_HEUTE_1203 :

02981203             † CASSIAN—VON—TANGER, RÖMER—MÄRTYRER, eventuell Schreiber (traditionell angenommener —TAG)
06501203             † BIRINUS—BISCHOF—VON—WESSEX, 1.
07411203             † STRAßBURG—S—STEPHAN—KLOSTER—ÄBTISSIN—ATTALA, Heilige der Katholischen Kirche
07941203             † SOLA—ABT—VON—SOLNHOFEN, Missionar im FRANKEN—REICH, Heiliger der katholischen Kirche
10271203             † WALTER—BISCHOF—VON—SPEYER
10381203             † 1. namentlich nachweisbare Bremerin, EMMA—VON—LESUM, mildtätige Gutsbesitzerin,
10991203             † LORDKANZLER—OSMUND—VON—SÉES, Heiliger
11371203             † KÖNIG—LOTHAR, auf der Reise, im DORF—BRETTEN—TIROL.
11371203             † DEUTSCHER—KAISER—LOTHAR—III,
11541203             † ANASTASIUS—IV—PAPA
12661203             † HEINRICH—DER—WEIßE—HERZOG—VON—SCHLESIEN–Breslau
13151203             1—ERDBEBEN, In L'AQUILA anrichtet SCHÄDEN, 1. derartige Katastrophe in Dokumenten der Stadt.
13331203             † X. KAL.;;01;;.
13581203             * SCHEICH—BEDREDDIN, islamischer Theologe und Philosoph
13621203             Quietanza del PAGAMENTO^ fatto dal COMUNE—DI—STAFFOLO per mano di Biagione lodi suo sindaco ad ALFARELLO—FANELLI—DE—ANCONA^ luogotenente di SER—LOTTO—DI—GIACOMO
13681203             * KARL—VI—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH
13771203             BEGHARDIS—DE—MOTHEIM HAERETICAE PRAVITATIS injuste PERTURBARI vel a SACRAMENTIS arceri nequaquam permittant.
13771203             ut ipsorum quilibet suis IN—CIVITATE—ET—DIOECESI devotas utriusque sexus PERSONAs^ quae in paupertate et castitate vivunt occasione vestium per inquisitores
13771203             —AD—AUDIENTIAM—NOSTRAM.
13771203             BEGHARDIS—DE—MOTHEIM
13771203             HAERETICAE pravitatis injuste perturbari vel a Sacramentis arceri nequaquam permittant.
13881203             † PETER—STROMER, DEUTSCHER—RATS—HERR und HANDELS—HERR, Schöpfer der Nürnberger NADELWALD—SAATEN
14251203             —ZERSTÖREN, Böhmische Hussiten im LANDKREIS—FRANKENSTEIN den ORT—WARTHA und brandschatzen anschließend das KLOSTER—KAMENZ.
14471203             * OSMANEN—REICH—SULTAN—BAYEZID—II,
14551203             lett. del ;;
14691203             † PIERO—DE—MEDICI (53), RULER—OF—FLORENCE.
14801203             Versöhnung der FLORENTINER[FLORENZ] mit der KIRCHE.
14801203             —AM, DIE—REPUBLIK—FLORENZ, welche durch 1—FEIERLICHE Gesandtschaft WIEDERVERSÖHNUNG—MIT—DER—KIRCHE nachsuchte, wurde
14801203             —AM, DIE—REPUBLIK—FLORENZ, zu Gnaden aufgenommen unter der Bedingung wurde, daß sie an dem FELD—ZUG—GEGEN—DIE—TÜRKEN teilnehmen sollte,
14801203             —AM, wurde DIE—REPUBLIK—FLORENZ, welche durch 1—FEIERLICHE Gesandtschaft WIEDERVERSÖHNUNG—MIT—DER—KIRCHE nachsuchte,
14801203             —NUN, vorzugsweise den SIXTUS—IV—PAPA in Anspruch der FELD—ZUG—GEGEN—DIE—TÜRKEN nahm.
14831203             * NICHOLAS[NIKOLAUS]—VON—AMSDORF, DEUTSCHER—REFORMATOR, on 1—KNIGHTLY manor near the village of GROSSEN—ZSCHOPA, not far from WURZEN,
14831203             [NIKOLAUS]NICHOLAS—VON—AMSDORF On his mother's side to THE—NOBLE—HEARTED STAUPITZ related.
14831203             [NIKOLAUS]NICHOLAS—VON—AMSDORF was but a few weeks younger than LUTHER,
14901203             —AKTEN—STÜCK—VOM, KAUF—LEUTE—AUS—PASSAU welche für den Weg über Latisana nach VENEDIG eintraten, 1—HIERAUF bezügliches
14901203             —AKTEN—STÜCK—VOM, der Venetianer JOHANNES—BELFORTE der in PASSAU Schulden einkassieren will.
14901203             —AKTEN—STÜCK—VOM, diesem CHRISTOPHORUS—BISCHOF—VON—PASSAU empfohlen wird der Venetianer JOHANNES—BELFORTE ,
14971203             † GEORG—VON—STEIN, oberschwäbischer Adliger
15001203             "Pagati al dito felice f, noue e bl,14—PER resto e compito PAGAMENTO de tuta lopera che lui a facta per lo miniare de PENNA al nostro psalterio " (ivi),
15001203             —ITEM pagato al dito don agostino per resto de tuto quello che lui a fatto de PENNA f. i, bl. vinte " IVI—FOLIA—86).
15001203             —ITEM restituij a FRATE placido f, tri e bl, vintisei li quali lui asigno pagare a felice miniatore de PENNA per nui " (IVI—FOLIA—85'').
15111203             † JOHANN—PFOTEL, DEUTSCHER—RECHTSGELEHRTER und Diplomat
15251203             * JUSTUS—JONAS—DER—JÜNGERE, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Diplomat
15351203             † RAYMUND—FUGGER—VON—DER—LILIE, Augsburger Patrizier, Reichsgraf und Kunstsammler
15661203             sono relative agli armamenti del PORTO e alla difesa contro i probabili attacchi dell' ARMATA—TURCHESCA;
15701203             * SIMON—ULRICH—PISTORIS, Rechtswissenschaftler und kursächsischer Diplomat
15791203             * LEVIN—LUDWIG—VON—HAHN, Hofbeamter und SOLDAT
15791203             * OTTO—VON—PREEN, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Hofbeamter
15911203             —ZUSAMMENSCHLIEßEN sich in HAMBURG, 101—BIERBRAUER zur sogenannten Feuergilde.
16141203             † LAZARUS—RÖTING, DEUTSCHER—MALER
16201203             † JANUSZ—RADZIWI??, LITAUISCHER—MAGNAT und Rebell
16211203             —INVENTED, GALILEO, THE—TELESCOPE.
16211203             * BOHUSLAV—LUDVÍK—BALBÍN, TSCHECHISCHER—JESUIT, Literat und Historiker, Erdkundler, Nationalist und Verfechter der TSCHECHISCHEN—SPRACHE
16211203—16090825    —SEE
16321203             † ERNST—VON—ANHALT—BERNBURG, Obrist im 3ßigjährigen Krieg
16411203             * KONRAD—SAMUEL—SCHURZFLEISCH, DEUTSCHER—HISTORIKER, Polyhistor und Bibliothekar
16441203             † GIACOMO—EBERZ aus 18; aus 18;
16441203             † JAKOB—EBERZ, 1—GLEICH—NAMIGER, —18—JAHRE—ALT, in VENEDIG Â");
16561203             ihrerseits ihre äusserste Intention rundheraus schriftlich zu übergeben, damit die Sache endlich einmal zu 1—GEWÜNSCHTEN Ende gebracht werden könne').
16581203             † JOHANNES—MICRAELIUS, DEUTSCHER—DICHTER und Philosoph
16601203             † JACQUES—SARAZIN, —70—JAHRE—ALT, FRANCE—SCULPTOR and painter.
16651203             —DATUM.
16651203             Auf BERICHT—DER—COMMITTIRTEN für DIE SACHEN—VON—BRANDENBURG über ;;1203;;
16681203             * FRIEDRICH—OPFERGELDT, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Geistlicher
16711203             —ET—NON—LE, ).
16781203             —RECEIVED, EDMUND—HALLEY, an MA from QUEEN—COLLEGE, OXFORD.
16851203             —BARRED, CHARLES—II, Jews from settling in STOCKHOLM—SWEDEN.
16901203             † RABAN—HILBRANDT—VON—WESTPHALEN t —AM,
17001203             † KONRAD—TIBURTIUS—RANGO, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Naturforscher
17221203             * GREGORIUS—SKOWORODA, UKRAINISCHER—PHILOSOPH, Dichter und Musiker
17291203             * PADRE—ANTONIO—FRANCISCO—J—JOSE—SOLER, composer (Fandango), in OLOT—SPAIN.
17291203             * KARL—FRIEDRICH—FLÖGEL, DEUTSCHER—KULTUR—UND Literaturhistoriker
17331203             * ROBERT—GOLDSBOROUGH, DELEGIERTER—VON—MARYLAND im Kontinentalkongress
17361203             † FRANZ—BERNHARD—ALTENBURGER, süddeutscher Maler
17401203             1. BENEDIKT—XIV—PAPA Lehrschreiben unter dem Titel UBI—PRIMUM befasst sich mit den Pflichten der Bischöfe und ihrer Amtsführung.
17411203             * JONATHAN—ARNOLD, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—ARZT und Politiker
17421203             † CLAUDE—AUBRIET, FRANZÖSISCHER—NATURMALER und Botaniker
17451203             * FRANZ—ANTON—ERNST, böhmischer Komponist
17501203             * JOHANN—MARTIN—MILLER, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Schriftsteller
17501203—18191121    * † He, in Wurchow.
17531203             * SAMUEL—CROMPTON, ENGLAND—INVENTOR (MULE—JENNY spinning machine).
17531203             * FRANZ—XAVER—VON—LEIBES, deutscher katholischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
17531203             * SAMUEL—CROMPTON, BRITISCHER—ERFINDER der Spinnmaschine
17531203             † RICHARD—BOYLE—EARL—OF—BURLINGTON, 3., BRITISCHER—ADELIGER, Architekt und Gartendesigner
17541203             † KARL—EMANUEL—VON—WATTENWYL, Schultheiss von BERN
17551203             * GILBERT—STEWART, portrait painter.
17581203             NONE MOTSCH 0 0—UNK MEHLING ANTON—CORATH...
17631203             * JEAN—ALEXANDRE—GUILLAUME—LERESCHE, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher, Hochschullehrer und Politiker
17711203             † JAKOB—WOSKY—VON—BÄRENSTAMM, sorbischer Geistlicher, Administrator des BISTUM—MEIßEN in den Lausitzen
17771203             * HEINRICH—ESCHER, SCHWEIZER—KAUFMANN und Politiker
17871203             † PHILIPP—ERASMUS—REICH, DEUTSCHER—BUCHHÄNDLER und Verleger
17890717             [LUDWIG—XVI—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH]LOUIS—XVI. nomme 17911203             Le [GRAF—VON—]COMTE—DE—PROVENCE
17891203             † CLAUDE—JOSEPH—VERNET, FRANCE—SEASCAPE painter.
17911203             † CHRISTIAN—GEORG—SCHÜTZ—DER—ÄLTERE, DEUTSCHER—MALER und Kupferstecher
17921203             C'est LA—CONVENTION investie de tous LES—POUVOIRS
17951203             * ROWLAND—HILL, introduced 1. adhesive postage stamp (18400000             ).
17991203             † NIKLAUS—FRIEDRICH—VON—STEIGER, letzter Schultheiss des alten BERN
18001203             USA—STATE electors met and cast their ballots for the presidency.
18001203             1—TIE resulted between THOMAS—JEFFERSON and AARON—BURR.
18001203             —DEFEATED, Austrians were, by the French at
18001203             —BATTLE—OF—HOHENLINDEN, near MUNICH.
18001203             2. Koalitionskrieg
18001203             —SCHLACHT—BEI—HOHENLINDEN
18001203             Der Erfolg ermöglicht NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE—DAS—VORRÜCKEN in Richtung WIEN und stärkt das politische Gewicht NAPOLEON—BONAPARTES.
18031203             * HECTOR—BERLIOZ, FRANCE—COMPOSER (Symphony Fantastique).
18101203             Der BRITISCHE—MAURITIUSFELDZUG endet mit der Kapitulation der FRANZÖSISCHEN—TRUPPEN.
18141203             SOULT est nommé MINISTRE—DE—LA—GUERRE
18181203             —ADMITTED, ILLINOIS was, as the 21. state.
18181203             * MAX—VON—PETTENKOFER, DEUTSCHER—CHEMIKER und Hygieniker
18181203             Der SÜD—TEIL—DES—BISHERIGEN—ILLINOIS—TERRITORIUM wird unter dem Namen ILLINOIS als 21. Mitgliedstaat in die USA aufgenommen.
18191203             * DANIEL—CHWOLSON, RUSSISCHER—ORIENTALIST und Altertumsforscher
18201203             * ALBRECHT—RUDOLF—RÜETSCHI, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
18221203             * KORLA—AWGUST—KOCOR, sorbischer Komponist
18261203             —DEFEATED, GEORGE—BRINTON—MCCLELLEN (18850000             †), Union general who, ROBERT—E—LEE at Antietam and ran against ABRAHAM—LINCOLN for PRESIDENT, was born.
18281203             Resentment of the restrictive credit policies of the 1. central bank, THE—BANK—OF—THE—UNITED—STATES, fueled 1—POPULIST—BACKLASH that elected ANDREW—JACKSON.
18281203             —ENTSCHEIDET, Das Wahlmännergremium, sich bei der Wahl des USA—PRÄSIDENTEN mit 178—STIMMEN für ANDREW—JACKSON.
18281203             Der amtierende PRÄSIDENT—JOHN—QUINCY—ADAMS erhält 83—STIMMEN.
18281203             † DEOCAR—SCHMID: DEUTSCHER—GEISTLICHER und Missionar
18331203             1. truly coeducational school of higher learning in THE—USA, opened its doors, OBERLIN—COLLEGE in OHIO, .
18341203             1. USA dental society was organized in NEW—YORK.
18351203             1. USA mutual fire insurance company issued 1. policy in RI.
18381203             * CLEVELAND—ABBE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—ASTRONOM und Meteorologe
18411203             MÜNCHEN, findet die Uraufführung der tragischen Oper Catarina Cornaro, KÖNIGIN—VON—CYPERN—VON—FRANZ—LACHNER statt.
18421203             * PHOEBE—HEARST, USA—AMERIKANISCHE—PHILANTHROPIN, Förderin der Frauenbildung
18421203             Auf Anweisung des SPANISCHEN—REGENT—BALDOMERO—ESPARTERO wird die STADT—BARCELONA zur Niederschlagung 1—AUFSTANDS vom Militär —12—STUNDEN lang unter Beschuss genommen.
18481203             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—159—KÖLN.
18491203             —ASKED, CALIFORNIA, to be admitted into the Union as 1—FREE—STATE.
18491203             Jesuit Fr. JOHN—NOBILI and Fr.
18491203             —ARRIVED, MICHAEL—ACCOLTI (18070000—18780000    ), in S—FRANCISCO.
18541203             —EUREKA—STOCKADE bezeichnete AUFSTAND—VON—DIGGERN in AUSTRALIEN wird durch BRITISCHE—POLIZEI—KRÄFTEN und MILITÄR—KRÄFTEN niedergeschlagen.
18541203             —EUREKA—STOCKADE, Erhebung hat Signalwirkung zu 1—DEMOKRATISCHEN Entwicklung in AUSTRALIEN.
18541203             † JOHANN—PETER—ECKERMANN, DEUTSCHER—DICHTER und Schriftsteller, redaktioneller Mitarbeiter Goethes
18571203—19240000    JOSEPH—CONRAD is best known for "HEART—OF—DARKNESS".
18571203—19240000    JOSEPH—CONRAD His work "THE—SECRET—AGENT" had 1—PROFOUND—EFFECT on Unabomber THEODORE—J—KASZYNSKI in the late 20. cent.
18571203—19240000    Conrad also wrote the short story "THE—INFORMER".
18591203             * JOSEF—CYRILL—SYCHRA, TSCHECHISCHER—KOMPONIST, Organist, Chorleiter und Musikpädagoge
18601203             * WILHELM—SIEVERS, DEUTSCHER—GEOGRAPH und Forschungsreisender
18611203             PRESIDENT—LINCOLN In his 1. annual message  argued that "labor is —PRIOR—TO, and INDEPENDENT—OF—CAPITAL. CAPITAL—IS—THE—FRUIT—OF—LABOR, and could never have existed if labor had not 1. existed..".
18631203             —ABANDONED, CONFEDERATE—GENERAL—LONGSTREET, his siege at KNOXVILLE, 10., and moved his army east and north toward Greeneville.
18631203             —MARKED, This withdrawal, THE—END—OF—THE—FALL—CAMPAIGN in TENNESSEE.
18641203             Das von INTENDANT—FRANZ—WALLNER nach Plänen des ARCHITEKT—EDUARD—TITZ neu errichtete WALLNER—THEATER in BERLIN wird eröffnet.
18661203             It centered its teaching on THE—USA—LIBERAL—ARTS—TRADITION.
18661203             † JOHANN—WENZEL—KALLIWODA, böhmischer Komponist
18661203—19200000    —IN, it was renamed THE—USA—UNIVERSITY—OF—BEIRUT.
18721203             heiratete Thyssen HEDWIG—PELZER
18721203             —AUGUST—THYSSEN oo HEDWIG—PELZER
18721203             —PRESENTED, GEORGE—SMITH, Assyriologist at THE—UK—MUSEUM, 1—LECTURE —BEFORE the Biblical Archeology Society in LONDON, on Assyrian tablets that described 1—ANCIENT—FLOOD as PART—OF—1—EPIC whose hero was named Gilgamesh.
18721203             * GUIDO—HOLZKNECHT, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—ARZT und Radiologe
18751203             * BERNHARD—LICHTENBERG, DEUTSCHER—PRIESTER, Widerstandskämpfer
18761203             † HERMANN—GOETZ, —35—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
18801203             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, LEO—XIII—PAPA—ENZYKLIKA—SANCTA—DEI—CIVITAS über die Missionsgesellschaften.
18801203             LEO—XIII—PAPA—ENZYKLIKA—SANCTA—DEI—CIVITAS ermuntert die Bischöfe, "das Brot mit den Menschen zu teilen".
18811203             * HENRY—FILLMORE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—KOMPONIST, Posaunist und Kapellmeister
18811203             BREMEN, wird die DEUTSCHE—DAMPFSCHIFFAHRTS—GESELLSCHAFT "Hansa" gegründet.
18821203             * EDMOND—AUDEMARS, SCHWEIZERISCHER—RADRENNFAHRER, Flugpionier und Unternehmer
18831203             * MARIE—VON—BUDDENBROCK, DEUTSCHE—KUNSTMALERIN und Illustratorin
18851203             † PIETER—HARTING, NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—MEDIZINER, Geologe, Hydrologe und Botaniker
18871203             AMSTERDAM, gibt der Circus Carré im Theater Carré seine 1. Vorstellung.
18871203             Das Theater entsteht als festes Quartier des Zirkus über die Wintermonate.
18910000—19311203    —INCLUDED, DANIELIUS—DOLSKIS—SONGS, "Onyte, einam su manim pašokti" (Dear Anna, Come Dance With Me) (19300000             ).
18911203             * MIECZYS?AW—SZALESKI, POLNISCHER—BRATSCHIST und Musikpädagoge
18950000—19781203    * † WILLIAM—GRANT—STILL, the 1. important black symphonic composer.
18951203             *  ANNA—FREUD, ÖSTERREICHISCHE—PSYCHOANALYTIKERIN, als jüngstes von 6—KINDERN geboren wurde, war die Lieblingstochter von SIGMUND—FREUD.
18961203             † PAUL—ANDRÉ, SCHWEIZER—POLITIKER
18971203             * KATE—O'BRIEN, IRELAND—WRITER (Without My Cloak).
19011203             † THEODOR—VON—LERBER, SCHWEIZER—PÄDAGOGE und Schulgründer
19031203             † ALBRECHT—VON—ARNIM, PREUSSISCHER—ADELIGER und Politiker
19041203             6. Jupitermond entdeckt, Vom kalifornischen LICK—OBSERVATORIUM aus wird durch ASTRONOM—CHARLES—DILLON—PERRINE der.
19061203             —EXTRADITED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT—ORDERED—INDUSTRIAL—WORKERS—OF—THE—WORLD (IWW) leaders, to IDAHO for trial in the Steunenberg murder case.
19080000—20131203    * † IDA—POLLOCK, romance novelist, in SOUTH—WEST—ENGLAND.
19080000—20131203    —INCLUDED, IDA—POLLOCK—MORE than 120—BOOKS, some 70 "BODICE—RIPPERS" for romance PUBLISHER—MILLS & Boon, THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—ARM—OF—HARLEQUIN Enterprises.
19081203             —PREMIERED, EDWARD—ELGAR—1.—SYMPHONY in 1.
19081203             ERNEST—SHACKLETON und seine 3—BEGLEITER entdecken beim Marsch Richtung Südpol im Rahmen der NIMROD—EXPEDITION den BEARDMORE—GLETSCHER.
19101203             1.NEON—LIGHTS were publicly seen at THE—PARIS—AUTO—SHOW.
19101203             † MARY—BAKER—EDDY, USA—AMERIKANISCHE—AUTORIN und Religionsgründerin
19111203             * NINO—ROTA, composer (Torquemada), in MILAN—ITALY.
19111203             —COMPOSED, NINO—ROTA, operas and orchestral music and taught at ITALY—BARI—CONSERVATORY.
19111203             NINO—ROTA also wrote scores for Federico Fellini and other film directors.
19151203             —EXPELLED, THE—USA, GERMANY—ATTACHES on spy charges.
19161203             —DISMISSED, FRANCE—COMMANDER—JOSEPH—JOFFRE was, —AFTER his failure at the Somme.
19171203—19171205    —AM, wird 1 10—TÄGIGE WAFFEN—RUHE,
19180000—20131203    * † Retired FRANCE—GENERAL—PAUL—AUSSARESSES.
19180000—20131203    —TORTURED, He led a "death squadron" that, people —DURING ALGERIA's 19540000—19620000     WAR—OF—INDEPENDENCE.
19181115             19181203             .
19181115             R - RUDOLF—BINGEL - W - WERNER—NAUMANN, WILHELM—BÖRGER, WOLFRAM Sievers - 19181203             .
19181203             —REQUIRED, GERMANY was, to pay to full limits for the —WWI.
19181203             —GRÜNDEN, BRUNO—BEYE, CÉSAR—KLEIN, MAX—PECHSTEIN und andere in BERLIN die revolutionäre Künstlervereinigung Novembergruppe.
19191203             † PIERRE—A—RENOIR, —78—JAHRE—ALT, FRANCE—PAINTER and sculptor.
19221203             1. successful Technicolor movie, TALL—OF—THE—SEA, was shown in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19231203             † THEODOR—HAARBECK, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
19241203             * JOHN—BACKUS, inventor (FORTRAN computer language).
19251203             "Concerto in F," by GEORGE—GERSHWIN, had its world premiere at NEW—YORK—CARNEGIE—HALL, with Gershwin himself at the piano.
19251203             * JEAN—LUC—GODARD, FRANCE—FILM director.
19251203             —ORDERED, THE—LEAGUE—OF—NATIONS—GREECE to pay 1—INDEMNITY for the October invasion of BULGARIA.
19251203—20040000    —AUTHORED, COLIN—MACCABE, the biography "Godard: 1—PORTRAIT—OF—THE—ARTIST at 70".
19261203             —CLAIMED, UK—REPORTS, that GERMANY—SOLDIERS were being trained in THE—USSR.
19301203             * ANDY—WILLIAMS, singer (MOON—RIVER, ANDY—WILLIAMS—SHOW), in Wall LAKE—IOWA.
19301203             —AM Berliner Metropol Theater wird FRANZ—LEHÁRS—OPERETTE—SCHÖN ist die Welt uraufgeführt.
19301203             † VÁCLAV—LAURIN, TSCHECHISCHER—MECHANIKER und Fabrikant
19311203             —INTRODUCED, MILES—LABORATORIES, Alka Seltzer.
19321203             In dieselbe Richtung drängten ostelbische Rittergutsbesitzer wie ELARD—VON—OLDENBURG—JANUSCHAU und 1—TEIL—DER—SCHWERINDUSTRIE.
19321203             die Bildung eines mehrheitlich konservativen Kabinetts,
19321203             das 1 REICHSKANZLER—HITLER gewissermaßen einrahmen und bändigen könne.
19321203             von REICHSWEHRMINISTER—KURT—VON—SCHLEICHER als Reichskanzler abgelöst worden war, auf den scheinbar rettenden Gedanken:
19331203             * PAUL—CRUTZEN, HOLLAND—CHEMIST.
19371203             * STEPHEN—RUBIN, ENGLAND—ATTORNEY and shoe manufacturer (Reebok, Adidas).
19371203             † WERNER—KÖRTE, DEUTSCHER—CHIRURG
19411203             —VIEWED, Hitler, POLTAVA—UKRAINE.
19431203             —PREMIERED, HOWARD—HANSON—4. Symphony.
19431203             —BATTLE—OF—MONTE—CASSINO, ITALY began.
19441203             —OCCUPIED, USA 5. Armour division, BRANDENBURG—HERTZGENWALD.
19441203             1—UNITED—KINGDOM—ORDER to disarm caused 1—GENERAL—STRIKE in GREECE.
19441203             —ENDED, HUNGARY—DEATH—MARCH—OF—JEWS.
19441203             —WWII, am nach mehrtägiger, blutigen SCHLACHT—LINNICH—VON—AMERIKANISCHEN—TRUPPEN eingenommen wurde
19441203             A UK—ORDER to disarm caused a general strike in GREECE.
19441203             —WIDERSETZT sich die PARTISANENORGANISATION—ELAS der Entwaffnung durch royalistische Gruppen.
19441203—19450212    —SCHLACHT—UM—ATHEN, die —BIS zum dauern wird.
19450212—19451203    —SEIT—DEM, Die konservative GRIECHISCHE—REGIERUNG und die linksgerichtete Widerstandsbewegung EAM beenden die tobende Schlacht um Athen mit dem ABKOMMEN—VON—VARKIZA.
19451203             1. BRITISCHE—NACHKRIEGS—VERKEHRSFLUGZEUG vom Typ Handley Page Hermes wird beim Erstflug getestet und abstürzt dabei.
19451203             † ADAM—STEGERWALD, DEUTSCHER—MITBEGRÜNDER der christlichen Gewerkschaften
19461203             Der PROVINZ—SACHSEN—ANHALT—PARLAMENT wählt ERHARD—HÜBENER (LDPD) zum Ministerpräsidenten – er ist der einzige nicht der SED angehörende Regierungschef in der SBZ.
19470902—19481203    —ON, It came into force and
19471203             —OPENED, THE—TENNESSEE—WILLIAMS play "1—STREETCAR—NAMED—DESIRE", on Broadway with MARLON—BRANDO as STANLEY—KOWALSKI and Jessica Tandy as Blanche DuBois and KIM—HUNTER as STELLA—KOWALSKI.
19471203             —DIRECTED, BRANDO—1. film was "THE—MEN", by FRED—ZINNEMANN.
19471203             NEW—YORK, wird das Drama Endstation Sehnsucht von TENNESSEE—WILLIAMS uraufgeführt.
19481203             The "Pumpkin Papers" came to light.
19481203             —ANNOUNCED, THE—HOUSE—UN—USA—ACTIVITIES—COMMITTEE, that FORMER—COMMUNIST—SPY—WHITTAKER Chambers had produced microfilm of secret documents hidden inside 1—PUMPKIN on his MARYLAND farm.
19481203             S—FRANCISCO—SAM—SHOCKLEY, (19090000             *) and Miran EDGAR—THOMPSON (19170000             *), 2—ALCATRAZ inmates, were executed at THE—S—QUENTIN gas chamber for a 19460000             escape attempt in which 2—GUARDS and 3—PRISONERS were killed.
19481203             —EXPLODED, CHINA—REFUGEE ship "Kiangya", in EAST—CHINA—SEA killing 1,100. 19481204             —SEE
19490600             in Warschau) ist ein POLNISCHER—POLITIKER, Jurist und ehemaliger Aktivist der in Opposition zur realsozialistischen Diktatur gegründeten Gewerkschaft Solidarno??
19501203             —CLOSED, THE—CHINESE, in on PYONGYANG—KOREA and UN forces withdrew southward.
19501203             —NACH—DEM Inkrafttreten der neuen Landesverfassung von WEST—BERLIN wegen der Teilung der Stadt
19501203             1. Wahlen zum Berliner Abgeordnetenhaus stattfinden.
19501203             Dabei erleidet die SPD zwar herbe Verluste, bleibt aber mit 44,7 PROZENT—DER—STIMMEN klar stärkste Fraktion.
19521203             † JOSEF—FRANK, tschechoslowakischer Gewerkschafter
19521203             † OTTO—FISCHL, tschechoslowakischer Politiker
19521203             † OTTO—KATZ, tschechoslowakischer AUTOR—UND—AGENT—DER—SOWJETUNION
19521203             † RUDOLF—MARGOLIUS, tschechoslowakischer Außenhandelsminister
19521203             † RUDOLF—SLÁNSKÝ, Generalsekretär der KP der Tschechoslowakei
19521203             † VLADIMÍR—CLEMENTIS, SLOWAKISCHER—POLITIKER, Jurist, Schriftsteller und Übersetzer
19531203             —OPENED, The musical "Kismet", on Broadway at the Ziegfeld Theater for 583—PERFORMANCES.
19531203             —CRITICIZED, Eisenhower, McCarthy for saying communists are in REPUBLICAN—PARTY.
19541203             —PREMIERED, SAMUEL—BARBER'S "Prayers of Kierkegaard,".
19541203             —PREMIERED, WILLIAM—WALTON—OPERA "Troilus & Cressida,", in LONDON.
19551203             LOUISVILLE—KENTUCKY, erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper Die Schule der Frauen von ROLF—LIEBERMANN nach der gleichnamigen Komödie von Molière.
19561203             —PULLED, ENGLAND & FRANCE, troops out of EGYPT.
19571203             —AT—THE—TIME, MCCULLOUGH—NAME was JOHN—TESSIER.
19571203             † EDWARD—LARRABEE—ADAMS, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—ROMANIST und Provenzalist
19571203—19580400    —IN, 2—PEOPLE foraging for mushrooms found her remains.
19571203—20110000    —IN, prosecutors in Sycamore charged JACK—DANIEL—MCCULLOUGH, —71—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—POLICE—OFFICER, in the abduction of Ridulph —AFTER 1—EX—GIRLFRIEND—DISCOVERY—OF—1 unused train ticket blew 1—HOLE in his alibi.
19571203—20120914    —ON, McCullough was CONVICTED—OF—THE—MURDER.
19601203             * DARYL—HANNAH, film star, in CHICAGO—ILLINOIS.
19601203             —OPENED, THE—FREDERICK—LOEWE & ALAN—JAY—LERNER musical "Camelot", on Broadway.
19601203             Das Musical Camelot von FREDERICK—LOEWE und ALAN—JAY—LERNER wird im New Yorker Majestic Theatre uraufgeführt.
19601203             Das Thalia Theater in HAMBURG wird neu eröffnet
19611017—19611203    —UNTIL, NY Museum of Modern Art hung HENRI—MATISSE'S "Le Bateau" UPSIDE—DOWN It wasn't corrected.
19611203             —JUMPED, In THE—SF—BAY—AREA—FRANCIS—PATRICK—KENNEDY, off the Golden Gate Bridge and landed on the ground near Lime Point in Marin County.
19611203             He survived the 200-foot leap and doctors gave him a 50—50—CHANCE—OF pulling through.
19611203             Kennedy † —10—DAYS—LATER.
19611203             —NACH massiver Kritik ENVER—HOXHA am sowjetischen Kurs der Entstalinisierung bei 1—STAATSBESUCH in Moskau
19611203             —ABBRICHT die Sowjetunion die diplomatischen Beziehungen zu ALBANIEN.
19641203             "RUDOLPH—THE—RED—NOSED Reindeer" 1. aired on TV.
19641203             CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR—EDMUND—BROWN sent police from —THROUGHOUT THE—EAST—BAY to arrest protesters at UC BERKELEY and clear Sproul Hall.
19641203             —ARRESTED, Police, 824—STUDENTS —1—DAY—AFTER the students stormed the administration building and staged 1—MASSIVE—SIT—IN as PART—OF—THE—FREE—SPEECH—MOVEMENT.
19641203             It was the largest mass arrest in USA—HISTORY.
19641203             Bei der Räumung des besetzten Verwaltungsgebäudes der UNIVERSITÄT—VON—KALIFORNIEN in BERKELEY werden 773—STUDIERENDE, die sich im Free Speech Movement vereinigt haben, verhaftet.
19641203             —DARAUFHIN, Tausende Studierende solidarisieren sich mit den Festgenommenen, ebenso wie 800—PROFESSOREN, die sich für die Zahlung der Kaution entscheiden.
19651203             * KATARINA—WITT, figure skater (OLYMPIC—GOLD—1984, 88), in Staaken, GDR.
19651203             Beatles began their final UK concert tour in GLASGOW.
19651203             —ASKED, THE—NATIONAL—COUNCIL—OF—CHURCHES, THE—USA to halt the massive bombings in NORTH—VIETNAM.
19651203             Die Beatles veröffentlichen ihr 6. Album Rubber Soul.
19670824             PAGE—22, and, 1—COTTON MERCHANT—OF—THE—CITY—STATE—OF—BREMEN and 1—OF—THE most successful entrepreneurs of the 18000101—18991231              19670824             PAGE—22, and, 1—COTTON MERCHANT—OF—THE—CITY—STATE—OF—BREMEN and 1—OF—THE most successful entrepreneurs of the 18000101—18991231              19671203             The 19010101—20001231     Ltd., the famed luxury train, completed its final run from NEW—YORK City to CHICAGO.
19670824             PAGE—22, and, 1—COTTON MERCHANT—OF—THE—CITY—STATE—OF—BREMEN and 1—OF—THE most successful entrepreneurs of the 18000101—18991231              19671203             The 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY Ltd., the famed luxury train, completed its final run from NEW—YORK City to CHICAGO.
19671203             The 19010101—20001231     Ltd., the famed luxury train, completed its final run from NEW—YORK City to CHICAGO.
19671203             Surgeons in CAPE—TOWN, SOUTH—AFRICA, led by DOCTOR—CHRISTIAAN—BARNARD, performed the 1. human heart transplant at the Groote Shur Hospital.
19671203             —LIVED, LOUIS—WASHKANSKY, —18—DAYS with the new heart.
19671203             1. Herztransplantation bei 1—MENSCHEN, gelingt Dem SÜDAFRIKA—CHIRURG—CHRISTIAAN—BARNARD am Groote Schuur Hospital in Kapstadt.
19671203             LOUIS—WASHKANSKY erhält das Herz des 25-jährigen Unfallopfers DENISE—DARVALL.
19671203             † ANNETTE—KOLB, DEUTSCHE—SCHRIFTSTELLERIN und Pazifistin
19671203—19671206    —ON, The 1. heart transplant operation in THE—USA was, in NEW—YORK City.
19671203—19671221    —VERSTIRBT, Trotz gelungener Operation, der Patient LOUIS—WASHKANSKY an 1—LUNGENENTZÜNDUNG.
19691203             —OFFERED, ANDREW—LLOYD—WEBER and TIM—RICE, JOHN—LENNON the role of Jesus Christ in Jesus Christ Superstar, but the offer was withdrawn THE—NEXT—DAY.
19701203             Der von der Terrororganisation FRONT—DE—LIBÉRATION—DU—QUÉBEC in der Oktoberkrise —SEIT—60—TAGEN gefangen gehaltene BRITISCHE—DIPLOMAT JAMES—RICHARD—CROSS kommt nach —VERHANDLUNGEN zwischen Polizei und den Terroristen frei.
19701203             5—FRONT—DE—LIBÉRATION—DU—QUÉBEC—BANDENMITGLIEDER erhalten freies Geleit nach KUBA.
19711203             The 3. INDO—PAKISTAN—WAR began —WHEN INDIA under INDIRA—GANDHI intervened in THE—PAKISTAN—CIVIL—WAR.
19711203             —ATTACKED, PAKISTAN, INDIA—AIRFIELDS and INDIA mobilized its army —AFTER nearly 10—MILLION—REFUGEES poured into INDIA.
19711203             —ENDED, THE—INDIA—PAKISTAN—CIVIL—WAR, with INDEPENDENCE for EAST—PAKISTAN, which became known as BANGLADESH.
19711203             —BOMBARDIERT, PAKISTAN, Ziele in INDIEN.
19711203             Daraufhin kommt es im BANGLADESCH—KRIEG auch zu offenen Kampfhandlungen im INDISCH—WEST—PAKISTAN—GRENZGEBIET.
19721203             † 1—SPANTAX—CONVAIR 990A charter carrying WEST—GERMANY—TOURISTS crashed in Tenerife, Canary ISLAND, and 155.
19721203             Auf Teneriffa verunglückt 1—CHARTERFLUGZEUG—DER—SPANTAX beim Start;
19721203             † † † alle 148—PASSAGIERE und 7—BESATZUNGSMITGLIEDER sterben.
19721203             † FREDERICK—LEE—HISAW, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—ZOOLOGE und Endokrinologe
19731203             —PASSED, Pioneer 10, Jupiter (1. FLY—BY—OF—1—OUTER—PLANET).
19731203             —NACH—21—MONATE, Die RAUMSONDE—PIONEER—10, ERREICHT PLANET—JUPITER und sendet Nahaufnahmen und Daten zur Erde.
19741203             Die RAUMSONDE—PIONEER—11, LIEGT am Jupiter vorbei und setzt ihren Flug Richtung Saturn fort.
19751203             —ABDICATED, SAVANG—VATTHANA—KING—OF—LAOS, his throne and the communist LAO PEOPLE—DEMOCRATIC—REPUBLIC (LPDR) was established.
19751203             —SEIZED, THE—LAO—PEOPLE—REVOLUTIONARY—PARTY (LPRP) had, power with backing from VIETNAM.
19761203             —ELIMINATED, This, THE—POST—OF—PRIME—MINISTER.
19761203—20190000    —IN—LATE, THE—POST—OF—PRIME—MINISTER was restored.
19771203             —PROPOSED, THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT, the admission of 10,000 more VIETNAM—REFUGEES to THE—USA.
19771203             † JACK—BERESFORD, BRITISCHER—RUDERER, Olympiasieger
19791203             —AUCTIONED, Christie's in SWITZERLAND, 1—THIMBLE for 1—RECORD—SUM.
19791203             1—LONDON dealer bid $18,000 for 1—MEISSEN porcelain thimble that dated to about 17400000             .
19791203             —KILLED, OHIO, 11—PEOPLE were, in 1—CRUSH of fans at CINCINNATI—RIVERFRONT—COLISEUM, where THE—WHO, 1—UK—ROCK—GROUP, was performing.
19800800             aangirfan: 20061126—20061203              19800800             aangirfan: 20061126—20061203              19800800             aangirfan: 20061126—20061203              19821126             —ELECTED, Yasuhiro Nakasone of THE—LDP was, 71. JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER.
19801203             —DISCOVERED, EL—SALVADOR, peasants, the bodies of nuns DOROTHY—KAZEL, Ita Ford, Maura Clark, and lay worker JEAN—DONOVAN and buried them.
19801203             Bernadine Dohrn, 1—FORMER—LEADER—OF—THE—RADICAL—WEATHER—UNDERGROUND, surrendered to authorities in CHICAGO —AFTER more than —1—DECADE as 1—FUGITIVE.
19811103—19821203    —SENTENCED, Broussard was, in 1—SAN—JOSE, CALIFORNIA court to —25—YEARS to life for the strangulation DEATH—OF—CONRAD.
19821203             Rebecca Marrero (19620000             *) was last seen in SEATTLE—WASHINGTON.
19821203             —BELIEVED, She was, to have become 1—VICTIM—OF—GARY—RIDGEWAY, THE—SO—CALLED—GREEN—RIVER—KILLER.
19821203—20100000    —IN, her skull was found by children playing in 1—RAVINE SOUTH—OF—SEATTLE.
19821203—20110207    —CHARGED, Ridgeway, already serving 48—LIFE—TERMS, was, with her murder.
19841203             † More than 4,000—PEOPLE and 200,000 were injured —AFTER 1—GAS escaped from 1—PESTICIDE plant operated by 1—UNION—CARBIDE subsidiary in BHOPAL—INDIA.
19841203             40—TONS—OF—VAPOROUS methyl isocyanate, hydrogen cyanide, monomethyl amine, carbon monoxide and possibly 20—OTHER—CHEMICALS were released —AFTER 1—EXPLOSION.
19841203             † Over the years, according to THE—INDIA—GOVERNMENT, some 15,000—PEOPLE have, from EFFECTS—OF—THE—GAS.
19841203             —IM—VERLAUF—DER—NÄCHSTEN—20—JAHRE, sterben weitere 20.000—MENSCHEN an Folgekrankheiten.
19841203—19841202    —IN—DER—NACHT—VOM, In 1—PESTIZIDFABRIK der USA—AMERIKANISCHEN—UNION—CARBIDE im INDISCHEN—BHOPAL kommt es zu 1—VERHEERENDEN Giftgasunfall, bei dem 40—TONNEN 1—HOCHGIFTIGEN Gasgemischs entweichen, das 8.000—MENSCHEN sofort tötet.
19841203—20110000    —ISSUED, INDIA, notices to Dow seeking payment of $1.7—BILLION, on top of $470—MILLION already paid, due to the lingering effects of the poison.
19861203             † THEODOR—ZELLER, DEUTSCHER—MALER und Graphiker
19871203             —4—DAYS—BEFORE his summit with SOVIET—LEADER—MIKHAIL—S—GORBACHEV to sign 1—TREATY banning INTERMEDIATE—RANGE—NUCLEAR—MISSILES, PRESIDENT—REAGAN said in 1—INTERVIEW with television network anchormen that there was 1—REASONABLY good CHANCE—OF—PROGRESS toward 1—TREATY on LONG—RANGE—WEAPONS.
19871203             Der Film Cobra Verde von WERNER—HERZOG—MIT—KLAUS—KINSKI hat in DEUTSCHLAND Premiere.
19881203             SOUTH—AFRICA, 11—BLACK—FUNERAL—MOURNERS were slain in NATAL Province in 1—ATTACK blamed on security forces.
19890320—20131203    —ON, 1—JUDGE—LED inquiry in LONDON found that IRELAND—POLICE colluded in the murder.
19891024             [see 19891203             ,6]
19891203             —3—DAYS—LATER Communist leader EGON—KRENZ stepped down as CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—COUNCIL—OF—STATE.
19891203             —ANNOUNCED, Presidents GEORGE—BUSH and MIKHAIL—GORBACHEV, in MALTA, the official end to the Cold War.
19891203             Im Zuge der Wende und friedlichen Revolution in der DDR
19891203             —ZURÜCKTRETEN der GENERALSEKRETÄR—EGON—KRENZ, das Politbüro und das ZK der SED geschlossen.
19901109—19901203    —AM, MARY—ROBINSON wird als 1. Präsidentin Irlands in ihr Amt eingeführt.
19901203             1—NORTHWEST—AIRLINES—DC 9 collided on the ground with 1—NORTHWEST—BOEING 727 at DETROIT Metropolitan Airport, resulting in 1—FIRE that claimed 8—LIVES.
19901203             PRESIDENT—BUSH began a 5—NATION SOUTH—USA—TOUR as he arrived in BRAZIL.
19901203             WALTER—HICKEL (19190000—20100000    ), FORMER—GOVERNOR—OF—ALASKA (19660000—19690000    ) and USA Interior CHIEF (19690000—19700000    ) under PRESIDENT—NIXON, took OFFICE—AS—ALASKA—8. GOVERNOR.
19901203             He served to 19941205             .
19911203             —RESIGNED, Embattled USA—WHITE—HOUSE—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—JOHN—H—SUNUNU ; he was succeeded by SAMUEL—K—SKINNER.
19911203             —RELEASED, Radicals in LEBANON, USA—HOSTAGE—ALANN Steen, who had been held captive nearly —5—YEARS.
19911203             —ENTDECKT, In der GALAXIE—MESSIER—84, IM Sternbild Jungfrau wird 1—SUPERNOVA.
19911203—19920101    —AM, DIEVEREINTE—NATIONEN—GENERALVERSAMMLUNG wählt als 1. Vertreter 1—AFRIKANISCHEN Nation den Ägypter BOUTROS—BOUTROS—GHALI zum neuen Generalsekretär.
19911203—19920101    BOUTROS—BOUTROS—GHALI tritt sein Amt an und folgt auf den Peruaner JAVIER—PÉREZ—DE—CUÉLLAR.
19921203             —APPROVED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL unanimously, 1—USA—LED military mission to help starving SOMALIA.
19921203             —SPILLED, THE—GREECE—TANKER—AEGEAN Sea, 21.5—MILLION gallons of crude oil —WHEN it ran aground at La CORUNA—SPAIN.
19921203             Search in ALL—OF—ALFATOMEGA_com. welcome to ALFATOMEGA --> use CTR + F for FIND !!!///. alfatomega.com/20070420.html.
19921203             AFRICA—ENERGY—INTELLIGENCE—TUNISIA ETAP is looking for 1—FLOATER for 1—WELL it will spud between MID—SEPTEMBER—NOVEMBER, with 1—OPTION on a...
19921203             He removed OMAR—MASSOUD from THE—POST—OF—CHAIRMAN at Tamoil, the main operating unit of Oilinvest + put in this place MAHMOUD—NAAS.
19921203             Justice4Libya... OMAR—MASSOUD has been replaced as HEAD—OF—CYPRUS—REGISTERED—TAMOIL—OVERSEAS by another LIBYA—NATIONAL, MAHMOUD—NAAS.
19921203             Reasons weren't given. LIBYA—TAMOIL gets new boss -
19921203             has been replaced as HEAD—OF—CYPRUS—REGISTERED—TAMOIL—OVERSEAS by another LIBYA—NATIONAL, MAHMOUD—NAAS.
19921203             Reasons. weren't given, but trading sources allege.
19921203             Der Ingenieur NEIL—PAPWORTH verschickt die weltweit 1. Kurzmitteilung[SMS] mit dem Text "Merry Christmas" von 1—PC an 1—ORBITEL—TPU 901—MOBILTELEFON im BRITISCHEN—VODAFONE—NETZ.
19921203             Der GRIECHISCHE—ÖLTANKER Aegean Sea läuft bei Sturm nahe der SPANISCHE—STADT—A—CORUÑA auf Grund und zerbricht.
19921203             —VERURSACHT, Die herausquellende Ladung, auf 1—LÄNGE—VON—300—KILOMETERN an der Küste 1—ÖLPEST.
19931203             His body was found —5—WEEKS—LATER.
19931203             —ANNOUNCED, BRITAIN—PRINCESS—DIANA, saying she was fed up with media's intrusions, she would be limiting her public appearances.
19931203             —BACKED, RUSSIA, in return, Shevardnadze against Abkhaz rebels.
19931203             —STARTED, Gunnarsson had, 1—RELATIONSHIP with UNDERWOOD—EX—GIRLFRIEND—KAY—WEDEN —AFTER moving to THE—USA.
19931203—19931209    —ON, WEDEN—MOTHER, CATHERINE—MILLER, —77—JAHRE—ALT, was found shot to death.
19931203—19931209    —ON, WEDEN—MOTHER, CATHERINE—MILLER (77), was found shot to death.
19931203—19970000    —IN, Salisbury police officer Lamont Claxton "L.C." Underwood (20180000             †) was convicted for the murder.
19941203             —BECAME, ELIZABETH Glaser, who, 1—AIDS—ACTIVIST—AFTER she and her 2—CHILDREN were infected with HIV via 1—BLOOD—TRANSFUSION, † in Santa MONICA—CALIFORNIA, at age 47.
19941203             —FAILED, Rebel Serbs in Bosnia, to keep 1—PLEDGE to release HUNDREDS—OF—UNITED—NATIONS peacekeepers, SOME—ALREADY held for more than —1—WEEK.
19941203             —LAUNCHED, JAPAN—SONY—CORP., its PlayStation game console.
19951203             —AUTHORIZED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, wrapping up a —5—DAY—EUROPEAN trip, 1—VANGUARD—OF—700—USA—TROOPS to open 1—RISKY mission in BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA.
19951203             —SIGNED, THE—USA—AND—EUROPE, 1—TRANS—ATLANTIC—TRADE and security accord in MADRID—SPAIN.
19961203             —RULED, HAWAII, JUDGE—KEVIN—CHANG, that the state had to issue marriage licenses to SAME—SEX—COUPLES (allow gay marriages), prompting 1—APPEAL.
19961203             —BARRED, THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT, 16—JAPAN—ARMY—VETERANS SUSPECTED—OF—WWII atrocities from entering THE—USA.
19961203             —DISPERSED, BURMA, riot police, HUNDREDS—OF—STUDENT—DEMONSTRATORS and detained dozens outside Rangoon at the Schwedagon Pagoda.
19961203             —EXPLODED, FRANCE, 1—BOMB, in THE—PARIS subway at THE—PORT—ROYAL—STATION.
19961203             2 (4) people were killed and dozens injured.
19961203             It appeared to be THE—WORK—OF—ALGERIA—EXTREMISTS.
19961203             MEXICO, FERNANDO—BALDERAS, LAWYER—JOURNALIST, and his wife Yolanda Figueroa and 3—CHILDREN were beaten to death.
19961203             —REPORTED, The couple had, exposes on drugs and corruption in the government.
19961203             —PUBLISHED, Balderas, the magazine 4. Power.
19961203             —CONFESSED, ALEJANDRO—PEREZ, the family chauffeur, —LATER, to participating in the killings with 2—OTHERS because Balderas had raped the gardener's wife and attempted to rape his wife.
19961203             —HELPED, Balderas had, his wife write "THE—BOSS—OF—THE—GULF," about drug cartel leader JUAN—GARCIA—ABREGO.
19961203             —GAGGED, BELGRADE, Serbia, Milosevic, the independent radio stations, Radio B-92 and Boom 93. Protests continued.
19961203             Attorney at LAW—EX—5—SEC INFO—APPLIED Digital Solutions Inc -S-3 -On-
19961203             EX-5 - Consent and Opinion of JODY—M—WALKER ,
19961203             Very truly yours, /s/JODY—M—WALKER --- JODY—M...
19961203             EX—5—SEC INFO—APPLIED Digital Solutions Inc -S-3 —ON—EX—5 - Consent and Opinion of JODY—M—WALKER, Attorney at Law... Very truly yours, /s/JODY—M—WALKER --- JODY—M.
19961203             —PARTICIPATED, Retired GENERAL and VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—MPRI, CARL—VUONO, in.... of military hardware was also assisted by ERNST—WERNER—GLATT...
19961203             Gitlin's 'Yes' Echoed Among Leftists... ZAGREB was buying weapons from 1—GERMANY—ARMS—DEALER, ERNST—WERNER—GLATT...
19961203             —AFTER Soyster retired, he and Glatt became business partners on at least...
19961203             THE—INDYPENDENT " THE—MERCENARY—REVOLUTION: Flush with Profits...
19961203             —APPEARED, LT—GENERAL—ED—SOYSTER, for example, on the program as a... THE—ZAGREB regime from having bought weaponry from ERNST—WERNER—GLATT...
19970430—20091203    —EXECUTED, Woods (44) was.
19971203             —SIGNED, SPAIN, 19970000             —THE—MINE—BAN—TREATY.
19971203             All are 1—PART—OF—THE—GROUP—DEFEX (Defense and Export), which, in turn, is controlled by THE—INI.
19971203             —HOSTED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, his 1. town hall meeting on AMERICA—RACE—RELATIONS in AKRON—OHIO.
19971203             —REPORTED, It was, that FORMER—LOUISIANA GOVERNOR—EDWIN—EDWARDS, EDWARD—J—DEBARTOLO, owner of THE—SF 49ers, and 3—OTHERS were about to be indicted for alleged fraud.
19971203             DeBartolo was caught offering to pay THE—GOVERNOR as much as $400,000 for 1—RIVERBOAT casino license.
19971203             —EXERCISED, Walt Disney Chairman MICHAEL—EISNER, stock options for 1—PROFIT—OF $565—MILLION.
19971203             CANADA, as many as 120—COUNTRIES began signing 1—BAN on land mines in OTTAWA.
19971203             THE—USA, CHINA, RUSSIA, IRAQ were among those countries refusing to sign the ban.
19971203             SOUTH—KOREA struck 1—DEAL with THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND for 1—RECORD $55—BILLION bailout of its foundering economy.
19971203             —TRIED, He was the 1. Norwegian, for mercy killing.
19971203             —CHASTISED, POLAND, Cardinal JOZEF—GLEMP, REVEREND—TADEUSZ—RYDZYK for his daily broadcasts of hate and rage mingled with prayer sessions.
19971203             —ATTACKED, RWANDA, Hutu rebels, 1—PRISON and released 507 jailed comrades in Bulinga.
19971203             All are a PART—OF—THE—GROUP—DEFEX (Defense + Export),
19971203             which, in turn, is controlled by THE—INI...
19971203—19910000    —IN, Rydzyk began broadcasting over Radio Maryja and has become the 4. most popular station in POLAND with 5—MILLION listeners, mostly among older, religious observant women.
19971203—19960600    —CONVICTED, NORWAY, DOCTOR—CHRISTIAN—SANDSDALEN was, for the mercy KILLING—OF—BODIL—BJERKMANN (45), who suffered from multiple sclerosis.
19971203—19990101    —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—YELTSIN, that RUSSIA is ready to cut troop strength in the Baltic region by 20%.
19971203—19990119    —DEPOSITED, It officially, its INSTRUMENTS—OF—RATIFICATION at THE—UNITED—NATIONS, the sixtieth nation to do so.
19981127—19981203    —DROWNED, He was found, to death.
19981203             † IN—ROMANIA—BROTHER—CLEOPA, 1—ORTHODOX monk, at age 87 at the 13010101—14001231     Sihastra Monastery.
19981203             —JETTISONED, Republicans, campaign FUND—RAISING from their INQUIRY—OF—PRESIDENT—CLINTON, clearing the way for 1—HISTORIC—HOUSE—JUDICIARY—COMMITTEE—VOTE on ARTICLES—OF—IMPEACHMENT over PRESIDENT—CLINTON—RELATIONSHIP with Monica Lewinsky and his effort to cover it up.
19981203             —PREMIERED, The movie "Shakespeare in Love".
19981203             —REPORTED, Digital MP3 FILE—SQUISHING technology was, as 1—THREAT to recording industry.
19981203             —ALLOWED, MPEG Layer 3 was 1—COMPRESSION—TECHNOLOGY that, CD quality music to be sent over THE—INTERNET.
19981203             —RELEASED, THE—RIO portable player by Diamond Multimedia was, to stores in THE—MIDST—OF—PIRACY—CONCERNS.
19981203             1—SCIENTIFIC—REPORT from the Multispecies Monitoring Committee said that the cod fishing in the Gulf of MAINE has collapsed due to overfishing.
19981203             A —4—DAY—CONFERENCE in WASHINGTON, attended by 44—COUNTRIES, THE—VATICAN and over 12—JEWISH—ORGANIZATIONS, produced guidelines for documenting Nazi plunder to resolve claims on confiscated art.
19981203             —ISSUED, EUROPE, the central banks of 11—COUNTRIES, 1—COORDINATED—INTEREST—RATE cut in response to softening economic conditions.
19981203             —SIGNED, VIENNA, 33—NATIONS, the Wassenaar Arrangement limiting arms exports.
19981203             —INCLUDED, The agreement, export controls on the most powerful DATA—SCRAMBLING technologies.
19981203             —REPORTED, JAPAN, it was, that THE—JUL—SEP quarter fell 0.7%.
19981203             It was the 4. consecutive decrease in GDP.
19981203             —BURNED, In THE—PHILIPPINES 1—FIRE, the Catholic Bahay Kalinga orphanage in MANILA and at least 28—PEOPLE were killed including 23—CHILDREN.
19981203             —RENOWNED, IN—ROMANIA—BROTHER—CLEOPA was, for his lectures and sermons, some of which were published under the title "Talks with Brother Cleopa," in Sobornost, 1—ECUMENICAL—ORTHODOX and Anglican journal published in OXFORD.
19981203             —KILLED, YUGOSLAVIA—BORDER—GUARDS, 8—ETHNIC—ALBANIANS as they tried to cross the border into KOSOVO.
19981203             —KILLED, PRISTINA, Hizri Talla, 1—SENIOR—GUERRILLA—COMMANDER was, along with Kosovar JOURNALIST—AFRIM—MALIQI and student Ilir Durmishi.
19981203             † GRAHAM—TOWNSEND, KANADISCHER—FIDDLER, Mandolinist, Pianist und Komponist
19990103             —SCHEDULED, Landing was, for 19991203             with probes designed to burrow 3—FEET into the Mars surface.
19990103—19991203    —SCHEDULED—FOR, Landing was, with probes designed to burrow 3—FEET into the Mars surface.
19991203             —OFFERED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, to reduce bombing practice on Vieques in the —SPRING and use only dummy bombs plus $40—MILLION in economic incentives with phase out in —5—YEARS.
19991203             —REJECTED, PUERTO—RICO, the offer.
19991203             —COLLAPSED, THE—WTO negotiations in SEATTLE, with no agreement reached on 1—AGENDA for talks.
19991203             —RESTRICTED, Regular but, passenger service from NY to HAVANA was resumed for the 1. time in nearly —4—DECADES with 1—FLIGHT by Marazul Charters.
19991203             Tori Murden (36) of THE—USA—BECAME—THE 1. woman to complete 1—ROWBOAT crossing of the Atlantic.
19991203             Her —81—DAY, 7—HR. and 31—MIN. trip began in the Canary Islands and finished at FORT—DU—BAS in GUADELOUPE.
19991203             —TOUCHED, THE—MARS—POLAR—LANDER, down at the Martian SOUTH—POLE.
19991203             2—PROBES burrowed into the polar surface to test for water and carbon dioxide.
19991203             —FAILED, NASA, to make contact with the $165—MILLION lander —FOLLOWING setdown.
19991203             —REPORTED, Ice in ARCTIC waters was, to be shrinking by about 14,000 square miles annually.
19991203             —SUSPECTED, Global warming from human activity was.
19991203             † IN—WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS, 6—FIREFIGHTERS —AFTER 4 tried to rescue 2—WHO were in trouble in 1—BURNING warehouse.
19991203             1—HOMELESS—COUPLE who allegedly knocked over 1—CANDLE were —LATER charged with involuntary manslaughter.
19991203             † OSCAR—NOMINATED actress Madeline Kahn at age 57.
19991203             A 129—COUNTRY—ENVIRONMENTAL—CONFERENCE in CHINA agreed to provide poor countries 1—ADDITIONAL $440—MILLION over —3—YEARS to stop using chemicals that harm the ozone layer.
19991203             —REPORTED, CHECHNYA, some 250—RUSSIA—SOLDIERS were, killed by rebels SOUTH—OF—GROZNY.
19991203             —KILLED, Separately as many as 40—CHECHEN civilians were, —WHEN RUSSIA—TROOPS fired on 1—REFUGEE—CONVOY.
19991203             —CRASHED, In THE—MALDIVES 1—HELICOPTER, enroute to MALE and killed all 10—PEOPLE—ONBOARD.
19991203             MONACO, billionaire banker EDMUND—SAFRA, —67—JAHRE—ALT, FOUNDER—OF—THE—REPUBLIC—NATIONAL—BANK—OF—NEW—YORK, was suffocated to death in 1—FIRE set by intruders at his home in Monte Carlo.
19991203             His USA—NURSE, TED—MAHER, —41—JAHRE—ALT, was JEALOUS—OF—OTHER—SERVANTS and —LATER admitted that he had set the fire and fabricated the intruder story to gain attention.
19991203             —ESCAPED, Maher, but was soon captured.
19991203             AZERBAIJAN—DEMOPEDIA—CHRIS—BLACKWELL, the music mogul + FARHAD AZIMA.
19991203             —LATER he sold all his property but kept Good Hope which he had bought jointly with HUGH—HART,
19991203             SEC INFO—SPATIALIGHT Inc - S-3/A -On-... among Spatialight,
19991203             ARGYLE—CAPITAL—MANAGEMENT—CORPORATION, JERRY—WHITLOCK, Mansour Rasnavad, Network Finance Incorporated, Farhad Azima + the 18 ...
19991203             —LATER he sold all his property but kept Good Hope which he had bought jointly with HUGH—HART, CHRIS—BLACKWELL, the music mogul + Farhad Azima.
19991203             SEC INFO—SPATIALIGHT Inc -S-3/A—ON—ARGYLE—CAPITAL—MANAGEMENT—CORPORATION, JERRY—WHITLOCK, Mansour Rasnavad, Network Finance... 19990000             ------- ROBERT—A—OLINS—II 6 ...
19991203             AZERBAIJAN—DEMOPEDIA
19991203             —BEGINNT, Die NASA—RAUMSONDE—MARS—POLAR—LANDER, mit dem Abstieg zum Mars.
19991203             Nach der Landung kann jedoch weder Kontakt zur NASA—RAUMSONDE—MARS—POLAR—LANDER, noch zu den 2—KURZ zuvor abgekoppelten Deep Space 2-Penetratoren Amundsen und Scott hergestellt werden.
19991203—20020000    —CONVICTED, Maher was, and sentenced to —10—YEARS in prison.
20000320             alfatomega.com/200612030.html - 7—PREVENT 1—MILITARY—ATTACK on IRAN:
20000329             —AFFIRMED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, cities' power to ban nude dancing in a 6-20001203             ISION.
20001203             —ATTACHED, Space shuttle ENDEAVOUR—ASTRONAUTS, the world's largest, most powerful set of solar panels to THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20001203             † GWENDOLYN—BROOKS, AFRICA—USA—POET, at age 83. Brooks won a 19490000             Pulitzer Prize for her 2. book of poetry, "Annie Allen".
20001203             CHECHNYA, rebels struck numerous check points and at least 13—RUSSIA—SOLDIERS were killed.
20001203             —SCHEDULED, VENEZUELA, 1—REFERENDUM was, on suspending the leaders of the nation's labor unions —FOR—180—DAYS pending new labor elections.
20001203             —APPROVED, Voters in a 20% turnout, the referendum to oust THE—LEADERS—OF—THE—LABOR—UNIONS.
20001203             —PAVED, This, the way for 1—GOVERNMENT—DOMINATED workers' federation.
20001203             —FINISHED, FLORIDA, Circuit JUDGE—SANDERS—SAULS, listening to testimony on AL—GORE—REQUEST for 1—HAND—COUNT—OF—13,000—BALLOTS in 2—COUNTIES.
20001203             —AIRED, The cable TV Showtime station, the premier of "Queer as Folk," 1—DRAMA about homosexuals based on 1—UK—SERIES.
20001203—19680000    —SINCE, GWENDOLYN—BROOKS was the poet laureate of ILLINOIS.
20001203—20020500    —RESIGNED, Baldwin, —AFTER she admitted lying about her academic credentials.
20010521             —OVERTURNED, His conviction was, 20021203             .
20010813—20011203    —DATE 20010813—20011203    —DATE20020109             —ARRESTED, Weaver was, 20020813             for the rape of his —19—YEAR—OLD—SON—GIRLFRIEND.
20010813—20011203    —DATE20020109             —ARRESTED, Weaver was, 20020813             for the rape of his —19—YEAR—OLD—SON—GIRLFRIEND.
200109112030         BUSH addresses THE—COUNTRY—FOR—7—MINUTES.
200109112030         FOR THE—VERY—1.—TIME—BUSH articulates the fateful BUSH Doctrine (but far from the last) :
20011100             [AP, 20020221             ]Other FORMER—ISI Directors living in PAKISTAN seemingly even more supportive of the Taliban continue to be very vocal (such as LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—HAMID—GUL, for instance [New Yorker, 20011203             ]), and numerous other ISI officers have supported the Taliban in seeming defiance of MUSHARRAF—WISHES and not faced house arrest.
20011203             TOM—RIDGE—ANNOUNCES 1—GENERAL—ALERT, with no specific information concerning who, what, where or —WHEN 1—ATTACK—MAY occur.
20011203             —USA—TODAY—TARGETING SADDAM : Was there 1—IRAQI 20010911             link?
20011203             —OWNED, MISS—NBC, by THE—RIGHT—WING Microsoft Corporation + ARMS—MAKER—GENERAL—ELECTRIC.
20011203             It is written in 1—TONE—OF—OVER—THE—TOP—EMOTIONALISM + propaganda,
20011203             rooting for USA—FAITH, righteous pugnacity + revenge.
20011203             It rehearses in full the "ancient litany" (THE—LORD—PRAYER) that FOOTBALL—PLAYING TODD—BEAMER intoned along with the Airfone telephone operator (although THE—POST—GAZETTE says it was Psalm 23).
20011203             —DEPICTED, The passengers are inaccurately, storming the cockpit to prevent another attack, whereas:
20011203             "As described by THE—FBI director [ROBERT—MUELLER]," THE—FBI—858—PAGE—REPORT to Congress —LATER related,
20011203             "the cockpit tape recorder indicates that 1—HIJACKER, minutes —BEFORE Flight 93—HIT the ground, 'advised [hijacker Ziad] Jarrah to crash the plane + end the passengers' attempt to retake the plane'".
20011203             So according to its own documentations, the official legend of the cockpit storming was pure fiction.
20011203             —BY...
20011203             SECRETARY—OF—STATE—POWELL met in ROMANIA with officials from 55—NATIONS in 1—CONFERENCE on fighting terrorism.
20011203             GOVERNOR—DAVIS—OF—CALIFORNIA met with PRESIDENT—FOX and MEXICO—LEGISLATORS in MEXICO—CITY to discuss economic solutions on mutual interests.
20011203             NEW—JERSEY, JUDGE—CLARKSON—S—FISHER began jailing striking teachers, who defied his BACK—TO—WORK—ORDER.
20011203             Enron took steps to bolster its weak financial footing —FOLLOWING its historic bankruptcy filing, arranging $1.5—BILLION in financing and slashing 4,000 jobs, or 20—PERCENT of its work force.
20011203             —UNVEILED, DEAN—KAMEN, inventor, his BATTERY—POWERED, 12—MPH Segway Human Transporter in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20011203             Kamen had spent $100—MILLION over the last —DECADE to develop the vehicle.
20011203             1—TEST—USA—ANTI—MISSILE launched from Kwajalein atoll in THE—MARSHALL—ISLANDS successfully hit 1—DUMMY warhead from Vandenberg Air Base in CALIFORNIA, 4,800 miles away.
20011203             —SURRENDERED, Some 3,000 Taliban, at Char Dara, 6—MILES—WEST—OF—KUNDUZ.
20011203             —BATTLED, Pashtuns, Taliban forces at KANDAHAR—AIRPORT.
20011203             —EVACUATED, THE—UN, staff at MAZAR—E—SHARIF due to NORTH—ALLIANCE infighting.
20011203             ARGENTINA, the government put a —90—DAY—PARTIAL freeze on bank accounts to help stem 1—RUN on banks.
20011203             —LIMITED, Weekly withdrawals were, to $250.
20011203             —CONFINED, Arafat was effectively, to Ramallah —AFTER ISRAEL destroyed his helicopters.
20011203             —BY... - THE—FLIGHT 93—STORY  was read by millions more at ON—LINE
20011203             MINUTES —BEFORE FLIGHT 93—HIT THE—GROUND,
20020000             Even so, 1—PRESIDENTIAL—BROTHER should never associate with 1—CULT—FRONT—GROUP.) 20051203             20020427—20031203    —ON, Investigations led to arrests.
20020000             Even so, a presidential brother should never associate with a cult front group.) 20051203
20020427—20031203    —ON, Investigations led to arrests.
20021203             Memory Hole, 1—APPROPRIATE venue, as the corporate media ignored the petition.
20021203             "You might think that such 1—STRONGLY—WORDED statement sent by more than 5—DOZEN UNITED—NATIONS workers to THE—'MIDDLE—EAST—ONLY—DEMOCRACY' would be highly newsworthy. Apparently not. Among the very few media outlets to cover it were Reuters, THE—BBC, the Independent (LONDON), Ha'aretz (JERUSALEM) + THE—JERUSALEM—POST. Notice that all these sources are British or Israeli. Not 1—USA—MEDIA—OUTLET has covered the story".
20021203             "[F]or —2—YEARS UNITED—NATIONS staff have been subject to escalating harassment and violence by ISRAEL—MILITARY, so that the protection supposed to be afforded by the blue LETTERS—OF—THE—UN is being steadily eroded," the petition explains.
20021203             "UN STAFF—INTERNATIONAL and PALESTINE—ALIKE—HAVE been verbally abused, stripped, beaten, shot at + killed by ISRAEL—SOLDIERS".
20021203             Tragically IAIN—HOOK was not the 1. person working with THE—UN to die at the hands of THE—IDF —THIS—YEAR.
20021203             † In —APRIL, Husni Amer, in ISRAEL—MILITARY custody in Jenin —AFTER, according to witnesses, receiving 1—BRUTAL beating by the soldiers —AT—THE—TIME—OF his arrest.
20021203             —FROM its silence, we presume THE—ISRAEL—AUTHORITIES have ignored UN requests for 1—INVESTIGATION and report of these 2—INCIDENTS + have not seen fit to take ANY—DISCIPLINARY action against the soldiers involved.
20021203             To us, this seems to confirm 1—PATTERN—OF utter contempt on THE—PART—OF—THE—ISRAEL—ARMY for the lost lives of these men, THE—SAFETY—OF—UN—STAFF or the minimum standards imposed by INTERNATIONAL law which should protect UN staff and other humanitarian workers.
20021203             —DEMANDED, Again, no word if DANIEL—AYALON, 1—APOLOGY.
20021203             Addendum
20021203             —TARGETED, It appears THE—IOF, UNIFIL for 1—VERY—SPECIFIC—REASON, namely to send the message the Zionist state doesn't need no stinkin' peacekeepers, especially peacekeepers who mostly evacuate citizens from ISRAEL—KILLING fields.
20021203             Specifically, it was 1—MESSAGE sent in regard to the prospect of yet another multinational peacekeeping force sent to LEBANON.
20021203             As Bush, or rather the neocons, tell us, ISRAEL must be left alone to go —AFTER Hezbollah, that is to say LEBANON—RESISTING invasion and occupation.
20021203             It didn't take long for the corporate media to shellack THE—MURDER—OF—THE—UN—OBSERVERS with sickening excuses.
20021203             In addition to excuses, the
20021203             —COMPELLED, CHICAGO Tribune felt, as 1—STANDARD lickspittle for ISRAEL—CRIMES, to powder puff the invasion:
20021203             —CAPTURED, As we know, THE—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS were, in LEBANON, as reported by Forbes, the Hindustan Times, THE—BAHRAIN—NEWS—AGENCY, DEUTSCHE—PRESSE—AGENTUR, AFP, ASIA—TIMES + others.
20021203             But then, naturally, THE—CHICAGO—TRIBUNE would be bucking THE—PRO—ISRAEL corporate media stampede if it told the truth.
20021203             Imagine WINSTON—SMITH rewriting historical documents so that they match the current party line, which changes on 1—DAILY—BASIS, over at THE—MINISTRY—OF—TRUTH.
20021203             1—WONDERS what the response would be if the Palestinians and Lebanese "retaliated" against ISRAEL for kidnapping their citizens, numbering in the hundreds.
20021203             Finally, according to the
20021203             —CONTINUED, WASHINGTON—POST, THE—IOF, firing on the targeted shelter, even as rescue workers attempted to clear the rubble.
20021203             —ATTACKED, In that instance, our "friends", lifeboats with torpedoes and machine gun fire, 1—WAR—CRIME.
20021203             It seems the Israelis are mighty FOND—OF—WAR—CRIMES.
20021203             —RELEASED, THOUSANDS—OF—PERSONNEL—FILES, under 1—COURT—ORDER showed that the Archdiocese of BOSTON went to great lengths to hide priests ACCUSED—OF—ABUSE, including clergy who allegedly snorted cocaine and had sex with girls aspiring to be nuns.
20021203             —SUSPECTED, WEST—ALGERIA, 6—SOLDIERS and 6, Islamic militants were killed —DURING fighting in the Stamboul forest.
20021203             BURUNDI, PRESIDENT—PIERRE—BUYOYA and PIERRE—NKURUNZIZA, leader of the main FACTION—OF—THE—FORCES for THE—DEFENSE—OF—DEMOCRACY, or FDD, agreed to 1—CEASE—FIRE in their —9-YEAR civil war (effective 20021230             ), in theory leaving only 1—REBEL—GROUP fighting in 1—CONFLICT that has killed more than 200,000—PEOPLE.
20021203             —UNANNOUNCED, UNITED—NATIONS weapons inspectors made their 1., visit to 1—OF—IRAQ—LEADER—SADDAM—HUSSEIN—PRESIDENTIAL—PALACES.
20021203             1—ISRAEL—SOLDIER in Ramallah shot and killed a —95—YEAR—OLD—PALESTINE—WOMAN as her taxi tried 1—BACK—ROAD to go —AROUND 1—ISRAEL—CHECKPOINT.
20021203             SHANGHAI will host 20100000             —THE—WORLD—EXPOSITION—AFTER bidding fiercely to organize 1—EVENT expected to fuel MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS—OF—INVESTMENT, Expo officials announced in MONACO.
20021203             † MARCH, Kamal Hamdan was shot and killed —WHILE travelling in 1—CLEARLY marked UNRWA ambulance in THE—WEST—BANK.
20021203             - 64 UNITED—NATIONS workers issued 1—PETITION demanding THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY stop "beating + killing" them, according to the Memory Hole,
20021203             Apparently not.
20021203             Among the very few media outlets to cover it were Reuters,
20021203             As BUSH, or rather the neocons, tell us,
20021203             —CAPTURED, As we know, THE—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS were, in LEBANON, as reported by Forbes,
20021203             ASIA—TIMES—BUT then this should not be surprising,
20021203             DEUTSCHE—PRESSE—AGENTUR, Finally, according to THE—WASHINGTON—POST,
20021203             Imagine WINSTON—SMITH rewriting historical documents so that they match the current party line,
20021203             † IN—;;04;;, Husni Amer, in ISRAEL—MILITARY custody in Jenin —AFTER,
20021203             In addition to excuses, THE—CHICAGO—TRIBUNE
20021203             ISRAEL must be left alone to go —AFTER Hezbollah,
20021203             —TARGETED, It appears THE—IOF, UNIFIL for 1—VERY—SPECIFIC—REASON,
20021203             —COVERED, Not 1—USA—MEDIA—OUTLET has, the story".
20021203             Notice that all these sources are British or Israeli.
20021203             To us, this seems to confirm 1—PATTERN—OF utter contempt on THE—PART—OF—THE—ISRAEL—ARMY for the lost lives of these men,
20021203             according to witnesses, receiving 1—BRUTAL beating by the soldiers —AT—THE—TIME—OF his arrest.
20021203             1—APPROPRIATE venue, as the corporate media ignored the petition.
20021203             as the surviving MEMBERS—OF—THE—USS—LIBERTY,
20021203             especially peacekeepers who mostly evacuate citizens from ISRAEL—KILLING fields.
20021203             even as rescue workers attempted to clear the rubble.
20021203             felt compelled, as 1—STANDARD lickspittle for ISRAEL—CRIMES, to powder puff the invasion:
20021203             namely to send the message the Zionist state doesn't need no stinkin' peacekeepers,
20021203             or UNIFIL, has not been 1—GOOD 1. In place
20021203             our "friends" attacked lifeboats with torpedoes and machine gun fire, 1—WAR—CRIME.
20021203             so that the protection supposed to be afforded by the blue LETTERS—OF—THE—UN is being steadily eroded," the petition explains.
20021203             stripped, beaten, shot at + killed by ISRAEL—SOLDIERS".
20021203             that is to say LEBANON—RESISTING invasion and occupation.
20021203             THE—BBC, the Independent (LONDON), Ha'aretz (JERUSALEM) + THE—JERUSALEM—POST.
20021203             THE—BAHRAIN—NEWS—AGENCY, the Hindustan Times,
20021203             —CONTINUED, THE—IOF, firing on the targeted shelter,
20021203             —IMPOSED, THE—SAFETY—OF—UN—STAFF or the minimum standards, by INTERNATIONAL law which should protect UN staff and other humanitarian workers.
20021203             which changes on 1—DAILY—BASIS, over at THE—MINISTRY—OF—TRUTH.
20021203             will likely tell you. In that instance,
20021203             "The experience for THE—UNITED—NATIONS—INTERIM—FORCE in LEBANON,
20021203             "UN STAFF—INTERNATIONAL and PALESTINE—ALIKE—HAVE been verbally abused,
20021203             "You might think that such 1—STRONGLY—WORDED statement sent by more than 5—DOZEN UNITED—NATIONS workers to THE—'MIDDLE—EAST—ONLY—DEMOCRACY' would be highly newsworthy.
20021203             "[F]or —2—YEARS UNITED—NATIONS staff have been subject to escalating harassment and violence by ISRAEL—MILITARY,
20021203             —INTENDED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICES heard arguments on whether FEDERAL—LAWS, to combat organized crime and corruption could be used against ANTI—ABORTION—DEMONSTRATORS.
20021203—19670608    —ON, But then this should not be surprising, as the surviving MEMBERS—OF—THE—USS—LIBERTY, the intelligence ship attacked by ISRAEL, will likely tell you.
20021203—19670608    —ON, the intelligence ship attacked by ISRAEL ,
20021203—19780000    —SINCE, "The experience for THE—UNITED—NATIONS—INTERIM—FORCE in LEBANON, or UNIFIL, has not been 1—GOOD 1. In place and comprising soldiers from FRANCE, POLAND, INDIA, ITALY and 1—FEW other countries, UNIFIL was unable to stop 20020712             —THE—HEZBOLLAH border raid that resulted in the kidnapping of 2—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS. It was also unable to block retaliating ISRAEL—TROOPS from entering LEBANON 1—FEW days —LATER".
20021203—20030200    —IN, the court ruled that such laws were improperly used to punish abortion opponents.
20031200             Zyvex Chairman + CEO, Von Ehr, Jim was invited to join PRESIDENT—BUSH as he signed the 20010101—21001231     Nanotechnology Research and Development Act in the Oval OFFICE—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE, 20031203             .
20031203             —ARRESTED, USA—FEDERAL—AUTHORITIES, 57—HELLS—ANGLES Motorcycle club members in 5—WESTERN—STATES on drugs, firearms and racketeering charges.
20031203             1—CALIFORNIA state commission denied 1—TEXAS company's plan to sell GloFish, GENETICALLY—ALTERED GLOW—IN—THE—DARK—FISH.
20031203             National sales of the transgenic fish were set for Jan.
20031203             1—COLORADO STATE—JUDGE—IN—DENVER declared the new school voucher plan to be unconstitutional.
20031203             —REPORTED, It was, that ENGLAND planned to spend $17—BILLION to transform its health care system with information technology to make all medical records available in 1—SECURE—CENTRAL—DATABASE.
20031203             —RENEWED, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—IRAQI—GOVERNING—COUNCIL, his demand that 1 proposed transitional legislature be elected by IRAQ—VOTERS, 1—MOVE opposed by USA—OCCUPATION—OFFICIALS.
20031203             —AGREED, LEADERS—OF—THE—TOP—POLITICAL—PARTIES, with THE—USA—LED administration to create 1—MILITIA picked by the parties and governing council.
20031203             —FIRED, IVORY—COAST—SECURITY—FORCES, tear gas at protesters who rallied for a 3. —DAY outside the main FRANCE—MILITARY—BASE, demanding that peacekeepers withdraw to allow resumed government attacks on rebels.
20031203             1—UN—TRIBUNAL convicted and sentenced 1—RADIO—NEWS—DIRECTOR and 1—NEWSPAPER—EDITOR to life imprisonment for their role in promoting 19940000             —THE—RWANDA—GENOCIDE.
20031203             —COLLIDED, NORTH—SENEGAL, 1—PASSENGER—BUS and 1—CEMENT truck, killing 22—PEOPLE and injuring 35—OTHERS.
20031203             —REPORTED, It was, that SYRIA—PRESIDENT had agreed to 1—PROPOSAL to halt violence along ISRAEL—NORTHERN—BORDER if ISRAEL promises to end flights over LEBANON and not attack its territory.
20031203             † DAVID—HEMMINGS, —62—JAHRE—ALT, UK—FILM—ACTOR, —AFTER shooting scenes for "SAMANTHA—CHILD".
20031203             Das zweistrahlige Geschäftsreiseflugzeug Honda HA-420 startet zu seinem Erstflug.
20031203—19660000    —IN, he starred as the photographer in Antonioni's "Blowup".
20031203—20020400    —STEMMED, The charges, from 1—CASINO brawl in LAUGHLIN—NEVADA, that left 3—DEAD.
200401120326         Neineinei, ekki orð um IG FARBEN.
20040414             SEYCHELLOIS—PRESIDENT—FRANCE—ALBERT R20040101             —OF—AFRICA—LONGEST—SERVING leaders, said he was ready to step down —AFTER nearly 20041203             ades at the helm of this INDIA—OCEAN nation.
20040418             —IN LIBYA Moammar Gadhafi called for the abolition of LIBYA's 20041203             ADE—OLD—EXCEPTIONAL—COURTS and other strict laws criticized by human rights groups.
20041129—20041203    —HOSTED, KENYA, 1—CONFERENCE on landmines in NAIROBI.
20041129—20041203    1 estimated 40—PEOPLE per —DAY were killed by landmines.
20041129—20041203    144—COUNTRIES had signed 19970000             —THE—OTTAWA treaty banning landmines, but CHINA, RUSSIA, PAKISTAN, INDIA and THE—USA—STILL refused to sign.
20041203             Sunnis warn of civil war over TIMING—OF—ELECTION : THE largest Sunni party in IRAQ gave warning —YESTERDAY of civil war unless 20040130             —THE elections are delayed to allow it to compete on equal terms.
20041203             "Diese Dinger haben keine Familie. Sie kennen keine Angst.
20041203             Man kann sie für Aufgaben einsetzen, die man einem Soldaten nur schwer zumuten könnte".
20041203             Allerdings eröffneten die Roboter "neben einigen erfreulichen auch alptraumhafte Perspektiven", sagte Pike.
20041203             So dürften die Maschinen dafür sorgen, dass der traditionelle Kampf Mann gegen Mann —SCHON bald der Vergangenheit angehören könne.
20041203             "Aber das könnte uns auch unserer Menschlichkeit berauben", warnte der Experte.
20041203             "Wir könnten in den Augen der Welt wie Terminatoren aussehen".
20041203             Hunderte USA—SOLDATEN haben durch Sprengfallen, Autobomben + Attacken aus dem Hinterhalt —BEREITS ihr Leben verloren.
20041203             Die Armeeführung versuchte ihrerseits, mit Technik zu kontern.
20041203             Sensoren sollen versteckte Bomben und feindliche Scharfschützen orten, ferngesteuerte Jeeps mit Gewehren bewachen bedrohte Stützpunkte, für die Eindämmung von Aufständen sind gar Mikrowellenwaffen geplant.
20041203             —NUN wollen die Amerikaner ihre mechanischen und elektronischen Helfer erstmals auch scharf schießen lassen.
20041203             Die USA—ARMEE stellte —JETZT die 1. Prototypen des bewaffneten "Unmanned Ground Vehicle" bei einer PRESSEKONFERENZ vor.
20041203             Dokumentation: Das Urteil des Obersten Gerichts
20041203             UKRAINE: Oberster Gerichtshof ordnet Wiederholung der Stichwahl an
20041203             Medienbericht: USA—REGIERUNG will —ERST bei Kurs von 1,45 Dollar eingreifen
20041203             Reaktionen: "Strahlender Sieg für die Demokratie"
20041203             GUANTANAMO: USA—REGIERUNG hält FOLTER—GESTÄNDNISSE für rechtens
20041203             Börse —AM—ABEND: Dax hält sich über 4200—PUNKTEN
20041203             Anschlagsserie: Eta zündet in MADRID 5—BOMBEN
20041203             —VERBIETET, EU—RICHTLINIE: BUNDESTAG, Patente auf menschliche Gene
20041203             Terror in Tschetschenien: Putin wirft dem Westen Doppelmoral vor
20041203             Denkmäler: COPYRIGHT—STREIT um Jesus von Rio
20041203             Urteil: Gericht erklärt UKRAINISCHE—PRÄSIDENTENWAHL für ungültig
20041203             Neues Gesetz: BUNDESTAG darf Soldaten aus Ausland zurückholen
20041203             Belastetes Gebäck: Warnung vor dem Naschwerk
20041203             —BERICHTET, Inhaftierte in AFGHANISTAN: GENERAL, über Willkür in USA—GEFÄNGNISSEN
20041203             IRAKISCHER—PREMIER in BERLIN: Telefonüberwachung ließ Terrorpläne auffliegen
20041203             Falschmeldung zu BHOPAL: BBC fiel auf Schwindler herein
20041203             Jahrestag der GAS—KATASTROPHE: Das Sterben in BHOPAL geht weiter
20041203             IRAKISCHER—PREMIER in BERLIN: Mordkomplott gegen ALAWI—TERRORVERDÄCHTIGE verhaftet
20041203             RUSSLAND: Duma billigt Putins Machtzuwachs
20041203             PLACEBO—EINSATZ: Die Heilkraft des schönen Scheins
20041203             IRAK: Bewaffnete Roboter sollen Rebellen jagen
20041203             INTERVIEW—MIT—FIRMENJÄGER—GUY—WYSER—PRATTE: "Ich orientiere mich an der Gefechtstaktik der Marines"
20041203             DEUTSCHLAND: AL—AKSA—VEREIN bleibt verboten
20041203             PHILIPPINEN: —NACH—DEN Stürmen kam das Erdbeben
20041203             USA—KABINETT: New Yorks FRÜHERER—POLIZEICHEF wird neuer Heimatschutzminister
20041203             "With these results, it's time for health officials, perchlorate polluters and food producers to stop stalling by saying we need more studies," said RENEE—SHARP, 1—SENIOR—ANALYST at EWG.
20041203             "Rocket fuel is in our water, in vegetables, in milk.
20041203             How much more evidence do we need?" ### SOURCES:
20041203             Back ISSUES—EPA Tests Find Rocket Fuel in NATION—MILK, Lettuce
20041203             —THIS—WEEK—USA—FEDERAL—FOOD and Drug Administration (FDA) tests released
20041203             have confirmed the presence of perchlorate - 1—EXPLOSIVE additive in solid rocket FUEL—IN almost EVERY—SAMPLE—OF lettuce + milk taken in 1—USA nationwide investigation.
20041203             Perchlorate, leaking from military bases and defense contrator's facilities, is known to cause regional water pollution, resulting in serious health effects.
20041203             THE—FDA—INVESTIGATION found the toxic additive in 217—OF—232—SAMPLES—OF lettuce + milk from 15—USA—STATES, including areas not previously known for perchlorate contamination.
20041203             KEVIN—MAYER, THE—FDA—RESULTS—SHOW that this regional pollution problem is —NOW exposing people across the entire USA to the toxin.
20041203             It means that perchlorate exposure is not —JUST 1—PROBLEM in areas where the drinking water is contaminated, but 1—CONCERN for everyone, EVERY—TIME we visit the grocery store,"
20041203             Telepolis Artikel-
20041203             Als einzigen Text [9] zur Veranstaltung wurde 1—ARTIKEL—VON—DON—FEDER, der sie organisiert hat, veröffentlicht.
20041203             Der ultrakonservative Feder sagt sich "devotion to AMERICA and a commitment to Biblical morality" nach.
20041203             Seine Aussage ist ziemlich eindeutig:
20041203             "You can have 1—JEWISH—STATE or 1—PALESTINE—STATE. You can not have both.... PRESIDENT—BUSH says he wants to bring democracy to THE—MIDDLE—EAST. If he's serious about creating 1—PALESTINE—STATE, he will end up destroying the only democracy in THE—MIDDLE—EAST—ISRAEL.... ou will not find 1—MORE—UNLIKELY—CANDIDATE for democracy than Arab Moslems. There is 1—REASON why, among THE—22—NATIONS of the Arab world, not 1—EVEN approaches popular RULE—WHY they consistently produce leaders like Nasser, Assad (father and son), Khomeini, Khadafy, Arafat, Saddam and OSAMA—BIN—LADEN....1—PALESTINE—STATE would make 1—MOCKERY of our own WAR—ON—TERROR, reward the terror masters and create another IRAQ on the borders of our only reliable ally in the region. The only peace it would bring to ISRAEL is the peace of the grave".
20041203             Für GARY—BAUER, PRÄSIDENT—VON konservativen USA—VALUES [10] und ehemaliger republikanischer Präsidentschaftskandidat, ist die Angelegenheit ganz einfach, wie er auf der Tagung sagte [11]:
20041203             "Das Land ISRAEL hat ursprünglich Gott gehört. Da Er der Besitzer war, konnte nur Er es weitergeben. Und er gab es dem jüdischen Volk".
20041203             Die Logik wird freilich nicht alle überzeugen, für Bauer ist jedoch klar, dass die Terroristen einfach nicht verstünden, warum ISRAEL und die USA "mit dem Herzen verbunden" sind.
20041203             Daher müssten die USA auch stets auf der Seite ISRAEL s stehen.
20041203             Die CHRISTLICH—JÜDISCHE Einigkeit in der Unterstützung ISRAEL s sollten theologische Differenzen nicht stören.
20041203             Man sei sich zwar nicht ganz einig, wer der Messias ist, so JAN—WILLEM VAN de Hoeven, der DIREKTOR—DER—INTERNATIONAL—CHRISTIAN—EMBASSY, aber gegenüber den Moslems scheinen die Unterschiede zu verblassen:
20041203             "Er kommt nicht in 1—MOSCHEE zurück, sondern in einen 3. Tempel".
20041203             Das freilich ist gleich wieder 1—KAMPFANSAGE an die Palästinenser, denn damit ist der Tempel gemeint, den die Juden nach Prophezeiungen wieder auf Tempelberg in JERUSALEM erbauen werden.
20041203             Hier war der 2. jüdische Tempel, der von den Römern zerstört wurde.
20041203             Hier ist auch die Klagemauer, der Rest des 1. jüdischen Tempels.
20041203             Aber hier befinden sich auch der Felsendom und die AL—AKSA—MOSCHEE, die 1—DER—HEILIGSTEN—STÄTTEN—DER—MOSLEMS bilden.
20041203             SANTIAGO—PRATS und seine Frau SOFIA Cuthbert wurden 19740000             bei einem Bombenattentat in ARGENTINIEN ermordet.
20041203             Der GENERAL war der Oberbefehlshaber der Armee unter der sozialistischen REGIERUNG—VON—SALVADOR—ALLENDE.
20041203             Der damalige PRÄSIDENT—ALLENDE ernannte ausgerechnet Pinochet zu dessen Nachfolger, der nur —TAGE später putschte.
20041203             Tenet calls for INTERNET "governance and control"
20041203             New FLORIDA Suit seeks to overturn election INTERVIEW—WITH—MISS—NBC—KEITH—OLBERMANN
20041203             Cobb Sues Blackwell in Fed.
20041203             FORMER—BUSH—CAMPAIGN—OFFICIAL Indicted For Phone Jamming
20041203             —BANNED, THE—UK—EMBASSY has, its diplomats from using it.
20041203             the highways west to JORDAN and Syria are even more dangerous BECAUSE—OF—REBELS—AROUND Ramadi and FALLUJAH.
20041203             The road south toward KARBALA passes through ''THE—TRIANGLE—OF—DEATH.' Another road to Basra passes through 1—AREA—NOTORIOUS for carjackings.
20041203             The highway north toward MOSUL, passes through REBEL—STRONGHOLDS—LIKE—SAMARRA and Tikrit.
20041203             Leaving the airport as the '' safest '' way out of BAGHDAD.
20041203             —CRUSHED, FALLUJAH is —NOW 1—HELL on earth of, bodies, shattered buildings + THE—REEK—OF—DEATH.
20041203             THE—USA, is planning similar attacks on SCORES—OF—OTHER—IRAQ—CITIES and towns.
20041203             VoteFraud BREAKTHRU—NOW for Action
20041203             FALLUJAH's 20010911             : USA Used Weaponsof Mass Destruction Covering Up USA—WAR—CRIMES In IRAQ
20041203             † 1 returned soldier, who —RECENTLY committed suicide, constantly called himself a ' murderer ' for killing 1 unarmed child in IRAQ
20041203             BAGHDAD Cut Off On All Sides: Deadly Airport Road —NOW Only Way Out
20041203             Bev HARRIS—REFUSED to let MISS—NBC—AIR—FRAUD—VIDEO
20041203             THE—USA—MILITARY is reportedly distributing misinformation to the media as PART—OF—1—CAMPAIGN—OF—PSYCHOLOGICAL—OPERATIONS.
20041203             —UNCOVERED, THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, how the military sent spokespersons to major news networks to deliberately lie about military operations in IRAQ in 1—EFFORT to deceive THE—IRAQ—RESISTANCE.
20041203             —RETIRED, We speak with, AIR—FORCE—COLONEL—SAM—GARDINER.
20041203             This according to 1—REPORT in THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES.
20041203             CNN was soon reporting THE—BATTLE—FOR—FALLUJAH had begun.
20041203             In fact it wouldn't begin for another —3—WEEKS.
20041203             1—SENIOR—PENTAGON official told CNN that GILBERT—REMARKS were "technically true but misleading".
20041203             It was 1—ATTEMPT to get CNN "to report something not true," the official said.
20041203             —CLAIMED, The military, it wanted to see how IRAQ—FIGHTERS responded to THE—SO—CALLED—NEWS—REPORT.
20041203             Several top officials told THE—LA—TIMES that they see 1—DANGER—OF blurring what are supposed to be WELL—DEFINED lines between the stated MISSION—OF—MILITARY—PUBLIC—AFFAIRS and psychological and information operations.
20041203             1—SENIOR—DEFENSE—OFFICIAL told the paper "THE—MOVEMENT—OF—INFORMATION has gone from the public affairs world to the psychological operations world. What's at stake is THE—CREDIBILITY—OF—PEOPLE in uniform".
20041203             1—DWARF—KNOWN as AL—QAEDA: The threat posed by the group is hugely overblown.
20041203             UK—GALLOWAY—WINS—LIBEL—CLAIM—AGAINST—TELEGRAPH : UK MEMBER—OF—PARLIAMENT—GEORGE—GALLOWAY won his libel claim against the Daily Telegraph newspaper, which reported —LAST—YEAR that the Scotsman was in THE—PAY—OF—FORMER—IRAQ—DICTATOR—SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
20041203             Putin Meets UKRAINE Leader and Scoffs at Calls for New Runoff
20041203             y - Putin urges new UKRAINE election : RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN has called for 1—NEW—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION to be held in UKRAINE.
20041203             UKRAINE rivals agrees on vote, but devil is in the details:
20041203             UKRAINE—BITTER—PRESIDENTIAL—RIVALS—NOW agree on 1 need for 1—NEW—ELECTION -- but the how and —WHEN are still contentious questions that could deepen the country's raging political crisis
20041203             —GREED, BHOPAL: 1—LIVING legacy of corporate : How far might the dollar fall?
20041203             —BY as much as 50—PER cent from its peak, in TRADE—WEIGHTED nominal terms, suggest 2 distinguished INTERNATIONAL economists, MAURICE—OBSTFELD—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY and KENNETH—ROGOFF—OF—HARVARD.* Up to —NOW, the fall has been —JUST 17—PER cent, on 1—BROAD—TRADE—WEIGHTED basis (see chart).
20041203             More, it seems, is on the way.
20041203             Ethics and THE—SHADOW—OF—TORTURE : PRESIDENT—BUSH—NOMINATION—OF his WHITE—HOUSE—COUNSEL—ALBERTO—R—GONZALES to succeed JOHN—ASHCROFT as ATTORNEY—GENERAL will almost certainly -- at least briefly -- once again raise THE—SHADOW—OF—TORTURE and whether or not THE—USA—NOT only practices it but also condones it at the highest LEVEL—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT.
20041203             —DETAILED, FORMER—GUANTANAMO Detainees Release Report: In 1, report, Shafiq Rasul, ASIF—IQBAL and Rhuhel Ahmed provide 1—GRAPHIC 1.—HAND ACCOUNT—OF—LIFE at GUANTANAMO Bay
20041203             ABU—GHRAIB, Caribbean style THE—RED—CROSS said that fearful Guantánamo prisoners complained about female interrogators who exposed their breasts, kissed prisoners, touched them sexually and showed them pornography.
20041203             USA Psychological Operations: Military Uses Networks to Spread Misinformation:
20041203             Dahr Jamail: THE—QUIET—OF—DESTRUCTION and Death : "I need another heart and eyes to bear it because my own are not enough to bear what I saw.
20041203             Nothing justifies what was done to this city.
20041203             I didn't see 1—HOUSE or mosque that wasn't destroyed".
20041203             —RESULTED, Gunning for Satan, in slaughtered innocents : Who knew there was such 1—FINE—LINE between democracy and genocide?
20041203             Destroying 1—CITY in order to save it is —BACK—IN style, as long as 1—QUEASY public is spared raw FOOTAGE—OF—THE—DETAILS.
20041203             Inside the Clouds of 20010911
20041203             —VERHINDERT, Geheilte Hunde: Flüssiger Kunststoff, Querschnittslähmung
20041203             Uno: USA—BOTSCHAFTER—DANFORTH tritt zurück
20041203             Dollarschwäche: Volkswagen entdeckt AMERIKA
20041203             Verteidigungsministerium: Struck rechnet mit weiteren RAMBO—FÄLLEN
20041203             Video "Clinton Tapes" (new) (Cut and past to windows media player)
20041203             REMEMBER -- G.W. Brush SENIOR—KNIGHTED by THE—QUEEN
20041203             REMEMBER -- Dick CHENCY—KNIGHTED by THE—QUEEN—REMEMBER -- more, more, more!!!
20041203             —ROBBED, The opening shot of THE—UK "Gore was " school is usually the popular vote case.
20041203             —VOTED, If marginally more people, for MISTER—GORE than for MISTER—BUSH in the national vote, then he must be the moral winner.
20041203             —ELECTED, Surely the less popular candidate cannot be rightfully, PRESIDENT?
20041203             —ANTIQUATED, Ergo, the entire electoral college system is, rubbish which should be junked in favour of strict majoritarianism.
20041203             What this would mean in practice would be that all future presidential elections would be determined by 1—FEW densely populated urban conurbations:
20041203             NEW—YORK, CHICAGO and LOS—ANGELES would have 1—UNBREAKABLE stranglehold on the presidency.
20041203             The great mass of rural and SMALL—TOWN—MIDDLE—AMERICA, virtually the whole SWEEP—OF—THE—CONTINENT from north to south between THE—2—COASTAL fringes, would be effectively powerless.
20041203             This is precisely what those few Democrat hotheads in THE—USA—WHO have dared to suggest "1—RETHINK" of the electoral college system would like: the absolute dominion of urban liberal political tastes.
20041203             THE—USA, unlike those foppish dilettantes in New Labour, takes its devolution very seriously.
20041203             And what would the pundits' sudden passion for national majority rule mean if it were applied to UK?
20041203             Well, pretty much permanent Conservative government.
20041203             The vastly more populous SOUTH—EAST, which is usually far more Tory than the country at large, would dominate the election.
20041203             Our constituency system, which gives disproportionate weight to votes in less populated areas, corrects for this tendency, —JUST as the electoral college system does in AMERICA.
20041203             [THE—DISPUTED—ELECTION—OF—18760000
20041203             —NOW we have THIS—INTERESTING analysis on the Democratic Underground.
20041203             —VOTED, Apparently, 3000—MORE—PEOPLE in SOUTH—DAKOTA, in the Senate race than in the Presidential race.
20041203             How likely is that?
20041203             Some will argue that voters felt 1—MEASURE—OF disgust with both Presidential candidates —THIS—YEAR -- but similarly captious comments are heard —DURING EVERY—ELECTION.
20041203             Even so, how often does the vote for SENATOR attract more interest than the race for THE—WHITE—HOUSE?
20041203             JAMES—TOBIN.
20041203             —MENTIONED, As, —YESTERDAY, THE—BUSH—CHENEY campaign WHEELER—DEALER has been indicted for his electoral abuses.
20041203             I had forgotten that JOSH—MARSHALL was talking about this guy IN—OCTOBER.
20041203             THE—REPUBLICANS new about TOBIN—CRIMINAL—BEHAVIOR for nearly —4—MONTHS, but kept him on the job.
20041203             That fact tells you all you need to know about the G.O.P.'s willingness to do what it takes to maintain power.
20041203             The way to break the larger conspiracy is to pick up 1—MEDIUM—SIZED fish like Tobin and pressure him to speak up about the larger fish.
20041203             The exit POLLS—AGAIN: Did the exit polls underestimate support for Kerry?
20041203             That decidedly NON—INTUITIVE proposition is the underlying thesis OF—THIS piece on the Hispanic vote.
20041203             The given reason? THE—EXIT—POLLSTERS oversampled heavily CUBA—AREAS—OF—FLORIDA.
20041203             Overviews: BRUCE—FRASER has written
20041203             1—NICE—SUMMARY—OF—THE—ELECTION from hell.
20041203             Regarding the polls —BEFORE the election, Waldman notes:
20041203             —PREDICTED, All —EARLY—TUESDAY indicators, a Kerry landslide.
20041203             Zogby INTERNATIONAL (which predicted 20000000             —THE outcome more accurately than ANY—NATIONAL pollster) did exit polling which predicted a 100-electoral vote triumph for Kerry.
20041203             Zogby saw Kerry winning crucial OHIO by 4 %.
20041203             Princeton professor SAM—WANG, whose analysis had shown the election to be close in THE—WEEK—BEFORE the election, began coming up with dramatic numbers for Kerry in THE—DAY—BEFORE and —DAY—OF—THE—ELECTION.
20041203             —DEMONSTRATED, But MISS—NBC—KEITH—OLBERMANN, that MANY—OF—THESE crossover states voted Republican for the 1. time.
20041203             —POKED, MISS—NBC—KEITH—OLBERMANN, another hole in the Dixiecrat theory —WHEN MISS—NBC—KEITH—OLBERMANN noted that in Democratic counties where Bush scored big, people also supported highly Democratic MEASURES—SUCH as raising the state minimum wage $1—ABOVE THE—FEDERAL—LEVEL.
20041203             Moreover, 18—SWITCHOVER counties were not in the Panhandle or near THE—GEORGIA border, but were scattered —THROUGHOUT the state.
20041203             Why is this slimeball accusation -- "they're only in it for the money" -- always applied to Democrats, never to Republicans?
20041203             (I'm thinking, for example, of the rightist response to RICHARD—CLARKE.)
20041203             The moment ANY—LEFT—WING blogger allows ads to appear on his site, 1—HORDE—OF—CRITICS will flick open their switchblades.
20041203             —MEANWHILE, Rush Limbaugh can rake in enough dough to buy AFRICA and PART—OF—ASIA, yet nobody says he's —JUST in it for the buck.
20041203             CANNON—LAW: "MANY—LIE, but few lie for no reason".
20041203             What is Harris' motive to deceive?
20041203             I don't see 1. - Anyone who tries to FORCE—FIT 1—TIN foil hat onto her head could do the same to anyone else's noggin.
20041203             OLBERMANN—MOTIVE to smear her?
20041203             Cynics will remind us that his fat paychecks are paid by 1—SUBSIDIARY—OF—GENERAL—ELECTRIC, 1—MAJOR—DEFENSE—CONTRACTOR and 1—HUGE—COMPONENT—OF—THE—BUSH—WAR—MACHINE.
20041203             Olbermann: His MISS—NBC SHOW—IS up 128% in the ratings.
20041203             I guess 1—LOT—OF—DEMOCRATS rallied to the sole mainstreamer willing to pay attention to the vote fraud controversy.
20041203             However, their infatuation may soon sour. Olbermann has run a
20041203             troubling column in which he asserts that Bev Harris has not allowed his staff to examine the poll tapes.
20041203             Olbermann speaks of "GRAND—STANDING" and even "TIN—FOIL hatting" (1—VERB which I hope does not enter the language).
20041203             —OFFERED, Harris' web site has, this response:
20041203             Contrary to OLBERMANN—ASSERTIONS, neither he nor his staff have ever spoken with Harris to ask her to show anyone the Volusia County tapes.
20041203             Holding up signs calling USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH a "war criminal" + "liar," several 1000—DEMONSTRATORS marched on THE—PARLIAMENT—BUILDINGS in CANADA—CAPITAL—OTTAWA to protest against his visit
20041203             Secret memo deepens Thatcher link to coup plot : THE—OBIANG regime in EQUATORIAL—GUINEA —YESTERDAY jailed 11—FOREIGN mercenaries for up to —34—YEARS, as documents surfaced further implicating MARK—THATCHER in 1—BRITISH—LED coup attempt which has caused INTERNATIONAL embarrassment.
20041203             Activists Crawl Through Web to Untangle USA—SECRECY : To combat THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—PENCHANT for secrecy, USA—CITIZENS have been forced to unearth new sources for information they once read in their daily newspapers.
20041203             —DEDICATED, But thanks to 1—FEW, individuals and NOT—FOR—PROFIT—GROUPS -- and THE—INTERNET -- such material is easier to come by than ever —BEFORE.
20041203             Let me put it this way: we shoot down Migs," 1—SENIOR—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIAL said —WHEN asked whether the intended purchase concerned THE—USA—GOVERNMENT.
20041203             UKRAINE PARLIAMENT brings down government in SIGN—OF—OPPOSITION—STRENGTH: UKRAINE—PARLIAMENT passed 1—VOTE—OF—NON—CONFIDENCE—ON—WEDNESDAY, bringing down PRIME—MINISTER—VIKTOR—YANUKOVYCH—GOVERNMENT as THE—2—PRESIDENTIAL contenders met with INTERNATIONAL mediators to seek 1—WAY out of the spiralling political crisis.
20041203             AMERICA, over 30,000 reports of electoral irregularities
20041203             JESSE—JACKSON : SOMETHING—FISHY in OHIO In THE—USA, massive and systemic voter irregularities go unreported and unnoticed.
20041203             Bush says IRAN freeze "not the final step": USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—ON—TUESDAY said IRAN—AGREEMENT to freeze all uranium enrichment activities was "certainly not the final step" in easing USA—FEARS that TEHRAN seeks 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON.
20041203             Coordination with THE—USA.
20041203             —CONVINCED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT and ISRAEL are, that IRAN is striving with all its might to acquire nuclear weapons + is lying —WHEN it claims that its actions are meant for THE—CIVIL—DEVELOPMENT—OF—ENERGY—RESOURCES.
20041203             Sharon government in jeopardy:
20041203             ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON lost 1—CRUCIAL—BUDGET—VOTE in PARLIAMENT —TODAY in 1—HUMILIATING blow that could bring down his government, force early elections and imperil his GAZA withdrawal plan
20041203             —JAILED, DENMARK—OFFICER, for leaking secret IRAQ WMD reports to media : 1—FORMER—AGENT with DENMARK—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE was —ON—TUESDAY sentenced to —6—MONTHS behind bars for leaking 1 classified report to the media stating there was no EVIDENCE—OF—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION in IRAQ, 1—COPENHAGEN court said.
20041203             —HAPPENED, What, to IRAQ—OIL—MONEY?
20041203             SENATOR—CALLS on Annan to Quit Over IRAQ Program : A—USA—SENATOR investigating corruption in THE—UNITED—NATIONS—OIL—FOR—FOOD—PROGRAM for IRAQ said —ON—WEDNESDAY UNITED—NATIONS SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN should resign because the fraud took place on his watch.
20041203             —EMERGED, Mutilated body is not Hassan's: FRESH doubts have, over the fate of 1—UK—AID—WORKER taken hostage in IRAQ in October —AFTER tests revealed the mutilated BODY—OF—1—WESTERN—WOMAN found 1—FORTNIGHT ago was not MARGARET—HASSAN.
20041203             —BARRED, Lawmaker wants camera crews, from combat theater : The lawmaker responsible for delaying by —24—HOURS the media's reporting of combat deaths is —NOW pushing for camera crews to be banned from covering direct combat actions.
20041203             Rumsfeld in IRAQ abuse complaint : USA constitutional rights lawyers say they have filed 1—CRIMINAL—COMPLAINT against THE—USA—DEFENCE—SECRETARY.
20041203             Worse Than Ashcroft:
20041203             —HELPED, BUSH—NEW—ATTORNEY—GENERAL, write the Patriot Act and supported torture
20041203             —LEAKED, Report: IRAQ abuse was known about : 1, confidential military report shows USA—ARMY—GENERALS were TOLD—OF—IRAQ—PRISONER—ABUSE by USA—SOLDIERS —1—MONTH—BEFORE the story broke in January.
20041203             AUSTRALIA: Turning blind eye' to torture : ATTORNEY—GENERAL—PHILIP—RUDDOCK was turning 1—BLIND—EYE to torture at THE—GUANTANAMO—BAY detention base, AUSTRALIA—GREENS—LEADER—BOB—BROWN said —TODAY.
20041203             New torture allegations further isolate Pinochet : To add to his problems, 1—OFFICIAL—REPORT has —NOW revealed that —DURING his —17—YEAR—RULE, THOUSANDS—OF—CHILEANS suffered unspeakable torture at THE—HANDS—OF—THE—MILITARY and the secret police.
20041203             THE—PINOCHET files:
20041203             —FROM Guernica to FALLUJAH : FALLUJAH has been reduced to rubble + THOUSANDS—OF—CIVILIANS have †.
20041203             But ASIA—TIMES—ONLINE sources in BAGHDAD confirm that according to residents, THE—SOUTHERN—AND LARGER—PART—OF—FALLUJAH is still controlled by the resistance;
20041203             the Americans control only the north and SOME—EASTERN—SPOTS.
20041203             Tenet calls for INTERNET security:
20041203             FORMER—CIA—DIRECTOR—GEORGE—J—TENET "I know that these actions will be controversial in this age —WHEN we still think THE—INTERNET is 1—FREE and open society with no control or accountability," he told 1—INFORMATION—TECHNOLOGY—SECURITY—CONFERENCE in WASHINGTON, "but ultimately the Wild West must give way to governance and control".
20041203             THE—UN—INSISTS that Security Council approve "preventive" war : The report, spurred by THE—USA—LED invasion of IRAQ —LAST—YEAR that divided world leaders, said "preventive action" —WHEN 1—THREAT was not imminent needed Security Council consent.
20041203             —DENIED, This was, to THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—BEFORE the war.
20041203             ISRAEL—S shoot —4—YEAR—OLD—CHILD in GAZA : PALESTINE—MEDICAL—SOURCES listed Shayma HASAN—ABU—SHAMMALA in critical condition —AFTER she was hit by several bullets fired by 1—ISRAEL—SOLDIER manning 1—MILITARY—TOWER—NEAR THE—EGYPTIAN—GAZA borders —ON—SUNDAY.
20041203             How far might the dollar fall?
20041203             —UNMEDICATED, No child left, : Big Brother is on the march.
20041203             1—PLAN to subject all children to mental health screening is under way + pharmaceutical companies are gearing up for bigger sales of psychotropic drugs.
20041203             FBI raids AIPAC offices : For the 2. time in —13—WEEKS, FBI agents raided THE—PRO—ISRAEL—USA—ISRAEL—PUBLIC—AFFAIRS—COMMITTEE (AIPAC) offices —YESTERDAY searching for information against LARRY—FRANKLIN, 1—ANALYST at THE—MIDDLE—EAST—DESK—OF—THE—PENTAGON.
20041203             4—AIPAC officials subpoenaed : FBI officials issued subpoenas to 4—SENIOR—OFFICIALS at THE—USA—ISRAEL—PUBLIC—AFFAIRS—COMMITTEE—ON—WEDNESDAY, requesting that they appear —BEFORE 1—GRAND—JURY.
20041203             1—DWARF—KNOWN as AL—QAEDA:
20041203             —POSED, The threat, by the group is hugely overblown
20041203             —QUESTIONED, JUDGE—QUESTIONS—SWEEP—OF—BUSH—WAR—ON—TERRORISM : 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—YESTERDAY, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—BROAD—DEFINITION—OF—ITS—POWERS to indefinitely imprison alleged Taliban and al Qaeda fighters at the military prison in GUANTANAMO BAY—CUBA, especially those who have never taken up arms against THE—USA.
20041203             IRAQ—CIVIL—DEAD get no hearing in THE—USA : Evidence is mounting that AMERICA—WAR in IRAQ has killed tens of THOUSANDS—OF—IRAQ—CIVILIANS + perhaps well over 100,000. Yet this carnage is systematically ignored in THE—USA, where the media and government portray 1—WAR in which there are no CIVIL—DEATHS, because there are no IRAQ—CIVILIANS, only insurgents.
20041203             READING this report, you would not know who RICHARD—SECORD is compared to JOHN—DOE or JOHN—SINGLAUB or even BILL—CASEY.
20041203             MARC—HARRIS case growing in several directions.. expected venom reserved for Marchant, COLLIN—ARTICLE—MENTIONS, on the faintest SCINTILLA—OF—EVIDENCE, retired USA—ARMY—MAJOR—GENERAL—JOHN—SINGLAUB as 1—OF...
20041203             DATE=20010911             /01
20041203             —ATTACKED, INTRO: Terrorists have, THE—NEW—YORK Trade Center and the Pentagon at great cost in lives with the situation still in doubt.
20041203             —ASKED, V—O—A—ED—WARNER, 1 retired army general and 1—FORMER—TOP—CIA—OFFICIAL what is going on.
20041203             GENERAL—JOHN—SINGLAUB was looking out his window at home —WHEN he saw the explosion at the Pentagon:
20041203             // SINGLAUB ACT //
20041203             I think the 1. attacks on the World Trade Center might be considered symbolic attacks, but the attack on the Pentagon is 1—ATTACK on the government of THE—USA.
20041203             It is 1—ACT—OF—WAR from my perspective.
20041203             —ENCOURAGED, This cannot be tolerated or it will be greatly.
20041203             // END ACT // - Milt Bearden, a longtime top CIA officer in Muslim countries, says such a disaster requires a searching examination of U—S policy:
20041203             // BEARDEN ACT //
20041203             —COORDINATED, This is such 1—LARGE—EVENT, so well, so determined that it changes, I think, the entire character of INTERNATIONAL terrorism or our view of it.
20041203             Why is it that people seem willing to go to these extremes, to die and kill so MANY—PEOPLE to strike at THE—USA ?"
20041203             // END ACT // - MISTER—BEARDEN speculates the attack may be tied to OSAMA—BIN—LADEN or people —AROUND him.
20041203             // BEARDEN ACT // - We have had 1—FASCINATION with OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20041203             Somebody will have to ask the question: have we been putting ALL—OF—OUR focus on this guy holed up in 1—CAVE in AFGHANISTAN, —WHILE ALL—OF—THESE other grievances have reached 1—POINT where people can wander —AROUND THE—USA—HIJACKING planes in BOSTON and forcing them to fly into buildings in NEW—YORK and into the Pentagon?
20041203             // END ACT // - There is no escaping THE—ISRAELI—PALESTINE—CONFLICT, says MISTER—BEARDEN + THE—U—S attitude toward it.
20041203             GENERAL—SINGLAUB says THE—USA, like it or not, has been thrust into 1—KIND—OF—WORLD—WAR:
20041203             —BLAMED, We are being, by the Muslim extremists for all THE—PROBLEMS—OF—THE—WORLD + they wanted to show us that we are vulnerable.
20041203             —NOW we know we are. // END ACT //
20041203             —CONDEMNED, Moderate Muslim groups in THE—USA—HAVE, the attacks.
20041203             GENERAL—SINGLAUB says THE—USA must become more realistic in dealing with THE—ISRAELI—PALESTINE—STRUGGLE.
20041203             ERIC—HEUBECK, THE—AUTHOR—OF—MISTER—WEYRICH—MANUAL, does not mince words.
20041203             Here is 1—SAMPLE—OF—THE most immoral political program ever adopted by 1—POLITICAL—MOVEMENT in this country.
20041203             Notice that the manual begins with the adoption of the fundamental FACT—OF—MACHIAVELLIANISM:
20041203             "This essay is based on the belief that the truth of 1—IDEA is not the primary reason for its acceptance.
20041203             Far more important is the energy and DEDICATION—OF—THE—IDEA—PROMOTERS—IN other words, the individuals composing 1—SOCIAL or political movement...
20041203             "We must, as MISTER—WEYRICH has suggested, develop 1—NETWORK—OF—PARALLEL—CULTURAL—INSTITUTIONS existing SIDE—BY—SIDE with the dominant leftist cultural institutions.
20041203             The building and promotion of these institutions will require the development of 1—MOVEMENT that will not merely reform the existing POST—WAR—CONSERVATIVE—MOVEMENT, but will in fact be forced to supersede IT—IF it is to succeed at ALL—BECAUSE it will pursue 1—VERY—DIFFERENT—STRATEGY and be premised on 1—VERY—DIFFERENT—VIEW—OF—ITS—ROLE in society....
20041203             "There will be 3—MAIN—STAGES in the unfolding of this movement.
20041203             The 1. stage will be devoted to the development of 1—HIGHLY motivated elite able to coordinate future activities.
20041203             The 2. stage will be devoted to THE—DEVELOPMENT—OF—INSTITUTIONS designed to make 1—IMPACT on the wider elite and 1—RELATIVELY small MINORITY—OF—THE—MASSES.
20041203             The 3. stage will involve changing the overall CHARACTER—OF—USA—POPULAR—CULTURE....
20041203             "Our movement will be entirely destructive + entirely constructive.
20041203             We will not try to reform the existing institutions.
20041203             We only intend to weaken them + eventually destroy them.
20041203             We will endeavor to knock our opponents OFF—BALANCE and unsettle them at EVERY—OPPORTUNITY.
20041203             ALL—OF—OUR constructive energies will be dedicated to the creation of our own institutions....
20041203             "We will maintain 1—CONSTANT—BARRAGE—OF—CRITICISM against the Left.
20041203             We will attack the very legitimacy of the Left.
20041203             We will not give them 1—MOMENT—REST.
20041203             We will endeavor to prove that the Left does not deserve to hold sway over the heart and mind of 1—SINGLE—AMERICAN.
20041203             We will offer constant reminders that there is 1—ALTERNATIVE, there is 1—BETTER—WAY.
20041203             —WHEN people have had ENOUGH—OF—THE—SICKNESS and DECAY—OF—TODAY—USA—CULTURE, they will be embraced by and welcomed into the New Traditionalist movement.
20041203             The rejection of the existing society by the people will thus be accomplished by pushing them and pulling them simultaneously.
20041203             "We will use guerrilla tactics to undermine the legitimacy of the dominant regime...
20041203             "We must create 1—COUNTERVAILING force that is —JUST as adept as the Left at intimidating people and institutions that are used as tools of LEFT—WING activism but are not ideologically committed, such as HOLLYWOOD celebrities, multinational corporations, and university administrators.
20041203             We must be feared, so that they will think twice —BEFORE opening their mouths...
20041203             "We will be RESULTS—ORIENTED rather than good INTENTIONS—ORIENTED.
20041203             Making 1—GOOD—FAITH—EFFORT and being ideologically sound will be less important than advancing THE—GOALS—OF—THE—MOVEMENT...
20041203             "We need more people with fire in the belly + we need 1—MESSAGE that attracts those KINDS—OF—PEOPLE....
20041203             We must reframe this struggle as 1—MORAL—STRUGGLE, as 1—TRANSCENDENT struggle, as 1—STRUGGLE between good and evil.
20041203             And we must be prepared to explain why this is so.
20041203             —NEEDED, We must provide the evidence, to prove this using images and simple terms...".
20041203             —MINDED, In actuality, the concept that dominionist, conservatives should establish parallel or dual institutions is 1—NEW—FORM—OF—SEGREGATION.
20041203             This is especially apparent —WHEN 1—CONSERVATIVE—INSTITUTION—OFFERS the same services or products as the liberal oriented institutions.
20041203             In other words, if it is not possible for dominionists to takeover or grab power in EVERY—INSTITUTION—THEY create 1—PARALLEL—WORLD so that the left is to be separated + segregated from the right + conservatives are urged to purchase from the conservative institutions.
20041203             —INSTITUTED, The fact that WEYRICH—PLAN has actually been, is all —AROUND us.
20041203             —MIMICKED, THE—COUNCIL on Foreign Relations is, by the secretive dominionist Council for National Policy.
20041203             —CALLED, The so, "liberal" press is countered with FOX—NEWS and Sun Myung MOON—WASHINGTON—TIMES + dominionist talk show hosts spew their right wing political views and venom from coast to coast.
20041203             —COUNTERED, Public schools are, with private HOME—AND chartered schools.
20041203             And in the last few months 1—MOVE has been made within the churches to BREAK—UP and divide denominations
20041203             along the lines of conservative beliefs in certain social issues so that 2—SETS—OF—CHURCHES will be created:
20041203             1—THAT—PRACTICES—RIGHT wing politics and 1—THAT is liberal!
20041203             It almost mimics what Jesus said he would do in the Bible: those on THE—LORD—LEFT will be cast into outer darkness, those on THE—LORD—RIGHT will be the chosen elect, THE—OVER—COMERS—OF—GOD—PEOPLE.
20041203             This biblical imagery appears to be 1—POWERFUL—BIBLICAL—AFFIRMATION for CHURCH—GOERS who desire to be on the Lord's "right" politically as WELL—UNTIL 1—REALIZES that —WHEN THE—2—GROUPS—OF—PEOPLE—STAND facing THE—LORD—THE—MIRROR—IMAGE is reversed: those on his right will be those facing him on the left;
20041203             those on THE—LORD—LEFT will be those facing him on THE—LORD—RIGHT!
20041203             It's —JUST 1—ASIDE, but it suggests to me that justice will actually be done, —WHEN the Lord says, "I never knew you" to those who loudly proclaim their hypocritical religious devotion to him, —WHILE ignoring his command to feed the poor and cloth the naked.
20041203             The biblical passage goes on to say that those about to be cast out ask, "—WHEN did we fail to feed the poor and cloth the naked?"
20041203             The answer is: "In as much as you did it unto the least of these my CHILDREN—YOU did it unto me".
20041203             —WHEN dominionists seek to privatize medicare and social security, and deregulate corporate controls on whole industries, so that the poor and needy become poorer and needier, they have done it to the Lord.
20041203             I have paraphrased THE—4—IMMORAL PRINCIPLES—OF—THE—DOMINIONIST—MOVEMENT as the —FOLLOWING:
20041203             1) Falsehoods are not only acceptable, they are 1—NECESSITY.
20041203             The corollary is: The masses will accept ANY—LIE if it is spoken with vigor, energy and dedication.
20041203             2) It is necessary to be cast under the cloak of "goodness" whereas all opponents and their ideas must be cast as "evil".
20041203             3) Complete DESTRUCTION—OF—EVERY—OPPONENT must be accomplished through unrelenting personal attacks.
20041203             4) THE—CREATION—OF—THE—APPEARANCE—OF overwhelming power and brutality is necessary in order to destroy the will of opponents to launch OPPOSITION—OF—ANY—KIND.
20041203             According to Jeffry Sharlet, HITLER—MEIN—KAMPF and WILLIAM—L—SHIRER—THE—RISE and Fall of the 3. Reich are studied as textbooks in 1—PARTICULAR—LEADERSHIP training group he wrote about in HARPER—MAGAZINE.
20041203             [2] THE—COUNCIL for National Policy (CNP) was founded 19810000             —IN—WHEN TIMOTHY—LAHAYE (AUTHOR—OF—THE—LEFT—BEHIND series) became the organization's 1. PRESIDENT.
20041203             —CREDITED, LaHaye is, with THE—IDEA—OF—THE—ORGANIZATION.
20041203             —CLOAKED, THE—CNP has been, in secrecy —SINCE its inception.
20041203             The organization holds 3—MEETINGS—EACH—YEAR to plan the strategy for implementing its agenda.
20041203             The activists meet with their financial backers who put up the money to execute THE—AGENDA—OF—THE—INSTITUTION.
20041203             The membership list and ANY—SPEECHES made to the members are kept in strict secrecy.
20041203             —APPEARED, WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS have, —BEFORE the group, including PRESIDENT—BUSH, but their remarks have been held in secrecy.
20041203             —OBTAINED, THE—YURICA—REPORT, 1—LIST—OF—MEMBERS from several years prior that reveal the heavy weights in the Christian and hard right dominionist movement.
20041203             Here is a sample:
20041203             Rushdoony, R. J. - North,GARY s FATHER—IN—LAW, THE—FOUNDER—OF—THE—CHRISTIAN—RECONSTRUCTIONIST and Dominionist movement),
20041203             LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—NORTH, Oliver + Robertson, Pat + Robinson, JAMES—J + Ruff, Howard + Bunker Hunt, Nelson + Ahmanson, HOWARD—JUNIOR, Schlafly, Phyllis + Jones, BOB—III, Kemp, JACK—KEYES, Alan + DOCTOR—KENNEDY, James + LaHaye, Beverly + LaHaye, Tim + Maddoux, Marlin + Marshall, PETER—JUNIOR +DOCTOR—DOBSON, James + Coors, Jeffrey + Coors, Joseph + Bright, Bill + MAJOR—GENERAL—SINGLAUB, JOHN—K + LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—SUMNER, Gordon + Falwell, Jerry + Father Fiore, Charles + Gottlieb, Alan + LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—O—GRAHAM, Daniel + Meese, Edwin + Weyrich, Paul + Whitehead, JOHN—W + REVEREND—WILDMON, Donald + du Pont, Pierre + Drexel, Ann + deBorchgrave, Arnaud + DeVos, Richard + Dolan, Terry + SENATOR—DANNEMEYER, William + Helms, Jesse etc.
20041203             —NOW he has published a
20041203             3. article about the mysterious 5—STAR—TRUST and related issues.
20041203             —MENTIONED, Madsen has not yet, J.R. Horn (THE—KENTUCKY fraudster and 1—TIME—REPUBLICAN politico who received mysteriously lenient treatment) although I remain convinced that the "5—STAR—TRUST " in that case is the same as THE—1—MADSEN has focused on.
20041203             JEFF—FISHER, BOB—GRAHAM + more... JEFF—FISHER has offered this update and appeal:
20041203             SENATOR—BILL—NELSON'S, SENATOR—BOB—GRAHAM'S, Congressman ROBERT—MENENDEZ'S and THE—DCCC office (regarding ROBERT—MATSUI) showed great interest in Election Fraud and the possibility of 1—NATIONAL revote.
20041203             The only office that we had difficulty with was SENATOR—MAX—BAUCUS—DEPUTY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, Deva Kemmis Hicks.
20041203             —TRIED, MISS—KEMMIS—HICKS, to pass my personal phone call off by saying that I needed to write 1—LETTER.
20041203             I am asking everyone to email her at deva_kemmishicks@baucus.senate.gov, call her at (202) 224-2651 + fax her at (202) 224-4700. For the hearing impaired THE—TTY number is (202) 224-19980000             .
20041203             Please inform MISS—KEMMIS—HICKS the importance of having SENATOR—BAUCUS joining with the people to fight for the Constitution.
20041203             THE—SENATOR swore to protect, defend and honor the Constitution.
20041203             It's time to fulfill that oath.
20041203             —INTERESTED, BOB—GRAHAM, in 1—NATIONAL revote?
20041203             —NOW that is 1—STORY that should make headlines -- if Graham verifies FISHER—ACCOUNT.
20041203             (Is he really, really interested, or —JUST SORT—OF interested?)
20041203             For tactical reasons, the point man on this issue shouldn't be Kerry;
20041203             someone like Graham -- 1—HAS—BEEN (forgive the blunt wording) with national name recognition -- would be perfect for the job.
20041203             —PUBLISHED, THE—BOSTON—GLOBE has —JUST
20041203             1—MAJOR—STORY on election problems across the country.
20041203             (Here in LOS—ANGELES, THE—LAT seems to be hoping that the issue will —JUST go away.
20041203             Hardly!) The piece references Bev Harris but does not mention the fraudulent poll tapes that election officials tried to palm off on her.
20041203             For SOME—REASON, the media don't want to touch that story, even to debunk it -- I've heard that CNN refused to point their cameras at the evidence.
20041203             Protests: Marchers are going to protest the media BLACKOUT—OF—THE—ELECTION—FRAUD—STORY—ON—FRIDAY, 20041203             , in LOS—ANGELES.
20041203             The protest will take place between 3:30 PM - 6PM in FRONT—OF—KCBS—TV/KNX News at 6121—SUNSET Blvd.
20041203             —REQUESTED, Black armbands are.
20041203             (But —SINCE I tend to wear black anyways, how will anyone tell?) - L.A. event.
20041203             Normally, I am not enthusiastic about marches and protest rallies.
20041203             However, if current protests attract sufficient numbers, they will serve the function of announcing that the vote fraud issue is not restricted to 1—SMALL—BAND—OF—INTERNET "conspiracy buffs".
20041203             —TRIED, Disingenuous WOULD—BE debunkers have, to explain this anomaly as 1—MERE "software error".
20041203             But we —NOW know of MANY—SUCH "errors" across OHIO and across the country.
20041203             We have, for example, the largely AFRICA—USA PRECINCTS where a
20041203             —SINCE nearly EVERY—1—OF—THE reported "errors" across the country favored Bush, we may safely conclude that these events were about as "erroneous" as 1—PUNCH in the face.
20041203             TERRORIST ATTACK GENERAL—JOHN—SINGLAUB was looking out his window at home —WHEN he saw the explosion at the Pentagon: // SINGLAUB ACT //.
20041203             SINGLAUB ACT //.
20041203             —TURNED, And, according to the Tower Commission report, North, to this man, retired GENERAL—JOHN—SINGLAUB, for help.
20041203             THE—WEST—GOALS—FOUNDATION was 1—PRIVATE—INTELLIGENCE... - similar organizations.
20041203             Many.
20041203             Singlaub
20041203             —REPORTED, Long lines, but no major trouble, at NORTH—NEVADA polls... due to differing INTERPRETATIONS—OF—CREDENTIAL—REQUIREMENTS under NEVADA law and the new FEDERAL—HELP—AMERICA—VOTE—ACT, Washoe County Manager Katy Singlaub said...
20041203             Webspace/Chris.Holt 07 Retired Army MAJOR—GENERAL—JOHN—SINGLAUB.
20041203             Retired USA—MAJOR—GENERAL—JOHN—KIRK—SINGLAUB was 1—KEY—PLAYER in the privatization of the contra war.
20041203             Existence of Secret WWII Gold Horde Confirmed 1—AUTHORITATIVE new...
20041203             —NOW, however, the Seagraves cite no less 1—AUTHORITY than retired GENERAL—JOHN—SINGLAUB, 1 vaunted hero of both —WWII and KOREA who finished up his...
20041203             USA—SECURITY COUNCIL.
20041203             —BECAME, MAJOR—GENERAL—JOHN—SINGLAUB—NAME, widely known overnight —AFTER he told 1—REPORTER for THE—WASHINGTON—POST—OFF the record, he THOUGHT—THAT—PRESIDENT
20041203             Bush supporters say war critics should keep SILENT—THE... GENERAL—JOHN—SINGLAUB, who was 1—USA—ARMY—SPECIAL—FORCES—UNIT—COMMANDER—IN—THE—VIETNAM—WAR.
20041203             —SUGGESTED, Singlaub has, that even lawmakers should be muffled.
20041203             www.thechanticleeronline.com/.../10/21/News/
20041203             IRC | RightWeb | Group Watch: USA—COUNCIL for World...
20041203             Herald.com | 20020905             | USA helped Contras get missiles...
20041203             —REMOVED, Singlaub, 65, was
20041203             AUDIO LETTER(R) NUMBER.. So. consider what MAJOR—GENERAL—JOHN—K—SINGLAUB said in 1—INTERVIEW.
20041203             GENERAL—SINGLAUB, the 3.—RANKING USA—ARMY.
20041203             WWI #793 side 2 ... 16. SF Ex. NORTH, SINGLAUB, etc.
20041203             17.... JOHN—SINGLAUB—CIA, NSC, CAST—OF—DOZENS. 21.
20041203             —FROM BARBARA—WARTELLE—WALL: LEGAL WATCH (19991008             )... JOHN—SINGLAUB is entitled to pursue libel claims against CNN and Time Magazine arising OUT—OF—REPORTS on the alleged use of poison gas and other controversial...
20041203             THE—PUBLIC—EYE : Website of Political Research Associates... Here are 2—EXAMPLES—OF how THE—FALLACIES—OF—DEBATE and errors of logic are employed regarding GENERAL—JOHN—SINGLAUB, 1—MAN whose roles in IRAN—CONTRAGATE +...
20041203             It has been —AROUND 2—3—WEEKS—SINCE 1—IMPORTANT + truly insightful work has been done by
20041203             DOCTOR—FREEMAN shows that the discrepancy found between the exit polling + the actual results in PENNSYLVANIA cannot be attributable to statistical error.
20041203             The odds are 665,000 to 1.
20041203             He states that "counting error" is —JUST as valid 1—HYPOTHESIS as "systematic bias" with exit polling.
20041203             —CITED, Very few mainstream news organizations have, this research.
20041203             —INDEED, In THE—CASE—OF—DOCTOR—FREEMAN, his conclusions HAVE, stood up to the scrutiny from other academics and analysts!!!
20041203             —MENTIONED, Perhaps that's why he is not, in this piece?
20041203             C'mon guys!
20041203             I've seen this frayed logic MANY—TIMES by the mainstream and, quite frankly, it's —STARTING to get me 1—BIT peeved.
20041203             If Kerry manages to reverse the outcome in OHIO, he is PRESIDENT.
20041203             With THE—AMOUNT—OF—IRREGULARITIES that we've seen in this state, couple with DOCTOR—FREEMAN—RESEARCH -- this is entirely possible!!!
20041203             Others seem to stake their argument on the old standby: "Exit polls are not accurate (except in THE—UKRAINE —WHEN conducted by CIA—FUNDED institutes)".
20041203             Demand that these people address the pattern of inaccuracy (i.e., "Why do errors always undervalue the Republican vote?") + you'll get 1—RESPONSE—WORTHY—OF—MIKE—MYERS' old character "Dieter": " Your qvestions have become tiresome. —NOW iss ze time on Shprockets ven ve dance!"
20041203             And if you scoff at the likelihood of OLD—FASHIONED BALLOT—BOX stuffing, note that JAMES—TOBIN, the Bush campaign chair in New ENGLAND, has —JUST been indicted for conspiracy to commit ELECTION—RELATED abuses.
20041203             How can anyone ask us to trust crooks?
20041203             TO—THIS interesting INTERVIEW—WITH—KEITH—OLBERMANN, who had SOME—INTERESTING things to say about THE—WARREN county lockdown:
20041203             —ON the "—THURSDAY or —FRIDAY—AFTER the election," someone sent Olbermann 1—LINK to 1—ARTICLE about a "lockdown" in effect on election night at THE—WARREN—COUNTY, OHIO courthouse because of a "terrorist threat".
20041203             "It struck me on the face of it as the most ridiculous thing I had ever heard," Olbermann said.
20041203             —AFTER seeing countless other reports of minor voting inaccuracies, Olbermann was stunned.
20041203             "Suddenly it was clear to me that there were 1—LARGE—NUMBER—OF—STORIES suggesting widespread voting irregularities," he said....
20041203             —CALLED, More on OHIO: 1—LITTLE—KNOWN but CLEVERLY—NAMED blog
20041203             —ANALYZED, Newsclip Autopsy has, the media's treatment of THE—OHIO recount + found numerous errors.
20041203             The papers kept saying that the Greens + Libertarians were in the process of raising the money well —AFTER the goal was reached.
20041203             Crony REFORM—HOW the access capitalists at the Carlyle Group
20041203             —EVER—SINCE MICHAEL—LEWIS coined the term "access capitalist" in his - 2 2 2 0
20041203             —AT—NOON—EST—ON—MONDAY, 20041101             , he predicted 1—KERRY win by a 108-vote margin.
20041203             Herald.com |
20041203             —HELPED, Heraldjcom | 20020905             | USA, Contras get missiles......
20041203             —FROM BARBARA—WARTELLE—WALL: LEGAL WATCH (19991008             )...
20041203             Harris did not come to FloridaUNTIL 20041112             —WHEN investigations in Volusia County began.
20041203             —SIGNED, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, 1—LAW extending normal trade relations to LAOS.
20041203             —ANNOUNCED, It was, that USA—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—DONALD—H—RUMSFELD was staying on the job.
20041203             TOMMY—G—THOMPSON, —63—JAHRE—ALT, USA sec. of health and human services, announced his resignation and expressed concern over THE—THREAT—OF—GLOBAL—FLU and the possibility of 1—TERRORIST—ATTACK on the nation's food supply.
20041203             —REPORTED, It was, that methamphetamine —INITIALLY revs up the dopamine nervous system in the brain and that sex is THE—NUMBER 1—REASON people use it.
20041203             The effect of 1—IV hit of meth is the equivalent of 10—ORGASMS all on TOP—OF—EACH—OTHER lasting —FOR—30—MINUTES to an —HOUR, with 1—FEELING of arousal that lasts for another —DAY and 1—HALF.
20041203             —AFTER you have been using it 1—LITTLE—BIT—LONGER you can't have sex even —WHEN you're high.
20041203             Nothing happens. It doesn't work.
20041203             —LATER hair falls out and teeth fall out.
20041203             1—BOAT carrying at least 91—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—MIGRANTS apparently trying to reach PUERTO—RICO illegally capsized, killing 8—PEOPLE.
20041203             —ANNOUNCED, FRANCE, LIBERATION—FOUNDING CEO—SERGE—JULY, THE—START—OF—EXCLUSIVE—NEGOTIATIONS with Banker Edouard de Rothschild over a $27—MILLION—CAPITAL—INCREASE that would let the banker acquire 37—PERCENT of the popular daily.
20041203             —ARRESTED, GERMANY, 3—IRAQ—CITIZENS—OF—KURDISH origin were, for plotting to kill IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—AYAD—ALLAWI.
20041203             —ATTEMPTED, THE—STUTTGART—STATE—COURT—CONVICTED—THE—3—MEN—OF, participation in murder and membership in terrorist organization Ansar AL—ISLAM, 1—RADICAL—ISLAMIC—GROUP linked to AL—QAIDA.
20041203             —COLLIDED, WEST—GUATEMALA, 2—BUSES, HEAD—ON along 1—MOUNTAIN—HIGHWAY, and 1 toppled into 1—NEARBY ravine, killing 21—PEOPLE and injuring at least 20.
20041203             —LAUNCHED, Insurgents, 2—MAJOR—ATTACKS against 1—SHIITE mosque and 1—POLICE—STATION in BAGHDAD, killing 30—PEOPLE, including at least 16—POLICE—OFFICERS.
20041203             —ELECTED, Ramush Haradinaj (36) was, PRIME—MINISTER—OF—KOSOVO.
20041203             Sheikh HASSAN—YOUSEF, 1—TOP—HAMAS leader, said the militant group would accept the establishment of 1—PALESTINE—STATE—IN—THE—WEST—BANK—AND—GAZA—STRIP as well as 1—LONG—TERM—TRUCE with ISRAEL.
20041203             —KILLED, RUSSIA, 15—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 1—FIRE broke out in 1—FURNITURE—FACTORY—WAREHOUSE in THE—MOSCOW region.
20041203             23:3 Globalsecurity_org: Unmanned Ground Vehicles Armaments Engineering and Technology Center der USA—ARMEE
20041203             "Das gibt 1—AHNUNG davon, was uns in Zukunft erwartet", sagte JOHN—PIKE, DIREKTOR—DES—WASHINGTONER—THINK—TANKS "Globalsecurity_org".
20041203             TERRORFAHNDUNG in BERLIN: Polizei sucht nach verdächtigem LKW—UMFRAGE: SPD legt deutlich zu
20041203             -More than —18—MONTHS—AFTER the fall of SADDAM—HUSSEIN—BAGHDAD Cut Off On All Sides: Deadly Airport Road —NOW Only Way OUT—THE—WORLD—MOST powerful USA—MILITARY cannot guarantee the safety of ''RPG Alley'' --a 10-mile STRETCH—OF—HIGHWAY which links BAGHDAD with the airport.
20041203             Bev HARRIS—DENIES—CLAIMS—OHIO Recount cuts Bush lead by over 20,000 votes
20041203             Inside the Clouds of 20010911             20041203             —VERHINDERT, Geheilte Hunde: Flüssiger Kunststoff, Querschnittslähmung
20041203             Webzensur beim Militär: Krieg mit FILTER—OPINION: THE—HIT—WE—ALMOST—MISSED
20041203             To institute such 1—THING would be to reignite THE—USA—CIVIL—WAR, which was SETTLED—UNEASILY—ON the understanding that metropolitan interests would not be allowed to run untrammelled over local ones.
20041203             [THE—DISPUTED—ELECTION—OF—18760000              20041203             —NOW we have THIS—INTERESTING analysis on the Democratic Underground.
20041203             Hearing Nothing, Saying Nothing (Harpers_org) JOE—CONASON: I have to disagree.
20041203             For further info, contact Jeanine Tater at jtater@socal.rr_com.
20041203             —POSTED—BY—JON—VOLKOFF, mail address eidetics@cerf_net "AUDIO... - So, consider what on
20041203             [1—HELLO—BOSTON—NAZIS and THE—NICARAGUA—CONTRAS... COLONEL—NORTH, Oliver made it his job to get it.
20041203             DOCTOR—FREEMAN—SHOWS that the discrepancy found between the exit polling + the actual results in FLORIDA +
20041203             BOSTON_com is 1—OF—THEM.
20041203             ATTORNEY—GENERAL—PHILIP—RUDDOCK was turning 1—BLIND—EYE to torture at THE—GUANTANAMO—BAY detention base,
20041203             "AMERIKA" = STAR WARS.
20041203             —GEHÖRT, JOHN—SINGLAUB, "Das Land ISRAEL hat ursprünglich Gott.
20041203             "Exit polls are not accurate (except in THE—UKRAINE —WHEN conducted by CIA—FUNDED institutes).
20041203             "Ich orientiere mich an der Gefechtstaktik der Marines"
20041203             "Why do errors always undervalue the Republican vote?
20041203             "You can have 1—JEWISH—STATE or 1—PALESTINE—STATE.
20041203             "Your qvestions have become tiresome. —NOW iss ze time on Shprockets ven ve dance!"
20041203             "but ultimately the Wild West must give way to governance and control".
20041203             + you'll get 1—RESPONSE—WORTHY—OF—MIKE—MYERS' old character "Dieter":
20041203             07 Retired Army MAJOR—GENERAL—JOHN—SINGLAUB.
20041203             1) Falsehoods are not only acceptable, 16. SF Ex.
20041203             23:3 Tarnkappenbomber, Lenkwaffen, Satelliten + modernste Panzer HELFEN wenig, WENN im Labyrinth der IRAKISCHEN—STÄDTEDER HÄUSERKAMPF AUSBRICHT.
20041203             ;;12;; 3, in LOS—ANGELES.
20041203             1—FORMER—AGENT with DENMARK—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE was —ON—TUESDAY sentenced to —6—MONTHS behind bars for leaking 1 classified report to the media stating there was no EVIDENCE—OF—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION in IRAQ, 1—COPENHAGEN court said.
20041203             1—PALESTINE—STATE would make 1—MOCKERY of our own WAR—ON—TERROR,
20041203             A—USA—SENATOR investigating corruption in THE—UNITED—NATIONS—OIL—FOR—FOOD—PROGRAM for IRAQ said —ON—WEDNESDAY UNITED—NATIONS SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN should resign because the fraud took place on his watch.
20041203             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—YESTERDAY questioned THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—BROAD—DEFINITION—OF—ITS—POWERS to indefinitely imprison alleged Taliban and al Qaeda fighters at the military prison in GUANTANAMO Bay,
20041203             1 leaked confidential military report shows USA—ARMY—GENERALS were TOLD—OF—IRAQ—PRISONER—ABUSE by USA—SOLDIERS —1—MONTH—BEFORE the story broke in ;;01;;.
20041203             1—LITTLE—KNOWN but CLEVERLY—NAMED blog called Newsclip Autopsy
20041203             AUDIO LETTER(R) NUMBER..
20041203             Aber hier befinden sich auch der Felsendom und die AL—AKSA—MOSCHEE, ABU—GHRAIB, Caribbean style
20041203             According to Jeffry Sharlet, HITLER—MEIN—KAMPF and WILLIAM—L—SHIRER—THE—RISE and Fall of the 3. Reich are studied as textbooks in 1—PARTICULAR—LEADERSHIP training group
20041203             According to USAENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY—PERCHLORATE coordinator for USA southwest + USA Pacific region,
20041203             Activists Crawl Through Web to Untangle USA—SECRECY:
20041203             ADNAN—KHASHOGGI—LINKED to 911—TERRORISTS—PART—XIX(D): 1—IRAN...
20041203             Als einzigen Text [9] zur Veranstaltung wurde 1—ARTIKEL—VON—DON—FEDER,
20041203             And, according to the Tower Commission report,
20041203             Another road to Basra passes through an area notorious for carjackings.
20041203             Assad (father and son), Khomeini, Khadafy, Arafat, Saddam and OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20041203             AUSTRALIA: Turning blind eye' to torture:
20041203             BILL + MAJOR—GENERAL—SINGLAUB, JOHN K. + LT.
20041203             BYLINE=ED—WARNER
20041203             Baucus joining with the people to fight for the Constitution.
20041203             BERKELEY and KENNETH—ROGOFF—OF—HARVARD.* Up to —NOW,
20041203             —GREED, BHOPAL: 1—LIVING legacy of corporate : Big Brother is on the march.
20041203             BILL—WALKER, West coast VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—ENVIRONMENTAL—WORKING—GROUP—EWG told Bush Greenwatch.
20041203             Bush In CANADA: Pictures and reports Protesters Condemn 'War Criminal' Bush:
20041203             Bush says IRAN freeze "not the final step":
20041203             Bush supporters say war critics should keep SILENT—THE...
20041203             But ASIA—TIMES—ONLINE sources in BAGHDAD confirm that according to residents,
20041203             CONTENT= - CTRL Fwd: ADNAN—KHASHOGGI—LINKED to 911—TERRORISTS XIX(D)...
20041203             —NAMED, Clines, Secord + SINGLAUB are all, as defendants in the suit.
20041203             SINGLAUB—COBB Sues Blackwell in Fed.
20041203             COURT—OVER—RECOUNT—COLONEL—NORTH, OLIVER made it his job to get it.
20041203             COLLIN—ARTICLE—MENTIONS, on the faintest SCINTILLA—OF—EVIDENCE,
20041203             Congressman ROBERT—MENENDEZ'S and THE—DCCC office (regarding ROBERT—MATSUI) showed great interest in Election Fraud and the possibility of 1—NATIONAL revote.
20041203             Coordination with THE—USA: Could OHIO turn out like HAWAII—COVERING Up USA—WAR—CRIMES In IRAQ
20041203             CUBA, especially those who have never taken up arms against THE—USA.
20041203             Cynics will remind us that his fat paychecks are paid by 1—SUBSIDIARY—OF—GENERAL—ELECTRIC,
20041203             DANIEL + MEESE, EDWIN + WEYRICH, PAUL + WHITEHEAD, DATE=20010911             /01
20041203             DATELINE=WASHINGTON—DA Er der Besitzer war, konnte nur Er es weitergeben.
20041203             Und er gab es dem jüdischen Volk".
20041203             Dahr Jamail: THE—QUIET—OF—DESTRUCTION and Death:
20041203             —JAILED, DENMARK—OFFICER, for leaking secret IRAQ WMD reports to media:
20041203             Das freilich ist gleich wieder 1—KAMPFANSAGE an die Palästinenser,
20041203             Deadly Airport Road —NOW Only Way OUT—THE—WORLD—MOST powerful USA—MILITARY cannot guarantee the safety of ''RPG Alley'' --a 10-mile STRETCH—OF—HIGHWAY which links BAGHDAD with the airport.
20041203             Demand that these people address the pattern of inaccuracy (i.e.
20041203             Destroying 1—CITY in order to save it is —BACK—IN style,
20041203             Die Logik wird freilich nicht alle überzeugen,
20041203             DOCTOR—FREEMAN shows that the discrepancy found between the exit polling + the actual results in FLORIDA +
20041203             END ACT—EPA Tests Find Rocket Fuel in NATION—MILK, Lettuce - Ethics and THE—SHADOW—OF—TORTURE:
20041203             —KILLED, Evidence is mounting that AMERICA—WAR in IRAQ has, tens of THOUSANDS—OF—IRAQ—CIVILIANS + perhaps well over 100,000.
20041203             FBI raids AIPAC offices:
20041203             FORMER—CIA—DIRECTOR—GEORGE—J—TENET "I know that these actions will be controversial in this age —WHEN we still think THE—INTERNET is 1—FREE and open society with no control or accountability," he told 1—INFORMATION—TECHNOLOGY—SECURITY—CONFERENCE in WASHINGTON,
20041203             —EMERGED, FRESH doubts have, over the fate of 1—UK—AID—WORKER taken hostage in IRAQ in ;;10;;
20041203             —AFTER tests revealed the mutilated BODY—OF—1—WESTERN—WOMAN found 1—FORTNIGHT ago was not MARGARET—HASSAN.
20041203             —CRUSHED, FALLUJAH is —NOW 1—HELL on earth of, bodies,
20041203             FALLUJAH's 20010911             : USA Used Weaponsof Mass Destruction
20041203             —REDUCED, FallujahHAS BEEN, to rubble + THOUSANDS—OF—CIVILIANS have †.
20041203             Far more important is the energy and DEDICATION—OF—THE—IDEA—PROMOTERS—IN other words,
20041203             For instance, Hardee County (between Bradenton + Sebring) registered 63.8 % Democratic but officially gave BUSH 135 % more votes than Kerry.
20041203             For SOME—REASON, the media don't want to touch that story,
20041203             —IMPAIRED, For the hearing, THE—TTY number is (202) 224-19980000             .
20041203             —RAIDED, For the 2. time in —13—WEEKS, FBI agents, THE—PRO—ISRAEL—USA—ISRAEL—PUBLIC—AFFAIRS—COMMITTEE (AIPAC) offices —YESTERDAY searching for information against LARRY—FRANKLIN,
20041203             —SUBPOENAED, FORMER—GUANTANAMO Detainees Release Report: 4—AIPAC officials :
20041203             —FROM Guernica to FALLUJAH:
20041203             FÜR DIE EINDÄMMUNG—VON—AUFSTÄNDEN SIND GAR Mikrowellenwaffen geplant.
20041203             Für GARY—BAUER, PRÄSIDENT—VON konservativen USA—VALUES [10] und ehemaliger republikanischer Präsidentschaftskandidat,
20041203             —VERHINDERT, Geheilte Hunde: Flüssiger Kunststoff, Querschnittslähmung - GENERAL—JOHN—K—SINGLAUB who,
20041203             Gen. and CIA officer JOHN—K—SINGLAUB.
20041203             GERTRUDE—BELL --THE—BRITISH 'QUEEN' of IRAQ
20041203             —RESULTED, Gunning for Satan, in slaughtered innocents:
20041203             HAS BEEN THRUST INTO 1—KIND—OF—WORLD—WAR:
20041203             Hearing Nothing, Saying Nothing (Harpers_org)
20041203             Here are 2—EXAMPLES—OF how THE—FALLACIES—OF—DEBATE and errors of logic are employed regarding GENERAL—JOHN—SINGLAUB ,
20041203             Hier war der 2. jüdische Tempel, How much more evidence do we need?"
20041203             However, if current protests attract sufficient numbers,
20041203             However, their infatuation may soon sour.
20041203             ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON lost 1—CRUCIAL—BUDGET—VOTE in PARLIAMENT —TODAY in 1—HUMILIATING blow that could bring down his government,
20041203             IT HAS BEEN —AROUND 2—3—WEEKS—SINCE 1—IMPORTANT + truly insightful workHAS BEEN done by DOCTOR—FREEMAN
20041203             With THE—AMOUNT—OF—IRREGULARITIES that we've seen in this state,
20041203             If he's serious about creating 1—PALESTINE—STATE,
20041203             —DETAILED, In 1, report, Shafiq Rasul, ASIF—IQBAL and Rhuhel Ahmed provide 1—GRAPHIC 1.—HAND ACCOUNT—OF—LIFE at GUANTANAMO Bay
20041203             —UNREPORTED, THE—USA, massive and systemic voter irregularities go, and unnoticed.
20041203             Incidentally, I note that the 1. and foremost CHARGE—OF—THE—OHIO—RALLY—ORGANIZERS concerns the extra 3,893 that went to BUSH in 1—FRANKLIN—COUNTY precinct.
20041203             Inside the Clouds of 20010911             20041203             INTERVIEW—MIT—FIRMENJÄGER—GUY—WYSER—PRATTE: INTERVIEW—WITH—MISS—NBC—KEITH—OLBERMANN
20041203             IRAQ—CIVIL—DEAD get no hearing in THE—USA:
20041203             ISRAEL—S shoot —4—YEAR—OLD child in GAZA:
20041203             It almost mimics what Jesus said he would do in the Bible:
20041203             It was 1—PURE and simple NAZI—STYLE—COLLECTIVE—PUNISHMENT—NOT liberation.
20041203             It's —JUST 1—ASIDE, but it suggests to me that justice will actually be done,
20041203             JEFFREY + COORS, JOSEPH + BRIGHT, JOE—CONASON: I have to disagree.
20041203             JOHN W. + REV. WILDMON, DONALD + DU PONT, JAMES—TOBIN.
20041203             —LINKED, JESSE—JACKSON: I should have, —EARLIER to this interview between the Reverend and Amy Goodman.
20041203             JOHN—SINGLAUB—CIA, NSC, CAST—OF—DOZENS. 21.
20041203             —ENTITLED, JOHN—SINGLAUB is, to pursue libel claims against CNN and Time Magazine arising OUT—OF—REPORTS on the alleged use of poison gas and other controversial...
20041203             —BARRED, Lawmaker wants camera crews, from combat theater:
20041203             —REPORTED, Long lines, but no major trouble, at NORTH—NEVADA polls...
20041203             —POKED, MISS—NBC—KEITH—OLBERMANN, another hole in the Dixiecrat theory —WHEN MISS—NBC—KEITH—OLBERMANN noted that in Democratic counties where BUSH scored big,
20041203             Man sei sich zwar nicht ganz einig,
20041203             MARC—HARRIS case growing in several directions..
20041203             MAX—BAUCUS—DEPUTY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, Deva Kemmis Hicks.
20041203             —MEANWHILE, Rush Limbaugh can rake in enough dough to buy AFRICA and PART—OF—ASIA,
20041203             Meet the forgotten survivors
20041203             More on OHIO: Moreover, 18—SWITCHOVER counties were not in the Panhandle or near THE—GEORGIA border,
20041203             Mutilated body is not Hassan's:
20041203             —TURNED, NORTH, to this man, retired GENERAL—JOHN—SINGLAUB, for help.
20041203             NUMBER=5-50106 - Nazis and THE—NICARAGUA—CONTRAS...
20041203             New FLORIDA Suit seeks to overturn election
20041203             New torture allegations further isolate Pinochet:
20041203             —UNMEDICATED, No child left :
20041203             —EXPECTED, None of the recounts or inquiries is, to affect the results of the presidential election, which BUSH won by more than 3.3—MILLION—VOTES.
20041203             —NOW he has published a 3. article
20041203             —NOW, however, the Seagraves cite no less 1—AUTHORITY than retired GENERAL—JOHN—SINGLAUB ,
20041203             OHIO Recount cuts Bush lead by over 20,000 votes
20041203             OHIO courthouse because of a "terrorist threat.
20041203             Olbermann has run 1—TROUBLING column
20041203             —ON the "—THURSDAY or —FRIDAY—AFTER the election," someone sent Olbermann 1—LINK to 1—ARTICLE about a "lockdown" in effect on election night at THE—WARREN—COUNTY,
20041203             † 1 returned soldier, who —RECENTLY committed suicide,
20041203             1—SENIOR—DEFENSE—OFFICIAL told the paper "THE—MOVEMENT—OF—INFORMATION has gone from the public affairs world to the psychological operations world.
20041203             Others seem to stake their argument on the old standby:
20041203             Overviews: BRUCE—FRASER has written 1—NICE—SUMMARY—OF—THE—ELECTION from hell.
20041203             PAT + ROBINSON, JAMES J. + RUFF, HOWARD + BUNKER HUNT,
20041203             —LISTED, PALESTINE—MEDICAL—SOURCES, Shayma HASAN—ABU—SHAMMALA in critical condition —AFTER she was hit by several bullets fired by 1—ISRAEL—SOLDIER manning 1—MILITARY—TOWER—NEAR THE—EGYPTIAN—GAZA borders —ON—SUNDAY.
20041203             Part XIX(D): AN IRAN—CONTRA/AL—QAEDA—READER,
20041203             Please inform MISS—KEMMIS—HICKS the importance of having Sen.
20041203             PRESIDENT—BUSH says he wants to bring democracy to THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20041203             Princeton professor SAM—WANG, whose analysis had shown the election to be close in THE—WEEK—BEFORE the election,
20041203             Producers —NOW admit that they have not spoken to Harris at all
20041203             Protests: Marchers are going to protest the media BLACKOUT—OF—THE—ELECTION—FRAUD—STORY—ON—FRIDAY,
20041203             —COUNTERED, Public schools are, with private HOME—PUTIN urges new UKRAINE election:
20041203             REMEMBER -- Dick CHENCY—KNIGHTED by THE—QUEEN
20041203             REMEMBER -- G.W. Brush SENIOR—KNIGHTED by THE—QUEEN—REMEMBER -- more, more, more!!!
20041203             REV.
20041203             RUSHDOONY, R. J. - NORTH ,GARY s FATHER—IN—LAW,
20041203             Regarding the polls —BEFORE the election, Waldman notes: AllEARLY —TUESDAY indicators predicted 1—KERRY landslide.
20041203             Report: IRAQ abuse was known about:
20041203             —ARGUED, Republicans have, that THE—FLORIDA counties with majority Democratic registration that voted overwhelmingly for BUSH were all conservative "Dixiecrat" bastions in NORTH—FLORIDA + that all the reported totals were accurate.
20041203             Rumsfeld in IRAQ abuse complaint:
20041203             Secret memo deepens Thatcher link to coup plot:
20041203             SENATOR—CALLS on Annan to Quit Over IRAQ Program:
20041203             Sensoren sollen versteckte Bomben und feindliche Scharfschützen orten, ferngesteuerte Jeeps mit Gewehren bewachen bedrohte Stützpunkte,
20041203             —SINCE nearly EVERY—1—OF—THE reported "errors" across the country favored BUSH ,
20041203             So. consider what MAJOR—GENERAL—JOHN—K—SINGLAUB said in 1—INTERVIEW.
20041203             Sunnis warn of civil war over TIMING—OF—ELECTION: TERRORIST ATTACK
20041203             THE largest Sunni party in IRAQ gave warning —YESTERDAY of civil war unless the ;;01;;
20041203             30—ELECTIONS are delayed to allow it to compete on equal terms.
20041203             TYPE=BACKGROUND REPORT—TENET calls for INTERNET "governance and control"
20041203             That fact tells you all you need to know about the G.O.P.
20041203             —PUBLISHED, THE—BOSTON—GLOBE has —JUST, 1—MAJOR—STORY
20041203             —JAILED, THE—OBIANG regime in EQUATORIAL—GUINEA —YESTERDAY, 11—FOREIGN mercenaries for up to —34—YEARS,
20041203             THE—PUBLIC—EYE : Website of Political Research Associates...
20041203             —COMPLAINED, THE—RED—CROSS said that fearful Guantánamo prisoners, about female interrogators who exposed their breasts,
20041203             THE—UN—INSISTS that Security Council approve "preventive" war:
20041203             The biblical passage goes on to say that those about to be cast out ask,
20041203             The building and promotion of these institutions will require the development of 1—MOVEMENT that will not merely reform the existing POST—WAR—CONSERVATIVE—MOVEMENT,
20041203             —TAGGED, The exits, Hispanic support for BUSH at 44%, but he actually received about 40—PERCENT—OF—THEIR—VOTES.
20041203             The great mass of rural and SMALL—TOWN—MIDDLE—AMERICA,
20041203             The lawmaker responsible for delaying by —24—HOURS the media's reporting of combat deaths is —NOW pushing for camera crews to be banned from covering direct combat actions.
20041203             The masses will accept ANY—LIE if it is spoken with vigor, energy and dedication.
20041203             The moment ANY—LEFT—WING blogger allows ads to appear on his site, The odds are 665,000 to 1.
20041203             The only office that we had difficulty with was Sen.
20041203             The only peace it would bring to ISRAEL is the peace of the grave".
20041203             —SPURRED, The report, by THE—USA—LED invasion of IRAQ —LAST—YEAR that divided world leaders,
20041203             The road south toward KARBALA passes through ''THE—TRIANGLE—OF—DEATH.
20041203             There is 1—REASON why, among THE—22—NATIONS of the Arab world, not 1—EVEN approaches popular RULE—WHY they consistently produce leaders like Nasser,
20041203             This biblical imagery appears to be 1—POWERFUL—BIBLICAL—AFFIRMATION for CHURCH—GOERS who desire to be on the Lord's "right" politically as WELL—UNTIL 1—REALIZES that —WHEN THE—2—GROUPS—OF—PEOPLE—STAND facing THE—LORD—THE—MIRROR—IMAGE is reversed:
20041203             This is precisely what those few Democrat hotheads in THE—USA—WHO have dared to suggest "1—RETHINK" of the electoral college system would like:
20041203             —REVEALED, To add to his problems, 1—OFFICIAL—REPORT has —NOW, that —DURING his —17—YEAR—RULE,
20041203             To combat THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—PENCHANT for secrecy,
20041203             To institute such 1—THING would be to reignite THE—USA—CIVIL—WAR,
20041203             UK MEMBER—OF—PARLIAMENT—GEORGE—GALLOWAY won his libel claim against the Daily Telegraph newspaper,
20041203             —FORCED, USA—CITIZENS have been, to unearth new sources for information they once read in their daily newspapers.
20041203             USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—ON—TUESDAY said IRAN—AGREEMENT to freeze all uranium enrichment activities was "certainly not the final step" in easing USA—FEARS that TEHRAN seeks 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON.
20041203             —FILED, USA constitutional rights lawyers say they have, 1—CRIMINAL—COMPLAINT against THE—USA—DEFENCE—SECRETARY.
20041203             UKRAINE PARLIAMENT brings down government in SIGN—OF—OPPOSITION—STRENGTH:
20041203             —NOW WE KNOW WE ARE.
20041203             WWI #793 side 2.. - WASHINGTON opposes VENEZUELA arms BUILD—UP:
20041203             WASHINGTON—POLICY on the legal STATUS—OF—DETAINEES at THE—GUANTANAMO—BAY prison camp in CUBA is unacceptable, 1—SENIOR—UK—MINISTER said.
20041203             Washoe County Manager Katy SINGLAUB said...
20041203             We have, for example, the largely AFRICA—USA PRECINCTS where 1—RIGHT—WING 3.—PARTY candidates
20041203             We must reframe this struggle as 1—MORAL—STRUGGLE, Webspace/Chris.Holt
20041203             —HAPPENED, What, to IRAQ—OIL—MONEY?: - What is Harris' motive to deceive?
20041203             I don't see 1. - What's at stake is THE—CREDIBILITY—OF—PEOPLE in uniform".
20041203             —WHEN dominionists seek to privatize medicare and social security,
20041203             —WHEN people have had ENOUGH—OF—THE—SICKNESS and DECAY—OF—TODAY—USA—CULTURE,
20041203             Who knew there was such 1—FINE—LINE between democracy and genocide?
20041203             Why the West loves MAHMOUD—ABBAS
20041203             —IGNORED, Yet this carnage is systematically, in THE—USA, You can not have both.
20041203             You will not find 1—MORE—UNLIKELY—CANDIDATE for democracy than Arab Moslems.
20041203             You'll also want to see this piece —BY—ALAN—WALDMAN—OF—THE—MISSOULA—INDEPENDENT.
20041203             [2] THE—COUNCIL for National Policy (CNP) was founded
20041203             1—HORDE—OF—CRITICS will flick open their switchblades.
20041203             a man whose roles in IRAN—CONTRAGATE +...
20041203             1 vaunted hero of both —WWII and KOREA who finished up his...
20041203             aber gegenüber den Moslems scheinen die Unterschiede zu verblassen:
20041203             —ABOUT the mysterious 5—STAR—TRUST and related issues.
20041203             1—ANALYST at THE—MIDDLE—EAST—DESK—OF—THE—PENTAGON. and chartered schools.
20041203             and deregulate corporate controls on whole industries, and university administrators.
20041203             We must be feared,
20041203             as 1—TRANSCENDENT struggle, as 1—STRUGGLE between good and evil.
20041203             as documents surfaced further implicating MARK—THATCHER in 1—BRITISH—LED coup attempt which has caused INTERNATIONAL embarrassment.
20041203             as long as 1—QUEASY public is spared raw FOOTAGE—OF—THE—DETAILS.
20041203             as mentioned by Sup.COUNTY Justice ANTHONY—M—KENNEDY in his dissent in BUSH v. Gore.
20041203             because there are no IRAQ—CIVILIANS, only insurgents.
20041203             began coming up with dramatic numbers for Kerry in THE—DAY—BEFORE and —DAY—OF—THE—ELECTION.
20041203             bringing down PRIME—MINISTER—VIKTOR—YANUKOVYCH—GOVERNMENT as THE—2—PRESIDENTIAL contenders met with INTERNATIONAL mediators to seek 1—WAY out of the spiralling political crisis.
20041203             but were scattered —THROUGHOUT the state.
20041203             but will in fact be forced to supersede IT—IF it is to succeed at ALL—BECAUSE it will pursue 1—VERY—DIFFERENT—STRATEGY and be premised on 1—VERY—DIFFERENT—VIEW—OF—ITS—ROLE in society....
20041203             call her at (202) 224-2651 + fax her at (202) 224-4700. - cocaine.
20041203             NORTH, SINGLAUB, etc.
20041203             constantly called himself a ' murderer ' for killing 1 unarmed child in IRAQ
20041203             cont¹d E.dited by ALEX—CONSTANTINE—JOHN—SINGLAUB, PRINCE—BANDAR bin...
20041203             couple with DOCTOR—FREEMAN—RESEARCH -- this is entirely possible!!!
20041203             den die Juden nach Prophezeiungen wieder auf Tempelberg in JERUSALEM erbauen werden.
20041203             denn damit ist der Tempel gemeint,
20041203             der DIREKTOR—DER—INTERNATIONAL—CHRISTIAN—EMBASSY, der Rest des 1. jüdischen Tempels.
20041203             der sie organisiert hat, veröffentlicht.
20041203             der von den Römern zerstört wurde. Hier ist auch die Klagemauer,
20041203             develop 1—NETWORK—OF—PARALLEL—CULTURAL—INSTITUTIONS existing SIDE—BY—SIDE with the dominant leftist cultural institutions.
20041203             did ridiculously well, —WHILE BUSH pulled roughly the same numbers AS
20041203             die 1—DER—HEILIGSTEN—STÄTTEN—DER—MOSLEMS bilden.
20041203             due to differing INTERPRETATIONS—OF—CREDENTIAL—REQUIREMENTS under NEVADA law and the new FEDERAL—HELP—AMERICA—VOTE—ACT,
20041203             even to debunk it -- I've heard that CNN refused to point their cameras at the evidence.
20041203             expected venom reserved for Marchant,
20041203             force early elections and imperil his GAZA withdrawal plan
20041203             für Bauer ist jedoch klar, dass die Terroristen einfach nicht verstünden,
20041203             has analyzed the media's treatment of THE—OHIO recount + found numerous errors.
20041203             he will end up destroying the only democracy in THE—MIDDLE—EAST—ISRAEL.
20041203             he wrote about in HARPER—MAGAZINE.
20041203             in particular THE—VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—PLANS to buy RUSSIA—FIGHTER jets.
20041203             in TRADE—WEIGHTED nominal terms, suggest 2 distinguished INTERNATIONAL economists,
20041203             in which he asserts that Bev Harris has not allowed his staff to examine the poll tapes.
20041203             ist die Angelegenheit ganz einfach, wie er auf der Tagung sagte [11]:
20041203             kissed prisoners, touched them sexually and showed them pornography.
20041203             —ON election problems across the country.
20041203             people also supported highly Democratic MEASURES—SUCH as raising the state minimum wage $1—ABOVE THE—FEDERAL—LEVEL.
20041203             requesting that they appear —BEFORE 1—GRAND—JURY.
20041203             retired USA—ARMY—MAJOR—GENERAL—JOHN—SINGLAUB as 1—OF...
20041203             reward the terror masters and create another IRAQ on the borders of our only reliable ally in the region.
20041203             s willingness to do what it takes to maintain power.
20041203             said "preventive action" —WHEN 1—THREAT was not imminent needed Security Council consent.
20041203             shattered buildings + THE—REEK—OF—DEATH. similar organizations.
20041203             so that the poor and needy become poorer and needier, they have done it to the Lord.
20041203             so that they will think twice —BEFORE opening their mouths...
20041203             such as HOLLYWOOD celebrities, multinational corporations,
20041203             —INDICTED, THE—BUSH—CHENEY campaign WHEELER—DEALERHAS BEEN, for his electoral abuses.
20041203             the absolute dominion of urban liberal political tastes.
20041203             the fallHAS BEEN —JUST 17—PER cent, on 1—BROAD—TRADE—WEIGHTED basis (see chart).
20041203             THE—FOUNDER—OF—THE—CHRISTIAN—RECONSTRUCTIONIST and Dominionist movement),
20041203             the individuals composing 1—SOCIAL or political movement...
20041203             —CONTROLLED, THE—SOUTHERN—AND LARGER—PART—OF—FALLUJAH is still, by the resistance;
20041203             they are 1—NECESSITY. The corollary is:
20041203             they will be embraced by and welcomed into the New Traditionalist movement.
20041203             they will serve the function of announcing that the vote fraud issue is not restricted to 1—SMALL—BAND—OF—INTERNET "conspiracy buffs".
20041203             those on his right will be those facing him on the left;
20041203             those on THE—LORD—LEFT will be cast into outer darkness,
20041203             those on THE—LORD—RIGHT will be the chosen elect, THE—OVER—COMERS—OF—GOD—PEOPLE.
20041203             —SUFFERED, THOUSANDS—OF—CHILEANS, unspeakable torture at THE—HANDS—OF—THE—MILITARY and the secret police.
20041203             virtually the whole SWEEP—OF—THE—CONTINENT from north to south between THE—2—COASTAL fringes, would be effectively powerless.
20041203             warum ISRAEL und die USA "mit dem Herzen verbunden" sind.
20041203             we may safely conclude that these events were about as "erroneous" as 1—PUNCH in the face.
20041203             wer der Messias ist, so JAN—WILLEM VAN de Hoeven,
20041203             —WHEN the Lord says, "I never knew you" to those who loudly proclaim their hypocritical religious devotion to him,
20041203             where the media and government portray 1—WAR in which there are no CIVIL—DEATHS,
20041203             which reported —LAST—YEAR that the Scotsman was in THE—PAY—OF—FORMER—IRAQ—DICTATOR—SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
20041203             which was SETTLED—UNEASILY—ON the understanding that metropolitan interests would not be allowed to run untrammelled over local ones.
20041203             —WHILE ignoring his command to feed the poor and cloth the naked.
20041203             yPutin urges new UKRAINE election:
20041203             yet nobody says he's —JUST in it for the buck.
20041203             —BY—AS much as 50—PER cent from its peak,
20041203             "I need another heart and eyes to bear it because my own are not enough to bear what I saw.
20041203             "We must create 1—COUNTERVAILING force that is —JUST as adept as the Left at intimidating people and institutions that are used as tools of LEFT—WING activism but are not ideologically committed,
20041203             "We must, as MISTER—WEYRICH has suggested,
20041203             "—WHEN did we fail to feed the poor and cloth the naked?"
20041203             Das Richterkollegium des Obersten Gerichts in Kiew erklärt die Stichwahl der Präsidentschaftswahlen vom 20041121             in der UKRAINE wegen Wahlbetrugs für ungültig und
20041203             Nach Abmahnung durch den DEUTSCHEN—VERBRAUCHERZENTRALE Bundesverband wegen Verstoßes gegen das Heilmittelwerbegesetz stellt das USA—AMERIKANISCHE—PHARMAUNTERNEHMEN Pfizer 1—WERBEKAMPAGNE ein, in der höhere Preise für Sortis aufgrund 1—BESONDEREN Wirksamkeit gerechtfertigt werden.
200412030000 - 6k - 20041126             -
20041203—19600000    —MENTIONED, COURT—OVER—RECOUNT—COULD—OHIO turn out like HAWAII—AS, by Sup.COUNTY Justice ANTHONY—M—KENNEDY in his dissent in Bush v. Gore.
20041203—19770519    —ON.
20041203—19800000    —IN.., retired MAJOR—GENERAL—JOHN—K—SINGLAUB went to TAIWAN to speak at THE—WACL annual convention.(4) —1—YEAR—LATER he was asked to start 1—NEW—USA—CHAPTER...
20041203—19810000    —JOINED, These 2—MEN, forces with MAJOR—GENERAL—JOHN—SINGLAUB to form THE—WEST—GOALS—FOUNDATION.
20041203—19850000    —IN.. GENERAL—JOHN—K—SINGLAUB who, became the contras' CHIEF—PRIVATE—FUND—RAISER and military adviser.
20041203—20000000    —IN, RIGHT—WING 3.—PARTY candidates did ridiculously well, —WHILE Bush pulled roughly the same numbers as.
20041203—20030000    —IN, 1—TOTAL—OF—1,083 clandestine methamphetamine labs were cleaned up in TENNESSEE.
20041203—20041014    —APPEARED, In 1—CASE, 1—MARINE—SPOKESPERSON, on CNN from FALLUJAH and said "Troops crossed THE—LINE—OF—DEPARTURE".
20041203—20041108    —SINCE, Producers —NOW admit that they have not spoken to Harris at all —WHEN they cancelled 1 scheduled appearance on Countdown.
20041203—20041112    —UNTIL, Harris did not come to FLORIDA —WHEN investigations in Volusia County began.
20041203—20041203    —VAULTED, THROUGH, INDIA—FOREIGN—EXCHANGE—RESERVES, $3.8—BILLION in the —WEEK to 1—RECORD $130.72—BILLION, as foreign capital poured into ASIA—4.—BIGGEST economy and the dollar slid against the euro.
20041203—20041206    alfatomega.com/20041206.html
20041203—20041226    —OVERTURNED, UKRAINE—SUPREME—COURT, the results of the disputed presidential elections and ordered 1—NEW—RUNOFF.
20041203—20041226    —FÜR—DEN, fessetztt Das Richterkollegium des Obersten Gerichts in Kiew  1—ERNEUTE Stichwahl zwischen WIKTOR—JANUKOWYTSCH und WIKTOR—JUSCHTSCHENKO.
20041203—20080000    —CONVICTED, THE—3—MEN were, and sentenced to prison.
20041204—20041203    23:3 Globalsecurity org: Unmanned Ground Vehicles
20041211—20041203    —ON, Among the names that had been circulating for the post —BEFORE KERIK—SELECTION were
20050329             it would be "unrealistic" to expect ISRAEL to vacate ALL—OF—THE—WEST—BANK—IN—VIEW—OF—THE—CREATION—OF—MAJOR—ISRAEL—POPULATION—CENTRES in that area —DURING the past 20051203             ADES.
20050525             Even worse, According to a 20041203             affidavit sworn by Eaton, the Triad technician "advised" the Hocking County BOARD—OF—ELECTIONS' Republican Director Lisa Schwartze on how to "post a 'cheat sheet'" to make the recount match the officially reported election total.
20050525             According to a 20041203             affidavit sworn by Eaton,
200510161203         —PM "babaloo" <babaloo_you_too at... IMAGINE—CONTACT.com/celebs/205416/Grover+Norquist.html
20051203             Kiwanisnet: Männer des 20. und 20010101—21001231              20051206             THE—CIFA brochure says the agency's mission is to "transform" the way counterintelligence is done "fully utilizing 20010101—21001231     tools and resources".
20051203             Histrorische Hintergrundinformationen Es sterben
20051203             2 [1]ROCKEFELLER, WILLIAM—AVERY "Doc", quack b: 18101113             GRANGER—NY d: 19060511             FREEPORT—IL #: RFLR103
20051203             Histrorische Hintergrundinformationen Es sterben EDGAR—WALLACE (19320210             ), MARIE—CURIE (19340704             ), JOHN—ROCKEFELLER (19370523             ), Kemal Atatürk (19381110             ), SIGMUND—FREUD (19390923             ).
20051203             Get full record from archival database, 18-49.00, 19310620             , Einstein, Albert, Rockefeller, JOHN—D—JUNIOR—GET full record from archival database, 18-50.00 ...
20051203             Bürgerrechtler wollen CIA verklagen
20051203             Die Affäre um CIA—GEHEIMGEFÄNGNISSE zieht Kreise.
20051203             —JETZT will die AMERIKANISCHE—BÜRGERRECHTSUNION (ACLU) den USA—GEHEIMDIENST wegen Verschleppung eines ausländischen Bürgers verklagen.
20051203             WASHINGTON—DAS kündigte die Organisation —AM—FREITAG in WASHINGTON an.
20051203             Es ist die 1. Klage im Zusammenhang mit Berichten über CIA—GEHEIMGEFÄNGNISSE in mehreren europäischen + anderen Staaten.
20051203             —GEHALTEN, Die Identität des Mannes wurde —ZUNÄCHST geheim.
20051203             Er soll jedoch auf einer PRESSEKONFERENZ—DER—ACLU —AM—DIENSTAG auftreten.
20051203             Der Organisation zufolge wird in der Klage CIA—BEAMTEN "auf der höchsten Ebene" Verletzung amerikanischer + internationaler Menschenrechtsgesetze vorgeworfen.
20051203             Mit Erlaubnis der CIA hätten Beamte einen unschuldigen Mann entführt, festgehalten, von Kontakten zur Außenwelt abgeschnitten, geschlagen + ihn in 1—GEHEIMGEFÄNGNIS in AFGHANISTAN gebracht.
20051203             Die CIA habe das Opfer auch noch dann im berüchtigten "SALT—PIT"- Gefängnis festgehalten, als seine Unschuld —SCHON längst festgestanden habe.
20051203             Der Mann sei schließlich freigelassen worden, ohne jemals angeklagt worden zu sein.
20051203             Die Klage richtet sich nach ANGABEN—DER—ACLU auch gegen jene Gesellschaften, die die Flugzeuge besessen oder betrieben hätten, in denen der Mann verschleppt worden sei.
20051203             Die Unternehmen hätten sich damit widerrechtlich an der Verletzung der Bürgerrechte des Opfers beteiligt.
20051203             Cannabis VERSCHWÖRUNG—HISTORY
20051203             _AUTHENTICO—HISTORIA—INDEX_20040823242526_UPDATED - Final questions.
20051203             THE—CUNNINGHAM case was outrageous enough —WHEN it was about bribery.
20051203             But the bribes to Cunningham cost EACH—TAXPAYER less than 1—PENNY;
20051203             the frauds committed by BRENT—WILKES sucked $$ out of each + EVERY—WALLET in this land.
20051203             —CONSIDERED, Personally, I would have, my SHARE—OF—THAT—MONEY—BETTER spent on 1—NICE—CHICKEN sandwich -- or on providing services to the needy.
20051203             I bet you feel likewise.
20051203             So why won't the media pay more attention to BRENT—WILKES ?
20051203             And why couldn't the Pentagon DOUBLE—CHECK where the money went?
20051203             Surely someone in that famous 5—SIDED building could have pored through those websites + spotted the obvious clues indicating 1—SHARPSTER at work.
20051203             —WARNED, Why wasn't the public, that HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—TAXPAYER $$ went out to 1—CON artist?
20051203             —HELPED, How MANY—OTHER crooks like Wilkes have, to empty our national TREASURE—HOUSE ?
20051203             —ARMORED, Why is there no money for, Humvees in IRAQ, but PLENTY—OF—CASH for RIGHT—WING Republicans with connections?
20051203             And —WHEN will the mainstream media stop pretending that Wilkes ' MANY—PHONY—BALONEY "businesses" were anything other than WEB—BASED cons?
20051203             1—BRIEF—HISTORY—OF—THE—LIVING—WAGE—DEBATE at Harvard
20051203             THE—CAMPAIGN holds demonstrations with the Harvard UNIVERSITY—SECURITY, Parking... In the 1. demonstration organized by Harvard janitors in decades... hcs. harvard.edu/~pslm/livingwage/timeline.html — 27
20051203             1—BRIEF—HISTORY—OF—THE—LIVING—WAGE—DEBATE at Harvard 19990400             THE—CAMPAIGN holds demonstrations with the Harvard UNIVERSITY—SECURITY, Parking... HUNDREDS—OF—JANITORS remain below the living wage standard...
20051203             hcs. harvard.edu/~pslm/livingwage/ originalpage/timeline.html
20051203             CHICAGO 20021017             SEIU Janitors for Justice
20051203             CHICAGO 20021017             SEIU Janitors for Justice. by ROBERT—P—KOLB—ROBERT—P—KOLB.
20051203             'Justice for Janitors' Goals: Were They Set High Enough?
20051203             stated GOAL—OF—THE—JUSTICE for Janitors.
20051203             Workers World 19990701             : Janitors march for justice on WALL—STREET
20051203             —CELEBRATED, —THIS—YEAR they, Justice for Janitors —DAY by taking to the streets "to
20051203             Justice for Janitors —DAY began —AFTER picketing workers were attacked and...
20051203             Workers World 20010802             : Justice for Janitors wins contract Janitors in suburban PHILADELPHIA office buildings have won their 1. union contract.
20051203             mparent7777: IMPERIAL MARGARINE 1—HARD—BOILED observer such as Ferguson should have to conclude that the game is not worth the candle.
20051203             PAUL—CAMMACK—ANGRIFF auf die Armen (Attacking the Poor)-
20051203             der New Left Review zugänglich, aber weitere. freie Artikel (auch aus dergleichen Nummer):
20051203             Klassenkampf 28—ZEITSCHRIFT der Internationalen Sozialisten, Der...
20051203             Die "junge Anaconda" JOHN—D—ROCKEFELLER, wie er von seinen Gegner genannt wurde, nutzte dises Chaos aus.
20051203             —FREITAG 46 - Die Saat der Zerstörung
20051203             Humboldt Network Events Humboldt Associations Humboldt Kolleg...
20051203             In: Essays on THE—HISTORY—OF—ROCKEFELLER—UNIVERSITY.
20051203             (Ed. Darwin Stapleton) NEW—YORK:
20051203             OM 20030000             -R. Heinrich, GELSENKIRCHEN, 20032004
20051203             JOHN—ROCKEFELLER, der ÖL—MILLIARDÄR hat das Öl die "Tränen des Teufels" genannt.
20051203             —ZERSTÖRT, Es, die Umwelt und treibt Völker in den Krieg.
20051203             Einstein Archives ONLINE—CONTENTS—OF—FOLDER 18-1
20051203             Weg vom Öl — Frieden durch Sonne
20051203             drohen deshalb zunehmend wirtschaftliche Krisen, politische —KONFLIKTE und Kriege um Erdöl. JOHN—ROCKEFELLER. zu seiner Zeit der größte Ölunternehmer der...
20051203             Du bist DEUTSCHLAND ~ Presse & Meinungen ~ Resonanz ~ Medienecho...
20051203             Denken Sie an JOHN—ROCKEFELLER oder WALTER—CHRYSLER, an HENRY—STEINWAY oder an den besagten LEVI—STRAUSS aus Buttenheim.
20051203             Sie ALLE—HABEN—DEUTSCHE—VORFAHREN.
20051203             Fundraising - Private Stiftungsgründungen durch Industriemagnaten wie Carnegie und JOHN—ROCKEFELLER bilden die 2. Phase in der USA—PHILANTHROPIEGESCHICHTE.
20051203             FRIEDRICH—ENGELS—ÜBER die Konzentration des Kapitals in den...
20051203             Mackay, der Silberminenbesitzer, Macher der Agitation für die "vertragsmäßige
20051203             Doppelwährung" - 50—MILLIONEN;
20051203             Crocker - 50—MILLIONEN; JOHN—ROCKEFELLER...
20051203             EDITH—ROCKEFELLER und Anchesenpaaton www.Artfond.de Kunstfond limited - Rockefeller Genealogy
20051203             * JOHN—M7 Rockefeller 18140912             in READINGTON—NEW—JERSEY.
20051203             50. ii.
20051203             * Maria7 Rockefeller 18160630             in READINGTON—NEW—JERSEY.
20051203             Einsteiger WILLI—H—GRÜN—MEHR—GELD verdienen mit Aktien Ullstein...Oil"-Kartell wurde JOHN—ROCKEFELLER zum. reichsten Mann der Welt.
20051203             Das Buch spiegelt.
20051203             nicht nur die Erfolgsgeschichte —DES—HEUTE...
20051203             Aktienboard.COM—WISSENSWERTES und Aktuelles z. Zt.
20051203             Sein Assistent war LAURENCE—ROCKEFELLER, einer der 4—ENKEL JOHN—D—ROCKEFELLERS.
20051203             NEW—YORK City | Sehenswertes | Freiheitsstatue, STATUE—OF—LIBERTY... Rockefeller Center Eigentlich plante JOHN—D—ROCKEFELLER 19280000             , eine neue Oper zu errichten.
20051203             Wegen der darauf folgenden Wirtschaftskrise entschloss er sich.
20051203             Kiwanisnet: Männer des 20. und 20010101—21001231    —CENTURY
20051203             Der AMERIKA ner JOHN—PIERPONT—MORGAN war in vielerlei Hinsicht bedeutender als etwa JOHN—DAVISON—ROCKEFELLER.
20051203             Er rettete nicht nur mehrere MALE das. OEAI—EPHESOS: Geschichte
20051203             Als sich der —WWII seinem Ende näherte, bereiteten sich die USA.
20051203             AFRICA - Balkans - Central and EAST—EUROPE
20051203             CHINA and TAIWAN - CIS: RUSSIA, CENTRAL—ASIA, Caucasus
20051203             Defense and Security - EDITOR—PICKS—BOOK—REVIEWS - Elections 20040000
20051203             Global Development - Global Views - Homeland Security
20051203             IMF/World Bank - INTERNATIONAL Career Center - INTERNATIONAL Defense Industry
20051203             IRAQ - Latin AMERICA - MEXICO - MIDDLE—EAST—MEDIA - Migration and Refugees
20051203             —MILLENNIUM Development Goals
20051203             National Missile Defense - NATO - North and SOUTH—KOREA
20051203             Religion - SOUTH—EAST—ASIA - Terrorism - THE—EUROPEAN—UNION
20051203             UN Global Security - UNITED—NATIONS - USA—ROLE in the World
20051203             Viewpoints - Is there reason for hope? AMERICA SLOWLY confronts the truth
20051203             —SNIFFED, The old media dog, the air, found power was moving away from THE—WHITE—HOUSE + began to DROOL—BY ROBERT—FISK
20051203             USA—S are ready to discuss THE—USA' relationship with ISRAEL.
20051203             And AMERICA—INJUSTICES towards the Arabs.
20051203             As usual, ordinary USA—S are way out in front of their largely tamed press + television reporters.
20051203             —NOW we have to wait and see if the media boys and girls will catch up with their own people.
20051203             CALIFORNIA—FIGHT is your fight As you may know, democracy is under attack in CALIFORNIA.
20051203             If Diebold wins here, the Republicans will control the presidency forever.
20051203             Debra Bowen, an honest state legislator who hopes to become SECRETARY—OF—STATE, has made it easy for you to send 1—MESSAGE that could impact the future.
20051203             You don't need to be 1—CALIFORNIA resident. Please help!
20051203             Can you IMAGINE—CAN you IMAGINE—THE—OUTCRY—OF horror that would have erupted if BILL—CLINTON or anyone in his family had given 1—PUBLIC—THUMBS—UP to the purveyors of "take down the cross —DAY"?
20051203             —WHEN are the "Christian s" in this country going to wake up ?
20051203             Note to Neil: Father Moon mandates that you cannot have sex without 1—PICTURE—OF—MOON overseeing your activity.
20051203             Better remember that, next time you hear 1—OF—THOSE inexplicable knocks at the door.
20051203             —PRESENTED, GEORGE—W—BUSH, wrote 1—WARM—LETTER—OF—SUPPORT, at the event by 1—STATE—SENATOR, in which THE—PRESIDENT and his wife Laura sent his best wishes to the sponsors -- and thanked them for rallying his "ARMIES—OF—COMPASSION".
20051203             It is unclear what THE—ACLC has done for society's problems, though its Web site is selling 1—VIDEO called "Beyond THE—CROSS," and 1—AFFILIATED—MOON—FRONT—GROUP, Free Teens USA, has received almost half 1—MILLION $$ under BUSH—ABSTINENCE—ONLY—PROGRAM
20051203             The fling with the Thetans was 1—PASSING fancy;
20051203             the Bush family's real loyalties remain with Moon.
20051203             —WHEN 1—MOON—FRONT—GROUP called THE—USA—CLERGY Leadership Conference sponsored its "Tear Down the Cross" —DAY, both 41 and 43—MADE public
20051203             DECLARATIONS—OF—APPROVAL :
20051203             And what about NEIL—BUSH ? Interestingly enough, this is not the 1. time his name has been linked with 1—CULT.
20051203             Lawall hat das neue Verfahren —BEREITS bei einer Entfernung von einigen Millimetern getestet.
20051203             Es könne später für —BIS zu 50—MILLIMETER lange Abstände eingesetzt werden.
20051203             Könnte man mit diesem Verfahren die Strecke von NEW—YORK nach LOS—ANGELES bestimmen, läge der Fehler lediglich bei einem Millimeter, erklärte der Forscher.
20051203             Um eine derartige Präzision überhaupt erreichen zu können, zählte Lawall nicht die Wellenlängen, sondern konzentrierte sich auf die Frequenz des Laserstrahls.
20051203             Er fing das Licht zwischen 2—GEGENÜBERLIEGENDEN Spiegeln ein - 1—ART optische Orgelpfeife.
20051203             Die Länge einer Orgelpfeife kann MITHILFE—DER—FREQUENZ bestimmt werden, bei der es zur Resonanz kommt, die Pfeife also besonders laut ist.
20051203             —VARIIERT, Ähnlich geht Lawall bei dem Laserstrahl vor: Er, die Frequenz, findet die Eigenfrequenzen des Spiegelsystems + kann daraus den Abstand der Spiegel berechnen.
20051203             RUSSISCHE—VERMITTLUNG: IRAN will Neuaufnahme der Atomgespräche
20051203             Vogelgrippe H5N1: UKRAINE erklärt TEILE—DER—KRIM zum Katastrophengebiet
20051203             Präzision: Gerät misst auf Billionstel Meter genau
20051203             Luftangriff: CIA erschießt AL—QAIDA—FÜHRER
20051203             PAKISTAN: Militär tötet ranghohen AL—QAIDA—KOMMANDEUR
20051203             Gekaufte Wissenschaft: Im Würgegriff der Tabakkonzerne
20051203             Kehrtwende: Bundesagentur setzt weiter auf McKinsey
20051203             HANDY—NETZE: Hacker können Mailboxen leicht abhören
20051203             Geheime CIA—GEFANGENENFLÜGE: Dauergast im DEUTSCHEN—LUFTRAUM - KAMBODSCHA: Erbe der Khmer
20051203             Astronomie: Forscher entdecken MINI—PLANETEN - WASHINGTON—POST
20051203             —NOW, Rove is relying on that CA—CIA, Leak, More Talks With Journalists
20051203             —JETZT will die AMERIKANISCHE—BÜRGERRECHTSUNION (ACLU) den USA—GEHEIMDIENST wegen Verschleppung eines... Chuck Missler.
20051203             PAUL—PRESSLER +. - - Pat Robertson. alfatomega.com/20051203.html
20051203             —REJECTED, CUNNINGHAM—ATTORNEY, LEE—BLALACK, those assertions.
20051203             alfatomega.com/20051203.html
20051203             10. Congressional DISTRICT—DEMOCRATS, Lake County, Cook County...
20051203             —ADVISED, Not, on THEM—DRAFTED them.
20051203             Libby Says Cheney Authorized Leak... 1—CUNNINGHAM lawyer, K. LEE—BLALACK, refused to confirm or deny the story...
20051203             Megite Politics News: WHAT—HAPPENING—RIGHT—NOW—LEE—BLALACK, who —RECENTLY represented former [convicted] congressman Randy "DUKE" Cunningham (R—CALIFORNIA) Big Tent Democrat/TalkLeft...
20051203             Megite Politics News: WHAT—HAPPENING—RIGHT—NOW—LEE—BLALACK, who —RECENTLY represented former congressman Randy "DUKE" Cunningham (R—CALIFORNIA), who is... Media Matters for AMERICA...
20051203             All Spin Zone
20051203             —HIRED, Domenici, LEE—BLALACK—OF—O'MELVENY and Myers, LLP.
20051203             there was another hearing in WASHINGTON —YESTERDAY—BUT this 1—DIDN'T get much publicity.
20051203             allspinzone.com/blog/index.php?itemid=1586
20051203             Geheimgefängnisse: Bürgerrechtler wollen CIA verklagen (20051202             ).
20051203             —MERGED, SILICON, VALLEY—CALIFORNIA, Adobe Systems, with Macromedia.
20051203             † Retired Navy vice admiral Frederick L. "Dick" Ashworth, the weaponeer aboard the B—29—THAT dropped the atomic bomb on NAGASAKI—JAPAN, in PHOENIX at age 93.
20051203             —ARRESTED, BANGLADESH, police said they had, over 200 suspected Islamic militants in a —3—DAY—SWEEP—AFTER suicide bombers killed at least 9—PEOPLE and wounded scores in 1—SPATE—OF—ATTACKS—THIS—WEEK.
20051203             BRAZIL, THE—GREECE—BILLIONAIRE Athina Roussel Onassis (20) oo Alvaro AFONSO—DE—MIRANDA, —32—JAHRE—ALT a BRAZIL—OLYMPIC equestrian in a PALM—TREE lined estate in SAO—PAULO.
20051203             —RESUMED, Economic officials from the world's richest countries, their pressure on CHINA to adopt 1—MORE—FLEXIBLE—EXCHANGE—RATE as they concluded 1—MEETING in LONDON.
20051203             † UNITED—KINGDOM—GIRLS—OLIVIA Bazlinton (14) and CHARLOTTE Thompson (13) —WHEN they were hit by 1—EXPRESS train in Elsenham.
20051203             —DEMONSTRATED, CANADA, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, in MONTREAL, HOST—OF—THE—UN—CLIMATE—CHANGE—CONFERENCE, to demand that governments worldwide take concrete measures against global warming.
20051203             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC has ordered radio and television stations to stop broadcasting songs which encourage men to dump their wives, saying such music is 1—HINDRANCE to the country's development.
20051203             CHECHNYA—TOP—ELECTION—OFFICIAL said 1—KREMLIN—BACKED political party has won the largest NUMBER—OF—SEATS in the new PARLIAMENT.
20051203             —AMBUSHED, IRAQ, insurgents, 1—IRAQ—PATROL—NORTH—EAST—OF—BAGHDAD, detonating 1—ROADSIDE bomb and then firing on the patrol, killing 19 and wounding 2.
20051203             —EXHUMED, Troops, the remains of 25—BODIES from 1—MASS—GRAVE—NEAR 1—FORMER—SYRIA—MILITARY—BASE in EAST—LEBANON.
20051203             —DISAPPEARED, About 17,000 LEBANON—WHO, —DURING 19750000—19900000     civil war are still missing, including 61—LEBANON—SOLDIERS.
20051203             MALAYSIA—STATE—MEDIA said SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—LAWMAKERS want MYANMAR expelled from THE—ASEAN regional grouping unless it frees democracy icon Aung S—SUU—KYI and other political prisoners within —1—YEAR.
20051203             —CONFIRMED, MYANMAR—GOVERNMENT, for the 1. time that it has extended PRO—DEMOCRACY—LEADER—AUNG S—SUU—KYI—DETENTION—FOR—6—MONTHS.
20051203             TAIWAN—OPPOSITION—NATIONALIST—PARTY won 1—OVERWHELMING victory in ISLAND—WIDE—MUNICIPAL—ELECTIONS, putting it in position to push its AGENDA—OF—REUNIFICATION with CHINA —DURING 20080000             —THE presidential campaign.
20051203             —REPORTED, UKRAINE, its 1. OUTBREAK—OF—BIRD—FLU, discovered among some 1,500 dead chickens and geese in the Black Sea REGION—OF—CRIMEA.
20051203             1—RUPTURE in 1—OIL—PIPELINE caused 1—FIRE in WEST—VENEZUELA, but firefighters quickly brought the blaze under control.
20051203             EVIDENCE—OF—SABOTAGE was soon found.
20051203             EL—MASRI über Misshandlungen an Bord einer CIA—MASCHINE vor.
20051203             including 1—HOUSE—SALE that netted Cunningham $700000 more than the house 's... Deputies are getting 1—LITTLE worried about Dear LEADER—PROSPECTS. alfatomega.com/ 20051203.html
20051203             —ALLOWED, WASHINGTON Cunningham is, to use campaign funds for legal bills :
20051203—19020000    —SEIT, EDITH—ROCKEFELLER ist nicht irgendjemand, sondern die TOCHTER—VON—JOHN—D.. JOHN—D—ROCKEFELLER—JUNIOR war —BEREITS einer der ganz großen...
20051203—20040000    —IN—EARLY, 1—REPORTER for Time magazine told KARL—ROVE—ATTORNEY that THE—WHITE—HOUSE—DEPUTY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF might be in more legal trouble than he originally thought, according to sources familiar with the conversation.
20051203—20110000    —IN, the rail regulator said Network Rail will be prosecuted over the deaths of THE—2—YOUNG—GIRLS killed at 1—LEVEL crossing.
20051205             —DAMAGED, VENEZUELA, a 20051203             explosion that, 1—OIL—PIPELINE supplying the country's largest refinery was reported to have been caused by government foes attempting to disrupt congressional elections.
20060000             Drug agency looks the other way as informant commits 12—MURDERS
20060204             DYNCCORP—PRIVATISIERTE Gewalt (20061203             ) —SEIT dem letzten Irakkrieg ist der Einsatz von sogenannten... dem Wizard einer kaufinteressierten Öffentlichkeit von Goldmann Sachs —BIS zu...
20060511             "If there's 1—PROPAGANDA—HALL—OF—FAME, NEWSWEEK has surely earned 1—PLACE in it with its INTERVIEW—WITH—GEORGE—W and Laura Bush (20011203             )".
20060809—20061203    —IN—THE, VENEZUELA, 8—CANDIDATES opposing PRESIDENT—CHAVEZ called off 1—PRIMARY and agreed to support front runner GOVERNOR—MANUEL—ROSALES presidential balloting.
20061128             —WITNESSED, FORMER—CIA—PILOT—MARK—SHUBIN, who, the controlled crash landing of SEOUL SOUTH—KOREA —DURING 1—INVESTIGATION... globalintel.net/wp/?m=20061203&paged=2
20061128—20061203    —ON, Chavez vows to beat the "devil" : we're going to defeat the most powerful empire on earth by knockout," Chavez said.
20061202—20061203    alfatomega.com/20061203.html
20061203             Intel Bulletin 020000106 Spy Tech Agency Sarkis SOGHANALIAN ,
20061203             Yahoo!... SOS CONSUMIDOR—FAQ... de uma coisa ou animal à sua guarda, que.... Crime de POLUIÇÃO—RUÍDO de vizinhança. alfatomega.com/Noname51.html
20061203             Navios Maritime Holdings INCORPORATED (Form: 6-K, Received: 20061219             09 ...
20061203             alfatomega.com/20050303.html
20061203             THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL tops its worldwide newsbox with THE—NO—SHOW—PRIME—MINISTER... alfatomega.com/20070404.html
20061203             You spoke of JEREMY—PAXMAN and JOHN—HUMPHRIES and their amazing... reminded of this —WHEN I see how BERMUDA has played host and prostituted itself to Deuss... 20070411             Ethische Bedenken: NORWEGEN zieht sich aus Goldmine zurück
20061203             TRANSWORLD OIL manchmal am rande des erlaubten agiert hat.
20061203             ZoomInfo Web Summary: JOHN—DEUSS - 1—FEW years —LATER he formed
20061203             Transworld Oil + - Transworld Energy on THE—ISLAND +
20061203             very prominent businessman in BERMUDA who heard that I had stopped writing about [BERMUDA Commercial Bank + Transworld Oil owner] JOHN—DEUSS because a...
20061203             top-500-miljonairs 20020000
20061203             19, E 750.000.000, 0, -, JOHN—DEUSS, Olie, Transworld Oil.
20061203             20, E 750.000.000, 0, -, Teunis VAN Wettum, Vastgoed, BANK—VOOR—DE—BOUWNIJVERHEID...
20061203             LAOS Oil & Gas NEWS—ENERGY—INDUSTRY—TODAY
20061203             —CALLED, YORK—FASHIONABLE—OLYMPIC—TOWERS with Deuss ' JOC Oil Company, —LATER, Transworld Oil.
20061203             Deuss was... ran the undeclared wars in CAMBODIA + LAOS.
20061203             energy.einnews.com/news/LAOS—OIL
20061203             Deuss was... Ritchie was 1—FORMER—CEO—OF—SCALLOP—PETROLEUM.
20061203             JOHN—DEUSS—WIKIPEDIA
20061203             Reflections on resource expropriation and capital flight in the...
20061203             JOHN—DEUSS, 1—HOLLAND—CITIZEN, is the owner of Transworld Oil situated in BERMUDA...
20061203             Royal HOLLAND—SHELL—NEWS—EU Politics —TODAY Mazur:
20061203             JOHN—DEUSS ' Editors On Record On THE—MAN
20061203             Chapter 8 - INVOLVEMENT—OF—THE—HOLLAND—ENTERPRISE—TRANSWORLD Oil ( Deuss ) in 1—OIL—DELIVERY.
20061203             —PASSED, THE—PERMANENT—REPRESENTATIVE, it, as always, to Foreign Affairs.
20061203             As.
20061203             Deuss, John • 136, 147, 159-160, 168-169, 171.
20061203             173, 178, 180, 198, 205. DSD • 228-229, 231, 239-240, 245.
20061203             Transworld Oil • 136, 147, 160, 173, 195, 205 ...
20061203             NIZA—NEDERLANDS instituut voor Zuidelijk AFRIKA : webdossier...
20061203             AUSTRALIA—WORLDWIDE—EXPLORATION Limited Results for Announcement...
20061203             JOHN—DEUSS is 1—HOLLAND—CITIZEN, who permanently resides on THE—ISLAND—OF—BERMUDA.
20061203             Tim serves as 1—DIRECTOR + Senior Executive of the Transworld Oil...
20061203             Censuur in Nederland, VAN kalvergier naar schone energie, Minder...
20061203             Cor de Wit, Tuinartikelen, Markt Group; Gardena (ex), ƒ 100.000.000, 154,
20061203             JOHN—DEUSS, Olie, Transworld Oil, ƒ 100.000.000, 155, Familie Fernhout, Zand...
20061203             BERMUDA, Oil and Gas business directory
20061203             News... for the oil + gas industry... 1—SUBSIDIARY—OF—THE—BERMUDA—REGISTERED Transworld Oil group.
20061203             JOHN—DEUSS—TRANSWORLD—OIL (50%) - Engen Eagle Energy(10%)??
20061203             BREK ENERGY CORP—BREK Annual Report (Small Business Issuers...
20061203             M. Deuss PRESIDENT 1. Curacao INTERNATIONAL Bank, N.V. Kaya WFG (Jombi) Mensing NUMBER 18... Transworld Oil Limited #3 S—JAMES—COURT—FLATTS—VILLAGE...
20061203             SEC INFO—BREK Energy Corp - 10KSB—FOR 20021231             - EX-10.4
20061203             POTENTIËLE OEROLFLOT SPONSORS 102,
20061203             JOHN—DEUSS, Olie, Transworld Oil, ƒ 250.000.000. 103,
20061203             Bert Verwelius, Vastgoed, Verwelius Bouwmaatschappij, ƒ 250.000.000 ...
20061203             Die Transworld Oil AMERICA INCORPORATED kam am
20061203             Biography for HOWARD—SIMONS... risk manager + public policy economist at Amoco ;
20061203             manager of econometric analysis at Transworld Oil ;
20061203             and managing consultant at Data Resources.
20061203             OEL Website - Transworld Oil Manufacturing PRIVATE—LTD.
20061203             Haytrans. Meridian Shipping Agency PRIVATE—LTD.
20061203             NLS Agency (INDIA) PRIVATE—LTD.
20061203             Orient Express Ship Management Limited. NYMEX.com: News Releases
20061203             —WORKED, MISS—PALMER—HUGGINS also previously, as treasurer for Transworld Oil + participated in its acquisition of Atlantic Refining and Marketing.
20061203             —ABOUT T4 : T4 Mission T4 Milestones T4 Management USERS.
20061203             Hess Enrgy HETCO, HAA, Transworld Oil, TFA.
20061203             HMS, Inc, HMS, TravelCenters Am, TRV.
20061203             HOLLAND—TERMINAL, HTM, TRI—GAS&OIL, TGO...
20061203             Bernama PRWire MALAYSIA*Global Press Releases for PetroWorld Limited;
20061203             Refining and Marketing, MG Refining and Marketing, Tristar Energy, Transworld Oil + Exxon Company USA.
20061203             He holds 1—BS degree in Civil Engineering from... - PLENARY SPEAKERS AND MODERATORS
20061203             —BASED, Transworld Oil, 1—BERMUDA—TRADING company.
20061203             He is 1—PHI—BETA—KAPPA graduate. of THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—MICHIGAN (BA in economics) + holds graduate...
20061203             Management Profiles... + consulting operations engineer for Cockrell Oil Corporation + Project Manager for Transworld Oil.
20061203             Currently, Jay is working with Erskine Energy.
20061203             Haynes Boone | Client Services | INTERNATIONAL | Representative...
20061203             TEMIC Telefunken Microelectronics GMBH—TRACTEBEL Electricity & Gas
20061203             INTERNATIONAL Transportación Marítima Mexicana, S.A. de C.V. - Transworld Oil Limited
20061203             Transworld Oil Limited Trinity Industries, INCORPORATED UFJ Bank, Limited Veritas DGC, INCORPORATED © 20020000             — 20060000             Haynes and Boone, LLP.
20061203             —BATTLED, RichardPlowden With the Atlantic + Transworld Oil Teams we, with national teams...
20061203             —WHEN we were on Atlantic/Transworld Oil, Chuck Merriman had 1—NO bow out/no...
20061203             Wachovia Wealth Management
20061203             Transworld Oil & Gas Ltd (TWOG) - Travel Hunt Holdings Inc (TVLH) - Travelers Property Casualty (TPK) - Travelzoo Inc (TZOO) - TRC Cos Inc (TRR)...
20061203             BizHat.COM—EDIBLE Oils Transworld Oil PRIVATE—LTD, Koovappady - 544, 525428. Vyttila Metal Industries, Tharayil House Vyttila - 19, 302347. List Your Business in BizHat.com...
20061203             Our Client List TRANSWORLD OIL EUROPE — DÜSSELDORF—GERMANY.
20061203             9. VICTORY—AVIATION — FT. LAUDERDALE, FL. Welcome to Business Insurance
20061203             MARY—BOTKIN spent —8—YEARS as 1—RISK—MANAGER for Transworld Oil USA INCORPORATED + Atlantic Petroleum —BEFORE entering the health insurance brokerage business.
20061203             www.businessinsurance.com/CGI—BIN/page.pl?pageId=343
20061203             He holds both 1—BACHELORS' and a.
20061203             Weekly Americanbulls LIST—OF—STOCKS—TWOG, TRANSWORLD OIL & GAS LTD, 0.0021, 0.0020, 0.0021, 0.0020, 0.0020, -4.76%, 162650, SELL—IF.
20061203             TWRCP, TOWER AUTOMOTIVE INC PFD, 0.2900, 0.3200, 0.3200.
20061203             JOHN—M—ROCHFORD, Lawyer, 66 - NEW—YORK—TIMES
20061203             STATE—OF—LOUISIANA—COURT—OF—APPEAL 1. CIRCUIT 20000000             CA 17350000             ...
20061203             CALCASIEU—PARENT—CORPORATION, Transworld Oil USA, INCORPORATED is. located in HOUSTON—TEXAS.
20061203             3. CALCASIEU—PHYSICAL—REFINERY is located in Lake Charles.
20061203             CFOs on THE—MOVE—CFO.com Previously, Beckelman worked for J.P. Morgan + Bechtel Enterprises Transworld Oil USA.
20061203             • Stellar Technologies INCORPORATED, which provides EMPLOYEE—INTERNET.
20061203             OILONLINE—THE—ORIGINAL—ONLINE—SOURCE for the Oil Industry
20061203             —OPERATED, NZOG is a 20% stakeholder in the permit, by THE—BERMUDA registered Transworld Oil subsidiary NEW—ZEALAND Overseas Petroleum.
20061203             —OPERATED, North-1 and Tieke-1, in PEP 38460, by HOUSTON—BASED Transworld Oil, have rig options secured with operations pending joint venture approval.
20061203             Law Publishers NEWS—INBOX Robot
20061203             —CALLED, Company, —LATER, Transworld Oil.
20061203             The... thought MARC—RICH was in flaunting the law... - JMLC in the Courts
20061203             Transworld Oil (USA) INCORPORATED v. Minos Compania Naviera S.1—LENI, [1992] 2—LLOYD—REP. at 53 (THE—HISTORY—OF—COGSA and the Hague Rules, 22—JMLC 1)...
20061203             ITA workshop broch 03 - AGONER.
20061203             INTERNATIONAL Arbitration Chambers.
20061203             SEATTLE—WASHINGTON, USA. S. TEPHEN.
20061203             W. ALLACE. VICE—PRESIDENT — Legal Affairs.
20061203             Transworld Oil USA, INCORPORATED.
20061203             Tudor Investment Corporation, Manufacturers Hanover Bank, Transworld Oil, Quantlabs + 1—NUMBER—OF—LARGE—INDIVIDUAL—TRADERS.
20061203             Financial EXECUTIVE—ONLINE Edition
20061203             —ACQUIRED, For example, LandBank, 1—PORTFOLIO—OF—PROPERTIES from TransWorld Oil USA, INCORPORATED, including former bulk storage terminals for fuel oil, diesel fuel...
20061203             Tetley citations Transworld Oil (USA) INCORPORATED v. Minos Compania Naviera S.A, (The "Leni") [1992] 2—LLOYD—REP.
20061203             48—QBD (Comm Ct). - - KENYA Railways v. Antares Co. Pte.
20061203             LNG: Hardening the Perimeters... Tractebel LNG NORTH—AMERICA, Tractebel LNG, Ltd.
20061203             TRANS—ATLANTIC—CONSORTIUM, Ltd.
20061203             TransCanada PipeLines Limited, Transworld Oil USA, INCORPORATED.
20061203             Presumably this reference is to 1—OIL—TRANSFER—STATION to be constructed by Transworld Oil Company some 3.25—MILES—SOUTH—EAST—OF—THE—PHOENIX project + to...
20061203             :::??????::: Thomas/Sysco Food Services/Transworld Airlines/Transworld Oil /Tulane University/TURNER—BROADCASTING—CNN/TVX Hellas Mining/...
20061203             —BASED, Deuss, owner of BERMUDA—TRANSWORLD Oil (2), used to be close to Qais AL—ZAWAWI.
20061203             Zawawi, deputy PRIME—MINISTER—IN—CHARGE—OF—FINANCE and the man who...
20061203             Foreign Direct Investment in USA—ENERGY - Transworld Oil USA.
20061203             1. 1. 1. 15. 15. 21. 39.9. Total FOREIGN—AFFILIATED.
20061203             31. 30. 29 49404877             4763. -2.3. Total USA.
20061203             Practice area index of Super Lawyers[R].(INTERNATIONAL—WORKER''S..
20061203             Wallace, Stephen, Transworld Oil USA, HOUSTON 713—428—7841—YOUNG, WILLIAM—D, Vinson & Elkins, DALLAS 214—220—7994—LABOR & Employment...
20061203             Exploration and Production
20061203             with companies such as Shell, Transworld Oil + AMOCO—UK—PETROLEUM BP.
20061203             Among his most recent assignments were PRESIDENT—OF—AMOCO—OIL—DE—MÉXICO...
20061203             Transworld Oil • 136, 147, 160, 173, 195, 205. U. UN Intergovernmental Group to Monitor the.Supply + SHIPPING—OF—OIL + Petroleum...
20061203             7—SRB—REPORTS and criteria - chartered by Transworld Oil.
20061203             In this report, THE—SRB wrote that this oil trading...
20061203             —MENTIONED, Contrary to Transworld Oil, Rich was not, in Table B (on oil...
20061203             Transworld Oil.-. - THE—ROLE and BEHAVIOUR—OF—OIL—INVENTORIES - Transworld Oil.
20061203             Shell (received 95000). - - Unsuccessful Bids. Shell. CoastaI.
20061203             States Trading. Coastal States. Trading. Transworld Oil.
20061203             Earnings at Risk.indd
20061203             she joined the Finance DEPARTMENT—OF—TRANSWORLD—OIL, 1—LARGE—INTERNATIONAL. energy trading and marketing firm.
20061203             EGYPT to dig up pharaonic tombs
20061203             —MOVED, Bulldozers have, in to demolish houses in THE—EGYPT—VILLAGE—OF—QURNA which sits on TOP—OF—DOZENS—OF—PHARAONIC tombs in LUXOR.
20061203             "Rogue Elements" - New Rigorous Intuition.
20061203             TIME/NEWSWEEK: THE—PRESIDENT who wouldn't listen might be forced to actually pick 1—OPTION other than "staying the course".
20061203             But it will be the worst possible option if his HISTORY—OF—FAILURE is ANY—GUIDE.
20061203             What 1—CROCK—OF—BS! Rumsfeld Suddenly "Resigns" —AFTER the Election.
20061203             —NOW, a "Memo" Suddenly Appears in Which Rumsfeld Allegedly Finally Admits IRAQ War May Not be Going So Well —AFTER All.
20061203             And WH Says Bush is Open to RUMMY—NEW—IDEAS. Insanity!
20061203             Get Buzzed Everyday for Free! 1—LITTLE—BIT—OF—BUZZ in Your E—MAIL Box.
20061203             —JUST Click Here to Sign up. Read "Bush on the Couch"
20061203             Tell 5—FRIENDS—ABOUT GEORGE—ALLEN—EFFORTS to Allow Gun Guys Packing Handguns Into Our National Parks!
20061203             USA—INTELLIGENCE—CHIEF admits insurgency "SELF—SUSTAINING"
20061203             "It is impossible to say with certainty how Bush will be ranked in, say,
20061203             Justice Breyer: Court should protect minority rights and prevent anyone from growing too powerful 12/4
20061203             Kranke Kreuzfahrer: Virus breitete sich auf der "FREEDOM—OF—THE—SEAS" aus
20061203             —NAMED, Impeachment WORDS—OF—WISDOM from 1—D.U contributor, CALI: Impeachment Is Like THE—FINAL—STAGES—OF—1—SERIOUS—CHESS—GAME
20061203             You have to be able to see the whole BOARD and figure out how to win.
20061203             That means you don't rush it.
20061203             —SUCCEED, To, means to convict in the Senate.
20061203             That means you need to do 2—VERY—IMPORTANT—THINGS: You have to persuade THE—USA—PEOPLE to support and understand why it must be done + you have to make 1—CASE so compelling that foot dragging red state dems and the majority of the repubs must vote for conviction or suffer the political consequences.
20061203             Howls for the virtual HEADS—OF—BUSH/cheney on pikes, aren't gonna cut it.
20061203             We need investigations —BEFORE impeachment articles are introduced, not so much to make the case to the Senate, but to make the case to THE—USA—PEOPLE.
20061203             Getötete Zivilisten: Schwere Vorwürfe gegen NATO—SOLDATEN in AFGHANISTAN
20061203             Schmiergeldprozesse: SCHWEIZ stoppt DEUTSCHE—JUSTIZ in der SCHREIBER—AFFÄRE
20061203             Fall Litwinenko: BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG drückt sich um Aufklärung
20061203             Politik ohne Underdogs: Triumph der Topdogs
20061203             ZEITENWENDE—BEITRÄGE : Die neutrale SCHWEIZ musste sich entscheiden: Sollte sie auf den Dollar...
20061203             Bank ( Rockefeller ) of NEW—YORK ALAN—GREENSPAN, PRÄSIDENT—DER—FED—DIE—MACHT...
20061203             Verschwörungstheorie oder VERSCHWÖRUNGSPRAXIS—ORWELL - @ myblog.de
20061203             Stammgäste bei den Bilderbergern sind oder waren Leute wie Rockefeller (USA)...
20061203             Die Waffensysteme sind FED, Weltbank, IWF, WTO, Nato, Biotechnologie... myblog.de/orwell/art/4157869/Verschworungstheorie_oder_Verschworungspraxis
20061203             TAMTAM—REALITY cracking VIENNA—EMPFEHLUNG - ROBERT—ANTON...
20061203             DAVID—ROCKEFELLER, Ehrenvorsitzender des Council on Foreign Relations + der...
20061203             SCHWEIZER—KINDER braucht das Land!
20061203             der Rothschild + der Rockefeller. das FEDERAL—RESERVE—SYSTEM ge-... Der Dollar + alles andere Geld. der Welt sind seitdem nicht mehr...
20061203             der WELTGELDBETRUG—UND die These von BRETTON—WOODS—2. - [Archiv.
20061203             I will not feed the trolls.
20061203             nur durch die Macht und den Willen der USA—GROSSFINANZ gehaltenen DOLLAR—PAPIEREN.
20061203             STEVEN—W—MOSHER: "Die malthusianische TÄUSCHUNG—DIE Ursprünge...
20061203             —GEHABT, Rockefeller hätte keinen Erfolg, ohne die Hilfe eines Mannes, HUGH—MOORE... indem er die Idee eines Pappbechers an einen Multimillionen Dollar
20061203             Grundbegriffe der europäischen Aufklärung (16500000             — 17900000             )
20061203             Stiftet über 350—MIO Dollar für Bildungs-, KULTUR—UND Friedenseinrichtungen...
20061203             —PRESSURED, USA, Blair into arms bribery inquiry:
20061203             1—BRIBERY—INVESTIGATION threatening the future of 50,000 UK—JOBS followed heavy pressure on TONY—BLAIR from GEORGE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION
20061203             New UN resolutions back PALESTINE—RIGHT to 1—STATE : THE—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY approved —FRIDAY night 6—PRO—PALESTINE—RESOLUTIONS over USA and ISRAEL—OBJECTIONS, culminating in the world body's declaration of backing the Palestinians' right to 1—INDEPENDENT—STATE.
20061203             Hizbollah supporters tell PM to quit in huge BEIRUT protest: "We are here because we want 1—SHARE in ruling this country," said —23—YEAR—OLD—RIMA.
20061203             "It can't —JUST be 1—SECT. THE—SUNNIS are trying to rule this country alone".
20061203             IRAQ government to police press : THE—MINISTRY—FURTHER threatened to sue journalists who do not modify stories that the ministry deems inaccurate upon receiving 1—DEMAND to do so.
20061203             —URGED, Rumsfeld PRE—RESIGNATION—MEMO, IRAQ shift : Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD told THE—WHITE—HOUSE—BEFORE he resigned —LAST—MONTH THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—STRATEGY in IRAQ was not working + he proposed changes, including possible troop reductions, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES reported —ON—SATURDAY.
20061203             —CLASSIFIED, RUMSFELD—MEMO—OF—OPTIONS for IRAQ War : —FOLLOWING is the text of 1, 20061106             memorandum that Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—H—RUMSFELD sent to THE—WHITE—HOUSE suggesting new options in IRAQ.
20061203             The memorandum was sent —1—DAY—BEFORE the midterm Congressional elections and —2—DAYS—BEFORE MISTER—RUMSFELD resigned.
20061203             Ahmadinejad wants USA out of IRAQ : Ahmadinejad said that Iraqis should govern themselves without ANY—INTERFERENCE and blamed THE—USA for stirring up divisions between IRAQ—SHIA, Sunnis and Kurds.
20061203             USA tells banks to shut down IRAN operations:
20061203             SEVERAL—OF—THE—UK—LARGEST—BANKS—FEAR they could face the full legislative WRATH—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT
20061203             unless they bow to WASHINGTON—PRESSURE to shut their operations in IRAN.
20061203             Poll: MAJORITY—OF—ISRAELI—FAVOR—ATTACK on IRAN : 49—PER cent of respondents would support 1—ISRAEL—ATTACK on IRAN—NUCLEAR—FACILITIES if all INTERNATIONAL diplomatic efforts fail, —WHILE 46—PER cent disagree.
20061203             FRANCE—JETS—POUND THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC: Civilians are fleeing to SUDAN —FOLLOWING FRANCE—AIRSTRIKES on rebel positions in CAR;
20061203             FRANCE refuses comment on collateral damage.
20061203             Is PRESIDENT—BUSH—SANE? —PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS—THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA is so deep into denial that he is no longer among the sane.
20061203             Saudis and IRAN prepare to do battle over corpse of IRAQ
20061203             The gulf's 2—MILITARY—POWERS, SUNNI—MUSLIM SAUDI—ARABIA + Shia IRAN, are lining up behind their warring religious brethren in IRAQ in 1—POTENTIALLY explosive showdown,
20061203             as expectations grow in both countries that AMERICA is preparing 1—PULL—OUT of its troops.
20061203             THE—USA—AND—THE—MIDDLE—EAST :
20061203             A "Grand Settlement" Versus the Jewish Lobby
20061203             BECAUSE—OF—THE—REFUSAL—OF—THE—PEACE—MOVEMENT to take 1—STAND + confront the Zionist Lobby,
20061203             it is condemned to playing 1—PASSIVE 'spectator role' in the 'Baker VERSUS—LOBBY' battle for control over USA—MIDDLE—EAST—POLICY.
20061203             Exposed: THE—HOUSE—OF—DEATH
20061203             —WHEN 12—BODIES were found buried in the garden of 1—MEXICO—HOUSE, it seemed like 1—CASE—OF—DRUG—LINKED killings.
20061203             But the trail led to WASHINGTON and 1—COVER—UP that went right to the top.
20061203             Plunging dollar will set world markets reeling
20061203             —BY Heather Stewart, economics correspondent
20061203             WALL—STREET is —NOW betting that FEDERAL—RESERVE—CHAIRMAN—BEN—BERNANKE will slash interest rates to stave off 1—RECESSION.
20061203             —ENDED, The dollar, the —WEEK at $1.98—AGAINST the pound + $1.32 to the euro, but analysts say there is further weakness to come.
20061203             'I think the dollar's going to hell in 1—HANDBAG,' said DAVID—BLOOM, currency strategist at HSBC.
20061203             Herzinfarkt: Letzte Ölung für EX—DIKTATOR Pinochet
20061203             USA: Junge bewirft Auto mit EIERN—ERSCHOSSEN
20061203             GRÜNEN—CHEFIN Roth: "Wir sind das Original + wir haben die Konzepte"
20061203             Rückschlag: Pfizer stoppt CHOLESTERIN—MEDIKAMENT
20061203             Litwinenko und Scaramella: GEHEIMDIENST—EXPERTEN im Zwielicht
20061203             —GESUCHT, Internationale Abstimmung: 7—NEUE Weltwunder
20061203             Mensch gegen Maschine: Kramniks letzte Chance
20061203             Bundeswehr in AFRIKA: Jung verteidigt Einsatz im SUDAN
20061203             Weiße Qaida in Bosnien: "Mit Motorsägen zerstückeln"
20061203             Erschossener Schwarzer: Begräbnis wird zu Kundgebung gegen New Yorker Polizei
20061203             Kritische Russen: Wie gefährlich ist Moskau?
20061203             INTERNET—AUKTION: Rekordpreise für LITWINENKO—BUCH
20061203             PHILIPPINEN: Über 10000000             Tote nach Erdrutsch
20061203             Umgang mit rechtslastigem Abgeordneten: Zentralrat der Juden kritisiert CDU
20061203             THE—MYTH—OF—THE—IRAQ—ARMY "Taking Over": 1—CASE—STUDY
20061203             "Congress will convene —ON—TUESDAY for what SOME—FEAR will be the lamest of LAME—DUCK sessions + GOP leaders have decided to take 1—MINIMALIST—APPROACH—BEFORE turning over THE—REINS—OF—POWER to the Democrats".
20061203             —NOW Republicans go "Minimalist" —AFTER Years of "Maximum" Destruction to AMERICA!
20061203             Get Your "Worst PRESIDENT—EVER" Refrigerator Magnet.
20061203             Oh, don't worry, says Homeland Security, we will only keep data on how dangerous you are for the next —40—YEARS.
20061203             And unlike 1—CREDIT rating, you can't check it. 12/3
20061203             —SHOWED, Eleanor Clift: Webb, restraint, considering his son was nearly killed —THIS—WEEK—WHEN the Bush twins were reveling in ARGENTINA 12/3
20061203             "It is impossible to say with certainty how Bush will be ranked in, say, 20500000             . But somehow, in his 1. —6—YEARS in office he has managed to combine THE—LAPSES—OF—LEADERSHIP, misguided policies and ABUSE—OF—POWER—OF his failed predecessors. I think there is no alternative but to rank him as the worst PRESIDENT—IN—USA—HISTORY".
20061203             "Impeach THE—PRESIDENT: THE—CASE—AGAINST—BUSH and Cheney".
20061203             Read It. Available at BuzzFlash.com.
20061203             "2. insurgency" is wholesale theft and corruption costing $4—BILLION —1—YEAR 12/3
20061203             FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—AIDE I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby says that —DURING the investigation into the leak of 1—CIA—AGENT'S—IDENTITY he was preoccupied with terrorist threats, IRAQ—NEW—GOVERNMENT and emerging nuclear programs in IRAN, PAKISTAN and NORTH—KOREA 12/3
20061203             JUDGE—SAYS—CLINTON law limiting forest roads applies to oil and gas sites, too 12/3
20061203             We —NOW learn that ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO was blackmailing RUSSIA—OLIGARCHS.
20061203             See THE—GUARDIAN story here and the Times here.
20061203             1—FEW excerpts: Litvinenko claimed to have made contact with senior sources in the heart of THE—FSB, the successor to THE—KGB,
20061203             who would supply him with 1—STREAM—OF—CONFIDENTIAL dossiers on ANY—TARGET that THE—43—YEAR—OLD—EXILE requested.
20061203             These documents would, according to Litvinenko, be used to 'blackmail' SOME—OF—RUSSIA—MOST shadowy and formidable figures.
20061203             It was simple: either they would pay or the world would learn their blackest secrets.
20061203             And... Although he described himself as 1—JOURNALIST, Litvinenko tried unsuccessfully to muscle in on several lucrative business deals with Russians.
20061203             —ON the —DAY that he fell ill he was attempting to broker 1—GAS and oil exploration deal involving 1—UK—CONGLOMERATE that he claimed to represent.
20061203             He was ENVIOUS—OF—THE—MONEY that MANY—OF—HIS—FORMER colleagues were making.
20061203             So far we have no proof that Alex hit Berezovsky up for blackmail cash.
20061203             So far.
20061203             LITVINENKO—CRANKISH—ANTI—PUTIN writings are —NOW SOUGHT—AFTER collectables.
20061203             watchtower.observer.org :: 1—EYE on the jehovah's witnesses - History " Russel.
20061203             Sme more background history...
20061203             Watchtower Observer, there is no evidence what so ever CHARLES—TAZE—RUSSELL was 1—FREEMASON
20061203             CO2- Speicher im Meer: Teures Seegrab für den Klimakiller
20061203             IRAK—POLITIK: Rumsfeld schlug radikalen Kurswechsel vor
20061203             Zeitungssterben: Das letzte Gefecht der "Libération"
20061203             Fall Litwinenko: FBI nimmt Ermittlungen auf
20061203             Annual Report 20030000             - Prikaži kao HTML - commitment, passion + mutual respect.
20061203             Shareholders.
20061203             The trust our shareholders place in the strength + PERFORMANCE—OF—DEUTSCHE—BANK is the basis of our...
20061203             EuroWeek
20061203             —BY all accounts Neske is very accomplished, cosmopolitan, speaks excellent English + has the respect of THE—2—MAIN—LEADERS—OF—THE—INVESTMENT banking +...
20061203             00.J ul.2001 - - " Working at the Fund for Peace gave me 1—OPPORTUNITY to focus on... trafficker, Sarkis Soghanalian + efforts to prosecute him.
20061203             Scoop: UQ Wire: Bush Flew For Airline Tied To IRAN Contra
20061203             He came up here like 1—LOT—OF—TEXANS—BUT it wasn't to work in the oilfields!"
20061203             LEBANON—WEAPONS merchant Sarkis Soghanalian, also a key figure in BCCI.
20061203             revealing article
20061203             However capable WACKENHUT—DETECTIVES may have been at their work... felon JOHN—MITCHELL + Sarkis Soghanalian, 1—TURKISH—BORN—LEBANON—CITIZEN.
20061203             RAWSTORY: Congressman Conyers hammers THE—WASHINGTON—POST—DANA...
20061203             —CALLED, The so -, hijackers were, in effect, agents working for THE—USA—GOVERNMENT.
20061203             —OPTED, AL—QAEDA had been co -, to perpetrate the.
20061203             www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=102x1558643 - 20
20061203             Case Study - - ber 20020000             , police arrested 9—INDUMIL employees working in the imports depart-... Sarkis Soghanalian.
20061203             76. Over Land. Stemming THE—CROSS—BORDER—FLOW—OF.
20061203             Proyecto Desaparecidos: Notas: PERU—FORMER—SPYMASTER—FACES—VERDICT—MEN allegedly working for Montesinos posed as PERU—MILITARY... Acelor put them in touch with INTERNATIONAL weapons broker Sarkis Soghanalian...
20061203             —CLAIMED, EDWIN—P—WILSON—WILSON, he had been framed and claimed that he was working on behalf of...
20061203             There are other parallels: Like Sarkis Soghanalian who was 1—DOUBLE—AGENT...
20061203             Getting 1—CLOSER—LOOK at GUN—RUNNING - 1—FILM—REVIEW—LE—HUMANITÉ...
20061203             THE—LEBANON—SARKIS—SOGHANALIAN + especially, the Russian of TAJIKISTAN—ORIGIN... of 1—MAN doing his business without ANY—SENSE—OF—GUILT, working with the...
20061203             THE—MADCOW—MORNING—NEWS ''THE—HERCULES aircraft in LIBYA are doing deadly work. to 20010911             : notorious LEBANON—WEAPONS merchant Sarkis Soghanalian, also 1—KEY—FIGURE in BCCI.
20061203             Townhall.com::THE—NEWS::News Article
20061203             Montesinos' conviction —THURSDAY involves 1—CASE in which men working for him... put them in touch with INTERNATIONAL weapons broker Sarkis Soghanalian...
20061203             My Left Wing :: HANNAH—BARBERA; HANNAH—FO—FANA; Hannah and his sisters
20061203             Parvum Opus * Pink Tea * Remove Republicans * Ringside Blast... D&B records list the company as a " legal services office, " located at 101—ARCH Street...
20061203             Gallery of. Photo of Sarkis Soghanalian
20061203             It describes SOGHANALIAN—WORK with THE—USA in the past... - FRONTLINE/WORLD.
20061203             SIERRA—LEONE—GUNRUNNERS. Gallery of.
20061203             Reporting for this Web feature was in large part the work of current + past students of the... SARKIS SOGHANALIAN THE—COLD—WAR—LARGEST—ARMS—MERCHANT...
20061203             USA—ARMS—SALES TO IRAQ: EXCERPTS—OF—RECENT—CBS `60 ...
20061203             And FEDERAL—COURT—DOCUMENTS—SHOW that Sarkis Soghanalian had 1—RELATIONSHIP with USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES—FOR—DECADES + has performed work on their...
20061203             Stories That MATTER—ANOTHER Failed Attempt to Gag THE—ARMS...
20061203             —INVOLVED, Working with FRANCE, Soghanalian was, in deals —AROUND the world, including SAUDI—ARABIA.
20061203             Sarkis Soghanalian + his former assistant...
20061203             Stories That MATTER—THE—A—Q—KHAN—PROBLEM;
20061203             Troubles at THE—CIA... - Sarkis Soghanalian Speaks....
20061203             Portly, outrageous and 1—HEAD—FULL—OF—POTENTIAL...
20061203             COLONEL—JOSEPH—HUNT who used to work with Soghanalian at the Defense...
20061203             "THE—MAKING—OF—1—DICTATOR"
20061203             Sarkis Soghanalian sits in jail in MIAMI for selling arms to IRAQ.
20061203             —SMUGGLED, We believe it was, down by people working with FORMER—OFFICIALS—OF—THE—USA...
20061203             THE—CENTER for Public Integrity
20061203             What Sarkis Soghanalian knew is fundamental to demonstrate that...
20061203             —COMPARTMENTALIZED, Montesinos had 1—VERY—INDEPENDENT—WAY—OF working and it was. publicintegrity.org/report.aspx?aid=257
20061203             Gun man meets gunman | thebulletin.org
20061203             military officials (arranged by LEBANON—ARMS—DEALER—SARKIS Soghanalian ).
20061203             He is working on 1—BOOK about THE—FUTURE—OF—USA—ARMS—TRANSFER—POLICY.
20061203             NAHOST—REISE: Steinmeier stellt sich hinter Libanons attackierte Regierung
20061203             AFGHANISTAN: Opiumanbau auf Rekordstand
20061203             Rückkehr nach Ohnmacht: Berlusconi führt Protestzug gegen PRODI—REGIERUNG an
20061203             Heimatschelte: Gwyneth lästert über Amerikaner
20061203             Grüner Parteitag: KLIMA—REALOS SIEGEN über EMISSIONS—FUNDIS
20061203             —BY JESSE—STANCHAK
20061203             —POSTED—SUNDAY, 20061203             , at 6:51 AM ET
20061203             —CLASSIFIED, EVERYONE—TOP—NON—LOCAL—STORY is 1, memo from outgoing Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—H—RUMSFELD, written —JUST—2—DAYS—BEFORE his resignation, in which he admits that USA—STRATEGY in IRAQ is in need of a "major adjustment".
20061203             Rumsfeld lays out 1—NUMBER—OF—POSSIBLE—PLANS to turn things —AROUND, including decreasing troop levels, setting benchmarks for progress with THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT, limiting aid to violent PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY and putting IRAQ—POLITICAL and religious leaders on THE—USA—GOVERNMENT payroll to win their loyalty.
20061203             —OBTAINED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES originally, the memo, posting the text on its site.
20061203             THE—NYT points out that Rumsfeld is not endorsing ANY—PARTICULAR—ALTERNATIVE + he stresses that SOME—OF—HIS—SUGGESTIONS are less desirable or "below the line".
20061203             THE—NYT also notes that RUMSFELD—IDEAS are not particularly new + MANY—OF—THEM have been floated by WHITE—HOUSE—CRITICS for SOME—TIME.
20061203             THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES—CALLS the memo "rambling" and characterizes the memo as "1—ADMISSION—OF—FAILURE".
20061203             THE—WASHINGTON—POST—QUESTIONS the timing and SIGNIFICANCE—OF—THE—MEMO—LEAK, given that it's —JUST 1—LIST—OF options, devoid of real analysis-- and given that Rumsfeld is —NOW on his way out and his opinions are of greatly diminished importance.
20061203             Which asks 1—BIGGER—QUESTION: why is this front page news?
20061203             Is it 1—WINDOW into how THE—WHITE—HOUSE is thinking —NOW?
20061203             Is it —JUST 1—SIGN—OF how much the political tide has shifted?
20061203             Is it 1—VICTORY—DANCE—OF—SORTS-- the satisfaction of seeing 1—MAN known for his inflexibility admitting there may be better courses of action?
20061203             Or maybe it's —JUST the irony of Rumsfeld admitting that something had to change, —JUST—2—DAYS—BEFORE that something turned out to be him.
20061203             To continue READING, click here.
20061203             — Critical of ISG Report: "They came up with 1—POLITICAL thought but then got to tinkering with tactical ideas that in my view don't make ANY—SENSE.... This is 1—RECIPE for national humiliation".
20061203             [NYT, company Transworld Oil was based + opened 1—OOC technical OFFICE—IN—HOUSTON.
20061203             this real estate investment subsidiary of PRIVATELY—HELD Transworld Oil.
20061203             Bert Verwelius, Vastgoed.
20061203             Verwelius Bouwmaatschappij, ƒ 250.000.000 ... NIEUW—ZEELAND en de Verenigde Staten;... alfatomega.com/20061203.html
20061203             Euregiodorf 20080000             : DEUTSCH—NIEDERLÄNDISCHE—SIEDLUNG im Richtericher...
20061203             Die Baugesellschaft Verwelius hat zusammen mit der... bert
20061203             Deuss is 1—HOLLAND—OIL—TRADER who built up his fortune from the 1970s.
20061203             Facility Name: Calcasieu Refining Company Lake Charles, LA 70605. - alfatomega.com/20061203.html
20061203             HOW TO IMPROVE REFINERY PROFIT MARGINSRefining and Marketing, MG Refining and Marketing, Tristar Energy, Transworld Oil + Exxon Company USA.
20061203             Deuss, CEO—OF—TRANSWORLD—OIL + CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—BERMUDA—COMMERICAL—BANK, once employed CIA spymaster Ted " Blond Ghost " Shackley ( —AFTER Shackley left the... alfatomega.com/ 20061203.html
20061203             JOHN—DEUSS, a HOLLAND—CITIZEN... TWRCP, TOWER AUTOMOTIVE INC PFD, 0.2900, 0.3200, 0.3200 . alfatomega.com/20061203.html
20061203             Oil and Energy: 20050300             Archives
20061203             —AWARDED, Work was, to Hargreaves by PFD UK, 1—ALLIANCE—BETWEEN—PARSONS—ENERGY +... Ventilation systems are needed to ensure comfort for Tengiz oilfield...
20061203             —CLASSIFIED, KAZAKHSTAN News on 123—NEWS—ALL ENGLAND—NEWS, by...
20061203             Playfuls.com, Borat defends new movie ITV.com, UK - —9—HOURS—AGO... provoked into —STARTING another riot at the oil drilling site in TENGIZ—KAZAKHSTAN...
20061203             00.000. - Bert Verwelius, Vastgoed.
20061203             ".. BJD vom Niederrhein Airport nach Zürich. Postman Patel :
20061203             —BASED, VAT scams used BERMUDA, Transworld Payment SA was then under a.
20061203             Customs cracks £5billion VAT fraud | Special reports | GUARDIAN.
20061203             the oil embargo on SOUTH—AFRICA THROUGH his companies Transworld Oil + JOC Oil.
20061203             alfatomega.com/20061203.html - Search results for "deuss "
20061203             —WHILE MISTER—DEUSS earned MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in fees from FCIB—CUSTOMERS... including Transworld Oil, have always complied with all applicable laws... alfatomega.com/_themes_/_A_O_deuss _.html
20061203             Transworld Services S.A. - Commercial Credit Reports... RUSSIA.
20061203             Dun & Bradstreet RUSSIA... FCIB—INTERNATIONAL Commercial Reports.
20061203             Presidency SOUTH—AFRICA:
20061203             Manufacturers Hanover Bank, Transworld Oil, Quantlabs + 1—NUMBER—OF—LARGE... 20061200             Terrorist case against DENVER family ENDED—BY BRUCE—FINLEY...
20061203             the business of creating mass `risk assessment' ratings of its own citizens," BARRY—STEINHARDT—OF...
20061203             VIRGINIA:MARVIN—BUSH,Securacom,20010911             ,USA—SENATOR—GEORGE—ALLEN...
20061203             JOHN—DEUSS—OF—HOLLAND + IRAN Contra + oil to apartheid SOUTH—AFRICA FAME.
20061203             as SRA INTERNATIONAL's + BARRY—LANDEW—MANTAS—ANTI—MONEY laundering software...
20061203             THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL tops its worldwide newsbox with THE—NO—SHOW—PRIME—MINISTER saying it...
20061203             VIKTOR—CHERNOMYRDIN had brought in HOLLAND—OIL—TRADER—JOHANNES " John " Deuss to play...
20061203             1. Curacao investigated for money LAUNDERING—TALKGOLD HYIP.
20061203             Meridian Shipping Agency PRIVATE—LTD.
20061203             Orient Express Ship... alfatomega.com/20061203.html -
20061203             SEC INFO—NAVIOS Maritime Holdings Inc - 6-K - For 20070201             - EX-99.1
20061203             Money Laundering : ANY—SECURITY—PARTY is in breach of or fails to observe ANY—LAW, requirement...
20061203             Meridian Shipping Enterprises INCORPORATED NAVIOS ALEGRIA...
20061203             THE—MEANING—OF—SECTION 8—OF—THE—GERMAN—MONEY—LAUNDERING—ACT (Gesetz uber das Aufspüren...
20061203             Transworld Oil, P. O. Box HM 12520000             , HAMILTON HM FX.
20061203             Owned by JOHN—DEUSS.
20061203             World BlackBelt Online (—LATER to become the Transworld Oil Karate Team ).
20061203             Scoop: Mazur: JOHN—DEUSS ' Editors On Record On THE—MAN... Royal Gazette.
20061203             MISTER—DEUSS, 1—KEEN horseman, used to rent stables in SMITH—BUT the buildings —NOW... alfatomega.com/20061203.html
20061203             Project for the Exposure of Hidden INSTITUTIONS—LE Cercle
20061203             Whitney was 1—ROCKEFELLER associate, 1—FRIEND—OF—THE—UK—ROYAL—FAMILY...
20061203             He did this with controversial partners as JOHN—DEUSS + TED—SHACKLEY...
20061203             1—LIMEY—IN—BERMUDA: 10—QUESTIONS for Ewart Brown
20061203             —ABOUT Vision Robotics Corporation.
20061203             Preceding his tenure at Intuit + Chipsoft, he was PRESIDENT—OF—TRANSWORLD—OIL—AMERICA + 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—BOARD—OF... alfatomega.com/20061203.html
20061203             M. Deuss PRESIDENT 1. Curacao INTERNATIONAL Bank, N.V. Kaya WFG (Jombi)... He told THE—GUARDIAN that he was AWARE—OF—THE—INVESTIGATION, but added that...
20061203             As 1—RESULT—OF—SEVERAL criminal investigations in relation to alleged VAT fraud.
20061203             —EXPLODED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMB, next to 1—UNITED—KINGDOM—CONVOY in KANDAHAR city, and troops speeding away from the scene fired at several CIVIL—CARS.
20061203             3—AFGHANS were killed and 19—PEOPLE were wounded, including 3—UNITED—KINGDOM—SOLDIERS.
20061203             —ESTIMATED, In SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN 1, 70 to 80—TALIBAN militants were killed by NATO—SOLDIERS in fighting —AFTER police told military authorities where insurgents had gathered.
20061203             1—MAJOR—POLITICAL—ALLIANCE in BANGLADESH staged 1—NATIONWIDE transport blockade to force electoral reforms.
20061203             Separate clashes between rival political activists and police left 1—MAN—DEAD and at least 65—PEOPLE injured.
20061203             —SIGNED, BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES, contracts giving the government control over foreign energy companies' operations.
20061203             —KILLED, SOUTH—ENGLAND, 2—FIREFIGHTERS were, in 1—BLAZE at 1—FIREWORKS factory near Lewes that injured 12—OTHERS.
20061203             1—DUBAI—BASED developer announced that it plans to build 1—NEW—RUSSIA—CITY on 44,000 acres near MOSCOW.
20061203             —HACKED, EAST—TIMOR, 1—MAN was, to death and 17—OTHERS were injured in overnight gang fighting in DILI.
20061203             Andris Piebalgs, THE—EU—ENERGY—COMMISSIONER from LATVIA, signed 1—ACCORD on nuclear cooperation with KAZAKHSTAN.
20061203             —HOPED, THE—EU, to increase KAZAKHSTAN uranium sales to THE—EU from 3% to 20%.
20061203             Commodore FRANK—BAINIMARAMA told FIJI 1—TELEVISION that he wants PRIME—MINISTER—LAISENIA—QARASE to resign so the military can name 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT for THE—SOUTH—PACIFIC—ISLAND nation.
20061203             Haitians cast ballots in municipal and local elections that were billed as the final step in the troubled country's return to democratic rule —FOLLOWING 1—BLOODY—FEBRUARY 20040000             revolt that toppled FORMER—PRESIDENT—JEAN—BERTRAND—ARISTIDE.
20061203             7—IRAQIS were killed and 12 wounded including 3—POLICEMEN killed by 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER at 1—CHECKPOINT—NEAR THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—KIRKUK.
20061203             THE—BULLET—RIDDEN BODY—OF—THE—SUNNI—ARAB CHAIRMAN—OF—1—OF—IRAQ—LEADING soccer clubs was found, several days —AFTER he was kidnapped in the capital.
20061203             † 1—USA—SOLDIER was killed —DURING combat in BAGHDAD.
20061203             —FACED, MADAGASCAR—PRESIDENT, 13—CHALLENGERS in the 1. elections —SINCE voting —5—YEARS—AGO led to a —6—MONTH—POWER—STRUGGLE that SPLIT THE—INDIA—OCEAN nation between 2—GOVERNMENTS.
20061203             —DECREED, MEXICO—NEWLY SWORN—IN PRESIDENT—FELIPE—CALDERON, a 10% pay cut for himself and his cabinet members, echoing 1—CENTRAL—CAMPAIGN—PROMISE—OF—THE—LEFTIST—RIVAL he beat by 1—RAZOR—THIN—MARGIN.
20061203             —CRASHED, SOUTH—TAIWAN, 1—DOUBLE—DECKER tour bus, into 1—STEEP ravine in 1—SCENIC—MOUNTAIN—AREA, killing 22 and seriously injuring 2—DOZEN—OTHERS.
20061203             With 78—PERCENT—OF—VOTING stations reporting, Chavez had 61—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE, to 38% for Rosales.
20061203             Scoop: Mazur: JOHN—DEUSS ' Editors On Record On THE—MAN... North-1 + Tieke-1, in PEP 38460, operated by HOUSTON—BASED Transworld Oil, have rig options...
20061203             Pondblog "The hush hush nature of THE—JOHN—DEUSS investigation related to VAT—SKIMMING deposits...
20061203             —CONSIDERED, An LA Times obituary says: " Pep is, 1—OF—THE—GREATEST... pondblog.blogspot.com/2006 _11_26_pondblog_archive.html
20061203             —REGISTERED, Deuss, it in BERMUDA, where THE—HOLLAND—TRADER—COMPANY—TRANSWORLD Oil was based + opened 1—OOC technical OFFICE—IN—HOUSTON.
20061203             Actueel nieuws Als we ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO, BORIS—BEREZOVSKY en PETER—DE—HAMECOURT mogen... Hoe dan ook, Johnnyboy ontkent dat zijn FCIB—VEHIKEL op BERMUDA als spil...
20061203             Bank, Transworld Oil, Quantlabs + 1—NUMBER—OF—LARGE—INDIVIDUAL—TRADERS.
20061203             OMAN—PROFILE -. - JOHN—DEUSS -.
20061203             - APS Review Downstream Trends... Owner of BERMUDA—REGISTERED... 20061200             DAVID—MARCHANT—TRANSCRIPT... alfatomega.com/20061203.html
20061203             for the oil + gas industry... 1—SUBSIDIARY—OF—THE—BERMUDA—REGISTERED Transworld Oil group. alfatomega.com/20061203.html
20061203             currents 00—DEV - - GENERAL—ATLANTIC—GROUP—LTD.
20061203             Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P. - THOMAS—MILLER (BERMUDA) Ltd.
20061203             Transworld Oil Limited. Beebe Society.
20061203             United Food Commercial Workers INTERNATIONAL Union, Local 464A; Bert Verwelius, Vastgoed.
20061203             M. Deuss PRESIDENT 1. Curacao INTERNATIONAL Bank, N.V.
20061203             Kaya WFG (Jombi) Mensing NUMBER 18... alfatomega.com/20061203.html
20061203             www.luftfahrt.ch.".".. BJD vom... Oil, ?
20061203             250.000.000. 103, Bert Verwelius, Vastgoed, Verwelius Bouwmaatschappij, ?
20061203             250.000.000 ... home.iae.nl/users/andrec/sponsors.htm 20061203             ...
20061203             Verwelius Bouwmaatschappij, ? 250.000.000 ... NIEUW—ZEELAND en de Verenigde Staten;... im Richtericher.
20061203             Die Baugesellschaft Verwelius hat zusammen mit der... bert 19830000             : 126).
20061203             —ORDERED, The operations were, by ALBERTA—EUGENICS—BOARD to prevent the... SAMUEL—PRESCOTT—BUSH, the current PRESIDENT—OTHER—GREAT—GRANDFATHER... milfuegos.blogspot.com/2006 _12_03_archive.html
20061203             plus613.NET—CULTURE in the blender :: Images :: Image comments...
20061203             His father was SAMUEL—PRESCOTT—BUSH and his mother was FLORA—SHELDON.
20061203             area where they worked together extensively was race science--ie eugenics. plus613.net/forum/read.php?15,182313,182324,quote=1
20061203             Majority Report Radio: —HOUR 2—THURSDAY
20061203             for the infamous Eugenics Record OFFICE—AT—COLD—SPRING—HARBOR, Long ISLAND.
20061203             —DURING this period, SAMUEL—PRESCOTT—BUSH was PRESIDENT—OF—THE—BUCKEYE...
20061203             BERMUDA, tales abound of how Deuss' 2—OLD—ENGLAND—SHEEPDOGS — Rufus + Rocco...
20061203             Weekly Americanbulls LIST—OF—STOCKS—TWOG, TRANSWORLD OIL & GAS LTD...
20061203             Scoop: Mazur: JOHN—DEUSS ' Editors On Record On THE—MAN... Facility Name: Calcasieu Refining Company Lake Charles, LA 70605 ... Parent Company:
20061203             Facility Name: Calcasieu Refining Company Lake Charles, LA 70605 ... Parent Company:
20061203             Deuss, 42, is the principal owner of Transworld Oil Ltd., 1—INDEPENDENT... Minos Compania Naviera SA Leni, [1992] 2—LLOYD—REP. at 53 (THE—HISTORY—OF...
20061203             Deuss was... who had worked with Amoco, BP, Mobil, Exxon... —JUST 1—TERRORISM—RELATED suspect —SINCE its 20040000             inception, officials said —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20061203             Imperial Playground: Marching EAST—OF—IRAQ by ANDREW—G—MARSHALL...
20061203             OFFSHORE—BANKLIZENZ - Banken, Stiftungen & TRUSTS—GOMOPA... Transworld Oil manchmal am rande des erlaubten agiert hat. mein kenntnisstand ist auch...
20061203             —GESPRENGT, Der höchste Kamin Deutschlands, der 337—METER hohe Kamin des ehemaligen Kraftwerks in Westerholt wird.
20061203             der 337—METER hohe Kamin des ehemaligen Kraftwerks in Westerholt, das höchste freistehende Bauwerk, das jemals kontrolliert gesprengt worden ist.
200612030000 trading firms including:
2006120320061203     Scoop: Mazur: JOHN—DEUSS ' Editors On Record On THE—MAN.
20061203—20060721    THROUGH, CORPORATIONS FILINGS: 20060715             PAGE 1—DOMESTIC... BATON—ROUGE, LA 70809 RAINWATER OIL PROPERTIES INC 36231827D 20060721             211 ... LA 70737 CALCASIEU PROPERTY ASSOCIATES, L.L.C. 36230384K 20060720             318—S. MAIN...
20061204—20071203    —PLEADED, Bell, guilty to 1—JUVENILE charge of 2. degree battery in return for an —18—MONTH—SENTENCE.
20061205             —KILLED, HAITI, at least 8—PEOPLE were, over the last few days in the Martissant slum —DURING 1—GANG feud set off by 20061203             —THE—MURDER—OF—1—POLICE—OFFICER.
20061206             Hope it shames them to hell.
20061206             Published —ON—SUNDAY, 20061203             by CommonDreams org THE—SURREAL—POLITICS—OF—PREMEDITATED—WAR by R.W. Behan
20061206             Published —ON—SUNDAY, 20061203             by CommonDreams_org THE—SURREAL—POLITICS—OF—PREMEDITATED—WAR by R.W. Behan Here is 1—EXCERPT: THE—STORY—OF—GEORGE—BUSH 's premeditated wars —NOW enters its final chapter.
20061214—20061203    —FOSSILIZED, CHINA—AUTHORITIES are investigating the smuggling of 1—RARE, dinosaur egg nest, which was auctioned for USA$420,000 in LOS—ANGELES, Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said —YESTERDAY.
20061226             terminal... intellectualize.org/archives/010441.html 20061203             Bert Verwelius, Vastgoed.
20061226             250.000.000 ... home.iae.nl/users/andrec/sponsors.htm 20061203
20070304             THE—BUCK—ACT effectively extends this jurisdiction to EVERY—SQUARE—INCH—OF—EVERY—STATE... nl.wikipedia_org/wiki/John_Deuss alfatomega.com/20061203.html...
20070322             Tierische Emotionen: Der glückliche Hund wedelt RECHTS—ALFATOMEGA.com/20061203.html
20070407             14 #2, 20060000—20110000    —COLONEL—JOE—WASIAK, "Global GUARDIAN '99," THE—COLLINS—CENTER—UPDATE, Vol 1, Issue 19991203             .
20070407             11—COLONEL—JOE—WASIAK, "Global GUARDIAN '99," THE—COLLINS—CENTER—UPDATE, Vol 1, Issue 19991203             .
20070421             He told THE—GUARDIAN that he was AWARE—OF—THE—INVESTIGATION, but added that... alfatomega.com/20061203.html
20070502             Deuss, Deuss John... alfatomega.com/_A_O_inzoome_/20061203.htm - _Deuss,John_
20070515             COM transworld OIL—TRANSWORLD PROPERTIES—TRANSWORLD—TRANXENE TTAB—TRANXENE... alfatomega.com/20061203.html
20071116—20071203    —AM, Die Frage sei —NUN, ob und welche Reduktionsziele sich die Staaten bei der auf Bali beginnenden Klimakonferenz auf dieser Grundlage setzten.
20071124—20071203    alfatomega.com/20071203.html
20071202—20071203    Anzeichen für die zunehmende Nervosität der politischen Elite haben sich in den vergangenen —WOCHEN und —MONATEN gehäuft:
20071203             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ —WHILE addressing 1—MASS—RALLY—OF—SUPPORTERS—ON—FRIDAY has threatened to cut oil exports to THE—USA, shut down television channels and expel journalists if 20071202             —THE referendum victory he expects is disclaimed and violence starts in this country.
20071203             —PROPOSED, USA—TREASURY—SECRETARY—HENRY—PAULSON, 1—FREEZE on interest rates on loans made to MILLIONS—OF—RISKY borrowers.
20071203             —EXPECTED, Resistance by the mortgage industry was.
20071203             Paulson said he is confident there will soon be 1—AGREEMENT to help THOUSANDS—OF—HOMEOWNERS avoid mortgage defaults by temporarily freezing their interest rates.
20071203             —REPORTED, THE—USA national debt was, to be expanding by about $1.4—BILLION —1—DAY, or nearly $1—MILLION —1—MINUTE.
20071203             —ELECTED, Former commissioner BOWIE—KUHN was, to the Baseball Hall of Fame;
20071203             FORMER—DODGERS owner WALTER—O'MALLEY, managers Dick Williams and BILLY—SOUTHWORTH and EX—PIRATES owner BARNEY—DREYFUSS also were elected.
20071203             —RETURNED, NEW—YORK—CITY, DON—IMUS, to the airwaves —8—MONTHS—AFTER he was fired for 1—RACIALLY charged remark about the Rutgers women's basketball team, and introduced 1—NEW cast that included 2—BLACK comedians on WABC—AM.
20071203             AT&T said that it planned to leave the rapidly shrinking PAY—PHONE—BUSINESS.
20071203             AFGHANISTAN—SOUTH—WEST—NIMROZ, province 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew himself up next to 1—POLICE—PATROL, killing 4—OTHER—PEOPLE, including 2—POLICEMEN.
20071203             10—PEOPLE believed to be ALGERIA—ASYLUM—SEEKERS drowned —WHILE 1—HOLLAND—SHIP tried to rescue them in stormy Mediterranean waters.
20071203             2—MEN survived the ordeal.
20071203             —BECAME, Labor Party leader KEVIN—RUDD, AUSTRALIA—26. PRIME—MINISTER and —IMMEDIATELY began dismantling the former government's policies by ratifying THE—KYOTO—PROTOCOL on climate change.
20071203             THE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND under GOVERNOR—MERVYN—KING brought down its base interest rate by 1—QUARTER—POINT to 5.5%.
20071203             —ATTACKED, CONGO, (DRC) some 25,000 government forces army, 1—STRONGHOLD—OF—RENEGADE—TUTSI—GENERAL—LAURENT—NKUNDA, —1—DAY—AFTER his men seized 1—STRATEGIC—TOWN from the government and forced out THOUSANDS—OF—CIVILIANS.
20071203             —ROUTED, The troops were, by some 4,000 insurgents.
20071203             —DETAINED, CUBA, 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—LEADER said that police have, 29—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—ACTIVISTS in less than —2—WEEKS and 7—REMAIN jailed, including 1—MAN who called for THE—COMMUNIST—RUN—ISLAND to tolerate independent universities.
20071203             —PROTESTED, HUNDREDS—OF—CIVIL—SERVANTS, in FRONT—OF—EGYPT—CABINET, demanding wage increases to cope with rising prices and inflation.
20071203             —OPENED, EGYPT, its border crossing with GAZA to let in PALESTINE—RELIGIOUS pilgrims headed for SAUDI—ARABIA, the 1. time Palestinians have been allowed to enter EGYPT—TERRITORY—SINCE—HAMAS militants seized GAZA in June.
20071203             —URGED, BALI—INDONESIA, climate experts at 1—MASSIVE—UN—CONFERENCE, quick action toward 1—NEW—INTERNATIONAL—PACT to stem global warming.
20071203             —ORDERED, IRAN, CANADA—AMBASSADOR to leave the country —AFTER CANADA rejected candidates TEHRAN had proposed to represent the Islamic REPUBLIC—IN—OTTAWA.
20071203             —ENDED, Lawmakers from IRAQ—LARGEST—SUNNI Arab bloc, their BOYCOTT—OF—PARLIAMENT over the "house arrest" of their leader, ADNAN—AL—DULAIMI, who also attended the session.
20071203             —GUNNED, In BAGHDAD 1—INTERIOR—MINISTRY—AIDE was, down in his car.
20071203             The mutilated bodies of 4—GUARDS at 1—OIL—FACILITY who were kidnapped at 1—CHECKPOINT on their way back from vacation were found NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20071203             —RELEASED, ISRAEL, 429—PALESTINE—PRISONERS in a gesture meant to strengthen moderate PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS.
20071203             † DANIELE—EMMANUELLO, —43—JAHRE—ALT, the Mafia godfather of Gela, Sicily, was killed —WHILE trying to escape police.
20071203             —CONSIDERED, DANIELE—EMMANUELLO was, 1—OF—ITALY—30—MOST dangerous Mafia fugitives.
20071203             —REACHED, QATAR, IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD, out to Gulf Arab states, proposing security and economic pacts free of "foreign influence" in the 1. appearance by 1—IRAN—LEADER—BEFORE 1—SUMMIT—OF—1—KEY—GROUP—OF—PERSIAN—GULF nations.
20071203             —FORMED, THE—6—MEMBER—GULF Cooperation Council (GCC) was, shortly —AFTER the outbreak of 19800000             —THE—IRAN—IRAQ war, partly to counter THE—SPREAD—OF—IRAN'S—ISLAMIC—REVOLUTION.
20071203             Opposition leader Nawaz Sharif risks disqualification from PAKISTAN—CRUCIAL—PARLIAMENTARY—ELECTIONS—AFTER 1—OFFICIAL rejected his nomination papers.
20071203             Sharif was said to be ineligible because of 1—CONVICTION on charges related to 19990000             —THE coup, in which Musharraf ousted his government.
20071203             1—BOMB exploded inside 1—ISLAMIC—SCHOOL in SOUTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, killing 6—STUDENTS and wounding 4—OTHERS.
20071203             —CLOSED, PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS, 92—CHARITIES linked to Hamas, as PART—OF—1—WEST—BANK—CRACKDOWN on Islamic militants.
20071203             —ACCUSED, Foreign observers and RUSSIA—OPPOSITION—GROUPS, authorities of manipulating 1—SWEEPING parliamentary election victory for THE—PARTY—OF—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, who hailed the results as 1—VALIDATION—OF his leadership.
20071203             —COUNTED, With ballots from nearly 98—PERCENT of precincts, PUTIN—UNITED—RUSSIA party was leading with 64.1—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
20071203             —JOINED, EUROPE, THE—USA in demanding RUSSIA investigate alleged abuses in the election, and GERMANY denounced the poll as undemocratic.
20071203             1—MOSCOW COURT—CONVICTED—IGOR—RESHETIN, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—COMPANY—TSNIIMASH—EXPORT, 1—ROCKET and space technology company, on charges of leaking sensitive technology to CHINA.
20071203             This was the latest case involving 1—RUSSIA—SCIENTIST who was prosecuted despite claims the sensitive materials were in the public domain.
20071203             —SENTENCED, Reshetin was, to 11 1/—2—YEARS in prison —AFTER prosecutors said the information Reshetin had handed over to the Chinese could be used for building missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads.
20071203             —BATTLED, Government troops and Tamil Tiger rebels, EACH—OTHER with rifles, mortars and artillery across NORTH—SRI—LANKA, leaving 42—REBELS and 6—SOLDIERS—DEAD.
20071203             —JAILED, SUDAN—PRESIDENT—PARDONED—GILLIAN—GIBBONS, THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—TEACHER, for insulting Islam —AFTER allowing her students to name 1—TEDDY bear Muhammad.
20071203             —ARRIVED, Gibbons, —BACK—IN ENGLAND the —NEXT—DAY.
20071203             1—COLLEAGUE said KARIM—BOZORBOYEV, 1—PROMINENT—UZBEKISTAN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ACTIVIST, has been sentenced to —6—YEARS and —3—MONTHS in jail as PART—OF—1—CRACKDOWN on dissidents and government critics.
20071203             —HUMBLED, VENEZUELA, PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ, by his 1. electoral defeat ever, said he may have been too ambitious in asking voters to let him stand indefinitely for RE—ELECTION and endorse 1—HUGE leap to 1—SOCIALIST—STATE.
20071203             WashingtonPost.com: THE—WATERGATE—WATERSHED -- 1—TURNING—POIN...
20071203             Chronik zur SOZIAL—UND Literaturgeschichte AFRIKAS—ALGERIEN
20071203             Er geht —IN—DIESEM—JAHR an die ALGERISCHE—SCHRIFTSTELLERIN Ahlam Mosteghanemi für ihren ROMAN—DHAKIRAT—AL—JASAD (Das Gedächtnis des Leibes;
20071203             THE—USA—WAR—IN—DARFUR:
20071203             THE—DARFUR—REGION—OF—SUDAN possesses the 3. largest copper and the 4. largest uranium deposits on the planet, in addition to strategic location and significant oil resources of its own.
20071203             Is THE—USA—BASED "Save Darfur" movement snowing THE—USA—PUBLIC on the fundamental NATURE—OF—THE—CONFLICT in SUDAN
20071203             We're Misunderstood, Says USA.
20071203             USA—OF—AMERICA has said its decision to situate 1—AFRICA—COMMAND in THE—WEST—AFRICA—REGION—OF—THE—CONTINENT is not out of 1—DESIRE to be close to the oil rich AFRICA—STATES, but 1—DESIRE to help AFRICA ESTABLISH ITS OWN security and support its leadership efforts.
20071203             10—REASONS—WHY "Save Darfur" is 1—PR—SCAM to Justify the Next USA—OIL and Resource Wars in AFRICA :
20071203             THE—STAR—STUDDED HUE and cry to "Save Darfur" and "stop the genocide" has gained enormous traction in USA—MEDIA along with bipartisan support in Congress and THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20071203             But THE—CONGO, with 10 to 20—TIMES as MANY—AFRICA—DEAD over the same period is not called a "genocide" and passes almost unnoticed.
20071203             CONGO Prison Hell: Prisoners sleep on the damp ground in dark, crowded rooms off 1—CENTRAL courtyard.
20071203             The smell of urine is pervasive.
20071203             —PROVIDED, There are only 1—HANDFUL—OF blankets and mattresses, by family members who also bring in food.
20071203             No 1 at Munzenze eats more than once —1—DAY.
20071203             The horror of a stricken nation waiting to die:
20071203             As the people of ZIMBABWE are ground down by poverty and brutality, ROBERT—MUGABE is offered 1—WELCOME at THE—INTERNATIONAL—TABLE
20071203             JORDAN—SPY—AGENCY: Holding Cell for THE—CIA : Over the past —7—YEARS, 1—IMPOSING building on the outskirts of this city has served as 1—SECRET holding cell for THE—CIA.
20071203             CANADA—TREATY—WITH—THE—USA on THE—TREATMENT—OF—REFUGEES is illegal because THE—USA—DOESN'T comply with conventions protecting asylum seekers and sometimes sends people to countries where they may be tortured, 1—CANADA—JUDGE said.
20071203             GUANTANAMO prisoners to ask SUPREME—COURT for basic rights : The accused men want the right to challenge their imprisonment through 1—WRIT of habeas corpus.
20071203             They could end up changing how THE—USA—MANAGES—ITS—OPEN—ENDED WAR—ON—TERROR.
20071203             Witnesses to remain secret at GUANTANAMO trial: 1—USA—MILITARY—JUDGE has ordered that the identity of witnesses that will testify against 1—CANADA—NATIONAL, who may face 1—MILITARY—WAR—ON—TERROR—TRIAL—NEXT—YEAR be kept secret, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES reported —SATURDAY.
20071203             Manufacturing Consent For Coup :
20071203             Chavez Threatens To Stop Oil Exports To THE—USA.
20071203             No oil for USA if it meddles:
20071203             Chavez: "If 'yes' wins —ON—SUNDAY and THE—VENEZUELA—OLIGARCHY, the violent Venezuelans, the ones who play the (USA) empire's game, unleash violence with the tale that there was fraud... MINISTER, that very —MONDAY you order 1—HALT to THE—SHIPMENTS—OF—OIL to THE—USA," MISTER—CHAVEZ said
20071203             Climate Change: : Latin AMERICA WANTS Rich Nations to Foot the Bill : Latin USA—GOVERNMENTS will call for greater commitments from industrialised countries to curb climate change and to provide financial support for developing countries to deal with its effects.
20071203             Military Overmedicating Troops, Counselors Charge:
20071203             Counselors and Therapists Charge the Military Tries to Medicate Its Veterans' Pain Away
20071203             GCC should abandon peg to the dollar' : MIDDLE—EAST—CENTRAL—BANKS with fixed exchange rates to the dollar should switch to 1—BASKET—OF—CURRENCIES to keep 1—FIRMER—GRIP on inflation, said AHMET—AKARLI, 1—ECONOMIST at Goldman Sachs Group INCORPORATED.
20071203             FLORIDA Schools Struggle to Pay Teachers Amid Freeze:
20071203             ``The unthinkable and the unimaginable have —JUST happened here in FLORIDA,'' said HAL—WILSON, CHIEF financial officer of the Jefferson County school district, located 30—MILES (48—KILOMETERS) EAST—OF—THE—STATE—CAPITAL—TALLAHASSEE.
20071203             ``What we —JUST experienced here is 1—CLASSIC—RUN—ON—THE—BANK—MELTDOWN.''
20071203             Who got rich off the mortgage mess?
20071203             "I think we're headed into 1—DEEP—RECESSION, the worst —SINCE the Depression, as DOZENS—OF—BANKS will fail," Burry says.
20071203             "With massive foreclosures, there are homes that won't see the prices of —2—YEARS—AGO—FOR—DECADES".
20071203             Defense BILL—PROVES—LUCRATIVE for Biggest Firms
20071203             Studie: TOP—MANAGER unterschätzen Bedrohung aus Schwellenländern - Common Ground Common Sense
20071203             —SERVED, It was against this backdrop that Shackley, as a "consultant" to players such as Bush, Secord, North + Casey in their illegal bloody...
20071203             CLINE RAY—STEINER (40 63-6 126 210 213 247 250)... SECORD RICHARD—V (III1 9-14 16 18 20-4) SHACKLEY THEODORE G (III5 B3 4 11) SHAHEEN JOHN J (B13)... ncoic.com/ poindexter.html
20071203             publish.NEW—YORK—CITY.indymedia.org | OLIVER—NORTH—ENTERPRISE—STAGES a...
20071203             RAY—CLINE, another IRAN—CONTRA veteran, made 1—SUBSTANTIAL—CONTRIBUTION to the... Linda Tripp —AT—THE—TIME was 1—PERSONAL—SECRETARY—TO—RICHARD—SECORD of the... NEW—YORK—CITY.indymedia.org/en/ 20050000             /04/51004.html
20071203             JEB Bush INVOLVED WITH MIGUEL—RECAREY,
20071203             JEB—REAL—VALUE to Recarey was not in real estate but in his help in facilitating the largest HMO Medicare fraud in USA—HISTORY.
20071203             IMC was run by CUBAN—USA—MIGUEL—RECAREY, 1—CHARACTER with 1—HOST of idiosyncrasies.
20071203             He carried a 9-mm Heckler & Koch semiautomatic pistol under his suit coat and kept 1—SMALL—ARSENAL—OF—AR—15 and Uzi assault rifles at his MIAMI estate, where his bedroom was protected by BULLET—PROOF windows and 1—STEEL—DOOR.
20071203             —FEARED, It apparently wasn't his enemies Recarey, so much as his friends.
20071203             He had 1—LONG—STANDING relationship with MIAMI Mafia godfather Santo Trafficante, JUNIOR, and had participated in the illfated, CIA—INSPIRED mob assassination plot against Fidel Castro in the early 1960s.
20071203             (Associates of Recarey add that Trafficante was the money behind RECAREY—BUSINESS—VENTURES.)
20071203             Slade Gorton, 911—COMMISSIONER (revisited):
20071203             "FORMER—SENATOR—SLADE—GORTON served on the notorious Senate Intelligence Committee for over —1—DECADE.
20071203             —THROUGHOUT his career, over scores of "hearings", the hawkish Gorton consistently ran interference for IRAN—CONTRA—SMEARED Republicans, such as ROBERT—GATES..".
20071203             "911 , CIA Drug Traffic, IRAN—CONTRA, ISI, DANIEL—PEARL?" - Online Journal "...
20071203             —SEEMED, Then there is BARON—RUMSFELD over at DoD, who, to dart —AROUND like 1—BEE pollinating CBW (chemical and biological weapons) to Saddam under the Reagan administration, being PART—OF—IRAN—CONTRA, planning + practicing the invasion of AFGHANISTAN
20071203             (Cartaya was also charged with drug smuggling, money laundering, and gun running.) But the Jefferson Savings case would never go to trial.
20071203             Like so MANY—OF—THOSE who would attach themselves to the Bush sons over the years, Padreda brought SOME—HEFTY luggage with him.
20071203             —CHARGED, THE—FEDERAL—INDICTMENT, that the pair had embezzled over $500,000 from the thrift.
20071203             FLORIDA froze withdrawals from 1—STATE—INVESTMENT—FUND—EARLIER—THIS—WEEK—WHEN local governments withdrew BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS OUT—OF—CONCERN for the fund's financial stability.
20071203             In the past few days, municipalities have withdrawn roughly $9—BILLION, nearly a 3. of the $28—BILLION fund (which is similar to 1—MONEY—MARKET—FUND) controlled by THE—FLORIDA—STATE—BOARD—OF—ADMINISTRATION (SBA).
20071203             —TRIGGERED, The run on the fund was, by worries that a %AGE—OF—THE—PORTFOLIO contained debt that had defaulted.
20071203             1—MAJORITY—OF—THIS paper was sold to SBA by Lehman Brothers.
20071203             —ELECTED, Bush, as the state's top, official, served on a 3—MEMBER—BOARD that oversaw THE—SBA —UNTIL he retired as GOVERNOR—IN—JANUARY.
20071203             —HIRED, —IN—AUGUST, Bush was, as 1—CONSULTANT to the bank.
20071203             Lehman spokesperson Kerrie Cohen, speaking on BEHALF—OF—BUSH, said they had no comment and would not say —WHEN the bank had sold FLORIDA the paper.
20071203             SBA did not return calls.
20071203             —WHILE SBA wouldn't confirm, Bloomberg reported THE—AMOUNT—OF—DEBT in default is —AROUND $900—MILLION.
20071203             —NACHDEM Wolfowitz auch in der Weltbank auf ganzer Linie verkackt hat, hat ihm die BUSH—JUNTA 1—POSITION angeboten.
20071203             —ASKED, Firefighters, to report people who express discontent with the government : It was revealed —LAST—WEEK that firefighters are being trained to not only keep 1—EYE out for illegal materials in the course of their duties, but even to report back ANY—EXPRESSION—OF discontent with the government.
20071203             Is There 1—ID—CHIP in Your Future?
20071203             THERE—1—GROWING movement to forcibly —TAG or chip your animals with radio frequency identification devices.
20071203             MANY—PRIVACY—ADVOCATES believe this could lead to 1—SCARIER level: implanting you and me.
20071203             —NOW, there is 1—EFFORT to stem the tide
20071203             AUSTRALIA: Ministers sent report on Habib torture:
20071203             SENIOR MEMBERS—OF—THE—HOWARD government, including THE—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER and the foreign MINISTER, were given 1 detailed briefing on Mamdouh HABIB—ALLEGATIONS—OF—TORTURE in EGYPT as early as mid-20020000             .
20071203             But they never told THE—AUSTRALIA—PUBLIC—OF—THE—SERIOUS—ALLEGATIONS, did little to investigate them — and —3—YEARS—LATER were still protesting they had no knowledge MISTER—HABIB had even been in EGYPT
20071203             USA—PROSECUTORS seek life sentence for JOSE—PADILLA : —WHILE PADILLA—LAWYERS have not requested 1—SPECIFIC—SENTENCE, they argue Padilla played 1—MINOR—ROLE in the conspiracy and 1—APPROPRIATE—PUNISHMENT should not exceed —10—YEARS.
20071203             USA says it has right to kidnap UK—CITIZENS : THE—USA has told BRITAIN that it can "kidnap" UK—CITIZENS if they are wanted for crimes in THE—USA.
20071203             Senate Bill 19590000             to Criminalize Thoughts, Blogs, Books and Free Speech Across AMERICA:
20071203             —ARRIVED, THE—END—OF—FREE—SPEECH in AMERICA has, at our doorstep.
20071203             —CALLED, It's 1—NEW—LAW, the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act, and it is worded in 1—CLEVER—WAY that could allow THE—USA—GOVERNMENT to arrest and incarcerate ANY—INDIVIDUAL who speaks out against THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION
20071203             Chavez renews wrath over for caption allegedly inciting assassination : THE—MOVE was to incite his assassination, Chavez said, also criticizing THE—USA for trying to develop "1—WORLD—MEDIA tyranny" to impose its ideology everywhere.
20071203             —EXPLAINED, Proposed changes to THE—VENEZUELA—CONSTITUTION :
20071203             TURKEY—GENERAL—STAFF—SAYS—IT—HIT—TERRORIST—GROUP : TURKEY—GENERAL—STAFF said —SATURDAY that it detected 1—GROUP—OF—50—60—TERRORISTS inside IRAQ—TERRITORY and inflicted significant losses on terrorists.
20071203             TURKEY reaffirms army's right to act in IRAQ: Kurdish officials in IRAQ insisted —ON—SUNDAY that there had been no TURKEY—MILITARY—INCURSION, describing as baseless ANKARA—CLAIMS that significant losses had been inflicted on Kurdish rebels.
20071203             —KILLED, ISRAEL—OCCUPATION—FORCE—TROOPS, 32—PALESTINIANS including 2—CHILDREN—IN—NOVEMBER : THE—IOF troops killed last 20071132             Palestinians including 2—CHILDREN —DURING air raids, incursions or assassinations, thus increasing the number of Palestinians killed —SINCE THE—BEGINNING—OF—THIS—YEAR to 348—VICTIMS.
20071203             Bhutto warns of foreign intervention if PAKISTAN fails to curb militancy : Bhutto also raised the specter of militants moving on ISLAMABAD and gaining CONTROL—OF—1—KEY—NUCLEAR—INSTALLATION—WIDELY seen as 1—UNLIKELY—SCENARIO.
20071203             No good way to secure PAKISTAN—NUKES, USA finds:
20071203             Results of secret exercise reveal 'nightmare scenario'
20071203             Manufacturing Consent For War With IRAN::
20071203             Study: USA, ISRAEL should begin planning strike on IRAN nuclear sites : ISRAEL and THE—USA should begin 1—INTENSE—DIALOGUE on ways to deal with IRAN—NUCLEAR—PLANS and should examine ways to attack IRAN—NUCLEAR—FACILITIES, according to 1—NEW—STUDY published by 1—INFLUENTIAL—WASHINGTON think tank.
20071203             GUN—SHY—AMERICA is losing the best chance to stop IRAN:
20071203             JOHN—BOLTON, the hawkish FORMER—USA—AMBASSADOR to THE—UN, says TEHRAN—NUCLEAR—THREAT is growing and it will have to be halted by force
20071203             IRAN top nuclear official confirms he will visit MOSCOW —NEXT—WEEK :
20071203             —CONFIRMED, IRAN—TOP—NUCLEAR—NEGOTIATOR has, —EARLIER reports that he will visit MOSCOW —NEXT—WEEK to discuss the situation —AROUND THE—IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM.
20071203             Landslide election result for PUTIN—PARTY : Early official results from RUSSIA—PARLIAMENTARY—ELECTION suggest 1—LANDSLIDE victory for the party headed by PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN.
20071203             PUTIN—PARTY United RUSSIA wins 63.1—PERCENT—OF—VOTE with 38.2—PERCENT—OF—VOTES counted : MOSCOW.
20071203             (Interfax) - United RUSSIA has polled 63.1—PERCENT—OF—VOTES with 38.2—PERCENT—OF—VOTES counted in —SUNDAY—STATE—DUMA elections at 1 a.m. MOSCOW time —ON—MONDAY.
20071203             Venezuelans Reject CHAVEZ—PLANS for Socialist Constitution : VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ suffered his 1. electoral defeat in —9—YEARS as voters turned down his plan to overhaul the constitution.
20071203             Bush Handed Blueprint to Seize PAKISTAN—NUCLEAR—ARSENAL—BY ADRIAN—LEVY and Cathy SCOTT—CLARK—ARCHITECT—OF—IRAQ surge draws up takeover options: USA—FEARS—ARMY'S—ISLAMISTS might grab weapons.
20071203             VENEZUELA: Not What You THINK—BY- ROBIN—HAHNEL
20071203             THE—CASE—OF—HUGO—CHAVEZ, and THE—VENEZUELA—BOLIVARIAN Revolution, the mainstream media and politicians in THE—USA—HAVE elevated their game of demonizing all who oppose USA foreign policy and business interests to 1—HIGHER—LEVEL—OF—ABSURDITY than usual.
20071203             CHAVEZ—SPEECH - "Go ahead, make my —DAY".
20071203             —ORDERED, Chavez has, the military to protect the oilfields and other installations and warned that if there is ANY—SABOTAGE, ANY—USA—INSPIRED disturbances —SUNDAY night, oil shipments to THE—USA will be cut off —IMMEDIATELY.
20071203             - He warned INTERNATIONAL broadcasters --and by name, and repeatedly-- that this or ANY—OTHER—SORT—OF shenanigans will be met with the expulsion of their staff from the country.
20071203             Reflections on VENEZUELA: 1—PEOPLE—UNDER—FIRE
20071203             VENEZUELA, whose people are heirs to BOLIVAR—IDEAS which transcend his era, is —TODAY facing 1—WORLD tyranny a 1000—TIMES—MORE—POWERFUL than THAT—OF—SPAIN—COLONIAL—STRENGTH added to that of the —RECENTLY born USA which, through Monroe, proclaimed their right to the natural WEALTH—OF—THE—CONTINENT and to the sweat of its people.
20071203             USA 'Declaration' 1—SETBACK for Maliki
20071203             —WHEN PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush comes out to praise political prisoners in DAMASCUS, he completely ruins their credibility in THE—SYRIA—STREET, projecting them as stooges for THE—USA.
20071203             BUSH—20—BILLION Dollar Arms Sale to SAUDI—ARABIA:
20071203             THE—ZIONIST—POWER—CONFIGURATION—DEFEATS—BIG—OIL, the Military Industrial Complex, THE—WHITE—HOUSE and the Pentagon.
20071203             Public Sentiment for Bush / Cheney Impeachment Expands
20071203             —BY JOHN—KAMINSKI and GARY—HIGGINBOTTOM
20071203             64—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS believe that PRESIDENT—BUSH has abused his powers, and 70 % believe that Cheney has done so.
20071203             RELIGION IN USA—SOCIETY - - History Commons
20071203             —CALLED, Norquist cofounds the Islamic Institute, sometimes, the Islamic Free Market Institute, with Khaled Saffuri.
20071203             Saffuri is executive director + Norquist.
20071203             Biologie Referate und charakterisierung - This comes to us by way of Larisa.)
20071203             Seems to me that the Powers That Be, or 1—FACTION thereof, have had quite ENOUGH—OF—THE—BUSH—FAMILY, thank you very much.
20071203             WHITE—HOUSE—OBSTRUCTS Justice on OUTING—OF—CIA—OPERATIVE—PLAME By Not Allowing Fitzgerald to Provide Evidence to Congress -- 1—BUZZFLASH—ALERT
20071203             TEXAS Republicans Launch New Vote Suppression Scheme
20071203             WHITE—HOUSE—LIE Bombshell, So to Speak: "1—NEW—ASSESSMENT by USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES concludes that IRAN halted its nuclear weapons program 20030000             and that the program remains on hold, contradicting 1—ASSESSMENT —2—YEARS—AGO that TEHRAN was working inexorably toward building 1—BOMB".
20071203             —FROM NEW—YORK—TIMES.
20071203             12/4 - THE—EXCLUSIVE—MONDAY BuzzFlash Weekly Column from GEORGE—LAKOFF—ROCKRIDGE "Framing" Institute.
20071203             Ask Rockridge:
20071203             —WHEN Values Go Beyond SELF—INTEREST (You can receive the column in advance by signing up for 1—WEEKLY—ALERT.)
20071203             THE—BUZZFLASH—MAILBAG -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
20071203             LARRY—CRAIG—GETS—CAUGHT—WITH—HIS—PANTS—DOWN, As Recalled by 4—MEN.
20071203             Actually, He Often Had Gay Sex With His Pants On. THE—BUZZFLASH—EDITOR—BLOG.
20071203             BILL—QUIGLEY: HUD Sends NEW—ORLEANS Bulldozers and $400,000 Apartments for the Holidays -- 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION
20071203             Bush Whines That Congress Won't Let Him Avoid Due Process By Keeping Him From Making Recess Appointments of Dreadful Nominees 12/4
20071203             BARBARA—DAILY—BUZZFLASH—MINUTE for - #—POSTED—BY dr. elsewhere
20071203             Another source for these comparisons comes from 2—NAOMI'S, Klein and Wolfe.
20071203             These 2—GORGEOUS and brave women are coming at the same issues from only slightly different angles, angles that are parallel but importantly complimentary.
20071203             KLEIN—RECOGNITION—OF—THE—HISTORICAL—EVOLUTION—OF—THE—SHOCK—DOCTRINE, 1—LA—MILTON—FRIEDMAN himself, exposes how the greedy and powerful have actively worked to keep economies (that would serve their plundering and looting agenda) under control, economies that —NOW include our own.
20071203             WOLFE—CONTRIBUTION—LOOKS directly at those comparisons with the thirties, but more blatantly at GERMANY—DEVOLUTION to fascism.
20071203             Though we've made MANY—OF—THOSE comparisons —BEFORE, if only in passing, she's drawn out the parallels in disturbingly geometric precision, and it's frightening.
20071203             That someone out there we're hoping to have the leadership and courage to take up this banner with bold conviction needs to stop shying away from that F word;
20071203             fascism is upon us, and it's gaining ground at frightening speed.
20071203             Rarely has THE—ECB been as powerless as it is —TODAY.
20071203             It can do nothing against the weak dollar, nor can it perform its real task of protecting the intrinsic VALUE—OF—THE—EURO.
20071203             —DIVIDED, But opinions are, over what happens next.
20071203             There are 3—POSSIBLE—SCENARIOS.
20071203             Which of them becomes reality will depend on whether the participants behave more or less rationally -- or whether panic breaks out.
20071203             But all other industries will also feel the effects of a worldwide economic slowdown —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—DOLLAR crisis.
20071203             According to recent figures, 20—PERCENT—OF—USA—MORTGAGES were issued to borrowers with extremely poor credit.
20071203             The world economy is booming and THE—PROFITS—OF—USA—CORPORATIONS are exploding, but USA—WORKERS have been left out in the cold.
20071203             Rarely has the world economy been so out of whack or have global imbalances been greater.
20071203             THE—AMERICANS were the world's financiers —FOR—YEARS.
20071203             —TODAY they are its biggest borrowers, —WHILE the Asians serve as AMERICA—BANK.
20071203             The dollar's dominance holds great appeal for Americans.
20071203             They can continuously print green bills and sell them abroad without driving up inflation in their own country.
20071203             They can go into debt to pay for things like THE—IRAQ war or enjoy THE—BENEFITS—OF—TAX cuts.
20071203             This attitude has led to 1—RECORD—USA national debt of $5—TRILLION.
20071203             The problem is the transitional period, in which 1—POWER is weakening and the other is not yet capable of slipping into its shoes.
20071203             "If the crisis continues well into the coming —YEAR," says Burda, "it may very well assume proportions like the worldwide depression in the 1930s".
20071203             —PREDICTED, Not too long ago, the Fed, 4 % growth for THE—USA—ECONOMY 20080000             .
20071203             —ON—TUESDAY—OF—LAST—WEEK, it scaled back its USA economic growth forecast for the coming —YEAR to between 1.8 and 2.5 %.
20071203             FRANCE—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—SARKOZY has made himself even clearer.
20071203             He suspects that USA—POLITICIANS are deliberately using the weak dollar to improve the export PROSPECTS—OF—USA—INDUSTRY and weaken European competitiveness.
20071203             It wouldn't be the 1. time.
20071203             Consumer spending and investment, THE—2—MAIN—PILLARS—OF—THE—USA—ECONOMY, are faltering.
20071203             And yet EVERY—DOLLAR—INCREASE in THE—PRICE—OF—OIL and, especially, EVERY—CENT the dollar loses in value heightens fears of the seemingly inevitable consequences, and fears that global growth could slow and, in 1—EXTREME—SCENARIO, even come to 1—GRINDING halt.
20071203             JEAN—CLAUDE—TRICHET, THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—CENTRAL—BANK, says that he already recognizes "brutal movements" in THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—STRUCTURE.
20071203             Like so many in politics and business, Enders hasn't 1—CLUE what to do about THE—DECLINE—OF—THE—DOLLAR, still the world's reserve currency.
20071203             The economic ORIGINS—OF—FASCISM—YOU'VE been READING 1—GREAT—MANY—WORRISOME articles about THE—DECLINE—OF—THE—DOLLAR.
20071203             1—OF—THE—BEST may be this piece in Der Speigel.
20071203             The mortgage crisis really comes down to —JUST that.
20071203             —RECEIVED, SUB—PRIME—BORROWERS would not be SUB—PRIME—BORROWERS if labor, 1—FAIR—WAGE.
20071203             These events should be read in conjunction with this Kos entry:
20071203             "Could 20080000             —THE—ELECTION be Like 19320000             —THE—ELECTION?"
20071203             Whereas SOME—EXPERTS might look at the historical record and expect 1—SWING back against the Democrats or at least no major gains 20080000             , I think the historical record suggests it's more likely that
20071203             —INCREASED, The underlying cause is income inequality, which has, at 1—FRIGHTENING rate —SINCE REAGAN—ELECTION.
20071203             M—E—E?R e.V.: Aktuelle News
20071203             Meeresverschmutzung gibt es leider überall, auch auf den Kanarischen Inseln.
20071203             Noch —IN—DIESEM—JAHR sollen Schwertwale aus den USA nach Teneriffa... - down with murder inc
20071203             "Links between Gladio, ITALY—SECRET—SERVICE—BOSSES and the notorious P2 masonic lodge are manifold.
20071203             The chiefs of all 3—SECRET.
20071203             CIA Druglords - Um ALLE—ZWEIFEL am CHINESISCHEN—BILDMATERIAL auszuräumen, kündigte Ziyuan ein für Pekings Verhältnisse ungewöhnliches Transparenzprogramm an.
20071203             JEDER—INTERESSIERTE—CHINA—KÖNNE sich anmelden, um Zugriff auf die DATEN—DER—SONDE zu ERHALTEN—EGAL ob Wissenschaftler oder HOBBY—ASTRONOM.
20071203             Schließlich sei die Sonde aus Steuergeldern bezahlt worden.
20071203             Deswegen hätten die Bürger auch 1—ANRECHT auf die Bilder.
20071203             Die EZB sitzt mit 600—TONNEN Gold auf einem vergleichsweise kleinen Reservenberg.
20071203             Über die mit Abstand größten GOLDRESERVEN—ETWA 8100—TONNEN—VERFÜGT nach offiziellen Angaben die USA—NOTENBANK FEDERAL—RESERVE.
20071203             Auf Platz 2—LIEGT die Bundesbank, die rund 3400—TONNEN Gold ihr Eigen nennt.
20071203             Drittgrößter Goldbesitzer ist mit etwa 3200—TONNEN—DER—INTERNATIONALE—WÄHRUNGSFONDS (IWF).
20071203             FRANKFURT—NACH Schätzungen von Analysten sind die Goldreserven der Europäischen Zentralbank (EZB) durch den MEGA—VERKAUF um 7 % gesunken.
20071203             EUGEN—WEINBERG, Rohstoffexperte bei der Commerzbank, errechnete, dass mittels des Verkaufs etwa 1,2 % der jährlichen weltweiten Goldnachfrage gestillt werden.
20071203             DDP
20071203             —ABSORBIERT, Goldreserven der Bundesbank: Vom Markt gut, Da der jüngste Rückgang des Goldpreises am schwachen Dollar LIEGE, habe der Markt das Gold der Zentralbank offenbar gut absorbiert, sagte Weinberg.
20071203             "Wir glauben den DATEN—DER—ZENTRALEN—WAHLKOMMISSION nicht", hatte KP—CHEF—GENNADI—SJUGANOW —GESTERN im Nadelstreifenanzug und mit ernster Miene verkündet.
20071203             11—PROZENT—DER—STIMMEN habe man den Kommunisten insgesamt weggenommen, und den KREML—TREUEN Parteien LDPR und Gerechtes RUSSLAND zugesteckt, behauptet er.
20071203             BASCHKORTOSTAN, oder Mordowien habe man die Stimmen —ERST gar nicht ausgezählt.
20071203             Seine Beschwerdeliste ist lang und wird noch wachsen.
20071203             Sjuganow nennt das Parlament —HEUTE eine "Stempelfabrik": "Ich möchte der Macht sagen: Hört auf, ihr unterdrückt das Land".
20071203             Inzwischen ruft der KP—CHEF—DIE—BÜRGER auf der Homepage der Partei zum öffentlichen Protest auf.
20071203             Auch in der Vergangenheit hatte die Kommunistische Partei immer wieder über Wahlfälschungen geklagt, doch ohne Erfolg.
20071203             —NUN stehen die Kommunisten vor einem Scheideweg: Bleiben Sie ein zahnloser Tiger oder werden sie ein ernstzunehmender KREML—GEGNER?
20071203             IRAN habe aller Wahrscheinlichkeit —IM—HERBST 20030000             sein Atomwaffenprogramm eingestellt, heißt es in dem sogenannten National Intelligence Estimate.
20071203             Die ENTWICKLUNG—VON—TECHNOLOGIE, die auch für den Bau von Atombomben benutzt werden könnte, sei aber fortgesetzt worden, heißt es weiter.
20071203             Aus Geheimdienstkreisen verlautete, das Atomwaffenprogramm sei auf internationalen Druck gestoppt worden.
20071203             "Wir urteilen mit hoher Gewissheit, dass der Stopp in 1. Linie 1—REAKTION auf wachsende internationale Aufmerksamkeit und Druck war".
20071203             Dies lasse vermuten, dass IRAN "verwundbarer auf Einfluss ist als wir bislang vermuteten".
20071203             Dies lege nahe, "dass Teherans —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN eher auf einer KOSTEN—NUTZEN—ANALYSE beruhen als auf einem Streben nach der Waffe ohne Berücksichtigung der politischen, wirtschaftlichen und militärischen Kosten".
20071203             Angesichts solcher Versäumnisse lässt sich nur schwer abschätzen, wie VIELE—MENSCHEN unschuldig in AMERIKANISCHEN—GEFÄNGNISSEN ausharren.
20071203             Einen Versuch hat SAMUEL—GROSS unternommen:
20071203             Der Rechtsexperte von der UNIVERSITY—OF—MICHIGAN hat 3293—ZWISCHEN
20071203             Im HOUSTON Police DEPARTMENT—CRIME—LABORATORY ging es derart drunter und drüber, dass es 20020000             aufgrund zunehmender Proteste geschlossen werden musste.
20071203             Als Mitglieder einer Untersuchung sich hier umsahen, waren sie geschockt: In den Räumen fanden sich Proben aus 19 500—VERGEWALTIGUNGSFÄLLEN, die niemals bearbeitet worden waren.
20071203             Regenwasser war durchs Dach getropft.
20071203             In einer Asservatenkammer fraßen sich Ratten durch 280—KISTEN mit Beweismaterial, das dort in Vergessenheit geraten war.
20071203             Von den Menschen, die zu Unrecht als Vergewaltiger abgeurteilt wurden, waren 73 % Schwarze oder Hispanics.
20071203             Bei rechtmäßig verurteilten Vergewaltigern liegt die Vergleichszahl bei nur 37 %.
20071203             Als JAMES—GILES abgeurteilt wurde, kursierte im Criminal DISTRICT—COURT noch 1—AKTENNOTIZ, wie man die Geschworenen auszuwählen habe: "Nehmen Sie keine Juden, Neger, Mexikaner oder Angehörige anderer Minderheiten".
20071203             Die Parole auf den Fluren des Strafgerichts habe geheißen: "Einen Schuldigen kann JEDER—ÜBERFÜHREN—ABER es braucht Begabung, einen Unschuldigen zu überführen".
20071203             Ähnlich urteilt der Psychologe GARY—WELLS—VON—DER—IOWA—STATE—UNIVERSITY, der —SEIT—30—JAHREN darauf hinweist, dass Augenzeugen erstaunlich häufig irren.
20071203             Einst haben Geschworene JEDES—JAHR etwa 300—VERURTEILTEN das Recht auf Leben abgesprochen;
20071203             Erstmals, so zeigt 1—GALLUP—UMFRAGE aus dem Vorjahr, sind die Amerikaner mehrheitlich nicht mehr dafür, Kapitalverbrechern den Garaus zu machen.
20071203             Die Aufräumarbeit der DNA—DETEKTIVE führt im Gefängnisland USA—GEGENWÄRTIG leben dort 2,3 Millionen Menschen hinter GITTERN—ZU merklichen Veränderungen im Justizwesen.
20071203             Mittlerweile haben 42—DER insgesamt 50—BUNDESSTAATEN den nachträglichen DNA—TEST zugelassen.
20071203             Und mehr als 500—BEHÖRDEN zur Strafverfolgung haben ihre Gepflogenheiten geändert:
20071203             Inzwischen müssen die Ermittler ihre Verhöre aufzeichnen, damit sich später objektiv nachvollziehen lässt, unter welchen Umständen Geständnisse abgelegt worden sind.
20071203             Beinahe JEDE—WOCHE kommt gegenwärtig irgendwo in den Vereinigten Staaten 1—MENSCH aus dem Gefängnis frei, weil 1—DNA—TEST seine Unschuld bewiesen hat.
20071203             —NACH—16—JAHREN Zuchthaus tastet sich etwa BRANDON—MOON, der seine alte Gefängniskarte am Sakko trägt, in das Leben hier draußen zurück.
20071203             "Ich muss mich noch eingliedern", sagt der 46-Jährige, der als Entschädigung 1—PENSION in Höhe von jährlich 25.000—DOLLAR erhält.
20071203             Nach Angaben des "Innocent Project", einer Hilfsorganisation für unschuldige USA—HÄFTLINGE, sind —BIS vergangenen —FREITAG 208—FRAUEN und Männer aus den Kerkern befreit worden.
20071203             Mehr als 90 % von ihnen hatte man Vergewaltigung vorgeworfen - 1—VERBRECHEN, das sich wegen der Spermaspuren besonders leicht mit Hilfe von DNA—TESTS aufklären lässt.
20071203             Im Durchschnitt hatten die zu Unrecht Verurteilten —12—JAHRE hinter Gittern verbracht.
20071203             15—VON ihnen waren sogar zum Tode verurteilt und sind den Henkern nur knapp entronnen.
20071203             —VERROTTET, Normalerweise, weiches Körpergewebe, bevor der Versteinerungsprozess einsetzen kann.
20071203             In diesem Fall jedoch seien die chemischen Reaktionen der Fossilisation schneller als die Zersetzung durch Mikroben gewesen, sagte Manning.
20071203             —BEGEISTERT, Besonders, sind die Wissenschaftler von der gut erhaltenen Haut des Hadrosaurus.
20071203             Manning: "Dies ist kein Hautabdruck, sondern versteinerte HAUT—DAS ist ein großer Unterschied".
20071203             Mit der Hand über die Schuppen zu streichen, so der Forscher, komme dem Berühren eines echten Dinosauriers so nahe wie nichts zuvor.
20071203             Atomkonflikt: USA—GEHEIMDIENSTE sehen in IRAN keine akute Gefahr
20071203             Polizeipannen in SACHSEN—ANHALT: Weggucken statt Hingucken
20071203             —EVAKUIERT, Traunstein: Berghang an See rutscht AB—SIEDLUNG
20071203             MEGA—VERKAUF: EZB stößt 42—TONNEN Gold ab
20071203             Fossilfund: Dinosaurier so gut erhalten wie Mumie
20071203             Justizpannen: Gentests entlarven Hunderte Fehlurteile der USA—GERICHTE
20071203             Die Präsidentschaftsbewerberin zeigte sich auch besorgt über ausländische Staatsfonds wie etwa dem chinesischen, die in anderen Ländern investieren.
20071203             Solche Fonds könnten eine mögliche Bedrohung für Amerikas "wirtschaftliche Souveränität" sein.
20071203             "Mein Hauptanliegen ist es, die Transparenz zu erhöhen, damit klar sichtbar ist, woher diese Fonds kommen".
20071203             So könnten eventuelle Nachteile schnell erkannt werden, wenn bestimmte Regierungen bestimmte Aktiva in den USA hielten.
20071203             VENEZUELA: Schluss mit Chávez' Siegesserie
20071203             WIRO—AFFÄRE: Sparkasse dreht Wohnungsgesellschaft den Geldhahn ab
20071203             —GEDACHT, HYPOTHEKEN—NEPP: Kreditkrise erfasst mehr Menschen als
20071203             —NOVEMBER—PREISE: Benzin und Diesel so teuer wie nie
20071203             Handelspolitik: Clinton stellt Freihandel in Frage
20071203             CDU—PARTEITAG: Merkel wirft SPD Rückfall in Sozialismus vor
20071203             —KRITISIERT, RUSSLAND: Bundesregierung, DUMA—WAHL als undemokratisch - MEXIKO: "El Popo" spuckt Gas und Asche
20071203             Council for National Policy (CNP) - SH—MEMBER—BIOGRAPHIES... VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—WESTINGHOUSE—ELECTRIC—CORPORATION, and PRESIDENT—OF—CBS—TV... intriguing proposition from GeoMiliTech Consultants Corp., 1—WASHINGTON arms...
20071203             Council for National Policy (CNP) - N—PA—MEMBER—BIOGRAPHIES... PAUL—HILL—OF—THE—RAND—CORPORATION / UNIVERSITY—OF—WASHINGTON, and Connie...
20071203             Die USA sind nunmehr der einzige westliche Industriestaat, der das KYOTO—PROTOKOLL noch nicht ratifiziert hat.
20071203             "Dies ist die 1. Amtshandlung der neuen AUSTRALISCHEN—REGIERUNG", erklärte der sozialdemokratische Politiker in einer Mitteilung.
20071203             Die Unterzeichnung solle zeigen, dass sich die Regierung voll gegen den Klimawandel einsetze.
20071203             Kurz zuvor waren Rudd und seine MINISTER—IN—DER—HAUPTSTADT—CANBERRA vereidigt worden.
20071203             "Wir sind hier, um sicherzustellen, dass die Regierungen einen klaren Aktionsplan beschließen, um mit dem Klimawandel fertig zu werden", sagte der GREENPEACE—KLIMAEXPERTE GAVIN—EDWARDS.
20071203             Das KYOTO—PROTOKOLL läuft 20120000             aus.
20071203             Der Anschlussvertrag soll spätestens 20090000             unterzeichnet werden, um allen Ländern genügend Zeit für die Ratifizierung zu geben.
20071203             "Diese Konferenz wird mitbestimmen, ob Bali wie andere gefährdete Orte dieser Welt eines Tages ein verlorenes Paradies wird oder nicht", warnte Yvo de Boer, CHEF—DES—UNO—KLIMASEKRETARIATS, bei der Eröffnung.
20071203             Der INDONESISCHE—UMWELTMINISTER und Konferenzpräsident Rachmet Witoelar sagte bei der Eröffnung der Konferenz, von wissenschaftlicher Seite aus seien die verheerenden Folgen des Klimawandels drastisch aufgezeigt worden.
20071203             —JETZT müsse gehandelt werden.
20071203             "Wir müssen den politischen Willen aufbringen", mahnte er seine Kollegen.
20071203             Unterdessen hat Australiens neue Regierung das KYOTO—PROTOKOLL ratifiziert.
20071203             Die ERGEBNISSE—DER—STUDIE stehen im "Journal of Gerontology": 3—FARBIGE AUFNAHMEN—VON—GEHIRNEN sind da zu sehen, mit Pfeilen, die auf verschiedene Stellen weisen:
20071203             —GEWORDEN, Hier ist jeweils Gehirngewebe größer.
20071203             Vor allem Gewebe in den präfrontalen und temporalen Hirnrinden hatten ein vergrößertes VOLUMEN—ES sind gerade diese Regionen, die im Alter verstärkt verloren gehen.
20071203             In der Kontrollgruppe fanden sich solche Verbesserungen nicht.
20071203             Die beteiligte Neurologin Miia Kivipelto sagt:
20071203             "Wenn 1—PERSON in jungen und in mittleren —JAHREN einen aktiven Lebensstil ergreift, dann vermag das die Wahrscheinlichkeit zu erhöhen, später im Leben —JAHRE voller körperlicher und geistiger Vitalität zu genießen".
20071203             Die VGF—PROTEINE, die sich auch in Menschen finden, könnten sich als das —SEIT langem gesuchte Scharnier erweisen, das körperliche Bewegung in Hirngesundheit übersetzt.
20071203             Wie eng beide Faktoren miteinander zusammenhängen, ist Epidemiologen —BEREITS in vielen Studien aufgefallen:
20071203             Ausdauertraining hebt demnach die Stimmung, nimmt Ängste, stärkt das Selbstbewusstsein und erhöht das Vermögen, Stress zu bewältigen.
20071203             Als man Gruppen von aktiven und von inaktiven Menschen für 1—STUDIE —8—JAHRE lang beobachtete, zeigte sich:
20071203             Die sesshaften Zeitgenossen hatten im Lauf —DER—JAHRE eine doppelt so hohe Depressionsrate entwickelt.
20071203             Auf YETI—SUCHE: USA—FILMCREW entdeckt mysteriöse Spuren im Himalaja
20071203             Nahost: ISRAEL lässt mehr als 400—INHAFTIERTE Palästinenser frei
20071203             Sizilien: MAFIA—BOSS stirbt bei Schießerei mit der Polizei
20071203             Putins fragwürdiger Triumph: OSZE nennt RUSSLAND—WAHL unfair, Opposition plant Proteste
20071203             MILLIARDEN—DEAL: SWITZERLAND—LIFE will Finanzdienstleister AWD übernehmen
20071203             RUSSLAND: OSZE wertet DUMA—WAHL als "nicht fair"
20071203             JU—CHEF—MIßFELDER: "Die Große Koalition darf nicht zur Dauereinrichtung werden"
20071203             TEDDY—AFFÄRE im SUDAN: BRITISCHE—LEHRERIN wird begnadigt
20071203             Parlamentsbericht: Briten hinterlassen in Basra 1—ERBE—VON—GEWALT und Anarchie
20071203             MAGDEBURG: Fremdenhasser verprügeln Afrikaner, schlagen schwangere Irakerin
20071203             Wettbewerb für Jungmanager: Aufstieg mit Solarkraft
20071203             Pressestimmen: "Der Westen muss sich von Putins Schwindel distanzieren"
20071203             Heilung durch Aktivität: Glücklicher Geist in bewegtem Körper
20071203             Teurer Euro: Airbus erwägt Endmontage im USA—STAAT—ALABAMA
20071203             Orkantief: Schwerer Sturm fegt über DEUTSCHLAND hinweg
20071203             Weltklimakonferenz Bali: EU verlangt Reduzierung der Emissionen um 50 %
20071203             Linksnationalist Chávez gab seine Stimme im Armenviertel 23—DE Enero in der HAUPTSTADT ab.
20071203             </FONT> - Dabei sagte er, —SCHON der Urnengang sei "1—SIEG hinsichtlich des Aufbaus einer wirklichen Demokratie".
20071203             Auch Oppositionsführer MANUEL—ROSALES sprach angesichts der friedlichen Wahl von einem "Sieg aller Venezolaner".
20071203             Vor Bekanntgabe des Auszählungsergebnisses hatte Chávez erklärt, er wolle das Wahlergebnis anerkennen, unabhängig davon wie es ausgehe.
20071203             Welches Völkerrecht?
20071203             USA—KOPFGELDJÄGER in der ganzen Welt - Welches Völkerrecht?
20071203             USA—KOPFGELDJÄGER in der ganzen Welt
20071203             Forschungsreport: Google muss zerschlagen werden
20071203             1—STUDIE—DER—TU—GRAZ warnt mit drastischen Worten vor der "BEDROHUNG—DER—MENSCHHEIT" durch Google.
20071203             Der Suchmaschinenprimus schicke sich nicht nur an, den Schutz der Privatsphäre auf dem Müllhaufen der Geschichte zu entsorgen, heißt es in dem 187-Seiten umfassenden Bericht[1] "über die Gefahren und Chancen großer Suchmaschinen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Google" (PDF—DATEI).
20071203             Das "monopolistische Verhalten" des Marktführers bedrohe vielmehr, "wie wir die Welt sehen und wie wir als Individuen wahrgenommen werden".
20071203             Damit gerate sogar die gesamte Weltwirtschaft in Gefahr.
20071203             Google habe in unerhörter Art und Weise Macht angehäuft, sodass 1—GEGENANGRIFF überfällig sei.
20071203             "Hi All, We received 1—FOIA request asking —FOR—MINUTES—OF—MEETINGS—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—WORKING—GROUP on Financial Markets (PWG).
20071203             As far as we know... alfatomega.com/20071203.html - 250 - GERMANY—ARAB Trade Events
20071203             of the emirate SHARJAH, said Sheikh Tariq Bin FAISAL—AL—QASIMI... Khalid AL—MANA, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—QATAR—CHAMBER—OF—COMMERCE and Industry...
20071203             www.ahkvae.com/pdf/Gate02-20050000             .pdf
20071203             Almana Group THE—ALMANA—GROUP is 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—GROUPS—OF—COMPANIES in QATAR.
20071203             www. almana group.com/ - )(WILL—THE—REAL—GENERATION—OBAMA—PLEASE—STAND—UP?
20071203             Wir präsentieren ihren Beitrag in DEUTSCHER—ERSTVERÖFFENTLICHUNG (Übersetzung: KARL—D—BREDTHAUER).
200712030000 aangirfan.blogspot.com
20071203—19600000    —IN, —SINCE its inception, it has grown tremendously + in the process has made.
20071203—19990000    —SEIT, CARACAS—ES ist das 1. Mal, dass HUGO—CHÁVEZ 1—ABSTIMMUNG verliert.
20071203—20010911    —SINCE, "Thousands" Illegally Rendered By BUSH—ADMINISTRATION for Interrogation, Torture : In violation of INTERNATIONAL and USA—LAW, "thousands" of alleged terrorists have been victims of "extraordinary rendition" by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, 2—LEGAL—SCHOLARS say.
20071203—20030000    —IN, 1—CONSENSUS JUDGEMENT—OF—THE—USA—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY was released saying IRAN had halted its nuclear weapons program, and though it continues 1 enriched uranium program, it apparently has not resumed moving toward 1—NUCLEAR—CAPABILITY.
20071203—20040000    —IN, restarted.
20071203—20050000    —SENTENCED, JAKARTA—INDONESIA, 6—ISLAMIC—MILITANTS were, to up to —19—YEARS in prison for terrorist acts in EAST—INDONESIA that include beheading 3—CHRISTIAN schoolgirls and
20071203—20050700    —IN, Housing SLUMP—3. —YEAR to Be `Deepest' —SINCE WWII : Total new home sales peaked and have declined for 19—OF—THE—LAST—28—MONTHS through October, according to Commerce Department data.
20071203—20060000    —IN, shooting to death REVEREND—IRIANTO—KONGKOLI.
20071203—20070000    —MITTE, Es sei anzunehmen, dass IRAN das Programm —BIS nicht wieder aufgenommen habe.
20071203—20071205    —ON, Rice to HEAD—TO—AFRICA to help CONGO tackle " rebels " : Rice will be in ADDIS—ABABA, THE—ETHIOPIA—CAPITAL, to join leaders from THE—AFRICA—GREAT—LAKES region -- RWANDA, BURUNDI, Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO and UGANDA -- in talks about CONFIDENCE—BUILDING and joint security, Assistant SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JENDAYI—FRAZER told reporters.
20071203—20071211    —ON, the national Council for Resistance in IRAN said IRAN—WEAPONIZATION—PROGRAM was relocated and
20071203—20071214    —BIS ZUMM—ERÖFFNET, Auf der INDONESISCHEN—INSEL—BALI wird die 13. UN—WELTKLIMAKONFERENZ auf der über Folgeabkommen für das 20120000             auslaufende KYOTO—PROTOKOLL verhandelt werden soll.
20071203—20120000    —HOPED, THE—UN—FRAMEWORK—CONVENTION on Climate Change (UNFCC), for 1—AGREEMENT to mitigate climate change —AFTER THE—KYOTO protocol runs out.
20071204             The television ads began airing —ON—MONDAY, 20071203             . - - DOE Selects SkyFuel to Develop CSP
20071212             Konferenz auf Bali: USA wollen mit CHINA und INDIEN Klimaschutz blockieren (20071203             )
20081203             "Die Konsequenzen eines Bioangriffs überschreiten fast das Vorstellungsvermögen",
20081203             —NAMED, That was said by someone, BARACK—OBAMA.1 THE—USA—TURNS out religious fanatics like THE—JAPAN—TURN out cars.
20081203             Internationaler Vertrag: Mehr als 100—STAATEN wollen STREUBOMBEN—VERBOT unterzeichnen
20081203             Finanzkrise: Chinas Staatfonds stoppt Investitionen im Westen - Die Behörden haben einiges verschlafen.
20081203             —SKIZZIERT, Der insgesamt 161—SEITEN starke Report, ein beängstigendes Szenario einer bedrohten Welt,
20081203             —RELEASED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, the 1. part of a $400—MILLION—AID—PACKAGE to support MEXICO—POLICE and soldiers in their fight against drug cartels.
20081203             Jesus MARTIN—HUERTA, THE—NUMBER 2—FEDERAL—PROSECUTOR in the border CITY—OF—CIUDAD—JUAREZ, was shot dead.
20081203             —DISAPPEARED, Laura Garza, 1—ASPIRING dancer, —AFTER leaving 1—NEW—YORK—CITY—NIGHTCLUB with 1 registered sex offender.
20081203             —STRANGLED, CALIFORNIA, THEODORE—NEFF, —66—JAHRE—ALT was found, to death as his house on S—PABLO—BAY burned.
20081203             —ARRESTED, Within days police, ALEJANDRO—HERNANDEZ—RIVERA, —24—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MALE prostitute, in 1—STING operation.
20081203             NEFF—GOLDEN flute was in RIVERA—CAR.
20081203             † LYNN—GILDERDALE, —31—JAHRE—ALT, who suffered from myalgic encephalomyelitis (aka chronic fatigue syndrome), in EAST—SUSSEX with the assistance of her mother, KAY—GILDERDALE.
20081203             —ATTACHED, IRAQ, 1—STICKY—BOMB, to 1—MINIBUS carrying Education Ministry employees exploded, killing at least 1—CIVILIAN and wounding 5—OTHERS in EAST—BAGHDAD.
20081203             —ATTACHED, Another such bomb, to 1—CAR exploded near the entrance of the heavily fortified Green Zone, wounding the driver, 1—IRAQ—CONTRACTOR working with USA—FORCES.
20081203             1—INTERNATIONAL—RIGHTS—GROUP said THE—TORTURE—OF—PRISONERS including AL—QAIDA suspects has increased under the military junta that rules MAURITANIA, where security forces routinely abuse detainees with electric shocks, burnings, beatings and sexual violence.
20081203             —AFFIRMED, NATO foreign ministers, their support for USA—PLANS to install ANTI—MISSILE—DEFENSES in EUROPE despite RUSSIA—STRONG—OPPOSITION.
20081203             —EXPECTED, NATO foreign ministers said they, ALBANIA and CROATIA to become the alliance's newest members by —APRIL.
20081203             —KILLED, PAKISTAN—AIRSTRIKES, 30 suspected militants in 2—AREA—OF—THE—MOHMAND border region.
20081203             1—SUICIDE—ATTACK on 1—CONVOY in the same region killed 3—SOLDIERS and 1—CIVILIAN.
20081203             —SLAMMED, PUERTO—RICO, 1—ROCKWELL—INTERNATIONAL—690B plane, into El Yunque mountain, killing Caribbean pilot KEN—WEBSTER and 2—USA—TOURISTS on BOARD.
20081203             1—SPOKESMAN for the Medical Mutual of OHIO health insurance company —LATER identified THE—2—AMERICANS as Kent W. Clapp, the firm's CHIEF executive, and his fiancee, Tracy Turner.
20081203             —SUSPECTED, SPAIN—NORTH—BASQUE, region, ETA separatists shot and killed 1—BUSINESSMAN in the 1. attack linked to the group —SINCE THE—ARREST—OF—ITS—MILITARY—CHIEF—LAST—MONTH.
20081203             —ARRIVED, THAILAND, the 1. commercial flight in —1—WEEK, in BANGKOK as ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS ended their SIEGE—OF—THE—COUNTRY—2—MAIN—AIRPORTS, declaring victory —AFTER PRIME—MINISTER—SOMCHAI—WONGSAWAT was ousted by 1—COURT ruling.
20081203             —WASHED, YEMEN, the bodies of 24—SOMALIS, ashore —FOLLOWING 1—ACCIDENT involving 1—BOAT trying to smuggle migrants.
20081203             —PUSHED, Strong winds, the bodies on to beaches over the last —2—DAYS—NEAR THE—TOWN—OF—AL—QASHA'A. 184—MORE—SOMALIS involved in the accident managed to swim ashore.
20081203             —CHARGED, ZIMBABWE riot police, into 1—GROUP—OF—DOCTORS and nurses protesting the deepening economic and health crisis, as deaths rose sharply from 1—CHOLERA epidemic blamed on collapsing infrastructure.
20081203             more than 100—COUNTRIES, including THE—UK, will sign 1—TREATY banning cluster bombs.
20081203             The world's biggest USERS—ISRAEL and THE—USA—WILL not sign this treaty.
20081203             Internationales Abkommen: 100—STAATEN bekennen sich zu STREUBOMBEN—VERBOT
20081203             Trotz Finanzkrise: DEUTSCHLAND wird laut Glos wieder Exportweltmeister
20081203             Pläne für Forschungseisbrecher: "AURORA Borealis" soll eigenen Bohrturm bekommen
20081203             Energiepreise: Ölpreis fällt zeitweise unter 45—DOLLAR
20081203             Wenn man ferner die Gehirntätigkeit des Menschen von Außenreizen loslösen kann,
20081203             so werden wir neue Forschungsparadigmen brauchen, da es nicht mehr genügt, das Organ mit Reizen zu bombardieren, wie es —BISHER in den meisten Versuchen mit bildgebenden Verfahren geschieht.
20081203             doch einzigartig am menschlichen Gehirn dürfte sein, dass es auf die Informationen innerhalb JEDES—PROZESSORS zugreifen und sie über Leitungsbahnen fast allen anderen zur Verfügung stellen kann.
20081203             Tatsächlich hält die OECD die Finanzkrise noch lange nicht für ausgestanden: Selbst den Untergang einer weiteren großen Bank hält die Organisation für durchaus möglich.
20081203             "Wir wären nicht überrascht, wenn eine weitere große Bank pleitegehen würde", sagte Padoan weiter.
20081203             Ein hohes Risiko sieht Padoan —DERZEIT vor allem in einem weltweiten Liquiditätsengpass.
20081203             "Das ist ein grundsätzliches Risiko".
20081203             Die Wirtschaftsstimmung sei aktuell so schlecht, dass vorhandene liquide Mittel trotz staatlicher Stützungsmaßnahmen möglicherweise nicht genutzt würden.
20081203             Fest steht: Die Behörden haben einiges verschlafen.
20081203             Selbst die Leibgarde von PREMIERMINISTER—SINGH sei nicht über einen möglichen Angriff informiert worden, obwohl am
20081203             Die Vereinigten Staaten befürchten auch 1—SCHWÄCHUNG—DES—KAMPFS gegen die Taliban und AL—QAIDA im Grenzgebiet zu AFGHANISTAN, falls PAKISTAN von dort wegen der Krise Truppen abzieht.
20081203             "JEDE—REAKTION muss an ihrer Effektivität zur Vermeidung (weiterer Anschläge) gemessen werden und daran, nicht weitere unbeabsichtigte Folgen oder Schwierigkeiten zu schaffen", sagte sie.
20081203             Terrorserie von Mumbai: USA machen Druck auf PAKISTAN
20081203             Rezessionsgefahr: Was der Wirtschaft wirklich HILFT—UND was nicht
20081203             Bundesumweltministerium: Gabriel will Biosprit FÖRDERN—WISSENSCHAFTLER raten ab
20081203             Vorratsdatenspeicherung: 2200—ERMITTLUNGEN in —3—MONATEN
20081203             FRANKREICH: Kinder sollen mit —12—JAHREN strafmündig werden
20081203             Rätselhafter Kugelsternhaufen: Das Geheimnis von Omega Centauri
20081203             —GEWINNT, Kursexplosion: VW—VORSTAND, 25—MILLIONEN Euro mit Aktienoptionen
20081203             Kriselnde USA—AUTOBAUER: SCHWEDEN lässt GENERAL—MOTORS und Ford abblitzen
20081203             Konjunkturwarnung: OECD sieht Gefahr einer internationalen Deflation
20081203             Primatenforschung: AFFEN—UND Menschenhirn sind unterschiedlicher als gedacht
20081203             Studie: Jedes 10. Kind wird misshandelt
20081203             We don't often discuss conspiracy theories, but
20081203             Having spent —2—YEARS studying the evidence and speaking to most of the surviving players, I'm convinced BRIAN—JONES—DEATH was not fully investigated.
20081203             The only question that remains is why?
20081203             I hope this is something the authorities will discover if they finally decide to reopen the case.
20081203             It is the least BRIAN—JONES deserves.
20081203             © SCOTT—JONES 20080000             .
20081203             Acorn Watchers Wonder What Happened to Crop
20081203             "I'm used to seeing so MANY—ACORNS —AROUND and out in the field, it's something I —JUST didn't believe," he said.
20081203             "But this is not —JUST not 1—GOOD—YEAR for oaks. It's a —0—YEAR. THERE—0—PRODUCTION. I've never seen anything like this —BEFORE".
20081203             Looking Inside 1—MUMMY—STOMACH
20081203             Whether it was 1—QUARTER as 1—KID, SOME—MEAN—LOOKING peppers or that worm at the bottom of your shot glass, you've probably swallowed SOME—WEIRD—THINGS over the years.
20081203             But 6—KINDS—OF moss? Well then Oetzi, the famous, 5,—300—YEAR—OLD frozen mummy found in the Alps nearly —2—DECADES—AGO, has got you beat.
20081203             Die gesamte Infrastruktur der Automobilbranche drohe zusammenzubrechen, hieß es.
20081203             Eigentlich hätte die Suspendierung der Demokratie in THAILAND internationale Proteste auslösen müssen.
20081203             Das tat sie nicht, weil auch in den Gesellschaften des Westens bald außerordentliche Maßnahmen zum "Schutz der demokratischen Ordnung" auf der Tagesordnung stehen könnten.
20081203             Das Verbot einer REGIERUNGSPARTEI ist eigentlich 1—STAATSSTREICH.
20081203             Daß ein solcher gewaltfrei — so hat das —BISHER jedenfalls den Anschein— über die Bühne gehen kann, vermittelt einen Eindruck davon, was sich hinter der rechtsstaatlichen Fassade an realer Macht verbirgt.
20081203             Das südostasiatische Königreich bildet keineswegs die einsame Ausnahme von der demokratischen Regel:
20081203             In der TÜRKEI ist die durch Wahlen legitimierte REGIERUNGSPARTEI Ende —JULI nur knapp dem Verbot durch die Verfassungsrichter entkommen.
20081203             Und —J—IM - Zuschuss für Käufer: OPEL—CHEF setzt auf Schrottprämie für alte Autos
20081203             Pursuing USA—AID, G.M. Accepts Need for Drastic Cuts
20081203             Unternehmen: 20090000             wird Annus horribilis der Autoindustrie
20081203             Unternehmen: Luft für PRIVATE—EQUITY wird dünner
20081203             Nach Milliardenverlusten: Chinesen machen Bogen um Banken
20081203             Opposition, Presseverbände und Anwälte lehnen BKA—GESETZ weiter ab
20081203             Die KfW und die Schulden aus der Kaiserzeit
20081203             Der MASTERMIND—DER—ANSCHLÄGE—VON—MUMBAI - GENERAL—MOTORS steht vor der Pleite
20081203             FDP prüft Klage gegen BKA—GESETZ
20081203             Siedler agieren wie "Antisemiten im Ausland" - Autoindustrie sieht schwarz
20081203             Konjunkturbericht: Berlins Wirtschaft wächst nicht mehr - SOMALIA: EU wird aktiv.
20081203             —BEGINNT, EU, mit Piratenbekämpfung
20081203             Aus der Not kommts zur grünen Revolution in der Autoindustrie
20081203             —ENTMILITARISIERT, BASEL—STADT, den Zivilschutz - BOJ takes steps to thaw credit crunch
20081203             Temps in manufacturing feel full BRUNT—OF—SLUMP
20081203             Welfare and crime at HEART—OF—QUEEN—SPEECH - Is extremism rife on campus?
20081203             Krise: Autobauer kämpfen weltweit um ihren Bestand - Explosieven gevonden in station Mumbai
20081203             Rice mahnt PAKISTAN zur Zusammenarbeit mit INDIEN
20081203             Noch schlimmer als erwartet: USA—AUTOBAUER in Existenzkrise
20081203             Regierung in THAILAND abgesetzt: Keine Lösung in Sicht
20081203             Nationalbankchef soll gehen: Wütende Isländer stürmen Zentralbank
20081203             —VOWED, INDIA sends 'stern' message to PAKISTAN : INDIA has, to take "stern action" against ISLAMABAD —FOLLOWING terrorist attacks on Mumbai carried out by PAKISTAN—NATIONALS.
20081203             —UNSUBSTANTIATED, PAKISTAN rejects "" Mumbai allegations : - PAKISTAN rejected —ON—MONDAY what it called unsubstantiated ALLEGATIONS—OF—COMPLICITY in the militant ASSAULT—ON—MUMBAI and sought help from allies to reduce tension with INDIA.
20081203             LT denies link to Mumbai terrorism : The banned LASHKAR—E—TAYYABA (LT) denied its involvement in the Mumbai terror attacks even as USA—MEDIA and intelligence speculated about the group's possible role in the attacks that left over 200—PEOPLE, including several foreigners, dead in INDIA—FINANCIAL—CAPITAL, Mumbai.
20081203             PAKISTAN warns west: we cannot fight AL—QAIDA if crisis escalates:
20081203             Intelligence officials say 100,000 troops will be taken from duties on AFGHANISTAN—BORDER if INDIA begins 'unwanted conflict'
20081203             INDIA asks for Dawood and MASOOD—AZHAR—HEAD: : INDIA has asked PAKISTAN to hand over gangster Dawood Ibrahim and terrorist leader Maulana MASOOD—AZHAR for their suspected involvement in the Mumbai terror attack.
20081203             USA tells PAKISTAN to cooperate in INDIA probe : THE—USA has told PAKISTAN it expects complete cooperation in investigations into the terrorist rampage in nuclear rival INDIA, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE said —MONDAY, saying the "civilized" world must unite against this menace.
20081203             Mumbai attacks 'were 1—PLOY to wreck Obama plan to isolate AL—QAEDA ': —LAST—WEEK—ATROCITIES were designed to provoke 1—CRISIS, or even 1—WAR, between THE—NUCLEAR—ARMED—NEIGHBOURS, diverting ISLAMABAD—ATTENTION from extremism in tribal areas bordering AFGHANISTAN and thus relieving pressure on AL—QAEDA, Taleban and other militants based there.
20081203             IRAN PARLIAMENT: Time to talk to USA : IRAN—MAJLIS—SPEAKER, ALI—LARIJANI, told reporters —ON—MONDAY that THE—PARLIAMENT is mulling over the letters received from MEMBERS—OF—THE—USA—CONGRESS and Senate, who had put forward 1—REQUEST for initiating parliamentary dialogue between THE—2—COUNTRIES.
20081203             ISRAEL turns back LIBYA—SHIP bound for GAZA with humanitarian aid : THE—ISRAEL—NAVY—ON—MONDAY turned away 1—LIBYA—SHIP heading to GAZA with 3,000 TONS—OF—HUMANITARIAN—AID, ending the most HIGH—PROFILE—EFFORT yet to break 1—BLOCKADE—OF—THE—HAMAS—RULED territory.
20081203             FAMILY—OF—MUMBAI—CHABAD victim rejects official ISRAEL—MEMORIAL : The family has also said that it does not want TEITELBOIM—COFFIN wrapped in 1—ISRAEL—FLAG—BEFORE it is boarded onto the plane in INDIA —LATER—MONDAY, as THOSE—OF—THE—OTHER—JEWISH and ISRAEL—VICTIMS will be.
20081203             Chavez tries to extend term limits : HUGO—CHAVEZ has said that he is directing his United Socialist party (PSUV) to seek 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—AMENDMENT that would allow him to be RE—ELECTED 1 unlimted NUMBER—OF—TIMES.
20081203             OPEC says ready to cut oil production by good amount at coming meeting in ALGERIA : "THE—ORGANIZATION is ready to cut production by another million barrel, which is 1—GOOD—AMOUNT" and "we are all geared towards it," EL—BADRI was quoted as saying.
20081203             USA Muslims worry about new FEDERAL—RULES : Critics say the rules will allow for abuses, including more racial and religious profiling.
20081203             Press and "Psy Ops" to merge at NATO AFGHANISTAN—HQ: sources : THE—USA—GENERAL commanding NATO—FORCES in AFGHANISTAN has ordered 1—MERGER—OF—THE—OFFICE that releases news with "Psy Ops," which deals with propaganda, 1—MOVE that goes against the alliance's policy, 3—OFFICIALS said.
20081203             Confronting the Terrorist Within
20081203             —VIEWED, The wars in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN, —WHEN, from the receiving end, are STATE—SPONSORED ACTS—OF—TERRORISM.
20081203             These wars defy EVERY—ETHICAL and legal code that seek to determine —WHEN 1—NATION can wage war, from —JUST War Theory to the statutes of INTERNATIONAL law largely put into place by THE—USA—AFTER—WORLD—WAR—II. These wars are criminal WARS—OF—AGGRESSION.
20081203             Analysis: Defense Policy Under Obama and Gates
20081203             SIZE—OF—USA—MILITARY -- TO INCREASE AS PLANNED—BY- Reuters
20081203             —BACKED, Obama has, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—PROGRAM to increase THE—SIZE—OF—THE—USA—MILITARY'S stretched ground forces.
20081203             He restated his commitment to 1—LARGER—MILITARY at —MONDAY—NEWS—CONFERENCE.
20081203             With Gates, Obama Opts for Empire
20081203             HE—ABOUT running THE—USA—EMPIRE—WITH less bravado than BUSH—CHENEY, but perhaps more efficiently.
20081203             And he's perfectly willing to use the old hands like Gates, bloody as they are, to get that job done.
20081203             THE—END—OF—THE—AFFAIR - - Obama and the antiwar MOVEMENT—BY- JUSTIN—RAIMONDO
20081203             Antiwar voters took 1—CHANCE on Obama, reasoning that anything would be better than 4—MORE—YEARS—OF—BUSH ian belligerence, yet —NOW they discover to their chagrin that the dice are loaded.
20081203             THE—COST—OF—HEGEMONY is Beyond Reach
20081203             Undeterred by massive budget deficits from wars, 1—FALLING economy, and financial bailouts, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT has managed to start 1—NEW—COLD—WAR with RUSSIA.
20081203             —ANNOUNCED, Last —FRIDAY, THE—RUSSIA—MILITARY, that it was developing 1—NEW—GENERATION—OF—BALLISTIC—MISSILES in response to THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—DECISION to deploy ballistic missile defenses in POLAND and THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC.
20081203             Pentagon to Detail Troops to Bolster Domestic SECURITY—BY- SPENCER—S—HSU and ANN—SCOTT—TYSONPLAN would dedicate 20,000 uniformed troops inside USA by 201. Continue
20081203             Censorship in AMERICA?
20081203             —UNMANNED, The attacks by MISSILE—BEARING, Predators have killed hundreds in PAKISTAN attending funerals and weddings, yet this hardly gets mentioned in THE—MISS—M—WHEN—AMERICANS see the demonstrations and protests against our actions in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, it is apparent that most Americans are wondering why.
20081203             THE—GREAT—LAND—GIVEAWAY—NEO—COLONIALISM by Invitation
20081203             Colonial style EMPIRE—BUILDING is making 1—HUGE—COMEBACK, and MOST—OF—THE—COLONIALISTS are LATE—COMERS, elbowing their way past the established European and USA—PREDATORS.
20081203             Breakdown of the Global Monetary System by —SUMMER 20090000
20081203             Climate Juggernaut 'On THE—HORIZON'
20081203             WAR, hunger, poverty and sickness will stalk humanity if the world fails to tackle climate change, a —12—DAY—UN—CONFERENCE on global warming heard —TODAY.
20081203             Olmert: Clinton as SECRETARY—OF—STATE will strengthen ISRAEL—USA—TIES : "SENATOR—CLINTON is 1—FRIEND—OF—THE—STATE—OF—ISRAEL and the Jewish People and I am sure that in her new position she will continue to advance the special ISRAEL—USA—RELATIONSHIP," THE—PRIME—MINISTER said.
20081203             Obama says USA 'will maintain strongest military on planet':
20081203             "To ensure prosperity here at home and peace abroad, we all share the belief we have to maintain the strongest military on the planet".
20081203             VENEZUELA Proposes New Regional Currency —DURING ALBA Summit : PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHÁVEZ proposed the creation of 1—REGIONAL—MONETARY—BLOC with its own currency to break THE—HEGEMONY—OF—THE—USA—DOLLAR and USA—DOMINATED INTERNATIONAL financial institutions.
20081203             —DEMOBILIZED, THOUSANDS—OF—EX—PARAMILITARIES—ACTIVE—IN—COLOMBIA—STUDY : More than 10,000, paramilitary fighters are currently active in gangs working for COLOMBIA—DRUG—LORDS, according to 1—STUDY out —MONDAY.
20081203             —OFFERED, NICARAGUA: VENEZUELA has, to replace USA—AID : PRESIDENT—DANIEL—ORTEGA says VENEZUELA has offered NICARAGUA $100—MILLION in aid if THE—USA and EUROPEAN—UNION cut off funding over disputed elections.
20081203             USA manufacturing hits —26—YEAR—LOW: ISM : THE—INSTITUTE—OF—SUPPLY—MANAGEMENT said its manufacturing index slumped 2.7—POINTS to 36.2 %, far below the 50 % level that separates expansion and contraction.
20081203             USA—MAY Be in for 'Great Recession,' Longest Postwar :
20081203             Mortgage delinquencies shoot higher: The %AGE—OF—PEOPLE who are —2—MONTHS behind on their mortgages shot up in the 3. quarter from the same period —LAST—YEAR, according to credit reporting agency TransUnion LLC.
20081203             —WARNED, Top USA—OFFICIAL: WE—INDIA —BEFORE Mumbai attacks : THE—USA—WARNED—INDIA —BEFORE—LAST—WEEK—BRUTAL attacks in Mumbai that terrorists appeared to be plotting 1—MOSTLY waterborne ASSAULT—ON—ITS—FINANCIAL—CAPITAL, 1—SENIOR—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIAL said —TUESDAY.
20081203             All the terrorists were from PAKISTAN and WELL—TRAINED, says Mumbai police CHIEF : He said police had received 1—ALERT saying that 1—HOTEL could be attacked.
20081203             PAKISTAN—LINKS to terror raise tensions in region:
20081203             Militant says former army member ran training camp
20081203             USA—OFFICIAL: INDIA attack may have PAKISTAN—ROOTS : That's the closest A—USA—OFFICIAL has come to laying blame for the coordinated assaults in Mumbai, although the official was careful to say —TUESDAY that the evidence isn't all in.
20081203             INDIA demands PAKISTAN extraditions : THE—INDIA—GOVERNMENT has presented PAKISTAN with 1—LIST—OF—20—FUGITIVES it wants extradited as relations between THE—2—NATIONS deteriorate over the Mumbai terror attacks.
20081203             USA gives green light for INDIA—ATTACK on PAKISTAN :
20081203             INDIA has right to protect itself: Obama : Sovereign nations have the right to protect themselves, USA—PRESIDENT—ELECT BARACK—OBAMA said —ON—MONDAY, —WHEN asked if INDIA could follow the same policy he advocated —DURING his election campaign — of bombing terrorist camps in PAKISTAN if there was actionable evidence and ISLAMABAD refused to act on it.
20081203             Mumbai mayhem conspiracy to hit nuke : Gul: FORMER—INTER Services Intelligence (ISI) ISI CHIEF—GENERAL (Retd.) Hameed Gul has said that Mumbai incident is 1—INTERNATIONAL based conspiracy to deprive PAKISTAN of its atomic power.
20081203             —HATCHED, Pak TV channel says 26/11, by Hindu Zionists:
20081203             —HATCHED, MUMBAI—26/11 was actually 1—PLAN, by "Hindu Zionists" and "WEST—ZIONISTS", including the Mossad, said 1—SELF—STYLED—PAKISTAN security expert on 1—PAKISTAN news television show, uploaded on www.hotklix.com
20081203             Please Don't Go Down THE—BUSH—CHENEY ROAD—BY- JUAN—COLE—THERE is 1—DANGER in INDIA as we SPEAK—OF—MOB action against Muslims, which will ineluctably drag the country into communal violence.
20081203             THE—TRIUMPH—OF—TERROR—WHAT is the rationale of Mumbai terrorist attack? —BY—PATRICK—J—BUCHANAN - The strategic target of the militants is THE—PAKISTAN—GOVERNMENT.
20081203             Mumbai Attacks: Piecing Together the Story
20081203             There is 1—TORRENT—OF—INFORMATION and analysis on the recent attacks in Mumbai, but MUCH—OF—THE—STORY is nowhere to be seen in THE—USA—MAINSTREAM—MEDIA.
20081203             —MISSED, HERE—1—GUIDE to what you might have. OBAMA—KETTLE—OF—HAWKS
20081203             —UNIFIED, What ultimately ties OBAMA—TEAM together is their, support for the classic USA foreign policy recipe: the hidden hand of the free market, backed up by the iron FIST—OF—USA—MILITARISM to defend THE—AMERICA 1. doctrine.
20081203             Vote 1. - Ask Questions —LATER.
20081203             Is there reason to be happy that the insufferably religious GEORGE—W is soon to be history?
20081203             † "I believe that Christ, for my sins and I am redeemed through him. That is 1—SOURCE—OF—STRENGTH and sustenance on 1—DAILY—BASIS".
20081203             LET—PRAY for 1—END to this.
20081203             According to 1—SPECIAL—OPERATIONS—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER, the answer is 1—NUMBER—NORTH—OF—3000—NOT counting the tens of thousands maimed or seriously wounded, the destruction of the nation's reputation as 1—MORAL—LEADER, or the damage done to our Constitution.
20081203             Kafka Has a Rival
20081203             JOHN—PILGER describes the black irony of an "open —DAY to celebrate the 60. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—UNIVERSAL—DECLARATION—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS" at the Foreign Office, GUARDIAN of rapacious UK—POWER and policies that invert the meaning of human rights.
20081203             SOMALIA: Another CIA—BACKED Coup Blows Up
20081203             —CHANGED, —NOW that's all, and there's talk of sending in the Navy to patrol the waters off the Horn of AFRICA and clean up the pirates hideouts.
20081203             Why the sudden ABOUT—FACE?
20081203             Jewish 'Refugee' Lobby Seeks to Eclipse PALESTINE—LOSSES
20081203             FORM 10-K FORM 10-K. JACOBS ENGINEERING GROUP INC /DE/ - jec.
20081203             Filed: 23—STRANGE—PLACES—SLATE —RECENTLY did 1—STORY on the censorship of Google Earth.
20081203             Does the service really obscure our view of Dick CHENEY—HOME?
20081203             Yes, it does. Recession: Isn't it cute...?
20081203             —ANNOUNCED, THE—NATIONAL—BUREAU—OF—ECONOMIC—RESEARCH finally, that we are in 1—RECESSION.
20081203             More than that : We have officially been in 1—RECESSION—SINCE—DECEMBER—OF—LAST—YEAR.
20081203             They —JUST didn't tell you, in.2007 'see.
20081203             The psychological effects of "early dating" 1—RECESSION are obvious.
20081203             A blogger asks a fair question:
20081203             Here, I think, is the answer: THE—USA—CREDIT—CARD—INDUSTRY may pull back well over $2—TRILLION—OF—LINES over the next —18—MONTHS due to risk aversion and regulatory changes, leading to sharp declines in consumer spending, prominent banking analyst Meredith Whitney said.
20081203             The credit card is the 2. key SOURCE—OF—CONSUMER—LIQUIDITY, the 1. being jobs, the Oppenheimer & Co analyst noted.
20081203             "In other words, we expect available consumer liquidity in THE—FORM—OF—CREDIT—CARD—LINES to decline by 45 %".
20081203             Suppose you lose your job and you psychologically resign yourself to the fact you will soon not be able to pay your creditors.
20081203             Will you suddenly cut back your spending? No.
20081203             You will max out those cards —WHILE you still can.
20081203             In for 1—PENNY, in for 1—POUND.
20081203             People understand what's ahead.
20081203             —WHEN credit ends, —WHEN the plastic in your wallet serves no purpose aside from scraping the ice off your windshield, retailers and manufacturers will feel the pinch as never —BEFORE.
20081203             Don't wax romantic about the virtues of the simple life: Most USA—JOBS depend on the average person's willingness to buy crap he does not really need.
20081203             —WHEN those purchases stop, the jobs stop.
20081203             Think you've seen SOME—BAD layoffs? It's gonna get 1—LOT—WORSE.
20081203             I project 15 % unemployment by June.
20081203             BARACK—OBAMA will not be 1—POPULAR—PERSON, although the fault won't be his.
20081203             Neener Remember —WHEN I said that offering Hillary THE—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—POST was 1—TRICK designed to get her OUT—OF—THE—SENATE?
20081203             Remember —WHEN I said that this would be 1—REPLAY of the Nixon ARRANGEMENT—OF—POWER, with Hillary playing the (powerless) WILLIAM—ROGERS role and JIM—JONES playing the (powerful) HENRY—KISSINGER role?
20081203             —LAUGHED, Remember —WHEN SOME—PEOPLE, at this prediction?
20081203             Neener neener neener! Permalink
20081203             —BEREITS 19420000             formulierte der SCIENCE—FICTION—AUTOR—ISAAC—ASIMOV seine berühmten Robotergesetze:
20081203             1—ROBOTER darf keinem Menschen Schaden zufügen, auch nicht durch Nichtstun.
20081203             1—ROBOTER muss den Befehlen eines Menschen gehorchen, sofern dies nicht im Widerspruch zum 1. Gesetz steht.
20081203             1—ROBOTER muss sich selbst schützen, solange dies nicht den 1. beiden Gesetzen widerspricht.
20081203             Später verarbeitete Asimov die Regeln in seinen Erzählungen "Ich, der Roboter".
20081203             Auch der Hollywoodfilm " I, Robot" greift das Thema auf.
20081203             der Mensch.
20081203             Kritische —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN fällt immer noch der Mensch.
20081203             Dieses Szenario ist FIKTIV—DOCH im Pentagon hat das Nachdenken über die Risiken von Kampfrobotern eingesetzt.
20081203             Plötzlich erscheint 1—PERSON, der Roboter drückt ab.
20081203             Doch die Person war kein Terrorist, es handelte sich um eine unbeteiligte Frau.
20081203             Ein weiterer Kollateralschaden im Kampf gegen den TERROR—VERURSACHT von einer Maschine.
20081203             Den —KONFLIKT an sich werden die Nachfolger von Rice und Co. erben.
20081203             PAKISTAN, kamen —DIESES—JAHR—BEREITS mehr als 3000—MENSCHEN durch Anschläge ums Leben, in INDIEN waren es mehr als 20000000             .
20081203             Die Zeitung "TIMES—OF—INDIA" berichtete sogar, INDIEN wolle 1—UNO—RESOLUTION einbringen, die Angriffe auf jegliche ART—VON—TERRORLAGERN auf pakistanischem Boden erlaube.
20081203             Angeblich will INDIEN auch sondieren, ob AMERIKA der INDISCHEN—ARMEE Drohnen liefern würde.
20081203             USA begleitete Wiederannäherung
20081203             Spätestens —SEIT dieses Szenario auf dem Tisch ist, wurden die USA aktiv.
20081203             —BISHER steht noch nicht einmal der PAKISTANISCHE—ORT fest, aus dem der 21-jährige Terrorverdächtige stammt.
20081203             Ebenso klingen seine Beschreibungen, unter anderem von der militärischen Ausbildung durch einen Tschetschenen, zu sehr wie aus dem Musterbuch des islamistischen Terrorismus der vergangenen —JAHRE.
20081203             predigte Rice auch, dass —NUN alle "in der zivilisierten Welt" zusammenhalten müssten.
20081203             Zivilisiert, das meinte Rice wohl, sollen sich ISLAMABAD und NEU—DELHI verhalten.
20081203             Das Ziel der Bemühungen, eng mit dem Übergangsteam des neuen Präsidenten BARACK—OBAMA abgestimmt, ist klar: Die USA wollen verhindern, dass der Terror zu einer neuen Eskalation zwischen den beiden Atommächten INDIEN und PAKISTAN führt.
20081203             Doch die Terrorattacke im INDISCHEN—MUMBAI hat Rice am Ende ihrer Amtszeit doch noch eine schwierige Mission aufgebürdet.
20081203             —AM—MITTWOCH wird sie in der INDISCHEN—HAUPTSTADT erwartet.
20081203             —JETZT soll USA—AUßENMINISTERIN RICE—1—ESKALATION zwischen den Atommächten verhindern.
20081203             —GESCHEHEN, Hach, es weihnachtet sehr, da, doch noch Zeichen und Wunder:
20081203             Polizist zahlt freiwillig Schmerzensgeld wegen ungerechtfertiger Prügelei gegen Demonstranten Rabbi, Priester und Imam beten in ISRAEL gemeinsam für Regen
20081203             Das war selbst für SPD—VERHÄLTNISSE überraschend schnell: SPD legt beim BKA—GESETZ eine neue UMFALL—BESTZEIT hin.
20081203             Mehr als 100—ISLÄNDER stürmen die Zentralbank.
20081203             Nicht dass ihnen das was bringen wird.
20081203             Die haben —JETZT die Arschkarte, und ich vermute, dass da die Jugend —JETZT der Reihe nach wegzieht, und der Rest dann kollabiert.
20081203             USA—ARMY—DESERTEUR beantragt in DEUTSCHLAND Asyl, um nicht in den IRAK zurück zu müssen, spricht von 25.000—ANDEREN Deserteuren im IRAK.
20081203             Was tut man als guter EU—FASCHIST, wenn 1—GESETZ im Inland scheitert?
20081203             —PROBIERT, Man, es auf EU—EBENE.
20081203             Nicht mal —1—WOCHE nach Schäubles Scheitern mit dem BKA—GESETZ "braucht" plötzlich Europol SCHNÜFFEL—TROJANER—BEFUGNISSE.
20081203             Sie nennen es sogar fast gleich: "remote search".
20081203             Und was will Europol mit den Trojanern tun?
20081203             "HIGH—TECH Verbrechen" bekämpfen.
20081203             THE—5—YEAR action plan will take steps to combat the growth in cyber theft and the machines used to spread spam and other malicious programs.
20081203             Europol will also Spam bekämpfen, indem es neben die SPAMMER—MALWARE auf euren Computern noch EUROPOL—MALWARE auf eure Computer tut.
20081203             Das ist wie mit beidseitig benutztem Klopapier: der Vorteil liegt auf der Hand!
20081203             Tja, da haben wir dann natürlich keine Wahl, wenn die EU das macht, dann müssen wir das auch machen.
20081203             Und damit die EU das macht, braucht es —JETZT diesen Piloten.
20081203             Europol, das sind eigentlich ZOLL—LEUTE, Drogenfahnder, Menschenschmuggel, sowas machen die.
20081203             Und suuuuper erfolgreich, wenn man mal von den enormen Rückgängen bei Drogen und Zwangsprostitution rückrechnet.
20081203             Genau die richtigen Experten, um Trojaner auf den Rechnern der Bürger zu installieren.
20081203             Und auch so super überwachbar! Rechtsstaat 2.0!
20081203             Das eigentliche Problem ist natürlich, dass dann auch Länder mit noch schlechteren und/oder korrupteren Strafverfolgungsbehörden dann bei uns Trojaner installieren dürften.
20081203             Und es ist 1—FRAGE—DER—ZEIT, —BIS FSB und FBI dann ganz offiziell via Europol leute trojanisieren dürfen.
20081203             Na dann eröffne ich mal den Wettpool, —BIS wann das FBI uns via Europol trojanisieren darf.
20081203             Klaus tippt —6—MONATE, ich 12.
20081203             Update : Heise hat mehr, u.a. wie man sowas verkauft:
20081203             LETTLAND löst die Finanzkrise auf ganz eigene Art: Hammered by economic woe, this FORMER—SOVIET—REPUBLIC —RECENTLY took a novel step to contain the crisis.
20081203             —BUSTED, Its counterespionage agency, 1—ECONOMIST for being too downbeat.
20081203             "All I did was say what everyone knows," says Dmitrijs Smirnovs, a —32—YEAR—OLD—UNIVERSITY lecturer detained by LATVIA—SECURITY—POLICE.
20081203             The force is responsible for hunting down spies, terrorists and other threats to this Baltic nation of 2.3—MILLION—PEOPLE and 26—BANKS.
20081203             —GELESEN, Ja, richtig.
20081203             —VERHAFTET, Sie haben einen Professor, weil er gesagt hat, wie schlimm es ist.
20081203             —NOW free —AFTER—2—DAYS—OF—QUESTIONING, MISTER—SMIRNOVS hasn't been charged.
20081203             But he is still under investigation for BAD—MOUTHING THE—STABILITY—OF—LATVIA—BANKS and the national currency, the lat.
20081203             Investigators suspect him of spreading "untruthful information".
20081203             —ORDERED, They've, him not to leave the country and seized his computer.
20081203             Alles lupenreine Demokraten!
20081203             1—ERGEBNIS aus dem USA—STAAT—MINNESOTA steht noch aus.
20081203             Die Partei des künftigen Präsidenten Obama ist —NUN auf Kooperation ihrer Gegner angewiesen.
20081203             HAMBURG/ATLANTA/WASHINGTON—ES war nur 1—STICHWAHL im USA—BUNDESSTAAT GEORGIA—ABER ihr Ergebnis hat große Auswirkungen auf das künftige Kräfteverhältnis in WASHINGTON: Mit dem Sieg des Republikaners Saxby Chambliss können die USA—DEMOKRATEN nicht mehr auf die erhoffte 60—SITZE—MEHRHEIT im Senat kommen.
20081203             Damit hätte die Partei des künftigen Präsidenten BARACK—OBAMA in der kleineren Kongresskammer Gesetze praktisch ohne Kompromisse verabschieden können.
20081203             Rund 20.—000—JAHRE alt sind die VENUS—FIGUREN, die RUSSISCHE—ARCHÄOLOGEN in Saraisk bei Moskau ausgegraben haben.
20081203             Ihre Bedeutung? Unbekannt.
20081203             Ebenso wie das rätselhafte kegelförmige Objekt mit dem Loch in der —MITTE.
20081203             Saraisk, 150—KILOMETER südlich von Moskau.
20081203             1—KLEINSTADT mit 24.000—EINWOHNERN.
20081203             Es ist 1—ORT mit einer sehr langen Geschichte: —SCHON vor 22.—000—JAHREN lebten hier Menschen.
20081203             Zumindest für etwa 6000—JAHRE.
20081203             Ihre Welt bestand damals aus Tundra und Permafrost.
20081203             Holz war KNAPP—FEUERSTEIN, MAMMUT—KNOCHEN und Elfenbein jedoch gab es zuhauf.
20081203             Die STEINZEIT—MENSCHEN von Saraisk hinterließen SPUREN—TAUSENDE—VON—ARTEFAKTEN haben Archäologen hier gefunden: Verzierte MAMMUT—KNOCHEN, Speerspitzen aus Feuerstein, BISON—UND VENUS—FIGUREN aus dem Elfenbein des Mammuts.
20081203             Keine Änderung am Gesetzentwurf wird es offenbar beim Zeugnisverweigerungsrecht geben.
20081203             Das heißt: Weiterhin sind nur Seelsorger, Strafverteidiger und Abgeordnete absolut vor Überwachungen geschützt, nicht aber Journalisten, andere Rechtsanwälte und Ärzte.
20081203             Zudem wurde die Zuständigkeit des BKA noch einmal begrenzt.
20081203             Mit dem neuen GESETZ—DAS größte sicherheitspolitische Vorhaben der Großen Koalition in dieser LEGISLATURPERIODE—WÜRDE dem Bundeskriminalamt erstmals die AUFGABE—DER—TERRORPRÄVENTION zugewiesen.
20081203             Rasterfahndung, ONLINE—DURCHSUCHUNG, die Überwachung der Telekommunikation und die Ortung von Mobilfunkgeräten sollen ermöglicht werden.
20081203             Er müsse beim Schutz gegen BIO—UND Atomterror "viel weitergehen" als Bush
20081203             "Die USA sollten sich weniger darum sorgen, dass Terroristen zu Biologen werden, als darum, dass Biologen zu Terroristen werden".
20081203             Die USA—REGIERUNG behandele die WMD—BEDROHUNG —BISHER aber nur als "zweitrangig", kritisierte der BERICHT—OBWOHL sie —SEIT
20081203             Stattdessen sei dadurch ein enormes Geflecht aus rund 400—HOCHKONTAMINIERTEN USA—LABORS mit fast 15.000—AUTORISIERTEN Mitarbeitern entstanden, das —JETZT nur noch anfälliger sei.
20081203             Auch gebe es keine einheitliche, staatliche USA—KONTROLLBEHÖRDE.
20081203             Je mehr Regierungen sich atomare Kenntnisse aneigneten, um so höher werde die Gefahr, "dass solche Materialien an Terrorgruppen umgeleitet oder von ihnen gestohlen werden".
20081203             die Stammesgegenden Pakistans stellten "wohl die größte Bedrohung" für die USA dar.
20081203             "Die gärenden wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Missstände in PAKISTAN", heißt es, "haben eine empfängliche Umgebung für Radikalisierung geschaffen".
20081203             "Würde man Terrorismus und Massenvernichtungswaffen —HEUTE auf einer Landkarte darstellen, dann würden sich ALLE—WEGE in PAKISTAN treffen".
20081203             Satz des FRÜHEREN—MARINEMINISTERS—RICHARD—DANZIG, —JETZT verteidigungspolitischer Berater Obamas:
20081203             Die parteiübergreifende Spezialkommission (Commission on the Prevention of WMD Proliferation and Terrorism) ist ein Ergebnis des 20010911             —AUSSCHUSSES.
20081203             Unter Führung der EX—SENATOREN BOB—GRAHAM und JIM—TALENT, eines Demokraten und eines Republikaners, befragten ihre Mitglieder mehr als 250—EXPERTEN, reisten kreuz und quer durch die Welt und hielten eine öffentliche Anhörung ab.
20081203             "Die Konsequenzen eines Bioangriffs überschreiten fast das Vorstellungsvermögen", sagte der Kommissionschef BOB—GRAHAM—DEM—TV—SENDER.
20081203             "Es wäre hinsichtlich der Menschen, die dabei umkämen, 20010911             mal 10—ODER 100".
20081203             Die Geschichte findet sich im Abschlussbericht der KONGRESS—SPEZIALKOMMISSION, der —AM—DIENSTAG veröffentlicht wurde und in dem die Gefahr eines Anschlags mit Massenvernichtungswaffen auf die USA beschrieben wird.
20081203             —SKIZZIERT, Der insgesamt 161—SEITEN starke Report, ein beängstigendes Szenario einer bedrohten Welt, der —SCHON bald 1—ANSCHLAG mit biologischen Kampfstoffen oder Atomwaffen drohen könnte.
20081203             Über die TV—BILDSCHIRME im Flughaften flimmerten beängstigende Bilder.
20081203             ISLAMABAD, herrschte Chaos: Auf das Marriott Hotel war 1—TERRORANSCHLAG verübt worden,mindestens 54—MENSCHEN starben dabei.
20081203             Das Marriott war das Delegationshotel der Washingtoner Reisegruppe.
20081203             Nur —STUNDEN später hätten sie dort eintreffen sollen.
20081203             Der Vorfall zeigte den Politikern, wie akut ihr Auftrag war.
20081203             "Die Experimente zeigen, wie leicht man das Gehirn bei der Wahrnehmung des eigenen Körpers austricksen kann", erläutert Ehrsson.
20081203             "Dadurch, dass Sinneseindrücke manipuliert werden, gewinnt jemand sehr leicht den Eindruck, nicht mehr in seinem eigenen Körper und gleichzeitig in dem eines anderen zu sein".
20081203             Die Illusion funktionierte sogar dann, wenn das Gegenüber eine andere körperliche Statur oder ein anderes Geschlecht hatte als die Testperson selbst.
20081203             Allerdings gelang es den Probanden nicht, sich in unbelebte Objekte wie einen Stuhl hineinzuversetzen.
20081203             ILLUSIONS—EXPERIMENT: Testpersonen schlüpfen in fremde Körper
20081203             Globale Bedrohung: USA—KONGRESS warnt vor BIOWAFFEN—TERROR
20081203             Finanzkrise: BayernLB macht Verlust in Milliardenhöhe
20081203             Brachiale Methode: Turbotraining lässt Muskeln rasant wachsen
20081203             Düstere Prognose: Autobauer erwarten drastischen Absatzeinbruch
20081203             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Supermächte werden zu Underdogs"
20081203             Finanzkrise: Chinas Staatfonds stoppt Investitionen im Westen
20081203             Tauschbörsen: HARVARD—PROFESSOR gegen Musikindustrie
20081203             Innere Sicherheit: Union und SPD einigen sich auf BKA—GESETZ
20081203             Miese Jahreszahlen: Infineon macht mehr als 3—MILLIARDEN Euro Verlust
20081203             RUSSLAND: Archäologen finden rätselhafte STEINZEIT—FIGUREN
20081203             USA: USA—DEMOKRATEN verpassen historische Senatsmehrheit
20081203             Kriselnder USA—AUTOBAUER: GENERAL—MOTORS streicht mehr als 30.000—JOBS zusätzlich
20081203             Innere Sicherheit: Kompromiss beim BKA—GESETZ in Sicht
20081203             Folgen des Terrors: Wie die USA 1—ESKALATION zwischen INDIEN und PAKISTAN verhindern wollen
20081203             Moralische Urteile: Saubere Hände stimmen milde
20081203             ONLINE—FLYER NUMBER 175—DIE eigentliche Wahrheit hinter der Verstaatlichung der "Citigroup"
20081203             Von der Krise zur Katastrophe
20081203             Von der Krise zur Katastrophe - HEW—ROTHSCHILD
20081203—19440000    —FROM, Without 1—COMPLETE—OVERHAUL—OF—THE—SYSTEM inherited by —SUMMER 20090000             , the failing of the current system and that of THE—USA at the center, will lead the whole planet to 1 unprecedented economic, social, political and strategic instability, and more specifically to 1—BREAKDOWN of the global monetary system by —SUMMER 20090000             .
20081203—19820500    —SINCE, The level was the lowest.
20081203—20010000    fast 50—MILLIARDEN Dollar in zivilen Bioschutz investiert habe.
20081203—20080426    —ON, in Olyphant, PENNSILVANIA DNA confirmation was announced.
20081203—20081104    —AM, Hier ist nach einem ÄUß—ERST knappen Wahlausgang 1—NEUAUSZÄHLUNG—DER—STIMMEN im Gange.
20081203—20081204    —SIGNED, NORWAY, 94—NATIONS, 1—TREATY banning cluster bombs in 1—MOVE that supporters hope will shame THE—USA, RUSSIA and CHINA and other NON—SIGNERS into abandoning weapons blamed for maiming and killing civilians.
20081203—20081204    NORWAY, which began the drive to ban cluster bombs —18—MONTHS—AGO, was the 1. to sign, followed by LAOS and LEBANON, both HARD—HIT by the weapons.
20081203—20081207    alfatomega.com/20081207.html
20081203—20100000    —CONVICTED—OF, Rivera was, 1. degree murder and sentenced to —33—YEARS in prison.
20081203—20100000    —BIS, 4—MILLIARDEN Dollar wollen die USA—MILITÄRS für die Entwicklung sogenannter autonomer Systeme ausgeben.
20081203—20100411    —ON, her remains were found
20081205—20111203    —CONVICTED—OF, Replogle and Bustamante were, 10—CRIMINAL—COUNTS including 1.—DEGREE murder.
20090302—20071203    In: "THE—NATION".
20090731—19841203    —ON, Anderson was THE—HEAD—OF—UNION—CARBIDE—CORP. —WHEN its factory in THE—CENTRAL—INDIA—CITY leaked 40—TONS—OF—POISONOUS—GAS, in the world's worst industrial disaster.
20091203             —INCREASED, Ambient ocean noise has, by more than 12—DECIBELS —SINCE the mid-19010101—20001231 .
20091203             Der Kampf gegen Plagiate ist 1—SCHEINGEFECHT, das vom eigentlichen Problem nur ablenkt: Dass endlich ein tragfähiges Geschäftsmodell für die Finanzierung von Journalismus im 20010101—21001231     her muss.
20091203             Verbraucherstudie: 50—PROZENT—DER—DEUTSCHEN fehlt das MECKER—GEN
20091203             Terrorreport: AL—QAIDA tötet achtmal mehr Muslime als NICHT—MUSLIME
20091203             So, it has to be asked, MISTER—MURDOCH, will you pull down ALL—OF—THESE sites?
20091203             So —NOW sites that aggregate the news have become, in the words of RUPERT—MURDOCH and his team, "vampires,
20091203             So —NOW sites that aggregate the news have become, in the words of RUPERT—MURDOCH and his team, "tech tapeworms in THE—INTESTINES—OF—THE—INTERNETS,
20091203             So —NOW sites that aggregate the news have become, in the words of RUPERT—MURDOCH and his team, "content kleptomaniacs,
20091203             So —NOW sites that aggregate the news have become, in the words of RUPERT—MURDOCH and his team, and, of course, thieves who "steal all our copyright.
20091203             So —NOW sites that aggregate the news have become,
20091203             Onken: Das Minarett ist ein politisches Symbol für 1—RECHTSORDNUNG,
20091203             BILDUNGS—UNGERECHTIGKEIT: Mehr als 100.000—SCHÜLER sind an ihrer Schule falsch
20091203             —ACCUSED—OF, Toumba is, having led the presidential guard that opened fire 20090928             on the peaceful demonstrators, who had gathered inside the capital's national stadium.
20091203             —AUCTIONED, THE—IRS, 7,100 acres of Crow creek Sioux tribal land near PIERRE—SOUTH—DAKOTA to help pay off over $3—MILLION in back taxes.
20091203             The land sold for $2.6—MILLION.
20091203             —ANNOUNCED, Comcast Corp., it plans to buy 1—MAJORITY—STAKE in NBC Universal for $13.75—BILLION, giving the nation's largest cable TV operator CONTROL—OF—THE—PEACOCK network, 1—ARRAY—OF—CABLE—CHANNELS and 1—MAJOR—MOVIE studio.
20091203             WISCONSIN police found the bodies of 2—WOMEN and their 2—YOUNG—DAUGHTERS shot to death in MADISON.
20091203             —SEARCHED, Police, for TYRONE—ADAIR, —38—JAHRE—ALT, the father linked to the deaths of his 2—YOUNG—DAUGHTERS and their mothers.
20091203             † 1—CHINA—COURT handed down 1—FURTHER 5—DEATH sentences to people CONVICTED—OF—MURDER and other crimes —DURING ethnic rioting in the far WEST—XINJIANG region in July in which almost 200—PEOPLE.
20091203             1—CONGO—COURT upheld death sentences for 2—NORWEGIANS CONVICTED—OF—ESPIONAGE and murder, prompting condemnation from NORWAY—OFFICIALS.
20091203             —OPPOSED, CUBA, activists from 32—LITTLE—KNOWN organizations, to the communist government issued 1—CALL for 1—END to social repression on THE—ISLAND at 1—GATHERING in the home of 1—PROMINENT—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ACTIVIST.
20091203             GUINEA—PRESIDENT—MOUSSA "Dadis" Camara (45) was shot by Abubakar "Toumba" Diakite, who commands the presidential guard.
20091203             He was flown to MOROCCO for medical treatment —FOLLOWING the assassination attempt nearly —1—YEAR—AFTER he seized power in 1—COUP.
20091203             † In IRAQ AHMED—SUBHI—AL—FAHAL, 1—TOP—COUNTERTERRORISM—OFFICER, was killed in 1—SUICIDE bombing in Tikrit.
20091203             —KILLED, The bombing also, 2—OF—HIS bodyguards and 2—BYSTANDERS.
20091203             —AFFILIATED, Within hours DOZENS—OF—WEB—SITES, with AL—QAIDA in IRAQ celebrated THE—DEATH—OF—THEIR longtime nemesis.
20091203             —FREED, MEXICO—CITY—POLICE, 107—PEOPLE who were forced to work under SLAVE—LIKE—CONDITIONS in 1—CLANDESTINE factory making shopping bags and clothing clasps.
20091203             NIGERIA—AIDS and malaria activists said at least 144—WOMEN die EACH—DAY in NIGERIA —DURING pregnancy or childbirth, according to THE—UN and World Bank statistics.
20091203             —PREMIERED, Activists, 3—SHORT but HARD—HITTING Nollywood films to push for 1—URGENT—CHANGE in attitude and provision of adequate healthcare services to avoid PREGNANCY—RELATED problems.
20091203             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, 10—SUSPECTS were, in overnight fighting —FOLLOWING 1—RAID on 1—MILITANT—HIDE—OUT near the Swat Valley AREA—OF—KABAL.
20091203             —CAPTURED, ABU—FARAJ, 1—MILITANT—LEADER who was, —IN—SEPTEMBER and accused of plotting suicide bombings in the area, led troops to 1—MILITANT—HIDE—OUT and was killed in the fighting.
20091203             5—OTHER—MILITANTS were killed —WHEN security forces repelled attacks on 3—CHECKPOINTS in the Bajur area.
20091203             Rusal, the world's largest aluminium company, said it had reached 1—DEAL to restructure debts of $17—BILLION, including $7—BILLION held by foreigners, clearing the way for 1—IPO—RUSSIA'S—STATE—OWNED Vnesheconobank (VEB) had —RECENTLY agreed to extend a $4.5—BILLION loan to Rusal, lead by OLEG—DERIPASKA, 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—RICHEST—TYCOONS.
20091203             —DRESSED, SOMALIA, 1—MALE—SUICIDE—BOMBER, as 1—WOMAN attacked 1—UNIVERSITY—GRADUATION—CEREMONY in 1—SMALL—PART—OF—MOGADISHU still under government control, killing 24—PEOPLE, including 3—CABINET—MINISTERS, 3—JOURNALISTS and 1—NUMBER—OF graduating doctors.
20091203             THE—PRESIDENT—OF—BENADIR—UNIVERSITY said 43—STUDENTS were taking part in the graduation ceremony at the Shamo Hotel.
20091203             —REPORTED, The bomber was —LATER, to be 1—DENMARK—CITIZEN—OF—SOMALIA—DESCENT.
20091203             —AGREED, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA and visiting RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—DMITRY—MEDVEDEV, to upgrade VATICAN—KREMLIN relations to full diplomatic ties.
20091203             Der Mobilfunker muss demnach weder Steuern nachzahlen noch bekommt er welche zurück.
20091203             Es gebe also keine zusätzlichen Belastungen für die Kommunen, sagte der Sprecher.
20091203             Einigung: Vodafone schreibt 15—MILLIARDEN Euro Steuern ab
20091203             "Für ein riesiges Entwicklungsland wie CHINA ist es praktischer und dringlicher, sich an den Klimawandel anzupassen, als zu versuchen, ihn zu verlangsamen".
20091203             Zwar kritisierte YANG—AILUN—VON—GREENPEACE—CHINA—ZHENGS—WORTE als "nicht sehr verantwortungsbewusstes Signal" und betonte, dass Zheng damit nicht auf Parteilinie LIEGE: Die offizielle Politik Chinas sei es, sowohl die Anpassung an den Klimawandel als auch die Senkung der Treibhausgasemissionen voranzutreiben.
20091203             sagte Hansen.
20091203             "Bei solchen Dingen kann man keine Kompromisse schließen. Man kann nicht sagen: 'Lasst uns einen Kompromiss finden und die Sklaverei um 50—ODER 40—PROZENT reduzieren.'"
20091203             Notorische Leugner des menschgemachten Klimawandels sehen in den Mails einen Beleg für eine angebliche Verschwörung der Forschergemeinde.
20091203             Tatsächlich aber ist in dem gewaltigen Datensatz kein einziger Hinweis auf eine systematische Manipulation von Forschungsergebnissen aufgetaucht.
20091203             Dennoch lässt der CHEF—DES bestohlenen Instituts —DERZEIT sein Amt ruhen, und VIELE—ANDERE—FORSCHER sind von der Affäre frustriert.
20091203             Ihr Eindruck: Sie stehen in der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung unter SCHUMMEL—VERDACHT, obwohl es die KLIMAWANDEL—LEUGNER sind,
20091203             die —SEIT—JAHREN mit Manipulationen und irreführenden Argumenten einen wirksamen Umweltschutz zu sabotieren versuchen.
20091203             "Es geht bei dieser Anhörung nicht um das Stören einer Party im Weißen Haus", sagte Thompson zu Beginn der Sitzung.
20091203             Es gehe um die Sicherheit des Präsidenten.
20091203             "Wir müssen dankbar sein, dass niemand getötet wurde", sagte er weiter.
20091203             Der Fehler könne nicht auf ein oder 2—BEAMTE abgeschoben werden, die ganze Planung müsse überprüft werden.
20091203             Der DIREKTOR—DES—SECRET—SERVICE, MARK—SULLIVAN, räumte den Fehler seines Dienstes ein.
20091203             Das Counter Terrorism Center an der Militärakademie der USA—ARMEE in WEST—POINT (CTC hat diese und andere korrespondierende Zahlen
20091203             in einem Report ("Tödliche Avantgarde:
20091203             Eine Studie über AL—QAIDAS—GEWALT gegen Muslime" —NUN zusammengetragen.
20091203             AFGHANISTAN—DEBATTE im BUNDESTAG: Parole Vorwärtsverteidigung
20091203             —ATTACKIERT, USA—KONGRESS: Geheimdienst wegen "Partycrasher"
20091203             Klimaschutzstreit: USA—POLITIKER spricht von "Forschungsfaschismus"
20091203             —KORRIGIERT, Bombardement in AFGHANISTAN: Guttenberg, Einschätzung des Tanklasterangriffs
20091203             —VERKLEMMT, Prüderie: Woody Allen hält Amerikaner für sexuell
20091203             Studentenproteste: Rabiate Hörsaalräumung in FRANKFURT
20091203             Europäischer Menschenrechtsgerichtshof: Sorgerechtsurteil setzt DEUTSCHLAND unter Zugzwang
20091203             There seem to be these distinct populations, yet they're all showing this common shift".
20091203             —ALTERED, In 1—SERIES—OF—STUDIES, MISTER—MOLAISON soon, forever the understanding of learning by demonstrating that 1—PART—OF—HIS—MEMORY was fully intact.
20091203             A - According to Townsley, pet owners can mistakenly rely on animal whisperers as 1—ALTERNATIVE to veterinary services.
20091203             —BY refusing to heal 1—ANIMAL through traditional medicine, they are taking 1—DANGEROUS—RISK, he said.
20091203             "We see animals that suffer and die, because they (the owners take their friends' advice," Townsley said.
20091203             —BECAME, Mystery of how BRITAIN—ISLAND is solved
20091203             —SOLVED, Researchers from CAMBRIDGE have, the mystery of how BRITAIN SPLIT off from the Continent.
20091203             The largest animals on Earth are singing in EVER—DEEPER—VOICES—EVERY—YEAR.
20091203             Among the suggested explanations are ocean noise pollution, changing population dynamics and new mating strategies.
20091203             But NONE—OF—THEM is entirely convincing.
20091203             Remember —WHEN cops had to get warrants?
20091203             CHRISTOPHER—SOGHOIAN has written what should be considered 1—INSTANT—INTERNET—CLASSIC.
20091203             His subject is government access to your INTERNET trail and your telecommunications records.
20091203             1—FEW samples: Sprint Nextel provided law enforcement agencies with its customers' (GPS location information over 8—MILLION—TIMES 20080900—20091000    —BETWEEN.
20091203             This massive disclosure of sensitive customer information was made possible due to THE—ROLL—OUT by Sprint of 1—NEW, special web portal for law enforcement officers.
20091203             Seems to me that 1—COMPETING cell phone service could clean up by promising greater privacy.
20091203             Or, to paraphrase something Natalie Portman once said: This is how democracy dies -- with shrugs and easy rationalizations.
20091203             (Thanks, once again, to lambert.) Permalink
20091203             Die FDP treibt dann auch mal den Klimatod der Erde voran, indem sie ihre FRIEDRICH—NAUMANN—STIFTUNG 1—FORUM für Klimaleugner und ÖLKONZERN—LOBBYISTEN ausrichten lässt.
20091203             Da hat offensichtlich 1—UMDENKEN stattgefunden, denn die FRIEDRICH—NAUMANN—STIFTUNG fällt sonst eher durch
20091203             NEOCON—PUTSCHUNTERSTÜTZUNG in Zentralamerika auf.
20091203             Aber hey, wen stört ein bisschen Erderwärmung, Hauptsache die FDP—BONZEN verdienen noch ein paar —JAHRE gut.
20091203             Es gibt mal wieder gute Nachrichten: "Verfassungsbeschwerde wegen Versagung eines Schmerzensgeldes bei rechtswidriger Freiheitsentziehung erfolgreich".
20091203             Der Kontext war 20011100             im Wendland, 1—CASTORTRANSPORT nach Gorleben.
20091203             Das ist 1—SCHRITT in die richtige Richtung.
20091203             --the most vigorous and WELL—FUNDED disinformation campaign against science ever conducted.
20091203             In the book, he wrote: "the industry understood that the public is in no position to distinguish good science from bad. Create doubt, uncertainty, and confusion. Throw mud at THE—ANTI—SMOKING research under the assumption that SOME—OF—IT is bound to stick. And buy time, lots of it, in the bargain".
20091203             The title of Michaels' book comes from a 19690000             memo from 1—TOBACCO company executive: "Doubt is our product —SINCE it is the best means of competing with THE—'BODY—OF—FACT' that exists in THE—MINDS—OF—THE—GENERAL—PUBLIC. It is also the means of establishing 1—CONTROVERSY".
20091203             Hill and Knowlton, on behalf of the tobacco industry, had founded the "Manufactured Doubt" industry
20091203             THE—MANUFACTURED—DOUBT—INDUSTRY and the hacked email controversy
20091203             Im Übrigen will ich mal 1—SACHE ansprechen: die Klimaleugner hängen sich gerne daran auf, dass es —IN—DEN—LETZTEN—JAHREN nicht so stark wie prognostiziert wärmer geworden ist.
20091203             —GEHABT, —NUN, wir hätten in der Zeit eigentlich 1—ABKÜHLUNG, die wir mit unseren CO2-Emissionen aufgehalten haben.
20091203             Die Erde zykelt halt durch warme und kalte Perioden.
20091203             Im Moment verhindern wir Menschen offensichtlich den —ANFANG einer Minieiszeit, und wenn die Erde dann wieder zu einer Wärmeperiode wechselt, dann haben wir die Zukunft der Erdbevölkerung terminal verspielt.
20091203             Damit ein paar Ölbarone noch ordentlich Profite machen konnten.
20091203             Lacher des Tages: 1—USA—STUDENT hat INFORMATIONSFREIHEITS—ANFRAGEN an Telcos und ISPs in den USA gestellt, um zu erfahren, was die so pro Abhörvorgang in Rechnung stellen.
20091203             Yahoo hat Einspruch eingelegt, und zwar mit der folgenden wunderbaren Begründung: Yahoo writes in its 12-page objection letter (.pdf), that if its pricing information were disclosed to Soghoian, he would use it "to 'shame' Yahoo!
20091203             and other COMPANIES—AND to 'shock' their customers".
20091203             Blackwater hat sich ja kürzlich zu Xe umbenannt, aber wird immer noch von ihrem alten Namen und ihren Geschäftspraktiken verfolgt und hat einen ÄUß—ERST schlechten Ruf.
20091203             Daher hat der CHEF—VON denen —JETZT mal einen Reporter von VANITY—FAIR eingeladen, um ihn zu begleiten und ihm mal beim ranten zuzuhören.
20091203             Hier ist der VANITY—FAIR Artikel zu Blackwater und ihrem CHEF, ERIK—PRINCE.
20091203             Ist halt VANITY—FAIR, aber nicht uninteressant.
20091203             —GEFUNDEN, Kontamination: Antibiotikum in Wein
20091203             Straßenverkehr: Bilder festinstallierter Videokameras sind kein Beweis
20091203             "Eine simple Idee, auf die man aber —ERST einmal kommen muss", räumt der VATER—DER—UP—FAMILIE ein.
20091203             Nicht die CONTENT—DIEBE haben für die schwere Medienkrise gesorgt, sondern die stetig schwindenden Anzeigenerlöse aus den Printprodukten der Verleger.
20091203             1—BESCHWERDE sollte eigentlich grundsätzlich seitens der Unternehmen gewünscht sein, um aus Fehlern zu lernen.
20091203             Stern wurde völlig zerfetzt
20091203             Milliardenübernahme: Comcast schluckt NBC Universal
20091203             Konjunkturgipfel im Kanzleramt: Ackermann warnt nach DUBAI—SCHOCK vor weiteren Zeitbomben
20091203             Geldpolitik: Europäische Zentralbank behält MINI—LEITZINS bei
20091203             Bagatellkündigungen: Gefeuert wegen 0,014 Cent
20091203             Weniger Infektionen: 1. WELLE—DER—SCHWEINEGRIPPE flacht ab
20091203             Verstärkung in AFGHANISTAN: NATO—PARTNER—VERWEIGERN—OBAMA den Gehorsam
20091203             Reiseweltmeister: Deutsche reisen genauso viel, nur günstiger
20091203             —FASZINIERT, Sternenexplosion: Neue SUPERNOVA—ART, Astronomen
20091203             Wachstum im 3. Quartal: DEUTSCHLAND zieht Eurozone aus der Rezession
20091203             "Menschen, die Ecstasy nehmen, sollten wissen, dass diese Droge das Gehirn beschädigt und schnell ernste Probleme wie Schlafapnoe verursachen kann", schreiben die Wissenschaftler im Fachmagazin "Neurology".
20091203             The media itself is basically an 'agregator' of THE—LIVES—OF—OTHERS, MANY—WHO don't want their name on TV or in print.
20091203             LET—NOT forget the 'Wapping dispute' and how he SINGLE—HANDEDLY destroyed 'Fleet Street', LONDON;
20091203             how he saw himself as the Knight at THE—FORE—FRONT—OF—NEW (printing technology.
20091203             Why then is he crying foul over the digital world?
20091203             —SUPPORTED, Quality sites, and those, by specific groups or ideologies, will eventually shake out as weaker sites fall by the wayside.
20091203             —FRIGHTENED—OF, Murdoch and his minions are merely, losing CONTROL—OF—THEIR brainwashed audiences, and losing their income.
20091203             Philosophically, news is 1—PUBLIC—SERVICE and should remain free to the public, IMO.
20091203             If we believe in "the public's right to know," how can anyone put 1—PRICE on that right, or restrict it only to those willing, or able, to pay for it?
20091203             —MANAGED, How have the giant telecoms, to keep themselves out of this conversation?
20091203             —DISCUSSED, It's obvious why the telecoms don't want this.
20091203             But I don't understand why no 1—ELSE is talking about it.
20091203             In short, the news has become social.
20091203             the true pit bulls of reporting.
20091203             III. Desperate Times Desperately Call For Better Journalism
20091203             Here is what we must not forget: our current media culture (with 1—FEW honorable exceptions failed to serve the public interest by missing THE—2—BIGGEST stories of our time -- THE—RUN—UP to the war in IRAQ and the financial meltdown.
20091203             In both instances, there were PLENTY—OF—PEOPLE who got it right, who saw what was coming and warned about it, but they weren't given much of 1—VOICE or were drowned out by the thumping SOUND—OF—JOURNALISTS walking in lockstep.
20091203             I'm sure there are probably more examples of various News Corp. properties regularly doing exactly what Murdoch and other News Corp. execs are —NOW decrying as illegal and which must be stopped.
20091203             —UPLOADED, Did you know that more video was, to YouTube in the last —2—MONTHS than if ABC, CBS, and NBC had been airing ALL—NEW—CONTENT—EVERY—MINUTE—OF—EVERY—DAY—SINCE 1948?
20091203             —MISSED, They were asleep at the wheel, the writing on the wall, let the train leave the station, let the ship sail -- pick your metaphor --
20091203             The value of having THE—WORLD—OF—INFORMATION at your fingertips is beyond dispute.
20091203             Talk about having your aggregation cake and bitching about others eating 1—SLICE too.
20091203             And we love it —WHEN someone links to 1—OF—OUR posts, or excerpts 1—SMALL—AMOUNT and links back to us.
20091203             Aggregation, on the other hand, within the fair use exceptions to copyright law is PART—OF—THE—WEB—DNA.
20091203             Period.
20091203             Information is hardly the same thing as 1—PRODUCT that can only be consumed once by 1—SINGLE—PERSON.
20091203             If you consume 1—NEWS—STORY, you might be 1—OF—MILLIONS.
20091203             If you consume 1—BEER, no 1—ELSE can consume it.
20091203             So —NOW sites that aggregate the news have become, in the words of RUPERT—MURDOCH and his team, "parasites," "content kleptomaniacs," "vampires," "tech tapeworms in THE—INTESTINES—OF—THE—INTERNETS," and, of course, thieves who "steal all our copyright".
20091203             And with so MANY—TRADITIONAL—MEDIA—COMPANIES adapting to the new realities, it was ridiculous to engage in 1—USA vs. them, old media vs. new media argument.
20091203             Either/or was the wrong way to look at things.
20091203             But playing NICE has increasingly become a 1—WAY—STREET -- suddenly the air is filled with shrill, nonsensical, and misplaced verbal assaults on those in the new media.
20091203             —GEÖFFNET, Die Büchse der Pandora wurde, und weit und breit ist keiner da, der sie wieder zu schließen vermag.
20091203             ISOLDE CHARIM - Man könnte auch sagen, das Verbot einer sichtbaren Religionszugehörigkeit sei die Umkehr jener Praktiken, die religiösen Gruppen Erkennungszeichen aufgezwungen haben (BRUNO—LATOUR).
20091203             Man muss zugeben, dass die Betreiber der SCHWEIZER—VOLKSBEFRAGUNG ÄUß—ERST geschickt waren.
20091203             Denn sie haben diese zu einer Abstimmung über 1—SYMBOL gemacht.
20091203             Als solches ist das Minarett 1—ZEICHEN, in dem sich ganz viel bündeln, ganz viel verdichten lässt.
20091203             Indem man ein aufgeladenes Zeichen ins Zentrum gerückt hat, ist es gelungen ALLE—ÄNGSTE, Mythen, Ressentiments, das ganze Repertoire an Irrationalität zu mobilisieren.
20091203             Das konnte man nur mit einem Symbol erreichen.
20091203             In den meisten Ländern Europas gilt ein gemeinsames Sorgerecht.
20091203             Nur in DEUTSCHLAND, ÖSTERREICH, der SCHWEIZ und LIECHTENSTEIN haben Mütter 1—VETORECHT gegenüber dem Recht der Väter.
20091203             Bei ehelichen Kindern ist die Rechtslage klar: In der Regel gilt das gemeinsame Sorgerecht.
20091203             sagte Linsler.
20091203             "Wir erwarten, dass DEUTSCHLAND das Urteil des Menschrechtsgerichtshofs möglichst schnell umsetzt".
20091203             Die Richter gaben mit ihrem Urteil einem 45-jährigen Kläger aus Köln Recht, der —SEIT—8—JAHREN vergeblich um das Sorgerecht für seine 14-jährige Tochter kämpft.
20091203             Der Mann machte das Diskriminierungsverbot und einen Verstoß gegen die Achtung des Familienlebens der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention geltend.
20091203             Die Forderung nach einem gemeinsamen Sorgerecht hatte das Kölner Oberlandesgericht 20030000             zurückgewiesen.
20091203             DIE WELT: Die Abstimmung hat der SCHWEIZ Kritik aus aller Welt eingetragen.
20091203             Onken: Nicht nur.
20091203             Ich werde mit Lobesbriefen überhäuft, das ist mir —SCHON fast unheimlich.
20091203             Und zur SCHWEIZ—SCHELTE in den Medien kann ich nur sagen, was die Umfragen gerade auch in DEUTSCHLAND zeigen: Wenn die Menschen nur sagen dürften, was sie denken, hätte eine solche Initiative um die 80—PROZENT Zustimmung.
20091203             DIE WELT: Woher kommt dieses Unbehagen?
20091203             Onken: 1—LEHRERIN darf nicht sagen, dass es sie stört, wenn ein muslimischer Junge ihr antwortet, Du hast mir nichts zu befehlen, Du bist 1—FRAU.
20091203             1—SOZIALARBEITERIN darf nicht sagen, dass es sie kränkt, wenn ein muslimischer Mann ihr nicht die Hand geben will.
20091203             1—POLIZIST darf nicht sagen, welche Nation für 1—VERBRECHEN in Frage kommt.
20091203             Deshalb hat sich etwas zusammengebraut.
20091203             Hier wird ein ethischer Grundwert verletzt, nämlich der Grundwert der Wahrhaftigkeit.
20091203             Menschen möchten das sagen können, was sie empfinden.
20091203             Aber jeder, der nur dazu ansetzte, wurde gleich in die fremdenfeindliche Ecke gestellt.
20091203             Dieses Risiko wollte niemand eingehen, deswegen haben sie geschwiegen und die Faust im Sack gemacht.
20091203             Onken: Das Minarett ist ein politisches Symbol für 1—RECHTSORDNUNG, in der Frauenrechte nicht vorkommen, und somit 1—ZEICHEN für staatliche Akzeptanz der Unterdrückung der Frau.
20091203             Verantwortlich für die Explosion sollen damals Islamisten aus dem LIBANON gewesen sein, die Verbindungen zur AL—QAIDA hatten.
20091203             Lektion, die Obama —JETZT von den GESCHEITERTEN—SOWJETS lernen könnte.
20091203             sagt Fjodor Lukjanow, HERAUSGEBER—DER—EINFLUSSREICHEN—ZEITSCHRIFT "RUSSIA in Global Affairs".
20091203             "Die Sowjetunion wollte den Sozialismus in AFGHANISTAN errichten. Es wurde viel in Infrastruktur investiert. Die USA wollten dagegen lediglich die Taliban vertreiben".
20091203             Eine langfristige Zielsetzung, 1—KONZEPT für das Land habe es aber nie gegeben.
20091203             —VERGESSEN, Man hat nicht, dass es vor allem die USA und PAKISTAN waren, welche die Kämpfer damals mit Dollars und Waffen gegen die Sowjets rüsteten
20091203             —2—JAHRZEHNTE, —NACHDEM der letzte RUSSISCHE—SOLDAT—DIE—GRENZE überschritten hat, sind —HEUTE Bundeswehrsoldaten in TERMEZ stationiert.
20091203             BORIS—GROMOW, GOUVERNEUR—DES—MOSKAUER—GEBIETES, "Held der Sowjetunion " - und einst Kommandeur der 40. sowjetischen Armee,
20091203             die sich —9—JAHRE lang mühte, in AFGHANISTAN für Sicherheit und Sozialismus zu sorgen.
20091203             Wenn der EX—KOMMANDEUR, ein hochdekorierter ehemaliger GENERAL, über den Einsatz in AFGHANISTAN spricht, dann hebt er gern die Rolle des zivilen Aufbaus am Hindukusch hervor.
20091203             "Wir hatten nicht den Auftrag, militärisch zu SIEGEN", sagt er dann.
20091203             "Unser Auftrag war, politisch zu SIEGEN".
20091203             Seine Truppen hätten lediglich "Banditengruppen" zurückgeschlagen, "die uns angegriffen haben" und mit Drogen handelten.
20091203             Europäisches Urteil zu Sorgerecht: DEUTSCHLAND darf ledige Väter nicht mehr diskriminieren
20091203             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Irrationalität des Fremdenhasses"
20091203             —BELASTET, Milliardenengagement: DUBAI—KRISE, BRITISCHE—BANKEN
20091203             USA: Stammzellforscher dürfen wieder Staatsgelder bekommen
20091203             —VERURSACHT, Im Schlaf: Ecstasy, Atemaussetzer
20091203             AFGHANISTAN—ERFAHRUNG: RUSSLAND gibt USA Rückzugsnachhilfe
20091203—19980000    —SEIT, Er lebt von der Mutter getrennt.
20091203—20080900    —IM, In dem gleichen Viertel waren durch einen Bombenanschlag 17—MENSCHEN ums Leben gekommen.
20091203—20090500    —CONVICTED, They had been, in Sep of murdering their driver and attempting to murder 1—WITNESS.
20091203—20091207    —SUSPECTED, Adair was found dead of, suicide in his SUV.
20091228—20091203    —TRACKED, Wildlife Service rangers, down the suspected poachers and suspected buyers and caught them with 2—RHINO horns weighing more than 7—KG (16—POUNDS) and 647,000 KENYA—SHILLINGS ($8,500) in cash.
20101201—20101203    —FREED, The remaining 7—DEMINERS were, in PAKISTAN.
20101203             —SLIPPED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, unannounced into AFGHANISTAN, —1—YEAR—AFTER widening 1—EVER deadlier war and —JUST days —BEFORE 1—PIVOTAL review about THE—9—YEAR—PLUS conflict.
20101203             —PLANNED, Due to weather Obama, 1—SECURE—VIDEO—CONFERENCE with PRESIDENT—KARZAI from Bagram Air Field.
20101203             —ANNOUNCED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, that PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA has granted the 1. pardons of his presidency, to 9—PEOPLE CONVICTED—OF—CRIMES including possessing drugs, counterfeiting and even mutilating coins.
20101203             1—USA—FEDERAL—COURT—SEARCH—WARRANT said Navy Reserve Intelligence Officer Minkyu Martin (22) was under investigation for passing classified information to an FBI agent he thought was 1—FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE—AGENT.
20101203             USA and SOUTH—KOREA—REPRESENTATIVES broke through 1—STALEMATE on issues related to the automobile industry, clearing the way for closer economic ties with FAST—EXPANDING SOUTH—KOREA.
20101203             —HAILED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, the agreement as a "landmark trade deal" that would support at least 70,000—USA—JOBS.
20101203             —REPORTED, It was, that CALIFORNIA is the only state in the nation to provide vehicles to its RANK—AND—FILE—LAWMAKERS for unlimited use.
20101203             —FACED, The state, a $6—BILLION deficit and lawmakers already have cut programs such as adult dental care and health care programs for children from LOW—INCOME—FAMILIES.
20101203             —UNMANNED, THE—USA—AIR—FORCE—SECRECY—SHROUDED X-37B, spaceplane returned to Earth —AFTER more than —7—MONTHS in orbit on 1 classified mission.
20101203             Online payment service provider PayPal said in 1—COMPANY blog it has cut off the account used by WikiLeaks to collect donations.
20101203             —STRUGGLED, Wikileaks, to stay online as corporations and governments moved to cut its access to THE—INTERNET, 1—POTENTIALLY crippling blow for 1—ORGANIZATION dedicated to releasing secret information via the web.
20101203             —REVEALED, USA diplomatic cables, —TODAY by WikiLeaks, portrayed AFGHANISTAN as rife with graft to the highest LEVELS—OF—GOVERNMENT, with TENS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS flowing OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY and 1—CASH—TRANSFER—NETWORK that facilitates bribes for corrupt AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIALS, drug traffickers and insurgents.
20101203             ARGENTINA, leaders of the Spanish and PORTUGUESE—SPEAKING world held their annual GOAL—SETTING summit amid tensions raised by THE—PUBLICATION—OF—USA diplomatic cables that in SOME—CASES—PLANT—DOUBTS about the unity and friendship they publicly profess.
20101203             —ANNOUNCED, RIO—TINTO, 1—ANGLO—AUSTRALIA—MINING firm, 1—JOINT—VENTURE with Chinalco, to hunt for minerals in CHINA.
20101203             VIENNA—AUSTRIA, the 35-nation BOARD—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—ATOMIC—ENERGY—AGENCY approved 1—IAEA—RUN—REPOSITORY for nuclear fuel, in 1—MOVE meant to limit proliferation by making domestic uranium enrichment programs superfluous.
20101203             —DECLARED, Authorities in Bosnia, Serbia and MONTENEGRO, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY and evacuated HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE—AFTER heavy rainfall caused severe flooding along the Drina River, the worst in —104—YEARS.
20101203             —ANNOUNCED, Outgoing BRAZIL—PRESIDENT—LUIZ—INACIO—LULA da Silva, recognition of 1—PALESTINE—STATE within 19670000             —THE borders in 1—PUBLIC—LETTER addressed to PALESTINE—LEADER—MAHMUD—ABBAS.
20101203             This was made public by BRAZIL—FOREIGN—MINISTRY.
20101203             —APPROVED, Once formally, the pact will establish 1—OPEN—SKIES—AIR—TRANSPORTATION—RELATIONSHIP between THE—2—COUNTRIES that will expand services and could bring down prices.
20101203             —PLEADED, FORMER—UNITED—KINGDOM—LABOR MP DAVID—CHAYTOR, —61—JAHRE—ALT, guilty to fraud charges, becoming the 1. politician to be convicted over his expenses claims.
20101203             —ISSUED, UNITED—KINGDOM—FORECASTERS, warnings of widespread ice and hazardous conditions lasting well into the weekend as the country's cold snap tightened its grip and 3—MORE—DEATHS were reported.
20101203             1—LAND—DISPUTE on Easter ISLAND turned violent —WHEN riot police evicting islanders from their ancestral home were surrounded by ROCK—THROWING protesters.
20101203             —INJURED, About 2—DOZEN—PEOPLE were, in a —7—HOURS—LONG—CONFRONTATION.
20101203             —DETAINED, CHINA—POLICE, THE—WIFE—OF—HADA, THE—CO—FOUNDER—OF—1—MONGOLIA—SEPARATIST—MOVEMENT, and raided the family bookstore —JUST days —BEFORE the activist is to be released from —15—YEARS in prison.
20101203             1—CHINA—PASSENGER—TRAIN 20100901             —NEW—RECORD for speed, hitting 302—MILES per —HOUR (486—KM per —HOUR) —DURING 1—TEST—RUN.
20101203             1—CHINA—CARGO ship with 24—CHINA—PASSENGERS and crew members sank off THE—COAST—OF—THE—PHILIPPINES.
20101203             —RESCUED, At least 14—CREWMEN were, and 10 were missing.
20101203             —REACHED, The death toll in HAITI—CHOLERA epidemic, nearly 1,900—PEOPLE—SINCE erupting less than —2—MONTHS—AGO.
20101203             THE—HEALTH—MINISTRY said there have been more than 80,000 cases —SINCE it was 1. detected in —LATE—OCTOBER.
20101203             —PROJECTED, THE—PAN—USA—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION, it could sicken 400,000—PEOPLE within —1—YEAR.
20101203             † In IRAQ 24—PEOPLE, including 22—IRAN—PILGRIMS visiting Shiite holy sites, —WHEN 2—BUSES collided HEAD—ON SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20101203             1—SNIPER shot and killed 1—POLICEMAN manning 1—CHECKPOINT in BAGHDAD.
20101203             —OPENED, Gunmen with silencers, fire from 1—SPEEDING car on 1—POLICE—COLONEL and wounded him.
20101203             IVORY—COAST, new figures put up by 1—GBAGBO loyalist said that the incumbent PRESIDENT had in fact been RE—ELECTED.
20101203             They put Gbagbo on top with more than 51—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE by chucking out some 500,000 ballots from Ouattara strongholds.
20101203             —ASKED, Police, THE—USA—FBI for help and hoped that advanced forensics would determine whether the attacks were linked and if they were carried out by terrorists.
20101203             LEBANON, the militant Hezbollah group said it discovered what it said was 1—ISRAEL—DEVICE on HEZBOLLAH—PRIVATE—TELECOMMUNICATIONS—NETWORK in the southern village of Majdel Silim.
20101203             —DETONATED, The device was apparently, remotely by the Israelis.
20101203             LITHUANIA said 1—SOUTH—KOREA—BIDDER, KOREA Electric Power Corp. (KEPCO), had pulled out of a 4—NATION nuclear power plant project and another was rejected.
20101203             LITHUANIA itself has been aiming to have 1—STAKE—OF—AROUND 1—3., but there has been disagreement with ESTONIA, LATVIA and POLAND about their relative holdings and power SHARE—OUT.
20101203             —RULED, MEXICO—JUDGE—FERNANDO—CORDOVA del Valle, that prosecutors failed to bring enough evidence against SANDRA—AVILA—BELTRAN, described by USA and MEXICO—OFFICIALS as 1—MAJOR—DECISION—MAKER for the Sinaloa gang, MEXICO—MOST powerful cartel.
20101203             —CHARGED, The "QUEEN—OF—THE—PACIFIC" had been, with organized crime, conspiracy to traffic drugs and money laundering.
20101203             —ARRESTED, MEXICO—POLICE, JACOBO—TAGLE—DOBIN, —31—JAHRE—ALT, 1—SUSPECT 20050000             —IN—THE kidnapping and presumed KILLING—OF—HUGO—ALBERTO—WALLACE, —36—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MEXICO—BUSINESSMAN, whose crusading mother led 1—HIGH—PROFILE—CAMPAIGN that helped crack open the case.
20101203             THE—NETHERLANDS' justice MINISTER and 5—SOUTH—HOLLAND—CITIES said they will implement new restrictions on marijuana cafes —AFTER 1—WAVE—OF—DRUG—RELATED gangland violence.
20101203             —ARRESTED, PAKISTAN—POLICE said they have, 5—SUSPECTS linked to 1—ATTACK on 1—SPY—AGENCY building in LAHORE —LAST—YEAR which killed 24—PEOPLE.
20101203             —BELONGED, Police said the suspects, to the previously unknown AL—TOHEED—WA—AL—JIHAD faction which falls under the umbrella PAKISTAN—MILITANT—GROUP—TEHREEK—E—TALIBAN PAKISTAN (TTP).
20101203             —THREATENED, PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMUD—ABBAS, to dissolve THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY if ISRAEL does not stop building settlements on occupied land.
20101203             PERU, 1—BANK robber held 34—PEOPLE—HOSTAGE for more than —7—HOURS in 1—NATIONALLY televised drama that ended —WHEN 1—POLICE—SNIPER crawled through 1—VENTILATION duct and shot and killed him.
20101203             —ANNOUNCED, THE—PHILIPPINES—GOVERNMENT and communist rebels, they will resume peace negotiations to end THE—41—YEAR—OLD—MAOIST—INSURGENCY—EARLY—NEXT—YEAR—AFTER the talks were suspended more than —6—YEARS—AGO.
20101203             —INCREASED, POLAND, the death toll from 1—DEEP freeze, to 30 with 12—MORE—DEATHS overnight.
20101203             —REACHED, The death toll across EUROPE, at least 40.
20101203             —THREATENED, SOUTH—KOREA, to bomb NORTH—KOREA if it tries 1—REPEAT—OF—LAST—WEEK—ATTACK, raising its rhetoric —AFTER THE—USA warned of an "immediate threat" from PYONGYANG.
20101203             —APPROVED, THE—SPAIN—GOVERNMENT, new austerity measures and 1 limited economic stimulus package to ease investor fears about its debt, and insisted again it was taking strong steps to right its ailing economy.
20101203             —CREATED, SPAIN, 1—SICKOUT by air traffic controllers, travel chaos.
20101203             —ASSUMED, SPAIN—MILITARY, control and the government threatened the controllers with jail terms in 1 unprecedented emergency order to get planes —BACK—IN the skies and clear chaotic airports clogged with irate travelers.
20101203—18880000    —IN, The official native NAME—OF—EASTER—ISLAND, known for its stunning gigantic stone heads known as Moais, is Rapa Nui, and that's what MANY—NATIVES call themselves, refusing to identify with CHILE, which annexed THE—ISLAND.
20101203—20110100    —SENTENCED, Beltran was, to time already served on 1—WEAPONS—CHARGE.
2011020212030000     —FROM THE—BBC—IAN—PANNEL in CAIRO:
20110210—20111203    —AM, Nach ANGABEN—DES—BRANCHENDIENSTES "THE—TECH—HERALD"hatte Hunton and Williams ein wichtiges Treffen mit der BANK—OF—AMERICA.
20110214111203       Sonde schießt Kometenfotos aus nächster Nähe (Wissenschaft, 11:39)
20110215             —VOTED, THE—HOUSE, —MONDAY to extend to 20111203             expiring provisions of the Patriot Act spy legislation.
201103021203         —UHR, Die Arabische Liga berät —AM—MITTWOCH in Kairo über 1—RESOLUTION zu einer Flugverbotszone über LIBY en.
20110611—20111203    —ON, 1—INDICTMENT was filed in 1—MAHARASHTRA STATE—COURT—NAMING—RAJAN along with 11—OTHER—PEOPLE, including the alleged gunmen and those suspected of providing material used in the killing.
20110910—20070000    —IN, 20071203             —IN—OF—THE—SUSPECTS, of Somali and IRAQ—ORIGIN, were charged with plotting to stab to death artist LARS—VILKS for depicting the Prophet Muhammad as 1—DOG.
20111201—20111203    —ON, 1—NEW—DEAL was announced that will ensure salaries for doctors in THE—STATE—RUN—HOSPITALS—OF up to 2.3—TIMES—HIGHER than average.
20111203             Full results —AFTER the 1. 20111128—20111129     voting, which saw 62—PERCENT turnout, have been delayed several times.
20111203             —PLAGUED, Businessman Herman Cain, by allegations of sexual harassment and marriage infidelity, announced that he is officially suspending his campaign for USA—PRESIDENT.
20111203             —CRASHED, COLORADO, 1—SMALL—PLANE with 4—PEOPLE, in the mountains near Silverton.
20111203             EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 3—TROOPS from THE—NATO—LED INTERNATIONAL Security Assistance Force (ISAF) were killed by 1—ROADSIDE bomb.
20111203             —SLAMMED, BRAZIL, 1—TRACTOR—TRAILER, into 1—BUS carrying sugarcane cutters, killing at least 33—PEOPLE and injuring 13—OTHERS in THE—NORTH—EAST—STATE—OF—BAHIA.
20111203             CONGO—PRESIDENT—KABILA, who is seeking a 2. term in 1—NATION reeling from poverty and pummeled by war, was leading with —JUST over 50—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTES—AFTER early presidential poll results were released.
20111203             Early results from EGYPT—1.—POST—REVOLUTION—ELECTION showed Islamist parties sweeping to victory, including hardline Salafists, with secular parties trounced in MANY—AREAS.
20111203             GUYANA—NEW—PRESIDENT—DONALD—RAMOTAR, —61—JAHRE—ALT was sworn in, pledging that his minority government will work with 1—OPPOSITION—CONTROLLED PARLIAMENT.
20111203             —REPLACED, Ramotar, BHARRAT—JAGDEO, who served THE—2—TERM—MAXIMUM set by GUYANA—CONSTITUTION.
20111203             HONDURAS, 1—FEMALE—PEACE—CORPS volunteer was shot in the leg —DURING 1 armed robbery in 1—BUS in THE—CITY—OF—S—PEDRO—SULA.
20111203             2—OTHERS were wounded.
20111203             † 1—OF—THE 3 alleged robbers was killed by 1—BUS—PASSENGER.
20111203             1—USA—GOVERNMENT—DECISION to pull out the entire Peace Corps delegation came —18—DAYS—LATER
20111203             1—KEY—ALLY—OF—INDIA—RULING coalition said the government has "suspended" plans to open the nation's huge retail sector to global competition that have paralyzed PARLIAMENT.
20111203             —PROTESTED, Thousands, in INDIA against the country's decision to compete in THE—LONDON—OLYMPICS despite SPONSORSHIP—OF—THE—GAMES by Dow chemical, 1—USA—FIRM linked to 19840000             —THE—BHOPAL gas tragedy.
20111203             —BLOCKED, THOUSANDS—OF—SURVIVORS—OF—THE—TRAGEDY, trains demanding more compensation.
20111203             —KILLED, THE—KENYA—ARMY said it had lost 4—TROOPS, in action against SOMALIA—SHEBAB—ISLAMIST—REBELS—WHILE 10 had been hospitalized with wounds —SINCE it launched its incursion in MID—OCTOBER.
20111203             —SUSPECTED, NIGERIA, Muslim sect members shot and killed 2—PEOPLE —DURING 1—WEDDING ceremony in MAIDUGURI.
20111203             —PUBLISHED, PAKISTAN—ACTRESS Veena Malik said 1—NUDE photo has been, in violation of her agreement with FHM INDIA and she was considering legal action against the magazine.
20111203             —POSED, She had, in the nude for THE—INDIA—MAGAZINE with the initials of PAKISTAN's feared and powerful intelligence agency on her arm and triggered fury across her conservative nation.
20111203             THE—PHILIPPINES, more than 1,000 gays, lesbians and transgenders marched in MANILA to demand equal rights, 1—END to discrimination, and more support for AIDS programs.
20111203             —DECLARED, SIERRA—LEONE—PRESIDENT—ERNEST—BAI—KOROMA officially, the Gola Rainforest 1—NATIONAL—PARK.
20111203             —DECLARED, THE—HEAD—OF—SRI—LANKA'S—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH, he will boycott state functions to protest against police ALLEGATIONS—OF—CHILD trafficking involving the Mother TERESA—MISSIONARIES—OF—CHARITY.
20111203             Violence swept across Syria killing 25—PEOPLE, MOST—OF—THEM in 1—BATTLE between troops and 1—GROWING FORCE—OF—ARMY defectors who have joined the movement to oust PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD.
20111203             —DETAINED, SYRIA—TROOPS, at least 27—PEOPLE in the village of Talkalakh on the border with LEBANON and set fire to the homes of 9—ACTIVISTS who were on the run.
20111203             —APPROVED, THE—ARAB—LEAGUE, DETAILS—OF—SANCTIONS—AGAINST—SYRIA aimed at pressuring the regime to end its deadly —8—MONTH—CRACKDOWN on dissent.
20111203             —DESCENDED, TUNISIA, THOUSANDS—OF—ISLAMIST—SUPPORTERS, on CENTRAL—TUNIS to confront liberal demonstrators rallying against extremism as lawmakers draft 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION.
20111203             VENEZUELA, leaders from across Latin AMERICA and the Caribbean pledged closer ties to safeguard their economies from the world financial crisis as they formed 1—NEW—BLOC—ON—SATURDAY including EVERY—NATION in the hemisphere except THE—USA—AND—CANADA.
20111203             —LAUNCHED, The leaders formally, the new bloc, known by its SPAIN—INITIALS—CELAC, by approving 1—DECLARATION—OF shared principles as well as 1—CLAUSE dealing with democratic norms.
20111203             5—YEMEN—SOLDIERS were killed in 1—ATTACK by AL—QAEDA suspects on their post near the southern restive CITY—OF—ZINJIBAR in Abyan province.
20111203—20100000    —IN, THE—LONDON—BASED Iranian and Kurdish WOMEN—RIGHTS—ORGANIZATION (IKWRO) reported that more than 2,800 SO—CALLED honor attacks, punishments for bringing shame on the family, were recorded by BRITAIN—POLICE.
20111206             —REPORTED, KENYA—MILITARY, 1—LARGE—BATTLE over the weekend (20111203—20111204    ) in which it said 11—SOMALIA—GOVERNMENT—SOLDIERS and more than 40—AL—SHABAB fighters were killed.
20121203             WELT—WEITER Vergleich: DEUTSCHLAND lässt beim Klimaschutz nach
20121203             —SHOVED, NEW—YORK—CITY, Naeem Davis (30), KI—SUCK—HAN (58) in front of 1—ONCOMING subway train.
20121203             —CHARGED, Davis, who —LATER said he was high on drugs, was, with 2. degree murder.
20121203             —WANTED, Software company FOUNDER—JOHN—MCAFEE, for questioning in connection with THE—KILLING—OF—1—FELLOW—AMERICA EX—PAT, said he has left BELIZE and is still on the run.
20121203             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 2—NATO—COALITION—SERVICE—MEMBERS were, in 1—BOMB—ATTACK in the country's south.
20121203             —REPORTED, It was, that Moktar Belmoktar, 1—ALGERIAN—BORN jihadist, has decided to leave THE—AL—QAIDA franchise AQIM in order to create 1—MOVEMENT spanning the entire SAHARA desert.
20121203             He escaped to GUATEMALA and requested asylum.
20121203             —DETAINED, GAMBIA, Imam Baba Leigh.
20121203             † In THE—NETHERLANDS volunteer soccer linesman RICHARD—NIEUWENHUIZEN, —42—JAHRE—ALT —1—DAY—AFTER he was beaten by players from Osdorp —FOLLOWING 1—MATCH against his club Buitenboys in THE—CITY—OF—ALMERE.
20121203             The offenders, aged 14-17, were all ethnic Moroccans.
20121203             THE—ALLIANCE—PARTY, which represents MIDDLE—GROUND opinion and seeks support from both SIDES—OF—THE—COMMUNITY, voted with the Catholic side to take down the flag except for 18—OFFICIAL—DAYS annually.
20121203             —REACTED, Protestants, with violence.
20121203             —WOUNDED, PAKISTAN, 1—GUNMAN on 1—MOTORCYCLE shot and severely, 1—ELDERLY—SWEDEN—WOMAN who worked at 1—CHURCH in LAHORE.
20121203             —DESECRATED, Also in LAHORE, gunmen, over 100—GRAVES—OF—AHMADIS, members of 1 persecuted religious sect.
20121203             1—BOMB ripped through 1—POLICE—VAN as it was patrolling the outskirts of PESHAWAR, killing 2—OFFICERS and wounding 2—OTHERS.
20121203             1—GUNMAN riding on 1—MOTORCYCLE killed THE—LEADER—OF—1—ISLAMIC seminary in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—KARACHI.
20121203             —BOMBED, SYRIA—WARPLANES, 1—SECURITY building that had been taken over by rebels along THE—TURKEY—BORDER, killing at least 1—PERSON, wounding 20—MORE and sending DOZENS—OF—CIVILIANS fleeing across the frontier.
20121203             1—REGIME shell attack on THE—ALEPPO neighborhood of Bustan AL—QASR killed 12—MEN.
20121203             13—PEOPLE were reported dead in 1—SEPARATE—ATTACK in ALEPPO—HALAK neighborhood.
20121203             —UNIDENTIFIED, At least 17, bodies were found in THE—DAMASCUS suburb of Thiyabiyeh.
20121203—19520000    —ASKED, PERU, THE—UN—HIGHEST—COURT to 19520901             —MARITIME border between it and CHILE, which insisted that the border was clearly set by treaties signed and 19540000             .
20121203—20120800    —LINKED, MEDIA—REPORTS, his arrest with comments he made in which he described the executions of 9—PEOPLE carried out by the government as "UN—ISLAMIC".
20121203—20130510    —RELEASED, Leigh was.
20130729—20151203    —ON, 1—DIONTE Travis was found GUILTY—OF—MURDER.
20131203             —VOICED, THE—USA, solidarity with JAPAN against CHINA—CLAIM to airspace over disputed islands, vowing not to tolerate the aggressive move as VICE—PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN prepared to deliver that message personally to BEIJING.
20131203             —PULLED, CALIFORNIA, El Centro police officers, over CHARLIE—SAMPSON, —57—JAHRE—ALT under suspicion of his being 1—DRUG—DEALER.
20131203             —IGNORED, Police repeatedly, signs of his medical distress and Sampson † hours —LATER.
20131203             —SPOTTED, FLORIDA, 1—NUMBER—OF—PILOT whales were, in extremely shallow water in the Everglades park SOUTH—OF—NAPLES.
20131203             22—WHALES † —AFTER 1—POD—OF—51 was 1. spotted.
20131203             —APPROVED, THE—ILLINOIS—LEGISLATURE, 1—HISTORIC—PLAN to eliminate the state's $100—BILLION pension shortfall.
20131203             GOVERNOR—PAT—QUINN said he will sign it.
20131203             —RULED, USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE—STEVEN—RHODES, that DETROIT is eligible to proceed with its Chapter 9—BANKRUPTCY, the largest public USA—BANKRUPTCY to date.
20131203             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, roadside bombs, 9—PEOPLE, including 6—CIVILIANS, as insurgents pressed forward with 1—RELENTLESS—CAMPAIGN against the government and its security forces.
20131203             —INVOLVED, BELGIUM, more than 130—VEHICLES were, in 3—PILEUPS in 1—DENSE —MORNING fog.
20131203             —KILLED, At least 1—PERSON was.
20131203             THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC—UN, officials said at least 12—PEOPLE—OF—THE—PEUHL Muslim minority, including children and 1—PREGNANT—WOMAN, have been killed by Christian vigilantes.
20131203             —ARRESTED, Prominent EGYPT—YOUTH—LEADER AHMED—DUMA was, for participating in 1—PROTEST, the 3. PRO—DEMOCRACY—ACTIVIST to be detained within —1—WEEK.
20131203             —RENOWNED, EGYPT—POET AHMED—FOUAD—NEGM, —84—JAHRE—ALT, for his revolutionary poetry and outspoken criticism of Arab political leaders, †.
20131203             —RECOGNIZED, He became, as 1—VOICE—OF—PROTEST 19670000             —IN—WHEN he wrote poems on THE—ARAB—ISRAEL—WAR, which were highly acclaimed.
20131203             —PUBLISHED, FRANCE—PRIME—MINISTER—JEAN—MARC—AYRAULT said in 1, interview that FRANCE will allow private security forces to protect its shipping fleet against THE—THREAT—OF—PIRACY.
20131203             —RELEASED, FRANCE—EXPERTS, findings that ruled out the poisoning theory of Yasser Arafat and went in THE—SENSE—OF—1—NATURAL—DEATH.
20131203             —DIFFERED, This, significantly from THOSE—OF—SWITZERLAND—SCIENTISTS, who said —LAST—MONTH—THEIR—RESEARCH offered SOME—SUPPORT for the suggestion Arafat was killed by polonium poisoning.
20131203             HONG—KONG officials said they will quarantine 17—PEOPLE—AFTER the city confirmed its 1. human case of the deadly H7N9 bird flu.
20131203             INDONESIA, top trade officials began talks that will either produce an 11. —HOUR deal that could boost the global economy by $1—TRILLION or possibly spell THE—END—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—ORGANIZATION—RELEVANCE as 1—FORUM for negotiations.
20131203             —ASKED, IRAN—FOREIGN—MINISTRY, AFGHANISTAN not to sign 1—SECURITY—DEAL with THE—USA—THAT could keep THOUSANDS—OF—AMERICAN and allied forces in its neighboring country for another —DECADE.
20131203             IRAQ, attacks mostly targeting Sunni Arab areas of BAGHDAD as well as northern and WEST—IRAQ killed at least 23—PEOPLE.
20131203             —ANNOUNCED, ITALY—PRIME—MINISTER—ENRICO—LETTA, measures to try to combat 1—FRESH—RUBBISH—EMERGENCY in the area —AROUND THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—NAPLES where organized crime and widespread abuse have created 1—CHRONIC—ENVIRONMENTAL—CRISIS.
20131203             MALI, excavation began on 1—MASS—GRAVE containing 21—SKULLS near the Kati military barracks, formerly THE—FIEF—OF—GENERAL—AMADOU—HAYA—SANOGO.
20131203             —APPROVED, MEXICO—SENATE overwhelmingly, 1—ELECTORAL—REFORM demanded by the opposition, helping pave the way for Congress to focus on 1—ENERGY—BILL—AT—THE—CENTER—OF—PRESIDENT—ENRIQUE—PENA—NIETO—ECONOMIC—AGENDA.
20131203             —COMPLETED, NETHERLANDS—BASED Royal HOLLAND—SHELL—PLC said it has, building THE—HULL—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST floating facility, which has been constructed to process natural gas off THE—COAST—OF—WEST—AUSTRALIA.
20131203             —VOWED, NIGERIA—UNIVERSITY lecturers, to press on with their —5—MONTH—STRIKE over pay and conditions, on THE—EVE—OF—1—GOVERNMENT ultimatum to go back to work or be sacked.
20131203             PERU, prosecutors said the remains of 54—PEOPLE, mostly women and children, have been found in 19—GRAVES in THE—TOWN—OF—CHUNGUI.
20131203             —BELIEVED, Experts, the victims were killed perhaps 19860000             —IN—DURING the 1. TERM—OF—PRESIDENT—ALAN—GARCÍA (19850000—19900000    ).
20131203             —SENTENCED, RUSSIA, Bolshoi star dancer Pavel Dmitrichenko was, to —6—YEARS in prison over 1—ACID—ATTACK on the ballet's director that exposed vicious backstage bickering and intrigue at the renowned theater.
20131203             —LAUNCHED, SOUTH—AFRICA—GOVERNMENT, 1—WIDELY unpopular road toll —AROUND the economic hub of JOHANNESBURG, 1—MOVE—LIKELY to heighten tensions with its union allies and alienate SOME—VOTERS in THE—RUN—UP to —NEXT—YEAR—ELECTIONS.
20131203             —BELIEVED, SOUTH—KOREA—LAWMAKERS said NORTH—KOREA—LEADER—KIM—JONG—UN is, to have dismissed Jang Song Thaek, 1—POWERFUL—UNCLE and 1—MAN—KEY to his rise to power, from his posts.
20131203             —REPORTED, SYRIA—STATE—TV, that 1—SUICIDE attacker blew himself up in CENTRAL—DAMASCUS, killing 4 and wounding 17—OTHERS.
20131203             —APPEALED, SYRIA—GREEK—ORTHODOX—PATRIARCH, for the quick release of 12—NUNS abducted by opposition forces —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20131203             —ORDERED, THAILAND—GOVERNMENT, police to stop confronting protesters demanding THE—RESIGNATION—OF—THE—PRIME—MINISTER, raising hope that DAYS—OF—POLITICAL—VIOLENCE may end, but THE—LEADER—OF—THE—CAMPAIGN said the fight would go on.
20131203             —FAILED, UKRAINE—OPPOSITION, to force out the government with 1—PARLIAMENTARY—NO—CONFIDENCE—VOTE, leaving the country's political tensions unresolved with calls for more mass protests.
20131203             —LAUNCHED, UN forces in Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO, unmanned aircraft to monitor the volatile border with RWANDA and UGANDA, the 1. time UN peacekeepers have deployed surveillance drones.
20131203             —ANNOUNCED, THE—UN, its peacekeeping troops will go —AFTER other armed groups in THE—DRC, —AFTER helping to defeat the M23 rebel force.
20131203—20120500    —IN, The spot where the remains were found matches the place where witnesses said —AROUND 20—SOLDIERS were shot and killed by troops loyal to Sanogo.
20131203—20151008    —EDITED, An, VIDEO—OF—THE—ARREST was released.
20131203—20151008    —ON, 1 edited VIDEO—OF—THE—ARREST was released.
20140717—20141203    —ON, 1—GRAND—JURY cleared DANIEL—PANTALEO, the police officer involved.
20141110—20201203    —OPENED, His trial.
20141130—20141203    —ON, 40—MORE—CHINA—NATIONALS were arrested and police consulted technical experts to see if they were committing espionage.
20141130—20141203    —ALLOWED, The couple were, to leave.
20141202—20141203    —ON, Professors BENNY—TAI—YIU—TING and Chan KIN—MAN and Pastor CHU—YIU—MING said they planned to surrender to police to take responsibility for the protests.
20141202—20141203    —ON, 1—STATEMENT by IRAQ—INTERIOR—MINISTRY—SPOKESMAN—SAAD—MAAN said Saja AL—DULAIMI is not 1—WIFE—OF—ABU—BAKR—AL—BAGHDADI and that she is the sister of 1—TERROR—SUSPECT being held in IRAQ.
20141203             Filho de Vítor MANUEL—RABAÇA—GASPAR (19340429             ) e de sua mulher MARIA—LAURA—SEIXAS—LOUÇÃ.(
20141203             Vítor Louçã Rabaça Gaspar (19601109             * ) ist 1—PORTUGAL—ÖKONOM, UNIVERSITÄTsprofessor und Politiker.
20141203             SYRIEN—DIKTATOR: ASSAD spottet über "wirkungslose"LUFT—ANGRIFFE—AUF—ISLAMISTEN
20141203             —CARRIED, USA—OFFICIALS said they have indications that IRAN has, out air strikes on Islamic State targets in IRAQ —10—DAYS—EARLIER.
20141203             † Psychotherapist and writer NATHANIEL—BRANDON, —84—JAHRE—ALT, former devotee and lover of Ayn Rand, at his home in LOS—ANGELES.
20141203             THE—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT said it will send 1—DELEGATION to IRAN to ask the government to extend temporary visas to allow 760,000 AFGHANISTAN—REFUGEES who have no documents and risk deportation to stay on for at least —1—YEAR.
20141203             —UNVEILED, BRITAIN—TREASURY—CHIEF—GEORGE—OSBORNE, plans to crack down on multinational tax avoiders as he sought to deflect criticism for failing to meet his budget targets.
20141203             NORTH—EAST—CHINA, 1—EMPLOYEE—OF—THE—CENTRAL—BANK shot and killed 2—COLLEAGUES at the branch he was working at in Dashiqiao city, Liaoning province.
20141203             FRANCE, Faouzi Lamdaoui, 1—ADVISER to PRESIDENT—FRANCOIS—HOLLANDE, resigned —AFTER being summoned to answer CHARGES—OF—FRAUD by 1—PARIS criminal court.
20141203             —SUSPECTED—OF, Lamdaoui, 1—EQUALITY and diversity advisor, was, misusing corporate assets, money laundering and forgery 20070000—20080000    —FROM—TO related to 1—TRANSPORT—COMPANY he founded.
20141203             1—JAPAN—SPACE explorer took off on a —6—YEAR—JOURNEY to blow 1—CRATER in 1—REMOTE asteroid and bring back rock samples in hopes of gathering clues to THE—ORIGIN—OF—EARTH.
20141203             —EXPECTED, Hayabusa2, is, to reach the asteroid in mid-20180000             .
20141203             † 1—LEBANON—MILITARY—EXPERT was killed and 2—OTHERS were wounded —WHEN 1—BOMB they were about to dismantle near the border with Syria exploded.
20141203             LIBYA, warplanes struck the western port of Zuwara.
20141203             The guard shot the attacker in the legs and police —LATER arrested him.
20141203             —RAMMED, SOMALIA, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, his vehicle into 1—UN—CONVOY—NEAR—MOGADISHU—AIRPORT, killing 3—PEOPLE.
20141203             —GRABBED, SOUTH—AFRICA GOLFER, Jackques VAN der Sandt (29) was, and killed by 1—CROCODILE—WHILE retrieving gold balls from Lake Panic dam in Kruger National Park.
20141203             —KILLED, Rangers, the crocodile —AFTER a —2—HOUR—SEARCH.
20141203             —VOTED, SWEDEN—PARLIAMENT, down the minority CENTER—LEFT coalition's budget proposal sparking 1—GOVERNMENT—CRISIS and raising the chance PRIME—MINISTER—STEFAN—LOFVEN will call 1—SNAP election for early —NEXT—YEAR.
20141203             —URGED, Human Rights WATCH—TURKEY to remove from its border with Syria landmines which have killed 3—PEOPLE and wounded 9—AMONG more than 2,000 SYRIA—REFUGEES camped in 1—MINEFIELD.
20141203             THE—TURKMENISTAN—FRONTIER, village of AK—YAYLA the presidents of IRAN, KAZAKHSTAN and TURKMENISTAN attended the official opening of 1—RAILWAY—LINE linking landlocked CENTRAL—ASIA with the Persian Gulf.
20141203             —ASSURED, FRANCIS—PAPA, DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—AUTHORITIES that the truth must prevail in THE—CASE—OF—HIS—FORMER—AMBASSADOR to the Caribbean country who is accused of sexually abusing young boys.
20141203             —RECALLED, THE—HOLY—SEE, JOZEF—WESOLOWSKI —LAST—YEAR—AFTER rumors surfaced in SANTO—DOMINGO that he allegedly paid shoeshine boys to masturbate.
20141203             VENEZUELA, MARIA—CORINA—MACHADO, 1—FORMER—MEMBER—OF—THE—NATIONAL—ASSEMBLY, was informed that she would be charged with conspiracy alleging involvement in 1 purported plot to kill PRESIDENT—MADURO.
20141203             She denied that charges and supposed evidence.
20141203             —CLAIMED, AL—QAEDA in the Arabian Peninsula, responsibility.
20141203—19601109    20110621             —VOM, —BIS zum 20130701             war er parteiloser Staatsminister für Finanzen im Kabinett PASSOS—COELHO.[1][2][3]
20141203—19601109    * VÍTOR—LOUÇ×RABAÇA—GASPAR ist 1—PORTUGIESISCHER—ÖKONOM, UNIVERSITÄTsprofessor und Politiker.
20141203—20141202    Cavaco Silva
20141203—20141202    Fuck categories
20141203—20141202    OPUS—DEI
20141203—20141202    bad judgment
20141203—20141202    formally impossible to prove.
20141203—20200000    —AGREED, GERMANY—CABINET, on plans to reduce CO2 emissions by up to 78—MILLION tons to help EUROPE—BIGGEST economy meet ambitious targets to fight climate change.
20141211—20151203    —ON, 1—LOCAL—COURT—ORDERED—GUSTAFSON to be extradited to THE—USA.
20150402             ALABAMA, Jefferson County Circuit COURT—JUDGE—LAURA—PETRO dismissed all charges against ANTHONY—RAY—HINTON —AFTER he spent close to 20151203             ADES in jail over 19850000             —THE—MURDER—OF—2—MEN in 2—SEPARATE—RESTAURANT—HOLD—UPS.
20151017             alfatomega.com/20061203.HTML—ALFATOMEGA.com/20061206.html
20151022—20151203    —ON, Wounded teacher Nazir Amso (42) †.
20151203             1—TURKEY—COURT sentenced 3—MEN to life in prison over 20150211             —THE murder and attempted rape of female student Ozgecan Aslan (20.
20151203             —CONVICTED, WEST—VIRGINIA, Massey Energy CEO—DON—BLANKENSHIP was, on 1—MISDEMEANOR—CONSPIRACY—CHARGE in connection with 20100405             —THE, mine disaster that killed 29—MEN.
20151203             —ARRESTED, ISRAEL—AUTHORITIES said they had, 1—NUMBER—OF alleged Jewish extremists over 20150731             —THE firebombing of 1—PALESTINE—HOME that killed 1—TODDLER and his parents in 1—ATTACK that drew INTERNATIONAL condemnation.
20151203             "DER—BND spricht sicher nicht für DIE—DEUTSCHE—AUSSEN—POLITIK, —SCHON gar nicht über 3.", heißt es aus dem AUSWÄRTIGES—AMT (AA) unter MINISTER—FRANK—WALTER—STEINMEIER (SPD).
20151203             RECHTS—STREIT in BELGIEN: FACEBOOK will Nutzer ohne Profil aussperren
20151203             DSCHIHAD—FORSCHER über TERROR—MILIZ: "DER—IS ist für viele schlicht 1—ABENTEUER"
20151203             1—ARKANSAS judge struck down 1—PORTION—OF—THE—STATE—LAW that keeps secret details about drugs used in executions.
20151203             MINNESOTA, SCOTT—WEILAND (19670000             *) former frontman for rock bands Stone Temple Pilots and Velvet Revolver, was found dead on his tour bus —WHILE on tour with his band the Wildabouts.
20151203             † 1—MEDICAL—EXAMINER—LATER said he, of 1—TOXIC—MIX—OF—DRUGS that included cocaine.
20151203             —BACKED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—USA—AFGHANISTAN—MILITARY—OPERATION, by helicopter gunships freed more than 40—SOLDIERS and police held captive in 1—TALIBAN prison in Nawzad DISTRICT—OF—HELMAND province.
20151203             —PASSED, AUSTRALIA—PARLIAMENT, legislation to strip dual nationals of their citizenship if they are CONVICTED—OF—TERRORISM—OFFENCES or found to have fought with banned groups overseas, despite concerns about deporting jihadists.
20151203             —APPEALED, BRAZIL—PRESIDENT—DILMA—ROUSSEFF—PARTY, to THE—SUPREME—COURT to block impeachment proceedings against her.
20151203             —JOINED, BRITAIN, THE—USA—LED air strikes against Islamic STATE—IN—SYRIA.
20151203             1—CAMBODIA—COURT—SENTENCED—YEM—CHRIN, 1 unlicensed medical practitioner, to —25—YEARS in prison —THURSDAY—AFTER finding him responsible for infecting more than 100—VILLAGERS with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, by reusing unsanitized syringes.
20151203             Ramzan Kadyrov, THE—PRESIDENT—OF—RUSSIA'S—CHECHNYA region, said that whoever was responsible for the beheading of 1—RUSSIA—MAN from Chechnya, purportedly shown on 1—ISLAMIC—STATE—VIDEO, will be killed.
20151203             CHINA, CAI—RONGSHENG, former admissions officer at Renmin UNIVERSITY—IN—BEIJING, admitted to taking $3.6—MILLION in bribes at 1—TRIAL in NANJING.
20151203             —VOTED, EU member DENMARK, in 1—REFERENDUM on adopting the union's justice rules, with THE—PARIS terror attacks and immigration both major issues in the campaign.
20151203             53—PERCENT—OF—DENMARK—VOTERS decided to continue —1—DECADES—OLD—OPT—OUT from justice affairs in THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
20151203             —ORDERED, EGYPT—TOP—COURT, 1—RETRIAL—OF—MUSLIM—BROTHERHOOD leader MOHAMED—BADIE and 36—CO—DEFENDANTS, overturning 1—DEATH—SENTENCE for Islamist protest violence.
20151203             —OPENED, EGYPT, its border with THE—GAZA—STRIP for the 1. time in months, drawing THOUSANDS—OF—PALESTINIANS who crowded THE—RAFAH border crossing in hopes of leaving the coastal territory.
20151203             —WALKED, GREECE, public and private sector workers, off the job in the 2. —24—HOUR—GENERAL—STRIKE in —1—MONTH against new austerity measures.
20151203             —FILED, HUNGARY said it had, 1—LEGAL—CHALLENGE to THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—PLAN to distribute 160,000 ASYLUM—SEEKERS among member states under 1—QUOTA system.
20151203             SOUTH—INDIA, the heaviest rainfall in more than —100—YEARS has devastated swathes of Tamil Nadu state, with thousands forced to leave their submerged homes and schools, offices and 1—REGIONAL—AIRPORT shut for a 2. —DAY.
20151203             INDONESIA, 2—RAIN—TRIGGERED landslides left 5—VILLAGERS dead and 15—OTHERS missing on Sumatra ISLAND.
20151203             IRAQ, MILLIONS—OF—SHIITE—MUSLIMS, beating their heads and chests in mourning, packed THE—CITY—OF—KARBALA for the culmination of Arbaeen, 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST—RELIGIOUS—EVENTS.
20151203             —APPROVED, MALAYSIA—PARLIAMENT, 1—SECURITY—LAW that gives sweeping security powers to 1—COUNCIL led by THE—PRIME—MINISTER, in 1—MOVE slammed by rights groups and critics as 1—STEP toward 1—DICTATORSHIP.
20151203             He managed the group's finances.
20151203             —APPROVED, MONGOLIA—LAWMAKERS, 1—NEW—CRIMINAL—CODE eliminating executions effective 20160900             .
20151203             The move made MONGOLIA the 105. country to abolish the death penalty in law.
20151203             —REFUSED, PAKISTAN, to allow about 30 "unverified deportees" from GREECE to get off 1—PLANE at ISLAMABAD.
20151203             19—OTHERS whom PAKISTAN deemed legitimate deportees were allowed to disembark.
20151203             1—PALESTINIAN stabbed and wounded 1—ISRAEL—POLICEMAN—NEAR—JERUSALEM—OLD—CITY—BEFORE being shot dead.
20151203             —ARRESTED, PUERTO—RICO, THE—FBI, 10—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS and businessmen charged with bribery and extortion.
20151203             —SIGNED, QATAR, the 1. contracts on 1—MEGA—ACCOMMODATION—PROJECT which will eventually see almost 180,000 migrant workers housed in 7—SPECIALLY built "cities".
20151203             All 7—SITES could be in operation within —2—YEARS.
20151203             RUSSIA—ENERGY—MINISTER—ALEXANDER—NOVAK told reporters work on TURKEY—STREAM, 1—PIPELINE intended to pump RUSSIA—GAS into SOUTH—EAST—EUROPE via TURKEY —WHILE bypassing UKRAINE, had been suspended.
20151203             The foreign ministers of TURKEY and RUSSIA met in BELGRADE in the 1. HIGH—LEVEL—BILATERAL—TALKS—SINCE the downing of 1—RUSSIA—WARPLANE by TURKEY—JETS sparked 1 unprecedented crisis.
20151203             SAUDI—ARABIA lent its backing to 1—POWER—SHARING plan that would make Suleiman Franjieh, 1—FAMILY—FRIEND—OF—SYRIA—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD, PRESIDENT—OF—LEBANON.
20151203             SAUDI—ARABIA—LOCAL—MEDIA said female divorcees and widows in SAUDI—ARABIA are set to get their own ID cards allowing them to act independently from men.
20151203             Citizens of SEYCHELLES, 1—INDIAN—OCEAN archipelago, began voting in presidential elections.
20151203             SPAIN, 1—TRIAL—OF—35—MEMBERS—OF—BASQUE separatist parties including Batasuna, the banned political wing of the armed ETA group, got under way —AFTER being repeatedly postponed.
20151203             —ACCUSED—OF, The defendants stand, carrying out political activities to back ETA, blamed for the deaths of 829—PEOPLE in a —4—DECADE—CAMPAIGN for 1—INDEPENDENT—BASQUE homeland.
20151203             SPAIN, acting Catalon PRESIDENT—ARTUR—MAS said CATALONIA—GOVERNMENT will continue its drive for INDEPENDENCE.
20151203             —REPORTED, It was, that 3—TANZANIA—UNIVERSITIES are offering 1—NEW—COURSE on female genital mutilation (FGM) to train health care professionals how to deal with victims of the harmful practice that is still widespread although illegal.
20151203             —AGREED, TURKEY said it has, with AZERBAIJAN to accelerate THE—TRANS—ANATOLIAN Pipeline (TANAP), with 1—AIM to have the gas projected completed —BEFORE the planned 20180000             .
20151203—20080000    —IN, The last execution in MONGOLIA was and the death penalty remained classified as 1—STATE—SECRET.
20151203—20130000    —DESCRIBED, SOUTH—AFRICA OSCAR—PISTORIUS, was CONVICTED—OF—MURDER by 1—APPEALS—COURT that, THE—ONCE—GLITTERING story of THE—DOUBLE—AMPUTEE Olympian and Reeva Steenkamp, the girlfriend he killed in his home, as 1—HUMAN—TRAGEDY—OF—SHAKESPEAREAN proportions.
20151203—20210000    —FROM, ECUADOR—CONGRESS voted overwhelmingly to lift presidential term limits, triggering violent demonstrations that saw police attacked with spears, clubs and HOME—MADE rockets.
20161118—20161203    —ON, fellow classmate MATHEW—BORGES, —15—JAHRE—ALT was charged with the killing.
20161203             OHIO, SAIF—NASSER—MUBARAK—ALAMERI, —26—JAHRE—ALT, 1—STUDENT at Case WEST—UNIV. and 1—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—CITIZEN, was speeding and driving erratically on the turnpike —WHEN he sideswiped another vehicle, causing his car to flip onto the roof.
20161203             —KILLED, Alameri fled the scene and was, —DURING 1—STRUGGLE with 1—HUDSON police officer.
20161203             —APPROVED, ABU—DHABI, representatives of —AROUND 40—COUNTRIES, plans to establish 1—FUND to protect heritage sites in war zones and 1—NETWORK—OF—SAFE—HAVENS for endangered artworks.
20161203             The meeting, CO—SPONSORED by FRANCE and THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES, was spurred by the systematic destruction and looting of archaeological treasures in IRAQ and Syria by the Islamic State group.
20161203             —COMMITTED, FRANCE, $30—MILLION toward protecting cultural heritage sites —DURING wartime.
20161203             AUSTRIA—POLICE said 2—MIGRANTS, who had apparently hidden on 1—TRAIN bringing trucks from ITALY to AUSTRIA, were found dead —TODAY, either of cold or because they were crushed —WHEN the vehicles were unloaded.
20161203             —KILLED, AZERBAIJAN—DOMESTIC—SECURITY—AGENCY—AGENTS, Emin Jami, 1—MAN linked to "INTERNATIONAL terrorist organizations and illegal armed groups involved in military conflicts abroad".
20161203             He was allegedly wearing 1—SUICIDE—BOMB belt in BAKU.
20161203             —REPORTED, CHILE—MEDIA, that the government has decided to draw up charges against lithium giant SQM for 1—SERIES—OF alleged environmental violations that could result in fines of up to $22.2—MILLION.
20161203             CHINA—TAIWAN—AFFAIRS—OFFICE—SAID—USA—PRESIDENT—ELECT—DONALD—TRUMP—CALL with TAIWAN PRESIDENT—TSAI—ING—WEN was a "petty" move by TAIWAN that does not change its status as PART—OF—CHINA.
20161203             —KILLED, NORTH—CHINA, 1—COAL—MINE—EXPLOSION, 32—PEOPLE in CHIFENG city in the Inner MONGOLIA region.
20161203             —TRAPPED, NEWS—OF—THE—BLAST came —JUST hours —AFTER 21—MINERS, who were, —FOR—4—DAYS—AFTER 1—EXPLOSION hit their unlicensed coal mine in Heilongjiang province, were confirmed dead.
20161203             4—PEOPLE were arrested in connection with that disaster.
20161203             —DETAINED, CONGO—TROOPS, 41—SOUTH—SUDAN—SOLDIERS and 1—POLICE—OFFICER—AFTER they fled 1—REBEL—ASSAULT over the frontier.
20161203             —SUSPECTED, Dagestan warlord Rustam Aselderov (35), to be behind multiple attacks in THE—NORTH—CAUCASUS, was killed along with 4—OF—HIS—ACCOMPLICES in 1—POLICE—OPERATION.
20161203             EGYPT—SUPREME—CONSTITUTIONAL—COURT upheld 1—LAW that effectively bans street protests, settling —1—YEARS—LONG—COURT—BATTLE and protecting the law from further challenges.
20161203             FINLAND, 1—LONE gunman shot dead 1—LOCAL—OFFICIAL and 2—JOURNALISTS, ALL—OF—THEM women, in —1—NIGHT—TIME—ATTACK in the small TOWN—OF—IMATRA.
20161203             A —23—YEAR—OLD—SUSPECT was swiftly arrested —AFTER the shooting.
20161203             —POSTPONED, GABON said it has, legislative elections set for 20161227             —UNTIL—NEXT—JULY because of 1—LACK—OF—MONEY.
20161203             1—INDONESIA—POLICE—PLANE lost contact —DURING 1—FLIGHT to THE—ISLAND—OF—BATAM near SINGAPORE.
20161203             —FEARED, All 13—POLICEMEN aboard were, dead.
20161203             —STAGED, IRAQ, Islamic State militants, attacks over the last —24—HOURS on POSITIONS—OF—STATE—SANCTIONED militias west and SOUTH—OF—MOSUL, apparently taking advantage of bad weather conditions that normally disrupt air support.
20161203             Forces from THE—IRAQ—ARMY retook 4—VILLAGES from the Islamic STATE—GROUP—NORTH—EAST—OF—MOSUL.
20161203             —CONFIRMED, More than 1,300 Fatah delegates, the leadership ROLE—OF—PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS by acclamation and elected 18—MEMBERS—OF—THE—MOVEMENT—TOP DECISION—MAKING CENTRAL—COMMITTEE.
20161203             —ALLIED, NORTH—SOMALIA, soldiers in Puntland, to THE—WESTERN—BACKED government killed 7—INSURGENTS from 1—FACTION—LOYAL to the Islamic State group.
20161203             —ATTACKED, THE—PUNTLAND forces were, in the village of Bashaashin.
20161203             —RALLIED, SOUTH—KOREA, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS, in SEOUL —ON—SATURDAY in the 6. straight WEEKEND—OF—PROTESTS demanding THE—RESIGNATION—OF—SCANDAL—TAINTED PRESIDENT—PARK—GEUN—HYE that took them closer than ever to the presidential BLUE—HOUSE.
20161203             —FIRED, SRI—LANKA—POLICE, teargas and water cannon to disperse THOUSANDS—OF—OPPOSITION—BACKED protesters outside PARLIAMENT as lawmakers debated the annual budget.
20161203             Protesters were demanding local elections which were due —LAST—YEAR, but postponed to devise 1—NEW—ELECTORAL—SYSTEM.
20161203             —ADVANCED, SYRIA—ARMY, deeper into EAST—ALEPPO.
20161203             —RECAPTURED, The government has —NOW, —AROUND 60—PERCENT—OF—EAST—PARTS—OF—THE—CITY.
20161203             3—PEOPLE were killed in air strikes on Shaar.
20161203             5—PEOPLE were killed by rebel fire on WEST—ALEPPO.
20161203             —ARRESTED, THAILAND—POLICE, ANTI—JUNTA activist Jatupat Boonpattararaksa for defaming the monarchy in what rights groups said was the 1. CASE—OF—LESE—MAJESTE brought under THAILAND—NEW KING.
20161203             —KILLED, THE—TURKEY—MILITARY said it has, 20—FIGHTERS from the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) —AFTER they tried to attack army bases in THE—SOUTH—EAST—HAKKARI province.
20161203             —KILLED, UKRAINE, 5—POLICEMEN were, by friendly fire in 1—TRAGIC—ACCIDENT in which officers mistook colleagues for burglars in the small TOWN—OF—KNYAZYCHY.
20161203             1—GANG—OF—3—BURGLARS fled the scene but were detained as they travelled back to Kiev.
20161203             YEMEN, military officials said government forces have sent reinforcements to the Red Sea coast to drive IRAN—BACKED rebels away from 1—KEY—GLOBAL shipping route.
20170402             "—DURING 20171203             ADE—IN—THE—S casino business, Brown has worked with seminal FIGURE—IN—THE—S industry, including LAS—VEGAS Sands' Sheldon Adelson, STEVE—WYNN, MGM—TERRY—LANNI and 1—CASINO—FOUNDER—WHOSE—LA—TEST longshot bet appears to be paying off, DONALD—TRUMP".
20171203             —CELEBRATED, THE—UAE, its 46. National —DAY with public sector holiday that began 20171130             with 1—COMMEMORATION—OF—THE—COUNTRY—FALLEN soldiers.
20171203             ARIZONA, USA—BORDER—PATROL—AGENT—MATTHEW—BOWEN hit GUATEMALA—MIGRANT, Antolin Rolando LOPEZ—AGUILAR, with his truck and nearly ran him over —AFTER suspecting him of trying to cross into THE—USA—ILLEGALLY.
20171203             —FOUNDED, In THE—SF—BAY—AREA—THE—BREAKTHROUGH—PRIZES, —6—YEARS—AGO by tech billionaires, were awarded to 12—MEN and women at THE—NASA—AMES—RESEARCH—CENTER in Mountain View.
20171203             —ANNOUNCED, THE—METROPOLITAN—OPERA in NEW—YORK—CITY, that it is suspending its relationship with JAMES—LEVINE, —74—JAHRE—ALT, its music director emeritus because of multiple allegations of sexual misconduct.
20171203             —ANNOUNCED, It was, that USA—BASED pharmacy giant CVS Health has agreed to buy health insurer Aetna in a $69—BILLION acquisition.
20171203             AFGHANISTAN—MAIN—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY said MULLAH—SHAH—WALI, also known as MULLAH—NASER, THE—COMMANDER—OF—THE—TALIBAN'S "special forces" branch, known as the "Red Unit," was killed —LAST—WEEK in Helmand province by AFGHANISTAN—FORCES.
20171203             EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER riding on 1—MOTORCYCLE struck —FOLLOWING 1—PRO—GOVERNMENT—POLITICAL—RALLY outside 1—SOCCER stadium in JALALABAD, killing at least 6—PEOPLE and wounding 13.
20171203             All 4—MEMBERS—OF—THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—GOVERNMENT—SOCIAL—MOBILITY—COMMISSION quit accusing PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—MAY—OF being too fixated on Brexit to improve the prospects of those from poor backgrounds.
20171203             Voters on THE—FRANCE—ISLAND—OF—CORSICA ISLAND cast ballots in the 1. round of 1—TERRITORIAL—ASSEMBLY—ELECTION.
20171203             The election will establish 1—SINGLE—ASSEMBLY with 63—SEATS to represent the whole ISLAND, instead of THE—3—THAT do —NOW.
20171203             —SCHEDULED, The 2. round of voting is, for 20171210             .
20171203             The governing Pe 1—CORSICA (For Corsica) alliance, which groups THE—PRO—AUTONOMY Femu 1—CORSICA (LET—MAKE—CORSICA) and PRO—INDEPENDENCE—CORSICA Libera (Free Corsica), won 45.36—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE in elections to the regional assembly.
20171203             † In NORTH—EAST—ETHIOPIA 1—GERMANY—NATIONAL was killed in 1—ATTACK—NEAR 1—VOLCANIC—LAKE at Erta Ale.
20171203             —KILLED, WEST—GERMANY, 1—FIRE in 1—MULTI—STORY—APARTMENT building, at least 4—PEOPLE and left 23—OTHERS injured so far in THE—CITY—OF—SAARBRUECKEN.
20171203             —AWARDED, IRAN, its biennial $500,000 MUSTAFA—PRIZE to 2—COMPUTER—SCIENCE—EXPERTS, IRAN—AMIN—SHOKROLLAHI and TURKISH—FRANCE—NATIONAL—SAMI—EROL—GELENBE, for their achievements in systems assessment in MODEL—MAKING and computer coding.
20171203             —KIDNAPPED, IRAQ—KURDISH—OFFICIALS said —AROUND HALF—OF—THE—YAZIDIS, by the Islamic State group —3—YEARS—AGO are still missing.
20171203             —REPORTED, It was, that NIGERIA—GOVERNMENT—PLANS to house displaced people in the northwest in fortified garrison towns, ringed by farms, with THE—REST—OF—THE—COUNTRYSIDE effectively left to fend for itself.
20171203             EAST—PAKISTAN, RAZA—MEHMOOD—KHAN, —40—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MEMBER—OF—AGHAZ—I—DOSTI (START—OF—FRIENDSHIP), 1—GROUP that works on peace building between ARCH—RIVALS—PAKISTAN and INDIA, went missing he left home in LAHORE.
20171203             PALESTINE—LEADERS sought to rally diplomatic support to persuade USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP not to recognize JERUSALEM as ISRAEL—CAPITAL—AFTER suggestions that he planned to do so.
20171203             —PUBLISHED, SOUTH—AFRICA—PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA said in 1—NEWSPAPER—INTERVIEW, —TODAY that SOUTH—AFRICA and MOROCCO will resume diplomatic ties more than —1—DECADE—AFTER MOROCCO withdrew its ambassador from PRETORIA.
20171203             —RECALLED, MOROCCO, its ambassador from SOUTH—AFRICA 20040000             —IN—AFTER FORMER—SOUTH—AFRICA—PRESIDENT—THABO—MBEKI recognized 1—BREAKAWAY region in THE—WEST—SAHARA which MOROCCO claims as PART—OF—ITS—TERRITORY.
20171203             1—SOUTH—KOREA—FISHING boat collided with 1—REFUELING vessel and capsized, leaving at least 13—PEOPLE—DEAD and 2—MISSING in waters off the port CITY—OF—INCHEON.
20171203             —REPORTED, It was, that militia CHIEF—MUSA—HILAL, 1—FORMER—AIDE to SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR, was arrested —LAST—WEEK by COUNTER—INSURGENCY—FORCES—NEAR his hometown of Mustariaha in NORTH—DARFUR state —AFTER fierce clashes that left several dead.
20171203             —DECLARED, SYRIA—MAIN—KURDISH—FORCES, that they have successfully cleared areas east of the Euphrates river of Islamic State militants, with help from THE—USA—LED coalition and RUSSIA—FORCES.
20171203             —ATTEMPTED, TURKEY—PRESIDENT—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN said businessmen who, to move assets abroad were "traitors", and called on his cabinet to block ANY—SUCH moves.
20171203             —URGED, UKRAINE, ANTI—CORRUPTION—CAMPAIGNER—MIKHEIL Saakashvili, Ukrainians to set up 1—PROTEST—CAMP in KIEV—MAIN—SQUARE if PARLIAMENT fails to adopt 1—LAW on presidential impeachment within —1—WEEK.
20171203             —FORCED, YEMEN, fresh gun battles, shops and schools to close in SANAA as residents warned a —3—YEAR—REBEL—ALLIANCE was collapsing into a "street war".
20171203             Security sources said clashes had already left some 60—DEAD across the capital and at its INTERNATIONAL airport.
20171203             —CARRIED, THE—SAUDI—LED coalition, out dawn air raids against Huthi positions in the hills SOUTH—OF—SANAA.
20171203             YEMEN—SHIITE rebels, known as Houthis, said they fired 1—MISSILE at 1—UNDER—CONSTRUCTION—NUCLEAR—POWER—PLANT in ABU—DHABI.
20171203—19800000    —IN, JOHN—ANDERSON (19220000             *), FORMER—REP. congressman from ILLINOIS, † in WASHINGTON DC. he gave up his House seat and ran as 1—INDEPENDENT—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE against JIMMY—CARTER and RONALD—REAGAN.
20171203—20140803    —FROM, Some 6,417 Yazidis were abducted by the jihadists.
20171203—20190000    —PLEADED, Bowen, guilty to 1—MISDEMEANOR—CHARGE and faced up to —1—YEAR in prison and 1—POSSIBLE—FINE—OF $100,000.
20181004—20181203    —ON, the hotel workers finally approved 1—NEW—CONTRACT.
20181127—20181203    —ON, NORTH—CALIFORNIA, the number of missing in the Butte County Car Fire dropped to 158 as the death toll remained at 88. the number of missing was lowered to 24.
20181127—20181203    —ON, authorities said they've found 1—BODY behind 1—AIRBNB villa where she was staying.
20181203             —NACH, AUSSCHREITUNGEN—IN—PARIS: 100.000e EURO Sachschaden am Triumphbogen
20181203             —KLIMAKONFERENZ—IN—KATOWICE: "ERD—ERWÄRMUNG — für viele 1.FRAGE—VON—LEBEN und Tod"
20181203             REGIONALWAHL—IN—SPANIEN: RECHTS—RADIKALE feiern Erfolg in SOZIALISTENhochburg Andalusien
20181203             1—NEW—LEAK—WEBSITE, Distributed DENIAL—OF—SECRETS, made its debut wrestling with what to make available to the public, 1—ILLUSTRATION—OF—THE—DIFFICULTY—OF balancing full transparency with respect for privacy in 1—AGE—OF—MASS—DISCLOSURES.
20181203             —DECIDED, The site's founders eventually, to pull from its public collection the haul from THE—ASHLEY—MADISON site along with more than 12—OTHER—LEAKS.
20181203             —OVERTURNED, ARKANSAS, 1—CHARTER bus, on I—30—NEAR—BENTON.
20181203             † 1—CHILD was killed and 45—PEOPLE were injured.
20181203             —CALLED, ALGERIA—PRESIDENT—ABDELAZIZ—BOUTEFLIKA, —81—JAHRE—ALT, off 1—MEETING with visiting SAUDI—ARABIA—CROWN—PRINCE—MOHAMMED bin Salman because of ill health, the national news agency APS reported.
20181203             THE—PRINCE held talks instead with PRIME—MINISTER—AHMED—OUYAHIA.
20181203             Supporters of a 2. referendum on Brexit from ALL—OF—BRITAIN—MAIN—POLITICAL—PARTIES handed in 1—PETITION with more than 1—MILLION signatures to PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—MAY'S—DOWNING—STREET—RESIDENCE.
20181203             —DROPPED, LONDON, 3—TIME—WIMBLEDON champion BORIS—BECKER, his claim of diplomatic immunity from bankruptcy proceedings because of his role as 1—SPORTING ambassador for THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC.
20181203             —ESTIMATED, The sale of BECKER—BELONGINGS, worth 1, £200,000 (224,000 euros, $255,000) will —NOW go ahead.
20181203             —ANNOUNCED, THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—GOVERNMENT, that 48—USA—STUDENTS have been awarded 20190000             —THE—MARSHALL—SCHOLARSHIP, the largest CLASS—OF—SCHOLARS in the program's —65—YEAR—HISTORY.
20181203             —CALLED, UN official MICHEL—FORST, on THE—COLOMBIA—GOVERNMENT to step up measures to protect human rights defenders —FOLLOWING 1—UPSURGE in the number murdered —SINCE the signing of 1—PEACE—AGREEMENT with FORMER—FARC guerrillas.
20181203             THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—SPY—AGENCY—BIS said it's "obvious" that RUSSIA was behind cyberattacks against the country's foreign ministry, calling them the most serious CASE—OF—CYBERESPIONAGE to hit the European country.
20181203             —OPENED, EGYPT, its 1. INTERNATIONAL weapons fair, 1—EVENT that organizers hope will project 1—MESSAGE to the world that the country is secure and stable.
20181203             —GAINED, FRANCE, ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS, new allies as paramedics and students joined ongoing rallies —WHILE PRIME—MINISTER—MACRON met with political rivals in 1—BID to ease the anger —FOLLOWING riots that rocked PARIS.
20181203             GERMANY—POLICE said THE—BODY—OF—1—MISSING —17—YEAR—OLD girl has been found at 1—SHELTER for homeless people and others in WEST—GERMANY and 1—RESIDENT has been detained.
20181203             —FOUNDED, THE—CENTRAL—EUROPEAN—UNIVERSITY (CEU), by billionaire GEORGE—SOROS, said it had been forced out of HUNGARY in "1—ARBITRARY—EVICTION" that violated academic freedom, and it confirmed plans to open 1—NEW—CAMPUS in AUSTRIA.
20181203             —KILLED, INDIA, 1—SENIOR—POLICEMAN and another man were, in violent protests over 1—DEAD—COW in Uttar Pradesh state.
20181203             —ACCUSED—OF, INDIA—AUTHORITIES said 2—MEN, trying to molest 1—WOMAN, —20—JAHRE—ALT in NORTH—INDIA set her on fire —2—DAYS—LATER—AFTER she lodged 1—COMPLAINT with police.
20181203             —SUSPECTED, Her, attackers have been arrested and 3—POLICEMEN suspended for DERELICTION—OF—DUTIES.
20181203             1—JORDAN—SECURITY—SOURCE said —AROUND 28,000 Syrians have returned home from JORDAN—SINCE the border between THE—2—ARAB countries was reopened in MID—OCTOBER.
20181203             1—SOYUZ rocket carrying Russian, American and CANADA—ASTRONAUTS took off from KAZAKHSTAN and reached orbit, the 1. manned mission —SINCE 1 failed launch in October.
20181203             —INAUGURATED, MEXICO—NEWLY, PRESIDENT—ANDRES—MANUEL—LOPEZ—OBRADOR hit the ground running with his pledge to govern as 1—COMMON—MAN and end DECADES—OF—SECRECY, heavy security and luxury enjoyed by past presidents.
20181203             1—HAMAS—CONTROLLED military court sentenced 6—PALESTINIANS to death for allegedly collaborating with ISRAEL.
20181203             —ISSUED, POLAND, UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—ANTONIO—GUTERRES, 1—DRAMATIC—APPEAL to world leaders to take THE—THREAT—OF—GLOBAL warming seriously and to act boldly to avert 1—CATASTROPHIC—RISE in temperatures —BEFORE THE—END—OF—THE—CENTURY.
20181203             —CALLED, Nations facing imminent environmental disaster, on rich polluters to help them back from the brink.
20181203             —ANNOUNCED, QATAR, it will withdraw from OPEC 20180101             —IN—REBUKE—OF—THE—SAUDI—DOMINATED cartel as the kingdom's boycott of DOHA continues unabated and 1—CRUCIAL—MEETING—OF—THE—GROUP looms —THIS—WEEK.
20181203             1—SRI—LANKA—COURT ordered disputed PRIME—MINISTER—MAHINDA—RAJAPAKSA and his ministers to refrain from carrying out their duties as it hears 1—APPEAL against them.
20181203             1—SWEDEN—APPEALS—COURT—FOUND—JEAN—CLAUDE—ARNAULT, the man at the center of 1—SEX—SCANDAL that forced THE—POSTPONEMENT—OF—THIS—YEAR—NOBEL—PRIZE in Literature, GUILTY—OF—1—ADDITIONAL rape and increased his prison term.
20181203             —ANNOUNCED, UKRAINE—PRESIDENT, 1—PARTIAL—CALL—UP—OF—RESERVISTS for training amid tensions with RUSSIA, saying that the country needs to beef up its defenses to counter THE—THREAT—OF—1—RUSSIA—INVASION.
20181203             —SEARCHED, UKRAINE—POLICE, THE—HOMES—OF—RUSSIA—ORTHODOX—PRIESTS and RUSSIA—ORTHODOX—CHURCHES in several cities, stepping up pressure as Kiev pushes for the creation of 1—INDEPENDENT—UKRAINE—CHURCH.
20181203             —ISSUED, THE—UN—WORLD—INTELLECTUAL—PROPERTY—ORGANIZATION said CHINA has, the most INTERNATIONAL patent applications for an 8. straight —YEAR, showing the country's heft in intellectual property amid USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—ACCUSATION that the growing ASIA power steals it.
20181203             1—UN chartered flight flew 50 wounded rebels along with their escorts OUT—OF—THE—YEMEN—CAPITAL—SANAA for medical treatment, 1—CRITICAL—STEP towards bringing warring parties to planned UN—BROKERED negotiations in SWEDEN.
20181203             —REPORTED, It was, that URUGUAY has rejected 1—ASYLUM—REQUEST by FORMER—PERU—PRESIDENT—ALAN—GARCIA, who sought protection in the country's consulate —AFTER 1—JUDGE retained his passport as PART—OF—1—CORRUPTION—PROBE.
20181203             —EXPRESSED, THE—VATICAN, concern over the status of JERUSALEM as FRANCIS—PAPA and PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS held their 1. meeting —SINCE THE—USA—STIRRED—INTERNATIONAL anxiety by moving its embassy there.
20181203             —REAFFIRMED, THE—VATICAN, its longstanding call for a 2—STATE—SOLUTION to THE—ISRAELI—PALESTINE—CONFLICT.
20181203—19600000    —IN, This would make QATAR the 1. MIDDLE—EAST nation to leave the cartel —SINCE its founding.
20181203—20181130    —REPORTED, The girl's parents had, her missing from her home in 1—NEIGHBORING region.
20181203—20181230    —ACCUSED, BANGLADESH, 1—ALLIANCE—OF—OPPOSITION—PARTIES, the Election Commission (EC) of being biased in FAVOR—OF—THE—RULING—AWAMI—LEAGUE—PARTY—AFTER it rejected nearly 1—QUARTER—OF—THE—CANDIDATES the alliance nominated for elections.
20190520             —WRAPPED, Last 20191203             —PEOPLE were found in 1—PLASTIC, dresser that was nailed shut in 1—PICKUP that he was driving.
20191203             —BEZEICHNET, SELFIE—SOFTWARE: FBI, FaceApp als SICHERHEITSrisiko
20191203             —REJECTED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, THE—POSSIBILITY—OF—USA—LAWMAKERS censuring him instead of impeaching him over accusations he improperly pressured UKRAINE to probe 1—POLITICAL—RIVAL, as Democrats prepared to lay out their case for impeachment.
20191203             1—USA—APPEALS—COURT—HANDED—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP another defeat in his bid to keep his financial records secret, directing DEUTSCHLAND—BANK—AG and CAPITAL—1—FINANCIAL—CORP to comply with subpoenas from congressional Democrats demanding the material.
20191203             —RELEASED, THE—HOUSE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE, its report on the impeachment inquiry into PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, —1—DAY—BEFORE the House Judiciary Committee holds its 1. hearing on constitutional issues.
20191203             —DETAILED, THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION, 1—NEW—PROGRAM for providing an HIV prevention drug for free to people who need the protection but have no insurance to pay for it.
20191203             —ANNOUNCED, Gilead Sciences had, in May that it would donate to the government enough supplies to protect up to 200,000—PEOPLE —1—YEAR over the next —11—YEARS.
20191203             —APPROVED, THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES overwhelmingly, legislation that would impose sanctions on CHINA—OFFICIALS over human rights abuses against Muslim minorities, prompting BEIJING to threaten possible retaliation —JUST as the world's 2—LARGEST—ECONOMIES seek to close 1—TRADE—DEAL.
20191203             1—SNOWSTORM that doesn't want to end coated coastal New ENGLAND at THE—HEIGHT—OF—THE—MORNING commute, snarling travel and closing schools.
20191203             —DELAYED, MAINE—GOVERNOR—JANET—MILLS originally, THE—OPENING—OF—STATE—OFFICES, then announced that they'd be closed altogether BECAUSE—OF—THE—STORM.
20191203             MARYLAND, more than 2—DOZEN—BALTIMORE corrections officers were indicted with allegations that they used "illegal and excessive" force against inmates in state jails.
20191203             —SENTENCED, Bridges was, to —35—YEARS in prison.
20191203             —ISSUED, THE—WORLD—METEOROLOGICAL—ORGANIZATION, its annual state of the global climate report, concluding —1—DECADE—OF—WHAT it called exceptional global heat.
20191203             "It's more urgent than ever to proceed with mitigation".
20191203             AFGHANISTAN, JAPAN—HUMANITARIAN—DOCTOR—TETSU—NAKAMURA, —73—JAHRE—ALT was among 6—PEOPLE killed —WHEN their vehicle was ambushed by unknown gunmen in the eastern border PROVINCE—OF—NANGARHAR.
20191203             1—NEW—INVESTIGATION by Human Rights Watch said close to 400,000 Rohingya refugee children living in BANGLADESH—CAMPS are being DEPRIVED—OF—THE—RIGHT to education.
20191203             Prime ministers and presidents of the 29-member alliance converged on LONDON to mark NATO—70. birthday.
20191203             USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP took aim at PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON over THE—FRANCE—LEADER—CRITICISM—OF—NATO, and criticized the other MEMBERS—OF—THE—MILITARY—ALLIANCE for being too slow to beef up their defense budgets.
20191203             —RAIDED, GERMANY—PUBLIC—PROSECUTORS, THE—WOLFSBURG headquarters of Volkswagen in the latest investigation into the carmaker's diesel emissions scandal.
20191203             —ACKNOWLEDGED, IRAN—STATE—TELEVISION, that security forces shot and killed what it described as "rioters" in multiple cities amid recent protests over the spike in GOVERNMENT—SET gasoline prices.
20191203             —REJECTED, IRAN also, as "utter lies" unofficial casualty figures given for street violence that erupted —LAST—MONTH—DURING demonstrations against 1—SHOCK—DECISION to hike fuel prices.
20191203             —CLAIMED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL estimates, 208—LIVES were lost.
20191203             —BOARDED, LEBANON, scores of Syrians, buses in several locations —BEFORE heading back to their hometowns in WAR—TORN Syria.
20191203             —RAISED, This, the number to about 27,000 refugees who have returned to Syria over the past —2—YEARS.
20191203             —PUSHED, PRESIDENT—ANDRES—MANUEL—LOPEZ—OBRADOR, back against USA—ATTEMPTS to subject MEXICO to oversight of its labor market, and said THE—MEXICO—SENATE should be consulted —BEFORE changes to 1—NEW—NORTH—USA—TRADE—DEAL are signed off.
20191203             —VOTED, THE—HOLLAND—PARLIAMENT, to require companies listed in THE—NETHERLANDS to have at least 30—PERCENT—OF—SUPERVISORY—BOARD—SEATS held by women.
20191203             The motion also requires —AROUND 5,000 other large companies to draw up detailed plans to increase THE—NUMBER—OF—WOMEN on their supervisory and executive boards.
20191203             —KIDNAPPED, Pirates, 19—CREW members from 1—CRUDE—OIL—TANKER off NIGERIA in 1—AREA where ACTS—OF—PIRACY are on the rise.
20191203             —ATTACKED, THE—NAVE—CONSTELLATION was, 77—NAUTICAL—MILES off Bonny ISLAND and 18—INDIANS and 1—TURK from the crew were seized.
20191203             THE—PHILIPPINES—TYPHOON—KAMMURI, blew across the country —AFTER slamming ashore overnightin Sorsogon province.
20191203             —REPORTED, It was, that RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN has signed into law 1—AMENDMENT that could require bloggers and independent journalists to register as foreign agents, 1—MOVE that rights activists say poses 1—THREAT to independent journalism.
20191203             —ACCUSED, RUSSIA, FORMER—USA—MARINE—PAUL—WHELAN, who has been held for almost —1—YEAR on spying charges, of faking health problems in custody and lying about his ILL—TREATMENT to stir up noise —AROUND his case.
20191203             † In SUDAN at least 23—PEOPLE in 1—HUGE—EXPLOSION that tore through 1—TILE factory in KHARTOUM.
20191203             —ERUPTED, The fire reportedly, —WHEN 1—GAS—TANKER exploded —WHILE unloading cargo.
20191203             AGNES—CALLAMARD, THE—UN—RAPPORTEUR for extrajudicial executions, said the world has not done enough to ensure justice is done over THE—KILLING—OF—SAUDI—JOURNALIST—JAMAL—KHASHOGGI.
20191203             THE—UN said this —DECADE is set to be the hottest in history in 1—ANNUAL—ASSESSMENT outlining the ways in which climate change is outpacing humanity's ability to adapt to it.
20191203             MAN—MADE emissions from burning fossil fuels, building infrastructure, growing crops and transporting goods mean 20190000             is set to break the record for atmospheric carbon concentrations, locking in further warming.
20191203             —PRODUCED, Oceans, which absorb 90—PERCENT of the excess heat, by greenhouse gases, are —NOW at their highest recorded temperatures.
20191203             THE—UNITED—NATIONS said about HALF—OF—ZIMBABWE—POPULATION—FACES—SEVERE—HUNGER amid 1—DEVASTATING drought and economic collapse.
20191203114417       Cosmic Crisp: Hype um SUPER—APFEL—SPIEGEL—ONLINE—WISSENSCHAFT
20191203—20170000    —PLEADED, CHARLES—BRIDGES, —20—JAHRE—ALT, guilty, —JUST as his trial was set to begin, for killing his mother's boyfriend and then working with her to cut up his body and leave it in several containers under 1—SOUTH—CAROLINA home.
20200000             entre os três anos mais quentes desde que há registos
202007120305         Min.. Verfügbar —BIS 20200717. -  Min.. Verfügbar —BIS 20200717.
202007120305         Min.. Verfügbar —BIS 20200717.
202008291203         Aus Protest gegen die CORONA—POLITIK haben sich in BERLIN—MITTE nach Schätzungen der Polizei fast 18.000—MENSCHEN versammelt.
20201104             Die Maßnahmen gelten vorerst —BIS zum 20201203             .
20201104             Die Verschärfung tritt —AM—DONNERSTAG in Kraft und gilt —ZUNÄCHST—FÜR—4—WOCHEN—BIS zum 20201203             .
20201119—20201203    —RELEASED, All 3 were.
20201202             Die Regierung weitete zudem zum 20201203             die Mundschutzpflicht auf ALLE—INNENRÄUME mit Ausnahme der eigenen Wände aus.
20201203             —DONNERSTAG, 20201203
20201203             BUND—VORSITZENDER und IG—METALL—CHEF—IM—STREITGESPRÄCH: Ist die Ära des Autos vorbei?
20201203             Moderiert von MARKUS—DETTMER
20201203             —KRITISIERT, Wegen Teilnahme an SEX—PARTY: Orbán, ertappten Parteifreund
20201203             Kommender USA—PRÄSIDENT: JOE—BIDEN warnt vor weiteren 250.000—CORONA—TOTEN —BIS—JANUAR
20201203             Nach Enthauptung von Lehrer: FRANKREICH lässt 76—MOSCHEEN überprüfen — Schließungen möglich
20201203             Neues TRUMP—VIDEO: —46—MINUTEN voll haltloser Behauptungen
20201203             Zum TOD—DES—EHEMALIGEN—STAATSPRÄSIDENTEN—VALÉRY—GISCARD—DE—ESTAING : Aristokrat und Modernisierer
20201203             G20-Prozess in HAMBURG: Mitläufer oder Mittäter?
20201203             Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: Wie viel Halbschlaf verträgt DEUTSCHLAND?
20201203             Trotz Waffenruhe: Uno zählt 20.000—AUSLÄNDISCHE Kämpfer in LIBYEN
20201203             Pflegeverband beklagt Verschlechterung der Situation von Pflegenden
20201203             Polizeigewerkschaft: Nicht genügend Bundespolizisten für Schutz von Impfstoff
20201203             Gewerkschafter bezweifeln, dass für den Begleitschutz des CORONA—IMPFSTOFFS ausreichend Bundespolizisten zur Verfügung stehen.
20201203             "EINIGE—POLITIKER scheinen davon auszugehen, dass die Bundespolizei ungefähr die Mannschaftsstärke der CHINESISCHEN—VOLKSBEFREIUNGSARMEE hat.
20201203             Dem ist leider nicht so", sagt der für die Bundespolizei zuständige GDP—VIZE—SVEN—HÜBER der "Rheinischen Post".
20201203             "Wir haben immer noch eine angespannte Grenzlage und verstärkte Fahndungskontrollen".
20201203             Hinzu komme eine massive Anforderung von Kräften für die Demonstrationen von Kritikern der CORONA—MAßNAHMEN.
20201203             "Die Bundespolizei als Begleitschutz für den Impfstoff heranzuziehen, ist aus meiner Sicht —DERZEIT nicht möglich".
20201203             Lehrer und Erzieher sollen sich in Zukunft nach einer entsprechenden Schulung selbst auf das CORONA€”VIRUS testen dürfen.
20201203             "Kitas und Schulen beziehungsweise ihre Träger können von —FREITAG an eigenständig Schnelltests beziehen und nutzen",
20201203             ANTIGEN—SCHNELLTESTS könnten dabei helfen, Lehrer und Erzieher und damit auch Kinder besser zu schützen.
20201203             Bislang dürfen ANTIGEN—SCHNELLTESTS nur von medizinisch geschultem Personal durchgeführt werden.
20201203             Nach ANGABEN—DES—GESUNDHEITSMINISTERIUMS wurden dem ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT —SEIT Beginn der Pandemie 636—CORONA—AUSBRÜCHE in Schulen übermittelt,
20201203             In den letzten —4—WOCHEN habe es demnach rund 64—AUSBRÜCHE pro —WOCHE gegeben.
20201203             18—PROZENT dieser Ausbrüche hätten 6- —BIS 10-Jährige, 26—PROZENT 11- —BIS 14-Jährige, 31—PROZENT 15- —BIS 20-Jährige und 25—PROZENT Personen über —21—JAHREN betroffen.
20201203             Bei 53—AUSBRÜCHEN (8—PROZENT) seien nur erwachsene Personen betroffen gewesen.
20201203             Den Daten zufolge liegt der Anteil der Infektionsfälle an Schulen an allen CORONA—AUSBRÜCHEN bei etwa 2—PROZENT.
20201203             AUSTRALIEN wird trotz Fortschritten bei der Impfstoffentwicklung die internationalen Grenzen weiter geschlossen halten.
20201203             Die Einreise für nicht AUSTRALISCHE—STAATSBÜRGER und nicht ständige Einwohner zu ermöglichen, "davon sind wir noch EINIGE—ZEIT entfernt",
20201203             Die USA—REGIERUNG sichert sich nach ANGABEN—DES—PHARMAKONZERNS—ELI—LILLY für 812,5 Millionen Dollar 650.000—ZUSÄTZLICHE Einheiten seines experimentellen Impfstoffkandidaten.
20201203             Erstmals mehr als 100.000—COVID—19—PATIENTEN in USA—KRANKENHÄUSERN
20201203             Die JOHN—HOPKINS—UNIVERSITÄT registrierte —BIS Mittwochabend 195.121—NEUINFEKTIONEN an einem —TAG.
20201203             Wegen der Reisewelle rund um den Feiertag Thanksgiving am vergangenen —DONNERSTAG befürchten Experten in den kommenden —TAGEN einen weiteren starken Anstieg der Infektionsfälle.
20201203             —GETESTET, Fast 9—PROZENT—DER—NBA—PROFIS positiv
20201203             Diese Entwicklung könne aber noch abgewendet werden, hieß es in einer vom UNO—ENTWICKLUNGSPROGRAMM UNDP veröffentlichten Studie.
20201203             Im "BASIS—SZENARIO" wären es 44—MILLIONEN Menschen.
20201203             Dafür müsse unter anderem in soziale Programme, Digitalisierung und den Kampf gegen den Klimawandel investiert werden, heißt es in dem Bericht.
20201203             Die Pandemie sei 1—WENDEPUNKT, sagte UNDP—CHEF—ACHIM—STEINER: "Die —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN, die die Verantwortlichen —JETZT treffen, könnten die Welt in sehr unterschiedliche Richtungen tragen".
20201203             Coronakrise macht Fortschritt in den ärmsten Ländern zunichte
20201203             Die Ärmsten trifft es am härtesten: Wegen der Pandemie werden die am wenigsten entwickelten Länder der Welt einem UNO—BERICHT zufolge ihre schwächste Wirtschaftsleistung —SEIT—30—JAHREN erleben.
20201203             —VERLOREN, Dadurch würden Einkommen sinken, Arbeitsstellen, gehen und Finanzdefizite steigen, heißt es in einem Bericht der UNO—WELTHANDELS- und Entwicklungskonferenz (UNCTAD).
20201203             Menschen geben, die 1—EINKOMMEN von weniger als 1,90 Dollar —AM—TAG haben.
20201203             "Die Krise wird —JAHRE—DES—MÜHSAMEN—FORTSCHRITTS der am wenigsten entwickelten Ländern in Bereichen wie Armutsminderung, Ernährung und Bildung umkehren",
20201203             Die Uno zählt 47—STAATEN zu den am wenigsten entwickelten Ländern der Welt.
20201203             Die meisten davon sind in AFRIKA — von ÄTHIOPIEN und MALI —BIS zum SUDAN und TANSANIA.
20201203             In diesen Ländern leben demnach mehr als 1—MILLIARDE—MENSCHEN.
20201203             AFRIKA wurde bislang unter anderem wegen strenger Maßnahmen und der jungen Bevölkerung weniger schlimm von der Pandemie getroffen als —ZUNÄCHST befürchtet.
20201203             Doch die Wirtschaftsfolgen sind verheerend: Die Weltbank geht davon aus, dass es in AFRIKA wegen zum 1. Mal —SEIT—25—JAHREN 1—REZESSION geben wird.
20201203             Lauterbach gratulierte den Briten zur schnellen Zulassung des BIONTECH—IMPFSTOFFS.
20201203             "Das ist eine respektable Leistung der Prüfbehörde", sagte der SPD—POLITIKER.
20201203             Die Hilfsorganisation Ärzte ohne Grenzen hat Gerechtigkeit bei der Verteilung von CORONA—IMPFSTOFFEN angemahnt und wünscht sich 1—ABGABE—VON—LÄNDERN, die sich —BEREITS Impfstoffe gesichert haben.
20201203             "Da bleibt natürlich wenig —BIS gar nichts für die Ärmsten der Armen oder für Menschen in humanitären NOT—UND Krisensituationen übrig".
20201203             natürlich wenig
20201203             —BIS gar nichts - natürlich
20201203             Mehr als 22.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN in DEUTSCHLAND
20201203             Thu 20201203
20201203             [l] Macht ihr euch in diesen schwierigen Zeiten auch solche Sorgen um die Geheimdienste?
20201203             Die haben gar nichts zu tun! Die paar Einzelfälle in der Polizei lohnen sich ja gar nicht, und die Linken bleiben wegen Covid zuhause und zünden keine Bundeswehrautos oder Bahnrelaystationen an.
20201203             Keine Sorge, die Dienste haben immer noch genug zu tun:
20201203             Der Verfassungs"schutz" kümmert sich um die Quer"denker"
20201203             —ÜBERWACHT, Der MAD, und infiltriert —JETZT BND und Verfassungsschutz
20201203             Der BND hat derweil eine neue Weltraumtheorie entwickelt.
20201203             Wenn nicht WIR die Daten erheben, sondern eine "befreundete Behörde" wie die NSA, und die die dann bei sich speicher und uns bloß 1—SUCHINTERFACE geben, dann haben wir ja gar niemanden illegal abgeschnorchelt und verletzen auch keinen Datenschutz!1!!
20201203             1—GLÜCK, dass der MAD die —JETZT infiltriert.
20201203             Nicht auszudenken. Und was machen wir mit der Polizei?
20201203             —INZWISCHEN, Die ist ja, auch mit geheimdienstlichen Befugnissen ausgestattet!
20201203             Die kann ja wohl kaum gegen sich selbst ermitteln!1!!
20201203             —ÜBERSTRAPAZIERT, Und der arme MAD ist —JETZT—SCHON völlig.
20201203             Außerdem: Wer ermittelt gegen die Nazis im MAD? Ich sehe nur 1—LÖSUNG.
20201203             Wir brauchen einen neuen Geheimdienst!1!!
20201203             —ÜBERWACHT, Der, dann die Polizei und die ganzen anderen Geheimdienste.
20201203             In den USA ist das Modell sehr erfolgreich. Die haben 17—GEHEIMDIENSTE.
20201203             [l] Das WEF will sich lieber in SINGAPUR als in der SCHWEIZ treffen nächstes Frühjahr.
20201203             Zu schlecht haben die "Konservativen" die SCHWEIZ vor Covid konserviert.
20201203             Und plötzlich fällt auch den Sesselfurzern in BERN auf, dass das möglicherweise eine bessere Idee gewesen wäre, wenn man nicht die ganze Zeit mit schlechtem Beispiel voranginge.
20201203             [l] Der Krieg gegen die eigenen KOKA—BAUERN kostet KOLUMBIEN jährlich 1—MILLIARDE—DOLLAR.
20201203             —JETZT hat mal jemand ausgerechnet, was es kosten würde, wenn man den KOKA—ANBAU legalisieren würde und der STAAT den Bauern die gesamte Ernte abkaufen würde.
20201203             680—MILLIONEN.
20201203             Gut, die Frage ist natürlich, ob 1—DEKRIMINALISIERUNG und garantierte Abnahme durch die Regierung nicht noch mehr Leute in den KOKA—ANBAU treibt.
20201203             Auf der anderen Seite würde vielleicht endlich das Urwaldroden nachlassen.
20201203             [l] Schlechte Laune? Da hilft zuverlässig 1—BLICK auf die Schlangenölbranche, diesmal McAfee "Total Protection".
20201203             Mit Wörtern wie Total sollte man ja immer vorsichtig und zurückhaltend umgehen.
20201203             USA melden erstmals mehr als 3000—CORONA—TOTE an einem —TAG
20201203             Damit war die ZAHL—DER—CORONA—TOTEN in den USA am vergangenen —TAG höher als die Gesamtzahl der CORONA—TOTEN in JAPAN —SEIT Beginn der Pandemie.
20201203             Die USA haben 330—MILLIONEN EINWOHNER—JAPAN etwa 127—MILLIONEN.
20201203             Zum 2. Mal —SEIT Beginn der Pandemie übertraf die Zahl der binnen eines Tages gemeldeten Neuinfektionen in den USA —AM—MITTWOCH die Marke von 200.000.
20201203             RUSSLAND meldet Höchstwert bei Neuinfektionen
20201203             Bafin: Finanzsystem trotz CORONA robust — Schwächste Banken bedroht
20201203             "Im Gegensatz zur Finanzmarktkrise sind die Banken in der Coronakrise nicht Verursacher der Krise, sondern TEIL—DER—LÖSUNG.
20201203             "Das Finanzsystem als Ganzes ist robust.
20201203             Die Kapitalausstattung der DEUTSCHEN—BANKENBRANCHE würde selbst bei einem fiktiven Einbruch der Wirtschaftsleistung um knapp 11—PROZENT noch über dem gesetzlichen Minimum liegen.
20201203             Aufträge im Maschinenbau erstmals —SEIT—JANUAR nicht mehr rückläufig
20201203             Altmaier: Anträge auf Hilfsgelder werden "sehr schnell und konsequent bearbeitet"
20201203             RKI—PRÄSIDENT—ZUR—CORONA—LAGE: "COVID—19 ist eine vermeidbare Erkrankung"
20201203             —NACH—DEN 1. lokal übertragenen CORONA—FÄLLEN in VIETNAM —SEIT fast —90—TAGEN hat die Polizei Ermittlungen gegen einen Flugbegleiter eingeleitet.
20201203             Er gilt als Ursprung der neuen Infektionen, die —AM—MONTAG bekannt geworden waren.
20201203             —SUSPENDIERT, Der —28—JAHRE alte Patient, der von seiner Arbeit, wurde, könnte wegen "Verbreitung gefährlicher Infektionskrankheiten" angeklagt werden, sagte der stellvertretende Polizeichef von HO—CHI—MINH—STADT, Nguyen Si Quang, —AM—DONNERSTAG.
20201203             Ihm drohten —BIS zu —12—JAHRE Haft, berichtete die Zeitung "VnExpress".
20201203             —GEKOMMEN, VIETNAM ist bislang glimpflich durch die Pandemie :
20201203             LOS—ANGELES verschärft CORONA—EINSCHRÄNKUNGEN
20201203             ALLE—EINWOHNER sollen ab sofort möglichst zu Hause bleiben,
20201203             "Unsere Stadt steht —NUN kurz vor einem verheerenden Wendepunkt", schrieb Garcetti und warnte vor einer Überlastung der Krankenhäuser.
20201203             "Wir müssen den Kontakt mit anderen so weit wie möglich minimieren".
20201203             Die Verordnung untersagt öffentliche und private Zusammenkünfte von mehr als einem Haushalt, Ausnahmen gibt es unter anderem für Proteste und Gottesdienste.
20201203             —BEFÜRWORTET, Lehrerverbandspräsident, Selbsttests bei Lehrern
20201203             TV—STARKOCH in PORTUGAL im Hungerstreik gegen CORONA—MAßNAHMEN
20201203             FERNSEH—STARKOCH Ljubomir Stanisic ist in PORTUGAL gegen die CORONA—MAßNAHMEN der Regierung in den Hungerstreik getreten.
20201203             Der 42-Jährige wurde am Mittwochabend, —6—TAGE nach Beginn der Aktion, wegen eines Schwächeanfalls in Lissabon ins Krankenhaus gebracht.
20201203             —ENTLASSEN, Nach wenigen —STUNDEN wurde er wieder, und setzte den Protest fort.
20201203             Zusammen mit dem Küchenchef und Star der PORTUGIESISCHEN—AUSGABE—VON—GORDON—RAMSEYS—TV—HIT "Kitchen Nightmares" campen vor dem Parlamentsgebäude —SEIT einer —WOCHE 8—WEITERE Besitzer von Restaurants, Bars und Nachtlokalen, die ALLE—DER—PROTESTBEWEGUNG "A Pão e Água" (Von Brot und Wasser) angehören.
20201203             "A Pão e Água" fordert 1—LOCKERUNG—DER—CORONA—MAßNAHMEN und warnt vor einem großen "Restaurantsterben".
20201203             Die ANFÜHRER—DER—BEWEGUNG wollen von Ministerpräsident António Costa empfangen werden.
20201203             Die ANFÜHRER—DER—BEWEGUNG
20201203             Anders als in zahlreichen anderen Ländern und Regionen Europas dürfen Restaurants und Cafés in PORTUGAL aber —SCHON—SEIT—MAI wieder Gäste empfangen.
20201203             Im Rahmen des CORONA—NOTSTANDES müssen sie jedoch zum Beispiel an den Wochenendtagen —BEREITS um 13—UHR schließen.
20201203             —DER—SOMMER war für viele vergleichsweise sorgenfrei, —NUN wächst laut einer Umfrage die Angst, sich während der Arbeit zu infizieren.
20201203             —BEKÜMMERT, Doch längst nicht ALLE—ARBEITNEHMER sind gleich.
20201203             FINNLAND plant kostenlose Impfungen
20201203             Modellrechnung: Immer mehr Hitzetote durch Klimakrise in DEUTSCHLAND
20201203             Keine Abschiebung nach AFGHANISTAN: Gerichte heben Tausende ablehnende Asylentscheidungen auf
20201203             Wahl in den USA: Trumps Vorwürfe gefährden seine eigene Partei
20201203             80.000—HEKTAR seien den Flammen bislang zum Opfer gefallen.
20201203             Allein —AM—MITTWOCH wurden 345.000—LITER Wasser abgeworfen, wie die örtliche Feuerwehr auf Twitter mitteilte.
20201203             —IN—DIESER—WOCHE sei das Feuer wegen einer anhaltenden Hitzewelle an Australiens Ostküste noch einmal größer und stärker geworden.
20201203             —BELIEBT, FRASER—ISLAND sei auf der ganzen Welt, "was es so schmerzhaft macht anzusehen, wie die Insel brennt", sagte Queenslands Ministerpräsidentin Annastacia Palaszczuk.
20201203             Mord an iranischem Atomwissenschaftler: "Europas Reaktion wird der Ernsthaftigkeit der Lage überhaupt nicht gerecht" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—RANIAH—SALLOUM
20201203             Gier, Kriegsausgaben, Misswirtschaft: Das waren die Voraussetzungen für die FRANZÖSISCHE—REVOLUTION
20201203             Anpassung der Plattformregeln: Twitter will mehr Gruppen vor "Entmenschlichung" schützen
20201203             Bei Menschenrechtsverletzungen: EU—STAATEN einigen sich auf neues Sanktionsinstrument
20201203             Der Brexit und die Korruption: Die Briten versagen zunehmend in ihrer einstigen Paradedisziplin 1—GASTBEITRAG—VON—DAN—HOUGH und JOHANNA—SCHOENBERG
20201203             ORF—MODERATOR gegen KANZLER—KURZ: "Herr Bundeskanzler, ich unterbreche Sie ganz ungern, aber das stimmt so nicht".
20201203             Umfrage des WSI—INSTITUTS der BÖCKLER—STIFTUNG: Angst vor CORONA—ANSTECKUNG am Arbeitsplatz wächst
20201203             PUSHBACK—VORWÜRFE: FRONTEX—CHEF—LEGGERI sagte dem EU—PARLAMENT die Unwahrheit
20201203             ERZIEHUNGSRECHT—URTEIL: Väter müssen ihre Kinder treffen — auch, wenn sie nicht wollen
20201203             BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG: Antisemitismusbeauftragter sieht "Querdenker" als Gefahr für die Demokratie
20201203             BERTELSMANN—UMFRAGE zur Coronakrise: Frauen übernehmen GROßTEIL—DER—HAUS—UND Familienarbeit
20201203             Musiker im CORONA—STRESS: "Um den einen am Leben zu erhalten, wird der Tod des anderen in Kauf genommen"
20201203             WHATSAPP—ÜBERWACHUNG: Die Bundesregierung plant digitale Sollbruchstellen 1—GASTBEITRAG—VON—SVEN—HERPIG
20201203             "Erwiesenermaßen emissionsfreie Quelle": Osteuropa will das Klima mit Atomkraft schützen
20201203             Demokratiebewegung in HONGKONG: Medienmogul JIMMY—LAI muss in Untersuchungshaft
20201203             —GEWINNT, NAMIBIA: Bürgerrechtler ADOLF—HITLER, Wahl zum Landrat
20201203             UNO—WIRTSCHAFTSBERICHT: Coronakrise setzt ärmsten Ländern der Welt am stärksten zu
20201203             Bayerischer Ministerpräsident: Söder beklagt "ethische Kapitulation" in Debatte über CORONA—MAßNAHMEN
20201203             Schutzsuchende aus MYANMAR: BANGLADESCH schiebt ROHINGYA—FLÜCHTLINGE auf umstrittene Insel ab
20201203             Vermeintliche Isolation —SEIT—30—JAHREN: Mutter soll ihren Sohn doch nicht eingesperrt haben
20201203             Kosten "nicht vertretbar": UNIONS—HAUSHÄLTER hält CORONA—HILFEN für zu hoch
20201203             Johnsons Chefberater: "Wir könnten 99—PROZENT—DER—TODESFÄLLE im Zusammenhang mit COVID—19 eliminieren"
20201203             Die 1. Phase des Immunisierungsprogramms soll —BEREITS in der kommenden —WOCHE beginnen und vor allem auf ältere und geschwächte Menschen sowie Bewohner von Pflegeheimen abzielen.
20201203             Voraussetzung sei aber, dass die Impfung auf hohe Akzeptanz in der Bevölkerung stoße.
20201203             "Wir müssen auch sicherstellen, dass die Leute verstehen, dass dies kein unmittelbarer Ausweg von irgendetwas ist",
20201203             Anfangs seien aber wegen der komplizierten Lagerung bei minus 70—GRAD nur Einheiten mit 975—DOSEN verfügbar.
20201203             —GEFUNDEN, Sobald 1—WEG, sei, die Impfdosen auf sicherem Wege in kleinere Einheiten zu unterteilen, könne mit dem Impfen in Pflegeheimen begonnen werden.
20201203             Berühmter Karneval von Nizza wegen CORONA auf 20220000             verschoben
20201203             Der frühere USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA hat keine Bedenken gegen 1—CORONA—IMPFUNG.
20201203             "Ich verspreche Ihnen, dass ich mir den Impfstoff geben lassen werde, wenn er für weniger gefährdete Menschen verfügbar gemacht wird",
20201203             sagte der 59-Jährige dem Sender Sirius XM, der —AM—MITTWOCH Ausschnitte vorab veröffentlichte.
20201203             Vielleicht werde er sich das Vakzin im Fernsehen verabreichen oder sich dabei filmen lassen — "nur damit die Leute wissen, dass ich dieser Wissenschaft vertraue".
20201203             Nächtliche Ausgangsbeschränkungen in MANNHEIM
20201203             Epidemia atingiu o pico em PORTUGAL no dia 25—DE Novembro
20201203             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—689—(+4)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—526—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—157—(+2)
20201203             ALCOUTIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—23—(=)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—18—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—2—(=)
20201203             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—20—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—13—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—6—(=)
20201203             CASTRO—MARIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—55—(+2)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—48—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—7—(+2)
20201203             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—735—(+6)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—474—(+13)—CASOS—ATIVOS—259—(-7)
20201203             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—239—(+2)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—86—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—151—(+2)
20201203             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—537—(+9)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—386—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—150—(+9)
20201203             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—829—(+4)—ÓBITOS—12—(=)—RECUPERADOS—521—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—296—(+4)
20201203             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—37—(+1)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—24—(+4)—CASOS—ATIVOS—13—(-3)
20201203             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—308—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—219—(+7)—CASOS—ATIVOS—88—(-7)
20201203             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—854—(+3)—ÓBITOS—9—(=)—RECUPERADOS—565—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—280—(+3)
20201203             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—297—(+1)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—247—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—47—(=)
20201203             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—235—(+2)—ÓBITOS—5—(=)—RECUPERADOS—211—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—19—(=)
20201203             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—80—(+1)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—45—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—34—(+1)
20201203             ILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—299—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—191—(+3)—CASOS—ATIVOS—107—(-3)
20201203             GLOBAL—CASES—64.977.782—GLOBAL—DEATHS—1.501.907
20201203             dieses Beispiel zeigt ein großes Problem in der Coronakrise: Die vielen unterschiedlichen Verordnungen verwirren ohnehin VIELE—BÜRGER.
20201203             —VERALTET, Wenn offizielle Stellen sie dann noch, unpräzise oder gar falsch widergeben, wirkt das nicht gerade vertrauensbildend.
20201203             —BEDEUTET, So, "viel gemacht" nicht automatisch: viel gut gemacht.
20201203             In einem anderen Berliner Bezirk gibt ein leitender Mitarbeiter zu: "Das Ordnungsamt kontrolliert das im Grunde gar nicht, das ist personell auch gar nicht zu leisten".
20201203             Offen spricht er von einem "Vollzugsdefizit": BERLIN sei ja "für Partys berühmt — und nicht dafür, dass man sich an ALLE—REGELN hält".
20201203             Das habe man "in BERLIN häufiger, dass Regeln nicht durchgesetzt werden können".
20201203             Und letztlich "erklärt das auch, warum die Infektionszahlen hier so hoch sind".
20201203             Extremismus in Thüringen: Verfassungsschützer rechnet mit Einstufung von "Querdenken" als Verdachtsfall
20201203             Verschärfung für CORONA—HOTSPOTS: BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG will nächtliche Ausgangssperren einführen
20201203             Generation CORONA: THE—PANDEMIC—IS—CHANGING—OUR—CHILDREN—LIVES for the Worse
20201203             Absichtserklärung: Facebook will Falschinformationen zu CORONA—IMPFSTOFFEN löschen
20201203             Wasserstoff statt Kohle: Thyssenkrupp und Steag schließen Allianz für grünen Stahl
20201203             Hakenkreuz auf der Brust: Jüdischer USA—ARZT schildert Behandlung von CORONA—PATIENTEN mit NAZI—TATTOOS
20201203             Ein jüdischer Krankenhausarzt in Kalifornien hat mit seiner emotionalen Schilderung, wie er einen mit NS—SYMBOLEN tätowierten CORONA—PATIENTEN behandelte, für Aufsehen gesorgt.
20201203             "Das Hakenkreuz prangte auf seiner Brust", schrieb TAYLOR—NICHOLS auf Twitter.
20201203             "SS—TATTOOS und andere Insignien, die zuvor vom Hemd verdeckt waren, waren —JETZT für ALLE—IM—RAUM zu sehen".
20201203             Er bereitete zusammen mit einer afroamerikanischen Krankenschwester und einem ASIATISCH—STÄMMIGEN Atemwegsspezialisten 1—INTUBATION—DES—PATIENTEN vor, berichtete Nichols weiter.
20201203             "Die SYMBOLE—DES—HASSES auf seinem Körper verkündeten offen und stolz seine Ansichten.
20201203             Wir wussten alle, was er von uns denkt.
20201203             Welchen Wert er unseren Leben beimisst".
20201203             "Lassen Sie mich nicht sterben, Doktor", habe der ältere und von Drogenkonsum gezeichnete Mann ihn angefleht, schrieb Nichols.
20201203             "Ich habe ihm versichert, dass wir alle hart arbeiten würden, um uns um ihn zu kümmern und ihn so gut wie möglich am Leben zu erhalten".
20201203             —GEZÖGERT, Er habe aber zum 1. Mal gemerkt, dass er, und Zwiespalt empfunden habe, berichtet der Arzt.
20201203             "Die Pandemie hat mich erschöpft".
20201203             Nach Kämpfen um Bergkarabach: ASERBAIDSCHAN meldet fast 2800—GETÖTETE Soldaten
20201203             Zellverjüngung: Wissenschaftler stellen Sehkraft von Mäusen wieder her
20201203             Durch Zellverjüngung konnte Sinclairs TEAM—VON—DER—HARVARD—MEDICAL—SCHOOL—DAS—SEHVERMÖGEN der Nager wiederherstellen.
20201203             Die Forscher konnten die Zellen umprogrammieren.
20201203             —BASIERT, Ihr Konzept, auf der sogenannten epigenetischen Uhr.
20201203             es sei eine Ära angebrochen, die beweise, dass das Verständnis von neuralen Entwicklungsprozessen zu den Werkzeugen führt, um das gealterte oder geschädigte Gehirn zu reparieren.
20201203             —STEPPED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, up 1—FEUD with BEIJING over security by adding Semiconductor Manufacturing INTERNATIONAL Corp. and CHINA National Offshore Oil Corp. to 1—BLACKLIST that limits access to USA—TECHNOLOGY and investment.
20201203             JOE—BIDEN said that he will ask Americans to commit to —100—DAYS—OF—WEARING masks as 1—OF—HIS 1. acts as PRESIDENT, stopping —JUST short of the nationwide mandate he's pushed —BEFORE to stop THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS.
20201203             USA—OFFICIALS said THE—USA is withdrawing SOME—STAFF from its embassy in BAGHDAD and temporarily reducing personnel amid regional security concerns.
20201203             —ORDERED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, 1—LOWER—FEDERAL—COURT to reexamine CALIFORNIA restrictions on indoor religious services in areas hard hit by THE—CORONA€”VIRUS in LIGHT—OF—THE—JUSTICES' recent ruling in FAVOR—OF—CHURCHES and synagogues in NEW—YORK.
20201203             THE—USA—CENSUS—BUREAU said the data irregularities that are putting in jeopardy —1—YEAR—END—DEADLINE for turning in numbers used for divvying up congressional seats affect only 1—TINY—PERCENTAGE—OF—THE—RECORDS and are being resolved as quickly as possible.
20201203             ALASKA—STATE—OFFICIAL overseeing elections said personal data such as driver's license numbers and birth dates for tens of THOUSANDS—OF—ALASKANS was breached in 1—ONLINE voter database.
20201203             —COMPROMISED, Election results were not, because the online registration and vote tabulation systems are not connected.
20201203             CALIFORNIA to date had 1,255,846 CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS and 19,369 deaths.
20201203             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 156,829 cases and 1,985 deaths.
20201203             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 14,023,237 with the death toll at 276,060.
20201203             —RETIRED, CHICAGO, Dwain Williams (65), 1, firefighter, was sot and killed as he exchanged gunfire with 3—YOUTHS in 1—CARJACKING attempt.
20201203             —CHARGED, Dwain Johnson (18) was also soon, in the botched carjacking.
20201203             —REPORTED, NEVADA, 48—NEW—CORONA€”VIRUS deaths, marking its deadliest —DAY—SINCE THE—ONSET—OF—THE—PANDEMIC.
20201203             —REPORTED, NORTH—CAROLINA, its highest SINGLE—DAY—INCREASE in CORONA€”VIRUS cases —SINCE THE—START—OF—THE—PANDEMIC with more than 5,600—PEOPLE testing positive.
20201203             —PUBLISHED, Researchers In the Pacific Northwest, 1—REPORT that identified 1—TOXIC—MATERIAL from tire treads as the killer of as many as 90—PERCENT—OF—THE—COHO salmon in parts of the Puget Sound.
20201203             —ENTERED, Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc said JAPAN—KANEKA—CORP has, into 1—DEAL to manufacture its COVID—19—VACCINE—CANDIDATE.
20201203             Authorities in BANGLADESH have begun relocating THOUSANDS—OF—ROHINGYA refugees to Bhasan Char, 1 isolated ISLAND in the Bay of Bengal, despite calls by human rights groups for 1—HALT to the process.
20201203             —RECEIVED, BRAZIL—SÃO—PAULO—BUTANTAN—INSTITUTE—BIOMEDICAL—CENTER, 1—MILLION doses of 1—CHINESE—COVID 19—VACCINE developed by Sinovac Biotech Ltd that is undergoing LATE—STAGE testing by the institute at 16—LOCATIONS in BRAZIL.
20201203             1—LONDON ceremony announced that —THIS—YEAR—GLOBAL—TEACHER—PRIZE has been awarded to Ranjitsinh Disale (32) for his work helping girls, MOST—OF—THEN from poor tribal communities, at 1—VILLAGE—SCHOOL in WEST—INDIA.
20201203             —ANNOUNCED, Disale —IMMEDIATELY, he would share the $1—MILLION prize money with THE—9—OTHER—FINALISTS.
20201203             —BECAME, THE—UK, the 5. country to officially record more that 60,000 CORONA€”VIRUS—RELATED deaths.
20201203             414—NEW—DEATHS took the confirmed total to 60,013.
20201203             —EXTENDED, CHILE, 1—STATE—OF—CATASTROPHE that allows for THE—CONTROL—OF—MOVEMENT—OF—PEOPLE through curfews and lockdowns.
20201203             —DECLARED, CHINA—LEADER Xi Jinping, victory in CHINA—FIGHT against poverty, claiming nearly 100—MILLION—PEOPLE have been lifted out of extreme material deprivation —AFTER—8—YEARS—OF—STRUGGLE.
20201203             —ARRIVED, Some 300—ETHIOPIA—IMMIGRANTS, to 1—FESTIVE ceremony at ISRAEL—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT, as the government took 1—STEP toward carrying out its pledge to reunite HUNDREDS—OF—FAMILIES—SPLIT between THE—2—COUNTRIES.
20201203             FRANCE—DRUG—MAKER—SANOFI said it will announce THE—PRICE—OF—THE—POTENTIAL—COVID—19—VACCINE it is developing with BRITAIN—GLAXOSMITHKLINE —FOLLOWING THE—RELEASE—OF—RESULTS from the Phase I/II clinical trials —THIS—MONTH.
20201203             Authorities in GERMANY said about 29,000 chickens will be slaughtered —AFTER H5N8 bird flu was found on another poultry farm in THE—EAST—AREA—OF—MECKLENBURGISCHE—SEENPLATTE.
20201203             —AGREED, GERMANY—MERCK—KGAA said it has, a —3—YEAR—STRATEGIC—RESEARCH—DEAL worth up to $6.8—BILLION with Artios Pharma Limited to develop up to 8—POTENTIAL—DRUGS for cancer by targeting DNA repair mechanisms inside cells.
20201203             —REPORTED, HUNGARY, 182—NEW—COVID—19—DEATHS, by far the highest daily toll —SINCE THE—START—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS pandemic.
20201203             This brought the total NUMBER—OF—DEATHS to 5,324, —WHILE infections rose by 6,635 to 231,844.
20201203             INDONESIA —POSTED 1—RECORD 8,369 new cases.
20201203             Local news has run headlines of more regional hospitals reaching full capacity.
20201203             In the last —10—DAYS—INDONESIA has —POSTED 4—DAILY—RECORD—HIGH—NUMBERS.
20201203             —REJECTED, IRAN—PRESIDENT—HASSAN—ROUHANI, 1—BILL that would have suspended UN inspections and boosted uranium enrichment saying it was harmful to diplomatic efforts to ease USA—SANCTIONS.
20201203             —REPORTED, ITALY, 1—RECORD—993—CORONA€”VIRUS—RELATED deaths, against 684—1—DAY—EARLIER, and 23,225 new infections, compared with 20,709.
20201203             THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMITTEE—OF—THE—RED—CROSS (ICRC) said its last remaining foreign staff have left NORTH—KOREA, the latest in 1—MASS exodus of foreigners amid strict CORONA€”VIRUS lockdowns.
20201203             SOUTH—KOREA—DRUGMAKER Daewoong Pharma said it had sought regulatory approval for Phase II trials of its ANTI—PARASITE niclosamide drug to treat COVID—19—PATIENTS, sending its shares up nearly 6%.
20201203             —BLOCKED, SUDAN—FORCES said ETHIOPIA—FORCES have, people from the country's embattled Tigray region from crossing into SUDAN at the busiest border crossing point for refugees.
20201203             More than 45,000 Ethiopians have fled into the remote AREA—OF—SUDAN.
20201203             —WARNED, UN agencies, that the window to prevent 1—FAMINE in WAR—TORN YEMEN is narrowing, with 1—NEW—STUDY showing that MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE in the country will face SOME—FORM—OF—FOOD—CRISIS—NEXT—YEAR.
20201203—19720000    —STARTED, The county had, its NORTH—SEA—GAS and oil extraction.
20201203—19920000    —SEIT, Die HÄLFTE—DER—GRÖSSTEN—SANDINSEL—DER—WELT, die zum Weltnaturerbe der Unesco gehört, ist den Angaben zufolge —BEREITS zerstört:
20201203—20150000    —VOWED, Xi Jinping had, to eradicate the last vestiges of extreme poverty by the end of 20200000             .
20201203—20201014    —AM, Der Buschbrand soll durch ein illegales Lagerfeuer ausgelöst worden sein.
20201203—20201027    —ON, He became aware of the breach.
20201203—20201216    —ON, police announced murder charges against 1—TEEN, —15—JAHRE—ALT, saying he was known to authorities as 1—MEMBER—OF a "crew" that stole cars in the south suburbs.
20201203—20210000    —ANFANG, : Finanzaufsicht erwartet 1. Welle an Kreditausfällen
20201203—20300000    —BIS, Die Langzeitfolgen der CORONA—PANDEMIE könnten den Vereinten Nationen zufolge die Zahl der in extremer Armut lebenden Menschen auf mehr als 1—MILLIARDE bringen.
20201203—20300000    —BIS, Das Papier skizziert 3—MÖGLICHE Szenarien: Im schlimmsten Fall würden mehr als 200—MILLIONEN Menschen zusätzlich unter extremer Armut LEIDEN — und damit weltweit mehr als 1—MILLIARDE.
20201203—20300000    —BIS, Es gebe aber auch ein positives Szenario, wonach über die derzeitigen Pläne hinaus zusätzlichen 146—MILLIONEN Menschen aus der extremen Armut hinausgeholfen werden könne.
20201203—20500000    —VOTED, DENMARK—PARLIAMENT, to end all oil and gas activities in THE—NORTH—SEA.
20201204             276_DGS_boletim_20201203              20201204             276_DGS_boletim_20201203              20201206             —FREED, THE—EIPR rights workers were, 20201203             —ON—AFTER being arrested —LAST—MONTH and slapped with TERRORISM—RELATED charges.
20201206—20201203    —FREED, THE—EIPR rights workers were, —AFTER being arrested —LAST—MONTH and slapped with TERRORISM—RELATED charges.
20211122             NEUSEELAND will von der 0—CORONA—STRATEGIE abkehren und zum 20211203             EINIGE—VERSCHÄRFTE—SCHUTZMASSNAHMEN zurücknehmen.
20211203             —FREITAG, 20211203
20211203             Fall Peng Shuai: Tennisverband der Männer zieht bei Chinaboykott der Frauen nicht mit
20211203             —VERBITTET, Inhaftierter Menschenrechtler: TÜRKEI, sich "Einmischung" des Europarats im Fall Kavala
20211203             Zahlen des RKI: —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ steigt wieder an — auf über 442
20211203             Widerstand gegen Coronamaßnahmen: Was ist los in SACHSEN?
20211203             Kurz vor Anstieg des Mindestlohns: Essenslieferdienst Gorillas will Stundenlohn auf 12—EURO anheben
20211203             —VERGIBT, Baldiges ENDE—DER—ISS: Nasa, Millionenaufträge für neue Raumstationen
20211203             USA—SPORT: Gefälschte Impfpässe — NFL sperrt Footballprofis
20211203             Cash für die Steuer: Elon Musk verkauft erneut TESLA—AKTIEN für 1—MILLIARDE—DOLLAR
20211203             Impfgegner MARCUS—LAMB: TV—PREDIGER stirbt nach Coronainfektion
20211203             Der PRÄSIDENT—DER—INTENSIVMEDIZINER—VEREINIGUNG Divi, Gernot Marx, fordert in der CORONA—PANDEMIE schärfere Kontaktbeschränkungen auch für Geimpfte.
20211203             "Wir brauchen deutliche Kontaktbeschränkungen, aktuell tatsächlich am besten für alle",
20211203             sagte er dem Redaktionsnetzwerk DEUTSCHLAND (RND).
20211203             "Über die neue Virusvariante wissen wir einfach noch nicht genug.
20211203             —VERMINDERT, Wir können nicht ausschließen, dass die Impfstoffe, wirken",
20211203             sagte er mit Blick auf die OMIKRON—VARIANTE.
20211203             "Wegen dieses NICHT—WISSENS ist zwingend notwendig, besonders vorsichtig zu sein".
20211203             Die Impfpflicht für das Personal in Krankenhäusern, Pflegeeinrichtungen und ambulanten Pflegediensten soll einem Zeitungsbericht zufolge ab —MITTE—MÄRZ nächsten Jahres gelten.
20211203             Ausgenommen von der Pflicht seien Beschäftigte, die sich aus medizinischen Gründen nicht impfen lassen können.
20211203             Der Gesetzentwurf zur "einrichtungsbezogenen Impfpflicht" soll demnach —BIS spätestens —MITTE—DEZEMBER im BUNDESTAG beschlossen werden.
20211203             Aufgrund der angespannten Situation in den CORONA—LABOREN empfiehlt das ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT (RKI) einen zurückhaltenderen EINSATZ—VON—PCR—TESTS.
20211203             "In einigen Regionen befinden sich Labore an den Grenzen ihrer Auslastung.
20211203             Daher ist 1—PRIORISIERUNG—DES—EINSATZES—VON—PCR—TESTS gemäß der Nationalen Teststrategie aktuell geboten",
20211203             So sollten PCR—TESTUNGEN "unter dem Aspekt der regional verfügbaren PCR—KAPAZITÄTEN entsprechend kritisch geprüft werden".
20211203             PCR—TESTS, die für einen sicheren Nachweis einer Infektion notwendig sind, sollten beispielsweise nur noch begrenzt dafür eingesetzt werden, die QUARANTÄNE—UND Isolationszeit bei Kontaktpersonen und Infizierten zu verkürzen.
20211203             "Für depriorisierte Anlässe (gemäß Teststrategie) sollten bei gebotener Indikation hochwertige Antigenschnelltests eingesetzt werden".
20211203             Solche Schnelltests können vor Ort ausgewertet werden und brauchen kein Labor.
20211203             BUNDESÄRZTEKAMMER—PRÄSIDENT—KLAUS—REINHARDT hat die Beschlüsse des Bundes und der Länder zur Bekämpfung des CORONA€”VIRUS als unzureichend kritisiert.
20211203             "Um das Gesundheitswesen vor Überlastung zu schützen, wären aus unserer Sicht noch weitergehende Maßnahmen notwendig",
20211203             Vor allem müsse die Einhaltung der Zutrittsvoraussetzungen strikt kontrolliert und deren Missachtung verbindlich sanktioniert werden,
20211203             "Mit der neuen Bundesregierung werden wir den Menschen den Rücken stärken, die auch nach CORONA gelegentlich oder häufiger mobil arbeiten wollen",
20211203             "Wir schaffen einen Rechtanspruch für die Beschäftigen, mit dem Arbeitgeber konkret über ihren HOMEOFFICE—WUNSCH zu sprechen, einen sogenannten Erörterungsanspruch",
20211203             "Nimmt der Arbeitgeber keine Stellung, wird der HOMEOFFICE—WUNSCH zum Anspruch".
20211203             Dennoch werde auch künftig gelten, dass der Bäcker seine Brötchen nicht zu Hause backen könne und der Fabrikarbeiter seine Arbeit in der Werkshalle machen müsse.
20211203             "Der Arbeitgeber kann einen HOMEOFFICE—WUNSCH aus betrieblichen Gründen ablehnen — aber eben nicht willkürlich, sondern mit einer plausiblen Begründung",
20211203             sagte der SPD—POLITIKER.
20211203             Die künftige Bundesregierung muss die Pandemiebekämpfung nach Worten des FDP—AUßENEXPERTEN ALEXANDER—GRAF—LAMBSDORFF zu einem zentralen Anliegen ihrer Außenpolitik machen.
20211203             "Wir brauchen eine aktive Coronaaußenpolitik, eine viel stärkere Unterstützung für die internationale IMPFSTOFF—INITIATIVE Covax und für die Weltgesundheitsorganisation",
20211203             "Sonst haben wir in ein paar —MONATEN die nächste CORONA—VARIANTE".
20211203             Der Außenexperte wies darauf hin, dass das CORONA€”VIRUS weltweit Mutationen hervorbringe und deshalb weltweit bekämpft werden müsse.
20211203             Der Außenexperte
20211203             Die DEUTSCHE—GESELLSCHAFT für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin (DGAI) hat die Beschlüsse der Ministerpräsidentenkonferenz zur Eindämmung der CORONA—PANDEMIE kritisiert.
20211203             "Die Maßnahmen reichen bei Weitem nicht aus, um die Intensivstationen von dem enormen Druck zu entlasten und 1—PATIENTENGEFÄHRDUNG zu verhindern",
20211203             sagte DGAI—PRÄSIDENT—FRANK—WAPPLER.
20211203             "Wir sind zu spät dran und versuchen es —JETZT mit aller Gewalt, unzureichende Maßnahmen übers Knie zu brechen".
20211203             Neue Coronamaßnahmen — USA verschärfen TEST—REGELN bei Einreise
20211203             FDP—FRAKTIONSVIZE ALEXANDER—GRAF—LAMBSDORFF hat seine Partei vor dem Eintritt in die künftige Bundesregierung auf politische Zugeständnisse in der Coronapolitik eingestimmt.
20211203             Die FDP müsse sich angesichts der Pandemielage als REGIERUNGSPARTEI auf eine restriktivere Linie einstellen,
20211203             "Das ist für MANCHE—UNSERER—ANHÄNGER schwierig", betonte er.
20211203             Konsequenter Gesundheitsschutz bei größtmöglicher gesellschaftlicher Freiheit bedeute in einer schwierigen Lage "eben auch einschränkende Maßnahmen, die wir mit beschließen müssen".
20211203             In der Opposition hatte die FDP die Position vertreten, dass die Einschränkungen durch die CORONA—MAßNAHMEN auf 1—MINIMUM reduziert werden müssten.
20211203             Neue LOCKDOWN—MAßNAHMEN schloss die FDP damals aus.
20211203             Sie war zudem die treibende Kraft hinter dem Beschluss mit den AMPEL—PARTNERN SPD und Grünen, die vom BUNDESTAG festgestellte pandemische Notlage als Rechtsgrundlage für VIELE—CORONAEINSCHRÄNKUNGEN auslaufen zu lassen.
20211203             Kurz vor dem für kommende —WOCHE geplanten Eintritt in die AMPEL—REGIERUNG ist die FDP auf eine härtere Linie eingeschwenkt.
20211203             Zuletzt sprach sich etwa Parteichef CHRISTIAN—LINDNER für eine allgemeine Coronaimpfpflicht aus — —BIS vor kurzem war eine solche Haltung in der FDP noch tabu.
20211203             Angesichts "der aktualisierten Einschätzung der Lage" hätten sich Ministerpräsident Naftali Bennett und Gesundheitsminister Nitzan Horowitz dazu entschieden,
20211203             Die HANDY—ÜBERWACHUNG durch den Inlandsgeheimdienst Schin Bet ist demnach —IN—DER—NACHT zu —FREITAG ausgelaufen und soll nicht verlängert werden.
20211203             Abhängig von den INFIZIERTEN—ZAHLEN werde die Maßnahme jedoch wieder erwogen.
20211203             —GEWESEN, Ziel sei es, die Ansteckungsketten mit der neuen OMIKRON—VARIANTE zu unterbrechen.
20211203             Dafür hatte die Regierung voriges Wochenende für den erneuten EINSATZ—DER—ÜBERWACHUNGSTECHNOLOGIE durch den Schin Bet gestimmt.
20211203             Diese Maßnahme wurde in einer FRÜHEREN—PHASE—DER—PANDEMIE —BEREITS genutzt, wegen Kritik aber wieder gestoppt.
20211203             2000—MENSCHEN nach OMIKRON—FÄLLEN an SCHWEIZER—SCHULE in Quarantäne
20211203             Landkreis Mittelsachsen mit Inzidenz von 2062,5
20211203             Fast ALLE—KREISE und Städte in SACHSEN lagen mit ihren Inzidenzen laut RKI —AM—FREITAG über der 1000ER—SCHWELLE.
20211203             —SEIT Beginn der Pandemie sind im Freistaat laut RKI 524 645—COVID—19—FÄLLE und 11 147—TODESFÄLLE im Zusammenhang mit dem Virus gemeldet worden.
20211203             —AM—FREITAG kamen 11 576—INFEKTIONEN dazu und 68—WEITERE Menschen starben an oder mit dem Virus
20211203             Testpflicht für NORWEGEN—REISENDE unabhängig vom Impfstatus
20211203             Der designierte SPD—VORSITZENDE LARS—KLINGBEIL hat Fehler bei der Kommunikation der AMPEL—PARTEIEN zum Auslaufen der epidemischen Notlage eingeräumt.
20211203             —ENTSTANDEN, Es sei der Eindruck, dass mit dem ENDE—DER—EPIDEMISCHEN—LAGE "auch die Pandemie endet.
20211203             Darum ging es aber nie", "Kommunikativ ist das nicht glücklich gelaufen".
20211203             "Ich bin aktuell nicht dafür, das öffentliche Leben auch für Geimpfte ganz herunterzufahren",
20211203             betonte er.
20211203             "Aber wenn Experten das in den kommenden —WOCHEN empfehlen, weil sich die Lage weiter verschärft, dann müssen wir darüber reden, ja".
20211203             Der PRÄSIDENT—DES—ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUTS, LOTHAR—WIELER, warnt angesichts der stagnierenden Zahlen, —JETZT von einer Trendumkehr zu sprechen.
20211203             "Im Gegenteil", sagt Wieler. Dafür sei es "viel zu früh".
20211203             —INFIZIERT, Aktuell seien mehr als 1—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG akut, 4800—COVID—PATIENTEN befänden sich auf der Intensivstation, auch die Todesfälle stiegen deutlich an.
20211203             In diese Notlage platze —NUN die neue CORONA—VARIANTE Omikron, die man noch nicht einschätzen könne,
20211203             Der noch amtierende Bundesgesundheitsminister JENS—SPAHN deutet an, dass er im BUNDESTAG gegen eine allgemeine Impfpflicht stimmen werde.
20211203             Er habe in dieser Frage eine "grundsätzlich sehr skeptische Haltung",
20211203             —GEGEBEN, Er habe wiederholt sein Wort, dass eine solche allgemeine Impfpflicht nicht kommen werde.
20211203             "Das wird auch mein Abstimmungsverhalten bestimmen".
20211203             Zugleich sei er aber in der "Ansprache sehr klar".
20211203             Die Impfung sei der einzige Weg aus der Pandemie.
20211203             —VERBIETET, Berliner Polizei, IMFPGEGNER—KUNDGEBUNG
20211203             Das Verbot der Kundgebung mit dem Titel "Unspaltbar — Nein zum Impfzwang" sei nach Bewertung aller Umstände und Erkenntnisse erfolgt,
20211203             Zu der —ENTSCHEIDUNG hätten die "Erfahrungen der jüngeren Vergangenheit" beigetragen.
20211203             So hätten sich Teilnehmer FRÜHERER—VERSAMMLUNGEN regelmäßig nicht an die gesetzlichen Infektionsschutzregelungen gehalten und etwa das Tragen von MUND—NASEN—BEDECKUNGEN verweigert.
20211203             Auch seien die Verantwortlichen nur selten bereit, bei entsprechenden Verstößen regulierend gegenzusteuern.
20211203             "Wellenbrecher" ist das "Wort des Jahres" 2021
20211203             Das hat die Gesellschaft für DEUTSCHE—SPRACHE (GfdS) —AM—FREITAG in WIESBADEN mitgeteilt.
20211203             Das Wort stamme aus dem Küstenschutz und werde mittlerweile für Maßnahmen benutzt, die zum Schutz der Bevölkerung in der CORONA—PANDEMIE angewendet werden,
20211203             Coronafälle in SÜDAFRIKA verzeichnen "beispiellosen Anstieg
20211203             Fall Osman Kavala: Europarat leitet Strafverfahren gegen TÜRKEI ein
20211203             MANUELA—SCHWESIG über Strategien in der Pandemie: "Die Empfehlung der Stiko kam viel zu spät"
20211203             Umfrage des IFO—INSTITUTS: Kurzarbeit steigt erstmals —SEIT—FEBRUAR wieder
20211203             Einen —TAG vor Fristablauf: USA—KONGRESS wendet Haushaltssperre ab
20211203             Gebietsstreit mit JAPAN: RUSSLAND schickt Abwehrraketen auf unbewohnte Pazifikinsel
20211203             "Schwere Misshandlung" von Flüchtlingen: ANTI—FOLTER—KOMITEE prangert Gewalt KROATISCHER—GRENZBEAMTER an
20211203             Verstoß gegen eigene Richtlinien: Facebook ließ Anzeigen von Impfgegnern mit Nazivergleichen zu
20211203             Bizarrer Planet entdeckt: Auf GJ 367b ist alle —8—STUNDEN Silvester
20211203             Ein von Berliner Forschern entdeckter Planet weist extreme Eigenschaften auf — und ist gar nicht mal so weit von der Erde entfernt.
20211203             Berliner Forscher haben einen der kleinsten Planeten aufgespürt, der bislang außerhalb unseres Sonnensystems entdeckt wurde.
20211203             GJ 367b muss man sich als glühend heiße Welt vorstellen, die etwas größer als der Mars und nur halb so schwer wie die Erde ist.
20211203             Blitzschnell dreht sich der Exoplanet um seinen Stern — —NACH—8—STUNDEN ist das —JAHR vorbei.
20211203             So besteht er fast vollständig aus Eisen.
20211203             "Unser Modell der inneren Struktur zeigt, dass der Eisenkern etwa 86—PROZENT—DES—PLANETEN ausmacht",
20211203             Deshalb sei vermutlich seine Kruste und der größte Teil seines Mantels aus Gestein verdampft und nur der überwiegend aus Eisen bestehende Kern zurückgeblieben,
20211203             Mit 31—LICHTJAHREN Entfernung von der Erde ist der ungewöhnliche Planet vergleichsweise nah.
20211203             Er umkreist einen roten Zwergstern, der kleiner, kühler und weniger leuchtkräftig ist als unsere Sonne, und braucht dafür nur 7,—7—STUNDEN.
20211203             Lam und ihre Kollegen haben GJ 367b mit dem USA—SATELLITEN—OBSERVATORIUM TESS aufgespürt.
20211203             Rote Zwergsterne sind für Astronomen von besonderer Bedeutung bei der Suche nach Planeten.
20211203             Zum einen handelt es sich um die häufigste ART—VON—STERNEN in der Milchstraße. Zum anderen lassen sich Planeten dort aufgrund der geringeren Helligkeit des Sterns leichter nachweisen.
20211203             "Schärfste Biene" im BUNDESTAG: Sexismusvorwürfe gegen "TV Total"
20211203             Fahrdienstvermittler: Chinas UBER—RIVALE Didi plant Rückzug von New Yorker Börse
20211203             Festnahme in ZYPERN: Mann wollte mit Messer zum GOTTESDIENST—PAPA
20211203             Libyens Präsidentschaftswahl: Gaddafis Sohn darf doch bei Präsidentschaftswahl kandidieren
20211203             Sanktionen gegen BELARUS: Machthaber Lukaschenko droht der EU mit Gegenmaßnahmen
20211203             Rüstungsdeal mit FRANKREICH: Emirate kaufen 80—KAMPFFLUGZEUGE und 12—HUBSCHRAUBER
20211203             Abwertung der Lira: Inflationsrate in der TÜRKEI steigt auf 21,3 Prozent —IM—NOVEMBER
20211203             Ökonom Bofinger zu hohen Energiepreisen: "Putin ist —DERZEIT der beste Klimaschützer" Von MARTIN—U—MÜLLER
20211203             —GESPERRT, Autobahn 45: Marode Brücke voll, — Verkehrschaos in NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20211203             "1—FRAU ist kein Eigentum": Taliban geben sich als Frauenrechtler
20211203             Deutschlands Nachbarstaaten: POLEN und die SCHWEIZ werden zu CORONA—HOCHRISIKOGEBIETEN
20211203             Designierte Familienministerin ANNE—SPIEGEL: "Einmal Feministin, immer Feministin"
20211203             —ERST Pizzabote, —JETZT IT—BERATER: AFGHANISCHER—EX—MINISTER heuert bei sächsischem Maskenhersteller an
20211203             CORONA—VERSAGER: MARKUS—SÖDER vom Team Maulheld
20211203             Botschaft in BERLIN: Mutmaßlicher Spion — GROSSBRITANNIEN beantragt Auslieferung
20211203             Unternehmer und Parteienspender: Milliardär —AUGUST—VON—FINCK ist tot
20211203             Vor Afrikas Südostküste: Dürre in MADAGASKAR nicht direkt auf Klimawandel zurückzuführen
20211203             Einsatz in München: Polizisten schießen bei Zwangsräumung
20211203             Politik und Bundeswehr im Visier: Verfassungsschutz warnt vor Hackerangriffen aus CHINA
20211203             —ARCHIVIERT, Regierungswechsel: Twitterkonto von STEFFEN—SEIBERT wird
20211203             Mit Begleitperson unterwegs: 6- —BIS 14-Jährige dürfen kostenlos Bahn fahren — auch ohne die Eltern
20211203             FRÜHERER—CORONA—HOTSPOT: Ischgl startet Skisaison im Lockdown
20211203             Lösung für das METHAN—PROBLEM?: Männer, die mit Blitzen auf Kuhmist schießen 1—VIDEO—VON—BENJAMIN—ECKERT
20211203             Innenministerkonferenz: Polizei soll sich auf Kampf gegen CORONA—REGELBRECHER konzentrieren
20211203             Vorläufige Studie: Risiko erneuter Ansteckung ist bei OMIKRON—VARIANTE deutlich erhöht
20211203             —NOMINIERT, Vor Parteitag: SPD—VORSTAND, Kühnert einstimmig als neuen Generalsekretär
20211203             Mangel an Arbeitskräften: USA—WIRTSCHAFT schafft deutlich weniger Stellen als erwartet
20211203             Umkehr der Migration: Warum so VIELE—HAITIANER aus CHILE wegwollen Aus SANTIAGO—CHILE berichten SOPHIA—BODDENBERG und PABLO—ROJAS—MADARIAGA (Fotos)
20211203             Illegale Pushbacks: KROATISCHER—PRÄSIDENT—MILANOVI?
20211203             beleidigt Kontrolleure als "Schädlinge"
20211203             Researchers on the Omicron Variant: "We Are Playing with Fire" By Rafaela von Bredow, MARCO—EVERS, FRITZ—SCHAAP und VERONIKA—HACKENBROCH
20211203             —KRITISIERT, Spitzenpersonal: Zu wenige Ostdeutsche in Regierung — Linke, Ampel
20211203             Die Lage —AM—ABEND: Werden Sie zum Wellenbrecher!
20211203             1—VIROLOGIST—DISCUSSES—THE—NEW—VARIANT: "In the Coming Weeks, We'll Know How Well Vaccines Protect Against Omicron" Interview Conducted By IRENE—BERRES
20211203             IS—MORDPROZESS: Völkermord, überall
20211203             Umbaupläne des Konzerns: 14.000—BESCHÄFTIGTE beteiligen sich an Warnstreiks bei Airbus
20211203             PANDEMIE—EFFEKTE: CHAMPAGNER—HERSTELLER vermelden Rekordjahr
20211203             Neuer SPD—GENERALSEKRETÄR Kühnert: Plötzlich Antreiber statt Quertreiber
20211203             Niedrige Inzidenz trotz mäßiger Impfquote: Schwedens CORONA—RÄTSEL
20211203             2G-plus, Tanzverbote, Testpflicht in Kitas: So setzt Ihr BUNDESLAND die Coronaregeln um
20211203             [l] Die neue Regierung ist enorm divers — für westdeutsche weiße Frauen.
20211203             Für andere eher nicht.
20211203             Die mir wichtige ART—VON—DIVERSITÄT, intellektuelle Diversität, ist natürlich nach wie vor Flatline.
20211203             Alle vertreten denselben neoliberalen Marktfundamentalismus und den Glauben an den ewigen Wirtschaftswachstum.
20211203             [l] Hier gehen gerade sachdienliche Hinweise ein, wieso Hausärzte lieber Biontech als Moderna verimpfen.
20211203             Bei Moderna kommen aus einer Ampulle 20—DOSEN, bei Biontech 6.
20211203             Wenn du 1—AMPULLE anbrichst, musst du alles verimpfen oder den Rest wegschmeißen.
20211203             Angebrochene Ampullen halten bei Biontech 6h, bei Moderna 19h.
20211203             Heißt aber in beiden Fällen: Wenn 1—IMPFLING mit Termin nicht erscheint, verfällt 1—DOSIS, außer du kannst dir kurzfristig einen Ersatzpatienten aus dem Arsch ziehen.
20211203             Dazu kommt, dass beim Boostern nur eine halbe Dosis verspritzt wird.
20211203             Da wird das Logistikproblem für einen Hausarzt also noch größer.
20211203             Update: Oh das habe ich offenbar falsch verstanden und die 20—DOSEN sind —SCHON halbe BOOSTER—DOSEN.
20211203             Also nicht ganz so schlimm wie dargestellt. [l] Ein Leser schreibt:
20211203             es scheint wohl gerade einen "bundesweiten Ausfall des Bezahlungssystems mit EC—KARTEN" zu geben.
20211203             Zumindest steht dies an allen Türen der Restaurants, Cafés und Mensen hier an meiner UNIVERSITÄT—IM—RUHRGEBIET.
20211203             Daher kein Mittagessen für die Mitarbeiter und Studenten, da die Möglichkeit der Barzahlung aufgrund von CORONA abgeschafft wurde.
20211203             Im INTERNET finde ich bezüglich des Ausfalls noch nichts, scheint aber auch gerade —ERST passiert zu sein hier an der Mensa.
20211203             Weiß jemand mehr?
20211203             Update: Anderswo gab es auch Ausfall, aber da fiel dann auch Maestro aus.
20211203             Daher wohl weniger 1—EC—AUSFALL und eher 1—AUSFALL eines Dienstleisters oder eines Rechenzentrums auf dem Weg oder so.
20211203             [l] Nochmal zur Stiko, der ständigen Impfkommission.
20211203             Der Name klingt ja so, als wäre das 1—KRISENSTAB in einem War Room irgendwo untertage unter dem RKI, wo die Generäle an ihren Kommunikationsgeräten sitzen und in Echtzeit auf reinkommende Daten reagieren.
20211203             Stellt sich raus: Das "ständig" in der "ständigen Impfkommission" weckt da möglicherweise falsche Erwartungen.
20211203             Die haben die Protokolle ihrer Sitzungen online.
20211203             Ja, —JUNI. Vor einem fucking halben —JAHR.
20211203             Hier ist das Protokoll. Und was sieht man da am Ende?
20211203             TOP 9— Antikörper-/PCR—NACHWEIS und COVID—19 Impfung
20211203             Dieser TOP wurde aus Zeitgründen vertagt.
20211203             Von Krise oder Dringlichkeit keine Spur! Pandemie? Wir hörten davon!
20211203             Hey, hör mal, die Zeit war um und wir hatten Hunger.
20211203             Klar sterben da draußen Leute aber man muss da ja Prioritäten setzen!1!!
20211203             Update: Ah, offenbar stellen die die Protokolle —ERST nach der jeweils nächsten Sitzung online.
20211203             Klar, leuchtet ein.
20211203             Die sind ja auch —ERST dann gültig oder von allgemeinem Interesse.
20211203             Oder so.
20211203             Hat wahrscheinlich was mit Transparenz zu tun.
20211203             —JETZT nicht gegenüber uns sondern gegenüber den STIKO—MITGLIEDERN.
20211203             Die wollen Transparenz haben, ob da was negatives über sie drinsteht, und das wird dann noch schnell rausgestrichen.
20211203             Ich bin hocherfreut, dass mir das über 50—LESER geschickt haben.
20211203             Ihr klickt also tatsächlich die Links und lest dann den Text dahinter!
20211203             Sehr schön!
20211203             [l] Lacher des Tages: In ITALIEN hat sich einer mit einer SILIKON—ARMPROTHESE 1—IMPFZERTIFIKAT erschleichen wollen.
20211203             Die Ärztin so: Ist ja komisch, ich finde gar keine Venen!1!!
20211203             [l] Wie schlimm ist die Lage?
20211203             So schlimm: Feuerwehr rückt zum Krematorium aus.
20211203             Das klingt —ERST wie 1—MARIO—BARTH—JOKE, aber bleibt mal kurz am Telefon.
20211203             Die Feuerwehrleute suchten im Gebäude nach der Ursache des Qualms und fanden sie direkt in der Einäscherungsanlage.
20211203             Ja wie —JETZT?
20211203             Die ist doch gerade dafür gebaut, dass sie Feuer macht und Hitze aushält?!
20211203             Wie kann es denn da zu einem unkontrollierten Feuer kommen?!
20211203             Hier ist, was der Einsatzleiter der Feuerwehr sagte:
20211203             Die Anlage war durch den hohen Anfall von Verbrennungen überlastet.
20211203             Das führte dazu, dass das Sicherheitssystem ansprang und es dadurch zur Verqualmung gekommen ist.
20211203             Mit anderen Worten: Zu viel Kunden gerade. Überlastung.
20211203             Fakt ist: —SEIT reichlich einem —JAHR arbeitet das Krematorium in der CORONA—PANDEMIE an der Kapazitätsgrenze.
20211203             Um die vielen Toten einzuäschern, wurden die 3—ANLAGENFAHRER in den vergangenen —MONATEN immer wieder durch ehemalige Kollegen unterstützt, die —SCHON im Ruhestand sind.
20211203             Und da kommt so 1—ANLAGE dann an ihre Grenzen.
20211203             Die ist zwar auf Betrieb ausgelegt, aber nicht auf DAUER—SCHICHTBETRIEB.
20211203             [l] Hier kommen vereinzelt Mails rein, ich soll mal den Mertens nicht so angehen.
20211203             Die ANTHROPOSOPHEN—VORWÜRFE gegen den sind im Wesentlichen "der stand mal neben einem Anthroposophen",
20211203             also typisch linksgrünversifftes ASSOZIATIONS—ANFURZEN.
20211203             Und dieser FAZ—AUSSCHNITT, der das ja inhaltlich zu bestätigen schien, ist offenbar von der CLICKBAIT—OPTIMIERUNGSABTEILUNG der FAZ auf maximale Entrüstung zurechtgebogen worden.
20211203             Tatsächlich hat Mertens gar keine kleinen Kinder, d.h. die Frage war hypothetisch, und zweitens hat er nicht gesagt, er würde sie nicht impfen lassen, sondern er würde sie zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt nicht impfen lassen.
20211203             Dafür sei die Datendecke noch zu dünn und der Nutzen nicht klar genug.
20211203             Was mindestens eine valide Einstellung ist, wenn nicht sogar die richtige Einstellung zur Sache.
20211203             —BISHER sollen die Kids vor allem geimpft werden, um die Alten zu schützen, die zu blöde, zu faul oder zu renitent zum Impfen waren.
20211203             Klar, kann man machen, aber ist halt ein fieser ARSCHLOCH—MOVE, wie auch der Rest der Moves der freiwillig Ungeimpften gerade.
20211203             Impfen scheint —BISHER bei Kindern weitgehend nebenwirkungsfrei und gefahrlos zu sein (bei MILLIONEN—VON—FÄLLEN eine durchaus solide Datenbasis), aber der Nutzen für die Kids selbst ist halt auch eher klein.
20211203             Nach einem Weihnachtsessen in einem Restaurant der NORWEGISCHEN—HAUPTSTADT—OSLO sind vermutlich mindestens 17—INFEKTIONEN mit der OMIKRON—VARIANTE des CORONA€”VIRUS aufgetreten.
20211203             17—DER nachgewiesenen Coronainfektionen seien "wahrscheinlich" durch Omikron hervorgerufen worden,
20211203             Den Behörden zufolge könnten sich deutlich mehr Fälle als OMIKRON—INFEKTIONEN erweisen.
20211203             Schließlich sei bei bislang 60—TEILNEHMERN des Weihnachtsessens der PCR—TEST positiv ausgefallen, bei 4—WEITEREN sei zumindest der weniger genaue Antigentest positiv.
20211203             Die Sequenzierung der Proben der positiv Getesteten dauere an.
20211203             Rund 100—BIS 120—MENSCHEN, die offenbar alle geimpft waren, hatten am vergangenen —FREITAG an dem Fest teilgenommen, das von ihrem Arbeitgeber veranstaltet worden war.
20211203             1—DER—TEILNEHMER war kurz zuvor aus SÜDAFRIKA zurückgekehrt.
20211203             Keine zusätzlichen PCR—TESTS wegen Omikron am Frankfurter Flughafen
20211203             Für FRANKFURT, wo täglich —BIS zu 1000—PASSAGIERE mit Direktflügen aus SÜDAFRIKA und NAMIBIA ankommen, aber hält das Gesundheitsamt die Schutzmaßnahme weder für sinnvoll noch für machbar.
20211203             BAYERN hat diese Regel aus BERLIN für den Flughafen München umgehend mit einer entsprechenden Verordnung umgesetzt.
20211203             Zudem betont der Behördenchef, dass 1—PCR—PFLICHTTEST wegen der vielen fast gleichzeitig —AM—FRÜHEN—MORGEN ankommenden Passagiere technisch kaum machbar sei.
20211203             So müsste man die Einreisenden für —BIS zu —24—STUNDEN am Flughafen festhalten, da die PCR—ERGEBNISSE —ERST dann vorlägen.
20211203             Tinnemann setzt indes auf die Eigenverantwortung der Flugreisenden.
20211203             Die verpflichtende 14-tägige Quarantäne zu Hause sei der beste Weg, die AUSBREITUNG—DER—MUTANTE zu verhindern.
20211203             Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) hat die Hersteller von Coronaimpfstoffen aufgefordert, sich auf 1—ANPASSUNG ihrer Vakzinen gegen die neue OMIKRON—VARIANTE einzustellen.
20211203             "Es ist sehr empfehlenswert, dass die Impfstoffhersteller —BEREITS mit der Vorausplanung beginnen und die Wahrscheinlichkeit einplanen, dass der bestehende Impfstoff angepasst werden muss",
20211203             "Es ist gut, nicht einfach zu warten, —BIS die letzte Alarmglocke läutet".
20211203             SLOWAKEI meldet Rekord an Coronainfektionen pro —TAG
20211203             Das Gesundheitsministerium in BRATISLAVA schränkte allerdings in einer auf Facebook nachgereichten Erklärung ein, die Rekordzahl habe zumindest teilweise auch methodische Gründe.
20211203             —VERZÖGERT, EINIGE—PCR—TESTS seien —ERST, in das nationale Informationssystem nachgetragen worden,
20211203             Erstmals OMIKRON—VARIANTE in NIEDERSACHSEN nachgewiesen
20211203             Nach einem Aufenthalt in SÜDAFRIKA bestand laut Gesundheitsministerium bei einem Mann aus dem Landkreis Wolfenbüttel der begründete Verdacht, dass er mit dieser Variante infiziert sein könnte.
20211203             Nach der AFRIKA—REISE traten demnach in der vergangenen —WOCHE bei dem Mann Erkältungssymptome auf.
20211203             Sowohl 1—SCHNELLTEST als auch 1—PCR—TEST hatte den Angaben zufolge zuvor 1—INFEKTION mit SARS—COV—2 bestätigt.
20211203             NIEDERSACHSEN und RHEINLAND—PFALZ befreien Geboosterte von Testpflicht
20211203             Dreimal gegen CORONA geimpfte Menschen könnten Einrichtungen mit 2G—PLUS—REGEL dann ohne Test besuchen,
20211203             Düsseldorf verlegt den Rosenmontagszug auf den 20210529
20211203             Insgesamt 18—MENSCHEN sind nach einem CORONA—AUSBRUCH in einem Seniorenheim in Rudolstadt in Thüringen gestorben.
20211203             Bei 14—VON ihnen bestand kein vollständiger Impfschutz,
20211203             Nur 1—PERSON habe demnach 3—IMPFUNGEN erhalten, 3—WEITERE waren doppelt geimpft.
20211203             Bei einer 1. Meldung von vergangener —WOCHE hatte das Landratsamt berichtet, dass Angehörige von Heimbewohnern diesen von der Impfung abgeraten hatten.
20211203             Damals waren 7—TOTE gezählt worden.
20211203             Von 141—HEIMBEWOHNERN waren rund 1—DRITTEL nicht geimpft,
20211203             Behauptungen in sozialen Netzwerken, wonach die Todesfälle im Zusammenhang mit einer Boosterimpfung stünden, widersprach das Landratsamt und verwies auf den Anteil der Ungeimpften unter den Todesfällen.
20211203             Auch habe es genügend Impfmöglichkeiten für die Bewohner von Pflegeeinrichtungen gegeben.
20211203             "Die NICHT—IMPFUNG ist in diesen Fällen also eine bewusste —ENTSCHEIDUNG der Bewohner beziehungsweise von deren Angehörigen und Betreuern und liegt nicht an Terminengpässen in der Impfstelle",
20211203             Wegen massiv gestiegener CORONA—INFEKTIONSZAHLEN schickt BELGIEN GRUND—UND Vorschüler —1—WOCHE früher in die Weihnachtsferien.
20211203             Es gebe —DERZEIT 1—INFEKTIONSWELLE bei Kindern, die auf Eltern und Großeltern überzugreifen drohe,
20211203             BIONTECH—CHEF hält wegen OMIKRON—VARIANTE neuen Impfstoff für nötig
20211203             Die Frage sei, wie dringend dieser benötigt werde.
20211203             Sahin erwartet, dass sich Omikron als ANTIKÖRPER—ESCAPE—VARIANTE entwickeln wird.
20211203             "Das bedeutet, dass diese Variante möglicherweise in der Lage ist, geimpfte Personen zu infizieren".
20211203             Dies gelte auch für Genesene.
20211203             Bei ESCAPE—MUTATIONEN hat sich das ursprüngliche Virus so verändert, dass es der Immunantwort Genesener oder Geimpfter teilweise entgehen kann.
20211203             —BEKANNT, Dass Viren mutieren, ist, und laut Sahin nicht überraschend.
20211203             —ÜBERRASCHT, Allerdings habe ihn das Tempo.
20211203             "Dieses hoch mutierte Virus kam früher, als ich erwartet hatte.
20211203             —GERECHNET, Ich hatte irgendwann —NÄCHSTES—JAHR damit, und es ist —SCHON bei uns".
20211203             2—TATSACHEN seien aber weiterhin gültig für ALLE—VARIANTEN: Impfungen schützten vor schweren COVID—ERKRANKUNGEN.
20211203             Und Biontech könnte bei Bedarf seinen Impfstoff relativ schnell anpassen, bekräftigte er.
20211203             Sahin wies zudem darauf hin, dass Personen, die —BEREITS ihre 3. Impfung erhalten hätten, möglicherweise nicht nur gegen schwere Verläufe, sondern gegen jegliche ART—DER—ERKRANKUNG für einen bestimmten Zeitraum geschützt sein könnten.
20211203             Die Wahrscheinlichkeit steige, dass wie bei der Grippe jährliche CORONA—IMPFUNGEN erforderlich sein könnten.
20211203             Das Virus mutiere schneller.
20211203             Mehr Klarheit werde man in den kommenden —WOCHEN haben.
20211203             BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG verschärft Coronamaßnahmen für Großveranstaltungen
20211203             Verschärfte Coronaregeln in NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN ab —SAMSTAG
20211203             Damit gilt in NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN de facto für Ungeimpfte 1—LOCKDOWN.
20211203             Für sie gilt 1—KONTAKTBESCHRÄNKUNG auf den eigenen Haushalt sowie höchstens 2—MENSCHEN aus einem anderen Haushalt.
20211203             Außerdem können sie nur noch Geschäfte des täglichen Bedarfs aufsuchen.
20211203             Klubs und Diskotheken müssen insgesamt schließen.
20211203             Inzidenz in ITALIEN weiter steigend
20211203             Zehntausende CORONA—TOTE —IM—OKTOBER in RUSSLAND
20211203             teilte das Statistikamt Rosstat am Freitagabend in Moskau mit.
20211203             Die CORONA—STATISTIK der Regierung weist nach ANGABEN—DER—STAATSAGENTUR—TASS dagegen nur halb so VIELE—TODESFÄLLE für —DEN—MONAT aus.
20211203             Die Diskrepanz wird nach TASS—ANGABEN damit erklärt, dass hierbei nur Fälle erfasst würden, bei denen CORONA die Haupttodesursache gewesen sei und 1—BESTÄTIGUNG für 1—INFEKTION schnell vorgelegen habe.
20211203             RUSSLAND, breitet sich die deutlich ansteckendere DELTA—VARIANTE des Virus aus.
20211203             breitet sich - DELTA—VARIANTE des Virus
20211203             aus - Gut die HÄLFTE—DER—OMIKRON—INFIZIERTEN in ENGLAND vollständig geimpft
20211203             Je mehr Menschen in der Bevölkerung geimpft sind, desto mehr Geimpfte sind auch unter den Infizierten — selbst wenn der Anteil der infizierten Geimpften sehr gering ist.
20211203             Auch unter den Infizierten der —DERZEIT noch dominierenden DELTA—VARIANTE ist der Anteil der Geimpften an den Infizierten in GROSSBRITANNIEN oder DEUTSCHLAND mittlerweile hoch — weil die MEHRHEIT—DER—MENSCHEN in diesen Ländern geimpft ist.
20211203             Wegen Omikron hat SÜDAFRIKA mehr als 3—MILLIONEN CORONA—INFIZIERTE
20211203             Mit gut 16.000—NEU registrierten Infektionen innerhalb von —24—STUNDEN überschritt das Land —AM—FREITAG die Schwelle von insgesamt 3—MILLIONEN bestätigten CORONA—FÄLLEN —SEIT Beginn der Pandemie.
20211203             Omikron weist im Vergleich zum —BISHER gängigen CORONA€”VIRUS 32—MUTATIONEN auf.
20211203             Es wird sowohl eine höhere Übertragbarkeit als auch eine mögliche Resistenz gegenüber den existierenden Impfstoffen befürchtet.
20211203             Die Verbreitung der OMIKRON—VARIANTE sei der "ultimative Beweis" für die Gefahr, die von der ungleichen Verteilung von Impfstoffen auf der Welt ausgeht, sagte der Vorsitzende Internationalen Föderation von Rotem Kreuz und Rotem Halbmond (IFRC), FRANCESCO—ROCCA.
20211203             "Wissenschaftler haben die internationale Gemeinschaft wiederholt vor dem Risiko sehr neuer Varianten an Orten mit einer sehr niedrigen Impfrate gewarnt".
20211203             Nach ANGABEN—DER—VEREINTEN—NATIONEN haben etwa 65—PROZENT—DER—MENSCHEN in den reicheren Ländern mindestens 1—DOSIS eines Impfstoffs gegen COVID—19 erhalten, während es in den am wenigsten entwickelten Ländern nur 7—PROZENT sind.
20211203             "Das ist ein egoistischer Ansatz der westlichen Gemeinschaft und ein wirklich blinder Ansatz",
20211203             "Es ist unglaublich, dass uns immer noch nicht klar ist, wie stark wir miteinander verbunden sind".
20211203             IRLAND schließt Nachtclubs und verschärft Regeln
20211203             Algarve vai ter laboratório genético para detetar doenças hereditárias e adaptar tratamentos
20211203             10—CONCELHOS do Algarve não têm farmácias com testes à COVID—19 grátis
20211203             641_DGS_boletim_20211203              20211203             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 374,0 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211203             Continente: 376,5 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211203             R(t) Nacional: 1,13 Continente: 1,14
20211203             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—4.920—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—454,1—FÄLLE—GESAMT—83.359—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—7.693,5—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—820—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.083.498
20211203             Total Cases 264.677.131  Total Deaths 5.240.240  Total Vaccine Doses Administered 8.111.769.698
20211203             Der Internationale Währungsfonds (IWF) dürfte seiner Chefin Kristalina Georgiewa zufolge wegen Omikron seine globalen Wachstumsprognosen senken.
20211203             "Eine neue Variante, die sich sehr schnell verbreiten könnte, kann das Vertrauen beeinträchtigen",
20211203             sagt sie auf der Konferenz "Reuters Next".
20211203             "In diesem Sinne werden wir wahrscheinlich EINIGE—HERABSTUFUNGEN unserer —OKTOBER—PROGNOSEN für das globale Wachstum erleben".
20211203             2—NILPFERDE in belgischem Zoo positiv auf CORONA getestet
20211203             Das Nilpferdhaus wurde daraufhin für die Öffentlichkeit geschlossen, ihre Pfleger müssen sich isolieren.
20211203             Der Antwerpener Zoo hatte seine Tiere —IM—LETZTEN—JAHR getestet und keine FÄLLE—VON—CORONAVIREN gefunden.
20211203             —NUN hätten die Tiere begonnen "Rotz auszuscheiden, den ich vorsorglich auf Bakterien untersucht habe",
20211203             "Angesichts der aktuellen Ereignisse habe ich zusätzlich beschlossen, die Proben auch auf COVID—19 zu testen, was zu diesem überraschenden Ergebnis führte".
20211203             —BEKANNT, Es ist nicht, wie die Flusspferde mit dem Virus in Berührung gekommen sind.
20211203             Ihre Pfleger hatten keine Symptome.
20211203             USA—BUNDESSTAAT MICHIGAN: Eltern von 15-jährigem Schulschützen werden mit angeklagt
20211203             Nach AUSSAGEN—VON—BAERBOCK: CHINA warnt vor Konfrontationskurs
20211203—20210602    —AM, Das letzte Meeting war.
20211203—20211218    —AM, Für sie schließen die Einrichtungen —BEREITS ,
20211203—20220316    —AB, Alle, die ihre Tätigkeit starten, benötigen den entsprechenden Nachweis dem Bericht zufolge von —ANFANG an.
202203101203         MOSCOW ready to discuss security guarantees for UKRAINE along with such guarantees for EUROPE and RUSSIA, SOURCE  Lavrov
202203112037         Lukashenko, Putin agree on supply to BELARUS of modern military equipment, SOURCE  MINSK
202203151203         Siemens to continue technical servicing of Sapsan, Lastochka trains under service contracts
202204212038         ZELENSKYY vor Portugals Parlament: Schäden wie —WWII—IM
202208101203         Another HEAD—OF—AMNESTY resigns due to disagreement with the report on the Armed Forces of UKRAINE
20221129—20221129    —FROM, Macron will be in WASHINGTON with a —5—DAY—VISIT to 20221203             .
20221203             —SAMSTAG, 20221203
20221203             Sprachliche Manipulation: So schaffst du es Menschen zu beeinflussen // Wladislaw Jachtchenko
20221203             Gesetzentwurf des Bundeskabinetts: Bundesregierung will offenbar weitere STROM—UND Gaspreiserhöhungen für 20230000             verbieten
20221203             700—MILLIONEN—DOLLAR—FLIEGER: USA—LUFTWAFFE stellt neuen Tarnkappenbomber B-21 vor
20221203             Der PARTEI—UND Fraktionschef der Europäischen Volkspartei (EVP) MANFRED—WEBER rechnet mit einem starken Anstieg der Flüchtlingszahlen —IM—WINTER".
20221203             Ich fürchte, wir werden einen dramatischen Fluchtwinter erleben"
20221203             Die UKRAINE hat nach DATEN—DES—LANDWIRTSCHAFTSMINISTERIUMS in der Saison 22/23—BISLANH 29,6 Prozent weniger Getreide ausgeführt als in der vorherigen Saison.
20221203             Insgesamt exportierte die UKRAINE 18,1 Millionen Tonnen Weizen, Mais und Gerste.
20221203             In der vorherigen Saison waren es noch 25,8 Millionen Tonnen.
20221203             Nach ANGABEN—DER—REGIERUNG könnte die UKRAINE —IN—DIESEM—JAHR etwa 51—MILLIONEN Tonnen Getreide ernten.
20221203             Der UKRAINE ist der von EU, den G7-Staaten und AUSTRALIEN vereinbarte gedeckelte Preis von russischem Öl nicht niedrig genug.
20221203             —HALBIERT, Er sollte auf 30—DOLLAR pro Barrel (159—LITER), werden,
20221203             —BEZEICHNET, RUSSLAND, den geplanten Preisdeckel für RUSSISCHES—ÖL als gefährlich.
20221203             —GESCHÜRT, Dadurch würden nur Unsicherheiten, und Kosten für Rohstoffe in die Höhe getrieben,
20221203             USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN hat nicht vor, mit seinem RUSSISCHEN—GEGENPART WLADIMIR—PUTIN über 1—ENDE—DES—KRIEGES in der UKRAINE zu sprechen.
20221203             Die Bedingungen für ein solches Gespräch bestünden —ZURZEIT nicht, gab das Weiße Haus nach ANGABEN—DER—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR—REUTERS bekannt.
20221203             Studie zum Ursprung der Coronavariante: Entstehung von Omikron wurde wohl schlicht übersehen
20221203             Pandemie in CHINA: Xis Regime lockert CORONA—AUFLAGEN
20221203             —KRITISIERT, Linke, "Fass ohne Boden": Gesamtkosten für CORONA—WARN—APP steigen auf 220—MILLIONEN Euro
20221203             Streit über das neue Bürgergeld: "Die gleiche Kacke wie vorher, nur mit einer bunten Schleife drum herum"
20221203             Bericht der Vereinten Nationen: Militärgericht in MYANMAR verurteilt 7—STUDENTEN zum Tod
20221203             6—TOTE Kinder: BRITISCHE—BEHÖRDE schlägt STREPTOKOKKEN—ALARM
20221203             ANKARA, 20221203             . - /TASS/.
20221203             —EXTRADITED, SWEDEN, the 1. person convicted for membership in the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), which ANKARA considers 1—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION, to TURKEY.
20221203             This marks SWEDEN's 1. concrete step on IMPLEMENTATION—OF—THE—NATO—MEMBERSHIP memorandum, signed with TURKEY —EARLIER, which implies EXTRADITION—OF—PEOPLE involved in terrorist activity, NTV reported —SATURDAY.
20221203             —RECENTLY, he was detained by THE—SWEDEN—POLICE.
20221203             —ON—FRIDAY—EVENING, he was delivered to ISTANBUL, from where he was transported to 1—DETENTION—FACILITY.
20221203             The extradition took place —2—DAYS—AFTER the talks of both countries' Foreign Ministers on the sidelines of THE—NATO Foreign Ministers meeting in BUCHAREST.
20221203             —AFTER the meeting, TURKEY—MINISTER—MEVLUT—CAVUSOGLU noted that ANKARA notes SWEDEN—MORE—DECISIVE intent regarding the accession to NATO, but expects more concrete steps on IMPLEMENTATION—OF—THE—MEMBERSHIP memorandum.
20221203             MOSCOW, 20221203             .
20221203             /TASS/. - MOSCOW will not accept 1—PRICE—CAP on RUSSIA—OIL, KREMLIN—SPOKESMAN DMITRY—PESKOV told reporters.
20221203             "We are assessing the situation.
20221203             Certain preparations for such 1—CAP were made.
20221203             We won't accept the PRICE—CAP and we will inform you how the work will be organized once the assessment is over," the Kremlin spokesman said, commenting on THE—EU—DECISION.
20221203             —ON—FRIDAY, EUROPEAN—UNION—COUNTRIES agreed to cap the price of RUSSIA—SEABORNE oil at $60 1—BARREL.
20221203             —ANNOUNCED, Members of the G7 group and AUSTRALIA, similar measures.
20221203             Der stellvertretende Fraktionsvorsitzende der Grünen im DEUTSCHEN—BUNDESTAG, Konstantin von Notz, hat rund —2—MONATE nach Beginn der Teilmobilisierung in RUSSLAND konkrete Schritte zur Aufnahme bedrohter Russen in DEUTSCHLAND gefordert.
20221203             Bundesinnenministerin NANCY Faeser (SPD) und Bundesjustizminister MARCO—BUSCHMANN (FDP) hätten zugesagt, dass Russen, die sich ihrem Präsidenten WLADIMIR—PUTIN entgegenstellten, in DEUTSCHLAND willkommen seien und hierzulande Schutz finden könnten,
20221203             ESTLAND hat einen Vertrag über seinen bislang größten Waffenkauf unterschrieben.
20221203             Das NATO—LAND, 1—NACHBARLAND—RUSSLANDS, kauft ein fortschrittliches USA—RAKETENSYSTEM vom Typ HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System) im Wert von mehr als 200—MILLIONEN Dollar.
20221203             Die —AM—FREITAG unterzeichnete Vereinbarung umfasst auch Raketen und Ausbildung.
20221203             RUSSLAND macht nach Angaben eines diplomatischen Vertreters Ernst mit dem angedrohten Stopp von Öllieferungen nach EUROPA".
20221203             Von —DIESEM—JAHR an wird EUROPA ohne RUSSISCHES—ÖL leben",
20221203             erklärt der RUSSISCHE—BOTSCHAFTER bei internationalen Organisationen in WIEN, MICHAIL—ULJANOW, auf Telegram.
20221203             —ANGENOMMEN, Anders als in verbreiteten Hypothesen zum Ursprung, entstand die Variante demnach schrittweise über mehrere —MONATE in verschiedenen Ländern Afrikas.
20221203             Diese Entwicklung sei mangels Analysen schlichtweg übersehen worden.
20221203             MENSCHEN, mit geschwächtem Immunsystem könnte sich SARS—COV—2 über VIELE—MONATE vermehrt und Stück für Stück verändert haben, ohne je vom Immunsystem ausgeschaltet zu werden.
20221203             —THERAPIERT, VIELE—HIV—PATIENTEN würden in AFRIKA nicht ausreichend, weshalb ihr Immunsystem deutlich geschwächt sei, hatten Experten erläutert.
20221203             "Die vielen Mutationen sprechen für Entstehung in HIV—PATIENTEN", hatte auch der damalige SPD—GESUNDHEITSEXPERTE KARL—LAUTERBACH gemeint.
20221203             Zusätzlich wurde bei rund 670—PROBEN das virale Erbgut entschlüsselt.
20221203             —GEFUNDEN, Dabei wurden mehrere Viren, die Ähnlichkeiten mit Omikron aufwiesen, aber eben nicht identisch waren.
20221203             "Unsere Daten zeigen, dass Omikron verschiedene Vorläufer hatte, die sich miteinander mischten und zur selben Zeit und über —MONATE hinweg in AFRIKA zirkulierten",
20221203             "Dass wir von Omikron überrascht wurden, liegt stattdessen am diagnostischen blinden Fleck in großen Teilen Afrikas, wo vermutlich nur 1—BRUCHTEIL—DER—SARS—COV—2—INFEKTIONEN überhaupt registriert wird".
20221203             Gut die HÄLFTE—DER—POLEN ist laut einer Umfrage mit der DEUTSCHLAND—POLITIK—DER—NATIONAL—KONSERVATIVEN PIS—REGIERUNG unzufrieden.
20221203             Dagegen befürworten 18,7 Prozent Morawieckis Kurs, weitere 30,8 Prozent gaben an, sie hätten zu dem Thema keine Meinung.
20221203             düpierte B?aszczak BERLIN mit dem Vorschlag, diese Systeme stattdessen in der Westukraine zu stationieren.
20221203             Die Idee hatte zuvor PIS—CHEF—JAROS?aw Kaczy?ski ins Spiel gebracht.
20221203             Der 73-jährige setzt —DERZEIT verstärkt auf ANTI—DEUTSCHE—TÖNE, um damit Wähler zu gewinnen.
20221203             —ANFANG—OKTOBER hatte POLEN zudem in einer diplomatischen Note an BERLIN für die durch den —WWII und die DEUTSCHE—BESATZUNG erlittenen Schäden umgerechnet mehr als 1,3 Billionen Euro Entschädigung gefordert.
20221203             Die Bundesregierung lehnt jegliche Reparationsforderungen ab
20221203             Die B-21 "Raider" ist 1—FLUGZEUG für große Reichweiten, das auch Atomwaffen transportieren kann.
20221203             In ihrer Form ähnelt die Maschine dem "Nurflügler" B2, der sich —BEREITS—IM Bestand der AIR—FORCE befindet.
20221203             Das neue Tarnkappenflugzeug werde wohl selbst von den ausgefeiltesten Luftabwehrsystemen nur mit Mühe am Himmel entdeckt werden können, schätzt USA—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER LLOYD—AUSTIN.
20221203             Der USA—WHISTLEBLOWER EDWARD—SNOWDEN hat die Annahme der RUSSISCHEN—STAATSBÜRGERSCHAFT gegen Kritik verteidigt.
20221203             "Ich bin in RUSSLAND, weil das Weiße Haus mit Absicht meinen Pass annulliert hat, um mich hier festzusetzen", teilte Snowden auf Twitter mit.
20221203             "Sie haben das diplomatische Flugzeug des Präsidenten von BOLIVIEN runtergeholt, um zu verhindern, dass ich das Land verlasse und behindern —BIS zum heutigen —TAG meine Bewegungsfreiheit".
20221203             I'm in RUSSIA because THE—WHITE—HOUSE intentionally canceled my passport to trap me here.
20221203             —DOWNED, They * THE—PRESIDENT—OF—BOLIVIA—DIPLOMATIC—AIRCRAFT* to prevent me from leaving, and continue to interfere with my FREEDOM—OF—MOVEMENT to this —DAY.
20221203             In case that was unclear.
20221203             Kriminalität: Behörden registrieren offenbar so VIELE—GELDAUTOMATEN—SPRENGUNGEN wie nie
20221203             Internationale Sorge vor nuklearer Bewaffnung: IRAN baut angeblich ein neues Atomkraftwerk
20221203             Drohendes Amtenthebungsverfahren: Südafrikas PRÄSIDENT—LEHNT—RÜCKTRITT ab
20221203             Er gilt als mächtigster Mann Polens: Kaczy?ski prangert deutsche "Dominanz" in EUROPA an
20221203             Der VORSITZENDE—DER—POLNISCHEN—REGIERUNGSPARTEI—PIS, Jaros?aw Kaczy?ski, hat eine deutsche "Dominanz" in EUROPA angeprangert.
20221203             DEUTSCHLAND wolle —HEUTE mit friedlichen Methoden die Pläne verwirklichen, die es einst mit militärischen Mitteln habe umsetzen wollen, sagte Kaczy?ski —AM—SAMSTAG bei einem Auftritt im Südwesten Polens.
20221203             Laut der POLNISCHEN—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR PAP sagte Kaczy?ski in seiner Rede, dass die Stärke Europas in der Stärke seiner souveränen Staaten LIEGE.
20221203             Der Parteichef verurteilte demnach "die Situation der Dominanz, 1—SITUATION, in der 1—DER—EUROPÄISCHEN—STAATEN, —HEUTE der größte nach RUSSLAND, mit friedlichen Methoden Pläne verwirklicht, die er einst mit militärischen Methoden verwirklichen wollte".
20221203             Dies sei 1—WEG, der in die Krise und ins Unglück führe — nicht nur POLEN, sondern ganz EUROPA.
20221203             "Und auch dieses Land, DEUTSCHLAND",
20221203             führte Kaczynski fo - tRe/me/.local/share/copyq/copyq/copyq.log
20221203             führte Kaczynski fort, der als wichtigster Stratege der regierenden Rechtspopulisten gilt.
20221203             Der PIS—CHEF reist im Vorfeld der für —HERBST 20230000             geplanten Parlamentswahlen gerade durch die POLNISCHE—PROVINZ.
20221203             —NACH—DEM Dafürhalten der POLNISCHEN—OPPOSITION hängt die antideutsche und euroskeptische Rhetorik der REGIERUNGSPARTEI zumindest in Teilen mit dem Wahlkampf zusammen.
20221203             Jaros?aw Kaczy?ski,
20221203             Jaros?aw ALEKSANDER—KACZY?ski ( Aussprache?/i [ja?r?swaf al??ksand?r ka?t????ski]; * 18.
20221203             Als VORSITZENDER—DER—KONSERVATIVEN—PARTEI—ZENTRUMSALLIANZ (1990—1998) und der nationalkonservativen Partei PiS (POLNISCH—PRAWO i Sprawiedliwo??
20221203             Kaczy?ski vertritt ein konservatives sowie katholisches Weltbild.
20221203             Engeren Beziehungen zu DEUTSCHLAND und RUSSLAND sowie einer fortschreitenden Integration Polens innerhalb der Europäischen Union steht er skeptisch —BIS feindselig gegenüber.
20221203             Jaros?aw Kaczy?ski kritisierte in dieser Zeit nationalkatholische Kräfte, die Westeuropa im moralischen Niedergang sahen.
20221203             So warf er diesen vor, mit ihrem Widerstand gegen die Annäherung Polens an westliche Strukturen wie Nato und EWG die nationale Sicherheit des Landes aufs Spiel zu setzen.
20221203             PARIS, 20221203             .
20221203             /TASS/. - The future European security architecture must include guarantees for RUSSIA, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON said in 1—INTERVIEW for TF1 —SATURDAY.
20221203             "We must think about the security architecture, in which we will live tomorrow.
20221203             I am talking, in particular, about RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN—WORDS that NATO is approaching RUSSIA—BORDERS and deploys weapons that could threaten it," he said".
20221203             This issue will be 1—PART—OF—THE—PEACE—DISCUSSIONS, and we must prepare for what will come —AFTER [THE—UKRAINE—CONFLICT], and think how we could protect our allies and, at the same time, provide RUSSIA with guarantees of its own security, once the sides return to the negotiation table," THE—FRANCE—LEADER noted.
20221203             PARIS, 20221203             . - /TASS/.
20221203             "I plan to hold another conversation with PRESIDENT—PUTIN —AFTER talking to THE—HEAD—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—ATOMIC—ENERGY—AGENCY, particularly on the issue of civil nuclear energy," THE—FRANCE—LEADER said".
20221203             We need to continue providing assistance to UKRAINE, try to avoid 1—ESCALATION, protect the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant and make preparations for launching dialogue on THE—DAY—WHEN everyone comes to the negotiating table," he added.
20221203             He said at 1—JOINT—PRESS—CONFERENCE with THE—USA—PRESIDENT that he intended to hold 1—PHONE—CALL with Putin in the foreseeable future.
20221203             MINSK, 20221203             .
20221203             /TASS/. - THE—WEST is currently considering options to continue military activities in UKRAINE, which ensures THE—CONTINUATION—OF—RUSSIA—SPECIAL—MILITARY—OPERATION, Belarusian PRESIDENT—ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO said at 1—MEETING with RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTER—SERGEY—SHOIGU —ON—SATURDAY.
20221203             "We believe that they are thinking about ways to carry on with the war.
20221203             If so, the special operation won't end," Lukashenko said, as cited by the BelTA news agency.
20221203             According to the Belarusian PRESIDENT, RUSSIA—OPPONENTS are in no hurry to engage in talks".
20221203             If they want to fight —UNTIL the last Ukrainian, or the last Pole and other mercenaries, that's their choice," he noted".
20221203             So far, neither our intelligence agencies nor I see their willingness to engage in FULL—SCALE—TALKS," Lukashenko stressed.
20221203             "We openly clarified our position.
20221203             —WANTED, Neither you (RUSSIA—TASS), nor we have ever, war," Lukashenko said.
20221203             Der Westen muss nach ANSICHT—VON—FRANKREICHS—PRÄSIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON bei Friedensverhandlungen zur Beendigung des UKRAINE—KRIEGS auch auf Sicherheitsbedürfnisse Russlands eingehen.
20221203             EUROPA müsse eine neue Sicherheitsarchitektur vorbereiten, sagte Macron in 1—INTERVIEW—VON—FRANZÖSISCHEN—FERNSEHENS.
20221203             Er bezog sich dabei auch auf wiederholte Klagen des RUSSISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN WLADIMIR—PUTIN über die NATO—ERWEITERUNGEN.
20221203             Das Interview wurde von dem Sender TF1 nach dessen Angaben während Macrons USA—BESUCH in den vergangenen —TAGEN aufgezeichnet".
20221203             1—DER—WESENTLICHEN—PUNKTE, auf die wir eingehen müssen, wie PRÄSIDENT—PUTIN immer gesagt hat, ist die Furcht, dass die NATO an die Türen Russlands heranrückt, und die STATIONIERUNG—VON—WAFFEN, die RUSSLAND bedrohen könnten",
20221203             sagte Macron".
20221203             Dieses Thema wird TEIL—DER—THEMEN für einen Frieden sein.
20221203             Deswegen müssen wir ausarbeiten, wozu wir bereit sind, wie wir unsere PARTNER—UND—MITGLIEDSSTAATEN schützen, und wie wir RUSSLAND Garantien geben, sobald es an den Verhandlungstisch zurückkehrt".
20221203             —INTERESSIERT, USA: Putin nicht an Friedensgesprächen
20221203             Der RUSSISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN ist nach USA—EINSCHÄTZUNG —DERZEIT nicht ernsthaft an Friedensgesprächen interessiert".
20221203             Die Diplomatie ist natürlich unser aller Ziel, aber man braucht einen willigen Partner",
20221203             sagt die Staatssekretärin im USA—AUßENMINISTERIUM, VICTORIA Nuland, nach einem Treffen mit dem UKRAINISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN WOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYY in Kiew.
20221203             Dazu sei Putin aber nicht bereit.
20221203             Das zeigten die RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFFE auf UKRAINISCHE—ENERGIE—INFRASTRUKTUR und die Rhetorik aus dem Kreml.
20221203             Nach erfolglos gebliebenen —VERHANDLUNGEN unter Vermittlung der OSZE hat MOLDAU doch noch 1—ABKOMMEN für Stromlieferungen aus einem Kraftwerk im abtrünnigen Transnistrien erreicht.
20221203             Der stellvertretende MOLDAUISCHE—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT ANDREI—SPINU teilte mit, der staatliche Stromversorger Energocom habe mit dem Gaskraftwerk Kuciurgan in Transnistrien 1—VEREINBARUNG über Stromlieferungen —IN—DIESEM—MONAT geschlossen.
20221203             "Mit Unterzeichnung dieses Vertrags verringert sich die Gefahr massiver Unterbrechungen der Stromversorgung",
20221203             schrieb Spinu auf Telegram".
20221203             Der Vertrag ist ein vernünftiger Kompromiss, um Bürger auf beiden Seiten des Dnisters mit Strom und Gas zu versorgen".
202212031659         —HELPED, Police look for those who, Ukrainska Pravda identify Deputy HEAD—OF—THE—PRESIDENT'S—OFFICE in 1—EXPENSIVE—CAR
20221203—20070000    —BIS, 'Recht und Gerechtigkeit') (20030000             —SEIT) war er an der Bildung mehrerer POLNISCHER—REGIERUNGEN mitbeteiligt und von 20060000             selbst Ministerpräsident Polens.
20221203—20100410    —AM, Sein Zwillingsbruder Lech war —BIS zu seinem Tod PRÄSIDENT—DES—LANDES.
20221203—20150000    —SENTENCED, MAHMUT—TAT, to —6—YEARS and —10—MONTHS in prison in TURKEY, requested shelter in SWEDEN, but was denied.
20221203—20210000    —J—IM, hatte die Ernte noch einen Rekord von 86—MILLIONEN Tonnen erreicht.
20221203—20211100    —IM, Einer im Fachmagazin "Science" veröffentlichten STUDIE—DER—CHARITÉ—BERLIN zufolge gab es OMIKRON—VORLÄUFER auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent —SCHON deutlich vor dem 1. Nachweis.
20221203—20211109    —AM, Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) hatte die erstmals in SÜDAFRIKA nachgewiesene CORONA—VARIANTE B.1.1.529 20221126             —AM als "besorgniserregend" eingestuft.
20221203—20220600    —BIS, Von 20201000             war er VIZE—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT Mitglied im Kabinett Morawiecki.[1]
20221203—20221129    —VISITED, Macron, THE—USA for talks with his USA counterpart JOE—BIDEN.