_HEUTE_1205 :

_00631205            —AM, Hätte sich die durch CAESAR verfochtene Möglichkeit senatorischer Politik durchgesetzt,
_00631205            —AM, Rede,
_00631205            CICERO hält die letzte seiner Reden gegen Catilina.
_00631205            des CATO—MEINUNGSÄUSSERUNG bewirkt anschließend die Verhängung der Todesstrafe für die Verschwörer des Umsturzversuchs im RÖMER—REICH.
_00301205            † SUJIN, JAPANISCHER—TENNO

05321205             † SABAS, Mönch und Einsiedler in JERUSALEM
07491205             † JOHANNES—VON—DAMASKUS, orthodoxer Theologe
09021205             † EALHSWITH—KÖNIGIN—VON—WESSEX
09921205             † GERDAG—BISCHOF—VON—HILDESHEIM
10371205             † HEILIGER—REGINHARD—BISCHOF—VON—LÜTTICH, der katholischen Kirche
10821205             † RAIMUND—BERENGAR—II—GRAF—VON—BARCELONA, 1—DER—BEIDEN, wird bei 1—JAGD getötet.
10821205             Die Volksmeinung hält RAIMUND—BERENGAR—II—GRAF—VON—BARCELONA seinen Zwillingsbruder BERENGAR—RAIMUND—II. für den Anstifter, weil er die Macht in Katalonien anstrebt.
10831205             † SUNJONG, 12. KÖNIG—DES—KOREA—GORYEO—REICHES
11051205             † GREGOR—II—WKAJASSER, Katholikos der armenischen apostolischen Kirche
11541205             HADRIAN—IV—PAPA, der einzige aus ENGLAND stammende PAPA, wird nach 1—SEDISVAKANZ von nur —2—TAGEN als Nachfolger des ANASTASIUS—IV—PAPA inthronisiert.
12121205             Der Staufer FRIEDRICH—II. wird in 1—NACHWAHL in FRANKFURT—AM—MAIN als RÖMISCH—DEUTSCHER—KÖNIG bestätigt.
12121205—12080800    —POSTEA DENUO bellum saeviit civile
12281205             —DATIERT—VOM, Die ÄLTESTE BEKANNTE URKUNDE in welcher des FONDACO—DEI—TEDESCHI in VENEDIG klar, deutlich Erwähnung getan wird,
12281205             Der FONDACO—DEI—TEDESCHI in VENEDIG da noch "FONTICUM COMUNIS VENECIARAM UBI TEUTONICI HOSPITANTUR' heisst.Es ist recht bezeichnend
12421205             † ABBASIDEN—KALIF—AL—MUSTANSIR,
12461205             † THOMAS—GALLUS, FRANZÖSISCHER—PHILOSOPH und Scholastiker
13011205             Vom PHILIPP—IV—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH verlangt BONIFATIUS—VIII—PAPA ferner die Freilassung des festgenommenen LEGAT—PAPA
13041205             † WILLIAM—LATIMER—BARON—LATIMER, 1., ENGLISCHER—ADELIGER und Militär.
13251005—13251205    'he/ capitanei 15—EQUITUM conductorum per DOMINUM—RECTOREM pro 2—MENSIBUS pro suo soldo et stipendio et 1—EQUI et 1—RONZINI PRO—STIPENDIO 2—MENSIUM (10—FLORENI—PRO—MENSE): 20—FLORENI
13491205             500—JEWS of Nuremberg were massacred —DURING Black Death riots.
13601205             naissance du franc
13601205             FRANKREICH, werden die 1. Goldmünzen eingeführt, die vom Volk als Francs bezeichnet werden.
13651205             † THOMAS—DE—LUCY—BARON—LUCY, 2., ENGLISCHER—ADELIGER und Militär
13671205             —ROMAE—APUD—S—PETRUM, JOHANNi (de Hilleghem) ABBATI Egmondensi conceditur, quod a quolibet antistite Catholico, gratiam et communionem SEDIS—APOSTOLICAE habente, munus benedictionis recipere valeat.
13921205             † EVERHARD—VON—WESTERHEIM, Weihbischof in Köln
13931205             † HEINRICH—VI—HERZOG—VON—SAGAN—GLOGAU und Crossen
14081205             Nach der EROBERUNG—VON—PEREJASLAVL und NISCHNI—NOWGOROD erscheint der EMIR—EDIGÜ mit seiner GOLDENE—HORDE vor Moskau.
14081205             EMIR—EDIGÜ zieht sich jedoch in der Folge nach der Zahlung von 3000—RUBEL Lösegeld wieder zurück.
14331205             † ENGELBERT—WUSTERWITZ, DEUTSCHER—CHRONIST der märkischen Geschichte
14371205—14400106    —VOM, NIK0LAUS wird als MÖNCH als
14371205—14400106    —VOM, NIK0LAUS wird als MÖNCH aufgeführt
14431205             * JULIUS—II—PAPA—GIULIANO—DELLA—ROVERE, 15030000—15130000              14561205             Earthquake struck NAPLES and
14561205             † 35,000, NAPLES
14691205             — PETRUS—DE—MEDUNTA, PREPOSITUS—MASSILIENSIS ;lads. xlens. de JEAN—DE—SCALIS (M. Decormis).
14841205             INNOCENTIUS—VIII—PAPA issues his most infamous proclamation, THE—PAPA—BULLA of the
14841205             INNOCENTIUS—VIII—PAPA—BULLA Hexenprozesse gegen Menschen mit dem Teufel vermeintliche Bündnisse
14841205             VERANLAßT SCHLIEßLICH INNOCENTIUS—VIII—PAPA—BULLA die Hexenprozesse durch 1—WERDEN
14841205             1—PAPA—BULLA issued by INNOCENTIUS—VIII—PAPA on,
14841205             THE—PAPA—BULLA—OF, In it, INNOCENTIUS—VIII—PAPA gives free reign to THE—INQUISITION, openes the floodgates for NEAR—ON —300—YEARS—OF—INQUISITION
14841205             —ISSUED, INNOCENT—VIII—PAPA, 1—BULL deploring THE—SPREAD—OF—WITCHCRAFT and heresy in GERMANY.
14841205             —SCHEDULED, He ordered that all cats belonging to witches, to be burned, be also burned.
14841205             KRAEMER and SPRENGER, 2—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—FRIARS, had induced INNOCENT—VIII—PAPA to issue 1—BULL authorizing them to extirpate witchcraft in GERMANY.
14841205             HEXENBULLA—SUMMIS—DESIDERANTES—AFFECTIBUS bestätigt INNOZENZ—VIII—PAPA offiziell die EXISTENZ—VON—HEXEN, geht von der bisherigen kirchlichen Lehrmeinung canon episcopi ab und vereinfacht die Hexenverfolgung.
14841205—14860000    —SEE
14841205—17890700    —OUTLINED, INQUISITION The principles INNOCENTIUS—VIII—PAPA, in this bull where
14841205—17890700    —OPPOSED, INQUISITION but including anyone who, THE—AUTHORITY—OF—THE—CATHOLIC—CHURCH.
14841205—17890700    INQUISITION the most vicious persecution, mainly against Witchcraft,
14841205—17890700    NEAR—ON —300—YEARS—OF—INQUISITION
14841205—17890700    —CA—300—YEARS—INQUISITION but including anyone who opposed THE—AUTHORITY—OF—THE—CATHOLIC—CHURCH.
14841205—17890700    —CA—300—YEARS INQUISITION the most vicious persecution, mainly against Witchcraft,
14841205—17890700    —CA—300—YEARS—OF—INQUISITION
14841205—17890700    —CA—300—YEARS THE—PRINCIPLES—INQUISITION—INNOCENTIUS—VIII—PAPA outlined in this bull where
14841205—17890700    INQUISITION but including anyone who, —OPPOSED, THE—CATHOLIC—CHURCH—AUTHORITY.
14921205             —DISCOVERED, COLUMBUS, Hispaniola (HAITI and THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC).
14921205             CHRISTOPH—KOLUMBUS entdeckt auf seiner 1. Reise die KARIBIK—INSEL—HISPANIOLA.
14961205             —EXPELLED, Jews were, from PORTUGAL by ORDER—OF—KING—MANUEL—I
15031205             † JOHANN—SPENDER, Weihbischof in Köln
15091205             Et cussi, libentissime li fo fati 5 (salvoconduti) et ogi si dovea dar principio a ligar balle in fontego, che IN—QUESTO—TEMPO nulla in ha fatto.
15091205             et ha a(v)uto licentia di re condurle in Alemagna per la via dil Friuli, et volse salvoconduto di LA—SIGNORIA.
15091205             —ADI In questa matina veneno alcuni TEDESCHI (che) stanno qui, dicendo 5—MERCHADANTI TEDESCHI voleno venir qui a comprar merchadantie,
15141205             Das KLOSTER—NAUMBURG—SALBUCH wird gesiegelt.
15311205             † JAN—FOLKERTSZ—TRYPMAKER, NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—HOLZSCHUHMACHER und führende Persönlichkeit der melchioritischen Täuferbewegung
15320000—15701205    * † JOHAN—FRIIS, CHANCELLOR—OF—DENMARK. his share of spoliated Church property had made him 1—OF—THE—WEALTHIEST men in DENMARK.
15361205             * SANTI—DI—TITO, ITALIENISCHER—MALER und Architekt
15371205             * ASHIKAGA—YOSHIAKI, JAPANISCHER—SH?gun
15391205             * FAUSTO—SOZZINI, ITALIENISCHER—JURIST und Theologe
15451205             † BARTLMÄ—HÄBERLE, Innsbrucker Maler, vermutlich Hofmaler am ÖSTERREICHISCHEN—HOF
15501205             † LORENZ—FRIES, Würzburger fürstbischöflicher Rat, Historiker und Chronist
15551205             —CA—THIS—TIME, ANTWERP[ANTVERPIAE,ANTWERPEN,ANVERS] All were made to set forth what KIND—OF—WINE they sold on 1—SIGNBOARD —BEFORE their houses, and 1—SORT—OF—WINE was not to be substituted for 1—BETTER.
15551205             —CA—THIS—TIME, ANTWERP[ANTVERPIAE,ANTWERPEN,ANVERS] Crowns of lily indicated [RHEIN]RHINEwine;
15551205             —CA—THIS—TIME, ANTWERP[ANTVERPIAE,ANTWERPEN,ANVERS] They were also ordered to adopt the —FOLLOWING signs to —SHOW that they sold certain wines :
15551205             —CA—THIS—TIME, ANTWERP[ANTVERPIAE,ANTWERPEN,ANVERS] 1—BUNDLE of straw indicated local wines.
15551205             —CA—THIS—TIME, ANTWERP[ANTVERPIAE,ANTWERPEN,ANVERS] cabbage leaves indicated POITOU wine;and
15551205             —CA—THIS—TIME, ANTWERP[ANTVERPIAE,ANTWERPEN,ANVERS] steps had to be taken to regulate THE—WINE—SELLING business.
15551205             ALWAYS But beer was the principal drink of THE—ANTWERPER[ANTWERPEN,ANVERS] and
15551205             ANTWERP[ANTVERPIAE,ANTWERPEN,ANVERS] It is interesting to note that
15551205             MECHLIN and certain foreign beer might be brought in.^
15551205             Other kind s of ANTWERP[ANTVERPIAE,ANTWERPEN,ANVERS] -brewed beer were doubleknol, kuyte, hoochsel, and poorters' hoochsel.
15551205             1—FAMOUS—KIND—OF—ANTWERP[ANTVERPIAE,ANTWERPEN,ANVERS] -brewed beer which was very generous, went quickly to the head was that called dolle and knol.
15551205             except poorters brewing for their own Families in their own houses, or bring beer into ANTWERP[ANTVERPIAE,ANTWERPEN,ANVERS].
15551205             thereby making it certain that these institutions the breweries in the New Town would thereafter receive their ANTWERP[ANTVERPIAE,ANTWERPEN,ANVERS] Magistrates favour
15551205             —THE—MAGISTRATES were able to order that ANTWERP should take 1—QUARTER—OF—THE—PROFITS—OF—THE breweries in the New Town —
15551205             —THE—MAGISTRATES were able to order that ANTWERP[ANTVERPIAE,ANTWERPEN,ANVERS] should take 1—QUARTER—OF—THE—PROFITS—OF—THE breweries in the New Town —
15551205             —AND decree that no 1 should brew beer within a 3-mile radius outside THE—TOWN,
15551205             —THAT is to say, —AFTER CHARLES his abdication, and —JUST—BEFORE PHILIP paid his visit to ANTWERP[ANTVERPIAE,ANTWERPEN,ANVERS] as ruling PRINCE
15561200—15551205    In this very —MONTH—VAN—SCHOONBEKE †.
15590000–15601205             FRANZ—II—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH
15601205             † FRANZ—II—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH
15601205             —NACH—DEM Tod des 16-jährigen FRANZ—II—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH wird sein 10-jähriger Bruder KARL—IX—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH neuer Herrscher in FRANKREICH.
15601205             —ÜBERNIMMT, Die Regierungsgeschäfte, als Vormund KARL—IX—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH seine Mutter KATHARINA—VON—MEDICI.
15601205—15610800    —IM, Die verwitwete KÖNIGIN—MARIA—STUART hat am Hof wenig Rückhalt und zurückkehrt nach SCHOTTLAND.
15601205—15740000    —RÈGNE—DE—CHARLES—IX.
15701205             Under FREDERICK—II—KING—OF— (15590000—15880000    ), who understood but LITTLE—OF—STATE—AFFAIRS, Friis was WELL—NIGH omnipotent.
15701205             He was largely responsible for the Scandinavian —7—YEARS' War (15620000—15700000    ), which did so much to exacerbate the relations between DENMARK and SWEDEN.
15781205             —SAILED, SIR—FRANCIS—DRAKE, into the port of VALPARAISO.
15781205             —RENAMED, He had, his flagship, the Pelican, to the Golden Hind, and ravaged the coasts of CHILE and PERU on his way —AROUND the world.
15851205             * HEINRICH—JULIUS—VON—WIETERSHEIM, Stiftshofmeister in QUEDLINBURG
15901205             GREGOR—XIV—NICCOLÒ—SFONDRATI wird nach zweimonatigem Konklave zum PAPA gewählt und nimmt den Namen. an.
15901205             † JOHANN—HABERMANN, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE, Erbauungsschriftsteller und Hebraist
15931205             * LIBORIUS—WAGNER, katholischer Priester
16021205             —PREMIERED, GIULIO—CACCINI'S "Euridice,", in FLORENCE.
16021205             * JAKOB—WELLER, lutherischer Theologe, Oberhofprediger am Hof des KUR—FÜRST—VON—SACHSEN
16021205             Im PALAZZO—PITTI—FLORENZ erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper Eurydike von GIULIO—CACCINI.
16121205             * HANS—CASPAR—WASER, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher
16131205             * CARL—GUSTAF—WRANGEL, SCHWEDISCHER—HEERFÜHRER und Staatsmann
16191205             † HELWIG—GARTH, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
16211205             1—LETTER from THE—ENGLAND—OFFICE—OF—THE—VIRGINIA—COMPANY reported that European honeybees (Apis mellifera) were shipped to AMERICA.
16211205—16220300    —ARRIVED, They, in VIRGINIA.
16241205             † CASPAR—BAUHIN, SCHWEIZER—ANATOM und Botaniker
16251205             1—RENTE—VON—10—TALERN zu je 8—MARK—4—KÖLN.
16251205             ALBUS GEGEN—DIE—SUMME—VON—200—TALERN.
16251205             1—MORGEN—ACKERLAND im Niderfeldt zwischen Junker Guilich zu Berg und Engel Wollerschem, belastet mit 3—VIERTEL—ROGGEN an das hiesige KUR—FÜRSTL.
16251205             Schloß, 2—HÜHNERN an Junker Haiß zu KONRADSHEIM (Conderschem), weiter
16251205             AUSFERTIGUNG—PERGAMENT, 2—SIEGEL ab (2—REST). - - Rvv.
16251205             Besiegelt vom SCHULTHEIß und mit dem SCHÖFFEN—AMTS—SIEGEL ad causas.
16251205             —DIE—URKUNDE ist von den Eheleuten Mattheiß GEISEN—BÜRGER—ZU—ZÜLPICH, und Catharina Chorurneren an Joannes Haaß, KUR—FÜRSTL.
16251205             KÖLN.
16251205             STATT—HALTER des Amtes HARDT, und dessen Frau CHRISTINA—STURMS übergeben worden.
16251205             Die Wiedereinlöse bleibt vorbehalten.
16251205             Für die auf S—ANDREAE fällige Rente haben sie als UNTER—PFAND gesetzt ihr Haus mit Hof, Scheuer, Stallung und Garten von 3—MORGEN zu GEICH zwischen JACOB—HAGENLEGER und Adamß Gaßen,
16251205             Vor WERNER—GROISS, KUR—FÜRSTL.
16251205             an HERPERT—LANGENBERG—BÜRGER— und Händler der STADT—KÖLN, und
16251205             belastet mit PRO—JAHR 3—SÜMBER—ROGGEN an das hiesige KUR—FÜRSTL.
16251205             Schloß UND—DESSEN Frau MARIA—CHOMMEREN
16251205             seine Frau GIRTRUDT—SONST aber ZEHNT—FREI.
16251205             verkaufen HILBRANDT—KAYSER, ihr MIT—SCHÖFFE, und
16251205             — Gez.
16251205             —PRIDIE—NICOLAI—EPISCOPI.
16391205             * VINCENZO—MINUTOLI, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
16531205             worin DERSELBE DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN bittet, einiige Deputirte nach REGENSBURG zu schicken und
16541205             Dem von ihm am zum PASTOR—VON—SIEGBURG bestellten GOTTFRIED—GABRIELS, Magister der freien Künste und der PHILOSOPHIE,
16631205             † SEVERO—BONINI, —80—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
16661205             * FRANCESCO—ANTONIO—NICOLA—SCARLATTI, composer.
16771205             CHRISTIAN—WEISS aus KORNELIMÜNSTER oo [16750913             KORNELIMÜNSTER und zu neuem befohlen
16871205             * FRANCESCO—XAVERIO—GEMINIANI, composer.
16951205             † JOHANN—GEORG—STARCKE, sächsischer Architekt
17051205             † ERNST—JACOB—VON—AUDORF, böhmischer Hauptmann der BRESLAU—STADT—GARNISON, Militäringenieur und Romanautor
17071205             —FOUNDED, THE—SOCIETY—OF—ANTIQUARIES—OF—LONDON was, at the Bear Tavern in the Strand by JOHN—TALMAN, THE—SON—OF—1—ARCHITECT, Humfrey Wanley, 1—STUDENT—OF—ANCIENT—INSCRIPTIONS and ANGLO—SAXON, and JOHN—BAGFORD, 1—ECCENTRIC shoemaker and dealer in books.
17071205             They met for the purposes of forming 1—SOCIETY for the study of UK—ANTIQUITIES, whose agreed aim was to further THE—STUDY—OF—UK—HISTORY—PRIOR to the reign of JAMES—I
17301205             * JOSÉ—NICOLÁS—DE—AZARA, SPANISCHER—POLITIKER, Diplomat und Kunstmäzen
17341205             † AUGUSTIN—JOHANN—THOMASBERGER, mährischer Bildhauer und Bildschnitzer
17441205             * JOSEPH—BENEDIKT—VON—THURN—VALSASSINA, deutscher katholischer Geistlicher
17531205             * JOHANN—GOTTLIEB—DRASDO, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
17571205             —SCHLACHT—VON—LEUTHEN  in der
17571205             —BESIEGEN, PREUSSISCHE—TRUPPEN im Siebenjährigen Krieg die fast doppelt so starken Österreicher.
17571205             —LETZTMALS kommt dabei DIE—SCHIEFE—SCHLACHTORDNUNG als MILITÄR—TAKTIK zum Einsatz.
17571205             † GUSTAV—ADOLF—ZU—STOLBERG—GEDERN, KAISERLICH—KÖNIGLICHER Generalfeldwachtmeister
17581205             † JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—FASCH, —70—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
17661205             LONDON auctioneers CHRISTIE—HELD their 1. sale.
17661205—19980000    —IN, THE—UK—AUCTION—HOUSE—CHRISTIE'S was sold to FRANCOIS—PINAULT, 1—FRANCE—BUSINESSMAN and art collector.
177231205            † —LUDOLF, PFARRER—VON—VORST
17761205—20050000    —ORGANIZED, Phi Beta Kappa was, as the 1. USA—COLLEGE—SCHOLASTIC—GREECE—LETTER—FRATERNITY, at William and MARY—COLLEGE, WILLIAMSBURG—VIRGINIA the honor society had some 600,000 members with about 15,000 new members joining annually.
17771202—17771205    —ON, UK—OFFICERS under GENERAL—HOWE met in THE—PHILADELPHIA home of Lydia Darragh to discuss plans to the attack USA—FORCES, —JUST—PRIOR—TO GENERAL—WASHINGTON'S planned move to Valley Forge.
17781205             * KARL—CHRISTOPH—SCHMIEDER, DEUTSCHER—WISSENSCHAFTSHISTORIKER, Gymnasialprofessor und Autor
17801205             * HEINRICH—AUGUST—SCHOTT, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
17821205             * MARTIN—VAN—BUREN, 8. USA—PRESIDENT (18370000—18410000    ) in KINDERHOOK—NEW—YORK.
17821205             MARTIN—VAN—BUREN was the 1. CHIEF executive to be born —AFTER USA—INDEPENDENCE.
17821205             * USA—PRÄSIDENT—MARTIN—VAN—BUREN, 8.
17871205             An der OPÉRA—COMIQUE in PARIS findet die Uraufführung der Oper La Dame invisible ou L'Amant à l'épreuve von HENRI—MONTAN—BERTON statt.
17881205             LE—PARLEMENT—DE—PARIS demande l'égalité devant LE—IMPÔT
17881205             * CHRISTIAN—WILHELM—BRONISCH, sorbischer Pfarrer und Sprachwissenschaftler
17881205             * FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—SCHUBERT, deutscher lutherischer Theologe, Geistlicher, Skandinavist und Hochschullehrer
17881205             An der Grand Opéra PARIS wird die Oper Démophon von LUIGI—CHERUBINI uraufgeführt.
17911205             † AUSTRIA—COMPOSER—WOLFGANG—AMADEUS—MOZART in VIENNA—AUSTRIA, at age 35. His 1. opera was "Idomeneo".
17911205—19200000    —AUTHORED, HERMANN—ABERT, "W.A. Mozart".
17911205—19910000    —AUTHORED, GEORG—KNEPLER, "Wolfang Amade Mozart," 1—MARXIST—VIEW—OF—MOZART in his times.
17911205—19950000    —PUBLISHED, Maynard Solomon, 1—PSYCHOANALYTIC—BIOGRAPHY—OF—MOZART.
17911205—19990000    —AUTHORED, PETER—GAY, 1—PENGUIN short life of Mozart and ROBERT—W—GUTMAN authored the comprehensive biography "Mozart".
17921205             JOHN—ADAMS was RE—ELECTED VICE—PRESIDENT.
17921205             * BOLIVIHEN—PRÄSIDENT—ANDRÉS—DE—SANTA—CRUZ, peruanischer und
17921205             2. Präsidentschaftswahl in den USA, wiedergewählt werden GEORGE—WASHINGTON als PRÄSIDENT, JOHN—ADAMS als VIZE—PRÄSIDENT—VOM—WAHLMÄNNERKOLLEGIUM.
18261205             † ALOYS—BASSELET—VON—LA—ROSÉE, bayerischer Beamter und Richter, ILLUMINATEN—ORDEN—MITGLIED
18301205             * WILLIAM—PETTAVEL, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher
18301205             Die Symphonie Fantastique von HECTOR—BERLIOZ wird unter der Leitung von FRANÇOIS—ANTOINE—HABENECK im Conservatoire de PARIS uraufgeführt.
18301205—18940000    * † CHRISTINA—ROSSETTI, poet (—WINTER Rain, Passing Away), in LONDON.
18301205—18940000    CHRISTINA—ROSSETTI wrote devotional verse, curious fairy tales and category defying poems.
18301205—18940000    —HELPED, CHRISTINA—ROSSETTI—BROTHERS, WILLIAM—MICHAEL and DANTE—GABRIEL, found THE—PRE—RAPHAELITE Brotherhood, whose professed aim was to revive the purity and vividness they admired in late medieval art.
18301205—18940000    "Better by far you should forget and smile, Than that you should remember and be sad".
18311205             —AUFSTAND—DER—SEIDENWEBER in LYON wird durch die FRANZÖSISCHE—ARMEE gewaltsam niedergeschlagen.
18311205             10.000—MENSCHEN müssen hinterher die Stadt verlassen.
18321205             ANDREW—JACKSON was RE—ELECTED USA—PRESIDENT and became the 1. PRESIDENT to win 1—ELECTION in which the turnout exceeded 50%.
18321205             THE—USA—ANTI—MASON—PARTY with WILLIAM—WIRT drew 8—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE against HENRY—CLAY and the eventual winner, ANDREW—JACKSON.
18321205             —COALESCED, Clay led the Whig Party which, against the power of ANDREW—JACKSON.
18321205             THE—WHIGS came from the conservative, nationalist wing of the Jeffersonian Republicans.
18321205             —SERVED, The election, as 1—REFERENDUM on JACKSON—POSITION against the 2. BANK—OF—THE—USA.
18361205             † DAVID—CHRISTOPH—HUBER, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher
18371205             —PREMIERED, HECTOR—BERLIOZ' "Requiem,".
18381205             * LEOPOLD—AUSPITZ, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—GENERALMAJOR und Schriftsteller
18390709—18391205    ".und dauerte —VOM—BIS-
18390709—18391205    "und dauerte
18391205             † GEORGE—ARMSTRONG—CUSTER (18760000             , ), Union cavalry leader who met his fate against Native Americans at THE—BATTLE—OF—THE—LITTLE—BIGHORN, was born.
18471205             worüber ENGELS in der französischen "Réforme" vom berichtet:
18481205             —AM, aufgelöst DIE—PREUßISCHE—NATIONAL—VERSAMMLUNG
18481205             —AM, selben selbst 1—VERFASSUNG oktroyiert.
18481205             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—160—KÖLN.
18481205             —TRIGGERED, PRESIDENT—POLK, the Gold Rush of '49 by confirming that gold had been discovered in CALIFORNIA.
18481205             Paula MITCHELL—MARKS—LATER wrote "PRECIOUS—DUST," 1—ACCOUNT—OF—THE—GOLD rush.
18481205             —AUFGELÖST, Die ihm widerspenstige PREUSSISCHE—NATIONALVERSAMMLUNG wird durch FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—IV—KÖNIG—VON—PREUSSEN durch Verordnung.
18481205             —AM—SELBEN—TAG, erlässt FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—IV—KÖNIG—VON—PREUSSEN die Preußen nach seinen Vorstellungen oktroyierte Verfassung.
18481205             Durch 1—REDE—DES—USA—PRÄSIDENT—JAMES—K—POLK vor dem USA—KONGRESS, dass in Kalifornien tatsächlich Gold gefunden worden ist, entwickelt sich der kalifornische Goldrausch zu 1—NATIONALEN "Völkerwanderung".
18481205—20020000    —IN, H.W. Brands authored "THE—AGE—OF—GOLD: THE—CALIFORNIA—GOLD—RUSH and the New USA—DREAM".
18541205             1. Genehmigung für die Aufstellung der später nach ihm benannten Litfaßsäulen, ERNST—LITFASS erhält von der STADT—BERLIN.
18581205             DAS—MÜNCHNER—MARIONETTENTHEATER gibt seine 1. Vorstellung.
18581205             DAS—MÜNCHNER—MARIONETTENTHEATER gilt als älteste stationäre Bühne für Marionetten im deutschsprachigen Gebiet.
18591205             —PREMIERED, DION—BOUCICAULT'S "Octaroon,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
18601205             * HUGO—GAUDIG, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE
18601205             † AUGUST—ARNOLD, DEUTSCHER—GESCHICHTSPHILOSOPH und Staatswissenschaftler
18611205             THE—USA—CONGRESS, petitions and bills calling for THE—ABOLITION—OF—SLAVERY were introduced.
18651205             MEHLNG LORENZ—JAKOB "MARIA—HIMMELFAHRT"von Litterini Bild konnte mit einigen wenigen Gegenständen beim großen MARKT—BRAND aus der KIRCHE gerettet werden und hängt —NUN an der westlichen Seitenwand der PFARR—KIRCHE.
18651205             Nach einigen kriegerischen Zwischenfällen mit SPANIEN, das Ambitionen zur Rückeroberung seiner FRÜHEREN—KOLONIEN zeigt, schließen PERU und CHILE ein formelles Bündnis.
18651205             —BEGINNT, Der SPANISCH—SÜDAMERIKANISCHE Krieg.
18671205             HENRY—HAIGHT (18250000—18780000    ), the 10. GOVERNOR—OF—CALIFORNIA (18670000—18710000    ), gave his inaugural address.
18671205             * POLNISCHER—GENERAL—JÓZEF—PI?SUDSKI, und Staatsmann
18681205             1. USA—BICYCLE college opened in NEW—YORK.
18721205             THE—MARIE—CELESTE, 1—CANADIAN—BUILT—AMERICA OWNED merchant brigantine, was discovered in the Atlantic Ocean, unmanned and apparently abandoned (THE—1—LIFEBOAT was missing, along with its crew of 7).
18721205—18850000    —IN, the ship was destroyed —WHEN her last owner intentionally wrecked her off THE—COAST—OF—HAITI in 1—ATTEMPT to commit insurance fraud.
18761205             —PATENTED, DANIEL—STILLSON (Mass), the 1. practical pipe wrench.
18771205             * ALESSANDRO—ANZANI, ITALIENISCHER—INGENIEUR und Rennfahrer
18800000—19451205    * † Petras Kalpokas, LITHUANIA—PAINTER, in KAUNAS.
18871205             * LOUIS—CHENARD, FRANZÖSISCHER—UNTERNEHMER und Autorennfahrer
18891205             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, OTTO—LILIENTHAL, in BERLIN seine wissenschaftliche Publikation Der Vogelflug als Grundlage der Fliegekunst.
18901205             —PREMIERED, Berlioz' opera "Les Troyens,", in KARLSRUHE.
18901205—19760000    * † FRITZ—LANG, film director.
18901205—19760000    —INCLUDED, FRITZ—LANG—WORK, "Metropolis," "M," and "THE—BIG—HEAT".
18931205             1. electric car was built in TORONTO.
18931205             It could go 15—MILES between charges.
18941205             —PREMIERED, GEORGES—FEYDEAU'S "L'Hotel du Libre Echange,", in PARIS.
18941205             das REICHSTAGSGEBÄUDE—BERLIN, wird mit der feierlichen Schlusssteinlegung seiner Bestimmung übergeben.
18951205             * MARTYNAS—ANYSAS, LITAUISCHER—JURIST, Historiker und Diplomat
18961205             * CARL—FERDINAND—CORI, ÖSTERREICHISCH—USA—AMERIKANISCHER—ARZT, Physiologe, Biochemiker und Pharmakologe, Nobelpreisträger
18971205             * GERSHOM—SCHOLEM, DEUTSCH—JÜDISCHER Religionshistoriker
19011205             —DIE—SPD—REICHS—TAGS—FRAKTION überreicht dem REICHS—TAG 1—GEGEN—JEDE—ERHÖHUNG—DER—LEBENS—MITTEL—ZÖLLE gerichtete Petition, die über 3.400.000—UNTERSCHRIFTEN trägt.
19011205             —IM—BEREITS—HERBST hatte —DIE—SPD in zahlreichen VERSAMMLUNGEN—GEGEN—GEPLANTE Zollerhöhungen protestiert.
19011205             * GRACE—MOORE, USA—SOPRANO (—1—NIGHT to Live).
19011205—19320000    —DISCOVERED, WERNER—HEISENBERG, the uncertainty principle and won the Nobel Prize.
19011205—19660000    * † WALTER—ELIAS—DISNEY, movie producer and animator, in CHICAGO.
19011205—19660000    —CREATED, Walt Disney, 1—CARTOON empire with the character MICKEY—MOUSE.
19041205             —DESTROYED, Japanese, RUSSIA—FLEET at Port Arthur in KOREA.
19051205             geschrieben hatte, DIE—ARBEITERSCHAFT lasse sich nicht länger in Rechtlosigkeit halten, und zum KAMPF—GEGEN—DAS—UN—RECHT aufgefordert hatte.
19051205             * OTTO—PREMINGER, director and producer (Laura, Exodus), in AUSTRIA.
19051205             Das Dach des Londoner CHARING—CROSS—BAHNHOF, einbricht.
19061205             Die HAMBURG—S—BAHN wird unter der Bezeichnung HAMBURG—ALTONAER STADT—UND Vorortbahn eröffnet.
19071205             * ~ HJALMER—MELIN M APPLETON—SWIFT, Mn
19081205             (Sonderdr.); ders.; ZÜLPICH unter RÖMER—HERRSCHAFT, in: ZÜLPICHER—ZEITUNG (Sonderdr.);
19091205             —MANNED, GEORGE—TAYLOR made the 1., glider flight in AUSTRALIA in 1—GLIDER that he designed himself.
19101205             CHINA set this date for the removal of queus (1—BRAID—OF—HAIR) from the heads of MALE citizens.
19101205             —EXPECTED, This was, to glut the human hair market.
19111205             Arbeit, Brot und Gerechtigkeit für alle!" - TOD—DER—NOT und dem MÜßIG—GANG!
19111205             "Wähler DEUTSCHLANDs!
19111205             Helft den Grund legen zu 1—NEUEN, besseren Gestaltung unseres —STAAT—UND gesellschaftlichen Baues, der die Devise tragen soll:
19121205             —RENEWED, ITALY, AUSTRIA, and GERMANY, the Triple Alliance —FOR—6—YEARS.
19141205             —START—DER—ENDURANCE—EXPEDITION unter ERNEST—SHACKLETON in Südgeorgien.
19161205             † HANS—RICHTER, —73—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
19161205             —ZURÜCKTRITT, Der BRITISCHE—PREMIERMINISTER—HERBERT—HENRY—ASQUITH von seinem Amt, und geht mit seinen liberalen Anhängern in die Opposition.
19161205             Im DEUTSCHEN—REICH tritt das Gesetz über den vaterländischen Hilfsdienst in Kraft.
19161205             das Gesetz über den vaterländischen Hilfsdienst, können ALLE—MÄNNER, die nicht zur Armee eingezogen worden sind oder in 1—AGRAR—BETRIEB oder FORST—BETRIEB arbeiten, verpflichtet werden, in 1—KRIEGSWICHTIGEN Betrieb zu arbeiten.
19161205             LONDON, findet die Uraufführung der Kammeroper Savitri von GUSTAV—HOLST statt.
19171203—19171205    —AM, wird 1 10—TÄGIGE WAFFEN—RUHE,
19171205             —IM, PREUSSISCHEN—ABGEORDNETEN—HAUS sagt der konservative Sprecher bei der 1. Lesung der WAHL—RECHT—FRAGE,
19171205             DIE—KONSERVATIVEN machten DIE—ENTWICKLUNG zur parlamentarischen Regierungsform nicht mit.
19171205             —AM, SIDÓNIO—PAIS toma o poder.[1]
19171205             SIDÓNIO—PAIS putscht sich in PORTUGAL an die Macht.
19171205             PRÄSIDENT—BERNARDINO—MACHADO weigert sich, sein Amt zu übergeben und wird vorübergehend inhaftiert.
19181205             Der KOMMISSION zur Vorberatung DER—SOZIALISIERUNG—VON—INDUSTRIE—ZWEIGEN angehört E. Francke,
19181205             Der KOMMISSION zur Vorberatung DER—SOZIALISIERUNG—VON—INDUSTRIE—ZWEIGEN angehört E. Lederer,
19181205             Der KOMMISSION zur Vorberatung DER—SOZIALISIERUNG—VON—INDUSTRIE—ZWEIGEN angehört H. Cunow,
19181205             Der KOMMISSION zur Vorberatung DER—SOZIALISIERUNG—VON—INDUSTRIE—ZWEIGEN angehört J. A. Schumpeter,
19181205             Der KOMMISSION zur Vorberatung DER—SOZIALISIERUNG—VON—INDUSTRIE—ZWEIGEN angehört K. Ballod,
19181205             Der KOMMISSION zur Vorberatung DER—SOZIALISIERUNG—VON—INDUSTRIE—ZWEIGEN angehört KARL—KAUTSKY (Vors.),
19181205             Der KOMMISSION zur Vorberatung DER—SOZIALISIERUNG—VON—INDUSTRIE—ZWEIGEN angehört O. HUE,
19181205             Der KOMMISSION zur Vorberatung DER—SOZIALISIERUNG—VON—INDUSTRIE—ZWEIGEN angehört P. Umbreit,
19181205             Der KOMMISSION zur Vorberatung DER—SOZIALISIERUNG—VON—INDUSTRIE—ZWEIGEN angehört R. Hilferding,
19181205             Der KOMMISSION zur Vorberatung DER—SOZIALISIERUNG—VON—INDUSTRIE—ZWEIGEN angehört Th.
19181205             Vogelstein und
19181205             —AM, erstmals in der Berliner Bunsenstraße zusammentrat,
19181205—19181124    BERLIN, tritt die von den VOLKS—BEAUFTRAGTEN am berufene KOMMISSION zur Vorberatung DER—SOZIALISIERUNG—VON—INDUSTRIE—ZWEIGEN und Betrieben zusammen.
19200000—20121205    * † DAVE—BRUBECK, USA—PIANIST, jazz composer and band leader, —1—DAY—SHORT—OF his 92. birthday.
19210000—20071205    * † ANDREW—IMBRIE, composer and teacher, in BERKELEY—CALIFORNIA.
19211205             —REACHED, THE—UK—EMPIRE, 1—ACCORD with Sinn Fein; IRELAND was to become 1—FREE—STATE.
19240000—20081205    * † NINA—FOCH, DUTCH—BORN HOLLYWOOD film star, in LOS—ANGELES.
19261205             —DEBUTED, SERGEI—EISENSTEIN'S "Battleship Potemkin,".
19261205             Monet was 1—OF—THE—ORIGINAL—PROPONENTS—OF—IMPRESSIONISM and--despite failing eyesight--painted fervently —UNTIL his death.
19261205             * He in PARIS, but grew up observing nature on the Normandy coast near LE—HAVRE.
19261205             —WHILE studying under CHARLES—GLEYRE, Monet met fellow students Fridiric Bazille, PIERRE—AUGUSTE—RENOIR and ALFRED—SISLEY.
19261205             They broke with their teacher and his conventions of painting that included, among other traditions, the painting of outdoor landscapes in 1—STUDIO.
19261205             Although he began to experiment with "series" in the late 1870s, his trademark method only appeared in earnest in the 1890s.
19261205             —INVOLVED, This, 1—SERIES—OF—PAINTINGS—OF—THE—SAME—SUBJECT under different lighting and weather conditions.
19261205             —REMAINED, Monet, committed to Impressionism long —AFTER MANY—OF—HIS contemporaries had abandoned the style.
19261205—18830000    —SINCE, Claude [Oscar] Monet (18400000             *), FRANCE—PAINTER (impressionist), † at Giverny, where he'd painted.
19261205—20060000    —IN, over 10000000             letters to Monet were auctioned.
19271205             redete HITLER vor 600—INDUSTRIE llen im Essener Kruppsaal(29). - - Und am
19280000—20071205    * † KARLHEINZ—STOCKHAUSEN, GERMANY—AVANT—GARDE composer.
19281205             —MOVED, Both belligerents, more troops into the Chaco Boreal, 1—WILDERNESS region north of the Pilcomayo River and WEST—OF—THE—PARAGUAY—RIVER that forms PART—OF—THE—GRAN—CHACO.
19281205—19320000    —BY, war was definitely under way.
19290000—20141205    * † Tashi Tsering, Tibetan scholar, in Lhasa.
192909120550         —ÜBERQUERT, Aufregung in SOLINGEN:, das Luftschiff 127 "GRAF—ZEPPELIN"SOLINGEN, 236—METER—LANG, 30—METER—DURCHMESSER
19311205             * REVEREND—JAMES—CLEVELAND, considered the "KING—OF—GOSPEL,".
19321205             * RICHARD—WAYNE—PENNIMAN [Little Richard], singer.
19321205             —GRANTED, GERMANY—PHYSICIST—ALBERT—EINSTEIN was, 1—VISA, making it possible for him to travel to THE—USA.
19321205—20030000    —AUTHORED, THOMAS—LEVENSON, "Einstein in BERLIN".
19330220—19331205    —AM, Mit seinem Inkrafttreten endet die Prohibitionszeit in den Vereinigten Staaten.
19330322             [see 19330220             , 19330407             , 19331205             ]
19331205             —REPEALED, Prohibition was --much to the delight of thirsty revelers--when UTAH became the 36. state to ratify the 21. Amendment to THE—USA—CONSTITUTION.
19331205             —BECAME, PROHIBITION—SUPPORTERS gradually, disenchanted with it as the illegal manufacture and sale of liquor fostered 1—WAVE—OF—CRIMINAL—ACTIVITY.
19331205             —ADOPTED, In February 19330000             , Congress, 1—RESOLUTION proposing the 21. Amendment to repeal the 18. and with UTAH—VOTE in December, Prohibition ended.
19331205             3—QUARTERS—OF—THE—STATES approved the repeal of the 18. amendment and FDR proclaimed THE—END—OF—PROHIBITION.
19331205             —BECAME, SF, 1—DRY city with THE—DEATH—OF—PROHIBITION as the city went under state license control with no licenses issued.
19331205             —RECEIVED, SF, some 6,259—MEN, pay from the Civil Works Administration for projects that included Lake Merced road and Balboa reservoir.
19331205             aufrechthalten die Prohibition jedoch weiterhin, Einzelne Bundesstaaten.
19331205—19190000    —SEIT, endet, Das bestehende Alkoholverbot in den USA bundesrechtlich durch die Ratifizierung des 21. Zusatzartikel der USA—VERFASSUNG im BUNDESSTAAT—UTAH.
19331205—19190100    —IN, The nationwide prohibition of the manufacture, sale or transportation of alcoholic beverages was established with passage of the 18. Amendment.
19341205             * JOAN—DIDION, essayist and novelist.
19341205             JOAN—DIDION—WORK includes "Slouching Towards Bethlehem" and "Play it as it Lays".
19341205             —CLASHED, Italian and ETHIOPIA—TROOPS, at the Ualual on disputed SOMALI—ETHIOPIA—BORDER.
19351205             * CALVIN—TRILLIN, journalist and writer.
19361205             —EXECUTED, ALBERT—WALTER—JUNIOR, —22—JAHRE—ALT was, by hanging at S—QUENTIN, CALIFORNIA.
19361205             —ADMITTED, He had, to strangling 1—GIRL in S—FRANCISCO nearly —6—MONTHS—EARLIER.
19361205             —PROMISED, THE—NEW—CONSTITUTION in THE—SOVIET—UNION, universal suffrage, but the Communist Party remained the only legal political party.
19361205             —VERABSCHIEDET, In der UdSSR wird 1—STALINISTISCHE Verfassung.
19361205—19240000    1—STALINISTISCHE Verfassung tritt an der SOWJETISCHE—VERFASSUNG—VON, Stelle.
19401205             † JAN—KUBELIK, —60—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
19411205             PRESIDENT—ROOSEVELT sent 1—MESSAGE to JAPAN—EMPEROR—HIROHITO expressing hope that gathering war clouds would be dispelled.
19411205             —SMILED, Hirohito, enigmatically, knowing that JAPAN would attack Pearl Harbor THE—NEXT—DAY.
19411205             —STEAMED, USA—AIRCRAFT—CARRIER—LEXINGTON and 5—HEAVY cruisers, out of Pearl Harbor.
19411205             Sister ELIZABETH KENNY—NEW—TREATMENT for infantile paralysis, polio, was approved.
19411205             RUSSIA—OFFENSIVE in MOSCOW drove out the Nazi army.
19411205             —BEGINNT, Während der
19411205             —SCHLACHT—UM—MOSKAU, DIE—ROTE—ARMEE 1—GROSSOFFENSIVE gegen die Wehrmacht, die zum ENDE—DER—DEUTSCHEN—BLITZKRIEGTAKTIK im Russlandfeldzug und letztlich zur Wende —WWII—IM führt.
19421205             —ORDERED, ARTHUR—SEYSS—INQUART, students in Nazi GERMANY to work.
19441205             —SCHLACHT—UM—ATHEN
19441205             —EINGREIFEN, BRITISCHE—TRUPPEN auf Seiten der Royalisten gegen die GRIECHISCHE—VOLKSBEFREIUNGSARMEE—ELAS, und beginnen mit der Besetzung ATHENS.
19451205             4—TBM Avenger bombers disappear approximately 100—MILES off THE—COAST—OF—FLORIDA, in what is considered THE—BERMUDA—TRIANGLE.
19451205             —ANERKANNT, DIE—CHRISTLICH—SOZIALE—UNION[CSU] in BAYERN als 5. politische Partei durch die Militärregierung  wird.
19451205             —VERSCHWINDET, DER USA—NAVY—FLUG—19 auf 1—ROUTINEMÄSSIGEN Übungsflug.
19451205             Dieses Ereignis legt die Grundlage für den Mythos des Bermudadreiecks.
19461205             * JOSE—CARRERAS, opera tenor (I—LOMBARDI, Werther, 3—TENORS), in BARCELONA—SPAIN.
19461205             —CREATED, PRESIDENT—TRUMAN, THE—COMMITTEE—ON—CIVIL—RIGHTS by Executive Order #9808.
19481130—19481205    —FÜR—DEN, 1—GEPLANTE gemeinsame Wahl zur Berliner Stadtverordnetenversammlung, verboten, Im SOVIET—SEKTOR hat die Besatzungsmacht.
19481205             —NUR—2—JAHRE—NACH der letzten Gesamtberliner Wahl werden auf Grund der Spaltung der Stadt in den Westsektoren Berlins erneut Wahlen zur Stadtverordnetenversammlung abgehalten.
19481205             Dabei erzielt die SPD mit 64,5—PROZENT—DER—ABGEGEBENEN—STIMMEN das höchste je von 1—PARTEI bei demokratischen Wahlen in DEUTSCHLAND erreichte Ergebnis.
19501205             PYONGYANG in KOREA fell to the invading CHINA—ARMY.
19501205             † AUROBINDO—GHOSE, INDISCHER—POLITIKER, Philosoph, HINDU—MYSTIKER, Yogi und Guru
19511205             "Dragnet" premiered on TV.
19511205             † "Shoeless" JOE—JACKSON, of baseball's "Black Sox" scandal.
19521205—19521208    A —4—DAY—LONDON smog killed 4,703—PEOPLE.
19521205—19521208    Oxides of sulfur and other irritants from coal smoke were blamed.
19521205—19521208    —CONTRIBUTED, The air pollution, to some 12,000 deaths.
19521205—19530300    —BIS, LONDON, beginnt THE—GREAT—SMOG, der etwa 12.000—MENSCHENLEBEN fordert.
19531205             —AGREED, ITALY and YUGOSLAVIA, to pull troops out of the disputed TRIESTE border.
19551201             —PROMPTED, This, 19551205             —THE bus boycott, —1—YEAR—LONG—BOYCOTT—OF—THE—BUSES by blacks, and launched the Civil Rights movement in THE—USA.
19551201—19551205    19550209             —SEE
19551201—19551205    —APPROVED, AFL delegates in S—FRANCISCO, 1—MERGER wit THE—CIO.
19551201—19551205    —MERGED, THE—AMERICA—FEDERATION—OF—LABOR and the Congress of Industrial Organizations, to form THE—AFL—CIO under its 1. PRESIDENT, GEORGE—MEANY (18940000—19800000    ).
19551201—19551205    —VOTED, THE—NEXT—DAY—CIO delegates, 660-3 in favor of merging.
19551205             —ORGANIZED, MONTGOMERY—ALABAMA, MARTIN—LUTHER—KING—JUNIOR, 1—BUS boycott and began the civil rights movement to end segregation.
19551205             Black residents chose MISTER—KING—TO—HEAD—THE—MONTGOMERY—IMPROVEMENT—ASSOCIATION, formed to sustain the protest against segregation policies on the municipal buses.
19551205             DER—BUSBOYKOTT—VON—MONTGOMERY richtet sich gegen die POLITIK—DER—SEGREGATION in den Südstaaten und wird zum Anstoß für das ENDE—DER—RASSENTRENNUNG in den USA.
19551205—19550000    —IN, THE—USA—MONTGOMERY—BUS—BOYCOTT began.
19561205             —PREMIERED, Thornton Wilder's "Matchmaker,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19561205             Herb Stempel lost to CHARLES—VAN—DOREN on THE—NBC quiz show "21" in 1 fixed match.
19561205             —SPONSORED, ALBERT—FREEDMAN, —34—JAHRE—ALT, who had taken over as HEAD—OF—THE—GERITOL, show, had coached the charming VAN Doren to get rid of the expressionless Stempel.
19561205             Das Bundesverfassungsgericht bestätigt im LÜBECK—URTEIL den ablehnenden Bescheid des BUNDESMINISTERIUM—DES—INNERN zu 1—BEANTRAGTEN Volksbegehren über die Bildung 1—DEUTSCHEN—BUNDESLAND—FREIE und HANSE—STADT—LÜBECK.
19571205             —DIRECTED, It was, by Elia KAZAN.
19571205—19470000    —REWORKED, The drama was, by Inge from his —EARLIER play, Farther Off from Heaven, 1. staged at Margo Jones' Theatre '47 in DALLAS—TEXAS.
19571205—19590117    —ON, THE—WILLIAM—INGE play, "THE—DARK at the Top of the Stairs," opened at NEW—YORK—MUSIC—BOX—THEATRE and ran for 1—TOTAL—OF—468—PERFORMANCES, closing.
19611205             Der LOKFÜHRER—HARRY—DETERLING flieht mit 24—WEITEREN Personen mit 1—PERSONENZUG aus der DDR durch die Grenzsperren nach WEST—BERLIN.
19611205—19630000    Das Ereignis wird unter dem Titel Durchbruch Lok 234—DURCH FRANK—WISBAR verfilmt.
19621205             —DISCUSSED, PRESIDENT—KENNEDY, stockpiling nuclear weapons to deter SOVIET—ATTACKS with senior staff including Def.
19631205             Die BERTHOLD—SELIGER—FORSCHUNGS—UND—ENTWICKLUNGSGESELLSCHAFT—MBH vorführt Vertretern von Militärs aus NICHT—NATO—STAATEN militärisch verwertbare Raketen im Wattengebiet von Cuxhaven.
19631205             Obwohl bei dieser Vorführung nicht gegen alliiertes Recht verstoßen wird und die vorgeführten Raketen nach ihren Flug am Fallschirm landen, führt diese Aktion zu Protesten von Seiten der Sowjetunion.
19661205             —HEADED, Comedian and political activist Dick Gregory, for HANOI, NORTH—VIETNAM despite FEDERAL—WARNINGS against it.
19671205             —ARRESTED, BENJAMIN—SPOCK and ALLEN—GINSBERG were, for protesting VIETNAM war.
19681205             —HIJACKED, EDUARDO—CASTERA, 1—LATIN successfully, 1—B—727—FROM TAMPA to CUBA.
19691205—19680316    Das USA—MAGAZIN—LIFE bringt den SEYMOUR—HERSH—BERICHT über das MASSAKER—VON—MY—LAI, und schockiert damit die Weltöffentlichkeit.
19721205             —SERVED, KARL—THEODOR—ZU—GUTTENBERG, to 19751111             .
19721205             He served to 19751111             .
19721205             THE—NIXON administration, in response to recent hijackings, ordered airports to screen EVERY—PASSENGER with 1—METAL—DETECTOR, inspect the contents of CARRY—ONES and station 1—LOCAL—POLICE—OFFICER or sheriff's deputy at EVERY—1—OF—THE—NATION 531—MAJOR—COMMERCIAL—FACILITIES.
19721205             —BECAME, Gough Whitlam (19160000—20140000    ), labor leader, the 21. PRIME—MINISTER—OF—AUSTRALIA.
19721205—20130000    —AUTHORED, BRENDAN—I—KOERNER, "THE—SKIES—BELONG to Us: Love and Terror in the Golden Age of Hijacking".
19731205             —RELEASED, PAUL—MCCARTNEY, his "Band on the Run" album.
19731205             —GEGRÜNDET, DIE—UNIVERSITÄT—OLDENBURG wird.
19741205             THE—TV—SHOW "MONTY—PYTHON—FLYING—CIRCUS" was last shown on BBC.
19741205             —AUSGESTRAHLT, Die letzte Folge von MONTY—PYTHON—FLYING—CIRCUS wird auf BBC—2.
19741205—19691005    —PREMIERED, It had.
19781205             THE—USA—SPACE—PROBE—PIONEER Venus I, orbiting Venus, began beaming back its 1. information and PICTURE—OF—THE—PLANET to scientists in Mountain VIEW—CALIFORNIA.
19791205             —EXCOMMUNICATED, Feminist Sonia Johnson was formally, by the Mormon Church because of her outspoken support for the proposed Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution.
19791205             —STRANGLED, TERESA—DE—SIMONE (22) was found, in her car outside the pub where she worked in SOUTHAMPTON, 80—MILES (130—KILOMETERS) SOUTH—WEST—OF—LONDON.
19791205             —CONFESSED, SEAN—HODGSON —INITIALLY, to the killing, but he —LATER recanted and pleaded not guilty.
19791205             —ARGUED, His lawyers, he was 1—PATHOLOGICAL liar and ANY—CONFESSION he made was false.
19791205—20090000    —RELEASED, Hodgson was, from prison based on DNA evidence.
19801205             GAPUD ROLANDO C:
19801205             —RETURNED, Vine, to MANILA + met with Rolando Gapud...
19871205             —SEARCHED, FBI agents, 1—FEDERAL—PRISON where CUBA—INMATES had peacefully ended an —11—DAY—HOSTAGE—SIEGE THE—DAY—BEFORE.
19871205             —REPORTED, The agents, finding bottle bombs and homemade machetes, but no BOOBY—TRAPS or bodies.
19871205             BERKELEY—CALIFORNIA, THE—BODY—OF—DEANNA—BUTTERFIELD, —21—JAHRE—ALT was found in Tilden Park.
19871205—19920000    —IN, another in S—PABLO.
19871205—20060000    —LINKED, DNA evidence, WILLIAM—HUFF to the murder, but there was insufficient evidence to charge him.
19871205—20150000    —CHARGED, Huff was, for this murder and
19881205             1—FEDERAL—GRAND—JURY in NORTH—CAROLINA indicted PTL FOUNDER—JIM—BAKKER and former aide RICHARD—DORTCH on fraud and conspiracy charges.
19881205             —CONVICTED—OF, Bakker was, all counts;
19881205             —PLEADED, Dortch, guilty to 4—COUNTS and cooperated with prosecutors in exchange for 1—LIGHTER—SENTENCE.
19881205             —CONTINUED, THE—USA—SPACE—SHUTTLE—ATLANTIS, its classified mission.
19891205             —OUSTED, EAST—GERMANY—FORMER—LEADERS, including, Communist Party CHIEF—ERICH—HONECKER, were placed under house arrest.
19891205             1—FRENCH—TGV train reached 1—WORLD—RECORD speed of 482.4—KPH.
19900000             20041205             Lee,M. - THE—BEAST—REAWAKENS.
19901203             He served to 19941205             .
19901205             PRESIDENT—BUSH, on 1—VISIT to ARGENTINA, said he was "not optimistic" that IRAQ—PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN would withdraw from KUWAIT without 1—FIGHT.
19901205             Im INDIEN—BUNDESSTAAT—BIHAR wird der VALMIKI—NATIONALPARK eingerichtet.
19911205—19660000    —IN, † RICHARD—SPECK, who murdered 8—STUDENT—NURSES in CHICAGO—OF—1—HEART—ATTACK in prison —1—DAY—SHORT—OF his 50. birthday.
19921205             PROPAGANDA] "Das Instrument der runden Fehlinformation wird in Zukunft mehr denn je zur Geltung kommen. Denn vieles muß verheimlicht werden.Wer sich ein halbwe gs zutreffendes Bild vom Geschehen machen will,dem bleibt nur noch der eigne (analytische & synthetische) Verstand".
19921205             "Das Instrument der runden Fehlinformation[PROPAGANDA] wird in Zukunft mehr denn je zur Geltung kommen.
19921205             —VERHEIMLICHT, Denn vieles muß, werden.
19921205             Wer sich ein halbwegs zutreffendes Bild vom Geschehen machen will, dem bleibt nur noch der eigne (analytische und synthetische) Verstand".
19921205             "Unter dem Deckmantel der UNO schicken die USA 30.000—SOLDATEN nach SOMALIA, um die Lebensmittellieferungen für die Verhungernden militärisch abzusichern, und die Welt soll das glauben.
19921205             Man muß sich nur die Landkarte ansehen, um die strategische Bedeutung Somalias sofort zu erkennen.
19921205             Erstmals in der GESCHICHTE—DER—UNO intervenieren ihre Truppen ohne Zustimmung des betroffenen Landes.
19921205             Das ist wichtig!
19921205             die islamische Welt westlich des IRAN ist damit komplett unter USA—KONTROLLE.
19921205             "Den Terror nach AMERIKA tragen", könnte der Leitspruch einer neuen islamischen Gegenoffensive werden.
19921205             —BIS—JETZT wird der westliche Terror in den Islam hineingetragen.
19921205             Der größte TEIL—DER—ISLAMISCHEN—LÄNDER erlebt den terroristischen Druck von am Westen orientierten QUISLINGS—REGIMEN.
19921205             Die Korrektur des Weltgewissens geht einher mit der Korrektur des Wissens.
19921205             Information und Desinformation PROPAGANDA] wirken ungetrennt auf die Geister und Gemüter.
19921205             Solange Wahrheit und Lüge gemeinsam auftreten,PROPAGANDA] steht die Wahrheit letztlich in Diensten der LügePROPAGANDA]
19921205             Was die Zeit daran heilt, kommt gewöhnlich zu spät.PROPAGANDA](19921205             )S.141"
19921205             "Unter dem Deckmantel der UNO schicken die USA 30.000—SOLDATEN nach SOMALIA,
19921205             um die Lebensmittellieferungen für die Verhungernden militärisch abzusichern, und die Welt soll das glauben.
19921205             Man muß sich nur die Landkarte ansehen,
19921205             um die strategische Bedeutung Somalias sofort zu erkennen.
19921205             PROPAGANDA]"Das Instrument der runden FEHL—INFORMATION wird —IN—ZUKUNFT, mehr denn je zur Geltung kommen.
19921205             —ELECTED, RALPH—KLEIN, 1—PROGRESSIVE—CONSERVATIVE, was, premier of Alberta.
19921205             He began to lead CANADA in deregulation and privatization.
19921205             —RETIRED, Klein, —AT—THE—END—OF—20060000             .
19921205             RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—BORIS—YELTSIN narrowly kept the power to appoint Cabinet ministers, defeating 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—AMENDMENT that would have put his TEAM—OF—REFORMERS under THE—CONTROL—OF—RUSSIA—CONGRESS.
19921205             Einweihung des vermutlich 1. Mahnmals für deportierte und ermordete SINTI und ROMA in der Bundesrepublik durch den Wiesbadener BÜRGERMEISTER—ACHIM—EXNER (SPD).
19931205             Astronauts began the repair of Hubble telescope in space.
19931205             CONNECTICUT, THEODORE—EDWARDS, —77—JAHRE—ALT, 1—RESTAURANT custodian, was fatally shot in BRIDGEPORT.
19931205             1—PALESTINIAN boarded 1—BUS and opened fire with 1—ASSAULT—RIFLE in the 1. major attack in ISRAEL —SINCE the signing of 1—PEACE—PACT with THE—PLO;
19931205             the gunman killed 1—RESERVIST—BEFORE being gunned down.
19931205             Der Wiener BÜRGERMEISTER—HELMUT—ZILK wird durch 1—BRIEFBOMBE schwer verletzt.
19931205—20200000    —IN, Danarius Dukes (44) and ERIC—BROWN, —46—JAHRE—ALT were taken into custody and charged with felony murder.
19941205             PRESIDENT—CLINTON, on 1—WHIRLWIND visit to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in BUDAPEST—HUNGARY, urged European leaders to "prevent future Bosnias".
19941205             —AFFIRMED, THE—SO—CALLED, BUDAPEST memorandum BRITAIN, RUSSIA and THE—USA, their commitment to respect THE—INDEPENDENCE, sovereignty and existing borders of UKRAINE.
19941205             —ELECTED, Newt Gingrich was, the 1. Republican SPEAKER—OF—THE—USA—HOUSE in —4—DECADES.
19941205             THE—STRATEGIC—ARMS—REDUCTION—TREATY (START I) went into effect and THE—USA—AND—RUSSIA began to consider RATIFICATION—OF—START II.
19941205             —PULLED, INDIA—BIHAR—STATE, 1—MOB that, senior government official G. Krishnaiah out of his car and beat him unconscious —BEFORE shooting him to death because the official's car had inadvertently crossed paths with the funeral procession of 1 noted underworld don and aspiring politician, Chottan Shukla.
19941205             4—OTHERS, including MOHAN—WIFE, Lovely Anand — also 1—FORMER—MEMBER—OF—PARLIAMENT — were sentenced to life in prison by THE—COURT—IN—PATNA, THE—CAPITAL—OF—BIHAR state.
19941205—20070000    —SENTENCED, Anand Mohan and 2—OTHER—POLITICIANS were, to hang for their role in the attack.
19951205             In the 1. HINT—OF—MOVEMENT at the budget talks, WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS and Democratic congressional leaders said they were preparing a —7—YEAR BUDGET—BALANCING plan.
19951205             † STANLEY—KEITH—RUNCORN, —73—JAHRE—ALT, 1—PROFESSOR in geophysics, was killed by PAUL—BRADFORD—CAIN, —26—JAHRE—ALT, 1—KICKBOXER, at the Hotel S—DIEGO.
19951205             1. Folge der HARALD—SCHMIDT—SHOW wird ausgestrahlt.
19951205—19970000    —CONVICTED, Cain was, of 1.—DEGREE murder.
19961205             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, the foreign policy team for his 2. term, including MADELEINE—ALBRIGHT as the 1. female SECRETARY—OF—STATE, SENATOR—WILLIAM—COHEN—OF—MAINE, 1—REPUBLICAN, as defense SECRETARY—AND—ANTHONY—LAKE as CIA director.
19961205             —WARNED, ALAN—GREENSPAN, that investors could be succumbing to "irrational exuberance".
19961205             —CLOSED, Nasdaq, at 13000000             .12. - 1—AFRICA—SUMMIT opened in BURKINA—FASO.
19961205             New candidates for THE—POSITION—OF—UN—SECRETARY—GENERAL were to be considered.
19961205             † COLOMBIA, Isidro Gil, 1—UNION—LEADER at 1—CAREPA—COCA—COLA bottling plant, was killed at work.
19961205             —ALLEGED, It was —LATER, that the plant manager hired RIGHT—WING paramilitary to help wipe out union activity.
19961205             —PASSED, IRAN, THE—PARLIAMENT, legislation that banned the use of foreign words and names in the country.
19961205             Only Farsi language names would be allowed.
19961205             —ALLOWED, SERBIA, Milosevic, the radio stations to resume broadcasting.
19961205             The disputed elections were to be reviewed by THE—SUPREME—COURT.
19961205—20020000    —IN, the labor union filed suit against COCA—COLA in MIAMI.
19970000             20041205             FORTUNATE SON : GEORGE—W—BUSH and the Making of 1—AMERICA—PRESIDENT, 2. edition J.H. Hatfield
19971126—19971205    —REMOVED, Emergency workers, 57,000 gallons and 30,000 gallons still remained.
19971205             PRESIDENT—CLINTON said USA—TROOPS in HAITI will continue their presence.
19971205             Some 300—500—TROOPS were —POSTED on 1—ROTATING basis for civil affairs work with 1—ADDITIONAL—150—USA—MILITARY—POLICE for security.
19971205             —RETURNED, The space shuttle COLUMBIA, from a —16—DAY—MISSION that had been marred by the bungled release of 1—SATELLITE.
19971205             —REJECTED, THE—WORLD—TRADE—ORGANIZATION, USA—CLAIMS that THE—FUJI film company had conspired with THE—JAPAN—GOVERNMENT to keep Eastman Kodak products OUT—OF—JAPAN.
19971205             INDIA, explosions on 3—SEPARATE—PASSENGER—TRAINS left at least 10—DEAD and 64 injured in Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
19971205             MEXICO—CITY, Mayor Cuautemoc Cardenas (63) was sworn into office.
19971205             He named Jesus Carrola as head of the judicial police.
19971205             —VISITED, PRESIDENT—YELTSIN, the lower HOUSE—OF—PARLIAMENT and prodded THE—PASSAGE—OF—THE—NEW—BUDGET with austere spending plans.
19971205             † SPAIN, 1—POLITICIAN—BODYGUARD was shot to death hours —BEFORE authorities arrested 19—OF 23—LEADERS—OF—THE—PRO—BASQUE INDEPENDENCE party, Herri Batasuna, in S—SEBASTIAN.
19971205             —COMMANDEERED, Protestors also, 1—BUS and burned it.
19971205             NORTH—SRI—LANKA, Heavy fighting left some 250—DEAD.
19971205             —TURNED, Guerrillas, over the bodies of 111—GOVERNMENT—SOLDIERS and some 150—TAMIL rebel were believed killed in Vavuniya.
19971205             TURKEY—TROOPS began 1—OFFENSIVE against TURKEY—KURDS in NORTH—IRAQ.
19971205             The 20,000 man force was to be assisted by 8,000—MEN—OF—THE—KURDISTAN—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY, 1—IRAQ—GROUP.
19981205             —CLAIMED, JAMES—P—HOFFA, the Teamsters presidency —AFTER challenger TOM—LEEDHAM conceded defeat in the union's presidential election.
19981205             NIGERIA, local government elections were held.
19981205             —EXPELLED, PARAGUAY, the ruling COLORADO Pary, former army CHIEF—LINO—OVIEDO and accused PRESIDENT—RAUL—CUBAS of defying the constitution for failing obey 1—SUPREME—COURT ruling to send OVIEDO back to prison.
19981205             "Hana Bi" (Fireworks) was the 1. film shown —SINCE 1—BAN on JAPAN—WORK was lifted in Oct.
19981205             PAKISTAN—SINKING credit rating and unsuccessful talks with USA—OFFICIALS in WASHINGTON caused 1—MAJOR—SETBACK to the stock market.
19981205—19450000    —SINCE, SOUTH—KOREA, the 1. JAPAN—FILM was screened.
19990405             KANSAS, CITY—MONTANA, 19991205             OMPOSING bodies were found in THE—HOME—OF—GARY—BEACH (56) and his stepson.
19991205             —WELCOMED, AFL—CIO CHIEF—JOHN—SWEENEY, THE—COLLAPSE—OF—WORLD—TRADE—ORGANIZATION—TALKS in SEATTLE and the failure to agree on 1—NEW—ROUND—OF—NEGOTIATIONS, telling CBS' "Face the Nation," "No deal is better than 1—BAD—DEAL".
19991205             —DEMANDED, CUBA—PRESIDENT—FIDEL—CASTRO, that THE—USA—RETURN —5—YEAR—OLD—ELIAN Gonzalez, who was rescued at sea, to his father in CUBA within —72—HOURS.
19991205             —ELECTED, FRANCE, Michele ALLIOT—MARIE, —53—JAHRE—ALT was, as the 1. female leader of the conservative Rally for the Republic.
19991205             —CAUSED, VIETNAM, —4—DAYS—OF—RAIN, flooding that left over 109—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20000909             temples_COM—PHIL—TEMPLES—NEW—BUSH—INITIATIVE to Impose Order in IRAQ... " Terriers and Rogue Nations ", 233, 20021205154537        - GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF...
20000909             temples_COM—PHIL—TEMPLES " Terriers and Rogue Nations " —POSTED—BY k9hi on: —THURSDAY 20021205154537  .
20001205             THE—USA—NASDAQ market rose 274—POINTS, 10.5%, to 2889 on hints from Greenspan that interest rates may be cut.
20001205             THE—DOW rose 338 to 10,898.
20001205             FLORIDA—HIGHEST—COURT kept the presidential race on the legal fast track, agreeing to 1—SPEEDY HEARING—OF—AL—GORE—APPEAL—OF—1—RULING that in effect awarded GEORGE—W—BUSH the state's 25—ELECTORAL—VOTES.
20001205             —REPORTED, THE—ISRAELI and PALESTINE—VIOLENCE was, to have cost the Palestinians over $500—MILLION in lost wages and sales —SINCE—LATE—SEPTEMBER.
20001205             —BATTLED, In THE—IVORY—COAST—POLICE, opposition supporters for a 2. —DAY and at least 10—PEOPLE were killed.
20001205             —APPOINTED, JAPAN, PRIME—MINISTER—YOSHIRO—MORI, 1—NEW—CABINET that included 2—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTERS, Miyazawa and Hashimoto.
20001205             MEXICO, Adolfo Aguilar Zinser, the new CHIEF—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—COUNCIL, vowed to end illegal wiretapping.
20001205             MEXICO—CITY, MANUEL—ANDRES—LOPEZ—OBRADOR took office as mayor and vowed to delegate power and resources down to the 1,352 neighborhood governments.
20001205             —APPOINTED, Obrador, women to 9—OF—HIS 15—CABINET seats.
20001205             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 7—PEOPLE were, at 2—POLLING stations —DURING the 2. ALL—RACE—MUNICIPAL—ELECTIONS.
20001205             —SLASHED, The elections, the number of municipalities from 843 to 284 with 6—MEGA cities, each presided by 1—SINGLE mayor.
20001205             The ruling AFRICA—NATIONAL—CONGRESS (ANC) won at least 59—PERCENT—OF—THE—CONTESTS.
20010911             UNITED WISCONSIN SERVICES INC /WI(Form: 8-K 0000912057-96-029345 ... the "Merger Agreement") dated 19960731             by and between AMSG, BLUE—CROSS & BLUE—SHIELD—UNITED—OF—WISCONSIN ("BCBSUW"), UWS, WALLACE—J—HILLIARD and RONALD—A.
20010911             UNITED WISCONSIN SERVICES INC /WI(Form: 10-Q 0000912057-96-026064 ... the Company pursuant to 1—AGREEMENT and PLAN—OF—MERGER between AMS, BLUE—CROSS & BLUE—SHIELD—UNITED—OF—WISCONSIN, the Company, WALLACE—J—HILLIARD and RONALD—A.
20010911             UNITED WISCONSIN SERVICES INC /WI(Form: S-4/A 0000912057-96-020447 ... with + into UWS pursuant to 1—AGREEMENT and PLAN—OF—MERGER between AMSG, BLUE—CROSS & BLUE—SHIELD—UNITED—OF—WISCONSIN, UWS, WALLACE—J—HILLIARD and RONALD—A.
20010911             UNITED WISCONSIN SERVICES INC /WI(Form: 10-K405 0000912057-97 ... voted to approve the merger of AMSG with and into UWS pursuant to 1—AGREEMENT and PLAN—OF—MERGER among AMSG, UWS, BCBSUW, WALLACE—J—HILLIARD and RONALD—A.
20010911             UNITED WISCONSIN SERVICES INC /WI(Form: 10-Q 0000912057-96-026064 ...
20010911             UNITED WISCONSIN SERVICES INC /WI(Form: S-4 0000912057-96-019012 ...
20010911             UNITED WISCONSIN SERVICES INC /WI(Form: S-4/A 0000912057-96-020447 ...
20010911             UNITED WISCONSIN SERVICES INC /WI(Form: 10-Q 0000912057-96-017600 ...
20010911             UNITED WISCONSIN SERVICES INC /WI(Form: 8-K 0000912057-96-029345 ...
200109111205         —INDICATED, GEORGE—TENET outlining THE—NSA—AL—QAEDA intercept which, more targets were EXPECTED to be hit.
200109111205         GEORGE—TENET passes 1—NOTE to DONALD—RUMSFELD
200109111205         HAVE BEEN FINISHED FOR —JUST OVER —2—HOURS the attacks of which NSA—AL—QAEDA intercept warns
200109111205         THE—INTERCEPT—IS—MORE—THAN —2—HOURS AND —10—MINUTES—OLD, and
20011010             —DISSOLVED, SRI—LANKA, PRESIDENT—KUMARATUNGA, PARLIAMENT and set elections for 20011205             —AFTER defections left her coalition in the minority.
20011204—20011205    —ARRESTED, Police, Luyanda Mboniswa (21), 1—SECURITY—GUARD.
20011205             —ARRESTED, THE—FBI, escaped fugitive CLAYTON—LEE—WAAGNER in S—LOUIS.
20011205             —SUSPECTED—OF, Waagner was, mailing as many as 550—ANTHRAX hoax letters to abortion clinics.
20011205             —WANTED, He was also, for bank robbery and other offenses.
20011205             THE—NATIONAL—PARK—SERVICE—WEB—SITE was shut down by court order to keep hackers from accessing INDIA—TRIBAL—FUNDS.
20011205             —LAUNCHED, Nasa, space shuttle Endeavour to deliver 1—NEW 3-man crew to the Alpha space station.
20011205             RUSSIA—COSMONAUT YURI—ONUFRIENKO flew to replace DOUG—CULBERTSON as skipper.
20011205             —GAINED, THE—DJIA, 129 to finish above 10,000 for the 1. time in —3—MONTHS.
20011205             —DISAPPEARED, Marjorie Dabney (70) of BAKERSFIELD—CALIFORNIA, from THE—DALLAS—FORT—WORTH Airport.
20011205             A 20000000             —POUND USA—BOMB killed 3—USA—GREEN—BERETS near KANDAHAR along with 18—AFGHANISTAN—FIGHTERS.
20011205             20—AMERICANS were injured along with 18—AFGHANISTAN—FIGHTERS including newly appointed AFGHANISTAN—LEADER—HAMID—KARZAI.
20011205             † SIR—PETER—BLAKE, —53—JAHRE—ALT—OF—NEW—ZEALAND, 2-time AMERICA—CUP winner, was killed on the research vessel Seamaster by gunmen at MACAPA—BRAZIL, near the mouth of the Amazon.
20011205             7—MEN were arrested —2—DAYS—LATER and an 8. was still sought.
20011205             —ARRESTED, The final 2—SUSPECTS were, 20011209             .
20011205             —SIGNED, AFGHANISTAN—DELEGATES in KOENIGSWINTER—GERMANY, 1—AGREEMENT for 1—INTERIM—POST—TALIBAN government to begin 20011222             .
20011205             JERUSALEM, another suicide bomber sd'd outside 1—HOTEL and 2—PEOPLE were injured.
20011205             Sharon gave Arafat a —12—HOUR reprieve to arrest those responsible for the attacks.
20011205             —AGREED, RUSSIA, to cut its oil exports by 150,000 barrels —1—DAY to satisfy OPEC demands.
20011205             Die AFGHANISTAN—KONFERENZ auf dem Petersberg bei BONN endet mit dem Petersberger Abkommen, das die politische Neuordnung des Landes —NACH—DEM STURZ—DER—TALIBAN regelt.
20011205—20020000    —SENTENCED, Waagner was, to —30—YEARS in prison.
20011205—20080000    —IDENTIFIED, DNA evidence, her remains, which were found in 1—FIELD 15—MILES from the airport.
20011206             —RECEIVED, It had been, 20011205             .
20020105             0 20001205             At 1—PUBLIC meeting in SYDNEY,
20020105             0 20001205             At 1—PUBLIC meeting in SYDNEY—AUSTRALIA —ON—SUNDAY, DAVID—NORTH, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—WORLD—SOCIALIST—WEB—SITE + national SECRETARY—OF—THE—SOCIALIST—EQUALITY—PARTY in THE—USA, declared that THE—USA—ELECTION—CRISIS signified the onset of 1—REVOLUTIONARY—CRISIS in THE—HEARTLAND—OF—WORLD—CAPITALISM, with incalculable global implications.
20020302—20021205    —ON, 1—BOMB—BLAST at THE—MACEDONIA consulate in KARACHI, killed 3—PEOPLE in apparent retaliation.
20021205             Die Sorge vor dem Bioterror erschwert die wissenschaftliche Arbeit.
20021205             Die größte Angst: 1—POCKEN—COCKTAIL aus einem TERROR—LABOR.
20021205             Sicherheitsrisiko Forschung — PANIK—ATTACKEN im LABOR—ALFATOMEGA.com/20051121.html
20021205             Sicherheitsrisiko FORSCHUNG—PANIK—ATTACKEN im Labor
20021205             Allegations of wholesale rights abuse By MICHAEL—MAGINNIS.
20021205             —ARRESTED, He claims that he had been, by DENVER police and questioned by THE—SECRET—SERVICE for photographing the hotel in which VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY was staying.
20021205             —THREATENED, He claims that the agent interrogating him, him with charges under THE—USA—PATRIOT—ACT + inflicted verbal abuse by calling him a "raghead collaborator" and a "dirty pinko faggot".
20021205             DEUTSCHE—FORSCHER bekommen keine Virenproben mehr aus den USA, AMERIKA nische Labors vernichten ganze ERREGER—BESTÄNDE.
20021205             TRENT—LOTT, Senate Republican leader from MISSISSIPPI, made remarks that supported SENATOR—STROM—THURMOND'S 19480000             segregationist platform.
20021205             —PROMPTED, The resulting firestorm, Lott to resign his leadership position.
20021205             Strom Thurmond, the oldest and LONGEST—SERVING SENATOR in history, celebrated his 100. birthday on Capitol Hill.
20021205             —DILUTED, KANSAS, CITY—MONTANA 1—PHARMACIST who had, chemotherapy drugs given to THOUSANDS—OF—CANCER—PATIENTS was sentenced to —30—YEARS in prison.
20021205             1—SEVERE—ICE and snow storm snarled THE—EAST—USA down into the Carolinas, where over 1—MILLION—CUSTOMERS lost power.
20021205             29—DEATHS were blamed on the storm and its aftermath.
20021205             The genetic code of the Black 6—MOUSE, the most common BREED—OF—LABORATORY mouse, was published in Nature.
20021205             † ROONE—ARLEDGE, —71—JAHRE—ALT, ABC executive, in NEW—YORK.
20021205             † NE—WIN, —91—JAHRE—ALT, former general and dictator, in YANGON.
20021205             —BANKRUPTED, NE—WIN—26—YEARS in power, MYANMAR (Burma) economically and spiritually.
20021205             —RULED, CANADA, the high court, that higher life forms such as mice can't be patented.
20021205             KENYA—PRESIDENT—MOI and ETHIOPIA—PRIME—MINISTER—MELES—ZENAWI met at THE—WHITE—HOUSE with PRESIDENT—BUSH to discuss terrorism as well as drought, AIDS and other problems facing AFRICA.
20021205             1—EXPLOSION at 1—MCDONALD—RESTAURANT in Makassar on Sulawesi ISLAND killed 3—PEOPLE and seriously wounded 11. A 2. blast took place an —HOUR—LATER in 1—CAR showroom owned by INDONESIA—SOCIAL—WELFARE—MINISTER—YUSUF—KALLA.
20021205             MEXICO—CITY, 1—ANGRY—MOB beat to death 2—OF 3—YOUTHS who allegedly tried to rob 1—TAXI driver.
20021205             —EXPLODED, PAKISTAN, 1—BOMB, at THE—MACEDONIA—CONSULATE and 3—PEOPLE were killed.
20021205             Revenge for a 20020302             killing of 7—MILITANTS in SKOPJE was suspected.
20021205             G02135 Sea Ice Index FLORENCE Fetterer Sea Ice Index Kwok, R, :43 AM GMT
20021205154537       —GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF...
20021205154537       —JAHR—GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553
20021205154537       —GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             11,
20021205154537       GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:
20021205154537       —GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553          20060216             Reuters: CHENEY strongly defends eavesdropping operation VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY strongly defended 1—SECRET [...] Post Date:20060104144446          20060320             offenbart in einem Blogeintrag vom
20030414021205       BAGRAM, der AMERIKANISCHEN—VERHÖRZENTRALE in AFGHANISTAN, wurden nach ANGABEN—DES—KORRESPONDENTEN—DER—WASHINGTON—POST die Verhafteten bei der großen Hitze in Stahlcontainer gesperrt, wo sie in "schmerzhafte Körperhaltungen" gezwungen waren.
20030414021205       BAGRAM, der AMERIKANISCHEN—VERHÖRZENTRALE in AFGHANISTAN, wurden nach ANGABEN—DES—KORRESPONDENTEN—DER—WASHINGTON—POST die Verhafteten bei der großen Hitze in Stahlcontainer gesperrt,
20030511             "MARVIN—DIPS into the Security Pie Another Fortunate Bush Brother" -By MARGIE BURNS 20021205
20030511             "MARVIN—DIPS into the Security Pie Another Fortunate BUSH Brother" -By MARGIE BURNS 20021205             20031029             Vormerken: 20031205             Hartwig Hausdorf bei Aufklärungsarbeit!
20030511             "MARVIN—DIPS into the Security Pie Another Fortunate Bush Brother" -By MARGIE BURNS 20021205             20030511             "MARVIN—DIPS into the Security Pie Another Fortunate Bush Brother" by MARGIE BURNS 20021205             Source:
20031029             Vormerken: 20031205             Hartwig Hausdorf bei Aufklärungsarbeit!
20031205             NEW—YORK, 20031205             (Reuters) - Defense contractor United Defense Industries INCORPORATED (nyse: UDI—NEWS—PEOPLE) filed 1—REGISTRATION—ON—FRIDAY for the possible sale of up to 12—MILLION—SHARES—OF—ITS—COMMON—STOCK, which it said are held by investment firm THE—CARLYLE—GROUP and other stockholders.
20031205             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—UTAH threw out the case against 2—CIVIC—LEADERS ACCUSED—OF—BRIBERY in their efforts to bring 20020000             —THE—WINTER—GAMES to SALT—LAKE—CITY.
20031205             THE—2—MAKERS—OF—FLU—SHOTS in THE—USA, Chiron and Aventis Pasteur, announced they had run OUT—OF—VACCINE and would not be able to meet 1—SURGE in demand.
20031205             Yahoo INCORPORATED said it is working on technology to combat E—MAIL spam by changing the way THE—INTERNET—WORKS to require authentication of 1—MESSAGE—SENDER.
20031205             —CRUSHED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 6—CHILDREN were, to death by 1—COLLAPSING wall —DURING 1—ASSAULT by USA—FORCES on 1—WEAPONS compound.
20031205             —REPORTED, SHANGHAI—GOVERNMENT, that its population has surged to more than 20—MILLION—PEOPLE, soaring by 3—MILLION over the past —YEAR amid 1—FLOOD—OF—JOB—SEEKERS from other PARTS—OF—CHINA.
20031205             —ATTACKED, HARD—LINE vigilantes, 1—CLOSE—AIDE to IRAN—PRESIDENT as he was about to give 1—SPEECH, repeatedly punching and kicking him, his wife.
20031205             —ALLOWED, ISRAEL—MILITARY, 1—MARKET in the divided WEST—BANK—CITY—OF—HEBRON to open for the 1. time in more than —1—YEAR.
20031205             —ARMED, THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY shot and killed 2—PALESTINIANS, with grenades and 1—EXPLOSIVE device, crawling toward 1—SECURITY—BARRIER separating THE—GAZA—STRIP from ISRAEL.
20031205             1—SHRAPNEL—FILLED bomb believed strapped to 1—SUICIDE attacker ripped apart 1—COMMUTER train near Chechnya, killing 44—PEOPLE and wounding nearly 200. PRESIDENT—PUTIN called it 1—ATTEMPT to disrupt weekend parliamentary elections.
20031205             1—BUS plunged into 1—VALLEY in THE—NORTH—MEXICO STATE—OF—ZACATECAS, killing 15—PEOPLE and injuring 15—OTHERS.
20031205             NIGERIA, in the opening SESSION—OF—THE—SUMMIT—OF—BRITAIN and its former colonies UK—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR urged AFRICA—LEADERS not to lift ZIMBABWE—SUSPENSION from the Commonwealth.
20031205             —CONTINUED, Syria, to reject USA—PRESSURE to hand over 1 estimated $250—MILLION that SADDAM—HUSSEIN—REGIME had deposited there.
20031205             TUNISIA, 1—INFORMAL, —2—DAY—SUMMIT brought leaders from 5—SOUTH—EUROPEAN countries together with 5—OF—THEIR counterparts from across the Mediterranean.
20031205200312051 of them was Genesis Intermedia (OTC: GENI ), —RECENTLY the company was charged by THE—SEC for fraud arising out of $130—MILLION—STOCK lending +...
20031205—19970000    —IN, Carlyle bought ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA—BASED United Defense + in July the company said it expected Carlyle would sell about HALF—OF—ITS remaining stake (Forbes)
20040803             Die betreffende Schlagzeile sei der Ausgabe vom 20011205             entnommen worden, wo sie aber nicht auf der Titelseite zu sehen gewesen sei, sondern lediglich als Überschrift über einem Leserbrief.
20041012             —WHEN PRESIDENT—BUSH appointed FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JAMES—BAKER—III as his envoy on IRAQ—DEBT 20031205             —ON, he called BAKER—JOB "1—NOBLE—MISSION".
20041012—19181205    —AM, erstmals in der Berliner Bunsenstraße zusammentrat, diente der Täuschung, mindestens aber dem Aufschub von Maßnahmen zur Vergesellschaftung der Wirtschaft.
20041012—20031205    —ON, appointed FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JAMES—BAKER—III as his envoy on IRAQ—DEBT ,
20041102             —MONDAY 20041101             20041102205155       BUSH [BGW968] WILL—LOSE 200411012055
20041102205155       BUSH [BGW968] WILL—LOSE 200411012055
20041114—20031205    NEW—YORK, 20031205             (Reuters) - Defense contractor United Defense Industries INCORPORATED
20041205             Investigation by Bev Harris, AUTHOR—OF "Black Box Voting: Ballot Tampering In The 20010101—21001231     "
20041205             —FROM : rob USA—INDIANS were intentionally given disease filled blankets in the 18010101—19001231     with USA gov't approval.
20041205             THE—MILITANT - 20000117             -- CHINA 'spy scare' FRAME—UP...
20041205             Covert and clandestine operations attempt to drive politics in foreign states, + 20030518             —THE—ELECTION—DAY was 1—REMARKABLE—SUCCESS at that.
20041205             [From 1—ARTICLE by SCOTT—KERR, Shepherd Express, 19940519             .]
20041205             "We "had" at least 1—NEWSPAPER in EVERY—FOREIGN—CAPITAL—AT—ANY—GIVEN time".
20041205             — a CIA admission
20041205             which in turn funded other groups, all working covertly for 1—ANTI—COMMUNIST—PROPAGANDA—CAMPAIGN.
20041205             through propaganda, terrorism, censorship and careful slanders that would "neutralize" key LEADERS—OF—USA—OPPOSITION.
20041205             Under the guise of "left wing insurgency",OPERATION GLADIO embarked on 1—REIGN—OF—TERRORIST—BOMBINGS across the country that left at least 300—DEAD.
20041205             The modus operandi of 1—CIA—LED election coup d'état is most visible in UKRAINE
20041205             THE—CIA set up DOZENS—OF—AMERICA—FOUNDATIONS, charitable trusts + the like as conduits for payments to all MANNER—OF—ORGANISATIONS,
20041205             PASZTOR LASZLO - P2 HAD CLOSE CONNECTIONS WITH THE—CIA + carried out drug smuggling missions + assassinations for them.
20041205             —HELPED, In such work THE—CIA was, along immeasurably by countless Nazi + PRO—NAZI émigrés, who were quietly recruited, —AFTER WWII., to help "us" fight the Soviets.
20041205             —CARRIED, Gladio also, out the bomb attack on BOLOGNA Railway station
20041205             The "dead voters society" meme matches 1—REPUBLICAN propaganda campaign that began well —BEFORE 20041102             .
20041205             —COMMITTED, Many had, war crimes —WHILE serving in auxiliary police units;
20041205             they were blessed by Archbishop Szepticky at THE—VATICAN + recruited by UK intelligence —AFTER WWII. as PART—OF—THE—FASCIST—STAY Behind network across EUROPE, engaged in sabotage + subversion against the Communists
20041205             —BLAMED, The bombings were, on the extreme left as PART—OF—1—STRATEGY to mould public opinion to the idea of 1—ALTERNATIVE—GOVERNMENT taking power by force.
20041205             —CREATED, THE—GLADIO personnel, 1—PARALLEL—GOVERNMENT called P2 (Propaganda Duo), 1—NEO—FASCIST—MASONIC—LODGE COMPOSED—OF—MOST—OF—THE—COUNTRY—TOP—MILITARY—OFFICERS + political leaders + industrialists + bankers + diplomats.
20041205             —SERVED, COLONEL—OSWALD—LE—WINTER—OF—THE—CIA, who, as USA liaison officer with Gladio, has stated that the planning staff of the Red Brigades was made UP—OF—CIA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENTS.
20041205             The outcry over this led to THE—EXPOSURE—OF—MUCH—OF—THE—CONSPIRACY + THE—CIA arranged for P2's Grandmaster, fascist Lucio Gelli to escape to ARGENTINA.
20041205             Covert Action Information BULLETIN—LEE,M. - THE—BEAST—REAWAKENS.
20041205             —FROM THE—START—BUT especially from the Eisenhower YEARS—THE—CIA specialized in thwarting the political desires of foreign populations, through propaganda, terrorism, censorship and careful slanders that would "neutralize" key LEADERS—OF—USA—OPPOSITION.
20041205             This grand absorption of bad apples that would affect not —JUST USA—INTELLIGENCE, but our domestic politics, as CHRISTOPHER—SIMPSON made clear in his classic study Blowback.
20041205             -im —LETZTEN—MONAT WAR—HARADINAJ 2—MAL vom UN—KRIEGSVERBRECHERTRIBUNAL in Den Haag verhört worden.
20041205             Der UN—KOSOVO—VERWALTER Sören JESSEN—PETERSEN müsse die Wahl rückgängig machen, verlangte der SERBISCHE—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT Vojislav Kostunica in Belgrad.
20041205             Die Wahl des mutmaßlichen Kriegsverbrechers "wirkt sich negativ auf die Stabilität der gesamten Region aus", begründete Kostunica seine Forderung.
20041205             Die Wahl sei eine "politische Provokation" und Zeichen einer "extremistischen Politik".
20041205             —WHILE most people can accept the fact that THE—CIA has intervened covertly in the domestic affairs of 3. World, SOVIET—AND—CENTRAL—USA—STATES, MANY—MAY not realise THE—EXTENT—OF—THE—AGENCY—SAME—TACTICS—OF—INFILTRATION, sabotage and terrorism against its supposed allies in the West.
20041205             In fact WEST—EUROPE has been THE—THEATRE—OF—CIA—UNDERTAKINGS—OF—MAJOR—PROPORTIONS, designed to create the false idea of a "SOVIET—THREAT", to win the hearts + minds of liberals, social democrats + assorted socialists + steer them in 1—ANTI—COMMUNIST—DIRECTION + to manipulate the political path of EVERY—EUROPEAN country....
20041205             THE—PROPAGANDA—WAR
20041205             or infiltrated sufficiently by the Agency to print stories which were
20041205             useful to THE—CIA or to suppress those it considered detrimental.
20041205             —WWII—DURING, MANY—EUROPEAN labour leaders had been rescued from the Nazis with THE—AID—OF—FUNDS raised by USA—TRADE—UNIONS.
20041205             This brought them closely in touch with USA—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE, in particular THE—OFFICE—OF—STRATEGIC—SERVICES (OSS, THE—FORERUNNER—OF—THE—CIA ), whose CHIEF—IN—SWITZERLAND and GERMANY was ALLEN—DULLES, —LATER to become the 1. HEAD—OF—THE—CIA.
20041205             The principal union leader in these secret operations was JAY—LOVESTONE, who had switched from being THE—LEADER—OF—THE—AMERICA—COMMUNIST—PARTY to secretly working for USA—INTELLIGENCE.
20041205             —ADVANCED, As the Allied armies, across EUROPE, LOVESTONE—MEN followed as political commissars, trying to make sure that the liberated workers were provided with trade union and political leaders acceptable to WASHINGTON.
20041205             FRANCE, GERMANY, ITALY and AUSTRIA, the commissars provided lavish financial and material support for moderate socialists who would draw the sting from LEFT—WING political movements + the beneficiaries of this assistance survive in European politics to this —DAY.
20041205             THE—CIA set up DOZENS—OF—USA—FOUNDATIONS, charitable trusts and the like as conduits for payments to all MANNER—OF—ORGANISATIONS, which in turn funded other groups, all working covertly for 1—ANTI—COMMUNIST—PROPAGANDA—CAMPAIGN.
20041205             —INVOLVED, So numerous were the organisations, + so many were their interconnections and overlaps, that it is unlikely that the full picture of their activities will be revealed.
20041205             "They are trained, for example, to confront disorders and student demonstrations,
20041205             to prepare dossiers, to make the best possible USE—OF—BANK—DATA and tax RETURNS—OF—INDIVIDUAL—CITIZENS, etc.
20041205             In other words, to watch over the population of their country with the means offered by technology.
20041205             Weyrich, PAUL—ACCORDING to
20041205             —BASED, Political Research Associates (PRA), a think tank, in CAMBRIDGE—MASSACHUSETTS that tracks RIGHT—WING politics,
20041205             Weyrich, Pau is a "key strategist for the secular + religious right".
20041205             1—OF—WEYRICH—POSITIONS is that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT should formally declare 1—WAR—ON—DRUGS, so that suspected drug offenders could be treated as "PRISONERS—OF—WAR," with no right to habeas corpus or trial, + could be held indefinitely, "—UNTIL the war is over".
20041205             1—OF—WEYRICH, PAUL—ADVISORS on EAST—EUROPE, according to PRA, is 1—FELLOW named Pasztor, Laslo
20041205             —DEVOTED, Politech is the oldest INTERNET resource, to politics and technology.
20041205             —CHRONICLED, DECLAN—MCCULLAGH, the mailing list has, the growing INTERSECTION—OF—LAW, culture, technology + politics.
20041205             Lastly, speaking for myself, I express my gratitude to my SOON—TO—BE—CONSTITUTIONAL—GOD for THE—EACH—DAY the sun strains to rise through the polluted sky on 1—INSECURE and unsafe AMERICA.
20041205             For the past —3—YEARS, my EVERY—WORKING —DAY has begun with 1—PRAYER to Jesus Christ our Lord followed by 1—REPORT - 1—CATALOG of the murderous acts being plotted against Christians.
20041205             —PASSED, That we have, these —3—YEARS in safety and security, despite our unsecured ports, borders and cargo is 1—CREDIT to Jesus alone and THE—PRESIDENT on who's behalf he rules the world.
20041205             —ACHIEVED, But it would be THE—HEIGHT—OF—STUPIDITY to assume we, this with THE—HELP—OF—ANY—OTHER—HIGHER—POWER than our own CHRISTIAN—GOD.
20041205             THE—PSALMS remind us: 'Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stands guard in vain," My friends and colleagues, —FOR—4—YEARS we have stood watch together.
20041205             In fact it was the Lord, not I, that really spearheaded the Patriot Act.
20041205             —SUFFERED, We have, MANY—THINGS and we have made others suffer MANY—MORE.
20041205             —TAINTED, And as I take my leave of this, post, I know that our efforts have not been in vain.
20041205             He stands beside us still + so you'd better be damn careful —BEFORE Gays marry EACH—OTHER, women abort ANY—MORE—SOLDIERS and He decides to punish us for it.
20041205             Kabinettsumbildung in den USA Rumsfeld bleibt, Thompson geht, Kerik kommt
20041205             Das Personalkarussell im Weißen Haus dreht sich in fast schwindelerregendem Tempo.
20041205             —BEKANNT, Allein —AM—FREITAG wurden 3—PERSONALENTSCHEIDUNGEN : Gesundheitsminister TOMMY—THOMPSON trat als 8. von 15—MINISTERN von seinem Amt zurück.
20041205             Das berichteten AMERIKANISCHE—MEDIEN.
20041205             Weiterhin nominierte PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH den FRÜHEREN—POLIZEICHEF—VON—NEW—YORK, BERNARD—KERIK, als neuen Heimatschutzminister.
20041205             Und Verteidgungsminister DONALD—RUMSFELD bleibt offenbar im Amt
20041205             Bush bat nach Angaben aus Regierungskreisen seinen Verteidigungsminister, im Amt zu bleiben.
20041205             Dieser habe zugesagt.
20041205             Die —ENTSCHEIDUNG sei bei einem Treffen im Weißen Haus getroffen worden.
20041205             Gesundheitsminister Thompson dagegen reichte aus privaten Gründen seinen Rücktritt ein.
20041205             "Es ist für mich und meine Familie an der Zeit, ein neues Kapitel unseres Lebens aufzuschlagen", sagte er in WASHINGTON.
20041205             Als Nachfolger ist MARK—MCCLELLAN im Gespräch, zur Zeit im Ministerium für die Behörde für MEDIKAMENTEN—UND Nahrungsmittelsicherheit FDA zuständig.
20041205             Sein Bruder ist Regierungssprecher SCOTT—MCCLELLAN.
20041205             Nachfolger des ebenfalls zurückgetretenen Heimatschutzministers TOM—RIDGE soll der ehemalige New Yorker Polizeichef BERNARD—KERIK werden.
20041205             Kerik hatte bei den Anschlägen vom 20010911             die Rettungsmaßnahmen am eingestürzten World Trade Center geleitet.
20041205             Danach arbeitete er als BERATER—DES—IRAKISCHEN—INNENMINISTERIUMS in Bagdad.
20041205             Apart from the student movement and the united opposition, the other key element in the democracy template is what is known as the "parallel vote tabulation", 1—COUNTER to THE—ELECTION—RIGGING tricks beloved of disreputable regimes.
20041205             There are professional outside election monitors from bodies such as the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in EUROPE, but THE—UKRAINE—POLL, like its predecessors, also featured THOUSANDS—OF—LOCAL—ELECTION—MONITORS trained and paid by western groups.
20041205             —HELPED, Freedom House and THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY—NDI, fund and organise the "largest civil regional election monitoring effort" in UKRAINE, involving more than 1,000 trained observers.
20041205             —ORGANISED, They also, exit polls.
20041205             —ON—SUNDAY night those polls gave MISTER—YUSHCHENKO an 11-point lead and set the agenda for much of what has followed.
20041205             The exit polls are seen as critical because they seize the initiative in the propaganda battle with the regime, invariably appearing 1., receiving wide media coverage and putting the onus on the authorities to respond.
20041205             The final stage in THE—USA—TEMPLATE concerns how to react —WHEN the incumbent tries to steal 1—LOST election.
20041205             BELARUS, PRESIDENT—LUKASHENKO won, so the response was minimal.
20041205             BELGRADE, TBILISI + —NOW Kiev, where the authorities —INITIALLY tried to cling to power, the advice was to stay cool but determined and to organise mass displays of civil disobedience, which must remain peaceful but risk provoking the regime into violent suppression.
20041205             If the events in Kiev vindicate THE—USA in its strategies for helping other people win elections and take power from ANTI—DEMOCRATIC—REGIMES, it is certain to try to repeat the exercise elsewhere in THE—POST—SOVIET—WORLD.
20041205             UKRAINE, the figure is said to be —AROUND $14m.
20041205             Works by THE—CIA—VIDEO—SOURCES—AUDIO Sources
20041205             Written SOURCES—AWARE—OF—THE—COSTS—OF—INTERNATIONAL investigative journalism, the media —NOW depend on the well subsidized and extremely thoroughly structured news gatherings from the intelligence agencies, who know practically everything that's happening anywhere in the world (make no doubt about it).
20041205             Even presidents fear THE—POWER—OF—THE—CIA, because of its strong grip on THE—CONTENT—OF—THE—MEDIA: the Agency keeps compromising intelligence files on practically EVERY—PLAYER in the political scene, or has the power to create 1—IF it doesn't and then leak it to the press.
20041205             Thus it has become 1—UNIQUE—INSTRUMENT—OF—TREMENDOUS—MEDIA—MANIPULATION.
20041205             —EXPOSED, This rarely gets, by mainstream journalists who generally prefer 1—JUICY terrorist story above the difficult debunking of 1—GOVERNMENTAL lie.
20041205             —FOOLED, And so the people are being, on 1—DAILY—BASIS.
20041205             —SHOWED, The events of 20010911             , this nearly perfectly, uncovering the typical CIA modus operandi.
20041205             1) Actively investing money in extremist, terrorist and revolutionary groups, giving them extra warfare education + igniting their original dismay with extremely fundamentalist FEELINGS—WHICH are evidently receiving spectacular MEDIA—ATTENTION.
20041205             2) Organize 1—VIOLENT—STRIKE on military and diplomatic posts abroad + eventually on USA—TERRITORY, with or without the aid of mercenary and covert factions.
20041205             3) Thirdly, tie the violence to the foreign fundamentalist groups that were funded and controlled by THE—CIA in the 1. place.
20041205             —ORCHESTRATED, This is, and coordinated daily in friendly media, by feeding it 1—WELL funded, cleverly shaped and extremely secretive AMOUNT—OF—LIES and misinformation.
20041205             Control the executive DIRECTORS—OF—THE—MEDIA + this should not be too difficult.
20041205             THE—LONG—TERM—AIM—OF—20010911              is to embark the world into 1—WAR—ON—TERRORISM.
20041205             But who are the terrorists? ANY—BLOODY—ATTACK is —NOW mediatically being profiled as connected to Islamic terrorism, —WHILE the arrests are always unsubstantiated (*& *), links to 1—REAL—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION are never proven in court, and accused are always released ( *).
20041205             —FROM Tchetchenya over SAUDI—ARABIA to MADRID spans 1—BIG—NET—OF—CIA—INDUCED terrorism and consequent media lies, —FOLLOWING the same recipe as 20010911             and all other historic CIA interventions.
20041205             Even American 'enemies' can —NOW discover "ANTI—AMERICAN" terrorist cells, see FRANCE and RUSSIA ( *).
20041205             IRAQ, 'suicide terrorists' came along with THE—USA—INVASION + are targeting the UN's, IRAN's, EUROPE's and JAPAN—REPRESENTATIVES and troops on 1—DAILY—BASIS, accompanied by the classic Black Hawks down and killed foot soldiers.
20041205             —APPLIED, FORMER—BUSH—ADMINISTRATIONS, the same recipe of anonymous mercenary terror in several PARTS—OF—THE—WORLD, including EUROPE (research Gladio).
20041205             —INTENDED, This was similarly, as 1—MAFIA—LIKE blackmailing technique on countries where the bloodshed occurred.
20041205             We shouldn't underestimate THE—POWER—OF—THE—CIA—MEDIA—MANIPULATION.
20041205             According to
20041205             —DISAPPEARED, FORMER—CIA—AGENTS, —SINCE the communist ARCH—ENEMY, intelligence has largely made way for propaganda and staged terrorism.
20041205             THE—CIA didn't know THE—USAS.R. was going to abandon communism, they were even UNAWARE—OF—INDIA—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—DEVELOPMENT.
20041205             (1—USA congressional hearing asked THE—CIA for 1—EXPLANATION about these failures.) If the Agency would have been collecting intelligence, as it's supposed to do, or try to promote peace INSTEAD—OF—WEAPONS—RACES, it should have informed the Congress about these dangerous evolutions.
20041205             But it didn't. - B ecause that's not what THE—CIA is occupied with.
20041205             THE—CIA is not at all striving for THE—PROPAGATION—OF—USA—DEMOCRATIC—VALUES, but is actively and FULL—TIME preoccupied with shaping THE—INTERNATIONAL—FRAMEWORK that is needed for its RIGHT—WING ideology.
20041205             With 1—OFFICIAL—ANNUAL—BUDGET—OF $30—BILLION (but expenditures 400 % THEREOF—GAINED from drug traffic), there's no telling to what ambitions can be fulfilled, how MANY—PEOPLE can be bribed, influenced, bought off, hired, blackmailed etc... So that's what the Agency people do —WHEN they go to work: not collecting, but creating intelligence
20041205             These crimes go in cohorts with the biggest military power ever.
20041205             If driven by 1—SECRET—POLITICAL—AGENDA, this creates politics of 1—EXTREMELY hard line, yet totally covert.
20041205             This is 1—MENACE that is increasingly affecting the democratic world.
20041205             How did this all come to be?
20041205             THE—CIA is 1—GLOBAL—TOOL for promoting total selfishness.
20041205             It infiltrates all politically progressive, LEFT—WING, ecological and social groups in Western society with agents, because their altruistic ideology is ominous to the essence of INTERNATIONAL capitalism, which aims to divide the world into ruling corporations and abiding consumers.
20041205             Mankind, in THE—EYES—OF—THE—ELITE sponsoring THE—CIA, is vulgarly imperfect + needs to be ruled by 1—FIRM—HAND.
20041205             —UNINFORMED, Consumption drives this dynamic by keeping the public, and SELF—ABSORBED.
20041205             The only true goal, so goes this rationale, is 1—INDIVIDUALISTIC—RACE to the top.
20041205             Those who got there, by whatever means necessary, are welcome to cooperate with the worldy imperialist AMBITIONS—OF—THE—RULING 'elite'.
20041205             —CORRUPTED, It's 1—MORALLY, ideology, blind to reality, SELF—RIGHTEOUS to 1—POINT—OF schizophreny.
20041205             THE—CIA—TROOPS and its funders fail to see how their individual fate and THE—STATE—OF—THE—WORLD are interconnected.
20041205             It is 1—MYTH that THE—CIA is ALL—AMERICAN;
20041205             it has THOUSANDS—OF—FOREIGN—CONTRACT agents, scattered over all countries.
20041205             THE—CIA infiltrates, cheats, lies + manipulates, on 1—SCALE—LARGER than we dare to imagine.
20041205             The goal of all this, is to bring the world under TOTALITARY—CONTROL—IN other words: to end the freedom and peace that we all aspire.
20041205             —OBSCURED, This was hardly 1, coup: the
20041205             —DESIGNATED, HEADQUARTERS—OF—THE—CIA are —NOW officially, as the "GEORGE—BUSH—CENTER for Intelligence", not to honor Bush ' long CIA career, but as 1—PURELY practical apprehension of the global intelligence power that the agency provides.
20041205             THE—CIA is —NOW THE—WHITE—HOUSE—PRIVATE—PROPAGANDA and black operations army.
20041205             GEORGE—HERBERT—WALKER—BUSH—NOW commands both.
20041205             What is his purpose? To topple foreign governments, through the use of mercenary, guerilla + terrorist groups, without exposing its own ties.
20041205             To take CONTROL—OF—FOREIGN—LEADERS, secondly blame them for certain injustices + thirdly invade their country with military troops.
20041205             This was done among others in PANAMA, IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN.
20041205             —PROVIDED, EACH—TIME, THE—CIA, the world with phony legitimate reasons to attack these countries, whose leaders, however, were put in place or subsidized by THE—CIA in the 1. place.
20041205             —BY manipulating the mainstream media, THE—CIA then orchestrates 1—LEGITIMATE—POLITICAL pretext to invade or overthrow foreign states.
20041205             THOMAS—DEFLO, BRUSSELS, BELGIUM Author of
20041205             Report by BBC Newsnight JOURNALIST—GREG—PALAST
20041205             More than 30 000—COMPLAINTS—MISS—NBC report on vote FRAUD—VOTE—FRAUD in EUROPE:
20041205             CIA covert action is extraordinarily widespread, extending to propaganda campaigns within
20041205             allied countries of THE—USA, according to former employees.
20041205             CIA in WEST—EUROPE Study by WakeUp magazine.
20041205             Fraud rife in UK—POSTAL ballots: reports
20041205             I was particularly risky for 1—COMBINATION—OF—PROFILES: 1., MY—WEB—SITE had SOME—NOTORIETY;
20041205             add to this that I was 1—GREEN—PARTY—MEMBER and 1—OFFICIAL—ELECTION—WITNESS;
20041205             and 3., BELGIUM is 1—SMALL but strategically essential country in THE—EYES—OF—THE—BUSH—STRATEGY.
20041205             If the dam of THE—BELGIUM—CLANDESTINE election fraud would have been breached (as it could have been if the Green party had challenged the result), 1—PRECEDENT would have been shaped to scrutinize —FOLLOWING electoral irregularities in other EU and NON—EU countries, where THE—USA—ATTEMPTS—SIMILAR—OPERATIONS.
20041205             Apparently, this is because their voting percentage, this time, was not tampered with.
20041205             Not that these regional elections weren't pushing the right wing as well:
20041205             nearly 1 in 4—FLEMISH—VOTERS supposedly voted for the ultra right wing and separatist party Vlaams Blok (—JUST about 25—PERCENT—OF—VOTES + the Walloon fascist party Front National came back into the political spectrum out of nowhere...
20041205             There is SOME—CIVIL—PROTEST going on in BELGIUM against the voting system.
20041205             Organizations like
20041205             PourEva collect skeptical voter testimonies and set up election awareness campaigns.
20041205             MANY—CITIZENS are critical of the voting process.
20041205             But MOST—OF—THEM don't believe in conspiracies.
20041205             THE—BELGIUM—ELECTORATE is certainly not open to the possibility of foreign intelligence services having the power to steer their democracy.
20041205             They must understand that by complicity of THE—BELGIUM—STAATSVEILIGHEID/Sureté d'Etat, THE—CIA has all the means + evidently the motive, to install RIGHT—WING governments, as they do across THE—WORLD—GOVERNMENTS which they can then control.
20041205             The ideology and the apparatus that lie behind this are the same as —DURING PRE—CLINTONIAN Bush /Reagan administrations (19810000—19930000).
20041205             THE—CIA, with THE—HELP—OF—THE—BELGIUM—STATE—SECURITY, had organized state terror, in the form of SO—CALLED communist bombings by the
20041205             terrorist CCC—IN the form of senseless super market killings by THE—BENDE VAN Nijvel.
20041205             This was done in order to push THE—BELGIUM—GOVERNMENT to accept USA nuclear missiles on BELGIUM—TERRITORY (completely against public opinion), in order to further strengthen THE—GRIP—OF—THE—STATE—SECURITY on domestic affairs,+
20041205             in order to shift the public opinion towards the right.
20041205             This strategy, known as THE—STRATEGY—OF—TENSION, is —NOW replaced by 1—STRATEGY—OF—VOTE—FRAUD.
20041205             It is only by acknowledging the Bush government's burning ambition to steer EVERY—NATION on the globe towards puppet regimes, that you can see 1—USA—LED coup d'état unfold in BELGIUM.
20041205             It is only —WHEN you understand how THE—CIA is 1—GIANT—INTERNATIONAL—NETWORK—OF—LIKE—MINDED agents + politicians, controlled from within domestic security services, with their HUNDREDS—OF—AGENTS + virtually unlimited bribing resources, that you can see how this could have happened in BELGIUM.
20041205             Secrecy prevails.
20041205             History teaches us that these large scale clandestine operations do occur + that they can proceed without discovery, MOST—OF—THE—TIME.
20041205             —CERTIFIED, OHIO results.
20041205             Well, at least KEN—BLACKWELL didn't drag his count out —UNTIL 06.Dec2004.
20041205             —FINISHED, He has, toting up the
20041205             —PREDICTED, OHIO vote + as, BUSH—MARGIN—OF—VICTORY has shrunk, from 136,000 votes to 119,000 votes.
20041205             Provisional ballots broke heavily for Kerry -- and apparently he did not fare as poorly as SOME—MIGHT have expected VIS—A—VIS the overseas absentee ballots, which would include the military vote.
20041205             The question —NOW is: Can 1—RECOUNT close the 119,000 gap?
20041205             Iffy, to say the least.
20041205             The obvious cases of electoral abuses (supplying insufficient machines to black districts, for example) should, but won't, result in 1—REVOTE.
20041205             Dead voters society
20041205             —BY—NOW, you probably have seen THE—HARD—HITTING story in THE—CHICAGO—TRIBUNE (eat that, RICHARD—ROEPER!) regarding THE—MANY—CORPSES registered to vote and other oddities of 20040000             —THE election:
20041205             —LISTED, More than 181,000 dead people were, on the rolls in THE—6—SWING states, despite efforts to clean up the country's voting system —AFTER 20000000             —THE election.
20041205             —REGISTERED, Thousands more voters were, to vote in 2—PLACES, which could have allowed them to cast more than 1—BALLOT.
20041205             Further, more than 90,000 voters in OHIO cast ballots without 1—VALID—PRESIDENTIAL—CHOICE.
20041205             —DECIDED, Either they, not to choose 1—CANDIDATE, the machine failed to register their choice, or they mistakenly voted for more than 1—CANDIDATE.
20041205             And THE—FBI is investigating allegations that Republicans in FLORIDA mounted 1—LARGE—SCALE—CAMPAIGN to tamper with ballots.
20041205             Trouble is, only the final paragraph here truly favors our side.
20041205             This is the time —WHEN we should expect the usual counterstrike.
20041205             Also note this sentence:
20041205             —FOCUSED, Voting complaints in OHIO have, on the use of antiquated PUNCH—CARD voting machines--the same TYPE—OF—MACHINES that led to THOUSANDS—OF—HANGING chads in FLORIDA —4—YEARS—AGO.
20041205             Uh...no.
20041205             Complaints in OHIO go way, way beyond that.
20041205             —COMPUTERIZED, Why is THE—CHICAGO—TRIBUNE trying to sell us on, voting —WHEN computerized voting is the problem ?
20041205             —INTERVIEWED, Finally: DANIEL—HOPSICKER has been, on electoral fraud.
20041205             I haven't heard the interview yet, so I can't say whether I agree or disagree with his findings.
20041205             But I'll bet you 3—DONUTS that he'll have SOME—VERY interesting things to say.
20041205             Integration in ITALIEN: Weihnachtslieder ohne Jesus?
20041205             Aufhebung des EU—WAFFENEMBARGOS: Grüne kritisieren Schröders CHINA—POLITIK
20041205             Kanzlerfrage: Nur 29—PROZENT würden Merkel wählen
20041205             Münchner "Nibelungen"-Inszenierung: Plastikmännchen im Führerbunker
20041205             Hohe Schadstoffwerte: EU zwingt Städte zu Fahrverboten und CITY—MAUT
20041205             Neue Stichwahl in Kiew: Tauziehen um die Wahlgesetze
20041205             Airbus: Weg für Hamburger Startbahn ist frei
20041205             FRANKREICH: SOLDAT verschanzt sich in Munitionsdepot
20041205             POP—FLAUTE: Mit 214—VERKAUFTEN Platten in die Charts
20041205             SPIEGEL—BEFRAGUNG: Die besten PSYCHOLOGEN—MEDIZIN: Computer druckt Knochen
20041205             ALAWI—KOMPLOTT: Terrorverdächtiger Libanese wieder auf freiem Fuß
20041205             —VERLOREN, Suche nach OSAMA—BIN—LADEN: "Wir haben seine Spur "
20041205             Schwerer Erdstoß: Erdbeben im Schwarzwald
20041205             "Yale PROFESSOR—OF—HISTORY—GADDIS Smith said, 'Yale has influenced THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY—MORE than ANY—OTHER—UNIVERSITY, giving THE—CIA the atmosphere of 1—CLASS—REUNION.'
20041205             " Even our slang term for spies, "spooks," originated as Yale argot for secret society members.
20041205             Demonstranten in OHIO fordern Neuauszählung der USA—WAHLSTIMMEN—DER Standard-
20041205             —FROM : DJ Hexis BUSH—OWN—INSPECTORS admit IRAQ had no WMDs, no capacity to acquire them + that IRAQ didn't help AL—QAEDA.
20041205             So Bush changes his reasons for war, saying the war creates happiness and ending the war would create unhappiness.
20041205             More lies.
20041205             Bush wants to control IRAQ—OIL, IRAQ—WATER + to use IRAQ for military bases + to hell with Iraqis.
20041205             To quote the Bible, book of Matthew 7.15, the prophet Jesus said, "Beware of false prophets... by their fruit you shall know them".
20041205             Behold in this photo the fruit of G.W. Bush.
20041205             —FROM : rob..not to mention the massive health issues from DU rounds all over IRAQ.
20041205             our soldiers are going to be massive VICTIMS—OF—THIS as well.
20041205             bushie is quite democratic...he's spreading the suffering to include EVERY—LIVING thing in IRAQ. damn him to hell.
20041205             —FROM : MarciaJ More people die from THE—AFFECTS—OF—WAR than from war itself.
20041205             —ESTIMATED, It is —NOW, that up to 100,000 Iraqis have † directly or indirectly from this war.
20041205             Indirectly means DISEASE—AND there is 1—LOT—OF—GOING —AROUND in IRAQ with THE—LACK—OF—SANITATION—THROUGHOUT.
20041205             —WIPED, Remember how the white man —JUST about, out the Indians with their diseases —WHEN they discovered AMERICA?.?.?
20041205             there were prices for EACH—SCALP (literally) of 1—INDIA—MAN, woman or child returned to USA—ARMY outposts.
20041205             the history of the genocide of THE—USA—INDIAN is there...if you choose to see.
20041205             —FROM THE—START—BUT especially from the Eisenhower YEARS—THE—CIA specialized in thwarting the political desires of foreign populations, through propaganda + terrorism + censorship + POISONING WITH DRUGS...
20041205             2 2 2 0 - Covert and clandestine operations attempt to drive politics in foreign states, + 20030518             —THE—ELECTION—DAY was 1—REMARKABLE—SUCCESS at that.
20041205             UNDERNEWS: WORKINGFORCHANGE—RUSH to judgment: THE—WEN—HO—LEE—ING—OF—CAPT... whether the charges he is —NOW facing -- mishandling classified documents... Under military law, conviction on these charges could result in 1—PRISON...
20041205             —ACCUSED—OF, CNN_COM—TRANSCRIPTS 1., spying, CAPTAIN—YEE ultimately was charged with adultery and mishandling classified information —WHILE assigned to Task Force GUANTANAMO...
20041205             ASIA—LAW—CAUCUS -... effort led by THE—ASIA—LAW—CAUCUS to secure 1—HATE crime conviction.
20041205             —20—YEARS was charged with 59—COUNTS—OF mishandling classified information.
20041205             —ENTERED, FEDERAL—CRIMES—BLOG—MCNABB Associates, PC applies "only to convictions, in ANY—DOMESTIC—COURT or to foreign... JAMES—J—SMITH, was arrested on charges of mishandling classified data...
20041205             CHAPTER 7 THE—WEN—HO—LEE—SAGA—CONTENTS—THE—FBI—ATTEMPTS—TO—SET... LEE—LAWYERS also contended that no USA—CIVILIAN had ever been criminally prosecuted for mishandling classified information, especially in the absence...
20041205             Islamic Information OFFICE—OF—HAWAII—MUSLIM Army chaplain...
20041205             And he noted that FORMER—CIA—DIRECTOR—JOHN—DEUTCH was only reprimanded for breaching security regulations by mishandling classified information.
20041205             Solidarity USA:GUANTANAMO DETAINEE—ATTORNEY—REPORTS on...
20041205             —CLASSIFIED, JAMES—YEE on accusations of mishandling, information.
20041205             —ARRESTED, Yee was 1—OF 4, by investigators looking into alleged security breaches at the.
20041205             MCRC REVIEW—USA—MUSLIMS: Settlements, Decisions GA—THE—MILITARY said that it was dropping all charges, including 1—OF—MISHANDLING classified information, against CAPTAIN—JAMES—J—YEE, THE—FORMER—MUSLIM...
20041205             MCRC REVIEW—USA—MUSLIMS: Legal Briefs, Case Updates JAMES—YEE, 1—MUSLIM chaplain accused of mishandling classified information at THE—GUANTANAMO—BAY prison camp in CUBA, have proposed 1—SETTLEMENT with the...
20041205             GUANTANAMO Bay Linguist Pleads Guilty "MISTER—MEHALBA has pled guilty to all charges in the indictment and through this conviction he admits he mishandled classified information," stated USA...
20041205             Obsidian Wings: Presented Without Comment 1—THING to note is that actual compromise (ie releasing classified information ) is treated far more seriously than potential compromise (ie mishandling...
20041205             TURMOIL AT TRAVIS—AIR—FORCE—BASE... other lesser SEX—RELATED counts and 1—COUNT—OF mishandling classified information.
20041205             We can only wonder how many "sex case convictions " did Tech.
20041205             BOSTON_com/News/Local/Translator says zeal for job led to prison In January, Mehalba, who had been jailed —AFTER his arrest, pleaded guilty to mishandling classified material and lying to investigators.
20041205             THE—WASHINGTON—MONTHLY—CONTRARY to conventional wisdom, Publius suggests that 1—CONVICTION would be... Question: Why not charge Libby with passing along classified information ?...
20041205             34—SCANDALS—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION The outcome: LET—SEE: Overturned convictions, lawsuits and feuding about a... be espionage or could constitute the mishandling of classified documents.
20041205             SPY—OF—THE—CENTURY? Agents claimed he had spent hours copying information from classified to unclassified... He is accused of 59—COUNTS—OF mishandling classified material.
20041205             Nat' Academies Press, Information Technology for Counterterrorism... The case ended with the dismissal of all but 1—CHARGE—OF mishandling classified information and with the judge's apology for THE—CONDUCT—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT...
20041205             JUDGE—ADVOCATE—GENERAL—NAUTILUS -... that the evidence is insufficient to sustain her conviction for larceny.
20041205             involving mishandling classified information bears out this conclusion.
20041205             Eca 18... of mishandling classified documents and doing work that "posed 1—THREAT to the... Beginning with infancy, orphans classified as severely disabled were...
20041205             WAR—ON—TERRORISM/Legal Affairs/Spy court to review prosecutors... Lee pleaded guilty to 1—COUNT—OF mishandling classified information and... He —LATER joined a 2—1—DECISION overturning OLIVER—NORTH—CONVICTIONS for
20041205             —ON 59—FELONY counts of mishandling classified information stored on computers at the...
20041205             1—EARLIER "spy scare" 00.00019 97 led to THE—CONVICTION—OF—ANOTHER...
20041205             ACLU in the Courts: USA v. WEN—HO—LEE (2) 1—SPECIFIC—EXECUTIVE—REPORT written 00.00019 99—THAT—DETAILS "DOZENS—OF—EXAMPLES—OF—SYSTEMIC mishandling of classified information " at LANL, none of which...
20041205             Bellant,R. THE—COORS—CONNECTION.
20041205             Die REPUBLIK—SERBIEN hat die Absetzung des des NEUEN KOSOVO—REGIERUNGSCHEFS RAMUSH HARADINAJ verlangt.
20041205             ZUVOR war die gesamte Staats- + Regierungsspitze zu einer Sondersitzung zusammengekommen.
20041205             —WHILE most people can accept the fact that THE—CIA has intervened covertly in the domestic affairs of 3. World,
20041205             sabotage and terrorism against its supposed allies in the West.
20041205             designed to create the false idea of a "SOVIET—THREAT", to win the hearts + minds of liberals,
20041205             social democrats + assorted socialists + steer them in 1—ANTI—COMMUNIST—DIRECTION + to manipulate the political path of EVERY—EUROPEAN country....
20041205             This brought them closely in touch with USA—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE,
20041205             whose CHIEF—IN—SWITZERLAND and GERMANY was ALLEN—DULLES, —LATER to become the 1. HEAD—OF—THE—CIA.
20041205             The principal union leader in these secret operations was JAY—LOVESTONE,
20041205             who had switched from being THE—LEADER—OF—THE—AMERICA—COMMUNIST—PARTY to secretly working for USA—INTELLIGENCE.
20041205             —ADVANCED, As the Allied armies, across EUROPE, LOVESTONE—MEN followed as political commissars,
20041205             trying to make sure that the liberated workers were provided with trade union and political leaders acceptable to WASHINGTON.
20041205             THIS IS WHAT I—CALL—TECHNO—FASCISM".
20041205             WEYRICH, PAUL—ACCORDING to Political Research Associates (PRA),
20041205             1—OF—WEYRICH—POSITIONS is that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT should formally declare 1—WAR—ON—DRUGS,
20041205             so that suspected drug offenders could be treated as "PRISONERS—OF—WAR," with no right to habeas corpus or trial,
20041205             + could be held indefinitely, "—UNTIL the war is over".
20041205             1—OF—WEYRICH, PAUL 'sADVISORS ON EAST—EUROPE,
20041205             WEYRICH is also a strong PROPONENT—OF—SCHOOL choice.
20041205             the mailing list has chronicled the growing INTERSECTION—OF—LAW, culture, technology + politics.
20041205             THE—PSALMS remind us: 'Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stands guard in vain," My friends and colleagues,
20041205             —FOR—4—YEARS we have stood watch together.
20041205             ItHAS BEEN the honor of my lifetime to stand beside you.
20041205             —TAINTED, And as I take my leave of this, post,
20041205             I know that our efforts have not been in vain.
20041205             THE—BUILDER of our city and THE—AUTHOR—OF—OUR freedom has stood beside us,
20041205             —JUST like He did on20010911             + —JUST as He does over the thousands that are dying in IRAQ.
20041205             Als Nachfolger ist MARK—MCCLELLAN im Gespräch,
20041205             zur Zeit im Ministerium für die Behörde für MEDIKAMENTEN—UND Nahrungsmittelsicherheit FDA zuständig.
20041205             Apart from the student movement and the united opposition, the other key element in the democracy template is what is known as the "parallel vote tabulation",
20041205             1—COUNTER to THE—ELECTION—RIGGING tricks beloved of disreputable regimes.
20041205             There are professional outside election monitors from bodies such as the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in EUROPE,
20041205             but THE—UKRAINE—POLL, like its predecessors, also featured THOUSANDS—OF—LOCAL—ELECTION—MONITORS trained and paid by western groups.
20041205             —HELPED, Freedom House and THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY—NDI, fund and organise the "largest civil regional election monitoring effort" in UKRAINE,
20041205             involving more than 1,000 trained observers.
20041205             The exit polls are seen as critical because they seize the initiative in the propaganda battle with the regime,
20041205             invariably appearing 1., receiving wide media coverage and putting the onus on the authorities to respond.
20041205             BELGRADE, TBILISI + —NOW Kiev, where the authorities —INITIALLY tried to cling to power,
20041205             the advice was to stay cool but determined and to organise mass displays of civil disobedience, which must remain peaceful but risk provoking the regime into violent suppression.
20041205             If the events in Kiev vindicate THE—USA in its strategies for helping other people win elections and take power from ANTI—DEMOCRATIC—REGIMES,
20041205             it is certain to try to repeat the exercise elsewhere in THE—POST—SOVIET—WORLD.
20041205             Works by THE—CIA
20041205             AWARE—OF—THE—COSTS—OF—INTERNATIONAL investigative journalism, the media —NOW depend on the well subsidized and extremely thoroughly structured news gatherings from the intelligence agencies,
20041205             who know practically everything that's happening anywhere in the world (make no doubt about it).
20041205             Even presidents fear THE—POWER—OF—THE—CIA, because of its strong grip on THE—CONTENT—OF—THE—MEDIA:
20041205             the Agency keeps compromising intelligence files on practically EVERY—PLAYER in the political scene,
20041205             or has the power to create 1—IF it doesn't and then leak it to the press.
20041205             1) Actively investing money in extremist, terrorist and revolutionary groups,
20041205             giving them extra warfare education + igniting their original dismay with extremely fundamentalist FEELINGS—WHICH are evidently receiving spectacular MEDIA—ATTENTION.
20041205             2) Organize 1—VIOLENT—STRIKE on military and diplomatic posts abroad + eventually on USA—TERRITORY,
20041205             with or without the aid of mercenary and covert factions.
20041205             But who are the terrorists? ANY—BLOODY—ATTACK is —NOW mediatically being profiled as connected to Islamic terrorism,
20041205             —WHILE the arrests are always unsubstantiated ( *
20041205             links to 1—REAL—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION are never proven in court, and accused are always released ( *).
20041205             —FROM Tchetchenya over SAUDI—ARABIA to MADRID spans 1—BIG—NET—OF—CIA—INDUCED terrorism and consequent media lies,
20041205             —FOLLOWING the same recipe as 20010911             and all other historic CIA interventions.
20041205             IRAQ, 'suicide terrorists' came along with THE—USA—INVASION + are targeting the UN's,
20041205             IRAN's, EUROPE's and JAPAN—REPRESENTATIVES and troops on 1—DAILY—BASIS, accompanied by the classic Black Hawks down and killed foot soldiers.
20041205             —APPLIED, FORMER—BUSH—ADMINISTRATIONS, the same recipe of anonymous mercenary terror in several PARTS—OF—THE—WORLD,
20041205             including EUROPE (research Gladio). - According to FORMER—CIA—AGENTS,
20041205             —SINCE the communist ARCH—ENEMY disappeared, intelligence has largely made way for propaganda and staged terrorism.
20041205             (1—USA congressional hearing asked THE—CIA for 1—EXPLANATION about these failures.) If the Agency would have been collecting intelligence,
20041205             as it's supposed to do, or try to promote peace INSTEAD—OF—WEAPONS—RACES, it should have informed the Congress about these dangerous evolutions.
20041205             THE—CIA is not at all striving for THE—PROPAGATION—OF—USA—DEMOCRATIC—VALUES,
20041205             but is actively and FULL—TIME preoccupied with shaping THE—INTERNATIONAL—FRAMEWORK that is needed for its RIGHT—WING ideology.
20041205             With 1—OFFICIAL—ANNUAL—BUDGET—OF $30—BILLION (but expenditures 400 % THEREOF—GAINED from drug traffic),
20041205             there's no telling to what ambitions can be fulfilled, how MANY—PEOPLE can be bribed, influenced, bought off, hired, blackmailed etc... So that's what the Agency people do —WHEN they go to work:
20041205             not collecting, but creating intelligence
20041205             It infiltrates all politically progressive,
20041205             LEFT—WING, ecological and social groups in Western society with agents,
20041205             because their altruistic ideology is ominous to the essence of INTERNATIONAL capitalism, which aims to divide the world into ruling corporations and abiding consumers.
20041205             THE—CIA infiltrates, cheats, lies + manipulates,
20041205             —ON 1—SCALE—LARGER than we dare to imagine. The goal of all this,
20041205             is to bring the world under TOTALITARY—CONTROL—IN other words:
20041205             to end the freedom and peace that we all aspire.
20041205             of THE—CIA are —NOW officially designated as the "GEORGE—BUSH—CENTER for Intelligence",
20041205             not to honor BUSH ' long CIA career, but as 1—PURELY practical apprehension of the global intelligence power that the agency provides.
20041205             This can be done through criminal attacks or other nondescript terrorism (*),
20041205             or by falsifying the election process, which can be bought, even in Western democracies.
20041205             —PERFORMED, All 3—INVASIONS were, —DURING BUSH administrations.
20041205             VOTE FRAUD IN THE—USA: Inside the vote counting program
20041205             Report by BBC Newsnight JOURNALIST—GREG—PALAST—MORE than 30 000—COMPLAINTS
20041205             VOTE FRAUD IN EUROPE: CIA covert action is extraordinarily widespread,
20041205             extending to propaganda campaigns within allied countries
20041205             of THE—USA, according to FORMER employees.
20041205             CIA in WEST—EUROPE—FRAUD rife in UK—POSTAL ballots: reports
20041205             I was particularly risky for 1—COMBINATION—OF—PROFILES: 1., my web site
20041205             If the dam of THE—BELGIUM—CLANDESTINE election fraud would have been breached (as it could have been if the Green party had challenged the result),
20041205             1—PRECEDENT would have been shaped to scrutinize —FOLLOWING electoral irregularities in other EU and NON—EU countries,
20041205             where THE—USA—ATTEMPTS—SIMILAR—OPERATIONS.
20041205             THE—FOLLOWING—YEAR, Organizations like PourEva
20041205             They must understand that by complicity of THE—BELGIUM—STAATSVEILIGHEID/Sureté d'Etat,
20041205             THE—CIA has all the means + evidently the motive, to install RIGHT—WING governments, as they do across THE—WORLD—GOVERNMENTS which they can then control.
20041205             IN THE—FORM—OF—SO—CALLED—COMMUNIST—BOMBINGS by the terrorist CCC
20041205             This was done in order to push THE—BELGIUM—GOVERNMENT to accept USA nuclear missiles on BELGIUM—TERRITORY (completely against public opinion),
20041205             in order to further strengthen THE—GRIP—OF—THE—STATE—SECURITY on domestic affairs,+
20041205             It is only by acknowledging THE—BUSH—GOVERNMENT—BURNING ambition to steer EVERY—NATION on the globe towards puppet regimes,
20041205             that you can see 1—USA—LED coup d'état unfold in BELGIUM.
20041205             It is only —WHEN you understand how THE—CIA is 1—GIANT—INTERNATIONAL—NETWORK—OF—LIKE—MINDED agents + politicians,
20041205             controlled from within domestic security services, with their HUNDREDS—OF—AGENTS + virtually unlimited bribing resources,
20041205             that you can see how this could have happened in BELGIUM.
20041205             Yes, big covert operations can be successful, yes, enough recruits can be gathered and trained to perform them.
20041205             —FINISHED, He has, toting up THE—OHIO vote
20041205             + as predicted, BUSH—MARGIN—OF—VICTORY has shrunk, from 136,000 votes to 119,000 votes.
20041205             Provisional ballots broke heavily for Kerry -- and apparently he did not fare as poorly as SOME—MIGHT have expected VIS—A—VIS the overseas absentee ballots,
20041205             which would include the military vote.
20041205             —BY—NOW, you probably have seen THE—HARD—HITTING story in THE—CHICAGO—TRIBUNE (eat that ,
20041205             RICHARD—ROEPER!) regarding THE—MANY—CORPSES registered to vote and other oddities of 20040000             —THE election:
20041205             —LISTED, More than 181,000 dead people were, on the rolls in THE—6—SWING states,
20041205             despite efforts to clean up the country's voting system —AFTER 20000000             —THE election.
20041205             The "dead voters society" meme matches 1—REPUBLICAN propaganda campaign that began well —BEFORE ;;11;;
20041205             2. - Uh...no. Finally: DANIEL—HOPSICKER—HAS—BEEN
20041205             (Scroll down the linked page about 1—3. of the way —UNTIL you reach FTR-487 and FTR-488.)
20041205             giving THE—CIA the atmosphere of 1—CLASS—REUNION.'
20041205             To quote the Bible, book of Matthew 7.15, the prophet Jesus said, "Beware of false prophets
20041205             by their fruit you shall know them.
20041205             † It is —NOW estimated that up to 100,000 Iraqis have, directly or indirectly from this war.
20041205             "WHAT!? THE—LAND—OF—THE—FREE!??
20041205             WHOEVER TOLD YOU THAT IS YOUR ENEMY".
20041205             "ALASKAN WEIRDNESS," Editorial, Wilmington —MORNING Star (NORTH—CAROLINA).
20041205             had SOME—NOTORIETY; interviewed on electoral fraud.
20041205             —DEMANDED, USA—SENATOR—MCCAIN, that baseball players and owners take action to tighten drug testing and threatened legislation to that end.
20041205             BOLIVIA, Indian and peasant organizations promising better access to health care and education won EVERY—MAJOR—CITY in local elections, trouncing LONG—DOMINANT—PARTIES.
20041205             —FREED, EGYPT, 1—ISRAELI—ARAB businessman convicted of spying in exchange for ISRAEL—RELEASE—OF—6—EGYPT—STUDENTS.
20041205             ABKHAZIA, (GEORGIA) THE—2—CANDIDATES vying for the region's presidency agreed to conduct new elections and run on 1—JOINT—TICKET.
20041205             —VOTED, Hungarians, in 1—REFERENDUM on extending citizenship to MILLIONS—OF—ETHNIC—HUNGARIANS living in the region.
20041205             —OPENED, Gunmen, fire at the bus as it dropped off Iraqis employed by coalition forces at 1—WEAPONS dump in Tikrit.
20041205             17—PEOPLE † and 13 were wounded.
20041205             1—SUICIDE car bomber drove into 1—IRAQI—NATIONAL—GUARD checkpoint in Beiji.
20041205             3—GUARDSMEN, including 1—COMPANY—COMMANDER, were killed and 18 wounded.
20041205             —AMBUSHED, Guerrillas, 1—JOINT—IRAQI—COALITION—PATROL in Latifiyah and attacked IRAQ—NATIONAL—GUARDSMEN patrolling near SAMARRA.
20041205             2—IRAQIS were killed and 10 wounded.
20041205             KASHMIR, 1—REMOTE—CONTROLLED roadside bomb blew up 1—ARMY—PATROL—CAR in 1—PRE—DAWN attack, killing 1—INDIA—ARMY—MAJOR and 10—OTHER—SOLDIERS.
20041205             † In KAZAKHSTAN 23—PEOPLE and 3—OTHERS were injured in 1—EXPLOSION at 1—COAL—MINE in THE—KARAGANDA region.
20041205             Authorities outside MEXICO—CITY found THE—BODY—OF—ENRIQUE—SALINAS, —51—JAHRE—ALT, THE—FORMER—PRESIDENT—SALINAS' brother, with 1—BAG tied —AROUND his head.
20041205             —BESIEGED, NIGERIA, HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS, 2—OIL—PLATFORMS—RUN by Royal Dutch/Shell Group Cos. and ChevronTexaco Corp. in the southern oil region, shutting down production of 90,000 BARRELS—OF—OIL —1—DAY.
20041205             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—NORWAY—FIRM—HYDRO and QATAR—STATE—ENERGY—COMPANY signed 1—DEAL to build 1—OF—WORLD—LARGEST aluminium plants in THE—GAS—RICH—GULF state at 1—COST—OF—3—BILLION dollars.
20041205             —ABDUCTED, RAMALLAH, JAD—AL—HINDI, —19—JAHRE—ALT was, by THE—AL—AQSA—MARTYRS' Brigades, 1—VIOLENT—MILITANT—GROUP linked to the dominant Fatah movement.
20041205             Police found AL—HINDI—BODY THE—NEXT—DAY, saying he had been shot in the head 12—TIMES.
20041205             PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN made the 1. official visit by 1—RUSSIA—LEADER to TURKEY, seeking to boost trade and counterterrorism cooperation between THE—2—COUNTRIES.
20041205             CARLOS—MOYA beat ANDY—RODDICK 6-2, 7-6 (1), 7-6 (5) to clinch SPAIN—2. DAVIS—CUP title.
20041205             —AIRDROPPED, THAILAND, nearly 100—MILLION—JAPANESE—STYLE origami cranes over the predominantly Muslim southern region in 1—PSYCHOLOGICAL—EFFORT toward peace.
20041205             1—SERIES—OF—BOMB—ATTACKS followed THE—NEXT—DAY.
20041205             THOMAS—DEFLO, BRUSSELS, BELGIUM AUTHOR—OF, alfatomega.com/20041206.html
20041205             THOMAS—DEFLO, BRUSSELS, BELGIUM AUTHOR—OF—HTTP://lightscion.911 review_org/... alfatomega.com/20041206.html
20041205   0041205   —PROVIDED, EX—CIA—OFFICER—VICTOR—MARCHETTI on the training, by the Agency to THE—ITALY—SECURITY—SERVICES, 19740000             .
20041205-20060314             200412050009         | Updated 20041207             —358 'Post' exclusive... - Knowingly transferring classified information to 1—FOREIGN—POWER can be 1—BREACH... Franklin from alleged espionage to mishandling of classified evidence.
200412050009         | Updated 20041207             —358 'Post' exclusive... - Knowingly transferring classified information to 1—FOREIGN—POWER can be 1—BREACH... Franklin from alleged espionage to mishandling of classified evidence.
20041205—19770000    —IN, - a CIA admission, referring to European papers owned outright
20041205—19780000    —INFILTRATED, They, the Red Brigades + carried out THE—MURDER—OF—ALDO—MORO.
20041205—19800000    —CARRIED, Gladio also, out the bomb attack on BOLOGNA Railway station in which 85—PEOPLE were killed + hundreds injured.
20041205—19900000    -#35 32)
20041205—19900402    —DATE
20041205—19900402    —DATE 20041205—19920000    -#39 62)
20041205—19940000    —IN, Launched by
20041205—19990000    —IN, GEORGE—HW—BUSH is 1—LONG—TIME—CIA—AGENT, is 1—FORMER—CIA—DIRECTOR + seized control over the intelligence agency.
20041205—19991000    —FROM, Officially, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT spent $41m (£21.7m) organising and funding THE—YEAR—LONG—OPERATION to get rid of Milosevic.
20041205—20000000    —SINCE, so has the Politech web site.
20041205—20010911    —ON, THE—BUILDER of our city and THE—AUTHOR—OF—OUR freedom has stood beside us, —JUST like He did + —JUST as He does over the thousands that are dying in IRAQ.
20041205—20040000    —IN, THE—FOLLOWING—YEAR, elections for the Flemish region only, Agalev miraculously went back to almost 8—PERCENT—OF—FLEMISH—VOTES (7,6%).
20041205—20050000    —IN, 2—FEDERAL—POLICE—OFFICERS were arrested for trying to extort money SALINAS —PRIOR—TO his murder.
20041206—20041205    UKRAINE—VOLUNTEERS for the Nazi SS ' Galicia ' Division, on parade —DURING the war.
20041207             20041205-20060314             200412050009         | Updated 20041207             —358 'Post' exclusive... - Knowingly transferring classified information to 1—FOREIGN—POWER can be 1—BREACH... Franklin from alleged espionage to mishandling of classified evidence.
20041225             20041206             19-- LATVIA—POLICE + EX—SS men from GERMANY were returned home to carry out 20041205             Under the guise of "left wing insurgency ", Operation Gladio... 20041224             20041225             19-- LATVIA—POLICE + EX—SS men from GERMANY were returned home to carry out 20041205             Under the guise of "left wing insurgency ", Operation Gladio...
20041225             20041206             19-- LATVIA—POLICE + EX—SS men from GERMANY were returned home to carry out 20041205             Under the guise of "left wing insurgency ", Operation Gladio... 20041224             20041225             20041206             19-- LATVIA—POLICE + EX—SS men from GERMANY were returned home to carry out 20041205             Under the guise of "left wing insurgency ", Operation Gladio... 20041224             20041225             20041206             19-- LATVIA—POLICE + EX—SS men from GERMANY were returned home to carry out 20041205             Under the guise of "left wing insurgency ", Operation Gladio... 20041224             20041225             19-- LATVIA—POLICE + EX—SS men from GERMANY were returned home to carry out 20041205             Under the guise of "left wing insurgency ", Operation Gladio...
20041225             20041206             19-- LATVIA—POLICE + EX—SS men from GERMANY were returned home to carry out 20041205             Under the guise of "left wing insurgency ", Operation Gladio... 20041224             20051224             Menschenrechte: USA fordern Freilassung von ägyptischem Oppositionellen
20041225             20041206             19-- LATVIA—POLICE + EX—SS men from GERMANY were returned home to carry out 20041205             Under the guise of "left wing insurgency ", Operation Gladio... 20041224             20041225             20041206             19-- LATVIA—POLICE + EX—SS men from GERMANY were returned home to carry out 20041205             Under the guise of "left wing insurgency ", Operation Gladio... 20041224             20041225             Democrats then paid for 1—HAND recount, which got under way 20041208             .
20041225             19-- LATVIA—POLICE + EX—SS men from GERMANY were returned home to carry out 20041205             Under the guise of "left wing insurgency ", Operation Gladio...
20050405             L. Nelson "Mac" McAlexander alexanderlaw at mediaone_net Tue 20211205             :37:44 PST 20000000             ...
20050405             20050000             afixe : Camarate : comissão de peritos conclui que existiu sabotagem.
20050406             SHERMAN—BLOG—POLITICAL & Social Commentary: 20041205—20121205    /11 ...
20050416             —ARRIVED, PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT—GENERAL—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF, in INDIA to discuss the Kashmir dispute in 1—EFFORT to ease 20051205             ADES—OF—HOSTILITY.
20051121—20061205    —ON, the lawsuit filed 20050127             —ON, was settled by the Diocese of PHOENIX for $100,000. The settlement does not imply ANY—ADMISSION—OF guilt, according to the Diocesan attorney MIKE—HARAN.
20051122             —EMBATTLED, AP - 1—HURRICANE—POSTPONED—GOP fundraiser for, Congressman TOM—DELAY will be held 20051205             and feature VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY.
20051127             1 estimated 5,336 athletes will compete in 41—EVENTS which will run 20051127—20051205    —FROM—TO.
20051205             This confidence in the inherent beauty + justice of THE—USA was betrayed on the night of 20040727             20051205             Clinton gets ANTI—WAR—CHALLENGER : In 1—MOVE that is certain to harden the battle lines among Democrat s surrounding THE—IRAQ war, 1—VETERAN—UNION organizer will announce —TUESDAY that he is campaigning to unseat SENATOR—HILLARY—CLINTON—OF—NEW—YORK.
20051205             This confidence in the inherent beauty + justice of THE—USA was betrayed on the night of 20040727             20051205             Clinton gets ANTI—WAR—CHALLENGER:
20051205             This confidence in the inherent beauty + justice of THE—USA was betrayed on the night of 20060217—19840000    —IN, -- THE—SYDNEY—MORNING—HERALD, 20020727             , THE—REX—84—READINESS—EXERCISE—PROGRAM was conducted by 34—FEDERAL—DEPARTMENTS and agencies, reportedly as 1—EXERCISE to handle 1—INFLUX.
20051205             Stuttgarter Innenminister: Datenspeicherung geht nicht weit genug
20051205             CIA—VERSCHLEPPUNG: Rice verteidigt Umgang mit TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGEN
20051205             —GEWUSST, CIA—FLÜGE: Kanzleramt soll Bescheid, haben - Aine | 20200923             0-
20051205             Aine | 20000923             20051205             " CONGRESS will not formally investigate charges that THE—REAGAN campaign stole the election
20051205             —DAMAGED, VENEZUELA, a 20051203             explosion that, 1—OIL—PIPELINE supplying the country's largest refinery was reported to have been caused by government foes attempting to disrupt congressional elections.
20051205             Pentagon Expanding Domestic Surveillance Programs, Wants Exception To...
20051205             stemming from THE—IRAN—CONTRA scandal.
20051205             He stood trial for 5 ... and other neoconservative journals have allied themselves with the... has to be governed," he once wrote. "Such governance can only be.
20051205             Aine | 20200923             0-
20051205             WRMEA—OCTOBER surprise in IRAN ? : THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is set to take 1—TOUGHER—LINE with TEHRAN despite 1—LACK—OF consensus among its allies.
20051205             —BY SIMON—TISDALL @ - Salon_com
20051205             Geheimdienste voll und ganz bestätigte, den ehemaligen CIA—VERBINDUNGSOFFIZIER COLONEL—OSWALD.
20051205             LeWinter er sagte: "Die Brigate Rosse waren unterwandert.
20051205             Impeach A PRESIDENT
20051205             Silent Lucidity: October Surprise?
20051205             OSWALD—LEWINTER—ADDRESSES—PORTUGAL—PARLIAMENT—ON—THE 'OCTOBER SURPRISE' "Congress will not formally investigate charges that the Reagan campaign stole the...
20051205             CIA—SKANDAL: Rice verteidigt GEHEIMDIENST—PRAKTIKEN—IRAN threatens COUNTER—STRIKE:
20051205             'Zionist authorities are well aware that if they make 1—FOOLISH—MISTAKE against IRAN, IRAN—HARSH—RESPONSE will be destructive and determined'
20051205             IRAN Plans to Build 2. Nuclear Power Plant : The broadcast said PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD and Cabinet ministers decided —SUNDAY night to build the reactor in Khuzistan province, SOUTH—WEST—IRAN.
20051205             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is quietly seeking to build with BRITAIN, JAPAN and INDIA 1—GLOBE—SPANNING coalition system that can contain CHINA, claims 1—LEADING—NEO—CONSERVATIVE—THINKER.
20051205             RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—ACKNOWLEDGES—GROWING—DIVERGENCE—WITH—USA : "We can come to the conclusion that in the whole complex of our (foreign) relations the weight of existing military and strategic links between RUSSIA and THE—USA... will be constantly declining," SERGEI—LAVROV said.
20051205             The torture files : CIA agents have broken ranks to reveal the 'cruel and inhuman' interrogation techniques they are ordered to use at secret prisons —AROUND the world, including freezing and NEAR—DROWNING.
20051205             Rice to claim Euro backing for CIA prisons : Stung by what MANY—USA—OFFICIALS see as a 2—FACED approach by SOME—ALLIES, she will also call on European governments to argue more forcefully with their own citizens that CO—OPERATION with THE—CIA is vital for their security.
20051205             UK—TORY MP Blasts Extraordinary Rendition,
20051205             Says BRITAIN Broke INTERNATIONAL Law and "Complicit in Torture" if Flights Passed Through UK
20051205             20051205             20010911             Panel Cites Inadequate Security Steps former 20010911             commission gave dismal grades —MONDAY to THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—EFFORTS to shore up national security + prevent another terror attack on THE—USA.
20051205             Free ABDEL—JABBAR Hamdan : ABDEL—JABBAR Hamdan came to THE—USA—MORE than —25—YEARS—AGO + has been proud to be called 1—USA—EVER —SINCE.
20051205             Yet most families actually lost economic ground.
20051205             Real median household INCOME—THE—INCOME—OF—HOUSEHOLDS in THE—MIDDLE—OF—THE—INCOME—DISTRIBUTION, adjusted for INFLATION—FELL for the 5. —YEAR in 1—ROW.
20051205             Going hungry in OHIO and MICHIGAN : Soup kitchens find need outpaces resources: OPERATORS—OF—VICTORY—TEMPLE and other soup kitchens and food pantries in NORTH—WEST—OHIO say 1—LOSS—OF—FACTORY—JOBS and surging utility costs are sending growing NUMBERS—OF—PEOPLE to their doors.
20051205             JPMorgan to hire 4,500 graduates in INDIA: USA—BANKING giant JPMorgan Chase is to hire 4,500 graduates in INDIA over the next —2—YEARS with plans to move 30—PER cent of its back office and support staff at its investment bank offshore by the end of 20070000             .
20051205             Rumsfeld says media should be more accountable:
20051205             —INVOLVED, War CRIMES—USA : If THE—USA is, in committing war crimes, we as USA—S have 1—RESPONSIBILITY to address that.
20051205             I don't think hiding from reality is 1—SOLUTION to the fact that no 1—LIKES to be told that they're doing something wrong.
20051205             —RAILED, SADDAM—HUSSEIN, at THE—JUDGE—MONDAY + THE—FORMER—PRESIDENT—LAWYERS briefly walked OUT—OF—COURT—BEFORE—THE 1. witness testified that SADDAM—AGENTS carried out random arrests, torture and killings in 1—IRAQ i village
20051205             —LINKED, How BUSH—IMPERIAL—POLICIES are being, to economic woes and CEO angst in AMERICA
20051205             —TODAY IRAQ, Tomorrow the World:
20051205             Drudge, JERUSALEM Post sensationalize story about nuclear IRAN : 1—ARTICLE in THE—JERUSALEM—POST trumpeted by the conservative Drudge Report grossly sensationalizes the comments of MOHAMED—EL—BARADEI, HEAD—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—ATOMIC—ENERGY—AGENCY.
20051205             Hadley: Pentagon Propaganda In IRAQ Continues : —ON—SUNDAY—ABC—THIS—WEEK, STEPHEN—HADLEY acknowledged that PRESIDENT—BUSH has not yet ordered THE—SHUT—DOWN—OF—THE—PENTAGON—PROPAGANDA—CAMPAIGN in IRAQ.
20051205             —INDEED, Yes, adds the sonorous SENATOR who chairs the armed services committee, "this is war".
20051205             And in war, of course, anything goes (even including bombing AL—JAZEERA) because... well, it's war, isn't it?
20051205             USA—MISSILE kills 2—CHILDREN in PAKISTAN: Report : PAKISTAN—TRIBESMEN —ON—SUNDAY displayed parts of 1—USA—MARKED missile they said hit 1—HOUSE and killed 2—BOYS, evidence at odds with the government which says 1—EXPLOSION there killed 1—TOP—AL—QAEDA—COMMANDER.
20051205             Where they hide the cash
20051205             We help rich individuals and companies to spirit away vast sums from the developing WORLD—BY DUNCAN—CAMPBELL
20051205             5—TRILLION $$ has been corruptly removed from the world's poorest countries and lodged permanently in the world's richest countries.
20051205             That is the "conservative estimate" not of 1—LEFTWING—ANTI—GLOBALISATION—ACTIVIST but of 1—LEADING—USA—BUSINESSMAN and enthusiast for capitalism who has —JUST completed 1—MAJOR—STUDY—OF how multinational corporations, wealthy individuals and unscrupulous governments are using the world's banking systems in ways that spread povert.
20051205             THE—WAR—ON—TERROR—IS—BOGUS
20051205             "Was 20010911             more than —JUST 1—ATTACK?
20051205             Could THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION have had anything to gain from the attack?
20051205             2—PROMINENT—EUROPEAN politicians, MICHAEL—MEACHER and ANDREAS—VON—BÜLOW, express their serious doubts about the official version of 20010911             —THE story".
20051205             Nuclear IRAN ? You bet! -
20051205             —JOINED, WASHINGTON has, THE—MIDDLE—EAST tussle, flaunting its public relations campaign;
20051205             "THE—WAR—ON—TERROR", to justify another —CENTURY—OF—EXPLOITATION, RESOURCE—THEFT + JACK—BOOT subjugation of the native people.
20051205             So, how does this relate to IRAN ? Neoreality: Peak Oil And IRAQ
20051205             What LEVEL—OF—USA—CASUALTIES should be spent to keep AMERICA FROM economic and social collapse?
20051205             —BY BILL—HENDERSON—WHY did THE—USA—MAKE WAR—ON—IRAQ ?
20051205             —ALLEGED, The official REASONS—IRAQ 's, POSSESSION—OF—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION—WMD + its links with AL—QAEDA—HAVE —NOW been shown to be lies.
20051205             What then were the real reasons?
20051205             What Happened to IRAQ—WMD—HOW politics corrupts INTELLIGENCE—BY SCOTT—RITTER
20051205             THE—POLITICIZATION—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY allows the process of fixing intelligence —AROUND policy to become pervasive + the increasingly polarized political climate in AMERICA PREVENTS ANY—REAL—CHECKS and balances through effective oversight, leaving USA—S at THE—MERCY—OF—POLITICIANS who have placed partisan politics above the common good.
20051205             Zu VIELE—ALTE—BEKANNTE aus der SCHRÖDER—ZEIT sitzen auch bei ANGELA—MERKEL an wichtigen Positionen: FRANK—WALTER—STEINMEIER, einst Schröders mächtiger Mann im Kanzleramt und intimer Kenner aller Vorgänge, ist —NUN Außenminister.
20051205             —AUGUST—HANNING, unter ROT—GRÜN CHEF—DES gut informierten Auslandsgeheimdienstes BND, ist —NUN STAATSSEKRETÄR—IM—INNENMINISTERIUM.
20051205             Keiner dieser Beteiligten kann ernsthaft Überraschung oder gar Empörung über die Maßnahmen der CIA vorgaukeln.
20051205             Sie kennen die Details —SEIT—JAHREN zu gut.
20051205             Auch wenn es für Merkel bitter ist, holt sie die Vergangenheit der ROT—GRÜNEN Vorgänger bei den Beziehungen zu den USA schneller ein, als ihr lieb sein kann.
20051205             Wenigstens aber kann man deshalb davon ausgehen, dass das Gespräch im Kanzleramt trotz allen Getöses in Wirklichkeit sehr nett werden kann.
20051205             Mit Ehrlichkeit hat das indes wenig zu tun. Amtshilfe für die CIA
20051205             In einem dortigen Hotel half das Bundeskriminalamt beim Verwanzen der Räume und hinterher auch bei der Festnahme.
20051205             —SCHON zu Beginn der verdeckten CIA—AKTION gab es Zweifel an den Beweisen gegen die beiden Männer, die angeblich 20—MILLIONEN Dollar für den bewaffneten Kampf spenden wollten.
20051205             Doch DEUTSCHLAND störten die Zweifel nicht.
20051205             Brav machten die DEUTSCHEN—BEHÖRDEN mit und überstellten die beiden Männer umgehend an die USA.
20051205             Auf kritische Nachfragen wurde mit dem routinierten Schweigen reagiert, das die USA sehr schätzten.
20051205             Darf sich DEUTSCHLAND an illegal agierenden Behörden eines alliierten Staates annähern, um an für die Behörden wichtige Informationen zu gelangen?
20051205             Darf eine DEUTSCHE—REGIERUNG aus außenpolitischem Kalkül über schwerwiegende Menschenrechtsverletzungen schweigen? Öffentlich herrscht zu diesen Fragen das altbekannte Schweigen.
20051205             Als Bonus gab es Fakten
20051205             Ähnlich diskret verhielt sich die Bundesregierung im Fall eines weiteren Deutschen, dem DEUTSCH—SYRER
20051205             MOHAMMED—HAYDAR—ZAMMAR.
20051205             Die großen Zeiten Schröders sind —NUN vorbei.
20051205             Doch die FRAGE—DER—BETEILIGUNG—DEUTSCHLANDS an den Methoden der CIA—AGENTEN aus Langley holt die POLIT—PENSIONÄRE Schröder, aber auch seinen ehemaligen Außenminister Joschka Fischer und vor allem den EX—INNENMINISTER OTTO—SCHILY —NUN im Altenteil ein.
20051205             Neue Berichte und die ERGEBNISSE—VON—INTENSIVEN—RECHERCHEN—DER "WASHINGTON—POST", des SPIEGEL und anderer zeigen, dass weder die ehemalige Regierung noch die neue Truppe von ANGELA—MERKEL überrascht gewesen sein dürften, als —IN—DEN—LETZTEN—WOCHEN Berichte über geheime Gefangenentransporte, geheime Gefängnisse und über stabsplanmäßigen Entführungen durch die CIA zu lesen waren.
20051205             Immer deutlicher wird —NUN, was Beobachter der Sicherheitsbehörden —SCHON lange vermuteten.
20051205             Die ROT—GRÜNE Bundesregierung war über die Entführungen und geheimen Gefängnisse der AMERIKA ner sehr früh und detailliert informiert.
20051205             Nicht nur aus der Zeitung kannten die Mitglieder am Kabinettstisch die schmutzigen Einzelheiten aus GEORGE—W—BUSH s gnadenlosem Kampf gegen den Terror.
20051205             In einigen Fällen versuchten gar DEUTSCHE—ERMITTLER von den Praktiken zu profitieren, indem sie die Gefangenen und ohne JEDE—RECHTLICHE—GRUNDLAGE—FESTGEHALTENEN für Vernehmungen besuchten.
20051205             Neben der in DEUTSCHLAND populären Haltung GERHARD—SCHRÖDERS gab es quasi noch die dunkle Seite des ANTI—AMERIKA ners.
20051205             Dieser schwieg lieber und wurde ab und an dafür belohnt.
20051205             Verschlusssachen statt Proteste
20051205             —BEKANNT, Die am Wochenende, gewordenen Details aus dem Fall
20051205             Khaled EL—MASRI beschreiben die ambivalente Haltung der alten Regierung zu den Praktiken der USA beispielhaft.
20051205             Da es aber trotz intensivster Verhöre und der Anwendung aller Methoden der CIA keine Beweise gegen den Mann gebe, wolle man ihn —NUN möglichst ohne großes Aufsehen zurück in die Freiheit entlassen, berichtet der BOTSCHAFTER seinem guten Bekannten Schily in dessen Ministerium.
20051205             Robles: Dieses Gefängnis stand unter dem BEFEHL—DER—NATO—TRUPPEN—KFOR, der "KOSOVO Force".
20051205             Mich interessierte deshalb damals —ZUNÄCHST, auf welcher juristischen Grundlage es der Kfor erlaubt war, Gefangene außerhalb normaler rechtlicher Verfahren einzusperren.
20051205             Denn diese Menschen dort waren ja direkt von der Armee verhaftet worden, ohne die Möglichkeit, sich dagegen juristisch zu wehren.
20051205             Sie hatten keinen Anwalt. Es gab keine Berufungsinstanz.
20051205             Es gab noch nicht einmal genaue Vorschriften darüber, wie lange die Menschen in Haft gehalten werden durften.
20051205             Also schrieb ich in meinem Bericht: So geht das nicht mehr: Man muss hier demokratische, rechtsstaatliche Standards einführen.
20051205             —INZWISCHEN, Und das ist, ja auch passiert.
20051205             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Wieso hat das damals, —J—IME 20020000             , kein Aufsehen erregt, sondern —ERST—JETZT?
20051205             Robles: Ich habe das alles in meinen Bericht an den Europarat aufgeschrieben.
20051205             —DISKUTIERT, Darüber im Plenum, wurde zwar nicht, aber immerhin steht es seitdem im INTERNET.
20051205             —GESPROCHEN, Ich habe —SCHON damals auch öffentlich darüber.
20051205             Aber da gab es wohl nicht dasselbe Interesse wie —HEUTE.
20051205             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Die AMERIKA ner weisen JEDE—VERANTWORTUNG für das Gefangenenlager im KOSOVO von sich.
20051205             Das sei keine CIA—EINRICHTUNG, sondern 1—DER—KFOR—NATO—TRUPPEN.
20051205             Haben sie Recht? Robles: Absolut.
20051205             Und der damalige KFOR—CHEF—GENERAL—MARCEL—VALENTIN hat mir bei meiner Visite nach Kräften geholfen.
20051205             Da gab es ja auch keine Geheimnisse zu vertuschen.
20051205             JEDER—WUSSTE—BESCHEID, wie es im "Camp Bondsteel" zuging.
20051205             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Auch die Europäer, auch DEUTSCHE—STELLEN kannten also die Verhältnisse dort?
20051205             Robles: Ja, gewiss.
20051205             Man wusste genau, dass dort Menschen unter solchen, völlig unbefriedigenden Bedingungen festgehalten wurden: ohne ausreichende rechtliche Handhabe, ohne rechtsstaatliche Garantien.
20051205             Nichts davon war geheim.
20051205             Robles: Im Auftrag des Europarates bereiste ich damals den KOSOVO, um einen Bericht zu schreiben, ob und wie die Menschenrechte dort respektiert würden.
20051205             —GESEHEN, So habe ich VIELE—GEFANGENENLAGER, auch "Camp Bondsteel".
20051205             Und dort sah ich tatsächlich Gefangene in einer Situation, die der, die man von Fotos aus GUANTANAMO kannte, absolut ähnlich war.
20051205             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Geht es etwas präziser?
20051205             Ohne juristisches Verfahren wurden in einem Militärcamp im KOSOVO Menschen monatelang weggesperrt.
20051205             —GESEHEN, Zustände wie in GUANTANAMO habe er, berichtet der Menschenrechtsbeauftragte des Europarates, Alvaro GIL—ROBLES, im INTERVIEW—MIT—SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20051205             Auch die Deutschen wussten davon.
20051205             Warum waren Sie dort? Was haben Sie gesehen?
20051205             Robles: "So geht das nicht, man muss das ändern"
20051205             8—DER 33—PATIENTEN waren in den —3—MONATEN—ZUVOR nicht mit Antibiotika behandelt worden,
20051205             schreiben die Forscher um Esther Chernak im "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report" der CDC.
20051205             7—HÄTTEN sich vermutlich bei anderen Menschen mit Durchfallerkrankungen angesteckt.
20051205             Das zeige, dass das Bakterium durch Mutation ansteckender geworden sei.
20051205             VIELE—MEDIZINER sehen in der zunehmenden Resistenz sogenannter Krankenhauskeime gegen Antibiotika 1—DER—GRÖßTEN—GESUNDHEITSGEFAHREN—DER—ZUKUNFT.
20051205             Die neuen Erkenntnisse seien aber besorgniserregend.
20051205             "Wir müssen darauf reagieren", betonte der Mediziner.
20051205             "Uns sollte klar werden, dass das Risiko von ANTIBIOTIKA—BEHANDLUNGEN steigt".
20051205             Laut der - 2. Untersuchung ist ein besonders ansteckender Stamm des Bakteriums in den USA aufgetaucht, der gegen bestimmte Antibiotika, sogenannte Fluorochinolone, resistent ist.
20051205             Zu den Symptomen einer Infektion mit Clostridium difficile gehören schwerer Durchfall und Darmkrämpfe.
20051205             Insbesondere bei älteren Menschen kann die Erkrankung zum Tod führen.
20051205             Rund 3—PROZENT aller Gesunden und 20—BIS 40—PROZENT—DER—KRANKENHAUSPATIENTEN tragen es in sich, wie das "DEUTSCHE—ÄRZTEBLATT" berichtet.
20051205             Meist ist das Darmbakterium UNGEFÄHRLICH—ES sei denn, man wird wegen einer anderen Infektion mit Antibiotika behandelt.
20051205             1—DER—STUDIEN besagt, dass allein im vergangenen —JAHR in 12—KANADISCHEN—KRANKENHÄUSERN 117—VON 17030000             Patienten mit Clostridium difficile an den Folgen der Ansteckung gestorben sind.
20051205             Rund 22—VON 10000000             neu eingewiesenen Klinikpatienten hätten das Bakterium in sich getragen, was eine deutliche Steigerung gegenüber FRÜHEREN—ZAHLEN bedeute.
20051205             Gleich 3—MEDIZINISCHE Studien aus den USA und KANADA kommen zu alarmierenden Schlüssen: Ein potentiell tödliches Bakterium verbreitet sich nicht nur immer weiter, sondern ist mutiert und befällt auch Menschen, die —BISHER nicht als gefährdet galten.
20051205             GROSSBRITANNIEN: Polizei schnappt 3—TERRORVERDÄCHTIGE
20051205             —GEWUSST, CIA—FLÜGE: Kanzleramt soll Bescheid, haben
20051205             Terrorabwehr: USA—KOMMISSION bemängelt massive Sicherheitslücken
20051205             Truppenbesuch: Jung sieht Bundeswehr noch jahrelang im KOSOVO
20051205             —GERETTET, Verhandlungserfolg: Navigationssystem Galileo IST—IRAN : 2. Atomanlage geplant
20051205             CIA—FLÜGE: Bundesregierung mauert sich ein
20051205             TERROR—HÄFTLINGE: Die Geistergefangenen der USA
20051205             Resistenter Erreger: Tödliches Bakterium breitet sich in den USA aus
20051205             Rüstung: RUSSLAND verkauft Raketen an IRAN
20051205             CIA—FLÜGE: CDU und Opposition wollen Schily zum Reden bringen
20051205             Ostafrika: Schweres Erdbeben am Tanganjikasee
20051205             CIA—METHODEN: Die dunkle Seite des ANTI—AMERIKA ners
20051205             UKRAINE: Mit Napalm gegen die Vogelgrippe
20051205             Transplantation: Nase, Mund und Kinn von Spenderin
20051205             —VERZICHTET, CIA—AFFÄRE: Staatsanwaltschaft, auf SCHILY—BEFRAGUNG
20051205             HAWAII: Vulkan lässt Küstenstreifen abbrechen
20051205             Bagdad: SADDAM—ANWÄLTE bezweifeln Rechtmäßigkeit des Verfahrens
20051205             USA—VERSICHERUNGEN: VW und Audi erhalten Preise für sicherste Pkw
20051205             GRÜNEN—FORDERUNG: RWE soll für Stromausfälle zahlen
20051205             Verseuchter Seuchenschutz: Viren befallen ANTI—VIREN—PROGRAMME
20051205             Geheimlager in EUROPA: "Jeder wusste, wie es in Bondsteel zugeht"
20051205             Geldsegen: DAX—AKTIONÄREN winkt REKORD—DIVIDENDE
20051205             Renaissance der Modemtechnik: Handys sollen piepen statt funken
20051205             Wahl in KASACHSTAN: Sieger Nasarbajew kündigt Reformen an
20051205             Konzernumbau: ALLIANZ—BELEGSCHAFT droht mit Streik
20051205             EU—FINANZSTREIT: Blair plant Verzicht auf RABATT—MILLIARDEN
20051205             Er habe sich gefühlt "wie in einer Show".
20051205             Die Blicke und Fotos hätten OSAMA—BIN—LADEN aber nicht verärgert, erinnerte sich der SAUDI—ARABISCHE Journalist.
20051205             "Er machte Witze darüber".
20051205             Batarfi zufolge hatte sich OSAMA—BIN—LADEN zu der Reise entschlossen, um seinen kranken Sohn in den USA medizinisch behandeln zu lassen.
20051205             Batafari konnte sich nicht erinnern, wo der Sohn behandelt wurde.
20051205             Die Reise fand statt, bevor sich OSAMA—BIN—LADEN in AFGHANISTAN den islamistischen Mudschaheddin anschloss und das Terrornetzwerk AL—QAIDA gründete.
20051205             Vertreter von USA—REGIERUNG und Geheimdiensten konnten laut "New Yorker" nicht bestätigen, dass OSAMA—BIN—LADEN —SCHON einmal in den USA—WAR.
20051205             Es lägen keine Akten mehr darüber vor.
20051205             Terrorismus: OSAMA—BIN—LADEN reiste in die USA
20051205             —GENANNT, Als Bush Doktrin auch Wolfowitz Doktrin, wird das.. "BUSH—DOKTRIN" (auch "WOLFOWITZ—DOKTRIN" genannt) wird das außen- + sicherheitspolitische Konzept der USA—REGIERUNG um...
20051205             Die BUSH—DOKTRIN wurden —BEREITS 19920000             —VON—PAUL—WOLFOWITZ unter dem damaligen Präsidenten GEORGE—HW—BUSH—SENATOR—AUSGEARBEITET.
20051205             —DISMISSED, However, the judge, 1—OF 2—CONSPI racy charges related to violat ions of TEXAS ' election code.
20051205             upheld other charges that will put the powerful Republican lawmaker on trial for money laundering.
20051205             Justice Staff Saw TEXAS Districting As Illegal
20051205             —DELIVERED, Rumsfeld also, 1—BROADSIDE against the media, saying that in the present era of THE—24—HOUR—NEW—CYCLE, events in IRAQ may be reported too quickly and without context + at times with little substantiation.
20051205             "1—LIE moves —AROUND the world at THE—SPEED—OF—LIGHT," he said, stressing there is a "jarring contrast between what THE—USA—PEOPLE are READING and hearing about IRAQ and THE—VIEWS—OF—THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE".
20051205             —RANKED, According to Reporters Without Borders, THE—USA is —NOW, 53. on its global press freedom index, dropping from 17. place 20020000             .
20051205             stemming from THE—IRAN—CONTRA scandal. He stood trial for 5
20051205             and other neoconservative journals have allied themselves with the
20051205             has to be governed," he once wrote. "Such governance can only be...
20051205             Wie der Terrorismus bekämpft wird- - LeWinter er sagte: IRAN threatens COUNTER—STRIKE: '
20051205             Zionist authorities are well aware that if they make 1—FOOLISH—MISTAKE against IRAN ,
20051205             IRAN—HARSH—RESPONSE will be destructive and determined'
20051205             IRAN Plans to Build 2. Nuclear Power Plant:
20051205             The broadcast said PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD and Cabinet ministers decided —SUNDAY night to build the reactor in Khuzistan province, SOUTH—WEST—IRAN.
20051205             A 'Big Four' coalition emerging?:
20051205             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is quietly seeking to build with BRITAIN ,
20051205             JAPAN and INDIA 1—GLOBE—SPANNING coalition system that can contain CHINA, claims 1—LEADING—NEO—CONSERVATIVE—THINKER.
20051205             "We can come to the conclusion that in the whole complex of our (foreign) relations the weight of existing military and strategic links between RUSSIA and THE—USA
20051205             will be constantly declining," SERGEI—LAVROV said.
20051205             Rice to claim Euro backing for CIA prisons:
20051205             Stung by what MANY—USA—OFFICIALS see as a 2—FACED approach by SOME—ALLIES,
20051205             she will also call on European governments to argue more forcefully with their own citizens that CO—OPERATION with THE—CIA is vital for their security.
20051205             CIA ghost flights over CANADA:
20051205             Osama Moustafa HASSAN—NASR was taken off THE—STREETS—OF—MILAN on Feb.
20051205             17, 20030000             , then flown to Ramstein Air Base in GERMANY — considered USA—TERRITORY — and from there to EGYPT where he was reportedly tortured.
20051205             FORMER 20010911             commission gave dismal grades —MONDAY to THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—EFFORTS to shore up national security + prevent another terror attack on THE—USA.
20051205             Free ABDEL—JABBAR Hamdan:
20051205             ABDEL—JABBAR Hamdan came to THE—USA—MORE than —25—YEARS—AGO + has been proud to be called 1—USA—EVER —SINCE.
20051205             In 1—MOVE that is certain to harden the battle lines among DEMOCRAT s surrounding THE—IRAQ war,
20051205             1—VETERAN—UNION organizer will announce —TUESDAY that he is campaigning to unseat SENATOR—HILLARY—CLINTON—OF—NEW—YORK.
20051205             It should have been 1—GOOD—YEAR for USA—FAMILIES:
20051205             the economy grew 4.2—PERCENT, its best PERFORMANCE—GOING hungry in OHIO and MICHIGAN:
20051205             JPMorgan to hire 4,500 graduates in INDIA:
20051205             USA—BANKING giant JPMorgan Chase is to hire 4,500 graduates in INDIA over the next —2—YEARS with plans to move 30—PER cent of its back office and support staff at its investment bank offshore by the end of 20070000             .
20051205             1—TWIST in THE—ROVE—PLAME Mystery:
20051205             The available evidence —NOW suggests that ROVE did lie to 1—FEDERAL—GRAND—JURY — even —AFTER his lawyer got the warning
20051205             USA—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—DONALD—RUMSFELD —ON—MONDAY was CRITICAL—OF—USA—MEDIA—COVERAGE—OF—THE—WAR in IRAQ and said that THE—PENTAGON should improve its approach with the media because the war is very much a "battle for peoples minds".
20051205             War CRIMES—USA:
20051205             —RAILED, SADDAM—HUSSEIN, at THE—JUDGE—MONDAY + THE—FORMER—PRESIDENT—LAWYERS briefly walked OUT—OF—COURT—BEFORE—THE 1. witness testified that SADDAM—AGENTS carried out random arrests,
20051205             torture and killings in 1—IRAQ i village
20051205             SADDAM—ERA—IRAQ i PRIME—MINISTER dies in USA custody:
20051205             † in USA—DETENTION—LAST—WEEK, THE—USA—MILITARY said —ON—MONDAY.
20051205             Has 'War' become 1—LEADING brand for USA ?:
20051205             Navy to Expand Fleet With New Enemies in Mind:
20051205             THE—NAVY wants to increase its fleet to 313—SHIPS
20051205             According to the latest edition of the "Active Duty Military Personnel Strengths " published by THE—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT—DIRECTORATE for Information Operations and Reports (DIOR), THE—USA has troops in 142—COUNTRIES
20051205             Drudge, JERUSALEM Post sensationalize story about nuclear IRAN:
20051205             1—ARTICLE in THE—JERUSALEM—POST trumpeted by the conservative Drudge Report grossly sensationalizes the comments of MOHAMED—EL—BARADEI,
20051205             Hadley: Pentagon Propaganda In IRAQ Continues:
20051205             Propaganda and bribery: It seems such 1—TINY, insignificant thing.
20051205             Why worry about planting 1—LITTLE—PROPAGANDA and bribing 1—FEW journalists —WHEN your men in the field are dying —DAY—AFTER —DAY?
20051205             "This is war," says THE—PENTAGON.
20051205             —INDEED, Yes, adds the sonorous SENATOR who chairs the armed services committee,
20051205             "this is war".
20051205             USA—MISSILE kills 2—CHILDREN in PAKISTAN: Report:
20051205             —DISPLAYED, PAKISTAN—TRIBESMEN —ON—SUNDAY, parts of 1—USA—MARKED missile they said hit 1—HOUSE and killed 2—BOYS,
20051205             evidence at odds with the government which says 1—EXPLOSION there killed 1—TOP—AL—QAEDA—COMMANDER.
20051205             That is the "conservative estimate" not of 1—LEFTWING—ANTI—GLOBALISATION—ACTIVIST but of 1—LEADING—USA—BUSINESSMAN and enthusiast for capitalism who has —JUST completed 1—MAJOR—STUDY—OF how multinational corporations,
20051205             wealthy individuals and unscrupulous governments are using the world's banking systems in ways that spread povert.
20051205             The torture files: -
20051205             CIA agents have broken ranks to reveal the 'cruel and inhuman' interrogation techniques they are ordered to use at secret prisons —AROUND the world,
20051205             including freezing and NEAR—DROWNING. "THE—WAR—ON—TERROR",
20051205             to justify another —CENTURY—OF—EXPLOITATION, RESOURCE—THEFT + JACK—BOOT subjugation of the native people.
20051205             So, how does this relate to IRAN ?
20051205             THE—POLITICIZATION—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY allows the process of fixing intelligence —AROUND policy to become pervasive + the increasingly polarized political climate in AMERICA PREVENTS ANY—REAL—CHECKS and balances through effective oversight,
20051205             leaving USA—S at THE—MERCY—OF—POLITICIANS who have placed partisan politics above the common good.
20051205             Zu VIELE—ALTE—BEKANNTE aus der SCHRÖDER—ZEIT sitzen auch bei ANGELA—MERKEL an wichtigen Positionen:
20051205             FRANK—WALTER—STEINMEIER, einst Schröders mächtiger Mann im Kanzleramt und intimer Kenner aller Vorgänge,
20051205             ist —NUN Außenminister.
20051205             —AUGUST—HANNING, unter ROT—GRÜN CHEF—DES gut informierten Auslandsgeheimdienstes BND,
20051205             Auch wenn es für Merkel bitter ist,
20051205             holt sie die Vergangenheit der ROT—GRÜNEN Vorgänger bei den Beziehungen zu den USA schneller ein,
20051205             als ihr lieb sein kann.
20051205             Noch aktiver halfen die DEUTSCHEN—BEHÖRDEN den AMERIKA nern im Fall von 2—JEMENITEN,
20051205             Darf sich DEUTSCHLAND an illegal agierenden Behörden eines alliierten Staates annähern,
20051205             um an für die Behörden wichtige Informationen zu gelangen?
20051205             Darf eine DEUTSCHE—REGIERUNG aus außenpolitischem Kalkül über schwerwiegende Menschenrechtsverletzungen schweigen?
20051205             Öffentlich herrscht zu diesen Fragen das altbekannte Schweigen.
20051205             Ähnlich diskret verhielt sich die Bundesregierung im Fall eines weiteren Deutschen, dem DEUTSCH—SYRER MOHAMMED—HAYDAR—ZAMMAR.
20051205             Doch die FRAGE—DER—BETEILIGUNG—DEUTSCHLANDS an den Methoden der CIA—AGENTEN aus Langley holt die POLIT—PENSIONÄRE Schröder,
20051205             aber auch seinen ehemaligen Außenminister Joschka Fischer und vor allem den EX—INNENMINISTER OTTO—SCHILY —NUN im Altenteil ein.
20051205             des SPIEGEL und anderer zeigen, dass weder die ehemalige Regierung noch die neue Truppe von ANGELA—MERKEL überrascht gewesen sein dürften,
20051205             als —IN—DEN—LETZTEN—WOCHEN Berichte über geheime Gefangenentransporte, geheime Gefängnisse und über stabsplanmäßigen Entführungen durch die CIA zu lesen waren.
20051205             In einigen Fällen versuchten gar DEUTSCHE—ERMITTLER von den Praktiken zu profitieren,
20051205             indem sie die Gefangenen und ohne JEDE—RECHTLICHE—GRUNDLAGE—FESTGEHALTENEN für Vernehmungen besuchten.
20051205             —BEKANNT, Die am Wochenende, gewordenen Details aus dem Fall Khaled EL—MASRI
20051205             Da wird Innenminister Schily offiziell und stellvertretend für die Bundesregierung
20051205             Mich interessierte deshalb damals —ZUNÄCHST, auf welcher juristischen Grundlage es der Kfor erlaubt war,
20051205             Gefangene außerhalb normaler rechtlicher Verfahren einzusperren.
20051205             Also schrieb ich in meinem Bericht:
20051205             So geht das nicht mehr: Man muss hier demokratische, rechtsstaatliche Standards einführen.
20051205             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Wieso hat das damals, —J—IME 20020000             ,
20051205             kein Aufsehen erregt, sondern —ERST—JETZT?
20051205             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Auch die Europäer,
20051205             auch DEUTSCHE—STELLEN kannten also die Verhältnisse dort?
20051205             Man wusste genau, dass dort Menschen unter solchen,
20051205             völlig unbefriedigenden Bedingungen festgehalten wurden: ohne ausreichende rechtliche Handhabe, ohne rechtsstaatliche Garantien.
20051205             —GESEHEN, Zustände wie in GUANTANAMO habe er, berichtet der Menschenrechtsbeauftragte des Europarates,
20051205             Alvaro GIL—ROBLES, im INTERVIEW—MIT—SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20051205             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Herr Alvaro GIL—ROBLES,
20051205             Sie haben das Kriegsgefängnis "Camp Bondsteel" im KOSOVO
20051205             8—DER 33—PATIENTEN waren in den —3—MONATEN—ZUVOR nicht mit Antibiotika behandelt worden, schreiben die Forscher um Esther Chernak im "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report" der CDC.
20051205             "Ich will niemanden vor einer ANTIBIOTIKA—BEHANDLUNG abschrecken", sagte CLIFFORD—MCDONALD, Hauptautor 1—DER—STUDIEN im "NEW ENGLAND Journal of Medicine".
20051205             Laut der 2. Untersuchung
20051205             Das Bakterium namens Clostridium DIFFICILE—BENANNT nach seiner schwierigen AUFFINDBARKEIT—IST —BEREITS—SEIT längerem als Gefahr in Krankenhäusern bekannt.
20051205             Rund 3—PROZENT aller Gesunden und 20—BIS 40—PROZENT—DER—KRANKENHAUSPATIENTEN tragen es in sich,
20051205             wie das "DEUTSCHE—ÄRZTEBLATT" berichtet.
20051205             Während andere Bakterien im Darm absterben, kann es zu einer explosiven Vermehrung des resisten10 Clostridium difficile kommen.
20051205             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Das "NEW ENGLAND Journal of Medicine", in seiner aktuellen Ausgabe gleich 2—STUDIEN und einen Kommentar zu dem Thema.
20051205             Gleich 3—MEDIZINISCHE Studien aus den USA und KANADA kommen zu alarmierenden Schlüssen:
20051205             —VERBREITET, Ein potentiell tödliches Bakterium, sich nicht nur immer weiter,
20051205             sondern ist mutiert und befällt auch Menschen, die —BISHER nicht als gefährdet galten.
20051205             Die Blicke und Fotos hätten OSAMA—BIN—LADEN aber nicht verärgert,
20051205             erinnerte sich der SAUDI—ARABISCHE Journalist. "Er machte Witze darüber".
20051205             —GENANNT, Als Bush Doktrin auch Wolfowitz Doktrin, wird das..
20051205             "BUSH—DOKTRIN" (auch "WOLFOWITZ—DOKTRIN" genannt) wird das außen- + sicherheitspolitische Konzept der USA—REGIERUNG um...
20051205             BUSH—DOKTRIN.
20051205             AB—FRAGE—VON—WHOIS—BANKEN
20051205             —DENIED, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE, THE—USA engaged in torture or lesser forms of cruel treatment against terror suspects.
20051205             Intel Chairman CRAIG—BARRETT said THE—CHIP—MAKER will invest more than $1—BILLION in the next —5—YEARS to expand its operations in INDIA and in local technology companies.
20051205             1—NEW—VERSION—OF—KING—KONG, directed by PETER—JACKSON, premiered in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20051205             —PORTRAYED, EDWARD—L—MASRY, THE—PERSONAL—INJURY—LAWYER, by ALBERT—FINNEY in THE—OSCAR—WINNING movie "Erin Brockovich," † in 1000—OAKS, CALIFORNIA, at age 73.
20051205             —FINISHED, AUSTRIA officially, paying out nearly $350—MILLION in restitution to former slave and forced laborers compelled to work —DURING WW II under Nazi control.
20051205             Gay couples in BRITAIN began registering for civil partnerships as 1—LAW took effect giving them many of the same legal rights as oo heterosexuals.
20051205             —ORDERED, CHINA, 150—AIRBUS SINGLE—AISLE A320 airliners, more than twice as MANY—PLANE—ORDERS as the company's USA—BASED rival Boeing Co. snagged from CHINA —LAST—MONTH.
20051205             CONGO, 1—MAGNITUDE 6.8—EARTHQUAKE struck the Lake Tanganyika REGION—OF—EAST—AFRICA TOPPLING DOZENS—OF—HOMES in KALEMIE and burying children in the rubble.
20051205             —REPORTED, Several people were, killed.
20051205             —RULED, FRANCE—HIGHEST—ADMINISTRATIVE—BODY, that Sikhs can wear their turbans in drivers' license photos, overturning 1—EARLIER—DENIAL—OF—1—LICENSE to 1—SIKH who refused to take off his turban for the photo.
20051205             —OPENED, UN peacekeepers at 1—CHECKPOINT in PORT—AU—PRINCE, fire on 1—CAR—FULL—OF—HAITI—POLICE—OFFICERS wounding 2.
20051205             —DERAILED, INDIA, 1—FREIGHT train, killing 6—PEOPLE and injuring 50—OTHERS in 1—REMOTE—DISTRICT—OF—EAST—ORISSA state.
20051205             —UNIDENTIFIED, IRAQ, gunmen abducted 1—FRANCE—ENGINEER as he was on his way to work in BAGHDAD.
20051205             —RESUMED, The trial of SADDAM—HUSSEIN, in BAGHDAD.
20051205             —FREED, He was —LATER.
20051205             Opposition leaders in KAZAKHSTAN said that the overwhelming RE—ELECTION—OF—PRESIDENT—NURSULTAN—NAZARBAYEV should be declared invalid, and foreign observers said the balloting did not meet INTERNATIONAL standards.
20051205             —TURNED, FRITS—PHILIPS, 1—FAMILY—BUSINESS into Philips Electronics in —40—YEARS—OF—LEADERSHIP.
20051205             SOUTH—EAST—NIGERIA, Separatist protesters demanding authorities release their leader shut down businesses and banks, and 1—ACTIVIST said security forces opened fire on the crowd, killing 3—PEOPLE.
20051205             1—PALESTINE—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew himself up among shoppers waiting to enter 1—MALL in THE—ISRAEL—TOWN—OF—NETANYA, killing at least 5—PEOPLE and wounding more than 30—OTHERS.
20051205             —CONVICTED, Officials said courts in UZBEKISTAN have, another 58 alleged PARTICIPANTS—OF—THE—MAY uprising in Andijan and sentenced them to up to —20—YEARS in prison.
20051205             VENEZUELA, PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ—GOVERNING party won full CONTROL—OF—THE—167—NATIONAL—ASSEMBLY, claiming 1—SWEEPING victory in congressional elections boycotted by major opposition parties.
20051205             Interior MINISTER—JESSE—CHACON said investigators found remnants of C—4—EXPLOSIVES at 3—SPOTS on the pipeline.
20051205             DNC: DOD—PROPAGANDA—COMPANY—FOUNDED by Major Republican Donor...
20051205             —GRÜNDET, GÜNTER—GRASS den Autorenzirkel Lübecker Literaturtreffen.
200512050149         —PM, #11 NYT: Rumsfeld Cites Contractor in PLANTING—OF—REPORTS in IRAQ—MEDIA, ROSE—SIDING...
20051205—19800000    —IN, " Congress will not formally investigate charges that the Reagan campaign stole the election, in large part because ISRAEL—SUPPORTERS on Capitol Hill do not want to put the spotlight on ISRAEL—ROLE, which —DURING that period sold weapons to IRAN in blatant DISREGARD—OF—PRESIDENT—CARTER. " -- Prediction by NEWSWEEK correspondent Eleanor Clift, on THE—NBC television talk show THE—MCLAUGHLIN—GROUP, 19910512             via "REPRISE—OF—THE—OCTOBER—SURPRISE: Is the Worst Surprise Still to Come?" at
20051205—19990000    —SINCE, PAUL—KRUGMAN: THE—JOYLESS—ECONOMY : It should have been 1—GOOD—YEAR for USA—FAMILIES: the economy grew 4.2—PERCENT, its best performance.
20051205—20010911    Special Documentary - " THE—WAR—ON—TERROR—IS—BOGUS
20051205—20020900    —IM, SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Herr Alvaro GIL—ROBLES, Sie haben das Kriegsgefängnis "Camp Bondsteel" im KOSOVO besichtigt.
20051205—20030000    —J—IM, welche die CIA über einen verdeckten Informanten nach FRANKFURT lockte.
20051205—20030000    —J—IM, Noch aktiver halfen die DEUTSCHEN—BEHÖRDEN den AMERIKA nern im Fall von 2—JEMENITEN, welche die CIA über einen verdeckten Informanten nach FRANKFURT lockte.
20051205—20030217    —ON, CIA ghost flights over CANADA : Osama Moustafa HASSAN—NASR was taken off THE—STREETS—OF—MILAN, then flown to Ramstein Air Base in GERMANY — considered USA—TERRITORY — and from there to EGYPT where he was reportedly tortured.
20051205—20040000    —IN—EARLY, 1—TWIST in THE—ROVE—PLAME Mystery : The available evidence —NOW suggests that Rove did lie to 1—FEDERAL—GRAND—JURY — even —AFTER his lawyer got the warning — and that Rove only admitted the initial contact with the Time reporter —WHEN documentary evidence surfaced —9—MONTHS—LATER.
20051205—20040500    —IM, Da wird Innenminister Schily offiziell und stellvertretend für die Bundesregierung vom USA—BOTSCHAFTER informiert, dass die USA einen aus ihrer Sicht terrorverdächtigen Deutschen verdeckt festgenommen, entführt und in einen Kerker nach AFGHANISTAN verschleppt haben.
20051205—20200000    —BY, Navy to Expand Fleet With New Enemies in Mind : THE—NAVY wants to increase its fleet to 313—SHIPS, reversing YEARS—OF—DECLINE in naval shipbuilding + adding DOZENS—OF—WARSHIPS designed to defeat emerging adversaries, senior Defense Department officials say.
20051206             Date: —MONDAY, 20051205072525        EST—TOPIC: National
20051207             20060824091603—GMT, —THURSDAY A 2. suspect in 1 alleged plot to blow up GERMANY—TRAINS is arrested in LEBANON, 20060824093018?????????—GMT, —THURSDAY Diplomatic efforts are being stepped up in EUROPE 20061114             the least —RECENTLY modified web page we know of, last changed Tue, 19901113151700?????????—JAHR GMT (though THE—URI changed.)' 1—LOT has happened in —16—YEARS and this little 'baby' has grown into quite the teenager". 20061207             Chunks Crying All the Way to the Bank- 20061207             20051207—20050000????Manchmal gingen sie zusammen zum EINKAUFEN—ALLES unter den Augen DEUTSCHLAND—GEHEIMDIENSTLEUTE. 20060103             WE CANNOT LET TERRIERS AND ROGUE NATIONS HOLD THIS NATION HOSTILE—BUSH [BGW968] 20000909             20041207             20060103             New BUSH Initiative to Impose Order in IRAQ... " Terriers and Rogue Nations ", 233, 20021205154537?????????—JAHR—GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553?????????—JAHR 20060216             Reuters: CHENEY strongly defends eavesdropping operation VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY strongly defended 1—SECRET [...] Post Date:20060104144446?????????—JAHR 20060320             offenbart in einem Blogeintrag vom
20051207             20060103             WE CANNOT LET TERRIERS AND ROGUE NATIONS HOLD THIS NATION HOSTILE—BUSH [BGW968] 20000909             20041207             20060103             New BUSH Initiative to Impose Order in IRAQ... " Terriers and Rogue Nations ", 233, 20021205154537         —GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553          20060216             Reuters: CHENEY strongly defends eavesdropping operation VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY strongly defended 1—SECRET [...] Post Date:20060104144446          20060320             offenbart in einem Blogeintrag vom
20060103             WE CANNOT LET TERRIERS AND ROGUE NATIONS HOLD THIS NATION HOSTILE—BUSH [BGW968] 20000909             20041207             20060103             New BUSH Initiative to Impose Order in IRAQ... " Terriers and Rogue Nations ", 233, 20021205154537         —GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553          20060216             Reuters: CHENEY strongly defends eavesdropping operation VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY strongly defended 1—SECRET [...] Post Date:20060104144446          20060320             offenbart in einem Blogeintrag vom
20060103             New BUSH Initiative to Impose Order in IRAQ... " Terriers and Rogue Nations ", 233, 20021205154537        —GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF...
20060103             " Terriers and Rogue Nations " —POSTED by k9hi on: —THURSDAY 20021205154537.
20060107             —KIDNAPPED, He had been, 20061205             .
20060107             —HOPED, Visiting Foreign SECRETARY—JACK—STRAW has said it was, BRITAIN—8,000—TROOPS would start to withdraw from IRAQ in 1—MATTER—OF—MONTHS.
20060107             20060107             "Es erscheint unwahrscheinlich, dass 1—GERICHT—DER—ANSICHT zustimmen würde,
20060107             20060107             - - - - MIKHAIL—GORBACHEV 20060107024526       PRIME—MINISTER—EST MEXICO, ENRIQUE—RUEDA—PACHECO, THE—LEADER—OF—ABOUT 70,000 striking teachers in SOUTH—OAXACA state, said they won't interfere with 20060702             —THE presidential election, and promised to meet with 1—CIVIC—COMMISSION to try to resolve their pay demands.
20060107             20060107024526       PRIME—MINISTER—EST
20060118             PRESS RELEASE 20051205             Urgent Alert: Gitmo Hunger...
20060118—20060808    —ON, PRESS RELEASE 20051205             Urgent Alert: Gitmo Hunger... HTML KUWAIT—DETAINEE—FAWZI AL—ODAH joined the hunger strike.----...consulted doctors, who advised that Fawzi AL—ODAH was in imminent DANGER—OF—DEATH... -
20060808             —FILED, THE—FOLLOWING links point to PDF DOCUMENTS—OF—THE—LETTERS, with THE—UNITED—NATIONS: 20060104             , February 3, 20060000             , February 6, 20060000             , 20060303             , 20060404             , 20060504             , 20060530             + 20060605             .
20060824091603       —GMT, —THURSDAY A 2. suspect in 1 alleged plot to blow up GERMANY—TRAINS is arrested in LEBANON, 20060824093018       —GMT, —THURSDAY Diplomatic efforts are being stepped up in EUROPE 20061114             the least —RECENTLY modified web page we know of, last changed Tue, 19901113151700?????????—JAHR GMT (though THE—URI changed.)' 1—LOT has happened in —16—YEARS and this little 'baby' has grown into quite the teenager". 20061207             Chunks Crying All the Way to the Bank- 20061207             20051207—20050000????Manchmal gingen sie zusammen zum EINKAUFEN—ALLES unter den Augen DEUTSCHLAND—GEHEIMDIENSTLEUTE. 20060103             WE CANNOT LET TERRIERS AND ROGUE NATIONS HOLD THIS NATION HOSTILE—BUSH [BGW968] 20000909             20041207             20060103             New BUSH Initiative to Impose Order in IRAQ... " Terriers and Rogue Nations ", 233, 20021205154537?????????—JAHR—GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553?????????—JAHR 20060216             Reuters: CHENEY strongly defends eavesdropping operation VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY strongly defended 1—SECRET [...] Post Date:20060104144446?????????—JAHR 20060320             offenbart in einem Blogeintrag vom
20060919—20031205    —INVOLVED, Yet an FBI agent, in the interrogations wrote, "
20061127             20061205             PHILADELPHIA Inquirer | 20061127             | Subject of FBI probe tells of Weldon TIES—BG
20061201—20061205    —ON, Gates is shown to be more parrot than innovator in his responses to 1—QUESTIONNAIRE given him by the Senate Armed Services Committee, which takes up his nomination.
20061205             Die Namensliste zeige außerdem die kulturellen Verhältnisse in der Stadt, die die Römer —J—IM 50—VOR Christus als Militärsiedlung gegründet hatten: Zu Lebzeiten des fluchenden Servandus, im 2. oder 02010101—03001231     nach Christus, gab es in LEICESTER Bewohner mit rein ROM—NAMEN (etwa Silvester und Germanus), aber auch mit keltischen Namen (Riomandus und Cunovendus) sowie ROM—NAMEN, die in keltisch sprechenden Regionen vorkamen (Regalis).
20061205             alfatomega.com/20050405.html
20061205             —BECAME, The ban, effective 20070701             .
20061205             Wintereinbruch in den USA: Etliche Tote, Zehntausende ohne Strom - VATIKAN—BESUCH: Der Historiker Gottes
20061205             —PROVOKED, The tragedy in CAMARATE * was, by arms deal —DURING THE—IRAN—IRAQ war.
20061205             The event has given rise to conspiracy theories. 123. CARVALHO, Miguel.
20061205             —KILLED, PORTUGAL: inquiry concludes bomb, PRIME—MINISTER—CARNEIRO in...
20061205             Erwärmung: ARKTIS könnte 20800000             FREI—VON—MEEREIS sein
20061205             CAMARATE : relatórios finais das comissões parlamentares de inquérito.
20061205             Intriguing conspiracy theory, but feeble drama, 20011107             ...
20061205             PHILADELPHIA Inquirer | 20061127             | Subject of FBI probe tells of Weldon ties-
20061205             —KILLED, HAITI, at least 8—PEOPLE were, over the last few days in the Martissant slum —DURING 1—GANG feud set off by 20061203             —THE—MURDER—OF—1—POLICE—OFFICER.
20061205             "1—SWATH—OF—AMAZON rain forest the size of ALABAMA was placed under government protection —MONDAY," THE—AP reports.
20061205             The area "contains more than 25—PERCENT—OF—THE—WORLD—REMAINING humid tropical forests and the largest remaining unpolluted fresh water reserves in THE—USA—TROPICS".
20061205             Hearings for Defense nominee ROBERT—GATES are —TODAY.
20061205             Gates has said "that he supported BUSH—DECISION to invade 20030000             and that leaving IRAQ 'in chaos' would harm USA—INTERESTS for MANY—YEARS.
20061205             —BEYOND THAT—HE has not said
20061205             how THE—USA—MIGHT get IRAQ moving in the right direction".
20061205             Hours —AFTER his meeting —YESTERDAY with PRESIDENT—BUSH, powerful Shiite polititian ABDUL—AZIZ—AL—HAKIM gave 1—SPEECH denying that "Shiite militias are fueling the sectarian strife" and issuing "1—OF—THE
20061205             starkest CRITICISMS—OF—USA—MILITARY—STRATEGY - A - semiannual report
20061205             filed by THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY—INSPECTOR—GENERAL "highlights 1—LITANY—OF—STAFF—MISCONDUCT : immigration officials demanding sex in exchange for visas, airport screeners stealing money from tourists' luggage, FEDERAL—AIR—MARSHALS smuggling drugs + employees from various DHS agencies committing sex crimes".
20061205             THE—SUPREME—COURT is set to rule against "what is left, if anything, of Brown v. BOARD—OF—EDUCATION".
20061205             —AFTER hearings —YESTERDAY on 2—SCHOOLS' racial integration programs, "the only question was how far the court would go in ruling such plans unconstitutional ".
20061205             —SUPPOSED, Although companies are, to pay royalties EVERY—TIME they drill for oil or gas on FEDERAL—PROPERTY, the Interior Department has audited —JUST 20—PERCENT—OF—COMPANIES.
20061205             "THE—REST—OF—THE—TIME, the payments are made on the honor system.
20061205             But the government agency ' - could not accurately count - ' its own oil and gas audits".
20061205             100,000: THE—NUMBER—OF—GOVERNMENT—CONTRACTORS operating in IRAQ, "1—TOTAL that is approaching THE—SIZE—OF—THE—USA—MILITARY—FORCE there".
20061205             REPRESENTATIVE—JANICE—D—SCHAKOWSKY (D—IL) said the estimate "further demonstrates the
20061205             need for Congress to finally engage in responsible, serious and aggressive oversight " over private military contracting.
20061205             "THE—ARMY and Marine Corps have sunk more than 40—PERCENT—OF—THEIR—GROUND combat equipment into the wars in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN".
20061205             Replacing, repairing + upgrading combat equipment WILL—COST at least $17—BILLION annually
20061205             for several more years; —BEFORE the war, "the Army spent $2.5—BILLION to $3—BILLION —1—YEAR on wear and tear".
20061205             Incoming House Speaker NANCY Pelosi (D—CA) "wants to FAST—TRACK—EFFORTS to boost THE—FEDERAL—MINIMUM—WAGE," and she is pushing for a "stand alone" bill that "will go
20061205             straight to the floor for consideration.
20061205             And finally: Conservative seeking conservative for 1—RADICAL—NIGHT out
20061205             "Gates says USA is not winning IRAQ war" -- Duh!
20061205             —PULLED, House Republicans abruptly, from floor action —TUESDAY 1—BILL to open 1—LARGE—AREA—OF—THE—EAST—GULF—OF—MEXICO to oil and gas drilling —AFTER it became clear the legislation lacked THE—2—THIRDS—VOTE needed for passage.
20061205             ROBERT—GATES—HEARING for Defense SECRETARY—IS—MUCH—ADO about Nothing: Policy Change Still in BUSH—HANDS -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ANALYSIS
20061205             EX—PREZ Bush Sheds TEARS—OF—PRIDE Praising son Jeb in Speech.
20061205             If he Talks for Dubya, Tears will be for Much Different Reason -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ANALYSIS
20061205             Here Come the Defense Contractors: "USA—ARMY Battling To Save Equipment: Gear Piles Up at Depots, Awaiting Repair"
20061205             TONY—SNOW: PRESIDENT—DISAGREES—WITH—GATES, Says We Are 'Winning' in IRAQ.
20061205             Tomgram: Fiddling —WHILE BAGHDAD Burns;
20061205             How to Stay in IRAQ 12/6 - Only 9% in USA Say IRAQ Situation is Getting Better 12/9
20061205             Vote the News Up or Down at BuzzFlash_net!
20061205             THE—RFK assassination Some of the best writing about THE—RFK assassination is available for free.
20061205             Lisa Pease did 1—MASSIVE 2—PART piece on this conundrum; go here and here.
20061205             Fall Litwinenko: POLONIUM—SPUREN am Stadion von Arsenal LONDON gefunden
20061205             Gesunde Ernährung: NEW—YORK streicht schädliche Fette von der Speisekarte
20061205             "Open Skies"- Abkommen: USA machen Rückzieher
20061205             Groteske Ungleichheit: Halbe Menschheit besitzt nur EIN—PROZENT—DES—GLOBAL—VERMÖGENS
20061205             —ENDE einer Ära: Deep Fritz besiegt Schachweltmeister Kramnik
20061205             AFGHANISTAN: Taliban schlagen BRITISCHE—ARMEE zurück
20061205             —BELAUSCHT, Fall Masri : Ermittler sollen Journalisten, haben
20061205             Fall Litwinenko: BRITISCHE—ERMITTLER dürfen in Moskau keine Fragen stellen
20061205             Gates ' Senatsanhörung: Gewinnen die USA im IRAK? - "Nein, Sir"
20061205             HEROS—PROZESS: Prokurist zweigte 10—MILLIONEN ab
20061205             —KORRIGIERT, Urteil: Gericht, STAMMZELL—PATENT
20061205             Umfrage: Deutsche fühlen sich vom Klimawandel bedroht
20061205             Pentagon: RUMSFELD—NACHFOLGER warnt vor Flächenbrand im Mittleren Osten
20061205             Emissionshandel im Luftverkehr: "Fliegen muss teurer werden"
20061205             Tödliches Gift: Was kostet 1—PORTION—POLONIUM?
20061205             BEIRUT: Schiiten drohen Siniora mit dem Tod
20061205             "Weimarer Dreieck": Gefechtsverband mit POLEN und FRANKREICH
20061205             Statistisches Bundesamt: Über 10—MILLIONEN leben an oder unter der Armutsgrenze
20061205             Kramnik gegen Deep Fritz: Das Finale Mensch gegen Maschine
20061205             Verschleppter Terrorverdächtiger: Mailänder Staatsanwälte wollen CIA—AGENTEN anklagen
20061205             Streit über Atomprogramm: RUSSLAND lehnt Sanktionen gegen IRAN ab
20061205             Brainwashing... polarizing issues which separate THE—CAMPS—OF—CULT—SYMPATHIZERS and cult critics.
20061205             Recent PORTUGAL—PUBLICATIONS Bulletin 52
20061205             RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—LAVROV—WARNS—AGAINST 'Politicizing' Litvinenko Affair
20061205             darthsebulba.is-a-geek_ORG—GREGARIUS "
20061205             Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions -
20061205             Le Cercle He did this with controversial partners as JOHN—DEUSS + TED—SHACKLEY... (SOE) by COLONEL—SIR—CHARLES—HAMBRO, who would become HEAD—OF—THE—SOE 19420000             .
20061205             PEHI—PROJECT for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions - - Le Cercle...
20061205             —HIRED, Shackley was, by oil BARON—JOHN—DEUSS to organise SHIPMENTS—OF—OIL to SOUTH—AFRICA...
20061205             Appointed to THE—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS—OF—ITALCEMENTI
20061205             The whole ART—OF—POLITICS lies in finding and gripping as strong as we can the link that is least likely to be torn out of our hands,
20061205             THE—1—THAT is most important at the given moment, THE—1—THAT—GUARANTEES the possessor of 1—LINK THE—POSSESSION—OF—THE—WHOLE—CHAIN".
20061205             What Is To Be Done? (19020000             )
20061205             "... You must be able at EACH—PARTICULAR—MOMENT to find the particular link in the chain which you must grasp with all your might in order to hold the whole chain and to prepare firmly for the transition to the next link; THE—ORDER—OF—THE—LINKS, their form, the manner in which they are linked together, the way they differ from EACH—OTHER in the historical CHAIN—OF—EVENTS, are not as simple and not as meaningless as those in 1—ORDINARY—CHAIN made by 1—SMITH".
20061205             THE—IMMEDIATE—TASKS—OF—THE—SOVIET—GOVERNMENT (19180000             )
20061205             —NOTED, All texts, unless otherwise, are from V. I. Lenin, Collected Works, 4. ENGLAND—EDITION, MOSCOW, 19600000—19720000.
20061205             FRANCISCO—SÁ—CARNEIRO—QUICKSEEK Encyclopedia
20061205             Camarate (20010000             ) CAMARATE—CAST, Crew, Reviews, Plot Summary, -, Discussion, Taglines...
20061205             Conspiracy in the Gulf: Assassination and the October SURPRISE—CONSPIRACY in the Gulf.
20061205             —KILLED, INTERNATIONAL plot, in Camarate.
20061205             —PROVOKED, The tragedy in Camarate * was, by arms deal —DURING THE—IRAN—IRAQ war. cryptome_org/PT—SURPRISE.htm
20061205             —RELATED, Conspiracy, discusion about MITRE Corporation in the Above Top Secret.
20061205             JOHN—DEUSS—WIKIPEDIA
20061205             JOHN—CHRISTIAAN—MARTINUS—AUGUSTINUS—MARIA—DEUSS ( 19420000             ) is een Nederlands zakenman.
20061205             JOHN—DEUSS is betrokken (geweest) bij de volgende bedrijven: Wikipedia:Nieuwe ARTIKELEN—WIKIPEDIA...
20061205             Primaire EMISSIE—BANKLEITZAHL—VEROLME Dok en Scheepsbouw MAATSCHAPPIJ—JOHN—DEUSS... burgemeester!!partij of stroming |- | - 30—JANUARI [[ 19420000             ].
20061205             123.Dec.2006 - Elsevier.NL—WEEKBLAD—HOE er miljarden worden verdiend aan...
20061205             De tegenwoordig in BERMUDA woonachtige Deuss begint zijn
20061205             AMSTERDAM—HET leven is een mysterie en dat VAN JOHN—DEUSS wel in het bijzonder.
20061205             VAN DE—SCOOP: NORMA—SHERRY: Genocide —WHEN UK—MALAYA fell to THE—JAPAN—IMPERIAL—FORCES in February 19420000             ... Media & Finance: JOHN—DEUSS—THE—PUBLISHER—THE—HUSH—HUSH nature of the John...
20061205             BIBLIOGRAFIA- A Guerra de Ordenamento Mundial (ROBERT—KURZ)
20061205             Hoyng, Hans (20010000             ); RICHTER—UND—HENKER [Juiz e carrasco];
20061205             in: Der Spiegel 52/2001.
20061205             Huntington, SAMUEL—P (19960000             ): Kampf der Kulturen (THE—CLASH of.
20061205             UK—EMPIRE—SEARCH_com Reference...
20061205             strengthen its military might + as 1—RESULT, extend its territories,
20061205             conquering most parts of INDIA with the massive INDIA—ARMY it has acquired.
20061205             It allows the hard WORK—OF—DIPLOMACY to go forward.
20061205             It makes small numbers formidable;
20061205             procures success to the weak + esteem to all.
20061205             As Mankind becomes more liberal...
20061205             in der ENGLISCHEN—STADT LEICESTER ausgegraben wurde.
20061205             Fluchtafel: "Dem Gott Magulus übergebe ich den Übeltäter"
20061205             Fotostrecke starten: Klicken Sie auf 1—BILD (3—BILDER) -->
20061205             "Dem Gott Magulus übergebe ich den Übeltäter, der den Mantel von Servandus gestohlen hat. Silvester, Riomandus [...] dass er ihn vor dem 9. —TAG zerstöre, die Person, die den Mantel von Servandus gestohlen hat".
20061205             So lautet die bruchstückhafte Übersetzung der in Latein verfassten Inschrift einem EXPERTEN—DER—UNIVERSITY—OF—OXFORD zufolge.
20061205             Unter der Fluchformel sind die Namen von 18—ODER 19—VERDÄCHTIGEN aufgelistet.
20061205             Aus der Inschrift der gut erhaltenen Fluchtafel lesen Wissenschaftler nicht nur den Fluch, aus der Namensliste nicht nur die beschuldigten Stadtbewohner:
20061205             Das handgeschriebene Latein spiegele die Umgangssprache wider, sagte der an der Ausgrabung beteiligte Archäologe RICHARD—BUCKLEY.
20061205             Magulus, der Titel des angeflehten Gotts, ist nach ANGABEN—DER—FORSCHER eine keltische Bezeichnung für PRINZ.
20061205             Volkswagen: Brüsseler Monteure sollen länger arbeiten
20061205             Antike Verwünschung: 17000000             —JAHRE alter Fluch ausgegraben
20061205             Fall Litwinenko: BRITISCHE—ERMITTLER beißen in Moskau auf Granit
20061205             Rekordtemperaturen: Wärmster —HERBST—SEIT—500—JAHREN
20061205             TÜRKEI—VERHANDLUNGEN: Erdogan warnt Merkel vor falschen —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN
20061205             Sizilien: Aschefontänen des Ätna stören Flugverkehr
20061205             Bilanz des RÜTLI—REKTORS: "1—BERLINER—HAUPTSCHULE kann nicht gesund WERDEN—DAS System ist krank"
20061205             Emissionshandel: Tiefensee will KLIMA—AUFLAGEN für Fluglinien
20061205             Mobilfunk: Vodafone rechnet mit einer Halbierung der Preise
20061205             Mögliche Vergiftung: Ärzte rätseln über Erkrankung Gaidars
20061205             Fall Litwinenko: BRITISCHE—ERMITTLER bezichtigen RUSSISCHEN—GEHEIMDIENST des Giftmords
20061205             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Du Opfer!"
20061205             NIEDERLANDE: Orden für UNO—SOLDATEN von Srebrenica
20061205             —ENTLASSEN, Moskau: Mysteriös erkrankter Gaidar aus Klinik
20061205             Aufschwung: LOHN—STREIT entzweit WIRTSCHAFTSWEISE—FIDSCHI—INSELN: Putsch im Inselparadies
20061205             Auftragsmorde: CHEF—VON—RUSSISCHER—GASFIRMA erschossen
20061205             Profiling aufgebohrt: Kriminologen wollen Morde vorhersagen
20061205             - Report: N.KOREA Offers Uranium to RUSSIA
20061205             —OFFERED, TOKYO (AP) -- NORTH—KOREA has, RUSSIA exclusive rights to its natural uranium deposits in exchange for support at the stalled talks on PYONGYANG—NUCLEAR—AMBITIONS, 1—NEWSPAPER reported —SUNDAY..
20061205             Times Of LONDON : Putin Wanted BLAIR—TO—GAG—POISONED—SPY...Death May Ignite Diplomatic Rift...
20061205             —EXPRESSED, THE—RUSSIA—PRESIDENT, VLADIMIR—PUTIN, has, his anger at BRITAIN—FAILURE to gag ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO in the final hours of his life, the cabinet has been told.
20061205             MARGARET—BECKETT, the foreign SECRETARY, told ministers that THE—RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT had "taken exception" to the poisoned former spy's deathbed letter accusing the Putin REGIME—OF—MURDERING him.
20061205             - TOM—DASCHLE—WILL—NOT—RUN—FOR—PRESIDENT...
20061205             He served as 1—SENATOR—REPRESENTING—SOUTH—DAKOTANS in WASHINGTON for more than —25—YEARS and has invested more than —1—YEAR laying the groundwork for 1—PRESIDENTIAL—CAMPAIGN.
20061205             —EXPECTED, TOM—DASCHLE was, to make 1—DECISION about running for PRESIDENT—BY—THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR + —SATURDAY, he told KELOLAND News he has decided not to seek THE—USA ' highest office 20080000             .
20061205             —HEADED, THE—PROGRESSIVE—REVIEW: Where we are, in the next —10—YEARS.... (19970000             —FROM)- BG
20061205             Pajamas Media: STAR WARS REDUX: Democrats to Gut Missile Defense / Bush to Announce "Orbital BATTLE—STATION"
20061205             —LEARNED, Pajamas Media has, that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is going to ask Congress for funding to begin development of an "orbital battle station" that will be able to attack enemy missiles in their vulnerable boost phase.
20061205             Blogger Thoughts: LARRY—JOHNSON fails to touch on the true nature of 20010911             and the true errors of PETER—LANCE
20061205             Not THE—KIND—OF—WORK 1 would expect from a 5—TIME—EMMY award winning reporter.
20061205             I write this not out of animus towards PETER—LANCE.
20061205             I reached this conclusion based on evidence I have that flatly contradicts SEVERAL—OF—LANCE—CLAIMS.
20061205             LET—START with 1—MINOR—ISSUE.
20061205             PETER—LANCE presents inaccurate and misleading information about me on page 384—OF—HIS—BOOK.
20061205             —COMPOUNDED, Lance writes: He [Johnson] then, that mistaken assessment —5—WEEKS—LATER with 1—TIMES—OP—ED piece entitled "THE—DECLINING—TERRORIST—THREAT," describing al Qaeda as a "1—LOOSE—AMALGAM—OF—PEOPLE with 1 shared ideology, but 1—VERY limited direction".[vi]... Source:
20061205             RUMSFELD—SHOCKING—MEMO; Over 100—DEAD in Sectar...
20061205             Over 100—DEAD in Sectarian Violence THE—NYT has gotten hold of 1—MEMO by DONALD—RUMSFELD detailing options on IRAQ.
20061205             His attitude is almost lackadaisical.
20061205             Doing 1—ALL—RIGHT—JOB, but it isn't working fast enough or well enough.
20061205             So maybe make SOME—CHANGES-- apparently ANY—OLD—CHANGES will do because there are infinite lives to play with and infinite monies to spend.
20061205             Everything is about spin, about giving THE—IMAGE—OF—PROGRESS even in the face of 1—RAPID downward spiral into the abyss.
20061205             Consider these p... Source:
20061205             As usual, here in AMERICA, the corporate media has 1—PROBLEM counting.
20061205             "1—SIEGE on LEBANON—AMERICA BACKED government continued —SATURDAY with TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS—SYMPATHETIC to the Shiite Muslim Hezbollah militia and its allies packing downtown BEIRUT and calling for THE—RESIGNATION—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—FUAD—SANIORA and his cabinet," reports the Mercury News.
20061205             —MEANWHILE, closer to the "siege," actually 1—WIDESPREAD—CALL for the neolib sponsored government of free trader (or free plundering by INTERNATIONAL financiers) Siniora to step aside, the counting is 1—BIT—MORE—REALISTIC.
20061205             CNN—EARTH—RADIATION belts a hazard to satellites, astronauts - 19981208             - BG
20061205             WTC 7 - BG Tags: 911 , WTC 7 , 20010911             20061205             —ABOUT THOSE IMAMS By RICHARD—MINITER—NEW—YORK Post Online Edition: 7 - BG "It was almost as if they were intentionally trying to get kicked off the flight," Pauline said.
20061205             ROBERT—A—WILSON, Chairperson, Suburban Cook County CHAPTER—ILLINOIS Ballot Integrity Project CHICAGO and Cook County —RECENTLY signed a $50.2—MILLION—CONTRACT with Sequoia Voting Systems.
20061205             This sum is more than double the amount VENEZUELA—INTERESTS paid to acquire BRITISH—BASED De La Rue Cash Systems' 85% interest in Sequoia Voting Systems.
20061205             Why buy the product —WHEN for less money you could buy the whole company?
20061205             De La Rue, PLC, the world 's largest commercial security printer and papermaker, as well as 1—SIGNIFICANT gambling enterprise, sold their interest in Sequoia at 1—LOSS, having acquired the company fom IRELAND—BASED Jefferson Smurfit Group PLC, 1—PAPER and packaging company, for more than $23—MILLION 20020000             , in 1—DEAL that could have been worth as much... Source:
20061205             —NAMED, Another billionaire SAUDI—ARABIA—MIDDLEMAN was, last night in the Serious Fraud OFFICE—CONTROVERSIAL—SAUDI—ARABIA—ARMS deal inquiry, according to potential witnesses.
20061205             MISTER—SAFADI would not comment last night at his OFFICE—IN—BEIRUT, where he holds THE—OFFICE—OF—PUBLIC—WORKS—MINISTER and also controls the Safadi Group.
20061205             —RECEIVED, His property firms have, contracts from THE—UK—ARMS—COMPANY—BAE and have interests in office blocks in LONDON worth £120m.
20061205             Source: House Democrats will be under enormous pressure not only from Aipac, but from EVERY—OTHER lobbying interest, not to do away with Congressional junkets.
20061205             Even House members in their HEART—OF—HEARTS probably want to retain them.
20061205             We'll see how much spine the newly majority Democrats have and —JUST how much residual power Aipac has retained, —WHEN we find out what the reform legislation will look like.
20061205             My bet is on 1—REVERSION to FORM—AIPAC wins, the taxpayer loses.
20061205             I asked 1—FORMER—AIPAC staffer (who shall remain nameless —SINCE he still works in this milieu) who knows their junket trips inside and out about his "take" on them.
20061205             But this is what he had to say —AFTER READING this post: You have it exactly right.
20061205             These AIPAC trips are the grownup VERSION—OF—BIRTHRIGHT.
20061205             All propaganda, all the time. Hat tip TO—TPM.
20061205             Sister_Toldjah, Promises_made, promises_broken_a retrospective on Pelosi's 20010911             Commission PROMISES—BG
20061205             —TODAY on NBC—MEET—THE—PRESS, host TIM—RUSSERT pointed out that DONALD—RUMSFELD—RECENT—MEMO on IRAQ
20061205             suggested 1—STRATEGY—OF—PARTIAL—WITHDRAWAL.
20061205             —ASKED, Russert, National Security Adviser STEPHEN—HADLEY why, —WHEN others had raised this idea in the past, "they were accused by your WHITE—HOUSE—OF cutting and running".
20061205             Hadley told Russert "maybe you misunderstand what the memo was about," and downplayed RUMSFELD—SUGGESTION.
20061205             Hadley is spinning.
20061205             —ENTITLED, RUMSFELD—MEMO is, "
20061205             IRAQ — Illustrative New Courses of Action.
20061205             Hadley and THE—WHITE—HOUSE—JUST don't want to acknowledge that things have gotten so bad in IRAQ that even DONALD—RUMSFELD is considering withdrawal.
20061205             —SUGGESTED, RUSSERT: 1—OF—THE—THINGS that DONALD—RUMSFELD, was redeployment, taking USA—TROOPS out of IRAQ, put them into KUWAIT, surrounding areas.
20061205             —SUGGESTED, —WHEN the Democrats, that, they were accused by your WHITE—HOUSE—OF cutting and running.
20061205             HADLEY: I think that maybe you misunderstand what the memo was about.
20061205             —CALLED, THE—PRESIDENT, as you know, —BEFORE—THAT—DAY had, for 1—REVIEW—OF where we were heading in our approach forward in IRAQ.
20061205             —STARTED, It drew on work that had been, in 1—NUMBER—OF—AGENCIES in the government + 1—OF—THE—THINGS that THE—PRESIDENT said is.
20061205             I want to look at new ideas.
20061205             I want to have 1—OPEN—DOOR to ideas and 1—THING that the Rumsfeld memo list represented was 1—LAUNDRY LIST—OF—IDEAS that he considered, SOME—HE put above the line and some were below the line and it was to broaden the debate.
20061205             It was 1—USEFUL—MEMO.
20061205             This was not 1—GAME—PLAN or 1—EFFORT to set out the way forward in IRAQ.
20061205             "plans to cancel all its commercial property policies in THE—NEW—ORLEANS area —NEXT—YEAR," citing the slow reconstruction of the levee system.
20061205             1—LEADING economic development official said the decision has sent a "shock wave through the business community," which "cannot exist" without insurance.
20061205             1.—DRAFT called it "disastrous to THE—RECOVERY—OF—NEW—ORLEANS".
20061205             More at FireDogLake.
20061205             —TODAY on CBS Face the Nation, SENATOR—JOE—LIEBERMAN (I—CT) argued that direct talks with Syria and IRAN won't work and compared it to "your local fire department asking 1—COUPLE—OF—ARSONISTS to help put out the fire.
20061205             These people are flaming the fire. They are the extremists".
20061205             —POINTED, As SENATOR—CHUCK—HAGEL (R—NE), out moments —LATER, Lieberman is missing the point.
20061205             IRAN and Syria will "respond in their own SELF—INTEREST," Hagel noted, pointing to IRAN—EFFORTS to aid USA—GOALS in AFGHANISTAN 20020000             .
20061205             UK PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR and FORMER—SECRETARIES—OF—STATE—COLIN—POWELL and JAMES—BAKER have all criticized THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—UNWILLINGNESS to talk with IRAN and Syria + THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP—PROPOSAL—NEXT—WEEK will likely recommend direct talks with IRAN and Syria.
20061205             Digg It! Transcript:
20061205             LIEBERMAN: I believe that AMERICA is 1—MIGHTY enough nation that we should never fear to talk to anyone.
20061205             But anyone who believes that IRAN and Syria really want to help us to succeed in IRAQ, I —JUST is missing the reality.
20061205             —SUCCEED, Asking IRAN and Syria to help us, in IRAQ is like your local fire department asking 1—COUPLE—OF—ARSONISTS to help put out the fire.
20061205             They are supporting terrorists in IRAQ, in LEBANON AND—OF—COURSE in THE—PALESTINE—AREAS.
20061205             SCHIEFFER: SENATOR—HAGEL is shaking his head. HAGEL: That's not the point.
20061205             Of course the Iranians and Syrians are not going to come to our assistance.
20061205             Of course not.
20061205             But they are going to respond in their own SELF—INTEREST.
20061205             All nations respond in their own SELF—INTERESTS.
20061205             Tallyrand once said that nations don't have friends.
20061205             They have interests. He was right.
20061205             It's not in the interest of Syria or JORDAN or IRAN to have 1 failed state that would be 1—COMPLETE—MESS for THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20061205             Why did the Iranians help us in AFGHANISTAN?
20061205             Why did they cooperate with us in AFGHANISTAN on intelligence matters and other issues?
20061205             —FAILED, Because they didn't want 1, state next to them which comes with all the problems.
20061205             They didn't want heroin moving into their borders.
20061205             What we're not getting here, is we're not getting 1—FULL and comprehensive WIDE—LENS APPRECIATION—OF—INTERESTS.
20061205             This —MORNING on FOX—NEWS—SUNDAY, WALL—STREET—JOURNAL EDITOR—PAUL—GIGOT brushed aside notions that the deteriorating situation in IRAQ warranted 1—CHANGE in strategy from PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20061205             Gigot said, "I don't think he has to adjust" or "announce SOME—NEW—GRAND—STRATEGY".
20061205             The key to success in IRAQ, according to Gigot, is for THE—PRESIDENT to show "resolve" and wrap "his arms —AROUND [IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER] Maliki".
20061205             Gigot, 1—OF—THE—PRIMARY—MEDIA cheerleaders for the war in IRAQ, finds himself increasingly isolated.
20061205             —ACKNOWLEDGED, Even outgoing SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—DONALD—RUMSFELD, in 1—RECENT—MEMO that "
20061205             it is time for 1—MAJOR—ADJUSTMENT " of USA—POLICY in IRAQ.
20061205             WALLACE: I mean, let me ask you about that, Paul, because I mean, the fact is even Rumsfeld, who we thought of as being 1—OF—THE—STRONGER—ADVOCATES—OF stay the course, is —NOW on record as saying we've got to do something, we need 1—MAJOR—ADJUSTMENT.
20061205             You've got THE—IRAQ study group.
20061205             You've got the election, which certainly sent 1—MESSAGE.
20061205             The public — and we saw this from Lindsey Graham, Republican, as well as JOE—BIDEN, Democrat — is losing patience with the way forward in IRAQ.
20061205             At least by THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—NEXT—MONTH, doesn't THE—PRESIDENT have to announce SOME—MAJOR—CHANGE — I'm not sure what direction, but doesn't he have to announce 1—MAJOR—CHANGE in policy?
20061205             GIGOT: I don't think he has to adjust — announce 1—MAJOR—CHANGE.
20061205             He has to announce that we need to work with Maliki, we need to keep working hard to get THE—USA—COMMITMENT, not pulling out.
20061205             I think the big problem with the Baker report is that it sent 1—MESSAGE that we are going to consider precipitous withdrawal + I think that's undermined Maliki.
20061205             —UNDERMINED, It's, the confidence that he has in our staying power.
20061205             I think the PRESIDENT's — unlike Juan, I think THE—PRESIDENT—COMMITMENT—OF resolve —THIS—WEEK in saying — wrapping his arms —AROUND Maliki + saying we're going to be there with you is very important,
20061205             because that's the only way that we can, I think, get him to make the very difficult decisions that he has to make, whether it be taking on the insurgency or disarming the Shiite militias.
20061205             So I don't think he has to announce SOME—NEW—GRAND—STRATEGY.
20061205             If there were SOME—HAIL—MARY pass, SOME—GREAT—IDEAS to be had, somebody would have thought of them —BEFORE.
20061205             Those ideas —JUST don't exist + that's why this is incremental.
20061205             —TODAY on CBS—FACE—THE—NATION, SENATOR—JOE—LIEBERMAN (I—CT) said it was "surprising" that "THE—1—THING [DONALD—RUMSFELD—MEMO] doesn't raise as 1—POSSIBILITY is to increase the number of our troops".
20061205             —CLAIMED, Lieberman, the failure to send more Americans "may well be 1—CRITICAL—PART—OF—THE—PROBLEMS that we've been having lately".
20061205             —ENDORSED, He also, embedding more Americans in THE—IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES and sending more troops to the borders of IRAN and Syria, both of which he claimed "require more personnel on the ground in IRAQ".
20061205             Less than —1—MONTH—AGO, Lieberman was significantly less committed to escalation in IRAQ, saying only that "I think we have to be
20061205             open to THAT—OCTOBER, —WHILE campaigning for his Senate seat, Lieberman said, "No 1—WANTS to end the war in IRAQ more than I do. " Digg It!
20061205             He raises possibilities of doing things such as redeploying our troops which he has always said that he was against.
20061205             That may well be 1—CRITICAL—PART—OF—THE—PROBLEMS that we've been having lately.
20061205             Incidentally, finally he makes 1—FEW suggestions such as embedding more Americans in IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES which most people —NOW think is 1—GOOD—IDEA and having more Americans on the border with IRAN and Syria to stop the terrorists from coming in.
20061205             You know, our military has been asking for that —FOR—YEARS.
20061205             They didn't get it.
20061205             Both of those require more personnel on the ground in IRAQ.
20061205             'Lamest of LAME—DUCK sessions.'
20061205             "Contrary to popular belief, MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS are human beings.
20061205             —TIRED, We're, " said REPRESENTATIVE—MIKE—PENCE (R—IN), trying to excuse the 109. CONGRESS—LAMENESS. As THE—WASHINGTON—POST noted —TODAY, "Rather than 1—FINAL surge of legislative activity, Congress will probably wrap up things —AFTER 1—SINGLE, short —WEEK—OF—WORK".
20061205             Worst. PRESIDENT. Ever.
20061205             ERIC—FONER, PROFESSOR—OF—HISTORY at COLUMBIA University, in THE—WASHINGTON—POST: "Historians are loath to predict the future.
20061205             But somehow, in his 1. —6—YEARS in office he has managed to combine THE—LAPSES—OF—LEADERSHIP, misguided policies and ABUSE—OF—POWER—OF his failed predecessors.
20061205             I think there is no alternative but to
20061205             rank him as the worst PRESIDENT—IN—USA—HISTORY.
20061205             "Not working well".- Judd -- DONALD—RUMSFELD, describing his IRAQ strategy in 1 classified memo written —2—DAYS—BEFORE he resigned.
20061205             Read the full TEXT—OF—THE—MEMO—HERE.
20061205             Here WAS—RICE—RESPONSE : SECRETARY—RICE :
20061205             You can't be involved in something as big as the liberation of 1—COUNTRY—LIKE—IRAQ and all that has happened —SINCE + I'm sure there are things that we could have done differently;
20061205             but frankly, we are looking ahead.
20061205             And —WHEN I'm back at Stanford University, I can look back and write books about what we might have done differently.
20061205             But she refuses to think about them —UNTIL she leaves office.
20061205             There is 1—IMPERATIVE to identify and correct mistakes in our strategy.
20061205             Instead, Condoleezza Rice + PRESIDENT—BUSH ARE—STAYING the course.
20061205             "There are 2—KINDS—OF—TERRORISM in THE—USA: - AMANDA—THE—EXTERNAL—KIND; and, internally, the IGs have terrorized the Regional Administrators," said Lurita ALEXIS—DOAN, HEAD—OF—THE—GENERAL—SERVICES—ADMINISTRATION, who is trying to " limit THE—ABILITY—OF—THE—AGENCY—INSPECTOR—GENERAL to audit contracts for fraud or waste".
20061205             MADAGASCAR elects new PRESIDENT—MADAGASCAR counts votes from its 1. presidential poll —SINCE a 20010000             election that brought THE—ISLAND to the brink of civil war.
20061205             —URGED, RUMSFELD—IRAQ tactics SHIFT—DONALD—RUMSFELD urged major changes to USA IRAQ strategy —2—DAYS—BEFORE quitting as defence CHIEF, a memo shows.
20061205             Virgin Atlantic move to save fuel Virgin Atlantic is to tow planes to TAKE—OFF areas in a move designed to cut carbon dioxide output.
20061205             Dead spy's contact doing 'well' 1—CONTACT—OF—ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO who tested positive for 1—RADIOACTIVE—SUBSTANCE is doing well, doctors say.
20061205             —WINTER storm strikes CENTRAL—USA—DRIVING snow leaves half 1—MILLION—PEOPLE without power as —1—WINTER—STORM hit THE—CENTRAL—USA.
20061205             Hitler Ad Deemed Inoffensive 1—ANTI—ID—CARD—ADVERTISEMENT that compares UK—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR to THE—LEADER—OF—THE 3. Reich gets 1—FREE pass from the Advertising Standards Authority.
20061205             Greenhouse Ruling Won't Matter
20061205             The auto industry waits for THE—SUPREME—COURT to decide whether THE—EPA should limit greenhouse gases.
20061205             AUTOPIA.
20061205             IRS taxation of online game virtual assets inevitable 1—SERIES—OF—TAX—LAW—EXPERTS weigh in on whether the transfer of virtual goods in online games is taxable.
20061205             Robot doubles as PC White Box Robotics uses OFF—THE—SHELF—PC parts to build MOBILE robots that look 1—BIT—LIKE—R2D2.
20061205             Organic Matter Found In CANADA—METEORITE—KDAWSON 90 - eldavojohn writes,
20061205             "From what sounds like the opening of an X—FILES—EPISODE, CANADA—SCIENTISTS have reportedly found in 1—METEORITE organic matter older than the sun at Tagish Lake in CANADA.  '"We mean that the material in the meteorite has been processed the least —SINCE it was formed.
20061205             The material we see —TODAY is arguably the most REPRESENTATIVE—OF—THE—MATERIAL that 1. went into making up the solar system".
20061205             —FORMED, The meteorite likely, in the outer reaches of the asteroid belt, but the organic material it contains probably had 1—FAR—MORE—DISTANT origin.
20061205             —ORIGINATED, The globules could have, in the Kuiper Belt GROUP—OF—ICY planetary remnants orbiting beyond Neptune.
20061205             —CREATED, Or they could have been, even farther afield.
20061205             The globules appear to be similar to the kinds of icy grains found in molecular clouds — the vast, LOW—DENSITY regions where stars collapse and form and new solar systems are born.'
20061205             The article implies that life could potentially survive in these meteorites and maybe even travel through space — supporting the theory that life may have arrived on earth + evolved from that point on".
20061205             1—CASE—THE—SUPREME—COURT has agreed to hear, in which former special prosecutor KENNETH—STARR will take the side of 1—ALASKA school BOARD against 1—STUDENT who displayed 1—RUDE—BANNER off school property.
20061205             The banner read "Bong Hits 4—JESUS" and it got the student suspended.
20061205             —NUANCED, The case is : —WHILE the student did not display the banner on school property, he did do so —DURING 1—SCHOOL—FUNCTION.
20061205             in COLORADO THE—AIR—FORCE is jamming garage doors.
20061205             In 1—JOINT—USA—CANADA—OPERATION, they were testing communications on 1—FREQUENCY that would be used by 1. responders in the event of 1—THREAT to homeland security.
20061205             "But the frequency also controls 1 estimated 50—MILLION—GARAGE—DOOR openers + HUNDREDS—OF—RESIDENTS in the area found that theirs had suddenly stopped working... Technically, THE—AIR—FORCE has the right to the frequency, which it began using nearly —3—YEARS—AGO at SOME—BASES. Signals have previously interfered with garage doors near bases in FLORIDA, MARYLAND + PENNSYLVANIA".
20061205             Citigroup Plans Thumbprint ATMs For INDIA—POOR
20061205             - kdawson 111+ - BRAD—LUCIER points out 1—FINANCIAL—TIMES—REPORT (carried by MSN Money) that
20061205             —AIMED, Citigroup is rolling out 1—NETWORK—OF—BIOMETRIC—ATMS, at illiterate INDIA—SLUM dwellers.
20061205             "The machines will recognize account holders' thumbprints, eliminating the need for 1—PERSONAL—IDENTIFICATION—NUMBER + will have COLOR—CODED screen instructions and voiceovers to help guide them through transactions... Though INDIA—POPULATION exceeds 1—BILLION, Citigroup estimates that there are only about 300—MILLION—BANK—ACCOUNTS in the country... 'It's not 1—PHILANTHROPIC—EXERCISE,' [PS Jayakumar, 1—CITIGROUP business manager in INDIA] said. 'For it to be sustainable, we should break even and make 1—LITTLE—BIT—OF—MONEY.'"
20061205             "UK—AUTHORITIES had identified polonium 210 to be the radioactive poison that killed ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO, THE—FORMER—RUSSIA—SPY who defected to GREAT—BRITAIN. —NOW, according to 1—DISTURBING report, the authorities have identified the source of the poison to be RUSSIA. Bloomberg ominously reports, 'Scientists at THE—UK—ATOMIC—WEAPONS—ESTABLISHMENT in Aldermaston, WEST—OF—LONDON, have traced the polonium 210—FOUND in LONDON to 1—NUCLEAR—POWER—PLANT in RUSSIA, the capital's —EVENING Standard newspaper reported —TODAY. Officials at the establishment didn't return calls.' 1—COLD chill —JUST fell on relations between RUSSIA and the West".
20061205             In another twist to this developing story, the shadowy ITALY—SECURITY consultant who dined with Litvinenko has also fallen ill with radiation poisoning.
20061205             "This top 10—ROUNDS up what it calls 'the best, worst and craziest' uses of RFID out there — including chipped kids at Legoland, smart pub tables that let you order drinks, smartcards for sports fans + chipped airline passengers. The craziest USE—OF—THE—TECH surely has to be RFID chips for Marks & Spencer suits — you couldn't pay most people to wear 1—OF—THEM".
20061205             "We already knew THE—FBI can secretly listen in to car conversations by activating MICROPHONES—OF—SYSTEMS—LIKE—ONSTAR.
20061205             1—NEW—MAFIA court case suggests that THE—FBI can do the same thing to cell phones.
20061205             The judge's opinion and SOME—BACKGROUND—INFORMATION [pdf] are available for READING online.
20061205             The most disturbing thing?
20061205             —WORKED, According to the judge, the bug, even if the phone appeared to be 'powered off.' Anyone up for 1—OPEN—SOURCE handset already?"  "—THIS—WEEK, JUDGE—KAPLAN in THE—SOUTH—DISTRICT—OF—NEW—YORK concluded that the 'roving bugs' were legally permitted to capture HUNDREDS—OF—HOURS—OF—CONVERSATIONS because THE—FBI had obtained 1—COURT—ORDER and alternatives probably wouldn't work.
20061205             THE—FBI'S 'applications made 1—SUFFICIENT—CASE for electronic surveillance,' Kaplan wrote.
20061205             'They indicated that alternative METHODS—OF—INVESTIGATION either had failed or were unlikely to produce results, in part because the subjects deliberately avoided government surveillance.'"
20061205             "Researchers at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—WASHINGTON have published 1—REPORT detailing MANY—EASY and cheap ways the Nike+ iPod Sport Kit previously discussed on Slashdot can be used to track individuals, even —WHEN they are not carrying their iPod. They have even implemented 1—GOOGLE—MAPS—APPLICATION to display surveillance data in real time".
20061205             "'Our research also shows that there exist simple cryptographic techniques that the Nike+iPod Sport Kit designers could have used to improve THE—PRIVACY—PRESERVING properties of the Nike+iPod kit,' the group reports. 'Our work underscores the need for 1—BROAD—PUBLIC—DISCUSSION about and further research on THE—PRIVACY—PRESERVING PROPERTIES—OF—NEW wireless personal gadgets,' the group reports. 'We stress, however, that there is no evidence that Apple or Nike intended for these devices to be used in ANY—MALICIOUS—MANNER. Additionally, neither Apple nor Nike endorsed this study.'"
20061205             "THE—DES—MOINES Register is reporting that opening statements have begun in THE—MICROSOFT—IOWA antitrust case. THE—REGISTER reports that the Plaintiffs have shaped their case —AROUND 9—STORIES involving competitors from IBM to Linux. Microsoft attorneys say Gates is expected to testify in January + company CEO—STEVE—BALLMER will likely appear in February. Both men are expected to be on the stand for about —4—DAYS. Unlike previous antitrust cases against the software giant, THE—IOWA case is seeking additional damages for security vulnerabilities. Plaintiffs allege that MICROSOFT—BUNDLING—OF—IE with Windows caused harm to consumers by increasing the consumer's susceptibility to security breaches and bugs. The case is 1—OF—THE—LARGEST antitrust cases in history, encompassing MILLIONS—OF—DOCUMENTS and MICROSOFT—BUSINESS—PRACTICES —DURING the last —20—YEARS".
20061205             DAVID—SHAYLER on Sky News, 20061205             20061205             Well, it was fun —WHILE it lasted.
20061205             DAVID—SHAYLER, 1—FORMER—MI5 intelligence officer, pretty much sums up THE—STATE—OF—MODERN—POLITICS.
20061205             Nothing left for RatTube to report on..... —UNTIL the very end.
20061205             —PERKED, My rat senses, right up —WHEN Shayler starts talking about "no planes hitting the towers".
20061205             People be CAREFUL—OF—EX—GOVERNMENT—AGENTS that present 90—PERCENT—OF—THE—FACTS then ruin it with 1 red herring such as the "no planes hit the towers" theory.
20061205             The other guest opines that he could easily sell David as still being 1—AGENT, i.e. 1—DISINFO agent, who is speaking out to poison the well of the ot... Source:
20061205             PORTLAND imc- - Titan Corp,Skyway Communications,20010911             ...
20061205             What business did Titan Corp. have with SkyWay Aircraft?
20061205             ROBERT—GATES—HEARING for Defense SECRETARY—IS—MUCH—ADO about Nothing:
20061205             Policy Change Still in BUSH—HANDS -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis - If he Talks for Dubya,
20061205             Tears will be for Much Different Reason -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ANALYSIS
20061205             Here Come the Defense Contractors: "USA—ARMY Battling To Save Equipment:
20061205             Gear Piles Up at Depots, Awaiting Repair"
20061205             But, of course, Bush plays "fantasy IRAQ" —WHILE our troops and everyone else have to deal with "reality IRAQ".
20061205             Lisa Pease did 1—MASSIVE 2—PART piece on this conundrum;
20061205             Le CERCLE—HE did this with controversial partners as JOHN—DEUSS + TED—SHACKLEY ,
20061205             (SOE) by COLONEL—SIR—CHARLES—HAMBRO, who would become HEAD—OF—THE—SOE 19420000             .
20061205             Le Cercle... - "... the whole of political life is 1—ENDLESS—CHAIN consisting of 1—INFINITE—NUMBER—OF—LINKS.
20061205             "... You must be able at EACH—PARTICULAR—MOMENT to find the particular link in the chain which you must grasp with all your might in order to hold the whole chain and to prepare firmly for the transition to the next link;
20061205             THE—ORDER—OF—THE—LINKS,
20061205             their form, the manner in which they are linked together, the way they differ from EACH—OTHER in the historical CHAIN—OF—EVENTS,
20061205             are not as simple and not as meaningless as those in 1—ORDINARY—CHAIN made by 1—SMITH".
20061205             Camarate (20010000             )
20061205             CAMARATE—CAST, Crew, Reviews, Plot Summary, -, Discussion, Taglines...
20061205             —KILLED, INTERNATIONAL plot, in CAMARATE. alfatomega.com/20050405.html
20061205             Quem conhece um pouco da história do " acidente " de CAMARATE sabe perfeitamente que
20061205             Divulgação Integral dos Pareceres Periciais e de Peças Elucidativas
20061205             FIREWALL—IRAN—CONTRA Conspiracy and COVER—UP, The ", LAWRENCE—E
20061205             THE—CRIME—OF—CAMARATE, Sa Fernandez claims the intended victim of the
20061205             "1—CONSPIRACY—THEORY—RUN—WILD" + "the conspiracy that wasn't".
20061205             JOHN—DEUSS is betrokken (geweest) bij de volgende bedrijven:
20061205             Primaire EMISSIE—BANKLEITZAHL—VEROLME Dok en Scheepsbouw MAATSCHAPPIJ—JOHN—DEUSS
20061205             burgemeester!!partij of stroming |- | - 30—JANUARI [[ 19420000             ].
20061205             Elsevier.NL—WEEKBLAD—HOE er miljarden worden verdiend aan...
20061205             Het leven VAN de Nederlandse oliemiljardair Jan ( John) DEUSS ( 19420000             ) zit vol turbulente episodes.
20061205             De tegenwoordig in BERMUDA woonachtige DEUSS begint ZIJN—SCOOP: NORMA—SHERRY: Genocide
20061205             —WHEN UK—MALAYA fell to THE—JAPAN—IMPERIAL—FORCES
20061205             strengthen its military might + as 1—RESULT ,
20061205             extend its territories, conquering most parts of INDIA with the massive INDIA—ARMY it has acquired.
20061205             The physical PRESENCE—OF—THE—MARINES lends support to both THE—LEBANON—GOVERNMENT and its army.
20061205             "Dem Gott Magulus übergebe ich den Übeltäter, der den Mantel von Servandus gestohlen hat.
20061205             Silvester, Riomandus [...] dass er ihn vor dem 9. —TAG zerstöre, die Person, die den Mantel von Servandus gestohlen hat".
20061205             Aus der Inschrift der gut erhaltenen Fluchtafel lesen Wissenschaftler nicht nur den Fluch,
20061205             aus der Namensliste nicht nur die beschuldigten Stadtbewohner:
20061205             Die Namensliste zeige außerdem die kulturellen Verhältnisse in der Stadt,
20061205             die die Römer —J—IM 50—VOR Christus als Militärsiedlung gegründet hatten:
20061205             Zu Lebzeiten des fluchenden Servandus, im 2. oder 02010101—03001231    —CENTURY nach Christus,
20061205             gab es in LEICESTER Bewohner mit rein ROM—NAMEN (etwa Silvester und Germanus),
20061205             aber auch mit keltischen Namen (Riomandus und Cunovendus) sowie ROM—NAMEN, die in keltisch sprechenden Regionen vorkamen (Regalis).
20061205             —RELEASED, This video was —JUST, —TODAY.
20061205             Shot from "the hotel". As usual, you cannot see 1—AIRPLANE.
20061205             For full in depth factual analysis on American 77,
20061205             its Flight Data Recorder (black box) as provided by THE—NTSB, please visit.
20061205             —EXPECTED, TOM—DASCHLE was, to make 1—DECISION about running for PRESIDENT—BY—THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR + —SATURDAY,
20061205             he told KELOLAND News he has decided not to seek THE—USA ' highest office 20080000             .
20061205             —HEADED, THE—PROGRESSIVE—REVIEW: Where we are, in the next —10—YEARS....
20061205             —BY—LARRY C JOHNSON—I believe that PETER—LANCE—NEW—BOOK, TRIPLE CROSS, is 1 flawed and inaccurate piece of investigative reporting.
20061205             —COMPOUNDED, Lance writes: He [Johnson] then, that mistaken assessment —5—WEEKS—LATER with 1—TIMES—OP—ED piece entitled "THE—DECLINING—TERRORIST—THREAT," describing al Qaeda as a "1—LOOSE—AMALGAM—OF—PEOPLE with 1 shared ideology,
20061205             but 1—VERY limited direction".[vi]
20061205             Several things struck me about it: 1. RUMSFELD doesn't understand THE—MAGNITUDE—OF—THE—CRISIS or the tightrope THE—USA is walking in the Gulf.
20061205             2. RUMSFELD spends more time plotting out how to manipulate THE—USA—PUBLIC than how to win the war.
20061205             Corporate Media Uses Fuzzy Math to Minimize SIZE—OF—LEBANON—DEMONSTRATIONS-
20061205             —MEANWHILE, closer to the "siege," actually 1—WIDESPREAD—CALL for the neolib sponsored government of free trader (or free plundering by INTERNATIONAL financiers) Siniora to step aside,
20061205             the counting is 1—BIT—MORE—REALISTIC.
20061205             Freedom (to rape) may no longer be "on the March" in PAKISTAN-
20061205             —ABOUT THOSE IMAMS By RICHARD—MINITER—NEW—YORK Post Online Edition: 7-
20061205             BG "It was almost as if they were intentionally trying to get kicked off the flight," Pauline said.
20061205             EDWARD—SAID: THE—MYTH of the "CLASH—OF—CIVILIZATIONS"-
20061205             (Remember, it's pronounced "Sayeed" not the past tense of the verb "to say".)
20061205             Twists and Turns: Who Owns Sequoia?-
20061205             De La Rue, PLC, the world 's largest commercial security printer and papermaker,
20061205             as well as 1—SIGNIFICANT gambling enterprise, sold their interest in Sequoia at 1—LOSS,
20061205             having acquired the company fom IRELAND—BASED Jefferson Smurfit Group PLC,
20061205             1—PAPER and packaging company, for more than $23—MILLION 20020000             ,
20061205             in 1—DEAL that could have been worth as much
20061205             Another billionaire SAUDI—ARABIA—MIDDLEMAN-
20061205             —NAMED, Another billionaire SAUDI—ARABIA—MIDDLEMAN was, last night in the Serious Fraud OFFICE—CONTROVERSIAL SAUDI—ARABIA—ARMS deal inquiry,
20061205             according to potential witnesses.
20061205             THE—SFO is seeking information about ANY—SWITZERLAND—BANK—ACCOUNTS belonging to MOHAMMAD—SAFADI,
20061205             MISTER—SAFADI would not comment last night at his OFFICE—IN—BEIRUT,
20061205             where he holds THE—OFFICE—OF—PUBLIC—WORKS—MINISTER and also controls the Safadi Group.
20061205             We'll see how much spine the newly majority Democrats have and —JUST how much residual power AIPAC has retained,
20061205             —WHEN we find out what the reform legislation will look like.
20061205             Clearly this individual no longer holds AIPAC in high regard.
20061205             Hadley Ducks Question Over Whether Rumsfeld Suggestion Is 'Cutting And Running'-
20061205             —ASKED, Russert, National Security Adviser STEPHEN—HADLEY why, —WHEN others had raised this idea in the past,
20061205             "they were accused by your WHITE—HOUSE—OF cutting and running".
20061205             —CLAIMED, Hadley, the memo was simply 1—EFFORT by RUMSFELD to "broaden the debate," and was "not 1—GAME—PLAN or 1—EFFORT to set out the way forward in IRAQ".
20061205             —ENTITLED, RUMSFELD—MEMO is, "IRAQ — Illustrative New Courses of Action.
20061205             RUMSFELD says "it is time for 1—MAJOR—ADJUSTMENT" and suggests 1—NUMBER—OF options that "could" or "should be done," and partial withdraw is 1—OF—THEM.
20061205             —WHEN the Democrats suggested that, they were accused by your WHITE—HOUSE—OF cutting and running.
20061205             I want to have 1—OPEN—DOOR to ideas and 1—THING that THE—RUMSFELD memo list represented was 1—LAUNDRY LIST—OF—IDEAS that he considered,
20061205             SOME—HE put above the line and some were below the line and it was to broaden the debate.
20061205             LOUISIANA—LARGEST commercial insurance provider-
20061205             "plans to cancel all its commercial property policies in THE—NEW—ORLEANS area —NEXT—YEAR,
20061205             " citing the slow reconstruction of the levee system. 1—LEADING economic development official said the decision has sent a "shock wave through the business community," which "cannot exist" without insurance.
20061205             Lieberman: Talking To IRAN And Syria Is Like The 'Local Fire Dept Asking Arsonists To Help'-
20061205             UK PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR
20061205             have all criticized THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—UNWILLINGNESS to talk with IRAN and Syria + THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP—PROPOSAL—NEXT—WEEK will likely recommend direct talks with IRAN and Syria.
20061205             WSJ EDITOR—ON—BUSH—IRAQ—STRATEGY: 'I—DON'T Think He Has To Adjust'-
20061205             —ACKNOWLEDGED, Even outgoing SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—DONALD—RUMSFELD, in 1—RECENT—MEMO that "it is time for 1—MAJOR—ADJUSTMENT
20061205             " of USA—POLICY in IRAQ.
20061205             WALLACE: I mean, let me ask you about that, Paul, because I mean, the fact is even RUMSFELD ,
20061205             who we thought of as being 1—OF—THE—STRONGER—ADVOCATES—OF stay the course, is —NOW on record as saying we've got to do something, we need 1—MAJOR—ADJUSTMENT.
20061205             At least by THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—NEXT—MONTH, doesn't THE—PRESIDENT have to announce SOME—MAJOR—CHANGE — I'm not sure what direction,
20061205             but doesn't he have to announce 1—MAJOR—CHANGE in policy?
20061205             He has to announce that we need to work with Maliki,
20061205             we need to keep working hard to get THE—USA—COMMITMENT, not pulling out.
20061205             because that's the only way that we can, I think, get him to make the very difficult decisions that he has to make,
20061205             whether it be taking on the insurgency or disarming the Shiite militias.
20061205             The details in THE—BAKER report suggest that there is no new grand strategy to be had.
20061205             Lieberman Endorses Escalation In IRAQ, Surprised Rumsfeld Didn't Suggest It In Memo-
20061205             —ENDORSED, He also, embedding more Americans in THE—IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES and sending more troops to the borders of IRAN and Syria,
20061205             both of which he claimed "require more personnel on the ground in IRAQ".
20061205             Less than —1—MONTH—AGO, Lieberman was significantly less committed to escalation in IRAQ,
20061205             saying only that "I think we have to be open to that
20061205             In ;;10;;, —WHILE campaigning for his Senate seat, Lieberman said, "No 1—WANTS to end the war in IRAQ more than I do.
20061205             LIEBERMAN: THE—RUMSFELD memo itself is in MANY—WAYS surprising.
20061205             I must say, Bob, that THE—1—THING he doesn't raise as 1—POSSIBILITY is to increase the number of our troops there even though there's very broad criticism of RUMSFELD for having had too few USA—TROOPS in IRAQ —AFTER SADDAM—HUSSEIN was overthrown.
20061205             They didn't get it. 'Lamest of LAME—DUCK sessions.'-
20061205             We're tired, " said REPRESENTATIVE—MIKE—PENCE (R—IN), trying to excuse the 109. CONGRESS—LAMENESS.
20061205             —NOTED, As THE—WASHINGTON—POST, —TODAY, "Rather than 1—FINAL surge of legislative activity, Congress will probably wrap up things —AFTER 1—SINGLE, short —WEEK—OF—WORK".
20061205             Worst. PRESIDENT.
20061205             Ever.- - ERIC—FONER, PROFESSOR—OF—HISTORY at COLUMBIA University, in THE—WASHINGTON—POST:
20061205             "Historians are loath to predict the future.
20061205             It is impossible to say with certainty how BUSH will be ranked in, say, 20500000             .
20061205             I think there is no alternative but to rank him as the worst PRESIDENT—IN—USA—HISTORY.
20061205             "Not working well".-
20061205             Judd -- DONALD—RUMSFELD, describing his IRAQ strategy in 1 classified memo
20061205             written —2—DAYS—BEFORE he resigned.
20061205             —ADDED, RUMSFELD, "In my view it is time for 1—MAJOR—ADJUSTMENT".
20061205             RICE—ADMITS—MISTAKES—WERE—MADE—IN—IRAQ, Won't Say What They Were —UNTIL Bush Leaves Office-
20061205             In other words, RICE realizes that — as bad as things are in IRAQ — THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION must have made mistakes.
20061205             The problem with this approach is the there are 140,000 troops in IRAQ right —NOW.
20061205             "There are 2—KINDS—OF—TERRORISM in THE—USA:-
20061205             AMANDA—THE—EXTERNAL—KIND; and, internally, the IGs have terrorized the Regional Administrators," said Lurita ALEXIS—DOAN,
20061205             who is trying to " limit THE—ABILITY—OF—THE—AGENCY—INSPECTOR—GENERAL—TO audit contracts for fraud or waste".
20061205             MADAGASCAR elects new PRESIDENT-
20061205             MADAGASCAR counts votes from its 1. presidential poll —SINCE a 20010000             election that brought THE—ISLAND to the brink of civil war.
20061205             —URGED, RUMSFELD—IRAQ tactics shift-
20061205             —URGED, DONALD—RUMSFELD, major changes to USA IRAQ strategy —2—DAYS—BEFORE quitting as defence CHIEF, 1—MEMO shows.
20061205             Virgin Atlantic move to save fuel
20061205             Virgin Atlantic is to tow planes to TAKE—OFF areas in 1—MOVE designed to cut carbon dioxide output.
20061205             Dead spy's contact doing 'well'
20061205             1—CONTACT—OF—ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO who tested positive for 1—RADIOACTIVE—SUBSTANCE is doing well, doctors say.
20061205             —WINTER storm strikes CENTRAL—USA
20061205             Driving snow leaves half 1—MILLION—PEOPLE without power as —1—WINTER—STORM hit THE—CENTRAL—USA.
20061205             Hitler Ad Deemed Inoffensive
20061205             1—ANTI—ID—CARD—ADVERTISEMENT that compares UK—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR to THE—LEADER—OF—THE 3. Reich gets 1—FREE pass from the Advertising Standards Authority.
20061205             —WHILE the ruling is critical in the long run, it won't affect vehicle development —FOR—YEARS to come.
20061205             IRS taxation of online game virtual assets inevitable
20061205             1—SERIES—OF—TAX—LAW—EXPERTS weigh in on whether the transfer of virtual goods in online games is taxable.
20061205             Robot doubles as PC
20061205             White Box Robotics uses OFF—THE—SHELF—PC parts to build MOBILE robots that look 1—BIT—LIKE—R2D2.
20061205             Organic Matter Found In CANADA—METEORITE-
20061205             "From what sounds like the opening of an X—FILES—EPISODE, CANADA—SCIENTISTS have reportedly found in 1—METEORITE organic matter older than the sun at Tagish Lake in CANADA.
20061205             '"We mean that the material in the meteorite has been processed the least —SINCE it was formed.
20061205             The globules appear to be similar to the kinds of icy grains found in molecular clouds — the vast,
20061205             LOW—DENSITY regions where stars collapse and form and new solar systems are born.'
20061205             Clinton Prosecutor —NOW Targeting Free Speech-
20061205             —KDAWSON—419 - Virchull tells us about
20061205             He and his parents sued the school BOARD for violating his 1. Amendment rights.
20061205             Starr is said to be arguing the case for free. AIR—FORCE—JAMS Garage Doors-
20061205             —KDAWSON—275 - SonicSpike points us to 1—CHICAGO—TRIBUNE article reporting that
20061205             In 1—JOINT—USA—CANADA—OPERATION,
20061205             they were testing communications on 1—FREQUENCY that would be used by 1. responders in the event of 1—THREAT to homeland security.
20061205             "But the frequency also controls 1 estimated 50—MILLION—GARAGE—DOOR openers + HUNDREDS—OF—RESIDENTS in the area found that theirs had suddenly stopped working... Technically,
20061205             THE—AIR—FORCE has the right to the frequency, which it began using nearly —3—YEARS—AGO at SOME—BASES.
20061205             —INTERFERED, Signals have previously, with garage doors near bases in FLORIDA, MARYLAND + PENNSYLVANIA".
20061205             BRAD—LUCIER points out 1—FINANCIAL—TIMES—REPORT (carried by MSN Money) that
20061205             "The machines will recognize account holders' thumbprints, eliminating the need for 1—PERSONAL—IDENTIFICATION—NUMBER + will have COLOR—CODED screen instructions and voiceovers to help guide them through transactions... Though INDIA—POPULATION exceeds 1—BILLION,
20061205             Citigroup estimates that there are only about 300—MILLION—BANK—ACCOUNTS in the country... 'It's not 1—PHILANTHROPIC—EXERCISE,' [PS Jayakumar,
20061205             1—CITIGROUP business manager in INDIA] said.
20061205             'For it to be sustainable, we should break even and make 1—LITTLE—BIT—OF—MONEY.'"
20061205             UK Lab Traces Polonium To RUSSIA—NUCLEAR Plant-
20061205             "UK—AUTHORITIES had identified polonium 210 to be the radioactive poison that killed ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO,
20061205             —DEFECTED, THE—FORMER—RUSSIA—SPY who, to GREAT—BRITAIN.
20061205             —NOW, according to 1—DISTURBING report, the authorities have identified the source of the poison to be RUSSIA.
20061205             Bloomberg ominously reports, 'Scientists at THE—UK—ATOMIC—WEAPONS—ESTABLISHMENT in Aldermaston,
20061205             —TRACED, WEST—OF—LONDON, have, the polonium 210—FOUND in LONDON to 1—NUCLEAR—POWER—PLANT in RUSSIA, the capital's —EVENING Standard newspaper reported —TODAY.
20061205             Officials at the establishment didn't return calls.
20061205             1—COLD chill —JUST fell on relations between RUSSIA and the West".
20061205             In another twist to this developing story,
20061205             the shadowy ITALY—SECURITY consultant who dined with Litvinenko has also fallen ill with radiation poisoning.
20061205             10—BEST, Worst + Craziest Uses of RFID-
20061205             "This top 10—ROUNDS up what it calls 'the best, worst and craziest' uses of RFID out there — including chipped kids at Legoland,
20061205             smart pub tables that let you order drinks, smartcards for sports fans + chipped airline passengers.
20061205             The craziest USE—OF—THE—TECH surely has to be RFID chips for Marks & Spencer suits — you couldn't pay most people to wear 1—OF—THEM".
20061205             FBI Taps Cell Phone Microphones in Mafia Case-
20061205             The most disturbing thing? According to the judge, the bug worked even if the phone appeared to be 'powered off.
20061205             Anyone up for 1—OPEN—SOURCE handset already?" "—THIS—WEEK, JUDGE—KAPLAN in THE—SOUTH—DISTRICT—OF—NEW—YORK concluded that the 'roving bugs' were legally permitted to capture HUNDREDS—OF—HOURS—OF—CONVERSATIONS because THE—FBI had obtained 1—COURT—ORDER and alternatives probably wouldn't work.
20061205             'They indicated that alternative METHODS—OF—INVESTIGATION either had failed or were unlikely to produce results,
20061205             in part because the subjects deliberately avoided government surveillance.'"
20061205             Nike+ iPod Used For Surveillance-
20061205             "Researchers at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—WASHINGTON have published 1—REPORT detailing MANY—EASY and cheap ways the Nike+ iPod Sport Kit previously discussed on Slashdot can be used to track individuals,
20061205             even —WHEN they are not carrying their iPod.
20061205             —IMPLEMENTED, They have even, 1—GOOGLE—MAPS—APPLICATION to display surveillance data in real time.
20061205             "'Our research also shows that there exist simple cryptographic techniques that the Nike+iPod Sport Kit designers could have used to improve THE—PRIVACY—PRESERVING properties of the Nike+iPod kit,' the group reports.
20061205             'Our work underscores the need for 1—BROAD—PUBLIC—DISCUSSION about and further research on THE—PRIVACY—PRESERVING PROPERTIES—OF—NEW wireless personal gadgets,' the group reports.
20061205             'We stress, however, that there is no evidence that Apple or Nike intended for these devices to be used in ANY—MALICIOUS—MANNER.
20061205             —ENDORSED, Additionally, neither Apple nor Nike, this study.'"
20061205             Opening Statements Begin in MICROSOFT—IOWA Case-
20061205             "THE—DES—MOINES Register is reporting that opening statements have begun in THE—MICROSOFT—IOWA antitrust case.
20061205             —SHAPED, THE—REGISTER reports that the Plaintiffs have, their case —AROUND 9—STORIES involving competitors from IBM to Linux.
20061205             —EXPECTED, Microsoft attorneys say GATES is, to testify in ;;01;; + company CEO—STEVE—BALLMER will likely appear in ;;02;;.
20061205             —EXPECTED, Both men are, to be on the stand for about —4—DAYS.
20061205             Unlike previous antitrust cases against the software giant,
20061205             THE—IOWA case is seeking additional damages for security vulnerabilities.
20061205             Plaintiffs allege that MICROSOFT—BUNDLING—OF—IE with Windows caused harm to consumers by increasing the consumer's susceptibility to security breaches and bugs.
20061205             The case is 1—OF—THE—LARGEST antitrust cases in history, encompassing MILLIONS—OF—DOCUMENTS and MICROSOFT—BUSINESS—PRACTICES —DURING the last —20—YEARS".
20061205             DAVID—SHAYLER on Sky News, ;;12;;
20061205             5., 20060000             - - Well, it was fun —WHILE it lasted.
20061205             spy poisoning, to war for profit, i must say, "by GEORGE i think he's got it.
20061205             Compassion on Trial in WAR—ON—TERROR: Muslim Charities and THE—CASE—OF—DR.
20061205             He was CONVICTED—OF—ATTACKS on THE—USA—INTELLIGENCE and
20061205             JULIAN—ASSANGE is PRESIDENT—OF—1—NGO and AUSTRALIA—MOST infamous former computer hacker.
20061205             ROBERT—GATES won speedy and unanimous approval from the Senate Armed Services Committee to be SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE.
20061205             —BECAME, NEW—YORK, the 1. city in the nation to ban ARTERY—CLOGGING trans fats at restaurants.
20061205             1—ANNUAL—USA—REPORT put MINNESOTA at the top of its health rankings for the 4. straight —YEAR, —WHILE concluding that the nation's health improved slightly.
20061205             ALABAMA, Geontae Glass, a —5—YEAR—OLD—BOY who was asleep in the back of 1—CAR—WHEN it was stolen from 1—PARKING lot —1—DAY—EARLIER, was found dead in 1—NEIGHBORING county.
20061205             1—LARGE sunspot rounded the sun's eastern limb and with little warning it exploded.
20061205             —ON the "Richter scale" of solar flares, which ranks X1 as 1—BIG—EVENT, the blast registered X9, making it 1—OF—THE—STRONGEST—FLARES—OF—THE—PAST—30—YEARS.
20061205             —RELEASED, BRAZIL, 1—COURT said it had, the passports of 2—USA—PILOTS—OF—1—PRIVATE—JET involved in 1—COLLISION with 1—BOEING 737—OVER the Amazon that killed 154—PEOPLE.
20061205             —DISCUSSED, UK—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR and RWANDA—PRESIDENT—PAUL—KAGAME, economic reform and how to reconcile the people of the landlocked AFRICA—STATE still scarred by 19940000             —THE genocide.
20061205             —TALKED, They also, about the conflict in THE—WEST—DARFUR REGION—OF—SUDAN, where RWANDA has troops on the ground as PART—OF—THE—AFRICA—UNION—FORCE.
20061205             —BACKED, THE—EU presidency, 1—PROPOSAL to partially suspend EU membership talks with TURKEY because of ANKARA—REFUSAL to open up to trade with CYPRUS.
20061205             —SEIZED, The military, CONTROL—OF—FIJI —AFTER WEEKS—OF—THREATS, locking down the capital with armed troops and isolating at home the elected leader whose —LAST—MINUTE—PLEAS for help from foreign forces were rejected.
20061205             —NAMED, Commodore FRANK—BAINIMARAMA, DOCTOR—JONA—SENILAGAKALI, 1—MILITARY—MEDIC with no political experience, as caretaker PRIME—MINISTER and said 1—FULL—INTERIM—GOVERNMENT would be appointed —NEXT—WEEK to see the country through to elections that would restore democracy sometime in the future.
20061205             —CAVED, PRIME—MINISTER—LAISENIA—QARASE, who had, in to all demands, was deposed anyway.
20061205             —BECAME, Knut, the 1. polar bear born to be born in GERMANY—BERLIN—ZOO in —30—YEARS.
20061205             —REJECTED, He was, by his mother and spent his 1. —44—DAYS in 1—INCUBATOR.
20061205             † Zookeeper THOMAS—DOERFLEIN (20080000             , age 44) raised the cub by hand.
20061205             GERMANY, world chess champion VLADIMIR—KRAMNIK lost the 6. and decisive game against computer program Deep Fritz, ceding 1—HARD—FOUGHT—MAN vs. Machine match 4-2.
20061205             —REIGNITED, The officer's killing, 1—ONGOING battle between the rival Grand Ravine and Ti Manchet gangs.
20061205             1—INDIA—COURT—SENTENCED—SHIBU—SOREN, former cabinet coal MINISTER, to life behind bars for conspiracy in the abduction and MURDER—OF—1—AIDE.
20061205             The court had found him guilty of 19940000             —THE murder and abduction of his former private SECRETARY, SHASHI Nath Jha, who was allegedly blackmailing him over 1—CORRUPTION—SCANDAL.
20061205             —VOWED, IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD, to stick by the nuclear program and issued 1—NEW—THREAT to downgrade relations with THE—EU if European negotiators opted for tough sanctions.
20061205             1—MEDIA—RIGHTS—GROUP warned that INTERNET censorship in IRAN is on the rise —AFTER IRAN blocked access to the popular VIDEO—SHARING Web site YouTube_com.
20061205             IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI said his government will send envoys to neighboring countries to pave the way for 1—REGIONAL—CONFERENCE on ending the rampant violence.
20061205             MAJOR—GENERAL—WILLIAM—CALDWELL, the top USA—MILITARY—SPOKESMAN in IRAQ, said THE—USA—MILITARY expects ALL—OF—IRAQ to be under THE—CONTROL—OF—IRAQ—FORCES by mid-20070000             .
20061205             Suspected insurgents set off 1—CAR—BOMB to stop 1—MINIBUS carrying Shiite government employees in BAGHDAD, then shot and killed 15—OF—THEM.
20061205             —EXPLODED, In another attack in the capital, 2—CAR—BOMBS, in 1—COMMERCIAL—DISTRICT, killing 15—OTHER—IRAQIS.
20061205             —FIRED, IVORY—COAST—POLICE, into 1—CROWD protesting PRESIDENT—LAURENT—GBAGBO—REGIME and killed 1—PERSON, as political opponents mounted rallies in several towns in the southern part of the divided WEST—AFRICA—COUNTRY.
20061205             —REPORTED, JAMAICA, 15—CASES—OF malaria in THE—KINGSTON area, the 1. in —15—YEARS.
20061205             MEXICO—PRESIDENT—CALDERON, under pressure to promote the social programs his leftist rival championed, presented 1—AUSTERE budget that increases spending for social programs to help the country's poorest.
20061205             —ARRESTED, MEXICO—POLICE, Flavio Sosa, the symbolic leader of a —6—MONTH—LONG—PROTEST—MOVEMENT that took over SOUTH—OAXACA city, hours —AFTER he gave 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE saying he had come to the capital to start talks with the government.
20061205             PAKISTAN PRESIDENT—GENERAL—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF said he is willing to give up its claim to ALL—OF—KASHMIR if INDIA agrees that the disputed Himalayan region should become SELF—GOVERNING and largely autonomous.
20061205             Troops shot dead 3—ISLAMIC—MILITANTS in INDIA—KASHMIR, —WHILE 19—CIVILIANS were injured and 1—GUERRILLA was killed in 1—GRENADE—BLAST.
20061205             The 1. foreign aid FLIGHTS—OF—FOOD and medicines arrived in THE—EAST—PHILIPPINES.
20061205             Officials said devastating mudslides had left at least 1,266—PEOPLE—DEAD or missing.
20061205             1—RUSSIA—COURT—SENTENCED—RUSLAN—MELNIK, —22—JAHRE—ALT, 1—LEADER—OF—1—EXTREMIST—GROUP known as the Mad Crowd, to 3 1/—2—YEARS in prison for hate crime attacks on foreigners.
20061205             —RULED, SOMALIA—GOVERNMENT, out peace talks with the country's Islamic movement, citing truce violations, heightening fears of 1—ALL—OUT war.
20061205             SOUTH—AFRICA, the findings of 1—NEW—REPORT said nearly 300—MILLION—DOLLARS—WORTH—OF—GOLD is stolen EVERY—YEAR by underground pirates from mines.
20061205             The report found that 41—PERCENT—OF—GOLD thieves were mine employees and 56% were unemployed.
20061205             1—SHELL apparently fired by CONGO—TROOPS fighting forces loyal to 1—DISSIDENT—GENERAL—NEAR THE—UGANDA—BORDER landed among 1—GROUP—OF—SOME 12,000 refugees in UGANDA, killing at least 7.
20061205             —PRESENTED, PRO—MOROCCO—LEADERS in THE—WEST—SAHARA, 1—SELF—RULE—PLAN for 1—GOVERNMENT, PARLIAMENT and legal system in the territory, —WHILE acknowledging RABAT—SOVEREIGNTY.
20061205             —SLAMMED, Typhoon Durian, into VIETNAM—SOUTHERN—COAST as 1—TROPICAL—STORM.
20061205             A 20061207             government report said nearly 100—PEOPLE were killed or are missing —AFTER the typhoon hit the southern coast.
20061205             —OPENED, YEMEN, 1—GUNMAN, fire outside THE—USA—EMBASSY, but YEMEN—GUARDS quickly shot and arrested him.
20061205             —VOWED, ZIMBABWE—TOP—UNION—BODY, to stage new protests against the government, saying it had failed to address THE—PLIGHT—OF—WORKERS reeling under 4—DIGIT inflation, high taxes and 1—SHRINKING labor market.
20061205             astronauts - 19981208             -
20061205             He was CONVICTED—OF—ATTACKS on THE—USA—INTELLIGENCE and... www.counterpunch_org/assange12052006             .html
20061205             Vis flere resultater fra www.counterpunch_org THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—OWNS the Major Media
20061205             as 1—WAY to succeed".
20061205             According to Spaceweather.com, "satellites may experience SOME—GLITCHES and reboots, but astronauts are in no danger".
20061205             alfatomega.com/20041212.html, para mim tanto faz
200612051346         —UHR von erdbewohner
20061205—20010911    —FROM, and 7/7,
20061205—20010911    —FROM, and 7/7, spy poisoning, to war for profit, i must say, "by GEORGE i think he's got it".
20061205—20030000    —IN, 1—ITALY—PROSECUTOR asked for the indictment of 26—AMERICANS and ITALY—SECRET—SERVICE—OFFICIALS on 1—CHARGE—OF kidnapping 1—EGYPT—CLERIC in Milan.
20061205—20040000    CAMARATE : comissão de peritos conclui que houve sabotagem
20061205—20050000    afixe : CAMARATE : comissão de peritos conclui que existiu sabotagem.
20061205—20050000    —OVERTURNED, KUWAIT—HIGHEST—COURT, THE—CONVICTION—OF—NASSER—NAJR—AL—MUTAIRI, 1—FORMER—GUANTANAMO—BAY prisoner who was returned to the emirate.
20061205—20061206    Nearly as MANY—CONTRACTORS as Soliders in IRAQ
20061205—20240000    —J—IM, NASA—PLAN: Mondbasis soll stehen
20061206             —POSTED—TUESDAY, 20061205             , at 6:11 AM ET
20061206             (20061205             /ac/a/u) - Vodafone Upgrade
20061210             3—BIDDERS seen for Raytheon aircraft UNIT—BG - - 3—BIDDERS seen for Raytheon aircraft unit
20061215             "1—CORONAL—MASS—EJECTION resulting from an X3 Solar Flare —EARLIER—TODAY is forcing THE—ISS and Shuttle astronauts to take cover and may result in communication disruptions. —LAST—WEEK, the same sunspot generated what astronomers described as 1—RARELY imaged solar tsunami. The activity began with an X9 flare 20061205             . According to Spaceweather_com, "satellites may experience SOME—GLITCHES and reboots, but astronauts are in no danger". However, the astronauts were ordered to 1—PROTECTIVE—AREA—OF—THE—SPACE—STATION as 1—PRECAUTION".
20061215             The activity began with an X9 flare 20061205             .
20070217             [BBC News - 20021205             ]
20070217             [BBC News - 20021205             ] - [BBC News - 20021208             ]
20071107—20071205    —ON, LATVIA—PRIME—MINISTER—AIGARS—KALVITIS said that he would step down and that THE—4—PARTY ruling coalition would —IMMEDIATELY begin searching for 1—NEW—HEAD—OF—GOVERNMENT.
20071121             † † THE—REVEREND—JIM—JONES was 1—OF—ONLY 3—PEOPLE who, by gunshot, the rest appear to have, from drinking KOOL—AID laced with cyanide...) 20031120             20080221120532       —VERGLEICHT, LIECHTENSTEIN—AFFÄRE Oberster SCHWEIZER—BANKIER, DEUTSCHE—STEUERFAHNDER mit Gestapo.htm
20071201—20071205    —ORCHESTRATED, This break in the boycott against Hamas, by THE—USA and ISRAEL prompted 1—STERN rebuke from THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT.
20071202—20071205    —ON, " : Rice will be in ADDIS—ABABA, THE—ETHIOPIA—CAPITAL, to join leaders from THE—AFRICA—GREAT—LAKES region -
20071203—20071205    —ON, Rice to HEAD—TO—AFRICA to help CONGO tackle " rebels " : Rice will be in ADDIS—ABABA, THE—ETHIOPIA—CAPITAL, to join leaders from THE—AFRICA—GREAT—LAKES region -- RWANDA, BURUNDI, Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO and UGANDA -- in talks about CONFIDENCE—BUILDING and joint security, Assistant SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JENDAYI—FRAZER told reporters.
20071204—20071205    Draft resolution of 1—DISPUTE between BT and Telewest about...
20071205             —ADVISED, They SPECIFICALLY and repeatedly, employees of Merrill Lynch and MORGAN—STANLEY that it was going to be 1—BIG—TRADING—DAY + they were going to miss out on hefty commissions if they didn't come in to work.
20071205             This was extremely peculiar.
20071205             1—OBVIOUS—QUESTION would be why did THE—NYSE even sound the opening bell —THAT—DAY?
20071205             Anyone see 1—PATTERN yet? What it all boils down to is this:
20071205             —ENTERED, The incriminating footage of FOX/ was not, into news archives on THE—INTERNET, niether in video form nor text dialogue.
20071205             I used EVERY—SEARCH—TOOL and key word I could think of to no avail...—FOR—YEARS.
20071205             —REPRESENTED, There are video archives available —NOW that are being, as recordings of the live reports.
20071205             These are fake reproductions that do not vaguely resemble what was shown on TV.
20071205             Here is my description of what my wife and I saw on FOX/ —DURING the opening act of 20010911             :
20071205             —WHEN the biggest STORY—OF—THE—CENTURY—INITIALLY broke, the reports were sketchy at best.
20071205             "In my opinion, THE—WTC investigation by NIST falls SHORT—OF—EXPECTATIONS by not definitively finding cause,
20071205             —BY—NOT sufficiently linking RECOMMENDATIONS—OF—SPECIFICITY to cause,
20071205             —BY—NOT fully invoking ALL—OF—THEIR—AUTHORITY to seek facts in the investigation, and
20071205             —BY—THE—GUIDANCE—OF—GOVERNMENT—LAWYERS to deter rather than develop fact finding.
20071205             "I have over —35—YEARS—OF—FIRE—RESEARCH in my experience.
20071205             I worked in the fire program at NIST —FOR—19—YEARS, leaving as 1—DIVISION—CHIEF.
20071205             I have been at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—MARYLAND —SINCE.
20071205             I am 1—FOUNDING member and PAST—CHAIR—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—ASSOCIATION for Fire Safety SCIENCE—THE—PRINCIPAL—WORLD—FORUM for fire research.
20071205             "ALL—OF—THESE have been submitted to NIST, but never acknowledged or answered.
20071205             I will list SOME—OF—THESE.
20071205             2. Why were not alternative collapse hypotheses investigated and discussed as NIST had stated repeatedly that they would do?...
20071205             3. Spoliation of 1—FIRE—SCENE is 1—BASIS for destroying 1—LEGAL—CASE in 1—INVESTIGATION.
20071205             —DISCARDED, MOST—OF—THE—STEEL was, although the key ELEMENTS—OF—THE—CORE—STEEL were demographically labeled.
20071205             1—CAREFUL—READING—OF—THE—NIST report shows that they have no evidence that the temperatures they predict as necessary for failure are corroborated by findings of the little steel debris they have.
20071205             —DECLARED, Why hasn't NIST, that this SPOLIATION—OF—THE—STEEL was 1—GROSS—ERROR?
20071205             —STARTED, JOHN—J—YOUNG—JUNIOR, work as the under SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE for acquisition,
20071205             technology and logistics, —LAST—WEEK, —FOLLOWING—THE—SECRET—NESTS-
20071205             —MOUNTED, The plot had been, by THE—AMMAN—BASED IRAQ—NATIONAL.
20071205             Accord. THE—INA, 1—CREATION—OF—THE—BRITISH.
20071205             MI6., had been working with THE—CIA—SINCE at... - UNIVERSIDAD TORCUATO DI TELLA—EN AMMAN.
20071205             —NAILED, You all do know that DU—ROBERTPAULSEN, USA—JUDAS Dick
20071205             to INVESTMENTS—PATENTLY NONCHARITABLE—IN 1—COMPANY called Attock Cement, owned by ABEDI—ASSOCIATE and USA—FRONT—MAN—GHAITH Pharaon.
20071205             THE—DAILY—CAVEAT
20071205             Case in point: Ghaith PHARAON—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia
20071205             United Commercial AGENCIES—SAUDI—ARABIA—GHAITH R Pharaon Chairman.
20071205             United Commercial AGENCIES—SAUDI—ARABIA Directors
20071205             Markets Main; ABU—DHABI—SM; AMMAN SE; BAHRAIN SE; CAIRO SE; CASABLANCA SE;
20071205             DIFX; DOHA SM... - Ghaith R Pharaon, Chairman.
20071205             According to credible IRAQ—SOURCES in LONDON and AMMAN, 1—SECRET—STORY—OF...
20071205             IRAN sei von dem Bericht in seiner bisherigen Haltung "etwas gerechtfertigt" worden.
20071205             Russlands Außenminister Sergej Lawrow sagte, Moskau werde bei den Beratungen im UNO—SICHERHEITSRAT den jüngsten Informationen aus den USA Rechnung tragen.
20071205             —BEREITS—AM Vorabend hatte BUSH die Option eines militärischen Eingreifens bekräftigt:
20071205             "Ich habe meine Meinung nicht geändert", so BUSH.
20071205             Der PRÄSIDENT machte deutlich, dass er auch —NACH—DEN entwarnenden Befunden auf die weitere Unterstützung Deutschlands und anderer Länder zählt, um hart gegen Teheran vorzugehen.
20071205             Die ausländischen Partner "verstehen, dass die IRANISCHE—NUKLEARFRAGE 1—PROBLEM ist und 1—PROBLEM bleibt,
20071205             dem sich die internationale Gemeinschaft widmen muss", sagte BUSH.
20071205             ALLE—DROHUNGEN und Lügen der vergangenen —JAHRE hätten sich als ungerechtfertigt erwiesen.
20071205             Er bekräftigte das Recht Irans auf die Entwicklung einer Atomtechnologie und betonte,
20071205             der Geheimdienstbericht habe den "Feinden Irans" klargemacht, dass sie "unsere Nation nicht mit Drohungen einschüchtern" können.
20071205             Als Grund nannte die BANK—DIE—ENTSPANNUNG im Mittleren Osten.
20071205             MICHAEL—COOGAN so, der Generaldirektor von CLM: "Wenn die Geldmärkte im Koma bleiben, werden nicht ALLE—MENSCHEN, die 1—DARLEHEN wollen, auch eines bekommen".
20071205             LONDON—ES ist 1—DER—STÄRKSTEN—WARNUNGEN, die je von offizieller Seite abgegeben wurden.
20071205             Für fast 1,5 Millionen Briten werde es —IM—NÄCHSTEN—JAHR "schwierig,
20071205             wenn nicht unmöglich", eine bezahlbare Anschlussfinanzierung für ihr Eigenheim zu finden, sagte Clive Briault von der Regulierungsbehörde FSA dem "Telegraph".
20071205             Die steigenden Kreditkosten seien für VIELE—HAUSBESITZER "einfach zu viel".
20071205             USA—GEHEIMDIENSTDOSSIER: Ahmadinedschad erklärt sich zum Sieger im Atomstreit
20071205             Kulturkampf: FRANKREICH empört über Schmähschrift im "Time"- Magazin
20071205             USA—FLUGHÄFEN: Kollisionsgefahr auf dem Rollfeld steigt
20071205             Protokolländerung: Kein Strafverfahren gegen DEUTSCH—BANK—NOTAR
20071205             Extremismus im Stadtrat: ITALIENISCHER—POLITIKER fordert NAZI—METHODEN
20071205             PISA—SCHOCK: Japans Schüler finden Technik zum Gähnen
20071205             Hypothekenriese in Finanznöten: Fannie Mae braucht Kapital in Milliardenhöhe
20071205             —EXPLODIERT, Anschlag in Bagdad: Autobombe, während GATES—BESUCH—VIELE—TOTE
20071205             Pläne für Mittelmeerunion: Merkel warnt vor Spaltung Europas
20071205             DEUTSCHE—BANK—PROGNOSE: Aktienmarkt trübt sich 20080000             merklich ein
20071205             Sinkende Benzinpreise: Autofahrer stürmen TANKSTELLEN—EXPERTEN warnen vor Panikkäufen
20071205             Neapel: Antiker Thron unter Villa von Cäsars Schwiegervater entdeckt
20071205             Gefangen in Mekka: Frau flieht in Ketten aus Elternhaus
20071205             Großbritanniens Premier Brown: Die PR—NIETE von Downing Street 10
20071205             Kunstprovokateur Banksy: Kugelsichere Friedenstauben in Bethlehem
20071205             Horrende Managerbezüge: Wiedeking verteidigt sein Millionengehalt
20071205             Durchsuchung: Bundesweite Großrazzia gegen TÜRKISCHE—LINKSTERRORISTEN
20071205             Guter Geruchssinn: Elefanten erschnüffeln, wo sich die Familie aufhält
20071205             EXPERTEN—WARNUNG: Millionen BRITISCHEN—HAUSBESITZERN droht Ruin
20071205             Europäische Zentralbank: Trichet warnt vor Mindestlohn in DEUTSCHLAND
20071205             Bundesregierung: Kabinett beschließt KLIMASCHUTZ—PAKET
20071205             USA—AUTOR—EL—DOCTOROW: Die Armee als letzte ZUFLUCHT—SEARCH results for "IRAN—CONTRA"
20071205             —GATHERED, KILL—ARMS—DEALER—ERNST—WERNER... -... Studley, Barbara had, archconservative military + political... Titan.
20071205             Bah!
20071205             13—WELTKRIEG, 2. Wende, Letzte Werner, ERNST—WEST—NIL—FIEBER Whitaker, BRIAN—WHITAKER—BRIAN 1—WHITE, Theocratric...
20071205             von 1—FÜR durrani affair "werner glatt".
20071205             SINGLAUB—KILL—ARMS dealer ERNST—WERNER—GLATT—KEN—SILVERSTEIN—SHADOWING our government's favorite arms dealer "Vote!
20071205             Bah! "SPIEGEL—STORYS sind —HEUTE glatter und
20071205             Reaktionen auf BUSH s Rede : Politikforum -...
20071205             Web Ergebnisse 1 - 37—VON 37—FÜR "ERNST—WERNER—GLATT".
20071205             ( 0,—33—SEKUNDEN)
20071205             News & Opinion: Warriors, Guns, and Money (THE—BOSTON—PHOENIX.
20071205             09 ... - The story of ERNST—WERNER—GLATT, 1—RIGHT—WING—GERMANY—WHO worked for the Pentagon and CIA —FOR—40—YEARS,
20071205             and who was 1—KEY—PARTICIPANT in the most AMAZING—THE—THOMAS—G—CORCORAN—PAGE
20071205             LICENSED TO KILL.(arms dealer ERNST—WERNER—GLATT ) from Harpers Magazine in Array provided by LookSmart
20071205             —OUTSOURCED, Privatizing War How AFFAIRS—OF—STATE are, to... - Corporate MERCENARIES—ALFRED—MENDES
20071205             ERNST—WERNER—GLATT, for the procurement... - ernst werner glatt ernst werner glatt
20071205             Silverstein wisely populates his book with REAL—LIFE—CHARACTERS such as GERMANY—ARMS—DEALER—ERNST—WERNER—GLATT,
20071205             Fachschaftszelle Philosophie: Streitblatt ;;05;; 99: Über den Wolken...
20071205             Die Waffen wurden über einen bekannten BND/CIA—ZULIEFERER namens ERNST—WERNER—GLATT im süddeutschen Raum abgewickelt.
20071205             200 000—VERTRIEBENE KRAJINASERBEN—RADIO NATIONAL—LATE—NIGHT—LIVE—ABOUT - I signori della guerra a pagamento
20071205             agli acquisti di apparecchiature militari per conto dei croati, Zagabria ha comprato armamenti da un commerciante di armi tedesco, ERNST—WERNER—GLATT.
20071205             1—OF—WASHINGTON—FAVORITE gunrunners —DURING.
20071205             the Cold War. Glatt also had ties to WASHINGTON's.
20071205             HARPER—MAGAZINE—LICENSED—TO—KILL.(arms dealer ERNST—WERNER—GLATT ) - From the HighBeam Research Archive.
20071205             Village VOICE—BUSTING THE—MERCHANT—OF—WAR—SMALL—WARS Council
20071205             This article is about our own "MERCHANT—OF—DEATH" —DURING the cold war: ERNST—WERNER—GLATT.
20071205             Pretty incredible story. Glatt, a GERMANY—NATIONAL.
20071205             Welcome to Octopus Books | Octopus Books
20071205             Silverstein, La privatizzazione della guerra
20071205             di apparecchiature militari, Zagabria ha comprato armamenti da un commerciante di armi tedesco, ERNST—WERNER—GLATT, fino ad almeno l'anno scorso.
20071205             Loftur JÓHANNESSON—WIKIPEDIA, frjálsa alfræðiritið
20071205             Harper's, maí 20000000             . - - THE—EASTAFRICAN on the Web
20071205             [Le Scarabée] Des mercenaires au service des ETATS—UNIS : le MPRI
20071205             BOOKS—PRIVATE Warriors - 9781859843253 - Details
20071205             In these pages we encounter ERNST—WERNER—GLATT, 1—RIGHT—WING—GERMANY—WHO was for man.
20071205             Amazon.co.UK: Private Warriors: Books: KEN—SILVERSTEIN
20071205             También había sido, junto con ERNST—WERNER—GLATT, proveedor de armas en el escándalo de IRÁN—CONTRA,
20071205             parcialmente financiado por el saudita ADNAN—KHASHOGGI.
20071205             52-66. a"For more than 1—QUARTER—CENTURY, [ ERNST—WERNER] Glatt has had 1—HAND in some of the most sensational USA—COVERT—OPERATIONS.
20071205             In these pages we encounter ERNST—WERNER—GLATT, 1—RIGHT—WING—GERMANY—WHO was for MANY—YEARS—THE—PENTAGON'S preferred GUN—RUNNER;
20071205             I - e dispone anche di relazioni utili, anche se a volte scomode in termini di immagine, come quelle con il mercante di armi tedesco, ERNST—WERNER—GLATT.
20071205             How 'Operation Storm' Destabilized the Balkans
20071205             It should be noted that CROATIA—PROCUREMENT—OF—MILITARY—HARDWARE was also assisted by ERNST—WERNER—GLATT,
20071205             who was once THE—CIA—POINT man for military...
20071205             Press reports also suspect THE—ZAGREB regime from having bought weaponry from ERNST—WERNER—GLATT,
20071205             1—GERMANY—ARMS—DEALER who in the eighties bought cheap...
20071205             Junto con ERNST—WERNER—GLATT, fue el principal proveedor de armas en el
20071205             Pentágono, facilitando el enlace con el alemán ERNST—WERNER—GLATT, que era...
20071205             —CHANGED, MARKHAM Farm has, hands MANY—TIMES, most —RECENTLY
20071205             Mailgate: UK.finance.stockmarket: FINOVA IS SPOOKED UP...
20071205             + proprietaries to thrive + keep JOHN—K—SINGLAUB fat, slick...
20071205             A HREF="99—SINGLAUB Mind Control.htm "> 16861 99—SINGLAUB Mind Control.
20071205             310536 S11.NRI—BEASTIE Boys Message BOARD—THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY...
20071205             also once GEORGE—BUSH—BUSINESS partner + the Wackenhut SECURITIE—LEGAL—MARIHEMP: Politics: Thread #35879
20071205             —GEBILDET, Denn zuerst muss die neue Regierung, werden.
20071205             Weiterhin muss die Troika ihren Bericht über die —VERHANDLUNGEN an den UNO—GENERALSEKRETÄR Ban KI—MOON übergeben.
20071205             Und der muss dann dieses Papier mit seinen Anmerkungen und Empfehlungen an den Weltsicherheitsrat,
20071205             der am 19. ;;12;; —TAGEN soll, vorlegen.
20071205             —ERST danach werden sich die Dinge zuspitzen.
20071205             "Man hat ja durch die harte Haltung 1—VERÄNDERUNG—DES—VERHALTENS bei der Revolutionären Garde gesehen".
20071205             "Dafür gibt es 0—ANZEICHEN", urteilt er vernichtend.
20071205             Dann legt JOHN—EDWARDS scharf nach.
20071205             "Unter den demokratischen Bewerbern hat sie als Einzige für die IRAN—RESOLUTION im Senat gestimmt.
20071205             Genau das wollten BUSH und Cheney".
20071205             —GEWESEN, Es sei doch klar, dass man damit einen möglichen Krieg legitimiere.
20071205             "Das geht wirklich zu weit", protestiert Clinton entrüstet.
20071205             Die Herren haben die Jacken abgelegt, Clinton sitzt aufrecht mit durchgedrücktem Rücken.
20071205             Das 1. Thema ist IRAN, natürlich.
20071205             Die Bombe. Oder genauer: eben keine Bombe.
20071205             —GESTERN hat das Eingeständnis der USA—GEHEIMDIENSTE, IRAN habe wohl
20071205             Und auch die demokratischen Kandidaten, vor allem Clinton.
20071205             —GESTIMMT, Im Senat hat sie für 1—RESOLUTION, die Revolutionäre Garde in IRAN zur TERROR—ORGANISATION zu erklären.
20071205             Sie wollte gegen die Republikaner nicht schwach erscheinen.
20071205             Viele ihrer demokratischen Mitbewerber sahen das als verfrühtes WAHLKAMPF—TAKTIEREN und als einen Blankoscheck für BUSH.
20071205             Und —HEUTE muss sie dafür bezahlen.
20071205             SENATOR—CHRIS—DODD fragt sich laut, wie Clinton nach ihrer Unterstützung für das IRAK—DEBAKEL auch noch BUSH s KAMPF—RHETORIK zu IRAN so offen billigen konnte.
20071205             USA—VORWAHLEN: IRAN—DOSSIER schmälert Clintons Chancen
20071205             Vergleichstest: Wikipedia schlägt die Profis
20071205             Umfrage: Aufschwung geht an 83—PROZENT—DER—BÜRGER vorbei
20071205             Kinderstatistik: Älterer Vater und jüngere Mutter sind am erfolgreichsten
20071205             Benzinpreise: HAMSTERKÄUFE—DEN Tankstellen geht der Sprit aus
20071205             —EXHUMIERT, Nach Mordserie: 4250—LEICHEN aus Massengrab
20071205             Unabhängigkeitsplan: Vom KOSOVO aus droht 1—FLÄCHENBRAND
20071205             Eine kleine Revolution in Sachen Blockheizkraftwerk (BHKW) leitet der Hersteller Sunmachine mit seinem neuen Produkt,
20071205             dem Holzpellets MINI—BHKW namens Sunmachine ein.
20071205             Die Irrtümer der GEHEIMDIENSTE—EUROPA droht Versorgungslücke
20071205             Bundesregierung: VOIP—ÜBERWACHUNG kein Eingriff in die Unverletzlichkeit der Wohnung
20071205             Klimaschutz ist Menschenrecht
20071205             —PROGNOSTIZIERT, Studie, 150—MILLIONEN FLUTOPFER—WELTKRIEG abgesagt
20071205             —BETRACHTET, BUSH—IRAN weiterhin als Bedrohung
20071205             Rüstungslobbyist Schreiber gegen Kaution auf freiem Fuss
20071205             Flu season strikes early, spreads —THROUGHOUT nation
20071205             IRAN—KONFLIKT: Gehen den Hardlinern die Argumente aus?
20071205             —ALLOWED, No country has, as MANY—INSPECTION—HOURS as IRAN.
20071205             —HALTED, THE—NIE claims that 'IRAN, its nuclear weapons program 20030000             '.
20071205             This report —NOW in circulation,
20071205             in print, on EVERY—MEDIA—OUTLET, and more importantly, by WAY—OF—WORD—OF—MOUTH, is giving credibility to the warmongers that IRAN actually had 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—PROGRAM.
20071205             This is the justification THE—WHITE—HOUSE—NEEDS to justify further sanctions, 1—PRELUDE, if not 1—WARFARE within itself.
20071205             Watch RUDY—GIULIANI—SCHIZOID—RANTINGS to Nuke IRAN —NOW
20071205             RUDY—GIULIANI is 1—HAIR trigger away from THE—PRESIDENCY—OF—THE—USA—OF—AMERICA.
20071205             —FORWARDED, Over the weekend USA legal authorities, 1—ARGUMENT in 1—UK—CASE that THE—USA can legally abduct anyone in the world.
20071205             THE—MAYOR—OF—SALT—LAKE—CITY—STANDS Up For AMERICA! We Won't Take it Anymore!
20071205             The people of this nation may have been far too quiet —FOR—5—YEARS,
20071205             but let us pledge that we won't let it go on 1—MORE—DAY that we will do all we can to put 1—END to the illegalities,
20071205             the moral degradation, and the disintegration of our nation's reputation in the world.
20071205             THE—HIDDEN—HOLOCAUST—OUR Civilizational Crisis Part 2: EXPORTING DEMOCRACY
20071205             —SHOWED, In part 1, we, how the modern world system was built on —500—YEARS—OF—GENOCIDAL violence against indigenous peoples.
20071205             In this FOLLOW—UP, we reveal how this "hidden holocaust" has intensified
20071205             THE—FACTS be Damned! Psychologists' PRESIDENT—DEFENDS—PSYCHOLOGIST—PARTICIPATION in Detainee Interrogations
20071205             —DEFENDED, USA—PSYCHOLOGICAL—ASSOCIATION—PRESIDENT—BREHM —RECENTLY, her association's policies allowing psychologists to aid THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATIONS—INTERROGATIONS—OF—ENEMY—DETAINEES from criticism by concerned students and faculty at her campus.
20071205             SOME—OF—HER—STATEMENTS i defense of APA policy were at variance with the facts —WHILE others were in conflict with fundamental propositions of BREHM—SOCIAL psychology/
20071205             THE—BUSTING—DOWN—OF—AMERICA
20071205             1—DIATRIBE to articulate the "general malaise" and anger felt by MANY—AMERICANS regarding the government targeting USA as the enemy.
20071205             TRAFIGURA Beheer B.V., THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMODITIES trading company, —TODAY announces it has entered into 1—AGREEMENT...
20071205             —CALLED, PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, trying to keep pressure on IRAN, on TEHRAN to "come clean" about the scope of its nuclear activities or else face diplomatic isolation.
20071205             —SPRAYED, OMAHA—NEBRASKA, ROBERT—A—HAWKINS, —19—JAHRE—ALT, the 3. floor of the Von Maur department store in Westroads Mall with gunfire.
20071205             —KILLED, —WHEN the shooting was over, Hawkins, himself.
20071205             —INCLUDED, His victims, 6—STORE—EMPLOYEES and 2—CUSTOMERS.
20071205             1—AUTOPSY report —LATER indicated that only SOME—VALIUM in his system.
20071205             —INCLUDED, His work, the opera "Angle of Repose", which was commissioned and premiered (19760000             ) by THE—SF—OPERA.
20071205             —CLASHED, AFGHANISTAN—FORCES, with Taliban who had blocked 1—MAIN—HIGHWAY in the south, killing 10—MILITANTS.
20071205             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER rammed his EXPLOSIVES—LADEN car into 1—MINIBUS carrying AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS—SOUTH—OF—KABUL, killing at least 13—PEOPLE and wounding 20—OTHERS.
20071205             1—INTERNATIONAL—AID—ORGANIZATION said ANGOLA—SOLDIERS routinely and repeatedly rape CONGO—WOMEN who have crossed the border illegally in SEARCH—OF—WORK in the diamond fields.
20071205             † AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER—KEVIN—RUDD spoke at the state funeral for Bernie Banton (61), who from 1—ASBESTOS—RELATED disease he contracted —WHILE working for building products company JAMES—HARDIE.
20071205             —DOGGED, Banton's, campaign ultimately led to the establishment of a 4—BILLION dollar (3.5—BILLION USA) compensation fund for VICTIMS—OF—HARDIE—ASBESTOS products.
20071205             —ANNOUNCED, BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES, he would ask for 1—REFERENDUM on whether he should remain PRESIDENT, and challenged opposition governors to do the same.
20071205             BOSNIA, 4—MEN wearing police uniforms and armed with automatic weapons stormed SARAJEVO INTERNATIONAL airport's cargo zone and stole $1.9—MILLION.
20071205             —ARRESTED, UK—POLICE, JOHN—DARWIN, —57—JAHRE—ALT on fraud charges, —5—YEARS—AFTER he vanished in 1—APPARENT canoeing accident in THE—NORTH—SEA, only to reappear last weekend, claiming he had amnesia.
20071205             CONGO—ARMY said it retook 1—STRATEGIC—TOWN on from rebels loyal to renegade Tutsi GENERAL—LAURENT—NKUNDA in THE—VIOLENCE—TORN EAST—PROVINCE—OF—NORTH—KIVU.
20071205             —ARRESTED, FRANCE—POLICE, 2 armed people in connection with 1—WEEKEND shooting that left 2—SPAIN—OFFICERS—DEAD in what authorities described as the 1. BASQUE—RELATED killings in FRANCE in more than —3—DECADES.
20071205             —CONVICTED—OF, GERMANY, 3—MEN were, aiding THE—AL—QAIDA in GERMANY, including 1—WHO prosecutors say was PART—OF—THE—TERRORIST—NETWORK'S—COMMAND—STRUCTURE and had contact with top leaders.
20071205             DARRY—GERMANY, the bodies of 5—YOUNG—BOYS, ages 3 to 9, were found in their home —AFTER their —31—YEAR—OLD—MOTHER told 1—DOCTOR where they were.
20071205             —ANNOUNCED, Authorities in EAST—GERMANY, they had found the bodies of 3—INFANT girls and had taken their mother into custody on manslaughter charges.
20071205             His innovative electronic works made him 1—OF—THE—MOST important composers of the postwar era.
20071205             —INCLUDED, His work, "Kontakte" (19590000—19600000    ) and "Stimmung" (19680000             ), 1—SEXTET for unaccompanied voices on a 6-note CHORD—OF—B—FLAT.
20071205             1—SURVEY said INDIA—BUSINESS—CONFIDENCE has slumped to a —5—YEAR—LOW on the back of flagging exports, aggressive monetary tightening and 1—RISING rupee that has slowed the economy.
20071205             1—BLAST hit THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—MOSUL.
20071205             —PARKED, Police said explosives hidden in 1, car killed 1—CIVILIAN and wounded 7—OTHERS.
20071205             1—CAR—BOMB exploded in 1—LARGELY—SHIITE neighborhood of BAGHDAD and killed at least 14—PEOPLE.
20071205             USA—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES said —DURING 1—VISIT to the capital that security and stability were within reach, although more work is needed.
20071205             —TARGETED, In Baqouba 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER, 1—BUS—STATION and killed 5—CIVILIANS with at least 20—OTHERS wounded.
20071205             —PARKED, In KIRKUK 1, car bomb killed 3—KURDISH—SOLDIERS in 1—CONVOY guarding 1—POLICE—CHIEF.
20071205             —RESIGNED, LATVIA—CENTER—RIGHT—GOVERNMENT, —AFTER coming under intense criticism for firing 1—POPULAR—ANTI—CORRUPTION—INVESTIGATOR and failing to restrain inflation.
20071205             —CLEARED, LIBERIA, its debt arrears with the World Bank, paving the way for new development lending and debt cancellation that will help THE—WEST—AFRICA—COUNTRY rebuild —AFTER YEARS—OF—CIVIL—WAR.
20071205             —CONDUCTED, MEXICO—POLICE, the biggest ANTI—LOGGING raid in the nation's history at clandestine sawmills that cut timber on 1 threatened nature reserve where Monarch butterflies nest in the —WINTER.
20071205             Authorities in THE—MEXICO—BORDER—CITY—OF—CIUDAD—JUAREZ said that they plan to exhume the remains of more than 4,000 unidentified people buried in common graves and take DNA samples in 1—ATTEMPT to identify them.
20071205             6—JUDGES on NICARAGUA—SUPREME—COURT threw out 1—LAW meant to block neighborhood councils that will report directly to PRESIDENT—DANIEL—ORTEGA.
20071205             But other judges call the ruling itself illegal.
20071205             2—PALESTINE—MILITANTS were killed by ISRAEL—TANK—FIRE in NORTH—GAZA.
20071205             —COMPLETED, LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—GABI—ASHKENAZI said ISRAEL—ARMY has, plans for 1—LARGE—OFFENSIVE in THE—GAZA—STRIP and is only waiting for government approval for the action.
20071205             SRI—LANKA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY said at least 36—PEOPLE including 7—SOLDIERS were killed in fresh fighting between security forces and Tamil rebels in the embattled north.
20071205             1—LAND—MINE—EXPLOSION blamed on Tamil separatists tore through 1—PASSENGER—BUS crowded with civilians in NORTH—SRI—LANKA, killing at least 16—PEOPLE and wounding 22—OTHERS.
20071205             —KILLED, TURKEY—SOLDIERS, 8—KURDISH—REBELS, increasing the rebel death toll to 14 in a —2—DAY clash near the border with IRAQ.
20071205             Anyone see 1—PATTERN yet?
20071205             What these people were doing on conspiracy forums, I have not 1—CLUE [/sarcasm].
20071205             There still isn't even 1—ESSAY or editorial on the subject that I can find.
20071205             Original Content at
20071205             1. Why is not the design process of assigning fire protection to THE—WTC towers fully called out for fault?...
20071205             Defense Has New Acquisition, Tech CHIEF
20071205             —STARTED, JOHN—J—YOUNG—JUNIOR, work as the under SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE for acquisition, technology and logistics, —LAST—WEEK, —FOLLOWING
20071205             THE—SECRET—NESTS—VERSION—HTML
20071205             MI6., had been working with THE—CIA—SINCE at. en AMMAN.
20071205             El mercader de armas tiene facturas para demostrar la legalidad.
20071205             los cuales, el ahora famoso y fraudulento banquero Ghaith Pharaon, actuaba...
20071205             robertpaulsen's JOURNAL—ARCHIVES According to credible IRAQ—SOURCES in LONDON and AMMAN, 1—SECRET—STORY—OF—AMERICA'S..
20071205             owned by ABEDI—ASSOCIATE and USA—FRONT—MAN Ghaith Pharaon.
20071205             Machaal A KARAM—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OFFICER.
20071205             Ghaith Pharaon, PRIVATE—SAUDI—ARABIA, 63.00%. - - - Heirs of SALEM Binladen, Private.
20071205             United Commercial AGENCIES—SAUDI—ARABIA Directors Markets Main;
20071205             Ghaleb Binladin. Abou Baker Hamed.
20071205             Der DIREKTOR—DER—INTERNATIONALEN—ATOMENERGIEBEHÖRDE (IAEA) MOHAMED—ELBARADEI sagte während eines Besuchs in BRASILIEN—IRAN sei von dem Bericht in seiner bisherigen Haltung "etwas gerechtfertigt" worden.
20071205             Was er durch das USA—DOSSIER erfahren habe, decke sich mit den Erkenntnissen seiner Behörde.
20071205             Chinas UNO—BOTSCHAFTER—WANG—GUANGYA sagte, die Dinge hätten sich mit dem Bericht "geändert".
20071205             Er wiederholte seine Forderung, Teheran müsse seine Urananreicherung aussetzen und forderte IRAN auf, an den Verhandlungstisch zu kommen.
20071205             —BEREITS—AM Vorabend hatte Bush die Option eines militärischen Eingreifens bekräftigt: "Ich habe meine Meinung nicht geändert", so Bush.
20071205             Die ausländischen Partner "verstehen, dass die IRANISCHE—NUKLEARFRAGE 1—PROBLEM ist und 1—PROBLEM bleibt, dem sich die internationale Gemeinschaft widmen muss", sagte Bush.
20071205             "Dies ist 1—SIEGESERKLÄRUNG des IRANISCHEN—VOLKES gegen die Weltmächte in der Atomfrage", sagte er vor Tausenden Anhängern.
20071205             All denen, die IRAN Böses wünschten, sei damit ein "tödlicher Schuss" versetzt worden.
20071205             Er bekräftigte das Recht Irans auf die Entwicklung einer Atomtechnologie und betonte, der Geheimdienstbericht habe den "Feinden Irans" klargemacht, dass sie "unsere Nation nicht mit Drohungen einschüchtern" können.
20071205             Der Preis für das Barrel Öl wird nach Meinung der DEUTSCHEN—BANK —IM—NÄCHSTEN—JAHR sinken, aber auf keinen Fall unter 60—DOLLAR fallen.
20071205             Für fast 1,5 Millionen Briten werde es —IM—NÄCHSTEN—JAHR "schwierig, wenn nicht unmöglich", eine bezahlbare Anschlussfinanzierung für ihr Eigenheim zu finden, sagte Clive Briault von der Regulierungsbehörde FSA dem "Telegraph".
20071205             Kreditkrise: USA—JUSTIZ nimmt DEUTSCHE—BANK unter die Lupe
20071205             SAURIER—SENSATION: Lang wie 1—BUS, Zähne groß wie Gurken
20071205             Weltklimakongress: USA—ABGEORDNETE brüskieren BUSH—REGIERUNG
20071205             Geheimdienstbericht zu IRAN: Putins stille Schadenfreude
20071205             IRAN—DOSSIER: USA—GEHEIMDIENST lernt aus IRAK—FIASKO
20071205             Weltraumlabor "COLUMBUS": PANNEN—MARATHON ins All
20071205             USA—AUTOR—EL—DOCTOROW: Die Armee als letzte Zuflucht
20071205             KILL—ARMS—DEALER—ERNST—WERNER... -... Studley, Barbara had gathered archconservative military + political... Titan.
20071205             _A_O_inzoome_
20071205             Weltkrieg, 2. Weltkrieges, 2. Werner, Reporterin ERICA—WEST—BANK—JEWISH—WETTERVORHERSAGE, Mittelfristige Whitehurst, Teresa...
20071205             KILL—ARMS dealer ERNST—WERNER—GLATT—KEN—SILVERSTEIN—SHADOWING our government's favorite arms dealer "Vote!
20071205             09. - The story of ERNST—WERNER—GLATT, 1—RIGHT—WING—GERMANY—WHO worked for the Pentagon and CIA —FOR—40—YEARS, and who was 1—KEY—PARTICIPANT in the most amazing...
20071205             THE—THOMAS—G—CORCORAN—PAGE
20071205             Re clandestine arms dealer ERNST—WERNER—GLATT, 1—EX—NAZI described as "1—OF—THE—MOST important and enigmatic arms dealers of all time," who is said to...
20071205             LICENSED TO KILL.(arms dealer ERNST—WERNER—GLATT) Harper's...
20071205             —OUTSOURCED, Privatizing War How AFFAIRS—OF—STATE are, to...
20071205             —RETIRED, According to 1, government official who brokers military equipment deals, ZAGREB was buying weapons from 1—GERMANY—ARMS—DEALER, ERNST—WERNER—GLATT...
20071205             Corporate MERCENARIES—ALFRED—MENDES
20071205             PHORUM—JTQ—I—LIKE ernst werner glatt ernst werner glatt
20071205             Amazon_com: Private Warriors: Books: KEN—SILVERSTEIN,DANIEL—BURTON...
20071205             Silverstein wisely populates his book with REAL—LIFE—CHARACTERS such as GERMANY—ARMS—DEALER—ERNST—WERNER—GLATT, NIXON—AND REAGAN—ADMINISTRATION—VETERAN...
20071205             200 000—VERTRIEBENE Krajinaserben...
20071205             It is 1—PROFILE—OF—1—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST important and enigmatic arms dealers of all time, ERNST—WERNER—GLATT, who was the Pentagon's preferred gunrunner...
20071205             THE—MERCHANT—OF—DEATH—CONNECTIONS" with ERNST—WERNER—GLATT, reputedly.
20071205             1—OF—WASHINGTON—FAVORITE gunrunners —DURING. the Cold War.
20071205             Glatt also had ties to WASHINGTON's.
20071205             LICENSED TO KILL.(arms dealer ERNST—WERNER—GLATT) - Harper's... HARPER—MAGAZINE—LICENSED TO KILL.(arms dealer ERNST—WERNER—GLATT ) - From the HighBeam Research Archive.
20071205             Pretty incredible story. Glatt, 1—GERMANY—NATIONAL... council.
20071205             It introduces little known figures such as ERNST—WERNER—GLATT, 1—RIGHT—WING—GERMANY—WHO for MANY—YEARS was the Pentagon's preferred gunrunner...
20071205             park ernie miller park KANSAS ernie miller pontiac ernie miller...
20071205             merck ernst wagner ernst wahliss ernst walter ernst walter mayr ernst weber ernst webers law ernst weil ernst werner ernst werner glatt ernst werner von...
20071205             Pálmi Jónasson: Íslenskir milljarðamæringar, Reykjavík 20010000             ), ISBN 9979-2-15810000             —X. "Licensed To KILL—ARMS dealer ERNST—WERNER—GLATT ", Harper's, maí 20000000             .
20071205             —INVOLVED, Several sources, in the weapons trade, interviewed by ICIJ, noted Bout's "deep connections" with ERNST—WERNER—GLATT, reputedly 1—OF—WASHINGTON'S.
20071205             Divers témoignages indiquent que ZAGREB se serait fourni en armes auprès du négociant allemand ERNST—WERNER—GLATT,
20071205             que sa fortune a amené à s'installer dans...
20071205             BOOKS—PRIVATE—WARRIORS - 9781859843253 - Details In these pages we encounter ERNST—WERNER—GLATT, 1—RIGHT—WING—GERMANY—WHO was for man.
20071205             It introduces little known figures such as ERNST—WERNER—GLATT...
20071205             EX—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—ALEXANDER—HAIG who... - La Nacion.CL—TEMAS del —DOMINGO
20071205             También había sido, junto con ERNST—WERNER—GLATT, proveedor de armas en el escándalo de IRÁN—CONTRA, parcialmente financiado por el saudita ADNAN—KHASHOGGI.
20071205             HOW USA—ARMS—DEALERS ARE MAKING 1—KILLING—THE hired guns who...
20071205             GOVERNMENT PATRONAGE also has brought big business to GERMAN—BORN ERNST—WERNER—GLATT, 1—MAN who used to buy weapons for Cummings in EAST—GERMANY.
20071205             01258 22001 93 ... 52-66. a"For more than 1—QUARTER—CENTURY, [ ERNST—WERNER] Glatt has had 1—HAND in some of the most sensational USA—COVERT—OPERATIONS.
20071205             Barnes & Noble_COM—BOOKS: Private Warriors, by KEN—SILVERSTEIN... - EX—SECRETARY—OF—STATE...
20071205             It should be noted that CROATIA—PROCUREMENT—OF—MILITARY—HARDWARE was also assisted by ERNST—WERNER—GLATT, who was once THE—CIA—POINT—MAN for military...
20071205             THE—MERCHANT—OF—DEATH from the 11-part series Making 1—KILLING—THE...
20071205             THE—OFFICIAL—JOSEPH—CASTANON—WEB—SITE : Message BOARD ernst werner glatt ernst werner glatt
20071205             MERCENARIES WITHOUT BORDERS, the "DOGS—OF—WAR" of financial...
20071205             Press reports also suspect THE—ZAGREB regime from having bought weaponry from ERNST—WERNER—GLATT, 1—GERMANY—ARMS—DEALER who in the eighties bought cheap...
20071205             Junto con ERNST—WERNER—GLATT, fue el principal proveedor de armas en el... Pentágono, facilitando el enlace con el alemán ERNST—WERNER—GLATT, que era...
20071205             Mailgate: UK.finance.stockmarket: FINOVA IS SPOOKED UP...+ proprietaries to thrive + keep JOHN—K—SINGLAUB fat, slick...
20071205             61584 ... - 310536 S11.NRI—BEASTIE Boys Message BOARD—THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE Agency... involved: ED—WILSON, AL—HAKIM, RICHARD—SECORD, WILLIAM—CASEY + JOHN—SINGLAUB.
20071205             also once GEORGE—BUSH—BUSINESS partner + the Wackenhut SECURITIE—LEGAL
20071205             Und zu ihrer Zustimmung zur SENATS—RESOLUTION sagt sie, man brauche im Umgang mit IRAN —NUN einmal Zuckerbrot und Peitsche.
20071205             Das glaubt aber selbst der ihr wohl gesonnene JOE—BIDEN, der gerne Clintons Außenminister würde, keinen Moment.
20071205             Die war in ihren Reden zu Teheran nämlich fast so kriegerisch wie PRÄSIDENT—BUSH und die republikanischen Bewerber für das Weiße Haus.
20071205             Renditetipps für JACKPOT—KNACKER: Wie man aus 43—MILLIONEN 70.000—EURO monatlich macht
20071205             Nach USA—GEHEIMDIENSTBERICHT: CDU will Druck auf IRAN aufrechterhalten
20071205             Eine kleine Revolution in Sachen Blockheizkraftwerk (BHKW) leitet der Hersteller Sunmachine mit seinem neuen Produkt, dem Holzpellets MINI—BHKW namens Sunmachine ein.
20071205             Geheimdienstreport über IRAN: Ein grundlegender Widerspruch
20071205             CHINA—ENDANGERED—TURTLES, Emblems of 1—WORSENING—BIODIVERSITY—CRISIS—EUROPA droht Versorgungslücke
20071205             —PROGNOSTIZIERT, Studie, 150—MILLIONEN Flutopfer
20071205             —BETRACHTET, BUSH—IRAN weiterhin als BEDROHUNG—BUSH : No change in IRAN policy
20071205             Atomstreit: USA—GEHEIMDIENST entschärft IRAN—KRISE
20071205             This report —NOW in circulation, in print, on EVERY—MEDIA—OUTLET, and more importantly, by WAY—OF—WORD—OF—MOUTH, is giving credibility to the warmongers that IRAN actually had 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—PROGRAM.
20071205             USA Asserts Right to Kidnap Anyone in the World
20071205             Alternative to "war for oil," or "war for ISRAEL" scenarios.
20071205             The people of this nation may have been far too quiet —FOR—5—YEARS, but let us pledge that we won't let it go on 1—MORE—DAY that we will do all we can to put 1—END to the illegalities, the moral degradation, and the disintegration of our nation's reputation in the world.
20071205             The new "holocaust" is occurring across the "3. World" as you read.
20071205             1—OF—ITS—LATEST—VICTIMS is IRAQ, where 1—ANGLO—AMERICAN "holocaust" has raged for over —90—YEARS.
20071205             USA—STAAT—NEBRASKA: 9—TOTE bei Amoklauf in OMAHA
20071205             FRANKREICH: Strafgeld für klimaschädliche AUTOS—KOMMUNISTISCHEN Partei Deutschlands
20071205             Die Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands war eine politische Partei in DEUTSCHLAND, die am
20071205             —FREITAG 24 - "Wer leitet den Krieg mit strategischem Blick?"... eine DEUTSCHE—UNIFORM—HOSE—VON—19140000              für die Vitrine II/5—9—ZU beschaffen.
20071205             er engen Kontakt zur GARDE—KAVALLERIE—SCHÜTZENDIVISION und gründete mit...
20071205             Hausarbeiten.de: Die Paramilitärischen VERBÄNDE—SEMINARARBEIT... auf alles was 1—UNIFORM trug + im Dienst der Regierung stand.
20071205             von Soldaten und Offizieren der GARDE—KAVALLERIE—SCHÜTZENDIVISION umgebracht...
20071205             Die Paramilitärischen Verbände alles was 1—UNIFORM trug und im Dienst der Regierung stand.
20071205             Offizieren der GARDE—KAVALLERIE—SCHÜTZENDIVISION umgebracht, die damals zur...
20071205180028       DEUTSCHE—BANK—PROGNOSE Aktienmarkt trübt sich 20080000             merklich ein.htm20151205             EU in DER—FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, Dann eben ohne OST—EUROPA
20071205—19250000    —SUPPLIED, THE—BUSH—DOME, begun as 1—RESERVE by the government, 35—PERCENT—OF—THE—WORLD—CURRENT usage.
20071205—19450000    —SINCE, In this FOLLOW—UP, we reveal how this "hidden holocaust" has intensified, with the birth of 1—NEW—IMPERIAL—ORDER.
20071205—19910000    —SINCE THE—COLLAPSE—OF—THE—BANK—OF—CREDIT—65—YEAR—OLD—MULTI—MILLIONAIRE, Ghaith Rashad Pharaon has been on the run from USA—AUTHORITIES...
20071205—20030000    —SCHON, —GESTERN hat das Eingeständnis der USA—GEHEIMDIENSTE, IRAN habe wohl sein Atomprogramm beendet, WASHINGTON aufgewühlt.
20071205—20070000    0523—FALWELL ' s ACCEPTANCE—OF—MOON' s mysterious money...
20071205—20071210    —AM, Trotz der forschen Töne aus PRISTINA rechnet —ZURZEIT niemand mit einer Unabhängigkeitserklärung.
20071205—20071219    —AM, Und der muss dann dieses Papier mit seinen Anmerkungen und Empfehlungen an den Weltsicherheitsrat, —DER—TAGEN soll, vorlegen.
20071205—20150000    —REPORTED, It was, that the world's largest helium reserve near AMARILLO—TEXAS, was expected to run out.
20080426             (PD).- La Audiencia Provincial de Almería ha condenado a dos años y tres meses de prisión a la propietaria de un CAFÉ—PUB de Huércal de Almería por exceder en hasta 17,20081205             IBELIOS el máximo permitido por la ley, lo que causó trastornos en la salud de una pareja que residía en una vivienda ubicada sobre el local.
20081202—20081205    —PROMISED, Protesters, to lift their siege, and INTERNA—TIONAL flights were expected to resume.
20081205             —PLEDGED, THE—USA—AND—CHINA, to work together to tackle global financial turmoil as they wrapped up economic talks but left open whether THE—HIGH—LEVEL—DIALOGUE will continue under PRESIDENT—ELECT BARACK—OBAMA.
20081205             —SLASHED, THE—USA—LABOR—DEPARTMENT said employers, 533,000 jobs —IN—NOVEMBER, the most in —34—YEARS, catapulting the unemployment rate to 6.7—PERCENT, dramatic proof the country is careening deeper into recession.
20081205             O.J. Simpson was sentenced in LAS—VEGAS from 9 to —33—YEARS in prison for kidnapping and assaulting 2—SPORTS memorabilia dealers with 1—DEADLY—WEAPON.
20081205             Cliff Lambert (74), 1—PALM—SPRINGS retiree, was stabbed to death and buried in the desert.
20081205             To date his body has not been found.
20081205             —ORCHESTRATED, The murder was, by Kaushal Niroula, 1—SF—NEW—COLLEGE—EXCHANGE—STUDENT from NEPAL along with 2—OTHER—STUDENTS including CRAIG—MCCARTHY—OF—DALY—CITY.
20081205             MIGUEL—BUSTAMANTE was the alleged murderer.
20081205             —PLEADED, McCarthy (30), guilty to lesser charges and testified against the others.
20081205             The plot to kill Lambert, sell his home and take his assets also included DANNY—GARCIA and SF attorney DAVID—REPLOGLE.
20081205             —INCLUDED, Her films, "1—AMERICAN in PARIS" (19510000             ).
20081205             —FORCED, AUSTRALIA—DRIEST state was, to purchase water for the 1. time to ensure adequate supplies in the midst of 1—DROUGHT.
20081205             Karlene Maywald, state water security MINISTER, said SOUTH—AUSTRALIA has purchased 61—BILLION gallons (231—GIGALITERS) of water so that ADELAIDE, the state capital, will have enough water for 20090000             even if the drought continues.
20081205             SOUTH—CHINA, about 100—FACTORY—OWNERS and employees held up red protest banners outside 1—GOVERNMENT building, demanding that officials help them collect more than $13—MILLION in debts from 1—ELECTRONICS—FACTORY that —RECENTLY closed.
20081205             —SUSPECTED, NORTH—EAST—COLOMBIA, leftist rebels attacked 1—SMALL—POLICE—CONVOY with explosives and automatic weapons, killing 8—POLICE—OFFICERS and wounding 1. Police blamed the attack on the National Liberation Army (ELN), which operates in THE—OIL—PRODUCING region bordering VENEZUELA.
20081205             1—BOAT from THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC was found adrift.
20081205             2—SURVIVORS were found by fisherman and 49—OTHERS were presumed dead.
20081205             —ARRESTED, Police in INDIA, 2—INDIA—MEN accused of illegally buying MOBILE phone cards used by the gunmen in the Mumbai attacks.
20081205             —SUSPECTED, In EAST—INDIA, Maoist rebels killed 5—POLICE—OFFICERS in 1—AMBUSH.
20081205             —CONFIRMED, IRAN—STATE—RADIO said police, that 1—MILITANT—GROUP—ACTIVE in IRAN has killed all 16—POLICE—OFFICERS it abducted in June.
20081205             Shortly —AFTER the abduction, the Sunni Muslim Jundallah group said it had executed 2—OF—THE—OFFICERS and threatened to kill the remaining 14—UNLESS imprisoned MEMBERS—OF—THE—GROUP were released.
20081205             —KILLED, IRAQ, 3—WOMEN were, in Balad Ruz, NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD, —WHEN 1—BOMB planted in 1—RADIO exploded.
20081205             —REINSTATED, ISRAEL—DEFENSE—OFFICIALS, 1—BAN on INTERNATIONAL journalists entering THE—GAZA—STRIP, despite protests from THE—HEADS—OF—MAJOR—NEWS—ORGANIZATIONS and 1—APPEAL to the country's SUPREME—COURT.
20081205             —APPROVED, JAPAN, 1—LAW that will grant citizenship to all children born out of wedlock to JAPAN—FATHERS who acknowledge them, REGARDLESS—OF—THE—NATIONALITY—OF—THEIR—MOTHERS.
20081205             —REPORTED, KYRGYZSTAN—STATE—RADIO—STATION was, to have taken BBC programming off the airwaves, days —AFTER withdrawing broadcasting rights from USA—FUNDED Radio LIBERTY—KYRGYZ—SERVICE.
20081205             Gerardo Garay, MEXICO—FORMER acting FEDERAL—POLICE—CHIEF, was accused of collaborating with 1—NOTORIOUS—CARTEL and stealing money from 1—MANSION —DURING 1—RAID to bust 1—DRUG trafficking ring.
20081205             † VICTOR—SERRANO, —24—JAHRE—ALT, 1—HIT team CHIEF, was wounded and 3 alleged gang members, in 1—SHOOTOUT in MEXICALI.
20081205             14—OTHERS were arrested.
20081205             —DEVASTATED, PAKISTAN, 1—CAR—BOMB, 1—BUSY—STREET in THE—NORTH—WEST—CITY—OF—PESHAWAR, killing 30—PEOPLE and injuring about a 100.
20081205             —JAILED, ROMANIA, Constantin Ticu Dumitrescu (80), once, as 1—COMMUNIST—ERA "ENEMY—OF—THE—STATE," † after YEARS—OF—FIGHTING to reveal DETAILS—OF—THE—COUNTRY'S troubled past.
20081205             SAUDI—ARABIA, nearly 3—MILLION—MUSLIMS from all over the world gathered in MECCA, on THE—EVE—OF—THE—START—OF—THE—ANNUAL hajj pilgrimage.
20081205             —KILLED, SOMALIA, 12—PEOPLE were, as mortar shells rained down on homes and 1—SMALL—MARKET in MOGADISHU.
20081205             —KILLED, SOUTH—THAILAND, 4—PEOPLE were, by 1—BOMB at 1—DRUGSTORE suspected to have been planted by Muslim insurgents.
20081205             The leaders of PAKISTAN and AFGHANISTAN met for TURKISH—SPONSORED talks aimed at reducing tensions over militant attacks along the countries' lawless border.
200812051141         Sem Comentários ".
20081205—20020000    —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 3—CANADA—SOLDIERS were, by 1—MASSIVE—BOMB, bringing to 100 the number who have lost their lives —SINCE the country's military mission there started.
20081205—20081113    —ON, Migrants had set off in SEARCH—OF—JOBS in PUERTO—RICO.
20081205—20100000    —IN, the 3 faced trial on murder charges.
20081205—20111203    —CONVICTED—OF, Replogle and Bustamante were, 10—CRIMINAL—COUNTS including 1.—DEGREE murder.
20081205—20120907    —CONVICTED—OF, Niroula and Garcia were, 1.—DEGREE murder and other charges.
20091113—20091205    —RELEASED, Both journalists were.
20091127—20091205    alfatomega.com/20091205.html
20091204             dass man "im Geist" des abgelaufenen Vertrages weiterarbeiten wolle und die Bestimmungen von START—I auch —NACH—DEM 20091205             zu respektieren gedenke.
20091204—20091205    —ON, The weekly Addis Neger newspaper, often CRITICAL—OF—GOVERNMENT—POLICIES, published its last edition —BEFORE SOME—OF—ITS—STAFF fled the country for FEAR—OF—ARREST.
20091205             AUTHOR—OF—THE—MORATORIUM... 20090510             , MISS—MEYLAND. stated that the water. authority had not... www.northshorelandalliance_org
20091205             AUTHOR—OF—THE—MORATORIUM -... 20090510             , MISS—MEYLAND.
20091205             WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, 20080523             —COMMITMENTS for CYPRUS,
20091205             —POSTED—BY: Ann |20091204             ,2009 at 00006 PM
20091205             ROBERT—STICKGOLD, neurocientista cognitivo de Harvard, que não participou do estudo, observou que os pesquisadores não reproduziram frases...
20091205             Vestibular1 - O Portal Número 1—EM Vestibular.
20091205             porque durante essas horas o nosso cérebro conecta dados
20091205             —MIXED, THE—ONLY "" reactions are THAT—OF—THE—USA—MEDIA.
20091205             THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD has no problem with it.
20091205             And contrary to USA—EXPECTATIONS, juries are very rarely sequestered even in THE—USA;
20091205             and 'reasonable doubt' is called by MANY—NAMES as 1—CONCEPT and it is waht ever the jury thinks it is.
20091205             Der größte Feind sei der "Genosse Spaltpilz.
20091205             Er sagt: Hauptsache, ich kriege den Genossen erfolgreich klein".
20091205             Gut, das wird —JETZT niemanden überraschen, insbesondere wenn er die Mails mal gelesen hat und nicht nur aus 2. Hand RECHTSAUßEN—HYSTERIE wiedergibt.
20091205             Das spannendere Detail ist aber, dass die Strategie insgesamt aufgeht: Der Effekt lässt sich —NUN beobachten.
20091205             Der saudische Unterhändler MOHAMMAD—AL—SABBAN sagte —AM—DONNERSTAG, die Affäre mache klare CO2-Ziele auf dem Gipfel unmöglich.
20091205             Die Mails zeigten ja, dass "es keinen Zusammenhang zwischen menschlichen Aktivitäten und dem Klimawandel" gebe.
20091205             Ich bin mir sicher, die Herren Klima"skeptiker" werden 1—HERLEITUNG finden,
20091205             wie der saudische Unterhändler FREI—VON—ÖLINDUSTRIE—INTERESSEN rein wissenschaftlich zu dieser Erkenntnis gelangt ist.
20091205             Laut Berlusconi handelt es sich um die "Nummern 2—UND 3—DER Cosa Nostra".
20091205             Berlusconi solle sich kurz vor dem Einstieg in die Politik mit den Verbrechern verbündet haben.
20091205             Kritisiert wurde vor allem, dass mehr über Berlusconis Skandale gesprochen werde als über seine Politik.
20091205             Dies sei durchaus in der Absicht des Regierungschefs.
20091205             Unbeachtet unterminiere der Premier so die Verfassung und die Demokratie, sagte der SPRECHER—DER—VERANSTALTER, Massimo Malerbo aus CATANIA.
20091205             war die 1. über das INTERNET organisierte Kundgebung in ITALIEN.
20091205             ROM—RIESENAUFMARSCH in Rom: Bei einer Demonstration gegen die rechtsgerichtete REGIERUNG—VON—SILVIO—BERLUSCONI
20091205             sind —AM—SAMSTAG nach ANGABEN—DER—VERANSTALTER mehr als 350.000—MENSCHEN auf die Straße gegangen.
20091205             Die Kundgebung stand unter dem Motto "No Berlusconi —DAY" - mit 700—BUSSEN und 4—SONDERZÜGEN wurden die Demonstranten aus ganz ITALIEN
20091205             angekarrt.
20091205             Die Polizei sprach von 90.000—TEILNEHMERN.
20091205             ITALIENISCHE—GERICHTE haben Tanzi die Hauptschuld für den Kollaps des Milchkonzerns Parmalat —J—IM
20091205             —GESPROCHEN, Tanzi wurde der Marktmanipulation schuldig.
20091205             Er Tanzi hatte das Unternehmen als junger Mann GEGRÜNDET—ALS kleine Molkerei.
20091205             Dann baute er es zu einem Weltkonzern aus, nicht zuletzt mit Hilfe eines Korruptionsnetzes, das Politiker, Finanzentscheider und Journalisten einbezog.
20091205             Wenn Amanda und Raffaele mangels Beweisen freigesprochen worden wären,
20091205             hätte das die gesamte bisherige Arbeit der Justiz in Zweifel gezogen,
20091205             etwa die lange Untersuchungshaft, oder die Ergebnisse der (teilweise mehr als schlampigen Spurensicherung.
20091205             In den USA, wohl auch in DEUTSCHLAND, wären Amanda Knox und Raffaele Sollecito freigesprochen worden.
20091205             Von "öffentlicher Hinrichtung aufgrund schierer Spekulation" sprach JOHN—Q—KELLY, der Ankläger im O.-J.-SIMPSON—PROZESS.
20091205             maximale Transparenz.
20091205             Sonst werden uns die Vorwürfe der Klimaskeptiker ewig begleiten",
20091205             Der Kieler Meteorologe Mojib Latif wünscht sich einen besseren Zugang aller Forscher zu den Rohdaten,
20091205             die den Klimamodellen zugrunde liegen:
20091205             "Was wir brauchen, ist maximale Transparenz. Sonst werden uns die Vorwürfe der Klimaskeptiker ewig begleiten", sagte Latif.
20091205             Doppelter Fahndungserfolg: Hochrangige MAFIA—BOSSE festgenommen
20091205             ITALIEN: Blogger organisieren riesige Demonstration gegen Berlusconi
20091205             Fahnder bei EX—PARMALAT—CHEF: Italiens Polizei entdeckt Versteck mit 100—MILLIONEN—EURO—GEMÄLDESAMMLUNG
20091205             Kundenschwund: Lidl und Aldi erleiden Umsatzverluste
20091205             —GESCHLOSSEN, UFO—MELDESTELLE : Briten haben keine Angst mehr vor Außerirdischen
20091205             MILLIARDEN—SPARGUTACHTEN: Ministerberater fordern Subventionskahlschlag
20091205             Protest gegen Solarförderung: Wirtschaftsweiser bricht mit DEUTSCHER—ÖKOSTROMPOLITIK
20091205             Skandal um gehackte Mails: DEUTSCHE—KLIMAFORSCHER verlangen Reformen
20091205             —BESTELLT, Minarettverbot: IRAN, SCHWEIZER—BOTSCHAFTERIN ein
20091205             In seinem Wohnort Peine verkehrte Bachmann unter anderen mit dem FRÜHEREN—NPD—MANN WOLFGANG—SACHSE,
20091205             der mit ihm das Schießen übte und ihm Schusswaffen und Munition verkaufte.
20091205             Sachse bestätigt dem SPIEGEL, dass er Bachmann noch kurz vor dem Attentat Munition verkauft habe.
20091205             Entwicklungshilfe: Niebel will Steuer auf Finanztransaktionen verhindern
20091205             DATENSCHUTZ—AKTION: Telekom prüft Änderung von Millionen Kundennummern
20091205             Urteil in PERUGIA—PROZESS: Im Zweifel gegen die Angeklagte
20091205             MONSTER—DEFIZIT: EZB berät über GRIECHENLAND—FIASKO
20091205             Enthüllung durch STASI—AKTE: DUTSCHKE—ATTENTÄTER hatte Kontakt zu Neonazis
20091205             THOMSON—M&A tables spark a HUE and CRY—TELEGRAPH
20091205             2Q09 MA Financial Advisory Review - 2. QUARTER 20090000             .
20091205             FINANCIAL ADVISORS.
20091205             seen meeting with members of.... - GEORGIA—KONTOGIANNIS.
20091205             MEMBER—OF—NSLA'S. - Advisory BOARD, was an.
20091205             stated that the water. authority had not
20091205             Defendant: THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS—SEARCH—DOCKETS, [ Dockets ]
20091205             Justia FEDERAL—FILINGS—OTHER—STATUTES—RACKETEER Influenced and Corrupt Organizations
20091205             Minne et al v. Stroomberg et al. CA Eastern.
20091205             "Debt Resolve will integrate its online patented recovery and collection system and other 'best of breed' new technologies to the already successful FPC collection platform,
20091205             including enhanced IVR's, analytics and NEW—AGE messaging to embrace debtors in multiple channels.
20091205             RUSSLAND: Mehr als 100—TOTE bei Explosion in Nachtclub
20091205             Evolution bei Vögeln: Fütterung beeinflusst ENTWICKLUNG—DER—ARTEN
20091205             "Was wir brauchen, ist maximale Transparenz. Advisory BOARD, was an.
20091205             AUTHOR—OF—THE—MORATORIUM—DANN baute er es zu einem Weltkonzern aus,
20091205             Der saudische Unterhändler MOHAMMAD—AL—SABBAN sagte —AM—DONNERSTAG, FINANCIAL ADVISORS.
20091205             MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS REVIEW Worldwide M&A Declines 40% to USA$941—BILLION l Goldman Sachs Tops Rankings l
20091205             GEORGIA—KONTOGIANNIS, Lisa DiPinto,
20091205             Gut, das wird —JETZT niemanden überraschen, In den USA, wohl auch in DEUTSCHLAND,
20091205             —JETZT gibt es auch 0—EURO—JOBS.
20091205             Kurzes Update zu dem KLIMA—EMAIL—HACK: MICHAEL—SERVOS—OF—BELLEAIR BEACH,
20091205             Minne et al v. Stroomberg et al.
20091205             MISS—MEYLAND. stated that the water.
20091205             Nature findet nicht, dass die Emails 1—VERSCHWÖRUNG aufgedeckt hätten.
20091205             Regierungschef Silvio Berlusconi bestätigte Medienberichte,
20091205             ROBERT—STICKGOLD, neurocientista cognitivo de Harvard,
20091205             2. QUARTER 20090000             . - - SARAH—J—MEYLAND, a new.
20091205             MEMBER—OF—NSLA'S.
20091205             —WHIPPED, So the only 'controversy' is the the fake 1, up by THE—USA—MEDIA which can't even be bothered to accurately report the court proceedings and evidence!
20091205             Sonst werden uns die Vorwürfe der Klimaskeptiker ewig begleiten", sagte Latif.
20091205             Unbeachtet unterminiere der Premier so die Verfassung und die Demokratie,
20091205             Und das heißt: Alle noch so zaghaften Versuche der vergangenen —JAHRE,
20091205             Von "öffentlicher Hinrichtung aufgrund schierer Spekulation" sprach JOHN—Q—KELLY,
20091205             authority had NOT—DAS Politiker, Finanzentscheider und Journalisten einbezog.
20091205             der Ankläger im O.-J.-SIMPSON—PROZESS.
20091205             die Affäre mache klare CO2-Ziele auf dem Gipfel unmöglich.
20091205             die strenge Planwirtschaft zu liberalisieren, sollen 1—ENDE finden.
20091205             insbesondere wenn er die Mails mal gelesen hat und nicht nur aus 2. Hand RECHTSAUßEN—HYSTERIE wiedergibt.
20091205             nicht zuletzt mit Hilfe eines Korruptionsnetzes,
20091205             que não participou do estudo, observou que os pesquisadores não reproduziram frases...
20091205             sagte der SPRECHER—DER—VERANSTALTER, Massimo Malerbo aus CATANIA.
20091205             wonach in PALERMO und in Mailand gleich 2—HOCHRANGIGE Bosse des organisierten Verbrechens gefasst wurden.
20091205             wären Amanda Knox und Raffaele Sollecito freigesprochen worden.
20091205             BESTÄTIGT—ES
20091205             —CONDUCTED, THE—DEFENSE—ADVANCE—RESEARCH—PROJECTS—AGENCY (DARPA), 1—EXPERIMENT challenging teams —AROUND the country to locate the submit the correct geographic coordinates of 10—WEATHER—BALLOONS in return for a $40,000 cash prize.
20091205             —PARTICIPATED, Over 4,000 teams, and the winning answer came —AFTER—8—HOURS and —56—MINUTES.
20091205             —PLAYED, Social networking sites, 1—MAJOR—ROLE in the game theory simulation.
20091205             RILEY—CRANE, 1—POST doc research fellow at MIT—MEDIA—LAB, led the winning team using 1—ELABORATE—INFORMATION gathering pyramid.
20091205             —KILLED, OHIO, 1—BARN fire, 2—WORKERS and 43—HORSES at 1—HARNESS racing track in LEBANON.
20091205             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIALS said USA—MARINES and AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS have, at least 7—TALIBAN fighters in Operation COBRA—ANGER in Helmand province.
20091205             —KILLED, In EAST—AFGHANISTAN 1—USA—SERVICE—MEMBER was, by 1 planted bomb.
20091205             —WELCOMED, AUSTRALIA, a 90—BILLION dollar (82—BILLION USA) deal to supply liquefied natural gas (LNG) to 1—JAPAN—POWER—COMPANY in what is believed to be the country's biggest export sales contract.
20091205             —ALIENATED, His controversial works in metal, paint and pencil, as much as attracted the public.
20091205             EQUATORIAL—GUINEA, GENERAL—SEKOUBA—KONATE, THE—NUMBER 2—OF—THE—MILITARY junta, returned to the country overnight, helping fill 1—DANGEROUS—POWER vacuum —AFTER THE—PRESIDENT was shot by his top aide and evacuated for emergency treatment.
20091205             HAITI, FRANCESCO—FANTOLI, —54—JAHRE—ALT, 1—ITALY—JOURNALIST, was mortally wounded by gunmen who may have tried to rob him outside 1—BANK—IN—PORT—AU—PRINCE.
20091205             —FOUNDED, He —RECENTLY, 1—SOCCER school in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—JACMEL, where he often lived.
20091205             —LAUNCHED, INDONESIA, 1—ECUMENICAL—GROUP, more than 10,000 twinkling paper lanterns into the night sky above Carnaval Beach in JAKARTA, setting 1—WORLD—RECORD.
20091205             Freedom Faithnet Global said it organized the lantern release as 1—SYMBOL—OF—HOPE and prayer as PART—OF—ANNUAL—CELEBRATIONS.
20091205             —GATHERED, ITALY, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, in ROME for "No Berlusconi —DAY," 1—GATHERING born on THE—INTERNET to protest against Premier Silvio Berlusconi.
20091205             —CONVICTED, ITALY—POLICE found, Mafioso GIANNI—NICCHI (28), alleged to be Cosa NOSTRA—NUMBER 2—LEADER, hiding in 1—APARTMENT in PALERMO.
20091205             —ARRESTED, Authorities in Milan, GAETANO—FIDANZATI (74) as he strolled down 1—STREET.
20091205             —REPUTED, Fidanzati is 1, longtime Cosa Nostra boss of 1—PALERMO crime clan and has been 1—FUGITIVE —FOR—2—YEARS.
20091205             —SEIZED, ITALY—TAX—POLICE said that they had, works by VAN Gogh, Picasso, Cezanne and other GIANTS—OF—ART in 1—CRACKDOWN on assets hidden by Calisto Tanzi, the disgraced founder of the collapsed dairy company Parmalat.
20091205             —EXPELLED, MOROCCO, 5—FOREIGN—CHRISTIAN missionaries for holding "undeclared meetings" in the mainly Muslim NORTH—AFRICA—KINGDOM.
20091205             —INCLUDED, They were PART—OF—1—GROUP that also, 12—MOROCCANS, who were freed the same —DAY.
20091205             —TORCHED, WEST—NEPAL, HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS, vehicles and vandalized shops —AFTER 3—PEOPLE † in clashes between police and illegal forest settlers.
20091205             —PLACED, THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—GLORIA—MACAPAGAL—ARROYO, Maguindanao province under martial law.
20091205             —SPARKED, RUSSIA, 1—BLAZE, by onstage fireworks tore through the Lame Horse nightclub ceiling covered in decorative twigs and plastic sheeting, killing at least 136—PEOPLE and critically injuring about 90 in the industrial CITY—OF—PERM in the Ural Mountains.
20091205             It was the country's deadliest fire —SINCE THE—FALL—OF—THE—SOVIET—UNION.
20091205             —REACHED, By —LATE—DECEMBER the death toll, 152 with 74—PEOPLE still hospitalized.
20091205             —SENTENCED, He was, to —9—YEARS and —10—MONTHS in prison.
20091205             SUDAN—DARFUR, region 2—RWANDA—PEACEKEEPERS were shot dead and 1 wounded, in the 2. deadly attack on their contingent in —24—HOURS.
20091205             —CAPTURED, THE—NEXT—DAY 1—FORMER—DARFUR rebel group, 3—GUNMEN who allegedly killed THE—5—RWANDA—PEACEKEEPERS.
20091205             —WATCHED, TAIWAN—RULING party lost ground in closely, local elections described by analysts as 1—TEST—OF—CHINA—FRIENDLY—PRESIDENT—MA—YING—JEOU—PERFORMANCE—DURING—19—MONTHS in office.
20091205             Der größte Feind sei der "Genosse Spaltpilz. Er sagt: Hauptsache, ich kriege den Genossen erfolgreich klein".
20091205             Kurzes Update zu dem KLIMA—EMAIL—HACK: Nature findet nicht, dass die Emails 1—VERSCHWÖRUNG aufgedeckt hätten.
20091205             Das spannendere Detail ist aber,
20091205             dass die Strategie insgesamt aufgeht : Der Effekt lässt sich —NUN beobachten.
20091205             Ich bin mir sicher, die Herren Klima"skeptiker" werden 1—HERLEITUNG finden, wie der saudische Unterhändler FREI—VON—ÖLINDUSTRIE—INTERESSEN rein wissenschaftlich zu dieser Erkenntnis gelangt ist.
20091205             ES—REGIERUNGSCHEF Silvio Berlusconi bestätigte Medienberichte, wonach in PALERMO und in Mailand gleich 2—HOCHRANGIGE Bosse des organisierten Verbrechens gefasst wurden.
20091205             ROM—RIESENAUFMARSCH in Rom: Bei einer Demonstration gegen die rechtsgerichtete Regierung von
20091205             Silvio Berlusconi sind —AM—SAMSTAG nach ANGABEN—DER—VERANSTALTER mehr als 350.000—MENSCHEN auf die Straße gegangen.
20091205             ITALIEN angekarrt.
20091205             Der NORDKOREA—SPEZIALIST RÜDIGER—FRANK—VON—DER—UNIVERSITÄT—WIEN spricht gar von einem "neokonservativen Trend".
20091205             Und das heißt: Alle noch so zaghaften Versuche der vergangenen —JAHRE, die strenge Planwirtschaft zu liberalisieren, sollen 1—ENDE finden.
20091205             Wenn Amanda und Raffaele mangels Beweisen freigesprochen worden wären, hätte das die gesamte bisherige Arbeit der Justiz in Zweifel gezogen,
20091205             Der Kieler Meteorologe Mojib Latif wünscht sich einen besseren Zugang aller Forscher zu den Rohdaten, die den Klimamodellen zugrunde liegen:
20091205             dem SPIEGEL—TROTZ mehrerer Hinweise in den Vernehmungen deckten die Ermittler des Attentates an RUDI—DUTSCHKE damals diese Zusammenhänge nicht konsequent auf.
20091205             In seinem Wohnort Peine verkehrte Bachmann unter anderen mit dem FRÜHEREN—NPD—MANN WOLFGANG—SACHSE, der mit ihm das Schießen übte und ihm Schusswaffen und Munition verkaufte.
20091205             Bündnispläne: LINKEN—CHEF—BISKY schließt Fusion mit SPD nicht aus
20091205             THOMSON—1—BANKER—THOMSON—FINANCIAL—THOMSON M&1—NEWS and Rumours.
20091205             THOMSON—MERGER—NEWS is 1—NEW—SERVICE which delivers timely news insight and analysis on ANY—DEAL involving 1—EUROPEAN target.
20091205             2. QUARTER 20090000             . - - - FINANCIAL ADVISORS.
20091205             STELIOS PALOUNGOS—OF—NEW—YORK, NY USA... news.pseka_net
20091205             DLJ Mortgage Capital, INCORPORATED v. Kontogiannis et al - 000008cv04607 ...
20091205             Other STATUTES—RACKETEER Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Cases...
20091205             Justia FEDERAL—FILINGS—OTHER—STATUTES—RACKETEER Influenced and Corrupt Organizations... Minne et al v. Stroomberg et al.
20091205             CA Eastern. Mendez... dockets.justia_com
20091205             Bombardement bei Kunduz: USA—KAMPFPILOTEN warnten schärfer vor Luftangriff als —BISHER bekannt
20091205             † † ? 1—BRAND in 1—RESTAURANT mit Tanzbetrieb, sterben im RUSSISCHEN—PERM 155—BESUCHER.
20091205—20010000    zugewiesen, der unter Milliardenschulden zusammenbrach.
20091205—20010000    —VERLOREN, Tausende kleine Anleger, ihr Erspartes.
20091205—20030000    —REPORTED, It was, that USA—FEDERAL—REGULATORS have approved THE—USE—OF—THE—NAME—CALISTOGA as 1—APPELLATION for vintners in CALISTOGA—CALIFORNIA JAMES—BARRETT, proprietor of the Chateau Montelena winery, had begun petitioning the Treasury DEPARTMENT for the name.
20091205—20060000    —SINCE, Nicchi, 1—FUGITIVE, was convicted —LAST—YEAR—OF—EXTORTION and sentenced to —18—YEARS in prison.
20091205—20081113    Defendant: THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS, GEORGIA—KONTOGIANNIS, Lisa DiPinto,
20091205—20081113    Defendant: THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS,
20091205—20091123    —IN—THE, Government troops were reported to have taken Andal Ampatuan SENIOR, the former provincial GOVERNOR, into custody for his clan's role massacre that left 57—DEAD.
20091205—20130000    —IN, club owner Anatoly Zak was convicted of creating conditions that violate safety regulations.
20091208—20091205    —SINCE, He was the 2. student from the Autonomous UNIVERSITY—OF—CHIHUAHUA to be killed.
20091215—20091205    —IN—THE, ELIZABETH KUMBA Simbiqa Torto said she wants 1—NEW—ELECTION because she believes the officials' decision barring her from running Kono District election is discriminatory.
20091218—20081205    11:41, Sem Comentários ".
20091218—20081205    O Algarve não estar a conseguir escapar às ondas de choque da crise financeira mundial.
20101205             —INCLUDED, They, OPRAH Winfrey, Beatle PAUL—MCCARTNEY, DANCER—CHOREOGRAPHER BILL—T—JONES, country singer Merle Haggard, and Broadway COMPOSER—JERRY—HERMAN.
20101205             † DON—MEREDITH (72), 1—OF—THE—MOST recognizable figures of the early DALLAS Cowboys and 1—ORIGINAL—MEMBER—OF—ABC'S "—MONDAY Night Football" broadcast team.
20101205             AFGHANISTAN, 1—TALIBAN suicide bomber blew himself up next to 1—STRING—OF—SHOP stalls inside THE—EAST—GARDEZ army base, killing 2—NATO—SERVICE—MEMBERS and at least 2—CIVILIANS.
20101205             † 1—UK—SOLDIER was killed —DURING 1—OPERATION in THE—NAD—E ALI—DISTRICT—OF—HELMAND province.
20101205             —SUSPECTED, Supporting fire from 1—USA—AIRCRAFT was.
20101205             4—AFGHANISTAN—ELECTION—COMMISSION—EMPLOYEES were arrested in 1—SIGN that the political intrigue over —SEPTEMBER—FRAUD—TAINTED parliamentary election is not over.
20101205             —WRAPPED, ARGENTINA, Spanish and PORTUGUESE—SPEAKING nations, up their annual meeting by adopting 1—PROVISION threatening exclusion for ANY—MEMBER—COUNTRY that doesn't abide by democratic process.
20101205             MIKE—HANCOCK, —64—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—BRITISH—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS—DEFENSE—COMMITTEE, and the European Security and Defense ASSEMBLY—OF—THE—WEST—EU, said that his RUSSIA—ASSISTANT, Katia Zatuliveter (25), is facing deportation as 1 suspected spy.
20101205             † In SOUTH—WEST—CHINA at least 22—PEOPLE and 1—PERSON was severely burned —WHEN 1—SPREADING grassland fire swept through 1—MOUNTAINOUS—TIBETAN region.
20101205             COLOMBIA—OFFICIALS said 1—LANDSLIDE —FOLLOWING—WEEKS—OF drenching rains has buried more than 50—HOMES in the northwest.
20101205             —RECOVERED, Rescue workers soon, 47—BODIES.
20101205             —REMAINED, As many as 80—PEOPLE, missing and feared dead.
20101205             EGYPT held runoff parliamentary elections.
20101205             PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK—RULING party won 1—SWEEPING victory —AFTER THE—2—MAIN—OPPOSITION—GROUPS decided to boycott in protest of alleged fraud in the 1. round.
20101205             MUBARAK—PARTY won 420—OF—508—SEATS in parliamentary polls.
20101205             1—SHARK tore the arm off 1—ELDERLY—GERMANY—TOURIST at 1—EGYPTIAN—RED—SEA—RESORT, killing her almost —IMMEDIATELY, only days —AFTER sharks badly mauled 4—OTHER—EUROPEAN tourists in the waters.
20101205             —CLAIMED, IRAN, it could —NOW use domestically mined uranium to produce nuclear fuel, giving the country complete control over 1—PROCESS—THE—WEST—SUSPECTS is geared toward producing weapons.
20101205             1—ISRAEL—FIRE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIAL said the huge forest fire in ISRAEL—NORTH is under control.
20101205             —BURNED, The fire, HALF—OF—1—OF—ISRAEL—LARGEST wooded areas over —4—DAYS.
20101205             42—ISRAELIS were killed in the fire.
20101205             —PLOWED, SOUTH—ITALY, 1—SPEEDING car, HEAD—ON into 1—GROUP—OF—CYCLISTS, killing 8—OF—THEM.
20101205             Police said the driver had been smoking marijuana.
20101205             —ARMED, MEXICO, commandos attacked 2—DRUG—REHABILITATION—CENTERS in CIUDAD—JUAREZ, killing 4—PEOPLE and wounding 5.
20101205             —ACKNOWLEDGED, NIGERIA—MILITARY, that raids in pursuit of 1 alleged gang leader in the main OIL—PRODUCING region may have killed civilians, but insisted only militants were targeted.
20101205             —REPORTED, RUSSIA—NEWS, that 1—PROTON rocket and its payload of 3—GLONASS—M navigation satellites has fallen into the Pacific Ocean —AFTER failing to reach orbit.
20101205             They were to be PART—OF—RUSSIA—SATELLITE—NAVIGATION—SYSTEM competing with THE—USA—GLOBAL Positioning System (GPS).
20101205             The mishap eventually cost space CHIEF—ANATOLY—PERMINOV his job.
20101205             —HIJACKED, Suspected SOMALIA—PIRATES, the M.V. Jahan Moni, 1—BANGLADESH—SHIP carrying nickel ore in the Arabian Sea and appeared to be headed to the lawless EAST—AFRICA—NATION.
20101205             —INCLUDED, THE—25—BANGLADESHIS on the cargo ship, THE—WIFE—OF—1—CREWMAN.
20101205             FORMER—SOUTH—AFRICA—LEADER—THABO Mbeki sought to mediate 1—END to 1—DISPUTE over IVORY—COAST—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION that has threatened to trigger unrest in the divided WEST—AFRICA—NATION.
20101205             —ELECTED, VENEZUELA, voters in several regions, governors in 2—STATES and mayors in 11—MUNICIPALITIES, including the country's 2.—LARGEST city.
20101205             1—OPPOSITION—CANDIDATE won the mayorship of VENEZUELA—2.—LARGEST CITY—OF—MARACAIBO.
20101205             —CAPTURED, Candidates from CHAVEZ—RULING party, 7—OF—THE—11—MAYORSHIPS and 1—STATE.
20101205—20020000    —SINCE, He was the 346. death among UK—FORCES and CIVIL—DEFENSE—WORKERS in AFGHANISTAN.
20101205—20101215    —ON, the military said 14—PEOPLE, including 8—SOLDIERS and 6—CIVILIANS, were killed —DURING the operation targeting 1—NOTORIOUS—GANG—LEADER.
20101205—20110314    —RELEASED, THE—MONI was, followed 1—RANSOM said to be $4.2—MILLION.
20101205—20111129    —ON, 1—SPECIAL—IMMIGRATION—TRIBUNAL ruled that Zatuliveter can remain in BRITAIN because she does not pose 1—THREAT to national security.
2011020212050000     More from IAN—PANNEL at Tahrir Square:
201102041205         #Tahrir" : AL—JAZEERA reporting that Arab League HEAD—AMR—MOUSSA, who said —EARLIER he'd consider running for the presidency, has joined protesters in Tahrir Square.
20110216—20121205    —PLEADED, Wielsch, guilty to stealing drugs and robbing prostitutes.
20110501—20111205    —ON, The benchmark DHAKA Stock Exchange GENERAL (DGEN) index hit 1—HIGH—OF—8918.51—POINTS—LAST—YEAR—BEFORE plunging to —AROUND 5,200 points in —2—MONTHS—GUTTING—HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SMALL—INVESTORS.
20111202—20111205    —ON, The girl's body was found in 1—TRASH container and she appeared to have been severely beaten and sexually AS—SAULTED.
20111205             THE—USA—SAID it is vacating the Shamsi air base in PAKISTAN used by USA—DRONES that target Taliban and AL—QAIDA militants, complying with 1—KEY—DEMAND made by ISLAMABAD in retaliation for THE—NATO—AIRSTRIKES that killed 24—PAKISTAN—SOLDIERS.
20111205             1—TEAM led by astronomers at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY, reported the discovery of 2—GIGANTIC—BLACK—HOLES, each 1 10—BILLION times the mass of our sun, in clusters of elliptical galaxies more than 300—MILLION—LIGHT—YEARS away.
20111205             ANGELA—ZHANG, —17—JAHRE—ALT of Cupertino, Ca, won a $100,000 scholarship, at the Siemens FOUNDATION—ANNUAL—HIGH—SCHOOL—SCIENCE—COMPETITION, for research that created 1—TINY—PARTICLE she likened to a "SWITZERLAND—ARMY—KNIFE—OF—CANCER—TREATMENTS" because of its precision in targeting cancer tumors.
20111205             Rachelle Grimmer (38), TEXAS woman who —FOR—MONTHS was unable to qualify for food stamps, pulled 1—GUN in 1—STATE—WELFARE—OFFICE and staged a —7-HOUR standoff with police that ended with her shooting her 2—CHILDREN—BEFORE killing herself.
20111205             The children, a —10—YEAR—OLD—BOY and a —12—YEAR—OLD—GIRL, remained in critical condition.
20111205             † Both children, of their wounds.
20111205             SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—MINIBUS FULL—OF—CIVILIANS struck 1—ROADSIDE bomb, setting off 1—EXPLOSION that killed 5—PASSENGERS in Uruzgan province.
20111205             —ABDUCTED, Militants, 11—AFGHANISTAN—POLICEMEN —DURING 1—AMBUSH in Wardooj DISTRICT—OF—BADAKHSHAN province.
20111205             2—POLICEMEN were killed and 4—OTHERS wounded —DURING the kidnapping.
20111205             —NAMED, ALBERT—II—KING—OF—BELGIUM, Elio Di Rupo as THE—PRIME—MINISTER ending 1—RECORD—541—DAYS the country has gone without 1—GOVERNMENT.
20111205             Di Rupo will be the 1. FRENCH—SPEAKING PRIME—MINISTER in nearly —40—YEARS.
20111205             —ARRESTED, BRAZIL—POLICE, 1—MAN suspected in the shooting deaths of 8—MEN over the past —2—MONTHS.
20111205             —ARRESTED, Ronis de Oliveira Bastos (22) was, on the outskirts of SAO—PAULO —WHILE riding 1—BICYCLE and armed with a.38 caliber revolver.
20111205             —KILLED, CAMEROON, 15—PEOPLE were, and 40 were seriously injured in 1—BUS—CRASH in the northwest.
20111205             FRANCE, Greenpeace activists broke into the Electricite de FRANCE—NOGENT—SUR—SEINE plant.
20111205             —ARRESTED, EDF said 9—PEOPLE were.
20111205             —REACHED, FRANCE and GERMANY, 1—COMPROMISE agreement to seek mandatory limits on budget deficits among DEBT—LADEN European governments.
20111205             —GRANTED, WikiLeaks FOUNDER—JULIAN—ASSANGE was, permission to apply to ENGLAND—HIGHEST—COURT in his —YEAR—LONG—BATTLE to block his extradition to SWEDEN over rape and sexual assault allegations.
20111205             —HEADED, EGYPT—VOTERS, to the polls —FOR—2—DAYS—OF—RUNOFFS in the country's 1. parliamentary elections —SINCE Hosni MUBARAK—OUSTER.
20111205             —CAPTURED, Islamist parties have already, 1—OVERWHELMING MAJORITY—OF—THE—VOTES in the 1. round.
20111205             —LAUNCHED, PARIS—FRANCE, 1—ELECTRIC—CAR sharing program with 250—VEHICLES.
20111205             3000—VEHICLES were planned for the program over the next —2—YEARS.
20111205             IRAQ, 5—BOMB—ATTACKS targeting Shiite pilgrims SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD killed some 30—PEOPLE and wounded nearly 100—OTHERS —DURING Ashura, 1—IMPORTANT—RELIGIOUS—RITUAL for the Muslim sect.
20111205             —ANNOUNCED, IRELAND—EXPENDITURE—MINISTER—BRENDAN—HOWLIN, $2.9—BILLION in spending cuts to help reduce the country's debt.
20111205             Budget cuts will close 31—POLICE—STATIONS—AROUND the country.
20111205             —BOMBED, KENYA military jets, 2—AL—SHABAB camps in SOMALIA, killing 1—UNKNOWN—NUMBER—OF—MILITANTS.
20111205             5—AL—SHABAB fighters on 1—BOAT attacked 1—KENYA—NAVAL—VESSEL.
20111205             The navy sunk the attacking boat.
20111205             1—ROADSIDE bomb exploded in KENYA—LARGEST—REFUGEE—CAMP—NEAR the border with SOMALIA, killing 1—POLICE—OFFICER and wounding 3.
20111205             —ARMED, In THE—PHILIPPINES several, men abducted WARREN—RODWELL, —53—JAHRE—ALT—OF—AUSTRALIA from his home in the seaside TOWN—OF—IPIL on Mindanao ISLAND, then fled on speed boats.
20111205             —MAILED, The kidnappers, 4—PICTURES—OF—RODWELL —BEFORE Christmas to his THE—PHILIPPINES—WIFE then called her to demand 1—INITIAL ransom of $23,000 (1—MILLION pesos).
20111205             —RAISED, The ransom was soon, to $2—MILLION.
20111205             RUSSIA, PRIME—MINISTER—VLADIMIR—PUTIN—PARTY saw its majority in PARLIAMENT weaken sharply, according to preliminary election results.
20111205             —POINTED, INTERNATIONAL observers, to procedural violations and serious INDICATIONS—OF—BALLOT stuffing —AFTER 1—CAMPAIGN slanted in favor of United RUSSIA.
20111205             —ALLOWED, Only 7—PARTIES were, to field candidates for PARLIAMENT —THIS—YEAR, —WHILE the most vocal opposition groups were barred from the race.
20111205             SCOTLAND—ARTIST—MARTIN—BOYCE, —44—JAHRE—ALT, whose works include 1—MODERNIST reworking of 1—LIBRARY—TABLE and artificial trees, won BRITAIN—TURNER—PRIZE at 1—CEREMONY in Gateshead, NORTH—EAST—ENGLAND.
20111205             SLOVENIA, preliminary results show Positive SLOVENIA, 1—CENTER—LEFT party, defeated the favored conservatives.
20111205             SOUTH—AFRICA GLOBAL, Witness said it has left THE—KIMBERLEY—PROCESS, accusing THE—INTERNATIONAL diamond regulatory GROUP—OF—REFUSING to address links between diamonds, violence and tyranny.
20111205             —CITED, The rights watchdog, what it called failures in IVORY—COAST, VENEZUELA and ZIMBABWE.
20111205             —DUMPED, SYRIA, 36—BODIES were, in THE—STREETS—OF—HOMS.
20111205             —AGREED, Syria, to allow Arab League observers but demanded that the Arab League scrap recent decisions taken against DAMASCUS, including economic sanctions and suspending the country from the Arab League —WHEN 1—PROTOCOL allowing observers is signed.
20111205             —TOUGHENED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, SANCTIONS—AGAINST—ERITREA which neighboring governments accuse of plotting terrorist attacks and supporting SOMALIA—ISLAMIST—REBELS.
20111205             VIETNAM officials said more than 100,000—PEOPLE have been killed or injured by land mines or other abandoned explosives —SINCE THE—VIETNAM—WAR ended nearly —40—YEARS—AGO, and clearing ALL—OF—THE—COUNTRY will take decades more.
20111205             THE—USA used about 16—MILLION—TONS—OF—BOMBS and ammunition —WHILE allied with THE—FORMER—SOUTH—VIETNAM government.
20111205             —KILLED, YEMEN, 2—WOMEN were, and 6—PEOPLE were wounded —WHEN PRESIDENT—SALEH—FORCES fired on 1—CROWD—OF—ANTI—REGIME—PROTESTERS in Taez.
20111205—19910000    —INDICATED, The results also, that women won 28—OF 90—SEATS, the most —SINCE the country gained INDEPENDENCE from THE—FORMER—YUGOSLAVIA.
20111205—20080000    —RULED, The world court, that GREECE was wrong to block MACEDONIA—BID to join NATO because of 1—LONG—RUNNING dispute over the fledgling country's USE—OF—THE—NAME—MACEDONIA.
20111205—20090000    —REPORTED, NASA scientists, that 1—PLANET dubbed Kepler22b, 1. detected, exists in 1—HABITABLE—ZONE—OF—1—SOLAR—SYSTEM—600—LIGHT—YEARS away.
20111205—20111023    —ARRESTED, MAURITANIA—POLICE said they have, 2—WEST—SAHARAN men suspected of kidnapping 1—ITALIAN and 2—SPAIN—AID—WORKERS in ALGERIA.
20111205—20111128    —IN—THE, JOHANNESBURG police fired rubber bullets to break up 1—GROUP—OF—DEMONSTRATORS gathered in FRONT—OF—THE—RULING—ANC party headquarters to protest SOUTH—AFRICA'S alleged involvement in fraud election in the Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO.
20111205—20111216    —FREED, THE—11—POLICEMEN were, and some 2—DOZEN suspected insurgents were arrested.
20111205—20130323    —RELEASED, Rodwell was.
20111205—20140000    —VOWED, THE—USA and other nations, to keep supporting AFGHANISTAN —AFTER most foreign forces leave the country.
20111205—20150515    —ON, JUN—MALBAN, 1—FORMER—THE—PHILIPPINES—POLICEMAN and cousin of 1—OF—THE—NATION—TOP—ISLAMIC—MILITANTS, was deported from MALAYSIA back to THE—PHILIPPINES for his role in the abduction.
20120102             SAUDI—ARABIA said it will begin enforcing 1—LAW that allows only females to work in women's lingerie and apparel stores, effective 20121205             .
20120713—20121205    —ON, it was reported that hunters had found THE—BODIES—OF—THE—GIRLS in 1 wooded AREA—OF—BLACK—HAWK—COUNTY.
20121205             1—DER aktivsten SPITZEN—FUNKTIONÄREDER NPD in THÜRINGEN ist V—MANN des VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZES gewesen.
20121205             2,5—MILLIONEN—REKORD: So VIELE—STUDENTEN gab es noch nie in DEUTSCHLAND
20121205             ANTI—SEMITISMUS: So judenfeindlich sind DIE—DEUTSCHEN
20121205             Abholzung: AMAZONAS—GEBIET hat Wald von der Fläche GROß—BRITANNIENS verloren
20121205             Aus Versehen: POLNISCHE—BAU—ARBEITER reißen FRANZÖSISCHES—SCHLOSS ab
20121205             BRÜSSEL: SERBISCHER—NATO—BOTSCHAFTER stürzt in den TOD—BOBBIE Cleave is putting off buying a...
20121205             DIE—LESER zahlen mehr, also sollen auch die Werbetreibenden mehr zahlen?
20121205             Für weniger Leser? Das ist ja mal 1 ...
20121205             Da bleibt also nur 1—ERKLÄRUNG: Klarer FALL—VON—SELBSTMORD.
20121205             Das —BISHER, ÄLTESTE bekannte DINOSAURIERfossil ist den Angaben zufolge 230.000.—000—JAHRE—ALT.
20121205             Döpfner geht davon aus, daß mit der Einführung der Bezahlschranke auch die ANZEIGEN—PREISE steigen werden, weil im WerbeMARKT erfahrungsgemäß 1—ZAHLENDER Leser mehr wert sei als 1—NICHT zahlender.
20121205             EURO—KRISE, FINNLAND rutscht in die Rezession
20121205             Fiscal cliff fears put Americans on edge
20121205             Fossile Knochen: Hinweise auf ältesten DINO—SAURIER der Welt
20121205             Herzversagen: JAZZ—LEGENDE—DAVE—BRUBECK ist tot
20121205             Hohes HAUSHALT—DEFIZIT: SLOWAKEI schafft "Flat tax"ab
20121205             ISRAEL—AUSSEN—MINISTER: Lieberman sagt Gespräche in BERLIN ab
20121205             Jüdische Gemeinde BERLIN: Joffe beklagt ANTI—SEMITISMUS unter Schülern
20121205             KONJUNKTUR—PROGNOSE: CHINAs Wachstum zieht wieder an
20121205             Lebensversicherungen: ALLIANZ kürzt ÜBERSCHUSS—BETEILIGUNG
20121205             Luftfahrt-, RÜSTUNGS—KONZERN, BERLIN und PARIS teilen MACHT bei EADS auf
20121205             Marode Bauwerke: Eisenbahnbundesamt stellt SICHERHEITS—MÄNGEL an Brücken fest
20121205             Milinkovic galt als besonders freundlich und stets gut gelaunt.
20121205             Mundhygiene: Ärzte streiten über Nutzen professioneller Zahnreinigung
20121205             ONLINE—EINKAUF: DEUTSCHE—POST will LEBENS—MITTEL verschicken
20121205             PHILIPPINEN: Mehr als 270—TOTE nach Taifun "Bopha"
20121205             PREIS—ABSPRACHEN, EU verhängt MILLIARDENbuße gegen TV—HERSTELLER
20121205             —PAVED, Path to cliff, with good intentions
20121205             Psychologie: Männergesichter verraten Hang zur Untreue
20121205             RECHTS—EXTREMISMUS: Erfurter EX—NPD—CHEF—ARBEITETE als V—MANN
20121205             SCHWEIZ: RECHTS—POPULIST Maurer zum BUNDES—PRÄSIDENTEN gewählt
20121205             STAATS—KRISE—IN—ÄGYPTEN: Schwere Straßenschlachten erschüttern KAIRO
20121205             —BESTELLT, Siedlungsbau im WEST—JORDAN—RAND: EU, ISRAELISCHEN—BOTSCHAFTER 1
20121205             Sprudelnde Gewinne, USA—BANKEN verdienen so viel wie vor DER—KRISE
20121205             Stimmt die Einschätzung der Wissenschaftler, sind die DINO—SAURIER IM—BEREITS Mitteltrias aufgetaucht, im Obertrias hätten sie sich dann rasch über DIE—ERDE ausgebreitet.
20121205             Straßenkämpfe in ÄGYPTEN: Die blutigste —NACHT—SEIT der REVOLUTION—THE current outcry over the fiscal cl...
20121205             TRANSPARENCY—INDEX: GRIECHENLAND wird zum korruptesten Land der EU
20121205             USA—GROß—BANK: CITIGROUP streicht 11.000—ARBEITSPLÄTZE
20121205             Verschärfte AUFSICHT—CHINA will Vorabkontrolle von SMARTPHONE—APPS—WATSON zufolge wollte JAPAN
20121205             —VERLÄNGERT, Wirtschaftsflaute: BUNDES—REGIERUNG, Kurzarbeitergeld
20121205             Zu Lebzeiten von NYASASAURUS—WAREN ALLE—HEUTE bekannten Kontinente zum Superkontinent Pangäa vereint.
20121205             [l] 1—BÜRO—VON—GOLDEN—DAWN in ATHEN fiel 1—BRAND—BOMBE zum Opfer.
20121205             [l] DIE—HOLLÄNDER setzen auf den TROJANER—EINSATZ noch 1—DRAUF und wollen den explizit auch im Ausland einsetzen.
20121205             [l] Das wird euch —JETZT sicher genauso überraschen wie mich:
20121205             [l] Döpfner dreht frei, vergleicht Google mit 1—HEHLERBANDE.
20121205             [l] SERBISCHER—NATO—BOTSCHAFTER stürzt vom Parkdeck in den Tod.
20121205             ÄGYPTEN—MURSI kehrt nach MASSEN—PROTESTEN in PRÄSIDENTEN—PALAST zurück
20121205             ökonomische Erholung: GRIECHISCHER—PREMIER rechnet 20130000             mit Wende
20121205             —KLIMA—GIPFEL—KATAR: Der EMIR—KAUFT sich 1—INSTITUT
20121205             —KLIMA—GIPFEL—KATAR: Der EMIR—VON—KATAR kauft sich 1—INSTITUT
20121205             —KONFERENZ—VON—DOHA: OBAMA verspielt KLIMASCHUTZ—KREDIT
20121205             —KRISE—IN—ÄGYPTEN: MACHT—PROBE vor dem Palast des Präsidenten
20121205             —NEUE—MISSION 20200000             : NASA schickt "Curiosity"-Zwilling zum Mars
20121205             —SEIT, —JAHR—ZEHNT en kämpft er gegen "wissenschaftlichen"Walfang und SHARK—FINNING, bei dem Haien die Flossen abgehackt werden.
20121205             —FILED, ARGENTINA, complaints with the World Trade Organization (WTO) over trade barriers it blames for keeping its beef and lemons out of THE—USA and blocking biodiesel sales to EUROPE.
20121205             —REPORTED, It was, that BRAZIL—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—AGENCIES have begun "Operation Purification" against alleged corruption iwthin the police force in RIO—DE—JANEIRO state.
20121205             —RULED, CANADA, 1—COURT, that TORONTO Mayor ROB—FORD can stay in power pending 1—APPEAL—OF—1—CONFLICT—OF—INTEREST ruling that ordered him out of his job as LEADER—OF—CANADA—BIGGEST city.
20121205             Ford won his appeal.
20121205             —CLASHED, EGYPT—PRESIDENT—MOHAMMED—MORSI—SUPPORTERS and opponents, outside the presidential palace in CAIRO, pelting EACH—OTHER with rocks and fighting with sticks.
20121205             —KILLED, At least 5—PEOPLE were.
20121205             —ARRESTED, GUATEMALA police, software company FOUNDER—JOHN—MCAFEE for entering the country illegally, ending his bizarre weekslong journey as 1—BLOGGING fugitive claiming to be persecuted by authorities in BELIZE.
20121205             INDONESIA, JAKARTA police spokesman COLONEL—RIKWANTO said ANY—POLICE—OFFICER over 100kg (220—POUNDS) must follow 1—WEIGHT—LOSS—PROGRAM started because of the growing number of overweight officers and the perception that they are unable to provide public protection.
20121205             IRAN, 1—MAGNITUDE 5.5—EARTHWUAKE hit SOUTH—KHORASAN province —LATE—TODAY.
20121205             —KILLED, At least 6—PEOPLE were.
20121205             KENYA—LEWA—WILDLIFE—CONSERVANCY said that 2—MALE—BLACK rhinos and 2—FEMALE—BLACK rhinos were killed over the weekend.
20121205             THE—4—DEATHS brought LEWA—RHINO population to 71. KENYA had about 600—RHINOS in total.
20121205             LEBANON, gunmen loyal to opposite sides in neighboring SYRIA—CIVIL—WAR battled in THE—STREETS—OF—TRIPOLI where —2—DAYS—OF—FIGHTING killed at least 5—PEOPLE and wounded 45.
20121205             The 148m (485-foot) Baltic Ace sank —AFTER colliding with the 134m (440-foot) container ship Corvus J in darkness near busy shipping lanes some 65—KILOMETERS (40—MILES) off THE—COAST—OF—THE—SOUTH—NETHERLANDS.
20121205             5—BODIES were recovered and 6—OTHERS remained missing.
20121205             —RALLIED, NORTH—IRELAND, more than 1,500 Protestants, in the northern suburb of Carrickfergus demanding that THE—UK—FLAG be restored atop BELFAST—MUNICIPAL—HEADQUARTERS.
20121205             —DESCENDED, The protest soon, into attacks on riot police.
20121205             —RAMMED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—PAIR—OF—SUICIDE—BOMBERS, their truck filled with explosives into the gate of 1—ARMY—CAMP, killing 3—SOLDIERS and wounding more than 20 in Wana, SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20121205             —ANNOUNCED, THE—PASSENGER—RAIL—AGENCY—OF—SOUTH—AFRICA, that it has accepted a $5.8—BILLION deal with FRANCE—COMPANY—ALSTOM SA to refurbish the nation's passenger trains.
20121205             —RANKED, Transparency INTERNATIONAL—UGANDA at 130—OUT—OF—176—COUNTRIES.
20121205             1—AUDACIOUS—SCAM in which up to $13—MILLION in donor money was embezzled in THE—OFFICE—OF—UGANDA—PRIME—MINISTER has brought several European donors to freeze aid to UGANDA.
20121205—20100000    —IN—THE, 1—SOUTH—AFRICA—JUDGE—SENTENCED—XOLILE—MNGENI, the triggerman honeymoon SLAYING—OF—SWEDEN—BRIDE ANNI—DEWANI, to life in prison, calling the shooter "1—MERCILESS and evil person" who deserved the maximum punishment for his crime.
20121205—20100308    —ON, 1—SOUTH—AFRICA—JUDGE—SENTENCED—HIP—HOP star Molemo Maarohanye, best known by his stage name Jub Jub, and Themba Tshabalala, to —25—YEARS each in prison for the killings of 4—SCHOOLCHILDREN in 1—DRAG—RACE—CRASH.
20130405—20131205    —ON, 1—COURT—IN—MEDAN sentenced 14—ROHINGYA to —9—MONTHS in jail for the role in the deadly brawl.
20131108—20131205    —NAMED, SERGEANT—ALEXANDER—BLACKMAN was, —AFTER 1—JUDGE dismissed his claim that his identity should be protected for his own safety.
20131205             Na Sigoreng 20141028—20141204    —RECOVERED, The bodies of the last 5—MINERS were.
20131205             Na Sigoreng 20131204             20131205             Nahezu unangefochten herrscht der ANC
20131205             "1—HANDY muss zur Ortung im Mobilfunknetz des Anbieters eingeloggt sein.
20131205             "DIE—WAHL unseres neuen BISCHOFs sollte dabei endlich öffentlich und nicht länger GEHEIM sein", findet der DIACON Hanno Weinert, 1—DER Initiatoren.
20131205             "Wir sind überzeugt", heißt es in dem Schreiben, "dass es zur Freiheit, zur Würde und zu den Aufgaben 1—JEDEN Getauften gehört, mitzutragen und mitzubestimmen, wer DIE—KIRCHE leitet".Diese Beteiligung der KATHOLIKEN sei 1—WESENTLICHES Kriterium für DIE—GLAUB—WÜRDIGKEIT der Kirche und ihrer Botschaft.
20131205             "Wovon FRANZISKUS—I—PAPA in ROM spricht, wollen wir —JETZT umsetzen"
20131205             "Wovon FRANZISKUS—I—PAPA in ROM spricht, wollen wir —JETZT umsetzen", sagt 1—SPRECHER—DER—GRUPPE.
20131205             des Grundgesetzes ARTIKEL—20, Absatz 4.
20131205             1—GRUND für den Erfolg in CHINA sehen FINANZ—EXPERTEN im CHINESISCHEN—FINANZ—SEKTOR, der sehr strengen Kontrollen unterworfen ist.
20131205             Ach, das stimmt doch gar nicht.
20131205             An DATEN 1—MOBILFUNKANBIETERS im Ausland könnte DIE—NSA über mehrere Wege kommen:
20131205             Anhand der POSITIONS—DATEN—VON—GERÄTEN im Umfeld 1—CIA—AGENTEN will DIE—NSA errechnen können, ob dieser von Unbekannten verfolgt oder begleitet wurde.
20131205             Befindet sich das Handy 1—BEREITS überwachten ZIEL—PERSON öfter am gleichen Ort wie 1—WEITERES Handy, könnte auch dessen Besitzer das Interesse der NSA wecken.
20131205             DAS—REGIME biedert sich beim Staatsfeind Nummer 1 an.
20131205             DER—RICHTER—FOLGT—DEM—STAATS—ANWALT nicht, sondern verhängt lebenslänglich: Die Angeklagten jubeln wie nach 1—FREISPRUCH, hatten sie doch UNTEREINANDER—VEREINBART, gegen 1—TODES—URTEIL keine Berufung einzulegen, sondern sich dem Henker zu überantworten.
20131205             DIE—"KIRCHE—KÖLNINITIATIVE", die den Appell verfasst hat
20131205             DIE—DATEN würden unter anderem genutzt, um die Bewegungen von VERDÄCHTIGEN zu verfolgen, Verbindungen zu anderen aufzudecken und sogar, um —BISHER, unbekannte —VERDÄCHTIGE Personen aufzuspüren.
20131205             DIE—DATEN... - DIE—IDEE dahinter ist 1—ZAHLUNGSVERKEHR, der unabhängig von Regierungen und NOTEN—BANKEN funktioniert.
20131205             DIE—NSA kann erfassen, wenn 1—NUTZER sein Mobiltelefon wechselt.
20131205             DIE—NSA—ANALYSE—SOFTWARE errechnet die Reisegeschwindigkeit bestimmter Endgeräte in Funkzellen und gleicht diese Informationen mit den dort verfügbaren TRANSPORT—MÖGLICHKEITEN ab, um den möglichen Aufenthaltsort einzugrenzen.
20131205             DIE—WAHL 1—NEUEN BISCHOFs, heißt es in dem OFFENER—BRIEF—AN—DEN PAPA und das DOM—KAPITEL—KÖLN, dürfe nicht länger "nur auf den Schultern einiger weniger"lasten, sondern müsse "von allen mitgetragen werden".Praktisch könnte das bei der —SCHON—ANFANG des nächsten —JAHRES anstehenden Neuwahl 1—BISCHOFS so aussehen:
20131205             "DIE—CA—2.000.000—KATHOLIKEN im ERZ—BISTUM—KÖLN könnten direkt oder indirekt", etwa "durch Wahlmänner UND—FRAUEN wählen".
20131205             DIE—WASHINGTON—POST berichtete
20131205             —ZITIERT, DIE—WASHINGTON—POST, aus 1—NSA—PAPIER, demzufolge 2—FIRMEN sogar die "physischen SYSTEMe"des GEHEIM—DIENSTES zum Abzweigen der DATEN verwalten.
20131205             DIE—WÄHRUNG kann auf HANDELS—PLATTFORMEN IM—NETZ mit Währungen wie EURO oder $ gekauft werden.
20131205             Dafür ist MANDELA 1—LEBEN lang dankbar: "Von der Herkunft war ich zum Herrscher geboren, aber Sisulu half mir zu begreifen, daß meine wahre Berufung war, dem Volk zu dienen".
20131205             Das der angekündigte und provozeite ÜBERWACHUNGS—STAAT—VON—ORWELL so schnell Realität wird, hätte die kühnsten Menschen nicht einmal im TRAUM erwartet!
20131205             Das alles dient der MACHT der Herrschenden!
20131205             Das klingt zu schön, um wahr zu sein!
20131205             Gerade dem Kölschen Klüngel, der sich so skrupellos bei seinen katholischen ERB—PACHTNEHMERN bedient traue ich das überhaupt nicht zu!
20131205             Dass er —HEUTE—BIS für Benedikt arbeitet, BEGRÜNDETe GÄNSWEIN damit, daß er dem damaligen JOSEPH—RATZINGER—TREUE "in vita et in morte", in Leben und Tod, gelobt habe.
20131205             Demokratie braucht Privatheit
20131205             Der BRITISCHE—PREMIER—DAVID—CAMERON hatte —BEREITS KURZ—NACH, der Todesmeldung AUF—TWITTER gesagt: "1—GROßES Licht in der Welt ist erloschen.
20131205             Der so generierte Datenwust ist auch deshalb so wertvoll, weil er es den Analysten des GEHEIM—DIENSTES ermöglicht, mit statistischen Methoden sogar zuvor unbekannte Ziele zu identifizieren.
20131205             —DER—HEUTE—BIS im Gästehaus des VATIKAN wohnende FRANZISKUS—I—PAPA habe ihm dann aber erklärt, er werde in DER—PAPAWOHNUNG trübsinnig und wolle "unter Leuten"leben.
20131205             Doch es sind nicht allein die politischen Verdienste, die DIE—WELTWEITE "Mandelamania"BEGRÜNDETen, sondern
20131205             Doch es sind nicht allein die politischen Verdienste, die DIE—WELTWEITE "Mandelamania"BEGRÜNDETen, sondern auch sein Charisma, seine Milde und GLEICHZEITIG seine Beharrlichkeit.
20131205             Er war AFRIKAs Freiheitsheld und SÜD—AFRIKAS 1. schwarzer PRÄSIDENT.
20131205             Ereignet hatte sich das Schiffsunglück —BEREITS Ende —MAI.
20131205             GÄNSWEIN arbeitet sowohl für seinen LANG—JÄHRIGEN—CHEF, den emeritierten PAPA Benedikt, als auch für dessen Nachfolger FRANZISKUS.
20131205             —IRRITIERT, HAMBURG—PAPA—SEKRETÄR GEORG—GÄNSWEIN war 1. sehr, über die demonstrative Missachtung des Protokolls durch FRANZISKUS.
20131205             DEUTSCHLAND, werden die POSITIONS—DATEN—VON—MOBILTELEFONEN von Ermittlern anders erfasst: Ermittler können in bestimmten Fällen mit richterlicher Anordnung (bei Gefahr im Verzug auch ohne) 1—HANDY orten lassen.
20131205             In die NETZWERKE—DER—FIRMA einbrechen, wie das BRITISCHE—GCHQ in ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT—MIT—DER—NSA beim BELGISCHEN—PROVIDER Belgacom tat.
20131205             Ist der Zeitgeist von PIUS—IX—PAPA Ihr Vorbild mit seiner Enzyklika, usw.?
20131205             Jene, die MANDELA einmal trafen, berichten von 1—ENTWAFFNENDEN Fähigkeit, sich auf sein Gegenüber einzulassen,
20131205             Jene, die MANDELA einmal trafen, berichten von 1—UNERSCHÜTTERLICHEN Selbstsicherheit.
20131205             MANDELA Seine Aufrichtigkeit verlieh MANDELA Autorität.
20131205             MANDELA galt als Chiffre für Güte und Weisheit.
20131205             MANDELA hatte wegen seines Kampfs GEGEN—DIE—RASSENTRENNUNG in SÜD—AFRIKA —WÄHREND—27—JAHRE, im Gefängnis gesessen.
20131205             MANDELA sei um 2050—UHR im Kreise seiner Familie verstorben, sagte Zuma weiter.
20131205             MANDELA seine Milde und
20131205             MANDELA war nie 1—PAZIFIST, neben die Strategie des zivilen Ungehorsams gegen DAS—REGIME traten ATTENTATe, nicht gegen Menschen, sondern gegen symbolische Gebäude, auf die Infrastruktur der Weißen.
20131205             —GEBOREN, MANDELA, 19180000             , ist in 1—SYSTEM aufgewachsen, in dem 1—KLEINE weiße Minderheit die schwarze Mehrheit unterdrückte.
20131205             Möglich dürfte so etwas allerdings nur dann sein, wenn DIE—BEHÖRDEN vorher Zugriff auf das jeweilige Handy hatten und darauf 1—SPIONAGE—SOFTWARE installieren konnten.
20131205             Möglich wird das durch die Auswertung gewaltiger Datenmengen mit statistischen Methoden.
20131205             NELSON—MANDELA ist tot
20131205             Nicht einmal im Traum
20131205             Offenbar arbeiten mehrere MOBILFUNK—FIRMEN mit der NSA zusammen.
20131205             Pater Mertes glaubt an 1—ERFOLG des Vorhabens, "weil keine einzige dogmatisch relevante Aussage durch den Vorschlag tangiert ist".
20131205             Sie wird in einigen Geschäften und Restaurants als ZAHLUNGS—MITTEL akzeptiert.
20131205             —FORDERUNGEN, Sollten die, der KÖLNer Initiative Gehör finden, könne es nicht nur in KÖLN, sondern auch in den anderen BISTUMERn, in denen Neuwahlen anstehen "1—VORFREUDE auf den neuen BISCHOF geben und dafür weniger Heuchelei und hofschranziges Klatschen", so Mertes.
20131205             SÜD—AFRIKA: NELSON—MANDELA ist tot
20131205             —TAGE—SPÄTER, wurden Taucher der BERGUNGS—FIRMA DCN Diving zu dem Wrack geschickt.
20131205             Theoretisch hoffe man bei Schiffsunglücken immer auf 1—LUFTBLASE, in DER—MENSCHEN überlebt haben könnten, sagt der Bergungsexperte.
20131205             Unklar ist, ob DER—GEHEIM—DIENST sich auch mit weiteren, illegalen Methoden Zugang zu DATEN—VON—ANDEREN MOBILFUNK—FIRMEN verschafft.
20131205             Warum werden wohl Apps auf dem iPhone, in Android, etc.
20131205             Wenn der MOBILFUNK—PROVIDER Abrechnungsdaten mit anderen Firmen austauscht, dort DIE—INFORMATIONEN KOPIEREN—AUF legalem oder illegalem Weg.
20131205             Wenn die Firma DATEN zwischen Serverzentren über INTERNET—VERBINDUNGEN austauscht, diese Kommunikation gezielt an Netzknotenpunkten ABFANGEN—SO wie DIE—NSA es etwa bei den Verbindungen zwischen GOOGLE—RECHENZENTREN tut.
20131205             Wenn die —SCHON DATEN über uns sammeln, sollten wir vielleicht mal anfangen, auch DATEN über die MITARBEITER—BEI—NSA, GCHQ, VFS etc.
20131205             Wer hier meint, man müsse wichtig sein, um abgehört zu werden, versteht etwas Grundsätzliches nicht: es reicht —IN—ZUKUNFT, einmal "interessant"zu werden.
20131205             Wie machen DIE—USA—SPIONE das? Wo wohnt FRIEDRICH?
20131205             Zu den Unterstützern gehören neben den Pfarrern aus KÖLN auch EINIGE—PROMINENTE—PRIESTER wie der Stadtdekan von FRANKFURT—AM—MAIN, JOHANNes zu Eltz, der DIREKTOR—DES—JESUITENKOLLEGS in S—BLASIEN, Pater KLAUS—MERTES, der MÜNSTERaner KIRCHEN—RECHT ler THOMAS—SCHÜLLER oder Theologen wie NORBERT—METTE und PAUL—ZULEHNER.
20131205             Zudem gibt es in der langen KIRCHEN—GESCHICHTE durchaus Vorbilder.
20131205             aber was schlagen Sie vor, wenn unsere Regierung unsere GRUND—RECHTE nicht mehr schützt?
20131205             auch MANDELA sein Charisma,
20131205             es gibt die TKÜV: Verordnung über die technische und organisatorische Umsetzung von MAßNAHMEn zur ÜBERWACHUNG—DER—TELEKOMMUNIKATION (TELEKOMMUNIKATIONS—ÜBERWACHUNGSVERORDNUNG—TKÜV)
20131205             es ist nicht klar, wer Bitcoin URSPRÜNGLICH ins Leben gerufen hat.
20131205             könnten eigentlich komplett veröffentlicht werden.
20131205             macht —PRÄSIDENT—PIETER—WILLEM—BOTHA 19850000             das Angebot, MANDELA FREIZULASSEN—UNTER der Bedingung, er möge der Gewalt abschwören.
20131205             unter anderem
20131205             —ANFANG—AB, der achtziger —JAHRE liegt Wandel in der Luft.
20131205             —GLEICHZEITIG, MANDELA seine Beharrlichkeit.
20131205             —IM, ERZ—BISTUM—KÖLN regt sich Widerstand: —ANFANG des nächsten —JAHRES wird 1—NACHFOLGER für ERZ—BISCHOF—KARDINAL—JOACHIM—MEISNER gewählt.
20131205             —LAUT, Angabe mehrerer HANDELS—PLATTFORMEN ist CHINA der mit Abstand wichtigste MARKT für Bitcoin.
20131205             —MITTEN im Wahlprozess änderte er GEGEN—DIE—PROTESTE der damaligen MINISTER—PRÄSIDENTEN aus NORD—RHEIN—WEST—FALEN und RHEIN—LAND—PFALZ im Handstreich DIE—WAHLORDNUNG.
20131205             —NACHRUF auf NELSON—MANDELA: Held der Freiheit
20131205             —VOR—25—JAHREN hatte sich bei der Wahl Meisners 1—WAHRER EKLAT ereignet.
20131205             THE—USA—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT—SAID—DJAMEL—SAIID—ALI—AMEZIANE and Bensayah Belkecem, 2—ALGERIA—DETAINEES at THE—USA—PRISON—CAMP in GUANTANAMO Bay, have been repatriated despite protest from the prisoners who feared persecution.
20131205             THE—USA—FAST, food workers held some 100—RALLIES across the country calling for 1—INCREASE in the minimum wage from the current $7.25/hr.
20131205             1—STUDY by THE—USA—CENTERS for Disease Control and Prevention said water pollution at the Camp Lejeune military base in NORTH—CAROLINA has been linked to increased RISK—OF—BIRTH defects and childhood cancers.
20131205             —SIGNED, ILLINOIS GOVERNOR—PAT—QUINN, landmark legislation to reform the state's underfunded pension system.
20131205             The reforms cut benefits for most employees and retirees.
20131205             —THREATENED, Unions —IMMEDIATELY, 1—LAWSUIT.
20131205             —ANNOUNCED, AUSTRALIA and INDONESIA, that they would set up 1—HOTLINE as PART—OF—EFFORTS to repair relations —FOLLOWING MEDIA—REPORTS—LAST—MONTH that CANBERRA had spied on top INDONESIA—OFFICIALS.
20131205             —ERUPTED, Heavy gunfire, in BANGUI, THE—CAPITAL—OF—THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC.
20131205             —KILLED, FRANCE—TROOPS, several rebels who were bearing down on them in 1—PICKUP truck.
20131205             —STORMED, EX—SELEKA fighters, Amite Hospital and abducted at least 9—PATIENTS by gunpoint in front of horrified medical staff.
20131205             The bodies of 11—YOUNG—MEN were —LATER found —JUST outside the hospital.
20131205             —KILLED, Over 280—PEOPLE were, in the violence in BANGUI.
20131205             —REPATRIATED, ETHIOPIA said it has, over 100,000 citizens from SAUDI—ARABIA, —FOLLOWING 1—VIOLENT—CRACKDOWN against illegal immigrants in THE—OIL—RICH—KINGDOM.
20131205             IRAQ, gunmen shot dead magazine EDITOR—KAWA—AHMED—GERMYANI, —32—JAHRE—ALT.
20131205             He was investigating corruption in the autonomous Kurdistan region.
20131205             —STORMED, Police, 1—MALL in KIRKUK killing 3—MILITANTS.
20131205             Attacks elsewhere in the country left 7—DEAD.
20131205             —ADOPTED, KENYA—LAWMAKERS, amendments to 1—CONTROVERSIAL—MEDIA—BILL despite 1—OPPOSITION—WALK out and INTERNATIONAL concern about press freedom.
20131205             LIBYA, unknown assailants shot 1—USA—TEACHER to death as he was jogging in BENGHAZI.
20131205             —RULED, MOLDOVA—CONSTITUTIONAL—COURT, that Romanian is —NOW the official language.
20131205             The language, basically the same as Romanian, had been renamed MOLDOVA—UNDER SOVIET—RULE.
20131205             MYANMAR—RANGOON—UNIV. reopened to undergraduates.
20131205             —EXPLODED, SOUTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—BOMB, outside 1—MOSQUE in Chaman, the main border town in SOUTH—WEST—BALUCHISTAN, killing at least 1—PERSON.
20131205             —SUSPECTED, RUSSIA said it has begun 1—CRIMINAL—INQUIRY into, child trafficking in THE—USA—FOLLOWING 1—REUTERS investigation which found that adopted children, SOME—BORN in RUSSIA, were being traded via THE—INTERNET.
20131205             HURRICANE—FORCE gusts hit SCOTLAND, causing 1—FATAL—TRUCK—ACCIDENT, halting all trains and leaving TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—HOMES without electricity.
20131205             —KILLED, SOMALIA, at least 8—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER rammed 1—CONVOY in the northern port of Bossasso, 1—PUNTLAND region harboring AL—QAEDA—LINKED Shebab insurgents where tensions are high AHEAD—OF—ELECTIONS in January.
20131205             —ORDERED, THE—SOUTH—AFRICA—CABINET, that 1—INTER—MINISTERIAL—TASK—TEAM—REPORT on the funding of controversial security upgrades to PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA—PRIVATE—HOME be released to the public.
20131205             SUDAN, 1—TRIBAL—DISPUTE on the border of the Darfur region killed 38—PEOPLE including 16—MAALIYA and 22—HAMAR tribesmen.
20131205             THE—SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said Jihadists in NORTH—SYRIA have kidnapped more than 50—KURDS in the past —3—DAYS.
20131205             —DETONATED, YEMEN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, his EXPLOSIVES—LADEN car at the Defense Ministry in SANAA, killing 18—SOLDIERS and wounding at least 40. Officials said 11—GUNMEN also were killed in 1—FIREFIGHT between troops and 1—CARLOAD of attackers who arrived —AFTER the blast.
20131205             Gunmen shot and killed 1—WESTERN—DOCTOR and 1—FILIPINA nurse in front of their colleagues in 1—HOSPITAL inside THE—COMPOUND—OF—THE—DEFENSE—MINISTRY.
20131205             Most of the attackers were SAUDI—ARABIA—NATIONALS.
20131205—19880000    —SINCE, It had been closed —FOLLOWING failed student uprisings.
20131205—19930000    —IN, He shared the Nobel Peace Prize.
20131205—19940000    —SEIT, Nahezu unangefochten herrscht der ANC über SÜD—AFRIKA, und der Ruf der alten KAMPF—ORGANISATION ist schwer lädiert.
20131205—19940000    —SEIT, über SÜD—AFRIKA, und der Ruf der alten KAMPF—ORGANISATION ist schwer lädiert.
20131205—20131221    —APOLOGIZED, YEMEN—BRANCH—OF—AL—QAIDA took responsibility and, for the attack on the hospital that killed 52—PEOPLE.
20131205—20150508    —ON, THE—STATE—SUPREME—COURT struck down the legislation saying it would leave pension promises diminished or impaired.
20140911             javascript:togglecomments('c6798950474471205181')
20141201             THE—OSCE said UKRAINE—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS and RUSSIAN—BACKED separatist forces in THE—LUHANSK region have agreed on 1—NEW—CEASE—FIRE to start 20141205             .
20141204—20141205    —CHARGED, ADEN was, with murder.
20141205             USA—GERICHT—URTEIL: Kein Persönlichkeitsrecht für MENSCHEN—AFFEN
20141205             NEW—YORK — Schimpansen sind unsere nächsten Verwandten.
20141205             Und doch sperren wir sie ein.
20141205             Um das zu ändern, reichten Tierschützer der Gruppe Nonhuman Rights Project Klage vor 1—USA—GERICHT ein.
20141205             Ihr Ziel: Persönlichkeitsrechte für Schimpansen.
20141205             Sie wollten damit erreichen, daß die PRIMATEN zumindest teilweise rechtlich dem Menschen gleichgestellt werden.
20141205             Doch ihre Klage wurde —JETZT abgewiesen.
20141205             "Dies ist unser nächster Schritt auf dem Weg zum Mars, und es ist 1—GROßER", sagte NASA—MANAGER WILLIAM—GERSTENMAIER vorab.
20141205             "Flussdeltas waren —SEIT jeher strategische Orte, an denen Menschen bevorzugt gesiedelt haben",
20141205             "Gburek hinterfragt seine eigene Rolle als Autor, indem er —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN im Gestaltungsprozess an 1 'Medium' abgibt", lobte die Jury.
20141205             "Ich zog in den Wald, weil ich den Wunsch hatte, mit Überlegung zu leben, dem eigentlichen wirklichen Leben näherzutreten, zu sehen, ob ich nicht lernen konnte, was es zu lehren hatte, damit ich nicht, wenn es zum Sterben ginge, einsehen müsste, daß ich nicht gelebt hatte".
20141205             "Schützt die Deltas der Erde", fordern DIE—FORSCHER.
20141205             "Zwarter Piet"in den NIEDERLANDEn: Bodyguards für den NIKOLAUS
20141205             1 in diesem Paper zitiertes Paper fasst zusammen: "The vulnerability is 1—RESULT—OF—SEDIMENT—COMPACTION from THE—REMOVAL—OF—OIL, gas and water from the delta's underlying sediments, THE—TRAPPING—OF—SEDIMENT in reservoirs upstream and floodplain engineering in combination with rising global sea level".Syvitski et al, sinking deltas due to human activities, 2009
20141205             ARBEITSMARKTBERICHT—DER—USA: Freudenfest an der BÖRSE
20141205             Als Ursache der raschen Verlandung hat DER—FORSCHER den Vorstoß der Türken nach EUROPA dingfest gemacht.
20141205             An der Mündung des Gelben Flusses in CHINA gehen —JAHR für —JAHR—CA—300—METER Land verloren.
20141205             Anders als die Mündungen der großen asiatischen Flüsse ist es vergleichsweise spärlich besiedelt.
20141205             Deshalb hat sich 1—PARADIESISCHE Wasserlandschaft erhalten, die von der Unesco zum WELT—NATUR—ERBE erklärt wurde.
20141205             ASSE—ATOM—MÜLL: Suche nach ZWISCHEN—LAGER —VORERST eingestellt
20141205             Auf 1—DER schwarzen WEBSITE—LISTEN sind offenbar auch die Seiten ccc.de und, beim Provider Vodafone, auch noch events.ccc.de gelandet.
20141205             Aus fürs Opelwerk: BOCHUM fährt die letzte Schicht
20141205             BRITEN werben um CHINESISCHE—TOURISTEN: BIG—BEN heißt Da BEN—ZHONG
20141205             Bei deder ANALYSE—VON—BODEN—PROBEN stellte Giosan fest, daß das Delta vor etwa —500—JAHREN—PLÖTZLICH, rasant zu wachsen BEGANN.
20141205             —BESTELLT, Besonders schlimm sei es um den MISSISSIPPI, sagt Giosan: "Ich habe —SCHON viel erlebt, aber das, was ich dort gesehen habe, hat mich wirklich schockiert".
20141205             CCC steht fuer Color Climax Corporation.
20141205             —GEFILTERT, Wer 1—WENIG googelt findet schnell RAUS—WARUM hier, wird!
20141205             CSU—VORSTOß: Migranten sollen zu Hause Deutsch sprechen
20141205             DAVID—CAMERON: Bloß nicht in den Whirlpool mit BERLUSCONI!
20141205             DIE—HÜTTE aus EUROPAletten sei "gleichzeitig Sitzbank, AUFENTHALTS—RAUMUND Regalsystem",
20141205             Dabei zeigt das Schaubild nur den Beginn der beängstigenden Entwicklung: Der Anstieg des MEERES—SPIEGELS wird den Landschwund künftig noch beschleunigen.
20141205             Deltas, sagt Giosan, lassen sich begreifen als Kampfstätten, an denen Land und Meer miteinander ringen.
20141205             —GEFÄHRDET, Das Anschwellen der Meere, besonders die großen Flussdeltas.
20141205             Sie sind Heimat von fast 1—HALBEN Milliarde Menschen.
20141205             Das Gericht BEGRÜNDETe seine Ablehnung damit, daß 1—SCHIMPANSE keine "Person"gemäß des sogenannten Habeas Corpus sei.
20141205             Das ZEIT—MUSTER der ausgesandten Stromstöße ähnele dem Muster der MOTONEURONEN—JENER Nervenzellen, die die Muskulatur —STEUERN—BEI der Muskelanspannung.
20141205             Der Zitteraal nutze sie wie 1—FERNBEDIENUNG, um die Muskelaktivität seiner Beutetiere zu —STEUERN.
20141205             Das zeigten regelmäßige Tests, die DIE—ORGANISATION Open RIGHTS—GROUP durchführt.
20141205             Dass ausgerechnet die Seiten des [CCC]CHAOS—COMPUTER—CLUBS, der sich stets für freien Netzzugang und gegen Filtermechanismen eingesetzt hat, —NUN zum OVERBLOCOPFER—KING—OF— werden, entbehrt nicht 1—GEWISSEN Ironie.
20141205             Der Begriff Habeas Corpus ("Du habest den Körper") wurde MITTELALTER—IM in Haftbefehlen verwendet.
20141205             Der Nil trägt 98% weniger Sedimente mit sich als —VOR—100—JAHREN, der MISSISSIPPI 69% weniger als zum ZEIT—PUNKT des 1.Dammbaus.
20141205             Der BRITISCHE—BOTSCHAFTER—LORD—ELGIN hatte
20141205             Dieses Prinzip ist auch in DER—USA—VERFASSUNG enthalten.
20141205             Doch —SCHON lange vor den Dammbauten wirkte DER—MENSCH auf dieses Delta ein:
20141205             Drama in Husum: POLIZEI erschießt bewaffneten Mann vor seinem Wohnhaus
20141205             EXPANSIONS—STRATEGIE, TAXI—SCHRECK Uber mit—DOLLAR bewertet
20141205             Einige knapp aufeinanderfolgende schwache Stromschläge dienten dazu, versteckte Beute aufzuspüren, schreibt CATANIA in der Wissenschaftszeitschrift "Science".
20141205             DIE—SIGNALE lösen bei den Beutefischen unwillkürliche Zuckungen aus und verraten so deren Versteck.
20141205             Erfolge gegen den "ISLAMISCHER—STAAT": Das "KALIFat"schrumpft
20141205             Gerade in Zeiten ökonomischer Krisen und im Zuge der SORGE—UM—UMWELTBELANGE entwickelten Architekten auf der ganzen Welt Bauten, die sich meist durch einfache Formen auszeichneten, sich mehr oder weniger in ihre Umgebung einpassten und häufig aus einfachen Materialien bestünden.
20141205             Giosan und seine Forscherkollegen haben DATEN über die Flussdeltas der Erde in 1—DIAGRAMM zusammengetragen.
20141205             —SCHRAFFIERT, Rot, ist darin jener Bereich, in dem der Zustrom an Sediment zu gering ist, um den Landfraß des Meeres zu kompensieren.
20141205             Und egal ob Amazonas, MEKONG—NIGER oder NIL—FAST ALLE—GROßEN—STRÖME—DER—WELT sind hier zu finden.
20141205             HAMBURG—AUF den Webseiten des deutschen [CCC]CHAOS—COMPUTER—CLUBS gibt es keine Pornografie.
20141205             DIE—SEITE ccc.de wird als Sprachrohr des VEREIN benutzt, dessen Mitglieder auch —SCHON das VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT und den BUNDES—TAG beraten haben.
20141205             Man kann sich dort über Veranstaltungen wie —DEN—JAHR—ZUM,S—WECHSEL anstehenden —CHAOS Communications CONGRESS in HAMBURG informieren, die Vereinszeitschrift "Datenschleuder"abonnieren oder für die KLUB—ARBEIT spenden.
20141205             Außer man ist Brite und hat seinen INTERNETzugang bei Vodafone oder dem Provider 3.
20141205             Handysicherheit, USA—SENATOR—WILL—HINTERTÜREN für FBI verbieten
20141205             ITALIEN: Standard & POOR—SETZT Kreditwertung herab
20141205             GROß—BRITANNIEN, werden Neukunden —SEIT—EINIGER—ZEIT bei der Einrichtung ihres INTERNETzuganges gefragt, ob sie wirklich auch Zugriff auf pornografische Inhalte haben möchten.
20141205             In der ENGLISCHEN—HABEAS—CORPUS—AKTE wurde 16790000             festgehalten, daß JEDE—VERHAFTUNG 1—ENGLISCHEN—UNTERTANEN BEGRÜNDET und von 1—RICHTER geprüft werden muss.
20141205             JEDE—ÜBERSCHWEMMUNG hinterlässt neues Schwemmland, JEDER—STURM raubt Terrain.
20141205             KORRUPTIONS—AFFÄRE—CHINAS KP lässt EX—SPITZENKADER festnehmen
20141205             Kommentar zur Wahl Ramelows: Krokodilstränen der KANZLERIN
20141205             Konjunktur: Industrie meldet Ansturm der Auftraggeber
20141205             Kritik POLNISCHER—INTELLEKTUELLER: "DIE—DEUTSCHEN fallen dem RUSSISCHEN—BÄREN um den Hals"
20141205             MEDIZIN—NOBEL—PREIS—TRÄGER Watson: Goldmedaille für 4.700.000—DOLLAR versilbert
20141205             MILITÄR: CHINA will Aufrüstung mit modernen Waffen beschleunigen
20141205             MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—WAHL—IN—THÜRINGEN: Ramelow scheitert im 1.WAHL—GANG
20141205             —MINUTEN—PROTOKOLL zur WAHL—IN—THÜRINGEN: Ramelow entschuldigt sich bei STASI—OPFERN
20141205             Meeresbiologie: Gelähmt vom Stromschlag des Zitteraals
20141205             Millionenerlös erwartet: SOTHEBY—VERSTEIGERT knapp 2—KG schweren weißen Trüffel
20141205             Neuer UMP—CHEF—SARKOZY kommt doch nicht zum CDU—PARTEI—TAG
20141205             —VERSCHWINDET, Ohne den Zustrom von Schlamm, das in Jahrtausenden aufgeschüttete Schwemmland in den Meeresfluten.
20141205             Ohnehin ist der Filter längst ausgedehnt worden: es werden auch thematische Bezüge zu Selbstmord, Waffen und Gewalt, Glücksspiel, Drogen, Alkohol und Tabak erfasst.
20141205             PROZESS—GEGEN—DEUTSCHEN—IS—KÄMPFER: "Mach, daß ich als Märtyrer falle"
20141205             RAZZIA—IN—BREMEN: POLIZEI schließt 1.IS—MOSCHEE in DEUTSCHLAND
20141205             Ramelows Zitterpartie in THÜRINGEN: Das ROT—ROT—GRÜNE Experiment
20141205             Regen spülte —DARAUFHIN die Böden ins Tal, der Fluss förderte den Schlamm —BIS ans SCHWARZE Meer.
20141205             ROT—ROT—GRÜN: Kauder will der SPD Ramelows Wahl "nicht so schnell vergessen"
20141205             Schwer wiegen die Worte des AMERIKANISCHEN—SCHRIFTSTELLERS und Philosophen HENRY—DAVID—THOREAU.
20141205             Straßenschlachten in HONGKONG: PROTEST—FÜHRER ruft zu zivilem Ungehorsam auf
20141205             Testflug geglückt: "Orion"-Kapsel landet im Pazifik
20141205             4. (H. Res.
20141205             758) would provide (pending 1—VOTE—IN—THE—SENATE) 1—DE—FACTO green light to THE—USA—PRESIDENT—AND—COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF to initiate —WITHOUT congressional approval— 1—PROCESS—OF—MILITARY—CONFRONTATION with RUSSIA.
20141205             UM—CA—60 % ist die Sedimentfracht des Flusses zurückgegangen, —SEIT—DER—MENSCH Dämme errichtet hat.
20141205             USA—STADT PHOENIX: POLIZIST erschießt unbewaffneten SCHWARZEn
20141205             Um Weiden für die Tiere zu schaffen, holzten sie die Berghänge ab.
20141205             Um darunterzufallen, müssten Schimpansen aus Sicht des Gerichts fähig sein, rechtliche Verantwortung und gesellschaftliche Pflichten zu übernehmen.
20141205             Und JEDER—AUFRECHTECHTE—GRÜNIN wird den Sekundentod sterben, wenn er "Experten"rausfinden lässt, warum die Paletten so lange halten und in der Regel in OST—EUROPA zusammengenagelt werden
20141205             —ENTSTANDEN, Und kaum war neues Land im Meer, kamen Menschen, um es zu besiedeln.
20141205             Unermüdlich speien die Flüsse Sand und Schlick aus und häufen sie zu Neuland auf, WÄHREND gleichzeitig die Wogen des Meeres an der frisch gebildeten Scholle nagen.
20141205             VERFASSUNGS—RICHTER—ÜBER—RICHTERGEHÄLTER: DER—STAAT spart möglicherweise an der falschen Stelle (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 07:24)
20141205             VOR—ALLEM aber komme es darauf an, im MÜNDUNGS—GEBIET selbst dafür zu sorgen, daß sich die Schwebstoffe im Wasser ablagern können.
20141205             —AKTIVIERT, Verneinen sie das, wird der standardmäßige Pornofilter, der dann auf Basis von schwarzen Listen Angebote aus dem Datenstrom herausfiltert.
20141205             Warme Meeresströmungen: Schelfeis und Gletscher der ANT—ARKTIS schwinden
20141205             —BEHERRSCHT, Wer das Delta 1—GROßEN Flusses, kann den FERN—HANDEL kontrollieren.
20141205             Wirtschaftsmisere in FRANKREICH: 3.600.000—MENSCHEN ohne vernünftige Wohnung
20141205             Zitteraale können ihre Beute mit elektrischen Signalen regelrecht FERN—STEUERN.
20141205             Zudem sind EUROPAletten grundsätzlich übelst chemisch behandelt, um den ungewollten Transport von Schädlingen zu verhindern.
20141205             —GEZIMMERT, Wäre die Hütte aus entsprechenden Brettern, worden, es wäre mit Sicherheit einfacher, ökologischer und Preiswerter geworden.
20141205             Dazu deutlich ästhetischer.
20141205             2. WAHL—GANG in THÜRINGEN: Bodo Ramelow zum MINISTER—PRÄSIDENTEN gewählt
20141205             [1]prominentes Opfer:
20141205             [l] Erinnert ihr euch NOCH—AN—DIE—MELDUNG, daß der BRITISCHE—PORNOFILTER —JETZT auch "TERROR—PROPAGANDA"filtert?
20141205             Da war eigentlich —SCHON klar, daß der Reihe nach missliebige Sites in ENGLAND aus der Realitätsblase des Landes verschwinden würden.
20141205             [l] Jemand hat die EQUIPMENT—LISTE aus dem PENTAGON—PROGRAMM befreit, das DIE—COPS IN—DEN—USA mit MILITÄRequipment berieselt hat.
20141205             Da kann man sich —JETZT durchklicken, nach POLIZEIrevier, was die so gekriegt haben, und in welchem Wert.
20141205             [l] Wegen des Verdachte, 1—INDISCHER—PHARMA—STUDIEN—OUTSOURCER habe die an sie vergebenen Studien gefälscht, droht —JETZT mehr als 100—GENERIKA der Entzug der Zulassung.
20141205             es lockten extrem fruchtbare Böden und 1—STRATEGISCH günstige Lage:
20141205             es sei durchaus möglich, Schlamm an Staudämmen vorbei zu spülen, erklärt der Deltakundler.
20141205             soll CAMERON laut 1—ZU seiner Frau gesagt haben: "Keine Sorge, ich werde den Whirlpool verlassen, bevor die Nutten auftauchen".
20141205             —AM, BEISPIEL—DER—DONAU untersucht.
20141205             —DENN, weil die muslimischen Eroberer kein Schweinefleisch ESSEN wollten, führten sie großflächig die SCHAF—ZUCHT ein.
20141205             —ETWA 20—PROZENT—DES—INDUS—DELTAS in PAKISTAN ist wegerodiert, die einst fruchtbaren Böden sind versalzen.
20141205             —KLIMA—WANDEL: GEFAHR—FÜR—DIE Deltas der Erde
20141205             —MITTE—DES—SEIT—SCHON, —LETZTEN—JAHRHUNDERTS schrumpfen VIELE—DELTAS, denn flussaufwärts halten Staudämme die Sedimente zurück.
20141205             —NEUEN—NASA—RAUMSCHIFF: "Orion"zum Jungfernflug gestartet
20141205             —REAKTIONEN—AUF—RAMELOW—WAHL: "THÜRINGEN ist 1—SIGNAL für den Bund"
20141205             —SCHON—SEIT—EINIGER—ZEIT besteht der Vorwurf, daß dabei immer wieder auch Seiten blockiert werden, die rein gar nichts mit Pornografie zu tun haben.
20141205             —SEIT, sich VOR—CA—7.—000—JAHREN der MEERES—SPIEGEL auf dem heutigen Niveau stabilisierte, ging zumeist DAS—LAND als Sieger aus dem Ringen der Elemente hervor.
20141205             —SEITHER, wuchern, wenngleich immer wieder von Stürmen zurückgedrängt, die Deltas von GANGES—KONGO, Jangtse oder DONAU langsam doch stetig ins Meer.
20141205             He will replace Chuck Hagel.
20141205             NASA—ORION spacecraft made its 1. test flight —FOLLOWING liftoff at FLORIDA—CAPE—CANAVERAL—AIR—FORCE—STATION.
20141205             —ENDED, The 4.—5—HOUR—TEST—FLIGHT, in the Pacific Ocean off MEXICO.
20141205             1—PHOENIX cop shot to death 1 unarmed black man —DURING 1—FIGHT and the authorities said the cop thought the person had 1—PISTOL.
20141205             —REPORTED, BILL—COSBY—STAR on THE—HOLLYWOOD—WALK—OF—FAME was, vandalized with graffiti.
20141205             LOS—ANGELES police were investigating the vandalism of comedian.
20141205             1—SAN—FRANCISCO court convicted police officers EDMOND—ROBLES—OF—5—FELONY charges and SERGEANT—IAN—FURMINGER guilty of 4 in 1—CASE related to officers stealing from drug dealers.
20141205             —REPORTED, It was, that S—FRANCISCO had accrued 1—BUDGET—SURPLUS—OF almost $22—MILLION for the last fiscal —YEAR.
20141205             THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE said that it's investigating several complains concerning THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—NEW—MEXICO—CONDUCT—OF reported sexual assaults & sexual PERSECUTION—OF—STUDENTS.
20141205             † FABIOLA (86), BELGIUM—DOWAGER QUEEN.
20141205             —SURVIVED, THE—SPANISH—BORN Fabiola, her husband, BAUDOUIN—KING—OF—, by —11—YEARS.
20141205             —ARRESTED, CHINA—AUTHORITIES, EX—DOMESTIC—SECURITY—CHIEF—ZHOU—YONGKANG and barred him from the ruling Communist Party.
20141205             1—FRENCH—USA—FUND announced it will pay THOUSANDS—OF—HOLOCAUST survivors and family members in THE—USA and elsewhere will be entitled to compensation from a $60—MILLION.
20141205             GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL shook hands with  AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—ASHRAF—GHANI and said her country will continue to support AFGHANISTAN —AFTER NATO combat troops pull out from the country.
20141205             —CROSSED, The rebels had, over from PAKISTAN—TERRITORY.
20141205             —RAPED, INDIA, Uber taxi driver SHIV—KUMAR—YADAV, a young female passenger (25) in NEW—DELHI.
20141205             Prosecutors at THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT withdrew their crimes against humanity charges against KENYA—PRESIDENT—UHURU—KENYATTA.
20141205             —VINDICATED, Kenyatta said he was "" —AFTER THE—ICC—DECISION.
20141205             —DECLARED, The government of MALDIVES, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY and has appealed for aid from INDIA, SRI—LANKA, THE—USA—AND—CHINA.
20141205             —DECLARED, MOHAMED—SHAREEF, 1—GOVERNMENT—MINISTER, said: "We have, 1—STATE—OF—CRISIS and also informed the shopkeepers to issue bottle water FREE—OF—CHARGE".
20141205             PAKISTAN, a 300-mile trench being built along the disputed border with AFGHANISTAN was reported to have completed 110—MILES in Baluchistan province.
20141205             —CONVICTED, RUSSIA, 1—COURT—IN—VOLGOGRAD, 4—MEN for their roles in the twin suicide bombings that killed 34—PEOPLE —1—YEAR—EARLIER.
20141205             † In SIERRA—LEONE 2—MORE—DOCTORS—OF—EBOLA bringing to 9 the number of local doctors killed by the disease.
20141205             —RESCUED, SPAIN—MARINE—RESCUE—SERVICE, 29—AFRICA—MIGRANTS from THE—33—FOOT—LONG—BOAT—AFTER finding it drifting in the Mediterranean Sea.
20141205             Some 23—MIGRANTS were swept away to sea.
20141205             —CONTINUED, SYRIA, clashes, for a 2. —DAY as IS militants pushed to capture THE—SYRIA—AIR—BASE at Deor EL—ZOUR.
20141205             † 30—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS and 27—JIHADISTS were said to have, so far.
20141205             30—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS was the founder of the corresponding education organization with headquarters in Lhasa, as well as the author of the trilingual dictionary (English, Chinese, Tibetan) "New Trilingual Dictionary" and 1—AUTOBIOGRAPHY titled "THE—STRUGGLE for Modern TIBET" (1. published 19990000             —IN by M.E. Sharpe).
20141205             UKRAINE PRESIDENT—PETRO—POROSHENKO said "If we give up DONETSK (airport), the enemy will be at Borispil or Gostomel or even in Lviv".
20141205—20140115    —ARRESTED, Police said 2—CAMEROON—MIGRANTS have been, for allegedly killing up to 10—OTHERS by pushing them from the boat into stormy waters in 1—FIGHT over 1—PRAYER—SESSION.
20141205—20150223    —SENTENCED, Furminger was, to —41—MONTHS in prison.
20141205—20150318    —SENTENCED, Robles was, to —39—MONTHS in prison.
20141205—20151103    —SENTENCED, Yadav was, to life in prison.
20141205—20210000    —VOR, 1 1.bemannter Flug in 1—ORION—KAPSEL ist nicht geplant.
20141208—20141205    —BANNED, INDIA, USA online RIDE—HAILING service Uber was, from operating in NEW—DELHI —AFTER 1—FEMALE—PASSENGER accused 1—OF—ITS—DRIVERS—OF rape.
20141230             1—SOUTH—KOREA—COURT—APPROVED—THE—ARREST—OF—CHO—HYUN—AH, —40—JAHRE—ALT, THE—DAUGHTER—OF—KOREAN—AIR—LINES' chairman and 1—FORMER—KOREAN—AIR—LINES—CO. executive, who delayed a 20141205             flight over 1—BAG—OF macadamia nuts.
20150404—20161205    —ON, 1—JUDGE declared 1—MISTRIAL —AFTER 1—JURY deadlocked in SLAGER—MURDER—TRIAL.
20151020             —CONVICTED—OF, INDIA, Uber taxi driver SHIV—KUMAR—YADAV was, raping 1—YOUNG—FEMALE—PASSENGER in the capital last 20151205             .
20151205             The arrests were made 20151117—20151201    —BETWEEN.
20151205             "Großartige Neuigkeiten!", twitterte KOLUMBIEN—PRÄSIDENT.
20151205             Aber es gab da 2—ANKLAGEPUNKTE.
20151205             Angeblich soll F. telefonisch und über soziale Netzwerke Kontakt zu EXTREMISTEN im In—, Ausland gehabt haben,
20151205             BUNDESWEHR—MISSION: GABRIEL bezweifelt —EINSATZ westlicher Bodentruppen in SYRIEN
20151205             Besonders republikanische PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTS—BEWERBER werfen OBAMA vor, nicht hart genug gegen den IS vorzugehen.
20151205             Bewacht wurden die mit Millionen, VIELE—TONNEN schweren Pesos beladenen Schatzschiffe von 3—SCHWER bewaffneten Geleitschiffen und 1—LEICHTEN KRIEG—SCHIFF.
20151205             BÖRSEngänge: Europäische IT—START—UPS hängen USA—FIRMEN ab
20151205             DIE—"S—JOSÉ"aber explodierte gegen 7—UHR —AM—ABEND und sank umgehend.
20151205             DIE—BIOGRAFIE der Angreifer wird auch mit Hilfe ausländischer NACHRICHTEN—DIENSTE durchleuchtet.
20151205             DIE—ENTSENDUNG der Einsatzkräfte sei ohne Zustimmung DER—IRAKISCHEN—REGIERUNG erfolgt, hieß es —AM—SAMSTAG in 1—ERKLÄRUNG—VON, MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—HAIDER—AL—ABADI.
20151205             DIE—ERMITTLER gehen von 1 "Selbstradikalisierung"der beiden Täter aus.
20151205             DIE—ERMITTLER hoffen, über 3—WEGE die Hintergründe des Attentats vollständig aufklären zu können.
20151205             DIE—FAHNDER fanden heraus, dass M.
20151205             —BEFINDET, DIE—MILLIONENSTADT, sich
20151205             DIE—MUNITIONS—LAGER leerten sich schneller, als sie wieder aufgefüllt werden könnten, sagte WALES—DEM USA—FERNSEHSENDER—CNN.
20151205             DIE—NEUEN ANGABEN—DER—AIR—FORCE zum Bombardement gegen den IS fallen in 1.Zeit, in der REPUBLIKANER USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA immer heftiger für seine ANTI—TERROR—POLITIK kritisieren.
20151205             DIE—REGIERUNG in BAGDAD forderte den sofortigen Abzug der TÜRKISCHEN—TRUPPEN.
20151205             DIE—REGIERUNG müsse —JETZT nicht nur DIE—FINANZIERUNG des aktuellen Kriegs sichern, sondern auch Mittel für "die Herausforderungen von —MORGEN"bereitstellen, sagte Welsh.
20151205             —BEGLEITET, DIE—SOLDATEN würden von 20—BIS 25—PANZERN, berichtete DIE—NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR Anadolu.
20151205             DIE—TÜRKEI kann die Aufregung offenbar nicht nachvollziehen.
20151205             DIE—TÜRKEI, die lange unter dem Verdacht stand, RADIKALE—REBELLEN—GRUPPEN im KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN—SYRISCHEN—MACHT—HABER—BASCHAR—AL—ASSAD zu unterstützen, hatte sich unter dem Druck ihrer Verbündeten im;;07;;der internationalen ANTI—IS—KOALITION angeschlossen.
20151205             DIE—USA—LUFTWAFFE warnt, dass ihre Munition im KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN—ISLAMISCHER—STAAT—ZUR—NEIGE gehen könnte.
20151205             Der AIR—FORCE—CHEF fordert, die WAFFEN—PRODUKTION rasch anzukurbeln und DIE—FINANZIERUNG des ANTI—TERROR—KAMPFS in SYRIEN und im IRAK aufzustocken.
20151205             Es war DIE—ZEIT des SPANISCHEN—ERBFOLGEKRIEGS, und dessen Treibstoff war Gold:
20151205             Fantasy crimes — even repellent, disgusting, unthinkable fantasy crimes worthy of universal condemnation — are not crimes, it said.
20151205             Globale Erwärmung: INDIEN gibt Industrieländern schuld an Überschwemmung
20151205             Ich glaube nicht, dass man sich da groß Hoffnung machen darf, dass so 1.Anzeige irgendwas ändert, aber das ist ja auch gar nicht der Hintergedanke.
20151205             Ihr Ziel war CARTAGENA, doch der Weg war verbaut.
20151205             USA—REGIERUNGSKREISEN, hieß es allerdings, DIE—TRUPPEN—BEWEGUNG erfolge nicht im Rahmen DER—USA—GEFÜHRTEN KOALITION.
20151205             KAMPF—GEGEN—IS: USA—LUFTWAFFE warnt vor leeren Munitionslagern
20151205             MOBBING—KLAGE—GEGEN—NESTLÉ: Unappetitliche Einblicke in 1—LEBENS—MITTEL—KONZERN
20151205             MOSSUL liegt gut 200—KM Luftlinie von DER—IRAKISCH—TÜRKISCHEN—GRENZE entfernt.
20151205             MOSSUL—IRAK fordert sofortigen Abzug TÜRKISCHER—TRUPPEN
20151205             Megakanal vom Roten Meer: Das Tote Meer wird wiederbelebt
20151205             Mehr als 100—TÜRKEI—SOLDATEN sind TÜRKISCHEN—SICHERHEITS—KREISEN zufolge in die nordirakische Region MOSSUL verlegt worden, um dort kurdische PESCHMERGA—KÄMPFER auszubilden.
20151205             Nur so könne man sicherstellen, dass man auch auf 1—LÄNGEREN Kampf vorbereitet sei.
20151205             OBAMA zu Anschlägen: "DIE—USA werden sich nicht terrorisieren lassen"
20151205             —BEGONNEN, PAKISTAN—BEHÖRDEN haben —BEREITS damit, Verwandte von M.
20151205             PRÄSIDENT—FOUAD—MASSOUM sagte, die Aktion verletzte INTERNATIONALES—RECHT.
20151205             —INVOLVIERT, SAUDI—ARABISCHE Behörden sind ebenfalls, ließen jedoch —BEREITS wissen, dass über M.
20151205             SYRIEN—EINSATZ DER—BUNDESWEHR: CDU—AUSSEN—POLITIKER kann sich Bodentruppen vorstellen
20151205             —GEFUNDEN, Schiffswrack S—JOSÉ: Der MILLIARDENschatz vor KOLUMBIEN ist
20151205             TÜRKISCHE—SOLDATEN sind —SEIT zweieinhalb —JAHREN in der autonomen Kurdenregion im NORD—IRAK stationiert.
20151205             Und DAS ist —SCHON mal 1—ECHT krasse Ansage für 1—USA—BERUFUNGSGERICHT.
20151205             Unter Schatzsuchern wird DIE—GALEONE als "Heiliger Gral unter den Schatzschiffen"gehandelt.
20151205             Vielleicht sollten wir das wirklich mal alle machen.
20151205             Zwischen der türkischen und DER—IRAKISCHEN—REGIERUNG wachsen die Spannungen.
20151205             [l] IN—DEN—USA gab es vor 1—WEILE 1—FALL—VON—1—POLIZISTEN aus NEW—YORK, der in 1—ONLINEFORMUM seine sexuellen Fantasien beschrieben hat, und die beinhalteten u.a.
20151205             [l] Mir haben mehrere Menschen Kopien ihrer Strafanzeigen wegen Vorbereitung eines ANGRIFFS—KRIEGES gegen SYRIEN unter Bruch des VÖLKER—RECHTS geschickt.
20151205             allerdings werden den Kontakten von SICHERHEITS—BEHÖRDEN laut NEW—YORK—TIMES nicht viel Bedeutung beigemessen, da sie —BEREITS einige —JAHRE zurückliegen.
20151205             —ANSCHLAG—VON—S—BERNARDINO: Das mysteriöse TERRORpärchen
20151205             —ANSCHLAG—VON—S—BERNARDINO: NEW—YORK—TIMES verurteilt laxes USA—WAFFEN—GESETZ
20151205             —DEBATTE um USA—WAFFENRECHT: Mit Knarre vor dem Weihnachtsbaum
20151205             —KLIMA—GIPFEL—PARIS: G7 finanzieren UN—WETTER—VERSICHERUNGEN für arme Länder
20151205             —PROTEST—GEGEN—LIVEBERICHTE aus S—BERNARDINO: Amerikas Muslime twittern Bilder ihrer Wohnungen
20151205             —UPDATE, DIE—LINKEN arbeiten an 1—VERFASSUNGS—KLAGE, der kann man sich dann ja anschließen.
20151205             "—WHILE THE—GOVERNMENTT might promise that it would not prosecute 1—INDIVIDUAL for checking FACEBOOK at work, we are not at liberty to take prosecutors at their word in such matters," the opinion read.
20151205             —CONDUCTED, THE—USA and its allies, 17—AIR—STRIKES against Islamic STATE—IN—IRAQ and 12 in Syria.
20151205             —RELEASED, THE—AFGHANISTAN—TALIBAN, 1—AUDIO message it said was from leader MULLAH—AKHTAR—MANSOUR, vehemently rejecting reports of his death in 1—FIREFIGHT with his own commanders as "enemy propaganda".
20151205             1—SHIP carrying 25—TONS—OF—RADIOACTIVE—WASTE arrived —BACK—IN AUSTRALIA, met by activists who warned against the vast nation becoming 1—NUCLEAR dumping ground.
20151205             AUSTRALIA sent spent nuclear fuel to FRANCE for reprocessing in the 1990s and early 2000s over 4—SHIPMENTS, and it has —NOW been returned for LONG—TERM—STORAGE.
20151205             —UNIDENTIFIED, NORTH—BANGLADESH, attackers hurled 3—HOMEMADE bombs on the premises of 1—HINDU temple —DURING 1—DRAMA—PERFORMANCE—EARLY—TODAY, injuring 10—PEOPLE outside the Kantajir temple —DURING 1—ANNUAL—FAIR in DINAJPUR district.
20151205             —WHIPPED, BRITAIN, Storm Desmond, across the country.
20151205             † A —90—YEAR—OLD—MAN, near 1—NORTH—LONDON—UNDERGROUND—STATION—AFTER he was apparently blown against the side of 1—MOVING bus.
20151205             —SLASHED, Muhaydin Mire (29), 1—MAN, —56—JAHRE—ALT at THE—EAST—LONDON Leytonstone METRO station, reportedly screaming "this is for Syria", in what police described as 1—TERRORIST—INCIDENT.
20151205             STATE—TV said the provisional death toll was 19—DEAD, including THE—4—KAMIKAZES, and 130 injured.
20151205             —REPORTED, CHINA—MEDIA, that Zhang Yun (56), HEAD—OF—THE—COUNTRY—4. largest state bank, has resigned citing personal reasons amid reports of his involvement in 1—CORRUPTION—INVESTIGATION.
20151205             —DELIVERED, FRANCE, negotiators from 195—NATIONS, 1—BLUEPRINT for 1—PACT to save mankind from disastrous global warming.
20151205             —AGREED, Negotiators, to 1—DRAFT—ACCORD that still leaves HUNDREDS—OF—POINTS—OF—DISPUTE for ministers to resolve —NEXT—WEEK.
20151205             GUYANA—GOVERNMENT—INFORMATION—AGENCY said UK—PETROLEUM giant Tullow Oil PLC will be awarded 1—EXPLORATION—LICENSE—NEAR 1—OFFSHORE basin where Exxon Mobil found large QUANTITIES—OF—OIL and gas in May.
20151205             —CALLED, IRAQ—PRESIDENT—FOUAD—MASSOUM, the deployment of several 100—TURKEY—TROOPS inside IRAQ near THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—MOSUL "1—VIOLATION—OF—INTERNATIONAL norms and law".
20151205             —SUSPECTED, NORTH—LEBANON, Islamist militant MOHAMMED—HAMZEH killed himself, his wife and his mother, —WHEN he blew himself up —DURING 1—ARMY—RAID on his home in Deir Ammar.
20151205             —ARRESTED, MALAYSIA—POLICE said that they have, 5—PEOPLE, including 1—EUROPEAN employed as 1—TEACHER, on SUSPICION—OF—LINKS with militant groups like the Islamic STATE—AND—AL—QAEDA.
20151205             —ARRESTED, NIGERIA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY said it has, 9 alleged Boko Haram extremists plotting attacks on ABUJA, the capital, over the festive season.
20151205             —DETAINED, All 9 were, in the past —MONTH and had infiltrated THE—CAPITAL—IN—CENTRAL—NIGERIA from the country's northeast.
20151205             —VOTED, The main islands of THE—SEYCHELLES, in 1—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION with incumbent JAMES—MICHEL facing his 1. serious challenge —AFTER 2—TERMS in office.
20151205             No candidate got more than 50—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTES cast.
20151205             1—RUN—OFF was scheduled to be held in —2—WEEKS between incumbent PRESIDENT—JAMES—MICHEL, LEADER—OF—THE—RULING—LEPEP party, and Wavel Ramkalawan, LEADER—OF—THE—SEYCHELLES—NATIONAL—PARTY.
20151205             —PROMISED, SLOVAKIA—LEFTIST—PRIME—MINISTER—ROBERT—FICO, —51—JAHRE—ALT, to protect voters from INTERNATIONAL terrorism and unveiled 1—BILLION euro welfare plan as he launched campaign for a 3. term in office.
20151205             —MARCHED, THOUSANDS—OF—SOUTH—KOREANS, MANY—WEARING masks, in SEOUL against conservative PRESIDENT—PARK—GEUN—HYE, who had compared masked protesters to terrorists —AFTER clashes with police broke out at 1—RALLY—LAST—MONTH.
20151205             —SEIZED, SYRIA—TURKMENISTAN—REBEL—FIGHTERS, 3—VILLAGES from the Islamic State group near THE—TURKEY—BORDER in clashes over the last —24—HOURS that killed 13—FROM the ethnic minority.
20151205             —KILLED, TURKEY, 3—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SECURITY—FORCES were, in clashes with militants the mainly Kurdish southeast.
20151205             YEMEN—PRESIDENT—ABED—RABBO—MANSOUR—HADI met with 1—UN—ENVOY in ADEN to agree on peace talks with Shiite Houthi rebels set to begin in MID—DECEMBER.
20151205             —MASKED, YEMEN, gunmen killed prominent JUDGE—MOHSEN—ALWAN, who was known for sentencing AL—QAIDA militants to prison in the southern port CITY—OF—ADEN.
20151205—19200000    —SINCE, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES published 1—EDITORIAL on its front page for the 1. time, using the rare, prominent placement to urge gun control —FOLLOWING the latest mass shooting in THE—USA.
20151205—20150608    —ON, 1—UK—COURT—CONVICTED—MIRE, 1—MENTALLY ill taxi driver, of attempted murder.
20160209—20161205    —ON, dispatcher MICHAEL—PAUL, —40—JAHRE—ALT was sentenced to 3—AND—A—HALF—YEARS in prison.
20161101—20161205    —ON, 1—GRAND—JURY decided not to indict Jones —AFTER authorities argued he shot in SELF—DEFENSE.
20161126—20161205    —ON, —1—DAY—EARLIER they received 1—LETTER from THE—USA—ARMY—CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS that said all lands north of the Cannonball River will be closed to public access for safety concerns.
20161205             —REFUSED, Officials said 1—GREECE—COURT has, to extradite the 1. 3—OF 8—TURKEY—SERVICEMEN who fled to GREECE —AFTER the failed 20160715             military coup.
20161205             DNA—ANALYSE: Mücken brachten ROM ins Wanken
20161205             "Andererseits", sagt Prager, "bekommt man beispielsweise die Hybridtechnik auch nicht geschenkt".
20161205             "DIE—GROßE Frage ist jedoch, ob der Aufwand sich tatsächlich rechnet",
20161205             "Damit ist die letzte große Variabilitätshürde genommen, —NACHDEM man ja —BEREITS VIELE—DINGE, von den VENTIL—STEUERZEITEN —BIS zu den Ventilhüben, variabel gemacht hat".
20161205             "1—TECHNOLOGIE, die große Stückzahlen bringt und beispielsweise 10 % Sprit einspart, hilft ja mehr, als 1.Technologie, die nur theoretisch CO2—NEUTRAL ist, nämlich dann, wenn der Strom aus regenerativen Quellen stammt".
20161205             "FALSE—FLAG!"-- natch.
20161205             "Ich denke, da kann man —SCHON—VON—1—DURCHBRUCH sprechen, sogar von 1—MEILENSTEIN in der Motorengeschichte", sagt STEFAN—PISCHINGER, Professor für Verbrennungskraftmaschinen an der RWTH AACHEN.
20161205             "Nach DERZEITigem Ermittlungsstand hat DIE—FRAU einfach versucht, sich Platz zu verschaffen", sagte 1—SPRECHER—DER—BUNDES—POLIZEI
20161205             "VIELE—IDEEN sind alt, aber diese dann auch kostengünstig in Großserie zu bringen, das ist die Hürde, die man nehmen muss",
20161205             "Wahrer Freund", USA—AUßEN—MINISTER—KERRY erhält Bundesverdienstkreuz - "Wir werden diese —TECHNOLOGIE
20161205             ASYL—BEWERBER, McKinsey gibt MERKEL Abschiebetipps
20161205             —DETERMINED, Ad value is, by CLICK—THROUGHS -- by interactivity.
20161205             And yet RIGHT—WINGERS really have taken SOME—OF—THESE stories seriously, such as THE—1—ABOUT the decision to impose sharia law in Dearborn, MI.
20161205             Auch in ihren ZUSTÄNDIGKEITS—BEREICH fallen Flutschutz, EINIGE—UMWELT—SCHUTZFRAGEN und der Schutz von Ökosystemen.
20161205             BRASILIEN: SENATS—PRÄSIDENT—CALHEIROS wird vorläufig seines Amtes enthoben
20161205             Beim neuen INFINIT1—MOTOR ist es variabel und kann von 8:1 —BIS 14:1 stufenlos reguliert werden.
20161205             COLER—OPERATION apparently makes $10,000-to-$30,000 —1—MONTH, ACCORDING—TO—AFORE—LINKED NPR story
20161205             DAS—ERGEBNIS: bessere Leistungsausbeute.
20161205             DIE—IDEE, die Verdichtung eines Ottomotors zu verändern, ist beinahe —100—JAHRE—ALT
20161205             DIE—UNTERSTEHEN zwar formal der Army, sind aber eigentlich 1.zivile Behörde und für so Sachen wie Dämme, Kanalbau, Schleusen und ich glaube auch Brücken zuständig.
20161205             DIE—VARIABLE Verdichtung
20161205             DONALD—TRUMP to Limit All INTELLIGENCE Briefings to 140-Characters
20161205             Da gibt es —JETZT 1—UPDATE: 1 "unabhängiger JOURNALIST"mit STURM—GEWEHR ist in die besagte Pizzeria gelaufen, um mal ein bisschen "aufzuklären".
20161205             Dabei hat er ein paar Schuss in die Decke abgegeben, niemand wurde verletzt.
20161205             —BEZIFFERT, Das Verdichtungsverhältnis wiederum, das Verhältnis des größten zum kleinsten Brennraumvolumen in 1—MOTOR, also das Verhältnis des Volumens zwischen unterem und oberem TOT—PUNKT des Kolbens.
20161205             Das ist also ein relativ starkes Zeichen, wenn die —JETZT diese Bohrgenehmigung verweigern.
20161205             Der Vorteil des Benziners mit VC—TECHNOLOGIE: er kann vermutlich auf die aufwendige Abgasreinigung verzichten, ohne die moderne DIESEL—DIE—EURO 6—ANFORDERUNGEN gar nicht mehr erfüllen können —, böte sich damit vor dem Hintergrund des Dieselskandals als mögliche Alternative an.
20161205             Der BRITISCHE—INGENIEUR HENRY—RALPH—RICARDO konstruierte —BEREITS in den ZWANZIGER—JAHREN 1—VERSUCHSMOTOR mit variabler Verdichtung.
20161205             —VERLIERT, EHE—URTEIL: Gewalttätiger Mann, Rentenanspruch
20161205             —BEKOMMT, EURO—GRUPPE: GRIECHENLAND, weitere Schuldenerleichterungen - Einfach so?
20161205             Enttarnter ISLAMist: GEHEIM—DIENSTE dürfen künftig googeln
20161205             Entwicklern eröffnet das völlig neue Möglichkeiten.
20161205             Erdbeobachtungssatellit: TÜRKEI schießt "Göktürk-1"ins All
20161205             Erfolg für UMWELT—SCHÜTZER: Bau der umstrittenen Ölpipeline in NORTH—DAKOTA gestoppt
20161205             Es bleibt spannend!
20161205             FEUER—PAUSE: RUSSLAND und CHINA blockieren UNO—RESOLUTION zu ALEPPO
20161205             FOOTBALL—LEAKS—DOKUMENTE zu Laudrup: Dänen lügen nicht?
20161205             FORSCHUNGS—PROJEKT: KRIMinelle könnten KREDIT—KARTEN—DATEN erraten
20161205             FRANKREICH: PREMIER—VALLS kündigt Rücktritt wegen PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTS—KANDIDATUR an
20161205             Football Leaks: —POLITIK will STEUERtrickser härter verfolgen
20161205             Für Leute, die sich beruflich mit Kolbenhub und Kurbelwellen beschäftigen
20161205             Genauso 1—SPRUNG gibt es aber —JETZT.
20161205             Gerüchte um HILLARY—CLINTON: Mann will VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIE nachgehen —, stürmt Pizzeria mit Waffe
20161205             Headlines such as this 1.. - Hell, how does ANYONE make money on THE—INTERNET?
20161205             How the hell does anyone make that KIND—OF—MONEY on THE—INTERNET selling mere words?
20161205             I still don't know.
20161205             I've read elsewhere that the big MONEY—MAKER for people like Coler is Google Adsense
20161205             —GELASSEN, ITALIEN—REFERENDUM: Anleger reagieren
20161205             Ich auch (wenn auch aus anderen Gründen).
20161205             If television had to OPE—RATE—ACCORDING—TO—INTERNET—RULES, the enormously expensive programming we take for granted simply would not exist.
20161205             Ihr sagt ihm, daß ihr eure Ruhe haben wollt und er mal woanders hingehen soll, und der geht trotzdem nicht?
20161205             Ihr sitzt im Zug, in 1—ABTEIL, und da setzt sich noch jemand anderes rein?
20161205             Illegale Telefonwerbung: NETZ—AGENTUR verhängt 150.000—EURO Bußgeld gegen Hundefutterdrücker
20161205             In euer Abteil?
20161205             —BEHAUPTET, Infiniti, der VC—TURBOMOTOR habe 1—VERGLEICHBAREN Wirkungsgrad wie 1—DIESELMOTOR.
20161205             —CAUSED, It relates to terrorism, by RIGHT—WING conspiracies, specifically #PizzaGate.
20161205             Ja?
20161205             JIM—PARSONS would consider himself lucky to be paid $300 1—EPISODE.
20161205             KÖLN: —16—JAHRE—ALTE wegen mutmaßlicher ANSCHLAGS—PLÄNE angeklagt
20161205             MATTEO—RENZI —NACH—DEM REFERENDUM: STRAFE—FÜR—DEN "Verschrotter" - Medien in der DDR: Offene Zensur?
20161205             Mehr als 100—MOTOREN—PROTOTYPEN wurden entwickelt und GETESTET—1—AUFWAND, der umgerechnet gewiss mehrere MILLIARDEN—EURO verschlungen hat.
20161205             NATÜRLICH—NOBEL—PREIS für LITERATur: PATTI—SMITH vertritt BOB—DYLAN
20161205             Nicht weil sie die Sprache nicht sprechen, sondern weil ihre Rechtschreibung mangelhaft ist.
20161205             Normalerweise ist es fix und durch Länge der Pleuelstange und Hub der Kurbelwelle definiert.
20161205             —NUN, da gibt es 1.Lösung, wenn auch leider nur für 50—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG: Einfach 1.sexuelle Belästigung erfinden!
20161205             Ob sich —JETZT für Kimble oder die 5—EYES was ändern wird?
20161205             Oder den SUPER—SENSOR, der sicheres, autonomes Fahren SELBST—VERSTÄNDLICH macht.
20161205             Only staff writers or technical writers can get ANY—KIND—OF—STABLE—INCOME to rely on.
20161205             PERESTROIKA—FOTOGRAF DANIEL—BISKUP: "Ich will zeigen, warum PUTIN erfolgreich ist"
20161205             PRESSE—STIMMEN zu ITALIEN und ÖSTERREICH: "Nächste NIEDERLAGE—FÜR—EUROPAS Establishment"
20161205             PRÄSIDENTEN—WAHL—IN—ÖSTERREICH: Warum VAN der Bellen so klar SIEGTE—READ this article please.
20161205             RENZ1—RÜCKTRITT: LEGA—NORD fordert sofortige Neuwahlen
20161205             —BEDEUTET, Renzi am Ende: Das, ITALIEN—REGIERUNGS—KRISE für EUROPA—WIRTSCHAFT
20161205             Renzis Rücktritt: ITALIENs Lust am Untergang
20161205             Rom: Das Wort Malaria geht wohl auf die ITALIENISCHEN—BEGRIFFE mal'aria ZURÜCK—ÜBERSETZT bedeutet das soviel wie schlechte Luft.
20161205             Rüstungsranking: DEUTSCHLAND und FRANKREICH verkaufen mehr Waffen
20161205             SCHÄUBLE zu ITALIEN—REFERENDUM: "Kein Grund, von 1—EURO—KRISE zu reden"
20161205             Sirt in LIBYEN: KAMPF—UM—DEN letzten QUADRAT—KILOMETER des "ISLAMISCHER—STAAT"
20161205             So how do THE—FAKE—NEWSERS make money?
20161205             TABAK—KONZERN, PHILIP—MORRIS sponsert Parteien im großen Stil
20161205             TV ads cost 1—LOT—OF—MONEY even if people have no interest in the thing advertised.
20161205             The content creator gets paid only if THE—AUDIENCE—MEMBER is interested in interrupting HIS—OR—HER WEB—SURFING trance in order to buy (or learn more about) that particular product at that particular moment.
20161205             The important thing to know about his main FAKE—NEWS—SITE, National Report, is that it is genuinely funny.
20161205             The man told police he had come to the restaurant to "SELF—INVESTIGATE" 1—FALSE—ELECTION—RELATED CONSPIRACY—THEORY involving HILLARY—CLINTON that spread online —DURING her presidential campaign.
20161205             The part at the end, about what the owner and employees have gone through, threats from people who rely on InfoWars, Breitbart and the like, it's so sad.
20161205             THE—PROBLEM is the same as it has always been —SINCE the —EARLY, DAYS—OF—THE—INTERNET:
20161205             Tuvia Tenenbom in DER—USA—PROVINZ: 1—NEW—YORKER reist durch DONALD—TRUMP—LAND
20161205             USA—30—JAHRE—HAFT—FÜR—GEPLANTEN Anschlag aufs Kapitol
20161205             USA—WAHL UND—INGENIEURE: Ich ganz allein habe DONALD—TRUMP ins Amt gebracht
20161205             Umgang mit Hassbotschaften: EU—KOMMISSION fordert schnellere Reaktionen der INTERNET—KONZERNE
20161205             Und DIE—BISHERIGEN Verbrauchsangaben des Herstellers für die NEUE—TECHNOLOGIE setzen den Motor tatsächlich auf 1.Stufe mit 1—VERGLEICHBAREN Selbstzünder.
20161205             Und das ist —JETZT nur die Spitze des Eisbergs, die MIT—ARBEITER dieser Pizzeria sehen sich —SEIT—WOCHEN, 1—SHITSTORM im INTERNET ausgesetzt, den man sich von außen wahrscheinlich gar nicht vorstellen kann.
20161205             Und natürlich wird 1—AUTO mit VC—TURBOMOTOR teurer sein als das gleiche Modell mit 1—STANDARD—VERBRENNER.
20161205             Vulgärpopulismus: Verpiss dich, Elite!
20161205             Wagenknecht vs. Kipping: Linkes Spiel (Politik, 07:59)
20161205             Wahlausgang in ÖSTERREICH: "Das war wie 'Walking Dead' gucken" - War gar nicht nötig (einestages, 13:47)
20161205             Was das Auto betrifft, warten alle auf den SUPER—AKKU, der 1.000—KM elektrische Reichweite ermöglicht.
20161205             Wohnungslose in DEUTSCHLAND: "DIE—KRISE ist historisch"
20161205             Womit eigentlich niemand mehr rechnet, sind Entwicklungssprünge beim ganz normalen Benzinmotor.
20161205             You need to focus in on this story and let people know everything you said about RIGHT—WING CONSPIRACY—THEORIES is true.
20161205             —COVERED, You should see how the story is being, on THE—RIGHT wing sites like Gateway Pundit.
20161205             —INVENTED, YouTube has, the 1.FORM—OF—ENTERTAINMENT in which the entertainer receives such 1—TINY reward for entertaining 1—MILLION—PEOPLE.
20161205             Zugunglück in BAD—AIBLING: RICHTER—VERURTEILEN—FAHRDIENSTLEITER zu dreieinhalb —JAHREN Haft
20161205             [l] Beim BKA fallen wohl erschütternd VIELE—BEWERBER beim DEUTSCH—TEST durch.
20161205             [l] DAS—BKA WARNT—VOR—MAILS von der "CYBER—ABTEILUNG".
20161205             [l] Das Army CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS hat —JETZT die DAKOTA—ACCESS—ÖLPIPELINE gestoppt, indem sie 1.Bohrgenehmigung unter dem MISSOUR1—FLUSS verweigert haben.
20161205             [l] JOHN—KEY tritt als PREMIER—MINISTER—VON—NEUSEELAND zurück.
20161205             [l] Kennt ihr das? 1 established writer with 1—AGENT.
20161205             are obviously satirical. es ist 1.Sensation.
20161205             es stellt sich ja —SCHON die Frage, ob es überhaupt noch sinnvoll ist, in hochkomplexe Verbrennungsmotoren zu investieren, wenn deren Zeit ohnehin abgelaufen scheint.
20161205             freelance writing
20161205             this NPR piece about 1—FAKE—NEWS entrepreneur named Jestin Coler -- apparently 1—REAL—NAME, although there's all sorts of PUN—IN—THE—S re.
20161205             über Pizzagate.
20161205             —CONSIDERED, TV, ads are, valuable simply because they place the product's name in front of eyeballs
20161205             —AM, THE—INTERNET, it's not enough simply to inform THE—AUDIENCE that 1—PRODUCT or service exists.
20161205             —AM, this is 1—TERRIBLY important development.
20161205             —BY, WAY—OF—COMPARISON: EACH—EPISODE—OF—ELEMENTARY is seen by about 5.5—MILLION—PEOPLE, and I suspect that the budget for EACH—EPISODE is 1—BIT—MORE than $5500.
20161205             —DENN, je mehr sie die Bedingungen im BRENN—RAUMKONTROLLIEREN und beeinflussen können, desto sparsamer und leistungsstärker lassen sich Motoren einstellen.
20161205             —INTERVIEW vor PARTEI—TAG: CDU—VIZE—STROBL will kranke FLÜCHTLINGE abschieben
20161205             —JAHRESRÜCKBLICK mit GÜNTHER—JAUCH: 20160000             ist schlicht zu groß für 1.Show
20161205             —KONFERENZ—IN—CANCÚN: UNO will ARTEN—SCHUTZ stärken
20161205             —NACH, RENZ1—RÜCKTRITT: DIE—EU hofft auf ITALIENs Krisenerfahrung
20161205             —NACH, TAIWAN—TELEFONAT: Unwahrheiten und PROVOKATIONEN—DONALD—TRUMP twittert gegen PEKING
20161205             —NACH, —EINSATZ—IN—SYRIEN: RUSSLAND—KAMPF—JET stürzt bei Landeversuch ins Meer
20161205             —NEUEN—GESETZ: Schotten verbieten Rauchen bei Autofahrten mit Kindern
20161205             —URTEIL zum Unglück in BAD—AIBLING: Tödliche Ablenkung
20161205             —VOR, PARTEI—TAG: CDU—SPITZE setzt auf schärferen ASYL—KURS
20161205             —WÄHREND, also die Elektromobilität noch Entwicklungsbedarf hat und gleichzeitig der Dieselmotor zunehmend in Frage gestellt wird, könnte 1.neue BENZINER—TECHNOLOGIE durchaus hilfreich sein, den CO2—AUSSTOß zu senken.
20161205             THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT said that 1—FAKE—USA—EMBASSY in GHANA has been shut down —AFTER operating for about —1—DECADE in ACCRA.
20161205             —ENDED, NORTH—CAROLINA GOVERNOR—PAT—MCCRORY (R), his legal challenges to the election, conceding that he had lost his bid for a 2. term to Democrat ROY—COOPER.
20161205             —RAIDED, BRAZIL—POLICE, the homes of 2—FORMER—MEMBERS—OF—1—PARLIAMENTARY—INQUIRY into graft at state oil company Petrobras, seeking evidence they extorted money from contractors who wanted to avoid being summoned as witnesses.
20161205             —ARRESTED, GERMANY—POLICE in THE—WEST—CITY—OF—BOCHUM, 1—IRAQI—ASYLUM—SEEKER, —31—JAHRE—ALT on suspicion of sexually assaulting 2—CHINA—STUDENTS.
20161205             —LINKED, DNA evidence, the man to 1—ATTACK and attempted rape of 1—CHINA—WOMAN, —21—JAHRE—ALT—IN—AUGUST, and of raping 1—CHINA—WOMAN, —27—JAHRE—ALT—IN—NOVEMBER.
20161205             —DEDICATED, GERMANY—BASED Volkswagen said it is launching 1—NEW—COMPANY, to car sharing and other "mobility services" in which people may need 1—RIDE but don't necessarily want to own the car.
20161205             GERMANY—AIRLINE—AIR—BERLIN said it is selling its stake in AUSTRIA—CARRIER—NIKI to ABU—DHABI—BASED—ETIHAD for 300—MILLION—EUROS ($319—MILLION).
20161205             —ENJOYED, The former movie star who, GOD—LIKE—STATUS was buried THE—NEXT—DAY alongside her ON—SCREEN lover.
20161205             V.K. Sasikala, JAYALITHAA—LIVE—IN assistant soon claimed THE—MANTLE—OF—CHIEF—MINISTER forcing out O. Paneerselvam (OPS).
20161205             —ANNOUNCED, INDONESIA, that companies were banned from turning peatlands into palm oil and other TYPES—OF—PLANTATIONS, and must restore peatlands they have degraded.
20161205             WESTERN—BACKED IRAQ—FORCES have begun shelling PARTS—OF—WEST—MOSUL, in preparation for 1—NEW—FRONT against Islamic State —7—WEEKS into 1—DIFFICULT—CAMPAIGN to drive the militants from the city.
20161205             Doctors working in KENYA—STATE—HOSPITALS went on strike to demand fulfillment of a 20130000             agreement between their union and the government that would raise their pay and improve working conditions.
20161205             Forces loyal to LIBYA—UN—BACKED government said they had seized full CONTROL—OF—SIRTE from the Islamic State group, in 1—MAJOR—BLOW to the jihadists who battled —FOR—MONTHS to retain their bastion.
20161205             MEXICO struck 1—DEAL with AUSTRALIA—BHP—BILLITON to develop the Trion oil field in MEXICO with STATE—OIL—FIRM—PEMEX.
20161205             —KILLED, MEXICO—POLICE and marines, 14 presumed criminal gang members in 1—SHOOTOUT in the troubled Gulf coast STATE—OF—VERACRUZ.
20161205             —SEIZED, Agents, 13—ASSAULT—RIFLES and 1—WEAPON—CAPABLE—OF piercing armored vehicles.
20161205             —RESIGNED, THE—PHILIPPINES—VICE—PRESIDENT—LENI—ROBREDO, her Cabinet post, citing "major differences in principles and values" with PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE and 1 unspecified plot to remove her from the vice presidency.
20161205             She continued as VP.
20161205             —ALLIED, NORTH—SOMALIA, soldiers, to THE—WESTERN—BACKED SOMALIA—GOVERNMENT killed 3—FIGHTERS—LOYAL to the Islamic STATE—IN—PUNTLAND as they pressed ahead toward the insurgents' main stronghold.
20161205             —KILLED, SYRIA, opposition rebel shelling in ALEPPO, 2—NURSES  and 8—CIVILIANS.
20161205             —APPROVED, TUNISIA—PARLIAMENT—FINANCE—COMMITTEE, 1—BUDGET—DRAFT that would tax lawyers between about $8 to $20 on EACH—FILE they present to court.
20161205             —PROPOSED, The levy was PART—OF—AUSTERITY—MEASURES, for 20170000             by 1—GOVERNMENT under pressure from INTERNATIONAL lenders to cut the fiscal deficit.
20161205             —PUNISHED, VIETNAM, 2—EDITORS—OF—1—MAJOR—NEWSPAPER which had —EARLIER been fined for publishing what authorities said were false reports on toxic fish sauce.
20161205             1—TOTAL—OF—50—NEWS—ORGANIZATIONS were fined —IN—NOVEMBER for running reports about high arsenic levels found in fish sauce, causing widespread panic.
20161205             —DETAINED, YEMEN, security officials said Shiite rebels have, 1—NUMBER—OF—ARAB and AFRICA—NATIONALS, including more than 30—EGYPTIANS, on suspicion of spying for THE—SAUDI—LED coalition fighting the rebels.
20161205—20080000    —SEIT, Der Mann war im Amt.
20161205—20160207    —DECLARED, OPS, that he had been unfairly forced from OFFICE—BY—SASIKALA.
20161205—20161212    —ANNOUNCED, NEW—ZEALAND PM john Key, that he will submit his resignation —FOLLOWING—8—YEARS as leader.
20161205—20170000    —LAUNCHED, THE—UN, 1—RECORD—HUMANITARIAN—APPEAL, asking for $22.2—BILLION to help almost 93—MILLION—PEOPLE hit by conflicts and natural disasters.
20161205—20180000    —IN, POLAND—AUTHORITIES said Lufthansa and GENERAL—ELECTRIC will jointly invest some 250—MILLION—EUROS ($270—MILLION) in POLAND to build 1—PLANT that will service aircraft engines —STARTING.
20171205             "DAS—VERFAHREN ist zu invasiv, als dass ES—SICH im Menschen anwenden ließe".
20171205             "Friedensakademiker"in der TÜRKEI: Staatsfeind durch 1.Unterschrift
20171205             "Neurotech", 17—STAATEN und Gebiete: EU beschließt SCHWARZE—LISTE gegen STEUER—OASEN
20171205             APPELL—AN—DEUTSCHLAND und EUROPA: GABRIEL fordert offenbar neue USA—POLITIK
20171205             —GELUNGEN, Alipasha Vasiri ist es, Tieren beim Denken zuzusehen.
20171205             Auf Einladung von PJÖNG—JANG: Ranghoher UNO—DIPLOMAT reist nach NORD—KOREA
20171205             —GEWUSST, BUNDES—WEITE G20—DURCHSUCHUNGEN: Linke Szene soll von Razzia, haben
20171205             Bekämpfung umstrittener Inhalte: 10.000—KONTROLLEURE sollen YouTube sauber halten
20171205             DER—KRIEG und seine Folgen: Millionen Syrer fürchten sich vor —DEM—WINTER
20171205             DONALD—TRUMP—EX—WAHL—KAMPFCHEF—MANAFORT wollte positiven ARTIKEL—ÜBER—SICH lancieren
20171205             Der wahre KERN—DER—AFD: Die Sehnsucht nach 1—FÜHRER (m/w)
20171205             Er präsentierte 1.neue Methode, mit der er hofft, den gesamten Schaltplan des GEHIRNs kartieren zu können.
20171205             FLUGSAURIER—FUND: 1—SENSATIONELLER Haufen Eier
20171205             Fund, der mindestens 215, möglicherweise sogar 300—EIER der FLUGSAURIER—SPEZIES Hamipterus tianshanensis enthält.
20171205             G20—GROß—RAZZIA: JAGD—AUF—DIE Drahtzieher
20171205             GIPFEL—KRAWALLE: POLIZEI startet große G20—RAZZIA
20171205             Georgiens EX—PRÄSIDENT: Wütende Anhänger befreien Saakaschwili aus POLIZEIauto
20171205             Gepäck mit LITHIUM—AKKUS, USA—AIRLINES regulieren Mitnahme von SMART—LUGGAGE
20171205             —VERURTEILT, HAMBURG: G20—RANDALIERER zu mehr als —3—JAHREN Haft
20171205             INSTITUT—FÜR—"Neuroengineering"oder "Neurotechnology"
20171205             Ich sage euch,—HIER,—DA, nach 1—WEILE kommt da richtig Geld zusammen!1!!
20171205             In 16—NICHT nur als Abdruck, sondern sogar dreidimensional erhaltenen Eiern konnten embryonale Knochen identifiziert werden.
20171205             In der HIRN—FORSCHUNG vollzieht sich —DERZEIT, 1—WANDEL: Das Fach ist in Begriff, zur Ingenieurswissenschaft zu werden.
20171205             KALIFORNIEN: Zehntausende flüchten vor schweren WALD—BRÄNDEN
20171205             KATALONIEN: SPANIEN hebt internationalen Haftbefehl gegen PUIGDEMONT auf
20171205             Mikroben im Weltall: Bakterien fühlen sich auf der ISS wie zu Hause
20171205             NEBENKLAGE—PLÄDOYERS im NSU—PROZESS, "Verbrechen mit staatlicher Verstrickung"
20171205             —GESPERRT, NOK : RUSSLANDs Athleten dürfen an OLYMPIA TEILNEHMEN—UNTER neutraler Flagge
20171205             Pizza auf DER—INTERNATIONALE—RAUMSTATION: Iss was ganz Besonderes
20171205             ROTE—LISTE gefährdeter Arten: Unser ERNÄHRUNGS—SYSTEM bedroht Delfine und Wildfrüchte
20171205             RUSSLAND—AFFÄRE: DONALD—TRUMP ist noch lange nicht —AM—ENDE
20171205             SYRIEN—ISRAEL greift offenbar MILITÄReinrichtung bei DAMASKUS an
20171205             Studie: DEUTSCHE—ENERGIE—WENDE verpasst "ALLE—EFFIZIENZZIELE"
20171205             Studie: Fast jeder 5. Viertklässler kann nicht richtig lesen (Leben und Lernen, 10:00)
20171205             UKRAINE, Georgiens EX—PRÄSIDENT—SAAKASCHWILI in KIEW festgenommen
20171205             —VERUNSICHERT, USA—PATIENT mit "Nicht Wiederbeleben"-Tattoo, Ärzte
20171205             Umfrage, VIELE—DEUTSCHTÜRKEN zeigen sich loyal zu ERDOGAN
20171205             Verkleinerte Schutzgebiete: DONALD—TRUMP—SKRUPELLOSER ANGRIFF—AUF—DIE—NATUR
20171205             Verlegung DER—USA—BOTSCHAFT : Arabische Welt warnt DONALD—TRUMP vor Eskalation
20171205             Verlegung DER—USA—BOTSCHAFT: DONALD—TRUMP vertagt seine JERUSALÉM—ENTSCHEIDUNG
20171205             [l] APPLE zahlt—DOLLAR STEUERN an IRLAND nach.
20171205             [l] Videotipp: SCOTT—GALLOWAY erklärt, wieso AMAZON, APPLE, FACEBOOK und Google zerschlagen werden müssen.
20171205             ist über diese —VOR—66.000.—000—JAHREN ausgestorbenen Tiere verblüffend wenig bekannt:
20171205             —NACH, Pfundabsturz: Reiseportal meldet TOURISTENANSTURM—AUF—LONDON
20171205             —NEUEN—GESETZ: RUSSLAND erklärt 9—USA—MEDIEN zu "ausländischen Agenten"
20171205             —NEWS—AUS—BOSTON: Wie Forscher in GEHIRNen manipulieren
20171205             —PROTESTE—GEGEN—"Martyrmuseum": Dürfen TERRORISTEN als Märtyrer gezeigt werden?
20171205             —STREIT—UM—HARTZ—IV: BETTLER darf 204—EURO EINNEHMEN—OHNE Abzüge (Leben und Lernen, 16:35)
20171205             —STREIT—UM—USA—VERTRETUNG in JERUSALÉM: Gefährliche Botschaft
20171205             —VON, TEL—AVIV nach JERUSALÉM: DONALD—TRUMP informiert ABBAS über geplante Verlegung von USA—BOTSCHAFT
20171205             USA—ARMY—COLONEL—RYAN—DILLON, spokesman for THE—USA—LED INTERNATIONAL coalition fighting Islamic State, estimated that fewer than 3,000 fighters belonging to the hardline Sunni militant group remain in IRAQ and Syria.
20171205             —UNIONIZED, In THE—SF—BAY—AREA, city workers of OAKLAND went on strike to push for better pay, less USE—OF—PART—TIME—WORKERS and other demands.
20171205             —CONSUMED, CALIFORNIA, 1—OVERNIGHT fire, known as the Creek Fire, at least 2,500 acres in the foothills of ANGELES National Forest north, forcing RESIDENTS—OF—SOME—NEARBY—S—FERNANDO—VALLEY—COMMUNITIES—NORTH—OF—LOS—ANGELES to flee.
20171205             4—FIRES in SOUTH—CALIFORNIA levelled at least 180—STRUCTURES and forced thousands to flee their homes.
20171205             —REMAINED, THE—THOMAS fire in Ventura County, OUT—OF—CONTROL.
20171205             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—ARGENTINE judge has ordered THE—ARREST—OF—PARAGUAY midfielder JONATHAN—FABBRO for alleged sexual assault of 1—UNDERAGE—GIRL.
20171205             AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER—MALCOLM—TURNBULL said that foreign interference in politics would be outlawed under updated treason and espionage laws.
20171205             —SCRAMBLED, UK—PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—MAY, to salvage 1—DEAL over THE—POST—BREXIT border in IRELAND —AFTER it was rejected by her DUP allies.
20171205             —1—DAY—EARLIER—NORTH—IRELAND—SMALL—DEMOCRATIC—UNIONIST—PARTY (DUP), which keeps her Conservative minority government in office, blocked 1—AGREEMENT on 1—MAJOR—ISSUE holding up Brexit talks.
20171205             THE—EUROPEAN—UNION put 17—NON—EU countries on 1—BLACKLIST—OF those it deems GUILTY—OF—UNFAIRLY offering tax avoidance schemes.
20171205             Over 40—MORE were put on a "grey list" to be monitored —UNTIL they are fully committed to reforms.
20171205             GREECE—DEMONSTRATORS in ATHENS broke into the Labor Ministry and clashed with riot police outside THE—PRIME—MINISTER—OFFICE, in protest against 1—NEW—AGREEMENT between the country and bailout creditors that includes limiting the right to strike.
20171205             Mayors and residents of GREECE—AEGEAN islands, which are sheltering more than 15,000 refugees and migrants, called for the government to relocate people from overcrowded camps into centers on the mainland.
20171205             He said he would be OK with that "because the people deserve respect".
20171205             —RETURNED, Police officers, to duty —AFTER PRESIDENT—HERNANDEZ paid Christmas bonuses, promised salary increases and offered to build apartments for officers.
20171205             Human Rights Watch (HRW) said IRAQ—FEDERAL—AND—KURDISH—REGIONAL judiciaries are violating the rights of Islamic State suspects with flawed trials, arbitrary detentions under harsh conditions and broad prosecutions.
20171205             LEBANON—PRIME—MINISTER—SAAD—HARIRI said that he had withdrawn his resignation, —1—MONTH—AFTER his shock announcement that he was quitting sparked political upheaval.
20171205             1—MACEDONIA—COURT ordered 3—OPPOSITION—MPS be held in judicial custody for —1—MONTH—WHILE another 3 were placed under house arrest over 1—APRIL attack on PARLIAMENT.
20171205             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, 1—ROADSIDE bomb, 6—PEOPLE and wounded 8—OTHERS in Khaddi, 1—VILLAGE in THE—NORTH—WAZIRISTAN tribal region.
20171205             1—SPOKESMAN for PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS said USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP informed Abbas that he intends to move THE—USA—EMBASSY to JERUSALEM.
20171205             —ORDERED, THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE, the national police to rejoin ANTI—DRUG—OPERATIONS, the 2. time he has overturned previous decisions to remove the law enforcers from the brutal crackdown amid growing alarm over THE—DEATHS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SUSPECTS.
20171205             —REPORTED, It was —LATER, that he had suffered BLUNT—FORCE trauma, and his body had markings inconsistent with the official account by THE—PHILIPPINES—AUTHORITIES that he hanged himself.
20171205             —ARRESTED, THE—DAY—BEFORE he was found dead, Phinney had been, on suspicion of violating human trafficking and child abuse laws.
20171205             —FORCED, FORMER—ROMANIA—KING—MICHAEL—I (96), who was, to abdicate by the communists in THE—AFTERMATH—OF—WWII, † in his residence in AUBONNE—SWITZERLAND.
20171205             —NAMED, RUSSIA, VOICE—OF—AMERICA, Radio Free EUROPE/Radio Liberty and 7 affiliated news services as foreign agents.
20171205             —PREPARED, THE—RUSSIA—PARLIAMENT, to ban the organizations from attending its sessions in response to similar USA actions against ENGLISH—LANGUAGE—RUSSIA—NETWORK RT.
20171205             —ARRESTED, RUSSIA, Norwayian pensioner Frode Berg, 1—FORMER—GUARD working on THE—NORWEGIAN—RUSSIA—BORDER.
20171205             FSB security service —LATER said it caught THE—NORWAY—TAKING secret documents about THE—RUSSIA—NAVY from 1—RUSSIA—CITIZEN.
20171205             —DETAINED, SAUDI—ARABIA—PUBLIC—PROSECUTOR said MOST—OF—THE—PEOPLE, in 1—SWEEPING—ANTI—CORRUPTION—CAMPAIGN launched —LAST—MONTH have agreed to settlements to avoid prosecution.
20171205             —SCOOPED, Police in the Sicilian CAPITAL—OF—PALERMO, up 25 suspected mobsters on 1—ARRAY—OF—CHARGES, including MARIA—ANGELA—DI—TRAPANI, —49—JAHRE—ALT accused of filling in as boss for her imprisoned husband.
20171205             —CHARGED, SOUTH—KOREA—PROSECUTORS formally, former spy chiefs Nam JAE—JOON and LEE—BYUNG—KEE, who were arrested —LAST—MONTH over suspicions they used their agency's funds to make illegal payments to FORMER—PRESIDENT—PARK—GEUN—HYE.
20171205             —RIPPED, SYRIA, 1—EXPLOSION, through 1—VAN in Akarma, near THE—CENTRAL—CITY—OF—HOMS, killing at least 8—PEOPLE.
20171205             State news said SYRIA—AIR—DEFENSE—UNITS have shot down 3—ISRAEL—MISSILES that were targeting 1—MILITARY—POST—NEAR—DAMASCUS.
20171205             —KILLED, EAST—SYRIA, airstrikes, at least 12—CIVILIANS in AL—JARTHI, 1—VILLAGE held by the Islamic State group.
20171205             —CARRIED, THE—BRITAIN—BASED SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said RUSSIA, out the strikes, in SUPPORT—OF—USA—BACKED, KURDISH—LED forces driving to capture IS TERRITORY—ON—THE—EUPHRATES—RIVER.
20171205             —KILLED, THE—OBSERVATORY said 21—PEOPLE were, in the strikes.
20171205             —DETAINED, TURKEY—STATE—MEDIA said 17—SUSPECTS have been, in 1—INVESTIGATION into Reza Zarrab, 1—TURKISH—IRAN—GOLD—TRADER who was once 1—CLOSE—ALLY—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT but is —NOW testifying against officials as 1—STAR—WITNESS in 1—HIGH—PROFILE—USA—CASE.
20171205             —AIMED, PRESIDENT—ERDOGAN said that the case was a "plot", at hurting TURKEY.
20171205             —LAUNCHED, TURKEY—PROSECUTORS, 1—INVESTIGATION —FOLLOWING MEDIA—REPORTS that 11—MEMBERS—OF—1—TURKEY—FOLK dancing group were seeking asylum in HUNGARY.
20171205             —ACCUSED, UKRAINE—AUTHORITIES, FORMER—GEORGIA—PRESIDENT—MIKHEIL—SAAKASHVILI of plotting 1—COUP sponsored by RUSSIA and attempted to arrest him.
20171205             —FREED, Supporters of Saakashvili, him from 1—POLICE—VAN—AFTER his detention on suspicion of assisting 1—CRIMINAL—ORGANIZATION led to clashes with police in Kiev.
20171205             He then led protesters towards PARLIAMENT, where he called defiantly for PRESIDENT—PETRO—POROSHENKO to be removed from office.
20171205             —ANNOUNCED, THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES, 1—NEW—PARTNERSHIP with SAUDI—ARABIA, separate from the Gulf Cooperation Council. announcement came —JUST hours ahead of 1—GCC meeting in KUWAIT, to which only KUWAIT and QATAR sent their HEADS—OF—STATE.
20171205             —WARNED—OF, THE—UN, 1—TICKING time BOMB—OF—DRUG—RESISTANT germs brewing in the natural environment, aided by humans dumping antibiotics and chemicals into the water and soil.
20171205             —RALLIED, YEMEN, THOUSANDS—OF—HUTHI supporters, in SANAA as the rebels cemented their grip on THE—YEMEN—CAPITAL—AFTER killing their former ally EX—PRESIDENT—ALI—ABDULLAH—SALEH.
20171205             —EXILED, Exiled AHMED—ALI—SALEH, the powerful, SON—OF—SLAIN—EX—PRESIDENT—ALI—ABDULLAH—SALEH, vowed to lead 1—CAMPAIGN against the Houthi movement that killed his father —AFTER he switched sides in the civil war.
20171205             † MICHAEL—I—KÖNIG—VON—RUMÄNIEN
20171205—20171211    —ON, workers agreed to return to work as negotiations continued.
20171205—20190000    —AB, [l] Das ÖSTERREICHISCHE—VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT schaltet dann mal DIE—EHE für alle frei.
20171205—20190000    —FROM, AUSTRIA—SUPREME—COURT ruled that SAME—SEX—COUPLES will be allowed to marry in AUSTRIA, and said 1—LAW to the contrary violated THE—PRINCIPLE—OF—NON—DISCRIMINATION.
20171215             —KILLED, SPAIN, NORBERT—FEHER (36) of Serbia, 3—PEOPLE, including 2—CIVIL—GUARDS, who were investigating a 20171205             shooting that injured 2—PEOPLE in Teruel province.
20181205             —CREATED, Young Nepalis, 1—MAP—OF—THE—DEAD—SEA with used plastic bags in 1—BID to 20180901             —NEW—INTERNATIONAL—RECORD and raise awareness about the vast volumes polluting the world's oceans.
20181205             "DAS—POTENZIAL Ultrarechter in den REIHEN—DER—BEWEGUNG ist besorgniserregend", sagte Riexinger den RND—ZEITUNGEN.
20181205             "Er ist gefährlich", USA—SENATOREN beschuldigen SAUDI—ARABIEN—KRON—PRINZ—IM—FALL—KHASHOGGI
20181205             AntiSEMITISMUS IM—NETZ: Keine Logik, keine Konsistenz, keine Plausibilität
20181205             Billiglöhner: ZAHL—DER—ARBEITSMIGRANTEN steigt auf 164.000.000
20181205             DEUTSCHE—KLEINSTÄDTE: "Im SAARLAND sieht es deprimierender aus als IM—OSTEN"
20181205             ERD—ÖLEXPORTIERENDE Länder: OPEC will Ölförderungen offenbar kürzen
20181205             Elektroautos: DEUTSCHE—HERSTELLER übermitteln POSITIONS—DATEN an CHINA—REGIERUNG
20181205             Höhle in Uxul: Wie 1—ARCHÄOLOGE 1—MASSENMORD zu MAYA—ZEITEN aufklärt
20181205             INF—ABRÜSTUNGSVERTRAG: RUSSLAND droht Ländern, DIE—USA—RAKETEN stationieren
20181205             Industrieländervergleich: DEUTSCHE—SOZIALABGABEN liegen weit über dem Durchschnitt
20181205             KONJUNKTUR—SORGEN, USA—AKTIEN—KURSE fallen ungewöhnlich stark
20181205             MICHAEL—FLYNN: DONALD—TRUMP—EX—BERATER soll RUSSLANDermittlern massiv geholfen haben
20181205             MORDFALL—KHASHOGGI, Die SAUDI—LOBBY bröckelt
20181205             MORDFALL—KHASHOGGI, TÜRKEI erlässt Haftbefehle gegen hochrangige SAUDI—ARABER
20181205             Medizinischer Durchbruch: Brasilianerin erhält Gebärmutter 1—TOTEN—UND bringt gesundes Kind zur Welt
20181205             Mönche als HASS—PREDIGER: Das Märchen vom friedfertigen Buddhismus (SPIEGEL+, 15:49)
20181205             NEUE—STUDIE—ZUM—CO2— Ausstoß: Die verfluchte Kohle
20181205             REKORD—SUMME: Einsteins "Gottesbrief" für 2.900.000—DOLLAR versteigert
20181205             Riesiges Finanzpolster: Gesetzliche Krankenkassen sitzen auf—EURO
20181205             Rückgang um 27 %: Anzahl DER—TERROROPFER WELT—WEIT deutlich gesunken
20181205             SAUDI—ARABIENS ATOM—PROGRAMM: Der PRINZ und die Bombe
20181205             TWITTER—JAHRESAUSWERTUNG 20180000             : #WirSindMehr war der populärste DEBATTEN—HASHTAG
20181205             Transplantation: Pavian lebt mehr als ein halbes —JAHR mit Schweineherz
20181205             UMWELT—SCHUTZ, ÖSTERREICH will auch Mikroplastik in Kosmetika verbieten
20181205             [l] Schöne Weihnachtsgeschichte: EINEKIRCHE—IN —DEN NIEDERLANDEn hält —SEIT dem ;;1026;;
20181205             1—DAUER—GOTTES—DIENST am laufen.
20181205             ÖL—UND Gashandel: EUROPÄER wollen MACHT des $ brechen
20181205             —BÜRGER—KRIEG: JEMEN—FRIEDENS—GESPRÄCHE sollen in STOCKHOLM beginnen
20181205             —NACH—100—JAHREN Verbot in COLORADO: Neunjähriger erkämpft RECHT—AUF— Schneeballschlacht
20181205             —PROTESTE—IN—FRANKREICH—MACRON erwägt Rückkehr zur Vermögensteuer
20181205             —PROTESTE—IN—FRANKREICH—REGIERUNG setzt ÖKOSTEUER—ERHÖHUNG 20190000             —FÜR, aus
20181205             —VOR, Erstklässlern: Lehrerin sagt Wahrheit über Weihnachtsmann und wird entlassen (Leben und Lernen, 21:41)
20181205             —URGED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, OPEC members not to slash production at their upcoming meeting, saying global oil prices should remain low.
20181205             —GATHERED, WASHINGTON, DC INTERNATIONAL dignitaries, with USA—LEADERS at the funeral service for GEORGE—HW—BUSH.
20181205             —CALLED, In THE—SF—BAY—AREA S—QUENTIN prison officials, 1—EMERGENCY meeting to discuss 1—POSSIBLE—CONNECTION between contraband illegal drugs and the unexplained recent deaths of 2—DEATH—ROW—INMATES.
20181205             † THE—SF, Bay Area BERKELEY street poet JULIA—VINOGRAD (74), widely known as the Bubble Lady of Telegraph Avenue, in 1—OAKLAND hospital.
20181205             —INCLUDED, Her work, 68—COLLECTIONS—OF verse.
20181205             —APPOINTED, AFGHANISTAN, its 1. woman to 1—SENIOR—POST at the Interior Ministry, naming Hosna Jalil as deputy for policy and strategic affairs.
20181205             THE—ALBANIA—GOVERNMENT gave in to demands from students and canceled 1—DOUBLE—CHARGE for repeated exams but said it could do nothing about THE—LEVEL—OF—TUITION—FEES because these are set by the individual institutions, which are partially SELF—SUPPORTING.
20181205             Students said they would continue the protest —UNTIL all their demands were fulfilled.
20181205             —RECORDED, THE—AUSTRALIA—BASED Institute for Economics and Peace, nearly 19,000 deaths —LAST—YEAR in its annual Global Terrorism Index.
20181205             BOSNIA—PROSECUTORS—OFFICE—SAID—DRAGOLJUB—KUNARAC, —58—JAHRE—ALT, 1—BOSNIAN—SERB—EX—COMMANDER who was jailed —FOR—28—YEARS by THE—UN—WAR—CRIMES—TRIBUNAL for rape and enslavement in BOSNIA—WAR—OF—THE 1990s, has —NOW been indicted over THE—KILLING—OF—MUSLIM civilians.
20181205             —RULED, BRITAIN—HIGH—COURT has, that Deliveroo riders do not have the right to collective bargaining, the latest in 1—SERIES—OF—RULINGS as UK courts grappled with the rise of THE—SO—CALLED "gig economy".
20181205             —CONFIRMED, BULGARIA—GOVERNMENT, that it would not join THE—UNITED—NATIONS pact for better regulating worldwide migration, set to be adopted —LATER—THIS—MONTH.
20181205             —SEIZED, BULGARIA—AUTHORITIES said they have, 1—HUGE—AMOUNT—OF—WEAPONS and munitions —DURING police raids in THE—CAPITAL—SOFIA and 1—SMALL—VILLAGE in CENTRAL—BULGARIA.
20181205             —CHARGED, CAMBODIA—OFFICIALS said 32—CAMBODIA—WOMEN who were, with human trafficking for serving as surrogate mothers have been provisionally released from detention —AFTER agreeing to keep the babies rather than giving them up as originally planned.
20181205             —ISSUED, CHINA, 1—UPBEAT but vague promise to carry out 1—TARIFF—CEASE—FIRE with WASHINGTON but gave no details that might dispel confusion about what Presidents Xi Jinping and DONALD—TRUMP agreed to in ARGENTINA.
20181205             —REPORTED, It was, that CROATIA is suffering 1—SEVERE—LABOR—SHORTAGE, most glaringly in its booming seaside tourist resorts, that is compounding obstacles to economic growth and dimming hopes of catching up to more developed EU peers.
20181205             —KILLED, NORTH—CYPRUS, at least 4—PEOPLE were, in flooding —LATE—TODAY as HAIL and rain hammered THE—ISLAND.
20181205             1—EGYPT—COURT sentenced 5—PEOPLE, including MOHAMMED—BADIE the head of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group, to life in prison on charges related to inciting violence and supporting militants.
20181205             —ARRESTED, Police, dozens of suspected mobsters in EUROPE and SOUTH—AMERICA in dubbed "Operation Pollina," 1—HUGE—INTERNATIONAL swoop targeting ITALY—NOTORIOUS 'Ndrangheta mafia clan.
20181205             —REPORTED, It was, that Pinna nobilis, 1—GIANT—SPECIES—OF clam only found in the Mediterranean Sea, was in DANGER—OF—EXTINCTION due to 1—MYSTERIOUS parasite.
20181205             —PROTECTED, The mollusk has been THE—EU—LIST—OF, species —FOR—DECADES.
20181205             —PLEDGED, FRANCE—TRADE—UNIONS and farmers, to join nationwide protests against PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON, as concessions by the government failed to stem the momentum of the most violent demonstrations FRANCE has seen in decades.
20181205             —INTERCEPTED, GREECE, 1—SYRIA—SHIP sailing for LIBYA.
20181205             —STARTED, LUXEMBOURG—XAVIER—BETTEL, his 2. term as PRIME—MINISTER, leading 1—COALITION—OF his liberals along with Socialists and Greens.
20181205             —KILLED, CENTRAL—MALI, 15—CIVILIANS from the Fulani community were, —WHEN armed men from 1—RIVAL—ETHNIC—GROUP attacked their village.
20181205             MEXICO—NEW—PRESIDENT—ANDRES—MANUEL—LOPEZ—OBRADOR said he will take a —3—YEAR—BREAK from awarding new oil exploration contracts in order to JUDGE—THE—RESULTS—OF—CONTRACTS already awarded.
20181205             MEXICO—PRESIDENT—ANDRES—MANUEL—LOPEZ—OBRADOR took aim at the finances of the powerful Jalisco cartel in what 1—TOP—ANTI—MONEY laundering official said was the opening salvo in the fight to stop criminal gangs from flourishing with impunity.
20181205             —REAFFIRMED, NATO—FOREIGN—MINISTERS meeting in BRUSSELS, their commitment to stay the course for security in AFGHANISTAN despite mounting AFGHANISTAN—CASUALTIES and the slow PACE—OF—PEACE—MOVES.
20181205             NATO gave BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA the green light to take 1—MAJOR—STEP—FORWARD on its path toward joining the world's biggest military alliance, despite BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBIA—OBJECTIONS to membership.
20181205             —SIGNED, PORTUGAL and CHINA, 1—MEMORANDUM of understanding on cooperation within CHINA—MODERN—SILK Road initiative, with special emphasis on transport connections and energy —DURING a —24—HOUR—STATE—VISIT by CHINA—PRESIDENT—XI—JINPING.
20181205             —VOICED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, support for VENEZUELA—LEADER—NICOLAS—MADURO as he visited MOSCOW seeking financial assistance for the socialist country's collapsing economy.
20181205             —WARNED, RUSSIA, authorities in CYPRUS not to allow THE—USA—MILITARY to deploy on their territory, saying such 1—MOVE would draw 1—RUSSIA—REACTION and result in "dangerous and destabilizing consequences" for the Mediterranean ISLAND.
20181205             —WARNED, SERBIA—PRIME—MINISTER—ANA—BRNABIC, that the formation of 1—KOSOVO army could trigger Serbia's armed intervention in the former province.
20181205             —EXPELLED, SLOVAKIA—PRIME—MINISTER—PETER—PELLEGRINI said his country has, 1—RUSSIA—DIPLOMAT—AFTER discovering he was 1—SPY working under diplomatic cover.
20181205             —BACKED, SOMALIA—COMMANDOS, by USA—FORCES raided 2—AL—SHABAB checkpoints overnight at which the extremists extort money from commercial vehicles, killing several fighters.
20181205             1—SPAIN—REGIONAL—COURT confirmed 1—CONTROVERSIAL ruling that cleared 5—MEN—OF—GANG—RAPING an —18—YEAR—OLD—WOMAN—DURING Pamplona's 20160000             S—FERMIN festival, 1—CASE which led to protests across SPAIN over chauvinism and sexual abuse.
20181205             —CONFIRMED, THE—NAVARRA court, —9—YEAR—PRISON—SENTENCES for the men.
20181205             —BANNED, TOGO—GOVERNMENT, 1—SERIES—OF planned opposition protests on security grounds, saying the marches posed 1—SECURITY—RISK.
20181205             1—TURKEY—COURT issued arrest warrants for 2—SUSPECTS—CLOSE to SAUDI—ARABIA—CROWN—PRINCE—MOHAMMED bin Salman over THE—MURDER—OF—JOURNALIST—JAMAL—KHASHOGGI, increasing pressure on the kingdom's de facto leader.
20181205             THE—UN—SECRETARY—GENERAL—ENVOY for WEST—SAHARA met with foreign ministers from ALGERIA, MOROCCO and MAURITANIA plus leaders of the Polisario Front in GENEVA over the future of THE—MOROCCO—ANNEXED territory.
20181205             —LAUNCHED, THE—VATICAN, 1—INVESTIGATION into 1—SMALL—CHILE—RELIGIOUS—ORDER—OF—NUNS —AFTER SOME—SISTERS denounced sexual abuse at THE—HANDS—OF—PRIESTS and mistreatment by their superiors.
20181205—20140000    —IN, That is 1—DECREASE—OF—27—PERCENT from —1—YEAR—EARLIER and down 44—PERCENT from 1—PEAK.
20181205—20181110    —INFORMED, ITALY was, by NORTH—KOREA that acting ambassador JO—SONG—GIL and his wife had left THE—NORTH—KOREA—EMBASSY in ROME and
20181205—20181114    —ON, that their daughter (17) had been repatriated.
20181205—20181208    —ESCORTED, THE—NOKA was, to Heraklion port on THE—GREECE—ISLAND, where the authorities unloaded its entire cargo and found about 6—TONS of processed cannabis and 3—MILLION—SUPER—STRENGTH "Captagon" amphetamine pills worth more than 100—MILLION—EUROS ($113—MILLION).
20181205—20350000    —BIS, NEUE—STUDIE, E—AUTOS kosten DEUTSCHLAND mehr als 100.000—JOBS
20191004—20191205    —ON, 3—MEN were charged with capital murder in THE—KILLING—OF—BROWN.
20191204             —DONNERSTAG, 20191205             20191204             Dürre und Misswirtschaft: Jeder 2. in SIMBABWE leidet akut Hunger
20191204             —DONNERSTAG, 20191205             20191205             —STUDIE mit 70.000—TIEREN Wie der Klimawandel die Vögel verändert (Wissenschaft
20191205             —STUDIE mit 70.000—TIEREN Wie der Klimawandel die Vögel verändert (Wissenschaft
20191205             —STUDIE—DES—DGB: Für jeden 3. nimmt der Stress im Job zu
20191205             [l] In Gouda (NL) kriegt man —JETZT die Überwachungskamera an der Wohnungstür subventioniert, wenn sie mit DER—POLIZEI registriert wurde und ihre Bilder in die Cloud hochlädt.PUBLIC—PRIVATE—SCHNÜFFELPARTNERSHIP!
20191205             "PARKER—SOLAR—PROBE" war 20180000             gestartet und soll 2—FUNDAMENTALE Fragen klären:
20191205             "PARKER—SOLAR—PROBE": Forscher präsentieren 1. DATEN—VON—DER—REISE zur Sonne
20191205             "Wir waren schockiert, wie vielfältig die Korona der Sonne von Nahem aussieht",
20191205             1—GANZ andere Schwierigkeit: "DIE—HERAUSFORDERUNG ist, Menschen dazu zu bekommen, über viele —JAHRE Medikamente zu schlucken".
20191205             Vor allem, wenn sie von der drohenden Krankheit noch nichts spüren.
20191205             Besonders betroffen von fehlenden Weiterbildungsangeboten sind vor allem Gruppen wie Erwachsene mit Behinderungen, Ältere, Geflüchtete und Migranten.
20191205             —GEHÖRT—DEUTSCHLAND, zum knappen Fünftel der Länder weltweit, das mehr als 4—PROZENT—DES—BILDUNGSBUDGETS in lebenslanges Lernen investiert.
20191205             —GEWORDEN, DIE—UNTERSUCHUNG zeigt, daß die Tiere im Laufe —DER—JAHRE kleiner, sind.
20191205             Doch das BEWUSSTSEIN dafür ist oftmals gar nicht vorhanden, heißt es in dem Berich
20191205             EX—CIA—GENTIN Fox "Ich saß oft mit Personen zusammen, die als Monster galten" (Politik
20191205             Entzug von Lebensmittelmarken: TRUMP—REGIERUNG will 700.000—USA—AMERIKANERN die Sozialleistungen kürzen
20191205             FOTO—APP—VON—FACEBOOK: Instagram fragt —JETZT Geburtsdaten ab
20191205             Fox: Ich erlebe, daß immer weniger Menschen fähig sind, miteinander zu reden.
20191205             Fox: Mit —8—JAHREN verlor ich eine enge Freundin beim LOCKERBIE—ATTENTAT.
20191205             GOOGLE—GRÜNDER—LARRY—PAGE: "Ich bin einfach Optimist" (SPIEGEL+, 00:28)
20191205             Geld und Macht: So funktionieren die NETZWERKE—DES—DEUTSCHEN—ADELS (SPIEGEL+, 00:32)
20191205             Generalstreik: ZUGFERN—VERKEHR nach FRANKREICH eingestellt
20191205             In den kommenden —5—JAHREN soll sich "PARKER—SOLAR—PROBE" der Sonne sogar auf 6—MILLIONEN—KILOMETER nähern.
20191205             Industrieländer: Die ARBEITS—LOSIGKEIT SINKT—DIE Armut STEIGT—MIT Gewalttätern REDEN—GEHT das?
20191205             Amaryllis Fox arbeitete fast —10—JAHRE—LANG, als CIA—AGENTIN.
20191205             Möglichst wenig gesättigte Fettsäuren aus Käse, Fleisch oder Schokolade zu sich nehmen und stattdessen auf ungesättigte Fettsäuren, VOLLKORN—PRODUKTE und Hülsenfrüchte setzen.
20191205             New hotness: Videospiel geht nicht mehr, weil der Hersteller seine DRM—LIZENZ nicht verlängert hat.
20191205             Risikogruppe 30- —BIS—40—JAHRE—ALTE Die unbekannte Cholesteringefahr (Gesundheit
20191205             So lobt der Bericht das ARBEITSLOSENVERSICHERUNGSSCHUTZ—UND Weiterbildungsstärkungsgesetz,
20191205             So nah war die Menschheit der Sonne noch nie: Die Raumsonde "PARKER—SOLAR—PROBE" hat sich ihr auf 24—MILLIONEN—KILOMETER genähert,
20191205             Stattdessen geht es bei der Arbeit von CIA—AGENTEN vor allem darum, mit Gewalttätern eine menschliche Verbindung herzustellen.
20191205             Umstrittenes Herbizid: MONSANTO— soll Studien zu Glyphosat gekauft haben
20191205             UNESCO—WELT—BERICHT zur Erwachsenenbildung
20191205             UNESCO—STUDIE—ZUR Erwachsenenbildung DEUTSCHLAND mit vorbildlicher Weiterbildung (Leben und Lernen
20191205             Unesco: DEUTSCHLAND Vorbild bei der ERWACHSENENBILDUNG—SPIEGEL—ONLINE
20191205             Wegen geringer Nachfrage: JAPAN bringt riesiges KONJUNKTUR—PROGRAMM auf den Weg
20191205             Witz auf Kosten von Barron TRUMP: Melania DONALD—TRUMP keilt gegen Zeugin in IMPEACHMENT—ANHÖRUNG
20191205             [l] Breast Cancer Linked to Permanent Hair Dye and Chemical Hair Straighteners in Study of Almost 50,000 Women.
20191205             [l] Du weißt, daß das Korruptionsverfahren gegen dich nicht so gut läuft, wenn sie auch noch deinen Anwalt wegen GELD—WÄSCHE anklagen.ISRAEL—STATE prosecutor said —THURSDAY he intends to charge the personal LAWYER—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU with MONEY—LAUNDERING in the state's PURCHASE—OF—SUBMARINES from GERMANY—FIRM Thyssenkrupp.
20191205             [l] Old and busted: E—BOOKS gehen nicht mehr, weil der PUBLISHER zugemacht hat.
20191205             wahrscheinlich
20191205             —KLIMA—WANDEL? Als die Vogelkundler des Field Museum in CHICAGO in den SIEBZIGER—JAHREN mit ihrer Arbeit begannen, war der Begriff allenfalls in Fachkreisen populär.
20191205             —LAUT—ANGABEN einer —STUDIE—DES—BILDUNGSMINISTERIUMS vom ;;08;;greifen Menschen in DEUTSCHLAND zunehmend auf Weiterbildungen zurück.
20191205             —SPIEGEL, Was hat Sie zur CIA gebracht?
20191205             USA—HOUSE—SPEAKER—NANCY said she was authorizing the drafting of formal impeachment charges against PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP "sadly but with confidence and humility".
20191205             USA and UK—AUTHORITIES took aim at THE—RUSSIA—BASED cybercriminal group known as Evil Corp, indicting 2—OF—ITS—LEADERS, MAKSIM—YAKUBETS and IGOR—TURASHEV, and ordering asset freezes against 17—OF—ITS—ASSOCIATES over 1—DIGITAL—CRIME—SPREE that has netted more than $100—MILLION from companies across the world.
20191205             —UNVEILED, Democratic presidential contender MICHAEL—BLOOMBERG, 1—GUN—CONTROL—POLICY—JUST steps from the site of 1—OF—COLORADO—WORST—MASS—SHOOTINGS, calling for 1—BAN on all assault weapons, mandatory permits for gun purchasers and 1—NEW—POSITION in THE—WHITE—HOUSE to coordinate gun violence prevention.
20191205             SOUTH—FLORIDA, 4—PEOPLE, including 1—UPS driver, were killed —AFTER robbers stole the driver's truck and led police on 1—CHASE that ended in gunfire at 1—BUSY—INTERSECTION —DURING rush —HOUR in Miramar.
20191205             3—MINNESOTA National Guard crew members were killed —WHEN their Black Hawk helicopter crashed SOUTH—OF—S—CLOUD.
20191205             —CONVICTED—OF, NEW—YORK, City DOCTOR—GORDON—FREEDMAN was, accepting THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS in bribes and kickbacks from Insys Therapeutics Inc in exchange for prescribing his patients 1—ADDICTIVE fentanyl spray the drug manufacturer produced.
20191205             —ANNOUNCED, USA—FEDERAL—OFFICIALS in MASSACHUSETTS, that more than 60—MEMBERS—OF—THE—LATIN—KINGS—GANG have been arrested.
20191205             Fisher INDUSTRIES—OF—NORTH—DAKOTA, —RECENTLY won a $400—MILLION—FEDERAL—CONTRACT to construct 31—MILES—OF—BARRIER along the border near YUMA—ARIZONA PRESIDENT—TRUMP has urged the Army CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS to hire THE—NORTH—DAKOTA—BASED firm, whose head is 1—MAJOR—REPUBLICAN donor and 1—FREQUENT—GUEST on FOX—NEWS.
20191205             1—REPORT by the Environmental Integrity Project released showed some 30—STATES have reduced funding for pollution control programs, 16—OF—THEM by more than 20%.
20191205             40—STATES, —MEANWHILE, have cut staffing at environmental agencies, HALF—OF—THEM by at least 10%.
20191205             Over the last —DECADE, THE—USA—ENVIRONMENTAL—PROTECTION—AGENCY—BUDGET and work force have both decreased by 16%, and THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION has proposed slashing the agency's budget further —WHILE shifting more of its work to states.
20191205             —ISSUED, THE—AUSTRALIA—FEDERAL—POLICE (AFP) and AUSTRALIA—BORDER—FORCE (ABF), 1—JOINT—STATEMENT saying 3—PEOPLE have been charged with importing 1,633 kg (3,600 lbs.) of methamphetamine and heroin into AUSTRALIA by hiding them inside of stereo speakers originating from BANGKOK—THAILAND.
20191205             1—UK—JUDGE exonerated 3—BLACK—MEN who served time in prison —50—YEARS—AGO based upon THE—TESTIMONY—OF—1—CORRUPT police officer.
20191205             —DUBBED, The group, the "Oval 4," served —8—MONTHS in prison but sought to clear their names.
20191205             A 4. man could not be located to take part in the case.
20191205             † BURUNDI authorities said at least 28—PEOPLE have in landslides —FOLLOWING—WEEKS—OF—HEAVY—RAINS.
20191205             —REMAINED, MANY—PEOPLE, missing.
20191205             —SIGNED, THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—DEFENSE—MINISTRY said it has, 1—DEAL to buy 8—MOBILE—MADR 3D radars from ISRAEL for 3.5—BILLION crowns ($152—MILLION).
20191205             —FIRED, FRANCE—POLICE, tear gas at protesters in the center of PARIS.
20191205             Public transport ground to 1—NEAR halt in 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST strikes in FRANCE —FOR—DECADES, aimed at forcing PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON to ditch 1 planned REFORM—OF—PENSIONS.
20191205             —KILLED, WEST—IRAN, 1—EXPLOSION—OF—1—HEATING gas pipe, at least 11—PEOPLE and injured 42—OTHERS —DURING 1—WEDDING ceremony in the predominantly Kurdish CITY—OF—SAQQEZ.
20191205             IRAQ, crowds backing 1—PARAMILITARY—FORCE—CLOSE to IRAN flooded BAGHDAD—MAIN—PROTEST—CAMP, rattling ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATORS who have denounced TEHRAN—ROLE in their country.
20191205             —SUFFERED, At least 15—PEOPLE, stab wounds in BAGHDAD—TAHRIR—SQUARE.
20191205             1—KOSOVO court sentenced 1—FORMER—ETHNIC—SERBIA—MINISTER to —2—YEARS in prison for inciting ethnic hatred.
20191205             —ACCUSED, LIBYA—UN—SUPPORTED government and USA—OFFICIALS, RUSSIA of deploying mercenaries to fight alongside opponents in the country's civil war.
20191205             —DOCUMENTED, THE—TRIPOLI—BASED Government of National Accord (GNA) has, 600—800—RUSSIA—FIGHTERS in LIBYA.
20191205             —MANAGED, THE—SILVANA—III, 1—OIL—TANKER, by 1—CHINA—COMPANY under USA—SANCTIONS, anchored off Kuala Kurau on MALAYSIA—WEST—COAST.
20191205             It did not follow instructions to drop its ladder to allow maritime authorities to conduct checks.
20191205             —AFTER several attempts to instruct the ship to drop ladder were not heeded, the ship lifted anchor and left the location.
20191205             MAURITANIA, SCORES—OF—MIGRANTS, who swam through rough Atlantic Ocean waters to safety from 1 capsized boat, received care —AFTER 58—OTHERS drowned in 1—OF—THE—DEADLIEST disasters —THIS—YEAR among people making the perilous journey to EUROPE.
20191205             The boat had left GAMBIA —1—WEEK—AGO carrying at least 150—PEOPLE, including women and children.
20191205             —SUSPENDED, RUSSIA—STATE—NUCLEAR—COMPANY—ROSATOM said it has, work on revamping 1—FACTORY at IRAN—FORDOW nuclear complex due to 1—ISSUE with uranium compatibility.
20191205             SAMOA—GOVERNMENT told most public and private workers to stay at home and shut down roads to nonessential vehicles as teams began going DOOR—TO—DOOR to administer vaccines against the measles epidemic that has killed 62—PEOPLE.
20191205             —CHARGED, SLOVAKIA—POLICE said they have, FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—ROBERT—FICO with racism for his comments about the embattled ROMA minority.
20191205             SOUTH—AFRICA was hit by power cuts —AFTER 1—NUMBER—OF generating units broke down, forcing the struggling state power utility Eskom to cut up to 2,000 megawatts (MW) of power from the national grid on 1—ROTATIONAL basis.
20191205—19780000    —SEIT, haben die Wissenschaftler GEMEINSAM—MIT—FREIWILLIGEN JEDES—FRÜHJAHR tote Zugvögel gesammelt, vermessen und katalogisiert.
20191205—19990000    —INCITED, THE—PRISTINA court said that IVAN—TODOSIJEVIC, national, racial, religious and ethnic hatred —WHEN he denied 1—MASSACRE—OF—KOSOVO civilians in Recak, which prompted NATO to step in and stop the war.
20191205—20200100    —IN, 1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT ruling freed up construction money for 175—MILES—OF—BORDER—WALL.
20201205             —SAMSTAG, 20201205
20201205             GLOBAL—CASES—66.137.325—GLOBAL—DEATHS—1.522.940
20201205             Neuropathologe über Demenz: "Unser Gehirn ist nicht darauf ausgelegt, so lange zu funktionieren"
20201205             WIRECARD—SKANDAL: Keine Ermittlungen gegen Marsalek wegen Geheimdienstverdacht
20201205             Parlamentswahl in RUMÄNIEN: Machtwechsel ohne Wandel
20201205             "Strategische Souveränität" der EU: Wir müssen handlungsfähig werden 1—GASTBEITRAG—VON—FRANZISKA—BRANTNER, Die Grünen
20201205             Umgang mit dem Tod: Das Dauerraunen des Schreckens
20201205             Anwältin über die Coronakrise in Mexikos Fabriken: "Arbeiter, die sich anstecken oder sterben, werden einfach durch jüngere ersetzt" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—SONJA—PETERANDERL
20201205             CORONA—REGELN an Weihnachten: Kein Platz für Opa
20201205             Spektakuläre Mission "Chang'e 5": Was wollen die Chinesen auf dem Mond?
20201205             CORONA—AUSGANGSSPERRE in MANNHEIM: Stille —NACHT
20201205             CORONA—SHUTDOWN: Söder will Silvesterfeiern einschränken
20201205             Sterbende Malls: Der Niedergang des AMERIKANISCHEN—SHOPPINGTRAUMS
20201205             Ökonomin über soziale Medien und Einsamkeit: "Verbietet die Netzwerke, die Kinder unter 16—SÜCHTIG machen!"
20201205             Reporter ohne Grenzen: "Pressefreiheit ist 1—MENSCHENRECHT"
20201205             BREXIT—VERHANDLUNGEN: Letzte Hoffnung Spitzentreffen
20201205             Niederlage für Trump: USA—RICHTER—ORDNET—WIEDEREINFÜHRUNG—VON "Dreamer"-Programm an
20201205             "Hayabusa 2": JAPANISCHE—SONDE schickt ASTEROIDEN—PROBEN Richtung AUSTRALIEN
20201205             Nach einer Weltraumreise von mehr als 5—MILLIARDEN Kilometern hat die JAPANISCHE—RAUMSONDE "Hayabusa 2" ihr vorerst letztes Manöver bravourös beendet:
20201205             Sie hat 1—KAPSEL mit Proben des Asteroiden Ryugu auf den Weg Richtung Erde geschickt.
20201205             —BEKANNT, Das gab die JAPANISCHE—RAUMFAHRTAGENTUR Jaxa.
20201205             Bei den Proben handle es sich um 4,6 Milliarden —JAHRE altes Material.
20201205             Die Forscher wollen damit den Ursprüngen des Sonnensystems auf die Spur kommen.
20201205             Die Kapsel wurde in 220.000—KILOMETERN Entfernung von der Sonde getrennt und soll am Samstagabend (MEZ) in die Erdatmosphäre eintreten.
20201205             Rund 10—KILOMETER über AUSTRALIEN soll dann gegen 18.30—UHR (MEZ) 1—FALLSCHIRM ausgelöst werden, an dem die nur 40—ZENTIMETER große Kapsel zur Erde schwebt.
20201205             Die Proben waren im vergangenen —JAHR in mehreren spektakulären Manövern eingesammelt worden:
20201205             —ENDE 20190200             war "Hayabusa 2" kurz auf dem Asteroiden gelandet und hatte 1—KUGEL in dessen Oberfläche gefeuert, um Staub für Proben aufzuwirbeln.
20201205             An dem spektakulären Projekt hatte sich auch das DEUTSCHE—ZENTRUM für LUFT—UND Raumfahrt (DLR) mit dem Lander "Mascot" beteiligt.
20201205             Während die Kapsel auf der Erde erwartet wird, bricht die Sonde "Hayabusa 2" selbst —SCHON zu ihrer nächsten Mission auf.
20201205             Sie soll einen anderen erdnahen Asteroiden ansteuern und dort in rund —10—JAHREN ankommen.
20201205             Weihnachten: Giffey fürchtet wegen Shutdown Zunahme der Gewalt gegen Frauen
20201205             Abtreibungsgesetze in POLEN: "Ich hatte Angst, dass mich die Regierung zwingt, dieses Kind zu gebären"
20201205             Protest gegen Ausbau der A49: Polizei setzt am Dannenröder Forst bei Minusgraden Wasserwerfer ein
20201205             KOHLENMONOXID—VERGIFTUNG: Mindestens 18—TOTE bei Grubenunglück in CHINA
20201205             Streit um Begnadigungen: PRÄSIDENT—IN—ANGST
20201205             Google trennt sich von KI—FORSCHERIN: "Das Ausmaß der Respektlosigkeit ist unglaublich"
20201205             COVID—19: Experte hält Impfpflicht für denkbar
20201205             Proteste gegen Polizeigewalt: Schwere Ausschreitungen in PARIS
20201205             Moskau und der CORONA—IMPFSTOFF: RUSSISCH—ROULETTE - Sat 20201205
20201205             [l] Zu dem FALL—DER—BEI—GOOGLE rausgeflogenen "Ethical AI"-Forscherin gibt es 1—UPDATE.
20201205             —BEHAUPTET, Sie hatte öffentlich, sie habe bei Google gar nicht gekündigt sondern Google habe das einfach gelogen und dann ihrer nie ausgesprochenen Kündigung "zugestimmt".
20201205             Stellt sich raus: Das war 1—LÜGE.
20201205             Gebru had said she would resign unless Google met 1—NUMBER—OF—CONDITIONS, which it was unwilling to meet.
20201205             Sie hat also doch ihre Kündigung ausgesprochen, und Google hat sie akzeptiert.
20201205             —VERSUCHT, Der Artikel, daher —JETZT eine alternative Erklärung zu finden, wieso Google sie weghaben wollte, und findet dabei ein unpubliziertes Paper, das sie dann dort zusammenfassen.
20201205             Ich fasse mal die Zusammenfassung zusammen:
20201205             Große Sprachmodelle verbrennen sinnlos viel Energie.
20201205             Klimawandel!!1!
20201205             Wer sich den Aufwand leisten kann, wird eine privilegierte große Firma sein.
20201205             Den Klimawandel nehmen sie in Kauf, aber seine Kosten werden hauptsächlich von Unterprivilegierten getragen.
20201205             —TRAINIERT, Weil die Modelle mit INTERNET—DATEN, werden, lernen die nicht die inklusive NEUSPRECH—PLASTIK—SPRACHE, die die FRANKENSPRACH—AKTIVISTEN gerne allen aufzwängen würden, sondern 1—DURCHSCHNITTSSPRACHE.
20201205             Nicht nur ist das aus ihrer Sicht natürlich doof, sondern es marginalisiert auch die Marginalisierten weiter, deren RANDGRUPPEN—DIALEKTE weghomogenisiert werden.
20201205             Außerdem fließt —JETZT in diese Modelle so viel Forschungsgeld, dass keiner mehr andere Dinge in die Richtung forscht, weil das nicht so lukrativ ist.
20201205             Ich bin ehrlich gesagt erschüttert, dass die sowas "Forschung" nennen.
20201205             —GENANNT, Sowas hätte man früher schlechten Journalismus.
20201205             Einfach ein paar Dinge ins Narrativ implizieren (wie das PLASTIK—SPRACHE wünschenswert ist, oder dass Klimawandel sich gegen die Armen richtet) und fertig ist der Artikel.
20201205             Das ist die ART—VON—ARTIKEL, die in Zukunft AI schreiben wird ?
20201205             Sich darüber beklagen, dass niemand mehr für die Erforschung anderer Aspekte bezahlt wird, während sie darüber forscht und dafür bezahlt wird, einen anderen Aspekt zu beleuchten.
20201205             Die Idee, dass die Klimakatastrophe nur die Armen betrifft, ist offensichtlich Bullshit.
20201205             Die betrifft den ganzen Planeten.
20201205             Sie betrifft nur zuerst die Armen.
20201205             Von den Dingen, die wir schleunigst gegen die Klimakatastrophe tun sollten, sind KI—MODELLE so weit unten auf der Liste, dass der Listenplatz vierstellig ist.
20201205             Sie haben da 1—RECHNUNG aufgestellt, wie dass das Trainieren dieses einen Modells soviel CO2 produziert wie 5—AUTOS in einem —JAHR ausstoßén.
20201205             Die Forschergruppe besteht aus mehreren Leuten. AMERIKA.
20201205             Ich bin mir fast sicher, dass die gar nicht auf die Idee kamen, vielleicht auf ihr Auto zu verzichten.
20201205             Lieber Google ankacken, klar.
20201205             Der eigentliche Kritikpunkt an diesen Modellen sollte sein, dass sie wie Papageien sind.
20201205             —OPTIMIERT, All das Training, die Sätze, die der Papagai sagen kann.
20201205             Er hat aber immer noch überhaupt kein Verständnis dafür, was er da sagt, und versteht auch nicht, was man ihm sagt.
20201205             Das ist —JETZT auch eine triviale Erkenntnis, die ich nicht als Forschung bezeichnen würde.
20201205             COVID—19: Algarve regista mais um óbito e 88—INFETADOS
20201205             Alentejo tem mais uma morte e 106—CASOS de COVID—19
20201205             Circulação entre concelhos permitida no NATAL e proibida no Ano Novo
20201205             MONCHIQUE entra na lista de risco elevado, ALBUFEIRA sai
20201205             Mértola e Odemira entram na lista de risco elevado, CUBA e Serpa passam a muito elevado
20201205             MONCHIQUE, FARO, PORTIMÃO, LAGOS, LAGOA e VILA—DO—BISPO estão na lista de risco elevado (mais de 240—CASOS, mas menos de 480—POR 100—MIL habitantes), sujeitos a medidas como o recolher obrigatório, todos os dias da semana, das 23h00 às 5h00.
20201205             A circulação entre concelhos vai ser permitida de 23 a 26—DE Dezembro, época de NATAL, mas será proibida entre as 00h00 de dia 31—DE Dezembro e as 5h00 de 4—DE Janeiro.
20201205             a partir das 0h00 de 31—DE Dezembro, e até às 5h00 de 4—DE Janeiro, será proibido andar entre concelhos.
20201205             1—CIRCULAÇÃO na via pública poderá acontecer até às 2h00 na noite de 31—E até às 23h00 a 1—DE Janeiro.
20201205             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—699—(+10)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—534—(+8)—CASOS—ATIVOS—159—(+2)
20201205             ALCOUTIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—23—(=)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—18—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—2—(=)
20201205             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—21—(+1)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—13—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—7—(+1)
20201205             CASTRO—MARIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—56—(+1)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—48—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—8—(+1)
20201205             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—747—(+11)—ÓBITOS—3—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—483—(+9)—CASOS—ATIVOS—261—(+2)
20201205             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—244—(+6)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—96—(+10)—CASOS—ATIVOS—146—(-4)
20201205             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—537—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—386—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—149—(-1)
20201205             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—845—(+16)—ÓBITOS—12—(=)—RECUPERADOS—522—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—311—(+15)
20201205             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—36—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—24—(+4)—CASOS—ATIVOS—12—(-4)
20201205             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—310—(+2)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—226—(+7)—CASOS—ATIVOS—83—(-5)
20201205             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—868—(+12)—ÓBITOS—9—(=)—RECUPERADOS—572—(+7)—CASOS—ATIVOS—287—(+5)
20201205             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—306—(+7)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—192—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—113—(+6)
20201205             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—298—(+1)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—247—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—48—(+1)
20201205             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—236—(+1)—ÓBITOS—5—(=)—RECUPERADOS—211—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—20—(+1)
20201205             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—80—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—47—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—32—(-2)
20201205             278_DGS_BOLETIM_20201205—1—20201205—LK—DÜREN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—450—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—170,0—TODESFÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—1—FÄLLE—GESAMT—5.120—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—1.934,7—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—95—EINWOHNERZAHL—264.638
20201205             Fiat Multipla 600— ein Geniestreich
20201205             Familienministerin FRANZISKA—GIFFEY (SPD) rechnet an den Weihnachtstagen im Shutdown mit einer Zunahme an häuslicher Gewalt.
20201205             In der Zeit des 1. Shutdowns seien die Zahlen um etwa 25—PROZENT gegenüber 20190000             gestiegen, "auffällig war es an den Osterfeiertagen",
20201205             S—FRANCISCO verschärft CORONA—MAßNAHMEN
20201205             "Der düstere COVID—WINTER, den wir befürchtet haben, hat die Bay Area erreicht", sagte der Arzt CHRIS—FARNITANO—VON—DER—GESUNDHEITSBEHÖRDE im Bezirk Contra Costa in einer gemeinsamen Erklärung mit Kollegen anderer Bezirke.
20201205             Man müsse schnell handeln, um Leben zu retten.
20201205             Der saarländische Ministerpräsident TOBIAS—HANS (CDU) hat sich für schärfere CORONA—REGELN an Silvester ausgesprochen.
20201205             "Eines ist doch klar: Wir dürfen kein Risiko eingehen, auch nicht an Silvester", sagte der CDU—POLITIKER der "Augsburger Allgemeinen".
20201205             "Deshalb sollten wir — wenn sich die Zahlen weiter auf so hohem Niveau befinden — auf Nummer sicher gehen und vor Silvester wieder zu den jetzigen strengen CORONA—REGELUNGEN zurückkehren".
20201205             —GESPROCHEN, Über härtere Maßnahmen müsse zudem, werden, wenn die Infektionszahlen durch die Decke gingen, wie mancherorts in Hotspots.
20201205             Höchststand in den USA: Mehr als 227 000—NEUE Fälle
20201205             Die USA sind das am schwersten von der Pandemie betroffene Land weltweit.
20201205             Wegen der sich verschärfenden CORONA—LAGE in BAYERN hat Ministerpräsident MARKUS—SÖDER (CSU) für —DIESEN—SONNTAG sein Kabinett zu einer Sondersitzung zusammengerufen.
20201205             Um 12.00—UHR will der Ministerrat nach ANGABEN—DER—STAATSKANZLEI per Videoschalte über "weitere Maßnahmen" beraten.
20201205             Konkret dürfte dies weitere Verschärfungen des Kurses im Kampf gegen die Pandemie bedeuten.
20201205             Die Stadt PFORZHEIM hat zur Eindämmung des Infektionsgeschehens eine nächtliche Ausgangsbeschränkung erlassen.
20201205             Sie tritt —AM—SAMSTAG in Kraft und gilt —BIS zum 20201214             zwischen 21.00—UHR und 5.00—UHR,
20201205             —BEGINNT, MOSKAU, die 1. Massenimpfung in RUSSLAND gegen das CORONA€”VIRUS.
20201205             —VERABREICHT, In 70—KLINIKEN werde der Impfstoff Sputnik V,
20201205             —ZUNÄCHST soll das in RUSSLAND hergestellte Mittel kostenlos Ärzten, Pflegekräften, Lehrern und Sozialarbeitern zur Verfügung gestellt werden.
20201205             In der HAUPTSTADT wurden binnen —24—STUNDEN 7993—INFEKTIONSFÄLLE gemeldet — über 1000—MEHR als am Vortag (6868) und weit mehr als —ANFANG—SEPTEMBER, als noch rund 700—NEUINFEKTIONEN —AM—TAG registriert wurden.
20201205             In 1—AUSARBEITUNG, die der DEUTSCHEN—PRESSE—AGENTUR vorliegt, heißt es:
20201205             "Der überwiegend vertretenen Auffassung, wonach die Priorisierung bestimmter Bevölkerungsgruppen beim Zugang zu Impfstoffen eines förmlichen Gesetzes bedarf, das zumindest die wesentlichen Kriterien für die Verteilung eines knappen Impfstoffes regelt, ist zuzustimmen".
20201205             —FESTGEHALTEN, Schließlich habe das Bundesverfassungsgericht, dass insbesondere die Grundrechtsrelevanz einer Maßnahme dafür entscheidend sei, ob diese durch ein formelles Gesetz zu regeln sei.
20201205             Die —ENTSCHEIDUNG, welche Bevölkerungsgruppen bei der Verteilung —ZUNÄCHST zu bevorzugen seien, weise somit "eine hohe generelle Grundrechtsrelevanz auf", heißt es in der Ausarbeitung, die der FDP—FRAKTIONSVIZE STEPHAN—THOMAE angefordert hatte.
20201205             Ausgangssperren in der TÜRKEI beginnen
20201205             Andere Regeln gelten für Menschen unter 20—UND über —65—JAHRE.
20201205             Sie dürfen während der Ausgangssperre nicht vor die Tür.
20201205             ARGENTINIEN will Reichensteuer für CORONA—KOSTEN
20201205             ARGENTINIEN will die CORONA—HILFEN für kleine Unternehmen und sozial Schwache mit einer Sondersteuer für Reiche finanzieren.
20201205             Der Senat in der HAUPTSTADT—BUENOS—AIRES beschloss —AM—FREITAG (Ortszeit) 1—SONDERABGABE für die rund 12.000—REICHSTEN Menschen des Landes.
20201205             Die REGIERUNG—VON—PRÄSIDENT—ALBERTO—FERNÁNDEZ hofft, mit der Maßnahme 300—MILLIARDEN Pesos (rund 3—MILLIARDEN Euro) einnehmen zu können.
20201205             42—SENATOREN stimmten für die Sondersteuer, 26—DAGEGEN.
20201205             Laut dem —NUN verabschiedeten Gesetz müssen die Reichen 1—STEUER—VON—BIS zu 3,5 Prozent auf ihr Vermögen im Inland und —BIS zu 5,25 Prozent auf ihr Vermögen im Ausland zahlen.
20201205             Die Regierung will nach eigenen Angaben 20—PROZENT—DER—EINNAHMEN für die medizinische Versorgung im Land bereitstellen.
20201205             Der Rest soll an Unternehmen, Stipendien für Studenten sowie in soziale Entwicklungsmaßnahmen fließen.
20201205             Präsidentin und Regierungschef von ESTLAND in Selbstisolation - Auf Anweisung der Gesundheitsbehörde
20201205             "Querdenken"-Demos in MANNHEIM und BREMEN bleiben verboten
20201205             Das Bundesverfassungsgericht bestätigte das Verbot und lehnte den Eilantrag der Veranstalter ab.
20201205             Die Vorinstanzen hatten ihre —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN unter anderem mit der hohen zu erwartenden Teilnehmerzahl und einer Gefährdung für die Öffentlichkeit begründet.
20201205             Es gebe kein milderes Mittel als das Versammlungsverbot.
20201205             Bei der Demonstration der Initiative "Querdenken 421" waren —BIS zu 20.000—TEILNEHMER auf der Bürgerweide am Hauptbahnhof erwartet worden.
20201205             Intensivmediziner warnt vor 3. Welle nach Feiertagen
20201205             "10—PERSONEN aus —BIS zu 10—HAUSHALTEN zuzulassen, erscheint mir zu freizügig, gerade an Silvester, wo ein solches Szenario ja — anders als am Weihnachtsabend — durchaus nicht unrealistisch ist",
20201205             LITAUEN: 3. Höchstwert in Folge
20201205             PORTUGAL hebt Reiseverbot über Weihnachten auf
20201205             Allerdings werden sie unmittelbar danach wieder eingesetzt, um NEUJAHRS—FEIERLICHKEITEN zu verhindern.
20201205             Damit wird das Reiseverbot zwischen dem 23. und 20201226             aufgehoben.
20201205             Im Freien dürfen sich höchstens 6—MENSCHEN treffen.
20201205             Jeder muss am Neujahrstag spätestens um 02.00—UHR —MORGENS zu Hause sein.
20201205             Spahn fürchtet Verteilungskonflikte um Impfstoff
20201205             "Es wird ja nicht umsonst an Konzepten gearbeitet, —BIS hin zu polizeilichem Schutz der Impfzentren",
20201205             FRANKREICH meldet steigende Infektionszahlen
20201205             Machtkampf in VENEZUELA: "Maduro will mit der Wahl die Opposition endgültig eliminieren" Aus MEXIKO—STADT berichtet KLAUS—EHRINGFELD
20201205             Vor SENATOREN—STICHWAHL in GEORGIA: Trump macht wieder Wahlkampf — und setzt GOUVERNEUR—UNTER—DRUCK
20201205             "Strenge HYGIENE—UND Abstandsregeln": Aida Cruises startet trotz CORONA mit der "Aidaperla" in die Saison
20201205             SAMSTAG,—20201205—1—20201205—GLOBAL—CASES—66.137.325—GLOBAL—DEATHS—1.522.940
20201205             —ZERSTÖRT—NEW—YORK: Feuer, historische Kirche im EAST—VILLAGE
20201205             Moskau und der CORONA—IMPFSTOFF: RUSSISCH—ROULETTE—SAT 20201205             20201205             [l] Zu dem FALL—DER—BEI—GOOGLE rausgeflogenen "Ethical AI"-Forscherin gibt es 1—UPDATE.
20201205             Die Bundesregierung sollte die Impfung gegen COVID—19—NACH einer Einschätzung der wissenschaftlichen Dienste des Bundestags nicht einfach per Verordnung regeln, sondern mit einem Gesetz.
20201205             Die Möglichkeit, Impfschutz gegen COVID—19—ERLANGEN zu können, sei für die gesamte Bevölkerung von enormer Relevanz, da ALLE—GLEICHERMAßEN von der Ansteckungsgefahr und den daraus folgenden Einschränkungen im Alltag betroffen seien.
20201205             GROSSBRITANNIEN meldet Rückgang der INFEKTIONSZAHLEN—HÖCHSTWERT an Todesopfern in der TÜRKEI
20201205             —CALLED, PRESIDENT—TRUMP reportedly, GEORGIA—GOVERNOR—BRIAN—KEMP (R) and requested that he call 1—SPECIAL—SESSION—OF—THE—STATE—LEGISLATURE to get lawmakers to override the presidential election results and appoint electors to vote for him INSTEAD—OF—PRESIDENT—ELECT JOE—BIDEN.
20201205             —DECLINED, Kemp reportedly.
20201205             —FLOODED, Trump, his 1. postelection political rally in GEORGIA with debunked conspiracy theories and audacious falsehoods as he claimed victory in 1—ELECTION he decisively lost.
20201205             1—USA—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT rejected 1—BID by 1—CONSERVATIVE—LAWYER to block PRESIDENT—ELECT JOE—BIDEN—VICTORY in GEORGIA and left in place procedures that will make it easier for voters to cast absentee ballots in January —WHEN 2—SENATE—SEATS are up for grabs.
20201205             —ARRESTED, SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, more than 150—PEOPLE were, and 1—JUVENILE sex trafficking victim was rescued —AFTER LOS—ANGELES County authorities shut down 1—MASSIVE—UNDERGROUND—PARTY.
20201205             CALIFORNIA to date had 1,315,805 CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS and 19,810 deaths.
20201205             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 163,760 cases and 2,028 deaths.
20201205             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 14,521,676 with the death toll at 280,634.
20201205             —REPORTED, It was, that SOUTH—KOREA—BASED Kia is recalling nearly 295,000 vehicles in THE—USA—BECAUSE the engines can stall or catch fire.
20201205             Engine failure and fire problems with Hyundais and Kias have plagued the companies for more than —5—YEARS.
20201205             —CROSSED, The value of global stocks, $100—TRILLION for the 1. time.
20201205             The prehistoric monument of Stonehenge in SOUTH—ENGLAND was closed to visitors —AFTER DOZENS—OF—PROTESTERS staged 1—TRESPASS against THE—UK—GOVERNMENT—ROAD—BUILDING plans, including 1—NEW—TUNNEL—NEAR the World Heritage Site.
20201205             Protests over 1—CONTROVERSIAL—FRANCE—DRAFT—SECURITY—BILL that would make it illegal to film and identify police officers with malevolent intent took place again.
20201205             95—PEOPLE were arrested and 67—POLICE—OFFICERS were reportedly injured.
20201205             —FAILED, THE—INDIA—GOVERNMENT and protesting farmers, to break their deadlock in talks over new agricultural laws.
20201205             —CONTINUED, Farmers, to block key highways —AROUND NEW—DELHI.
20201205             —UNIDENTIFIED, INDIA, 1, infection began causing over 500—PEOPLE to fall unconscious —FOLLOWING seizures and nausea in Eluru Andhra Pradesh state.
20201205             IRAN—DEATH—TOLL from the global pandemic rose above 50,000, as the country grapples with the worst outbreak in THE—MIDDLE—EAST. over 12,150 new cases brought the total of confirmed cases to above 1,028,980.
20201205             —ELECTED, Kuwaitis, 1—NEW—PARLIAMENT in 1—ELECTION that saw 2—THIRDS—OF—LAWMAKERS and the country's only female legislator lose their seats.
20201205             —ERUPTED, Clashes between ISRAEL—SECURITY—FORCES and Palestinians, at the funeral of a —13—YEAR—OLD killed by ISRAEL—GUNFIRE —1—DAY—EARLIER in the occupied WEST—BANK.
20201205             ITALY—POLICE—ARREST 19—SUSPECTS, dismantling what authoritie3s said was 1—CRIMINAL—ORGANIZATION that moved migrants via GREECE and TURKEY to ITALY and then into NORTH—EUROPE.
20201205             —REPORTED, It was, that COLONEL—MALICK—DIAW, 1—OF—THE—KEY—FIGURES behind the —AUGUST coup in MALI, has been chosen to lead the interim legislative body, the National Transition Council, despite concern over the military's continued influence in the country.
20201205             —LAUNCHED, RUSSIA, its nationwide CORONA€”VIRUS immunization effort in MOSCOW, where THOUSANDS—OF—WORKERS in the city's health and education systems have signed up to receive the Sputnik V vaccine at 70—VACCINATIONS—FACILITIES—THROUGHOUT the capital.
20201205             —FLAGGED, THE—MV—HASAN, 1—CARGO ship, out of SIERRA—LEONE, was attacked —WHILE traveling past YEMEN in the Gulf of ADEN.
20201205             It had been on its way to SALALAH—OMAN, and ended up off the small port CITY—OF—NISHTUN in YEMEN—FAR—EAST.
20201205             In recent days at least 12—PROTEST—LEADERS have been charged with royal defamation under LESE—MAJESTE laws.
20201205             † SOUTH—YEMEN, Khalid AL—HAMEIDI, 1—UNIVERSITY—PROFESSOR and secular thinker, was killed in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting.
20201205             AL—HAMEIDI was 1—HARSH—CRITIC—OF—RELIGIOUS—EXTREMISM, and encouraged his students to organize and take part in MIXED—GENDER cultural and artistic activities in Dhale University.
20201205—20141200    —IM, Die mit Spannung erwartete Landung ist der Abschluss der Mission, die von JAPAN aus begonnen hatte.
20201205—20181000    —IM, Dieser war auf Ryugu gelandet und hatte diesen erkundet — —BIS seine Batterie ausging.
20201205—20190400    —IM, sprengte sie dann sogar einen Krater in den Himmelskörper.
20201205—20201231    —AM, sind Straßenfeste verboten.
20211205             —SONNTAG, 20211205
20211205             Smarte Stromzähler: Strom schlauer verbrauchen Von "c't"-Redakteur JAN—MAHN
20211205             Nach Zulassung der Ema: Wer haftet bei Kinderimpfungen ohne STIKO—EMPFEHLUNG?
20211205             INDONESIEN: Vulkanausbruch auf Java fordert 13—TODESOPFER
20211205             BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG: Kretschmann will Schulen —ERST ab Inzidenz 20000000             schließen
20211205             Geplantes Onlinenetzwerk: Investoren wollen TRUMP—PROJEKT mit einer Milliarde Dollar unterstützen
20211205             KLINGBEIL—KRITIK an BUNDESPRÄSIDENTEN—DEBATTE: "Wenn die CDU über Frauen nachdenkt, sollte sie in der eigenen Partei anfangen"
20211205             Wie ich versuchte, einen Impfgegner zu verstehen: Vincents Welt
20211205             Umgang der Taliban mit EX—SICHERHEITSKRÄFTEN: EU und USA besorgt über berichtete Hinrichtungen in AFGHANISTAN
20211205             Lust an der Gefahr: Warum Extremsportler ihr Leben riskieren
20211205             Konservative Präsidentschaftskandidatin Pécresse: Die Frau, die Macron gefährlich wird
20211205             Abstürze und herabfallende Teile: VIELE—TODESFÄLLE auf DEUTSCHEN—BAUSTELLEN
20211205             Bruder des FRÜHEREN—NEW—YORKER—GOUVERNEURS: CNN entlässt Moderator CHRIS—CUOMO
20211205             Klimakämpfer im Untergrund: Die geheimen Superkräfte der Pilze
20211205             Feld in DÄNEMARK: Mann entdeckt goldenen Ohrring aus dem 10010101—11001231    —CENTURY
20211205             Ein solches Objekt sei zuvor noch nie in Skandinavien gefunden worden.
20211205             Der Ohrring stamme wahrscheinlich aus Byzanz oder ÄGYPTEN und sei vermutlich ein Geschenk des Kaisers von Byzanz an einen Wikingerhäuptling gewesen,
20211205             "Es ist für uns völlig einzigartig", sagte Museumsexperte PETER—PENTZ.
20211205             "Wir kennen weltweit nur 10—BIS 12—ANDERE Exemplare und haben noch nie eines in Skandinavien gefunden".
20211205             Die Wikinger hätten von ihren Streifzügen, Reisen und Handelsexpeditionen zwar Tausende Silbermünzen mitgebracht, aber kaum Schmuck,
20211205             Fundort — denn in der Nähe gibt es keine bekannte Wikingerstätte.
20211205             Zuvor war in WikingergräBERN —BEREITS Gold aus Byzanz als Grabbeigabe gefunden worden.
20211205             Als Motiv sind 2—STILISIERTE Vögel um 1—PFLANZE, die den Baum des Lebens symbolisiert, zu sehen.
20211205             Ameisen: Die Herrscherinnen der Welt
20211205             EU—AUßENBEAUFTRAGTER Borrell zum Ukrainekonflikt: "Wir stehen an ihrer Seite"
20211205             Widerstand gegen Junta in MYANMAR: Stadt der Krieger
20211205             —NACH—DEM Putsch in MYANMAR: So trainiert die DSCHUNGEL—GUERILLA
20211205             —BESUCHT, FRANZISKUS—PAPA, Flüchtlingslager auf Lesbos: "Ich bin hier, um eure Gesichter zu sehen"
20211205             Sonderparteitag der Liberalen: FDP stimmt für Ampelkoalitionsvertrag
20211205             Vorgehen gegen Fehlverhalten: SCHWEIZER—FINANZAUFSICHT verlangt mehr Macht gegenüber Banken
20211205             Streit über eine allgemeine Impflicht: "Diese Debatte kann zu Spaltungen führen"
20211205             "Globale Notenbank": Das Zittern vor der nächsten USA—ZINSENTSCHEIDUNG
20211205             Nach tödlicher Attacke in MICHIGAN: Republikanischer Politiker sorgt mit Waffenbild für Empörung
20211205             Vorbild USA: Lasst die Wirtschaftsweisen mitregieren
20211205             —ESKALIERT, Brüssel: Demo gegen CORONA—REGELN
20211205             63—PROZENT—DER—MENSCHEN in DEUTSCHLAND, die sich bislang noch nicht haben impfen lassen, wollen das auch in Zukunft nicht nachholen.
20211205             Das geht aus einer Befragung des Meinungsforschungsinstitutes INSA für die "Bild —AM—SONNTAG" hervor.
20211205             20—PROZENT gaben an, sich noch impfen lassen zu wollen, 17—PROZENT antworteten mit "weiß nicht/ keine Angabe".
20211205             Nach Einschätzung des CDU—VORSITZKANDIDATEN NORBERT—RÖTTGEN sind Impfgegner und Boykotteure von Schutzmaßnahmen eine größere Herausforderung für den Zusammenhalt der Gesellschaft als die Impfpflicht.
20211205             "Die Spaltung dadurch, dass man es immer noch einer Minderheit überlässt, eine riesige Infektionswelle auszulösen, die die gesamte Bevölkerung trifft und einschränkt, wiegt deutlich schwerer",
20211205             Die geplante allgemeine CORONA—IMPFPFLICHT bezeichnete Röttgen als rechtlich haltbar.
20211205             RKI meldet 42.055—NEUINFEKTIONEN — Inzidenz sinkt auf 439,2
20211205             Bei der Bewertung des Infektionsgeschehens ist zu bedenken, dass Experten —DERZEIT von einer merklichen Untererfassung ausgehen.
20211205             Gesundheitsämter und Kliniken kommen demnach mit der Meldung von Fällen zumindest in einzelnen Regionen nicht mehr hinterher.
20211205             Auch dem RKI fällt die Beurteilung der Lage schwer.
20211205             Der gebremste Anstieg der —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ könne "einerseits ein 1. Hinweis auf eine sich leicht abschwächende Dynamik im Transmissionsgeschehen aufgrund der deutlich intensivierten Maßnahmen zur Kontaktreduzierung sein"
20211205             Allerdings könnte die Entwicklung "regional auch auf die zunehmend überlasteten Kapazitäten im Öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienst und die erschöpften Laborkapazitäten zurückzuführen sein".
20211205             Der designierte Bundesverkehrsminister Volker Wissing (FDP) empfiehlt den Deutschen, an Weihnachten auf Reisen zu verzichten.
20211205             "—DER—WINTER 20210000             wird dramatischer als —DER—WINTER 2020"
20211205             Die BRITISCHE—REISEBRANCHE hat die erneute Verschärfung von Einreiseregeln des Landes scharf kritisiert.
20211205             "Die öffentliche Sicherheit hat Priorität, aber Unternehmen werden pleitegehen sowie Reisende stranden und Lebensgrundlagen werden durch das Fehlen einheitlicher Pläne der Regierung zerstört",
20211205             Der Branchenverband Airlines UK fand, die Regierung handle überstürzt, bevor ausreichend Daten zu Omikron vorliegen.
20211205             Sie habe —NUN zum 2. Mal innerhalb einer —WOCHE die Einreiseregeln geändert.
20211205             "Es ist für alle unmöglich zu planen".
20211205             AUSTRALIEN lässt Impfstoff für Kinder ab —5—JAHREN zu
20211205             STIKO—CHEF rechnet mit OMIKRON—IMPFSTOFF —ERST—IN—MONATEN
20211205             "3—BIS—6—MONATE dürften die Hersteller im Labor brauchen.
20211205             Das ist nicht ganz trivial: Sie müssen einen Impfstoff kreieren, der gegen Omikron und Delta wirkt, denn noch ist Delta weit verbreitet",
20211205             Dann stehe noch die Zulassung an.
20211205             Eine allgemeine Impfpflicht sieht die Rechtswissenschaftlerin Frauke Rostalski, Mitglied im DEUTSCHEN—ETHIKRAT, kritisch.
20211205             "1—IMPFPFLICHT für diejenigen, die kein erhöhtes Risiko aufweisen, mit COVID—19 auf der Intensivstation zu landen, lässt sich aus meiner Sicht generell nicht rechtfertigen",
20211205             POLEN und die SCHWEIZ —JETZT Hochrisikogebiete
20211205             Neu auf der Liste sind auch LIECHTENSTEIN, JORDANIEN und MAURITIUS.
20211205             —SCHON vorher standen darauf die DEUTSCHEN—NACHBARLÄNDER NIEDERLANDE, BELGIEN, ÖSTERREICH und Tschechien.
20211205             Fast 2—DRITTEL der Deutschen für allgemeine CORONA—IMPFPFLICHT
20211205             Damit hat sich die Stimmung —SEIT Beginn der Coronaimpfungen in DEUTSCHLAND vor knapp einem —JAHR gedreht.
20211205             PORTUGAL meldet höchste Zahl an Neuinfektionen —SEIT—FEBRUAR
20211205             —UNTERDESSEN, Die —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ stieg in PORTUGAL, von rund 100—MITTE—NOVEMBER auf zuletzt 193. Damit steht das Land, das 1—IMPFQUOTE von rund 88—PROZENT hat, allerdings immer noch deutlich besser da als zahlreiche andere Länder Europas.
20211205             —APPELLIERT, Scholz, an Impfgegner: "Gebt euch —JETZT einen Ruck"
20211205             Ansturm auf BOOSTER—IMPFUNG legt in Niederlanden Verkehr lahm
20211205             DÄNEMARK, ist die ZAHL—DER—BESTÄTIGTEN—INFEKTIONEN mit der neuen CORONA€”VIRUS—VARIANTE Omikron auf mehr als 180—FÄLLE angestiegen.
20211205             Mittlerweile seien 183—INFEKTIONEN mit der zuerst in SÜDAFRIKA festgestellten Variante nachgewiesen worden
20211205             Nach Firmenfeier in NORWEGEN mehr als 100—MENSCHEN positiv getestet
20211205             Immer mehr SPANISCHE—REGIONEN bestehen auf 3G-Regel
20211205             Die CORONA—ZAHLEN sind in SPANIEN mit einer Impfquote von rund 80—PROZENT — davon 12—PROZENT mit Drittimpfung — wieder deutlich gestiegen, jedoch nicht so stark wie in DEUTSCHLAND.
20211205             Landesweit liegt die —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ, also die ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN pro 100.000—EINWOHNER binnen einer —WOCHE, bei fast 140.
20211205             Bei einer Demonstration gegen die CORONA—MAßNAHMEN in BELGIEN hat die Polizei —AM—SONNTAG Wasserwerfer und Tränengas gegen Protestierende eingesetzt.
20211205             1—GRUPPE—VON—JUGENDLICHEN habe zuvor Sicherheitskräfte mit Wurfgeschossen und Feuerwerkskörpern angegriffen,
20211205             Einer 1. Schätzung der Polizei zufolge beteiligten sich rund 8000—MENSCHEN —AM—SONNTAG an dem Marsch durch die Stadt.
20211205             Vor rund —2—WOCHEN war es bei einem ähnlichen Protest mit rund 35.000—TEILNEHMERN zu schweren Ausschreitungen und Straßenschlachten gekommen.
20211205             Rio sagt Silvesterfeier AB—UND bangt um Karneval
20211205             ZAHL—DER—OMIKRON—FÄLLE stiegt in GROSSBRITANNIEN auf 246
20211205             Morreu FERNANDO—REIS, diretor do Jornal do Algarve
20211205             Internados: 88 (=) | Em UCI: 20 (=)  | Ventilados: 14 (+1) Incidência 100—MIL / hab.: 701 (-)
20211205             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—7066—(+39)—ÓBITOS—81—(+2)—RECUPERADOS—6521—CASOS—ATIVOS—464—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—665
20211205             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—9240—(+45)—ÓBITOS—98—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—8630—CASOS—ATIVOS—512—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—788
20211205             643_DGS_boletim_20211205              20211205             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 374,0 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211205             R(t) Nacional: 1,13 Continente: 1,14
20211205             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—4.715—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—435,2—FÄLLE—GESAMT—84.524—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—7.801,0—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—825—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.083.498
20211205             Total Cases 265.713.197  Total Deaths 5.254.984  Total Vaccine Doses Administered 8.169.759.051
20211205             Ehemaliger USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTSKANDIDAT: BOB—DOLE ist tot
20211205             —80—JAHRE Pearl Harbor: Das AMERIKANISCHE—TRAUMA
20211205             —BEENDET, Nach Medienberichten: DEUTSCHE—WELLE, Kooperation mit jordanischem Sender
20211205             Boom auf MAURITIUS: Steuersorgen?
20211205             Für 375.000—DOLLAR gibt es ein goldenes Visum fürs Paradies
20211205             Die stellvertretende VORSITZENDE—DER—AFD—BUNDESTAGSFRAKTION, BEATRIX—VON—STORCH, ist nach einem positiven CORONA—TEST in Quarantäne.
20211205             "—AM—FREITAG habe ich ein positives PCR—TESTERGEBNIS erhalten und mich unmittelbar in die vorgeschriebene 14tägige Quarantäne begeben"
20211205             Für Flüchtlinge in Calais: Waldbesitzerin spendet 20—TONNEN Feuerholz
20211205             FRANKREICH: Tumulte und Gewalt bei Auftritt von Éric Zemmour
20211205             Deutliche Stimmenmehrheit: Wahlsieg für Gambias Präsidenten - Sun 20211205
20211205             [l] Liebe Hörer, es gibt endlich eine neue Folge von Alternativlos.
20211205             Der 1. Teil handelt von der Rolle des Staates in der Gesellschaft, natürlich insbesondere durch die Linse einer laufenden Pandemie.
20211205             Im 2. Teil geht es um Statistik und Studien und kognitive und andere Effekte, die uns beim Interpretieren fehlleiten können.
20211205             Die Sendung ist 2:36:00 lang.
20211205             [l] Der CRYPTOCURRENCYSCAM—EINZELFALLBEAUFTRAGTE bitte zu Bitmart, zu Bitmart bitte.
20211205             —IDENTIFIED, We have, 1—LARGE—SCALE—SECURITY breach related to 1—OF—OUR—ETH hot wallets and 1—OF—OUR—BSC hot wallets.
20211205             At this moment we are still concluding the possible methods used.
20211205             The hackers were able to withdraw ASSETS—OF—THE—VALUE—OF approximately USD 150—MILLIONS.
20211205             Diese fiesen Hacker immer!1!!
20211205             Auf der anderen Seite gut, dass die Leute uns die Nummer mit den Hackern immer einfach glauben.
20211205             Keiner merkt, dass die ganze Chose bloß ein fetter NIGERIA—SCAM ist.
20211205—20211203    —AM, INSA hat 1004—MENSCHEN befragt.
20211205—20211226    —AM, Wenige —TAGE nach der 1. Impfung vergangenen Jahres hatten sich in einer YOUGOV—UMFRAGE noch 56—PROZENT gegen eine allgemeine Impfpflicht und nur 33—PROZENT dafür ausgesprochen.
202203112059         Bastrykin orders probe —AFTER mass graves of local residents discovered in liberated parts of LPR
202207312051 ========NEWS appended
202207312051 ========END NEWS appended
20221011—19941205    —SIGNED, THE—BUDAPEST—MEMORANDUM was, by the leaders of UKRAINE, RUSSIA, GREAT—BRITAIN and THE—USA.
20221115             Die EU wird RUSSISCHE—ROHÖLIMPORTE ab dem 20221205             und die Einfuhr weiterer RUSSISCHER—ÖLPRODUKTE ab dem 20220205             über den Seeweg verbieten.
20221205             —MONTAG, 20221205
20221205             SIPRI—BERICHT zur weltweiten Rüstung: So viel Umsatz machen die größten Waffenkonzerne
20221205             —FABULIERT, Ehemaliger PRÄSIDENT: Trump, von Außerkraftsetzen der USA—VERFASSUNG — und löst Empörung aus
20221205             Staatliche Medien: CHINA könnte CORONA —SCHON bald zurückstufen
20221205             Geheimdokumente zum EICHMANN—PROZESS: "Der Verfassungsschutz hatte Furcht vorm eigenen Volk"
20221205             Studie zu Verteidigungsausgaben: DEUTSCHLAND verfehlt 2—PROZENT—ZIEL
20221205             Weltgrößtes FOXCONN—WERK: APPLE—PRODUKTION in CHINA —BIS zum Jahreswechsel eingeschränkt
20221205             Bandenkriminalität in NIGERIA: Bewaffnete attackieren Moschee
20221205             Widerstand gegen die Regierung: Iraner rufen zu neuen Protesten auf
20221205             Medienberichte: Weitere von CHINA betriebene "Polizeistationen" in EUROPA entdeckt
20221205             Pandemieeffekt fällt weg: ZAHL—DER—VERKEHRSTOTEN steigt wieder
20221205             "Das ist nicht Panikmache": Kinderärzte sehen Schutz von Kindeswohl massiv gefährdet
20221205             Außenministerin in NEU—DELHI: Baerbock buhlt im —KONFLIKT mit RUSSLAND um INDIEN als Partner
20221205             Erstmals —SEIT—15—JAHREN: Allianz erhöht Zinsen auf Lebensversicherungen
20221205             Gastbeitrag in "Foreign Affairs": Scholz will stärkere militärische Rolle Deutschlands — und bekräftigt Kauf von F-35-Jets
20221205             —ÜBERNIMMT, Kredit für Rohstoffunternehmen: Bund, Milliardengarantie für Flüssiggaslieferungen
20221205             Keine Gnade für "Randalierer, Schläger, Terroristen": IRANISCHE—REVOLUTIONSGARDEN drohen Demonstranten
20221205             Square Kilometre Array: Baubeginn für weltgrößtes Radioteleskop
20221205             Das SKA soll 50—MAL empfindlicher sein als bisherige Radioteleskope und 10.000—MAL schneller messen.
20221205             Dadurch wird das SKA tiefer in das Universum schauen können.
20221205             Die Kosten des Projekts werden auf 2—MILLIARDEN Euro geschätzt.
20221205             Aus DEUTSCHLAND ist die MAX—PLANCK—GESELLSCHAFT an dem Projekt beteiligt.
20221205             Nach Aufruf zum Gesetzesbruch: Prominente Republikanerin LIZ—CHENEY nennt Trump "Feind der Verfassung"
20221205             ELEKTRO—UND Hybridautos: Deutlich mehr Zulassungen von Neuwagen
20221205             Studie zu Verteidigungsausgaben: DEUTSCHLAND wird 2—PROZENT—ZIEL der Nato dauerhaft verfehlen
20221205             Unter Marktpreis: Moskau liefert vergünstigtes Erdöl nach PAKISTAN
20221205             Wegen "abstrakter Drohung": ALLE—WEIHNACHTSMÄRKTE in der Düsseldorfer Innenstadt geräumt
20221205             Überraschende Entdeckung: Forscher finden Erklärung für Beben auf dem Mars
20221205             Reformpläne für Parlamentskammer: BRITISCHE—LABOURPARTEI will HOUSE—OF—LORDS abschaffen
20221205             "Abstrakte DROHUNG—VON—AUSSEN": Räumung der Düsseldorfer Weihnachtsmärkte — Polizei gibt Entwarnung
20221205             Sinkende Solidarität: MEHRHEIT—DER—DEUTSCHEN will die UKRAINE unterstützen — aber nicht um jeden Preis
20221205             —VERSCHLEPPT, Bearbeitung von Akten : BRITISCHER—MINISTER—SOLL—TOD—VON—SCHUTZSUCHENDEN in Kauf genommen haben
20221205             Frauenrechte auf MALTA: "Selbst junge Frauen halten Abtreibungen für Sünde"
20221205             ALEKSANDAR—VU?i? beim EU—GIPFEL: Warum Serbiens PRÄSIDENT—DIE—ANGST vor einer Eskalation auf dem Balkan schürt
20221205—20280000    —J—IM, soll das größte Radioteleskop der Welt fertig sein.