_HEUTE_1206 :

_05111206            † ANNEI, 3. Tenn?—VON—JAPAN
00001206             S—NIKOLAUS am HEILIGEN—FEST
06751206             die in DIE—ACTUS EINGESCHOBENE—URKUNDE—VOM
06751206             in COMPIÈGNE ausgestellten URKUNDE—VON—HAVET
07621206             † MUHAMMAD—AN—NAFS—AZ—ZAK?YA, arabischer Rebellenführer
10581206             NIKOLAUS—II—PAPA—GERHARD—VON—BURGUND wird in SIENA als.
10581206             NIKOLAUS—II—PAPA—GERHARD—VON—BURGUND muss sich des in Rom gewählten Gegenpapstes BENEDIKT—X—PAPA—ANTI—PAPA erwehren.
11491206             † BURCHARD—II—BISCHOF—VON—WORMS
11601206             —PREMIERED, JEAN—BODEL'S "Jeu de St Nicholas,", in ARRAS—FRANCE.
11851206             —DOM—SANCHO—I—SUBINDO—AO—TRONO
11851206             † ALFONS—I—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL, 1.
11851206             —NACH—DEM Tode seines Vater ALFONS—I—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL, besteigt SANCHO—I—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL den Thron.
11971206             VLADISLAV—HEINRICH aus dem Geschlecht der P?emysliden verzichtet zugunsten seines Bruders Ottokar auf die böhmische Herzogskrone und wird dafür 1. VLADISLAV—HEINRICH—MARK—GRAF—VON—MÄHREN.
12061206             † GUIGUES—II—D—ALBON—GRAF—VON—FOREZ und Lyonnais
12401206             —OCCUPIED—KIEV, MONGOLS under BATU—KHAN, and
12401206             —DESTROYED—KIEV, MONGOLS under BATU—KHAN.
12401206             —INVASION in RUSSLAND
12401206             —EROBERT DIE—GOLDENE—HORDE der Mongolen unter BATU—KHAN Kiew, massakriert die meisten Einwohner und zerstört die STADT—KIEW teilweise.
13271206             dem [MILITI]RITTER—GOTTFRIED—VON—JÜLICH[—DE—JULERIO!] in ITALIEN als Söldner...
13401206             "THEODERICUS—COMES—CLEUENSIS"relinquished further claim from "WALRAMUS—ARCHI—EPISCOPUS—COLONIENSIS"relating to the dowry on his marriage to "dominam MARIAm sororem suam"—URKUNDE
13401206             —BEFORE,
13521206             † KLEMENS—VI—PAPA[CLEMENS—VI—PAPA]
13531102             [CHICCHINO]CHECHINO—DE—SBUGHIS—DE—FERRARIA, CONESTABILIS—EQUITATORIS, (19—POSTE, 5—RONZINI) 13531106—13531206              13531102             [CHICCHINO]CHECHINO—DE—SBUGHIS—DE—FERRARIA, CONESTABILIS—EQUITATORIS, (19—POSTE, 5—RONZINI) 13531106—13531206              13611106             —VERORDNUNG—VOM, CAPITOLARE—PAGINA—17—C. 50—UND 51—CHE la dita tavema la quäl se[]si e, si trova) in lo dito fontego, sia reduta a la
13541210             LAMBERTIONO—DE—SAL,i' (19—POSTE, 3—RONCINI) PRO—STIPENDIIS 13541206—13550106: 164—FLORENI
13611206             under which JEAN—II—KING—OF—FRANCE stated that "les CHASTEAUX—DE—VIERZON et Lury... appartiennent 1—NOSTRE... cousin [... WILHELM—II—DUKE—OF—JÜLICH] comme son propre héritage",
13651206             ITEM, super expositione facta per nobilem Amelium Bonifacii, qui clectus fuit ad eundum ad castrurn Baucii, pro traclalu concordie l'acicndc inter dictam civitatem et ven. viruni dum Anth. de Baucio, MASSILIENSIS
13831206             A população desta cidade e mobilizada para a rebelião, que deflagra também em outras zonas do pais.
13831206             A população desta cidade esboça ainda uma tentativa de assalto a judiaria.
13831206             —ACUSADO—DE—APOIARA—REGENTE e os REIS—DE—CASTELA, e assassinado 0—BISPO—DE—LISBOA.
13831206             Na sequência de todos estes acontecimentos,
13831206             O—REI—DE—CASTELA invade PORTUGAL com o apoio de parte significativa DA—NOBREZA—PORTUGUESA.
13831206             Procurando dar corpo a uma alternativa a REGENCIA—DE—DONA—LEONOR e a integração em CASTELA,
13831206             Substituiria o seu MEIO—IRMÃO, 0—INFANTE—DOM—JOÃO, enquanto este fosse prisioneiro DO—REI—DE—CASTELA.
13831206             por Â"burguesesÂ", assas*
13831206             DOM—JOÃO, MESTRE—DE—AVIS aceita, após algumas hesitações, ser proclamado  REGEDOR—DO—REINO, DEFENSOR—DO—REINO.
13831206             E um grupo constituído por jovens membros da PEQUENA—NOBREZA[—FIIHOS—SEGUNDOS] e
13831206             por —BURGUESES—ASSAS
13831206             —NO—DIA—DE, Em LISBOA, liderado por DOM—JOÃO—MESTRE—DE—AVIS,
14211206             * HENRY—VI, the youngest KING—OF—ENGLAND.
14211206             —ACCEDED, HENRY—VI, the thrown at —269—DAYS—OF—AGE.
14211206             * HEINRICH—VI—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND
14241206             GERHART—VAN—ARWILLRE, BOTE zu ZÜLPICH, verleiht an WILHEM—BULMAN den JÜngsten,
14241206             GOIDART—VAN—GAUWE, KOPIE—FOLIA—29'-30 (lit.
14241206             32—ORIGINAL—NUMMER—129) und FOLIA—93—93'. - MEIS—VAN—WYMBACH und
14241206             SCHULTHEIß—ZU—ZÜLPICH, auf —99—JAHRE gegen 1.ihm bezahlte Summe Geld den Hof up deme Schoilhoeve mit allem Zubehör, der frÜher JOHAN—AN—DEM—WALLE gehörte,
14241206             außerdem 4—MARK jährl.
14241206             —GELEGEN, Erbgulden aus dem Haus der Katherine Bontzen, am Markt, und frÜher Luterbeirs gehörend,
14241206             in der Schoemechergassen gegenÜber Wilhem Schers, frÜher Zulps, Haus und
14241206             neben GOEBEL—REMPLINS Haus,
14241206             sowie 2—MARK und 1—HUHN ERB—RENTE—AUS—DEM Haus von HEYNGIS—VAN—SINTZICH, frÜher ARNOilt Partener gehörend und
14241206             wobei die Rechte von[GOBEL]GOTTFRIED—REMPLIN vorbehalten bleiben.
14241206             —AUSFERTIGUNG—HASTADT—KÖLN HUA—NUMMER—1/10121, PERGAMENT, mit 4—SIEGEL (besch.).
14241206             Dazu Transfix NUMMER—149.
14241206             —ES—SIEGELN, THIJS—VAN—ARSDORP,
14241206             —GRANTED, DON—ALFONSO—V of Aragon, BARCELONA the right to exclude Jews.
14411206—14491113    —VOM, JAKOB—VON—BREITBACH erscheint als HOSPITALS—MEISTER
14411206—14491113    JAKOB—VON—BREITBACH erscheint als HOSPITALS—MEISTER —VOM
14571003—14581206    Questo ultimo alinea trovasi senza titolo a e. 53 1. DELLA—DATA, IN—MARGINE si legge: rehabiti sunt —DIE.
14721206             —VON, (SIEGBURG—URKUNDE—652 von usw.).
14721206—14900117    —VOM—BIS—ZUM, nachweisbar Als PROPST—VON—HIRZENACH ist GERHARD—II—VON—PLETTENBERG
14781206             * BALDASSARE—COUNT—OF—CASTIGLIONE, was specially directed to those classical attainments which entered into the literary PURSUITS—OF—THE—AGE.
14781206             * BALDASSARE—CASTIGLIONE, ITALIENISCHER—HÖFLING, Diplomat und Schriftsteller
14801206             "Pacta magistri della ceccha.
14911206             KARL—VIII—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH oo ANNE—DE—BRETAGNE und einverleibt mit der Eheschließung die Bretagne in sein Reich.
14911206             Der Protest des RÖMISCH—DEUTSCHEN—KÖNIG—MAXIMILIAN—I., der formell ANNE—DE—BRETAGNE ihr Ehemann ist, bleibt ohne Wirkung.
14921206             —HORA—XXII—VEL—CIRCA—DONNESTAG—FERIA—QUINTA, DOMINUS—ANDRÉAS—CAPPELLO antiquus orator, qui a familiis SS—D—N PAPA et KARDINALium ac sane putatur.
14921206             —HORA—XXII—VEL—CIRCA—DONNESTAG—FERIA—QUINTA, et cum eis quintus qui continuo prius in romana curia fuerat DOMINII—VENETORUM, videlicet DD.
14921206             —HORA—XXII—VEL—CIRCA—DONNESTAG—FERIA—QUINTA, novi et cum eis
14921206             —HORA—XXII—VEL—CIRCA—DONNESTAG—FERIA—QUINTA, per portam Viridarii intraverunt URBEM 4—NOVI oratores,
14951206             † JAKOB—SPRENGER, eidgenössischer Inquisitor, angeblicher Koautor des mittelalterlichen Traktats "Hexenhammer"
15041206             * DANIEL—GRESER, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
15081206             es möchten die Räumlichkeiten im neuen Hause unter ihnen versteigert werden.
15081206             Wir entnehmen daraus, daß DIE—DEUTSCHEN über diese Frage selbst uneins waren und deshalb — SCHLIESSLICH,—AN—DIE—REGIERUNG das Ansuchen stellten,
15081206             —DENN, es kam darüber zu Differenzen mit den KAUF—LEUTEN, von denen besonders 1
15081206             FLEGLER AM—ANGEGEBENEN—ORT—IN dem dort mitgeteilten —SCHREIBEN—VOM..
15081206             wie der DOGE—LEONARDO—LOREDANO in 1—SCHREIBEN—AN—DEN RAT—VON—NÜRNBERG vom selbst angibt
15081206             SCHREIBEN—DES—DOGE—LEONARDO—LOREDANO an den RAT—VON—NÜRNBERG vom ^) Kunde gibt.
15271206             CLEMENS—VII—PAPA fled to ORVIETO.
15271206             * BERNHARD—VIII—GRAF—ZUR—LIPPE
15311206             LANZ—KORRESPONDENZ—I.
15321206             AUSFERTIGUNG—PERGAMENT, SIEGEL (Rest).
15321206             Da die zum UNTER—PFAND gesetzten GÜter innerhalb des "Dingmals"GLADBACH liegen und Hofesland des Hofes zu Vylick sind,
15321206             JOHAN—SNORRENBERCH, PETER—JENSGEN und
15321206             WILHELM—KRANS, MERTEN—VAN—MERßHEM, Zum UNTER—PFAND setzen sie 4y;
15321206             Viertel, die durch den Steynre wech gehen neben Jensgens 4y;
15321206             Viertel, weiter 2y; Viertel up dem St,eynre wege neben den 10—MORGEN des SCHULTHEIßen und auf die 5—VIERTEL von Neyß Burchgreve stoßend,
15321206             da diese aber kein eigenes Siegel besitzen, mit ihrem Hofessiegel zu siegeln;
15321206             siegeln nach alter Gewohnheit ABEL—LESCH, SCHULTHEIß und SCHÖFFE,
15321206             sind Thijs Weschpels, Meister Reynhart Wever und THIEL Wolff als SCHULTHEIß und geschworene Hofesmannen der Frau zu Vylick gebeten worden,
15321206             weiter am Steynre wege 4y; Viertel auf Vettweiß[WIJß] zu neben Jensgens 4y;
15321206             Viertel, wobei DER—SCHULTHEIß—VON—GLADBACH laut Landrecht die Pfändung vorzunehmen hat.
15341206             —FOUNDED, QUITO—ECUADOR, was, by Spanish.
15341206             neu gegründet, Die alte INKA—HAUPTSTADT—QUITO, die von diesen vor dem Einmarsch der SPANISCHEN—EROBERER zerstört worden ist, wird von dem KONQUISTADOR—SEBASTIÁN—DE—BELALCÁZAR.
15441206             † KASPAR—KANTZ, lutherischer Theologe und Reformator
15501206             † PIETER—COECKE—VAN—AELST, flämischer Maler
15571206             * ERNST—COTHMANN, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Rechtswissenschaftler
15611206             † JOACHIM—FÜRST—VON—ANHALT—DESSAU
15641206             † AMBROSIUS—BLARER, deutscher evangelischer Theologe, Kirchenlieddichter und Reformator
15761206             —DÉBUT—DES—ÉTATS—GÉNÉRAUX à Blois présidé par HENRI—III afin de mettre fin aux guerres religieuses et politiques.
15861206             † JOACHIM—ERNST—FÜRST—VON—ANHALT
15981206             † PAOLO—PARUTA, venezianischer Historiker und Diplomat
16041206             * PHILIPP—VON—HESSEN—KASSEL, Obrist der HESSEN—KASSELER Reiterei
16091206             * DAVID—MEVIUS, DEUTSCHER—JURIST
16131206             † ANTON—PRAETORIUS, DEUTSCHER—PFARRER, Kämpfer gegen Hexenprozesse und Folter
16241206             † FRANCESCO—CONTARINI—DOGE—VON—VENEDIG, 95.
16311206             —PREDICTED, The 1., transit of Venus took place.
16311206             —PREDICTED, It had been, by Kepler, but he † 1—YEAR——BEFORE the event.
16501206             * JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—MAYER, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
16581206             † BALTASAR—GRACIÁN, SPANISCHER—JESUIT, Prediger und Schriftsteller
16731206             BRANDENBURG solle 12.000—MANN[M.] stellen, wovon SPANIEN, HOLLAND und ÖSTERREICH je V* unterhalten sollen;
16731206             HEEMSKERCK ) und Bruijinncx an den GRIFFIER.
16731206             —DATUM—WIEN - VOR—ALLEM mÜssten DIE—VERHANDLUNGEN—MIT—BRANDENBURG und DÄNEMARK nicht getrennt und nur nach vorhergehendem Einverständniss zwischen SPANIEN, HOLLAND und ÖSTERREICH über ALLE—PUNKTE begonnen werden.
16731206             daß um die Kabale 1 3. Partei zu verhindern, man DIE—ALLIANZ—MIT—DÄNEMARK und BRANDENBURG eifrig betreiben
16731206             und, um SUBSIDIEN zu sparen, dieselben veranlassen mÜsse, nicht allzuviel Militär zu stellen, jedoch sie so tief wie möglich in die grosse Partei zu engagieren habe;
16731206             —GESTERN haben sie 1—KONFERENZ—MIT—DEM HOF—KANZLER—HOCHER gehabt und sind über folgende Punkte mit ihm 1—GEWORDEN:
16761206—16761121    —IHRE—RESOLUTION—VOM, hat er empfangen und
16811206             Auf die Antwort ENGLANDs hat man kein Vertrauen, weil sie zu sehr auf Schrauben steht.
16811206             man hier behauptet, FRANKREICH werde —NACH—DER—EROBERUNG—VON—LÜTTICH, den GENERAL—STAATEN den KRIEG erklären.
16811206             1—GEFÄHRDUNG KÖLN[CÖLN] s will man hier nicht zugestehen, sondern
16811206             Die Antwort, die AMERONGEN FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG auf die im Auftrag des PRINZ—GETANE—PROPOSITION 2) gegeben,
16811206             Man darf also von hier nichts erwarten, so grosse Anstrengungen er auch macht, etwas zu erreichen.
16811206             Von 1—ALLIANZ—MIT—SCHWEDEN will man hier so wenig wie in KOPENHAGEN etwas wissen).
16811206             meldet AMERONGEN DIJKVELT.
16811206             —DATUM—POTSDAM,
16811206             —IN—DEN—LETZTEN—TAGEN, AMERONGEN hat nicht das mindeste zur Erreichung des Zweckes seiner Sendung erlangen können.
16811206             —IN—DEN—LETZTEN—TAGEN, AMERONGEN hat öfter Gelegenheit gehabt^ mit dem KUR—FÜRST zu sprechen, aber
16851206             * JOHANN—MICHAEL—WAGNER, PROTESTANT ,
16861206             † NICOLAUS—VON—AVANCINI, DEUTSCHER—JESUIT, Pädagoge, Dichter und Dramatiker
17121206             † GIO—PAOLO—BOMBARDA, ITALIENISCHER—MUSIKER und Finanzberater
17151206             * JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—FRISCH, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
17181206             † GEORG—CHRISTOPH—PETRI—VON—HARTENFELS, DEUTSCHER—ARZT, Naturwissenschaftler und Hochschullehrer
17181206             † NICHOLAS—ROWE, ENGLISCHER—DICHTER und Dramatiker
17231206             † AMALIA—PACHELBEL, DEUTSCHE—MALERIN und Kupferstecherin
17261206             † MARIA—ANNA—LINDMAYR, DEUTSCHE—KARMELITIN und Mystikerin
17271206             † ABRAHAM—BOGAERT, NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—APOTHEKER, Chirurg und Schriftsteller
17301206             † SOPHIE—VON—LA—ROCHE, DEUTSCHE—SCHRIFTSTELLERIN und Salonnière
17321206             * WARREN—HASTINGS, ENGLAND, 1. GOVERNOR—GENERAL—OF—INDIA (17730000—17840000    ).
17331206             —SUNDAY, We consequently prefer THE—FORMER—AUTHORITY.
17401206             * NICOLA—SPEDALIERI, ITALIENISCHER—PHILOSOPH, Priester und Autor
17411206             —SEIZED, RUSSIA—PRINCESS—ELISABETH—PETROVNA (17090000—17620000    ), power with the help of the Preobrazhensky Regiment.
17411206             RUSSIA, ELIZABETH Petrovna (31), THE—DAUGHTER—OF—PETER—THE—GREAT, and her husband led 1—COUP d'etat.
17411206             RUSSLAND, entreißt ELISABETH—PETROWNA durch 1—PUTSCH dem unmündigen IWAN—VI—ZAR—VON—RUSSLAND und der REGENTIN—ANNA—LEOPOLDOWNA die Herrschaft und ruft sich selbst zur Kaiserin aus.
17411206—17620000    —IN, Petrovna (31), THE—DAUGHTER—OF—PETER—THE—GREAT, and her husband led 1—COUP d'etat, deposed the infant TSAR—IVAN—VI, had him imprisoned and reigned —UNTIL her death.
17411206—17620000    —IMPRISONED, She deposed the infant TSAR—IVAN—VI, had him, and reigned —UNTIL her death.
17421206             * NICOLAS—LEBLANC, FRANZÖSISCHER—ARZT, Chemiker und Fabrikant
17431206             * FRANZ—NIKOLAUS—NOVOTNY, composer.
17441206             * DAVID—VOGEL, SCHWEIZER—ARCHITEKT, Architekturtheoretiker und Politiker
17451217—17451206    —SEE
17471206             † JOHANN—ENGELHARD—STEUBER, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
17501206             * DAVID—FRIEDLÄNDER, DEUTSCHER—FABRIKANT und Autor
17550000—18051206    * † NICHOLAS—JACQUES—CONTI, FRANCE—PENCIL maker, in PARIS.
17561206             DIE—VERWALTUNG der Temporalien in SIEGBURG und sollte —ANFANG
17561206             —OCCUPIED, UK—TROOPS under ROBERT—CLIVE, FULTA—INDIA.
17561206—17570811    als PRIOR und 1. Beichtiger in SIEGBURG nachweisbar
17611206             * THADDÄUSA—HAENKE, BÖHMISCH—BOLIVIANISCHER—GEOGRAF und Forschungsreisender
17621206             † als CARL—WINAND—LAMBERT—VON—SCHELLARD—PROPST—ZU—HIRZENACH im 69—LEBENS—JAHR, wo er begraben wurde
17631206             —DECIDED, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT—CASE against JOURNALIST—JOHN—WILKES was, in favor of Wilkes and 1—GENERAL—WARRANT for his arrest was declared illegal.
17741206             —NEU gestaltet, Das Bildungssystem in ÖSTERREICH wird durch KAISERIN—MARIA—THERESIA.
17741206             die ALLGEMEINE—SCHULORDNUNG, 1—SECHSJÄHRIGE Unterrichtspflicht in der Volksschule, einheitliche Lehrbücher und 1—GEREGELTE LEHRERAUS—UND Fortbildung festlegt.
17751206             * NICOLAS—ISOUARD, composer.
17791206             Im WEST—UNGARN—ESTERHÁZ erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper L'isola disabitata (Die unbewohnte Insel) von JOSEPH—HAYDN.
17821206             Die Oper ORLANDO paladino (Der Ritter Roland) von JOSEPH—HAYDN wird in Esterház uraufgeführt.
17841206             Das Dramma giocoso Il ricco d'un giorno von ANTONIO—SALIERI wird im Wiener Burgtheater uraufgeführt, findet jedoch beim Publikum keinen Anklang.
17841206             Der Misserfolg führt zu 1—ENTFREMDUNG zu seinem Librettisten LORENZO—DA—PONTE.
17851206             † KITTY—CLIVE, ENGLISCHE—SCHAUSPIELERIN, Sopranistin und Autorin
17901206             —MOVED, Congress, from NEW—YORK City to PHILADELPHIA.
17931206             MARIE—JEANNE—BECU, Comtesse du Barry, flamboyant mistress of LOUIS—XV, was guillotined in PARIS.
17991206             † JOSEPH—BLACK, BRITISCHER—PHYSIKER und Chemiker aus SCHOTTLAND, Entdecker des Kohlendioxid, des Magnesium und der LATENTE—WÄRME
18051206             —CREATED, NICHOLAS—JACQUES, the number system used to rate pencil lead hardness: the higher the number, the harder the graphite.
18051206             † HEINRICH—ERNST—GÜTE, evangelischer Theologe, Pfarrer und Professor für Theologie
18061206             —DEDICATED, THE—AFRICAN—MEETING—HOUSE was, in BOSTON.
18061206             It was —LATER used by FREDERICK—DOUGLASS and other prominent abolitionists to rail against slavery.
18061206             * GILBERT—DUPREZ, FRANZÖSISCHER—OPERNTENOR und Komponist
18061206—19740000    —IN, it was named as 1—NATIONAL—HISTORY—LANDMARK.
18061206—20110000    —IN, a $9—MILLION—RESTORATION was completed.
18081206             * ALOYS—VON—ARCO—STEPPERG, DEUTSCHER—GUTSBESITZER, Offizier und Politiker
18081206             * JOHAN—CHRISTIAN—GEBAUER, DÄNISCHER—KOMPONIST, Musiktheoretiker und Organist
18121206             † 1 estimated 50,000 soldiers reached LITHUANIA and as many as 20,000, there.
18121206             † As many as 450,000 soldiers from FRANCE, ITALY, SPAIN, CROATIA, GERMANY and at least 15—OTHER—COUNTRIES, in THE—RUSSIA—CAMPAIGN.
18150000—18821206    * † ANTHONY—TROLLOPE, ENGLAND—WRITER.
18151206             Napoleons "Tapferster der Tapferen", MARSCHALL—MICHEL—NEY, wird von der FRANZÖSISCHEN—PAIRSKAMMER wegen Hochverrats zum Tode verurteilt.
18151206—18151207    —AM—FOLGENDEN—TAG, Das Urteil wird durch Erschießen vollstreckt.
18201206             —ELECTED, JAMES—MONROE, the 5. USA—PRESIDENT, was, for a 2. term.
18221206             * JOHN—EBERHARD.
18221206             JOHN—EBERHARD built the 1. LARGE—SCALE pencil factory in USA.
18301206             USA—NAVAL—OBSERVATORY wird ins LEBEN—GERUFEN.
18301206             —AUFRUFT, JOHANN—HEINRICH—FISCHER, zum Freiämtersturm im KANTON—AARGAU.
18301206             Aufständische besetzen kampflos die KANTONSHAUPT—STADT—AARAU.
18331206             —DEPARTED, HMS Beagle and CHARLES—DARWIN, RIO—DE—LA—PLATA.
18331206—19160000    * † JOHN—SINGLETON—MOSBY, lawyer and Col.
18331206—19160000    ("Grey Ghost" of CONFEDERATE—ARMY).
18331206—19160000    JOHN—SINGLETON—MOSBY —LATER gave riding lessons to young GEORGE—PATTON.
18381206             † OTTO—VON—WORINGEN, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Sänger
18411206             —PREMIERED, ROBERT—SCHUMANN—4. Symphony in D.
18441206             * PETKO—WOJWODA, BULGARISCHER—REVOLUTIONÄR und Freiheitskämpfer
18461206             —OVERWHELMED, Mounted Californio lancers, THE—TROOPS—OF—GENERAL—STEVEN—KEARNY at THE—BATTLE—OF—S—PASQUAL (S—DIEGO).
18461206             —SUFFERED, This was the worst defeat, by USA—TROOPS in THE—CALIFORNIA—CAMPAIGN—OF—THE—MEXICAN—USA—WAR.
18461206             —PRODUCED, HECTOR—BERLIOZ' opera "La Damnation de Faust" was, in PARIS.
18461206             An der OPÉRA—COMIQUE in PARIS erfolgt die konzertante Uraufführung der "dramatischen Legende" La damnation de Faust (Fausts Verdammnis) von HECTOR—BERLIOZ nach Goethes Faust I. Die szenische Uraufführung erfolgt —ERST 18930000             .
18481206             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—161—KÖLN.
18481206             † SAMUEL—GOTTLIEB—HÜNERWADEL, evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer in BERN
18491206             —ESCAPED, HARRIET—TUBMAN, from slavery in MARYLAND.
18511206             —AM, dessen Beschickung PREUßEN ablehnte.
18591206             * NICOLÁS—LEÓN, MEXIKANISCHER—MEDIZINER, Archäologe und Anthropologe
18601206             Im COVENT—GARDEN in LONDON findet die Uraufführung der Oper Bianca or THE—BRAVO—BRIDE—VON—MICHAEL—WILLIAM—BALFE statt.
18611206             Union GENERAL—GEORGE—G—MEADE led a foraging expedition to GUNNELL—FARM near DRANESVILLE—VIRGINIA.
18621206             —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—LINCOLN, the hanging of 39—OF—THE—303 convicted Indians who participated in the Sioux Uprising in MINNESOTA.
18621206             THE—DAKOTA—INDIANS were going hungry —WHEN food and money from THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT was not distributed as promised.
18621206             They led 1—MASSACRE that left over 400—WHITE—PEOPLE—DEAD.
18621206             —SENTENCED, The uprising was put down and 300—INDIANS were, to death.
18621206             † PRESIDENT—LINCOLN reduced the number to 39, who were hanged.
18621206             —NULLIFIED, The government then, 18510000             —THE treaty.
18621206—18621226    —ON, They were to be hanged.
18631206             The monitor Weehawken sank in THE—CHARLESTON—HARBOR.
18650131—18651206    —RATIFIED, It was.
18661206             —COMPLETED, CHICAGO—WATER—SUPPLY—TUNNEL into Lake MICHIGAN was.
18671206             † GIOVANNI—PACINI, —71—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
18671206             —IN—DER—NACHT, Das QUEEN—THEATRE am Haymarket im LONDON—WEST—END niederbrennt —BIS auf die Grundmauern.
18691206             * OTTO—NORDENSKJÖLD, SCHWEDISCHER—GEOLOGE und Polarforscher
18751206             * ALBERT—BOND—LAMBERT, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—GOLFER und Luftfahrtpionier
18761206             —PICKED, USA Electoral College, Republican Hayes as PRESIDENT, although Tilden won the popular election.
18761206             1—QUESTIONABLE—VOTE—COUNT in FLORIDA ended and Hayes was ahead by 924—VOTES.
18761206             —VALIDATED, THE—DEMOCRATIC—ATTORNEY—GENERAL, the Tilden electors.
18761206             THE—1.—USA crematorium began operation in WASHINGTON, Penn.
18761206             —CONVICTED, JACK—MCCALL was, for THE—MURDER—OF—WILD—BILL—HICKOK and sentenced to hang.
18761206             An der Hofoper in S—PETERSBURG erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper Wakula der Schmied (2. Fassung als Pantöffelchen oder Tscherewitschki) von Pjotr Iljitsch Tschaikowski.
18771206             —PUBLISHED, WASHINGTON—POST, its 1. edition.
18771206             THOMAS—A—EDISON made the 1. SOUND—RECORDING —WHEN he recited "MARY had 1—LITTLE—LAMB" into his phonograph machine.
18771206             1. USA—AMERIKANISCHE—TAGESZEITUNG—THE—WASHINGTON—POST ist erhältlich.
18791206             * ALBERT—SCHÄDELIN, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
18801206             * EMANUEL—OND?Í?EK, TSCHECHISCHER—GEIGER, Musikpädagoge und Komponist
18811206             * CARL—ADOLF—MARTIENSSEN, DEUTSCHER—PIANIST und Musikpädagoge
18821206             ANTHONY—TROLLOPE wrote harshly about his mother and made her out to be a 2.—RATE writer.
18821206             —AM Theater an der WIEN in WIEN findet die Uraufführung der Operette Der Bettelstudent von KARL—MILLÖCKER mit dem Libretto von FRIEDRICH—ZELL und RICHARD—GENÉE statt.
18821206             Das Stück wird zu einer der beliebtesten deutschsprachigen Operetten.
18821206—18830000    —IN, His autobiography "1—AUTOBIOGRAPHY," was published.
18841206             —COMPLETED, THE—WASHINGTON—MONUMENT was, by Army engineers —101—YEARS—AFTER GEORGE—WASHINGTON himself approved the location halfway between the proposed sites of the Capitol and THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
18841206             —CALLED, The original design, for the familiar obelisk surrounded by 1—LARGE building with 1—STATUE—OF—WASHINGTON driving 1—ROMAN chariot on top.
18841206             * ELEUTERIO—RICCARDI, ITALIENISCHER—MALER und Bildhauer
18841206—18480704    —UNTIL, Construction did not begin on the 555-foot EGYPT—OBELISK, —WHEN 1—PRIVATE—CITIZENS' group, THE—WASHINGTON—NATIONAL—MONUMENT—SOCIETY, raised enough money to begin the project.
18841206—18540000    —HALTED, Construction was, —WHEN the money ran out and —FOR—22—YEARS the monument stood embarrassingly unfinished, looking, as MARK—TWAIN put it, like "1—FACTORY chimney with the top broken off".
18841206—18760000    —AUTHORIZED, PRESIDENT—ULYSSES—S—GRANT, the funds to complete the construction--but without the ornate building and classical statue.
18841206—18840000    —IN, —WHEN the final capstone and 9-inch aluminum pyramid were set in place, THE—WASHINGTON—MONUMENT was the tallest structure in the world.
18851206             * ALBIN—ANGERER, DEUTSCHER—ARZT und Studentenhistoriker
18851206             † ROBERT—GERWIG, DEUTSCHER—BAUINGENIEUR und Politiker
18861206—19180000    * † JOYCE—KILMER, USA—POET—BEST known for his poem "Trees,".
18861206—19180000    —KILLED, Kilmer was, by 1—SNIPER in WW I.
18881206             * WILLIE—ECKSTEIN, KANADISCHER—PIANIST und Komponist
18881206             † SAMUEL—EARNSHAW, BRITISCHER—GEISTLICHER, Physiker und Mathematiker
18891206             † Jefferson Davis (81), the 1. and only PRESIDENT—OF—THE—CONFEDERATE—STATES—OF—AMERICA (18610000—18650000    ), in NEW—ORLEANS.
18891206             * MAX—PULVER, SCHWEIZER—PSYCHOLOGE, Graphologe, Lyriker, Dramatiker und Erzähler
18891206—20010000    —AUTHORED, WILLIAM—J—COOPER—JUNIOR, "Jefferson Davis, American".
18901206             * RUDOLF—SCHLICHTER, DEUTSCHER—MALER und Schriftsteller
18901206             1. impft Immunserum bei 1—MENSCHEN, Der FRANZÖSISCHE—MEDIZINER—CHARLES—RICHET.
18910000—19561206    * † B.R. Ambedkar, 1—DALIT and CHIEF—ARCHITECT—OF—INDIA'S 19490000             constitution.
18921206             † E. WERNER—VON—SIEMENS (75), GERMANY—INDUSTRIALIST (Siemens AG).
18921206             † WERNER—VON—SIEMENS, DEUTSCHER—ERFINDER und Unternehmer
18941206             IM REICHS—TAG wird der "Entwurf 1—GESETZES über die Änderung und Ergänzung des STRAF—GESETZ—BUCHES, des MILITÄRSTRAF—GESETZ—BUCHES und des Gesetzes über DIE—PRESSE" — die sogenannte "Umsturzvorlage" — eingebracht,
18941206             DIE—VORSIEHT, "Umsturzbestrebungen" —BEREITS ohne Tatbestand mit ZUCHT—HAUS und öffentliche beschimpfende Äußerungen gegen RELIGION, Monarchie, Ehe, —FAMILIE oder Eigentum mit Gefängnis —BIS zu —2—JAHREN zu bestrafen.
18941206             * KURT—HESSE, DEUTSCHER—OFFIZIER, Militärschriftsteller und Ökonom
18961206             * DEUTSCHER—GENERAL—PAUL—KLATT,
18961206—19830000    * † IRA—GERSHWIN, lyricist ('S Wonderful, I—GOT—RHYTHM).
18961206—19830000    Together with his brother, GEORGE, he wrote 14—BROADWAY musicals.
18961206—19830000    MANY—OF—HIS—700—SONGS were written with other composers.
18981206             * ALFRED—EISENSTAEDT, photojournalist.
18981206             * GUNNAR—MYRDAL, SWEDEN—ECONOMIST and sociologist.
18981206             * GUNNAR—MYRDAL, SCHWEDISCHER—NATIONALÖKONOM, Nobelpreisträger
18981206             —GEGRÜNDET, GENF, wird der Automobil Club der SCHWEIZ.
19000000             In UK, MI6 was involved in recruiting LATVIA—POLICE + EX—SS men from GERMANY into the...
19011206             * ELIOT—PORTER, nature photographer.
19041206             Mit der ROOSEVELT—COROLLARY als Zusatz zur MONROE—DOKTRIN proklamiert USA—PRÄSIDENT—THEODORE—ROOSEVELT das alleinige Recht der USA auf Interventionen in Lateinamerika.
19050000—19811206    * † HARRY—HARLOW, psychologist.
19051206             Nach der Nationalversammlung stimmt auch FRANKREICH—SENAT für 1—GESETZESVORHABEN zur Trennung von Kirche und STAAT.
19061206             —POWERED, LIEUTENANT—THOMAS—E—SELFRIDGE flew 1, MAN—CARRYING kite that carried him 168—FEET in the air —FOR—7—MINUTES at Baddeck, Nova Scotia.
19071206             —OCCURRED, The worst mining disaster in USA—HISTORY, as 362—MEN and boys † in 1—COAL—MINE—EXPLOSION in Monongah, W.VIRGINIA.
19071206             1—KOHLENSTAUBEXPLOSION verursacht in MONONGAH—WEST—VIRGINIA, die schlimmste Bergbaukatastrophe in den USA mit 362—TOTEN.
19080705—19071206    —ORGANIZED, FAIRMONT—WEST—VIRGINIA, 1—SPECIAL—DAY was, by MISTER—S—GRACE—GOLDEN—CLAYTON, who wanted to celebrate the lives of THE—210—FATHERS who had been lost in THE—MONONGAH—MINING—DISASTER several months —EARLIER.
19081206             1. flight of the Silverdart with CANADA—JAD—MCCURDY at the controls.
19101206             —DECRETO—DE—BRITO—CAMACHO reconhecendo O—DIREITO—À—GREVE e ao LOCK—OUT.
19121206             Der DEUTSCHE—ARCHÄOLOGE LUDWIG—BORCHARDT entdeckt bei seinen Ausgrabungen in Tell EL—AMARNA in ÄGYPTEN unter anderem die CA—3.—000—JAHRE alte Büste der Nofretete, Gattin des Echnaton.
19131206             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—WOODROW—WILSON, the Raker Act into law.
19131206             It authorized SF rights to dam the Tuolumne River in Yosemite National Park for WATER—COLLECTION and POWER—GENERATION—FACILITIES.
19141206             GERMANY—TROOPS over ran LODZ.
19161206             —WWI—IM Truppen der Mittelmächte einmarschieren in RUMÄNIEN—HAUPTSTADT—BUKAREST.
19171206             —RAMANUJAN in DIE—LONDON—MATHEMATICAL—SOCIETY.AM, wählte man
19171206             —DECLARED, FINLAND, INDEPENDENCE from THE—RUSSIA—EMPIRE (National —DAY).
19171206             FORMER—TSAR—NICHOLAS—II and family were made prisoners by the Bolsheviks in Tobolsk.
19171206             —KILLED, NOVA, Scotia some 2000—PEOPLE were, and thousands wounded —FOLLOWING 1—EXPLOSION in HALIFAX harbor.
19171206             —COLLIDED, THE—IMO, 1—NORWAY—FREIGHTER ship, had, with THE—FRANCE—MUNITIONS ship Mont Blanc and 1—FIRE soon caused 1—MASSIVE—EXPLOSION.
19171206             1—LOCAL—COURT—FOUND—CAPTAIN—LE—MEDEC of the Mont Blanc and other defendants GUILTY—OF—THE—COLLISION.
19171206             —RULED, CANADA—SUPREME—COURT, that the captains of both ships were equally to blame.
19171206             1—PRIVY—COUNCIL in LONDON ruled that Le Medec had done nothing illegal.
19171206             Das Parlament in HELSINKI erklärt die Unabhängigkeit FINNLAND—VON—RUSSLAND.
19171206             † † † Zwischen 1635—2000—MENSCHEN sterben.
19171206             im HAFEN—HALIFAX. ist die weltweit größte unfallbedingte von Menschen verursachte Explosion.
19171206             —WWI—IM, Nach der DEUTSCHEN—GEGENOFFENSIVE endet erneut mit 1—PATTSITUATIONDIE
19171206             —SCHLACHT—VON—CAMBRAI.
19181206             —ABLEHNT, 1—REICHS—KONFERENZ—DER—USPD die von verschiedenen Gruppen gewÜnschte Wiedervereinigung der 2—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHE—PARTEIEN.
19181206             * HAROLD—HORACE—HOPKINS, inventor (Endoscope).
19190000—19761206    * † Joao Goulart, FORMER—PRESIDENT—OF—BRAZIL (19610000—19640000    ), in ARGENTINA.
19191206             Im kurzfristig betriebenen BERGWERK—ROBERTSHALL im HAMBURG—STADTTEIL—HAUSBRUCH wird mit dem Abbau von Braunkohle begonnen.
19201206             * DAVE—BRUBECK, jazz pianist and composer.
19201206             BOSTON—MASSACHUSETTS, 1—DOG with spectacles was shown at the annual FAIR—OF—THE—ANIMAL—RESCUE League.
19201206             Zur Unterstützung der durch 1—PUTSCH an die Macht gelangten KOMMUNISTISCHE—REGIERUNG einmarschiert die RUSSISCHE—ROTE—ARMEE in ARMENIEN und ausruft die ARMENISCHE—SSR.
19201206             —VORLÄUFIG—ARMENIEN bleibt 1—FORMAL unabhängiges Land.
19211206             —ARRESTED, JAMES—SHOWAN, 1—WEALTHY—NY shipbuilder, was, —AFTER his palatial yacht was seized off THE—CALIFORNIA coast with more than 100—CASES—OF whiskey.
19211206             —SIGNED, British and IRELAND—REPRESENTATIVES, 1—TREATY in LONDON providing for creation of 1—IRISH—FREE—STATE—1—YEAR——LATER on the same date.
19211206             —CREATED, The partition, NORTH—IRELAND.
19211206             —DER—ANGLO—IRISCHE—VERTRAG, der IRLAND 1—AUTONOMIESTATUS innerhalb Großbritanniens gewährt, beendet den IRISCHEN—UNABHÄNGIGKEITSKRIEG,
19211206             —DER—ANGLO—IRISCHE—VERTRAG, führt jedoch in der Folge zur Abspaltung Nordirlands und zum IRISCHEN—BÜRGERKRIEG zwischen Befürwortern und Gegnern des Vertrags.
19211206—19210708    —SEEIRELAND—26—SOUTHERN—COUNTIES became independent from BRITAIN forming THE—IRELAND—FREE—STATE.
19221206             THE—IRELAND—FREE—STATE came into being under TERMS—OF—THE—ANGLO—IRELAND—TREATY.
19221206             —THREATENED, Mussolini, THE—ITALY—NEWSPAPERS with censorship if they kept reporting "false" information.
19221206             —NACHDEM im Vorjahr, DIE—PROVINZ—ULSTER vom restlichen IRLAND abgetreten worden ist, kommt es zur Gründung des IRISCHEN—FREISTAATES.
19231206             1—PRESIDENTIAL—ADDRESS was broadcast on radio for the 1. time as PRESIDENT—COOLIDGE spoke to 1—JOINT—SESSION—OF—CONGRESS.
19261206—20100424    * † ANGUS—MADDISON was 1—BRITISH—ECONOMIST and
19261206—20100424    ANGUS—MADDISON was 1—WORLD—SCHOLAR on QUANTITATIVE—MACRO—ECONOMIC—HISTORY, including the measurement, ANALYSIS—OF—ECONOMIC—GROWTH, development.
19271204—19271206    —GEWIDMET, FEST—SCHRIFT Den Pfarrkindern und Freunden der Kirche, vom Festausschuß.
19271204—19271206    AACHEN 19270000             .
19271204—19271206    FEST—SCHRIFT JULIUS—FISCHER:
19271204—19271206    FEST—SCHRIFT zur Feier des sechshundertjährigen Jubiläums der Consecration der S—NIKOLAUSKIRCHE zu AACHEN
19281206             —KILLED, THE—COLOMBIA—ARMY, 1—NUMBER—OF banana workers of the United Fruit Co. in Cienaga near SANTA—MARTA.
19281206             Estimates of the dead, taken by train and cast into the sea, ranged from 47 to as high as 2,000. The exact NUMBER—OF—CASUALTIES has never been confirmed.
19291206             —INTRODUCED, TURKEY, female suffrage.
19331206             * HENRYK—MIKOLAJ—GORECKI, composer.
19331206             —LIFTED, THE—USA—BAN on JAMES—JOYCE' "Ulysses" was.
19340000—20031206    * † PAUL—LOUIS—HALLEY, FRANCE—FOUNDER—OF—PROMODES (—LATER Carrefour SA), in a light plane crash.
19340110—20071206    —OVERTURNED, GERMANY—PROSECUTORS formally, the conviction.
19341206             USA—AMBASSADOR—DAVIS said JAPAN was 1—GRAVE—SECURITY—THREAT in the Pacific.
19351206             —REPORTED, THE—S—FRANCISCO—CHRONICLE, that rats —NOW exceeded city's POPULATION—OF—PEOPLE by 1—FACTOR—OF—3 to 1.
19361206             In der Hamburgischen Staatsoper wird die Oper Schwarzer PETER—VON—NORBERT—SCHULTZE uraufgeführt.
19391206             To trace THE—ORIGIN—OF—THE—MOVEMENT for European unification, however, requires that we go back to 19460508             and 1—ADDRESS given at Chatham House by 1—POLE named JOSEPH—RETINGER.
19391206             'THE—END—OF—THE—PERIOD —DURING which the white man spread his activities over the whole globe saw the
19391206             THE—ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION granted THE—COUNCIL nearly $ 50,000 to finance the 1. —YEAR—OF—THE—PROJECT.
19391206             —DURING the war RETINGER worked closely with VAN Zeeland and other exile leaders who would become prominent in THE—BILDERBERG network,
19391206             requires that we go back to 19460508             —1—ADDRESS given at Chatham— House by 1—POLE named JOSEPH—RETINGER.
19391206             represent the most valuable human element in the world.
19391206             let alone the War and Peace Study Groups.
19391206             entitled 'Reconstruction in WEST—EUROPE';
19391206             at least 5—CABINET—LEVELS—DEPARTMENTS + 12—SEPARATE—GOVERNMENT—AGENCIES, bureaux or offices were involved in this.
19391206             Well over 120—INFLUENTIAL individuals (academics + business leaders),
19391206             To trace THE—ORIGIN—OF—THE—MOVEMENT for European unification, however,
19391206             There were altogether 362—MEETINGS + no less than 682—SEPARATE—DOCUMENTS produced.
19391206             —PRESENTED, The plan which Marshall, in his speech had already been outlined in the proposals of 1—CFR study group of 19460000             headed by the lawyer CHARLES—M—SPOFFORD and DAVID—ROCKEFELLER ,
19391206             —ADUMBRATED, The ideas, by RETINGER were not new: there is 1—WHOLE—HISTORY—OF—SUCH projects for European unification and for even larger global schemes.
19391206             —INVITED, Shortly —AFTER this speech, RETINGER was, by THE—USA—AMBASSADOR, Averell Harriman, to THE—USA to secure AMERICA n support for ILEC.
19391206             * Out of these connections
19391206             1—MIGHT —JUST note here the assumption of the need for a 'great power' status as well as the almost TAKEN—FOR—GRANTED racism which informed RETINGER—THINKING:
19391206             In this talk he outlined 1—PLAN for 1—FEDERAL—EUROPE in which the states would relinquish PART—OF—THEIR sovereignty.
19391206             I find it frankly astonishing that virtually NONE—OF—THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—ACADEMIC—SCHOLARSHIP on this period even acknowledges the existence of THE—CFR,
19391206             —REQUIRED, Evidence is surely, to show that they had no influence, if that is what scholars believe.
19391206             Continent itself undergoing 1—PROCESS—OF—INTERNAL—DISRUPTION........ there are no big powers left in continental EUROPE....... [whose] inhabitants —AFTER all,
19391206             —AT—THE—TIME, RETINGER was SECRETARY general of the Independent League for European CO—OPERATION (ILEC),
19391206             (including PAUL—RIJKENS, whom we will meet again shortly).
19391206             (RETINGER 19460000             , p. 7)
19391206             —GRANTED, THE—ROCKEFELLER—FOUNDATION, THE—COUNCIL nearly $ 50,000 to finance the 1. —YEAR—OF—THE—PROJECT.
19391206             —OPENED, THE—COLE—PORTER musical comedy "Du BARRY—WAS 1—LADY", on Broadway.
19391206             —AGREED, BRITAIN, to send arms to FINLAND.
19391206             Well over 120—INFLUENTIAL—INDIVIDUALS (academics + business leaders), at least 5—CABINET—LEVELS—DEPARTMENTS + 12—SEPARATE—GOVERNMENT—AGENCIES, bureaux or offices were involved in this.
19391206             I find it frankly astonishing that virtually NONE—OF—THE—UK—ACADEMIC—SCHOLARSHIP on this period even acknowledges the existence of THE—CFR, let alone the War and Peace Study Groups.
19391206             —PRESENTED, The plan which Marshall, in his speech had already been outlined in the proposals of 1—CFR study group of 19460000             headed by the lawyer CHARLES—M—SPOFFORD and DAVID—ROCKEFELLER, entitled 'Reconstruction in WEST—EUROPE';
19391206             —AT—THE—TIME, Retinger was SECRETARY general of the Independent League for European CO—OPERATION (ILEC), run by THE—BELGIUM—PRIME—MINISTER—PAUL—VAN—ZEELAND.
19391206             —WORKED, —DURING the war Retinger, closely with VAN Zeeland and other exile leaders who would become prominent in the Bilderberg network, (including PAUL—RIJKENS, whom we will meet again shortly).
19391206             * Out of these connections in 19420000—19430000 the Benelux customs union, 1—KIND—OF prototype of the Common Market.
19391206             Continent itself undergoing 1—PROCESS—OF—INTERNAL—DISRUPTION........ there are no big powers left in continental EUROPE....... [whose] inhabitants —AFTER all, represent the most valuable human element in the world.' (Retinger 19460000             , p. 7)
19391206             Das DEUTSCHE—LINIEN—PASSAGIERSCHIFF—USSUKUMA, vermutlich unterwegs zur Versorgung des PANZERSCHIFF—ADMIRAL—GRAF—SPEE, versenkt sich beim Zusammentreffen mit dem BRITISCHEN—KREUZER—HMS—AJAX vor der ARGENTINIEN—KÜSTE selbst.
19391206—19470100    —IN, and the specific proposal for unifying THE—WEST—EUROPEAN coal and steel basin as 1—BULWARK against THE—USSR was made by JOHN—FOSTER—DULLES.
19400900             Ghaith Rashad Pharaon, (b. in RIYADH (or by varying... an —HOUR south... "—WHEN THE—PRESIDENT was told that we had SOME—ADDITIONAL—INFORMATION... alfatomega.com/ 20071206.html
19401206             Lezing Handmarks on the Road to Peace door BARON—SILVERCRUYS, Belgisch...
19401206             Belgische consulaire agenten, kopieën brief C. Gutt...
19411206             * JOHN—NELSON, conductor (Les Troyens of Berlioz), in S—JOSE, COSTA—RICA.
19411206             * RICHARD—SPECK, mass murderer (killed 8—STUDENT—NURSES 19660000             —IN).
19411206             —ISSUED, PRESIDENT—FRANKLIN—D—ROOSEVELT, 1—PERSONAL—APPEAL to Emperor Hirohito to use his influence to avoid war.
19411206             —AGREED, NEW—YORK—CITY Council, to build Idlewild (Kennedy) Airport in Queens.
19411206             Dutch and UK—PILOTS saw JAPAN—INVASION fleet at SINGAPORE.
19421206             * PETER—HANDKE, playwright and poet.
19430000             -Caveat LECTOR—HARRIMAN BUSH stock bank paid hitler There are.
19430000—20171206    * † FRANCE—ROCK star JOHNNY—HALLYDAY, in PARIS.
19441206             Meschede, Heinrich, Heer, OBERLEUTNANT d.Res.
19441206             I./GR 308, 9. Meyer HEINZ—HAUPTMANN d.Res. - 8./Fallsch.J.Rgt. 4 -
19441206             —REACHED, USA 95. Infantry division, Westwall.
19441206             I./GR 308, Die historische ALTSTADT—GIEßEN wird durch 1—LUFTANGRIFF während des —WWII fast vollständig zerstört.
19441206—19450125    —DATE
19441206—19450125    —DATE 19451206             —EXTENDED, USA, a $3—BILLION loan to BRITAIN to help compensate for THE—TERMINATION—OF—LEND—LEASE.
19451206             † MAX—THOMAS, DEUTSCHER—ARZT, SS—GENERAL, GENERAL—DER—POLIZEI, Einsatzgruppenleiter
19471206             —DEDICATED, Everglades National Park in FLORIDA was, by PRESIDENT—TRUMAN.
19471206             —ZUSAMMENTRITT, BERLIN, der von der SED initiierte, organisierte und beherrschte 1. DEUTSCHE—VOLKSKONGRESS für Einheit und gerechten Frieden.
19471206             Die Teilnehmer ablehnen 1—ERRICHTUNG 1—WESTDEUTSCHEN Teilstaates, üben Kritik an den westlichen Alliierten und unterstützen die sowjetische Deutschlandpolitik.
19471206             Der EVERGLADES—NATIONALPARK erstreckt sich vom LAKE—OKEECHOBEE im Norden —BIS zur Südspitze des USA—BUNDESSTAAT—FLORIDA
19481206             The "Pumpkin spy papers" were found on THE—MARYLAND farm of Whittaker Chambers.
19481206             —BECAME, They, evidence that STATE—DEPARTMENT—EMPLOYEE—ALGER—HISS was spying for THE—SOVIET—UNION.
19481206             * MARIUS—MÜLLER—WESTERNHAGEN, DEUTSCHER—MUSIKER und Schauspieler
19491206             † * Leadbelly (64), [Huddie WILLIAM—LEDBETTER], blues singer.
19491206             In 1—GEFÄNGNIS der RUMÄNIEN—STADT—PITE?ti beginnt 1—VOM Geheimdienst geleitetes, von Erniedrigung und Folter geprägtes "Umerziehungsprogramm", das später unter der Bezeichnung Pite?TI—EXPERIMENT bekannt wird.
19501206             PIUS—XII—PAPA—ENZYKLIKA—MIRABILE—ILLUD, aufruft zu öffentlichen Gebeten für den Weltfrieden.
19531206             * THOMAS—HULCE, actor (Amadeus, Equus, Echo Park), PLYMOUTH, Mi.
19551206             NY psychologist Joyce Brothers (28) won THE—CBS "$64,000—QUESTION," by answering 7—QUESTIONS on boxing.
19561206             "What is the village but 1—SINK—OF—LOCALISM, 1—DEN—OF—IGNORANCE, NARROW—MINDEDNESS and communalism".
19561206             HUNGARY, civilians were shot dead —DURING protests in BUDAPEST.
19561206             1—COMMUNIST—PARTY—COMMITTEE directly governed the leading BODY—OF—1—MILITIA, the so called Military Council, responsible for the shooting.
19561206             —ARRESTED, NELSON—MANDELA and 156—OTHERS were, for political activities in SOUTH—AFRICA.
19561206             —CHARGED, They were, with treason for supporting the Freedom Charter, which called for 1—NON—RACIAL and SOCIALIST—BASED economy.
19561206             Bei den Olympischen Spielen kommt es zum "Blutspiel von MELBOURNE" zwischen den Wasserballern aus UNGARN und der Sowjetunion.
19561206             Die Begegnung, die nach der Niederschlagung des UNGARISCHEN—VOLKSAUFSTANDS durch Sowjettruppen stark emotionsgeladen ist, wird beim Stand von 00041206             0—FÜR UNGARN abgebrochen.
19561206             —VERHAFTET, Der Verleger und MEXIKO—EMIGRANT—WALTER—JANKA wird in der DDR unter dem Vorwurf der "konterrevolutionären Verschwörung".
19561206—19570000    —NAMED, Party COMMITTEE—MEMBER—BELA—BISZKU was, interior MINISTER.
19571206             —VOTED, AFL—CIO members, to expel THE—INTERNATIONAL—BROTHERHOOD of Teamsters.
19571206             —EXPELLED, The union had been, because of racketeering by its executives, including union PRESIDENT—DAVE—BECK and VICE—PRESIDENT—JAMES—R—HOFFA.
19571206             —DISCLOSED, The criminal activity was, —DURING 1—SPECIAL—SENATE—COMMITTEE—INVESTIGATION—OF racketeering and organized crime in LABOR—MANAGEMENT—RELATIONS.
19571206             AMERICA—1. attempt at putting 1—SATELLITE into orbit failed as Vanguard TV3 rose only about 4—FEET off 1—CAPE—CANAVERAL, FLORIDA, launch pad —BEFORE crashing back down and exploding.
19571206             1. Startversuch 1—USA—SATELLITEN, schlägt fehl, die VANGUARD—RAKETE explodiert auf der Startrampe.
19571206—19871000    —READMITTED, THE—TEAMSTERS were, but disaffiliated themselves from THE—AFL—CIO 20050000             —IN.
19581206             † JOSEF—GOCKELN, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, MdL, Landtagspräsident, Landesminister, MdB, DÜSSELDORF—OBERBÜRGERMEISTER
19591124             The new TV show Twilight Zone ran "THE—TIME—ELEMENT" about 1—BARTENDER returning to Pearl Harbor 19411206             .
19610424             —ACCEPTED, PRESIDENT—KENNEDY, "sole responsibility" —FOLLOWING BAY—OF—PIGS INVASION—OF—CUBA.
19611206             † FRANTZ—FANON, ALGERISCHER—PSYCHIATER und Revolutionär
19651206             Beim 5. Versuch, 1—SONDE weich auf dem Mond zu landen, scheitert die sowjetische LUNA—8, IM Meer der Stürme.
19671203—19671206    —ON, The 1. heart transplant operation in THE—USA was, in NEW—YORK City.
19671206             —PERFORMED, DOCTOR—ADRIAN—KANTROWITZ (19180000—20080000    ), the 1. USA human heart transplant on 1—BABY in Brooklyn, who † —6—HOURS—LATER.
19671206             Der Kardiologe ADRIAN—KANTROWITZ führt in Brooklyn an 1—KIND die weltweit 2. Herztransplantation durch.
19671206             —EINIGE—STUNDEN, überlebt, Die Operation, das mit 1—ANGEBORENEN Herzfehler zur Welt gekommene Baby um.
19681206             —ABROGATED, The original MALI—CONSTITUTION was, —AFTER 1—MILITARY—COUP d'etat and replaced by 1—NEW—FUNDAMENTAL—LAW.
19691206             —STAGED, THE—ROLLING—STONES, 1—ROCK—CONCERT at the Altamount Speedway in LIVERMORE—CALIFORNIA for some 300,000 fans.
19691206             —HIRED, THE—STONES, the Hells Angels for security.
19691206             Fans were beaten and 1—PERSON, Meredith Hunter, was stamped and stabbed to death by 1—HELL—ANGEL —DURING the show.
19691206             —TRIED, ALAN—PASSARO, —21—JAHRE—ALT was, and found not guilty because Hunter was carrying 1—GUN.
19691206             1—MAN drowned in 1—NEARBY canal and2 people were crushed to death by 1—RUNAWAY car.
19691206             Während des Altamont Free Concert der Rolling Stones wird der Zuschauer MEREDITH—HUNTER—VON—1—ALS Ordner fungierenden Mitglied der Hells Angels niedergestochen, —NACHDEM er 1—SCHUSSWAFFE gezogen hat;
19691206             † MEREDITH—HUNTER, stirbt auf dem Weg ins Krankenhaus.
19691206             Die Tat wird von 3—KAMERATEAMS mitgefilmt und ist Bestandteil des Dokumentarfilms GIMME—SHELTER—VON—CHARLOTTE—ZWERIN.
19710000             "THE—USA—AMERICANS had gone beyond the infiltration + monitoring of... alfatomega.com/20041206.html
19711206             he returned to BANGLADESH 19710110             .
19711206             —BECAME, BANGLADESH, independent from PAKISTAN —FOLLOWING a —9-MONTH war in 1—STRUGGLE led by SHEIK—MUJIBAR—RAHMAN.
19711206             —RECOGNIZED, INDIA, the Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—BANGLADESH and PAKISTAN broke off diplomatic relations.
19711206             —ACCUSED, BANGLADESH —LATER, PAKISTAN—OF—WAR atrocities that led to THE—DEATH—OF—SOME 3—MILLION—PEOPLE —DURING the —9-MONTH war.
19711206—19711220    —NOMINATED, SHEIK—RAHMAN was, as PRESIDENT and
19711206—19711222    —ON, released from prison ;
19721206             † PAUL—WEYLAND, DEUTSCHER—HOCHSTAPLER, Antisemit und nationalistischer Agitator
19731206             House minority leader GERALD—R—FORD was sworn in as VICE—PRESIDENT, succeeding SPIRO—T—AGNEW.
19731206             —RESIGNED, Agnew, VICE—PRESIDENT—TO—PRESIDENT—RICHARD—M—NIXON, from his office and pleaded no contest to 1—CHARGE—OF—INCOME—TAX—EVASION in return for the dropping of all other charges.
19731206             Agnew, the only USA—VICE—PRESIDENT to resign in disgrace, was fined $10,000 and given —3—YEAR—PROBATION.
19750424             † HANNA—KRABBE (19450000             ), 1—GERMANY—RED—ARMY—FACTION—GUERRILLA, took part in 1—BAADER—MEINHOF gang attack on THE—GERMANY—EMBASSY in STOCKHOLM in which 2—GERMANY—DIPLOMATS.
19751206             —AUTHORIZED, THE—USA—CONGRESS, a $2.3—BILLION emergency loan to save NEW—YORK City from bankruptcy.
19751206—19960000    —IN, ROBERT—DOLE (19230000             *) of KANSAS, Republican presidential candidate, oo MARY—ELIZABETH—HANFORD.
19751206—20050000    —IN, This information was only made public.
19761206             —ELECTED, Democrat Tip O'Neill was, SPEAKER—OF—THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES.
19761206             He went on to serve the longest consecutive term as speaker.
19761206             —OUSTED, He was, in a 19640000             coup and went into exile in ARGENTINA.
19761206             —ARRESTED, HOLLAND—WAR—CRIMINAL—PIETER—MENTEN (18990000—19870000    ) was, in SWITZERLAND —AFTER fleeing there —IN—NOVEMBER.
19771206             —ARRESTED, SF FBI agents, James "JIMMY—THE—WEASEL" Fratianno (64), 1—REPORTEDLY leading WEST—COAST—MAFIA figure.
19771206             Das HOMELAND—BOPHUTHATSWANA wird vom APARTHEID—REGIME in SÜDAFRIKA in die "Unabhängigkeit" entlassen, die aber von keinem STAAT der Welt anerkannt wird.
19781206             —BIS—HEUTE, Die KÖNIGREICH—SPANIEN—VERFASSUNG ist in SPANIEN nahezu unverändert gültig.
19801206             Im ORF wird die 1. Folge des STEGREIF—FERNSEHSPIELS Die liebe Familie ausgestrahlt.
19811206             HARRY—HARLOW spent his entire professional career teaching at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—WISCONSIN 19300000—19740000    —FROM—TO.
19811206             His FOCUS—OF—RESEARCH was on the learning abilities in primates and he observed the phenomenon of 'learning to learn.' His work with infant monkeys and their surrogate mothers (terrycloth dummies) demonstrated the importance of bonding between primate mothers and infants for emotional health and growth.
19811206—20030000    —AUTHORED, Deborah Blum, "Love at Goon Park: HARRY—HARLOW and THE—SCIENCE—OF—AFFECTION".
19821206             —KILLED, NORTH—IRELAND, 11—SOLDIERS and 6—CIVILIANS were, —WHEN 1—BOMB planted by THE—IRELAND—NATIONAL—LIBERATION—ARMY exploded in 1—PUB in Ballykelly.
19821206—19821208    —WIPED, GUATEMALA, 1—GOVERNMENT—MASSACRE, out the village of Dos Erres.
19821206—20000000    —IN, 2—WITNESSES gave evidence that some 300—MEN, women and children were killed, tortured and raped by specialists called kaibiles.
19821206—20110000    —IN, PEDRO—PIMENTEL—RIOS, —54—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—MEMBER—OF—1—ELITE—GUATEMALA—MILITARY—FORCE suspected of carrying out the massacre, was extradited from THE—USA—BACK to GUATEMALA.
19831206             —CLOSED, THE—SF—GOLDEN—GATE—BRIDGE, for 19831202             —THE in 1—ROW as winds at the toll plaza measured 77.2—MPH.
19831206             1—BOMB planted on 1—BUS in JERUSALEM exploded and killed 6—ISRAELIS.
19831206             Des HEINRICH—DER—LÖWE—EVANGELIAR wird für 32,5—MILLIONEN—D—MARK als —BIS dahin teuerstes Buch der Welt in LONDON ersteigert und zurückkehrt nach DEUTSCHLAND.
19851206             —DESCRIBED, THE—S—FRANCISCO—CHRONICLE, a "super cocaine," known on the streets as crack, rock or base, which was being smoked in 1—PIPE to produce 1—INTENSE euphoria.
19851206             —DISCOVERED, Crack cocaine was 1., in use in NEW—YORK City.
19860420             —FOLLOWING 1—ABSENCE—OF—19861206              ADES, RUSSIAN—BORN pianist VLADIMIR—HOROWITZ performed in THE—SOVIET—UNION to 1—PACKED audience at the Grand HALL—OF—THE—TCHAIKOVSKY—CONSERVATORY in MOSCOW.
19861011             115. - KENNETH—TIMMERMAN, THE—DEATH—LOBBY: how the... 20041206             19861011             —OF—OPERATION—STAY Behind has been officially admitted in LUXEMBOURG +... BOARD) with THE—USA—COUNCIL for World Freedom (USCWF) of THE—WACL.
19861011             115. - KENNETH—TIMMERMAN, THE—DEATH—LOBBY: how the... 20041206             19861011             1—ZWEITÄGIGES Gipfeltreffen zwischen USA—PRÄSIDENT—RONALD—REAGAN und dem SOVIET—STAATSCHEF—MICHAIL—GORBATSCHOW beginnt in REYKJAVÍK.
19861011             115. - KENNETH—TIMMERMAN, THE—DEATH—LOBBY: how the... 20041206             19861206             —KIDNAPPED, Annette Thur (17) of SANTA—CRUZ—COUNTY was, raped and killed —FOLLOWING 1—PARTY in Boulder Creek.
19861206             1—TOURIST found her body off Skyline Drive in S—MATEO—COUNTY.
19861206             —12: IRAN—CONTRA Conviction; THE—CAUTIONARY—TALE—OF—THE—CIA...
19861206—20120000    —LINKED, DNA evidence, registered sex offender JOHN—WILLIAM—KELLEY, —49—JAHRE—ALT of Placerville to her murder and he was arrested.
19871206             —ROUGHED, MOSCOW, security agents, up Jewish activists and journalists —DURING demonstrations over Kremlin policy —1—DAY—BEFORE THE—ARRIVAL—OF—SOVIET—LEADER—MIKHAIL—S—GORBACHEV to THE—USA, where HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS pressing for free emigration of SOVIET—JEWS marched in WASHINGTON.
19871206             —BLUDGEONED, MISSOURI, 3—SATANIST—TEENAGERS, STEVEN—NEWBERRY, —19—JAHRE—ALT, 1—LEARNING—DISABLED youth, to death and blamed the incident on heavy metal inspired Satanism.
19871206             —ROUGHED, MOSCOW, security agents, up Jewish activists and journalists —DURING rival demonstrations over Kremlin policy.
19871206             † PETER—LORENZ, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, MdL, MdB und Entführungsopfer
19880404             —CENSURED, Mecham was the 1. USA GOVERNOR to be so, in nearly 19881206             ADES.
19881206             —LANDED, The space shuttle Atlantis, in CALIFORNIA.
19881206             † ROCK—AND—ROLL pioneer ROY—ORBISON near NASHVILLE—TENNESSEE, at age 52.
19881206             Arafat met prominent USA—JEWS in STOCKHOLM—SWEDEN.
19881206             † LAMBERTUS—JOHANNES—BOT, NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—AUTOR, Antimilitarist und Anarchist
19891206             —AM, Station in BERLIN bei PETRA—KELLY und dem Neuen Forum.
19891206             CANADA, 14—WOMEN were shot to death at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—MONTREAL—SCHOOL—OF engineering by MARC—LEPINE, who then took his own life.
19891206             † † † Der AMOKLÄUFER—MARC—LÉPINE tötet im Massaker in der POLYTECHNISCHE—HOCHSCHULE—MONTRÉAL 14—FRAUEN, die er zuvor von den Männern getrennt hat, mit den Worten: "Ich hasse Feministinnen!".
19891206             † AMOKLÄUFER—MARC—LÉPINE verletzt 13—WEITERE Personen, bevor er sich selbst tötet.
19891206—19970000    —CONVICTED, Krenz was, with 2—COLLEAGUES of manslaughter for the shooting deaths of those who tried to flee across THE—BERLIN—WALL——PRIOR—TO its demise.
19901206             Shoeless JOE—JACKSON—SIGNATURE was sold for $23,100.
19901206             BANGLADESH, 1—OPPOSITION—CAMPAIGN led by Khaleda Zia and Sheikh Hasina forced PRESIDENT—HOSSAIN—MOHAMMAD—ERSHAD to resign.
19901206             —ANNOUNCED, IRAQ, that it would release all its hostages, saying foreigners could begin leaving in —2—DAYS.
19911206             SENATOR—EDWARD—KENNEDY, D—MASSACHUSETTS, testifying at the trial of his nephew, WILLIAM—KENNEDY—SMITH, denied hearing screams the night PATRICIA—BOWMAN said she was raped by Smith at the Kennedy estate in WEST—PALM—BEACH—FLORIDA.
19911206             GENERAL—PAVLE—STRUGAR led THE—YUGOSLAVIA—ATTACK on Dubrovnik.
19911206             —KILLED, At least 43—CIVILIANS were, in the attack.
19911206             —OPENED, Serbs had, bombardment of THE—CROATIA—PORT of Dubrovnik —IN—EARLY—OCTOBER.
19911206             They also cut his original sentence from —8—YEARS to 7 and 1—HALF—YEARS because of his deteriorating health.
19911206             —KROATIEN—KRIEG: Bei den heftigsten Angriffen feuert DIE—JUGOSLAWISCHE—VOLKSARMEE 600—GRANATEN auf die Stadt ab.in der
19911206             —SCHLACHT um Dubrovnik
19911206             Das Ziel 1—MASSENFLUCHT der Kroaten aus der STADT—DUBROVNIK kann DIE—JUGOSLAWISCHE—VOLKSARMEE jedoch nicht erreichen.
19911206—20010000    —TURNED, Strugar (68), himself into the war crimes tribunal at the Hague.
19911206—20050000    —CONVICTED—OF, Strugar was, 2—COUNTS—OF—WILLFUL—DESTRUCTION—OF—DUBROVNIK and attacking civilians.
19911206—20080000    —IN, appeals judges added 2—MORE—CONVICTIONS for unjustified DEVASTATION—OF—THE—TOWN and attacking CIVIL—SITES.
19921127             —ELECTED, Chavez was, PRESIDENT 19981206             . - - HOUSE—OF—COMMONS—HANSARD—DEBATES
19921127             —ELECTED, Chavez was, PRESIDENT 19981206             .
19921206             —INSPIRED, THE—BHARATIYA—JANATA—PARTY (BJP), Hindus to raze a 15010101—16001231     mosque in THE—NORTH—TOWN—OF—AYODHYA.
19921206             Bowing to ANTI—FOREIGNER sentiment, GERMANY—MAIN—POLITICAL—PARTIES agreed to tighten postwar asylum laws.
19921206             UTTAR, PRADESH—INDIA, THOUSANDS—OF—HINDU kar sevaks, soldiers of the Ram Temple movement, destroyed the Babri Mosque and 4—PEOPLE were killed.
19921206             —CLAIMED, This set off —2—MONTHS—OF—HINDU—MUSLIM rioting that, at least 2,000 lives.
19921206             —DESTROYED, Attackers set off 13—BOMB—BLASTS in Bombay that, skyscrapers and killed 600—PEOPLE.
19921206             —CAUSED, The demolition, HINDU—MUSLIM riots across INDIA and 3,000—PEOPLE were killed.
19921206             Hindus believe that the site was THE—BIRTHPLACE—OF—THE—GOD—RAM and that Mogul invaders tore down 1—TEMPLE at the site to build the Babri Mosque.
19921206             Die Schweizer ablehnen mit 50,3 % NEIN—STIMMEN den Beitritt der SCHWEIZ zum Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum (EWR).
19921206             TEMPEL—MOSCHEE—KONTROVERSE von Ayodhya: Freiwillige der HINDU—ORGANISATIONEN Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, Vishva Hindu Parishad und Bharatiya Janata Party versammeln sich in der INDISCHEN—STADT Ayodhya und zerstören die auf der angeblichen Geburtsstätte Ramas errichtete BABRI—MOSCHEE.
19921206             An ihrer Stelle soll der RAM—JANMABHUMI—TEMPEL errichtet werden.
19921206—19980000    —IN, the Congress Party apologized for the mosque destruction.
19921206—20090000    —IN, 1 inquired into THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—THE—BABRI—MOSQUE concluded that senior MEMBERS—OF—THE—OPPOSITION—BHARATATIYA Janata Party (BJP) were complicit in the vandalism.
19931206             A 19960000             extension was requested to move the deadline to 19940510             .
19931206             † DON—AMECHE, —85—JAHRE—ALT, actor (Cocoon), in SCOTTSDALE—ARIZONA, of prostate cancer.
19931206             1—JUDGE—IN—NEW—BEDFORD, MASSACHUSETTS, sentenced former priest JAMES—R—PORTER, who'd admitted molesting 28—CHILDREN in the 1960s, to 18 to —20—YEARS in prison for sexual assault.
19931206             —COMMITTED, SOUTH—AFRICA—CRIMES, up to this date became eligible for amnesty as set up by special constitutional legislation that set up the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
19941206             —PLEADED, FORMER—USA—ASSOCIATE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—WEBSTER—HUBBELL, guilty to defrauding his former law partners and clients of nearly $400,000.
19941206             —ANNOUNCED, USA—TREASURY—SECRETARY—LLOYD—BENTSEN, his resignation.
19941206             —AUCTIONED, THE—MALTA—FALCON film statuette was, for $398,590.
19941206             —FILED, ORANGE COUNTY—CALIFORNIA, for bankruptcy protection due to investment losses of about $2—BILLION.
19941206             —FILED, ORANGE COUNTY—CALIFORNIA, bankruptcy —AFTER losing nearly $1.7—BILLION on risky investments [derivatives].
19941206—19970000    —IN, 1—FORMER ass't. treasurer, MATTHEW—RAABE, was sentenced to —3—YEARS in prison for diverting $88.5—MILLION in public funds to conceal investment schemes that led to the nation's biggest municipal bankruptcy.
19951206             THE—USA—HOUSE—ETHICS—COMMITTEE sent 1—HIGHLY critical letter to House Speaker Newt Gingrich, saying he had committed 3—ETHICS—VIOLATIONS.
19951206             † NEW—YORK—TIMES columnist JAMES—RESTON in WASHINGTON at age 86.
19951206             † DMITRI—ANTONOVICH—VOLKOGONOV, —67—JAHRE—ALT, EX—SOVIET—SOLDIER and historian.
19961206             —PLUNGED, Stock markets —AROUND the world, —AFTER comments by FEDERAL—RESERVE—CHAIRMAN—ALAN—GREENSPAN were taken to mean that USA—STOCK—PRICES were too high.
19961206             † FORMER—NFL commissioner PETE—ROZELLE in Rancho SANTA—FE, CALIFORNIA, at age 70.
19970831             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX 20041206             Ein ehemaliger Rebellenchef,-TERRORPATE—DER der Kriegsverbrechen verdächtigt werde, sei nicht der "am besten geeignete" Mann, um das KOSOVO zu regieren. alfatomega.com/20041206.html
19971206             1—ASTEROID was discovered by J.V. Scotti at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—ARIZONA.
19971206             —RECOGNIZED, It was, as 1—OF—108—POTENTIALLY hazardous asteroids.
19971206             —CRASHED, SIBERIA, 1—RUSSIAN—ANTONOV 124—JET—CARGO—AIRCRAFT, seconds —AFTER takeoff on the edge of IRKUTSK into 1—APARTMENT building and killed at least 62 (68-69) people.
19981120             —FORMED, She had —RECENTLY, 1—COALITION called NORTH—CAPITAL to push the candidacy of liberals for 19981206             —THE elections to the regional legislature.
19981206             —ATTACHED, The astronauts of the Endeavour space shuttle, Node 1—OF—THE—NEW—SPACE—STATION to the cargo block Zarya.
19981206             † Clayton "Peg Leg" Bates, 1—TAP dancer who lost 1—LEG in childhood, at age 91.
19981206             GABON, PRESIDENT—OMAR—BONGO, —63—JAHRE—ALT won the election for 1—NEW —7-YEAR term.
19981206             He received 66—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE with clear ballot stuffing.
19981206             † In NIGERIA it was reported that 14—PEOPLE in POLL—RELATED violence.
19981206             —STARTED, HUNDREDS—OF—PALESTINE—PRISONERS in ISRAEL, 1—HUNGER—STRIKE and demanded to be freed.
19981206             —KILLED, SIERRA—LEONE, at least 51—REBELS were, in fierce fighting NORTH—OF—FREETOWN.
19981206             —ENLARGED, TAIWAN, the ruling Nationalists, their legislative majority and captured the mayoralty in TAIPEI.
19981206             VENEZUELA held national presidential elections.
19981206             —STAGED, HUGO—CHAVEZ, 1—FORMER—ARMY—OFFICER who, 1—BLOODY—COUP—ATTEMPT against the government —6—YEARS—EARLIER, won with 56—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
19981206             He faced a $22—BILLION foreign debt and planned 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—ASSEMBLY to replace the Congress and to rewrite the constitution.
19981206             Astronauten der RAUMFÄHRE—ENDEAVOUR koppeln im Rahmen der MISSION—STS—88 das 2. Modul Unity der Internationalen Raumstation ISS an das —BEREITS—IM All befindliche 1. Modul Sarja.
19981206             —GEWINNT, VENEZUELA, HUGO—CHÁVEZ die Präsidentschaftswahlen mit 1—ANTIKORRUPTIONS—KAMPAGNE und ANTIARMUTS—KAMPAGNE, die ihm 56—PROZENT—DER—WÄHLERSTIMMEN einbringt.
19990000             01_07 20061206             —1151—PM Page 1 - incident, THE—OKLAHOMA—CITY bombing. and THE—MGM fire.
19990202—19991206    —AM, Nach seinem Sieg bei den Wahlen des Vorjahres wird als VENEZUELA—PRÄSIDENT—HUGO—CHÁVEZ vereidigt.
19991206             —AGREED, THE—SUPREME—COURT, reconsidering its landmark Miranda ruling, to decide whether police still must warn criminal suspects that they have a "right to remain silent".
19991206             The justices upheld that right THE—FOLLOWING—JUNE.
19991206             —CONVICTED—OF, SabreTech, 1—AIRCRAFT—MAINTENANCE—COMPANY, was, mishandling the oxygen canisters blamed for the cargo hold fire that caused 19960000             —THE—VALUJET crash in the Everglades that killed 110—PEOPLE.
19991206             8—OF—THE—9—COUNTS were —LATER thrown out on appeal.
19991206             —AGREED, AT&T, in principle to give competing INTERNET providers access to its HIGH—SPEED—CABLE—LINES.
19991206             —OPENED, OKLAHOMA, 1—BOY, —13—JAHRE—ALT, fire with 1—SEMIAUTOMATIC handgun and injured 4—CLASSMATES at Fort Gibson Middle School.
19991206—19940000    —IN, TANZANIA, 1—UN—COURT—CONVICTED—GEORGES—RUTAGANDA on 3—OF 8—CHARGES of genocide against Tutsis committed —WHEN he was VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—INTERHAMWE death squads in RWANDA.
19991206—19991211    —DROPPED, CHECHNYA, RUSSIA—PLANES, leaflets warning civilians in Grozny to leave or face heavy air and artillery strikes.
20000200—19941206    —ON, —1—MONTH—AFTER he defeated ANN—RICHARDS to become GOVERNOR—OF—TEXAS ,
20000200—19941206    —ON, —1—MONTH—AFTER he defeated ANN—RICHARDS to become GOVERNOR—OF—TEXAS, GEORGE—W received 1—LARGE but belated campaign contribution from 1—ACQUAINTANCE named THOMAS—O—HICKS.
20001206             PRESIDENT—CLINTON gave THE—USA—PRESIDENTIAL—MEDAL—OF—FREEDOM to ALEXANDER—ARIS, THE—SON—OF—AUNG—S—SUU—KYI—OF—BURMA, on behalf of his mother who was held under house arrest.
20001206             —ANNOUNCED, FLORIDA Republican leaders, the Legislature would convene in special session to appoint its own slate of electors in the state's contested presidential race;
20001206             —DENOUNCED, Democrats, the action as unnecessary.
20001206             1—PENTAGON investigation concluded in a 168-page report that 3—TOP—ARMY—CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS—OFFICIALS manipulated 1—STUDY to justify 1—CONSTRUCTION binge on THE—MISSISSIPPI and ILLINOIS Rivers.
20001206             Iridium Satellite won a —1-YEAR, $36—MILLION—PENTAGON contract for unlimited use.
20001206             † Actor WERNER—KLEMPERER in NEW—YORK at age 80.
20001206             1—EUROPEAN—UNION—SUMMIT began in NICE to prepare for expansion to 27 or more members.
20001206             —AGREED, THE—IMF, to grant TURKEY $7.5—BILLION in emergency loans.
20001206             COLOMBIA, a FARC attack in GRANADA left at least 29—DEAD.
20001206             —SENTENCED, PAPA was, to —20—YEARS' imprisonment by 1—MOSCOW court for espionage;
20001206             however, he was pardoned by RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN and released —8—DAYS—AFTER his sentencing.
20001206             UKRAINE, the last working reactor at Chernobyl was shut down due to 1—MALFUNCTION —9—DAYS—BEFORE 1 scheduled permanent shut down.
20001206             —APPROVED, THE—WORLD—BANK, a $12—MILLION—GRANT to help Palestinians.
20010911             —THE—COMMISSION did not do this directly, by explicitly addressing the motives alleged by those who endorse the alternative hypothesis.
20010911             WTC and HOOEY—MANIA-
20011100             [CNN, 20020613             , NEW—YORK—TIMES, 20011206             ] Saeed stayed at 1—KANDAHAR guesthouse for several days, conferring with Taliban leader MULLAH—MUHAMMAD—OMAR and OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20011206             "What in the world am I doing here?" - USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE—NEWS briefing
20011206             Once in 1—WHILE, I'm standing here, doing something.
20011206             KANDAHAR fält als letzte. TALIBAN—FESTUNG.
20011206             It's 1—BIG—SURPRISE. And I think, A Confession
20011206             —REPORTED, NEPAL, THE—ANTI—REBEL—CAMPAIGN was, to have left 250—DEAD—SINCE rebel attacks began 20011123             .
20011206             —RECEIVED, It had been, 20011205             .
20011206             KANDAHAR fält als letzte. TALIBAN—FESTUNG. And I think, A Confession
20011206             "What in the world am I doing here?" - It's 1—BIG—SURPRISE.
20011206             THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, by a 1—VOTE—MARGIN, gave PRESIDENT—BUSH—MORE—POWER to negotiate global trade deals.
20011206             —TAINTED, Anthrax, mail turned up at 1—SORTING site outside THE—FEDERAL—BUILDING in WASHINGTON DC.
20011206             INDIANA, ROBERT—L—WISSMAN, 1—EMPLOYEE—OF—THE—NU—WOOD—DECORATIVE—MILLWORK plant on the edge of Goshen killed manager GREG—OSWALD, wounded 6—OTHERS, and then killed himself.
20011206             1—LOVE triangle was —LATER aid to be the cause.
20011206             —VOWED, AFGHANISTAN, MULLAH—MOHAMMED—OMAR, the Taliban leader, to surrender KANDAHAR.
20011206             1—INTERNATIONAL—TEAM—OF—DOCTORS flew to CONGO to investigate the deaths of 17—PEOPLE with EBOLA—LIKE—SYMPTOMS in Dekese.
20011206             JAPAN went into recession officially for the 4. time in —10—YEARS as THE—GDP shrank 0.5%.
20011206             —CONTINUED, PALESTINE—LEADER—YASSER Arafat, 1—ROUNDUP—OF—HAMAS militants based on 1—LIST—OF—36—SUSPECTS provided by ISRAEL.
20011206             His crackdown on Islamic militants met angry resistance as 1,500 Hamas supporters battled PALESTINE—RIOT—POLICE outside THE—HOME—OF—THE—GROUP—LEADER.
20011206             —BOMBED, ISRAEL—WARPLANES, 1—GAZA police station and 15—PALESTINIANS were wounded.
20011206             USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE—NEWS briefing
20011206             1—CONFESSION—ONCE in 1—WHILE, I'm standing here, doing something.
20011206             And I think, "What in the world am I doing here?" - It's 1—BIG—SURPRISE.
20011206—20010911    —DEDICATED, PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, the national Christmas tree to those who † and to GIs who † in THE—LINE—OF—DUTY.
20011206—20011209    —CONFIRMED, Ebola was, in GABON.
20011218—20011206    —ON, 53% in the 2. round.
20021206             —PUSHED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, Treasury SECRETARY—PAUL—O'NEILL and economic adviser LARRY—LINDSEY from their jobs in 1—CABINET shakeup as the unemployment rate hit 6%.
20021206             —SENTENCED, Actress Winona Ryder was, to community service as PART—OF—1—PROBATIONARY term for stealing more than $5,500 worth of merchandise from 1—SAKS 5. Avenue store in BEVERLY—HILLS, CALIFORNIA.
20021206             —HELPED, PHILIP—BERRIGAN, galvanize opposition to THE—VIETNAM—WAR in the late 1960s.
20021206             BRAZIL, SOUTH—USA—LEADERS 20020901             —TIMETABLE for creating 1—FREE—TRADE—AGREEMENT to cover SOUTH—AMERICA and possibly the Caribbean.
20021206             10—PALESTINIANS, including 2 UNITED—NATIONS employees, were killed in chaotic battles that erupted —WHEN ISRAEL—TROOPS, tanks and helicopter gunships poured into 1—GAZA—STRIP refugee camp, searching for 1—FUGITIVE militant allegedly involved in 1—FATAL bombing.
20021206             —WRAPPED, A—UNITED—NATIONS—ENVOY, up 1—INSPECTION—OF—UZBEKISTAN—PRISONS by saying he found signs of systematic torture despite being denied full access to 2—OF—THE—MOST notorious jails.
20021206             —OPENED, VENEZUELA, at least 1—GUNMAN, fire on 1—CARACAS square packed with OPPONENTS—OF—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ, killing 3—PEOPLE as strikers trying to force 1—CHANGE—OF—GOVERNMENT.
20021206             —JOINED, Captains and officers of 12—OF—THE—NATION—13—OIL—TANKERS, the strike.
20021206—20100000    —AGREED, THE—EU, to ban SINGLE—HULL tankers, likely to be effective.
20031206             —BECAME, Army, the 1. team to finish 0-13 in major college history —AFTER a 34—6—LOSS to Navy.
20031206             Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—H—RUMSFELD met with senior USA—COMMANDERS in IRAQ, and was assured that 1—RECENT switch to more aggressive ANTI—INSURGENCY—TACTICS had begun to pay off.
20031206             —THREATENED, THE—NORTHEAST—1. major SNOWSTORM—OF—THE—SEASON, near whiteout conditions from PENNSYLVANIA to MAINE —AFTER piling up nearly 1—FOOT—OF—SNOW, delaying flights and creating hazardous driving conditions blamed for at least 10—DEATHS.
20031206             —EXPLODED, KANDAHAR—AFGHANISTAN, 1—BOMB, in 1—BAZAAR, wounding about 20—PEOPLE, at least 3—SERIOUSLY, in 1—ATTACK that 1—TALIBAN spokesman said targeted, but missed, USA—SOLDIERS who shop there.
20031206             —KILLED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—USA—AIR—STRIKE apparently, 9—CHILDREN and 1 suspected militant near the village of Hutala.
20031206             In the beach RESORT—OF—SANYA—CHINA, Miss IRELAND, —19—YEAR—OLD—ROSANNA Davison, won the Miss World competition.
20031206             2. place went to Miss CANADA, Nazanin AFSHIN—JAM, —WHILE the host country's Miss CHINA, Guan Qi, took 3.
20031206             —MARCHED, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, through ROME to protest government plans to reform ITALY—PENSION—SYSTEM, which economists say can no longer sustain itself.
20031206             —ISSUED, SAUDI—ARABIA, the names and photos of its 26—MOST wanted terrorist suspects and increased protection —AROUND Western housing compounds in the capital.
20031206             —RESUMED, SUDAN—VICE—PRESIDENT—AND—THE—LEADER—OF—REBELS fighting a —20—YEAR—CIVIL—WAR, their talks on 1—COMPREHENSIVE—PEACE—DEAL, boosted by 1—LANDMARK visit by rebels to the capital, KHARTOUM.
20031206—19900000    —FORMED, The group, gathered leaders from NORTH—AFRICA — ALGERIA, TUNISIA, MOROCCO, MAURITANIA and LIBYA — with leaders from FRANCE, ITALY, SPAIN, PORTUGAL and MALTA.
20040331             The base had been used for 20041206             ADES to keep watch over the Caribbean.
20041124—20041206    —PROMISED, If, as, that OCCURS—THE recounters have little time to finish their work:
20041200             The biggest effect will be on USA—ENERGY—DEPARTMENT—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS... alfatomega.com/20041206.html
20041203—20041206    alfatomega.com/20041206.html
20041205             THOMAS—DEFLO, BRUSSELS, BELGIUM AUTHOR—OF, alfatomega.com/20041206.html
20041205             THOMAS—DEFLO, BRUSSELS, BELGIUM AUTHOR—OF—HTTP://lightscion.911 review_org/... alfatomega.com/20041206.html
20041205             Under the guise of "left wing insurgency ", Operation Gladio... 20041224             20041225             19-- LATVIA—POLICE + EX—SS men from GERMANY were returned home to carry out 20041205             Under the guise of "left wing insurgency ", Operation Gladio...
20041205             Under the guise of "left wing insurgency ", Operation Gladio...
20041206             20011100             [CNN, 20020613             , NEW—YORK—TIMES, 20011206             ] Saeed stayed at 1—KANDAHAR guesthouse for several days, conferring with Taliban leader MULLAH—MUHAMMAD—OMAR and OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20041206             19000000             In UK, MI6 was involved in recruiting LATVIA—POLICE + EX—SS men from GERMANY into the...
20041206             20041124             IF, AS PROMISED, THAT OCCURS ON 20041206             —THE—RECOUNTERS—HAVE—LITTLE—TIME—TO—FINISH—THEIR—WORK:
20041206             Other drawings feature nearly EVERY—POLITICAL + financial scandal —AT—THE—END—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 .
20041206             68—IRAQIS Die in Weekend Attacks : UNITED—NATIONS special envoy Lakhdar Brahimi warned that credible elections cannot be held 20040130             under current conditions.
20041206             MASONIC Digest —TUESDAY, 19911022             Volume 3 : Issue 2—TODAY'S.
20041206             P2 stands for Propaganda Duo.
20041206             20061120             20060316             20061120             20061119             at 0607—PM
20041206             Dear MISTER—JOHNSON, 20061126             your press counsellor sent 1—LETTER to THE—GUARDIAN taking strong exception to 1—SENTENCE in my column of the same —DAY.
20041206             00.000.19-- In UK, MI6 was involved in recruiting LATVIA—POLICE + EX—SS men from GERMANY into the Gladio network.
20041206             00.000.19-- LATVIA—POLICE + EX—SS men from GERMANY were trained in THE—UK + at UK bases in WEST—GERMANY +
20041206             Mahathir assails Bush for views on Muslims - CHINA—TEXTS leave gaps in history
20041206             —KILLED, Gunmen Storm USA Consulate in Jeddah, 12
20041206             WALL—STREET—SCHLUSS: Lustloser Handel nach Anschlag in SAUDI—ARABIEN
20041206             —SUSPENDIERT, ISRAEL: Ganze ARMEE—EINHEIT nach Mordvorwurf vom Dienst
20041206             IRAN: Chatami räumt Scheitern seiner Reformpolitik ein - Kerry Won.
20041206             —DECIDED, The election in OHIO was not, by the voters but by something called "spoilage".
20041206             —VOIDED, Typically in THE—USA, about 3—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE is...
20041206             THE—WRITINGS—OF—GREG—PALAST...
20041206             intimidation, overt manipulation + blatant fraud " that were
20041206             regarding THE—INCONSISTENCY—OF—OFFICIAL—ELECTION—RESULTS + - voters in FLORIDA + OHIO ; nor the...
20041206             THE—PITT—NEWS—MANY—KERRY supporters suspect election fraud...
20041206             OHIO, legal challenges to the election are brewing
20041206             activists said they would contest the election ,
20041206             under a - court if they believe there has been fraud in an...
20041206             have not seen convincing EVIDENCE—OF—EITHER fraud nor of
20041206             .error; + the early exit polls on Election —DAY this..that Kerry would carry FLORIDA + OHIO + thus
20041206             —DIMINISHED, THE—USA—VICTORY, the appeal of militant Islam.
20041206             "THE—COMMITMENT—OF—FANATICS tends to melt away —WHEN they see their cause losing," explained STUART—TAYLOR,
20041206             JUNIOR of the National Journal —JUST as this phenomenon was happening.
20041206             In the 1. —WEEK—AFTER THE—USA—AIRSTRIKES began, there were 9—ANTI—AMERICA—DEMONSTRATIONS in Arab countries.
20041206             The 2. —WEEK saw 3; the 3. —WEEK, 1; the 4. —WEEK, 2; then 0.
20041206             —TURNED, Muslim anger, against OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, accusing him even of being 1—ZIONIST—AGENT sent to discredit Islam.
20041206             —EMBOLDENED, Governments felt, to crack down on militant Islam;
20041206             —CLOSED, PAKISTAN—AUTHORITIES, for instance, HUNDREDS—OF—OFFICES and arrested more than 2,000—PEOPLE.
20041206             in the south, NAJAF—MOOD is described as "like 1—CARNIVAL".
20041206             —LIBERATED, Watching the gratitude of, Iraqis will undercut the Muslim SENSE—OF—OUTRAGE that this war harmed THE—IRAQ—POPULATION.
20041206             Casualties : The relatively small NUMBER—OF—CIVIL—CASUALTIES, plus the excellent care they are getting from the allies,
20041206             will diminish the rage about Iraqis paying too high 1—PRICE for their freedom.
20041206             Islam : Respecting IRAQ—WAYS, especially their religion, will reduce apprehensions about the war being 1—CRUSADE.
20041206             Oil : 1—POLL in JORDAN finds 83—PERCENT of respondents believing WASHINGTON is fighting for control over IRAQ—OIL;
20041206             but —WHEN 1—NEW—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT takes charge of its oil resources, this canard will die.
20041206             Strong horse : As OSAMA—BIN—LADEN himself put it, "—WHEN people see 1—STRONG—HORSE + 1—WEAK—HORSE, by nature they will like the strong horse".
20041206             1 allied victory will establish who the strong horse is, diminishing the ardor of its enemies to fight.
20041206             —JUST as the intense emotions of 20011000             are —NOW forgotten, so will those of this moment probably be fleeting.
20041206             A—USA—VICTORY in IRAQ, this means, will protect more than it harms.
20041206             —TODAY—FURIES can be ignored.
20041206             —NOW is 1—TIME not for fretting over future bin Ladens, but for finishing the job against SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
20041206             TÜRKEI und EU: Beim christlichen Gebet sitzen die Spitzel nebenan - Is Annexing CANADA on BUSH—AGENDA?
20041206             Territorial CONTROL—OF—CANADA is PART—OF—1—GEOPOLITICAL and military agenda built on the creation of NORTHCOM -- 1—BLATANT violation of both Canadian and MEXICO—TERRITORIAL sovereignty.
20041206             Dems Pocket $52—MILLION, CNN Ignores Evidence + Officials Stonewall... - What Vote Fraud?
20041206             We saw UKRAINE—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION—COVERAGE on CNN last night.
20041206             It was surreal They were saying that in THE—UKRAINE elections aren't transparent.
20041206             'Scuse me?
20041206             —INTERESTED, This, —AFTER CNN said they weren't, in filming 59—ORANGE—TAGGED records from VOLUSIA—FLORIDA showing that our elections are missing 1—3.—OF—THE—KEY—DOCUMENTS entirely.
20041206             Psst. Don't look here. Look there.
20041206             Meahwhile 1—COMPLETELY irresponsible Kerry Campaign holds on to a $52—MILLION—LITIGATION—WAR—CHEST accumulated from citizen donations for that purpose.
20041206             THE—FBI is 1—CLIENT—OF—CHOICEPOINT + for information on people it seeks, regularly taps the largest USA DATABASE—OF—PUBLIC—RECORDS on individuals.
20041206             —FILED, Attorneys representing THE—KERRY—EDWARDS campaign have, papers in DEFENSE—OF—GREEN—PARTY—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE—DAVID—COBB and Libertarian MICHAEL—BADNARIK,
20041206             who are seeking a recount of all votes in OHIO and who are also currently seeking recounts in NEW—MEXICO and NEVADA.
20041206             SOMETHING—FISHY in OHIO
20041206             —DECIDED, The vote in OHIO, the presidential race, but it was marred by intolerable + often partisan, irregularities and discrepancies.
20041206             In 1—OF—DOZENS—OF—EXAMPLES, Ellen Connally, 1—AFRICA—AMERICA—CANDIDATE running 1 underfunded race for Cheif Justice at THE—BOTTOM—OF—THE—TICKET ,
20041206             received over 257,000 more votes than Kerry in 37—COUNTIES.
20041206             She ran better than Kerry where she wasn't known than she did where she was known and did campaign.
20041206             It's —3—WEEKS—AFTER the election + OHIO still hasn't counted the votes and certified the election.
20041206             There should be 1—FEDERAL—INVESTIGATION—OF—THE—VOTE—COUNT, with the partisan SECRETARY—OF—STATE removing himself from the scene.
20041206             Unembedded, Independent - Dahr Jamail: IRAQ—OUTSPOKEN—REPORTER
20041206             Newtopia: THE—USA—CORPORATE—MEDIA consistently characterizes THE—IRAQ—RESISTANCE as "foreign terrorists and FORMER—BA'ATHIST insurgents".
20041206             Is this accurate?
20041206             Dahr Jamail: This is propaganda of the worst kind.
20041206             —KILLED, They are people who have had family members, detained, tortured and humiliated by the illegal occupiers of their shattered country.
20041206             Television and the Hive Mind
20041206             —WHEN 1—PERSON watches television, brain activity switches from the left to the right HEMISPHERE—LEADING to emotional responses + releasing endorphins -
20041206             thus, it is possible to become physically addicted to watching television.
20041206             —MANIPULATED, There is another way in which we are, by television news.
20041206             Human beings are prone to model the behaviors —AROUND them +
20041206             avoid those which might invite ridicule or censure + in the hypnotic state induced by television, this effect is particularly pronounced.
20041206             ANTI—WAR MP Wins SADDAM—LIBEL—CASE
20041206             GEORGE—GALLOWAY has won £150,000 libel damages from THE—DAILY—TELEGRAPH over allegations that he was in the secret PAY—OF—IRAQ—DICTATOR—SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
20041206             "I am sure the friends of the Daily Telegraph in CONTROL—OF—IRAQ would like to arrange 1—ACCIDENT for me on the way or whilst there".
20041206             The "Wild West" of THE—INTERNET
20041206             LET—FACE it, ALL—OF—THIS is a smoke screen.
20041206             Bush and Crew don't want you surfing —AROUND, READING blogs like this,
20041206             wandering outside what they consider permissible boundaries,
20041206             RE—VOTE, Not Recount, in OHIO
20041206             But 1—RECOUNT probably won't do much good in 3—COUNTIES that have suspicious numbers -- Franklin, Mahoning, + WARREN.
20041206             We have votes in 3—IMPORTANT—COUNTIES that may have been lost forever.
20041206             However, we have numerous reports of civil rights violations and voter suppression —THROUGHOUT the state.
20041206             Voters' Suit Seeks REVERSAL—NOT RECOUNT—OF—OHIO Result,vows "aggressive discovery"
20041206             Cliff Arnebeck, 1—LAWYER for "Alliance for Democracy
20041206             " - 1—GROUP—OF—LIBERAL—VOTERS challenging THE—OHIO result, is expected —FRIDAY to file —BEFORE THE—OHIO SUPREME—COURT.
20041206             "We'll be calling for 1—REVERSAL—OF—THE—RESULT based on evidence developed in THE—COURSE—OF—LITIGATION," MISTER—ARNEBECK told THE—GUARDIAN—ON—TUESDAY.
20041206             See Also: Voters to challenge USA—ELECTION
20041206             —FROM : HINZ (MON 20091206             :32:51 20040000             ) Answer to mark :
20041206             OHIO Rally Hits the News
20041206             HUNDREDS—OF—VOTERS heard speakers call for 1—DEMOCRACY, where EVERY—VOTE—COUNTS and EVERY—VOTE is counted.
20041206             Video Game Celebrates FALLUJAH Slaughter
20041206             1—JUST—RELEASED misssion in the Kuma wargame series is themed "FALLUJAH:
20041206             OPERATION AL—FAJR".
20041206             It RE—CREATES the recent ASSAULT—ON—FALLUJAH, which may have left THOUSANDS—OF—CIVILIANS—DEAD.
20041206             BECHTEL—DRY—RUN: Iraqis Suffer Water Crisis
20041206             The (almost) Death Defying....ART—OF—CONSPIRACY
20041206             LOMBARDI—DEATH 20000000             WAS RULED A SUICIDE.
20041206             View BreakForNews Lombardi Gallery >
20041206             Like:" GEORGE—W—BUSH, Harken Energy and JACKSON—STEPHENS
20041206             Front Man for a Police State
20041206             KERIK, BERNARD s elevation is 1—OMINOUS warning of the repressive measures THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is preparing for its 2. term.
20041206             KERIK, BERNARD brings to the agency the political sensibilities of 1—PRISON—GUARD + 1—UNDERCOVER cop,
20041206             with no compunction about trampling on democratic rights.
20041206             With no opposition from the Democrats.
20041206             See Also: Kerik - a ticking timebomb - See Also: TSAR—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY
20041206             Poindexter had TIA ready to roll on 9/12
20041206             KEN—BLACKWELL & JISNA - MoveOn: No VoteFraud - GEORGE—BUSH—PLAYS—JOHN—WAYNE
20041206             I Smell 1—RAT : THE—DIXIECRAT—THEORY - 100's rally for OHIO recount
20041206             TEHRAN says AL—JAZEERAH is USA—ISRAEL—PSYWAR—OP
20041206             IRAQ—RED—CRESCENT withdraws from FALLUJAH
20041206             Amid concerns over continuing insecurity
20041206             FALLUJAH refugees in desperate NEED—OF—AID: UN-
20041206             More than 200,000—PEOPLE who fled FALLUJAH AHEAD—OF—THE—USA offensive have yet to return + MANY—ARE in desperate NEED—OF—AID,
20041206             with temperatures in IRAQ heading towards freezing, 1—NEW—UN—EMERGENCY—REPORT says.
20041206             ISRAEL kills Islamic Jihad fighter:
20041206             —ARRIVED, The soldiers, who, 00.000.20 jeeps, opened fire in his direction as he was giving himself up, Aljazeera correspondent, Shirin ABU—AQILA reported.
20041206             3—IRAQIS arrested in GERMANY for alleged murder plot against Allawi
20041206             Judge refuses to set trial date for Moussaoui: -
20041206             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE said —ON—THURSDAY that she will not set 1—TRIAL—DATE for alleged AL—QAIDA conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui —UNTIL THE—SUPREME—COURT considers 1—DEFENSE—APPEAL seeking to strike the death penalty.
20041206             Kerik nomination is 1—TICKING time bomb:
20041206             Energetic exploiter of 20010911             tragedy may be named —TODAY to take TOM—RIDGE—JOB as HEAD—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY.
20041206             —FROM Bush Aide, Warning on Social Security:
20041206             1—TOP—ECONOMIC—ADVISER to PRESIDENT—BUSH——ON—THURSDAY strongly implied that ANY—OVERHAUL—OF—THE—SYSTEM would have to include major cuts in guaranteed benefits for future retirees.
20041206             —SUPPORTED, FBI spying allegations, by records:
20041206             —ACCUSED, Officials with THE—AMERICA—CIVIL—LIBERTIES—UNION, THE—FBI—JOINT—TERRORISM—TASK—FORCE——ON—THURSDAY of collecting E—MAILS and LICENSE—PLATE—NUMBERS from peaceful activists labeled as terrorists.
20041206             JAY—BOOKMAN : Citizens STRIPPED—OF—PROTECTION:
20041206             This is how the government works these days.
20041206             Thompson Said Resigning From Cabinet:
20041206             —RESIGNED, Health and Human Services SECRETARY—TOMMY—THOMPSON, —FRIDAY,
20041206             —LEARNED, THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS, broadening 1—EXODUS that has emptied more than HALF—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH'S—CABINET——BEFORE he takes THE—OATH—OF—OFFICE for a 2. term.
20041206             RUSSIA—AIR—FORCE Prepared to Strike Foreign Bases PRE—EMPTIVELY:
20041206             "We have all the manpower and equipment we need to cope with the mission if we get such 1—ORDER," THE—RUSSIA—INFORMATION—AGENCY—NOVOSTI quoted THE—AIR—FORCE—COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF, GENERAL—VLADIMIR—MIKHAILOV, as saying.
20041206             CHINA tests ballistic missile submarine:
20041206             The new submarine will make it more difficult for THE—USA—MILITARY to take part in 1—DEFENSE—OF—TAIWAN BECAUSE—OF—THE—THREAT—OF—NUCLEAR—RETALIATION,
20041206             UKRAINE court annuls poll result:
20041206             —ANNULLED, UKRAINE—SUPREME—COURT has, the 2. round of the presidential ELECTION—UPHOLDING opposition claims that it was fraudulent.
20041206             RUSSIA—DUMA slams EU for UKRAINE unrest:
20041206             —APPROVED, THE—RUSSIA—PARLIAMENT has overwhelmingly, 1—RESOLUTION condemning what it calls WEST—EUROPE—DESTRUCTIVE—ROLE in UKRAINE—POLITICAL—CRISIS.
20041206             NORMAN—SOLOMON: 'Our Nukes Good, Our Allies' Nukes Pretty Good, Others' Very Bad':
20041206             Top officials in WASHINGTON are —NOW promoting jitters about IRAN—NUCLEAR—ACTIVITIES, —WHILE media outlets amplify the message.
20041206             1—CONFRONTATION with TEHRAN is on THE—2.—TERM—BUSH—AGENDA.
20041206             —ENCOURAGED, So, we're, to obliquely think about the unthinkable.
20041206             UKRAINE recalls peacemakers from IRAQ:
20041206             200 and 57—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SUPREME—RADA (PARLIAMENT) have voted for this decision.
20041206             Rumsfeld admits underestimating IRAQ task:
20041206             but he defended THE—SIZE—OF—THE—USA—FORCE deployed to stabilise the country.
20041206             —CLEARED, Rebels return to '' areas:
20041206             FALLUJAH, USA—FORCES are going through 50,000 houses 1—BY 1. But IRAQ—RESISTANCE—FORCES are coming back.
20041206             FALLUJAH Residents Face Choice: Retina Scan and Take ID Card....Or Die?
20041206             PM: FALLUJAH incident not DENMARK responsibility:
20041206             Anders Fogh Rasmussen claims DENMARK is not liable for actions committed by other coalition countries in IRAQ,
20041206             but opposition parties claim THE—PM is shirking his responsibility - Pictures : You want explicit?
20041206             —SUPPOSED, You aren't, to know.
20041206             You are to remain ignorant and shielded,
20041206             and, if you're like most Americans, you have been very carefully conditioned to think BUSH—NASTY—IRAQ war is merely this ugly little FIRECRACKER—LIKE thing happening way, way over there
20041206             SIDNEY—BLUMENTHAL: You call this liberation:
20041206             Pentagon experts have made 1—DISCOVERY: Muslims do not hate AMERICA—FREEDOMS, but its policies
20041206             RAY—MCGOVERN: All Mosquitos, No Swamp:
20041206             "We are seen as 1—HYPOCRITICAL bully in THE—MIDDLE—EAST and we have to stop!"
20041206             Marines reverse death disclosure rule:
20041206             USA—MARINES are to disclose THE—DEATHS—OF—MARINES as they occur in IRAQ, reversing 1—POLICY that has made it difficult to track AMERICA—CASUALTIES.
20041206             But THE—USA—MILITARY—PANELS reviewing the detention of 550—FOREIGNERS as "enemy combatants" at THE—USA—NAVAL—BASE in CUBA are allowed to use such evidence
20041206             Molly Ivins: Torture by Americans 1—NIGHTMARISH—PICTURE:
20041206             One's 1. response to the report by THE—INTERNATIONAL—RED—CROSS about torture at our prison at GUANTANAMO is denial.
20041206             - —WHEN we break INTERNATIONAL law and THE—CONVENTIONS—OF—WARFARE, then the same thing can be done to AMERICA—SOLDIERS who are captured abroad.
20041206             Could a "little old lady in SWITZERLAND" who sent 1—CHECK to 1—ORPHANAGE in AFGHANISTAN be taken into custody if unbeknownst to her SOME—OF—HER—DONATION was passed to AL—QAIDA terrorists?
20041206             "She could," replied Deputy Associate ATTORNEY—GENERAL—BRIAN—BOYLE
20041206             Court date to be set for torture charges against Bush:
20041206             1—DATE will be set in BC Provincial Court, Criminal Division, at VANCOUVER —ON—MONDAY ;;12;;
20041206             6. 20040000             . - More troops in IRAQ, more trouble:
20041206             1—OF—THE—MOST important lessons of THE—VIETNAM War was scrupulously to avoid situations in which USA—FORCES found themselves in 1—ESCALATING guerrilla war,
20041206             where the only way to contain 1—GROWING resistance movement was to deploy more troops.
20041206             —NOW THE—USA is sending 1—ADDITIONAL 12,000 soldiers to IRAQ.
20041206             Honda tÜftelt am 1—LITER—AUTO
20041206             Der JAPANISCHE—AUTOMOBILKONZERN Honda hat angeblich mit der Entwicklung eines 1—LITER—AUTOS begonnen.
20041206             Das Modell solle in —4—JAHREN auf den Markt kommen.
20041206             TOKIO—NACH ANGABEN—DER—JAPANISCHEN—WIRTSCHAFTSZEITUNG "Nihon Keizai Shimbun" soll das 1—LITER—AUTO in THAILAND gebaut werden.
20041206             —BETRACHTET, Dem Blatt zufolge, Honda das Modell als strategisches Produkt.
20041206             1—SPRECHER—DES—UNTERNEHMENS wollte den Bericht nicht kommentieren.
20041206             RUSSIA May Launch PRE—EMPTIVE "ANTI—TERROR" Strikes:
20041206             —COMMENTED, ITAR—TASS, that RUSSIA had initiated discussion of preventive strikes over —1—YEAR—AGO "due to WASHINGTON—REGULAR—EMPLOYMENT—OF this method in INTERNATIONAL affairs".
20041206             USA authorizes SALE—OF—MISSILES to JORDAN
20041206             —AUTHORIZED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has, the sale of 50 sophisticated USA—MADE AIR—TO—AIR—MISSILES to JORDAN,
20041206             despite ISRAEL—PROTESTS to the sale, according to THE—USA—MILITARY.
20041206             Knives out for KOFI—ANNAN:
20041206             —WHEN Annan dared to suggest that the war had been illegal, THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL in 1—EDITORIAL described THE—SECRETARY—GENERAL'S—LETTER as "1—HOSTILE—ACT
20041206             144—COUNTRIES—CALL on USA, CHINA and RUSSIA to join landmine ban:
20041206             Some 144—COUNTRIES—PARTY to 1—INTERNATIONAL—TREATY banning landmines appealed to those still outside the pact,
20041206             which include THE—USA, CHINA and RUSSIA, to join it and hasten the total eradication of the deadly devices.
20041206             —OFFERED, Taliban reject amnesty, by USA—ENVOY in AFGHANISTAN: report:
20041206             —SPURNED, AFGHANISTAN—TALIBAN militia, 1—AMNESTY offered by USA—AMBASSADOR—ZALMAY Khalilzad on condition the hardline Islamic fighters lay down their arms, 1—REPORT said.
20041206             Conyers to Hold Hearings on OHIO Vote Fraud:
20041206             will hold 1—HEARING —ON—WEDNESDAY 20041208             to investigate ALLEGATIONS—OF—VOTE—FRAUD and irregularities in OHIO —DURING 20040000             —THE—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION.
20041206             Elections are only 1—PART—OF—DEMOCRACY.
20041206             We need to think strategically about direct action,
20041206             learn from 1—RICH—HISTORY—OF—NONVIOLENT activism + develop new tactics to take on this administration.
20041206             1—BLUEPRINT for MOORE—BASHING:
20041206             —JOINED, THE—DEMOCRATIC—LEADERSHIP—COUNCIL has, FOX—NEWS and THE—GOP in savaging MICHAEL—MOORE, blaming him for KERRY—LOSS.
20041206             Cut your price at least 30% or lose your customers.
20041206             Nearly EVERY—MANUFACTURER is vulnerable -- from furniture to networking gear.
20041206             The result: 1—MASSIVE—SHIFT in economic power is under way.
20041206             1 must read report from Business —WEEK - USA dollar dangles in the dust:
20041206             It —NOW takes $1.34 to buy 1—EURO——WHEN, —4—YEARS—AGO, you could buy 1—EURO for 82—CENTS.
20041206             Why is this happening + do we have 1—PROBLEM?
20041206             Dollar scores ALL—TIME lows in closing out —WEEK:
20041206             —SAILED, The euro, to 1—RECORD—HIGH against the dollar —FRIDAY, with the greenback knocked down again as ;;11;;
20041206             USA jobs data came in well SHORT—OF—EXPECTATIONS.
20041206             Inside the Clouds of 20010911             20041206             GIDEON—LEVY: Suffer the little children:
20041206             In the present intifada, 323—PALESTINE—CHILDREN under the age of 14—HAVE been killed by ISRAEL—OCCUPATION—FORCES.
20041206             3—RECENT—EXAMPLES from NABLUS - CIA—VENEZUELA Coup Documents:
20041206             Despite consistent denials from THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—OF—ANY—ROLE in the coup d'etat against PRESIDENT—CHÁVEZ
20041206             Brutality pays poorly in interrogation:
20041206             —AFTER 1—JAPAN—SOLDIER named Shuji Ishii was taken prisoner by AMERICA—MARINES on THE—ISLAND—OF—IWO—JIMA —WWII—DURING,
20041206             he expected the worse, including being put to death.
20041206             Instead, he wrote —LATER in 1—MEMOIR,
20041206             he was astonished to find himself in 1—SANITARY hospital and to be given clean drinking water, sufficient food, soap, medicine, cigarettes and 1—SOFT—BED.
20041206             —ACCUSED, Army closes hearing on, soldiers:
20041206             —CLOSED, Citing national security, the Army, 1—HEARING—THURSDAY on whether 3—SOLDIERS will be COURT—MARTIALED for allegedly suffocating 1—IRAQ—GENERAL —DURING 1—INTERROGATION——LAST—YEAR.
20041206             Media challenges Army decision on hearing:
20041206             —FILED, Newspaper attorney STEVE—ZANSBERG said 1—PETITION was, with the Army COURT—OF—APPEALS in WASHINGTON seeking to make the hearing public except for the presentation of classified material.
20041206             USA admits torture used in interrogations:
20041206             Results become evidence, though illegal in U.S court
20041206             Firebombing Falluja: THE—USA is using napalm in Falluja.
20041206             —DENIED, So far, the military has, the allegations, but the proof is mounting.
20041206             Dahr Jamail: Trophy Hunting?:
20041206             THE—DIRECTOR—OF—FALLUJAH—GENERAL—HOSPITAL was shot and wounded by soldiers —WHILE he and 2—OTHER—DOCTORS attempted to enter FALLUJAH in 1—AMBULANCE in order to provide aid to families trapped there
20041206             Documents show CIA knew of VENEZUELA coup:
20041206             THE—USA—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY knew dissident military officers were planning 1—COUP
20041206             Navy Investigating New Torture Photos:
20041206             —LAUNCHED, THE—USA—MILITARY has, 1—CRIMINAL—INVESTIGATION into photographs of bloodied prisoners, 1 with 1—GUN to his head.
20041206             7—DEAD as USA Consulate Attacked in SAUDI—ARABIA:
20041206             3—ATTACKERS were among those killed, —WHILE 2—OTHERS were injured and arrested, THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—INTERIOR—MINISTRY announced.
20041206             68—IRAQIS Die in Weekend Attacks:
20041206             —WARNED, UNITED—NATIONS special envoy Lakhdar Brahimi, that credible elections cannot be held 20040130             under current conditions.
20041206             Anti Occupation Forces Kill 21 in NORTH—IRAQ:
20041206             —AMBUSHED, IRAQ—RESISTANCE, 1—BUS—FULL—OF—IRAQIS occupation collaborators,
20041206             killing 17—CIVILIANS and wounding 13 in Tikrit —ON—SUNDAY, —WHILE 1—CAR—BOMB and 1—GUN—ATTACK killed 4—MEMBERS—OF—THE—IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES elsewhere in NORTH—IRAQ.
20041206             —ORDERED, IRAQ—RED—CRESCENT, from FALLUJAH:
20041206             —DISTRIBUTED, THE—IRC, food, water and blankets to —AROUND 1,500—PEOPLE in the city,
20041206             —INVOLVED, ROBERT—HILL has learnt 1.—HAND the new perils, in visiting STRIFE—TORN BAGHDAD.
20041206             USA—MILITARY arrests Iraqi in charge of Sistani electoral list: aide:
20041206             "If he is not released, there will be serious consequences," said the source, giving no reason for YEHYA—ARREST in BAGHDAD.
20041206             EX—CIA—OFFICIAL: We will lose terror war:
20041206             THE—USA will ultimately lose THE—WAR—ON—TERROR because of its policies in THE—MIDDLE—EAST and BECAUSE—OF—CONCERNS over the human rights of militants worldwide,
20041206             THE—FORMER—HEAD—OF—THE—CIA—TEAM that hunted OSAMA—BIN—LADEN said —FRIDAY.
20041206             USA admits the war for 'hearts and minds' in IRAQ is —NOW lost:
20041206             —ADMITTED, THE—PENTAGON has, that THE—WAR—ON—TERROR and the invasion and occupation of IRAQ have increased support for AL—QAEDA,
20041206             made ordinary Muslims hate THE—USA and caused 1—GLOBAL—BACKLASH against AMERICA because of the "SELF—SERVING hypocrisy" of GEORGE W BUSH—ADMINISTRATION over THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20041206             McCain Criticizes Pentagon Over IRAQ War:
20041206             HELEN—THOMAS: Declare VICTORY—AND—LEAVE:
20041206             —FROM the forged papers showing IRAQ buying nuclear materials from NIGER to the pulp fiction of THE—CAMPBELL—SCARLETT dossiers,
20041206             1—OF—THE—GROSSEST deceptions in modern history has been practised upon us.
20041206             Defining resistance:
20041206             —ISSUED, They said they quit in response to 1—FATWA, by the Muslim Clerics Association prohibiting cooperation with the occupation forces in IRAQ.
20041206             Pictures: USA—NAVY—SEALS Torturing Iraqis
20041206             " Torture" images showed "stupid" and "juvenile" BEHAVIOR—BUT not necessarily 1—CRIME.
20041206             Returning Fallujans will face clampdown:
20041206             Returning residents may find that the measures make FALLUJAH look more like 1—POLICE—STATE than the democracy they have been promised.
20041206             ERIC—MARGOLIS: Uncle Sam has his own gulag:
20041206             —WOUNDED, State's, vets at bottom for benefits: Marine LANCE—CPL.
20041206             —DENTED, ANDREW—DERRIG was fixing 1.50-caliber MACHINE—GUN—ROUND outside 1—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN—PALACES——WHEN the bullet exploded.
20041206             The way our country treats returning soldiers is 1—NATIONAL shame:
20041206             Is it easier to support the mythical, invisible image of 1—BRAVE—SOLDIER fighting for "glory" + "freedom" than it is to support the very real limbless,
20041206             psychologically damaged or lifeless person returning from IRAQ?
20041206             —CRITICIZED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN sharply, THE—USA, accusing it of 1—DOUBLE—STANDARD in fighting terrorism + questioning whether ANY—ELECTION in IRAQ can be democratic —WHEN fighting is raging in the country.
20041206             ANTI—CHRISTIAN sentiments are running high in Muslim countries + other PARTS—OF—THE—WORLD—BECAUSE—OF—THE—USA—LED SO—CALLED WAR—ON—TERRORISM, THE—VATICAN warned.
20041206             WHISTLE—BLOWER Crackdown Spreads:
20041206             1—JUDGE is ordering government workers to waive their confidentiality agreements with journalists.
20041206             UN Oil for Food 'Scandal':
20041206             —CONFIRMED, THE—CIA—DUELFER report may have, the gross falsity of THE—WMD claims invoked by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to justify its war against IRAQ,
20041206             but it has also triggered 1—FEEDING frenzy in the growing attacks against THE—UNITED—NATIONS.
20041206             —CONDEMNED, ISRAEL—NEW—ROAD—PLANS, as 'apartheid':
20041206             —RELEASED, ISRAEL has, plans for THE—UPGRADE—OF—ROADS + construction of 16—TUNNELS which would create an 'apartheid' road network for Palestinians in THE—WEST—BANK.
20041206             Vanunu: ISRAEL—NUKES push atomic arms race:
20041206             Nuclear spy Mordechai Vanunu said —SUNDAY that ISRAEL—ATOMIC—WEAPONS are pushing other countries in THE—MIDDLE—EAST to develop similar arms.
20041206             —WHEN Jewish loyalty meets the brutality of ISRAEL
20041206             Secret Intelligence and THE—'WAR—ON—TERROR':
20041206             FEAR—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN—ILLUSORY WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION was used by THE—PRESIDENT to frighten and intimidate Congress into voting for war.
20041206             Kindness permits us to call this an honest mistake once, but only once.
20041206             THE—SHADOWS—IN—THE—CAVE—THIS is 1 must watch documentary
20041206             —ORGANISED, THE—POWER—OF—NIGHTMARES assesses whether the threat from 1—HIDDEN +, terrorist network is 1—ILLUSION.
20041206             —CREATED, The programme explains how the illusion was, + who benefits from it.
20041206             —ASKED, You, for my evidence, MISTER—AMBASSADOR.
20041206             The sentence read: "In IRAQ, USA—FORCES + their IRAQ—SURROGATES are no longer bothering to conceal attacks on CIVIL—TARGETS + are openly eliminating ANYONE—DOCTORS,
20041206             clerics, JOURNALISTS—WHO dares to count the bodies.
20041206             FALLUJAH Refugees TELL—OF—LIFE and Death in the Kill Zone
20041206             Journalists + residents who have fled FALLUJAH share ACCOUNTS—OF—USA—TROOPS KILLING UNARMED + WOUNDED PEOPLE;
20041206             —WITNESSED, MANY—REFUGEES tell stories of having, USA—TROOPS killing already injured people, including former fighters +NONCOMBATANTS ALIKE. d
20041206             Sparmodell: Honda tÜftelt am 1—LITER—AUTO
20041206             MÜLLER—MILCH: PrÜgelei mit Greenpeace vor dem Werkstor
20041206             Misshandlungen bei der Bundeswehr: Beschuldigter klagt Vorgesetzte an
20041206             UKRAINE: Putins Problem mit dem Onkel im Tropenhelm
20041206             Medienberichte: Kamen Hinweise auf ALAWI—ATTENTAT aus dem IRAK?
20041206             Nukleare Gefahr: NORDKOREA besitzt laut Baradei —BIS zu 6—ATOMBOMBEN
20041206             Hamburger Startbahnstreit: Durchbruch 2. Klasse
20041206             Cebit 20050000             : Da wächst wieder was
20041206             JAPAN: Erdbeben der Stärke 7—ERSCHÜTTERT Insel Hokkaido
20041206             BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG: Experten rechnen mit neuen Erdbeben
20041206             ARBEITSLOSENGELD—II—BESCHEIDE: Verbände fördern den Widerspruchsgeist - SPANIEN: Eta zÜndet 7—BOMBEN
20041206             UKRAINISCHE—STICHWAHL: Kutschma fÜgt sich dem Obersten Gericht
20041206             Angriff in Dschidda: 7—TOTE bei Geiselnahme in USA—KONSULAT - WIKI—NEWS: Und noch 1—BLOG...
20041206             Gaspreiswut: VIELE—VERBRAUCHER verweigern Rechnungszahlung
20041206             Mordkomplott gegen Alawi: Bundesanwalt lässt weiteres Objekt durchsuchen
20041206             UngeschÜtzter PARTY—VERKEHR: Sex, Drogen und Chlamydien
20041206             ANTI—TERROR—KAMPF: USA kÜndigen Offensive in AFGHANISTAN an - Opinion: Saving IRAQ—ELECTION
20041206             Union: WirtschaftsflÜgel wettert gegen PATRIOTISMUS—DEBATTE
20041206             Das als "bezaubernd" bezeichnete, ganz in Rot gehaltene Zimmer in der BUSH—RESIDENZ ist von der texanischen KÜnstlerin Cindi Holt gemalt worden.
20041206             Auf dem Bild ist ein kleiner Weihnachtsbaum zu entdecken samt brennenden Kerzen auf einem Tischchen vor Kaminfeuer.
20041206             Im Innern der Weihnachtskarte ist das Zitat eines Psalms eingerÜckt,
20041206             was die christliche Rechte der USA erfreuen wird:
20041206             Wachstumsmotor: Samsung setzt Milliarden auf die Karte Halbleiter
20041206             —GEFÄHRDET, Zusatzstoff: Shampoo, Hirnzellen - Geheimdienste: Operation Roter Hering
20041206             Christliche Schule will PrÜgelstrafe: Recht auf den Rohrstock
20041206             Weihnachtsgrüße: GEORGE—W—BUSH setzt auf Rot
20041206             EURO—HÖHENFLUG: Eichels Haushalt droht Milliardenrisiko
20041206             CHINA—BESUCH: Schröder will sich fÜr Aufhebung des Waffenembargos einsetzen
20041206             —KRITISIERT, DEUTSCHLAND: Böhmer, Boshaftigkeit im Westen
20041206             MÜnchner "Nibelungen"-Inszenierung: Plastikmännchen im FÜhrerbunker
20041206             Neue Stichwahl in Kiew: Tauziehen um die Wahlgesetze
20041206             Airbus: Weg fÜr Hamburger Startbahn ist frei
20041206             Computers seem to serve mainly as devices for playing games.
20041206             —STILL, THERE WERE 1—FEW—EXCEPTIONS :
20041206             —ENGAGED, Academic performance rose among those who routinely, in writing E—MAIL or running educational software.
20041206             —INVESTED, For all the schools and parents who have together, billions to give children 1—LEARNING edge through the latest computer technology,
20041206             1—MAMMOTH new study by GERMANY—RESEARCHERS—BRINGS SOME—SOBERING news:
20041206             — 16h31 Oitava comissão parlamentar CAMARATE :
20041206             comissão de peritos conclui que existiu SABOTAGEM—POR Lusa
20041206             http: THE—BIN—LADENS'—SAUDI—DIPLOMATIC—PASSPORTS : WaPo journalist + Blood from Stones
20041206             —NOW that I have found 1, I find it astonishing to find, in 1—GOOGLE search, that it has not been reported yet, at least where I can find it.
20041206             (If it is out there, it still bears repeating): 7 5 2 3
20041206             —AUTHORISED, Policystream Limited is, + regulated by the Financial Services Authority.
20041206             FSA number 446223.
20041206             IFA BONUS :: THE—ULTIMATE—SOURCE—OF—INFORMATION for ALL types of...
20041206             As far as can be determined, THE—CIA—PARAMILITARY—GROUP—IN—GREECE.1975—GENERAL—GIANADELIO MALETTI, HEAD—OF—ITALY—COUNTER—INTELLIGENCE "THE—USA—AMERICANS alfatomega.com/20041206.html
20041206             —INVOLVED, THE—GLADIO "SHEEPSKIN" group was, in 1—CAMPAIGN—OF—TERRORIST—BOMBINGS, which were
20041206             alfatomega.com/20041127.html    found 1
20041206             —CERTIFIED, OHIO, PRESIDENT—BUSH—VICTORY over JOHN—KERRY, even as the Kerry campaign and 3.—PARTY candidates prepared to demand 1—STATEWIDE recount.
20041206             Bush won OHIO by 118,600 votes.
20041206             —REPORTED, Mediaweek, that 99.8—PERCENT—OF—INDECENCY—COMPLAINTS to THE—FCC came from 1—GROUP, the Parents Television Council.
20041206             Arson fires hit 1—NEW housing development in CHARLES—COUNTY, Md., 25—MILES—SOUTH—OF—WASHINGTON, DC. 14—HOMES, priced from $400-500k, were damaged.
20041206             1—SECURITY—GUARD and 5—OTHERS were —LATER arrested on arson charges.
20041206             —ESTIMATED, Damages were, at $10—MILLION.
20041206             —SIGNED, CHINA and GERMANY, contracts worth $2.1—BILLION for Airbus jets and other industrial goods.
20041206             —CALLED, CHANCELLOR—GERHARD—SCHROEDER, for 1—END to a —15—YEAR—OLD—EUROPEAN arms embargo on CHINA.
20041206             1—BEIJING newspaper reported that 9—OUT—OF—10—CHINA—CALLING into 1—SUICIDE—PREVENTION hotline in the capital are getting the busy tone, adding that nationwide 4—PEOPLE were killing themselves EVERY—MINUTE.
20041206             —OPENED, THE—DUBAI—INTERNATIONAL—FILM—FESTIVAL (DIFF), its 1. season.
20041206             —ERUPTED, HAITI, gunfire, in 1—STRONGHOLD—OF—OUSTED—PRESIDENT—JEAN—BERTRAND—ARISTIDE overnight, leaving at least 3—DEAD.
20041206             —REPORTED, IRAQ, 5—USA—TROOPS were, killed in separate clashes in 1—VOLATILE western province.
20041206             Insurgents blew up PART—OF—1—DOMESTIC—OIL—PIPELINE in NORTH—IRAQ.
20041206             —FIRED, PRESIDENT—VICENTE—FOX, MEXICO—CITY—POLICE—CHIEF for allegedly bungling the response to 1—MOB—ATTACK that killed 2—FEDERAL—POLICE—OFFICERS.
20041206             SAUDI—ARABIA, Islamic militants threw explosives at the gate of the heavily guarded USA consulate in JIDDAH in 1—BOLD—ASSAULT, then forced their way into the building, prompting 1—GUNBATTLE that left 9—PEOPLE—DEAD and several injured.
20041206             —INJURED, SPAIN, bombs, at least 18—PEOPLE in 7—CITIES —FOLLOWING warnings from callers claiming to represent the Basque separatist group ETA.
20041206             CHINA—TEXTS leave gaps in history
20041206             IRAN: Chatami räumt Scheitern seiner Reformpolitik ein
20041206             Wahlwiederholung in der UKRAINE: Regierung und Opposition finden Kompromiss
20041206             Kerry Won. Here are the Facts.
20041206             THE—WRITINGS—OF—GREG—PALAST... intimidation, overt manipulation + blatant fraud " that were... regarding THE—INCONSISTENCY—OF—OFFICIAL—ELECTION—RESULTS +... voters in FLORIDA + OHIO ;
20041206             nor the... - THE—PITT—NEWS—MANY—KERRY supporters suspect election fraud... In OHIO, legal challenges to the election are brewing... activists said they would contest the election, under a... court if they believe there has been fraud in an...
20041206             sacbee.COM—POLITICS—ELECTION—FRAUD rumors on Web refuse to...
20041206             have not seen convincing EVIDENCE—OF—EITHER fraud nor of...error; + the early exit polls on Election —DAY this..that Kerry would carry FLORIDA + OHIO + thus
20041206             "THE—COMMITMENT—OF—FANATICS tends to melt away —WHEN they see their cause losing," explained STUART—TAYLOR, JUNIOR—OF—THE—NATIONAL—JOURNAL —JUST as this phenomenon was happening.
20041206             The 2. —WEEK saw 3;
20041206             the 3. —WEEK, 1; the 4. —WEEK, 2; then 0. Muslim anger turned against OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, accusing him even of being 1—ZIONIST—AGENT sent to discredit Islam.
20041206             I expect that Muslim anger will likewise diminish —AFTER 1 allied victory in IRAQ + for reasons similar to those 20010000             : IRAQ—GRATITUDE :
20041206             NORTH—IRAQ, 1—YOUNG—GIRL yells in English "I love you," to USA—TROOPS;
20041206             Casualties : The relatively small NUMBER—OF—CIVIL—CASUALTIES, plus the excellent care they are getting from the allies, will diminish the rage about Iraqis paying too high 1—PRICE for their freedom.
20041206             Imperialism : The alacrity with which the allies remove themselves from controlling IRAQ will assuage fears of it becoming PART—OF—A—USA—EMPIRE.
20041206             Original article available at:
20041206             SAUDI—ARABIEN: Tote und Verletzte bei Terrorattacke auf USA—KONSULAT - Is Annexing CANADA on BUSH—AGENDA?
20041206             Kerry Intervenes in Green/Lib OHIO Election Recount Lawsuit
20041206             —FILED, Attorneys representing THE—KERRY—EDWARDS campaign have, papers in DEFENSE—OF—GREEN—PARTY—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE—DAVID—COBB and Libertarian MICHAEL—BADNARIK, who are seeking 1—RECOUNT of all votes in OHIO and who are also currently seeking recounts in NEW—MEXICO and NEVADA.
20041206             In 1—OF—DOZENS—OF—EXAMPLES, Ellen Connally, 1—AFRICA—USA—CANDIDATE running 1 underfunded race for Cheif Justice at THE—BOTTOM—OF—THE—TICKET, received over 257,000 more votes than Kerry in 37—COUNTIES.
20041206             Dahr Jamail: IRAQ—OUTSPOKEN—REPORTER
20041206             Most Iraqis refer to THE—IRAQ—RESISTANCE as "patriots".
20041206             Calling them "foreign terrorists" and "Ba'athist insurgents" is simply 1—LIE.
20041206             Galloway says documents the newspaper used were forgeries "For the moment the situation in BAGHDAD is such that were I to go there," he said.
20041206             —CALLED, FORMER—CIA—DIRECTOR—GEORGE—J—TENET —YESTERDAY, for new security measures to guard against attacks on the U. S. that use THE—INTERNET.
20041206             Bush and Crew don't want you surfing —AROUND, READING blogs like this, wandering outside what they consider permissible boundaries,
20041206             RE—VOTE, Not Recount, in OHIO The election in OHIO stinks.
20041206             With all these anomalies that may be uncorrectable through 1—RECOUNT, the only logical solution is to conduct 1—RE—VOTE——THROUGHOUT the entire state using paper ballots.
20041206             Cliff Arnebeck, 1—LAWYER for "
20041206             Alliance for Democracy " - 1—GROUP—OF—LIBERAL—VOTERS challenging THE—OHIO result, is expected —FRIDAY to file —BEFORE THE—OHIO—SUPREME—COURT.
20041206             "There is evidence that votes cast for 1—CANDIDATE were moved to THE—COLUMN—OF—THE—OTHER—CANDIDATE".
20041206             See Also: Voters to challenge USA—ELECTION See Also: Arnebeck LIVE on C—SPAN
20041206             Mon 20091206             :32:51 20040000             ) Answer to mark : www.wjh.harvard.edu/%7Ecfc/Simons1999.PDF—THAT explains it!
20041206             ABC News, WASHINGTON—POST, CBS News, NBC News,
20041206             SUN—TIMES, TOLEDO Blade, + even THE—NEW—ZEALAND Herald.
20041206             Also: Judge gives green light for OHIO recount
20041206             If you thought 1—NEW—VIDEO—GAME inviting players to try their virtual skills at assassinating JFK was tastless, hold on to your hat.
20041206             1—JUST—RELEASED misssion in the Kuma wargame series is themed "FALLUJAH: Operation AL—FAJR".
20041206             Players join USA—MARINES + Army soldiers in their attack on the Jolan DISTRICT—IN—FALLUJAH.
20041206             AL—JAZEERA is PsyOps says TEHRAN Times
20041206             —RULED, LOMBARDI—DEATH 20000000             was, 1—SUICIDE.
20041206             Like: "GEORGE—W—BUSH, Harken Energy and JACKSON—STEPHENS " which charts THE—CONNECTIONS—OF—FORMER—CIA spook Bath, James who linked the Bush + OSAMA—BIN—LADEN families.
20041206             Kerik, Bernard brings to the agency the political sensibilities of 1—PRISON—GUARD + 1—UNDERCOVER cop, with no compunction about trampling on democratic rights.
20041206             See Also: TSAR—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY
20041206             —RECEIVED, Way to GO—OHIO "Ellen Connally, over 257,000—MORE—VOTES than Kerry in 37—COUNTIES".
20041206             20010911             Truth Factions
20041206             JPost: How THE—FBI set up AIPAC as spies
20041206             FALLUJAH refugees in desperate NEED—OF—AID: UN—MORE than 200,000—PEOPLE who fled FALLUJAH ahead of THE—USA—OFFENSIVE have yet to return + MANY—ARE in desperate NEED—OF—AID, with temperatures in IRAQ heading towards freezing, 1—NEW—UN—EMERGENCY—REPORT says.
20041206             —ARRIVED, ISRAEL kills Islamic Jihad fighter : The soldiers, who, 00.000.20 jeeps, opened fire in his direction as he was giving himself up, Aljazeera correspondent, Shirin ABU—AQILA reported.
20041206             Judge refuses to set trial date for Moussaoui : -1—FEDERAL—JUDGE said —ON—THURSDAY that she will not 20040901             —TRIAL—DATE for alleged AL—QAIDA conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui —UNTIL THE—SUPREME—COURT considers 1—DEFENSE—APPEAL seeking to strike the death penalty.
20041206             Kerik nomination is 1—TICKING time bomb : Energetic exploiter of 20010911             tragedy may be named —TODAY to take TOM—RIDGE—JOB as HEAD—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY.
20041206             —FROM Bush Aide, Warning on Social Security : 1—TOP—ECONOMIC—ADVISER to PRESIDENT—BUSH——ON—THURSDAY strongly implied that ANY—OVERHAUL—OF—THE—SYSTEM would have to include major cuts in guaranteed benefits for future retirees.
20041206             —SUPPORTED, FBI spying allegations, by records : Officials with THE—USA—CIVIL—LIBERTIES—UNION accused THE—FBI—JOINT—TERRORISM—TASK—FORCE——ON—THURSDAY of collecting E—MAILS and LICENSE—PLATE—NUMBERS from peaceful activists labeled as terrorists.
20041206             JAY—BOOKMAN : Citizens STRIPPED—OF—PROTECTION : This is how the government works these days.
20041206             Thompson Said Resigning From Cabinet : Health and Human Services SECRETARY—TOMMY—THOMPSON resigned —FRIDAY, THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS learned, broadening 1—EXODUS that has emptied more than HALF—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—CABINET——BEFORE he takes THE—OATH—OF—OFFICE for a 2. term.
20041206             RUSSIA—PUTIN—CALLS—USA—POLICY 'Dictatorial':
20041206             —ACCUSED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, THE—USA—ON—FRIDAY of pursuing 1—DICTATORIAL foreign policy and said mounting violence could derail progress toward bringing peace and democracy to IRAQ
20041206             RUSSIA—AIR—FORCE Prepared to Strike Foreign Bases PRE—EMPTIVELY : "We have all the manpower and equipment we need to cope with the mission if we get such 1—ORDER," THE—RUSSIA—INFORMATION—AGENCY—NOVOSTI quoted THE—AIR—FORCE—COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF, GENERAL—VLADIMIR—MIKHAILOV, as saying.
20041206             CHINA tests ballistic missile submarine : The new submarine will make it more difficult for THE—USA—MILITARY to take part in 1—DEFENSE—OF—TAIWAN BECAUSE—OF—THE—THREAT—OF—NUCLEAR—RETALIATION,
20041206             UKRAINE court annuls poll result : UKRAINE—SUPREME—COURT has annulled the 2. round of the presidential ELECTION—UPHOLDING opposition claims that it was fraudulent.
20041206             RUSSIA—DUMA slams EU for UKRAINE unrest : THE—RUSSIA—PARLIAMENT has overwhelmingly approved 1—RESOLUTION condemning what it calls WEST—EUROPE—DESTRUCTIVE—ROLE in UKRAINE—POLITICAL—CRISIS.
20041206             NORMAN—SOLOMON: 'Our Nukes Good, Our Allies' Nukes Pretty Good, Others' Very Bad' : Top officials in WASHINGTON are —NOW promoting jitters about IRAN—NUCLEAR—ACTIVITIES, —WHILE media outlets amplify the message.
20041206             UKRAINE recalls peacemakers from IRAQ : THE—UKRAINE—PARLIAMENT decided —ON—FRIDAY to recall THE—UKRAINE—ARMY—CONTINGENT from IRAQ.
20041206             Rumsfeld admits underestimating IRAQ task: USA—DEFENCE—SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD acknowledged —TODAY that THE—USA failed to predict THE—STRENGTH—OF—THE—RESISTANCE—FORCES in IRAQ, but he defended THE—SIZE—OF—THE—USA—FORCE deployed to stabilise the country.
20041206             —CLEARED, Rebels return to '' areas : In FALLUJAH, USA—FORCES are going through 50,000 houses 1—BY 1. But IRAQ—RESISTANCE—FORCES are coming back.
20041206             Anders Fogh Rasmussen claims DENMARK is not liable for actions committed by other coalition countries in IRAQ, but opposition parties claim THE—PM is shirking his responsibility
20041206             You are to remain ignorant and shielded, and, if you're like most Americans, you have been very carefully conditioned to think BUSH—NASTY—IRAQ war is merely this ugly little FIRECRACKER—LIKE thing happening way, way over there
20041206             Marines reverse death disclosure rule : USA—MARINES are to disclose THE—DEATHS—OF—MARINES as they occur in IRAQ, reversing 1—POLICY that has made it difficult to track USA—CASUALTIES.
20041206             —GAINED, USA—MILITARY says "evidence", by torture acceptable:
20041206             —PRODUCED, Statements, under torture have been inadmissible in USA—COURTS for about —70—YEARS.
20041206             Molly Ivins: Torture by Americans 1—NIGHTMARISH—PICTURE : ONE—1. response to the report by THE—INTERNATIONAL—RED—CROSS about torture at our prison at GUANTANAMO is denial.
20041206             Government lawyer: Detainees have 'no constitutional rights':
20041206             asked USA—DISTRICT—JUDGE—JOYCE—HENS—GREEN.
20041206             Court date to be set for torture charges against Bush : 1—DATE will be set in BC Provincial Court, Criminal Division, at VANCOUVER —ON—MONDAY 20041206             .
20041206             More troops in IRAQ, more trouble : 1—OF—THE—MOST important LESSONS—OF—THE—VIETNAM—WAR was scrupulously to avoid situations in which USA—FORCES found themselves in 1—ESCALATING guerrilla war, where the only way to contain 1—GROWING resistance movement was to deploy more troops.
20041206             Um das —JAHR 20080000             könnte der Wagen in EUROPA sowie auf anderen Weltmärkten eingeführt werden.
20041206             Der damalige Konzernchef FERDINAND—PIËCH fuhr den EINZYLINDER—DIESEL mit 8,5 PS (6,3 Kilowatt) von WOLFSBURG nach HAMBURG.
20041206             Für die 230—KILOMETER lange Strecke benötigte Piëch rund —3—STUNDEN.
20041206             Nach ANGABEN—VON—VW benötigte das 290—KILOGRAMM leichte Fahrzeug bei der Testfahrt nur 0,89 Liter auf 100—KILOMETER.
20041206             USA authorizes SALE—OF—MISSILES to JORDAN—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has authorized the sale of 50 sophisticated USA—MADE AIR—TO—AIR—MISSILES to JORDAN, despite ISRAEL—PROTESTS to the sale, according to THE—USA—MILITARY.
20041206             144—COUNTRIES—CALL on USA, CHINA and RUSSIA to join landmine ban : Some 144—COUNTRIES—PARTY to 1—INTERNATIONAL—TREATY banning landmines appealed to those still outside the pact, which include THE—USA, CHINA and RUSSIA, to join it and hasten the total eradication of the deadly devices.
20041206             —OFFERED, Taliban reject amnesty, by USA—ENVOY in AFGHANISTAN: report : AFGHANISTAN—TALIBAN militia spurned 1—AMNESTY offered by USA—AMBASSADOR—ZALMAY Khalilzad on condition the hardline Islamic fighters lay down their arms, 1—REPORT said.
20041206             Conyers to Hold Hearings on OHIO Vote Fraud : Democratic REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—CONYERS, JUNIOR—OF—MICHIGAN, ranking Minority MEMBER—OF—THE—HOUSE—JUDICIARY—COMMITTEE, will hold 1—HEARING —ON—WEDNESDAY 20041208             to investigate ALLEGATIONS—OF—VOTE—FRAUD and irregularities in OHIO —DURING 20040000             —THE—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION.
20041206             The election is over. The fight is not.
20041206             We need to think strategically about direct action, learn from 1—RICH—HISTORY—OF—NONVIOLENT activism + develop new tactics to take on this administration.
20041206             1—BLUEPRINT for MOORE—BASHING : THE—DEMOCRATIC—LEADERSHIP—COUNCIL has joined FOX—NEWS and THE—GOP in savaging MICHAEL—MOORE, blaming him for KERRY—LOSS.
20041206             "THE—CHINA—PRICE": They are THE—3—SCARIEST words in USA—INDUSTRY.
20041206             1 must read report from Business —WEEK
20041206             USA—DOLLAR dangles in the dust : It —NOW takes $1.34 to buy 1—EURO——WHEN, —4—YEARS—AGO, you could buy 1—EURO for 82—CENTS.
20041206             Dollar scores ALL—TIME—LOWS in closing out —WEEK : The euro sailed to 1—RECORD—HIGH against the dollar —FRIDAY, with the greenback knocked down again as —NOVEMBER USA—JOBS—DATA came in well SHORT—OF—EXPECTATIONS.
20041206             GIDEON—LEVY: Suffer the little children:
20041206             3—RECENT—EXAMPLES from NABLUS
20041206             Brutality pays poorly in interrogation : —AFTER 1—JAPAN—SOLDIER named Shuji Ishii was taken prisoner by USA—MARINES on THE—ISLAND—OF—IWO—JIMA —WWII—DURING, he expected the worse, including being put to death.
20041206             —ASTONISHED, Instead, he wrote —LATER in 1—MEMOIR, he was, to find himself in 1—SANITARY hospital and to be given clean drinking water, sufficient food, soap, medicine, cigarettes and 1—SOFT—BED.
20041206             —ACCUSED, Army closes hearing on, soldiers : Citing national security, the Army closed 1—HEARING—THURSDAY on whether 3—SOLDIERS will be COURT—MARTIALED for allegedly suffocating 1—IRAQ—GENERAL —DURING 1—INTERROGATION——LAST—YEAR.
20041206             Media challenges Army decision on hearing : Newspaper attorney STEVE—ZANSBERG said 1—PETITION was filed with the Army COURT—OF—APPEALS in WASHINGTON seeking to make the hearing public except for the presentation of classified material.
20041206             Navy Investigating New Torture Photos : THE—USA—MILITARY has launched 1—CRIMINAL—INVESTIGATION into photographs of bloodied prisoners, 1 with 1—GUN to his head.
20041206             7—DEAD as USA Consulate Attacked in SAUDI—ARABIA : 3—ATTACKERS were among those killed, —WHILE 2—OTHERS were injured and arrested, THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—INTERIOR—MINISTRY announced.
20041206             Anti Occupation Forces Kill 21 in NORTH—IRAQ : IRAQ—RESISTANCE ambushed 1—BUS—FULL—OF—IRAQIS occupation collaborators, killing 17—CIVILIANS and wounding 13 in Tikrit —ON—SUNDAY, —WHILE 1—CAR—BOMB and 1—GUN—ATTACK killed 4—MEMBERS—OF—THE—IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES elsewhere in NORTH—IRAQ.
20041206             3—SOLDIERS killed in 2—SEPARATE—INCIDENTS - 4—USA—TROOPS, 16—OTHERS Killed in IRAQ
20041206             BAGHDAD worse than ever: AUSTRALIA—DEFENCE—MINISTER: : ROBERT—HILL has learnt 1.—HAND the new perils involved in visiting STRIFE—TORN BAGHDAD.
20041206             USA—MILITARY—ARRESTS—IRAQI in charge of Sistani electoral list: aide : "If he is not released, there will be serious consequences," said the source, giving no reason for YEHYA—ARREST in BAGHDAD.
20041206             EX—CIA—OFFICIAL: We will lose terror war : THE—USA will ultimately lose THE—WAR—ON—TERROR because of its policies in THE—MIDDLE—EAST and BECAUSE—OF—CONCERNS over the human rights of militants worldwide, THE—FORMER—HEAD—OF—THE—CIA—TEAM that hunted OSAMA—BIN—LADEN said —FRIDAY.
20041206             USA admits the war for 'hearts and minds' in IRAQ is —NOW lost : THE—PENTAGON has admitted that THE—WAR—ON—TERROR and the invasion and occupation of IRAQ have increased support for AL—QAEDA, made ordinary Muslims hate THE—USA and caused 1—GLOBAL—BACKLASH against AMERICA BECAUSE of the "SELF—SERVING hypocrisy" of GEORGE W BUSH—ADMINISTRATION over THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20041206             Biden: USA Losing Illegitimate IRAQ War:
20041206             McCain Criticizes Pentagon Over IRAQ War : SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN is attacking THE—PENTAGON—APPROACH to the war in IRAQ, saying it's letting IRAQ—RESISTANCE take the initiative.
20041206             Administration Claims Killing Leads To Peace
20041206             GEORGE—GALLOWAY : 1—ENEMY—OF—THE—STATE : As most UK people —NOW believe, the entire case for the war was based on falsehoods + lies.
20041206             —FROM the forged papers showing IRAQ buying nuclear materials from NIGER to the pulp fiction of THE—CAMPBELL—SCARLETT dossiers, 1—OF—THE—GROSSEST deceptions in modern history has been practised upon us.
20041206             Defining resistance : Diaa ALI—KHEDR, HEAD—OF—THE—IRAQI—NATIONAL—GUARD (IRG) battalion in Samaraa, resigned from his job, together with 20—IRG soldiers.
20041206             —SHOWED, Torture" images, "stupid" and "juvenile" BEHAVIOR—BUT not necessarily 1—CRIME.
20041206             Returning Fallujans will face clampdown : Returning residents may find that the measures make FALLUJAH look more like 1—POLICE—STATE than the democracy they have been promised.
20041206             Behaving like THE—SOVIET—SECRET—POLICE won't make AMERICA SAFER UNEMBEDDED in IRAQ:
20041206             This exclusive INTERVIEW—WITH—UN—EMBEDDED—JOURNALIST—DAHR—JAMAIL reveals 1—ALMOST unrecognizable picture of IRAQ and its people
20041206             The blast cut through his hand, blew out 1—EYE and scattered shrapnel over THE—18—YEAR—OLD.
20041206             The way our country treats returning soldiers is 1—NATIONAL shame : Is it easier to support the mythical, invisible image of 1—BRAVE—SOLDIER fighting for "glory" + "freedom" than it is to support the very real limbless, psychologically damaged or lifeless person returning from IRAQ?
20041206             Putin lashes out at THE—USA.
20041206             WHISTLE—BLOWER Crackdown Spreads : 1—JUDGE is ordering government workers to waive their confidentiality agreements with journalists.
20041206             UN Oil for Food 'Scandal' : THE—CIA—DUELFER report may have confirmed the gross falsity of THE—WMD claims invoked by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to justify its war against IRAQ, but it has also triggered 1—FEEDING frenzy in the growing attacks against THE—UNITED—NATIONS.
20041206             —CONDEMNED, ISRAEL—NEW—ROAD—PLANS, as 'apartheid' : ISRAEL has released plans for THE—UPGRADE—OF—ROADS + construction of 16—TUNNELS which would create an 'apartheid' road network for Palestinians in THE—WEST—BANK.
20041206             Vanunu: ISRAEL—NUKES push atomic arms race : Nuclear spy Mordechai Vanunu said —SUNDAY that ISRAEL—ATOMIC—WEAPONS are pushing other countries in THE—MIDDLE—EAST to develop similar arms.
20041206             Secret Intelligence and THE—'WAR—ON—TERROR' : FEAR—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN—ILLUSORY WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION was used by THE—PRESIDENT to frighten and intimidate Congress into voting for war.
20041206             Next time we will have to conclude that THE—CIA can no longer be trusted + matters will deteriorate from there.
20041206             THE—POWER—OF—NIGHTMARES—PART—III THE—SHADOWS—IN—THE—CAVE—THIS is 1 must watch documentary
20041206             Here it is In IRAQ, THE—USA does eliminate those who dare to count THE—DEAD—BY Naomi Klein-
20041206             The sentence read: "In IRAQ, USA—FORCES + their IRAQ—SURROGATES are no longer bothering to conceal attacks on CIVIL—TARGETS + are openly eliminating ANYONE—DOCTORS, clerics, JOURNALISTS—WHO dares to count the bodies".
20041206             JAPAN: Erdbeben der Stärke 7—ERSCHÜTTERT Insel Hokkaido - SPANIEN: Eta zündet 7—BOMBEN
20041206             Airbus: Air CHINA unterschreibt MILLIARDEN—AUFTRAG
20041206             Weil die so genannten "roten USA—STAATEN" ihm den Wahlsieg eingefahren haben, glaubt das BUSH—NAHE USA—BLATT "NEW—YORK Post", habe er 1—ANSICHT—DES "Red Room" im Weißen Haus als Motiv für die präsidentiellen Weihnachtskarten ausgewählt.
20041206             Im Innern der Weihnachtskarte ist das Zitat eines Psalms eingerückt, was die christliche Rechte der USA erfreuen wird:
20041206             "Lasst uns vor IHN hintreten zum Danksagen und IHN preisen mit Musik und Gesang".
20041206             —GEFÄHRDET, Zusatzstoff: Shampoo, Hirnzellen
20041206             Sprengstoffdrohung: In Waffendepot verschanzter SOLDAT stellt sich
20041206             Gratifikationssaison: Frohes Fest in den USA—CHEFETAGEN
20041206             "The mere AVAILABILITY—OF—COMPUTERS at home seems to distract students from learning".
20041206             — 16h31 Oitava comissão parlamentar Camarate : comissão de peritos conclui que existiu SABOTAGEM—POR Lusa
20041206             http: //www.warandpiece.com/THE—BIN—LADENS'—SAUDI—ARABIA—DIPLOMATIC—PASSPORTS : WaPo journalist + Blood from Stones AUTHOR—DOUGLAS—FARAH drops 1—BIG shoe at his blog:
20041206             I know journalists should not bury the lead, but I was looking for a 2. source to verify what MIKE—SCHEUER told me on the record.
20041206             As many as 900—ARMS dumps across EUROPE remain intact —TODAY... they were blessed by Archbishop Szepticky at THE—VATICAN + recruited by UK intelligence —AFTER WWII.
20041206             —INVOLVED, THE—GLADIO " Sheepskin " group was, in 1—CAMPAIGN—OF—TERRORIST—BOMBINGS, which were... the nation from a "Communist TAKE—OVER", he plunged GREECE for the...
20041206             "Staying Behind" NATO—TERROR—NETWORK—AS—THE 50. anniversary of... infiltrating special units into GREECE specifically in... the Greek based "Operation Sheepskin " mentioned in... BRANCH—CODENAMED Operation GLADIO—WAS exposed in...
20041206             1—STRATEGY—OF—TENSION—THROUGH Operation SHEEPSKIN, THE—CIA worked with FORMER—NAZI collaborators in GREECE to institute a... ITALY—ORGANIZATION called Il Gladio — set up in
20041206             —SUPPORTED, Count Edgardo Sogno already knew: THE—USA would have, ANY—INITIATIVE tending to keep the communists OUT—OF—GOVERNMENT.".
20041206             —SERVED, COLONEL—OSWALD—LE—WINTER—OF—THE—CIA, who, as USA liaison officer with Gladio,has stated that the planning staff of the Red Brigades was made UP—OF—CIA...
20041206             para mim tanto faz... O F., que vive em PARIS, a propósito do que escrevi sobre as minhas reportagens de OSWALD—LE—WINTER ea morte de Diana, ENVIOU—ME o seguinte: "Olá Frederico...
20041206             PALMEMORDET—TELEGRAMSPÅRET Detta om OSWALD—LEWINTER i dag... Le —WINTER sa vidare: "När en hemlig operation sprack lät "the Agency" agenten åka fast tillsammans med de personer som varit...
20041206             Ygdrasil: 1—JOURNAL of the Poetic Arts -- 20040700             INTRODUCTION Nessa OMahony Harbinger CONTENTS OSWALD—LE—WINTER—IN—THE—WOMB—OF—THE—SEARCH—JUDITH—PRESENT—TAHOMA—RON—P—NHIM—GRATEFUL to the Sun God Bitter Sweet...
20041206             e depois da entrevista de OSWALD—LE —WINTER (EX—AGENTE da.
20041206             —RECRUITED, PRO—NAZI émigrés, who were quietly, —AFTER WWII., to help.Ein ehemaliger Rebellenchef,-TERRORPATE—DER der Kriegsverbrechen verdächtigt werde, sei..
20041206             250 45135101             18100000             640 6427... kriegsverbrechen tunnel, genua ss tunnel, genua sardinien autofaehre, infos genua, genua waschbecken, kriegsverbrechen genua wwii, segelbezeichnungen genua...
20041206             EX—DIRECTOR—OF—MI6 + Tory MP Airey Neave, 1—OF... Labour won the general election OF—NEAVE plotted to... election campaign was to begin, 1—MILITARY—COUP brought to...
20041206             Commission of Human Rights found GREECE GUILTY—OF—TORTURE, murder + other... They infiltrated the Red Brigades + carried out THE—MURDER—OF—ALDO—MORO in 00.000 ...
20041206             —ADMITTED, THE—EXISTENCE—OF—OPERATION—STAY Behind has been officially, in FRANCE +.
20041206             IndyMedia CENTER—WEBCAST news Operation " Stay Behind ";
20041206             Operation "Gladio " As PART—OF—1—LARGER—USA—WITHDRAWAL—STRATEGY —FOLLOWING WWII.
20041206             —CREATED, THE—CIA, underground RIGHT—WING militias.
20041206             JFK, 20010911             + THE—REAL—AMERICA: Tying it All Together In EUROPE, however, THE—CIA—MOST deranged ANTI—LEFTIST—TERROR—TACTICS were actually implemented... Operation " Stay Behind ";
20041206             Operation "Gladio ".
20041206             Gladio, Stay Behind Organization, NATO, CIA Searchlight Exclusive.
20041206             THE—GLADIO—CONSPIRACY. Operation Stay Behind.
20041206             [iii] Perner (19970000             ).
20041206             [iv] Kellmann (19990000             ), 70—F. - [v] Eichner et al.
20041206             —INSPIRED, USA and NATO, 'psychological warfare operations'... based".65 Through the protective curtain and secretive cover of 1—WIDER—'ANTI—COMMUNIST' NATO 'Gladio ' styled ' Operation Stay Behind ' Psychological Warfare...
20041206             Variant 12 (Page 10)-... "65—THROUGH the protective curtain and secretive cover of 1—WIDER—'ANTI—COMMUNIST' NATO 'Gladio ' styled ' Operation Stay Behind ' Psychological Warfare network...
20041206             Track: RESISTANCE ( OPERATION STAY BEHIND ).
20041206             ! Selected FOIA Requests to THE—CIA, 19970000             ... in 4. Countries All records on Inspector GENERAL—ASSESSMENT concerning CIA Goal on Declassification All records on Operation Stay Behind, Glaive Sheepskin...
20041206             Gianfranco Sanguinetti [12] This plan for reorganization is 1—GOOD summary of the primary FEATURES—OF—NATO—ANTI—COMMUNIST " Operation STAY—BEHIND," which, in the aftermath of WWII...
20041206             ITALY and the Legacy of the Cold WAR—THE—ALLIES put into being Operation Stay Behind, better known as operation Gladio, which consisted in contacting and recruiting fascist officers from the...
20041206             FTR—01—CONTRA—CIA—CRACK Connection (1—60—MINUTE—SEGMENT) $8. have been 1—OUTGROWTH—OF "Operation Gladio ".
20041206             Gladio was THE—CODE—NAME for THE—ITALY—ELEMENT—OF—1—NATO—PROGRAM called " Operation Stay Behind ".
20041206             This program.
20041206             Eursince45.html THE—GREEN—MOVEMENT in... THE—WOMEN—MOVEMENT in... Propaganda Due Operation Stay Behind (Gladio ).
20041206             late 1940s ALLEN—DULLES, the 1. CIA CHIEF, is said to have planned " Operation Stay Behind " —AT—THE—END—OF—WWII. to build secret ANTI—COMMUNIST—GUERRILLA—FORCES in EUROPE...
20041206             Gladio oder die Rache Moros UK Secret Intelligence Services, SIS —LATER known as MI6 + THE—BELGIUM—PREMIER—PAUL—HENRI—SPAAK, secretly formed Operation " Stay Behind " under the
20041206             Gladio oder die Rache Moros OPERATION ' STAY BEHIND ' - THE—NORSE—CONNECTION.
20041206             —VARIED, The emphasis, from country to country.
20041206             Brief Candle by ROBERT—ARION : RLC : 04... in the domestic CLEAN—UP that had papered over Operation Bocage, his country's COUNTERPART—OF—OPERATION—GLADIO in ITALY + Operation Stay Behind in Great...
20041206             down with murder inc Is the Blair / Straw assertion: that terrorist networks threaten economic stability [hegemony], actually 1—ADMISSION that ' operation ' stay behind ' [the secret...
20041206             down with murder INCORPORATED.. see: 1—PATTERN emerges.
20041206             Is the Blair / Straw assertion actually 1—ADMISSION that ' operation ' stay behind ' [the secret —60—YEAR—WAR].
20041206             Gladio Affair, Bibliography GLADIO AFFAIR aka OPERATION " STAY BEHIND " [Home] BOOKS, (DOCUMENTS, REPORTS, ETC.) BELLU, GIOVANNI—MARIA.;
20041206             D'AVANZO, Giuseppe. I giorni di Gladio.
20041206             —FROM : OWNER—DELTAGREEN—DIGEST@nocturne_org (DELTAGREEN—DIGEST) To... Through Operation : STAY BEHIND, CIA funds + resources (basically WW2 weapons leftovers) were channeled —THROUGHOUT EUROPE to create small paramilitary groups...
20041206             —FROM : OWNER—DELTAGREEN—DIGEST@nocturne_org (DELTAGREEN—DIGEST) To... Example: as PART—OF—OPERATION " STAY BEHIND ", weapons and equipment depots were created in MANY—CONTINENTAL—EUROPEAN countries in the late 40s/early 50s + as...
20041206             Continente Indiano Book NUMBER 20. Operation Stay Behind.
20041206             ITALY and the Legacy of the Cold War.
20041206             Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for USA.
20041206             campaign was to begin, 1—MILITARY—COUP brought to power 1—JUNTA led by GEORGE...THE—CIA had created THE—KYP + Papadopoulos was on the payroll of the...
20041206             Bush is wrong on INTERNATIONAL court...of THE—EUROPEAN—UNION (the 15., GREECE, is in...in the early 1990s under the military junta that overthrew...Constant was on THE—CIA payroll and has threatened to...
20041206             HAITI Killing HOPE—WBLUM...including GREECE + SOUTH—KOREA + IRAN + URUGUAY; + created in....This was —WHILE.
20041206             Constant was on THE—CIA payroll... accord whereby the leader of the junta, Gen.
20041206             —FROM : RALPH—MCGEHEE  Newsgroups: alt...
20041206             1. junta attempted to abolish, but group reorganized as...for EUROPE, 81—GREECE : Watch List GREECE, 19670000             ...as 1—DEATH—SQUAD—PATRIARCH who was on THE—CIA payroll...
20041206             RW ONLINE:INDONESIA: USA—ROLE 19650000             Massacres...information about how THE—USA /CIA backed the reactionary junta which seized...1—USA—GOVERNMENT think tank) who also was on THE—CIA—PAYROLL, produced reports...
20041206             De CLARKE—PERSONAL—OPINION (isn't bisque beautiful?)...Suharto against the moderate Sukarno), GREECE (we supported...elections), PANAMA (Noriega was on CIA payroll —FOR—YEARS...1—IRON—FISTED—IRAQ—JUNTA without Saddam...
20041206             Le pays dont on ne parle plus... L'envoyé spécial des USA dans la région, ROBERT—GELBARD, avait déclaré à trois...En juin dernier, le Conseil National Bosniaque du Sandzak, lié au parti...
20041206             does KARL—ROVE—CONTROL—YOUR—MIND?
20041206             THE—JONESTOWN—MASSACRE... money laundering operation was headquartered in ITALY, involving THE—VATICAN and 1—FASCIST—QUASI—MASONIC lodge known as the P-2, or Propaganda Duo...
20041206             MASONIC Digest —TUESDAY, 19911022             Volume 3 : Issue 2—TODAY'S.. P2 stands for Propaganda Duo.
20041206             It was (is?) 1 unrecognized "irregular" lodge in ITALY, with 1—MEMBERSHIP—OF—INFLUENTIAL—ITALIANS from the government +.
20041206             Body... Seen in this light the notorious Propaganda Duo (P2) lodge in ITALY can more properly be viewed as being 1—SECRET—INDEPENDENT—ORDER—OF—GRAND—ORIENT...
20041206             to carry out CONTRA—STYLE—SABOTAGE—RAIDS aimed at disrupting THE—POST—WAR—ECONOMY—OF—THE—BALTIC—STATES.
20041206             SS Major Hoffman, Emil was used to recruit Gestapo + SS agents.
20041206             —COLLABORATED, USA—CIA + MI6, to spread disinformation about the Labour... force was formed with CIA help "to intervene in case... of the conspiracy + THE—CIA arranged for P2's Grandmaster...
20041206             "Fuck your PARLIAMENT and your constitution," said THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA... exercised by THE—CIA in his country... CIA in GREECE.
20041206             The 5. man had been brought in becasue of the armored units he commanded.
20041206             [ 20] - GEORGE—PAPADOPOULOS...
20041206             —COLLABORATED, THE—CIA + MI6, to spread disinformation about the Labour Party +... THE—EXISTENCE—OF—OPERATION—STAY Behind has been officially admitted in :
20041206             he had received training in ANTI—SUBVERSIVE techniques in THE—USA.
20041206             funded other groups, all working covertly for an.
20041206             —FROM Tchetchenya over SAUDI—ARABIA to MADRID spans 1—BIG—NET—OF—CIA—INDUCED...
20041206             P2 had close connections with THE—CIA + carried out drug smuggling missions...
20041206             —ASKED, Olmstead, Videnieks if he knew ROBERT—CHASEN [Executive VICE—PRESIDENT...
20041206             —ALLOWED, THE—GREECE—JUNTA, THE—USA to install DOZENS—OF—MILITARY—INSTALLATIONS... in interviews by EX—CIA + ISRAEL i Mossad agents, can be 1—POWERFUL tracking...
20041206             - they were blessed by Archbishop Szepticky at THE—VATICAN + recruited by UK intelligence —AFTER WWII. as PART—OF—THE—FASCIST—STAY Behind network across EUROPE...
20041206             Nazi s/RECRUITING—THEY include 1—INTRODUCTION by H.R. TREVOR—ROPER and 1—PREFACE by ANDREW—TULLY, who quotes ALLEN—DULLES on Gehlen : "I don't know if he's 1—RASCAL;...
20041206             —INVOLVED, UK, MI6 was, in recruiting LATVIA—POLICE + EX—SS men from GERMANY... secret armed cells within UK were GEORGE—K—YOUNG, EX—DIRECTOR—OF—MI6 + Tory MP...
20041206             —CONTRIBUTED, THE—GREECE—JUNTA, $549,000 to 19680000             —THE—NIXON—AGNEW election campaign... was approved by Deputy ATTORNEY—GENERAL—LOWELL—JENSEN, the same man who once...
20041206             Technology Review Italia Ho chiesto a Silverstein se la dichiarata sensibilità di Google al versante... Brandt, che gestisce un sito di consultazione chiamato NameBase_org che...
20041206             —HELPED, In such work THE—CIA was, along immeasurably by countless Nazi + PRO—NAZI émigrés...The whole FORM—OF—INTELLIGENCE—COLLECTION changed.
20041206             Wikipedia:Requested articles/Social SCIENCES—WIKIPEDIA, the free...
20041206             —DROPPED, Cardoen PJ-1 - 1—MANUALLY, bomb developed by Industrias Cardoen SA... V-42- Fighting dagger Used by the 1. special service force —DURING WW2 ...
20041206             DEPARTMENT—OF—CITIZEN—ALICE: 20061200             For instance,
20041206             Our mission is to keep watch over the continual indiscretions of our *beloved* FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT and to report wrongs against THE—CONSTITUTION—AND...
20041206             Allmystery: Angst vor AMERIKA !
20041206             FEDERAL—CORRUPTION—INSLAW—BY—HARRY—V. MARTIN—COPYRIGHT—FREEAMERICA and HARRY—V. Martin, 19950000             EDITOR—NOTE: —WHEN discussing the widespread corruption in the...
20041206             New World ORDER—CONSPIRACY THEORY—TRIBE.net
20041206             WCL signs another client to use Altitude Underwriting Agent chooses Altitude to implement all its business on to the...
20041206             Orwell Insurance Services LIMITED—INDEPEDENT insurance...
20041206             Policystream. www. policystream.COM—PLEASE read the FAQs + post up 1—FULL—ENTRY... Facsimile:
20041206             E—MAIL: product@ policystream.com ?Subject=via_IFAbonus.
20041206             —FOUNDED, Phillips, Howard, who, THE—CONSERVATIVE—CAUCUS (TCC) at the direction of 33º Mason, JESSE—HELMS on whose staff he worked.
20041206             2005041827 - THE—CEO—OF—FIDCO is Pender, GEORGE + Maheu, Bob was VICE—PRESIDENT.
20041206             † † † Bei 1—ANSCHLAG auf das Konsulat der USA in Dschidda werden 12—MENSCHEN getötet.
20041206             2. edition JH Hatfield
20041206—17760000    —FROM, USA—PEACE 19670000             American 'Peace' is 1—RECORD—OF—USA—MILITARISM to present... be won by the liberal GEORGE—POPANDREOUS, THE—CIA backed 1—MILITARY—COUP which resulted in the...
20041206—19520000    —SINCE, new military dictator, GEORGE—PAPADOPOULOS, had been 1—PAID—CIA—EMPLOYEE...
20041206—19660000    —SINCE, BARBARA—HARTWELL—ARCHIVES—THE junta that replaces it will, in the next 2.1967 GREECE - 1—CIA—BACKED military coup overthrows the...Noriega has been on THE—CIA—PAYROLL +...
20041206—19660000    —SINCE, SOMEWHERE—REAL...The junta that replaces it will, in the next —2—DECADES, become 1—OF—THE—MOST bloodthirsty in history....Noriega has been on THE—CIA ?s payroll...
20041206—19670400    —IN—THE, Vornado Realty TRUST—GREECE : national elections in GREECE, the veteran liberal... TheGladio ' Sheepskin ' group was involved in 1—CAMPAIGN—OF—TERRORIST—BOMBINGS...
20041206—19670400    —IN—THE, Gladio oder die Rache MOROS—NATIONAL—ELECTIONS in GREECE, the veteran liberal... was 1—IDEOLOGICAL—COMMON—DENOMINATOR: extreme rightism". THE—GLADIO " Sheepskin " group was...
20041206—19740000    —IN, GUY—DEBORD on GERARD—LEBOVICI—AFTER the exposure of "THE—ROSE—OF—THE—WINDS" group, P2 took up the burden of maintaining NATO's " Operation Stay Behind " in ITALY.
20041206—19740000    —IN, AMERICA BETRAYED OPERATION STAY BEHIND, there were only the grossest hints as to THE—CIA—INVOLVEMENT in assassinations + torture + MIND—CONTROL—EXPERIMENTS + the...
20041206—19890000    —SINCE, THE—ECONOMY in... THE—FLEMISH—RIGHT.
20041206—20010911    —FROM—THE..20041206             —RECENTLY revealed documents, show that THE—FBI may have been 1—FEW phone calls away plot
20041206—20010911    Phone Calls FBI Says It Never Made
20041206—20010911    Truth Factions
20041206—20020400    —IM, hatte Volkswagen —BEREITS einen Prototyp eines 1—LITER—AUTOS präsentiert.
20041206—20020400    —IN, CIA—VENEZUELA Coup Documents : Despite consistent denials from THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—OF—ANY—ROLE in the coup d'etat against PRESIDENT—CHÁVEZ, these documents prove that THE—CIA had the detailed plans for the coup in their hands well —BEFORE it took place.
20041206—20041108    —ON, whose population was —AROUND 300,000 —BEFORE 1—MASSIVE—ASSAULT by USA—LED forces BEGAN 20041206             BAGHDAD worse than ever: AUSTRALIA—DEFENCE—MINISTER::
20041206—20041108    —ON, whose population was —AROUND 300,000 —BEFORE 1—MASSIVE—ASSAULT by USA—LED forces BEGAN 20041206—20041108    —ON, whose population was —AROUND 300,000 —BEFORE 1—MASSIVE—ASSAULT by USA—LED forces BEGAN 20041206—20041108    —DISTRIBUTED, THE—IRC, food, water and blankets to —AROUND 1,500—PEOPLE in the city, whose population was —AROUND 300,000 —BEFORE 1—MASSIVE—ASSAULT by USA—LED forces began
20041206—20041108    —DISTRIBUTED, THE—IRC, food, water and blankets to —AROUND 1,500—PEOPLE in the city, whose population was —AROUND 300,000 —BEFORE 1—MASSIVE—ASSAULT by USA—LED forces began
20041206—20041108    —ON, whose population was —AROUND 300,000 —BEFORE 1—MASSIVE—ASSAULT by USA—LED forces BEGAN 20041206—20041108    —DISTRIBUTED, THE—IRC, food, water and blankets to —AROUND 1,500—PEOPLE in the city, whose population was —AROUND 300,000 —BEFORE 1—MASSIVE—ASSAULT by USA—LED forces began
20041206—20041205    UKRAINE—VOLUNTEERS for the Nazi SS ' Galicia ' Division, on parade —DURING the war.
20041206—20041210    The recount brought the number up to 17,329. Over 1.000—NEW—VOTES were "found.".
20041206—20050000    —IN, 2—AK—47—ASSAULT—RIFLES used in the attack were —LATER traced to YEMEN—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENSE.
20041206—20050902    —ON, PATRICK—WALSH, —21—JAHRE—ALT was found GUILTY—OF—MASTERMINDING the fires.
20041209             Council for World Freedom ( USCWF ) of THE—WACL. alfatomega.com/20041206.html alfatomega.com/20070420.html -.
20041217             20041206             . hit tracker. 2. edition JH Hatfield
20041218             10,
20041221             More on Clint CURTIS—STORY—BY—BENJAMIN—HARRISON —ON—MONDAY, 20041206             20041221             20041221             20041206... be made fully public.".
20041224             20041225             20041206             19-- LATVIA—POLICE + EX—SS men from GERMANY were returned home to carry out 20041205             Under the guise of "left wing insurgency ", Operation Gladio... 20041224             20041225             20041206             19-- LATVIA—POLICE + EX—SS men from GERMANY were returned home to carry out 20041205             Under the guise of "left wing insurgency ", Operation Gladio...
20041224             20041225             19-- LATVIA—POLICE + EX—SS men from GERMANY were returned home to carry out 20041205             Under the guise of "left wing insurgency ", Operation Gladio...
20041225             20041206             19-- LATVIA—POLICE + EX—SS men from GERMANY were returned home to carry out
20041225             20041206             19-- LATVIA—POLICE + EX—SS men from GERMANY were returned home to carry out
20041225             20041206             19-- LATVIA—POLICE + EX—SS men from GERMANY were returned home to carry out 20041205             Under the guise of "left wing insurgency ", Operation Gladio... 20041224             20051224             Menschenrechte: USA fordern Freilassung von ägyptischem Oppositionellen
20041225             20041206             19-- LATVIA—POLICE + EX—SS men from GERMANY were returned home to carry out 20041205             Under the guise of "left wing insurgency ", Operation Gladio... 20041224             20041225             20041206             19-- LATVIA—POLICE + EX—SS men from GERMANY were returned home to carry out 20041205             Under the guise of "left wing insurgency ", Operation Gladio... 20041224             20041225             Democrats then paid for 1—HAND recount, which got under way 20041208             .
20041229—20041206    —ON, At SOME—POINT between BLACKWELL—OFFICIAL—COUNT + 1—OFFICIAL—COUNTY—ANNOUNCEMENT—OF—VOTE—TOTALS issued 20041210             —ON, THE—NUMBER—OF—VOTES jumped from 16,242 to 17,300. The recount brought the number up to 17,329. Over a 1000—NEW—VOTES were "found".
20050111             20041206... GENERAL—MALETTI—MEN were warned in ADVANCE—OF—THE—ATTACK but took no action to prevent it + failed to pass on their information about Bertoli, even —AFTER the...
20050200             Unknown News FINOVA Group, INCORPORATED..Wasn't I —RECENTLY sold [sic] that
20050221             20061206             collateral, FINOVA is in... of the collateral where it was sold pursuant to...
20050318             LE —WINTER OSWALD : Sick,G. October Surprise... - 20041206...
20050318             20041206... - -Workshop AM—FÜR eine demokratische Handelspolitik...—...
20050329             Subj: Political Clones Date: 20001206             —80003—AM Pacific Standard...
20050329             Subj: Political Clones Date: 20001206             —80003—AM Pacific Standard... They were EACH—1—IDENTICAL in appearance to MISTER—AIREY—NEAVE.
20050415             —CREATED, THE—GLADIO personnel, 1—PARALLEL—GOVERNMENT called P2 ( Propaganda Duo ), NEO—FASCIST—MASONIC—LODGE COMPOSED—OF—MOST—OF—THE—COUNTRY—TOP... alfatomega.com/20041206.html.
20050705—19921206    —ON, 1—HINDU mob razed 1—MOSQUE at the site.
20051128—20051206    —ON, Progressive DEMOCRATS—OF—AMERICA—DIRECTOR—TIM—CARPENTER, IRAQ Vets Against the War & Campus Antiwar Network member DAVID—AIRHART + MANY—MORE in supporting this —DAY—OF—COUNTER—RECRUITMENT action !
20051128—20051206    —ON, IRAQ Vets Against the War & Campus Antiwar Network member DAVID—AIRHART + MANY—MORE in supporting this —DAY—OF—COUNTER—RECRUITMENT action !
20051203             Kiwanisnet: Männer des 20. und 20010101—21001231              20051206             THE—CIFA brochure says the agency's mission is to "transform" the way counterintelligence is done "fully utilizing 20010101—21001231     tools and resources".
20051206             Neither the size of its staff, said to be more than 1,000, nor its budget is public, said Conway, THE—PENTAGON spokesman.
20051206             Date: —MONDAY, 20051205072525        EST—TOPIC: National - Fri 20050617             —424—PM—ET
20051206             Date: —MONDAY, 20051205072525        EST—TOPIC: National
20051206             —FROM—WASHTIMES 20050810             : 1—OFFICIAL—ANNOUNCEMENT—YESTERDAY did not specify why GENERAL—KEVIN—P—BYRNES, 52, was removed from his command of all soldier training and doctrine development, but 2 retired Army officers said it was for having 1—EXTRAMARITAL affair.
20051206             (Thu 20041201             :16:43 20050000             PST)
20051206             —YESTERDAY, radio personality MICHAEL—REAGAN said "Dean should be hung"
20051206             I think REAGAN meant to say "Dean should be hanged".
20051206             20051207             20051206             The proposition that taxpayer monies were funneled into political campaigns is hardly outside the realm of the thinkable,
20051206             especially in light of THE—WILKES + WADE CIA CONNECTIONS.
20051206             —FOR—DECADES, THE—CIA has used similar methods to engineer elections in other COUNTRIES—IN ITALY + in FRANCE + in LEBANON + in JAPAN +..
20051206             —PRINTED, The old Covert Action Information Bulletin once, 1—STORY -
20051206             which claimed that SOME—AGENCY—HANDS used these very same "covert funding" tactics to help unseat FRANK—CHURCH,
20051206             —CAUSED, THE—CONGRESS—MAN who had, the Company SOME—ANNOYANCE 00.000.197 0 -in the s-.
20051206             DELAY, who is facing questions about his ties to —RECENTLY indicted Republican lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF,
20051206             has raised $1.09—MILLION——SINCE his fund was set up - IRAN
20051206             —AIMED, USA—OFFICIALS said the components + technology also, to help IRAN develop 1—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION—WARHEAD.
20051206             IRAQ
20051206             —ACKNOWLEDGED, USA—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT has, that 1—LEADING arms trafficker was contracted to help THE—USA—MILITARY in IRAQ.
20051206             —SUPPLIED, USA PENTAGON said it has, fuel to aircraft operated by VICTOR—BOUT, regarded as THE—LEADING—ARMS—TRAFFICKER—IN—THE—WORLD.
20051206             LOCKHEED MARTIN, the world's largest weapons manufacturer, gave CUNNINGHAM 1—WHOPPING $15,000.
20051206             include the "USA—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY,"
20051206             the "Foreign TERRORIST Tracking Task Force," + - THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY.
20051206             MZM gave Randy $11,000 for his services.
20051206             Next in line is THE—CUBIC—CORPORATION—OF—S—DIEGO, which has numerous multimillion dollar contracts with THE—PENTAGON
20051206             to supply "realistic combat training systems" + surveillance + reconnaissance avionics.
20051206             CUBIC CORPORATION—OF—S—DIEGO gave Randy CUNNINGHAM $10,000.
20051206             SAIC—LARGEST—CUSTOMER by far is THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, which accounts for 69—PERCENT—OF—ITS—BUSINESS according to SAIC—FILINGS with THE—SEC.
20051206             (SAIC was supposed to build 1—NEW, PRO—AMERICA—TV + RADIO NETWORK in IRAQ but bungled the job badly.) THE—REMAINDER—OF—CUNNINGHAM—TOP—CONTRIBUTORS reads like 1—WHO—WHO among THE—MERCHANTS—OF—DEATH:
20051206             $9,500 from Northrup Grumman, $8,000 from Raytheon (which makes the Tomahawk cruise missile), $8,500 from Qualcomm + $7,000 from Boeing.
20051206             All this for —JUST 1—CONGRESS man.
20051206             DeLay : Pervasive Corruption at UNITED—NATIONS 1—CRISIS;
20051206             Votes to Withhold UNITED—NATIONS Funds —UNTIL Urgent Reforms Are Made
20051206             HOUSE MAJORITY Leader TOM—DELAY (R—TEXAS) —TODAY said THE—STATE—OF—CORRUPTION at THE—UNITED—NATIONS is 1—CRISIS as THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES passed reform legislation calling for withholding up to HALF—OF—THE—UNITED—NATIONS—DUES contributed by THE—USA —UNTIL crucial reforms are made.
20051206             Perhaps the prime ILLUSTRATION—OF—THE—PENTAGON—INTELLIGENCE—GROWTH is CIFA, which remains 1—OF—ITS least publicized intelligence agencies.
20051206             THE—CIFA brochure says the agency's mission is to "transform" the way counterintelligence is done "fully utilizing 20010101—21001231    —CENTURY tools and resources".
20051206             This involves "exploiting commercial data" with the help of outside contractors including White Oak Technologies INCORPORATED
20051206             of Silver —SPRING + MZM INCORPORATED, 1—WASHINGTON—BASED research organization, according to THE—PENTAGON document.
20051206             For CIFA, counterintelligence involves not —JUST collecting data but also "conducting activities to protect DoD and the nation against espionage,
20051206             other intelligence activities, sabotage, assassinations + TERRORIST activities," its brochure states.
20051206             "In THE—AGE—OF—TERRORISM," Conway said, "THE—USA—MILITARY and its facilities are targets + we have to be prepared within our authorities to defend them —BEFORE something happens".
20051206             AUSTRALIA blasts SINGAPORE hanging as 'barbaric'
20051206             (USA ) For 1—CANDLELIGHT vigil in support of convicted drug trafficker Nguyen Toung VAN who will face death by hanging in SINGAPORE —ON—FRIDAY.
20051206             (Thu ;;12;; 01 04:16:43 20050000             PST)
20051206             ``We are angry because what has happened to our teammates is THE—RESULT—OF—THE—ACTIONS—OF—THE—USA and UK governments due to the illegal attack on IRAQ and the continuing occupation and oppression of its people,'' the statement said.
20051206             BUSH—BLOODY—STRATEGY for VICTORY—LINK
20051206             —INCREASED, Already, "THE—TEMPO—OF—AMERICA—BOMBING seems to have," Hersh reports.
20051206             So Where is THE—WHITE—HOUSE—APOLOGY to IRAQ ? - LINK-
20051206             —AM I wrong here? Am I stupid for believing that 1—NATION that conducts itself in 1—WAY that results in creating 1—DANGEROUS and deadly environment for another nation should at the very least apologize for doing so?
20051206             BUSH in IRAQ, Slouching Toward GENOCIDE—LINK-
20051206             Despite pretty words about democracy and freedom, GEORGE—W—BUSH 's "victory" plan in IRAQ is —STARTING to look increasingly like 1—INVITATION to genocide,
20051206             the systematic DESTRUCTION—OF—THE—SUNNI minority for resisting its USA—INDUCED transformation from the nation's ruling elite into 2.—CLASS—CITIZENSHIP.
20051206             FBI Is Taking Another Look at Forged Prewar INTELLIGENCE—LINK-
20051206             —REOPENED, THE—FBI has, 1—INQUIRY into 1—OF—THE—MOST intriguing aspects of THE—PRE—IRAQ war intelligence fiasco:
20051206             how THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION came to rely on forged documents linking IRAQ to nuclear weapons materials as PART—OF—ITS—JUSTIFICATION for the invasion.
20051206             There are other steps BUSH could take to prevail in THE—WAR—ON—TERROR he has declared + NEO—CRAZY—FRANK—GAFFNEY has —JUST published 1—BOOK suggesting 10—OF—THEM.
20051206             And 1—GAGGLE of fellow NEO—CRAZIES at THE—AMERICAN—ENTERPRISE—INSTITUTE has —JUST published 1—OBBLIGATO — entitled "Launch Regional Initiatives" — based upon 1—COUPLE—OF them.
20051206             USA—ARMY admits IRAQ is outnumber foreign fighters as its main ENEMY—LINK-
20051206             —DISCLOSED, Their conclusion, to THE—SUNDAY—TELEGRAPH in interviews over —10—DAYS in BATTLE—TORN Anbar province,
20051206             contradicts THE—WHITE—HOUSE—MESSAGE that outsiders are the principal enemy in IRAQ.
20051206             SADDAM—TRIAL will not be fair, says UNITED—NATIONS—LINK-
20051206             THE—UN said —YESTERDAY said that SADDAM—HUSSEIN—TRIAL would never satisfy INTERNATIONAL standards because of ongoing violence and flaws in IRAQ—LEGAL—SYSTEM
20051206             —CALLED, BUSH had reportedly, the proposal "1—BRILLIANT—IDEA".
20051206             —EMBRACED, As PART—OF—THIS tour -- which hasn't been fully, by the real UNITED—NATIONS,
20051206             contrary to the reporter's ASSERTION—MOON is also calling for 1—TUNNEL linking ALASKA and RUSSIA,
20051206             with help from THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—ARIZONA—GOP
20051206             and various metropolitan leaders of different political stripes.
20051206             As regular readers of this blog know, attending these groups is 1—BUSH—FAMILY—TRADITION.
20051206             BARBARA—BUSH + BUSH [BGHW948] have long
20051206             MOON—LUCRATIVE + stately peace festivities, which stress the Reverend MOON—MASTERY—OF—FAMILY—VALUES as GOD—PATH to world peace.
20051206             —ROMPED, It's unclear whether wayward son NEIL—BUSH, who, with prostitutes
20051206             in ASIA, has ANY—SPECIAL expertise in this area.
20051206             Lately NEIL—BUSH has also been jogging with a fugitive RUSSIA—TYCOON
20051206             + lobbying Capitol Hill for Scientology.
20051206             00.000.199 6—BUSH [BGHW948] SENIOR praises Moon as "man with vision" in BUENOS—AIRES (
20051206             —REVISED, This post has been, for clarity. link
20051206             So that's what he's been up to —SINCE his divorce (see also "miscellaneous consulting services").
20051206             And another BUSH joins the Reverend MOON world tour?
20051206             Brother NEIL—BUSH—JOURNEY with WASHINGTON TIMES owner + possible Messiah Rev.
20051206             —REPORTED, Sun Myung MOON is, in THE—MANILA Bulletin.
20051206             The occasion: promoting MOON—IDEA for 1—UNIVERSAL—PEACE—FEDERATION.
20051206             According to MOON—PROMOTIONAL videos,
20051206             To the casual observer, 1—SURPRISING cause for 1—BUSH to get behind...
20051206             —JOINED, UC has, BECHTEL National + other industrial partners in 1—BID to retain its contract to run LOS ALAMOS ,
20051206             in 1—COMPETITION against 1—CONSORTIUM CONSISTING—OF—LOCKHEED—MARTIN, THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—TEXAS, several NEW—MEXICO universities + various industrial partners.
20051206             The reason, he said, is that university connections to the weapons labs tend to lead to restraints on free inquiry and speech within the universities.
20051206             The report concludes that at least 661—POUNDS—OF—PLUTONIUM generated at the lab over the last HALF—CENTURY is not accounted for.
20051206             —DROPPED, The atomic bomb that was, on NAGASAKI—JAPAN, 19450000             contained about 13—POUNDS—OF—PLUTONIUM.
20051206             The problem of plutonium accounting began worrying lab critics in the mid-1990s,
20051206             —WHEN Energy Department officials released lab records as PART—OF—THE—CLINTON—ADMINISTRATION—OPENNESS—INITIATIVE.
20051206             Critics found they had trouble determining exactly what the lab was doing with the plutonium waste that is generated —DURING the manufacture of spherical plutonium "pits," the fissile triggers of nuclear bombs.
20051206             Makhijani said he and colleagues from 2—OTHER—ACTIVIST—GROUPS hoped the problem would be resolved
20051206             Nanos and lab officials did not respond, though + —9—MONTHS—LATER Nanos left for 1—DIFFERENT—JOB.
20051206             —DECIDED, Makhijani said he and associates had, to make their report public to dramatize FEDERAL—OFFICIALS' failure to resolve the puzzle of the missing plutonium.
20051206             Plutonium Could Be Missing From LOS ALAMOS
20051206             Enough plutonium to make DOZENS—OF—NUCLEAR—BOMBS hasn't been accounted for at THE—UC—RUN—LOS ALAMOS National Laboratory in NEW—MEXICO and may be missing,
20051206             an activist group says in a new report.
20051206             There is no evidence that THE—WEAPONS—GRADE plutonium has been stolen or diverted for illegal purposes,
20051206             THE—INSTITUTE for Energy and Environmental Research said.
20051206             However, THE—AMOUNT—OF—UNACCOUNTED—FOR plutonium -- more than 600—POUNDS + possibly several times that -- is so great that it raises "1—VAST—SECURITY—ISSUE," the group said in 1—REPORT to be made public —TODAY.
20051206             —BASED, THE—INSTITUTE, which is, in Takoma Park, Md., says it compared data from 5—PUBLICLY available reports and documents issued by THE—USA—ENERGY—DEPARTMENT—AND—LOS—ALAMOS
20051206             1—SPOKESMAN for UC, which manages the national laboratories at LOS ALAMOS and Livermore for the Energy Department,
20051206             did not address the report's specifics but said THE—NEW—MEXICO lab tracks nuclear material "to —1—MINUTE—QUANTITY".
20051206             —POINTED, As I, out in the Introduction, 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT endorses the official CONSPIRACY theory,
20051206             I am looking at this report from THE—PERSPECTIVE—OF—THE—ALTERNATIVE—CONSPIRACY—THEORY, according to which OFFICIALS—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT were involved.
20051206             Although 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION did not mention this alternative hypothesis,
20051206             it was clearly seeking to undermine its plausibility.
20051206             1—WAY to do this would be to show that, contrary to those who hold this hypothesis,
20051206             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION did not have ANY—INTERESTS or plans that could have provided 1—SUFFICIENT motive for arranging or at least allowing such murderous attacks on its own citizens.
20051206             But it did not do it indirectly, by portraying THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION + THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—MORE generally, as devoid of motives in question.
20051206             THE—KEAN—ZELIKOW—COMMISSION, however, could provide this portrayal only by means of numerous omissions and distortions.
20051206             Besides omitting THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—REFERENCE to 20010911             —THE attacks as "opportunities," it omitted ANY—DISCUSSION—OF—THE—USA—SPACE—COMMAND,
20051206             with its mission to solidify global dominance + of THE—PNAC document, with its suggestion that 1—NEW—PEARL—HARBOR would be helpful.
20051206             were miraculously uncovered in THE—PENTAGON wreckage by a 1. responder,
20051206             Although CAPTAIN—INGLEDUE believes the official account of 20010911             ,
20051206             he admitted it was "very strange and highly unusual" to find unblemished PAPER—THIN—EVIDENCE in 1—MELTDOWN—LIKE THE—PENTAGON.
20051206             And even more miraculously than CALLEY—ID— 1—YEAR
20051206             Strangely, in light of the miraculous discoveries, both Iskandar and Calley's loved one's did not question the return or AUTHENTICITY—OF—THE—ITEMS returned,
20051206             adding they were in perfect agreement with the government's official version of 20010911             .
20051206             —NOTED, Investigators, there was no suicide note and the only thing found next to her body was 1—LETTER from then NEW—YORK City Mayor RUDOLPH—GIULIANI inviting her to 1—UPCOMING memorial service at Ground 0 to mourn 20010911             victims.
20051206             —AFTER the apparent suicide, several school friends and even family members said Kalashasthi was,
20051206             of course, devastated by her loss, being oo for only 1—SHORT—TIME, but was determined to move forward and complete her dental studies.
20051206             —POINTED, Further, friends, out she was devout Hindu who believed in reincarnation,
20051206             making suicide 1—EVEN more unlikely choice —SINCE 1—RETURN to earth is inevitable according to KALASHASTHI—HINDU beliefs.
20051206             Strange Suicide of 1—FLIGHT 11—PASSENGER—WIFE—RAISES—MORE—DOUBT as to What Really Happened on the 4 20010911             Flights
20051206             Prasanna Kalahasthi, 25, a USC dental student and oo to Pendyala Vamsikrishna,
20051206             1—FLIGHT 11—PASSENGER, killed herslf —1—MONTH
20051206             —FIRED, GENERAL—KEVIN—BYRNES was, for attempting to prevent the drill from going live.
20051206             —NOW 1—WASHINGTON—TIMES—REPORT, also ANONYMOUSLY—SOURCED, highlights the flimsy basis on which he was fired -- adultery.
20051206             Not the Jeff Gannon KIND—OF—MILITARY adultery popular in THE—WHITE—HOUSE ;
20051206             but involvement, —WHILE separated from his wife, with 1—WOMAN in 1—SEPARATE—COMMAND.
20051206             —TRIED, It also turns out Rumsfeld, to chase him out the military —3—YEARS—AGO.
20051206             Looks like he finally found 1—PRETEXT.
20051206             —FROM WashTimes 20050810             :
20051206             1—OFFICIAL—ANNOUNCEMENT——YESTERDAY did not specify why GENERAL—KEVIN—P—BYRNES,
20051206             52, was removed from his command of all soldier training and doctrine development, but 2 retired Army officers said it was for having 1—EXTRAMARITAL affair.
20051206             GEORGE accidently speaks the truth via 1—FREUDIAN slip
20051206             NBC anchor Williams: BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has "right" to buy media coverage
20051206             DONALD—RUMSFELD—IS—MAD—AS 1—HATTER
20051206             SENATOR—JOE—LIEBERMAN: SADDAM—HAD—WMD—PROGRAMS - IRAN military plane explodes in crash
20051206             RUSSIA Developing New GENERATION—OF—SUPER—MISSILES
20051206             CIA Flights Made 50—LANDINGS at IRELAND—SHANNON, Amnesty Says
20051206             —TOSSED, DeLay conspiracy charge, out
20051206             FOX—NEWS—WATCH panelist Gabler: FOX—NEWS "pumping" Christmas "war" - Christian group drops Wells Fargo
20051206             God And Caesar in AMERICA : 1—ESSAY on Religion and Politics - RUSSIA confirms missile sale to IRAN
20051206             GORDON—BROWN making his move against Blair...
20051206             'WAR—ON—TERROR' should not be 1—EXCUSE to demand your ID
20051206             300—CIA—FLIGHTS landed in EUROPE, logs show - BUSH—MOTORCADE—HAS—MINOR—ACCIDENT
20051206             These guys can't even do propaganda right
20051206             Church in PENNSILVANIA Says Allowing Suits Unfair
20051206             Resumption of Hussein Trial is 1—TUMULTUOUS—AFFAIR - ARKANSAS man scales WHITE—HOUSE—FENCE
20051206             GEORGIA—BUSH—GRENADE—TRIAL—OPENS - IRAN 'plans 2. nuclear plant' - USA not 'WELL—PREPARED' for terrorism
20051206             Hey BOARD—MEMBERS, Leave our Kids Alone!
20051206             Plutonium Could Be Missing From
20051206             NEIL—BUSH—TRAVELS—WITH (Rev.) MOON—AS "Peace Leader"
20051206             Democrat demands criminal PROBE—OF—OIL execs
20051206             Leak Ruling Has Mystery, 8—BLANK—PAGES - THE—REVOLT—OF—THE—GENERALS
20051206             —UNCHECKED, CIA operates '' in UK
20051206             RALPH—REED—INVOLVEMENT with Abramoff under Scrutiny - Blanco Releases Katrina Records
20051206             Aegis Defence Services, Lt Col TIM—SPICER and THE—MURDER—OF—PETER—MCBRIDE
20051206             6—UNITED—KINGDOM—MILITARY—POLICEMAN abandoned according to Telegraph
20051206             —ACCUSED—OF, Santorum, collaborating with NON—PROFIT in election scheme
20051206             —BACKED, USA ' EAST—TIMOR invasion'
20051206             REAGAN—NSA—DIRECTOR: Want stability in THE—MIDDLE—EAST?
20051206             Get out of IRAQ !
20051206             —ENTFÜHRT, Wäre Omar nicht, worden, wäre er —NUN Angeklagter in einem legalen Verfahren und säße im Gefängnis.
20051206             Außerdem hätten die Ermittler möglicherweise Komplizen aus seinem Umfeld identifizieren können, sagte Spataro.
20051206             Schwer beschuldigt wird außerdem der CIA—CHEF—IM—MAILAND, ROBERT—SELDON—LADY.
20051206             Gegen ihn ist ebenfalls 1—HAFTBEFEHL erlassen worden.
20051206             Die BemÜhungen der ITALIENISCHEN—STAATSANWALTSCHAFT werden jedoch von der BERLUSCONI—REGIERUNG torpediert.
20051206             Mailand - - Die USA—SICHERHEITSLEUTE teilten mit, sie wÜssten über den Aufenthaltsort des Vermissten Bescheid,
20051206             —GEFLÜCHTET, ABU—OMAR sei auf den Balkan.
20051206             —NUN meldet die "WASHINGTON—POST", diese Information des AMERIKA nischen Geheimdienstes sei falsch gewesen.
20051206             Die CIA habe die ITALIENISCHEN—BEHÖRDEN bewusst in die Irre gefÜhrt.
20051206             —ERST—MONATE —NACH—DEM Verschwinden ABU—OMARS gelang es den ITALIENISCHEN—ERMITTLERN die Geschichte seines Abgangs zu rekonstruieren.
20051206             —GEFOLTERT, Dort soll der 42-Jährige, worden sein.
20051206             In abgehörten Anrufen an Bekannte in ITALIEN berichtete er vom Stromschlägen und Kälteschocks.
20051206             —ZURZEIT befindet sich der Ägypter in dem Land unter Hausarrest.
20051206             Während seines Aufenthalts in ITALIEN war er auch von den ITALIENISCHEN—BEHÖRDEN beobachtet worden.
20051206             Sie sammelten Belastungsmaterial gegen ihn, weil er ihnen als Mitglied der extremistischen Organisation Jemaah Islamiah galt.
20051206             "ANTITERROR—BEMÜHUNGEN beschädigt" - CIA—FLÜGE: Schonfrist fÜr Steinmeier
20051206             CIA—GEHEIMLAGER: Im Osten nichts Neues
20051206             Nach Meinung des Historikers Parks Stephenson, der am gestrigen —MONTAG ebenfalls an der KONFERENZ—IN—WOODS—HOLE teilgenommen hat,
20051206             ist —NUN eine neue Rekonstruktion der "TITAN ic"-Katastrophe fällig.
20051206             "Das Auseinanderbrechen und das Sinken der 'TITAN ic' wurden niemals präzise dargestellt", sagte er.
20051206             ROBERT—BALLARD, der das Wrack 19850000             rund 600—KILOMETER sÜdöstlich von Neufundland in einer Tiefe von 3800—METERN entdeckt hat,
20051206             kommentierte die neuen Funde mit triefendem Sarkasmus.
20051206             "Sie haben 1—FRAGMENT entdeckt.
20051206             Eine wirklich tolle Sache", sagte er der Nachrichtenagentur AP. "Bin ich beeindruckt?
20051206             Nein.
20051206             Wenn man dort hinunter taucht, sieht man überall etwas herumliegen.
20051206             "Sie hat einen Eisberg gerammt und ist gesunken. Kommt endlich darÜber hinweg".
20051206             Stalking: Wenn Mord zur Privatsache wird - NEW—ORLEANS: Nach uns die Sintflut
20051206             CIA—AFFÄRE: Verschlusssache Aufklärung
20051206             USA—GEHEIMDIENST: Wie die CIA die Italiener foppte
20051206             Zum Tode HANNS—DIETER—HÜSCHS: "Moralist reinster Prägung"
20051206             INTERVIEW—MIT—VÖLKERRECHTLER—NOLTE: "Opfer könnten vor dem Europäischen Gerichtshof fÜr Menschenrechte klagen"
20051206             GROSSBRITANNIEN: Cameron zum neuen TORY—VORSITZENDEN gewählt - Studie: Mehr Blogger als BLOG—LESER
20051206             Palast der REPUBLIK: 10.000—UNTERSCHRIFTEN gegen den Abriss
20051206             —EXPLODIERT, SPANIEN: 5—ETA—BOMBEN
20051206             CIA—AFFÄRE: FDP droht mit Untersuchungsausschuss
20051206             Gerichtsurteil: Betreiber haften fÜr Forumsbeiträge
20051206             Selbstmordanschlag in Bagdad: Polizei hält Putzfrauen fÜr Täter
20051206             —VERMUTET, Neue Funde: "Titan ic" sank schneller als
20051206             —VERSPRICHT, Kampf gegen Terror: Rice, Korrekturen
20051206             Schulspender mit SS—VERGANGENHEIT: Zank um Beisheims Zaster
20051206             SANTANDER: ETA—BOMBENDROHUNG gegen Flughafen
20051206             ENZYKLOPÄDIE—VANDALISMUS: Wikipedia verschärft die Regeln
20051206             FlugzeugunglÜck in Teheran: Hercules stÜrzt in HOCHHAUS—HUNDERTE Tote befÜrchtet
20051206             Munition in NORD—UND Ostsee: Explosive Gefahr auf dem Meeresgrund
20051206             BERLIN—BESUCH: Rice verteidigt geheime CIA—AKTIONEN
20051206             HANNS—DIETER—HÜSCH ist tot: Humorpoet des Alltags
20051206             GRÖNLAND: Mikroben aus dem Eis könnten MARS—METHAN erklären
20051206             —BEGINNT, Neue Domain: —MITTWOCH, die ".eu"-Zeit
20051206             —GESCHLOSSEN, MANILA: USA—BOTSCHAFT nach Terrorwarnung
20051206             Stromausfall: Politiker fordern PrÜfung aller Masten
20051206             TERROR—HÄFTLINGE: Die Geistergefangenen der USA
20051206             Neue CIA—ENTHÜLLUNGEN: "Irgendwo in Nordafrika"
20051206             New Yorks BÜRGERMEISTER: Bloomberg zahlte 77—MILLIONEN Dollar fÜr Wiederwahl
20051206             USA—REGIERUNG: Keine Hilfe fÜr GENERAL—MOTORS und Ford
20051206             —VERSCHIEBT, Haushaltsdefizit: EU, Verfahren gegen DEUTSCHLAND
20051206             —GESCHLOSSEN, RICE—BESUCH: 2—CIA—GEFÄNGNISSE sollen —ERST kÜrzlich, worden sein
20051206             Vorwurf der Geldwäsche: BUSH—VERTRAUTER muss vor Gericht
20051206             SÜDAFRIKA: Angriff auf die letzte Bastion der Reichen
20051206             THE—NAZGÛL—THE—9—DARK—LORDS—OF—THE—SENATE—WAYNE—ALLARD: Supports Torture
20051206             KIT—BOND: Supports Torture - TOM—COBURN: Supports Torture
20051206             Thad Cochran: Supports Torture - JOHN—CORNYN: Supports Torture
20051206             JAMES—INHOFE: Supports Torture - Pat Roberts: Supports Torture
20051206             JEFF—SESSIONS: Supports Torture - TED—STEVENS: Supports Torture
20051206             Dick Cheney and THE—9—HAVE held up torture reform in the House with the aid of their agent:
20051206             SPEAKER—OF—THE—HOUSE—DENNIS—HASTERT: 202-225-0697 - fax
20051206             —CALLED, House DEMOCRAT ic leader NANCY Pelosi of CALIFORNIA, the report 1—INDICTMENT—OF—USA—COUNTERTERRORISM—EFFORTS.
20051206             RAW STORY Interviews DIEB—THROAT!
20051206             GLOBAL—NEWS—MATRIX Plutonium Could Be Missing From LOS—ALAMOS - for advocating 1—IRAQ pullout.
20051206             1—SITE was identified by Human Rights Watch as the site for 1—CLANDESTINE prison.
20051206             —ACCUSED—OF, SAMI—AL—ARIAN, 1—FORMER—FLORIDA professor, helping lead 1—TERRORIST—GROUP that carried out suicide bombings against ISRAEL, was acquitted on nearly half the charges against him by 1—FEDERAL—COURT—JURY in TAMPA—FLORIDA;
20051206             the jury deadlocked on the other charges.
20051206             —DECIDED, PHILADELPHIA won the 1. NHL scoreless game that was, by 1—SHOOTOUT, beating CALGARY 1-0.
20051206             —VOTED, THE—NYSE, to acquire Archipelago Holdings in a $9—BILLION —TRANSACTION that would transform the Big BOARD into 1—FOR—PROFIT—COMPANY with new, HIGH—TECH trading capabilities.
20051206             —HIRED, SF, NATHANIEL—FORD—SENIOR to run the Municipal Transportation Agency (MUNI) for a —5-YEAR contract with 1—BASE—SALARY—OF $298,000. Ford was enticed away from THE—ATLANTA—RAPID—TRANSIT—AUTHORITY where his base was $205,000.
20051206             —SUSPENDED, SF, police officer ANDREW—COHEN, —39—JAHRE—ALT was, for producing department videos that mocked minorities.
20051206             24—OTHER—OFFICERS were soon suspended for their involvement in the video productions.
20051206             SPOKANE—WASHINGTON, voters said Mayor JAMES—E—WEST (19510000—20060000    ) must leave office —THIS—MONTH in 1—SPECIAL—ELECTION sparked by allegations he used 1—CITY—COMPUTER to woo gay men over THE—INTERNET.
20051206             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT—FORCES, 9—TALIBAN insurgents and arrested 6—OTHERS in 1—RAID on 1—REBEL—CAMP in 1—VOLATILE southern province.
20051206             Microsoft Corp. said it would set up 30—NEW—INNOVATION—CENTERS——AROUND the world, adding to its existing 60, in partnership with local governments, academic institutions and industry organizations.
20051206             1—GERMANY—MAN filed 1—LAWSUIT in VIRGINIA claiming he was held captive and tortured by USA—GOVERNMENT—AGENTS——AFTER being mistakenly identified as 1—ASSOCIATE—OF—20050911             —THE hijackers.
20051206             —ARRESTED, Khaled EL—MASRI said he was, 20031231             —WHILE attempting to enter MACEDONIA for 1—HOLIDAY—TRIP and flown to AFGHANISTAN.
20051206             —DURING—5—MONTHS in captivity he was subjected to "torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.
20051206             —CROWNED, BRITAIN—CONSERVATIVE—PARTY, DAVID—CAMERON, —39—JAHRE—ALT as its new leader, hoping to end 1—ELECTION losing streak as PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR—POWER and popularity sag.
20051206             —RAISED, CANADA—CENTRAL—BANK, interest rates for the 3. time in 1—ROW by 1—QUARTER—POINT to 3.25%, its highest point in nearly 2½ years.
20051206             —REPORTED, CHINA, that a —10—YEAR—OLD—GIRL in the Guangxi region had tested positive for bird flu, its 4. case of the deadly H5N1 strain.
20051206             —PHOTOGRAPHED, THE—WORLD—WILDLIFE—FUND said 1—CATLIKE creature, by camera traps on Borneo ISLAND is likely to be 1—NEW—SPECIES—OF carnivore.
20051206             1—C—130—IRAN—MILITARY—TRANSPORT—PLANE crashed into a 10-story apartment building as it was trying to make 1—EMERGENCY landing, ripping open THE—TOP—OF—THE—STRUCTURE and igniting 1—HUGE—FIRE.
20051206             —KILLED, At least 115—PEOPLE were, including 21 on the ground in the Azadi suburb of TEHRAN.
20051206             IRAQ, 2—SUICIDE—BOMBERS struck BAGHDAD—POLICE—ACADEMY, killing at least 43—PEOPLE and wounding at least 72—MORE.
20051206             —KIDNAPPED, AL—JAZEERA broadcast 1—INSURGENT—VIDEO claiming to have, 1—USA—SECURITY consultant.
20051206             —CLAMPED, ISRAEL, 1—OPEN—ENDED closure on THE—WEST—BANK—AND—GAZA, banning virtually all Palestinians from ISRAEL, and arrested 15—PALESTINE—MILITANTS in a 1. response to the suicide bombing that killed 5—ISRAELIS outside 1—SHOPPING mall.
20051206             —APPROVED, JAPAN—CABINET, measures to demolish buildings designed using falsified earthquake safety data and to relocate residents amid 1—WIDENING construction scandal.
20051206             —DESIGNED, Some 60—OF—OVER 200—HOTELS and condominium complexes, by Hidetsugu Aneha were ordered to be pulled down due to faked EARTHQUAKE—RESISTANCE—DATA.
20051206             Kyodo News said JAPAN plans to extend its humanitarian military mission to IRAQ into 20060000             but could pull its ground forces in THE—MIDDLE—OF—THE—YEAR if the British and AUSTRALIA—TROOPS guarding them leave.
20051206             —COMPLETED, MOROCCO—NATIONAL—AIRLINE, 1—ORDER for 4—BOEING Co. 787—JETS and took out 1—OPTION for 1—MORE.
20051206             —FACED, Separatist radicals, off against HEAVILY—ARMED—NIGERIA—POLICE in eastern cities as 1—PROTEST to demand 1—INDEPENDENT—HOMELAND for THE—40—MILLION—STRONG—IGBO people entered its 2. —DAY.
20051206             SAUDI—ARABIA, representatives of Islamic countries met ahead of a —2—DAY—SUMMIT, with delegates saying the world's largest Islamic organization must reform to face new challenges.
20051206             —VOWED, THE—UN—TOP—ELECTION—OFFICIAL, Carina Perelli of URUGUAY, to fight her dismissal over sexual harassment charges, which she rejected as false and complained that she was being denied due process.
20051206             —YESTERDAY, radio personality MICHAEL—REAGAN said
20051206             "Dean should be hung" for advocating 1—IRAQ pullout.
20051206             —FUNNELED, The proposition that taxpayer monies were, into political campaigns is hardly outside the realm of the thinkable, especially in light of the Wilkes + Wade CIA connections.
20051206             which claimed that SOME—AGENCY—HANDS used these very same "covert funding" tactics to help unseat FRANK—CHURCH, the congress man who had caused the Company SOME—ANNOYANCE 19700000             —IN the s-.
20051206             —CONTRIBUTED, MANY—OF—HIS—FELLOW—LAWMAKERS -- including Cunningham -- have, to DELAY—FUND.
20051206             —DEEMED, CHINA has been, as assisting IRAN—INTERMEDIATE—AND—LONG—RANGE—MISSILE—PROGRAMS.
20051206             USA—OFFICIALS said DOZENS—OF—CHINA—COMPANIES + individuals have provided components + technology for IRAN—SHIHAB 3 + Shihab -4—PROGRAMS.
20051206             whose government clients, in addition to the Pentagon,
20051206             —PONIED, GENERAL—DYNAMICS, up $10,000 for Randy Cunningham, Congress man, as did
20051206             SAIC—LARGEST—CUSTOMER by far is THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, which accounts for 69—PERCENT—OF—ITS—BUSINESS according to SAIC—FILINGS with THE—SEC. (SAIC was supposed to build 1—NEW, PRO—USA—TV + radio network in IRAQ but bungled the job badly.) THE—REMAINDER—OF—CUNNINGHAM—TOP—CONTRIBUTORS reads like 1—WHO—WHO among THE—MERCHANTS—OF—DEATH: $9,500 from Northrup Grumman, $8,000 from Raytheon (which makes the Tomahawk cruise missile), $8,500 from Qualcomm + $7,000 from Boeing.
20051206             1—CIFA activity, threat assessments, involves using "leading edge information technologies and data harvesting," according to 1—FEBRUARY 20040000             Pentagon budget document.
20051206             This involves "exploiting commercial data" with the help of outside contractors including White Oak Technologies INCORPORATED—OF—SILVER —SPRING + MZM INCORPORATED, 1—WASHINGTON—BASED research organization, according to the Pentagon document.
20051206             For CIFA, counterintelligence involves not —JUST collecting data but also "conducting activities to protect DoD and the nation against espionage, other intelligence activities, sabotage, assassinations + terrorist activities," its brochure states.
20051206             USA—CHRISTIAN—GROUP—NAMES—CAPTIVES in IRAQ, Blames USA, UK—LINK - ``We are angry because what has happened to our teammates is the result of the actions of THE—USA—AND—UK governments due to the illegal attack on IRAQ and the continuing occupation and oppression of its people,'' the statement said.
20051206             BUSH—BLOODY—STRATEGY for VICTORY—LINK—ALREADY, "THE—TEMPO—OF—USA—BOMBING seems to have increased," Hersh reports.
20051206             And he cites 1—PENTAGON press release that notes that 1—MARINE—AIRCRAFT—UNIT—ALONE has "dropped more than 500,000—TONS—OF—ORDNANCE".
20051206             So Where is THE—WHITE—HOUSE—APOLOGY to IRAQ ? - LINK—AM I wrong here?
20051206             LINK—DESPITE pretty words about democracy and freedom, GEORGE—W—BUSH 's "victory" plan in IRAQ is —STARTING to look increasingly like 1—INVITATION to genocide, the systematic DESTRUCTION—OF—THE—SUNNI minority for resisting its USA—INDUCED transformation from the nation's ruling elite into 2.—CLASS citizenship.
20051206             FBI Is Taking Another Look at Forged Prewar INTELLIGENCE—LINK—THE—FBI has reopened 1—INQUIRY into 1—OF—THE—MOST intriguing aspects of THE—PRE—IRAQ war intelligence fiasco: how THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION came to rely on forged documents linking IRAQ to nuclear weapons materials as PART—OF—ITS—JUSTIFICATION for the invasion.
20051206             NEO—CRAZIES—ALREADY—PLANNING—BEYOND—IRAN—LINK—THERE are other steps Bush could take to prevail in THE—WAR—ON—TERROR he has declared + NEO—CRAZY—FRANK—GAFFNEY has —JUST published 1—BOOK suggesting 10—OF—THEM.
20051206             —DISCLOSED, LINK—THEIR—CONCLUSION, to the —SUNDAY Telegraph in interviews over —10—DAYS in BATTLE—TORN Anbar province, contradicts THE—WHITE—HOUSE—MESSAGE that outsiders are the principal enemy in IRAQ.
20051206             - THE—UN said —YESTERDAY said that SADDAM—HUSSEIN—TRIAL would never satisfy INTERNATIONAL standards because of ongoing violence and flaws in IRAQ—LEGAL—SYSTEM
20051206             —EMBRACED, As PART—OF—THIS tour -- which hasn't been fully, by the real UNITED—NATIONS, contrary to the reporter's ASSERTION—MOON is also calling for 1—TUNNEL linking ALASKA and RUSSIA, with help from THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—ARIZONA—GOP and various metropolitan leaders of different political stripes.
20051206             —ATTENDED, BARBARA—BUSH + Bush [BGHW948] have long, MOON—LUCRATIVE + stately peace festivities, which stress the Reverend MOON—MASTERY—OF—FAMILY—VALUES as GOD—PATH to world peace.
20051206             It's unclear whether wayward son NEIL—BUSH, who
20051206             romped with prostitutes in ASIA, has ANY—SPECIAL expertise in this area.
20051206             Lately NEIL—BUSH has also been jogging with 1—FUGITIVE—RUSSIA—TYCOON + lobbying Capitol Hill for Scientology.
20051206             Brother NEIL—BUSH—JOURNEY with WASHINGTON Times owner + possible Messiah REVEREND—SUN—MYUNG—MOON is reported in the
20051206             MANILA Bulletin.
20051206             According to Moon 's
20051206             promotional videos, his organizations are prophecied to kick off his "Eternal Peace Kingdom," in which all religions + countries would become 1—UNDER his guidance.
20051206             —JOINED, UC has, Bechtel National + other industrial partners in 1—BID to retain its contract to run Los Alamos, in 1—COMPETITION against 1—CONSORTIUM CONSISTING—OF—LOCKHEED—MARTIN, THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—TEXAS, several NEW—MEXICO universities + various industrial partners.
20051206             --> CARLYLE—MAKHIJANI says he isn't taking sides in the competition but that he would prefer the weapons labs be run by industrial contractors rather than universities.
20051206             "The security implications... are extremely serious, —SINCE less than 2—PERCENT of the lowest UNACCOUNTED—FOR plutonium is enough to make 1—NUCLEAR—BOMB," the report said.
20051206             The problem of plutonium accounting began worrying lab critics in the mid-1990s, —WHEN Energy Department officials released lab records as PART—OF—THE—CLINTON administration 's openness initiative.
20051206             —PUBLICIZED, Nanos was trying to reform lab operations —AFTER highly, scandals over UC management of Los Alamos.
20051206             Enough plutonium to make DOZENS—OF—NUCLEAR—BOMBS hasn't been accounted for at THE—UC—RUN—LOS Alamos National Laboratory in NEW—MEXICO and may be missing, 1—ACTIVIST—GROUP says in 1—NEW—REPORT.
20051206             There is no evidence that THE—WEAPONS—GRADE plutonium has been stolen or diverted for illegal purposes, the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research said.
20051206             —BASED, The institute, which is, in Takoma Park, Md., says it compared data from 5—PUBLICLY available reports and documents issued by THE—USA—ENERGY—DEPARTMENT—AND—LOS—ALAMOS 19960000—20040000    —FROM—TO and found inconsistencies in them.
20051206             It says the records aren't clear on what the lab did with the plutonium, 1—BYPRODUCT of nuclear bomb research at Los Alamos.
20051206             1—SPOKESMAN for UC, which manages the national laboratories at Los Alamos and Livermore for the Energy Department, did not address the report's specifics but said THE—NEW—MEXICO lab tracks nuclear material "to —1—MINUTE—QUANTITY".
20051206             This article comes from Global News Matrix - THE—URL for this story is: Summary
20051206             according to which the attacks of 20010911             were carried out solely by AL—QAEDA, under the direction of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20051206             Although 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION did not mention this alternative hypothesis, it was clearly seeking to undermine its plausibility.
20051206             1—WAY to do this would be to show that, contrary to those who hold this hypothesis, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION did not have ANY—INTERESTS or plans that could have provided 1—SUFFICIENT motive for arranging or at least allowing such murderous attacks on its own citizens.
20051206             Besides omitting THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—REFERENCE to 20010911             —THE attacks as "opportunities," it omitted ANY—DISCUSSION—OF—THE—USA—SPACE—COMMAND, with its mission to solidify global dominance + of THE—PNAC document, with its suggestion that 1—NEW—PEARL—HARBOR would be helpful.
20051206             Although CAPTAIN—INGLEDUE believes the official account of 20010911             , he admitted it was "very strange and highly unusual" to find unblemished PAPER—THIN—EVIDENCE in 1—MELTDOWN—LIKE the Pentagon.
20051206             Strangely, in light of the miraculous discoveries, both Iskandar and Calley's loved one's did not question the return or AUTHENTICITY—OF—THE—ITEMS returned, adding they were in perfect agreement with the government's official version of 20010911             .
20051206             —AFTER the apparent suicide, several school friends and even family members said Kalashasthi was, of course, devastated by her loss, being oo for only 1—SHORT—TIME, but was determined to move forward and complete her dental studies.
20051206             —POINTED, Further, friends, out she was devout Hindu who believed in reincarnation, making suicide 1—EVEN more unlikely choice —SINCE 1—RETURN to earth is inevitable according to KALASHASTHI—HINDU beliefs.
20051206             (See Lehrman/Physics911.net, Szymanski/ARCTIC Beacon, Jones,Watson/PrisonPlanet, Skolnick/Cloak&Dagger.
20051206             Titan 's 'rivers' might flow as EARTH—DO
20051206             McCain Says Abramoff Probe WILL—LEAD to More Indictments
20051206             FOX—NEWS—WATCH panelist Gabler: FOX—NEWS "pumping" Christmas "war"
20051206             TALK—OF—CHANGES in WHITE—HOUSE—STAFF—TURNS to Its CHIEF - Netanyahu threatens IRAN N—PLANTS
20051206             Recent ARTICLES—EX—IRAQ i leader claims assassination attempt
20051206             Democracy march takes over HONG—KONG streets
20051206             300—CIA—FLIGHTS landed in EUROPE, logs show
20051206             BUSH—MOTORCADE—HAS—MINOR—ACCIDENT - Paying IRAQ i Newspapers Troubles Bush
20051206             Resumption of Hussein Trial is 1—TUMULTUOUS—AFFAIR
20051206             Time poll: 60% want next PRESIDENT to be 'completely different' from Bush
20051206             RALPH—REED—INVOLVEMENT with Abramoff under Scrutiny
20051206             6—UK—MILITARY—POLICEMAN abandoned according to Telegraph
20051206             Military Admits It Paid IRAQ Papers for News
20051206             † BUSH—KNEW—10—MARINES—HAD, —PRIOR—TO ROSE—GARDEN—REMARKS, Didn't Mention It
20051206             Dobson Meets With BOLTON To Set UN Policy
20051206             Der leitende Mailänder STAATSANWALT—ARMANDO—SPATARO sagte, die CIA—AKTION sei nicht nur ein "Verbrechen gegen die ITALIENISCHE—SOUVERÄNITÄT und die Menschenrechte" gewesen.
20051206             Sie habe zudem die "ANTITERROR—BEMÜHUNGEN in ITALIEN und EUROPA ernsthaft beschädigt".
20051206             Inzwischen hat die Mailänder Justiz 22—HAFTBEFEHLE gegen CIA—MITARBEITER in dem Fall erlassen.
20051206             Die ITALIENISCHEN—ERMITTLER vermuten, dass der CIA—CHEF—IN—ROM die Aktion geleitet hat.
20051206             Koordiniert worden sei die Entführung von Mitarbeitern der USA—BOTSCHAFT.
20051206             Auslieferungsgesuche an die USA zur Überstellung verdächtiger CIA—MITARBEITERN nach ITALIEN seien von Justizminister ROBERTO—CASTELLI —BISHER nicht genehmigt worden, berichtet die "WASHINGTON—POST".
20051206             Die USA—SICHERHEITSLEUTE teilten mit, sie wüssten über den Aufenthaltsort des Vermissten Bescheid, ABU—OMAR sei auf den Balkan geflüchtet.
20051206             Die vorsätzliche Lüge sollte die Italiener auf eine falsche Fährte locken und die Entführung ABU—OMARS durch Agenten aus Langley kaschieren.
20051206             Die Strategie sei mehr als —1—JAHR lang aufgegangen, berichtete das Blatt unter Berufung auf ITALIENISCHE—JUSTIZDOKUMENTE und Gespräche mit Ermittlern.
20051206             —BEFINDET, —ZURZEIT, sich der Ägypter in dem Land unter Hausarrest.
20051206             Nach Meinung des Historikers Parks Stephenson, der am gestrigen —MONTAG ebenfalls an der KONFERENZ—IN—WOODS—HOLE teilgenommen hat, ist —NUN eine neue Rekonstruktion der "Titan ic"-Katastrophe fällig.
20051206             ROBERT—BALLARD, der das Wrack 19850000             rund 600—KILOMETER südöstlich von Neufundland in einer Tiefe von 3800—METERN entdeckt hat, kommentierte die neuen Funde mit triefendem Sarkasmus.
20051206             "Sie haben 1—FRAGMENT entdeckt. Eine wirklich tolle Sache", sagte er der Nachrichtenagentur AP.
20051206             "Bin ich beeindruckt? Nein. Wenn man dort hinunter taucht, sieht man überall etwas herumliegen".
20051206             Ballard, der mit dem "Titan ic"-Fund 1—VERMÖGEN verdient haben dürfte, scheint mittlerweile das Interesse an dem Wrack verloren zu haben.
20051206             NEW—ORLEANS: Nach uns die Sintflut
20051206             Verschleppung: USA—BÜRGERRECHTLER klagen im Fall Masri gegen CIA
20051206             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "REPUBLIK—DER—ANGST"
20051206             Umfrage: USA—VERBÜNDETE lehnen CIA—GEHEIMVERHÖRE ab
20051206             —ÜBERRASCHT—IRAK: Rumsfeld von der Kraft des Widerstandes
20051206             202-224-6471 - FAX—KIT—BOND: Supports Torture
20051206             202-224-6008 - FAX—THAD—COCHRAN: Supports Torture - No FAX—JOHN—CORNYN: Supports Torture
20051206             202-228-2856 - FAX—JAMES—INHOFE: Supports Torture
20051206             202-228-0380 - FAX—PAT—ROBERTS: Supports Torture
20051206             202-224-3514 - FAX—JEFF—SESSIONS: Supports Torture
20051206             202-224-3149 - FAX—TED—STEVENS: Supports Torture - 202-224-2354 - fax
20051206             Link to orginal vote... This is already being denied in THE—MISS—M
20051206             Selbstmordanschlag: ISRAEL kündigt "Kampf mit allen Mitteln" an
20051206             MANY—NEW—REVELATIONS... - Plaintiffs Sought for Addition to Class...
20051206             Yahoo News - USATODAY.com - A TEXAS judge threw out a conspi racy charge —MONDAY against FORMER—HOUSE Republican Leader TOM—DELAY but
20051206             refused to dismiss 1—MONEY—LAUNDERING charge, moving him closer to 1—CRIMINAL—TRIAL.
20051206             The decision came as 1—NEW—USA—TODAY/CNN /Gallup Pol
20051206             JUDGE—ALLOWS—DELAY—TRIAL on money laundering - Reuters
20051206             upheld other charges that will put the powerful Republican lawmaker on trial for money laundering.
20051206             Rechtsstaat USA : Mutmaßliches CIA—OPFER verklagt FRÜHEREN—GEHEIMDIENSTCHEF (
20051206             Der vom USA—GEHEIMDIENST verschleppte DEUTSCHE—KHALED el Masri hat nach..
20051206             OMEGA—NEWS: I think REAGAN meant to say "Dean should be hanged".
20051206             DAVID—CAMERON folgt als Parteichef auf MICHAEL—HOWARD.
20051206180948       GLOBAL—NEWS—MATRIX Plutonium Could Be Missing From LOS—ALAMOS
20051206—20000000    —IN, DeLay, who is facing questions about his ties to —RECENTLY indicted Republican lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF, has raised $1.09—MILLION——SINCE his fund was set up to fend off 1—DEMOCRAT ic lawsuit, which has been settled.
20051206—20010911    —ON, Police Found Suspected Bombs In WTC 20051206             Titan 's 'rivers' might flow as EARTH—DO
20051206—20010911    —AFTER, For example, 2—CALIFORNIA ID CARDS—OF—FLIGHT 77—PASSENGER, SUSANNE—CALLEY, were miraculously uncovered in the Pentagon wreckage by a 1. responder, CAPTAIN—JIM—INGLEDUE—OF—THE—VIRGINIA—BEACH—FIRE—DEPARTMENT —2—DAYS.
20051206—20010911    —AFTER, And even more miraculously than CALLEY—ID—1—YEAR, 4 unscathed credit cards were returned to the parents of Waleed Iskandar, 1—SUSPICIOUS—FLIGHT 11—PASSENGER also not on the original passenger list but included —1—YEAR—LATER on unofficial flight lists.
20051206—20010911    —AFTER, Prasanna Kalahasthi, 25, 1—USC dental student and oo to Pendyala Vamsikrishna, 1—FLIGHT 11—PASSENGER, killed herslf —1—MONTH in her LOS—ANGELES apartment even though friends say she was 'in good spirits and determined to finish dental school.'
20051206—20010911    —ON, Police Found Suspected Bombs In WTC
20051206—20030217    —AM, war er entfÜhrt und von der USA—LUFTWAFFENBASIS Aviano nach ÄGYPTEN ausgeflogen worden.
20051206—20030300    —IM, MAILAND—ERHIELT die ANTITERROR—ABTEILUNG der ITALIENISCHEN—POLIZEI eine als dringlich eingestufte Mitteilung von der CIA über den ÄGYPTISCHEN—IMAM HASSAN—MUSTAFA—OSAMA—NASR, genannt ABU—OMAR, der EINIGE—WOCHEN zuvor in Mailand auf mysteriöse Weise verschwunden war.
20051206—20040800    —IN, Makhijani said he and colleagues from 2—OTHER—ACTIVIST—GROUPS hoped the problem would be resolved, —WHEN they sent 1—LETTER—OF—COMPLAINT to THEN—LOS Alamos Director G. PETER—NANOS.
20051206—20051206    —ON, - National —DAY—OF—COUNTER—RECRUITMENT : Join CINDY SHEEHAN, HOWARD—ZINN, DAHR JAMAIL, war resisters PABLO—PAREDES + CAMILO MEJIA, Progressive DEMOCRATS—OF—AMERICA—DIRECTOR—TIM—CARPENTER—IRAQ Vets Against the War & Campus Antiwar Network member DAVID—AIRHART + MANY—MORE in supporting this —DAY—OF—COUNTER—RECRUITMENT action !
20051206—20051207    —KILLED, SOUTH—CHINA, police allegedly, as many as 10—20—PROTESTERS in 1—DISPUTE over land use in Dongzhou.
20051206—20051207    Villagers were angry over land confiscations and plans to construct 1—WIND—POWER—PLANT.
20051206—20051207    —SEALED, Armed police, off the village —FOLLOWING the violent clashes.
20051206—20051207    —REPORTED, State news —LATER, 3—VILLAGERS killed and 8 wounded.
20051206—20051216    —EXPECTED, CERTIFICATION—OF—THE—VOTE was.
20051206—20060000    —IN, 18—OFFICERS filed a $20—MILLION—LAWSUIT against SF for defamation and discrimination.
20051210—20051206    —OPENED, Police had, fire on demonstrators there.
20051211—20051206    —ON, 1—NEW—LOW for Lieberman : Lieberman is so MUCH—OF—SERVICE to THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION that THE—PRINCE—OF—DARKNESS himself, Dick Cheney, bestowed praise upon him in 1—SPEECH to another GATHERING—OF—TROOPS.
20060000             06—12—PM ET JAMES—BAKER + LEE—HAMILTON
200611081206         —AM—ET: Races to watch — MT—SEN JON—TESTER (D) leading SENATOR—CONRAD—BURNS 56%-44%
20061120             Ein 18—JÄHRIGER ehemaliger Schüler der GESCHWISTER—SCHOLL—REALSCHULE in Emsdetten verletzt bei 1—AMOKLAUF in seiner FRÜHEREN—SCHULE 37—MENSCHEN.
20061129—20061206    —ON, THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP—NICO—WILL present its report, Reuters reports.
20061204—20061206    alfatomega.com/20061206.html
20061205—20061206    Nearly as MANY—CONTRACTORS as Soliders in IRAQ
20061206             alfatomega.com/20080211.html - alfatomega.com/20050221.html - communications.
20061206             FINOVA Group, INCORPORATED (FNVG), 20010307             , $12089, 20010810             , 156, Banking & Finance.
20061206             alfatomega.com/20050317.html
20061206             Cavuto claims that income inequality isn't "dramatically worse —NOW than —10—YEARS 20060820             years ago".
20061206             You're saying that it's somehow dramatically worse —NOW than it was —10—YEARS 20060820             years ago?
20061206             USA predicts bumper —YEAR in arms sales : THE—USA—GOVERNMENT is on its way to brokering about $20—BILLION in arms sales in the fiscal —YEAR that began 20061001             , steady with —LAST—YEAR—NEAR—RECORD—TOTAL, the Pentagon official responsible for such sales said —ON—MONDAY.
20061206             RATING—UPDATE: NEW—YORK (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Analysten von Prudential Financial stufen die Aktie der BANK—OF—NEW—YORK (ISIN US0640571024/ WKN 858206) von "neutral" auf "overweight" hoch.
20061206             —BUNDLED, AT&T takes, services to 1—WHOLE—NEW—CHANNEL - 20061101             ...
20061206             † 20061206             14. - NICO—THE—NUMBER—OF—USA—TROOPS killed in IRAQ in the 1. —3—DAYS—OF—19901202              4—USA—MILITARY—PERSONNEL have —NOW, in THE—IRAQ war.
20061206             Hope it shames them to hell.
20061206             Published —ON—SUNDAY, 20061203             by CommonDreams_org THE—SURREAL—POLITICS—OF—PREMEDITATED—WAR by R.W. Behan Here is 1—EXCERPT: THE—STORY—OF—GEORGE—BUSH 's premeditated wars —NOW enters its final chapter.
20061206             (20061204             /ac/a/u) - Pfizer Upgrade - (20061204             /ac/a/u)
20061206             —POSTED—TUESDAY, 20061205             , at 6:11 AM ET
20061206             (20061205             /ac/a/u) - Vodafone Upgrade - communications.
20061206             for 1—BRIEFING by GENERAL—ALEXANDER and agency lawyers about protecting Americans' privacy.
20061206             (20061205             /ac/a/u) - Vodafone Upgrade
20061206             WHAT—THE—CAT—BLOG - JOHN—PILGER : "Excellent site".
20061206             HOWARD—ZINN : "Powerful testimonies!
20061206             This certainly deserves to be seen by 1—BROAD—AUDIENCE. You have done 1—EXCELLENT—JOB".
20061206             KEN—LOACH : "Absolutely indispensable!
20061206             TONY—BENN : "—JUST what we need at time —WHEN THE—AMERICA—LEFT gets no coverage in the world's press + yet remains the hope for AMERICA + the world".
20061206             THE—CAT—DREAM - DOCTOR—ROSAS and colleagues found 1—NORTH—SOUTH—VARIATION in Neanderthal jaw bones, suggesting that populations from southern parts of EUROPE had wider, flatter faces.
20061206             The findings may help shed light on the life and DEATH—OF—THE—NEANDERTHALS,
20061206             which became extinct about 10,—000—YEARS—AFTER the arrival of modern humans in EUROPE —AROUND 40,—000—YEARS—AGO.
20061206             MANY—EXPERTS believe they were not able to compete with the moderns for food and shelter.
20061206             8—NEANDERTHAL skeletons have been found at El Sidron
20061206             And On 2. Thought, Feds Say New E—VOTING Machines Need Backup... But Old Ones Can Stay-
20061206             Remember —YESTERDAY how the Technical Guidelines Development COMMITTEE—FOR—THE—NATIONAL—INSTITUTE—OF—STANDARDS and Technology rejected the proposal to require "software independent" E—VOTING machines (such as ones that had 1—PAPER audit trail),
20061206             claiming that it was —JUST too much work to, you know, have integrity in our elections.
20061206             The new proposal says that E—VOTING machines with 1—PAPER trail should be used, but will not decertify existing machines.
20061206             Of course, —WHILE SOME—MAY see this as 1—COMPROMISE solution,
20061206             others may suggest that it's 1—COMPROMISE that compromises THE—INTEGRITY—OF—THE—VOTE.
20061206             GLEN—BECK, that BATSHIT—CRAZY—RATINGS—WHORE on CNN has been going —AFTER the Muslims..ALL—OF—THEM.
20061206             He —NOW suggests that if the "good ones" don't sign up for our military, we should —JUST go ahead and put them all "behind razor wire".
20061206             Its all about ratings folks + with Glen and that windbag bitch NANCY Grace,
20061206             CNN is aiming for FOX—NEW—AUDIENCE in 1—BIG—WAY.
20061206             Sample SOME—OF—HIS tirade from 1—RECENT—SHOW: "Hey, you know what?
20061206             There are good Muslims and bad Muslims.
20061206             We need [them] to be the 1. ones in the recruitment office lining up to shoot the bad Muslims in the head.
20061206             I'm telling you, with God as my witness... human beings are not strong enough, unf... Source:
20061206             —FROM ERIC—ALTERMAN
20061206             BG—ERIC—ALTERMAN: People Say BELIEVE—HALF—OF—WHAT—YOU—SEE...
20061206             Retreating to the friendly confines of the Weekly Standard
20061206             magazine neoconservatives have reignited 1—CONSERVATIVE—CIVIL—WAR over foreign policy.
20061206             —WHILE THE—IRAQ Study Group led by JAMES—BAKER + LEE—HAMILTON appears to have backed key elements
20061206             of 1—PROGRESSIVE strategic redeployment
20061206             plan put forth by the Center for AMERICA—PROGRESS—MORE than —1—YEAR—AGO,
20061206             neoconservatives — reflecting their growing irrelevance and detachment from reality
20061206             — are still insisting that THE—USA—SEND more troops to IRAQ an to oppose dialogue with IRAQ—NEIGHBORS.
20061206             —FOCUSED, The writers at the Weekly Standard have, their attacks on THE—REEMERGENCE—OF—BUSH 41 "realist" foreign policy conservatives.
20061206             In 1—CLEAR—EFFORT to KNEE—CAP THE—BAKER—HAMILTON report —BEFORE it comes out,
20061206             the Weekly Standard has 1—SLEW—OF—ARTICLES attacking THE—IRAQ Study Group, JAMES—BAKER + conservative "realists" like ROBERT—GATES.
20061206             Here is 1—SAMPLING—OF—SOME—OF—THE—ARTICLES currently on the magazine's website:
20061206             "At home and abroad, people have been led to believe that JIM—BAKER and not THE—PRESIDENT was going to call the shots in IRAQ form —NOW on. Happily, that is not the case".
20061206             — "Surge and Run
20061206             — "Surrender as 'Realism'
20061206             " by ROBERT—KAGAN and WILLIAM—KRISTOL, "realism has come to be 1—KIND—OF—CODE—WORD for surrendering"
20061206             " by RALPH—PETERS, "BAKER is the dean emeritus of 1—REACTIONARY SCHOOL—OF—DIPLOMATS...
20061206             It was the "realist" ELEVATION—OF—STABILITY—ABOVE—ALL—OTHER—STRATEGIC factors...gave us not only the radical regime in IRAN,
20061206             but, ultimately, al Qaeda + 20010911             ".
20061206             — MAX—BERGMANN
20061206             —CLEARED, Mobiles '' of cancer risk
20061206             —ASSOCIATED, Long or SHORT—TERM—MOBILE—PHONE—USE is not, with increased RISK—OF—CANCER, 1—MAJOR—STUDY finds.
20061206             Taste test 'may show depression'
20061206             Scientists say it may be possible to develop 1—TASTE test to diagnose depression and to decide on drugs.
20061206             Report 'urges IRAQ policy shift'
20061206             1—MAJOR—REPORT on USA—POLICY in IRAQ urges talks with IRAN and Syria over the country's future, leaks suggest.
20061206             DR CONGO—PRESIDENT sworn in
20061206             —INAUGURATED, JOSEPH—KABILA is, in DR CONGO, —FOLLOWING 1—OF—AFRICA—MOST significant elections in recent years.
20061206             —HALTED, Flights, at BRAZIL airports
20061206             —OVERPLAYED, Pinochet illness 'not '
20061206             Doctors reject claims that CHILE—EX—LEADER—AUGUSTO Pinochet has exaggerated his illness to avoid prosecution.
20061206             1. flight for future fighter
20061206             The world's most expensive military project, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, is due to take to the skies —NEXT—WEEK.
20061206             THAILAND buries last tsunami dead
20061206             —KILLED, THAILAND lays to rest the final bodies of those, in 1—OF—THE—REGIONS—HARDEST—HIT by 20040000             —THE tsunami.
20061206             EX—SPY contact 'meets UK police'
20061206             1—CONTACT—OF—EX—KGB spy ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO is to meet UK investigators, 1—ASSOCIATE has told THE—BBC.
20061206             Dalits stage mass rally in Mumbai
20061206             —GATHERED, THOUSANDS—OF—LOW—CASTE Hindus, or Dalits have, in THE—INDIA—CITY—OF—MUMBAI for 1—RALLY.
20061206             The hunt for EARTH—LIKE—PLANETS is to be STEPPED—UP as 1—NEW—MISSION, Corot, prepares for launch.
20061206             's privacy watchdogs make public debut
20061206             At its 1. public meeting, 1—WHITE—HOUSE—PANEL hears from civil liberties advocates, but sheds little light on its supposed watchdog role.
20061206             Would You Trust RFID—ENABLED ATM Cards?-
20061206             "As 1—REGULAR—SLASHDOT reader I've followed the development and implementation of RFID devices in MANY—UBIQUITOUS—AREAS such as clothing,
20061206             passports and even people.
20061206             —TAGGED, Given that our environment is becoming increasingly,
20061206             often without our knowledge or consent + can be monitored or hacked by anyone with the proper hardware,
20061206             skills and motivation, I viewed the recent arrival of 2—NEW—ATM cards containing RFID chips with skepticism.
20061206             —WHILE this feature may bring the increased convenience of speedy checkouts,
20061206             it is not something I am completely comfortable using and decided that THE—SAFETY—OF—MY personal data was more important than the ability to buy things quickly.
20061206             —COUPLED, The vulnerable nature of RFID security, with recent, though unrelated,
20061206             reports of 1—POSSIBLE—SECURITY—FLAW—IN—ATMS make me seriously question whether the marriage of wireless data transfer with personal finance is 1—WISE—APPLICATION—OF—TECHNOLOGY.
20061206             To add another issue on to the fire: Would you trust RFID technology on your cards?
20061206             Is Google Too Smart For Its Own Good?-
20061206             Fortune speculating on what's next for Google.
20061206             —SUPERSATURATED, The writer believes that 1, solution of very smart people,
20061206             plus stock that may have run out of upside, will yield what he calls SON—OF—GOOGLE — 1—LARGE—WAVE—OF—INNOVATIVE—COMPANIES created by Google graduates.
20061206             And 1—GOOGLE less intent on hiring + less able to hire, the very smartest people —AROUND.
20061206             "...with DOE funding, 1—CONCENTRATOR—SOLAR—CELL produced by BOEING—SPECTROLAB has —RECENTLY achieved 1—WORLD—RECORD—CONVERSION—EFFICIENCY—OF—40.7 % ,
20061206             establishing a new milestone in SUNLIGHT—TO—ELECTRICITY—PERFORMANCE".
20061206             —LINKED, This page, from WIKIPEDIA—ARTICLE on solar energy, calculates the land area that would need to be covered by solar collectors at 8% efficiency to meet the world's energy needs (using 20030000             figures).
20061206             At 40% efficiency, it looks like 1—SQUARE—265—MILES on 1—SIDE in THE—AMERICA—SOUTHWEST would do it.
20061206             Arresting Cop in Gibson Case Attacked By Sheriff-
20061206             —ARRESTED, THE—DEPUTY who, Mel Gibson for D.U.I. is under attack -- by his own department.
20061206             L.A. County SHERIFF—DEPUTY—JAMES—MEE "was forced into 1—INTERNAL—AFFAIRS—INVESTIGATION within —72—HOURS—OF—THE—ARREST—OF—MR.
20061206             Gibson," according to 1—LETTER sent...
20061206             Hero of 20010911             Won't Stop Speaking Out Against BUSH -
20061206             —1—MINUTE he was going about his business, the next he was looking at 1—VISION from THE—DEPTHS—OF—HELL.
20061206             —STILL reeling from 1—BLAST which rocked the World Trade Center, WILLIAM—RODRIGUEZ could hardly believe what he was seeing".
20061206             1—MAN came running into the office shouting 'explosion, explosion!'" MISTER—RODRIGUEZ soon saw a 3. of his body had been badly burnt by the blast.
20061206             —TRANSFORMED, It was THE—START—OF—1—DAY that, MISTER—RODRIGUEZ from 1—MAINTENANCE—MAN to the hero of 20010911
20061206             —HELPED, He ran back into the crumbling tower 3—TIMES +, save HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE... For MISTER—RODRIGUEZ... Source:
20061206             Common Dreams Article Connects the Dots-
20061206             This is 1—FANTASTIC—ARTICLE -- and I know that MUCH—OF—THE—GATE—KEEPING left keeps up with the Common Dreams site.
20061206             —PREMEDITATED, Here is 1—EXCERPT: THE—STORY—OF—GEORGE—BUSH 's, wars —NOW enters its final chapter.
20061206             The catastrophic event takes place.
20061206             1 hijacked airliner probably en route to THE—WHITE—HOUSE crashes in PENNSYLVANIA,
20061206             the Pentagon is afire + the Twin TOWERS—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER are rubble.
20061206             In the 1. hours of frenetic response, fully aware of al QAEDA—CULPABILITY,
20061206             both PRESIDENT—BUSH + SECRETARY—RUMSFELD seek frantically to link SADDAM—HUSSEIN to the attacks, we know fr... Source:
20061206             Politics: —WHILE We Weren't Looking- - foreigners
20061206             Haven't we?
20061206             † WELL, we have learned that Litvinenko, —AFTER somehow ingesting polonium-210,
20061206             a relatively rare radioactive substance.
20061206             —LEARNED, We have
20061206             that 1—MYSTERIOUS—ITALIAN, MARIO—SCARAMELLA— 1—SELF—EMPLOYED "security expert" who —LAST—YEAR claimed he'd found EX—KGB men selling nuclear material in THE—POSTAGE—STAMP REPUBLIC—OF—SAN—MARINO
20061206             -has been poisoned, too.
20061206             —LEARNED, We have, that various other EX—KGB agents floating —AROUND LONDON have also tested positive for polonium-210, as have 1—PICCADILLY sushi restaurant,
20061206             1—LONDON hotel room + 1—COUPLE—OF—AIRPLANES. We have seen 1—PHOTOGRAPH
20061206             of Litvinenko flaunting KGB gauntlets, 1—CHECHEN sword + 1—UNION—JACK.
20061206             We have also seen a photograph
20061206             of Litvinenko with tubes in his body on his death bed.
20061206             T READING, click here.
20061206             Unclaimed TERRITORY—BY GLENN—GREENWALD: HOWARD—KURTZ speaks on JOSE—PADILLA:
20061206             —JUST SOME—LEG shackles for the Dirty Bomber-
20061206             ScienceDaily: Toward Tracing THE—SOURCE—OF—ANTHRAX 20010000             —IN—THE—TERRORISM—ATTACKS
20061206             Scene & Heard - The seamy underside of asbestos litigation.
20061206             1—FEDERAL—PANEL——YESTERDAY rejected 1—RECOMMENDATION that states use only voting machines whose results could be verified independently.... Source:
20061206             WP: Order reveals FEMA aid shortcomings - - USA—DROPS plan to open up airlines
20061206             THE—USA halts plan to give foreign investors more control over its airlines, probably delaying 1—OPEN—SKIES—TREATY.
20061206             Cavuto to Krugman: 'You Are Lying To People'-
20061206             Princeton economist and NEW—YORK—TIMES—COLUMNIST—PAUL—KRUGMAN went on FOX—NEWS this afternoon to talk about his new article in Rolling Stone Magazine,
20061206             "How THE—SUPER—RICH Are Screwing AMERICA".
20061206             KRUGMAN—ARTICLE is about how income inequality is getting worse and,
20061206             as 1—RESULT, even though SOME—AGGREGATE—ECONOMIC—INDICATORS are positive, most people aren't benefiting.
20061206             Cavuto told Krugman, "HERE—WHAT I'm saying that you're doing:
20061206             You are lying to people". Cavuto claims that income inequality isn't "dramatically worse —NOW than —10—YEARS 20060820             years ago".
20061206             CAVUTO: HERE—WHAT I'm saying that you're doing: You are lying to people.
20061206             That's what I think that you're doing.
20061206             KRUGMAN: I haven't heard 1—LIE yet.
20061206             But, look, if that's the way you want to do it, I mean, fair and balanced, go all the way.
20061206             Look, c'mon, THE—FACT—OF—THE—MATTER is—
20061206             CAVUTO: No, no, you don't have to be snide.
20061206             You have to be factual. KRUGMAN: You're being snide.
20061206             CAVUTO: No, no, you're mentioning good data.
20061206             You're saying there's 1—GROWING divide between the haves and have nots.
20061206             —ARGUED, Others have, that very effectively and very eloquently, —JUST like you.
20061206             —APPLIED, All I'm saying is that the math that, —NOW, can't you apply it in other periods,
20061206             —WHEN there have been Democratic presidents who've had the same dislocations?
20061206             KRUGMAN: Yeah, actually, it is dramatically worse —NOW than it was —10—YEARS, —20—YEARS—AGO.
20061206             ALL—OF—THE—MEASURES of inequalities have —JUST gone off the charts.
20061206             It didn't start with BUSH — and I actually say that if anybody, you know,
20061206             buy Rolling Stone, read the article — it actually starts even —BEFORE Reagan, so this is not —JUST BUSH.
20061206             THE—POINT—OF—THE—MATTER is that, —WHEN, in these last —5—YEARS, as it's becomes clear that this is 1—REALLY growing problem,
20061206             that most people are not sharing in the economy's growth, THE—POLICIES—OF—BUSH have been at EVERY—POINT to push that inequality further.
20061206             to approve ROBERT—GATES ' nomination as defense SECRETARY, 21-0. 1—FULL—SENATE is expected tomorrow.
20061206             Pundit Attacking Muslim Congressman Is Bush Appointee to Holocaust Memorial BOARD-
20061206             —RAISED, RIGHT—WING talk show host DENNIS—PRAGER has, 1—FIRESTORM charging that Rep.-elect KEITH—ELLISON (D—MN),
20061206             the 1. Muslim elected to Congress, must swear in using 1—BIBLE.
20061206             He said that if Ellison swears in with 1—QURAN, it would "undermin[e] AMERICA—CIVILIZATION" and be akin to swearing in with 1—COPY—OF—HITLER'S "Mein Kampf".
20061206             Prager is not 1—TYPICAL—TALK—RADIO host.
20061206             In ;;09;;, he was appointed by PRESIDENT—BUSH to a —5—YEAR—TERM on THE—TAXPAYER—FUNDED USA Holocaust Memorial Council.
20061206             1—STATEMENT announcing PRAGER—APPOINTMENT praised his "unique moral voice.
20061206             —YESTERDAY, the Council on AMERICA—ISLAMIC—RELATIONS called on Prager to be removed from this position:
20061206             —ON EVERY—SOCIETY.
20061206             Likewise, THE—ANTI—DEFAMATION—LEAGUE, 1—GROUP battling ANTI—SEMITISM and other bigotry, issued 1—STATEMENT
20061206             calling PRAGER—VIEWS "intolerant," "misinformed on the facts," and "downright UN—AMERICAN".
20061206             Bush _Appointee_to_Holocaust_Memorial">Digg It!
20061206             —LOOKED, Nico - "1—NEW—INVESTIGATION by National Public Radio, at troops diagnosed with mental health disorders and concluded that 'officers at FORT
20061206             Carson punish soldiers who need help + even kick them OUT—OF—THE—ARMY.
20061206             '" PAUL—RIECKHOFF, HEAD—OF—THE—IRAQ & AFGHANISTAN VETERANS—OF—AMERICA, Cheney reemerges.-
20061206             will preside over the Senate —ON—THURSDAY
20061206             —DURING Senate Majority Leader BILL—FRIST—FAREWELL speech on the Senate floor".
20061206             Gates : Attacking IRAN Would 'Worsen THE—VIOLENCE—IN—IRAQ—AND—LEAD—TO Greater AMERICA—CASUALTIES'-
20061206             THE—PENTAGON is actively planning
20061206             + the administration is reportedly considering, 1—PREEMPTIVE strike on IRAN.
20061206             GATES said "the consequences of 1—MILITARY—CONFLICT with IRAN could be quite dramatic" and agreed it would "worsen the violence in IRAQ and lead to greater AMERICA—CASUALTIES".
20061206             —RESPECTED, GATES joins MANY—OTHER, national security experts who believe there are no good military options in IRAN.
20061206             BYRD: MISTER—CHAIRMAN, I thank you.
20061206             And, DOCTOR—GATES, our relationship goes back over 1—NUMBER—OF—YEARS.
20061206             Do you support — —NOW, we hear all these rumors about the potential for 1—ATTACK on IRAN due to its nuclear weapons program,
20061206             or on Syria due to its SUPPORT—OF—TERRORISM.
20061206             Do you support 1—ATTACK on IRAN?
20061206             GATES : SENATOR—BYRD, I think that military action against IRAN would be 1—ABSOLUTE last resort,
20061206             that ANY—PROBLEMS that we have with IRAN, our 1. option should be diplomacy and working with our allies to try and deal with the problems that IRAN is posing to us.
20061206             And I think that the consequences of 1—MILITARY—CONFLICT with IRAN could be quite dramatic.
20061206             BYRD: Would you say that 1—ATTACK on either IRAN or Syria would worsen the violence in IRAQ and lead to greater AMERICA—CASUALTIES?
20061206             BYRD: Your answer is yes on both questions?
20061206             GATES : Yes, sir, very likely.
20061206             —STILL hasn't seen An Inconvenient Truth.-
20061206             GORE: Well, he claimed that would not see it. That's why I wrote the book.
20061206             HE—1—READER.
20061206             —FOR—6—YEARS, Congress has done nothing to address the climate crisis,
20061206             thanks in no small part to THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—HOUSE—ENERGY and Commerce Committee, "Smokey" JOE—BARTON (R—TX).
20061206             The 110. Congress will have new leadership,
20061206             but Barton has pledged t fighting against legislation intended to address the problem.
20061206             Energy and Environment Daily (sub. only) has the story:
20061206             REPRESENTATIVE—JOE—BARTON (R—TEXAS) said —YESTERDAY he intends to block Democrats from passing 1—MANDATORY—FEDERAL—CAP on HEAT—TRAPPING greenhouse gas emissions.
20061206             " I will be 1—ACTIVE—PART—OF—ANY—LEADERSHIP—EFFORT to prevent it passing in the House ," the outgoing chairman of the powerful Energy and Commerce Committee told reporters —AFTER speaking at 1—EVENT hosted by THE—AMERICA—PETROLEUM Institute and the Energy Department.
20061206             —JUSTIFIED, Barton says his action is, because global warming science is "pretty weak stuff".
20061206             —ADDED, Barton,
20061206             Gender pay gap narrows,-
20061206             NICO—NOT "because women are making great strides but because men's wages are eroding,
20061206             Incoming Armed Services COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—CARL—LEVIN'S (D—MI) 1. question to Defense SECRETARY—NOMINEE—ROBERT—GATES :
20061206             "MISTER—GATES, do you believe that we are currently winning in IRAQ?" - GATES ' answer: "No, sir".
20061206             —JUST weeks ago, PRESIDENT—BUSH expressed the opposite position.
20061206             REPORTER: Are we winning?
20061206             PRESIDENT—BUSH: Absolutely, we're winning.
20061206             Last night on "Countdown with KEITH—OLBERMANN," WASHINGTON—POST—REPORTER—DANA Milbank discussed the —RECENTLY leaked DONALD—RUMSFELD memo that called for a "major adjustment
20061206             —CALLED, Milbank, the memo a "classic" example of "COVER—YOUR—ASS memo writing in WASHINGTON".
20061206             —LISTED, RUMSFELD " EVERY—CONCEIVABLE option" in his memo, Milbank says, to allow himself to claim, "Well, I recommended we go in that direction".
20061206             "This was something of 1 authorized leak by RUMSFELD—PEOPLE in order to protect his legacy here," Milbank added.
20061206             OLBERMANN: Time to call in our own Dana Milbank, national political reporter for the "WASHINGTON—POST".
20061206             Dana, good —EVENING. MILBANK: Good —EVENING, Keith.
20061206             Forgive me for going to it again.
20061206             This reads like JACOB—MARLEY—GHOST warning Scrooge.
20061206             MILBANK: Oh, I don't think we're giving DON—RUMSFELD enough credit for this.
20061206             This is 1—CLASSIC.
20061206             —HEADED, This is, for THE—HALL—OF—FAME—OF—COVER—YOUR—ASS memo writing in WASHINGTON, —WHEN we've already had 1—LOT—OF—THOSE.
20061206             Of course there's 1—DISCREPANCY between what THE—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE was saying and what THE—PRESIDENT was saying.
20061206             —LISTED, But look at what he's done here, is he's, EVERY—CONCEIVABLE option so that he can —NOW + for future historians,
20061206             say whatever the outcome in IRAQ, 'Well I recommended we go in that direction.' Because he has recommended increasing troops,
20061206             decreasing troops, staying the same, adding trainers, —JUST about EVERY—POSSIBLE—PERMUTATION.
20061206             —HAPPENED, What would have, if the Republicans had retained both the House and the Senate and there'd been no need to show RUMSFELD the door?
20061206             —LEAKED, MILBANK: Well, then his loyalists wouldn't have, the memo.
20061206             —AUTHORIZED, It seems pretty clear that this was something of 1, leak by RUMSFELD—PEOPLE in order to protect his legacy here.
20061206             REPRESENTATIVE—JIM—MORAN: Bush Was Warned To Be 'Extra Sensitive' About WEBB—SON
20061206             ?" referring to WEBB—SON—JIMMY, who is serving in IRAQ. Webb answered, "I'd like to get them out of IRAQ, MISTER—PRESIDENT," to which BUSH responded,
20061206             "That's not what I asked you".
20061206             —REPLIED, Webb then, "That's between me and my boy,
20061206             Last night, FOX—NEWS host BILL—O'REILLY said Webb was "rude," "inappropriate," and "disrespectful," because BUSH was merely trying to extend a "NICE gesture".
20061206             —CALLED, THE—NATIONAL—REVIEW—CORNER, him "classless
20061206             " and conservative columnist GEORGE—WILL labeled him "1—BOOR.
20061206             But according to REPRESENTATIVE—JIM—MORAN (D—VA), BUSH was told that WEBB—SON had 1—RECENT brush with death in IRAQ
20061206             and was warned to be "extra sensitive"
20061206             —WHEN talking to the Sen.-elect.
20061206             ThinkProgress —YESTERDAY spoke with MORAN—OFFICE and confirmed the congressman's statement, 1. reported by hcc in VA:
20061206             —BRIEFED, Not only did BUSH know about it, he was specifically, on the incident —BEFORE meeting with Webb + was cautioned to be extra sensitive in speaking with Webb about his son.
20061206             —AFTER such 1—BRIEFING, BUSH perhaps shouldn't have been so surprised about WEBB—UNWILLINGNESS to CHIT—CHAT about his son.
20061206             Bush _Was_Warned_To_Be_Extra_Sensitive_About_Webb_s_Son">Digg It!
20061206             "1—SWATH—OF—AMAZON rain forest the size of ALABAMA was placed under government protection —MONDAY,
20061206             "contains more than 25—PERCENT—OF—THE—WORLD—REMAINING humid tropical forests and the largest remaining unpolluted fresh water reserves in THE—AMERICA—TROPICS".
20061206             Hearings for Defense nominee ROBERT—GATES are —TODAY.
20061206             GATES has said "that he supported BUSH—DECISION to invade 20030000             and that leaving IRAQ 'in chaos' would harm USA interests for MANY—YEARS.
20061206             Beyond that he has not said
20061206             how THE—USA—MIGHT get IRAQ moving in the right direction".
20061206             Hours —AFTER his meeting —YESTERDAY with PRESIDENT—BUSH, powerful Shiite polititian ABDUL—AZIZ—AL—HAKIM gave 1—SPEECH denying that "Shiite militias are fueling the sectarian strife" and issuing "1—OF—THE—STARKEST criticisms of USA military strategy
20061206             A semiannual report
20061206             immigration officials demanding sex in exchange for visas, airport screeners stealing money from tourists' luggage,
20061206             FEDERAL—AIR—MARSHALS smuggling drugs + employees from various DHS agencies committing sex crimes".
20061206             THE—SUPREME—COURT is set to rule against "what is left, if anything, of Brown v. BOARD—OF—EDUCATION.
20061206             " —AFTER hearings —YESTERDAY on 2—SCHOOLS' racial integration programs, "the only question
20061206             was how far the court would go in ruling such plans unconstitutional".
20061206             —SUPPOSED, Although companies are, to pay royalties EVERY—TIME they drill for oil or gas on FEDERAL—PROPERTY,
20061206             the Interior Department has audited —JUST 20—PERCENT—OF—COMPANIES.
20061206             "THE—REST—OF—THE—TIME, the payments are made on the honor system.
20061206             But the government agency 'could not accurately count
20061206             100,000: THE—NUMBER—OF—GOVERNMENT—CONTRACTORS operating in IRAQ, "1—TOTAL that is approaching THE—SIZE—OF—THE—USA—MILITARY—FORCE there".
20061206             Rep.
20061206             Janice D. Schakowsky (D—IL) said the estimate "further demonstrates the need for Congress to finally engage in responsible, serious and aggressive oversight
20061206             " over private military contracting.
20061206             "THE—ARMY and Marine Corps have sunk more than 40—PERCENT—OF—THEIR—GROUND combat equipment into the wars in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN".
20061206             Replacing, repairing + upgrading combat equipment will cost at least $17—BILLION annually
20061206             for several more years; —BEFORE the war, "the Army spent $2.5—BILLION to $3—BILLION —1—YEAR on wear and tear".
20061206             Incoming House Speaker NANCY Pelosi (D—CA) "wants to FAST—TRACK—EFFORTS to boost THE—FEDERAL—MINIMUM—WAGE ," and she is pushing for a "stand alone" bill that "will go straight to the floor for consideration.
20061206             And finally: Conservative seeking conservative for 1—RADICAL—NIGHT out - "[T]he CHRISTIAN—RIGHT
20061206             —RETREATED, NICO—HAS largely, from the culture wars,
20061206             " according to NEW—YORK—TIMES—COLUMNIST—NICHOLAS—KRISTOF.
20061206             KEVIN—DRUM asks, "What planet was this written from?"
20061206             "Stop complaining about health care.- - There is no solution".
20061206             — SENATOR—JOHN—SUNUNU (R—NH),
20061206             speaking to state business leaders about their concerns over health care costs.
20061206             Die Mailänder Staatsanwaltschaft hat die Eröffnung eines Verfahrens gegen 35—PERSONEN—DARUNTER der EX—CHEF—DES ITALIENISCHEN—MILITÄRGEHEIMDIENSTES Sismi,
20061206             Nicolo POLLARI—IM Zusammenhang mit der EntfÜhrung eines ÄGYPTISCHEN—IMAMS beantragt.
20061206             Unter den Angeklagten sind auch 26—CIA—AGENTEN.
20061206             Der moslemische Geistliche Osama MUSTAFA—HASSAN alias ABU—OMAR wurde nach eigener Darstellung
20061206             Impressionen eines DEUTSCHLAND—FLÜCHTLINGS (1)-
20061206             Militär putscht Regierung auf den Fischi Inseln-
20061206             Auf den FIDSCHI—INSELN hat nach monatelangem Machtkampf die Armee die REGIERUNG—VON—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT—LAISENIA—QARASE gestÜrzt.
20061206             —ENTLASSEN, Das Militär habe die Regierung übernommen und Qarase, sagte Armeechef Voreqe Bainimarama.
20061206             Er begrÜndete den Schritt mit der Weigerung von Qarase zurÜckzutreten.
20061206             Ein strahlender Mord- - Es war ein strahlender Mord mit gekonnter PR—BEGLEITUNG.
20061206             sucht SCOTLAND Yard in LONDON falsche und echte Spuren in Richtung eines Motives zu ordnen.
20061206             Quit smoking drug available in UK-
20061206             1—NON—NICOTINE drug specifically designed to help smokers quit is —NOW available in THE—UK.
20061206             Cell Phones Freed! Poor Suffer?
20061206             Say Hello to the Goodbye Weapon
20061206             1—NEW—RADIATION—WEAPON that produces the "Goodbye effect" -- making victims run like CRAZY—HAS been certified for use in IRAQ.
20061206             —RIPPED, It feels like the skin is being, from your face, but the military says it's perfectly safe.
20061206             1—SPECIAL "FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION" report by DAVID—HAMBLING.
20061206             New Weapon, Human Tests
20061206             —OBTAINED, Here are several documents, under THE—FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—ACT detailing THE—USA—MILITARY—EXTENSIVE—HUMAN—TESTS—OF—ITS—ACTIVE—DENIAL System -- 1—NONLETHAL weapon that uses millimeter wave radiation to induce instant,
20061206             searing pain that forces people to flee instantly. MUM—THE—WORD on NSA Spying
20061206             Under questioning, THE—WHITE—HOUSE—NEW—PRIVACY oversight BOARD admits its knows how MANY—AMERICANS were targeted by 1—CONTROVERSIAL—SURVEILLANCE—PROGRAM.
20061206             But it won't share the data and won't say if it recommends the data be shared.
20061206             In 27B Stroke 6. - IRAN blocks video sharing site YouTube
20061206             Blog: IRAN is preventing its citizens from accessing VIDEO—SHARING site YouTube, according to 1—REPORT by the Associated Press.
20061206             HI—RES cam spots space junk on Mars
20061206             The new HI—RES camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has located THE—REMAINS—OF—SPACE—PROBES sent to investigate the Red Planet.
20061206             Panel changes course, approves E—VOTING checks
20061206             Reworded proposal would call for new systems to be "software independent," but emphasizes current machines would be unaffected.
20061206             USA to create 'risk assessments' of air passengers
20061206             DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY—IMPLEMENTS DATA—MINING system for passengers traveling to THE—USA
20061206             Can statistics predict who'll attempt murder?
20061206             Turning cell phones into lifelines
20061206             Cell phones constantly update of their position with cell towers, making them 1—IMPORTANT—TOOL in finding lost persons.
20061206             "Would —15—SECONDS be enough warning time to prepare for 1—EARTHQUAKE?
20061206             It certainly wouldn't be long enough to evacuate from where you live,
20061206             but it may be —JUST long enough to get out of 1—BUILDING or brace yourself in 1—DOORFRAME or under 1—SOLID—DESK.
20061206             —DISCOVERED, ITALY—SCIENTISTS may have, 1—WAY to measure the initial shockwave of 1—EARTHQUAKE —2—SECONDS—AFTER it starts + from it predict the extent of the destructive secondary wave that will follow.
20061206             It typically takes —20—SECONDS for the secondary wave to spread 40—MILES,
20061206             so sensors that can transmit warnings at THE—SPEED—OF—LIGHT may provide —JUST enough warning —BEFORE 1—MAJOR quake for people to brace themselves.
20061206             Even more importantly, such 1—WARNING could allow for utilities like gas companies to close safety valves,
20061206             preventing potential fires or explosions in the aftermath of the quake".
20061206             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES has 1—PIECE on the lackluster prospects facing the great MAJORITY—OF—INDIA—COLLEGE graduates.
20061206             Most of THE—11—MILLION—STUDENTS in INDIA—18,000—COLLEGES and universities receive starkly inferior training,
20061206             according to the article, heavy on obedience and rote memorization and light on useful job skills.
20061206             'What the market wants and what the school provides are totally different,' 1—COMMERCE—STUDENT said.... [A] FINAL—YEAR—STUDENT who expects —NEXT—YEAR to make $2 to $4—1—DAY hawking credit cards,
20061206             was dejected.
20061206             'The opportunities we get at this stage are sad,' she said.
20061206             'We might as well not have studied.'"
20061206             MILLIMETER—WAVE—WEAPON Certified For Use In IRAQ-
20061206             "Wired has 1—STORY on the certification of the Active Denial System for use in IRAQ.
20061206             THE—ADS is 1—MILLIMETER—WAVE—WEAPON that uses 1—REPORTEDLY—NON—LETHAL energy beam to inflict SHORT—TERM—PAIN on its targets,
20061206             encouraging them to leave 1—AREA.
20061206             Experimenters call this the 'Goodbye effect.
20061206             I can see using this in 1—WARTIME situation, but how long —BEFORE we see these things mounted to the top of S.W.A.T. vans for domestic crowd control?
20061206             And, is that 1—BAD—IDEA?" THE—ADS shoots 1—BEAM of millimeters waves,
20061206             which are longer in wavelength than X—RAYS but shorter than microwaves — 94—GHZ (= 3—MM wavelength) compared to 2.45—GHZ (= 12—CM wavelength) in 1—STANDARD microwave oven... —WHILE subjects may feel like they have sustained serious burns,
20061206             the documents claim effects are not LONG—LASTING.
20061206             At most, 'SOME—VOLUNTEERS who tolerate the heat may experience prolonged redness or even small blisters'.
20061206             There has been no independent CHECKING—OF—THE—MILITARY—CLAIMS".
20061206             Wired used FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—ACT—REQUESTS to obtain documents on the military's testing program.
20061206             "THE—WIDELY—PUBLICIZED reforms to AUSTRALIA—COPYRIGHT — which would turn iPod, camera phone and DVD recorder owners into criminals — have been significantly amended.
20061206             —PASSED, The amendment bill was, this past —FRIDAY, —AFTER the changes were put into place.
20061206             THE—LABOR and Green parties still have problems with the bill as it exists,
20061206             but the Labor party (at least) wants to let it go based on the fact that it is 'a million times' better than the original proposed legislation.
20061206             "—FOLLOWING 1—OUTCRY by industry bodies and the public, [ATTORNEY—GENERAL—PHILIP] Ruddock amended the bill.
20061206             'THE—GOVERNMENT has listened to the Senate Committee and stakeholders and has improved THE—EFFECTIVENESS—OF—THE—REFORMS,' MISTER—RUDDOCK said in 1—STATEMENT.
20061206             'The amended reforms make it clear consumers can transfer the music they own onto devices such as iPods and enable the next WAVE—OF—TECHNOLOGY by allowing people to record 1—TV or radio program on MOBILE devices to watch it at 1—MORE—CONVENIENT—TIME.
20061206             —REMOVED, The amendments also, ON—THE—SPOT—FINES for SOME—COPYRIGHT—OFFENSES, to ensure they didn't 'unintentionally capture harmless activities of ordinary Australians'".
20061206             Universal and MySpace Square Off Over DMCA-
20061206             "Universal and MySpace look to be on 1—COLLISION—COURSE that could shape THE—FUTURE—OF—MEDIA—COMPANIES and THE—INTERNET.
20061206             The article discusses THE—DMCA—IMPACT on their case + talks ways in which the law lags behind THE—REALITIES—OF—TECHNOLOGY.
20061206             "Yet, as lawyers prepare for battle, they do so on uncertain legal ground.
20061206             —INJECTED, That fact has, considerable uncertainty into the matter, according to copyright experts + helps explain why lawyers from both sides are proclaiming that THE—DMCA, as it is known, is on their side".
20061206             Open Source Spying-
20061206             —SCUTTLEMONKEY—LEMONKEY—89+ - eldavojohn writes
20061206             "THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES is running 1—VERY—LENGTHY but amazingly interesting article on the short HISTORY—OF—OPEN—SOURCE—SOFTWARE and information on THE—INSIDE—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY.
20061206             The article discusses THE—TRANSFORMATION—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY from fighting the Cold War with traditional information exchange to fighting terrorism —TODAY utilizing things like wikis & blogs.
20061206             in which everyday citizens swap news, dial up satellite pictures of their houses and collaborate on distant Web sites with strangers.
20061206             As JOHN—ARQUILLA told me, if the spies do not join THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD,
20061206             they risk growing to resemble the rigid, unchanging bureaucracy that they once confronted —DURING the cold war.
20061206             "—15—YEARS—AGO we were fighting THE—SOVIET—UNION," he said.
20061206             "Who knew it would be replicated —TODAY in the intelligence community?
20061206             ' You may recall that THE—CIA——NOW has their own classified Wiki.
20061206             I think it's interesting that 20010911             —THE—REPORT recommended that USA—AGENCIES such as the DoD,
20061206             CIA & FBI learn to share information more freely to overcome terrorism and —NOW they're turning to INTERNET community applications to accomplish that".
20061206             NASA Unveils Strategy for Return to the Moon-
20061206             —SCUTTLEMONKEY—LEMONKEY—296+ - mknewman writes to tell us that
20061206             —ANNOUNCED, NASA —RECENTLY, plans to build 1—PERMANENT—BASE on the moon
20061206             —HIRED, Update: 20010911             : FEMA's, gun: "Towers columns 'sunk'''==== Structural engineer describes COLLAPSE—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER—TOWERS
20061206             UK policies driving wedge between Muslims, wider society: STUDY—IRNA-
20061206             —FITTED, JOSE—PADILLA, with BLACKED—OUT goggles, was videotaped by the government —WHEN he was allowed outside solitary confinement to see 1—DENTIST.
20061206             UN CHIEF—TELLS—OF—IRAQ war sorrow
20061206             The killing in IRAQ is —NOW worse than 1—CIVIL—WAR, outgoing UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN says in 1—BBC interview.
20061206             - Chavez wins VENEZUELA election
20061206             PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ—OF—VENEZUELA declares a "defeat for the devil" as he wins 1—FRESH—TERM in office.
20061206             Nation Of Flimflam
20061206             —CALLED, Ever hear of 1—COUNTRY, the dominion of Melchizedek?
20061206             It's said to include much of ANTARCTICA, MOST—OF—THE—WEST—PACIFIC and ALL—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20061206             Nonetheless, we're not talking about 1—EMERGING superpower.
20061206             —MOVED, Soldiers, against at least 2—POLICE compounds in FIJI —ON—MONDAY, seizing weapons in the apparent 1. step toward taking over THE—SOUTH—PACIFIC—ISLAND nation.
20061206             PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ was RE—ELECTED in 1—LANDSLIDE, giving him 1—STRONGER—MANDATE for his SOCIALIST—INSPIRED policies.
20061206             - PHILIPPINES Buries Dead; Typhoon?s Toll at 406
20061206             —WARNED, Officials, that the death toll would certainly climb and that there was little hope of finding more survivors.
20061206             THE—HUFFINGTON—POST | FULL NEWS FEED -
20061206             - Repair Work To NEW—ORLEANS Levees Dragging...
20061206             —FOR—MONTHS, the Army CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS raced through the city, frantically patching broken levees and building floodGATES to prepare for 1—HURRICANE season,
20061206             —NOW ended, that produced no hurricanes here.
20061206             SENATOR—BARACK—OBAMA—ANNOUNCEMENT that he might run for PRESIDENT is altering the early dynamics of 20080000             —THE—DEMOCRATIC nominating contest.
20061206             —CREATED, The move has, complications for SENATOR—HILLARY—RODHAM—CLINTON as she steps up her own preparations and is posing 1—THREAT to LESSER—KNOWN Democrats trying to position themselves as alternatives to Mrs.
20061206             - CONDITIONS—OF—DETENTION...Unprecedented In THE—MILITARY—JUSTICE—SYSTEM...
20061206             —1—SPRING —DAY—DURING his 3 + 1—HALF—YEARS as 1—ENEMY combatant, JOSE—PADILLA experienced 1—BREAK from the monotony of his solitary confinement in 1—BARE—CELL in the brig at the Naval Weapons Station in CHARLESTON, S.C
20061206             - WAL—MART Launches Thank You Program To Calm EMPLOYEE—DISCONTENT...
20061206             - Report: USA—TRAINED AFGHANISTAN—POLICE "Largely Incapable' Of Routine Work...
20061206             —5—YEARS—AFTER the fall of the Taliban, 1—JOINT—REPORT by the Pentagon and THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT has found that THE—AMERICA—TRAINED police force in AFGHANISTAN is largely incapable of carrying out routine law enforcement work + that managers of the $1.1—BILLION training program cannot say how MANY—OFFICERS are actually on duty or where THOUSANDS—OF—TRUCKS and other equipment issued to police units have gone.
20061206             LOU—DOBBS—TURNS on the CEOs-
20061206             BG.News: To understand the shifting TECTONICS—OF—AMERICA—POLITICS, look no further than cable's high PRIEST—OF—POPULISM.
20061206             THE—INDEPENDENT—ON—SUNDAY: SEVERAL—OF—THE—UK—LARGEST—BANKS—FEAR they could face the full legislative WRATH—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT unless they bow to WASHINGTON—PRESSURE to shut their operations in IRAN....
20061206             Source: FEDERAL—CASE may redefine child porn
20061206             BILL—O'REILLY—QUESTION  - STAN—GOFF is somebody worth READING and listening to.
20061206             HE—1—VETERAN—OF—THE—USA—ARMY—RANGERS, Airborne, Delta Force + Special Forces,
20061206             Which is to say, he's seen imperialism up close in 1—WAY—FEW—OF—USA ever will.
20061206             —NOW he's 1—VERY determined, very smart + very thoughtful activist, working against war, patriarchy + empire.
20061206             HERE—1—POST—OF his on 1—QUESTION—OF—BILL—O'REILLY'S: There is nothing more tragically amusing than watching THE—RIGHT—WING catch liberals off guard.
20061206             BILL—O'REILLY has caught the whole crew FLAT—FOOTED with 1—OF—THOSE trick questions:
20061206             Do you want THE—USA to win in IRAQ?
20061206             NEW—YORK Post Online Edition: News- - Across the Borderline-
20061206             THE—HOUSE—OF—DEATH (THE—OBSERVER, via Avedon Carol at THE—SIDESHOW) This is 1—DIRTY—STORY, about as dirty as it gets.
20061206             It's 1—STORY—OF—TOP—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS knowingly,
20061206             deliberately, willingly countenancing 1—STRING of horrific murders — then punishing decent,
20061206             —TRIED, LAW—ABIDING colleagues who, to work through the proper channels in order to rectify the government's egregious complicity and ensure such barbarity wouldn't happen again.
20061206             Those who sought to do right were beaten down.
20061206             —COVERED, Those who, up the truth + the crimes — and even dismissed the multiple murder charges —WHEN they finally came to light — were hardwired into the very CENTER—OF—THE—COUNTRY—POLITICAL—POWER—GRID,
20061206             with close, LONG—TIME—TIES to the national leader himself.
20061206             Hume —AFTER INTERVIEW—WITH—BUSH : 'Spirits Are Good,' 'Attitude Is Confident,' 'Seems To Enjoy THE—WORK'
20061206             IRAQ is in 1—CIVIL—WAR, the administration's domestic agenda has stalled and BUSH—APPROVAL—RATINGS are mired in the the thirties.
20061206             —INTERVIEWED, But Brit Hume, THE—PRESIDENT and he wants you to know that NONE—OF—IT has affected his mood.
20061206             —REPORTED, Previewing the interview, Hume, that "His spirits are good, his atmosphere is — you know, his attitude is confident.
20061206             He seems confortable, he seems to enjoy the work".
20061206             His spirits are good, his atmosphere is — you know, his attitude is confident.
20061206             HE—FINE, he's in good spirits.
20061206             —NOW, look, Neil, you and I have been —AROUND 1—LONG—TIME + you can smell this embattled,
20061206             troubled quality on 1—POLITICIAN at 100—YARDS.
20061206             It's not there. INHOFE—LAST—STAND.-
20061206             Senate environment COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—JAMES—INHOFE (R—OK) "will hold his last hearing as chairman —WEDNESDAY to highlight media coverage of global warming,
20061206             "Inhofe has criticized news outlets for their coverage of global warming, which he believes is 1—HOAX".
20061206             has successfully withdrawn "all funding for MISSISSIPPI—HIGHLY successful ANTI—SMOKING program.
20061206             BARBOUR—LOBBYING firm, "Barbour, Griffin, & Rogers, was paid 1—TOTAL—OF $3.8—MILLION by the tobacco companies,
20061206             according to reports obtained by THE—UNITED—STATES—SENATE—OFFICE—OF—PUBLIC—RECORDS".
20061206             Climate Change WILL—EMPTY—AMERICA—BREADBASKET
20061206             —TOUTED, Last —SUMMER, National Review EDITOR—JAMES—ROBBINS, the "benefits
20061206             Consider the large landmasses in the northern hemisphere, say north of 55—DEGREES.
20061206             These are very extreme climates for human habitation.
20061206             1—POPULATION—DISTRIBUTION—MAP—OF—CANADA shows most people live in 1—BELT running along the southern border with THE—USA.
20061206             But add global warming and vast regions would become comfortably habitable.
20061206             As well, there would be more land available for cultivation.
20061206             —YESTERDAY, THE—BBC published 1—GRAPHIC
20061206             The graphic shows the areas in which wheat grows —NOW (yellow) compared to where it will grow 20500000             (blue).
20061206             It demonstrates the devastating effect climate change
20061206             "True, there might be SOME—DISLOCATIONS as crops shifted northward, but so what
20061206             "Economies change all the time".
20061206             Tell that to EVERY—WHEAT farmer in THE—USA.
20061206             —ABOUT their prez yet.
20061206             'Really,' says 1, 'he's not obsessed with his legacy.'.
20061206             'His legacy won't be written —FOR—50—YEARS,' shrugs 1—ALLY, 'and, anyway, there's nothing we can do about it —NOW.'"
20061206             —TODAY, THE—SUPREME—COURT considered 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—CHALLENGE to school desegregation plans in SEATTLE,
20061206             WA and LOUISVILLE—KENTUCKY.
20061206             " This is about what is left, if anything, of Brown v. BOARD—OF—EDUCATION ," THEODORE—SHAW,
20061206             —HOSTED, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—NAACP—LEGAL—DEFENSE and Educational Fund, said in 1—RECENT—DEBATE, by the —CENTURY Foundation.
20061206             If the high court strikes down THE—SEATTLE and LOUISVILLE programs, "it will be 1—REVERSAL of historic proportions," he said.
20061206             —COLLECTED, Data, pursuant to No Child Left Behind, BUSH—SIGNATURE education initiative, shows that desegregating schools improves the educational ACHIEVEMENT—OF—MINORITY—STUDENTS.
20061206             — AFRICA—AMERICANS and Hispanics learn more in integrated schools.
20061206             —INTEGRATED, Minorities attending, schools also perform better in college attendance and employment.
20061206             — Controlled choice and other FORMS—OF—DESEGREGATION—BENEFIT—MINORITY—STUDENTS.
20061206             — Racial integration is 1—RARE—CASE where 1—EDUCATIONAL—POLICY appears to improve educational equity at little financial cost.
20061206             —CLAIMED, PRESIDENT—BUSH has long, that reducing the educational achievement gap between white students and minority students is 1—PRIORITY.
20061206             HERE—BUSH on MISS—NBC
20061206             Airs Multiple Segments On C—SPAN—CALLER Smearing PRESIDENT—CARTER
20061206             —DURING 1—INTERVIEW——YESTERDAY, 1—ANONYMOUS—C—SPAN viewer called FORMER—PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER "1—BIGOT + 1—RACIST + 1—ANTI—SEMITE" + accused him of "cozying up with EVERY—DICTATOR, thug, Islamic terrorist there is".
20061206             —PROMOTED, VIDEO—OF—THE—EXCHANGE is being, by several popular RIGHT—WING websites, including the Drudge Report
20061206             —CONSIDERED, Apparently, the rantings of this random C—SPAN viewer are, "news".
20061206             MISS—NBC has already run 2—SEGMENTS——TODAY on this irrelevant NON—STORY, 1 titled "CARTER—CONTROVERSY" and another called, "PRESIDENT—CARTER: ANTI—SEMETIC?"
20061206             BOLTON WATCH—SCOTT—T—PAUL says "2—INDEPENDENT—SOURCES in THE—USA—MISSION" tell him that JOHN—BOLTON is planning to "write 1—BOOK + hit the speaking circuit
20061206             —KILLED, NICO—THE—NUMBER—OF—USA troops, in IRAQ in the 1. —3—DAYS—OF ;;12;;.
20061206             † 2,904 USA military personnel have —NOW, in THE—IRAQ war.
20061206             —ON THE—CHRIS—MATTHEWS—SHOW——YESTERDAY, Time magazine senior writer JOE—KLEIN
20061206             SAID—OF—SENATOR—BARACK—OBAMA'S (D—IL) support for setting 1—TIMETABLE for THE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—TROOPS from IRAQ:
20061206             "That may well be true, but it's wrong to say it".
20061206             —ARGUED, Obama has, that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION should begin redeploying USA troops out of IRAQ in the next 4 to —6—MONTHS.
20061206             —ARTICULATED, That is the same position, by incoming Senate Armed Services COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—CARL—LEVIN (D—MI).
20061206             Last ;;06;;, the Levin amendment proposed the withdrawal of USA forces, earning strong support.
20061206             —EXPECTED, LEVIN—NEW—AMENDMENT is, to also gain strong support from the new majority.
20061206             Voters favor setting 1—TIMETABLE for withdrawing USA troops from IRAQ by a 54-39 % margin.
20061206             Klein himself, —AFTER 1. arguing that it was not "responsible," has embraced the call
20061206             And yet he wants us to believe that 1—POSITION that is right, supported by 1—MAJORITY—OF—AMERICANS + favored by the new majority in Congress should not be uttered in public.
20061206             THE—FEDERAL—MINIMUM—WAGE set 1—NEW—RECORD-
20061206             AMANDA—ON —SATURDAY "for the longest period without 1—RAISE —SINCE its establishment 19380000             .
20061206             BREAKING: JOHN—BOLTON—TO—RESIGN
20061206             "PRESIDENT—BUSH has accepted the resignation of UNITED—NATIONS Ambassador JOHN—BOLTON —WHEN his recess appointment expires," CBS News reports.
20061206             I am deeply disappointed that 1—HANDFUL—OF—UNITED—STATES—SENATORS prevented Ambassador BOLTON from receiving the up or down vote he deserved in the Senate.
20061206             UPDATE III: ABC reports, "ALEX—WOLFF
20061206             — currently BOLTON—DEPUTY — will serve as acting Ambassador —UNTIL 1—SUCCESSOR is named".
20061206             UPDATE II: Reps.
20061206             EARL—BLUMENAUER (D—OR) and JIM—WALSH (R—NY) have led 1—PUSH to promote REPRESENTATIVE—JIM—LEACH (R—IA)
20061206             — the top Republican on the House INTERNATIONAL Relations Committee who lost his House seat in ;;11;;'s election — as the new UNITED—NATIONS Ambassador.
20061206             "He is the most diplomatic politician I have ever met," [Blumenauer] said of Mr.
20061206             Leach, 1—MODERATE from IOWA known for his professorial sweaters, his LOW—KEY, nonpolitical approach to issues + his opposition to the war in IRAQ.
20061206             "I can't THINK—OF—ANY—AMERICA—BETTER qualified to represent our interests —BEFORE THE—UNITED—NATIONS," Rep.
20061206             JIM—WALSH, 1—REPUBLICAN—OF—NEW—YORK said.
20061206             —JOINED, MISTER—WALSH —YESTERDAY, MISTER—BLUMENAUER in circulating 1—LETTER in the House seeking support for Mr.
20061206             Leach if the acting UNITED—NATIONS ambassador, JOHN—BOLTON, is forced to resign.
20061206             UPDATE I: Citing WHITE—HOUSE—SOURCES, MISS—NBC reports that BOLTON is expected to leave his position "within 1—MATTER—OF—DAYS".
20061206             2—OF—THE—COUNTRY—LARGEST—EPISCOPAL congregations-
20061206             NICO—WILL "vote —NEXT—WEEK on whether to leave THE—USA—CHURCH on ideological grounds and affiliate instead with 1—CONTROVERSIAL—NIGERIA—ARCHBISHOP
20061206             " who has advocated the imprisonment of gays.
20061206             Gingrich Lies To Assault Free Speech Again-
20061206             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—UNREPENTANT, arch NEO—CON crafts deceptive Ahmadinejad boogeyman argument to con Americans into 1. Amendment
20061206             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—WHERE was THE—FOX news fanfare?
20061206             Total media blackout suggests new strategy may be to ignore 20010911             questions
20061206             Annan: Lage im IRAK schlimmer als im BÜrgerkrieg-
20061206             Das Leben fÜr den normalen Iraker sei —HEUTE schlechter als unter dem Regime des Diktators SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
20061206             Die Situation sei "extrem gefährlich", erklärte Annan in 1—INTERVIEW—VON—BRITISCHEN—BBC.
20061206             THE—CHIEF—OF—THE "Archives and Secret Files" division in the National Intelligence Service was found dead in his office,
20061206             but the news on his death emerged —1—DAY—LATER.
20061206             —DISCOVERED, THE—BODY—OF—BOZHIDAR—DOYCHEV was, —WEDNESDAY—EVENING in his office —AFTER his family...
20061206             Minarette sind Bajonette!?-
20061206             —DEKRETIERT, Von oben, der Kemalismus und von unten drängt der Islam heran, sodass es einmal zur Kollision kommen muss.
20061206             Welt AIDS —TAG in SÜDAFRIKA ? 14000000             Neuinfektionen und 950—TOTE täglich-
20061206             —GESCHLOSSEN, Garagentore, ? Guantánamo nicht- - Versprechen kann sich jeder einmal.
20061206             Doch bei USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH sind Versprecher legendär und fÜllen die Witzecken im INTERNET.
20061206             So versprach er - REVAMP—OF—BRAIN 'could slow CJD'
20061206             Scientists say they might be able to slow progress of "mad cow disease" by genetically revamping the brain.
20061206             Psychopaths' brains 'different'
20061206             There are biological brain differences that mark out psychopaths from other people, scientists say.
20061206             Pfizer shares hit by drug failure
20061206             Shares in USA drugmaker Pfizer tumble —AFTER it halts development of its most important experimental drug.
20061206             Fridge magnets 'can be 1—KILLER'
20061206             Fridge magnets and decorative jewellery could be 1—KILLER if you have 1—WEAK—HEART, experts warn.
20061206             Richest 2% own 'half the wealth'
20061206             The richest 2—PERCENT—OF—ADULTS in the world own more than HALF—OF—ALL—HOUSEHOLD—WEALTH, 1—NEW—STUDY by THE—UN finds.
20061206             USA 'not winning conflict in IRAQ'
20061206             USA—DEFENCE—SECRETARY—NOMINEE—ROBERT—GATES tells his confirmation hearing THE—USA is not winning the war in IRAQ.
20061206             Row erupts over ISRAEL—TEXTBOOKS
20061206             ISRAEL—EDUCATION—MINISTER says schoolbooks should show the pre-19670000             borders, sparking fierce RIGHT—WING criticism.
20061206             USA—PLANS—BASE on Moon
20061206             Nasa says it will start building 1—PERMANENT—BASE on the Moon —AFTER astronauts return there 20200000             .
20061206             —LASHED, VIETNAM, by tropical storm
20061206             Tropical Storm Durian kills at least 47—PEOPLE in VIETNAM, —AFTER causing havoc in THE—PHILIPPINES.
20061206             —DISPUTED, VATICAN Holocaust claim
20061206             New papers cast doubt on VATICAN claims about —WHEN it learned of the atrocities at Auschwitz.
20061206             Musharraf pushes Kashmir proposal
20061206             PRESIDENT—MUSHARRAF suggests PAKISTAN would give up its claim to Kashmir if INDIA accepts his peace plan.
20061206             Foetal cells 'to treat strokes'
20061206             1—UK company is applying for permission to transplant stem cells made from human foetal tissue into THE—BRAINS—OF—STROKE—PATIENTS.
20061206             CHINA Aids patients win damages
20061206             CHINA is to compensate 19—PEOPLE who caught HIV from 1—HOSPITAL—BLOOD—TRANSFUSION, in 1—LANDMARK case.
20061206             INDIA—SENSEX hits record high
20061206             INDIA—MAIN—STOCK—INDEX, the Sensex, hits another record high and breaks the 14,000 points barrier.
20061206             Pollution 'reducing rice harvest'
20061206             POLLUTION—LADEN clouds may be partly to blame for INDIA—DWINDLING RICE harvests, according to research.
20061206             FINLAND ratifies EU constitution
20061206             FINLAND becomes the latest country to ratify the European constitution, as its EU presidency draws to 1—CLOSE.
20061206             'Malaria atlas' project launched
20061206             UK and KENYA—RESEARCHERS say they are creating 1—GLOBAL—MAP to pinpoint areas where malaria is most likely to strike.
20061206             FIJI military CHIEF stages coup
20061206             —ELECTED, FIJI—MILITARY—CHIEF says he has taken over government and dismissed, PRIME—MINISTER—LAISENIA—QARASE.
20061206             —TURNED, Hungry ancients ' cannibal'
20061206             Starvation and cannibalism were PART—OF—LIFE for 1—POPULATION—OF—NEANDERTHALS living 43,—000—YEARS—AGO.
20061206             Chavez victory to be proclaimed
20061206             HUGO—CHAVEZ is due to be declared THE—WINNER—OF—VENEZUELA—PRESIDENTIAL—POLL in 1—CEREMONY.
20061206             USA—FIRMS—CALL for CHINA—REFORMS
20061206             USA—MANUFACTURERS want 1—USA—TRADE—DELEGATION to call on CHINA to open its markets and reform its currency.
20061206             YouTube 'should check copyright'
20061206             Video website YouTube should proactively check if videos infringe copyright, a rights group says.
20061206             So. Many.
20061206             So we're posting EVERY—SINGLE 1—ONLINE. Blueprints for a Revolution
20061206             A cadre of unknown designers shapes everyday HUMAN—MACHINE interactions.
20061206             My Hybrid Saved Me Cash
20061206             1—HONDA—CIVIC—HYBRID—COST $3,000 less to operate for 3.—5—YEARS than 1—MAZDA6 —WHEN considering TRADE—IN value and the cost of gasoline.
20061206             In Autopia.
20061206             —SCUTTLEMONKEY—LEMONKEY—339+ - l2718 writes to mention that
20061206             Open XML.
20061206             "The translators will be made available as PLUG—INS to NOVELL—OPENOFFICE org product.
20061206             Novell will release the code to integrate the Open XML format into its product as open source and submit it for inclusion in the OpenOffice org project.
20061206             As 1—RESULT, end users will be able to more easily share files between Microsoft OFFICE—AND—OPENOFFICE org,
20061206             as documents will better maintain consistent formats, formulas and style templates across THE—2—OFFICE—PRODUCTIVITY suites".
20061206             Reuters and —YAHOO! Enlist Camera Phones-
20061206             "In 1—HUGE—ADVANCEMENT—OF—CITIZEN—JOURNALISM, Reuters and —YAHOO!
20061206             are asking average people to be journalists with their cell phones.
20061206             I hope participants don't run the risks others have for photographing the police.
20061206             You can expect to see these new photos being used at —YAHOO!
20061206             "'People don't say, "I want to see USER—GENERATED content,"' said LLOYD—BRAUN,
20061206             who runs —YAHOO—MEDIA—GROUP.
20061206             'They want to see MICHAEL—RICHARDS in the club.
20061206             If that happens to be from 1—CELLPHONE, they are happy with 1—CELLPHONE.
20061206             If it's from 1—PROFESSIONAL photographer, they are happy for that, too.' Users will not be paid for images displayed on the —YAHOO and Reuters sites.
20061206             —SELECTED, But people whose photos or videos are, for distribution to Reuters clients will receive 1—PAYMENT".
20061206             Detecting Tailgaters With Lasers-
20061206             1—OFFICER can —NOW measure not only the speed of passing vehicles but also how close they are to 1—ANOTHER.
20061206             —DESCRIBED, The detectors, in the article are built by Laser Technology INCORPORATED,
20061206             1—COMPANY that provides lasers for traffic control, engineering + even tactical/military solutions.
20061206             —CONNECTED, The article mentions how tailgating is, to MANY—ACCIDENTS and INCIDENTS—OF—ROAD rage".
20061206             "For 1—LONG—TIME——NOW, researchers and scientists have used computer simulations in the physical sciences:
20061206             physics, chemistry + engineering.
20061206             But what about biology? 1—INTERNATIONAL—TEAM—OF—USA and SCOTLAND—MATHEMATICIANS and biologists has built 1—MATH model to predict tumor behavior.
20061206             The researchers say their approach is similar to the 1 used by weather forecasters.
20061206             So far, this approach is entirely theoretical.
20061206             But the scientists see their effort as the beginning of 1—NEW—ERA in cancer research — 'a sea change in how biology is being done,' as the lead researcher described it.
20061206             Read more for additional references and illustrations about this USE—OF—COMPUTER—SIMULATION to predict 1—CANCER—EVOLUTION".
20061206             Verisign got the right to raise prices in 4—OF—THE—6—YEARS—OF—THE—CONTRACT, by up to 7% EACH—TIME.
20061206             "Verisign has CONTROL—OF—COM et locked up for the next several years,
20061206             but there will still be 1—MODICUM of oversight.
20061206             [Commerce] retains final approval over ANY—PRICE hikes + has said that ANY—SUBSEQUENT—RENEWAL—OF—THE—CONTRACT will occur 'only if it concludes that the approval will serve the public interest in thd security and STABILITY—OF—THE—INTERNET domain name system... and the provision of registry services at reasonable prices, terms and conditions.'"
20061206             BANK—OF—NEW—YORK "overweight"
20061206             RATING—UPDATE: ZÜrich (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Analysten der Credit Suisse stufen die VODAFONE—AKTIE (ISIN GB0007192106/ WKN 875999) von "neutral" auf "outperform" herauf.
20061206             Pfizer Upgrade - RATING—UPDATE: NEW—YORK (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Analysten von Cowen & Co stufen die Aktie von Pfizer (ISIN US7170811035/ WKN 852009) von "underperform" auf "neutral" hoch.
20061206             All the criminals responsible for THE—IRAQ fiasco are fumbling about,
20061206             spreading blame, wishful thinking and in general, avoiding responsibility for destroying not —JUST IRAQ but THE—UNITED—NATIONS and 1—LOT—OF—OTHER—IMPORTANT—THINGS supposedly set up to stop wars —JUST like this stupid war.
20061206             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, on 'THE—FAMILY—GUY', nearly laughs to death.
20061206             TO READ MORE CLICK HERE... Source:
20061206             —WANTED, If they really, to 'practice' then they wouldn't have deployed early.
20061206             It really would not take all that big 1—TEAM to hijack the planes and to fly them by remote control, especially if you have moles in THE—FAA or with THE—MANUFACTURER—OF—FLIGHT—SYSTEMS.
20061206             This entire operation could be done with less than 50—OPERATIVES.
20061206             —COVERED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT has, up EVERY—SINGLE—PHASE—OF—THE—INVESTIGATION + left we the people with no information.
20061206             This, more than ANY—OF—IT, is what is wrong with the picture.
20061206             We know much more about the Scott and Lacy Peterson case than about the biggest terrorist act on AMERICA—SOIL.
20061206             Aldo Moro ( 19160000             — 19780000             ) was 5—TIMES—PRIME—MINISTER—OF—ITALY
20061206             Loving the Terrorists-
20061206             —NOW you can find out —JUST how unpatriotic you are, by taking 1—SCIENTIFICALLY vapid survey.
20061206             HERE—MY score.
20061206             Your 'Do You Want the Terrorists to Win' Score: 100% You are 1—TERRORIST—LOVING, BUSH—BASHING, "blame AMERICA 1."-crowd traitor.
20061206             You are in league with EVIL—DOERS who hate our freedoms.
20061206             —BY—ALL counts you are a liberal + as such clearly desire the terrorists to succeed and impose their harsh theocratic restrictions on us all.
20061206             You are fit to be hung for treason!
20061206             Luckily GEORGE—BUSH is tapping your INTERNET connection and is —NOW aware of your THOUGHT—CRIME.
20061206             Have 1—NICE—DAY.... in Guantánamo!
20061206             Do You Want the Terrorists to Win?
20061206             —RATED, Quiz Created on GoToQuiz I'm glad to report that I'm, even more likely to be sent to Guantánamo than MATT—YGLESIAS, probably because I cannot bring...
20061206             It'd be funny if people weren't, you know, getting killed + stuff.... Source:
20061206             The 911 -Pound Gorilla in CATO—ROOM
20061206             —DEDICATED, This article is, to THE—REALITY—BASED community, members of which often rightly state, "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence".
20061206             "I should not believe such 1—STORY were it told me by Cato, was 1—PROVERBIAL saying in ROME, even —DURING THE—LIFETIME—OF—THAT—PHILOSOPHICAL patriot.
20061206             —ALLOWED, The incredibility of 1—FACT, it was, might invalidate so great 1—AUTHORITY".
20061206             DAVID—HUME, Of Miracles.
20061206             I —IMMEDIATELY consider with myself, whether it be more probable, that this person should either deceive or be deceived,
20061206             or that the fact, which he relates, should really have happened".
20061206             "THE—AMERICA—PEOPLE know what they saw with their own eyes on
20061206             All this from the alleged opposition party.-
20061206             NEW—YORK—TIMES Reaches To Remove Mote In BLOGGER—EYE
20061206             But it is not troubling that THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES held 1—STORY on EXTRA—JUDICIAL—SURVEILLANCE——UNTIL—AFTER the election,
20061206             at THE—BEHEST—OF—THE—PRESIDENT.
20061206             Lifeboat Ethics: the Case Against Helping the Poor by GARRETT—HARDIN - - THE—GARRETT—HARDIN—SOCIETY—ARTICLES-
20061206             NIGERIA TRANSWORLD Tries Again
20061206             —LEARNED, AFRICA Energy Intelligence has, that TRANSWORLD, 1—COMPANY owned by renowned trader JOHN—DEUSS ,
20061206             is talking with Summit Oil on buying into its acreage in NIGERIA.
20061206             [Total : 178—WORDS].
20061206             (3,25USD) - AFRICA ENERGY INTELLIGENCE n° 362 - 28/01/ 20040000             20061206             AFRICA JAMES—DUNLAP
20061206             1 trusted adviser to WALTER—KANSTEINER
20061206             —FOLLOWED, JAMES—DUNLAP has, his former boss in taking up 1—JOB with THE—SCOWCROFT—GROUP named —AFTER BRENT—SCOWCROFT ,
20061206             national security adviser to GEORGE—BUSH—SENIOR (...). - [Total : 205—WORDS].(3,25USD)
20061206             THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP met with PRESIDENT—BUSH this —MORNING to present its 79—RECOMMENDATIONS, which include moving "
20061206             most USA troops out of combat roles by early 20080000             . - " Read excerpts of THE—ISG report HERE.
20061206             Incoming House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D—MD),
20061206             who will set the schedule for the 110. Congress, has told members
20061206             they " will have to work —5—DAYS —1—WEEK —STARTING in ;;01;;".
20061206             —PLANNED, If the current Congress departs —ON—FRIDAY as,
20061206             it will have been in session for —JUST—241—DAYS over —2—YEARS, —13—DAYS—LESS
20061206             than the "DO—NOTHING Congress" of 19480000             .
20061206             —POSTPONED, THE—HOUSE——YESTERDAY " 1—SHOWDOWN vote on opening 8—MILLION—MORE—ACRES in the Gulf of MEXICO to oil and gas drilling " —AFTER supporters questioned whether they had enough votes.
20061206             —RECOUPED, FEMA "has, less than 1 % of 1 estimated $1—BILLION in fraudulent or unjustified payments it distributed —AFTER Hurricanes Katrina and Rita," 1—NEW—REPORT shows,
20061206             bolstering criticism that the agency is "too stingy with people who have real needs,
20061206             and...too willing to give taxpayer dollars to scam artists
20061206             —PASSED, Congress —YESTERDAY, funds to preserve the notorious internment camps where JAPANESE—AMERICANS were kept behind barbed wire
20061206             WWII.19440000             —DURING—REP.
20061206             * Doris Matsui (D—CA) in the Poston camp in ARIZONA
20061206             The conflict in Darfur has spread to 2—NEIGHBORING countries and is —NOW in 'free fall'
20061206             with 6—MILLION—PEOPLE facing the prospect of going without food or protection," outgoing UNITED—NATIONS humanitarian CHIEF—JAN—EGELAND said.
20061206             58—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS "say the situation for troops in IRAQ is getting worse," up from 45 % in ;;09;;, according to 1—NEW—HARRIS poll.
20061206             71 % think PRESIDENT—BUSH is doing only 1—FAIR or poor job in IRAQ.
20061206             " from CALIFORNIA "to testify about why Congress should pass FEDERAL—LEGISLATION modeled on CALIFORNIA—LANDMARK law to combat global warming".
20061206             (—TODAY, Webster Tarpley released 1—STATEMENT against ROBERT—GATES ' nomination as SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE.
20061206             GATES ' relationship to the Muj has also —RECENTLY been explored at the Daily Kos, in 1—POST called, ROBERT—GATES—PROMOTED and Financed OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20061206             —PRODUCED, GATES is thus PART—OF—THE—INFRASTRUCTURE that, the patsies of 20010911             ..".
20061206             THE—NOMINATION—OF—ROBERT—GATES to be SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE must be rejected.
20061206             —IMPLICATED, GATES is deeply, in —3—DECADES—OF—CRIMES by the intelligence community.
20061206             There is no reason to think he intends to begin the necessary rapid DEPARTURE—OF—USA—FORCES from IRAQ.
20061206             His nomination by BUSH can only be read as 1—DELIBERATE—PROVOCATION directed against the new Democratic Congress.
20061206             WILL—THE—DEMOCRATS fight back, or will they capitulate?
20061206             THE—AMERICA—PEOPLE are watching the Democratic Senators carefully + they are appalled by THE—SELF—CONGRATULATORY + clubby NARCISSISM—OF—THE—SENATE
20061206             at 1—TIME——WHEN USA—FORCES are facing encirclement + decimation in IRAQ + AFGHANISTAN.
20061206             Senators must not only vote against GATES ;
20061206             they must stop the confirmation process with 1—FILIBUSTER.
20061206             1—LOOK at GATES ' sordid record shows why.
20061206             KURT—NIMMO: Bush the 1., Hating Saddam, Selling Him Weapons
20061206             Bush.html">Clouds Over GEORGE—BUSH
20061206             —SEIZED, FEDERAL—AGENTS have, DOZENS—OF—BANK—ACCOUNTS and about $30m in FLORIDA office buildings,
20061206             homes and other properties owned by CARLOS—CARDOEN ,
20061206             Scoop: Recovered History: —WHEN DONALD—MET—SADDAM
20061206             CLUSTER—BOMB parts to a CHILE—ARMS manufacturer, CARLOS—CARDOEN ,
20061206             Media & Finance: JOHN—DEUSS—THE—PUBLISHER—THE—HUSH—HUSH nature of the John
20061206             We left standing, however, the allegation that MISTER—GATES had personally met with THE—CHILE—ARMS—DEALER,
20061206             CARLOS—CARDOEN, who was 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST...
20061206             NEW—YORK—CITY Subway "Plot": —JUST Another FAKE TERROR Alert
20061206             This is —JUST the latest in 1—LONG—LINE—OF—FAKE TERROR alerts that are used for multiple reasons...
20061206             NEW—YORK subway threat was a hoax, security sources admit
20061206             The alleged terror threat that... NEW—YORK—CITY—SUBWAY "Plot":
20061206             —JUST Another FAKE TERROR Alert "the plot to bomb...
20061206             FakeTerror - 20010911             REVIEW
20061206             —APPEARED, Note: This article 1., as 1—POST written at Free Republic.
20061206             FAKE TERROR Arrests.
20061206             Another FAKE TERROR Alert Is Exposed —YESTERDAY—VERDICTS on 5—DEFENDANTS +...
20061206             THE—BLOG—FROM—ANOTHER—DIMENSION: Fake Terror Scare #2 - Take the 60 2. Newsvine tour.
20061206             business, oil, fraud, NETHERLANDS, banking, BIG—OIL, MONEY—LAUNDERING, BERMUDA, fcib, JOHN—DEUSS.
20061206             Visitors will be able to create their own video MASHup, play online gaming, catch AT&T HOMEZONE SM service on big plasma screens, make local or long distance..
20061206             " HOMEZONE is the next EVOLUTION—OF—VIDEO," said Randy Feger, AT&T MICHIGAN VICE—PRESIDENT + general manager who tested the product in his Novi home.
20061206             which is forbidden
20061206             Der Titel des Fachaufsatzes lautet "Is somebody watching you?" - wirst Du beobachtet?
20061206             Yekutieli ist überzeugt: Das panoptische Prinzip hat den Bewachern Macht über den Geist ihrer Gefangenen verschafft.
20061206             Big Brother lange vor Orwell und Foucault
20061206             Laut Bentham werden solcherart bewachte Sträflinge zu "einsamen und isolierten Individuen".
20061206             "1—VERSCHWÖRUNG fand deshalb nicht statt", sagt Yuval Yekutieli.
20061206             In detektivischer Feinarbeit hat der Forscher das Lager untersucht und konnte so die Mechanismen der Macht rekonstruieren.
20061206             Seine Ergebnisse wurden —JETZT im "Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology" publiziert:
20061206             Die ROM—HERREN nutzten effizient das Gelände aus, um die Geknechteten in Schach zu halten.
20061206             Die Idee, den unsichtbaren Blick als Mittel zur Kontrolle größerer Menschenmengen einzusetzen,
20061206             schreiben Historiker dem ENGLISCHEN—SOZIALPHILOSOPHEN JEREMY—BENTHAM (17480000             —1832) zu.
20061206             Er war besessen vom Traum zur Errichtung eines "Panopticon".
20061206             In diesem idealen Gefängnis sollten sich die PROBLEME—DES—STRAFVOLLZUGS einzig durch ausgeklÜgelte Architektur lösen.
20061206             Bentham ersann ein kreisrundes, mehrstöckiges Gebäude mit einem zentralen Beobachtungsturm im Inneren und ringförmig darum angeordneten ZELLEN—FÜR die Bewacher offen einsehbar.
20061206             Totale Kontrolle —JAHRHUNDERTE vor dem idealen Gefängnis
20061206             FLEDERMAUS—REKORD: Die längste Zunge der Welt
20061206             IRAQ Study Group: Das steht im Bericht der BAKER—KOMMISSION
20061206             SCHMIERGELD—AFFÄRE: Siemens gibt Existenz eines Geheimkontos zu
20061206             Katholische Kirche: Kardinal Meisner untersagt multireligiöse Schulfeiern
20061206             KONGO: PRÄSIDENT—KABILA legt Amtseid ab
20061206             BAKER—KOMMISSION: Kampf dem CHAOS—UND dann raus aus dem IRAK
20061206             USA: IRANISCHE—STUDENTEN wieder erwÜnscht
20061206             Überraschende Bilder: Satellit erspäht —NACH—30—JAHREN "Viking"- Sonden
20061206             IRAK: Bush s Kriege, Napoleons Erben
20061206             BAKER—KOMMISSION: Bush will nach schonungsloser IRAK—ANALYSE rasch handeln
20061206             Totale Überwachung: Der BIG—BROTHER—STEINBRUCH der Römer
20061206             Studie mit 420.000—TEILNEHMERN: Keine Krebsgefahr durch Handys - IRAK—EMPFEHLUNGEN der BAKER—KOMMISSION:
20061206             Weniger Kampf, mehr Ausbildung und 1—ABZUG auf Raten
20061206             BAKER—KOMMISSION: Generalabrechnung mit Bush s IRAK—STRATEGIE
20061206             Billige Drogen: Teenager werden high mit Hustensaft
20061206             Lesererlebnis Ökomobil: In meinen Hybrid lasse ich nur Gas und Ethanol
20061206             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Guck mal wie der zuckt"
20061206             Giftaffäre: LITWINENKO—KONTAKTMANN beschuldigt RUSSISCHE—GEHEIMORGAN isation
20061206             Neuer Sprit - Alternde Tiere: Auch Katzen bekommen Alzheimer
20061206             Jamiri: Weltherrschaft der Maschinen, Teil III
20061206             Kernenergie: Der Traum vom eigenen Reaktor - IRAK—DEBATTE: —DIE—STUNDE der Realisten
20061206             FIDSCHI: Putschisten verhängen Ausnahmezustand
20061206             AFGHANISTAN: Tote bei Anschlag auf USA—SICHERHEITSFIRMA
20061206             CHINESISCHER—AKTIVIST Fu: "Ich habe vor niemandem Angst"
20061206             DAF Special Products Division in THE—NETHERLANDS ;
20061206             Nauteknik Defence & Security in NORWAY ;
20061206             Bravia - - Sodedade LUSO—BRASILEIRA & ITB in PORTUGAL ;
20061206             DEFEX... - As the government has said, "We should not seek to hold back THE—FORCES—OF—CHANGE,
20061206             but to enable industry + all those working or aspiring to work in it, to adapt to change and exploit new opportunities".
20061206             The writ of habeas corpus is actually the lynchpin of 1—FREE—SOCIETY, Science show.
20061206             Space; Environment; Health; GENERAL—SCIENCES.
20061206             —MURDERED, EX—PUTIN bodyguard was also
20061206             1—FORMER bodyguard to RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN was murdered with 1—POISON that produced symptoms remarkably similar to those that killed former spy ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO, it emerged —YESTERDAY.
20061206             THE—HOUSE—OF—DEATH
20061206             —WHEN 12—BODIES were found buried in the garden of 1—MEXICO—HOUSE, it seemed like 1—CASE—OF—DRUG—LINKED killings.
20061206             INDIA—OLDEST woman dead at 125—FULLA was known for her love of smoking ganja and cigars and palm juice.
20061206             VF: Did WHITE—HOUSE know about FOLEY—E—MAILS to pages?
20061206             1—ARTICLE in the coming ISSUE—OF—VANITY—FAIR discusses rumors that THE—WHITE—HOUSE was aware of FORMER—FLORIDA Republican Congressman MARK—FOLEY—E—MAILS to underaged boys.
20061206             Putz on IRAQ: 1—TIMELINE
20061206             —MISGUIDED, Ever wonder —JUST how wrong, + patently ridiculous RIGHT—WING bloggers can be on IRAQ?
20061206             Well, wonder no more! Keep in mind that this idiot is 1—LAW—PROFESSOR, which makes me glad that my lawyer did not graduate from THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—TENNESSEE.
20061206             —ACCUSED, Boy Crazy Why is 1, ORANGE County serial child molester still free and awaiting trial —AFTER nearly —4—YEARS?
20061206             Because he's 1—REPUBLICAN—OF—COURSE!
20061206             Mmmm, POLONIUM The owners of 1—RESTAURANT in NORTH—ENGLAND are having their hands full these days,
20061206             unexpectedly capitalizing on THE—DEATH—OF—FORMER—RUSSIA—SPY—ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO.
20061206             UN ambassador BOLTON resigns in FACE—OF—SENATE—HOSTILITY:
20061206             —BOWED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE——YESTERDAY, to Senate opposition and gave up its attempt to keep its controversial AMBASSADOR to THE—UN,
20061206             Graham: Putin a '1-man dictatorship':
20061206             VLADIMIR—PUTIN is a "1—MAN—DICTATORSHIP" + he should do more to help THE—USA—CONFRONT IRAN—NUCLEAR—AMBITIONS,
20061206             SENATOR—LINDSEY—GRAHAM (news, bio, voting record), R—SOUTH—CAROLINA, said —SUNDAY.
20061206             USA Senators Speak Against Putin`s Policy:
20061206             Biden says RUSSIA is "moving more and more toward 1—OLIGARCHY".
20061206             "Our relations with RUSSIA have to get straightened out," he was quoted as saying.
20061206             'I was poisoned for shared secrets':
20061206             1—ITALY—CONTACT—OF poisoned FORMER—RUSSIA—SPY—ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO said he believed both were targeted with 1—RADIOACTIVE—SUBSTANCE because of secrets they shared.
20061206             The radiation spy scandal took 1—SENSATIONAL twist last night with the revelation that KGB defector ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO had converted to Islam —BEFORE he †.
20061206             USA Sailor Pleads Guilty to Espionage:
20061206             —CONVICTED, If, Petty Officer 3. Class Ariel J. Weinmann, 22, of SALEM,
20061206             Ore., could face 1—SENTENCE—OF—LIFE in prison without parole, 1—DISHONORABLE discharge from THE—NAVY and forfeiture of all pay.
20061206             ISRAEL is on freshman lawmakers' TO—DO list:
20061206             FOUNDATION—FUNDED trip is popular withU.S. legislators
20061206             There are about 100,000 government contractors operating in IRAQ, not counting subcontractors, 1—TOTAL that is approaching THE—SIZE—OF—THE—USA—MILITARY—FORCE there,
20061206             according to the military's 1. census of the growing population of civilians operating in the battlefield.
20061206             RAY—MCGOVERN: 1—CIA insider's take on Gates:
20061206             THE—LAME—DUCK REPUBLICAN—LED Senate Armed Services Committee seems determined to force through CONFIRMATION—OF—ROBERT—GATES to replace DONALD—RUMSFELD as SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE.
20061206             The hurry is synthetic - + totally unnecessary.
20061206             James K Galbraith: The dollar melts as IRAQ burns:
20061206             THE—DEMISE—OF—THE—DOLLAR has clear links to THE—IRAQ war and the world's LOSS—OF—CONFIDENCE in AMERICA—ELITES.
20061206             Anger at UN CHIEF—IRAQ comments:
20061206             —SHOCKED, IRAQ—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISER says he is, by UN HEAD—KOFI—ANNAN—SUGGESTION that the average Iraqi is worse off than under SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
20061206             KOFI—ANNAN interview: Full Text: BBC: Was the invasion of IRAQ
20061206             —BY—PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS—NEOCONSERVATISM is actually 1—MORE—EXTREME—FORM—OF—REVOLUTIONARY—UTOPIANISM than that of the Bolsheviks and the Jacobins
20061206             Video Is 1—WINDOW—INTO—JOSE—PADILLA'S—ISOLATION
20061206             Lawyers for MISTER—PADILLA, 36, suggest that he is unfit to stand trial.
20061206             —DAMAGED, They argue that he has been so, by his interrogations and prolonged isolation that he suffers POST—TRAUMATIC—STRESS—DISORDER and is unable to assist in his own defense.
20061206             —LEGALIZED, This (new) legislation has effectively, THE—CIA—RIGHT to use
20061206             methods that THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY, embodied in the Red Cross + THE—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—COMMITTEE, considers psychological torture
20061206             The greatest MISCARRIAGE—OF—JUSTICE in modern times far beyond FORD—PARDONING Nixon--the Democrats will provide THE—MEMBERS—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION--who've committed known, documented, most heinous crime
20061206             Global Dimming - This is 1—FILM that demands action.
20061206             —UNDERESTIMATED, It reveals that we may have grossly, the speed at which our climate is changing.
20061206             At its heart is 1—DEADLY—NEW—PHENOMENON.
20061206             1—THAT——UNTIL very —RECENTLY scientists refused to believe even existed.
20061206             Click here to watch.
20061206             We are under siege by 1—SYSTEM gone mad, 1—ECONOMIC—SYSTEM gone berserk, unaccountable to anyone and responsible to nothing because this system has no rules.
20061206             Pilger uncovers the shocking COMPLICITY—OF—THE—USA and GREAT—BRITAIN governments in THE—EAST—TIMOR GENOCIDE—THE—SAME—GOVERNMENTS who were willing to go to war with SADDAM—HUSSEIN for his invasion of KUWAIT,
20061206             but who stood aside as INDONESIA broke the exact same UN regulations to rape + pillage EAST—TIMOR using Western arms.
20061206             FIJI: Troops shut down media, streets and towns:
20061206             —CLOSED, FIJI—MILITARY—HEAD—AND—SELF—APPOINTED—PRESIDENT has, the country's key media outlets and WARNED—OF—MILITARY—CHECKPOINTS across the country,
20061206             but has told Fijians 'things will operate as normal,' according to reports from the capita
20061206             —NAMED, Chavez, presidential victor:
20061206             —RECEIVED, MISTER—CHAVEZ, nearly 63—PERCENT—OF—THE—FINAL—VOTE, 25—POINTS ahead of his main rival, MANUEL—ROSALES.
20061206             USA rejects OFFER—OF—TALKS with RAUL—CASTRO:
20061206             CUBA—ACTING PRESIDENT, saying it saw no point in 1—DIALOGUE with what it called the Caribbean ISLAND's 'DICTATOR—IN—WAITING'.
20061206             THE—FORMER—PRESIDENT—OF—PARAGUAY, LUIS—GONZALEZ—MACCHI, has been sentenced to —8—YEARS in prison for fraud and embezzlement.
20061206             USA predicts bumper —YEAR in arms sales:
20061206             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT is on its way to brokering about $20—BILLION in arms sales in the fiscal —YEAR that began ;;10;;
20061206             1, steady with —LAST—YEAR—NEAR—RECORD—TOTAL, THE—PENTAGON official responsible for such sales said —ON—MONDAY.
20061206             Exposed: THE—CARLYLE—GROUP:
20061206             I defy you to watch this —48—MINUTE documentary and not be outraged about THE—DEPTH—OF—CORRUPTION + deceit within the highest ranks of our government.
20061206             Another FORMER—RUSSIA—AGENT Poisoned:
20061206             says he and his wife and children have been contaminated by POLONIUM -210 + says he is being framed for the killing.
20061206             RUSSIA won't extradite suspects:
20061206             RUSSIA will not extradite suspects in THE—ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO case to BRITAIN, its CHIEF prosecutor has said.
20061206             Canadians to deport 'RUSSIA—SPY:
20061206             —SPIED, The intelligence agency said the man had, on CANADA —FOR—10—YEARS and worked for 1—SUCCESSOR to THE—SOVIET—KGB,
20061206             the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), which deals with foreign operations and INTELLIGENCE—GATHERING.
20061206             ITALY prosecutors want kidnap trial for CIA agents:
20061206             —ASKED, ITALY—PROSECUTORS——ON—TUESDAY, 1—JUDGE to order CIA agents and ITALY—SPIES to stand trial on charges of kidnapping 1—TERRORISM—SUSPECT and flying him to EGYPT, where he says he was tortured.
20061206             DAVID—HICKS: Unconvicted, Tortured, Broken:
20061206             If THE—AUSTRALIA—GOVERNMENT thinks it can breeze through yet another ANNIVERSARY—OF—DAVID—HICKS imprisonment in 1—AMERICA—MILITARY hellhole, they are going to brutally surprised.
20061206             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION repeatedly sought ways to limit payouts to nuclear weapons workers sickened by radiation + toxic material,
20061206             according to 1—MEMO written by congressional investigators and obtained by USA—TODAY
20061206             DENVER housing market in FREE—FALL as foreclosures eclipse record:
20061206             PAKISTAN makes Kashmir offer:
20061206             PAKISTAN says it will give up its claim to Kashmir if INDIA agrees to 1—SELF—GOVERNANCE—PLAN for the contested region.
20061206             GENERAL—MUSHARRAF has no right to reverse Kashmir Policy: Qazi:
20061206             —EXPRESSED, Qazi Sahib, his concern as to why did PRESIDENT—MUSHARRAF suggested this recommendation + castigated THE—PRESIDENT for bargaining the integrity + INTERESTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY, on behalf of his foreign master(s).
20061206             Rabbis ban use of schoolbooks showing pre-19670000             border:
20061206             1—ORGANIZATION—OF—RIGHT—WING rabbis —ON—TUESDAY issued 1—HALAKHIC—DECREE forbidding students from using schoolbooks featuring maps of ISRAEL which include the pre-19670000             Green Line border, ISRAEL—RADIO reported.
20061206             Is JOHN—MCCAIN —NOW the most dangerous man in AMERICA?
20061206             LET—LOOK at EACH—OF—HIS wacky comments in turn. More troops won't help:
20061206             The latest serpent at which 1—DROWNING—WASHINGTON—ESTABLISHMENT is grasping is the idea of sending more AMERICA—TROOPS to IRAQ.
20061206             Would more troops turn the war there in AMERICA—FAVOR?
20061206             No.
20061206             —URGED, IRAN—TOP—NATIONAL—SECURITY—OFFICIAL, his Arab neighbors —TODAY to eject THE—USA—MILITARY from AMERICA—BASES in the region and instead join TEHRAN in 1—REGIONAL—SECURITY—ALLIANCE.
20061206             RUSSIA balks at broad IRAN sanctions:
20061206             RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SERGEY—LAVROV said —TUESDAY that imposing WIDE—RANGING sanctions on IRAN for its nuclear program would be "irresponsible".
20061206             Ahmadinejad: ANY—EU decision against IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM will be considered hostile:
20061206             IRAN—PRESIDENT—WARNED—WASHINGTON—EUROPEAN allies —ON—TUESDAY that IRAN would reconsider its relations with them if they insist on punishing TEHRAN for its nuclear program, saying
20061206             that would amount to 1—ACT—OF ''hostility.''
20061206             IRAN to replace dollar with euro in foreign trade:
20061206             —DECIDED, Finance MINISTER: IRAN has, to replace dollar with euro in its foreign trade given the continual impediments and hostile policies directed by USA toward the country,
20061206             IRAN—FINANCE—MINISTER said —ON—MONDAY.
20061206             Gates says USA not winning in IRAQ:
20061206             —NOMINATED, ROBERT—GATES, to replace DONALD—RUMSFELD as USA DEFENSE SECRETARY, —ON—TUESDAY said he did not believe THE—USA was winning the war in IRAQ.
20061206             —ACCELERATED, This is part of 1, timetable discussed by PRESIDENT—BUSH + PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI —DURING their summit in JORDAN —LAST—WEEK.
20061206             There has to be equality-
20061206             If Britons can join THE—ISRAEL—ARMY, those who fight for Palestine can't be treated as terrorists d
20061206             Are We Changing Planet Earth
20061206             DAVID—ATTENBOROUGH—BBC Video Documentary
20061206             DAVID—ATTENBOROUGH explores —JUST how much climate change is altering our planet.
20061206             He looks ahead to find out what needs to be done to save Planet Earth from the worst impact of global warming and discovers what could happen to the planet once a 'tipping point' of carbon emissions is reached.
20061206             He also discusses the solutions we can all adopt to prevent catastrophic change.
20061206             Click to watch. No More Victims!
20061206             Our government has spent HUNDREDS—OF—BILLIONS to destroy IRAQ and HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—CHILDREN have been injured.
20061206             2—MORE—YEARS- - Solving the 'Stability' Problem-
20061206             AMERICA is failing in THE—MIDDLE—EAST because our leaders of both parties will not look at the region through Arab eyes.
20061206             What BUSH saw as 1—GLORIOUS—LIBERATION—OF—IRAQ, Arabs saw as 1—INVASION.
20061206             RUMSFELD—MEMO is great READING for FICTION—LOVERS.
20061206             It provides 1—REVEALING snapshot of 1—LEADER who carefully considered EVERY—ALTERNATIVE—BEFORE making 1—DECISION.
20061206             It's 1—STARK contrast to the intractable narcissist who ignored his advisors and bullied his generals.
20061206             JAMES—WEBB—STOOD—UP to the Patronizing, Insensitive, ARROGANCE—OF—BUSH.
20061206             For That, He Deserves —THIS—WEEK—BUZZFLASH—WINGS—OF—JUSTICE—AWARD.
20061206             Fine Print in Defense BILL—OPENS—DOOR to MARTIAL—LAW
20061206             But WILL—WE—GET 1—PAPER—TRAIL and Open Software?
20061206             Great gifts.
20061206             Why Spend Your Money at Big Corporate Chains for the Holidays?
20061206             Bid to Battle THE—NRA—THEY are So Nutty, They Want Handguns in National Parks!
20061206             Send Them Packing, Support Gun Control —NOW.
20061206             "IRAQ report to ramp up pressure on Bush " -- Yeah,Right, Sue.
20061206             Has Anybody Noticed It is Getting WORSE Over in IRAQ —WHILE All This DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA "Study Group" Stuff Dithering Goes On?
20061206             PUTIN—GOVERNMENT said —TODAY that PUTIN—GOVERNMENT will call the shots in the probe of whether PUTIN—GOVERNMENT killed THE—FORMER—KGB agent in LONDON who used to work for PUTIN—GOVERNMENT.
20061206             Sounds like AMERICA.
20061206             12/6 - Democratic SENATOR—JOE—BIDEN thinks it's really important that the Republicans get back on their feet —AFTER their dismal election losses.
20061206             Is his name Biden or Lieberman?
20061206             12/6 - Incoming House Intel COMMITTEE—CHAIR—REYES says we must add 20,000 to 30,000 more troops to IRAQ.
20061206             For real.
20061206             The guy must be smoking SOME—OF—THAT bumper opium crop they're cranking out of AFGHANISTAN nowadays.
20061206             12/6 - Finally + this has 1—LITTLE something to do with the delay (but mostly technical problems....),
20061206             but do let me be the 1. to announce that
20061206             —THURSDAY night MISS—ELIZABETH—DE—LA—VEGA will be ON—NONE other THAN—THE—COLBERT—REPORT!!!
20061206             —TUNED, So most definitely stay, for that, as well.
20061206             And —WHILE you're tuning in, allow me to encourage you all to network like mad on this COLBERT REPORT appearance.
20061206             Bernays, EDWARD—L—FREUD—AMERICA—NEPHEW and disciple
20061206             Emotional words +judgemental words+ angry words + stirring
20061206             words belong in writing that's designed to inspire, outrage...
20061206             BERNAYS, EDWARD—L—IMPACT—PUBLIC relations in AMERICA.
20061206             Has. powerful public relations machines turned U$ into 1—NATION—OF—CONSUMER—SLAVES.
20061206             How has television given corporate AMERICA 1—SHOWROOM in EVERY—HOME.
20061206             our country?
20061206             that in 1—DEMOCRATIC—SOCIETY the masses were getting too much power?...
20061206             village voice > specials > Voice 50. Anniversary by FRANK—SMYTH...
20061206             (THE—NEW—YORK OFFICE—OF—THE—FBI tends toward OBDIDALLAH—VIEW; according to...
20061206             —DROPPED, According to THE—EX—AGENT, Bin Ladin, $15—MILLION on 1—SHIPMENT—OF...
20061206             —BUGGED, FBI agent says AL—ARIAN was, tapped —FOR—9—YEARS : The government
20061206             sex marriage insist they have no agenda other than ending discrimination,
20061206             1—MAN—PRIVATE—JIHAD
20061206             (THE—NEW—YORK OFFICE—OF—THE—FBI tends toward OBDIDALLAH—VIEW;
20061206             according to... former spokesman for THE—AMERICA—ARAB—ANTI—DISCRIMINATION—COMMITTEE.
20061206             Another mistaken 'conceptzia'2 [WHY WE CANNOT AFFORD ANOTHER CLINTON]
20061206             There, in the global spotlight, he can pose as the great Arab hero saving Islam...
20061206             —BELIEVED, NEW—YORK FBI, that was a "false flag" operation run by IRAQ...
20061206             FBI will have voting results a...
20061206             EX—AGENT Spurns NEW—YORK City Police Job —AFTER Aides Criticize F.B.I.
20061206             of protests from ARAB—AMERICANS and civil libertarians once THE—SO—CALLED "
20061206             October Surprise...
20061206             —DURING his —24—YEARS on the high court, Associate Justice Marshall consistently challenged discrimination based on race or sex, opposed the death...
20061206             Political Discussions Latest USA—NEWS topics - WASHINGTON—DEATH—REVISITED (AP);
20061206             Sago Mine Hearing Ends With More Questions (AP); EX—FBI Analyst Pleads Guilty...
20061206             shortlist:feature 8 | the canary project-
20061206             verweist auf aktuelle Umfragen, nach denen 59—PROZENT—DER—AMERIKANER die globale Erwärmung als KEIN 'sehr ernstes Problem' betrachten;...
20061206             EUROPA—RAPID—PRESS Releases
20061206             Europäische Forscher fordern stärkere Nutzung der Umwelttechnologien im Kampf gegen die globale Erwärmung.
20061206             thyssen - Es kann nach diesen Ergebnissen jedoch davon ausgegangen werden, daß 1—GROSSTEIL—DER—FORSCHER übereinstimmt und die globale Erwärmung als Prozeß verstanden...
20061206             UMWELT—ONLINE: Empfehlung
20061206             www.dieselumbau.deUMRÜSTTEILE, UMBAUSÄTZE,
20061206             Globale Erwärmung stoppenJEDER KANN AKTIV ETWAS TUN.
20061206             WIR PLANZEN BÄUME, HELFEN SIE MIT. baz.CH—BASLER Zeitung Online
20061206             Das Oberste Gericht der USA hat sich zum 1. Mal in die Diskussion um die globale Erwärmung eingeschaltet.
20061206             Warum Amerikaner fast alles glauben -D-.htm
20061206             Wenn beispielsweise GENERAL—MOTORS damit herauskommt, daß die Globale Erwärmung 1—SCHERZ sei,
20061206             der von ein paar baumvernarrten Liberalen in die Welt
20061206             alfatomega.com/noname07.html - ESA—KIDS—AUF der ERDE—GLOBALE Erwärmung
20061206             JEDES—MAL, wenn wir ausatmen, geben wir das Gas Kohlendioxid an die Atmosphäre ab.
20061206             Kohlendioxid ist 1—BEISPIEL fÜr 1—TREIBHAUSGAS, 1—GAS...
20061206             YOUTUBE—GLOBALE Erwärmung - Globale Erwärmung 00:04. From: Sveeenja Views:
20061206             Futurama erklärt globale Erwärmung... - DOCTOR—SNO* Daily: Coral Bleach
20061206             This is all happening as 1—EFFECT—OF—GLOBAL warming which is, although constantly denied, probably happening BECAUSE—OF—THE—GREENHOUSE—GAS—EMISSIONS.
20061206             Die globale Erwärmung: Die zugrundeliegende Wissenschaft + die..
20061206             Die globale Erwärmung : Die zugrundeliegende Wissenschaft + die mögliche Reaktion.
20061206             J—HOUGHTON—KI.
20061206             LUFT—UND Kältetechnik 31, 556-557, MÜller,
20061206             -Updated- 12-21pm ET.
20061206             NASDAQ:HDTV Insider Trading for WALLACE J—HILLIARD.
20061206             —AM vergangenen —MONTAG hatte sich, wie —ERST—JETZT bekannt wurde, 1—DELEGATION—DES—ISRAEL ischen Außenministeriums zu Gesprächen im VATIKAN aufgehalten.
20061206             Leasing News...
20061206             —ADMINISTERED, The bonds were, by Finova CAPITAL—CORPORATION... $50—MILLION worth of its common stock issued in the —TRANSACTION.
20061206             alfatomega.com/20050221.html
20061206             alfatomega.com/20080211.html
20061206             JEFFREY—L—COVELL; Updated by Kathleen Peippo.
20061206             Wikipedia : Leucadia National.
20061206             Leucadia National Corporation (traded on THE—NEW—YORK Stock Exchange as LUK) is...
20061206             Finova, THE—FORMER—GREYHOUND Financial Co., saw dramatic growth in the 1. few years —AFTER.. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "THE—DIAL".
20061206             How long can we go on to tolerate conspiracy theorists...
20061206             Finova is the link between N334AA, aka Flight 11 + Berkshire Hathaway.
20061206             Talk, discuss about war, DECLINE—OF—THE—STOCK—MARKET, phone with the CEOs of.
20061206             STOCKTON SPRINGS—MAINE 04981. ANY—JOURNALIST worth his pay should be able to connect the dots
20061206             This was the Justice DEPARTMENT—1. case under a —12—YEAR—OLD—ANTI—TORTURE—LAW.
20061206             The indictment came THE—DAY—BEFORE Emmanuel, He currently in FEDERAL—CUSTODY was scheduled to be sentenced on the passport fraud charges in MIAMI.
20061206             Cisco CEO—JOHN—CHAMBERS—NETWORK said equipment maker Cisco Systems INCORPORATED will set up 1—CENTER in INDIA to support all aspects of its worldwide operations.
20061206             —REPORTED, NASA scientists, EVIDENCE—OF—WATER at 2—MARTIAN craters.
20061206             JAMES—KIM, 1—SAN—FRANCISCO man who struck out alone to find help for his family —AFTER their car got stuck on 1—SNOWY, remote road in OREGON was found dead, bringing 1—END to what authorities called 1—EXTRAORDINARY—EFFORT to stay alive.
20061206             —INCLUDED, CALIFORNIA, the inaugural class to THE—STATE—HALL—OF—FAME : RONALD—REAGAN, CESAR—CHAVEZ, Walt Disney, Amelia Earhart, Clint Eastwood, FRANK—GEHRY, DAVID—D—HO, M.D., BILLIE—JEAN—KING, JOHN—MUIR, SALLY—K—RIDE, Ph.D., ALICE—WALKER and the Hearst and Packard Families.
20061206             WISCONSIN, 1—PROPANE gas leak led to 1—HUGE—EXPLOSION in 1—WEST—SIDE—MILWAUKEE industrial area, killing 3—PEOPLE at the Falk Corp. transmission parts plant.
20061206             46—OTHERS were injured.
20061206             —LIFTED, AUSTRALIA—PARLIAMENT, a —4—YEAR—BAN on cloning human embryos for stem cell research despite opposition from THE—PRIME—MINISTER and other party leaders.
20061206             —CONCEDED, BRITAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR has, that USA—LED forces are not winning the war in IRAQ, as he headed for WASHINGTON to discuss strategic options in THE—WAR—SCARRED country.
20061206             UK—OFFICIALS said traces of the radioactive isotope POLONIUM—210—HAVE been detected at 1—LONDON stadium that hosted 1—SOCCER game attended by Lugovoi.
20061206             —ADOPTED, Lawmakers in BULGARIA, 1—MUCH—DELAYED law to open the archives of its former communist SECRET—SERVICE, but also voted to keep 1—SMALL—PORTION—OF—THE—FILES—SECRET for "national security reasons".
20061206             CHAD—,1—ASSOCIATION—OF—RADIO broadcasters said private radio stations began a —3—DAY—PROTEST—OF—GOVERNMENT—CENSORSHIP—OF—THEIR reporting on CHAD—VOLATILE east.
20061206             —INAUGURATED, CONGO, JOSEPH—KABILA as its 1. freely elected PRESIDENT in more than —4—DECADES.
20061206             —JAILED, HECTOR—PALACIOS, 1—WELL—KNOWN—DISSIDENT, in 1—CUBA—GOVERNMENT—CRACKDOWN on the opposition —3—YEARS—AGO, was unexpectedly released from prison.
20061206             —ARRIVED, EGYPT—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK, in DUBLIN at the start of a —5—DAY—EUROPEAN tour that will also include FRANCE and GERMANY.
20061206             He said renewing THE—MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE—PROCESS is top of his agenda.
20061206             Commodore FRANK—BAINIMARAMA, the military ruler who led 1—COUP against FIJI's elected government, forcibly dissolved THE—SOUTH—PACIFIC—ISLAND'S—PARLIAMENT, installed 1—NEW—PRIME—MINISTER and warned that he could use force against dissenters.
20061206             THE—FRANCE 24—NEWS—CHANNEL was 1—JOINT—VENTURE between TF1, 1—PRIVATE—FIRM, and THE—STATE—OWNED FRANCE Televisions.
20061206             —KILLED, IRAQ, 1—MORTAR attack, at least 8—PEOPLE and wounded dozens in 1—SECONDHAND goods market in 1—SHELLING in the Sadr City Shiite DISTRICT—OF—BAGHDAD.
20061206             —DETONATED, Soon —AFTER 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER on 1—BUS in Sadr City, explosives hidden in his clothing, killing 2—PEOPLE and wounding 15. 1—BOMB also exploded near 1—SHOP in Iskandariyah, 30—MILES—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD, killing 4—PEOPLE and wounding 12. DRIVE—BY shootings and mortar attacks north and SOUTH—OF—THE—CAPITAL killed 4—IRAQIS and wounded 5. USA—GROUND and air forces conducted 1—RAID targeting foreign insurgents near THE—IRAN—BORDER, killing 1—MILITANT who opened fire on 1—AIRCRAFT.
20061206             —KILLED, At least 75—PEOPLE were, or found dead across IRAQ, including 48—WHOSE BULLET—RIDDLED bodies were found in different parts of BAGHDAD.
20061206             11—USA—TROOPS were killed in 5—SEPARATE—INCIDENTS in IRAQ.
20061206             1—IRAQ—COURT sentenced 1—LIBYA—MEMBER—OF—AL—QAIDA in IRAQ to death —AFTER he admitted taking part in 8—ATTACKS on USA—LED coalition forces and IRAQ—TARGETS.
20061206             PHILIPPE—DOUSTE—BLAZY, THE—FRANCE—FOREIGN—MINISTER, said that IRAN will face UN sanctions for refusing to halt its nuclear program but that major world powers remain divided over their extent.
20061206             A—USA—SERVICEMAN fatally shot 1—CIVILIAN at THE—USA—AIR—BASE in KYRGYZSTAN "in response to 1—THREAT".
20061206             1—CONFERENCE on bird flu opened in MALI.
20061206             —CONCERNED, Experts were increasingly, for AFRICA as 1—INTERNATIONAL—CONFERENCE heard that EGYPT, NIGERIA, and SUDAN continued to record outbreaks of the deadly disease.
20061206             —ANNOUNCED, MEXICO—PRESIDENT—FELIPE—CALDERON, 1—PROGRAM to help MEXICO—100—POOREST—COMMUNITIES, responding to leftist critics who accuse the conservative LEADER—OF—WANTING to help only the rich.
20061206             —STEPPED, Cardinal JOZEF—GLEMP (76), down —AFTER more than —25—YEARS as archbishop of WARSAW.
20061206             He headed POLAND—POWERFUL—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH through the dark DAYS—OF—MARTIAL law and the country's —LATER jump to FREE—MARKET—DEMOCRACY.
20061206             DOHA—QATAR, Midway through —DAY 5—OF—THE—ASIAN—GAMES, CHINA had 67—GOLD medals to JAPAN—18 and SOUTH—KOREA—14. KAZAKHSTAN, thanks to its shooters and weightlifters, had 10.
20061206             —SIGNED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, into law 1—BILL dropping 1—MINIMAL turnout threshold in polls, which critics say will make them less fair, despite 1—PLEA by his human rights adviser not to do so.
20061206             —FIRED, SAUDI—ARABIA said it had, 1—SECURITY—ADVISER who wrote in THE—WASHINGTON—POST that the world's top oil exporter would intervene in IRAQ once THE—USA—WITHDRAWS troops.
20061206             —BEHEADED, SAUDI—ARABIA, 1—PAKISTAN—CITIZEN and his daughter for smuggling heroin into the kingdom.
20061206             SOMALIA, SHEIK—HUSSEIN—BARRE—RAGE, 1—ISLAMIC—COURTS—OFFICIAL in Bulo Burto, said residents who do not pray 5—TIMES —1—DAY will be beheaded, adding the edict will be implemented in —3—DAYS.
20061206             Hoping to head off 1—REGIONAL proxy war, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL came to the aid of SOMALIA—VIRTUALLY powerless government, authorizing HUNDREDS—OF—EAST—AFRICA—TROOPS to train and protect the interim administration in its conflict with 1—ISLAMIC—MILITIA.
20061206             —MOBILIZED, SOUTH—KOREA, 45,000 riot police to thwart banned protests as crucial talks on forging 1—FREE—TRADE—AGREEMENT with THE—USA faltered.
20061206             —REACHED, THE—USA—AND—SOUTH—KOREA, agreement on sharing costs for THE—DEPLOYMENT—OF—USA—TROOPS on the Korean peninsula.
20061206             —REPORTED, SUDAN—NEWSPAPERS, that Salva Kiir, SUDAN—1.—VICE—PRESIDENT, demanded the arrest of 2—PRO—KHARTOUM generals involved in deadly clashes in THE—SOUTH—TOWN—OF—MALAKAL —LAST—MONTH.
20061206             —JANJAWEED, PRO—GOVERNMENT, militiamen in the Darfur region killed 2—STUDENTS in El Fasher, —1—DAY—AFTER another student was killed.
20061206             —MASSED, Rebel groups, nearby in preparation for 1—POSSIBLE—ATTACK against the forces.
20061206             1—UGANDA—ARMY—SPOKESMAN said at least 12,000 refugees fleeing fighting in EAST—CONGO DRC have crossed over the border into SOUTH—WEST—UGANDA.
20061206             —ASSURED, The officials, him, MISTER—HOLT said, that the agency singled out Americans for eavesdropping only under warrants from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.
20061206             WHAT—THE—CAT—BLOG? It's THE—BLOG—OF—THE—CAT—DREAM.
20061206             JOHN—PILGER : "Excellent site".
20061206             This certainly deserves to be seen by 1—BROAD—AUDIENCE.
20061206             You have done 1—EXCELLENT—JOB".
20061206             1—IMPORTANT—RESOURCE in the struggle".
20061206             The findings may help shed light on the life and DEATH—OF—THE—NEANDERTHALS, which became extinct about 10,—000—YEARS—AFTER the arrival of modern humans in EUROPE —AROUND 40,—000—YEARS—AGO.
20061206             Remember —YESTERDAY how the Technical Guidelines Development COMMITTEE—FOR—THE—NATIONAL—INSTITUTE—OF—STANDARDS and Technology rejected the proposal to require "software independent" E—VOTING machines (such as ones that had 1—PAPER audit trail), claiming that it was —JUST too much work to, you know, have integrity in our elections.
20061206             However, —TODAY, the group got back together and came up with something of 1—COMPROMISE proposal that was accepted.
20061206             Of course, —WHILE SOME—MAY see this as 1—COMPROMISE solution, others may suggest that it's 1—COMPROMISE that compromises THE—INTEGRITY—OF—THE—VOTE.
20061206             If current E—VOTING machines are insecure and probl... Source:
20061206             Is GLEN—BECK 1—FACIST? Recent remarks would say yes.
20061206             Its all about ratings folks + with Glen and that windbag bitch NANCY Grace, CNN is aiming for FOX—NEW—AUDIENCE in 1—BIG—WAY.
20061206             We need [them] to be the 1. ones in the recruitment office lining up to shoot the bad Muslims in the head.' I'm telling you, with God as my witness... human beings are not strong enough, unf... Source:
20061206             Whence WHITE—HOUSE—LEAKS—BG Why Is THE—LEAK—PROOF WHITE—HOUSE Leaking?
20061206             ANN—ALTHOUSE—UNHINGED—BG—LAW—BLOGGER—TRIES To Explain Terror Detainee Treatment:
20061206             "Perhaps There Is 1—FEAR—THAT—HE—WILL—COMMUNICATE—IN—CODE—BY—BLINKING"...
20061206             Retreating to the friendly confines of the
20061206             —REIGNITED, Weekly Standard magazine neoconservatives have, 1—CONSERVATIVE—CIVIL—WAR over foreign policy.
20061206             —WHILE THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP led by JAMES—BAKER + LEE—HAMILTON appears to have backed key elements of 1—PROGRESSIVE—STRATEGIC—REDEPLOYMENT—PLAN put forth by the Center for USA—PROGRESS—MORE than —1—YEAR—AGO, neoconservatives — reflecting their growing irrelevance and detachment from reality — are still insisting that THE—USA—SEND more troops to IRAQ and continue to oppose dialogue with IRAQ—NEIGHBORS.
20061206             In 1—CLEAR—EFFORT to KNEE—CAP THE—BAKER—HAMILTON report —BEFORE it comes out, the Weekly Standard has 1—SLEW—OF—ARTICLES attacking THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP, JAMES—BAKER + conservative "realists" like ROBERT—GATES.
20061206             Surge and Run - " by THOMAS—DONNELLY, "The 'adults' of the Bush 41—ADMINISTRATION were supposed to talk Bush 43—OFF the ledge...but the main recommendation of THE—BAKER—HAMILTON...has little value outside WASHINGTON + none in BAGHDAD or the region...the insurgents have nearly won the war inside the Beltway".
20061206             —FROM Metternich to JIM—BAKER
20061206             It was the "realist" ELEVATION—OF—STABILITY—ABOVE—ALL—OTHER—STRATEGIC—FACTORS...gave us not only the radical regime in IRAN, but, ultimately, al Qaeda + 20010911             ".
20061206             —CLEARED, Mobiles '' of cancer risk Long or SHORT—TERM—MOBILE—PHONE—USE is not associated with increased RISK—OF—CANCER, 1—MAJOR—STUDY finds.
20061206             Taste test 'may show depression' Scientists say it may be possible to develop 1—TASTE test to diagnose depression and to decide on drugs.
20061206             Report 'urges IRAQ policy shift' 1—MAJOR—REPORT on USA—POLICY in IRAQ urges talks with IRAN and Syria over the country's future, leaks suggest.
20061206             —INAUGURATED, DR CONGO—PRESIDENT sworn in JOSEPH—KABILA is, in DR CONGO, —FOLLOWING 1—OF—AFRICA—MOST significant elections in recent years.
20061206             —HALTED, Flights, at BRAZIL airports BRAZIL—AIR—TRAFFIC—COMMUNICATIONS—SYSTEM—BREAKS down, causing chaos at 3—MAJOR—AIRPORTS.
20061206             —OVERPLAYED, Pinochet illness 'not ' Doctors reject claims that CHILE—EX—LEADER—AUGUSTO—PINOCHET has exaggerated his illness to avoid prosecution.
20061206             1. flight for future fighter The world's most expensive military project, the F—35—JOINT—STRIKE—FIGHTER, is due to take to the skies —NEXT—WEEK.
20061206             THAILAND buries last tsunami dead THAILAND lays to rest the final bodies of those killed in 1—OF—THE—REGIONS—HARDEST—HIT by 20040000             —THE tsunami.
20061206             EX—SPY—CONTACT 'meets UK police' 1—CONTACT—OF—EX—KGB spy ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO is to meet UK investigators, 1—ASSOCIATE has told THE—BBC.
20061206             Dalits stage mass rally in Mumbai THOUSANDS—OF—LOW—CASTE—HINDUS, or Dalits have gathered in THE—INDIA—CITY—OF—MUMBAI for 1—RALLY.
20061206             PLANET—DETECTOR—NEARS—ITS—LAUNCH The hunt for EARTH—LIKE—PLANETS is to be STEPPED—UP as 1—NEW—MISSION, Corot, prepares for launch.
20061206             BUSH—PRIVACY—WATCHDOGS make public debut At its 1. public meeting, 1—WHITE—HOUSE—PANEL hears from civil liberties advocates, but sheds little light on its supposed watchdog role.
20061206             "As 1—REGULAR—SLASHDOT reader I've followed the development and implementation of RFID devices in MANY—UBIQUITOUS—AREAS such as clothing, passports and even people. Given that our environment is becoming increasingly tagged, often without our knowledge or consent + can be monitored or hacked by anyone with the proper hardware, skills and motivation, I viewed the recent arrival of 2—NEW—ATM cards containing RFID chips with skepticism. —WHILE this feature may bring the increased convenience of speedy checkouts, it is not something I am completely comfortable using and decided that THE—SAFETY—OF—MY personal data was more important than the ability to buy things quickly. The vulnerable nature of RFID security coupled with recent, though unrelated, reports of 1—POSSIBLE—SECURITY—FLAW—IN—ATMS make me seriously question whether the marriage of wireless data transfer with personal finance is 1—WISE—APPLICATION—OF—TECHNOLOGY".
20061206             So race's question basically boils down to: How safe and secure are THE—RFID chips that are being embedded in debit and credit cards?
20061206             —SUPERSATURATED, The writer believes that 1, solution of very smart people, plus stock that may have run out of upside, will yield what he calls SON—OF—GOOGLE — 1—LARGE—WAVE—OF—INNOVATIVE—COMPANIES created by Google graduates.
20061206             Could happen. Solar Cell Achieves 40% Efficiency
20061206             Fysiks Wurks found on THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—ENERGY—WEBSITE—NEWS—OF—1—BREAKTHROUGH in solar energy efficiency.
20061206             ROBERT—GATES : OSAMA—BIN—LADEN More Symbol Than THREAT—BG - THE—CAT—BLOG: Much worse (IRAQ)- BG
20061206             Filed under: Celebrity Justice, Mel GibsonTMZ.com:
20061206             L.A. County SHERIFF—DEPUTY—JAMES—MEE "was forced into 1—INTERNAL—AFFAIRS—INVESTIGATION within —72—HOURS—OF—THE—ARREST—OF—MISTER—GIBSON," according to 1—LETTER sent... Read more...
20061206             "—WHEN I realised, I started screaming. I looked at his face and it was missing parts".
20061206             —TRANSFORMED, It was THE—START—OF—1—DAY that, MISTER—RODRIGUEZ from 1—MAINTENANCE—MAN to the hero of 20010911             .
20061206             —HELPED, He ran back into the crumbling tower 3—TIMES +, save HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE.
20061206             For MISTER—RODRIGUEZ... Source:
20061206             1 hijacked airliner probably en route to THE—WHITE—HOUSE crashes in PENNSYLVANIA, the Pentagon is afire + the Twin TOWERS—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER are rubble.
20061206             In the 1. hours of frenetic response, fully aware of al QAEDA—CULPABILITY, both PRESIDENT—BUSH + SECRETARY—RUMSFELD seek frantically to link SADDAM—HUSSEIN to the attacks, we know fr... Source:
20061206             —WHILE We Weren't LOOKING—WE shouldn't be surprised by ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO—MURDER.
20061206             —PASSED, In THE—12—DAYS that have, —SINCE ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO, 1—EX—KGB agent, †—OF—RADIATION poisoning in LONDON, we have learned 1—LOT about his death.
20061206             —LEARNED, Well, we have, that Litvinenko † after somehow
20061206             ingesting polonium-210 , 1—RELATIVELY rare radioactive substance.
20061206             —LEARNED, We have, that 1—MYSTERIOUS—ITALIAN, MARIO—SCARAMELLA -1—SELF—EMPLOYED "security expert" who —LAST—YEAR claimed he'd found EX—KGB men selling nuclear material in THE—POSTAGE—STAMP REPUBLIC—OF—S—MARINO -
20061206             —LEARNED, We have, that various other EX—KGB agents floating —AROUND LONDON have also tested positive for polonium-210, as have a
20061206             Piccadilly sushi restaurant, a LONDON hotel room + a COUPLE—OF—AIRPLANES.
20061206             We have seen 1—PHOTOGRAPH—OF—LITVINENKO flaunting KGB gauntlets, 1—CHECHEN sword + 1—UNION—JACK.
20061206             We have also seen 1—PHOTOGRAPH—OF—LITVINENKO with tubes in his body on his death bed.
20061206             To continue READING, click here.
20061206             Unclaimed TERRITORY—BY GLENN—GREENWALD: HOWARD—KURTZ speaks on JOSE—PADILLA: —JUST SOME—LEG shackles for the Dirty BOMBER—BG
20061206             The seamy underside of asbestos litigation.
20061206             USA—DROPS—PLAN to open up airlines THE—USA—HALTS plan to give foreign investors more control over its airlines, probably delaying 1—OPEN—SKIES—TREATY.
20061206             Princeton economist and NEW—YORK—TIMES—COLUMNIST—PAUL—KRUGMAN went on FOX—NEWS this afternoon to talk about his new article in Rolling Stone Magazine, "How THE—SUPER—RICH Are Screwing AMERICA".
20061206             KRUGMAN—ARTICLE is about how income inequality is getting worse and, as 1—RESULT, even though SOME—AGGREGATE—ECONOMIC—INDICATORS are positive, most people aren't benefiting.
20061206             Cavuto told Krugman, "HERE—WHAT I'm saying that you're doing: You are lying to people".
20061206             Actually, Krugman is completely right: things are dramatically worse —NOW than 10 or —20—YEARS—AGO.
20061206             HERE—1—CHART from the Economic Policy Institute that tracks the ratio of the wealthiest 1—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS to median income in THE—USA,
20061206             1—STANDARD—MEASURE—OF—INCOME—INEQUALITY : Full transcript:
20061206             —APPLIED, All I'm saying is that the math that, —NOW, can't you apply it in other periods, —WHEN there have been Democratic presidents who've had the same dislocations?
20061206             It didn't start with Bush — and I actually say that if anybody, you know, buy Rolling Stone, read the article — it actually starts even —BEFORE Reagan, so this is not —JUST Bush.
20061206             THE—POINT—OF—THE—MATTER is that, —WHEN, in these last —5—YEARS, as it's becomes clear that this is 1—REALLY growing problem, that most people are not sharing in the economy's growth,
20061206             THE—POLICIES—OF—BUSH have been at EVERY—POINT to push that inequality further.
20061206             —VOTED, THE—SENATE—ARMED—SERVICES—COMMITTEE—NICO -, unanimously to approve ROBERT—GATES ' nomination as defense SECRETARY, 21-0. 1—FULL—SENATE is expected tomorrow.
20061206             —RAISED, RIGHT—WING talk show host DENNIS—PRAGER has, 1—FIRESTORM charging that Rep.-elect KEITH—ELLISON (D—MN), the 1. Muslim elected to Congress,
20061206             must swear in using 1—BIBLE.
20061206             USA Holocaust Memorial Council.
20061206             —YESTERDAY, the Council on USA—ISLAMIC—RELATIONS
20061206             called on Prager to be removed from this position :
20061206             —BIGOTED, No 1—WHO holds such, intolerant and divisive views should be in 1—POLICYMAKING position at 1—TAXPAYER—FUNDED institution that seeks to educate Americans about the destructive impact hatred has had + continues to have, on EVERY—SOCIETY.
20061206             —CONTINUED, As 1—PRESIDENTIAL appointee, Prager's, presence on the council would send 1—NEGATIVE—MESSAGE to Muslims worldwide about AMERICA—COMMITMENT to religious tolerance.
20061206             Likewise, THE—ANTI—DEFAMATION—LEAGUE, 1—GROUP battling ANTI—SEMITISM and other bigotry,
20061206             issued a statement
20061206             —PUNISHED, USA—SOLDIERS, for having PTSD.
20061206             - Nico - "1—NEW—INVESTIGATION by National Public Radio looked at troops diagnosed with mental health disorders and concluded that 'officers at FORT—CARSON punish soldiers who need help + even kick them OUT—OF—THE—ARMY.'" PAUL—RIECKHOFF, HEAD—OF—THE—IRAQ & AFGHANISTAN VETERANS—OF—AMERICA, has details.
20061206             "Remember Dick Cheney? THE—VICE—PRESIDENT, rarely seen at public events these days, will
20061206             THE—PENTAGON is actively planning + the administration is reportedly considering, 1—PREEMPTIVE strike on IRAN.
20061206             —ASKED, —TODAY, Defense SECRETARY—NOMINEE—ROBERT—GATES was, about his views on attacking IRAN.
20061206             —RESPECTED, Gates joins MANY—OTHER, national security experts who believe there are
20061206             no good military options in IRAN.
20061206             Do you support — —NOW, we hear all these rumors about the potential for 1—ATTACK on IRAN due to its nuclear weapons program, or on Syria due to its SUPPORT—OF—TERRORISM.
20061206             GATES : SENATOR—BYRD, I think that military action against IRAN would be 1—ABSOLUTE last resort, that ANY—PROBLEMS that we have with IRAN, our 1. option should be diplomacy and working with our allies to try and deal with the problems that IRAN is posing to us.
20061206             I think that we have seen, in IRAQ, that once war is unleashed, it becomes unpredictable.
20061206             And —THEREFORE, I would counsel against military action except as 1—LAST—RESORT and if we felt our vital interests were threatened.
20061206             GATES : Yes, sir, I think that's very likely.
20061206             Bush still hasn't seen 1—INCONVENIENT—TRUTH.
20061206             - JUDD—BUT AL—GORE has 1—PLAN:
20061206             Q: Do you know if PRESIDENT—BUSH has seen the movie yet?
20061206             (VIA—GRISTMILL) - 'Smokey' JOE—BARTON—CALLS—GLOBAL—WARMING—SCIENCE 'Absolute Nonsense,' Vows To Fight CO2 Caps
20061206             —FOR—6—YEARS, Congress has done nothing to address the climate crisis, thanks in no small part to THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—HOUSE—ENERGY and Commerce Committee, "Smokey" JOE—BARTON (R—TX).
20061206             The 110. Congress will have new leadership, but Barton has pledged to continue fighting against legislation intended to address the problem.
20061206             —ADDED, Barton, "But for us to try to step in and say we have got to do all these global things to prevent the Earth from getting ANY—WARMER in my opinion is absolute nonsense. It's not going to happen".
20061206             Gender pay gap narrows,- NICO—NOT "because women are making great strides but because men's wages are eroding, data show".
20061206             Gates Says USA Is Not Winning IRAQ War
20061206             Incoming Armed Services COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—CARL—LEVIN'S (D—MI) 1. question to Defense SECRETARY—NOMINEE—ROBERT—GATES : "MISTER—GATES, do you believe that we are currently winning in IRAQ?"
20061206             Gates ' answer: "No, sir".
20061206             —FROM  - Milbank: Rumsfeld Memo 'Headed for THE—HALL—OF—FAME—OF—COVER—YOUR—ASS Memo Writing'
20061206             major adjustment " to our IRAQ policy.
20061206             OLBERMANN: I have to say, I've fallen in love with the Dickens analogy.
20061206             How do you explain the discrepancy between what the Defense SECRETARY wrote in the memo + what THE—PRESIDENT himself was saying on the eve of the midterms?
20061206             —LISTED, But look at what he's done here, is he's, EVERY—CONCEIVABLE option so that he can —NOW + for future historians, say whatever the outcome in IRAQ, 'Well I recommended we go in that direction.' Because he has recommended increasing troops, decreasing troops, staying the same, adding trainers, —JUST about EVERY—POSSIBLE—PERMUTATION.
20061206             OLBERMANN: Would that have been written with 1—EXPECTATION that he was not going to be retained?
20061206             Would this memo have not been 1—NOOSE in which MISTER—RUMSFELD would have found his neck?
20061206             —ASKED, At 1—RECENT—WHITE—HOUSE—RECEPTION, PRESIDENT—BUSH, Sen.-elect JIM—WEBB (D—VA), "HOW—YOUR boy?" referring to WEBB—SON—JIMMY, who is serving in IRAQ.
20061206             —ANSWERED, Webb, "I'd like to get them out of IRAQ, MISTER—PRESIDENT," to which Bush responded, "That's not what I asked you".
20061206             —REPLIED, Webb then, "That's between me and my boy, MISTER—PRESIDENT".
20061206             The right wing has been attacking Webb for his reaction to BUSH—QUESTION.
20061206             —CALLED, THE—NATIONAL—REVIEW—CORNER, him "classless " and conservative columnist GEORGE—WILL labeled him "1—BOOR".
20061206             But according to REPRESENTATIVE—JIM—MORAN (D—VA), Bush was told that WEBB—SON had 1—RECENT brush with death in IRAQ and was warned to be "extra sensitive"—WHEN talking to the Sen.-elect.
20061206             "[T]he CHRISTIAN—RIGHT—NICO—HAS largely retreated from the culture wars," according to NEW—YORK—TIMES—COLUMNIST—NICHOLAS—KRISTOF.
20061206             KEVIN—DRUM asks, "What planet was this written from?" - "Stop complaining about health care.
20061206             There is no solution".
20061206             SENATOR—JOHN—SUNUNU (R—NH), speaking to state business leaders about their concerns over health care costs.
20061206             Justiz eröffnet Prozess gegen 26—CIA—AGENTEN
20061206             Die Mailänder Staatsanwaltschaft hat die Eröffnung eines Verfahrens gegen 35—PERSONEN—DARUNTER der EX—CHEF—DES ITALIENISCHEN—MILITÄRGEHEIMDIENSTES Sismi, Nicolo POLLARI—IM Zusammenhang mit der Entführung eines ÄGYPTISCHEN—IMAMS beantragt.
20061206             Impressionen eines DEUTSCHLAND—FLÜCHTLINGS (1) - sfux JOHANN—U—BAHR ?
20061206             —ADVOCATED, GATES—NICARAGUA airstrikes
20061206             Zuvor waren in der HAUPTSTADT—SUVA schwerbewaffnete Soldaten vor dem Haus des Regierungschefs aufmarschiert und hatten ihn sowie mehrere seiner MINISTER...
20061206             Ein strahlender MORD—SFUX Malte Olschewski -
20061206             Es war ein strahlender Mord mit gekonnter PR—BEGLEITUNG.
20061206             —NACH—DEM TOD—DES—EHEMALIGEN—RUSSISCHEN—GEHEIMDIENSTMANNES—ALEXANDER—LITWINENKO durch 1—DOSIS radioaktiven Poloniums am 23.11. sucht SCOTLAND Yard in LONDON falsche und echte Spuren in Richtung eines Motives zu ordnen.
20061206             An 12—LOKALEN und Personen sind —BISHER Spuren von Polonium festgestellt worden, was einen einzigartigen.
20061206             Quit smoking drug available in UK - 1—NON—NICOTINE drug specifically designed to help smokers quit is —NOW available in THE—UK.
20061206             Your legal columnist wins 1—EXEMPTION to THE—DMCA for consumers who digitally unlock their cell phones to use with other carriers.
20061206             But —NOW 1—WIRELESS—GIANT says the new rule will damage the prepaid cell phone industry + hurt those who can't afford monthly service.
20061206             —OBTAINED, Here are several documents, under THE—FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—ACT detailing THE—USA—MILITARY—EXTENSIVE—HUMAN—TESTS—OF—ITS—ACTIVE—DENIAL System -- 1—NONLETHAL weapon that uses millimeter wave radiation to induce instant, searing pain that forces people to flee instantly.
20061206             MUM—THE—WORD on NSA Spying
20061206             In 27B Stroke 6.
20061206             IRAN blocks video sharing site YouTube Blog: IRAN is preventing its citizens from accessing VIDEO—SHARING site YouTube, according to 1—REPORT by the Associated Press.
20061206             HI—RES cam spots space junk on Mars The new HI—RES camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has located THE—REMAINS—OF—SPACE—PROBES sent to investigate the Red Planet.
20061206             Panel changes course, approves E—VOTING checks Reworded proposal would call for new systems to be "software independent," but emphasizes current machines would be unaffected.
20061206             USA to create 'risk assessments' of air passengers DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY—IMPLEMENTS DATA—MINING system for passengers traveling to THE—USA.
20061206             Turning cell phones into lifelines Cell phones constantly update of their position with cell towers, making them 1—IMPORTANT—TOOL in finding lost persons.
20061206             It certainly wouldn't be long enough to evacuate from where you live, but it may be —JUST long enough to get out of 1—BUILDING or brace yourself in 1—DOORFRAME or under 1—SOLID—DESK.
20061206             It typically takes —20—SECONDS for the secondary wave to spread 40—MILES, so sensors that can transmit warnings at THE—SPEED—OF—LIGHT may provide —JUST enough warning —BEFORE 1—MAJOR quake for people to brace themselves.
20061206             Even more importantly, such 1—WARNING could allow for utilities like gas companies to close safety valves, preventing potential fires or explosions in the aftermath of the quake".
20061206             INDIA—COLLEGE Students Face Bleak Prospects
20061206             MOST—OF—THE—11—MILLION—STUDENTS in INDIA—18,000—COLLEGES and universities receive starkly inferior training, according to the article, heavy on obedience and rote memorization and light on useful job skills.
20061206             THE—ADS is 1—MILLIMETER—WAVE—WEAPON that uses 1—REPORTEDLY—NON—LETHAL energy beam to inflict SHORT—TERM—PAIN on its targets, encouraging them to leave 1—AREA.
20061206             Experimenters call this the 'Goodbye effect.' I can see using this in 1—WARTIME situation, but how long —BEFORE we see these things mounted to the top of S.W.A.T. vans for domestic crowd control?
20061206             And, is that 1—BAD—IDEA?"  THE—ADS shoots 1—BEAM of millimeters waves, which are longer in wavelength than X—RAYS but shorter than microwaves — 94—GHZ (= 3—MM wavelength) compared to 2.45—GHZ (= 12—CM wavelength) in 1—STANDARD microwave oven... —WHILE subjects may feel like they have sustained serious burns, the documents claim effects are not LONG—LASTING.
20061206             AUSTRALIA Backs Down on Draconian Copyright Laws
20061206             "THE—WIDELY—PUBLICIZED reforms to AUSTRALIA—COPYRIGHT — which would turn iPod, camera phone and DVD recorder owners into criminals — have been significantly amended. The amendment bill was passed this past —FRIDAY, —AFTER the changes were put into place. THE—LABOR and Green parties still have problems with the bill as it exists, but the Labor party (at least) wants to let it go based on the fact that it is 'a million times' better than the original proposed legislation".
20061206             "—FOLLOWING 1—OUTCRY by industry bodies and the public, [ATTORNEY—GENERAL—PHILIP] Ruddock amended the bill. 'THE—GOVERNMENT has listened to the Senate Committee and stakeholders and has improved THE—EFFECTIVENESS—OF—THE—REFORMS,' MISTER—RUDDOCK said in 1—STATEMENT. 'The amended reforms make it clear consumers can transfer the music they own onto devices such as iPods and enable the next WAVE—OF—TECHNOLOGY by allowing people to record 1—TV or radio program on MOBILE devices to watch it at 1—MORE—CONVENIENT—TIME.' The amendments also removed ON—THE—SPOT—FINES for SOME—COPYRIGHT—OFFENSES, to ensure they didn't 'unintentionally capture harmless activities of ordinary Australians'".
20061206             "Universal and MySpace look to be on 1—COLLISION—COURSE that could shape THE—FUTURE—OF—MEDIA—COMPANIES and THE—INTERNET. The article discusses THE—DMCA—IMPACT on their case + talks ways in which the law lags behind THE—REALITIES—OF—TECHNOLOGY".
20061206             The legislation at THE—HEART—OF—THE—DEBATE, the Digital —MILLENNIUM Copyright Act, was written years —BEFORE social networking sites such as MySpace even existed.
20061206             "THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES is running 1—VERY—LENGTHY but amazingly interesting article on the short HISTORY—OF—OPEN—SOURCE—SOFTWARE and information on THE—INSIDE—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY. The article discusses THE—TRANSFORMATION—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY from fighting the Cold War with traditional information exchange to fighting terrorism —TODAY utilizing things like wikis & blogs. From THE—END—OF—THE—ARTICLE, '—TODAY—SPIES exist in 1—AGE—OF—CONSTANT—INFORMATION—EXCHANGE, in which everyday citizens swap news, dial up satellite pictures of their houses and collaborate on distant Web sites with strangers. As JOHN—ARQUILLA told me, if the spies do not join THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD, they risk growing to resemble the rigid, unchanging bureaucracy that they once confronted —DURING the cold war. "—15—YEARS—AGO we were fighting THE—SOVIET—UNION," he said. "Who knew it would be replicated —TODAY in the intelligence community?"' You may recall that THE—CIA——NOW has their own classified Wiki. I think it's interesting that 20010911             —THE—REPORT recommended that USA—AGENCIES such as the DoD, CIA & FBI learn to share information more freely to overcome terrorism and —NOW they're turning to INTERNET community applications to accomplish that".
20061206             The (still tentative) plans call for building the base on 1—OF—THE—MOON—POLES, which constantly receive light from the sun and have less temperature fluctuation.
20061206             This base will start small 20200000             and grow over time with the hopes of eventually supporting —180—DAY stays and providing 1—JUMPING—OFF point to Mars".
20061206             KANSAS Outlaws PRACTICE—OF—EVOLUTION'—TOPEKA, KSIn response to a
20061206             Troops Start Disarming Police in FIJI—SUVA—FIJI (AP)
20061206             —MOVED, Soldiers, against at least 2—POLICE compounds in FIJI —ON—MONDAY,
20061206             seizing weapons in the apparent 1. step toward taking over THE—SOUTH—PACIFIC—ISLAND nation.
20061206             Chavez Wins Easily in VENEZUELA, Showing Wide Support
20061206             —RACED, —FOR—MONTHS, the Army CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS, through the city, frantically patching broken levees and building floodgates to prepare for 1—HURRICANE season, —NOW ended, that produced no hurricanes here.
20061206             That repair work is essentially complete and the corps has moved on to the task of strengthening flood protection in NEW—ORLEANS beyond its PRE—HURRICANE Katrina level, hoping to entice residents back.
20061206             Early Obama Rumors Accelerating Race For 20080000             Dem Nomination...
20061206             Faced with public demonstrations of discontent by its employees, WAL—MART Stores has developed 1—WIDE—RANGING new program intended to show that it appreciates its 1.3—MILLION—WORKERS in THE—USA + to encourage them to air their grievances.
20061206             LOU—DOBBS—TURNS on THE—CEOS—BG.News: To understand the shifting TECTONICS—OF—USA—POLITICS, look no further than cable's high PRIEST—OF—POPULISM.
20061206             USA tells banks to shut down IRAN operations
20061206             FEDERAL—CASE may redefine child porn | CNET News.COM—BG - BILL—O'REILLY—QUESTION
20061206             —DETERMINED, —NOW he's 1—VERY, very smart + very thoughtful activist, working against war, patriarchy + empire.
20061206             Set aside for the moment that this ignores the fact that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT has already... Source:
20061206             NEW—YORK Post Online Edition: NEWS—BG
20061206             It's 1—STORY—OF—TOP—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS knowingly, deliberately, willingly countenancing 1—STRING of horrific murders — then punishing decent, LAW—ABIDING colleagues who tried to work through the proper channels in order to rectify the government's egregious complicity and ensure such barbarity wouldn't happen again.
20061206             —COVERED, Those who, up the truth + the crimes — and even dismissed the multiple murder charges —WHEN they finally came to light — were hardwired into the very CENTER—OF—THE—COUNTRY—POLITICAL—POWER—GRID, with close, LONG—TIME—TIES to the national leader himself.
20061206             And no, this story did not take place in the vasty de.
20061206             —REPORTED, Previewing the interview, Hume, that "His spirits are good, his atmosphere is — you know, his attitude is confident. He seems confortable, he seems to enjoy the work".
20061206             He said the burden of this office is not heavy, it's light.
20061206             —NOW, look, Neil, you and I have been —AROUND 1—LONG—TIME + you can smell this embattled, troubled quality on 1—POLITICIAN at 100—YARDS.
20061206             It's not there.
20061206             This interview, Shep, I was not in the presence of 1—MAN who gave off that sense + you can always smell it, of being 1 embattled politician.
20061206             INHOFE—LAST stand.
20061206             Senate environment COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—JAMES—INHOFE (R—OK) "will
20061206             hold his last hearing as chairman —WEDNESDAY to highlight media coverage of global warming," National Journal reports.
20061206             —CHALLENGED, The last time Inhofe, the media, it didn't go so well.
20061206             MISSISSIPPI GOVERNOR—HALEY—BARBOUR, a former tobacco lobbyist,
20061206             has successfully withdrawn "all funding for
20061206             MISSISSIPPI—HIGHLY successful ANTI—SMOKING program.
20061206             BARBOUR—LOBBYING firm, "Barbour, Griffin, & Rogers, was paid 1—TOTAL—OF $3.8—MILLION by the tobacco companies, according to reports obtained by THE—USA—SENATE—OFFICE—OF—PUBLIC—RECORDS".
20061206             —TOUTED, Last —SUMMER, National Review EDITOR—JAMES—ROBBINS, the " - benefits " of climate change:
20061206             —PUBLISHED, —YESTERDAY, THE—BBC, a
20061206             graphic showing the impact that climate change will have on crop production.
20061206             It demonstrates the
20061206             devastating effect climate change would have on AMERICA—WHEAT crop:
20061206             "True, there might be SOME—DISLOCATIONS as
20061206             crops shifted northward, but so what ?" Robbins asked.
20061206             Bush avoiding legacy talk? - FAIZ—USA—NEWS writes,
20061206             "THE—BUSH—IES—AREN'T eager to start talking legacy
20061206             Bush Opposes School Desegregation Plans That Close Educational Achievement GAP—JUDD -
20061206             —TODAY, THE—SUPREME—COURT considered 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—CHALLENGE to school desegregation plans in SEATTLE, WA and LOUISVILLE—KENTUCKY.
20061206             The stakes are high. FROM—THE—CHRISTIAN—SCIENCE—MONITOR :
20061206             " This is about what is left, if anything, of Brown v. BOARD—OF—EDUCATION," THEODORE—SHAW, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—NAACP—LEGAL—DEFENSE and Educational Fund, said in 1—RECENT—DEBATE hosted by the —CENTURY Foundation.
20061206             A - study examining the data by USA—PROGRESS Affiliated Scholar DOUGLAS—HARRIS found:
20061206             a priority.
20061206             —PROMOTED, VIDEO—OF—THE—EXCHANGE is being, by several popular RIGHT—WING websites, including the Drudge Report and MICHELLE—MALKIN—HOT—AIR.
20061206             BOLTON—FUTURE plans?
20061206             Klein: Saying We Need 1—TIMETABLE—FOR—IRAQ 'May Well Be True, But It's Wrong To Say It'
20061206             JOE—KLEIN—SAID—OF—SENATOR—BARACK—OBAMA'S (D—IL) support for setting 1—TIMETABLE for THE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—TROOPS from IRAQ: "That may well be true, but it's wrong to say it".
20061206             —ARGUED, Obama has, that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION should begin redeploying USA—TROOPS out of IRAQ in the
20061206             next 4 to —6—MONTHS.
20061206             —PROPOSED, Last June, the Levin amendment, THE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—USA—FORCES,earning strong support.
20061206             Voters favor setting 1—TIMETABLE for withdrawing USA—TROOPS from IRAQ by a
20061206             54-39 % margin.
20061206             Klein himself, —AFTER 1. arguing that it was not "responsible," has
20061206             embraced the call for withdrawal from IRAQ.
20061206             THE—FEDERAL—MINIMUM—WAGE 20060901             —NEW—RECORD—AMANDA—ON —SATURDAY "for the longest period without 1—RAISE —SINCE its establishment 19380000             .
20061206             reports.
20061206             UPDATE IV: PRESIDENT—BUSH—RELEASES a statement :
20061206             They chose to obstruct his confirmation, even though he enjoys majority support in the Senate + even though their tactics will disrupt our diplomatic work at 1—SENSITIVE and important time.
20061206             EARL—BLUMENAUER (D—OR) and JIM—WALSH (R—NY) have led 1—PUSH to
20061206             promote REPRESENTATIVE—JIM—LEACH (R—IA) — the top Republican on the House INTERNATIONAL Relations Committee who lost his House seat —IN—NOVEMBER—ELECTION — as the new UNITED—NATIONS Ambassador.
20061206             "He is the most diplomatic politician I have ever met," [Blumenauer] said of MISTER—LEACH, 1—MODERATE from IOWA known for his professorial sweaters,
20061206             his LOW—KEY, nonpolitical approach to issues + his opposition to the war in IRAQ.
20061206             "I can't think of ANY—USA—BETTER qualified to represent our interests —BEFORE THE—UNITED—NATIONS," REPRESENTATIVE—JIM—WALSH, 1—REPUBLICAN—OF—NEW—YORK said.
20061206             —JOINED, MISTER—WALSH —YESTERDAY, MISTER—BLUMENAUER in circulating 1—LETTER in the House seeking support for MISTER—LEACH if the acting UNITED—NATIONS ambassador, JOHN—BOLTON, is forced to resign.
20061206             2—OF—THE—COUNTRY—LARGEST—EPISCOPAL CONGREGATIONS—NICO—WILL "vote —NEXT—WEEK on whether to leave THE—USA—CHURCH on ideological grounds and affiliate instead with 1—CONTROVERSIAL—NIGERIA—ARCHBISHOP " who has advocated the imprisonment of gays.
20061206             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—UNREPENTANT, arch NEO—CON crafts deceptive Ahmadinejad boogeyman argument to con Americans into 1. Amendment
20061206             Why THE—QUIET—RELEASE—OF—THE—DOUBLETREE 20010911             Video?
20061206             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—WHERE was THE—FOX news fanfare?
20061206             Der scheidende UNO—GENERALSEKRETÄR KOFI—ANNAN hat die Lage im IRAK als "viel schlimmer" als in einem Bürgerkrieg bezeichnet.
20061206             Zugleich äusserte er Zweifel, dass die Regierung in Bagdad die eskalierende Gewalt allein unter Kontrolle.
20061206             Intelligence archives CHIEF found dead on job in BULGARIA
20061206             THE—CHIEF—OF—THE "Archives and Secret Files" division in the National Intelligence Service was found dead in his office, but the news on his death emerged —1—DAY—LATER.
20061206             Kemalismus versus Islamismus im Balanceakt der TÜRKEI—MALTE Olschewski
20061206             Hatte —BIS in die Achtzigerjahre der von Staatsgründer Kemal Atatürk verordnete Laizismus und die Trennung von STAAT—UND—RELIGION gegolten, so ist seitdem ein.
20061206             Welt AIDS —TAG in SÜDAFRIKA ? 14000000             Neuinfektionen und 950—TOTE TÄGLICH—SFUX DOCTOR—ALEXANDER—VON—PALESKE—AM WELT—AIDS—TAG, dem
20061206             —GESCHLOSSEN, Garagentore, ? Guantánamo NICHT—SFUX HARALD—HAACK?
20061206             Versprechen kann sich jeder einmal.
20061206             ?Wir wollen Guantánamo schließen?...
20061206             REVAMP—OF—BRAIN 'could slow CJD' Scientists say they might be able to slow progress of "mad cow disease" by genetically revamping the brain.
20061206             Psychopaths' brains 'different' There are biological brain differences that mark out psychopaths from other people, scientists say.
20061206             Pfizer shares hit by drug failure Shares in USA drugmaker Pfizer tumble —AFTER it halts development of its most important experimental drug.
20061206             Fridge magnets 'can be 1—KILLER' Fridge magnets and decorative jewellery could be 1—KILLER if you have 1—WEAK—HEART, experts warn.
20061206             Richest 2% own 'half the wealth' The richest 2—PERCENT—OF—ADULTS in the world own more than HALF—OF—ALL—HOUSEHOLD—WEALTH, 1—NEW—STUDY by THE—UN finds.
20061206             USA 'not winning conflict in IRAQ' USA—DEFENCE—SECRETARY—NOMINEE—ROBERT—GATES tells his confirmation hearing THE—USA is not winning the war in IRAQ.
20061206             Row erupts over ISRAEL—TEXTBOOKS—ISRAEL—EDUCATION MINISTER says schoolbooks should show the pre-19670000             borders, sparking fierce RIGHT—WING criticism.
20061206             USA—PLANS—BASE on MOON—NASA says it will start building 1—PERMANENT—BASE on the Moon —AFTER astronauts return there 20200000             .
20061206             —LASHED, VIETNAM, by tropical storm Tropical Storm Durian kills at least 47—PEOPLE in VIETNAM, —AFTER causing havoc in THE—PHILIPPINES.
20061206             —DISPUTED, VATICAN Holocaust claim, New papers cast doubt on VATICAN claims about —WHEN it learned of the atrocities at Auschwitz.
20061206             Musharraf pushes Kashmir proposal PRESIDENT—MUSHARRAF suggests PAKISTAN would give up its claim to Kashmir if INDIA accepts his peace plan.
20061206             Foetal cells 'to treat strokes' 1—UK company is applying for permission to transplant stem cells made from human foetal tissue into THE—BRAINS—OF—STROKE—PATIENTS.
20061206             CHINA Aids patients win damages CHINA is to compensate 19—PEOPLE who caught HIV from 1—HOSPITAL—BLOOD—TRANSFUSION, in 1—LANDMARK case.
20061206             INDIA—SENSEX hits record high INDIA—MAIN—STOCK—INDEX, the Sensex, hits another record high and breaks the 14,000 points barrier.
20061206             Pollution 'reducing rice harvest' POLLUTION—LADEN clouds may be partly to blame for INDIA—DWINDLING rice harvests, according to research.
20061206             FINLAND ratifies EU constitution FINLAND becomes the latest country to ratify the European constitution, as its EU presidency draws to 1—CLOSE.
20061206             'Malaria atlas' project launched UK and KENYA—RESEARCHERS say they are creating 1—GLOBAL—MAP to pinpoint areas where malaria is most likely to strike.
20061206             FIJI military CHIEF stages coup FIJI—MILITARY—CHIEF says he has taken over government and dismissed elected PRIME—MINISTER—LAISENIA—QARASE.
20061206             —TURNED, Hungry ancients ' cannibal' Starvation and cannibalism were PART—OF—LIFE for 1—POPULATION—OF—NEANDERTHALS living 43,—000—YEARS—AGO.
20061206             Chavez victory to be proclaimed HUGO—CHAVEZ is due to be declared THE—WINNER—OF—VENEZUELA—PRESIDENTIAL—POLL in 1—CEREMONY.
20061206             USA—FIRMS—CALL for CHINA—REFORMS—USA—MANUFACTURERS want 1—USA—TRADE—DELEGATION to call on CHINA to open its markets and reform its currency.
20061206             YouTube 'should check copyright' Video website YouTube should proactively check if videos infringe copyright, a rights group says.
20061206             Letters THE—VOLUME—OF—RESPONSES to the Wired magazine story on the New Atheism movement is totally overwhelming.
20061206             So we're posting EVERY—SINGLE 1—ONLINE.
20061206             Blueprints for 1—REVOLUTION—1—CADRE of unknown designers shapes everyday HUMAN—MACHINE—INTERACTIONS.
20061206             My Hybrid Saved Me Cash 1—HONDA—CIVIC—HYBRID—COST $3,000 less to operate for 3.—5—YEARS than 1—MAZDA6 —WHEN considering TRADE—IN value and the cost of gasoline.
20061206             AUTOPIA. Novell "Forking" OpenOffice_org
20061206             —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THEIR—RECENT—DEAL with Microsoft, Novell has announced 1—NEW—VERSION—OF—OPENOFFICE_org which will support Microsoft's planned Office formal, Open XML.
20061206             "The translators will be made available as PLUG—INS to NOVELL—OPENOFFICE.org product. Novell will release the code to integrate the Open XML format into its product as open source and submit it for inclusion in the OpenOffice.org project. As 1—RESULT, end users will be able to more easily share files between Microsoft OFFICE—AND—OPENOFFICE.org, as documents will better maintain consistent formats, formulas and style templates across THE—2—OFFICE—PRODUCTIVITY suites".
20061206             and Reuters.com —STARTING tomorrow".
20061206             "'People don't say, "I want to see USER—GENERATED content,"' said LLOYD—BRAUN, who runs YAHOO—MEDIA—GROUP. 'They want to see MICHAEL—RICHARDS in the club. If that happens to be from 1—CELLPHONE, they are happy with 1—CELLPHONE. If it's from 1—PROFESSIONAL photographer, they are happy for that, too.' Users will not be paid for images displayed on the Yahoo and Reuters sites. But people whose photos or videos are selected for distribution to Reuters clients will receive 1—PAYMENT".
20061206             "Police in ARIZONA are using laser range finders to detect and ticket tailgaters.
20061206             —DESCRIBED, The detectors, in the article are built by Laser Technology INCORPORATED, 1—COMPANY that provides lasers for traffic control, engineering + even tactical/military solutions.
20061206             Computer SIMULATION—OF—CANCER—GROWTH
20061206             "For 1—LONG—TIME——NOW, researchers and scientists have used computer simulations in the physical sciences: physics, chemistry + engineering.
20061206             But what about biology?
20061206             1—INTERNATIONAL—TEAM—OF—USA and SCOTLAND—MATHEMATICIANS and biologists has built 1—MATH model to predict tumor behavior.
20061206             "Verisign has control of _com and _net locked up for the next several years, but there will still be 1—MODICUM of oversight. [Commerce] retains final approval over ANY—PRICE hikes + has said that ANY—SUBSEQUENT—RENEWAL—OF—THE—CONTRACT will occur 'only if it concludes that the approval will serve the public interest in the continued security and STABILITY—OF—THE—INTERNET domain name system... and the provision of registry services at reasonable prices, terms and conditions.'"
20061206             Das Kursziel werde von 35—AUF 46—USA-$ angehoben.
20061206             All the criminals responsible for THE—IRAQ fiasco are fumbling about, spreading blame, wishful thinking and in general, avoiding responsibility for destroying not —JUST IRAQ but THE—UNITED—NATIONS and 1—LOT—OF—OTHER—IMPORTANT—THINGS supposedly set up to stop wars —JUST like this stupid war.
20061206             Somehow I don't think our government at ANY—LEVEL is sharp enough to execute this so well.
20061206             In fact, I fully expect that Norad and the national guard fighters were simply doing 1—KEYSTONE cops performance —THAT—DAY + proved to the world how incompetent they are.
20061206             It would not be that difficult to convince 1—FEW ignorant or fanatic arabs to take out the pilots and follow instructions.
20061206             It is not hard to imagine 1—OPPORTUNISTIC—PROPERTY—OWNER demolishing his own structures for cost/insurance reasons (doing so —BEFORE the upper floors evacuated makes it murder) independently of the hijacking operation.
20061206             What's with that? No LONGER—CANDIDATE
20061206             Aldo Moro ( 19160000             — 19780000             ) was 5—TIMES PRIME—MINISTER—OF—ITALY—BG LINKS -(CHRISTIAN—DEMOCRAT).
20061206             Nails In THE—COFFIN—OF—TRADE 7 - WTC—7—COLLAPSE—FOOTAGE Shows Unmistakable Demolition CHARGES—FORUMS powered by Reason and PRINCIPLE—BG
20061206             LIEBERMAN—BG As 1—CODA on the previous post, Lieberman is such 1—BUFFOON.
20061206             "—WHEN anyone tells me, that he saw 1—DEAD man restored to life,
20061206             I —IMMEDIATELY consider with myself, whether it be more probable, that this person should either deceive or be deceived, or that the fact, which he relates, should really have happened".
20061206             NYT: It is so troubling that liberal PETER—DAOU works for Hillary Clinton and operates 1—BLOG.
20061206             But it is not troubling that THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES held 1—STORY on EXTRA—JUDICIAL—SURVEILLANCE——UNTIL—AFTER the election, at THE—BEHEST—OF—THE—PRESIDENT.
20061206             Lifeboat Ethics: the Case Against Helping the Poor by GARRETT—HARDIN -
20061206             THE—GARRETT—HARDIN—SOCIETY—ARTICLES—BG Tags: lifeboat ethics
20061206             20061206             20010911             WTC and HOOEY—MANIA—BG Update: 20010911             : FEMA's hired gun: "Towers columns 'sunk'''=== Structural engineer describes COLLAPSE—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER—TOWERS 20061206             20061206             NIGERIA Transworld Tries Again
20061206             —LEARNED, AFRICA—ENERGY—INTELLIGENCE has, that Transworld, 1—COMPANY owned by renowned trader JOHN—DEUSS, is talking with Summit Oil on buying into its acreage in NIGERIA.
20061206             AFRICA—ENERGY INTELLIGENCE n° 362 - 20042801             20061206             AFRICA JAMES—DUNLAP - 1 trusted adviser to WALTER—KANSTEINER
20061206             —FOLLOWED, JAMES—DUNLAP has, his former boss in taking up 1—JOB with the Scowcroft Group named —AFTER BRENT—SCOWCROFT, national security adviser to GEORGE—BUSH—SENIOR (...).
20061206             [Total : 205—WORDS].(3,25USD)
20061206             THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP met with PRESIDENT—BUSH this —MORNING to present its 79—RECOMMENDATIONS, which include moving "most USA—TROOPS out of combat roles by early 20080000             ".
20061206             Read excerpts of THE—ISG report HERE.
20061206             Incoming House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D—MD), who will set the schedule for the 110. Congress, has told members they " will have to work —5—DAYS —1—WEEK —STARTING in January ".
20061206             —PLANNED, If the current Congress departs —ON—FRIDAY as, it will have been in session for —JUST—241—DAYS over —2—YEARS, —13—DAYS—LESS than the "DO—NOTHING Congress" of 19480000             .
20061206             —POSTPONED, THE—HOUSE——YESTERDAY " 1—SHOWDOWN vote on opening 8—MILLION—MORE—ACRES in the Gulf of MEXICO to oil and gas drilling " —AFTER supporters questioned
20061206             whether they had enough votes.
20061206             —RECOUPED, FEMA "has, less than 1 % of 1 estimated $1—BILLION in fraudulent or unjustified payments it distributed —AFTER Hurricanes Katrina and Rita," 1—NEW—REPORT shows, bolstering criticism that the agency is "too stingy with people who have real needs, and...
20061206             * WWII.00.000.19 44—DURING—REPRESENTATIVE—DORIS—MATSUI (D—CA) in THE—POSTON camp in ARIZONA
20061206             said "those who come —AFTER us will have 1—PHYSICAL—REMINDER—OF—WHAT—THEY will never allow to happen again.
20061206             The conflict in Darfur has
20061206             spread to 2—NEIGHBORING countries and is —NOW in 'free fall' with 6—MILLION—PEOPLE facing the prospect of going without food or protection," outgoing UNITED—NATIONS humanitarian CHIEF—JAN—EGELAND said.
20061206             58—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS "say the situation for troops in IRAQ is getting worse," up from 45 % —IN—SEPTEMBER, according to a
20061206             new Harris poll.
20061206             SENATOR—BARBARA—BOXER (D—CA), the incoming CHAIRWOMAN—OF—THE—SENATE—ENVIRONMENT and Public Works Committee, "will
20061206             Webster Tarpley: "Filibuster AL—QAEDA—FOUNDER—ROBERT—GATES "Webster Tarpley
20061206             —EXPLORED, Gates ' relationship to the Muj has also —RECENTLY been, at the Daily Kos, in 1—POST called,
20061206             ROBERT—GATES—PROMOTED and Financed OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20061206             "Most damning of all is the fact that Gates was 1—OF—THE—FOUNDERS—OF—AL—QAEDA, THE—CIA—ARAB—LEGION which was assembled to attack THE—SOVIET—S in AFGHANISTAN. Gates is thus PART—OF—THE—INFRASTRUCTURE that produced the patsies of 20010911             ..".
20061206             Administration Act and the Arms Export Control Act for indirectly exporting 130—TONS—OF—ZIRCONIUM to IRAQ through CHILE—ARMS—MANUFACTURER—CARLOS—CARDOEN,
20061206             —SEIZED, FEDERAL—AGENTS have, DOZENS—OF—BANK—ACCOUNTS and about $30m in FLORIDA office buildings, homes and other properties owned by CARLOS—CARDOEN,
20061206             How USA—ARMS and Technology Were Transferred to IRAQ
20061206             We left standing, however, the allegation that MISTER—GATES had personally met with THE—CHILE—ARMS—DEALER, CARLOS—CARDOEN, who was 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST...
20061206             NEW—YORK—CITY—SUBWAY "Plot": —JUST Another Fake Terror Alert... This is —JUST the latest in 1—LONG—LINE—OF fake terror alerts that are used for multiple reasons...
20061206             The alleged terror threat that... NEW—YORK—CITY—SUBWAY "Plot": —JUST Another Fake Terror Alert "the plot to bomb...
20061206             FAKE TERROR >>&g ;>>THE—ROAD—TO >>DICTATORSHIP>>simple
20061206             NEWSVINE—JOHN—DEUSS—JOHN—DEUSS. Take the 60 2. Newsvine tour.
20061206             Fall Litwinenko: SCOTLAND Yard spricht —JETZT offiziell von Mord - Der Titel des Fachaufsatzes lautet
20061206             "Is somebody watching you?" - wirst Du beobachtet?
20061206             Seine Ergebnisse wurden —JETZT im "Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology" publiziert: Die ROM—HERREN nutzten effizient das Gelände aus, um die Geknechteten in Schach zu halten.
20061206             Die Idee, den unsichtbaren Blick als Mittel zur Kontrolle größerer Menschenmengen einzusetzen, schreiben Historiker dem ENGLISCHEN—SOZIALPHILOSOPHEN JEREMY—BENTHAM (17480000—18320000) zu.
20061206             IRAQ Study Group: Das steht im Bericht der BAKER—KOMMISSION - KONGO: PRÄSIDENT—KABILA legt Amtseid ab
20061206             Vollautomatisch im Untergrund: Nürnberg testet 1. fahrerlose U- Bahn
20061206             Studie mit 420.000—TEILNEHMERN: Keine Krebsgefahr durch Handys
20061206             IRAK—EMPFEHLUNGEN der BAKER—KOMMISSION: Weniger Kampf, mehr Ausbildung und 1—ABZUG auf Raten
20061206             As the government has said, "We should not seek to hold back THE—FORCES—OF—CHANGE, but to enable industry + all those working or aspiring to work in it, to adapt to change and exploit new opportunities".
20061206             OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL IN 1—WORLD—OF—CHANGE: MANUFACTURING, DTI, 20010000             20061206             The writ of habeas corpus is actually the lynchpin of 1—FREE—SOCIETY, Science show.
20061206             World & Business show... digg.com/users/benicles
20061206             But the trail led to WASHINGTON and 1—COVER—UP that went right to the top.
20061206             INDIA—OLDEST woman dead at 125
20061206             Fulla was known for her love of smoking ganja and cigars and palm juice.
20061206             Our Great List of Scandalized Administration OFFICIALS—REPUBLICAN values at work.
20061206             Boy Crazy
20061206             Mmmm, POLONIUM—THE—OWNERS—OF—1—RESTAURANT in NORTH—ENGLAND are having their hands full these days, unexpectedly capitalizing on THE—DEATH—OF—FORMER—RUSSIA—SPY—ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO.
20061206             UN ambassador BOLTON resigns in FACE—OF—SENATE—HOSTILITY : THE—WHITE—HOUSE—YESTERDAY bowed to Senate opposition and gave up its attempt to keep its controversial ambassador to THE—UN, JOHN—BOLTON, in his JOB—THE—LATEST—SIGN—OF—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH—DIMINISHING authority.
20061206             Graham: Putin a '1-man dictatorship' : VLADIMIR—PUTIN is a "1—MAN—DICTATORSHIP" + he should do more to help THE—USA—CONFRONT IRAN—NUCLEAR—AMBITIONS, SENATOR—LINDSEY—GRAHAM (news, bio, voting record), R—SOUTH—CAROLINA, said —SUNDAY.
20061206             USA—SENATORS—SPEAK Against Putin`s Policy : Biden says RUSSIA is "moving more and more toward 1—OLIGARCHY".
20061206             'I was poisoned for shared secrets' : 1—ITALY—CONTACT—OF poisoned FORMER—RUSSIA—SPY—ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO said he believed both were targeted with 1—RADIOACTIVE—SUBSTANCE because of secrets they shared.
20061206             Was EX—SPY trying to sell dirty bomb?
20061206             † The radiation spy scandal took 1—SENSATIONAL twist last night with the revelation that KGB defector ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO had converted to Islam —BEFORE he.
20061206             —CONVICTED, USA Sailor Pleads Guilty to Espionage : If, Petty Officer 3. Class Ariel J. Weinmann, 22, of SALEM, Ore., could face 1—SENTENCE—OF—LIFE in prison without parole, 1—DISHONORABLE discharge from the Navy and forfeiture of all pay.
20061206             Census Counts 100,000 Contractors in IRAQ:
20061206             There are about 100,000 government contractors operating in IRAQ, not counting subcontractors, 1—TOTAL that is approaching THE—SIZE—OF—THE—USA—MILITARY—FORCE there, according to the military's 1. census of the growing population of civilians operating in the battlefield.
20061206             James K Galbraith: The dollar melts as IRAQ burns : THE—DEMISE—OF—THE—DOLLAR has clear links to THE—IRAQ war and the world's LOSS—OF—CONFIDENCE in AMERICA—ELITES.
20061206             Anger at UN CHIEF—IRAQ comments : IRAQ—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISER says he is shocked by UN HEAD—KOFI—ANNAN—SUGGESTION that the average Iraqi is worse off than under SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
20061206             —INCLUDED, His interrogations, they say, hooding, stress positions, assaults, threats of imminent execution and the administration of "truth serums".
20061206             DEMOCRAT—DEFACTO—PARDON—BUSH et al
20061206             This is 1—FILM that demands action.
20061206             Click here to watch. Video and transcript.
20061206             —FROM the Frying Pan into the Red Mud
20061206             It can do anything it wants to anyone.
20061206             'DEATH—OF—1—NATION: THE—TIMOR—CONSPIRACY': 1—DOCUMENTARY—FILM—BY—JOHN—PILGER: Pilger uncovers the shocking complicity of THE—USA—AND—GREAT—BRITAIN governments in THE—EAST—TIMOR GENOCIDE—THE—SAME—GOVERNMENTS who were willing to go to war with SADDAM—HUSSEIN for his invasion of KUWAIT, but who stood aside as INDONESIA broke the exact same UN regulations to rape + pillage EAST—TIMOR using Western arms.
20061206             —CLOSED, FIJI—MILITARY—HEAD—AND—SELF—APPOINTED—PRESIDENT has, the country's key media outlets and WARNED—OF—MILITARY—CHECKPOINTS across the country, but has told Fijians 'things will operate as normal,' according to reports from the capita
20061206             —NAMED, Chavez, presidential victor: MISTER—CHAVEZ received nearly 63—PERCENT—OF—THE—FINAL—VOTE, 25—POINTS ahead of his main rival, MANUEL—ROSALES.
20061206             USA rejects OFFER—OF—TALKS with RAUL—CASTRO : THE—USA (USA) STATE—DEPARTMENT—YESTERDAY rejected 1—OFFER—OF—TALKS with RAUL—CASTRO, CUBA—ACTING PRESIDENT, saying it saw no point in 1—DIALOGUE with what it called the Caribbean ISLAND's 'DICTATOR—IN—WAITING'.
20061206             —JAILED, FORMER—PARAGUAY PRESIDENT : THE—FORMER—PRESIDENT—OF—PARAGUAY, LUIS—GONZALEZ—MACCHI, has been sentenced to —8—YEARS in prison for fraud and embezzlement.
20061206             ANDREI—LUGOVOY, 1—FORMER—FSB agent and 1—FRIEND—OF—ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO, says he and his wife and children have been contaminated by polonium -210 + says he is being framed for the killing.
20061206             —SPIED, The intelligence agency said the man had, on CANADA —FOR—10—YEARS and worked for 1—SUCCESSOR to THE—SOVIET—KGB, the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), which deals with foreign operations and INTELLIGENCE—GATHERING.
20061206             —TRIED, USA—ADMINISTRATION, to cut payouts to nuke workers:
20061206             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION repeatedly sought ways to limit payouts to nuclear weapons workers sickened by radiation + toxic material, according to 1—MEMO written by congressional investigators and obtained by USA—TODAY
20061206             DENVER's 20060000             real estate foreclosure rate is —NOW officially the worst on record
20061206             Rabbis ban use of schoolbooks showing pre-19670000             border: 1—ORGANIZATION—OF—RIGHT—WING rabbis —ON—TUESDAY issued 1—HALAKHIC—DECREE forbidding students from using schoolbooks featuring maps of ISRAEL which include the pre-19670000             Green Line border, ISRAEL—RADIO reported.
20061206             These statements certainly make it clear that he lacks the judgment + skill necessary to be PRESIDENT.
20061206             LET—LOOK at EACH—OF—HIS wacky comments in turn.
20061206             More troops won't help: The latest serpent at which 1—DROWNING—WASHINGTON—ESTABLISHMENT is grasping is the idea of sending more USA—TROOPS to IRAQ.
20061206             IRAN urges Arab countries to eject USA—MILITARY :
20061206             —DECIDED, Finance MINISTER: IRAN has, to replace dollar with euro in its foreign trade given the continual impediments and hostile policies directed by USA toward the country, IRAN—FINANCE—MINISTER said —ON—MONDAY.
20061206             —NOMINATED, Gates says USA not winning in IRAQ : ROBERT—GATES, to replace DONALD—RUMSFELD as USA—DEFENSE—SECRETARY, —ON—TUESDAY said he did not believe THE—USA was winning the war in IRAQ.
20061206             USA—PLANS to hand over CONTROL—OF—IRAQ military in 6—7—MONTHS, general says :
20061206             Click to watch.
20061206             Its time we did something to help repair the broken BODIES—OF—CHILDREN who have been injured by USA—BOMBS + bullets.
20061206             Watch this —15—MINUTE—VIDEO and discover how you can help restore 1—INJURED—IRAQ—CHILD to health.
20061206             2—MORE Years - How do you ask a man to be the last to die for a bully's ego?
20061206             Where Bush sees in ISRAEL—1—MODEL—OF—DEMOCRACY, Arabs see 1 pampered AGENT—OF—USA—IMPERIALISM, persecuting and dispossessing THE—PALESTINE—PEOPLE.
20061206             THE—RUMSFELD—MEMO: "I was —JUST about to change everything....Really!?!
20061206             But, like I said, it's great fiction.
20061206             "1—FEDERAL—PANEL voted —YESTERDAY to begin developing 1—NATIONAL—STANDARD that could result in the gradual phasing out of the paperless electronic voting machines in use across THE—WASHINGTON region and in MANY—PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY".
20061206             12/6 - BUZZFLASH—1.—X—RATED Bush Fridge Magnet: "With All Due Respect, MISTER—PRESIDENT"
20061206             Try This Holiday Gift Auction for 1—GOOD—CAUSE.New Items —POSTED.
20061206             Bid to BATTLE—THE—NRA.
20061206             They are So Nutty, They Want Handguns in National Parks!
20061206             Finally + this has 1—LITTLE something to do with the delay (but mostly technical problems....), but do let me be the 1. to announce that
20061206             Tell all your friends via phone + email + then tell them to spread it —AROUND.
20061206             Emotional words +judgemental words+ angry words + stirring... words belong in writing that's designed to inspire, outrage...
20061206             BACKTO  specials > Voice 50. Anniversary by FRANK—SMYTH...
20061206             shortlist:feature 8 | the canary PROJECT—VERWEIST auf aktuelle Umfragen, nach denen 59—PROZENT—DER—AMERIKANER die globale Erwärmung als kein 'sehr ernstes Problem' betrachten;...
20061206             EUROPA—RAPID—PRESS Releases Europäische Forscher fordern stärkere Nutzung der Umwelttechnologien im Kampf gegen die globale Erwärmung.
20061206             In den geltenden internationalen Vereinbarungen.
20061206             Umrüstteile, Umbausätze, Service !
20061206             Alles rund um Diesel & Pflanzenöl
20061206             Wir planzen Bäume, helfen Sie mit.
20061206             weiter - Wenn beispielsweise GENERAL—MOTORS damit herauskommt, daß die Globale Erwärmung 1—SCHERZ sei, der von ein paar baumvernarrten Liberalen in die Welt...
20061206             Globale Erwärmung 00:04. From: Sveeenja Views: 103. >
20061206   0061206   "Most damning of all is the fact that GATES was 1—OF—THE—FOUNDERS of al Qaeda, THE—CIA—ARAB—LEGION which was assembled to attack THE—SOVIET—S in AFGHANISTAN.
200612061201         a.m. EST—PANEL rejects mandatory audit trails in elections (STEPHEN—MANNING / ASSOCIATED PRESS)
20061206—19800000    —IN—THE, security aide HOWARD—TEICHER, GATES joined in a secret operation S to funnel sophisticated military equipment to IRAQ via CARLOS—CARDOEN, an arms...
20061206—20010000    —IN—THE, census, [Indian] college graduates had higher unemployment — 17 % — than middle or high school graduates... [At 1—MIDDLE—TIER—COLLEGE] DOZENS—OF—STUDENTS swarmed —AROUND 1—REPORTER to complain about their education.
20061206—20061101    —ON, UK—INVESTIGATORS spoke with Dmitry Kovtun, 1—OF at least 2—RUSSIANS who met Litvinenko in 1—LONDON hotel.
20061206—20061123    —CAUSED, Litvinenko † from radiation poisoning, by polonium 210. ANDREI—LUGOVOI, hospitalized in MOSCOW and being tested for possible polonium contamination, was scheduled to be interviewed by UK—INVESTIGATORS, but the interview was postponed.
20061207—20061206    Neuer USA—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER: Überwältigendes Ja fÜr Gates im Senat
20061210—20061206    —ON, If the situation is dire and deteriorating, as THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP concluded, why is MISTER—GATES — who was confirmed by the Senate —
20061210—20061206    —EXPLAINED, EDITION—OF—ABC—THIS—WEEK, SENATOR—GORDON—SMITH (R—OR), to host GEORGE—STEPHANOPOULOS his emotional statement on THE—FLOOR—OF—THE—SENATE, in which he denounced THE—IRAQ war as the result of "turning on the news" and "hearing that yet another 10—OF—OUR soldiers † the same way that several thousands have... through roadside bombs".
20061222—20061206    —AM, Zuletzt hatte 1—PANNE einen zentralen Kontrollturm lahm gelegt.
20061231             —WORKED, Obituaries THE—WEEK—OF—20061206              He then, at Petro Oil Company (formerly Loizeaux Fuel and Elmer Brewer Fuel...
20070110—20071206    —DEMANDED, Unions, that Mamadou Sylla and Fode Soumah, who have been charged with embezzling public funds and imprisoned in CONAKRY, be put —BACK—IN jail.
20070203             20041206... - he had received training in ANTI—SUBVERSIVE techniques in THE—USA.
20070205             JONES was a hard man to buck, though SOME—BLACK leaders tried...) 20031121             20070703             74(9), 78 (19780900             ). doi.wiley.com/10.1002/0471238961.1921120613211212.a01
20070303             20041206- - alfatomega.com/20041206.html
20070314             PSYCHE, 6(14), 20071206—20141206.
20070426             NucNews - 20031206             —EARLIER in the —YEAR, Dr.
20070703             74(9), 78 (19780900             ). doi.wiley.com/10.1002/0471238961.1921120613211212.a01
20070711—20071206    —RELEASED, Velev was, from the hospital and faced extensive rehabilitation.
20070812063700       Unterschätzte MILLIARDEN—RISIKEN USA—KREDIT—KRISE erfasst immer mehr DEUTSCHE—BANKEN.htm
20070905             STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS: ABRAHAM—LINCOLN (18641206             ...
20071204—20071206    alfatomega.com/20071206.html
20071206             —CALLED, The plan, for a —5-YEAR freeze for mortgages made 20050100—20070730    —FROM—TO.
20080211             20061206             Shereef AKEEL—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia [2] In.. Others who went included important businessmen such as stock exchange wizard ALFRED—MANOVILL
20080307             20071206- - JOHN—MILEY, former weapons dealer for THE—CIA.
20080410             —FOUNDED, Phillips, Howard, who, THE—CONSERVATIVE—CAUCUS (TCC) at the direction of 33º Mason, JESSE—HELMS on whose staff he worked. alfatomega.com/20041206.html
20080414             —INVOLVED, THE—GLADIO "Sheepskin" group was, in 1—CAMPAIGN—OF—TERRORIST... 1—JUNTA led by GEORGE—PAPADOPOULOS, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—GREECE—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE—KYP. alfatomega.com/20041206.html
20080418             —IN CHINA 56—FISHERMEN were reported missing as 1—OF—THE—EARLIEST typhoons to hit the region 20081206             —INADES barreled down on THE—SOUTH—ISLAND—OF—HAINAN.
20081010             for World Freedom ( USCWF ) of THE—WACL. alfatomega.com/20041206.html alfatomega.com/20070420.html.
20081029—20081206    —FREED, Pirates, the Yasa Neslihan freighter —AFTER paying 1—RANSOM.
20081206—20081210    —ON, the severed HEAD—OF—SALEKH—AZIZOV, —20—JAHRE—ALT, the other TAJIKISTAN—MIGRANT—WORKER, was found in 1—TRASH bin.
20081207             —RAMPAGED, GREECE, rioters, through ATHENS and THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—THESSALONIKI, hurling Molotov cocktails, burning stores and blocking city streets with flaming barricades —AFTER protests against the fatal 20081206             police shooting of Alexandros Grigoropoulos (15) in Exarchia erupted into chaos.
20090101—20091206    —ON, 1—ATTORNEY for the family filed a $25—MILLION—CLAIM against BART.
20090105—20091206    —SPRAYED, GREECE, gunmen, ATHENS riot police with automatic weapons fire, seriously wounding 1—POLICEMAN in 1—ESCALATION—OF—VIOLENCE that broke out —AFTER the fatal police shooting of 1—TEENAGER.
20091206             —CALLED, EGYPT—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK, 20090921             for 1—NATIONAL—DIALOGUE on using nuclear power as 1—SOURCE—OF—ENERGY.
20091206             —BY Firesign042 | —SATURDAY, 20091128             in | - comments (6)
20091206             —FRIDAY, 20091204             20091206             —FRIDAY, 20091206—20091204    —IMPOSED, NEPAL, Maoists, 1—STRICT nationwide strike in protest of the killing of 3—LANDLESS laborers.
20091206             Überraschung!1!! "Im Bankenrettungsfonds musste der Bund bislang noch für keine einzige Garantie tatsächlich einspringen".
20091206             Klingt ja —ERST mal wie eine gute Nachricht, —BIS man sich überlegt, was da passiert.
20091206             Die leihen den Pleitefirmen Geld, damit die weiterwurschteln können, und verdienen auf dem Papier Zinsen für die Kredite.
20091206             —VERHINDERT, Damit, man natürlich keine Pleite, sondern verschiebt sie nur nach hinten und macht die Auswirkungen schlimmer.
20091206             Das ist wie wenn ihr einem Alkoholkranken mehr Schnaps gebt, damit er sein Alkoholproblem vergisst.
20091206             GRIECHENLAND hat mal kurz angesagt, dass sie nicht 6—SONDERN 12,7% Neuverschuldung haben werden.
20091206             GRIECHENLAND, wir erinnern uns,
20091206             hatten —SCHON für den Zugang zur Währungsunion die Haushaltszahlen gefälscht und auch später atemberaubende Finanzarithmetik angewendet.
20091206             —SCHON 6—PROZENT wären natürlich eine krasse Verletzung des Stabilitätspaktes gewesen.
20091206             Aber 12,7, das kriegt man auch nicht mal eben durch kreative Buchhaltung weggerechnet, da müßten sie —SCHON unsere Arbeitslosenzahlenfriseure einfliegen.
20091206             MINISTER—FÜR—BÜRGERSCHUTZ
20091206             Der MINISTER—FÜR—BÜRGERSCHUTZ, Michalis Chrysochoidis, sagte: "Wir werden Athen nicht den Vandalen überlassen".
20091206             Sein Tod hatte anschließend zu einer beispiellosen zweiwöchigen Gewaltwelle geführt.
20091206             ATHEN—DIE Einsatzkräfte waren vorbereitet, 10.000—POLIZISTEN in Alarmbereitschaft versetzt worden.
20091206             Trotzdem kam es —1—JAHR —NACH—DEM Tod des 15-jährigen Schülers durch 1—POLIZEIKUGEL —IN—DER—NACHT zum —SONNTAG in Athen zu Krawallen.
20091206             —GEHÖRT, Unwort des Jahres: "Betriebsratsverseuchte Mitarbeiter", zu den Favoriten
20091206             KOPENHAGEN—COUNTDOWN: Röttgen warnt vor Scheitern des Klimagipfels
20091206             ÖKO—OFFENSIVE in den USA: CHINA wittert WIND—BONANZA in TEXAS
20091206             Krawalle in GRIECHENLAND: Jugendliche randalieren in Athen
20091206             —BIS zu 6500—BEAMTE sollen am Wochenende allein in Athen für Sicherheit sorgen.
20091206             Die Hauptkundgebung zum Gedenken an das Opfer findet —AM—SONNTAG statt.
20091206             —UNRUHEN, Im Vorfeld des Jahrestags der, wurden —AM—SAMSTAG in Athen mindestens 160—MUTMAßLICHE Autonome und Anarchisten festgenommen, um Ausschreitungen zuvorzukommen.
20091206             Der Todestag des jugendlichen Grigoropoulos jährt sich —AM—SONNTAG zum 1. Mal.
20091206             Sein Tod durch 1—POLIZEIKUGEL hatte im
20091206—19280227    —AM, Hrdlicka wurde in WIEN als Sohn eines Gewerkschaftsfunktionärs geboren.
20091206—19560000    —BIS, Wegen seiner Mitgliedschaft in der Kommunistischen Partei Österreichs von 19470000             wurde er oft des "Stalinismus" bezichtigt.
20091206—19670000    versammelte sich eine "Liga gegen entartete Kunst" zum Protest gegen das in WIEN enthÜllte "RENNER—DENKMAL" Hrdlickas.
20091206—19700000    —SEIT, SULTAN—KABUS regiert
20091206—19820400    —IM, Die Beschlüsse des SPD—PARTEITAGES nannte er einen "Gruselkatalog sozialistischer Marterwerkzeuge".
20091206—20070000    —SEIT, Inoffiziellen Angaben zufolge wird das unbemannte Flugzeug —BEREITS in AFGHANISTAN eingesetzt.
20091206—20080100    beigesprungen, genauso wie der Staatsfonds von SINGAPUR und der langjährige CITI—AKTIONÄR PRINZ—WALID—IBN—TALAL aus SAUDI—ARABIEN.
20091206—20081206    —AM, Der 15-jährige Schüler hatte mit Zehntausenden anderen Jugendlichen gegen die Regierung und die Perspektivlosigkeit demonstriert.
20091206—20090119    —GEKÜRT, Das "Unwort des Jahres" wird in FRANKFURT.
20091206—20091123    —ARRESTED, THE—PHILIPPINES—TROOPS, 62—PEOPLE and discovered another major weapons cache —AFTER martial law was imposed in SOUTH—MAGUINDANAO province —FOLLOWING the country's worst political massacre.
20091206—20091204    —IMPOSED, NEPAL, Maoists, 1—STRICT nationwide strike in protest of the killing of 3—LANDLESS laborers.
20091206—20091207    —SLOWED, IRAN—AUTHORITIES, INTERNET connections to 1—CRAWL or choked them off completely —BEFORE expected student protests, to deny the opposition 1—VITAL—MEANS—OF—COMMUNICATION.
20091206—20091210    alfatomega.com/20091210.html
20091211—20091206    —IN—THE, ROMANIA—CONSTITUTIONAL—COURT ordered 1—RE—EXAMINATION—OF—BALLOTS declared void presidential election amid allegations of widespread fraud.
20100929—20101206    —ON, 1—ITALY—FISHING boat pulled the remains of THE—2—FROM the Adriatic Sea.
20101202—20101208    —ARRESTED, The siblings' mother was, in her S—DIEGO apartment 20101206             —ON and charged with entering THE—USA—ILLEGALLY.
20101206             —URGED, THE—USA, SOUTH—KOREA and JAPAN all, CHINA to help rein in its ally NORTH—KOREA and vowed solidarity in defending SEOUL from ANY—FURTHER—ATTACKS from the North.
20101206             —PROVIDED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, estimates showing THE—USA—POPULATION grew to somewhere between 306—MILLION and 313—MILLION over the past —DECADE.
20101206             —FIELDED, INTERNET giant Google, 1—NEW champion on THE—MOBILE—PHONE—MARKET—BATTLEFIELD, a "Nexus S" smartphone made by SOUTH—KOREA—SAMSUNG.
20101206             It included BUILT—IN support for Near Field Communication, 1—WIRELESS—STANDARD that enables customers to make payments over 1—ELECTRONIC—READER.
20101206             —REPORTED, It was, that FIJI Water, owned by billionaire STEWART—RESNICK, will acquire JUSTIN—VINEYARDS and Winery in Paso ROBLES—CALIFORNIA.
20101206             VIRGINIA, THE—BODY—OF—TINA—SMITH, —41—JAHRE—ALT was found slain in her home near SALEM.
20101206             Her daughter Brittany MAE—SMITH (12) was missing as well was the suspected killed JEFFREY—SCOTT—EASLEY, —32—JAHRE—ALT.
20101206             He had been living with the Smiths —SINCE meeting tina online last October.
20101206             —APPOINTED, THE—AFRICAN—UNION, GUINEA—INTERIM—PRESIDENT—SEKOUBA—KONATE to drive forward plans for 1—AFRICA—MILITARY—FORCE which had been due to be operational by —THIS—YEAR.
20101206             —ANNOUNCED, ARGENTINA, that it recognizes THE—PALESTINE—TERRITORIES as 1—FREE and independent state within their 19670000             borders, 1—STEP it said reflects frustration at the slow PROGRESS—OF—PEACE—TALKS with ISRAEL.
20101206             —URGED, BELGIUM—CENTRAL—BANK—CHIEF, GUY—QUADEN, the rudderless country's divided politicians to speedily form 1—GOVERNMENT to allay financial market fears about its future.
20101206             UK—RESEARCHERS said they may have found 1—WAY to reverse damage in the central nervous system caused by multiple sclerosis, in 1—STUDY hailed by campaigners as 1—MAJOR—BREAKTHROUGH.
20101206             —REDUCED, OTTO—RENE—RODRIGUEZ—LLERENA—SENTENCE was, to —30—YEARS in prison.
20101206             —WRESTLED, European nations, over whether to commit more money to help stabilize the euro, as finance ministers gathered in BRUSSELS to find ways to fight the debt crisis that has rocked the currency bloc.
20101206             —CHARGED, Election monitors, that EGYPT—POLLS were marked by widespread fraud, as MUBARAK—PARTY prepared to take almost 100-percent CONTROL—OF—PARLIAMENT.
20101206             † HAITI—MEDICAL—SOURCES said fully 140—PEOPLE have of cholera in recent days in the southwest, 1—REGION that had been largely spared the epidemic.
20101206             —RAISED, Officials, the death toll to over 2,000 —SINCE the outbreak began in October.
20101206             1—MOTORBOAT overloaded with mostly HAITI—MIGRANTS slammed into 1—REEF off THE—UK—VIRGIN—ISLANDS and capsized as it tried to evade authorities.
20101206             —KILLED, At least 8—PEOPLE were, including 2—INFANTS.
20101206             25—PEOPLE were rescued.
20101206             —ARRESTED, Police in S—MAARTEN, 3—HAITIANS and said they will be charged with human smuggling in the case.
20101206             —SIGNED, INDIA and FRANCE, 1—MULTIBILLION agreement to build 2—NUCLEAR—POWER—PLANTS in INDIA as FRANCE—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—SARKOZY worked to drum up business for his nation —DURING his —4—DAY—VISIT.
20101206             —CONVICTED—OF, IRELAND, TONY—WALSH, —56—JAHRE—ALT was, raping 3—BOYS over a —5-YEAR period —3—DECADES—EARLIER.
20101206             —CONCLUDED, Investigators had, that Walsh actually raped and molested HUNDREDS—OF—BOYS and girls —WHILE serving as 1—DUBLIN priest 19780000—19960000    —FROM—TO.
20101206             —REPORTED, Investigators also, that THE—VATICAN had tried to stop THE—DUBLIN church from defrocking Walsh.
20101206             † ISRAEL—TOP policewoman, who had clung to life —FOR—4—DAYS—AFTER her patrol car was trapped in 1—BURNING—ISRAEL forest, of her wounds as THE—LAST—OF—THE—FLAMES subsided in the worst fire in ISRAEL—HISTORY.
20101206             —SLAUGHTERED, NEW—ZEALAND officials attackers wielding bats or clubs, 2—DOZEN fur seals, including newborn pups, over several days at the Ohau Point colony, 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST popular sanctuaries for watching the animals.
20101206             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, twin suicide bombers in police uniform, 43—PEOPLE in Ghalanai, the main town in the tribal DISTRICT—OF—MOHMAND, attacking 1—ANTI—TALIBAN militia and PRO—GOVERNMENT elders near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER.
20101206             —KILLED, USA—DRONE—MISSILE—STRIKES, 7—PEOPLE in the tribal region.
20101206             POLAND—PARLIAMENT got notice of its 1. ever AFRICA—LAWMAKER, 1—TEACHER and Christian pastor from NIGERIA who has lived in POLAND —FOR—17—YEARS and proven himself 1—POPULAR—LOCAL—LEADER.
20101206             JOHN—ABRAHAM—GODSON, —40—JAHRE—ALT, 1—COUNCILMAN in THE—CENTRAL—CITY—OF—LODZ, will fill 1—SEAT in the national PARLIAMENT vacated by 1—FELLOW—LAWMAKER from the Civic Platform party.
20101206             RUSSIA, Yegor Sviridov (28) was shot dead with rubber bullets —DURING 1—FIGHT in NORTH—WEST—MOSCOW.
20101206             1—SUSPECT arrested in the shooting was from KABARDINO—BALKARIA in the Caucasus.
20101206             RUSSIA—MEDIA——LATER said Sviridov was 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—SPARTAK—ULTRAS, 1—GROUP linked to soccer fan violence in the past.
20101206             —SENTENCED, The court's Judge, him to —20—YEARS in prison.
20101206             5—OTHER—PEOPLE who took part in the brawl were sentenced to —5—YEARS in jail each for hooliganism and inflicting light bodily injury.
20101206             SAUDI—ARABIA—RANI—INVESTMENT—GROUP said it would break ground on a 100—MILLION—DOLLAR (75—MILLION—EURO) resort on 1—MOZAMBIQUE ISLAND —NEXT—YEAR, aiming to cash in on foreign tourists.
20101206             —REPORTED, SOMALIA, 18—PEOPLE were, killed in weekend fighting.
20101206             MOGADISHU ambulance service CHIEF—ALI—MUSE said that 66—CIVILIANS were also wounded in the fighting.
20101206             CENTRAL—SOMALIA, clashes between rival Majerteen and the Sa'ad clans killed at least 20—PEOPLE.
20101206             1—SOUTH—AFRICA—NEWSPAPER, THE—NEW—AGE, debuted with denials it is 1—AGENT—OF—THE governing AFRICA—NATIONAL—CONGRESS.
20101206             The owners, MEMBERS—OF—THE—GUPTA family, which has mining, computer and other businesses in SOUTH—AFRICA and INDIA, was seen as close to PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA.
20101206             SUDAN, aircraft from THE—NORTH—SUDAN—MILITARY began —3—DAYS—OF—BOMBINGS in WEST—BAHR el Ghazal state.
20101206             —REPORTED, No casualties were.
20101206             They follow multiple bombing runs by THE—NORTH—IN—NOVEMBER in 1 disputed region on the border between neighboring NORTH—BAHR el Ghazal STATE—AND—SOUTH—DARFUR state.
20101206             1—COMMITTEE with representatives from THE—UN—MISSION in SUDAN and the northern and SOUTH—SUDAN—MILITARIES —LATER found that the bombings violated 20050000             —THE agreement that ended more than —20—YEARS—OF—CIVIL—WAR.
20101206             SWITZERLAND, 6—WORLD—POWERS held their 1. meeting in —14—MONTHS with IRAN over its disputed nuclear program, sounding out TEHRAN—INTENTIONS——AFTER it claimed to have taken 1—NEW—STEP in making fissile material.
20101206             —OWNED, VENEZUELA—SOLDIERS took charge at several privately, hotels to help accommodate SOME—OF—THE—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE who have been forced from their homes by flooding and mudslides —FOLLOWING—WEEKS—OF torrential rains.
20101206—19900000    —REOCCUPIED, Oahu Point was only, for breeding and
20101206—19940000    —IN—THE, TANZANIA, THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—TRIBUNAL for RWANDA handed down 1—LIFE—SENTENCE to Ildephonse Hategekimana, 1—LIEUTENANT—FROM—THE—FORMER—RWANDA—ARMY, —AFTER finding him GUILTY—OF—GENOCIDE, murder and rape massacre of Tutsis.
20101206—19970000    —COMMUTED, CUBA—SUPREME—COURT, for the 2. time —THIS—MONTH, the death sentence of 1—SALVADORAN man convicted of plotting 1—SERIES—OF—HAVANA hotel bombings, leaving —JUST 1—PERSON left on THE—ISLAND—DEATH—ROW.
20101206—20040000    —IN, about 600—FUR seal pups were born there.
20101206—20101209    —ON, police in CALIFORNIA arrested Easley in S—FRANCISCO and rescued the girl.
20101206—20111000    —IN, 1—JURY at MOSCOW City COURT—CONVICTED—ASLAN—CHERKESOV of premeditated murder.
20101209—20101206    —SINCE, The remains were identified as those of Esmond Morris (32), who had not been seen.
201102041206         Mosa'ab Elshamy tweets: "Mixed feelings towards Arab League GENERAL—SECRETARY, Amr Moussa.
20111202—20111206    —ON, MICHIGAN took the 1. legal steps toward 1—STATE—TAKEO—VER—OF—DETROIT.
20111206             In the weeks —AFTER 20110311             —THE earthquake and tsunami hit the plant, TEPCO dumped 10,000 TONS—OF—LOWER—LEVEL—RADIOACTIVE—WATER into the Pacific Ocean.
20111206             —DETAINED, Reports said Mansor Almaribe (45) was, in Medina 20111114             —ON—WHILE making the hajj pilgrimage and accused of insulting companions of the prophet Mohammed.
20111206             —REPORTED, KENYA—MILITARY, 1—LARGE—BATTLE over the weekend (20111203—20111204    ) in which it said 11—SOMALIA—GOVERNMENT—SOLDIERS and more than 40—AL—SHABAB fighters were killed.
20111206             ITALY, an emergency budget under new PRIME—MINISTER—MARIO—MONTI came into force.
20111206             —RESIGNED, USA—TOP—FAA administrator Randy Babbitt (65), —FOLLOWING his weekend arrest in VIRGINIA on charges of drunken driving.
20111206             —ENTERED, THE—OCCUPY movement, 1—NEW—PHASE with —1—DAY—OF—MARCHES and rallies in over 20—CITIES nationwide.
20111206             —RECLAIMED, OAKLAND protesters, some foreclosed properties, shouted down foreclosure auctions, waved banners outside banks and held several marches and rallies.
20111206             SF BART officials said thefts of copper are impacting train traffic.
20111206             —STRIPPED, VALLEJO Public Works said thieves have, $200,000 worth of copper wiring from street lights and signalized intersections —SINCE—MAY.
20111206             —STARTED, Facebook, making its Timeline feature available to the approximately 2—MILLION—FACEBOOK users living in NEW—ZEALAND.
20111206             The new application takes everything you've ever done on Facebook and creates 1—DIGITAL scrapbook that is simultaneously EYE—PLEASING and addicting.
20111206             AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER struck 1—CROWD—OF—SHIITE worshippers at 1—MOSQUE in KABUL, killing at least 56—PEOPLE in the deadliest of 2—ATTACKS on 1—SHIITE holy —DAY.
20111206             4—OTHER—SHIITES were killed in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—MAZAR I—SHARIF —WHEN 1—BOMB strapped to 1—BICYCLE exploded as 1—CONVOY—OF—AFGHANISTAN SHIITES was driving down the road.
20111206             —CONDEMNED, THE—TALIBAN strongly, THE—2—ATTACKS.
20111206             —CLAIMED, LASHKAR—E—JHANGVI, 1—PAKISTAN—BASED group, responsibility for the bombing.
20111206             —CALLED, ANTIGUA—BASED LIAT airline said ALL—OF—ITS—PILOTS have, in sick, likely disrupting all flights.
20111206             The pilots were protesting the firing of 1—CAPTAIN for undisclosed reasons.
20111206             1—CHINA—COURT—JAILED—AUSTRALIA—BUSINESSMAN—MATTHEW—NG —FOR—13—YEARS on bribery and embezzlement charges.
20111206             Ng, 1—EXECUTIVE working for travel services group ET—CHINA in SOUTH—CHINA, was arrested last —NOVEMBER.
20111206             CHINA—MEDIA have said the case against Ng relates to his role in ET—CHINA—BATTLE with 1—GUANGZHOU—GOVERNMENT—OWNED travel company for CONTROL—OF—DOMESTIC—TRAVEL—AGENCY—GZL.
20111206             COLOMBIA, SAMUEL—MORENO, —51—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—MAYOR—OF—BOGOTA, was charged with receiving illegal kickbacks for public works contracts.
20111206             —MARCHED, Tens of thousands, across COLOMBIA to repudiate —LAST—MONTH—EXECUTION—OF—SOLDIERS and police by leftist rebels, who had held them for more than —1—DECADE as political bargaining chips.
20111206             —HURLED, GREECE—STUDENTS, rocks and bottles —DURING clashes with police at 1—RALLY to mark the 3. anniversary of the fatal police shooting of 1—TEENAGER in CENTRAL—ATHENS.
20111206             —FIRED, GUYANA police, tear gas and rubber pellets to disperse about 500—PROTESTERS demanding 1—ELECTION recount, —1—DAY—AFTER the home of 1—RULING party politician was reportedly firebombed.
20111206             —OUSTED, IVORY—COAST, 3—JOURNALISTS from 1—NEWSPAPER—LOYAL to, PRESIDENT—LAURENT—GBAGBO were released from jail —AFTER being acquitted on charges of insulting his successor.
20111206             JAPAN—WHALING fleet left port for the country's annual hunt in ANTARCTICA.
20111206             TOKYO Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) said it believes 150—LITERS (40—USA—GALLONS) of waste water including highly harmful strontium, linked with bone cancers, has spread to the open ocean.
20111206             The announcement came —1—DAY—AFTER TEPCO said it found 45—TONS—OF—WASTE—WATER pooled —AROUND the leaky WATER—TREATMENT—SYSTEM at THE—FUKUSHIMA—DAIICHI nuclear plant.
20111206             —DISSOLVED, KUWAIT—RULER, SHEIK—SABAH—AL—AHMAD—AL—SABAH, PARLIAMENT and set the Gulf nation toward elections, citing "deteriorating conditions" amid 1—INCREASINGLY bitter political showdown over alleged HIGH—LEVEL—CORRUPTION.
20111206             LIBYA—GOVERNMENT gave its firm support to a —2-WEEK deadline for militias to quit TRIPOLI, backing up 1—THREAT from the capital's council to lock down the city if they fail to do so.
20111206             Human Rights Watch said in 1—REPORT that between 20,000 and 40,000 children work in artisanal gold mines in MALI, AFRICA—3.—LARGEST producer of the precious metal.
20111206             6—TOP—POLICE—CHIEFS were sacked —IN—THE—WAKE—OF clashes.
20111206             1—NIGERIA—COURT convicted 1—MAN accused of being 1—OF—SEVERAL spokesmen for the Boko Haram radical Muslim sect, responsible for HUNDREDS—OF—KILLINGS—THIS—YEAR.
20111206             —SENTENCED, ALI—SANDA—UMAR—KONDUGA was, to —3—YEARS in prison.
20111206             —AFFILIATED, NORTH—KOREA, 6—USA—VOLUNTEERS, with the Fuller Center for Housing, arrived to kick off 1—PROJECT to build 50—HOMES for families working at 1—TREE—FARM outside PYONGYANG.
20111206             —SENTENCED, SAUDI—ARABIA, 1—AUSTRALIA—MAN to 500—LASHES and —1—YEAR in jail —AFTER being found GUILTY—OF—BLASPHEMY.
20111206             THE—FATHER—OF—5—FROM Shepparton in VICTORIA state, who could not afford 1—LAWYER, suffers from diabetes and heart disease.
20111206             —APPEARED, SOMALIA—POLICE, to make 1—DEADLY—ERROR by returning 1 suspected suicide car bomber they had arrested to his BOMB—LADEN vehicle, where the suspect then detonated 1—BLAST that killed 4—PEOPLE.
20111206             —CLIMBED, THE—SOUTH—AFRICA—NATIONAL—PARKS—AUTHORITY said rhino poaching has, to 1—RECORD for a 2. —YEAR.
20111206             —KILLED, SYRIA—ACTIVISTS said 1—SURGE in violence in HOMS has, up to 50—PEOPLE in the past —24—HOURS, leaving DOZENS—OF—BODIES in the streets.
20111206             —SIGNED, TAIWAN—STATE—OWNED—CPC—CORPORATION, a —20—YEAR—CONTRACT with QATAR—RASGAS to buy 1.5—MILLION tons of liquefied natural gas —1—YEAR.
20111206             —KILLED, TIBET, 12—PEOPLE were, and 5 were missing —AFTER their bus plunged into 1—RIVER.
20111206             Animal ASIA, 1—ANIMAL—PROTECTION—GROUP, said 14—ASIATIC—BLACK—BEARS have been rescued from 1—BEAR bile farm in VIETNAM —AFTER their owner decided to renounce the illegal trade.
20111206             —KILLED, YEMEN, 1—CIVILIAN was, —WHEN 1—SHELL, fired by troops loyal to PRESIDENT—ALI—ABDULLAH—SALEH, hit 1—BUS in Taez.
20111206—20100000    —KILLED, As many as 405—RHINOS have been, so far —THIS—YEAR, 22% more than.
20111206—20111124    —RAIDED, INDIA—POLICE said Maoist rebels have, police posts, engaged in shootouts and bombed government buildings and railway lines in EAST—INDIA in a —2—DAY—CAMPAIGN—OF—VIOLENCE protesting their leader's killing.
20111206—20111124    —ON, CESAR—ETOU, publication director at the daily Notre Voie, political service HEAD—BOGA—SIVORI and CHIEF—EDITOR—DIDIER—DEPRY, arrested, were found not guilty.
20111206—20111128    —ON, NIGER, —2—DAYS—OF—CLASHES began between demonstrators and police leaving 2—PEOPLE—DEAD in ZINDER where opposition politician Aboubacar Mahamadou was on trial for "preparing protest demonstrations" against PRESIDENT—MAHAMADOU—ISSOUFOU.
20111206—20111207    —ACQUITTED, Mahamadou was.
20111206—20120619    —ON, authorities in KABUL announced that 2—MEN have been charged in connection with the suicide bombing.
20111206—20120619    —RAISED, The death toll in the attacks was soon, to at least 80., authorities in KABUL announced that 2—MEN have been charged in connection with the suicide bombing.
20111207—20111206    —ON, THE—FREEDOM and Justice Party said in 1—STATEMENT that it won 36—OF—THE—56—SEATS awarded to individual candidates in voting which concluded.
20111219—20111206    —ON, Shiva Poudel, CHAIRMAN—OF—1—PARTY—YOUTH wing, was critically injured —WHEN 1—GROUP—OF—INMATES attacked him in 1—PRISON in THE—SOUTH—DISTRICT—OF—CHITWAN and
20120817             alfatomega.com/Noname51_1HTML—ALFATOMEGA.com/20071206.html - alfatomega.com/20071206.html
20121206             alfatomega.com/20070620.html
20121206             "Der schwerste moralische VORWURF—GEGEN—GEZIELTE Tötungen ist der des staatlich sanktionierten Mordes", schreibt er
20121206             "Grail"-MISSION: Das Geheimnis der unterirdischen Mondkanäle
20121206             "Patriot"-Schutz fÜr DIE—TÜRKEI—REGIERUNG will —BIS zu 400-SOLDATEN fÜr NATO—MISSION bereitstellen
20121206             "We are reaching 1—TIPPING point in that the technology is becoming so cheap that it's —NOW 1—MUCH cheaper to use 1—ROBOT to gather data than to pay for 1 manned ship to be at sea —FOR—MONTHS at 1—TIME".
20121206             1—ART—SUPERFOTOAPPARAT, der "Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite"(VIIRS) an Bord des Satelliten registriert selbst kÜmmerliches Glimmen.
20121206             1—GRUPPE UNGARISCHER—FORSCHER hat 1.000—KÜNSTLERISCHE DARSTELLUNGEN—VON Höhlenmalereien —BIS hin zu Reiterstatuen aus Bronze - -DARAUFHIN untersucht, ob der Gang der abgebildeten Tiere korrekt ist.
20121206             1—KOLUMNE—VON—JAN—FLEISCHHAUER
20121206             1—PAAR Kinder, die medizinisch BEGRÜNDET CANNABIS nehmen sind 1—RIESENAUFREGER WÄHREND tausende andere TÄGLICH Ritalin und Co.
20121206             1.Alle bekommen die vollen BeamtenbezÜge
20121206             3—SÄRGE mit eigentlich —SCHON bestatteten Leichen in Raum 038,
20121206             300.—000—JAHRE jung: Astronomen sichten STERNEN—EMBRYO
20121206             ARMIN—KRISHNAN - Aktionsplan: EU drängt Länder zu härterem Vorgehen gegen STEUERbetrÜger
20121206             Alles halb so schlimm! -- —BISHER!
20121206             Andere Länder liegen dauernd im Dunkeln: NORD—KOREA etwa
20121206             Angeblich verschleierte Verluste: FINANZ—KRISE holt DEUTSCHE—BANK 1 - Art transnationalem Strafvollzug
20121206             Ausgleichszahlung: Regierung schÜtzt Industrie vor STROMPREIS—SCHUB
20121206             Bewegungsmuster von Vierbeinern: Höhlenmaler waren präziser als —SPÄTERE KÜnstler
20121206             Blutige Straßenschlachten in KAIRO—PRÄSIDENT—MURSI lässt Panzer vor seinem Palast auffahren
20121206             Branson: DRUG—WAR 1—WASTE—OF—LIVES
20121206             DIE—1."Grail"-Sonde erreichte den Mond Silvester 20110000             , DIE 2. SCHWENKTE—CA—24 —STUNDEN—SPÄTER, in 1—UMLAUFBAHN um den Erdtrabanten.
20121206             DIE—BILDER eignen sich sogar fÜr polizeiliche Aufgaben, denn KRIMinelle hinterlassen Spuren: Man käme selbst kleinen Objekten wie erleuchteten Fischerbooten auf die Spur, die illegal im vermeintlichen SCHUTZ—DER—NACHT JAGD—AUF—FISCHE machten, berichtet DIE—NASA.
20121206             DIE—ENTWICKLUNG—DER—RÜSTUNGSTECHNIK, die immer präzisere Angriffe erlaube.
20121206             DIE—UNBEMANNTEN Flugkörper, die von DEN—USA neben der Aufklärung auch zur gezielten Tötung eingesetzt werden.
20121206             DIE—UNTERSUCHUNG der VOR—FÄLLE habe in 1—SEHR schwierigen Umfeld stattgefunden, schreiben die Gutachter.
20121206             DROHNEN—KRIEG: Staatlich sanktionierter Totschlag
20121206             Das anatomische Institut der UNIVERSITÄT—KÖLN ging skandalös schlampig mit Körperspenden UM—NUN liegt 1—GUTACHTEN zu den Vorfällen vor.
20121206             Dass die AMERIKANISCHE—REGIERUNG über ihre Drohneneinsätze schweigt und es über die Anzahl und Namen der Getöteten nur Spekulationen gibt, nährt den Verdacht, daß sich die Exekutive der Kontrolle DURCH—JUSTIZ und PARLAMENTe entziehen und an 1—ZUSTAND—DER—REGELLOSIGKEIT festhalten will.
20121206             Den AUSSAGEN—DES—KOLUMNISTEN kann man wohl nur dann moralisch zustimmen, wenn man der Meinung ist, fÜr DIE—SAUDIS sei es 1—SEGEN, von DEUTSCHEN—PANZERN bei Demos zusammengeschossen zu werden, weil dies 1—ISLAMISTISCHES Regime verhindert.
20121206             Den Rang als "drittgrößter WAFFEN—EXPORTEUR der Welt"hatte DEUTSCHLAND —SCHON unter ROT—GRÜN.
20121206             Den wohl faszinierendsten Anblick bietet die Totale:
20121206             Doch die Technik eignet sich nicht nur, um MARATHONläufer oder in trockenen Gebieten operierende MILITÄR—EINHEITEN zu versorgen.
20121206             Drohkulisse am GOLF—IRAN rÜstet sich fÜr den asymmetrischen KRIEG
20121206             Dubios wird es zudem, wenn ARMIN—KRISHNAN in 1—FUSSNOTE darÜber spekuliert, ob der überraschende Herzinfarkt des konservativen Bloggers und "REGIME—KRITIKERS"ANDREW—BREITBART
20121206             EKLAT im Schweriner LAND—TAG: NPD—BOYKOTTIERT Gedenken an NSU—OPFER
20121206             EZB—ENTSCHEIDUNG: NOTEN—BANK—HÄLT—LEIT—ZINS auf Rekordtief
20121206             —COMPOSED—OF, EACH—ROBOT is, 2—HALVES: the upper part, shaped like 1 stunted surfboard, is attached by 1—CABLE to 1—LOWER—PART that sports 1—SERIES—OF—FINS and 1—KEEL.
20121206             Fachjournale, populäre Technikblogs und politisch eingefärbte Medien wie FOX—NEWS oder THE—NATION stehen hier nebeneinander
20121206             Flucht nach GUATEMALA: POLIZEI nimmt SOFTWARE—GURU McAfee fest
20121206             FÜnfmal pro —SEKUNDE übermitteln DIE—SONDEN ihre Position zur ERDE—AUF 50-MILLIONstel Millimeter genau.
20121206             GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH s "GLOBAL—WAR—ON—TERROR"DER—WENN auch unter Vermeidung dieses NAMENS—VON—BARACK—OBAMA weitergefÜhrt wird, als "KRIEG"zu verstehen?
20121206             GEO—FORSCHUNG, Mathematiker finden Formel der filigranen Täler - alfatomega.com/20070620.html
20121206             GEWALT—IN—ÄGYPTEN—MURSI—BERATER treten aus PROTEST zurÜck
20121206             GRIECHENLAND, SPANIEN, PORTUGAL: EU sieht HÖHE—PUNKT DER—EURO—KRISE überschritten
20121206             Gaucks Antrittsbesuch im VATIKAN: "Hellwacher Heiliger Vater"
20121206             GerÜchte um Comeback: BERLUSCONI will ITALIEN RETTEN—MAL wieder
20121206             HAMBURG—ES ist die höchste Summe, die jemals bei 1—VERSTEIGERUNG fÜr 1—ZEICHNUNG auf Papier gezahlt worden ist: 1—ARBEIT des ITALIENISCHEN—RENAISSANCE—MALERS Raffael, der 14830000—15200000    —VON—BIS, lebte, IST—AM—MITTWOCH vom LONDONer Auktionshaus SOTHEBY—FÜR 29.700.000 BRITISCHE—PFUND (36.600.000—EURO) versteigert wurde.
20121206             Hinzu komme DIE—ENTWICKLUNG—DER—RÜSTUNGSTECHNIK,
20121206             Häufigste Todesursache: 40 % DER—DEUTSCHEN—STERBEN an HERZ—KREISLAUF—LEIDEN
20121206             —INDIVIDUALISIERT, IN DER FOLGE werde DIE—KRIEG—FÜHRUNG zunehmend
20121206             INNOVATIONS—FÖRDERUNG, DEUTSCHE—FIRMEN investieren REKORD—SUMME in Forschung
20121206             ITU—KONFERENZ—IN—DUBAI: Darum geht es beim INTERNET—STREIT
20121206             In der SÜD—DEUTSCHE—ZEITUNGKONNTE man lesen, daß allen, die 1—GENEHMIGUNG des Waffengeschäfts in Erwägung zögen, der "innere Kompass"abhanden gekommen sei.
20121206             —ADVISED, In fact, SEATTLE police officers have been, not to take ANY—ENFORCEMENT—ACTION other than to issue 1—VERBAL warning, if the new law is violated.
20121206             Interessant sind mitunter aber gerade die Gebiete, in denen man nichts sieht
20121206             KORRUPTION—VERDACHT: Rolls Royce muss sich fÜr ASIENgeschäft rechtfertigen
20121206             KRIEG und Frieden könnten bald nicht mehr zu unterscheiden sein.
20121206             —ÜBERTEUERT, KOSTEN—NUTZEN—BILANZ: Gängige Antidepressiva ums Vielfache
20121206             Legitime Kampfeinsätze seien kaum von politischen ATTENTATen zu unterscheiden.
20121206             Leider ist dabei nicht immer nachvollziehbar, welches Vertrauen man Krishnans eklektisch zusammengestellten Quellen schenken darf.
20121206             LEUCHTEN—SCHIMMERNDER Vorbote des nächsten Tages.
20121206             Luftfahrt-, RÜSTUNGS—KONZERN, Neue Aktionärsstruktur beflÜgelt EADS—AKTIE
20121206             Löwen in AFRIKA: des KÖNIG—REICH schwindet
20121206             Man braucht NOCH NICHT einmal viel Vorstellungsvermögen - Man muss nur den Fernseher einschalten.
20121206             MANY—GOING hungry as food prices soar - Marijuana —NOW legal in WASHINGTON
20121206             Marijuana possession is legal in WASHINGTON..
20121206             MILLIONEN—INVESTITION: APPLE will MAC—COMPUTER wieder IN—DEN—USA bauen - Minimalstandards
20121206             NATO—SCHUTZ fÜr DIE—TÜRKEI: KABINETT billigt "Patriot"-EINSATZ mit —BIS zu 400-SOLDATEN
20121206             NATÜRLICH wäre es wÜnschenswert, die SAUDI—ARABER hätten die gleichen Vorstellungen zu Gleichberechtigung und BÜRGER—RECHTEN wie wir.
20121206             NETANJAHU in BERLIN: "Gespräch unter Freunden"
20121206             Nanotechnologie: Firma bastelt sich von allein fÜllende Flasche
20121206             No longer will THE—SMELL—OF—MARIJUANA emanating from 1—VEHICLE—LEAD to 1—SEARCH unless THE—OFFICER has "information that you're trafficking, producing or delivering marijuana in VIOLATION—OF—STATE—LAW,"it says.
20121206             PARLAMENTsvotum in ITALIEN—BERLUSCONI—PARTEI bringt Monti in Not
20121206             PUBLIC—RELATIONS and AMERICA—DEMOCRACY by J.
20121206             Pazifisten empören sich über die geplanten DEUTSCHEN—WAFFEN—RIEFERUNGEN an SAUDI—ARABIEN.
20121206             Pot smokers enter legal limbo in WASHINGTON, COLORADO
20121206             RECHTS—EXTREMISMUS: Länder unterstÜtzen NPD—VERBOTSANTRAG - RICHARD—BRANSON says if 1—COMPANY is...
20121206             RUSSLAND: VIZE—PREMIER nimmt Panzerwagen als Dienstfahrzeug
20121206             —VERWEIGERT, Rede des STAAT—CHEFS: Mursi, Zugeständnisse an OPPOSITION
20121206             Rekordpreis: RAFFAEL—ZEICHNUNG fÜr 36.000.000—EURO versteigert
20121206             Rezession in DER—EURO—ZONE: NOTEN—BANKER senken PROGNOSE—FÜR—2013
20121206             STAATS—KRISE—IN—ÄGYPTEN: Armee drängt MURSI—GEGNER zurÜck
20121206             Schriftliche Hinweise auf Probleme mit der Leichenaufbewahrung gebe es jedenfalls weder in den Akten der Fakultät noch bei der UNIVERSITÄTsspitze oder in der Verwaltung des Klinikums.
20121206             Schöpfer von BRASILIA: BRASILIENs STAR—ARCHITEKT OSCAR—NIEMEYER ist tot
20121206             Selbst Studenten bekamen mit, daß es drunter und drÜber ging.
20121206             Severe weather conditions hit farmers and pushed food prices up.
20121206             Sie haben 1—MÖGLICHKEIT GEFUNDEN, in den Mond zu blicken, ohne selbst vor Ort zu sein.
20121206             Staatliche Förderung: Sparer verschenken MILLIARDEN bei RIESTER—RENTE
20121206             Stattdessen sei KRIEG —HEUTE entgrenzt: es kämpften in der Regel keine uniformierten STELL—VERTRETER politischer MACHT—HABER mehr gegeneinander, die durch rechtliche Regeln geschÜtzt werden.
20121206             StÜrmische Debatte
20121206             Swimming robot reaches AUSTRALIA —AFTER RECORD—BREAKING trip
20121206             They do not use fuel but instead convert energy from the ocean's waves, turning it into forward thrust.
20121206             Vor allem dienen die Fotos der Forschung:
20121206             —COMPLETED, Wave Glider, "Papa Mau", its 9.000—NAUTICAL—MILE (16.668—KM) scientific journey across the Pacific Ocean to set 1—NEW—WORLD—RECORD for the longest distance traveled by 1—AUTONOMOUS—VEHICLE.
20121206             Weil die Vorgänge sich über —JAHRE erstreckten und mehrere Personen fÜr die Leichen zuständig waren, "können Fehler nicht mehr eindeutig zugeordnet werden"
20121206             Wie legitim ist der offenbar oftmals präventive Ansatz der gezielten Tötung?
20121206             Wo verläuft DIE—GRENZE—ZWISCHEN—MILITÄR—EINSATZ und ATTENTAT?
20121206             Zum GlÜck haben ja nur wir, also der "freie Westen", die HÜter von Demokratie und MENSCHEN—RECHTEN, mit 1—WORT "die Guten", solche Waffen.
20121206             Zustand, in dem sich über —JAHRE hinweg das anatomische Institut der UNIVERSITÄT—KÖLN befand.
20121206             [l] 1—ROBOTERSCHIFF ist —NACH—1—JAHR Reise von S—FRANCISCO aus in AUSTRALIEN angekommen.
20121206             [l] High Frequency Trading macht weniger Trades.
20121206             [l] Patent des Tages: Verizon hat 1—PATENT fÜr 1—DIGITALEN Videorekorder angemeldet.
20121206             auf den neuen Satellitenbildern.
20121206             das Ideal des "eingehegten Krieges"ende, über das einst CARL—VON—CLAUSEWITZ und CARL—SCHMITT nachdachten
20121206             des nächsten Tages. deshalb - erlaube
20121206             legitim - man - oder - optional - rechtstaatliche Minimalstandards wahren
20121206             to compete for the grand prize award of a $50.000—RESEARCH—GRANT from BP
20121206             und keiner ist verantwortlich.
20121206             —, erliegt allzu oft VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIEN.
20121206             —AM, genauesten schauten die STEIN—ZEIT—KÜNSTLER hin.
20121206             —CA—13 Billiarden LITER—WASSER lägen in der Luft.
20121206             —ESKALATION in KAIRO: MUSLIM—BRÜDER feiern Gewaltorgie als Erfolg
20121206             —KRISE bei THYSSEN—KRUPP: Crommes kalter Coup
20121206             —NACH, Muybridges Arbeit sank der Anteil der unnatÜrlichen Abbildungen auf 57,9 %.
20121206             —VOTED, THE—USA—SENATE, to approve 1—BILL to grant permanent normal trade relations with RUSSIA.
20121206             PRESIDENT—OBAMA said he will sign it.
20121206             1—USA—FEDERAL—GRAND—JURY indicted Trenton, NJ, Mayor TONY—MACK, —46—JAHRE—ALT, his borther Ralphiel Mack (40) and friend JOSEPH—GIORGIANNI, —63—JAHRE—ALT on bribery and fraud charges in 1—SCHEME to help individuals acquire 1—CITY—OWNED lot to build 1—PARKING garage.
20121206             1—USA—DISTRICT—JUDGE ruled that snakes, frogs and fairways can coexist at THE—S—FRANCISCO—OWNED—SHARP—PARK—GOLF—COURSE in Pacifica.
20121206             —HUDDLED, WASHINGTON, STATE—HUNDREDS—OF—MARIJUANA enthusiasts, near SEATTLE's famed Space Needle tower with pipes, bongs and HAND—ROLLED joints to celebrate WASHINGTON—NEW—STATUS as the 1. state in the nation to legalize pot for adult recreational use.
20121206             AFGHANISTAN, 1—TALIBAN suicide bomber posing as 1—MESSENGER—OF—PEACE blew himself up near Asadullah Khalid, the newly appointed intelligence CHIEF, seriously wounding him.
20121206             5—CHILDREN were killed and 2—OTHERS were wounded by 1—MINE in Sangin district, Helmand province, —WHILE collecting scrap items they hoped to sell.
20121206             1—TREATY that AFRICA—NATIONS hope will lead to the fair and humane TREATMENT—OF—PEOPLE displaced in their own countries went into force —TODAY, more than —3—YEARS—AFTER it was conceived by THE—AFRICA—UNION.
20121206             15—AFRICA—NATIONS have ratified THE—AFRICA—UNION—CONVENTION for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in AFRICA.
20121206             Alleged accomplices Emrah Fojnica and Munib Ahmetspahic were acquitted.
20121206             —ARRESTED, UK—POLICE, prominent publicist MAX—CLIFFORD, —69—JAHRE—ALT in connection to the broad investigation into child sex abuse spurred by THE—JIMMY—SAVILE case.
20121206             Nearly 2,000 CHAD—REFUGEES, who fled a 20080000             CIVIL—WAR between rebels and government forces into CAMEROON, began leaving their camp to return to their home country.
20121206             —ORDERED, EGYPT—REPUBLICAN—GUARD, protesters supporting and opposing PRESIDENT—MOHAMMED—MORSI to leave the area —AROUND the presidential palace —AFTER overnight clashes in CAIRO between supporters and OPPONENTS—OF—EGYPT—ISLAMIST—LEADER killed at least 5—PEOPLE.
20121206             —CREATED, FRENCH—POLYNESIA, a 1.5—MILLION—SQUARE—MILE shark sanctuary.
20121206             —CHARGED, GERMANY—FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS, 2—IRAN—MEN with allegedly smuggling DOZENS—OF—GERMAN—MADE aircraft motors to IRAN to be used in its Ababil III surveillance and attack drone.
20121206             IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI said BAGHDAD and leaders of the Kurds' SELF—RULED autonomous region have agreed that units will be formed from local ethnic and sectarian groups to replace Iraqi and Kurdish forces currently in the disputed areas, claimed by Arabs, Turkomen and Kurds.
20121206             —KILLED, IRAQ, gunmen, 5—POLICEMEN in 1—ATTACK on 1—CHECKPOINT—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20121206             —MOVED, NATO, forward with its plan to place Patriot missiles and troops along SYRIA—BORDER with TURKEY to protect against potential attacks.
20121206             NEW—ZEALAND, 1—UNUSUALLY destructive tornado swept through neighborhoods —AROUND AUCKLAND, killing 3—PEOPLE and forcing 250—MORE to evacuate damaged and powerless homes.
20121206             —RAMMED, NORTH—IRELAND police, 1—CAR and seized 1—IRISH—REPUBLICAN—ARMY—BOMB—LATE—TODAY, hours ahead of 1—VISIT by USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—HILLARY—CLINTON, a —1—DAY—TRIP being overshadowed by 1—UPSURGE in sectarian passions.
20121206             —ARRESTED, Police, 3—MEN in the disabled car and a 4. suspect nearby.
20121206             —FIRED, PAKISTAN, 1—USA—DRONE, 1—PAIR—OF—MISSILES at 1—HOUSE in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN, killing 3 suspected militants.
20121206             SHEIK—KHALID bin Abdel Rehman AL—HUSSAINAN, also known as ABU—ZAID—AL—KUWAITI, was among the dead.
20121206             —APPEARED, He had, in MANY—VIDEOS released by AL—QAIDA—MEDIA wing, AL—SAHAB, and was presented as 1—RELIGIOUS—SCHOLAR for the group.
20121206             —TRAPPED, SYRIA—STATE—TELEVISION said 1—BOOBY, car has exploded in 1—NEIGHBORHOOD—OF—THE—CAPITAL, DAMASCUS, killing 1—PERSON.
20121206             —ANNOUNCED, THAILAND—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—AUTHORITIES, that they will file murder charges against FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—ABHISIT—VEJJAJIVA and his deputy in the 1. PROSECUTIONS—OF—OFFICIALS for their roles in 1—DEADLY 20100000             crackdown on ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS.
20121206—19990000    —SEIT, Höchster Stand : FRANKREICH bekommt ARBEITS—LOSIGKEIT nicht in Griff
20121206—20080100    —SEIT, BÖRSE—DAX schließt auf dem höchsten Stand ,
20121206—20111028    —ON, 1—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—COURT—CONVICTED—MEVLID—JASAREVIC, who opened fire on THE—USA—EMBASSY, of terrorism and sentenced him to —18—YEARS in prison.
20121206—20140828    —ON, 1—THAILAND—COURT dismissed the murder charges against Abhisit Vejjajiva and his EX—DEPUTY.
20121208             AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI said that 20121206             —THE assassination attempt on the country's intelligence CHIEF was planned in PAKISTAN, but vowed it would not stop him from seeking ISLAMABAD—HELP in coaxing militants to the negotiating table.
20130104             WRECKAGE—OF—THE—PLANE was found in June. alfatomega.com/20041206.html - alfatomega.com/20041206.html
20130723             Weil —ANALYSE und Synthese sind 2—SEITEN DESSELBEN Prozesses.5.html#post13011206
20130723             56. Keine Dankbarkeit
20130920             Weil —ANALYSE und Synthese sind 2—SEITEN DESSELBEN Prozesses.5.html#post13011206
20131108—20131206    —TNECED, Blackman was sen, to at least —10—YEARS in prison.
20131111—20131206    —ARRESTED, Elytte Barbour (22) and wife Miranda (18) were.
20131206             alfatomega.com/20051218.html
20131206             CAMERON: We were wrong to call MANDELA 1—TERRORIST (20060828             )
20131206             "2013—WAR das —JAHR DER—KOMETEN.
20131206             "Bei der CELLDAR—TECHNIK vermutet man 1—ORTUNGSGENAUIGKEIT, die mit HILFE—VON—LAUFZEITMESSUNGEN an 1—MITGEFÜHRTEN Mobiltelefon sogar den STAND—ORT einzelner Personen "auf militärisch nutzbare Entfernungen" bestimmen kann".
20131206             "Ich kann mir mein eigenes Leben ohne Mandelas Beispiel nicht vorstellen".Das ist keineswegs nur so dahin gesagt.
20131206             "Lasst uns zu seiner Vision stehen, die 1—GESELLSCHAFT war, in der niemand ausgebeutet und unterdrÜckt wird".Zuma pries die Vision seines Vorgängers von 1—EINIGEN, NICHT—RASSISTISCHEN, NICHT—SEXISTISCHEN, demokratischen und blÜhenden SÜD—AFRIKA.
20131206             "Meine allererste politische Aktion war 1—PROTEST—GEGEN—DIE—APARTHEID".
20131206             "OBAMA ist aus vieler Sicht der wahre Nachfolger Mandelas auf der WeltbÜhne", zitiert das Magazin "Politico"RICK—STENGEL, Mandelas FRÜHEREN—GHOSTWRITER und GEGENWÄRTIG MIT—ARBEITER im USA—AUßEN—MINISTERIUM.
20131206             "The biography of JESUS is actually constructed, tip to stern, on prior stories, but especially on the biography of 1—ROMAN—CAESAR".
20131206             "This is clear EVIDENCE—OF—1—DELIBERATELY constructed pattern", hs.
20131206             "What seems to have eluded MANY—SCHOLARS is that THE—SEQUENCE—OF—EVENTS and locations of JESUS ministry are more or less the same as THE—SEQUENCE—OF—EVENTS and LOCATIONS—OF—THE—MILITARY—CAMPAIGN—OF [Emperor] TITUS—FLAVIUS as described by JOSEPHUS,"Atwill claims.
20131206             "Wir haben 1—DER einflussreichsten, mutigsten und zutiefst guten Menschen verloren, die jemals 1—VON uns auf Erden —TREFFEN wird", so der sichtlich gerÜhrte OBAMA.
20131206             "Wir streben nach 1—BESSER ausgeglichenen Flotte bemannter und unbemannter SYSTEMe, die auch in verbotenen LUFT—RAUM eindringen können und dort so lange wie nie zuvor verharren können".
20131206             1—HINWEIS auf DIE—KOSTEN des RQ—180—PROGRAMMS findet sich laut "Aviation —WEEK"in den Finanzberichten von NORTHROP—GRUMMAN.
20131206             1—OF—THE—GREAT—THINGS about the late great NELSON—MANDELA is that he didn't hold grudges.
20131206             22—CIA—MIT—ARBEITER und 1—OFFIZIER DER—USA—AIRFORCE wurden in 1 20070000             eröffneten Verfahren wegen Nasrs EntfÜhrung in Abwesenheit zu Haftstrafen zwischen 5—UND —9—JAHREN verurteilt.
20131206             1—LOT—OF—MEN and women in their late forties and —EARLY, fifties did stupid things in the 1980s of which they would rather not be reminded, so we need not be surprised if the strutting young class warriors who once sported the slogan "Hang NELSON—MANDELA" are —NOW shy about coming forward.
20131206             ARD—UMFRAGE: DEUTSCHE lehnen Nahles und POFALLA als MINISTER ab
20131206             Abe richtete außerdem 1—NATIONALER—SICHERHEITS—RAT nach USA—VORBILD ein.
20131206             Als Krautrock gelten die abenteuerlustigen, meist avantgardistischen Klänge, die in DER—BUNDES—REPUBLIK—DEUTSCHLAND
20131206             —GEBANNT, Als OBAMA bemerkt, wie, ihm DIE—LEUTE lauschen, kommen von HINTEN—WIE VERABREDET—DIE schauspielernden Paramilitärs und räumen ihn ab.
20131206             Although its origins as 1—FOLK story brought to ENGLAND by THE—PRE—CHRISTIAN—GERMANIC—TRIBES are largely unknown, the poem became 1—OBJECT—OF—ACADEMIC and popular interest —WHEN it was 1. published
20131206             Another trick was to launder ANTI—APARTHEID T—SHIRTS in 1—FIBERGLASS solution and hand them out to demonstrators, who would —SOON be convulsed in uncontrollable itching.
20131206             Ashra mit den 3—ÜBERRAGENDEN Alben "Inventions for Electric Guitar", "New AGE—OF—EARTH"und "Blackouts"Kraan u.a.
20131206             Auch der Schlagzeuger Jaki Liebezeit ist NOCH—IMMER umtriebig.
20131206             Aufregend ist ebenfalls, was CAN—BASSIST HOLGER—CZUKAY 19800000             mit dem CAN—PRODUZENTEN Conny Plank als Les Vampyrettes einspielte.
20131206             Aufschwung, USA—ARBEITSLOSENZAHL so niedrig wie zuletzt 2008
20131206             Bei YouTube gibt es 1—TOLLES Video (17min.) von Can.
20131206             Bilanz von "Xaver": Triumph der KATASTROPHEnbändiger
20131206             Boeing mimics startup culture to promote innovation and 'intrapreneurship' (CORPO—RATE Learning Network)
20131206             BRIAN—REITZELL, der Hipster, der die Soundtracks fÜr SOFIA Coppola in HOLLYWOOD zusammenstellt, sagte dazu in 1—INTERVIEW: "KLAUS—SCHULZE und Can haben zeitlos coole Musik produziert, die ich über alles liebe.
20131206             CAN—GRÜNDER—IRMIN—SCHMIDT
20131206             —VERURTEILT, CIA—GEISEL: —MAI—LÄNDER Gericht, ABU—OMAR zu —6—JAHREN Haft
20131206             Chronische Erkrankungen: —FORSCHER entzaubern Vitamin D
20131206             Conservatives from MARGARET—THATCHER downwards did not like the look of THE—ANC, which they thought might be 1—COMMUNIST—FRONT.
20131206             DAS—GELD fÜr DAS—PROJEKT sei aus 1—GEHEIM—TEIL—DES—PENTAGON—BUDGETS gekommen.
20131206             DIE—EXISTENZ—DER—RQ—180 wÜrde demnach auch erklären, warum Angehörige DER—USA—LUFT—WAFFE —IN—DER—VERGANGENHEIT wiederholt 1—NEUE Aufklärungsdrohne gefordert haben, aber kein Programm zur Entwicklung 1—SOLCHEN Flugzeugs bekannt war.
20131206             DIE—MICROSOFT—ANKÜNDIGUNG, daß sie —JETZT ihre internen Leitungen verschlÜsseln wollen, beinhaltet diesen Satz:
20131206             DIE—OPPOSITION forderte jedoch fÜr diese Aufgabe 1—UNABHÄNGIGES Gremium.
20131206             DIE—RICHTER—BEFANDEN—OSAMA—MUSTAFA—HASSAN—NASR fÜr schuldig, 1 "kriminellen Vereinigung fÜr internationalen TERROR"angehört zu haben.
20131206             DIE—SICHT in der KÜstenmetropole GING—FREITAG—AM, an einigen Stellen auf wenige Dutzend Meter zurÜck.
20131206             DOPPEL—CD "Villa Wunderbar"
20131206             —ZITIERT, Das Magazin, LUFTWAFFEN—OFFIZIER ROBERT—OTTO mit der Aussage, daß DIE—USA zu VIELE—AUFKLÄRUNGS—MASCHINEN fÜr nicht umkämpften LUFT—RAUM besitze —, zu wenige fÜr "umstrittene Umgebungen".
20131206             —GETRAGEN, Dem hat DAS—PENTAGON offenbar Rechnung.
20131206             Dem neuen Gesetz nach bleiben Geheimnisse in den Bereichen DIPLOMAtie, Verteidigung, ANTI—TERROR—KAMPF und SPIONAGE —BIS zu —WÄHREND—60—JAHRE, unter Verschluss.
20131206             Der Schweifstern Linear entwickelt sich vielversprechend.
20131206             —GEWÄHRT, Der Ägypter, dem ITALIEN politisches Asyl, hatte und der Imam 20130501             —LÄNDER Moschee war, wurde
20131206             Details nannte OBAMA nicht.
20131206             Digitales ZAHLUNGS—MITTEL: BANK—OF—AMERICA orakelt über große BITCOIN—ZUKUNFT
20131206             Doch in kÜnftigen Konflikten mit technisch besser gerÜsteten Gegnern könnten Fähigkeiten wie die der "Blackbird"wieder wichtig werden.
20131206             Dry Guy has no adverse effect on humans or pets
20131206             —BASED, Dry Guy is 1—WATER, waterproofing liquid concentrate
20131206             Dry Guy is totally safe for the environment
20131206             Eilantrag abgelehnt: BUNDES—VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT billigt SPD—MITGLIEDERVOTUM
20131206             Energieversorgung: JAPAN will trotz FUKUSHIMA 1—ATOM—KRAFT festhalten
20131206             —EXISTED, Experts believe this basic microbe, in 1—KIND—OF—CLUSTER, with EACH—CELL hosting individual life but effectively living, working, and communicating as 1—SINGLE—ENTITY.
20131206             Fakten zum Orkan: HAMBURG erlebte zweithöchste Flut —SEIT—BEGINN—DER—AUFZEICHNUNGEN
20131206             Friedman & Liebezeit: Secret Rhythms 5. Nonplace; 19,99—EURO.
20131206             —INTERESSIERT, FÜr alle die diese Musik, empfehle ich DIE—BBC—DOKUMENTATION "The rebirth of GERMANY".
20131206             GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH to attend MANDELA funeral with OBAMA
20131206             GROßE—KOALITION: Hohe Beteiligung bei SPD—MITGLIEDERVOTUM
20131206             Gegner des Gesetzes befÜrchten in dem Vorgehen der REGIERUNG—DES—RECHTSKONSERVATIVEN—MINISTER—PRÄSIDENTEN—SHINZO—ABE 1—RÜCK—FALL—IN—DIE—ZEIT, die zum WWII fÜhrte.—DAMALS, habe DIE—REGIERUNG 1—ÄHNLICHES Gesetz erlassen, um damit gegen politisch Andersdenkende vorzugehen.
20131206             HARRY—PHIBBS, 1—HAMMERSMITH councillor who was then prominent in THE—FCS, says: "1—GROUP—OF—PEOPLE at WARWICK University made stickers that were 1—PARODY of the stickers people were wearing saying 'Free NELSON—MANDELA and all ANC prisoners', which said 'Hang NELSON—MANDELA and all ANC terrorists'.
20131206             —ACCEPTED, How else could he have, normal relations with THE—CIA, which tipped off THE—WHITE—SUPREMACY—REGIME to his whereabouts in 1962?
20131206             —GEFEIERT, IN—DEN—USA und in GROß—BRITANNIEN als Helden des Krautrock, blieben KLAUS—SCHULZE und Can in ihrer DEUTSCHEN—HEIMAT eher Außenseiter.
20131206             Immer dran denken, wenn —JETZT die ganzen Politiker den Weltmann heraushängen lassen, immer daran denken, wie DIE—KONSERVATIVEN FRÜHER "Hang MANDELA"-Sticker trugen.
20131206             In 1—NEW—PAPER, DRGEORGE—WALKERLKDEN argues that THE—USE—OF—THE interrogative pronoun "hwæt" (rhymes with cat) means The 1.line is not 1—STANDALONE command but informs the wider exclamatory NATURE—OF—THE—SENTENCE which was WRITTEN—BY—1—UNKNOWN—POET between 1,200 and 1,—300—YEARS—AGO.
20131206             Indeed, GOVERNMENT snooping potentially —NOW constitutes an "advanced persistent threat," alongside sophisticated malware and CYBER—ATTACKS.
20131206             Irmin Schmidt: Villa Wunderbar.
20131206             KOMETENbeobachtung nach Ison: Lovejoy zeigt seinen Schweif
20131206             KLAUS—SCHULZE & Lisa Gerrard: Big in EUROPE, VOLUME 1—WARSAW.
20131206             Les Vampyrettes: Les Vampyrettes.
20131206             Massive LUFT—VERSCHMUTZUNG—SHANGHAI ruft SMOG—ALARM aus
20131206             Microsoft hat 1—EIGENE Digital Crimes Unit zur Bekämpfung von COMPUTERKRIMINALITÄT—JETZT meldet DER—KONZERN 1—BEACHTLICHEN Erfolg.
20131206             Microsoft rechnet nicht damit, das riesige Botnet komplett abschalten zu können, dazu sei es technisch zu weit entwickelt.
20131206             Millionen infizierte PC: Europol, FBI und Microsoft heben riesiges Botnet aus
20131206             Mit anderen Worten: DIE—USA—REGIERUNG steht auf 1—NIVEAU wie "DIE—RUSSEN—MAFIA"und "DIE—CHINESEN".
20131206             MISTER—ATWILL claims that he began to notice 1—SEQUENCE—OF—PARALLELS between THE—2—TEXTS.
20131206             NELSON—MANDELA—GEGNER: "Dieser schwarze TERRORIST"
20131206             OBAMAs Trauer um NELSON—MANDELA: Tod 1—VORBILDS
20131206             OBAMAs Äußerungen dÜrften kein Zufall sein.
20131206             PRINZ—WILLIAM: Todesnachricht im MANDELA—FILM - Perfect waterproofing for your tent...
20131206             Radioaktives Diebesgut: 6—MEXIKANER wegen Verdachts auf Strahlenkrankheit in Klinik
20131206             Rentenbeitrag und kalte Progression: Regierung rechnet mit steigender STEUERlast
20131206             ROBERT—COYNE & Jaki Liebezeit: THE—OBSCURE—DEPARTMENT.
20131206             SCHULZes langsam sich entwickelnde Epen hatten —NUN wirklich nicht mit eher PSYCHEDELIC—ROCK—ANGEHAUCHTEN MUSHROOMS—TRIPS von Czukay & Co.
20131206             SNOWDEN—ENTHÜLLUNGEN: OBAMA erwägt Beschränkungen fÜr NSA im Ausland
20131206             STAND—ORTDATEN verkauft: Beliebte ANDROID—APP spionierte Nutzer aus
20131206             Scheidender GENERAL—SEKRETÄR—DÖRING klagt über RASSISMUS in der FDP
20131206             —REVEALED, Scientists have, what they believe to be the oldest fossil ever DISCOVERED—BELONGING to FOUL—SMELLING, SINGLE—CELLED microbes that lived 3.5::00.000.—000—YEARS—AGO, and is 1—LIKELY—DISTANT—ANCESTOR—OF—HUMAN—BEINGS.
20131206             So wie die KÖLNer von Can, deren Schaffen von DAVID—BOWIE und DAMON—ALBARN —BIS hin zu DOCTOR—DRE bejubelt wurde.
20131206             SOLO—SELBSTÄNDIGE: 100.000e haben nichts vom MINDEST—LOHN
20131206             TARNKAPPEN—DROHNE, USA—MILITÄR lässt neuen Superspäher fliegen
20131206             TOD—VON—NELSON—MANDELA—SÜD—AFRIKA trauert und tanzt
20131206             The minuscule remains were found inside 1—LUMP of sandstone rock in WEST—AUSTRALIA by scientists from OId Dominium UNIVERSITY—IN—THE—USA and are thought to be 300.000.—000—JAHRE—ALTER than the previous oldest EXAMPLE—OF—LIFE on Earth.
20131206             —QUESTIONED, The research has been, by NASA astrobiologist Abigail Allwood who said her own experience of finding BILLION—YEAR—OLD—FOSSILS would suggest it is very difficult to prove the remains ever contained life.
20131206             Tod 1—IKONE: 2—LEHREN aus NELSON—MANDELAS—LEBEN
20131206             TOKIO—TROTZ massiver KRITIK—AUS—DER Bevölkerung hat die JAPANISCHE—REGIERUNG 1—GESETZ zur verschärften Bestrafung von GEHEIMNIS—VERRAT durchs PARLAMENT gebracht.
20131206             Trotzdem galt die LUFT—VERSCHMUTZUNG in der Finanzmetropole
20131206             UNITED—STATES—XEROX Corporation (13.16.18#nodate?#.213)
20131206             UNRUHEN—IN—THAILAND: PROTEST—FÜHRER in BANGKOK plant Showdown —AM—MONTAG
20131206             USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA sagte in 1—STATEMENT im WEIßES—HAUS: "Wir haben 1—DER einflussreichsten und wichtigsten Menschen verloren.
20131206             Umstrittener KUSSFOTO—PROZESS, MAROKKO—GERICHT verwarnt Jugendliche
20131206             Und auch DER—KAMPF wird weitergehen mÜssen.
20131206             Und dann ist da "Halleluwah"von Can, 1—RÄTSELHAFT flackerndes AVANTGARDE—ROCK—STÜCK mit Groove und merkwÜrdigem Gesang, das im Original atemberaubende achtzehneinhalb —MINUTEN währt und 1. auf dem Album "Tago Mago"zu bestaunen war.
20131206             Verantwortlich waren dafÜr Bands wie Neu!, TANGERine Dream, Kraftwerk, Faust —, eben Can.
20131206             WASHINGTON— USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA bringt schärfere Regeln fÜr DIE—ÜBERWACHUNGS—PRAXIS des WELT—WEIT in die Kritik geratenen USA—GEHEIM—DIENST—NSA ins Spiel.
20131206             Zwar kreise er als langperiodischer KOMET alle 9.—900—JAHRE um die Sonne herum, sagt MPS—SPRECHERIN Birgit Krummheuer.
20131206             [l] Habt ihr euch eigentlich mal gefragt, wieso der MANDELA eigentlich im Knast saß?
20131206             [l] Kennt ihr den Begriff "Advanced Persistent Threat"?
20131206             —ZUGEORDNET, ALLE—KÜNSTLER, die dem bizarren Genre namens Krautrock, werden, sind in der Ferne zu mehr Ruhm gekommen als in ihrer Heimat.
20131206             es soll 1—PROTEST—GEGEN—DAS APARTHEIDSREGIME—IN—SÜD—AFRIKA sein.
20131206             kann DIE—NSA die Bewegungen ihrer Besitzer verfolgen und sich 1—BILD—DER—KONT—AKTE zwischen Einzelpersonen machen.
20131206             sagt PETER—ODEN, geschäftsfÜhrender Vorstand der BONNer Volkssternwarte.
20131206             the fossil — which is about 1-3.
20131206             Ärzte warnten, daß die extrem hohen Schadstoffkonzentrationen Schlaganfälle, Herzerkrankungen, Atemwegsleiden, Geburtsschäden oder Krebs auslösen können.
20131206             —ACCORDING—TO, a 19900000             JOHANNESBURG —SUNDAY—TIMES—NEWSPAPER—ACCOUNT, 1—CIA—AGENT by THE—NAME—OF—MILLARD—SHIRLEY fingered MANDELA for the apartheid regime's secret police, allowing them to throw up 1—ROADBLOCK and capture him.
20131206             —ACCORDING—TO—THE—HISTORICAL—LINGUIST, rather than READING: "Listen!
20131206             We have HEARD—OF—THE—MIGHT—OF—THE—KINGS" the Old English of "Hwæt!
20131206             We GAR—DENA in GEAR—DAGUM, þEOD—CYNINGA, þrym gefrunon, hu ða æþelingas ellen fremedon!" should instead be understood as: "How we have HEARD—OF—THE—MIGHT—OF—THE—KINGS".
20131206             —IN—THE—UK, no 1—APART from 1—HARDY band of ANTI—APARTHEID campAIGNERs was much interested in NELSON—MANDELA—FATE——UNTIL the —EARLY, 1980s, —WHEN the white supremacist REGIME—IN—RHODESIA/ZIMBABWE collapsed and interest suddenly awakened in who would rule 1—POST—APARTHEID SOUTH—AFRICA.
20131206             —KRISE beim Pariser VergnÜgungspark: EURO Disney in der Mäusefalle
20131206             —KÄMPFE—IN—ZENTRAL—AFRIKA: Hollandes gefährlicher —EINSATZ—IN—DER EX—KOLONIE
20131206             —PROTESTE—IN—DER—UKRAINE—POLIZEI stellt Demonstranten in KIEW —ULTIMATUM
20131206             —REAKTIONEN—AUF—MANDELAS Tod: "Gigant fÜr die Gerechtigkeit"
20131206             "1—OF—THE—THINGS—SHIRLEY did —DURING—THE—NEGOTIATIONS with unions was to doctor the water on the table with chemicals to induce stomach cramps, to bring about 1—POINT where THE—UNION—OFFICIALS would want to hurry up the negotiations and —JUST settle because they were physically uncomfortable".
20131206             —APPROVED, USA—FDA said it has, 1—NEW hepatitis C drug.
20131206             —APPROVED, THE—SOVALDI pills from Gilead Sciences was, for use in combination with older drugs to treat the main forms of hepatitis C in THE—USA.
20131206             —COMPLAINED, THE—USA—HEALTH—INDUSTRY soon, as THE—USA—PRICE was the drug was set at $1,000 1—DAILY—PILL, or $84,000 for a —12—WEEK—TREATMENT.
20131206             TEXAS, Jerald Cobbs, 1—FORMER—TOP—EXECUTIVE—OF—THE—CANCER—PREVENTION and Research Institute of TEXAS (CPRIT), was indicted over 1—IMPROPERLY awarded $11—MILLION taxpayer funded grant.
20131206             —1—WINTER—STORM that SOME—FORECASTERS say is the worst to hit THE—USA in years slammed the nation's midsection —EARLY—TODAY, snarling travel and knocking out power for HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS.
20131206             —REPORTED, At least 2—DEATHS were, on roads in TEXAS and MISSOURI.
20131206             —HARASSED, LONDON, 3—MEMBERS—OF—1—SELF—STYLED "Muslim patrol" who, PASSERS—BY for wearing short skirts, holding hands and drinking alcohol were jailed for up to —16—MONTHS—AFTER admitting 1—VARIETY—OF—PUBLIC—ORDER and assault charges.
20131206             The death toll from HURRICANE—FORCE—STORM—XAVER sweeping across NORTH—EUROPE rose to 6—WHEN high winds hurled 1—TREE limb against 1—CAR, killing 3—PEOPLE in POLAND.
20131206             —REPORTED, BRITAIN and DENMARK had already, 3—DEATHS.
20131206             —FACED, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE in BRITAIN, a 2. —DAY—OF—FLOODING as the country confronted its worst tidal surge in —60—YEARS—AFTER Xaver roared across NORTH—EUROPE.
20131206             —DEFECTED, CAR, 19—MEMBERS—OF—THE—LORD—RESISTANCE—ARMY, or LRA, in THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC where the rebels are being pursued by AFRICA—UNION—FORCES backed by USA—ADVISERS.
20131206             —ORDERED, CHINA, authorities in SHANGHAI, schoolchildren indoors and 1—HALT to construction as the city, shrouded in yellow haze, suffered its worst BOUTS—OF—AIR—POLLUTION.
20131206             † In CHINA 1—WOMAN—OF—THE—H10N8 STRAIN—OF—BIRD—FLU, the 1. ever reported human CASE—OF—THE—VIRUS.
20131206             EGYPT—POLICE used tear gas to end clashes in CAIRO between supporters and opponents of ousted PRESIDENT—MOHAMED—MORSI.
20131206             —KIDNAPPED, EGYPT—CLERIC—OSAMA Moustafa HASSAN—NASR, aka ABU—OMAR, as PART—OF—THE—CIA—EXTRAORDINARY—RENDITION—PROGRAM, was convicted in absentia by 1—ITALY—COURT—OF—DECADE—OLD—TERROR—CHARGES and sentenced to —6—YEARS in prison.
20131206             FRANCE—PRESIDENT—FRANCOIS—HOLLANDE told some 40—AFRICA—LEADERS at 1—PARIS summit that the continent must "ensure its own security" in order to "take charge of its destiny".
20131206             —REPORTED, HONG—KONG, its 2. human CASE—OF—H7N9 bird flu —JUST days —AFTER the 1., raising fears that the virus is spreading beyond mainland CHINA.
20131206             —ANNOUNCED, INDIAN—OWNED luxury carmaker Jaguar Land Rover, plans to open a £240-million manufacturing plant in BRAZIL.
20131206             —ENACTED, JAPAN, 1—STATE—SECRETS—LAW toughening penalties for leaks, despite public protests and criticism that it will muzzle the media and help cover up official misdeeds.
20131206             —TESTED, MEXICO—OFFICIALS said 6—PEOPLE, for possible radiation exposure have been released from hospital but remain under detention as suspects in the theft of 1—TRUCK carrying highly radioactive cobalt-60.
20131206             MEXICO, Guerrero state officials found the dismembered bodies of 8—FAMILY—MEMBERS who had been kidnapped —1—DAY—EARLIER in THE—TOWN—OF—TELOLOAPAN.
20131206             3—OTHER—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SAME—FAMILY had also been kidnapped, including an —8—YEAR—OLD—GIRL.
20131206             But their whereabouts were unknown.
20131206             —OPENED, EAST—PAKISTAN, gunmen riding on 1—MOTORCYCLE, fire on 1—VEHICLE carrying Shamsur Rehman, 1—LEADER—OF—1—HARD—LINE—SUNNI group, killing him and wounding 1—PASSER—BY —BEFORE fleeing in LAHORE.
20131206             —ACCUSED—OF, ROMANIA—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said ADRIAN—PROCOP, —21—JAHRE—ALT, 1—ROMANIA—MAN, stealing 7—MASTERPIECES from 1—HOLLAND—MUSEUM, was arrested in BRITAIN —AFTER months on the run.
20131206             —DETAINED, SERBIA—POLICE say they have, HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE in 1—MASSIVE—SWEEP against drug traffickers —THROUGHOUT the Balkan country.
20131206             —KILLED, SOMALIA—LAWMAKER—FEISAL Warsame Mohamed was, —WHEN 1—CAR—BOMB blew up his vehicle outside THE—PRIME—MINISTER—OFFICE—IN—MOGADISHU.
20131206             —CHARGED, Key LEADERS—OF—SOUTH—SUDAN—RULING party, PRESIDENT—SALVA—KIIR with "dictatorial" behaviour —FRIDAY, WARNING—OF—INSTABILITY threatening the young nation in 1—DEEPLY controversial challenge to his rule.
20131206             SOUTH—EAST—TURKEY, 2—KURDISH—PROTESTERS, aged 34 and 32, were shot dead in 1—VIOLENT—CONFRONTATION with police.
20131206             —SPARKED, The clashes were, by claims that Kurdish rebel cemeteries had been destroyed.
20131206             UKRAINE—PRESIDENT—VIKTOR—YANUKOVICH flew to RUSSIA to meet VLADIMIR—PUTIN, seeking aid to shore up 1—CREAKING economy as protesters back home, opposed to his U—TURN away from EUROPE, defied police.
20131206             —CALLED, THE—UN, for 1—URGENT—INVESTIGATION into allegations in 1—REUTERS report that THAILAND—IMMIGRATION—OFFICIALS moved MYANMAR refugees into human trafficking rings.
20131206—18370000    —BELIEVED, The confusion is, to date back to JAKOB—GRIMM, 1—OF—THE—GRIMM—BROTHERS, who wrote that "hwæt" was a "pure interjection".
20131206—19840000    —PREFERRED, Their, choice was the Zulu politician Mangosuthu Buthelezi, but he did not have the political base, or the aura building up —AROUND the imprisoned MANDELA, who was propelled to cult status among the young in BRITAIN —WHEN the single "[Free] NELSON—MANDELA" by the Special AKA hit the charts.
20131206—19850000    —IN, He was never seen wearing a "Hang Mandela" sticker, but there is 1—OLD photograph of DAVID—HOILE, who was VICE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—FCS, with 1—STICKER on his tie.
20131206—20121000    —ENTERED, Procop, the Kunsthal museum at night with 1—FRIEND, Radu Dogaru, and stole artworks worth 18—MILLION—EUROS ($24—MILLION).
20131206—20140000    Konjunktur, BUNDES—BANK prophezeit kräftiges Wachstum (Wirtschaft, 10:09)
20140611             alfatomega.com/20041206.HTML—ALFATOMEGA.com/ - alfatomega.com/20041206.html
20141114—20141206    —ON It will return to a 20—KM orbit and continue its mission to study the body in great detail as the comet becomes more active, en route to its closest encounter with the Sun on 13 ;;08;;—NEXT—YEAR.
20141206             "Cities think by cutting off the food source, it will make the homeless go away,"NCH community organizing director MICHAEL—STOOPS said.
20141206             "It doesn't".
20141206             33—CITIES——NOW ban or are considering banning giving food to homeless people — and SOME—ARE threatening to throw people in jail in they're caught feeding the hungry.
20141206             33—CITIES want to prohibit giving food to homeless people.
20141206             AKW—RÜCKBAU: Regierung besorgt über ATOM—RÜCKSTELLUNGENDER—KONZERNE
20141206             ATHEN: Krawalle am TODES—TAG 1—ERSCHOSSENEN —15—JAHRE—ALTE
20141206             Aber Vorsicht, das hat nicht nur positive Aspekte.
20141206             Damit wird Erpressung mit frischen SICHERHEITS—LÜCKEN zu 1—POTENTIELL sehr lukrativen Geschäftsmodell.
20141206             Das wird sicher einmal echt VIELE—LEUTE echt nervös machen.
20141206             Anonymous : 0654—PM
20141206             Article 5—OF—THE—NAT requires that NATO—MEMBERS treat 1—ATTACK on 1 as 1—ATTACK on all.
20141206             Bayerische Amigos: Was wurde eigentlich aus der CSU—VERWANDTEN—AFFÄRE?
20141206             Charity work like sharing food with the homeless is essential in 1—COUNTRY where protecting the poor and needy is never at THE—TOP—OF—THE—LIST, and is found to help those without shelter get back on their feet.
20141206             DIE—RUSSEN - Das "Jugendbataillon"sollte GEMEINSAM—MIT—DEN SS—DIVISIONEN "Langemarck"und "Wallonien", in denen vor allem BELGISCHE—SOLDATEN kämpften, den VORMARSCH—DER—RUSSISCHEN—ARMEE stoppen".1—HIMMELFAHRTSKOMMANDO, das am ;;0427;;im Inferno ENDETE. Er habe "solche Bilder noch nicht einmal 19180000             gesehen", stöhnte PANZER—GENERAL HASSO—VON—MANTEUFFEL —NACH—DEM Gemetzel.
20141206             Nur wenige überlebten diesen Gott gewidmeten Einsatz.
20141206             Das 1.der 2—SCHIFFE hätte eigentlich —BEREITS ;;1100—IM, an RUSSLAND gehen SOLLEN—DAS war nicht passiert.
20141206             Das ist wie in der Politik.
20141206             DIE—REGIERUNG sind im Wesentlichen bloß sowas wie die SPRECHER—DER—BÜROKRATIE dahinter, die MINISTERialbeamten machen den eigentlichen Kram.
20141206             DIE—REGIERUNG muss das dann danach rechtfertigen.
20141206             Das konnte man ja gerade —J—IN—DIESEM, sehr schön beobachten, bei den Problemfeldern BUNDESWEHR und GEHEIM—DIENSTE.
20141206             1ätze im IRAK: IRAN bestätigt eigene LUFT—ANGRIFFE—AUF—IS—STELLUNGEN
20141206             —FROM studying the scouts, he determined the best way to stop terrorists is to target their bureaucrats — not top leaders.
20141206             Geistliches Geleit gab ihnen der flämische PRIESTER Cyriel Verschaeve, Ehrendoktor der KÖLNer UNIVERSITÄT. "Der Satan steigt auf IM—OSTEN, wenn Du ihn nicht vertreibst, dann bleibt von dir nichts mehr übrig", predigte der NAZI—BEWUNDERER, "Flamen, steht alle auf. FÜr Gott, fÜr Euren Gott, fÜr den Gott, fÜr den man —JETZT in den Kampf zieht".
20141206             Gewaltmonopol und Waffenbesitz - HOUSE—RESOLUTION—758.
20141206             Harnoncourt: Sicherheit ist keine Qualität. Wirkliche Qualität kann nur am Rande 1—KATASTROPHE entstehen.
20141206             Hier gibt es 1—VIDEO zu 1—VORGÄNGERSYSTEM, das in ENGLAND —AM—ENDE nicht zum —EINSATZ kam, weil die Vibrationen des Zuges verhinderten, daß der Laser immer ordentlich auf die Schienen fokussieren konnte.
20141206             I suspect that THE—FASCISTS in Kiev would love THE—USA—MILITARY to enter UKRAINE and engage RUSSIA—FORCES...and this may well soon happen...but this particular House RESOLUTION seems neither here nor there.
20141206             I wonder what everybody in this epocal PSEUDO—DISCUSSION will make
20141206             In 1—DEMOKRATIE besitzt der verfassungsrechtlich legitimierte STAAT des Gewaltmonopol.
20141206             IN—DEN—USA kann davon aber faktisch keine Rede sein, denn nahezu JEDER—BÜRGER beansprucht in Form des ebenfalls verfassungsrechtlichen Waffenbesitzrechtes dieses Monopol individuell auch fÜr sich.
20141206             Daraus entsteht 1—PARADOXE Situation, die nur durch staatliche Rechtsbeugung halbwegs beherrschbar war, es aber wohl nicht mehr lange sein wird.
20141206             Da die WAFFEN—LOBBY aber niemals nachgeben wird und ihre bornierten Anhänger eher 1 2. —BÜRGER—KRIEG fÜhren wÜrden als umzudenken, werden USA—COPS auch weiterhin straffrei Totschlag oder gelegentlich sogar Morde im Dienst begehen können.
20141206             Das ist der Preis der wahnhaften Dummheit, die in DEN—USA in der Verkleidung 1—ANTIQUIERTEN FREIHEITS—RECHTES daherkommt.
20141206             —TRIED, In my locality THE—CITY, to criminalize food outreach on grounds that THE—SAMARITANS did not have health department food permits.
20141206             —WANTED, They, THE—SAMARITANS to turn their food over THE—PUBLIC—AGENCIES to hand out to the hungry.
20141206             It says (p.2) that RUSSIA has carried out armed aggression against "UNITED—STATES—ALLIES and partner countries, including UKRAINE and THE—REPUBLIC—OF—GEORGIA"
20141206             Ja klar. PR—SPRECH.
20141206             Wir haben kein materielles Problem hier, wir haben bloß 1—KOMMUNIKATIONSPROBLEM!
20141206             Wenn wir den Leuten nur richtig erklären, wie wir ihre Rechte mit Füßen treten, dann verstehen Sie das auch!1!!
20141206             LANG—LANG und Harnoncourt: "Qualität entsteht nur am Rande 1—KATASTROPHE"
20141206             OST—UKRAINE: PUTIN gibt sich versöhnlich
20141206             PHILIPPINEN: 600.000—MENSCHEN flÜchten vor Taifun "Hagupit"
20141206             Palast in ANKARA: ERDOGAN protzt mit noch mehr Zimmern
20141206             RUSSLAND will im Falle des VERTRAGsbruchs 1—MILLIARDEN—STRAFE gegen FRANKREICH einklagen.
20141206             —ERHOBEN, Ratet mal, ob die Grand Jury Anklage, hat!
20141206             Really? Which countries are they, then? —SINCE, —WHEN did UKRAINE and GEORGIA become "allies"of THE—USA?
20141206             —CALLED, What are the treaties, and where can I read them?
20141206             Reflux: BARACK—OBAMA wegen Halsschmerzen im Krankenhaus
20141206             SICHERHEITS—BEDENKEN, USA—REGIERUNG bremst Veröffentlichung von CIA—FOLTER—BERICHT
20141206             SOLLEN—CA—500—SEITEN des insgesamt 6.300—SEITEN langen "Torture Report"den USA—AMERIKANERN zugänglich gemacht werden.
20141206             THE—JUDGES said the case had been important in clarifying GCHQ—POLICY.
20141206             THE—NEEDY
20141206             —ASKED, THE—SAMARITANS, if THE—PUBLIC—AGENCIES had food permits.
20141206             It turned out they didn't.
20141206             The simple fact is that UKRAINE—GEORGIA and MOLDOVA do not belong to NATO.
20141206             These laws claim they're about preventing GOVERNMENT—RUN—ANTI—HOMELESSNESS—PROGRAMS from being diluted.
20141206             They're really about keeping NON—PROFITS and individuals from shining 1—LIGHT on —JUST how bad things have gotten for our country's poor, even as the homeless are treated like criminals for being without food and shelter.
20141206             Verschleppte Studenten in MEXIKO: DAS—SCHWEIGEN ist zu Ende
20141206             Vielleicht könnte es auch dazu fÜhren, daß sich DIE—REGIERUNGEN mal hinsetzen und ihre 0DAY—SAMMLUNG lieber zum Verbessern der Situation einsetzen als fÜr ihre Dienste, die damit —AM—ENDE eh nur das eigene parlamentarische KONTROLL—GREMIUM abschnorcheln und Kompromat über die eigenen Politiker akkumulieren.
20141206             WASHINGTON, DIE—USA—REGIERUNG hat den SENAT davor gewarnt, den BERICHT—ÜBER—GEHEIME FOLTER—METHODEN des GEHEIM—DIENST—CIA wie geplant kommende —WOCHE zu veröffentlichen.
20141206             AUßEN—MINISTER—JOHN—KERRY habe deshalb SENATorin DIANNE—FEINSTEIN angerufen, die den Bericht —SEIT—MONATEN publik machen will, sagte die SPRECHERIN—DES—NATIONALER—SICHERHEITS—RATES der USA, BERNADETTE Meehan, —AM—SAMSTAG.
20141206             KERRY habe gewarnt, daß DER—BERICHT neue Gewalt im NAHER—OSTEN auslösen und weitere USA—GEISELN gefährden könne, ergänzte die SPRECHERIN—DES—STATE—DEPARTMENT, Jen Psaki, sagte.
20141206             We've also got another 1—OF—THOSE irregular verbs: 'we impose sanctions', whereas 'they use trade barriers to apply pressure.'
20141206             Weihnachtskredite: Liebe BANKEN, so kriegt ihr mich nicht - Which point in time coincides with
20141206             [l] Das ist übrigens kein neues Phänomen, daß es so gut wie nie zu Anklagen von KILLER—COPS durch 1—GRAND Jury kommt.
20141206             [l] Die NIEDERLÄNDISCHE—BAHN will —JETZT ihre ZÜge mit Lasern ausstatten, damit sie Blätter von den Gleisen brennen können, damit die Gleise —IM—HERBST nicht so schlÜpfrig werden und die Anfahrts—, Bremswege verlängern.
20141206             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN—AUS—ENGLAND: GCHQs Massenschnorcheleien verstoßen nicht gegen DIE—EUROPÄISCHE MENSCHEN—RECHT—KONVENTION.
20141206             Fanden jedenfalls die BRITISCHEN—RICHTER, die mit dem Fall befasst waren.
20141206             Geklagt hatten unter anderem AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL und Privacy INTERNATIONAL.
20141206             DIE—HABEN auch gleich angesagt, daß sie —JETZT vor dem Europäischen GERICHT—HOF—FÜR—MENSCHEN—RECHTE klagen wollen.
20141206             [l] —JETZT wo das —PLÖTZLICH, Nachrichtenwert hat, wenn weiße Cops 1—SCHWARZEN umbringen, kommt täglich 1—WEITERER Fall dazu.
20141206             —DIESMAL, in PHOENIX—ARIZONA.
20141206             Der Mann hatte 1—PILLENDOSE, der POLIZIST sagt, er hielt sie fÜr 1—SCHUSS—WAFFE.
20141206             [l] Nicht nur Cops werden vor Gericht gerne mal ohne Anklage laufengelassen, auch Richter.
20141206             [l] Ooooooh, das hier ist 1—MONUMENTAL wichtige Meldung: 1—RICHTER hat geurteilt, daß DIE—BANKEN (!) —JETZT Target auf Schadensersatz verklagen können wegen deren massivem Kreditkartenhack 20130000             .
20141206             Das hieße, daß es —JETZT doch mal mit 1—MONETÄREN Risiko verbunden wäre, wenn man beschissene SECURITY am Start hat.
20141206             [l] SCHWARZE, alleinerziehende Mutter sitzt in Haft.
20141206             Wegen 1—PARKTICKETS, das sie —SEIT 1—WEILE abzustottern versuchte, aber nicht genug Kohle zusammengekratzt kriegte.
20141206             2—WEISSE PRÜGEL—COPS verprÜgeln sie. es gibt 1—VIDEO davon.
20141206             [l] Um den Feind effektiv bekämpfen zu können, muss man ihn verstehen.
20141206             Um AL—KAIDA effektiv bekämpfen zu können, muss man sich die Boy Scouts angucken, die funktionieren laut 1—AKTUELLEN Papers ähnlich.
20141206             Ergebnis: erfährt der gemeine SPON—LESER nichts über DIE—RESOLUTION, die DIE—USA VORGESTERN verabschiedet haben?
20141206             —DOMESTICATED, OUT—OF—THE—FACT that THE—CAMEL was only, at about —THE—YEAR—700—BEFORE the christian era.
20141206             RUSSISCHEN—ARMEE
20141206             the "finding"of the text that constitutes THE—START—OF—ALL that mess.
20141206             —NEUE—KONZERN—STRATEGIE: GAZPROM wendet sich von EUROPA ab
20141206             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS—ANONYMOUS : 0707—PM
20141206             —UKRAINE—KRISE, HOLLANDE trifft PUTIN am Flughafen
20141206             —VORSTOß zu Migranten: DIE—CSU spielt MIGRANTEN—POLIZEI
20141206             BERKELEY—CALIFORNIA, police used tear gas to break up 1—EVENING long protest by demonstrators marching against recent INCIDENTS—OF—POLICE—VIOLENCE against blacks.
20141206             —LEVIED, NEW—MEXICO, over $54—MILLION in penalties against THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—ENERGY for violations that resulted in indefinite closure of the nation's only underground nuclear waste repository.
20141206             † RALPH—BAER, video game pioneer, at his home in MANCHESTER—NEW—HAMPSHIRE.
20141206             —CREATED, RALPH—BAER, both the precursor to "Pong" and the electronic memory game "Simon" and had led the team that developed the Magnavox Odyssey, the 1. home video game console.
20141206             A 4. consecutive NIGHT—OF—PROTEST against police brutality got off to a slow start in NEW—YORK City, —AFTER mourners held an interment for a black man shot dead by a white cop in a Brooklyn apartment house.
20141206             —KILLED, NORTH—CAROLINA, 1—FIRE in 1—OCEANFRONT condominium, MARY—COCHRAN, —72—JAHRE—ALT and Darlene Maslar (43).
20141206             —REVEALED, AUSTRALIA—COURT—DOCUMENTS, that 1—BOY, —18—JAHRE—ALT raped his best buddy's —62—YEAR—OLD mom at knife point —AFTER she invited him into her home in SYDNEY.
20141206             —PLEADED, The boy, guilty —LAST—WEEK to aggravated sexual assault.
20141206             —PLANNED, BAHRAIN and BRITAIN said they, to open 1—NEW—MILITARY—CAMP in BAHRAIN.
20141206             —CONFIRMED, THE—CEO—OF—SAP, 1—GERMANY—SOFTWARE—MAKER, that the company will remain 1—AUTONOMOUS—CORPORATION in the long term.
20141206             —GLOSSED, The leaders of GREECE and TURKEY, over key differences between the nations and expressed support for close affairs between the often irritable neighbors.
20141206             He was not told the charges.
20141206             —FREED, CENTRAL—NIGERIA, gunmen, over 200—PRISONERS in TUNGA—NIGER state.
20141206             —KILLED, PAKISTAN—SOLDIERS, ADNAN—SHUKRIJUMAH, 1—TOP—AL—QAIDA operative, along with 2—OTHER suspected militants in SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20141206             —INDICTED, Shukrijumah (39) had been, in THE—USA for his alleged involvement in 1—PLOT to bomb THE—NEW—YORK—CITY—SUBWAY—SYSTEM.
20141206             THE—PHILIPPINES, more than 650,000—PEOPLE fled villages and the armed force went on complete alert to brace for Typhoon Hagupit.
20141206             THE—PHILIPPINES—LORENZO—VINCIGUERRA, —49—JAHRE—ALT, 1—SWITZERLAND—HOSTAGE for over —2—YEARS, was shot and wounded —WHILE escaping from ABU—SAYYAF extremists in Sulu province.
20141206             SOMALIA—PRIME—MINISTER—ABDIWELI—SHEIKH—AHMED, who has been at odds with THE—PRESIDENT for several months, lost 1—CONFIDENCE—VOTE in PARLIAMENT, amid warnings that the political turmoil and power struggles could spoil efforts TO—ESTABLISH THE—WAR—TORN country.
20141206             —SIGNED, Rebels in SOUTH—SYRIA, 1—AGREEMENT toward unity that may attract more support from their Western and Arab backers, forging 1—JOINT—DEFENSE—PACT to help shield them from government forces and Islamic State.
20141206             It followed 1—AGREEMENT among the southern groups on 1—TRANSITION—PLAN for Syria.
20141206             † YEMEN, LUKE—SOMERS, —33—JAHRE—ALT, 1—USA—PHOTOJOURNALIST, was killed along with SOUTH—AFRICA—TEACHER—PIERRE—KORKIE —DURING 1—FAILED—USA—LED raid to free them from AL—QAIDA affiliated rebels in Shabwa province.
20141206—19710000    —IN, This would be BRITAIN—1. permanent camp in THE—MIDDLE—EAST region —SINCE it officially pulled out from the area.
20141206—20160000    —PLEADED, MARSHALL—DORAN, —24—JAHRE—ALT, guilty to 2—COUNTS—OF—MURDER and arson and was sentenced to life in prison.
20151017             alfatomega.com/20061203.HTML—ALFATOMEGA.com/20061206.html - alfatomega.com/20061206.html
20151206             "DIE—BANK stellte fest, dass die Ausweise nicht der Wirklichkeit entsprachen, und rief DIE—POLIZEI",
20151206             "DIE—TÜRKEI errichtet 1.Basis in der BASCHIKA—REGION—VON—MOSSUL mit 600—SOLDATEN", berichtete beispielsweise DIE—ZEITUNG "HÜrriyet".
20151206             "TERRORISTischer Vorfall": MESSERANGRIFF—IN—LONDONER U—BAHNHOF
20151206             "Wir mÜssen bei den Salafisten den gleichen Maßstab anlegen wie bei RECHTS—RADIKALEN Gewalttätern".
20151206             "Wir stehen fÜr die WIEDER—EROBERUNG der verlorenen GEBIETE—DER—REPUBLIK".
20151206             1 1.000—FRANKEN Note wiegt etwa 1.13849 g und ist 74—X 181—MM groß.
20151206             1—PRIVATE—DEAL was signed on ;;0716;;for the supply of up to 80MW from NORTH—CYPRUS —UNTIL THE—END—OF—AUGUST
20151206             Alle 3—SIND sich in 1—EINIG: DEUTSCHLAND hat kein FLÜCHTLINGsproblem, sondern 1—WOHNUNGSPROBLEM.
20151206             Als DER—REPORTER den Tschechen darauf ansprach, wurde Ransdorf handgreiflich
20151206             Architekten zur FLÜCHTLINGsunterbringung: 3—WEGE aus der WOHN—KRISE
20151206             As 1—RESULT—OF—THE—DAMAGE to the power station, the electricity supply to approximately HALF—OF—CYPRUS was interrupted.
20151206             Bankbesuch von tschechischem EU—ABGEORDNETEN: Das 350—MILLIONEN—EURO—RÄTSEL
20151206             DER FRONT—NATIONAL hat sich mit fast 30 % landesweit vor ALLE—ANDEREN—FORMATIONEN geschoben und liegt in 6—VON 13—REGIONEN vorn:
20151206             DEUTSCHLAND werde dem IRAK "in wahrlich schwierigen und stÜrmischen Zeiten"zur Seite stehen.
20151206             DEUTSCH—FRANZÖSISCHER—VORSTOß: Frontex soll eigenverantwortlich an Außengrenzen eingreifen
20151206             DIE—GRÜNDE: Eine allgemeine Politikverdrossenheit, der WIDERSTAND—GEGEN—DIE neu zugeschnittenen Provinzen und 1.kurze Wahlkampagne, die —NACH—DEN ANSCHLÄGEN—VON—PARIS zum Votum über Immigration, ISLAMISMUS und TERROR—ANGST geriet.
20151206             DIE—PARTEI—VON—FRANÇOIS—HOLLANDE, die 20100000             fast ganz FRANKREICH eroberte, hat nur in 2—GROSSRÄUMEN CHANCEN—IN der BRETAGNE und der SÜdwestregion AQUITAINE—LIMOUSIN—POITOU—CHARENTES.
20151206             DIE—POLIZEI habe die VIERER—GRUPPE festgenommen und später herausgefunden, dass 2—DER Slowaken, die Ransdorf begleiteten, wegen Betrugs—, STEUERdelikten vorbestraft seien.
20151206             DIE—SCHWEIZER—POLIZEI hatte den Politiker —AM—DONNERSTAG in 1—BANK—IN—ZÜRICH festgenommen.
20151206             DIE—STABILISIERUNG des IRAK ist ebenso wichtig wie die Suche nach 1—POLITISCHEN Lösung fÜr SYRIEN", sagte STEINMEIER nach der Ankunft.
20151206             DIE—TÜRKISCHEN—STREIT—KRÄFTE seien "ohne Billigung und ohne Wissen DER—IRAKISCHEN—REGIERUNG"ins Land eingedrungen, sagte Abadi.
20151206             Dabei handelt ES—SICH um Konten, bei denen DIE—BANKEN den Kundenkontakt verloren haben, da deren Besitzer vermutlich verstorben sind.
20151206             —GEFÄLSCHT, Dass sie, sein könnte, wies Ransdorf zurÜck.
20151206             Den Höhepunkt erwarten —EXPERTEN—IN—DER—NACHT
20151206             Der VORSITZENDE—DER—TSCHECHISCHEN—KOMMUNISTEN, Vojtech Filip, verlangte weitere Erklärungen.
20151206             Der TSCHECHISCHE—EUROPA—ABGEORDNETE Miloslav Ransdorf, 62, ist wegen eines seltsamen Bankbesuchs in Erklärungsnöte geraten.
20151206             Dessen Vollmacht habe er der Bank vorgelegt.
20151206             Er gilt als ausgemachter —EXPERTE fÜr KARL—MARX.
20151206             Er habe im Auftrag eines BANK—KUNDEN mit den Initialen "V.
20151206             Er versprach dem IRAK UnterstÜtzung bei der Bekämpfung des IS.
20151206             Es bestehe 1—INTERESSE daran, diese Vermögenswerte ihren ursprÜnglichen Besitzern oder deren Erben zuzuordnen, sagte Filip.
20151206             Es ist nicht das 1.Mal, dass der Politiker in die Kritik gerät.
20151206             —TRIUMPHIERT, FRONT—NATIONAL, bei Regionalwahlen: FRANKREICH rÜckt nach rechts
20151206             Filips Ansicht nach könnte der Besuch mit sogenannten nachrichtenlosen Konten von JUDEN aus dem WWII zusammenhängen.
20151206             Frachtschiff vor ITALIEN: Ermittler beschlagnahmen 13—TONNEN Haschisch
20151206             FÜr DIE—REGIERENDEN SOZIALISTEN (PS) ist DIE—REGIONALWAHL mit 23 % ein wahres Debakel:
20151206             HESSENderby: Frankfurter Fans verbrennen DARMSTADT—FAHNEN - Haywood Ublomey 1925—HEUTE
20151206             IRAKs REGIERUNGS—CHEF—ABADI steht unter innenpolitischem Druck, nicht noch mehr ausländische Truppenpräsenz im Land zuzulassen.
20151206             ISLAMISTEN in DEUTSCHLAND: GABRIEL warnt SAUDI—ARABIEN vor Finanzierung von Extremismus
20151206             Im STREIT—UM—DIE Stationierung TÜRKISCHER—SOLDATEN im kurdischen NORDEN des IRAK hat DIE—REGIERUNG in BAGDAD dem Nachbarland ein —ULTIMATUM gestellt.
20151206             Im Zuge der von WASHINGTON angefÜhrten ANTI—IS—KOALITION befinden sich —SEIT dem vergangenen —JAHR —BEREITS tausende USA—MILITÄRBERATER im IRAK.
20151206             In den ACHTZIGER—JAHREN hatte er Vorlesungen über antike und MITTEL—ALTERLICHE PHILOSOPHIE an der KARLS—UNIVERSITÄT—IN—PRAG gehalten.
20151206             In den kommenden —TAGEN werden sich die Sternschnuppen häufen.
20151206             —GETÖTET, JEMEN: GOUVERNEUR—VON—ADEN bei Anschlag
20151206             MILLIARDEN—EINSPARUNG: GRIECHISCHES—PARLAMENT segnet Haushalt 20160000             —FÜR, ab
20151206             —BESCHREIBT, Mehr noch: FRANKREICH, auch ideologische 1.Wende nach rechts -
20151206             Mit anderen Worten: Keiner wird verfolgt.
20151206             Mit dem Vormarsch des FN ist FRANKREICHs 2—PARTEIEN—HERRSCHAFT ein fÜr ALLE—MAL beendet
20151206             Mit dem Vormarsch des FRONT—NATIONAL bei den Regionalwahlen wird die 5. REPUBLIK zum 3—PARTEIEN—SYSTEM.
20151206             Mit dem seltsamen Bankbesuch des KOMMUNISTEN befasst sich —NUN DIE—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT.
20151206             NEW—HOTNESS, BÜRGER spionieren sich selbst aus, laden ÜBERWACHUNGS—VIDEOS UND—BILDER zu sozialen NEIGHBORHOOD—WATCH—NETZWERKEN hoch.
20151206             Nach Darstellung des SLOWAKISCHEN—INNEN—MINISTERS, ROBERT—KALINAK, hatte Ransdorf versucht, ZUSAMMEN—MIT—3 Slowaken die Auszahlung von umgerechnet gut 350.000.000—EURO zu veranlassen, dabei aber gefälschte Papiere vorgelegt.
20151206             Nach offiziellen TÜRKISCHEN—ANGABEN handelte ES—SICH bei der TRUPPEN—BEWEGUNG lediglich um 1.Rotation innerhalb der Ausbildungsmission der TÜRKISCHEN—ARMEE fÜr kurdische PESCHMERGA—KÄMPFER, die fÜr den KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE—IS—MILIZ ausgebildet wÜrden.
20151206             Nicht einmal die neue Popularität des Präsidenten —NACH—DEN Attentaten
20151206             Of CYPRUS' USA$24.66bn economy, THE—EU estimates that THE—COST—OF—THE—EXPLOSION to THE—ISLAND could amount to USA$2.83bn, with COST—OF—THE—POWER—PLANT itself coming to USA$992m.
20151206             PARLAMENTS—WAHLEN: VENEZUELA vor der nächsten REVOLUTION
20151206             Ransdorf habe in ZÜRICH "keine Parteiaufgabe erfÜllt", sagte er im Sender CT.
20151206             Ransdorf selbst ist —SEIT—SAMSTAG wieder auf freiem Fuß.
20151206             Ransdorf sitzt - RICHARD—BARRETT, FORMER—COUNTER—TERRORISM—CHIEF at MI6, has made similar points.
20151206             —CALLED, SOME—WESTERN—FIGURES have, for talks with Daesh.
20151206             Tatsächlich liegt der FN —NACH—DEN Hochrechnungen nicht nur in Madame LE—PEN—WAHLREGION NORD—PAS—DE—CALAIS—PICARDIE mit fast 42 % an der Spitze;
20151206             ihre Nichte MARION—MARÉCHAL—LE—PEN könnte mit 1—GLEICHEN Ergebnis beim 2. Durchgang DIE—GEGEND PROVENCE—ALPES—CÔTE d'Azur erobern.
20151206             —INSTITUTED, THE—ELECTRICITY—AUTHORITY—OF—CYPRUS —LATER, rolling blackouts in order to conserve the supply and stated that it would import generators from GREECE and ISRAEL —WHILE the damage, estimated at €2—BILLION, was being repaired.[
20151206             —STATED, The electricity authority, that "airports, hospitals, tourist areas and industrial estates will not be affected from the power cuts in 1—EFFORT not to cause problems for our economy".
20151206             Truppen bei MOSSUL—IRAK stellt —ULTIMATUM fÜr TÜRKISCHEN—RÜCKZUG
20151206             TÜRKEI—MEDIEN berichteten aber über 1.weitaus umfangreichere Stationierung.
20151206             USA—WAFFENRECHT: Rechter Blogger schießt auf NEW—YORK—TIMES —LEITARTIKEL
20151206             —BESCHREIBT, Und, auch ideologisch 1.Wende nach rechts.
20151206             Unsinn.
20151206             Verloren haben aber auch DIE—REPUBLIKANER (LR) von NICOLAS—SARKOZY (27 %), die auf 1—DEUTLICHEN DURCHBRUCH—BEI—DEN Regionalwahlen gehofft hatten und die in nur 3—REGIONEN fÜhren.
20151206             Weder LR noch PS gelang die Mobilmachung ihrer Anhänger.
20151206             Wenn dies nicht geschehe, werde er "ALLE—ZUR—VERFÜGUNG stehenden Optionen"nutzen.
20151206             [l] FRANKREICH hat ja —SCHON immer ein sehr negatives Verhältnis zur DatenverschlÜsselung.
20151206             [l] GABRIEL ruft DIE—SAUDIS dazu auf, keine TERRORmoscheen mehr im Ausland zu finanzieren.
20151206             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, Cops spionieren DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG aus, filmen alles.
20151206             blieb 50—PROZENT—DER—FRANZOSEN—DER—URNE fern.
20151206             diese letzte Abstimmung vor den PRÄSIDENTEN—WAHLEN 2017
20151206             1—ERDBEBEN, das die politische Landschaft FRANKREICHs grÜndlich umgestalten wird.
20151206             in open storage on the base were 98—CONTAINERS—OF—120—MM, 122—MM, 125—MM, and 160—MM high explosive artillery shells, 7.62—MM shell casings, compressed gunpowder, silver DOLLAR—SIZED slugs[quantify], primers, and magnesium primers that had been seized by THE—UNITED—STATES—NAVY
20151206             jener eingespielte MACHT—WECHSEL mit dem sich SOZIALISTEN und Konservativen ÜBER —JAHRZEHNTE in der V.
20151206             —AM, frÜhen Montagmorgen ist der DEUTSCHE—AUSSEN—MINISTER—FRANK—WALTER—STEINMEIER zu 1—KURZBESUCH—IN—BAGDAD eingetroffen.
20151206             —AM,;;0719;;, Markos Kyprianou, THE—CYPRUS—FOREIGN—MINISTER, resigned, becoming the 2. cabinet —MINISTER to resign over[21] the explosion.
20151206             —AM—SONNTAG nahm er zu dem Vorgang 1. STELLUNG—LIEß aber VIELE—FRAGEN unbeantwortet.
20151206             —KRIEG—DER—WORTE: Lasst uns nicht mehr von "IS"sprechen
20151206             —LAUT—1—BERICHT—DER—NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR dpa war Ransdorf —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—JAHREN wiederholt wegen Schulden in die Schlagzeilen geraten.
20151206             —SCHON, nach wenigen —MINUTEN verließ Ransdorf seinen ARBEIT—PLATZ wieder.
20151206             —SINCE, Sun Tzu THE—AIM—OF—WAR has been viewed not as killing but as making the enemy stop fighting, ideally —BEFORE 1—BATTLE is fought.
20151206             —VON, —JETZT an findet das Rennen um DIE—WÄHLERGUNST zwischen 3—BLÖCKEN STATT—DEN—LINKEN/GrÜnen, den Konservativen/Zentristen und den RECHTS—EXTREMEN des FN.
20151206             —VOR, einigen —TAGEN erklärte er, jegliche Entsendung fremder Truppen auf IRAKISCHEN—BODEN werde als "feindlicher Akt"angesehen.
20151206             —VOR—WENIGEN—TAGEN, waren im IRAK etwa 150—TÜRKEI—SOLDATEN mit 20—BIS 25—PANZERN in der Region um Baschika nördlich von MOSSUL angekommen.
20151206             —EINE 2—DRITTELMEHRHEIT aller Wähler hat sich fÜr Konservative, Rechte und den Front entschieden.
20151206             "Er gilt als ausgemachter —EXPERTE fÜr KARL—MARX".
20151206             † HOLLY—WOODLAWN, —69—JAHRE—ALT, 1—TRANSGENDER—PUERTO—RICAN woman featured in 2—ANDY—WARHOL films, in LOS—ANGELES County.
20151206             —DESCRIBED, HOLLY—WOODLAWN was the woman, by LOU—REED in his song "Walk on the Wild Side" (19720000             ).
20151206             —LIFTED, FLORIDA, 1—UNMANNED—ATLAS V rocket, off carrying the Orbital ATK capsule to supply astronauts at THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20151206             —ADOPTED, THE—TEXAS—LEGISLATURE, legislation allowing guns to be carried on university campuses.
20151206             It was the 8. USA—STATE to do so.
20151206             —PROPOSED, ARMENIA held 1—REFERENDUM on, constitutional changes that would give more powers to THE—PRIME—MINISTER—AND—PARLIAMENT at THE—EXPENSE—OF—THE—PRESIDENT, who would become largely 1—FIGUREHEAD.
20151206             —VOTED, Armenians, to curb presidential powers in the disputed referendum.
20151206             † † In CAMBODIA 6—PEOPLE, —AFTER eating the barbequed carcass of 1—DOG that had for unknown reasons.
20151206             —MASKED, WEST—CHINA, some 100, men attacked 1—GOVERNMENT—OFFICE, smashing vehicles and equipment and leaving 13—PEOPLE injured in 1—REGIONAL—DISPUTE over farmland.
20151206             The attack was PART—OF—1—DISAGREEMENT between residents of Gansu province and the vast Inner MONGOLIA region it borders to the north.
20151206             —TIPPED, FRANCE—FAR—RIGHT—NATIONAL—FRONT was, for historic gains as regional polls were held under 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY——JUST—3—WEEKS—AFTER Islamic extremists killed 130—PEOPLE in PARIS.
20151206             —CHALKED, Marine Le PEN—ANTI—IMMIGRATION—NATIONAL—FRONT, up scores that reached 40—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE in several regions.
20151206             The top security officials from INDIA and PAKISTAN held talks in THAILAND—CAPITAL, signaling 1—RESUMPTION—OF—THE—RIVAL—COUNTRIES' ON—AGAIN, OFF—AGAIN peace dialogue.
20151206             —SLAMMED, INDONESIA, 1—COMMUTER train, into 1—PASSENGER minibus at 1—RAILROAD crossing in JAKARTA, killing at least 18—PEOPLE and seriously injuring 6—OTHERS.
20151206             —ARRESTED, She had been, —IN—APRIL on 1—SERIES—OF—CHARGES, including encouraging attacks against ISRAEL and violating 1—TRAVEL—BAN.
20151206             —ARRESTED, SAUDI—ARABIA, Israa AL—GHOMGHAM and her husband were, in —1—NIGHT—RAID on their home.
20151206             —ACCUSED—OF, She was, encouraging demonstrations for greater rights for the Shiite Muslim minority in Eastern province.
20151206             —KILLED, At least 32—ISLAMIC—STATE—FIGHTERS were, and 40—MORE wounded in SYRIA—RAQQA province, in 1—SERIES—OF—AIR—STRIKES believed to be carried out by 1—USA—LED coalition targeting the jihadists.
20151206             —VOTED, Venezuelans, in tense elections that could see the opposition seize legislative power from the socialist government and risk sparking violence in THE—OIL—RICH, CASH—POOR nation.
20151206             The opposition Democratic Unity coalition won 112—OF—167—OF—THE—NATIONAL—ASSEMBLY—SEATS.
20151206             The ruling Socialists and its allies got 55—SEATS.
20151206             † YEMEN, GENERAL—JAAFAR—MOHAMMED—SAAD, THE—GOVERNOR—OF—ADEN, was killed by 1—CAR—BOMB in the port city.
20151206             —CLAIMED, THE—ISLAMIC—STATE, responsibility for the attack that also killed at least 6—MEMBERS—OF—SAAD—ENTOURAGE.
20151206—19870000    —IN—THE, Authorities in BURKINA—FASO said they have charged GENERAL—GILBERT—DIENDERE, who led 1 failed coup —IN—SEPTEMBER, with complicity ASSASSINATION—OF—PRESIDENT—THOMAS—SANKARA.
20151206—20090000    —IN, Angered by THE—GOVERNMENTT—FAILURE to DISPOSE—OF—THE—MUNITIONS, which had been seized, several 1000—CITIZENS staged demonstrations in THE—CAPITAL—NICOSIA and other cities, —EVERY—DAY in THE—WEEK—FOLLOWING the accident.
20151206—20110711    —ON, This was WEEKS—BEFORE—THE—BANK—OF—CYPRUS and other business leaders said "deep spending cuts are needed fast".[27]
20151206—20120000    —IN, ISRAEL—STATE—OWNED electric utility said EGYPT—NATURAL—GAS—COMPANIES will pay it compensation of $1.76—BILLION plus interest for halting gas supplies.
20151206—20151208    —ON, 4—OTHERS † after drinking rice wine.
20161105—20161206    —ON, THE—NATIONAL—BUREAU—OF—INVESTIGATION said the shooting to DEATH—OF—MAYOR—ROLANDO—ESPINOSA—SENIOR and another inmate, RAUL—YAP, was a "rubout".
20161206             "Breitbart": EMPÖRUNG—ÜBER—DEUTSCHE—WERBUNG auf rechter HETZ—SEITE
20161206             "These kinds of pauses have been used by fighters TO—REINFORCE their AM—MUNITIONAND to strengthen their positions and this will only worsen the suffering of civilians,"RUSSIA—UN—AMBASSADOR—VITALY Churkin said of the proposed —7—DAY—TRUCE.
20161206             1—MILLIARDE, sagt ihr?
20161206             —12—JAHRE (!) MERKEL reichen nicht, die wurde gerade nochmal nominiert.
20161206             A —TEAM—OF—RESEARCHERS from THE—USA and GERMANY have —NOW confirmed that the Wendelstein 7-X (W 7-X) stellerator is producing THE—SUPER—STRONG, twisty, 3D magnetic fields that its design predicted, with "unprecedented accuracy".
20161206             AFFRONT—GEGEN—CHINA: DONALD—TRUMP—TAIWAN—TELEFONAT soll lange vorbereitet gewesen sein
20161206             ALEPPO/MOSSUL (dpo) - ASSAD—SCHERGEN/IRAKISCHE—SOLDATEN haben bei der RÜCK—EROBERUNG der Stadt ALEPPO/MOSSUL 1—BRUTALEN/bedeutenden Sieg erkämpft.
20161206             Aber DIE—RUSSEN haben sich nicht bluffen lassen und 1—VETO eingelegt, mit den Chinesen zusammen.
20161206             Abgelehnte ASYL—BEWERBER, Bund und Länder richten Abschiebezentrum ein
20161206             Akt 2: DIE—STUDIE findet so viel Verschwendung, daß das fÜr ALLE—BETEILIGTEN peinlich —BIS karriebeendend wird.
20161206             —BEGRÄBT, Akt 3: DAS—PENTAGON, seine eigene —STUDIE über Ineffizienzen im PENTAGON.
20161206             ALLE—KRÄFTE zusammen schaffen nur so 1—KNAPPEN Vorsprung vor der FPÖ?
20161206             ALLE—PARTEIEN—GEGEN—DIE—FPÖ. - Alle gegen einen. Alle.
20161206             Alles wird nur noch durch unbezahlte MEHR—LEISTUNG von Freiwilligen am Leben gehalten.
20161206             Also diese ÖSTERREICH—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFT—WAHL gerade.
20161206             Also, sorry, das ist fÜr mich kein Grund zum Aufatmen.
20161206             Aus meiner Sicht ist überhaupt nicht verständlich, wieso diese BITKOM—HEINIS nicht mit Tomaten beworfen werden, wenn sie sowas auch nur vorzuschlagen wagen.
20161206             BESUCH—IN—PEARL Harbor: JAPAN—PREMIER—ABE will sich nicht entschuldigen
20161206             BUNDES—VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT zum ATOM—AUSSTIEG: Regierung muss ENERGIE—KONZERNE entschädigen
20161206             CDU—PARTEI—TAG: MERKEL mit 89,5 % wiedergewählt
20161206             —GEZOGEN, DIE—ARMEN—KÜNSTLER werden da voll über den Tisch ?
20161206             DIE—MILLIONEN sind nicht ganz vom Tisch, aber APPLE stehen Schäden nicht in Proportion zum Gesamtgerät zu, sondern nur in Proportion zu den beanstandeten Teilen.
20161206             DIE—REALITÄT sieht so aus:
20161206             —BESTIMMT, DIE—ROTATION kann, halb UK mit Strom versorgen.
20161206             DIE—RUSSEN KÄMPFEN—GEGEN—DIE—REBELLEN (also DIE—TERRORISTEN, die wir aus DEM—WESTEN bewaffnet haben).
20161206             DIE—VÖLLIG Abschaffung JEDER—SOZIALEN Verantwortung von Unternehmen, ALLE—RISIKEN und Nachteile trägt der "Angestellte", der —JETZT nicht mehr angestellt ist sondern "freiberuflicher Unternehmer"ohne SOZIAL—LEISTUNGEN, ohne Kranken— oder Rentenversicherung, ohne irgendwelche Sicherheiten JEDWEDER—ARTIKEL 1—RIESENFRECHHEIT.
20161206             Das fÜhrt zu 1—VERSCHULDUNG von unseren Kunden uns gegenÜber, die die nie abtragen können.
20161206             —GEWINNT, Das geht natÜrlich nicht, daß der ASSAD —JETZT, oder DIE—RUSSEN, daher hat DER—WESTEN schnell über DIE—UNO 1 7-tägigen WAFFEN—STILLSTAND ausrufen wollen, damit DER—WESTEN den TERRORISTEN frische Waffen und Munition liefern kann.
20161206             Das ist die letzte Alarmglocke vor dem Abgrund.
20161206             Das ist genau so ungesund wie —JAHRZEHNTE—LANG—EXPORTMEISTER zu sein.
20161206             Das ist nicht gesund, fÜr DAS—SYSTEM nicht, fÜr die anderen Länder nicht, und fÜr DEUTSCHLAND auch nicht.
20161206             Das ist nicht gut.
20161206             Das sieht doch 1—BLINDER, daß das kollabieren muss!
20161206             Der Lacher bei solchen Meldungen ist ja immer, daß wenn DER—WESTEN gegen jemanden kämpft, dann sind das immer "DIE—TERRORISTEN".
20161206             Der Preisträger erhält 25.000—PFUND (knapp 30.000—EURO).
20161206             Der —NACH—DEM MALER—WILLIAM—TURNER benannte Preis gilt als die wichtigste BRITISCHE—AUSZEICHNUNG fÜr moderne Kunst.
20161206             Drohung per Twitter: DONALD—TRUMP will neue AIR—FORCE—1 abbestellen
20161206             EUROPAs letzte Hexe: Warum die "höllische Nell"ins Gefängnis musste
20161206             EU—KOMMISSION: BREXIT—VEREINBARUNG soll binnen —18—MONATEN stehen
20161206             Einkaufen ohne Schlange: AMAZON eröffnet LEBENS—MITTELLADEN ohne Kasse
20161206             Er wurde —J—IN—DIESEM, zum 32. Mal vergeben.
20161206             FACEBOOK, Twitter und YouTube: NETZ—WERKE wollen gemeinsam TERROR—PROPAGANDA aufspÜren
20161206             Feindbilder im USA—FERNSEHEN: TERROR—IN—SERIE
20161206             Football Leaks: SPANISCHER—RICHTER—WILL—ENTHÜLLUNGEN verbieten
20161206             GERICHT—GRIECHENLAND: 3—TÜRKEI—SOLDATEN sollen ausgeliefert werden
20161206             GEWALT—GEGEN—FRAUEN, nicht nur in FREIBURG: Unsere täglichen Toten
20161206             GIPFEL—TREFFEN—IN—BRÜSSEL: NATO und EU vertiefen ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT - Gar nicht gut.
20161206             Geehrt werden KÜnstler unter —50—JAHREN, die in GROß—BRITANNIEN geboren wurden, dort leben, oder arbeiten.
20161206             Großes Baby, schmales Becken: Wie KAISERschnitte DIE—EVOLUTION beeinflussen
20161206             HERBERT—GRÖNEMEYER im Interview: "Keiner traut sich, Dinge zu ändern, egal wo"
20161206             Ich meine, da schließen sich ALLE—PARTEIEN—GEGEN—DIE—FPÖ zusammen.
20161206             Ich musste gerade mal meinen Pass verlängern, die WEB—SEITE hat mir 1—TERMIN
20161206             —GESTOHLEN, Ihre Musik wird sozusagen ?
20161206             DEUTSCHLAND, bahnt sich ja etwas ähnliches an.
20161206             In fact, in the last —12—MONTHS, YouTube has paid out over $1—BILLION to the music industry from advertising alone
20161206             Insbesondere wenn das POLIT—ESTABLISHMENT —JETZT daraus keine deutlichen Konsequenzen zieht und eben nicht einfach weitermacht.
20161206             Ist euch sicher auch —SCHON aufgefallen.
20161206             Klar sind wir alle tot, aber immerhin haben wir DIE—NAZIS immer schön ausgegrenzt!1!!
20161206             Krass.
20161206             Lebensversicherungen: ALLIANZ kÜrzt ZINSEN
20161206             Lustigerweise beteiligt sich RUSSLAND demonstrativ nicht an diesen PROPAGANDAkategorien sondern spricht von "KÄMPFERn".
20161206             NEW—HOTNESS, DIE—USA geben AL—KAIDA—GEWEHRE und portable Luftabwehrraketen, damit sie gegen DIE—RUSSEN kämpfen.
20161206             NIEDERBAYERN—POLIZEI findet Waffenarsenal bei mutmaßlichem "REICHS—BÜRGER"
20161206             NIEDER—RHEIN: POLIZEI stellt mutmaßliche BombenBAUER
20161206             Na wenigstens wird DIE—PRIVATINSEL —BIS—DAHIN wahrscheinlich dank GLOBAL—WARMING abgesoffen sein.
20161206             PRÄSIDENTEN—WAHL—IN—ÖSTERREICH: VAN der Bellen erhielt 53,8 %
20161206             PS: Erinnert ihr euch noch, als die FPÖ 1.harmlose 1—MAN—SHOW von dem Haider war?
20161206             ROT—ROT—GRÜN: BERLINer SPD stimmt KOALITIONS—VERTRAG zu
20161206             RÜckgabe von Raubkunst: KLAGE—GEGEN—FREI—STAAT BAYERN
20161206             Schleichwerbung fÜr Medikamente: Krankes GESCHÄFTS—MODELL
20161206             Selbst wenn DIE—RUSSEN in TSCHETSCHENIEN KRIEG fÜhren, war bei uns in den Medien von "den TERRORISTEN"die Rede, oder gelegentlich auch von "den Separatisten", aber das passt ja in SYRIEN nicht.
20161206             —GEHÖRT, Sie, nicht zu uns.
20161206             Sie sollte verboten sein, wo immer DAS—RECHTLICH möglich ist.
20161206             Smartphones entschlÜsseln ist so viel Arbeit, also stalken sie ihr Opfer 1.Weile, —BIS er/sie das Smartphone in die Hand nimmt und entsperrt, und dann stehlen sie es dem Opfer aus der Hand und interagieren damit, damit ES—SICH nicht wieder sperrt.
20161206             So und dieser ARTIKEL —JETZT, der spricht von "den REBELLEN".
20161206             So ungefähr muss sich der letzte Walzer auf der Titanic angefÜhlt haben.
20161206             Spracherkennung: VERBRAUCHER—SCHÜTZER WARNEN—VOR—VERNETZTEN Spielzeugpuppen
20161206             Stopp der DAKOTA—PIPELINE: Das kurze GlÜck der Sioux
20161206             SÜdosten der TÜRKEI: AMNESTY wirft ANKARA Vertreibung von 1—HALBEN Million Menschen vor
20161206             THE—RESEARCHERS found 1—ERROR——RATE less than 1 in 100,000.
20161206             The companies will share 'HASHES'—UNIQUE digital fingerprints they automatically assign to videos or PHOTOS—OF—EXTREMIST—CONTENT they have removed from their websites to enable their peers to identify the same content on their platforms.
20161206             These Toys Don't —JUST Listen To Your Kid;
20161206             They Send What They Hear To 1—DEFENSE—CONTRACTOR - TÜRKEI—ERDOGAN will per Dekret regieren
20161206             TÜRKEI—PREMIER in RUSSLAND: Wie MOSKAU und ANKARA im SYRIEN—KRIEG taktieren
20161206             USA—TRUMP will MILLIARDEN—INVESTITION mit japanischem Konzern vereinbart haben
20161206             —BEGONNEN, USA—WAHLEN: Neuauszählung der Stimmen in MICHIGAN hat
20161206             Und DAFÜR musste DER—SUPREME—COURT angerufen werden!?
20161206             Und DAS—REICHT —JETZT allen zum "Aufatmen"?
20161206             Und auch ihre —POLITIK ist nicht gut, wie sie aus DER—KRISE noch Profit schlägt auf Kosten der am härtesten Betroffenen.
20161206             Und auch sonst läuft es nicht rund.
20161206             Und dann immer dieses Gefasel von Nachhaltigkeit, WÄHREND unsere Kommunen alle pleite sind.
20161206             Und darauf sind —JETZT alle stolz in EUROPA?
20161206             Und das ist nicht der einzige Fall, bei dem sich Wähler von Trudeau verraten fÜhlen: Auch die CANNABIS—FREUNDE sind unzufrieden, weil Trudeau fÜr Legalisierung stand und sich —JETZT hinter POLIZEI—RAZZIEN gestellt hat.
20161206             Und deshalb ist die Vollverschleierung bei uns nicht angebracht.
20161206             Und die Profite gehen an Superreiche, die sich damit 1.Insel im Pazifik kaufen, zu der sie fliehen können, wenn es hier REVOLUTION gibt.
20161206             Und einigen sich auf 1—GEMEINSAMEN Kandidaten.
20161206             —GEWINNT, Und, dann —AM—ENDE... mit 53,8% zu 46,2%.
20161206             Und hey, so gut wie das das letzte Mal lief...!1!!
20161206             VW und Co.: AutoBAUER machen FRONT—GEGEN—STRENGERE Auflagen beim Spritverbrauch
20161206             Vorwurf der Vergewaltigung: OBERSTES—GERICHT—VERBIETET—AUSLIEFERUNG Polanskis
20161206             Wenn aber wir DIE—TERRORISTEN in anderen Ländern mit Waffen beliefern, dann sind das "DIE—REBELLEN".
20161206             Wenn man —HEUTE in 1.Schule geht, können sich die SchÜler überhaupt nicht an 1.Zeit mit jemand anderem als KANZLER erinnern.
20161206             Wenn man nicht persönlich betroffen ist, ist so PROPAGANDAbeobachtung durchaus ganz unterhaltsam.
20161206             —INTERESSIERT, Wer sich fÜr DAS—THEMA, dem sei auch nochmal ALTERNATIVLOS—36 an das Herz gelegt, wo Frank und ich den Wendelstein 7-X besucht und mit Mitarbeitern aus dem Team geredet haben.
20161206             Wie Youtube DIE—MUSIK—INDUSTRIE abzockt?
20161206             Wir feiern hier unsere "schwarze 0"und meinen damit nicht den SCHÄUBLE sondern sein Budget, das nur deshalb ohne massive Neuverschuldung zustande kam, weil DEUTSCHLAND auf Kosten der KRISEN—LÄNDER—STAATS—ANLEIHEN zum NEGATIV—ZINSSATZ verkaufen kann.
20161206             Wir hatten ja nie wieder Ärger mit ISLAMISTEN in der Gegend!!1!
20161206             Wir sollten Orwells Leiche an 1—GENERATOR anschließen.
20161206             Wow. Wunderbar!
20161206             Ziel: Mehr Geld fÜr KAMPF—MITTEL, weniger fÜr BÜrokratie ausgeben.
20161206             [l] Akt 1: DAS—PENTAGON gibt 1.—STUDIE in Auftrag, das Ineffizienzen und Verschwendung aufdecken soll.
20161206             [l] An mir scrollt gerade 1.Meldung zum Wendelstein vorbei: Beim Nachmessen kommt raus, daß das tatsächliche Magnetfeld ausgesprochen genau dem entsprach, was sie haben wollten.
20161206             [l] DIE—POLIZEI in UK spezialisiert sich gerade auf RAUBÜBER—FÄLLE um.
20161206             [l] Der Postillon landet mal wieder 1—VOLLTREFFER mit 1—BEDARFSGERECHTEN OPTIMIERUNGS—MAßNAHME: 2—PRESSE—MITTEILUNGEN werden zusammengelegt.
20161206             [l] Habt ihr das auch gehört?
20161206             [l] In PARIS muss jedes 2. Auto stehenbleiben — zur SMOG—BEKÄMPFUNG.
20161206             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE—VON—FRAU—MERKEL:
20161206             [l] Kann mir eigentlich mal jemand erklären, wieso es keine Fackel—, Mistgabelmobs gegen Crowdworking gibt?
20161206             [l] Neues von der MUSIK—INDUSTRIE, —LETZTE—WOCHE hat Vinyl mehr Umsatz gemacht als Downloads (in UK)
20161206             [l] OH KRASS.
20161206             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, DIE—USA geben MUDSCHAHEDDIN Gewehre und portable Luftabwehrraketen, damit sie gegen DIE—RUSSEN kämpfen.
20161206             [l] PÜnktlich zu Weihnachten ein paar Neuigkeiten vom Spielzeugmarkt:
20161206             [l] Wenn ihr dem SYRIEN—KRIEG folgt, habt ihr sicher gehört, daß DIE—RUSSEN und ASSAD in ALEPPO gerade große Fortschritte machen.
20161206             [l] Wer dachte, mit dem liberalen Trudeau ist schluss mit dem FASCHISMUS in KANADA, der sieht sich getäuscht: Die TRUDEAU—REGIERUNG überlegt, HintertÜren in IT—GERÄTEN gesetzlich vorzuschreiben, damit sie besser überwachen können.
20161206             [l] Wow.
20161206             [l] Youtube, FACEBOOK, Twitter und Microsoft wollen —JETZT mit gemeinsamen zentralen BANKEN gegen Extremismus vorgehen.
20161206             [l] —SEIT, dem DONALD—TRUMP—SIEG sind die Beitritte bei SPD, GrÜnen und vor allem der LINKS—PARTEI deutlich hochgegangen.
20161206             leck: CHINESISCHE—KREDITGEBER verlangten NACKT—FOTOS
20161206             —DANN, starb der Haider und —JETZT sind die IMMER—NOCH da.
20161206             —JETZT, will DIE—ARD auch noch 1 "Qualitätsmanager"einfÜhren, der "die redaktionelle Arbeit unter BerÜcksichtigung von Zuschauerbeschwerden unterstÜtzen"soll.
20161206             —KLIMASCHÜTZER und EX—VIZE—PRÄSIDENT: Gore nennt TREFFEN—MIT—TRUMP "sehr interessant"
20161206             —NEUE—DIE—RICHTLINIE: EU —KURZ—VOR, Einigung über neues Waffenrecht
20161206             —PARTEI—TAG: TÜRKEI—GEMEINDE kritisiert ABSCHIEBE—PLÄNE der CDU
20161206             USA—PRESIDENT—ELECT DONALD—TRUMP said costs for 1—NEW—AIR—FORCE 1 - 1—OF—THE—MOST prominent SYMBOLS—OF—THE—USA—PRESIDENCY—WERE OUT—OF—CONTROL, and urged the government to cancel 1—CONTRACT with Boeing Co for the jet.
20161206             THE—USA—AND—JAPAN said that WASHINGTON will give nearly 10,000 ACRES—OF—LAND on Okinawa back to THE—JAPAN—GOVERNMENT.
20161206             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, that sharing corporate secrets with friends or relatives is illegal even if the insider providing the tip doesn't receive ANYTHING—OF—VALUE in return.
20161206             —GATHERED, BAHRAIN, top officials from 6—GULF Arab nations, for talks expected to focus on regional security and cooperation.
20161206             —SEARCHED, BELGIUM—FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS said authorities have, houses and detained 8—PEOPLE for questioning on suspicion of supporting Islamic State financially and through THE—RECRUITMENT—OF—FIGHTERS for THE—SYRIA—CIVIL—WAR.
20161206             —SEESAWED, BRAZIL—CURRENCY and stocks, as 1—SUPREME—COURT—DECISION to remove Senate PRESIDENT—RENAN—CALHEIROS because he has been indicted on embezzlement charges raised doubts about upcoming votes on the government's austerity agenda.
20161206             1—UK—MAN was found GUILTY—OF—PROVIDING cash to 1—KEY—SUSPECT in the deadly BRUSSELS and PARIS bombings in 1—CASE that linked ENGLAND to the Islamic State group attacks in EUROPE.
20161206             —CONVICTED—OF, ZAKARIA—BOUFASSIL was, "engaging in conduct in PREPARATION—OF—ACTS—OF—TERRORISM" by providing 3,000 pounds ($3,700) to bombing suspect MOHAMED—ABRINI at 1—SECRET meeting in BIRMINGHAM—ENGLAND.
20161206             —ARRESTED, DENMARK—POLICE, 1—MAN, —26—JAHRE—ALT suspected of seriously wounding 1—OF—ITS—OFFICERS by shooting him in the head outside 1—POLICE—STATION in 1—COPENHAGEN suburb —EARLIER in the —DAY.
20161206             † The dog squad officer (43), THE—NEXT—DAY.
20161206             DENMARK—TOYMAKER Lego said it is appointing its 1. foreign CEO and will give its family owners 1—BIGGER—ROLE in developing the Lego brand under 1—ORGANIZATIONAL—SHAKE—UP that will see incumbent Jorgen Vig Knudstorp step down by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
20161206             Briton Bali Padda, currently CHIEF operations officer, will replace Knudstorp.
20161206             —KILLED, EGYPT—SECURITY—FORCES in THE—SOUTH—PROVINCE—OF—ASSIUT, 3—GUNMEN in 1—RAID on 1—HIDEOUT used by what it described as 1 armed wing of the Muslim Brotherhood.
20161206             —UNCOVERED, EGYPT—OFFICIAL—ANTI—CORRUPTION—BODY said it has, 1—NETWORK for human organ trafficking, including physicians whom it said exploited the victims' poverty in persuading them to sell their organs.
20161206             FRANCE, former interior MINISTER—BERNARD—CAZENEUVE took over as PRIME—MINISTER, replacing MANUEL—VALLS who resigned to fight for the Socialist party nomination in presidential elections —NEXT—YEAR.
20161206             She called for 1—BAN on FULL—FACE—MUSLIM veils "wherever legally possible".
20161206             1—GREECE—COURT agreed to extradite 3—TURKEY—SERVICEMEN who were part of an 8—PERSON—HELICOPTER crew that fled to GREECE —AFTER 1 failed military coup, 1—DECISION that came —1—DAY—AFTER it refused to send 3—OTHERS back to TURKEY.
20161206             —REPORTED, IRAN—STATE—TV, that 1—RESCUE helicopter carrying 8—PEOPLE has crashed into 1—LAKE in WEST—TEHRAN, killing 2—PEOPLE.
20161206             —SURGED, IRAQ—ARMY—UNITS, towards the center of MOSUL in 1—ATTACK from the city's southeastern edges that could give fresh impetus to THE—7—WEEK—OLD—BATTLE—FOR—ISLAMIC—STATE—IRAQ—STRONGHOLD.
20161206             —PLACED, ISRAEL, sculptor Itay Zalait, a 4—METER (13—FOOT) tall effigy of Netanyahu on 1—WHITE pedestal in Tel AVIV—RABIN—SQUARE, adjacent to city hall, to test THE—LIMITS—OF—FREEDOM—OF—EXPRESSION.
20161206             —TOPPLED, The gilded statue was, by 1—ONLOOKER —AFTER 1—BRIEF—PUBLIC—APPEARANCE.
20161206             12—LEBANON—WOMEN, dressed as brides in white wedding dresses stained with fake blood and bandages, gathered outside government buildings in BEIRUT to protest 1—LAW, in place —SINCE the late 1940s, that allows 1—RAPIST to get away with his crime if he marries the survivor.
20161206             —SUSPECTED, CENTRAL—MALI, 5, Islamist militants freed 93—PRISONERS —DURING 1—ATTACK on 1—JAIL in THE—TOWN—OF—NIONO.
20161206             90—PRISONERS remained at large —AFTER 3 were captured.
20161206             —CONFIRMED, POLAND—SUPREME—COURT, that the country would refuse to detain and extradite filmmaker ROMAN—POLANSKI to THE—USA.
20161206             1—SAUDI—ARABIA—COURT sentenced 15—PEOPLE to death for spying for the kingdom's rival IRAN, in 1—MOVE—LIKELY to heighten regional tensions.
20161206             THE—PROGRAM for INTERNATIONAL—STUDENT—ASSESSMENT (PISA), run by THE—OECD, released its latest results and showed students from SINGAPORE roughly —3—YEARS—AHEAD—OF—USA—STUDENTS in math.
20161206             —OVERTURNED, SOUTH—AFRICA—SUPREME—COURT—OF—APPEAL, 1—RULING that granted 1—MAN the right to MEDICALLY—ASSISTED death and could have opened the way to legalize euthanasia.
20161206             —CAPTURED, SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES and allied militias, ALEPPO—CENTRALLY located AL—SHAAR neighborhood from rebels as the government and its ally RUSSIA rejected 1—CEASE—FIRE for THE—WAR—TORN city.
20161206             THAILAND—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said severe flooding due to heavy rain in SOUTH—THAILAND has killed 14—PEOPLE, including 5—STUDENTS.
20161206             —6—DAYS—OF—FLOODS have affected 582,345—PEOPLE in 11—OF—THE—COUNTRY—76—PROVINCES.
20161206             —DEMONSTRATED, Several 1000—TUNISIA—LAWYERS, in FRONT—OF—THE—PRIME—MINISTER—OFFICE, with SOME—DEMANDING his resignation as they escalated 1—PROTEST against widely unpopular new taxes that will hit them and other HIGH—END—PROFESSIONS.
20161206             VENEZUELA—OPPOSITION withdrew from the latest ROUND—OF—CRISIS—NEGOTIATIONS with authorities, insisting the government 1. release prisoners and allow 1—VOTE on the volatile country's political future.
20161206             1—YEMEN ferry sank 40—KM (25—MILES) NORTHWEST—OF—THE—ISLAND—OF—SOCOTRA.
20161206             —RESCUED, At least 35—OF—THE—64—PEOPLE on the ship were soon.
20161206—20161222    —BY, The land had been used by Marines for jungle warfare training and the giveback will be completed.
20170131—20171206    —ON, 1—RECENT—INFECTION with ransom software — — resulted in 1—COMPLETE—SHUTDOWN—OF—HOTEL—COMPUTERS.
20171206             "Vertical Farming"unter LONDON: Unsere kleine Farm im Bunker
20171206             1—BESONDERES KUPPLUNGS—SYSTEM erlaubt es überdies, mehrere Fahrzeuge zu koppeln, sodass 1.ART—BUS entsteht, fÜr den dann nur ein einziger Fahrer angestellt werden muss.
20171206             AnkÜndigung aus dem WEIßES—HAUS: DONALD—TRUMP wird JERUSALÉM als HAUPT—STADT ISRAEL—ANERKENNEN
20171206             Auftrag DER—USA—LUFTWAFFE: Boeings TANK—FLUGZEUG gelingt Erstflug
20171206             Auslaufendes Rettungspaket GRIECHENLANDs: Das ENDE—DER—ERNIEDRIGUNGEN
20171206             BelästigungsvorwÜrfe: Mehrere PARTEI—FREUNDE fordern AL—FRANKENS—RÜCKTRITT
20171206             Bitcoin, Blockchain, Hashgraph: Die Blase, die bleibt
20171206             BRITISCHES—VERHANDLUNGS—CHAOS: Aus der Traum
20171206             Bug —IN—EARLY—LOADED module, so ME "disabling"by HAP is not 1—CURE
20171206             DEUTSCHLAND: Jeder 2. erkrankt —IM—LAUF—DES— Lebens an Krebs - DIE—NSA ist auch betroffen!
20171206             ELEKTRO—KLEINBUSSE im Nahverkehr: Taxifahrt zum Bustarif
20171206             FRANZÖSISCHER—SÄNGER und Schauspieler: JOHNNY—HALLYDAY ist tot
20171206             GROß—BRITANNIEN: POLIZEI vereitelte offenbar ANSCHLAG—AUF—THERESA—MAY - Ich finde, die haben RECHT.
20171206             JERUSALÉM als HAUPT—STADT ISRAELs: ISLAMische Welt wehrt sich gegen DONALD—TRUMP—PLÄNE
20171206             JUNCKER—KONZEPT: Wir brauchen keinen EU—FINANZ—MINISTER
20171206             KYYIV, MONEY—QUOTE:
20171206             Neuer REKORD—BEI—CYBERWÄHRUNG: Bitcoin steigt über 12.000—DOLLAR
20171206             —NUN, das liegt daran, daß sie abgelenkt waren.
20171206             Oh, da habe ich GUTE—NACHRICHTEN!
20171206             Prozess um gepanschte KREBS—MEDIKAMENTE, "Ich konnte —AM—ENDE nicht mehr zugucken"
20171206             RUSSLAND—PUTIN kÜndigt erneute PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTS—KANDIDATUR an
20171206             UNESCO—WELTDOKUMENTENERBE: Uni Gießen zeigt 1.—800—JAHRE—ALT Papyrus
20171206             UNICEF—STUDIE, 17.000.000 Babys WELT—WEIT LEIDEN unter hoher LUFT—VERSCHMUTZUNG
20171206             —GEFALLEN, Und ich finde es krass, wie weit wir —SCHON, sind, wenn sowas 1—GRUND zur Freude ist.
20171206             Welche Spender fragt ihr?
20171206             Wenn wir dem KLIMA—WANDEL wirksam entgegenwirken wollen, hilft nur 1.Verhaltensänderung
20171206             Wieso haben die denn da nicht besser aufgepasst, wollt ihr wissen?
20171206             Zum Tode JOHNNY—HALLYDAYS: Der FRANZÖSISCHE—KING—OF—ROCK - [l] Benutzt hier jemand INTEL—CPUS?
20171206             [l] Die TAGESSCHAU freut sich über die Ehrlichkeit in der —POLITIK — anlässlich DONALD—TRUMP—ENTSCHEIDUNG, DIE—USA—BOTSCHAFT nach JERUSALÉM zu schieben.
20171206             [l] Die eilig durch den USA—SENAT gepeitschte STEUER—REFORM hat wohl 2 3—KLITZEKLEINE handwerkliche Mängelchen.
20171206             —ENTSCHEIDUNG zu JERUSALÉM: Methode Holzhammer
20171206             —STREIT—UM—JERUSALÉM: 3—RELIGIONEN, 2—STAATEN, keine Lösung
20171206             —VON, Apps ausgespäht: von Millionen SMARTPHONE—NUTZERN lagen offen IM—NETZ
20171206             —ANNOUNCED, THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION, it will restrict visas for Cambodians "undermining democracy" in THE—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—NATION —FOLLOWING the dissolution of the main opposition party and 1—CRACKDOWN on independent media.
20171206             CALIFORNIA STATE—INSURANCE—COMMISSIONER—DAVE—JONES said claims from the October fires in the wine country have jumped to $9—BILLION.
20171206             He was serving an —18—YEAR—PRISON—TERM for masterminding a $100—MILLION—PONZI scheme.
20171206             —PASSED, S—FRANCISCO—BOARD—OF—SUPERVISORS, regulations that will limit companies to 3—ROBOTS each and limit the city to 9—ROBOTS—TOTAL.
20171206             The robots would also be confined to industrial areas.
20171206             —NAMED, Time Magazine, "THE—SILENCE—BREAKERS" as its 20170000             PERSON—OF—THE—YEAR, recognizing the women  (and SOME—MEN) who have come forward with stories of sexual harassment and assault.
20171206             USA—HEALTH insurer United Health Group said its Optum unit is buying Da Vita Medical Group, the physician GROUP—OF—DA—VITA dialysis centers.
20171206             —CAPTURED, BRAZIL—POLICE and soldiers, Rogerio AVELINO—DA—SILVA, aka Rogerio 157, 1—OF—RIO—DE—JANEIRO—MOST wanted alleged drug trafficking bosses.
20171206             —RELEASED, UK—THINK tank Chatham House, 1—REPORT saying HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE are estimated to be illegally detained EVERY—YEAR by hospitals in poor countries worldwide for NONPAYMENT—OF—BILLS.
20171206             —APPOINTED, CZECH—REPUBLIC—BILLIONAIRE businessman Andrej Babis was, PRIME—MINISTER——AFTER his ANO party came 1. in 1—OCTOBER election, and he must —NOW focus on securing parliamentary backing for 1—MINORITY—ADMINISTRATION.
20171206             FRANCE—PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON made his 1. official visit to ALGERIA, announcing that he came as a "friend" despite FRANCE—HISTORICALLY prickly relationship with its former colony.
20171206             His power ballads and colorful personal life made him 1—NATIONAL treasure, loved by everyone from rebellious teens in the 1960s to MODERN—DAY—PRESIDENTS.
20171206             —FIRED, GREECE—POLICE, teargas at youths marching in ATHENS to mark the ninth ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—KILLING—OF—1—TEENAGER by police, 1—INCIDENT that sparked GREECE—WORST—RIOTS——FOR—DECADES.
20171206             Bela Kovacs, 1—HUNGARY—MEMBER—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT and 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—NATIONALIST—OPPOSITION—JOBBIK party, was indicted for allegedly spying on THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
20171206             —ARRESTED, ITALY, Mattia DEL—ZOTTO, —27—JAHRE—ALT was, on suspicion he poisoned his entire family with 1—CHEMICAL once used to kill rodents, leading to the deaths of his grandparents and 1—AUNT, and the hospitalization of 5—OTHERS.
20171206             RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN said his government will allow Russians to compete as neutral athletes at the upcoming games in SOUTH—KOREA.
20171206             —BANNED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—OLYMPIC—COMMITTEE has, THE—RUSSIA—TEAM from games as punishment for doping violations at 20140000             —THE—SOCHI—OLYMPICS.
20171206             Employees at SLOVENIA—STATE—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY went on strike, demanding higher wages and better working conditions.
20171206             —ELECTED, THE—SWITZERLAND—PARLIAMENT, Alain Berset (45) to become the country's PRESIDENT —NEXT—YEAR, succeeding PRESIDENT—DORIS—LEUTHARD.
20171206             In addition, CHIANG—NAME will be replaced on MANY—SCHOOLS and roads.
20171206             2—UGANDA—MUSICIANS were released on bail —AFTER being charged with disturbing THE—PEACE—OF—VETERAN—PRESIDENT—YOWERI—MUSEVENI for 1—SONG suggesting he should retire.
20171206             —INJURED, UKRAINE, 16—PEOPLE were, in clashes in CENTRAL—KIEV as police sought to arrest EX—GEORGIA—LEADER—MIKHEIL Saakashvili, 1—STAUNCH FOE—OF—UKRAINE—PRESIDENT—PETRO—POROSHENKO.
20171206             1—UN—STUDY said the area under opium poppy cultivation in MYANMAR has shrunk by 1—QUARTER in the last —2—YEARS, as demand for opiates eases and methamphetamine use surges.
20171206             —STEPPED, YEMEN, 1—SAUDI—LED coalition, up air strikes on the Houthis as THE—IRAN—ALLIED armed movement tightened its grip on SANAA —1—DAY—AFTER THE—SON—OF—SLAIN—FORMER—PRESIDENT—ALI—ABDULLAH—SALEH vowed revenge for his father's death.
20171206             —CAPTURED, Local fighters, 1—AREA on the Red Sea coast from Houthi rebels.
20171206             Die USA anerkennen als 1. ausländischer STAAT JERUSALEM als ungeteilte HAUPTSTADT—ISRAELS  und
20171206             Die USA wollen ihre Botschaft von Tel Aviv nach JERUSALEM verlegen.
20171206—19750000    —APPROVED, TAIWAN lawmakers, 1—LAW requiring THE—REMOVAL—OF—PUBLIC statues honoring Chiang KAI—SHEK, 1—DICTATOR who governed from the late 1940s —UNTIL his death.
20171206—20080000    —IN, Alexandros Grigoropoulos (15) was shot dead.
20171206—20120000    —INCLUDED, Charges also, fraud totaling 21,076 euros ($24,900) stemming from the fictitious employment of interns in THE—EU—PARLIAMENT to 20130000             .
20171206—20180300    —ANNOUNCED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, he would seek RE—ELECTION, 1—CONTEST opinion polls show he will win comfortably.
20171206—20190000    —IN, FEDERAL—AGENTS said he may have fled to SOUTH—AMERICA.
20171221             —VOTED, THE—UN—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY, 128-9 for 1—RESOLUTION rejecting USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP'S 20171206             JERUSALEM declaration.
20181110             alfatomega.com/20041206.html alfatomega.com/20061214.html
20181206             [l] FACEBOOKs Priorisierung von Inhalten aus der Region legt anscheinend sehr effektiv revolutionäres Potential frei.
20181206             Wachsende Aufgaben: BUNDESWEHR stellt 6. Panzerbataillon auf
20181206             Mitten im ZOLL—STREIT, USA—HANDELS—DEFIZIT steigt auf ZEHNJAHRES—HOCH
20181206             "Gelbwesten"-Proteste: Vor der SCHLACHT—UM—PARIS
20181206             Aber keines dieser Ziele sei erreicht worden
20181206             Als die Bahn —VOR—20—JAHREN zur Aktiengesellschaft umgebaut WURDE—ZU 100 % im Besitz des BUNDES—SOLLTE DAS—UNTERNEHMEN moderner, schneller und pÜnktlicher werden.
20181206             BRITISCHER—EX—AUSSEN—MINISTER—MILIBAND: "JEMEN ist keine Tragödie, sondern 1—VERBRECHEN"
20181206             CHINESISCHE—IT—FIRMA Huawei: WELT—KONZERN von Gnaden der KP - DER—ARTIKEL wird echt immer besser.
20181206             DIE—BAHN spare solange, —BIS nicht sie, sondern DER—BUND zahle.
20181206             —GEFAHREN, DIE—EISENBAHNINFRASTRUKTUR wurde —JAHRE—LANG auf Verschleiß.
20181206             GELD—WÄSCHE: DEUTSCHE—BANK wohl tiefer in DANSKE—SKANDAL verstrickt
20181206             Globaler TEMPERATUR—ANSTIEG, NEUSEELANDs Armee erklärt KLIMA—WANDEL offiziell zum Feind
20181206             HUAWEI—FESTNAHME: DAX und DOW—JONES gehen runter
20181206             —BEKOMMT, HintertÜren in Kryptodiensten: AUSTRALIEN, beispielloses ÜBERWACHUNGS—GESETZ
20181206             Knochenfund auf Fehmarn: ARCHÄOLOGEN stoßen erneut auf menschliche Skelette
20181206             KÜNSTLICHE—INTELLIGENZ: Forscher fälschen Kunstwerke mit 3D-Druckern
20181206             MEERES—FORSCHUNG, Wie sich Plastik in Jakobsmuscheln anreichert
20181206             Na das ist ja 1.großartige Anreizstruktur!
20181206             Scheller nennt 1—BEISPIEL: "DIE—DURCHSCHNITTLICHE Lebensdauer 1—BRÜCKE ist —122—JAHRE, und hier fällt natÜrlich Instandsetzungsaufwand an: Die Tragfähigkeit lässt nach, es mÜssen Einzelteile erneuert werden".
20181206             Die Bahn muss 1.solche BrÜcke ständig mit kleineren Reparaturen instand HALTEN—AUF ihre Kosten.
20181206             Schlag GEGEN—DIE—'NDRANGHETA: POLIZISTEN sollen Mafiosi Informationen geliefert haben
20181206             WELT—RAUM: Wie CHINA als 1. Nation auf der RÜCK—SEITE des Mondes landen will
20181206             Wahlfälschung in AFGHANISTAN: Mehr als 1.000.000—STIMMEN bei PARLAMENTS—WAHL—IN—KABUL ungÜltig
20181206             Wegen Verstößen gegen IRAN—SANKTIONEN: Huaweis Finanzchefin in KANADA festgenommen
20181206             Wird etwa 1.BrÜcke dann so baufällig, daß nur noch 1—ABRISS übrig bleibt, ist die Bahn finanziell nicht mehr in der —PFLICHT—DANN zahlt DER—BUND 1—NEUBAU.
20181206             [l] DER—BUNDES—RECHNUNGS—HOF hat sich mal die Bahn angeguckt.
20181206             —KONFLIKT—ZWISCHEN— USA—CHINA: DAX—FÄLLT unter 11.000—PUNKTE
20181206             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION has separated 81—MIGRANT—CHILDREN from their families at THE—USA—MEXICO border —SINCE the June executive order that stopped the general practice amid 1—CRACKDOWN on illegal crossings.
20181206             1—GIRL, —7—JAHRE—ALT from GUATEMALA was found near LORDSBURG—NEW—MEXICO, by USA—BORDER—PATROL—AGENTS.
20181206             Jackeline Caal was in custody for about —8—HOURS—BEFORE she began having seizures.
20181206             —DISCOVERED, Emergency medical technicians, the girl's fever was 105.7—DEGREES—FAHRENHEIT (40.9—DEGREES—CELSIUS), and she was airlifted to 1—EL—PASO, TEXAS, hospital, where she —LATER †.
20181206             The girl was traveling with 1—GROUP—OF—163—PEOPLE, who approached agents to turn themselves in.
20181206             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—NORTH—CAROLINA court has struck down more legislation Republicans approved for their LAME—DUCK GOVERNOR—SIGNATURE to erode powers of 1—INCOMING—DEMOCRAT.
20181206             —EXECUTED, TENNESSEE inmate DAVID—EARL—MILLER, —61—JAHRE—ALT was, in 1—ELECTRIC—CHAIR for 19810000             —THE—KILLING—OF—LEE—STANDIFER, —23—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MENTALLY handicapped woman.
20181206             He was the 2. person to choose the electric chair over lethal injection in the past —MONTH.
20181206             1—AUSTRALIA—APPEAL—COURT overturned 1—CONVICTION against ADELAIDE Archbishop PHILIP—WILSON, —68—JAHRE—ALT, the most senior ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CLERIC ever found GUILTY—OF—COVERING up child sex abuse.
20181206             —GATHERED, OPEC countries were, in AUSTRIA to find 1—WAY to support the falling PRICE—OF—OIL, with analysts predicting the cartel and key ally RUSSIA would agree to cut production by at least 1—MILLION barrels per —DAY.
20181206             BOLIVIA, JORGE—ROCA—SUAREZ, —67—JAHRE—ALT, 1—OF—SOUTH—AMERICA—LEADING drug traffickers in the 1980s who served —28—YEARS in prison in THE—USA—BEFORE returning to BOLIVIA —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR, fled 1—MEDICAL—CLINIC where he was receiving treatment.
20181206             —REPORTED, It was, that BRITAIN will suspend its top tier investor visas, which require 2—MILLION—POUNDS ($2.55—MILLION) in investment, as PART—OF—1—DRIVE to crack down on organized crime and money laundering.
20181206             —FACED, HUAWEI—CHIEF—FINANCIAL—OFFICER, Meng Wanzhou, possible extradition to THE—USA on suspicion of trying to evade USA—TRADE curbs on IRAN.
20181206             —PROHIBITED, CHILE—CONSTITUTIONAL—COURT threw out 1—REGULATION that, SOME—PRIVATE—HOSPITALS and clinics from refusing to perform legal abortions.
20181206             —SUSPECTED, EAST—CONGODRC, militiamen killed at least 18—CIVILIANS, near THE—TOWN—OF—BENI, the epicenter of 1—EBOLA outbreak.
20181206             —ANNOUNCED, CONGO—HEALTH—MINISTRY, 13—NEW confirmed cases.
20181206             CUBA began offering its citizens full INTERNET access for MOBILE phones over its 3G network.
20181206             —CALLED, DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—AUTHORITIES, on the Coast Guard for assistance —WHEN 7—OF 28—MIGRANTS went missing —AFTER 1—BOAT capsized SOUTHEAST—OF—THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC.
20181206             —BELIEVED, They were, to be Dominicans who were headed east to PUERTO—RICO.
20181206             —APPROVED, The 28-nation EU—INTERIOR—MINISTERS, 1—DECLARATION recognizing 1—COMMON—DEFINITION—OF—ANTI—SEMITISM and acknowledging Jewish concerns given THE—PREVALENCE—OF—ATTACKS in recent years.
20181206             THE—EUROPEAN—UNION and FRANCE said their total investment in development funding aimed at preventing terrorism in the G5 AFRICA—SAHEL countries (MAURITANIA, BURKINA—FASO, CHAD, MALI, and NIGER) would rise to 1.3—BILLION euros ($1.5—BILLION), as the region struggles with jihadism and lawlessness.
20181206             FRANCE—PRIME—MINISTER—EDOUARD—PHILIPPE said he was open to new measures to benefit workers on the lowest salaries, as the government scrambled to head off another round of 'yellow vest' protests in PARIS this weekend.
20181206             —AROUND 200—FRANCE—HIGH—SCHOOLS were blocked or disrupted by students protesting 1—RAFT—OF—EDUCATION—OVERHAULS, on a 4. —DAY—OF—ACTION called to coincide with ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATIONS which have rocked the country in recent weeks.
20181206             FRANCE, aid groups Doctors Without Borders and SOS Mediterranee said they have been forced to end the migrant rescue operations of the Aquarius ship in the Mediterranean Sea.
20181206             Demonstrators in GREECE threw firebombs and pelted police with rocks as marches on the 10. anniversary of the fatal police shooting of 1—TEENAGER degenerated into violence.
20181206             —FOLLOWED, SOUTH—EAST—IRAN, 1—SUICIDE—CAR bombing, by 1 armed assault killed at least 2—POLICEMEN and wounding 42—PEOPLE outside police headquarters in the port CITY—OF—CHABAHAR.
20181206             The city lies in SISTAN—BALUCHISTAN province which has long been 1—FLASHPOINT, with PAKISTAN—BASED Baluchi separatists and Sunni Muslim extremists carrying out CROSS—BORDER—ATTACKS targeting the Shiite authorities.
20181206             —DETAINED, Security forces soon, 10—PEOPLE SUSPECTED—OF—LINKS to the attack.
20181206             1—USA F/A—18—HORNET fighter jet and 1—KC 130—HERCULES refueling aircraft collided —DURING training off JAPAN—COAST.
20181206             1—OF 2—CREW members recovered was dead and 5—OTHERS remain missing.
20181206             1—HOLLAND—COURT—GAVE—THE—GO—AHEAD for 1—CULL—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—RED deer in 1—NATURE—RESERVE—NORTH—OF—AMSTERDAM, in 1—WILDLIFE management case that has sparked fierce opposition from animal rights activists.
20181206             PAKISTAN, HUNDREDS—OF—SUPPORTERS—OF—OPPOSITION—LEADER, Shahbaz Sharif, clashed with police in THE—EAST—CITY—OF—LAHORE, leaving DOZENS—OF—PROTESTERS hurt.
20181206             —ERUPTED, The violence, —WHEN riot police used batons to prevent SHARIF—SUPPORTERS from reaching 1—ANTI—GRAFT—TRIBUNAL.
20181206             —REPORTED, It was, that PAKISTAN is kicking out 18—INTERNATIONAL—CHARITIES——AFTER rejecting their final appeal to stay in the country.
20181206             The majority of the shuttered aid groups are USA—BASED, —WHILE the rest are from BRITAIN and THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
20181206             —ARRESTED, THE—PHILIPPINES—IMMIGRATION—AUTHORITIES said they have, 1—AMERICA—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—PRIEST accused of sexually assaulting altar boys was arrested in 1—CHURCH in Naval town on THE—ISLAND—PROVINCE—OF—BILIRAN.
20181206             —INDICTED, REVEREND—KENNETH—BERNARD—HENDRICKS, —77—JAHRE—ALT has been, in OHIO for alleged illicit sexual conduct in THE—PHILIPPINES.
20181206             1—POLAND—COURT ruled that LECH—WALESA, THE—ANTI—COMMUNIST—DISSIDENT and FORMER—PRESIDENT—OF—POLAND, must apologize to Jaroslaw Kaczynsk, THE—HEAD—OF—POLAND—RULING party in 1—SLANDER case.
20181206             1—RWANDA—COURT found dissident politician Diane Rwigara (37) not GUILTY—OF—FORGERY and inciting insurrection, charges that saw her imprisoned for over —1—YEAR and highlighted 1—CRACKDOWN on opposition in the country.
20181206             —KILLED, NORTH—SUDAN, 3—MINERS were, in Qabqaba —WHEN 1—GOLD—MINE they were working at collapsed.
20181206             10—OTHERS were trapped underground.
20181206             —AGREED, Meeting in SWEDEN YEMEN—WARRING sides, to free THOUSANDS—OF—PRISONERS, in what 1—UN—MEDIATOR called 1—HOPEFUL—START to the 1. peace talks in years to end 1—WAR that has pushed MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE on THE—VERGE—OF—STARVATION.
20181206             —ENDED, GENEVA, —2—DAYS—OF—UN—TALKS on WEST—SAHARA, with all sides promising to meet again for 1—SIMILAR "round table" in the 1. quarter of 20190000             , UN envoy HORST—KOEHLER told reporters —AFTER the meeting ended unexpectedly early.
20181206             Over the last —3—DAYS 34—JIHADISTS including 3—SUICIDE—BOMBERS, and 17—SDF fighters have been killed in the fighting.
20181206             —ACCUSED, TURKEY—JOURNALIST—KAMIL—DEMIRKAYA, by TURKEY—OF—TERRORISM, said he has applied for political asylum in ROMANIA —AFTER TURKEY sought his extradition.
20181206             —VOTED, THE—UKRAINE—PARLIAMENT, to withdraw from 1—WIDE—RANGING treaty on friendship with RUSSIA, the latest step in escalating tensions between THE—2—NEIGHBORS.
20181206             —ACQUIRED, UAE—BASED global port operator DP World says it has, DENMARK—LOGISTICS—FIRM—UNIFEEDER for $748—MILLION, about 660—MILLION—EUROS, helping THE—DUBAI—OWNED company expand its foothold through the largest feeder and shortsea network in EUROPE.
20181206             —ASKED, THE—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—OFFICE—SAID—BURUNDI—GOVERNMENT has, it to leave, months —AFTER the outgoing UN rights CHIEF called the country 1—OF—THE "most prolific slaughterhouses of humans in recent times".
20181206             THE—UN—WORLD—FOOD—PROGRAM said 1—SURVEY—OF—FOOD—SECURITY in YEMEN has found more than 15—MILLION—PEOPLE are in a "crisis" or "emergency" situation and that number could hit 20—MILLION without sustained food aid.
20181206             VENEZUELA, former baseball major league players LUIS—VALBUENA, —33—JAHRE—ALT and JOSE—CASTILLO (37) were killed in 1—CAR—CRASH as they were heading to THE—CITY—OF—BARQUISIMETO —AFTER 1—GAME in CARACAS.
20181206—20181201    —DEMANDED, CHINA, CANADA release 1—HUAWEI—TECHNOLOGIES—EXECUTIVE who was arrested in VANCOUVER.
20190104—20191206    —ON, THE—WARRANT—OF—ARREST was made public.
20191206             —PLANTED, OIL—RICH—AZERBAIJAN, more than half 1—MILLION—TREES to celebrate 13010101—14001231     poet Seyid Imadeddin Nesimi, 1—INITIATIVE the government said would help tackle climate change but SOME—ENVIRONMENTAL—ACTIVISTS called "1—WASTE—OF—MONEY".
20191206             Schätzungen fÜr 20180000             : ZAHL—DER—MASERN—TOTEN steigt WELT—WEIT auf 140.000
20191206             Verschärfte Vorschriften: CHINA verlangt FingerabdrÜcke fÜr Visum
20191206             "Erweiterte Verhörtechniken": 1—OPFER—DER—CIA—FOLTER zeichnet sein LEIDEN
20191206             Konjunktur: DEUTSCHE—INDUSTRIEPRODUKTION sinkt erneut
20191206             —GEFLOGEN, Fluggastzahl auf Rekordniveau: In EUROPA wird mehr, denn je
20191206             Abgelegene SÜdseeinseln: PlastikmÜll tötet mehr als eine halbe Million Einsiedlerkrebse
20191206             "Krieg der Worte": Nordkoreas Vizeaußenministerin beschimpft DONALD—TRUMP
20191206             "Wir werden gewinnen": DONALD—TRUMP gibt sich SIEGESSICHER—UND WARNT—VOR—MISSBRAUCH des Verfahrens
20191206             Alternativer NOBEL—PREIS fÜr WESTSAHARA—AKTIVISTIN: "Mir waren —4—JAHRE im Gefängnis die Augen VERBUNDEN—DIE ganze Zeit"
20191206             An Kollegen verschickt: KÜndigung von DAIMLER—ARBEITER wegen rassistischer Bilder rechtens
20191206             Atomausstieg: Umweltministerin SCHULZe will umstrittene BRENNELEMENTE—EXPORTE verbieten
20191206             —BEZEICHNET, Auftritt in IOWA: Biden, Wähler als "verdammten LÜgner"
20191206             BerÜchtigte Gangsterbande, USA—POLIZEI NIMMT—CA—60 "Latin Kings" fest
20191206             Bloomberg über Präsidentschaftsbewerber: "TRUMP wird sie auffressen"
20191206             CERVANTES—PREISTRÄGER und EX—VIZE—PRÄSIDENT : Wie aussichtsreich ist eine friedliche Revolution, Señor Ramírez?
20191206             —VERBIETET, Chlorpyrifos : EU, gefährliches Insektizid
20191206             FLORIDA: 3—TOTE bei Schießerei auf MILITÄRSTÜTZ—PUNKT
20191206             FLORIDA: TERROR—VERDACHT nach Attacke auf Marinestation
20191206             —GETRÄUMT, Film über letzte DDR—ERWACHSENENGENERATION: Wo frÜher, wurde, döst —HEUTE der Wohlstand vor sich hin
20191206             Fri 20191206
20191206             5—MILLIONEN—DOLLAR Belohnung: FBI schreibt RUSSISCHE—HACKER zur Fahndung aus
20191206             GEMEINSAM—MIT—RUSSLAND: OPEC drosselt Fördermenge noch STÄRKER—ÖL—PREIS steigt
20191206             IMPEACHMENT—GEGEN—DONALD—TRUMP: Es muss sein
20191206             —ÜBERLEBT, In den Pyrenäen zusammengebrochen: Wanderin, —6—STUNDEN ohne Herzschlag
20191206             Libra und Co.: EU—LÄNDER wollen Kryptowährungen vorerst nicht zulassen
20191206             Luftreinhalteplan: Bisherige FAHR—VERBOTE in HAMBURG unzureichend
20191206             MASSEN—PROTESTE—IN—FRANKREICH: "Das bisherige RENTEN—SYSTEM ist ungerecht"
20191206             MASSEN—PROTESTE—IN—FRANKREICH: Macron spÜrt DIE—MACHT der Straße
20191206             —BESCHLOSSEN, MEDIENSTAATS—VERTRAG : Google, AMAZON und Instagram bekommen —JETZT auch RUNDFUNK—REGELN
20191206             Millionenbußgeld: Ermittlungen gegen DEUTSCHE—BANK wegen "PANAMA Papers" eingestellt
20191206             Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz: Soziale Medien mÜssen Hasspostings kÜnftig dem BKA melden
20191206             POPULISMUS—FORSCHER über ein weltweites Phänomen: "Der Mainstream hat sich nach rechts entwickelt" (SPIEGEL+, 18:37)
20191206             Pressestimmen zu IMPEACHMENT—PLÄNEN: "1—MUSTER—DER—KORRUPTION"
20191206             SPD in der Existenzkrise: Innenansichten einer verstörten Partei (SPIEGEL+, 17:53)
20191206             Schlachtschiff aus dem 1. WELT—KRIEG, Wrack der "SMS Scharnhorst" vor den Falklandinseln entdeckt
20191206             UNGARN—ORBÁN—REGIERUNG will Theaterdirektoren selbst ernennen
20191206             USA—REGIERUNG über Proteste: "Viele, viele 100" IRANer sollen getötet worden sein
20191206             VOR—FÄLLE bei Delegationsbesuch: Torgau löst Städtepartnerschaft mit Strzegom auf
20191206             Wahl auf Parteitag: Esken und WALTER—BORJANS sind neue SPD—CHEFS
20191206             Wegen FEIN—STAUB und Ruß: Umweltverbände wollen Holzkamine verbieten
20191206             Weiter hohe Beiträge: Rentenkasse mit MilliardenÜberschuss gefÜllt
20191206             Wertvollster börsennotierter Konzern der Welt: ÖL—KONZERN SAUDI—ARABIA—ARAMCO legt größten Börsengang der Geschichte hin
20191206             YouTube: Medienanstalt lässt 300—BUSHIDO—VIDEOS sperren
20191206             —VERFÄLSCHT, Zitat : KÜnast erringt Erfolg gegen FACEBOOK—NUTZER
20191206             [l] Der arme GAULAND wird von seiner eigenen Familie geschnitten.
20191206             [l] Falls ihr zum —JAHRESENDE mal wieder bei der Wikipedia von Werbeeinblendungen mit Spendenaufrufen bombardiert werdet: Hier gibt es 1—AUFSTELLUNG zur Finanzsituation.
20191206             [l] Hacker hacken...
20191206             [l] Manchmal hilft ein Blick auf die Perspektive aus dem Ausland.Aktuell: Der New Statesman über die neue SPD—SPITZE.As the economist CHRISTIAN—ODENDAHL puts it, Esken and NoWaBo are by INTERNATIONAL comparison about as HARD—LEFT as THE—IMF, in that they want more of GERMANY—VAST surplus to be spent on WIDE—EYED priorities like school, digital and rail improvements.
20191206             —BERICHT, von UNO—BOTSCHAFTERN : IRAN entwickelt offenbar weiter Atomraketen
20191206             —DEBATTE—ÜBER—SPRITPREISERHÖHUNG: Autoland ist wutentbrannt
20191206             —DER—TAG—KOMPAKT:: Rien ne va PLUS—FRANKREICH im Generalstreik
20191206             —ENTSCHEIDUNG der Demokraten: So beginnt das VERFAHREN—GEGEN—DONALD—TRUMP
20191206             —FESTIVAL in Altamont : Love, Peace und prÜgelnde HELLS—ANGELS
20191206             —KRISELNDE LANDES—BANK, EU—KOMMISSION genehmigt Milliardenkredit fÜr NordLB
20191206             —NEUEN—STEINKOHLEKRAFTWERK: UmweltschÜtzer organisieren massiven WIDERSTAND—GEGEN—DATTELN 4
20191206             —NEUE—PARTEISPITZE: Wie die SPD im Populismus versinkt (SPIEGEL+, 17:52)
20191206             —STUDIE—ZU—HAUSHALT und Finanzhilfen: DEUTSCHLAND ist größter Transferzahler der EU
20191206             —CALLED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, for the World Bank to stop loaning money to CHINA, —1—DAY—AFTER the institution adopted 1—LENDING plan to BEIJING over WASHINGTON—OBJECTIONS.
20191206             —IMPOSED, THE—USA, sanctions on 3—IRANIAN—BACKED IRAQ—PARAMILITARY—LEADERS over 1—DEADLY—CRACKDOWN on protests in the country, as it warned TEHRAN to stay out of its neighbor's affairs.
20191206             USA—FOOD and Drug Administration staffers reviewing Correvio Pharma CORP—HEART—DRUG said they did not believe THE—BENEFITS—OF—THE—THERAPY outweighed its risks, sending the company's shares down nearly 38%.
20191206             —PROMISED, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, to invest $150—BILLION to bring HIGH—SPEED—INTERNET to "EVERY—HOUSEHOLD in AMERICA" —WHILE breaking up and better regulating monopolies he says currently limit access to drive up their profits.
20191206             1—LOS—ANGELES jury acquitted Elon Musk, Tesla INC—OUTSPOKEN CHIEF executive, of defamation over a 20180000             Twitter message describing UK—CAVE explorer Vernon Unsworth as "pedo guy".
20191206             † 1—ALABAMA police officer was killed —DURING 1—DRUG—RELATED shooting.
20191206             —CAPTURED, The suspect was, —AFTER 1—SHORT—FOOT—CHASE.
20191206             —REACHED, CALIFORNIA—BANKRUPT power producer PG&E Corp said it had, a $13.5—BILLION settlement with VICTIMS—OF—SOME—OF—MOST devastating wildfires in the state's modern history.
20191206             —OPENED, FLORIDA, 1—SHOOTER, fire at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola in 1—ATTACK that left 4—PEOPLE—DEAD including the assailant, and multiple people injured.
20191206             —PROMPTED, The gunfire, 1—MASSIVE—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—RESPONSE to the base, which was locked down.
20191206             —IDENTIFIED, The shooter as soon, as aviation student MOHAMMED—SAEED—ALSHAMRANI, a 2. LIEUTENANT—IN—THE—SAUDI—AIR—FORCE.
20191206             —REPORTED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES——LATER, that 6—OTHER—SAUDI—ARABIA—NATIONALS were being questioned by investigators in FLORIDA, 3—OF—WHOM were seen filming the incident.
20191206             Tens of THOUSANDS—OF—ALGERIANS took to the streets, making 1—SHOW—OF—STRENGTH—OF—THEIR last weekly protest —BEFORE 1—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION—NEXT—WEEK that they have rejected as meaningless.
20191206             AUSTRALIA—FIREFIGHTERS said 1—GIANT bushfire on the edge of SYDNEY, which has blanketed the city in smoke causing 1—SPIKE in respiratory illnesses and the cancellation of outdoor sports, will take weeks to control but will not be extinguished without heavy rains.
20191206             AUSTRIA, The remaining signatories to the faltering IRAN nuclear deal began crunch talks in VIENNA with questions over the survival of the landmark agreement —AFTER TEHRAN vowed to continue to breach the deal's limits on its nuclear program.
20191206             Envoys from BRITAIN, FRANCE, GERMANY, CHINA, RUSSIA and IRAN took part in the meeting,
20191206             Elsewhere in the country, THOUSANDS—OF—HECTARES of bushlands and forests were being cleared to make way for hazelnut plantations and farms.
20191206             —AGREED, BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—AUTHORITIES, bowing to INTERNATIONAL pressure, to dismantle the makeshift Vucjak refugee camp of freezing SNOW—COVERED tents, but SOME—MIGRANTS living there have been refusing food in protest at being resettled.
20191206             UK—OPPOSITION—LABOUR—LEADER—JEREMY—CORBYN said he had 1—CONFIDENTIAL—GOVERNMENT—REPORT which showed there would be customs checks between NORTH—IRELAND and mainland BRITAIN under 1—BREXIT deal negotiated by PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON.
20191206             The accounts, which were used to draw attention to the trade documents, were "PART—OF—1—CAMPAIGN that has been reported as originating from RUSSIA," according to Reddit.
20191206             1—MULTI—MILLION—POUND—PROSECUTION by SCOTLAND YARD—WAR—CRIMES—UNIT against AGNES—REEVES—TAYLOR, —54—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—WIFE—OF—LIBERIA—WARLORD CHARLES—TAYLOR, collapsed —AFTER her lawyers won 1—BID to have the case discontinued.
20191206             —REPORTED, STATE—RUN—XINHUA News Agency, that CHINA—LEADERS have vowed to avoid systemic financial risks —NEXT—YEAR and keep growth in a "reasonable range," citing 1—POLITBURO meeting in BEIJING, as the economy stutters with its slowest growth in decades.
20191206             —ANNOUNCED, THE—REPUBLIC—OF—DJIBOUTI, in NEW—YORK, that it is —STARTING its official campaign for election as 1—NON—PERMANENT—MEMBER—OF—THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL.
20191206             FRANCE—PRIME—MINISTER—EDOUARD—PHILIPPE said he was sticking with plans to reform the country's pension system but insisted change would be gradual and "not brutal".
20191206             —CONTINUED, FRANCE—UNIONS, to bring rail, bus and METRO systems to 1—STANDSTILL in protest over the government's planned pension reforms.
20191206             Railways company SNCF said it expected rail traffic would continue to be heavily disrupted through the weekend and 20191209             , based on statements from transport unions.
20191206             —KILLED, GERMANY, 1—OFF—DUTY firefighter (49) was, in 1—ALTERCATION between 2—COUPLES and 1—GROUP—OF—YOUTHS in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—AUGSBURG.
20191206             2—TEENAGERS were soon arrested —AFTER surveillance cameras enabled investigators to identify the suspects.
20191206             —CALLED, LIBYA, the move unacceptable.
20191206             —DISMISSED, TURKEY, it as outrageous.
20191206             THE—WORLD—FOOD—PROGRAM (WFPP issued 1—APPEAL for $62—MILLION in emergency food assistance in HAITI, where 1 protracted political and economic crises are fanning 1—HUMANITARIAN—DISASTER.
20191206             —CONFIRMED, HUNGARY, 1—GOVERNMENT—SPOKESMAN, that the government is seeking 1—GREATER say in THE—OPERATION—OF—THEATERS that it partly funds.
20191206             He said 1—RECENT—SEXUAL—HARASSMENT—CASE at 1—BUDAPEST theater made the changes necessary as the government currently has no power to sack THE—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—THEATRE involved.
20191206             SOUTH—INDIA, police fatally shot 4—MEN being held on suspicion of raping and killing 1—WOMAN——AFTER investigators took them to the crime scene, drawing both praise and condemnation in 1—CASE that has sparked protests across the country.
20191206             —SEIZED, The suspects had reportedly, SOME—WEAPONS from policemen who had taken them there and started firing.
20191206             † INDIA, a —23—YEAR—OLD rape victim set on fire by 1—GANG—OF—MEN, which included her alleged rapists, in 1—NEW—DELHI hospital.
20191206             —1—DAY—EARLIER the woman was on her way to BOARD—1—TRAIN in Unnao DISTRICT—OF—NORTH—UTTAR—PRADESH state to attend 1—COURT hearing over her rape —WHEN she was doused with kerosene and set on fire.
20191206             —PROMPTED, Her death, protests from opposition leaders who blamed the ruling party for failing to check INCIDENTS—OF—VIOLENCE against women.
20191206             —WOUNDED, IRAQ, the casualty toll rose to 25—DEAD and 130, as attacks by unknown gunmen targeted ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATORS in BAGHDAD continued into the night.
20191206             —KILLED, KENYA, at least 10—PEOPLE were, and 30 injured —WHEN 1—RESIDENTIAL building collapsed in NAIROBI.
20191206             —STRUGGLED, Rescue workers, to free 1—WOMAN who was screaming from under the rubble.
20191206             20—PEOPLE remained missing.
20191206             —KILLED, KENYA—POLICE—OFFICERS were among those, —WHEN gunmen suspected to be from Islamist militant group al Shabaab attacked 1—BUS—NEAR the border with SOMALIA.
20191206             —KILLED, Police said 10—PEOPLE were, and that the attackers had specifically targeted NON—SOMALIS —AFTER flagging down the bus.
20191206             —ACCUSED, KOSOVO—PRESIDENT—HASHIM—THACI, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION maintaining double standards for blocking 1—VISA—FREE—TRAVEL—DEAL with his country but opening new chapters in SERBIA—INTEGRATION—PROCESS despite its affiliation with RUSSIA.
20191206             —CALLED, LEBANON—OUTGOING PRIME—MINISTER—SAAD—HARIRI, on several Arab and world leaders to help his country secure credit lines for imports from friendly nations as the tiny Mediterranean country passes through its worst economic and financial crisis in decades.
20191206             A —3—MONTH—OLD—MALAYSIA—INFANT was diagnosed with polio, the 1. case reported in the country in nearly —3—DECADES.
20191206             —FILED, Lawyers for THE—NIGERIA—GOVERNMENT, "new and substantive" ALLEGATIONS—OF—FRAUD with 1—UK—COURT in 1—ONGOING fight against 1—ARBITRATION—AWARD——NOW worth some $10—BILLION.
20191206             The government has been fighting efforts by UK—VIRGIN—ISLANDS—BASED Process & Industrial Developments (P&ID) to enforce the award for 1 failed gas project and is also seeking to overturn the underlying award.
20191206             —REPORTED, NORTH—KOREA—RODONG—SINMUN newspaper, the recent LAUNCH—OF—THE "Treatment Tourism Exchange Corporation", aimed at capitalizing on the "rising demand for tourism, including medical care, in line with 1—INTERNATIONAL trend".
20191206             —DEMONSTRATED, THOUSANDS—OF—PALESTINIANS, along THE—GAZA—ISRAEL frontier as the territory's Hamas rulers resumed the regular protests —AFTER a —3—WEEK pause.
20191206             14—PALESTINIANS were reported wounded by ISRAEL—FIRE, 4—OF—THEM with live gunshots.
20191206             —STEPPED, RUSSIA, MOSCOW student Yegor Zhukov (21), out of 1—COURTHOUSE, effectively free —AFTER 1—JUDGE handed down a —3—YEAR suspended sentence.
20191206             Zhukov, 1—STUDENT at the liberal Higher SCHOOL—OF—ECONOMICS, spent —1—MONTH in PRE—TRIAL—DETENTION——IN—AUGUST—BEFORE rioting charges against him were dropped amid 1—PUBLIC—CAMPAIGN, supported by MANY—RUSSIA—CELEBRITIES.
20191206             —SPEARHEADED, SAUDI—ARABIA and RUSSIA, 1—DEAL in which OPEC and its allies committed to some of the deepest oil output cuts this —DECADE aiming to avert oversupply and support prices.
20191206             —REPORTED, It was, that SLOVAKIA—POLICE have charged FORMER—PRESIDENT—ANDREJ—KISKA with tax fraud, stirring up the political scene ahead of 1—ELECTION due in February.
20191206             EAST—SLOVAKIA, 1—GAS—EXPLOSION in 1—APARTMENT building in Presov killed at least 5—PEOPLE and injured more than 40. Firefighters rescued people trapped in the building, which officials said is still in DANGER—OF—COLLAPSE.
20191206             The death toll soon rose to least 7—PEOPLE.
20191206             —CHARGED, Police soon, 3—PEOPLE with putting the public in danger over the gas explosion.
20191206             1—PERSON remained missing.
20191206             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 4—MINEWORKERS were, and 1 was seriously injured —AFTER 1—ROCK—FALL at 1—GOLD—MINE trapped 5—WORKERS—UNDERGROUND.
20191206             The collapse at the Village Main REEF—TAU—LEKOA gold mine in NORTH—WEST—PROVINCE followed at least 1—EARTH tremor.
20191206             —ARRIVED, SPAIN, climate activist Greta Thunberg, in MADRID to join THOUSANDS—OF—OTHER—YOUNG—PEOPLE in 1—MARCH to demand world leaders take real action against climate change.
20191206—20191124    —ORDERED, GOVERNOR—RALPH—NORTHAM—OF—VIRGINIA, the suspension of 1—POLICY that allows prison officials to STRIP—SEARCH—CHILDREN——AFTER an —8—YEAR—OLD—GIRL was told to remove her clothes —BEFORE being allowed to see her imprisoned father.
20191206—20191127    —ANGERED, GREECE said it was expelling THE—LIBYA—AMBASSADOR, by 1—ACCORD between LIBYA and TURKEY signed that maps out 1—SEA boundary between THE—2—COUNTRIES—CLOSE to THE—GREECE—ISLAND—OF—CRETE.
20191206—20191212    —BANNED, Social news and aggregation firm Reddit INCORPORATED, 61—ACCOUNTS under its policies against "vote manipulation" AHEAD—OF—BRITAIN—GENERAL—ELECTION.
20200714             Bildschirmfoto vom 20200714             20131206             20200714             —VERLOREN, Studie: 5—MILLIONEN USA—BÜRGER, —SCHON Krankenversicherung
20201204             276_DGS_boletim_20201203              20201204             276_DGS_boletim_20201203              20201206             —FREED, THE—EIPR rights workers were, 20201203             —ON—AFTER being arrested —LAST—MONTH and slapped with TERRORISM—RELATED charges.
20201206             —SONNTAG, 20201206
20201206             NOTRUF—KRISE in den USA, "Manchmal fahren wir 2—COVID—PATIENTEN auf einmal"
20201206             Weihnachten in CORONA—ZEITEN, Halleluja aus der Boombox
20201206             TRUMP—AUFTRITT in GEORGIA, Er redet von Wahlbetrug — und ruft zum Wählen auf
20201206             JAPANISCHE—RAUMSONDE "Hayabusa2", ASTEROIDEN—PROBEN in AUSTRALIEN angekommen
20201206             Die JAPANISCHE—RAUMSONDE "Hayabusa2" hat ihre Mission zum Asteroiden Ryugu erfolgreich beendet und 1—PROBENKAPSEL abgeworfen.
20201206             Forscher erwarten in dem Behältnis 4,6 Milliarden —JAHRE altes Material vom Asteroiden Ryugu, das aus der Frühzeit des Sonnensystems stammt.
20201206             "Hayabusa 2" hatte auf Ryugu 0,1 Gramm Proben gesammelt.
20201206             Dennoch erhoffen sich Forscher, von dem Material auf die Entstehung der Erde schließen zu können.
20201206             Jaxa teilt die Proben mit der USA—WELTRAUMBEHÖRDE Nasa und anderen internationalen Institutionen,
20201206             1—TEIL wird aber für zukünftige Forschung aufbewahrt, wenn neue Forschungsmethoden möglicherweise weitere Erkenntnisse ermöglichen.
20201206             Legende oder historische Figur, Wer war der heilige Nikolaus?
20201206             Großeinsatz in AUSTRALIEN, Feuer auf Welterbe FRASER—ISLAND — Behörden ordnen 1. Evakuierungen an
20201206             Debatte über "Querdenken", Familienministerin Giffey fordert Einschreiten des Verfassungsschutzes
20201206             —BERÜHRT, Polizeieinsatz in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG, Kunde, Backwaren mit bloßen Händen — und löst 1—SCHLÄGEREI aus
20201206             Köln, Obdachloser soll angezündet worden sein
20201206             Sondersitzung des KABINETTS—BAYERN ruft erneut Katastrophenfall aus
20201206             Nächtliches Treffen in BERLIN, Schüsse auf offener Straße — Polizei sucht Täter und mögliche Opfer
20201206             Kampf gegen CORONA, QUEEN—ELIZABETH will ihr Volk über COVID—19—IMPFUNG informieren
20201206             Nach MONDLANDUNG—CHINA gelingt Andockmanöver im All
20201206             Nach der unbemannten Mondlandung ist CHINA —NUN auch das 1. robotergesteuerte Andockmanöver eines Raumschiffes in der Mondumlaufbahn gelungen.
20201206             Das Manöver galt als eines der schwierigsten vor dem Flug zurück zur Erde.
20201206             Einsatz in der Düsseldorfer Altstadt, Dutzende junge Leute legen sich mit der Polizei an
20201206             Schneemassen in den Alpen, Chaos in Weiß
20201206             Sanierungskurs, Lufthansa baut —BIS Jahresende 29.000—STELLEN ab
20201206             ENGLISCHE—FUSSBALLFANS buhen während "Black Lives Matter"-Geste, "Eine absolute Schande"
20201206             Putschaufrufe von EX—MILITÄRS in SPANIEN, Ministerpräsident Sánchez bezeichnet Gegner als "DIKTATUR—NOSTALGIKER"
20201206             Trump vor 5.000—ANHÄNGERN in GEORGIA, "Sie wollen eine kommunistische Regierungsform" 1—VIDEO—VON—ECKHARD—KLEIN
20201206             Feiern ohne Maske, Berliner Polizei stößt auf illegale KARAOKE—PARTY
20201206             Umfrage der "WASHINGTON—POST", Nur 27—REPUBLIKANER im Kongress erkennen Bidens Wahlsieg an
20201206             Hungersnot wegen CORONA, Armenhaus AMERIKA
20201206             Coronakrise, Handel kämpft mit schleppendem Verlauf des Weihnachtsgeschäfts
20201206             "Querdenken"-Bewegung, Kampf mit Kindern
20201206             Nach "NEW—YORK—TIMES"-Artikel, Mastercard geht Vorwürfen gegen Pornhub nach
20201206             Sun 20201206
20201206             [l] Neues von der SCHLANGENÖL—PSEUDOSCIENCE—FRONT!
20201206             Old and busted: Homomorphic encryption (du kannst sorglos Datenbank in der Cloud machen, ohne dass jemand die Daten abgreifen kann).
20201206             New hotness: "InstaHide" (du kannst sorglos neuronale Netze veröffentlichen, ohne dass jemand deine Trainingsdaten rekonstruieren kann).
20201206             Es gilt halt immer die Faustregel: Wenn es zu gut um wahr zu sein klingt, ist es wahrscheinlich nicht wahr.
20201206             Há mais 62—CASOS de COVID—19 no Algarve
20201206             DGS reporta mais 2—ÓBITOS e 215—CASOS de COVID—19 no Alentejo
20201206             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—704—(+5)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—540—(+6)—CASOS—ATIVOS—158—(-1)
20201206             ALCOUTIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—23—(=)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—18—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—2—(=)
20201206             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—21—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—13—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—7—(=)
20201206             CASTRO—MARIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—63—(+7)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—48—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—15—(+7)
20201206             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—752—(+5)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—494—(+11)—CASOS—ATIVOS—255—(-6
20201206             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—245—(+1)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—96—(+10)—CASOS—ATIVOS—147—(+1)
20201206             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—539—(+2)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—386—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—151—(+2)
20201206             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—864—(+18)—ÓBITOS—12—(=)—RECUPERADOS—525—(+3)—CASOS—ATIVOS—327—(+16)
20201206             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—38—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—24—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—14—(=)
20201206             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—318—(+8)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—233—(+7)—CASOS—ATIVOS—84—(+1)
20201206             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—885—(+20)—ÓBITOS—9—(=)—RECUPERADOS—572—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—304—(+20)
20201206             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—312—(+6)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—194—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—117—(+4)
20201206             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—299—(+1)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—247—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—49—(+1)
20201206             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—238—(+2)—ÓBITOS—5—(=)—RECUPERADOS—211—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—22—(+2)
20201206             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—80—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—47—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—32—(=)
20201206             DEUTSCHEN—SKIGEBIETEN, droht laut einem Medienbericht durch die CORONA—BESCHRÄNKUNGEN 1—SCHADEN von mehr als 400—MILLIONEN Euro.
20201206             Der durchschnittliche Umsatz der Seilbahnen LIEGE —IM—WINTER bei rund 90—MILLIONEN Euro, das Vierfache würden Besucher für ESSEN, Übernachtungen und SKI—KURSE ausgeben,
20201206             GROSSBRITANNIEN will —DIENSTAG mit 1. Impfungen beginnen
20201206             Mehr als 200.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN und 2237—TOTE in USA
20201206             Offenbar 40—PROZENT mehr CORONA—PATIENTEN auf Intensivstation als im Frühjahr
20201206             Großbritanniens KÖNIGIN—ELIZABETH—II. will sich einem Medienbericht zufolge innerhalb weniger —WOCHEN gegen das CORONA€”VIRUS impfen lassen.
20201206             Die 94-jährige Monarchin und ihr 99-jähriger Mann Philip gehörten wegen ihres hohen Alters zur CORONA—HOCHRISIKOGRUPPE und hätten deshalb Anspruch darauf, sich den im Vereinigten Königreich —BEREITS zugelassenen Impfstoff von BIONTECH—PFIZER frühzeitig verabreichen zu lassen,
20201206             GROSSBRITANNIEN, gibt es Befürchtungen, wonach Impfgegner auch andere Menschen davon überzeugen könnten, sich nicht gegen das CORONA€”VIRUS impfen zu lassen.
20201206             Behörden melden mehr als 17.700—NEUINFEKTIONEN
20201206             Angesichts der kaum sinkenden CORONA—INFEKTIONSZAHLEN bahnen sich in BAYERN wie —BEREITS in einzelnen anderen Ländern Verschärfungen der geltenden Regeln an.
20201206             "Es braucht —JETZT konsequentes Vorgehen", sagte Söder der "Bild —AM—SONNTAG".
20201206             "Wir können die hohen Todeszahlen in DEUTSCHLAND nicht hinnehmen.
20201206             Die Ansteckungszahlen sind weiterhin zu hoch.
20201206             Es ist besser, —BIS Weihnachten zu handeln, als ein dauerhaftes STOP—AND—GO für die Bevölkerung".
20201206             Aus den REIHEN—VON—UNION und SPD mehren sich die Warnungen, kein überflüssiges Risiko einzugehen.
20201206             SÜDKOREA verschärft Beschränkungen des öffentlichen Lebens
20201206             üdkorea verzeichnet erneut einen Höchstwert bei den täglichen Neuinfektionen.
20201206             Grundschulen reaktivieren für Schutzmaßnahmen ihre Glocken
20201206             "In vielen Grundschulen war die Glocke weitgehend außer Dienst.
20201206             —GESTELLT, Vielfach wurde sie wieder in Dienst, und läutet —NUN jeweils zur —20—MINUTEN—LÜFTUNG".
20201206             Leider seien MANCHE—KINDER immer noch nicht passend angezogen, sagte Bohn.
20201206             Allgemein verläuft der Unterricht nach Einschätzung Bohns an den Grundschulen im Rahmen der Einschränkungen "verhältnismäßig ruhig und geregelt".
20201206             DEUTSCHLAND, gibt es rund 15.000—GRUNDSCHULEN mit 2,8 Millionen Schülern.
20201206             Interesse an Massentests in ÖSTERREICH geringer als erwartet
20201206             —AM—SAMSTAG wurden 22.000—TESTS gemacht, die Kapazität in der HAUPTSTADT liegt bei 150.000—TÄGLICH.
20201206             —GEFUNDEN, Es wurden insgesamt nur wenige Infizierte.
20201206             Von den knapp 160.000 in Tirol getesteten Menschen waren 417—POSITIV.
20201206             Dies entspreche 0,27 Prozent,
20201206             RUSSLAND meldet erneut Höchstwert bei Neuinfektionen - ISRAEL lockert CORONA—MAßNAHMEN weiter
20201206             Rund 400.000—SCHÜLER der 7. —BIS 9. Klasse, die monatelang online unterrichtet worden waren, erhalten damit wieder tageweise Präsenzunterricht.
20201206             Landesminister fordern Impfpriorität für Justiz
20201206             "Wir waren uns auf der Justizministerkonferenz einig, dass in der CORONA—IMPFFOLGE der Justizvollzug in der Priorisierung ebenfalls oben rangieren muss, so wie das Medizinpersonal, Polizei und Feuerwehr",
20201206             Für den Justizvollzug gehe es zum Beispiel um sensible Bereiche wie Quarantänestation, medizinische Abteilung und Küche.
20201206             Auch Betreuungsrichter, Gerichtsvollzieher und Wachtmeistereien müssten berücksichtigt werden,
20201206             An den Gerichten und Staatsanwaltschaften könnten eilige Haftsachen nicht aus dem Homeoffice erledigt werden.
20201206             Allein in MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN gibt es nach ihren Worten rund 3000—JUSTIZBEDIENSTETE.
20201206             Nicht alle könnten sofort 1—IMPFUNG erhalten.
20201206             Der SPD—GESUNDHEITSEXPERTE KARL—LAUTERBACH steht den vielen Glühweinstände in der Stadt Köln kritisch gegenüber.
20201206             "Glühweinstände sind —HEUTE—ABEND voll im Einsatz.
20201206             Im BELGISCHEN—VIERTEL zB stehen die Leute ohne Maske und Abstand mit Glühwein/Flaschenbier",
20201206             Er wundert sich, "Ordnungskräfte sehe ich keine".
20201206             Und warnt, "—DIE—HEUTE Infizierten stecken —NÄCHSTE—WOCHE andere an".
20201206             —BEREITS—AM Freitagabend hat das Ordnungsamt eine "Glühweinwanderung" aufgelöst.
20201206             200—PERSONEN hatten sich in Ehrenfeld versammelt, sich dann aber nicht vom Platz bewegt.
20201206             Vizekanzler OLAF—SCHOLZ hält den TEIL—SHUTDOWN —SEIT—ANFANG —NOVEMBER nicht für zu milde.
20201206             Die Maßnahmen hätten Wirkung gezeigt, allerdings nicht so stark wie erhofft,
20201206             ITALIEN lockert strikte Beschränkungen in einigen Regionen
20201206             —VERURTEILT, BISCHOF, religiöse Symbole bei CORONA—PROTESTEN
20201206             Die Kirchen sollen sich —NACH—DEN Worten des Augsburger Bischofs Bertram Meier stärker gegen die Verwendung religiöser Symbole bei Protesten gegen die CORONA—POLITIK wehren.
20201206             "Das ist nicht nur 1—INSTRUMENTALISIERUNG—DES—GLAUBENS, das ist 1—VERBIEGEN—DES—RELIGIÖSEN",
20201206             —DEKLARIERT, Er kritisierte, dass Proteste als Gottesdienste, und Kruzifixe getragen und am Martinstag Lichterumzüge als CORONA—PROTESTE veranstaltet würden.
20201206             "Mich erinnert das an die islamfeindliche und nationalistische PEGIDA—BEWEGUNG, bei deren Demos ebenfalls Kreuze zu sehen waren", sagte Meier.
20201206             "Im Zeichen des Kreuzes erklangen dumpfe Parolen.
20201206             Wir müssen hier als Kirchen, als Christen sehr aufpassen.
20201206             Wir müssen uns davon distanzieren".
20201206             Es mache ihn "fassungslos", wenn Protestierende sich mit Judensternen wie Verfolgte des "3. Reiches" als OPFER—DER—CORONA—POLITIK darstellten.
20201206             Mindestens 7—PATIENTEN starben Medienberichten zufolge —IN—DER—NACHT zum —SONNTAG in der PAKISTANISCHEN—STADT PESHAWAR, als einem öffentlichen Krankenhaus der Sauerstoffnachschub ausging.
20201206             "Wir sind in einer kritischen Situation, die sich jeden —TAG durch neue Infektionen verschlimmert", sagte der Generalsekretär des Medizinerverbands PAKISTAN Medical Association,
20201206             "Ein neuer Patient bekommt 1—BETT, wenn er Glück hat oder 1—PATIENT entlassen wird", erklärte Qaiser.
20201206             Zudem gebe es einen Mangel an Beatmungsgeräten und mancherorts auch an Sauerstoffflaschen.
20201206             Auch Thüringen will offenbar keine Lockerungen zu Weihnachten und Silvester
20201206             Die von BAYERN geplanten schärferen CORONA—MAßNAHMEN sollten nach ANSICHT—DES—SPD—GESUNDHEITSEXPERTEN KARL—LAUTERBACH zügig auf ganz DEUTSCHLAND ausgeweitet werden.
20201206             "Der WELLENBRECHER—SHUTDOWN reicht bei Weitem nicht mehr aus.
20201206             Es ist nicht akzeptabel, dass wir jeden —TAG—BIS zu 500—TOTE haben",
20201206             Die Geschäfte sollten mindestens —BIS Ende der 1. —JANUAR—WOCHE geschlossen bleiben.
20201206             "Wir brauchen —JETZT einen harten Shutdown, um etwas zu bewirken".
20201206             Im CORONA—HOTSPOT HEILBRONN soll es ab —DIENSTAG eine nächtliche Ausgangsbeschränkung geben.
20201206             DÄNEMARK meldet Höchstwert an Neuinfektionen
20201206             Mehr als 30.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN in der TÜRKEI
20201206             Die ZAHL—DER—GESAMTINFEKTIONEN ist dagegen unbekannt, weil die TÜRKEI —4—MONATE lang nur Fälle verzeichnete, bei denen Symptome vorlagen.
20201206             GROSSBRITANNIEN, über 17.000—NEUE Ansteckungen
20201206             In den USA halten sich nach ANGABEN—DER—REGIERUNGSBERATERIN—DEBORAH—BIRX auch —MONATE nach Beginn der Pandemie falsche Behauptungen.
20201206             Wenn sie im Land unterwegs sei, höre sie Menschen "nachplappern", dass Masken nicht funktionierten, dass man auf Herdenimmunität hinarbeiten sollte und dass Versammlungen nicht zu SUPERSPREADING—EVENTS würden, sagte die Ärztin im Sender NBC News.
20201206             "Ich denke, unsere Aufgabe ist es, ständig zu sagen, dass dies Mythen sind, dass sie falsch sind".
20201206             —GEHÖRT, Birx, zur CORONA—ARBEITSGRUPPE des Weißen Hauses.
20201206             Sie beklagte auch den Widerstand von Gouverneuren und Bürgermeistern gegen strengere Maßnahmen.
20201206             In einigen Südstaaten gebe es Fallzahlen wie —IM—SOMMER, aber die Verantwortlichen griffen nicht auf bewährte Maßnahmen zurück.
20201206             I - MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN gilt wieder als Risikogebiet
20201206             "Ich glaube, wir werden auch zur Ausgangssperre kommen müssen.
20201206             Wir werden manches verbieten müssen, zum Beispiel Alkoholverkauf oder Alkoholnutzung in der Öffentlichkeit", das sagte Hessens Ministerpräsident Volker Bouffier im ARD-"Bericht aus BERLIN".
20201206             Dabei betonte er aber, es gehe vor allem um Hotspots mit einer sogenannten Inzidenz von nachhaltig über 200, also mehr als 200—NEUEN Fällen pro 100.000—EINWOHNER innerhalb einer —WOCHE.
20201206             Mehr als 60.000—CORONA—TOTE in ITALIEN
20201206             —AM—MONTAG findet der 1. bundesweite Aktionstag zur Kontrolle und Einhaltung der Maskenpflicht im öffentlichen Nahverkehr statt.
20201206             Deutschlandweit wollen die zuständigen Behörden und Verkehrsunternehmen ihre Maßnahmen zur Umsetzung der Maskenpflicht sichtbar erhöhen.
20201206             Das Maskentragen ist in allen öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln Pflicht.
20201206             Die Bundespolizei ermahnte in den vergangenen —WOCHEN—BEREITS zehntausende Bahnfahrer und Bahnhofsbesucher wegen Verstößen.
20201206             Fahrstuhl im JAKOB—KAISER—HAUS, Polizei ermittelt wegen HAKENKREUZ—SYMBOL in Bundestagsgebäude
20201206             Lernende Maschinen, Google greift —NACH—DEM Leben selbst
20201206             New Yorks EX—BÜRGERMEISTER, Trumps Anwalt RUDY—GIULIANI offenbar mit CORONA infiziert
20201206             Wiederholte Wahlbetrugsvorwürfe, Republikaner in GEORGIA stellen sich vor Senatorenwahl gegen Trump
20201206             Chinas Weltraummission, Raumsonde klappt CHINESISCHE—FLAGGE auf dem Mond aus
20201206             Parlamentswahl in RUMÄNIEN, Weder Bürgerliche noch Sozialdemokraten erhalten klare Mehrheit
20201206             —TESTED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP said his personal attorney RUDY—GIULIANI has, positive for THE—CORONA€”VIRUS, making him the latest in TRUMP—INNER—CIRCLE to contract the disease that is —NOW surging across THE—USA.
20201206             —CONFIRMED, If, Becerra would be the 1. Latino to run the department.
20201206             DOCTOR—DEBORAH—BIRX, THE—WHITE—HOUSE—CORONA€”VIRUS—RESPONSE—COORDINATOR, warned that SOME—GOVERNORS and local officials were ignoring CORONA€”VIRUS mitigation efforts that are proven to work, putting residents in danger.
20201206             —SCRAMBLED, Individual USA—STATES, to impose lockdowns to stem CORONA€”VIRUS spikes amid 1—LACK—OF—NATIONAL—LEADERSHIP on how to curb infections —UNTIL vaccines are widely available in the —SPRING.
20201206             —REPORTED, CALIFORNIA, more than 25,000 new confirmed COVID—19—INFECTIONS, the state's highest number —SINCE the pandemic began.
20201206             Hospitalizations also hit 1—RECORD—HIGH with more than 10,200. TENS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—SOUTH—CALIFORNIA and S—JOAQUIN—VALLEY—RESIDENTS will be under STAY—AT—HOME—ORDERS beginning this —EVENING—AFTER intensive care units in THE—2—STATE regions, which include LOS—ANGELES and S—DIEGO, fell below 15—PERCENT capacity amid THE—CORONA€”VIRUS pandemic.
20201206             CALIFORNIA to date had 1,351,199 CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS and 19,938 deaths.
20201206             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 166,764 cases and 2,028 deaths.
20201206             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 14,610,367 with the death toll at 281,347.
20201206             —RETRIEVED, JAPAN, 1—CAPSULE—OF asteroid dust from AUSTRALIA—REMOTE outback —AFTER a —6—YEAR—MISSION that may help uncover more about THE—ORIGINS—OF—THE—PLANETS and water.
20201206             The capsule lit up on RE—ENTRY into the atmosphere —EARLY—TODAY and landed in the Woomera restricted area, about 460—KM (285—MILES) NORTH—OF—ADELAIDE.
20201206             —DETAINED, BELARUS, more than 300—PEOPLE were, in MINSK, where CROWDS—OF—PEOPLE took to the streets for the 18. consecutive weekend, demanding THE—OUSTER—OF—THE—COUNTRY—AUTHORITY—LEADER who won a 6. term in office in 1—ELECTION widely seen as rigged.
20201206             —ARRIVED, UK—NEGOTIATORS, in BRUSSELS for 1—LAST—DITCH attempt to strike 1—BREXIT trade deal with THE—EUROPEAN—UNION and avert 1—CHAOTIC—PARTING—OF—WAYS——AT—THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
20201206             1—EGYPT—COURT upheld 1—PROSECUTORS' decision to freeze the assets of ABDEL—RAZEK, KARIM—ENNARAH and MOHAMMED—BASHEER, 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST prominent human rights groups.
20201206             ETHIOPIA—TROOPS shot at and detained UN staff —AFTER they drove through CHECK—POINTS in THE—CONFLICT—HIT NORTH—TIGRAY region.
20201206             —IGNORED, THE—UN—TEAM had reportedly, instructions not to be in the area.
20201206             —REPORTED, It was, that Bayer AG has struck 1—DEAL with Atara Biotherapeutics to jointly work on ATARA—CAR T cell ANTI—TUMOR treatments, as THE—GERMANY—GROUP—FIRMS up its commitment to build 1—SPECIALIST—CELL and gene therapy development platform.
20201206             —DETAINED, INDONESIA—ANTI—CORRUPTION—COMMISSION formally, Juliari Batubara, the country's social affairs MINISTER, —AFTER he surrendered in JAKARTA to face charges of taking $1.2—MILLION in bribes related to the government's COVID—19—AID—DISTRIBUTION.
20201206             JAPAN, Shoko Arai, the only female assembly member in THE—TOWN—OF—KUSATSU, was voted OUT—OF—OFFICE in 1—RECALL election orchestrated by the mayor and other assembly members.
20201206             ROMANIA held elections.
20201206             —REPORTED, RUSSIA, 1—RECORD—DAILY—INCREASE—OF—29,039—NEW—CASES, taking the national total to 2,460,770 —SINCE the pandemic began, —WHILE the official national death toll rose to 43,141. MOSCOW Mayor SERGEI—SOBYANIN said his city wants to vaccinate up to 7—MILLION—PEOPLE.
20201206             The main opposition party in TANZANIA—SEMIAUTONOMOUS—ZANZIBAR archipelago announced it will join 1—COALITION—GOVERNMENT with the islands' ruling party, —AFTER 1 disputed poll in October in which SOME—OF—ITS—SUPPORTERS were allegedly killed and its leaders arrested.
20201206             URUGUAY—1. socialist PRESIDENT, Tabaré Vásquez (80), 1—POPULAR—FIGURE who was returned to office for a 2. term, †—OF—CANCER, 1—DISEASE the oncologist dedicated much of his life to fighting.
20201206             Opposition supporters, MANY—OF—WHOM are planning to boycott the voting booth, have called it fraudulent.
20201206—20150000    —ACCUSED, Last —NOVEMBER she had, mayor Nobutada Kuroiva of forcing her into sexual relation.
20201206—20150000    —HEADED, Venezuelans, to the polls, with PRESIDENT—NICOLÁS—MADURO and his loyalists reportedly set to take back CONTROL—OF—THE—NATIONAL—ASSEMBLY——AFTER the opposition won 1—MAJORITY—OF—SEATS.
20201206—20160000    —IN, 1—LONG—AWAITED report from the National ACADEMIES—OF—SCIENCES, Engineering, and Medicine that has been obtained by news organizations has found that the mysterious neurological symptoms USA—DIPLOMATS experienced in CHINA and CUBA are consistent with the effects of directed microwave energy, making it the most likely cause behind the illnesses that 1. struck people working at THE—USA—EMBASSY in HAVANA.
20201206—20201203    —FREED, THE—EIPR rights workers were, —AFTER being arrested —LAST—MONTH and slapped with TERRORISM—RELATED charges.
20201206—20210715    —ON, His wife, Aranza Ramos, spent over —1—YEAR searching for him —BEFORE she was killed in Sonora.
20201212             —CONCLUDED, VENEZUELA—OPPOSITION, led by JUAN—GUAIDO, a "popular consultation" to repudiate PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO—GOVERNMENT——AFTER boycotting a 20201206             congressional vote.
20210108             Zwischen dem 20211130—20211206    zählte das Statistische Bundesamt in BRANDENBURG 1619—TOTE, das sind rund 27,5 Prozent mehr als im Durchschnitt.
20210108—20211213    —BIS, Demnach lag die ZAHL—DER—BUNDESWEITEN—TODESFÄLLE —IN—DER—WOCHE vom 20211130—20211206    —BIS um etwa 18—PROZENT höher als in den Vorjahren, —IN—DER—WOCHE vom 20211207             sogar etwa um 23—PROZENT.
20211206             —MONTAG, 20211206
20211206             Wissenschaftler über das Insekt des Jahres 20210000             : "Das Woodstock der Kamelhalsfliege ist 1—BAUERNHOF in OberÖSTERREICH"
20211206             SIPRI—BERICHT: So viel Umsatz machen die 100—GRÖSSTEN Waffenkonzerne
20211206             AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL: Mädchen und Frauen in AFGHANISTAN sind Gewalt zunehmend schutzlos ausgeliefert
20211206             Medienbericht: Mehr als 3000—TÖTUNGSDELIKTE in DEUTSCHLAND sind ungeklärt
20211206             Zahlen des RKI: —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ steigt auf knapp 442
20211206             TikTok und seine Tricks: Die Abhängigkeitsmaschine
20211206             Apotheker beklagen anhaltenden SCHNELLTEST—MANGEL: "1—ENDE—DER—LIEFERENGPÄSSE ist noch nicht abzusehen"
20211206             —VERURTEILT, MYANMAR: Junta, Friedensnobelpreisträgerin Suu Kyi zu —4—JAHREN Haft
20211206             Wahlkampf in FRANKREICH: Fans vom rechtsradikalen Präsidentschaftskandidaten Zemmour prügeln in PARIS auf Aktivisten ein
20211206             Bitmart: Hacker erbeuten von Kryptobörse Token in dreistelligem Millionenwert
20211206             Coronakonjunktur: Aufträge der DEUTSCHEN—INDUSTRIE brechen ein
20211206             CDU—POLITIKER WOLFGANG—SCHÄUBLE (79) hat sich für 1—CORONAIMPFPFLICHT ausgesprochen.
20211206             "Wenn es nicht alle freiwillig tun, brauchen wir eine gesetzliche Regelung"
20211206             Thüringens Innenminister GEORG—MAIER (SPD) hat sich angesichts der jüngsten Coronaproteste in Thüringen, aber auch in SACHSEN, besorgt gezeigt.
20211206             "Das ist grundsätzlich besorgniserregend",
20211206             sagt er dem Redaktionsnetzwerk DEUTSCHLAND.
20211206             —ORGANISIERT, Die Proteste würden "teilweise von Rechtsextremisten ",
20211206             die zuweilen regelrecht "euphorisch" seien.
20211206             Dabei sei es "nicht völlig unerklärlich",
20211206             dass wegen der neuen 2G- und 3G-Regeln wohl vor allem Ungeimpfte an den Märschen teilnähmen.
20211206             "Sie werden —JETZT merken, dass das Leben erhebliche Erschwernisse mit sich bringt".
20211206             —NACH—DEM Fackelaufzug von Gegnern der Coronapolitik vor dem Privathaus der sächsischen Gesundheitsministerin PETRA—KÖPPING (SPD) hat Sachsens Innenminister ROLAND—WÖLLER (CDU) schärfere Maßnahmen gegen "Querdenker" gefordert.
20211206             —GEWESEN, Der Aufmarsch sei "1—ANGRIFF auf die Demokratie",
20211206             ITALIEN verschärft Coronaregeln — 3G-Regel im Nahverkehr
20211206             Ab —MONTAG ist dieser Nachweis — in ITALIEN wird er "Green Pass" (Grüner Pass) genannt — auch für U—BAHNEN, Busse und Züge im Nahverkehr vorgeschrieben.
20211206             —FUNKTIONIERT, ITALIEN, auch der DEUTSCHE—CODE.
20211206             Von den Regelungen ausgenommen sind Kinder unter —12—JAHREN, da sie noch nicht geimpft werden könnten.
20211206             3—VON 4—DEUTSCHEN begrüßen Kontaktbeschränkungen für Ungeimpfte
20211206             Einzig unter den Anhängern der AfD waren die Befürworter deutlich in der Minderheit (19—PROZENT).
20211206             —AM niedrigsten war die Zustimmung unter Menschen zwischen 30—UND —39—JAHREN (59—PROZENT).
20211206             An der Umfrage nahmen insgesamt 5020—MENSCHEN teil.
20211206             —NACH—DEM Entsetzen über den Fackelaufmarsch vor dem Privathaus von Sachsens Gesundheitsministerin PETRA—KÖPPING (SPD) bereitet sich die Polizei in DRESDEN auf einen Großeinsatz vor.
20211206             Für den heutigen —MONTAG rechnen die Einsatzkräfte mit einem Protest von Gegnern der Coronapolitik vor dem Sächsischen LANDTAG.
20211206             Der Grund: Das Parlament will —AM—MITTAG über die Feststellung der epidemischen Lage im Freistaat entscheiden.
20211206             Insbesondere in sozialen Netzwerken werde zu dem Protest aufgerufen, hatte die Polizei —BEREITS—AM—FREITAG mitgeteilt.
20211206             "Auch Extremisten mobilisieren für einen Protest vor dem Sächsischen LANDTAG.
20211206             Unsere Gefahrenprognose, Grundlage unserer Einsatztaktik, ist damit eine ganz andere als an den vergangenen Montagen",
20211206             sagte Polizeipräsident JÖRG—KUBIESSA.
20211206             Im Ergebnis enge das den Ermessensspielraum deutlich ein.
20211206             "Eine härtere Gangart der Polizei wird die logische Konsequenz sein — natürlich unter Berücksichtigung des Grundsatzes der Verhältnismäßigkeit bei der Wahl unserer Mittel",
20211206             sagte der Polizeipräsident.
20211206             Wasserwerfer sollen im Stadtzentrum bereitstehen.
20211206             1. FALL—DER—OMIKRON—VARIANTE in THAILAND
20211206             Bei der infizierten Person handele es sich um einen AMERIKANISCHEN—STAATSBÜRGER, der vor knapp einer —WOCHE aus SPANIEN in das südostasiatische Urlaubsland eingereist sei,
20211206             Ärztevertreter fordern mehr Impfangebote an den Wochenenden
20211206             "Man darf —JETZT keine Kosten und Mühen scheuen, die Impfkampagne voranzubringen".
20211206             Das von der Politik ausgegebene Ziel, —BIS Jahresende 30—MILLIONEN weitere Impfungen zu verabreichen, könne nur erreicht werden, wenn die Verteilung des Impfstoffs besser funktioniere, weitere Impfzentren reaktiviert würden und "wir auch am Wochenende impfen, was das Zeug hält",
20211206             —GESCHLOSSEN, VIELE—ARZTPRAXEN sind —DERZEIT an den Wochenenden.
20211206             Die FDP—GESUNDHEITSPOLITIKERIN CHRISTINE—ASCHENBERG—DUGNUS hat den CORONA—KURS ihrer Partei mit Blick auf die IMPFPFLICHT—DEBATTE verteidigt.
20211206             "Wir haben eine andere Situation, wir haben eine neue Virusvariante",
20211206             "Es steht jedem gut an, wenn sich die Verhältnisse ändern, dann die Politik auch den veränderten Verhältnissen anzupassen".
20211206             1—IMPFPFLICHT sei eine sehr "grundrechtseinschränkende Maßnahme".
20211206             Sie sei offen für die geplante Einfügung einer einrichtungsbezogenen Impfpflicht.
20211206             Von einer allgemeinen Impfpflicht sei sie hingegen "immer noch nicht überzeugt".
20211206             Es sei aber "sehr gut, dass wir darüber im DEUTSCHEN—BUNDESTAG eine offene Debatte führen".
20211206             Fackelaufzug in SACHSEN — Extremismusforscher fordert härteres Vorgehen
20211206             der Extremismusforscher OLIVER—DECKER ein aktiveres Vorgehen
20211206             aktiveres Vorgehen der Polizei gegen gewaltbereite Demonstrierende gefordert.
20211206             "Man muss den Zugriff auch tatsächlich vollziehen und das Recht durchsetzen",
20211206             mit Blick auf "klar isolierbare Gruppen, die sich aus Gewaltbereiten zusammensetzen".
20211206             Auch gegen rechtsextreme Strukturen im Hintergrund müsse vorgegangen werden.
20211206             Decker sieht bei den CORONA—PROTESTEN "ein recht breites Spektrum" an Teilnehmenden.
20211206             Mit Verleugnung und Verschwörungsideologien gebe es 1—SCHARNIER zu der extremen Rechten, "die breit vertreten ist und diese Möglichkeit zur Mobilisierung nutzt und zum Anschluss in die —MITTE der Gesellschaft".
20211206             Gerade in SACHSEN gebe es leider eine sehr lange Tradition, dass Polizei und Justiz auf dem rechten Auge blind gewesen seien,
20211206             —VERSUCHT, Es sei nicht ausreichend, worden, die Organisierung von Rechtsextremen zu unterbinden.
20211206             Bundesrat soll über weitere Coronamaßnahmen beraten
20211206             Laut einer —AM—MONTAG veröffentlichten Sonderauswertung des Statistischen Bundesamtes verzeichneten Reisebüros, Reiseveranstalter und sonstige Reservierungsdienstleister 1—UMSATZMINUS—VON—71,4 Prozent gegenüber 20190000             .
20211206             In der Luftfahrt sank der Umsatz um 45,8 Prozent und in der Hotellerie und der sonstigen Beherbergung um 41,0 Prozent.
20211206             Auch die Unterhaltungsbranche erlitt gewaltige Umsatzeinbrüche.
20211206             Laut Bundesamt wurden mit kreativen, künstlerischen und unterhaltenden Tätigkeiten 39,4 Prozent weniger Umsatz als vor der Krise erzielt.
20211206             Zum Vergleich: Über ALLE—WIRTSCHAFTSBEREICHE hinweg nahm der Jahresumsatz 20200000             um 3,8 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr ab.
20211206             Neben den teils erheblichen Rückgängen machten EINIGE—BRANCHEN nach ANGABEN—DES—BUNDESAMTES "aufgrund von Nachfrageveränderungen" indes ein deutliches Plus.
20211206             So erzielten Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte sowie das sonstige Veterinärwesen 10,6 Prozent mehr Umsatz als noch 20190000             , "nicht zuletzt aufgrund vermehrter Haustierkäufe",
20211206             wie das Bundesamt ausführte.
20211206             Der frühere CHEF—DER—DEUTSCHEN—GESELLSCHAFT für Hämatologie und Onkologie, GERHARD—EHNINGER, hält Voten der Ständigen Impfkommission (Stiko) zur Sicherheit von Impfstoffen für überflüssig.
20211206             "Die nochmalige Prüfung einer professionellen —ENTSCHEIDUNG durch ein ehrenamtlich arbeitendes Gremium ist unnötig, vor allem in einer neuen Pandemiewelle mit neuen Mutanten und steigenden Todeszahlen",
20211206             sagte der Internist
20211206             Die Impfstoffe der Hersteller Pfizer/Biontech und Moderna funktionieren auf Grundlage der MISTER—NA—TECHNOLOGIE.
20211206             Ehninger sagte, die MISTER—NA—TECHNOLOGIE befinde sich —SEIT über einem —JAHRZEHNT in klinischen Prüfungen.
20211206             Amerikanische und europäische Zulassungsbehörden hätten die Sicherheit und Wirksamkeit geprüft.
20211206             Dieses Infragestellen wie aktuell auch beim Coronaimpfstoff für 5—BIS Elfjährige verzögert nach Ehningers Meinung die Immunisierung der Bevölkerung.
20211206             Denn es führe zur Verunsicherung und erwecke den Eindruck, die Impfung wäre mit einem unverhältnismäßig hohen Risiko behaftet.
20211206             —PRÄSENTIERT, Sprachinstitut, neue Wörter rund um die Coronapandemie
20211206             —GESEHEN, Das —JAHR 20210000             hat sprachlich, im Zeichen der Coronapandemie gestanden.
20211206             Das LEIBNIZ—INSTITUT für DEUTSCHE—SPRACHE (IDS) stellte —AM—MONTAG neue Wörter rund um CORONA vor, die in sein Neologismenwörterbuch einziehen könnten, wenn sie weiterhin im Sprachgebrauch sind.
20211206             Neologismen sind —BEREITS bestehende Wörter, die in einem anderen Kontext umgedeutet werden, Wortschöpfungen oder Anglizismen, die häufig genutzt werden.
20211206             Rund 20000000             Beiträge haben die IDS—EXPERTEN von "Abflachen der Kurve" —BIS zum "Zweitimpfling" im BEREICH—DER—PANDEMIE —BEREITS zusammengestellt.
20211206             Letzterer ist "1—PERSON, die sich durch wiederholte Vakzination gegen einen bestimmten Erreger vollständig immunisieren lässt".
20211206             1—ABFLACHEN—DER—KURVE wünscht man sich bei steigenden CORONA—INFEKTIONSZAHLEN.
20211206             Gute Aussichten, rasch in das Wörterbuch einzuziehen, hat die neue Coronavariante Omikron.
20211206             Mehr als 14—MILLIONEN Menschen mit Boosterimpfung
20211206             Der künftige Bundesgesundheitsminister, KARL—LAUTERBACH, hat sich optimistisch gezeigt, dass die Coronapandemie überwunden werden kann.
20211206             Sie werde länger dauern, als viele dächten,
20211206             Der designierte Bundeskanzler OLAF—SCHOLZ hat den Fackelaufmarsch von Gegnern der staatlichen Coronapolitik vor dem Haus der sächsischen Gesundheitsministerin PETRA—KÖPPING (beide SPD) scharf kritisiert.
20211206             "Das dürfen wir uns als Land nicht gefallen lassen",
20211206             Diese ganz klare Botschaft müsse von allen Demokraten ausgehen.
20211206             Die Bilder und der Vorgang selbst seien "furchtbar".
20211206             Man dürfe niemanden damit durchkommen lassen, dass er irgendwie vergrätzt sei und deshalb solche Dinge tue,
20211206             Man könne über VIELE—FRAGEN unterschiedliche Meinungen haben.
20211206             Darüber dürfe und müsse man auch diskutieren — und zwar auch engagiert.
20211206             "Aber das ist als Bedrohung gemeint.
20211206             Und wir sollten nicht so tun, als ob es nicht auch genau das gewesen ist: 1—BEDROHUNG einer demokratischen, fleißigen und ganz tollen Politikerin in SACHSEN".
20211206             ALLE—DEMOKRATEN müssten das zurückweisen.
20211206             GÖRING—ECKARDT erwartet Impfpflicht nicht vor —MITTE—MÄRZ
20211206             —SEIT dem Aufbau einer entsprechenden Plattform —VOR—8—MONATEN durch die Afrikanische Union (AU) habe es 1. Fortschritte gegeben,
20211206             Dazu zähle die Gründung der Afrikanischen MEDIZIN—AGENTUR (AMA).
20211206             AFRIKA, sind gerade mal 7—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG vollständig gegen das CORONA€”VIRUS geimpft.
20211206             "Wir können nicht mehr warten, wir müssen diese Abhängigkeit durchbrechen und unser Gesundheitssystem stärken",
20211206             forderte der AMA—BEAUFTRAGTE der AU, MICHEL—SIDIBE.
20211206             Ärzteverbände erfreut über designierten MINISTER—LAUTERBACH
20211206             1. OMIKRON—FÄLLE in RUSSLAND nachgewiesen
20211206             —GETESTET, Insgesamt seien 10—RÜCKKEHRER aus SÜDAFRIKA positiv, worden,
20211206             PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN hatte die Regierung —AM—FREITAG angewiesen, 1—STRATEGIE zu entwickeln, um 1—AUSBREITUNG—DER—NEUEN—VARIANTE in RUSSLAND zu verhindern.
20211206             Im flächenmäßig größten Land der Erde, das über 5—EIGENE Impfstoffe verfügt, ist vor allem die verhältnismäßig niedrige Impfquote 1—PROBLEM: Bislang sind —ERST knapp 44—PROZENT der 146—MILLIONEN Einwohner vollständig geimpft.
20211206             ITALIEN weitet Einschränkungen für Ungeimpfte aus
20211206             Wüst fordert zum Einhalten der Coronaregeln auch an Weihnachten auf
20211206             Rasch steigende Infektionszahlen: Südafrikas PRÄSIDENT—RICHTET—IMPF—APPELL an Bevölkerung
20211206             —NACH—DEN jüngsten Angaben haben sich die Infektionsfälle innerhalb einer —WOCHE auf rund 16.000—AM vergangenen —FREITAG verfünffacht.
20211206             Inzwischen fällt rund 1—VIERTEL—DER—CORONATESTS in SÜDAFRIKA positiv aus — —VOR—2—WOCHEN waren es nur 2—PROZENT.
20211206             Union fordert längere Übergangsfrist für Coronamaßnahmen
20211206             ÖSTERREICH: Neuer Bundeskanzler Nehammer will Konfrontation mit Impfgegnern vermeiden
20211206             —GEBOTEN, Es sei aus seiner Sicht dringend, auf die Menschen zuzugehen, ihnen zuzuhören, ihre Sorgen und Ängste ernst zu nehmen und gleichzeitig auch Lösungen zu finden.
20211206             "Die Spaltung schadet uns allen".
20211206             —ERST—AM Wochenende hatten wieder rund 40.000—MENSCHEN in WIEN gegen den Lockdown und die für —FEBRUAR angekündigte Impfpflicht protestiert.
20211206             Ema genehmigt Medikament gegen schwere COVID—19—ERKRANKUNGEN
20211206             ROCHE—MEDIKAMENTS RoActemra zur Behandlung von schweren COVID—19—ERKRANKUNGEN bei Erwachsenen.
20211206             Mittlerweile mehr als 260—REGISTRIERTE OMIKRON—FÄLLE in DÄNEMARK
20211206             SACHSEN: LANDTAG stellt epidemische Lage fest
20211206             Lehren aus CORONA: Impfstoffforscherin GILBERT warnt vor künftiger noch tödlicherer Pandemie
20211206             1—BILLION—DOLLAR: Eine einzige Münze, die die USA—HAUSHALTSSPERRE abwenden könnte
20211206             PRESSEKONFERENZ: OLAF—SCHOLZ stellt SPD—MINISTER vor
20211206             Auf der erdabgewandten Seite: Chinesen entdecken würfelförmiges Objekt auf dem Mond
20211206             Objekt faszinierend, über das der mit Pekings Weltraumbehörde CNSA verbundene Kanal "Our Space" im sozialen Netzwerk "WeChat" gerade berichtet
20211206             Im riesigen VON—KÁRMÁN—KRATER des SÜDPOL—AITKEN—BECKENS hat das Roboterfahrzeug etwas fotografiert, das die Form eines großen Würfels zu haben scheint.
20211206             ournalist ANDREW—JONES, ein guter Kenner des CHINESISCHEN—RAUMFAHRTPROGRAMMS, stellt außerdem klar, dass die Bezeichnung "geheimnisvolle Hütte" (shenmi xiaowu) als Platzhalter zu verstehen ist — und nicht als tatsächliche Beschreibung des Fundes.
20211206             Die beteiligten Wissenschaftler wollen sich das aktuell etwa 80—METER vom Standpunkt des Rovers entfernte Objekt dem Bericht zufolge —NUN näher ansehen.
20211206             Für die Fahrt seien 2—BIS—3—MONATE angesetzt, vor allem gelte es dabei Hindernisse und Krater zu umfahren.
20211206             —GEHÖRT, Das Fahrzeug, zur Mission "Chang'e 4",
20211206             bei der zum 1. Mal überhaupt 1—LANDUNG auf der erdabgewandten Seite des Mondes gelang.
20211206             Allerdings war der Bereich den Menschen —BIS zum —JAHR 19590000             gänzlich unbekannt.
20211206             Damals wurde die mit zahllosen Kratern übersäte Mondrückseite erstmals von der sowjetischen Sonde "Luna 3" fotografiert.
20211206             "Düdüm": Lob und Freude über neuen Gesundheitsminister Lauterbach — und Häme gegen Merz
20211206             Rechtsextreme verprügeln Aktivisten: Schlägerei bei Zemmours Wahlkampfauftritt in FRANKREICH
20211206             Klimawandel: WALES versorgt jeden Haushalt mit einem Baum
20211206             Umfrage: Fahrradfahrer sind im Verkehr häufig abgelenkt
20211206             ÖSTERREICH: Nehammer als Bundeskanzler vereidigt
20211206             —ZERSTÖRT, Vulkanausbruch: Neuer Lavastrom, mehrere Häuser auf La PALMA
20211206             "Ein großer europäischer Schriftsteller": Leipziger Buchpreis geht an KARL—MARKUS—GAUSS
20211206             Sunshine 100: Weiterer Immobilienentwickler in CHINA hat Zahlungsschwierigkeiten
20211206             CORONA—BERICHTERSTATTUNG: Wissenschaftler wehren sich gegen "Bild"-Zeitung
20211206             —VERLÄNGERT, Unterdrückung der Uiguren: EU, Sanktionen gegen CHINA
20211206             Neue Bundesregierung: Grüne stimmen für Koalition mit SPD und FDP
20211206             Müll im Meer: Küstenarten finden neuen Lebensraum — auf Plastik
20211206             NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN: Kinder sollen in Schule eingebrochen sein — 150.000—EURO Schaden
20211206             —SCHOCKIERT, Wut auf Coronamaßnahmen: EU—POLITIKER, nach versuchtem Anschlag auf BELGISCHEN—ABGEORDNETEN
20211206             Gourmand World Book Award: Preis für bestes Kochbuch der Welt geht an KOLUMBIANISCHE—FAMILIE
20211206             Angriff auf Pearl Harbor: Wie 1—BRUCHPILOT den Weltkrieg auf die ROBINSON—INSEL trug
20211206             Künftige Innenministerin: Wer ist NANCY Faeser?
20211206             Lieferengpässe: Möbelverband warnt vor steigenden Preisen
20211206             Bulgariens Wahlsieger Kiril Petkow: "Wir werden das Gesetz ohne Gnade anwenden"
20211206             Mon 20211206             - [l] Habt ihr das auch gehört?
20211206             Impfung macht unfruchtbar?
20211206             Laut Studie gab es keinen Unterschied in der Spermienqualität. —BIS auf ein entscheidendes Detail: Bei den 8—TEILNEHMERN, die vor der Impfung auffallend wenig Spermien hatten, hat sich die Spermienzahl dem Forscherteam zufolge signifikant erhöht.
20211206             Ach. Ach was.
20211206             —GESPANNT, Na da bin ich ja mal, wie die Covidioten —JETZT plötzlich wissenschaftliche Standards für sich entdecken und an dieser Studie herumverhandeln werden.
20211206             Kann ja nur gut für uns alle sein, wenn die an zulässige Studien —JETZT Standards anlegen.
20211206             [l] Neulich gab es doch diesen RANSOMWARE—VORFALL bei Kisters.
20211206             Die mit dem RINGELPIEZ—ZERTIFIKAT vom BSI.
20211206             Hey, die haben doch —JETZT sicher ihre Lektion gelernt, oder?
20211206             —BESTIMMT, Die machen doch, ab —JETZT alles richtig?
20211206             Weg mit Exchange, Windows, OFFICE—UND—ACTIVE—DIRECTORY?
20211206             Gucken wir doch mal!
20211206             Im Rahmen des Neuaufbaus der KISTERS Infrastruktur haben wir unsere E—MAIL—SERVER (MS—EXCHANGE)
20211206             Ja? Jaa? Jaaaaa?? Exzellenter —ANFANG!
20211206             in die Microsoft Azure Cloud ausgelagert. NEEEIIIINNNNNN!!!
20211206             Ausschlaggebend dafür war einerseits unser Ziel, schnellstmöglich wieder per E—MAIL erreichbar zu sein, und andererseits eine technische Entkopplung der E—MAIL—SERVER von unserer internen Infrastruktur.
20211206             Damit berücksichtigen wir gleichzeitig auch die aktuell von BSI und BKA festgestellte besondere Bedrohungslage.
20211206             Boah was für 1—BULLSHIT—BINGO. Unfassbar.
20211206             Denkt euch hier mal bitte 1—OBI—WAN—MEM hin.
20211206             Nein, nicht von mir ausgesucht. Vom BSI und ihren Kunden.
20211206             Mir gehen ja langsam die Gründe aus, die Verschwörungstheorie nicht zu glauben, dass Microsoft absichtlich die selber gehosteten Produkte sicherheitstechnisch vor die Wand fährt, dmait alle in ihre Cloud migrieren.
20211206             [l] Sorry für den Link ins FOCUS—KLO aber wir haben da gerade einen schönen Beleg für die Reihe "nur Nixon konnte nach CHINA gehen".
20211206             Nur die SPD konnte den Sozialstaat zerstören.
20211206             Nur die CDU konnte den Atomausstieg erklären.
20211206             Und nur Söder kann endlich den Mythos von den besonders gut ausgebildeten, schlauen und wissenschaftsaffinen BAYERN aufräumen.
20211206             Söder ist zu Gast in einer ANNE—WILL—SENDUNG. Will liest vor.
20211206             BAYERN habe durch die Pandemie die vierthöchste Sterbequote in DEUTSCHLAND, die fünfhöchste Inzidenz, nur 67,2 Prozent Geimpfte — Platz 11—VON 16—BUNDESLÄNDERN.
20211206             Und Will fragt nach: "Welchen Anteil haben Sie daran?"
20211206             Das bringt den bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten und oft geübten Meister der politischen Attacke deutlich in die Defensive.
20211206             Söder erzählt, dass die HÄLFTE—DER—HEILPRAKTIKER—DEUTSCHLANDS in BAYERN arbeite.
20211206             Und erzählt die Anekdote, dass vor der Impfpflicht gegen Pocken in BAYERN mancher geglaubt habe, dass durch den von Kuhpocken gewonnen Impfstoff den Geimpften KUH—OHREN wachsen könnten.
20211206             Danke, Herr Söder.
20211206             Außerhalb Bayerns hat man das natürlich —SCHON immer geahnt, aber niemand konnte das so schön ein für ALLE—MAL zu den Akten legen wie Sie hier.
20211206             [l] Old and busted: Die BAYERN sind doof, stimmen gegen Stromtrassen.
20211206             New hotness: Die SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEINER sind doof, stimmen gegen Solarparks.
20211206             Nicht auf ihrer Fläche, nein, nein.
20211206             Auf dem Grundstück von jemand anderem.
20211206             Da fanden die Bürger, ihnen stünde 1—VETO zu.
20211206             Über sowas könnte ich mich ja endlich aufregen.
20211206             Auch wenn der STAAT Leuten reinredet, ob sie bauliche Veränderungen an ihrem eigenen Haus auf ihrem eigenen Grundstück durchführen dürfen.
20211206             Wat!?
20211206             Update: Hier gibt es einen sachdienlichen Hinweis für das Abstimmverhalten der Pronstorfer.
20211206             —REDUZIERT, Nur —STUNDEN—NACH—DEM Urteil: Myanmars Junta, Strafmaß von Suu Kyi
20211206             "Music": JOHN—MILES ist tot
20211206             Protest gegen CORONA—REGELN: Unbekannte hängen Zettel mit "Judenstern" an Geschäften in Bruchsal auf
20211206             Weltgesundheitsorganisation: Coronapandemie führt zu Tausenden zusätzlichen MALARIA—TOTEN
20211206             Wortneuschöpfungen 20210000             : Von A wie "Abflachen der Kurve" —BIS Z wie "Zweitimpfling"
20211206             Mehr als 150—UNTERNEHMEN und Marken in DEUTSCHLAND wollen ab —DIENSTAG gemeinsam für die CORONA—IMPFUNG werben.
20211206             Mit dabei sind nach ANGABEN—DER—BERLINER—WERBEAGENTUR—ANTONI, die sich die Kampagne ausgedacht hat, unter anderem BMW, MERCEDES—BENZ, Edeka, Lidl, die Sparkasse und die Volksbanken ebenso wie Burger KING—UND—MCDONALD'S.
20211206             Überschrift der Kampagne ist das auch von der Bundesregierung genutzte "#ZusammenGegenCorona",
20211206             Die EU—STAATEN haben bislang mehr als 350—MILLIONEN Dosen CORONA—IMPFSTOFF an anderer Länder gespendet.
20211206             Der Staatenbund sei damit der größte Spender weltweit, sagte EU—KOMMISSIONSCHEFIN URSULA—VON—DER—LEYEN —AM—MONTAG.
20211206             1—GROSSTEIL — rund 300—MILLIONEN Dosen — sei an die UN—INITIATIVE Covax gegangen.
20211206             Covax verteile sie —NUN an Länder mit niedrigen und mittleren Einkommen.
20211206             Zusammen mit der UN—INITIATIVE, den Herstellern, den Spendern und den Empfängern arbeite man daran, das Tempo der Lieferungen zu erhöhen.
20211206             VON—DER—LEYEN stellte zudem klar, dass mehr Anstrengungen notwendig sind.
20211206             Bislang seien 44—PROZENT—DER—WELTBEVÖLKERUNG geimpft.
20211206             Die Unterstützung für AFRIKA wolle man noch ausbauen, weil die Impfquote dort geringer sei als in anderen Teilen der Welt.
20211206             VON—DER—LEYEN bekräftigte das Ziel, dass —BIS—MITTE kommenden Jahres 70—PROZENT—DER—WELTBEVÖLKERUNG geimpft sein sollen.
20211206             Die Mitentwicklerin des CORONA—IMPFSTOFFS von Astrazeneca, SARAH—GILBERT, hat vor einer möglicherweise "noch schlimmeren" nächsten Pandemie gewarnt.
20211206             "Es wird nicht das letzte Mal sein, dass 1—VIRUS unser Leben und unsere Lebensgrundlage bedroht",
20211206             in einer am Montagabend auf BBC ausgestrahlten Rede.
20211206             "Die Wahrheit ist, das nächste könnte (..). noch ansteckender oder tödlicher oder beides sein".
20211206             Die Forscherin an der UNIVERSITÄT—OXFORD forderte eindringlich mehr Geld für Vorsorgemaßnahmen, damit "die Fortschritte, die wir gemacht haben, und die Erkenntnisse, die wir gewonnen haben, nicht verloren gehen".
20211206             GILBERT arbeitet —SEIT—JAHREN in der ENTWICKLUNG—VON—IMPFSTOFFEN.
20211206             Zu Beginn der Pandemie im Frühjahr 20200000             gehörte sie zu den Initiatoren des Forschungsprojektes, aus dem der ASTRAZENECA—IMPFSTOFF hervorging.
20211206             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, GRAVATAR—LECK: Daten von 113—MILLIONEN E—MAIL—KONTEN im Netz
20211206             Landgericht BADEN—BADEN: Arzt wegen sexuellen Missbrauchs von Patientinnen zu Bewährungsstrafe verurteilt
20211206             SPD—POSTEN für die Ampel: So hat Scholz seine Partei mit den Personalien Lauterbach und Faeser überrumpelt
20211206             Die Lage —AM—ABEND: Lasst uns froh und munter sein
20211206             TV—PORTRÄT über ROBERT—HABECK: "—HEUTE—MORGEN habe ich Müsli mit Wasser gegessen, ohne Scheiß"
20211206             644_DGS_boletim_20211206              20211206             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 410,4 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211206             Continente: 413,9 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211206             R(t) Nacional: 1,10 Continente: 1,11
20211206             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—4.499—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—415,2—FÄLLE—GESAMT—85.017—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—7.846,5—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—826—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.083.498
20211206             Total Cases 266.072.549  Total Deaths 5.259.488  Total Vaccine Doses Administered 8.203.875.854
20211206             Oliven sind nicht 1—BEERE oder Obst oder Gemüse.
20211206             —ISOLIERT, In der Tat sind sie in einer separaten Kategorie, — die Familie Olive.
20211206             LONDON: Leichenfotos in Chats geteilt — EX—POLIZISTEN zu Haftstrafen verurteilt
20211206             Mysterium "KAX17": Im TOR—NETZWERK hat sich ein unbekannter Beobachter ausgebreitet
20211206             Geplantes Onlinenetzwerk: USA—AUFSICHT nimmt Trumps Börsenhülle unter die Lupe
20211206             —GEFÄLSCHT, SAARLAND: Polizistin soll Impfausweise, und verkauft haben
20211206             Peking 20220000             : USA verkünden diplomatischen Boykott der Olympischen Winterspiele
20211206             Konzerne werben mit abgewandelten Slogans: "Dann geh doch zum Impfen!"
20211206             FRANKREICH schließt für einen —MONAT ALLE—DISKOTHEKEN
20211206             68—KRANKENPFLEGER und Ärzte, die auf der Intensivstation eines Krankenhauses im SPANISCHEN—MÁLAGA arbeiten, sind im Anschluss an eine betriebliche Weihnachtsfeier positiv auf 1—INFEKTION mit dem CORONA€”VIRUS getestet worden.
20211206             Das teilte die andalusische Regionalregierung —AM—MONTAG mit.
20211206             Eine weitere Möglichkeit könnte ein großes gemeinsames ESSEN für das Krankenhauspersonal gewesen sein.
20211206             Die Infizierten, die allesamt vor dem Besuch der Feier entweder einen negativen Antigentest oder eine 3. Impfung zur Auffrischung des Immunschutzes erhalten hätten, zeigten offenbar allesamt nur milde Symptome.
20211206             Weiterhin legte die andalusische Gesundheitsbehörde dem Personal öffentlicher und privater Krankenhäuser nahe, nicht an Weihnachtsfeiern teilzunehmen.
20211206             [l] Schlechte Nachrichten, Kameraden!
20211206             Major Jansen, Oberbefehlshaber der SHAEF—BESATZUNGSTRUPPEN, wurde von Systemhuren der BRD GmbH festgenommen!1!!
20211206             In einer feigen Dolchstoßaktion im Schutz der Dunkelheit haben sie ihm die Tür eingerammt!
20211206             Ich weiß ja nicht, wie euch das bei solchen Meldungen geht, aber mir wird das LARPen langsam zu realistisch.
20211206             Diverse Passanten hatten —SCHON Probleme, Cosplay und Realität zu unterscheiden.
20211206             Aber wie das so ist, das Leben als Covidiot.
20211206             Da greifst du nach jedem Strohhalm, um nicht zugeben zu müssen, auf was für einen Scheiß du reingefallen bist.
20211206             Das wäre zu peinlich. [l] Habt ihr das auch gehört?
20211206             Der Lauterbach wird Gesundheitsminister?
20211206             Endlich kehrt evidenzbasiertes Expertentum in den BUNDESTAG ein!!1!
20211206             Könnte man denken, —BIS man mal ein bisschen in seiner Vergangenheit herumguckt.
20211206             Ich bin gerade echt am kopfkratzen, ob ich lieber einen Homöospaten von den Grünen als Gesundheitsminister gehabt hätte.
20211206             Der kann zwar auch nichts, aber das weiß dann wenigstens der durchschnittliche Beobachter von vorne herein.
20211206             —GEMACHT, Update: Der Lauterbach hat sich nicht nur Freunde, in seiner Laufbahn als "Gesundheitspolitiker".
20211206             [l] Möglicherweise hilfreicher Leserbrief für Leute, die sich gerne boostern lassen würden, aber keinen Impftermin gekriegt haben:
20211206             Das was mir heut als absolute Verschwörungstheorie über den Weg gelaufen ist es definitiv wert geteilt zu werden, auch wenn die Quelle aktuell nur Hörensagen (aka 1—GRÜNEN—POLITIKERIN) ist.
20211206             —VERSUCHT, Ich hab —DIE—TAGE, einen Termin für 1—BOOSTER—IMPFUNG in München zu machen.
20211206             Laut WEB—INTERFACE sind —BIS inklusive —MÄRZ ALLE—TERMINE—VERGEBEN—WENN man Glück hat gibt es im Umland was, so ab ca.
20211206             1h Fahrzeit ÖPNV.
20211206             Ich bin außerdem in diversen Telegram Gruppen, wo Leute sich organisieren um Impfungen möglichst effizient zu verteilen, z.B. falls 1—PATIENT absagt und 1—DOSIS übrig ist, dass die dann nicht weggeworfen werden muss, sondern eventuell jemand anders die bekommen kann.
20211206             In einer dieser Gruppen schreibt —HEUTE 1—POLITIKERIN (die mir persönlich bekannt ist), dass sie in einem der Impfzentren einfach mal auf gut Glück ohne Termin vorbeigegangen ist.
20211206             Vor Ort war sie sofort dran und außer ihr wohl eher gähnende Leere.
20211206             Auf Nachfrage warum dann Online keine Termine frei sind, sagten das Personal vor Ort, dass ALLE—TERMINE aktuell von Impfgegnern blockiert werden, die wohl im großen Stil buchen und dann nicht erscheinen.
20211206             Die Zivilisationsdecke ist dünn.... - Kann da jemand inhaltlich was zu sagen?
20211206             —GEHÖRT, Ich habe —JETZT auch —SCHON mehrfach, dass man bei spezifischen Impfzentren einfach hingehen kann und dran kommt.
20211206             Aber dass da sonst gähnende Leere war, das hab ich noch nicht gehört.
20211206             Weiß jemand genaueres?
20211206             Update: 1—LESER schreibt, dass das in NEUSEELAND auch 1—STRATEGIE—DER—ANTI—VAXXER war.
20211206             Update: Ein anderer Leser schreibt:
20211206             Bekannte arbeiten im Impfstützpunkt FREIBURG i. Br. und berichten von gleichmäßig guter Auslastung.
20211206             Aber auch von der Strategie, Impftermine zu blockieren, habe ich —BEREITS aus 2. Hand gehört.
20211206             OK, also so kommen wir glaube ich nicht weiter.
20211206             Wir brauchen mal Informationen von jemandem aus einem Impfcenter, wie hoch der Prozentsatz der angemeldeten Impftermine ist, zu denen der Anmelder nicht erscheint.
20211206             [l] —HEUTE ist wieder so —1—TAG voll mit "Alles Anzünden"-Meldungen.
20211206             Hier sind 2—FRISCHE:
20211206             Der irische "Datenschutzbeauftragte" (harr harr) wollte gerne Facebooks "OPT—IN im AGB—KLEINGEDRUCKTEN"-Bullshit EU—WEIT legalisieren.
20211206             Die tun nicht mal so, als seien sie was anderes als eine ausgegliederte Interessenvertretung von Facebook!
20211206             Nintendo fand, das 14-tägige Rücktrittsrecht im Fernabsatzgesetz gelte nicht für PRE—LOAD—SPIELE.
20211206             —INZWISCHEN, Da die Spiele, ALLE—MULTI—GIGABYTE—MONSTER sind, kaufen VIELE—HARDCORE—FANS die Spiele vor dem offiziellen RELEASE—DATUM und kriegen dann —SCHON mal die Spieldaten übers Wochenende vor dem Release auf die Platte geladen, können aber noch nicht spielen.
20211206             —ARGUMENTIERT, Nintendo hat —JETZT ernsthaft, damit fielen diese Spiele unter die VERDERBLICHE—GÜTER—KLAUSEL.
20211206             Noch krasser: Damit sind sie vor dem LG FRANKFURT durchgekommen.
20211206             Nein, wirklich! Wat?!
20211206             —ERST das OLG hat sie zurückgepfiffen.
20211206             Dafür umso heftiger, der Rückpfiff:
20211206             Die RICHTER—HATTEN—NINTENDO —SCHON in der mündlichen —VERHANDLUNG nach Erörterung der Rechtslage nahegelegt, den Unterlassungsanspruch des vzbv als berechtigt anzuerkennen.
20211206             LOL - UKRAINE—KONFLIKT: "Wir werden sie alle besiegen!"
20211206             1. Wahlkampfveranstaltung des FRANZÖSISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTSKANDIDATEN Zemmour: Anderthalb —STUNDEN Hass und Gewalt
20211206             "Kontraproduktive Belastung": IWF—CHEFIN plädiert für Reform der EU—SCHULDENREGELN
20211206             Internados: 90 (+2) | Em UCI: 21 (+1)  | Ventilados: 13 (-1) Incidência 100—MIL / hab.: 761 (+)
20211206             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3838—(+27)—ÓBITOS—42—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—3599—CASOS—ATIVOS—197—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—620
20211206             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—7107—(+41)—ÓBITOS—82—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—6554—CASOS—ATIVOS—471—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—775
20211206             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—9263—(+23)—ÓBITOS—100—(+2)—RECUPERADOS—8709—CASOS—ATIVOS—454—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—825
20211206             Vor Videogipfel zum UKRAINE—KONFLIKT: USA—PRÄSIDENT—BIDEN verschärft den Ton gegenüber Putin
20211206             Die TSCHECHISCHE—REGIERUNG hat eine generelle Impfpflicht für ALLE—MENSCHEN ab —60—JAHREN sowie für Beschäftigte in bestimmten Berufsgruppen angekündigt.
20211206             Betroffen sind nach ANGABEN—VON—GESUNDHEITSMINISTER—ADAM—VOJTECH unter anderem Menschen, die in Krankenhäusern und Pflegeheimen arbeiten sowie für Polizisten und Soldaten.
20211206             "Andere Länder gehen diesen Weg", sagte Vojtech —AM—MONTAG.
20211206             "Es ist 1—TREND, der sich in ganz EUROPA durchsetzen wird".
20211206             Die Anordnung soll ab —MÄRZ in Kraft treten, dürfte aber zumindest in der jetzigen Form nur von kurzer Dauer sein.
20211206             Eine neue —MITTE—RECHTS—REGIERUNG, die —BEREITS—NÄCHSTE—WOCHE an die Macht kommen könnte, hat gegen die altersbedingte Impfpflicht Widerstand angekündigt.
20211206             Ein hochrangiges Mitglied der künftigen Koalition sagte, das künftige Kabinett werde die Verpflichtung für Bürger über 60—STREICHEN, sie aber für ausgewählte Berufe aufrechterhalten.
20211206             Omikron breitet sich in GROSSBRITANNIEN aus - breitet sich - aus
20211206             Omikron - "Dies schließt Fälle ohne Verbindung zu internationalen Reisen ein, sodass wir schlussfolgern können, dass es —JETZT eine Übertragung innerhalb der Bevölkerung in mehreren Regionen Englands gibt",
20211206             Er könne nicht garantieren, dass die Variante "uns nicht von unserem Weg der Genesung abbringt, da das "Fenster zwischen Ansteckung und Ansteckung beim Omikron möglicherweise kürzer sein könnte".
20211206             NEW—YORK, gilt ab Ende —DEZEMBER eine umfassende Impfpflicht für ALLE—BESCHÄFTIGTEN—DER—PRIVATWIRTSCHAFT.
20211206             NEW—YORK starte "einen Präventivangriff",
20211206             um die weitere AUSBREITUNG—DES—CORONA€”VIRUS "und der Gefahren, die es für uns alle bedeutet, zu stoppen",
20211206             sagte BÜRGERMEISTER—BILL—DE—BLASI
20211206             Die Impfpflicht gelte ab dem 20211227             .
20211206             De Blasio verwies auf das Auftreten der CORONA€”VIRUS—VARIANTE Omikron, das kalte Winterwetter und die bevorstehenden Feiertage als "zusätzliche Herausforderungen" im Kampf gegen die Pandemie.
20211206             Er sei "sehr besorgt",
20211206             sagte er mit Blick auf die 1. bestätigten OMIKRON—FÄLLE in mindestens 15—USA—BUNDESSTAATEN, darunter auch NEW—YORK.
20211206             Die Millionenmetropole war im vergangenen —JAHR mit 34.000—TOTEN besonders stark von der Pandemie betroffen.
20211206             Die Impfpflicht betrifft rund 184.000—NEW Yorker Geschäfte und Unternehmen.
20211206             Die Anordnung geht weiter als die von USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN verhängte landesweite Impfpflicht für Unternehmen mit mehr als 100—ANGESTELLTEN ab —ANFANG—JANUAR.
20211206             Diese wurde durch Gerichte vorläufig ausgesetzt.
20211206             Impfpflichten haben eine lange Tradition in den USA, werden aber normalerweise von Städten oder Bundesstaaten erlassen.
20211206             Die Polizei hat eigenen Angaben zufolge am Montagabend in mehreren sächsischen Orten Proteste gegen die CORONA—MAßNAHMEN gestoppt.
20211206             Unter anderem hatten sich laut Polizei in Bautzen, CHEMNITZ und Freiberg jeweils einige 100—MENSCHEN versammelt.
20211206             —GEWESEN, ZWÖNITZ, im Erzgebirge seien es rund 60—MENSCHEN.
20211206             Die Polizei hatte vorab eine härte Gangart angekündigt, —NACHDEM sie in den vergangenen —WOCHEN kaum gegen die unzulässigen Proteste in dem BUNDESLAND mit den deutschlandweit höchsten Coronazahlen vorgegangen war.
20211206             —GEGEBEN, Daran hatte es scharfe Kritik.
20211206             Die CORONA—NOTFALLVERORDNUNG erlaubt in SACHSEN —DERZEIT nur ortsfeste Kundgebungen mit maximal 10—TEILNEHMERN.
20211206—20190100    —ANFANG—SEIT, "Jadehase 2" ist auf dem Mond unterwegs.
20211206—20200000    —J—IM, Die Coronakrise hat zu massiven Umsatzrückgängen im Tourismussektor geführt.
20211206—20211201    —AM, ALLE—INFIZIERTEN hätten 1—FEIER mit insgesamt 173—GÄSTEN besucht.
20211206—20240000    —BIS, : EZB will EURO—BANKNOTEN neu gestalten
20211206—20400000    —BIS, AFRIKA will rund 60—PROZENT seiner Impfstoffe produzieren
202203120630         Roscosmos demands its partner countries in ISS lift sanctions on RUSSIA—ENTERPRISES, SOURCE  CEO
202210120631 ========NEWS appended
202210120631 ========END NEWS appended
20221128—20221129    —BIS, Ursprünglich sollten beide Seiten vom zum 20221206             in Kairo unter anderem über den START—VERTRAG zur nuklearen Abrüstung beraten.
20221130             —ON—MONDAY, THE—RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY announced its decision to postpone 1—MEETING of the Bilateral Consultative Commission under THE—RUSSIA—USA—NEW—START—TREATY originally scheduled to take place in CAIRO on 20221129—20221206  .
20221206             —DIENSTAG, 20221206
20221206             DEMOKRATISCHE—REPUBLIK—KONGO: Rebellen ermorden mehr als 270—ZIVILISTEN — darunter offenbar zahlreiche Kinder
20221206             FACEBOOK—MUTTERKONZERN: Meta droht bei neuem USA—MEDIENGESETZ mit Nachrichtenboykott
20221206             Umfrage: Jeder 10. Befragte hat 20220000             —BIS Ende —NOVEMBER noch nicht geheizt
20221206             —VERBIETET, Umstrittenes Gesetz: INDONESIEN, außerehelichen Sex — —BIS zu —1—JAHR—HAFT
20221206             —ZERSTÖRT, Stromnetz : FBI ermittelt nach Angriffen auf Umspannwerke in NORTH—CAROLINA
20221206             Streit um Impfstoffpatente: Pfizer und Biontech starten Gegenangriff gegen Moderna
20221206             Gedrosselte Lieferungen: RWE fordert Schadensersatz von Gazprom
20221206             Artikel zu HUNTER—BIDEN: Weißes Haus nennt Offenlegung von TWITTER—DOKUMENTEN Ablenkungsmanöver
20221206             Schutz des Ökosystems: EU plant Importverbot für Waren aus abgeholzten Regenwäldern
20221206             Milliardenschulden für Pandemiehilfen: Verfassungsgericht erlaubt DEUTSCHE—TEILNAHME an EU—CORONAFONDS
20221206             Soziale Gerechtigkeit: Volkswirte plädieren für höhere Reichensteuer
20221206             Trotz Energiekrieg: LNG—IMPORTE aus RUSSLAND steigen auf Rekordhoch
20221206             Krankenhausreform: "1—REVOLUTION, die wir unbedingt benötigen"
20221206             RUSSLAND könnte —NACH—DEN Worten von USA—AUßENMINISTER ANTONY—BLINKEN zum Schein einen Waffenstillstand anstreben.
20221206             "Wenn RUSSLAND mit seinem derzeitigen Versuch, das UKRAINISCHE—VOLK zum Aufgeben zu bringen, keinen Erfolg hat — und das wird ihnen nicht gelingen —, dann kann man sich vorstellen, dass RUSSLAND 1—AUSWEICHMÖGLICHKEIT sucht, die 1—SCHEINLÖSUNG wäre",
20221206             Blinken sagte weiter, er könne sich einen von RUSSLAND initiierten Waffenstillstand vorstellen — mit entsprechenden Konsequenzen: "Der —KONFLIKT wird eingefroren, es wird nie über das Gebiet verhandelt, das sie erobert haben und weiterhin halten",
20221206             s - LETTLAND hat dem unabhängigen RUSSISCHEN—FERNSEHSENDER Doschd, INTERNATIONAL auch TV Rain genannt, die Sendelizenz entzogen.
20221206             Das hat der LETTISCHE—NATIONALE Rat für elektronische Massenmedien (NEPLP) beschlossen.
20221206             Der Ratsvorsitzende Ivars ?boli?š schrieb auf Twitter, die Gesetze des Landes müssten "von allen respektiert werden" und veröffentlichte 1—GRAFIK mit Details zu dem Beschluss.
20221206             Demnach begründete der Rat seine —ENTSCHEIDUNG mit einer "BEDROHUNG—DER—NATIONALEN—SICHERHEIT und der öffentlichen Ordnung".
20221206             —GEKOMMEN, Der Rat sei zu dem Schluss, dass "die Leitung von TV Rain weder die Art und Schwere JEDES—EINZELNEN—VERSTOSSES noch einer REIHE—VON—VERSTÖSSEN verstanden hat".
20221206             Zuvor hatte der Rat den TV—KANAL —BEREITS mit einer Geldstrafe von 10.000—EURO belegt, weil er 1—KARTE gezeigt hatte, auf der die von Moskau völkerrechtswidrig annektierte UKRAINISCHE—HALBINSEL Krim als Teil Russlands zu sehen war.
20221206             Die RUSSISCHEN—STREITKRÄFTE waren laut NEPLP zudem als "unsere Armee" bezeichnet worden.
20221206             Chefredakteur Tichon Dsjadko beteuerte, dass der oppositionelle Kanal keine Hilfe für die RUSSISCHE—ARMEE leiste.
20221206             1—MODERATOR sei entlassen worden.
20221206             EU—FINANZHILFEN—VON—BIS zu 18—MILLIARDEN Euro für die UKRAINE können weiterhin nicht ausgezahlt werden.
20221206             Der Vertreter Ungarns stimmte bei einer öffentlichen Beratung der EU—FINANZMINISTER in Brüssel gegen die Freigabe der Gelder, die einstimmig beschlossen werden muss.
20221206             Eine eigentlich geplante Abstimmung über das Aussetzen von Milliardenhilfen für UNGARN im Rechtsstaatsstreit wurde laut Diplomaten vertagt.
20221206             "Unser Ziel bleibt es, —ANFANG—JANUAR mit der Auszahlung der Hilfen für die UKRAINE zu beginnen",
20221206             sagte der TSCHECHISCHE—FINANZMINISTER Zbynek Stanjura, dessen Land noch —BIS Jahresende den EU—LÄNDERN vorsitzt.
20221206             Nach seinen Worten wollen die anderen 26—MITGLIEDSLÄNDER —NUN 1—ALTERNATIVLÖSUNG suchen, was jedoch als kompliziert gilt.
20221206             UNGARN will mit seiner Blockadehaltung laut Diplomaten verhindern, dass die anderen Mitgliedsländer EU—HILFEN im Umfang von insgesamt mehr als 13—MILLIARDEN Euro für BUDAPEST sperren
20221206             Der RUSSISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN hat wegen mutmaßlichen Drohnenangriffen auf Militärstützpunkte in RUSSLAND den Sicherheitsrat seines Landes einberufen.
20221206             Beim WESTBALKAN—GIPFEL in ALBANIEN hat Bundeskanzler OLAF—SCHOLZ (SPD) SERBIEN und andere Länder aufgerufen, die Sanktionen der Europäischen Union gegen RUSSLAND umzusetzen.
20221206             "Wir erwarten von den Beitrittsländern, dass sie sich an der Sanktionspolitik der Europäischen Union ausrichten",
20221206             Die Vereinigten Staaten und RUSSLAND haben sich gegenseitig vorgeworfen, nicht an Friedensgesprächen für die UKRAINE interessiert zu sein.
20221206             Russlands UNO—BOTSCHAFTER—WASSILIJ—NEBENZIA sagte auf einer Sitzung des UNO—SICHERHEITSRATS zur humanitären Lage in der UKRAINE, Moskau habe "das Interesse einer bedeutenden Mehrheit" der UNO—MITGLIEDSTAATEN an einer diplomatischen Lösung festgestellt.
20221206             "Wir reagieren darauf sehr ernsthaft.
20221206             Wir bekräftigen unsere Bereitschaft, —VERHANDLUNGEN zu führen",
20221206             sagte er, fügte aber hinzu, dass das Ziel darin bestehe, "die Ursachen zu beseitigen, die uns gezwungen haben, unsere militärische Sonderoperation zu starten".
20221206             Mon 20221205
20221206             [l] Georgiens EX—PRÄSIDENT—SAAKASHVILI wurde offenbar im Gefängnis vergiftet.
20221206             Der Mann erlangte vor allem mit seinem ausgefallenen Geschmack Berühmtheit im Westen.
20221206             Tue 20221206
20221206             Verdacht auf Anleihekartell: EU—KARTELLBEHÖRDEN klagen DEUTSCHE—BANK an
20221206             Veraltete Betriebssysteme, schlecht geschützte Server: Rechnungsprüfer monieren schludrige IT—SICHERHEIT bei Bundesbehörden
20221206             Stärke 6,2: Weiteres Erdbeben erschüttert INDONESIEN — deutlich auf Java und Bali spürbar
20221206             Coronalockerungen: Chinas Wachstumsaussichten hellen sich auf
20221206             Klimakrise: 1. Zulassung für CO?-Speicher in DÄNEMARK
20221206             Sturm auf Regierungspalast: Mongolen demonstrieren gegen Korruption
20221206             Untersuchung von Blut und Urin: Forscher entwickeln Methode zur Früherkennung von 14—KREBSARTEN
20221206             USA—AUTOR—UND—PEN—PRÄSIDENT—AYAD—AKHTAR: "Der Schaden, den das freie Wort anrichten kann, überwiegt nicht die Vorteile eines freien Austauschs"
20221206             KLIMABERICHT—PODCAST: Wie VIELE—VÖGEL darf 1—WINDRAD kosten?
20221206             1—PODCAST—VON—MARIUS—MESTERMANN und Serafin Reiber
20221206             NIEDERLÄNDISCHES—KÖNIGSHAUS: KÖNIG—WILLEM—ALEXANDER ordnet Untersuchung der kolonialen Vergangenheit an
20221206             Gipfeltreffen in ALBANIEN: Warum Scholz und Co.
20221206             Tempo auf dem Westbalkan machen
20221206             Der Chefankläger des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs (IStGH) in Den Haag hat sich gegen die Einrichtung eines Sondertribunals zur Ahndung RUSSISCHER—VERBRECHEN in der UKRAINE ausgesprochen.
20221206             Dadurch könnte die Arbeit des IStGH "unterlaufen" werden, warnte CHEFANKLÄGER—KARIM—KHAN".
20221206             Wir sollten Zersplitterung vermeiden und stattdessen am Zusammenschluss arbeiten".
20221206             CHEFANKLÄGER—KARIM—KHAN forderte die internationale Gemeinschaft auf, den IStGH bei seinen Ermittlungen zu unterstützen und zu finanzieren".
20221206             Wir dürfen nicht scheitern.
20221206             Wir brauchen die Mittel, um unsere Aufgabe zu erfüllen.
20221206             Wir haben diese Mittel nicht", sagte CHEFANKLÄGER—KARIM—KHAN.
20221206             Da RUSSLAND den IStGH nicht anerkennt, kann der Gerichtshof zwar mutmaßliche Kriegsverbrechen und Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit in der UKRAINE untersuchen.
20221206             Er kann aber nicht gegen Moskau wegen des Verbrechens der Aggression vorgehen.
20221206             Der RUSSISCHE—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER—SERGEJ—SCHOIGU wirft der UKRAINE vor, das Atomkraftwerk Saporischschja weiterhin zu attackieren und "Nuklearterrorismus" zu betreiben.
20221206             RUSSLAND unternehme alles, um die Sicherheit der Anlage zu gewährleisten, erklärte Schoigu".
20221206             —VERSUCHT, Im Gegenzug, das KIEW—REGIME, den Anschein 1 Bedrohung durch 1 atomare Katastrophe zu erwecken, indem es den Standort weiterhin absichtlich beschießt".
20221206             POLEN will die von DEUTSCHLAND zur Verteidigung seines Luftraums angebotenen PATRIOT—FLUGABWEHRSYSTEME —NUN doch annehmen.
20221206             Man arbeite daran, die Patriots auf polnischem Gebiet zu stationieren und sie dem POLNISCHEN—KOMMANDOSYSTEM zu unterstellen, schrieb Verteidigungsminister Mariusz Blaszczak auf Twitter.
20221206             Davon, die Waffensysteme einem POLNISCHEN—KOMMANDO zu unterstellen, war —ZUNÄCHST keine Rede gewesen.
20221206             Drohnenbilder zeigen Luftverschmutzung in INDIEN: "Wir haben Schwierigkeiten beim Atmen"
20221206             Zerstrittene Tories: BRITISCHER—PREMIER—SUNAK kippt Verbot von Windparks an Land
20221206             Vorsitz in USA—KONGRESSKAMMER: Konkurrenz für REPUBLIKANER—MCCARTHY im Repräsentantenhaus
20221206             Urteil gegen Immobilienunternehmen: Trump Organization wegen Steuerbetrugs schuldig gesprochen
20221206             —6—JAHRE—HAFT—URTEIL in Korruptionsprozess. für ARGENTINIEN—VIZEPRÄSIDENTIN—KIRCHNER