGSEBENE gehören.
20141219             Wie hat sie es trotz der offensichtlichen Fehlschläge nach oben geschafft?
20141219             "Sie ist erschreckend intelligent und weiß mehr über AL—QAIDA als jeder andere in DER—CIA",
20141219             Und er fügte 1—SATZ hinzu, der in den Ohren ihrer Opfer wie Hohn klingen muss:
20141219             "Sie hatte keine Angst, Fehler zu machen". [7]Alfreda FRANCES—BIKOWSKY
20141219             Na ja, sie ist nicht die einzige, die VERANTWORTLICH—FÜR—IHR Verhalten gemacht werden sollte.
20141219             Aber sicher 1—DER Hauptkandidaten.
20141219             Und ob man dann auch weitere Fragen stellen darf?
20141219             Wenn EL—KAIDA—INFORMATIONEN nur von 1—HANDVOLL Insidern kommt,
20141219             die ihre Fehlinfos durch FOLTER bestätigen haben lassen, was ist dann —AM—ENDE überhaupt noch glaubwürdige,
20141219             echte Information? Zumal wir ja nicht Cui Bono fragen dürfen.
20141219             BTW: "1 need only 1—CURSORY understanding of the large 20010911             Commission Report to know that 1—LARGE—PORTION—OF—THE—REPORT regarding the planning and carrying out of 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS was collected and based upon Khalid Sheikh MOHAMMED—INTERROGATIONS.
20141219             —PRODUCED, If we know —NOW that these interrogations, bogus, erroneous information,
20141219             dare we ask how much of 20010911             —THE, COMMISSION—FINAL—REPORT is based on total bullshit?
20141219             Yet something tells us that asking former staff director PHILIP—ZELIKOW or FORMER—COMMISSIO
20141219             ALTERNATIVE—DER—NAME der Dame ist keineswegs unbekannt, die NICHT—NENNUNG dürfte eher dem "INTELLIGENCE Identities Protection Act"geschuldet sein.
20141219             es ist allerdings nicht so entscheidend, ob 1 19650000             in TUNESIEN geborene,
20141219             KANADISCHE—STAATS—BÜRGERIN besonders fragwürdige VER—DIENSTE erworben HAT—BEFEHLSHABER war der AMERIKANISCHE—PRÄSIDENT und somit ist er der Verantwortliche.
20141219             Als solcher hat GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH sämtliche Aktionen DER—CIA, auch nach Vorlage des Berichts, als vollkommen gerechtfertigt verteidigt.
20141219             Das sollte genügen, um sich 1—URTEIL zu bilden.
20141219             So tief im Meer wie nie zuvor haben Forscher der UNIVERSITY—OF—HAWAII 1—BISLANG unbekannte Fischart entdeckt.
20141219             Das Tier sei im MARIAnengraben im westlichen Pazifik in 1—TIEFE—VON—8143—METERN entdeckt worden, teilten DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER mit.
20141219             Bei der —30—TAGE dauernden FORSCHUNGS—REISE mit dem Expeditionsschiff "Falkor"entdeckten DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER in 5.000—BIS 10.600—METERN Tiefe zahlreiche weitere neue Tierarten.
20141219             Je mehr Trimethylaminoxid Fische intus hätten,
20141219             desto tiefer könnten sie tauchen, vermuteten Forscher
20141219             EUROPA habe doppelt so VIELE—WÖLFE wie DIE—USA, obwohl die Fläche nur etwa halb so groß und mehr als doppelt so dicht besiedelt sei.
20141219             Hätte man in EUROPA ebenfalls auf das Modell der räumlichen Trennung gesetzt, so DIE—AUTOREN, gebe es —HEUTE wohl kaum noch große Raubtiere.
20141219             "DIE—MEISTEN SCHUTZ—GEBIETE in EUROPA sind zu klein, um selbst wenigen großen FLEISCHFRESSER—GRUPPEN 1—HEIMAT zu bieten".
20141219             Gründe für DIE—ENTWICKLUNG seien 1—KOORDINIERTE GESETZ—GEBUNG,
20141219             klare Regelungen für WALD—WIRTSCHAFT und Jagd sowie die starken UMWELTbewegungen —SEIT den SIEBZIGER—JAHREN,
20141219             die zu gesamteuropäischen Regelungen geführt hätten.
20141219             Auch die Entvölkerung vieler ländlicher Regionen schaffe Raum für die Raubtiere.
20141219             Allerdings klagen sie auch über stark gefährdete Populationen: So stehen etwa die Wölfe in der SPANISCHEN—SIERRA—MORENA,
20141219             in NORD—ANDALUSIEN, unmittelbar vor dem Aussterben.
20141219             Der GESUNDHEITS—EXPERTE hatte —AM—DONNERSTAG—ABEND,
20141219             in der ZDF—TALKSHOW "Maybrit Illner"gesagt, er habe Edathy ;;0200—IM, medizinische Hilfe angeboten.
20141219             —GELOGEN, Edathy schrieb dazu: "Ist schlicht. Und das auch noch völlig ohne Not".
20141219             ZUGLEICH veröffentlichte Edathy 1—SMS—ANTWORT, die ihm —DIE—SPD—ABGEORDNETE EVA—HÖGL
20141219             geht es um die Frage, wie —DIE—SPD—TEILNEHMER der KOALITIONS—VERHANDLUNGEN—MIT—DER Union ausgewählt worden waren:
20141219             "DIE—GANZE Aufstellung erfolgte nach unbekannten Regeln.
20141219             Wir können es auch Sigmars —CHAOS oder Anarchie nennen ;-)"
20141219             DIE—4—USA—AMERIKANER wollten —AN—DIESEM—ABEND
20141219             —5—TAGE—SPÄTER, es gehe darum, das Leben der 35.000—USA—BÜRGER—IN—PANAMA zu schützen,
20141219             die Unversehrtheit der PANAMAKANAL—VERTRÄGE zu wahren und den demokratischen Prozess wiederherzustellen.
20141219             TÜRKEI—GERICHT erlässt offenbar Haftbefehl gegen ERDOGAN—GEGNER Gülen
20141219             —FESTNAHMEN—IN—DEUTSCHLAND:
20141219             VERDÄCHTIGE Türken waren angeblich keine Spione - [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE—VON—SCOTLAND—YARD:
20141219             SCOTLAND—YARD has said claims by 1—WITNESS that a "VIP" sex abuse ring murdered 3—BOYS are "credible and true".
20141219             POLICE said the alleged abuse by 1—WESTMINSTER—BASED paedophile ring lasted —1—DECADE at locations across LONDON and the Home Counties, including MILITARY premises.
20141219             Europäische STAATEN befürchten, daß muslimische BÜRGER—IN—DIE Konfliktregion ziehen und dann radikalisiert zurückkehren,
20141219             um in ihren Heimatländern Anschläge zu verüben.
20141219             [8]O utilizador assume que os objetos, produtos ou serviços disponibilizados por si numa oferta ou numa troca são legais e não se encontram onerados por direitos de terceiros,
20141219             dispondo assim do objeto ou serviço de forma livre.
20141219             O utilizador ASSUME—SE como titular dos direitos de AUTOR—E dos direitos conexos sobre o conteúdo da descrição dos objetos ou serviços, incluindo das imagens que utiliza.
20141219             Nos casos em que não é titular desses direitos, os obteve dos respetivo titulares;
20141219             O BDT RESERVA—SE o direito de alterar as condições e políticas a qualquer momento sem se obrigar a qualquer explicação nem aviso prévio.
20141219             Neste ponto estão incluídas a responsabilização, privacidade, acesso e utilização;
20141219             O desconheçimento destas regras não desculpa o seu incumprimento.
20141219             —NEUE—REGELN für BUNDES—POLIZEI: Piercing erlaubt, Dreitagebart verboten
20141219             SCHÜSSE—AUF—MICHAEL—BROWN: STAATS—ANWALT bezichtigt Zeugen der Falschaussage
20141219             BUENOS—AIRES—IN ARGENTINIEN sind 4—FRÜHERE—ARMEEANGEHÖRIGE wegen VERBRECHEN—GEGEN—DIE—MENSCHLICHKEIT WÄHREND der MILITÄR—DIKTATUR (19760000—19830000    ) zu lebenslangen Haftstrafen verurteilt worden.
20141219             Unter anderem sind sie für die Ermordung DER—DEUTSCHEN—ELISABETH—KÄSEMANN verantwortlich.
20141219             DIE—4—MÄNNER wurden von dem GERICHT—BUENOS—AIRES schuldig befunden,
20141219             in dem GEHEIM—GEFÄNGNIS—VESUBIO im Südwesten der HAUPT—STADT schwere VERBRECHEN—AN—204—HÄFTLINGEN begangen zu haben.
20141219             —LAUT—DEM—URTEIL machten sich die 4—ANGEKLAGTEN, die MITTLERWEILE zwischen 66—UND,
20141219             —82—JAHRE—ALT sind, illegaler Freiheitsberaubung sowie der FOLTER, der Vergewaltigung und des Mordes schuldig.
20141219             Insgesamt waren in dem Gefängnis
20141219             DIE—DEUTSCHE—SOZIOLOGIN ELISABETH—KÄSEMANN war 19770000             verschleppt worden.
20141219             —8—WOCHEN—SPÄTER wurde ihre von Kugeln durchlöcherte Leiche ZUSAMMEN—MIT—DEN Leichen von 15—ANDEREN Häftlingen auf 1—BRACHFLÄCHE gefunden.
20141219             —SEIT, der Aufhebung 1—AMNESTIE - [4]Die fehlenden Angeklagten
20141219             Schuldig am TOD—VON—ELISABETH—KÄSEMANN sind die ehemaligen STAATS—MINISTER—KLAUS—VON—DOHNANY,
20141219             Hildegard HAMM—BRÜCHER, der EHEMALIGE—AUßEN—MINISTER—GENSCHER,
20141219             Alle 5—PERSONEN hätten ganz persönlich und ohne großen Aufwand die ERMORDUNG—VON—FRAU—KÄSEMANN verhindern und ihre Freilassung erreichen können.
20141219             1—ZUTIEFST beschämende und beängstigende Episode DEUTSCHER—GESCHICHTE.
20141219             1—BESONDERS erschreckende und kaltherzige Figur macht hierbei der damalige DEUTSCHE—BOTSCHAFTER—JÖRG—KASTL,
20141219             der —BIS—HEUTE in Interviews behauptet, Frau Käsemann sei selber schuld und habe den Tod quasi verdient.
20141219             DIE—ANDEREN vorgenannten Politiker und FUSSBALL—FUNKTIONÄREHATTEN einfach kein Interesse weil 1—REIBUNGSLOSE Weltmeisterschaft und das MILLIARDEN—GESCHÄFT mit dieser Veranstaltung allemal wichtiger war.
20141219             Wer sich hierüber ausführlich und objektiv informieren - [8]In DEUTSCHLAND keine Aufarbeitung
20141219             AUßEN—MINISTER—GENSCHER, DIE—DEUTSCHE—BOTSCHAFT und der DFB WUSSTENNO—VON—DEM Fall und haben fröhlich 1—FREUNDSCHAFTSSPIEL vor Ort ausgetragen,
20141219             —GEFOLTERT, WÄHREND DIE—DEUTSCHE—WENIGER Kmweiter im Gefängnis, wurde.
20141219             —GEZOGEN, Auf DEUTSCHER—SEITE hat niemand daraus Konsequenzen, GENSCHER hat sich für sein Nichtstun nicht einmal bei den Hinterbliebenen entschuldigt und der DFB bildet sich IMMER—NOCH völlig weltfremd und ignorant ein,
20141219             daß man Fußball völlig blind und losgelöst von Politik, Anstand und Moral betreiben kann.
20141219             — Dabei ist klar: Hätte der DFB einfach erkärt, daß es kein Freundschaftsspiel gibt,
20141219             solange 1—DEUTSCHE von der MILITÄRjunta grundlos gefangengehalten wird, wäre Frau Käsemann —HEUTE am Leben!!
20141219             Aber dem DEUTSCHEN—FUSSBALLBUND sind 1—BELANGLOSER Freundschaftskick über —90—MINUTEN offenbar wichtiger, als 1—GANZES Menschenleben.
20141219             Auch —DAMALS, waren DIE—USA im Hintergrund, vertreten durch den allseits bekannten HENRY—KISSINGER,
20141219             trotz des persönlich eher anständigen Präsidenten JIMMY—CARTER, 1—VERLÄSSLICHE Rückendeckung für die Junta.
20141219             Diese hatte ganz offen abgekündigt,
20141219             tausende OPPOSITIONeller auslöschen zu wollen, es wurden dann an die 30 000—MORDE.
20141219             Westliche Wertegemeinschaft at his best.
20141219             DIE—USA wollten offiziell keine Waffen liefern, DIE—BUNDES—REPUBLIK—UNTER—SCHMIDT/GENSCHER war da nicht so pingelig.
20141219             Wieso schlechtes Gewissen ?
20141219             "Nach 1—EINJÄHRIGEN Rundreise durch LATEIN—AMERIKA entschloss sie sich zu bleiben.
20141219             1—RÜCKKEHR nach DEUTSCHLAND konnte sie sich nicht mehr vorstellen, —NACHDEM sie Armut und Ungerechtigkeit in LATEIN—AMERIKA erlebt hatte.
20141219             Sie wollte 1—BEITRAG zur Verbesserung der LEBENS—VERHÄLTNISSE leisten", weiss DIE—DEUTSCHE—WIKIPEDIA über ELISABETH—KÄSEMANN zu berichten.
20141219             Das war und ist kommunistisches Gedankengut.
20141219             Und damit schliesst sich der Kreis ziemlich schnell.
20141219             "Hätte sich 1—HOCHRANGIGER Vertreter DEUTSCHLANDs an die MILITÄRjunta gewandt mit der Bitte, ELISABETH—KÄSEMANN freizulassen, wäre das mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit geschehen.
20141219             1—DERARTIGER Anruf fand jedoch nicht statt".sagte der ARGENTINISCHE—BUNDES—RICHTER—DANIEL—EDUARDO—RAFECAS.
20141219             Was hat der gute Mann denn erwartet?
20141219             Das DIPLOMATEN DER—BUNDES—REPUBLIK—DEUTSCHLAND kommunistische LANDS—LEUTE vor FOLTER und Tod retten?
20141219             Har Har... Und selbst wenn sie das gemacht hätten, Frau Käsemann wäre früher oder SPÄT
20141219             Wer sich — so wie ich — —SCHON zweimal die nächtliche DOKUMENTATION über die bestialische ERMORDUNG—VON—ELISABETH—KÄSEMANN durch die Kreaturen der ARGENTINISCHEN—GEHEIM—POLIZEI zugemutet hat,
20141219             der bleibt einfach nur erschüttert zurück über das bewusste Versagen der —DAMALS, höchsten Repräsentanten in DER—DEUTSCHEN—POLITIK.
20141219             1—SCHANDE für solche VORZEIGE—IKONEN wie HELMUT—SCHMIDT,
20141219             H.D. GENSCHER und Hildegard HAMM—BRÜCHER.
20141219             Auch noch lange —NACH—DEM Verbrechen und DER—ALLMÄHLICHEN Aufklärung darüber war der Umgang damit seitens GENSCHER nur erbärmlich.
20141219             Der damalige DEUTSCHE—BOTSCHAFTER—KASTL in BUENOS—AIRES war mit seinem gnadenlosen Verhalten 1—LEUCHTENDES Beispiel dafür,
20141219             daß die NAZI—IDEOLOGIE im Diplomatischen Dienst sich —BIS—DAHIN fortsetzen durfte.
20141219             Er trägt mit Schuld an FOLTER und TOD—DER—ELISABETH—KÄSEMANN.
20141219             Möge er in Unfrieden ruhen.
20141219             "Sie haben großen Schaden verursacht. Und wir werden darauf reagieren",
20141219             erklärte OBAMA—FREITAG—AM, in seiner im Fernsehen übertragenen —JAHRESEND—REDE.
20141219             DIE—REGIERUNG in PJÖNG—JANG hat entsprechende Vorwürfe wiederholt zurückgewiesen.
20141219             OBAMA kündigte 1 "angemessene Reaktion"der USA an.
20141219             Diese werde zu gegebener Zeit erfolgen.
20141219             —DERZEIT, lasse er 1 "REIHE—VON—OPTIONEN"ausarbeiten.
20141219             Filmsatire "THE—INTERVIEW", in der NORD—KOREA—MACHT—HABER KIM—JUNG—UN getötet wird.
20141219             Der Kinostart war für den 1.WEIHNACHTS—TAG geplant.
20141219             Hinter dem ANGRIFF steckte die Gruppe "GUARDIANS—OF—PEACE"(GOP).
20141219             —VOR, einigen —TAGEN sprachen die Hacker wegen "THE—INTERVIEW"dann ominöse Drohungen aus:
20141219             "Wir werden Ihnen klar zeigen, welch bitteres Schicksal jene erleiden, die Spaß am TERROR haben".
20141219             OBAMA sagte, er habe zwar Verständnis, daß Sony sich als Privatunternehmen vor ökonomischem Schaden gefürchtet habe.
20141219             —GEWÜNSCHT, Aber er hätte sich, daß DIE—VERANTWORTLICHEN vor der —ENTSCHEIDUNG mit ihm gesprochen hätten.
20141219             "Ich hätte ihnen gesagt, nicht in 1—MUSTER zu verfallen, in dem man sich von CYBER—ANGRIFFEN einschüchtern lässt", sagte DER—PRÄSIDENT.
20141219             es bestehe die Gefahr, daß Produzenten künftig Selbstzensur übten.
20141219             "Das ist nicht, wer wir sind. Das ist nicht, wofür AMERIKA steht", sagte OBAMA.
20141219             Sony reagierte prompt auf die Kritik: DER—USA—PRÄSIDENT,
20141219             DIE—PRESSE und DIE—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT hätten 1—FALSCHES Bild davon,
20141219             was DAS—UNTERNEHMEN zu seiner —ENTSCHEIDUNG bewogen habe, sagte SONY—MANAGER MICHAEL—LYNTON.
20141219             "Wir haben die schlimmste CYBER—ATTACKE—IN—DER AMERIKANISCHEN—GESCHICHTE erlebt", rechtfertigte er sich.
20141219             —GEWESEN, DIE—ENTSCHEIDUNG, den Film zurückzuziehen, sei richtig.
20141219             ZUGLEICH wies Lynton die Kritik zurück, sein Unternehmen sei vor den Hackern eingeknickt.
20141219             DIE—USA—BUNDES—POLIZEI FBI hatte DIE—REGIERUNG in PJÖNG—JANG wenige —STUNDEN vor der Rede OBAMAs direkt für den CYBER—ANGRIFF und DIE—TERROR—DROHUNGEN verantwortlich gemacht.
20141219             Mit der "Einschüchterung"bewege sich NORD—KOREA "außerhalb der GRENZEN—DES—AKZEPTABLEN—VERHALTENS—VON—STAATEN", teilte DAS—FBI mit.
20141219             OBAMA sagte, DIE—USA hätten keine Hinweise darauf, daß NORD—KOREA bei der Attacke mit 1—ANDEREN Land zusammengearbeitet habe.
20141219             es gebe keine Hinweise, daß CHINA involviert sei.
20141219             Bei seiner letzten PRESSE—KONFERENZ vor seinem Weihnachtsurlaub griff DER—PRÄSIDENT auch die Annäherung der USA an KUBA auf.
20141219             OBAMA verteidigte seine —ENTSCHEIDUNG für 1—NEUANFANG in den Beziehungen zu KUBA.
20141219             Er verstehe die Bedenken von Dissidenten und MENSCHEN—RECHTLERN, sagte er.
20141219             Tatsächlich handele ES—SICH bei der KUBANISCHEN—FÜHRUNG weiterhin um 1—REGIME, das sein Volk unterdrücke, und es werde keinen Wandel über —NACHT geben.
20141219             Aber der —BISHERIGE—KURS der USA habe in —50—JAHREN nichts bewirkt,
20141219             und es sei daher Zeit, "etwas Neues zu versuchen, um 1—ANDERES Ergebnis zu erzielen", bekräftigte er.
20141219             "es wird Wandel in KUBA geben. es muss ihn geben.
20141219             —FUNKTIONIERT, Sie haben 1—WIRTSCHAFT, die nicht ".
20141219             [7]1—GUTE Zeit für 1—NORD—KOREA—INVASÃON
20141219             Einfach auf youtube googeln : "COLIN—POWELL[SHABBAS GOY] Says USA—SHOULD Destroy NORTH—KOREA—REGIME If It Uses Nuclear Weapons"
20141219             Was OBAMA —HEUTE hinter den Kulissen —SCHON mal vorangekündigt hat, ( response ) kann noch eskalieren.
20141219             [8]Doppelmoral wohin man schaut!!!!
20141219             Wo bitte sind die Schauspieler der USA wenn es um die eigene Regierung bzw.
20141219             Regime geht.
20141219             Meiner Meinung nach wird es mal Zeit zur selbstzensur
20141219             Über den PRIVAT—SEKTOR von SiliconValley wird dem BÜRGER durch 1—TOTAL—ÜBERWACHUNG Selbstzensur aufgebürdet.
20141219             Diskussionen sind per Implementierung 1—REINEN Kommentarwelt auf Blogs, in den Leitmedien wie ÖR Springer Gruner Medien unerwünscht.
20141219             Dampf ablassen ja,
20141219             verändern Nein Doch für sogenannte Traumwelterschaffer und Medien mit 1—RIESIGEN Juristenapperat ist kontrolllose Narrenfreiheit garantiert.
20141219             PS: als Hacker würde ich auch immer über NORD—KOREA agieren, die lassen sich echt bluffen
20141219             Wer ist hier DER—TERRORIST ?
20141219             es ist —SCHON pervers, zu 1—ZEIT—PUNKT, da DIE—PLÄNE DER—CIA zur Ermordung ausländischer STAATSMÄNNER—WIE VIELE—MÖRDER schickten DIE—USA allein gegen FIDEL—CASTRO auf den WEG—ÖFFENTLICH werden,
20141219             in HOLLYWOOD 1—FILM zu produzieren, in dem genau dieser MORD—AN—1—ZUM Paria erklärten Politiker thematisiert wird.
20141219             1—AUFRUF zum Mord, den man eher als kriminell denn künstlerisch bezeichnen kann und der nicht unter dem SCHUTZ—DER—"künstlerischen Freiheit"stehen sollte.
20141219             Und statt sich von den verantwortungslosen Filmemachern zu distanzieren,
20141219             verurteilt OBAMA den CYBER—ANGRIFF—AUF—DIE Herstellerfirma!
20141219             Armer Kuhjungenstaat
20141219             es tut weh, wenn man auf das Kulturniveau der USA—AMERIKANER gezerrt wird.
20141219             —GEHÖRT, Der wilde Westen, nicht zu EUROPA.
20141219             DIE—KULTUR und die Schulbildung der RUSSEN ist uns viel näher!
20141219             Wie kann man 1—SO geschmacklosen Film mit MORD—AN—1—LEBENDEN Menschen zu Weihnachten in die Kinos bringen.
20141219             Der OBAMA dreht wohl ganz durch, wenn er sich als —PRÄSIDENT hinter so 1—QUATSCH stellt.
20141219             Falls KOREA DIE—DATENLEITUNGEN von Sony IN—DEN—USA geknackt hat zeigt es doch nur was die KOREAner können und dass sie dem NSA paroli bieten können.
20141219             ""Ich hätte ihnen gesagt, nicht in 1—MUSTER zu verfallen, in dem man sich von CYBER—ANGRIFFEN einschüchtern lässt",
20141219             sagte DER—PRÄSIDENT".Mit weihnachtlichem GRUß—AN—DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG.
20141219             —HAPPENED, VERY similar to what, 1—COUPLE—OF—DAYS—JUST—BEFORE 911, —ETC.
20141219             Regime geht.DIE—USA haben mit dem PATRIOT—ACT,FOLTERungen und Verfolgung von Whistelblowern.Wer gegen folterungen und Exicutionen ist sollte selbst diese Praxis nicht anwenden.Wer aber andere STAATEN ausspioniert und WIRTSCHAFT—SPIONAGE betreibt kann DIE—SPIONAGE von anderen nicht anprangen.
20141219             GEORGE—CLOONEY und seines gleichen sollten sich lieber um DIE—USA—DIKTATUR und ihre Installierung duch BUSH und die unbegrenzbare MACHT des CIA und anderer GEHEIM—DIENSTE machen.
20141219             —IMPOSED, THE—USA, sanctions on RUSSIAN—CONTROLLED Crimea as UKRAINE announced the loss of 5—SOLDIERS—AHEAD—OF—PEACE—TALKS meant to end 1—WAR against RUSSIAN—BACKED insurgents.
20141219             —CONDUCTED, THE—USA—LED coalition, 11—AIR—STRIKES against Islamic State militants in IRAQ and 4 in Syria.
20141219             —ACCUSED, THE—USA—FBI formally, NORTH—KOREA of hacking of Sony Pictures.
20141219             Estimates —THIS—YEAR suggest the region is home to 3,748 wolves, 1—DECLINE mostly due to hunting and trapping.
20141219             —ISSUED, THE—USA—ENVIRONMENTAL—PROTECTION—AGENCY, rules on labeling coal ash, 1—BYPRODUCT—OF—COAL—BASED power production containing toxic materials such as arsenic and lead, as NON—HAZARDOUS—WASTE.
20141219             —WARNED, USA—HEALTH—OFFICIALS, consumers to avoid prepackaged caramel apples —AFTER they were linked to 4—DEATHS in which people were sickened with listeria.
20141219             —SICKENED, At least 28—MORE were known, in 10—STATES.
20141219             Sony Pictures said it is looking for alternatives to release "THE—INTERVIEW" —AFTER it scrapped the Christmas —DAY theatrical opening of the screwball comedy at the center of 1—CYBER—ATTACK on the studio blamed on NORTH—KOREA.
20141219             Google sued to block what it calls overly broad demands by MISSISSIPPI in its investigation of online contraband sales, —AFTER accusing the state's ATTORNEY—GENERAL—OF doing HOLLYWOOD—BIDDING.
20141219             —FIRED, AFGHANISTAN, Taliban insurgents, several mortar rounds in Dawlar Shah district, Laghman province.
20141219             † 1—WOMAN was killed and 2—WOMEN and 6—CHILDREN were wounded.
20141219             NORTH—AUSTRALIA, the bodies of 8—CHILDREN, aged 2—14—YEARS, and 1 wounded woman, Mersane Warria (37), were discovered in 1—HOME in CAIRNS, Queensland state.
20141219             She was the mother of 7—OF—THEM; the 8. was her niece.
20141219             —IMPOSED, BELARUS, a 30—PERCENT fee on currency exchange transactions in 1—EFFORT to contain panic that has spilled over from neighboring RUSSIA.
20141219             BRAZIL, 1—FEDERAL—INVESTIGATION into 1—KICKBACK scheme at STATE—OWNED Petrobras ensnared 30—EXECUTIVES.
20141219             —ACCUSED, In SAO—PAULO prosecutors, 33—BUSINESSMEN—OF running a "cartel" to profit from the city's subway system.
20141219             BULGARIA, 1—POWERFUL—EXPLOSION at 1—AMMUNITION—PLANT in the southeast killed 1—WORKER and wounded 4—OTHERS—NEAR the village of Maglizh.
20141219             CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC, violence broke out —WHEN mainly CHRISTIAN—ANTI—BALAKA militias launched 1—ATTACK against rebels of the largely Muslim FORMER—SELEKA alliance and Peul in THE—CENTRAL—REGION—OF—BAMBARI.
20141219             —KILLED, At least 12—PEOPLE were, in that attack.
20141219             —NOTIFIED, CHINA, SHANGHAI—BASED lawyer Zhang Peihong said he was, by prosecutors in NORTH—EAST—YANBIAN PREFECTURE—OF—THE—ARREST—OF—PETER—HAHN, —74—JAHRE—ALT, 1—KOREAN—AMERICA—CHRISTIAN who ran 1—VOCATIONAL—SCHOOL for Chinese and Korean youth for more than —1—DECADE in the border TOWN—OF—TUMEN.
20141219             1—BEIJING court sentenced 1—FORMER—EMPLOYEE—OF—THE—FORBIDDEN—CITY to be executed for stabbing 2—OF—HIS supervisors to death on the museum's grounds.
20141219             —ARGUED, Zheng Zhibiao had, at his trial —IN—EARLY—DECEMBER that he had been concerned over 1—LACK—OF—PROTECTION—OF artifacts held at THE—FORMER—PALACE—OF—CHINA—EMPERORS.
20141219             1—BEIJING court ordered 1—PSYCHOLOGICAL—CLINIC to pay compensation to 1—HOMOSEXUAL man for administering electric shocks in 1—ATTEMPT to make him heterosexual, 1 unprecedented ruling on SO—CALLED conversion therapy.
20141219             CHINA said it would build an 867-km rail network in THAILAND and buy 2—MILLION—TONS—OF—ITS—RICE.
20141219             Premier Li Keqiang was attending a —2—DAY—SUMMIT—OF—LEADERS—OF—MEKONG River region countries.
20141219             COLOMBIA, 1—CLASH between the army and FARC rebels left 5—SOLDIERS—DEAD and 5 wounded.
20141219             —APPROVED, THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC, 1—LAW that for the 1. time decriminalizes abortions if the mother's life is at risk.
20141219             —FORCED, THE—PILOT—OF—THE—ETHIOPIA—ATTACK—HELICOPTER, his CO—PILOT and technician to land in ERITREA—TERRITORY.
20141219             The helicopter was conducting 1—ROUTINE training flight —WHEN it disappeared.
20141219             1—HONG—KONG jury found THOMAS—KWOK, 1—BILLIONAIRE property developer and 1—FORMER—TOP—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL, GUILTY—OF—CORRUPTION—AFTER 1—HIGH—PROFILE—TRIAL that amplified anger at the city's elite.
20141219             EAST—INDONESIA, THE—MOUNT—GAMALAMA volcano on TERNATE ISLAND in NORTH—MALUKU province erupted, spewing towering clouds of hot ash into the air and leaving 4—HIKERS injured and 1—MISSING —WHEN they scrambled to safety.
20141219             —PRESSED, IRAQ, Kurdish forces, their biggest offensive against the Islamic State group so far, buoyed by USA—REPORTS that jihadist supremo ABU—BAKR—AL—BAGHDADI—TOP—AIDE in IRAQ has been killed.
20141219             —KILLED, Bombings, 11—PEOPLE in BAGHDAD.
20141219             1—ROCKET fired from GAZA hit SOUTH—ISRAEL.
20141219             It fell on open ground without causing casualties or damage.
20141219             —ASKED, ISRAEL was, by THE—UN—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY to compensate LEBANON for $856.4—MILLION in oil spill damages it caused —DURING its 20060000             war with Hezbollah.
20141219             THE—USA, AUSTRALIA, CANADA and ISRAEL were among THE—6—STATES that voted against THE—UN—TEXT.
20141219             —SEIZED, ITALY—POLICE, construction companies, apartments, villas and 1—YACHT belonging to Cristiano Guarnera, 1—BUSINESSMAN who authorities allege consorted with 1—MAFIA—LIKE—GANG in ROME with ties to local politicians.
20141219             JAPAN—RESEARCHER—HARUKO Obokata said in 1—STATEMENT that she was leaving the Riken Center for Developmental Biology —AFTER the lab concluded the stem cells she said she had created probably never existed.
20141219             —STOPPED, The center said it had, trying to match OBOKATA—RESULTS.
20141219             —SIGNED, KENYA—PRESIDENT—UHURU—KENYATTA, into law 1—CONTENTIOUS—BILL saying it will help the country fight terrorism, but which critics say will be used to crush dissent by curbing civil liberties.
20141219             MADAGASCAR—PRESIDENT and 4—OF—HIS predecessors met for the 1. time in 1—BID to foster 1—NATIONAL—RECONCILIATION—PROCESS in THE—INDIA—OCEAN—ISLAND blighted by political crises.
20141219             MOROCCO—AUTHORITIES said 9—MIGRANTS, including 3—INFANTS, have drowned off the coast near TANGIERS.
20141219             21—PEOPLE were rescued.
20141219             † MOZAMBIQUE—AUTHORITIES said 5—PEOPLE have in floods in THE—CAPITAL—MAPUTO, —AFTER DAYS—OF—TORRENTIAL rain.
20141219             —KILLED, PAKISTAN—WARPLANES and ground forces, at least 77—MILITANTS overnight in 1—NORTHWESTERN tribal region near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER.
20141219             —HANGED, PAKISTAN—AUTHORITIES, 2 convicted militants in the 1. executions —FOLLOWING THE—REINSTATEMENT—OF—THE—DEATH—PENALTY—IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THIS—WEEK—PESHAWAR school massacre.
20141219             1—MOSCOW court extended 1—TERM—OF—HOUSE—ARREST for Kremlin critic ALEXEI—NAVALNY on trial for stealing more than 30—MILLION rubles (£317,743), charges he dismisses as PART—OF—1—CAMPAIGN by PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN to stifle dissent.
20141219             —SENTENCED, OLEG—NAVALNY was, to 3½ years in jail for defrauding 1—COSMETICS—COMPANY in 1—VERDICT which was largely seen as retribution for the political ambitions of his brother, who got 1 suspended sentence in the same trial.
20141219             1—TURKEY—COURT—KEPT—HIDAYET—KARACA, HEAD—OF—SAMANYOLU—TELEVISION, and 3—OTHER—PEOPLE in custody pending trial on accusations of belonging to 1—TERRORIST—GROUP.
20141219             —KILLED, YEMEN, 1—SUSPECTED—AL—QAEDA bomb attack, 3—SOLDIERS and wounded 5—OTHERS in Seyun, Hadramawt province.
20141219—20120000    —COUNTED, FEDERAL—WILDLIFE biologists, nearly 4,400 wolves in MICHIGAN, MINNESOTA and WISCONSIN —WHEN the animals were removed from the federal endangered and threatened species list.
20141219—20141221    —CHARGED, Warria was, with 8—COUNTS—OF—MURDER.
20141219—20141226    —RELEASED, FARC, captured soldier CARLOS—BECERRA—OJEDA, —19—JAHRE—ALT.
20150416—20151219    —RULED, Janner †, days —AFTER 1—COURT, him unfit because of ill health to stand trial.
20150422   —
20151219             —ERUPTED, The fighting had, 20151217             and was ongoing in THE—EAST—TOWN—OF—AJDABIYA.
20151219             —AM, wird DIE—SONDE Enceladus zum letzten Mal genauer inspizieren.
20151219             SYRIEN—PLAN—DER—UNO: 1—BISSCHEN Frieden
20151219             Südchinesisches Meer: PEKING empört über Bomberflug DER—USA—LUFTWAFFE
20151219             Versehentlicher Flug oder bewusste Provokation?
20151219             HILLARY—CLINTON vs. BERNIE—SANDERS:
20151219             DATEN—DIEBSTAHL unter DEMOKRATEN (Politik, 09:46)
20151219             NAZI—RAUBKUNST: GURLITT—TASKFORCE kostete fast 2.000.000—EURO
20151219             "Friendly Fire": ANTI—IS—KOALITION bombardiert versehentlich eigene Soldaten
20151219             In his appearance on THE—RT program "Going Underground," ASSANGE elaborated on the cable's contents:
20151219             "... That plan was to use 1—NUMBER—OF—DIFFERENT—FACTORS to create paranoia within THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT; to push it to overreact, to make it fear there's 1—COUP..".
20151219             —CONTINUED, ASSANGE, explaining that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT sought to make THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT appear weak by causing ASSAD to overreact to THE—THREAT—OF—ISLAMIC—EXTREMISTS crossing into his country.
20151219             The cable also details plans to foster sectarian strife in the region and make IRAN appear like 1—LARGER—THREAT to ASSAD than it really was, ASSANGE continued:
20151219             "In particular, to take rumors that are known to be false... or exaggerations and promote them — that IRAN is trying to convert poor Sunnis,
20151219             and to work with Saudi and EGYPT to foster that perception in order to make it harder for IRAN to have influence,
20151219             and also harder for THE—GOVERNMENTT to have influence in the population".
20151219             WIKILEAKS cables reveal that these plans came from THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT,
20151219             and —SHOW that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT intended to work with SAUDI—ARABIA,
20151219             TURKEY, QATAR and EGYPT to encourage the breakdown of THE—ASSAD regime as 1—WAY—OF also weakening IRAN and Hezbollah.
20151219             "[I]f SYRIA sufficiently destabilized, it might be in 1—POSITION where it can keep the Golan Heights forever, or even advance that territory," ASSANGE said.
20151219             —KONFLIKT—IM—SÜDOSTEN: TÜRKISCHE—ARMEE tötet fast 70—PKK—KÄMPFER
20151219             Brand im BELGISCHEN—AKW Tihange: "Endlich für immer stilllegen"
20151219             —NACH—1—FEUER in 1—NICHT—NUKLEAREN BEREICH—DER—ANLAGE war der Reaktor 1—DES ATOM—KRAFT—WERKS Tihange —FREITAG—AM—ABEND, automatisch heruntergefahren worden.
20151219             DIE—ANLAGE—CA—70—KM westlich von AACHEN steht —SEIT—LÄNGEREM, in der Kritik.
20151219             "Brände im MONATS—RHYTHMUS, Risse im Reaktordruckbehälter, Funde von Weltkriegsbomben,
20151219             ungeschultes SICHERHEITS—PERSONAL, undichte Kühlwasserbehälter",
20151219             empörte sich der stellvertretende FRAKTIONS—VORSITZENDE—DER—GRÜNEN im BUNDES—TAG, OLIVER—KRISCHER.
20151219             Tihange bedrohe MILLIONEN—MENSCHEN in BELGIEN, den NIEDERLANDEn und DEUTSCHLAND,
20151219             —PROTESTE—IN—MEHR als 20—STÄDTEN: Tausende POLEN—DEMONSTRIEREN—GEGEN—IHRE Regierung
20151219             Smog in PEKING: —SCHON wieder Alarmstufe Rot
20151219             —DEBATTE um —8—STUNDEN—TAG: ARBEITGEBER wollen "mehr Beweglichkeit" - Innenpolitische KRISE—IN—POLEN:
20151219             "Stoppt den ANGRIFF—AUF—DIE—DEMOKRATIE!"
20151219             [l] 30—PROZENT—DER—REPUBLIKANER—WÄHLER sprachen sich bei 1—UMFRAGE dafür aus, dass DIE—USA endlich mal Agrabah bombardieren sollte.
20151219             —GEHÖRT, Wie, ihr habt noch nie von Agrabah ?
20151219             Das ist das fiktive Land aus Disneys ALADIN—FILM.
20151219             [l] FRAGE—DES—TAGES: Wozu haben wir eigentlich ATOM—BOMBEN, wenn wir sie dann nicht einsetzen?!
20151219             Fragte diese —TAGE 1.SPRECHERIN—VON—DONALD—TRUMP im Fernsehen.
20151219             "What good does it do to have 1—GOOD—NUCLEAR triad if you're afraid to use it?" Pierson asked.
20151219             Ja genau!
20151219             —CREDITED, He is, with helping prevent violence —AFTER THE—COLLAPSE—OF—COMMUNISM in EAST—GERMANY and —LATER reinvigorated THE—NEW—YORK Philharmonic —DURING an —11—YEAR—STINT as music director.
20151219             1—OFF—DUTY—BALTIMORE policeman shot and killed 1—MAN he says appeared to be holding him at gunpoint in the suburbs of Linthicum Heights.
20151219             —SURVEYED, Detectives, the crime scene and realized THE—WOULD—BE robber was wielding 1—TOY—GUN.
20151219             The leaders of ARMENIA and AZERBAIJAN met in SWITZERLAND to discuss their LONG—RUNNING dispute over NAGORNO—KARABAKH.
20151219             10—OF—CHILE—AIRPORTS remained closed as striking workers tied to the civil aviation authority and officials failed to reach 1—AGREEMENT.
20151219             —ENVELOPED, BEIJING was, in EYE—WATERING, THROAT—IRRITATING smog as the 2. red ALERT—OF—THE—MONTH went into effect.
20151219             —KILLED, Human Rights Watch said at least 75—PEOPLE have been, —DURING WEEKS—OF—PROTESTS in ETHIOPIA, which have seen soldiers and police firing on demonstrators protesting 1—GOVERNMENT—PLAN to incorporate SOME—RURAL—AREAS into the capital city, ADDIS—ABABA.
20151219             FRANCE, 1—ATTACK—PLOT targeting REPRESENTATIVES—OF—STATE—FORCES was foiled and 2—MEN were arrested in THE—REGION—OF—ORLEANS, SOUTH—WEST—OF—PARIS.
20151219             —WARNED, IRAN, residents of TEHRAN were, to stay at home as 1—THICK—SMOG—OF—POLLUTION hung in the air.
20151219             1—ISRAEL—AIR strike killed SAMIR—QANTAR, 1—HEZBOLLAH militant leader, in DAMASCUS.
20151219             —CONVICTED—OF, Kantar, 1—LEBANON—WHO was, carrying out 1—OF—THE—MOST notorious attacks in ISRAEL—HISTORY, had spent nearly —3—DECADES in 1—ISRAEL—PRISON.
20151219             JAPAN, about 20—ANTI—CHRISTMAS protesters calling themselves "Losers with Women" marched through TOKYO—STREETS, bashing the upcoming holiday as 1—CAPITALIST ploy that also discriminates against singletons.
20151219             —KILLED, LIBYA—MEDICAL—SOURCES said at least 14—PEOPLE have been, and 25 wounded —DURING clashes between armed groups loyal to official government and Islamist groups.
20151219             —INVOLVED, NIGER said 9—MILITARY—OFFICERS, in allegedly planning 1 attempted coup have been arrested and will face 1—MILITARY—TRIBUNAL.
20151219             —COMMUTED, NIGERIA said its military has, the death sentences handed to 66—SOLDIERS for mutiny over claims they refused to fight Boko Haram Islamists.
20151219             Instead, EACH—SOLDIER will serve a —10—YEAR—PRISON—TERM.
20151219             —LAUNCHED, NIGERIA, Boko Haram gunmen, 1—DAWN raid on Buratai, Borno state, THE—HOMETOWN—OF—THE—ARMY—CHIEF, triggering 1—FIERCE—GUNBATTLE with troops.
20151219             —KILLED, NORWAY, 1—MAN was, —WHEN 1—AVALANCHE hit THE—TOWN—OF—LONGYEARBYEN, the biggest settlement on THE—ARCTIC archipelago of Svalbard.
20151219             —ENGULFED, The avalanche, about 10—HOUSES in the town, which has some 2,000 inhabitants.
20151219             1—PALESTINE—MAN, —20—JAHRE—ALT stabbed 3—ISRAELIS in THE—CENTRAL—CITY—OF—RAANANA, seriously wounding 1—OF—THEM, —BEFORE being shot and then arrested by ISRAEL—SECURITY—FORCES.
20151219             —PUMMELED, In THE—PHILIPPINES heavy rains, the entire country, flooding more areas as the government declared a "STATE—OF—NATIONAL—CALAMITY".
20151219             POLAND, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE took part in demonstrations across the country to protest moves by the new RIGHT—WING government to neutralize the Constitutional Tribunal as 1—CHECK on its power.
20151219             —SEIZED, POLAND—POLICE, 1—RECORD—AMOUNT—OF—COCAINE worth —AROUND $27—MILLION that arrived via BELGIUM in 1—SHIPMENT—OF bananas from COLOMBIA.
20151219             —KILLED, SAUDI—ARABIA, shelling from YEMEN, 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—CITIZEN and 2—INDIA—WORKERS.
20151219             SOMALIA, 1—GUN—ATTACK on 1—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL in MOGADISHU was followed shortly afterwards by 1—CAR bombing that left at least 4—PEOPLE killed and 9 wounded.
20151219             † KARIN—SODER (87), SWEDEN—1. female foreign MINISTER (19760000—19780000    ) and party leader (19850000—19870000    ), in STOCKHOLM.
20151219             TURKEY said 69—KURDISH—INSURGENTS and 2—TURKEY—SOLDIERS have been killed in —4—DAYS—OF—FIGHTING across the southeast as security forces ramp up operations against the militant Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).
20151219             TURKEY said it would "continue" to pull its troops OUT—OF—NORTH—IRAQ —AFTER USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA urged PRESIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN to do so in order to DE—ESCALATE tensions with BAGHDAD over the deployment.
20151219             —REPORTED, TURKEY—MEDIA, that 18—PEOPLE drowned overnight —WHEN their boat sank in the Aegean Sea as it was heading for THE—GREECE—ISLAND—OF—KALYMNOS.
20151219             YEMEN—NEGOTIATORS in SWITZERLAND taking part in UN—SPONSORED peace talks agreed to form 1—COMMITTEE to oversee 1—FRAGILE—CEASEFIRE—AFTER fresh fighting imperiled their efforts to end YEMEN—CIVIL—WAR.
20151219             YEMEN—SECURITY—OFFICIALS said clashes in Hajjah Province near THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—BORDER between REBEL—ALLIED units and PRO—GOVERNMENT—YEMEN—FORCES have killed more than 75—OVER the past —3—DAYS.
20151219—19750000    Der in Betrieb genommene Tihange—1 IST der älteste der 3—REAKTOREN des ATOM—KRAFT—WERKS und sollte eigentlich —J—IN—DIESEM, vom Netz gehen.
20151219—20110707    —ON, RICHARD—OLAND, —69—JAHRE—ALT, PART—OF—THE—FAMILY that owns Moosehead Breweries, was found dead in 1—POOL—OF—BLOOD in his office.
20151229—20151219    —LINKED, The sentences were, to 1—BOMB—BLAST in 1—SHIITE village —LAST—YEAR that authorities said left 3—POLICEMEN slightly wounded.
20161216—20161219    —SENTENCED, Clarke was, to —13—YEARS in jail.
20161218—20161219    —BY, the death toll had reached 49.
20161219             —ARRESTED, SENEGAL police, LIEUTENANT—ABOUBACAR "Toumba" Diakite, 1—PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA—SOLDIER linked to a 20090928             , massacre in CONAKRY where at least 150—PEOPLE were killed and DOZENS—OF—WOMEN raped.
20161219             —PROTESTED, THAILAND—DEFENSE—MINISTRY—WEBSITE went temporarily offline as hackers, 20161216             —THE passage of 1—BILL—RESTRICTING—INTERNET—FREEDOM.
20161219             Evakuierung fortgesetzt: Hunderte Menschen verlassen OST—ALEPPO
20161219             —STREIT—MIT—EU—KOMMISSION: APPLE und IRLAND wehren sich gegen STEUER—NACHZAHLUNG
20161219             FIFA—PRÄSIDENT—INFANTINO zu Football Leaks: "Wir stoßen an unsere Grenzen"
20161219             DEUTSCHLAND: Nur 34.000—FLÜCHTLINGE haben 1—JOB - 400.000—SUCHEN noch
20161219             Schule in der TÜRKEI: Spitzenpolitiker empört über WEIHNACHTS—VERBOT
20161219             —VERSTAATLICHT, PrivatBank: UKRAINE, größte BANK—OLIGARCH spricht von "feindlicher Übernahme"
20161219             IG—METALL—CHEF—GEWERKSCHAFTS—CHEF—ERKLÄRT AFD—ERFOLG auch mit Agenda 20100000             20161219             —SPIEGEL—GESPRÄCH: "Führer brauchen wir nicht"
20161219             Zum TOD—VON—ZSA Zsa Gabor: HOLLYWOODs tragische Kurtisane
20161219             SYRIEN—KRIEG, TWITTER—MÄDCHEN Bana aus ALEPPO in Sicherheit
20161219             BEHÖRDENGEWALT—IN—INDIEN: Hunderte Menschen —STERBEN in POLIZEI—GEWAHRSAM
20161219             Gute Wirtschaftsaussichten: IFO—INDEX auf höchstem Stand —SEIT—5—JAHREN
20161219             "DAS—LAND hat großes Potenzial": DONALD—TRUMP kontert Kritik von MICHELLE—OBAMA
20161219             Umsatzrückgang im Tourismus: DEUTSCHE machen weniger Auslandsreisen
20161219             Töten in Videospielen: 1—FEST für Sadisten
20161219             DEUTSCHLAND: Jedes 4. —HEUTE geborene Mädchen wird 100
20161219             —GESTOHLEN, USA—JESUS aus Krippe in BETHLEHEM
20161219             Wie immer in solchen Fällen erklärt GREG—PALAST—DAS—PROBLEM.
20161219             [l] Die KANDIDATIN—DER—GRÜNEN—IN—DEN—USA, JILL—STEIN, hat —SEIT der DONALD—TRUMP—WAHL—IN—EINIGEN USA—BUNDES—STAATEN 1.Neuauszählung der Stimmen beantragt
20161219             1—ÖFFENTLICHES INTERESSE—AN—DER Strafverfolgung ist nicht gegeben.
20161219             Es ging um 1—ÖFFENTLICHEN HITLER—GRUß anlässlich 1—VERBALEN Außeinandersetzung am Rande der Veranstaltung "DRESDEN nazifrei".
20161219             JÜRGEN—WAGNER sagte sich: "JESUS und Gandhi nahmen den Weg von außen und entwickelten große Hebelkraft".Also Ausbruch.
20161219             —SCHON, der verhöflichte Schwertadel im Absolutismus sehnte sich zurück in die Wälder,
20161219             sagt DER—BERLIN—SOZIOLOGE Sascha Bachmann, AUTOR—DER—AUSSTEIGER—STUDIE "Flucht vor der ZIVILISATION".
20161219             "In der Industrialisierung bildeten Schrebergärtner, Lebensreformer und Meditationskreise 1—GEGENTREND zur Verstädterung".
20161219             —HEUTE, führten Digitalisierung und ständige Erreichbarkeit zum Streben nach Unabhängigkeit.
20161219             ARBEITSLOSIGKEIT—IN—GRIECHENLAND: 100.000e Familien ohne Stütze
20161219             Schlechte Luft in CHINA—PEKING leidet unter gewaltiger SMOG—GLOCKE
20161219             TÜRKEI: DEUTSCHE—AUSLANDS—SCHULE legt WEIHNACHTS—STREIT bei (Leben und Lernen, 13:17)
20161219             INTERNET—ZENSUR: TÜRKEI will anonymes Surfen unmöglich machen
20161219             —KAMPF—GEGEN—STEUER—VERMEIDUNG: Ronaldo ist nicht DAS—PROBLEM—DIE—POLITIK versagt
20161219             —GERETTET, SYRIEN—KRIEG, Dutzende WAISEN—KINDER aus ALEPPO
20161219             —PROTESTE—GEGEN—REGIERUNG: EU nimmt Lage in POLEN auf die TAGES—ORDNUNG
20161219             "Wundersame Überweisung von irgendwoher"
20161219             NEO—NAZI—PROPAGANDA auf Dortmunder Kirchturm: "DIE—FRIEDENSGLOCKE wird lauter sein"
20161219             Seltener Tiefseefisch: Forscher filmen 1. Geisterhai
20161219             —KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN: UNO—SICHERHEITS—RAT beschließt Beobachtermission für ALEPPO
20161219             PROZESS—IN—PARIS: Gericht spricht IWF—CHEFIN—LAGARDE schuldig
20161219             FPÖ: ÖSTERREICH—RECHTS—POPULISTEN kooperieren mit PUTIN—PARTEI
20161219             DÄNEMARK: PRIESTER soll 11—KINDER sexuell missbraucht haben
20161219             —NACH, Protesten: POLEN—REGIERUNG weicht von Zensurplänen ab
20161219             MILLIARDENschwere Betrugsvorwürfe: FBI nimmt HEDGE—FONDS—GRÜNDER fest
20161219             SCHÄUBLE will STEUERDATEN—VON—KONZERNEN GEHEIM halten
20161219             EU—AUSLÄNDER: GABRIEL fordert von SCHÄUBLE Vorschlag zur Kindergeldkürzung
20161219             TÜRKEI: RUSSISCHER—BOTSCHAFTER—IN—ANKARA erschossen
20161219             BERLIN: 9—TOTE, mindestens 50—VERLETZTE—LKW rast in WEIHNACHTS—MARKT
20161219             ZÜRICH: 3—VERLETZTE bei Schießerei in Moschee
20161219             [l] Was stand eigentlich in diesem ARMUTS—BERICHT drin,
20161219             dessen Bekanntwerten unbedingt verhindert werden musste?
20161219             1—INDIREKTER REVOLUTIONsaufruf, wie sich rausstellt.
20161219             DAS—ERGEBNIS: Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, daß DAS—PARLAMENT etwas beschließt,
20161219             was die Besserverdienenden wollen, ist HOCH—WÄHREND der in Umfragen geäußert Willen der GERING—VERDIENER 1.besonders niedrige Wahrscheinlichkeit hat,
20161219             vom BUNDES—TAG umgesetzt zu werden.
20161219             —RAUSZENSIERT, Das haben sie aber nicht komplett.
20161219             Gestrichen wurden aber die ausführlichen Überlegungen darüber,
20161219             wo die Gründe für dieses politische Ungleichgewicht liegen könnten,
20161219             wie es wieder ausgeglichen werden könnte,
20161219             und weshalb die Dominanz der Besserverdienenden die Legitimation des gesamten politischen SYSTEMs in Frage stellt.
20161219             A—HA!
20161219             [l] Liebe Leser, wir klicken —HEUTE mal zusammen Google Trends.
20161219             Fangen wir mal einfach an: Gerechtigkeit.
20161219             So und —JETZT testen wir mal 1.Hypothese.
20161219             Stellt sich die Frage, womit DIE—LEUTE sich sonst beschäftigen.
20161219             —NACH, ein paar Versuchen habe ich dann 1.Antwort gefunden.
20161219             [l] Schöne Sammlung von CHEMTRAIL—BEWEISFOTOS.
20161219             [l] Gerade eben hatte ich noch halbwegs gute Laune, und dann klickte ich auf diese Schlagzeile.
20161219             Falls das EHEMALIGE—NACHRICHTEN—MAGAZIN unter dem Leichenberg ihres angeblichen journalistischen Anspruchs sowas wie 1—RÜCKGRAT entdeckt und das ändert:
20161219             ACH WATT, liebe "Redaktion"?
20161219             Wo war denn diese ART—VON—SCHLAGZEILE bitte die ganze Zeit?
20161219             Ich würde es ja begrüßen, wenn in HAMBURG —PLÖTZLICH, Journalismus ausbräche.
20161219             Nur falls jemand verpasst hat, worum es eigentlich geht:
20161219             Der RUSSISCHE—BOTSCHAFTER—IN—ANKARA ist ermordet worden.
20161219             [l] In BERLIN ist offenbar 1—LASTER in 1—WEIHNACHTS—MARKT gerast und mehrere Menschen umgebracht.
20161219             —IM—MOMENT weiß man nichts, aber es riecht natürlich ein bisschen —NACH—DEM TERROR—ANSCHLAG—IN—NIZZA
20161219             —UPDATE, BR24 spricht als 1 (?) von 1—ANSCHLAG.
20161219             —UPDATE, DIE—POLIZEI sagt, sie hätten 1—VERDÄCHTIGEN festgenommen und das LKA übernimmt die Ermittlungen.
20161219             —UPDATE, DER—GENERAL—BUNDES—ANWALT übernimmt.
20161219             —RECORDED, Objections to the Electoral College votes were
20161219             —PARDONED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE said PRESIDENT—OBAMA has, 78—PEOPLE and shortened the sentences of 153—OTHERS CONVICTED—OF—FEDERAL—CRIMES.
20161219             This was the greatest number of clemencies by ANY—PRESIDENT in 1—SINGLE—DAY.
20161219             Glendon SCOTT—CRAWFORD, —52—JAHRE—ALT of Galway, NY, was sentenced to —30—YEARS in prison followed by 1—LIFETIME of supervised release for trying to produce 1—WEAPON—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION to kill Muslims.
20161219             —ARMED, AFGHANISTAN, men in NORTH—KUNDUZ province stopped 1—CONVOY—OF—VEHICLES from THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMITTEE—OF—THE—RED—CROSS and snatched the only foreigner, 1—SPAIN—CITIZEN, leaving the Afghans behind.
20161219             —RULED, BRAZIL, 1—JUDGE, that FORMER—PRESIDENT—LUIZ—INACIO—LULA da Silva will face a 5. corruption trial, as charges pile up against the man seen as 1—FRONT—RUNNER to win 20180000             —THE presidential election.
20161219             UK—POSTAL workers began what could become the longest strike in the Post OFFICE—300—YEAR—HISTORY as PART—OF—1—WAVE—OF—INDUSTRIAL action that is also threatening Christmas travel chaos.
20161219             —ANNOUNCED, CHINA and NORWAY, the resumption of diplomatic relations —DURING 1—SURPRISE—VISIT to BEIJING by NORWAY—FOREIGN—MINISTER—BORGE—BRENDE.
20161219             This came —6—YEARS—AFTER BEIJING froze ties with OSLO over the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to 1—CHINA—DISSIDENT.
20161219             † EAST—CONGO, DRC 1—SOUTH—AFRICA—SOLDIER on 1—UNITED—NATIONS mission was killed in 1—REBEL—ATTACK on their positions, the final —DAY—OF—PRESIDENT—JOSEPH—KABILA'S mandated time in office.
20161219             4—MAI —MAI militiamen were killed in THE—FIRE—FIGHT and 2 were captured.
20161219             CONGO, DRC 1—ANNOUNCEMENT—JUST—BEFORE MIDNIGHT—OF—THE—APPOINTMENT—OF—1—NEW—GOVERNMENT -- but with PRESIDENT—KABILA still in ultimate control -- triggered cries of "treason", "provocation" and "confrontation".
20161219             —BLOCKED, CZECH—REPUBLIC—PRESIDENT—MILOS—ZEMAN, 1—BILL limiting politicians' business interests, returning to PARLIAMENT 1—LAW that would clip the wings of billionaire Finance MINISTER—ANDREJ—BABIS if it came into effect.
20161219             —EXTENDED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, economic SANCTIONS—AGAINST—RUSSIA by —6—MONTHS—AFTER completing the legislative process for 1—DECISION endorsed —LAST—WEEK by national leaders at 1—EU summit.
20161219             1—DRAFT—REPORT released by 1—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT—PROBE accused FRANCE, ITALY and SPAIN of trying to slow down the introduction of tougher auto emissions tests despite knowing that the old ones were causing more pollution.
20161219             GERMANY, 1—TRUCK—ATTACK on 1—CROWDED—CHRISTMAS market in WEST—BERLIN killed 12—PEOPLE and injured 48. 1—MIGRANT, —23—JAHRE—ALT from PAKISTAN was arrested, but he was released THE—NEXT—DAY for LACK—OF—EVIDENCE.
20161219             LUKASZ—URBAN, —37—JAHRE—ALT, 1—POLAND—DRIVER from the western village of Roznowo, near the border with GERMANY, was found dead in THE—CABIN—OF—THE—TRUCK that was hijacked and driven into the crowd.
20161219             —STABBED, He was seemingly, and shot to death in the cabin of his truck.
20161219             —SENTENCED, INDIA, 5—MEN were, to death by 1—INDIA—COURT for their role in 2—DEADLY—BOMBINGS in February 20130000             in THE—CITY—OF—HYDERABAD.
20161219             † Human Rights Watch said nearly 600—PEOPLE have in INDIA—POLICE custody 20090000—20150000    —FROM—TO, MANY—OF—THEM —AFTER being tortured.
20161219             —PLACED, ISRAEL—AUTHORITIES, billionaire businessman Beny Steinmetz (60) under house arrest over ALLEGATIONS—OF—BRIBERY and corruption in GUINEA linked to his mining company, BSG Resources (BSGR).
20161219             Asher Avidan, 1—TOP—ASSOCIATE—OF—STEINMETZ, was also arrested in connection with THE—INTERNATIONAL—INVESTIGATION into suspected bribery of 1—OFFICIAL in GUINEA.
20161219             1—ITALY—COURT convicted 1—ITALY—WOMAN and her ALBANIA—HUSBAND in absentia on terrorism charges for traveling to Syria to join the Islamic State group.
20161219             This was the 1. trial in ITALY involving foreign fighters operating inside the war zone.
20161219             —APPROVED, MOLDOVA—MPS, raising the retirement age to —63—YEARS from the current level of 57 for women and 62 for men, 1—REFORM that is part of a —3—YEAR—OLD—ASSISTANCE—PROGRAM agreed with THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND.
20161219             PAKISTAN—MOVIE—THEATERS began screening Bollywood films again, ending an —11—WEEK boycott in response to political and military tensions with INDIA.
20161219             —SCRAMBLED, POLAND—PRESIDENT—ANDRZEJ—DUDA, to defuse 1—POLITICAL—CRISIS as opposition lawmakers occupied PARLIAMENT for a 4. —DAY—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTEST.
20161219             PUERTO—RICO, 8—PEOPLE were shot outside 1—POPULAR—RESTAURANT in S—JUAN.
20161219             Serbia said that it will purchase 6—RUSSIA—MIG 29—COMBAT jets in 1—MOVE—LIKELY to add to tensions in the Balkans amid MOSCOW—APPARENT—EFFORTS to prevent the volatile European region from joining Western institutions.
20161219             SOUTH—AFRICA, the last BOARD member at state broadcaster, THE—SABC, quit —AFTER 1—PARLIAMENTARY—INVESTIGATION into THE—BOARD—FAILURE to look into allegations of misspending and censorship.
20161219             Professor Mbulaheni Maguvhe had been the sole BOARD member —FOLLOWING the resignation of his colleagues —THIS—YEAR—IN—THE—WAKE—OF—1—STRING—OF—SCANDALS.
20161219             1—COURT ruled —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH that FORMER—SABC CHIEF operating officer Hlaudi Motsoeneng, who introduced 1—BAN on airing violent protest footage, should not hold ANY—POSITION at the broadcaster and barred him from entering the premises.
20161219             SOUTH—KOREA, HIGH—PROFILE—NORTH—KOREA—DEFECTOR Thae YONG—HO told SOUTH—KOREA—LAWMAKERS that he fled BECAUSE—OF—DISILLUSIONMENT with what he describes as a "tyrannical REIGN—OF—TERROR" by leader KIM—JONG—UN.
20161219             —EVACUATED, SYRIA, thousands were, from the last REBEL—HELD enclave of THE—ALEPPO —AFTER 1—DEAL was reached to allow people to leave 2 besieged PRO—GOVERNMENT—VILLAGES in nearby Idlib province.
20161219             They have been attacking THAILAND—GOVERNMENT—COMPUTER—SERVERS, temporarily disabling public access and reportedly copying restricted documents.
20161219             † TURKEY, RUSSIA—AMBASSADOR—ANDREY Karlov was shot and killed by Mevlut Mert Altintas (22) at 1—ART—GALLERY in ANKARA.
20161219             —WORKED, Altintas, who had, for ANKARA riot police, was killed minutes —LATER by TURKEY—SPECIAL—FORCES.
20161219             —ALLEGED, TURKEY—AUTHORITIES—LATER, that KARLOV—KILLER had links to Fethullah Gulen, 1—USA—BASED—MUSLIM cleric, accused of masterminding the failed 20160700             coup.
20161219             —APPROVED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, THE—DEPLOYMENT—OF—UN—MONITORS to ALEPPO as THE—EVACUATION—OF—FIGHTERS and civilians from the last remaining opposition stronghold in the northern city resumed —AFTER DAYS—OF—DELAYS.
20161219             Durch 1—MIT 1—LKW ausgeführten Anschlag auf den Berliner Weihnachtsmarkt an der Gedächtniskirche kommen 12—MENSCHEN ums Leben und 57—WEITERE werden verletzt.
20161219—20080000    —IN, FRANCE, CHRISTINE—LAGARDE, THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY FUND—MANAGING director, was convicted without PUNISHMENT—OF—NEGLIGENCE by 1—SPECIAL—FRANCE—COURT for her role in 1—CONTENTIOUS and generous arbitration award to tycoon BERNARD—TAPIE 20080000             —IN over the botched sale of sportswear maker Adidas in the 1990s.
20161219—20160115    —REPORTED, THE—ICRC worker was, released.
20161219—20161221    —ON, 1—PERSON † of his wounds.
20161219—20181123    —ON, 1—TURKEY—PROSECUTOR charged 28—SUSPECTS including USA—BASED Muslim preacher Fethullah Gulen, over THE—MURDER—OF—THE—RUSSIA—AMBASSADOR.
20161220—20161219    —WANTED, THE—SWITZERLAND—CITIZEN—OF—GHANA—DESCENT was already, for the fatal stabbing of 1—FRIEND who was found at 1—PLAYGROUND in ZURICH.
20161221—20161219    —LAUNCHED, GERMANY—POLICE, 1—MANHUNT for 1—TUNISIA—SUSPECTED—OF—DRIVING the truck that ploughed through 1—BERLIN—CHRISTMAS market in 1—DEADLY—ASSAULT claimed by the Islamic State jihadist group.
20161221—20161219    —ON, 1—GROUP calling itself "Green Nemesis" —POSTED the threat on THE—INTERNET, saying it intended to cause financial damage to the companies.
20161224             —ARRESTED, TUNISIA—SECURITY—FORCES said they have, 3 suspected militants —AFTER uncovering their links to ANIS—AMRI, THE—TUNISIA—NATIONAL believed responsible for 20161219             —THE—BERLIN—CHRISTMAS market attack that killed 12—PEOPLE.
20171121—20171219    —FILED, THE—FAMILY—OF—THE—AFGHANISTAN—MIGRANT—GIRL, charges against CROATIA—POLICE for putting them in danger by forcing them back over the frontier.
20171215—20171219    —ARRESTED, Ahed Tamimi was, and
20171219             Hippokrates lebte im 04010101—05001231              20171219—20180101    —UNTIL, This was not made public.
20171219             —NEUE— USA—STRATEGIE: DONALD—TRUMP erklärt CHINA und RUSSLAND zu Rivalen
20171219             ErprESSERsoftware: USA machen NORD—KOREA für "WannaCry"—ATTACKE verantwortlich
20171219             —BLAMIERT, USA—TRUMP—RICHTER—KANDIDAT, sich mit Wissenslücken
20171219             "REPORTER—OHNE—GRENZEN": WELT—WEIT mindestens 65—JOURNALISTEN getötet
20171219             CASTOR—BEHÄLTER: ATOM—MÜLLTRANSPORT auf dem Neckar am Ziel
20171219             Beihilfe zum Mord: Mindestens 10—VERDÄCHTIGEN drohen Anklagen wegen KZ—VERGANGENHEIT
20171219             Judenhass IM—NETZ: Wir müssen gegen ANTI—SEMITISMUS kämpfen, und zwar richtig
20171219             Schlangen an Wänden: Klettern ohne Arme und Beine
20171219             —GEWORDEN, Alltag von JUDEN in DEUTSCHLAND: "Es ist normal, daß ein hebräischsprechender Mann in der U—BAHN von ARABERn verprügelt wird"
20171219             Öffentliche Fahndung: MUTMAßLICHER—G20—RANDALIERER meldet sich bei DER—POLIZEI
20171219             —REAKTION—AUF—USA—SICHERHEITS—STRATEGIE, "CHINA bösartig verleumdet"
20171219             Vorläufige Einschätzung: —KARTELL—AMT rügt FACEBOOKs sammlung
20171219             "Übermäßiger Schaden zugefügt": KASPERSKY—KLAGT—GEGEN—VERBOT seiner SOFTWARE in USA—BEHÖRDEN
20171219             Formel für Zufriedenheit: "Glück ist, wenn DAS—GEHIRN die Klappe hält"
20171219             Einziges Exemplar: Neuer BRITISCHER—FLUGZEUGTRÄGER hat 1—LECK
20171219             Antike Kotreste: Diagnose 2.—000—JAHRE—NACH—DEM Tod
20171219             Hippokrates lebte im 04010101—05001231    —CENTURY
20171219             In 1 "Corpus Hippocraticum"genannten Textsammlung sind die Grundzüge seiner KrankheitsLEHRE umschrieben.
20171219             Sächsischer POLIZEIpanzer: Umstrittenes Logo soll entfernt werden
20171219             Rakete auf Riad: Der JEMEN—KRIEG erreicht das Herz von SAUDI—ARABIEN
20171219             G20—PROZESS, POLIZISTEN durften vorab Zeugenaussagen lesen
20171219             EU—STROMMARKT: POLENs schmutziger KOHLE—TRICK
20171219             CLAPPER made clear he was only speaking figuratively —WHEN referring to DONALD—TRUMP as 1—RUSSIA—ASSET.
20171219             Öh... wie meinen?
20171219             "I think this past weekend is illustrative of what 1—GREAT—CASE—OFFICER—VLADIMIR—PUTIN is.
20171219             "You have to remember PUTIN—BACKGROUND.
20171219             [l] Seid ihr von der "öffentlichen Fahndung"anlässlich G20 in HAMBURG betroffen?
20171219             Möglicherweise ist DAS—LAND HAMBURG schadensersatzpflichtig.
20171219             —BLAMED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION publicly, NORTH—KOREA for a "careless and reckless" ransomware attack that infected HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—COMPUTERS—WORLDWIDE in May and crippled PARTS—OF—BRITAIN—NATIONAL—HEALTH—SERVICE.
20171219             BRITAIN said NORTH—KOREA—LAZARUS hacking group was behind the 'WannaCry" cyber attack.
20171219             —RELEASED, THE—USA—HOUSE—OFFICE—OF—COMPLIANCE, statistics showing that taxpayers paid more than $342,000 to settle workplace discrimination disputes at House lawmakers' offices 20080000—20120000    —BETWEEN.
20171219             —INCLUDED, This, nearly $175,000 for weight settlements related to sexual harassment and sex discrimination accusations.
20171219             —HALTED, CALIFORNIA, firefighters, THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—SO—CALLED—THOMAS fire at 272,000 acres (110,100 hectares) and carved containment lines —AROUND 60—PERCENT of its perimeter, up from 55—PERCENT.
20171219             —SENTENCED, MASSACHUSETTS, DAVID—WRIGHT, —28—JAHRE—ALT was, by 1—JUDGE—IN—BOSTON to —28—YEARS in prison for conspiring with his uncle and 1—RHODE—ISLAND—MAN to kill blogger PAMELA—GELLER on behalf of the Islamic State terror group.
20171219             —PASSED, ARGENTINA—CONGRESS, 1—REFORM to the pension system —EARLY—TODAY, —AFTER DAYS—OF—DEMONSTRATIONS by the bill's opponents and violent clashes between protesters and police gripped THE—SOUTH—USA—COUNTRY.
20171219             BANGLADESH and MYANMAR set up 1—JOINT working group to oversee the repatriation of Rohingya Muslims who fled violence in MYANMAR, but THE—START—OF—THEIR—RETURN is likely to be delayed.
20171219             —RELEASED, CHINA, plans to start 1—GIANT—MARKET to trade credits for the right to emit PLANET—WARMING greenhouse gases.
20171219             —HOPED, The emissions was, to give power companies 1—FINANCIAL—INCENTIVE to operate more cleanly.
20171219             —FAILED, The prime ministers of CROATIA and SLOVENIA, to break 1—DEADLOCK over 1—INTERNATIONAL—ARBITRATION ruling in 1—LONG—STANDING border dispute that has led to tensions between THE—2—NEIGHBORING EUROPEAN—UNION countries.
20171219             1—POLITICAL—CRISIS loomed in EAST—TIMOR —AFTER 1—COALITION—OF—OPPOSITION—PARTIES rejected the new government's policy program for a 2. time.
20171219             —TARGETED, EGYPT, 1—MISSILE—ATTACK, THE—EL—ARISH—AIRPORT in THE—NORTH—SINAI—PENINSULA —DURING 1 unpublicized visit to the facility by the defense and interior ministers.
20171219             † 1—OFFICER was killed and 2—OTHERS were wounded in the attack, which also damaged 1—HELICOPTER.
20171219             1—ISLAMIC—STATE affiliate soon claimed responsibility.
20171219             1—EGYPT—MILITARY—COURT sentenced army COLONEL—AHMED—KONSOWA, —42—JAHRE—ALT to —6—YEARS in prison —AFTER he announced his intention to run against PRESIDENT—ABDEL—FATTAH—EL—SISSI in —NEXT—YEAR—ELECTIONS.
20171219             —BUSTED, European police said Slovenian and CROATIA—SECURITY have, 1—INTERNATIONAL—CRIME syndicate involved in sports corruption, illegal betting and trying to fix soccer matches in several countries including SERBIA—MACEDONIA and THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC.
20171219             11—PEOPLE were arrested.
20171219             —ISSUED, GREECE—HELLENIC—FOOD—AUTHORITY, 1—ANNOUNCEMENT calling on consumers in ATHENS and THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—THESSALONIKI not to buy 1.5—LITER bottles of COCA—COLA and COCA—COLA Light, 1—LITER CARTONS—OF—DELTA—BRAND—MILK and packages of Yfantis processed sausage 20171220—20251220    —FROM—TO.
20171219             —FOLLOWED, This, 1—THREAT by MEMBERS—OF—1—GROUP calling itself "Blackgreen Arsonists" to contaminate certain packaged food products with hydrochloric acid —DURING the Christmas period.
20171219             —DECLARED, HONDURAS PRESIDENT—JUAN—ORLANDO—HERNANDEZ, himself RE—ELECTED despite calls by his opponent and THE—ORGANIZATION—OF—USA—STATES (OAS) for 1—FRESH—VOTE amid ALLEGATIONS—OF—FRAUD and deadly protests over —LAST—MONTH'S disputed election.
20171219             —CALLED, Opposition candidate SALVADOR—NASRALLA, on USA not to recognize the election results.
20171219             —SENTENCED, IRAN, HAMID—BAGHAEI, a FORMER—VICE—PRESIDENT, to —63—YEARS in prison over MISUSE—OF—PUBLIC funds —WHILE in office.
20171219             —KILLED, IRAQ, 3—PEOPLE were, and more than 80 wounded as Kurdish protesters, angered by YEARS—OF—AUSTERITY and unpaid public sector salaries, took to the streets in a 2. —DAY—OF—VIOLENT—UNREST amid tensions with BAGHDAD.
20171219             —ARRESTED, Police in SOUTH—ITALY said they have, 7—PEOPLE on CHARGES—OF—TRAFFICKING NIGERIA—WOMEN for prostitution.
20171219             —APPROVED, JAPAN—CABINET, 1—PLAN to purchase 1—SET—OF—COSTLY—LAND—BASED USA—MISSILE combat systems to increase the country's defense capabilities amid escalating threats from NORTH—KOREA.
20171219             THE—CEO—OF—JAPAN—AUTOMAKER—SUBARU said he and all other executives would return PART—OF—THEIR—PAY—UNTIL —NEXT—MARCH—FOLLOWING 1—INSPECTION—SCANDAL at the company.
20171219             —KILLED, KASHMIR, 1—WOMAN was, —DURING ANTI—INDIA protests —FOLLOWING 1—GUNBATTLE that killed 2—REBELS.
20171219             MEXICO, Gumaro Perez (34), 1—REPORTER and alleged cartel operator, was shot dead —WHILE attending 1—CHRISTMAS party at his —6—YEAR—OLD—SON'S—SCHOOL in Acayucan, purportedly by gunmen from 1—RIVAL—GANG.
20171219             SOUTH—MEXICO, 1—BUS carrying cruise ship passengers to the ruins at Chacchoben flipped on 1—NARROW—HIGHWAY in Quintana Roo state and killed 12—PEOPLE.
20171219             —DETAILED, PAKISTAN—GOVERNMENT, plans to seize CONTROL—OF—CHARITIES and financial assets linked to Islamist leader Hafiz Saeed, who WASHINGTON has designated 1—TERRORIST.
20171219             This was not made public —UNTIL Jan., 20180000             .
20171219             —STAGED, ROMANIA, DOZENS—OF—JUDGES and prosecutors, another protest against lawmakers who are currently passing laws that they say will stymie the legal system.
20171219             —VOTED, ROMANIA—LAWMAKERS, to enact judicial changes that critics say will undermine graft investigations by weakening THE—PRESIDENT—OVERSIGHT.
20171219             A 2. kidnapper was arrested.
20171219             —DISAPPEARED, AL—JIRANI, last December from outside his home in the Qatif region.
20171219             The judge's body was found in the remote farming DISTRICT—OF—AWAMIYA.
20171219             THE—SAUDI—LED coalition fighting YEMEN—SHIITE rebels said it intercepted 1—MISSILE fired over SOUTH—RIYADH, which the rebels said was targeting a "top leadership" meeting at the royal palace in the kingdom's capital, RIYADH.
20171219             —CONVICTED, SOUTH—AFRICA, HOLLAND—ARMS—DEALER—GUUS Kouwenhoven (75), who supplied arms that fuelled LIBERIA—BLOODY—CIVIL—WAR, was released by 1—SOUTH—AFRICA—COURT on bail of $78,000.
20171219             —NETTED, SOUTH—KOREA—RESEARCHERS said 1—SERIES—OF—RECENT cyber attacks has, NORTH—KOREA—HACKERS MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in virtual currencies like BITCOIN, with more attacks expected as INTERNATIONAL sanctions drive the country to seek new SOURCES—OF—CASH.
20171219             BITCOIN was trading at over $19,104 per BITCOIN at 1—POINT—TODAY, up from less than $1,000 at the beginning of 20170000             .
20171219             —ANNOUNCED, Youbit, 1—BITCOIN exchange, it had suffered another cyber attack that cost it 17—PERCENT of its assets, forcing the exchange to halt operations and file for bankruptcy.
20171219             —ADJOURNED, UGANDA—PARLIAMENT abruptly, 1—DEBATE over extending PRESIDENT—YOWERI—MUSEVENI—DECADES in power —AFTER 1—LAWMAKER said soldiers had entered the building and MEMBERS—OF—PARLIAMENT scuffled with police.
20171219             —VOTED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, to renew CROSS—BORDER—AID—DELIVERIES to SYRIA—OPPOSITION—HELD areas for —1—YEAR, but RUSSIA abstained and said the relief operation should wind down.
20171219             —VERIFIED, THE—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—OFFICE said it has, the killings of 136—YEMEN—CIVILIANS and other NON—COMBATANTS in airstrikes carried out over —11—DAYS—THIS—MONTH by 1—SAUDI—LED military coalition batting YEMEN—SHIITE rebels.
20171219—20150000    —SUMMER—OF, Jabar N. told investigators he left AFGHANISTAN via IRAN, TURKEY and GREECE in the.
20171219—20180101    —UNTIL, This was not made public.
20171219—20200000    —SENTENCED, Wright was, for a 2. time and ordered to served —30—YEARS in prison.
20171229—20171219    —ON, 4—OTHER—MEN were arrested in THE—SHEFFIELD area.
20180106             —WALKED, Civilian and military police officers, off the job 20181219             demanding back pay and better working conditions.
20181219             —KILLED, It found that 34—JOURNALISTS were, in retaliation for their work as of 20181214             , —WHILE at least 53 were killed overall.
20181219             Drohender Shutdown: REPUBLIKANER wollen DONALD—TRUMP zum Einlenken bewegen
20181219             HESSEN: CDU und Grüne einigen sich auf KOALITIONS—VERTRAG
20181219             —NACH, tödlichem Unfall: Uber darf wieder selbstfahrende Autos testen
20181219             —NACH, ENDE—DER—KREDITPROGRAMME: GRIECHISCHES—PARLAMENT billigt Haushalt 20190000             20181219             Kreuzfahrtschiffe im Test: Abgasreinigung "mangelhaft"
20181219             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MITTWOCH, EU rüstet sich für ungeordneten BREXIT
20181219             HEIDELBERG: 3—TOTE nach Schüssen in Hochhaus
20181219             Einweggeschirr, Trinkhalme und Co.: EU einigt sich auf VERBOT—VON—WEGWERFPRODUKTEN aus Plastik
20181219             Umstrittener VOR—SCHLAG, Scheuer lehnt Tempo 120—AUF Autobahnen ab
20181219             —ZERSTÖRT—BRASILIEN: Großbrand in Favela, Hunderte Häuser
20181219             Minus 5 %: Konjunktursorgen lassen ÖL—PREISE einbrechen
20181219             Teuerster Stift der Welt: Montblanc stellt 1,9—MILLIONEN—EURO—FÜLLER vor
20181219             Weihnachtstrinkgeld: Sollten Haushaltshilfen,
20181219             Postboten oder Friseure beschenkt werden?
20181219             Konsumforscherin über Weihnachten: "Größte Stressfalle —DES—JAHRES" (SPIEGEL+, 09:44)
20181219             DONALD—TRUMP—EINFLUSS auf den USA—SPORT:
20181219             "Nehmt diese Hurensöhne vom Feld" (SPIEGEL+, 09:43)
20181219             HUAWEI—AFFÄRE: CHINESISCHE—POLIZEI hält offenbar weiteren Kanadier fest
20181219             Verstorbener USA—PRÄSIDENT: GEORGE—HERBERT—WALKER—BUSH sponserte heimlich PHILIPPINISCHES—KIND
20181219             ARBEITS—MARKT—STUDIE, Darum haben MIGRANTEN—KINDER schlechtere JOB—CHANCEN (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 10:05)
20181219             Recherche der NEW—YORK—TIMES :
20181219             FACEBOOK schloss fragwürdige DATEN—DEALS mit TECH—RIESEN
20181219             —NEUE—QUOTEN: Weniger Fisch aus der NORD—SEE
20181219             FACEBOOK—GRÜNDER—ZUCKERBERG: Wie aus dem Digitalmessias 1—DEMOKRATIEGEFÄHRDER wurde (SPIEGEL+, 10:57)
20181219             "Herr ALTMAIER, haben Sie Verständnis für die Gelbwesten?"
20181219             GROKO—BESCHLUSS: KABINETT billigt Gesetz zur Fachkräftezuwanderung
20181219             2—STRAßEN betroffen: Gericht bestätigt DIESELFAHR—VERBOTIN DARMSTADT
20181219             DIE—BORING Company musste bei ihrem ambitionierten Vorhaben jedoch —BEREITS 1—RÜCKSCHLAG hinnehmen:
20181219             —VERZICHTET, Sie, auf 1.der geplanten Röhren, —NACHDEM Anwohner sich gegen den Bau gewehrt hatten.
20181219             LOS—ANGELES: Elon Musk jagt Autos durch neuartigen Tunnel
20181219             Fed vor wichtiger ZINSENtscheidung: Wie hörig ist DER—USA—NOTEN—BANK—CHEF—DEM Präsidenten?
20181219             BERLIN: Mann fährt mit Auto POLIZIST um
20181219             AMOK—LAUF—IN—MÜNCHEN: Betreiber von DARKNET—PLATTFORM zu —6—JAHREN Haft verurteilt
20181219             Kompromiss ohne Strafe: ITALIEN und EU einigen sich im HAUSHALTS—STREIT
20181219             CHINA in Verdacht: Hacker kopierten —JAHRE—LANG—DIPLOMATEN—BERICHTE der EU
20181219             MANIPULATION durch Reporter: SPIEGEL legt Betrugsfall im eigenen Haus offen
20181219             —DER—FALL—RELOTIUS: DIE—ANTWORTEN auf die wichtigsten Fragen
20181219             —WATCHED, Well, I, it happen in real time -- on teevee, that is; I was not in court.
20181219             1—THING seems certain: The recent RIGHT—WING propaganda campaign to paint FBI—AGENTS as ANTI—FLYNN conspirators -- 1—CAMPAIGN still endorsed by the luxuriously disingenuous SARAH—SANDERS -- has backfired.
20181219             —AT—THAT—MOMENT, 1—SKYSCRAPER—OF—PROPAGANDA crumbled to the ground.
20181219             —DESIGNED, This "Flynn as VICTIM—OF—THE—DEEP—STATE" bullshit was, for the hillbillies who consider ALEX—JONES 1—GENIUS.
20181219             If ANY—JUDGE would be open to an "entrapment" argument, JUDGE—SULLIVAN is the 1.
20181219             —ACCUSED, He essentially, Flynn of treason: "You sold your country out.
20181219             —BETRAYED, He pointed to the flag and said that Flynn had, it.
20181219             —BUGGED, That's —WHEN my eyes, out and my jaw hit the floor, the way eyes and jaws did in those old Tex Avery cartoons.
20181219             —INTERVIEWED, Did not ROBERT—MUELLER say that his office had, Flynn 19—TIMES?
20181219             MUELLER said: He has been cooperating with us.
20181219             THE—JUDGE said: Flynn, you better start cooperating!
20181219             And I said: What the eff is going ON here...?
20181219             —COMMUNICATED, We know that MUELLER—OFFICE has secretly, with THE—JUDGE.
20181219             Only 1—CONCLUSION seems possible: Despite MUELLER—ASSURANCES, Flynn has not finked on DONALD—TRUMP.
20181219             If THE—SITUATION were otherwise, Flynn would be meeting his new cell mates right —NOW.
20181219             DUDE—HIDING something.
20181219             What other theory explains the deal made —TODAY?
20181219             Perhaps this is the moment —WHEN DONALD—TRUMP finally makes it clear that he will pardon all non-"rats.
20181219             I never feel comfortable with claims that "[Fill in the blank] is playing 11-dimensional chess".
20181219             —FIRED, My gut tells me that —AT—THE—TIME—FLYNN was, THE—DONALD—TRUMPERS initiated 1—PLAN to fix all the blame for RUSSIAgate on MICHAEL—FLYNN.
20181219             What the propagandists want you to forget is that the main publication calling FLYNN—1—TRAITOR was THE—NATIONAL—ENQUIRER.
20181219             National Enquirer. That's important.
20181219             Flynn was sworn in —TODAY, even though defendants are not usually sworn in —WHEN they are sentenced.
20181219             it does seem clear that the "Flynn was railroaded" propaganda campaign really, really pissed off JUDGE—SULLIVAN, who set out to stop that nonsense once and for all.
20181219             Absent that propaganda campaign, Sullivan might have gone along with MUELLER—RECOMMENDATION.
20181219             —UNINTENDED, THE—LAW—OF, consequences
20181219             Flynn was IN—THE—MILITARY for 30—PLUS years, and most —RECENTLY DIA.
20181219             —POSTED—BY—BLOGGER LA Fisher : 0715—PM
20181219             —SUPPORTED, Flynn, the coup in TURKEY —1—MINUTE, and the —NEXT—MINUTE, he was ERDOGAN—PUPPET.
20181219             —POSTED—BY—BLOGGER—JOSEPH : 0814—PM
20181219             under ILLINOIS law, all counts known to 1—PROSECUTOR must be charged —BEFORE the defendant is tried.
20181219             the prosecutor cannot serially charge the defendant with crimes.
20181219             —INDICTED, Flynn was never, the case against him was based on 1—INFORMATION which he had agreed to plea guilty to.
20181219             —POSTED—BY—BLOGGER joseph : 1019—PM
20181219             THE—JUDGE made it clear that he knows 1—LOT—OF—STUFF (dirt!) about Flynn that is secret.
20181219             It does seem that he's angry about at least 1—FEW things.
20181219             This, along with THE—NY—STATE—AG shuttering the "charity," must serve as 1—WARNING to the entire DONALD—TRUMP crime family.
20181219             THE—O'KAVANAUGH—COURT can't save them from the inevitable state charges.
20181219             As to what went wrong with Flynn, 1 can only speculate.
20181219             PUTIN—VERTRAUTER: Mutko tritt als RUSSISCHER—FUSSBALLR—BOSS zurück
20181219             BIN—LADENS mutmaßlicher EX—LEIBWÄCHTER: SAMI—A
20181219             —DER—FALL—RELOTIUS: Wie das SPIEGEL—SICHERUNGS—SYSTEM an Grenzen stieß
20181219             ZIVIL—GESELLSCHAFT: "Spenden sind immer auch politisch"
20181219             Millionengehälter: Volkswagen verschärft BONI—REGELN für Topmanager
20181219             Babys: Forscher ermitteln optimales STREICHEL—TEMPO
20181219             Aus für WEGWERF—PRODUKTE, Was das PLASTIKVERBOT—DER—EU bedeutet
20181219             "Wir haben den IS besiegt": Truppenabzug der USA aus SYRIEN steht bevor
20181219             Hitzige BREXIT—DEBATTE im Unterhaus:
20181219             —GENANNT, CORBYN soll May "dumme Frau", haben
20181219             PLÄNE—FÜR—CHAOS—BREXIT: EU lässt BRITEN in den Abgrund schauen
20181219             —POLIZEI—AFFÄRE: Weiterer POLIZIST aus HESSEN suspendiert
20181219             Zusagen an "Gelbwesten": FRANZÖSISCHES—KABINETT beschließt Sozialpaket
20181219             —VERLIERT, Bröckelndes Geröll: Der Saturn, seine Ringe
20181219             —DER—FALL—RELOTIUS: KOMMISSION aus erfahrenen Journalisten soll Routinen beim SPIEGEL hinterfragen
20181219             Frankfurter POLIZEI—AFFÄRE: HITLER—BILDER im Gruppenchat
20181219             FALL—SKRIPAL und Wahleinmischung: USA verhängen neue SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—RUSSLAND
20181219             Dilettantische Spione: DER—BND und das Rätsel RUSSISCHER—RAKETEN (SPIEGEL+, 20:36)
20181219             SCHULDEN—STREIT—MIT—EU: ITALIEN knickt EIN—EU—LÄNDER außerhalb DER—EURO—ZONE:
20181219             Extragebühren für Zahlungen in EURO bald untersagt
20181219             MAROKKO: Getötete Skandinavierinnen waren wohl Opfer 1—TERRORGRUPPE - [l] CAPTAIN—OBVIOUS des Tages:
20181219             SWEDEN's 'MAN—FREE' festival was discriminatory, rules SWEDEN—OMBUDSMAN
20181219             No Shit, Sherlock!
20181219             [l] Der EU sind —JAHRE—LANG diplomatische Cables abgeschnorchelt worden.
20181219             —SUPPLIED, MORE—THAN—1,100—CABLES were, to THE—TIMES by the security firm Area 1—AFTER it discovered the breach,
20181219             —BELIEVED, THE—NEWSPAPER said, adding that Area 1—INVESTIGATORS, the hackers worked for THE—CHINA—PEOPLE—LIBERATION—ARMY.
20181219             Oh ja klar, von den Chinesen. Wieso DIE—CHINESEN?
20181219             and ministries of foreign affairs and finance worldwide, THE—REPORT added.
20181219             [l] Das ehemalige NACHRICHTEN—MAGAZIN hat 1.FAKE—NEWS—SCHLEUDER unter ihren Redakteuren entdeckt.
20181219             Das war aber auch Zeit. Hier ist ihre Meldung dazu.
20181219             Und das —NACHDEM sie sich 2—FORMEN—VON—ID haben zeigen lassen (üblicherweise Kreditkarte und Pass oder so) und seine Fingerabdrücke (!) nahmen.
20181219             Wer 1 "GEFÄLLT—MIR"-Knopf auf seiner WEB—SEITE einbindet, ist für die damit verknüpfte Datenübertragung mitverantwortlich, sagt 1—EUGH—GENERAL—ANWALT.
20181219             [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON? [l] NA ENDLICH:
20181219             —DER—FALL—RELOTIUS: Wie DER—SPIEGEL auf DIE—FÄLSCHUNGEN reagiert
20181219             —DECLARED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, victory against the militant group in Syria and hinted that 1—WITHDRAWAL could be imminent.
20181219             —SANCTIONED, THE—USA—TREASURY—DEPARTMENT, 15—RUSSIANS over hacking, interference in USA—ELECTIONS and 1—NERVE agent attack in ENGLAND.
20181219             —RAISED, USA—STOCKS fell —AFTER THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE, interest rates for a 4. time —THIS—YEAR to 1—RANGE—OF—2.25 to 2.5—PERCENT.
20181219             THE—DJIA fell to 23,323.
20181219             1—ANNUAL—REPORT by THE—NY—BASED COMMITTEE—TO—PROTECT—JOURNALISTS said THE—NUMBER—OF—JOURNALISTS killed worldwide in retaliation for their work nearly doubled —THIS—YEAR.
20181219             —REMOVED, The robotic arm of the Mars Insight lander, 1—SEISMOMETER from the spacecraft deck and set it on the ground to monitor earthquakes.
20181219             —ISSUED, ILLINOIS ATTORNEY—GENERAL—LISA—MADIGAN, 1—BLISTERING report about clergy sexual abuse, saying the Catholic DIOCESES—OF—THE—STATE have not released the names of at least 500—CLERGY accused of sexually abusing children.
20181219             —REPORTED, THE—BALTIMORE—SUN, that CLARENCE—SHIPLEY—JUNIOR (47) was exonerated and released —THIS—WEEK—AFTER being imprisoned —FOR—27—YEARS for 19910000             —THE—DEATH—OF—KEVIN—SMITH, —29—JAHRE—ALT in 1—FALSE—WITNESS—TESTIMONY.
20181219             —ANNOUNCED, Facebook, its 3. and biggest PURGE—OF—MILITARY—LINKED accounts in MYANMAR, where critics have charged that the social network did too little to block inflammatory material that fueled communal hatred and violence, particularly against the country's Muslim Rohingya minority.
20181219             —EXPELLED, ALBANIA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY said 2—IRAN—DIPLOMATS had been, for "violating their diplomatic status" —FOLLOWING talks with other countries, including ISRAEL.
20181219             —REPORTED, It was, that BRITAIN—GLAXOSMITHKLINE and USA—BASED Pfizer are merging their health care divisions, creating 1—MARKET—LEADER in "over the counter" health care products like pain relievers and vitamins with combined sales of 9.8—BILLION pounds ($12.7—BILLION).
20181219             GSK will own 68—PERCENT of the joint venture.
20181219             —FINED, BRITAIN—FINANCIAL—CONDUCT—AUTHORITY said SANTANDER—UK banking division has been, £32.8—MILLION for failing to process accounts and investments of deceased customers.
20181219             1—CANADA—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL said 3. Canadian has been detained in CHINA but the incident does not appear to be linked to the arrest of 2—OTHER—CITIZENS over the —LAST—WEEK.
20181219             THE—NORWAY—REFUGEE—COUNCIL said that more than 430,000—PEOPLE have fled violence in CAMEROON—RESTIVE ENGLISH—SPEAKING regions and are hiding in rural areas with few resources.
20181219             CYPRUS, JORDAN—FOREIGN—AFFAIRS—MINISTER said his country is seeking closer ties with GREECE and CYPRUS as PART—OF—1—STRATEGY to bolster regional peace and security and promote economic cooperation.
20181219             —REPORTED, It was, that 10—FORMER—EMPLOYEES—OF—THE—ESTONIA—BRANCH—OF—DANSKE Bank have been detained in connection with 1—PROBE into 1—MAJOR—MONEY laundering scandal that allegedly involved money from RUSSIA and FORMER—SOVIET—STATES.
20181219             THE—EUROPEAN—UNION said it is investigating 1—CYBER hack of its diplomatic communications, allegedly by CHINA—HACKERS, that revealed EU concern about USA DONALD—TRUMP, RUSSIA and IRAN.
20181219             —MOVED, THE—EU, closer to banning SINGLE—USE straws, plates, cutlery and cotton swabs —AFTER officials from EU member states and the European PARLIAMENT said they're —FOLLOWING recommendations by its executive branch designed to reduce marine pollution.
20181219             —REPORTED, FRANCE—HUMAN—RIGHTS ombudsman, that undocumented migrants living in makeshift camps in NORTH—FRANCE have been subjected to an "unprecedented" violation of their basic rights over the past —3—YEARS.
20181219             —PASSED, CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL—CABINET, new immigration laws to make it easier for LOWER—SKILLED foreigners to seek work in GERMANY and offer rejected asylum seekers who can't be deported 1—PATH to residency.
20181219             GERMANY—WEEKLY—DER Spiegel said Claas Relotius (33), 1—OF—ITS—STAR—REPORTERS, has left the publication —AFTER committing journalistic fraud "on 1—GRAND—SCALE" over 1—NUMBER—OF—YEARS.
20181219             He resigned —AFTER admitting to inventing interviews.
20181219             —ORDERED, THE—GREECE—SUPREME—COURT, the extradition to FRANCE—OF—RUSSIA—ALEXANDER—VINNIK, who headed THE—BITCOIN exchange BTC—E, on SUSPICION—OF—MONEY laundering.
20181219             † INDIA, Swaroop Raj (35), 1—ASSISTANT—VICE—PRESIDENT—AT—GENPACT—INDIA, committed suicide —FOLLOWING accusations of sexual misconduct.
20181219             —HERALDED, ITALY—PRIME—MINISTER—GIUSEPPE—CONTE, 1—BUDGET—DEAL with the European Commission, saying THE—LONG—AWAITED accord allowed his government to honor its main commitments and boost the economy.
20181219             SoftBank Group Corp.'s JAPAN—MOBILE subsidiary suffered 1—BITTER debut on THE—TOKYO—STOCK—EXCHANGE, slumping 15—PERCENT, hurt by 1—RECENT—SERVICE—OUTAGE and concerns about THE—USE—OF—PARTS from CHINA—TELECOM giant Huawei.
20181219             —PAVED, KUWAIT—SUPREME—CONSTITUTIONAL—COURT, the way for 2 convicted lawmakers to be deprived of their seats by stripping PARLIAMENT—FINAL say in 1—POLITICALLY stormy case.
20181219             Police in LITHUANIA said 1—RUSSIAN and several Lithuanians have been detained, suspected of being PART—OF—1—RING spying for RUSSIA.
20181219             —VOTED, MADAGASCAR, in a 2—MAN contest between former presidents Andry Rajoelina and MARC—RAVALOMANANA, who have waited years to come FACE—TO—FACE in 1—FIERCELY personal battle for power in THE—INDIA—OCEAN—ISLAND.
20181219             —REPORTED, It was, that NEPAL—GOVERNMENT has stopped 8—ITALY—CONTRACTORS from leaving the Himalayan country in 1—EFFORT to complete 1—CRITICAL but much delayed water supply project for the capital.
20181219             —ABDUCTED, In THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES communist guerrillas, 2—SOLDIERS and at least 12—MILITIAMEN and seized several rifles in 1—ATTACK on 1—ARMY—BASE—NEAR—SIBAGAT town, AGUSAN—DEL—SUR province.
20181219             —DIVED, ROMANIA—STOCKS, —AFTER the government unveiled 1—SURPRISE—PACKAGE to slash the budget deficit by raising 10—BILLION lei ($2.45—BILLION) of extra revenue, including through 1—TAX on banks.
20181219             —TRACKED, FSB commandos, down THE—IS members in THE—CITY—OF—STAVROPOL in SOUTH—WEST—RUSSIA.
20181219             SOMALIA, lawmakers in the volatile SOUTH—WEST—STATE—ELECTED—ABDIASIS—HASSAN—MOHAMED, THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT'S preferred candidate, as its leader —AFTER Mukhtar Robow, 1—POPULAR—FORMER al Shabaab leader, was barred from running in the vote seen as TEST—OF—THE—COUNTRY—POLITICAL—PROGRESS.
20181219             THE—UN—WORLD—FOOD—PROGRAM (WFP) said it will cut food aid —NEXT—YEAR to about 190,000 poor Palestinians in GAZA and the occupied WEST—BANK due 1—SHORTAGE—OF—FUNDS.
20181219             —ACCEPTED, VATICAN officials said FRANCIS—PAPA has, the resignation of LOS—ANGELES auxiliary BISHOP, Monsignor ALEXANDER—SALAZAR, —69—JAHRE—ALT, —FOLLOWING ALLEGATIONS—OF—MISCONDUCT with 1—MINOR in the 1990s.
20181219             —BOMBED, YEMEN, THE—SAUDI—LED coalition, the air base next to SANAA—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT as 1—LOCAL—CEASE—FIRE held —AROUND the Red Sea port CITY—OF—HODEIDA.
20181219—20050000    —IDENTIFIED, New witnesses, the killer as 1—MAN who †.
20181219—20161219    —ATTENTAT—AM, : BERLIN gedenkt der Opfer vom Breitscheidplatz (Politik, 10:58)
20181219—20170900    —SINCE, The market finished at its lowest point.
20181219—20181223    —IN—THE, CONGODRC, ANDRE—KIMBUTA, THE—GOVERNOR—KINSHASA, cancelled all political rallies in THE—CAPITAL—FOR—THE—21—CANDIDATES vying for the presidency elections.
20181227—20181219    —IN—THE, THE—MADAGASCAR electoral commission said FORMER—PRESIDENT—ANDRY—RAJOELINA, —44—JAHRE—ALT has beaten his rival and predecessor MARC—RAVALOMANANA election beset by ALLEGATIONS—OF—FRAUD from both sides.
20181230—20181219    —SINCE, At least 19—PEOPLE have been killed.
20190108             MADAGASCAR—CONSTITUTIONAL—COURT—CONFIRMED—ANDRY—RAJOELINA as THE—WINNER—OF—THE—COUNTRY'S 20191219             presidential election —AFTER his opponent lodged 1—COMPLAINT alleging fraud.
20190201—20191219    —SINCE, Demonstrators frustrated with 1—WORSENING economic crisis have been on the streets NEAR—DAILY calling for 1—END to THE—30—YEAR—RULE—OF—PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR.
20190217—20191219    —SINCE, Human Rights Watch said at least 51—HAVE been killed, —WHEN 1—GOVERNMENT—DECISION to triple THE—PRICE—OF—BREAD.
20191212—20191219    —ON, her body was found in the trunk of 1—VEHICLE at 1—HOME in THE—HOUSTON area.
20191219             [l] PUTIN setzt noch Windows XP auf seinen Bürorechnern ein.
20191219             Und DIE sind die, von denen wir ständig alle gehackt werden und vor denen wir furchtbare Angst haben sollen?
20191219             —NACH, Einschätzung Klimarjows wird PUTIN der Gebrauch neuerer WINDOWS—VERSIONEN als XP verwehrt,
20191219             —BERICHT, PUTIN nutzt offenbar noch Windows XP
20191219             weil die nicht vom BUNDES—DIENST für TECHNIK—UND Exportkontrolle (FSTEC) zertifiziert wurden, der dem VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUM untersteht.
20191219             black goo oozing from the ground and signs warning "radiation hazard".
20191219             [l] Ihr kennt sicher den alten Spruch: Bei Immobilien gibt es nur 3—WICHTIGE Faktoren.
20191219             Und als sie rein gingen, fanden sie einen Xenomorph!1!!
20191219             —DEPLOYED, USA—SPECIAL—OPERATIONS—FORCES who, to 1—MILITARY—SITE in UZBEKISTAN shortly —AFTER 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS found pond water that glowed green,
20191219             —NUN, bei der Militärbasis, die DIE—USA—AMERIKANER 20010000             —VON—USBEKISTAN gepachtet haben, war die Lage nicht so gut.
20191219             Dem Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) wurden mehrere bestätigte EMOTET—INFEKTIONEN in Behörden der Bundesverwaltung gemeldet.
20191219             DIE—DORT stationierten Soldaten haben —JETZT deutlich erhöhte Krebsraten.
20191219             —CONTAMINATED, But K2 was, with chemical weapons remnants, radioactive processed uranium and other hazards,
20191219             —OBTAINED, ACCORDING—TO, DOCUMENTS, by McClatchy.
20191219             —DONNERSTAG, 19.
20191219             Anklage im Kongress: Das Amtsenthebungsverfahren zerreißt AMERIKA
20191219             —DIE—LAGE—AM—DONNERSTAG: PUTINs große Show
20191219             Arbeitsmarkt: Zoll deckt mehr Verstöße gegen MINDESTLOHN—GESETZ auf
20191219             TRUMP—REAKTION—AUF—IMPEACHMENT: "Ich habe eine gute Zeit"
20191219             USA—PÄRCHEN zum Entkleiden GEZWUNGEN—POLIZIST zu —10—JAHREN Haft verurteilt
20191219             —NEUEN—KLIMA—PAKET der GroKo:
20191219             Wirtschaft WARNT—VOR—BELASTUNGEN bei höherem CO2-Preis
20191219             EUROPAweite Aktion: 2500—POLIZISTEN im EINSATZ—HUNDERTE mutmaßliche Mafiosi verhaftet
20191219             Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen TRUMP: 4—DEMOKRATEN scherten bei Impeachment aus
20191219             Inhaftierter Katalane siegt vor Europäischem Gerichtshof
20191219             ShareNow eingestellt: Daimler und BMW geben Carsharing in Nordamerika auf
20191219             Zensierte Filme und öffentliche Entschuldigungen:
20191219             Disney unterwirft sich Chinas Machthabern (SPIEGEL+, 10:56)
20191219             —NEUE—PROTESTFORMEN: "CHILE als BEISPIEL—DES—SOZIALEN—AUFSTANDS in Lateinamerika"
20191219             Ein paar Cent waren der Auslöser, die Gründe dagegen vielfältig: —MITTE ;;10;;
20191219             begannen DIE—MENSCHEN in CHILE gegen soziale Ungleichheit und das neoliberale WIRTSCHAFTS—SYSTEM zu protestieren,
20191219             —NACHDEM die Preise für die U—BAHN erneut erhöht werden sollten.
20191219             DIE—SICHERHEITSKRÄFTE gingen zum Teil brutal gegen die Demonstranten vor, doch die gaben nicht auf.
20191219             sie haben das Vertrauen in ihre Regierung verloren, fühlen sich nach wie vor nicht genug berücksichtigt.
20191219             —INZWISCHEN, Der PRO—TEST findet jedoch, nicht mehr primär auf der Straße statt,
20191219             sondern in den Wohnzimmern, Küchen, Hausfluren, in Parks oder auf Marktplätzen:
20191219             Mehr als 200—NACHBARSCHAFTSVERSAMMLUNGEN gibt es mittlerweile im Land, sogenannte Cabildos oder Asambleas.
20191219             Bei gemeinsamen —MITTAG—UND Abendessen sprechen sie seither über die Probleme im Land,
20191219             diskutieren über die Vorgehensweise der Regierung, organisieren INFORMATIONS—UND Protestveranstaltungen und bereiten sich auf den verfassungsgebenden Prozess vor.
20191219             Aufgrund der zahlreichen Menschenrechtsverletzungen durch Polizisten und SICHERHEITSkräfte fordern VIELE—AUßERDEM den Rücktritt von Piñera;
20191219             die Zustimmung für den Präsidenten ist auf unter 5 % gesunken.
20191219             Je nach Stadtviertel nehmen zwischen 50—UND 500—PERSONEN an den Treffen teil.
20191219             —ORGANISIERT, DIE—ASAMBLEAS oder Cabildos sind horizontal, ohne Führungspersönlichkeiten.
20191219             Paula Vásquez, —32—JAHRE, Lehrerin aus Vicuña:
20191219             "Als der Ausnahmezustand ausgerufen wurde, haben wir uns auf dem Plaza in Vicuña getroffen, weil wir Angst hatten und wütend waren.
20191219             —BEGONNEN, Der Aufstand hat zwar in SANTIAGO, aber sich sehr schnell aufs gesamte Land ausgebreitet.
20191219             Hier im ELQUI—TAL haben wir Probleme wegen der Monokulturen, der Pestizide und der Wasserverschmutzung.
20191219             Hier auf dem Land gibt es außerdem viel Machismo, Gewalt gegen Frauen und Vergewaltigungen.
20191219             Hier in der Region gibt es Dörfer, in denen DIE—MENSCHEN kein Trinkwasser haben, weil sich die Wasserrechte in den Händen der AGRAR—INDUSTRIE befinden.
20191219             Deshalb kritisiere ich das neoliberale System und möchte mit meinen Nachbarn Formen sozialer und solidarischer Wirtschaft,
20191219             Kooperativen und Tauschnetzwerke in die Praxis umsetzen".
20191219             Paola Palacios, —30—JAHRE, Frauenrechtsaktivistin aus SANTIAGO:
20191219             "Ich bin vor etwa —4—JAHREN aus KOLUMBIEN nach CHILE eingewandert.
20191219             DIE—NEUEN sozialen Bindungen werden der größte Gewinn dieses Prozesses sein.
20191219             —FRÜHER, wurde CHILE als Vorbild für das neoliberale WIRTSCHAFTS—SYSTEM betrachtet,
20191219             —JETZT geht es als BEISPIEL—DES—SOZIALEN—AUFSTANDS in Lateinamerika voran
20191219             Das wird in die Geschichte eingehen, und ich bin sehr froh, das mitzuerleben".
20191219             "In der Asamblea haben wir 1—INFORMATIONSVERANSTALTUNG über die Verfassung organisiert.
20191219             Hier in der Region gibt es viel Bergbau, und die Unternehmen verdienen JEDE—MENGE—GELD, aber am Straßenrand verschenken die Leute ihre Ziegen, weil sie sie nicht ernähren können.
20191219             DIE—POLITIKER haben keine Empathie und keinen Respekt gegenüber den Menschen.
20191219             DIE—LEUTE haben Lust, sich kennenzulernen, sich zu unterhalten und ihre Meinung auszudrücken.
20191219             JORGE—WEKE, —51—JAHRE, SPRECHER—DES—PARLAMENTO de COZ—COZ aus Panguipulli:
20191219             "Ich bin Mapuche und lebe in einer Gemeinde südlich von Panguipulli in der Región de Los Ríos im Süden Chiles.
20191219             Wir Mapuche haben —SCHON immer gegen das neoliberale System und den Kapitalismus gekämpft.
20191219             Der CHILENISCHE—STAAT und die Unternehmen plündern unser Wasser, unser Land, unsere Bodenschätze.
20191219             —JETZT, haben die Chilenen verstanden, wofür wir —SCHON so lange gekämpft haben, weil auch das CHILENISCHE—VOLK so nicht überleben kann.
20191219             Neue Protestformen "CHILE als BEISPIEL—DES—SOZIALEN—AUFSTANDS in Lateinamerika" - SPIEGEL—ONLINE—POLITIK
20191219             gemeinsam wollen wir ein neues CHILE gestalten.
20191219             CDU—MITGLIEDER distanzieren sich von Möritz
20191219             —KRITISIERT, Rechnungshof, SICHERHEITS—KONTROLLEN an Flughäfen: Die Fast Lane bremst
20191219             IMK—KONJUNKTURPROGNOSE: Forscher rechnen 20200000             mit mehr Arbeitslosen
20191219             Kinderarbeit: Mädchen beim Müllfischen ist Unicef-"Foto des —JAHRES"
20191219             Das "UNICEF—FOTO des —JAHRES 20190000             " zeigt 1—MÄDCHEN, das in einem Slum auf den PHILIPPINEN Plastikmüll sucht.
20191219             Das BILD—DES—DEUTSCHEN—FOTOGRAFEN—HARTMUT—SCHWARZBACH erzähle "vom mutigen Überlebenskampf von Kindern angesichts gleich dreier Tragödien unserer Zeit:
20191219             Armut, Umweltverschmutzung und Kinderarbeit", teilte das Kinderhilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen in BERLIN mit.
20191219             DIE—13—JAHRE—ALTE Wenie auf dem Bild fischt laut Unicef nach Plastikmüll am Hafen von MANILA,
20191219             um dafür etwas Geld bei einem Recycler zu bekommen
20191219             —SCHON Siebenjährige paddeln demnach auf Bambusflößen und Kühlschranktüren durch das Hafenbecken.
20191219             Für UNICEF—SCHIRMHERRIN Elke Büdenbender erzeugt das Bild Nähe - "Nähe zu Kindern, die sonst kaum jemand sieht.
20191219             die von der Explosion eines Blindgängers gezeichnet sind.
20191219             Platz 3—GING an Vorjahresgewinner ANTONIO—ARAGÓN—RENUNCIO, der das Schicksal der GOLDSUCHER—KINDER—VON—BURKINA—FASO dokumentiert hat.
20191219             Kinderarbeit Mädchen beim Müllfischen ist Unicef-"Foto des —JAHRES" - SPIEGEL—ONLINE—PANORAMA
20191219             POLIZEI nimmt Tausende Demonstranten fest
20191219             Bonpflicht: Bäcker schlagen Ausnahmen für kleinere Beträge vor
20191219             Mord im Kleinen Tiergarten: PUTIN gibt Falschbehauptung zu
20191219             EUGH—URTEIL: Gelesene E—BOOKS dürfen nicht weiterverkauft werden
20191219             Wenn ein CHINESISCHER—BOTSCHAFTER schreibt : Großmacht des Guten - "Prepper"-PROZESS—IN—SCHWERIN:
20191219             —VERURTEILT, SEK—MANN zu Bewährungsstrafe
20191219             Karikaturist PATRICK—CHAPPATTE im Interview: "1—AKT der vorbeugenden Selbstzensur"
20191219             Wetter kurz vor Weihnachten: Frühlingshafte Temperaturen
20191219             KRITIK—AN—UIGURENLAGERN: EU—PARLAMENT verlangt Sanktionen gegen CHINESISCHE—BEAMTE
20191219             Serie über die Colonia Dignidad: Du wirst in der Hölle brennen
20191219             —VERBIETET, Fahrdienst: Gericht, Ubers GESCHÄFTS—MODELL in DEUTSCHLAND
20191219             —JAHRESSTATISTIK: Was Pornhub über seine Nutzer weiß
20191219             Platz für 125—PASSAGIERE: FRANZÖSISCHE—STADT nimmt WASSERSTOFF—SCHNELLBUS in Betrieb
20191219             GERICHTS—URTEIL, ITALIEN muss Rettungsschiff "SEA—WATCH 3" freigeben
20191219             MOSKAU: Mindestens 1—TOTER nach Schüssen nahe RUSSISCHER—GEHEIM—DIENSTZENTRALE
20191219             —DER—TAG—KOMPAKT, Alle —JAHRE wieder: PUTINs PRESSE—SHOW
20191219             [l] Dis völlig gescheiterte Digitalisierung der DEUTSCHEN—BEHÖRDEN hat auch sein Gutes.
20191219             Sie senkt die Wahrscheinlichkeit, daß jemand auf die MALWARE—MAILS von infizierten Behörden reinfällt.
20191219             [l] DIE—NEW—YORK—TIMES wirft einen spannende Blick auf die TRACINDUSTRIE—KING—OF—.
20191219             [l] Infrastrukturapokalypse: FRANKFURT—AM—MAIN ist wegen Malwarebefall offline.
20191219             Vielleicht ist es am besten, wenn DIE—BEHÖRDEN einfach offline bleiben.
20191219             —BERICHT, PUTIN nutzt offenbar noch Windows XP—DIGITAL—
20191219             —LASHED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, out at House Speaker NANCY Pelosi —AFTER she threw uncertainty into the impeachment process by refusing to say, repeatedly, —WHEN or whether she would send 2—IMPEACHMENT—ARTICLES to THE—REPUBLICAN—CONTROLLED Senate for 1—TRIAL.
20191219             —FINALIZED, THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION, us biofuel blending requirements for 20200000             , leaving 1—KEY—PART—OF—THE—RULE unchanged from 1—EARLIER—PROPOSAL that the corn lobby had criticized as inadequate to help struggling farmers.
20191219             —RAILED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, behind closed doors about House Speaker NANCY PELOSI—DECISION to delay sending ARTICLES—OF—IMPEACHMENT to THE—REPUBLICAN—CONTROLLED Senate, putting 1 expected trial in limbo.
20191219             —APPROVED, THE—USA—HOUSE overwhelmingly, the renegotiated deal intended to replace THE—NORTH—USA—FREE—TRADE—AGREEMENT, handing PRESIDENT—TRUMP 1—BIPARTISAN victory —1—DAY—AFTER impeaching him.
20191219             The 385—41—VOTE came —AFTER House Speaker NANCY Pelosi (D—CALIFORNIA) secured concessions, including strict labor standards and environmental provisions.
20191219             —PASSED, THE—USA—SENATE, the $1.4—TRILLION spending deal needed to prevent 1—PARTIAL—GOVERNMENT shutdown —WHEN current funding expires at midnight 20191220             .
20191219             —SHOWED, Opinion polls, the race up for grabs, with Mayor Buttigieg of INDIANA taking the lead in IOWA and FORMER—VICE—PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN, USA—SENATOR—BERNIE—SANDERS and WARREN fighting for the top in national polls.
20191219             THE—USA—FOOD and Drug Administration for the 1. time approved 1—VACCINE for the prevention of the deadly Ebola virus disease.
20191219             —MANUFACTURED, Ervebo, 1—SINGLE—DOSE, injectable vaccine is, by USA—PHARMACEUTICAL—COMPANY—MERCK.
20191219             Stanford Univ. researchers revealed that yellow mealworms can break down plastic and poop out chemicals added to plastic.
20191219             —CROWNED, CONNECTICUT, CAMILLE—SCHRIER (24) of VIRGINIA was, Miss AMERICA —AFTER she wowed judges with science experiment.
20191219             —INCLUDED, His books : "To What End: Report from VIETNAM" (19680000             ), "In THE—CITY—OF—FEAR"(19820000             ), "Echo House" (19970000             ) and "USA—ROMANTIC" (20140000             ).
20191219             —RULED, THE—WASHINGTON—STATE—SUPREME—COURT, that the Public Records Act fully applies to state lawmakers.
20191219             —SPARKED, The case was, by a 20170900             lawsuit filed by 1—MEDIA—COALITION, led by THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS, that sought sexual harassment reports, calendar entries and other documents.
20191219             —REPORTED, It was, that Novartis AG has secured Medicaid coverage for 1—PRICEY new sickle cell disease therapy in 2—USA—STATES—JUST weeks —AFTER winning USA—APPROVAL, —FOLLOWING 1—EARLY—CAMPAIGN to convince local officials of its value.
20191219             —CONDEMNED, THE—ARAB—LEAGUE, BRAZIL—OPENING—OF—1—TRADE—OFFICE in the contested CITY—OF—JERUSALEM, warning the move will "seriously damage" BRAZIL—POLITICAL and economic interests in the Arab world.
20191219             —DECLARED, AUSTRALIA—MOST populous STATE—OF—NEW—SOUTH—WALES, a —7—DAY—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY as oppressive conditions fanned —AROUND 100—WILDFIRES.
20191219             2—VOLUNTEER firefighters were killed —LATE—TODAY—WHEN 1—TREE fell and caused their vehicle to roll off the road.
20191219             —DISMISSED, CANADA, 1—OTTAWA judge, all 19—CHARGES against FORMER—TALIBAN hostage JOSHUA—BOYLE, who was charged with sexual assault of his estranged wife, Caitlan Coleman.
20191219             They spent —5—YEARS in captivity, —DURING which their 3—CHILDREN were born.
20191219             —RULED, THE—EU—TOP—COURT, that Oriol Junqueras, 1—OF 9—PRO—INDEPENDENCE leaders jailed in SPAIN, is entitled to parliamentary immunity because he was elected as an MEP in May.
20191219             —PASSED, GERMANY—PARLIAMENT, 1—RESOLUTION calling for 1—NATIONAL—BAN on the activities of Hezbollah and for THE—LEBANON—MILITANT—GROUP to be put on THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—TERRORIST—LIST.
20191219             —DETAINED, INDIA—POLICE, several 100—PROTESTERS in some of the biggest cities as they defied bans on assembly that authorities imposed to stop widespread demonstrations against 1—NEW—CITIZENSHIP—LAW that opponents say threatens the country's secular democracy.
20191219             —ASKED, LEBANON—PRESIDENT—MICHEL—AOUN, HASSAN—DIAB, a university professor and a HEZBOLLAH—BACKED FORMER—MINISTER, to form a new government.
20191219             —CALLED, Speaking in MALAYSIA THE—PRESIDENT—OF—SANCTIONS—HIT—IRAN, for Muslim countries to cooperate in fighting USA "economic terrorism" at the opening of 1—SUMMIT aimed at tackling the Islamic world's woes.
20191219             PRESIDENT—ROUHANI also said his country's nuclear experts are testing 1—NEW—TYPE—OF advanced centrifuges.
20191219             —OVERTURNED, In THE—NETHERLANDS 1—APPEALS—COURT, 1—LOCAL—ORDINANCE banning catcalls in the port CITY—OF—ROTTERDAM.
20191219             —RULED, The court, that only PARLIAMENT has the power to criminalize such behavior because doing so amounts to 1—POSSIBLE—INFRINGEMENT—OF—THE—FREEDOM—OF—EXPRESSION.
20191219             PAKISTAN—FOREIGN—MINISTER said that he has written to THE—UNITED—NATIONS —THIS—MONTH, warning the world BODY—OF—WHAT he says are actions by NEW—DELHI to position missile launchers in THE—INDIAN—CONTROLLED Kashmir.
20191219             —FIRED, PALESTINE—MILITANTS in THE—GAZA—STRIP, 1—ROCKET toward SOUTH—ISRAEL —EARLY—TODAY and ISRAEL—AIRCRAFT responded with airstrikes in THE—HAMAS—RULED territory.
20191219             —PROTESTED, DOZENS—OF—PALESTINIANS, outside 1—ISRAEL—MILITARY—COURT in the occupied WEST—BANK calling for the release of 1—PRISONER who has been on 1—PARTIAL—HUNGER—STRIKE for nearly —3—MONTHS.
20191219             1—THE—PHILIPPINES—COURT found key MEMBERS—OF—1—POWERFUL—POLITICAL—CLAN—GUILTY—OF a 20090000             massacre in 1—SOUTHERN—PROVINCE that left 57—PEOPLE—DEAD, including 32—MEDIA—WORKERS, in 1—BRAZEN—EXECUTION—STYLE—ATTACK that horrified the world.
20191219             † RUSSIA, 1—OFFICER—OF—THE—FEDERAL—SECURITY—SERVICE (FSB) was killed in 1—SHOOTING near its MOSCOW headquarters.
20191219             —KILLED, The attack, 2—OF—THE—AGENCY—EMPLOYEES.
20191219             —IDENTIFIED, The attacker, as MOSCOW resident Evgeny Manyurov (39), was killed.
20191219             —URGED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL, SUDAN—NEW transitional government to deliver on popular demands for sweeping change as the country marked the 1. ANNIVERSARY—OF—MASS—PROTESTS that led to THE—OUSTER—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT and longtime autocrat OMAR—AL—BASHIR.
20191219             —DENIED, TURKEY, accusations that 1—MILITANT—PALESTINE—GROUP is using its territory to plan attacks against ISRAEL.
20191219             —AGREED, YEMEN—WARRING parties, to create humanitarian corridors in the key port CITY—OF—HODEIDA, which remains the main entry point for food and aid in 1—COUNTRY witnessing the world's worst humanitarian crisis.
20191219             —GELAGERT, Eigentlich hätten da auch BIO—WAFFEN, werden sollen, aber die Umgebung war zu tödlich zum Lagern von Biowaffen!!1!
20191219—20121000    —KIDNAPPED, MISTER—BOYLE and MISS—COLEMAN were, —WHILE backpacking in AFGHANISTAN.
20191219—20191216    —RESTORED, Election officials in THE—USA—STATE—OF—GEORGIA, some 22,000 voters —AFTER purging 308,753 from voter rolls, citing 1—ERROR in the way their voting history had been screened.
20191219—20201100    —IN—THE, The 6. debate for Democrats seeking their party's nomination to challenge PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP election was held in LOS—ANGELES.
20201112—20201219    —UNTIL, BANGLADESH said it is extending its closure of all schools and other educational institutions amid fears of a 2. WAVE—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS—INFECTIONS —DURING the —WINTER.
20201219             —SAMSTAG, 20201219
20201219             Möglicherweise Treiber der 2. Welle: SÜDAFRIKA entdeckt verändertes CORONA€”VIRUS
20201219             Zu hohe Infektionszahlen: Wissenschaftler fordern neue CORONA—STRATEGIE für EUROPA
20201219             Rechte und linke Impfgegner: Eine Überdosis GERMANY—ANGST
20201219             USA—ARZNEIMITTELBEHÖRDE: CORONA—IMPFSTOFF von Moderna erhält Notfallzulassung in den USA
20201219             Humanitäre Katastrophe in GRIECHENLAND: "Babys werden in nassen ZELTENNO—VON—RATTEN gebissen"
20201219             Verhalten im BUNDESTAG: Abgeordnete anderer Parteien empört über CORONA—VERSTÖßE der AfD
20201219             CORONA—KRISE: Wirtschaftsweiser findet Hilfen für den Handel zu hoch
20201219             —GEFUNDEN, Pestizidreste : Hersteller ruft EDEKA—SESAMMUS zurück
20201219             Kriselnder Staatskonzern: Bahn drohen CORONA—KOSTEN—VON—13—MILLIARDEN Euro
20201219             Erneuerbare Energien: Die Bundesregierung ist auf dem Holzweg
20201219             —ENTWEICHT, Internationale Raumstation: Kosmonauten kämpfen mit Leck — Luft
20201219             —SEIT—MONATEN—DRUCKVERLUST — die Luftreserven werden knapp.
20201219             —DISKUTIERT, —NUN wird eine drastische Lösung.
20201219             Im RUSSISCHEN—TEIL—DER—INTERNATIONALEN—RAUMSTATION—ISS kämpfen Kosmonauten wegen eines Lecks mit Problemen bei der Luftversorgung.
20201219             Die Raumfahrer müssten —NUN die undichte Stelle finden, weil die Sauerstoffreserven immer kleiner würden, meldete die Staatsagentur Tass nach einer Schalte zwischen der ISS und der Leitzentrale in MOSKAU.
20201219             Es sei nicht klar, wo genau sich die undichte Stelle in einem Übergang zum Modul "Swesda" (russisch für Stern) befinde, sagte 1—EXPERTE auf der Erde.
20201219             Das Problem mit Luftaustritt und Druckabfall in dem Modul gibt es —SEIT—AUGUST.
20201219             Die Zeit laufe ab, das Problem müsse gelöst werden, hieß es bei der Flugleitzentrale.
20201219             "Es ist alles unter Kontrolle", sagte der CHEF—DER RUSSISCHEN—RAUMFAHRTBEHÖRDE Roskosmos, DMITRI—ROGOSIN, —AM—SAMSTAG.
20201219             "Es gibt noch Reserven", beschwichtigte er.
20201219             —IM—FEBRUAR fliege zudem ein neuer "Progress"-Raumfrachter mit Sauerstoffvorräten ins All.
20201219             Sollte es notwendig sein, darüber hinaus die ISS mit zusätzlichem Sauerstoff zu versorgen, dann könnten DIE—USA—PARTNER—BEI—DER—NASA—SAUERSTOFF mit einem eigenen unbemannten Transporter liefern.
20201219             Einige der noch zu Sowjetzeiten — vor rund —30—JAHREN — produzierten Module seien nur für einen Einsatz von —15—JAHREN vorgesehen gewesen.
20201219             Deshalb werde —JETZT über einen neuen Außenposten der Menschheit nachgedacht.
20201219             Drohende Haushaltssperre : USA—KONGRESS wendet Stilllegung von Behörden vorerst ab
20201219             —1—JAHR—CORONA in CHINA: "In WUHAN blüht das Nachtleben wieder auf" Eindrücke von SPIEGEL—KORRESPONDENT GEORG—FAHRION aus Peking.
20201219             Christliche CORONA—VERHARMLOSER: Lebensgefährliche "Lebensschützer" 1—GASTBEITRAG—VON—LIANE—BEDNARZ
20201219             "Knallknacker": ZAHL—DER—GESPRENGTEN—GELDAUTOMATEN erreicht Rekordniveau
20201219             Eisberg A-68A: Ausgebremst und angeknackst
20201219             Der riesige Eisberg, der auf Südgeorgien zutreibt, wird wohl nicht mit der Westküste der südatlantischen Insel kollidieren.
20201219             Wissenschaftler konnten —IN—DEN—LETZTEN—TAGEN beobachten, wie die Eismasse eine spektakuläre Drehung und Kursänderung hinlegte.
20201219             Die ganz große Katastrophe einer frontalen Kollision, die die gesamte Westseite der Insel betroffen hätte, scheint damit —ZUNÄCHST abgewendet.
20201219             Außer Gefahr ist das Wildleben der Insel, die kleiner ist als der sie bedrohende Eisberg, aber noch nicht.
20201219             So groß war dieser Eisbruch, dass Forscher zeitweilig den völligen Kollaps der dortigen Schelfeisplatte befürchteten.
20201219             Mit ursprünglich 5800—QUADRATKILOMETERN Fläche hätte LUXEMBURG gleich zweimal auf die Scholle gepasst, die sich —IN—DEN—FOLGENDEN—JAHREN immer weiter Richtung Norden verschob.
20201219             Bundesverfassungsgericht: "Querdenken"-Demo in Weil am Rhein bleibt untersagt
20201219             USA—SENATSBERICHT zu 737—MAX: Manipulierte Sicherheitstests für Boeings Pannenflieger?
20201219             Groß angelegter Cyberangriff: Pompeo macht RUSSLAND für SOLARWINDS—HACK verantwortlich
20201219             —VERSUCHT, Die Täter hätten mit großem Aufwand, über die Software eines Drittanbieters auf die IT—SYSTEME der Regierung zuzugreifen, sagte Pompeo —AM—FREITAG in der Radiosendung "THE—MARK—LEVIN—SHOW".
20201219             Es sei "ziemlich eindeutig", dass RUSSLAND hinter diesen Attacken stecke.
20201219             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Das Außenministerium hat 1—TRANSKRIPT—DES—INTERVIEWS.
20201219             RUSSLAND bestritt jegliche Beteiligung an dem Angriff.
20201219             Mehr als 17.000—ORGANISATIONEN weltweit haben das verseuchte Update heruntergeladen und fingen sich damit unwissentlich 1—HINTERTÜR in ihre Computersysteme ein.
20201219             MICROSOFT—PRÄSIDENT—BRAD—SMITH erklärte, es handele sich nicht um "gewöhnliche Spionage".
20201219             Der Angriff habe eine "ernsthafte technologische Verwundbarkeit für DIE—USA und die Welt" zur Folge.
20201219             Beschaffungslücke: Bundesregierung kauft Millionen Impfdosen nach
20201219             CORONA—FOLGEN in den USA: Autostaus vor der Food Bank
20201219             Einsamkeit durch CORONA: Wir sind alle müde
20201219             Notversorgung BRITISCHER—KINDER: Hunger, mitten in EUROPA
20201219             Fleisch aus dem Labor: "Wir brauchen Alternativen, die keinerlei Verzicht bedeuten" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—JULIA—MERLOT
20201219             [l] Während bei Pillen und Impfungen gerne mal duppelblinde Studien gegen PLACEBO—KONTROLLGRUPPEN gemacht werden, fliegt die Chirurgie ziemlich unter dem Radar.
20201219             Die Ergebnisse der 1. PLACEBO—STUDIEN ist wie zu erwarten ziemlich verheerend, und häufig angewendete Verfahren stellen sich als unwirksam heraus.
20201219             UK—PREMIER—JOHNSON über neue COVID—VARIANTE: Mutiertes CORONA€”VIRUS ist offenbar 70—PROZENT ansteckender
20201219             Johnsons wissenschaftliche Berater gingen im Weiteren auf die Eigenschaften der neuen Variante ein.
20201219             Beunruhigend daran sei vor allem die Beschleunigung der Verbreitung: Die neue Variante sei auf dem Weg, sich gegen ALLE—ANDEREN—VARIANTEN durchzusetzen.
20201219             LONDON, habe die neue Variante —MITTE—NOVEMBER rund 28—PROZENT aller Fälle ausgemacht.
20201219             Inzwischen seien 62—PROZENT aller positiv getesteten Bewohner Londons Träger der neuen Variante.
20201219             Diese sei auf dem Weg, zur dominanten Variante des Virus zu werden.
20201219             In allen Teilen Südenglands entfällt —BEREITS mehr als die HÄLFTE—DER—ERKRANKUNGEN auf die neue Variante.
20201219             Grund dafür ist offenbar, dass es dem mutierten Virus leichter zu fallen scheint, sich von Mensch zu Mensch zu verbreiten.
20201219             Obwohl laut der BRITISCHEN—GESUNDHEITSEXPERTEN die neue Variante nicht zu prozentual mehr schweren Krankheitsverläufen und Todesfällen führe, sorge die schnellere Verbreitung doch für eine faktische Erhöhung der Fallzahlen.
20201219             Laut FERGUS—WALSH, dem Medizinexperten der BBC, könnte die neue Variante auch hinter der Erhöhung der Fallzahlen in DEUTSCHLAND stehen:
20201219             —VERBREITET, Sie sei —BEREITS in mehreren europäischen Ländern, habe ihren Ursprung aber wahrscheinlich in der ENGLISCHEN—GRAFSCHAFT Kent.
20201219             VUI-202012/01—IST der Name der neu entdeckten Virusmutation, deren Existenz Großbritanniens Regierung —AM—MONTAG bekannt gegeben hatte.
20201219             Die kryptische Zeichenfolge steht für "Variant Under Investigation" (VIREN—VARIANTE in Untersuchung),
20201219             SARS—COV—2—MUTIERTE —SEIT dem 1. Auftreten geschätzt 4000—MAL.
20201219             Das Gros dieser Mutationen ist jedoch irrelevant und ohne Auswirkungen.
20201219             —SEIT die BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG —AM—MONTAG bekannt gab, dass die Variante eventuell die Verbreitung von COVID—19—BESCHLEUNIGEN könnte, wuchs die Unruhe.
20201219             Die Mutation ähnelt offenbar stark der Virenmutationen, die in vergangenen —WOCHEN auf Nerzfarmen in DÄNEMARK und Niederlanden aufgetreten waren.
20201219             Festgestellt wurde die Mutation durch fortlaufende Genomanalysen, die von COVID—PROBEN vorgenommen werden.
20201219             Cyberangriff aus USA—REGIERUNG: Trump widerspricht Pompeo und nimmt RUSSLAND in Schutz
20201219             Der amtierende USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP sieht anders als sein AUßEN—MINISTER—MIKE—POMPEO nicht unbedingt RUSSLAND hinter der groß angelegten Cyberattacke auf USA—REGIERUNGSEINRICHTUNGEN — sondern womöglich CHINA.
20201219             Es werde immer gleich RUSSLAND verdächtigt, wenn etwas passiere, schrieb Trump —AM—SAMSTAG auf Twitter, —NACHDEM er tagelang öffentlich zu der Cyberattacke geschwiegen hatte.
20201219             Dabei könne es möglicherweise auch CHINA sein, doch diese Option werde "aus überwiegend finanziellen Gründen" nicht diskutiert.
20201219             Trump spielte in seinem Tweet auch das Ausmaß und die Gefahr der Cyberattacke herunter.
20201219             Der Angriff werde in den "lügnerischen Medien" weit größer dargestellt, als er tatsächlich sei.
20201219             "Ich wurde umfassend informiert, und es ist alles voll unter Kontrolle",
20201219             LEIPZIG: Ausschreitungen wegen verbotener "Querdenken"-Demo bleiben aus
20201219             Angesichts der rasant steigenden CORONA—ZAHLEN verhängt die ITALIENISCHE—REGIERUNG einen erneuten harten Lockdown für das gesamte Land.
20201219             Ausnahmen von den Regeln sollen de facto nur aus beruflichen oder gesundheitlichen Gründen möglich sein.
20201219             —GESTATTET, Religiöse Feste sind —BIS 22.00—UHR.
20201219             Eine große MEHRHEIT—DER—DEUTSCHEN will sich an Weihnachten an die vorgegebenen Kontaktbeschränkungen zur Bekämpfung der CORONA—PANDEMIE halten.
20201219             In einer Umfrage des Meinungsforschungsinstituts YouGov im Auftrag der DEUTSCHEN—PRESSE—AGENTUR gaben 83—PROZENT an, ALLE—REGELN befolgen zu wollen.
20201219             Nur jeder 10. will davon abweichen, 7—PROZENT machten keine Angaben.
20201219             Dabei nimmt mit dem Alter auch die Bereitschaft zu, die Beschränkungen einzuhalten.
20201219             Bei den 18- —BIS 24-Jährigen sind es 72—PROZENT, bei den Menschen über 55—SOGAR 91—PROZENT.
20201219             Mehr als 31.000—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN in DEUTSCHLAND
20201219             allerdings waren in diese Zahl rund 3500—FÄLLE eingerechnet, die wegen einer Datenpanne nicht —SCHON in die Statistik vom —DONNERSTAG eingeflossen waren.
20201219             Die sogenannte —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ lag nach ANGABEN—DES—INSTITUTS —AM—SAMSTAG bei 189,6.
20201219             Mehr als 10—MILLIONEN CORONA—INFIZIERTE in INDIEN
20201219             Allerdings scheint sich der Anstieg sowohl bei der ZAHL—DER—INFIZIERTEN als auch der Todesopfer zu verlangsamen.
20201219             SÜDKOREA, werden die Krankenhausbetten knapp
20201219             Pflegekräfte erkranken besonders häufig an CORONA
20201219             haben Pflegekräfte ein um 56—PROZENT höheres Risiko, an CORONA zu erkranken, als Berufstätige insgesamt.
20201219             Der DEUTSCHE—STÄDTETAG hat davor gewarnt, beim Beginn der CORONA—IMPFUNGEN auf die Gesundheitsämter der Kommunen zu setzen.
20201219             "Wenn der Impfstoff da ist, dürfen die Impfungen nicht an fehlendem Personal scheitern.
20201219             Das medizinische Personal der Gesundheitsämter ist durch die Pandemie auf absehbare Zeit voll ausgelastet und kann nicht zusätzlich auch noch die Impfungen übernehmen",
20201219             "Wir sehen hier vor allem Länder und Kassenärzte gefordert".
20201219             SÜDAFRIKA, ist eine neue Mutation des CORONA€”VIRUS entdeckt worden.
20201219             Die 501.V2 genannte Variante könnte hinter der raschen Ausbreitung der 2. CORONA—WELLE im Land stecken,
20201219             Shutdown und Ausgangsbeschränkungen in der SLOWAKEI
20201219             —BEGIBT, Portugals Ministerpräsident António Costa, sich —FÜR—14—TAGE in Quarantäne.
20201219             SCHWEIZER—KANTONE schließen Skigebiete —NUN doch
20201219             Wegen CORONA—FÄLLEN bei Obdachlosen hat 1—BERLINER—GESUNDHEITSAMT für eine große Notunterkunft einen Aufnahmestopp verhängt.
20201219             "Die 10—ERKRANKTEN werden —NUN ihre häusliche Quarantäne in der Traglufthalle verbringen",
20201219             Die in GROSSBRITANNIEN entdeckte neue Variante des CORONA€”VIRUS ist nach ANGABEN—VON—PREMIER—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON nach 1. Erkenntnissen deutlich ansteckender als die bekannte Form.
20201219             Es gebe aber keine Hinweise darauf, dass Impfstoffe weniger effektiv seien,
20201219             Netanyahu vor laufenden Kameras gegen CORONA€”VIRUS geimpft
20201219             COVID—19: Algarve com mais um óbito e 68—NOVOS casos
20201219             Alentejo com mais 256—CASOS de COVID—19—E mais duas mortes
20201219             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—781—(+10)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—676—(+7)—CASOS—ATIVOS—99—(+3)
20201219             ALCOUTIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—23—(=)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—20—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—0—(=)
20201219             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—27—(+1)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—17—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—9—(+1)
20201219             CASTRO—MARIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—65—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—54—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—11—(=)
20201219             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—918—(+15)—ÓBITOS—5—(=)—RECUPERADOS—741—(+6)—CASOS—ATIVOS—172—(+9)
20201219             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—259—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—149—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—108—(=)
20201219             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—598—(=)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—508—(+10)—CASOS—ATIVOS—86—(-10)
20201219             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—10270000—1—(+16)—ÓBITOS—14—(=)—RECUPERADOS—746—(+5)—CASOS—ATIVOS—267—(+15)
20201219             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—44—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—37—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—7—(=)
20201219             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—402—(+9)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—300—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—101—(+8)
20201219             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—995—(+2)—ÓBITOS—11—(=)—RECUPERADOS—821—(+50)—CASOS—ATIVOS—163—(-50)
20201219             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—382—(+5)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—303—(+58)—CASOS—ATIVOS—78—(-53)
20201219             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—275—(+2)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—225—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—44—(+2)
20201219             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—82—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—77—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—3—(=)
20201219             292_DGS_BOLETIM_20201219—1—20201219—1—GLOBAL—CASES—76.065.255—GLOBAL—DEATHS—1.681.666
20201219             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—1.590—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—146,2—FÄLLE—GESAMT—23.307—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—2.142,5—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—302—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.087.863
20201219             Flüchtlingslager in PARIS: Die Elenden von SAINT—DENIS 1—INTERVIEW—VON—JAN—PETTER
20201219             Brexit: BRITISCHE—ABGEORDNETE kritisieren mangelhafte Vorbereitungen der Regierung
20201219             [l] In Stanford gibt es gerade Unzufriedenheit bei dem Pflegerpersonal.
20201219             Und zwar haben sie keine Impfung gekriegt.
20201219             Der Impfstoff ging stattdessen an Sesselfurzer aus der Verwaltung.
20201219             Und —JETZT ratet mal, woran das lag.
20201219             Nein, nein, die Verwaltung hat sich da nicht etwa selbst übervorteilt, nein, nein!
20201219             Der Algorithmus war Schuld!
20201219             Tja, Softwareproblem. Kann man nichts machen.
20201219             USA—GESUNDHEITSBEHÖRDE CDC meldet über 400.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN
20201219             Nach einem Anstieg der CORONA—FÄLLE im Süden von THAILAND ist der größte MEERESFRÜCHTE—MARKT des Landes geschlossen worden.
20201219             Mehr als 2,5 Millionen CORONA—INFEKTIONEN in AFRIKA
20201219             —ÜBERSCHREITET—KANADA: ZAHL—DER—CORONA—FÄLLE, 500.000
20201219             Die VIRUS—AUSBREITUNG hat sich zuletzt stark beschleunigt:
20201219             CORONA—AUSBRUCH in Kalifornien: Apple schließt ALLE—LÄDEN
20201219             Diplomatische Vertretung: USA schließen verbleibende Konsulate in RUSSLAND
20201219             —SUGGESTED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, without evidence that CHINA, not RUSSIA, may be behind the cyber espionage operation against THE—USA and tried to minimize its impact.
20201219             THE—USA—CENTERS for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said it was monitoring reports of allergic reactions to THE—COVID—19—VACCINATION and made recommendations on how people with histories of allergies should proceed.
20201219             The agency said anyone who had 1—SEVERE—REACTION to 1—COVID 19—VACCINE should not get the 2. dose.
20201219             —DISTRIBUTED, THE—ARMY—GENERAL in charge of getting COVID—19—VACCINES, across THE—USA apologized —AFTER MANY—GOVERNORS said they had been shorted on anticipated shipments.
20201219             GENERAL—GUSTAVE—PERNA said he made mistakes by citing numbers of doses that he believed would be ready for delivery.
20201219             —APPROVED, THE—USA—FEDERAL—AVIATION—ADMINISTRATION (FAA) said it had, the use of the Moderna COVID—19—VACCINE by pilots and air traffic controllers.
20201219             THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT said it is halting work at 2—CONSULATES in RUSSIA, citing safety and security issues at the facilities where operations had been curtailed over COVID—19.
20201219             † It was reported that 1—RECORD—621—PEOPLE—OF—DRUG overdoses in S—FRANCISCO so far —THIS—YEAR, 1—STAGGERING number that far outpaces THE—173—DEATHS from COVID—19 the city has seen thus far.
20201219             CALIFORNIA to date had 1,804,417 CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS and 22,441 deaths.
20201219             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 216,480 cases and 2,269 deaths.
20201219             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 17,631,293 with the death toll at 316,006.
20201219             Apple Inc said it has temporarily shut ALL—OF—ITS 53—STORES in CALIFORNIA because of 1—CORONA€”VIRUS—OUTBREAK and 16—STORES in THE—UK—FOLLOWING restrictions introduced by the government in LONDON.
20201219             —PLACED, Apple Inc, supplier Wistron Corp on probation, saying it would not award THE—TAIWAN—CONTRACT—MANUFACTURER—NEW—BUSINESS—UNTIL it addressed the way workers were treated at its SOUTH—INDIA plant.
20201219             —SURPASSED, Global CORONA€”VIRUS infections, THE—75—MILLION—MARK, as several nations —AROUND the world begin vaccinating against the virus.
20201219             † ARMENIA, both opponents and SUPPORTERS—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—NIKOL—PASHINYAN rallied as the nation paid tribute to the thousands who, in fighting with AZERBAIJAN over THE—REGION—OF—NAGORNO—KARABAKH.
20201219             —DEMANDED, Critics, that the leader resign and tried to pelt him with eggs.
20201219             AUSTRALIA, 1—QUARTER—MILLION—PEOPLE in SYDNEY—NORTHERN—BEACH suburbs were ordered into 1—STRICT—LOCKDOWN—UNTIL Christmas Eve to help contain 1—CORONA€”VIRUS—CLUSTER with authorities fearing it may spread across AUSTRALIA—MOST populous city.
20201219             —REFUSED, BRAZIL—PRESIDENT—JAIR—BOLSONARO, who has, to take ANY—CORONA€”VIRUS—VACCINE, said that he did not think the world's rush for 1—VACCINE was justified because the pandemic is in his view coming to 1—END.
20201219             —REGISTERED, BRAZIL, 50,177 new cases, bringing the total to 7,213,155. Deaths rose by 706 to 186,356.
20201219             —IMPOSED, UK—PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON, tighter CORONA€”VIRUS controls on MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE in ENGLAND and drastically scaled back plans to ease restrictions over Christmas, seeking to curb 1—NEW—MORE—INFECTIOUS—STRAIN—OF—THE—VIRUS.
20201219             —IDENTIFIED, ENGLAND—CHIEF—MEDICAL—OFFICER—CHRIS—WHITTY said 1—NEW strain of COVID—19, in THE—UK can spread more quickly and urgent work is under way to confirm that it does not cause 1—HIGHER—MORTALITY—RATE.
20201219             —ANNOUNCED, THE—CENTRAL—AFRICAN, REPRESENTATIVE—THE—3—MAIN—REBEL—GROUPS, that they had formed 1—ALLIANCE called the Coalition of Patriots for Change (CPC), accusing PRESIDENT—TOUADÉRA of trying to rig 20201227             —THE election.
20201219             Authorities said forces loyal to FORMER—PRESIDENT—FRANÇOIS—BOZIZÉ were near THE—CITY—OF—BOSSEMBÉLÉ and planned to march on BANGUI.
20201219             Spokesman CHRISTIAN—GUENEBEM said Bozize was in his house in Bossangoa.
20201219             1—GERMANY—COURT ruled that automaker Tesla has to stop clearing trees on SOME—PARTS—OF—THE—SITE outside BERLIN where it is building the company's 1. electric car factory in EUROPE.
20201219             —REPORTED, GERMANY—DAILY—RHEINISCHE Post, that authorities have broken up 1—INTERNATIONAL—CRIME ring that duped elderly people into handing over their money and valuables to criminals posing as police officers.
20201219             —BUSTED, GERMANY—POLICE, 1—CALL—CENTER in THE—SOUTH—WEST—TURKEY—CITY—OF—IZMIR where suspects allegedly phoned retirees in GERMANY and talked them into handing over their valuables to fake officers.
20201219             38—PEOPLE were arrested —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH and 48—LOCATIONS were searched in addition to the call center.
20201219             —ORGANIZED, GERMANY, the return of 3—WOMEN and 12—CHILDREN from camps in NORTH—EAST—SYRIA for humanitarian reasons.
20201219             —REPORTED, INDIA, 25,152 new infections and 347—DEATHS in the past —24—HOURS.
20201219             —KILLED, The virus has so far, 145,136—PEOPLE in the country.
20201219             INDIA took —30—DAYS to add the last million cases, the 2. slowest —SINCE THE—START—OF—THE—PANDEMIC.
20201219             —ANNOUNCED, IRAQ—CENTRAL—BANK, it will devalue THE—IRAQ—DINAR by over 20—PERCENT in response to 1—SEVERE—LIQUIDITY—CRISIS brought on by low oil prices, 1—MEASURE that has sparked public outrage as the government struggles to cover its expenses.
20201219             —ANNOUNCED, ITALY, sweeping travel restrictions and bans on large family gatherings, becoming the latest European nation to introduce SOME—FORM—OF—CHRISTMAS lockdown.
20201219             —SECURED, MALAYSIA said it has, CORONA€”VIRUS vaccine from AstraZeneca PLC, on THE—HEELS—OF—NEWS it will receive THE—PFIZER—BIONTECH vaccine in February as it grapples with 1—SURGE in infections.
20201219             —SEIZED, NIGERIA, 84—SCHOOLCHILDREN were, by gunmen —LATE—TODAY as they returned home to Mahuta village —AFTER taking part in 1—RELIGIOUS—CEREMONY.
20201219             —RELEASED, The children were soon, —FOLLOWING 1—GUN—BATTLE between the abductors, security forces and local vigilantes.
20201219             —SURPASSED, RUSSIA, the number of COVID—19—DEATHS, 50,000 as the country continued to fight stubbornly high NUMBERS—OF—NEW—INFECTIONS—DAILY.
20201219             † 585—PEOPLE, from COVID—19 in the last —24—HOURS, taking the country's official death toll to 50,347.
20201219             —RECORDED, The country also, 28,209 new infections, bringing the national tally to 2,819,429.
20201219             —DEMANDED, SUDAN, protests in KHARTOUM and across the country, 1—FASTER—PACE to democratic reforms, in demonstrations that marked THE—2—YEAR anniversary of the uprising that led to the military's OUSTER—OF—STRONGMAN—OMAR—AL—BASHIR.
20201219             —REPORTED, THAILAND, 548—NEW—CORONA€”VIRUS—CASES, the highest daily tally in 1—COUNTRY that had largely brought the pandemic under control.
20201219             —CONNECTED, MOST—OF—THE—CASES were, to 1—SHRIMP market in Samut Sakhon province, near BANGKOK.
20201219             —SAMSTAG, 20201219
20201219             Möglicherweise Treiber der 2. Welle: SÜDAFRIKA entdeckt verändertes CORONA€”VIRUS
20201219             —NUN wird eine drastische Lösung diskutiert.
20201219             Die auf 1—GEWICHT von einer Billion Tonnen geschätzte Eismasse machte damals rund 12—PROZENT—DES—LARSEN—B—SCHELFEISES aus.
20201219             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1027—(+16)—ÓBITOS—14—(=)—RECUPERADOS—746—(+5)—CASOS—ATIVOS—267—(+15)
20201219             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—323—(+3)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—293—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—26—(+2)
20201219             —ERÖFFNET, Der Eysturoyartunnilin, zum Zeitpunkt seiner Fertigstellung der längste Tunnel auf den Färöern und der zweitlängste Unterseetunnel der Welt, wird.
20201219—20170700    —IM, brach die monströs große Platte vom antarktischen Schelfeis ab.
20201219—20200106    —BIS, Dieser gelte vom 20201221             ,
20201219—20240000    —BIS, Rogosin meinte, dass die ISS noch sicher durchhalte,
20201219—20280000    —BIS, vielleicht auch.
20210109—20211219    —AM, Netanyahu hatte die 1. Spritze erhalten.
20210116—20211219    —ON, He received the 1. dose of THE—PFIZER—BIONTECH vaccine.
20211219             —SONNTAG, 20211219
20211219             HAMBURG, COTTBUS, FREIBURG: Tausende nehmen an Coronademos teil
20211219             "NYT"-Auswertung von Regierungsdokumenten: USA nahmen offenbar systematisch zivile Opfer bei Drohnenkrieg in Kauf
20211219             Sun 20211219             - [l] Wie schlimm ist die Lage?
20211219             So schlimm: JONATHAN—PIE channelt Rage Against THE—MACHINE.
20211219             DÄNEMARK schließt wegen Omikron Kinos, Theater und Zoos
20211219             Schwere CORONA—WELLE in NEW—YORK — "—SATURDAY Night Live" ohne Publikum
20211219             Statt der sonst rund 20—COMEDIANS waren nur 2—IM Studio TEIL—DER—AUFZEICHNUNG.
20211219             Die "NEW—YORK—TIMES" und andere Medien berichteten, dass mehrere Comedians des Ensembles positiv auf das Virus getestet worden seien.
20211219             Für das 2. Weihnachtsfest während der CORONA—PANDEMIE zeichnet sich bei den Festgottesdiensten ein bundesweiter Flickenteppich von Regelungen ab.
20211219             Sowohl die katholische als auch die evangelische Kirche überlassen das Vorgehen den Gemeinden weitgehend selbst.
20211219             "Die unverbindlichen Empfehlungen sind 1—DELEGIEREN—DER—VERANTWORTUNG nach unten.
20211219             —KOMMUNIZIERT, Ein gemeinsam erstelltes Konzept, das klar, wird, ist da der bessere Weg".
20211219             Fortführung von Trumps wichtigstem Projekt: TEXAS baut eigene Mauer an Grenze zu MEXIKO
20211219             PHILIPPINEN: Mehr als 100—TODESOPFER durch SUPER—TAIFUN "Rai"
20211219             Virusmutation: Warum es gegen Omikron keine einfachen Mittel gibt
20211219             Falschaussagen von Lisa Fitz zu CORONA—IMPFTOTEN: SWR entfernt "Spätschicht"-Sendung aus Mediathek
20211219             Stockende Mobilitätswende: Jede 2. Kommune hat keine öffentlichen Ladesäulen
20211219             —BEREITET, Omikronvariante in ENGLAND —NUN dominant: BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG, Bürger auf schärfere Coronamaßnahmen vor
20211219             Einzelhandel in der Coronakrise: "Das diesjährige Weihnachtsgeschäft ist eine herbe Enttäuschung"
20211219             Antrittsbesuch der neuen Verteidigungsministerin: Lambrecht sichert dem Baltikum Solidarität zu
20211219             Steigende ROHSTOFF—UND Logistikkosten: Klopapierhersteller kündigt drastische Preiserhöhung an
20211219             —GERETTET, Bedrohte Megacity: So soll BANGKOK vor dem Wasser, werden
20211219             Gefahr durch radioaktive Strahlung: Behörde warnt vor Anti-5G-Schmuck
20211219             Gewalteskalation an der MEXIKANISCHEN—RIVIERA Maya: "Die Touristen sind in einen Krieg geraten"
20211219             "Lieferengpässe" als Wirtschaftswort 20210000             : Wir müssen uns vom Überfluss verabschieden
20211219             Wegen OMIKRON—VARIANTE: CORONA—EXPERTENRAT empfiehlt rasche Kontaktbeschränkungen
20211219             [l] Na, habt ihr schön euer log4j geupdated?
20211219             Auf 2.15.0? Oh nee, das reichte ja nicht.
20211219             Auf 2.16.0? Nee, das reicht auch nicht.
20211219             —NACH—DEM Patch ist vor dem Patch!
20211219             Und eines Tages wird ihnen auffallen, dass man Komplexität nicht ESSEN kann.
20211219             [l] Kurze Durchsage der NASA:
20211219             NASA—INGENUITY—HELICOPTER does not run Apache or log4j nor is it susceptible to the log4j vulnerability.
20211219             NASA takes cybersecurity very seriously and, for this reason, we do not discuss specifics regarding THE—CYBERSECURITY—OF—AGENCY—ASSETS.
20211219             Kurze Durchsage von mir: Wenn du wirklich Security statt COMPLIANCE—THEATER machst, gibt es auch keinen Grund, deine Maßnahmen nicht öffentlich zu diskutieren.
20211219             Dann hängt die Security nicht davon ab, dass der Angreifer schlecht informiert ist.
20211219             [l] Seid ihr auch so froh, dass wir endlich jemandem vom Fach am Start haben?
20211219             Endlich jemand wissenschaftsaffines, bei dem die Empfehlungen des Expertenrats nicht auf taube Ohren stoßen!
20211219             Empfehlungen wie die hier: Expertenrat für zeitnahe Kontaktbeschränkungen
20211219             Ich weiß, was Sie —JETZT denken, und Sie haben Recht!
20211219             —GEBRAUCHT, Dafür hätte man ja wohl keinen Expertenrat !
20211219             Aber das ist hier nicht der Punkt.
20211219             Der Punkt ist das hier: Lauterbach schließt Lockdown vor Weihnachten aus
20211219             Wie sagt man so schön? Same shit, different asshole!
20211219             [l] Öh, was ist denn hier passiert?
20211219             Wer seid ihr und was habt ihr mit der Redaktion des ehemaligen Nachrichtenmagazins gemacht?!
20211219             Jahrzehntelang haben die uns vollgedröhnt mit ihrem Dogma des ewigen Wachstums!
20211219             Und —JETZT das: Wir müssen uns vom Überfluss verabschieden
20211219             Alter Falter, das ist ja mal 1—DAMMBRUCH! Was kommt als nächstes?
20211219             Jemandem fällt auf, dass wir eigentlich keine Banken brauchen und die Zentralbank das Geld auch direkt an den STAAT verleihen könnte?
20211219             Ohne Zinsen?
20211219             —BESTIMMT, Das hat, die CIA rausgefunden.
20211219             Die finden ja alles raus. Alles finden die raus!
20211219             Trotz Coronapandemie bleibt DEUTSCHLAND ein gefragter Investitionsstandort — vor allem für Unternehmen aus den USA und GROSSBRITANNIEN.
20211219             In den 1. —10—MONATEN dieses Jahres wurden nach ANGABEN—DER—BUNDESEIGENEN—WIRTSCHAFTSFÖRDERGESELLSCHAFT—GERMANY—TRADE & Invest (GTAI) 540—NEUE Projekte von ausländischen Investoren angekündigt, 1—WENIGER als im gleichen Zeitraum 20200000             .
20211219             Integrationsmanager in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG sollen Impfbotschafter werden
20211219             Eigentlich betreuen die Integrationsmanager — meist Sozialarbeiter — Flüchtlinge mit Bleibeperspektive in den Gemeinden, Städten und Landkreisen.
20211219             —NUN sollen sie fürs Impfen werben.
20211219             Vor allem in sozial schwachen Vierteln und unter Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund ist die Impfquote niedrig.
20211219             Umfragen besagen laut Staatsministerium, dass unter den Ungeimpften 60—PROZENT strikte Impfverweigerer, aber 19—PROZENT impfbereit seien.
20211219             "Wir erreichen einen erheblichen TEIL—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG gar nicht mit unseren Appellen",
20211219             sagte Kretschmann
20211219             Die Impfbotschafter sollen nach ANGABEN—DES—STAATSMINISTERIUMS nicht nur aufklären und erklären, sondern auch "ganz praktisch den Weg zur Impfung weisen".
20211219             ITALIEN erwägt laut Medienbericht allgemeine Impfpflicht für Arbeitnehmer
20211219             Das ISRAELISCHE—PARLAMENT (Knesset) schränkt seine Aktivitäten aus Sorge vor einem Ausbruch der OMIKRON—VARIANTE des CORONA€”VIRUS ein.
20211219             9—WEITERE Abgeordnete mussten nach Medienberichten in Quarantäne, weil sie mit einem mutmaßlich mit der OMIKRON—VARIANTE infizierten Reporter in Kontakt waren.
20211219             veröffentlichen Beschluss des Gremiums.
20211219             Wirksame bundesweit abgestimmte Gegenmaßnahmen zur KONTROLLE—DES—INFEKTIONSGESCHEHENS müssten vorbereitet werden.
20211219             Zu Art und Umfang der notwendigen Kontaktbeschränkungen macht das 19-köpfige Expertengremium in dem einstimmig gefassten Beschluss keine Angaben.
20211219             Bundesregierung erwägt Einschränkung von Veranstaltungen
20211219             19.32—UHR: Wegen der Gefährlichkeit der OMIKRON—VARIANTE des CORONA€”VIRUS erwägt die Bun
20211219             Khartum: Zehntausende demonstrieren gegen Militärführung im SUDAN
20211219             Zehntausende auf den Straßen: POLEN protestieren gegen neues Rundfunkgesetz
20211219             Anders als vorhergesagt, Dies sind seltsame Zeiten.
20211219             Überhaupt ist dieses Mal alles anders:
20211219             —IM—NOVEMBER sind die Großhandelspreise um 16,6 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr gestiegen.
20211219             Noch nie hat das Statistische Bundesamt in dieser Zeitreihe einen so starken Ausschlag ermittelt.
20211219             Deglobalisierung - rückabgewickelt
20211219             —VERSCHIEBT, Der Fokus, sich zusehends zur Angebotsseite der Volkswirtschaft.
20211219             Das ist keine FRAGE—VON—IDEOLOGIE, sondern von ökonomischen Erfordernissen.
20211219             657_DGS_boletim_20211219
20211219             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 525,5 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211219             Continente: 531,2 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211219             R(t) Nacional: 1,07 Continente: 1,07
20211219             Total Cases 274.646.168  Total Deaths  Total Vaccine Doses Administered
20211219             8.680.678.207 - CORONA—INFEKTIONEN in GROSSBRITANNIEN in einer —WOCHE um 51,9 Prozent gestiegen
20211219             Im Impfzentrum des Kreises Olpe in NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN haben —AM—SONNTAG mehrere Kinder den Impfstoff von Moderna gespritzt bekommen — obwohl für sie —BISHER nur das Mittel von Biontech zugelassen ist.
20211219             "Die Eltern der betroffenen Kinder wurden sofort über den Vorfall informiert", teilte der Kreis mit.
20211219             Im Gespräch mit der ärztlichen Leitung des Impfzentrums sei ihnen mitgeteilt worden, dass für den Impfstoff Moderna die Zulassung für Kinder bei der Europäischen Arzneimittelagentur beantragt sei.
20211219             Auf Wunsch der Eltern sei der Vorfall bei der Polizei angezeigt worden.
20211219             Er war der impfenden Medizinischen Fachangestellten selbst aufgefallen,
20211219             Mit einem Lichtermeer haben am Sonntagabend in WIEN etwa 30.000—MENSCHEN nach ANGABEN—DER—POLIZEI—DER—CORONA—TODESOPFER in ÖSTERREICH gedacht.
20211219             Bei der etwa zehnminütigen Kundgebung auf der Ringstraße trugen die Teilnehmer Kerzen oder Lampen oder hatten die Lichter ihrer Mobiltelefone eingeschaltet.
20211219             Die Aktion unter dem Motto "#YesWeCare — das#Lichtermeer" wurde von mehreren Dutzend Organisationen wie Gewerkschaften, Ärztekammer und Religionsgemeinschaften unterstützt.
20211219             ÖSTERREICH, sind —BISHER mehr als 13.000—MENSCHEN an oder mit COVID—19 gestorben.
20211219             Die Senatorin des USA—BUNDESSTAATS MASSACHUSETTS, ELIZABETH WARREN, ist positiv auf CORONA getestet worden.
20211219             Die Demokratin teilte —AM—SONNTAG auf Twitter mit, sie sei geimpft und geboostert und habe 1—DURCHBRUCHSINFEKTION erlitten.
20211219             "Zum Glück erlebe ich nur leichte Symptome und bin dankbar für den Schutz vor schweren Krankheiten, der durch Impfung und Boosterung entsteht",
20211219             schrieb WARREN.
20211219             —ERHOBEN, CHINESISCHE—TENNISSPIELERIN: Peng Shuai will keine Missbrauchsvorwürfe, haben
20211219             Internados: 85 (+1) | Em UCI: 14 (-1)  | Ventilados: 9 (=) Incidência 100—MIL / hab.: 10010000             (-)
20211219             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—9974—(+50)—ÓBITOS—104—(+2)—RECUPERADOS—9324—CASOS—ATIVOS—546—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—1060
20211219             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—4187—(+12)—ÓBITOS—43—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—3839—CASOS—ATIVOS—305—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—985
202203161219         SWITZERLAND broadens sanctions lists over RUSSIA—OPERATION in UKRAINE, adds 197—INDIVIDUALS, 9—ENTITIES to them
20221217—20221219    —AM, Das Verbot soll in Kraft treten und —ZUNÄCHST—BIS—FEBRUAR gelten, wenn der —NACH—DEM Einmarsch Russlands in die UKRAINE verhängte Ausnahmezustand endet.
20221218             TOKYO, 20221219             .
20221218             - /TASS/. - PRETORIA, 20221219             .
20221219             —MONTAG, 20221219
20221219             "1—LAIE": Vatikan entfernt TRUMP—TREUEN USA—PRIESTER aus dem Amt
20221219             Soziales Netzwerk: Elon Musk lässt über seinen Rücktritt als TWITTER—CHEF abstimmen
20221219             Folge von Putins Angriffskrieg: Experten warnen vor Anstieg der Kinderarmut in DEUTSCHLAND
20221219             Putins Angriffskrieg: UKRAINE wappnet sich für Treffen von Putin und Lukaschenko
20221219             Nach "Reichsbürger"-Razzia: Grüne drängen FDP zu Verschärfung des Waffenrechts
20221219             "Absurde Subventionierung des Privatautos": Umwelthilfe fordert viel höhere Parkgebühren für Anwohner
20221219             ARBEITSAGENTUR—CHEFIN über Zuwanderung: Nahles fordert "neue Willkommenskultur" in DEUTSCHLAND
20221219             GROSSBRITANNIEN will der UKRAINE auch im kommenden —JAHR kontinuierlich Rüstungsgüter liefern.
20221219             Man werde im Laufe des Jahres mehrere Hunderttausend Schuss Artilleriemunition im Wert von rund 250—MILLIONEN Pfund (rund 286—MIO—Euro) liefern, kündigte die BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG an.
20221219             Damit solle eine kontinuierliche Versorgung der UKRAINE sichergestellt werden.
20221219             Bislang hat GROSSBRITANNIEN nach eigenen ANGABEN—DER—UKRAINE —SEIT Beginn des Krieges mehr als 100.000—SCHUSS Artilleriemunition sowie mehrere Raketensysteme und kürzlich 125—FLUGABWEHRGESCHÜTZE geliefert.
20221219             Die Briten sehen sich damit als führend in EUROPA an.
20221219             PREMIERMINISTER—RISHI—SUNAK will —AM—MONTAG zum Treffen der als Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) bezeichneten Verteidigungskooperation ins LETTISCHE—RIGA reisen und sich dort mit seinen skandinavischen und baltischen Amtskollegen austauschen".
20221219             Um Frieden zu erreichen, müssen wir Aggressionen abwehren", sagte Sunak einer Mitteilung zufolge.
20221219             Kooperationen wie diese sei entscheidend, um im Ernstfall auf schwere Bedrohungen reagieren zu können.
20221219             "Die endgültige Bewertung der Kampffähigkeit und der Kampfbereitschaft der Einheiten wird vom Kommando in der letzten Phase der KOORDINIERUNG—NACH Durchführung der taktischen BATAILLONSÜBUNGEN—VORGENOMMEN",
20221219             berichtete Interfax unter Berufung auf das RUSSISCHE—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUM.
20221219             Der Ukrainekrieg hat bei der katholischen Hilfsorganisation Caritas INTERNATIONAL ein beispielloses Spendenaufkommen für eine einzelne Krise ausgelöst.
20221219             Für die Nothilfe in dem Land seien —BISHER rund 71—MILLIONEN Euro zusammengekommen,
20221219             Die Caritas kümmert sich dort unter anderem um das Verteilen von Nahrungsmitteln und Trinkwasser".
20221219             Unsere Spender spüren natürlich auch die Auswirkungen der Wirtschaftskrise und die Folgen des Ukrainekrieges",
20221219             sagte der Leiter von Caritas INTERNATIONAL, OLIVER—MÜLLER.
20221219             Spenderinnen und Spender in DEUTSCHLAND seien sich aber bewusst, dass Millionen Menschen weltweit stärker von Krisen betroffen seien".
20221219             Unsere Spender zeigen große Solidarität, weil sie wissen, wie bitter notwendig das in diesen Zeiten ist".
20221219             Russlands PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN wird bei seinem 1. Besuch in BELARUS —SEIT—JAHREN Machthaber und Verbündeten ALEXANDER—LUKASCHENKO treffen.
20221219             Das teilte der Kreml und der Pressedienst des belarussischen Präsidenten mit.
20221219             Die Staatschefs wollen nach ANGABEN—DES—KREML über die "strategische Partnerschaft" ihrer Länder beraten.
20221219             Dennoch: Obwohl die FIFA verhinderte, dass dieser Aufruf vor dem Endspiel in KATAR im Stadion gezeigt wurde, vernahm die Welt unsere Botschaft",
20221219             Parallel zum Besuch von PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN in MINSK halten RUSSISCHE—TRUPPEN im Nachbarland BELARUS 1—MANÖVER ab.
20221219             Das teilte das Verteidigungsministerium in Moskau mit, wie die Agentur Interfax meldete.
20221219             Die RUSSISCHE—SÖLDNERGRUPPE Wagner nutzt in der UKRAINE nach Einschätzung BRITISCHER—GEHEIMDIENSTE Rekruten als Kanonenfutter.
20221219             MANCHE—REKRUTIERTE—SOLDATEN erhielten 1—SMARTPHONE oder Tablet, das ihnen MITHILFE—VON—SATELLITENBILDERN ihre vorgegebene Angriffsroute und ihr Ziel zeige, teilte das Verteidigungsministerium in LONDON mit.
20221219             Für diesen Vormarsch erhielten sie Feuerschutz, aber selten gepanzerte Fahrzeuge.
20221219             ÖSTERREICHISCHE—ERMITTLER haben nach eigenen Angaben einen 39-jährigen Griechen als mutmaßlichen Spion des RUSSISCHEN—MILITÄRGEHEIMDIENSTES GRU enttarnt.
20221219             Der Mann RUSSISCHER—ABSTAMMUNG stehe im Verdacht, Informationen zu politischen und gesellschaftlichen Diskursen in ÖSTERREICH im Zusammenhang mit dem RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFFSKRIEG auf die UKRAINE geliefert zu haben,
20221219             Möglicherweise habe er Informationen zur Abschätzung der Reaktionen des Auslands auf die Invasion geliefert, hieß es.
20221219             Die UKRAINISCHE—FÜHRUNG geht davon aus, dass die RUSSISCHEN—BESTÄNDE an Raketen nur noch für wenige massive Angriffe reichen".
20221219             Wenn man Großangriffe zählt, dann bleiben ihnen maximal 2—BIS 3, vielleicht können sie [Raketen für] 4—ZUSAMMENKRATZEN"
20221219             Dann hätte RUSSLAND jedoch keine Reserven mehr.
20221219             Danilow war dabei —BEREITS vor knapp einem —MONAT—VON—RUSSISCHEN—KAPAZITÄTEN für maximal 3—BIS 4—MASSIVE Raketenattacken auf die UKRAINE ausgegangen.
20221219             Seitdem hat Moskau —BEREITS 3—GROSSANGRIFFE mit jeweils mindestens 70—RAKETEN durchgeführt.
20221219             Laut UKRAINISCHEN—SCHÄTZUNGEN kann Moskau trotz westlicher Sanktionen monatlich rund 70—RAKETEN und Marschflugkörper produzieren.
20221219             Die RUSSISCHE—ARMEE hat nach ANGABEN—DES—KREML im Luftraum über der Grenzregion zur UKRAINE 4—RAKETEN aus USA—PRODUKTION abgeschossen".
20221219             4—AMERIKANISCHE—ANTI—RADAR—RAKETEN vom Typ HARM wurden im Luftraum über der Region BELGOROD abgeschossen",
20221219             teilte das RUSSISCHE—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUM mit.
20221219             Die Region wird nach RUSSISCHEN—ANGABEN regelmäßig von den UKRAINISCHEN—STREITKRÄFTEN angegriffen.
20221219             —NACH—DEM Ausfall des Schützenpanzers "Puma" zeichnet sich ab, dass die "Marder"-Panzer vorübergehend ersatzweise genutzt werden.
20221219             DEUTSCHLAND habe bislang keine Lieferungen des Schützenpanzers vom Typ "Marder" aus Bundeswehrbeständen an die UKRAINE oder andere Staaten im Zuge des Ringtauschs geliefert, wie das Bundesverteidigungsministerium auf Twitter erklärte.
20221219             Der Ausfall der 18—SCHÜTZENPANZER vom Typ "Puma" ist nach Worten eines Sprechers des Verteidigungsministeriums "ein herber Rückschlag für uns".
20221219             —GEARBEITET, Es werde —NUN "mit Hochdruck" an der Aufklärung, sagt der Sprecher.
20221219             Die Bundeswehr sei trotz des Ausfalls in der Lage, zum 20220101             ihre Verpflichtungen in der schnellen Eingreiftruppe der NATO zu erfüllen, dann mit dem Schützenpanzer "Marder".
20221219             Die SCHWEIZ hat ihre Teilnahme an einem Programm der UNO zur Aufnahme schutzbedürftiger Flüchtlinge ausgesetzt.
20221219             Infolge der Ankunft von Menschen aus der UKRAINE seien die Aufnahmekapazitäten —DERZEIT ausgeschöpft,
20221219             Auf dem Asylsystem der SCHWEIZ laste ein "hoher Druck",
20221219             besonders bei der ANZAHL—VON—UNTERKÜNFTEN und dem Personal,
20221219             Die 8,7 Millionen Einwohner zählende SCHWEIZ hatte zugesagt, —IN—DEN—JAHREN 20220000             und 20230000             insgesamt 18200000             schutzbedürftige Flüchtlinge aufzunehmen.
20221219             —BIS—MITTE —DEZEMBER seien im Zuge des Programms 641—MENSCHEN untergebracht worden, weitere 400—WÜRDEN 20230300             —BIS aufgenommen,
20221219             Großbritanniens PREMIERMINISTER—RISHI—SUNAK hat vor zu raschen —VERHANDLUNGEN über einen Waffenstillstand in Russlands KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—UKRAINE gewarnt.
20221219             "Wir müssen uns darüber im Klaren sein, dass JEDE—EINSEITIGE—FORDERUNG—RUSSLANDS nach einem Waffenstillstand im aktuellen Kontext völlig bedeutungslos ist.
20221219             Ich denke, es wäre ein falscher Aufruf, es würde von RUSSLAND benutzt werden, um sich neu zu formieren, um seine Truppen zu verstärken",
20221219             sagte Sunak bei einem Treffen mit STAATS—UND Regierungschefs der Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) in RIGA.
20221219             Bevor RUSSLAND sich nicht zurückgezogen habe, könne und solle es keine echten —VERHANDLUNGEN geben.
20221219             Sunak rief bei dem Gipfel der Verteidigungskooperation baltischer und nordeuropäischer Staaten zu weiteren Waffenlieferungen an Kiew auf.
20221219             Die UKRAINE benötige Luftverteidigungssysteme, Artillerie und gepanzerte Fahrzeuge, sagte der BRITISCHE—PREMIER.
20221219             Dafür warb auch der UKRAINISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—WOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYY, der sich per Video an die Teilnehmer wandte und jeden einzeln davon mit konkreten Forderungen ansprach.
20221219             Die Linke hat einen Friedensplan für die UKRAINE vorgelegt und fordert darin sofortige Gespräche über einen Waffenstillstand.
20221219             Bundeskanzler OLAF—SCHOLZ und der FRANZÖSISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON sollten vermitteln und CHINA und INDIEN einbeziehen.
20221219             Sofern Putin dies einlöst, sollten ALLE—NACH—KRIEGSBEGINN verhängten Sanktionen gegen RUSSLAND aufgehoben werden, sagte Schirdewan.
20221219             3. Punkt des LINKEN—PLANS ist 1—AUSWEITUNG der humanitären Hilfe für die UKRAINE und 1—SCHULDENSCHNITT, um den Wiederaufbau zu ermöglichen.
20221219             Der Plan liefe darauf hinaus, dass die —BEREITS 20140000             —VON—RUSSLAND annektierte Halbinsel Krim sowie Separatistengebiete in der Ostukraine unter RUSSISCHER—VORHERRSCHAFT BLIEBEN—WAS die UKRAINE strikt ablehnt.
20221219             Auch RUSSLAND hat —DERZEIT wenig Interesse an Friedensgesprächen.
20221219             Beide Seiten hoffen auf militärische Geländegewinne.
20221219             Deshalb dürften die Vorschläge kaum Aussicht auf Umsetzung haben.
20221219             Schirdewan forderte auch, den von DEUTSCHLAND angestrebten Importstopp für RUSSISCHES—ÖL aus der "Druschba"-Leitung aufzugeben.
20221219             Er halte den einseitigen Verzicht der Bundesregierung für einen "fatalen Fehler",
20221219             sagte er.
20221219             Das hätte negative Folgen für die ostdeutsche Wirtschaft.
20221219             Das DRUSCHBA—ÖL müsse weiter fließen.
20221219             Der belarusische Machthaber ALEXANDER—LUKASCHENKO hat Kremlchef WLADIMIR—PUTIN am Flughafen in MINSK empfangen.
20221219             Die beiden ehemaligen Sowjetrepubliken sind enge Verbündete, wobei Lukaschenkos Regierung —NACH—DEN vom Westen verhängten Sanktionen politisch, wirtschaftlich und militärisch völlig abhängig von Moskau ist.
20221219             Während die Kontakte der beiden Staatschefs regelmäßig und häufig sind, ist es der 1. Besuch Putins in BELARUS —SEIT—3—JAHREN.
20221219             Vor der Visite hatte Lukaschenko angekündigt, dass es in 1. Linie um 1—VERTIEFUNG der wirtschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit gehen werde.
20221219             Auf Moskauer Seite trat Kremlsprecher DMITRI—PESKOW—SPEKULATIONEN entgegen, dass RUSSLAND seinen westlichen Nachbarn zum Kriegseintritt gegen die UKRAINE drängen werde.
20221219             UN—GENERALSEKRETÄR António Guterres hat seine starke Hoffnung ausgedrückt, dass —IM—NÄCHSTEN—JAHR in der UKRAINE Frieden herrschen wird.
20221219             1—FORTSETZUNG des RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFFSKRIEGES habe verheerende Konsequenzen für die Menschen in der UKRAINE und darüber hinaus, warnte Guterres in NEW—YORK.
20221219             Allerdings schränkte er ein, dass er keine Friedensgespräche in unmittelbarer Zukunft sehe.
20221219             Die militärische Konfrontation zwischen den Armeen Russlands und der UKRAINE werde vorläufig andauern.
20221219             1—FRIEDENSLÖSUNG für die UKRAINE müsse mit der UN—CHARTA vereinbar sein, erklärte der Generalsekretär. Besonders hob Guterres auf die territoriale Integrität der UKRAINE ab, die wieder hergestellt werden müsste.
20221219             Die Treibstoffversorgung an Tankstellen in großen Teilen Ostdeutschlands ist aus Sicht der Bundesregierung trotz des ÖL—EMBARGOS für die PCK—RAFFINERIE in Schwedt ab —JANUAR gesichert".
20221219             —GEGEBEN, Wir haben Versorgungssicherheit in der Region ",
20221219             sagte der Parlamentarische Wirtschaftsstaatssekretär MICHAEL—KELLNER (Grüne) in POTSDAM.
20221219             Er verwies auf zugesagte alternative Öllieferungen für Schwedt aus POLEN".
20221219             Wir werden weiter daran arbeiten, die Zahlen nach oben zu bringen.
20221219             Auch da gibt es positive Signale".
20221219             Zudem soll Öl aus KASACHSTAN KOMMEN—WIE viel, ist —ZUNÄCHST offen.
20221219             Nicht vorgesehen sei, strategische Ölreserven freizugeben.
20221219             Das ÖL—EMBARGO für Pipelines soll wie geplant zum 20220101             kommen, sagte der STAATSSEKRETÄR".
20221219             —IM—JANUAR erwarte ich 1. Lieferungen aus POLEN nach Schwedt".
20221219             Tschechien nimmt —AM—MITTWOCH die Lieferung eines 1. Leopard-2-Kampfpanzers aus DEUTSCHLAND entgegen.
20221219             Das kündigte das Verteidigungsministerium in Prag an.
20221219             Damit erhält der NATO—STAAT im Rahmen eines Ringtauschs modernen Ersatz für —BEREITS an die UKRAINE gelieferte T72-Panzer sowjetischer Bauart.
20221219             Der Leopard-2-Panzer wird in Praslavice bei OLOMOUC (Olmütz) an die Truppen übergeben.
20221219             Weitere 13—FAHRZEUGE dieses Typs sowie 1—BERGEPANZER—BÜFFEL sollen im Laufe der nächsten anderthalb —JAHRE folgen.
20221219             Zusätzlich zu den —BEREITS in der SLOWAKEI stationierten LUFTABWEHR—RAKETENSYSTEMEN Patriot hat Verteidigungsministerin CHRISTINE—LAMBRECHT dem direkt an die UKRAINE grenzenden NATO—LAND weitere Unterstützung der Luftabwehr zugesagt.
20221219             Konkret gehe es dabei um das NAHBEREICHS—ABWEHRSYSTEM MANTIS, das in der Ostslowakei eingesetzt werden soll,
20221219             Damit werde unter anderem auch das wenige Kilometer von der UKRAINISCHEN—GRENZE eingerichtete Instandsetzungszentrum in der Stadt Michalovce geschützt.
20221219             —REPARIERT, Dort werden DEUTSCHE—WAFFEN, die im UKRAINE—KRIEG abgenutzt oder beschädigt wurden.
20221219             Details der MANTIS—STATIONIERUNG nannte Lambrecht —ZUNÄCHST nicht
20221219             Unter anderem um die Einnahmen Russlands aus seinen Gasexporten zu reduzieren, haben sich die EU—STAATEN auf einen Gaspreisdeckel geeinigt.
20221219             Der Geheimdienst der an die UKRAINE grenzenden REPUBLIK MOLDAU befürchtet eine RUSSISCHE—INVASION im kommenden —JAHR".
20221219             Die Frage ist nicht, ob die RUSSISCHE—FÖDERATION eine neue Offensive gegen das Territorium der REPUBLIK MOLDAU durchführen wird, sondern wann",
20221219             sagte Geheimdienstchef Alexandru Musteata im Staatsfernsehen.
20221219             Möglich sei 1—ZEITRAUM zwischen —JANUAR und —APRIL.
20221219             Mit der "neuen" Offensive bezog sich Musteata auf die Stationierung RUSSISCHER—SOLDATEN in dem —SEIT—ANFANG der 1990er —JAHRE abtrünnigen Landesteil Transnistrien, die dort als sogenannte Friedenstruppen auftreten.
20221219             —NACH—DEN Informationen seines Geheimdienstes beabsichtige RUSSLAND, Transnistrien und MOLDAU zu verbinden".
20221219             Ja, wir können klar sagen, dass sie beabsichtigen, hierher zu kommen",
20221219             Die RUSSISCHEN—PLÄNE in Bezug auf die HAUPTSTADT—CHISINAU seien noch nicht erkennbar".
20221219             Aber das ist ein echtes und sehr hohes Risiko".
20221219             "Als FRÜHERER—STAATSANWALT glaube ich, dass es genügend Material für 1—ANKLAGE gegen den EX—PRÄSIDENTEN gibt", sagte ADAM—SCHIFF, 1—DER—DEMOKRATISCHEN—AUSSCHUSSANGEHÖRIGEN, vor der Sitzung.
20221219             Bei mehr als 1000—Vernehmungen ehemaliger Regierungsmitglieder, enger TRUMP—VERTRAUTER und selbst der beiden TRUMP—KINDER Ivanka und DONALD—JUNIOR hat das neunköpfige Parlamentsgremium in den vergangenen —18—MONATEN tatsächlich einen erdrückenden Berg von Belegen für die zentrale Rolle des EX—PRÄSIDENTEN bei dem Putschversuch zusammengetragen.
20221219             In der Juristensprache lässt sich das auf 3—VERGEHEN kondensieren: Aufruhr, Verschwörung gegen die USA—REGIERUNG und Behinderung eines öffentlichen Verfahrens.
20221219             Diese 3—ANKLAGEPUNKTE wollte der Ausschuss nach übereinstimmenden Medienberichten empfehlen.
20221219             In einem Fernsehinterview zählte Schiff die wichtigsten Vergehen Trumps auf und setzte hinzu: "Wenn das nicht kriminell ist, was dann?"
20221219             —COMMITTED, THERE—EVIDENCE—DONALD—TRUMP, criminal offenses in his effort to overturn 20200000             —THE election.
20221219             He tried to interfere with 1—JOINT—SESSION.
20221219             Pressed officials to find votes that didn't exist.
20221219             And set 1—BLOODTHIRSTY mob on the Capitol.
20221219             If that's not criminal, nothing is.
20221219             — ADAM—SCHIFF (@RepAdamSchiff) 20221218
20221219             Die Empfehlung der Anklage eines ehemaligen Präsidenten durch den Kongress ist beispiellos in der USA—GESCHICHTE.
20221219             Gleichwohl hat sie weitgehend symbolische Bedeutung.
20221219             Das Parlament selbst hat nämlich keine rechtliche Handhabe.
20221219             HERR—DES—VERFAHRENS ist Justizminister Merrick GARLAND.
20221219             Der hatte im vergangenen —MONAT mit JACK—SMITH einen Sonderermittler eingesetzt, der längst eigene Erkenntnisse gesammelt hat.
20221219             Die schiere Masse der vom Ausschuss gesammelten mehr als 1—MILLION—DOKUMENTE dürfte deren Umfang freilich weit übersteigen.
20221219             Politisch steigt —NUN vor allem der Druck auf GARLAND, 1—STRAFVERFAHREN zu eröffnen.
20221219             Der akkurate Jurist zögert vor diesem Schritt, weil er den Vorwurf einer politischen Verfolgung des möglichen Herausforderers von PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN fürchtet.
20221219             1—VERURTEILUNG wegen Aufruhr würde ihn von künftigen öffentlichen Ämtern ausschließen.
20221219             Ohnehin gerät der EX—PRÄSIDENT —DERZEIT von verschiedenen Seiten immer stärker unter Druck.
20221219             Das Justizministerium ermittelt gegen ihn auch wegen der möglichen Entwendung teilweise streng geheimer Regierungsdokumente, die auf seinem privaten Anwesen MAR—A—LAGO gefunden wurden.
20221219             Weiterer Ärger droht in dem jahrelangen Streit um die Veröffentlichung seiner Steuerunterlagen.
20221219             Die Demokraten im Repräsentantenhaus stehen unter Zeitdruck, weil sie zum Jahreswechsel ihre Mehrheit verlieren.
20221219             Die Republikaner haben —SCHON angekündigt, dass sie den Untersuchungsausschuss zum Kapitolssturm dann sofort auflösen wollen.
20221219             Mit 10—ÖFFENTLICHEN Anhörungen, die live im Fernsehen übertragen wurden, hat das Gremium zwar die HARDCORE—ANHÄNGER des EX—PRÄSIDENTEN kaum umstimmen können, aber einen eindrucksvollen Beitrag zur öffentlichen Aufarbeitung des Putschversuches geleistet.
20221219             Die Spannungen zwischen den NATO—PARTNERN TÜRKEI und GRIECHENLAND spitzen sich zu.
20221219             Der TÜRKISCHE—STAATSCHEF—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN droht dem Nachbarland wieder mit einem Raketenbeschuss.
20221219             —VERSUCHT, DEUTSCHLAND, hinter den Kulissen zu vermitteln.
20221219             —ERST—VOR—10—TAGEN hatte der TÜRKISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—ERDOGAN im Dauerstreit mit GRIECHENLAND gewarnt, TÜRKISCHE—RAKETEN könnten "Athen treffen".
20221219             —JETZT wiederholt er seine Drohungen.
20221219             "Legt Euch nicht mit uns an", sagte Erdogan am Wochenende in der südosttürkischen Stadt Mardin an die Adresse der Griechen.
20221219             "Wenn sie sich weiterhin daneben benehmen, werden wir plötzlich eines —NACHTS kommen", so Erdogan.
20221219             Er habe seine Mitarbeiter angewiesen, "alles Nötige zu tun".
20221219             Der PRÄSIDENT verwies in diesem Zusammenhang erneut auf die TÜRKISCHE—MITTELSTRECKENRAKETE "Tayfun" als mögliche Angriffswaffe gegen GRIECHENLAND.
20221219             "Tayfun macht den Griechen Angst, sie fürchten, die Rakete werde Athen treffen", sagte Erdogan in einer Rede.
20221219             "Ja, sie wird Athen treffen, wenn sich die Griechen nicht ruhig verhalten", drohte der STAATSCHEF.
20221219             —JETZT kündigte Erdogan an, die TÜRKEI werde die Reichweite der Mittelstreckenrakete von 560—AUF 1000—KILOMETER erhöhen.
20221219             Die ballistische Rakete, die für den Angriff auf Bodenziele ausgelegt ist, könnte damit von ISTANBUL aus sogar Rom erreichen.
20221219             Der GRIECHISCHE—AUSSENMINISTER NIKOS—DENDIAS zog vergangene —WOCHE 1—PARALLELE zwischen den Drohungen Erdogans und dem Raketenprogramm des NORDKOREANISCHEN—DIKTATORS KIM—JONG—UN.
20221219             "NORDKOREANISCHE—VERHALTENSWEISEN dürfen nicht in der Nato Einzug halten",
20221219             Die beiden historisch verfeindeten NATO—VERBÜNDETEN GRIECHENLAND und TÜRKEI streiten —SEIT—JAHRZEHNTEN über die Hoheitsrechte und Wirtschaftszonen im östlichen Mittelmeer sowie um den militärischen Status von 2—DUTZEND GRIECHISCHEN—ÄGÄISINSELN.
20221219             —BEREITS 3—MAL standen die Länder kurz vor einem militärischen —KONFLIKT, zuletzt —IM—SOMMER 20200000             , als ANKARA und Athen im Streit um Erdgasexplorationen ihre Kriegsflotten gefechtsbereit gegeneinander auffahren ließen.
20221219             Die Nato und die Bundesregierung konnten damals einen Krieg —IN—LETZTER—MINUTE abwenden.
20221219             Auch —JETZT bemüht sich BERLIN um Vermittlung.
20221219             Vergangene —WOCHE gab es in Brüssel 1—GEHEIMTREFFEN.
20221219             Teilnehmer waren ISMAIL—KALIN, der engste Berater Erdogans, ANNA—MARIA—BOURA, die diplomatische Chefberaterin des GRIECHISCHEN—PREMIERMINISTERS Kyriakos Mitsotakis, und JENS—PLÖTNER, außenpolitischer BERATER—VON—BUNDESKANZLER—OLAF—SCHOLZ.
20221219             Bei dem Brüsseler Treffen, über dessen Verlauf nichts bekannt wurde, wollte die Bundesregierung offenbar sondieren, ob es die Möglichkeit neuer Gespräche zwischen Athen und ANKARA gibt.
20221219             Erdogan hatte im Frühjahr ALLE—KONTAKTE zu GRIECHENLAND abgebrochen.
20221219             Premier Mitsotakis existiere für ihn nicht mehr, sagte der TÜRKISCHE—STAATSCHEF damals.
20221219             die —VERHANDLUNGEN der rund 300—STAATEN auf dem Welt­natur­gipfel, der COP15, in MONTREAL.
20221219             Doch dann ging es plötzlich ganz schnell.
20221219             Die Staaten­gemeinschaft einigte sich auf 1—ABKOMMEN für den Artenschutz, das dem PARIS—ABKOMMEN für den Klimaschutz in nichts nachsteht.
20221219             Die Abschlusserklärung der COP15 ist ein historischer Moment für den NATUR—UND Umweltschutz.
20221219             Erstmals setzen die Länder ein klares gemeinsames Zeichen, dass sie bereit sind, etwas gegen die ZERSTÖRUNG—DER—ÖKOSYSTEME und ihrer Bewohner zu tun.
20221219             Noch nie zuvor gab es 1—BIODIVERSITÄTSZIEL in solch einem Ausmaß.
20221219             —GELASSEN, Viel zu lange haben sich die Länder damit Zeit.
20221219             Der Umweltschutz spielte —BISHER immer nur die 2. Geige.
20221219             —FUNKTIONIERT, Dabei ist längst klar: Klimaschutz, nicht ohne Umweltschutz — und umgekehrt.
20221219             Das neue Natur­schutz­abkommen ist unbestritten 1—TRENDWENDE, doch es lohnt sich, genauer hinzusehen.
20221219             Dann werden schnell EINIGE—FALLSTRICKE deutlich.
20221219             Das klingt —ERST einmal viel, doch es hätte eigentlich noch mehr Geld gebraucht.
20221219             So schnell, wie Tiere und Pflanzen aussterben, kommen wir mit Investitionen nicht hinterher.
20221219             Es wird zudem nicht nur darum gehen, Ökosysteme in den jeweiligen Schutz­gebieten zu erhalten, sondern auch in Gebieten, die nicht unter Naturschutz stehen.
20221219             Das bei der COP15 vereinbarte Budget wird dafür definitiv nicht ausreichen.
20221219             Beispielsweise ist noch unklar, wo die Schutzgebiete entstehen und wie sie gemanagt werden sollen.
20221219             —GERICHTET, VIELE—DER—VEREINBARTEN—ZIELE sind zudem zu weit in die Zukunft, dabei wird —SCHON—JETZT die Natur massiv zerstört.
20221219             —SCHON—JETZT wird der Amazonas gebrandrodet; —SCHON—JETZT schwimmen Millionen Tonnen Plastik in den Ozeanen; —SCHON—JETZT stehen mehr als 150.000—TIER—UND Pflanzenarten auf der Roten LISTE—DER—WELT­natur­schutz­union, von denen rund 42.000—VOM Aussterben bedroht sind.
20221219             Schnelles Handeln ist —JETZT gefragt, nicht —ERST in —8—JAHREN.
20221219             Der Umweltverband WWF erklärt zu Recht, dass es ein "lückenhaftes, aber letztlich überraschend gutes Rahmenwerk" sei, das die COP15 zutage gefördert hat.
20221219             Gut, weil es das richtige Zeichen setzt, nämlich pro NATUR—UND Artenschutz.
20221219             Lückenhaft, weil die Ergebnisse eben zu unpräzise bleiben.
20221219             Das größte Problem ist jedoch: Das Abkommen ist rechtlich nicht bindend.
20221219             Das heißt, die Länder entscheiden —NUN selbst, ob und wie sie die Ziele konkret für sich umsetzen.
20221219             Genau da werden sich die vagen Zielsetzungen rächen.
20221219             Denn sie BERGEN das Risiko, dass am Ende nicht die Ökosysteme geschützt werden, die wirklich schützenswert sind.
20221219             Ein zu starker Fokus allein auf die Prozentwerte und deshalb Fläche, egal wo und egal wie, zu schützen, ist falsch.
20221219             Während Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke (Grüne) von einem "guten —TAG für den Naturschutz" sprach, bezeichneten Umweltverbände das Abkommen als unzureichend.
20221219             Der GRÜNEN—POLITIKER verteidigte die Gipfelergebnisse —AM—MONTAG gegen Kritik: "Die Staatengemeinschaft rückt die Bekämpfung des Artensterbens endlich da hin, wo sie hingehört: nach oben auf die politische Agenda",
20221219             "Das Signal aus MONTREAL ist auch für die Landwirtschaft und unsere Ernährung wichtig.
20221219             Schließlich sind wir für stabile Ernten auch auf stabile Ökosysteme angewiesen".
20221219             Zudem sei eine große genetische Vielfalt wichtig, damit sich Landwirte auf dem Acker und in der Tierhaltung auf veränderte Temperaturen und Niederschläge einstellen können, betonte er.
20221219             "Artenvielfalt schützen, das heißt immer auch Ernährung sichern".
20221219             "Wir arbeiten bei uns und in Brüssel —BEREITS daran, den Pestizideinsatz und auch Nitratüberschüsse zu verringern",
20221219             Zudem stärkt das Abkommen die Rechte indigener Völker und lokaler Gemeinden, die als wichtigste Verbündete im NATUR—UND Artenschutz zählen: Gegen den Willen der Einwohner etwa bestimmter Waldgebiete lässt sich kein Wald und auch kein Tierbestand schützen.
20221219             "Die Staatengemeinschaft hat sich dafür entschieden, das Artenaussterben endlich zu stoppen".
20221219             auch DEUTSCHLAND zahlt —JAHR für —JAHR 65—MILLIARDEN Euro an Subventionen für Bereiche, die Umwelt und Klima schaden.
20221219             Und auch hierzulande stehen nur 4—PROZENT—DER—LANDFLÄCHEN unter strengem Naturschutz.
20221219             "Insgesamt reicht das Abkommen nicht aus, um das Massensterben der Arten aufzuhalten", kritisierte etwa GREENPEACE—POLITIKEXPERTE Jannes Stoppel.
20221219             Weder untersage es industrielle Fischerei, noch Holzeinschläge in Schutzgebieten, rügt er.
20221219             "Damit existiert der Schutz —ZUNÄCHST nur auf dem Papier".
20221219             Laut Greenpeace fehlen damit immer noch 700—MILLIARDEN Dollar, um das Artensterben bei Pflanzen und Tieren aufzuhalten.
20221219             Deutschlands ältester und mitgliederstärkster Umweltverband, der Nabu, lobte zwar die vereinbarten Ziele zu Flächenschutz und Pestizidreduktion.
20221219             "Doch es gibt keine messbaren Ziele, die den Biodiversitätsverlust durch die LAND—UND Forstwirtschaft, Fischerei, den Handel sowie den Finanzsektor aufhalten könnten",
20221219             "Die Welt rast in der NATUR—UND Klimakrise auf einen Abgrund zu.
20221219             Doch statt entschieden zu bremsen, geht sie lediglich etwas vom Gas".
20221219             Naturwissenschaftlern zufolge sind —DERZEIT von rund 8—MILLIONEN bekannten TIER—UND Pflanzen­arten mindestens 1—MILLION vom Aussterben BEDROHT—DARUNTER auch verschiedene Insektenarten in DEUTSCHLAND.
20221219             —VERBESSERT, Analyse zur Staatsbürgerschaftsreform: Einbürgerung, die Bildungschancen von Kindern
20221219             Überlastete Ausländerbehörde in FRANKFURT am Main: "Ich kann verstehen, dass sich die Menschen beschweren"
20221219             Umgang mit Covid: Erstmals können Menschen in CHINA auch mit Coronasymptomen zur Arbeit gehen
20221219             GESCHÄFTSKLIMA—INDEX: DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT schöpft wieder Hoffnung
20221219             Nach Großrazzia: Kühnert sieht BAYERN als größtes "REICHSBÜRGER—BIOTOP" in DEUTSCHLAND
20221219             Einigung auf UNO—ARTENSCHUTZABKOMMEN: Die Weltrettung kann beginnen Aus Montréal berichten SUSANNE—GÖTZE und Serafin Reiber
20221219             Fortsetzung des Rekordfilms: "Avatar: THE—WAY—OF—WATER" spielt am Startwochenende rund 435—MILLIONEN Dollar ein
20221219             Umfrage des Firmenchefs: TWITTER—NUTZER stimmen für Rücktritt von Elon Musk
20221219             Streit wegen jahrelanger Lärmbelästigung: Mann ersticht seinen Nachbarn — fast —9—JAHRE Haft
20221219             REGIERUNGSPARTEI bestätigt Vorsitzenden: Südafrikas PRÄSIDENT—RAMAPHOSA trotzt Korruptionsvorwürfen
20221219             BRITISCHES—GERICHT: GROSSBRITANNIEN darf Asylsuchende nach RUANDA schicken
20221219             Bundeswehr: Lambrecht setzt Nachkauf von Schützenpanzer Puma vorerst aus
20221219             Strommarkt: Brüssel könnte Übergewinne dauerhaft abschöpfen
20221219             Analyse zweier Supererden: Wasserreiche Planeten um fernen Stern entdeckt
20221219             haben 2—EXOPLANETEN, die den Stern Kepler-138 in 218—LICHTJAHREN Entfernung von der Erde umkreisen, einen deutlich höheren Anteil Wasser als unser Planet.
20221219             Ein großer Teil dieser Planeten muss aus leichterem Material als Gestein bestehen.
20221219             Modellrechnungen legen nahe, dass es sich bei dem fraglichen Stoff wahrscheinlich um Wasser handelt.
20221219             Demnach besitzen Kepler-138c und d zwar ähnlich wie die Erde einen Kern aus Eisen und einen Mantel aus Gestein — doch dieser ist umgeben von einer etwa 2000—KILOMETER dicken Schicht aus Wasser.
20221219             Die mittlere Tiefe der Ozeane auf der Erde beträgt indes 4—KILOMETER.
20221219             Sicher nachgewiesen werden konnte die Theorie allerdings nicht.
20221219             "Dies ist das 1. Mal, dass wir Planeten beobachten, die mit Sicherheit als Wasserwelten bezeichnet werden können, 1—ART—VON—PLANETEN, deren Existenz Astronomen —SCHON vor langer Zeit theoretisch angenommen hatten".
20221219             Muskelspiel im Ostchinesischen Meer: RUSSLAND und CHINA halten Flottenmanöver vor JAPAN und TAIWAN ab
20221219             "Zensurinstrumente": UKRAINISCHER—JOURNALISTENVERBAND kritisiert neues Mediengesetz
20221219             Wenige —TAGE nach Frankreichs Rückzug: EU—VERTRETUNG in der ZENTRALAFRIKANISCHEN—REPUBLIK abgebrannt
20221219             Gashändler: UNIPER—AKTIONÄRE stimmen für Verstaatlichung
20221219             Kubaner verlassen wegen der Wirtschaftskrise ihr Land: Nichts wie weg
20221219             Wegen Putschversuchs 20160000             : SCHWEDISCHES—GERICHT lehnt Auslieferung eines TÜRKISCHEN—JOURNALISTEN ab
20221219             Machtkampf mit RUSSLAND: EU—ENERGIEMINISTER einigen sich auf Gaspreisdeckel
20221219             SEOUL meldet START—VON—MITTELSTRECKENRAKETEN: NORDKOREA testet Raketen angeblich für Satellitenentwicklung
20221219             FRANKREICH zwischen Macron und Le Pen: Ein tiefer Riss spaltet die Grande Nation
20221219             —ENTSCHEIDUNG in PERUGIA: ITALIEN liefert bei "Reichsbürger"-Razzia verhafteten Deutschen aus
20221219             NIEDERLANDE entschuldigen sich für Sklaverei: "Menschenwürde mit Füßen getreten auf die abscheulichste Weise"
20221219             "Reichsbürger"-Razzia: UNO—GENERALSEKRETÄR Guterres warnt vor rechtem Terror
20221219             Sturm aufs USA—KAPITOL: Kongressausschuss empfiehlt Strafverfahren gegen Trump
20221219             Hersteller von Sicherheitskameras: Eufy ändert nach CLOUD—PANNE seine PRIVATSPHÄRE—VERSPRECHEN
20221219             Die STAATS—UND Regierungschefs der als Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) bezeichneten Verteidigungskooperation von nordeuropäischen Staaten treffen sich —HEUTE in RIGA.
20221219             Joint Expeditionary Force
20221219             RIGA, treffen —HEUTE die STAATS—UND Regierungschefs der nordeuropäischen Verteidigungskooperation Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) zusammen.
20221219             In einem Tweet bedankt  sich der LETTISCHE—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT Krišj?nis Kari?š beim UKRAINISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN, der per Videostream zugeschaltet war.
20221219             "Der Sieg der UKRAINE ist überlebenswichtig für unsere Sicherheit", schrieb er.
20221219             "Wir sind dazu bereit, weitere politische, militärische und wirtschaftliche Unterstützung für die UKRAINE zu leisten, solange es nötig ist".
20221219             Probleme mit dem Schützenpanzer Puma sollten die Bundesregierung nach ANSICHT—DES—CDU—POLITIKERS Roderich Kiesewetter nicht von Panzerlieferungen an die UKRAINE abhalten.
20221219             Die "Probleme beim Puma dürfen nicht dazu führen, dass —NUN wieder ein neuer vorgeschobener Grund konstruiert wird, warum die Marder nicht an die UKRAINE geliefert werden können",
20221219             —VERABSCHIEDET, Das UKRAINISCHE—PARLAMENT hat ein neues Mediengesetz.
20221219             Es soll das Land an EU—REGELN heranführen.
20221219             Doch Journalisten fürchten stärkeren staatlichen Einfluss.
20221219             Noch fehlt die Unterschrift des Präsidenten.
20221219             —NACH—DEM Treffen zwischen WLADIMIR—PUTIN und ALEXANDER—LUKASCHENKO haben sich die Machthaber gegenseitig gelobt.
20221219             Kremlchef Putin sprach von "sehr ergebnisreichen",
20221219             sein belarussischer Kollege von "konstruktiven und produktiven" Gesprächen.
20221219             —BERICHTET, Das, die RUSSISCHE—STAATSAGENTUR Tass.
20221219             Unter anderem hätten sich die beiden Staatschefs auf 1—FORTSETZUNG der militärischen Kooperation verständigt, ebenso wie eine noch engere wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit.
20221219             —GEGEBEN, Im Energiesektor habe es Preisabsprachen, die Putin jedoch nicht näher erläutern wollte.
20221219             Nach Überzeugung Putins widersetzten sich sowohl Moskau als auch MINSK erfolgreich dem Sanktionsdruck des Westens und den VERSUCHEN—RUSSLAND und BELARUS zu isolieren.
20221219             "Wir koordinieren unsere Schritte zur Minimierung des Einflusses der illegalen Beschränkungsmaßnahmen auf unsere Wirtschaft",
20221219             sagte Putin.
20221219             "Und das machen wir auch ziemlich überzeugend und effektiv".
202212191201         —POSTPONED, Putin, attack on UKRAINE 3—TIMES, FSB insisted on it
202212191731         —RECEIVED, UKRAINE still has not, LEND—LEASE—WEAPONS: USA—USES—OTHER—WAYS
202212191928         —ENDED, STATE—EMERGENCY—SERVICE—OF—UKRAINE explains how HEAD—OF—POLAND—POLICE, up with grenade launcher that exploded
20221219—20190000    —GETROFFEN, Zuletzt hatte Putin sich mit Lukaschenko.
20221219—20190000    —BIS, Plötner ist mit der Materie gut vertraut, er war von 20170000             DEUTSCHER—BOTSCHAFTER—IN—GRIECHENLAND.
20221219—20200000    —BIS, Der einflussreiche Kontrollausschuss des Repräsentantenhauses will —AN—DIESEM—DIENSTAG entscheiden, ob er die Unterlagen aus —DEN—JAHREN 20150000             öffentlich macht.
20221219—20210106    —AM, Die Zeugen sagten aus, dass Trump frühzeitig 1—KAMPAGNE zur Diskreditierung des rechtmäßigen Wahlergebnisses plante, staatliche Beamte zur Fälschung der Ergebnisse drängte, den bewaffneten rechten Mob aufhetzte und dann —187—MINUTEN untätig blieb, während das Kapitol gewaltsam gestürmt wurde und die Volksvertreter um ihr Leben fürchten mussten.
20221219—20220215    —vom—an, Er soll ab einem Preis von 180—EURO pro Megawattstunde ausgelöst werden.
20221219—20220224    —AM, 2. Punkt des Plans ist der Rückzug Russlands auf Positionen vor dem Überfall auf die UKRAINE.
20221219—20221018    —AM, Die TÜRKEI hatte die selbst entwickelte Tayfun erstmals erfolgreich über dem Schwarzen Meer getestet.
20221219—20221211    —AM, hatte Erdogan in der Schwarzmeerstadt SAMSUN den Beginn der Serienproduktion der Rakete angekündigt.
20221219—20240000    —J—IM, Trump hat seine Bewerbung für eine erneute Kandidatur angemeldet.
20221219—20250000    —BIS, sollen Entwicklungs­länder und Inselstaaten rund 20—MILLIARDEN Dollar jährlich von reichen Industrieländern wie DEUTSCHLAND erhalten, um die Artenvielfalt zu sichern.
20221219—20300000    —BIS, sollen mindestens 30—PROZENT—DER—WELTWEITEN—LAND—UND—MEERESFLÄCHEN unter Schutz stehen — das sogenannte 30?mal?30-Ziel.
20221219—20300000    —BIS, Neben den genannten Beschlüssen lobte sie, dass der PESTIZID—EINSATZ halbiert und umweltschädliche Subventionen von 500—MILLLIARDEN Dollar pro —JAHR abgebaut werden sollen.
20221219—20300000    —BIS, Neues Klimaschutzpaket: Forscher Edenhofer sagt EU—WEITEN Kohleausstieg voraus