Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 16. December ?

Ereignisse an einem 16. December

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_33.000—20041216     Archäologen haben auf der Schwäbischen Alb das vielleicht älteste Musikinstrument der Welt entdeckt.
_33.000—20041216     Uraltes Instrument: Eiszeitflöte betört die Forscher
_33.000—20041216     —CA—35.000—JAHRE, DIE FLÖTE wurde mit enormem Aufwand aus massivem Elfenbein geschnitzt.
_33.000—20041216     —EISZEIT—IN—DER—SCHON, Menschen zum Tanz aufgespielt haben, scheint damit bewiesen.
07051216             † WU—ZETIAN—KAISERIN—VON—CHINA
07551216             —THE—AN—LUSHAN—REBELLION, BEGAN,
07551216—07630000    —QUASHED, THEGENERAL—AN—LUSHAN—REBELLION, was, in.
08821216             † JOHANNES—VIII—PAPA
08821216             MARINUS—I—PAPA folgt als PAPA auf JOHANNES—VIII—PAPA
09901216             † FOLCUIN—ABT—VON—LOBBES
10721216             PETRUS—RAGUANEUS, Dei et APOSTOLICI—SEDIS gratia EPISCOPUS—MASSILIENSIS, vicariusque in spir. et temp. lotius EPISCOPATUS ejusdem pro rev.
11651216             HERMANN—KONVERSE t —NACH,
13161216             † Öldscheitü, auch bekannt als MOHAMMAD—CHODABANDE, ILCHAN—VON—PERSIEN
14311216             Im Alter von —10—JAHREN wird HEINRICH—VI—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND in NOTRE—DAME in PARIS zum KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH gekrönt.
14441216             A cart. 6s si rileva che il fu depuro CASTELLANO—DELLA—ROCCA—DI—CASTELNUOVO lo strenuus mììs CELAMIS—DE—INTERAMNE con 12—PAGHE con 2—FLORENI e '/^ "à testa^ e con io fiorinj al mese pel CASTELLANO.
14461216             —VERORDNUNG—VON, DER—KAPELLE—S—JOHANN—REKTOR genannt,
14461216             —VERORDNUNG—VON, der KIRCHE—S—JAKOB—REKTOR genannt und
14461216             —VERORDNUNG—VON, der KIRCHE—S—PETER—AACHEN—REKTOR genannt,
14461216             —VERORDNUNG—VON, der Pfarre zu S—ADALBERT Rektor genannt.
14530000—15151216    die Basis für die PORTUGIESISCHE—EXPANSION in ASIEN AFONSO—DE—ALBUQUERQUE Tätigkeit schuf.
14741216             † ?Al??—AD—D?n—?Al?—IBN—MUHAMMAD—AL—QUSCHDSCH?, türkischer oder persischer Astronom, Mathematiker und Theologe
14851216             * KATHERINE—OF—ARGON, 1. oo HENRY—VIII—KING—OF—ENGLAND.
14871216             PETER—PENDER, —BEREITS als ZEUGE—IN—VENEDIG erscheint^
14871216             des PETER—PENDER—GASTHAUS ebenfalls bei S—BARTOLOMEO—VENEDIG lag
14951216             † DAUPHIN—CHARLES—ORLAND
14961216             —FERIA—SEXTA,
14971216             Des JOHANN—VON—MILENDONK—SIEGEL zeigt 3—QUERBALKEN, ausserdem hängt der SCHÖFFEN—VON—KIRSMICH—SIEGEL[Korschenbroich] an.
14971216             JOHANN—VON—MYRLAIR oo AGNES—VON—ODENKIRCHEN, Herr und Frau zu MILENDONK, geben die Grütersbenden DER—ABTEI—GLADBACH in der Herrlichkeit MILENDONK aus dem LEHNS—VERBAND frei.
14971216             der PORTUGIESISCHE—SEEFAHRER—VASCO—DA—GAMA, Bei seinem Versuch, 1—SEEWEG nach INDIEN zu finden, erreicht des GREAT—FISH—RIVER—MÜNDUNG in SÜDAFRIKA und damit den Endpunkt der 2. Entdeckungsreise seines Landsmannes BARTOLOMEU—DIAS.
15021216             "Pagati a mestro litti bl. trentasei a so conto" (IVI—FOLIA—108).
15131216             Le LEO—X—PAPA—BENEDICTO—PAULI confert canonicatum et prioratum S—MARCELLI nuncupatum praebendam ECCLESIAE MASSILIENSIS
15151216             † [AFONSO—DER—GROSSE]AFONSO—DE—ALBUQUERQUE, auf Reede vor GOA
15151216             † AFONSO—DE—ALBUQUERQUE, PORTUGIESISCHER—MILITÄR, Politiker und Seefahrer
15261216             Der Habsburger FERDINAND—I—KÖNIG—VON—UNGARN wird von den Ständen in PREßBURG zum  gewählt.
15341216             * HANS—BOL, NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—ZEICHNER und Maler
15341216             * LUCAS—OSIANDER—DER—ÄLTERE, DEUTSCHER—PFARRER der Evangelischen Landeskirche in Württemberg
15751216             —ERDBEBEN—VON—VALDIVIA, zählt zu den stärksten Erdbeben in der Geschichte Chiles.
15751216             Neben Zerstörungen gibt es in der Stadt wenige Tote, doch blockiert 1—AUSGELÖSTER Erdrutsch den Abfluss aus dem Lago Riñihue.
15751216             —4—MONATE—SPÄTER, Der natürliche Damm bricht mit 1—TODBRINGENDEN Flutwelle.
15891216             † MICHAEL—BAJUS, katholischer Theologe
15981216             † ADMIRAL—YI—SUN—SIN, koreanischer Militärführer
16001216             Besiegelt mit dem SCHÖFFEN—AMTS—SIEGEL—AUSFERTIGUNG—PERGAMENT, SIEGEL ab.
16001216             Eberhartz Mertin,
16001216             Für die auf S—MARTINI fällige Rente setzen sie als UNTER—PFAND—VON—7—VIERTEL—ACKERLAND am Weyßer Wege stoßend auf die 3—MORGEN des KLOSTER—FÜSSENICH,
16001216             —GENANNT, SCHÖFFEN des Hofes GEICH und FÜSSENICH[VUEßENICH], CRAMHAUß binnen der STADT—ZÜLPICH,
16001216             Vor PETER—SCHOELER, Baumeister,
16001216             gegen die Summe von 60—TALERN zu je 52—ALBUS.
16001216             und sämtliche VORSTEHER—DER—KIRCHE und KIRCHEN—FABRIK—VON—S—MARIEN binnen ZÜLPICH
16001216             verkaufen Drieß Klynckhamer zu FÜSSENICH und seine oo Eckel an Herrn WILHELM—SCHOB, Pastor,
16001216             weiter 2Yz Viertel Ackerland stoßend auf den Vorst neben PETER—KERPEN.
16001216             weiter 3—VIERTEL im Petzoel auf den Gewanten zwischen Hase von Conratzheim,
16230000—16871216    * † WILLIAM—PETTY, ENGLAND—DESIGNER, inventor and pioneering economist, in LONDON.
16291216             * AHASVERUS—FRITSCH, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Kirchenlieddichter
16311216             —ERUPTED, ITALY, MOUNT—VESUVIUS, and destroyed 6—VILLAGES.
16311216             † Some 3.500-4,000—PEOPLE, WERE—KILLED.
16311216             Der Vesuv bricht aus.
16311216             40.000—MENSCHEN bringen sich aus den umliegenden Orten nach Neapel in Sicherheit.
16311216—16311218    —BIS—ZUM, dauernde Eruption kostet etwa 4.000—MENSCHEN das Leben.
16431216             † HERMANN—SAMSON, DEUTSCH—BALTISCHER Geistlicher und Pädagoge
16501216             † pfälzischer PRINZ—PHILIPP—VON—DER—PFALZ,
16531216             1. Englands geschriebene Verfassung[INSTRUMENT—OF—GOVERNMENT], wird vom ENGLISCHEN—ARMEERAT in LONDON verkündet.
16721216             † JOHANN—II—KASIMIR—KÖNIG—VON—POLEN
16731216             † EVA—ROESEN, Grabstein in HEISTERBACH
16791216             —AMERONGEN—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER.
16791216             —DATUM—BERLIN.
16871216             WILLIAM—PETTY came up with the "quantity THEORY—OF—MONEY" and was the 1. to measure gross domestic product (GDP).
16871216             † WILLIAM—PETTY, BRITISCHER—PHYSIKER und Ökonom
16891216             —AFTER, GLORIOUS—REVOLUTION.
16891216             —INCLUDED, THE—BILL—OF—RIGHTS, 1—RIGHT to bear arms.
16891216             William and MARY gave THE—BILL—OF—RIGHTS
16921216             † ANTONIO—CARNEO, venezianischer Barockmaler
16940000—17741216    * † FRANCOIS—QUESNAY, FRANCE—ECONOMIST.
17021216             † HENRY—FITZJAMES, illegitimer SOHN—DES—JAKOB—II—VON—ENGLAND
17071216             —BEGINNT, DER—VULKAN—FUJI, Japans höchster Berg, seine letzte Eruption.
17071216             Der Ausbruch von etwa zweiwöchiger Dauer lässt 1 2. FUJI—VULKAN—KRATER auf halber HÖHE—DES—BERGES entstehen.
17071216             1. Sitzung der Gelehrtengesellschaft SOCIETY—OF—ANTIQUARIES—OF—LONDON, LONDON, stattfindet.
17071216             Die Gelehrtengesellschaft SOCIETY—OF—ANTIQUARIES—OF—LONDON—MITGLIEDER wollen sich um Altertümer und Kulturgüter des Landes kümmern.
17101216             † WOLFGANG—HEINRICH—ADELUNGK, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE und Schriftsteller
17141216             * GEORGE—WHITEFIELD, BRITISCHER—GEISTLICHER, Mitbegründer des Methodismus
17151216             * SUSANNA, GEBOREN ANNO DEN.
17171216             * ELIZABETH—CARTER, ENGLISCHE—DICHTERIN, Altertumswissenschaftlerin, Autorin und Übersetzerin
17181216             * JOHANN—TOBIAS—KREBS, DEUTSCHER—PHILOLOGE und Pädagoge
17401216             —SILESIA, SEIZED from the newly crowned ARCH—DUCHESS—OF—AUSTRIA, PRUSSIA—FREDERICK—THE—GREAT.
17401216             ARCH—DUCHESS—OF—AUSTRIA, sent troops to reconquer SILESIA.
17401216             FRIEDRICH—DER—GROSSE—KÖNIG—VON—PREUSSSEN lässt das zu ÖSTERREICH gehörende Schlesien besetzen.
17401216—17410410    —ON, 1—SHOWDOWN battle occurred, in Silesia at Mollwitz.
17471216             * SIEGBERT—VASBENDER 1, 2—AM in ZÜLPICH.
17501216             OSLO, wird DIE—KRIGSSKOLEN als Den frie matematiske skole i Christiania durch königliches Dekret errichtet.
17511216             † JOHANN—CHRISTIAN—SCHÖTTGEN, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE, Historiker und Lexikograph
17611216             —KAPITULIERT, Nach —4—MONATE Belagerung, die PREUSSISCHE—FESTUNG—KOLBERG wegen Hungergefahr im Siebenjährigen Krieg gegenüber RUSSISCHEN—TRUPPEN unter PJOTR—ALEXANDROWITSCH—RUMJANZEW—SADUNAISKI.
17670118—17461216    * ESSER, [JOHANN] Siegismund [ARNOLD] [, in SCHEVENHÜTTE,
17701216—18270000    * † LUDWIG—VON—BEETHOVEN, GERMANY—COMPOSER best known for his 9. Symphony, in BONN.
17701216—18270000    LUDWIG—VON—BEETHOVEN—6. Symphony "Pastorale" was in F—MAJOR.
17701216—18270000    —AFTER LUDWIG—VON—BEETHOVEN—6 his death, Locks of LUDWIG—VON—BEETHOVEN his hair were cut off and preserved by 1—NUMBER—OF collectors.
17731216             1—BILL for the tea ($196) was paid 19610930             . - - 1—BILL for the tea ($196) was paid.
17731216             Some 50-60 "SONS—OF—LIBERTY" of revolutionary SAMUEL—ADAMS disguised as Mohawks defied THE—3—CENTS per pound tax on tea boarded 1—BRITISH—EAST—INDIA—TEA—COMPANY ship and dumped 342—CHESTS—OF—UK—TEA into THE—BOSTON—HARBOR in what became known as THE—BOSTON—TEA—PARTY.
17731216             —PASSED, PARLIAMENT had, 17730000             —THE—TEA—ACT not to regulate trade or make the colonies pay their own administrative costs, but to save the nearly bankrupt UK—EAST—INDIA Tea Company.
17731216             THE—TEA—ACT gave the company 1—MONOPOLY over THE—USA—TEA—TRADE and authorized the sale of 17—MILLION—POUNDS—OF—TEA in AMERICA at prices cheaper than smuggled HOLLAND—TEA.
17731216             In spite of the savings, Americans would not accept what they considered to be taxation without representation.
17731216             —ATTEMPTED, Overreacting to THE—BOSTON—TEA—PARTY, the British, to punish BOSTON and the whole colony of MASSACHUSETTS with the Intolerable Acts of 17740000             --another in THE—SERIES—OF—EVENTS that ultimately led to USA—INDEPENDENCE.
17731216             Die Söhne der Freiheit, als Indianer verkleidete BÜRGER—VON—BOSTON, entern der ENGLISCHE—EAST—INDIA—COMPANY—SCHIFFE und zerstören 3—LADUNGEN Tee.
17731216             —2—JAHRE—SPÄTER, Diese BOSTON—TEA—PARTY und weitere ähnliche Aktionen gegen BRITISCHE—TEEIMPORTE führen in den AMERIKANISCHEN—UNABHÄNGIGKEITSKRIEG.
17731216—19610930    1—BILL for the tea ($196) was paid.
17741216             FRANCOIS—QUESNAY was the 1. to THINK—OF—THE—ECONOMY as 1—SYSTEM—OF interacting parts to be judged by the necessities and conveniences it produces.
17741216             FRANCOIS—QUESNAY wrote his Tableau Économique (17580000             ), renowned for its famous "ZIG—ZAG" DEPICTION—OF—INCOME—FLOWS between economic sectors.
17741216             † FRANÇOIS—QUESNAY, FRANZÖSISCHER—ARZT und Kupferstecher
17751216—18170000    * † JANE—AUSTIN, novelist, in HAMPSHIRE—ENGLAND, as the 6. of 7—CHILDREN [7. of 8].
17751216—18170000    —INCLUDED, JANE—AUSTIN—WORK, "Sense and Sensibility" (18110000             ), "Pride and Prejudice" (18120000             ), "Mansfield Park" (18140000             ) "Lady Susan" and "Emma" (18150000             ).
17751216—18170000    JANE—AUSTIN—BOOKS "Persuasion" (18170000             ) and "Northanger Abbey" were published posthumously.
17751216—18170000    "1 does not love 1—PLACE the less for having suffered in it unless it has all been suffering, nothing but suffering".
17751216—19970000    —IN, 2—BIOGRAPHIES were published with the same title: "JANE—AUSTEN: 1—LIFE," 1—BY Calire Tomalin and the other by DAVID—NOKES.
177631216            † —LEONHARD, tätig in Ellen, CREFELD, Meer, FÜSSENICH, MÖNCH—IN—KLOSTER—STEINFELD
17791216             † GO—MOMOZONO—KAISER—VON—JAPAN, 118.
17801216             * IVER—HESSELBERG, NORWEGISCHER—PFARRER und Autor
17831216             † Gio.
17831216             Ad. Hasse, )
17901216             * LEOPOLD—I—KÖNIG—DER—BELGIER, 1.
17901216             † LUDWIG—AUGUST—LEBRUN, DEUTSCHER—OBOIST und Komponist
17921216             zogen DIE—REPUBLIKANER tu \a^hou ' \y\ \^s^^\s
17921216—17930302    Die 1. Besetzung AACHENs durch DIE—FRANZOSEN
17921216—17930302    Die 1. kurze, vom —BIS zum dauernde Anwesenheit FRANZÖSISCHER—TRUPPEN in den Mauern der alten KRÖNUNGS—STADT—AACHEN—AACHEN
17921216—17930302    Die 1. kurze, vom —BIS zum dauernde Anwesenheit FRANZÖSISCHER—TRUPPEN in den Mauern der alten KRÖNUNGS—STADT—AACHEN—AACHEN hat, soviel wir feststellen können,
17941216             † CARRIER, responsable des noyades de NANTES,—EXÉCUTION—DE,
17961216             † † ? sterben 680—BESATZUNGSMITGLIEDER und Soldaten.
18071216             * HEINRICH—JOSEPH—ADAMI, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Zeitungsjournalist
18091216             —DIVORCED, NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE was, from the Empress Josephine by 1—ACT—OF—THE—FRANCE—SENATE.
18091216             —CONVINCED, Metternich had, FRANCIS—I—OF—AUSTRIA to offer his daughter MARIE—LOUISE as 1—BRIDE to NAPOLEON.
18110317             FERDINAND—GUTZKOW (Berlim 17—DE Março de  â??
18110317             Sachsenhausen, de 18781216             ) foi um escritor, panfletista e jornalista alemão.
18111116             [see 18111215—18111216    ]
18111215—18111216    A 7.3—EARTHQUAKE struck THE—CENTRAL—USA on THE—MISSISSIPPI—RIVER.
18111215—18111216    —CENTERED, A 7.3—EARTHQUAKE, was, at NEW—MADRID—MISSOURI, and reversed THE—COURSE—OF—THE—MISSISSIPPI, for 1—WHILE.
18111215—18111216    —CONTINUED, Aftershocks, into 18120000             .
18111215—18111216    3—INTRAPLATE tremblers hit New MADRID.
18111215—18111216    —CENTERED, It was, at New MADRID—MISSOURI, and reversed the course of THE—MISSISSIPPI for 1—WHILE.
18111216             Bei NEW—MADRID—USA—BUNDESSTAAT—MISSOURI ereignet sich 1—SCHWERES Erdbeben der Stärke 7—AUF der Richterskala.
18111216             —BIS zum —FEBRUAR des Folgejahres kommt es immer wieder zu kleineren Erdstößen, die stärksten 18110123             —AM und 18110207             —AM erreichen ebenfalls jeweils die Stärke 7.
18111216             Bei dem Erdbeben wird der Lauf des MISSISSIPPI—RIVER teilweise umgeleitet und neue Seen entstehen.
18120123             Das NEW—MADRID—ERDBEBEN—VON—18110000              hat seinen 2. Höhepunkt —NACH—DEM 18111216             mit einer Stärke von 7—AUF der Richterskala.
18120207             [see 18121215—18111216    , 19120123             ]
18120207—18121216    —NACH—DEM—DES Vorjahres, und dem 18120123             kommt es zum 3. Mal bei NEW—MADRID—MISSOURI, zu 1—SCHWEREN Erdbeben der Stärke 7—AUF der Richterskala.
18121216             Die geschlagenen Reste von NAPOLEON—GRANDE—ARMÉE überqueren DIE—MEMEL und erreichen OST—PREUßEN.
18121216             Nur 18.000—VON ehemals 400.000—SOLDATEN haben den Russlandfeldzug und die Flucht vor den nachrückenden RUSSISCHEN—VERBÄNDEN überlebt.
18151216             Die bisherige KOLONIE—BRASILIEN wird zum KÖNIGREICH—BRASILIEN erklärt und damit dem Mutterland PORTUGAL gleichgestellt.
18151216             Die BRASILIANISCHE—UNABHÄNGIGKEITSBEWEGUNG erreicht damit 1—WICHTIGEN Meilenstein.
18171216             —ENACTED, THE—GEORGIA legislature, laws that defined the common boundary with TENNESSEE and created 1—BOUNDARY commission to jointly survey and mark the state border.
18191216             * JAROM?R—HENDRICH—IMIŠ, sorbischer evangelischer Pfarrer und Kulturpolitiker
18210211             * AUGUSTE—EDOUARD—MARIETTE, FRANCE—EGYPTOLOGIST, (dug out Sphinx 19421216             ).
18301216             * MICHAEL—BIRKELAND, NORWEGISCHER—HISTORIKER, Archivar und Politiker
18301216             —ENTSCHEIDET, URUGUAY, sich für seine Nationalflagge in der heutigen Form.
18320000—18981216    * † Pavel Tretyakov, FOUNDER—OF—MOSCOW—TRETYAKOV—GALLERY.
18351216             1—FIRE in NEW—YORK City destroyed property estimated to be worth $20,000,000. —BEGINNING—IN 1—STORE at Pearl and Merchant (Hanover) Streets, it lasted —2—DAYS, ravaged 17—BLOCKS (52—ACRES), and destroyed 674—BUILDINGS including the Stock Exchange, Merchants' Exchange, Post Office, and THE—SOUTH—HOLLAND—CHURCH.
18351216             13—ACRES were scorched.
18351216             23—OF—THE—CITY—26—FIRE—INSURANCE—COMPANIES were forced into bankruptcy.
18351216             An der OPÉRA—COMIQUE in PARIS erfolgt die Uraufführung der komischen Oper L'éclair (Der Blitz) von JACQUES—FROMENTAL—HALÉVY.
18371216             —AM Theater am Kärntnertor in WIEN findet die Uraufführung der romantischen Oper Der Gang zum Eisenhammer von Conradin Kreutzer statt.
18381216             —DEFEATED, Boers led by ANDREAS—PRETORIUS, the Zulus in THE—BATTLE—OF—BLOOD—RIVER and settled in NATAL.
18381216             —ENCOUNTERED, THE—AFRIKANERS —WHILE escaping from UK—RULE, resistance from the native black peoples.
18381216             —REPELLED, In THE—BATTLE—OF—BLOOD—RIVER 1—FEW 100—BOERS, 1—ATTACK by more than 10,000 warriors of the Zulu DINGAAN—KING—OF—.
18381216             —IN—DER—FOLGE, Das ermöglicht der BURENREPUBLIK—NATALIA—GRÜNDUNG.
18401216             Die dem ALT—WIENER Volkstheater zugehörige Posse Der Talisman von JOHANN—NESTROY mit der Musik von ADOLF—MÜLLER senior wird am Theater an der WIEN uraufgeführt.
18461216             —SEIZED, THE—CALIFORNIO—SANCHEZ brothers, WASHINGTON Bartlett, the alcalde of Yerba Buena, along with 6—VOLUNTEER sailors as they scouted on 1—SUPPOSED—MEXICO—INVASION at Rancho BURI—BURI.
18461216             This was likely in exchange for the seizure of their younger brother by USA—OFFICERS in Yerba Buena, who feared 1—MEXICO—INVASION.
18461216             In desperation 10—MEN and 5—WOMEN—OF—THE—DONNER—PARTY left on snowshoes to cross the Sierra NEVADA.
18461216             —SURVIVED, THE—5—WOMEN and 2—MEN.
18461216             All but 1—OF—THE—DEAD were eaten.
18461216             † Of THE—89—MEMBERS in the whole group 42.
18471216—19010000    * † MARY—CATHERWOOD, USA—NOVELIST, in LURAY—OHIO.
18471216—19010000    "Next to the slanderer, we detest the bearer of the slander to our ears".
18481216             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—170—KÖLN.
18481222—18481223    —DATE 18510000             And —WHEN it comes to zeal in protecting THE—BILL—OF—RIGHTS, 19741222—20051216    —BETWEEN it's been 1—STEADY—RUN down hill for THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES.
18521216             † ANDRIES—HENDRIK—POTGIETER, burischer Politiker und VOORTREKKER—ANFÜHRER
18571216             —VOM, DIE—ÜBEREINKUNFT der reichsritterlichen Familien in Württemberg, wodurch der Beeinträchtigung des Rechtszustandes derselben abgeholfen wurde,
18571216             1—STARKES Erdbeben, In der BASILIKATA ereignet sich, das über 11.000—TOTE verursacht.
18571216             —IN—DER—FOLGE, Der IRISCHE—GEOPHYSIKER—ROBERT—MALLET reist nach ITALIEN, um die Katastrophe zu erforschen.
18581216             * AGNES—BADEN—POWELL, britische 1. Weltführerin der Pfadfinderinnen
18591216             † WILHELM—GRIMM, DEUTSCHER—SPRACHWISSENSCHAFTLER und Märchensammler
18621216             † EWALD—RUDOLF—STIER, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
18641216             —ROUTED, Union forces under GENERAL—GEORGE—H—THOMAS, CONFEDERATE—FORCES under GENERAL—HOOD at THE—BATTLE—AT—NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE There were some 4,400 casualties.
18641216             PARIS, stattfindet die Uraufführung der Operette Le Serpent à plumes von Léo Delibes am Théâtre des BOUFFES—PARISIENS.
18651216             —VOM, DOCTOR—W—WHITE, der certifying surgeon der Fabriken zu Downpatrick, erlklärt in 1—OFFIZIELLEN Bericht:
18661216             * WASSILY—KANDINSKY, RUSSISCHER—MALER, Grafiker und Kunsttheoretiker
18671216             * ARTHUR—SCHLOSSMANN, DEUTSCHER—KINDERARZT, Gründer der 1. Säuglingsklinik
18691216             † ALEXANDER—SUSSMANN—ADLER, DEUTSCHER—RABBINER und Politiker
18781216             † KARL—GUTZKOW, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Dramatiker und Journalist
18791216             * HANS—WATZLIK, sudetendeutscher Schriftsteller
18801216             Im beginnenden 1. Burenkrieg fallen die 1. Schüsse.
18821216             * WALTHER—MEISSNER, GERMANY—PHYSICIST (Meissner effect).
18861216             Über STADT—KREIS, LAND—KREIS—FRANKFURT—AM—MAIN und Hanau, den KREIS—HÖCHST und den wird der kleine BELAGERUNGS—ZUSTAND verhängt.
18881216             * WILHELM—MURR, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER in der NS—ZEIT
18900909             * COLONEL—HARLAND—SANDERS, originator of KENTUCKY Fried Chicken FAST—FOOD—RESTAURANTS, in HENRYVILLE—INDIANA 18901216             —SEE
18901216—18900909    —SEE
18911216             * WALTER—LAEDRACH, SCHWEIZER—LEHRER und Schriftsteller
18931216             An der CARNEGIE—HALL—NEW—YORK erfolgt die Uraufführung der Sinfonie NUMBER 9—AUS der neuen Welt in E—MOLL Opus 95—VON Antonín Dvo?ák.
18941216             —AM DEUTSCHEN—THEATER in Prag wird die Oper DONNA—DIANA—VON—EMIL—NIKOLAUS—VON—REZNICEK uraufgeführt.
18951216—18650000    —ES existiert lediglich 1—DISPOSITION, die 7—PUNKTE enthält.
18951216—18650000    —SEIT, untersuchen wollte ENGELS In dem 2. ARTIKEL die bedeutend veränderte Rolle der BÖRSE
18951216—18650000    —ENGELS kam jedoch nicht mehr dazu, den 2. ARTIKEL zu schreiben;
18951216—18650000    —DIESES MANUSKRIPT ist betitelt: DIE—BÖRSE.
18951216—18650000    Nachträgliche Anmerkungen zum 3—BAND—DES—KAPITAL.
18951216—18650000    —DATE 18971216             1. submarine with 1—INTERNAL—COMBUSTION—ENGINE, was demonstrated.
18981216             * JÁN—SMREK, SLOWAKISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Herausgeber
18991216             * HANS—BARION, deutscher katholischer Kirchenrechtler
18991216—19730000    * † SIR—NOEL—COWARD, THE—ENGLAND—ACTOR, playwright and composer, in LONDON.
18991216—19730000    "I love criticism —JUST so long as it's unqualified praise".
19021216             An der Nationaloper in BUDAPEST wird die Oper Götz von Berlichingen von KARL—GOLDMARK uraufgeführt.
19021216             1—ERDBEBEN—DER—STÄRKE 6,4 in Turkestan fordert ca. 4.500—TOTE.
19041216             JAPAN—WARSHIPS quit Port Arthur in order to cut off THE—RUSSIA—BALTIC fleet's advance.
19051216             The entertainment trade publication Variety came out with its 1. weekly issue.
19061216             —DIE—SPD—REICHS—TAGS—FRAKTION bezeichnet DIE—POLITISCHE—LAGE als sehr ernst und gibt als Wahlparole heraus: "Nieder mit allem, was sich dem Fortschritt DER—MENSCHHEIT entgegenstemmt".
19071216             USA—NAVY—BATTLESHIPS, which came to be known collectively as the "Great White Fleet," set sail from HAMPTON ROADS—VIRGINIA, on a —14—MONTH—ROUND—THE—WORLD—VOYAGE at THE—ORDER—OF—PRESIDENT—THEODORE—ROOSEVELT, who wanted to demonstrate USA—SEA—POWER.
19071216             Die Große Weiße Flotte startet zu 1—WELTUMRUNDUNG.
19071216             Die Atlantikflotte der USA soll mit dampfgetriebenen Linienschiffen die Seemacht der USA demonstrieren.
19091216             † LINA—MORGENSTERN, DEUTSCHE—SCHRIFTSTELLERIN, Frauenrechtlerin und Sozialaktivistin
19101216             Bei 1—UNFREIWILLIGEN Flugtest mit der Coanda-19100000             entdeckt der RUMÄNISCHE—PHYSIKER und Aerodynamiker HENRI—MARIE—COAND?
19101216             den nach ihm benannten Coand?-Effekt.
19101216             † HANS—DOMINIK, DEUTSCHER—OFFIZIER der Kaiserlichen Schutztruppe für KAMERUN
19111216             —CREATED, GREAT—BRITAIN—NATIONAL—INSURANCE—ACT, National Insurance, originally 1—SYSTEM—OF—HEALTH—INSURANCE for industrial workers based on contributions from employers, the government, and the workers themselves.
19121216             —DISCLOSED, THE—WORLD then, that - † RockefellerWilliam Avery had - 19060511             - in FREEPORT—ILLINOIS,
19121216             "MISTER—JACOB—SCHIFF is head of the great private banking HOUSE—OF—KUHN, LOEB &COMPANY, which represents THE—ROTHSCHILD interests on this side of the Atlantic.
19121216             "MISTER—JACOB—SCHIFF is described as 1—FINANCIAL—STRATEGIST and
19121216             "MISTER—JACOB—SCHIFF—HAS—BEEN—FOR—YEARS the financial MINISTER—OF—THE—GREAT impersonal power known as Standard OIL ".
19121216             to accept the "fact" that THE—ROCKEFELLER s were the preeminent power in this country.
19121216             THE—ROCKEFELLER Oil Trust becoming the "MILITARY—INDUSTRIAL—COMPLEX" which assumed political control of the nation;
19121216             THE—ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION, 1—WEB—OF affiliated tax exempt creations,
19121216             it was 1—RELATIVELY simple matter for THE—AMERICA—PUBLIC
19121216             effectively controlled the religious and educational life of the nation.
19121216             —CLOTHED, This myth was actually, in THE—APPAREL—OF—POWER,
19121216             —CONCEALED, Because of these, factors,
19121216             which pointed out that - "MISTER—SCHIFF, Jacob
19121216             is head of the great private banking house OF—KUHN, Loeb &Company,
19121216             which represents the Rothschild interests on this side of the Atlantic.
19121216             —DESCRIBED, He is, as 1—FINANCIAL—STRATEGIST AND—HAS been —FOR—YEARS
19121216             the financial MINISTER—OF—THE—GREAT impersonal power known as Standard Oil ".
19121216             Note that this EDITOR—DID—NOT even mention THE—NAME—OF—ROCKEFELLER.
19121216             it was 1—RELATIVELY simple matter for THE—USA—PUBLIC—TO accept the "fact"
19121216             that the Rockefeller s were the preeminent power in this country.
19121216             the Rockefeller Oil TRUST, BECOMING THE—MILITARY—INDUSTRIAL—COMPLEX
19121216             —ASSUMED, MILITARY—INDUSTRIAL—COMPLEX, political control of the nation;
19121216             the Rockefeller Foundation, effectively controlled the religious and educational life of the nation.
19121216             —SUCCEEDED, The myth, in its goal of camouflaging the hidden rulers, the Rothschild s.
19121216             —AFTER the present writer had been exposing this CHARADE—FOR SOME— 25—YEARS,
19121216             1—NEW myth began to be noised about in USA—CONSERVATIVE—CIRCLES, effectively propagated by active double agents.
19121216             This myth found 1—HOST of eager believers, because it heralded 1—GROWING crack in the monolithic power which had been oppressing all THE—PEOPLES—OF—THE—WORLD.
19121216             This new "revelation" was that 1—STRUGGLE to the death for world power had developed between the Rockefeller s and the Rothschild s.
19121216             According to this startling development,
19121216             1—FACTION or the other, depending on which agent you were listening to, had gained CONTROL—OF—THE—SOVIET—UNION
19121216             and would use its POWER—AS THE—BASIS—FOR achieving THE—OVERTHROW—OF—THE—OTHER—FACTION.
19121216             The sudden DEATH—OF—SEVERAL—MEMBERS—OF—THE—ROCKEFELLER family was cited as "proof" that such 1—STRUGGLE was taking place,
19121216             although no Rothschild is known to have succumbed —DURING this "war".
19121216             —IGNORED, This, the general understanding that
19121216             —ELIMINATED, Rockefeller, NELSON—HAD been ""
19121216             as THE—RESULT—OF—LOSING deposit slips for several billion DOLLARS—OF—DRUGS
19121216             —FROM THE—COLOMBIA—CARTEL, OR—THAT the other Rockefeller deaths
19121216             showed no trace of a "Rothschild connection".
19121216             —MAINTAINED, Having, extensive files on this situation for several decades,
19121216             the present writer could not believe anyone could be so MISINFORMED—AS to think that
19121216             "the Rockefeller s" were —NOW trying to seize power from the Rothschild s,
19121216             was already in great decline, their family finances being handled by
19121216             J.Richardson Dilworth, their legal affairs being handled by
19121216             JOHN—J—MCCLOY, AND other faithful retainers;
19121216             NONE—OF—THESE retainers would have been willing to engage in 1—GENUINE—POWER—STRUGGLE,
19121216             as they were faceless managers who lived only for their weekly paycheck.
19121216             They had no ambitions of their own. Nevertheless,
19121216             that the Rockefeller s were —NOW "good Americans"
19121216             who were willing to risk all to overthrow the Rothschild s.
19121216             —PERSISTED, Amazingly enough, this pernicious story, for almost —1—DECADE
19121216             —BEFORE being relegated to THE—CURIOSITIES—OF—HISTORY.
19121216             Like Morgan, J.P. - who had begun his commercial career
19121216             —BY selling THE—USA—ARMY—SOME—DEFECTIVE guns, the famous fall carbine affair,
19121216             RockefellerJohn D. - also was a war profiteer —DURING the Civil War ;
19121216             he sold unstamped Harkness liquor to FEDERAL—TROOPS at 1—HIGH—PROFIT,
19121216             gaining the initial capital to embark on his drive for monopoly.
19121216             His interest in the oil business was 1—NATURAL 1;
19121216             his father, Rockefeller, WILLIAM—HAD been - "in oil" - —FOR—YEARS.
19121216             Rockefeller, WILLIAM—HAD become 1—OIL entrepreneur
19121216             —AFTER—SALT wells at Tarentum, near PITTSBURGH, were 18420000             —DISCOVERED—IN—TO be flowing with oil.
19121216             The owners of the wells,
19121216             SAMUEL—L—KIER, began to bottle the oil and sell it for medicinal purposes.
19121216             1—OF—HIS—EARLIEST—WHOLESALERS was Rockefeller,William.
19121216             —LABELED, The "medicine" was originally, "KIER—MAGIC—OIL".
19121216             —PRINTED, Rockefeller,William, his own labels, using "Rock Oil"
19121216             or "Seneca Oil," - Seneca being THE—NAME—OF—1—WELL known INDIA—TRIBE.
19121216             —ACHIEVED, Rockefeller,William, his greatest notoriety and his greatest profits
19121216             —BY advertising himself as
19121216             "WILLIAM—ROCKEFELLER, the Celebrated Cancer Specialist".
19121216             It is UNDERSTANDABLE—THAT his grandsons
19121216             would BECOME—THE controlling power behind the scenes
19121216             of the world's most famous cancer treatment center
19121216             and would direct government funds and charitable contributions
19121216             to those areas which only benefit the Medical Monopoly.
19121216             Rockefeller,WILLIAM—SPARED no claim in his flamboyant career.
19121216             He guaranteed "All CASES—OF—CANCER Cured Unless They Are Too Far Gone".
19121216             Such were the healing powers that he attributed to his magic cancer cure
19121216             that he was able to retail it for $25 1—BOTTLE,
19121216             1—SUM then equivalent to —2—MONTHS' wages.
19121216             —CONSISTED—OF, The "cure", 1—FEW well known diuretics, which had been diluted by water.
19121216             —ENVISIONED, This carnival medicine show BARKER—COULD hardly have
19121216             that his descendants would control the greatest
19121216             and the most profitable Medical MONOPOLY—IN recorded history.
19121216             As 1—ITINERANT "carnie," 1—TRAVELING carnival peddler, Rockefeller,William
19121216             had chosen 1—CAREER which interfered with developing 1—STABLE—FAMILY—LIFE.
19121216             His son John rarely saw him,
19121216             1—CIRCUMSTANCE which has inspired SOME—PSYCHOLOGICAL—ANALYSTS 1—CONJECTURE
19121216             that the absence of 1—FATHER—FIGURE or parental love may have contributed
19121216             to JOHN—D—ROCKEFELLER—SUBSEQUENT development as a money mad tyrant
19121216             who plotted to maim, poison and KILL—MILLIONS—OF—HIS—FELLOW—AMERICAN
19121216             —DURING almost —CENTURY of his monopolistic operations
19121216             and whose influence, reaching up from the grave,
19121216             remains the most dire and malignant presence in USA—LIFE.
19121216             This may have been 1—CONTRIBUTING—FACTOR—HOWEVER,
19121216             it is also possible that he was totally evil.
19121216             It is hardly ARGUABLE—THAT he is probably the most Satanic figure in USA—HISTORY.
19121216             It has long been 1—TRUISM that
19121216             you can find 1—HORSE thief or 2 in ANY—PROMINENT—USA—FAMILY.
19121216             In the Rockefeller family it was more than 1—TRUISM.
19121216             —FOLLOWED, William seems to have faithfully, the precepts of the
19121216             WILL—OF—CANAAN —THROUGHOUT his career, "love robbery, love lechery".
19121216             He fled from 1—NUMBER—OF—INDICTMENTS for horse stealing, finally disappearing altogether
19121216             as Rockefeller,William and RE—EMERGING as
19121216             Levingston, DOCTOR—WILLIAM—OF—PHILADELPHIA,
19121216             1—NAME which he retained for the rest of his life.
19121216             1—INVESTIGATIVE reporter at Pulitzer,JOSEPH—NEW—YORK—WORLD—RECEIVED 1—TIP that was followed up.
19121216             —DISCLOSED, THE—WORLD then, that - † RockefellerWilliam Avery had,
19121216             —AFFILIATED, THE—ROCKEFELLER—FOUNDATION, 1—WEB—OF, tax exempt creations,
19121216             —ASSUMED, THE—ROCKEFELLER—OIL—TRUST becoming the "MILITARY—INDUSTRIAL—COMPLEX" which, political control of the nation;
19121216             which pointed out that
19121216—19880503    —ON, -
19131216             —BEGAN, CHARLIE—CHAPLIN, his film career at Keystone for $150—PER—WEEK.
19140000—19971216    * † RALPH—FASANELLA, USA—ARTIST.
19160129             [see 19161216             .19161230             ]
19161216             —DIE—PETITION wird dem REICHS—KANZLER zugestellt.
19161216             * GERHARD—DABEL, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Leiter der Dienststelle Kinderlandverschickung bei der Reichsjugendführung
19161216             Das k.UK Kriegsministerium genehmigt die Errichtung der PULVERFABRIK—SKODAWERKE—WETZLER in Moosbierbaum, woraus in der Zwischenkriegszeit eines der größten CHEMIE—UND Rüstungsunternehmen in ÖSTERREICH entsteht.
19171216             * ARTHUR—C—CLARK, ENGLAND—SCIENCE fiction writer.
19171216             "ANY—SUFFICIENTLY advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic".
19171216             —REMEMBERED, He is best, for his book "THE—SENTINEL," THE—SOURCE—OF—KUBRICK—FILM "2001: 1—SPACE—ODYSSEY".
19180000—20081216    * † Melvin S. Cohen, longtime CHAIRMAN—OF—WISCONSIN—BASED—NATIONAL—PRESTO—INDUSTRIES.
19181216—19181220    —1—ANTRAG, ROSA—LUXEMBURG und KARL—LIEBKNECHT als Gäste mit beratender Stimme einzuladen, wird mit großer Mehrheit abgelehnt.
19181216—19181220    ihm steht DAS—RECHT der Berufung und Abberufung der VOLKS—BEAUFTRAGTEN des REICH und PREUßENs zu.
19181216—19181220    die gesetzgebende und vollziehende Gewalt —BIS zu anderweitiger Regelung durch DIE—NATIONAL—VERSAMMLUNG, dem RAT—DER—VOLKS—BEAUFTRAGTEN überträgt.
19181216—19181220    REICHS—KONFERENZ—DER—ARBEITER—RÄTE und SOLDATEN—RÄTE —1—ANTRAG, ROSA—LUXEMBURG und KARL—LIEBKNECHT als Gäste mit beratender Stimme einzuladen, wird mit großer Mehrheit abgelehnt.
19181216—19181220    REICHS—KONFERENZ—DER—ARBEITER—RÄTE und SOLDATEN—RÄTE Nach heftigen Diskussionen wird mit überwiegender Mehrheit —1—ANTRAG angenommen, —NACH—DEM DIE—REICHS—KONFERENZ—DER—ARBEITER—RÄTE und SOLDATEN—RÄTE, die die gesamte politische MACHT in DEUTSCHLAND repräsentiere,
19181216—19181220    Für die Zuverlässigkeit der Truppenteile und die Aufrechterhaltung der Disziplin seien DIE—SOLDATEN—RÄTE verantwortlich.
19181216—19181220    Die oberste KOMMANDO—GEWALT über Heer und Marine üben die VOLKS—BEAUFTRAGTEN unter KONTROLLE—DES—VOLLZUGS—RATES aus.
19181216—19181220    DER—ANTRAG, unter allen Umständen am RÄTE—SYSTEM als GRUND—LAGE der Verfassung festzuhalten, wird mit 344—STIMMEN—GEGEN—98—STIMMEN abgelehnt,
19181216—19181220    An die Stelle 1—STEHENDEN Heeres soll 1—VOLKSWEHR treten.
19181216—19181220    Als SYMBOL—DER—ZERTRÜMMERUNG—DES—MILITARISMUS und der ABSCHAFFUNG—DES—KADAVERGEHORSAMS wird die Entfernung aller Rangabzeichen angeordnet und das außerdienstliche Waffentragen verboten.
19181216—19181220    —DIE—KONFERENZ bestätigt die Berufung der Beigeordneten DER—STAATS—SEKRETÄRE.
19181216—19181220    Vor Berufung der FACH—MINISTER—UND—DER—BEIGEORDNETEN ist der ZENTRAL—RAT zu hören.
19181216—19181220    angenommen dagegen der von M. COHEN—REUSS, DIE—WAHLEN für DIE—NATIONAL—VERSAMMLUNG —BEREITS—AM ;;0119;;erfolgen zu lassen.
19181216—19181220    — werden unter anderem gewählt: R, Leinert, M. COHEN—REUSS, H. Müller, DIE—SPÄTER, zu Vorsitzenden gewählt werden sowie K. Zörgiebel und A. Grzesinski.
19181216—19181220    —DER—KONGREß stellt 1—ZENTRAL—RAT—DER—ARBEITER—RÄTE und SOLDATEN—RÄTE zusammen, der DIE—ÜBERWACHUNG des deutschen und PREUSSISCHEN—KABINETTS ausübt;
19181216—19181220    —NACH, heftigen Diskussionen wird mit überwiegender Mehrheit —1—ANTRAG angenommen, —NACH—DEM DIE—REICHS—KONFERENZ, die die gesamte politische MACHT in DEUTSCHLAND repräsentiere,
19181216—19181220    Als Vorsitzende werden gewählt: R, Leinert (SPD), F. Seger (USPD) und J. Gomolka als SOLDAT.
19181216—19181220    Als REICHS—KONFERENZ—DER—ARBEITER—RÄTE und SOLDATEN—RÄTE Vorsitzende werden gewählt: R. Leinert (SPD), F. Seger (USPD) und J. Gomolka als SOLDAT.
19181216—19181220    —ANGENOMMEN, DER—ANTRAG—VON—M. COHEN—REUSS, dagegen, DIE—WAHLEN für DIE—NATIONAL—VERSAMMLUNG AM—BEREITS ;;0119;;erfolgen zu lassen.
19181216—19181220    DIE—REICHS—KONFERENZ—DER—ARBEITER—RÄTE und SOLDATEN—RÄTE Konferenz bestätigt die Berufung der Beigeordneten DER—STAATS—SEKRETÄRE.
19181216—19181220    In den 27köpfigen ZENTRAL—RAT, der nur aus SPD—MITGLIEDERN BESTEHT—DIE—USPD beteiligt sich nicht an der Wahl
19201216             CHINA, an 8.6—EARTHQUAKE in the northwestern provinces of Gansu and Shanxi caused massive landslides and the deaths of 100,000- 200,000—PEOPLE.
19201216             —ERDBEBEN—VON—HAIYUAN, Stärke 7,8 auf der Richterskala erschüttert die CHINA—PROVINZ—GANSU und
19201216             —ERDBEBEN—VON—HAIYUAN fordert mehr als 200.000—TODESOPFER.
19221216             GABRIEL—NARUTOWICZ (18650000             *), 1—LITHUANIAN—BORN, SWITZERLAND—BANKING engineer and POLAND—1. post WWI PRESIDENT was assassinated —WHILE attending 1—ART—EXHIBITION, in the National GALLERY—OF—ART.
19221216             GABRIEL—NARUTOWICZ, das 1. gewählte Staatsoberhaupt der 2. POLNISCHEN—REPUBLIK, wird nur —7—TAGE nach seiner Wahl auf der Treppe der GALERIA—ZACH?ta in Warschau von dem Fanatiker ELIGIUSZ—NIEWIADOMSKI ermordet.
19221216             † ELIEZER—BEN—JEHUDA, jüdischer JOURNALIST—UND—AUTOR, Erneurer der hebräischen Sprache
19221216             † MARGARETHE—LENORE—SELENKA, DEUTSCHE—ZOOLOGIN, Frauenrechtlerin und Friedensaktivistin
19251216             Die heutige SRI—LANKA—BROADCASTING—CORPORATION in SRI—LANKA aufnimmt ihren Sendebetrieb.
19260000—20131216    * † RAY—PRICE, USA—COUNTRY singer, in TEXAS.
19280000—20171216    * † Keely Smith, torch singer and FORMER—WIFE—OF—BANDLEADER—LOUIS—PRIMA, in Palm Springs.
19310000—20061216    * † JOHN—RAE, ENGLAND—NOVELIST and educator.
19311216             —GRÜNDEN, die SPD und verschiedene Gewerkschaften, DIE—EISERNE—FRONT, Auf des REICHSBANNER—SCHWARZ—ROT—GOLD—INITIATIVE.
19311216             die SPD und verschiedene Gewerkschaften, wollen mit DIE—EISERNE—FRONT im Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus 1—GEGENGEWICHT zur rechtsextremen HARZBURGER—FRONT schaffen.
19311216             PIUS—XI—PAPA spricht in Rom ALBERTUS—MAGNUS heilig und
19311216             PIUS—XI—PAPA erklärt ALBERTUS—MAGNUS zugleich zum Kirchenlehrer.
19351216             * DER—REPUBLIK—ZYPERN—PRÄSIDENT—NIKOS—SAMPSON, zypriotischer Politiker,
19351216             * OLAF—DINNÉ, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, MdL, 1—DER 1. Abgeordneten der Grünen in 1—LANDESPARLAMENT
19351216             Die HUEY—P—LONG—BRIDGE über den MISSISSIPPI wird eingeweiht.
19360000—20101216    * † GENE—SMITH, librarian and Tibetologist, in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19371216             2—MEN from OKLAHOMA escaped from Alcatraz ISLAND FEDERAL—PENITENTIARY.
19371216             —SUSPECTED, Warden Johnson, that THEODORE—COLE, —26—JAHRE—ALT, 1—KIDNAPPER serving —50—YEARS, and RALPH—ROE, 1—BANK robber serving —99—YEARS, had † in the bay.
19381216             DIE—NATIONALSOZIALISTEN einführen als Auszeichnung für kinderreiche Mütter das Mutterkreuz.
19381216—19390521    —AM, Die 1. MUTTERKREUZ—VERLEIHUNGEN stattfinden.
19391216             —URGED, National WOMEN—PARTY, immediate congressional action on equal rights.
19401216             —CARRIED, British, out 1—AIR—RAID on ITALY—SOMALIA.
19410000—20141216    * † Rock Scully, the fist manager of the Grateful Dead, in MONTEREY—CALIFORNIA.
19411216             Der Propagandafilm Quax, der Bruchpilot mit HEINZ—RÜHMANN in der Titelrolle wird in HAMBURG uraufgeführt.
19411216             —BEGINNT, Im Pazifikkrieg, die JAPANISCHE—INVASION Borneos.
19431216             * STEVEN—BOCHCO, producer (Hill St Blues, LA Law, St Elsewhere, NYPD Blue).
19441210—19441216    —ON, 1—GERMANY—COUNTEROFFENSIVE, launched, sent through Lanzareth.
19441216             Between 19440108—19160108    , in the face of 1—FIERCE—ALLIED counteroffensive, the Germans finally withdrew.
19441216             19450106—19450000 BUSH, GEORGE—HERBERT—WALKER, Bush,[Pierce]Barbara honeymooned at THE—CLOISTERS, a 5—STAR—HOTEL on Sea ISLAND, GEORGIA, with swimming, tennis and golf.
19441216             —BEGINNT, In den Ardennen, die letzte DEUTSCHE—OFFENSIVE,
19441216             Only the last sentence refers to THE—NAZI bank, as follows: " THE—UNION—BANKING—CORPORATION,39 BROADWAY,NEW—YORK,
19441216             "THE—UNION—BANKING—CORPORATION,39—BROADWAY,NEW—YORK, has received authority to change its principal PLACE—OF—BUSINESS to 120—BROADWAY. "
19441216             "THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES omitted the fact that the Union Banking Corporation had been seized by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT for trading with the enemy, and even the fact that
19441216             Only the last sentence refers to the Nazi bank, as follows: `` The "Union Banking Corporation " ,39 BROADWAY,NEW—YORK, has received authority to change its principal PLACE—OF—BUSINESS to 120—BROADWAY.
19441216             '' THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES omitted the fact that the "Union Banking Corporation" had been seized by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT for trading with the enemy, & even the fact that 120—BROADWAY was THE—ADDRESS—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—ALIEN—PROPERTY—CUSTODIAN : [NAME,BORN....]
19441216             WWII. over the next half WWII.
19441216             —YEAR,Allied forces taking SOUTH—EAST—ASIA, NETHERLANDS EAST—INDIES (INDONESIA), Iwo Jima & Okinawa.
19441216             WWII.00.000 .194 5—PIERCE, Barbara quit Smith College in her sophomore —YEAR to marry Bush, GEORGE—HERBERT—WALKER.
19441216             WWII.00.000 .194 5—BUSH, Prescott & Mother Bush gave 1—SPLENDID prenuptial dinner at the Greenwich Field Club.
19441216             Bush, GEORGE—HERBERT—WALKER—NEXT—ASSIGNMENT was to train pilots at NORFOLK—VIRGINIA Naval Air Station.
19441216             ``GEORGE—DUTY... was light.
19441216             As for other young marrieds, whose husbands were between warzone TOURS, this was kind of 1 extended (and paid) honeymoon.''@s2
19441216             —BEGINNT, In den Ardennen, die letzte DEUTSCHE—OFFENSIVE, die —SCHON nach wenigen —TAGEN stecken bleibt
19441216             —AM.
19441216             —BEGINNT, In den Ardennen, die letzte DEUTSCHE—OFFENSIVE, die —SCHON...
19441216             Only the last sentence refers to THE—NAZI bank, as follows:
19441216             —OMITTED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, the fact that THE—UNION—BANKING—CORPORATION[UBC] had been seized by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT for trading with the enemy, and
19441216             die —SCHON nach wenigen —TAGEN stecken bleibt
19441216             has received authority to change its principal PLACE—OF—BUSINESS to 120—BROADWAY.
19441216             —MOUNTED, THE—GERMANS, 1—MAJOR—SURPRISE—COUNTERATTACK in the Ardennes Forest in BELGIUM.
19441216             As the center of the Allied line fell back, it created 1—BULGE, leading to the name--THE—BATTLE—OF—THE—BULGE.
19441216             —HOPED, Hitler, to cripple the advance Allies by breaking through their lines to destroy fuel supplies and LINES—OF—COMMUNICATION.
19441216             The striking force (the 5. and 6. Panzer Armies) amounted to 24—DIVISIONS, 10—OF—THEM armored.
19441216             —ACHIEVED, THE—GERMANY—ATTACK, total surprise, but slowed by THE—END—OF—DECEMBER due to GERMANY—SUPPLY—PROBLEMS and Allied resistance.
19441216             —SUFFERED, THE—ALLIES, 81,000 casualties including some 19,000 Americans killed.
19441216             USA—ARMY—LIEUTENANT—CHARLES—P—MURRAY—JUNIOR (19210000—20110000    ) SINGLE—HANDEDLY overcame 1—FORCE—OF some 200—GERMANS in NORTH—EAST—FRANCE.
19441216             He killed at least 20—ENEMY—SOLDIERS and with his platoon captured 10—OTHERS—BEFORE 1—GRENADE severely injured his leg.
19441216             —AWARDED, He was —LATER, the Medal of Honor for his efforts.
19441216             —WWII—IM, beginnt an der Westfront DIE—ARDENNEN—OFFENSIVE, mit der die DEUTSCHE—WEHRMACHT vergeblich versucht, die alliierten Streitkräfte zurückzuwerfen.
19441216             —BEGINNT, Gleichzeitig, DAS—UNTERNEHMEN—GREIF, mit dem Verwirrung hinter den AMERIKANISCHEN—LINIEN gestiftet werden soll.
19441216—19440121    —BY, the Germans had been pushed back to their original line, having lost some 120,000—MEN in the offensive.
19460122             Der bislang einzige kurdische Nationalstaat wird nur —BIS zum 19461216             des gleichen Jahres Bestand haben.
19461216             Der MODESCHÖPFER—CHRISTIAN—DIOR einrichtet in PARIS sein Atelier.
19461216             Die IRANISCHE—ARMEE—TRUPPEN besetzen die STADT—MAHABAD, —NACHDEM es im Vorfeld nicht zu 1—EINIGUNG gekommen ist.
19461216—19460122    —AM, Die gegründete REPUBLIK—KURDISTAN, 1—STAAT im heutigen IRAN, wird von der IRANISCHE—ARMEE erobert.
19470000—19881216    * † Sylvester James, disco superstar, in S—FRANCISCO—OF—AIDS—RELATED causes.
19481216             Die Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau[KfW] aufnimmt in FRANKFURT am Main ihre Arbeit zur Umsetzung des Marshallplans.
19490625—19491216    —ON, He and 10—ASSOCIATES were found guilty and executed.
19491216             —RECEIVED, CHINA—COMMUNIST—LEADER—MAO TSE—TUNG was, at the Kremlin in MOSCOW.
19501216             —PROCLAIMED, PRESIDENT—TRUMAN, 1—STATE—OF—NATIONAL—EMERGENCY, as CHINA—COMMUNISTS invaded deeper into SOUTH—KOREA, in order to fight "Communist imperialism".
19531216             PRESIDENT—EISENHOWER held the 1. WHITE—HOUSE Press Conference —BEFORE 161—REPORTERS.
19531216             CHARLES—E—YEAGER flew 2,575 kph in Bell X-1A.
19541216             Dem Chemiker TRACY—HALL gelingt es mit 1—SELBST entwickelten Presse, synthetische Diamanten reproduzierbar herzustellen.
19541216             Der unter der Regie von WOLFGANG—LIEBENEINER entstandene Spielfilm Auf der Reeperbahn —NACHTS um halb 1—HAT in HAMBURG Premiere.
19550000—20081216    * † SAM—BOTTOMS, film and TV actor, —OF—BRAIN—CANCER at his home in LOS—ANGELES.
19551216             "...,daß ich ihm [dem DEUTSCHLAND—BOTSCHAFTER in...
19561216             Cardinal FRANCIS—SPELLMAN, THE—ARCHBISHOP—OF—NEW—YORK, personally denounced THE—YET—TO—BE released movie "Baby Doll," saying Catholics would be committing 1—SIN if they saw it.
19571216             1. Atomreaktor der DDR, Rossendorfer Forschungsreaktor, wird nahe DRESDEN für die Forschung in Betrieb genommen.
19581216             FRANZ—PETER—WIRTHS—FILM—HELDEN mit den Hauptdarstellern O. W. Fischer und Liselotte Pulver wird in HAMBURG erstmals gezeigt.
19601216             1—UNITED—AIR—LINES—DC 8 and 1—TWA—SUPER—CONSTELLATION collided over Staten ISLAND, NEW—YORK City.
19601216             134—PEOPLE were killed including 128—PEOPLE on both planes.
19601216             1—DOUGLAS—DC—8, AUF dem Flug von CHICAGO nach Idlewild und 1—LOCKHEED—SUPER—CONSTELLATION—DER—TWA im Anflug auf den Flughafen LaGuardia kollidieren im Nebel.
19601216             † † ? 128—PERSONEN sterben, nur 1—KIND überlebt.
19601216             Mit Inkrafttreten des entsprechenden Gesetzes werden DER—DEUTSCHLANDFUNK (als Nachfolger des DEUTSCHEN—LANGWELLENSENDERS) und die DEUTSCHE—WELLE als eigenständige Rundfunkanstalten des Bundesrechts errichtet.
19611216             UMKHONTO—WE—SIZWE, der militante Arm des AFRICA—NATIONAL—CONGRESS, der sich gegen die Apartheid in SÜDAFRIKA einsetzt, wird gegründet.
19651216             —CHANGED, IRC Name, to IRC, INCORPORATED—OHIO.
19651216             —FOCUSED, It was strategically, on providing products and services
19651216             † SOMERSET—MAUGHAM, —91—JAHRE—ALT, UK—PLAYWRIGHT and author, in FRANCE.
19651216             —INCLUDED, SOMERSET—MAUGHAM—BOOKS, "Of Human Bondage" (19150000             ) and "THE—MOON and Sixpence" (19190000             ), 1—NOVEL whose main character is based on PAUL—GAUGUIN.
19651216             —BECAME, Taufa'ahau Tupou IV (19180000—20060000    ), KING—OF—TONGA —FOLLOWING THE—DEATH—OF—HIS—MOTHER—QUEEN—SALOTE—TUPOU—III.
19651216             —ÜBERNIMMT, Abkürzung des Firmennamens zu TRW, INCORPORATED TRW...  - TRW
19651216             TRW INCORPORATED was 1—GLOBAL manufacturing and service company headquartered in CLEVELAND—OHIO.
19651216             Die NASA startet die Raumsonde Pioneer 6—MIT einer DELTA—RAKETE in Richtung Sonne.
19651216             —NACH—DEM Tod seiner Mutter SALOTE—TUPOU—III. folgt Taufa?AHAU—TUPOU—IV. ihr auf Tongas Thron nach.
19651216—20001208    —AM, Der letzte Kontakt findet statt, —35—JAHRE—NACH—DEM Start.
19651216—20040000    —AUTHORED, JEFFREY—MEYERS, "Somerset Maugham: 1—LIFE".
19661216             —ENDORSED, THE—UN—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY, THE—INTERNATIONAL—COVENANT on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).
19661216             It commits its parties to work toward the granting of economic, social, and cultural rights (ESCR).
19661216             Das SÜDKOREANISCHE—FÄHRSCHIFF NAMJUNG—HO kentert. 270—MENSCHEN sterben.
19661216—19760103    —FROM, THE—INTERNATIONAL—COVENANT on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), 1—MULTILATERAL treaty, was adopted by THE—UNITED—NATIONS GENERAL—ASSEMBLY and in force.
19661216—19760323    —FROM, It came into force, and committed its parties to respect the civil and political RIGHTS—OF—INDIVIDUALS.
19661216—19920000    —RATIFIED, THE—USA—SENATE, the treaty but exempted itself from 1—PROVISION that banned the execution of those under 18.
19681216             Im Zuge der bundesdeutschen Bildungsreform entsteht die feierlich eröffnete UNIVERSITÄT—DORTMUND.
19711216             is THE—DATE—OF—INDEPENDENCE from UK—PROTECTION.
19711216             —SURRENDERED, PAKISTAN—FORCES in EAST—PAKISTAN, to the allied forces of INDIA and BANGLADESH, jointly known as the Mitro Bahini.
19711216             —ACCUSED, BANGLADESH —LATER, PAKISTAN—OF—WAR atrocities that led to THE—DEATH—OF—SOME 3—MILLION—PEOPLE —DURING the —9-MONTH war.
19711216             —BANGLADESCH—KRIEG, endet Am Folgetag durch Waffenstillstand mit INDIEN auch in Westpakistan.
19711216             Die Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen beschließt die Konvention über das Verbot der Entwicklung, Herstellung und Lagerung bakteriologischer (biologischer) Waffen und Toxinwaffen sowie über die Vernichtung solcher Waffen (Biowaffenkonvention).
19711216             SAPPORO eröffnet als 4. JAPANISCHE—STADT sein U—BAHN—NETZ.
19711216—19710815    —DECLARED, BAHRAIN, which had, INDEPENDENCE, won INDEPENDENCE from UK—PROTECTION.
19711216—19750326    —AM, Sie tritt in Kraft.
19721216             Tropas portuguesas massacram de populações civis em Wiriyamu (Moçambique)
19741222—20051216    —BETWEEN AND —, And —WHEN it comes to zeal in protecting THE—BILL—OF—RIGHTS, it's been 1—STEADY—RUN down hill for THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES.
19751216             —PREMIERED, The daytime soap "—1—DAY At 1—TIME".
19751216             —DIVORCED, It featured BONNIE—FRANKLIN as 1, mother in INDIANAPOLIS with Valerie Bertinelli as her teenage daughter.
19751216—19840000    —UNTIL, The show ran.
19761216             —HALTED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, its swine flu vaccination program —FOLLOWING REPORTS—OF—PARALYSIS apparently linked to the vaccine.
19761216             Marjorie Mitchell, 1—NURSE at Napa STATE—HOSPITAL, CALIFORNIA, testified that 1—MAN, —LATER identified as RICHARD—ALLEN—DAVIS, awakened her in THE—EARLY—HOURS and clubbed her with 1—FIRE poker.
19771216             The movie "—SATURDAY Night Fever," starring JOHN—TRAVOLTA as 1—BROOKLYN disco dancer, opened in wide release.
19781216             USA—PRÄSIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER gibt die Aufnahme diplomatischer Beziehungen der USA zur VOLKSREPUBLIK—CHINA bekannt.
19791216             SOUTH—AFRICA EUGENE—TERREBLANCHE, gave instructions to some 40—MEN to tar and feather VAN Jaarsveld at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—SOUTH—AFRICA, —AFTER VAN Jaarsveld had delivered 1—PAPER calling for THE—ABOLITION—OF—THE—DAY—OF—THE—COVENANT.
19811216             —OPENED, POLAND, riot police, fire on protesting miners in KATOWICE.
19811216             9 were killed 25 wounded.
19811216             Im POLNISCHEN—STEINKOHLEBERGWERK—KWK "Wujek" kommt es zur "Pazifikation" des Streiks durch Militärabteilungen, Miliz und ZOMO.
19811216             † † ? Bei des Streik blutigen Niederwerfung verlieren 9—BERGLEUTE ihr Leben.
19811216—19970000    —IN, A —4—YEAR—TRIAL acquitted 22—RIOT—POLICE.
19811216—20080000    —IN, 1—COURT upheld the conviction of 14—POLICEMEN involved in the killings.
19821216             —BECAME, ANNE—M—GORSUCH, HEAD—OF—THE—ENVIRONMENTAL—PROTECTION—AGENCY, the 1. CABINET—LEVEL—OFFICER to be cited for CONTEMPT—OF—USA—CONGRESS for refusing to submit documents requested by 1—CONGRESSIONAL committee.
19821223—19490603    —FROM, The original Dragnet starring JACK—WEBB as SERGEANT—FRIDAY ran on radio to, 19570226             AND on television 19511216—19590823    —FROM—TO, and 19670112—19700416    —FROM—TO.
19831216             —ESTABLISHED, Over the next —9—MONTHS the commission, that at least 8,960—PEOPLE had been murdered.
19831216—19760000    —LAUNCHED, ARGENTINA—PRESIDENT—RAÚL—ALFONSÍN, 1—TRUTH—COMMISSION on the systematic yet secret, disappearance, torture, and DEATH—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—INDIVIDUALS suspected by the government of supporting THE—LEFT—WING agenda —FOLLOWING the military coup.
19851216             † Reputed ORGANIZED—CRIME—CHIEF—PAUL—CASTELLANO was shot to death outside 1—NEW—YORK—CITY—RESTAURANT on orders from JOHN—GOTTI (20020000             †).
19851216             —SEIZED, Gotti, power in the Mafia —AFTER he had PAUL—CASTELLANO killed.
19851216             † 4—AUFTRAGSMÖRDER töten in Manhattan den Mobster PAUL—CASTELLANO, das Oberhaupt der der Mafia zugerechneten GAMBINO—FAMILIE, und seinen Begleiter THOMAS—BILOTTI, ALS—DRAHTZIEHER—DER—MORDE wird JOHN—GOTTI angesehen, der an die Spitze nachrückt.
19860210—19871216    —ENDED, The trial, almost —2—YEARS—AFTER it commenced.
19861216             —CONVICTED—OF, RONALD—W—PELTON, FORMER—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY—EMPLOYEE, selling defense secrets to THE—SOVIET—UNION, was sentenced by 1—JUDGE—IN—BALTIMORE to life in prison.
19861216             Dinmukhamed Kunaev, 1—ETHNIC—KAZAKH and LONG—SERVING HEAD—OF—KAZAKHSTAN—COMMUNIST—PARTY, was replaced by Gennady Kolbin, 1—RUSSIA—OUTSIDER.
19861216             —2—DAYS—OF—STUDENT—PROTESTS followed, which were brutally put down with at least 2—DEATHS.
19861216             1. Folge der Krimireihe Großstadtrevier wird ausgestrahlt.
19870226             WASHINGTON—POST (18).
19871216             —CONVICTED—OF, FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—AIDE—MICHAEL—K—DEAVER was, lying to 1—HOUSE subcommittee and 1—GRAND—JURY investigating whether he had violated FEDERAL—ETHICS—LAWS.
19871216             —FINED, He was —LATER, and ordered to perform community service.
19871216             SOUTH—KOREA, fellow opposition leaders KIM—YOUNG—SAM and KIM—DAE—JUNG SPLIT the opposition vote in the country's 1. democratic elections.
19871216             —ALLOWED, This, Chun DOO—HWAN'S handpicked former army general Roh TAE—WOO to win with 37—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
19881216             PRESIDENT—ELECT Bush chose FORMER—TEXAS SENATOR—JOHN—TOWER to be his SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE, 1—NOMINATION that went down to defeat in THE—USA—SENATE.
19881216             Political cult leader Lyndon LaRouche was CONVICTED—OF—TAX and mail fraud.
19881216             SCHWANDORF, steckt 1—STADTBEKANNTER Neonazi aus rassistischen Gründen 1—HAUS in Brand, in dem vorwiegend Türken wohnten.
19881216             † † ? Durch den SCHWANDORF—BRANDANSCHLAG verlieren 4—MENSCHEN ihr Leben.
19890000             - Callboys in Bush SR—WHITEHOUSE 19890000             - Callboys in Bush Sr's...... PSY—OPS experts will be doing their level best job for hire...
19891216             24,0 Grad das Thermometer in Müllheim im Markgräfler Land anzeigte
19891216             —KILLED, USA—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT—JUDGE—ROBERT—S—VANCE was, by 1—MAIL bomb at his ALABAMA home.
19891216             —SENTENCED, WALTER—LEROY—MOODY—JUNIOR was —LATER, to death for killing Vance, and received 7—LIFE—TERMS on FEDERAL—CHARGES in that killing and THE—DEATH—OF—CIVIL—RIGHTS—ATTORNEY—ROBERT—E—ROBINSON.
19891216             —TRIED, ROMANIA, 1—REVOLT began in TIMISOARA —WHEN authorities, to forcibly move ethnic HUNGARY—PASTOR Laszlo Toekes to 1—REMOTE—RURAL—PARISH.
19891216             —GATHERED, Supporters, outside his house and soon the site was teeming with protesters.
19891216             —6—DAYS—OF—FIGHTING left 118—PEOPLE killed.
19891216             Bei der RUMÄNISCHEN—REVOLUTION kommt es zu 1. Zusammenstößen der Demonstranten mit der RUMÄNISCHEN—SICHERHEITSPOLIZEI—SECURITATE in Timi?oara.
19891216             PFARRER—LÁSZLÓ—T?kés wird verhaftet und abtransportiert.
19891216—20151223    —BISHER, der wärmste ;;12;;—TAG war der.
19891216—20151223    —BISHER, der wärmste —DEZEMBER—TAG war der.
19900000             "CAPITOL HILL ANTHRAX Matches ARMY—STOCKS" (dated 20001216             ):
19901209—19901216    —AND, OBSERVER.
19901216             —ELECTED, JEAN—BERTRAND—ARISTIDE, 1—LEFT—LEANING FORMER—CATHOLIC priest, was, PRESIDENT—OF—HAITI in the country's 1. democratic elections.
19901216             —GEWINNT, Mit überwältigender Mehrheit, JEAN—BERTRAND—ARISTIDE die 1. demokratischen Präsidentschaftswahlen in der Geschichte Haitis.
19901216—19910000    —IN, He was overthrown in 1—MILITARY—COUP, but was —LATER restored to power.
19911216             RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—BORIS—YELTSIN met —FOR—4—HOURS with visiting USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JAMES—BAKER, —AFTER which Yeltsin said the new Commonwealth of Independent States would begin operating by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
19911216             —RESCINDED, THE—UN—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY, its 19750000             resolution equating Zionism with racism by 1—VOTE—OF—111—25.
19911216             Das ÄGYPTISCHE—FÄHRSCHIFF—SALEM—EXPRESS läuft auf 1—RIFF und sinkt.
19911216             † † ? Über 700—PERSONEN kommen ums Leben, —GERETTET, etwa 200—KÖNNEN, werden.
19911216             KASACHSTAN erklärt seine Unabhängigkeit von der UdSSR.
19911216—19751110    —VOM, Die umstrittene RESOLUTION—3379—DER UN—GENERALVERSAMMLUNG die unter anderem Zionismus als 1—FORM—VON—RASSISMUS einstuft, wird nach erneuter Abstimmung zurückgenommen.
19921216             —KICKED, YUGOSLAVIA was, out of THE—IMF.
19921216—20000000    —IN, 1—USA—FEDERAL—JURY ordered Radovan Karadzic to pay $745—MILLION to 1—GROUP—OF—WOMEN, who accused him of atrocities.
19931216             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, the nomination of BOBBY—RAY—INMAN to succeed Les Aspin as defense SECRETARY.
19931216             Inman, however, —LATER withdrew.
19931216             SENATOR—BOB—PACKWOOD (R—ORE.), accused by more than 2—DOZEN—WOMEN—OF—SEXUAL—HARASSMENT, turned over his TAPE—RECORDED personal diaries to 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE.
19941216             —TRADED, WHITE—HOUSE and Republicans, barbs over whose tax plan was fairer to the middle class, —1—DAY—AFTER PRESIDENT—CLINTON presented 1—PACKAGE—OF proposed tax cuts.
19941216             —ANNOUNCED, WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY—DEE—DEE—MYERS, she was leaving her job —AT—THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
19941216             —BEGINNT, AM KERNFORSCHUNGSZENTRUM—CERN der Bau des —DERZEIT leistungsstärksten Teilchenbeschleunigers der Welt, des Large Hadron Collider.
19951216             —TRADED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON and congressional Republicans, accusations as their budget impasse led to a 2. SHUTDOWN—OF—THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT.
19951216             MADRID, endet die Tagung des Europäischen Rates, auf der Euro und Cent als Bezeichnungen für die zukünftige gemeinsame Währung festgelegt worden sind.
19961216             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, that states must let parents appeal orders terminating such rights even —WHEN they cannot afford court fees.
19961216             —ANNOUNCED, Intel, the world's fastest computer capable of 1—TRILLION operations per 2.
19961216             —AGREED, THE—USA, EU and other countries, to 1—PACKAGE—OF—ECONOMIC and military assistance to LEBANON worth $2.2—BILLION.
19961216             THE—USA—SAID that its aid would increase to more than $20—MILLION—NEXT—YEAR.
19961216             —CONDEMNED, FORMER—SOUTH—KOREA—PRESIDENT—CHUN—DOO—HWAN, to death for a 19790000             coup and 1—DEADLY—MILITARY—CRACKDOWN the —NEXT—YEAR, had his death sentence commuted to life by 1—APPELLATE court.
19961216             —GRANTED, SERBIA, Milosevic, opponents the original election results in Nis and 1—RECOUNT in Smederovska Palanka, 2—OF—THE—15—CITIES where election results had been annulled.
19971216             —FOCUSED, His work, on 19010101—20001231     immigration and labor themes.
19971216             —SCHEDULED, Originally, for 1—FALL opening.
19971216             —DESIGNED, The new $1—BILLION Getty Center was, by RICHARD—MEIER and opened at the 25-acre site in BRENTWOOD—CALIFORNIA.
19971216             It included a 750,000 volume library, auditorium and exhibition space.
19971216             The 110-acre arts and cultural campus was being built in the Santa Monica Mountains above WEST—LOS—ANGELES.
19971216             1—PENTAGON—APPOINTED panel concluded that the Army, Navy and AIR—FORCE should segregate MALE and female recruits in their earliest phases of basic training.
19971216             THE—GALILEO spacecraft flew to within 124—MILES—OF—THE—SURFACE and recorded images of EUROPA.
19971216             —IMPLICATED, Volcanic ice flows, 1—VAST—OCEAN below the surface.
19971216             Giant lightning bolts on Jupiter, a 100—TIMES—MORE—POWERFUL that those on Earth, were reported via the spacecraft and it indicated 1—MAGNETIC—FIELD—AROUND Ganymede.
19971216             —INDICATED, It also, 1—ATMOSPHERE of hydrogen and carbon dioxide —AROUND Callisto.
19971216             Metallic cores inside Io, Ganymede and EUROPA and the lack of 1—SIMILAR—CORE inside Callisto was also indicated.
19971216             † In HONG—KONG it was reported that 2—PEOPLE—OF—1—AVIAN flu.
19971216             It was the 1. known instance of human infection.
19971216             —IMPORTED, The flu came from chickens, from Guangdon province in CHINA.
19971216             —REPORTED, The 1. case was, in May.
19971216             UNITED—NATIONS weapons monitor RICHARD—BUTLER left IRAQ —AFTER failing to persuade PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN to open his palaces to inspections.
19971216             —PROPOSED, JAPAN, PRIME—MINISTER—HASHIMOTO, a 1—TIME cut in the national income tax of about $15.38—BILLION.
19971216             —SUFFERED, JAPAN, at least 700—MOSTLY young TV viewers, nausea and EPILEPSY—LIKE spasms —AFTER watching 1 animated cartoon show, "Pokemon" that featured bright, flashing colors.
19971216—20010000    —IN, The old Museum, 1—VILLA in Malibu, will be renovated and reopened with 1—OF—ITS—CURRENT 7—COLLECTIONS of Greek and Roman antiquities.
19980000—20151216    der HAUS—ARREST —NUN—BIS zu LICIO—GELLI seinem Tod andauerte.
19981216             REPUBLICAN NANCY—PELOSI (D, CA), "HUSSEIN has chosen to spend his money on building WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION, palaces for his cronies".
19981216             —CONVICTED, He had been, 19981126             —OF—11—SEX—CHARGES.
19981216             He went hiking the area 19981129             to photograph and write about the Huichol Indians and apparently fell into 1—DEEP ravine.
19981216             —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, 1 sustained SERIES—OF—MISSILE—STRIKES against IRAQ forces in response to SADDAM—HUSSEIN'S continued DEFIANCE—OF—UN—WEAPONS—INSPECTORS.
19981216             —ACCUSED, IRAQ—ENVOY—NIZAR Hamdoon, UN weapons inspector RICHARD—BUTLER of producing 1 biased report on weapons inspections.
19981216             —SCHEDULED, The strike came 1—BEFORE, vote on CLINTON—IMPEACHMENT by THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES and days —BEFORE the beginning of Ramadan.
19981216             Some 200—MISSILES fell on IRAQ in the 1. —24—HOURS—OF—THE—ATTACK and initial reports indicated 2—PEOPLE killed and 30 injured.
19981216             —POSTPONED, THE—HOUSE—REPUBLICANS, impeachment by at least —24—HOURS.
19981216             —DELAYED, THE—HOUSE, 1—DEBATE set to begin the —NEXT—DAY on 4—ARTICLES—OF—IMPEACHMENT against PRESIDENT—CLINTON.
19981216             † A 6. man, "AHMED—THE—GERMAN," detonated the explosive device and was killed.
19981216             † WILLIAM—GADDIS, USA—WRITER, at age 75. WILLIAM—GADDIS—WORK included "1—FROLIC—OF—HIS—OWN".
19981216             —ADVANCED, ANGOLA, UNITA rebels, on Cuinji and DOZENS—OF—CIVILIANS were killed at the train station —WHEN rebels attacked with automatic weapons and grenades.
19981216             CHINA, MEMBERS—OF—THE "2—GUN, 1—AX" gang were executed in Guangdong province.
19981216             The group had been found GUILTY—OF—KILLING 3—PEOPLE and about 50 armed robberies and weapons trafficking.
19981216             —TURNED, INDONESIA, in the Borneo TOWN—OF—SAMARINDA 1—STRIKE, violent and ETHNIC—CHINA—SHOPS were looted by mobs.
19981216             NORTH—IRELAND, there was 1—BOMB—ATTACK on 1—CATHOLIC—OWNED country pub in Crumlin.
19981216             No 1 was hurt and 2—PRO—BRITISH, Protestant extremist groups claimed responsibility.
19981216             —OUTRAGED, TURKEY—OFFICIALS were, and renewed threats of economic retaliation.
19981216             PHILIP—TRUE, —50—JAHRE—ALT, 1—REPORTER for THE—S—ANTONIO—EXPRESS—NEWS, was found dead in 1—REMOTE—MOUNTAIN—RANGE between Jalisco and Nayarit states in MEXICO.
19981216             1—CORONER—REPORT—LATER indicated that he had been strangled and dropped into the ravine.
19981216             —COLLAPSED, ROME, 1—APARTMENT building, and killed 20—PEOPLE.
19981216             —CLAIMED, Researchers in SOUTH—KOREA, to have cloned 1—HUMAN embryo, but destroyed it early in its development.
19981216             —APPROVED, RUSSIA, THE—PARLIAMENT, 1—BILL to print $1.2—BILLION worth of rubles for the last quarter of 19980000             .
19981216             —FEARED, High inflation was, to result.
19981216             —APPROVED, HANOI—VIETNAM, THE—ASEAN nations, the "HANOI Action Plan," a 34-point declaration that emphasized economic recovery based on FREE—MARKET—POLICIES.
19981216             —RETURNED, ZIMBABWE, FORMER—PRESIDENT—CANAAN—BANANA, —63—JAHRE—ALT was, from SOUTH—AFRICA and was placed under house arrest.
19981216             —OPERATION—DESERT—FOX im IRAK.BEGINNT,
19981216             USA—AMERIKANISCHE und BRITISCHE—TRUPPEN starten 1—VIERTÄGIGES Bombardement militärischer Ziele in der HAUPTSTADT—BAGDAD und im übrigen Land.
19981216—20020000    —IN, 1—APPEALS—COURT overturned the acquittal of 2—HUICHOL Indians, who were arrested with TRUE—CAMERA and backpack.
19981216—20050000    —AUTHORED, ROBERT—RIVARD, "Trail of Feathers: Searching for PHILIP—TRUE".
19990101—19991216    KATASTROPHEn Fluten
19991216             —ENDED, ISRAEL and Syria, —2—DAYS—OF—INCONCLUSIVE peace talks and scheduled 1—RESUMPTION for 19990103             .
19991216             THE—DRAHEIM—REPORT... The largest company BUSH s UBC helped finance was THE—GERMANY—STEEL—TRUST ,
19991216             Because FASCISM kills people and fascists are active in
19991216             ROBERT—TAFT in Profiles in Courage THE—DRAHEIM—REPORT—ANTI—FASCISM org Why ANTI—FASCISM org?
19991216             responsible for between 1—3. and 1—HALF—OF—NAZI
19991216             THE—DRAHEIM—REPORT... SAMUEL—BUSH became 1—LEADER in PRESIDENT—WOODROW—WILSON'S "War Socialism" as
19991216             —ALLIED, LEBANON, shelling by the Israeli, SOUTH—LEBANON Army his 1—ELEMENTARY school and 20—CHILDREN were wounded.
19991216             —FLOODED, VENEZUELA, torrential rains, 9—NORTHERN—STATES and CARACAS and forced some 120,000—PEOPLE to flee their homes.
19991216             —KILLED, Over 1000—PEOPLE were, in Vargas state and 25,000 were described missing.
19991216             Der frühere Bundeskanzler und CDU—VORSITZENDE—HELMUT—KOHL einräumt, dass er in der CDU—SPENDENAFFÄRE insgesamt 2,1 Millionen DM illegale Parteispenden IM—VERLAUF—MEHRERER—JAHRE angenommen und an die CDU weitergegeben hat.
19991216             Die Namen der Spender gibt der CDU—VORSITZENDE—HELMUT—KOHL—POLITIKER unter Berufung auf das ihnen von ihm gegebene Ehrenwort nicht preis.
19991216             GÜNTER—GRASS erhält den Nobelpreis für Literatur.
20000101—20111216    —SENTENCED, Lund was, to —12—YEARS in prison.
20000701—20081216    —CONVICTED, Obara was, for the abduction and dismemberment of Blackman, but acquitted of her murder.
20001216             PRESIDENT.-elect Bush chose retired GENERAL—COLIN—POWELL, —63—JAHRE—ALT to become the 65. SECRETARY—OF—STATE, the 1. AFRICA—AMERICAN to hold that post.
20001216             —KILLED, ALABAMA, tornadoes hit the state and 10—PEOPLE were, at 1—TUSCALOOSA trailer park.
20001216             12—PEOPLE were killed and 50 injured.
20001216             —REPORTED, It was, that the source of the Amazon had been located at the Carhuasanta Creek on the 18,363-foot peak of Nevado Mismi in SOUTH—PERU.
20001216             —ARMED, ALGERIA, gunmen shot to death 15—STUDENTS and 1—SECURITY—GUARD at the Lycee Technique of Medea boarding school.
20001216             † 1—CHECHEN family of 4 was shot to death in ALKHAN—KALA by unidentified assailants.
20001216             SRI—LANKA, government troops stage 1—OFFENSIVE against rebels in THE—NORTH—JAFFNA Peninsula.
20001216             12—SOLDIERS were killed along with 26—REBELS.
20001216             Die letzte Sendung der ZDF—HITPARADE wird ausgestrahlt.
20001216—19620000    —GRADUATED, Kaczynski had, from Harvard.
20001216—19770000    —DONATED, FEDERAL—PRISONER—THEODORE—KACZYNSKI, —58—JAHRE—ALT, aka the Unabomber, his writings to 1—SPECIAL—COLLECTION at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—MICHIGAN, where he received his doctorate.
20011100             [CHRISTIAN—SCIENCE—MONITOR, 20021216             , WASHINGTON—POST, 20030208             ] Reforms have been abandoned.
20011100             [CHRISTIAN—SCIENCE—MONITOR, 20021216             ,
20011216             Telegraph, 20011216             , PIRMASENS—GERMANY (Reuters) —
20011216             GERMANY—COMPUTER—EXPERTS are working round the clock to unlock the truth behind 1 unexplained surge in financial transactions made
20011216             PIRMASENS—GERMANY (Reuters) — - TELEGRAPH, —JAHR,
20011216             CLEVELAND Browns fans threw THOUSANDS—OF—BOTTLES onto the field —AFTER officials overturned 1—LAST—MINUTE—CALL, 1—DECISION that helped THE—JACKSONVILLE—JAGUARS win the game 15-10.
20011216             —ARRIVED, THE—MEXICO—FREIGHTER N.V. Ikon MAZATLAN, in CUBA with 26,400 TONS—OF—USA—CORN —1—DAY—AFTER 500—TONS—OF—USA—FROZEN chicken parts were received.
20011216             —CAPTURED, AFGHANISTAN, 25—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN soldiers were, and 200 were killed in the Tora Bora region.
20011216             —AFTER—9—WEEKS—OF fighting, AFGHANISTAN—MILITIA—LEADERS claimed control of the last mountain bastion of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—AL—QAIDA fighters.
20011216             There was no sign of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20011216             THE—MUSLIM—RAMADAN season came to 1—END.
20011216             —KILLED, CHINA, 1—WEEKEND bombing, 5—PEOPLE.
20011216             —SHOWED, CHILE, 1—CONGRESSIONAL election, the Coalition for Democracy with 47.8—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE vs. 445 for the opposition Alliance for CHILE.
20011216             COLOMBIA, a —5—DAY—BATTLE—OVER—COCAINE—PRODUCING plantations left up to 44—LEFTIST—GUERRILLAS and RIGHT—WING paramilitary fighters dead in Antioquia state.
20011216             GUATEMALA, MARÍ1—ISABEL—VELIZ—FRANCO left home for her job in 1—CLOTHING store —DURING school break.
20011216             She never came home.
20011216             Her body was found —2—DAYS—LATER in 1—VACANT—LOT with head wounds, bite marks and SIGNS—OF—ABUSE.
20011216             —WHEN she rebuffed him, he killed her.
20011216             IRAN, ABDULLAH—RAMEZANZADEH, 1—CABINET—SECRETARY, was sentenced to —6—MONTHS in jail for "spreading lies" against the conservative GUARDIAN council.
20011216             —BURNED, ITALY, 1—STATE—RUN—HOME for the disabled, down near Buccino and 19—PATIENTS were killed.
20011216             MADAGASCAR, elections were held but no candidate won 1—MAJORITY.
20011216             —APPEALED, Yasser Arafat, for 1—HALT of armed activities and suicide bombings.
20011216             He accused PRIME—MINISTER—SHARON of waging a "brutal war" against Palestinians.
20011216             PORTUGAL, the Social DEMOCRATIC—PARTY lost heavily to the Socialists in local elections.
20011216             ungehindert die Grenze nach PAKISTAN überschreiten können.
20011216—19630000    —SINCE, THE—1.—USA commercial food shipments arrived in communist CUBA.
20011216—19800000    —SINCE, It was reported that all the anthrax spores mailed to CAPITAL—HILL were identical to stocks from THE—USA—ARMY—MEDICAL—RESEARCH—INSTITUTE—OF—INFECTIOUS—DISEASES at Fort Detrick, Md. (USAMRIID), maintained.
20011216—20050000    —IN, The other name on the alert system is that of Claudina Velásquez Paiz, a —19—YEAR—OLD killed.
20011216—20160000    —IN, The killing led to the creation of THE—ISABEL—CLAUDINA alert, 1—INTER—INSTITUTIONAL—COOPERATION—MECHANISM that has helped rescue HUNDREDS—OF—MISSING women.
20011216—20210000    —IN, prosecutors said Gustavo Adolfo Bolaños Acevedo (39) was pursuing 1—RELATIONSHIP with the teenager.
20020417             —ANNULLED, THE—MADAGASCAR—SUPREME—COURT, the disputed results of 20021216             —THE—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTIONS.
20021216             —NAMED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, THOMAS—KEAN, FORMER—GOVERNOR—OF—NEW—JERSEY, to replace HENRY—KISSINGER as HEAD—OF—20020911             —THE investigation panel.
20021216             Senate Republican leader TRENT—LOTT, in 1—INTERVIEW on Black Entertainment Television, asked black Americans to forgive his seeming nostalgia for segregation.
20021216             1—JURY in BALTIMORE acquitted former altar boy Dontee Stokes of attempted murder in the shooting of 1—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—PRIEST he'd claimed molested him —1—DECADE—EARLIER.
20021216             —ISSUED, THE—EPA, 1—WATER—POLLUTION—RULE to cover animal waste from "factory farms".
20021216             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—SEVERE—DROUGHT ravaging MOST—OF—AUSTRALIA—RURAL—SECTOR will slash farm exports by 13—PERCENT this fiscal —YEAR.
20021216             —BLAMED, Triggered by abnormal sea temperatures, El Nino was, for severe drought in AUSTRALIA, which slashed crops and caused 1—LIQUIDATION—OF—THE nation's livestock.
20021216             —RATIFIED, CANADA, THE—KYOTO—PROTOCOL, 19970000             —THE treaty on reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
20021216             —ARRESTED, FRANCE—COUNTER terrorism agents, 4 suspected Islamic militants in 1—PARIS suburb.
20021216             —UNIDENTIFIED, THE—3—ALGERIANS and 1—MOROCCAN had 1, liquid and 1—ANTI—CONTAMINATION—SUIT.
20021216             —KILLED, ISRAEL—SOLDIERS, 3—PALESTINIANS, including 2 armed Hamas fighters, and troops also destroyed 16—SHACKS, leaving more than 200—PEOPLE—HOMELESS in confrontations in THE—GAZA—STRIP.
20021216             —BERICHTET, Magazinrundschau vom HANS—JÜRGEN—SCHLAMP, wie die ITALIENISCHE—MITTELMEERINSEL Lampedusa zum Ziel Tausender Immigranten wird, die das Eiland als Einfallstor nach...
20021216—20050000    —CONTINUED, THROUGH, The drought.
20030200             00.000.19-- ORIGINS—ARTICLES which explain how and why the Bilderberg meetings began 362k — 20031216             20031216             The 3. film episode of "LORD—OF—THE—RINGS: THE—FELLOWSHIP—OF—THE—RING" opened.
20031216             ORIGINS—ARTICLES, which explain how and why the Bilderberg meetings began
20031216             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, legislation to curb unsolicited commercial E—MAILS and 1—BILL to establish 1—NATIONAL—MUSEUM devoted to black history.
20031216             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, 1—MEASURE that made WW II THE—PHILIPPINES—USA—VETERANS—ELIGIBLE for full Veterans Affair health care.
20031216             Previous benefits were at half THE—RATE—OF—USA—VETERANS.
20031216             Veterans in THE—PHILIPPINES did not qualify.
20031216             USA special envoy JAMES—A—BAKER—III said FRANCE, GERMANY and THE—USA agreed to seek reductions in IRAQ—FOREIGN—DEBT within THE—PARIS—CLUB—OF creditor nations.
20031216             USA borrowing from foreign investors stood at $1.5—BILLION —1—DAY.
20031216             —KILLED, USA—TROOPS, 11—GUERRILLA attackers, SOME—OF—WHOM released 1—FLOCK of pigeons to signal the Americans' approach, in 1—AMBUSH in 1—TOWN—NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20031216             † Actress Madlyn Rhue in LOS—ANGELES at age 68.
20031216             AFGHANISTAN, several dozen delegates broke away from 1—CRUCIAL—CONSTITUTIONAL—ASSEMBLY to celebrate the inauguration of THE—KABUL—KANDAHAR highway, 1—VITAL artery linking the capital with the lawless and POVERTY—STRICKEN south.
20031216             Stanfield led the Progressive Conservatives 19670000—19760000    —FROM—TO.
20031216             Chechen rebels, who fought their way into the neighboring Dagestan region and occupied 1—VILLAGE, released all their hostages and fled, avoiding capture.
20031216             1—FIRE broke out at DENMARK—NORTH—SEA—MUSEUM, destroying MUCH—OF—THE—BUILDING housing EUROPE—LARGEST aquarium.
20031216             HAITI, 1—STRIKE to press for THE—OUSTER—OF—PRESIDENT—JEAN—BERTRAND—ARISTIDE closed down schools, stores and banks in PORT—AU—PRINCE.
20031216             1—CYCLONE tore into INDIA—SOUTHEASTERN coast, killing 11—PEOPLE.
20031216             —BATTLED, CENTRAL—SOMALIA, rival militias, over barren desert lands in fighting that killed at least 31—PEOPLE and wounded 50—OTHERS.
20031216             —BANNED, TAIWAN—LAWMAKERS, THE—SELLING—OF—DOG—MEAT and introduced heavy fines for killing pets for food or fur.
20031216—20160900    —IN, It opened its permanent home with 1—CEREMONY led by PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA.
20041118—20041216    DC: Counterinaugural planning
20041216             SPANISCHE—GRIPPE: JEDES—NEUE—KILLERVIRUS könnte ansteckender sein
20041216             "Why should somebody's vote, like in WYOMING, be worth twice as much as someone's in CALIFORNIA?
20041216             he said in 1—INTERVIEW.
20041216             "If you were setting up 1—DEMOCRACY—RIGHT—NOW, you wouldn't do this. You wouldn't do this in AFGHANISTAN".
20041216             UKRAINE—WAHL: Janukowitsch plant Marsch auf Kiew
20041216             USA—HYPOTHEKENRIESE Fannie Mae: 9—MILLIARDEN—LOCH in der Bilanz
20041216             Klimawandel: Wissenschaftler fürchten plötzlichen Kälteschock
20041216             "—NOW it's 1—WARFARE—COMPANY- 20041215             Castro, Chavez defy USA—TRADE—PACT: CUBA—PRESIDENT—FIDEL—CASTRO + VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ have announced an 20041127             ..+search warrants issued by RUSSIA—PROSECUTORS for managers of the embattled oil company.
20041216             SAUDI—ARABIEN: Störsender gegen die islamistische Opposition (20041215             )
20041216             "—NOW it's 1—WARFARE—COMPANY.. 20041215             Castro, Chavez defy USA—TRADE—PACT: CUBA—PRESIDENT—FIDEL—CASTRO + VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ have announced an
20041216             WALL—STREET—SCHLUSS: Ölpreis drosselt Gewinne
20041216             UK—SKANDAL umwitterter Innenminister tritt zurück
20041216             SAUDI—ARABIEN: Störsender gegen Bin Ladens RADIOMANN—GEGENBEWEGUNG: Bewusst offline
20041216             Übernahmeschlacht: Kampf der Goldgiganten
20041216             USA—RAKETENABWEHR: Abfanggeschoss blieb im Silo stecken
20041216             STANDORT—RANGLISTE: DEUTSCHLAND landet knapp vor BOTSWANA
20041216             JAPAN: Elektromobil fährt mit 2—MIGNON—BATTERIEN
20041216             It's Time to Fight BACK—YANG (YEI) Responds in 'Full' to Clint CURTIS—CHARGES!"
20041216             "—THURSDAY Afternoon OHIO Updates... I don't like to report anything here —UNTIL I've had chances to independently verify and add to it.
20041216             However, as there are several things in the background that I'm currently working on + there are several important items rolling out of OHIO, I'm gonna post SOME—LINKS for you guys to check out.
20041216             NOTE: I haven't done ANY—INDEPENDENT vetting on these items, so please use your own judgement about the sources they come from.
20041216             But SOME—SEEM quite notable, so I want to get them out there!
20041216             THE—40—VOTERS who brought the case will likely be able to refile the challenge.
20041216             —RULED, CHIEF—JUSTICE—THOMAS—MOYER, that the request improperly challenged 2—SEPARATE—ELECTION—RESULTS.
20041216             OHIO law only allows 1—RACE to be challenged in 1—SINGLE—COMPLAINT, he said".
20041216             (DRUDGE is linking to this 1, of course!) - RAW STORY is reporting:
20041216             Kerry campaign issues letter to OHIO SECRETARY—OF—STATE demanding recount tampering investigation - "SENATOR—KERRY'S and SENATOR—EDWARDS' state counsel for OHIO has issued 1—LETTER to OHIO Republican SECRETARY—OF—STATE—AND—BUSH—CHENEY '04 chair KENNETH—BLACKWELL demanding 1—OFFICIAL—INVESTIGATION into voting machine tampering in Hocking County. They have the letter online".
20041216             RAW STORY also has much more on late OHIO developments!
20041216             "mtnester" on DemocraticUnderground_com Discussion
20041216             (unconfirmed info, will try to get more on this!) : OHIO, Fairfield County, suspends recount - "At 4—PM [—WEDNESDAY], —AFTER failing to get 1—MATCH—OF—HAND counted ballots with punch card tabulator (ESS), 2—HAND—COUNTS and 2—TIMES through machine, —AFTER stating they were awaiting 1—CALL back from that company to have 1—NEW—MACHINE delivered, less than —30—SECONDS—LATER convened 1—BOARD meeting, voted to suspend recount, to await 1—NEW—MACHINE from ESS, and recount will be RE—DONE —SATURDAY, same exact precincts, the building is —NOW closed, you are to exit the facility. BOE [BOARD—OF—ELECTIONS] blaming issues on "machine failure" in order to avoid the —NOW required entire county hand count. Precints were not random, they were selected by BOE, 1—FROM the Dem and 1—FROM the Repup".
20041216             117 77 75 2 - Man, there is no possible way to be a "hawk" on terrorism.
20041216             Not against 1—BILLION people worldwide.
20041216             The military is not going to fix this.
20041216             It's like trying to fix 1—CANCER with 1—SLEDGEHAMMER.
20041216             Even on 1—SMALL—SCALE—LIKE the Basque or Kurds where you had 1 irritated minority population that you could police it's never worked.
20041216             The problem is that the world is 1—SMALL—PLACE and —NOW people can get access to big ass weapons that make car bombs and such look like 1—MINOR—IRRITATION.
20041216             The fun is all done.
20041216             The only winning play is to mind your own business and quit pissing people off.
20041216             —POSTED—BY: ABSYNTHE—WHY yes, it does worry me. I think Bush is going insane.
20041216             HE—GETTING rid of anyone with ANY—ABILITY and surrounding himself with YES—PERSONS.
20041216             —APPEARED, For —1—YEAR he's never, in public without 1—CAREFULLY—ARRANGED crowd of cheering supporters.
20041216             His IDEAS—OF—GOVERNANCE ("We'll —JUST keep that trillion dollars off the books") are ludicrous.
20041216             I'm worried about 1—MAN—OF borderline intelligence hiding in THE—WH and thinking he hears voices...and they're getting louder in his head all the time.
20041216             —POSTED—BY: serial catowner
20041216             A - Z Index Apologetics Research Resources A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #Home / A—Z Index
20041216             His willingness to go on record with his vote fraud allegations is what makes SOME—BELIEVE him.
20041216             "You don't casually go —AROUND swearing under penalties of perjury unless you think you're right," Kaney said.
20041216             "The affidavit struck me as something somebody ought to be looking at".
20041216             But he said his 1. reaction to the affidavit was: "Gag. This can't be believed".
20041216             It remains to be seen if ANY—NEW—INVESTIGATIONS can uncover THE—TRUTH—GENOA la lotta continua
20041216             Page 1. Genoa la lotta continua Genoa: the fight goes on 1—SOCIALIST—WORKER pamphlet £1—PAGE 2. Introduction.
20041216             Chapter 1 - head of the secret Italian P2 masonic lodge, Licio Gelli...
20041216             Is there 1—DISTINCTION between FBI infiltration for surveillance...
20041216             THE—IRA could never have done as much... - 1—ORGANIZATION known as Opus Dei...
20041216             —ABOUT IRELAND + the churches attitude towards THE—IRA.
20041216             Licio Gelli HEAD—OF—THE—INFAMOUS—MASONIC P2 was...
20041216             II RONALD—REAGAN saw communist infiltration into the...
20041216             I think MISTER—CURTIS helps make that issue 1—LITTLE—MORE—DIFFICULT to shunt aside," said CREW Executive Director Melani Sloan.
20041216             "You don't even have to believe what he says (in order to be concerned about voting machines), —JUST that he created 1—PROGRAM. If he can do it, anyone can".
20041216             The temple is the nation's 1. Masonic grand lodge (Story no longer online?
20041216             Read this)
20041216             —NOTICED, This little, fact was mentioned by SUPREME—COUNTY—JUSTICE—ANTHONY—M—KENNEDY in dissenting Bush v. Gore.
20041216             —LINKED, Discredited Kerik, to the Mafia Kerik, oo with 2—CHILDREN, conducted 2—EXTRAMARITAL affairs simultaneously...So much for Christian values!
20041216             Kerik NAILED—NANNY woes weren't the only problems hindering DHS bid Nanny Nixes Nominee " Nanny my butt, guy's got more skeletons in his closet than the Grim Reaper" KERIK—SAUDI—SECRET—POLICE
20041216             Kerry Gets "Hands On" with Recount Letter to OHIO Counties
20041216             Dear Director and Deputy Director: Enclosed please find 1—COPY—OF—1—LETTER personally signed by JOHN—KERRY appointing me as his legal counsel, with full authority to act for him + JOHN—EDWARDS, including appointing witnesses to attend the recount.
20041216             —ON behalf of JOHN—KERRY and JOHN—EDWARDS—I am making the —FOLLOWING requests re. the recount... REST—OF—LETTER—ALSO : Kerry tells JACKSON to turn up heat
20041216             —ON—SUNDAY, JOHN—KERRY urged JESSE—JACKSON to take 1—MORE—ACTIVE—ROLE in investigating vote irregularities like: 92,000 over + undervote ballots;
20041216             provisional ballots; + independent analysis of THE—OP—SCAN voting machines.
20041216             Challenge fails to stop OHIO—VOTE for Bush THE—ELECTORAL—COLLEGE—OF—OHIO has voted for Bush /Cheney, —JUST hours —AFTER THE—OHIO—SUPREME—COURT failed to overturn the declared election result.
20041216             A 2. lawsuit filed concurrently remains —BEFORE THE—COURT—AS—PART—OF—CONTINUING efforts to overturn the fraudulent OHIO count.
20041216             REPRESENTATIVE—CONYERS—CALLS in FBI: Recount Probe
20041216             Proof of OHIO FRAUD—UNOFFICIAL Results Found on Triad Server Also 1 2 3 4
20041216             Kerry et al Sue Blackwell for Election TAMPERING—JUDGE—GRANTS—GREEN—RECOUNT in N MEXICO
20041216             See Audio Below - - 15:5 LEO—GLESER—GLESER LEO.
20041216             ISRAEL 19760000—19890000 : Cockburn,A.& L. Dangerous Liaison.
20041216             —MENTIONED, The names below are, on the listed pages with the name GLESER LEO
20041216             Kms Company - 19900000             (45).
20041216             GLESER LEO : Herman,E. O'Sullivan,G. THE—TERRORISM—INDUSTRY
20041216             LNG: Hardening THE—PERIMETERS—AGENDA—PETROLEUM, Petrochemical Security Threats in Challenging Geopolitical Environment LEO—GLESER, PRESIDENT, INTERNATIONAL Security & Defence Systems Ltd.
20041216             "Fatherland Security" Hits CUNY—AMONG Gleser 's "projects," the article cites the —FOLLOWING: " LEO—GLESER has SOME—STRONG detractors.... 1—OF—THE—HARSHEST...
20041216             Grim Course Covers 'Human Weapons' -"The suicide bomber is 1—HUMAN—WEAPON," said LEO—GLESER, PRESIDENT—OF—ISDS—INTERNATIONAL—SECURITY & Defence Systems Ltd.: "The weapon is going to decide where to go + what to do.".
20041216             THE—ADVOCATE -. another company associated with deadly repression: INTERNATIONAL Security and Defense Systems (ISDS ), 1—ISRAEL i firm represented by its PRESIDENT, LEO—GLESER
20041216             [NYTr] ABU—GHRAIB 101: Fatherland Security at CUNY -... company whose name spells deadly repression: INTERNATIONAL Security and Defense Systems (ISDS ), 1—ISRAEL i firm represented by its PRESIDENT, LEO—GLESER
20041216             Bienvenido/AA—ORGANISMOS nacionales.
20041216             El nombre de LEO—GLESER activó las alertas de varios organismos de inteligencia chilenos.
20041216             Su mención llevó. - - More companies will joint. ISDS.
20041216             Business.
20041216             Smith & Wesson unit to offer COUNTER—TERRORISM classes - 2003000007           ...
20041216             BOMBEROS—SEGURIDAD_com... expuesta a posible secuestro es el tiempo que tarda en trasladarse entre su casay el lugar de trabajo habitual o reunión social, dice LEO—GLESER " Nota: Este...
20041216             Especialista prevê represálias dos FUNDAMENTALISTAS—NACIONAL... RIO—DE—JANEIRO - O presidente da Internacional Security & Defense Sistems (ISDS) ,LEO—GLESER, que está no Rio coordenando o 1º Seminário de Segurança...
20041216             Reflexões sobre o terrorrismo... DEBAIXO DA TERRA No Rio, o general ISRAEL ense reformado LEO—GLESER, há 35—ANOS envolvido com a prevenção de atentados, adverte para a ineficácia de ações...
20041216             La Jornada 3—DE mayo de 19970000             Su presidente, LEO—GLESER, dijo que para mantener el nivel requerido, los geris deben recibir más adiestramiento y capacitación en el manejo de armas.
20041216             Zionism EXPOSED—ZOUGHBI Zoughbi, THE—VISIT (To INDIA—RESERVATIONS), AMEU 19991200             .
20041216             HONDURAS.
20041216             Inst Arg Security & Defence SYSTEMS—FILIAL ARGENTINA ISDS es una empresa registrada y calificada por SIBAT—MINISTERIO de Defensa de ISRAEL—PRESIDENTE: LEO—GLESER..
20041216             "This was fun, even if I'm ambivalent about the system," said RICHARD—KELLEY—OF—SEATTLE.
20041216             "This makes me think about how antiquated the institution is. It's almost PRE—DEMOCRATIC. We could actually overturn THE—WILL—OF—THE—PEOPLE. I think we could do better".
20041216             Donovan said the system is "damaging for democracy" and often prompts calls for 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—AMENDMENT, particularly —AFTER the close elections like 19480000             , 19680000             and 20000000             .
20041216             1—SWING—OF—1—RELATIVELY few votes in 1—HANDFUL—OF—SMALL—STATES could have made Kerry the winner —THIS—YEAR without carrying the popular vote, he said.
20041216             "Why should somebody's vote, like in WYOMING, be worth twice as much as someone's in CALIFORNIA?" he said in 1—INTERVIEW.
20041216             Former legislative leader Val Ogden, D—VANCOUVER, said she'd be surprised if the system is abolished.
20041216             For —NOW, she said, it's fun to be 1—LITTLE footnote in the history book + gratifying to cast 1—VOTE for her candidate, who narrowly lost both the popular and electoral votes.
20041216             "Hey, this is something to tell our grandchildren," Whitefoot said.
20041216             "I think it's kind of OLD—FASHIONED and we should use the popular vote," said ASHLEY—JIMENEZ, 18.
20041216             —ENJOYED, BRYCE—TYNAN, 17, 1—KERRY backer, watching his candidate sweep up ALL—OF—THE—STATE—ELECTORAL—VOTES, but added, "Popular vote makes more sense".
20041216             —AGREED, Even some of the delegates.
20041216             THE—LIST—OF—COMPANIES suing Google for trademark infringement include other major companies, such as insurance giant AXA Group + smaller firms such as PLYMOUTH—MICHIGAN—BASED USA—BLIND and Wallpaper.
20041216             —CALLED, Drummond, DAVID—GOOGLE—VICE—PRESIDENT + general counsel, the decision 1—VICTORY for consumers.
20041216             "This is 1—CLEAR—SIGNAL to other litigants that our keyword policy is lawful".
20041216             —DESCRIBED, Another attorney suing Google for trademark infringement, BRINKEMA—RULING as "very narrow" and predicted it won't insulate the search engine from similar claims.
20041216             "It's not 1—SWEEPING declaration that makes it legal for Google to profit from the sale of keywords using other companies' trademarks," said DAVID—RAMMELT,
20041216             1—NEW—YORK lawyer representing USA—BLIND and Wallpaper Factory INCORPORATED in 1—TRADEMARK case.
20041216             "I think you will see the other 6 or other 7—CASES—LIKE this forge ahead".
20041216             —ASKED, Google has, a S—JOSE FEDERAL—JUDGE to dismiss USA—BLIND—CASE.
20041216             —ARGUED, In the Geico case, GOOGLE—ATTORNEYS, that the company was simply acting as 1—PUBLISHER by allowing competitors' ads to appear on the same screen —WHEN the names of their rivals are typed in.
20041216             Geico said it is losing customers who use the search engine to look for Geico but are led to other Web sites that win business at GEICO—EXPENSE.
20041216             —BETÖRT, Uraltes INSTRUMENT—EISZEITFLÖTE, die Forscher-
20041216             _35.000 -Die RUND—ALTE Flöte wurde mit enormem Aufwand aus massivem Elfenbein geschnitzt.
20041216             Börse —AM—NACHMITTAG: Dax weiter über 4200—PUNKTEN
20041216             —KASSIERT, Schlappe für Blair: Höchstes Gericht, BRITISCHE—ANTITERRORGESETZE
20041216             Softwarebranche: Symantec schluckt VERITAS—CHINA: Pandabären vom Hungertod bedroht
20041216             Millionenstrafe bestätigt: Bundesgerichtshof lässt HAFFA—BRÜDER abblitzen
20041216             GROSSBRITANNIEN: Blair bildet Kabinett um
20041216             Verschuldete Soldaten: Kredithaie jagen Bush s Veteranen
20041216             SAP vs. Oracle: Schwierige Strategiespiele in Walldorf
20041216             SAUDI—ARABIEN ist eine absolute Monarchie.
20041216             1—GRUPPE—VON—REGIMEKRITIKERN, die kürzlich 1—UMWANDLUNG—DES—LANDES in eine konstitutionelle Monarchie gefordert hatte, steht inzwischen vor Gericht.
20041216             Neues Tonband: OSAMA—BIN—LADEN sagt saudischem Königshaus den Kampf an
20041216             Kooperation: Yahoo sucht REGIONAL—KLICKJUBILÄUM: Wer wird Milliardär?
20041216             SPIEGEL—STUDENTENBEFRAGUNG: Die besten Mathematiker
20041216             Frankfurter Flughafen: Unbekanntes Gas AUSGETRETEN—ABFLUGHALLE gesperrt
20041216             Angebot aus ISLAND: Asyl für BOBBY—FISCHER
20041216             INDONESIEN: Arsen in der Suppe des Vizepräsidenten
20041216             Megafusion: USA—PFLASTERKONZERN J&J schmiedet Medizinriesen
20041216             INTERVIEW—MIT—CHEFREDAKTEUR—BONIECKI: "MANCHE—BISCHÖFE müssen Glasnost —ERST noch lernen"
20041216             POLEN: Wo der PAPA ewig jung ist
20041216             PORTLAND: Mutter Natur in die Betonwüste
20041216             FORMER—LOCKHEED executives serve on USA—DEFENSE—POLICY—BOARD + USA—DEFENSE—SCIENCE—BOARD + USA—HOMELAND—SECURITY—ADVISORY—COUNCIL, which help make military... 20041221             20041216             Spitting Image: 20040600             Archives -... the original story that highlighted THE—PENTAGON—BAN—VIA... building, were set according to Masonic ritual.
20041216             to do business in their sacred buildings unaware of.
20041216             [Save] NE Climate & Enviro Calendar * 2/1 - 20040308             -... 8w7eie2lj7wi68 Noted: *Climate Collapse: THE—PENTAGON—WEATHER—NIGHTMARE... btw Police Statn & Masonic Bldg).=20 ... MON, 20040223             Sustainable Building Design in Newton...
20041216             Congressman, —NOW USA—CONGRESSMAN, Republican TOM—FEENEY—OF—FLORIDA'S—KERIK—NANNY—JUST—THE—TIP—OF—THE—ICEBERG: Reports EMERGE—OF—LINKS to Mafia + Misuse of..
20041216             INTL News by JOE—BROADHURST :: Main Page... investigation has turned up 1—LINK between current FLORIDA Republican REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—FEENEY, 1 customized... View Article Naples Police in Huge Mafia Swoop.
20041216             BeatBushBlog... in OVIEDO—FLORIDA, he was asked in —LATE—SEPTEMBER or early 20001000             by TOM—FEENEY to create 1—PROTOTYPE—OF—1—VOTING program that could alter the vote in...
20041216             ".. steer 2—CONTRACTS, 1—INVOLVING telecommunications + a 2. involving dredging at 1—IRAQ—PORT, to companies linked to longtime friends or clients of longtime friends.
20041216             —SIGNED, Skyway, 1—LOAN—AGREEMENT with Lantex which provides up to $24—MILLION.
20041216             KANSAS—CITY IMC: MEXICO—COCAINE Bust tied to JOHN—NEGROPONTE'S.
20041216             to Republican business owners,the Titan Corp of S—DIEGO + penny stock fraud.
20041216             involving Republican BRENT—KOVAR—SKYWAY—COMMUNICATIONS, Titan Corp.
20041216             JAPAN: Neuartiges Antibiotikum: Alge bringt Bakterien zum Schweigen
20041216             Übernahmeschlacht: Yang (YEI) Responds in 'Full' to Clint CURTIS—CHARGES!"
20041216             "Welcome 'NY Times' to Election 20040000             !"
20041216             However, as there are several things in the background that I'm currently working on + there are several important items rolling out of OHIO,
20041216             I'm gonna post SOME—LINKS for you guys to check out.
20041216             AP is reporting: OHIO Justice Throws Out Election Challenge - "THE—OHIO—SUPREME—COURT—CHIEF—JUSTICE—ON—THURSDAY threw out 1—CHALLENGE to the state's presidential election results.
20041216             (DRUDGE is linking to this 1, of course!)
20041216             (unconfirmed info, will try to get more on this!) : OHIO, Fairfield County,
20041216             suspends recount - "At 4—PM [—WEDNESDAY], —AFTER failing to get 1—MATCH—OF—HAND counted ballots with punch card tabulator (ESS),
20041216             2—HAND—COUNTS and 2—TIMES through machine, —AFTER stating they were awaiting 1—CALL back from that company to have 1—NEW—MACHINE delivered,
20041216             less than —30—SECONDS—LATER convened 1—BOARD meeting, voted to suspend recount,
20041216             to await 1—NEW—MACHINE from ESS, and recount will be RE—DONE —SATURDAY, same exact precincts, the building is —NOW closed, you are to exit the facility.
20041216             BOE [BOARD—OF—ELECTIONS] blaming issues on "machine failure" in order to avoid the —NOW required entire county hand count.
20041216             —SELECTED, Precints were not random, they were, by BOE, 1—FROM the Dem and 1—FROM the Repup".
20041216             I'm not too worried that BUSH will have ANY—MORAL—CLARITY or try to do the right thing.
20041216             JON—KANEY, 1—PROMINENT—FLORIDA attorney who represents THE—DAYTONA—BEACH—NEWS—JOURNAL and sparred with Feeney over articles the paper wrote about the lawmaker
20041216             How Kennedy Won HAWAII
20041216             —NOTICED, This little, fact was mentioned by SUPREME—COUNTY
20041216             Justice ANTHONY—M—KENNEDY in dissenting BUSH v. Gore.
20041216             —LINKED, Discredited Kerik, to the Mafia
20041216             oo KERIK, with 2—CHILDREN, conducted 2—EXTRAMARITAL affairs simultaneously...So much for Christian values!
20041216             Kerik NAILED—NANNY woes weren't the only problems hindering DHS bid Nanny Nixes Nominee
20041216             "Nanny my butt, guy's got more skeletons in his closet than the Grim Reaper" KERIK—SAUDI—SECRET—POLICE
20041216             Dear Director and Deputy Director: Enclosed please find 1—COPY—OF—1—LETTER personally signed by JOHN—KERRY appointing me as his legal counsel,
20041216             with full authority to act for him + JOHN—EDWARDS, including appointing witnesses to attend the recount.
20041216             —ON behalf of JOHN—KERRY and JOHN—EDWARDS—I am making the —FOLLOWING requests re. the recount... REST—OF—LETTER-
20041216             Also : Kerry tells JACKSON to turn up heat
20041216             —ON—SUNDAY, JOHN—KERRY urged JESSE—JACKSON to take 1—MORE—ACTIVE—ROLE in investigating vote irregularities like:
20041216             92,000 over + undervote ballots;
20041216             Challenge fails to stop OHIO—VOTE for Bush
20041216             —VOTED, THE—ELECTORAL—COLLEGE—OF—OHIO has, for BUSH /Cheney, —JUST HOURS —AFTER THE—OHIO—SUPREME—COURT failed to overturn the declared election result.
20041216             Unofficial Results Found on Triad Server - JUDGE—GRANTS—GREEN—RECOUNT in N MEXICO
20041216             PAYDIRT! The dirt is coming out, as Kerry sues Blackwell, GLESER LEO.
20041216             GLESER LEO : Herman,E. O'Sullivan,G. THE—TERRORISM—INDUSTRY—LNG: Hardening THE—PERIMETERS—AGENDA-
20041216             KSTS com... - GLESER, LEO—PRESIDENTE y copropietario de INTERNATIONAL SECURITY & DEFENSE SYSTEMS, empresa ISRAEL í especializada en temas militares y de seguridad.
20041216             "Fatherland Security" Hits CUNY-
20041216             Among GLESER 's"PROJECTS," the article cites the —FOLLOWING: " LEO—GLESER—HAS—SOME—STRONG—DETRACTORS.... 1—OF—THE—HARSHEST...
20041216             Grim Course Covers 'Human Weapons'-
20041216             "The weapon is going to decide where to go + what to do.". - THE—ADVOCATE.
20041216             [NYTr] ABU—GHRAIB 101: Fatherland Security at CUNY-...
20041216             company whose name spells deadly repression: INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AND DEFENSE SYSTEMS (ISDS ),
20041216             organismos nacionales. Su mención llevó. - - meetings.
20041216             MORE COMPANIES WILL—JOINT. ISDS.
20041216             Expo JUN—PERU... - EVENTOS.
20041216             terrorismo. PAULA MÁIRAN. CARLO—WREDE—LEO—GLESER.
20041216             Para LEO—GLESER, na luta contra o terrorismo, DEVE—SE conhecer bem os adversários.
20041216             A. - ISRAEL i Company to Plan Security for ATHENS 20040000             -...
20041216             work.
20041216             FOR.
20041216             P.224—225—IDF COLONEL—LEO—GLESER 1—VETERAN—OF—19760000             —THE entebbe rescue mission in UGANDA,
20041216             FERRIBY GROUP + LEO—GLESER, PRESIDENT—OF...
20041216             Especialista prevê represálias dos FUNDAMENTALISTAS—NACIONAL...
20041216             RIO—DE—JANEIRO -O PRESIDENTE DA INTERNACIONAL SECURITY & DEFENSE SISTEMS (ISDS) ,LEO—GLESER, que está no Rio coordenando o 1º Seminário de Segurança...
20041216             Reflexões sobre o terrorrismo...
20041216             DEBAIXO DA TERRA No Rio, o general ISRAEL ense reformado LEO—GLESER, há 35—ANOS envolvido com a prevenção de atentados, adverte para a ineficácia de ações...
20041216             Zionism Exposed-
20041216             Zoughbi Zoughbi, THE—VISIT (To INDIA—RESERVATIONS), AMEU ;;12;;, 19990000             .
20041216             "This makes me think about how antiquated the institution is.
20041216             It's almost PRE—DEMOCRATIC.
20041216             We could actually overturn THE—WILL—OF—THE—PEOPLE—I think we could do better".
20041216             Donovan said the system is "damaging for democracy" and often prompts calls for 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—AMENDMENT,
20041216             particularly —AFTER the close elections like 19480000             , 19680000             and 20000000             .
20041216             For —NOW, she said, it's fun to be 1—LITTLE footnote in the history book + gratifying to cast 1—VOTE for her candidate,
20041216             who narrowly lost both the popular and electoral votes.
20041216             —ENJOYED, BRYCE—TYNAN, 17, 1—KERRY backer, watching his candidate sweep up ALL—OF—THE—STATE—ELECTORAL—VOTES,
20041216             but added, "Popular vote makes more sense".
20041216             THE—LIST—OF—COMPANIES suing Google for trademark infringement include other major companies,
20041216             such as insurance giant AXA Group + smaller firms such as PLYMOUTH—MICHIGAN—BASED USA—BLIND and Wallpaper.
20041216             1—NEW—YORK lawyer representing USA—BLIND and Wallpaper Factory INCORPORATED
20041216             in 1—TRADEMARK case.
20041216             Annäherungsversuch: Bush plant Deutschlandbesuch für ;;02;;
20041216             —CLOSED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, a —2—DAY—ECONOMIC—CONFERENCE that covered social security changes, tax cuts and FEDERAL—SPENDING.
20041216             DONALD—TRUMP chose software executive Kelly Perdew (37) over SF lawyer JENNIFER—MASSEY in the season finale of "THE—APPRENTICE".
20041216             —APPROVED, MONTANA, issuing licenses to hunt 10—BISON that roam beyond Yellowstone.
20041216             —HALTED, The practice was, over —1—DECADE—AGO amid protests.
20041216             —AGREED, Symantec, to acquire Veritas Software.
20041216             —STRANGLED, Bobbie JO—STINNET (23) was found, to death in MARYVILLE—MONTANA, with her baby girl cut from her womb.
20041216             —ARRESTED, Police within days, Lisa M. MONTGOMERY (36) of MELVERN—KANSAS.
20041216             —RESCUED, The baby was, alive.
20041216             —FACED, MONTGOMERY, trial for allegedly strangling Stinnett, performing 1—CRUDE—CAESAREAN section on her and parading the infant —AROUND as her own.
20041216             † AGNES—MARTIN, —92—JAHRE—ALT, renowned abstract painter, in Taos, NM.
20041216             Farouk Ksentini, 1—ALGERIAN—GOVERNMENT—APPOINTED official, said security forces members are believed responsible for the deaths of 5,200 civilians who disappeared —DURING —1—DECADE—LONG—STRUGGLE with Islamic rebels and should face justice.
20041216             1—APARTMENT building was inaugurated in BRAZIL, EACH—OF—WHOSE 11—STOREYS turned independently, giving residents 360-degree VIEWS—OF—THE—ECO—FRIENDLY—CITY—OF—CURITIBA.
20041216             BRITAIN—HIGHEST—COURT dealt 1—HUGE—BLOW to the government's ANTI—TERRORISM—POLICY by ruling that it cannot detain foreign suspects indefinitely without trial.
20041216             1—COLOMBIA—COURT convicted 3—IRA—LINKED MEN—OF—TRAINING COLOMBIA—REBELS in terrorist tactics and sentenced them to up to 17 1/—2—YEARS in prison.
20041216             —ACCUSED, FRANCE, 10, Islamic militants were convicted and sentenced to prison terms ranging from 1 to —10—YEARS for their roles in 1—MILLENNIUM plot to blow up 1—CHRISTMAS market in THE—EAST—CITY—OF—STRASBOURG on New —YEAR—EVE 20000000             .
20041216             FORMER—IRAQ—DICTATOR—SADDAM—HUSSEIN met with 1—LAWYER for the 1. time —SINCE his capture —1—YEAR—EARLIER.
20041216             —KILLED, Rebel strikes across BAGHDAD, 10—PEOPLE, including 3—PARAMILITARY—POLICEMEN and 1—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL.
20041216             † 1—USA—MARINE was killed in Anbar province.
20041216             —VETOED, ITALY—PRESIDENT—CARLO—AZEGLIO—CIAMPI, 1—BILL that would have placed magistrates under government oversight and forced them to choose between careers as judges or prosecutors.
20041216             —AGREED, THE—SUDAN—GOVERNMENT, to stop 1—MILITARY—OFFENSIVE in Darfur region.
20041216             FORMER—LOCKHEED executives serve on USA—DEFENSE—POLICY—BOARD + USA—DEFENSE—SCIENCE—BOARD + USA—HOMELAND—SECURITY—ADVISORY—COUNCIL, which help make military... 20041221             20041216             FORMER—LOCKHEED executives serve on USA—DEFENSE—POLICY—BOARD + USA—DEFENSE—SCIENCE—BOARD + USA—HOMELAND—SECURITY—ADVISORY—COUNCIL, which help make military... 20041221             20041216             Spitting Image: 20040600             Archives -... the original story that highlighted THE—PENTAGON—BAN—VIA... building, were set according to Masonic ritual.
20041216             Lucio, the infamous HEAD—OF—THE P2 masonic lodge
20041216-20050111             FILMBOOST—SUCHMASCHINE für Film + TV
200412160—20041207   —0837—AM
20041216—19600000    —IN—THE, How Kennedy Won HAWAII presidential election, HAWAII—3—ELECTORAL—VOTES were cast for SENATOR—JOHN—F—KENNEDY even though the Republican electors supporting VICE—PRESIDENT—RICHARD—M—NIXON had been certified the winners.
20041216—19820000    —ESTABLISHED, LEO—GLESER, PRESIDENT—OF—ISDS, the company to provide COUNTER—TERRORISM training to law enforcement, security professionals, 1.
20041216—19890000    (136).
20041216—19900000    GILMAN BENJAMIN (R—NY): 19931028             Intelligence Newsletter (PARIS) (3).
20041216—20010710    INTERNACIONAL—TERROR requer combate silencioso -
20041216—20010911    —ON, Lucio, the infamous HEAD—OF—THE P2 masonic lodge... more than 2,500° Celsius within the building + to have... impossible that the attack against the Pentagon
20041216—20020000    —IN, JON—KANEY, 1—PROMINENT—FLORIDA attorney who represents THE—DAYTONA—BEACH—NEWS—JOURNAL and sparred with Feeney over articles the paper wrote about the lawmaker, said the affidavit does take things up 1—NOTCH.
20041216—20040106    —ON, Conyers ready to say NO GW
20041216—20040106    —ON, for election tampering + Conyers + others are ready to say No GW.
20041216—20040106    —ON, PAYDIRT! The dirt is coming out, as Kerry sues Blackwell, for election tampering + Conyers + others are ready to say No GW.
20041216—20071000    —CONVICTED, MONTGOMERY was, and
20041216—20080400    —IN, sentenced to death.
20050219             Chrobog warnt in seinem Brief vom 20041216             :
20050219             Chrobog warnt in seinem Brief vom 20041216             : "—BEREITS—JETZT, —NACH—DEN 1. Erfahrungen mit der Anwendung dieses Verfahrens, besteht die Befürchtung, dass es massiv wegen des Verzichts des persönlichen Erscheinens bei Antragstellung für Visumserschleichungen missbraucht werden könnte".
20050327             GRAF v. Wackenhut Services, LLC, 19980000             —ERA—37 (ALJ 19991216             )... of retaliation against Wackenhut Services LLC... 1—SUBCONTRACTOR at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology... of Labor, conducted 1—INVESTIGATION and determined...
20050327             GRAF v. Wackenhut Services, LLC, 19980000             —ERA—37 (ALJ 19991216             0000—DATE)...
20050329             Fundus_org... - Der GROSSBRITANNIEN—AUSSENMINISTER SIR—IVONE—KIRKPATRICK schreibt in seinen Aufzeichnungen vom 19551216             :
20050329             Fundus_org... Der GROSSBRITANNIEN—AUSSENMINISTER SIR—IVONE—KIRKPATRICK schreibt in seinen Aufzeichnungen vom 19551216             : "...,daß ich ihm [dem DEUTSCHLAND—BOTSCHAFTER in...
20050329—19551216    Der GROSSBRITANNIEN—AUSSENMINISTER SIR—IVONE—KIRKPATRICK schreibt in seinen Aufzeichnungen VOM—JAHR:
20051206—20051216    —EXPECTED, CERTIFICATION—OF—THE—VOTE was.
20051215—20051216    —CULMINATED, TONY—BLAIR—EU presidency, in the summit in BRUSSELS.
20051216             BELARUS' PARLIAMENT —SEPTEMBER 20050319             as the date for presidential elections, giving the opposition —JUST —1—WEEK to register 1—CANDIDATE to challenge AUTHORITY—INCUMBENT ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO.
20051216             Die Gewinner sitzen nicht an der Tankstelle, 20010609             Das NIS erfasst —SEIT der Ölpreiskrise von 1973/74—DIE Kosten und Erlöse von Unternehmen, die in DEUTSCHLAND Öl raffinieren und entsprechende Produkte...
20051216             Die Gewinner sitzen nicht an der Tankstelle, 20010609             20051216             Das NIS erfasst —SEIT der Ölpreiskrise von 19730000             /74—DIE Kosten und Erlöse von Unternehmen,
20051216             USA—KONGRESS: Bush gibt Widerstand gegen ANTI—FOLTER—GESETZ auf
20051216             Vorratsspeicherung: Wut über Datenhunger der EU
20051216             "The long run in this war is going to require 1—CHANGE—OF—GOVERNMENTS in PARTS—OF—THE—WORLD".
20051216             -By Lucinda Marshall
20051216             where opponents pledged 1—LAST—DITCH fight against provisions they said would curtail individual liberties.
20051216             natürlich werde 1—ABFRAGE seitens der Polizei oder der Geheimdienste nur unter Richtervorbehalt erfolgen.
20051216             let alone that he might bear SOME—RESPONSIBILITY for it happening.
20051216             die von seinem Vorgänger OTTO—SCHILY (SPD) geplante, umstrittene vorbeugende Sicherungshaft —NUN als Strafhaft auszugestalten.
20051216             die den EINSATZ—DER—BUNDESWEHR im Inneren ermöglichen soll.
20051216             da die Kompatibilität der Daten mit der HARD—UND Software der Behörden noch nicht durchgängig gesichert sei.
20051216             convinced that mainstream journalism is the voice of rampant power.'
20051216             aber man müsse auch die Bedeutung der TERRORISMUS—UND Verbrechensbekämpfung erkennen.
20051216             —VOTED, THE—HOUSE, —WEDNESDAY to renew 1—MODIFIED—USA—PATRIOT—ACT to combat terrorism and sent THE—BILL—TO—THE—SENATE,
20051216             Schäuble kündigte außerdem 1—GRUNDGESETZÄNDERUNG noch vor der FUßBALL—WELTMEISTERSCHAFT —IM—NÄCHSTEN—JAHR in DEUTSCHLAND an,
20051216             Ohnehin waren 9—DER vergangenen —10—JAHRE die wärmsten —BISHER gemessenen Jahreszeiträume.
20051216             —UNAFFECTED, No remorse or sadness, he seemed wholly, in ANY—WAY by the enormity of such 1—LOSS—OF—LIFE,
20051216             Natürlich, so Wiefelspütz im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL—ONLINE, sei die Sammlung von Daten gesetzestreuer Bürger ein großer Schritt,
20051216             MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE are turning away from the traditional SOURCES—OF—NEWS and information and to the World Wide Web,
20051216             In den vergangenen zweieinhalb —JAHRZEHNTEN hat nach SATELLITEN—BEOBACHTUNGEN die EIS—AUSDEHNUNG in der ARKTIS Ende ;;09;;
20051216             um 8—PROZENT abgenommen.
20051216             GEORGE—FACE was eerily MATTER—OF—FACT as he said it.
20051216             "30,000—IRAQIS more or less" have been killed so far in THE—'WAR—ON—TERROR'.
20051216             4—MEN deprived of their liberty —FOR—4—YEARS on suspicion of being INTERNATIONAL terrorists disclose —TODAY that they have not once been questioned by police or security services —SINCE being arrested.
20051216             Die Pläne Schäubles zur Verschärfung des Strafrechts laufen der Zeitung zufolge darauf hinaus,
20051216             Die Ausdehnung der arktischen Eismassen hatte Ende ;;09;;
20051216             ihren niedrigsten Stand im Mittel der vergangenen —4—JAHRE erreicht und lag 1—FÜNFTEL unter dem Durchschnitt,
20051216             Allerdings räumte der SPD—POLITIKER ein, dass es im Zuge der praktischen Umsetzung zu Schwierigkeiten kommen könne,
20051216             Council for Media Integrity Blasts Networks for Distorted TREATMENTS—OF—SCIENCE
20051216             Creationists, mythohistorians + extraterrestrialists are in 1—JIHAD against belief in evolution where apparently it is one's duty to make the preposterous seem plausible.
20051216             Rhodes' enduring reputation in antiquity as 1—CENTER for intricate military and naval technology (Dio Chrys.
20051216             —POINTED, And then there's 1—OTHER—ODDITY, out by reader MICHAEL—RAVNITZKY.
20051216             This would be the Invention Secrecy Act of 19510000             .
20051216             —SKEWED, It's possible that ANY—PATENT list results are, because various government agencies have the ability to classify ANY—PATENT as secret and make it invisible to the public.
20051216             THE—USPTO even keeps 1—CHART—OF "invention secrecy activity".
20051216             There are 4,915 "total secrecy orders in effect".
20051216             So if among all those florist patents Weder and Straeter invented the quantum computing secret decoder ring, we'd never know about it.
20051216             More secrecy may be coming
20051216             —APPROVED, According to legislation, by the Senate Health Committee, this proposed FEDERAL—AGENCY would oversee DEVELOPMENT—OF—DRUGS and vaccines needed to respond to 1—FLU—PANDEMIC or bioterrorist attack.
20051216             The act allows development, testing and use of 1—DRUG or vaccine without 1 SHRED—OF—PUBLIC—INFORMATION about the process.
20051216             —INTENDED, And, if the particular product does not work as, being ineffective or causing illness or death, that information also could be withheld.
20051216             Skull Study Suggests at Least 2—GROUPS Colonized Americas
20051216             The 7,500- to 11,—000—YEAR—OLD remains suggest the oldest SETTLERS—OF—THE—AMERICAS came from different genetic stock than more recent Native Americans.
20051216             Modern Native Americans share traits with Mongoloid peoples of MONGOLIA, CHINA + Siberia, the researchers said.
20051216             But they found DOZENS—OF—SKULLS from BRAZIL appear much more similar to modern Australians, Melanesians + SUB—SAHARAN Africans.
20051216             White people are mutants!
20051216             Scientists Find 1—DNA—CHANGE—THAT—ACCOUNTS—FOR—WHITE—SKIN.
20051216             Elections Official: SOME—VOTING—MACHINES—COULD—BE—HACKED
20051216             Voting machines used in 4—CENTRAL—FLORIDA counties might be flawed.
20051216             THERE—NEW—EVIDENCE that computer hackers could change election results without anyone knowing about it, WESH 2—NEWS reported.
20051216             It is WELL—KNOWN that THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS, the 3. Cunningham briber, has deep but (as yet) ILL—DEFINED ties to SAUDI—ARABIA—INTERESTS.
20051216             He also has 1—HISTORY—OF—ARRANGING for fraudulent visas.
20051216             —ABOUT THE—TIME—OF—MILLER—APPOINTMENT, Kontogiannis ran AFOUL—OF—THE—LAW.
20051216             —ARRESTED, He and 1—OFFICIAL at THE—USA—EMBASSY in ATHENS were, by THE—FBI for taking bribes to provide phony USA visas.
20051216             —PLEADED, Both, guilty + Kontogiannis was sentenced to —5—YEARS' probation.
20051216             He told THE—POST—RECENTLY he was only trying to help 1—GREECE—NATIONAL—VISIT his dying mother... Sources said his motive was pure greed.
20051216             As long as we are engaging in thoroughly irresponsible speculation (but at least having the decency to label it as such), let's note 1—FEW other points:
20051216             1.
20051216             —MERGED, THE—ABRAMOFF and Cunningham scandals have.
20051216             2. Abramoff was hired to do PR for 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—BILLIONAIRE named Saleh ABDULLAH—KAMEL, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—GENERAL—COUNCIL for Islamic Banks -- whose good buddy is, or at least was, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20051216             —PUBLISHED, According to several, reports, 1—KAMEL company paid the rent for the hijackers who lodged in S—DIEGO.
20051216             —CONNECTED, THE—ATTA gang was, to 1—JIHADIST—CELL in NEW—JERSEY, connected in turn (by none other than NBC news) to Magdy EL—AMIR, 1—FORMER—CLIENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY—DIRECTOR—MICHAEL—CHERTOFF.
20051216             —VESTED, Seems to me that THE—NEW—JERSEY cell would have 1, interest in obtaining visas.
20051216             —NOW, I am not entirely familiar with the geography in that PART—OF—THE—WORLD, but I do know that there is 1—IMMIGRATION—OFFICE—IN—NEWARK, closer to the cell in question.
20051216             you may want to note that the Cunningham case is not the only occasion in which the name "Kontogiannis" and the word "bribery" have been mentioned in the same sentence.
20051216             Look here for 20020000             —THE case.
20051216             In einem Zugeständnis an Kritiker sollte die Zulassung umfassender Abhöraktionen sowie die Auswertung von Daten aus Firmen, Krankenhäusern oder Büchereien darüber, wer beispielsweise bestimmte Bücher oder CDs ausgeliehen hat, befristet werden.
20051216             Bush und Justizminister ALBERTO—GONZALES hatten sich für 1—VERLÄNGERUNG—DES—PATRIOT—ACTS stark gemacht.
20051216             Der PRÄSIDENT und der republikanische Fraktionschef im Senat, BILL—FRIST, lehnten es auch ab, die Gesetze —ZUNÄCHST unverändert für —1—JAHR weiter gelten zu lassen.
20051216             "Wir haben vom Terrorismus mehr zu befürchten als von diesem Patriot Act", sagte Frist.
20051216             Bushs Sprecher SCOTT—MCCLELLAN meinte dagegen, im Kampf gegen den Terrorismus könne man auf diese Gesetze nicht verzichten.
20051216             Kritiker weisen darauf hin, dass die Gesetze unter Zeitdruck erarbeitet worden seien und dass der Kongress sich deshalb mehr Zeit nehmen sollte, um beispielsweise die Rechte unschuldiger Amerikaner zu garantieren.
20051216             WASHINGTON—DIE Senatoren stimmten mit 52—ZU 47—STIMMEN gegen Bushs Vorschlag.
20051216             —AM—MITTWOCH hatte das Repräsentantenhaus einen Kompromiss verabschiedet, der die befristeten Teile der —NACH—DEN Anschlägen vom 20010911             beschlossenen 16—ANTI—TERROR—GESETZE mit Änderungen dauerhaft in Kraft setzen würde.
20051216             Der Patriot Act erweitert die Befugnisse der Regierung und Justizbehörden gegenüber Terrorverdächtigen.
20051216             USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH hat im Kongress eine schwere Niederlage erlitten.
20051216             Millionenklage: Beatles verklagen Plattenfirma EMI
20051216             ANTI—TERROR—GESETZE: Bush unterliegt im Kongress
20051216             Zeitungsbericht: Zypries will das Erbrecht ändern
20051216             INTERNET—WERBUNG: Google und AOL planen strategische PARTNERSCHAFT—FOLTER—DISKUSSION: Schäuble am Pranger
20051216             Antiisraelische Hetze: Irans Innenminister spricht von Missverständnis
20051216             Londoner Boulevard: Enjoy the Britskrieg!
20051216             Abhöraffäre: Bush ließ USA—BÜRGER durch NSA belauschen
20051216             Terrorbekämpfung: Zypries meutert gegen Schäubles Vorschläge
20051216             —ENTSCHEIDET, Urteil: OLG, für PC—URHEBERRECHTSABGABE
20051216             NEW—ORLEANS: Klassenkampf in der Geisterstadt
20051216             In den vergangenen zweieinhalb —JAHRZEHNTEN hat nach SATELLITEN—BEOBACHTUNGEN die EIS—AUSDEHNUNG in der ARKTIS Ende —SEPTEMBER um 8—PROZENT abgenommen.
20051216             Dafür seien höhere Durchschnittstemperaturen und 1—FRÜHERER—BEGINN—DER—SCHMELZSAISON auf dem Meer verantwortlich, schrieb die WMO in ihren Jahresbericht.
20051216             FRANKREICH: 4—STERNE und 1—BEFEHL zum Mord
20051216             RUSSLAND—FELDZUG: Läuse dezimierten Napoleons Truppen
20051216             WTO—KRISENKONFERENZ: Mehr RÜCK—ALS Fortschritt
20051216             Die SPD lehnte den Vorstoß Schäubles für 1—VERFASSUNGSÄNDERUNG zum BUNDESWEHR—EINSATZ entschieden ab.
20051216             "Das wird mit der SPD nicht möglich sein. Da müsste Herr DOCTOR—SCHÄUBLE auf etwas mehr zurückgreifen als auf 35—PROZENT im DEUTSCHEN—BUNDESTAG", sagte der SPD—INNENEXPERTE DIETER—WIEFELSPÜTZ—REUTERS—TV.
20051216             Mit den Sozialdemokraten werde es keine Grundgesetzänderung geben, die originäre polizeiliche Zuständigkeiten auf die Bundeswehr übertrage.
20051216             "Die Union ist mit dieser Forderung allein in DEUTSCHLAND und wird allein bleiben".
20051216             Sein Eindruck sei, dass die CDU die FUßBALL—WM kommendes —JAHR in DEUTSCHLAND zum Vorwand nehme, um die Sicherheitsarchitektur in DEUTSCHLAND zu verschieben.
20051216             Deutlicher wurde die stellvertretende VORSITZENDE—DER—LINKSFRAKTION, PETRA—PAU.
20051216             "Das Folterverbot gilt absolut oder gar nicht", erklärte Pau.
20051216             —RELATIVIERT, Dies dürfe nicht, werden, "—SCHON gar nicht durch einen MINISTER, der für den Schutz der Verfassung zuständig ist".
20051216             Informationen, die unter Folter erzwungen wurden, dürften aus moralischen und aus sachlichen Gründen nicht verwendet werden, sagte Pau weiter.
20051216             "Das gilt auch dann, wenn die Vernehmer nicht selbst gefoltert haben".
20051216             Die AUFGABE—DER—BUNDESREGIERUNG sei nicht, Folteropfer auszufragen, sondern Folteropfer ins Völkerrecht zu setzen.
20051216             Mit Blick auf Schäubles Aussage in 1—INTERVIEW—MIT—DER "Süddeutschen Zeitung", im Zusammenhang mit Folter dürfe "die rote Linie" nicht überschritten werden, sagte Pau: "Wenn der Innenminister die rote Linie nicht überschreiten will, sollte er seine Überlegungen für eine vorbeugende Sicherheitshaft wegen einer abstrakten Gefährlichkeit einer Person und für den EINSATZ—DER—BUNDESWEHR zum Objektschutz während der FUßBALL—WELTMEISTERSCHAFT schnellstens dahin werfen, wo sie HINGEHÖREN—IN den Papierkorb".
20051216             BERLIN/HAMBURG—FÜHRENDE Politiker von FDP, Linkspartei und Grünen wiesen den Vorstoß von Bundesinnenminister WOLFGANG—SCHÄUBLE (CDU) scharf zurück.
20051216             "Folter ist tabu. Informationen, die durch Folter gewonnen werden, dürfen nicht verwertet werden", sagte GRÜNEN—FRAKTIONSVIZE HANS—CHRISTIAN—STRÖBELE im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20051216             Dies müsse uneingeschränkt für das Bundeskriminalamt und den Bundesnachrichtendienst gelten.
20051216             Ströbele plädierte für 1—PARLAMENTSDEBATTE zu dem "problematischen Thema".
20051216             —GEFÜHRT, Die Diskussion dürfe nicht nur über die Medien, werden.
20051216             Natürlich, so Wiefelspütz im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL—ONLINE, sei die Sammlung von Daten gesetzestreuer Bürger ein großer Schritt, aber man müsse auch die Bedeutung der TERRORISMUS—UND Verbrechensbekämpfung erkennen.
20051216             Die Bundesregierung plane nur die Umsetzung des Mindestzeitraums von —6—MONATEN, natürlich werde 1—ABFRAGE seitens der Polizei oder der Geheimdienste nur unter Richtervorbehalt erfolgen.
20051216             Für die wirtschaftlichen Bedenken der Verbände hat er kein Verständnis.
20051216             Schließlich würden Telefongesellschaften —SCHON—JETZT die jeweiligen Kundendaten 3—BIS —4—MONATE aufbewahren, da bedeute die Erweiterung auf ein halbes —JAHR keine ungebührliche Belastung.
20051216             Allerdings räumte der SPD—POLITIKER ein, dass es im Zuge der praktischen Umsetzung zu Schwierigkeiten kommen könne, da die Kompatibilität der Daten mit der HARD—UND Software der Behörden noch nicht durchgängig gesichert sei.
20051216             Grundsätzlich jedoch hätten auch die Unternehmen ihren Beitrag zum Gemeinwohl zu leisten.
20051216             Staatlichen Entschädigungen erteilte auch Wiefelspütz 1—ABSAGE.
20051216             Schließlich müssten auch KFZ—HERSTELLER die Sicherheit ihrer Fahrzeuge gewährleisten und könnten die Kosten ebenfalls nicht dem Steuerzahler aufbürden.
20051216             Letzte Chancen für die Gegner
20051216             —NUN richten sich die Erwartungen und Hoffnungen der Gegner der EU—RICHTLINIE auf die Umsetzungsverfahren in den nationalen Parlamenten.
20051216             Sie erhoffen sich überdies eine breite öffentliche Debatte.
20051216             Inzwischen kündigte der IRISCHE—JUSTIZMINISTER MICHAEL—MCDOWELL 1—KLAGE vor dem Europäischen Gerichtshof an, ähnlich hatte sich ALEXANDER—ALVARO für den Fall der —JETZT getroffenen —ENTSCHEIDUNG geäußert.
20051216             Er sieht vor allem die Gewerbefreiheit kleinerer Unternehmen bedroht, da die Datenspeicherung für sie einen erheblichen Mehraufwand mit sich bringe.
20051216             PETER—SCHAAR, der Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz, verwies —BEREITS—IM—OKTOBER auf wesentlich datenschutzfreundlichere Ansätze wie die USA—AMERIKANISCHE "Quick Freeze"-Methode: Statt der generellen Protokollierung von Daten müssen die Dienstanbieter Verkehrsdaten dem Prinzip zufolge nur in begründeten Einzelfällen länger speichern, die Datenherausgabe steht auch dort unter Richtervorbehalt.
20051216             —NUN wird die Vorratsdatenspeicherung grundsätzlich verpflichtend, auf besonderen Antrag hin dürfen die EU—MITGLIEDSLÄNDER sogar noch wesentlich langfristiger SPEICHERN—IN POLEN erwägt man gar einen Zeitraum von —BIS zu —15—JAHREN.
20051216             Der Beschluss traf auf den einhelligen Protest von Wirtschaftsverbänden, Datenschützern und der Medienbranche.
20051216             Der Leiter des Unabhängigen Landeszentrums für Datenschutz SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN, Thilo Weichert, schimpfte: "Was als präventive Terrorismusbekämpfung beschlossen wurde, ist nichts anderes als die Bekämpfung der freien Kommunikation. Menschen werden aus Angst vor dieser Überwachung ihre Kommunikation beschränken. Dies ist 1—BÄRENDIENST für die expandierende Kommunikationswirtschaft".
20051216             Die Wirtschaftsverbände wiesen auf den großen technischen Aufwand und die ungeheuren Datenmengen hin, die die neue Regelung zur Folge hätte.
20051216             So geht der INTERNET—WIRTSCHAFTSVERBAND eco davon aus, dass sich auf Seiten der Provider der Speicherbedarf für die Archivierung der Daten um den Faktor 10000000             erhöhen werde.
20051216             Insgesamt, rechnete der JOURNALIST—STEFAN—KREMPL in der "Süddeutschen Zeitung" vor, entspräche allein das zu archivierende Datenvolumen beim Frankfurter Netzknoten DeCIX rund 639.000—CDS—UND zwar täglich.
20051216             Wer zahlt die Zeche?
20051216             Überdies würde die mangelnde Harmonisierung hinsichtlich der zeitlichen Fristen zu Wettbewerbsverzerrungen führen, so BERNHARD—ROHLEDER vom IT—FACHVERBAND Bitkom.
20051216             Aus Branchenkreisen wurde die Forderung nach der staatlichen Übernahme der zusätzlichen Kosten laut.
20051216             Dies hat Justizministerin BRIGITTE—ZYPRIES (SPD) aber mittlerweile ausgeschlossen.
20051216             —VERPFLICHTET, Das liefe darauf hinaus, dass die Wirtschaft, würde, die Zeche für den LAUSCH—HUNGER—VON—STAAT—UND—EU zu zahlen.
20051216             Datenschützer und Wirtschaftsvertreter ziehen überdies die grundsätzliche Notwendigkeit der Regelung in Zweifel.
20051216             "Mit der Begründung, Terroristen zu jagen, speichert man —JETZT nutzlose Daten auf Kosten der Industrie, wo doch die bestehenden Regelungen nach AUSSAGEN—DER—POLIZEI —BEREITS für 90—PROZENT—DER—FÄLLE ausgereicht haben", so MICHAEL—ROTERT vom INTERNET—VERBAND eco.
20051216             —KRITISIERT, Außerdem wurde, dass es im Vorfeld keinerlei evaluierende Untersuchung hinsichtlich der Effizienz der Maßnahmen gegeben habe.
20051216             Dem hielt der derzeitige Ratsvorsitzende und BRITISCHE—INNENMINISTER CHARLES—CLARKE entgegen, es gebe eine große ZAHL—VON—BEISPIELEN, dass die Aufspürung von Terroristen und anderer Straftäter —ERST durch weitgehende Datenanalysen ermöglicht worden sei.
20051216             Allerdings beschloss das EU—PARLAMENT einen Änderungsantrag, demzufolge das Berufsgeheimnis unter anderem von Journalisten gewahrt bleiben müsse.
20051216             Heiligt der Zweck die Mittel?
20051216             Mehr und mehr Anleger stecken ihr Erspartes den PRIVATE—EQUITY—SPEZIALISTEN direkt zu, so dass die Firmenfinanzierer immer mehr Geld für börsenreife Unternehmen bieten.
20051216             Sollte das eigene Kapital dennoch nicht reichen, greifen die Firmenkäufer —DERZEIT einfach auf Bankkredite zurück.
20051216             Denn solange die Zinsen für das Geld auf Pump niedrig sind, bekommen die PRIVATE—EQUITY—FIRMEN den Rest des benötigten Kapitals schnell zu günstigen Preisen zusammen.
20051216             "Die Börse hat —DERZEIT einen ernsten Wettbewerber", sagt Fondsmanager Meier deshalb zu MANAGER—
20051216             Der Börsenspezialist PRIVATE—EQUITY ist längst zum Börsenschreck geworden.
20051216             Jahresbericht 20050000             : Rekordverdächtige Wärme im Norden
20051216             Razzia in Parteibüros: CSU droht Spendenskandal
20051216             Foltergeständnisse: Opposition weist SCHÄUBLE—VORSTOß entsetzt zurück
20051216             Killerinsekten: Ameisen jagen Wirbeltiere
20051216             —VERURTEILT, IRAN—ERKLÄRUNG: EU, Ahmadinedschads ISRAEL—HETZE
20051216             —GEFÄLSCHT, Forschungsskandal: Klonpionier will nicht, haben
20051216             Seehofers Agrarpolitik: Kein Bonus für Bio
20051216             Er wolle "gefährliche Personen", denen man —BISHER 1—STRAFTAT nicht nachweisen könne, vor Gericht stellen lassen, sagte Innenminister WOLFGANG—SCHÄUBLE (CDU) der "Süddeutschen Zeitung".
20051216             Hierzu solle das "Absolvieren einer Ausbildung in einem Terroristenlager in AFGHANISTAN oder sonst wo" künftig strafbar sein.
20051216             Bundeswehreinsatz im Innern
20051216             Schäuble kündigte außerdem 1—GRUNDGESETZÄNDERUNG noch vor der FUßBALL—WELTMEISTERSCHAFT —IM—NÄCHSTEN—JAHR in DEUTSCHLAND an, die den EINSATZ—DER—BUNDESWEHR im Inneren ermöglichen soll.
20051216             In den Koalitionsverhandlungen war dieses Thema —BIS zum Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts über das Luftsicherheitsgesetz zurückgestellt WORDEN—DIESES Urteil wird für 20060200             erwartet.
20051216             Schäuble will, während der WM —IM—JUNI und 20060700             , zur Entlastung der Polizei den Schutz wichtiger Objekte von der Bundeswehr erledigen lassen.
20051216             Soldaten sollen dann Stadien, Flughäfen und Mannschaftsquartiere bewachen.
20051216             Die Pläne Schäubles zur Verschärfung des Strafrechts laufen der Zeitung zufolge darauf hinaus, die von seinem Vorgänger OTTO—SCHILY (SPD) geplante, umstrittene vorbeugende Sicherungshaft —NUN als Strafhaft auszugestalten.
20051216             Die vorbeugende Haft war in den Koalitionsverhandlungen verworfen worden.
20051216             —SEIT dem so genannten SCHILY—SICHERHEITSPAKET aus —DEM—JAHR 20020000             ist auch die Mitgliedschaft in einer ausländischen terroristischen Vereinigung strafbar.
20051216             Künftig sollen auch Verhaltensweisen bestraft werden können, die unterhalb der Schwelle einer solchen Mitgliedschaft liegen.
20051216             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Zone der Unschärfe"
20051216             Hongkonger Handelsgipfel: EU wirft den USA taktische Spielchen vor
20051216             Rassenunruhen in SYDNEY: Brüchige Waffenruhe am Badestrand
20051216             ANTI—TERROR—KAMPF: Schäuble will Foltergeständnisse nutzen
20051216             ANTI—TERROR—KAMPF: Schäuble will "gefährliche Leute" vor Gericht stellen
20051216             House OKs Patriot Act; fate in Senate uncertain : THE—HOUSE voted —WEDNESDAY to renew 1—MODIFIED—USA—PATRIOT—ACT to combat terrorism and sent THE—BILL—TO—THE—SENATE, where opponents pledged 1—LAST—DITCH fight against provisions they said would curtail individual liberties.
20051216             Pentagon Caught Spying on USA—ANTI—WAR and ANTI—NUCLEAR—ACTIVISTS : THE—PENTAGON—DOMESTIC—INTELLIGENCE gathering has been done through 1—SECRETIVE program called TALON which allows military bases and other defense installations to file reports of suspicious activity into 1 consolidated database.
20051216             THE—SOCIAL—DARWINISTS sitting atop the food chain in the wealthiest, most powerful nation in humanity's history —NOW have access to their own paramilitary force.
20051216             They can unleash their private army on the "unfittest" —WHEN the need arises, whether it be within AMERICA—BORDERS or otherwise.
20051216             Ethics questions dog CALIFORNIA congressman : THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—HOUSE—ARMED—SERVICES—COMMITTEE, has come under fire from constituents for accepting nearly 1—QUARTER—MILLION—DOLLARS in campaign contributions from missile defense contractors over the past —5—YEARS.
20051216             —WHEN Dead Men Vote : THE—TENNESSEE—BUREAU—OF—INVESTIGATION was called in —AFTER THE—COMMERCIAL—APPEAL—NEWSPAPER reported that 2—MEMPHIS residents who † weeks —BEFORE the election were recorded as casting ballots.
20051216             11—MILLION USA—ADULTS Illiterate, Study Show:
20051216             1 estimated in 1 in 20—USA—ADULTS is not literate in English, which means 11—MILLION—PEOPLE—LACK the skills to perform everyday tasks, 1—FEDERAL—STUDY shows
20051216             War pimp alert:
20051216             —MOVED, SADDAM—WMD—MOVED to Syria, 1—ISRAELI—SAYS: SADDAM—HUSSEIN, his chemical weapons to Syria —6—WEEKS—BEFORE the war started, ISRAEL—TOP—GENERAL —DURING Operation IRAQ—FREEDOM says.
20051216             House OKs ban on detainee torture : THE—HOUSE gave strong support —YESTERDAY to 1—MEASURE that would ban torture and limit interrogation tactics in USA—DETENTION—FACILITIES, agreeing with senators that Congress needs to set uniform guidelines for THE—TREATMENT—OF—PRISONERS in THE—WAR—ON—TERROR.
20051216             Imagining Survival: We Americans read in the Administration's "pet media" what the military allows to filter thru THE—PENTAGON—SIEVE—OF—DECEPTIONS, HALF—TRUTHS and lies and we feel well informed.
20051216             —INFORMED, But we aren't well, - we aren't even informed.
20051216             'MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE are turning away from the traditional SOURCES—OF—NEWS and information and to the World Wide Web, convinced that mainstream journalism is the voice of rampant power.'
20051216             Report From THE—INTERNATIONAL—PEACE—CONFERENCE : This excellent panel featured talks by ROSE—GENTLE (Military Families Against the War), ANN—LAWRENCE (Military Families Against the War), JOHN—MILLER (Military Families Against the War), BEN—GRIFFIN (Military Families Against the War), Kelly Dougherty (IRAQ Veterans Against the War), Chis Nineham (Stop the War Coalition), Medea Benjamin (Code Pink), PETER—BRIERLEY (Military Families Against the War), JUDY—CUNIGLIO (DALLAS—TEXAS), Reg Keys (Military Families Against the War), Cindy Sheehan (Gold Star Families for Peace).
20051216             —CONVENED, The peace conference was, by the Stop the War Coalition (UK ): Well over 1000—PEOPLE packed packed into the Royal Horticultural Society Hall, LONDON —ON—SATURDAY for the peace conference.
20051216             —TURNED, More were in 1—OVERFLOW hall and still more were, away in the days —BEFORE the conference began.
20051216             RUSSIA—OFFICIAL—SLAMS IRAN—PRESIDENT—ANTI—ISRAELI—STATEMENTS : "There is 1—FEELING that IRAN has taken upon itself the mission of stirring up THE—MIDDLE—EAST—CONFLICT and doing services to all SORTS—OF—EXTREMISTS, including those acting far from ISRAEL and Palestine. It may lead to THE—INTERNATIONAL—ISOLATION—OF—IRAN," THE—SENATOR said.
20051216             Bush says IRAN a 'real threat': USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—ON—WEDNESDAY called IRAN a "real threat" and lashed out at PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD over the country's nuclear program and calls for THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—ISRAEL.
20051216             —APPROVED, ISRAEL to build new homes in WEST—BANK : ISRAEL has, THE—CONSTRUCTION—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—NEW—HOMES in WEST—BANK—SETTLEMENTS, 1—DEFENSE—MINISTRY—OFFICIAL said —WEDNESDAY, confirming what would be 1—VIOLATION—OF—THE—USA—BACKED "road map" peace plan.
20051216             Bush defends IRAQ invasion, preemptive war doctrine : "In 1—AGE—OF—TERRORISM and WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION, if we wait for threats to fully materialize, we will have waited too long," he said in 1—SPEECH aimed at shoring up flagging USA—SUPPORT for the conflict.
20051216             1—DEATH—TOLL—LOWER—THAN—DC—MURDER—RATE?
20051216             NPR Swallows Bush Guestimate on IRAQ—DEAD
20051216             IRAQ—MILITARY and resistance fighters are human beings?
20051216             † : I wrote —2—DAYS—AGO that GEORGE—BUSH—ASSERTION that 30,000 Iraqi "citizens" had, was wrong, not —JUST because it didn't give credence to the controversial Lancet study which estimated (more than —1—YEAR—AGO) 100,000 dead
20051216             Full Text: Murtha Demands Debate on IRAQ : I am asking you to join me in demanding 1—REAL—DISCUSSION—OF—THE—WAR in IRAQ from THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES.
20051216             War Costs Poised To Reach $500B : The administration long has contended that it can't put 1—PRICE—TAG on future costs because of the unpredictable NATURE—OF—WAR.
20051216             —ACCUSED, Critics, mostly Democrats, have, Bush of delaying his war spending requests for as long as possible to keep budget deficit projections looking smaller.
20051216             USA—SENATE wants secret prison details : The new Senate measure, PART—OF—1—BILL authorizing intelligence spending, is separate from 1—AMENDMENT by SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN, R—ARIZONA, that is still being debated as PART—OF—1—MILITARY spending bill.
20051216             EGYPT says USA ignores offer to train IRAQ—TROOPS : EGYPT has repeatedly offered to train TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—IRAQ—FORCES but WASHINGTON ignored this offer and chose instead to criticize CAIRO for not doing enough, EGYPT—ENVOY to THE—USA—SAID.
20051216             Able Danger officials will testify —BEFORE Congres s : THE—PENTAGON, —AFTER WEEKS—OF—SILENCE, will allow participants in 1—INTELLIGENCE—CELL that —1—YEAR—BEFORE 20050911             —THE attacks may have identified some of the ringleaders to testify —BEFORE Congress.
20051216             Their testimony could shed light on information that 20050911             —THE commission did not include in its report.
20051216             Kidnap and Torture USA—STYLE
20051216             Kidnap and Torture USA—STYLE follows THE—STORIES—OF—TERROR—SUSPECTS.
20051216             —SNATCHED, SOME—OF—THEM are UK—RESIDENTS, who have been, from streets and airports —THROUGHOUT the world —BEFORE being flown to THE—MIDDLE—EAST and AFRICA.
20051216             In countries such as Syria and EGYPT, they undergo agonising ordeals —BEFORE being incarcerated, without ever facing 1—OPEN—TRIAL.
20051216             ENEMIES—OF—THE—STATE? 30,000 Iraqis More or Less
20051216             —BY Lucinda MARSHALL—GEORGE—FACE was eerily MATTER—OF—FACT as he said it.
20051216             —UNAFFECTED, No remorse or sadness, he seemed wholly, in ANY—WAY by the enormity of such 1—LOSS—OF—LIFE, let alone that he might bear SOME—RESPONSIBILITY for it happening.
20051216             —TODAY 'S—TIMES BLOCKBUSTER—DIEBOLD Dropped in Volusia County, FL!
20051216             Yahoo News — Politics
20051216             AP—RETREATING under fire, Republican SENATOR—CONRAD—BURNS—OF—MONTANA will return donations that he received from indicted lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF and his associates, THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—SENATOR—RE—ELECTION—CAMPAIGN said —FRIDAY.
20051216             Abramoff CO—DEFENDANT Agrees to Help PROSECUTORS—NPR USA—NEWS
20051216             —INDICTED, An CO—DEFENDANT—OF, lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF has agreed to cooperate with prosecutors.
20051216             KIDAN—COOPERATION with the authorities bodes ill for Abr
20051216             Abramoff EX—PARTNER pleads guilty in FLORIDA case
20051216             REUTERS—MIAMI (Reuters ) - 1—FORMER—BUSINESS—PARTNER—OF—PROMINENT—WASHINGTON lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF pleaded guilty —ON—THURSDAY to fraud + conspi racy in 1—CASE involving the purchase of 1—FLORIDA casino cruise line.
20051216             Abramoff EX—PARTNER pleads guilty to fraud charge
20051216             Pentagon Caught Spying on USA—ANTI—WAR and ANTI—NUCLEAR—ACTIVISTS:
20051216             Dafür seien höhere Durchschnittstemperaturen und 1—FRÜHERER—BEGINN—DER—SCHMELZSAISON auf dem Meer verantwortlich,
20051216             31.104). - - With it, THE—LAST—OF—THE—GREECE—DEMOCRACIES successfully warded off even Roman domination —UNTIL 43—B.C. (Strabo 14.653, Polyb.
20051216             21.7.1-4) - It shows that so far
20051216             —COVERED, KEVIN—MANEY has, technology for USA—TODAY
20051216             More secrecy may be coming Comes —NOW the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Agency, or BARDA, which would move THE—CREATION—OF—NEW—DRUGS and vaccines behind 1—WALL—OF—SECRECY.
20051216             —INTENDED, And, if the particular product does not work as, being ineffective or causing illness or death,
20051216             that information also could be withheld.
20051216             Skull Study Suggests at Least 2—GROUPS Colonized Americas The 7,500- to 11,—000—YEAR—OLD remains suggest the oldest SETTLERS—OF—THE—AMERICAS came from different genetic stock than more recent Native Americans.
20051216             White people are mutants! Scientists Find 1—DNA—CHANGE—THAT—ACCOUNTS—FOR—WHITE—SKIN.
20051216             Elections Official: SOME—VOTING—MACHINES—COULD—BE—HACKED—VOTING machines used in 4—CENTRAL—FLORIDA counties might be flawed.
20051216             Business dealings between District 29 in Rosedale [Queens] and Kontogiannis date back to 19890000             ,
20051216             —WHEN the local BOARD leased offices at 1—CROSS—ISLAND—PLAZA, built - [Celestine] Miller, appointed
20051216             2. Abramoff was hired to do PR for 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—BILLIONAIRE named Saleh ABDULLAH—KAMEL,
20051216             CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—GENERAL—COUNCIL for Islamic Banks -- whose good buddy is, or at least was, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20051216             —PUBLISHED, According to several, reports,
20051216             1—KAMEL company paid the rent for the hijackers who lodged in S—DIEGO.
20051216             —CONNECTED, THE—ATTA gang was, to 1—JIHADIST—CELL in NEW—JERSEY, connected in turn (by none other than NBC news) to Magdy EL—AMIR,
20051216             —NOW, I am not entirely familiar with the geography in that PART—OF—THE—WORLD,
20051216             but I do know that there is 1—IMMIGRATION—OFFICE—IN—NEWARK, closer to the cell in question.
20051216             20051216             In einem Zugeständnis an Kritiker sollte die Zulassung umfassender Abhöraktionen sowie die Auswertung von Daten aus Firmen,
20051216             Krankenhäusern oder Büchereien darüber, wer beispielsweise bestimmte Bücher oder CDs ausgeliehen hat,
20051216             befristet werden.
20051216             Bushs Sprecher SCOTT—MCCLELLAN meinte dagegen,
20051216             im Kampf gegen den Terrorismus könne man auf diese Gesetze nicht verzichten.
20051216             Kritiker weisen darauf hin, dass die Gesetze unter Zeitdruck erarbeitet worden seien und dass der Kongress sich deshalb mehr Zeit nehmen sollte,
20051216             um beispielsweise die Rechte unschuldiger Amerikaner zu garantieren.
20051216             —AM—MITTWOCH hatte das Repräsentantenhaus einen Kompromiss verabschiedet,
20051216             der die befristeten Teile der —NACH—DEN Anschlägen vom 20010911             beschlossenen 16—ANTI—TERROR—GESETZE mit Änderungen dauerhaft in Kraft setzen würde.
20051216             Der Senat lehnte es ab, die Ende ;;12;;
20051216             auslaufenden Bestimmungen des ANTI—TERROR—GESETZES (Patriot Act) mit einigen Änderungen zu verlängern.
20051216             der von 19790000—20040000    —JAHR—BIS gemessen wurde.
20051216             schrieb die WMO in ihren Jahresbericht.
20051216             "Das wird mit der SPD nicht möglich sein. Da müsste Herr DOCTOR—SCHÄUBLE auf etwas mehr zurückgreifen als auf 35—PROZENT im DEUTSCHEN—BUNDESTAG",
20051216             Mit den Sozialdemokraten werde es keine Grundgesetzänderung geben,
20051216             die originäre polizeiliche Zuständigkeiten auf die Bundeswehr übertrage.
20051216             Informationen, die unter Folter erzwungen wurden,
20051216             dürften aus moralischen und aus sachlichen Gründen nicht verwendet werden, sagte Pau weiter.
20051216             Mit Blick auf Schäubles Aussage in 1—INTERVIEW—MIT—DER "Süddeutschen Zeitung",
20051216             im Zusammenhang mit Folter dürfe "die rote Linie" nicht überschritten werden,
20051216             sagte Pau: "Wenn der Innenminister die rote Linie nicht überschreiten will,
20051216             sollte er seine Überlegungen für eine vorbeugende Sicherheitshaft wegen einer abstrakten Gefährlichkeit einer Person und für den EINSATZ—DER—BUNDESWEHR zum Objektschutz während der FUßBALL—WELTMEISTERSCHAFT schnellstens dahin werfen,
20051216             wo sie HINGEHÖREN—IN den Papierkorb". "Folter ist tabu.
20051216             —GEWONNEN, Informationen, die durch Folter, werden,
20051216             dürfen nicht verwertet werden", sagte GRÜNEN—FRAKTIONSVIZE HANS—CHRISTIAN—STRÖBELE im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20051216             Die Bundesregierung plane nur die Umsetzung des Mindestzeitraums von —6—MONATEN,
20051216             Schließlich würden Telefongesellschaften —SCHON—JETZT die jeweiligen Kundendaten 3—BIS —4—MONATE aufbewahren,
20051216             da bedeute die Erweiterung auf ein halbes —JAHR keine ungebührliche Belastung.
20051216             Inzwischen kündigte der IRISCHE—JUSTIZMINISTER MICHAEL—MCDOWELL 1—KLAGE vor dem Europäischen Gerichtshof an,
20051216             ähnlich hatte sich ALEXANDER—ALVARO für den Fall der —JETZT getroffenen —ENTSCHEIDUNG geäußert.
20051216             PETER—SCHAAR, der Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz, verwies —BEREITS im ;;10;;
20051216             auf wesentlich datenschutzfreundlichere Ansätze wie die USA—AMERIKANISCHE "Quick Freeze"-Methode:
20051216             Statt der generellen Protokollierung von Daten müssen die Dienstanbieter Verkehrsdaten dem Prinzip zufolge nur in begründeten Einzelfällen länger speichern,
20051216             die Datenherausgabe steht auch dort unter Richtervorbehalt.
20051216             Der Leiter des Unabhängigen Landeszentrums für Datenschutz SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN,
20051216             Thilo Weichert, schimpfte: "Was als präventive Terrorismusbekämpfung beschlossen wurde, ist nichts anderes als die Bekämpfung der freien Kommunikation.
20051216             Menschen werden aus Angst vor dieser Überwachung ihre Kommunikation beschränken.
20051216             Dies ist 1—BÄRENDIENST für die expandierende Kommunikationswirtschaft".
20051216             Die Wirtschaftsverbände wiesen auf den großen technischen Aufwand und die ungeheuren Datenmengen hin,
20051216             die die neue Regelung zur Folge hätte.
20051216             So geht der INTERNET—WIRTSCHAFTSVERBAND eco davon aus,
20051216             dass sich auf Seiten der Provider der Speicherbedarf für die Archivierung der Daten um den Faktor 10000000             erhöhen werde.
20051216             Überdies würde die mangelnde Harmonisierung hinsichtlich der zeitlichen Fristen zu Wettbewerbsverzerrungen führen,
20051216             so BERNHARD—ROHLEDER vom IT—FACHVERBAND Bitkom.
20051216             "Mit der Begründung, Terroristen zu jagen, speichert man —JETZT nutzlose Daten auf Kosten der Industrie,
20051216             wo doch die bestehenden Regelungen nach AUSSAGEN—DER—POLIZEI —BEREITS für 90—PROZENT—DER—FÄLLE ausgereicht haben",
20051216             so MICHAEL—ROTERT vom INTERNET—VERBAND eco.
20051216             Dem hielt der derzeitige Ratsvorsitzende und BRITISCHE—INNENMINISTER CHARLES—CLARKE entgegen,
20051216             es gebe eine große ZAHL—VON—BEISPIELEN, dass die Aufspürung von Terroristen und anderer Straftäter —ERST durch weitgehende Datenanalysen ermöglicht worden sei.
20051216             Aus den REIHEN—VON—VERLEGER—UND—JOURNALISTENVERBÄNDEN waren zudem Bedenken laut geworden, die Regelung untergrabe den Informantenschutz.
20051216             Allerdings beschloss das EU—PARLAMENT einen Änderungsantrag,
20051216             demzufolge das Berufsgeheimnis unter anderem von Journalisten gewahrt bleiben müsse.
20051216             —GEFÄLSCHT, Forschungsskandal: Klonpionier will nicht, HABEN—AUFSCHWUNG: Geschäftsklima so gut wie
20051216             die in DEUTSCHLAND Öl raffinieren und entsprechende Produkte...
20051216             House OKs Patriot Act; fate in Senate uncertain:
20051216             THE—PENTAGON—DOMESTIC—INTELLIGENCE gathering has been done through 1—SECRETIVE program called TALON which allows military bases and other defense installations to file reports of suspicious activity into 1 consolidated database.
20051216             Privatize Me...Corporatize Me.... Blackwaterize Me:
20051216             Ethics questions dog CALIFORNIA congressman:
20051216             THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—HOUSE—ARMED—SERVICES—COMMITTEE, has come under fire from constituents for accepting nearly 1—QUARTER—MILLION—DOLLARS in campaign contributions from missile defense contractors over the past —5—YEARS.
20051216             —WHEN Dead Men Vote:
20051216             War pimp alert: SADDAM—WMD—MOVED to Syria, An ISRAEL—SAYS:
20051216             —MOVED, SADDAM—HUSSEIN, his chemical weapons to Syria —6—WEEKS—BEFORE the war started, ISRAEL—TOP—GENERAL —DURING Operation IRAQ—FREEDOM says.
20051216             House OKs ban on detainee torture:
20051216             THE—HOUSE gave strong support —YESTERDAY to 1—MEASURE that would ban torture and limit interrogation tactics in USA—DETENTION—FACILITIES ,
20051216             agreeing with senators that Congress needs to set uniform guidelines for THE—TREATMENT—OF—PRISONERS in THE—WAR—ON—TERROR.
20051216             Imagining Survival:
20051216             We Americans read in the Administration's "pet media" what the military allows to filter thru THE—PENTAGON—SIEVE—OF—DECEPTIONS,
20051216             —INFORMED, HALF—TRUTHS and lies and we feel well.
20051216             —INFORMED, But we aren't well INFORMED—WE aren't even.
20051216             Report From THE—INTERNATIONAL—PEACE—CONFERENCE:
20051216             —FEATURED, This excellent panel, talks by ROSE—GENTLE (Military Families Against the War),
20051216             ANN—LAWRENCE (Military Families Against the War), JOHN—MILLER (Military Families Against the War),
20051216             BEN—GRIFFIN (Military Families Against the War), Kelly Dougherty (IRAQ Veterans Against the War),
20051216             Chis Nineham (Stop the War Coalition), Medea Benjamin (Code Pink),
20051216             PETER—BRIERLEY (Military Families Against the War), JUDY—CUNIGLIO (DALLAS,
20051216             TEXAS), Reg Keys (Military Families Against the War), Cindy Sheehan (Gold Star Families for Peace).
20051216             —CONVENED, The peace conference was, by the Stop the War Coalition (UK):
20051216             —PACKED, Well over 1000—PEOPLE, packed into the Royal Horticultural Society Hall, LONDON —ON—SATURDAY for the peace conference.
20051216             "There is 1—FEELING that IRAN has taken upon itself the mission of stirring up THE—MIDDLE—EAST—CONFLICT and doing services to all SORTS—OF—EXTREMISTS,
20051216             including those acting far from ISRAEL and Palestine.
20051216             It may lead to THE—INTERNATIONAL—ISOLATION—OF—IRAN," THE—SENATOR said.
20051216             Bush says IRAN a 'real threat':
20051216             —CALLED, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—ON—WEDNESDAY, IRAN a "real threat" and lashed out at PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD over the country's nuclear program and calls for THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—ISRAEL.
20051216             ISRAEL to build new homes in WEST—BANK:
20051216             1—DEFENSE—MINISTRY—OFFICIAL said —WEDNESDAY, confirming what would be 1—VIOLATION—OF—THE—USA—BACKED "road map" peace plan.
20051216             Bush defends IRAQ invasion, preemptive war doctrine:
20051216             "In 1—AGE—OF—TERRORISM and WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION, if we wait for threats to fully materialize,
20051216             we will have waited too long," he said in 1—SPEECH aimed at shoring up flagging USA—SUPPORT for the conflict.
20051216             † I—WROTE—2—DAYS—AGO—THAT—GEORGE—BUSH—ASSERTION—THAT—30,000—IRAQI "citizens" had, was wrong,
20051216             not —JUST because it didn't give credence to the controversial Lancet study which estimated (more than —1—YEAR—AGO) 100,000 dead
20051216             Full Text: Murtha Demands Debate on IRAQ:
20051216             I am asking you to join me in demanding 1—REAL—DISCUSSION—OF—THE—WAR in IRAQ from THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES.
20051216             War Costs Poised To Reach $500B:
20051216             —CONTENDED, The administration long has, that it can't put 1—PRICE—TAG on future costs because of the unpredictable NATURE—OF—WAR.
20051216             USA—SENATE wants secret prison details:
20051216             The new Senate measure, PART—OF—1—BILL authorizing intelligence spending, is separate from 1—AMENDMENT by SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN,
20051216             —DEBATED, R—ARIZONA, that is still being, as PART—OF—1—MILITARY spending bill.
20051216             EGYPT says USA ignores offer to train IRAQ—TROOPS:
20051216             —OFFERED, EGYPT has repeatedly, to train TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—IRAQ—FORCES but WASHINGTON ignored this offer and chose instead to criticize CAIRO for not doing enough,
20051216             EGYPT—ENVOY to THE—USA—SAID.
20051216             Able Danger officials will testify —BEFORE Congres
20051216             s : THE—PENTAGON, —AFTER WEEKS—OF—SILENCE, will allow participants in 1—INTELLIGENCE—CELL that —1—YEAR—BEFORE the ;;09;;.
20051216             11—ATTACKS may have identified some of the ringleaders to testify —BEFORE Congress.
20051216             Their testimony could shed light on information that the ;;09;;.
20051216             11—COMMISSION did not include in its report.
20051216             Kidnap and Torture USA—STYLE- - Video DOCUMENTARY—CHANNEL 4— UK- - ENEMIES—OF—THE—STATE?-
20051216             —TODAY—TIMES—BLOCKBUSTER—FOR 20020000             —THE case.
20051216             "IRAQ is the central front of the global WAR—ON—TERROR".
20051216             [—JAHR]
20051216             —BLOCKED, USA—SENATE—DEMOCRATS, passage of 1—NEW—PATRIOT—ACT to combat terrorism at home, depicting the measure as 1—THREAT to the constitutional liberties of innocent Americans.
20051216             —ACTED, THE—USA—HOUSE, to stem the tide of illegal immigration by taking steps to tighten border controls and stop unlawful immigrants from getting jobs.
20051216             But lawmakers left for —NEXT—YEAR the tougher issue of what to do with THE—11—MILLION undocumented people already in the country.
20051216             —ANNOUNCED, USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES, 1—GOVERNMENT—CRACKDOWN on sexual trafficking in children.
20051216             —ENDED, HOWARD—STERN, —51—JAHRE—ALT, NEW—YORK—CITY radio show host, his terrestrial radio career.
20051216             —ANNOUNCED, Google, it would pay $1—BILLION for a 5% stake in AOL.
20051216             † ACTOR—JOHN—SPENCER, —58—JAHRE—ALT, who played the role of LEO—MCGARRY in "THE—WEST—WING," of 1—HEART—ATTACK.
20051216             —SEIZED, BANGLADESH police, 2—LARGE CACHES—OF—BOMB—MAKING materials and arrested 4 suspected MEMBERS—OF—1—BANNED—ISLAMIC—GROUP that has been blamed for 1—WAVE—OF—DEADLY—BOMBINGS.
20051216             A 5. suspect was arrested the —NEXT—DAY.
20051216             CHECHNYA—TOP—PROSECUTOR said 1—STATE—OWNED chemical company on the outskirts of the Chechen capital had "catastrophic" radiation levels TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—TIMES—GREATER than normal.
20051216             Exploratory peace talks between COLOMBIA and its 2.—LARGEST rebel group began in CUBA with help from the Nobel PRIZE—WINNING AUTHOR—GABRIEL—GARCIA—MARQUEZ and facilitators from SPAIN, NORWAY and SWITZERLAND.
20051216             MOHAMMED—ALI—HAMADI, 1—LEBANON—MAN serving 1—LIFE—SENTENCE in GERMANY for 19850000             —THE hijacking of 1—TWA jetliner and KILLING—OF—A—USA—NAVY diver, returned to LEBANON —AFTER being paroled in GERMANY.
20051216             INDIA said it would not share information on earthquakes below 1—MAGNITUDE—OF—6 on the Richter scale due to security concerns.
20051216             ADNAN—AL—DULAIMI, HEAD—OF—THE—IRAQI—ACCORDANCE—FRONT, said Sunni Arab participation in the elections could have been even higher if there had there been more polling centers in key Sunni areas.
20051216             —SHOWED, ITALY—PROSECUTORS, 1—COURT thank you notes and other correspondence that they contended proved 1—FORMER—CURATOR at the J. PAUL—GETTY museum knew artifacts were being illegally acquired.
20051216             —UNVEILED, Sony Corp., 1—UPGRADE of its 23.5-inch humanoid robot QRIO, which can —NOW recognize boxes and play with them like building blocks.
20051216             THE—HAMAS militant group won local elections in THE—WEST—BANK—LARGEST—CITIES, according to preliminary results, dealing 1—HARSH—BLOW to the ruling Fatah party —JUST—6—WEEKS ahead of 1—PARLIAMENTARY—POLL.
20051216             —DISMISSED, LIBERIA—ELECTORAL—AUTHORITIES, INTERNATIONAL soccer star GEORGE—WEAH—CLAIMS that fraud had robbed HIM—OF—VICTORY in 1—PRESIDENTIAL—RUN—OFF vote —LAST—MONTH, but his party vowed to appeal.
20051216             —REPORTED, MOROCCO—STATE—NEWS—AGENCY, that 1—TRUTH—COMMISSION tasked with investigating more than —4—DECADES (19560000—19990000    ) of human rights abuses uncovered nearly 600—DISAPPEARANCES and the deaths of about 500—PEOPLE —DURING street riots or —WHILE in police custody.
20051216             —EXPELLED, NORTH—IRELAND, Sinn Fein, DENIS—DONALDSON, 1—PROMINENT—PARTY—MEMBER, for serving as 1—UK—AGENT for the past —2—DECADES.
20051216             —OPENED, TURKEY, 1—TRIAL against novelist Orhan Pamuk, in ISTANBUL.
20051216             —ADJOURNED, It was then, to February. that
20051216—19850000    —SINCE, KEVIN—MANEY has covered technology for USA—TODAY
20051216—19850000    —QUOTED, From 1—NY—POST—ARTICLE, by Laura Rozen:
20051216—19920000    —IN, [Celestine] Miller, appointed, ran the district with 1—IRON fist, but treated herself with KINDNESS—LEASING 1—CADILLAC with district funds, sources said.
20051216—20000000    —SEIT, Aufschwung: Geschäftsklima so gut wie nicht mehr
20051216—20000000    —PLEADED, ADAM—KIDAN has, guilty to fraud + conspi racy charges related to 1—SHADY business deal.
20051216—20030819    —IN—THE, THE—USA—MILITARY said IRAQ has issued 1—ARREST—WARRANT naming MULLAH—HALGURD—AL—KHABIR as the "prime suspect", BOMBING—OF—UN—HEADQUARTERS in BAGHDAD.
20051216—20040000    —BIS, Die Ausdehnung der arktischen Eismassen hatte Ende —SEPTEMBER ihren niedrigsten Stand im Mittel der vergangenen —4—JAHRE erreicht und lag 1—FÜNFTEL unter dem Durchschnitt, der von 19790000             gemessen wurde.
20051216—20050000    —IN, It shows that so far, there have been 106 "new secrecy orders imposed".
20051216—20050109    —ON, He planned to start working for Sirius Satellite Radio.
20051216—20050123    —DROPPED, Charges were.
20051216—20051220    —FINALIZED, The deal was.
20051216—20060300    —SIGNED, The result was 1—REVISED—PATRIOT—ACT, by Bush.
20051227             NORMAN—SOLOMON: NSA Spied on UNITED—NATIONS Diplomats in Push for Invasion of IRAQ : Despite all the news accounts and punditry —SINCE THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES published its 20051216             bombshell about the National Security AGENCY—DOMESTIC spying, the media coverage has made virtually no MENTION—OF—THE—FACT that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION used THE—NSA to spy on UNITED—NATIONS diplomats in NEW—YORK —BEFORE the invasion of IRAQ.
20060226             Telegraph, 20011216             ,
20060408             In the days —BEFORE 20041216             : Election workers, fearing the cost and publicity of 1—MONTHLONG hand recount, 1—SPECIAL—PROSECUTOR—NOW contends, meet in secret to crack open the ballots and HAND—COUNT—VOTES, identifying precincts where the machine COUNT—OF—VOTES from election night exactly matches the hand count.
20061213             [20051216             ]
20061215             +20061216             1—RUN—DOWN—OF—THE—DAYS—ELECTIONS/voting news from across the country + overseas.
20061215—20061216    THE—UK—GOVERNMENT—CASE for going to war in IRAQ has been torn apart by the publication of previously suppressed evidence that
20061216             —AFTER all, he is the fabled, gravelly voiced eminence who has strode across the world stage for the better PART—OF—HALF—1—CENTURY.
20061216             20050202... - pour abus de biens sociaux au bénéfice de GeoMiliTech Consultants INC
20061216             RATING—UPDATE: TORONTO ( AG) - Die Analysten von RBC CAPITAL—MARKETS stufen die Aktie von Eldordo Gold (ISIN CA2849021035/WKN 892560) von "Top Pick" auf "sector perform" zurück.
20061216             —AFTER being authorized to do so 20030705             —ON,
20061216             'Two weeks 20060801             —MASSIVE typhoon, nicknamed Durian, blasted THE—PHILIPPINES—ISLAND—OF—LUZON, creating mudslides that swamped entire villages and buried at least 600—PEOPLE--1—BRUTAL way to die.
20061216             "The debate between creationism versus evolution is —STARTING—AGAIN—IN THE—USA,
20061216             took into protective care 1—INFANT child named Jesus, who had been wrapped in strips of cloth and placed in 1—FEEDING trough by his —14—YEAR—OLD—MOTHER, MARY—OF—NAZARETH
20061216             ruling that some of the killings were legal under INTERNATIONAL law..
20061216             including property and financial assets, according to 1—STUDY by THE—UNITED—NATIONS—DEVELOPMENT—RESEARCH—INSTITUTE published —ON—TUESDAY.
20061216             in which all scientific papers and other public documents by USGS scientists must be screened for content.
20061216             according to 1—MEMO written by congressional investigators and obtained by USA—TODAY.
20061216             Wealthiest 2% own more than half the world
20061216             —ACCOMPANIED, Upon arrival, Family Protective Service personnel, by police,
20061216             —ALERTED, THE—USGS communications office must —NOW be ' about information products containing HIGH—VISIBILITY—TOPICS or topics of 1—POLICY—SENSITIVE—NATURE.
20061216             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION repeatedly sought ways to limit payouts to nuclear weapons workers sickened by radiation and toxic material,
20061216             Survey: Americans "Fattest INHABITANTS—OF—THE—PLANET"...
20061216             Studie: MEERES—ANSTIEG verdoppelt sein Tempo
20061216             Nazareth Carpenter Being Held On Charges Involving Underage Mother
20061216             Infant Discovered In Barn, Child Protective Services Launch Probe
20061216             Excerpt: 2—PERCENT—OF—ADULTS have more than HALF—OF—THE—WORLD—WEALTH,
20061216             CowboyNeal 50— "THE—WHITE—HOUSE has begun implementing 1—NEW—POLICY toward THE—USA—GEOLOGICAL—SURVEY,
20061216             Bush : I'm Sleeping 1—LOT—BETTER—THAN—PEOPLE—WOULD—ASSUME...
20061216             DISINFORMATION (as of Wed, 20061213092011        +0000)
20061216             Watch it: <script type="text/javascript"> var flvRumsfeld _Cheney3202409212 = new SWFObject('//12/Rumsfeld _Cheney.320.240.flv&autoStart=false', 'EM—FLVRUMSFELD _Cheney3202409212', '320', '260', '6', '#ffffff');
20061216             flvRumsfeld _Cheney3202409212.addParam('quality', 'high');
20061216             flvRumsfeld _Cheney3202409212.write('flvRumsfeld _Cheney3202409212');
20061216             flvrumsfeld exit3202409213.write('flvrumsfeld exit3202409213');
20061216             Ideology + science don't mix (Letters to the Editor, 20061017             )
20061216             "The debate between creationism versus evolution is —STARTING—AGAIN—IN THE—USA... Ideology + science don't mix (Letters to the Editor, 20061017             )
20061216             —LASTED, THE—SWEARING—IN ceremony, less than —2—MINUTES... Calderon's "defeated" rival, the leftist Andres MANUEL—LOPEZ—OBRADOR, had declared himself MEXICO's "legitimate PRESIDENT" in his own SWEARING—IN ceremony 20061120             —BEFORE 100,000—PEOPLE in this city's central square, the Zocalo.
20061216             The date was 20021212             .
20061216             - The date was 20021212             .
20061216             —EXPECTED, Kissinger, no doubt, them to be putty in his hands.
20061216             —AFTER all, he is the fabled,
20061216             - Security cameras raise rights worry in NEW—YORK—CITY... (published on Wed, 20061213234904        GMT)
20061216             200612132349$       —GMT)
20061216             Reshuffle in SAUDI—ARABIA (published on Wed, 20061213000000 —JAHR EST)The outgoing ambassador to AMERICA MIGHT become foreign MINISTER
20061216             —AFTER all, he is the fabled, 200612132349$       —GMT)
20061216             Security cameras raise rights worry in NEW—YORK—CITY... (published on Wed, 20061213234904        GMT)
20061216             (20061214             /ac/a/u)
20061216             NEARLY 8—INCHES—OF—RAIN—SLAMS PALM BEACH...(published on Thu, 20061214235712        GMT)
20061216             PRINCES DEMAND END TO CONSPIRACIES... (published on Thu, 20061214235511        GMT)
20061216             Diana verdict: Death 1—ACCIDENT... (published on Thu, 20061214235511        GMT)
20061216             'WASHINGTON, 20061214             Comets are not all made of interstellar dust and ice, but instead may contain material shot from the heart of the solar system —DURING its tumultuous birth, scientists reported —THURSDAY—AFTER examining pristine particles of 1—COMET that were brought back by the Stardust spacecraft.
20061216             —POSTED—THURSDAY, 20061214             , at 5:28 AM ET
20061216             (20061214             /ac/a/u) Das Kursziel sehe man bei 38—USD.
20061216             200612142357$       —GMT) 200612142355$       —GMT) - (20061214             /ac/a/u)
20061216             - PRINCES DEMAND END TO CONSPIRACIES... (published on Thu, 20061214235511        GMT)
20061216             - Diana verdict: Death 1—ACCIDENT... (published on Thu, 20061214235511        GMT)
20061216             200612142357$       —GMT) 200612142355$       —GMT)
20061216             'WASHINGTON, 20061214             Comets are not all made of interstellar dust and ice,
20061216             (20061215             /ac/a/u) - Suntech Power "buy" - (20061215             /ac/a/u)
20061216             —NAMED, THE—MAFIA+CIA—TOOK into protective care 1—INFANT child, Jesus, who had been wrapped in strips of cloth and placed in 1—FEEDING trough by his —14—YEAR—OLD—MOTHER, MARY—OF—NAZARETH
20061216             Probe Sought Into Evangelical Military Video
20061216             1—MILITARY—WATCHDOG—GROUP is accusing senior officers of coercing soldiers and airmen into adopting evangelical CHRISTIANITY—AS demonstrated in 1—PROMOTIONAL video the senior officers appeared in.
20061216             "We apparently have 1 radicalized, evangelical CHRISTIAN—PENTAGON within the rest of the Pentagon," says THE—HEAD—OF—THE—WATCHDOG—GROUP.
20061216             Read about it here and here Watch the video HERE—THE—NIGHTMARE—SCENARIO
20061216             "—THIS—WEEK, THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRISIS that started —IN—SEPTEMBER with USA DISCOVERY—OF—STEPPED—UP uranium enrichment activities in IRAN is expected to trigger 1—NUCLEAR—WAR between RUSSIA + THE—USA...".
20061216             Nonlinear MEDIA—CROSS Medien Konzepte und Anwendungen LBS...
20061216             enthalten die ( Handy )Nummer des Nutzers sowie seine eingebenen Bedürfnisse.
20061216             6.2.4—DISORGANIZER... Der Disorganizer vergleicht die vom Lokalisator (siehe.
20061216             —DASHED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT—CASE that, BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—EFFORTS to try terror suspects in special military courts.
20061216             Ear to the Ground: ROBERT—REDFORD: Americans Ready to Kick the Oil Habit
20061216             ROBERT—KENNEDY—JUNIOR—PLANS to Sue Over OHIO Election Fraud
20061216             Interviews: JOHN—BURTON on CALIFORNIA —BEFORE Arnold
20061216             Reports: ROBERT—SCHEER: Top Spys Story on Prewar Intel Is Finally Told
20061216             Buzzflash: SCHEER—BOOK 'Incisive, No Holds Barred Commentary'
20061216             ROBERT—SCHEER: My Mother 'the Illegal Alien'?
20061216             ROBERT—SCHEER: Bush More Right Than Wrong on Immigration
20061216             ROBERT—SCHEER: Media Failed Its Duty in LEE—CASE—REVIEWERS Praise 'Playing PRESIDENT'
20061216             ROBERT—SCHEER: DeLays Mission
20061216             Classic Scheer Interviews From 'Playing PRESIDENT'
20061216             Classic SCHEER—CARTER—INTERVIEW—FROM 'Playing PRESIDENT'
20061216             ROBERT—SCHEER: Why I—WASN'T Prepared for GEORGE—W—BUSH
20061216             ROBERT—SCHEER: Bush Should Channel Nixon in NORTH—KOREA
20061216             ROBERT—SCHEER: Why We Don't Know Our Enemy
20061216             ROBERT—SCHEER: Spinning Old Threats Into New Fears
20061216             ROBERT—SCHEER: Warring Over THE—HEART—OF—THE—PARTY
20061216             ROBERT—SCHEER: Clinton Ended Welfare, Not Poverty
20061216             ROBERT—SCHEER -- AFGHANISTAN: High on Opium, Not Democracy
20061216             ROBERT—SCHEER: Subverting Democracy With the Big Lie
20061216             ROBERT—SCHEER: Rendering Unto SYRIA—ROBERT—SCHEER: Dear Leader Brings It On
20061216             Vegetarians are more intelligent, says study
20061216             —OCCASIONED, My refusing to eat flesh, 1—INCONVENIENCY + I was frequently chided for my singularity, but, with this lighter repast, I made the greater progress, for greater CLEARNESS—OF—HEAD and quicker comprehension.
20061216             - BEN—FRANKLIN—SOVIET—WRITINGS on atheism and religion
20061216             SENCE—OF—THE—IDEOLOGY—OF—ISLAM and Ways of Eliminating it).
20061216             Maxakala... social'noj doktriny Vatikana' (On the Ideological Bases of the Vatikan's.
20061216             Jesus Christ THE—BEARER—OF—THE—WATER—OF—LIFE - 1—CHRISTIAN...
20061216             —FADED, Links with LEFT—WING political ideology have, + psychedelic drugs are by... Evolution : in New Age it is much more than 1—QUESTION—OF living beings...
20061216             Evolution Sciences versus DOCTRINES—OF—CREATIONISM and Intelligent...
20061216             Abbas argumentiere: "Wir sind in einer Sackgasse angelangt und geben —JETZT ALLE—MACHT an das Volk zurück, um neu zu entscheiden", sagte al Alami.
20061216             "Es ist ein dummes Gesetz, so dumm wie die Situation selbst", fügte er hinzu.
20061216             Der VORSITZENDE—DES—ANGESEHENEN—PALÄSTINENSISCHEN—ZENTRUMS für Menschenrechte bezweifelt indes, dass Abbas seine Ankündigung überhaupt wahr machen will.
20061216             "Die Ankündigung von Neuwahlen ist ein letztes Druckmittel um zu einer politischen Lösung zwischen Fatah und Hamas zu kommen.
20061216             In —24—STUNDEN werden wir entweder 1—LÖSUNG haben oder einen Krieg".
20061216             Palästinensergebiete: Schießereien zwischen HAMAS—UND FATAH—ANHÄNGERN in GAZA
20061216             Klimaschutz: Stromanbieter droht mit Investitionsverlagerung
20061216             Wahl im IRAN: Gemäßigter Rafsandschani führt
20061216             HAMAS—AUßENMINISTER—ZAHAR im Interview: "Wir werden diese Wahlen in unserem Land niemals zulassen"
20061216             GEHEIM—DOSSIER: Hohe KREML—FIGUR soll hinter LITWINENKO—MORD stecken
20061216             Moskau: Tausende demonstrieren gegen Putin
20061216             ANTI—TERROR—KAMPF: Sky Marshalls fühlen sich von Lufthansa ausgesperrt
20061216             Eskalation in Nahost: "In —24—STUNDEN haben wir 1—LÖSUNG oder 1 Krieg"
20061216             Qualvoller Gifttod: HORROR—HINRICHTUNG in FLORIDA—KIPPT die Todesstrafe in den USA?
20061216             Gegen BAKER—VORSCHLÄGE: Rice lehnt Gespräche mit IRAN und SYRIEN ab
20061216             Palästinensergebiete: Abbas kündigt Neuwahl AN—HAMAS spricht von Staatsstreich
20061216             Rent a Protest: Ärzte mieteten Demonstranten
20061216             —BELASTET, Korruptionsskandal: Chefbuchhalter, SIEMENS—VORSTÄNDE
20061216             KASACHSTAN: Gigantisches Zelt in Borats Welt
20061216             You'd think he would have been told in no uncertain terms to stay the hell away from the area, but no, he was allowed to fly directly toward the towers and pass within 1—FEW 100—FEET without incident.
20061216             Perhaps it was the same reason why airborne fighters were not sent to Manhattan —UNTIL at least —10—MINUTES—AFTER the 2. tower was hit and did not arrive there —UNTIL—22—MINUTES—AFTER the 2. hit, even though logically they could have been there —BEFORE flight 175.
20061216             —EMERGED, The pictures have, at the same time as
20061216             1—FORMER—BOSTON—CENTER—AIR—TRAFFIC controller has gone public on his assertion that 20010911             was 1—INSIDE job and that DONALD—RUMSFELD and the Pentagon tracked 3—OF—THE—4—FLIGHTS from the point of their hijacking to hitting their targets.
20061216             —AFTER THE—RUSSIA—PILOT had passed the Towers he tried to land but was told to fly on to NEW—JERSEY and land there.
20061216             He then hid his camera so nobody could know he was filming.
20061216             WHITE—HOUSE—CLAMPS Down On USGS Publishing
20061216             - CowboyNeal 50 - "THE—WHITE—HOUSE has begun implementing 1—NEW—POLICY toward THE—USA—GEOLOGICAL—SURVEY, in which all scientific papers and other public documents by USGS scientists must be screened for content. THE—USGS communications office must —NOW be 'alerted about information products containing HIGH—VISIBILITY—TOPICS or topics of 1—POLICY—SENSITIVE—NATURE.' Subjects fitting this description might include global warming, or research on THE—EFFECTS—OF—OIL drilling in THE—ALASKA—NATIONAL—WILDLIFE—RESERVE".
20061216             Eldorado Gold Downgrade
20061216             Das Kursziel werde von 6,75 auf 6,50 USD gesenkt.
20061216             (20061215             /ac/a/u) - Suntech Power "buy"
20061216             RATING—UPDATE: NEW—YORK ( AG) - Die Analysten von Jefferies & Co stufen die Aktie von Suntech Power (ISIN US86800C1045/WKN A0HL4L) in ihrer Ersteinschätzung mit dem Rating "buy" ein.
20061216             Das Kursziel sehe man bei 38—USD.
20061216             911—TRUTH: STEVE—JONES—DECLINES invite from BBC—IS Jones withdrawing from the fray?
20061216             "we did contact Professor STEVEN—JONES, but he did not want to be interviewed for the programme"
20061216             Front Page Slander
20061216             Index Research Civilization and Truth 2—OPPOSING sides of human nature appeared in the Media within the last —24—HOURS.
20061216             Front Page, for me, represents, the Media FACE—OF—DARKNESS.
20061216             THE—FACE—OF—DARKNESS—JIMMY—CARTER: JEW—HATER, GENOCIDE—ENABLER, Liar 20061412             , D. Horowitz, Front Page.
20061216             For 1—FULL—STUDY—OF this dark media world and their corporate funding, see THE—HADITHA—DOCTOR and the Media Dissemblers This is relevant information as the Haditha murder trials are about to begin.
20061216             Compare the above bile with the —FOLLOWING GUARDIAN letter: THE—FACE—OF—INTEGRITY—ISRAEL boycott may be the way to peace 20061512             .
20061216             Letters, GUARDIAN.
20061216             Signed by: JOHN—BERGER, BRIAN—ENO, SOPHIE—FIENNES, EDUARDO—GALEANO... Source:
20061216             —REJECTED, —YESTERDAY, reports THE—WASHINGTON—POST, she " 1—BIPARTISAN panel's recommendation that THE—USA—SEEK the help of Syria and IRAN in IRAQ, saying the 'compensation' required by ANY—DEAL might be too high. 'If they have 1—INTEREST in 1—STABLE—IRAQ, they will do it anyway,' she said".
20061216             BLAIR—LIES—LAID—BARE
20061216             LONDON—THE—INDEPENDENT—REPORTS that Carne Ross, BRITAIN—CHIEF—NEGOTIATOR at THE—UN, made it clear that TONY—BLAIR "must have known SADDAM—HUSSEIN possessed no WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION. He said that —DURING his posting to THE—UN, 'at no time did HMG [Her MAJESTY—GOVERNMENT] assess that IRAQ—WMD (or ANY—OTHER—CAPABILITY) posed 1—THREAT to THE—UK or its interests.'"
20061216             SOUTH—METHODIST—UNIVERSITY—ALUMNI, Professors Up In Arms Over Proposed Bush Library
20061216             In fact, the idea that SOUTH—METHODIST—UNIVERSITY would host THE—GEORGE—BUSH—LIBRARY offends Methodists -- the leading religion in AMERICA —DURING ABRAHAM—LINCOLN—TIME -- in general.
20061216             Besides his, no doubt, heavily redacted papers, what books would he include?
20061216             "My Pet Goat," "THE—PURPOSE—DRIVEN Life"?
20061216             GEORGE to Laura: "Read ANY—GOOD—MYSTERIES, lately?"
20061216             —BY Juda Engelmayer -
20061216             CARTER—NEW—BOOK and BAKER—IRAQ study report mark 1—CONVERGENCE—OF—OPPOSITE ideologies on 1—SINGLE—TOPIC, ISRAEL.
20061216             It would seem that the left and the right are about to begin hammering on ISRAEL as THE—USA—GROWS ever impatient in IRAQ.
20061216             FORMER—PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER is 1—PROVEN MAN—OF—PEACE and 1—OF—THE—FEW, if only, statesmen who is courageous enough to stand up to ISRAEL—BLATANT—DISREGARD—OF—PALESTINE—HUMAN—RIGHTS as well as condemn it's Influence lobby AIPAC.
20061216             The new Congress must remind ISRAEL—MILITANT—RIGHT wing that their agenda is not necessarily AMERICA—AGENDA ~ or we'll soon be drawn into 1—PREEMPTIVE—ISRAEL—STRIKE and war with IRAN.
20061216             —BY JUDE—ACOSTA - - Dancing With Dogs: THE—NECESSARY—ART—OF—LEADING
20061216             What working with dogs has taught me about working with —JUST about everything else.
20061216             —BY PAUL—FOOTE - - Jeane Kirkpatrick: AMERICA CANNOT Impose Democracy
20061216             —FOLLOWING THE—DEATH—OF—JEANE—KIRKPATRICK, SOME—AUTHORS have suggested that her views support endless USA—WARS and imposing democracy.
20061216             Her views in 1—NEOCONSERVATIVE magazine and at 1—SYMPOSIUM on socialism do not support these suggestions.
20061216             Blaming everything on 1—HANDFUL—OF—PEOPLE at the top, no matter how destructive and abusive they've been, misses 1—CRITICAL—POINT.
20061216             —BY DAVE—LINDORFF - - Progressives Should Relax About CONTROL—OF—THE—SENATE
20061216             Besides, SENATOR—JOHNSON is 1—BACKER—OF—BUSH—WAR.
20061216             —BY ANDREW—BARD—SCHMOOKLER -
20061216             Disagreement About Zbig: Acknowledging THE—PROBLEM—OF—POWER
20061216             SOME—PEOPLE find it easy to condemn pretty much everyone who has ever wielded USA—POWER.
20061216             I wonder what would happen if SOME—OF—THOSE people were compelled to go beyond such criticism and actually take on the responsibility of trying to survive in 1—INTERSOCIETAL system that has been in 1—HOBBSEAN STATE—OF—WAR—SINCE the 1. kingdoms arose in Mesopotamia more than 5000—YEARS ago.
20061216             It featured 1—RISING new star from 1—PROMINENT—USA—FAMILY.
20061216             His name was GEORGE.
20061216             GEORGE—P—REMEMBER—GEORGE—P? The incessantly publicized + promoted SON—OF—FLORIDA—GOVERNOR—BUSH ?
20061216             The most dominant FACE—OF—GEORGE—W—BUSH 's 20000000             Presidential campaign?
20061216             Thinking About THE—HUMAN—MIND
20061216             'Science may begin with wonder and strives ultimately for understanding, but as 1—PRACTICAL—MATTER, science is interested in how to do things.
20061216             —FORMULATED, Physics, 1—FEW simple laws (governing how falling bodies behave, for example), which enabled engineering and technology to develop.
20061216             1—FEW things - 1—FEW things: Excellent GABRIEL—ASH on the Zionist and Western misuse of the holocaust.
20061216             Political reasons mean that GERMANY can no longer attack its neighbors, so it lets out it frustration by financing 1—ISRAEL—HOLOCAUST against the Arabs.
20061216             Ash notes that the horror of the Jewish holocaust is that 1—WESTERN nation used sophisticated technology to kill white people living within its own borders.
20061216             That's the horror of it.
20061216             Similar attacks against NON—WHITES living elsewhere don't even merit comment.
20061216             THE—JEWS got to be the official VICTIMS—OF—THE—WEST in order to pretend to be the unique VICTIMS—OF—THE—WEST, thus hiding all the horrors that are happening elsewhere.
20061216             —LEAKED, LINKS Police interrogate TONY—BLAIR—TAPE, in pub... MALTA ranks as 1—OF—SAFEST locations in world Amalgam Virgo 'A national security ministry based on the lines of Hitler's 19330000             PUTSCH—OF—THE—STATE and judiciary is under way' Stepping THE—CHANGE—BRIDGING THE—GAP—SPOOKS fl...
20061216             'National interest' halts arms corruption inquiry
20061216             —YESTERDAY, 1—MAJOR—CRIMINAL—INVESTIGATION into alleged corruption by the arms company BAE Systems and its executives was stopped in its tracks
20061216             —WHEN, THE—PRIME—MINISTER claimed it would endanger BRITAIN—SECURITY if the inquiry was allowed to continue....
20061216             JIMMY—CARTER slaps Dershowitz DOWN, THOUGHTCRIMES_org
20061216             —TURNED, FORMER—PRESIDENT—CARTER, down 1—REQUEST to debate ALAN—DERSHOWITZ about THE—ISRAELI—PALESTINE—CONFLICT, saying the outspoken Harvard law professor "knows nothing about the situation".
20061216             Testimony Helps Detail CIA—POST 20010911             REACH—WASHINGTONPOST_com
20061216             Would THE—ITALY—SECRET—SERVICES—HELP THE—CIA kidnap terrorism suspects and fly them OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY?
20061216             Telegraph | News | No release for GUANTANAMO DETAINEES—BG -
20061216             War And Peace: Everyone In Power Wants Double War EFFORTS—BG—WAR And Peace: Everyone In Power Wants Double War Efforts There is no exit from this disaster.
20061216             None.
20061216             NEIL—CAVUTO: "All the Blogs" Will be "Furious" to Learn That, Per 1—FOX—NEWS "Study, " THE—MEDIA—REALLY—IS—BIASED
20061216             —REINFORCED, Not only was the notion of the "liberal media", but so was the idea that the middle class is better off than ever, they —JUST don't know it.
20061216             —AIRED, It all began with 1—PROMO—CAVUTO, —PRIOR—TO the segment: The market's record run splashing across the headlines these days, but did the media hide SOME—GOOD—NEWS—BEFORE the midterm elections?
20061216             —STUDIED, We, this pretty closely.
20061216             I think you're going to be 1—LITT.
20061216             Gazprom buying into PRAVDA—BG—RUSSIA—GAS monopoly Gazprom, which is extorting equity from Shell, Mitsui and Mitsubishi in the Sakhlin 2—LNG project, is also buying up large PARTS—OF—THE—RUSSIA—PRESS....
20061216             SAUDI—ARABIA—DECISION puts focus on law CHIEF
20061216             LEGAL—AFFAIRS—ANALYST—LORD—GOLDSMITH Lord Goldsmith said the decision was taken by THE—SFO
20061216             911—WTC CD—WHO Knew? According to "Pinch" and "Conspiracy Smasher" and their associated minions, WTC—LIKE—TOWERS that collapse easily and rapidly are extremely complicated to build + can only be designed by HIGHLY—TRAINED engineers with THE—AID—OF—SUPER—COMPUTERS.
20061216             —ON the other hand, according to "Pinch" and "Conspiracy Smasher", towers that DON'T COLLAPSE at all can apparently only be built by CONSPIRACY—THEORIZING idiots who use chicken/rabbit wire as construction material.
20061216             But actually, it IS easy to build 1—TOWER that collapses easily and rapidly: The problem seems to be that if 1—CONNECTS the parts together and constructs according to 1—SIMILAR—STRUCTURE as THE—WTC, the tower doesn't seem to want to collapse at all under its own weight.
20061216             —APPLIED, My tower didn't even collapse —WHEN extra force was, to the top section.
20061216             Funny how that works. I guess it's. - Source:
20061216             Independent Online Edition > UK POLITICS—BG—WHISTLEBLOWER that ministers tried to muzzle
20061216             THE—IRAQ—FLIM—FLAM: BUSH—BLAIR—LIES—CONFIRMED—AGAIN—WAS this obscene war based on lies?
20061216             Yes.
20061216             —SUPPRESSED, Diplomat's, document lays bare the lies behind IRAQ war (THE—INDEPENDENT, via rebellenation): Excerpts: THE—GOVERNMENT—CASE for going to war in IRAQ has been torn apart by the publication of previously suppressed evidence that TONY—BLAIR lied over SADDAM—HUSSEIN—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20061216             1—DEVASTATING attack on MISTER—BLAIR—JUSTIFICATION for military action by Carne Ross, BRITAIN—KEY—NEGOTIATOR at THE—UN, has been kept under wraps —UNTIL—NOW because he was threatened with being charged with breaching the Official Secrets Act.
20061216             —REVEALED, In the testimony, —TODAY MISTER—ROSS, 40, who helped negotiate several UN security resolutions on IRAQ, makes it clear that MISTER—BLAIR must have known SADDAM—HUSSEIN possessed no weapons of mas.
20061216             Letter from Operation Paget police
20061216             - BG—THE—POLICE are asking me for their cooperation + with the other hand are smashing my belongings —JUST for the "crime" of writing the entirely fictitious "Golden Chain
20061216             —TODAY—PAPERS—AN Army of More
20061216             —BY DANIEL—POLITI
20061216             THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL tops its worldwide newsbox with word that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is leaning toward sending as many as 20,000 more troops to help stabilize BAGHDAD.
20061216             THE—WASHINGTON—POST—LEADS with the top Army general calling for 1—GROWTH in the force by at least 7,000 soldiers —1—YEAR and warned the current Army "will break" under current demands if something isn't done to increase the number of servicemembers.
20061216             —CALLED, He also, on the Pentagon to ease restrictions on Army National Guard and Army Reserves.
20061216             THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES—LEADS locally but goes high with 1—LOOK at how the Senate has never forced ANY—OF—ITS—MEMBERS to resign due to physical or mental problems.
20061216             —THROUGHOUT history, there have been 1—FEW senators that were too incapacitated to show up, but were nevertheless allowed to keep their seat.
20061216             —EMERGED, As SENATOR—TIM—JOHNSON, D—S.D., from surgery and faces the prospect of 1—LONG—RECOVERY, this tradition could be 1—BENEFIT to Democrats who hold THE—SLIMMEST—OF—MAJORITIES in the Senate.
20061216             USA—TODAY—LEADS with word from Pentagon officials that FLAME—RESISTANT uniforms will become the norm for troops in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN by early 20070000             .
20061216             The uniforms resist catching fire for approximately —9—SECONDS, which could be long enough to escape 1—BURNING vehicle.
20061216             —ON the Editorial Page Iraqis reject THE—BAKER—HAMILTON report.
20061216             Peggy Noonan What does BARACK—OBAMA believe in?
20061216             —UNCOVERED, Feds investigate reporter who, murderous drug informant
20061216             Excerpt: As is always true for THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, they are not interested in investigating severe government wrongdoing.
20061216             But they are very vigilant about investigating -- and trying to ferret out and punish -- those who bring the wrongdoing to light (the classic case being their eagerness to punish the whistleblowers and journalists who informed Americans that THE—PRESIDENT was illegally eavesdropping on them, —WHILE doing everything possible to protect the lawbreakers themselves).
20061216             The context of this "visit" by FEDERAL—AGENTS to CONROY—HOME and office, as well as the accompanying threats issued to him, must be emphasized: the story which Conroy had reported on for Narco News involved the complicity in multiple murders on THE—PART—OF—FEDERAL—DHS agents as well as THE—USA—ATTORNEY who sent the agents to CONROY—HOME and business.
20061216             Under the circumstances, receiving a "visit" to one's home and business by FEDERAL—AGENTS sent by the Bush associate at the heart of this matter would be seen by ANY—REASONABLE—PERSON as quite intimidating, —JUST as intended.
20061216             Drug agency looks the other way as informant commits 12—MURDERS
20061216             —TRIED, BUSH—CHENEY, to cut payouts to sick nuclear workers
20061216             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION repeatedly sought ways to limit payouts to nuclear weapons workers sickened by radiation and toxic material, according to 1—MEMO written by congressional investigators and obtained by USA—TODAY.
20061216             "Winner" of disputed MEXICO—ELECTION sworn in amid chaos
20061216             Excerpt: With European princes, Latin USA—LEADERS, FORMER—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—HW—BUSH, CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR—ARNOLD—SCHWARZENEGGER and other dignitaries looking on from 2—BALCONIES, Calderon, 44, raised his hand and sometimes shouted as he recited the 62-word oath amid 1—CHORUS of derisive whistles.
20061216             Fine print in defense bill opens door to martial law
20061216             Excerpt: THE—THRUST—OF—THE—BILL seems to be about giving THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT 1—FAR—STRONGER—HAND in coordinating responses to KATRINA—LIKE—DISASTERS.
20061216             Excerpt: 2—PERCENT—OF—ADULTS have more than HALF—OF—THE—WORLD—WEALTH, including property and financial assets, according to 1—STUDY by THE—UNITED—NATIONS—DEVELOPMENT—RESEARCH—INSTITUTE published —ON—TUESDAY.
20061216             Comment: Don't you wonder sometimes what the world might be like, if the rich gave the poor 1—CHANCE?
20061216             —BELIEVED, If the world were run by people who, the religious rhetoric they'd rehearsed and recited all their lives, or —JUST by people who gave 1—DAMN about people other than them selves and "their kind"?
20061216             And I say to myself, what 1—WONDERFUL—WORLD... Helen & HARRY—PERMANENT—LINK
20061216             USA Is Dropping Effort to Track if Visitors LEAVE—NEW—YORK—TIMES - sh: Nary a Care?
20061216             —MENTIONED, PEOPLE—INTERVIEWER also, that readers had asked if he takes sleep aids.
20061216             "I must tell you, I'm sleeping 1—LOT—BETTER than people would assume," he said.
20061216             "I've got so much on my mind + this job is so exciting that it's really hard to settle down and plan the next —10—YEARS—OF—OUR life".
20061216             —BOTTLED, Americans drank more than 23—GALLONS of, water per person 20040000             -- about 10—TIMES as much as 19800000             .
20061216             —CONSUMED, We, more than twice as much high fructose corn syrup per person as 19800000             and remained the fattest INHABITANTS—OF—THE—PLANET, although Mexicans, Australians, Greeks, New Zealanders and Britons are not too far behind.
20061216             - Bush Admin Ignored UK Warnings About IRAQ—INSURGENCY...
20061216             THE—GOVERNMENT—CASE for going to war in IRAQ has been torn apart by the publication of previously suppressed evidence that TONY—BLAIR lied over SADDAM—HUSSEIN—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20061216             EU Wants 1—MIDDLE—EAST—FREE—OF—WMDS
20061216             —CALLED, BRUSSELS—BELGIUM (AP) -- THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, —THURSDAY for 1—MIDDLE—EAST—FREE—OF—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION, responding to recent comments by THE—ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER that have been interpreted as acknowledging his country has 1—NUCLEAR—ARSENAL..
20061216             NANO—CABLES—CONVERT Light Into Electricity
20061216             'Nanocables that convert light into electricity could —1—DAY be used to power NANO—ROBOTS.'The cables are 16—NANOMETRES in diameter and several micrometres long.
20061216             Researchers Find Surprise In Makeup Of 1—COMET—GENERAL—SAYS—ARMY—WILL—NEED—TO—GROW
20061216             'Warning that THE—ACTIVE—DUTY—ARMY "will break" under THE—STRAIN—OF—TODAY—WAR—ZONE—ROTATIONS, the nation's top Army general —YESTERDAY called for expanding the force by 7,000 or more soldiers —1—YEAR and lifting Pentagon restrictions on involuntary CALL—UPS—OF—ARMY—NATIONAL—GUARD and Army Reserve troops.'Gen.
20061216             —NOW Ross says Blair must have known that Saddam had no WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20061216             He says that —DURING his posting to THE—UN, "at no time did Her MAJESTY—GOVERNMENT assess that IRAQ... posed 1—THREAT to THE—UK or its interests".
20061216             —REVEALED, MISTER—ROSS, it was 1—COMMONLY held view among UK—OFFICIALS dealing with IRAQ that ANY—THREAT by SADDAM—HUSSEIN had been "effectively contained".
20061216             —WARNED, He reveals that UK—OFFICIALS, USA—DIPLOMATS that bringing down Saddam would lead to chaos.
20061216             —SUPPRESSED, Diplomat's, document lays bare the lies behind IRAQ war Secret evidence shows no case for IRAQ war Whistleblower that ministers tried to muzzle "Wafic Said is 1—OF—BRITAIN—WEALTHIEST men, owning country houses, private jets, 1—STABLE—OF r... Source:
20061216             Stepping THE—CHANGE—BRIDGING THE—GAP—SPOOKS flee as Gorbals Johnny grabs power
20061216             The world of corsetry was shaken last night with the news that Lord PATEL—FRIEND and epistolary LOVER—OF—MANY—YEARS, pal and fellow GRADUATE—OF—LADY—MARGARET—HALL, the beautiful Dame Pauline NEVILLE—JONES, Eliza Manningham Buller (58 - 33—OF—THEM as 1—SPOOK) the "M" in MI5 is handing in her lunch pail.
20061216             She will be remembered principally for having (at THE—INSISTENCE—OF—LORD—PATEL ).
20061216             1—NEW—YORK—SUN—REPORT that AHMAD—CHALABI may —NOW be THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—POINT—MAN in reaching out to Syria
20061216             PETER—LANCE on Fox and FRIENDS—BG—PETER—LANCE on Fox and Friends PeterLance_com has the video from —YESTERDAY—MORNING....
20061216             Puts Obama In SPLIT—SCREEN With OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and Hussein | TPMCafe
20061216             It turns out that JEFF—GREENFIELD isn't the only 1 at connecting SENATOR—BARACK—OBAMA to Muslim extremists on the basis of his name.
20061216             Fading Reyes ? Hmmm.
20061216             Looks like that big fight over THE—CHAIRMANSHIP—OF—THE—HOUSE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE was 1—FIGHT over a
20061216             committee that will soon lose--or at least have to share--1—BIG chunk of its turf.
20061216             That official police report on DIANA—DEATH appears to be 1—BUST, as far as alleging spying by the Clinton Administration on Republican magnate TED—FORSTMANN.
20061216             BYRON—YORK: Jewish Media Owners and Reporters Attack CARTER—NONSTOP
20061216             The virulent attacks on JIMMY—CARTER are ongoing and increasing in volume as 1—ARMY—OF—WELL—CONNECTED—JEWS in the media conspire together to destroy anyone challenging their total dominance in the debate over PALESTINE—RIGHTS.
20061216             I googled MANY—COMBINATIONS—OF—WORDS that expressed the idea of 'how MANY—JEWISH—OWNERS—OF—MEDIA' and got only Nazi sites or useless sites.
20061216             No studies, no mainstream media stories, nothing!
20061216             CONSPIRACY—IT was 1—TRAFFIC—ACCIDENT.
20061216             UK Daily Express "MI6 in PARIS" Conspiracy PLANET—PRINCESS—DIANA: MURDER—COVERUP—PRINCESS... "1—BAFFLING allegation that THE—RAF crew which flew TONY—BLAIR from his Sedgefield constituency to LONDON to greet the PRINCESS's repatriated body had been on continual standby to make the flight from —2—DAYS—EARLIER — —WHEN Diana was still alive".
20061216             Revealed: Diana inquiry's tantalising new questions the Daily Mail Encounters of the unexplained PRINCESS—DIANAS death (Part2) Encounters of the unexplained PRINCESS—DIANAS death (Part3) Encounters of the unexplained PRINCESS—DIANAS death (Part4) Encounters of the unexplained PRINCESS—DIANAS death (Part5) Encounters of the unexplained PRINCESS—DIANAS death (Part6) PRINCESS—DIANA'S "Murder".
20061216             MIDDLE—EAST analyst
20061216             —SERVED, Flynt Leverett, who, under PRESIDENT—BUSH on the National Security Council and is —NOW 1—FELLOW at the New AMERICA—FOUNDATION, revealed —TODAY that THE—WHITE—HOUSE has been blocking the publication of 1—OP—ED he wrote for THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES.
20061216             The column is CRITICAL—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—REFUSAL to engage IRAN.
20061216             —CLEARED, LEVERETT—OP—ED has already been, by THE—CIA, where he was 1—SENIOR—ANALYST.
20061216             —EXPLAINED, Leverett, "I've been doing this for 3 and 1—HALF—YEARS—SINCE leaving government + I've never had to go to THE—WHITE—HOUSE to get clearance for something that I was publishing as long as THE—CIA said, 'Yeah, you're not putting classified information.'"
20061216             —BASED, According to Leverett THE—OP—ED was "all, on stuff that SECRETARY—POWELL, SECRETARY—RICE, Deputy SECRETARY—ARMITAGE have talked about publicly. It's been extensively reported in the media".
20061216             Leverett says the incident shows "—JUST how low people like ELLIOT—ABRAMS at THE—NSC [National Security Council] will stoop to try and limit THE—DISSEMINATION—OF—ARGUMENTS—CRITICAL—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—POLICY".
20061216             Listen to LEVERETT—REMARKS at 1—PANEL—TODAY at the Center for USA—PROGRESS:
20061216             CLICK HERE FOR AUDIO—THANKS.
20061216             I think I was able to put out SOME—OF—MY basic ideas on how we need to be engaging IRAN diplomatically.
20061216             —EXPOUNDED, They're, you know, on in greater length on paper.
20061216             I wanted to say something briefly about the administration + where it is.
20061216             I have been extremely pessimistic that this administration is inclined or capable of genuinely rethinking its approach to IRAN in the way that we need it to at this point + I've had 1—UNFORTUNATE—EXPERIENCE—THIS—WEEK that has only confirmed that for me.
20061216             As I do with ALL—OF—MY publications, the —CENTURY Foundation paper, I showed to THE—CIA, for whom I used to work, to verify that I was not revealing classified information.
20061216             They did so, as they have with 30—OTHER—THINGS that I've published —SINCE leaving government.
20061216             Didn't ask to change 1—WORD.
20061216             I prepared 1—OP—ED for THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES off of this paper, which is ready to go, ready for publication.
20061216             —CONCERNED, THE—CIA says that as far as they're, there's not any classified information in it.
20061216             —INTERVENED, But THE—WHITE—HOUSE has, claiming that there is classified information in THE—OP—ED, even though it's already been cleared.
20061216             —PUBLISHED, It's all.
20061216             —BASED, It's all, on stuff that SECRETARY—POWELL, SECRETARY—RICE, Deputy SECRETARY—ARMITAGE have talked about publicly.
20061216             —REPORTED, It's been extensively, in the media.
20061216             But THE—WHITE—HOUSE is saying I can't publish 1—OP—ED in THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES that lays out the argument.
20061216             I've been doing this for 3 and 1—HALF—YEARS—SINCE leaving government + I've never had to go to THE—WHITE—HOUSE to get clearance for something that I was publishing as long as THE—CIA said, 'Yeah, you're not putting classified information.'
20061216             Why —THIS—WEEK — —AFTER the Baker study group, —WHEN pressure is on them to rethink their position on IRAN — why do they not want this OP—ED, based on my experiences in government, my experience dealing with IRAN, with IRAN—OFFICIALS, —AFTER I left government?
20061216             Why do they not want this OP—ED going in THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—THIS—WEEK?
20061216             I think it says something + I think it says something about —JUST how low people like ELLIOT—ABRAMS at THE—NSC [National Security Council] will stoop to try and limit THE—DISSEMINATION—OF—ARGUMENTS—CRITICAL—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—POLICY.
20061216             Cheney: Rumsfeld 'Is the Finest SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—THIS—NATION—HAS—EVER—HAD'
20061216             —TODAY, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY spoke at 1—CEREMONY honoring outoing Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD.
20061216             Cheney, himself 1—FORMER—DEFENSE SECRETARY—UNDER—GEORGE—H—W—BUSH,
20061216             Cheney and Rumsfeld have BEEN—CLOSE—POLITICAL—ALLIES—FOR—DECADES.
20061216             Bush on Rumsfeld : 'This Man Knows How To Lead...And THE—COUNTRY—IS—BETTER—OFF—FOR—IT'—THINK—PROGRESS -
20061216             —JUST 2—OUT 10—AMERICANS APPROVE—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—IRAQ policy.
20061216             —FAZED, It hasn't, him.
20061216             —TODAY, PRESIDENT—BUSH gave outgoing SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—DONALD—RUMSFELD a "rousing endorsement".
20061216             —FEATURED, The ceremony, "
20061216             1 armed forces full honor parade " for Rumsfeld.
20061216             Inhofe may return to Senate environment panel.
20061216             E&E reports, "SENATOR—JOHN—WARNER (R—VIRGINIA) dropped his bid —YESTERDAY for the ranking member spot on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, leaving the door open for SENATOR—JAMES—INHOFE (OKLAHOMA) to claim the position without opposition".
20061216             The position will give Inhofe 1—PLATFORM to continue claiming global warming is the "greatest hoax ever perpetrated on THE—USA—PEOPLE".
20061216             Donald "Boysie" Bollinger, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—BOARD—AND—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OFFICER—OF—BOLLINGER—SHIPYARDS, "has been a
20061216             —REPORTED, FRIEND—OF—GEORGE—W—BUSH for 1—QUARTER—CENTURY ". CQ —TODAY, 20040000             that "Bollinger has known Bush —SINCE 1980?
20061216             and has twice served as BUSH—LOUISIANA campaign chair.
20061216             for the campaign.
20061216             Bollinger Shipyards is PART—OF—1—EMERGING scandal over the costly Coast Guard FLEET—BUILDING program.
20061216             —4—YEARS—AGO, the Coast Guard — "in 1—ASTONISHING ABDICATION—OF—RESPONSIBILITY " — handed off the $17—BILLION program to Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman "to plan, supervise and deliver the new vessels and helicopters".
20061216             (The program is —NOW "foundering" as the estimated COST—OF—THE—PROGRAM has ballooned to $24—BILLION.
20061216             —DELAYED, Continuing problems have " THE—ARRIVAL—OF—ANY—NEW ships or aircraft".)
20061216             Bollinger Shipyards is 1—BUSINESS—PARTNER—OF—THE—2—MILITARY contracting giants +
20061216             BOLLINGER—COMPANY is responsible for SOME—OF—PROGRAM—WORST—MISTAKES:
20061216             Even —BEFORE the refurbishing began 20030000             , though, Coast Guard engineers expressed doubts that the boats could bear the extra weight the changes would impose.
20061216             "You could have BUCKLING—OF—THE—STRUCTURE—OF—THE ship," CHRIS—CLEARY, of the Engineering Logistics Center at the Coast Guard, said he recalls pointing out.
20061216             But Bollinger Shipyards, 1—BUSINESS—PARTNER—OF—NORTHROP and Lockheed, insisted the conversion would succeed.
20061216             —OVERESTIMATED, Bollinger, it turned out, had, how much stress the modified boats could handle, 1—MISCALCULATION it cannot fully explain.
20061216             "The computer broke for SOME—REASON," said T. R. Hamlin, 1—SENIOR—BOLLINGER manager.
20061216             "Whether it was 1—POWER surge or something, who knows?" The cursory oversight by the Coast Guard meant the mistake was not caught in time.
20061216             "In IRAQ, lax government oversight and
20061216             incompetence or profiteering by contractors
20061216             have disabled reconstruction efforts," THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES wrote —YESTERDAY. "—NOW the same disease is undermining our coastal defenses".
20061216             'Final fantasy.'
20061216             The neoconservative USA—ENTERPRISE—INSTITUTE—YESTERDAY released its latest plan for IRAQ, "Choosing Victory," which declares, "We must send more USA—COMBAT forces into IRAQ. " USA—PROSPECT—SPENCER—ACKERMAN has the lowdown.
20061216             With MARY—CHENEY—PREGNANT, Bush Won't Say Whether He Still Opposes Gay Adoption
20061216             As a presidential candidate
20061216             THE—SENATOR "who never says no".- JUDD—HOW JACK—ABRAMOFF associate TODD—BOULANGER described SENATOR—THAD—COCHRAN (R—MS) in 1—EMAIL obtained by TPM Muckraker.
20061216             —URGED, Boulanger, others at ABRAMOFF—LOBBYING firm, Greenberg Traurig, to donate even more money "for the member who keeps the lights turned on here at Greenberg".
20061216             "I must tell you,- NICO—I'M sleeping 1—LOT—BETTER than people would assume".
20061216             —DETAINED, JOSE—PADILLA, A—USA—CITIZEN,- NICO—HAS been, —FOR—4—YEARS without formal charges, much of it in solitary confinement.
20061216             He is —NOW 1—BROKEN human being:
20061216             Saying that there was 'sufficient cause" to conduct 1—COMPETENCY hearing, the government, in papers filed —YESTERDAY, urged the judge to do so.
20061216             —CITED, The government itself, the affidavit of 1—PSYCHIATRIST for the defense, DOCTOR—ANGELA—HEGARTY, who said that MISTER—PADILLA did not understand the nature and consequences of the proceedings against him and that he suffered "impairment in reasoning" as 1—RESULT—OF—POST—TRAUMATIC—STRESS—DISORDER "complicated by the effects of prolonged isolation".
20061216             MISTER—PADILLA—LAWYERS said he opposed this request that his competency be evaluated.
20061216             —EXAMINED, DOCTOR—HEGARTY, 1—OF 2—MENTAL—HEALTH professionals who, him, said MISTER—PADILLA was "fearful of being thought of as crazy".
20061216             She described him as "hypervigilant," his eyes darting about, his face twitching into grimaces, his "startle response" on constant high alert.
20061216             The original accusations against him — "about the dirty bomb, AL—QAEDA connections and supposed plans to set off natural gas explosions in apartment buildings —
20061216             appear nowhere in the indictment against him.
20061216             NEW—JERSEY approves civil unions.
20061216             "Lawmakers in THE—USA—STATE—OF—NEW—JERSEY legalized SAME—SEX—CIVIL—UNIONS—ON—THURSDAY to give gay and lesbian couples the same rights as marriage but would not allow such partnerships to be called 'marriage.'" BlueJersey and Garden STATE—EQUALITY have commentary.
20061216             SENATOR—TIM—JOHNSON (D—SD) update:
20061216             Admiral JOHN—EISOLD, Attending Physician of THE—USA—CAPITOL said, "SENATOR—TIM—JOHNSON has
20061216             continued to have 1—UNCOMPLICATED—POST—OPERATIVE—COURSE.
20061216             Specifically, he has been appropriately responsive to both word and touch.
20061216             —REQUIRED, No further surgical intervention has been ".
20061216             Top House conservatives are attacking incoming House Speaker NANCY Pelosi (D—CA) over comments she made —TODAY about her
20061216             new plan for intelligence reform, which involves creating a "hybrid" panel with MEMBERS—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE and appropriations committees.
20061216             2—OPTIONS for achieving this goal (Pelosi chose the 2.):
20061216             For intelligence oversight, we propose 2—OPTIONS : either 1—JOINT—COMMITTEE on the old model of the Joint COMMITTEE—ON—ATOMIC—ENERGY or 1—SINGLE—COMMITTEE—IN—EACH—HOUSE combining authorizing and appropriating committees.
20061216             —ASKED, At 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE—TODAY, Pelosi was, why she had decided against "creating 1—JOINT—HOUSE—SENATE—INTELLIGENCE—BODY".
20061216             —EXPLAINED, Pelosi, that 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION had provided multiple options for intel reform + " if they are giving you different alternatives, then implicit in that is that you can't do them all ".
20061216             —JUMPED, The right wing has —NOW, on this quote, claiming it is evidence that Pelosi has abandoned her
20061216             pledge to enact all of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—RECOMMENDATIONS.
20061216             PETER—KING (R—NY), the outgoing House Homeland Security Committee chairman, issued 1—STATEMENT claiming Pelosi had "admitted she won't be able to enact all 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—RECOMMENDATIONS," + called it a "direct CONTRADICTION—OF—STATEMENTS—MISS—PELOSI has made in the past".
20061216             —REFERENCED, Outgoing House Majority Leader JOHN—BOEHNER (R—OH), PELOSI—QUOTE and said he "appreciate[s] the candor she has demonstrated" with respect to her "promise of enacting all of the remaining unresolved recommendations of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION".
20061216             These claims are misleading and wrong.
20061216             PELOSI—INTELLIGENCE—PROPOSAL is in line with 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—RECOMMENDATIONS.
20061216             Already, 20010911             Commissioner TIMOTHY—ROEMER has said PELOSI—PLAN would "achieve the commission's 2—MAJOR—GOALS," calling it "1—MAJOR—STEP—FORWARD".
20061216             —REFUSED, House conservatives, —MEANWHILE, to take such 1—STEP and earned a "D" for their efforts on intelligence reform from the commission.
20061216             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—EXPLOITS FEAR—OF—SEXUAL—PREDATORS and basic MISUNDERSTANDING—OF—INTERNET to attack blogs critical of the
20061216             Why Was This RUSSIA—PILOT Allowed By THE—WTC —AFTER It Was Under
20061216             Amazing New Pictures Raise Questions STEVE—WATSON
20061216             BOSTON Air Traffic Controller Says 20010911             An Inside Job
20061216             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—KNEW people in FAA on —DAY—OF—HIJACKINGS who said intercept procedures should have been enacted as normal
20061216             Pelosi will USA Geheimdienste stärker überwachen
20061216             Die designierte Präsidentin des USA—ABGEORDNETENHAUSES, NANCY Pelosi, will einen neuen Kongressausschuss zur Überprüfung des Geheimdiensthaushalts schaffen.
20061216             Er solle sicherstellen, dass das Geld der Regierung regelgerecht ausgegeben werde.
20061216             —ÜBERWACHT, Die Geheimdienste würden damit stärker, + das AMERIKANISCHE—VOLK gewinne an Sicherheit, sagte Pelosi —AM—DONNERSTAG bei einer PRESSEKONFERENZ—IN—WASHINGTON.
20061216             CIA—FLÜGE und Gefangenentransporte: Zahlen und Fakten (2)- sfux World Content News -
20061216             —BEKANNT, Teil 2—DOKUMENTIERT die —BISHER, gewordenen GEFANGENEN—TRANSPORTE, in die DEUTSCHE—FLUGHÄFEN direkt involviert waren und gibt einen Überblick über die Verdachtsmomente bezüglich geheimer Inhaftierungen in DEUTSCHLAND.
20061216             Zum Vorabverständnis, um welches Phänomen es hier geht: GEFANGENENTRANSPORTE—OB von der CIA oder von USA—MILITÄRS DURCHGEFÜHRT—LIEFEN in den...
20061216             —LIMITED, Animal studies 'of, use' Animal drug tests are often of poor quality and conflict with human trials, researchers warn.
20061216             —DIAGNOSED, UK Hepatitis C cases soar Thousands are still being, with hepatitis C, despite 1—MAJOR—AWARENESS—CAMPAIGN, figures show.
20061216             —CONVICTED, Cannabis chocolate trio, 3—PEOPLE are found GUILTY—OF—SUPPLYING—CANNABIS—LACED chocolate bars to multiple sclerosis sufferers for pain relief.
20061216             DELHI doctors begin hunger strike Doctors at INDIA—TOP medical institute begin a hunger strike to protest against quotas for LOW—CASTE Hindus.
20061216             High IQ link to being vegetarian Intelligent children are more likely to become vegetarians —LATER in life, 1—STUDY says.
20061216             New push for IRAQ reconciliation IRAQI—PRIME—MINISTER—CALLS for THE—RETURN—OF—EX—MEMBERS—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN—ARMY, in 1—BID to curb sectarian tensions.
20061216             Spacewalk to finish ISS rewiring THE—DISCOVERY crew prepares for 1—FRESH spacewalk to complete THE—REWIRING—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20061216             SPAIN restores GIBRALTAR air link Direct flights between SPAIN and GIBRALTAR resume for the 1. time in decades —AFTER 1—LANDMARK deal.
20061216             —GUNNED, THE—PHILIPPINES—LEGISLATOR, down 1—CONGRESSMAN and his bodyguard are shot dead in THE—PHILIPPINES as they leave 1—WEDDING.
20061216             Security high at ANTI—PUTIN rally Police are out in force for 1—MOSCOW rally against PRESIDENT—PUTIN, but it fails to attract 1—BIG—CROWD.
20061216             USA 'troop boost in IRAQ likely' USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush is likely to send more troops to IRAQ —NEXT—YEAR, an administration official says.
20061216             FLORIDA GOVERNOR halts executions FLORIDA GOVERNOR—JEB—BUSH suspends executions in THE—USA—STATE—AFTER 1 flawed death by lethal injection.
20061216             JAPAN upgrades defence's status JAPAN—PARLIAMENT—VOTES to upgrade the defence agency to 1—FULL—MINISTRY, for the 1. time —WWII—SINCE.
20061216             Press sums up EU summit Papers across EUROPE reflect on the main themes covered by THE—EU—END—OF—YEAR—SUMMIT in BRUSSELS.
20061216             1. —DAY ends in UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—ELECTIONS Polling ends in THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES, where less than 1—PERCENT—OF—THE—POPULATION are choosing MEMBERS—OF—1—ASSEMBLY.
20061216             —ATTACKED, IRAQ aid agency '' by USA THE—IRAQ—RED—CRESCENT complains of repeated attacks and harassment by USA—FORCES.
20061216             'Taleban law' blocked in PAKISTAN PAKISTAN—SUPREME—COURT—BLOCKS 1—BILL aimed at enforcing Islamic morality in NORTH—WEST—FRONTIER—PROVINCE.
20061216             BHUTAN—KING steps down early WANGCHUK—KING—OF— of the tiny Himalayan nation of BHUTAN abdicates —EARLIER than planned to make way for his son.
20061216             No deal for USA—CHINA—TRADE—GAP—CHINA promises to introduce 1—MORE—FLEXIBLE—CURRENCY—POLICY, but it comes with no timetable.
20061216             Drug resistant TB 'more severe' The problem of MULTIDRUG—RESISTANT TB may be even more severe than previously thought, experts warn.
20061216             —NEEDED, Care, with carbon offsets Planting trees to offset carbon will have little impact unless they are put in the right place, scientists say.
20061216             ePassports 'at risk' from cloning THE—HI—TECH ePassport could make forgery and identity theft easier, BBC Click discovers.
20061216             THE—GREEN—ROOM—ECO—TOURISM—BRINGS—ECONOMIC—BENEFITS but it can also bring ecological disaster, 1—CONSERVATION—SCIENTIST argues.
20061216             USA—ENVOYS start rare CUBA visit 10—USA—CONGRESSMEN arrive in CUBA—THE largest such delegation to go —SINCE Fidel Castro took power 19590000             .
20061216             —SPIED, Litvinenko ' for UK company' 1—RUSSIAN—EX—AGENT was poisoned —AFTER obtaining information for 1—UK firm, says 1—EX—ASSOCIATE.
20061216             Rio police held over drugs links BRAZIL—POLICE—ARREST 75—SERVING officers SUSPECTED—OF—LINKS with drug gangs and organised crime.
20061216             Protests spark clashes in BOLIVIA At least 20—PEOPLE are hurt in clashes between government and opposition supporters in THE—BOLIVIA—CITY—SANTA—CRUZ.
20061216             EU PARLIAMENT passes budget THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT approves THE—EU budget for 20060000             , setting spending at £76bn.
20061216             Fitness 'cuts colon cancer risk' Keeping physically active can significantly cut the risk of developing colon cancer, research shows.
20061216             Gates: Digital locks too complex Microsoft boss BILL—GATES tells 1—GROUP—OF—INFLUENTIAL—BLOGGERS that copy protection is too complex for consumers.
20061216             Blair defends SAUDI—ARABIA—PROBE ruling TONY—BLAIR hits back at criticism over 1—DECISION to drop 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—ARMS—INQUIRY and "cash for honours" allegations.
20061216             ISRAEL—PM strives for Abbas talks ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT says he is making "extraordinary efforts" to start peace talks with THE—PALESTINE—LEADER.
20061216             —PROPOSED, Race to the Moon for Nuclear Fuel NASA's, 20240000             moon base will be 1—STEPPINGSTONE to Mars, but it may also be 1—MINING outpost.
20061216             The moon is 1—ABUNDANT source of helium-3, 1—POTENT—FUEL for NEXT—GENERATION—NUCLEAR—REACTORS.
20061216             Trouble is, CHINA, INDIA and RUSSIA have their eyes on it too.
20061216             Stuck on Oil Dependence THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—ENERGY—ISSUES 1—REPORT detailing how continuing the current energy policy will increase our oil dependence —FOR—DECADES to come.
20061216             AUTOPIA.
20061216             —WEEK in review: Mother Nature on the hot seat Global warming and the tech industry's environmental role were hot topics as scientists met to discuss the Earth, planets and space.
20061216             FCC Drops Morse Code REQUIREMENT—ZONK 115 - leighklotz writes to mention 1—STORY discussing what SOME—MIGHT consider 1—HISTORIC—EVENT.
20061216             —DROPPED, THE—FCC has, the Morse Testing requirement for amateur radio certifications.
20061216             Ham radio operators will no longer have to study Morse, in 1—MOVE patterned —AFTER other western nations.
20061216             1. RUSSIA—ANTI—EVOLUTION Suit Enters COURT—ROOM
20061216             "If you thought it was only THE—USA—GIVING—DARWIN 1—HARD—TIME, RUSSIA has its own problems —STARTING with evolution. 1—STUDENT has 'sued THE—S—PETERSBURG city education committee, claiming the 10.-grade biology textbook used at the Cervantes Gymnasium was offensive to believers and that teachers should offer 1—ALTERNATIVE to DARWIN—FAMOUS—THEORY.' The suit, the 1. of its kind in RUSSIA, is being dismissed OUT—OF—HAND by the principal and teachers. THE—TEACHER—OF—THE—SCIENCE—CLASS had apparently even taken the step of stating at THE—START—OF—THE—SCHOOL—YEAR that there were other theories on THE—ORIGIN—OF—LIFE".
20061216             Tech Companies Draw on 'WISDOM—OF—THE—CROWDS'—ZONK 115+ - "News_com is carrying 1—ARTICLE on a 'MINI—CONFERENCE' held at YAHOO—HQ this past —WEDNESDAY.
20061216             THE—GET—TOGETHER put representatives from Google, Microsoft, Yahoo! + HP together to talk about their experiments with predictive networks.
20061216             THE—'WISDOM—OF—THE—CROWDS' allows these companies to make use of the collective knowledge their employees hold to answer important questions for the company".  "DAVID—PENNOCK, 1—PRINCIPAL—RESEARCH—SCIENTIST at Yahoo Research, said the company has created 1—CURRENCY called 1—YOOTLE.
20061216             —DESCRIBED, It's, as a 'scorekeeping system for favors owed.' Pennock offered as 1—EXAMPLE—1—PROGRAMMER offering to write 1—PIECE—OF—CODE for 1—FEW—YOOTLES.
20061216             Or, —WHEN organizing 1—DINNER outing, 1—EMPLOYEE could use 1—INTERNAL—SMS tool to bid 2—YOOTLES for Italian and 4—YOOTLES for Mexican.
20061216             'If you don't get to go to the restaurant you want to, you get compensation' in Yootles, he said.
20061216             —MODIFIED, It's 1, VERSION—OF—SOFTWARE licensed from NewsFutures in conjunction with O'REILLY—MEDIA and features topics like Atlantic hurricanes and portable media devices.
20061216             P2P - From INTERNET Scourge to Savior
20061216             "THE—MIT—TECHNOLOGY—REVIEW has up 1—FEATURE discussing the future of p2p networks. Specifically, they look at their role in content distribution, in the age of ubiquitous video services. Soon, the article asserts, the very same p2p-style networks that 'threatened' legitimate business may be the basis for most VIDEO—ON—DEMAND—SERVICES".
20061216             "So how could additional P2P traffic actually be 1—GOOD thing for THE—INTERNET?
20061216             Carnegie MELLON—ZHANG points out that because PEER—TO—PEER networks exploit both the downlink and uplink CAPACITIES—OF—USERS' INTERNET connections, they distribute content more efficiently than centralized 'unicast' technologies.
20061216             Zhang also says it should be possible to label P2P traffic so that service providers can track it and decide how much of it to allow through their networks.
20061216             He and colleagues from THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA at BERKELEY have founded 1—STARTUP, Rinera, to develop software that will give service providers such control".
20061216             DRM 'Too Complicated' Says Gates
20061216             "BBC News is reporting on comments made by BILL—GATES concerning DRM. It seems he has got the point (DRM is bad for consumers), but that opinion differs widely from the approach taken by Microsoft on Zune and their other music related products. The comments were originally —POSTED on Micro Persuasion. The article also has 1—TAKE on APPLE—DRM".
20061216             —FROM THE—BBC article: "Microsoft is 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST exponents of DRM, which is used to protect music and video files on lots of different online services, including Napster and the Zune store. Blogger MICHAEL—ARRINGTON, of Techcrunch_com, said BILL—GATES'—SHORT—TERM—ADVICE for people wanting to transfer songs from 1—SYSTEM to another was to 'buy 1—CD and rip it'. Most CDs do not have ANY—COPY—PROTECTION and can be copied to 1—PC and to an MP3 player easily and, in THE—USA at least, legally".
20061216             [eDebate] operation unrelenting SHITBAG—JACK stroube Thu,
20061216             —ESTABLISHED, BARBARA—F—STUDLEY—GEOMILITECH (GMT) Consultants Corporation is, by conservative talk... Entity Tags: GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation, ISRAEL—MILITARY—INDUSTRIES...
20061216             so here's 1—POSSIBLE—ANSWER to his query as to not only how the buildings "could have been brought down..but perhaps those responsable for installing explosive charges inside the buildings
20061216             BUSH—LINKED Company Handled Security for THE—WTC, Dulles and United
20061216             GEORGE—W—BUSH—BROTHER was on THE—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS—OF 1—COMPANY providing electronic security for the World Trade Center, Dulles INTERNATIONAL Airport and United Airlines, according to public records.
20061216             McDaniel says principals and other personnel at Stratesec have not been questioned or debriefed by THE—FBI or other investigators.
20061216             —DECLINED, Walker, to answer the same question regarding KuwAm, referring to the public record.
20061216             for more on this "theory" —JUST google MARVIN—BUSH and 911
20061216             Despite the lack of the normal investigations such airline events would automatically trigger, Bush and Cheney strongly pressured Daschle and Gephardt to have no Congressional investigations, either.
20061216             This is inherently suspicious to anyone who knows of these refusals or attempted refusals to have ANY—INVESTIGATIONS at all, even of the most automatically and universally performed kinds.
20061216             Clearly, either the facts that would be uncovered would not support the official storylines, or else other, additional highly suspect facts would come out.
20061216             (For example, maybe the alleged hijackers were videotaped boarding the planes, but in THE—COMPANY—OF—OTHERS, whose roles and identities would be most embarrassing if revealed).
20061216             In 1—SITUATION—LIKE this, in which all the ordinary investigations have been officially blocked + the extraordinary investigations
20061216             were —INITIALLY blocked, then stonewalled, SLOW—WALKED, underfunded + lied to by governmental agencies (THE—CO—CHAIRS admitted —LATER they had considered referring NORAD officials to THE—DOJ for perjury charges), EACH—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—CLAIMS (of which they refuse 1—ADEQUATE corroborative investigation) must be regarded as likely false, from 1 to z.
20061216             As to THE—CD hypothesis, 1—PRIMARY corroborating BIT—OF—EVIDENCE is THE—FALLING—OF—THE—COMMUNICATIONS—TOWER.
20061216             Attached to the central core, it begins to fall —IMMEDIATELY, but the central core cannot fail —IMMEDIATELY in THE—NON—CD VERSION—OF—THIS collapse.
20061216             The squibs out the windows, the extreme damage at the ground floor levels, the exact diagonal cut lines on large steel girders + the evidently so inexplicable WTC 7—COLLAPSE that 20010911             —THE commission chose not to address it whatsoever + THE—FEMA (or was it THE—NIST?) report stated that the only mechanisms thought possible were unlikely to explain it, all suggest THE—CD hypothesis may be correct.
20061216             Pools of molten metal left in the subbasements levels weeks —LATER (despite 1—CONTINUOUS—FLOODING—OF—GROUND 0 with water streams) are, I think, impossible to explain without the much higher temperatures associated with CD.
20061216             As to HOPSICKER—CLAIM that no evidence exists for governmental foreknowledge of the alleged hijackers' plot, that appears quite false.
20061216             —CLAIMED, Putin has, without contradiction that he ordered 1—MOST urgent advance warning be delivered to THE—WH, as likewise did EGYPT—LEADER (1—OF—THEM specifying 19—HIJACKERS), among several other countries providing the same warnings.
20061216             Even THE—TALIBAN foreign MINISTER (!!) travelled to DC to warn of the same thing, —WHILE FBI field agents were memoing their superiors of the same threat from the flight school attendants.
20061216             —RECOGNIZED, That conspiracies do exist is, by law, so the word 'consipiracy' cannot be automatically used to discredit 1—ARGUMENT that contradicts 'officially sanctioned reality.'
20061216             —SQUEEZED, The truth of ANY—HISTORICAL controversy is usually, between the Official Story and THE—SEMI—OFFICIAL—ALTERNATIVE—STORY.
20061216             —APPROVED, On 1—HAND, you have the W- VERSION—OF—REALITY.
20061216             —ON the other, you have the Fantasyland VISION—OF—MISSILES plowing into the Pentagon.
20061216             1 or the other.
20061216             No Option 3. - But there are other AVENUES—OF—INVESTIGATION + those roads, I feel, will get us closer to the truth.
20061216             More people will see Loose Change than will watch 20010911             : Press for Truth.
20061216             Nonsensical assertions about (say) THE—COLLAPSE—OF—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER 7—RECEIVE 1—WIDE—AUDIENCE, —WHILE few know that THE—USA—MILITARY allowed PLANE—LOADS—OF—AL—QAEDA operatives to escape from AFGHANISTAN.
20061216             THE—X—FILES was on the air and in the air.
20061216             I became frustrated and infuriated with THE—SUDDENLY—POPULAR—CONSPIRACY buffs.
20061216             They kept regaling me with the same canards:
20061216             Anyone who can find Jesus in SOUTH—AMERICA 20000000             years ago is capable, clearly, of finding pretty much anything he wants to, anytime at all.
20061216             The bottom line is that this debate would be pretty funny if there weren't 3000—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20061216             Instead, the situation is Orwellian.
20061216             Disinfo writ large. And it didn't happen by accident.
20061216             THE—ARMY—GOT a 12000000             —MAN psyops unit.
20061216             I'll bet they aren't all tasked overseas. -- DANIEL—HOPSICKER
20061216             —DURING THE—SAME—MONTH that Atta arrived to attend his flight school, THE—OWNER—OF—THE—FLIGHT—SCHOOL had his Lear jet confiscated by DEA agents with submachine guns, who found 43—POUNDS—OF—HEROIN on BOARD.
20061216             That's not speculation. That's fact.
20061216             And it is to OBSCURE that fact that ADNAN—KHASHOGGI—MINIONS started spreading money —AROUND to scumbags + refugees from BENNY—HINN revivals, who pretend to be looking for the truth.
20061216             I have laid out the evidence in black and white about the flight school owner's heroin bust.
20061216             —PUBLICIZED, Yet who among you SORRY—ASS creeps has, it or attempted to learn more by actually investigating?
20061216             Don't waste your time looking.
20061216             The answer is NO—1. - INTERVIEW—WITH—FM—PERES on —
20061216             ARUTZ—7—NEWS: —TUESDAY, 20010911             ... feedback@israelnationalnews_com> Subject: ARUTZ—7—NEWS: —TUESDAY, 20060911             , 20010000             ...
20061216             For All TIME—WWII (parts 1-34)... do outnumber us surprise, their HALF—OF—THE—WAR is defending their Empire...
20061216             Axis powers —DURING January and February, —AFTER...
20061216             —BEYOND the Backword - 11/02.
20061216             role in financing GERMANY—WWI efforts in an 'unneutral' manner".
20061216             —SIRED, GERMANY... invasion of POLAND, beginning WWII.
20061216             T R O U B L E D C O M P A N Y R E P O R T E R L A T I—N.
20061216             firms, advised WorldCom, INCORPORATED (MCI) in its definitive agreement... long term," said CARLO—FRAU, sent to NICARAGUA —LAST—WEEK to...
20061216             The votes for removal do not exist yet.
20061216             But the —DAY may soon come —WHEN 1—NUMBER—OF—REPUBLICAN senators decide that they can best serve their party by turning against their PRESIDENT.
20061216             JOHN—DEAN is wrong on impeachment
20061216             JOHN—DEAN argues against IMPEACHMENT—OF—BUSH and Cheney, although he advocates THE—USE—OF—THE—IMPEACHMENT—PROCESS against lower administration officials.
20061216             Dean : Impeachment is 1—POLITICAL—PROCESS + not only are the votes to remove either Bush or Cheney lacking, but it also would not be very good politics to do to them what was done to PRESIDENT—CLINTON.
20061216             —SHAMED, THE—REPUBLICAN—CONGRESS, itself —WHEN it impeached and tried PRESIDENT—WILLIAM—JEFFERSON—CLINTON.
20061216             It was 1—REPEAT of what 1—EARLIER—REPUBLICAN—CONGRESS had done to PRESIDENT—ANDREW—JOHNSON, —FOLLOWING the Civil War.
20061216             Both proceedings were politics at their ugliest.
20061216             —MOVED, Democrats, —WHEN they undertook to impeach RICHARD—NIXON, very slowly, building bipartisan support for the undertaking.
20061216             I agree that THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY shamed itself + that the proceedings were ugly.
20061216             —WORKED, But the Clinton impeachment.
20061216             —OCCURRED, Had it never, Gore would have won 20000000             and we'd —NOW have 1—MOVEMENT to place CLINTON—FACE on MOUNT—RUSHMORE.
20061216             JOHN—MCCAIN wants to shut down blogs......and get this: HE—USING the tired old "protect the children"ploy.
20061216             How can I know anything about my commentators beyond the "facts and circumstances" —IMMEDIATELY available to anyone?
20061216             The recent Democratic victory owed much to Air AMERICA and to progressive blogs.
20061216             Mismanagement may shutter the former, —WHILE McCain hopes to destroy the latter.
20061216             The G.O.P. intends to regain total CONTROL—OF—THE—DEBATE + they are using false kiddie porn fears to accomplish that goal.
20061216             No, the skepticism we should bring to the table in such significant cases is ORDERS—OF—MAGNITUDE beyond what we'd normally consider in 1—TYPICAL—CASE.
20061216             —INDEED, Puzzle house, which is why the counterintelligence OFFICE—JAMES—JESUS—ANGLETON is thought by many to have been driven mad by the requirements of his job description.
20061216             #—POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS
20061216             Divide and conquer is 1—OLD—TACTIC + governmental sowing of dissent among its critics is very old as well (see THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—INFILTRATION in COINTELPRO + how government provocateurs did exactly these things, or check Operation GLADIO—HISTORY—OF—SYNTHETIC—TERROR).
20061216             These are very effective techniques and are to be reflexively expected in crimes of such enormity.
20061216             So, the difference is, in such cases, entirely unlike most issues in life, military or intelligence agency PSY—OPS experts will be doing their level best job for hire, deliberately confusing the issues and targeting prominent researchers who are getting too close to SOME—FACT or another.
20061216             You can find 1—GOOD sampling of what Wilsonian thought, circa
20061216             J. EDGAR—HOOVER said that the average person is at 1—GRAVE—DISADVANTAGE—WHEN they run into EVIDENCE—OF—1—CONSPIRACY so immense that it beggars their imagination.
20061216             —ORGANIZED, Guessing, he meant the Mafia or other, crime.
20061216             To what was Woodrow Wilson referring, —WHEN he said that at the highest LEVELS—OF—INDUSTRY or government, something existed so monstrous and ALL—POWERFUL that even the most powerful men in the country dared only speak of it in whispers, if they dared mention it all (my close paraphrase)?
20061216             —STEEPED, Probably 1—NEO—FASCIST—INDUSTRIALIST claque, in secret society brotherhoods, MULTI—GENERATIONAL or centuries old plots, of nearly unimaginable wealth and power, whose hubris may find them doing unwise things that many would find irrational and impossible, simply OUT—OF—THE—KNOWLEDGE that they own the corporate media and can have it say whatever they want, or leave unmentioned whatever they want.
20061216             God, but I absolutely cannot STAND these turkeys.
20061216             If science really were on their side, they wouldn't be acting like religious zealots.
20061216             #—POSTED—BY—JOSEPH
20061216             I've tried to summarize SOME—OF—THIS for the residents of THE—DU 20010911             dungeon and dropped 1—NAME—CHECK for you over there.
20061216             This is great stuff + perhaps the debate over there will shift from melting steel for 1—WHILE.
20061216             Hamden from DU
20061216             —UNRELATED, Completely, except through WORD—CHOICE, is this post from RigInt forums.
20061216             THE—AUTHOR—DESCRIBES 1—EVENT thrown by his wife's employer and "1) Claims that everyone will be changed by 1—CEREMONY at THE—CLOSE—OF—THE—DAY which is designed to inculcate loyalty to said corporation. Said ceremony is also where they require everyone to take 1—PLEDGE that insists you call all fellow employees 'brother' or 'sister'".
20061216             —SKATED, So Bohringer... Kozeny remains in jail in THE—BAHAMAS, according to
20061216             this recent article.
20061216             SOVIET—STYLE Censorship in AMERICA.
20061216             BARACK—OBAMA: 1. in 1—SERIES—OF—CAMPAIGN—BUTTONS
20061216             WINNER—OF—THE—TOP—PROJECT Censored Awards 2—OF—THE—LAST —3—YEARS -
20061216             And Earned the Honor of Being Called "the Shrillest and Most Dimwitted Political Site on the Web" by THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL.
20061216             He is Asking More GIs to Die for His Own Political Opportunism.
20061216             BUSH—ADMINISTRATION Warned That 1—IRAQ—INVASION—WOULD—LEAD to Chaos by Senior UK Officials.
20061216             Report: SENATOR—TIM—JOHNSON—PROGRESS "Encouraging" 12/16
20061216             Hiring —NOW for Online Content Manager for BuzzFlash_com
20061216             —LINKED, LEONARD—PITTS, JUNIOR: My freedom, to others -- including gays 12/16
20061216             —BOTCHED, Official says FLORIDA execution was
20061216             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—UPHELD—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—NEW "terrorism" law —WEDNESDAY, agreeing that GUANTANAMO Bay detainees do not have the right to challenge their imprisonment in USA—COURTS.
20061216             ''GUANTANAMO brings images of 1—MAN in ORANGE overalls, his face down and 1—SOLDIER holding him by the neck, like 1—DOG on 1—LEASH," says —14—YEAR—OLD—ZAHRA Paracha. "Animals are treated better,''
20061216             The sudden ILLNESS—OF—SOUTH—DAKOTA—DEMOCRATIC—USA—SENATOR—TIM—JOHNSON has huge potential ramifications in the narrowly divided Senate and for THE—REST—OF—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—TERM.
20061216             Given rising metal prices, the pennies and nickels in your pocket are worth more melted down than their face value -- and that has the government worried.
20061216             "My friends I wish to end with the prayer that the underlying cause of strife and bloodshed in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, namely, the State known as 'ISRAEL', be totally and peacefully dissolved. To be replaced by 1—REGIME fully in accordance with the aspirations of the Palestinians. —WHEN Arab and Jew will be able to live peacefully together as they did —FOR—CENTURIES".
20061216             OPEC to cut oil output by 500,000 bpd
20061216             —REACHED, Deal, on Haniya crossing : ISRAEL and EGYPT have reached 1—DEAL to allow THE—PALESTINE—PRIME—MINISTER to return to THE—GAZA—STRIP.
20061216             —FILMED, Olmert, 'coaching' Prodi : 1—ISRAEL—TELEVISION—STATION has broadcast footage that appears to show Ehud Olmert, THE—ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER, coaching Romano Prodi on what to say —DURING 1—JOINT—PRESS—CONFERENCE.
20061216             High COURT—RULING could increase killings: "We are afraid the High COURT—RULING could create 1—DANGEROUS slope in which the harming and KILLING—OF—INNOCENT—CITIZENS will increase".
20061216             According to THE—COMMITTEE—DATA, —SINCE THE—START—OF—THE 2. intifada 500—PALESTINIANS have been killed in targeted killings
20061216             JONATHAN—COOK: Still Jews only:
20061216             Recognising ISRAEL's "right to exist" is in practice bowing to paranoid state racism
20061216             Support for ISRAEL in Congress is Based on Fear : I can tell you from personal experience that the support ISRAEL has in the Congress is based completely on political fear -- FEAR—OF—DEFEAT by anyone who does not do what ISRAEL wants done.
20061216             —ROOTED, Irans PRESIDENT: World problems, in disregard for religious principles by West, Zionists::
20061216             —RELEASED, According to 1—REPORT, by the Presidential OFFICE—MEDIA—DEPARTMENT, THE—PRESIDENT made the remark in 1—MEETING with Jewish rabbis who attended THE—2—DAY—INTERNATIONAL—CONFERENCE on holocaust in TEHRAN
20061216             Ahmadinejad says Zionists are criminals : Ahmadinejad said not all Jews are Zionists + called for "1—REFERENDUM in order to determine THE—TYPE—OF—REGIME the Palestinians prefer, with the participation of all Palestinians -- including Jews, Christians and Muslims," IRAN—STATE—RUN—IRNA news agency reported.
20061216             What Would Happen If Jesus Were Born In USA—TODAY?
20061216             —ALERTED, Bethlehem, JUDEA—AUTHORITIES were —TODAY, by 1 concerned citizen who noticed 1—FAMILY living in 1—BARN.
20061216             —ACCOMPANIED, Upon arrival, Family Protective Service personnel, by police, took into protective care 1—INFANT child named Jesus, who had been wrapped in strips of cloth and placed in 1—FEEDING trough by his —14—YEAR—OLD—MOTHER, MARY—OF—NAZARETH.
20061216             USA funding SOMALIA—WARLORDS—INTELLIGENCE—EXPERTS : THE—USA has been funnelling more than $100,000 —1—MONTH to warlords battling Islamist militia in SOMALIA, according to 1—SOMALIA expert who has conferred with the groups in the country.
20061216             2 in 3—AMERICANS Want Diplomatic Ties with CUBA : Judging by press coverage and political rhetoric, 1 would imagine that most Americans take 1—VERY dim view of establishing diplomatic ties with Fidel CASTRO—CUBA.
20061216             1—NEW—GALLUP poll, however, reveals that this is far from true.
20061216             'National interest' halts arms corruption inquiry : 1—MAJOR—CRIMINAL—INVESTIGATION into alleged corruption by the arms company BAE Systems and its executives was stopped in its tracks —YESTERDAY—WHEN THE—PRIME—MINISTER claimed it would endanger BRITAIN—SECURITY if the inquiry was allowed to continue.
20061216             UK case for war 'torn apart' : 1—COMMITTEE—OF—BRITAIN—PARLIAMENT has published formerly secret testimony that the newspaper THE—INDEPENDENT says has "torn apart" the case for war in IRAQ.
20061216             JOHN—W—DEAN: Refocusing the Impeachment Movement : I myself have no doubt that Bush has, in fact, committed impeachable offenses + that for EACH—BUSH "high crime and misdemeanor," CHENEY—CULPABILITY is 10 or 20—TIMES—GREATER.
20061216             Subpoena seen as 1—BID by USA—ADMINISTRATION to stop leaks: FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS are trying to force THE—USA—CIVIL—LIBERTIES—UNION to turn over copies of 1 classified document it received from 1—SOURCE, using what legal experts called 1—NEW—EXTENSION—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—EFFORTS to protect NATIONAL—SECURITY—SECRETS.
20061216             —CLASHED, USA, CHINA Clash on Currency: USA and CHINA—LEADERS, publicly on the opening —DAY—OF—STRATEGIC—ECONOMIC—TALKS, with Treasury SECRETARY—HENRY—M—PAULSON—JUNIOR pushing CHINA to revalue its currency and CHINA—VICE Premier Wu Yi saying Americans do not have 1—FULL—UNDERSTANDING—OF—THE—SITUATION.
20061216             USA fermenting civil war:
20061216             USA—TRAINING Fatah in ANTI—TERROR—TACTICS : USA—OFFICIALS training PALESTINE—SECURITY—FORCES—LOYAL to PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS are emphasizing urban ANTI—TERRORIST—TECHNIQUES as PART—OF—1—SYSTEMATIC—EFFORT to bolster Abbas and his Fatah loyalists to counter the political success of Hamas, according to PALESTINE—ANALYSTS and officers receiving the training.
20061216             The enemy within : There are hundreds, possibly THOUSANDS—OF—PALESTINIANS working covertly for THE—ISRAEL—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICES.
20061216             —CALLED, SYRIA—ASSAD calls for dialogue with ISRAEL: Assad, on ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT to consider SYRIA—OFFER to discuss peace in exchange for territorial concessions, ROME—BASED daily La Repubblica reported.
20061216             Here is what happens —WHEN you challenge Zionism: DAVID—HOROWITZ: JIMMY—CARTER: JEW—HATER, GENOCIDE—ENABLER, Liar
20061216             FORMER—PRESIDENT—CARTER says he won't visit Brandeis : "I don't want to have 1—CONVERSATION even indirectly with Dershowitz," Carter told THE—BOSTON—GLOBE.
20061216             "There is no need... for me to debate somebody who, in my opinion, knows nothing about the situation in Palestine".
20061216             ISRAEL boycott may be the way to peace:
20061216             10—PALESTINIANS are killed for EVERY—ISRAEL—DEATH;
20061216             more than 200, MANY—OF—THEM children, have been killed —SINCE the —SUMMER
20061216             MIKE—WHITNEY: Bush makes a "Clean Break" with the Baker Plan : As THE—USA—PREDICAMENT in IRAQ becomes more tenuous, ISRAEL will come under increasing pressure to make concessions for peace.
20061216             IRAQ—RED—CRESCENT accuses USA—FORCES—OF—ATTACKS: THE—IRAQ—RED—CRESCENT accused USA—FORCES—ON—FRIDAY of carrying out 1—SPATE—OF—ATTACKS on its offices over the last —3—YEARS—DURING operations to flush out suspected militants.
20061216             Tribal Leaders Don't Trust IRAQ Soldiers : Tribal leaders and SOME—POLITICAL—GROUPS in THE—STRIFE—RIDDEN IRAQ—PROVINCE—OF—DIYALA are turning to terrorists and insurgents for protection rather than trust IRAQ—SOLDIERS and police, THE—COMMANDER—OF—USA—FORCES in that area said —FRIDAY.
20061216             —CLOSED, Sadrists want USA, UK—EMBASSIES in IRAQ :
20061216             Top general calls for more troops: THE—ARMY—TOP—GENERAL warned —ON—THURSDAY that his force ``will break'' without thousands more active duty troops and greater USE—OF—THE—RESERVES.
20061216             He issued the warning as PRESIDENT—BUSH considers new strategies for IRAQ.
20061216             Bush weighing deeper commitment in IRAQ, officials say: - PRESIDENT—BUSH is weighing whether to make 1—DEEPER—USA—COMMITMENT in IRAQ despite growing public unhappiness with the war, according to senior USA—OFFICIALS and former officials familiar with BUSH—HIGH—LEVEL—REVIEW.
20061216             GRAHAM—SAYS 20—1000—MORE—TROOPS Needed In IRAQ : SOUTH—CAROLINA SENATOR—LINDSEY—GRAHAM says about 20,000 more USA—TROOPS are needed if IRAQ is going to establish 1—WORKING democracy.
20061216             USA considers 35,000 more troops for IRAQ : SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN said that USA—MILITARY—COMMANDERS were discussing the possibility of adding as many as 10—MORE—USA combat brigades — 1—MAXIMUM—OF about 35,000 troops — to "bring the situation under control" —WHILE IRAQ's divided political leaders seek solutions to the worsening bloodshed here.
20061216             Despite Its $168—BILLION Budget,: THE—ARMY—FACES 1—CASH—CRUNCH : At 1—TIME—WHEN the war in IRAQ is deepening + debate over pulling out the troops is intensifying, the rising cost of waging the fight is outpacing even THE—ARMY—HUGE—BUDGET.
20061216             The financial squeeze is leaving the Army SHORT—OF—EQUIPMENT and key personnel.
20061216             Democrats Expected to Increase USA—MILITARY Spending: —THIS—YEAR—PENTAGON budget is $436—BILLION.
20061216             That amount does not include more than $140—BILLION that's being spent —THIS—YEAR—ALONE on the wars in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN.
20061216             Rice hints Baker report to be snubbed:
20061216             USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—TELLS—WASHINGTON—POST that USA will not 'trade away' LEBANON to Syria nor allow IRAN to develop nuclear weapons — in exchange for peace in IRAQ.
20061216             Says administrations stepping up efforts for ISRAELI—PALESTINE—CALM
20061216             —SURPRISED, UAE, at USA warning on SYRIA—IRAN trade : 1—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—OFFICIAL voiced astonishment —ON—FRIDAY at 1—THREAT—OF—USA action against the Gulf state for allegedly failing to prevent 1—FLOW—OF—TECHNOLOGY to IRAN and Syria that can be used in homemade bombs.
20061216             Iranians go to polls in test for Ahmadineja
20061216             d : The vote for city and rural councils and THE—ASSEMBLY—OF—EXPERTS, in theory the most powerful institution in the Islamic Republic, will show if THE—PRESIDENT—RIVALS are regaining popularity
20061216             —TRIED, Netanyahu wants IRAN PRESIDENT, for genocide : Likud chair MK BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU has summoned about 70—FOREIGN—DIPLOMATS stationed in ISRAEL to 1—MEETING —NEXT—TUESDAY, at which he will urge them to end their complacency and join ISRAEL in 1—EFFORT to halt IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM, which he says is aimed at genocide of the Jews.
20061216             Hillary Clinton: I join ISRAEL against Ahmadinejad : Clinton called him 1—SERIOUS—THREAT on ISRAEL and her allies and continued to say that IRAN must not be allowed to obtain and develop nuclear weapons.
20061216             Hamas, Fatah wage GAZA gun battle : PRIME—MINISTER—ISMAIL—HANIYEH was eventually allowed to cross without the estimated $35—MILLION—CASH but on THE—GAZA—SIDE—OF—THE—BORDER, his convoy came under intense fire from Fatah gunmen and 1—OF—HIS bodyguards was killed.
20061216             Hamas said the gunmen had been aiming to kill THE—PRIME—MINISTER.
20061216             —ALLIED, Hamas, Fatah Clash in Deepening Violence : - Gunmen, with Hamas and Fatah clashed at 1—WEST—BANK—MOSQUE and in GAZA Strip streets —ON—FRIDAY, as violence spread to areas of THE—PALESTINE—TERRITORIES normally untouched by factional strife.
20061216             WHO—RUNNING—LEBANON?
20061216             —THREATENED, Devastated by ISRAEL—BOMBS, by the looming might of IRAN and Syria + divided from within by its own ethnic BLOODLETTING—LEBANON is 1—UNFOLDING tragedy with little HOPE—OF—SALVATION.
20061216             Why Did They Torture JOSE—PADILLA
20061216             What makes this case so insidious is that, according to 1—PSYCHIATRIST who examined him over a —22—HOUR—PERIOD, the treatment Padilla received in THE—SOUTH—CAROLINA brig was such that he —NOW "lacks the capacity to assist in his own defense".
20061216             —WORKED, In other words, A—USA—CITIZEN was secretly, over —FOR—21—MONTHS to the point he is unable to think well enough to engage with his lawyer.
20061216             GUANTANAMO Detainees To Be Held Even Without Evidence
20061216             The hard CORE—OF—DETAINEES held at AMERICA—GUANTANAMO—BAY detention camp will be held indefinitely even if there is insufficient evidence to bring them to trial, 1—SENIOR—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIAL said.
20061216             THE—CASH—COWS—OF—PERSONAL—DEBT
20061216             The booming credit card business is 1—OF—THE—MOST profitable and destructive industries to ever emerge from the inventive capitalist mind.
20061216             Citibank is raking in more money than Microsoft and WAL—MART.
20061216             —REALIZED, Obscene profits are, without lifting 1—FINGER to perform ANY—PHYSICAL—WORK.
20061216             —SUPPRESSED, Diplomat's, document lays bare the lies behind IRAQ war
20061216             —BY COLIN—BROWN and ANDY—MCSMITH
20061216             Muqtada AL—SADR is the most powerful man in the country, THE—DE—FACTO sovereign of IRAQ.
20061216             He oversees the 60,000 man MAHDI—ARMY which currently poses no threat to USA—FORCES.
20061216             If Bush turns on him, the occupation will become virtually untenable overnight.
20061216             Je höher der IQ im Kindesalter, umso größer sei die Wahrscheinlichkeit, als Erwachsener Vegetarier zu sein, schreiben Catharine Gale und ihre Kollegen im Fachblatt "UK—MEDICAL Journal".
20061216             Diese Erkenntnis stimme mit FRÜHEREN—STUDIEN überein, in denen 1—ZUSAMMENHANG—VON—IQ und gesünderer Lebensweise nachgewiesen worden war.
20061216             Vegetarier seien vor allem weiblich, gehörten höheren sozialen Schichten an und hätten eine bessere Ausbildung.
20061216             Sie seien meist Akademiker.
20061216             1—UNTERSCHIED im IQ um 15 % erhöhe die Wahrscheinlichkeit, Vegetarier zu sein, um 38 %.
20061216             Einen Rückschlag mussten die Ermittler gerade eben vom Bundesgerichtshof einstecken.
20061216             Per Weigerung löste 1—RICHTER dort eine grundsätzliche Prüfung der so genannten "ONLINE—DURCHSUCHUNG" aus.
20061216             Mit Hilfe eines heimlich eingeschleusten Programms wollten die Fahnder auf Rechnern von Verdächtigen forschen, ohne dass die von den Recherchen etwas merken sollten.
20061216             Das ging einem RICHTER—DES—BGH zu weit, —NUN wird ein grundsätzlicher Beschluss erwartet, der die Maßnahme komplett kippen könnte.
20061216             Dann wäre die Politik erneut am Zug.
20061216             2,—500—YEAR—OLD boat coffin to reveal mysterious CHINA—KINGDOM
20061216             With abundant cultural relics, 1—BOAT—SHAPED coffin dating back nearly 2,—500—YEARS has unearthed —RECENTLY in SOUTH—WEST—CHINA—SICHUAN—PROVINCE, giving expectation to reveal true HISTORY—OF—1—MYSTERIOUS—KINGDOM in the area.
20061216             Administration asks to keep Cheney logs secret
20061216             AL—FAYED repeats murder allegation over Diana death
20061216             MOHAMED—AL—FAYED, THE—EGYPT—OWNER—OF—HARRODS department store in LONDON, —THURSDAY repeated his public accusation that his son Dodi and PRINCESS—DIANA were "murdered".
20061216             1—DEVASTATING attack on MISTER—BLAIR—JUSTIFICATION for military action by Carne Ross, BRITAIN—KEY—NEGOTIATOR at THE—UN,
20061216             has been kept under wraps —UNTIL—NOW because he was threatened with being charged with breaching the Official Secrets Act.
20061216             Nach ANGABEN—DES—CHIRURGEN—RENZO—CECERE ist Langevin der einzige in KANADA lebende Mensch ohne Pulsschlag und ohne messbaren Blutdruck.
20061216             Weltweit gibt es allerdings 1—REIHE weiterer Menschen, die ebenfalls keinen Puls haben: Das mechanische Herz, dessen Name "Heartmate II" eher an 1—FITNESSGERÄT aus dem TV—SHOP erinnert, wurde im Rahmen der klinischen Versuche —BEREITS in den USA einigen Patienten eingepflanzt.
20061216             Das Gerät pumpt mit einer batteriebetriebenen Turbine Blut in die Hauptschlagader und soll —BIS zu —10—JAHRE funktionieren.
20061216             Unerwartet: Material aus dem heißen Zentrum
20061216             Doch —BIS zu einem Zehntel der Mineralien aus dem Kometenstaub seien bei der Entstehung des Himmelskörpers mehr als 17000000             Grad Celsius heiß gewesen, schreiben die Forscher in "Science".
20061216             Deshalb müssen sie aus dem inneren Sonnensystem herausgeschleudert worden seien, folgern sie.
20061216             Das bedeute, dass sich bei der Entstehung des Sonnensystems viel mehr Stoffe miteinander gemischt haben als —BISHER angenommen, sagte Brownlee.
20061216             Er schätzt, dass —BIS zu 10—PROZENT—DES—KOMETENMATERIALS aus dem inneren Sonnensystem kamen.
20061216             "Das ist eine echte Überraschung, weil der allgemeinen Vorstellung entsprechend Kometen nur aus interstellarem Staub + Eis bestehen sollten".
20061216             Bilderbuchlandung in der Wüste von UTAH. Das war —IM—JANUAR.
20061216             Fast auf —DEN—TAG genau —11—MONATE—SPÄTER macht die kaum vorstellbar leichte Ausbeute an Staubkörnen, die "Stardust" vom Kometen Wild 2—HEIMGEBRACHT hat, Furore in der Wissenschaftswelt.
20061216             Die Forscher müssen ihre Vorstellungen darüber revidieren, wie Kometen zusammengesetzt SIND—UND wie die Materie bei der Entstehung unseres Sonnensystems verteilt war.
20061216             Grausige Exekution in FLORIDA: Aufruhr gegen Hinrichtungen mit der Giftspritze
20061216             Bruderkampf in GAZA: Palästinenser schießen auf Palästinenser
20061216             Satellitenbild —DER—WOCHE: Dichter Rauch über AUSTRALIEN
20061216             USA—STUDIE: Weniger HORMONTHERAPIE—WENIGER Brustkrebsfälle
20061216             DEUTSCHE—TERROR—BILANZ: "Wir sind sehr knapp an einer Katastrophe vorbeigeschrammt"
20061216             SYRIEN: Assad will mit Bush und Olmert reden
20061216             IQ und Ernährung: Kluge Menschen ESSEN weniger Fleisch
20061216             Eskalation in PALÄSTINA: "Die Situation ist extrem angespannt und unsicher"
20061216             POLONIUM—AFFÄRE: NIEDERLANDE lassen LONDON—TOURISTEN UNTERSUCHEN—IRAN: Testwahl für Ahmadinedschad
20061216             IRAK—DEBATTE: Rice lehnt Gespräche mit SYRIEN und IRAN ab
20061216             "Prestige"- Katastrophe: Monsterwellen sollen Tanker versenkt haben
20061216             —KRITISIERT, NETZWELT—TICKER: Gates, digitales RECHTE—MANAGEMENT
20061216             Entschädigung: Vertriebene reichen Klage gegen POLEN ein
20061216             —5—JAHRE EURO—BARGELD: Doping für den Exportweltmeister
20061216             STUDENTEN—PROTESTE in PARIS: PARTY—GUERILLA schockt Miethaie
20061216             7—TIPPS: Korruption BEKÄMPFEN—MEDIZIN kurios: Mann lebt ohne Puls
20061216             Außeneinsatz: ISS—VERKABELUNG kommt voran
20061216             DEUTSCHE—TELEKOM: Kein Anschluss für Asylbewerber
20061216             Wertvollste Konzerne: Saudis schlagen Texaner
20061216             Palästinenserkonflikt: Mordanschlag auf Ministerpräsident Hanija
20061216             "Stardust"- Projekt: KOMETEN—STAUBKÖRNER widerlegen Theorien über Sonnensystem
20061216             UMFRAGE—TIEF: 3—VIERTEL der Deutschen mit Großer Koalition unzufrieden
20061216             † 1—MAN convicted of murdering the manager of 1—TOPLESS—BAR nearly —3—DECADES—AGO was executed by injection —WEDNESDAY, appearing to grimace —BEFORE dying —34—MINUTES—AFTER receiving the 1. of 2—DOSES of chemicals.
20061216             The manner of his death will likely rekindle the argument that FLORIDA—METHOD—OF—EXECUTION—CONSTITUTES—CRUEL + unusual punishment.
20061216             - Novak: Rove WILL—RETIRE—FROM—POLITICS—AFTER—BUSH—TERM...
20061216             —REFERRED, Rove, to himself as "1—FORMER—POLITICAL consultant" and said that he was leaving the game.
20061216             - Microsoft Rolls Search Demographics Tool
20061216             (published 20060000             —ON—12—13T19:14:08Z)Microsoft —TODAY rolled out 1—NEW adCenter Labs Demonstration tool that can be used to predict 1—CUSTOMER?s age, gender + other demographic information according to his or her online behavior.
20061216             —COMPILED, The data is, from search queries and webpage.
20061216             - ISRAEL—COURT—WON'T Ban Targeted Killings
20061216             JERUSALEM (AP) -- THE—ISRAEL—SUPREME—COURT—DECIDED—THURSDAY not to issue 1—BLANKET ban against the targeted KILLING—OF—PALESTINE—MILITANTS, ruling that some of the killings were legal under INTERNATIONAL law..
20061216             - Ban KI—MOON to Formally Take UNITED—NATIONS Helm
20061216             UNITED—NATIONS (AP) -- SOUTH—KOREA—BAN—KI—MOON formally takes the reins of THE—UNITED—NATIONS —THURSDAY as the institution grapples with internal reforms, volatility in THE—MIDDLE—EAST and INTERNATIONAL standoffs over the nuclear AMBITIONS—OF—NORTH—KOREA and IRAN..
20061216             - RALPH—PETERS: RETURN—OF—THE—TRIBES
20061216             'Globalization is real, but its power to improve THE—LOT—OF—HUMANKIND has been madly oversold.
20061216             Globalization enthralls and binds together 1—NEW aristocracy--the golden crust on the human loaf--but the remaining billions, who lack the culture and confidence to benefit from "1—WORLD," have begun to erect barricades against the internationalization of their affairs.
20061216             Dershowitz: How Low Can You Go?
20061216             ALAN—DERSHOWITZ, never 1 to let facts or truth get in the way of 1—IDEOLOGICAL harangue, has sunk to 1—NEW—LOW.
20061216             1—OF—BIG D's most avid enemies has been NORMAN—FINKELSTEIN, 1—ANTI—ZIONIST—PROFESSOR who has done quite 1—FORMIDABLE—JOB—OF debunking 1—DERSHOWITZ book.
20061216             So it was something [...]... Source:
20061216             Move along... nothing to see here.... (DIANA—DEATH: nothing suspicious)- BG -
20061216             More thoughts on PRINCE—TURKI—AL—FAISAL and THE—IRAQ war
20061216             Blogger Thought: I haven't seen commentary on this blog (cannonfire) that gets within 1—MILE—OF—THE—TRUTH about 20010911             .
20061216             However, perhaps this commentary is sound.
20061216             THE—NEW—USA—COVERS '20010911             Press for Truth' | 911Blogger_com
20061216             /11—PRESS for Truth effectively presents some of the most glaring discrepancies, lies + coverups concerning the deadliest terrorist attack on USA—SOIL.
20061216             HENRY—KISSINGER "nearly fell off the couch".
20061216             He spilled his coffee on himself. He was visibly shaken.
20061216             The —NEXT—DAY he announced that he was stepping down as chairman of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION, the post to which PRESIDENT—BUSH had named him 1—COUPLE—OF—WEEKS—EARLIER.
20061216             Why the abrupt resignation from the chairmanship he had so —RECENTLY accepted amidst such fanfare?
20061216             —INVITED, THE—DAY—BEFORE his resignation, DOCTOR—KISSINGER, 1—SMALL—GROUP—OF—20010911              family members to THE—NEW—YORK OFFICE—OF—KISSINGER—ASSOCIATES, the premier global consulting service to presidents, princes, potentates + corporate executives.
20061216             Wars, revolutions, financial panics, political scandals + economic crises — he has come through them all, not only unscathed but almost apotheosized to demigod status.
20061216             But the ever calm and supremely confident diplomat was unnerved —WHEN LAURIE—VAN—AUKEN, whose husband was killed in the World Trade Center, said the families wanted him to disclose his client list to assure there was no CONFLICT—OF—INTEREST.
20061216             She asked if there were ANY—SAUDIS among his clients and if ANY—WERE—MEMBERS—OF—THE—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN family.
20061216             Kristen Breitweiser, another 20010911             widow who was there, gives this ACCOUNT—OF—THE—MEETING: "Kissinger told us to trust him. We told him we couldn't.... Kissinger seemed stunned.... He didn't understand the fuss about his client list — they were all reputable people, he said. Kissinger seemed stricken and became unsteady. In reaching for his CUP—OF—COFFEE he bobbled, knocked the pot, spilled his own cup and nearly fell off the couch".
20061216             UNIVERSITY—OF—ILLINOIS—PROFESSOR—DOCTOR—FRANICS—A—BOYLE—QUESTIONS—USA—INVOLVEMENT in Anthrax and 20010911             Attacks
20061216             USA—GOVERNMENT—BIOLOGICAL—WEAPONS—LEGISLATOR—SAYS 20010000             Anthrax Attacks PART—OF—GOVERNMENT—BIO—WARFARE—PROGRAM—THE—REAL—CULPRITS behind 20010000             —THE anthrax attack on Congress were most likely USA—GOVERNMENT—SCIENTISTS at the army's FORT—DETRICK, MD., bioterrorism lab according to 1—FORMER—GOVERNMENT—BIOLOGICAL—WEAPONS—LEGISLATOR and UNIVERSITY—OF—ILLINOIS—PROFESSOR.
20061216             —COVERED, DOCTOR—FRANICS—A—BOYLE says THE—FBI, up these facts and has also quite clearly stated that he doubts the official government story that 19—ARABS with boxcutters perpetrated the attacks of 20010911             .
20061216             Boyle is 1—LEADING—USA—PROFESSOR, practitioner and advocate of INTERNATIONAL law.
20061216             He was responsible for drafting the Biological Weapons ANTI—TERRORISM—ACT—OF—19890000             , THE—USA—I.
20061216             Source: Men In BLACK—WHO are they? (7/7—BOMBING)
20061216             Excerpt from Statement: The 4. Bomb Genre: Narrative NON—FICTION (True) THE—BACK—OF—THE—BUS had taken on 1—COMPLETELY different structure.
20061216             —SHROUDED, It was, in 1—DARKNESS permeated by 3—PAIRS—OF—EYES that were staring out at him, all with the same LOOK—OF—FEAR and incredulity.
20061216             —HUDDLED, THE—3—FEMALES were, writhing on the floor, EACH—TRYING to slide beneath the other for safety.
20061216             —INHALED, Their mouths were aghast with silent, screams.
20061216             —IMPLORED, Their wide eyes, him to provide 1—EXPLANATION.
20061216             —FILLED, Exhalation, the eery silence that descended with faint screams that escalated in tandem with their rising SENSE—OF—DREAD.
20061216             - Satellite Images Unlocks Extent Of Logging
20061216             'AUSTRALIA—ANTI—LOGGING groups are using Google Earth to show THE—IMPACT—OF—FOREST clearing.'At least 2—GROUPS—THE—TASMANIAN—ARM—OF—THE—WILDERNESS—SOCIETY and the Victorian Rainforest Network (VRN) - have created Google Earth "overlays", which can be downloaded from their websites.
20061216             - Presidential Tyranny Untamed By Election Defeat
20061216             'Like THE—2—ENTWINING strands of the double helix, law and power form the genetic STRUCTURE—OF—GOVERNMENT.
20061216             Law is nothing but empty verbiage without power to back it up, enforce it, embody it.
20061216             'FALLUJAH—PEOPLE living in areas where resistance to USA.
20061216             - BATTLE—BREWING—OVER 'Iconistan'
20061216             'THERE—1—TURF war heating up over 1—STRIP—OF—WEB—REAL—ESTATE called "Iconistan".'You won't find this mythical land on 1—MAP, as Iconistan exists only at the bottom of blog posts.
20061216             - Under THE—WEATHER
20061216             "It's 1—WASTELAND," the mayor of the closest town to the disaster told LONDON—DAILY—TELEGRAPH —AFTER the torrential rains had passed.
20061216             KOFI—ANNAN—LEGACY: RWANDA, DAFUR—IRAQ and Oil for Food.
20061216             But health officials must not judge.
20061216             —TODAY—PAPERS—FORESKIN Begone
20061216             THE—WASHINGTON—POST—LEADS with word that in 1—MEETING with PRESIDENT—BUSH, the Joint CHIEFS—OF—STAFF recommended 1—CHANGE in strategy for IRAQ that involves switching away from combat to training IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES and looking for terrorists.
20061216             The military leaders at the Pentagon were also quick to emphasize there is only so much the military can do in IRAQ and urged for 1—LARGER—FOCUS on solving the country's economic and political issues.
20061216             USA—TODAY—LEADS with the recommendations but with 1—SLIGHTLY different angle.
20061216             The paper talks about the plan, rather than the meeting and says the top USA—COMMANDERS in IRAQ developed the strategy.
20061216             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—LEADS with + THE—WP fronts, the National INSTITUTES—OF—HEALTH announcing the results of 2—STUDIES that seem to prove circumcision can reduce the risk of 1—MAN contracting HIV from heterosexual sex by half.
20061216             THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES—LEADS with the results of 1—NEW—POLL that shows Democrats have 1—POSITIVE—VIEW—OF—SENATOR—HILLARY—RODHAM—CLINTON but SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN would beat her if the election were held —TODAY.
20061216             This is seen as further proof of how polarizing Clinton is with the electorate, —WHILE also illustrating MCCAIN—POPULARITY among independent voters.
20061216             But there is 1—LARGE—SEGMENT—OF—SELF—IDENTIFIED conservatives who have 1—UNFAVORABLE—VIEW—OF—MCCAIN, —WHILE FORMER—NEW—YORK Mayor RUDOLPH—GIULIANI received high approval ratings overall.
20061216             THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL tops its worldwide newsbox with results from its own poll that shows BUSH—APPROVAL rating is at 34 %.
20061216             To continue READING, click here.
20061216             SENATOR—TIM—JOHNSON (D—SD) did not have 1—STROKE,- NICO—CONTRARY to previous speculation, 1—SPOKESMAN for Johnson says.
20061216             Voices for peace 1—READER sent this plea to me.
20061216             I'm taking the liberty of reprinting it in full, even though I don't fully agree with the authors' stance.
20061216             As you know, I favor abandoning the whole idea of 1—JEWISH—HOMELAND in favor of 1—SINGLE—STATE—SOLUTION, 1 in which minority rights are respected and protected.
20061216             Although the writers of this text favor 1—DUAL—STATE recipe for peace, they demonstrate that there are still voices within ISRAEL + within the larger Jewish community, who understand that THE—ISRAEL i government has undertaken 1—COURSE both shameful and (ultimately) suicidal.
20061216             Yes, I know that this piece is roughly —4—YEARS—OLD and thus somewhat outdated.
20061216             The important factors remain relevant.
20061216             * * *
20061216             —FROM Jew to Jew:
20061216             Why We Should Oppose THE—ISRAEL i OCCUPATION—OF—THE—WEST—BANK—AND—GAZA—WRITTEN—BY—JEWS for fellow Jews.
20061216             The date was 20021212             . - - - The date was 20021212.
20061216             200612142357$       —GMT) 200612142355$       —GMT) - Read about it here
20061216             "—THIS—WEEK, THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRISIS that started in ;;09;;
20061216             with USA DISCOVERY—OF—STEPPED—UP uranium enrichment activities in IRAN is expected to trigger 1—NUCLEAR—WAR between RUSSIA + THE—USA
20061216             —VERGLEICHT, Der Disorganizer, die vom Lokalisator (siehe...
20061216             JOHN—BURTON on CALIFORNIA —BEFORE Arnold
20061216             ROBERT—SCHEER: DeLays Mission 20061216             ROBERT—SCHEER: HILLARY—SHAMEFUL—STRADDLING on IRAQ
20061216             —OCCASIONED, My refusing to eat flesh, 1—INCONVENIENCY + I was frequently chided for my singularity,
20061216             but, with this lighter repast, I made the greater progress, for greater CLEARNESS—OF—HEAD and quicker comprehension.
20061216             - BEN—FRANKLIN—SENCE—OF—THE—IDEOLOGY—OF—ISLAM and Ways of Eliminating it).
20061216             —FADED, Links with LEFT—WING political ideology have, + psychedelic drugs are by
20061216             Evolution : in New Age it is much more than 1—QUESTION—OF living beings...
20061216             Abbas argumentiere: "Wir sind in einer Sackgasse angelangt und geben —JETZT ALLE—MACHT an das Volk zurück,
20061216             um neu zu entscheiden", sagte al Alami.
20061216             HAMAS—AUßENMINISTER Zahar im Interview:
20061216             "Wir werden diese Wahlen in unserem Land niemals zulassen"
20061216             You'd think he would have been told in no uncertain terms to stay the hell away from the area,
20061216             but no, he was allowed to fly directly toward the towers and pass within 1—FEW 100—FEET without incident.
20061216             Perhaps it was the same reason why airborne fighters were not sent to Manhattan —UNTIL at least —10—MINUTES—AFTER the 2. tower was hit and did not arrive there —UNTIL—22—MINUTES—AFTER the 2. hit,
20061216             even though logically they could have been there —BEFORE flight 175.
20061216             —EMERGED, The pictures have, at the same time as 1—FORMER—BOSTON—CENTER—AIR—TRAFFIC controller has gone public
20061216             —ON his assertion that 20010911             was 1—INSIDE job and that DONALD—RUMSFELD and the Pentagon tracked 3—OF—THE—4—FLIGHTS from the point of their hijacking to hitting their targets.
20061216             Subjects fitting this description might include global warming, or research on THE—EFFECTS—OF—OIL drilling in THE—ALASKA—NATIONAL—WILDLIFE—RESERVE".
20061216             (20061215             /ac/a/u)
20061216             Suntech Power "buy" - Das Kursziel sehe man bei 38—USD.
20061216             JEW—HATER, GENOCIDE—ENABLER, Liar 20061412             , D. Horowitz, Front Page.
20061216             For 1—FULL—STUDY—OF this dark media world and their corporate funding,
20061216             see THE—HADITHA—DOCTOR and the Media Dissemblers This is relevant information as the Haditha murder trials are about to begin.
20061216             —YESTERDAY, reports THE—WASHINGTON—POST, she "rejected 1—BIPARTISAN panel's recommendation that THE—USA—SEEK the help of Syria and IRAN in IRAQ,
20061216             saying the 'compensation' required by ANY—DEAL might be too high.
20061216             'If they have 1—INTEREST in 1—STABLE—IRAQ, they will do it anyway,' she said".
20061216             made it clear that TONY—BLAIR "must have known SADDAM—HUSSEIN possessed no WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20061216             He said that —DURING his posting to THE—UN, 'at no time did HMG [Her MAJESTY—GOVERNMENT] assess that IRAQ—WMD (or ANY—OTHER—CAPABILITY) posed 1—THREAT to THE—UK or its interests.'"
20061216             ISRAEL.
20061216             if only, statesmen who is courageous enough to stand up to ISRAEL—BLATANT—DISREGARD—OF—PALESTINE—HUMAN—RIGHTS as well as condemn it's Influence lobby AIPAC.
20061216             —BY—HEATHER WOKUSCH—IT—NOT —JUST Bush : We're Accountable Too
20061216             It was THE—IT featured 1—RISING new star from 1—PROMINENT—USA—FAMILY.
20061216             THE—JEWS got to be the official VICTIMS—OF—THE—WEST in order to pretend to be the unique VICTIMS—OF—THE—WEST,
20061216             thus hiding all the horrors that are happening elsewhere.
20061216             Excellent MIKE—WHITNEY on the ongoing Lobby e... Source: Funny-
20061216             —LEAKED, LINKS Police interrogate TONY—BLAIR—TAPE, in pub... MALTA ranks as 1—OF—SAFEST locations in world Amalgam Virgo 'A national security ministry based on the lines of Hitler's 19330000             PUTSCH—OF—THE—STATE and judiciary is under way' Stepping THE—CHANGE—BRIDGING THE—GAP—SPOOKS fl... 19890000             —CALLBOYS in BUSH SR—WHITEHOUSE 19890000             —CALLBOYS in BUSH SR—WHITEHOUSE p2 JFK speech about secret societies 9. KANT—CRITICISMS—OF—UTILITARIANISM 'Republican SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN has introduced legislation that would fine blogs up to $300,000 for offensive statements,
20061216             photos and videos —POSTED by visitors on comment boards, effectively nixing the open EXCHANGE—OF—IDEAS on THE—INTERNET,
20061216             providing 1—LETHAL injection for unrestrained opinion + acting as the latest attack tool to chill FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH on the world wide web.
20061216             saying the outspoken Harvard law professor "knows nothing about the situation".
20061216             NEWSVINE—MIAMI CHIEF—SON—SENTENCED in Drug Case-
20061216             Why cell phone outage reports are SECRET—THE—RED—TAPE—CHRONICLES—MISS—NBC com-
20061216             War And Peace: Everyone In Power Wants Double War Efforts- - There is no exit from this disaster.
20061216             —KILLED, Fox, 2—BIRDS with 1—STONE —TODAY—DURING 1—SEGMENT claiming that the "liberal media" intentionally hid good economic news —PRIOR—TO the midterm election because they "don't want to see BUSH succeed.
20061216             —REINFORCED, Not only was the notion of the "liberal media", but so was the idea that the middle class is better off than ever,
20061216             they —JUST don't know it.
20061216             —AIRED, It all began with 1—PROMO—CAVUTO, —PRIOR—TO the segment:
20061216             The market's record run splashing across the headlines these days,
20061216             but did the media hide SOME—GOOD—NEWS—BEFORE the midterm elections?
20061216             I think you're going to be 1—LITT. Gazprom buying into Pravda-
20061216             BG—RUSSIA—GAS monopoly Gazprom, which is extorting equity from Shell,
20061216             Mitsui and Mitsubishi in the Sakhlin 2—LNG project, is also buying up large PARTS—OF—THE—RUSSIA—PRESS....
20061216             BG - -By JON—SILVERMAN—LEGAL—AFFAIRS—ANALYST—LORD—GOLDSMITH Lord Goldsmith said the decision was taken by THE—SFO
20061216             Who Knew? According to "Pinch" and "Conspiracy Smasher" and their associated minions,
20061216             —COMPLICATED, WTC—LIKE—TOWERS that collapse easily and rapidly are extremely, to build + can only be designed by HIGHLY—TRAINED engineers with THE—AID—OF—SUPER—COMPUTERS.
20061216             —ON the other hand, according to "Pinch" and "Conspiracy Smasher",
20061216             towers that DON'T COLLAPSE at all can apparently only be built by CONSPIRACY—THEORIZING idiots who use chicken/rabbit wire as construction material.
20061216             But actually, it IS easy to build 1—TOWER that collapses easily and rapidly:
20061216             The problem seems to be that if 1—CONNECTS the parts together and constructs according to 1—SIMILAR—STRUCTURE as THE—WTC,
20061216             the tower doesn't seem to want to collapse at all under its own weight.
20061216             Funny how that works.
20061216             I guess it's. - Independent Online Edition > UK Politics-
20061216             —TRIED, BG—WHISTLEBLOWER that ministers, to muzzle
20061216             —SUPPRESSED, Diplomat's, document lays bare the lies behind IRAQ war (THE—INDEPENDENT,
20061216             1—DEVASTATING attack on MISTER—BLAIR—JUSTIFICATION for military action by Carne Ross,
20061216             BRITAIN—KEY—NEGOTIATOR at THE—UN, has been kept under wraps —UNTIL—NOW because he was threatened with being charged with breaching the Official Secrets Act.
20061216             —REVEALED, In the testimony, —TODAY MISTER—ROSS, 40, who helped negotiate several UN security resolutions on IRAQ,
20061216             makes it clear that MISTER—BLAIR must have known SADDAM—HUSSEIN possessed no weapons of mas...
20061216             BG—THE—POLICE are asking me for their cooperation + with the other hand are smashing my belongings —JUST for the "crime" of writing the entirely fictitious "Golden Chain
20061216             to help stabilize BAGHDAD. THE—WASHINGTON—POST
20061216             leads with the top Army general calling for 1—GROWTH in the force by at least 7,000 soldiers —1—YEAR
20061216             and warned the current Army "will break" under current demands if something isn't done to increase the number of servicemembers.
20061216             THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES
20061216             leads locally but goes high with 1—LOOK at how the Senate has never forced ANY—OF—ITS—MEMBERS to resign
20061216             due to physical or mental problems.
20061216             —THROUGHOUT history, there have been 1—FEW senators that were too incapacitated to show up,
20061216             but were nevertheless allowed to keep their seat. As SENATOR—TIM—JOHNSON,
20061216             USA—TODAY—LEADS with word from Pentagon officials that FLAME—RESISTANT
20061216             uniforms will become the norm for troops in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN by early 20070000             .
20061216             But they are very vigilant about investigating -- and trying to ferret out and punish -- those who bring the wrongdoing to light (the classic case being their eagerness to punish the whistleblowers and journalists who informed Americans that THE—PRESIDENT was illegally eavesdropping on them,
20061216             —WHILE doing everything possible to protect the lawbreakers themselves).
20061216             The context of this "visit" by FEDERAL—AGENTS to CONROY—HOME and office,
20061216             as well as the accompanying threats issued to him, must be emphasized:
20061216             the story which Conroy had reported on for Narco News involved the complicity in multiple murders on THE—PART—OF—FEDERAL—DHS agents as well as THE—USA—ATTORNEY who sent the agents to CONROY—HOME and business.
20061216             Excerpt: With European princes, Latin USA—LEADERS, FORMER—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—HW—BUSH, CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR—ARNOLD—SCHWARZENEGGER and other dignitaries looking on from 2—BALCONIES,
20061216             —RAISED, Calderon, 44, his hand and sometimes shouted as he recited the 62-word oath amid 1—CHORUS of derisive whistles.
20061216             —LASTED, THE—SWEARING—IN ceremony, less than —2—MINUTES... Calderon's "defeated" rival,
20061216             the leftist Andres MANUEL—LOPEZ—OBRADOR, had declared himself MEXICO's "legitimate PRESIDENT" in his own SWEARING—IN ceremony Nov.
20061216             20—BEFORE 100,000—PEOPLE in this city's central square, the Zocalo.
20061216             But on closer inspection, its language also alters THE—2—CENTURIES—OLD—INSURRECTION—ACT, which Congress passed
20061216             —BELIEVED, If the world were run by people who, the religious rhetoric they'd rehearsed and recited all their lives,
20061216             or —JUST by people who gave 1—DAMN about people other than them selves and "their kind"?
20061216             USA Is Dropping Effort to Track if Visitors LEAVE—NEW—YORK—TIMES-
20061216             BUSH said generally not, but he does occasionally —WHEN he travels.
20061216             —CONSUMED, We, more than twice as much high fructose corn syrup per person as 19800000             and remained the fattest INHABITANTS—OF—THE—PLANET,
20061216             although Mexicans, Australians, Greeks, New Zealanders and Britons are not too far behind.
20061216             BUSH Admin Ignored UK Warnings About IRAQ—INSURGENCY...
20061216             responding to recent comments by THE—ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER that have been interpreted as acknowledging his country has 1—NUCLEAR—ARSENAL..
20061216             'Nanocables that convert light into electricity could —1—DAY be used to power NANO—ROBOTS.
20061216             The cables are 16—NANOMETRES in diameter and several micrometres long.
20061216             but instead may contain material shot from the heart of the solar system —DURING its tumultuous birth,
20061216             scientists reported —THURSDAY—AFTER examining pristine particles of 1—COMET that were brought back by the Stardust spacecraft.
20061216             'Warning that THE—ACTIVE—DUTY—ARMY "will break" under THE—STRAIN—OF—TODAY—WAR—ZONE—ROTATIONS,
20061216             the nation's top Army general —YESTERDAY called for expanding the force by 7,000 or more soldiers —1—YEAR and lifting Pentagon restrictions on involuntary CALL—UPS—OF—ARMY—NATIONAL—GUARD and Army Reserve troops.'Gen.
20061216             Corrupt governments- - LINKS Carne Ross was BRITAIN—KEY—NEGOTIATOR at THE—UN.
20061216             —SUPPRESSED, Diplomat's, document lays bare the lies behind IRAQ war Secret evidence shows no case for IRAQ war Whistleblower that ministers tried to muzzle "Wafic Said is 1—OF—BRITAIN—WEALTHIEST men,
20061216             owning country houses, private jets, 1—STABLE—OF r... Source:
20061216             The world of corsetry was shaken last night with the news that Lord PATEL—FRIEND and epistolary LOVER—OF—MANY—YEARS ,
20061216             pal and fellow GRADUATE—OF—LADY—MARGARET—HALL, the beautiful Dame Pauline NEVILLE—JONES,
20061216             Eliza Manningham Buller (58 - 33—OF—THEM as 1—SPOOK) the "M" in MI5 is handing in her lunch pail.
20061216             PETER—LANCE on Fox and Friends-
20061216             BG—PETER—LANCE on Fox and Friends PeterLance com has the video from —YESTERDAY—MORNING....
20061216             Looks like that big fight over THE—CHAIRMANSHIP—OF—THE—HOUSE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE was 1—FIGHT over 1—COMMITTEE that will soon lose--or at least have to share--1—BIG chunk of its turf....
20061216             That official police report
20061216             —ON DIANA—DEATH appears to be 1—BUST, as far as alleging spying by the Clinton Administration on Republican magnate TED—FORSTMANN.
20061216             Talk about pulling the wool over everyone's eyes!TO READ MORE CLICK HERE... Source:
20061216             It was 1—TRAFFIC—ACCIDENT.
20061216             ~ 18—KEY witnesses were ignored by the £4—MILLION—LORD—STEVENS inquiry into THE—DEATH—OF—PRINCESS—DIANA.
20061216             UK Daily Express "MI6 in PARIS" Conspiracy PLANET—PRINCESS—DIANA: MURDER—COVERUP—PRINCESS
20061216             "1—BAFFLING allegation that THE—RAF crew which flew TONY—BLAIR from his Sedgefield constituency to LONDON to greet the PRINCESS's repatriated body had been on continual standby to make the flight from —2—DAYS—EARLIER — —WHEN Diana was still alive.
20061216             MIDDLE—EAST analyst Flynt Leverett,
20061216             who served under PRESIDENT—BUSH on the National Security Council and is —NOW 1—FELLOW at the New AMERICA—FOUNDATION,
20061216             revealed —TODAY that THE—WHITE—HOUSE has been blocking the publication of 1—OP—ED he wrote for THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES.
20061216             —EXPLAINED, Leverett, "I've been doing this for 3 and 1—HALF—YEARS—SINCE leaving government + I've never had to go to THE—WHITE—HOUSE to get clearance for something that I was publishing as long as THE—CIA said,
20061216             'Yeah, you're not putting classified information.'"
20061216             —BASED, According to Leverett THE—OP—ED was "all, on stuff that SECRETARY—POWELL, SECRETARY—RICE, Deputy SECRETARY—ARMITAGE have talked about publicly.
20061216             —REPORTED, It's been extensively, in the media". Leverett says the incident shows "—JUST how low people like ELLIOT—ABRAMS at THE—NSC [National Security Council] will stoop to try and limit THE—DISSEMINATION—OF—ARGUMENTS—CRITICAL—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—POLICY".
20061216             Listen to LEVERETT—REMARKS at 1—PANEL—TODAY at the Center for USA—PROGRESS: CLICK HERE FOR AUDIO
20061216             Thanks.
20061216             As I do with ALL—OF—MY publications, the —CENTURY Foundation paper,
20061216             I showed to THE—CIA, for whom I used to work, to verify that I was not revealing classified information.
20061216             —CONCERNED, THE—CIA says that as far as they're,
20061216             there's not any classified information in it.
20061216             —INTERVENED, But THE—WHITE—HOUSE has,
20061216             claiming that there is classified information in THE—OP—ED, even though it's already been cleared.
20061216             Why —THIS—WEEK — —AFTER the Baker study group, —WHEN pressure is on them to rethink their position on IRAN — why do they not want this OP—ED,
20061216             based on my experiences in government, my experience dealing with IRAN,
20061216             with IRAN—OFFICIALS, —AFTER I left government?
20061216             said RUMSFELD was the "finest SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE this nation has ever had".
20061216             Bush on Rumsfeld : 'This Man Knows How To Lead...And THE—COUNTRY—IS—BETTER—OFF—FOR—IT'
20061216             At his farewell ceremony, BUSH said that RUMSFELD "knows how to lead and he did and the country is better off for it.
20061216             —FEATURED, The ceremony, "1 armed forces full honor parade
20061216             E&E reports, "SENATOR—JOHN—WARNER (R—VIRGINIA) dropped his bid —YESTERDAY for the ranking member spot on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee,
20061216             leaving the door open for SENATOR—JAMES—INHOFE (OKLAHOMA) to claim the position without opposition.
20061216             "The position will give Inhofe 1—PLATFORM to continue claiming global warming is the "greatest hoax ever
20061216             perpetrated on THE—USA—PEOPLE".
20061216             "has been 1—FRIEND—OF—GEORGE—W—BUSH for 1—QUARTER—CENTURY.
20061216             "CQ —TODAY reported 20040000             that "Bollinger has known BUSH
20061216             —4—YEARS—AGO, the Coast Guard — "in 1—ASTONISHING ABDICATION—OF—RESPONSIBILITY
20061216             "— handed off the $17—BILLION program to Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman "to plan, supervise and deliver
20061216             the new vessels and helicopters". (The program is —NOW "foundering" as the estimated COST—OF—THE—PROGRAM has ballooned to $24—BILLION.
20061216             Bollinger Shipyards is 1—BUSINESS—PARTNER—OF—THE—2—MILITARY contracting giants + BOLLINGER—COMPANY is responsible
20061216             for SOME—OF—PROGRAM—WORST—MISTAKES:
20061216             Even —BEFORE the refurbishing began 20030000             ,
20061216             though, Coast Guard engineers expressed doubts that the boats could bear the extra weight the changes would impose.
20061216             "In IRAQ, lax government oversight and incompetence or profiteering by contractors
20061216             have disabled reconstruction efforts," THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES wrote —YESTERDAY.
20061216             "—NOW the same disease is undermining our coastal defenses".
20061216             The neoconservative USA—ENTERPRISE—INSTITUTE—YESTERDAY released its latest plan for IRAQ, "Choosing Victory," which declares, "We must send more USA—COMBAT forces into IRAQ.
20061216             "USA—PROSPECT—SPENCER—ACKERMAN has the lowdown.
20061216             THE—SENATOR "who never says no".-
20061216             —DESCRIBED, JUDD—HOW JACK—ABRAMOFF associate TODD—BOULANGER, SENATOR—THAD—COCHRAN (R—MS) in 1—EMAIL obtained by TPM Muckraker.
20061216             "PRESIDENT—BUSH will be there this afternoon as the Pentagon rolls out 1—FULL—HONORS goodbye ceremony
20061216             SENATOR—BILL—NELSON'S (D—FL) meeting —YESTERDAY with SYRIA—PRESIDENT—ASSAD was "inappropriate and undermined democracy in the region,
20061216             "THE—WHITE—HOUSE said.
20061216             3—MORE—SENATORS, including Arlen Specter (R—PA), will visit Syria soon.
20061216             —MEANWHILE, THE—WHITE—HOUSE hedged
20061216             —YESTERDAY—WHEN asked whether neocon darling AHMAD—CHALABI was reaching out to Syria
20061216             —APOLOGIZED, WHITE—HOUSE press SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW, —YESTERDAY to NBC News correspondent DAVID—GREGORY ,
20061216             whom he accused —LAST—WEEK for posing "partisan" questions at 1—BRIEFING for journalists.
20061216             "I've thought 1—LOT about that + I was wrong,
20061216             —ASKED, C—SPAN has, incoming House Speaker NANCY Pelosi (D—CA) to change rules kept in place by conservatives that require camera operators to take "static,
20061216             HEAD—ON shots of the representative who's speaking at the podium,
20061216             "instead of "taking individual reaction shots" or panning the House chamber.
20061216             New Zogby poll shows that " Arab attitudes toward USA—PEOPLE ,
20061216             products and culture grew increasingly negative —LAST—YEAR,
20061216             "in large part from USA—POLICY toward IRAQ and THE—PALESTINE—CONFLICT.
20061216             "By slipping 4—SENTENCES into 1—BIG—BILL passed —LAST—WEEK," outgoing House Speaker DENNIS—HASTERT (R—IL) "secured 1—MAJOR—CHANGE in Medicare policy avidly sought by 1—FEW health insurers,
20061216             in particular 1—MULTINATIONAL company with headquarters in his home state ,
20061216             —SHOWED, ILLINOIS". The provision " up mysteriously
20061216             —AFTER House and Senate negotiators had finished writing the bill".
20061216             stating, "If they have 1—INTEREST in 1—STABLE—IRAQ, they will do it anyway.
20061216             the nation's top Army general —YESTERDAY called for expanding the force by 7,000 or more soldiers —1—YEAR
20061216             and lifting Pentagon restrictions on involuntary CALL—UPS—OF—ARMY—NATIONAL—GUARD and Army Reserve troops".
20061216             The idea of escalating troop levels is "running into strong opposition in BAGHDAD.
20061216             the top USA—MILITARY—COMMANDER—IN—IRAQ, that he doesn't want more USA—PERSONNEL deployed to the country,
20061216             according to USA—MILITARY—OFFICIALS".
20061216             And finally: Politicians are about as ethical as car salesmen, according to the "annual Gallup survey on how the public ranks various professions in terms of 'honesty + ethical standards.'"
20061216             7—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS rated THE—ETHICS—OF—CAR salesmen highly, with congressmen getting 14 % and senators 15 %.
20061216             JOSE—PADILLA, A—USA—CITIZEN,-
20061216             —DETAINED, NICO—HAS been, —FOR—4—YEARS without formal charges, much of it in solitary confinement.
20061216             She described him as "hypervigilant," his eyes darting about,
20061216             his face twitching into grimaces, his "startle response" on constant high alert.
20061216             The original accusations against him — "about the dirty bomb, AL—QAEDA connections and supposed plans to set off natural gas explosions in apartment buildings — appear nowhere in the indictment against him.
20061216             "Lawmakers in THE—USA—STATE—OF—NEW—JERSEY legalized SAME—SEX—CIVIL—UNIONS—ON—THURSDAY to give gay and lesbian couples the same rights as marriage but would not allow such partnerships to be called 'marriage.'
20061216             Admiral JOHN—EISOLD, Attending Physician of THE—USA—CAPITOL said, "SENATOR—TIM—JOHNSON has continued to have 1—UNCOMPLICATED—POST—OPERATIVE—COURSE.
20061216             Boehner, DISTORT—PELOSI—QUOTE—KING—OF—, Falsely Claim She Has Broken 20010911             Commission Pledge-
20061216             Top House conservatives are attacking incoming House Speaker NANCY Pelosi (D—CA) over comments she made —TODAY about her new plan for intelligence reform,
20061216             which involves creating a "hybrid" panel with MEMBERS—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE and appropriations committees.
20061216             for achieving this goal (Pelosi chose the 2.):
20061216             —EXPLAINED, Pelosi, that 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION had provided multiple options for intel reform + " if they are giving you different alternatives,
20061216             then implicit in that is that you can't do them all ".
20061216             —JUMPED, The right wing has —NOW, on this quote, claiming it is evidence that Pelosi has abandoned her pledge to enact all of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—RECOMMENDATIONS.
20061216             PETER—KING (R—NY), the outgoing House Homeland Security Committee chairman,
20061216             issued 1—STATEMENT claiming Pelosi had "admitted she won't be able to enact all 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—RECOMMENDATIONS," + called it a "direct CONTRADICTION—OF—STATEMENTS—MISS—PELOSI has made in the past".
20061216             "House conservatives, —MEANWHILE, refused to take such 1—STEP and earned a "D" for their efforts on intelligence reform
20061216             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—EXPLOITS FEAR—OF—SEXUAL—PREDATORS and basic MISUNDERSTANDING—OF—INTERNET to attack blogs critical of the
20061216             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—KNEW people in FAA on —DAY—OF—HIJACKINGS who said intercept procedures should have been enacted as normal
20061216             Pelosis Demokratische Partei hat das...
20061216             CIA—FLÜGE und Gefangenentransporte: Zahlen und Fakten (2)-
20061216             —BEKANNT, Teil 2—DOKUMENTIERT die —BISHER, gewordenen GEFANGENEN—TRANSPORTE,
20061216             in die DEUTSCHE—FLUGHÄFEN direkt involviert waren und gibt einen Überblick über die Verdachtsmomente bezüglich geheimer Inhaftierungen in DEUTSCHLAND.
20061216             —PERPETRATED, Sherwood ROSS—THE—TERRORISTS who, 20010000             —THE anthrax attack on Congress likely were USA—GOVERNMENT—SCIENTISTS at the army's FORT
20061216             Detrick, MD., bioterrorism lab having access to "moonsuits" that enabled them to safely process and manufacture SUPER—WEAPONS—GRADE
20061216             —LIMITED, Animal studies 'of, use'
20061216             Animal drug tests are often of poor quality and conflict with human trials, researchers warn.
20061216             UK Hepatitis C cases soar
20061216             —DIAGNOSED, Thousands are still being, with hepatitis C, despite 1—MAJOR—AWARENESS—CAMPAIGN, figures show.
20061216             —CONVICTED, Cannabis chocolate trio
20061216             3—PEOPLE are found GUILTY—OF—SUPPLYING—CANNABIS—LACED chocolate bars to multiple sclerosis sufferers for pain relief.
20061216             DELHI doctors begin hunger strike
20061216             Doctors at INDIA—TOP—MEDICAL—INSTITUTE begin 1—HUNGER—STRIKE to protest against quotas for LOW—CASTE Hindus.
20061216             High IQ link to being vegetarian
20061216             Intelligent children are more likely to become vegetarians —LATER in life, 1—STUDY says.
20061216             New push for IRAQ reconciliation
20061216             IRAQI—PRIME—MINISTER—CALLS for THE—RETURN—OF—EX—MEMBERS—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN—ARMY, in 1—BID to curb sectarian tensions.
20061216             Spacewalk to finish ISS rewiring
20061216             THE—DISCOVERY crew prepares for 1—FRESH spacewalk to complete THE—REWIRING—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20061216             SPAIN restores GIBRALTAR air link
20061216             Direct flights between SPAIN and GIBRALTAR resume for the 1. time in decades —AFTER 1—LANDMARK deal.
20061216             —GUNNED, THE—PHILIPPINES—LEGISLATOR, down
20061216             1—CONGRESSMAN and his bodyguard are shot dead in THE—PHILIPPINES as they leave 1—WEDDING.
20061216             Security high at ANTI—PUTIN rally
20061216             Police are out in force for 1—MOSCOW rally against PRESIDENT—PUTIN, but it fails to attract 1—BIG—CROWD.
20061216             USA 'troop boost in IRAQ likely'
20061216             USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W BUSH is likely to send more troops to IRAQ —NEXT—YEAR, 1—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIAL says.
20061216             FLORIDA GOVERNOR halts executions
20061216             FLORIDA GOVERNOR—JEB—BUSH suspends executions in THE—USA—STATE—AFTER 1 flawed death by lethal injection.
20061216             JAPAN upgrades defence's status
20061216             JAPAN—PARLIAMENT—VOTES to upgrade the defence agency to 1—FULL—MINISTRY, for the 1. time —WWII—SINCE.
20061216             Press sums up EU summit
20061216             —COVERED, Papers across EUROPE reflect on the main themes, by THE—EU—END—OF—YEAR—SUMMIT in BRUSSELS.
20061216             1. —DAY ends in UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—ELECTIONS
20061216             Polling ends in THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES, where less than 1—PERCENT—OF—THE—POPULATION are choosing MEMBERS—OF—1—ASSEMBLY.
20061216             —ATTACKED, IRAQ aid agency '' by USA
20061216             —REPEATED, THE—IRAQ—RED—CRESCENT complains of, attacks and harassment by USA—FORCES.
20061216             'Taleban law' blocked in PAKISTAN
20061216             —AIMED, PAKISTAN—SUPREME—COURT—BLOCKS 1—BILL, at enforcing Islamic morality in NORTH—WEST—FRONTIER—PROVINCE.
20061216             BHUTAN—KING steps down early
20061216             WANGCHUK—KING—OF— of the tiny Himalayan nation of BHUTAN abdicates —EARLIER than planned to make way for his son.
20061216             No deal for USA—CHINA—TRADE—GAP
20061216             CHINA promises to introduce 1—MORE—FLEXIBLE—CURRENCY—POLICY, but it comes with no timetable.
20061216             Drug resistant TB 'more severe'
20061216             The problem of MULTIDRUG—RESISTANT TB may be even more severe than previously thought, experts warn.
20061216             —NEEDED, Care, with carbon offsets
20061216             Planting trees to offset carbon will have little impact unless they are put in the right place, scientists say.
20061216             ePassports 'at risk' from cloning
20061216             THE—HI—TECH ePassport could make forgery and identity theft easier, BBC Click discovers.
20061216             USA—ENVOYS start rare CUBA visit
20061216             10—USA—CONGRESSMEN arrive in CUBA—THE—LARGEST such delegation to go —SINCE Fidel Castro took power 19590000             .
20061216             —SPIED, Litvinenko ' for UK company'
20061216             1—RUSSIAN—EX—AGENT was poisoned —AFTER obtaining information for 1—UK firm, says 1—EX—ASSOCIATE.
20061216             Rio police held over drugs links
20061216             BRAZIL—POLICE—ARREST 75—SERVING officers SUSPECTED—OF—LINKS with drug gangs and organised crime.
20061216             Protests spark clashes in BOLIVIA
20061216             At least 20—PEOPLE are hurt in clashes between government and opposition supporters in THE—BOLIVIA—CITY—SANTA—CRUZ.
20061216             EU PARLIAMENT passes budget
20061216             THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT approves THE—EU budget for 20060000             , setting spending at £76bn.
20061216             Fitness 'cuts colon cancer risk'
20061216             Keeping physically active can significantly cut the risk of developing colon cancer, research shows.
20061216             Gates: Digital locks too complex
20061216             Microsoft boss BILL—GATES tells 1—GROUP—OF—INFLUENTIAL—BLOGGERS that copy protection is too complex for consumers.
20061216             Blair defends SAUDI—ARABIA—PROBE ruling
20061216             TONY—BLAIR hits back at criticism over 1—DECISION to drop 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—ARMS—INQUIRY and "cash for honours" allegations.
20061216             ISRAEL—PM strives for Abbas talks
20061216             ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT says he is making "extraordinary efforts" to start peace talks with THE—PALESTINE—LEADER.
20061216             Race to the Moon for Nuclear Fuel
20061216             —PROPOSED, NASA's, 20240000             moon base will be 1—STEPPINGSTONE to Mars, but it may also be 1—MINING outpost.
20061216             The moon is 1—ABUNDANT source of helium-3,
20061216             —BY JOHN—LASKER—STUCK on Oil Dependence
20061216             —WEEK in review: Mother Nature on the hot seat
20061216             Global warming and the tech industry's environmental role were hot topics as scientists met to discuss the Earth, planets and space.
20061216             FCC Drops Morse Code Requirement-
20061216             —ZONK—115 - leighklotz writes to mention 1—STORY discussing what SOME—MIGHT consider 1—HISTORIC—EVENT.
20061216             The public announcement was made —ON—FRIDAY.
20061216             Ham radio operators will no longer have to study Morse,
20061216             in 1—MOVE patterned —AFTER other western nations.
20061216             Says leighklotz: "THE—USA—JOINS CANADA and other countries in eliminating the morse code testing requirement,
20061216             —WHEN the World Radio Telecommunications Conference 20030000             in GENEVA adopted changes to THE—ITU—RADIO—REGULATIONS".
20061216             "If you thought it was only THE—USA—GIVING—DARWIN 1—HARD—TIME, RUSSIA has its own problems —STARTING with evolution.
20061216             1—STUDENT has 'sued THE—S—PETERSBURG city education committee,
20061216             claiming the 10.—GRADE biology textbook used at the Cervantes Gymnasium was offensive to believers and that teachers should offer 1—ALTERNATIVE to DARWIN—FAMOUS—THEORY.
20061216             The suit, the 1. of its kind in RUSSIA, is being dismissed OUT—OF—HAND by the principal and teachers.
20061216             THE—TEACHER—OF—THE—SCIENCE—CLASS had apparently even taken the step of stating at THE—START—OF—THE—SCHOOL—YEAR that there were other theories on THE—ORIGIN—OF—LIFE".
20061216             Tech Companies Draw on 'WISDOM—OF—THE—CROWDS'
20061216             —ZONK—115+ - "News com is carrying 1—ARTICLE on a 'MINI—CONFERENCE' held at —YAHOO—HQ this past —WEDNESDAY.
20061216             THE—GET—TOGETHER put representatives from Google, Microsoft, —YAHOO!
20061216             + HP together to talk about their experiments with predictive networks.
20061216             THE—'WISDOM—OF—THE—CROWDS' allows these companies to make use of the collective knowledge their employees hold to answer important questions for the company.
20061216             "DAVID—PENNOCK, 1—PRINCIPAL—RESEARCH—SCIENTIST at —YAHOO Research, said the company has created 1—CURRENCY called 1—YOOTLE.
20061216             —DESCRIBED, It's, as a 'scorekeeping system for favors owed.
20061216             —OFFERED, Pennock, as 1—EXAMPLE—1—PROGRAMMER offering to write 1—PIECE—OF—CODE for 1—FEW—YOOTLES.
20061216             he said.
20061216             Related to Yootles is —YAHOO RESEARCH—EXPERIMENT with 1—FANTASY prediction market for technology called the Tech Buzz Game.
20061216             Winners are those who predict how popular 1—TOPIC will be on —YAHOO Search.
20061216             "THE—MIT—TECHNOLOGY—REVIEW has up 1—FEATURE discussing the future of p2p networks.
20061216             Specifically, they look at their role in content distribution, in the age of ubiquitous video services.
20061216             Soon, the article asserts, the very same p2p-style networks that 'threatened' legitimate business may be the basis for most VIDEO—ON—DEMAND—SERVICES.
20061216             Carnegie MELLON—ZHANG points out that because PEER—TO—PEER networks exploit both the downlink and uplink CAPACITIES—OF—USERS' INTERNET connections,
20061216             they distribute content more efficiently than centralized 'unicast' technologies.
20061216             "BBC News is reporting on comments made by BILL—GATES concerning DRM.
20061216             It seems he has got the point (DRM is bad for consumers), but that opinion differs widely from the approach taken by Microsoft on Zune and their other music related products.
20061216             The comments were originally —POSTED on Micro Persuasion.
20061216             The article also has 1—TAKE on APPLE—DRM.
20061216             —FROM THE—BBC article: "Microsoft is 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST exponents of DRM,
20061216             which is used to protect music and video files on lots of different online services, including Napster and the Zune store.
20061216             Blogger MICHAEL—ARRINGTON,
20061216             of Techcrunch com, said BILL—GATES'—SHORT—TERM—ADVICE for people wanting to transfer songs from 1—SYSTEM to another was to 'buy 1—CD and rip it'.
20061216             Most CDs do not have ANY—COPY—PROTECTION and can be copied to 1—PC and to an MP3 player easily and, in THE—USA at least, legally".
20061216             BARBARA—F—STUDLEY
20061216             —ESTABLISHED, GeoMiliTech (GMT) Consultants Corporation is, by conservative talk
20061216             mentioned on the listed pages with the name GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION.
20061216             Gmt CORPORATION—GMT CORPORATION. see: GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION. pages cited this search:
20061216             1. Order hard copy of these pages.
20061216             TRY—GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS...
20061216             zingmagazine 20 - declassified. jenny holzer. curated by melanie flood.
20061216             THE—USE—OF—ISLAMIST—MILITANTS by American and ISRAEL—MILITARISTS -- The war in AFGHANISTAN to 11,
20061216             JOHN—K—SINGLAUB—ASSASSINATION—OF—JOHN—F—KENNEDY, Watergate, Author, Search Website, Email... a company called GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION (GMT) a WASHINGTON—BASED...
20061216             Council for National Policy (CNP) - N—PA—MEMBER—BIOGRAPHIES
20061216             intriguing proposition from GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORP., 1—WASHINGTON arms...
20061216             [CTRL] [9] THE—MARCOS—DYNASTY
20061216             with SINGLAUB in 1—WASHINGTON consulting firm called GEOMILITECH CORPORATION.
20061216             CIA for reasons of political sensitivity, the private consultants were. brought in.
20061216             called GEOMILITECH CORPORATION.
20061216             —RETIRED, Similarly, —WHEN TED—SHACKLEY had...
20061216             19840000             —09 (34 39 46) GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION Brewton,P.
20061216             Council for National Policy (CNP) - SH—MEMBER—BIOGRAPHIES
20061216             political consultants SAN—ANTONIO information -- political consultants SAN—ANTONIO
20061216             RGL Forensic Accountants and CONSULTANTS—RESOURCES—PRESS—RELEASES
20061216             Brewton,P. THE—MAFIA, CIA + GEORGE—BUSH.
20061216             Journal Of Environmental Economics Management : Environmental Management
20061216             GEORGE—W—BUSH—BROTHER was on THE—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS—OF 1—COMPANY providing electronic security for the World Trade Center,
20061216             Dulles INTERNATIONAL Airport and United Airlines, according to public records.
20061216             —BACKED, The company was, by 1—INVESTMENT—FIRM, THE—KUWAIT—USA—CORP., also linked —FOR—YEARS to THE—BUSH—FAMILY.
20061216             Despite the lack of the normal investigations such airline events would automatically trigger,
20061216             —PRESSURED, BUSH and Cheney strongly, Daschle and Gephardt to have no Congressional investigations, either.
20061216             This is inherently suspicious to anyone who knows of these refusals or attempted refusals to have ANY—INVESTIGATIONS at all,
20061216             even of the most automatically and universally performed kinds.
20061216             (For example, maybe the alleged hijackers were videotaped boarding the planes,
20061216             but in THE—COMPANY—OF—OTHERS, whose roles and identities would be most embarrassing if revealed).
20061216             were —INITIALLY blocked, then stonewalled, SLOW—WALKED, underfunded + lied to by governmental agencies (THE—CO—CHAIRS admitted —LATER they had considered referring NORAD officials to THE—DOJ for perjury charges),
20061216             EACH—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—CLAIMS (of which they refuse 1—ADEQUATE corroborative investigation) must be regarded as likely false, from 1 to z.
20061216             The squibs out the windows, the extreme damage at the ground floor levels,
20061216             the exact diagonal cut lines on large steel girders + the evidently so inexplicable WTC 7—COLLAPSE that 20010911             —THE commission chose not to address it whatsoever + THE—FEMA (or was it THE—NIST?) report stated that the only mechanisms thought possible were unlikely to explain it,
20061216             all suggest THE—CD hypothesis may be correct.
20061216             Pools of molten metal left in the subbasements levels weeks —LATER (despite 1—CONTINUOUS—FLOODING—OF—GROUND 0 with water streams) are,
20061216             I think, impossible to explain without the much higher temperatures associated with CD.
20061216             As to HOPSICKER—CLAIM that no evidence exists for governmental foreknowledge of the alleged hijackers' plot,
20061216             that appears quite false.
20061216             —CLAIMED, Putin has, without contradiction that he ordered 1—MOST urgent advance warning be delivered to THE—WH,
20061216             as likewise did EGYPT—LEADER (1—OF—THEM specifying 19—HIJACKERS), among several other countries providing the same warnings.
20061216             Even THE—TALIBAN foreign MINISTER (!!) travelled to DC to warn of the same thing,
20061216             —WHILE FBI field agents were memoing their superiors of the same threat from the flight school attendants.
20061216             —ON 1—HAND, you have THE—W—APPROVED VERSION—OF—REALITY.
20061216             Nonsensical assertions about (say) THE—COLLAPSE—OF—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER 7—RECEIVE 1—WIDE—AUDIENCE,
20061216             —WHILE few know that THE—USA—MILITARY allowed PLANE—LOADS—OF—AL—QAEDA operatives to escape from AFGHANISTAN.
20061216             In the mid 19900000             S, paranoid chic took hold;
20061216             I'll bet they aren't all tasked overseas.
20061216             —BASED, The reason the govt is covering up, on evidence I uncovered + not on bullshit speculation, is that
20061216             —DURING THE—SAME—MONTH that Atta arrived to attend his flight school,
20061216             —CONFISCATED, THE—OWNER—OF—THE—FLIGHT—SCHOOL had his Lear jet, by DEA agents with submachine guns, who found 43—POUNDS—OF—HEROIN on BOARD.
20061216             And it is to OBSCURE that fact that ADNAN—KHASHOGGI—MINIONS started spreading money —AROUND to scumbags + refugees from BENNY—HINN revivals,
20061216             who pretend to be looking for the truth.
20061216             ARUTZ—7—NEWS: —TUESDAY, 20010911             0000—DATE... - For All TIME—WWII (parts 1-34)...
20061216             do outnumber us surprise, their HALF—OF—THE—WAR is defending their Empire...
20061216             Axis powers —DURING ;;01;; and ;;02;;, —AFTER...
20061216             Dean: Impeachment is 1—POLITICAL—PROCESS + not only are the votes to remove either BUSH or Cheney lacking,
20061216             but it also would not be very good politics to do to them what was done to PRESIDENT—CLINTON.
20061216             There Is No Chance Either BUSH or Cheney WILL—BE—REMOVED—FROM—OFFICE - JOHN—MCCAIN wants to shut down blogs...
20061216             and get this: HE—USING the tired old "protect the children"
20061216             Divide and conquer is 1—OLD—TACTIC + governmental sowing of dissent among its critics is very old as well (see THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—INFILTRATION in COINTELPRO + how government provocateurs did exactly these things,
20061216             or check Operation GLADIO—HISTORY—OF—SYNTHETIC—TERROR).
20061216             So, the difference is, in such cases, entirely unlike most issues in life,
20061216             military or intelligence agency PSY—OPS experts will be doing their level best job for hire,
20061216             deliberately confusing the issues and targeting prominent researchers who are getting too close to SOME—FACT or another.
20061216             To what was Woodrow Wilson referring, —WHEN he said that at the highest LEVELS—OF—INDUSTRY or government,
20061216             something existed so monstrous and ALL—POWERFUL that even the most powerful men in the country dared only speak of it in whispers,
20061216             if they dared mention it all (my close paraphrase)?
20061216             —STEEPED, Probably a NEO—FASCIST industrialist claque, in secret society brotherhoods,
20061216             MULTI—GENERATIONAL or centuries old plots, of nearly unimaginable wealth and power,
20061216             whose hubris may find them doing unwise things that many would find irrational and impossible,
20061216             simply OUT—OF—THE—KNOWLEDGE that they own the corporate media and can have it say whatever they want,
20061216             or leave unmentioned whatever they want.
20061216             In short, both Jesusmaniacs and CD proponents refuse to acknowledge the "take it somewhere else" message unless you take out your trusty 2—BY—4 and start applying it to the noggins of anyone who annoys.
20061216             —UNRELATED, Completely, except through WORD—CHOICE, is this post
20061216             THE—AUTHOR—DESCRIBES 1—EVENT thrown by his wife's employer and "1) Claims that everyone will be changed by 1—CEREMONY at THE—CLOSE—OF—THE—DAY which is designed to inculcate loyalty to said corporation.
20061216             Said ceremony is also where they require everyone to take a pledge that insists you call all fellow employees 'brother' or 'sister'".
20061216             —SKATED, So Bohringer... Kozeny remains in jail in THE—BAHAMAS, according to this recent article.
20061216             FEDERAL—JUDGE—UPHOLDS—BUSH "terrorism" law:
20061216             agreeing that GUANTANAMO Bay detainees do not have the right to challenge their imprisonment in USA—COURTS.
20061216             'Gitmo Is Like Being Alive in Your Own Grave':
20061216             "GUANTANAMO brings images of 1—MAN in ORANGE overalls, his face down and 1—SOLDIER holding him by the neck,
20061216             like 1—DOG on 1—LEASH," says —14—YEAR—OLD—ZAHRA Paracha. "Animals are treated better,''
20061216             USA—TRANSFERS 16—DETAINEES from GUANTANAMO prison to SAUDI—ARABIA:
20061216             SENATOR—ILLNESS could spark USA political upheaval:
20061216             Mint bans melting coins —NOW worth more as liquid than loot:
20061216             Speech of Neturei Karta rabbi in Teheran:
20061216             "My friends I wish to end with the prayer that the underlying cause of strife and bloodshed in THE—MIDDLE—EAST,
20061216             namely, the State known as 'ISRAEL', be totally and peacefully dissolved.
20061216             To be replaced by 1—REGIME fully in accordance with the aspirations of the Palestinians.
20061216             —WHEN Arab and Jew will be able to live peacefully together as they did —FOR—CENTURIES".
20061216             ISRAEL—SECURITY—SOURCES said AMIR—PERETZ, the defence MINISTER, had ordered the closure.
20061216             —REACHED, Deal, on Haniya crossing:
20061216             —REACHED, ISRAEL and EGYPT have, 1—DEAL to allow THE—PALESTINE—PRIME—MINISTER to return to THE—GAZA—STRIP.
20061216             —FILMED, Olmert, 'coaching' Prodi:
20061216             1—ISRAEL—TELEVISION—STATION has broadcast footage that appears to show Ehud Olmert, THE—ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER, coaching Romano Prodi on what to say —DURING 1—JOINT—PRESS—CONFERENCE.
20061216             Support for ISRAEL in Congress is Based on Fear:
20061216             I can tell you from personal experience that the support ISRAEL has in the Congress is based completely on political fear -- FEAR—OF—DEFEAT by anyone who does not do what ISRAEL wants done.
20061216             —RELEASED, According to 1—REPORT, by the Presidential OFFICE—MEDIA—DEPARTMENT,
20061216             THE—PRESIDENT made the remark in 1—MEETING with Jewish rabbis who attended THE—2—DAY—INTERNATIONAL—CONFERENCE on holocaust in TEHRAN
20061216             Ahmadinejad says Zionists are criminals:
20061216             —CALLED, Ahmadinejad said not all Jews are Zionists +, for "1—REFERENDUM in order to determine THE—TYPE—OF—REGIME the Palestinians prefer,
20061216             with the participation of all Palestinians -- including Jews, Christians and Muslims," IRAN—STATE—RUN—IRNA news agency reported.
20061216             THE—USA has been funnelling more than $100,000 —1—MONTH to warlords battling Islamist militia in SOMALIA,
20061216             according to 1—SOMALIA expert who has conferred with the groups in the country.
20061216             2 in 3—AMERICANS Want Diplomatic Ties with CUBA:
20061216             Judging by press coverage and political rhetoric, 1 would imagine that most Americans take 1—VERY dim view of establishing diplomatic ties with Fidel CASTRO—CUBA.
20061216             UK case for war 'torn apart':
20061216             1—COMMITTEE—OF—BRITAIN—PARLIAMENT has published formerly secret testimony that the newspaper THE—INDEPENDENT says has "torn apart" the case for war in IRAQ.
20061216             JOHN—W—DEAN: Refocusing the Impeachment Movement:
20061216             I myself have no doubt that BUSH has, in fact, committed impeachable offenses + that for EACH—BUSH "high crime and misdemeanor," CHENEY—CULPABILITY is 10 or 20—TIMES—GREATER.
20061216             Subpoena seen as 1—BID by USA—ADMINISTRATION to stop leaks:
20061216             FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS are trying to force THE—USA—CIVIL—LIBERTIES—UNION to turn over copies of 1 classified document it received from 1—SOURCE,
20061216             using what legal experts called 1—NEW—EXTENSION—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—EFFORTS to protect NATIONAL—SECURITY—SECRETS.
20061216             USA, CHINA Clash on Currency:
20061216             USA fermenting civil war: USA—TRAINING Fatah in ANTI—TERROR—TACTICS:
20061216             USA—OFFICIALS training PALESTINE—SECURITY—FORCES—LOYAL to PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS are emphasizing urban ANTI—TERRORIST—TECHNIQUES as PART—OF—1—SYSTEMATIC—EFFORT to bolster Abbas and his Fatah loyalists to counter the political success of Hamas,
20061216             according to PALESTINE—ANALYSTS and officers receiving the training.
20061216             The enemy within:
20061216             SYRIA—ASSAD calls for dialogue with ISRAEL:
20061216             —CALLED, Assad, on ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT to consider SYRIA—OFFER to discuss peace in exchange for territorial concessions,
20061216             —REPORTED, ROME—BASED daily La Repubblica.
20061216             Here is what happens —WHEN you challenge Zionism:
20061216             FORMER—PRESIDENT—CARTER says he won't visit Brandeis:
20061216             "I don't want to have 1—CONVERSATION even indirectly with Dershowitz," Carter told THE—BOSTON—GLOBE.
20061216             10—PALESTINIANS are killed for EVERY—ISRAEL—DEATH; more than 200,
20061216             —KILLED, MANY—OF—THEM children, have been, —SINCE the —SUMMER
20061216             MIKE—WHITNEY: Bush makes a "Clean Break" with the Baker Plan:
20061216             As THE—USA—PREDICAMENT in IRAQ becomes more tenuous, ISRAEL will come under increasing pressure to make concessions for peace.
20061216             —AGONIZED, We can expect to hear, squeals from the usual suspects, but that will only further identify the dwindling number of neocons who cling to the suicidal policy which most Americans have already abandoned.
20061216             IRAQ—RED—CRESCENT accuses USA—FORCES—OF—ATTACKS:
20061216             —ACCUSED, THE—IRAQ—RED—CRESCENT, USA—FORCES—ON—FRIDAY of carrying out 1—SPATE—OF—ATTACKS on its offices over the last —3—YEARS—DURING operations to flush out suspected militants.
20061216             Tribal Leaders Don't Trust IRAQ Soldiers:
20061216             Tribal leaders and SOME—POLITICAL—GROUPS in THE—STRIFE—RIDDEN IRAQ—PROVINCE—OF—DIYALA are turning to terrorists and insurgents for protection rather than trust IRAQ—SOLDIERS and police,
20061216             THE—COMMANDER—OF—USA—FORCES in that area said —FRIDAY.
20061216             —CLOSED, Sadrists want USA, UK—EMBASSIES in IRAQ : Top general calls for more troops:
20061216             —WARNED, THE—ARMY—TOP—GENERAL, —ON—THURSDAY that his force ``will break'' without thousands more active duty troops and greater USE—OF—THE—RESERVES.
20061216             Bush weighing deeper commitment in IRAQ, officials say:-
20061216             PRESIDENT—BUSH is weighing whether to make 1—DEEPER—USA—COMMITMENT in IRAQ despite growing public unhappiness with the war,
20061216             according to senior USA—OFFICIALS and former officials familiar with BUSH—HIGH—LEVEL—REVIEW.
20061216             GRAHAM—SAYS 20—1000—MORE—TROOPS Needed In IRAQ:
20061216             SOUTH—CAROLINA SENATOR—LINDSEY—GRAHAM says about 20,000 more USA—TROOPS are needed if IRAQ is going to establish 1—WORKING democracy.
20061216             USA considers 35,000 more troops for IRAQ:
20061216             Despite Its $168—BILLION Budget,: THE—ARMY—FACES 1—CASH—CRUNCH:
20061216             At 1—TIME—WHEN the war in IRAQ is deepening + debate over pulling out the troops is intensifying, the rising cost of waging the fight is outpacing even THE—ARMY—HUGE—BUDGET.
20061216             Democrats Expected to Increase USA—MILITARY Spending:
20061216             —THIS—YEAR—PENTAGON budget is $436—BILLION.
20061216             —SURPRISED, UAE, at USA warning on SYRIA—IRAN trade:
20061216             1—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—OFFICIAL voiced astonishment —ON—FRIDAY at 1—THREAT—OF—USA action against the Gulf state for allegedly failing to prevent 1—FLOW—OF—TECHNOLOGY to IRAN and Syria that can be used in homemade bombs.
20061216             d : The vote for city and rural councils and THE—ASSEMBLY—OF—EXPERTS,
20061216             in theory the most powerful institution in the Islamic Republic,
20061216             will show if THE—PRESIDENT—RIVALS are regaining popularity
20061216             —TRIED, Netanyahu wants IRAN PRESIDENT, for genocide:
20061216             —SUMMONED, Likud chair MK BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU has, about 70—FOREIGN—DIPLOMATS stationed in ISRAEL to 1—MEETING —NEXT—TUESDAY,
20061216             at which he will urge them to end their complacency and join ISRAEL in 1—EFFORT to halt IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM,
20061216             which he says is aimed at genocide of the Jews.
20061216             Hillary Clinton: I join ISRAEL against Ahmadinejad:
20061216             —CALLED, Clinton, him 1—SERIOUS—THREAT on ISRAEL and her allies and continued to say that IRAN must not be allowed to obtain and develop nuclear weapons.
20061216             Hamas, Fatah wage GAZA gun battle:
20061216             —ALLOWED, PRIME—MINISTER—ISMAIL—HANIYEH was eventually, to cross without the estimated $35—MILLION—CASH but on THE—GAZA—SIDE—OF—THE—BORDER,
20061216             † his convoy came under intense fire from Fatah gunmen and 1—OF—HIS bodyguards was killed.
20061216             Hamas, Fatah Clash in Deepening Violence: -
20061216             —ALLIED, Gunmen, with Hamas and Fatah clashed at 1—WEST—BANK—MOSQUE and in GAZA Strip streets —ON—FRIDAY,
20061216             as violence spread to areas of THE—PALESTINE—TERRITORIES normally untouched by factional strife.
20061216             CONTINUE—WHAT makes this case so insidious is that, according to 1—PSYCHIATRIST who examined him over a —22—HOUR—PERIOD,
20061216             the treatment Padilla received in THE—SOUTH—CAROLINA brig was such that he —NOW "lacks the capacity to assist in his own defense.
20061216             CONTINUE—THE—HARD—CORE—OF—DETAINEES held at AMERICA—GUANTANAMO—BAY detention camp will be held indefinitely even if there is insufficient evidence to bring them to trial,
20061216             1—SENIOR—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIAL said.
20061216             Collecting on credit card debt is 1—VERY lucrative business.
20061216             Je höher der IQ im Kindesalter, umso größer sei die Wahrscheinlichkeit,
20061216             als Erwachsener Vegetarier zu sein, schreiben Catharine Gale und ihre Kollegen im Fachblatt "UK—MEDICAL Journal".
20061216             Mit Hilfe eines heimlich eingeschleusten Programms wollten die Fahnder auf Rechnern von Verdächtigen forschen,
20061216             ohne dass die von den Recherchen etwas merken sollten.
20061216             Das ging einem RICHTER—DES—BGH zu weit,
20061216             —NUN wird ein grundsätzlicher Beschluss erwartet, der die Maßnahme komplett kippen könnte.
20061216             With abundant cultural relics, 1—BOAT—SHAPED coffin dating back nearly 2,—500—YEARS has unearthed —RECENTLY in SOUTH—WEST—CHINA—SICHUAN—PROVINCE,
20061216             giving expectation to reveal true HISTORY—OF—1—MYSTERIOUS—KINGDOM in the area.
20061216             Weltweit gibt es allerdings 1—REIHE weiterer Menschen, die ebenfalls keinen Puls haben:
20061216             Das mechanische Herz, dessen Name "Heartmate II" eher an 1—FITNESSGERÄT aus dem TV—SHOP erinnert,
20061216             wurde im Rahmen der klinischen Versuche —BEREITS in den USA einigen Patienten eingepflanzt.
20061216             Doch —BIS zu einem Zehntel der Mineralien aus dem Kometenstaub seien bei der Entstehung des Himmelskörpers mehr als 17000000             Grad Celsius heiß gewesen,
20061216             schreiben die Forscher in "Science". folgern sie. sagte Brownlee.
20061216             In diesem ungewöhnlichen Stoff hatte die Raumsonde "Stardust"
20061216             Bilderbuchlandung in der Wüste von UTAH.
20061216             Fast auf —DEN—TAG genau —11—MONATE—SPÄTER macht die kaum vorstellbar leichte Ausbeute an Staubkörnen,
20061216             die "Stardust" vom Kometen Wild 2—HEIMGEBRACHT hat, Furore in der Wissenschaftswelt.
20061216             7—TIPPS: Korruption bekämpfen
20061216             —34—MINUTE—EXECUTION May Revive Debate Over FLORIDA Death Penalty...
20061216             † 1—MAN convicted of murdering the manager of 1—TOPLESS—BAR nearly —3—DECADES—AGO was executed by injection —WEDNESDAY,
20061216             appearing to grimace —BEFORE dying —34—MINUTES—AFTER receiving the 1. of 2—DOSES of chemicals.
20061216             Novak: Rove WILL—RETIRE—FROM—POLITICS—AFTER—BUSH—TERM...
20061216             —FROM THE—EVANS—NOVAK Political Report:
20061216             ROVE—RETIREMENT: To little notice in the national media, BUSH presidential adviser KARL—ROVE disclosed —DURING 1—WASHINGTON speaking engagement —LAST—WEEK that he will not return to his lifetime profession as 1—POLITICAL consultant —WHEN he leaves THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20061216             Microsoft Rolls Search Demographics Tool
20061216             (published on 20060000             —12—13T19:14:08Z)Microsoft —TODAY rolled out 1—NEW adCenter Labs Demonstration tool that can be used to predict 1—CUSTOMER?s age,
20061216             gender + other demographic information according to his or her online behavior.
20061216             ISRAEL—COURT—WON'T Ban Targeted Killings
20061216             Ban KI—MOON to Formally Take UNITED—NATIONS Helm
20061216             UNITED—NATIONS (AP) -- SOUTH—KOREA—BAN—KI—MOON formally takes the reins of THE—UNITED—NATIONS —THURSDAY as the institution grapples with internal reforms,
20061216             volatility in THE—MIDDLE—EAST and INTERNATIONAL standoffs over the nuclear AMBITIONS—OF—NORTH—KOREA and IRAN..
20061216             Globalization enthralls and binds together 1—NEW aristocracy--the golden crust on the human loaf--but the remaining billions,
20061216             who lack the culture and confidence to benefit from "1—WORLD," have begun to erect barricades against the internationalization of their affairs.
20061216             1—OF—BIG D's most avid enemies has been NORMAN—FINKELSTEIN,
20061216             1—ANTI—ZIONIST—PROFESSOR who has done quite 1—FORMIDABLE—JOB—OF debunking 1—DERSHOWITZ book.
20061216             The —NEXT—DAY he announced that he was stepping down as chairman of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION,
20061216             the post to which PRESIDENT—BUSH had named him 1—COUPLE—OF—WEEKS—EARLIER.
20061216             —CAUSED, What had, the always poised and famously unflappable "Dr. K" to come unhinged?
20061216             —INVITED, THE—DAY—BEFORE his resignation, DOCTOR—KISSINGER, 1—SMALL—GROUP—OF—20010911              family members to THE—NEW—YORK OFFICE—OF—KISSINGER—ASSOCIATES,
20061216             the premier global consulting service to presidents, princes, potentates + corporate executives.
20061216             gravelly voiced eminence who has strode across the world stage for the better PART—OF—HALF—1—CENTURY.
20061216             Wars, revolutions, financial panics, political scandals + economic crises — he has come through them all,
20061216             not only unscathed but almost apotheosized to demigod status.
20061216             But the ever calm and supremely confident diplomat was unnerved —WHEN LAURIE—VAN—AUKEN,
20061216             † whose husband was killed in the World Trade Center, said the families wanted him to disclose his client list to assure there was no CONFLICT—OF—INTEREST.
20061216             Kristen Breitweiser, another 20010911             widow who was there, gives this ACCOUNT—OF—THE—MEETING:
20061216             "Kissinger told us to trust him.
20061216             We told him we couldn't.... Kissinger seemed stunned.... He didn't understand the fuss about his client list — they were all reputable people,
20061216             —SEEMED, Kissinger, stricken and became unsteady.
20061216             In reaching for his CUP—OF—COFFEE he bobbled,
20061216             knocked the pot, spilled his own cup and nearly fell off the couch".
20061216             Fighters are sent up, on average, more than twice —1—WEEK to check on planes that have strayed off course or are not responding to THE—FAA or local air towers.
20061216             This happens routinely — more than 100—TIMES per —YEAR + without ANY—MAJOR—SIGNALS that 1—HIJACKING or terrorist attack is underway.
20061216             even —AFTER the 1. plane hit the World Trade Center and it was blindingly apparent that we were under attack?
20061216             is fraught with discrepancies, errors, omissions + contradictions.
20061216             The real culprits behind 20010000             —THE anthrax attack on Congress were most likely USA—GOVERNMENT—SCIENTISTS at the army's FORT
20061216             Detrick, MD., bioterrorism lab according to 1—FORMER—GOVERNMENT—BIOLOGICAL—WEAPONS—LEGISLATOR and UNIVERSITY—OF—ILLINOIS—PROFESSOR.
20061216             —HUDDLED, THE—3—FEMALES were,
20061216             writhing on the floor, EACH—TRYING to slide beneath the other for safety.
20061216             —CRAWLED, Keeping his chin on the ground Daniel, forward peering cautiously through the buses partially open centre doors that were —NOW jutting awkwardly outwards.
20061216             —TANGLED, Scattered amongst, PIECES—OF—METAL, plastic a...
20061216             Satellite Images Unlocks Extent Of Logging
20061216             'AUSTRALIA—ANTI—LOGGING groups are using Google Earth to show THE—IMPACT—OF—FOREST clearing.
20061216             At least 2—GROUPS—THE—TASMANIAN—ARM—OF—THE—WILDERNESS—SOCIETY and the Victorian Rainforest Network (VRN) - have created Google Earth "overlays",
20061216             which can be downloaded from their websites.
20061216             Presidential Tyranny Untamed By Election Defeat
20061216             IRAQ: Cornered Military Takes To Desperate TACTICS—BATTLE—BREWING—OVER 'Iconistan'
20061216             'THERE—1—TURF war heating up over 1—STRIP—OF—WEB—REAL—ESTATE called "Iconistan".'You won't find this mythical land on 1—MAP,
20061216             as Iconistan exists only at the bottom of blog posts.
20061216             Under THE—WEATHER
20061216             'Two weeks 20060801             —MASSIVE typhoon, nicknamed Durian, blasted THE—PHILIPPINES—ISLAND—OF—LUZON,
20061216             creating mudslides that swamped entire villages and buried at least 600—PEOPLE--1—BRUTAL way to die.
20061216             —BY—DANIELLE CRITTENDEN—SEXUAL—FREEDOM is damaging to students.
20061216             Foreskin BEGONE—THE—WASHINGTON—POST
20061216             leads with word that in 1—MEETING with PRESIDENT—BUSH, the Joint CHIEFS—OF—STAFF recommended 1—CHANGE in strategy
20061216             for IRAQ that involves switching away from combat to training IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES and looking for terrorists.
20061216             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES
20061216             leads with + THE—WP fronts, the National INSTITUTES—OF—HEALTH announcing the results of 2—STUDIES that seem to prove circumcision
20061216             can reduce the risk of 1—MAN contracting HIV from heterosexual sex by half.
20061216             THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES—LEADS with the results of 1—NEW—POLL
20061216             that shows Democrats have 1—POSITIVE—VIEW—OF—SENATOR—HILLARY—RODHAM—CLINTON but Sen.
20061216             JOHN—MCCAIN would beat her if the election were held —TODAY.
20061216             This is seen as further proof of how polarizing Clinton is with the electorate,
20061216             —WHILE also illustrating MCCAIN—POPULARITY among independent voters.
20061216             But there is 1—LARGE—SEGMENT—OF—SELF—IDENTIFIED conservatives who have 1—UNFAVORABLE—VIEW—OF—MCCAIN,
20061216             —WHILE FORMER—NEW—YORK Mayor RUDOLPH—GIULIANI received high approval ratings overall.
20061216             THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL tops its worldwide newsbox with results from its own poll
20061216             that shows BUSH—APPROVAL rating is at 34 %.
20061216             SENATOR—TIM—JOHNSON (D—SD) did not have 1—STROKE,-
20061216             NICO—CONTRARY to previous speculation, a spokesman for Johnson says.
20061216   —JOHN—DEAN is wrong on impeachment
20061216             —RATED, Nurses, the highest with 84 %.
20061216             —FROM the commission.
20061216             —FROM RigInt forums. have commentary.
20061216             —ON behalf of THE—USA—PLOY.
20061216             's MAD—DASH to HISTORY—DUSTBIN: - - "for RUMSFELD. "Snow said.
20061216             "BlueJersey
20061216             —NAMED, You were, Time magazine "PERSON—OF—THE—YEAR" for the explosive growth and INFLUENCE—OF—USER—GENERATED INTERNET content such as blogs, VIDEO—FILE sharing site YouTube and social network MySpace.
20061216             —STRUGGLED, Residents of the Pacific Northwest, to stay warm —AFTER the worst windstorm in more than —1—DECADE knocked out power to more than 1.5—MILLION—HOMES and businesses and killed at least 6—PEOPLE.
20061216             USA—BASED Westinghouse Electric Co. won a —2—YEAR—BATTLE for 1—MULTIBILLION—DOLLAR—NUCLEAR—POWER—DEAL with CHINA, edging out French and RUSSIA—RIVALS.
20061216             STEPHEN—TRITCH, Westinghouse Electric Co. PRESIDENT—AND—CEO, said THE—4—PLANT—DEAL was 1—MULTI—BILLION dollar 1, but gave no specifics.
20061216             Past estimates put the deal at $8—BILLION.
20061216             1—ROCKET carrying 2—EXPERIMENTAL—SATELLITES blasted off in the 1. launch from THE—MID—ATLANTIC region's commercial spaceport.
20061216             —JOINED, MARYLAND —LATER, the venture.
20061216             —KILLED, KANSAS, CITY—MISSOURI, Hersel Isadore (35), 6—PEOPLE including 4—OF—HIS—CHILDREN—BEFORE shooting himself to death.
20061216             —BASED, EX—SPY—YURI—SHVETS, who is, in THE—USA, told THE—BBC that murdered RUSSIA—SPY—ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO was killed because of an 8—PAGE dossier he had compiled on 1—POWERFUL—RUSSIA—FIGURE for 1—UK—COMPANY.
20061216             —CONTAINED, THE—BBC said the report, damaging personal details about a "very highly placed MEMBER—OF—PUTIN—ADMINISTRATION".
20061216             —STABBED, PETALUMA—CALIFORNIA, Gibb Theopolis Olivarez JUNIOR (16), and wounded SALVADOR—CUCCI —AFTER demanding that Cucci buy liquor for him.
20061216             —CHASED, Olivarez fled but was, down by NATHANIEL—REIFERS, —31—JAHRE—ALT—OF—SANTA—ROSA.
20061216             —STABBED, Olivarez then, Reifers, who † within minutes.
20061216             7—AFGHANISTAN—MEN arrived in their home country, weary, angry and proclaiming their innocence, —AFTER YEARS—OF—IMPRISONMENT in THE—USA—MILITARY—PRISON at GUANTANAMO Bay.
20061216             —ARRIVED, UK—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR, in EGYPT for MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE—TALKS, saying the next few days and weeks would be critical in determining whether ISRAEL and the Palestinians can break their CYCLE—OF—VIOLENCE.
20061216             —FIRED, COPENHAGEN—DENMARK, police, tear gas and detained up to 300—PEOPLE—AFTER protesters attacked them with cobblestones and fireworks —DURING 1—DEMONSTRATION against the planned eviction of squatters from 1—DOWNTOWN building.
20061216             1—EGYPT—COURT—DENIED—BAHAIS the right to state their religion on official documents and described them as PRO—ISRAEL—APOSTATES, in 1—LANDMARK case condemned by rights organizations.
20061216             —RETURNED, Trams, to PARIS —AFTER a —69—YEAR—GAP, with the inauguration of 1—NEW commuter service —AROUND PART—OF—THE—CITY—SOUTHERN periphery.
20061216             Researchers from GERMANY, AMERICA, and ISRAEL met in HEIDELBERG to discuss VIBRATION—RESPONSE imaging, invented by DOCTOR—IGAL—KUSHNIR, 1—ISRAEL—PEDIATRICIAN.
20061216             † INDIA—HEALTH—OFFICIALS said nearly 30—CHILDREN have —THIS—MONTH—OF—MOSQUITO—BORNE encephalitis in NORTH—INDIA, taking the toll —SINCE July to 401.
20061216             IRAN—PRESIDENT said his country was ready to transfer nuclear technology to neighboring countries, KUWAIT—TELEVISION reported, —1—WEEK—AFTER Arab states on the Persian Gulf announced plans to consider 1—JOINT—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM.
20061216             —SHOWED, Early election returns, HARD—LINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD—CONSERVATIVE opponents leading in elections for local councils and 1—POWERFUL—CLERICAL—BODY.
20061216             —OPENED, IRAQ—ARMY has " its doors" to all FORMER—MEMBERS—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN—ARMY, THE—PRIME—MINISTER said at 1—NATIONAL—RECONCILIATION—CONFERENCE boycotted by 1—OF—HIS—MAIN—SHIITE allies, 1—MAJOR—SUNNI group and IRAQ's exiled opposition.
20061216             —DETAINED, Iraqi and USA—FORCES, 6—SUSPECTS in 1—RAID and 1—AIRSTRIKE on the Shiite slum of Sadr City that left 1—FIGHTER—DEAD and another wounded.
20061216             1—ROADSIDE bomb killed 3—USA—SOLDIERS and injured a 4. serviceman NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20061216             1—ITALY—JUDGE rejected 1 paralyzed man's request to be removed from 1—RESPIRATOR, ruling that the law does not permit THE—DENIAL—OF—LIFESAVING care and urging lawmakers to confront the issue.
20061216             —PACKED, MEXICO, HUNDREDS—OF—FEDERAL—POLICE—OFFICERS, up their tents and marched OUT—OF—OAXACA—CENTRAL—SQUARE, ending their —7—WEEK—OCCUPATION to put down 1—LENGTHY—PROTEST by leftists that had left 9—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20061216             1—MEXICO—AIR—FORCE—PLANE crashed into the sea near the resort CITY—OF—ACAPULCO and rescue teams were searching for its 4—CREW members.
20061216             1—FIRE erupted in 1—WEDDING tent in EAST—PAKISTAN, triggering 1—STAMPEDE and the collapse of 1—WALL that killed 27—WOMEN and children.
20061216             —CALLED, PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS, for new presidential and parliamentary elections, 1—DRAMATIC—CHALLENGE to ruling Hamas militants that threatens to touch off 1—CIVIL—WAR.
20061216             PERU, 5—POLICE—OFFICERS and 2—EMPLOYEES—OF—THE—STATE—RUN coca company were shot to death in 1—SOUTHERN jungle state.
20061216             —PULLED, RUSSIA—AUTHORITIES, HUNDREDS—OF—OPPOSITION—ACTIVISTS off buses and trains and detained them along with SCORES—OF—OTHERS ahead of 1—RARE—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—RALLY in MOSCOW.
20061216             —GATHERED, More than 2,000—PEOPLE, in Triumfalnaya Square, where leftist and liberal groups demanded that RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN stop what they called RUSSIA—RETREAT from democracy.
20061216             1—SOMALIA—LAWMAKER bypassed the government and signed 1—AGREEMENT to end hostilities with the country's powerful Islamic militia, 1—SYMBOLIC—GESTURE that is unlikely to have ANY—REAL—EFFECT.
20061216             Nearly 200—TROOPS serving SOMALIA—WEAK—WESTERN—BACKED government defected to the Islamic courts movement, as both sides braced for impending war.
20061216             —TROUBLED, THE—AFRICAN—UNION (AU) said the situation in SUDAN's, Darfur region was worsening due to THE—RETURN—OF—RE—ARMED Janjaweed militia and KHARTOUM—RESOLVE to use military force.
20061216             Some 6,000 HAND—PICKED voters chose MEMBERS—OF—1—GOVERNMENT—ADVISORY—PANEL in THE—UAR—1. election, the Arab world's latest tentative step toward democracy.
20061216             This was the 1. of a —3—DAY—VOTE for 20—OPEN—SEATS on THE—FEDERAL—NATIONAL—COUNCIL.
20061216             He + his wife, Lynne, are very happy for MARY—I think MARY is going to be a...
20061216             _themes_/_abramoff_http NANCY Missler ( wife to CHARLES—W—MISSLER) ANTI—BOLSHEVIK Bloc of Nations...
20061216             "MG" Pat ROBERTSON—CBN, MAJOR—GENERAL—JOHN—K—SINGLAUB w/WACL and it's USA...
20061216             —INTRODUCED, KANT—CRITICISMS—OF—UTILITARIANISM 'Republican SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN has, legislation that would fine blogs up to $300000 for offensive statements...
20061216             into alleged corruption by the arms company BAE Systems and its executives... " Wafic Said is 1—OF—BRITAIN—WEALTHIEST men, owning country houses...
200612161201         a.m. EST—CROSS Country
200612161201         a.m. EST—LEISURE & Arts BY DANIELLE CRITTENDEN—SEXUAL—FREEDOM is damaging to students.
200612161201         a.m. EST—MISSOURI won't buy stock in companies that do business with rogue regimes.
20061216—18070000    —IN, But on closer inspection, its language also alters THE—2—CENTURIES—OLD—INSURRECTION—ACT, which Congress passed to limit THE—PRESIDENT—POWER to deploy troops within THE—USA.
20061216—19730000    (part II) - Page 3 - SkyscraperCity
20061216—19980000    —IN, THE—VIRGINIA—COMMERCIAL—SPACE—FLIGHT—AUTHORITY, 1—STATE—AGENCY, built the commercial launch pad on land leased from NASA—WALLOPS—FLIGHT—FACILITY to try to help bring jobs to the economically depressed EAST—SHORE region.
20061216—20000000    —YEAR, It was the.
20061216—20010000    Anthrax attack on USA—CONGRESS made by scientists and covered up by FBI, expert...-
20061216—20010911    —ON, PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—ATTACK ?
20061216—20010911    —SINCE, But NONE—OF—THESE connections has been looked at —DURING the extensive investigations.
20061216—20010911    —ON, Why, did this air defense system uniquely — repeatedly — fail,
20061216—20030705    —ON, Says leighklotz: "THE—USA—JOINS CANADA and other countries in eliminating the morse code testing requirement, —AFTER being authorized to do so, —WHEN the World Radio Telecommunications Conference 20030000             in GENEVA adopted changes to THE—ITU—RADIO—REGULATIONS".
20061216—20040100    —IM, In diesem ungewöhnlichen Stoff hatte die Raumsonde "Stardust" Staubpartikel eingefangen, die sich von Wild 2—GELÖST hatten.
20061216—20061211    —ON, Truthdig tips its hat to the Navy lawyer who won 1—MAJOR—ACLU award for his successful defense in Hamdan v. RUMSFELD ,
20061216—20061220    —AFTER, † PIERGIORGIO—WELBY (60), he was taken off his respirator.
20061216—20080000    THROUGH, It might be better for progressives and for THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY if it remained in opposition.
20061216—20090000    —SENTENCED, Olivarez was, to —11—YEARS in prison.
20061216—20090000    —IN, his diaries were published under the title: "THE—OLD—BOYS'—NETWORK: 1—HEADMASTER—DIARIES 19700000—19860000    ".
20061216—20200000    —BIS, Weltweiter Luftverkehr: soll sich Passagierzahl verdoppeln
20061216—20320000    —BY, EU driving licence coming 20130000             EURO—MPS approve 1—EUROPEAN driving licence to replace THE—MANY—NATIONAL—LICENCES.
20061218             In a 20061216             letter to R. GERALD—TURNER, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—BOARD—OF—TRUSTEES, MEMBERS—OF—SMU—PERKINS—SCHOOL—OF—THEOLOGY have urged THE—BOARD to "reconsider and to rescind SMU—PURSUIT of the presidential library".
20061218—20071216    BRITAIN never thought Saddam was THREAT—DIPLOMAT-
20061223             In a 20061216             letter to BOARD—OF—TRUSTEES—PRESIDENT—R—GERALD—TURNER, MEMBERS—OF—SMU—PERKINS—SCHOOL—OF—THEOLOGY urged THE—BOARD to "reconsider and to rescind SMU—PURSUIT of the presidential library".
20070629—20081216    —CLAIMED, BILAL—ABDULLA, —29—JAHRE—ALT, 1—IRAQ—DOCTOR who, he intended only to frighten Britons, was CONVICTED—OF—CONSPIRACY to murder with car bombs in LONDON and SCOTLAND.
20070822—20081216    —SENTENCED, SEAN—MERCER, —18—JAHRE—ALT was found GUILTY—OF—MURDERING—JONES and was, to 1—MINIMUM—OF—22—YEARS in prison.
20070906             Rep Moran, Jerry [KS-1] — 20051216             Rep Harman, Jane [CA-36] - 20060131             ...
20071023—20071216    —ANNOUNCED, Pemex, that the well was finally capped.
20071105             Ordinary Shares ( BERMUDA )|20070116             ||||u 20070112160016       |A||LYXAF||Lyxor
20071105             DailyListDate|Type|NewSymbol|OldSymbol|NewName|OldName|EffDate... Ordinary Shares ( BERMUDA )|20070116             ||||u 20070112160016       |A||LYXAF||Lyxor... 20070112135054       |S2|CEVU| TWOG |Caribbean Exploration Ventures INCORPORATED...
20071113             THE—MONEY—BOARD—RESEARCH—WHIZ —POSTED At: (20051216             —518)...
20071129—20071216    —EMBARKED, PAKISTAN—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF, on 1—NEW —5—YEAR term as 1—CIVIL—PRESIDENT, promising to lift 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY and restore the constitution —BEFORE January elections, 1—KEY—DEMAND—OF his domestic opponents and foreign backers.
20071201—20071216    —ON, her decapitated body was found in the Apalachicola National Forest.
20071208             NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—EX—AUSSENMINISTER Bot: Osteuropa braucht keinen Raketenschild gegen IRAN 200708121608          DEN HAAG, 20071208             (RIA Novosti).
20071208             200708121608          DEN HAAG, . ;;1208;; (RIA Novosti).
20071216             ISRAEL: Kibbuz von Rakete GETROFFEN—KLEINKIND verletzt
20071216             Umfrage: Deutsche wollen Politiker mit ordentlichem Privatleben
20071216             —EXPLODIERT, Stinkender Gülleregen: Biogasanlage
20071216             Web Ergebnisse 1 - 10—VON ungefähr 1.310—FÜR Lynn of Bechtel became PART—OF—REAGAN—CABINET.
20071216             ( 0,—25—SEKUNDEN) - CASPAR—WEINBERGER dead at 88 - POLITICS—MISS—NBC com
20071216             REAGAN—CABINET member was 88; he was key figure in IRAN—CONTRA scandal...
20071216             —RECALLED, Weinberger was, to public service from Bechtel by Reagan.
20071216             Investigated for his involvement in THE—IRAQ—BECHTEL pipeline deal (which
20071216             Conspiracy and COVER—UP—PRINTED in THE—NETHERLANDS.
20071216             21. Conspiracy and COVER—UP. DAVID—WHITBY.
20071216             —PROSECUTED, Cukurova Group: owns 2—SMALL—BANKS, for laundering drugs money.
20071216             Er sei "ermutigt vom Geist der Flexibilität, den die USA und andere wichtige Delegationen" gezeigt hätten und er sei dankbar dafür.
20071216             Als die —VERHANDLUNGEN zwischenzeitlich in der Sackgasse steckten, hatte er dringend an die Unterhändler appelliert, ihre Differenzen beizulegen.
20071216             Die Welt warte auf einen Durchbruch, sagte Ban.
20071216             "Ganz ehrlich, ich bin enttäuscht über das Niveau des Fortschritts, der hier gemacht wurde".
20071216             Jeder müsse bereit sein zum Kompromiss.
20071216             "Das wirkliche Problem ist der Kongress", sagte der New Yorker BÜRGERMEISTER—MICHAEL—BLOOMBERG.
20071216             Und so dominierte der USA—WAHLKAMPF —SCHON—JETZT TEILE—DER—VERHANDLUNGEN auf Bali.
20071216             Erneut habe die REGIERUNG—DES—AMTIERENDEN—PRÄSIDENTEN—GEORGE—W—BUSH versucht, "den Fortschritt abzublocken".
20071216             Wenn sie zur Nachfolgerin BUSH s gewählt werde, werde sie "sofort den Prozess zur Aushandlung eines KYOTO—NACHFOLGEPROTOKOLLS anführen".
20071216             Auch VIELE—STÄDTE haben sich zum Handeln entschlossen: Sie verabschiedeten "grüne" Baugesetze,
20071216             stellten ihren Fuhrpark auf HYBRID—FAHRZEUGE um und setzen bei der Straßenbeleuchtung auf Energiesparlampen.
20071216             Umfragen zeigen, dass Naturkatastrophen wie der Hurrikan "Katrina",
20071216             die Trockenheit im Südosten der USA und die Brände in Kalifornien immer mehr Amerikaner auf den Klimawandel aufmerksam werden lässt.
20071216             "Die MEHRHEIT—DER—VEREINIGTEN—STAATEN ist auf ihrer Seite", sagte die kalifornische Umweltministerin Linda Adams vor den Delegierten auf Bali.
20071216             Das wurde auch in WASHINGTON bemerkt.
20071216             1—AUSSCHUSS—DES—SENATS stimmte erstmals für eine verpflichtende Reduzierung der Treibhausgase und leitete die Vorlage an das Plenum weiter.
20071216             —GERECHNET, Dort wird allerdings mit einer heftigen Debatte.
20071216             "Das wirkliche Problem ist der Kongress"
20071216             —INZWISCHEN, Doch, distanziert sich das Weiße Haus vom BALI—KOMPROMISS:
20071216             Man sei "ernsthaft besorgt" über die Beschlüsse.
20071216             Ganzkörperschleier: Hessens Ministerpräsident fordert BURKA—VERBOT
20071216             Gefängniskleidung: Einheitslook im JUGENDKNAST—GENMAIS: Überwachung mit Lücken
20071216             Klimagipfel: Bush unglücklich über BALI—KOMPROMISS
20071216             Kurdengebiet: TÜRKISCHE—FLUGZEUGE bombardieren Dörfer im Nordirak
20071216             Based on Goebbels ' PRINCIPLES—OF—PROPAGANDA.
20071216             Bush Wants to Expand Warrentless Telecom Spying on Us -- and Make It Legal
20071216             BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—TELLS FEDERAL—JUDGE—NOT to Look Into Why It Violated 1—COURT—ORDER—NOT to Destroy Torture Tapes.
20071216             Schumer and Feinstein Should be Censored by THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY for Their Support of Mukasey.
20071216             Dem Candidates Intensely Pursue the Endorsement of THE—DES—MOINES Register, Which Will be Announced on ;;12;;
20071216             Is THE—AIR—OF—INEVITABLITY Escaping Clinton?
20071216             2—NEW—POLLS have come out of IOWA, which means 2—DIFFERENT—PICTURES—OF—THE—DEMOCRATIC—RACE there.
20071216             1—HOTLINE survey shows BARACK—OBAMA and Hillary Clinton deadlocked at THE—TOP—OF—THE—FIELD and JOHN—EDWARDS —JUST behind.
20071216             Yet 1—DIFFERENT—POLL put out by Research 20000000             has BARACK—OBAMA leading by 1—RELATIVELY large margin?9—PERCENTAGE—POINTS.
20071216             —HIRED, Unbelievable: Viacom lobbyists, CIA torture team leader for "Kite Runner" movie 12/15
20071216             MORGAN—STANLEY senior executive STEPHEN—ROACH said THE—USA is heading for 1—RECESSION and THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD would be "dead wrong" to think this will not impact on growing ASIA—ECONOMIES.
20071216             Street and highway crews were at work trying to clear roads across the Great Lakes states into New ENGLAND as 1—STORM blamed for 3—DEATHS spread 1—HAZARDOUS—MIX—OF—SNOW, sleet and freezing rain.
20071216             —BLAMED, The storm was, for at least 10—DEATHS including 4 in INDIANA, 2 in MICHIGAN and WISCONSIN, 1 in PENNSYLVANIA and 1 in Nova Scotia.
20071216             † DAN—FOGELBERG, —56—JAHRE—ALT, the singer and songwriter, at his home in MAINE —AFTER battling prostate cancer.
20071216             —KILLED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—ROADSIDE bomb blast, 2—AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIANS and wounded 5—OTHERS, —WHILE 1—CLASH in the south left 4—TALIBAN dead.
20071216             HARALD—KLEBER (42) 1—GERMANY—NATIONAL locally known by his Muslim name, ABDUL—RAHMAN, was kidnapped in heart province.
20071216             —WANTED, The —NEXT—DAY—GERMANY—AUTHORITIES said Kleber was, in GERMANY for fraud.
20071216             —LAUNCHED, ARGENTINA and BRAZIL successfully, 1—ROCKET into space in the 1. joint space mission by THE—2—SOUTH—USA—NATIONS.
20071216             —CARRIED, THE—VS30 rocket, which, experiments from both countries, blasted off from BRAZIL—BARREIRA do Inferno launch center in NORTH—RIO—GRANDE do Norte state.
20071216             —ALLEGED, AUSTRALIA—POLICE said they had broken up 1, nationwide child porn ring with the arrest of 6—MEN overnight, including 1—FORMER—POLICEMAN, 1—TRAINEE—TEACHER and 1—SWIMMING instructor.
20071216             —KILLED, GROZNY, Chechnya, 1—POLICE—OFFICER and 4—MILITANTS were, in 1—GUNBATTLE.
20071216             —ANNOUNCED, CHINA, holiday changes to ease overcrowding on trains, flights and other transport systems.
20071216             The changes will bring back 3—TRADITIONAL —1—DAY holidays and let workers take paid vacations at times other than OFFICIALLY—SET—BREAKS.
20071216             —SIGNED, THE—EU, 1—NEW—TRADE—AGREEMENT with the 15-member Caribbean Forum.
20071216             —OVERPOWERED, EAST—INDIA, 299—COMMUNIST—PRISONERS, guards and escaped from 1—PRISON.
20071216             —HANDED, UK—FORCES formally, over responsibility for Basra, the last region in IRAQ under their control, marking THE—START—OF—WHAT—BRITAIN hopes will be 1—TRANSITION to 1—MISSION aimed at aiding the economy and providing jobs in 1—OIL—RICH region beset by militia infighting.
20071216             † 1—TOTAL—OF—174—UK—PERSONNEL have, in IRAQ —SINCE 20030300             —THE invasion.
20071216             The venture cost BRITAIN some $10—BILLION.
20071216             —CLASHED, In THE—INDIA—PORTION—OF—KASHMIR HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE, with police, hours —AFTER burying a —20—YEAR—OLD—MAN killed by police —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20071216             —INJURED, At least 35—PEOPLE were.
20071216             KYRGYZSTAN held parliamentary elections.
20071216             —INTRODUCED, Critics have said election code changes, in October, were designed to evict all opposition politicians from the legislature.
20071216             THE—CENTRAL—ELECTION—COMMISSION said Kyrgyz PRESIDENT—KURMANBEK—BAKIYEV—AK—JOL party won 71—OUT—OF—90—PARLIAMENT—SEATS in the parliamentary election.
20071216             —FAILED, The top opposition party, to win PARLIAMENT seats and the party accused the government of rigging the vote and said it would appeal the results in court.
20071216             —EXPELLED, RUSSIA—AUTHORITIES, 1—MOLDOVA—JOURNALIST—CRITICAL—OF—THE—KREMLIN in 1—MOVE condemned by media watchdogs.
20071216             —GATHERED, MILLIONS—OF—MUSLIMS from —AROUND the world, in MECCA for the start of the annual Islamic hajj pilgrimage, as THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—INTERIOR—MINISTRY announced tough security precautions.
20071216             —ARRESTED, SPAIN—POLICE said they had, 63—PEOPLE across the country in 5—INVESTIGATIONS into child pornography being —POSTED, viewed and paid for on THE—INTERNET.
20071216             —CREATED, SPAIN—CONSTRUCTION—GROUP—BTP Sacyr Vallehermoso said it had, 1—JOINT—COMPANY with THE—LIBYA—GOVERNMENT to bid for infrastructure contracts there.
20071216             —INFLICTED, Darfur rebels said they had, 1—CRUSHING defeat on SUDAN—ARMY in WEST—DARFUR in 1—OVERNIGHT battle —DURING which they captured 29—SOLDIERS, 32—VEHICLES and heavy weaponry.
20071216             TURKEY—WARPLANES hit Kurdish rebel targets, marking 1—ESCALATION—OF—FORCE against the outlawed separatist group.
20071216             1—IRAQ—OFFICIAL said the planes attacked several villages, killing 1—WOMAN.
20071216             —KILLED, TURKEY—MILITARY—LATER said up to 175—REBELS were, on this —DAY.
20071216             1—KURDISH—LEADER said the figure was exaggerated.
20071216             Mit —116—JAHREN verstorben: Tod eines Schürzenjägers
20071216             —GETROFFEN, ISRAEL: Kibbuz von Rakete, - Kleinkind verletzt
20071216             —INHALIERT, USA—WAHLKÄMPFER Obama: "Klar, ich habe "
20071216             Zu viel Trinkgeld: MINISTER gibt skurrile INFLATIONS—BEGRÜNDUNG - ( 0,—25—SEKUNDEN)
20071216             CASPAR—WEINBERGER dead at 88 - POLITICS—MISS—NBC_com REAGAN—CABINET member was 88;
20071216             he was key figure in IRAN—CONTRA scandal...
20071216             —BECAME, MySpace The founders and members all, PART—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION or were...
20071216             GEORGE—P—SHULTZ: Biography and Much More from Answers_com
20071216             Crime, Law & Social Change 35: 21—41, 20010000             .
20071216             © 20010000             Kluwer Academic Publishers.
20071216             Printed in THE—NETHERLANDS. 21. Conspiracy and COVER—UP.
20071216             DAVID—WHITBY.
20071216             "Sie sind nicht bereit, 1—THEMA anzupacken, dass für die Wähler Kosten und Ärger bedeutet".
20071216             Jedoch habe die USA—DELEGATION dem "Gewicht des wissenschaftlichen und politischen Konsenses" letztlich nicht standhalten können, sagte Clinton.
20071216             Sie sei bereit, so schnell wie möglich mit den Vertretern anderer Länder darüber zu beraten, "wenn nötig alle —3—MONATE", fügte Clinton hinzu.
20071216             Während die USA—BUNDESREGIERUNG weiter bremst, haben verschiedene USA—STAATEN—VON Kalifornien —BIS NEUENGLAND—EIGENE KLIMASCHUTZ—INITIATIVEN gestartet.
20071216             Auch VIELE—STÄDTE haben sich zum Handeln entschlossen: Sie verabschiedeten "grüne" Baugesetze, stellten ihren Fuhrpark auf HYBRID—FAHRZEUGE um und setzen bei der Straßenbeleuchtung auf Energiesparlampen.
20071216             Umfragen zeigen, dass Naturkatastrophen wie der Hurrikan "Katrina", die Trockenheit im Südosten der USA und die Brände in Kalifornien immer mehr Amerikaner auf den Klimawandel aufmerksam werden lässt.
20071216             "Wir wissen, dass der Klimawandel uns alle betrifft".
20071216             —INZWISCHEN, Doch, distanziert sich das Weiße Haus vom BALI—KOMPROMISS: Man sei "ernsthaft besorgt" über die Beschlüsse.
20071216             Mysteriöse Flucht: PAKISTAN lässt mutmaßlichen CHEF—PLANER der Qaida entwischen
20071216             Linke Szene: Verletzte und Festnahmen bei Krawallen in HAMBURG
20071216             1. Propagandist must have access to intelligence concerning events and...
20071216             THE—NUMBER—OF—STATES refusing FEDERAL—MONEY for "ABSTINENCE—ONLY" sex education programs jumped sharply in the past —YEAR as evidence mounted that the approach is ineffective.
20071216             THE—LAST—CHANCE—DEMOCRACY—CAFE. Bush to judiciary: Fu*k off.
20071216             Activists HAIL 'landmark' NEW—JERSEY death penalty ban 12/16
20071216—20071125    —INTERVENED, MALAYSIA—PREMIER—ABDULLAH—AHMAD—BADAWI, to head off rising anger among THE—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—COUNTRY—ETHNIC—INDIA—POPULATION—AFTER 1—RARE—PUBLIC—RALLY led to violent clashes with police.
20071216—20071216    —ON, Dem Candidates Intensely Pursue the Endorsement of THE—DES—MOINES Register, Which Will be Announced
20080621—20081216    —AM, Großartiger Nachschlag zur TELEKOM—AFFÄRE: habe dann die Polizei bei einem der angeblichen Hacker vor der Tür gestanden.
20081104—20091216    —ON, 1—CONTRA—COSTA—COUNTY—JUDGE struck down the tax.
20081112—20081216    —SENTENCED, MURCIA was, to —30—YEARS and —8—MONTHS in prison for 1—MONEY—LAUNDERING conviction and was fined $12.5—MILLION.
20081216             Von den Römern kaum bemerkt, begann sich Germanien im 01010101—02001231     n. Chr. dramatisch zu verändern.
20081216             —LEARNED, JAY—CARNEY - I —JUST, from Talking Points Memo that Time magazine's
20081216             THE—POLITICO sums it up best, writing Carney, 1—YALE graduate,
20081216             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—FEDERAL—RESERVE, that it was reducing its target for THE—FEDERAL—FUNDS—RATE to between 0 and 0.25—PERCENT, down from 1—PERCENT, 1—LEVEL that was already the lowest target rate in 1—HALF—CENTURY.
20081216             RONALD—E—FERGUSON, —66—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF—GENERAL—RE—CORP., received a —2—YEAR—SENTENCE for his role in 1—FRAUDULENT scheme to manipulate the financial STATEMENTS—OF—USA—INTERNATIONAL—GROUP (AIG).
20081216             This cost AIG shareholders over 1—HALF billion dollars.
20081216             —CONFIRMED, THE—PUBLISHER—OF—THE—DETROIT—FREE—PRESS and THE—DETROIT—NEWS, plans to cut home delivery to —3—DAYS —1—WEEK and cut close to 900—JOBS.
20081216             1—SCIENTIST from AMERICA—NATIONAL—SNOW and Ice Data Center said the shrinking of ARCTIC ice (and exposure of extra sea to radiation) was warming the world at 1—ACCELERATING pace.
20081216             3—GUANTANAMO prisoners were flown to Bosnia and released to their families.
20081216             —KILLED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, police and USA—TROOPS in Khost province, 3—INSURGENTS SUSPECTED—OF—LINKS to AL—QAEDA, denying local claims that the victims were civilians.
20081216             BANGLADESH—MILITARY—BACKED government said it will end nearly —2—YEARS—OF—EMERGENCY—RULE and restore civil liberties —BEFORE—THIS—MONTH—NATIONAL—ELECTIONS.
20081216             —AGREED, BRAZIL, SOUTH—USA—LEADERS, to create 1—REGIONAL—DEFENSE—COUNCIL aimed at preventing local conflicts and reducing dependence on USA weaponry.
20081216             33—COUNTRIES from across the Americas had gathered for a —2—DAY—MEETING to discuss issues ranging from defense to economics.
20081216             —ORDERED, CHINA—AGRICULTURAL—OFFICIALS, the slaughter of some 377,000 chickens —AFTER finding the H5N1 bird flu virus in 2—AREAS—OF—JIANGSU province.
20081216             STEIN—BAGGER, DENMARK—BUSINESS—EXECUTIVE, was sent back to DENMARK from THE—USA, where he had surrendered —FOLLOWING the exposure of 1 estimated $185—SWINDLE in his firm, IT Factory.
20081216             FRANCE—POLICE found explosives hidden in 1—PARIS department store —AFTER 1—TIP—OFF from 1—GROUP demanding THE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—FRANCE—TROOPS from AFGHANISTAN.
20081216             —SLAPPED, FRANCE—COMPETITION—WATCHDOGS, 1—RECORD—FINE—OF—575—MILLION—EUROS (785—MILLION—DOLLARS) on global steel giant ArcelorMittal and another 10—STEEL—FIRMS found GUILTY—OF—PRICE—FIXING.
20081216             —FORCED, GREECE, protesters, their way into GREECE—STATE—NET—TELEVISION—NEWS studio and interrupted 1—NEWS—BROADCAST featuring THE—PRIME—MINISTER so they could urge viewers to join mass ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATIONS.
20081216             1—INDONESIA—PROVINCE beleaguered by 1—SPIRALING—HIV infection rate scrapped plans to implant microchips in those with FULL—BLOWN AIDS, —FOLLOWING strong opposition from government officials, health workers and rights activists.
20081216             IRAQ, Muntadhar AL—ZEIDI, —28—JAHRE—ALT, the journalist who threw his shoes at PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, was handed over to THE—IRAQ—JUDICIARY, 1—MOVE that signals THE—START—OF—CRIMINAL—PROCEEDINGS.
20081216             3—BOMBINGS in BAGHDAD and another in Diyala province killed 4—PEOPLE and wounded at least 30.
20081216             —KILLED, ISRAEL—TROOPS, Jihad Nawhda (23), 1—WANTED—PALESTINE—MILITANT in THE—WEST—BANK, and the Islamic Jihad group retaliated with rocket fire from THE—GAZA—STRIP.
20081216             —FILLED, ISRAEL—,1—BUS, with 49—PASSENGERS plunged into 1—DESERT ravine near the resort TOWN—OF—EILAT.
20081216             24—RUSSIA—TRAVEL—AGENTS were killed.
20081216             —BACKED, ITALY—POLICE, by helicopters arrested almost 90 suspected mobsters and thwarted 1—PLAN by the hobbled Sicilian Mafia to reconstitute itself and form 1—NEW ruling commission to set strategy.
20081216             GAETANO—LO—PRESTI (52), the alleged Mafia boss of 1—PALERMO neighborhood, hanged himself in jail, hours —AFTER he was arrested in 1—BLITZ against Cosa Nostra.
20081216             ITALY, Fiat Group SpA for the 1. time shut down MOST—OF—ITS—ITALY—PLANTS for —1—MONTH, laying off nearly 50,000 workers for 1 extended holiday as it copes with the precipitous drop in demand for new cars.
20081216             The central banks of SWEDEN and DENMARK came to the aid of LATVIA with currency swap agreements.
20081216             —ENABLED, This, THE—BANK—OF—LATVIA, to borrow as much as ?500—MILLION.
20081216             —HIJACKED, SOMALIA—PIRATES, 1—TUGBOAT belonging to total SA off THE—YEMEN—COAST.
20081216             —UNOCCUPIED, SPAIN, 1, hotel on the resort ISLAND—OF—MALLORCA partially collapsed —DURING remodeling work, killing 4—WORKERS.
20081216             NORTH—SRI—LANKA, intense fighting left at least 25—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS and 120—TAMIL Tigers dead in ongoing battles for the rebels' political capital.
20081216             —FORCED, The rebels said they, the troops to retreat —AFTER —1—DAY—OF—BLOODY—BATTLES, killing 170—SOLDIERS and wounding more than 400—OTHERS.
20081216             —APPROVED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, land and air attacks on pirate bases in SOMALIA.
20081216             and
20081216             —LEARNED, JAY—CARNEY - I —JUST, from Talking Points Memo that Time magazine's... THE—POLITICO sums it up best, writing Carney, 1—YALE graduate...
20081216             Atos schweigt bislang HARTNÄCKIG—VERWEIST nur auf laufende Ermittlungen, die man nicht behindern wolle.
20081216             —KRITISIERT, Der Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragte PETER—SCHAAR, dieses Vorgehen aufs Schärfste.
20081216             "Ich habe den Eindruck, dass immer mehr Arbeitsprozesse ausgelagert werden, um Kosten zu sparen, dass aber beim Auslagern keine entsprechenden Sicherheitsvorkehrungen getroffen werden, um Datenmissbrauch zu vermeiden", sagt er SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20081216             Datenschützer kritisieren Outsourcing von sensiblen Daten
20081216             Die LBB gab auf Anfrage von SPIEGEL—ONLINE an, dass Atos Worldwide für das Institut das komplette KARTEN—PROCESSING übernimmt.
20081216             Dies beinhalte unter anderem die Kartenkontoführung, die Abwicklung der Kartentransaktionen sowie die Erstellung und den Versand der Pin.
20081216             Im Klartext heißt das: Wenn der Kunde beim Bezahlen seine Kreditkarte in 1—LESEGERÄT steckt, übernimmt Atos die Abwicklung der Transaktion.
20081216             Und wenn 1—KREDITKARTENKUNDE eine neue Geheimnummer zugeschickt bekommt, wird diese nicht von der LBB erstellt, sondern von Atos.
20081216             Die Landesbank BERLIN hat nach eigenen Angaben insgesamt etwa 2—MILLIONEN Kreditkaten ausgegeben.
20081216             Nach Meinung führender Datenschützer haben VIELE—BANKEN unverantwortlich gehandelt.
20081216             Sie haben Dienstleistungen an Drittunternehmen weitergegeben, ohne den verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit sensiblen Daten sicherzustellen.
20081216             Als die HMC ihre Arbeit begann, hatte die Uni noch weitgehend konservative Anlagen.
20081216             Wenn man —NACH—DEN wirtschaftlichen Kennziffern geht, ist zum Beispiel Harvard weniger 1—UNI mit Finanzprofis als vielmehr 1—VERMÖGENSVERWALTUNG mit angeschlossener Uni.
20081216             Das Herz ist die Harvard Management Company (HMC), praktisch 1—INVESTMENTBANK.
20081216             —GEGRÜNDET, Sie wurde —ANFANG der neunziger —JAHRE, um den Geldwettlauf gegen den ewigen Rivalen Yale nicht zu verlieren.
20081216             Die Sparvorschläge gleichen einer Revolution.
20081216             Keiner, der Verantwortung trägt, nennt seinen Namen.
20081216             Das ist neu an dieser stolzen UNIVERSITÄT.
20081216             Für ihn wie für alle kommen die Verluste durch "Kräfte von außen, die stärker sind als wir".
20081216             "Aber, hey, es ist Harvard!
20081216             Andere Unis besitzen überhaupt nicht so viel Kapital, wie Harvard verloren hat".
20081216             RATING—AGENTUREN schätzen, dass Harvard 1—DRITTEL seines Kapitals einbüßen wird, also 13—MILLIARDEN Dollar.
20081216             Kritik wird laut: Was soll die Hochschule sein, Eliteschmiede oder Investmentbank?
20081216             BAGDAD—DER wegen seines Schuhwurfs auf USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH weltweit beachtete IRAKISCHE—FERNSEHJOURNALIST Muntaser AL—SAIDI ist von den IRAKISCHEN—SICHERHEITSBEHÖRDEN offenbar schwer verletzt worden.
20081216             Wie sein Bruder, der 32-jährige Durgham, —AM—DIENSTAG der Nachrichtenagentur AFP sagte, seien bei AL—SAIDI 1—ARM und mehrere Rippen gebrochen, zudem habe er Verletzungen an Auge und Bein erlitten.
20081216             —GESTRITTEN, BAGDAD, wurde weiter darüber, ob Saidi als "Held" oder "Schande für die IRAKISCHEN—JOURNALISTEN" angesehen werden sollte.
20081216             —SEIT seiner Schuhattacke ist der JOURNALIST—IN—HAFT.
20081216             Zu den wenigen Kommentatoren, die den Schuhwerfer kritisieren, gehört TARIK—AL—HOMAID von der überregionalen arabischen Tageszeitung "Asharq AL—AWSAT".
20081216             Er schrieb —AM—DIENSTAG, als normaler Bürger seines Landes hätte Saidi das Recht gehabt, seine Schuhe auf Bush zu werfen.
20081216             —GEGANGEN, Da er aber als JOURNALIST—ZU—DER—PRESSEKONFERENZ, sei, habe er durch seine Attacke "den Ruf der Journalisten beschädigt".
20081216             - —DIESES—JAHR. "Das ist ein deutlicher Hinweis auf den
20081216             Klimawandel ", sagte GERHARD—LUX vom DEUTSCHEN—WETTERDIENST (DWD) in OFFENBACH.
20081216             Absoluter Spitzenreiter war das —JAHR 20000000             .
20081216             Damals lag der Temperaturschnitt bei 9,9 Grad.
20081216             Zu den Äußerungen des CSU—GENERALSEKRETÄRS hieß es —AM—DIENSTAG aus SPD—FÜHRUNGSKREISEN zu SPIEGEL—ONLINE: "Die schrillen Töne vor allem aus München zeigen, dass es MANCHE—IN—DER—UNION nicht verkraften können,
20081216             in der FRAGE—DES—IRAK—KRIEGS auf der falschen Seite der Geschichte gestanden zu haben". Deswegen versuche sie —HEUTE, mit "markiger Rhetorik die Geschichte umzudeuten".
20081216             —GELADEN, Marks soll, werden
20081216             Im Kampf gegen die Rezession "gehen uns allmählich die Mittel Aus", sagte er in CHICAGO mit Blick auf die FED—ENTSCHEIDUNG und die ohnehin —SCHON extrem niedrigen Zinsen.
20081216             Laut aktuellen Konjunkturdaten steht es um die USA—WIRTSCHAFT noch schlechter als von vielen zuletzt angenommen.
20081216             "Es zeigt sich, dass die USA nicht so schnell aus der Krise kommen wie von vielen bislang gedacht", fasste MARIO—MATTERA—VON—DER—METZLER—BANK—DIE—STIMMUNG zusammen.
20081216             Der Zinsschnitt sei nötig, weil sich die Wirtschaftslage "weiter verschlechtert" habe, hieß es in der Erklärung.
20081216             Die Fed sagte zu, "ALLE—ZUR—VERFÜGUNG stehenden Instrumente zu nutzen, um die Rückkehr zu einem nachhaltigen Wachstum zu fördern und die Preisstabilität zu wahren".
20081216             Der Fokus werde dabei weiter auf der Stabilisierung der Finanzmärkte liegen.
20081216             Die Zinssätze würden insgesamt "für EINIGE—ZEIT außergewöhnlich niedrig" liegen, heißt es in der Erklärung.
20081216             Zudem kündigte die Fed an, in den kommenden —MONATEN "in großem Umfang" hypothekengestützte Wertpapiere aufzukaufen, um die Lage auf dem angespannten IMMOBILIEN—UND Hypothekenmarkt zu verbessern.
20081216             Der Mann war mehrere —JAHRE arbeitslos und sollte für 1,50 Euro pro —STUNDE Bäumchen mit einer Schutzfolie umwickeln.
20081216             Weil er sich weigerte, kürzte ihm die Arbeitsbehörde sein Arbeitslosengeld um 30 %.
20081216             Zudem sei bei den EIN—EURO—JOBS das Geld nicht wie bei Arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahmen eine tatsächliche Gegenleistung für die Arbeit, sondern nur 1—ANREIZ.
20081216             "Das spiegelt wider, wie schlecht es um die Wirtschaft bestellt ist", sagte 1—BEOBACHTER.
20081216             "Es gibt kein Anzeichen einer Stabilisierung. Die Hoffnung, wir könnten die Talsohle erreicht haben, schwindet", erklärte ein anderer.
20081216             STEVE—GOLDMAN—VON—WEEDEN & Co. hingegen teilt diese Sorge nicht: "Es ist 1—VON—DER—ENERGIE getriebene Zahl. Das ist kein wahrer Maßstab für die Wirtschaft".
20081216             Im Bekennerschreiben hieß es ausdrücklich, es handele sich nicht um einen Scherz.
20081216             Wenn die 2600—FRANZÖSISCHEN—SOLDATEN in AFGHANISTAN nicht —BIS—FEBRUAR abgezogen würden, werde es Anschläge auf die "großen kapitalistischen Kaufhäuser" geben.
20081216             —GEGEBEN, Das Schreiben sei —AM—MONTAG in PARIS zur Post, worden und war an die FRANZÖSISCHE—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR AFP adressiert
20081216             Die jungen Leute tauchten plötzlich für etwa —20—SEKUNDEN auf den Bildschirmen auf und hielten schweigend 1—TRANSPARENT mit der Aufschrift "Hört auf fernzusehen und geht lieber auf die Straße" hoch.
20081216             Der Sender unterbrach das Programm und sendete kurz Werbung.
20081216             Über den Hintergrund der Unterbrechung wurden die Zuschauer —ZUNÄCHST nicht informiert.
20081216             Rund 600—SCHULEN sowie mehrere Universitätsgebäude in Athen und THESSALONIKI sind nach ANGABEN—DER—DEMONSTRANTEN in GRIECHENLAND weiter besetzt.
20081216             Nach Regierungsangaben werden dagegen nur noch etwa 100—SCHULEN besetzt.
20081216             Karamanlis übernahm zudem die politische Verantwortung für zwielichtige Immobiliengeschäfte mit Mönchen vom Berg Athos, für die seine Regierung heftige Kritik geerntet hatte.
20081216             Wirtschaftskrise: USA—NOTENBANK senkt Leitzins auf —BIS zu 0 %
20081216             Untersuchungsausschuss: Union verlangt von Steinmeier Aufklärung über BND—HILFE im IRAK—KRIEG
20081216             Urteil: EIN—EURO—JOBBER müssen —30—STUNDEN pro —WOCHE arbeiten
20081216             GRIECHENLAND: Protestierer stürmen Nachrichtenstudio und stören Sendung
20081216             —PROVOZIERT, USA: Preissturz, Deflationsängste
20081216             Klimabilanz: FRANKREICH: Rätselhafte Sprengsätze in Pariser Warenhaus
20081216             2. Konjunkturpaket: Merkels Milliardennachschlag reicht Experten nicht aus
20081216             TÜRKEI: Aussöhnung mit Armeniern rückt näher
20081216             Kontraktion der Atmosphäre: Wenn die Erde hechelt
20081216             Altkanzler Schmidt zum 90.: Der DEUTSCHE—HERBSTMEISTER
20081216             —VERLIERT, UNI—CRASH durch Finanzkrise: Harvard, gigantische Vermögenswerte
20081216             Datenlecks: Outsourcing macht Kreditkartenzahlung zum Risikospiel
20081216             Quartalsminus: Goldman Sachs rutscht in die roten Zahlen
20081216             Bush: IRAKISCHER—SCHUHWERFER bei Festnahme angeblich verletzt
20081216             Attacke auf Bush : IRAKISCHER—SCHUHWERFER bei Festnahme angeblich verletzt (Politik)
20081216             Auch HOLGER—RÖNITZ—VON—DER—FIRMA—THC—PHARM, die Spice untersucht hatte, sagte, die Konsumenten der Biomischung seien im Grunde Versuchskaninchen.
20081216             Zusammen mit seinen Kollegen entdeckte er durch Zufall den künstlichen Stoff JWH-018 (1-Pentyl-3-Naphthoylindol).
20081216             Die chemische Substanz wurde an der UNIVERSITÄT—CLEMSON in den USA entwickelt und vor allem in der Arzneiforschung eingesetzt.
20081216             Eingeschlossen in Bernstein: Forscher entdeckt ältestes Spinnennetz der Welt
20081216             HANNOVER: Hells Angels kommen mit Bewährungsstrafen davon
20081216             Umfrage unter Einkaufsmanagern: Experten sehen Europas Industrie in schwerster Krise —SEIT Kriegsende
20081216             Faule Wertpapiere: Ackermann fordert Bad BANK—FÜR—DEUTSCHLAND
20081216             —ENTSTANDEN, Unter diesem Druck, die Großstämme der FRANKEN—SACHSEN, Langobarden oder Alamannen, deren militärische Schlagkraft deutlich größer war als etwa die der Cherusker zu Augustus' Zeiten und die sich darüber hinaus durch außerordentliche Mobilität auszeichneten.
20081216             Lebten —BIS dahin überschaubare Stämme und Clans in dem unwegsamen und kargen Raum, erschütterte mehr und mehr "eine große WELLE—VON—VERTRIEBENEN, von gesellschaftlich Ausgegrenzten oder Unzufriedenen, von Gruppen auf der Suche nach neuen Siedlungsgebieten zur Verbesserung oder überhaupt —ERST Sicherung der eigenen Existenz" das Land, wie es der Tübinger Althistoriker REINHARD—WOLTERS beschreibt.
20081216             Weltweit zittern Banken —NACH—DEM USA—MILLIARDENBETRUG
20081216             Es ist der größte Börsenbetrug der Weltgeschichte.
20081216             Der FALL—DES—FRÜHEREN—BÖRSENCHEFS—MADOFF schädigt auch Fonds, Universitäten und Stiftungen.
20081216             Von ANDREAS—OSWALD—DER FRÜHERE—USA—BÖRSENCHEF—BERNARD—L—MADOFF hat mit dem größten Börsenbetrug der...
20081216             MILLIARDEN—ABZOCKE USA—BEHÖRDEN lösen Madoffs WALL—STREET—FIRMA AUF—DIE Genfer Konventionen in 7—SPRACHEN
20081216             —DEMONSTRIERT, In den Gängen, die USA—ARMEE ihre zynische Haltung zur internationalen Kritik an GUANTANAMO.
20081216             In 7—LANDESSPRACHEN hängen die Genfer Konventionen AUS—GRUNDREGELN für Kriegsgefangene, die die Regierung Bush bewusst gebrochen hat.
20081216             Selbst die Adresse des SUPREME—COURT ist nachzulesen, jenes höchsten USA—GERICHTS, das —ERST —JAHRE nach der Eröffnung die Rechte der Gefangenen bestätigt hatte.
20081216             —FOTOGRAFIERT, Auf 5—SEITEN ist aufgelistet, was nicht, oder geschrieben werden darf.
20081216             und direkt am Wasser, in der "Tikki Bar", treffen sich die Typen von der CIA nach Vernehmungen auf einen Drink.
20081216             "Willkommen auf unserem Flug nach GUANTANAMO Bay", dröhnt es aus den Lautsprechern, "ich hoffe, Sie genießen ihn".
20081216             "Wir laufen Gefahr, dass zahlreiche Arten verschwinden, bevor sie überhaupt beschrieben werden", sagte der WWF—REFERENT für die Region, PETR—OBRDLIK.
20081216             So sollten am Mekong 150—GROßE Wasserkraftwerke entstehen.
20081216             Nicht nur Ökologen, sondern auch Ökonomen gelte die Region als eines der letzten faszinierenden Gebiete.
20081216             Y -19900000             —SEIT—WURDEN dem WWF zufolge in Südostasien jährlich 2,7 Millionen Hektar Dschungel für Plantagen gerodet, um dort zum Beispiel Kautschuk und Kaffee anzubauen.
20081216             Unter anderem fanden Forscher die LAOTISCHE—FELSENRATTE—SIE galt als —SEIT 11—MILLIONEN —JAHREN ausgestorben.
20081216             In der MEKONG—REGION haben Wissenschaftler fette Beute gemacht und über eintausend neue Arten entdeckt.
20081216             Vielleicht zum letzten Mal, denn seine Dschungelgebiete sollen Kraftwerken und Plantagen weichen.
20081216             Der PRÄSIDENT—DES—BUNDESVERFASSUNGSGERICHTS sieht den Datenschutz in DEUTSCHLAND stärker durch die Wirtschaft gefährdet als durch den STAAT.
20081216             Die LINKE—INNENEXPERTIN PETRA—PAU betonte, mangelnder Datenschutz gefährde die Demokratie.
20081216             "Noch nie war das technische Potenzial zur vollständigen Überwachung der Bürger so groß wie —HEUTE. Und noch nie waren die Begehrlichkeiten nach persönlichen Daten so groß wie —HEUTE", mahnte Pau.
20081216             hat KLAUS—ZIMMERMANN, CHEF—DES—DEUTSCHEN—INSTITUTS für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW) beim Krisengipfel im Kanzleramt eine PROGNOSE—PAUSE gefordert:
20081216             "Wir haben im Kanzleramt darüber gesprochen, dass Ökonomen alle verwirren, wenn sie ständig neue Zahlen in die Welt setzen", sagte KLAUS—ZIMMERMANN der "Financial Times DEUTSCHLAND".
20081216             - mit Urteil VOM—DER Europäische Gerichtshof hat (Az.
20081216             C-524/06) entschieden, dass das DEUTSCHE—AUSLÄNDERZENTRALREGISTER gegen das... AUSLAENDER—ZENTRALREGISTER—VERSTOESST—GEGEN- grundrechte
20081216             um 17.30—UHR AUSLÄNDER—ZENTRALREGISTER verstößt gegen Grundrechte.
20081216             - Abgelegt unter Datenschutz im Staatssektor, Juristisches.
20081216—19010000    —SEIT, Von den 7—WÄRMSTEN —JAHREN entfallen —BEREITS 5—AUF das neue —JAHRTAUSEND—NÄMLICH
20081216—19950000    —SCHON, indes warnte das Magazin "Forbes", Harvard stecke "knietief in Derivaten".
20081216—20030000    —SINCE, NASA said satellite data indicated that more than 2—TRILLION TONS—OF—LAND—ICE in ALASKA—ANTARCTICA and GREENLAND are among the latest signs of global warming.
20081216—20080120    —AM, Wir gehen —DERZEIT durch die härteste Zeit —SEIT der großen Depression", betonte Obama, der das Präsidentenamt übernimmt.
20081216—20080803    —ON, pirates freed the tugboat TB Masindra 7, its attached INDONESIA—BARGE ADM1 and its 11—INDONESIA—SAILORS —AFTER 1—RANSOM was paid to end the 2.—LONGEST hostage SAGA off THE—COAST—OF—SOMALIA.
20081216—20140000    —IN, the bus driver was sentenced to —8—YEARS in prison.
20090716—20091216    —ON, Charges against 1—OF—THE—BOYS, aged 8, were dropped —AFTER 1—JUDGE ruled the boy was not competent to stand trial.
20090902—20091216    —ON, police arrested 10—MORE—MEMBERS—OF—THE—MARA 18—GANG.
20090928—20161216    —ARRESTED, Aboubacar Sidiki Diakite was, in SENEGAL for involvement in the massacre.
20091028—20091216    —ON, he was acquitted on appeal.
20091216             THE—UK—BOARD—OF—THE—UK—PAYMENTS—COUNCIL, the body for setting payment strategy in BRITAIN, agreed to 20090901             —TARGET date of 20181031             for winding up the check clearing system.
20091216             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, a $163.5—BILLION appropriations bill for labor, health and education that included the repeal of a —21—YEAR—OLD—BAN on FEDERAL—FUNDING for local programs that supply clean needles for drug users.
20091216             —VOTED, THE—USA—FEDERAL—TRADE—COMMISSION, to sue Intel Corp. over its business practices, saying it engaged in ANTI—COMPETITIVE—BEHAVIOR by abusing its dominant market position.
20091216             —CONTROLLED, Intel, over 80—PERCENT—OF—THE—CPU market and will face 1—ADMINISTRATIVE—LAW—JUDGE—IN—SEPTEMBER.
20091216             —VOTED, SOUTH—CAROLINA lawmakers, to formally rebuke GOVERNOR—MARK—SANFORD, sparing him from impeachment over secret trips to his Argentine mistress and his USE—OF—STATE—PLANES.
20091216             —REPORTED, It was, that nearly 40—PEOPLE have been arrested in VIRGINIA —THIS—WEEK on charges of dealing heroin and prescription narcotics in the suburbs of WASHINGTON, DC.
20091216             SF Mayor GAVIN—NEWSOM struck 1—DEAL with THE—USA—NAVY to acquire Treasure ISLAND for 1 guaranteed payment of $55—MILLION over several years.
20091216             Additional considerations could make the package worth over $105—MILLION to THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT.
20091216             —OPENED, LAS—VEGAS, NEVADA, the 76-acre CityCenter, at 1—COST—OF—AROUND $8.5—BILLION.
20091216             —FUNDED, It was the largest privately, construction project in AMERICA.
20091216             His commitment to the Disney company led to executive regime changes (19840000             ) and 1—REVIVAL of the studio's legendary animation unit.
20091216             BELARUS, the Nasha Niva independent newspaper said PRESIDENT—ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO has issued 1—DECREE to tighten state control over THE—INTERNET.
20091216             —KILLED, DAGESTAN—RUSSIA, police, 3 suspected militants in 1—CLASH.
20091216             —FIRED, DENMARK, police, pepper spray and beat protesters with batons outside THE—UN—CLIMATE—CONFERENCE, as disputes inside left major issues unresolved —JUST—2—DAYS—BEFORE world leaders hope to sign 1—HISTORIC—AGREEMENT to fight global warming.
20091216             —CAUSED, EGYPT—ANTIQUITIES CHIEF said the wall paintings that, 1—FEUD between EGYPT and the Louvre Museum will be returned to their original location in 1—TOMB in LUXOR.
20091216             FRANCE—FINANCE—MINISTER—CHRISTINE—LAGARDE said FRANCE will follow BRITAIN and slap a 50—PERCENT tax on bankers' bonuses above 27,500 euros (40,000 dollars).
20091216             —UNVEILED, GERMANY—NEW—CENTER—RIGHT—GOVERNMENT, a 20100000             budget that forecasts record debt and a 10.5—PERCENT rise in spending.
20091216             GERMANY said it is donating euro60 million ($87—MILLION) to 1—NEW—ENDOWMENT for AUSCHWITZ—BIRKENAU to preserve barracks, gas chambers and other EVIDENCE—OF—NAZI crimes at the former death camp in POLAND.
20091216             —NEEDED, The donation is half the amount experts believe is, to preserve the camp.
20091216             —ALLEGED, GHANA, 3, AL—QAEDA associates were arrested in 1—STING operation on cocaine trafficking.
20091216             LIEUTENANT—ABOUBACAR "Toumba" Diakite, 1—FORMER—AIDE to PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA—JUNTA leader Moussa Dadis Camara confessed in 1 aired radio interview to shooting the Camara OUT—OF—FEAR that he would be held to blame for the bloody quashing of 1—PRO—DEMOCRACY—RALLY.
20091216             —KILLED, INDONESIA—POLICE, Kelly Kwalik (60), 1—OF—THE—MOST active Papuan rebel commanders, sparking angry protests in 1—REGION scarred by unrest and rights abuses.
20091216             Police said they shot Kwalik —AFTER he threatened to open fire on them —DURING 1—RAID on 1—HOUSE in Timika.
20091216             —COMMANDED, Kwalik, the Free Papua Movement (OPM) in SOUTH—MIMIKA district.
20091216             —UPGRADED, IRAN TEST—FIRED 1, VERSION—OF—ITS most advanced missile, which is capable of hitting ISRAEL and parts of EUROPE, in 1—NEW—SHOW—OF—STRENGTH aimed at preventing ANY—MILITARY—STRIKE against it amid the nuclear standoff with the West.
20091216             —APPROVED, IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NURI—AL—MALIKI said THE—IRAQ—CABINET has, 1—PLAN to offer rewards of up to 85,000 dollars for TIP—OFFS about car bombs.
20091216             1—BOMB attached to 1—CAR killed 1—AWAKENING—COUNCIL—MEMBER and injured 2—OTHERS in Madain, about 14—MILES—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20091216             1—BOMB hidden inside 1—SACK left in 1—MINIBUS killed 2—PASSENGERS and wounded 6—OTHERS—MID—AFTERNOON in BAGHDAD—NORTH—KAZIMIYAH neighborhood.
20091216             —RAIDED, MEXICO, 200—SAILORS, 1—UPSCALE apartment complex and killed 1—REPUTED—MEXICO—DRUG—CARTEL—CHIEF in a —2—HOUR—GUNBATTLE.
20091216             ARTURO—BELTRAN—LEYVA, the "BOSS—OF—BOSSES," and 3—MEMBERS—OF—HIS—CARTEL were slain in the shootout in CUERNAVACA.
20091216             Beltran Levya was 1—OF 5—BROTHERS who SPLIT from the Sinaloa Cartel several years ago and aligned themselves with Los Zetas, 1—GROUP—OF—FORMER—SOLDIERS hired by the rival Gulf Cartel as hit men.
20091216             The severed heads of 6—STATE—POLICE—INVESTIGATORS were found at 1—PUBLIC plaza in Cuencame, DURANGO state.
20091216             —KILLED, MYANMAR, 6—PEOPLE were, and 12 injured —WHEN 1—TIME—BOMB exploded in Karen state.
20091216             —ANNOUNCED, NIGERIA—AUTHORITIES, the creation of 5—COMMITTEES that will address oil, environmental and disarmament issues, —FOLLOWING 1—AMNESTY in THE—SOUTH—NIGER Delta.
20091216             1—PAKISTAN—COURT struck down 1—AMNESTY protecting PRESIDENT—ASIF—ALI—ZARDARI and other politicians from possible prosecution for corruption.
20091216             —AGREED, PARAGUAY, PRESIDENT—FERNANDO—LUGO—LAWYER said Lugo has, to take 1—DNA test —FOLLOWING 1—JUDICIAL—REQUEST presented by Hortensia Damiana Moran (40), the 3. woman to claim he fathered her child.
20091216             —ROLLED, PERU, 1—STORM—LOOSENED wave of mud and rocks, through THE—STREETS—OF—AYACUCHO in THE—PERU—ANDES, killing at least 9—PEOPLE—WHILE destroying homes and cars.
20091216             † YEGOR—GAIDAR, —53—JAHRE—ALT, RUSSIA—ECONOMIST and former acting PRIME—MINISTER (19920000             ), at his MOSCOW—AREA—HOME.
20091216             YEGOR—GAIDAR oversaw RUSSIA—PAINFUL—ECONOMIC—TRANSITION from communism to the free market in the 1990s.
20091216             —GAINED, SOUTH—AFRICA—FORMER—HEALTH—MINISTER—MANTO—TSHABALALA—MISS—IMANG, notoriety for her dogged promotion of lemons, garlic and olive oil to treat AIDS.
20091216             —KILLED, SOUTH—KOREA, at least 14—ELDERLY—PEOPLE were, and 17 injured —WHEN their bus plunged off 1—MOUNTAIN—ROAD.
20091216             —ORDERED, VIETNAM said it has, submarines and fighter jets from RUSSIA, its former communist ally, in 1—DEAL reportedly worth HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS.
20091216—20090101    —ON, BANK—OF—AMERICA—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS chose banking CHIEF—BRIAN—MOYNIHAN to replace KEN—LEWIS as CEO.
20091216—20091218    —ON, Oumar Issa, Harouna Toure and Idriss Abelrahman were soon transferred to THE—USA and were charged with conspiring to engage in NARCO—TERRORISM.
20091222—20091216    —IN—THE, MEXICO, assailants gunned down the mother, aunt and siblings of Melquisedet Angulo (30), 1—MARINE killed raid that took out ARTURO—BELTRAN—LEYVA, 1—OF—MEXICO—MOST powerful cartel leaders.
20100704—20101216    —SENTENCED, HARRIS—MOORE was, to over 7½ years in prison.
20100823—20101216    —ON, MANILA said it will pay compensation to the families of 8—HONG—KONG tourists killed —DURING the botched hostage rescue.
20101216             PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA said THE—USA will start withdrawing USA—TROOPS from AFGHANISTAN in July as promised.
20101216             —WARNED—OF, He still, sobering days, saying the war will remain a "very difficult endeavor".
20101216             † 4—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS, overnight in 1—NATO—AIR strike in Helmand province.
20101216             THE—USA—FDA said it was beginning the process to rescind Avastin's accelerated approval in breast tumors.
20101216             —ERECTED, The big set of sand barriers, by LOUISIANA—GOVERNOR to protect the coastline at the height of the Gulf oil spill was criticized by 1—PRESIDENTIAL—COMMISSION as 1—COLOSSAL, $200—MILLION—WASTE—OF—BP—MONEY so far.
20101216             —ARRESTED, USA—AUTHORITIES said 7—PEOPLE have been, —FOLLOWING the seizure of nearly 11—TONS—OF—MARIJUANA, valued at $22—MILLION, packed into railroad cars from MEXICO and destined to CHICAGO.
20101216             —APPROVED, THE—CALIFORNIA—AIR—RESOURCES—BOARD, the creation of the nation's 1. BROAD—BASED program to put 1—CAP on green house gas emissions.
20101216             CALIFORNIA, Rohayent Gomez (13) was shot and paralyzed by police officer VICTOR—ABARCA as the boy held 1—REPLICA gun.
20101216             —SEIZED, Prosecutors in ATLANTA—GEORGIA, said they have, 700,000 TABS—OF—ECSTASY and charged DEVON—SAMUELS, 1—USA—CUSTOMS and Border Protection agent, along with 13—OTHERS in 1—LARGE—SCALE—DRUG trafficking scheme.
20101216             —SCOURED, NEW—YORK police, a 10-mile stretch of 1—LONG—ISLAND—BEACH—ACCESS—ROAD where 4—BODIES were discovered —THIS—WEEK.
20101216             —EXECUTED, OKLAHOMA, JOHN—DAVID—DUTY, —58—JAHRE—ALT using 1—DRUG—COMBINATION that included the sedative pentobarbital, commonly used to euthanize animals.
20101216             —STRANGLED, Duty had, 1—CELLMATE nearly —1—DECADE—AGO.
20101216             1—FEDERAL—INDICTMENT said 1—TEXAS couple, Najmeh Vahid and DOCTOR—HOSSEIN—LAHIJI, and THE—HEAD—OF—1—OREGON charity secretly sent MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS to 1—IRAN—BANK and to 1—CONTACT in IRAN —FOR—9—YEARS, violating 1—USA—EMBARGO.
20101216             —FUNNELED, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—CHARITY, Mehrdad Yasrebi, allegedly, money that was meant for food and other assistance to his cousin and to 1—BANK controlled by THE—IRAN—GOVERNMENT.
20101216             —BLASTED, Astronauts from THE—USA, RUSSIA and ITALY, off in 1—SOYUZ spacecraft from KAZAKHSTAN on 1—MISSION to THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20101216             BANGLADESH, Salauddin Quader Chowdhury, 1—KEY—FIGURE in the opposition BANGLADESH Nationalist Party, was arrested.
20101216             —EMERGED, Allegations soon, that security forces tortured Chowdhury —DURING interrogations.
20101216             BELGIUM, NATO—SECRETARY—GENERAL—ANDERS Fogh Rasmussen, speaking at 1—GROUNDBREAKING ceremony for 1—NEW—NATO—BUILDING, said the new structure is essential to meet the demands of 1—RAPIDLY changing security environment.
20101216             —DOMINATED, His unseating by 1—LEGISLATURE, by Morales supporters left opposition governors in CONTROL—OF—JUST 2—OF—BOLIVIA—9—PROVINCES.
20101216             LONDON—HIGH—COURT upheld 1—DECISION to release WikiLeaks FOUNDER—JULIAN—ASSANGE, under strict conditions, as he fought extradition to SWEDEN over alleged sex crimes.
20101216             CHINA—GENERAL—ADMINISTRATION—OF—QUALITY—SUPERVISION, Inspection and Quarantine said in 1—STATEMENT that it has banned poultry and poultry product imports from MANITOBA—CANADA, —AFTER 1—OUTBREAK—OF—LOW—PATHOGENIC—H5N2 bird flu there.
20101216             —URGED, Human Rights Watch, THE—EU to stop returning migrants and asylum seekers to UKRAINE, saying that they faced abuse and torture in THE—FORMER—SOVIET—REPUBLIC.
20101216             —FILED, Lawyers said 1—FRANCE—JUDGE has, preliminary charges against 6—PEOPLE—CLOSE to PRESIDENT—PAUL—KAGAME—OF—RWANDA over 19940000             —THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—THE—COUNTRY—THEN—PRESIDENT in 1—MISSILE—ATTACK on his plane.
20101216             —IDENTIFIED, The remaining 3 were, as JACOB—TUMWINE, SAM—KAKA and Franck Nziza.
20101216             INDIA—HERO—GROUP said it was ending a —26—YEAR—OLD—JOINT—VENTURE with Honda Motor and buying out THE—JAPAN—FIRM'S—STAKE in the biggest INDIA—MOTORCYCLE manufacturer by sales.
20101216             —EXPLODED, IRAQ, bombs hidden in trash cans, near 1—GROUP—OF—PILGRIMS in 1—TOWN—NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD, killing 2—PEOPLE as MILLIONS—OF—SHIITES headed to ceremonies to mark Ashura, —1—DAY—OF—MOURNING.
20101216             KARBALA provincial council CHIEF—MOHAMMED—AL—MUSSAWI said "We were able to destroy 14—TERRORIST—CELLS and arrest 73—PEOPLE, including 37 wanted persons".
20101216             THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY said THE—AIR—FORCE has shot down 1—SUSPICIOUS—OBJECT, "apparently 1—BALLOON," hovering over SOUTH—ISRAEL, where its main nuclear reactor is located.
20101216             IVORY—COAST, gunfire and explosions shook ABIDJAN as supporters and security forces loyal to THE—2—MEN claiming to be PRESIDENT clashed.
20101216             1—ATTEMPT by Alassane OUATTARA—PEOPLE to march on the state television building left about 20—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20101216             —SUSPENDED, MALAYSIA—OPPOSITION—LEADER—ANWAR Ibrahim and 3—OF—HIS—ALLIES were, from PARLIAMENT —FOR—6—MONTHS in votes that triggered pandemonium and 1—OPPOSITION walkout.
20101216             —PULLED, Masked men, up in 1—CAR in FRONT—OF—THE—GOVERNOR—OFFICE—IN—CHIHUAHUA.
20101216             1 appeared to exchange words with ANTI—CRIME crusader Marisela Escobedo Ortiz, who was holding 1—VIGIL outside.
20101216             She tried to flee by running across the street, but the gunman chased her down and shot her in the head.
20101216             3—JUDGES ordered the release of the main suspect in the daughter's killing —AFTER he was absolved by 1—COURT—IN—APRIL for LACK—OF—EVIDENCE.
20101216             —RESULTED, The scandal, in THE—SUSPENSION—OF—THE—JUDGES.
20101216             —ABDUCTED, MEXICO, some 50—100—MIGRANTS were reportedly, by 1 armed group that stopped 1—FREIGHT train they were traveling on as it entered OAXACA state from the border STATE—OF—CHIAPAS.
20101216             NIGERIA, Pentecostal pastor JOHN—NADREW, —46—JAHRE—ALT was given —3—YEARS and —8—MONTHS—AFTER security agents found 1—AK 47—RIFLE and 5—PISTOLS in his house in Dot village —DURING 1—RAID—LAST—MONTH.
20101216             —WOUNDED, PAKISTAN, 16—PEOPLE were, 2—CRITICALLY, —WHEN 1—ASSAILANT threw 1—EXPLOSIVE device at Shiite Ashoura procession.
20101216             1—USA—MISSILE—STRIKE killed 7—MILITANTS in the Spin Drand AREA—OF—KHYBER close to THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER.
20101216             —ASKED, PALESTINE—NEGOTIATOR—NABIL Shaath said he has, representatives of several EU countries to recognize the truce lines —BEFORE 19670000             —THE—MIDEAST war as the borders between ISRAEL and 1—PALESTINE—STATE.
20101216             RUSSIA—CARDIOLOGIST—IVAN—KHRENOV told PRIME—MINISTER—PUTIN —DURING 1—LIVE—CALL—IN show that his bosses instructed doctors and nurses to show fake pay slips and pose as recovering patients surrounded by new equipment —DURING the premier's —NOVEMBER visit to 1—HOSPITAL in THE—CENTRAL—TOWN—OF—IVANOVO.
20101216             —TELEVISED, PUTIN—VISIT to the hospital was nationally, —JUST like THE—CALL—IN show where Khrenov made his claims.
20101216             —ATTACKED, SAUDI—ARABIA, HUNDREDS—OF—SUNNI—HARD—LINERS in Medina, those participating in the commemorations, known as Ashura.
20101216             THE—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—CHIEF said that SUDAN is blocking aid workers from entering the country AHEAD—OF—NEXT—MONTH—REFERENDUM on INDEPENDENCE for the south.
20101216             —ADOPTED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, Resolution 19600000             , which called for 1—END to all acts of sexual violence.
20101216             —ASKED, THE—SECRETARY—GENERAL was, to include information on parties suspected to be responsible for acts of rape or other acts of sexual violence, which the Council would use to engage with the parties or take action against them.
20101216             1—FIERCE fight in UKRAINE—PARLIAMENT sent at least 6—LAWMAKERS to the hospital with concussions, 1 fractured jaw and multiple bruises, setting 1—NEW—LOW for THE—OFTEN—TUMULTUOUS—BODY.
20101216             PRO—TYMOSHENKO legislators had been blocking legislative work all —DAY, protesting 1—CORRUPTION—PROBE against her.
20101216             1—VIETNAM—REGISTERED fishing boat, named Phu Tan, capsized off THE—CHINA—COAST leaving 27—FISHERMEN missing.
20101216             ZIMBABWE, RAPHAEL—KHUMALO, CHIEF executive at THE—ZIMBABWE—STANDARD said 1. lady GRACE—MUGABE, —45—JAHRE—ALT has filed a $15—MILLION—LAWSUIT against the independent newspaper —AFTER they published 1—STORY citing WikiLeaks cables, dating to 20080000             , alleging her involvement in illegal diamond deals.
20101216—19710000    —IN, 1—TRIBUNAL has said it has found EVIDENCE—OF—CHOWDHURY committing genocide, rape, arson and looting —DURING the bloody —9-MONTH liberation struggle against PAKISTAN.
20101216—19990000    —IN, he set up the Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center in BOSTON and then in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20101216—20020000    —ORDERED, Lorillard Tobacco Co. was, to pay $81—MILLION in punitive damages to the estate and SON—OF—1—BOSTON woman who started smoking at age 13. —1—DAY—EARLIER jurors ordered Lorillard to pay $71—MILLION in compensatory damages to WILLIE—EVANS and the estate of his mother Marie, who † of lung cancer.
20101216—20060000    —IN—LATE, MEXICO said that more than 30,000—PEOPLE have been killed in drug violence —SINCE PRESIDENT—FELIPE—CALDERON launched 1—CRACKDOWN against cartels.
20101216—20090000    —IN, The drug had global sales of $6—BILLION.
20101216—20090600    —IN, The burned and dismembered remains of ESCOBEDO—17—YEAR—OLD—DAUGHTER were found in 1—CIUDAD—JUAREZ trash bin.
20101216—20110311    —RESIGNED, The judges.
20101216—20120000    —IN, 1—JURY ruled that THE—LAPD must pay $24—MILLION to Gomez.
20101216—20150000    —IN, Completion is due.
20101216—20150000    —PRESSED, CHINA—PREMIER—WEN—JIABAO, on with 1—CHARM offensive in INDIA, offering support for NEW—DELHI—BID for 1—GREATER—ROLE in THE—UNITED—NATIONS and agreeing on 1—AMBITIOUS—TARGET—OF $100—BILLION annually in trade between the rising ASIA—POWERS.
20101218—20101216    —ASSOCIATED, MEXICO, 1—LUMBER operation, with THE—FAMILY—OF—ANTI—CRIME crusader Marisela Escobedo Ortiz, killed, was burned down in CIUDAD—JUAREZ by unknown arsonists.
201102041216         —STARTED, THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS—REPORTS that THE—EGYPT—MILITARY has, rounding up journalists,
20110212160324       Wegen wiederholter "Übergriffe" durch die Meeresschutzorganisation Sea Shepherd hat JAPAN seinen umstrittenen Walfang vorerst beendet.
20110212160449       Das Kalkül, den Walschützern könnte der Treibstoff ausgehen, ging jedoch nicht auf.
20110212160513       vielen Kritikern gelten die Aktivisten als Radikale.
20110212160522       Aktivisten als Radikale
20110212160630       deutlich härtere Linie als etwa Greenpeace,
20110212160644       Gegner der durch Spenden finanzierten Organisation werfen ihr 1—FORM—DES—ÖKOTERRORISMUS vor.
20110212160754       Nach Informationen von Greenpeace steht der Walfang auch in JAPAN selbst unter zunehmender Kritik: Abnehmende NACH—FRAGE nach Walfleisch hätte zu erheblichen
20111205—20111216    —FREED, THE—11—POLICEMEN were, and some 2—DOZEN suspected insurgents were arrested.
20111213—20111216    —ON, 3—EU police vehicles escorted the convoy —AFTER taking 1—ROUNDABOUT way through Serbia to bypass roadblocks.
20111216             —REPORTED, It was, that USA presidential candidate and TEXAS GOVERNOR—RICK—PERRY, —61—JAHRE—ALT was collecting $7,700 —1—MONTH in state pension in addition to his nearly $133,000 annual salary as GOVERNOR.
20111216             —CODED, State, permitted the double dip practice.
20111216             THE—USA—SEC brought civil fraud charges against 6—FORMER—TOP—EXECUTIVES—OF—FANNIE Mae and FREDDIE—MAC, saying they misled investors about risky subprime loans.
20111216             Zynga, 1—SF—BASED game company, went public for $10 1—SHARE, valuing the company at $1—BILLION.
20111216             —CLOSED, Shares, down 5% at $9.50.
20111216             —GUNNED, ATLANTA—GEORGIA, rapper Slim Dunkin was, down in 1—MUSIC studio as he was preparing to record 1—VIDEO.
20111216             † JENNIFER—ANDERSON, —54—JAHRE—ALT, former keyboardist and singer for the Nuns, of complications from breast and liver cancer in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20111216             —PERFORMED, JENNIFER—ANDERSON, under the name JENNIFER—MIRO with the pioneering SF punk band.
20111216             † Veteran film and television actor DAN—FRAZER, best known for his role as CAPTAIN—FRANK—MCNEIL on the 1970s television series "Kojak,", in Manhattan.
20111216             His films include "Cleopatra Jones," ''Take the Money and Run" ''GIDEON—TRUMPET" and "Deconstructing Harry".
20111216             Besides "Kojak," FRAZER—TELEVISION—APPEARANCES include "Car 54, Where Are You," ''Route 66," ''BARNEY—MILLER" and "Law & Order".
20111216             —KILLED, BAHRAIN, 1—PROTESTER was, —AFTER reportedly being hit by 1—POLICE—CAR —DURING 1—RALLY.
20111216             CHINA—GOVERNMENT gave the 1. sign that prominent civil rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng is alive, saying he would be sent to prison —FOR—3—YEARS for violating his probation.
20111216             —CONVICTED, Zhisheng, 1—ADVOCATE—OF—CONSTITUTIONAL—REFORM, was, 20060000             —IN—OF—SUBVERSION and disappeared —20—MONTHS—AGO.
20111216             —ISSUED, BEIJING city authorities, new rules requiring microbloggers to register their real names —BEFORE posting online, as THE—CHINA—GOVERNMENT tightens its grip on THE—INTERNET.
20111216             ENGLAND—HIGHEST—COURT—GRANTED—WIKILEAKS FOUNDER—JULIAN—ASSANGE permission to appeal against his extradition to SWEDEN to face rape allegations, setting the hearing —FOR—FEBRUARY 1.
20111216             —CLASHED, EGYPT—TROOPS, with petrol BOMB—THROWING protesters against military rule in CAIRO, as the worst violence in weeks overshadowed the count in the 2. phase of 1—LANDMARK general election.
20111216             —RAGED, Fighting, from dawn well into the night.
20111216             The clashes left at least 8—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20111216             —ARRESTED, Europol said police have, 112—PEOPLE in 22—COUNTRIES—AFTER 1—YEARLONG investigation into child pornography, warning that technology is making combating THE—SPREAD—OF—CHILD—ABUSE—IMAGES ever more difficult.
20111216             —NAMED, The investigation, code, "Operation Icarus," was carried out under THE—LEADERSHIP—OF—DENMARK—POLICE, due to DENMARK—EXPERTISE in analyzing THE—PEER—TO—PEER networks that were used to share files.
20111216             1—COURT—IN—PARIS charged Sosthene Munyemana, 1—RWANDA—DOCTOR living in FRANCE, on suspicion he took part in the country's 19940000             genocide.
20111216             1—SOYUZ rocket carrying 6—SATELLITES launched from FRENCH—GUIANA in THE—RUSSIAN—BUILT rocket model's 2. mission —THIS—YEAR.
20111216             It was to 1. release 1—FRENCH—EARTH—OBSERVATION—SATELLITE, Pleiades 1. Next to come would be 4—FRANCE—MICRO—SATELLITES and 1—CHILEAN—EARTH—OBSERVATION—SATELLITE was to be released last.
20111216             INDIA—STUDENT—JYOTI Amge (18), measuring —JUST 62.8—CENTIMETERS (less than 2—FOOT, 1—INCH), was confirmed as the world's shortest living woman.
20111216             —PASSED, INDONESIA—PARLIAMENT, 1—LONG—AWAITED law allowing the government to acquire land for public projects by paying compensation.
20111216             The law must be signed by THE—PRESIDENT within —30—DAYS—BEFORE taking effect.
20111216             —ANNOUNCED, JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER—YOSHIHIKO—NODA, that the country's FUKUSHIMA DAI—ICHI TSUNAMI—DAMAGED nuclear plant has achieved 1—STABLE—STATE—OF "cold shutdown," 1—CRUCIAL—STEP toward the eventual LIFTING—OF—EVACUATION—ORDERS and CLOSING—OF—THE—PLANT.
20111216             † In KAZAKHSTAN at least 15—PEOPLE in 1—CLASH with police in THE—CITY—OF—ZHANAOZEN.
20111216             The city had been the site of 1—SIT—IN by oil workers seeking higher wages.
20111216             —FIRED, MANY—OF—THOSE workers were, over the —SUMMER.
20111216             —JAILED, Opposition leader VLADIMIR—KOZLOV was —LATER, on TRUMPED—UP charges of fomenting the turmoil.
20111216             KUWAIT—RIOT—POLICE used tear gas and water cannons to disperse HUNDREDS—OF—STATELESS—PROTESTERS, known as bidoon, who were demanding citizenship and other basic rights.
20111216             Under KUWAIT—LAW, only citizens have the right to hold public gatherings.
20111216             —AGREED, KYRGYZSTAN, 4—PARTIES, to form 1—BROAD—COALITION—GOVERNMENT, 1—DEVELOPMENT that could create MUCH—NEEDED political stability.
20111216             MALAYSIA—SHIPBUILDER Boustead Naval Shipyard says it has won a 9.0—BILLION ringgit ($2.8—BILLION) deal from KUALA—LUMPUR for 6—NAVAL—PATROL—VESSELS developed by FRANCE—MANUFACTURER—DCNS.
20111216             MEXICO, 1—MARINE—OFFICER, his 2—SONS, also marines, and his wife disappeared in THE—WEST—STATE—OF—GUERRERO.
20111216             THE—NETHERLANDS, 1—LONG—AWAITED report said THOUSANDS—OF—CHILDREN suffered sexual abuse in HOLLAND—CATHOLIC—INSTITUTIONS over the past —65—YEARS, and church officials knew about the abuse but failed to adequately address it or help the victims.
20111216             —DECIDED, JUDGES—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT—AT—THE—HAGUE, not to charge RWANDA—REBEL—LEADER—CALLIXTE Mbarushimana (48) for crimes committed in the Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO and ordered his release.
20111216             —OPENED, NIGERIA, 1—GUNMEN, fire on 1—POLICE—CHECKPOINT on the outskirts of KANO, resulting in 1—SHOOTOUT which left 1—POLICEMAN—DEAD and another seriously wounded.
20111216             † In GAZA 1—MAN from heavy machine gun fire on the border between THE—GAZA—STRIP and ISRAEL.
20111216             1—ISRAEL—MILITARY spokeswoman said soldiers on patrol in the area heard explosions, and 1—TANK responded with gunfire toward "suspicious locations".
20111216             —IDENTIFIED, Family members, the victim as Nafez Nabhein (35), 1—BEDOUIN CIVIL—FROM the Bureij refugee camp.
20111216             —GAINED, RUSSIA, approval to join the World Trade Organization (WTO).
20111216             —JOINED, SOUTH—KOREA, 1—FRESH multinational effort to press IRAN to scrap its suspected nuclear weapons program, adding more than 100—NAMES to 1—FINANCIAL—BLACKLIST—OF—IRAN—FIRMS and individuals.
20111216             —OPENED, SYRIA—SECURITY—FORCES, fire on ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS—AFTER—FRIDAY prayers at several locations —AROUND the country, —WHILE the army sent reinforcements into 1—SOUTHERN—AREA where military defectors —RECENTLY launched deadly attacks on regime troops.
20111216             At least 10—PEOPLE were left dead.
20111216             —DEMONSTRATED, YEMEN, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS, across the country rejecting 1—AMNESTY given to PRESIDENT—ALI—ABDULLAH—SALEH against prosecution in 1—DEAL that eases him OUT—OF—OFFICE.
20111216             —SUSPENDED, ZIMBABWE state media said the national airline has, flights to SOUTH—AFRICA OVER 1—DEBT—OF $500,000, fearing creditors might impound more of its planes.
20111216—20090000    —FACED, Mbarushimana, 13—COUNTS—OF—WAR—CRIMES and crimes against humanity allegedly committed in DR CONGO—KIVU provinces.
20111216—20110113    —ARRESTED, Several suspects were, and confessed to kidnapping them at 1—FAKE checkpoint and killing them.
20111216—20111211    —FROM, IVORY—COAST, final election results said OUATTARA—RALLY—OF—REPUBLICANS (RDR) won 127—OF—THE—254—SEATS contested, with its main ally, THE—IVORY—COAST—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY (PDCI), getting 77. Turnout in the vote was 36.56—PERCENT.
20111216—20120000    —IN—EARLY, Formal membership was expected.
20111216—20120101    —ON, his brother said Gao has been imprisoned in Shaya prison in the far WEST—REGION—OF—XINJIANG.
20121213—20121216    —ESCAPED, They, at 1—SECURITY—CHECKPOINT in Idlib province and 2—CAPTORS were killed.
20121216             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT is expressly saying that banking giants reside outside of — above — THE—RULE—OF—LAW, that they will not be punished —WHEN they get caught RED—HANDED committing criminal offenses for which ordinary people are imprisoned —FOR—DECADES.
20121216             "But they are not the Sinaloa cartel".
20121216             "Even though you have been involved in drugs and drug dealing,' JUDGE—VINSON told MISS GEORGE, 'your role has basically been as 1—GIRLFRIEND and bag holder and money holder but not actively involved in the drug dealing, so certainly in my judgment it does not warrant 1—LIFE—SENTENCE.'
20121216             "HSBC was 1—VITAL—PLAYER,"he said.
20121216             "I don't think anyone is alleging that HSBC was THE—MASTERMIND—OF—THE—SCHEME,"he said.
20121216             "I remember my mom crying out and asking the Lord why,' said MISS GEORGE, —NOW 42, in 1—INTERVIEW at THE—FEDERAL—CORRECTIONAL—INSTITUTION in TALLAHASSEE.
20121216             "It has become 1—VIRTUAL consensus among the elites that their members are so indispensable to THE—RUNNING—OF—USA—SOCIETY that vesting them with immunity from PROSECUTION—EVEN for the most egregious CRIMES—IS not only in their interest but in our interest, too.
20121216             "It is simply too disruptive, distracting, and unjust, we are told, to subject them to the burden of legal consequences".
20121216             "Patriot"-Stationierung: IRAN wirft NATO KRIEG—TREIBEREI vor
20121216             "THESE—DAYS they rarely sue individuals in ANY—MEANINGFUL—WAY—WHEN the entity will settle.
20121216             "Wir waren in der Lage, den Großteil der angeblich unentwirrbarren Brieftaubenbotschaft zu knacken", sagte der Historiker.
20121216             "Yet the judge had no other option on that —MORNING—15—YEARS—AGO.
20121216             "facilitat[ing] money laundering by MEXICO—DRUG—CARTELS";and
20121216             "mov[ing] tainted money for SAUDI—ARABIA—BANKS tied to terrorist groups".
20121216             'Sometimes I still can't believe myself it could happen in AMERICA.'"
20121216             1—WEG zur Verwirklichung des Gemeinwohls und des Friedens ist vor allem die Achtung vor dem menschlichen Leben, unter seinen vielfältigen Aspekten gesehen, von seiner Empfängnis an, in seiner Entwicklung und —BIS zu seinem natürlichen Ende.
20121216             —18—JAHRE—ALTER festgenommen: POLIZEI verhindert AMOK—LAUF—IN—OKLAHOMA
20121216             4. LA—TEST EURO—ZONE summit ends in stalemate
20121216             1—COMPLEX—SCHEME known as the black market peso exchange (BMPE) was used to launder the cash.
20121216             AMOK—LAUF—IN—NEWTOWN: Aufregung um angebliche BOMBENDROHUNG—GEGEN—KIRCHE
20121216             Aber kennt ihr auch —SCHON "Too Big To Jail"?
20121216             Das ist DAS—FAZIT im HSBC—FALL.
20121216             Allerdings habe DIE—NACHRICHT nicht vollständig entschlüsselt werden können.
20121216             And obviously, if THE—USA—GOVERNMENT would not prosecute these banks on the ground that they're too big and important, it WOULD—YET AGAIN, or rather STILL—NEVER let them fail.
20121216             —NOTED, As THE—GUARDIAN—NILS—PRATLEY, "the sum represents about —4—WEEKS' earnings given THE—BANK—PRE—TAX—PROFITS—OF $21.9bn —LAST—YEAR".
20121216             —ARGUED, As but 1—EXAMPLE, "an HSBC executive at 1—POINT, that THE—BANK should continue working with THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—AL—RAJHI bank, which has supported AL—QAEDA".
20121216             —STUNNED, As her, family watched, MISS GEORGE, then 27, who had never been ACCUSED—OF—VIOLENCE, was led from THE—COURTROOM to serve 1—SENTENCE—OF—LIFE without parole.
20121216             As THE—NYT—NOTES—AND read her whole story to get the full flavor of IT—THIS is commonplace for the poor and for minorities IN—THE—USA—JUSTICE—SYSTEM.
20121216             Aside from the grotesque injustice, the signal it sends is as clear as it is destructive: you are free to commit whatever crimes you want without FEAR—OF—PROSECUTION.
20121216             Auch die natürliche Struktur der Ehe als VERBINDUNG—ZWISCHEN—1—MANN und 1—FRAU muß anerkannt und gefördert werden gegenüber den Versuchen, sie rechtlich gleichzustellen mit radikal anderen FORMEN—DER—VERBINDUNG
20121216             Aus Gründen der Fairness müssen DIE—MEDIEN —JETZT den FUNDI—MOSLEMS gleich viel Aufmerksamkeit widmen wie euch.
20121216             BANKEN—REGULIERUNG: USA—NOTEN—BANK schwenkt auf BASEL—III—KURS um
20121216             BERLUSCONI—COMEBACK: Partei uneins über Kandidatur ihres Vorsitzenden
20121216             Brieftaube mit Geheimbotschaft: Historiker knackt WELT—KRIEG—CODE
20121216             But here we have in undeniable clarity not merely proof of exactly how THIS—SYSTEM—FUNCTIONS, but also the rotted and fundamentally corrupt precept on which it's based: that SOME—ACTORS are simply too important and too powerful to punish criminally.
20121216             BÖRSEnrally: SCHWELLENLAND—BÖRSEN kommen in Schwung
20121216             CO—CHEF—DER—DEUTSCHE—BANK: Fitschen beschwerte sich bei BOUFFIER über Razzia
20121216             Chirurgie: Kinder könnten bald von künstlichen Herzmuskeln profitieren
20121216             DIE—NACHRICHT belegt laut Young, daß der Fallschirmspringer WILLIAM—STOTT hinter die feindlichen Linien gelangt war.
20121216             DOJ officials unblinkingly insist that THE—BANKING giant is too powerful and important to subject to THE—RULE—OF—LAW
20121216             —GEHÖRT, Da wächst zusammen, was zusammen.
20121216             —GEMACHT, Das habt ihr ja toll, liebe FUNDI—CHRISTEN.
20121216             Demnach sollte er den MILITÄRstrategen helfen, die sogenannte D—DAY—OFFENSIVE der Alliierten —SOMMER—IM, 19440000             ZU—STEUERN.
20121216             DER—EXPERTE Gord Young knackte den Code dank 1—ALTEN Handbuchs der Royal ArTILLEry.
20121216             —ZITIERT, Der ORIGINAL—ARTIKEL, DIE—BEGRÜNDUNG so: Der art.
20121216             (vom immer wieder lesenswerten GLENN—GREENWALD) vergleicht das Ergebnis für DIE—BANKSTER (keines, DIE—BANK zahlt aus ihren Profiten 1—PAAR Peanuts Strafe) mit den Ergebnissen für normale Menschen unter ähnlichen Anklagepunkten.
20121216             Diese Grundsätze sind keine Glaubenswahrheiten, noch sind sie nur 1—ABLEITUNG aus dem RECHT—AUF—RELIGIONS—FREIHEIT.
20121216             Dieses hatte 1—VETERAN des
20121216             Eigenheime: MILLIARDENschäden durch Pfusch und BETRUG am Bau
20121216             FRANKREICH: Zehntausende demonstrieren für HOMO—EHE
20121216             H&M COMES under pressure to act on CHILD—LABOUR cotton
20121216             HIGH—STREET discount wars begin on biggest retail WEEKEND—HOMO—EHE schlecht!
20121216             Warum?
20121216             HOUSE—SPEAKER—JOHN—BOEHNER has offere...
20121216             HS BC, BRITAIN—BIGGEST bank, said it was "profoundly sorry"for what it called "past mistakes"that allowed terrorists and narcotics traffickers to move billions —AROUND THE—FINANCIAL—SYSTEM and circumvent USA banking laws.
20121216             HSBC—RECORD $1.9bn fine preferable to prosecution, USA—AUTHORITIES insist
20121216             HSBC, too big to jail, is the new poster child for USA 2—TIERED justice system
20121216             —DECIDED, Had THE—USA—AUTHORITIES, to press criminal charges, HSBC would almost certainly have lost its banking licence IN—THE—USA, THE—FUTURE—OF—THE—INSTITUTION would have been under threat and the entire BANKING—SYSTEM would have been destabilised.
20121216             How this glaringly disparate, and explicitly STATUS—BASED, treatment under the criminal law does not produce serious social unrest is mystifying
20121216             INNEN—MINISTER—FRIEDRICH will mehr Videoüberwachung: ALLE—GEGEN—DIE—UNION
20121216             If this HSBC gift makes more manifest this radical corruption, then it will at least have achieved SOME—GOOD.
20121216             If you're Muslim and your conduct gets anywhere near helping 1—TERRORIST—GROUP, even by accident, you're going to prison for 1—LONG, long time.
20121216             In fact, powerless, obscure, LOW—LEVEL—EMPLOYEES are routinely sentenced to long prison terms for engaging in relatively petty money laundering schemes, unrelated to terrorism, and on 1—SCALE that is 1—TINY—FRACTION—OF what HSBC and its senior officials are alleged to have done.
20121216             —APPLIED, It's, to powerful political and private sector actors alike.
20121216             KRITIK—AN—NEUROSCANS: "HIRN—FORSCHER sollten nicht überreizen"
20121216             Klar, sicher doch, was könnte 1—GRÖßERE GEFAHR—FÜR—DEN Frieden sein als 2—SICH liebende Menschen!1!!
20121216             MUTTER—DES—AMOKSCHÜTZEN: Waffen waren ihre Leidenschaft
20121216             MUTTER—DES—NEWTOWN—ATTENTÄTERS: "Sie war 1—GROßER, sehr großer Waffenfan"
20121216             NORTH—CAROLINA, Neuer USA—AUßEN—MINISTER—KERRY: OBAMAs 2. Wahl
20121216             Nur falls jemand dachte, der wird vielleicht mit dem hohen Alter weniger schlimm.
20121216             Officials defend decision not to prosecute in MONEY—LAUNDERING[GELD—WÄSCHE] case despite HSBC's 'blatant failure' to implement controls
20121216             —RECEIVED, Over THE—PAST —4—YEARS, THE—CIA and NSA have, the same gift, as have top Executive Branch officials, as has the telecom industry, as has MOST—OF—THE—BANKING industry.
20121216             Over THE—LAST—YEAR, FEDERAL—INVESTIGATORS found that 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST—BANKS, HSBC, spent years committing serious crimes, involving money laundering for terrorists;
20121216             PARLAMENTS—WAHLEN: JAPAN steht vor MACHT—WECHSEL
20121216             Prosecutions, courtrooms, and prisons, it's HINTED—AND sometimes even explicitly STATED—ARE for the rabble, like THE—STREET—SIDE—DRUG peddlers we occasionally glimpse from our car windows, not for the political and financial leaders who manage our nation and fuel our prosperity.
20121216             Pygmäen in KAMERUN: Melodie des Urwalds
20121216             Rather it was their "incredibly lax"monitoring that was to blame.
20121216             SYRIEN—ASSAD kann CHEMIE—WAFFEN binnen —STUNDEN einsetzen
20121216             SCHUL—MASSAKER—IN—NEWTOWN: 1—AMOKSCHÜTZE, 27—OPFER -, noch kein Motiv bekannt
20121216             SHOOTER—MOTHER had 'HEART—OF—GOLD'
20121216             Sie sind in die menschliche Natur selbst eingeschrieben, mit der VERNUNFT erkennbar und so der gesamten Menschheit gemeinsam.
20121216             Solch 1 -EINSATZ ist um so nötiger, je mehr diese Grundsätze geleugnet oder falsch verstanden werden, denn das stellt 1—BELEIDIGUNG der Wahrheit des Menschen dar, 1—SCHWERE Verletzung der Gerechtigkeit und des Friedens.
20121216             —LOOKED, THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT had, at the "collateral consequences"to prosecuting THE—HSBC or taking away its USA banking licence.
20121216             That the most powerful actors should be immunized from THE—RULE—OF—LAW—NOT merely treated better, but fully IMMUNIZED—IS 1—CONSTANT, widely affirmed precept in USA—JUSTICE.
20121216             The fine for HSBC came —1—DAY—AFTER—STANDARD—CHARTERED paid £415m to USA—REGULATORS, and as banks such as Royal BANK—OF—SCOTLAND and UBS brace for 1—WAVE—OF—FINES in coming days for attempting to rig THE—LIBOR—INTER—BANK lending —RATE—FOLLOWING the £290m penalty levied on BARCLAYS In ;;06;;
20121216             —IMMUNIZED, These are the same officials who PREVIOUSLY, BUSH—ERA torturers and warrantless eavesdroppers, telecom giants, and WALL—STREET—EXECUTIVES, even as they continue to persecute whistleblowers at record rates and prosecute ordinary CITIZENS—PARTICULARLY poor and MINORITIES—WITH extreme harshness even for trivial offenses.
20121216             This is largely 1—FUNCTION—OF—RESOURCE constraints, but also risk aversion, and 1—WILLINGNESS to take the course of least resistance,"h
20121216             —UNCOVERED, Those investigations, substantial evidence "that senior bank officials were complicit in the illegal activity".
20121216             —DEFENDED, USA—AUTHORITIES, their decision not to prosecute HSBC for accepting the tainted money of rogue states and drug lords —ON—TUESDAY, insisting that a $1.9bn fine for 1—LITANY—OF—OFFENCES was preferable to the "collateral consequences"of taking THE—BANK to court
20121216             USA—AUßEN—MINISTER: KERRY soll HILLARY—CLINTON ablösen
20121216             USA—BUDGET—STREIT, REPUBLIKANER erwägen höhere STEUERN für Reiche
20121216             USA—WAFFENWAHN: Der nette Nachbar mit dem STURM—GEWEHR
20121216             Umfrage, Ossis halten Wessis für arrogant
20121216             Unsurprisingly, "the steady upward PROGRESS—OF—HSBC—SHARE—PRICE—SINCE the scandal exploded in ;;07;; was unaffected —ON—TUESDAY—MORNING".
20121216             VERFASSUNGS—REFERENDUM—IN—ÄGYPTEN—MUSLIM—BRÜDER sehen sich —SCHON als Sieger
20121216             VIRUSinfektion: HILLARY—CLINTON erlitt GEHIRNerschütterung
20121216             WAHLEN—IN—JAPAN: Hardliner feiert Comeback
20121216             Was haben wir nicht alles für sinnlosen Bullshit am Flughafen, unsere Telefone werden abgehört und als Peilsender missbraucht, die Autos kriegen Tracker und können aus der Ferne ausgeschaltet werden (IN—DEN—USA), wir haben Biometrie in den Pässen und Ausweisen, unsere Reisen werden in DATEN—BANKEN festgehalten, unsere BANK—KONTEN samt TRANS—AKTIONEN liegen für den STAAT offen, es werden DROHNEN—KRIEGE—GEGEN—ZIELE—IN—FREMDEN Ländern geführt, DIE—POLIZEI wurde in beispielloser Art und Weise zu Eingriffen in DIE—PRIVAT—SPHÄRE und das Leben DER—MENSCHEN ermächtigt.
20121216             Widernatürlich, geradezu!
20121216             Young arbeitet am Lakefield Heritage Research im KANADISCHEN—ONTARIO.
20121216             [l] "Too Big To Fail"kennt ihr alle.
20121216             [l] Die FUNDI—MOSLEMS gucken sich gerade von den FUNDI—CHRISTEN den Kreationismus und Leugnen der EVOLUTION ab.
20121216             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE des PAPA zum Weltfriedenstages (;;01012013):
20121216             [l] Nach Amokläufen wie gerade an dieser GRUND—SCHULE —VERSUCHE ich mir immer vorzustellen, wie der öffentliche DIS—KURS und die Bereitschaft zu drastischen Einschnitten in die Lebensgewohnheiten gerade aussähe, wenn DER—TÄTER 1—ISLAMIST gewesen wäre.
20121216             AGREED—AND agreed to stringent MONITORING—THE 1.time 1—FOREIGN—BANK has agreed to such oversight.
20121216             and that is the living, breathing 2—TIERED USA—JUSTICE—SYSTEM.
20121216             DEAL—ES gab da ja den FALL—VON—OSAMAS—CHAUFFEUR, den sie —JAHRE—LANG in GUANTANAMO einsitzen hatten.
20121216             es ging um GELD—WÄSCHE für MEXIKANISCHE—DROGENKARTELLE und für BANKEN, die mit TERROR—ORGANISATIONEN zusammenarbeiten.
20121216             his pardon was for the good NOT—OF—PRESIDENT—RICHARD M, NIXON, BUT—OF—ALL—OF—USA.
20121216             his pardon was for the good NOT—OF—PRESIDENT—RICHARD M. - in 1—SCHEME that went on —FOR—DECADES.
20121216             it is truly difficult to imagine corruption and lawlessness more extreme than having THE—GOVERNMENTT explicitly place the most powerful factions above THE—RULE—OF—LAW even as it continues to subject everyone else to disgracefully harsh "justice".
20121216             mistakes.
20121216             nichts passiert? Wenn das 1—MOSLEM gewesen wäre, hätten DIE—USA —JETZT 1—NEUEN—KRIEG vom Zaun gebrochen.
20121216             PART—OF—THE—DEAL, HSBC
20121216             the consequences of 1—CRIMINAL—PROSECUTION would have been dire.
20121216             und das, meine sehr verehrten Damen und Herren, ist "Too Big To Jail".
20121216             und —JETZT? —JETZT schießt 1—WEIßER in 1—GRUND—SCHULE 20—KINDER tot, und...
20121216             und natürlich kloppt er auch nochmal gegen Abtreibung mit dem Schuh aufs Rednerpult.
20121216             we are constantly told that immunizing those with the greatest power is not for their good, but for our good, for our collective good: because it's better for ALL—OF—USA if society is FREE—OF—THE—DISRUPTIONS that come from trying to punish the most powerful, if we're FREE—OF—THE—DEPRIVATIONS that we would collectively experience if we lose their extraordinary value and contributions by prosecuting them.
20121216             we are profoundly sorry for them,
20121216             what NYT Editorial Page EDITOR—ANDREW—ROSENTHAL has accurately described as "essentially 1—SEPA—RATE—JUSTICE—SYSTEM for Muslims,"1 in which "THE—PRINCIPLE—OF due process is twisted and selectively applied, if it is applied at all".
20121216             —BÜRGER—KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN—ASSAD lässt DAMASKUS bombardieren
20121216             —FRÜHER, taten sie wenigstens noch so, als wenn DAS—GESETZ für alle gälte.
20121216             —HEUTE, nicht mehr.
20121216             —ON—TUESDAY, not only did THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT announce that HSBC would not be criminally prosecuted, but outright claimed that THE—REASON is that they are too important, too instrumental to subject them to such disruptions.
20121216             —REFERENDUM—IN—ÄGYPTEN—MURSI—GEGNER wittern BETRUG "wie bei Mubarak"
20121216             —WWII, aufbewahrt, der mit dem Historiker verwandt ist.
20121216             —ZWISCHENFALL über Kreta: Boeing von Air BERLIN ging der Sprit AUS—TOPEKA—KANSAS, Cpl.
20121216             —KILLED, DAVID—GOGIAN, —50—JAHRE—ALT and JEFF—ATHERLY (29) were, as they responded to 1—REPORT—OF—1—SUSPICIOUS—VEHICLE.
20121216             —TRIED, Officers, to negotiate with suspect DAVID—TISCARENO, —22—JAHRE—ALT—BEFORE firing tear gas into the home.
20121216             † Tiscareno was shot by police and, of his wounds the —NEXT—DAY.
20121216             —FIRED, BAHRAIN, police, tear gas at ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS who took to the streets —AFTER HAMAD—KING—OF— bin ISA—AL—KHALIFA called for unity —SUNDAY in 1—SPEECH for the kingdom's national —DAY.
20121216             —CALLED, Key EGYPT—RIGHTS—GROUPS, for 1—REPEAT of the 1. round of the constitutional referendum, alleging the vote was marred by widespread violations.
20121216             FRANCE—ACTOR—GERARD—DEPARDIEU said in 1—OPEN—LETTER that he is turning in his passport —FOLLOWING his move to TAX—FRIENDLY—BELGIUM —AFTER PRIME—MINISTER—JEAN—MARC—AYRAULT called Depardieu pathetic and unpatriotic.
20121216             GHANA—GOVERNMENT said it will abide by THE—UN—TRIBUNAL—ORDER for the immediate release of ARGENTINA—ARA—LIBERTAD navy training ship seized —2—MONTHS—AGO at the request of 1—USA—HEDGE fund.
20121216             —RAPED, INDIA, 6—MEN, medical student Jyoti Singh (23) and savagely beat her and her companion with iron rods on 1—BUS driving —AROUND NEW—DELHI, passing through several police checkpoints, —BEFORE stripping them and dumping them on THE—SIDE—OF—THE—ROAD.
20121216             IRAQ, 1—CAR—BOMB—EXPLOSION—NEAR 1—KURDISH—PARTY—OFFICE killed 2—PEOPLE in Julala, 1 disputed city NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20121216             † 6—OTHERS, in 1—SERIES—OF—BLASTS aimed at Shiite targets in KIRKUK.
20121216             —SHOWED, JAPAN, exit polls, that the conservative Liberal DEMOCRATIC—PARTY (LDP) returned to power in 1—LANDSLIDE election victory —AFTER—3—YEARS in opposition.
20121216             Hawkish FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—SHINZO—ABE will get a 2. chance to lead the nation —AFTER a —1—YEAR—STINT in 20060000—20070000.
20121216             THE—LDP with its new Komeito ally won control of 325—OF—480—SEATS in the lower HOUSE—OF—THE—DIET.
20121216             —BLOCKED, KUWAIT—SECURITY—FORCES, HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS from staging 1—RALLY outside THE—PARLIAMENT building as EMIR—SHEIK—SABAH—AL—AHMED—AL—SABAH denounced ANTI—GOVERNMENT—FACTIONS for threatening to "tear apart" the nation.
20121216             —VOTED, LIBYA—PARLIAMENT, to close the country's borders with SUDAN, NIGER and CHAD, declaring the south 1 restricted military area.
20121216             4—POLICEMEN were shot dead in THE—EAST—CITY—OF—BENGHAZI —WHEN gunmen fired ROCKET—PROPELLED grenades on 1—SECURITY compound there.
20121216             —CORNERED, PAKISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES, the last MEMBERS—OF—1—GROUP—OF—TALIBAN militants who staged 1—DEADLY—RAID on 1—AIRPORT in PESHAWAR city.
20121216             —BELIEVED, All 5, to be Uzbeks, † in the ensuing firefight.
20121216             —ACKNOWLEDGED, SOUTH—AFRICA—PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA, that corruption and violence have marred THE—IMAGE—OF—THE—AFRICA—NATIONAL—CONGRESS (ANC) under his watch, but called on members to again support him to be the political party's leader.
20121216             —ARRESTED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 4—WHITE—MEN were, and faced treason and terrorism charges over 1 alleged plot that included plans to attack the ongoing AFRICA—NATIONAL—CONGRESS—POLITICAL—PARTY—CONVENTION and kill PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA and others.
20121216             —PLEADED, CO—ACCUSED MARK—TROLLIP had —LAST—YEAR, guilty to 1—CHARGE—OF—CONSPIRACY and was also handed an —8—YEAR—JAIL—TERM.
20121216             MARTIN—KEEVY, was found mentally unfit to stand trial and charges against him were withdrawn.
20121216             Charges against Hein Boonzaaier, then the party leader, were dropped due to insufficient evidence.
20121216             SYRIA, THE—AL—TAWHEED—BRIGADE, 1—ISLAMIST—FACTION—OF—REBELS, captured the Hanano Barracks, 1—INFANTRY base in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—ALEPPO.
20121216             † AL—TAWHEED—COMMANDER, COLONEL—YOUSSEF—AL—JADER, was killed.
20121216             —BLASTED, Government warplanes, 1—PALESTINE—REFUGEE—CAMP—NEAR—DAMASCUS, killing 8—PEOPLE and wounding dozens.
20121216             Venezuelans chose governors and state lawmakers.
20121216             Voter turnout was 53%.
20121216             ZIMBABWE, mainstream Anglican Christians took back their cathedral in HARARE —AFTER 1—LOCKOUT of more than —5—YEARS staged by 1 excommunicated, breakaway BISHOP who claimed loyalty to THE—PRESIDENT—PARTY and used loyalist police to keep people out.
20121216             NEU—DELHI, wird 1 23—JÄHRIGE Inderin von 6—MÄNNERN misshandelt und vergewaltigt und stirbt FAST—2—WOCHEN—SPÄTER an den erlittenen Verletzungen.
20121216             Die Tat auslöst mehrtägige Proteste in vielen Städten Indiens und 1—WELTWEITES Medienecho.
20121216—20030900    —IN, 1—UK—MEDICAL—WATCHDOG ruled that DEREK—KEILLOH, 1—FORMER—ARMY—DOCTOR, failed to protect detainees and acted dishonestly —FOLLOWING THE—DEATH—OF—BAHA—MOUSA, 1—IRAQ—CIVIL—BEATEN and killed in the custody of UK troops.
20121216—20100000    —IN, As THE—NOBEL—PRIZE—WINNING ECONOMIST JOSEPH—STIGLITZ warned, exempting the largest banks from criminal prosecution has meant that lawlessness and "venality"is —NOW "at 1—HIGHER—LEVEL"IN—THE—USA even than that which prevailed in the pervasively corrupt and lawless privatizing era in RUSSIA.
20121216—20121218    —ON, prosecutors identified them as MARK—TROLLIP, JOHAN—PRINSLOO, MARTIN—KEEVY and Hein Boonzaaier —DURING 1—COURT hearing in BLOEMFONTEIN.
20121216—20121219    —TRIGGERED, The rapes, massive protests as police fished out the raped body of a —10—YEAR—OLD—GIRL from 1—CANAL in BIHAR state's Saharsa district.
20121216—20121229    —ON, Singh †.
20121216—20130000    —IN, 4—OF—THE—SUSPECTS were sentenced to death.
20121216—20130300    —IN, Ram Singh, the bus driver and the 5. suspect in the crime, was found hanging in his cell in Tihar prison.
20121216—20141106    —CONVICTED—OF, JOHAN—PRINSLOO was, "high treason and POSSESSION—OF—AMMUNITION" and jailed —FOR—8—YEARS.
20121216—20151220    —ON, the youngest convict from gang rape was released —AFTER fulfilling his —3—YEAR—SENTENCE in 1—REFORM—HOME.
20121229—20121216    —CHARGED, INDIA—POLICE, 6—MEN with murder, adding to accusations that they beat and GANG—RAPED 1—WOMAN on 1—NEW—DELHI bus in 1—CASE that shocked the country.
20130831             † The woman, in 1—SINGAPORE hospital —2—WEEKS—AFTER 20131216             —THE attack.
20130927—20131216    —CHARGED, Zhu was, with felony gross vehicular manslaughter.
20131216             —EVOLUTION: Warane atmen ähnlich wie Vögel und Krokodile
20131216             "Alles, was ist, wird jeden —TAG 1—WENIG älter", philosophiert Barton.
20131216             "BABY—ILLUSION": Warum das jüngste Kind immer das Nesthäkchen bleibt
20131216             "DIE—KLÄGER haben sehr hohe Chancen zu belegen, daß ihr persönliches RECHT—AUF—PRIVAT—SPHÄRE die Interessen des Staates überwiegt", urteilte LEON.
20131216             280—MILLIONEN—EURO—PAKET: COMMERZ—BANK verkauft faule Schiffskredite
20131216             3-D-Kopien: Laser rettet Bauwerke in die Ewigkeit
20131216             —VERPFLICHTET, ABKOMMEN—MIT—EU: TÜRKEI, sich zur Rücknahme illegaler Einwanderer
20131216             Aktiver Vulkan Ätna: Dutzende Flüge fallen wegen Aschewolke aus
20131216             Allerdings handelt ES—SICH bei Leons Bewertung lediglich um 1—VORLÄUFIGE —ENTSCHEIDUNG: DIE—REGIERUNG habe die Möglichkeit, Einspruch dagegen einzulegen, da "erhebliche NATIONAL—SICHERHEITS—INTERESSEN auf dem Spiel"stünden.
20131216             An dem Projekt maßgeblich beteiligt sind das SCHOTTISCHE—CENTRE for Digital Documentation and Visualisation und 1—PRIVATE AMERIKANISCHE—ORGANISATION namens CyArk.
20131216             Anlass für die harschen Worte ist 1—VORFALL vom;;1205;;im Südchinesischen Meer, der —ERST—AM—WOCHEN—ENDE bekannt wurde.
20131216             —GEÄUßERT, Auch Gysi hat sich zu dem Fall.
20131216             Bei Vögeln dagegen fließt die Luft in 1—RICHTUNG durch die Lunge und durchströmt das Organ quasi in 1—SCHLEIFE.
20131216             Bewährungsstrafe: Psychotherapeut wegen Missbrauchs von Patientinnen verurteilt
20131216             Bildertausch: Google baut die E—MAILS seiner Kunden um
20131216             CHINA betrachtete DIE—ÜBERWACHUNG als Verletzung seiner ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszone.
20131216             CHINESISCHE—MONDSONDE "Chang'e-3": "Jadehase"sendet 1. Aufnahmen zur Erde
20131216             DAS—PHÄNOMEN typisch für sogenannte Archosauria IST—ZU denen neben den ausgestorbenen DINOSAURIERn auch —DIE—HEUTE lebenden Vögel und Krokodile zählen.
20131216             DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT: BUNDES—BANK rechnet mit kräftigem Wachstum
20131216             DIE—HALLE, in der einst das SCHOTTISCHE—PARLAMENT zusammentrat und wo die Throne DER—KÖNIGE und Königinnen standen.
20131216             DIE—MASSENHAFTE DATENÜBERWACHUNG—LEON sprach von Methoden "fast Orwellschen Ausmaßes"- verstoße wahrscheinlich gegen den 4. Zusatz DER—USA—VERFASSUNG, der den PRIVAT—SPHÄRE—SCHUTZ garantiert und DIE—BÜRGER vor unverhältnismäßigen —STAAT—DURCHSUCHUNGEN schützt.
20131216             DIE—USA—REGIERUNG hat immer wieder betont, das DATEN—SAMMELN sei zulässig und führe zur ERGREIFUNG—VON—TERRORISTEN.
20131216             Da könnten wir uns —JETZT ordentlich drüber entrüsten, aber das wäre genau so heuchlerisch wie unsere Entrüstung über DIE—NSA, denn WÄHREND OST—DEUTSCHLAND durch den 2+4—VERTRAG zu 1—ATOMWAFFENFREIEN Zone erklärt wird, haben DIE—AMERIKANER ihre auf RUSSLAND zeigenden ATOM—RAKETEN in WEST—DEUTSCHLAND nie abgezogen.
20131216             Das spezielle Atemmuster von Vögeln und Krokodilen ist im Tierreich weiter verbreitet als —BISHER, vermutet —, damit möglicherweise auch FRÜHEREN—URSPRUNGS.
20131216             Den Film mit seinen neuen Erkenntnissen strahlt DIE—ARD —AN—DIESEM—MONTAG um 2355—UHR aus.
20131216             Denkmal in SÜD—AFRIKAS HAUPT—STADT: MANDELA—STATUE wacht über PRETORIA
20131216             Der Stufenbrunnen Rani ki Vav im Westen INDIENs wurde
20131216             Der CHINESISCHE—FLUGZEUGTRÄGER "Liaoning"habe sich in internationalen Gewässern auf weniger als 500—METER der USS "Cowpens"genähert, sagte 1—VERTRETER des USA—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUMS in WASHINGTON.
20131216             EDWARD—SNOWDEN, der DIE—DEBATTE mit seinen Enthüllungen angestoßen hat, kann sich —UNTERDESSEN ,weiter keine Hoffnung auf Straffreiheit machen.
20131216             EUROPA und AMERIKA: Zeitplan für HANDELS—PAKT wackelt
20131216             Eingangs konfrontierte er GENERAL ALEXANDER mit der angeblich in der Bevölkerung umgehenden Befürchtung, DIE—NSA schneide ALLE—TELEFONGESPRÄCHE—DER—USA—AMERIKANER mit und schreibe ALLE—IHRE—EMAILS ab.
20131216             1., by what right does THE—NSA offer amnesty?
20131216             GOLDMAN—SACHS—MANAGER Dibelius: Anwalt schätzt Strafe auf maximal 5000—EURO
20131216             Harmonie bei SCHWARZ—ROT, Die schrecklich nette KOALITION
20131216             Illegaler Verkauf: GROß—RAZZIA bei Pferdefleischhändlern in FRANKREICH
20131216             BÖRNERS, Dokumentation kommt 1. KLAUS—RICHTER—ZU—WORT, LANG—JÄHRIGER—MIT—ARBEITER DER—STASI—UNTERLAGEN—BEHÖRDE, der den Fall Gysi akribisch recherchiert hat: "Nicht so sehr das isolierte einzelne Aktenstück, sondern die Gesamtsicht der inneren Zusammenhänge dieser AKTEN—STÜCKE"bringe zum Vorschein, daß Gysi "kooperiert haben muss", so Richters Einschätzung.
20131216             Interne Untersuchung: HSH Nordbank soll Millionen veruntreut haben
20131216             KLON—VERBOT—DER—EU : KLONTIER—NACHFAHREN werden nicht erfasst
20131216             LAWROW in BRÜSSEL—EU—MINISTER rechnen mit PUTINs UKRAINE—POLITIK ab
20131216             Leahy und Sensenbrenner wollen wieder einfangen, was aus ihrer Sicht aus dem Ruder gelaufen ist.
20131216             Lohndumping in SICHERHEITS—FIRMEN: "Wir mussten dieselbe Matratze teilen"(KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 09:31)
20131216             MARKT—PROGNOSE—FÜR—20140000              AUTO—EXPERTEN rechnen mit Aufschwung in EUROPA
20131216             MERKELs GROKO—KABINETT: DEUTSCHLAND fällt in den Tiefschlaf
20131216             Mit anderen Worten: Das Gegenteil der —POLITIK in DEUTSCHLAND.
20131216             NSA wants 1—DEAL with SNOWDEN...?
20131216             Neuer Posten: Fritsche wird GEHEIM—DIENST—STAATS—SEKRETÄR im KANZLER—AMT
20131216             PEKING—CHINA—STAATLICHE Zeitung "THE—GLOBAL—TIMES"wirft DER—USA—MARINE vor, DIE—SICHERHEIT zu bedrohen.
20131216             PEKING stellt den Vorfall ganz anders dar: DIE—GLOBAL—TIMES berichtet unter Berufung auf 1—CHINESISCHEN—MILITÄREXPERTEN, DIE—USA—S "Cowpens"habe die mit Übungen befasste "Liaoning"verfolgt und drangSALIERt.
20131216             RAUSCHTRINK—STATISTIK: 3,3 Promille der Jugendlichen trinken sich ins Krankenhaus
20131216             STEINMEIER—NACHFOLGE: Oppermann ist neuer SPD—FRAKTION—CHEF—
20131216             Sammelklage: Google lehnt Verfahren in GROß—BRITANNIEN ab
20131216             Soldaten ÜBER—VON—DER—LEYEN: "Denken können wir doch alle"
20131216             Supposedly, THE—NSA wants to offer amnesty to ED—SNOWDEN in return for THE—DOCUMENTS he took.
20131216             UNO—BERICHT, Mehr als 1200—TOTE durch BOKO—HARAM—ANGRIFFE—IN—NIGERIA
20131216             UNO—KONVENTION missachtet: AMNESTY prangert KINDERRECHT—VERLETZUNGEN in BAHRAIN an
20131216             USA "Cowpens": CHINESISCHE—STAATSZEITUNG wirft USA—SCHIFF BE—DROHUNG vor
20131216             USA—ELITEUNIVERSITÄT: Harvard lässt 4—GEBÄUDE wegen SPRENGSTOFF—VERDACHTS evakuieren
20131216             Und —SEIT—MONATEN ermittelt die HAMBURGer STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT gegen Gysi wegen des Verdachts 1—FALSCHEN eidesstattliche Versicherung.
20131216             VERFASSUNGS—ÄNDERUNG: Kroatiens Nationalisten wollen Minderheitenrechte beschneiden
20131216             —VERSPRICHT, WAHLEN—IN—SÜD—AMERIKA: Sozialistin Bachelet, große REFORMEN—IN—CHILE
20131216             WASHINGTON, es ist das 1. Mal, daß DIE—NSA juristisch derart in die Bredouille kommt: 1—USA—BUNDES—RICHTER hat das massenhafte SAMMELN—VON—TELEFON—DATEN—DES—GEHEIM—DIENST—NSA —AM—MONTAG als vermutlich VERFASSUNGS—WIDRIG bezeichnet.
20131216             WHOA! Na 1—GLÜCK, daß wir das mal aufgeklärt haben!
20131216             1—MEILENSTEIN des investigativen Journalismus.
20131216             Wegen 1—STREITS zwischen CHINA und JAPAN um 1—INSEL—GRUPPE im Südchinesischen Meer ist die Lage dort —DERZEIT, ÄUß—ERST angespannt.
20131216             Wer sich nicht erinnert: Über den FISCHEREI—AUSSCHUSS werden gerne mal unbequeme —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN getunnelt, so Sachen wie SOFTWAREpatente, den LAUSCH—ANGRIFF und ACTA.
20131216             Wirtschaftshilfe: KREML lockt UKRAINE mit MILLIARDEN—KREDIT
20131216             Zoff ums Digitale: GABRIEL drosselt INTERNET—MINISTER—DOBRINDT
20131216             Zwangsevakuierte ESSO—HÄUSER: "1—TEIL von mir ist weg"
20131216             [l] Als Antwort auf den "Raketenschirm"der USA—AMERIKANER haben DIE—RUSSEN 1—PAAR MITTELSTRECKEN—ATOM—RAKETEN stationiert.
20131216             [l] CHILE hat 1—NEUE Präsidentin.
20131216             [l] DIE—FAZ berichtet ausführlich über die PR—OFFENSIVE der NSA.
20131216             [l] Die Brüder DER—NEUEN Integrationsbeauftragten DER—BUNDES—REGIERUNG werden übrigens vom VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ beobachtet
20131216             [l] Hier geht gerade 1—SEHR bedrückender Hinweis ein.
20131216             [l] Wenig überraschend war DIE—SNOWDEN—CHARAKTERISIERUNG DER—USA—REGIERUNG kompletter Bullshit.
20131216             wird der Brunnen in allen Details mit Laserstrahlen gescannt und vermessen.
20131216             Ärger um Restaurant in ISLAMABAD: Trinken nur für AUS—LÄNDER
20131216             ÖKO—BOOM IN—DEN—USA: SIEMENS ergattert weltgrößten Auftrag für LAND—WINDPARKS
20131216             —BÜRGER—KRIEGFLÜCHTLINGE: UNO bittet um—EURO für SYRIEN—HILFE
20131216             —IM, RECHTS—STREIT—MIT—DEM NDR über die Fernsehdokumentation "DIE—AKTE Gysi"hat der RECHTS—ANWALT und OPPOSITIONS—FÜHRER des DEUTSCHEN—BUNDES—TAGES, GREGOR—GYSI, sich juristisch sehr klar festgelegt: "Ich habe zu keinem ZEIT—PUNKT über Mandanten oder sonst jemanden wissentlich und WILLENTLICH—AN—DIE—STAATS—SICHERHEIT berichtet".Gysi sagt damit, er habe zu DDR—ZEITEN nicht nur nicht als Inoffizieller MIT—ARBEITER (IM), sondern überhaupt nicht mit DER—STASI über wen auch immer gesprochen.
20131216             —NACH, Umfrage: ZENTRAL—KOMITEE DER—DEUTSCHEN—KATHOLIKEN fordert mehr Realitätssinn
20131216             —NUN, strahlt DIE—ARD 1—DOKUMENTARFILM aus, der 1—ANDEREN Gysi zeigt.
20131216             —NUN, wiesen Biologen um Emma Schachner und C.G.
20131216             —POST und Telekom: MONOPOL—KOMMISSION rät zu Verkauf DER—STAATSANTEILE
20131216             —STREIT—UM—SCHULEN in der TÜRKEI: EX—FUßBALLSTAR Sükür verlässt ERDOGANs AKP
20131216             —ZUGLEICH sind —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—MONATEN Ärger und auch Widerstand im Kongress gewachsen, so dass Amerikas mächtiger GEHEIM—DIENST —IM—NÄCHSTEN—JAHR mit Druck von gleich mehreren Seiten rechnen dürfte.
20131216             1—USA—JUDGE struck a 1. blow against the National Security AGENCY—BULK COLLECTION—OF—PHONE—RECORDS, ruling it breaches citizens' privacy to an "almost Orwellian" degree that is probably unconstitutional.
20131216             —ANNOUNCED, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JOHN—KERRY, that THE—USA will boost maritime security assistance to THE—COUNTRIES—OF—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA amid rising tensions with BEIJING.
20131216             —TRANSFERRED, USA—OFFICIALS said 2—SAUDIS from GUANTANAMO have been, to the custody of their own government —AFTER 1—SECURITY—REVIEW.
20131216             The men are SAAD—MUHAMMAD—HUSAYN—QAHTANI, —35—JAHRE—ALT and Hamood Abdulla Hamood (48).
20131216             —FILED, Environmentalists, 1—LAWSUIT against THE—USA—NATIONAL—MARINES—FISHERIES—SERVICE to demand that it force the Navy to consider alternatives to its —5-YEAR plan that will intensify sonar use off SOUTH—CALIFORNIA and HAWAII.
20131216             —ESTIMATED, THE—NAVY had already, that its activitescould kill HUNDREDS—OF—WHALES and dolphins.
20131216             —REPORTED, Researchers, that the molten rock beneath Yellowstone National Park is 2.5—TIMES—LARGER than previously estimated.
20131216             OHIO, BOBBY—THOMPSON, —67—JAHRE—ALT, aka JOHN—DONALD—CODY, was sentenced to —28—YEARS in prison for masterminding a $100—MILLION—NAVY—VETERAN'S—CHARITY—FRAUD across THE—USA.
20131216             —INCLUDED, His more than 100—HITS, his 19700000             version of "For the Good Times," WRITTEN—BY—KRIS—KRISTOFFERSON.
20131216             —COMPLETED, AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—ABBOTT said AUSTRALIA—COMBAT troops have, their withdrawal from AFGHANISTAN, marking the end of the nation's longest war which left 40—OF—ITS—SOLDIERS—DEAD.
20131216             † BANGLADESH police opened fire on BOMB—THROWING Islamist protesters as 5—MORE—PEOPLE in clashes sparked by the execution of 1—ISLAMIST—LEADER for war crimes.
20131216             UK—PETROLEUM said it has won official approval to develop 1—KEY shale gas project in OMAN at 1—COST—OF $16—BILLION (11.6—BILLION euros).
20131216             Sources said CHINA—PRESIDENT—XI—JINPING and other party leaders have authorized 1—CORRUPTION—PROBE against ZHOU—YONGKANG, 1—FORMER—HEAD—OF—THE—DOMESTIC—SECURITY—APPARATUS.
20131216             —ROCKED, Heavy gunfire, THE—CAPITAL—OF—THE—REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO, soon —AFTER CONGO—SECURITY—FORCES encircled the home of COLONEL—MARCEL—TSOUROU —RECENTLY charged with complicity in 1—MILITARY—ARMS depot fire and explosion that claimed 200—LIVES.
20131216             —FIRED, EGYPT—SECURITY—FORCES, tear gas at DOZENS—OF—UNIVERSITY—STUDENTS outside their CAIRO campus in 1—ATTEMPT to prevent their protest from reaching the nearby defense ministry.
20131216             —PLEDGED, EUROPEAN—UNION—FOREIGN—MINISTERS, "unprecedented" amounts of political, financial and security support for ISRAEL and the Palestinians if they come to 1—PEACE—AGREEMENT.
20131216             More than 50—TOP—EUROPEAN and USA—SCIENTISTS wrote to the European Commission PRESIDENT urging him to press ahead with 1—PLAN to label tar sands as more polluting than other FORMS—OF—OIL, in defiance of intensive lobbying from CANADA.
20131216             FRANCE—POLICE made 21—ARRESTS as PART—OF—1—INVESTIGATION into claims that meat from horses used to produce ANTI—RABIES and other serums got into the food chain.
20131216             GERMANY—BASED Siemens said it has won 1—ORDER to supply 448—WIND turbines with 1—TOTAL—CAPACITY—OF—1,050 megawatts (MW) to USA—BASED MidAmerican Energy, which the engineering group said was the largest single order for onshore wind power ever awarded.
20131216             —VISITED, INDONESIA, CANADA—ACTIVIST—JEREMY—BALL, jailed INDEPENDENCE supporters in Papua —AT—THE—END—OF a —6—MONTH bicycle tour to highlight human rights concerns about the restive eastern region.
20131216             —ATTACKED, IRAQ, militants, and temporarily occupied 1—CITY—COUNCIL—HEADQUARTERS in Tikrit and assaulted 1—POLICE—STATION in Baiji, as violence across the country killed at least 54—PEOPLE.
20131216             Moncler, 1—LUXURY—GOODS manufaturer, made its debut on THE—ITALY—STOCK—EXCHANGE at ?10.20—PER share.
20131216             —DISCOVERED, MALI, 4—MORE—BODIES—OF—SOLDIERS were, bringing to 25 THE—NUMBER—OF—TROOPS believed to have been killed by the country's coup leader.
20131216             —EVACUATED, MEXICO, HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE were, —AFTER 1—EXPLOSION and fire that was caused by thieves trying to tap into 1—NATURAL—GAS—PIPELINE—OF—STATE—OIL and gas company Pemex on THE—OUTSKIRTS—OF—MEXICO—CITY.
20131216             7—PEOPLE were reported injured.
20131216             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, 1—ROADSIDE bomb, 3—MEMBERS—OF—1—BOMB—DISPOSAL—TEAM who were on their way to defuse another bomb elsewhere in THE—CITY—OF—PESHAWAR.
20131216             —KILLED, In THE—PHILIPPINES at least 22—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 1—SPEEDING commuter bus crashed off 1 elevated motorway onto 1—DELIVERY—VAN in MANILA.
20131216             —REPORTED, RUSSIA—IZVESTIA newspaper, that RUSSIA has deployed Iskander missiles with 1—RANGE—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—KILOMETERS in its Baltic Sea exclave of KALININGRAD, which borders POLAND and LITHUANIA.
20131216             —KILLED, RUSSIA said its security forces have, 4 alleged militants including THE—LEADER—OF—1—GROUP suspected of carrying out attacks on tourists and ski facilities in THE—NORTH—CAUCASUS.
20131216             —INCLUDED, THE—NATIONAL—ANTI—TERRORIST—COMMITTEE said the dead men, Arsen Khandokhov, described as THE—LEADER—OF—1—MILITANT—CELL SUSPECTED—OF—CRIMES including the killing of 2—TOURISTS and attacks on 1—SKI lift.
20131216             —UNVEILED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 1—STATUE—OF—NELSON—MANDELA was, outside the government complex in PRETORIA, —1—DAY—AFTER his funeral.
20131216             —REVEALED, It was —LATER, that sculptors ANDRE—PRINSLOO and Ruhan Janse VAN Vuuren had added 1—SMALL rabbit inside 1—EAR, said to be 1—DISCREET signature on their work.
20131216             —ORDERED, Officials soon, the rabbit removed.
20131216             —DECLARED, SOUTH—SUDAN—PRESIDENT—SALVA—KIIR, 1—CURFEW in THE—CAPITAL—JUBA —AFTER overnight clashes between rival FACTIONS—OF—SOLDIERS followed MONTHS—OF—TENSION between Kiir and his sacked deputy.
20131216             —DISGRUNTLED, Kiir said, soldiers and politicians led by ousted VICE—PRESIDENT—RIEK—MACHA had attempted to overthrow the government.
20131216             —POUNDED, SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—AIRCRAFT, opposition areas in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—ALEPPO and near the southern border with JORDAN.
20131216             —REPORTED, TURKEY—HURRIYET—DAILY—NEWS, that TURKEY has shipped 47—TONS—OF—WEAPONS to SYRIA—REBELS—SINCE June despite repeated government denials.
20131216             —SIGNED, TURKEY, 1—LONG—AWAITED deal with THE—EUROPEAN—UNION to send back people who enter the bloc illegally from its territory in exchange for talks on VISA—FREE—TRAVEL for its citizens.
20131216             —DEMANDED, UKRAINE—RULING party, 1—SWEEPING cabinet reshuffle in 1—SIGN the leadership was seeking to placate the opposition in 1—BITTER standoff over 1—REJECTED—EU pact.
20131216             —APPEALED, THE—UN, for 1—RECORD $6.5—BILLION for Syria and its neighbors to help 16—MILLION—PEOPLE, MANY—OF—THEM hungry or homeless VICTIMS—OF—1—CONFLICT that has lasted —33—MONTHS with no end in sight.
20131216             VIETNAM, Duong CHI—DUNG (19570000             *), FORMER—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—VIETNAM—MARITIME—BUREAU, FORMER—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—BOARD—MEMBERS—MARITIME—CORPORATION—VIETNAM (Vinalines), Standing MEMBER—OF—THE—PARTY—OF—BUSINESS, was sentenced to death on CHARGES—OF—EMBEZZLEMENT and —28—YEARS in prison for intentionally violating state regulations on economic management causing serious consequences.
20131216—20131230    —ON, its shares closed at ?15.80—MAKING its boss REMO—RUFFINI 1—PAPER billionaire.
20140804—20141216    —FILED, CRAWFORD—FAMILY, 1—FEDERAL—LAWSUIT charging negligence and violation of civil rights.
20141216             Unter den USA—BÜRGERN, die sich genauer mit der Untersuchung beschäftigt haben, ist die Zustimmung zu den FOLTERpraktiken mit 59 % sogar besonders groß.
20141216             Und was tun DIE—DIENSTE, wenn sie PEGIDA und co sehen?
20141216             Na denen scheint die Sonne aus dem Arsch, ist doch klar! —JAHRE—LANGE PROPAGANDA zahlt sich halt aus!
20141216             Da gießt der Überzeugungstäter MAAßEN doch gleich noch 1—FÄSSCHEN Öl ins Feuer!
20141216             Für die ist das WIN—WIN! Die können —JETZT ihren POLIZEI—STAAT nicht nur mit den angeblichen Salafisten begründen, sondern auch noch mit den PEGIDA—SPRALLOS und der Gefahr des Aufeinanderstoßens der 2—GRUPPEN.
20141216             Na viel Spaß beim SALAFISTEN—FINDEN, ihr PEGIDA—DEPPEN.
20141216             Da werdet ihr ganz schön suchen müssen.
20141216             —GEFUNDEN, Das Fernsehen hat —BISHER, wieviele, 2?
20141216             Na denen scheint die Sonne aus dem Arsch, ist doch klar!
20141216             —JAHRE—LANGE PROPAGANDA zahlt sich halt aus!
20141216             —GEFUNDEN, Das Fernsehen hat —BISHER, wieviele, 2? 3?
20141216             "Curiosity": Marsrover misst überraschende METHAN—SCHWANKUNGEN
20141216             "Das ist 1—TYPISCHES Beispiel dafür, wie moderne SKLAVEREI—IN—GROß—BRITANNIEN funktioniert", sagte 1—POLIZEI—SPRECHER.
20141216             "I'm more concerned with bad guys who got out and released than I am with 1—FEW that in fact were innocent,"he continued.
20141216             "There should be little doubt from USA—HISTORY that we consider that as torture otherwise we wouldn't have tried and convicted JAPANese for doing that same thing to Americans,"MCCAIN said —DURING 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE.
20141216             "Unsere DATEN sind deswegen so wichtig, weil sie zum 1.Mal 1—UMFASSENDES Bild davon zeichnen, wie sich GRÖNLANDs Gletsche 10—DEN vergangenen —10—JAHREN verändert haben",
20141216             "es gibt 242—AUSLASSGLETSCHER auf GRÖNLAND, die breiter als 1,5—KM sind.
20141216             1—BLOßER Hinweis auf geänderte Nutzungsbedingungen reiche nicht aus.
20141216             —GEHÖRT, Nicht —ERST—SEIT DER—CIA—FOLTEREI, 1—GEHÖRIGE Portion Selbstbetrug zum Stolz DER—USA—AMERIKANER auf ihre ach so tolle GESCHICHTE und der gleichzeitigen Hochhaltung von angeblich vorhandenen Werten wie Freiheit, Demokratie und MENSCHEN—RECHTEN.
20141216             DIE—REINSTE Heuchelei, und "Wir"als BRD eifern dem auch noch nach.
20141216             1—ZEITLICHEN Aufschub, um DIE—REGELN prüfen zu können, lehnte Google —DAMALS, ab.
20141216             16+1—GIPFEL—BELGRAD: CHINA will Märkte in OST—EUROPA erobern
20141216             43 % waren der Ansicht, diese —ENTSCHEIDUNG sei falsch.
20141216             56—PROZENT—DER—UMFRAGETEILNEHMER waren der Meinung, daß DIE—FOLTERVERHÖRE weitere ANSCHLÄGE—IN—DEN—USA verhindert HÄTTEN—NUR 28 % glaubten das nicht.
20141216             1—JAPAN—CONSTRUCTION—COMPANY, Obayashi, is continuing with plans 1.announced
20141216             1—ROBUST 8—1—MAJORITY—OF—THE—SUPREME—COURT ruled —TODAY that, contrary to folk belief, IGNORANCE—OF—THE—LAW is 1—PERFECTLY good EXCUSE—AS long as it's 1—COP who's claiming ignorance.
20141216             ANGST—VOR—STAATS—PLEITE: UKRAINE ruft EUROPA zu sofortiger FINANZ—HILFE auf
20141216             Also für Ggoogle Nutzer noch einmal: man kann Google NUTZEN—SICHER! - aber nur wenn man über die WEB—SEITE
20141216             And that is why this adminstration doesn't want to expose THE—INTELLIGENCE lies of yesteryear.
20141216             THE—WARMONGERS don't want to call into question the credibility of those who tell similar lies —TODAY.
20141216             Anstieg des MEERES—SPIEGELS: GRÖNLANDs Gletscher schmelzen anders als gedacht
20141216             Ausländische Medien über PEGIDA: "Im Tal der Ahnungslosen"
20141216             —GEÄNDERT, Außerdem sollen DIE—BESTIMMUNGEN so, werden, daß klar wird, welche DATEN wann wozu genutzt werden.
20141216             Besonders AKTIEN—VON—UNTERNEHMEN mit 1—BEDEUTENDEN Geschäftsanteil in RUSSLAND gerieten an DER—DEUTSCHE—BÖRSE unter Druck.
20141216             Besonders schön finde ich diese schöne Matrix zum Versagen der Presse mit Punkten wie "Diese Frage tritt nicht hinter Nebenaspekte wie z.B. DIE—KLEIDUNG 1—ANGEKLAGTEN zurück".
20141216             Bestimmende Faktoren könnten die Temperatur der umgebenden Ozeane,
20141216             Boehm hat sich offensichtlich die Skulpturen Barlachs genau angesehen,
20141216             BUFFALO—DAS Schmelzen des GRÖNLANDeises verläuft wesentlich komplexer als bekannt.
20141216             —OBDUZIERT, CDU—AUßENEXPERTE: Leiche von Politiker Schockenhoff soll, werden
20141216             —POWERED, Camp —CENTURY was 1—NUCLEAR, research center built by THE—USA—ARMY—CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS under the icy surface of GREENLAND.
20141216             The large ISLAND GREENLAND is almost entirely frozen and inhospitable.
20141216             Csatho nimmt an, daß der Eisschild künftig schneller schmelzen könnte, als —BISHERIGE Simulationen vorhersagen.
20141216             DAS—LAND wird —NUN voraussichtlich seine Devisenreserven zur Stabilisierung der Währung zusehends aufbrauchen.
20141216             DATEN aus —20—JAHREN zeigen —NUN, wie wenig Forscher —BISLANG über das Abschmelzen der Gletscher wissen.
20141216             DATEN—SCHUTZ, Google —NOW—STEUERT Nest
20141216             DER—CHEF—DER—AUFSICHT—BEHÖRDE CBP erklärte: "Google fängt uns in 1—UNSICHTBAREN Netz unserer persönlichen DATEN, ohne uns das zu sagen und ohne unser Einverständnis einzuholen.
20141216             DER—KONZERN hatte angekündigt, mit 1—REIHE—VON—MAßNAHMEN—DEM—EUROPA—DATEN—SCHUTZ entgegenzukommen.
20141216             DIE—AUFSICHT—BEHÖRDE für den DATEN—SCHUTZ an, das College bescherming persoonsgegevens (CBP)
20141216             DIE—EUROPA—DATEN—SCHÜTZER reagierten empört.
20141216             DIE—FRANZÖSISCHEN—DATEN—SCHÜTZER erklärten, nach 1 1.Analyse sei das SUPER—PROFIL mit europäischem RECHT nicht vereinbar.
20141216             DIE—GEOMETRIE des Untergrunds sein.
20141216             —BIS zum —NACHMITTAG bewegten sich DIE—KURSE hektisch auf und ab.
20141216             DIE—NIEDERLÄNDISCHE—AUFSICHT—BEHÖRDE droht —NUN mit Bußgeld in Millionenhöhe.
20141216             DIE—NIEDERLÄNDISCHE—BEHÖRDE erklärte dazu, man habe die vorgeschlagenen Änderungen noch nicht prüfen können.
20141216             DIE—RUSSISCHE—WÄHRUNG verlor AM—DIENSTAGZWISCHENZEITIG dramatisch an Wert.
20141216             Bekam man zum Handelsbeginn für 1—EURO noch knapp 82—RUBEL, waren es im Tagesverlauf —BEREITS rund 100. —AM—ABEND waren es schließlich wieder etwa 85—RUBEL.
20141216             DIE—STUDIE deutet darauf hin, daß diese Gletscher nicht repräsentativ sind.
20141216             DIE—VORSITZENDE Richterin spricht von "erheblicher Brutalität"und 1—BEWUSSTEN —ENTSCHEIDUNG für Gewaltattacken: DER—FRÜHERE—ROSENHEIMER POLIZEI—CHEF—HATTE —VOR—3—JAHREN den Kopf 1—GEFESSELTEN Schülers GEGEN—DIE—WAND geschlagen.
20141216             DIE—WASSERMENGE unter dem Gletscher und
20141216             Da kann ich nur sagen: Na also, geht doch!
20141216             Und die gleichen Standards setzen wir —JETZT einfach auch bei den USA—FOLTER—KNECHTEN an und erheben endlich Anklage.
20141216             Darüber hinaus, so fordern DIE—DATENSCHÜTZER, soll Google klarmachen, daß YouTube zum Konzern dazugehört.
20141216             Das hat er 20070000             gesagt, als es noch um die Frage ging, ob Waterboarding denn —JETZT FOLTER ist oder nicht.
20141216             Demnach verlieren Gletscher nicht unbedingt dann Masse, wenn die Temperatur steigt.
20141216             Der Absturz des Rubels hat auch die Talfahrt an der BÖRSE—MOSKAU weiter beschleunigt und den Aktienindex RTS auf 1—NEUES —JAHRESTIEF gedrückt:
20141216             Der Schritt zum SUPER—PROFIL empört DATEN—SCHÜTZER.
20141216             Der riesige Eispanzer GRÖNLANDs spielt 1—ZENTRALE Rolle beim prognostizierten Anstieg des MEERES—SPIEGELS.
20141216             Der von dem Forschungsroboter registrierte Methananteil in der Marsatmosphäre schnelle kurzzeitig —BIS zum Zehnfachen in die Höhe,
20141216             Deren Verhalten ist räumlich wie zeitlich komplex", Did Atta go to PRAGUE?
20141216             Apparently not!
20141216             The torture report was the Big Spook Story —THIS—WEEK, but let's not overlook this shocking revelation, which COMES to us by way of MICHIGAN SENATOR—CARL—LEVIN.
20141216             —REVEALED, Do you recall —WHEN USA—NEWSFOLK, that 20010911             aviation enthusiast MOHAMMED—ATTA had met 1—IRAQ—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER in PRAGUE —BEFORE the attacks?
20141216             We —NOW the official confirmation that the whole yarn was bullsquat.
20141216             Diese Verrohung WELT—WEIT ist absolut gruselig.
20141216             FOLTER, EROBERUNGS—KRIEGE, gleichschaltungen der Medien, Verhaftungen unliebsamer Journalisten, Hetzkampangnen... Wer sich DIE—NACHRICHTEN über DIE—USA, RUSSLAND, DIE—TÜRKEI... Ansieht erinnert sich mit Grausen an Zeiten die bei uns —SCHON lange vorbei sind.
20141216             Der Zweck heiligt nicht die Mittel!
20141216             —BEMERKENSWERT, Diese Zahlen sind deshalb besonders, weil in dem SENATS—BERICHT selbst steht, daß die VERHÖR—METHODEN keine wichtigen INFORMATIONEN—ÜBER—BEVORSTEHENDE Anschläge geliefert hätten.
20141216             Director JOHN—BRENNAN still refuses to declassify 1—DOCUMENT (known to SENATOR—LEVIN) which tells the whole story.
20141216             You have to ask yourself: Why on earth is OBAMA—CHOICE to HEAD—THE—AGENCY covering up BUSH—ERA disinfo?
20141216             Documentary made on this Top Secret Underground ARCTIC City in GREENLAND:
20141216             Downloads des Flash Players oder des Readers bündelt Adobe mit 1 2. SOFTWARE.
20141216             —VERGESSEN, Wer diese nicht installieren möchte, darf nicht, vor dem Klicken auf "—JETZT installieren"die zusätzlich angebotene SOFTWARE abzulehnen.
20141216             —FUNKTIONIERT, Das, indem man unter "Optionales Angebot"das Häkchen entfernt.
20141216             EDATHY—AFFÄRE: 1—GEHEIM—HANDY, VIELE—GESPRÄCHE und die FRAGE—WER lügt?
20141216             EDATHY—AFFÄRE: Kauder spricht Oppermann Vertrauen aus
20141216             EINIGE—GLETSCHER wachsen sogar bei steigenden Temperaturen, WÄHREND andere in beschleunigtem Tempo schrumpften.
20141216             —ERST nach 1—RUSSLANDREISE 19060000             fand der BILD—HAUER zu jenem Stil, den man —HEUTE mit ihm verbindet.
20141216             "Alles, was ich gemacht habe, eh ich 36—WAR, kann ich leichten Herzens verabschieden", schreibt er selbst dazu.
20141216             Zu den Zeichnungen und historischen Bildern kommen —NUN im Buch die Skulpturen hinzu, gezeigt in den ungewöhnlichen Fotoperspektiven von Boehm.
20141216             Für zusätzliche Unsicherheit sorgte DIE—AM—MITTWOCH anstehende ZINSENtscheidung DER—USA—NOTEN—BANK sowie die auffälligen Schwankungen vor dem großen Verfall an den TERMINBÖRSEN—FREITAG—AM, - dem sogenannten Hexensabbat.
20141216             Gegenüber "ArsTechnica"erklärte 1—GOOGLE—SPRECHER, man sei "enttäuscht"über den Schritt der NIEDERLÄNDISCHEN—DATEN—SCHÜTZER.
20141216             Geringe Einkommen: Jeder 5. in DEUTSCHLAND ist von Armut bedroht
20141216             Google verfolgt seine Nutzer über ALLE—SEINE—ANGEBOTE hinweg.
20141216             GRUSELIG—HUNDE im Drogenentzug: Tierisch hilfreich
20141216             ICESat (Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite) ermittelte
20141216             Impfstoffsuche: 1—ANTIKÖRPER schützt vor allen DENGUE—VIREN
20141216             In —BISLANG beispielloser Auflösung hat 1—INTERNATIONALES FORSCHER—TEAM an fast 100.000—PUNKTEN DIE—ENTWICKLUNG—DER—GLETSCHER dokumentiert.
20141216             Innere Sicherheit: VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ fürchtet Zusammenstöße zwischen Salafisten und Rechten
20141216             Insgesamt standen den Wissenschaftlern DATEN—VON—19930000—19930000    zur Verfügung, die sie per SOFTWARE auswerteten.
20141216             It was officially built to conduct scientific research but the real reason was apparently to —TEST out the feasibility of burying nuclear missiles below the ice...close enough to strike targets within RUSSIA.
20141216             JEB—BUSHS Ambition auf DAS—WEIßE—HAUS: Hier kommt Nummer 3
20141216             Ja aber hallo! In DEUTSCHLAND sind immerhin —SCHON was, 0—MENSCHEN durch ISLAMISTEN—TERROR getötet worden?
20141216             Durch FEHLER—DES—VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZES sind mehr Menschen ums Leben gekommen als durch ISLAMISTEN—TERROR!!
20141216             Die BND—CIA—KILLERDROHNEN—ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT hat deutlich mehr Menschenleben gekostet als DER—ISLAMISTISCHER—TERRORISMUS—IN—DEUTSCHLAND.
20141216             KORRUPTION, GELD—WÄSCHE, Handelsbetrug: 1—BILLION $ geht in —1—JAHR verloren
20141216             Keine Vorwarnung gab es hingegen von APPLE.
20141216             DER—KONZERN HATTE—KINOTECHNISCHE Meilensteine: Wie DER—FILM erwachsen wurde
20141216             Konsequenzen aus Geiseldrama: AUSTRALIEN will Regelungen für VERDÄCHTIGE verschärfen
20141216             —VERSTEIGERT, Kultobjekte: Auktionshaus in PARIS, umstrittene HOP1—MASKEN
20141216             MITTLERWEILE hätten sich mehr als 550—ISLAMISTEN aus DEUTSCHLAND dorthin auf den Weg gemacht.
20141216             "Das ist 1—ENORMER Anstieg. —ANFANG—DES—JAHRES waren es —ERST 270—PERSONEN", sagte er.
20141216             Durch die Erfolge DER—TERROR—MILIZ IS sei die Anziehungskraft auf "DSCHIHADwillige"noch verstärkt worden.
20141216             Manche wiederum wachsen und schrumpfen abwechselnd, mit abrupten Umschwüngen.
20141216             Mehr LEUTE —STERBEN in DEUTSCHLAND, weil sie von 1—BLITZ getroffen werden, als durch ISLAMISTEN—TERROR!
20141216             Mit 1—AUSDEHNUNG—VON—1.800.000—QUADRAT—KILOMETERN ist der GRÖNLÄNDISCHE—EISSCHILD DIE—WELT—WEIT zweitgrößte permanent vereiste FLÄCHE—NACH—DEM—ANT—ARKTISCHEN Eisschild.
20141216             NASHORN—ART vor dem AUS—STERBEN, Da waren's nur noch 5
20141216             Nicht einmal 2—PFUND Stundenlohn bekamen die 20—ARBEITER in 1—FABRIK im ENGLISCHEN—ROCHDALE.
20141216             BRITISCHE—ERMITTLER kamen den Verantwortlichen —NUN auf die Schliche —, befreiten die osteuropäischen Männer.
20141216             Nur 29 % lehnten die Misshandlungen ab.
20141216             Nur 42—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN hielten die Veröffentlichung des Berichts für richtig,
20141216             PAKISTAN: TALIBAN nehmen Hunderte Schüler als Geiseln
20141216             PEGIDA—MÄRSCHE—GEGEN—AUSLÄNDER: Demonstrativer Irrsinn
20141216             —GESTIEGEN, REPORTER—OHNE—GRENZEN—BERICHT, Zahl entführter Journalisten deutlich
20141216             —REMINDED, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT—CANDIDATE—JOHN—MCCAIN, people —THURSDAY that SOME—JAPANESE were tried and hanged for torturing USA—PRISONERS —WWII—DURING, with techniques that included waterboarding.
20141216             RIO—DE—JANEIRO: Forscher entdecken SUPER—BAKTERIEN in OLYMPIA—BUCHT
20141216             ROCHDALE—BEI der Durchsuchung 1—FABRIK im ENGLISCHEN—ROCHDALE hat DIE—POLIZEI 20—OST—EUROPÄER aus 1—ARBEITER—LAGER gerettet.
20141216             3—MÄNNER zwischen 40—UND —51—JAHREN wurden festgenommen, wie DIE—BBC und DER—GUARDIAN berichten.
20141216             Römischer Spezialmörtel: Der Trick mit DER—VULKANASCHE
20141216             SPIONAGE—ROBOTER DER—USA—MARINE: Falsche Fische
20141216             Schlitten von VW, Audi, MERCEDES, BMW und Ford: Mit diesen Automarken geht's bergab
20141216             Sie unterwerfen sich NO—SPY Abkommen!
20141216             1—DEUTSCHES—UNTERNEHMEN was mit KUBA—GESCHÄFTSBEZIEHUNG unterhält und IN—DEN—USA Niederlassungen betreibt, verstößt nach USA Rechtsauffassung gegen Gesetze und ist damit auch dementsprechend so zu behandeln.
20141216             Sie waren von Google nicht FRÜH—ZEITIG zu den neuen Bestimmungen befragt worden.
20141216             So fanden sie heraus, daß der Eisschild
20141216             So hat er die sitzende Bronze der "BETTLERin mit Kind"von 19070000             auf der Straße fotografiert, einmal auf Augenhöhe und einmal von oben, wie man ihr als Passant begegnen würde.
20141216             In 1—ANDEREN Foto sieht man zum 1.Mal die unglaubliche Dynamik und Eleganz 1 in 1—TUCH gehüllten BETTLERin, und die Nahsicht auf das scheue und traurige Gesicht 1—ANDEREN ermöglicht dem Betrachter keine Distanz mehr.
20141216             Und wer dem "Zweifler"von 19300000             so nah wie auf Boehms Foto kommt, sieht keine Skepsis oder Ironie, sondern schaut in 1—HOFFNUNGSLOSES und schicksalsergebenes Gesicht.
20141216             Soweit kann ich dem Prozedere 100% zustimmen.
20141216             Der sg. unbedarfte User hat damit aber sicher Probleme.
20141216             Dem steht damit 1—DIGITALER MARATHON mit unbekannten Hürden bevor.
20141216             Als IT—TECHNIKER hab ich da —SCHON so MANCHE—KURIOSE—GESCHICHTE erlebt.
20141216             Selbst wenn man den 'normalen Browser' mit div.
20141216             ADD—ONS saven will, und ich meine dabei nicht den TOR—BROWSER, gibt es trotz alledem 1—GANZ pervertierte FORM—DER—DATEN—SAMMLUNG—DAS sg. digitale Fingerprinting.
20141216             Da hilft mWn momentan kein ADD—ON dagegen.
20141216             —IMPLEMENTIERT, DIE—WS'S, die das, haben, die sind auf die 1—ODER andere Weise auch mit Google & Co. verbandet.
20141216             Freies INTERNET hin oder her, dem muss schleunigst restriktiv 1—RIEGEL vorgeschoben werden.
20141216             Auch muss sich mMn 1—JEDER—DIE—FRAGE stellen, ob er/sie die vielen kleinen kostl.
20141216             Helferlein von Google & Co. nutzen will oder darauf verzichten kann.
20141216             MACHT man das, entzieht man sich der so clever von diesen 'Dienstleistern' aufgebauten Gemeinschaft.
20141216             Der klassische Teufelskreis.:-)
20141216             Stattdessen ist die RE—AKTION wesentlich komplexer:
20141216             —BECAME, This climatically hostile base, operational
20141216             This top secret city used to deploy up to 600—NUCLEAR—MISSILES under THE—COVER—OF—GREENLAND—ICE—SHEET, able to quickly strike THE—USSR in CASE—OF—NUCLEAR—WAR.
20141216             It is worth noting that this was in the era —BEFORE LONG—RANGE—ICBMS (intercontinental ballistic missiles) and —WHEN THE—USA feared that THE—USSR could gain the upper hand.
20141216             Tolle Wurst! Das beste Justizsystem, das man für Geld kaufen kann!
20141216             8—ZU 1—FANDEN sie, daß man von 1—POLIZISTEN nicht erwarten kann, daß er die Gesetze kennt, die er durchsetzen soll!
20141216             Was zur Hölle?!
20141216             Trotz der milliardenschweren Interventionen der NOTEN—BANK—HAT—DIE—LANDESWÄHRUNG —DIESES—JAHR—BEREITS 50 % an Wert zum $ verloren.
20141216             —GEWORDEN, Tödlicher Blitzschlag ist in DEUTSCHLAND selten ;
20141216             die durchschnittlich 3—BIS 7—TODES—OPFER PRO—JAHR ließen sich durch weitere VORSICHTS—MAßNAHMEN noch weiter reduzieren.
20141216             USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTS—KANDIDATUR: BUSH—BRUDER Jeb läuft sich warm
20141216             Um hier 1—ÜBERBLICK zu behalten, wer zu welchem Zweck rausfunken darf und wer nicht, kostet mich sehr viel Zeit die ich gerne anders nutzen würde.
20141216             —VERPLAPPERT, Und dann, sich der MAAßEN auch noch ganz wunderbar.
20141216             Und natürlich legt MAAßEN nochmal 1—DRAUF.
20141216             Nicht dass die ausländerfeindlichen Mobs merken, daß sie gerade von den Diensten gespielt werden.
20141216             Und, angesprochen auf 1—UNSCHULDIGEN, den sie da zu Tode gefoltert haben:
20141216             VERSTOß—GEGEN—DATEN—SCHUTZ, NIEDERLÄNDER setzen Google unter Druck
20141216             Verhüllungsgebot: Unverschleierte Frau in TV—SENDUNG empört Saudis
20141216             VIELE—USA—BÜRGER wollen gar nicht so genau wissen, was DIE—CIA mit TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGEN anstellt:
20141216             Warum gucken DIE—DEUTSCHEN—DATEN—SCHÜTZER hier tatenlos zu?
20141216             Warum ich das anspreche? Weil in 1—UM—FRAGE IN—DEN—USA 51—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN fanden, daß DIE—CIA—FOLTER gerechtfertigt war, und weitere 20% hatten keine Meinung.
20141216             What the fuck!? 1—WINZIGE Mehrheit findet sogar noch, daß es 1—FEHLER war, den SENATsreport zu veröffentlichen!
20141216             Weniger als 25—PROZENT—DER—USA—AMERIKANER gab an, die BERICHT—ERSTATTUNG über das Papier genau zu verfolgen
20141216             Wie, DAS ist DIE—BEDROHUNG? Dass die angeblichen ISLAMISTEN—TERRORISTEN DAS—LAND verlassen?
20141216             Wo kommt da noch gleich DIE—BEDROHUNG—FÜR—DEUTSCHLAND ins Spiel, wenn die alle weggehen?
20141216             Mann Mann Mann.
20141216             Aber hey, denken war ja noch nie die Stärke von den tumben NAZI—HORDEN.
20141216             Da kann so 1—RANDDETAIL —SCHON mal unter den Tisch fallen.
20141216             Wir müssen also konstatieren: Das ist nicht nur 1—SYSTEMISCHER Makel in DER—USA—REGIERUNG, sondern die ganze Bevölkerung ist betroffen.
20141216             Um so dringender, daß —JETZT mal schnell die GENERALSTAATS—ANWÄLTE—VON—1—HAUFEN Ländern zusammenkommen und ALLE—ANKLAGE—GEGEN—DIE—FOLTER—KNECHTE erheben.
20141216             DIE—NÜRNBERGER Prozesse haben —DAMALS, 1—KLARES SIGNAL—AN—DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG geschickt, daß das nicht nur PFADFINDER—LAGER mit großzügig dimensionierter Heizung waren.
20141216             Sowas braucht man hier offenbar auch mal.
20141216             Würde das GRÖNLANDeis komplett schmelzen, könnte der MEERES—SPIEGEL um über 6—METER ansteigen.
20141216             You can PRE—PROGRAM—THINGS that happen in 1—SPLIT 2. and totally sell the reality of it being 1—SHARK".
20141216             Zaubern als UNI—SPORT: Hokuspokus Studiosus!
20141216             [1]Datenkrake - [3]Hat den —SCHON mal jemand
20141216             [9]@ lafrench - [l] Aus den zittrigen Bewegungen 1—HELMKAMERA kann man biometrisch messen, wer die getragen hat".1 paar —SEKUNDEN VIDEO—REICHEN anscheinend.
20141216             [l] Bahnbrechendes URTEIL—DES—SUPREME—COURT:
20141216             [l] Der RUBEL—KURS ist gerade so krass am Abstürzen, daß 1—RUBEL —HEUTE kurzzeitig weniger als 1—EURO—CENT Wert war.
20141216             —GESPANNT, Ich bin mal, ob DIE—RUSSEN nachweisen können, daß da jemand nachgeholfen hat.
20141216             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE—VON—DICK—CHENEY:
20141216             [l] Nach all dem (verdienten) Bashing über den Umgang der USA—AMERIKANER mit FOLTER ist es an der Zeit für 1—RUNDE (verdientes) Bashing über den Umgang DER—DEUTSCHEN—MIT der Ausländerfeindlichkeit.
20141216             In 1—AKTUELLEN UM—FRAGE haben 49—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN—VERSTÄNDNIS für das Anliegen von PEGIDA geäußert.
20141216             Und oben drauf kommen noch 26%, die "Teils, teils"geantwortet haben.
20141216             WTF? Jemand zuhause, McFly? DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG lässt sich so vollständig von der in weiten Teilen frei erfundenen TERRORISMUS—RHETORIK DER—GEHEIM—DIENST—APOLOGETEN verarschen?
20141216             Der radikale ISLAMISMUS ist genau so 1—BULLSHIT—BEDROHUNG—FÜR—DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG wie die ganzen BULLSHIT—BEDROHUNGEN davor.
20141216             Erinnert sich noch jemand daran, wie die Ökoterroristen unsere ganze Industrie wegsprengen würden?
20141216             Wie uns die ORGANISIERTE—KRIMINALITÄT alle umbringen würde?
20141216             WÄHRENDdessen war die einzige ORGANISIERTE—KRIMINALITÄT, die wirklich Schaden angerichtet hat, das organisierte STEUER—VERMEIDUNGS
20141216             [l] So langsam glaube ich ja, man müsste mal mit 1—WATERBOARDING—TRUCK durch DIE—USA fahren und in den Einkaufszentren wahllos LEUTE waterboarden.
20141216             Einfach damit die mal sehen, wovon wir hier reden.
20141216             Der —INZWISCHEN, leider an Krebs verstorbene CHRISTOPHER—HITCHENS hat das ja mal gemacht.
20141216             Der hat vorher gesagt, ach komm, Waterboarding, ihr Pussies, das ist doch bloß 1—BISSCHEN Wassertröpfeln, das ist doch keine FOLTER!
20141216             Dann hat er sich von 1—PAAR FOLTER—KNECHTEN aus dem USA—MILITÄR professionell foltern lassen, und hat sofort seine Position um 180° geändert.
20141216             Dazu gibt es auch 1—VIDEO.
20141216             [l] Streicht euch den heutigen —TAG rot im Kalender an.
20141216             —HEUTE, ist etwas wirklich seltenes passiert.
20141216             Das VERWALTUNGS—GERICHT—MÜNCHEN hat dem FRÜHEREN—POLIZEI—CHEF—VON—ROSEN—HEIM den Beamtenstatus entzogen.
20141216             Das war der hier.
20141216             —DER—FALL—DIENTE zwischenzeitlich als Vorwand für andere PRÜGELCOP—NICHT—BEAMTENSTATUS—ABERKENNUNGEN.
20141216             [l] Wenigstens 1—AUFRECHTEN DEMOKRATEN gibt es in DEUTSCHLAND: GREGOR—GYSI stellt Strafanzeige gegen CIA—MIT—ARBEITER wegen FOLTER.
20141216             Und ausgerechnet DER musste sich —20—JAHRE mobben lassen wegen angeblicher UNRECHT—REGIME—VERBINDUNGEN.
20141216             [l] Wie gehen wir eigentlich als GESELLSCHAFT damit um, daß Ziercke und Range dem NSU—AUSSCHUSS ins Gesicht gelogen haben?
20141216             Das haben irgendwie alle mehr oder weniger zur Kenntnis genommen und keiner hat irgendwas getan.
20141216             —RESIGNIERT, Wir haben alle, ob der Zustände in unserem Land.
20141216             So geht das nicht weiter.
20141216             [l] Wo wir gerade bei Waterboarding waren... JOHN—MCCAIN ist ja der einzige Abgeordnete der REPUBLIKANER, der sich —IM—MOMENT gegen FOLTER ausspricht und es gutheißt, daß DER—SENATS—REPORT über DIE—CIA—FOLTER veröffentlicht wurde.
20141216             Der ist nämlich im VIETNAM—KRIEG selber mal KRIEG—GEFANGENER gewesen und weiß wie das ist.
20141216             das Maß der Reibung zwischen 1—GLETSCHER und dem darunter liegenden Felsbett
20141216             es bedeutet momentan 1—ENORMEN Aufwand, der DATEN—SAMMEL—WUT vieler Unternehmen (nicht nur Google und FACEBOOK) etwas entgegenzusetzen
20141216             keine überraschung
20141216             stellte DAS—TEAM etwa fest, daß vor allem Regionen im Südosten GRÖNLANDs von rapider Schmelze bedroht SEIEN—WAS aktuelle Modelle zum Eisschild nicht widerspiegelten.
20141216             verlor der EISSCHILD—ZUM 1.Mal
20141216             —ABSTURZ der Währung: Die fatale RUBEL—STRATEGIE des KREML
20141216             —AM, NBC's "Meet THE—PRESS,"CHENEY said he would use the questionable interrogation methods "—AGAIN—IN —1—MINUTE".
20141216             —BIS, zu 15.000.000—EURO Strafe könnten Google in den NIEDERLANDEn drohen.
20141216             —BISLANG Simulationen nutzen als GRUND—LAGE DIE—DATEN—VON—4—GLETSCHERN: Jakobshavn, Helheim, Kangerlussuaq und PETERMANn.
20141216             —DERZEITIGE Modelle sind demnach zu einfach, um den Wandel des GRÖNLÄNDISCHEN—EISSCHILDS vorherzusagen.
20141216             —FESTNAHMEN—IN—SPANIEN und MAROKKO: IS—REKRUTIERER sollen Frauen angeworben haben
20141216             —LAUT, POLIZEI mussten DIE—ARBEITER Bilder und Bilderrahmen für bekannte Anbieter herstellen.
20141216             Sie sollen lediglich 125—PFUND für 1—80—STUNDEN—WOCHE erhalten haben.
20141216             Wobei DIE—VERANTWORTLICHEN 1—GROßTEIL davon EINBEHIELTEN—ANGEBLICH für Mietkosten und andere Ausgaben.
20141216             —AM—ENDE sei den Männern nur etwa 25—PFUND von ihrem Lohn GEBLIEBEN—ALSO—CA—31—EURO.
20141216             —NUN, fordert die NIEDERLÄNDISCHE—AUFSICHT—BEHÖRDEN Google auf, von allen Nutzern die ausdrücklich Zustimmung für das Sammeln ihrer DATEN einzuholen.
20141216             —NUN, wollen DIE—FORSCHER klären, warum verschiedene Gletscher unterschiedlich auf die globale Erwärmung reagieren.
20141216             —STUDIE über Elektroautos: Die heimlichen UMWELTsünder
20141216             —UPDATE, In DEUTSCHLAND hat DER—BGH DAS—ÜBRIGENS genau so entschieden.
20141216             DIE—JURISTISCHE Konstruktion heißt "unvermeidbarer Verbotsirrtum".
20141216             —UPDATE, Jemand hat mir Auszüge aus der VOLLTEXTENTSCHEIDUNG—DES—BGH gemailt, und da sagen die BGH—RICHTER—UNTER—RANDNUMMER 56—TATSÄCHLICH das Gegenteil, nämlich dass man bei POLIZISTEN den Verbotsirrtum ausschließen kann.
20141216             Ich korrigiere daher: Nicht DER—BGH sieht das genau so, sondern die Vorinstanz.
20141216             —UPDATE, Stimmt nicht, nicht 0—MENSCHEN sind in DEUTSCHLAND durch ISLAMISTEN—TERROR gestorben. es gab da 20110000             den Fall mit den 2—USA—SOLDATEN am Frankfurter Flughafen.
20141216             —UPDATE, Zum Vergleich:
20141216             —URTEIL—DES—VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT: NPD scheitert mit MAULKORB—FORDERUNG für Schwesig
20141216             —VON, Google die Auskunft verlangt, welche DATEN über 1—GESPEICHERT sind?
20141216             Das muß eigentlich JEDES—UNTERNEHMEN auf AN—FRAGE tun.
20141216             —GETAN, Ich habe das bei anderen Unternehmen —BEREITS.
20141216             —GEGEBEN, Nicht 1—HAT mir Auskunft. es war eher so, daß es hieß, dann verklag uns halt!
20141216             DATEN—SCHUTZ—EUROPA ist 1—ZAHNLOSER Papiertiger. Was sollen 15—MIO.
20141216             Strafe —SCHON sein. bei—SÄHE DIE—WELT ganz anders aus.
20141216             —VON—DEM gibt es dieses interessante Detail am Rande:
20141216             —VOR, Google muss man sich in 8—NEHMEN.
20141216             Google speichert alles, was nur geht. Auch Personenbezogen.
20141216             —VOR—2—JAHREN hatte Google damit begonnen, DIE—DATEN aller seiner Nutzer miteinander zu SUPER—PROFILEN verknüpfen.
20141216             —ZEITWEISE brach er AM—DIENSTAGUM fast 15 % ein, nach BÖRSEnschluss in MOSKAU lag er etwa 12 % im Minus BEI—CA—630—PUNKTEN nach 1—TAGESTIEF—VON—578—PUNKTEN.
20141216             † KARL—HEINZ—KURRAS —BEREITS, wenige —TAGE nach seinem 87—GEBURTS—TAG.
20141216             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, a $1.1—TRILLION spending bill that keeps THE—USA—GOVERNMENT operating over the next —9—MONTHS.
20141216             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, legislation imposing further sanctions on RUSSIA and authorizing additional aid to UKRAINE.
20141216             LENA—JACOBS—COOMBS (48), UTAH—BASED former marketing director for Symantec, 1—ANTI—VIRUS—SOFTWARE—MAKER, pleaded guilty to embezzling over $1—MILLION to fund personal expenses and vacations.
20141216             —ORDERED, She was also, to pay $915,412 in restitution.
20141216             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 11—INSURGENTS were, in 1—USA—DRONE—STRIKE in Nangahar province.
20141216             ISRAEL, 10—MEMBERS—OF—LEHAVA, 1—FAR—RIGHT—JEWISH—ORGANIZATION, were arrested on SUSPICION—OF—INCITEMENT and calls for ACTS—OF—VIOLENCE motivated by racism.
20141216             —UPGRADED, ISRAEL's, ballistic missile shield failed its 1. live interception test, 1—FRESH—SETBACK for THE—USA—SUPPORTED system billed as 1—BULWARK against IRAN.
20141216             ISRAEL—SOLDIERS shot and killed PALESTINE—MAHMOUD—ABDALLA, —20—JAHRE—ALT as violence erupted —DURING 1—ARREST—OPERATION in THE—WEST—BANK.
20141216             Palestinians in the refugee camp of Qalandiya reportedly threw explosive charges and opened fire at soldiers —DURING the operation.
20141216             —ARRESTED, ITALY—POLICE said they have, 59—SUSPECTS in 1—PROBE—OF—TIES between the 'ndrangheta organized crime syndicate and Milan businessmen, including alleged efforts to snare S—SIRO stadium's catering business.
20141216             MEXICO, a shootout between rival vigilantes in WEST—MICHOACAN state left 11—DEAD.
20141216             PAKISTAN, 150—PEOPLE, including 132—STUDENTS, were killed —AFTER Taliban gunmen broke into 1—SCHOOL in PESHAWAR.
20141216             9—SUICIDE attackers were killed in the bloodiest massacre the country has seen —FOR—YEARS.
20141216             —REPORTED, The attack was —LATER, to have been masterminded by UMAR—MANSOOR, —36—JAHRE—ALT—OF—THE—PAKISTAN—TALIBAN (TTP).
20141216             ROMANIA—PRIME—MINISTER—VICTOR—PONTA gave up the title of "doctor," more than —2—YEARS—AFTER he was ACCUSED—OF—PLAGIARISM in writing his doctoral thesis.
20141216             —CRASHED, THE—RUSSIA—CURRENCY, to unprecedented lows as it reached 80—RUBLES to the dollar and 100 to the euro, testing VLADIMIR—PUTIN—ABILITY to ride out 1—ECONOMIC—STORM and prevail in his confrontation with the West.
20141216             RUSSIA—EMERGENCY—MOVE —1—DAY—EARLIER to raise interest rates to 17—PERCENT failed to arrest the collapse of the ruble.
20141216             —ARRESTED, THE—SPAIN—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said Spanish and MOROCCO—POLICE have, 7—PEOPLE in 1—ONGOING joint swoop on suspected efforts to recruit women to go to Syria and IRAQ to support Islamic State insurgents.
20141216             —KILLED, SYRIA—STATE—NEWS—AGENCY—SANA said that the army had, more than 60 "terrorists" from the Islamic State militant group in THE—PROVINCE—OF—DEIR—AL—ZOR.
20141216             TURKEY, DOZENS—OF—FOOTBALL fans who took part in —LAST—YEAR—MASS—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS went on trial accused of 1 attempted coup.
20141216             UGANDA, scores of M23 rebels fled the camp where they were being held AHEAD—OF—REPATRIATION to CongoDRC.
20141216             —STRUGGLED, VIETNAM, rescue teams, to save 12—LABORERS trapped and running low on oxygen —AFTER 1—TUNNEL collapsed —EARLIER in THE—DAY—DURING CONSTRUCTION—OF—1—HYDROPOWER plant in THE—CENTRAL—HIGHLANDS PROVINCE—OF—LAM—DONG.
20141216             —EXPLODED, YEMEN, 2—CAR—BOMBS, in Radaa city in THE—CENTRAL—PROVINCE—OF—AL—BAYDA.
20141216             Radaa is 1—BASTION—OF—THE—YEMEN—BASED al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).
20141216             —EXPLODED, The bombs, hitting 1—SCHOOL—BUS traveling near 1—SHIITE rebel gathering, killing 26, including at least 16—PRIMARY—SCHOOL—STUDENTS.
20141216             † ? † ISLAM—TALIBANKÄMPFER töten in PESCHAWAR—PAKISTAN, 132—SCHULKINDER und 9—WEITERE Personen;
20141216             125—WEITERE Personen werden verletzt.
20141216—19920000    —ARRESTED, BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—POLICE said they have, 10—PEOPLE—SUSPECTS—OF—WAR—CRIMES committed in NORTH—EAST—BOSNIA where SERBIA—FORCES killed and expelled NON—SERBS in order to create 1—ETHNICALLY pure territory.
20141216—20100000    —IN—THE, 1—UK—JURY cleared 3—SECURITY—GUARDS—OF manslaughter DEATH—OF—JIMMY—MUBENGA, —46—JAHRE—ALT, 1—ANGOLA—MAN, who collapsed —WHILE being deported.
20141216—20120000    —SEIT, Das läuft
20141216—20141219    —RESCUED, All 12 were.
20141216—20150422    —SENTENCED, Coombs was, to —3—YEARS in prison.
20141218—20141216    —ON, The fighting reportedly began in Mbres —WHEN 1—MEMBER—OF—1—CHRISTIAN militia was killed by 1—GRENADE allegedly thrown by 1—GROUP—OF—MUSLIMS.
20141230             MEXICO, the leaders of 2—RURAL vigilante groups and 35—OF—THEIR—MEMBERS surrendered to authorities —FOLLOWING a 20141216             clash that left 11—DEAD in THE—WEST—STATE—OF—MICHOACAN.
20150117             —ARRESTED, AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIALS said security services have, 5—MEN in recent weeks in connection with 20151216             —THE massacre at 1—PAKISTAN military school —LAST—MONTH that killed 150—PEOPLE, MOST—OF—THEM children.
20150813             —ANNOUNCED, PAKISTAN—ARMY, the death penalty for 6—MILITANTS linked to 20141216             —THE, ASSAULT—ON—1—SCHOOL in PESHAWAR that killed 151—PEOPLE, mainly students.
20151112—20151216    —FIRED, Alameda Deputies Wieber and Santamaria were.
20151216             "Staatsfeindliche Aktivitäten": NORD—KOREA verurteilt KANADISCHEN—PASTOR zu lebenslanger Haft
20151216             "Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass sich das BRITISCHE—VOLK, wenn es die Wahrheit über die JAPANISCHE—AGGRESSION in CHINA erfährt, erheben wird, um den Chinesen zu helfen", schreibt Mao.
20151216             —1—JAHR—SPÄTER, war DAS—VEREINIGTE—KÖNIG—REICH das 1.westliche Land, das die Volksrepublik anerkannte.
20151216             1—TEIL davon wurde über die VATIKAN—BANK—IOR—DER—KATHOLIKEN—KIRCHE ins Ausland gebracht.
20151216             ARD—SONDERSENDUNG: So viele "Brennpunkte"wie
20151216             —RISKIERT, ATOM—AUSSTIEG: Union, MILLIARDENdesaster für STEUER—ZAHLER
20151216             ATTENTÄTER—VON—PARIS: "DER—IS wollte uns beeindrucken"
20151216             Adressiert ist es an den damaligen —CHEF—DER—BRITISCHEN—LABOUR—PARTEI und späteren PREMIER—MINISTER, CLEMENT—ATTLEE.
20151216             Attlee wurde 19450000             BRITISCHER—PREMIER—MINISTER und
20151216             Auch das BLAU—SCHWARZE Kleid (oder ist es doch WEIß—GOLD?) ist unter den TOP—THEMEN 20150000             .
20151216             Auch die ERMITTLUNGEN—GEGEN—LICIO—GELLI verliefen im Sande.
20151216             Auf FACEBOOK wurden vor allem Posts rund um DAS—THEMA FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE geliked, geteilt und diskutiert.
20151216             Auf Platz 2—DER beliebtesten Themen folgt DER—NEUE "Star Wars"-Film.
20151216             Auffällig ist, dass in den Listen nicht jugendfreie Themen fehlen.
20151216             BGH—URTEIL: Kunden müssen Werbung in Geschäftsmails nicht dulden
20151216             Budget: REPUBLIKANER und DEMOKRATEN einigen sich auf Haushalt
20151216             Bärtierchen: ZWEIFEL—AN—DER ALIEN—DNA—CYPRUS3000 hat RECHT
20151216             DAS—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUM beschwichtigt: Alles kein Problem.
20151216             DAS—VIDEO, das DIE—BEFREIUNG der Geiseln aus dem Bataclan zeigt, war das am häufigsten angesehene Video.
20151216             DEUTSCHE—UMWELTHILFE: Verdächtig hohe Abgaswerte bei MERCEDES
20151216             DEUTSCHLAND: Geburtenrate erreicht Höchststand
20151216             DIE—1958—INITIIERTE —POLITIK des "Großen Sprungs nach vorn"
20151216             DIE—BEHÖRDEN waren damit wohl unzufrieden und ordneten an, dass er die Gebühr wieder aufhebt.
20151216             DIE—FRAGE "Warum ist der Himmel blau?"schien die GOOGLE—NUTZER jedenfalls stark zu interessieren, mehr noch als "Warum nehme ich nicht ab?".
20151216             DIE—HAUPT—PROFITEURE unseres Zinssystems sind die Besitzer der großen Vermögen.
20151216             DIE—MAFIA hatte die BANCO—AMBROSIANO genutzt, um Gelder zu waschen.
20151216             DIE—SOGENANNTE SEVESO—DIE—RICHTLINIE der EU VOR—BENANNT —NACH—DEM Chemieunfall im ITALIENISCHEN—SEVESO 19760000             —J—IM.
20151216             DIE—UKRAINE—KRISE wurde von unseren Freunden aus Übersee eingefädelt wie das Desaster in Nordafrika und NAH—OST was für EUROPA zur FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE wurde.
20151216             DIE—ZAHL DER—FLÜCHTLINGE, die mit gefälschten SYRISCHEN—PÄSSEN nach DEUTSCHLAND kommt, ist viel geringer als angenommen.
20151216             DIE—ZIG Millionen roten Krabben auf der Insel sind wichtig für das Ökosystem: Sie recyceln Nährstoffe im Boden und erhalten die Struktur der Regenwälder.
20151216             DONALD—TRUMP bei Debatte DER—USA—REPUBLIKANER: "Oh, du bist ein wirklich harter Kerl, Jeb"
20151216             Da darf man sich dann auch nicht mehr wundern, dass DIE—PRESSE unkritisch berichtet und diesen Papiertiger zu 1—HISTORISCHEN Ereignis hochstilisiert, wenn die Berichterstatter vor Ort so das KOOL—AID getrunken haben.
20151216             Da waren —ZUNÄCHST einmal DIE—AMERIKANER.
20151216             Das LONDONer Auktionshaus SOTHEBY—HAT —NUN 1—BRIEF des einstigen Vorsitzenden der KOMMUNISTISCHE—PARTEI CHINAs für die stattliche Summe von 605.000—PFUND, umgerechnet knapp 832.000—EURO, verkauft.
20151216             Das hätte mir mal vorher jemand sagen sollen, dass man nachträglich bei Verträgen zentrale Passagen als TIPP—FEHLER deklarieren kann.
20151216             Demnach handelt ES—SICH bei der FREMD—DNA wahrscheinlich um Verunreinigungen, die kein Bestandteil des Bärtierchengenoms sind.
20151216             Der in diverse SKANDALe im Nachkriegsitalien verwickelte LICIO—GELLI starb im Alter von —96—JAHREN in seiner Villa im toskanischen Arezzo, wie örtliche Medien unter Berufung auf seine Familie berichteten.
20151216             EU—EXPERTE zur KRISE, "Streit ist für EUROPA besser als FRIEDE—FREUDE—EIERKUCHEN"
20151216             EX—GROßMEISTER—VON—FREIMAURER—LOGE: Faschistischer Geheimbündler LICIO—GELLI ist tot
20151216             Empörung über FN—CHEFIN: LE—PEN twittert GRÄUEL—FOTOS—VON—IS—OPFERN
20151216             —ENDE eines Jagdausflugs: Dutzende KATARer im IRAK ENTFÜHRT—ERGEBNIS: Stimmt.
20151216             Georgios Koutsovoulos von der UNIVERSITY—OF—EDINBURGH und Kollegen veröffentlichten —BEREITS kurz nach der 1.—STUDIE die vorläufige Zusammenfassung 1 2. Genanalyse, in der sie die gleiche Bärtierchenart genetisch untersucht hatten wie ihre Vorgänger.
20151216             Gerade —ERST in LOS—ANGELES angelaufen, wurde —BEREITS wie verrückt nach Chewbacca, Luke und Co.
20151216             Gerichtsentscheid: JAPANerinnen verlieren KAMPF—GEGEN—ANTIQUIERTES Namensrecht
20151216             Google scheint populäre Suchanfragen nach Begriffen wie Sex, Porno und Drogen ausgefiltert zu haben.
20151216             Hach naja, denkt ihr euch —JETZT vielleicht, halt 1—SAUDI—MILLIONÄR, die "Gerichte"in SAUDI—ARABIEN sind halt so.
20151216             Hier hat das mal jemand mit 1—STUDIE überprüft.
20151216             —VERSTEIGERT, Hilferuf an BRITEN: MAO—BRIEF für REKORD—SUMME
20151216             Hochgiftige Schlammlawine: BRASILIENs Regierung gibt überraschend Entwarnung
20151216             ITALIEN: Kirchen ermöglichen 1.000—FLÜCHTLINGEN legale Einreise
20151216             Im FALL—DES—BÄRTIERCHENS gehen Koutsovoulos und Kollegen —NUN allerdings davon aus, dass die große Zahl fremder Gene, die in der 1.Untersuchung gefunden wurde, von Bakterien stammt, mit denen die Bärtierchen zusammenlebten.
20151216             Im Mordfall Calvi wurde nie jemand wegen der Anordnung oder der Ausführung der Tat verurteilt.
20151216             Inspektionen von Chemiebetrieben: Außer KONTROLLE—JA?
20151216             Knapp 900.000.000—MENSCHEN suchten —SEIT dem ;;1113;;
20151216             nach Informationen zu den TERROR—ANSCHLÄGEN.
20151216             LIBYEN: Viel Öl, 2—REGIERUNGEN —, DER—IS breitet sich aus
20151216             LICIO—GELLI gelang aber DIE—FLUCHT—AUS—DEM Gefängnis.
20151216             LICIO—GELLI, 1—SYMPATHISANT der Faschisten,
20151216             Lokale Medien: WAFFEN—RUHE im JEMEN hält kaum —1—TAG
20151216             MENSCHEN—RECHTS—ORGANISATION: Amnesty wirft TÜRKEI Abschiebung SYRIEN—FLÜCHTLINGE vor
20151216             Maharashtra, Mao bittet angesichts der gerade erfolgten —INVASÃON—DER—JAPANER in CHINA um die Unterstützung der BRITEN.
20151216             Maos TOD—MEHR als 155.000.000 Suchanfragen zu dem Thema hat Google VERZEICHNET—TENDENZ steigend.
20151216             NEW—HOTNESS, Luftreinigungsgebühr. Na dann ist ja alles gut!
20151216             Na wenigstens an der Stelle hat die Behörde nicht verkackt?
20151216             Nach Einschätzung der ITALIENISCHEN—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT wurde der Mord von der sizilianischen MAFIA begangen.
20151216             Nach FLUGZEUG—ABSCHUSS: RUSSLAND fordert von TÜRKEI Entschädigung
20151216             Neben Mao hat auch GENERAL Zhu De das Schreiben unterzeichnet.
20151216             —NUN, äh, hier hat mal jemand geguckt, wie hoch die Quote wirklich ist.
20151216             Quoten für die NORD—SEE: DEUTSCHE—FISCHER dürfen weniger Makrelen fangen
20151216             SAUDI—ARABISCHER Blogger: Ehefrau nimmt SACHAROW—PREIS für Badawi entgegen
20151216             SCHOTTLAND: DONALD—TRUMP muss Windräder vor seinem Golfplatz dulden
20151216             SPANIENs MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT: Jugendlicher schlägt Rajoy mit Faust ins Gesicht
20151216             SPEZIAL—EINHEIT BFE+: Neue ANTI—TERROR—TRUPPE unterstützt die GSG—9
20151216             Saubere Luft hat in CHINA ihren Preis: Wegen des Smogs kaufte 1—RESTAURANT in Zhangjiagang in Ostchina mehrere Luftfilter und berechnete jedem seiner Gäste 1—YUAN, umgerechnet 14—CENT, als "Luftreinigungsgebühr".
20151216             —GESCHLOSSEN, Schulen in LOS—ANGELES : Anschlagsdrohung war Fehlalarm
20151216             Seine Worte Übersetzt hatte offenbar der NEUSEELÄNDISCHE—JOURNALIST—JAMES—MUNRO—BERTRAM, der von sich behauptete, er habe den "Großen Vorsitzenden"ermuntert, sich an Attlee zu wenden.
20151216             Sie glauben, da —NUN—SCHON einige —JAHRE nachweislich kein signifikanter Zins mehr gezahlt wird, gäbe es bald nichts Neuartiges mehr zu kaufen...???
20151216             So einfach ist es eben nicht.
20151216             SOTHEBY—NANNTE den Brief "extrem bedeutsam", es handle sich um eines der frühen Dokumente, in denen Mao internationale Diplomatie betreibe.
20151216             Später anschloss sich LICIO—GELLI der neofaschistischen Partei MISS—I
20151216             —BEENDET, USA—NOTEN—BANK—HEBT—LEIT—ZINS an: Mit 1—SATZ 1.Ära
20151216             Umfrage zur ZUKUNFT: Die MEHRHEIT—DER—DEUTSCHEN—HAT ANGST—ABER wovor?
20151216             Und Blei ist mal richtig übel, das erzeugt schleichend Hirnschäden.
20151216             Und daher wird das shall —JETZT zu 1 should, und zwar indem sie es als TIPP—FEHLER deklarieren.
20151216             Und das geht ja GAR nicht!
20151216             VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG, Wie BAYERN den GEHEIM—DIENST doch an DIE—DATEN lassen will
20151216             VIELE—LEUTE glauben ja, BERLINs Behörden seien generell völlig inkompetent.
20151216             We —NOW know that "100—PERCENT—OF—THE—TOTAL spent fuel was released to the atmosphere from unit 4."
20151216             Wenn Sie mal das Quarterly Bulletin der BANK—OF—ENGLAND lesen MÖCHTEN—DA steht drin, wie es wirklich ist:
20151216             Wie zu erwarten, Wie zu erwarten, führen DIE—ANSCHLÄGE—VON—PARIS die Liste der meist gesuchten Begriffe bei Google
20151216             [l] 1—TÜRKISCHER—ABGEORDNETER behauptet angeblich, die TÜRKEI—REGIERUNG habe Saringas nach SYRIEN geschmuggelt, um dann ASSAD vorwerfen zu können, er wolle CHEMIE—WAFFEN einsetzen.
20151216             [l] Aber nicht doch, das war doch keine Vergewaltigung!
20151216             [l] Aus der beliebten Serie "bei UNS ist das TRINK—WASSER SICHER", —HEUTE: FLINT—MICHIGAN, ruft den Notstand aus, weil zu viel Blei im Blut der Kinder gemessen wurde.
20151216             [l] Die meisten VERGEWALTIGUNGS—VORWÜRFE an USA—COLLEGES sind übrigens gegen Minderheiten, besonders gegen schwarze Männer.
20151216             [l] —GESTERN so: DIE—SAUDIS haben sich 1.KOALITION der Willigen zusammengekauft.
20151216             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN zu den USA—SUPERSCHNÜFFELDROHNEN der USA, die über der OST—SEE "aufklären"sollen:
20151216             [l] Hier geht gerade der Hinweis ein, dass die Tornados DER—BUNDESWEHR doch zum Aufklären da sind, aber halt nicht von SYRIEN oder ISIS sondern von dem RADAR—EQUIPMENT, den Funkgeräten und dem WUNDER—JAMMER der RUSSEN.
20151216             [l] Lesetipp: THE—USA is teaming up with AL—QAEDA, AGAIN.
20151216             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, Trinkgeld.
20151216             [l] RE—AKTION der Journalisten auf den Weltklimagipfel.
20151216             [l] Von MAX—PLANCK gibt es das geflügelte Wort, dass man der Wissenschaft keine neue Theorie etabliert kriegt, indem man die anderen Wissenschaftler überzeugt, sondern indem die alle wegsterben und die Nachwachsenden mit der Theorie vertraut sind.
20151216             [l] Wisst ihr noch, als Herr DE—MAIZIÈRE uns ins Gesicht log, 30—PROZENT—DER—SYRIEN—FLÜCHTLINGE würden mit gefälschten Pässen einreisen?
20151216             [l] Wisst ihr, was wir lange nicht mehr hatten?
20151216             [l] Zu dem Klimaabkommen solltet ihr alle das hier gelesen haben.
20151216             [l] —AM, Lageso (der am übelsten verkackenden Behörde in der GESCHICHTE BERLINs) würden DIE—FLÜCHTLINGE gerade der Reihe nach erfrieren, wenn da nicht —PLÖTZLICH, 3—WÄRMEBUSSE aufgetaucht wären, in denen sie sich aufwärmen können.
20151216             dieser Hinweis auf die "7—THESEN zur effektiveren Bekämpfung der Bedrohung durch islamistische Gefährder".
20151216             1—BRIEF des CHINESISCHEN—REVOLUTIONS—FÜHRERS 19370000             —J—AUS—DEM,
20151216             im SPANIEN—BÜRGER—KRIEG LICIO—GELLI kämpfte als Freiwilliger für den späteren DIKTATOR GENERAL—FRANCISCO—FRANCO.
20151216             und das 'Umdenken' sollte viel tefer und weitreichender gehen!
20151216             und war noch im Amt, als Mao 19490000             DIE—VOLKS—REPUBLIK—CHINA gründete.
20151216             wie verrückt
20151216             —AM, FREMDGEN—REKORD der Bärtierchen gibt es —NUN allerdings Zweifel.
20151216             —BEREITS, in der faschistischen Bewegung BENITO—MUSSOLINIS hatte sich LICIO—GELLI politisch engagiert und
20151216             —EINSATZ—IN—SYRIEN: BUNDESWEHR beteiligt sich 1. an LUFT—ANGRIFFEN gegen IS
20151216             —HEUTE, so: PAKISTAN und der LIBANON hörten zuerst aus der Presse davon, dass sie —JETZT Teil irgendeiner neuen KOALITION sein sollten ?
20151216             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS: "Fortschreitende bürokratische Erstarrung"
20151216             —LAUT—SOTHEBY—SOLLEN sich beide Politiker
20151216             —NEUE—DATEN—SCHUTZ—REGELN: EUROPAs INTERNETnutzer bekommen mehr Rechte
20151216             —NUN, hat aber das private Vermögen WELT—WEIT 1.Höhe von 132—BILLIONEN—EURO erreicht, was mehr ist als DIE—BÖRSEN—WERTE sämtlicher WELT—WEIT börsennotierten Unternehmen.
20151216             —SEIT, es Straßen gibt, haben es Tiere schwer.
20151216             —UPDATE, Dem Abgeordneten droht —JETZT 1.ANKLAGE—WEGEN—VERRATS.
20151216             —UPDATE, MALAYSIA wusste auch von nichts.
20151216             —WÄHREND, einiger —JAHRE im Exil in ARGENTINIEN knüpfte LICIO—GELLI enge Bande zu den Generälen, die
20151216             —ANNOUNCED, THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION, the approval of a $1.83—BILLION arms deal with TAIWAN.
20151216             —RAISED, THE—USA—CENTRAL—BANK, interest rates for the 1. time in nearly —1—DECADE.
20151216             —CONDUCTED, THE—USA and its allies, 18—AIR—STRIKES against Islamic STATE—IN—IRAQ and Syria.
20151216             —ANNOUNCED, NEW—YORK, 1—MAJOR—OVERHAUL in the way solitary confinement is administered in the state's prisons as PART—OF—1—FAR—REACHING legal settlement.
20151216             OKLAHOMA, 1—MAN began firing randomly from 1—PICKUP truck and killed 2—PEOPLE on I-40. 1—SUSPECT was arrested the —NEXT—DAY—FOLLOWING a 25-mile chase.
20151216             —ARRESTED, AUSTRIA said 2—PEOPLE were, over the weekend at 1—REFUGEE—CENTER in SALZBURG on suspicion of being connected to —LAST—MONTH—PARIS attacks.
20151216             —BECAME, Fitch, the 2. of 3—BIG CREDIT—RATING agencies to downgrade BRAZIL—DEBT to junk states.
20151216             —FOLLOWED, Standard & POOR—SOON, Fitch.
20151216             —VOTED, UK—LAWMAKERS, in FAVOR—OF—THE—USE—OF fracking to extract shale gas under national parks, weakening 1—DECISION against fracking in national parks made —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR and giving shale gas explorers access to more resources.
20151216             CAMBODIA, garment workers in EAST—SVAY Rieng province went on strike to boost their monthly wages to $148.
20151216             As many as 69—CANADA—SPECIAL—FORCES took part in a —17—HOUR counteroffensive EAST—OF—MOSUL.
20151216             2—CF—18—FIGHTER—JETS, along with USA, British and FRANCE—WARPLANES, launched airstrikes.
20151216             —JAILED, FRANCE, the wife of, SAUDI—ARABIA—BLOGGER—RAIF Badawi accepted the European PARLIAMENT—PRESTIGIOUS—SAKHAROV human rights prize on his behalf, urging Arab countries to abandon theocratic diktats and embrace free speech.
20151216             —INTRODUCED, GERMANY, 1—NEW—POLICE—UNIT that officials said will be better armed, outfitted and trained to deal with terrorism.
20151216             —ORDERED, INDIA—TOP—COURT, 1—TEMPORARY—BAN on the sale of large diesel cars in NEW—DELHI to combat toxic smog in the city, prompting concern in the auto sector as SOME—CARMAKERS say they may reconsider investment plans in the country.
20151216             —SUCKED, INDIA, 1—MAINTENANCE—TECHNICIAN was accidentally, into 1—AIRCRAFT—ENGINE at 1—AIRPORT in Mumbai.
20151216             —APPROVED, THE—WORLD—BANK said it has, a $1.5—BILLION loan for 1—STATE—LED sanitation program in INDIA, where MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE have no access to toilets.
20151216             The embattled SPEAKER—OF—INDONESIA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES resigned over his involvement in 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST political scandals in years.
20151216             Setya Novanto allegedly sought kickbacks from 1—GIANT—USA—OWNED gold and copper mine in exchange for helping it extend its operating contract.
20151216             —KIDNAPPED, SOUTH—IRAQ, gunmen, at least 26—QATAR—HUNTERS, the 2. HIGH—PROFILE—ABDUCTION—OF foreigners in the country in —3—MONTHS.
20151216             PRIME—MINISTER—MATTEO—RENZI said ITALY will deploy 450—TROOPS—NEAR the front line with Islamic State militants in IRAQ to protect workers carrying out repairs to THE—MOSUL—HYDRO—ELECTRIC—DAM, the country's biggest.
20151216             —RULED, JAPAN—SUPREME—COURT, that requiring oo couples to have the same surname is constitutional, dealing 1—BLOW to 1—LONGTIME effort for gender equality in choosing names.
20151216             JORDAN said it plans to deport about 800—SUDAN—MEN, women and children to SUDAN, —AFTER troops tore down 1—MAKESHIFT—TENT—CAMP for the displaced in 1—PRE—DAWN raid.
20151216             —ATTACKED, KENYA, AL—SHABAB militants, 1—CONVOY on THE—MPEKETONI—LAMU road burning vehicles and driving another police vehicle to SOMALIA.
20151216             2—PEOPLE were shot dead, including 1—POLICE—OFFICER, in the coastal Lamu County.
20151216             —APPROVED, NEPAL—PARLIAMENT, new laws to allow the government to spend BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS pledged by foreign donors on reconstruction for HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE who lost their homes —DURING 1—DEVASTATING earthquake —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR.
20151216             —FIRED, HOLLAND—POLICE, warning shots and arrested 14—DEMONSTRATORS—WHEN 1—PROTEST by HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE against the opening of 1—REFUGEE—CENTER turned violent, leaving several injured.
20151216             NORTH—KOREA—SUPREME—COURT—SENTENCED—CANADA—PASTOR Hyeon Soo Lim to life in prison with hard labor for what it called crimes against the state.
20151216             RUSSIA said its AIR—FORCE made 59—SORTIES in Syria in the past —24—HOURS and hit 212—ISLAMIC—STATE—TARGETS in THE—SYRIA—PROVINCES—OF—ALEPPO, Idlib, Latakia, Hama, HOMS, Khaseke and Raqqa.
20151216             SWEDEN said it would send 1—TRANSPORT—PLANE and logistical support to MALI and other parts of AFRICA to free up FRANCE—FORCES stationed there and let them join the fight against Islamic State.
20151216             —CAPTURED, SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES, the strategic Noba Mountain, inching closer to 1—REBEL—HELD stronghold in the coastal PROVINCE—OF—LATAKIA.
20151216             TURKEY—AMBASSADOR to QATAR said TURKEY will establish 1—MILITARY—BASE in QATAR as PART—OF—1—DEFENSE—AGREEMENT aimed at helping them confront common enemies.
20151216             —STEPPED, TURKEY—SECURITY—FORCES, up operations targeting Kurdish militants in southeastern towns, as PRO—GOVERNMENT—MEDIA detailed plans for a 10,000-strong force to restore state control in the region.
20151216             —ACCUSED, UKRAINE, RUSSIA of looting 2—OF—ITS—OIL rigs —AFTER CRIMEA—BASED oil and gas firm Chornomornaftogaz moved the equipment off the coast of the annexed peninsula into RUSSIA—WATERS.
20151216             YEMEN, clashes were underway along several front lines, claiming at least 42—LIVES and undermining —1—DAY—OLD—CEASE—FIRE and peace talks between the internationally recognized government and Shiite rebels taking place in SWITZERLAND.
20151216             SAUDI—LED air strikes hit positions of THE—IRAN—ALLIED Houthi group in 2—CONFLICT—ZONES.
20151216             —AGREED, Warring parties, to exchange HUNDREDS—OF—PRISONERS in 1—MOVE aimed at supporting UN—SPONSORED peace talks.
20151216             Die letzte Sendung der TV—SHOW TV total mit STEFAN—RAAB als Moderator wird ausgestrahlt.
20151216—20081200    —SINCE, Fed officials voted unanimously to raise the key FEDERAL—FUNDS—RATE — the interest banks charge EACH—OTHER overnight — to 1—RANGE—OF—0.25—PERCENT to 0.5—PERCENT, up from NEAR—0 for the 1. time.
20151216—20130000    —VOR, —2—JAHREN Zuletzt war LICIO—GELLI wegen eines enormen STEUER—BETRUGS angeklagt.
20151216—20150101    —FROM, PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN ordered his government to suspend RUSSIA—FREE—TRADE—ZONE with UKRAINE, making good on MOSCOW—THREATS to Kiev which seeks closer ties with THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
20151216—20150830    —AM, Den Schlüssel zum Verständnis des Niedergangs von Twitter hat.1—KOMMENTATOR—DES "GUARDIAN"in der Überschrift seines Kommentars perfekt erklärt: "Twitter funktioniert gar nicht schlecht, aber für INTERNETinvestoren ist alles außer der totalen Marktbeherrschung 1—DESASTER".
20151216—20151218    —ON—AFTER—1—YEAR—ON—THE—JOB, FINANCE—MINISTER—JOAQUIM—LEVY, resigned in despair.
20151216—20151218    —ON, finance MINISTER—JOAQUIM—LEVY resigned in despair —AFTER —1—YEAR on the job.
20151216—20151231    —ON, Total Trib Media said it is closing the Valley Independent in Monessen and the Daily News in McKeesport, WEST—PENNSYLVANIA, putting 87—EMPLOYEES OUT—OF—WORK.
20161112—20161216    —ARRESTED, Suspect DANIEL—ORTEGA, —31—JAHRE—ALT was.
20161213—20161216    —CHARGED, Mubyazi was, with offences including obstructing 1—POLICE—INVESTIGATION.
20161216             1—BLAST—OF—ARCTIC—AIR hammered THE—NORTH—EAST—USA, bringing BOSTON the coldest temperatures for this —DAY in more than 1—CENTURY, prompting schools closings and officials to warn residents to cover up or stay indoors.
20161216             "THE—UUV was lawfully conducting 1—MILITARY—SURVEY in THE—WATERS—OF—THE—SOUTH—CHINA—SEA,"1—OFFICIAL said, speaking on CONDITION—OF—ANONYMITY.
20161216             276.000.000—DOLLAR: KUBA will STAATS—SCHULDEN mit Rum begleichen
20161216             —BEENDET, ALEPPO in SYRIEN: RUSSLAND erklärt Evakuierung für
20161216             ASSAD—VORMARSCH in SYRIEN: —HEUTE ALEPPO, —MORGEN Idlib
20161216             BERICHTE—ÜBER—HERKUNFT von Straftätern: Presserat erhält immer mehr Beschwerden
20161216             DONALD—TRUMP und der FREI—HANDEL: GLOBALISIERUNG kann tödlich sein
20161216             —BESTIMMT, Das wird, 1—EIERLAUF, da überhaupt 1.Definition zu finden.
20161216             EU—TREFFEN, Gipfel der Ohnmacht
20161216             Emotionsmanagement: So vermeiden Sie Gefühlsausbrüche im BÜRO (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 05:34)
20161216             Entdeckung: Diamanten aus 600—KM Tiefe
20161216             FAKE—NEWS im INTERNET: KOALITION will FACEBOOK Meldestelle gesetzlich vorschreiben
20161216             Gerade, wenn du dachtest, du hast —DIESES—JAHR—SCHON alles gehört.
20161216             Gestrichene Passagen im ARMUTS—BERICHT, Was hinter dem STREIT—ÜBER—DIE Gutverdiener steckt
20161216             HETZE—GEGEN—LOKALPOLITIKER: So viel Hass, und keiner kann helfen
20161216             IFO—PROGNOSE: DIE—INFLATION kehrt zurück
20161216             Illegale Bildaufnahmen: POLIZEI nimmt SPD—POLITIKER Förster fest
20161216             Kein Zug nach AFRIKA: Mehr als 250—STÖRCHE überwintern in BAYERN—KOMMT ihr NIE drauf!
20161216             Konkret hat die Drohne da Dinge wie den Salzgehalt, Temperatur und Klarheit des Wassers gemessen, weil die Einfluss auf Sonarmessungen haben.
20161216             KORAN—VERTEILAKTION: Salafisten klagen gegen VERBOT—DER—"Lies!"—KAMPAGNE
20161216             LEHRER—PROTEST—IN—AUSTRALIEN: Sind politische Botschaften im Klassenzimmer erlaubt?
20161216             Monica Crowley: DONALD—TRUMP holt MAUER—FAN in SICHERHEITS—TEAM
20161216             Na DAS passt ja mal wieder wie Arsch auf Eimer!
20161216             Opfer resistenter Keime: Die Mär von den 10—MILLIONEN Toten
20161216             PHILIPPINEN: Duterte will USA—TRUPPEN aus dem Land werfen
20161216             Quiz: Wie gut kennen Sie sich mit EUROPAs Drogenszene aus?
20161216             RADIO—INTERVIEW: OBAMA kündigt Vergeltung für RUSSISCHE—HACKER—ANGRIFFE an
20161216             Schlechte Luft in CHINA—PEKING ruft SMOG—ALARM aus
20161216             —PASSIERT, So und wisst ihr, was gerade, ist? Stand so bei der FAZ.
20161216             —BESCHLAGNAHMT, Südchinesisches Meer: CHINA, tauchende USA—DROHNE
20161216             The incident, the 1.of its kind in recent memory, took place on;;1215;;
20161216             —ABOUT 50—NAUTICAL—MILES—NORTH—WEST—OF—SUBIC—BAY off THE—PHILIPPINES —JUST as THE—USNS—BOWDITCH, 1—OCEANOGRAPHIC—SURVEY ship, was about to retrieve THE—UNMANNED underwater vehicle (UUV), officials said.
20161216             This Twitter and Dataminr announcement applies to all 77—FUSION centers (6 in CALIFORNIA alone) that are currently operating in states across THE—COUNTRY.
20161216             Top NSA Watchdog Who Insisted SNOWDEN Should Have Come to Him Receives Termination Notice for Retaliating Against 1—WHISTLE—BLOWER
20161216             Trotz BREXIT—BRITEN blockieren KAMPF—GEGEN—STEUER—OASEN
20161216             —VERSUCHT, Und SNOWDEN sagte, er habe es, aber man wollte ihn nicht anhören.
20161216             —GEFEUERT, Und warum wird der ?
20161216             Unsere Regierung steht mit 1—BEIN im Knast, soviel ist klar.
20161216             VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ macht RUSSLAND für CYBER—ANGRIFFE VERANTWORTLICH—PRÄZISE Erkenntnisse über staatliches Vorgehen unter dem DECK—MANTEL von Hackern
20161216             Weißhelme über ALEPPO: RUSSLAND soll
20161216             Wie war das noch gleich mit den Raketen aus dem IRAK, die angeblich innerhalb —45—MINUTEN EUROPA erreichen könnten?
20161216             YUAN—STÜTZUNG: JAPAN löst CHINA als größten USA—GLÄUBIGER ab
20161216             [l] CHINA hat 1.Unterwasserdrohne DER—USA—NAVY eingefangen und mitgenommen.
20161216             [l] Einen noch zu Andrej Holm.
20161216             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN! [l] Habt ihr das auch gehört?
20161216             [l] Hacker hacken... DIE—USA—BEHÖRDE, die für die Zertifizierung der WAHL—COMPUTER zuständig ist!
20161216             [l] Hält hier jemand Aktien an 1—VERLAGSHAUS?
20161216             [l] Ihr erinnert euch doch sicher, daß die Verteidigung der NSA bei der SNOWDEN—AFFÄRE war, SNOWDEN hätte ja die internen Mechanismen nutzen können, um das Fehlverhalten der NSA zu melden.
20161216             [l] Twitter Cuts Off Fusion Spy Centers' Access to SOCIAL—MEDIA Surveillance Tool.
20161216             kurz & krass: POLIZISTEN erschnuppern CANNABIS—PLANTAGE
20161216             —BERICHT, zu USA—TURNVERBAND: Hunderte Athleten meldeten sexuellen Missbrauch
20161216             —DER—MORGEN—LIVE, "VANITY—FAIR"kritisiert DONALD—TRUMP—RESTAURANT—DONALD—TRUMP pampt zurück
20161216             —DIE—LAGE—AM—FREITAG, Wird Idlib das nächste ALEPPO?
20161216             —KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN—ARMEE stoppt Evakuierung von ALEPPO
20161216             —UPDATE, Hier ist noch 1—HIGHLIGHT von dieser Person.
20161216             —WENIG—SPÄTER, meldeten sich dann FRÜHERE—WHISTLE—BLOWER (WILLIAM—BINNEY und THOMAS—DRAKE) und bestätigten, daß der interne Weg Bullshit ist (Binneys WIKIPEDIA—SEITE hat Details.
20161216             —ZUKUNFT—DER—USA—TRUMP als Chance
20161216             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—ELECT DONALD—TRUMP, that he will nominate attorney DAVID—FRIEDMAN as USA—AMBASSADOR to ISRAEL, selecting 1—ENVOY who supports ISRAEL—SETTLEMENTS and other changes to USA—POLICIES in the region.
20161216             —HEADED, Friedman already, 1—SETTLEMENT fundraising organization.
20161216             —STRIPPED, NORTH—CAROLINA Republican, incoming Democratic GOVERNOR—ROY—COOPER—OF—SOME—OF—HIS—AUTHORITY and were on the cusp of 1—EVEN greater power grab.
20161216             —PRAISED, THE—UK—HOME—OFFICE said that National Action, 1—ORGANIZATION that, THE—MURDERER—OF—LAWMAKER JO—COX, has become the 1. FAR—RIGHT—GROUP in BRITAIN to be banned as 1—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION.
20161216             —DESCRIBED, The government, he group as a "virulently racist, ANTI—SEMITIC and homophobic" NEO—NAZI organization.
20161216             1—LONDON jury found RALPH—CLARKE (101) guilty of 21—COUNTS—OF—INDECENCY and indecent assault on 2—GIRLS in the 1970s and '80s.
20161216             —ADMITTED, The former truck driver had, 9—OTHER—CHARGES against 1—BOY.
20161216             —ESTIMATED, ENGLAND, 1, 600—INMATES seized control and launched 1—DESTRUCTIVE—RAMPAGE at HMP BIRMINGHAM.
20161216             —RESTORED, Ordered was, the —NEXT—DAY.
20161216             —KILLED, NORTH—BURKINA—FASO, at least 12—SOLDIERS were, —AFTER DOZENS—OF—ISLAMIC—EXTREMISTS attacked 1—ARMY barracks in Nassoumbou.
20161216             CAMBODIA—AUTHORITIES found 1.3—METRIC—TONS—OF—IVORY, 10—CHEETAH skulls and 82—KG (180—POUNDS) of cheetah bones, and 137—KG (301—POUNDS) of pangolin scales concealed in 3—CONTAINERS shipped from MOZAMBIQUE.
20161216             —RAIDED, CANADA, police in MONTREAL, 6—CANNABIS shops —1—DAY—AFTER they opened, —FOLLOWING 1—WARNING by PRIME—MINISTER—JUSTIN—TRUDEAU that the government is still at least —1—YEAR away from legalizing pot use.
20161216             —ENACTED, CHINA, a —5—DAY smog red alert for BEIJING and other northern cities banning HALF—OF—ALL—VEHICLES from city streets and ordering factories, schools and construction sites closed.
20161216             CHINA—OFFICIALS said USA—ASSERTIONS that CHINA is the top source of the synthetic opioids that have killed THOUSANDS—OF—DRUG—USERS in THE—USA—AND—CANADA are unsubstantiated.
20161216             —OPENED, THE—DUBAI—PARKS & Resorts project —AFTER it formally.
20161216             The park includes 1—LEGOLAND, 1—BOLLYWOOD—THEMED park, 1—MOVIE—THEMED—MOTIONGATE park, 1—HOTEL and 1—SHOPPING district, 1—PROJECT estimated to be worth over $3—BILLION.
20161216             —CONVICTED—OF, FRANCE, 1—ELDERLY—ELECTRICIAN and his wife were, illicitly procuring HUNDREDS—OF—PICASSO artworks that they kept for almost —40—YEARS in the garage of their home.
20161216             1—APPEALS—COURT—IN—THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—AIX—EN—PROVENCE gave a —2—YEAR suspended sentence to PIERRE—LE—GUENNEC, —77—JAHRE—ALT, who carried out electrical work at THE—HOME—OF—PABLO—PICASSO—LAST—WIFE in the early 1970s, along with his wife, Danielle.
20161216             THE—180—PAINTINGS, other artworks as well as 1—BOOK—OF—91—DRAWINGS were estimated at 1 combined worth of $63-$105—MILLION.
20161216             French and SPAIN—POLICE made 5—ARRESTS—AFTER discovering 1 suspected weapons trove for the Basque militant group ETA in SOUTH—FRANCE.
20161216             —ANNOUNCED, GERMANY—DISCOUNT supermarket group Lidl, plans to create 5,000 new jobs in LONDON as PART—OF—1—MAJOR—INVESTMENT—PROGRAM in BRITAIN, where it is enjoying rapid growth.
20161216             GERMANY—AIRLINE—LUFTHANSA said it is launching 1—CODE—SHARING agreement with ABU—DHABI—BASED—ETIHAD, 1—KEY—FINANCIAL—BACKER—OF troubled rival Air BERLIN, from which Lufthansa will lease 38—AIRCRAFT for 2—OF—ITS subsidiaries.
20161216             —REPORTED, It was, that Greenpeace and WWF have suspended their relationship with ASIA Pacific Resources INTERNATIONAL (—APRIL), 1—OF—INDONESIA—LEADING pulp and paper companies, saying it didn't live up to promises to improve its environmental record.
20161216             1—WORLD—TRADE—ORGANIZATION—DISPUTE—PANEL ruled that THE—EU had been largely within its rights to impose ANTI—DUMPING duties on INDONESIA—FATTY alcohols, rejecting MOST—OF—INDONESIA—COMPLAINT at THE—GENEVA—BASED trade body.
20161216             The governments of ITALY—2—BIGGEST cities came under judicial scrutiny, with MILAN—MAYOR suspending himself from his duties and 1—TOP—AIDE in ROME—ADMINISTRATION put under arrest.
20161216             MILAN—MAYOR—GIUSEPPE—SALA was under investigation in 1—CASE involving tender bids at —LAST—YEAR—EXPO world fair.
20161216             Raffaele Marra, 1—AIDE to Mayor VIRGINIA Raggi of the 5-Star Movement, was arrested on SUSPICION—OF—CORRUPTION linked to a 20130000             real estate deal.
20161216             —WRAPPED, JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER—SHINZO—ABE and RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, up —2—DAYS—OF—TALKS, with numerous economic deals but no big breakthrough on 1—TERRITORIAL—ROW that has overshadowed ties —WWII—SINCE.
20161216             —VOTED, MALI—NATIONAL—ASSEMBLY, overwhelmingly to drop charges of high treason against FORMER—PRESIDENT—AMADOU—TOUMANI—TOURE in 1—DECISION that should allow him to return from exile in SENEGAL.
20161216             —STARTED, MYANMAR government forces, launching attacks on the northeastern headquarters of the Kachin INDEPENDENCE Army, 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—ETHNIC—REBEL—GROUPS.
20161216             POLAND, opposition lawmakers, upset that the conservative ruling party plans to limit reporters' access to lawmakers, protested in the lower HOUSE—OF—PARLIAMENT, singing the national anthem and chanting "Free media!" and "Democracy!"
20161216             SYRIA, 1—BLAST in the Midan DISTRICT—OF—DAMASCUS left at least 1—PERSON—DEAD.
20161216             State television said 1—YOUNG—GIRL—OF about —9—YEARS—OF—AGE blew herself.
20161216             —INDICTED, THAILAND prosecutors, 19—SENIOR—MEMBERS—OF—THE—ANTI—COUP—RED—SHIRT—MOVEMENT for violating 1—BAN on political activities —WHEN they sought to open 1—OFFICE to monitor last —AUGUST—REFERENDUM on 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION.
20161216             —APPROVED, THAILAND—MILITARY—APPOINTED legislature, 1—BILL tightening the country's already harsh Computer Crime Act, defying critics who said it infringes on the right to free expression.
20161216             THE—UN said it is getting daily reports of rapes and killings of the Rohingya minority in MYANMAR and independent monitors are being barred from investigating.
20161216             At THE—VATICAN—FRANCIS—PAPA brought COLOMBIA—PRESIDENT—JUAN—MANUEL—SANTOS and his main political opponent RIGHT—WING predecessor, Alvaro Uribe, together to discuss the country's rebel peace deal.
20161216             VENEZUELA, protests and looting broke out in PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY due to 1—LACK—OF—CASH—AFTER the socialist government suddenly pulled the nation's largest banknote from circulation in the midst of 1—BRUTAL economic crisis.
20161216             3—DEATHS were reported amid violent scenes in the southern mining TOWN—OF—CALLAO.
20161216             1—COURT—IN—NORTH—VIETNAM sentenced 1—FORMER—ARMY—OFFICER and another activist to more than —10—YEARS in prison each for attempting to overthrow the communist government.
20161216             —CONVICTED—OF, Tran Anh Kim (67) and Le Thanh Tung were, attempted subversion at a —1—DAY—TRIAL
20161216—20161219    —SENTENCED, Clarke was, to —13—YEARS in jail.
20161219             —PROTESTED, THAILAND—DEFENSE—MINISTRY—WEBSITE went temporarily offline as hackers, 20161216             —THE passage of 1—BILL—RESTRICTING—INTERNET—FREEDOM.
20170421             —KIDNAPPED, The group was, 20151216             , from 1—DESERT—CAMP for falcon hunters in SOUTH—IRAQ.
20171216             1—AKTUELLE —STUDIE zeigt, Männer trifft es bei Grippe im Durchschnitt härter als Frauen.
20171216             1—CARBON blob offers his WISDOM—AH yes.
20171216             BREXIT—UMFRAGE: Mehr als 50—PROZENT—DER—BRITEN will in der EU bleiben
20171216             COLORADO STATE—SENATOR—JERRY—SONNENBERG says that reducing carbon emissions would kill trees and plants, which need carbon to survive and to produce oxygen.
20171216             DIE—POLIZEI Göttingen ermittelt —INZWISCHEN, gegen DIE—POLIZEI BRAUNSCHWEIG.
20171216             Du weißt, daß es wirklich krass ist, wenn DIE—POLIZEI gegen andere Cops ermittelt.
20171216             Gut, ich denke mal, wir sollten —JETZT nicht die Luft anhalten, —BIS DIE—PRÜGEL—COPS entlassen werden.
20171216             KANADA: Der mysteriöse TOD—DES—PHARMA—MILLIARDÄRS
20171216             Kryptowährung: HESSEN hofft auf Gewinn durch BITCOIN—VERKAUF
20171216             Kryptowährung: NORD—KOREA soll wichtige BITCOIN—BÖRSE gehackt haben
20171216             MONEY—QUOTE: RUMÄNIEN holzt seine Wälder ab: KAHLSCHLAG—IN—DEN Karpaten
20171216             Studie: 780.000—VERKEHRSTOTE
20171216             The forbidden words are "vulnerable," "entitlement," "diversity," "transgender," "fetus," "EVIDENCE—BASED" and "SCIENCE—BASED".
20171216             Wachsende Unterstützung im SENAT: DONALD—TRUMP ist mit STEUER—REFORM fast am Ziel
20171216             [l] Beim CENTER—FOR—DISEASE Control gibt es 1.neue Liste mit verbotenen Worten:
20171216             [l] DIE—POLIZEI achtet ja normalerweise peinlich darauf, daß immer gerade "die Kamera kaputt war", wenn es um das Filmen von POLIZEI—GEWALT—GEGEN—DEMONSTRANTEN geht.
20171216             [l] Frisch freigegebene Dokumente über die 2+4—GESPRÄCHE zeigen, was eigentlich —SCHON—LÄNGER klar war: DIE—NATO hatte Gorbatschow versprochen, daß DIE—NATO "keinen Inch weiter nach Osten"expandiert.
20171216             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE des ARD Mittagsmagazins:
20171216             —BECAME, CALIFORNIA—THOMAS—FIRE, the state's 3. largest blaze on record, with more devastation possible from 1—RESURGENCE—OF—THE—HARSH—WINDS.
20171216             —ORGANIZED, S—FRANCISCO—UNITED—PLAYAZ, 1—GUN buyback in conjunction with police.
20171216             280—FIREARMS were turned in for $100-$200—PER gun.
20171216             —CRASHED, SOUTH—EAST—INDIANA, 1—SINGLE—ENGINE—CESSNA, near Oldenberg killing 3—PEOPLE.
20171216             —REPORTED, It was, that ARGENTINA has fired the head of its navy —1—MONTH—AFTER 1—SUBMARINE disappeared in THE—SOUTH—ATLANTIC with 44—CREW members onboard.
20171216             —LOCATED, THE—ARA S—JUAN submarine has not been, and is thought to have exploded.
20171216             —ARRESTED, AUSTRALIA—POLICE, Chan HAN—CHOI, —59—JAHRE—ALT, accused of working on the black market to sell missile components and coal on BEHALF—OF—NORTH—KOREA.
20171216             Choi had been living in AUSTRALIA for more than —30—YEARS and was of Korean descent.
20171216             oo AUSTRALIA, 2—FEMALE—COUPLES were, in SYDNEY and MELBOURNE —AFTER being granted permission to waive a —4-WEEK period in the 1. SAME—SEX—WEDDINGS under new legislation allowing gay marriages.
20171216             —FORMED, AUSTRIA—NEWLY, conservative FAR—RIGHT—COALITION—GOVERNMENT said it would be 1—RELIABLE—PARTNER in 1—EUROPEAN—UNION it seeks to reform to return more power to national governments.
20171216             —PLEDGED, At 1—MEETING in BEIJING BRITAIN and CHINA, to promote LONDON as 1—CENTER for offshore USE—OF—BEIJING—CURRENCY and cooperate in clean energy research and promoting trade as THE—UK—PREPARES to leave THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
20171216             —FUELED, SOUTH—CHILE, 1—MUDSLIDE, by heavy rains swept over 1—VILLAGE, leaving at least 5—PEOPLE—DEAD and 15—MISSING.
20171216             —CAUSED, Rain, 1—RIVER to overflow and the side of 1—HILL to collapse, burying 20—OF—THE—200—HOUSES in Villa Santa Lucia in the Los LAGOS region.
20171216             —OPENED, EGYPT, its largely sealed border with GAZA for only the 2. time —SINCE THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY took control of the crossing from the territory's Islamist rulers Hamas.
20171216             —EXPECTED, The crossing was, to stay open —FOR—4—DAYS but, in THE—EGYPT direction, for humanitarian cases only.
20171216             —STABBED, GABON, 1—NIGER national (53), 2—DENMARK—JOURNALISTS in LIBREVILLE, declaring it was in retaliation for USA—ATTACKS against Muslims.
20171216             1—REPORTER was left in serious condition.
20171216             —ARRESTED, The attacker was —IMMEDIATELY.
20171216             —SERVED, Hernandez was 1—AGRONOMY engineer who, as communications MINISTER under her brother.
20171216             INDIA, Rahul Gandhi, the scion of INDIA—MOST famous political dynasty, took over as PRESIDENT—OF—THE—MAIN—OPPOSITION—CONGRESS—PARTY—WHILE facing 1—STIFF—CHALLENGE from PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI—RULING Hindu nationalists.
20171216             1—LEBANESE—UBER driver with 1—CRIMINAL—RECORD killed Rebecca Dykes, 1—UK—WOMAN, who worked at THE—UK—EMBASSY in BEIRUT.
20171216             —STRANGLED, Dykes' body was found, by 1—MAIN—ROAD outside BEIRUT.
20171216             —ARRESTED, The driver was —LATER, and confessed.
20171216             1—GROUP—OF—MYANMAR journalists said they would begin wearing black T—SHIRTS in protest at the detention of 2—REUTERS reporters accused of violating the country's Official Secrets Act, as pressure builds on MYANMAR to release the pair.
20171216             —ARRESTED, NIGERIA—AUTHORITIES said soldiers in a —2—WEEK—OPERATION have, 167—BOKO Haram fighters as well as 67—WOMEN and 173—CHILDREN associated with the extremist group hiding on THE—ISLANDS—OF—LAKE—CHAD.
20171216             —KILLED, In THE—EAST—PHILIPPINES at least 3—PEOPLE were, and tens of thousands were driven from their homes by floods as Tropical Storm KAI—TAK pounded the area.
20171216             SOUTH—AFRICA—PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA said allegations of private businesses wielding undue influence in his government will be investigated by 1—JUDICIAL—COMMISSION—OF—INQUIRY.
20171216             Zuma also said SOUTH—AFRICA will raise subsidies to universities to 1—PERCENT of gross domestic product over the next —5—YEARS from nearly 0.7—PERCENT —AT—PRESENT as recommended by 1—COMMISSION on higher education funding.
20171216             THE—GOVERNMENT—CONTROLLED SYRIA—CENTRAL—MILITARY—MEDIA said SYRIA—TROOPS have captured the village of Tal AL—KHANAZEER on the southeastern edge of Idlib.
20171216—19530000    —LASTED, Her marriage to Prima, to 19610000             .
20171216—20171204    —DESTROYED, It has, more than 1,000 structures, including about 750—HOMES, in coastal communities in SOUTH—CALIFORNIA —SINCE erupting.
20181216             1—FAHRT mit dem ID: Volkswagens größte Hoffnung —SEIT dem Golf
20181216             1—LKW—FAHRER erzählt : "Mein —CHEF—ERMUTIGT mich, mehr zu arbeiten, als ich darf" (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 00:05)
20181216             —POLARISIERT, Bildglättung in TV—GERÄTEN: Seifenoperneffekt, die Fernsehnation
20181216             CHINAs Werbung für die "Neue Seidenstraße": Ganz große PROPAGANDA
20181216             Das Grabmal gehöre einem Hohepriester mit Namen "Wahtye" und sei mehr als 4.—400—JAHRE—ALT,
20181216             Familiengeheimnisse: Wie die Schicksalsschläge unserer —VORFAHREN das eigene Leben prägen (SPIEGEL+, 07:18)
20181216             Fund des größten Diamanten: NORD—AMERIKAS neues Superjuwel
20181216             Grabmal eines Priesters in der Pyramidenanlage Sakkara nahe KAIRO entdeckt.
20181216             HAUSHALT—DEFIZIT in FRANKREICH—REGIERUNG räumt VERSTOß—GEGEN—EU—OBERGRENZE 20190000             —FÜR, ein
20181216             IRISCHER—HISTORIKER über den BREXIT: "Wenn es 1.MACHT gibt, die auf eigenen Füßen stehen kann, dann ist es GROSSBRITANNIEN" (SPIEGEL+, 17:22)
20181216             Mick Mulvaney:des DONALD—TRUMPNEUER—STABS—CHEF—FAND DONALD—TRUMP "schrecklich"
20181216             RUSSLAND—PUTIN will Rapmusik "kontrollieren"
20181216             Tod 1—SIEBENJÄHRIGEN an USA—GRENZE: Vater widerspricht Angaben über Dehydrierung
20181216             —BESCHLAGNAHMT, Tonnenweise Stoßzähne: KAMBODSCHA, historischen Elfenbeinfund
20181216             Trotz fraglicher Mehrheit für BREXIT—VERTRAG: May lehnt neues REFERENDUM ab
20181216             UNGARN: Tausende protestieren erneut gegen "Sklavereigesetz"
20181216             aus dem Alten Reich stammten, der ältesten der klassischen Perioden des Alten Ägyptens.
20181216             war "Wahtye" während der 5. Dynastie (2500—BIS 2300_VOR_CHRISTUS) Hohepriester unter KÖNIG—NEFERIRKARE.
20181216             —PROTESTE—IN—FRANKREICH: Gelbe Westen sind die neuen GUY—FAWKES—MASKEN
20181216             —PROTESTE—IN—FRANKREICH: Gelbe Westen, leere Kassen
20181216             —PROTEST—GEGEN—UNO—MIGRATIONSPAKT in BRÜSSEL: POLIZEI geht gegen gewalttätige Demonstranten vor
20181216             USA Badger CEO—JOHN—ANTON said that his company would halt shipment from Hetian Taida Apparel —WHILE it investigates reports of sportswear being manufactured at 1—INTERNMENT—CAMP in CHINA—XINGIANG region.
20181216             FLORIDA, Coast Guard Petty Officer 1. Class JOHN—PRESNAR, —44—JAHRE—ALT shot and killed his wife and their —7—YEAR—OLD—SON and critically wounded their daughter (8) —BEFORE killing himself —FOLLOWING 1—ARGUMENT at their home SOUTH—OF—MIAMI.
20181216             —REPORTED, It was, that BOSTON—MUSEUM—OF—FINE—ARTS has received what museum officials are calling 1—TRANSFORMATIVE gift of nearly 200—PIECES—OF—CHINA—ART that have been in the same family for 6—GENERATIONS.
20181216             The gift from WAN—GO H. C. Weng is the largest and most significant GIFT—OF—CHINA—ART in museum history.
20181216             —DEPLOYED, BELGIUM police, teargas and water cannon —AFTER scuffles broke out in BRUSSELS as THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE answered 1—CALL by FAR—RIGHT—GROUPS to reject 1—UN—MIGRATION—PACT.
20181216             BRAZIL, Joao Teixeira de Faria (76), better known as "Joao de Deus" or "JOHN—OF—GOD," was arrested —AFTER women came forward in BRAZIL—MEDIA and to police to allege he sexually forced himself on them on pretext of "curing" THEM—OF—AILMENTS.
20181216             —CONDUCTED, Police, raids on properties linked to Faria and found handguns, gemstones and -- hidden behind 1—FALSE—PANEL in 1—WARDROBE -- 1—SUITCASE containing the equivalent of $300,000 in cash.
20181216             —KILLED, CONGODRC, at least 1—PERSON was, and over 80 injured in clashes between supporters of rival candidates in TSHIKAPA, 1—CITY in THE—CENTRAL—KASAI region, —JUST days ahead of 1—CRUCIAL—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION.
20181216             —OCCUPIED, FRANCE, yellow vest protesters, DOZENS—OF—TRAFFIC roundabouts across the country even as their movement for economic justice appeared to be losing momentum on the 5. straight WEEKEND—OF—PROTESTS.
20181216             —VOWED, GEORGIA—INCOMING—PRESIDENT—SALOME—ZURABISHVILI, to reconcile political divisions and deepen ties with NATO and EUROPE at —SUNDAY—INAUGURATION that opposition protesters were blocked from reaching.
20181216             —PROTESTED, THOUSANDS—OF—HUNGARIANS, in BUDAPEST against 1—NEW—LABOR—LAW and what they see as the increasingly AUTHORITY—RULE—OF—RIGHT—WING nationalist PRIME—MINISTER—VIKTOR—ORBAN.
20181216             —RAPED, INDIA, 1—NEW—DELHI security guard allegedly, a —3—YEAR—OLD—GIRL—AFTER luring her with sweets.
20181216             —HOSPITALIZED, The girl was, and her suspected attacker was soon arrested.
20181216             —URGED, Local residents were, to avoid activities near the mountain.
20181216             IRAN, the appointment of Kambiz Mehdizadeh, PRESIDENT—HASSAN—ROUHANI—SON—IN—LAW, as HEAD—OF—IRAN—GEOLOGICAL—SURVEY led to the resignation of Jafar Sargheyni, head of the mining section in the industries ministry.
20181216             —REPORTED, It was, that the appointment has renewed ACCUSATIONS—OF—NEPOTISM.
20181216             —DETAINED, IRAN—AUTHORITIES, 1 unspecified NUMBER—OF—STEEL—MILL—WORKERS—AFTER—5—WEEKS—OF—PROTESTS over delays in salaries in Khuzestan province.
20181216             —REPORTED, IRAN, 1—WEBSITE—OF—THE—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARD, that GENERAL—GHODRATOLLAH—MANSOURI, 1—VETRAN  of the 1980s IRAN—IRAQ war, accidentally shot himself in the head —WHILE cleaning 1—HIS—PISTOL.
20181216             Iraqis laid the cornerstone in rebuilding MOSUL—AL—NURI mosque and leaning minaret, national emblems destroyed —LAST—YEAR in the ferocious BATTLE—AGAINST—THE—ISLAMIC—STATE—GROUP.
20181216             —EXPOSED, THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY said it has, a 4. Hezbollah attack tunnel dug from LEBANON.
20181216             —INJURED, NORTH—JAPAN, 42—PEOPLE were, in 1—EXPLOSION at 1—BAR in SAPPORO.
20181216             —SPONSORED, KASHMIR, 1—SECURITY clampdown and 1—STRIKE, by separatists fighting against INDIA—RULE shut MOST—OF—THE—INDIAN—ADMINISTERED state.
20181216             —KILLED, WEST—KENYA, 5—PEOPLE were, in 1—VILLAGE—AFTER residents resisted THE—ARREST—OF—1—SUSPECT in 1—DOMESTIC—ABUSE—CASE.
20181216             1—POLICEMAN was soon arrested in connection with the deaths.
20181216             HUNDREDS—OF—LEBANON—TOOK to the streets to protest against 1—POLITICAL stalemate that has prevented the formation of 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT —7—MONTHS—AFTER elections.
20181216             —CONDEMNED, NORTH—KOREA, THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION for stepping up sanctions and pressure on THE—NUCLEAR—ARMED—COUNTRY, warning of 1—RETURN to "EXCHANGES—OF—FIRE" and that disarming PYONGYANG could be blocked forever.
20181216             —REPORTED, It was, that PAKISTAN—ARMY—CHIEF has approved death sentences for 15—PEOPLE convicted by military COURTS—OF—INVOLVEMENT in attacks that killed 32—SECURITY—FORCES and 2—CIVILIANS.
20181216             † In SOUTH—ROMANIA Anca Pop (34), 1—ROMANIAN—CANADIAN—SINGER—SONGWRITER, —AFTER her car plunged into the Danube River.
20181216             —ELECTED, Russians living in the far EAST—REGION—OF—PRIMORSKY—KRAI, 1—KREMLIN—BACKED candidate for GOVERNOR—ON—SUNDAY —AFTER 1—PREVIOUS—ELECTION was thrown out due to voting fraud.
20181216             OLEG—KOZHEMYAKO won 61.4—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTES—AFTER 95—PERCENT—OF—THE—BALLOTS had been counted.
20181216             —REPORTED, At least 2—RWANDA—CIVILIANS were, killed and 8 injured —WHEN attackers set fire to 3—PASSENGER—VEHICLES in THE—SOUTH—NYAMAGABE district, which borders BURUNDI.
20181216             —SKIDDED, SOUTH—SERBIA, 1—BUS, off the road and overturned amid wintry weather, killing 3—PEOPLE and injuring 32—OTHERS.
20181216             —STRIPPED, SPAIN, DOZENS—OF—ANIMAL—RIGHTS—ACTIVISTS, naked and covered themselves in fake blood in BARCELONA in 1—PROTEST against the use of fur and leather.
20181216             —CRASHED, SWITZERLAND, 1—TOUR—BUS on its way to GERMANY, killing 1—PERSON and injuring 44—OTHERS.
20181216             —KILLED, SYRIA, 1—CAR—BOMB, at least 8—PEOPLE including 4—CIVILIANS—NEAR 1—PRO—TURKEY rebel post in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—AFRIN.
20181216             YEMEN, clashes shook Hodeida —AFTER air strikes and deadly fighting on the outskirts overnight.
20181216             —KILLED, At least 12 were, and 25—OTHERS wounded from both sides.
20181225             THE—USA—LED coalition said its attacks in Syria —DURING THE—WEEK—OF—20181216—20221216    , including air strikes and "coordinated fires," had destroyed logistics facilities and staging areas used by Islamic State.
20191212—20191216    Geminid meteor shower
20191216             "DAS—ERGEBNIS ist umso erschreckender, als die Genannten in ihrem Amt teilweise 1—SEILSCHAFT aus der NS—ZEIT pflegten", sagte LANDESINNEN—MINISTER—HERBERT—REUL (CDU).
20191216             "Das Gutachten zeigt ein sehr bedrückendes Ergebnis", sagte —NUN der amtierende LKA—CHEF—FRANK—HOEVER.
20191216             Ab ;;01;; : Boeing stoppt Produktion von 737—MAX—BIS auf Weiteres
20191216             DIE—1. 4—CHEFS des LANDESKRIMINALAMTS NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN waren neuen Forschungen zufolge während der NS—DIKTATUR an Gräueltaten beteiligt.
20191216             DIE—HOFFNUNG, bei der anstehenden Renaturierung sicher 1—WEITERBESCHÄFTIGUNG zu finden, ist trügerisch.
20191216             DIE—KOHLE geht über eine 14km lange Bandanlage ins Kraftwerk Lippendorf und wird dort mit einem Wirkungsgrad von 42,55 % zu Strom und Fernwärme, die z.B.
20191216             —PROFITIERT, DIE—POLIZISTEN hätten von der Legende, daß die KRIMINAL—POLIZEI im "3. Reich" im Gegensatz zur Gestapo vergleichsweise sauber geblieben sei, sagte Historiker Hölzl.
20191216             Das Problem sind auch nicht nur die direkten Tagebaubeschäftigten.
20191216             FRANKREICH: STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT fordert Haftstrafe für Onkel von BASCHAR AL—ASSAD
20191216             Historiker über das BRITISCHE—SELBSTBILD: Vom Löwen zum kleinen Mann mit Melone (SPIEGEL+, 00:20)
20191216             Hunger in NORDKOREA: "40—PROZENT—DER—MENSCHEN sind unterernährt" (SPIEGEL+, 00:23)
20191216             Im HAU—RUCK—VERFAHREN erledigen wir DEUTSCHLAND als INDUSTRIESTAND—ORT und dienen der Welt dann nicht als Vorbild, sondern als abschreckendes Beispiel.
20191216             Mon 20191216
20191216             —VERLIERT, Rücktritt des FRANZÖSISCHEN—RENTENBEAUFTRAGTEN: Macron, seinen wichtigsten Helfer
20191216             [l] Leserbrief zum BRAUNKOHLE—LESERBRIEF:
20191216             † USA—AUTHORITIES said at least 9—PEOPLE have in WEATHER—RELATED crashes in several Midwestern states amid 1—STORM that dumped nearly 1—FOOT—OF—SNOW in places, forced schools to close and snarled traffic.
20191216             —ADVANCED, Stocks, on WALL—STREET for a 4. straight —DAY sending the major indexes to record highs.
20191216             —CLOSED, THE—DOW, at 28,235.89; the Nasdaq closed at 8814.23; the S&P 500 closed at 3191.45.
20191216             3—PEOPLE were confirmed dead, 2 in ALABAMA and 1 in LOUISIANA, and 12—MORE injured as 1—POWERFUL—STORM—FRONT packing suspected tornadoes smashed into buildings, downed trees and left 1—TRAIL—OF—DESTRUCTION—AROUND the Deep South.
20191216             FLORIDA, 1—MIAMI FEDERAL—COURT sent 5—BUSINESSMEN to prison.
20191216             —CONVICTED—OF, They were, exploiting a "Buy American" program to fleece TENS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS from USA medical and food suppliers in 1—GLOBAL racket.
20191216             —HEADED, Ringleader Bryamji Javat, 1—PAKISTAN—WHO, DUBAI—BASED Uniworld Group, received a —10—YEAR—SENTENCE—AFTER pleading guilty to 1—WIRE—FRAUD—CONSPIRACY.
20191216             —DENIED, He had previously, the charges against him and another officer, Reginald Ramones, who pleaded guilty —IN—SEPTEMBER.
20191216             1—MISSISSIPPI man whose murder conviction was overturned by THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT for racial bias was granted bond and will be free for the 1. time in —22—YEARS.
20191216             —FIRED, Bullets were, into 1—OKLAHOMA—CITY—HOME—EARLY—TODAY, killing a —2—YEAR—OLD—GIRL and wounding her grandmother as the 2 were sleeping in bed.
20191216             —SENTENCED, He was, to —20—YEARS in prison for 1.—DEGREE criminal sexual conduct.
20191216             —KILLED, TEXAS, EDUARDO—AREVALO, —19—JAHRE—ALT, his pregnant sister in their home.
20191216             He wrote 1—FAKE suicide note in her name and —LATER left her body in 1—ALLEY.
20191216             —ISSUED, THE—USA—ACADEMY—OF—PEDIATRICS (AAP), its 1. new autism treatment guidelines in —12—YEARS aimed at helping doctors identify AT—RISK—CHILDREN and getting them the care they need as early as possible.
20191216             —SUCCEEDED, Axsome Therapeutics Inc said its drug, in reducing SYMPTOMS—OF—MAJOR depressive disorder in 1—LATE—STAGE—TRIAL, taking the company 1—STEP—CLOSER to entering 1—MULTI—BILLION dollar market for depression treatments.
20191216             —BRACED, Boeing Co suppliers, customers and financiers, for 1—POSSIBLE freeze in Boeing 737—PRODUCTION for the 1. time in more than —20—YEARS as THE—GROUNDING—OF—THE—BEST—SELLING—MAX looks set to last well into 20200000             .
20191216             USA—BASED WPX Energy Inc said it would buy privately held FELIX—ENERGY in a $2.5—BILLION deal, as the Permian basin operator looks to add OIL—RICH—ACREAGE in THE—DELAWARE—REGION—OF—WEST—TEXAS and SOUTH—NEW—MEXICO, sending its shares up more than 9%.
20191216             —REPORTED, It was, that mass ABUSE—OF—THE—OPIOID—DRUG tramadol, originally made by Grumenthal of GERMANY, is —NOW creating havoc spanning continents from INDIA, to AFRICA to THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20191216             Most of the unregulated drug was coming from INDIA.
20191216             —CONFIRMED, ALGERIA—CONSTITUTIONAL—COUNCIL, Abdelkader Tebboune as the new PRESIDENT—OF—AFRICA—LARGEST—COUNTRY for the next —5—YEARS — despite mass protests challenging his election —LAST—WEEK.
20191216             —REACHED, BELARUS said it has, 1—AGREEMENT with CHINA to receive a $500-million loan.
20191216             The loan will be provided by THE—SHANGHAI—OFFICE—OF—THE—CHINA—DEVELOPMENT—BANK.
20191216             CENTRAL—AFRICA REP.'s Kwa Na Kwa party said FORMER—PRESIDENT—FRANCOIS—BOZIZE, who was ousted nearly —7—YEARS—AGO by 1—COALITION—OF—REBEL—GROUPS, has returned from exile.
20191216             —PROPOSED, CHINA and RUSSIA, easing SANCTIONS—AGAINST—NUCLEAR—ARMED—NORTH—KOREA, in response to steps the North takes towards denuclearization.
20191216             —KNOCKED, THE—USA, back the call to ease sanctions on NORTH—KOREA despite threats of further provocations, as PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP said he would "take care of" ANY—THREATS the regime had in the works.
20191216             —APPEALED, INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI, for calm —TODAY as violent nationwide STUDENT—LED protests against "ANTI—MUSLIM" citizenship legislation continued for a 5. —DAY.
20191216             —KILLED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL said that at least 304—PEOPLE were, in —LAST—MONTH—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS in IRAN, 1—SIGNIFICANTLY higher number than what the rights group had reported previously.
20191216             † 7—AFRICA—MIGRANTS and 70—OTHER—PEOPLE were rescued —WHEN their boat sank —WHILE trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea from MOROCCO to SPAIN.
20191216             The rescued migrants, including 10—WOMEN and 1—BABY, were brought back to THE—MOROCCO—COASTAL—CITY—OF—NADOR.
20191216             NORTH—IRELAND—SQUABBLING parties met in the hope of reviving their POWER—SHARING regional government —AFTER—3—YEARS, with THE—UK—ELECTION having cleared the path to Brexit.
20191216             —ARRESTED, SRI—LANKA—POLICE, 1—LOCAL—SWITZERLAND—EMBASSY employee —AFTER she claimed she was abducted by government officials, interrogated and sexually assaulted —BEFORE being released.
20191216             —FIRED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS' AIDS agency, 2—STAFFERS for financial and sexual misconduct, including whistleblower Martina Brostrom, whose allegations of being sexually assaulted sparked MONTHS—OF—TURMOIL at the organization.
20191216             —REPORTED, It was, that VENEZUELA—BUSINESSMEN have taken advantage of his government's quiet ABANDONMENT—OF—PRICE, currency and import controls to buy direct from USA wholesalers including Costco and Walmart.
20191216             Their products —NOW line the shelves in SCORES—OF—NEW—USA—DOLLAR—ONLY—SHOPS known as "bodegones".
20191216             —REPORTED, It was, that MOSQUITO—BORNE dengue fever is the latest challenge facing Yemenis who have endured almost —5—YEARS—OF—1—CONFLICT that has killed thousands, pushed millions to the brink of famine and caused major cholera outbreaks.
20191216—20180000    —IN, SOUTH—CAROLINA, SETH—HOPKINS, THE—SON—OF—1—MAN ACCUSED—OF—SHOOTING 7—LAW—OFFICERS, admitted to raping 1—YOUNG—GIRL in his home multiple times 20170000             —IN and 20180000             .
20191216—20180100    —ADMITTED, HAWAII police Officer JOHN—RABAGO, in FEDERAL—COURT that he trapped SAM—INGALL in 1—RESTROOM and gave him 1—ULTIMATUM: lick 1—URINAL or face arrest.
20191216—20191125    —CLAIMED, The alleged victim, she was abducted by CID officials in 1—WHITE—VAN, and held —FOR—HOURS, —WHILE her abductors sexually abused her and tried to force her to disclose EMBASSY—RELATED information.
20191216—20191222    —ARRESTED, He was, in THE—DALLAS suburb of THE—COLONY.
20191219—20191216    —RESTORED, Election officials in THE—USA—STATE—OF—GEORGIA, some 22,000 voters —AFTER purging 308,753 from voter rolls, citing 1—ERROR in the way their voting history had been screened.
20201201             EINIGE—DER—BLUTSPENDEN waren —BEREITS zwischen dem 13. und 20201216             in den Westküstenstaaten KALIFORNIEN—OREGON und WASHINGTON gegeben worden
20201203—20201216    —ON, police announced murder charges against 1—TEEN, —15—JAHRE—ALT, saying he was known to authorities as 1—MEMBER—OF a "crew" that stole cars in the south suburbs.
20201210—20201216    —ARRESTED, He was, and faced 12—FELONY charges.
20201213—20201216    —AB, Söder verteidigt den harten Lockdown in ganz DEUTSCHLAND als alternativlos.
20201216             Stöhr, Der Maßstab müsste die freien Betten in den Krankenhäusern sein und die verfügbaren Ärzte.
20201216             [Der Maßstab müßte die vollen Betten in den Krankenhäusern sein und die nicht vorhandenen Ärtzte]
20201216             Und auch eine allgemein gültige Definition, was Gerechtigkeit sei, wäre schwer zu geben: "Wie einer jeden Stadt Gerechtes und Gutes scheint, so ist es für sie, solange sie davon überzeugt ist".
20201216             Eine ganz andere Interpretation geht beispielsweise davon aus, dass der Mensch gemeint sei.
20201216             Nicht die einzelne Person, sondern "der Mensch allgemein" wäre dann das Maß aller Dinge.
20201216             Die Dinge wären so, wie sie "dem Menschen" erscheinen;
20201216             1—POSITION, die an die Erkenntnistheorie Kants erinnert
20201216             In einem weiteren Bruchstück der protagoreischen Lehre heißt es, es komme in einer Debatte darauf an, das vertretene Argument, auch wenn es das schwächere sei, zum stärkeren zu machen.[12] Es geht dem Sophisten also nicht um die Wahrheit, ob sein Argument wirklich stimme, sondern bloß darum, dass sein Argument, ob wahr oder falsch, die anderen Argumente besiege.
20201216             Man geht davon aus, dass hier von einer Argumentationstechnik die Rede ist, die Protagoras seinen Schülern im Fach Rhetorik beibrachte
20201216             Aufgrund seines Bekenntnisses, nichts über die Götter wissen zu können, ist es Protagoras auch unmöglich, irgendwelche göttlichen Maße oder Bewertungen göttlichen Ursprungs anzugeben.
20201216             Protagoras wurde seine Bescheidenheit von der Antike an —BIS—HEUTE als Überheblichkeit ausgelegt, allerdings von solchen Denkern, die der Ansicht waren, dass ihnen sicheres Wissen zugänglich sei.
20201216             Dies gilt für Platon und Aristoteles ebenso wie für ungezählte christliche Theologen.
20201216             Gewürdigt wurden an Protagoras seine Tätigkeit als Lehrer im Interesse des Gemeinwesens, sein gründliches Nachdenken über den Menschen und seine Begründung eines mythenfreien Philosophierens
20201216             —MITTWOCH, 20201216
20201216             Krisenkanzlerin im CORONA—JAHR: Der MERKEL—BONUS
20201216             CO2-Preise: Diese Klimapolitik nutzt vor allem den Reichen
20201216             FINNISCH—KANADISCHER—MULTIMILLIONÄR: PETER—NYGARD wegen sexueller Übergriffe und Erpressung festgenommen
20201216             —VERBIETET, ORBÁN—REGIERUNG: UNGARN, Homosexuellen die Adoption von Kindern
20201216             Rauch und Randale: Mehrere Verletzte bei Ausschreitungen in Thüringer Gefängnis
20201216             CORONA—PANDEMIE: USA registrieren fast 1—VIERTELMILLION—INFEKTIONEN — an einem —TAG
20201216             Lockdown: DEUTSCHE—POST rechnet mit —BIS zu 20—PROZENT mehr Paketen
20201216             Pandemie in DEUTSCHLAND: ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT meldet 952—TODESFÄLLE
20201216             Coronakrise: BRITISCHES—IMPFPROGRAMM kostet 12—MILLIARDEN Pfund
20201216             Hotelzimmer für Obdachlose: "Viele sehen darin die Chance ihres Lebens" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—EVA—LEHNEN
20201216             Early Life Stress: Frühe Belastungen, langfristige Folgen
20201216             Coronakrise in der SCHWEIZ: Die Menschen sterben, das Leben läuft munter weiter Aus S—GALLEN berichtet WALTER—MAYR
20201216             FRANKREICH: Polizei entdeckt riesiges Waffenarsenal
20201216             Internetkonzern: AUSTRALIEN verklagt Facebook wegen Sammelns von Nutzerinformationen
20201216             —KRITISIERT, Mehrheitsführer im USA—SENAT: Trump, McConnell für Gratulation an Biden
20201216             Tausendfacher Missbrauch in Kinderheim: "Die Nonnen waren Zuhälterinnen"
20201216             Kohlebergbau: Umsiedlung von 5—DÖRFERN — Ministerium hielt brisantes Gutachten unter Verschluss
20201216             Staatsdiener im Ruhestand: ZAHL—DER—PENSIONÄRE wächst auf 1,34 Millionen — und damit steigen auch die Kosten
20201216             AFD—KLAGE abgewiesen: Verfassungsrichter bestätigen Härtefallregel für Flüchtlinge
20201216             "Grundrecht wahren": SPD—POLITIKER wollen Begrenzung bei Familiennachzug aufheben
20201216             Spielplatz in OBERHAUSEN: Kinder sollen fast 2—METER tiefes Loch gebuddelt haben
20201216             DEUTSCHLAND im Shutdown: Das sind die neuen CORONA—REGELN
20201216             Coronakrise: IFO—INSTITUT senkt Konjunkturprognose deutlich
20201216             Bundesverfassungsgericht: Angehörige von KUNDUZ—OPFERN haben keinen Anspruch auf Entschädigung
20201216             SPIEGEL Klimabericht: Der GroKo geht der Saft aus
20201216             Die Lage: USA 20200000             : DONALD—TRUMP allein im Weißen Haus
20201216             Zweitreichste Frau der Welt: MACKENZIE—SCOTT spendet 4,2 Milliarden Dollar — in —4—MONATEN
20201216             PAKISTAN: Sexualstraftätern droht chemische Kastration
20201216             ISRAEL—BOYKOTTBEWEGUNG: Mehr als 1000—KÜNSTLER unterzeichnen offenen Brief gegen BDS—BESCHLUSS
20201216             Neues Gesetz: Für Beamte gelten strengere Regeln für Tattoos
20201216             —BEREITET, FIDSCHI, sich auf Zyklon "Yasa" vor: Heftiger Regen, starke Winde und Überflutungen erwartet
20201216             BND und BSI werden gestärkt: Regierung billigt Gesetze für und gegen Hacker
20201216             Mutmaßliche Gefangenenmeuterei in Thüringen: "Es hat sich dann hochgeschaukelt"
20201216             Bahnbrechendes Urteil in GROSSBRITANNIEN: Luftverschmutzung für Tod eines Mädchens mitverantwortlich
20201216             —VERLIERT, Geschrumpfte Fraktion: AfD, sogar 3—AUSSCHUSSSITZE
20201216             Illegaler Kahlschlag in der Taiga: DEUTSCHE—FIRMEN in RUSSISCHEN—HOLZSKANDAL verwickelt
20201216             Impfdebatte: 1—FRAGE—VON—LEBEN und Tod
20201216             —BESTREITET, Reaktion auf SPIEGEL—ENTHÜLLUNG: Lawrow, Agentenbeteiligung an NAWALNY—ANSCHLAG
20201216             Regierungsbefragung im BUNDESTAG: Merkel lehnt Vermögensabgabe für Finanzierung der Pandemiekosten ab
20201216             —GESPROCHEN, Coronakrise: Mediziner soll von Triage, haben — Klinikum in Zittau äußert sich zu Berichten
20201216             Kampf gegen Lukaschenko: EU—PARLAMENT ehrt Oppositionelle aus BELARUS mit SACHAROW—PREIS
20201216             Tod ohne Abschied, Trauerfeiern im Stream: Bestatter schlagen Alarm
20201216             Boomende Kryptowährung: Bitcoin kostet erstmals mehr als 20.000—DOLLAR
20201216             Gefahr für Robben und Pinguine: Rieseneisberg auf Kollisionskurs mit Südgeorgien
20201216             Das BRITISCHE—ÜBERSEETERRITORIUM Südgeorgien steht kurz vor einer möglichen Naturkatastrophe: Der Eisberg A-68A mit einer Fläche von 4200—QUADRATKILOMETERN steuert auf die nur 3800—QUADRATKILOMETER große Insel zu.
20201216             Befürchtet wird, dass der VIELE—MILLIARDEN—TONNEN schwere Eisblock im Schelf vor der Insel steckenbleibt und —10—JAHRE dort verharrt — mit weitreichenden Folgen für das dortige Leben.
20201216             Die Aufnahme zeigt, dass sich der Eisberg — mit einer Fläche deutlich größer als das SAARLAND — gefährlich nah am Schelf der Insel bewegt (siehe Bild oben).
20201216             Das Wasser ist hier nicht mal 200—METER tief.
20201216             Wissenschaftler vermuten, dass der untere TEIL—DES—EISBERGS ähnlich weit in den Atlantischen Ozean ragt und —NUN bald am Meeresboden stecken bleiben wird.
20201216             Biologen sind besorgt, dass der Eisberg den zahlreichen Pinguinen und Robben auf der Insel den Zugang zu Nahrung versperren könnte.
20201216             Weil die Wege für die Nahrungssuche im Meer länger werden, könnten die Jungtiere verhungert sein, bevor die Eltern mit Futter von den Jagdgründen im Meer zurück sind.
20201216             Auch kleinere Lebensformen am Meeresgrund und in höheren Wasserschichten, etwa Krill, Plankton, Krebse, Schwämme und Weichtiere, die wiederum größeren Tieren Nahrung bieten, könnten Schaden nehmen und das Ökosystem aus dem