_HEUTE_1129 :

00090000—20071129    —UNTER dem Motto "Imperium —KONFLIKT MYTHOS—VARUSSCHLACHT 2009"
05211129             † JAKOB—VON—SARUG, SYRISCHER—BISCHOF und christlicher Schriftsteller
05241129             † AHKAL—MO—NAHB—I, Herrscher der MAYA—STADT Palenque
05281129             1—ERDBEBEN bei Antiochia am Orontes und Seleukia Pieria verursacht 4.870—TOTE.
05331129             1—ERDBEBEN in SYRIEN nahe ALEPPO führt zum Tod Zehntausender von Menschen.
05331129             Es sollen in der Region 130.000—UMGEKOMMEN sein.
08261129             * WILHELM—VON—SEPTIMANIEN—GRAF—VON—BARCELONA und Empúries
08991129—08991208    —AM—ODER, der KAISER—ARNULF im KLOSTER—S—EMMERAM—REGENSBURG seine letzte Ruhestätte fand.
08991129—08991208    † —AM—ODER, der KAISER—ARNULF in ALT—ÖTTING oder REGENSBURG starb und
09171129             † RADBOD—BISCHOF—VON—UTRECHT
09391129             —1—MONAT—NACH seines Halbbruder ÆTHELSTAN—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND Tod, zum EDMUND—I—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND gekrönt wird
09681129             * KAZAN, 65. Tenn?—VON—JAPAN
11450000—12171129    * † ARAB—TRAVELER—IBN—JUBAYR, in ALEXANDRIA.
12061129             —MARSEILLE,
12171129             ARAB—TRAVELER—IBN—JUBAYR, His TRAVEL—CHRONICLE describes the pilgrimage he made to MECCA
12231129             —AKZEPTIERT, laut 2. Fassung der Ordensregeln durch FRANZ—VON—ASSISI.
12261129             LOUIS—IX[LUDWIG—IX—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH]sa régence est confiée à sa mère, BLANCHE—DE—CASTILLE.
12261129             —LE—AVÈNEMENT—DE—1—ENFANT de —12—JAHRE menace de ruiner LA—AUTORITÉ—ROYALE.
12261129             —ENSUITE, à part quelques soubresauts
12261129             —GESALBT, LUDWIG—IX—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH, und gekrönt, In der REIMS—KATHEDRALE wird.
12531129             † OTTO—II—HERZOG—VON—BAYERN
12681129             † CLEMENS—IV—PAPA
12681129             —SEDISVAKANZ—BEGINNT, Mit des CLEMENS—IV—PAPA—TOD, die längste  in der GESCHICHTE—DER—PÄPSTE.
12681129—12710901    —BIS—ZUM, VERWAIST—BLEIBT[Sedisvakanz], DAS—BISCHOF—VON—ROM—PAPA—AMT.
13081129             —AM, —VON, den ERZ—BISCHOFEN BALDUIN—VON—TRIER,
13171129             —VOR DEM ARNOLD—PROPST—IN—ZÜLPICH,;
13171129             —BERICHTET, DIE—AUSSTELLERIN der zitierten Urkunde,
13171129             DIE—AUSSTELLERIN habe 1—STÜCK Land, das zur Ausstattung ihrer in FÜSSENICH eintretenden Töchter bestimmt war,
13171129             —VON—DEM ARNOLD—PROPST—IN—ZÜLPICH gekauft,
13171129             der ARNOLD—PROPST—IN—ZÜLPICH demnach NICHT mit seinem Vorgänger
13331129             —QUITTANCE de 33JI.
13331129             à Amiel, pour loyer De 1—MAISON—DE—BERTRAND—FERAUD, i]u'A. A. tenait près le palais, terme de S—MICHEL.
13461129             Search by Date:
13491129             † Jews of AUGSBURG—GERMANY, WERE—MASSACRED.
13571129             —ENTRÉE—DE—CHARLES—LE—MAUVAIS à PARIS
13571129             —QUANDO, faciebat scortam victualibus, qui portabantur ad exercitum Ecclesie supra Forliuium, 16—FLORENI
13781129             † KARL—IV., starb nach seiner Rückkehr, in PRAG.
13931129             † LEON—V—KÖNIG—VON—KLEIN—ARMENIEN
14271129             * ZHENGTONG—KAISER—VON— CHINA
14501129             Es siegeln DIE—SCHÖFFEN, KOPIE—FOLIA—35'-36' (lit. 43—ORIGINAL—NUMMER—46
14501129             RUBRUM—VERMERK, Das Haus liegt gegenüber JORIS—KYSTENHOUWERS—HAUS.
14501129             Sie müssen das Haus in gutem Bauzustand halten, falls aber nicht, fällt das Haus sofort an DAS—HAUS—WEIDENBACH zurück, —
14501129             deren Haus und Hof binnen ZÜLPICH in der BREDER—GASSE neben dem Haus von JOHAN—WEIDEHAISE und dem des UNSER—LIEBER—RAUEN—ALTARS in der Krypta (in der klucht) der S—PETER—KIRCHE,
14501129             erblich von den Priestern und Klerikern des Hauses zu WEIDENBACH—BINNEN—KÖLN gegenüber S—PANTALEON—KLOSTER
14501129             pachten und mieten Meister Gerit die Gier und seine oo Fye, BÜRGER—ZU—ZÜLPICH,
14501129             und zwar für 1—JÄHRLICHEN Zins von 14—WEIß—PFENNIG—WÄHRUNG—VON—ZÜLPICH, zahlbar auf S—MARTINS—MESSE,
14501129             —AUSFÜHRUNG,HASTADT—KÖLN—HUA—NUMMER—1/12301, PERGAMENT, mit 3—SGG.
14501129             —UP—SENT—S—ANDREIS avent des hilligen apostels.
14901129             † So great was the distress in BRUGES[BRÜGGE] that many, of want.
14901129             —NOW it only remained to make PHILIP—OF—CLEVES submit.
14911129             * ANDREAS—I—IMHOFF, NÜRNBERG—PATRIZIER, Kaufmann, Bankier und Politiker
15001129             —GESTOHLEN, Aus der S—STEPHAN—KIRCHE—MAINZ wird das ANNAHAUPT.
15001129             —IN—DER—FOLGE, der HEILIGE—S—ANNA—RELIQUIE gelangt in die ANNA—KIRCHE—DÜREN.
15031129             —ON—THE, he was brought back to ROME[ROM,ROMA] under arrest and,
15131129—15280628    TILMAN zorn Schaefstall(?), PRIESTER, —BEZEUGT—VOM,
15141129             * ANDREAS—MUSCULUS, deutscher evangelischer Theologe und Reformator
15161129             —PAIX—DE—FRIBOURG SIGNÉE—ENTRE FRANÇOIS—I[FRANZ—I—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH] et —LES—CANTONS—SUISSES connue sous le nom de paix perpétuelle.
15161129             —1—FRIEDENSVERTRAG[ewige Richtung]schließen KÖNIG—FRANZ—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH und DIE—EIDGENOSSEN.
15161129             † GIOVANNI—BELLINI, venezianischer Maler
15211129             † CAMILLO—PORZIO, de 1—CHUTE—DE—CHEVAL, le
15231129             —INTHRONISIERT, CLEMENS—VII—PAPA, wird nach seiner Wahl als des HADRIAN—VI—PAPA—NACHFOLGER.
15301129             † CARDINAL—THOMAS—WOLSEY, —55—JAHRE—ALT, former adviser to HENRY—THE—VIII—KING—OF—ENGLAND.
15301129             —AMASSED, Wolsey had, 1—FORTUNE 2. only to THAT—OF—THE—KING.
15311129             * JOHANNES—LETZNER, niedersächsischer Chronist
15391129             1—GOLD—GULDEN 6—MARK, 701—RADERALBUS 15—UFFF—D—HELLER, und zwar zu 2—TERMINEN je zur Hälfte.
15391129             1—KAUFMANNS—GULDEN 3—MARK—4—SCHILLING gilt,
15391129             AUSFERTIGUNG—PERGAMENT, mit 6—SIEGEL (WAPPEN jeweils 1 : 2—SCHRÄGLINKSBALKEN - 2: zweigeschwänzter Löwe - 3 : 3—BALKEN, unten 1.Raute - 4 : Hausmarke mit Buchstabe B- 5 : Hausmarke- 6 : zweigeschwänzter Löwe).
15391129             Rv.
15391129             NUMERO—3. - Die JÄHRLICHE ERB—RENTE—VON—6—MARK ist auf S—MARTINS—TAG an Baumeister und Brüder des Hospitals zu bezahlen.
15391129             Es siegelt WYNANT—VAN—ENTZEN—SCHÖFFE—DES—HOCH—GERICHT—ZÜLPICH—IN sent Andreys avent.
15391129             JORIS—VAN—EYX—BÜRGER—ZU—ZÜLPICH [ZULP], und seine oo ZECILIE bekunden, daß
15391129             JORIS—VAN—EYX—BÜRGER—ZU—ZÜLPICH [ZULP], und seine oo ZECILIE können DIE—JÄHRLICHE ERB—RENTE—VON—6—MARK mit 36—KAUFMANNS—GULDEN zurückkaufen, wobei
15391129             das in der Colre straessen zwischen Joris selbst und Hantz Mure liegt.
15391129             mit 1—JÄHRLICHE ERB—RENTE—VON—6—MARK ihr Haus belastet ist, das sie von JOHAN—SEHRODER erworben haben und
15391129             sie dem Hospital binnen ZÜLPICH 1—JÄHRLICHE ERB—RENTE—VON—6—MARK zahlen müssen,
15441129             † JUNGJONG—KÖNIG—DER—JOSEON—DYNASTIE in KOREA, 11.
15661129             † NIKOLAUS—GROMANN, Hofbaumeister im Dienste der ernestinischen Wettiner
15821129             * HEINRICH—HÖPFNER, DEUTSCHER—EVANGELISCH—LUTHERISCHER Theologe und Hochschullehrer
15901129             † ZEMACH—DURAN, RABBI. author, ALGIERS
15921129             1—ADMIRAL—REPORT said 1—ENGLAND—WARSHIP was lost off THE—COAST—OF—ALDERNEY.
15921129             1—BLOCK—OF—MINERAL was —LATER found on the wreck.
15921129—20130000    —IN, scientists reported that the rock was likely 1—SUNSTONE (ICELAND spar), used to reveal the sun's direction and thus assist in navigation.
16081129             * CHRISTOPH—MATTHÄUSA, DEUTSCHER—RHETORIKER, Historiker und Mediziner in den Niederlanden
16091129             CONDÉ et oo femme s'enfuient aux PAYS—BAS
16121129             —SEEGEFECHT—VOR—SUVALI, BEGINNT, Das 2—TÄGIGE.
16201129             † HERMANN—DIETRICH, zu HUY^
16261129             † PETER—ERNST—II—VON—MANSFELD, Söldner und Heerführer im 3ßigjährigen Krieg
16301129             † JOHANN—HERMANN—SCHEIN, DEUTSCHER—KOMPONIST, Thomaskantor in LEIPZIG
16431129             † TOBIAS—ADAMI, DEUTSCHER—PHILOSOPH, Mitglied der Fruchtbringenden Gesellschaft
16621129             * HEINRICH—X—GRAF—REUSS—JÜNGERE—LINIE, Stifter der Linie REUß—EBERSDORF
16721129             Bitten, ihnen den Gefallen zu erweisen und "door Sijn HOOGH—AENSIENLIJCK credit ende gesagh in 't RoomSche rijck'* den MAGISTRAT—DER—STADT—BREMEN aufs Ernstlichste zu ermahnen, daß er seinen BÜRGERn die Zufuhr von KRIEGS—MUNITIONIN die MÜNSTERschen Lande streng verbiete.
16741117—16741129    DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN ihre VERMITTLUNG dazu anbieten.
16741117—16741129    —AM—UND, *), DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN erwidern daß
16741117—16741129    —AM—UND, DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN im Fall eines Angriffs auf den KUR—FÜRST—IN—FOLGE ihrer ALLIANZen demselben würden zu Hilfe kommen müssen,daß
16741117—16741129    DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN aber hoffen, daß JEDER—ANLASS zu 1—KRIEGE sich beseitigen lasse, und
16801129             —AM, Vormittag 10—UHR 1—AUDIENZ erlangen können.
16811129             —DATUM—POTSDAM
16941129             † MARCELLO—MALPIGHI, ITALIENISCHER—ARZT und Naturforscher
17051129             Die Uraufführung des musikalischen Trauerspiels Lucretia von REINHARD—KEISER findet am Theater am Gänsemarkt in HAMBURG statt.
17191129             —AM, WILHELM—VON—HALL leistete den Treueid als PROPST—VON—MILLEN und
17251129             † NICOLAS—GUIBAL, württembergischer Hofmaler FRANZÖSISCHER—HERKUNFT
17391129             * GEORG—ERNST—HEBENSTREIT, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
17431129             * TRAUGOTT—ANDREAS—BIEDERMANN, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER und Rechtswissenschaftler
17451118—17451129    —SEE
17451128—17451129    —ATTACKED, FRANCE—TROOPS, Indians at SARATOGA—NEW—YORK.
17451129             —MOVED, BONNIE—PRINCE—CHARLIE—ARMY, into MANCHESTER and occupied Carlisle.
17591129             † ALAMGIR—II—GROßMOGUL—VON—INDIEN
17601129             MAJOR—ROGER—ROGERS took possession of DETROIT on behalf of BRITAIN.
17671129             * DANIEL—RUNGE, Hamburger Kaufmann und Reeder sowie Lyriker und Redakteur
176721129            † MORITZ, WILHELM, quondam CELLERARIUS in LAACH
17691129             MÖNCH—IN—KLOSTER—STEINFELD
17751129             —FORMED, THE—USA—CONGRESS, THE—COMMITTEE—OF—SECRET—CORRESPONDENCE with the mission of corresponding with friends in GREAT—BRITAIN, IRELAND and other PARTS—OF—THE—WORLD.
17751129             —INVENTED, SIR—JAMES—JAY, invisible ink.
17751129—17770400    —CHANGED, its title was, to COMMITTEE—FOR—FOREIGN—AFFAIRS.
17801129             † HIERONYMUS—DAVID—GAUB, DEUTSCHER—MEDIZINER und Chemiker
17831129             * TOMÁS—MANUEL—DE—ANCHORENA, ARGENTINISCHER—ANWALT und Staatsmann
17841129             * CHRISTIAN—LENTE—FREYHERR—VON—ADELER, Jurist
17871129             —PROMULGATED, FRANCE, LOUIS—XVI, 1—EDICT—OF—TOLERANCE, granting civil status to Protestants.
17871129             LUDWIG—XVI—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH, erlässt 1—TOLERANZ—EDIKT zugunsten der HUGENOTTEN.
17911129             LES—PRÊTRES—RÉFRACTAIRES au serment risquent —2—JAHRE de prison
17921129             Conformément au décret tout homme d'Eglise doit prêter serment civique (dans les 8—JOURS) sous peine de voir sa pension supprimée.
17921129             LOUIS—XVI[LUDWIG—XVI—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH] oppose son veto à cette loi ainsi qu'à celle SUR LES—ÉMIGRÉS
17971129             * DOMENICO—GAETANO—MARIA—DONIZETTI, composer (Lucia di Lamermoor, l'Elisir d'Amore).
17991129             * AMOS—BRONSON—ALCOTT, USA—EDUCATOR and poet (CONCORD Days).
18001129             † GIAN—BATTISTA—FRIZZONI, SCHWEIZER—PFARRER und Kirchenlieddichter
18011129             —AM, errichteten AACHENer BISCHOFsstuhl einnahm der MARC—ANTOINE—BERDOLET—BISCHOF—VON—AACHEN.
18021129             * FRANZ—STELZHAMER, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—DICHTER und Schriftsteller
18021129             * WILHELM—HAUFF, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Märchenverfasser
18021129             —NIEDERLEGT, FÜRST—BISCHOF—CHRISTOPH—FRANZ—VON—BUSECK seine Herrschaft und entbindet Beamte und Untertanen von ihren Eiden.
18031129—18530000    * † CHRISTIAN—DOPPLER, AUSTRIA—PHYSICIST who discovered the Doppler effect.
18031129—18530000    Hubble used his name for the Doppler Effect, that describes the apparent change in the frequency of 1—WAVE depending on whether the wave is approaching or receding.
18071129             * JOSIAH—M—ANDERSON, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—POLITIKER, Mitglied des Repräsentantenhauses
18071129             * JULIUS—KRAIS, DEUTSCHER—PFARRER und Dichter
18111129             * WENDELL—PHILLIPS, women's suffrage, antislavery, prison reformer.
18121129             —PASSAGE—DE—LA—BÉRÉSINA
18121129             —RETREATED, The last elements of NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE—GRAND—ARMEE, across the Beresina River in RUSSIA.
18121129             —PERISHED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—FRANCE—TROOPS and civilians, —WHEN the Russians attacked NAPOLEON—ARMY as it crossed the Berezina River in BELARUS on the punishing retreat from MOSCOW.
18121129             —RECORDED, THE—FOLLOWING—SPRING it was, that 32,000 bodies were rounded up and burned on the river banks near Studianka.
18131129             —CAPITULATION—DE—RAPP à DANTZIG
18131129             † GIAMBATTISTA—BODONI, —73—JAHRE—ALT, ITALY—STAMP cutter, PUBLISHER, and type font designer (bodoni).
18131129             † GIAMBATTISTA—BODONI, ITALIENISCHER—SCHRIFTENTWERFER, Stempelschneider, Buchdrucker, Typograf und Verleger
18141129             1. Tageszeitung der Welt mit der von FRIEDRICH—KOENIG erfundenen Schnellpresse hergestellt, THE—TIMES wird in LONDON
18141129             1—MEILENSTEIN in der DRUCK—TECHNIK—GESCHICHTE, der die Produktion von 1.100—EXEMPLAR—PRO—STUNDE erlaubt und damit
18141129             —MASSENBLÄTTER—ÄRA, einläutet.
18151129             * STEPHEN—A—HURLBUT, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—POLITIKER, Diplomat und Offizier, Befehlshaber im Sezessionskrieg, Mitglied des Repräsentantenhauses
18181129             † JOHANN—WILHELM—WOLFGANG—BREITHAUPT, deutscher evangelischer Theologe und Lieddichter
18231129             * SENATOR—LA—FAYETTE—GROVER—GOUVERNEUR—VON—OREGON—USA—AMERIKANISCHER—RECHTSANWALT und Politiker, Mitglied des Repräsentantenhauses,
18251129             1. ITALY—OPERA in USA, "Barber of Seville," premiered in NEW—YORK—CITY and was welcomed by the legendary librettist for Mozart (and friend of Casanova), LORENZO—DAPONTE, who was Professor of Italian at KING's (—LATER COLUMBIA) College.
18251129             * VICTOR—VERRIMST, FRANZÖSISCHER—KONTRABASSIST, Organist und Komponist
18301129             WARSAW, young POLAND—OFFICERS from the local ARMY—OF—THE—CONGRESS, POLAND—MILITARY—ACADEMY revolted against THE—RUSSIA—EMPIRE.
18301129             They were led by LIEUTENANT—PIOTR—WYSOCKI and were soon joined by large SEGMENTS—OF—SOCIETIES—OF—LITHUANIA, BELARUS, and THE—RIGHT—BANK—UKRAINE.
18301129             —ÜBERRASCHT aus POLEN zurückziehen sich, Die RUSSISCHEN—TRUPPEN und GROSS—FÜRST—KONSTANTIN.
18301129—18311000    —REPRESSED, NICHOLAS—I ruthlessly, the insurrection and POLAND—FORCES capitulated.
18321129—18880000    * † LOUISA—MAY—ALCOTT, USA—AUTHOR—WHO wrote "Little Women," in Germantown, PENNSILVANIA Under the pen name A.M. Barnard she wrote STORIES—OF—VIOLENCE and revenge that included "PAULINE—PASSION and Punishment".
18321129—18880000    "It takes people 1—LONG—TIME to learn the difference between talent and genius, especially ambitious young men and women".
18351129             * CHINESISCHE—KAISER—WITWE—CIXI,
18401129             Die Uraufführung der Oper Saffo von GIOVANNI—PACINI findet am Teatro S—CARLO in Neapel statt.
18441129             * TIMM—KRÖGER, DEUTSCHER—LANDWIRT, Rechtsanwalt und Schriftsteller
18461129             † JOHANN—CLARISSE, niederländischer reformierter Theologe
18471129             1—SMALL—GROUP—OF—CAYUSE—INDIANS assaulted the Whitman Mission, Walla WALLA—WASHINGTON, —AT—THE—TIME sheltering 74—PEOPLE, MOST—OF—THEM emigrants.
18471129             —KILLED, The attackers, 13—PEOPLE, including Marcus and Narcissa Whitman.
18471129             —ENDED, It temporarily, Protestant missionary efforts in THE—OREGON country.
18471129             THE—WHITMAN—CREEK massacre set off the Cayuse War (18480000             ).
18471129             —WHITMAN—MASSAKER
18471129             † † ? der Arzt und Missionar MARCUS—WHITMAN und seine oo Narcissa werden gemeinsam mit 15—WEITEREN weißen Siedlern durch Indianer der Stämme Cayuse und Umatilla in der Nähe des heutigen WALLA—WALLA im OREGON—GEBIET ermordet.
18471129             —KANTON—WALLIS— Kapitulation, der Sonderbundskrieg zu Ende geht, In der SCHWEIZ
18471129—18471208    2. KONGREß des BUND—DER—KOMMUNISTEN in LONDON.
18471129—18471208    KARL—MARX und FRIEDRICH—ENGELS werden vom KONGREß "mit der Abfassung 1—FÜR DIE—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT bestimmten ausführlichen theoretischen und praktischen Parteiprogramms" beauftragt.
18471129—18471208    —DER—KONGREß nimmt DIE—STATUTEN des Bundes an.
18471129—18471208    —LAUTET, Dessen ARTIKEL—1:
18471129—18471208    Der ZWECK—DES—BUND—DER—KOMMUNISTEN ist die —AUFHEBUNG—DER, alten, auf KLASSENGEGEN—SÄTZEN beruhenden BÜRGERlichen GESELLSCHAFT und
18471129—18471208    Der ZWECK—DES—BUND—DER—KOMMUNISTEN ist die Herrschaft des PROLETARIAT,
18481129             —NEUIGKEITEN
18481129             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—155—KÖLN.
18481129             —DIE Persönlichkeiten des BUNDES—RAT
18481129             * PAUL—PAU, FRANZÖSISCHER—GENERAL
18491129             * AMBROSE—FLEMING, inventor of the diode.
18501129             —DIE—OLMÜTZER—PUNKTATION, Preußen schließt mit dem KAISER—VON—ÖSTERREICH und KAISER—VON—RUSSLAND.
18501129             —DIE—OLMÜTZER—PUNKTATION, muss Preußen seine Unionspolitik aufgeben und,
18501129             —VERZICHTET, Preußen auf den Führungsanspruch in DEUTSCHLAND und auf die Kleindeutsche Lösung.
18531129             † JENS—CHRISTIAN—DJURHUUS, färöischer Bauer und der 1. Dichter, der auf Färöisch schrieb
18541129             † JOAQUÍN—DE—SAN—MARTÍN—Y—ULLOA, STAATSCHEF—DER—PROVINZ—EL—SALVADOR in der Zentralamerikanischen Konföderation
18551129             —KRIMKRIEG
18551129             —BELAGERUNG—VON—KARS
18580000—19241129    * † ITALY—COMPOSER—GIACOMO—PUCCINI, in BRUSSELS —BEFORE he could complete his opera "Turandot".
18621129             † SAMUEL—MULDER, HOLLAND—JEWISH writer, AMSTERD
18631129             There were 8—900—CASUALTIES.
18641012—18641129    —BETWEEN, Of the 19 apppointed, in fact only 3 were proposed by Le Lubez
18641129             1—INCREASE, that is, from 19—PERCENT—OF—THE—TOTAL—MEMBERSHIP—OF—THE—GENERAL—COUNCIL to 31 %.
18641129             —AT—THE—MEETING—OF—THE, NUMBER—OF—NON—ENGLAND—MEMBERS who were definitely allies of Le Lubez — among whom I count all the Italians, POLES—OF—EMILE—HOLTORP—GROUP—GREW from 6 to 18
18641129             —INCREASED, THE—MEMBERSHIP—OF—THE—GENERAL—COUNCIL had, to 58,
18641129             —BY, the new members were primarily candidates proposed by Le Lubez.
18641129             4. and last —DAY—OF—SKIRMISHES took place at WAYNESBORO—GEORGIA.
18641129             —BATTLE—OF—SPRING—HILL, 10., 1—PRELUDE to THE—BATTLE—OF—FRANKLIN (aka THOMASON—STATION), was fought.
18641129             —MARCHED, GENERAL—JOHN—BELL—HOOD—ARMY—OF—TENNESSEE, from COLUMBIA toward —SPRING Hill to isolate major PORTIONS—OF—UNION—FORCES from EACH—OTHER, hoping to defeat each in turn —BEFORE they could unite and overwhelm him.
18641129             In retaliation for 1—INDIA—ATTACK on 1—PARTY—OF—IMMIGRANTS—NEAR—DENVER, 750—MEMBERS—OF—1—COLORADO militia unit, led by COLONEL—JOHN—M—CHIVINGTON, attacked 1—UNSUSPECTING village of Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians camped on Sand Creek in PRESENT—DAY—KIOWA County.
18641129             —KILLED, Some 300 [163] Indians were, in the attack, including women and children, MANY—OF—WHOSE bodies were mutilated.
18641129             † 10—SOLDIERS, in the attack.
18641129             —PROVOKED, THE—SAND—CREEK—MASSACRE, as this incident came to be called, 1—SAVAGE—STRUGGLE between Indians and the white settlers.
18641129             —GENERATED, It also, 2—CONGRESSIONAL investigations into the actions of Chivington and his men.
18641129             —CONCLUDED, THE—HOUSE—COMMITTEE—ON—THE—CONDUCT—OF—THE—WAR, that Chivington had "deliberately planned and executed 1—FOUL and dastardly massacre which would have disgraced the varied and savage among those who were THE—VICTIMS—OF—HIS cruelty".
18641129             † † ? —SAND—CREEK—MASSAKER
18641129             —ERMORDUNG—VON—133—CHEYENNE und Arapaho, die sich unter dem Schutz der USA—REGIERUNG wähnen, durch Truppen der COLORADO—MILIZEN unter JOHN—M—CHIVINGTON eingeht als in die GESCHICHTE—DER—USA.
18651129             * TERESA—MAÑÉ—MIRAVET, SPANISCHE—PÄDAGOGIN, Verlegerin und Anarchistin
18681129             DIE—VERSAMMLUNG spricht sich gegen STREIKs aus.
18681129             —PRÄSIDENT—F—MENDE mitteilt, daß DER—VEREIN aus 107—GEMEINDEN bestehe MIT—CA—11.700—MITGLIEDERN.
18681129             Das verabschiedete Nationalitätengesetz in UNGARN führt zu Konflikten mit der KROATISCHEN—MINDERHEIT, weil es darin heißt, dass ALLE—BEWOHNER—UNGARNS 1—EINHEITLICHE und unteilbare Nation bilden.
18691129             * IVOR—ATKINS, WALISISCHER—ORGANIST, Chorleiter und Komponist
18691129             * ÉMILE—DANCO, BELGISCHER—ARTILLERIEOFFIZIER und Antarktisforscher
18701129             —PROCLAIMED, Compulsory education was, in ENGLAND.
18721129             —REFLECTED, THE—DAILY—THE—NEW—YORK—TRIBUNE—PAPER, MUCH—OF—THE—MORALITY—OF his New ENGLAND upbringing and he partnered 1—HIGH—STANDARD—OF—NEWS gathering with printed arguments and urges against drinking, gambling, CAPITAL—PUNISHMENT—AND—INCREASINGLY in the 1850S—SLAVERY.
18721129             The slavery issue and HORACE—GREELEY his lifelong desire for high political office led him away from his political party, the Whigs, and to the newly emerging REPUBLICAN—PARTY.
18721129             —SIDED, HORACE—GREELEY usually, with the radical wing of the Republicans, advocating early EMANCIPATION—OF—SLAVES.
18721129             —STILL unsuccessful in state and national bids, HORACE—GREELEY eventually joined 1—GROUP—OF—REPUBLICAN dissenters who formed the Liberal REPUBLICAN—PARTY to oppose Grant.
18721129             —WHILE ,HORACE—GREELEY received almost 44—PERCENT—OF—THE—POPULAR—VOTE, he received only 18—PERCENT—OF—THE—ELECTORAL—VOTE, which were cast for other candidates due to his death.
18721129             † HORACE—GREELEY, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—POLITIKER und Journalist
18721129             † MARY—SOMERVILLE, SCHOTTISCHE—ASTRONOMIN und Mathematikerin
18741129             * ANTONIO—EGAS—MONIZ, lobotomist, in PORTUGAL.
18741129—19490000    Nobel, ANTONIO—EGAS—MONIZ
18761129             † CHRISTIAN—WILHELM—ZERAEUA, traditioneller Führer der Zeraeua, eines HERERO—CLANS
18771129             THOMAS—ALVA—EDISON vorführt seinen Phonographen.
18781129             —LAßT EUCH NICHT PROVOZIEREN—!"
18781129             In 1—AUFRUF mahnen sie ihre PARTEI—GENOSSEN: "Keine Gewalttätigkeiten, achtet die Gesetze, verteidigt aber innerhalb des Rahmens derselben Eure Rechte!
18781129             DIE—BERLIN—POLIZEI ausweist 67—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN auf Grund des am ;;1128;; über BERLIN verhängten KLEINER—BELAGERUNGS—ZUSTAND.
18781129             DIE—BERLIN—POLIZEI weist auf Grund des am 187811128             über BERLIN verhängten kleinen BELAGERUNGS—ZUSTANDES 67—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN aus.
18831129             —AM, worin bei 1—VOM Zaun gebrochnen Gelegenheit dies in zahmster GENOSSENSCHAFTerei machende Männlein uns endlich Aufklärung verschaffte,
18831129             —8—MONATE—NACH MARX' Tod, erschien in der "TIMES" 1—BRIEF, datiert TRINITY—COLLEGE—CAMBRIDGE, und unterzeichnet SEDLEY—TAYLOR,
18831129             —AM, nicht nur über die Munkeleien von CAMBRIDGE, sondern auch über den ANONYMUS der "CONCORDIA".
18871129             —RECEIVED, USA, rights to Pearl Harbor on OAHU—HAWAII.
18881129             * TONY—SENDER, DEUTSCHE—POLITIKERIN und Journalistin, MdR
18890000—19741129    * † Haroldson L. HUNT—TEXAS oil man and MULTI—MILLIONAIRE.
18901129             —PLAYED, THE—1.—ARMY—NAVY—FOOTBALL—GAME was, at WEST—POINT, NEW—YORK.
18901129             —DEFEATED, Navy, Army by 1—SCORE—OF—24—TO—NOTHING.
18901129             —OPENED, THE—IMPERIAL—DIET, FORERUNNER—OF—JAPAN—NATIONAL—LEGISLATURE, its 1. session, —4—DAYS—AFTER its members were summoned by Emperor Meiji.
18901129             JAPAN, tritt die MEIJI—VERFASSUNG in Kraft.
18901129             Das JAPAN—PARLAMENT zusammenkommt zu seiner 1. Sitzung.
18911129             * BUNDESKANZLER—JULIUS—RAAB, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—POLITIKER, Abgeordneter zum Nationalrat, Handelsminister,
18951129             * BUSBY—BERKELEY, director.
18951129             —INCLUDED, BUSBY—BERKELEY—WORK, "42. Street".
18961129             —KONZIPIERT, Der ITALIENISCHE—ARZT Scipione RIVA—ROCCI, 1—SPHYGMOMANOMETER, 1—GERÄT zur Blutdruckmessung.
18981129             * ERNST—MORITZ—MUNGENAST, DEUTSCH—LOTHRINGISCHER Journalist, Übersetzer und Romancier
18981129—19630000    * † CS—LEWIS, UK—AUTHOR.
18981129—19630000    Clive Staples Lewis chose 1—THEISTIC—VIEW—OF—REALITY over 1—MATERIALISTIC 1 and affirmed the mutual EXISTENCE—OF—SOUL, god and nature.
18981129—19630000    —TITLED, CS—LEWIS—AUTOBIOGRAPHY was, "Surprised by Joy".
18981129—19630000    —INCLUDED, His work, "THE—ABOLITION—OF—MAN," "Miracles" and "THE—PROBLEM—OF—PAIN".
18981129—19630000    "Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather it is 1—OF—THOSE things that give value to survival".
19001129             * MILDRED—ELIZABETH—SISK, the infamous AMERICA—BORN Axis Sally.
19001129             MILDRED—ELIZABETH—SISK broadcast propaganda for Radio BERLIN from Nazi GERMANY to Allied troops —DURING the 2. World War.
19021129             "Der Arme Heinrich", Drama von Gerhart Hauptmann, wird im Hofburgtheater WIEN uraufgeführt.
19021129             —ENTSCHEIDET, Schiedsgerichtshof in Haag, mehrere Differenzen zwischen GROSSBRITANNIEN und den USA im Beringmeer zugunsten der USA
19031129             —DEMONSTRATED, Inquiry into USA Postal Service, the government had lost millions in fraud.
19041129             Der DEUTSCHE—STAATSSEKRETÄR—DES—INNERN, ARTHUR—GRAF—POSADOWSKY—WEHNER, kehrt nach erfolglosen Gesprächen über einen Handelsvertrag aus WIEN zurück.
19041129             RUSSISCHEN—UNIVERSITÄTSSTÄDTEN, wie Petersburg und Moskau demonstrieren Studenten und Studentinnen unter Beteiligung von Arbeitern gegen den KRIEG—IN—OSTASIEN.
19041129             —ENTFALTET, Dabei werden rote Fahnen.
19041129             —VORGEHEN gegen die Studenten und Studentinnen unter Beteiligung von ARBEITER—DEMONSTRATION Polizei und auch Kosaken.
19041129—19040501    —AM, Mehrere Gewerkschaften beschließen keinen Umzug mehr zu gestalten.
19061129             —GRÜNDEN in Turin den Kraftfahrzeughersteller Lancia, VINCENZO—LANCIA und sein Freund CLAUDIO—FOGOLIN.
19071129             —MORGENS—AM, "Schweinskotelett, Rührei mit Sardinen, junger Käse, Kaffee, Tee" gab es auf dem Schiff.
19071129             * LAURA—CAROLA—MAZIREL, NIEDERLÄNDISCHE—JURISTIN, Autorin, Widerstandskämpferin
19091129             Gebirgsbahn zwischen OSLO (Christiania) und BERGEN[Bergensbanen] wird dem Verkehr übergeben.
19111129             —WORKED, KONRAD—FUCHS, on developing the atomic bomb in THE—USA—DURING—WORLD—WAR—II —WHILE giving its secrets to THE—SOVIET—UNION.
19121129             Zwischen dem Bahnhof ZÜRICH—STADELHOFEN und dem 15—KM südöstlich gelegenen Esslingen ZH geht die Forchbahn auf Schmalspur in Betrieb.
19140000—19921129    * † Emilio Pucci, ITALY—FASHION designer (JACKIE—KENNEDY), in FLORENCE—ITALY.
19151129             AFONSO—COSTA regressa AO—GOVERNO.
19151129             —NACH—DER Regierung JOSÉ—DE—CASTRO—RÜCKTRITT
19161129             —DECLARED, USA, martial law in DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC.
19161129             —ANGRIFF auf die HAUPTSTADT—BUKAREST, Auf dem KRIEGS—SCHAUPLATZ—RUMÄNIEN beginnen die Mittelmächte den.
19170000—19991129    * † JOHN—BERRY (as JAK—SZOLD), USA—FILM—DIRECTOR, at age 82.
19171129             DIE—DEUTSCHE—REGIERUNG ist zu —VERHANDLUNGEN bereit.
19180000—20081129    * † Joern Utzon, THE—DENMARK—ARCHITECT who designed the iconic SYDNEY Opera House (19570000             ).
19180000—20191129    * † Yasuhiro Nakasone, FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—OF—JAPAN (19820000—19870000    ), in TOKYO.
19181129             * MADELEINE—LE—ENGLE, writer.
19181129             —INCLUDED, MADELEINE—LE—ENGLE—WORK, "1—WRINKLE in Time".
19200000—20101129    * † RICHARD—GOLDMAN, S—FRANCISCO philanthropist and FOUNDER—OF—THE—GOLDMAN—ENVIRONMENTAL—PRIZE (19890000             ).
19201129             * JEGOR—LIGATSCHOW, sowjetischer Politiker, Mitglied des Politbüros der KPdSU
19211129             Hitler letter: ) (Note: HITLER letter: ) (Note:
19231129             —HEADED, INTERNATIONAL commission, by USA—BANKER—CHARLES—DAWES was set up to investigate THE—GERMANY—ECONOMY.
19240000—20071129    * † HENRY—HYDE, FORMER—ILLINOIS Republican Representative (19750000—20070000    ).
19241129             —FINISHED, FRANCO—ALFANO, it.
19241129             —MARKED, His death, the end of a —300—YEAR—TRADITION—OF—ITALY—OPERA.
19241129—20030000    —AUTHORED, MARY—JANE—PHILLIPS—MATZ, "Puccini".
19241225—19951129    —REMEMBERED, He was, in THE—PBS production titled: "Submitted for Your Approval," 1. broadcast.
19261129             W. Somerset Maugham's "Constant Wife" premiered in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19271129             * VINCE—SCULLY, sportscaster (NBC Baseball GAME—OF—THE—WEEK).
19271129             —ARRIVED, Genevieve Paddleford, as the 1. woman inmate at the new women's quarters at S—QUENTIN—PRISON.
19271129             She was serving 1 to —10—YEARS for stealing $600—WORTH of clothing.
19281129—20030000    * † PAUL—SIMON, —LATER SENATOR—OF—ILLINOIS, in EUGENE, Or.
19291129             —RADIOED, NAVY—LIEUTENANT—COMMANDER—RICHARD—E—BYRD, that he'd made the 1. airplane flight over THE—SOUTH—POLE: "My calculations indicate that we have reached VICINITY—OF—SOUTH—POLE".
19291129             NAVY—LIEUTENANT—COMMANDER—RICHARD—E—BYRD was wrong [see 18880000—19570000    , Byrd].
19291129             1. Antarktisexpedition
19291129             1. Überflug des Südpol, gelingt dem USA—AMERIKANISCHEN—ADMIRAL—RICHARD—E—BYRD.
19301129             Die Uraufführung der romantischen Oper Morana von Jakov Gotovac findet in Brünn statt.
19311129             —SEIZED, THE—SPAIN—GOVERNMENT, large estates for land redistribution.
19321129             —PREMIERED, COLE—PORTER—MUSICAL "Gay Divorcee,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19321129             —URGED, THE—COMMITTEE—ON—COST—OF—MEDICAL—CARE, socialized medicine in THE—USA.
19340000—20061129    * † ALLEN—CARR, ENGLAND—PROMOTER—OF—ANTI—SMOKING campaigns, of lung cancer.
19351129             It was the company's 1. TRANS—PACIFIC—FLIGHT.
19351129             —EINGEWEIHT, Die DEUTSCHLANDHALLE—BERLIN wird in Anwesenheit des ADOLF—HITLER
19391129             in Kopenhagen...
19401129             * ÓSCAR—ESPINOSA—CHEPE, KUBANISCHER—ÖKONOM, Diplomat und Dissident
19411129             The passenger ship Lurline sent 1—RADIO—SIGNAL—OF sighting JAPAN—WAR fleet steaming east across THE—NORTH—PACIFIC.
19411129             —SEPARATED, RIGA—LATVIA, the Nazis, the men over 16—FROM their families.
19411129             —MASSACRED, That night half the ghetto population were.
19411208—19411129    —RECALLED, These events were —LATER, in the book "Endless Miracles," by survivor JACK—RATZ, who was 14—AT—THE—TIME, but went with the men.
19421129             † ? He collapsed and, of 1—HEART—ATTACK on.
19421129             Coffee rationing went into effect in THE—USA, and lasted —UNTIL THE—NEXT—SUMMER.
19430000—20011129    * † GEORGE—HARRISON, lead guitarist for the Beatles, —OF—CANCER in LOS—ANGELES.
19430225—20011129    * † GEORGE—HARRISON, of THE—BEATLES.
19431129             —LAUNCHED, USA—AIRCRAFT—CARRIER—HORNET was.
19431129             —FORMED, YUGOSLAVIA, partisan Tito, a temporary government in Jajce, Bosnia.
19431129             U—86—SANK in the Atlantic Ocean.
19431129             JAJCE, endet die 2. Tagung des Antifaschistischen Rats der Nationalen Befreiung Jugoslawiens[AVNOJ], auf welcher
19431129             —DIE AVNOJ—BESCHLÜSSE, die Grundprinzipien des unabhängigen, föderalistischen Staates Jugoslawien, verabschiedet wurden.
19441129             —REPORTED, MARY—FORNI (19150000—20060000    ), 2—UNUSUAL—MEN on the side of 1—RURAL—ROAD—NEAR—BAR—HARBOR—MAINE.
19441129             —TURNED, They, out to be ERICH—GIMPEL, 1—GERMANY—SPY, and WILLIAM—COLEPAUGH, 1—USA—DEFECTOR, who had slipped ashore as spies from 1—GERMANY—U—BOAT.
19441129             —CAPTURED, Both men were —LATER, tried and sentenced to death.
19441129             —PARDONED, PRESIDENT—TRUMAN—LATER, them.
19441129             —PERFORMED, Johns Hopkins hospital, the 1. open heart surgery.
19441129             1—SURGICAL fix for 1—FETAL heart defect, tetralogy of Fallot or blue baby syndrome, was 1. performed at Johns Hopkins by surgeon ALFRED—BLALOCK and VIVIEN—THOMAS, 1—BLACK—ASSISTANT who perfected the procedure.
19441129             —LIBERATED, ALBANIA was, from Nazi control (National —DAY).
19441129             —ENTERED, Germans withdrew from TIRANA and communists, the capital.
19441129—19850000    —AUTHORED, Thomas, 1—AUTOBIOGRAPHY.
19451129             Jugoslawien wird 1 "Föderative Volksrepublik".
19471129             ARMIES—OF—LIBERATION "
19471129             ARMIES—OF—LIBERATION " The beleaguered UN aid agency, UNRWA, offers basic... + by moving through history to pragmatism, beyond knee... terrorism is abandoned, if 1—NEW—BROADER sympathy...
19471129             + by moving through history to pragmatism,
19471129             terrorism is abandoned, if 1—NEW—BROADER sympathy...
19471129             ARMIES—OF—LIBERATION " - The beleaguered UN aid agency, UNRWA,
19471129             —BEYOND KNEE—OFFERS basic
19471129             —PASSED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY, 1—RESOLUTION calling for the partitioning of Palestine [JERUSALEM] between Arabs and Jews.
19481129             The popular children's television show, Kukla, Fran and Ollie, moved to THE—NBC—MIDWEST network.
19481129             —TELEVISED, THE—NEW—YORK—CITY—METROPOLITAN—OPERA was, for the 1. time as the season opened with "Othello".
19481129             It featured Ramon Vinay, Licia Albenese, and LEONARD—WARREN and was conducted by FRITZ—BUSCH
19491129             —ANNOUNCED, USA, it would conduct atomic tests at Eniwetok Atoll in the Pacific.
19491129             * PETRA—KELLY, GERMANY—PEACE—ACTIVIST and MP for the Green Party.
19491129             Nationalist REGIME—OF—CHINA left for FORMOSA (TAIWAN).
19491129             —KILLED, Uranium mine explosions in EAST—GERMANY, 3,700.
19511129             -als der Vertrag über die Montanunion (dazu später in Kap.
19511129             —RE—ELECTED, UK—PREMIER—WINSTON—CHURCHILL, was.
19511129             1. ein unterirdischer Kernwaffentest durchgeführt, in den USA wird auf dem NEVADA—TEST—SITE—GELÄNDE
19521129             USA—PRESIDENT—ELECT—DWIGHT—D—EISENHOWER kept his campaign promise to visit KOREA to assess the ongoing conflict.
19521129             —OPENED, S—FRANCISCO, 1—PACIFIC—HEIGHTS—MANSION at 20300—BROADWAY, as THE—USA—ACADEMY—OF—ASIAN—STUDIES, the 1. accredited USA graduate school devoted exclusively to ASIA—LANDS and people.
19521129             1—PLANE carrying CIA paramilitary officers on their 1. overseas assignment, JOHN—T—DOWNEY, —22—JAHRE—ALT—OF—NEW—BRITAIN—CONNECTICUT, and RICHARD—G—FECTEAU, —25—JAHRE—ALT, of LYNN—MASSACHUSETTS, was shot down over JILIN province.
19521129             Pilots, ROBERT—C—SNODDY, —31—JAHRE—ALT, 1—NATIVE—OF—ROSEBURG, Ore., and NORMAN—A—SCHWARTZ, —29—JAHRE—ALT—OF—LOUISVILLE—KENTUCKY, did not survive.
19521129             —CAPTURED, DOWNEY and Fecteau were.
19521129             —ASSIGNED, They had been, to 1—COVERT—PROGRAM called "3. Force," intended to create 1—RESISTANCE—NETWORK.
19521129—19711200    —RELEASED, Fecteau was, by CHINA and
19521129—19730300    —ACKNOWLEDGED, DOWNEY, shortly —AFTER PRESIDENT—RICHARD—NIXON publicly, DOWNEY—CIA connection.
19531129             USA—AIRLINES began 1. regular commercial NY—LA air service.
19561129             The musical "Bells Are Ringing," starring JUDY—HOLLIDAY, opened at Shubert Theater in NEW—YORK—CITY for 925—PERFORMANCES.
19561129             It was WRITTEN—BY—BETTY—COMDEN, Adolph Green and Jule Styne.
19571129             —PERFORMED, JOHN—COLTRANE and the Thelonius Monk quartet, together for 1—SHOW at Carnegie Hall.
19571129             † ERICH—WOLFGANG—KORNGOLD (60), AUSTRIAN—USA composer (Kathrin, sound tracks for CAPTAIN—BLOOD, DON—JUAN).
19571129—19180000    —IN, Adolfas RAMANAUSKAS—VANAGAS, born in THE—USA, was shot to death in VILNIUS for partisan activities in SOUTH—LITHUANIA.
19571129—20050000    —UNTIL, TAPES—OF—THE—PERFORMANCE, recorded by VOICE—OF—AMERICA, were mislabeled and lost.
19611129             —ATTACKED, Freedom Riders were, by white mob at bus station in MISSISSIPPI.
19611129             —LAUNCHED, NASA, Enos the chimp from Cape Canaveral aboard THE—MERCURY—ATLAS 5—SPACECRAFT, which orbited earth twice —BEFORE returning.
19611129             Im Rahmen der Mission MERCURY—ATLAS—5, WIRD mit dem SCHIMPANSE—ENOS an Bord 1—ORBITALFLUG—DER—NASA mit 1—ATLAS—RAKETE gestartet.
19611129             Nach zweimaliger Umkreisung der Erde wassert die MERCURY—KAPSEL mitsamt SCHIMPANSE—ENOS erfolgreich.
19621129             —BANNED, ALGERIA, the Communist Party.
19621129             —AGREED, GREAT—BRITAIN and FRANCE, on 1—JOINT—VENTURE to build the super sonic Concorde jet.
19621129             —SPRENGSTOFFANSCHLAG der KROATISCHE—KREUZER—BRUDERSCHAFT auf die jugoslawische Vertretung in BAD—GODESBERG.
19641129             —INSTITUTED, THE—USA—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH, sweeping changes in the liturgy, including THE—USE—OF—ENGLAND—INSTEAD of Latin.
19671129             —ANNOUNCED, SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—ROBERT—S—MCNAMARA, he was leaving the Johnson administration to become PRESIDENT—OF—THE—WORLD—BANK.
19671129             —PULLED, THE—UK—FINALLY, out of YEMEN, leaving ADEN under National Liberation Front (NLF) control.
19671129             Der SEMPOR—STAUDAMM bei Kebumen in der gleichnamigen Provinz auf JAVA—INDONESIEN, bricht in seiner Bauzeit.
19671129             † † ? Durch die Flutwelle umkommen 160—BIS 200—MENSCHEN.
19691129             DIE—ROLLING—STONES veröffentlichen das Studioalbum Let It Bleed.
19701129             —PREMIERED, The orchestral work "YALE—PRINCETON" by CHARLES—IVES, in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19701129             1. Folge der Krimireihe Tatort, Taxi nach LEIPZIG mit WALTER—RICHTER—ALS—KOMMISSAR—TRIMMEL, wird vom NDR ausgestrahlt.
19711129             —ENTFÜHRT, Der ALDI—MITINHABER und Multimillionär THEO—PAUL—ALBRECHT wird
19730917—20111129    —ON, 1—CHILE—COURT—CHARGED—FORMER—USA—NAVY—CAPTAIN—RAY—E—DAVIS (20130000             †) in the deaths of Horman Teruggi.
19731129             † OSWALD—MENGHIN, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—UNIVERSITÄTSPROFESSOR, Prähistoriker, Unterrichtsminister
19741129             —VERURTEILT wird, ULRIKE—MEINHOF, als ROTE—ARMEE—FRAKTION—MITGLIED[RAF] zu —8—JAHREN Freiheitsstrafe.
19750000             —THE—MEMO—NOTES that, through his relationship with Devine,
19751129             Real News editorial BOARD member, are at work on 1—BOOK about GEORGE—W—BUSH + THE—BUSH—CLAN, due out —LATER—THIS—YEAR.
19751129             donated to 1—FOUNDATION, scanned into 1—DATABASE—AND only —JUST noticed by 1—INDEPENDENT—RESEARCHER.
19751129             were publicly released as THE—RESULT—OF—1—LAWSUIT,
19751129             —CIA—MEMO—DATED ;;1129;;, which makes it clear that he had KNOWLEDGE—OF—CIA—OPERATIONS—PRIOR to being named the new DIRECTOR—OF—THE—CIA in THE—FALL—OF—THAT—YEAR.
19751129             "MISTER—GEORGE—BUSH [THE—CIA—DIRECTOR—DESIGNATE] has prior knowledge of the —NOW terminated project WUBRINY/LPDICTUM which was involved in proprietary commercial operations in EUROPE".
19751129             —REQUIRED, PRESIDENT—FORD, states to provide free education for handicapped.
19751129             Nur —1—TAG—NACH—DER Unabhängigkeitserklärung OST—TIMORS—VON—PORTUGAL
19781129             BONN, wird 1—PROTOKOLL über den Verlauf der innerdeutschen Grenze unterzeichnet, das die strittigen Abschnitte an der Elbe und der Bode ausklammert.
19781129             Die gemeinsame Grenzkommission beider DEUTSCHER—STAATEN beendet mit diesem Ergebnis ihre Tätigkeit.
19801129             "Entertaining Angels: THE—DOROTHY—DAY—STORY" was 1—FILM based on her life made by Paulist Productions.
19801129—18970000    * DOROTHY—DAY, journalist, anarchist, human rights advocate, and CO—FOUNDER—OF—THE—CATHOLIC—WORKER—NEWSPAPER and movement.
19801129—19270000    —CONVERTED, DOROTHY—DAY, to Catholicism —AFTER the birth of her daughter and from then on rejected THE—IDEA—OF—CLASS—STRUGGLE.
19811129             —UNEXPLAINED, It cited, bruises and scratches on her face and arms.
19811129             HONDURAS held presidential elections.
19811129             1—TOTAL—OF—1,214,735 Hondurans, 80.7—PERCENT of those registered, voted, giving THE—PLH 1—SWEEPING victory.
19811129—20010000    —DROWNED, Actress Natalie Wood (19380000             *), off Santa CATALINA—CALIFORNIA SUZANNE—FINSTAD authored "Natasha: THE—BIOGRAPHY—OF—NATALIE—WOOD".
19811129—20040000    —AUTHORED, GAVIN—LAMBERT, "Natalie Wood: 1—LIFE".
19811129—20130000    —IN, officials released a 10-page addendum to her autopsy.
19811129—20180000    —IN, new witnesses emerged prompting investigators to deem her case a "suspicious death".
19821129             —COLLIDED, USA—SUBMARINE—THOMAS—EDISON, with 1—USA—NAVY destroyer in THE—SOUTH—CHINA—SEA.
19841129             CHILE und ARGENTINIEN unterzeichnen in der VATIKANSTADT 1—FREUNDSCHAFTS— und FRIEDENS—VERTRAG zur Einigung im BEAGLE—KONFLIKT.
19861129             † Actor Cary Grant in DAVENPORT—IOWA, at age 82.
19861129             —MASSACRED, SURINAME, 39—PEOPLE were, in the village of Moiwana by the military dictatorship.
19861129             —ARMED, Desi Bouterse was fighting 1, opposition force called the Jungle Commandos.
19861129             MANY—OF—THE—REBELS were Maroons, as was the group's leader, RONNIE—BRUNSWIJK.
19861129             Im Verlauf des Bürgerkrieges in SURINAME kommt es im DORF—MOIWANA zu 1—MASSAKER an der Zivilbevölkerung.
19861129—20060000    —IN, the government officially apologized and compensated relatives and VICTIMS—OF—THE—MASSACRE.
19871129             —COMPLETED, JOE—MONTANA—OF 49ers, an NFL record 22—CONSECUTIVE passes.
19871129             —RELEASED, CUBA—DETAINEES, 26—HOSTAGES that they'd been holding for more than —1—WEEK at THE—FEDERAL—DETENTION—CENTER in Oakdale, LOS—ANGELES.
19871129             1—KOREAN—AIR jetliner, Flight 858, disappeared off Burma over THE—INDIA—OCEAN, with the loss of all 115—PEOPLE aboard.
19871129             —ARRESTED, KIM—HYON—HUI and her accomplice were, —2—DAYS—LATER in BAHRAIN, where they tried to kill themselves by taking cyanide.
19871129             —RECOVERED, The man †, but Kim, and was extradited to SEOUL.
19871129             —SENTENCED, She was CONVICTED—OF—THE—BOMBING and was, to death.
19871129             Even —WHILE on trial, she won admirers for her classic good looks.
19871129             —PARDONED, She was eventually, and became 1—BEST—SELLING author, writing books about her time as 1—SPY.
19871129             In 1—BOEING 707—DER KOREAN—AIR (KOREAN—AIRLINES—FLUG 858) explodiert über Burma 1—VON—ANGEBLICH—NORDKOREANISCHEN—AGENTEN an Bord gebrachte Bombe und führt zum Tod von 115—MENSCHEN.
19871129             Bei der Untersuchung des Vorfalles werden aber VIELE—ASPEKTE rätselhaft bleiben.
19880000—20021129    STOP BrIZANTIO —NOW !...
19881129             —ELECTED, USA—SENATE—DEMOCRATS, GEORGE—MITCHELL—OF—MAINE to be majority leader, the post vacated by ROBERT—BYRD—OF—WEST—VIRGINIA.
19881129             1—DIVIDED—USA—SUPREME—COURT ruled that the rights of criminal defendants are not violated —WHEN police unintentionally fail to preserve potentially vital evidence.
19891129             —ENDED, THE—CZECHS, the Communist party's —40—YEAR monopoly on power.
19891129             —CALLED, The revolution in Czechoslovakia was, the "Velvet Revolution" because of the little violence.
19901129             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—GEORGE—H—BUSH, THE—USA—IMMIGRATION—ACT—OF—THIS—YEAR allowed up to 10,000 foreign citizens to gain an "employment creation" visa if they would put up $1—MILLION in 1—JOB creating enterprise.
19901129             Immigrant Investor Program, also known as EB-5, was set up to lure foreigners by giving them the right to live and work in THE—USA—IF they created jobs.
19901129             —ALLOWED, THE—H 1B visa, companies to hire 1 limited number of temporary foreign labor in specialized occupations.
19901129             Arielle, die Meerjungfrau von der Walt Disney Company wird im deutschsprachigen Raum erstmals aufgeführt.
19901129             Mit der Resolution 678—DROHT der UN—SICHERHEITSRAT dem IRAK militärische Vergeltungsmaßnahmen an, falls KUWAIT —BIS zum 19910115             nicht wieder freigegeben wird.
19901129—19910115    —VOTED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL (Resolution 678), led by THE—USA, 12-to-2 to authorize military action if IRAQ did not withdraw its troops from KUWAIT and release all foreign hostages.
19911129             17—PEOPLE were killed in a 164-vehicle pileup —DURING 1—DUST—STORM on Interstate 5—NEAR—COALINGA—CALIFORNIA Over 250—VEHICLES were involved and over 100 were injured.
19911129             † ACTOR—RALPH—BELLAMY, —87—JAHRE—ALT in Santa MONICA—CALIFORNIA.
19921129             1—REFUGEE—CENTER in WEST—GERMANY was firebombed as violence against foreigners continued, despite 1—POLICE—CRACKDOWN on NEO—NAZIS.
19921129             JEAN—ALEXANDRE—EUGENE—DIEUDONNE is known for research in abstract algebra and functional analysis, and for close involvement with THE—NICOLAS—BOURBAKI pseudonymous group and as 1—HISTORIAN—OF—MATHEMATICS, particularly in the fields of functional analysis and algebraic topology.
19921129—20000000    —IN, his firm was acquired by LVMH Moet Hennessy LOUIS—VUITTON.
19931129             (19) Spotlight Newspaper, (6) Thomas,K. Popular Alienation: 1—STEAMSHOVEL—PRESS—READER.
19931129             Kathleen Willey sought assistance from PRESIDENT—CLINTON, who allegedly made 1—SEXUAL—ADVANCE upon her.
19931129             She was requesting 1—JOB due to her husband's financial difficulties.
19931129             —LEARNED, It was —LATER, that her husband committed suicide that same —DAY.
19931129             THE—UK—GOVERNMENT won praise and encouragement in THE—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS as it defended its secret contacts with THE—IRELAND—REPUBLICAN Army.
19941129             —PASSED, THE—USA—HOUSE, 288-146, the revised GENERAL—AGREEMENT on Tariffs and Trade.
19941129             —ATTACKED, Fighter jets, THE—CAPITAL—OF—CHECHNYA and its airport hours —AFTER RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—BORIS—YELTSIN demanded the breakaway republic end its civil war.
19941129             —C600. ANNIVERSARY—OF—ITS founding,cELEBRATED, SEOUL—KOREA.
19941230—19961129    † JOHN—SALVI, suicide COMMITTED, in prison.
19951122—19951129    Feature Story
19951122—19951129    Feature Story Legendary PR figures JOHN—HILL, Ivy Lee and EDWARD—BERNAYS (—NOW revered within the industry as the " FATHER—OF—PUBLIC—RELATIONS ") all worked on PR for tobacco, pioneering techniques that —TODAY remain...
19951129             —DISMISSED, THE—NEW—YORK COURT—OF—APPEALS, BRIAN—CLAIM + declared that RICHARDSON—ASSERTIONS came under free speech protections.
19951129             —PROSECUTED, Although never, over THE—PROMIS allegations,
19951129             —SURVIVED, Brian, only 1—MORE—YEAR—AFTER the libel suit —BEFORE other past shady deals began to catch up with him.
19951129             —OPENED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, a —5—DAY—EUROPEAN trip in LONDON, where he met with PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—MAJOR and addressed THE—UK—PARLIAMENT.
19951129             Das USA—AMERIKANISCHE—MEHRZWECKKAMPFFLUGZEUG F/A-18E/F—SUPER—HORNET, der USA—NAVY, absolviert seinen Erstflug.
19961129             JOHN—C—SALVI—III, serving 1—LIFE—SENTENCE for fatally shooting 2—RECEPTIONISTS at 1—ABORTION—CLINIC, hanged himself in his MASSACHUSETTS prison cell.
19961129             A—UNITED—NATIONS—COURT—SENTENCED—BOSNIAN—SERBIA—ARMY—SOLDIER—DRAZEN Erdemovic to —10—YEARS in prison for his role in the massacre of 1,200 Muslims -- the 1. INTERNATIONAL war crimes sentence —WWII—SINCE.
19961129             1—CANADIAN—LED—INTERNATIONAL force won approval to provide humanitarian aid.
19961129             The force would be based in UGANDA.
19961129             —SIGNED, FRANCE, truckers, agreements to end a —12—DAY—STRIKE.
19961129             —AGREED, The government, to allow early retirement at age 55 with boosts in sick pay.
19961129             1—ISSUE—OF—WORK—HOURS was still pending.
19961129             —CONTINUED, SERBIA, the opposition coalition Zajedno (Together), protests in BELGRADE against Slobodan Milosevic.
19971129             † Coleman Young (b. 19180524             in TUSCALOOSA—ALABAMA- d. 19971129             ), FORMER—MAYOR—OF—DETROIT (19730000—19930000    ).
19971129             WASHINGTON, DC some 28,000 couples, according to the church, gathered at ROBERT—F—KENNEDY stadium for "Blessing 97," 1—MARITAL—RE—DEDICATION in the Unification CHURCH—OF—REVEREND—SUN—MYUNG—MOON and his wife Hak Ja HAN—MOON.
19971129             † It was reported that a 65-foot, 70-ton finback whale on SPAIN—NORTHERN—COAST from ingesting 30—PLASTIC—BAGS, 1—RUBBER glove and several hard plastic objects that formed into 1—BALL and blocked its digestive tract.
19971129             The city's 1. black mayor held office for 1 unprecedented 5—TERMS.
19971129             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—EARTHQUAKE rocked BANGLADESH and EAST—INDIA and that 21—PEOPLE were killed in CHITTAGONG.
19971129             —FROM CHILE it was reported that giant rats, fattened from feeding on droppings of HORMONE—FATTENED poultry, were attacking barnyard animals in the Maipu suburb of SANTIAGO.
19971129             —KILLED, COLUMBIA, at least 15—PEOPLE were, —DURING the night.
19971129             7—PEASANTS were found dead outside THE—TOWN—OF—PITALITO and another 8, including 2—CHILDREN, in 2—ATTACKS in MEDELLIN.
19971129             —INJURED, ISRAEL, dozens were, —AFTER 1—PALESTINE—MARCH in Bethlehem erupted into 1—CLASH with ISRAEL—TROOPS.
19971129             —MARCHED, MEXICO, some 25,000 demonstrators, in MEXICO—CITY to protest crime, violence and police corruption.
19971129             TAIWAN, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) won 12—OF 23—MAYORAL and county seats and for the 1. time received more votes than the Nationalist Party.
19981129             MUSKEGON—MICHIGAN, SETH—STEPHEN—PRIVACKY (19800000             *) shot 1 killed his father (50), mother (49), grandfather (78), brother (19) and brother's girlfriend, —APRIL A. Boss (19).
19981129             —CONFESSED, Privacky, that he committed the murders because his father had threatened to kick him OUT—OF—THE—HOUSE.
19981129             —KILLED, ALGERIA, 7—PEOPLE were, by suspected Muslim militants on THE—EVE—OF—RAMADAN in 4—SEPARATE—ATTACKS in the western mountains.
19981129             CONGO, rebel leaders said ne CEASE—FIRE would take place —UNTIL PRESIDENT—KABILA negotiates directly with them.
19981129             JAKARTA, the opposition Muslim Party began a —4—DAY—RALLY.
19981129             —CENTERED, INDONESIA, a 7.6—EARTHQUAKE was, near Taliabu ISLAND in the Maluku Sea.
19981129             —KILLED, At least 25—PEOPLE were, on Mangole ISLAND and some 89 were injured.
19981129             5—RUSSIA—POLICEMEN were killed in Dagestan by gunmen believed to be from Chechnya.
19981129             —VOTED, THE—SWISS, on whether to legalize drug use.
19981129             —DEFEATED, The proposal was, by a 3—1—MARGIN.
19981129             —IMPOSED, ZIMBABWE, PRESIDENT—MUGABE, a —6-MONTH ban on national strikes and threatened to suspend unions that defy the ban and imprison organizers.
19981129—19990527    —PLEADED, Privacky, no contest to the charges and was sentenced to life in prison.
19981129—20100715    —KILLED, Privacky was shot, —DURING 1 failed prison escape attempt.
19981216             He went hiking the area 19981129             to photograph and write about the Huichol Indians and apparently fell into 1—DEEP ravine.
19990000             [TIMES—OF—INDIA, 19991129             ]
19991129             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, THE—SATELLITE—TELEVISION—HOME—VIEWERS—ACT which allowed satellite companies to compete with cable TV.
19991129             THE—SATELLITE—TELEVISION—HOME—VIEWERS—ACT was part of a $391—BILLION spending bill.
19991129             —GATHERED, SEATTLE, as many as 50,000 protestors, to oppose "the march of corporate globalization".
19991129             —REPORTED, Astronomer, finding 6—PLANETS orbiting sunlike stars as close as 65—LIGHT—YEARS from Earth.
19991129             † GENE—RAYBURN, —81—JAHRE—ALT, game show host, in GLOUCESTER—MASSACHUSETTS.
19991129             —KILLED, KOSOVO, ethnic Albanians, Dragoslav Basic (62) and attacked his wife and MOTHER—IN—LAW —DURING —1—NIGHT—OF festivities celebrating KOSOVO—1. Flag —DAY—SINCE THE—OUSTER—OF—SERBIA—FORCES.
19991129             1—ETHNIC—ALBANIAN, —27—JAHRE—ALT was arrested in Dec. for the murder.
19991129             MALAYSIA, PRIME—MINISTER—MAHATHIR—MOHAMAD and his ruling National Front coalition won over a 2—THIRDS—MAJORITY in PARLIAMENT.
19991129             Wan Azizah Ismail, WIFE—OF—ANWAR—IBRAHIM, led the newly formed National Justice Party (Keadilan) and won her husband's former seat.
19991129             THE—PAN—MALAYSIA—ISLAMIC—PARTY (Pas), whose leaders favor strict Islamic law, won CONTROL—OF—TRENGGANU state and kept CONTROL—OF—KELANTAN state.
19991129             —WORKED, Authorities, with 1—USA—FBI team to unearth as many as 100—BODIES—OF disappeared Mexicans and Americans near CIUDAD—JUAREZ.
19991129             —BELIEVED, Drug traffickers were, responsible.
19991129             9—BODIES were discovered —AFTER—3—WEEKS and initial estimates were deemed in error.
19991129             —FORMED, Protestant and Catholic adversaries, 1—EXTRAORDINARY—NORTHERN—IRELAND government to bring together EVERY—BRANCH—OF opinion within the bitterly divided society.
19991129             —REJECTED, SUDAN, the rebel SUDAN PEOPLE—LIBERATION—ARMY, THE—DJIBOUTI reconciliation between the government and 1 exiled opposition group.
19991129—19991207    —BY, 8—BODIES were recovered.
19991129—20000000    —BELIEVED, Vicente Carillo Fuentes, to be in charge of all drug trafficking in CIUDAD—JUAREZ, was charged with killing 10—PEOPLE in the area.
19991201             (WSJ, 19990716             , p.A1) - (WSJ, 19991129             , p.A1)
1—KOLUMNE—VON—HENRIK—MüLLER202011291110 Wirtschaft
20001129             —ASKED, AL—GORE, THE—FLORIDA—SUPREME—COURT for 1—SPEDUP recount.
20001129             —PREPARED, Gore said in 1—SERIES—OF—TV—INTERVIEWS that he was, to contest THE—FLORIDA presidential vote —UNTIL "the middle of December".
20001129             1—JUDGE ordered all ballots from MIAMI—DADE and Palm Beach counties sent to TALLAHASSEE.
20001129             —PLANNED, FLORIDA legislators, 1—SPECIAL—SESSION to name electors for GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20001129             † LOU—GROZA (76), THE—CLEVELAND—BROWNS'—HALL—OF—FAME kicker and lineman affectionately known as THE—TOE,".
20001129             ALBANIA, police made 1—BRIEF—ARREST—OF—PRESIDENT—SALI—BERISHA THE—DAY—AFTER 1—RIOT in Tropoja where 2—PEOPLE were killed.
20001129             —KILLED, COLOMBIA, gunmen, THE—MAYOR—ELECT—OF—1—TOWN in the Putumayo region.
20011129             —CONTINUED, USA—WARPLANES, to bomb Taliban positions —AROUND KANDAHAR.
20011129             —EXPANDED, THE—SEC investigation of Enron Corp. was, to include the Anderson Accounting firm.
20011129             —SCATTERED, His ashes were, in the Ganges 20011204             .
20011129             —AGREED, INTERNATIONAL representatives of the diamond industry, that all shipments of rough stones must contain certificates of origin.
20011129             1—BOMB—ATTACK in NORTH—ISRAEL and shootings in THE—WEST—BANK left 4—ISRAELIS and 3—PALESTINIANS dead.
20011129             —AGREED, THE—USA—AND—RUSSIA, to overhaul the program —BEFORE the next vote.
20011129—19260000    † * JOHN—KNOWLES, AUTHOR—OF—19590000             —THE novel "1—SEPARATE—PEACE," in FLORIDA at age 75.
20020919             Note: If it steals elections like 1—NAZI + curtails... 20041129             DeLay TRENT—LOTT—LOCK—FAIRCLOTH—ED—MEESE—HOWARD—AHMANSON—RICHARD—DEVOSE, FOUNDER—OF—AMWAY—JERRY... journalism, TV talking heads + OP—ED pundits that preceded the war, they had been
20020919             Flung under the flags of evil - 7. —DAY ADVENTISTS ROLE IN RUANDA
20021129             - (9—QUOTES) 2. - - noname46.html 20020129             Bush asked SENATOR—MAJ.Lead.T.DaschleD personally to limit Sept.".
20021129             ".. Telephone 345888 Fax 344884, 346062 Editor: ANTHONY—MANDUCA ---- JP MORGAN—CHASE—BANK—PRESENTED—ALFA—BANK—WITH—QUALITY—RECOGNITION—AWARD 20021017             Representatives of Alfa Bank + JP MORGAN—CHASE—BANK held 1—MEETING at which Alfa Bank was presented with JP MORGAN—CHASE—QUALITY—RECOGNITION—AWARD.
20021129             CHASE—BANK—PRESENTED—ALFA—BANK—WITH—QUALITY—RECOGNITION—AWARD 20021017             Representatives of Alfa Bank + JP MORGAN
20021129             ".. of the best" banks among all correspondent banks of JP—MORGAN
20021129             CHASE—BANK—THROUGHOUT the world (6,000 banks) in.".
20021129             ".. Commenting on the event, MAXIM—TOPPER said that the award by JP—MORGAN
20021129             CHASE—BANK demonstrates 1—HIGH—DEGREE—OF—APPRECIATION.".
20021129             ".. praise from such 1—AUTHORITATIVE financial institution as JP—MORGAN
20021129             CHASE—BANK—FOR—YEARS to come". —DURING the.". - - - - - ".. —FOR—YEARS to come".
20021129             —DURING the meeting Alfa BANK—AND—JP—MORGAN
20021129             —DISCUSSED, CHASE—BANK, their current relationship and.".
20021129             World BANK—CONFESSES—ITS—SINS, acknowledges, its activity in RUSSIA was useless for the last —DECADE.html ---2001129
20021129             STOP BrIZANTIO —NOW !...... - READ ALL>>>>.
20021129             DISCLAIMER 002—SLAVES—OF—OUR Desires THE—GUARDIAN—OF—LONDON - 20020325             20021129             290303antiwarblogg.html
20021129             which broke in half + sank off THE—COAST—OF—SPAIN
20021129             STOP BrIZANTIO —NOW ! Svetlana Smirnova.
20021129             Media and INTERNATIONAL Public Relations Manager.
20021129             Nataliy Dokuchaeva, Svetlana Smirnova, MAKSIM—TOPPEREULOK—AVTOTOR.
20021129             Assembly production of BMW + KIA.
20021129             109028 MOSCOW, Soliynka 3. - STOP BrIZANTIO —NOW ! : ANTHONY—MANDUCA.
20021129             Representatives. Stop the Bryzantio —NOW!
20021129             against unsafe oil tankers. in the aftermath of the disastrous Prestige spill.
20021129             +then attached 1—BANNER +climbed the ship.
20021129             —WHEN it docked in. authentico.planetaclix.pt More on this.
20021129             Theoretische Modelle des Universums Search on ANY—WORD from the description:
20021129             —12—MONATE lang.
20021129             Daten sammelte,übertrifft die Aufnahmen von "Cobe"deutlich - + ermöglicht es damit den Wissenschaftlern,theoretische Modelle des Universums.
20021129             —DURING the meeting STEVE—WILDER stated that Alfa Bank had been named "1—OF—THE—BEST" banks among all correspondent banks of JP MORGAN—CHASE—BANK... alfatomega.com/noname46.html
20021129             RUSSELL—WILDER — CAROL—WILDERMUTH : ZoomInfo Business People...
20021129             Wilder, Steve, J.P. Morgan & Co. STEVE—WILDER, JPMorgan Treasury Services -
20021129             !! Warnung : Hier wird versucht, Dir ein "U" als ein "X&ldquo... - ".. —FOR—YEARS to come".
20021129             *)A EDUCAÇÃO DOS CÃES...E.DOS DONOS......?.! ------... - - GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH—ISMS—NEED—SORTING!
20021129             Anders als sonst in MENSCHENKÖPFEN—ANTHONY—MANDUCA.
20021129             BUSH SAYINGS—TRUTH—JEDER hat das Recht, sich selbst zu verteidigen
20021129             BERNAYS, EDWARD—L—FREUD—USA—NEPHEW and disciple
20021129             BERNAYS, EDWARD—L—IMPACT—PUBLIC relations in AMERICA-
20021129             Boden für Crash an Wall St. im 4. Quartal bereitet, USA also faktisch...
20021129             CHASE—BANK—FOR—EMEA (EUROPE, MIDDLE—EAST and AFRICA)..".
20021129             CHASE—BANK—FOR—YEARS to come". —DURING the.".
20021129             —PRESENTED, CHASE—BANK held 1—MEETING at which Alfa Bank was, with JP Morgan
20021129             Corporate PR experts see people as "1—HERD waiting to be laid" - DISCLAIMER 001. GOETHE, Entgegnung
20021129             —DURING the meeting STEVE—WILDER stated that Alfa Bank had been named "1—OF—THE—BEST" banks among all correspondent banks of JP MORGAN—CHASE—BANK
20021129             FAKE TERROR>>>>>>>>>THE—ROAD—TO >>DICTATORSHIP...
20021129             Imperium AMERICANUM—JESUS&family values
20021129             Kissinger,H.-illegal right —NOW;UNCONSTITUTIONAL—TAKE a little LONGER—MAKSIM—TOPPEREULOK—AVTOTOR.
20021129             Assembly production of BMW + KIA. 109028 MOSCOW, Soliynka 3.
20021129             Morgenstern,Susie geb.1945 Als ich erstmal 16—WAR—NATALIY Dokuchaeva, Svetlana Smirnova ,
20021129             Neue BUSH—DOKTRIN im strengen,objektiven Sinn des Wortes imperialistisch
20021129             New Compelling EVIDENCE—OF—ROSWELL—UFO—CRASH
20021129             POLITPROP: Goebbels' PRINCIPLES—OF—PROPAGANDA
20021129             ROCKEFELLER—RUSSELL—WILDER — CAROL—WILDERMUTH : ZoomInfo Business People...
20021129             SPRÜCHE—SAYINGS—DITADOS - - Search Result for: "Petroleum" - Search for Kissinger,Henry
20021129             Search on ANY—WORD from the description:
20021129             Stadtler, EDUARD—WELTREVOLUTIONSKRIEG, Düsseldorf 19370000             20021129             STEVE—WILDER, MEMBER—OF—THE—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS, JP MORGAN
20021129             Svetlana Smirnova.
20021129             THE—DISSENTING—INTERNET—PROGRESSIVE "LOG—ONS" we visit regularly...
20021129             THE—EUROPEAN—BUSINESS—CLUB—AIMS to improve business conditions and...
20021129             Theoretische Modelle des UNIVERSUMS—USA—NAZI collaboration - 01 - - WHO NEEDS VOTERS ?
20021129             my sub : WORLD—BANK—CONFESSES—ITS—SINS, acknowledges, its activity in RUSSIA was useless for the last —DECADE
20021129             Warum Amerikaner fast alles glauben -D- - WEST—MASSACHUSETTS IMC: newswire/392
20021129             Why Americans WILL—BELIEVE—ALMOST—ANYTHING
20021129             World BANK—CONFESSES—ITS—SINS, acknowledges, against unsafe oil tankers.
20021129             deutlich - + ermöglicht es damit den Wissenschaft lern,
20021129             its activity in RUSSIA was useless for the last —DECADE.
20021129             theoretische Modelle des Universums.
20021129             —12—MONATE lang. ÚLTIMAS NOTÍCIAS
20021129             —ANNOUNCED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE quietly, that FEDERAL—WORKERS would get 1—SMALLER—PAY raise THE—FOLLOWING—MONTH because PRESIDENT—BUSH was freezing PART—OF—THE—INCREASE, citing the fight against terrorism.
20021129             Celebrity publicist Lizzie Grubman left the Suffolk COUNTY—NEW—YORK, jail —AFTER serving —37—DAYS—OF a —60—DAY—SENTENCE for backing her sport utility vehicle into 1—CROWD outside 1—TRENDY—HAMPTONS nightclub and fleeing.
20021129             —REPORTED, It was, that TransOrbital INCORPORATED had signed a $20—MILLION—CONTRACT with Kosmotras, MOSCOW—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—COMPANY, to use decommissioned ballistic missiles for commercial launches to the moon.
20021129             COLOMBIA, THE—AUC, the largest RIGHT—WING paramilitary group, announced that it would begin 1—UNILATERAL—CEASE—FIRE 20021201             .
20021129             —ATTACKED, ISRAEL—TROOPS blew up the homes of 2—PALESTINE—GUNMEN who, 1—OFFICE—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON—LIKUD—PARTY —DURING 1—PRIMARY—VOTE, killing 6—ISRAELIS and wounding more than 20.
20021129             —DEMONSTRATED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, across THE—MIDDLE—EAST in —1—DAY—OF—SOLIDARITY with Palestinians in the annual JERUSALEM —DAY, which marked 19470000             —THE—UN—PARTITION—OF—PALESTINE.
20021129             —URGED, ROMANIA, THE—EU to reject 1—REQUEST by HUNGARY—PRODUCERS for the exclusive right to sell 1—REGIONAL brandy in EU countries under the generic name "palinka".
20021129             —FERMENTED, THE—EAST—EUROPEAN brandy, made from, fruit pears, plums, apricots or grapes, has been produced in the region under different names.
20021129             HUNGARY, and in ROMANIA—NORTH—WEST—REGION—OF—TRANSYLVANIA, it is called "palinka," or "palinca," —WHILE in SOUTH—ROMANIA it is called "tuica," and in MOLDOVA and BULGARIA "rakiya".
20021129             DENIS—SOLOVYOV, 1—RUSSIA—SOLDIER, on patrol along THE—GEORGIA border, opened fire on fellow servicemen killing at least 8—OF—THEM and wounding 3—OTHERS.
20021129             Solovyov was apparently under THE—INFLUENCE—OF—NARCOTICS.
20021129             5—RUSSIA—SERVICEMEN and 1—PARAMILITARY—POLICEMAN serving in Chechnya were killed in clashes with rebels and from mine explosions.
20021129             1—GOLD mining operation owned by 1—CANADA—COMPANY planned to begin constructing a $97—MILLION—MINE—EARLY—NEXT—YEAR on 1—MINING concession in SURINAME—INTERIOR.
20021204             Greenpeace continues to campaign - 20021129             Stop the Bryzantio —NOW!
20030317             Report on FACT—FINDING mission to AFGHANISTAN 1-19971129             ...
20031129             1—CHECHEN leader wanted in RUSSIA on CHARGES—OF—TERRORISM and murder has been granted refugee status in BRITAIN.
20031129             1—UK—JUDGE had rejected 1—RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT—REQUEST to extradite Akhmed Zakayev —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH.
20031129             CHINA said it broke diplomatic relations with KIRIBATI —AFTER the tiny Pacific ISLAND nation opened ties with rival TAIWAN.
20031129             —CRASHED, CENTRAL—CONGO, 1—SOVIET—MADE plane, killing 33, including 13—PEOPLE on the ground.
20031129             IRAQ, USA—SENATORS—HILLARY Rodham Clinton and JACK—REED met with local officials in THE—OIL—RICH—NORTHERN—CITY—OF—KIRKUK.
20031129             —KILLED, Attackers in Mahmudiyah, 7—MEMBERS—OF—1—SPAIN—INTELLIGENCE—TEAM as it returned from 1—MISSION.
20031129             —AMBUSHED, In NORTH—IRAQ gunmen, and murdered 2—JAPAN—DIPLOMATS and their IRAQ—DRIVER.
20031129             1—JAPAN—ROCKET carrying 2—SPY—SATELLITES for monitoring NORTH—KOREA failed to reach orbit and had to be destroyed, space officials said, 1—BLOW to JAPAN—SPACE—PROGRAM.
20031129             —REVERED, Bhaddanta Vinaya (93), 1—OF—MYANMAR—MOST, Buddhist monks and 1—SPIRITUAL—ADVISER to PRO—DEMOCRACY—LEADER—AUNG S—SUU—KYI, †.
20031129             Beyonce Knowles, Bono, PETER—GABRIEL and other musicians from —AROUND the world took to the stage for 1—AIDS—BENEFIT—CONCERT hosted by FORMER—SOUTH—AFRICA—PRESIDENT—NELSON—MANDELA.
20041100             —DETERMINED, They and others were, to overthrow reformed Protestant government +... alfatomega.com/20041129.html
20041128—20041129    alfatomega.com/20041129.html
20041129             WEST—GERMANY, 19850505             ..+ Waffen SS
20041129             Cloak and Dagger: Home Page... PRESIDENT—REAGAN laying 1—WREATH at Kolmeshohe Cemetery, Bitburg, WEST—GERMANY, 19850505             REAGAN—WORSHIPS—THE—WAFFEN—SS.
20041129             But Bush [BGW968] and Republican congressional leaders have wasted no time —SINCE 20041102             —THE election to tighten control and lessen dissent in the party ranks as they maneuvered to press THE—PRESIDENT—AGENDA, leaving SOME—GOP moderates chafing over how they were treated.
20041129             CLICK HERE FOR HOW BUSH [BGW968] STOLE 20041102             —THE—ELECTION !
20041129             But BUSH [BGW968] and Republican congressional leaders have wasted no time —SINCE 20041102             —THE election to tighten control and lessen dissent in the party ranks as they maneuvered to press THE—PRESIDENT—AGENDA,
20041129             Non Profit Organizations /Listing Id: W1745425 - Added On: 20061125             ...
20041129             Publicly available for the 1. time, ever.
20041129             Whatever you think you may know about THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—DOCTOR—MARTIN—LUTHER—KING—JUNIOR you may be surprised to find that you were wrong.
20041129             Meditations: CHILDREN—OF—FIRE
20041129             O'Rourke: Neocongress To 20010911             Widows: Drop Dead!
20041129             Nothing To Fear But SELF—IMPOSED Fear Itself
20041129             To put it mildly, Americans live in a ''CLIMATE—OF—FEAR''.
20041129             In 1—PECULIAR—TWIST, THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD has somehow escaped this fate, at least in comparison to how deeply Americans have settled into this abyss.
20041129             —LIMITED, THE—IRAQ—RESISTANCE will continue on its present course of, engagements with USA—FORCES in as MANY—DIFFERENT—PLACES as possible.
20041129             Nukes, NEO—CONS + the Bush Who Cried Wolf Again
20041129             Somewhere in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, 1—EXILE—GROUP fights to overthrow 1—RUTHLESS—DICTATORSHIP, 1—THAT has long feuded with THE—USA and encouraged terrorists, especially against the Israelis.
20041129             The exiles have also used terror, but are —NOW selling themselves...
20041129             SUPREME—COURT—WILL—HOLD—ZAOUI—BAIL—HEARING 20041209             20041129             THE—SUPREME—COURT has not yet made 1—DECISION on whether MISTER—ZAOUI should —NOW be granted bail or, if not, whether the Mangere Centre is 1—SUITABLE—PLACE to which MISTER—ZAOUI should be transferred.
20041129             —INDICATED, THE—COURT has, that because MISTER—ZAOUI has already...
20041129             —LAUNCHED, THE—GREG—PALAST investigative team has, 2—MAJOR—NEW—INVESTIGATIONS—ON 20040000             —THE vote and on THE—IRAQ war.
20041129             Council for National Policy From Disinfopedia(Redirected from Council on National Policy)
20041129             —FORMED, THE—COUNCIL for National Policy is 1—SECRETIVE forum, 19810000             , for leading USA conservative political leaders, financiers and religous right activist leaders.
20041129             "Educational conferences for national leaders in THE—FIELDS—OF—BUSINESS, government, religion and academia to explore national policy alternatives. Weekly newsletters are distributed to all members to keep them APPRISED—OF—MEMBER—ACTIVITIES and public policy issues. 1—SEMI—ANNUAL journal is produced from membership meeting speeches," it states in its 20020000             Internal Revenue Service (IRS) return)
20041129             —GATHERED, THE—CNP, which meets 3—TIMES —1—YEAR, ahead of 20040000             —THE—REPUBLICAN—NATIONAL—CONVENTION.
20041129             "The real crux of this is that these are the genuine LEADERS—OF—THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY, but they certainly aren't going to be visible on television —NEXT—WEEK," the executive DIRECTOR—OF—AMERICANS—UNITED for SEPARATION—OF—CHURCH and State, BARRY—W—LYNN, told THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES.[2] (
20041129             According to ABC News, "THE—CNP describes itself as 1—COUNTERWEIGHT against liberal DOMINATION—OF—THE—USA—AGENDA".[3]
20041129             "1—HIGHLY secretive... 1—THEOCRATIC—ORGANIZATION -- what they want is basically religious rule" (MARK—CRISPIN—MILLER, 1—PATRIOT—ACT ).
20041129             TABLE—OF—CONTENTS showTocToggle("show","hide") - 1—MEMBERSHIP - 1.1—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS
20041129             "The media should not know —WHEN or where we meet or who takes part in our programs, —BEFORE—OF—AFTER 1—MEETING," THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES reported.[4] [edit]BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS
20041129             Staff MEMBERS—OF—THE—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS are: STEVE—BALDWIN—EXECUTIVE—DIRECTOR (paid $157,391 20020000             —IN) DAVID—FENNER, DIRECTOR—OF—MIS & Programs (paid $89,088 20020000             —IN) JENNIFER—RUTLEDGE—DIRECTOR—OF—FINANCE & Administration (paid $57,504 20020000             —IN) [edit]Other members,
20041129             BOSTON suburb may become 1. USA—CITY to divest from ISRAEL : The measure stems from alleged ISRAEL—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ABUSES and calls on SOMERVILLE—RETIREMENT—BOARD to rid the city's pension fund of $250,000—OF—ISRAEL—BONDS and other investments in USA—COMPANIES that "manufacture military equipment used in ISRAEL—ILLEGAL—MILITARY—OCCUPATION," such as Caterpillar and Boeing.
20041129             —FOILED, COLOMBIA ' attempt on Bush ' : The largest guerrilla group in COLOMBIA ordered 1—ASSASSINATION—ATTEMPT on USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush —DURING 1—RECENT—VISIT there, 1—SENIOR—OFFICIAL says.
20041129             USA—DEFENCE—SALES—BOOM in SOUTH—ASIA : THE—USA—DEFENCE—SALES have shown robust growth in INDIA and PAKISTAN, 2—NUCLEAR armed rivals in SOUTH—ASIA, in the post 20010911             security environment.
20041129             Dollar Declines for 7. —WEEK Against Euro, Sets Record Low : Traders sold dollars on concern foreign investors and central banks may reduce HOLDINGS—OF—USA—ASSETS.
20041129             BANK—OF—ENGLAND—CHIEF—ECONOMIST—CHARLES—BEAN said INTERNATIONAL investors are unlikely to keep buying USA—ASSETS indefinitely, resulting in a ``possibly substantial'' drop in the dollar.
20041129             Dollar slides to a record low:
20041129             CHINA, other foreign banks show SIGNS—OF—DISENCHANTMENT with USA—CURRENCY
20041129             ISRAEL: CORRIDORS—OF—POWER/Up in arms over CIVIL—DEATHS : Human rights groups claim over 1,500 innocent Palestinians have been killed in the past —4—YEARS + that the army must be brought to account.
20041129             CHRIS—FLOYD: What makes these Bush preppy puppies run:
20041129             It's not conservative principles or moral values or national security or world freedom
20041129             "My pastor kept asking us to pray for GEORGE—BUSH "
20041129             3. of HALLIBURTON—MANAGED IRAQ properties 'could not be located' : A 3. or MORE—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—PROPERTY—HALLIBURTON was paid to manage for THE—USA—LED Coalition Provisional Authority in IRAQ could not be located by auditors, investigative reports to Congress show.
20041129             PRO—RUSSIA—EAST—UKRAINE Threatens to Secede if Yushchenko Wins : Deputies from RUSSIAN—SPEAKING EAST—UKRAINE, have threatened to call 1—REFERENDUM on the formation of 1—AUTONOMOUS—REPUBLIC if opposition protestors favoring PRO—WEST—VIKTOR—YUSHCHENKO get their way.
20041129             UKRAINE flirting with 1—CIVIL—WAR : If THE—PRO—RUSSIA—YANUKOVYCH—VICTORY holds, coupled with the recent rigged electoral VICTORY—OF—COMMUNIST—STRONGMAN—ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO in neighbouring BELARUS, THE—2—ELECTIONS will mark 1—MAJOR—MILESTONE in VLADIMIR—PUTIN—APPARENT—STRATEGY to rebuild the old SOVIET—UNION.
20041129             Street PRICE—OF—DRUGS crashes to record low: The figures show widespread falls in the price of heroin, ecstasy, cannabis and cocaine, making hard drugs more affordable than ever —BEFORE to young people.
20041129             UK troops in IRAQ face new court threat : THE—GOVERNMENT has suffered 1—LEGAL—SETBACK—AFTER 1—EUROPEAN court ruling that could see UK—SOLDIERS taken to court over the deaths of IRAQ—CIVILIANS in Basra.
20041129             EQUATORIAL—GUINEA: BRITAIN was told full coup plan : Despite UK s clear obligations under INTERNATIONAL law, JACK—STRAW, who was personally TOLD—OF—THE—PLANS—AT—THE—END—OF—JANUARY, failed to warn the government of EQUATORIAL—GUINEA.
20041129             EVENT—BORDER—SECURITY—WORKSHOP on Risk Analysis, Criminal Intelligence and Investigation.. Consortium Steering COMMITTEE—MEETING—PFP—CONSORTIUM—STUDY—GROUP—MARKETPLACE.
20041129             —WARNED, Beware perils of overreaching, GOP is
20041129             Moving swiftly to consolidate their control over government —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THEIR—BIG—ELECTION triumph, PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] + Republican leaders in Congress are facing 1—DIFFERENT—KIND—OF—THREAT--themselves.
20041129             Political analysts warn that overly aggressive efforts to push 1—CONSERVATIVE—AGENDA could leave Bush [BGW968] and his allies vulnerable to charges of political overreaching + ultimately cause 1—VOTER—BACKLASH.
20041129             So far, no such backlash is in sight.
20041129             The other SIDE—OF—THE—STORY... WAYNE—MADSEN has been answering questions on a
20041129             Democratic Underground forum.
20041129             His SIGN—IN name is "Casolaro" -- cute!
20041129             Mainstream: THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES and NEWSWEEK finally acknowledge (in 1—WEAK, but not timely fashion) that our elections have problems.
20041129             OKLAHOMA no t OK: The opening OF—THIS story says it all:
20041129             Rural OKLAHOMA Voting machines know how to count backwards.
20041129             —PROGRAMMED, That looks like what the secretly, machines did for SENATOR—KERRY [KFJ966] in PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] 's easily won Presidential Election victory in OKLAHOMA.
20041129             All 77—COUNTIES use the Optech Eagle voting machines and TABULATOR—MADE by ES&S, Sen HAGEL—REPUBLICAN company.
20041129             1—READER named Markus expanded on this information.
20041129             —MENTIONED, He draws our attention to the tallies, THE—TULSA—WORLD, then to the "more final" figures published by CNN:
20041129             —JUST look at the very 1. county in THE—TULSA—WORLD—LINK to see 1—EXAMPLE—OF—THE—PROBLEM;
20041129             Kerry [KFJ966] had 3704—VOTES in Adair with 70—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE counted (according to the local paper), but only 2560—VOTES—AFTER they were all counted (according to CNN link).
20041129             Olbermann makes SOME—GOOD—POINTS, but I think MADSEN—PREVIOUS—STORY about IRAN should be placed in context.
20041129             UKRAINE: Opposition will Regierung zum Rücktritt zwingen
20041129             VIDEO—BOTSCHAFT: AL—QAIDA kündigt dauerhaften Kampf gegen USA an
20041129             Kriegsverbrechen: USA—MENSCHENRECHTLER verklagen Rumsfeld in DEUTSCHLAND
20041129             ISRAEL: Scharons Regierung vor dem Bruch
20041129             Freche Kollegen: Chaos Computer Club wurde gehackt
20041129             Anträge zur Ausländerpolitik: ROT—GRÜN und Union wollen ISLAM—UNTERRICHT fördern
20041129             Neuwahlen in UKRAINE: Kutschmas Vorschlag stört Oppositionspläne
20041129             Gesunkene "Prestige": KATASTROPHEN—KAPITÄN darf nach Hause
20041129             Medizingeschichte: Sklaverei am Krankenbett
20041129             Unterstützung für UKRAINE: Sting und Gottschalk machen mit bei KLITSCHKO—KAMPAGNE
20041129             A350-Verkaufsstart: Boeing hält Airbus für nicht konkurrenzfähig
20041129             UKRAINE: Oberstes Gericht enscheidet frühestens —DIENSTAG—UKRAINE: Im Osten wächst der Zorn
20041129             Digitale KINO—REVOLUTION: Bit, Byte, Blockbuster
20041129             EINWOHNER—MELDEDATEN: EU baut europäisches Register auf
20041129             Referendum: Schweizer wollen Stammzellforschung
20041129             —BESTREITET, MADRID—ANSCHLÄGE: Aznar, Irreführung der Bevölkerung
20041129             UKRAINE: EX—PRÄSIDENT—KRAWTSCHUK für Wahlwiederholung
20041129             Neues WALL—STREET—MAGAZIN: Anleitung für Verschwender
20041129             Millionen Haushalte betroffen: Gasversorger berechnen mehr, als sie liefern
20041129             —VERWEIGERT, Ziviler Ungehorsam: Frau, Polizeikontrolle
20041129             Wahlen: Fälschungsvorwürfe auch in RUMÄNIEN
20041129             WASSER—SPRINTER: Das Geheimnis der JESUS—ECHSE
20041129             Naturkatastrophe: Schweres Erdbeben in JAPAN—UK—AFFÄREN—TRUBEL: Sex and the City
20041129             —GESTRANDET, Mysteriöser Massentod: 120—WALE und Delfine an 2—INSELN
20041129             Ultimatum in der UKRAINE: "Die Lage ist im Moment hochexplosiv"
20041129             TERROR—ABWEHR: Bush [BGW968] plant geheime Kommandos mit Elitekämpfern
20041129             —ENTMACHTET, JORDANIEN: KÖNIG, seinen Halbbruder
20041129             —GETESTET, PAKISTAN: Atomwaffenfähige Rakete
20041129             CHILE: Entschädigung für Pinochets Opfer
20041129             NORDIRLAND—KONFLIKT: Bush [BGW968] schaltet sich ein
20041129             Wahlen in RUMÄNIEN: Postkommunisten liegen vorn
20041129             Oberstes Gericht berät über Wahlergebnis
20041129             —HEUTE berät das Oberste Gericht der UKRAINE über die Vorwürfe der Wahlfälschung.
20041129             UKRAINE: Osten droht mit Abspaltung
20041129             Politicos approve bill they haven't read;
20041129             goodbye, taxpayer privacy? Read the full Politech article here:
20041129             RISKS—OF—POLITICIANS choosing what science is "best" to fund Read the full Politech article here
20041129             Tired in BAGHDAD...
20041129             The situation in Falloojeh is worse than anyone can possibly describe.
20041129             —TURNED, It has, into 1—OF—THOSE cities you see in your darkest NIGHTMARES—BROKEN streets strewn with corpses, crumbling houses and fallen mosques...
20041129             The worst part is that for the last COUPLE—OF—WEEKS we've been hearing about the use of chemical weapons inside Falloojeh by the Americans.
20041129             —TODAY we heard that the delegation from THE—IRAQ—MINISTRY—OF—HEALTH isn't being allowed into the city, for SOME—REASON.
20041129             I don't know about the chemical weapons.
20041129             It's not that I think THE—USA—MILITARY is above the use of chemical weapons, it's —JUST that I keep wondering if they'd be crazy enough to do it.
20041129             I keep having FLASHBACKS—OF—THAT—VIDEO they showed on tv, the mosque and all the corpses.
20041129             —SHOWED, There was 1—BRIEF—VIDEO that, the same mosque —1—DAY—BEFORE, strewn with many of the same BODIES—BUT SOME—OF—THEM were alive.
20041129             In that video, there's this old man leaning against the wall and there was blood running out of his EYES—ALMOST like he was crying TEARS—OF—BLOOD.
20041129             —BLEED, What 'conventional' weaponry makes the eyes ?
20041129             —RECEIVED, They say that 1—MORGUE in BAGHDAD has, THE—CORPSES—OF—CITIZENS in Falloojeh who have † under seemingly mysterious conditions.
20041129             The wounded in Falloojeh aren't getting treatment and —TODAY we heard about 1—FAMILY with 6—CHILDREN being bombed in the city.
20041129             It's difficult to believe that in this —DAY and age, —WHEN people are blogging, emailing and communicating at THE—SPEED—OF—LIGHT, 1—WHOLE—CITY is being destroyed and genocide is being COMMITTED—AND the whole world is aware and silent.
20041129             Darfur, Americans? Take 1—LOOK at what you've done in Falloojeh.
20041129             The situation in BAGHDAD isn't 1—LOT—BETTER.
20041129             Our telephone has been cut off for THE—LAST—WEEK which has made communication (and blogging) particularly difficult.
20041129             The phone difficulties are quite common all over BAGHDAD.
20041129             It usually happens in 1—AREA—AFTER 1—FRESH bombing.
20041129             We joke amongst ourselves that it's all 1—AGREEMENT with the new MOBILE phone companies, but the truth is that THE—MOBILE—PHONES aren't very much more reliable.
20041129             For the last COUPLE—OF—WEEKS we've been able to receive sms from abroad (which was impossible —BEFORE).
20041129             It's NICE to get 1—MESSAGE—EVERY—ONCE in 1—WHILE from some concerned relative or friend living far away, especially —WHEN the phone starts glowing eerily in the darkened living room.
20041129             We spent THE—LAST—WEEK fixing up the house.
20041129             —AROUND—10—DAYS—AGO, there were 1—SERIES—OF—VERY—LARGE—EXPLOSIONS in our area and the 3. or 4. 1—TOOK out 3—OF—THE—WINDOWS on 1—SIDE—OF—THE—HOUSE.
20041129             —SHATTERED, Riverbend and family spent —2—DAYS gathering, glass and sticking SHEETS—OF—PLASTIC over the gaping squares that were once windows.
20041129             —BOOKED, We sent E. for the window guy but he was, —FOR—3—DAYS.
20041129             Our window man has become 1—VIRTUAL millionaire with 1—AVERAGE—OF about 20—WINDOWS to replace daily.
20041129             The situation is really bad in BAGHDAD.
20041129             —TURNED, MANY—AREAS have, into MINI—WARZONES.
20041129             A'miriyah, A'adhamiyah, Ghazaliyah and HAIFA to name 1—FEW.
20041129             THE—REST—OF—USA —JUST get our usual dose of daily explosions and gun fire.
20041129             Elections are 1—MYSTERY.
20041129             No 1—KNOWS if they'll actually take place and it feels like MANY—PEOPLE don't want to have anything to do with them.
20041129             They aren't going to be legitimate ANY—WAY.
20041129             The only political parties participating in them are the same ones who made up the Governing Council several months AGO—ALLAWI—GROUP, CHALABI—GROUP, SCIRI, Da'awa and SOME—OTHERS.
20041129             —TURNED, Allawi, in spite of all his posturing and posing, has, himself into 1—HATEFUL—FIGURE—AFTER what happened in Falloojeh.
20041129             As long as he is in 1—POSITION—OF—POWER, AMERICA will be occupying IRAQ.
20041129             People realize that —NOW. HE—BUSH—BOY.
20041129             —PROVED, He has, that time and again and people are tired of waiting for something insightful or original to come from his government.
20041129             The weather is cool —NOW.
20041129             You can't leave the house without 1—JACKET.
20041129             BAGHDAD is popular for 1—DRY, windy cold.
20041129             The kind that settles in late, but once it's here, it seems to creep into everything, including one's bones.
20041129             —CHERISHED, The kerosene heater has become my, friend these last COUPLE—OF—WEEKS.
20041129             The days are much shorter and it gets 1—BIT depressing —WHEN the darkness sets IN—ESPECIALLY —WHEN there's no electricity.
20041129             We aren't using the generator as much as —BEFORE because there's still 1—FUEL—SHORTAGE.
20041129             —SETTLED, THERE—1—COLLECTIVE—EXHAUSTION that seems to have, on BAGHDAD... it feels almost like 1—EPIDEMIC sometimes.
20041129             javascript:SquawkBoxCount(110175554175897095) -->
20041129             2 2 2 0 - -=JeW*SCHooL=-... places 1—WREATH upon 1—MEMORIAL honoring GERMANY—SOLDIERS, located within Kolmeshohe Cemetery, where MEMBERS—OF—THE—SKULLS & Bones Nazi SS Waffen SS are buried.
20041129             Bitburg,WEST—GERMANY.
20041129             1—IMPORTANT 'Gathering'. - - - - CLOAK AND DAGGER
20041129             PRESIDENT—REAGAN laying 1—WREATH at Kolmeshohe Cemetery, Bitburg.
20041129             If you. TwinCities IMC: newswire/16998.
20041129             the media of Reagan's planned visit to Bitburg.
20041129             —ASKED, —WHEN, who was buried at Kolmeshohe, Speakes said he... no USA—SERVICEMEN were in the cemetery ;
20041129             in fact..+ Waffen SS
20041129             CAFI NEWSLETTER—MOON, the Church of Scientology, BCCI, the late UK PUBLISHER—ROBERT...
20041129             DeLay TRENT—LOTT—LOCK—FAIRCLOTH—ED—MEESE—HOWARD—AHMANSON—RICHARD—DEVOSE, FOUNDER—OF—AMWAY—JERRY... journalism, TV talking heads + OP—ED pundits that preceded the war, they had been
20041129             Francisco: Institute for THE—STUDY—OF—LABOR and Economic Crisis, published twice...
20041129             Listing for Ahmanson Foundation Ahmanson Foundation -10.87—K ( Ahmanson...
20041129             "Educational conferences for national leaders in THE—FIELDS—OF—BUSINESS,
20041129             "The media should not know —WHEN or where we meet or who takes part in our programs,
20041129             "The real crux of this is that these are the genuine LEADERS—OF—THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY,
20041129             (Redirected from Council on National Policy) - 1—MEMBERSHIP - 1.1—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS
20041129             TABLE—OF—CONTENTS showTocToggle("show","hide")
20041129             1—SEMI—ANNUAL journal is produced from membership meeting speeches," it states in its 20020000             Internal Revenue Service (IRS) return.[1]
20041129             A 3. or MORE—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—PROPERTY—HALLIBURTON was paid to manage for THE—USA—LED Coalition Provisional Authority in IRAQ could not be located by auditors, investigative reports to Congress show.
20041129             Allawi, in spite of all his posturing and posing, AMERICA will be occupying IRAQ.
20041129             People realize that —NOW.
20041129             And —BEFORE 1—DEBUNKER spouts: "But polls prove OKLAHOMA was 1 red state to begin with!:" Padding THE—BUSH [BGW968] vote in 1 red state increased his popular vote "mandate".
20041129             As long as he is in 1—POSITION—OF—POWER,
20041129             Auch —HEUTE—MORGEN gab es wieder Demonstrationen der Oppositionsbewegung für Juschtschenko.
20041129             BANK—OF—ENGLAND—CHIEF—ECONOMIST—CHARLES—BEAN said INTERNATIONAL investors are unlikely to keep buying USA—ASSETS indefinitely,
20041129             BARRY—W—LYNN, told THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES.[2]
20041129             Border Security Workshop on Risk Analysis,
20041129             BOSTON suburb may become 1. USA—CITY to divest from ISRAEL:
20041129             COUNCIL FOR NATIONAL POLICY From Disinfopedia
20041129             Chairman JOHN—SERIBANTE, SECRETARY/Treasurer ROBERT—FISCHER—DIRECTOR,
20041129             CHALABI—GROUP, SCIRI, Da'awa and SOME—OTHERS.
20041129             —FOILED, COLOMBIA ' attempt on Bush ':
20041129             Criminal Intelligence and Investigation..
20041129             Deputies from RUSSIAN—SPEAKING EAST—UKRAINE,
20041129             Despite UK s clear obligations under INTERNATIONAL law,
20041129             DIRECTOR—OF—FINANCE & Administration (paid $57,504
20041129             DIRECTOR—OF—FINANCE & Administration (paid $57,504 20020000             —IN) [edit]
20041129             DIRECTOR—OF—MIS & Programs (paid $89,088
20041129             DIRECTOR—OF—MIS & Programs (paid $89,088 20020000             —IN) JENNIFER—RUTLEDGE
20041129             Dollar Declines for 7. —WEEK Against Euro, Sets Record Low:
20041129             ElectricityHAS BEEN particularly bad.
20041129             EQUATORIAL—GUINEA: BRITAIN was told full coup plan: Executive Director (paid $157,391
20041129             Executive Director (paid $157,391 20020000             —IN) DAVID—FENNER,
20041129             —MENTIONED, He draws our attention to the tallies, THE—TULSA—WORLD, HE—BUSH—BOY.
20041129             Human rights groups claim over 1,500 innocent Palestinians have been killed in the past —4—YEARS + that the army must be brought to account.
20041129             I keep having FLASHBACKS—OF—THAT—VIDEO they showed on tv,
20041129             If THE—PRO—RUSSIA—YANUKOVYCH—VICTORY holds,
20041129             In 1—PECULIAR—TWIST, THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD has somehow escaped this fate,
20041129             In his excellent book, ''THE—NEANDERTHAL—NECKLACE,'' JUAN—LUIS—ARSUAGA,
20041129             ISRAEL: CORRIDORS—OF—POWER/Up in arms over CIVIL—DEATHS:
20041129             —TURNED, It has, into 1—OF—THOSE cities you see in your darkest NIGHTMARES—BROKEN streets strewn with corpses,
20041129             It's difficult to believe that in this —DAY and age,
20041129             It's NICE to get 1—MESSAGE—EVERY—ONCE in 1—WHILE from some concerned relative or friend living far away,
20041129             It's not that I think THE—USA—MILITARY is above the use of chemical weapons,
20041129             JACK—STRAW, who was personally TOLD—OF—THE—PLANS—AT—THE—END—OF ;;01;;,
20041129             KERRY [KFJ966] had 3704—VOTES in Adair with 70—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE counted (according to the local paper),
20041129             KERRY [KFJ966] in PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] 's easily won Presidential Election victory in OKLAHOMA.
20041129             MAINSTREAM: THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES
20041129             MARTIN—LUTHER—KING—JUNIOR you may be surprised to find that you were wrong.
20041129             Moving swiftly to consolidate their control over government —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THEIR—BIG—ELECTION triumph,
20041129             OKLAHOMA no t OK: The opening of this story
20041129             Olbermann versus Madsen: You can read OLBERMANN—BLISTERING riposte to WAYNE—MADSEN—WORK here.
20041129             PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] + Republican leaders in Congress are facing 1—DIFFERENT—KIND—OF—THREAT--themselves.
20041129             PRO—RUSSIA—EAST—UKRAINE Threatens to Secede if Yushchenko Wins: Publicly available for the 1. time,
20041129             Somewhere in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, an exile group fights to overthrow a ruthless dictatorship,
20041129             Street PRICE—OF—DRUGS crashes to record low:
20041129             SUPREME—COURT—WILL—HOLD—ZAOUI—BAIL—HEARING 20041209             20041129             THE—USA—DEFENCE—SALES have shown robust growth in INDIA and PAKISTAN,
20041129             Territorial control over CANADA is PART—OF—WASHINGTON—GEOPOLITICAL and military agenda as formulated
20041129             —PROGRAMMED, That looks like what the secretly, machines did for Sen.
20041129             THE—CNP, which meets 3—TIMES —1—YEAR,
20041129             THE—COUNCIL—FOR NATIONAL POLICY is 1—SECRETIVE forum,
20041129             —SUFFERED, THE—GOVERNMENT has, 1—LEGAL—SETBACK—AFTER 1—EUROPEAN court ruling that could see UK—SOLDIERS taken to court over the deaths of IRAQ—CIVILIANS in Basra.
20041129             THE—SUPREME—COURT has not yet made 1—DECISION on whether MISTER—ZAOUI should —NOW be granted bail or,
20041129             The figures show widespread falls in the price of heroin,
20041129             The kind that settles in late, but once it's here,
20041129             —ORDERED, The largest guerrilla group in COLOMBIA, 1—ASSASSINATION—ATTEMPT on USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W BUSH —DURING 1—RECENT—VISIT there, 1—SENIOR—OFFICIAL says.
20041129             —ALLEGED, The measure stems from, ISRAEL—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ABUSES and calls on SOMERVILLE—RETIREMENT—BOARD to rid the city's pension fund of $250,000—OF—ISRAEL—BONDS and other investments in USA—COMPANIES that "manufacture military equipment used in ISRAEL—ILLEGAL—MILITARY—OCCUPATION," such as Caterpillar and Boeing.
20041129             The only political parties participating in them are the same ones who made up the Governing Council several months AGO—ALLAWI—GROUP,
20041129             The other SIDE—OF—THE—STORY... WAYNE—MADSEN has been answering questions on 1—DEMOCRATIC—UNDERGROUND—FORUM.
20041129             The situation in BAGHDAD isn't 1—LOT—BETTER. The weather is cool —NOW.
20041129             3. of HALLIBURTON—MANAGED IRAQ properties 'could not be located':
20041129             Tired in BAGHDAD... - To put it mildly, Americans live in a ''CLIMATE—OF—FEAR''.
20041129             Traders sold dollars on concern foreign investors and central banks may reduce HOLDINGS—OF—USA—ASSETS.
20041129             UK AFFÄREN—TRUBEL: Sex and the City
20041129             UK troops in IRAQ face new court threat: USA—DEFENCE sales boom in SOUTH—ASIA:
20041129             UKRAINE flirting with 1—CIVIL—WAR:
20041129             UKRAINE: EX—PRÄSIDENT—KRAWTSCHUK für WAHLWIEDERHOLUNG—UKRAINE: Im Osten wächst der Zorn
20041129             UKRAINE: Oberstes Gericht enscheidet frühestens —DIENSTAG
20041129             UKRAINE: Opposition will Regierung zum Rücktritt ZWINGEN—UKRAINE: Osten droht mit Abspaltung
20041129             We joke amongst ourselves that it's all 1—AGREEMENT with the new MOBILE phone companies,
20041129             —DISTRIBUTED, Weekly newsletters are, to all members to keep them APPRISED—OF—MEMBER—ACTIVITIES and public policy issues.
20041129             1—PALEO—ANTHROPOLOGIST and professor at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—MADRID,
20041129             1—WHOLE—CITY is being destroyed and genocide is being COMMITTED—AND the whole world is aware and silent.
20041129             at least in comparison to how deeply Americans have settled into this abyss.
20041129             —BEFORE—OF—AFTER 1—MEETING," THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES reported.[4]
20041129             but only 2560—VOTES —AFTER they were all counted (according to CNN link).
20041129             but the truth is that THE—MOBILE—PHONES aren't very much more reliable.
20041129             but they certainly aren't going to be visible on television —NEXT—WEEK," the executive DIRECTOR—OF—AMERICANS—UNITED for SEPARATION—OF—CHURCH and State,
20041129             coupled with the recent rigged electoral VICTORY—OF—COMMUNIST—STRONGMAN—ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO in neighbouring BELARUS,
20041129             crumbling houses and fallen mosques...
20041129             ecstasy, cannabis and cocaine, making hard drugs more affordable than ever —BEFORE to young people.
20041129             especially —WHEN the phone starts glowing eerily in the darkened living room.
20041129             ever.
20041129             Whatever you think you may know about THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—DR.
20041129             failed to warn the government of EQUATORIAL—GUINEA.
20041129             financiers and religous right activist leaders.
20041129             gathered AHEAD—OF—20040000             —THE—REPUBLICAN—NATIONAL—CONVENTION.
20041129             government, religion and academia to explore national policy alternatives.
20041129             has turned himself into 1—HATEFUL—FIGURE—AFTER what happened in Falloojeh.
20041129             have threatened to call 1—REFERENDUM on the formation of 1—AUTONOMOUS—REPUBLIC if opposition protestors favoring PRO—WEST—VIKTOR—YUSHCHENKO get their way.
20041129             if not, whether the Mangere Centre is 1—SUITABLE—PLACE to which MISTER—ZAOUI should be transferred.
20041129             including one's bones. it seems to creep into everything,
20041129             it's —JUST that I keep wondering if they'd be crazy enough to do it.
20041129             leaving SOME—GOP moderates chafing over how they were treated.
20041129             1—THAT has long feuded with THE—USA and encouraged terrorists, especially against the Israelis.
20041129             provides 1—CLEAR and cogent DISCUSSION—OF—CONSCIOUSNESS.
20041129             resulting in a ``possibly substantial'' drop in the dollar.
20041129             strewn with many of the same BODIES—BUT SOME—OF—THEM were alive.
20041129             taxpayer privacy? Read the full Politech article here: the mosque and all the corpses.
20041129             —SHOWED, There was 1—BRIEF—VIDEO that, the same mosque —1—DAY—BEFORE,
20041129             THE—2—ELECTIONS will mark 1—MAJOR—MILESTONE in VLADIMIR—PUTIN—APPARENT—STRATEGY to rebuild the old SOVIET—UNION.
20041129             then to the "more final" figures published by CNN:
20041129             2—NUCLEAR armed rivals in SOUTH—ASIA, in the post 20010911             security environment.
20041129             —WHEN people are blogging, emailing and communicating at THE—SPEED—OF—LIGHT,
20041129             — He knows what's going on in TORONTO.
20041129             —POSTED at by DECLAN—MCCULLAGH (Permalink)
20041129             —POSTED at by DECLAN—MCCULLAGH in Politech category "privacy" (Permalink)
20041129             —TROUBLED, JOHN—DREW—BARRYMORE, —72—JAHRE—ALT, the sometimes, heir to 1—ACTING dynasty and absent FATHER—OF—MOVIE—STAR—DREW—BARRYMORE, † in LOS—ANGELES.
20041129             Butteur Metayer, 1—STREET—GANG—LEADER who led the rebellion that forced HAITI—PRESIDENT—JEAN—BERTRAND—ARISTIDE to flee, was arrested in MIAMI.
20041129             1—USA—ARMY—BLACK—HAWK helicopter crashed near Fort HOOD—TEXAS, and 7—SOLDIERS were killed.
20041129             CONGO said it will send up to 10,000 soldiers to its EAST—PROVINCE—OF—NORTH—KIVU to prevent rebels and RWANDA—FORCES from launching cross border attacks.
20041129             —ATTACKED, RWANDA—TROOPS, 1—TOWN in EAST—CONGO.
20041129             THE—NEXT—DAY 1—CONGO—COMMANDER said at least 19—CIVILIANS were killed.
20041129             —SMOKED, More than 12—PEOPLE hunting rabbits being, out of 1—HONDURAS—SUGARCANE field were engulfed by THE—FAST—MOVING flames.
20041129             † 11—CHILDREN and 4—ADULTS.
20041129             —EXPLODED, WEST—IRAQ, 1—CAR—BOMB, at 1—POLICE—CHECKPOINT, killing 7—GOVERNMENT—SECURITY—FORCE—MEMBERS and injuring 9.
20041129             —OPENED, The annual ASEAN summit, in VIENTIANE—LAOS.
20041129             —SIGNED, SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—NATIONS and CHINA, 1—ACCORD to create the world's biggest free trade area by removing tariffs for their 2—BILLION people by —DECADE—END.
20041129             —DECLARED, THE—SUDAN—GOVERNMENT, the representatives of 2—UK—HUMANITARIAN—ORGANIZATIONS persona NON—GRATA and gave them —48—HOURS to leave the country.
20041129             —PREDICTED, Chuck Missler, 1—IDAHO radio host who has, 1—IMMINENT—INVASION—OF... major USA—MEDIA—ONLY wanted SOME—VIDEO—OF—TROOPS on the move -- "soft"... alfatomega.com/20041129.html
20041129             - ISBN 0-688-10927-6 ... are fighting in the ranks of THE—KLA—NLA terrorists in their assaults into MACEDONIA... alfatomega.com/20041129.html
20041129             —THE—1.—REUNION took place —ON—MONDAY and nearly 100—PEOPLE joined PETER—CHADLINGTON at 1—PARTY in THE—CITY—OF—LONDON to meet up with old...
20041129             SUPREME—COURT—WILL—HOLD—ZAOUI—BAIL—HEARING 20041209             20041129             SUPREME—COURT—WILL—HOLD—ZAOUI—BAIL—HEARING 20041209             20041129             THE—SUPREME—COURT has not yet made 1—DECISION on whether MISTER—ZAOUI should —NOW be granted bail or, if not, whether the Mangere Centre is 1—SUITABLE—PLACE to which MISTER—ZAOUI should be transferred.
20041129—19780000    —IN, THE—HOLOCAUST: 1—RESROUCE for Teachers of Writings ONTHEWALL.
20041129—19850000    —IN, THE—PRESIDENT—COMMISSION on the Holocaust by PRESIDENT—CARTER + PRESIDENT—REAGAN—VISIT to the Kolmeshohe military cemetery at Bitburg..+ Waffen SS /
20041129—19850000    —SPRING—OF, Grove Playhouse, THE—GATHERING is set in THE—AT—THE—TIME—OF—PRESIDENT—REAGAN—WIDELY decried visit to the Kolmeshohe Cemetery in Bitburg...+ Waffen SS
20041129—20020400    —IN, Territorial control over CANADA is PART—OF—WASHINGTON—GEOPOLITICAL and military agenda as formulated by Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD.
20041129—20041203    —HOSTED, KENYA, 1—CONFERENCE on landmines in NAIROBI.
20041129—20041203    1 estimated 40—PEOPLE per —DAY were killed by landmines.
20041129—20041203    144—COUNTRIES had signed 19970000             —THE—OTTAWA treaty banning landmines, but CHINA, RUSSIA, PAKISTAN, INDIA and THE—USA—STILL refused to sign.
20041221             —ALARMED, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—NEW—MESSAGE: : Scheuer says he was particularly, by the video of AL—ZAWAHIRI, aired 20041129             on the Arabic TV network AL—JAZEERA,
20041221             aired 20041129             on the Arabic TV network AL—JAZEERA,
20041229             Report on FACT—FINDING mission to AFGHANISTAN 1-19971129             ... 5. Penalties for women 6. POSITION—OF—WOMEN in Hazarajat F. Religious matters 8.AFGHANISTAN—REFUGEES in neighbouring countries A. IRAN : increase/decrease?
20050223             14. 20000800             Union card for green card: The radical... but unlike EX—TROTSKYITES turned NEO—CONSERVATIVES, his authorized biography makes no... methods: Card check + neutrality agreements by ERIC—HEUBECK (20051129             .----..
20050401             of problems reported in the media about 20040000             —THE general election... 20041129             , Canvass anomalies, OH, Sufficient problems have surfaced in OHIO that...
20050615             RGJ_COM—CIA—OFFICER is 1. USA combat casualty - 20011129             ... LEONARD—TAYLOR, 44, RESTON—VIRGINIA, technical group manager, XonTech INCORPORATED...
20051024             —DISPUTED, The actual date of the escape remains : SOME—SOURCES—STATE 20011129             , —WHILE the most recent NYT account gives the date of 20051219             .
20051024             SOME—SOURCES state 20011129             ,
20051029             $52—MILLION to Hammer/ Carlyle 101—MARKET LP, in care of Hammer Development... 15 and 1 in S—MARCOS on.20051129             .----
20051029             15 and 1 in S—MARCOS on.20051129             .
20051100             Bootsunglück : 6—FLÜCHTLINGE ertrinken vor den Kanaren... alfatomega.com/20051129.html
20051111             1—ITALY—NEWSPAPER reported that 1—LONG—AWAITED—VATICAN document, to be released 20051129             , says practicing gays, those with "deeply rooted" homosexual tendencies or those who support gay culture cannot be admitted to the priesthood.
20051113             Tue, 20051108             20051113             Tue, 20051108             200511130000 | Tue, 20051108             20051129             —ARRESTED, She was, soon —AFTER her 20051108             wedding to the boy whose child she carried.
20051113             Tue, 20051108             20051129             —ARRESTED, She was, soon —AFTER her 20051108             wedding to the boy whose child she carried.
20051125—20051129    alfatomega.com/20051129.html
20051127             51, was driving on MIAMI Road —WHEN 1—CAR swerved in front of his BMW + slammed on brakes.
20051129             Knuckling under Perceived authority carries much power, studies show Psychological experts say it is human nature to obey orders, no matter how evil they might SEEM—AS was illustrated in 1—OF—THE—MOST famous and frightening human experiments of the 19010101—20001231.
20051129             no matter how evil they might SEEM—AS was illustrated in 1—OF—THE—MOST famous and frightening human experiments of the 19010101—20001231.
20051129             —ARRESTED, She was, soon —AFTER her 20051108             wedding to the boy whose child she carried.
20051129             —ARRESTED, She was, soon —AFTER her
20051129             KUNGFU—AGENT for Interpol comes clean on his career as 1—ASSASSIN.
20051129             Mystery Saxon whip goes on display in LONDON
20051129             1—SMALL leather whip found in a 1,—000—YEAR—OLD—RUBBISH dump may be evidence of the brutal TREATMENT—OF—SLAVES in Saxon LONDON.
20051129             Bowie brings magic to new film role
20051129             —LANDED, Rock idol DAVID—BOWIE has, 1—NEW—MOVIE—ROLE, playing the inventor and electrical genius Nikola Tesla.
20051129             Thousands still missing in Hurricane KATRINA—HARDEST—HIT areas
20051129             —DISPLACED, The whereabouts of 6,644—PEOPLE, by Hurricane Katrina have not been determined,
20051129             raising the prospect that the death toll could be higher than the 1,306 recorded so far in LOUISIANA and MISSISSIPPI, according to 2—GROUPS working with THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT to account for storm victims.
20051129             Top terrorist 'may be master hypnotist'
20051129             —WANTED, Amid fears that INDONESIA—MOST, terrorist will strike again, SOME—POLICE have 1—NEW—THEORY: Noordin Top is using hypnotism to elude capture and recruit more suicide bombers.
20051129             —NAMED, INDONESIA—TOP—TERRORIST is, Noordin Top ?
20051129             Sounds like the Silver SURFER—BROTHER or 1—SMALL—VILLAGE in ENGLAND.
20051129             CHINA—FORTUNE telling may be 4,—500—YEARS—OLD
20051129             New evidence suggests fortune telling has 1—HISTORY—OF at least 4,—500—YEARS in CHINA, state media reported —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20051129             —ARRIVED, Archaeologists, at this conclusion —AFTER they unearthed 1—JADE tortoise and 1—OBLONG jade article in 1—ANCIENT tomb in Lingjiatan village, EAST—CHINA—ANHUI province.
20051129             —FOLLOWED, Seeking to understand why so MANY—GERMANS, orders —DURING the Holocaust,
20051129             Project Paperclip: Dark SIDE—OF—THE—MOON.
20051129             —60—YEARS—AGO THE—USA—HIRED—NAZI scientists to lead pioneering projects, such as the race to conquer space.
20051129             —PROVIDED, These men, THE—USA—WITH—CUTTING—EDGE—TECHNOLOGY which still leads the way —TODAY, but at 1—COST.
20051129             STONEHENGE—PURPOSE still 1—MATTER—OF—DEBATE
20051129             For more than 1,—500—YEARS, countless Neolithic and Bronze Age peoples labored to build the mysterious stone structure known as Stonehenge.
20051129             Why?
20051129             What was its purpose? Legend once tied the structure to the Druids, but it was built far —EARLIER than their era and there is no evidence they took ANY—INTEREST in it at all.
20051129             The mysterious death this —SUMMER—OF—1—MILITARY—ETHICIST in IRAQ, though ruled 1—SUICIDE, is attracting further investigation.
20051129             1—STORY in THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES posits that COLONEL—TED—WESTHUSING, 1—OF—THE—ARMY—LEADING SCHOLARS—OF—MILITARY ethics, may have been THE—VICTIM—OF—FOUL play, as he was getting close to uncovering corruption and human rights violations by USA contracting companies in BAGHDAD.
20051129             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Kirche: Vatikan, Schwulenerlass
20051129             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Arbeiterstadt ohne Arbeit"
20051129             Webervogel: Angst vor Kuckuckskindern macht Eier bunt
20051129             Tropensturm "Delta": Weiterer Toter auf den Kanaren
20051129             KANADA: Liberale Regierung stürzt durch Misstrauensvotum
20051129             —ATTACKIERT, WTO—STREIT: EU, BLOCKADE—HALTUNG Frankreichs
20051129             USA—BESUCH: Neue Berichte über CIA—FLÜGE belasten Steinmeiers Reise
20051129             Münsterland: Immer noch 25.000—MENSCHEN ohne Strom
20051129             WEISSRUSSLAND: Lachen, —BIS Lukaschenko endlich stürzt
20051129             USA: Bush kündigt harten Kurs gegen illegale Einwanderer an
20051129             Judge puts off ruling on DeLay dismissal
20051129             BOB—LINKS and Rants: 20051101—20060401—19981101    —ON, Bushby set out on foot from SOUTH—CHILE with the intention of walking back to his home in THE—NORTH—ENGLAND
20051129             1—STORY in THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES posits that Col.
20051129             Bowie brings magic to new film role Rock idol DAVID—BOWIE has landed 1—NEW—MOVIE—ROLE,
20051129             CHINA—FORTUNE telling may be 4,—500—YEARS—OLD—NEW—EVIDENCE suggests fortune telling has 1—HISTORY—OF at least 4,—500—YEARS in CHINA, state media reported —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20051129             IRAQ DEATH UNDER INVESTIGATION The mysterious death this —SUMMER—OF—1—MILITARY—ETHICIST in IRAQ,
20051129             Knuckling under Perceived authority carries much power,
20051129             Mystery Saxon whip goes on display in LONDON 1—SMALL leather whip found in a 1,—000—YEAR—OLD—RUBBISH dump may be evidence of the brutal TREATMENT—OF—SLAVES in Saxon LONDON.
20051129             Noordin Top is using hypnotism to elude capture and recruit more suicide bombers.
20051129             Thousands still missing in Hurricane KATRINA—HARDEST—HIT areas The whereabouts of 6,644—PEOPLE displaced by Hurricane Katrina have not been determined,
20051129             Top terrorist 'may be master hypnotist' Amid fears that INDONESIA—MOST wanted terrorist will strike again, SOME—POLICE have 1—NEW—THEORY:
20051129             What was its purpose? Legend once tied the structure to the Druids,
20051129             according to 2—GROUPS working with THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT to account for storm victims.
20051129             as he was getting close to uncovering corruption and human rights violations by USA contracting companies in BAGHDAD.
20051129             but it was built far —EARLIER than their era and there is no evidence they took ANY—INTEREST in it at all.
20051129             alfatomega.com/20051129.HTML—MAY have been THE—VICTIM—OF—FOUL play,
20051129             playing the inventor and electrical genius Nikola Tesla.
20051129             raising the prospect that the death toll could be higher than the 1,306 recorded so far in LOUISIANA and MISSISSIPPI,
20051129             studies show Psychological experts say it is human nature to obey orders,
20051129             though ruled 1—SUICIDE, is attracting further investigation.
20051129             —REMAINED, Broad areas of the Dakotas, shut down by the Plains' 1. BLIZZARD—OF—THE—SEASON, with highways closed by blowing, drifting snow and THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE without electricity as temperatures hit the low teens.
20051129             —CLOSED, In COLORADO eastbound I-70 was.
20051129             —INDICTED, GAINESVILLE, Ga, Lisa Lynette (37) was, on CHARGES—OF—CHILD—MOLESTATION, statutory rape and enticing 1—CHILD for indecent purposes.
20051129             —GRANTED, VIRGINIA, GOVERNOR—MARK—WARNER, clemency to convicted killer ROBIN—LOVITT, who faced death for 19980000             —THE—KILLING—OF—CLAYTON—DICKS, 1—POOL—HALL—MANAGER in ARLINGTON.
20051129             —STARRED, Actress Wendie JO—SPERBER (47), who, opposite TOM—HANKS on TV's "Bosom Buddies" and who in his words became "1—WALKING inspiration" —AFTER she contracted cancer, † in LOS—ANGELES.
20051129             BANGLADESH, suicide bombers targeting courthouses in 2—CITIES killed at least 8—PEOPLE and injured 66 in what appeared to be the latest attack by militant Muslims intent on imposing harsh Islamic law.
20051129             —APPROVED, FRANCE—LOWER—HOUSE—OF—PARLIAMENT overwhelmingly, 1—TOUGH—NEW—ANTI—TERRORISM—BILL that, among other measures, would increase THE—USE—OF—VIDEO—SURVEILLANCE and allow police more time to question terror suspects.
20051129             —BANNED, IRAQ—INTERIOR—MINISTRY, all NON—IRAQ—ARABS from entering the country —UNTIL further notice as PART—OF—SECURITY—MEASURES for 20051215             —THE general elections.
20051129             AL—JAZEERA broadcast video of 4—WESTERN—PEACE—ACTIVISTS held hostage by 1—PREVIOUSLY unknown group, THE—SWORDS—OF—RIGHTEOUSNESS—BRIGADE.
20051129             † 3—OF—THE—HOSTAGES were —LATER released, but 1—OF—THEM, USA—TOM—FOX, was killed.
20051129             —SHOWED, Photos broadcast, 1—BLINDFOLDED—GERMANY—WOMAN being led away by armed captors in the latest kidnapping of 1—WESTERNER in IRAQ.
20051129             6—IRAN—PILGRIMS, —MEANWHILE, were abducted by gunmen NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20051129             2—USA—SOLDIERS were killed —WHEN their patrol was hit by 1—ROADSIDE bomb NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20051129             JORDAN, more than 370—MEMBERS—OF—THE—CLAN—OF—AL—QAIDA in IRAQ leader ABU—MUSAB—AL—ZARQAWI joined his family in publishing 1—FULL—PAGE—LETTER in JORDAN—NEWSPAPERS disowning him.
20051129             —RULED, MEXICO—SUPREME—COURT, that suspects facing life in prison can be extradited, overturning a —4—YEAR—OLD—BAN that had prevented MANY—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST notorious criminals from being sent to THE—USA.
20051129             CINTRA sold Mexicana airlines and its subsidiary, Click Mexicana, to THE—MEXICO—HOTEL—CHAIN—GRUPO POSADAS for USD$165.5—MILLION.
20051129             1—PANEL in NORTH—OSSETIA investigating —LAST—YEAR—BLOODY—SCHOOL—HOSTAGE—SIEGE in THE—SOUTH—RUSSIA—TOWN—OF—BESLAN blamed the authorities for botching the rescue efforts and urged them to punish the culprits.
20051129             —ACCLAIMED, SOUTH—AFRICA, THE—MOTHER—OF—DEON—VAN—DER—WALT (47), opera singer, found her son in his bedroom with 2—GUNSHOT wounds to his chest.
20051129             She also found her husband with 1—GUNSHOT wound to the temple and 1—GUN by his side.
20051129             —LIVED, The family, on 1—WINE—ESTATE in THE—TOWN—OF—PAARL, —JUST outside CAPE—TOWN.
20051129             1—SUDANESE—DARFUR rebel faction said it attacked 1—TOWN in WEST—DARFUR state, killing 37—SOLDIERS and police, to push for its inclusion in peace talks due to open in THE—NIGERIA—CAPITAL—ABUJA —LATER in the —DAY.
20051129             —PUBLISHED, THE—VATICAN, its LONG—AWAITED document on gays in the clergy, saying men with "DEEP—SEATED" homosexual tendencies should not be ordained but those with a "transitory problem" could be if they had overcome them —FOR—3—YEARS.
20051129             —LINED, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, the streets as THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH ordained 57—NEW—PRIESTS in 1 unprecedented ceremony that added the single largest NUMBER—OF—PRIESTS in VIETNAM at 1—TIME.
20051129             Poppy" BUSH—FRIEND—DON—ARONOW—THE "speedboat KING" who was heavily involved with... In the Aronow case, the shooter was on foot + the... alfatomega.com/20051129.html
20051129             Tallberg, Martin. DON—BOLLES: 1—INVESTIGATION into.
20051129             —LIVED, SOVHISPAN, all SPAIN—STATE—OWNED CARLOS—JONES has, in ARGENTINA... alfatomega.com/20041219.html
20051129             —BY PAUL—BIGIONI—BEFORE THE—RISE—OF—FASCISM, GERMANY and ITALY were, on paper, liberal democracies.
20051129             Fascism did not swoop down on these nations as if from... alfatomega.com/20051129.html
20051129             What they don't see is the economic and political process that leads to the nightmare," PAUL—BIGIONI —RECENTLY wrote.
20051129             Take a walk though AMERICA—RECENT... mediekritik.lege_net/viewtopic.php?p=128
20051129             You can't tell ANY—THING about 1—OUTFIT like that " THE—LONG—GOODBYE
20051129             Double h.t. to Avedon Carol and Bad Attitudes for this article from PAUL—BIGIONI—THE—REAL—THREAT—OF—FASCISM.
20051129             Observing political and economic discourse in... OU—CANT—TELL—ANY—THING—ABOUT—AN—OUTFIT—LIKE—THAT/
20051129             BOB—LINKS and Rants: 20051101—20051201              20051129             CANADA—LAWYER—PAUL—BIGIONI writes in THE—TORONTO—STAR about the scary parallels between GERMANY and ITALY in the
20051129—19770000    —SINCE, OHIO carried out the nation's 999. execution, putting to death 1—MAN who strangled his MOTHER—IN—LAW—WHILE high on cocaine and —LATER killed his —5—YEAR—OLD stepdaughter to cover up the crime.
20051129—20041220    —IN—THE, NORTH—IRELAND, 2—BANK—EMPLOYEES were arrested on SUSPICION—OF—INVOLVEMENT, robbery of their BELFAST bank, raising questions about whether THE—BRITISH—RECORD—THEFT could have been 1—INSIDE job.
20051204             big ADCS pusher: (USA—TODAY, 20051129             )
20061100             GIULIO—ANDREOTTI (1). alfatomega.com/20061129.html
20061100             —BEREITS nach einem halben —JAHR haben wir gemerkt, dass "etwas nicht... alfatomega.com/20061129.html
20061120             "If I—DID—IT," in which Simpson was to have described how he would have killed his EX—WIFE, had been scheduled to air as a 2—PART—INTERVIEW 20061127             and 20061129             on Fox.
20061128—20061129    alfatomega.com/20061129.html
20061128—20061129    TOM—WIELICZKA: IRAQ, VIETNAM, Political Entrance Exams and Political Families Draft 1. -- A BuzzFlash Reader Contribution
20061128—20061129    Is it censorship by intimidation?
20061129             War is 1—RACKET: GEORGE—MONBIOT: Only paranoia can justify the world's 2. biggest military budget:
20061129             It argues that the 20010101—21001231     is 'THE—AGE—OF—THE—FLIMSY' where 'your gadgets will simply break within the —YEAR.' Post AUTHOR—CHRIS—STEVENS talks about how computers are fast enough for the average user + the only way to make consumers upgrade is 'increasingly poor build quality... Engineers have built obsolescence into MASS—PRODUCED technology —SINCE the 1920s.
20061129             —PLANNED, There are 2—KINDS—OF, deterioration in 1—PRODUCT: 1 is technical, the other is stylistic.' The writer compares the build quality of a —20—YEAR—OLD—IBM XT to the modern Motorola Razr phone and concludes that modern gadgets are 'delicate, beautiful supermodels that can't go the distance.'"
20061129             It argues that the 20010101—21001231     is 'THE—AGE—OF—THE—FLIMSY' where 'your gadgets will simply break within the —YEAR.
20061129             "THE—UK—MILITARY—RECENTLY tested 1—REMOTE—CONTROLLED passenger jet over SOUTH—WEST—ENGLAND. Although the pilot was sitting in the back of the aging BAC 1-11, he controlled it entirely using the 'UAV Command and Control Interface (UAVCCI)'. This also allowed him to operate several virtual UAVs in 1 simulated attack scenario. The ultimate goal is for 1—FIGHTER—PILOT to control 1—SWARM—OF—ATTACK—UAVS alongside his own plane. Next 20060301             —TORNADO fighter pilot will do use THE—UAVCCI to fly the unpiloted BAC1-11 as well as several simulated UAVs, all from the cockpit of his own jet".
20061129             —REVISED, USA economic growth, up THE—USA—ECONOMY was stronger than 1. thought in THE—3—MONTHS to 20060930             , revised figures show.
20061129             RATING—UPDATE: NEW—YORK (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Analysten der Citigroup stufen die Aktie der NEW—YORK—TIMES (ISIN US6501111073/WKN 857534) von "hold" auf "sell" zurück.
20061129             (20061128             /ac/a/u) - Hauptversammlung Software AG AM—KONTOGIANNIS Thomas.
20061129             MOSCOW. Svetlana Smirnova.
20061129             Die Folgen von Hirnbildern für Strafrecht und Datenschutz
20061129             "Angesichts der zusehends leistungs- + aussagekräftigeren bildgebenden Verfahren in der Hirnforschung" sagt ULRICH—WEDER, Leitender STAATSANWALT—IM—KANTON—ZÜRICH,
20061129             "ist 1—DISKUSSION über die damit verbundenen STRAF—UND datenschutzrechtlichen Aspekte notwendig".
20061129             TA—SWISS, das Zentrum für TECHNOLOGIEFOLGEN—ABSCHÄTZUNG, organisierte dazu am
20061129             EU—LÄNDER wussten von CIA—FLÜGEN—SFUX DRS -
20061129             In der EU haben VIELE—STAATEN von geheimen CIA—GEFÄNGNISSEN gewusst.
20061129             Sie haben aber auch die Ermittlungen wegen illegalen GEFANGENEN—TRANSPORTEN durch EUROPA behindert.
20061129             Zu diesem Schluss kommt Claudio Fava, der PRÄSIDENT—1—EU—UNTERSUCHUNGSKOMMISSION.
20061129             Diese hat einen Bericht an das europäische Parlament ausgearbeitet und erhebt darin auch Vorwürfe gegen EU—CHEFDIPLOMAT Solana.
20061129             Der Tessiner Ständerat. CIA—AFFÄRE: "Politischer Wille fehlt"
20061129             EUROPARATS—ERMITTLER Dick Marty hat der SCHWEIZ erneut mangelnden politischen Willen bei der Aufklärung der CIA—AFFÄRE vorgeworfen.
20061129             "Die Wahrheit ist: Man will keine Geschichte mit den Amerikanern", sagte Marty gegenüber Radio DRS.
20061129             Marty, der am Dienstagabend in BERN weilte, äusserte sich kurz nach der Veröffentlichung des Berichts von Claudio Fava, Berichterstatter des EU—PARLAMENTS.
20061129             Dieser kam zum Schluss, dass die meisten EU—STAATEN "passiv oder...
20061129             PAKISTAN hat Militärangaben zufolge eine atomwaffentaugliche Rakete getestet.
20061129             Die Rakete vom Typ Shaheen 1—HABE 1—REICHWEITE—VON—700—KILOMETERN, teilte die Armee mit.
20061129             Der Versuch sei erfolgreich verlaufen.
20061129             PAKISTAN und sein Erzfeind, das Nachbarland INDIEN, gelten beide als Atommächte.
20061129             Sie weigern sich, dem Atomwaffensperrvertrag beizutreten.
20061129             Für die Rettung BEZAHLEN—KATASTROPHEN—APARTHEID DROHT—SFUX Naomi Klein -
20061129             Soeben kündigt das Rote Kreuz 1—KATASTROPHENHILFE—PARTNERSCHAFT mit Walmart an.
20061129             Wenn der nächste Hurrikan zuschlägt, werden wir folglich 1—KOPRODUKTION—VON—BIG—AID und Big Box erleben.
20061129             Anscheinend lautet die Lehre aus der jämmerlichen Reaktion der AMERIKANISCHEN—REGIERUNG auf Hurrikan Katrina: Die Geschäftswelt ist besser für Katastrophen gewappnet.
20061129             —VERLÄNGERT, UNO, Truppeneinsatz im IRAK
20061129             Der UNO—SICHERHEITSRAT hat das Mandat für die von den USA geführte multinationale Truppe im IRAK um ein weiteres —JAHR verlängert.
20061129             Alle 15—MITGLIEDSSTAATEN des höchsten UNO—GREMIUMS stimmten der von WASHINGTON eingebrachten Resolution 17230000             zu.
20061129             Damit haben die 160 000—MANN starken Kräfte auch —NACH—DEM
20061129             Big Brother: Watching, Listening And Shouting
20061129             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—BEHAVIOURAL—CONTROL—AGENDA continues as cameras will —NOW record our conversations in the street + determine
20061129             UK Police Adorn Nazi Chic
20061129             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—UNIFORMS begin to befit fascist policies abolishing FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH
20061129             VIDEO: Infowars' KEVIN—SMITH—ON—FOX—NEWS "Mancow" Show
20061129             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—SEGMENT from FOX—NEWS ' pilot "Mancow" show in which Infowars' KEVIN—SMITH—DEBATES 1—GROUND 0—FIREMAN
20061129             MORE SUPPORT FOR REPUBLICAN A.
20061129             3 and 1—HALF—YEARS ago, the Iguana coined the term to explain the irrational ideology of conservatives:
20061129             Typically, it manifests as 1—CHRONIC and irrational desire to have one's taxes cut.
20061129             Other symptoms include 1—TENDENCY to rank others worth strictly on material terms + 1—CRUEL—DESIRE to harm the less fortunate...
20061129             It is also probable that this disorder manifests itself with 1—IRRATIONAL desire to attack other countries who are less fortunate as well.... [*]
20061129             THE—IGUANA was being satirical, but —SINCE then evidence has accrued -
20061129             1, 1—STUDY—OF—HITLER, Mussolini and Reagan found commonly that "conservatism emerges as 1—SET—OF neuroses nourished by aggression,
20061129             dogmatism and 1—INTOLERANCE—OF—AMBIGUITY" [*], another found that "Men whose masculinity is challenged bec... Source:
20061129             Union LEADER—GINGRICH raises alarm at event hono... - BG Union LEADER—GINGRICH raises alarm at event honoring those who stand up for FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH—TUESDAY,
20061129             WASHINGTON—POST equals White...
20061129             —SCREWED, This is 1—UNBELIEVABLE—SEGMENT which shows how, up THE—WASHINGTON—POST is.
20061129             Dana Priest says that THE—WASHINGTON—POST doesn't label the incredible AMOUNT—OF—VIOLENCE in IRAQ a "civil war" because government officials won't.
20061129             —AM I missing something here or are they getting 1—ARMSTRONG—WILLIAMS check or committing "negligent journalism?"
20061129             VIDEO—WMP—VIDEO—QT
20061129             Priest: Well, I think 1—OF—THE—REASONS—THE—PRESIDENT—RESISTS that label is because it equates almost with 1—FAILURE—OF—USA—POLICY.
20061129             I'll say for THE—WASHINGTON—POST, we haven't labeled it 1—CIVIL—WAR + I've asked —AROUND here —TODAY to see why not or what's the thinking on that and really our reporters have not filed that.
20061129             Carter blames ISRAEL for Mide...
20061129             In some of the harshest and 1—SIDED language he has used to date, FORMER—DEMOCRATIC—PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER called Israeli "domination" over Palestinians "atrocious" in 1—INTERVIEW
20061129             —TODAY on ABC's "Good —MORNING AMERICA."... Source: "Water is the new oil: CIBC"
20061129             - BG Capital investment, deregulation, consolidation + privatization of global water assets and services are advancing at 1 unprecedented pace
20061129             Nato Urged To Plan AFGHANISTAN Exit Strategy
20061129             'NATO—FRAGILE—UNITY over AFGHANISTAN has begun to crack ahead of 1—IMPORTANT—SUMMIT—WITH 1—PUBLIC—CALL to discuss 1—EXIT strategy from the Allied forces' bloody confrontation with the Taliban.'
20061129             Andr Flahaut, THE—BELGIUM—DEFENCE—MINISTER, brought anxieties about THE—AFGHANISTAN—MISSION into the open —WHEN he suggested that, at THE—RIGA summit, "we finally reflect on 1—EXIT strategy".
20061129             AMYLOO (as of Mon, FDA fines USA—RED—CROSS $5.7—MILLION—MORE H.
20061129             —FINED, WASHINGTON—THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT has, THE—USA—RED—CROSS $5.7—MILLION for violating BLOOD—SAFETY—LAWS and the terms of a 20030000             consent decree.
20061129             "S—FRANCISCO values".- NICO—MARKOS picks apart the latest RIGHT—WING talking point.
20061129             Net neutrality bill to pass in the 110. Congress? - THINK—PROGRESS Telecom expert ART—BRODSKY warns it's no slam dunk.
20061129             "Stay the course is gone. - JUDD—WE'RE going to try and devise SOME—NEW—STRATEGIES, hopefully with THE—PRESIDENT—CONCURRENCE...Our soldiers, sailors and airmen should not be in there, risking their lives, losing their lives to stop 1—CIVIL—WAR".
20061129             O'REILLY—MISFIRES—IN 'WAR—ON—CHRISTMAS' Attack On Crate & Barrel
20061129             O'Reilly cited 1—RECENT—ARTICLE in which Crate & Barrel spokeswoman Betty Kahn is quoted saying,
20061129             "We would definitely not say Merry Christmas".
20061129             O'Reilly claimed to have "confirmed" the quote was accurate.
20061129             As 1—RESULT, he said he would no longer shop at the store + alleged that THE—6—MUSLIM imams
20061129             removed —LAST—WEEK from 1—USA—AIRWAYS flight "wouldn't get handcuffed in Crate & Barrel if they started chanting and stuff".
20061129             But in 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—THINKPROGRESS, Kahn said her quote was misconstrued.
20061129             Crate & Barrel has no policy encouraging or discouraging store employees from saying "Merry Christmas" or ANY—OTHER greeting.
20061129             Kahn said she was trying to communicate that the store does not actively require employees to say "Merry Christmas".
20061129             —SUPPORTED, KAHN—EXPLANATION is, by the fact that Crate & BARREL—WEBSITE—FEATURES—VARIOUS—CHRISTMAS promotional materials, including a
20061129             special Christmas section (located at CrateandBarrel_com/Christmas), pictured below:
20061129             O'REILLY: Thanks for staying with us. I'm BILL—O'REILLY.
20061129             In the "Impact" segment, most USA—RETAIL—STORES are saying "merry Christmas", as we mentioned, but not Crate & Barrel and Best Buy.
20061129             Incredibly, Crate & Barrel spokesperson Cathy — I'm sorry, Betty Kahn — Betty Kahn told THE—MINNEAPOLIS—STAR—TRIBUNE, quote, "We would definitely not be saying merry Christmas".
20061129             Wow. O'REILLY: All right.
20061129             Crate & Barrel, you know, I don't care about them.
20061129             I got 1—NEAR my house. It's 1—NICE—STORE. But I mean, I'm not into it.
20061129             —CONFIRMED, But the woman comes out + we, this, Betty Kahn, "We're absolutely not going to say merry Christmas".
20061129             It's annoying. Isn't it?
20061129             I mean, I'm not going to go there because it's annoying, for no other reason.
20061129             Betty, you're annoying. Am I overdoing it?
20061129             POWERS: Yeah, I think you are.
20061129             O'REILLY: Yeah, you think so??
20061129             POWERS: It would be impossible to say how much I don't care that they're not saying "merry Christmas".
20061129             O'REILLY: All right, but you don't care?
20061129             POWERS: I don't. I love Christmas.
20061129             O'REILLY: You don't know why other people do?
20061129             POWERS: No, actually, I don't.
20061129             O'REILLY: You don't understand anybody who's annoyed by it?
20061129             POWERS: It has nothing to do with Christianity.
20061129             It has nothing to do with Jesus' birth.
20061129             O'REILLY: True, true. All that's true.
20061129             POWERS: And it's 1—BUSINESS—DECISION.
20061129             If they choose not to say "merry Christmas," well, how does that how I affect how I celebrate Christmas?
20061129             O'REILLY: Because it's —JUST so small. It's so small and dumb.
20061129             POWERS: Maybe they feel like their clientele is so diverse that they would —JUST rather say happy holidays.
20061129             I mean, why can't they —JUST make that decision?
20061129             How would this ruin your —DAY, though?
20061129             O'REILLY: Because you — it doesn't ruin my —DAY.
20061129             It's —JUST 1—OF—THESE little annoying things that I say if you're not going to say "merry Christmas," and it's 1—FEDERAL—HOLIDAY, I'm not going to buy the lamp.
20061129             I mean, I am that small.
20061129             POWERS: I think the other stuff — I agree with that.
20061129             O'REILLY: I am.
20061129             I am that — Michelle, you — you know me.
20061129             You know I am that petty, that if you're going to annoy me like this because I —JUST get annoyed.
20061129             It's 1—FEDERAL—HOLIDAY.
20061129             Say "merry Christmas," say "happy holidays," stand on your head.
20061129             I don't care.
20061129             But to say, "We're absolutely not going to say 'merry Christmas'," I'm not going there then.
20061129             That's how small I am. Am I wrong? MALKIN: Well — well, look.
20061129             —ON my AGGRAVATO—METER, it's a 2. On yours it sounds like it's about a 6 with 10—BEING total EYE—POPPING outrage.
20061129             But so you're not going to buy ANY—CRATES or barrels.
20061129             And you know... - O'REILLY: Right.
20061129             There — I think it's, you know.
20061129             Isn't it dumb? POWERS: That you feel that way, yes.
20061129             O'REILLY: No, isn't to dumb for 1—SPOKESMAN—OF—1—MAJOR — of 1—MAJOR—COMPANY, where 80 25;
20061129             of the country is Christian and 90—CELEBRATES—CHRISTMAS, isn't it dumb, Michelle, to come out and say, "I'm absolutely not going to say that"?
20061129             MALKIN: You know, it probably is.
20061129             O'REILLY: Thank you. POWERS: Michelle is sucking up.
20061129             MALKIN: I am.
20061129             You have to look at the clientele of Crate & Barrel.
20061129             Do you shop there? I don't shop there?
20061129             Who shops there, Kirsten? Come on, you know.
20061129             POWERS: I have SOME—CRATE & Barrel stuff. O'REILLY: Come on.
20061129             Maybe the imams who got thrown off the plane will. MALKIN: Well, there you go.
20061129             O'REILLY: I bet you they wouldn't get handcuffed in Crate & Barrel if they started chanting and stuff.
20061129             POWERS: Probably not.
20061129             HASTINGS won't HEAD—HOUSE intelligence panel. - AMANDA—CQ reports,
20061129             "House SPEAKER—ELECT NANCY Pelosi was to meet with REPRESENTATIVE—ALCEE—L—HASTINGS (D—FL) —LATE—TUESDAY to close the door on his bid to become CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—HOUSE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE,
20061129             1—CONGRESSIONAL aide said.
20061129             But Pelosi, D—CALIFORNIA, has not yet decided who will get the job, according to the aide".
20061129             Rush Limbaugh on THE—MIDDLE—EAST: - Amanda -"LET—JUST have the civil wars and let the crumbs crumble and the cookie crumble where — because I'm fed up with this.
20061129             Fine, —JUST blow the place up.
20061129             —JUST let these natural forces take place over there instead of trying to stop them, instead of trying to use — I —JUST — sometimes natural force is going to happen.
20061129             You're going to have to let it take place".
20061129             Contrary to Previous Reports, Cheney Was 'Basically Summoned' By SAUDI—ARABIA—CROWN—PRINCE
20061129             —TRAVELED, Last weekend, VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY, to SAUDI—ARABIA in 1—VISIT that "was originally portrayed as USA—OUTREACH to its OIL—RICH—ARAB ally".
20061129             Cheney made the trip purportedly to discuss a "range of regional issues," CHENEY—SPOKESWOMAN said.
20061129             —REPORTED, THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS, that Cheney was "seen as 1—USA diplomatic push to stem surging violence in IRAQ".
20061129             But —TODAY—WASHINGTON—POST
20061129             reports that the push for the meeting came from the Saudis, not the other way —AROUND:
20061129             —CONCERNED, SAUDI—ARABIA is so, about the damage that the conflict in IRAQ is doing across the region that it basically summoned VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY for talks over the weekend, according to USA—OFFICIALS and foreign diplomats.
20061129             What does it say about THE—NATURE—OF—USA—SAUDI—ARABIA—RELATIONS—WHEN THE—VICE—PRESIDENT can be "summoned" by THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—CROWN—PRINCE?
20061129             "I appreciate the fact that you got 1—FLAT—TAX,"
20061129             PRESIDENT—BUSH said in 1—BRIEF stopover in ESTONIA.
20061129             —MANAGED, Bush, to tout ESTONIA—FLAT—INCOME—TAX 3—TIMES.
20061129             "I am amazed to be in 1—COUNTRY that has been able to effect 1—FLAT—TAX in such 1—POSITIVE—WAY," he added.
20061129             —YESTERDAY on FOX—HANNITY and Colmes, conservative pundit Dick Morris claimed incoming House Speaker NANCY Pelosi (D—CA) doesn't support REPRESENTATIVE—JANE—HARMAN (D—CA) to be CHAIRWOMAN—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE—BECAUSE—PELOSI "doesn't want 1—FEMALE—COMPETITION. She doesn't want 2—AGGRESSIVE—DEMOCRATIC—WOMEN congressmen in CALIFORNIA".
20061129             —ASKED, —WHEN host ALAN—COLMES, Morris if he was accusing Pelosi of gender discrimination, Morris said that accusing Pelosi of being "jealous of another woman in CALIFORNIA" is "1—FAIR thing".
20061129             Morris made no mention of the multiple substantive disagreements between Pelosi and Harman.
20061129             Instead, Morris was the latest media figure to attribute PELOSI—DIFFERENCES with Harman to purely personal motives.
20061129             —DESCRIBED, WASHINGTON—POST—COLUMNIST—ROBERT—NOVAK —RECENTLY, Harman as Pelosi's "rival diva from CALIFORNIA," + NEW—YORK—TIMES—COLUMNIST—MAUREEN Dowd called the disagreement a "catfight between 2—STRONG—WILLED, expensively dressed Democratic pols oo to CALIFORNIA gazillionaires".
20061129             Digg It! Transcript: MORRIS: LET—UNDERSTAND why Pelosi is pushing HASTINGS.
20061129             It's 1—PAYOFF to the Black Caucus, but it's also because JANE—HARMAN, 1—FELLOW—CALIFORNIA female Democratic congresswoman, is the next in line in seniority + she doesn't want 1—FEMALE—COMPETITION.
20061129             She doesn't want 2—AGGRESSIVE—DEMOCRATIC—WOMEN congressmen in CALIFORNIA, in case she runs for GOVERNOR or something else.
20061129             She doesn't want the competition.
20061129             COLMES: By the way, did you —JUST accuse NANCY Pelosi of gender discrimination?
20061129             MORRIS: No, being jealous of another woman in CALIFORNIA, which I think is 1—FAIR thing.
20061129             COLMES: Isn't that gender discrimination?
20061129             MORRIS: Gender discrimination? I don't know.
20061129             I think that she likes to say she has CALIFORNIA Democratic female politics covered.
20061129             AL—SADR ascendant.
20061129             "In 1—REFLECTION—OF—THE growing new dimension of civil strife, 1—SENIOR—USA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIAL said —YESTERDAY that the militia of radical Shiite leader Moqtada AL—SADR has grown eightfold over the past —YEAR and —NOW fields 40,000 to 60,000—MEN. That makes it more effective than THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—ARMY, the official indicated".
20061129             The official also said "Sadr is so powerful that if provincial elections were held —NOW, he would sweep MOST—OF—THE—SOUTH and also take BAGHDAD".
20061129             Bush Dismisses Significance of Recent Violence In IRAQ: 'We've Been In This Phase For 1—WHILE'
20061129             —ASKED, —YESTERDAY, 1—REPORTER, PRESIDENT—BUSH, "What is the difference between what we're seeing —NOW in IRAQ and civil war?" Bush responded by dismissing THE—SIGNIFICANCE—OF—THE—RASH—OF—VIOLENCE afflicting IRAQ in recent months.
20061129             He told the reporter that "we've been in this phase for 1—WHILE".
20061129             His own administration disagrees.
20061129             new phase - ' and new solutions are urgently needed to stem the violence".
20061129             Q MISTER—PRESIDENT, thank you, sir.
20061129             What is the difference between what we're seeing —NOW in IRAQ and civil war?
20061129             And do you worry that calling it 1—CIVIL—WAR would make it difficult to argue that we're fighting THE—CENTRAL—FRONT—OF—THE—WAR—ON—TERROR there?
20061129             PRESIDENT—BUSH: You know, the plans of MISTER—ZARQAWI was to foment sectarian violence.
20061129             That's what he said he wanted to do.
20061129             —INTENDED, THE—SAMARRA bombing that took place last —WINTER was, to create sectarian violence + it has.
20061129             The recent bombings were to perpetuate the sectarian violence.
20061129             In other words, we've been in this phase for 1—WHILE.
20061129             And the fundamental objective is to work with the Iraqis to create conditions so that the vast MAJORITY—OF—THE—PEOPLE will be able to see that there's 1—PEACEFUL—WAY—FORWARD.
20061129             Ihre Bank ist auch 1—KOHLEMINE—DAS Land in MYANMAR um.
20061129             Obwohl die Opposition. unter Führung von Aung S—SUU—KYI.
20061129             Der moderne Goldabbau hat nichts mehr mit Goldgräberromantik zu tun.
20061129             Umwelt und Entwicklungsfragen
20061129             Der unkontrollierte Goldabbau und das illegale Abernten wildwachsender Arzneipflanzen mit STILL—SCHWEIGENDEM Einverständnis der örtlichen Behörden;
20061129             EU set to give new carbon permits
20061129             THE—EU is to set carbon limits under the next phase of the European Trading Scheme, 1—TOOL to tackle global warming.
20061129             USA—FORCES kill 2—WOMEN in IRAQ USA—FORCES in IRAQ kill 2—WOMEN in 1—AIR—ATTACK on 1—HOUSE in Baquba, —1—DAY—AFTER 5—GIRLS † by tank fire.
20061129             Muggers commit crimes 'for kicks' Street robbers often carry out their crimes for the thrill as much as for the financial gain, 1—REPORT says.
20061129             JAPAN output hits surprise record JAPAN—INDUSTRIAL output hits a record level, as the world's 2.—LARGEST economy continues to recover.
20061129             —EXPLAINED, Arthritis drug dangers, Scientists uncover why SOME—ARTHRITIS drugs such as Vioxx can cause heart attacks and strokes.
20061129             PAPA calls for religious exchange BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA calls for 1—DIALOGUE between Muslims and Christians as he starts a —4—DAY—VISIT to TURKEY.
20061129             EU nations 'knew about CIA jails' MANY—EU countries were aware of secret CIA jails and TRANSFERS—OF—TERROR—SUSPECTS, 1—REPORT by MEPs says.
20061129             Ivorian PRESIDENT hits out at PRIME—MINISTER—IVORY—COAST—PRESIDENT—SACKS—THE—TV—CHIEF and says THE—PM acted seditiously by criticising him publicly.
20061129             ABU—HAMZA loses incitement appeal Radical cleric ABU—HAMZA—AL—MASRI loses his appeal against convictions for incitement to murder and RACE—HATE crimes.
20061129             Surprise fall in USA goods orders 1—SLUMP in demand for CIVIL—AIRCRAFT has triggered 1—SHARP slide in orders for BIG—TICKET—USA—MADE products.
20061129             Lahoud 'to block' LEBANON panel
20061129             LEBANON—SYRIAN—BACKED—PRESIDENT says he will not approve moves by 1—DEPLETED—ANTI—SYRIA—CABINET.
20061129             Rekordwert: Neuwagen haben im Schnitt 126—PS unter der Haube
20061129             Korruptionsaffäre: Siemens droht Millionenstrafe in den USA
20061129             Vergiftungserscheinungen: RUSSISCHER—EX—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT rätselhaft erkrankt
20061129             INTERNET—VORDENKER TIM—O'REILLY: "Wir betreten eine neue Welt"
20061129             SCHWEIß—FORSCHUNG: Das Geheimnis der eigenen Duftnote
20061129             Chaos im IRAK: BUSH—BERATER zweifelt an Malikis FÜHRUNGSSTÄRKE—EVERYTHING about Nanopartikel
20061129             Da er allerdings keinen experimentelle Beweis lieferte, waren damals seine Ideen umstritten.
20061129             Biodiesel at Your Fingertips 1—FREE—MOBILE—PHONE applet neutralizes the excuse of not knowing where to find 1—ALTERNATIVE fueling station.
20061129             AUTOPIA.
20061129             DOJ Investigates NSA Spy Program An internal review probes Justice Department participation in the National Security AGENCY—WARRANTLESS surveillance.
20061129             In 27B Stroke 6.
20061129             —ALLEGED, Court sides with, 'vacation' spammer PRECEDENT—SETTING decision says travel agency that sent repeated CRUISE—VACATION E—MAILS is protected by FEDERAL—CAN—SPAM Act.
20061129             Easy THROW—AWAY Email ADDRESSES—KDAWSON 263 - netbuzz writes,
20061129             "1—FELLOW teaching himself Seam has come up with 1—CLEVER—WEB—APP called —10—MINUTE—MAIL. It gives you 1—VALID E—MAIL address — instantly — for use in registering at Web sites. —10—MINUTES—LATER (more if you ask), it's gone. You can read mail and reply to it from the page where you create THE—THROW—AWAY address. Limited utility, yes, but easy and free".
20061129             Magnetic Storage Using Quantum Vortex CORES—KDAWSON 119 - brian0918 writes,
20061129             "Researchers at THE—MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUTE have discovered 1—NEW, easy way to manipulate THE—STATE—OF—TINY—MAGNETIC—STRUCTURES, called vortex cores, quickly and without loss. From their press release: 'Up —UNTIL—NOW, very strong magnetic fields have been necessary to accomplish this, requiring highly complex technology. The new method might open up new possibilities for magnetic data storage. The directions of the small nanoscopic magnetic needles define 1—DIGITAL—BIT that is extremely stable in the face of frequently unavoidable external factors such as heat or interference from magnetic fields.'" You can read the 1. PARAGRAPH—OF—THE—PAPER at Nature;
20061129             subscribers can read it all.
20061129             4. Circuit COURT—SIDES—WITH 1—SPAMMER
20061129             BOUT—COVERAGE on CNet regarding 1—RULING—1—COUPLE—OF—WEEKS back that allows 1—SPAMMING company to procede with their suit against 1—SPAMFIGHTER.
20061129             —RULED, The 4. Circuit court, that THE—USA—CAN—SPAM Act, much derided here, trumps THE—OKLAHOMA law under which ANTI—SPAM activist MARK—MUMMA sued Omega World Travel for spamming him.
20061129             The ruling allows Omega World TRAVEL—COUNTERSUIT, for defamation, to go forward.
20061129             "'THERE—BEEN 1—LOT—OF—ACTIVITY in the states to pass laws purportedly to protect their citizens' from spam, said ERIC—GOLDMAN, 1—LAW—PROFESSOR at SANTA—CLARA—UNIVERSITY. 'The 4. Circuit may have laid waste to ALL—OF—THOSE efforts.'"
20061129             Best Sitting Posture Is Not Straight Up
20061129             "Researchers at Woodend Hospital in ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND used 1—NEW—FORM—OF—MAGNETIC—RESONANCE imaging to collect images from 22—HEALTHY volunteers, who assumed 3—DIFFERENT sitting positions: slouching posture in which the body is hunched forward, 1—UPRIGHT 90-degree sitting position + 1 relaxed position where the subject reclined backward 135—DEGREES. They concluded that the reclined position is the best + the forward slouch the worst".
20061129             "'We were not created to sit down for long hours, but somehow modern life requires the vast majority of the global population to work in 1 seated position,' DOCTOR—BASHIR said. 'This made our search for the optimal sitting position all the more important.'"
20061129             Newt Gingrich Says Free Speech May Be Forfeit
20061129             At 1—DINNER honoring those who stand up for FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH, FORMER—HOUSE—SPEAKER—NEWT Gingrich issued his opinion that the idea of free speech in THE—USA—NEEDS to be RE—EXAMINED in the interest of fighting terrorism.
20061129             Experts Rate Wikipedia Higher Than NON—EXPERTS
20061129             "1—NEW—WIKIPEDIA study suggests that —WHEN experts and NON—EXPERTS—LOOK to assess Wikipedia for accuracy, THE—NON—EXPERTS are harder on the free encyclopedia than the experts. The researcher had 55—GRADUATE students and research assistants examine 1—WIKIPEDIA article apiece for accuracy, some in fields they were familiar with and SOME—NOT. Those in the expert group ranked their articles as generally credible, higher than those evaluated by THE—NON—EXPERTS. 1—RESEARCHER said 'It may be the case that NON—EXPERTS are more cynical about information outside of their field and the difference comes from 1—NATURAL—REACTION to rate unfamiliar articles as being less credible.'" That's the problem people face —WHEN 'everyone who disagrees with you is 1—MORON'.
20061129             Why Do Gadgets Break?
20061129             "1—POST on the Crave blog at CNET asks: Why are modern consumer electronics so easily broken?
20061129             RIAA Subpoenas NEIGHBOR—SON, Calls His Employer
20061129             "To those who might think that I might be exaggerating —WHEN I describe THE—RIAA—LITIGATION—CAMPAIGN as a 'REIGN—OF—TERROR', how's this 1: in UMG v. Lindor, THE—RIAA not only subpoenaed THE—COMPUTER—OF—MISS—LINDOR—SON, who lives 4—MILES away, but had their lawyer telephone the son's employer. See page 2, footnote 1." From RAY—COMMENTS: "You have 1—MULTI—BILLION dollar cartel suing unemployed people, disabled people, housewives, single mothers, home healthcare aids, all KINDS—OF—PEOPLE who have no resources whatsoever to withstand these litigations. And due to the adversary SYSTEM—OF—JUSTICE THE—RIAA will be successful in rewriting copyright law, if the world at large + the technological community in particular, don't fight back and help these people fighting these fights".
20061129             Politics and '1—INCONVENIENT—TRUTH'
20061129             "The producer of '1—INCONVENIENT—TRUTH' is accusing the National Science Teachers Association of being in the pocket of Big Oil because she can't get preferential treatment for her film.
20061129             The entire situation is turning into a 'if you're not with us, you're against us' yelling match.
20061129             Regardless of the viewpoint, is it even possible that science can remain apolitical?
20061129             Has it ever been?" THE—WASHINGTON—POST makes things out to be less than above BOARD: "In the past —YEAR alone, according to its Web site, Exxon MOBIL—FOUNDATION gave $42—MILLION to key organizations that influence the way children learn about science, from kindergarten —UNTIL they graduate from high school... NSTA—LIST—OF—CORPORATE donors also includes Shell Oil and THE—USA—PETROLEUM Institute (API), which funds NSTA—WEB—SITE on THE—SCIENCE—OF—ENERGY.
20061129             —CALLED, There, students can find 1—SECTION, 'Running on Oil' and read 1—PAGE that touts the industry's environmental track record -- citing improvements mostly attributable to laws that the companies fought tooth and nail, by the way -- but makes only vague references to spills or pollution.
20061129             —DISTRIBUTED, NSTA has, 1—VIDEO produced by API called 'You Can't Be Cool Without Fuel,' 1—SHAMELESS—PITCH for oil dependence".
20061129             NEW—YORK—TIMES "sell" - Das Kursziel reduziere man von 23—USD auf 17—USD.
20061129             3. - - Darviri Christina. 4. and Chliaoutakis Joannes.
20061129             1. 1. DEPARTMENT—OF—SOCIAL—WORK, Technological Educational Institute of Crete.
20061129             The underlying economic RATIONALITY—OF—PREFERENCE and affect DYNAMICS—PASSIVE—VISUAL—EXPOSURE to 1—STIMULUS
20061129             has long been known to modulate preference for the stimulus,
20061129             raising preference —AFTER the 1. several exposures, —AFTER which preference slowly falls.
20061129             Also, more recent work shows that
20061129             actively gazing at 1—STIMULUS—ENHANCES—PREFERENCE—MORE strongly than passive visual exposure +
20061129             —RELATED, Here we show that these +, phenomena are consistent with 1—EXPECTED—UTILITY—MAXIMIZATION—APPROACH,
20061129             Under review.
20061129             Seeing modulates preference consistent with economic expectations - - changizi @ caltech.edu.
20061129             Abstract.
20061129             Passive visual exposure to 1—STIMULUS has long been. known to modulate preference for the stimulus, raising.
20061129             Caltech Press Release, Bare skin, blood and THE—EVOLUTION—OF—PRIMATE colour vision
20061129             *Author for correspondence ( changizi @ caltech.edu).
20061129             We investigate the hypothesis that colour vision. in primates was selected for discriminating the.
20061129             Die Presse_COM—ALLES schneller www.issen Aber MARK—CHANGIZI ( Caltech, PASADENA) bietet eine alternative Erklärung.
20061129             Sie geht davon aus, dass Primaten meist sozial leben und gut daran tun.
20061129             Monkeys In THE—NEWS: OLD—WORLD—PRIMATES Evolved Color Vision To...
20061129             1—THEORETICAL—NEUROBIOLOGIST and postdoctoral researcher at Caltech.
20061129             The spectral sensitivity of the color cones is somewhat odd, Changizi says.
20061129             Monkeys In THE—NEWS:
20061129             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Grenzbraune Ansichten"
20061129             Klage gegen USA—UNI Princeton: Spender wollen 750—MILLIONEN Dollar zurück
20061129             Panzerfisch: Urzeitmonster zerbiss Haie in 2—TEILE—EMM News Explorer PAUL—MARCINKUS.
20061129             Related People.
20061129             JOHN—PAUL—II (1). - - - - - ANGELO—SODANO (1). - - - - - JOAQUIN—NAVARRO—VALLS (1).
20061129             GIULIO—ANDREOTTI (1). - - - - - JOSEPH—RATZINGER (1).
20061129             Vatikan BANK—KAPITALBESCHAFFUNG—GOMOPA: Finanzen, Vorsorge...
20061129             Tatsache ist einmal, daß Marcinkus mit einer gewissen Einfalt gesegnet war... Marcinkus hatte noch nicht mal Ahnung davon, wie die Gelder arbeiteteten +...
20061129             [DB] Re: Opus dei, JPI, finanças, etc
20061129             ASK1—ORG—THEMA: NEO—INQUISITION/Zweischwerter Theorie
20061129             Gingrich raises alarm at event honoring those who stand up for FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH:
20061129             FORMER—SPEAKER—OF—THE—HOUSE—NEWT Gingrich
20061129             —YESTERDAY said the country will be forced to reexamine FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH to meet THE—THREAT—OF—TERRORISM.
20061129             Courtesy of 1—DECISION from the 4. Circuit COURT—OF—APPEALS, USA—CUSTOMS—OFFICIALS can seize and copy the contents of ANY—LAPTOP carried across A—USA—BORDER.
20061129             THERE—NO—ARREST, warrant or probable cause REQUIRED—JUST "gimme".
20061129             Ford Mortgages Assets to Pay for Overhaul:
20061129             For the 1. time in its —103—YEAR—HISTORY, the Ford Motor Company is mortgaging its assets, including factories, equipment, office buildings, patents and trademarks + stakes in subsidiaries like Volvo, in order to raise $18—BILLION to overhaul itself.
20061129             Stockpile in CASE—OF—VENEZUELA vote chaos, USA says : THE—USA warned people to stockpile food, water and medicine in VENEZUELA in case 1—VOTE—ON—SUNDAY sparks public disorder as ANTI—USA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ seeks reelection.
20061129             —CONFIRMED, CORREA—ECUADOR PRESIDENT : RAFAEL—CORREA has been officially declared THE—WINNER—OF—ECUADOR—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION—AFTER polls results showed he had 1—INSURMOUNTABLE—LEAD over rival Alvaro Noboa.
20061129             MEXICO—PROTESTORS in OAXACA call for national strike : Protestors had seized and paralyzed much of THE—OAXACA city, the poor state's capital, —AFTER the original teachers' strike mushroomed into 1—BROAD—PROTEST demanding the resignation of Ruiz.
20061129             Militarizing Immigration For Profit:
20061129             "What do MEXICO—IMMIGRANTS trying to feed their families have to do with terrorism and national security?"
20061129             —ORDERED, ISRAEL: Military probe, 20030000             shooting of American in NABLUS : THE—MILITARY—ADVOCATE—GENERAL, BRIGADIER—GENERAL—AVIHAI—MANDELBLIT, has instructed military police investigators to open 1—PROBE into the question of whether ISRAEL—DEFENSE—FORCE—SOLDIERS—BEAR—CRIMINAL—RESPONSIBILITY in the shooting of a —24—YEAR—OLD—USA—CITIZEN + leftist activist in the Jenin refugee camp 20030400             .
20061129             THE—FRONT—OF—THE—ROOM is where the action is: Democratic lawmakers are spouting their PRO—ISRAEL credentials and their initiatives for health care reform;
20061129             the Jewish donors, who came to WASHINGTON for intimate meetings —JUST like this 1, are eating it up word for word.
20061129             Ties to ISRAEL nothing new for SENATE—NEXT—MAJORITY—LEADER : As 1—YOUNG—LAWYER struggling to make 1—LIVING in LAS—VEGAS, HARRY—REID never failed to buy ISRAEL bonds to benefit the United Jewish Appeal.
20061129             PAPA, Measuring Words, Praises Islam's `Benevolence' : BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA, picking his words carefully on his 1. visit to 1—MUSLIM nation, spoke of the ``great benevolence'' of Islam, 1—SHIFT from a —2—MONTH—OLD—CITATION that said the rival religion was ``evil and inhuman.
20061129             War criminall to advise PAPA:
20061129             Kissinger to Serve As Papal Adviser?: BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA has invited HENRY—KISSINGER, former adviser to RICHARD—NIXON, to be 1—POLITICAL consultant and he accepted.
20061129             "1—FASCINATING, bombshell documentary that should shame Americans, regardless of whether or not ultimate blame finally lies with Kissinger. Should be required viewing for civics classes and WOULD—BE public servants alike".
20061129             PATRICK—COCKBURN : Slaughter in IRAQ soon seems to be PART—OF—NORMAL—LIFE : IRAQ is rending itself apart.
20061129             THE—SIGNS—OF—COLLAPSE are everywhere.
20061129             —TORTURED, In BAGHDAD, the police often pick up more than 100, and mutilated bodies in 1—SINGLE—DAY.
20061129             Government ministries make WAR—ON—EACH—OTHER.
20061129             ITALY completes IRAQ PULL—OUT: ITALY is to complete THE—PULL—OUT of its troops from IRAQ by THE—END—OF—THIS —WEEK, PRIME—MINISTER—ROMANO—PRODI said —MONDAY.
20061129             Nir Rosen: Anatomy of 1—CIVIL—WAR
20061129             Ripping away the veil that hides IRAQ—DESCENT into chaos.
20061129             This is 1 must read
20061129             IRAQ PARLIAMENT bars media as tension mounts : IRAQ—PARLIAMENT will bar the media from future sessions and began —ON—MONDAY by refusing access to reporters and then cutting off television coverage as 1—DEBATE on mounting sectarian violence became heated.
20061129             Senators pledge to end war supplementals : "We've been funding this war dishonestly," wrote SENATOR—CHUCK—HAGEL, R—NEB., in 1—SUNDAY—OP—ED piece.
20061129             Bush says violence in IRAQ not civil war: USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH said —ON—TUESDAY that the resurging violence in IRAQ is not civil war, claiming that AL—QAIDA is to blame for the escalating bloodshed in this WAR—TORN country, reports reaching here said.
20061129             Heather Wokusch: Impeachment Hearings for Bush & Co.?
20061129             How about War Crimes Tribunals: THE—BUSH—DOCTRINE of taking "the battle to the enemy," for example, is 1—DIRECT—REPUDIATION—OF—THE—UNITED—NATIONS Charter, which prohibits the use of INTERNATIONAL force unless in SELF—DEFENSE (—AFTER 1 armed attack across 1—INTERNATIONAL—BORDER) or related to 1—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—DECISION.
20061129             —PLANNED, Bush Plot To Bomb His Arab Ally : PRESIDENT—BUSH, to bomb Arab TV station AL—JAZEERA in friendly QATAR, a "Top Secret" No 10—MEMO reveals.
20061129             The quiet DEATH—OF—MALACHI—RITSCHER :, MALACHI—RITSCHER wrote in 1—SUICIDE—NOTE that his fellow Americans had become "more concerned with sports on television and RING—TONES on cellphones than THE—FUTURE—OF—THE—WORLD".
20061129             IRAQ panel's real agenda: damage control:
20061129             THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP—MAKEUP gives away its true purpos
20061129             THE—NEW—MIDDLE—EAST : Less than —20—YEARS—AFTER THE—END—OF—THE—COLD—WAR -- THE—USA—ERA in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, the 4. in the region's modern history, has ended.
20061129             —RELATED, BRITAIN—LEVEL—OF—DEFENCE spending isn't, to real threats we face, but the needs of our MILITARY—INDUSTRIAL—COMPLEX
20061129             War is 1—RACKET: We'll call Downer as witness: AWB execs: AdvertisementAWB figures implicated in THE—IRAQ wheat scandal have threatened to call Foreign Affairs MINISTER—ALEXANDER—DOWNER as 1—WITNESS if they face trial, with 1—VOWING "my QC will rip him to shreds".
20061129             'We are —JUST watching things get worse
20061129             ': —WHEN BRITAIN and AMERICA WENT into AFGHANISTAN 20010000             , they claimed that THE—LIBERATION—OF—THE—COUNTRY—BURKA—SHROUDED women was 1—OF—THEIR—TOP—PRIORITIES.
20061129             So did they deliver? —5—YEARS on, Natasha Walter visits KABUL—AND is shocked by what she discovers
20061129             UN Report Says AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT—PROTECT Drug Traffickers : AFGHANISTAN—CRIMINAL underworld has compromised key government officials who protect drug traffickers, allowing 1—RECORD opium trade that won't be stamped out for 1—GENERATION to flourish, 1—OMINOUS—NEW UNITED—NATIONS report released —TUESDAY said.
20061129             —AGREED, PALESTINE—FORCE 'to police truce' : ISRAEL has, in principle for 1—JORDAN—BASED security force loyal to MAHMOUD—ABBAS, THE—PALESTINE—PRESIDENT, to deploy in THE—GAZA—STRIP and help police the ceasefire, 1—ISRAEL—DIPLOMATIC—SOURCE has told Reuters news agency.
20061129             —DISCUSSED, PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS—HAD—TALKS with ABDULLAH—II—KING—OF— : They both, THE—ISRAEL—PEACE—INITIATIVE in the region as well as THE—DEVELOPMENT—OF—THE—EVENTS in the autonomy territories and ISRAEL.
20061129             Paying THE—PRICE: Killing THE—CHILDREN—OF—IRAQ - 1—DOCUMENTARY film by JOHN—PILGER
20061129             —ENFORCED, Sanctions, by THE—UN on IRAQ —SINCE the Gulf War have killed more people than THE—2—ATOMIC—BOMBS dropped on JAPAN
20061129             Clueless in AMERICA—FEEDING the Tape WORMS—OF—DESIRE
20061129             —BY CHARLES—SULLIVAN
20061129             There are MILLIONS—OF—AMERICANS who still care about THE—HEALTH—OF—THE—PLANET and THE—RIGHTS—OF—OTHER—PEOPLE + they struggle to be heard above the din of excessive commercialism that overwhelms the senses and causes us to behave like caged rats in 1—LABORATORY.
20061129             The villagers who walk the narrow STREETS—OF—DAECHURI, bowed by lifetimes of carrying heavy burdens and children on their backs, are —NOW carrying burdens placed there by USA—IMPERIAL gluttony + I, as 1—AMERICAN, want to help them carry this burden, as MANY—KIND—PEOPLE—ALL over the world have tried to help me carry mine.
20061129             Effects of ILL—ADVISED CIA plot in IRAN still haunts USA—BY JOHN—M—CRISP—NOW that IRAN looms on our horizon, here's 1—STORY that EVERY—AMERICAN should know.
20061129             It Could Happen Here
20061129             DANIEL—ELLSBERG—WARNING that another 20010911             event "or 1—MAJOR—WAR in THE—MIDDLE—EAST involving A—USA—ATTACK on IRAN...will be 1—EQUIVALENT—OF—1—REICHSTAG fire decree," involving massive detention of both Middle Easterners + CRITICS—OF—THE—POLICY, the latter deemed terrorist sympathizers.
20061129             There is no solution.
20061129             Writer Nir Rosen on IRAQ—DESCENT—INTO—CHAOS
20061129             —DESTROYED, We've, IRAQ and we've destroyed the region + Americans need to know this.
20061129             - There was no civil war in IRAQ —UNTIL we got there.
20061129             And there was no civil war in IRAQ, —UNTIL we took certain steps to pit Sunnis against Shias.
20061129             And —NOW it is —JUST too late.
20061129             But, we need to know we are responsible for what's happening in IRAQ —TODAY.
20061129             This is 1 must watch.
20061129             Video and TRANSCRIPT—BURY my heart in the Green Zone
20061129             Everyone is guilty in the ongoing IRAQ tragedy.
20061129             —INFILTRATED, THE—USA—TRAINED new IRAQ—ARMY is, by militias, by death squads and even by AL—QAEDA in IRAQ.
20061129             —WORRIED, THE—SCIRI, Da'wa and the Kurds are only, about their own interests, not the interests of IRAQ as 1—NATION.
20061129             And THE—USA—ALWAYS hiding under the dubious mantra of "IRAQ—DEMOCRACY" - totally evades its responsibility in provoking the appalling chaos in the 1. place.
20061129             The "GAZA—SOLUTION" and the Ongoing WAR—ON—ISLAM
20061129             KISSINGER—DICTUM reveals the basic racial and religious odium which animates the current policy and has become the organizing principle for maintaining the global empire.
20061129             Do You Want Handguns in National Parks? THE—NRA and GEORGE—ALLEN—DO.
20061129             Keep Our National Parks FREE—OF—GUN—GUYS Packing Heat.
20061129             Add Your Name Here.
20061129             "It's worse than 1—CIVIL—WAR. In 1—CIVIL—WAR, you at least know which factions are fighting EACH—OTHER," lamented 1—SENIOR—MEMBER—OF—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT in 1—INTERVIEW.
20061129             IRAQ lawmakers extend STATE—OF—EMERGENCY.
20061129             Him and MICHAEL—JACKSON—CHENEY is —JUST Evil, Like Rove.
20061129             House SPEAKER—DESIGNATE NANCY Pelosi, D—CALIFORNIA, said —TUESDAY she feels "sad" PRESIDENT—BUSH blamed insurgent violence on al Qaeda —WHILE he dismissed notions IRAQ is in 1—CIVIL—WAR.
20061129             Go, NANCY, Go! 11/29
20061129             OLBERMANN—RATINGS are soaring with his 'gloves off' commentary 11/28
20061129             THE—BUZZFLASH—MAILBAG -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
20061129             Newt Gingrich Tells Journalists That THE—USA—NEEDS to Reduce FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH.
20061129             Bush Continues In His STATE—OF—DELUSION, Claims IRAQ is All PART—OF—1—AL—QAEDA—PLOT.
20061129             AL—QAEDA—HAD—NO—PRESENCE in IRAQ —UNTIL Bush Invaded the Country.
20061129             Is Bush in Cahoots With AL—QAEDA?
20061129             It Gets So Damn Confusing, You Know.
20061129             ANDREAS—GAHLERT, Mitgeschäftsführer der Neuen Digitalen (Umsatz: circa 5—MILLIONEN Euro, 58—BESCHÄFTIGTE), sagt:
20061129             "Integrierte Werbekampagnen sind —HEUTE oft rein digital".
20061129             Darüber hinaus steige die "Akzeptanz der Onlinewerbung".
20061129             —NUN gebe es wissenschaftliche Hinweise darauf, dass sie ihr Kind in die Mikrowelle gesteckt haben könnte, sagte KEN—BETZ vom Rechtsmedizinischen Institut des Bezirks MONTGOMERY.
20061129             Er sprach von einem komplizierten Fall, da es nicht VIELE—UNTERSUCHUNGEN über den Einfluss von Mikrowellen auf menschliche Körper gebe.
20061129             —TRAINIERT, HAMBURG—MILITÄRWISSENSCHAFTLER hätten Bienen so, dass sie Sprengstoffe wie beispielsweise Dynamit aufspüren können, teilte das Nationallabor in Los Alamos auf seiner Internetseite mit.
20061129             KREATIV—INDEX: Deutschlands Reklamemeister
20061129             MANNESMANN—PROZESS: Korruptionsexperte gegen Einstellung des Verfahrens
20061129             —DISKRIMINIERT, Richterspruch: Der Dollar, Blinde
20061129             —FORDERUNGEN, AFGHANISTAN: Europäer wehren, nach weiteren Truppen ab
20061129             "Benutzt... - Playing the al Qaeda CARD—BG —WHEN the situation in IRAQ is deteriorating by the 2. + you refuse to call it what it is (aka 1—CIVIL—WAR), what's 1—DESPERATE—PRESIDENT to do?
20061129             Blame al Qaeda, of course. - Video WMP | Video MOV
20061129             However, as Olbermann and NBC—SENIOR—PENTAGON Correspondent JIM—MIKLASZEWSKI point out, despite THE—PRESIDENT—NEWFOUND excuse that al Qaeda is to blame,
20061129             —TESTIFIED, Generals Caldwell, Abizaid and Mapes
20061129             —JUST—2—WEEKS—AGO that al QAEDA—INFLUENCE in IRAQ is negligible in the grand SCHEME—OF—THINGS.
20061129             Source : Ledeen : Neocon Critics are An...
20061129             - BG It is said KARL—ROVE once told MICHAEL—LEDEEN to fax his "ideas" to him +
20061129             —BACK—IN—HANK—NEW—LADY—BY—RODDY—BOYD—NEW—YORK Post Onli...
20061129             USA—MAN gets $2m for false arrest 1—USA—LAWYER wrongly held over THE—MADRID bombings settles PART—OF—HIS—LAWSUIT against THE—USA—GOVERNMENT for $2m.
20061129             Study: Americans feel strongly about social ties online, too
20061129             Annual report examining THE—WEB—IMPACT on society highlights boom in social activities online.
20061129             RIGHT—WING Attack On Pelosi Over 'Union Hypocrisy' Systematically DEBUNKED—NICO—RIGHT—WING media outlets are engaged in 1—EFFORT to tar House SPEAKER—DESIGNATE NANCY Pelosi (D—CA), who won THE—CESAR—CHAVEZ award from THE—CESAR—E—CHAVEZ—FOUNDATION 20030000             , as ANTI—WORKER.
20061129             —INITIATED, The conservative claim, by Hoover Institution fellow PETER—SCHWEIZER, is that Pelosi and her husband are GUILTY—OF—HYPOCRISY over workers' rights because they own 1—VINEYARD in Napa Valley that is NON—UNION.
20061129             —FILTERED, The claim has, up through the blogs to FOX—NEWS and conservative print outlets like INVESTOR—BUSINESS—DAILY.
20061129             Here are the key facts:
20061129             "THE—PELOSI s pay more than union workers are paid in the same valley —
20061129             that from the pastor at S—HELENA—CATHOLIC—CHURCH, 1—WELL known advocate for farm workers who's involved in labor negotiations with the same labor manager the Pelosi s use.
20061129             Of the more than 300—VINEYARDS, fewer than 4—ARE union + MOST—OF—THE—FARM—WORKERS in the Napa Valley get paid better".
20061129             —PROTESTED, BOARD that, peace wreath resigns.
20061129             "—LAST—WEEK, 1—COUPLE were threatened with fines of $25—1—DAY
20061129             unless they removed a 4—FOOT wreath shaped like 1—PEACE—SYMBOL from the front of their house," THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTS.
20061129             "The fines have been dropped +
20061129             according to 1—E—MAIL message sent to residents —ON—MONDAY".
20061129             Bartlett On Cancelled MALIKI Meeting: 'It Was Going To Be More Of 1—SOCIAL—MEETING—ANYWAY'
20061129             —TODAY—WIDELY anticipated meeting between PRESIDENT—BUSH and IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—MALIKI was abruptly canceled.
20061129             CNN suggests that it "was put off to —THURSDAY—AFTER A—USA—MEMO cast doubt on AL—MALIKI—ABILITY to deal with the sectarian warfare in IRAQ".
20061129             BARTLETT: THE—PRESIDENT is going to have 1—BILATERAL and dinner with THE—KING—OF—JORDAN.
20061129             —SINCE THE—KING—OF—JORDAN—AND—PRIME—MINISTER—MALIKI had 1—BILATERAL themselves, —EARLIER—TODAY, everybody believed that negated the purpose for THE—3—OF—THEM to meet tonight, together, in 1—TRILATERAL setting.
20061129             So the plan, according to — —SINCE they had such 1—GOOD, productive bilateral discussion, was —JUST for THE—PRESIDENT to deal with bilateral issues and other issues with THE—KING this —EVENING in 1—DINNER setting + then the meetings set for tomorrow will still take place as scheduled.
20061129             Is that clear? No? Ok, here's more Bartlett:
20061129             —CHANGED, THE—PRESIDENT, his schedule to come here for this meeting.
20061129             —REQUESTED, BARTLETT: THE—PRESIDENT, the meeting.
20061129             This was THE—PRESIDENT requesting the meeting with THE—PRIME—MINISTER.
20061129             And the substantive meetings on IRAQ — look, they were not going to be doing 1—FULL—DETAIL—DISCUSSION in 1—TRILATERAL setting about IRAQ and the future of IRAQ and the strategy anyway, that —JUST wouldn't be appropriate.
20061129             So it was going to be more of 1—SOCIAL meeting anyways.
20061129             But the fact that they had already had 1—GOOD meeting together, felt like it negated the purpose to doing so.
20061129             And THE—PRESIDENT—AND—PRIME—MINISTER—MALIKI will have 1—VERY robust and lengthy dialogue tomorrow —MORNING.
20061129             So THE—PRESIDENT flew to JORDAN to have a "social meeting" with MALIKI, which MALIKI decided not to attend.
20061129             THERE—NOTHING more to it.
20061129             That should put all the speculation to rest.
20061129             "Atrocities are occurring daily in SUDAN—DARFUR REGION—PAYSON - + rape + pillage directed against civilians are at 'a horrific level,'
20061129             UNITED—NATIONS High Commissioner for Human Rights LOUISE—ARBOUR said —ON—WEDNESDAY".
20061129             "In 1—SEPARATE—NEWS—CONFERENCE, outgoing UNITED—NATIONS emergency relief coordinator JAN—EGELAND said TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE driven from their homes have been dying from hunger + disease
20061129             in 1—CRISIS that was growing worse by the —DAY".
20061129             —POSTPONED, BUSH—MALIKI meeting.
20061129             Regional war? - Nico -"Using money, weapons or its oil power,
20061129             SAUDI—ARABIA will intervene to prevent IRANIAN—BACKED Shi'ite militias from massacring IRAQ—SUNNI Muslims once THE—USA—BEGINS pulling out of IRAQ, 1—SECURITY—ADVISER to THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—GOVERNMENT said —ON—WEDNESDAY".
20061129             MIAMI is "as bad as ANY—GHETTO in any 3. World country,"- AMANDA—SAYS CARLOS—ESPINOSA, spokesman for REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—TANCREDO (R—CO),
20061129             who stands by his —EARLIER comments comparing MIAMI to a "3. World Country".
20061129             —CALLED, FLORIDA GOVERNOR—JEB—BUSH (R), TANCREDO—COMMENTS "disappointing" and "naive".
20061129             Powell: IRAQ Is In 1—CIVIL—WAR—AND—BUSH—SHOULD—STOP—DENYING—IT
20061129             Speaking with CNN reporter Hala Gorani in DUBAI —TODAY, FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—COLIN—POWELL said IRAQ—VIOLENCE—MEETS the standard of 1—CIVIL—WAR +
20061129             thinks PRESIDENT—BUSH—NEEDS to acknowledge that.
20061129             According to GORANI—REPORT, Powell said if he were heading THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—RIGHT—NOW, he would recommend that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION adopt that language
20061129             "in order to come to terms with the reality on the ground".
20061129             Bush _Should_Stop_Denying_That_There_Is_A_Civil_War_In_Iraq_Video">Digg It!
20061129             GORANI: Well, within THE—CONTEXT—OF—THE—LEADERS—CONFERENCE in DUBAI + also within the context of this debate,
20061129             this semantics debate,
20061129             over whether to call what is going on on in IRAQ 1—CIVIL—WAR,
20061129             —ADDED, THE—FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—COLIN—POWELL says he thinks we can call it 1—CIVIL—WAR +, if he were still heading THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT,
20061129             he probably would recommend to THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION that those terms should be used in order to come to terms with the reality on the ground.
20061129             I'm paraphrasing what he told me.
20061129             —CLOSED, This was, to cameras + this was something he said within the context of this academic debate with 2 or 3,000—PEOPLE watching on in the region.
20061129             Powerful AL—SADR bloc quits IRAQ government.
20061129             "1—BLOC—OF—IRAQ—LAWMAKERS allied with militia leader Moqtada AL—SADR announced —WEDNESDAY that they were suspending their involvement in the government
20061129             Administration Plans To 'Let Her Rip' In Gigantic New Emergency Spending BILL—FOR—IRAQ
20061129             For several years, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has been circumventing the traditional budget process by requesting emergency spending bill to cover the costs of IRAQ + AFGHANISTAN.
20061129             (So far,more that $300—BILLION has been spent on IRAQ alone.)
20061129             —AFTER inheriting record surpluses,
20061129             —ASKED, At 1—RECENT—PRIVATE—RECEPTION, PRESIDENT—BUSH, Sen.-elect JIM—WEBB (D—VA), "HOW—YOUR boy?" referring to WEBB—SON—JIMMY, who is serving in IRAQ.
20061129             —ANSWERED, Webb, " I'd like to get them out of IRAQ, MISTER—PRESIDENT," to which Bush responded, "That's not what I asked you".
20061129             Webb "coldly" shot back, "
20061129             That's between me and my boy, MISTER—PRESIDENT". Webb —LATER confessed that he was "tempted to slug" Bush.
20061129             "A - 1—NEW classified memo authored by National Security Adviser STEPHEN—HADLEY expresses "
20061129             serious doubts - " about whether IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—AL—MALIKI has "the capacity to control the sectarian violence in IRAQ".
20061129             —LEVELED, Among the criticisms of AL—MALIKI is 1—OFTEN, at Bush : that he is surrounded by a "narrow circle" of advisers who "may skew the information he receives".
20061129             —ANNOUNCED, NEW—YORK—TIMES—EXECUTIVE—EDITOR—BILL—KELLER, in 1—STATEMENT—YESTERDAY that "Times correspondents may describe the conflict in IRAQ as 1—CIVIL—WAR—WHEN they and their editors believe it is appropriate".
20061129             —ADDED, Keller, "We expect TO—USE the phrase sparingly and carefully,
20061129             not to THE—EXCLUSION—OF—OTHER—FORMULATIONS, not for dramatic effect".
20061129             FORMER—HOUSE—SPEAKER—NEWT Gingrich (R—GA) said —YESTERDAY "that unless THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION admits that the war in IRAQ is a 'failure,' it will
20061129             never develop 1—STRATEGY to leave the country successfully.
20061129             "About $2—BILLION WORTH—OF—ARMY and Marine Corps EQUIPMENT—FROM rifles to TANKS—IS wearing out or being destroyed EVERY—MONTH in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN," USA—TODAY—REPORTS.
20061129             "THE—WEAR and tear may lead to future equipment SHORTAGES—AND cutbacks in more advanced weapons".
20061129             —VOTED, IRAQ—PARLIAMENT—YESTERDAY, to keep the country under 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY for 30—MORE—DAYS.
20061129             ' as 1—RESULT—OF—THE—CAR—BOMBINGS that killed more than 200—PEOPLE in Sadr City, 1—SHIITE DISTRICT—IN—NORTH—EAST—BAGHDAD".
20061129             The world will " - fall 5—MILLION—SHORT
20061129             Radioactive traces on BA planes Traces of 1—RADIOACTIVE—SUBSTANCE are found on 2—BA planes at Heathrow —DURING probe into EX—SPY—DEATH.
20061129             Ancient 'Jaws' had monster bite 1—PREHISTORIC—SEA—MONSTER that lived 400—MILLION—YEARS ago had the most powerful bite of ANY—KNOWN fish.
20061129             Feds' Letter Legally Murky
20061129             THE—TRANSPORTATION—SECURITY—ADMINISTRATION takes down 1—FAKE boarding pass generator
20061129             —BY sending 1—LETTER to the site's host, but the law doesn't give the government that power.
20061129             In 27B Stroke 6. - INTERNET Archive Gets DMCA Exemption
20061129             "THE—INTERNET—ARCHIVE has successfully lobbied for 1—DMCA exemption for the Software Archive. THE—IA keeps OUT—OF—DATE—PROGRAMS, games and other random craziness for future programmers to savor. At the rapid PACE—OF—SOFTWARE—DEVELOPMENT, this makes sure that we can create 1—HISTORY for us to remember and wonder at the programming of early games".
20061129             Acoustic Levitation Works on Small Animals
20061129             "Researchers for at least —2—DECADES have used acoustic levitation to suspend light materials without 1—CONTAINER. Wenjun Xie, 1—MATERIALS—PHYSICIST at NORTH—WEST—POLYTECHNICAL—UNIVERSITY—IN—CHINA, has previously used ultrasound fields to levitate globs of iridium and mercury, very heavy materials. —NOW the scientist has performed the feat with live animals. From the story: 'Xie and his colleagues employed 1—ULTRASOUND emitter and reflector that generated 1—SOUND—PRESSURE—FIELD between them. The emitter produced roughly 20—MILLIMETER—WAVELENGTH sounds, meaning it could in theory levitate objects half that wavelength or less.' Apparently the ants, spiders and ladybugs endured the trick —JUST fine, but the fish didn't do so well due to LACK—OF—WATER".
20061129             POLONIUM—210—AVAILABLE Through Mail Order
20061129             "InformationWeek is reporting that Polonium 210, the radioactive material used to poison FORMER—KGB spy ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO is not as hard to get your hands on as SOME—HAVE previously stated. USA—FAMILY—BUSINESS United Nuclear is actually selling the stuff + other equally exotic materials, on their company website. Could come in handy for the xmas shopping season".
20061129             Unpiloted Passenger Jet Tests
20061129             Acoustic Sensors Make ANY—SURFACE 1—TOUCH—PAD
20061129             "Using cheap acoustic sensors the surface of any 3D object can be instantly made into 1—TOUCH—SENSITIVE interface capable of tracking 2—OBJECTS at once. Its creators are planning to make hospitals more hygienic — keyboards and mice will be replaced by desks wired to perform as keyboards and touchpads. 1—VIDEO shows it in action [.wmv]".
20061129             How They Make LEGO Bricks
20061129             "Businessweek_com shows us how the famous LEGO bricks are made. Among the new facts I picked up was that LEGO is the largest tire manufacturer in the world + that the process is so air tight that only 18—OF 1—MILLION pieces are considered defective".
20061129             I knew I was getting old —WHEN I 1. realized that these kids —TODAY with their modern legos have it too easy, what with all those crazy custom pieces.
20061129             Why, —WHEN I was 1—KID, we had to use our imagination to build stuff.
20061129             Justice DEPARTMENT—TO—REVIEW—DOMESTIC—SPYING—KDAWSON 158 -orgelspieler writes,
20061129             "According to THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, Justice DEPARTMENT—INSPECTOR—GENERAL—GLENN—FINE has opened 1—REVIEW—OF his department's role in the domestic spying program. Democrats (and SOME—REPUBLICANS) have been requesting 1—ALL—OUT investigation into the legality of THE—SO—CALLED 'Terrorist Surveillance Program' —SINCE it was made public. But this new inquiry stops short of evaluating the constitutional LEGITIMACY—OF—THE—PROGRAM".
20061129             "The review, MISTER—FINE said in his letter, will examine the controls in place at the Justice Department for the eavesdropping, the way information developed from it was used + the department's 'compliance with legal requirements governing the program'... Several Democrats suggested that the timing of his review might be tied to their TAKEOVER—OF—CONGRESS in —THIS—MONTH—MIDTERM elections as 1—WAY to preempt expected Democratic investigations of the N.S.A. program".
20061129             Der "ANTIKYTHERA—MECHANISMUS":Homepage des Forschungsprojekts
20061129             rund 1.—800—JAHRE bevor sie Kopernikus erneut aufgegriffen hat und in EUROPA verbreitete.
20061129             "Aristarch war zu seiner Zeit aber ein absoluter Außenseiter", erklärte Teichmann.
20061129             "Es wäre eine große Überraschung, wenn seine Ideen in einem so seltenen, wenn nicht gar einzigartigen Instrument wie dem ANTIKYTHERA—MECHANISMUS umgesetzt worden wären".
20061129             Eine so komplexe Maschine entstehe schließlich nicht aus dem Nichts.
20061129             "Die Entwicklung vom einfachen Zahnrad —BIS zu diesem Gerät braucht gut und gerne —200—JAHRE", sagte Teichmann.
20061129             —AKZEPTIERT, Angebote : FORD—MITARBEITER verlassen den Konzern freiwillig
20061129             Fall Litwinenko: Radioaktive Spuren in 2—FLUGZEUGEN
20061129             Beschäftigungspolitik: Länger in Arbeit, später in Rente
20061129             Aufschwung am Arbeitsmarkt: ZAHL—DER—JOBSUCHENDEN sinkt auf unter 4—MILLIONEN
20061129             IRAK—POLITIK: Gespräch zwischen Bush und MALIKI verschoben
20061129             Hamburger Elbphilharmonie: 55—MILLIONEN Euro teurer als geplant
20061129             ANTIKYTHERA—MECHANISMUS: Forscher enträtseln Computer aus der ANTIKE—FRANKREICH: Sarkozy will Chirac beerben
20061129             4. in den USA PR—SPEZIALISTEN an "adjustment" (Zustimmung) der Menschen zum Regierungskurs —NACH—DEM Prinzip " crystallizing public opinion " (BERNAYS ).
20061129             Handbuch der Public Relations
20061129             "Nach der Berufsauffassung der DPRG sind Public Relations [PROPAGANDA] das bewusste und legitime...
20061129             CBG—PROPAGANDA Sie hießen "Propaganda" und " Crystallizing Public Opinion ".
20061129             Wenn man die Psyche einer entscheidenden Gruppe innerhalb des Volkes verstehe.
20061129             statesman_com Citizens still have the power to civilly disobey ( within THE—LETTER—OF—THE—LAW... USA—MILITARY and diplomatic efforts that are destroying them.
20061129             Letters From Exile
20061129             "My fellow American," HOWARD—FRIEDMAN, PRESIDENT—OF—AIPAC, begins his letter of
20061129             THE—GLOBAL—WAR—ON—YOU—KNOW—WHO:
20061129             USA unable to win in WEST—IRAQ, Marines SAY—WORLD—THEAGE_com.au
20061129             "THE—IRAN—NATION and Government will definitely stand beside their brother, IRAQ," MISTER—AHMADINEJAD said.
20061129             It's up to THE—USA—PEOPLE to reject those lies, seek the truth + make...
20061129             "Ahmadinejad did not say he was going to wipe ISRAEL off the map because no...
20061129             Even Dems Don't Support FEINGOLD—CALL—FOR—CENSURE | Sweetness... - "They agree with THE—PRESIDENT".
20061129             Feingold was the lone SENATOR to oppose the
20061129             Foundation Fights to Keep Airport Screeners Free of Forced Unionism -
20061129             of AMERICA ( SPFPA ) union is trying to. gain monopoly bargaining power over...
20061129             BuzzFlash Was So Presicent about IRAQ that We Declared It 1—CIVIL—WAR—BEFORE—IT—REALLY—BECAME 1—UNDER the Bush evik Occupation
20061129             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—STANDS by the Constitution: FEDERAL—JUDGE struck down BUSH—AUTHORITY to designate groups as terrorists, saying his post-20060911             executive order was unconstitutionally vague, according to 1—RULING released —TUESDAY.
20061129             Newt Gingrich Says We Have to Restrict FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH.
20061129             Can Someone Yank This Clown Offstage Already?
20061129             And THE—3—TIMES oo Adulterer Uber Hypocrite is Considering Running for PRESIDENT.
20061129             Save Us the Laughs, Newtie.
20061129             AMERICA—NEEDS—NEWT Gingrich Like It Needs 1—ENEMA.
20061129             He'll Sink Like 1—STONE, As He Should.
20061129             Bush Signals How Safe IRAQ REALLY is: He Meets THE—LEADER—OF—THE—OCCUPIED—COUNTRY in JORDAN!
20061129             MARK—MORFORD: "Sex WILL—MAKE—YOU—GO—BLIND.
20061129             Single? Under 30? You are in grave danger.
20061129             Your government says so. Please, stop laughing".
20061129             THE—MULLAH—BUSH eviks are Continuing to Turn Back the Clock to Medieval Times.
20061129             Man Sets Self on Fire as PROTEST—OF—WAR, videos his death, writes on Web site that he's protesting the war, YET SOME—PEOPLE—STILL—ASK—WHY—HE—DID—IT.
20061129             here it is in the National Catholic Register (and it is referenced on the front page of same):
20061129             According to THE—ITALY—NEWSPAPER La Stampa,
20061129             —INVITED, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA. has, THE—83—YEAR—OLD—FORMER—ADVISER to RICHARD—NIXON to be 1—POLITICAL consultant +
20061129             —ACCEPTED, Kissinger has.
20061129             Judging from KISSINGER—PREVIOUS hisory, those SWITZERLAND—GUARD are going to need to upgrade their weaponry.
20061129             Pikes and halbards won't suffice.
20061129             Indicting Bush + his associates
20061129             —RECEIVED, Although "impeachment" is THE—I—WORD which has, the most discussion,
20061129             FORMER—FEDERAL—PROSECUTOR—ELIZABETH—DE—LA—VEGA has written 1—BOOK about
20061129             another I—TERM: Indictment.
20061129             De LA—VEGA has drawn up that indictment - a "hypothetical" 1, she hastens to ADD—CONVENED that grand jury + held —7—DAYS—OF—TESTIMONY.
20061129             Yes, it's 1—GRAND—JURY directly out of her fertile brain + THE—FEDERAL—AGENTS who testify are fictional, but all the facts are true.
20061129             She understands the case against THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION down to the last detail;
20061129             —PRODUCED, AND—SHE'S, to my mind, THE—BOOK—OF—THE—POST—ELECTION, investigative season: USA v. GEORGE—W—BUSH et al.
20061129             Dr. elsewhere will be interviewing de LA—VEGA soon.
20061129             In the meantime, you can read large sections of her work AT—TOMDISPATCH.
20061129             Kosten des Netzverkehrs: Telekom denkt über Datenmaut nach
20061129             Preisabsprachen: EU verhängt Millionenstrafe gegen GUMMI—KARTELL
20061129             CIA—AFFÄRE: Masri verlangt Entschuldigung von USA—REGIERUNG
20061129             Vergifteter EX—AGENT: Litwinenko hatte ITALIENISCHEN—INFORMANTEN im Verdacht
20061129             Rache ist weiblich: Zickenterror bei SCHIMPANSEN—DAMEN
20061129             SIEMENS—AFFÄRE: Gesuchter EX—MANAGER stellt sich
20061129             Gewalt: Straßenräuber tun es für den Kick
20061129             "Willkommen Terrorist": Heftige Proteste gegen BUSH—BESUCH in AMMAN
20061129             Kautschukkartell: EU verhängt zweithöchste Strafe jemals
20061129             Schlappe für USA—REGIERUNG: Gericht kippt TEILE—DER—ANTI—TERROR—GESETZE
20061129             MANNESMANN—VERFAHREN: Politiker empört über Ackermanns Freikauf
20061129             MEXIKO: Prügelei im Parlament
20061129             Klimaschutz: EU fordert von DEUTSCHLAND noch mehr CO2- Einsparung
20061129             Bestohlene Mumie: Ramses' Haare im INTERNET angeboten
20061129             VDSL—NETZ: Bundestagsausschuss stimmt für umstrittenes TELEKOM—GESETZ
20061129             NETZWELT—TICKER: GEHEIMAGENTEN—GIFT im Webshop
20061129             —HOOKED, Bacon link to bladder cancer risk Getting too, on 1—DAILY bacon sandwich may increase the risk of bladder cancer, research suggests.
20061129             Griper Blade: Fighting 1—MOSTLY—ABSENT—ENEMY in Ir...
20061129             —SUPPOSED, So how is this, to work?
20061129             AL—QAEDA attacks Shia and the Shia attack the Sunnis in reprisal?
20061129             His argument seems to be that everyone in IRAQ is stupid.
20061129             IRAQ Study GROUP—KISSINGER And Schultz Meet With IRAQ Study GROUP—IS THE—IRAQ—DEBACLE—PART—OF—T.
20061129             Is THE—IRAQ—DEBACLE—PART—OF—THE—COVER—UP for 20010911             ?
20061129             This was the interesting idea of 1—ACQUAINTANCE, who made the observation that THE—VIETNAM war was very effective in distracting from the ugly reality of the Kennedy assassination.
20061129             BOTH—THE—KENNEDY assassination + 20010911             were effectively COUPS—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT.
20061129             —NEEDED, The "powers that be", to shield the public from this reality at all costs +
20061129             in THE—CASE—OF—BOTH 20010911             + the Kennedy assassination,
20061129             the horrible debacles of VIETNAM and IRAQ were 1—EXTREMELY useful distraction from these coups.
20061129             Yes, war is incredibly costly.
20061129             But think how much more costly it would be to THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—SYSTEM if THE—USA—GOVERNMENT ever had to admit what it did to Kennedy or what it did on
20061129             —LINKED, BAE secret millions, to arms broker | Specia... - BG BAE secret millions linked to arms broker
20061129             —TRACED, SWITZERLAND—BANK—ACCOUNTS, as row over Eurofighter contract escalates
20061129             JUDGE—STRIKES—PRESIDENT—AUTHORITY... - - BG—TO designate terrorist groups
20061129             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE has ruled that 1—PORTION—OF a
20061129             -post-20010911             executiveorder allowing PRESIDENT—BUSH to create 1—LIST—OF specially designeated global terrorist groups is unconstitutionally vague.
20061129             USA—DISTRICT—JUDGE—AUDREY—COLLINS, in a
20061129             —AFTER all the rightist lemmin...
20061129             - BG —AFTER all the rightist lemmings went —AFTER AP
20061129             —AFTER the military refuted the report of 6—SUNNIS burned alive,
20061129             the commonly mistaken ideological bloggers who think the media's facts don't square with their hallucinations went on the attack —EARLIER—TODAY.
20061129             + THE—AP has —NOW fired back, using that terribly destructive weapon: CLUSTER—FACTS.
20061129             Provoking these current responses, via Memeorandum: MARK—MEMMOTT/On Deadline: AP—USA—MILITARY [...] Source :
20061129             AP Analysis: Firms Crimping O. - - BG
20061129             —BASED, The analysis, on data from THE—USA—ENERGY—INFORMATION—ADMINISTRATION, indicates that the industry slacked off supplying oil + gasoline —DURING the prolonged price boom
20061129             UBS DOWNGRADE—RATING—UPDATE: NEW—YORK (aktiencheck.de AG) -
20061129             Die Analysten von MORGAN—STANLEY reduzieren das Rating für die Aktien von UBS (ISIN CH0024899483/WKN UB0BL6) von "overweight" auf "EQUAL—WEIGHT".Das Kursziel werde von 86—AUF 81—CHF reduziert.(20061129             /ac/a/u)
20061129             Dollar falls sharply as USA slows The dollar continues its recent declines, falling against the euro as concerns grow about THE—USA—ECONOMY.
20061129             USA—MEDIA—TALK—OF—IRAQ civil war SOME—USA—MEDIA—OUTLETS decide to refer to the fighting in IRAQ as 1—CIVIL—WAR in DEFIANCE—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20061129             EU push to influence neighbours THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION—SETS aside 1bn euros as it seeks more leverage over EX—SOVIET + Mediterranean countries.
20061129             SAUDI—ARABIA—THREAT to cigarette makers SAUDI—ARABIA warns it will sue global tobacco firms unless they pay the costs of treating SMOKING—RELATED illnesses.
20061129             PAKISTAN atom expert is 'unwell' THE—FAMILY—OF—DISGRACED—PAKISTAN—SCIENTIST AQ Khan says he is unwell and needs medical attention.
20061129             Royal editor admits phone tapping The royal EDITOR—OF—THE—NEWS—OF—THE—WORLD and another man admit conspiracy to intercept voicemail messages.
20061129             Never Lose Luggage Again
20061129             BUT—AT up to 20—CENTS 1—BAG, airlines aren't racing to the solution.
20061129             —DISMISSED, Rocket Pack Reinvented Often, as 1—QUIRKY pipe dream, it took 1—THRILL—SEEKING mogul to energize 1—OF—MANKIND—OLDEST desires.
20061129             —BY JAMES—LEE from Wired magazine.
20061129             SUPREME—COURT to consider CLIMATE—CHANGE—RULES The case, set —FOR—WEDNESDAY, arises from growing pressure in THE—USA to regulate the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide.
20061129             Radioactive poison for sale on Net--legally Blog: Polonium-210, which has —RECENTLY become WELL—KNOWN as 1—OF—THE—DEADLIEST substances in the world--is available for purchase...
20061129             —WARNED—OF, Kaiser members, possible data theft Blog: In yet another instance of laptop theft potentially endangering personal data, Kaiser Permanente COLORADO is notifying some 38,000...
20061129             JUDGE—SAYS—USA—MONEY—VIOLATES Rights of the Blind
20061129             "THE—USA is 1—OF—THE—FEW countries in the world whose currency isn't distinguishable by blind people.
20061129             —RAISED, Most other nations use, text, DIFFERENT—SIZED bills, or other methods to assist blind people in spending their money.
20061129             If 1—RECENT—DECISION by 1—FEDERAL—COURT—IN—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA survives appeal, however, that will soon change.
20061129             Under Sec. 504—OF—THE—REHABILITATION—ACT, FEDERAL—PROGRAMS cannot deny 'meaningful access' to people with disabilities.
20061129             Because blind people are unable to distinguish USA—CURRENCY without assistance, the court held that they are denied meaningful access to their own money.
20061129             —ORDERED, USA—DISTRICT—JUDGE—JAMES—ROBERTSON, the Treasury Department to come up with ways for the blind to tell bills apart.
20061129             He said he wouldn't tell officials how to fix the problem, but he ordered them to begin working on it".
20061129             —OPENED, How Appealing notes that JUDGE—ROBERTSON, the door to 1—SPEEDY appeal of his ruling.
20061129             BARNEY—SURRENDERS—TO—THE—EFF—KDAWSON 107 - davidwr writes,
20061129             "—EARLIER—THIS—YEAR, EFF sued THE—BARNEY—THE—DINOSAUR people for harassing 1—BARNEY parody web site.
20061129             —SURRENDERED, Well, Barney finally, err I mean, learned to share.
20061129             For more, read the case history at THE—EFF site".
20061129             IN—JOHN—WARNER (R—VA), once 1—OF—THE—STAUNCHEST supporters of the... JOHN—T—MICHAEL, owner of 1—MORTGAGE—COMPANY in NEW—YORK, helped THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS...
20061129             "'We were not created to sit down for long hours,
20061129             "+ NEW—YORK—TIMES—COLUMNIST—MAUREEN Dowd called the disagreement a "catfight between 2—STRONG—WILLED, expensively dressed Democratic pols
20061129             "1—FASCINATING, bombshell documentary that should shame Americans,
20061129             "1—FELLOW teaching himself Seam has come up with 1—CLEVER—WEB—APP called —10—MINUTE—MAIL.
20061129             "1—NEW—WIKIPEDIA study suggests that —WHEN experts and NON—EXPERTS—LOOK to assess Wikipedia for accuracy,
20061129             "1—POST on the Crave blog at CNET asks:
20061129             "According to THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, Justice DEPARTMENT—INSPECTOR—GENERAL—GLENN—FINE has opened 1—REVIEW—OF his department's role in the domestic spying program.
20061129             "But if you look at the. VARIETY—OF—DIETS—OF—ALL the primates.
20061129             "CHENEY—SPOKESWOMAN said. THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS reported that CHENEY was "seen as 1—USA diplomatic push
20061129             "Es wäre eine große Überraschung, wenn seine Ideen in einem so seltenen,
20061129             "FLORIDA GOVERNOR—JEB—BUSH (R) called TANCREDO—COMMENTS "disappointing" and "naive.
20061129             "In the past —YEAR alone, according to its Web site,
20061129             "InformationWeek is reporting that Polonium 210, "It's worse than 1—CIVIL—WAR.
20061129             In 1—CIVIL—WAR, "My fellow American ," HOWARD—FRIEDMAN, PRESIDENT—OF—AIPAC, begins his letter of
20061129             "Researchers at Woodend Hospital in ABERDEEN,
20061129             "Researchers at THE—MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUTE have discovered 1—NEW,
20061129             "Researchers for at least —2—DECADES have used acoustic levitation to suspend light materials without 1—CONTAINER.
20061129             "That's the problem people face —WHEN 'everyone who disagrees with you is 1—MORON'.
20061129             "THE—USA—PEOPLE already made their decision," CHENEY added.
20061129             "THE—INTERNET—ARCHIVE has successfully lobbied for 1—DMCA exemption for the Software Archive.
20061129             "THE—UK military —RECENTLY tested 1—REMOTE—CONTROLLED passenger jet over SOUTH—WEST—ENGLAND.
20061129             "The review, MISTER—FINE said in his letter, "There is no solution.
20061129             "To those who might think that I might be exaggerating —WHEN I describe THE—RIAA—LITIGATION—CAMPAIGN as a 'REIGN—OF—TERROR',
20061129             "Using cheap acoustic sensors the surface of any 3D object can be instantly made into 1—TOUCH—SENSITIVE interface capable of tracking 2—OBJECTS at once.
20061129             "We've been funding this war dishonestly," wrote Sen.
20061129             "You can read the 1. PARAGRAPH—OF—THE—PAPER at Nature; subscribers can read it all.
20061129             "You have 1—MULTI—BILLION dollar cartel suing unemployed people,
20061129             "and new solutions are urgently needed to stem the violence".
20061129             "as 1—RESULT—OF—THE—CAR—BOMBINGS that killed more than 200—PEOPLE in Sadr City,
20061129             "of their goal to provide universal access to AIDS medicines for 9.8—MILLION—AIDS/HIV patients by
20061129             'The 4. Circuit may have laid waste to ALL—OF—THOSE efforts.'"
20061129             —WHEN—HIS—ADVISOR—NAWAF Obaid published 1—IMPORTANT opinion piece
20061129             USA—MILITARY and diplomatic efforts that are destroying them.
20061129             Engineers have built obsolescence into MASS—PRODUCED technology —SINCE 19200000             —THE S.
20061129             MARCINKUS hatte noch nicht mal Ahnung davon, wie die Gelder arbeiteteten +...
20061129             NSTA—LIST—OF—CORPORATE donors also includes Shell Oil and THE—USA—PETROLEUM Institute (API),
20061129             24—JEWISH—ORGANIZATIONS biggest fundraisers in USA: 4. and Chliaoutakis Joannes.
20061129             1. 1. DEPARTMENT—OF—SOCIAL—WORK, 4. Circuit COURT—SIDES—WITH 1—SPAMMER
20061129             ?" referring to WEBB—SON—JIMMY, who is serving in IRAQ.
20061129             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—STANDS by the Constitution:
20061129             —ELEVATED, A—USA—MILITARY—SPOKESMAN told reporters that he expects to see "' LEVELS—OF—VIOLENCE
20061129             1—USA—LAWYER wrongly held over THE—MADRID bombings settles PART—OF—HIS—LAWSUIT against THE—USA—GOVERNMENT for $2m.
20061129             1—DOCUMENTARY film by JOHN—PILGER
20061129             1—FREE—MOBILE—PHONE applet neutralizes the excuse of not knowing where to find 1—ALTERNATIVE fueling station.
20061129             1—NEW classified memo authored by National Security Adviser STEPHEN—HADLEY expresses "serious doubts
20061129             1—PREHISTORIC—SEA—MONSTER that lived 400—MILLION—YEARS ago had the most powerful bite of ANY—KNOWN fish.
20061129             1—SLUMP in demand for CIVIL—AIRCRAFT has triggered 1—SHARP slide in orders for BIG—TICKET—USA—MADE products.
20061129             —IMPLICATED, AWB execs: AdvertisementAWB figures, in THE—IRAQ wheat scandal have threatened to call Foreign Affairs MINISTER—ALEXANDER—DOWNER as 1—WITNESS if they face trial,
20061129             Aber MARK—CHANGIZI ( Caltech, PASADENA) bietet eine alternative Erklärung.
20061129             ABU—HAMZA loses incitement appeal
20061129             According to GORANI—REPORT, Powell said if he were heading THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—RIGHT—NOW,
20061129             —COMPROMISED, AFGHANISTAN—CRIMINAL underworld has, key government officials who protect drug traffickers,
20061129             Alcee L. HASTINGS (D—FL) —LATE—TUESDAY to
20061129             Although the pilot was sitting in the back of the aging BAC 1-11,
20061129             Amanda -"LET—JUST have the civil wars and let the crumbs crumble and the cookie crumble where — because I'm fed up with this.
20061129             USA—FAMILY—BUSINESS United Nuclear is actually selling the stuff + other equally exotic materials,
20061129             —LEVELED, Among the criticisms of AL—MALIKI is 1—OFTEN, at BUSH :
20061129             —PICKED, Among the new facts I, up was that LEGO is the largest tire manufacturer in the world + that the process is so air tight that only 18—OF 1—MILLION pieces are considered defective.
20061129             An internal review probes Justice Department participation in the National Security AGENCY—WARRANTLESS surveillance.
20061129             In 27B Stroke 6. - Ancient 'Jaws' had monster bite
20061129             And due to the adversary SYSTEM—OF—JUSTICE THE—RIAA will be successful in rewriting copyright law,
20061129             And the substantive meetings on IRAQ — look, And there was no civil war in IRAQ,
20061129             Andr Flahaut, THE—BELGIUM—DEFENCE—MINISTER,
20061129             ANDREAS—GAHLERT, Mitgeschäftsführer der Neuen Digitalen (Umsatz:
20061129             ANGELO—SODANO (1). - - - - JOAQUIN—NAVARRO—VALLS (1).
20061129             Anscheinend lautet die Lehre aus der jämmerlichen Reaktion der AMERIKANISCHEN—REGIERUNG auf Hurrikan Katrina:
20061129             —ENDURED, Apparently the ants, spiders and ladybugs, the trick —JUST fine,
20061129             —EXPLAINED, Arthritis drug dangers
20061129             As 1—RESULT, he said he would no longer shop at the store + alleged that THE—6—MUSLIM imams removed —LAST—WEEK from 1—USA—AIRWAYS flight
20061129             As 1—YOUNG—LAWYER struggling to make 1—LIVING in LAS—VEGAS,
20061129             At 1—DINNER honoring those who stand up for FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH,
20061129             —ASKED, At a recent private reception, PRESIDENT—BUSH, Sen.-elect JIM—WEBB (D—VA), "
20061129             At THE—HEAD—OF—THE—JEWISH—ORGANIZATIONS on the list was the United Jewish Communities (UJC) which ranked 34.
20061129             At the rapid PACE—OF—SOFTWARE—DEVELOPMENT,
20061129             —LINKED, BAE secret millions, to arms broker
20061129             —LINKED, BAE secret millions, to arms broker | Specia...-
20061129             BENEDICTUS—XVI—PAPA Measuring Words, Praises Islam's `Benevolence':
20061129             BENEDICTUS—XVI—PAPA calls for 1—DIALOGUE between Muslims and Christians as he starts a —4—DAY—VISIT to TURKEY.
20061129             BENEDICTUS—XVI—PAPA calls for religious exchange
20061129             BENEDICTUS—XVI—PAPA, picking his words carefully on his 1. visit to 1—MUSLIM nation,
20061129             BENEDICTUS—XVI—PAPA. has invited THE—83—YEAR—OLD—FORMER—ADVISER to RICHARD—NIXON to be 1—POLITICAL consultant +
20061129             BG —AFTER all the rightist lemmings went —AFTER AP—BG Capital investment, deregulation,
20061129             BG It is said KARL—ROVE once told MICHAEL—LEDEEN to fax his "ideas" to him +
20061129             BG Union LEADER—GINGRICH raises alarm at event honoring those who stand up for FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH—TUESDAY,
20061129             BG —WHEN the situation in IRAQ is deteriorating by the 2. + you refuse to call it what it is (aka 1—CIVIL—WAR), what's 1—DESPERATE—PRESIDENT to do?
20061129             BUSH counselor DAN—BARTLETT put that speculation to rest with this clear explanation:
20061129             Bare skin, blood and THE—EVOLUTION—OF—PRIMATE colour VISION—BARNEY—SURRENDERS—TO—THE—EFF
20061129             Bartlett On Cancelled MALIKI Meeting: Bashir said.
20061129             'This made our search for the optimal sitting position all the more important.'"
20061129             Because blind people are unable to distinguish USA—CURRENCY without assistance,
20061129             Betty Kahn — Betty Kahn told THE—MINNEAPOLIS—STAR—TRIBUNE,
20061129             Betty Kahn, "We're absolutely not going to say merry Christmas".
20061129             Billionaire insurance titan Maurice "Hank" GREENBERG has begun buying huge BLOCKS—OF—NEW—YORK—TIMES—STOCK
20061129             Biodiesel at Your Fingertips
20061129             Blog: In yet another instance of laptop theft potentially endangering personal data,
20061129             Blog: Polonium-210, which has —RECENTLY become WELL—KNOWN as 1—OF—THE—DEADLIEST substances in the world--is available for purchase...
20061129             —RELATED, BRITAIN—LEVEL—OF—DEFENCE spending isn't, to real threats we face,
20061129             Bury my heart in the Green Zone-
20061129             Bush Continues In His STATE—OF—DELUSION,
20061129             Bush Dismisses Significance of Recent Violence In IRAQ:
20061129             Bush Invaded IRAQ, SADDAM—OVERTHROWN...Wait,
20061129             Bush Plot To Bomb His Arab Ally: Bush Signals How Safe IRAQ REALLY is: But I mean, I'm not into it.
20061129             —CONFIRMED, But the woman comes out + we, this, But in 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—THINKPROGRESS,
20061129             And you know... - But the fact that they had already had 1—GOOD meeting together,
20061129             But this new inquiry stops short of evaluating the constitutional LEGITIMACY—OF—THE—PROGRAM.
20061129             But —TODAY—WASHINGTON—POST—REPORTS
20061129             CARTER blames ISRAEL for Mideast conflict
20061129             Under review. CIA—AFFÄRE: "Politischer Wille fehlt"-
20061129             CNN suggests that it "was put off to —THURSDAY—CARTER blames ISRAEL for Mide...-
20061129             Chuck Hagel, R—NEB., in a —SUNDAY OP—ED piece.
20061129             Citizens still have the power to civilly disobey ( within THE—LETTER—OF—THE—LAW
20061129             Claims IRAQ is All PART—OF—AN—AL—QAEDA—PLOT. Clueless in AMERICA
20061129             —ALLEGED, Court sides with, 'vacation' spammer
20061129             Courtesy of 1—DECISION from the 4. Circuit COURT—OF—APPEALS,
20061129             —DECIDED, D—CALIFORNIA, has not yet, who will get the job, according to the aide".
20061129             —BLAMED, D—CALIFORNIA, said —TUESDAY she feels "sad" PRESIDENT—BUSH, insurgent violence on al Qaeda —WHILE he dismissed notions IRAQ is in 1—CIVIL—WAR.
20061129             Go, NANCY, Go! 11/29 - DOJ Investigates NSA Spy Program
20061129             Da er allerdings keinen experimentelle Beweis lieferte, DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN, PETER—DALE—SCOTT,
20061129             De LA—VEGA has drawn up that indictment - a "hypothetical" 1,
20061129             Democratic lawmakers are spouting their PRO—ISRAEL credentials and their initiatives for health care reform;
20061129             the Jewish donors,
20061129             Democrats (and SOME—REPUBLICANS) have been requesting 1—ALL—OUT investigation into the legality of THE—SO—CALLED 'Terrorist Surveillance Program' —SINCE it was made public.
20061129             Der Spatz im GEBÄLK—DES Browne, the Defence SECRETARY, said —YESTERDAY.
20061129             —GEWAPPNET, Die Geschäftswelt ist besser für Katastrophen.
20061129             Der Tessiner Ständerat... - Do You Want Handguns in National Parks?
20061129             Dollar falls sharply as USA slows
20061129             EMM News EXPLORER—EU nations 'knew about CIA jails'
20061129             EU push to influence NEIGHBOURS—EU—LÄNDER wussten von CIA—FLÜGEN-
20061129             Easy THROW—AWAY Email Addresses- - Editors and contributors to the book,
20061129             Effects of ILL—ADVISED CIA plot in IRAN still haunts USA- - Er sprach von einem komplizierten Fall,
20061129             Es war eingestandenermaßen GOEBBELS wichtigstes Lehrbuch.
20061129             BERNAYS Methode war: "Wenn...
20061129             Exxon MOBIL—FOUNDATION gave $42—MILLION to key organizations that influence the way children learn about science,
20061129             FDA fines USA—RED—CROSS $5.7—MILLION—MORE H.-
20061129             FEDERAL—JUDGE struck down BUSH—AUTHORITY to designate groups as terrorists,
20061129             Feeding the Tape WORMS—OF—DESIRE
20061129             For the 1. time in its —103—YEAR—HISTORY,
20061129             FORMER—HOUSE—SPEAKER—NEWT Gingrich (R—GA) said —YESTERDAY "that unless THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION admits that the war in IRAQ is a 'failure,' it will never develop 1—STRATEGY to leave the country successfully.
20061129             Chairman, BOARD—OF—TRUSTEES.
20061129             REED—LARSON... - FRANCE—ARMY BATTLE—CAR rebels
20061129             FRANCE—FORCES confront rebels in THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC —DURING 1—GOVERNMENT—OFFENSIVE in the north.
20061129             —FROM the story: 'Xie and his colleagues employed 1—ULTRASOUND emitter and reflector that generated 1—SOUND—PRESSURE—FIELD between them.
20061129             —FROM their press release: 'Up —UNTIL—NOW,
20061129             Für die Rettung BEZAHLEN—KATASTROPHEN—APARTHEID droht-
20061129             GINGRICH said a "different SET—OF—RULES" may be needed to reduce terrorists' ability to use THE—INTERNET and free speech to recruit and get out their message.
20061129             —HOOKED, Getting too, on 1—DAILY bacon sandwich may increase the risk of bladder cancer, research suggests.
20061129             —TRAINIERT, HAMBURG—MILITÄRWISSENSCHAFTLER hätten Bienen so,
20061129             —FAILED, HARRY—REID never, to buy ISRAEL bonds to benefit the United Jewish Appeal.
20061129             Has it ever been?" THE—WASHINGTON—POST makes things out to be less than above BOARD:
20061129             HASTINGS won't HEAD—HOUSE intelligence panel.- - Hauptversammlung Software AG am
20061129             He Meets THE—LEADER—OF—THE—OCCUPIED—COUNTRY in JORDAN!
20061129             He said he wouldn't tell officials how to fix the problem,
20061129             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Grenzbraune Ansichten" - Him and MICHAEL—JACKSON.
20061129             Cheney is —JUST Evil, Like Rove.
20061129             —REPORTED, ABC News, —YESTERDAY that THE—WHITE—HOUSE acknowledged "that IRAQ is clearly in a 'new phase
20061129             House SPEAKER—DESIGNATE NANCY Pelosi,
20061129             How about War Crimes Tribunals: THE—BUSH—DOCTRINE of taking "the battle to the enemy," for example,
20061129             However, as Olbermann and NBC—SENIOR—PENTAGON Correspondent JIM—MIKLASZEWSKI point out,
20061129             That's how small I am. Am I wrong?
20061129             I got 1—NEAR my house. It's 1—NICE—STORE.
20061129             I have never been more ASHAMED—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT-
20061129             I knew I was getting old —WHEN I 1. realized that these kids —TODAY with their modern legos have it too easy,
20061129             I mean, I'm not going to go there because it's annoying, I'll say for THE—WASHINGTON—POST ,
20061129             —WANTED, If PELOSI, to have union workers, "she could not ask the union for 1—CONTRACT.
20061129             If they choose not to say "merry Christmas," well, Ihre Bank ist auch 1—KOHLEMINE
20061129             —RELATED, CRYSTALLIZING, PUBLIC OPINION, BERNAYS, how governments + advertisers can "regiment the mind like the military regiments the body.
20061129             In other words, In some of the harshest and 1—SIDED language he has used to date,
20061129             In the "Impact" segment, most USA—RETAIL—STORES are saying "merry Christmas",
20061129             —PROMISED, Incoming Senate Majority Leader HARRY—REID (D—NV), to do away with THE—DO—NOTHING Congress by putting in "SOME—HOURS here that haven't been put in in 1—LONG—TIME".
20061129             Incredibly, Crate & Barrel spokesperson Cathy — I'm sorry, Indictment.
20061129             INTERNET Archive Gets DMCA Exemption-
20061129             IRAQ Study Group- - IRAQ is rending itself apart.
20061129             IRAQ PARLIAMENT bars media as tension mounts:
20061129             IRAQ—PARLIAMENT will bar the media from future sessions and began —ON—MONDAY by refusing access to reporters and then cutting off television coverage as 1—DEBATE on mounting sectarian violence became heated.
20061129             In 27B Stroke 6. - Is THE—IRAQ—DEBACLE—PART—OF—T.-
20061129             Isn't THE—IRAQ—WAR—ALL—PART—OF—1—BUSH /NEO—CON—PLOT?
20061129             —AGREED, ISRAEL has, in principle for 1—JORDAN—BASED security force loyal to MAHMOUD—ABBAS,
20061129             —ORDERED, ISRAEL: Military probe, 20030000             shooting of American in NABLUS:
20061129             It gives you 1—VALID E—MAIL address — instantly — for use in registering at Web sites.
20061129             ITALY completes IRAQ PULL—OUT:
20061129             ITALY is to complete THE—PULL—OUT of its troops from IRAQ by THE—END—OF—THIS —WEEK,
20061129             Its creators are planning to make hospitals more hygienic — keyboards and mice will be replaced by desks wired to perform as keyboards and touchpads.
20061129             1—VIDEO shows it in action [.wmv]".
20061129             It's 1—FEDERAL—HOLIDAY. It's 1—PAYOFF to the Black Caucus,
20061129             It's —JUST 1—OF—THESE little annoying things that I say if you're not going to say "merry Christmas," and it's 1—FEDERAL—HOLIDAY,
20061129             Ivorian PRESIDENT hits out at PM
20061129             —ACTED, IVORY—COAST—PRESIDENT—SACKS—THE—TV—CHIEF and says THE—PM, seditiously by criticising him publicly.
20061129             I'm not going to buy the lamp. I mean, I am that small.
20061129             JAPAN output hits surprise record
20061129             JAPAN—INDUSTRIAL output hits a record level,
20061129             JUDD—WE'RE going to try and devise SOME—NEW—STRATEGIES,
20061129             —JUST let these natural forces take place over there instead of trying to stop them,
20061129             KISSINGER And Schultz Meet With IRAQ Study Group
20061129             —ACCEPTED, KISSINGER has. Judging from KISSINGER—PREVIOUS hisory,
20061129             —MISCONSTRUED, Kahn said her quote was.
20061129             Kaiser Permanente COLORADO is notifying some 38,000...
20061129             —WARNED—OF, Kaiser members, possible data THEFT—KONTOGIANNIS Thomas.
20061129             3. - Darviri Christina.
20061129             Cheney made the trip purportedly to discuss a "
20061129             Leitender STAATSANWALT—IM—KANTON—ZÜRICH,
20061129             Less than —20—YEARS—AFTER THE—END—OF—THE—COLD—WAR -- THE—USA—ERA in THE—MIDDLE—EAST,
20061129             LET—SEE, SADDAM—DIDN'T—LIKE—AL—QAEDA,
20061129             Limited utility, yes, but easy and free".
20061129             LINDOR—SON, who lives 4—MILES away, MALKIN: I am. MALKIN: Well — well, look.
20061129             —ON my AGGRAVATO—METER, MALKIN: Well, there you go.
20061129             MORRIS: LET—UNDERSTAND why Pelosi is pushing HASTINGS.
20061129             Magnetic Storage Using Quantum Vortex Cores-
20061129             MALACHI—RITSCHER wrote in 1—SUICIDE—NOTE that his fellow Americans had become "more concerned with sports on television and RING—TONES on cellphones than THE—FUTURE—OF—THE—WORLD".
20061129             Man Sets Self on Fire as PROTEST—OF—WAR,
20061129             MANY—EU countries were aware of secret CIA jails and TRANSFERS—OF—TERROR—SUSPECTS, 1—REPORT by MEPs says.
20061129             MARK—MEMMOTT/On Deadline: AP—USA—MILITARY [...] SOURCE :
20061129             Marty, der am Dienstagabend in BERN weilte,
20061129             Media LIES—NEW—YORK—TIMES—MEXICO—PROTESTORS in OAXACA call for national strike:
20061129             MIAMI is "as bad as ANY—GHETTO in any 3. World country,"-
20061129             Monsignor Brenkle says THE—PELOSI s pay a $1.25 an —HOUR more than workers at NAPA—BIGGEST union winery.
20061129             Morris made no mention of the
20061129             Morris said that accusing Pelosi of being "jealous of another woman in CALIFORNIA" is "1—FAIR thing".
20061129             —RAISED, Most other nations use, text, DIFFERENT—SIZED bills,
20061129             —RESPONDED, MISTER—PRESIDENT ," to which BUSH, "That's not what I asked you".
20061129             —CONFESSED, MISTER—PRESIDENT". Webb —LATER, that he was "tempted to slug" BUSH.
20061129             Muggers commit crimes 'for kicks'
20061129             Net neutrality bill to pass in the 110. Congress?-
20061129             NEW—YORK—TIMES "sell" - Newt Gingrich Says We Have to Restrict FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH.
20061129             Next 20060301             —TORNADO—FIGHTER—PILOT will do use THE—UAVCCI to fly the unpiloted BAC1-11 as well as several simulated UAVs, all from the cockpit of his own jet".
20061129             —NUN gebe es wissenschaftliche Hinweise darauf,
20061129             —DISMISSED, Often, as 1—QUIRKY pipe dream,
20061129             —1—HOUR—GUIDE to Questioning the Official Story o...-
20061129             1—RESEARCHER said 'It may be the case that NON—EXPERTS are more cynical about information outside of their field and the difference comes from 1—NATURAL—REACTION to rate unfamiliar articles as being less credible.
20061129             OPINIONJOURNAL—BEST—OF—THE—WEB—TODAY - ;;11;;... - ORANGE County Weekly-
20061129             O'REILLY: All right. Crate & Barrel, O'REILLY: Come on.
20061129             Maybe the imams who got thrown off the plane will.
20061129             O'REILLY: I am. I am that — Michelle, O'REILLY: Right.
20061129             Isn't it dumb? O'REILLY: Thank you.
20061129             —PROHIBITED, PELOSI is, by law from helping her workers unionize.
20061129             —UNIONIZED, PELOSI treats her workers better than, vineyard workers.
20061129             POWERS: I have SOME—CRATE & Barrel stuff.
20061129             POWERS: Michelle is sucking up.
20061129             POWERS: That you feel that way, yes.
20061129             —PLANNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, to bomb Arab TV station AL—JAZEERA in friendly QATAR, a "Top Secret" No 10—MEMO reveals.
20061129             PRESIDENT—BUSH: You know, the plans of Mr.
20061129             PAKISTAN atom expert is 'unwell'
20061129             —GETESTET, PAKISTAN hat atomwaffentaugliche Rakete Shaheen -
20061129             PAKISTAN und sein Erzfeind, das Nachbarland INDIEN,
20061129             Panzerfisch: Urzeitmonster zerbiss Haie in 2—TEILE
20061129             PATRICK—COCKBURN : Slaughter in IRAQ soon seems to be PART—OF—NORMAL—LIFE:
20061129             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—BEHAVIOURAL—CONTROL—AGENDA continues as cameras will —NOW record our conversations in the street + determine
20061129             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—SEGMENT from FOX—NEWS ' pilot "Mancow" show in which Infowars' KEVIN—SMITH—DEBATES 1—GROUND 0—FIREMAN
20061129             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—UNIFORMS begin to befit fascist policies abolishing FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH
20061129             —DIRECTED, Payson - + rape + pillage, against civilians are at '
20061129             PELOSI—PRICE is Right for Jewish Community
20061129             PETER—PHILLIPS, KEVIN—RYAN, RAY—MCGOVERN—VIDEO—PIKES and halbards won't suffice.
20061129             Playing the al Qaeda Card- - Politics and '1—INCONVENIENT—TRUTH'-
20061129             Post AUTHOR—CHRIS—STEVENS talks about how computers are fast enough for the average user + the only way to make consumers upgrade is 'increasingly poor build quality
20061129             —REPEATED, PRECEDENT—SETTING decision says travel agency that sent, CRUISE—VACATION E—MAILS is protected by FEDERAL—CAN—SPAM Act.
20061129             PRIME—MINISTER—ROMANO—PRODI said —MONDAY.
20061129             —SEIZED, Protestors had, and paralyzed much of THE—OAXACA city,
20061129             Provoking these current responses, via Memeorandum: Q MISTER—PRESIDENT, thank you, sir.
20061129             RFID tags promise to all but eliminate the annoyance of misrouted luggage at 1—TIME—WHEN more bags go missing than ever.
20061129             BUT—RIAA Legal Ruling Could Shut Down THE—INTERNET
20061129             Radical cleric ABU—HAMZA—AL—MASRI loses his appeal against convictions for incitement to murder and RACE—HATE crimes.
20061129             Radioactive poison for sale on Net--LEGALLY—RADIOACTIVE traces on BA planes
20061129             —DECLARED, RAFAEL—CORREA has been officially, THE—WINNER—OF—ECUADOR—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION—AFTER polls results showed he had 1—INSURMOUNTABLE—LEAD over rival Alvaro Noboa.
20061129             RATING—UPDATE: NEW—YORK (aktiencheck.de AG) -
20061129             Regional war?- - RIGHT—WING Attack On Pelosi Over 'Union Hypocrisy' Systematically Debunked-
20061129             —ENGAGED, RIGHT—WING media outlets are, in 1—EFFORT to tar House SPEAKER—DESIGNATE NANCY Pelosi (D—CA),
20061129             This is 1 must READ—ROCKET—PACK Reinvented
20061129             Royal editor admits phone TAPPING—RUSH Limbaugh on THE—MIDDLE—EAST:-
20061129             —CONCERNED, SAUDI—ARABIA is so, about the damage that the conflict in IRAQ is doing across the region that it basically summoned VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY for talks over the weekend ,
20061129             SAUDI—ARABIA warns it will sue global tobacco firms unless they pay the costs of treating SMOKING—RELATED illnesses.
20061129             SAUDI—ARABIA will intervene to prevent IRANIAN—BACKED Shi'ite militias from massacring IRAQ—SUNNI Muslims once THE—USA begins pulling out of IRAQ,
20061129             SAUDI—ARABIA—THREAT to cigarette makers
20061129             Scientists uncover why SOME—ARTHRITIS drugs such as Vioxx can cause heart attacks and strokes.
20061129             SCOTLAND used 1—NEW—FORM—OF—MAGNETIC—RESONANCE imaging to collect images from 22—HEALTHY volunteers,
20061129             See page 2, footnote 1." From RAY—COMMENTS:
20061129             Senators pledge to end war supplementals: She doesn't want the competition.
20061129             She doesn't want 2—AGGRESSIVE—DEMOCRATIC—WOMEN congressmen in CALIFORNIA".
20061129             —ASKED, —WHEN host ALAN—COLMES, Morris if he was accusing Pelosi of gender discrimination,
20061129             AND—SHOULD be required viewing for civics classes and WOULD—BE public servants alike".
20061129             Sie hießen "Propaganda" und " CRYSTALLIZING PUBLIC OPINION ".
20061129             SOME—USA—MEDIA—OUTLETS decide to refer to the fighting in IRAQ as 1—CIVIL—WAR in DEFIANCE—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20061129             Speaking with CNN reporter Hala Gorani in DUBAI —TODAY,
20061129             Stockpile in CASE—OF—VENEZUELA vote chaos, USA says:
20061129             Street robbers often carry out their crimes for the thrill as much as for the financial gain, 1—REPORT says.
20061129             SUPREME—COURT to consider CLIMATE—CHANGE RULES—SURPRISE fall in USA goods orders
20061129             —WARNED, THE—USA, people to stockpile food,
20061129             THE—USA—ECONOMY was stronger than 1. thought in THE—3—MONTHS to 30 ;;09;;, revised figures show.
20061129             —INFILTRATED, THE—USA—TRAINED new IRAQ—ARMY is, by militias,
20061129             Tatsache ist einmal, daß MARCINKUS mit einer gewissen Einfalt gesegnet war
20061129             Technological Educational Institute of Crete...
20061129             —10—MINUTES—LATER (more if you ask),
20061129             That hasn't been done in many, MANY—YEARS here".
20061129             That makes it more effective than THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT'S—ARMY, the official indicated".
20061129             That means "being here more days in the —WEEK and we start off —THIS—YEAR with —7—WEEKS without 1—BREAK.
20061129             —RULED, The 4. Circuit court, that THE—USA—CAN—SPAM Act,
20061129             THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION—SETS aside 1bn euros as it seeks more leverage over EX—SOVIET + Mediterranean countries.
20061129             THE—IA keeps OUT—OF—DATE—PROGRAMS, games and other random craziness for future programmers to savor.
20061129             THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP—MAKEUP gives away its true PURPOS—THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP
20061129             Add Your Name Here. THE—NEW—MIDDLE—EAST:
20061129             —BASED, The analysis, on data from THE—USA—ENERGY—INFORMATION—ADMINISTRATION,
20061129             The article has few details of what GINGRICH actually said beyond the summary above + no analysis pointing out how utterly clueless the suggestion is given THE—INTERNET—NATURE and TRANS—NATIONAL—REACH.
20061129             The case, set —FOR—WEDNESDAY, arises from growing pressure in THE—USA to regulate the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide.
20061129             —CHANGED, THE—CENTRAL—TENET—OF—USA—FOREIGN—POLICY hasn't, —SINCE the early 19800000             S —WHEN SECRETARY—OF—STATE—HENRY—KISSINGER summarized our involvement in THE—IRAQ—IRAN War saying, "I hope they kill EACH—OTHER".
20061129             —FILTERED, The claim has, up through THE—BLOGS—THE—CONSERVATIVE—CLAIM,
20061129             The directions of the small nanoscopic magnetic needles define 1—DIGITAL—BIT that is extremely stable in the face of frequently unavoidable external factors such as heat or interference from magnetic fields.
20061129             The dollar continues its recent declines,
20061129             —PRODUCED, The emitter, roughly 20—MILLIMETER—WAVELENGTH sounds,
20061129             The entire situation is turning into a 'if you're not with us,
20061129             THE—FAMILY—OF—DISGRACED—PAKISTAN—SCIENTIST AQ Khan says he is unwell and needs medical attention.
20061129             THE—5—PAGE—USA—MARINES—REPORT—WRITTEN by...
20061129             THE—FRONT—OF—THE—ROOM is where the action is:
20061129             The new method might open up new possibilities for magnetic data storage.
20061129             The official also said "Sadr is so powerful that if provincial elections were held —NOW,
20061129             —RAISED, The organization, nearly USD 334—MILLION 20050000             —IN.
20061129             —CONTRIBUTED, The process has, to 1—FISCAL—SITUATION that is "OUT—OF—CONTROL.
20061129             The quiet DEATH—OF—MALACHI—RITSCHER: ,
20061129             The researcher had 55—GRADUATE students and research assistants examine 1—WIKIPEDIA article apiece for accuracy,
20061129             The royal EDITOR—OF—THE—NEWS—OF—THE—WORLD and another man admit conspiracy to intercept voicemail messages.
20061129             The ruling allows Omega World TRAVEL—COUNTERSUIT,
20061129             The ultimate goal is for 1—FIGHTER—PILOT to control 1—SWARM—OF—ATTACK—UAVS alongside his own plane.
20061129             The underlying economic RATIONALITY—OF—PREFERENCE and affect dynamics
20061129             The villagers who walk the narrow STREETS—OF—DAECHURI, The world will "fall 5—MILLION—SHORT
20061129             The writer compares the build quality of a —20—YEAR—OLD—IBM XT to the modern Motorola Razr phone and concludes that modern gadgets are 'delicate,
20061129             —PLANNED, There are 2—KINDS—OF, deterioration in 1—PRODUCT:
20061129             —CALLED, There, students can find 1—SECTION, 'Running on Oil' and read 1—PAGE that touts the industry's environmental track record -- citing improvements mostly attributable to laws that the companies fought tooth and nail,
20061129             —DISCUSSED, They both, THE—ISRAEL—PEACE—INITIATIVE in the region as well as THE—DEVELOPMENT—OF—THE—EVENTS in the autonomy territories and ISRAEL.
20061129             —CONCLUDED, They, that the reclined position is the best + the forward slouch the worst.
20061129             —ALLOWED, This also, him to operate several virtual UAVs in 1 simulated attack scenario.
20061129             Video and TRANSCRIPT—THIS was the interesting idea of 1—ACQUAINTANCE,
20061129             —RANKED, Those in the expert group, their articles as generally credible,
20061129             THOUSANDS—OF—UK—TROOPS could remain in IRAQ for another —DECADE,
20061129             Ties to ISRAEL nothing new for SENATE—NEXT—MAJORITY—LEADER:
20061129             Traces of 1—RADIOACTIVE—SUBSTANCE are found on 2—BA planes at Heathrow —DURING probe into EX—SPY—DEATH.
20061129             Türkeireise: Extremisten bezeichnen PAPA als Kreuzfahrer
20061129             TÜRKISCHER—EU—BEITRITT: Der PAPA gibt Rätsel auf
20061129             UN Report Says AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT Protect Drug Traffickers:
20061129             —VERLÄNGERT, UNO, Truppeneinsatz im IRAK- - USA—MAN gets $2m for false arrest
20061129             —CARRIED, USA—CUSTOMS—OFFICIALS can seize and copy the contents of ANY—LAPTOP, across A—USA—BORDER.
20061129             —REVISED, USA—ECONOMIC—GROWTH, up
20061129             USA—FORCES in IRAQ kill 2—WOMEN in an air attack on a house in Baquba,
20061129             USA—FORCES kill 2—WOMEN in IRAQ—USA—MEDIA talk of IRAQ civil war
20061129             USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH said —ON—TUESDAY that the resurging violence in IRAQ is not civil war,
20061129             Und was war die Rolle von Kardinal MARCINKUS ?
20061129             Under Sec. 504—OF—THE—REHABILITATION—ACT,
20061129             Union LEADER—GINGRICH raises alarm at event hono...-
20061129             Você sabe que o cardeal MARCINKUS e mais um mafioso italiano na decada de
20061129             —DESCRIBED, WASHINGTON—POST—COLUMNIST—ROBERT—NOVAK —RECENTLY, Harman as Pelosi's " rival diva from CALIFORNIA,
20061129             War criminall to advise PAPA: Kissinger to Serve As Papal Adviser?:
20061129             War is 1—RACKET: We'll call Downer as witness: WASHINGTON—POST—EQUALS—WHITE...-
20061129             We investigate the hypothesis that colour vision.
20061129             We try to avoid the labels, particularly —WHEN the elected government itself does
20061129             —ANSWERED, Webb, " I'd like to get them out of IRAQ,
20061129             Webb "coldly" shot back, "That's between me and my boy,
20061129             —SURRENDERED, Well, Barney finally, err I mean,
20061129             Wenjun Xie, a materials physicist at NORTH—WEST—POLYTECHNICAL UNIVERSITY—IN—CHINA,
20061129             Wenn der nächste Hurrikan zuschlägt,
20061129             —WHEN BRITAIN and AMERICA WENT into AFGHANISTAN 20010000             ,
20061129             Why are modern consumer electronics so easily broken?
20061129             —HORRIFIED, With 1, suspect watching, HUNTINGTON—BEACH—POLICE planted EVIDENCE—1—LOADED—REVOLVER—IN the man's car —DURING 1—DUI accident investigation in ;;01;;, the Weekly has learned.
20061129             —ASKED, —YESTERDAY, a reporter, PRESIDENT—BUSH, Your government says so.
20061129             Please, stop laughing.
20061129             Zarqawi was to foment sectarian violence.
20061129             Zwar hat der GRIECHISCHE—ASTRONOM Aristarch von Samos die Idee eines heliozentrischen Weltbilds —SCHON im 02010101—03001231    —CENTURY vor Christus vertreten,
20061129             a Shiite DISTRICT—IN—NORTH—EAST—BAGHDAD". 1—CONGRESSIONAL aide said.
20061129             † But Pelosi, 1—COUPLE were threatened with fines of $25—1—DAY -, —1—DAY—AFTER 5—GIRLS, by tank fire.
20061129             a fellow CALIFORNIA female Democratic congresswoman,
20061129             1—SENIOR—USA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIAL said —YESTERDAY that the militia of radical Shiite leader Moqtada AL—SADR has
20061129             1—SHIFT from a —2—MONTH—OLD—CITATION that said the rival religion was evil and inhuman.
20061129             1—WELL known advocate for farm workers who's involved in labor negotiations with the same labor manager THE—PELOSI s use.
20061129             aangirfan (Coverage of 20010911             in FRANCE)-
20061129             according to USA—OFFICIALS and foreign diplomats.
20061129             according to — —SINCE they had such 1—GOOD,
20061129             —AFTER 1—USA—MEMO cast doubt on AL—MALIKI—ABILITY to deal with the sectarian warfare
20061129             allowing 1—RECORD opium trade that won't be stamped out for 1—GENERATION to flourish,
20061129             also leads to 1—CASCADE of gaze fixations —PRIOR—TO 1—DECISION.
20061129             1—ISRAEL—DIPLOMATIC—SOURCE has told Reuters news agency.
20061129             1—OMINOUS—NEW UNITED—NATIONS report released —TUESDAY said.
20061129             1—UPRIGHT 90-degree sitting position + 1 relaxed position where the subject reclined backward 135—DEGREES.
20061129             and conservative print outlets like INVESTOR—BUSINESS—DAILY.
20061129             and cutbacks in more advanced weapons".
20061129             another I—TERM: another found that "Men whose masculinity is challenged bec... Source:
20061129             are —NOW carrying burdens placed there by USA—IMPERIAL gluttony + I,
20061129             arguing that key administration officials either purposefully ignored the threats leading up to the attacks or were complicit in the planning them.
20061129             as 1—AMERICAN, want to help them carry this burden, 20061129             as MANY—KIND—PEOPLE—ALL over the world have tried to help me carry mine.
20061129             as the world's 2.—LARGEST economy continues to recover.
20061129             as we mentioned, but not Crate & Barrel and Best Buy.
20061129             at THE—RIGA summit, "we finally reflect on 1—EXIT strategy".
20061129             beautiful supermodels that can't go the distance.'" 20061129             bowed by lifetimes of carrying heavy burdens and children on their backs, 20061129             brought anxieties about THE—AFGHANISTAN—MISSION into the open —WHEN he suggested that, 20061129             but had their lawyer telephone the son's employer.
20061129             but he ordered them to begin working on it".
20061129             but it's also because JANE—HARMAN,
20061129             but somehow modern life requires the vast majority of the global population to work in 1 seated position,' Dr.
20061129             but THE—PRIME—MINISTER hasn't seen THE—PRESIDENT—SINCE he got here +
20061129             but the fish didn't do so well due to LACK—OF—WATER".
20061129             but THE—FOLLOW—THROUGH is abysmal," said 1—OFFICIAL.
20061129             but the law doesn't give the government that power.
20061129             but the needs of our MILITARY—INDUSTRIAL—COMPLEX
20061129             —BY death squads and even by AL—QAEDA in IRAQ.
20061129             —BY the way -- but makes only vague references to spills or pollution.
20061129             called vortex cores, quickly and without loss.
20061129             changizi @ caltech.edu. Abstract.
20061129             Passive visual exposure to 1—STIMULUS has long been.
20061129             circa 5—MILLIONEN Euro, 58—BESCHÄFTIGTE), sagt:
20061129             claiming that AL—QAIDA is to blame for the escalating bloodshed in this WAR—TORN country, reports reaching here said.
20061129             close the door on his bid to become CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—HOUSE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE,
20061129             conservative pundit Dick Morris claimed incoming House Speaker NANCY Pelosi (D—CA) doesn't support Rep.
20061129             consolidation + privatization of global water assets and services are advancing at 1 unprecedented pace
20061129             da es nicht VIELE—UNTERSUCHUNGEN über den Einfluss von Mikrowellen auf menschliche Körper gebe.
20061129             das Land in MYANMAR um. Obwohl die Opposition.
20061129             dass sie Sprengstoffe wie beispielsweise Dynamit aufspüren können,
20061129             dass sie ihr Kind in die Mikrowelle gesteckt haben könnte, dem Atomwaffensperrvertrag beizutreten.
20061129             despite THE—PRESIDENT—NEWFOUND excuse that al Qaeda is to blame,
20061129             disabled people, housewives, single mothers,
20061129             dogmatism and 1—INTOLERANCE—OF—AMBIGUITY" [*],
20061129             don't fight back and help these people fighting these fights".
20061129             —EARLIER—TODAY, everybody believed that negated the purpose for THE—3—OF—THEM to meet tonight,
20061129             easy way to manipulate THE—STATE—OF—TINY—MAGNETIC—STRUCTURES,
20061129             falling against the euro as concerns grow about THE—USA—ECONOMY.
20061129             FEDERAL—PROGRAMS cannot deny 'meaningful access' to people with disabilities.
20061129             felt like it negated the purpose to doing so.
20061129             for defamation, to go forward.
20061129             "'THERE—BEEN 1—LOT—OF—ACTIVITY in the states to pass laws purportedly to protect their citizens' from spam,
20061129             for no other reason. Betty, you're annoying.
20061129             —AM I overdoing it?
20061129             —CALLED, FORMER—DEMOCRATIC—PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER, Israeli "domination" over Palestinians "atrocious" in 1—INTERVIEW
20061129             —ISSUED, FORMER—HOUSE—SPEAKER—NEWT GINGRICH, his opinion that the idea of free speech in THE—USA—NEEDS to be RE—EXAMINED in the interest of fighting terrorism.
20061129             former adviser to RICHARD—NIXON, to be 1—POLITICAL consultant and he accepted.
20061129             —FROM kindergarten —UNTIL they graduate from high SCHOOL—GELTEN beide als Atommächte.
20061129             Sie weigern sich,
20061129             grown eightfold over the past —YEAR and —NOW fields 40,000 to 60,000—MEN.
20061129             has instructed military police investigators to open 1—PROBE into the question of whether ISRAEL—DEFENSE—FORCE—SOLDIERS—BEAR—CRIMINAL—RESPONSIBILITY in the shooting of a —24—YEAR—OLD—USA—CITIZEN + leftist activist in the Jenin refugee camp 20030400             .
20061129             has previously used ultrasound fields to levitate globs of iridium and mercury,
20061129             he controlled it entirely using the 'UAV Command and Control Interface (UAVCCI)'.
20061129             he would recommend that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION adopt that language
20061129             he would sweep MOST—OF—THE—SOUTH and also take BAGHDAD".
20061129             here's 1—STORY that EVERY—AMERICAN should know.
20061129             —EVALUATED, CONTINUE—HIGHER than those, by THE—NON—EXPERTS.
20061129             home healthcare aids, all KINDS—OF—PEOPLE who have no resources whatsoever to withstand these litigations.
20061129             hopefully with THE—PRESIDENT—CONCURRENCE...Our soldiers,
20061129             how does that how I affect how I celebrate Christmas?
20061129             how's this 1: in UMG v. Lindor, THE—RIAA not only subpoenaed the computer of Ms.
20061129             i.e., consistent with how visual exposure should modulate 1—RATIONAL—AGENT'S—PREFERENCES.
20061129             if the world at large + the technological community in particular,
20061129             in case she runs for GOVERNOR or something else.
20061129             in den USA PR—SPEZIALISTEN an "adjustment" (Zustimmung) der Menschen zum Regierungskurs —NACH—DEM Prinzip " CRYSTALLIZING PUBLIC OPINION " (BERNAYS ).
20061129             in order to raise $18—BILLION to overhaul itself.
20061129             in primates was selected for discriminating the... - in such 1—POSITIVE—WAY," he added.
20061129             in which Crate & Barrel spokeswoman Betty Kahn is quoted saying, including 1—SPECIAL—CHRISTMAS section
20061129             including factories, equipment, office buildings,
20061129             indicates that the industry slacked off supplying oil + gasoline —DURING the prolonged price boom
20061129             instead of trying to use — I —JUST — sometimes natural force is going to happen.
20061129             investigative season: USA v. GEORGE—W—BUSH et al.
20061129             is 1—DIRECT—REPUDIATION—OF—THE—UNITED—NATIONS Charter,
20061129             is it even possible that science can remain apolitical?
20061129             is that PELOSI and her husband are GUILTY—OF—HYPOCRISY over workers' rights because they own 1—VINEYARD in Napa Valley that is NON—UNION.
20061129             is the next in line in seniority + she doesn't want 1—FEMALE—COMPETITION.
20061129             isn't it dumb, Michelle, to come out and say, "I'm absolutely not going to say that"?
20061129             it took 1—THRILL—SEEKING mogul to energize 1—OF—MANKIND—OLDEST desires.
20061129             —BY JAMES—LEE from Wired magazine. it's gone.
20061129             You can read mail and reply to it from the page where you create THE—THROW—AWAY address.
20061129             it's a 2. On yours it sounds like it's about a 6 with 10—BEING total EYE—POPPING outrage.
20061129             known to modulate preference for the stimulus, raising... - learned to share.
20061129             oo to CALIFORNIA gazillionaires".
20061129             may be the 1. venue for THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to negotiate directly with IRAN and Syria in 1—EFFORT to reduce the bloodshed in IRAQ," THE—NEW—YORK Sun speculates.
20061129             meaning it could in theory levitate objects half that wavelength or less.
20061129             more recent work shows that 20061129             more that $300—BILLION has been spent on IRAQ alone.)
20061129             much derided here, trumps THE—OKLAHOMA law under which ANTI—SPAM activist MARK—MUMMA sued Omega World Travel for spamming him.
20061129             —ON their company website.
20061129             Could come in handy for the xmas shopping season".
20061129             once 1—OF—THE—STAUNCHEST—SUPPORTERS—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—IRAQ policy, 1 is technical, the other is stylistic.
20061129             or other methods to assist blind people in spending their money.
20061129             patents and trademarks + stakes in subsidiaries like Volvo,
20061129             productive bilateral discussion, was —JUST for THE—PRESIDENT to deal with bilateral issues and other issues with THE—KING this —EVENING in 1—DINNER setting + then the meetings set for tomorrow will still take place as scheduled.
20061129             quote, "We would definitely not be saying merry Christmas".
20061129             Wow.
20061129             regardless of whether or not ultimate blame finally lies with KISSINGER.
20061129             requiring highly complex technology.
20061129             risking their lives, losing their lives to stop 1—CIVIL—WAR".
20061129             sagte KEN—BETZ vom Rechtsmedizinischen Institut des Bezirks MONTGOMERY.
20061129             sailors and airmen should not be in there, saying his post-;;09;;.
20061129             11—EXECUTIVE—ORDER was unconstitutionally vague, according to 1—RULING released —TUESDAY.
20061129             says MARK—CHANGIZI, 1—THEORETICAL—NEUROBIOLOGIST and postdoctoral researcher at Caltech.
20061129             says violence in IRAQ not civil war:
20061129             she hastens to ADD—CONVENED that grand jury + held —7—DAYS—OF—TESTIMONY.
20061129             she's produced, to my mind, THE—BOOK—OF—THE—POST—ELECTION,
20061129             slouching posture in which the body is hunched forward,
20061129             some in fields they were familiar with and SOME—NOT.
20061129             speaking —TODAY in CHARLOTTSVILLE—VIRGINIA.
20061129             spoke of thegreat benevolence'' of Islam,
20061129             strahlt der Kulturkanal "Arte" 1—DOKUMENTATION der unheimlichen Art aus: "Benutzt...
20061129             suspending their involvement in the government
20061129             teilte das Nationallabor in Los Alamos auf seiner Internetseite mit.
20061129             that from the pastor at S—HELENA—CATHOLIC—CHURCH,
20061129             that he is surrounded by a "narrow circle" of advisers who "may skew the information he receives".
20061129             that if you're going to annoy me like this because I —JUST get annoyed.
20061129             the Ford Motor Company is mortgaging its assets,
20061129             THE—PALESTINE—PRESIDENT, to deploy in THE—GAZA—STRIP and help police the ceasefire,
20061129             the court held that they are denied meaningful access to their own money.
20061129             the 4. in the region's modern history, has ended.
20061129             the latest RIGHT—WING talking point.
20061129             the latter deemed terrorist sympathizers.
20061129             CONTINUE—THE—NON—EXPERTS are harder on the free encyclopedia than the experts.
20061129             the poor state's capital, —AFTER the original teachers' strike mushroomed into 1—BROAD—PROTEST demanding the resignation of Ruiz.
20061129             the radioactive material used to poison FORMER—KGB spy ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO is not as hard to get your hands on as SOME—HAVE previously stated.
20061129             the way information developed from it was used + the department's 'compliance with legal requirements governing the program'... Several Democrats suggested that the timing of his review might be tied to their TAKEOVER—OF—CONGRESS in —THIS—MONTH—MIDTERM elections as 1—WAY to preempt expected Democratic investigations of the N.S.A. program".
20061129             these SO—CALLED ideas often became "official policy or rhetoric," according to THE—WASHINGTON—POST.
20061129             they were not going to be doing 1—FULL—DETAIL—DISCUSSION in 1—TRILATERAL setting about IRAQ and the future of IRAQ and the strategy anyway, that —JUST wouldn't be appropriate.
20061129             this makes sure that we can create 1—HISTORY for us to remember and wonder at the programming of early games".
20061129             those SWITZERLAND—GUARD are going to need to upgrade their weaponry.
20061129             to protest PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI—TRIP to JORDAN to meet with PRESIDENT—BUSH".
20061129             to stem surging violence in IRAQ".
20061129             —TODAY on ABC's "Good —MORNING AMERICA".... Source: together, in 1—TRILATERAL setting.
20061129             —REMOVED, So the plan, unless they, a 4—FOOT wreath shaped like 1—PEACE—SYMBOL from the front of their house," THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTS.
20061129             unter Führung von Aung S—SUU—KYI...
20061129             —UNTIL we took certain steps to pit Sunnis against Shias.
20061129             very heavy materials.
20061129             —PERFORMED, —NOW the scientist has, the feat with live animals.
20061129             very strong magnetic fields have been necessary to accomplish this,
20061129             videos his death, writes on Web site that he's protesting the war, waren damals seine Ideen umstritten.
20061129             we haven't labeled it 1—CIVIL—WAR + I've asked —AROUND here —TODAY to see why not or what's the thinking on that and really our reporters have not filed that.
20061129             wenn nicht gar einzigartigen Instrument wie dem ANTIKYTHERA—MECHANISMUS umgesetzt worden wären".
20061129             werden wir folglich 1—KOPRODUKTION—VON—BIG—AID und Big Box erleben.
20061129             we've been in this phase for 1—WHILE.
20061129             what with all those crazy custom pieces.
20061129             where 80 25; of the country is Christian and 90—CELEBRATES—CHRISTMAS,
20061129             which funds NSTA—WEB—SITE on THE—SCIENCE—OF—ENERGY.
20061129             which prohibits the use of INTERNATIONAL force unless in SELF—DEFENSE (—AFTER 1 armed attack across 1—INTERNATIONAL—BORDER) or related to 1—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—DECISION.
20061129             who assumed 3—DIFFERENT sitting positions:
20061129             who came to WASHINGTON for intimate meetings —JUST like this 1, are eating it up word for word.
20061129             who made the observation that THE—VIETNAM war was very effective in distracting from the ugly reality of the Kennedy assassination.
20061129             who stands by his —EARLIER comments comparing MIAMI to a "
20061129             who won THE—CESAR—CHAVEZ award from THE—CESAR—E—CHAVEZ—FOUNDATION 20030000             , as ANTI—WORKER.
20061129             will examine the controls in place at the Justice Department for the eavesdropping,
20061129             will present its report on ;;12;;
20061129             6, with 1—VOWING "my QC will rip him to shreds".
20061129             you at least know which factions are fighting EACH—OTHER," lamented 1—SENIOR—MEMBER—OF—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT in 1—INTERVIEW.
20061129             you know, I don't care about them. you — you know me.
20061129             You know I am that petty, you're against us' yelling match.
20061129             Regardless of the viewpoint,
20061129             "Angesichts der zusehends leistungs- + aussagekräftigeren bildgebenden Verfahren in der Hirnforschung" sagt ULRICH—WEDER,
20061129             äusserte sich kurz nach der Veröffentlichung des Berichts von Claudio Fava, Berichterstatter des EU—PARLAMENTS.
20061129             —BY—HOOVER Institution fellow PETER—SCHWEIZER,
20061129             —BY—JOHN—M—CRISP—NOW that IRAN looms on our horizon,
20061129             —BY—SENDING 1—LETTER to the site's host,
20061129             —BY—THEIR homeowners' association
20061129             —LAST—NIGHT, FOX—NEWS host BILL—O'REILLY took aim at the retailer Crate & Barrel in his latest "WAR—ON—CHRISTMAS" segment.
20061129             O'Reilly cited a
20061129             —LAST—NIGHT, THE—ABC—NEWS affiliate in S—FRANCISCO filed 1—INVESTIGATIVE report that systematically debunks the charge.
20061129             —THINK—PROGRESS Telecom expert ART—BRODSKY warns
20061129             'It Was Going To Be More Of 1—SOCIAL—MEETING—ANYWAY'- - 'We've Been In This Phase For 1—WHILE'-
20061129             "1—BLOC—OF—IRAQ—LAWMAKERS allied with militia leader Moqtada AL—SADR announced —WEDNESDAY that they were
20061129             "Atrocities are occurring daily in SUDAN—DARFUR region-
20061129             "House SPEAKER—ELECT NANCY Pelosi was to meet with Rep.
20061129             "I am amazed to be in 1—COUNTRY that has been able to
20061129             "In 1—REFLECTION—OF—THE growing new dimension of civil strife,
20061129             "S—FRANCISCO values".- - "Stay the course is gone.-
20061129             "The rhetoric from public health officials is good,
20061129             "The wear and tear may lead to future equipment shortages
20061129             "What is the difference between what we're seeing —NOW in IRAQ and civil war?" Bush responded by dismissing THE—SIGNIFICANCE—OF—THE—RASH—OF—VIOLENCE afflicting IRAQ in recent months.
20061129             He told the reporter that "
20061129             "wouldn't get handcuffed in Crate & Barrel if they started chanting and stuff".
20061129             Commerce SECRETARY—CARLOS—GUTIERREZ said THE—USA is banning exports of luxury items to NORTH—KOREA, arguing that the Stalinist state's ruling elite is "splurging" —WHILE its population suffers.
20061129             According to reports, THE—LIST—OF—ITEMS specifically targeting NORTH—KOREA—BON vivant leader KIM—JONG—IL includes iPods, jet skis and plasma televisions.
20061129             1—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE—ORDERED—FEMA to resume housing payments to Katrina victims.
20061129             —STILL losing money —AFTER job and factory cuts, Ford Motor Co. said 38,000 workers, almost HALF—OF—ITS hourly production force, had accepted buyouts or early retirement offers.
20061129             —AUTHORED, He —LATER, "THE—EASY—WAY to Stop Smoking" (19850000             ).
20061129             SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER on 1—MOTORCYCLE blew himself up next to 1—NATO—CONVOY, killing 2—CIVILIANS.
20061129             THE—TEXAS—BASED CHINA Aid Association said in 1—STATEMENT 3—LEADERS—OF—THE—3—GRADE Servant church had been put to death in NORTH—EAST—CHINA—HEILONGJIANG province over the past —WEEK.
20061129             It said another 12—MEMBERS—OF—THE—CONGREGATION had also been previously executed, bringing the total number to 15. The case involved accusations that THE—3—GRADE—SERVANT—CHURCH was involved in THE—MURDER—OF—MEMBERS—OF—ANOTHER—CHRISTIAN cult, THE—EAST—LIGHTNING.
20061129             —FINISHED, NATO—LEADERS, a —2—DAY—SUMMIT without agreement on SOME—MEMBERS' refusal to send troops into combat in AFGHANISTAN—MOST dangerous regions.
20061129             —VOWED, NATO, to give its troubled mission in AFGHANISTAN the "forces, resources and flexibility needed" to tackle increasingly ferocious Taliban fighters.
20061129             —INVITED, Leaders, SERBIA—MONTENEGRO and BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA to join 1—PROGRAM considered a 1. step toward eventual membership, but urged Serbia and Bosnia to fully cooperate with THE—UN—WAR—CRIMES—TRIBUNAL.
20061129             NORTH—KOREA—ENVOYS left CHINA —AFTER meeting with USA—NEGOTIATORS with no agreement reached on 1—RESUMPTION—OF—6—NATION nuclear talks.
20061129             † In INDIA at least 3—PEOPLE and dozens were hurt as LOW—CASTE Hindus rioted in THE—WEST—INDIA—STATE—OF—MAHARASHTRA over the vandalism of 1—STATUE of their late leader, B.R. Ambedkar.
20061129             —ADDRESSED, IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD, 1—LETTER to THE—USA—PEOPLE to be released at UN headquarters in NEW—YORK.
20061129             He urged THE—USA—PEOPLE to demand THE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—USA—TROOPS from IRAQ and reject what he called THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION'S "blind support" for ISRAEL and its "illegal and immoral" actions in fighting terrorism.
20061129             IRAQ—LAWMAKERS and Cabinet ministers loyal to ANTI—USA—CLERIC—MUQTADA AL—SADR said they have carried out their threat to suspend participation in PARLIAMENT and the government to protest PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI—SUMMIT with USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH in JORDAN.
20061129             The 1. of 2—HIGH—PROFILE—MEETINGS in JORDAN between Bush and PRIME—MINISTER—AL—MALIKI was abruptly canceled amid conflicting explanations.
20061129             Bush met AL—MALIKI—THE—NEXT—DAY.
20061129             13—INSURGENTS and 15—CITIZENS were killed in IRAQ, including 2—FEMALES who were caught up in 1—COALITION—RAID—NORTH—OF—THE—CAPITAL.
20061129             IRAQ—FORCES found 28—BODIES in what may be 1—MASS—GRAVE—SOUTH—OF—THE—CITY—OF—BAQOUBA.
20061129             —KILLED, In Basra gunmen, Nasir Gatami, the deputy of the local Sunni Endowment chapter, and 3—OF—HIS bodyguards in 1—ATTACK on their 2—CAR—CONVOY.
20061129             † 1—USA—ARMY—SOLDIER, from wounds suffered in Anbar province.
20061129             † 1—USA—SOLDIER was killed —DURING combat in BAGHDAD.
20061129             1—MEXICO—COURT reinstated 1—ARREST—WARRANT for FORMER—PRESIDENT—LUIS—ECHEVERRIA, —JUST—4—MONTHS—AFTER 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE had dismissed the same charges of genocide in connection with a 19680000             student massacre.
20061129             Fire struck 1—WORKSHOP at RUSSIA—LARGEST—STEEL—MILL, killing 6—PEOPLE, as firefighters' efforts were hampered by temperatures that fell to 17—DEGREES below 0.
20061129             —CONDEMNED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, a "significant increase" in THE—FLOW—OF—WEAPONS to and through SOMALIA in violation of a 19920000             arms embargo and voted unanimously to keep monitoring weapons trafficking in the poor and lawless Horn of AFRICA NATION.
20061129             Hurrikan Katrina: Die Geschäftswelt ist besser für Katastrophen gewappnet.
20061129             THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS, the real estate mogul who owns the building that is...
20061129             THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS, the real estate mogul who owns the building that is home to School District 29's headquarters pleaded guilty to receiving $2.3—MILLION...
20061129             Whiskey, Tango, FOXTROT—OVER.: More on the Randy "DUKE...
20061129             Kontogiannis was 1—LONG—ISLAND—REAL—ESTATE developer who had previously pled guilty in 1—NEW—YORK public school BID—RIGGING and bribery case.
20061129             Man Pleads Guilty in Cunningham SCANDAL—FORBES_com THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS admitted to 1—SINGLE—COUNT—OF engaging in 1—UNLAWFUL... scheme involving computer contracts for THE—NEW—YORK City school district.
20061129             THE—BUFFALO—NEWS: National... COURT—OF—APPEALS stepped in to THE—CASE—OF—NEW—YORK financier THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS... Long ISLAND mortgage banker JOHN—MICHAEL and his CO—DEFENDANT...
20061129             Passive visual exposure to 1—STIMULUS has long been. known to modulate preference for the stimulus... alfatomega.com/20061129.html
20061129             _A_O_Site Search Results_for_"NEO-"
20061129             —BASED, TPMmuckraker THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS, 1—LONG—ISLAND—BUSINESSMAN... The trader at FLORIDA—BASED vFinance who was in CHARGE—OF—LOM—ACCOUNT...
20061129             2786361 ENGLISH 2248585 1 2238143 2 2211882 DATE 2167660 MORE... 966—IRODA 966—GAMBINO 966—CRUSHES 966—COMICAL 966—BLACKHAWK 966—ANARCHIC... 108—VICTORINE 108—VFINANCE 108—VERIFICATIONS 108—VERIATO 108—VENTRIA 108 ...
20061129             alfatomega.com/20061201.html
20061129             MAX—PLANCK—QUANTEN :: Der Berliner Physiker Planck... - in THE—WASHINGTON—POST.
20061129             water and medicine in VENEZUELA in case 1—VOTE—ON—SUNDAY sparks public disorder as ANTI—USA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ seeks reelection.
20061129—19230000    —VERÖFFENTLICHTE BERNAYS sein Buch " Crystallizing Public Opinion ".Der Spatz im Gebälk
20061129—19230000    veröffentlichte BERNAYS sein Buch " CRYSTALLIZING PUBLIC OPINION ".
20061129—19830000    —IN, He stopped smoking and opened 1—CLINIC to help others quit using his Easyway method.
20061129—20010911    —ON, "20010911             and USA—EMPIRE" assess THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—RESPONSIBILITY for the attacks ,
20061129—20050000    —IN, 24—JEWISH—ORGANIZATIONS biggest fundraisers in USA : At THE—HEAD—OF—THE—JEWISH—ORGANIZATIONS on the list was the United Jewish Communities (UJC) which ranked 34. The organization raised nearly USD 334—MILLION.
20061129—20061130    Randi Rhodes is WINNER—OF—THIS—WEEK'S "BuzzFlash WINGS—OF—JUSTICE" Award
20061129—20061130    —YESTERDAY on FOX—HANNITY and Colmes,
20061129—20061206    —ON, THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP—NICO—WILL present its report, Reuters reports.
20061129—20160000    —UNTIL, UK—TROOPS may stay in IRAQ :
20061129—20160000    —UNTIL, UK—TROOPS may stay in IRAQ : THOUSANDS—OF—UK—TROOPS could remain in IRAQ for another —DECADE, Des Browne, the Defence SECRETARY, said —YESTERDAY.
20070123             —HELPED, JOHN—T—MICHAEL, owner of 1—MORTGAGE—COMPANY in NEW—YORK, THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS... alfatomega.com/20061129.html
20070126             CIA officer is 1. USA combat casualty - 20011129             20070126             CIA officer is 1. USA combat casualty -
20070126             CIA officer is 1. USA combat casualty - 20011129             20070717             O'Rourke... alfatomega.com/_A_O_inzoome_/20041129.htm 20070717             Debunking 20010911             Conspiracy Theories and Controlled DEMOLITION—REAL.
20070717             NORTH—OLIVER L 806. O'Rourke... alfatomega.com/_A_O_inzoome_/20041129.htm 20070717             Debunking 20010911             Conspiracy Theories and Controlled DEMOLITION—REAL.
20070925—20151129    —ON, more people were charged in the scandal including Liberato Servo, identified as 1—OF—THE—SCHEME—RINGLEADERS.
20071121             Escola da VIDA—AUGUSTO Cury 20101129             ... As pesquisas foram conduzidas pelo DOCTOR—ROBERT—STICKGOLD.
20071123             Her body was found 20071129             about 50—MILES—EAST—OF—EL Dorado.
20071126—20071129    —SIGNED, FORMER—PAKISTAN—PRIME—MINISTERS—BENAZIR Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif, up to run in 1—JANUARY election —WHILE 1—SPOKESMAN for PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF said he would be sworn in as 1—CIVILIAN.
20071129             2000707—20200709    HUNDREDS—OF—FORCES from different Army units participated in the 5. World MEETING—OF—FAMILIES—HELD in VALENCIA under the...
20071129             —REPORTED, The 1. case was, 20071110             in Bundibugyo district, 210—MILES—WEST—OF—THE—CAPITAL, KAMPALA.
20071129             "Die Leute haben genug", sagte 1—DER—ANFÜHRER,
20071129             "Wenn man meine Stadt als Zufluchtsstätte sieht,
20071129             —AFTER —1—YEAR and 1—HALF—OF—STALLING,
20071129             5118-191. BAKER BOTTS, SHINAWATRA, DR THAKSIN..
20071129             5118-63. BAKER BOTTS, SHEIK—HAMAD—AL—THANI ,
20071129             1—VICTORY for Ehren Watada -- and for FREEDOM—OF—THE—PRESS 11/29
20071129             1—CAPITAL melodrama starring ELIOT—SPITZER, JOE—BRUNO and ANDREW—CUOMO
20071129             AG, 5118-238. BAKER BOTTS, RHONE—POULENC,
20071129             Ahmanson, HOWARD—AHMANSON—HOWARD F 11—AID,
20071129             Als das Interesse des Volkes und der erhoffte Zustrom alter Kommunisten sich in Grenzen hielten,
20071129             AMERICA—RADIO AIR AMERICA 95—AIR Defenses Aktien,
20071129             Another RUDY—SCANDAL—ALERT: As NEW—YORK mayor,
20071129             ANTI—TERROR—KAMPF: Schäuble lobt die Sicherheitslage
20071129             —BILLED, As NEW—YORK mayor, RUDY—GIULIANI, obscure city agencies for TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS in security expenses amassed —DURING the time —WHEN he was beginning 1—EXTRAMARITAL relationship with future wife JUDITH—NATHAN in the Hamptons,
20071129             At THE—DIRECTION—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE,
20071129             Atomhändler: 680.000—EURO für 1—KILO radioaktives Material
20071129             Auch Affen können berührungssensitive Displays bedienen,
20071129             Auf den Straßen Stawropols standen im Wahlkampf täglich junge Leute stundenlang mit den Fahnen der PARTEI—NICHT etwa aus Überzeugung, sondern für Geld.
20071129             Augenzeugen berichteten von Schüssen Die Regierung geht hart gegen die Meuterer vor:
20071129             BUSH s KAROLINSKA—INSTITUT Kategorien,
20071129             Biografie... bin Chalifa AL—THANI—KATEGORIEN : Personen nach Nationalität
20071129             Blitze und Wirbel: Venus ist der höllische Zwilling der Erde
20071129             —RETALIATED, Bloch improperly, against employees and dismissed whistleblower cases without adequate examination.
20071129             Bush evik Who Heads FCC is Acting Like, But that's 1—BIG if.
20071129             BuzzFlash in Top 6—POLITICAL—WEBSITES on the Web 11/29
20071129             Bühnenarbeiter am Broadway: Vorhang auf, Streik vorbei
20071129             —REVEALED, CIA officer ROBERT—BAER has, that ABDALLAH—AL—THANI is 1—WAHABBI zealot who personally provided 20—BLANK—PASSPORTS to KSM.
20071129             CAROL—MARIN: OPRAH and Babs are OK; Gore is the rock star
20071129             Challenge Bibendum: Im ERDGAS—CADDY zum UMWELTGIPFEL—CHAVEZ breaks ties with COLOMBIA.
20071129             Uribe is a Made Bush Cartel Man.
20071129             Comeback des Serienkillers: Das neue WÜRGERTUM—CUOMO—GAL —FRIDAY -
20071129             DH: Field, could DOCTOR—JOHN—DEUTCH—RAYTHEON—THALES and CITIGROUP—AMEC...
20071129             Damit war der Versuch, die rechtsrheinischen Gebiete Germaniens zur ROM—PROVINZ zu machen, endgültig gescheitert.
20071129             —BERICHTET, Das, die "WASHINGTON—POST " unter Berufung auf mehrere Stadtkämmerer.
20071129             AFP—DAS RUSSISCHE—VOLK steht mehrheitlich hinter Putin.
20071129             Den Gemeinden bleibe nur, entweder teure Projekte abzusagen oder Geld für deutlich höhere Zinsen zu LEIHEN—LETZTLICH auf Kosten des Steuerzahlers.
20071129             Die Regierung kämpft —SEIT—MONATEN gegen Korruptionsvorwürfe.
20071129             Die Zinsen für Kredite, die die Kommunen aufnehmen wollen, seien drastisch gestiegen.
20071129             Die kommunistische Zeitung "Prawda" spottete nach der Fusion,
20071129             Doch das gab sich bald, als habe ihm jemand erläuterte,
20071129             Ehrgeizige Pläne: Scholz will weltbeste Arbeitsvermittlung schaffen
20071129             Eine linke Opposition scheint dem Kreml selbst als Imitat in Form eines roten Fliegenfängers noch zu gefährlich.
20071129             Einer seiner Mitstreiter, GENERAL—DANILO—LIM,
20071129             Einkommen: Arbeitnehmern droht LOHN—MINUS
20071129             Er wurde trotz seiner Anklage im ;;05;; in den Senat gewählt.
20071129             Ermordete Journalisten: 20070000             ist Rekordjahr der Gewalt
20071129             Es ist nach der Debatte der Demokraten im ;;07;;
20071129             das 2. Mal, Explosivos Alerts, BuzzFlash Allenby,
20071129             Familien im Existenzkampf: Arme Kinder, reiches Land
20071129             FEINSTAUB—FAHRVERBOTE: Sind Sie fit für die Umweltzone?
20071129             Friedensverhandlungen: Bush ernennt neuen NAHOST—BEAUFTRAGTEN
20071129             Geldquelle: Überweisungen in Entwicklungsländer sollen billiger werden
20071129             Generationswechsel: Neue Garde soll Siemens kontrollieren
20071129             Gewaltdebatte: Gesprächstherapeuten fordern Spielverbote
20071129             Gianna, —10—JAHRE, HAMBURG: "Papa ist —SCHON lange weg"
20071129             Good Question -- THE—BUZZFLASH—EDITOR—BLOG—GORBACHEV endorses Putin in election:
20071129             Griechenlands Müllproblem: Blaue Flagge über leerer Öldose
20071129             —GEGRÜNDET, Hamad bin Khalifa AL—THANI,Hamad bin Khalifa AL—THANI, wurde,
20071129             HAMBURG: REEPERBAHN—BESUCHERN droht Trinkverbot auf der STRAßE—HAUSVERKAUF in den USA:
20071129             That's Called Treason.
20071129             He called on the West to take RUSSIA seriously as 1—PARTNER.
20071129             He was adamant, however, and praised MISTER—PUTIN—HANDLING—OF—THE—COUNTRY that he inherited —7—YEARS—AGO.
20071129             HENRY—O—DORMANN, Chairman + EDITOR—IN—CHIEF, LEADERS Magazine.
20071129             IRENE—FARBER... - HERE—1—EXCERPT from her INTERVIEW—WITH—DON—DAUGHTER, Dana Silverman: DS :
20071129             His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa AL—THANI R - History, give me rewrite!
20071129             KARL—ROVE—HM.
20071129             So, —JUST what is the link between Rudy "Mister 911 " GIULIANI and AL—THANI ?
20071129             Hoher Zinssatz bringt Kommunen in Schwierigkeiten Grund für die Probleme ist demnach die Finanznot von speziellen Versicherern ( bond insurance firms ),
20071129             Home foreclosure filings in ;;10;;
20071129             edged up 2 % from ;;09;; but at 224,451 were 1—WHOPPING 94 % higher than —1—YEAR—EARLIER,
20071129             Home foreclosures soar 94 %: RealtyTrac: How interesting and convenient!
20071129             Hucakbee's "Performance" WILL—ENHANCE—HIS "Authenticity,
20071129             Human + material resources from various Army units have participated in the 5. World MEETING—OF—FAMILIES, held in VALENCIA.
20071129             If an honest investigation starts pulling at the loose thread of the Siegelman persecution,
20071129             In essence, THE—TREASURY—FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—OFFICIALS said that the Working GROUP—AFFECTIONATELY nicknamed the Plunge Protection TEAM—DOESN'T keep records of its meetings.
20071129             Indymedia Anno, MARTY—ANTI—TERROR—KAMPF—APE—SHIT—ARMEE, ISRAELISCHE—ARMEE, Israels Associated...
20071129             It is Highly Possible that Uribe Took the Action at THE—REQUEST—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—BECAUSE the Cheney Crew Didn't Want Chavez to Get Credit for Freeing the Captives.
20071129             It's almost like we have -- freedom. 11/29
20071129             —CALLED, It's, the Dixie Mafia, and it's all over the deep South.
20071129             It's not as though those guys are too pure to do oppo research.
20071129             JAPAN PM in damage control —AFTER arrest, IRAQ vote:
20071129             JAPAN—2—MONTH—OLD—GOVERNMENT was in damage control —WEDNESDAY as the former top defence bureaucrat was arrested in 1—BRIBERY—SCANDAL and 1—RESURGENT opposition voted to end 1—AIR—MISSION in IRAQ.
20071129             Jeannie, 12, BERLIN: "Immerhin haben wir 1—WOHNUNG"
20071129             —MURDERED, Jeb BUSH, 1—CERTAIN, FLORIDA journalist, and 1—WHOLE—LOT—MORE.
20071129             —JETZT aber, knapp —5—WOCHEN vor der 1. Vorwahl in IOWA, fahren sie die Ellenbogen aus.
20071129             JOHN—GIBSON—OF—THE—FOX—PROPAGANDA—NETWORK is the BuzzFlash Media PUTZ—OF—THE—WEEK.
20071129             JONATHAN—K—IDEMA war ursprünglich "freiberuflich" als BERATER—DER—NORDALLIANZ nach...
20071129             JUDGE—REJECTS—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—SUBPOENA—OF—AMAZON com Book Purchases; 'A judge has ruled that customers have 1—RIGHT to keep their READING habits from the government,
20071129             Jugendgewalt: Sarkozy sieht Herrschaft der Schläger in Problemvierteln
20071129             Jugendgewalt: Schäuble warnt vor Krawallen wie in FRANKREICH—KAMPF, Im Kandidat, BUSH s Kandidaten,
20071129             Khalifa Alert-, Pimp AlertNet, Reuters Ali,
20071129             Khalifa Almog, Generalmajor USA—ENTERPRISE Institute USA—ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE 129—ANGOLAGATE,
20071129             Konjunktur: Arbeitslosenzahl auf niedrigstem Stand —SEIT—14—JAHREN
20071129             Konjunktur: Volkswirte warnen vor Rezessionspanik
20071129             Konzernumbau: SIEMENS—CHEF hält größeren Stellenabbau für möglich
20071129             Kreditkrise: Angeschlagene IKB—BANK soll verkauft werden
20071129             Kreditkrise: LBBW droht Verlust von 800—MILLIONEN Euro
20071129             LEADERS Magazine Sanford I. Weill, Citigroup...
20071129             —GATHERED, LEADERS, 1—SMALL, distinguished GROUP—OF—EXECUTIVES at NEW—YORKs...
20071129             Lala from the teletubbies has —TODAY said "kill the commie swine".
20071129             Lala from the teletubbies's comments are both brave and perceptive.
20071129             —VERHINDERT, Landesbanken: BAYERN, Fusion zur zweitgrößten DEUTSCHEN—BANK
20071129             Likability" Mantle Bestowed by THE—MISS—M) Rudy and Mitt Played 1—GAME—OF—DARTS, At EACH—OTHER.
20071129             —FORDERUNGEN, Linksextreme Kontakte:, nach Rücktritt von JUSO—CHEFIN Drohsel
20071129             Logbuch AL—QAIDA: OSAMA—MARKETING auf Hochtouren
20071129             MAM Deuss, Chairman, Transworld Oil Limited.
20071129             MANILA—RUND 50—REBELLIERENDE Soldaten und Militärpolizisten haben sich in der PHILIPPINISCHEN—HAUPTSTADT—MANILA in einem Hotel verschanzt und verlangen den Rücktritt von Präsidentin GLORIA—MACAPAGAL—ARROYO.
20071129             REUTERS—MANILA: Spezialkräfte der Polizei stürmten 1—LUXUS—HOTEL,
20071129             MIAMI zog 1—ZUSICHERUNG zur Zahlung von 540—MILLIONEN Dollar an einen Flughafen zurück,
20071129             Mietstreit: Vermieter wirft Frau mit Bagger über Brüstung
20071129             Millionen AL—QAEDA—AL—THANI, Khalifa ALASKA,
20071129             Mindestlohn: Ver.di und Postdienste legen neuen Tarifvertrag vor
20071129             Mindeststandards: EU will Waffengesetze verschärfen
20071129             MOBILE Maps 2.0: Google weiß wo du BIST—UNGEFÄHR
20071129             MISTER—GORBACHEV—ENDORSEMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—PUTIN will surprise his MANY—FRIENDS in the West.
20071129             —NACH—DEN letzten Wahlen hielten sich hartnäckige Vorwürfe eines Wahlbetrugs, die aber nie nachgewiesen wurden.
20071129             NAHOST—KONFLIKT: Olmert fürchtet ENDE—DES—STAATES—ISRAEL
20071129             NETZWELT—TICKER: EBAY—IPHONES nur per Paypal
20071129             Neue AUDIO—BOTSCHAFT: OSAMA—BIN—LADEN wäscht die Taliban rein
20071129             —NUN weigerten sie sich, für kommunale Anleihen zu garantieren.
20071129             Oh Those Racally, Corrupt, CRIMINALLY—INCLINED Bush eviks.
20071129             Oh yeah? How MICHAEL—MUKASEY and Bernie Kerik are haunting RUDY—RUN.
20071129             OMAN.
20071129             Sitting members His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa AL—THANI R -
20071129             Organisation ALASKA—EXPERTIN Alaveses, Our house was broken into....
20071129             PAKISTAN: Ausnahmezustand soll —MITTE ;;12;;
20071129             ENZYKLIKA—PAPA: Benedikts Prinzip HOFFNUNG—PARAPOLITICS 911
20071129             Patentrechte: Starbucks und ÄTHIOPIEN legen Kaffeestreit bei
20071129             PHILIPPINEN: Militär stürmt HOTEL—REBELLIERENDE Offiziere geben auf
20071129             PHILIPPINISCHE—SPEZIALKRÄFTE in dem Hotel in MANILA:
20071129             Plenty keeps ALBANY—POLITICAL odd couple, Andrew and Joe, together
20071129             Priorities, Priorities! (BuzzFlash Prediction:
20071129             Progressives seem to be under the impression that the nation is united on the topic of 1—IMMEDIATE—TROOP—PULL—OUT.
20071129             Read Larisa ALEXANDROVNA—TERRIFIC 2—PART investigation HERE—REALGEHÄLTER: Aufschwung ins Lohnminus
20071129             REPUBLIKANER—DEBATTE: Clash der Kandidaten
20071129             Richtlinie: EU erlaubt Schleichwerbung im Fernsehen
20071129             Rove to Justice Department: Screw the Dems Is FORMER—ALABAMA GOVERNOR—DON—SIEGELMAN 1—USA—POLITICAL—PRISONER?
20071129             RUDY—GIULIANI tied to an AL—QAEDA "enabler"? RUDY—PANTS—ON—FIRE
20071129             —ENTLASSEN, RUSSLAND: Oppositionsführer Kasparow aus Haft
20071129             Ryanair: Passagierin muss wegen Plüschkroko Flugzeug verlassen
20071129             —OWNED, Sales of previously, homes in THE—USA—HIT their lowest level
20071129             —INFLATED, Secret testimony shows that RUDY—STUMP speech is, at best
20071129             Selbst Oppositionelle räumen ein, dass Wahlfälschungen dafür nicht nötig sind.
20071129             Shock, Horror, Evil! So why won't they say something?
20071129             SUDAN: Gericht spricht BRITISCHE—LEHRERIN in TEDDY—AFFÄRE schuldig
20071129             SUPREME—LAW Library : COURT—CASES : COLONEL—JAMES "Bo" Gritz : gritz
20071129             —COMPLIED, THE—USA—TREASURY finally, with THE—POST—REQUESTS for information about THE—PRESIDENT—WORKING—GROUP on Financial MARKETS—BY delivering 177—PAGES—OF crap.
20071129             Tarifeinigung: Bahn sagt Beschäftigten 10 % mehr Gehalt zu
20071129             Tariq ALI—TARIQ 3—ALLEN, Booz Alpert, RICHARD—ALPERT—RICHARD 8—AMERICA INC N-30D AMERICA...
20071129             Terrorismus: OSAMA—BIN—LADEN fordert Europäer zum Rückzug aus AFGHANISTAN auf
20071129             Test mit Digitalfotos: Hunde sortieren Bilder nach Inhalt
20071129             THE—COHEN—GROUP (left); HENRY—O—DORMANN,
20071129             THE—GANG that couldn't corrupt straight.
20071129             The contradictory + stunning reality is that GIULIANI Partners,
20071129             The immaculate RECORD—OF—THE—STATE—SENATE—LEADER calling for investigations of ELIOT—SPITZER
20071129             They must know about RUDY—LINKS to AL—THANI.
20071129             This Time In IRAQ. Which Ones are on "Our Side"?
20071129             This is 1—DANGEROUS—SITUATION.
20071129             —WHEN Dana JILL—SIMPSON came forward with her testimony, USA—HOMES—SALES suffer record fall:
20071129             Umfragen zufolge könnte seine Partei "Einiges RUSSLAND" bei der Parlamentswahl im ;;12;;
20071129             auf 70—PROZENT—DER—STIMMEN kommen. Unsere ZEIT—ZEITUNG der DKP
20071129             Unter dem Motto "Imperium —KONFLIKT MYTHOS—VARUS—SCHLACHT 20090000             "
20071129             URIBE—RECENT—REMOVAL—OF—CHAVEZ as 1—MEDIATOR with Rebels Holding Foreign Hostages in COLOMBIA Was the Straw that Broke THE—CAMEL—BACK.
20071129             VARUS—SCHLACHT: Hamburger Studenten bauen ROM—KRIEGSSCHIFF nach
20071129             VENEZUELA Threatens to Expel USA—OFFICIAL:
20071129             —THREATENED, VENEZUELA, —WEDNESDAY to expel A—USA—EMBASSY official for allegedly conspiring to defeat 1—REFERENDUM championed by PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ,
20071129             VIELE—VERSICHERUNGEN seien durch die USA—KREDITKRISE in finanzielle Schwierigkeiten geraten,
20071129             4. Fall in einer —WOCHE: Verwahrloste Kinder aus Berliner Wohnung gerettet
20071129             Well, Bush : "In addition to commissioners Tate and Adelstein,
20071129             Who Allegedly Looks Into Executive Branch Illegal and Unethical Behavior Might Have Intentionally Erased His Own Computer Files.
20071129             Why didn't GIULIANI—OPPONENTS in the Republican debate mention ANY—OF—THIS material?
20071129             Young muslim men and the liberal communist atheist society that spawns them must be eliminated.
20071129             Zwar wetterte Parteichef Mironow —IM—SOMMER noch vereinzelt gegen "Einiges RUSSLAND" als "Partei der Oligarchen und Bürokraten" und polemisierte gegen "DOLLAR—MILLIONÄRE".
20071129             [VIDEO] KEITH—OLBERMANN on KARL—ROVE—BLAMING Congress for voting for IRAQ 11/29
20071129             1—HEALTHY 41—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS want troops to remain in IRAQ —UNTIL the situation has stabilized,
20071129             according to previously undisclosed government records.
20071129             accusing the diplomat of plotting to sway public opinion.
20071129             and 1—EVEN healthier 54% want the troops home ASAP.
20071129             and THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE has to this —DAY refused to release them.
20071129             96—IF... - auch mit dem EMIR—VON—KATAR, SCHEICH—HAMAD—BIN—CHALIFA—AL—THANI, zusammen, dem er...
20071129             außerdem steht eine 350—MILLIONEN—DOLLAR—ANLEIHE im ;;12;;
20071129             für Schulen, Straßen und Parks auf der Kippe.
20071129             dann hat Romney doch 1—ZUFLUCHTSHAUS geschaffen.
20071129             dass YouTube als Hilfsmittel für die Kandidatenentscheidung genutzt WIRD—UND dieses neue Instrument scheint sich zu bewähren.
20071129             dass die Partei zwar links blinken, aber keinesfalls in Richtung Klassenkampf abbiegen darf.
20071129             democracy': THE—EMIR—OF—QATAR, SHEIK—HAMAD bin Khalifa AL—THANI,
20071129             der Kreml habe den Nobelpreis für Biologie verdient,
20071129             der sich wegen Beteiligung an den COUP—VERSUCH verantworten muss.
20071129             die für die Deckung der Kommunalanleihen garantieren.
20071129             doing business with the ministry run by the very member of the royal family identified in news and government reports as having concealed KSM—THE—TERRORIST mastermind who
20071129             etwa die Schimpansin Ai bei Experimenten JAPANISCHER—PRIMATENFORSCHER.
20071129             feasts at THE—QATAR trough, her house was burned down.
20071129             My dad's lawyer's office was broken into.
20071129             in Kalkriese an den —KONFLIKT und in Detmold an den Mythos vom unbesiegbaren Germanen erinnert.
20071129             in dem sich Dutzende Soldaten, die gegen die Staatspräsidentin rebellieren,
20071129             key Republican lawmakers have expressed concern that Martin does not operate in the open,
20071129             leading prosecutors to withdraw 1—SUBPOENA seeking THE—IDENTITIES—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE who bought used books through Amazon com.
20071129             musste das blasse Parteigeschöpf kräftig Rouge auflegen.
20071129             —ON—WEDNESDAY criticized the West for boycotting the Hamas government,
20071129             real estate data firm RealtyTrac said —ON—THURSDAY.
20071129             saying he does not allow the public enough time to comment on proposals and does not include fellow commissioners in discussions".
20071129             says that Congress forced BUSH into invading IRAQ, even though BUSH didn't want to.
20071129             schließlich habe er 1—PARTEI geklont, "wie Biologen das Schaf Dolly".
20071129             the consulting company that has made GIULIANI rich,
20071129             THE—FEDERAL—OFFICE—OF—PERSONNEL—MANAGEMENT—INSPECTOR—GENERAL is looking into claims that Mr.
20071129             they might follow it all the way to FLORIDA, torture".
20071129             Priorities, Priorities! 11/29
20071129             verlas 1—ERKLÄRUNG, in der die Gruppe Arroyo ihre Unterstützung entzieht.
20071129             verschanzt haben. Augenzeugen berichten von Schüssen.
20071129             weil sie für Verluste durch geplatzte Immobilienkredite zahlen und mit massiven Abschreibungen fertig werden müssten.
20071129             wird üBERNächstes —JAHR in einem länderübergreifenden Projekt in Haltern am See an das ROM—IMPERIUM,
20071129             zusammen, dem er für langjährige Verbundenheit dankte.
20071129             —ANNOUNCED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, that CHINA has agreed to eliminate improper trade subsidies it was using to THE—DETRIMENT—OF—USA and other foreign companies.
20071129             FLORIDA state officials froze withdrawals from the state's Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP) as panicky investors pulled out nearly HALF—OF—THE—FUND—ASSETS—IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—USA—MORTGAGE—MESS.
20071129             School and municipal officials found themselves SHORT—OF—MONEY to pay bills.
20071129             —FACED, Other states, similar problems due to purchases of high yield debt known as structured investment vehicles (SIVs).
20071129             The jazz club Yoshi's in S—FRANCISCO held its grand opening at 13300000             Fillmore.
20071129             —REPORTED, Cancer researchers, 1—LINK between NIGHT—SHIFT—WORK and 1—HIGHER—INCIDENCE—OF—CANCER.
20071129             RICHMOND, COUNTY—GEORGIA, JEANETTE—MICHELLE—HAWES (22) fatally stabbed her 2—YOUNG—CHILDREN in 1—FOOD—MART convenience store bathroom.
20071129             † ROGER—B—SMITH, —82—JAHRE—ALT, former chairman and CEO—OF—GENERAL—MOTORS, in DETROIT.
20071129             ROGER—B—SMITH was the target of MICHAEL—MOORE'S 19890000             film "Roger & Me".
20071129             —DROPPED, —DURING his term GENERAL—MOTORS—MARKET—SHARE, from 45% to 36%.
20071129             It currently stood at 24%.
20071129             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 2—DENMARK—SOLDIERS were, in 1—GUNBATTLE with the Taliban.
20071129             They were PART—OF—1—DENMARK—RECONNAISSANCE—UNIT that came under fire in Gereshk Valley in Helmand Province.
20071129             DENMARK has some 600—TROOPS in Helmand province that are PART—OF—NATO—40,000-member force in AFGHANISTAN.
20071129             —RELEASED, AL—QAIDA—CHIEF—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, 1—NEW—TAPE calling on Europeans to stop helping THE—USA in the war in AFGHANISTAN.
20071129             ALGERIA—RULING National Liberation Front (FLN) won local elections on 1—TURNOUT—OF—43—PERCENT.
20071129             —APPROVED, ARMENIA, 1—PLAN to shut down its lone nuclear power plant, —FOLLOWING—YEARS—OF—PRESSURE from foreign nations concerned about its SOVIET—ERA—DESIGN and safety.
20071129             —NAMED, AUSTRALIA—PM—ELECT—KEVIN—RUDD, his Cabinet, choosing 1—WOMAN as deputy leader for the 1. time, 1—FORMER—ROCK—SINGER as environment MINISTER and 1—LAWYER from the Outback as foreign MINISTER.
20071129             —ERUPTED, EAST—CHAD, new fighting, near the border with SUDAN—STRIFE—TORN—DARFUR region between the army and 1—LEADING rebel group.
20071129             —VOTED, THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT, to allow BRITAIN and IRELAND to keep SOME—OF—THEIR—OLD—IMPERIAL—MEASUREMENTS so pubs can still serve pints and road signs can show miles instead of kilometers.
20071129             —RELEASED, According to 1—NEW—REPORT, by THE—UN and THE—CHINA—GOVERNMENT THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE estimated to be living with HIV in CHINA has risen to 700,000, with increases among intravenous drug users and sex workers.
20071129             —REPORTED, It was, locals in EAST—ETHIOPIA have accused soldiers fighting 1—INSURGENCY—OF burning villages to the ground, committing gang rape and killing people "like goats".
20071129             1—SEPTEMBER report by 1—UN—FACT—FINDING mission said villagers had been told not to speak to outsiders.
20071129             —SURRENDERED, GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL, to demands by the Social Democrats, 1—JUNIOR—PARTNER in the grand coalition, for 1—MINIMUM—WAGE for postal workers.
20071129             —PULLED, IRAQ—POLICE, 6—BODIES from the Tigris River about 25—MILES—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20071129             —HANDCUFFED, The bodies were, and had SIGNS—OF—TORTURE and 5, including 1—YOUNG—CHILD, had been beheaded.
20071129             —KILLED, In BAGHDAD, 1—BOMB on 1—MINIBUS, 1—PERSON.
20071129             1—WILDCAT protest by cab drivers caused gridlock in downtown ROME, leaving Italians and tourists alike stranded at airports and train stations across the capital.
20071129             Unions had been negotiating with Mayor WALTER—VELTRONI over planned fare increases, but they walked away from the talks and called the sudden protest —AFTER authorities said they wanted to issue 500—NEW taxi licenses.
20071129             ZMP—OF—JAPAN began selling a 2—LEGGED walking robot that runs on MICROSOFT—NEW—ROBOTICS—SOFTWARE, 1—PRODUCT the companies said will make it easier to transfer technology from 1—ROBOT to another.
20071129             —AGREED, The top defense officials from North and SOUTH—KOREA, on security arrangements for the 1.—EVER regular train service across their heavily fortified border.
20071129             —QUASHED, PHILIPPINES' PRESIDENT—GLORIA—MACAPAGAL—ARROYO quickly, the latest threat to her rule, dispatching troops and SWAT teams —WHEN dissident military officers commandeered a 5—STAR—HOTEL—AFTER walking out of their coup trial.
20071129             —CONVICTED, RUSSIA, tycoon and Kremlin critic BORIS—BEREZOVSKY was, in absentia of embezzling MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS from the national airline, Aeroflot, and reportedly sentenced to —6—YEARS in prison.
20071129             She avoided the more serious punishment of 40—LASHES.
20071129             —PARDONED, Gibbons was, —AFTER spending more than —1—WEEK in custody; she then left the country.
20071129             UGANDA, 1—SENIOR—MINISTRY—OF—HEALTH—OFFICIAL said 1—EBOLA outbreak has killed at least 16—PEOPLE out of 51 confirmed cases.
20071129             1—NEW—FORM—OF—THE—EBOLA virus was detected in the outbreak.
20071129             —CLIMBED, The death toll soon, to 21, including 8—DOCTORS and health workers.
20071129             —FORGED, UKRAINE—2—PRO—WESTERN—PARTIES, 1—MAJORITY—COALITION in PARLIAMENT, paving the way for forming 1—GOVERNMENT.
20071129             in VENEZUELA more than 100,000—PEOPLE flooded the streets to protest constitutional changes that would boost PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ—POWER.
20071129             —SHOWED, Students again, they are 1—KEY—FORCE behind THE—RE—ENERGIZED opposition.
20071129             —AFTER —1—YEAR and 1—HALF—OF—STALLING, THE—USA—TREASURY finally complied with THE—POST—REQUESTS for information about THE—PRESIDENT—WORKING—GROUP on Financial MARKETS—BY delivering 177—PAGES—OF crap.
20071129             —THREATENED, VENEZUELA Threatens to Expel USA—OFFICIAL: VENEZUELA, —WEDNESDAY to expel A—USA—EMBASSY official for allegedly conspiring to defeat 1—REFERENDUM championed by PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ, accusing the diplomat of plotting to sway public opinion.
20071129             Gorbachev endorses Putin in election : MISTER—GORBACHEV—ENDORSEMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—PUTIN will surprise his MANY—FRIENDS in the West.
20071129             JAPAN PM in damage control —AFTER arrest, IRAQ vote : JAPAN—2—MONTH—OLD government was in damage control —WEDNESDAY as the former top defence bureaucrat was arrested in a bribery scandal and a resurgent opposition voted to end an air mission in IRAQ.
20071129             THE—USA—DOLLAR—FAREWELL tour:
20071129             Home foreclosures soar 94 %: RealtyTrac : Home foreclosure filings in October edged up 2 % from —SEPTEMBER but at 224,451 were 1—WHOPPING 94 % higher than —1—YEAR—EARLIER, real estate data firm RealtyTrac said —ON—THURSDAY.
20071129             Speaking at Alton Towers Lala from the teletubbies's comments come in —1—WEEK that has seen young muslim men involved in terrorising innocent investment bankers on 1—EVER more frequent basis.
20071129             In 1—COUNTRY where children as young as 5—ARE regularly exposed to young muslim men it is about time that someone had the guts to stand up and tell the truth.
20071129             Press f5 FOR—ANOTHER story.
20071129             Es ist nach der Debatte der Demokraten —IM—JULI das 2. Mal, dass YouTube als Hilfsmittel für die Kandidatenentscheidung genutzt WIRD—UND dieses neue Instrument scheint sich zu bewähren.
20071129             "Wenn man meine Stadt als Zufluchtsstätte sieht, dann hat Romney doch 1—ZUFLUCHTSHAUS geschaffen".
20071129             Er habe als GOUVERNEUR—IN—MASSACHUSETTS bei der Renovierung seiner Residenz selber illegale Immigranten beschäftigt.
20071129             AFP—HAUSVERKAUF in den USA:
20071129             Hoher Zinssatz bringt Kommunen in Schwierigkeiten Grund für die Probleme ist demnach die Finanznot von speziellen Versicherern ( bond insurance firms ), die für die Deckung der Kommunalanleihen garantieren.
20071129             VIELE—VERSICHERUNGEN seien durch die USA—KREDITKRISE in finanzielle Schwierigkeiten geraten, weil sie für Verluste durch geplatzte Immobilienkredite zahlen und mit massiven Abschreibungen fertig werden müssten.
20071129             So muss CHICAGO dem Bericht zufolge auf die Ausgabe von Anleihen in Höhe von 960—MILLIONEN Dollar verzichten.
20071129             MIAMI zog 1—ZUSICHERUNG zur Zahlung von 540—MILLIONEN Dollar an einen Flughafen zurück, außerdem steht eine 350—MILLIONEN—DOLLAR—ANLEIHE —IM—DEZEMBER für Schulen, Straßen und Parks auf der Kippe.
20071129             Auch Affen können berührungssensitive Displays bedienen, etwa die Schimpansin Ai bei Experimenten JAPANISCHER—PRIMATENFORSCHER.
20071129             wird üBERNächstes —JAHR in einem länderübergreifenden Projekt in Haltern am See an das ROM—IMPERIUM, in Kalkriese an den —KONFLIKT und in Detmold an den Mythos vom unbesiegbaren Germanen erinnert.
20071129             PAKISTAN: Ausnahmezustand soll —MITTE—DEZEMBER enden
20071129             Kreditkrise: Geldquellen für USA—GEMEINDEN versiegen
20071129             USA—KREDITKRISE: Bundesbank warnt vor Risiken am Finanzmarkt
20071129             HAMBURG: REEPERBAHN—BESUCHERN droht Trinkverbot auf der Straße
20071129             Janis, —12—JAHRE, München: "Manchmal habe ich Hunger"
20071129             Jenny, —13—JAHRE, München: "Später werde ich ganz oft in den Urlaub fahren"
20071129             Bianca, 13, ROSTOCK: "Der Eintritt ins Schwimmbad ist für mich viel zu teuer"
20071129             KIM—YA, —12—JAHRE, ROSTOCK: "Noch einer mehr in der Familie wäre nicht so gut"
20071129             ENZYKLIKA—PAPA: Benedikts Prinzip Hoffnung
20071129             As ever, it may be who you know, not what you know, that wins the —DAY".
20071129             [ARCHIV] —10—JAHRE für TORA—BORA—JACK—IOFF
20071129             Wegen Folter von Zivilisten ist der mutmaßliche USA—KOPFGELDJÄGER JONATHAN—K
20071129             Idema in KABUL zu —10—JAHREN Haft in einem afghanischen.
20071129             Das Buch mit dem Titel "Taskforce Dagger: THE—HUNT—FOR—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN"...
20071129             ParaPolitics 911—DH: Field, could DOCTOR—JOHN—DEUTCH—RAYTHEON—THALES and CITIGROUP—AMEC...
20071129             More by WAYNE—BARRETT—'NO Skeletons in My Closet!' - CUOMO—GAL —FRIDAY -
20071129             He Betrays the National SECURITY—OF—THE—USA—FOR—PERSONAL—GAIN.
20071129             Priorities, Priorities! (BuzzFlash Prediction: Hucakbee's "Performance" WILL—ENHANCE—HIS "Authenticity, Likability" Mantle Bestowed by THE—MISS—M) Rudy and Mitt Played 1—GAME—OF—DARTS, At EACH—OTHER.
20071129             Another RUDY—SCANDAL—ALERT: As NEW—YORK mayor, RUDY—GIULIANI billed obscure city agencies for TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS in security expenses amassed —DURING the time —WHEN he was beginning 1—EXTRAMARITAL relationship with future wife JUDITH—NATHAN in the Hamptons, according to previously undisclosed government records.
20071129             S—PETERSBURG—DEBATE: "GOP rivals clash on immigration, torture".
20071129             Bush evik Who Heads FCC is Acting Like, Well, Bush : "In addition to commissioners Tate and Adelstein, key Republican lawmakers have expressed concern that Martin does not operate in the open, saying he does not allow the public enough time to comment on proposals and does not include fellow commissioners in discussions".
20071129             WaPo Edit Page Says WHITE—HOUSE—OUTREACH To Syria Might Work -- —AFTER Blasting Pelosi For Same Thing
20071129             Get This, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—BUSH—OFFICE—OF—SPECIAL—COUNSEL, Who Allegedly Looks Into Executive Branch Illegal and Unethical Behavior Might Have Intentionally Erased His Own Computer Files.
20071129             At THE—DIRECTION—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE, THE—FEDERAL—OFFICE—OF—PERSONNEL—MANAGEMENT—INSPECTOR—GENERAL is looking into claims that MISTER—BLOCH improperly retaliated against employees and dismissed whistleblower cases without adequate examination".
20071129             Well. This could shake up the campaign.
20071129             the consulting company that has made Giuliani rich, feasts at THE—QATAR trough,
20071129             Hm.
20071129             Morever... - the "QATAR i individual" who reportedly hosted OSAMA—BIN—LADEN for these discussions was none other than ABDALLAH—AL—THANI.
20071129             So why won't they say something?
20071129             In fact, 1—HEALTHY 41—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS want troops to remain in IRAQ —UNTIL the situation has stabilized, and 1—EVEN healthier 54% want the troops home ASAP.
20071129             Read Larisa ALEXANDROVNA—TERRIFIC 2—PART investigation here and here.
20071129             HERE—1—EXCERPT from her INTERVIEW—WITH—DON—DAUGHTER, Dana Silverman: DS :
20071129             —WHEN Dana JILL—SIMPSON came forward with her testimony, her house was burned down.
20071129             My dad's lawyer's office was broken into. Our house was broken into.
20071129             If an honest investigation starts pulling at the loose thread of the Siegelman persecution, they might follow it all the way to FLORIDA, Jeb Bush, 1—CERTAIN murdered FLORIDA journalist, and 1—WHOLE—LOT—MORE.
20071129             But that's 1—BIG if.
20071129             History, give me rewrite! KARL—ROVE says that Congress forced Bush into invading IRAQ, even though Bush didn't want to.
20071129             And so what was really happening was: you had 1—HEAD—OF—STATE—IN—ENGLAND...
20071129             —DROPPED, BARBARA—STUDLEY was THE—GO—BETWEEN, and SOME—OF—THOSE profits, off...
20071129             "Die Leute haben genug", sagte 1—DER—ANFÜHRER, der sich wegen Beteiligung an den COUP—VERSUCH verantworten muss.
20071129             "Wir rufen die Menschen auf, sich uns anzuschließen".
20071129             Einer seiner Mitstreiter, GENERAL—DANILO—LIM, verlas 1—ERKLÄRUNG, in der die Gruppe Arroyo ihre Unterstützung entzieht.
20071129             MANILA: Spezialkräfte der Polizei stürmten 1—LUXUS—HOTEL, in dem sich Dutzende Soldaten, die gegen die Staatspräsidentin rebellieren, verschanzt haben.
20071129             Augenzeugen berichten von Schüssen.
20071129             REUTERS—PHILIPPINISCHE—SPEZIALKRÄFTE in dem Hotel in MANILA: Augenzeugen berichteten von Schüssen Die Regierung geht hart gegen die Meuterer vor:
20071129             Umfragen zufolge könnte seine Partei "Einiges RUSSLAND" bei der Parlamentswahl —IM—DEZEMBER auf 70—PROZENT—DER—STIMMEN kommen.
20071129             "Die Zunge ist einem Spion gegeben, um seine wahren Gedanken zu verbergen".
20071129             Doch das gab sich bald, als habe ihm jemand erläuterte, dass die Partei zwar links blinken, aber keinesfalls in Richtung Klassenkampf abbiegen darf.
20071129             Die kommunistische Zeitung "Prawda" spottete nach der Fusion, der Kreml habe den Nobelpreis für Biologie verdient, schließlich habe er 1—PARTEI geklont, "wie Biologen das Schaf Dolly".
20071129             Als das Interesse des Volkes und der erhoffte Zustrom alter Kommunisten sich in Grenzen hielten, musste das blasse Parteigeschöpf kräftig Rouge auflegen.
20071129             Produktqualität: CHINA prangert Carrefour und WAL—MART an
20071129             PHILIPPINEN: Offiziere meutern gegen PRÄSIDENTIN—SCHÜSSE in der HAUPTSTADT
20071129             PAKISTAN: Musharraf als ziviler PRÄSIDENT vereidigt
20071129             Which Ones are on "Our Side"? Good Question -- THE—BUZZFLASH—EDITOR—BLOG
20071129             JUDGE—REJECTS—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—SUBPOENA—OF—AMAZON_com Book Purchases; 'A judge has ruled that customers have 1—RIGHT to keep their READING habits from the government, leading prosecutors to withdraw 1—SUBPOENA seeking THE—IDENTITIES—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE who bought used books through Amazon.com.' It's almost like we have -- freedom.
20071129             "Most MIDDLE—EAST—EXPERTS agree that THE—CHANCE—OF—YESTERDAY—SUMMIT leading to anything remotely concrete will decrease from slim to none without BUSH—INTENSE—PERSONAL—ENGAGEMENT".
20071129             And Bush Isn't About to Engage in Anything Other Than 1—PHOTO—OP.
20071129             Chavez breaks ties with COLOMBIA.
20071129             Uribe is 1—MADE—BUSH—CARTEL—MAN.
20071129             Jubel an der WALL—STREET: Hoffnung auf Zinssenkungen beflügelt USA—BÖRSEN
20071129             † GÜNTER—APEL, DEUTSCHER—GEWERKSCHAFTER und Politiker, MdHB
20071129—19760000    —IN, he attached 1—AMENDMENT to 1—SPENDING BILL—BARRING—THE—USE—OF—FEDERAL—FUNDS for abortions.
20071129—19980000    —IN, he led House efforts to impeach PRESIDENT—CLINTON for allegedly lying about his affair with intern Monica Lewinsky.
20071129—19990000    —SINCE, USA—HOMES—SALES suffer record fall : Sales of previously owned homes in THE—USA—HIT their lowest level and single family homes suffered the biggest price drop on record in October.
20071129—20001000    —IN, UGANDA last had 1—OUTBREAK—OF—EBOLA, —WHEN 173—PEOPLE †.
20071129—20050000    —SINCE, Also, "At the same time, MISTER—BLOCH has himself been under investigation.
20071129—20071125    —ARRESTED, Gillian Gibbons, THE—UK—TEACHER, in SUDAN for insulting Islam by allowing her students to name 1—TEDDY bear "Muhammad," was sentenced to —15—DAYS in prison and deportation.
20071129—20071216    —EMBARKED, PAKISTAN—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF, on 1—NEW —5—YEAR term as 1—CIVIL—PRESIDENT, promising to lift 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY and restore the constitution —BEFORE January elections, 1—KEY—DEMAND—OF his domestic opponents and foreign backers.
20080223             GIULIO—ANDREOTTI (1). alfatomega.com/20061129.html - A_O_Site Search Results_for"NEO-"
20080223             "ANTICHRIST"- - GIULIO—ANDREOTTI (1). alfatomega.com/20061129.html
20081129             "Amerikanische" Geschichte im Protokoll / "USA—HISTORY in minutes
20081129             "Die Massenmedien sind schuld", sagt Safari beim 3—GÄNGE—MENÜ, "So etwas hat es noch nicht gegeben,
20081129             "THE—ISRAELIS would not attack (IRAN) over IRAQ.
20081129             "This Hilltop and That Hilltop" ISRAEL—SETTLEMENT on Capitol Hill-
20081129             "This —MORNING 1—CONVOY—OF—UK—TROOPS were passing here and they had 1—MISUNDERSTANDING with 1—CIVIL—VEHICLE.
20081129             "USA": Trails ohne Freiheit: Das weisse Selbstverständnis im Geschichtsbuch der "USA" /
20081129             "Wegen ihrer Lügen", so der Ehrenoberst der USA—ARMEE Todenhöfer,
20081129             "Wir wollen ISRAEL nicht von der Landkarte radieren.
20081129             "die nichts als Gewalt und Hoffnungslosigkeit zu bieten haben".
20081129             "to ask Congress for access to the 2. $350—BILLION of the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP).
20081129             "too early to say" whether ANY—OF—THE—TERRORISTS were British.
20081129             "vor ein internationales Strafgericht stellen".
20081129             (ChattahBox) - In 1—OF—THE—MOST spectacular shows, +++ BUSH bestürzt über Terrorserie +++
20081129             +++ Keine Panik an der INDISCHEN—BÖRSE +++ - ab 20.40—UHR bei ARTE gezeigt wird.
20081129             "Wir alle haben für die CIA gearbeitet", bekennt darin die ehemalige Geschäftsführerin des Kölner CIA—KULTURSTÜTZPUNKTES Kiepenheuer und Witsch,
20081129             -- die Eisenbahnlinien zerschneiden die Gebiete;
20081129             den Bau der Eisenbahnlinien vollbringen meist Chinesen
20081129             -- die Firmen "verkaufen" das "freie Siedlungsland" ,
20081129             -- die Indianer werden mit Waffengewalt in die "Reservationen" getrieben (FREILUFT—KZS)
20081129             -- die Industrie verschmutzt schrittweise die gesamte Natur,
20081129             -- militant indians assault against the White expansion which is followed by even more repression against the indians
20081129             -- militante Indianer wehren sich mit Anschlägen gegen die Expansion der Weissen,
20081129             -- nach der Maschinisierung und dem Sklavereiverbot ziehen die Schwarzen vom Süden in den Norden und landen im Ghetto und müssen für Hungerlöhne arbeiten.
20081129             -- the firms "sell" "free land", and the White occupy the "free land" with fences
20081129             -- the indians are driven into the "reservations" (open air concentration camps) by FORCE—OF—ARMS
20081129             -- the industry is spoiling the whole nature step by step, which Indians call "Mother Earth"
20081129             -- the railway lines carve the area;
20081129             the constructioning is achieved by mostly Chinese
20081129             20—DIE Anlagen zur Herstellung von Pökelfleisch hatten —BEREITS—AM RIO—DE—LA—PLATA
20081129             2—DEAD —AFTER shots fired in SoCal Toys 'R' Us
20081129             1—RECENT—SURVEY by THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL reveals that CEOs at major USA financial and real estate firms converted TENS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS—OF overvalued stock into cash —PRIOR—TO the eruption of the current financial crisis,
20081129             1—SPY goes to work for 1—THINKTANK—BY—JUSTIN—RAIMONDO
20081129             ABS CBN News - 2—BY—MARIA—A—RESSA, ABS—CBN News |
20081129             ANALYSIS: The fanatics behind the Mumbai bombings would like to trigger nuclear war
20081129             Aber es wird untergehen, wenn es so weiter macht".
20081129             According to THE—WALL—STREET Journal report, Ach guck mal einer schau.
20081129             Plötzlich ist auch die Fluggastdatenspeicherung nicht mehr unabdingbar zur Sicherung des Vaterlandes und des Fortbestandes der Zivilisation.
20081129             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN—ANGER over another civilian : AFGHANISTAN 'worse than ever':
20081129             —AFTER THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT warned of 1—POTENTIAL—AL—QAEDA attack, a
20081129             AGRICULTURE—INDIA—RESERVATION (open air concentraiton camp) - cattle TRAILS—INDUSTRY—LIBERATION—OF—THE—SLAVES
20081129             Also lasst euch vom Wort "Oppositionspolitiker" nicht irreführen:
20081129             —AM—FREITAG war noch von 15—TOTEN die Rede gewesen.
20081129             —AM 1. Handelstag —NACH—DEN Terroranschlägen notierten die meisten Werte —AM—FREITAG trotz der Attacken leicht im Plus.
20081129             Amazon deforestation accelerates
20081129             An Indiens Nationalbörse (NSE), die sich ebenfalls in Mumbai befindet, And slavery is going on and on yet...
20081129             —WAGED, As INDIA—SECURITY—FORCES, a —59—HOUR—BATTLE against the terrorists who had attacked 10—PROMINENT—PLACES in Mumbai,
20081129             At the same time
20081129             Auch der im Film interviewte GÜNTER—GRASS hält eine wissentliche CIA—TÄTIGKEIT Bölls für unwahrscheinlich.
20081129             BUSH is clearing the way for Democrats to repair THE—PRESIDENT—TORTURE—LEGACY.
20081129             BUSH will be "able to say there's nothing stopping indictments or prosecutions but 1—DEMOCRATIC—CONGRESS and 1—DEMOCRATIC—WHITE—HOUSE didn't think there was ANY—BASIS for it," Turley said.
20081129             Bad boss link to heart damage
20081129             BALZAC—MAXIM that "behind EVERY—GREAT—FORTUNE lies 1—GREAT—CRIME" may yet prove 1—FITTING epitaph for USA—CAPITALISM.
20081129             Begründung: KPMG habe von den schwarzen Kassen nichts gemerkt.
20081129             Between THE—USA—OF—AMERICA and THE—REPUBLIC—OF—IRAQ—PDF—FILE
20081129             Bid to cut UK transport EMISSIONS—BLOGS unite Indians in FACE—OF—TERROR
20081129             Bush Is Allowing Democrats To Repair His Legacy-
20081129             Bush Is Allowing Democrats To Repair His LEGACY—RYAN—POWERS -
20081129             CEOs "Cashed Out" —PRIOR—TO Economic Crisis-
20081129             CIA—KULTURSTÜTZPUNKT Kiepenheuer und Witsch
20081129             CAMEROON creates 1—NEW—NATIONAL—PARK for the Cross River gorilla,
20081129             —ADMITTED, CANADA, —YESTERDAY, as PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI continued to vent frustration at the slow PACE—OF—PROGRESS and accidental CIVIL—DEATHS caused by Western forces.
20081129             Changed THE—PURPOSE—OF—THE—PROGRAM:
20081129             Chopra: What we have seen in Mumbai has been brewing for 1—LONG—TIME,
20081129             Da das "freie Siedlungsland" zu Ende zu gehen droht, Demokratie erweist sich in diesem Fall,
20081129             DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE—COMMISSIONS "serious game" to prepare for the next influenza pandemic.
20081129             Der Bericht über den IRAKISCHEN—WIDERSTAND gegen die USA—TRUPPEN ist 1—BESTSELLER.
20081129             Der KOSOVO sei "1—ZENTRUM—DER—ORGANISIERTEN—KRIMINALITÄT, das —JETZT 1—STAAT sein darf".
20081129             —BEGONNEN, Der neue EROBERUNGS—UND Verteilungskampf hat —BEREITS.
20081129             Die Lage in der NIGERIANISCHEN—STADT JOS scheint außer Kontrolle.
20081129             Die Politiker in Peking fühlten sich mächtiger als früher und wollten dem Rest der Welt ihre Regeln aufzwingen, meint Cabestan.
20081129             Die TRÜFFEL—VERSTEIGERUNG wurde per Satellitenschaltungen nach LONDON, Macao und ABU—DHABI abgewickelt.
20081129             Die USA würden die Zusammenarbeit mit der INDISCHEN—REGIERUNG und der internationalen Gemeinschaft gegen Extremisten fortsetzen,
20081129             Die 1. WEISS—SPANISCHEN—BESETZUNGEN in "AMERIKA" 14920000             —1543, Karte.
20081129             —GESCHAFFEN, Die haben da 1—MONSTER, das sie —JETZT selber auffrisst.
20081129             Die haben mit wehenden Fahnen ALLE—ANTITERRORGESETZE mitgetragen.
20081129             Doch bevor Nationalstaaten Souveränität an übergeordnete Institutionen abzugeben bereit sind,
20081129             Doch wie die Glaubenskriege zurückgekehrt sind,
20081129             Does Bernanke think he can get people to spend themselves further into debt by lowering interest rates?
20081129             Drug companies are blocking or delaying the entry of cheaper generic medicines into THE—EU, the European Commission says.
20081129             Drug firms 'block cheap MEDICINE'—DUBAI ? Die einen stehn im Lichte?.-
20081129             1—BRITISCHER—OPPOSITIONSPOLITIKER ist von der Antiterrorpolizei verhaftet worden,
20081129             Ein Reporter des Senders Radio FRANCE Internationale sagte —AM—SAMSTAG sogar,
20081129             1—SPEKTAKEL der besonderen Art war in der vergangenen —WOCHE angesagt,
20081129             Ein spezielles politisches Gewicht in den "USA" haben die Farmer,
20081129             Ein weiterer hochrangiger BND—MITARBEITER meinte dem Bericht zufolge,
20081129             1—KONSOLIDIERUNG der DEUTSCHEN—LANDESBANKEN scheint jedenfalls bitter nötig.
20081129             —BETRÜBT, Er und 1. Lady Laura BUSH seien "tief " über den Tod von mindestens 2—USA—BÜRGERN,
20081129             FETT—UND Margarinefabriken.
20081129             —ALLOWED, Fishbowl DC notes that FOX—NEWS has not been, to ask 1—QUESTION
20081129             5—OTHER—MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS are being probed in association with the bribery scandal linked to FORMER—CALIFORNIA Republican congressman "DUKE" Cunningham,
20081129             FLIP—FLOPPED on whether to spend the 2. $350—BILLION:
20081129             FOX—NEWS shut out at Obama press conferences.- Faiz Shakir -
20081129             Full Text THE—AGREEMENT: Gaming the next pandemic
20081129             GORDON—BROWN sagt natürlich, die Polizei habe ihn vorher nicht informiert,
20081129             GRÜNEN—VORSITZENDE CLAUDIA—ROTH erklärte —AM—SAMSTAG,
20081129             Harvard Scientists Unravel THE—SECRET—OF—AGING
20081129             Having been drawn into RESEARCH—OF—THE—POLITICS—OF—WAR by despair —FOLLOWING our military's attacks on AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ,
20081129             —PRAISED, Her prospective appointment is —NOW being, by the likes of Newt Gingrich and HENRY—KISSINGER.
20081129             —FLAILED, Here is 1—ROUNDUP of how Paulson has, about more than —JUST "1—BIT":
20081129             However, —JUST —1—WEEK—AGO, Paulson said that he did not need the 2. $350—BILLION,
20081129             I became familiar with SOME—METHODS—OF—PROPAGANDA used to manipulate good people into supporting aggression against their neighbors.
20081129             —BAFFLED, IAEA CHIEF, over lack of Syria nuclear info:
20081129             Ihre Trauer gelte auch den Opfern aus anderen Ländern.
20081129             Im Zuge der Einführung der freien Börse kommt es in den "USA"
20081129             Inconsiderate bosses can not only make work stressful,
20081129             Indeed, this was —JUST the latest in 1—SERIES—OF—REVERSALS and missteps that Paulson has made —WHILE implementing the $700—BILLION economic rescue program.
20081129             INDIA—LEADERS—NEED to Look Closer to Home-
20081129             Indian and USA—INTELLIGENCE—SOURCES tell ABS—CBN that there is increasing evidence that the attacks in Mumbai were carried out by 1—PAKISTAN—MILITANT—GROUP linked to AL—QAEDA.
20081129             —RECOVERED, INDIA—COMMANDOS have, credit cards and the militants' ID cards
20081129             INDIA—OFFICIALS said —TODAY that 10—GUNMEN,
20081129             Innere Sicherheit: Fußballfans überfordern Polizei
20081129             INTERNET fraudsters have stolen credit and debit cards with 1—VALUE—OF—MORE than £3.3bn, research suggests.
20081129             Investigation Begins as Assault in Mumbai Ends
20081129             IRAN says would welcome Obama talks: report:
20081129             IRAN would welcome talks between PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD and USA—PRESIDENT—ELECT BARACK—OBAMA,
20081129             IRAQ—ACADEMICS Assassinated —DURING THE—USA—LED Occupation- - ISRAEL to bomb IRAN through TURKEY?:
20081129             Ist das nicht toll? Nicht nur für KPMG damit für ihre Loyalität bestraft,
20081129             It can't be done.
20081129             And the Obama camp is going to run into the same brick wall.
20081129             Its hardly 1—SECRET that there has been much anger within the poorest sections of the Muslim community against the systematic discrimination and ACTS—OF—VIOLENCE carried out against them.
20081129             CONTINUE—JOHANNES—JUNG, SPD—BUNDESTAGSABGEORDNETER und Mitglied im Auswärtigen Ausschuss,
20081129             John / Cartwright, WILLIAM—H: Trails to Freedom [Pfade zur Freiheit];
20081129             BOSTON 19650000             20081129             Jupiter, Moon and Venus in a Triangle
20081129             KABUL—POLICE CHIEF, told Reuters news agency.
20081129             Karzai: Foreign troops have not made life better:
20081129             Keine Panikreaktion an der Börse in Mumbai:
20081129             Kritische Einwände wischt er weg wie den Tropfen Soße am Kinn.
20081129             KÖNIG—ZUCKER und andere Landwirtschaftsmonarchen
20081129             Lacher des Tages: Siemens schmeisst KPMG raus, geht zu Ernst&Young.
20081129             —HIGHLIGHTED, Last night on MISS—NBC—RACHEL—MADDOW, 1—REPORT from THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL that said that PRESIDENT—BUSH is unlikely to pardon
20081129             Leading OPPONENTS—OF—THE—WAR have mostly been silent as PRESIDENT—ELECT BARACK—OBAMA,
20081129             Least We Forget THE—WAR—PRAYER
20081129             LINKE—POLITIKERIN PETRA—PAU sprach von einer "staatlichen Peepshow".
20081129             MADDOW—GUEST, constitutional legal scholar JONATHAN—TURLEY,
20081129             —GEKANNT, Man habe aber diese Hintergründe nicht, sondern an 1—FINANZIERUNG durch die FORD—STIFTUNG (USA) geglaubt.
20081129             MANCHER—DIESER—PROZESSE bahnte sich innerhalb weniger —MONATE an
20081129             Mangelndes Krisenmanagement: Schwere Vorwürfe gegen die Bundesregierung nach BND—AFFÄRE
20081129             Mehdi Safari, und dem FRÜHEREN—IRANISCHEN—BOTSCHAFTER—IN—BERLIN,
20081129             Milliardengewinn: Porsche wehrt sich gegen Kritik an Geschäft mit VW—AKTIEN
20081129             Misled about the stability of the banking system:on
20081129             Mit anderen Worten, kurzfristiger Erfolg kann mittelfristig zum Desaster werden.
20081129             Nach Gebietsreform: AFGHANISTAN—EINSATZ—DER—BUNDESWEHR wird gefährlicher
20081129             —GEÖFFNET, —NACHDEM die Börse —AM—DONNERSTAG nicht, hatte,
20081129             Neue Ausfälle: Milliardendesaster bei den Landesbanken wird immer größer
20081129             Nicht erwähnt: Börsenkrisen und Not
20081129             Noch vor —WOCHEN habe die Bundesregierung verlauten lassen:
20081129             —MENTIONED, Not : Bourse crises and emergency
20081129             —NOW I've Seen EVERYTHING—NUN heiße es, man wolle —ERST prüfen,
20081129             O Lord our God, help us to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells;
20081129             help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead;
20081129             help us to drown THE—THUNDER—OF—THE—GUNS with the shrieks of their wounded, writhing in pain;
20081129             Ohne eine adäquate Theorie aber gibt es keine Möglichkeit,
20081129             1—SECURITY—SOURCE said —RECENTLY: 'The camps are full and MANY—OF—THE—PEOPLE inside are Brits.'
20081129             Online fraudsters 'steal £3.3bn'
20081129             PAKISTAN und den Rest Asiens zuständig ist.
20081129             Paulson intially said that "the single most effective thing
20081129             —ABANDONED, Paulson promptly, that plan,
20081129             Protest von den Grünen und der Linkspartei
20081129             ROBERT—FISK: 'Nobody supports the Taliban, but people hate the government':
20081129             RODENT—OF—THE—WEEK: Finding the root cause of aging
20081129             —ACCUSED—OF, Rosen is, stealing highly classified information from THE—USA—GOVERNMENT and passing it on to ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS.
20081129             CONTINUE—RUSSIA—INTELLIGENCE sees USA—MILITARY buildup on IRAN border:
20081129             SCHEICH—KHALID—ABUBAKAR sagte, die Leichen seien —AM—SAMSTAG in die größte Moschee der Stadt gebracht worden.
20081129             Scientists Identify 1—POTENTIALLY—UNIVERSAL—MECHANISM—OF—AGING
20081129             —BEEFED, Security, up on NY subways —AFTER warning of possible attack
20081129             —DETERIORATED, Security in AFGHANISTAN has, to a —7—YEAR—LOW,
20081129             She will evidently be allowed to bring her own (hawkish) subordinates into THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT with her.
20081129             Sichergestellt worden aus der Tasche eines Schützen sei der Pass eines Bürgers aus MAURITIUS sowie 1.200—DOLLAR und 6.000—INDISCHE—RUPIEN.
20081129             —VERWENDET, Sie, die Samen in ihren Öl-,
20081129             Siemens tut auch noch so, als sei ihr Fehlverhalten statt ihrer selbst Schuld der laschen Prüfer.
20081129             Singh zu Gesprächen nach Mumbai reisen und dort im Hotel "Oberoi" unterkommen sollte, schreibt die "Hindustan Times".
20081129             So einfach ist das.
20081129             So ermittelte die FRIEDRICH—EBERT—STIFTUNG —DIESER—TAGE,
20081129             So schreitet die Polarisierung zwischen Links und Rechts voran,
20081129             —STILL clinging to the white schoolbook myth of friendly relations between their forefathers and the Wampanoag,
20081129             Stocks end short session with 5. straight gain
20081129             Suppressed Speech Of Wamsutta (FRANK—B) James, Wampanoag
20081129             —ACCUSED, THE—USA, Syria —ON—FRIDAY of adopting tactics "honed by IRAN" to impede A—UNITED—NATIONS—WATCHDOG—PROBE into alleged covert nuclear activity.
20081129             TURLEY: What the administration is doing is they know that the people that want him to pardon our torture program is primarily the Democrats, not the Republicans.
20081129             THE—DEMOCRATIC—LEADERSHIP would love to have 1—PARDON so they could go to their supporters and say,
20081129             THE—PALM? Hotel in DUBAI.
20081129             1.539—ZIMMER, Baukosten 1,5 Milliarden USA—DOLLAR.
20081129             THE—WAMPANOAG—INDIANS reflect on THE—ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—PILGRIMS' arrival, and the 1. Thanksgiving.
20081129             THE—CHIEF—UNITED—NATIONS nuclear inspector said —THURSDAY that his agency's Syria probe has been hampered because key satellite images of 1 alleged nuclear reactor bombed by ISRAEL are inexplicably unavailable on the market.
20081129             —ACCELERATED, THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—THE—AMAZON rainforest in BRAZIL has, for the 1. time in —4—YEARS, officials say.
20081129             The full SCOPE—OF—THE—USA—HOUSING meltdown isn't clear and already there are ominous signs of 1—NEW—CRISIS — 1—THAT could turn out the lights on malls,
20081129             The nation's confidence has been shaken and people are developing 1—BUNKER—MENTALITY.
20081129             CONTINUE—THE—NEXT—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—LOOKS to be Hillary Clinton,
20081129             —TARGETED, The objective of these, assassinations is to "kill 1—NATION",
20081129             —SHOWED, The terror attacks in Mumbai, THE—COMPLEXITY—OF—THE—ANTI—TERROR—SITUATION in INDIA and should sound alarms for both CHINA and THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY at large, analysts have said.
20081129             —OPENED, The troops, fire and killed 1—CIVILIAN and wounded 3—MORE," MOHAMMAD—AYOUB—SALANGI,
20081129             —ATTACKED, The way to go is through TURKEY...—WHEN ISRAEL, the reactor in Syria,
20081129             Then there can be true thanksgiving for real closure,
20081129             They know that the Democratic leadership will not allow criminal investigations or indictments.
20081129             This comes —JUST —1—WEEK—AFTER Paulson said that he would not be asking
20081129             —350—YEARS—AFTER the Pilgrims began their INVASION—OF—THE—LAND—OF—THE—WAMPANOAG,
20081129             —TODAY, on MISS—NBC, REPRESENTATIVE—DEBBIE—WASSERMAN—SCHULTZ (D—FL) expressed concern that Paulson "seems to be flailing about 1—BIT".
20081129             Trotzdem. Immerhin, die Presse
20081129             —EXPLAINED, Turley, that without the pardons,
20081129             Turley: By Refusing To Pardon Torture Officials,
20081129             2—PEOPLE were shot to death in 1 crowded toy store on Black —FRIDAY in 1—CONFRONTATION apparently involving rival groups, city officials said.
20081129             USA accuses Syria of copying IRAN nuclear COVER—UP tactics:
20081129             UK ALL—PARTY—COMMISSION—REJECTS USA—POLICY—OF Isolating IRAN: USA is Funding Terrorism -
20081129             USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH hat sich bestürzt über die blutige Terrorserie von Mumbai gezeigt.
20081129             —ENDED, USA—STOCKS, higher —FRIDAY, leaving the market with monthly losses but with large gains for 1—HOLIDAY—SHORTENED —WEEK that saw investors increasingly confident that much of 1—DIRE economic outlook already has been priced in.
20081129             Umstrittene Technik: Bundespolizei startet NACKTSCANNER—TESTS im ;;12;;
20081129             Unbeknownst to most Americans, ISRAEL—WESTERNMOST settlement is not located in PALESTINE—ISRAEL,
20081129             Und das waren —JETZT nicht mal sonderlich schlimme Dokumente,
20081129             Und die Sklaverei ist immer noch im Gang...
20081129             —INZWISCHEN, Und MANCHE—LANDESBANKEN—DIENSTE sind, sogar gänzlich überflüssig
20081129             Und wer ist plötzlich dagegen? Die OBER—UMFALLERIN Zypries.
20081129             WTF?
20081129             THE—VENUS and Jupiter, forming 1—TRIANGLE with the moon.
20081129             Vizeaußenminister für EUROPA—ANGELEGENHEITEN,
20081129             WASHINGTON—POST—BY—EMILY—WAX and Rama Lakshmi MUMBAI,
20081129             WAL—MART worker dies —AFTER shoppers knock him down
20081129             —ACCLIMATIZED, We in THE—USA have grown, to 1—SYSTEM that 1. dehumanizes us and then inevitably feeds on our dehumanization,
20081129             Weder gibt es handlungsfähige internationale Gewerkschaften noch supranationale WIRTSCHAFTS—UND Sozialministerien,
20081129             Welche —KONFLIKTE dies birgt, vermag noch niemand zu sagen.
20081129             Well, here's 1 for the record books:
20081129             Well, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is calling their bluff.
20081129             What we call "collateral damage" and going —AFTER the wrong people actually turns moderates into extremists,
20081129             What's the secret of living 1—LONGER—HEALTHY—LIFE, is 1—QUESTION still unanswered.
20081129             Why should it be such 1—SURPRISE if the perpetrators are themselves INDIA—MUSLIMS?
20081129             Wie Dokumente im Film belegen, bezahlte die CIA Reisekosten von Böll und bezuschusste auch andere Schriftsteller bei Auftritten in der internationalen Kulturszene.
20081129             Wie notwendig eine theoretische Durchdringung dieser Phänomene wäre, lässt sich leicht zeigen:
20081129             Wisst ihr, wie KENTUCKY sich vor Terrorismus schützt?
20081129             Gott schützt sie.
20081129             With the introduction of the free bourse "USA" there are 3—HEAVY—MARKET—CRASHS, the 1.
20081129             Wohnhäuser, Kirchen und Moscheen stehen in Flammen.
20081129             —REPORTED, —YESTERDAY, it was, that the Treasury is "—NOW making preparations
20081129             —YESTERDAY, the Treasury Department,
20081129             Ziel sei es, mögliche gesundheitlichen Folgen der elektromagnetischen Strahlung und die Folgen für den Persönlichkeitsschutz zu prüfen.
20081129             1—HAWK on THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20081129             —DURING the campaign, 1—HIGH—RANKING security source said —TUESDAY.
20081129             aber selbst wenn das wahr ist, macht es die Sache ja nicht weniger krass.
20081129             according to 1—LITTLE—NOTICED legal filing discovered —THURSDAY.
20081129             —RECOMMENDED, CONTINUE—ALSO, bringing in IRAN as well as RUSSIA,
20081129             —AM Nasenring durch die Weltpolitik führen lassen".
20081129             and an end to a particularly disgraceful chapter in our country's history.
20081129             CONTINUE—AND our resistance —WHILE we scamper frantically —AROUND in THE—PURSUIT—OF—LIFE, liberty, and happiness.
20081129             —TROUBLED, CONTINUE—AND stimulate our economy," is to buy, assets from banks.
20081129             and that inflammation then gets organized and appears as this disaster in Bombay.
20081129             —COMPOUNDED, CONTINUE—AND THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM and the attack on IRAQ, the situation.
20081129             and ultmately to destroy civilization. Continue
20081129             —INVOLVED, ANY—OFFICIALS, in engineering or executing THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—TORTURE—PROGRAM.
20081129             appellieren rechtsextreme "amerikanische" Politiker immer wieder an 1—FÖRDERUNG—DES—AUSSENHANDELS und an weitere Expansionen,
20081129             assembles 1—GROUP—OF—NATIONAL—SECURITY—HANDS that is anything but 1—TEAM—OF doves.
20081129             CONTINUE—AT ANY—OF—THE—4—PRESS—CONFERENCES that BARACK—OBAMA has held —SINCE winning the election.
20081129             aus/from: Frederica B.Coons / Prater,
20081129             bekennt darin die ehemalige Geschäftsführerin des Kölner CIA—KULTURSTÜTZPUNKTES Kiepenheuer und Witsch, der gleichzeitig Bölls Verlag war.
20081129             but for reasons that have little to do with the torture memos:
20081129             but is 6000—MILES away on the high ground overlooking Foggy Bottom in WASHINGTON DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA Continue
20081129             claiming that "I want to preserve the firepower,
20081129             complaining that THE—USA—AND NATO—TROOPS have not made life BETTER—DAS ist ernst.
20081129             CHINA hat noch nie Gipfeltreffen abgesagt",
20081129             dass der Kommunismus die Macht übernehmen könnte.
20081129             dass jeder 3. Bundesbürger der demokratischen Staatsform nicht mehr zutraue, die Probleme unserer Zeit zu lösen.
20081129             der Sozialismus stirbt, der Kapitalismus KRISELT—UND die Wissenschaft findet keine rechte Erklärung.
20081129             der gleichzeitig Bölls Verlag war.
20081129             der ist bei den Torys, den Konservativen.
20081129             die "in den Händen bestimmter Gruppen" seien.
20081129             die Bundesregierung habe sich von einem Land,
20081129             die Eröffnung eines "Hotels der Superlative" das ?Atlantis ?
20081129             die die Indianer als "Mutter Erde" bezeichnen
20081129             die neue Klassengesellschaft ist nationalstaatlich entbunden.
20081129             dürften noch EINIGE—KRISEN an Schärfe zunehmen.
20081129             EFLUXMEDIA—BY—MAX—BRENN—AS we get older,
20081129             er habe in der Moschee mehr als 380—TOTE gesehen.
20081129             erholten sich dann aber im Handelsverlauf und drehten überwiegend ins Plus.
20081129             erleben wir 1—WIEDERAUFFLAMMEN—DER—KLASSENKONFLIKTE, freilich in neuer Gestalt.
20081129             es ging darum, dass die Regierung an irgendwelchen Stellen illegale Einwanderer verknackt haben.
20081129             es sei völlig unverständlich, weshalb —JETZT doch Nacktscanner getestet werden sollten.
20081129             even as MANY—OF—THEIR—CORPORATIONS approached the precipice.
20081129             CONTINUE—FORDERTE der "SZ" zufolge, die DEUTSCHE—STRATEGIE im KOSOVO zu überprüfen.
20081129             ganz im Gegensatz zur Theorie, als Modernisierungsnachteil -
20081129             give the officials all the legal cover they need.
20081129             hotels and storefronts across the country.
20081129             CONTINUE—IN dem "organisierte Kriminalität die Staatsform ist,
20081129             in der komplexen Welt moderner Gesellschaften geht etwas nur dann schnell,
20081129             instead deciding "to reinforce the stability of the financial system by providing sorely needed capital
20081129             —UNITED, INTERNET blogs, horrified people across INDIA.
20081129             it went up the Mediterranean and through TURKEY—AIR—SPACE," Hurriyet quoted Krauthammer as saying.
20081129             müsse man USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH und dessen engsten Mitstreiter,
20081129             9—OF—WHOM were killed, were responsible for THE—3—DAY—ASSAULT—ON—INDIA—FINANCIAL and cultural capital.
20081129             notierte der NIFTY—INDEX 0,80 % im Plus bei 2777—PUNKTEN.
20081129             ob bei dieser Kontrollmaßnahme die Persönlichkeitsrechte gewahrt blieben.
20081129             ohne dass Massnahmen gegen deren Wiederholung ergriffen werden.
20081129             onlinedienst DOCTOR—ALEXANDER—VON—PALESKE—OUR health becomes our worst enemy.
20081129             reported that it is "making preparations
20081129             s the city shifted into Thanksgiving holiday mode,
20081129             said that he also believes that BUSH is unlikely to pardon his torture officials,
20081129             scheint es um die Stabilität moderner Gesellschaften,
20081129             she spoke of our ability to "totally obliterate" IRAN,
20081129             should that country carry out 1—NUCLEAR—STRIKE against ISRAEL.
20081129             SKY—GAZERS will be able to view THE—2—BRIGHTEST—PLANETS,
20081129             solche Phänomene wahrzunehmen, zu analysieren und gegebenenfalls zu steuern.
20081129             sondern an 1—FINANZIERUNG durch die FORD—STIFTUNG (USA) geglaubt.
20081129             sondern setzen immer auf Waffengewalt und Tote.
20081129             sucking away at our resources, our rights,
20081129             teilte das Weiße Haus —AM—FREITAG in WASHINGTON mit.
20081129             —HIRED, THE—MIDDLE—EAST—FORUM has, STEVE—ROSEN,
20081129             THE—NEW—YORK Police Department (NYPD) and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority have stepped up patrols in the city's subways...
20081129             the anniversary planners thought it would be NICE to have 1—INDIA—MAKE 1—APPRECIATIVE and complimentary speech at their state dinner.
20081129             the destroy IRAQ—ABILITY to educate its people,
20081129             the flexibility we have —NOW and those that come —AFTER us
20081129             the flexibility we have —NOW and those that come —AFTER us will have".
20081129             the world's rarest, ahead of 1—KEY—CONSERVATION meeting.
20081129             their "American" descendants planned 1—ANNIVERSARY celebration.
20081129             they may also increase THE—RISK—OF—HEART disease for their employees.
20081129             to banks, and even NON—BANK—INSTITUTIONS that securitize credit card, auto and student loans".
20081129             to transform 1—NATION into 1—TERRITORY,
20081129             to undermine its research and scientific capabilities in literally all FIELDS—OF—ENDEAVOR,
20081129             um ihre institutionellen Sicherungssysteme und das psychosoziale Binnengefüge nicht sehr gut bestellt.
20081129             und die Freimaurer haben dauernd Angst,
20081129             und die Superreichen korrigieren das unzureichende kapitalistische System nie,
20081129             und mit Zäunen besetzen die Weissen das "freie Siedlungsland"
20081129             v.a. in der Karibik und in Mittel-"AMERIKA" und —BIS Süd-"AMERIKA".
20081129             waren die Kurse nach Wiedereröffnung am Freitagmorgen —ZUNÄCHST um 1,5 % gefallen,
20081129             was die Repression gegen die Indianer noch verschärft
20081129             we can do to help homeowners, THE—USA—PEOPLE,
20081129             weil er Regierungsdokumente veröffentlicht hat.
20081129             wenn keine Rücksicht auf etwaige Nachteile für eventuell Betroffene genommen werden muss.
20081129             who 1. built his national image on the foundation of his early opposition to THE—IRAQ war,
20081129             Überforderte Gesellschaftsforscher: Auf dem Müllhaufen der Geschichte
20081129             "Look, there's really nothing we could do".
20081129             AFGHANISTAN, 1—SOLDIER with THE—NATO—LED force shot and killed 1—AFGHANISTAN—POLICEMAN in 1—CAR in Lashkar Gah that was driving toward 1—NATO—PATROL at high speed.
20081129             —ARRESTED, BANGLADESH, police in DHAKA, 8—MEMBERS—OF—1—HARD—LINE—ISLAMIC—GROUP for damaging a 41-foot outdoor sculpture of 1—GROUP—OF—WHITE storks.
20081129             SOUTH—CHINA, about 300—TAXI drivers went on strike in CHAOZHOU, smashing cars and demanding 1—CRACKDOWN on unlicensed taxis in the latest protest against illegal taxi competition in CHINA.
20081129             GAMBIA, UK—MISSIONARY—DAVID—FULTON, —60—JAHRE—ALT and his wife (46) were arrested for alleged sedition.
20081129             GEORGIA said it is cutting diplomatic relations with NICARAGUA —AFTER THE—CENTRAL—USA—NATION recognized the breakaway REGIONS—OF—SOUTH—OSSETIA and Abkhazia.
20081129             —KILLED, INDIA, a —60—HOUR—TERROR—RAMPAGE that, at least 173—PEOPLE across Mumbai, INDIA—FINANCIAL—CAPITAL, ended —WHEN commandos killed the last 3—GUNMEN inside the 565-room Taj Mahal hotel —WHILE it was engulfed in flames.
20081129             1—GROUP called Deccan Mujahideen, which alludes to 1—REGION in SOUTH—INDIA traditionally ruled by Muslim kings, claimed responsibility for the attack.
20081129             —BELIEVED, Officials said they, that —JUST 10—GUNMEN had taken part in the attack.
20081129             9 were killed and 1 was captured.
20081129             —IDENTIFIED, The 10. gunman was —LATER, as MOHAMMAD—AJMAL—AMIR—IMAM from Faridkot village in PAKISTAN.
20081129             19—FOREIGNERS were killed including 6—AMERICANS.
20081129             —FORTIFIED, IRAQ, 1—ROCKET—ATTACK in BAGHDAD's, Green Zone killed 2—PEOPLE.
20081129             DIYALA, province Mayor Sayid AL—ANBAKI—OF—SALAM district announced the discovery of 7—MASS—GRAVES in the village of Botoama.
20081129             —DOMINATED, AL—QAIDA in IRAQ had, the region in 20060000—20070000.
20081129             —KILLED, NIGERIA, witnesses said HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE have been, in THE—CENTRAL—CITY—OF—JOS as Christians and Muslims clashed over THE—RESULT—OF—1—LOCAL—ELECTION.
20081129             The violence began —FOLLOWING 1—RUMOR that the mostly Muslim All NIGERIA—PEOPLES—PARTY (ANPP) had lost the election to the mainly CHRISTIAN—FEDERAL—RULING—PEOPLE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY (PDP).
20081129             —DISPLACED, Over 10,000—PEOPLE were, from their homes and sought refuge in churches, mosques and army and police barracks.
20081129             PAKISTAN—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SHAH—MEHMOOD—QURESHI told 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE that PAKISTAN will take action against ANY—GROUP within its borders if it was involved in the Mumbai attacks.
20081129             1—SUSPECTED—USA—MISSILE—STRIKE killed at least 2—PEOPLE—NEAR—MIRAN Shah in NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN.
20081129             QATAR, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—SARKOZY told SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BESHIR to take action to end the conflict in Darfur.
20081129             —CAUSED, Officials in SRI—LANKA said floods, by DAYS—OF—HEAVY—RAINS killed at least 7—PEOPLE, left 4—SOLDIERS missing and displaced tens of thousands in INSURGENCY—RAVAGED NORTH—SRI—LANKA.
20081129             Auch mehrere Hinweise von USA—GEHEIMDIENSTEN über einen möglichen Angriff auf Mumbai von See aus seien ignoriert worden.
20081129             EX—DEFENSE contractor drops hints of another major corruption scandal.
20081129             the corrupt former lobbyist WHO—PLEAD guilty
20081129             Wasserman Schultz: 'MISTER—PAULSON—SEEMS—TO—BE—FLAILING—ABOUT 1—BIT'
20081129             —YESTERDAY, the Treasury Department, under THE—DIRECTION—OF—SECRETARY—HENRY—PAULSON, reported that it is "
20081129             making preparations " to ask Congress for access to the 2. $350—BILLION of the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP).
20081129             This comes —JUST —1—WEEK—AFTER Paulson said that he would
20081129             not be asking for the 2. TARP installment.
20081129             —REPORTED, —YESTERDAY, it was, that the Treasury is "
20081129             —NOW making preparations
20081129             to ask Congress for clearance to tap into the 2. half of the massive $700—BILLION financial markets rescue fund".
20081129             However, —JUST —1—WEEK—AGO, Paulson said that he did not need the 2. $350—BILLION, claiming that "I want to preserve the firepower, the flexibility we have —NOW and
20081129             those that come —AFTER us
20081129             Changed THE—PURPOSE—OF—THE—PROGRAM: Paulson intially said that "the
20081129             single most effective thing we can do to help homeowners, THE—USA—PEOPLE, and stimulate our economy," is to buy troubled assets from banks.
20081129             —ABANDONED, Paulson promptly, that plan, instead deciding "to reinforce the stability of the financial system by providing sorely needed capital to banks, and even NON—BANK—INSTITUTIONS that securitize credit card, auto and student loans".
20081129             Turley: By Refusing To Pardon Torture Officials, Bush Is Allowing Democrats To Repair His Legacy
20081129             unlikely to pardon ANY—OFFICIALS involved in engineering or executing THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—TORTURE—PROGRAM.
20081129             According to THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL report, THE—WHITE—HOUSE—BELIEVES that the Justice DEPARTMENT—TORTURE—MEMOS give the officials all the legal cover they need.
20081129             MADDOW—GUEST, constitutional legal scholar
20081129             JONATHAN—TURLEY, said that he also believes that Bush is unlikely to pardon his torture officials, but for reasons that have little to do with the torture memos:
20081129             THE—DEMOCRATIC—LEADERSHIP would love to have 1—PARDON so they could go to their supporters and say, "Look, there's really nothing we could do ".
20081129             —EXPLAINED, Turley, that without the pardons, Bush is clearing the way for Democrats to repair THE—PRESIDENT—TORTURE—LEGACY.
20081129             FOX—NEWS shut out at Obama press conferences.
20081129             Fishbowl DC notes that FOX—NEWS has
20081129             not been allowed to ask 1—QUESTION at ANY—OF—THE—4—PRESS—CONFERENCES that BARACK—OBAMA has held —SINCE winning the election.
20081129             DUBAI ? Die einen stehn im Lichte?
20081129             - onlinedienst DOCTOR—ALEXANDER—VON—PALESKE -
20081129             1—SPEKTAKEL der besonderen Art war in der vergangenen —WOCHE angesagt, die Eröffnung eines "Hotels der Superlative" das ?Atlantis ?
20081129             Übernachtung: von 460—EURO aufwärts.
20081129             Bad boss link to heart damage Inconsiderate bosses can not only make work stressful, they may also increase THE—RISK—OF—HEART—DISEASE for their employees.
20081129             Amazon deforestation accelerates THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—THE—AMAZON rainforest in BRAZIL has accelerated for the 1. time in —4—YEARS, officials say.
20081129             Drug firms 'block cheap medicine' Drug companies are blocking or delaying the entry of cheaper generic medicines into THE—EU, the European Commission says.
20081129             Protection boost for rare gorilla CAMEROON creates 1—NEW—NATIONAL—PARK for the Cross River gorilla, the world's rarest, ahead of 1—KEY—CONSERVATION meeting.
20081129             Online fraudsters 'steal £3.3bn' INTERNET fraudsters have stolen credit and debit cards with 1—VALUE—OF—MORE than £3.3bn, research suggests.
20081129             Gaming the next pandemic DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE—COMMISSIONS "serious game" to prepare for the next influenza pandemic.
20081129             THAILAND: Granate verletzt VIELE—REGIERUNGSGEGNER
20081129             —VERWENDET, Sie, die Samen in ihren Öl-, FETT—UND Margarinefabriken.
20081129             Teurer Geschmack: Milliardär ersteigert Riesentrüffel für 200.000—DOLLAR
20081129             GRÜNEN—VORSITZENDE CLAUDIA—ROTH erklärte —AM—SAMSTAG, es sei völlig unverständlich, weshalb —JETZT doch Nacktscanner getestet werden sollten.
20081129             "Diese verletzen in eklatanter Weise grundlegende Persönlichkeitsrechte und verstoßen gegen den von der Verfassung geforderten Schutz der Menschenwürde".
20081129             "Niemand hat die Absicht, Nacktscanner einzusetzen".
20081129             —NUN heiße es, man wolle —ERST prüfen, ob bei dieser Kontrollmaßnahme die Persönlichkeitsrechte gewahrt blieben.
20081129             Auf den Straßen der Stadt JOS liegen verwesende Leichen.
20081129             Nach Angaben eines führenden Geistlichen sind bei blutigen Unruhen mehr als 300—MENSCHEN getötet worden.
20081129             1—REPORTER—DES—SENDERS—RADIO—FRANCE—INTERNATIONALE sagte —AM—SAMSTAG sogar, er habe in der Moschee mehr als 380—TOTE gesehen.
20081129             —GEWESEN, —AM—FREITAG war noch von 15—TOTEN die Rede.
20081129             Christen gegen Muslime: Mehr als 300—TOTE bei Gewaltexzess in NIGERIA
20081129             Harvard Scientists Unravel THE—SECRET—OF—AGING—EFLUXMEDIA—BY—MAX—BRENN—AS we get older, our health becomes our worst enemy.
20081129             s the city shifted into Thanksgiving holiday mode, THE—NEW—YORK Police Department (NYPD) and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority have stepped up patrols in the city's subways...
20081129             Jupiter, Moon and Venus in 1—TRIANGLE
20081129             (ChattahBox) - In 1—OF—THE—MOST spectacular shows, SKY—GAZERS will be able to view THE—2—BRIGHTEST—PLANETS, Venus and Jupiter, forming 1—TRIANGLE with the moon.
20081129             Blogs unite Indians in FACE—OF—TERROR HINDU—NEW—DELHI (IANS):
20081129             —WAGED, As INDIA—SECURITY—FORCES, a —59—HOUR—BATTLE against the terrorists who had attacked 10—PROMINENT—PLACES in Mumbai, INTERNET blogs united horrified people across INDIA.
20081129             Mumbai attacks: AL—QAEDA methods & ideology
20081129             Counterterrorism in INDIA—TERRORIST strike on Mumbai adds to USA perils in region
20081129             Investigation Begins as Assault in Mumbai Ends WASHINGTON—POST—BY—EMILY—WAX and Rama Lakshmi MUMBAI,
20081129             —KILLED, INDIA—OFFICIALS said —TODAY that 10—GUNMEN, 9—OF—WHOM were, were responsible for THE—3—DAY—ASSAULT—ON—INDIA—FINANCIAL and cultural capital.
20081129             "So etwas hat es noch nicht gegeben, das ist ernst. CHINA hat noch nie Gipfeltreffen abgesagt", urteilt der FRANZÖSISCHE—CHINA—SPEZIALIST JEAN—PAUL—CABESTAN in HONGKONG.
20081129             Doch bevor Nationalstaaten Souveränität an übergeordnete Institutionen abzugeben bereit sind, dürften noch EINIGE—KRISEN an Schärfe zunehmen.
20081129             vermag noch niemand zu sagen.
20081129             Weder gibt es handlungsfähige internationale Gewerkschaften noch supranationale WIRTSCHAFTS—UND Sozialministerien, die neue Klassengesellschaft ist nationalstaatlich entbunden.
20081129             Doch wie die Glaubenskriege zurückgekehrt sind, erleben wir 1—WIEDERAUFFLAMMEN—DER—KLASSENKONFLIKTE, freilich in neuer Gestalt.
20081129             Demokratie erweist sich in diesem Fall, ganz im Gegensatz zur Theorie, als Modernisierungsnachteil -
20081129             in der komplexen Welt moderner Gesellschaften geht etwas nur dann schnell, wenn keine Rücksicht auf etwaige Nachteile für eventuell Betroffene genommen werden muss.
20081129             Gegenwärtig gibt es auf der Erde etwa 25—MILLIONEN "Klimaflüchtlinge";
20081129             So ermittelte die FRIEDRICH—EBERT—STIFTUNG —DIESER—TAGE, dass jeder 3. Bundesbürger der demokratischen Staatsform nicht mehr zutraue, die Probleme unserer Zeit zu lösen.
20081129             scheint es um die Stabilität moderner Gesellschaften, um ihre institutionellen Sicherungssysteme und das psychosoziale Binnengefüge nicht sehr gut bestellt.
20081129             Ohne eine adäquate Theorie aber gibt es keine Möglichkeit, solche Phänomene wahrzunehmen, zu analysieren und gegebenenfalls zu steuern.
20081129             MUMBAI—ANSCHLÄGE: Polizei befreite mehr als 600—MENSCHEN aus der Gewalt der Terroristen
20081129             Ist das nicht toll? Nicht nur für KPMG damit für ihre Loyalität bestraft, Siemens tut auch noch so, als sei ihr Fehlverhalten statt ihrer selbst Schuld der laschen Prüfer.
20081129             Ach guck mal einer schau.
20081129             Under state law, God is KENTUCKY—1. LINE—OF—DEFENSE against terrorism.
20081129             The - 1—BRITISCHER—OPPOSITIONSPOLITIKER ist von der Antiterrorpolizei verhaftet worden, weil er Regierungsdokumente veröffentlicht hat.
20081129             Und das waren —JETZT nicht mal sonderlich schlimme Dokumente, es ging darum, dass die Regierung an irgendwelchen Stellen illegale Einwanderer verknackt haben.
20081129             GORDON—BROWN sagt natürlich, die Polizei habe ihn vorher nicht informiert, aber selbst wenn das wahr ist, macht es die Sache ja nicht weniger krass.
20081129             Also lasst euch vom Wort "Oppositionspolitiker" nicht irreführen: der ist bei den Torys, den Konservativen.
20081129             Trotzdem.
20081129             —REAGIERT, Immerhin,die Presse, mit Entsetzen.
20081129             Da das "freie Siedlungsland" zu Ende zu gehen droht, appellieren rechtsextreme "amerikanische" Politiker immer wieder an 1—FÖRDERUNG—DES—AUSSENHANDELS und an weitere Expansionen, v.a. in der Karibik und in Mittel-"AMERIKA" und —BIS Süd-"AMERIKA".
20081129             Ein spezielles politisches Gewicht in den "USA" haben die Farmer, und die Freimaurer haben dauernd Angst, dass der Kommunismus die Macht übernehmen könnte.
20081129             So schreitet die Polarisierung zwischen Links und Rechts voran, und die Superreichen korrigieren das unzureichende kapitalistische System nie, sondern setzen immer auf Waffengewalt und Tote.
20081129             -- —AFTER the mechanization and PROHIBITION—OF—SLAVERY the Blacks migrate from the South into the North and end in the ghetto working for famine wages.
20081129             -- die Firmen "verkaufen" das "freie Siedlungsland", und mit Zäunen besetzen die Weissen das "freie Siedlungsland"
20081129             -- militante Indianer wehren sich mit Anschlägen gegen die Expansion der Weissen, was die Repression gegen die Indianer noch verschärft
20081129             -- die Industrie verschmutzt schrittweise die gesamte Natur, die die Indianer als "Mutter Erde" bezeichnen
20081129             Zur selben Zeit führt DEUTSCHLAND seinen 1. Rassekrieg in EUROPA gegen FRANKREICH...
20081129             Und die Sklaverei ist immer noch im Gang... - And slavery is going on and on yet...
20081129             "USA": Trails without freedom: THE—WHITE—SELF—IMAGE in the history book of the "USA" von/of MICHAEL—PALOMINO
20081129             aus/from: Frederica B.Coons / Prater, John / Cartwright, WILLIAM—H: Trails to Freedom [Pfade zur Freiheit];
20081129             BOSTON 19650000             20081129             Die 1. WEISS—SPANISCHEN—BESETZUNGEN in "AMERIKA" 14920000—15430000, Karte.
20081129             Der Holocaust an der INDIO—BEVÖLKERUNG wird im Schulbuch nie erwähnt...
20081129             der PAPA setzt 14930000             wischen SPANIEN und PORTUGAL eine weltweite Grenze fest
20081129             "Wir wollen ISRAEL nicht von der Landkarte radieren. Aber es wird untergehen, wenn es so weiter macht".
20081129             Vizeaußenminister für EUROPA—ANGELEGENHEITEN, Mehdi Safari, und dem FRÜHEREN—IRANISCHEN—BOTSCHAFTER—IN—BERLIN,
20081129             Mehdi MOHAMMED—ACHUNDSADEH—BASTI—DER —SEIT wenigen —TAGEN als VIZE—FÜR—AFGHANISTAN, PAKISTAN und den Rest Asiens zuständig ist.
20081129             "Die Massenmedien sind schuld", sagt Safari beim 3—GÄNGE—MENÜ, die "in den Händen bestimmter Gruppen" seien.
20081129             "Die öffentliche Meinung wird manipuliert".
20081129             Zum Entsetzen vieler Parteifreunde ist Todenhöfers Reisereportage in weiten Teilen eine schonungslose Anklage der "ABENDLÄNDISCH—PATRIOTISCHEN SOFA—STRATEGEN" und ihrer "völkerrechtswidrigen Angriffskriege" auf IRAK und AFGHANISTAN.
20081129             "Wegen ihrer Lügen", so der Ehrenoberst der USA—ARMEE Todenhöfer, müsse man USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH und dessen engsten Mitstreiter, den FRÜHEREN—BRITISCHEN—PREMIER—TONY—BLAIR, "vor ein internationales Strafgericht stellen".
20081129             Durch das Nebeneinander der 7—REGIONALEN Institute entstehen an vielen Stellen Reibungsverluste und doppelte Kosten.
20081129             JOHANNES—JUNG, SPD—BUNDESTAGSABGEORDNETER und Mitglied im Auswärtigen Ausschuss, forderte der "SZ" zufolge, die DEUTSCHE—STRATEGIE im KOSOVO zu überprüfen.
20081129             Ein weiterer hochrangiger BND—MITARBEITER meinte dem Bericht zufolge, die Bundesregierung habe sich von einem Land, in dem "organisierte Kriminalität die Staatsform ist, am Nasenring durch die Weltpolitik führen lassen".
20081129             Terror attacks 'provide warning' to CHINA
20081129             MARKET SNAPSHOT: USA—STOCKS Rise On Black —FRIDAY To Post Strong... - MONEY—COM
20081129             Foreign central banks' USA—DEBT holdings FELL—FED
20081129             [10:51] - Keine Panikreaktion an der Börse in Mumbai: Am 1. Handelstag —NACH—DEN Terroranschlägen notierten die meisten Werte —AM—FREITAG trotz der Attacken leicht im Plus.
20081129             Der 30—WERTE umfassende BÖRSEN—INDEX Sensex stieg —AM—FREITAG um 124,37 Punkte oder 1,38 % auf 9151,09 Punkte.
20081129             —GEÖFFNET, —NACHDEM die Börse —AM—DONNERSTAG nicht, hatte, waren die Kurse nach Wiedereröffnung am Freitagmorgen —ZUNÄCHST um 1,5 % gefallen, erholten sich dann aber im Handelsverlauf und drehten überwiegend ins Plus.
20081129             An Indiens Nationalbörse (NSE), die sich ebenfalls in Mumbai befindet, notierte der NIFTY—INDEX 0,80 % im Plus bei 2777—PUNKTEN.
20081129             —BETRÜBT, Er und 1. Lady Laura Bush seien "tief " über den Tod von mindestens 2—USA—BÜRGERN, teilte das Weiße Haus —AM—FREITAG in WASHINGTON mit.
20081129             Die USA würden die Zusammenarbeit mit der INDISCHEN—REGIERUNG und der internationalen Gemeinschaft gegen Extremisten fortsetzen, "die nichts als Gewalt und Hoffnungslosigkeit zu bieten haben".
20081129             AFGHANISTAN 'worse than ever' :
20081129             —DETERIORATED, Security in AFGHANISTAN has, to a —7—YEAR—LOW, CANADA admitted —YESTERDAY, as PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI continued to vent frustration at the slow PACE—OF—PROGRESS and accidental CIVIL—DEATHS caused by Western forces.
20081129             ROBERT—FISK: 'Nobody supports the Taliban, but people hate the government' : As he leaves AFGHANISTAN,
20081129             Suppressed Speech Of Wamsutta (FRANK—B) James, Wampanoag THE—WAMPANOAG—INDIANS reflect on THE—ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—PILGRIMS' arrival, and the 1. Thanksgiving.
20081129             —350—YEARS—AFTER the Pilgrims began their INVASION—OF—THE—LAND—OF—THE—WAMPANOAG, their "American" descendants planned 1—ANNIVERSARY celebration.
20081129             —STILL clinging to the white schoolbook myth of friendly relations between their forefathers and the Wampanoag, the anniversary planners thought it would be NICE to have 1—INDIA—MAKE 1—APPRECIATIVE and complimentary speech at their state dinner.
20081129             THE—OBAMA "Dream Team": RUBIN—CLONES—AND—OTHER—FAKERS
20081129             Does Paulson think he can "turn off" the public's pessimism like 1—LIGHT switch?
20081129             —CRITICISED, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI has, THE—7—YEAR—AFGHANISTAN—WAR, complaining that THE—USA—AND—NATO—TROOPS have not made life better
20081129             IRAN would welcome talks between PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD and USA—PRESIDENT—ELECT BARACK—OBAMA, the country's VICE—PRESIDENT said in 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—JAPAN—KYODO news agency
20081129             USA accuses Syria of copying IRAN nuclear COVER—UP tactics : THE—USA—ACCUSED—SYRIA —ON—FRIDAY of adopting tactics "honed by IRAN" to impede A—UNITED—NATIONS—WATCHDOG—PROBE into alleged covert nuclear activity.
20081129             —BAFFLED, IAEA CHIEF, over lack of Syria nuclear info : THE—CHIEF—UNITED—NATIONS nuclear inspector said —THURSDAY that his agency's Syria probe has been hampered because key satellite images of 1 alleged nuclear reactor bombed by ISRAEL are inexplicably unavailable on the market.
20081129             ISRAEL to bomb IRAN through TURKEY?
20081129             "THE—ISRAELIS would not attack (IRAN) over IRAQ. The way to go is through TURKEY...—WHEN ISRAEL attacked the reactor in Syria, it went up the Mediterranean and through TURKEY—AIR—SPACE," Hurriyet quoted Krauthammer as saying.
20081129             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN—ANGER over another civilian, : "This —MORNING 1—CONVOY—OF—UK—TROOPS were passing here and they had 1—MISUNDERSTANDING with 1—CIVIL—VEHICLE. The troops opened fire and killed 1—CIVILIAN and wounded 3—MORE," MOHAMMAD—AYOUB—SALANGI, KABUL—POLICE—CHIEF, told Reuters news agency.
20081129             Kafka and Uighurs at Guantánamo
20081129             I would add the suggestion that we as 1—COUNTRY make 1—OPEN—APOLOGY and ask THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD for forgiveness for our straying so far from the ideals upon which our country was founded.
20081129             Then there can be true thanksgiving for real closure, and 1—END to 1—PARTICULARLY disgraceful chapter in our country's history.
20081129             Obama's "New" National Security Team Is Not Very NEW—BY—TOM—ENGELHARDT
20081129             The next SECRETARY—OF—STATE—LOOKS to be Hillary Clinton, 1—HAWK on THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20081129             —DURING the campaign, she spoke of our ability to "totally obliterate" IRAN, should that country carry out 1—NUCLEAR—STRIKE against ISRAEL.
20081129             Doves Keep THE—FAITH as Obama Team Tilts Right
20081129             Leading OPPONENTS—OF—THE—WAR have mostly been silent as PRESIDENT—ELECT BARACK—OBAMA, who 1. built his national image on the foundation of his early opposition to THE—IRAQ war, assembles 1—GROUP—OF—NATIONAL—SECURITY—HANDS that is anything but 1—TEAM—OF doves.
20081129             Learning to Lead
20081129             —ACCLIMATIZED, We in THE—USA—HAVE grown, to 1—SYSTEM that 1. dehumanizes us and then inevitably feeds on our dehumanization, sucking away at our resources, our rights, and our resistance —WHILE we scamper frantically —AROUND in THE—PURSUIT—OF—LIFE, liberty, and happiness.
20081129             —NOW I've Seen Everything - 1—SPY goes to work for 1—THINKTANK—BY—JUSTIN—RAIMONDO
20081129             Unbeknownst to most Americans, ISRAEL—WESTERNMOST settlement is not located in PALESTINE—ISRAEL, but is 6000—MILES away on the high ground overlooking Foggy Bottom in WASHINGTON DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA.
20081129             5—MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS—BEING—PROBED in Bribery Affair
20081129             5—OTHER—MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS are being probed in association with the bribery scandal linked to FORMER—CALIFORNIA Republican congressman "DUKE" Cunningham, according to 1—LITTLE—NOTICED legal filing discovered —THURSDAY.
20081129             New USA—MORTGAGE Crisis Looms
20081129             The full SCOPE—OF—THE—USA—HOUSING meltdown isn't clear and already there are ominous signs of 1—NEW—CRISIS — 1—THAT could turn out the lights on malls, hotels and storefronts across the country.
20081129             1—RECENT—SURVEY by THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL reveals that CEOs at major USA financial and real estate firms converted TENS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS—OF overvalued stock into cash —PRIOR—TO the eruption of the current financial crisis, even as MANY—OF—THEIR—CORPORATIONS approached the precipice.
20081129             Having been drawn into RESEARCH—OF—THE—POLITICS—OF—WAR by despair —FOLLOWING our military's attacks on AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ, I became familiar with SOME—METHODS—OF—PROPAGANDA used to manipulate good people into supporting aggression against their neighbors.
20081129             Least We FORGET—THE—WAR—PRAYER - -Don't Miss THIS—BY MARK—TWAIN
20081129             INDIA—LEADERS—NEED to Look Closer to HOME—THE—ASSAULT—ON—MUMBAI—BY—TARIQ Ali
20081129             USA is Funding Terrorism -
20081129             Deepak Chopra Blames WASHINGTON For Mumbai Terrorist ATTACKS—VIDEO and Text
20081129             Chopra: What we have seen in Mumbai has been brewing for 1—LONG—TIME, and THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM and the attack on IRAQ compounded the situation.
20081129             What we call "collateral damage" and going —AFTER the wrong people actually turns moderates into extremists, and that inflammation then gets organized and appears as this disaster in Bombay.
20081129             IRAQ—ACADEMICS Assassinated —DURING THE—USA—LED Occupation
20081129             —TARGETED, The objective of these, assassinations is to "kill 1—NATION", the destroy IRAQ—ABILITY to educate its people, to undermine its research and scientific capabilities in literally all FIELDS—OF—ENDEAVOR, to transform 1—NATION into 1—TERRITORY, and ultmately to destroy civilization.
20081129             —MITTWOCH—AM,ab 20.40—UHR bei ARTE gezeigt wird.
20081129             "Wir alle haben für die CIA gearbeitet", bekennt darin die ehemalige Geschäftsführerin des Kölner CIA—KULTURSTÜTZPUNKTES Kiepenheuer und Witsch, der gleichzeitig Bölls Verlag war.
20081129             Böll "war 1—DIAMANT in der Sammlung der CIA", sagt der Filmemacher im Interview.
20081129             will have".
20081129—14910000    —ABOUT 16—MILLION indians are living in North and South "AMERICA"
20081129—14910000    —LEBEN ca.16—MIO.Indianer in NORD—UND Süd-"AMERIKA"
20081129—18730000    —AB, Im Zuge der Einführung der freien Börse kommt es in den "USA" zu 3—HEFTIGEN Börsencrashs,
20081129—18730000    —AB, Im Zuge der Einführung der freien Börse kommt es in den "USA" zu 3—HEFTIGEN Börsencrashs, ohne dass Massnahmen gegen deren Wiederholung ergriffen werden.
20081129—19890000    —SINCE, The statue by sculptor Mrinal Haque has stood at 1—ROAD—INTERSECTION.
20081129—20030000    —IN, Utzon won the Pritzker prize.
20081129—20070000    hatte sich der CHINA—EIN 1,5 Kilogramm wiegendes Prachtexemplar des bei Feinschmeckern überaus beliebten unterirdischen Edelpilzes GESICHERT—FÜR 330.000—DOLLAR.
20081129—20091200    —RELEASED, Fiona Fulton was.
20081129—20100000    —FREED, DAVID—FULTON was, —AFTER serving nearly —2—YEARS for sedition.
20081129—20200000    —BY, Transport emissions in THE—UK could be cut by 25% if the government shifted its policies, 1—REPORT—CLAIMS.
20081129—20200000    —BY, Bid to cut UK transport emissions Transport emissions in THE—UK could be cut by 25% if the government shifted its policies, 1—REPORT—CLAIMS.
20090628—20091129    —AM, Als Nachfolger wird vom Parlament ROBERTO—MICHELETTI ernannt, der das Land —BIS zu Wahlen führen soll.
20091029             The agreement would create 1—POWER—SHARING government and bind both sides to recognize 20091129             —THE presidential elections.
20091112             —FIRED, HONDURAS, assailants, 1—ANTI—TANK—GRENADE toward the building housing ballots for the upcoming 20091129             HONDURAS—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTIONS, which are taking place under the shadow of a —4—MONTH—CRISIS caused by 1—COUP.
20091129             "Spekulanten missbrauchen den Markt".
20091129             "This is 1—VERY—LONG—TERM—PROJECT and would involve:
20091129             "To achieve the decisive defeat of RUSSIA in 1—TOTAL—WAR would require,
20091129             "Wenn ich herausfinde, wer der AUTOR—DER 'Krake' ist, Additional note on the water problem.
20091129             ANY—USE—OF, or quotations from, this article must attribute them to THE—NEW—FEDERALIST,
20091129             —BRÜSKIERT, Atomstreit: IRAN, den Westen mit neuen URAN—PLÄNEN
20091129             Auflagen für Staatshilfe: BANK—OF—AMERICA KÜRZT TOP—MANAGERN das Gehalt
20091129             Bericht des USA—SENATS: Pentagon ließ OSAMA—BIN—LADEN entwischen
20091129             Berlusconi und Dell'Utri hätten direkte Kontakte zu seinem MAFIA—BOSS GIUSEPPE—GRAVIANO gehabt.
20091129             Bombenangriff bei Kunduz: SPD bläst zur GUTTENBERG—JAGD
20091129             Dell'Utri wurde wegen des Vorwurfs der Zusammenarbeit mit der Mafia zu —9—JAHREN Gefängnis verurteilt,
20091129             Der ehemalige Mafioso GASPARE—SPATUZZA hatte ausgesagt,
20091129             Die Hadza gehen womöglich in direkter Linie auf die Hauptwurzel des menschlichen Stammbaums zurück,
20091129             Die CHINESISCHE—NOTENBANK und die Bankenaufsicht wissen um den ERNST—DER—LAGE,
20091129             DUBAI, capitalism, slavery and Angelina Jolie
20091129             Finanzexperte Yi Xianrong warnt im SPIEGEL—ONLINE—INTERVIEW vor einer gigantischen Blase:
20091129             Finanzkrise am Golf: EMIRATE—ZENTRALBANK hilft Dubais Banken
20091129             In einem Bericht der rechtskonservativen Zeitung "Libero",
20091129             In einem INDISCHEN—ATOMKRAFTWERK haben sie Tritium im Wasserkühler gefunden.
20091129             Initiative gegen Minarette: Die SCHWEIZ wählt die ISLAM—ANGST
20091129             Krisenfolgen: Mehr Amerikaner brauchen Lebensmittelkarten
20091129             —IMPORTED, MANY—OF—DUBAI'S, and exploited workers are kept in fetid concrete bunkers
20091129             Operation UNTHINKABLE—REFERENDUM: Schweizer stimmen gegen MINARETT—BAU
20091129             SENATOR—MARCELLO—DELL'UTRI, liefen Ermittlungen wegen einer mutmaßlichen Verstrickung in tödliche Anschläge,
20091129             —DESALINATED, The city has to ship in, WATER—WHICH is more costly than oil.
20091129             They constitute 1—HORRIFIC—HUMANITARIAN—CRISIS.
20091129             Vor KOPENHAGEN—GIPFEL: COMMONWEALTH—LÄNDER fordern bindenden Klimavertrag
20091129             —ENTSCHIED, Weil das Pentagon aber, auf einen massiven Militäreinsatz zu verzichten, habe OSAMA—BIN—LADEN am
20091129             —WHEN it runs OUT—OF—CASH, it will run OUT—OF—WATER.
20091129             1 the deployment in EUROPE—OF—1—LARGE—PROPORTION—OF—THE—VAST—RESOURCES—OF—THE—USA.
20091129             aber sie stoßen auf starken Widerstand von lokalen Regierungen und Banken.
20091129             der von der Staatsanwaltschaft in Florenz umgehend dementiert wurde,
20091129             die die Mafia 19920000             und 19930000             verübte.
20091129             die hier mehr als 100.—000—JAHRE in die Vergangenheit reicht.
20091129             Das ergaben genetische Tests.
20091129             hieß es, gegen Berlusconi und seinen Getreuen,
20091129             in Auftrag gegebenen Kriegsplans, der die militärische Unterwerfung der damaligen Sowjetunion
20091129             in particular, the mobilisation of manpower to counteract their present enormous manpower resources.
20091129             legte jedoch gegen das Urteil Berufung ein.
20091129             sagte Berlusconi bei der Versammlung der Jugendorganisation seiner Partei in Olbia.
20091129             werde ich ihn erwürgen, das schwöre ich",
20091129             S—FRANCISCO—MAYOR—GAVIN—NEWSOM led a 50-person Bay Area delegation to BANGALORE—INDIA, on a —3—DAY—TRIP to sign business deals as PART—OF—THE—S—FRANCISCO—BANGALORE—SISTER—CITY—INITIATIVE.
20091129             —STRANGLED, ANDREW—CONLEY, —17—JAHRE—ALT of Rising SUN—INDIANA, his —10—YEAR—OLD—BROTHER as the 2 wrestled.
20091129             The teen told investigators he had had fantasies about killing someone —SINCE he was in 8. grade, including cutting somebody's throat, and felt "—JUST like" the serial killer Dexter on the Showtime television series of the same name.
20091129             WASHINGTON, STATE—MAURICE—CLEMMONS, —37—JAHRE—ALT shot and killed 4—POLICE—OFFICERS from THE—TACOMA suburb of LAKEWOOD as they worked on their laptop computers in 1—COFFEE—HOUSE at the beginning of their shifts in Parkland.
20091129             4—PEOPLE were arrested for allegedly helping the suspect elude authorities —DURING 1—MASSIVE —2—DAY manhunt.
20091129             7—PEOPLE were soon arrested for helping Clemmons elude capture.
20091129             —OPENED, SOUTH—WEST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—ROGUE police officer, fire at 1—CHECKPOINT in Nimroz province, killing 6—POLICE—OFFICERS and injuring 2—BEFORE being killed.
20091129             NORTH—JOWZJAN, province 2—GUNMEN on 1—MOTORBIKE shot and killed THE—HEAD—OF—LOGISTICS for the provincial intelligence service.
20091129             —KILLED, SOUTH—HELMAND, province, Afghan and INTERNATIONAL forces, 2—MILITANTS—RESPONSIBLE for planting roadside bombs.
20091129             1—ALGIERS COURT—SENTENCED—AHMED—BELBACHA, 1—ALGERIAN—GUANTANAMO inmate who refuses to be sent home, to —20—YEARS in prison for belonging to an "overseas terrorist group".
20091129             Belbacha, who has been held at THE—USA—PRISON—CAMP—SINCE—FEBRUARY 20020000             —FOLLOWING his arrest in PAKISTAN, has been deemed by USA—AUTHORITIES as no longer an "enemy combatant" and cleared for release to ALGERIA.
20091129             Belbacha said that he fears torture at home and refuses to be repatriated.
20091129             —REQUESTED, Instead, he has, political asylum in THE—USA.
20091129             EQUATORIAL—GUINEA held elections.
20091129             —EXPECTED, It was, that results would extend THE—30—YEAR—RULE—OF—TEODORO—OBIANG—NGUEMA, —67—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MAN accused of draining his nation's oil wealth to fabulously enrich family and cronies —WHILE his people suffered in slums.
20091129             Obiang gave only —6—WEEKS' notice for the election and coverage in THE—STATE—CONTROLLED media was skewed.
20091129             Nguema won power for another term with 95.37—PERCENT—OF—VOTES cast.
20091129             —DENOUNCED, Opponents and INTERNATIONAL human rights groups, the electoral process in AFRICA—NUMBER 3—OIL producer as fraudulent.
20091129             —AGREED, FRANCE and RWANDA, to restore diplomatic ties —3—YEARS—AFTER they were cut off amid tensions over 1—FRANCE—JUDICIAL—INVESTIGATION.
20091129             HONDURAS held elections.
20091129             Porfirio Lobo and ELVIN—SANTOS, 2—PROSPEROUS—BUSINESSMEN from the political old guard, were THE—FRONT—RUNNERS.
20091129             —GATHERED, Conservative rancher Porfirio Lobo conservative rancher, 1—STRONG—LEAD and his SANTOS conceded defeat.
20091129             INDIA, senior government officials said workers at the Kaiga nuclear power plant in SOUTH—KARNATAKA state were treated for poisoning —AFTER drinking water was deliberately spiked with radiation.
20091129             —PASSED, IRAN—PARLIAMENT, 1—LAW earmarking $20—MILLION to support militant groups opposing the West and to investigate alleged USA and UK—PLOTS against the Islamic Republic.
20091129             † In IRAQ 1—USA—SOLDIER—OF—INJURIES unrelated to combat.
20091129             —KIDNAPPED, MAURITANIA, 3—SPAIN—VOLUNTEERS were, by gunmen.
20091129             SPAIN—INTERIOR—MINISTER—SAID—THE—NEXT—DAY that he suspected AL—QAIDA—LINKED Islamists were behind the attack.
20091129             —REMAINED, Businessmen Roque Pascual and ALBERT—VILALTA, captive.
20091129             MEXICO, weekend violence left 17—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20091129             7—WOMEN were murdered, including 1 (19) who was beheaded in the southern beach resort of CANCUN.
20091129             4—OF—THE—WOMEN were killed in CIUDAD—JUAREZ, where 2 were shot to death, another beaten with 1—BASEBALL bat and a 4., 1—SCHOOL—TEACHER, also was beaten to death.
20091129             2—WOMEN were found shot to death in MEXICALI.
20091129             † Jesus Alfredo Portillo (27), 1—UNIVERSITY—STUDENT and rights activist, was killed in CIUDAD—JUAREZ.
20091129             Her MOTHER—IN—LAW and women's group FOUNDER—MARISELA—ORTIZ had —RECENTLY COMPLAINED—OF—DEATH—THREATS against her.
20091129             —MURDERED, Elsewhere, 8—MEN were found, in NORTH—CHIHUAHUA state, 5—OF—THEM in CIUDAD—JUAREZ.
20091129             —ADMITTED, RWANDA was, to the Commonwealth as its 54. member —DURING 1—SUMMIT in Trinidad.
20091129             † SAUDI—ARABIA—OFFICIALS said 5—PEOPLE from swine flu —DURING the hajj, 1—RELATIVELY small number considering the event is the largest annual gathering in the world and was seen as 1—IDEAL—INCUBATOR for the virus.
20091129             —SEIZED, SOMALIA—PIRATES, THE—GREECE—FLAGGED Maran Centaurus, 1—TANKER carrying more about $150—MILLION—OF—CRUDE—OIL from SAUDI—ARABIA to THE—USA, in the waters off EAST—AFRICA.
20091129             1—SHOOTOUT between rival SOMALIA—PIRATE gangs over their biggest ransom ever threatened to turn the supertanker and THE—28—HOSTAGES aboard into 1—MASSIVE—FIREBALL—UNTIL bandits begged THE—ANTI—PIRACY—FORCE for help.
20091129             Ransom —AFTER—50—DAYS was said to be between $5.5 and $7—MILLION.
20091129             —ATTACKED, Pirates, 1—SPAIN—FISHING vessel in THE—INDIA—OCEAN, firing small arms and 1—ROCKET—PROPELLED grenade, but private security guards aboard the ship shot back and repelled them.
20091129             SWITZERLAND held 1—NATIONWIDE referendum on 1—PROPOSAL by THE—RIGHT—WING SWITZERLAND—PEOPLE—PARTY to ban Muslim minarets.
20091129             —APPROVED, Over 57—PERCENT—OF—SWITZERLAND—VOTERS, the ban.
20091129             —ATTACHED, THE—4—MINARETS already, to mosques in the country are not affected by the initiative.
20091129             THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES' central bank said it would offer additional liquidity to banks, signaling 1—PUSH by THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT to reassure investors worried about the country's banking sector and its exposure to DUBAI—CRUSHING debt.
20091129             URUGUAY held elections.
20091129             JOSE—MUJICA (74), 1—PLAIN—TALKING socialist, won the presidential RUN—OFF keeping THE—CENTER—LEFT coalition in power for another —5—YEARS.
20091129             —ARMED, He once led 1, revolutionary movement but —NOW rejected the ideologies of the 1970s.
20091129             Mujica won 53—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE, to 43% for LUIS—A—LACALLE, with 97—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE counted.
20091129             ANY—USE—OF, or quotations from, this article must attribute them to THE—NEW—FEDERALIST, and THE—EXECUTIVE—INTELLIGENCE—REVIEW
20091129             ``To achieve the decisive defeat of RUSSIA in 1—TOTAL—WAR would require, in particular, the mobilisation of manpower to counteract their present enormous manpower resources.
20091129             DUBAI, capitalism, slavery and Angelina JOLIE—ADDITIONAL—NOTE on the water problem.
20091129             —IMPORTED, MANY—OF—DUBAI'S, and exploited workers are kept in fetid concrete bunkers without air conditioning.
20091129             You know damn well that the heartless emirates will simply let THE—RIFF—RAFF DIE—OF—THIRST in the desert.
20091129             WILL—THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD do anything to help?
20091129             Gefängnis Bagram: Jugendliche berichten über Misshandlungen in USA—MILITÄRHAFT
20091129             Die Hadza gehen womöglich in direkter Linie auf die Hauptwurzel des menschlichen Stammbaums zurück, die hier mehr als 100.—000—JAHRE in die Vergangenheit reicht.
20091129             Die CHINESISCHE—NOTENBANK und die Bankenaufsicht wissen um den ERNST—DER—LAGE, aber sie stoßen auf starken Widerstand von lokalen Regierungen und Banken.
20091129             Finanzexperte Yi Xianrong warnt im SPIEGEL—ONLINE—INTERVIEW vor einer gigantischen Blase: "Spekulanten missbrauchen den Markt".
20091129             "Wenn ich herausfinde, wer der AUTOR—DER 'Krake' ist, werde ich ihn erwürgen, das schwöre ich", sagte Berlusconi bei der Versammlung der Jugendorganisation seiner Partei in Olbia.
20091129             In einem Bericht der rechtskonservativen Zeitung "Libero", der von der Staatsanwaltschaft in Florenz umgehend dementiert wurde, hieß es, gegen Berlusconi und seinen Getreuen,
20091129             SENATOR—MARCELLO—DELL'UTRI, liefen Ermittlungen wegen einer mutmaßlichen Verstrickung in tödliche Anschläge, die die Mafia 19920000             und 19930000             verübte.
20091129             Der ehemalige Mafioso GASPARE—SPATUZZA hatte ausgesagt, Berlusconi und Dell'Utri hätten direkte Kontakte zu seinem MAFIA—BOSS GIUSEPPE—GRAVIANO gehabt.
20091129             Dell'Utri wurde wegen des Vorwurfs der Zusammenarbeit mit der Mafia zu —9—JAHREN Gefängnis verurteilt, legte jedoch gegen das Urteil Berufung ein.
20091129             Nach einem Bericht des USA—SENATS hatten die AMERIKANISCHEN—STREITKRÄFTE 20010000             die Chance, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN festzunehmen.
20091129             Kritik an Finanzbranche: USA—REGIERUNG droht HOCHZINS—BANKERN
20091129             Nach Rüge: IRAN stellt Zusammenarbeit mit Atombehörde in Frage
20091129             Immobilienboom in CHINA: "Die Blase wird platzen"
20091129             —BEGINNT, Das KIRCHEN—JAHR—DER—STILLE 20100000             .
20091129             —BEITRITT, RUANDA, dem Commonwealth of Nations und ist damit nach MOSAMBIK der 2. Mitgliedstaat ohne vorhergehende koloniale Beziehungen zum Vereinigten Königreich.
20091129—19450500    —IM, Name eines vom BRITISCHEN—PREMIERMINISTER—WINSTON—CHURCHILL in Auftrag gegebenen Kriegsplans, der die militärische Unterwerfung der damaligen Sowjetunion durch GROSSBRITANNIEN und die USA zum Ziel hatte.
20091129—19940000    —IN, ARGENTINA, Solange Magnano (38), 1—MOTHER—OF—TWINS who won the Miss ARGENTINA crown, † of 1—PULMONARY embolism —AFTER—3—DAYS in critical condition —FOLLOWING 1—GLUTEOPLASTY in BUENOS—AIRES.
20091129—20000000    —PAROLED, Clemmons had been, by ARKANSAS GOVERNOR—MIKE—HUCKABEE.
20091129—20090118    —RELEASED, The tanker was, —FOLLOWING a $5.5—MILLION ransom.
20091129—20090312    —RELEASED, AL—QAIDA—OFFSHOOT in NORTH—AFRICA SAID that it had, Gamez because she voluntarily converted to Islam.
20091129—20091201    —ON, Clemmons was shot and killed by 1—LONE patrolman investigating 1—STOLEN car.
20091129—20091202    —ON, 1—MAURITANIA—OFFICIAL said THE—3—AID—WORKERS were being taken by their captors to neighboring MALI.
20091129—20100310    —RELEASED, Aid worker ALICIA—GAMEZ (35) was.
20091129—20100800    —RELEASED, Pascual and Vilalta were.
20100410—20101129    —ON, Jama Idle Ibrahim, 1—SOMALIA—CITIZEN, was sentenced to —30—YEARS in prison for his role in the attack.
20101129             —COMPLIED, TURKEY, with 1—EUROPEAN—COURT—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS ruling and returned a 18010101—19001231     orphanage to the Ecumenical Patriarchate in ISTANBUL, the center of Orthodox Christianity —AROUND the world.
20101129             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, a —2—YEAR—PAY freeze for FEDERAL—EMPLOYEES, 1—MOVE—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS say is the 1. of MANY—DIFFICULT—DECISIONS that must be made to reduce the nation's mounting deficit.
20101129             DAVID—SCHMAUDER, —48—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—DENVER area postal worker, was sentenced to 2½ years in FEDERAL—PRISON for stealing over 11,000 packages and then selling their contents.
20101129             WISCONSIN, sophomore SAMUEL—HENGEL, —15—JAHRE—ALT took 23—OF—HIS classmates and 1—TEACHER—HOSTAGE in 1—CLASSROOM at the Marinette High School, shooting himself as police broke in.
20101129             —INJURED, No 1—ELSE was. Hengel † THE—NEXT—DAY.
20101129             Managed care consortium Kaiser Permanente of OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, announced $10.5—MILLION in donations including $7.5—MILLION over —3—YEARS for OAKLAND school programs.
20101129             WAL—MART said it will pay $2.3—BILLION for a 51% stake in Massmart, giving the world's largest retailer 1—SUBSTANTIAL—PRESENCE in SOUTH—AFRICA and paving the way for further expansion across the continent.
20101129             The dismembered BODY—OF—HERBERT—WHITE, —49—JAHRE—ALT was found by 1—MAID in 1—BACKPACK in 1—LOS—ANGELES hotel room.
20101129             —LINKED, Authorities, the $40-a-night hotel room to EDWARD—GARCIA—JUNIOR, —36—JAHRE—ALT and his wife, MELISSA—HOPE—GARCIA, —25—JAHRE—ALT.
20101129             AFGHANISTAN said its relations with THE—USA would not be affected by leaked cables portraying PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI as weak and paranoid, and his brother as 1—CORRUPT drugs BARON.
20101129             6—NATO—TROOPS were shot dead by 1—MAN wearing 1—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER—POLICE—UNIFORM —DURING 1—TRAINING exercise in Nangarhar province.
20101129             —KILLED, The shooter was.
20101129             9—AFGHANISTAN—PRIVATE—SECURITY—GUARDS from 1—CONSTRUCTION—COMPANY were kidnapped in KABUL province.
20101129             —KILLED, Coalition forces, Haji Ibrahim, 1—FORMER—CHIEF—OF—GERESHK district, Helmand province, and arrested 6—MEMBERS—OF—HIS—FAMILY.
20101129             —ISSUED, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT said it has, 1—ORDER to control the export of 1—SEDATIVE used to execute DEATH—ROW—PRISONERS in THE—USA.
20101129             Exporters will —NOW be required to prove drugs will be used for legitimate medical reasons, not execution.
20101129             —DETONATED, EAST—CHINA, 1—MAN, explosives near THE—PRESIDENT—OF—TIANJIN—NORMAL—UNIVERSITY, killing himself and possibly injuring THE—PRESIDENT in 1—APPARENT—SUICIDE bombing.
20101129             EGYPT, demonstrations and riots swept across the country protesting alleged fraud by the ruling party in parliamentary elections.
20101129             —DEFEATED, The opposition said its candidates had been heavily.
20101129             —ESTIMATED, Rights groups, turnout for the elections was only 10 to 15—PERCENT.
20101129             —REPORTED, THE—FRANCE—DAILY—LIBERATION, that PIERRE—LE—GUENNEC, —71—JAHRE—ALT, 1—RETIRED—FRANCE—ELECTRICIAN, and his wife have come forward with 271 undocumented, NEVER—BEFORE—SEEN works by PABLO—PICASSO estimated to be worth at least $79.35—MILLION.
20101129             —DECLARED, INTERNATIONAL election monitors, HAITI—VITAL—POST—QUAKE elections valid, —WHILE 2—LEADING presidential candidates rowed back on allegations the polls had been rigged.
20101129             —ADMITTED, IRAN—PRESIDENT—AHMADINEJAD, that "several" uranium enrichment centrifuges were damaged by "software installed in electronic equipment," amid speculation IRAN—NUCLEAR—ACTIVITIES had come under cyberattack.
20101129             —ATTACHED, IRAN, assailants on motorcycles, magnetized bombs to the cars of 2—NUCLEAR—SCIENTISTS as they were driving to work in TEHRAN, killing MAJID—SHAHRIARI and wounding Fereidoun Abbasi.
20101129             —ACCUSED, PRESIDENT—AHMADINEJAD, ISRAEL and the West of being behind the attacks.
20101129             1—IRAQ—COURT—CONVICTED—TARIQ—AZIZ, —74—JAHRE—ALT, SADDAM—HUSSEIN—LONGTIME foreign MINISTER, of terrorizing Shiite Kurds —DURING THE—IRAN—IRAQ war, sentencing him to —10—YEARS in prison.
20101129             —FACED, He already, 1—EXECUTION—SENTENCE from another case.
20101129             —THWARTED, THE—IRAQ—MILITARY said its forces have, 1—ATTEMPT by 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER to blow up 1—VEHICLE by THE—FRANCE—EMBASSY using intelligence gathered —AFTER 1—BLOODBATH at 1—BAGHDAD cathedral.
20101129             ISRAEL gave preliminary approval for 130—NEW—APARTMENTS in disputed EAST—JERUSALEM, the area the Palestinians want as THE—CAPITAL—OF—THEIR—HOPED—FOR state.
20101129             —SUSPECTED, INDIA—KASHMIR, 3, militants and 1—POLICEMAN were killed in 1—GUNBATTLE in 1—BUSY—MARKET in SRINAGAR, as panicked locals ran for cover.
20101129             —IDENTIFIED, Police said 1—OF—THE—SLAIN militants was, as ABDUL—REHMAN, alias Naveed of Lashkar, 1—PAKISTAN—NATIONAL—ACTIVE in the area for the last —4—YEARS.
20101129             —KILLED, SOUTH—KYRGYZSTAN, at least 4—ISLAMIC—MILITANTS were, in 1—CLASH with security forces.
20101129             LITHUANIA, the skeletons of 18—OF—NAPOLEON—SOLDIERS were laid to rest, —200—YEARS—FOLLOWING THE—FRANCE—INVASION—OF—RUSSIA.
20101129             Their remains were found —LAST—YEAR by road builders outside VILNIUS.
20101129             La Familia —RECENTLY made 1—UNUSUAL—OFFER to disband if the government proves it can protect citizens from other criminals in Michoacan.
20101129             —BURIED, MEXICO—SOLDIERS found 18—BODIES, on 1—RANCH near THE—TEXAS border.
20101129             —KILLED, Gunmen, Hermila Garcia (36), 1—FEMALE—POLICE—CHIEF—OF—THE—TOWN—OF—MEOQUI in CHIHUAHUA state.
20101129             —OPENED, MEXICO, a —2-WEEK UN conference, on global warming.
20101129             Some 15,000 negotiators, environmental activists, businessmen and journalists convened at CANCUN to overcome the disconnect between rich and poor nations on fighting global warming.
20101129             —ORDERED, NIGERIA—UNION—LEADERS, their tanker drivers to halt the supply of petrol nationwide —FOR—7—DAYS in protest at alleged maltreatment and KILLING—OF—THEIR—MEMBERS by the military.
20101129             —SUSPENDED, The strike was, THE—NEXT—DAY—AFTER 1—GROUP—OF—SOLDIERS behind THE—KILLING—OF—1—OF—THEIR colleagues were handed over to police.
20101129             —RAISED, PAKISTAN—CENTRAL—BANK, its benchmark interest rate by 0.5% to 14%, warning for the 2. time in —2—MONTHS that rising inflation was impacting the economy.
20101129             1—SIERRA—LEONE—FLAGGED cargo ship, Karam 1, sank —AFTER colliding with THE—HOLLAND—TANKER—ALESSANDRO—DP, 10—MILES (16—KM) off Cape Emine in the Black Sea.
20101129             5—SAILORS were rescued and 5 were missing.
20101129             Investors fled SPAIN—DEBT, pushing —10—YEAR—BOND—RATES to an —8—YEAR—HIGH, as IRELAND—85—BILLION—EURO rescue failed to stop fears the crisis may spread.
20101129             —REFUSED, THE—PATRIARCHATE said the government had, to issue necessary permits for the maintenance and REPAIR—OF—THE—STRUCTURE, 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—WOODEN—BUILDINGS in the world.
20101129             —LAUNCHED, UGANDA, a program to circumcise over a million men EVERY—YEAR in an effort to stem AIDS infections.
20101129             —RELEASED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS, 1—REPORT saying armed groups in volatile EAST—CONGO, including the army, have bypassed INTERNATIONAL efforts at reform and have instead formed criminal networks to exploit the nation's mineral wealth.
20101129—19970000    —IN, TURKEY took CONTROL—OF—THE—BUILDING, MANY—YEARS—AFTER it was abandoned, on the grounds that it belonged to another foundation and had fallen into disuse.
20101129—20020000    —ADDED, The new graves were, to some 2,000 others found —DURING excavations.
20101129—20100410    —ON, VIRGINIA, Jama Idle Ibrahim, 1—SOMALIA—CITIZEN, was sentenced to —30—YEARS in prison for his role in 1—ATTACK on 1—USA—NAVY ship.
20101129—20101005    —RAIDED, Police, the couple's home, questioned them and hauled off the works, which are —NOW held by FRANCE—OFFICIAL—AGENCY in charge of battling the illegal traffic of cultural items.
20101129—20101209    —ARRESTED, THE—PENNSYLVANIA couple were.
20101129—20110000    —LAUNCHED, THE—UN, 1—APPEAL for $252—MILLION (193—MILLION—EUROS) in INTERNATIONAL aid to respond to the urgent needs of some 32—MILLION—WEST—AFRICANS.
20101205—20111129    —ON, 1—SPECIAL—IMMIGRATION—TRIBUNAL ruled that Zatuliveter can remain in BRITAIN because she does not pose 1—THREAT to national security.
20110105—20111129    —SENTENCED, Bachir Simoun (24) of TUNISIA was, to death for the attack.
20110525—20111129    —ON, 1—JURY convicted HEARTSMAN—OF—MURDER and being 1—FELON with 1—FIREARM as well as attempted murder.
20111129             —CONFESSED, NORWAY—PROSECUTORS said, mass killer Anders Behring Breivik was insane —WHEN he killed 77—PEOPLE in a 20110722             bomb and shooting rampage, and should be sent to 1—PSYCHIATRIC ward INSTEAD—OF—PRISON.
20111129             —CAPTURED, ARTHUR—MORGAN—III, —27—JAHRE—ALT was, without incident at 1—HOME in S—DIEGO, CALIFORNIA.
20111129             —KILLED, The arrest came —1—WEEK—AFTER he allegedly, Tierra MORGAN—GLOVER —DURING 1—COURT—APPROVED visit in NEW—JERSEY and then fled the state.
20111129             —CONVICTED, DOCTOR—CONRAD—MURRAY, —58—JAHRE—ALT, 20090000             —IN—THE overdose of pop singer MICHAEL—JACKSON (19580000—20090000    ), was sentenced in LOS—ANGELES to —4—YEARS behind bars.
20111129             —UNCOVERED, Authorities in S—DIEGO, a 600-yard cross border tunnel and seized 32—TONS—OF—MARIJUANA.
20111129             —FILED, AMR Corp., THE—PARENT—OF—USA—AIRLINES, for bankruptcy and replaced CEO—GERARD—ARPEY.
20111129             The company still had some 8—BILLION in cash to keep operating.
20111129             —RELEASED, ARUBA, USA—BUSINESSMAN—GARY—GIORDANO was, on THE—ORDER—OF—1—JUDGE, who ruled authorities had failed to justify continuing to hold him nearly —4—MONTHS—SINCE his companion, Robyn Gardner, vanished —DURING their —5—DAY—EXCURSION to THE—HOLLAND—CARIBBEAN ISLAND.
20111129             Once —BACK—IN THE—USA, he would be free to file 1—CLAIM to redeem THE—AMERICA—EXPRESS travel insurance policy he took out on Gardner.
20111129             3—QUARTERS—OF—BRITISH—GROWN oysters contain norovirus, 1—BUG which causes diarrhea and vomiting, according to new research published by the Food Standards Agency (FSA).
20111129             —RAISED, CHINA—CENTRAL—GOVERNMENT, the country's rural poverty line by more than 80—PERCENT as PART—OF—EFFORTS to increase aid to its struggling LOW—INCOME—POPULATION.
20111129             —ARRESTED, Veteran activist Chen Xi (57) was.
20111129             —ACCUSED—OF, He was, writing 36—ESSAYS that incited subversion.
20111129             —PLEDGED, CHINA, more than $2.3—MILLION in military assistance to UGANDA —DURING 1—HIGH—PROFILE—VISIT to KAMPALA by BEIJING—DEFENSE—MINISTER.
20111129             —EXTENDED, CongoDRC officials, voting to a 2. —DAY in 1—ATTEMPT to prevent further unrest in SUB—SAHARAN AFRICA—LARGEST nation.
20111129             —MARRED, The election was, by missing ballots and violence.
20111129             THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—REP.
20111129             2—MEN driving in Santo —DOMINGO were slain in 1—GUN—ATTACK.
20111129             —CRASHED, Their stolen government car then, into 1—SMALL—TRUCK, killing 1—ADULT and 1—CHILD.
20111129             —FORMED, EGYPT, long lines, at polling stations for a 2. —DAY—OF—VOTING and THE—HEAD—OF—THE—ELECTION—COMMISSION, ABDEL—MOOAEZ Ibrahim, proclaimed turnout so far had been "massive and unexpected".
20111129             —STAGGERED, The voting process is, over the next —6—WEEKS across 27—PROVINCES, divided into thirds with runoffs held —1—WEEK—AFTER the 1. round in EACH—LOCATION.
20111129             —ARRESTED, GERMANY—POLICE, Ralf Wohlleben (36), 1—RIGHT—WING extremist on suspicion he helped arm 1—SMALL—GROUP—OF—NEO—NAZIS accused of 1—STRING—OF—KILLINGS—OF—MINORITIES and 1—POLICEWOMAN.
20111129             —HANGED, IRAN, 3 convicted rapists and 6—DRUG—TRAFFICKERS, 1—OF—THEM 1—WOMAN, in different cities.
20111129             —MISMANAGED, Allegations that a $400—MILLION—ROAD—PROJECT has been, led to his resignation.
20111129             —FIRED, Rockets, from LEBANON struck NORTH—ISRAEL for the 1. time in more than —2—YEARS, drawing 1—BURST—OF—ISRAEL—ARTILLERY fire across the tense border.
20111129             —REPORTED, No casualties or major damage were.
20111129             —CALLED, Aisha Kadhafi, the daughter of the slain LIBYA—LEADER, for THE—OVERTHROW—OF—LIBYA—INTERIM—GOVERNMENT in 1—AUDIO message aired on SYRIAN—BASED Arrai television.
20111129             —ENACTED, MALAYSIA—PARLIAMENT, 1—BAN on street protests.
20111129             —DENOUNCED, Demonstrators, the law as 1—VIOLATION—OF—CONSTITUTIONAL—PROTECTIONS—OF—FREE—SPEECH and 1—SIGN that PRIME—MINISTER—NAJIB—RAZAK was breaking his pledge to bolster civil liberties.
20111129             —RECEIVED, MOHAMMED—VI—KING—OF—MOROCCO, Abdelilah Benkirane, THE—SECRETARY—GENERAL—OF—THE—JUSTICE and Development Party, in the mountain TOWN—OF—MIDELT and named him HEAD—OF—GOVERNMENT with the task of forming 1—GOVERNING coalition.
20111129             1—MYANMAR government delegation held talks in CHINA with representatives of the Kachin INDEPENDENCE Organization, led by its chairman Zaung Hara, with which it has had armed clashes —SINCE—JUNE.
20111129             The current 601-member PARLIAMENT, or Constituent Assembly, was given 1—INITIAL —2—YEAR mandate to write 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION for the young republic.
20111129             —VOTED, NIGERIA—SENATE, to criminalize gay marriage, gay advocacy groups and SAME—SEX—PUBLIC—DISPLAYS—OF—AFFECTION, the latest legislation targeting 1—MINORITY already facing discrimination in AFRICA—MOST populous nation.
20111129             The bill must be passed by NIGERIA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES and signed by PRESIDENT—GOODLUCK—JONATHAN—BEFORE becoming law.
20111129             —DECIDED, PAKISTAN, to boycott 1—KEY—INTERNATIONAL—CONFERENCE on AFGHANISTAN —NEXT—MONTH in BONN, widening its protest over lethal CROSS—BORDER—NATO—STRIKES and exacerbating 1—DEEP—CRISIS in USA—TIES.
20111129             —COMMUNICATED, ISLAMABAD, with the alliance to prevent 1—EXCHANGE—OF artillery fire from turning into another INTERNATIONAL incident.
20111129             —CAPTURED, THE—PHILIPPINES—AUTHORITIES in ZAMBOANGA, Hussein Ahaddin, 1—AL—QAIDA—LINKED bomber suspected in at least 6—ATTACKS, including a 20020000             karaoke bar explosion that killed 1—AMERICA—GREEN—BERET and 1—HOTEL—BLAST—THIS—WEEK that killed 3—PEOPLE.
20111129             —COMMISSIONED, PRESIDENT—DMITRY—MEDVEDEV officially, 1—NEW—MILITARY—EARLY warning radar in THE—KALININGRAD region, saying it shows RUSSIA—READINESS to respond to USA—MISSILE—DEFENSE—PLANS.
20111129             —LOOTED, THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION (WHO) said its offices in SOUTH—SOMALIA were, —DURING rebel raids —WHILE children's relief agency UNICEF said its base in the area remained occupied.
20111129             —INVALIDATED, SOUTH—OSSETIA—SUPREME—COURT, THE—RESULTS—OF—THE—ELECTION due to alleged violations and barred Alla Dzhioyeva from 1—NEW—ELECTION set —FOR—MARCH.
20111129             —SIGNED, TUNISIA—STATE—NEWS said interim PRESIDENT—FOUAD—MEBAZZA has, 1—DECREE extending THE—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY for the 4. time —SINCE it was 1. enacted —DURING street unrest —AFTER the fall of TUNISIA—LONGTIME autocratic leader in January.
20111129             THE—UN—WEATHER—OFFICE said world temperatures keep rising, and are heading for 1—THRESHOLD that could lead to irreversible CHANGES—OF—THE—EARTH.
20111129             —KILLED, THE—YEMEN—ARMY, 6—QAEDA—LINKED militants in their STRONGHOLD—OF—ZINJIBAR, capital of the restive SOUTH—PROVINCE—OF—ABYAN.
20111129             1—ROCKET—ATTACK by Houthi rebels killed some 24—STUDENTS at 1—RELIGIOUS—SCHOOL—RUN by ULTRA—ORTHODOX—SUNNIS near THE—TOWN—OF—SAADA.
20111129             THE—HOUTHIS claim themselves to be champions Zaydism, 1—SHIA—DERIVED VERSION—OF—ISLAM.
20111129             —REPORTED, ZIMBABWE state radio, that militant youth group loyal to PRESIDENT—MUGABE is calling for 1—BOYCOTT—OF—1—RESTAURANT—CHAIN whose latest advertisement depicts the aging, AUTHORITY—PRESIDENT as "the last dictator standing".
20111129             —CALLED, THE—HEAD—OF—CHIPANGANO, for SOUTH—AFRICA—BASED Nando's to withdraw the ad.
20111129—19790000    —STORMED, HARD—LINE—IRAN—STUDENTS, UK—DIPLOMATIC—SITES in TEHRAN, bringing down the Union Jack flag, burning 1—EMBASSY vehicle and throwing documents from windows in scenes reminiscent of the seizing of THE—USA—COMPOUND.
20111129—20060000    —EXTENDED, NEPAL—MPS, PARLIAMENT—TERM for a 4. and final time to allow the drafting of 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION in line with 1—PEACE—ACCORD brokered —AFTER the civil war ended.
20111129—20100000    —ISSUED, JAMAICA—TRANSPORT—MINISTER—MIKE—HENRY, 1—STATEMENT announcing he is resigning due to "ongoing attacks" on the management of a —5—YEAR—INITIATIVE launched to upgrade rutted roadways.
20111129—20111121    —CALLED, The girl's mother, Imani Benton, police —AFTER Morgan failed to return the child.
20111129—20111223    —ON, he charged with subversion.
20111129—20111226    —ON, he was sentenced to —10—YEARS in prison.
20111129—20120200    —SEIZED, AL—SHABAAB militants, 480,000 pounds ($744,400) of UK—FUNDED humanitarian aid supplies.
20111203             Full results —AFTER the 1. 20111128—20111129     voting, which saw 62—PERCENT turnout, have been delayed several times.
20120605             alfatomega.com/20041129.HTML—ALFATOMEGA.com/20041129.HTML—ALFATOMEGA.com/20041129.html
20120813             † He collapsed and, of 1—HEART—ATTACK—ON—19421129  .
20121129             "Semantic Pointer Architecture Unified Network"(kurz "Spaun") soll diese Lücke schließen.
20121129             "So, wie Ingenieure Autos und Computer nur bauen können, weil sie wissen, wie diese funktionieren, können wir GEHIRNe nur bauen, wenn wir genau wissen, wie sie arbeiten", schreibt CHRISTIAN—MACHENS vom PORTUGIESISCHEN—CHAMPALIMAUD Institute in 1—BEGLEITARTIKEL.
20121129             "Wenn das AMERIKANISCHE—VOLK laut genug ist", sagt er —AM—MITTWOCH, "dann handelt DER—KONGRESS auch".
20121129             "Wir werden es nicht zulassen, daß JUDÄA und Samaria (WEST—JORDAN—RAND) so wie der LIBANON und der GAZA—STREIFEN zu 1—STÜTZ—PUNKT für IRANISCHEN—TERROR werden", hieß es aus seinem BÜRO.
20121129             1—GROßARTIGE Räuberpistole!
20121129             1—KLASSISCHE VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIE, würde man nachträglich sagen.
20121129             1—WESTLICHER DIPLOMAt sprach "vom schlechtesten Timing der WELT—GESCHICHTE".
20121129             —4-WOCHEN —SPÄTER, wird DIE—IDEE noch abenteuerlicher.
20121129             73—PROZENT—DER—GEFUNDENEN—SNVS —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—5.000—BIS 10.—000—JAHREN entstanden sind.
20121129             ABBAS hatte bei der Begründung des Antrags auf Anerkennung der PALÄSTINENSER als UNO—BEOBACHTERSTAAT ISRAEL unter anderem RASSISMUS, Apartheid, Kolonialismus, ethnische Säuberungen und die ERMORDUNG—VON—ZIVILISTEN vorgeworfen, ZUGLEICH aber den Friedenswillen der PALÄSTINENSER betont.
20121129             ABBAS—VORSTOSS: USA wollen PALÄSTINENSISCHEN—UNO—ANTRAG stoppen
20121129             Abschlussbericht zu MURDOCH—AFFÄRE: RICHTER—LEVESON fordert BRITISCHEN—PRESSERAT
20121129             Allerdings können sie —NUN beim INTERNATIONALER—STRAF—GERICHT—HOF als Kläger auftreten und ISRAEL—SIEDLUNGEN in den besetzten Gebieten auf die TAGES—ORDNUNG bringen.
20121129             An der Seite des Volkes im Kampf für soziale Gerechtigkeit gegen Kongress und WASHINGTONer Stillstand, das ist OBAMAs Strategie.
20121129             —BESCHLOSSEN, Auf Grund der Lage —NACH—DEN Wahlen zum BUNDES—TAG, DOCTOR—H
20121129             —BESCHLOSSEN, Auf Grund der Lage —NACH—DEN Wahlen zum BUNDES—TAG, DOCTOR—H—GLOBKE in Verbindung mit DOCTOR—K—G—KIESINGER und FREI—HERR—VON—UND zu Guttenberg in Verbindung mit DOCTOR—F—J—STRAUSS die GRÜNDUNG 1—INFORMATIONSDIENSTES für die OPPOSITION.
20121129             BARACK—OBAMA hört nicht auf.
20121129             Beim Design ihres Hirnmodells orientierten sich DIE—FORSCHER an der Natur.
20121129             BETRUG—VERDACHT, Fahnder durchsuchen HYPOVEREINSBANK
20121129             CONCORDE—ABSTURZ: Gericht spricht FLUG—LINIE Continental frei
20121129             DER—ANTRAG hätte ISRAEL so oder so gereizt, ihn aber mitten im ISRAELISCHEN—WAHL—KAMPF vorzubringen sei "in etwa so DIPLOMAtisch wie 1—FAUSTHIEB".
20121129             DIE—CREME der la Creme! und der KARL—THEODOR—FREI—HERR—ZU—GUTTENBERG (ja, von DEN Guttenbergs) hat das Ding dann geleitet.und
20121129             DIE—LÖSUNG sieht so aus, daß DIE—MITGLIEDER—DER—UNIONS—PARTEIEN sich der Stimme enthalten sollen.
20121129             Der VOLKSPRÄSIDENT—OBAMA macht 1—SEHR zuversichtlichen Eindruck.
20121129             Dies ist die erstaunliche GESCHICHTE 1—VERSCHWÖRUNG.
20121129             Doch Norquists MACHT bröckelt zusehends.
20121129             Doch damit nicht genug: Taugt 1—INFORMATION, wird sie abgespeichert, DER—MENSCH lernt.
20121129             EINNAHMEN aus Anleihen: NOTEN—BANKEN reduzieren Beitrag zu GRIECHEN—HILFE
20121129             EIS—ZEIT: 1.Siedler auf SIZILIEN aßen kaum Fisch
20121129             ENERGIE—WENDE: EU rügt Subventionen für DEUTSCHE—STROMFRESSER
20121129             GESETZ—ENTWURF zum Sex mit Tieren: Sodomisten aller Länder, vereinigt euch!
20121129             Gescheiterte Klage: EZB darf Geheimnisse zu GRIECHENLAND haben
20121129             Gespräch im WEIßES—HAUS: OBAMA und ROMNEY—TREFFEN sich zum Lunch
20121129             Gesunkene NACH—FRAGE in CHINA: BERG—BAU—KONZERN RIO—TINTO muss sparen
20121129             Grenzziehung in der ARKTIS: KANADA und DÄNEMARK einigen SICH—FAST
20121129             —BEKOMMT, Guttenberg, 1—BRIEF—VON—1—MEISTER der Konspiration: WOLFGANG—LANGKAU, pensionierter Vertrauter des ehemaligen BND—PRÄSIDENT—REINHARD—GEHLEN und LANG—JÄHRIGER—CDU—KONTAKTMANN.
20121129             HAMBURG—DAS menschliche ERB—GUT hat sich —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—5.000—BIS 10.—000—JAHREN ungewöhnlich stark verändert.
20121129             HIRN—COMPUTERMODELL: Bereit für den INTELLIGENZ—TEST
20121129             Hoffnung auf Erholung, USA—WIRTSCHAFT wächst überraschend kräftig
20121129             Hot Spot für AL—QAIDA und Co.: BND WARNT—VOR—TERROR—BASIS in MALI
20121129             ITALIEN, FRANKREICH und DIE—SCHWEIZ, SPANIEN und PORTUGAL, ÖSTERREICH und LUXEMBURG, NORWEGEN und DÄNEMARK stimmten für die Anerkennung.
20121129             JOB—MARKT—DATEN für ;;11;;: ZAHL—DER—ARBEITSLOSEN minimal gefallen
20121129             —WREAKED, Judge: UK—PRESS, havoc with lives of innocent... - KATAR: Lebenslange HAFT—FÜR—22—ZEILEN
20121129             LEBENS—MITTEL: MINISTERium plant weniger Ölreste in Verpackungen
20121129             MILLIARDENpaket: SPD und Grüne wollen GRIECHEN—HILFEN ZUSTIMMEN—MAN muss sehr genau auf OBAMAs Worte 8.
20121129             Mehrere enge Verbündete ISRAEL—WIE—DEUTSCHLAND enthielten sich.
20121129             Mistrust holds up fiscal cliff talks REPUBLICANs and Democrats agree they...
20121129             Mit Hilfe der Fachliteratur erschufen sie Neuronen,
20121129             Mit überwältigender Mehrheit hat DIE—UNO—VOLL—VERSAMMLUNG PALÄSTINA als beobachtenden NICHT—MITGLIEDSTAAT aufgenommen.
20121129             MURDOCH—SKANDAL: BRITEN streiten über RECHT—AUF—PRIVAT—SPHÄRE
20121129             NORD—RHEIN—WEST—FALEN,
20121129             —TÄTOWIERT, NORD—RHEIN—WEST—FALEN: POLIZEIbewerber dürfen großflächig, sein
20121129             PALÄSTINENSER—PRÄSIDENT—ABBAS vor der Uno: EXISTENZ—FRAGE auf der Weltbühne
20121129             PROGNOSE—FÜR—2013: 100.000e Jobs durch Pleiten bedroht
20121129             Psychologie: Blinder Gehorsam erklärt nicht alles
20121129             Razzia wegen Betrugsverdachts: STREIT—MIT—INVESTOR bringt HYPOVEREINSBANK in Bedrängnis
20121129             RÜSTUNG—INDUSTRIE: Regierung genehmigt WAFFEN—EXPORTE nach ISRAEL
20121129             Saturnmond: Titans Atmosphäre im Griff der —JAHRESZEITEN
20121129             Seine Aufgaben meisterte das Modellhirn ähnlich gut wie menschliche Testpersonen, schreiben DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER in der aktuellen Ausgabe des FACH—MAGAZIN—SCIENCE.
20121129             Sie alle haben die Sorge, daß sie durch den REGIERUNG—WECHSEL von den Infokanälen DER—GEHEIM—DIENSTE abgeschnitten werden.
20121129             Straftat Gotteslästerung: NIEDERLANDE[HOLLAND] wollen BLASPHEMIE—GESETZ streichen
20121129             Striktes Verbot: NORD—RHEIN—WEST—FALENS Kneipen werden rauchfrei
20121129             TIME—LINE—ACCUSATIONS that journalists at Ruper...
20121129             USA—METROPOLE: NEW—YORKER POLIZEI feiert —TAG ohne Gewaltverbrechen
20121129             Um das zu ermöglichen, hat DIE—EVOLUTION
20121129             —GESCHAFFEN, Um das zu ermöglichen, hat DIE—EVOLUTION 1—WUNDER.
20121129             Umstrittener Entwurf: PARTE1—JUGEND—ORGANISATIONEN lehnen LEISTUNGS—SCHUTZ—RECHT ab
20121129             —GELEITET, Und —JETZT ratet doch mal, wer diesen GEHEIM—DIENST, hat.
20121129             VERDACHT—DER—BEAMTENBESTECHUNG: Fahnder durchsuchen RED—AKTION der "BERLINer Morgenpost"
20121129             VERFASSUNGS—ENTWURF: ÄGYPTENs ISLAMISTEN beharren auf Scharia
20121129             Viele —FORSCHER nahmen an, der GRAND—CANYON sei vor etwa 6.000.—000—JAHREN entstanden.
20121129             Vollversammlung in NEW—YORK: ABBAS drängt UNO zu "GeburtsURKUNDE"für PALÄSTINENSER—STAAT
20121129             Vollversammlung: DEUTSCHLAND enthält sich bei UNO--ABSTIMMUNG—ZU—PALÄSTINA
20121129             WOLFGANG—LANGKAU schreibt: "Zu diesem Ziele bietet sich die Möglichkeit an,
20121129             [l] Wie die CDU 1—EIGENEN GEHEIM—DIENST aufbaute, um WILLY—BRANDT zu stürzen.
20121129             das heißt, DER—GEHEIM—DIENST führt sie, erteilt ihnen Aufträge.
20121129             —ERST LETZTE—EISZEIT—WÄHREND—DER vor 19.0000—BIS 26.—000—JAHREN SIZILIEN wurde vom modernen Menschen besiedelt, wie 1—FORSCHER—TEAM VOM—LEIPZIGER MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUT—FÜR—EVOLUTIONÄRE Anthropologie im FACH—MAGAZIN "PLoS 1"berichtet.
20121129             so ausgeklügelt es auch ist,
20121129             wenn es um VERSCHWÖRUNGen und demokratiefeindliche Aktionen geht, ist natürlich auch DER—BND nicht fern:
20121129             —DATIERT AUF DEN, Das Schreiben aus der PERSONAL—AKTE des POLIZISTEN, ist auf der WEB—SEITE im Volltext zu lesen.
20121129             —EVOLUTION des Menschen: ERB—GUTANALYSE offenbart Mutationsflut
20121129             —FORSCHER haben 1—COMPUTERGEHIRN geschaffen, das komplexe Aufgaben lösen kann.
20121129             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS, "Meinungsmacht, größer als die aller Medienkonzerne"
20121129             —IM, GEHEIM—DIENSTJARGON heißen sie Sonderverbindungen, es sind hochrangige Politiker, Wirtschaftslenker und MILITÄRs.
20121129             —IM, KAMPF—UM—STEUER—ERHÖHUNGEN für DIE—REICHEN verhandelt BARACK—OBAMA nicht im GE—HEIMEN mit den REPUBLIKANERn.
20121129             —IN—DIESER—WOCHE geht es besonders hoch er.
20121129             —KRISEN—STAAT: ISLAMISTEN erobern weitere Stadt in MALI
20121129             —KRISE—IN—ÄGYPTEN: Verfassung voller Tücken
20121129             —KÄMPFE—IN—DAMASKUS: SYRIEN vom INTERNET abgekoppelt
20121129             —NEUEN—GESETZ: Patienten sollen mehr Rechte bekommen
20121129             —NEUE—GESTEINSANALYSE: GRAND—CANYON entstand wohl —SCHON zur SAURIER—ZEIT
20121129             —SEIT, Osawatomie hat OBAMA den Gedanken aufgegeben, 1—ÜBER den Parteien STEHENDER—PRÄSIDENT sein zu wollen.
20121129             —SEIT—JAHREN, 1—DURCH 1—BESONDERE Stelle im BND geführtes Informationsbeschaffungsnetz einzusetzen, das unterhält laufende Verbindungen insbesondere zu C(SSR,
20121129             —SEIT—JAHREN, 1—DURCH 1—BESONDERE Stelle im BND geführtes Informationsbeschaffungsnetz einzusetzen, das unterhält laufende Verbindungen insbesondere zu FRANKREICH,
20121129             —SEIT—JAHREN, 1—DURCH 1—BESONDERE Stelle im BND geführtes Informationsbeschaffungsnetz einzusetzen, das unterhält laufende Verbindungen insbesondere zu ITALIEN,
20121129             —SEIT—JAHREN, 1—DURCH 1—BESONDERE Stelle im BND geführtes Informationsbeschaffungsnetz einzusetzen, das unterhält laufende Verbindungen insbesondere zu JUGOSLAWIEN,
20121129             —SEIT—JAHREN, 1—DURCH 1—BESONDERE Stelle im BND geführtes Informationsbeschaffungsnetz einzusetzen, das unterhält laufende Verbindungen insbesondere zu RUMÄNIEN,
20121129             —SEIT—JAHREN, 1—DURCH 1—BESONDERE Stelle im BND geführtes Informationsbeschaffungsnetz einzusetzen, das unterhält laufende Verbindungen insbesondere zu UNO
20121129             —SEIT—JAHREN, 1—DURCH 1—BESONDERE Stelle im BND geführtes Informationsbeschaffungsnetz einzusetzen, das unterhält laufende Verbindungen insbesondere zu USA,
20121129             —SEIT—JAHREN, 1—DURCH 1—BESONDERE Stelle im BND geführtes Informationsbeschaffungsnetz einzusetzen, das unterhält laufende Verbindungen insbesondere zu VATIKAN,
20121129             —SEIT—JAHREN, 1—DURCH 1—BESONDERE Stelle im BND geführtes Informationsbeschaffungsnetz einzusetzen, das unterhält laufende Verbindungen insbesondere zu arabische Länder,
20121129             —SEIT—JAHREN, 1—DURCH 1—BESONDERE Stelle im BND geführtes Informationsbeschaffungsnetz einzusetzen, das unterhält laufende Verbindungen insbesondere zu ÖSTERREICH,
20121129             —SPÄTER, kommt noch 1—STAUFFENBERG ins Spiel.
20121129             —URTEIL: EX—SICHERUNGSVERWAHRTE erhalten 240.000—EURO
20121129             —ZUGLEICH bedient sich OBAMA seines gewaltigen E—MAIL—VERTEILERS aus dem WAHL—KAMPF, um diese Botschaften unter DIE—LEUTE zu bringen.
20121129             —ZUGLEICH sprach Prosor der Vollversammlung DAS—RECHT ab, über Frieden zwischen den beiden Völkern zu entscheiden: "Der einzige Weg zum Frieden ist durch —VERHANDLUNGEN und Kompromisse beider Partner, nicht durch UNO—RESOLUTIONEN".
20121129             —ORDERED, USA Interior SECRETARY—KEN—SALAZAR, the shut down of 1—POPULAR oyster farm at Drakes Bay, 1—ESTUARY at Point Reyes National Seashore.
20121129             —ACCOUNTED, THE—DRAKES—BAY—OYSTER—CO. had, for almost 40—PERCENT—OF—THE—STATE—OYSTER production.
20121129             THE—NATIONAL—PARK—SERVICE intends to turn the 2,700-acre area into the 1. federally designated marine wilderness on THE—WEST—COAST.
20121129             FLORIDA brothers Alam Qazi (30) and RAEES—ALAM—QAZI, —20—JAHRE—ALT, originally from PAKISTAN, were arrested in FORT—LAUDERDALE for plotting to providing support for terrorists and to use 1—WEAPON—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION within THE—USA.
20121129             NEW—YORK, lawyers for DOMINIQUE—STRAUSS—KAHN and house keeper Nafissatou Diallo reportedly reached 1—AGREEMENT to settle 1—SUIT she had brought against him for sexual assault.
20121129             —DENIED, Attorneys THE—NEXT—DAY, 1—SETTLEMENT saying they merely "discussed 1—RESOLUTION".
20121129             CLEVELAND—OHIO, TIMOTHY—RUSSELL, —43—JAHRE—ALT and MELISSA—WILLIAMS, —30—JAHRE—ALT were killed —FOLLOWING 1—CHASE that ended with 13—OFFICERS firing 137—ROUNDS.
20121129             Russell was hit by 24—SHOTS, Williams by 23. The chase began with 1—POP, perhaps 1—GUNSHOT or backfire from 1—CAR speeding past police headquarters.
20121129             —CHARGED, Only officer MICHAEL—BRELO was —LATER, criminally because prosecutors said he waited —UNTIL the car had stopped and the pair no longer 1—THREAT to fire 15—SHOTS through its windshield —WHILE standing on THE—HOOD—OF—THE—CAR.
20121129             6—OTHERS faced suspensions.
20121129             Rebecca JEANETTE—RUBIN (39), 1—CANADA—CITIZEN and environmental radical, turned herself in to THE—FBI at border in BLAINE—WASHINGTON.
20121129             She was PART—OF—1—CELL in EUGENE—OREGON, known as the Family, and was sought for setting fires at 1—VAIL ski resort and 1—LUMBER mill in MEDFORD—OREGON.
20121129             —EXPLODED, AFGHANISTAN, 2—ROADSIDE bombs, in Khost and Uruzgan provinces, killing at least 12—PEOPLE and injuring 16—OTHERS.
20121129             ALGERIA held municipal elections.
20121129             The ruling National Liberation Front party kept the upper hand in the elections along with its 2.—PLACE coalition partner.
20121129             Hunts by local communities and with special hunting licenses would still be allowed.
20121129             BRITAIN—LORD—JUSTICE—BRIAN—LEVESON said 1—NEW—REGULATORY—BODY should be established in law to prevent more people from being hurt by "press behavior that, at times, can only be described as outrageous," —FOLLOWING 1—YEARLONG inquiry into newspaper wrongdoing.
20121129             1—UK—ENVIRONMENTAL—GROUP released 1—REPORT saying CHINA is helping to propel a $4—BILLION trade in illegally harvested timber and spurring THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—FRAGILE—ECOSYSTEMS across the globe.
20121129             —FIRED, ETHIOPIA—PRIME—MINISTER—HAILEMARIAM—DESALEGN, the country's civil MINISTER, Junedin Sado, whose wife is 1—OF 29—PEOPLE facing terrorism charges related to protests by Muslims who ACCUSE—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—OF meddling in their religious affairs.
20121129             —PROMOTED, Hailemariam also, 2—MINISTERS to double as deputy prime ministers, giving the country 3—DEPUTY—PRIME—MINISTERS for the 1. time.
20121129             SOUTH—IRAQ, BACK—TO—BACK—EXPLOSIONS tore through tents housing Shiite pilgrims in HILLAH killing at least 29—PEOPLE.
20121129             1—WAVE—OF—BOMBINGS nationwide killed at least 43—PEOPLE.
20121129             NORTH—MALI, Islamist extremists controlling THE—CITY—OF—TIMBUKTU publicly whipped 6—YOUNG—PEOPLE, males and females aged between 16 to —22—YEARS, who each received 100—LASHES for having talked with EACH—OTHER on the city streets.
20121129             MYANMAR security forces used water cannons, tear gas and smoke bombs to clear protesters from 1—COPPER mine in the northwest, wounding villagers and Buddhist monks in by far the biggest USE—OF—FORCE against demonstrators —SINCE the reformist GOVERNMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—THEIN—SEIN took power —LAST—YEAR.
20121129             —OPPOSED, Protesters who, the mine's environmental and social impact had occupied the area —FOR—11—DAYS.
20121129             —ATTACKED, PAKISTAN, 1—TEENAGE—SUICIDE—BOMBER, and wounded Maulvi Nazir, 1—PROMINENT—MILITANT—COMMANDER in the country's northwest.
20121129             —BELIEVED, He is, to have 1—NONAGGRESSION—PACT with the army.
20121129             7—OTHER—PEOPLE were killed.
20121129             1—FEW hours —LATER 1—USA—DRONE fired 1—PAIR—OF—MISSILES at 1—HOUSE several km from the bombing site, killing 3 suspected militants.
20121129             —SENTENCED, QATAR—POET—MUHAMMAD ibn AL—DHEEB—AL—AJAMI was, to life in prison for 1—ARAB—SPRING—INSPIRED verse that officials claim insulted QATAR—EMIR and encouraged the ruler's overthrow.
20121129             His life sentence was —LATER cut on appeal to —15—YEARS.
20121129             —BLOCKED, SYRIA—ACTIVISTS said authorities have, INTERNET and cell phone signals in parts of the nation's capital.
20121129             2—USA—BASED INTERNET—MONITORING companies say Syria has shut off INTERNET nationwide.
20121129             —BOMBED, SYRIA—REBELS in Daraa, THE—HOUSE—OF—HUSSEIN—RIFAI, 1—TOP MEMBER—OF—THE—COUNTRY—RULING Baath party, killing him and his 3—BODY—GUARDS.
20121129             1—UN—WAR—CRIMES—TRIBUNAL acquitted KOSOVO—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—RAMUSH—HARADINAJ for the 2. time of murdering and torturing Serbs and their supporters in KOSOVO—WAR for INDEPENDENCE.
20121129             —VINDICATED, PRIME—MINISTER—HASHIM—THACI said the ruling, THE—ETHNIC—ALBANIA—GUERRILLA—FORCE that fought Serbia in 19980000—19990000.
20121129—20111100    —JAILED, AL—AJAMI was, months —AFTER 1—INTERNET—VIDEO was —POSTED of him reciting "TUNISIA—JASMINE".
20121129—20121027    —SINCE, The nationwide death toll was the highest —WHEN 40—PEOPLE were killed in 1—STRING—OF—BOMBINGS and other attacks.
20121129—20121210    —ON, 1—SETTLEMENT was agreed to.
20121129—20140000    —BY, BOTSWANA said it will ban hunting BECAUSE—OF—FEARS that the nation is losing its wildlife.
20121129—20150523    —ACQUITTED, Brelo was.
20121129—20160000    —IN, 6—POLICE—OFFICERS involved in the shooting were terminated;
20121130             —DENN, clever wurde DIE—ABSTIMMUNG auf den 65.JAHRES—TAG—DES—UNO—TEILUNGSPLANS für PALÄSTINA 19471129             —VOM,terminiert.
20131129             —SHOWED, Images from spacecraft, 1—LIGHT streak continuing past the sun indicating that at least PART—OF—COMET—ISON remained on 1—PIECE.
20131129             —DECIDED, Officials said THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION has, to tell USA commercial airlines to comply with CHINA—DEAMNDS to be NOTIFIED—OF—ANY—FLIGHTS through 1—BROAD swath of INTERNATIONAL airspace that CHINA has claimed as PART—OF—1—AIR—DEFENSE—ZONE.
20131129             4—PEOPLE were killed and 6 injured.
20131129             Melanie Coffee (25) left her —5—MONTH—OLD—BABY to reach S—MARYS and direct rescuers back to the crash site.
20131129             † Her baby.
20131129             - ABU—DHABI authorities said 2—NEW—CASES—OF—THE potentially deadly MERS respiratory virus, including 1—HEAVILY pregnant woman, have been reported in THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES.
20131129             —RIPPED, BANGLADESH, 1—DEVASTATING fire, through 1—GARMENT—FACTORY supplying major Western retailers, in 1—BLAZE set by workers angered over rumors of 1—COLLEAGUE—DEATH in police firing.
20131129             —ACKNOWLEDGED, COLOMBIA—FARC rebels, that they collected taxes from coca cultivators but rejected accusations of "NARCO—TERRORISM".
20131129             —CAUSED, CUBA was hit by torrential rains that, multiple buildings to collapse in HAVANA.
20131129             2—PEOPLE were killed.
20131129             EGYPT, HUNDREDS—OF—ISLAMIST—DEMONSTRATORS took to the streets in cities across the country, days —AFTER 1 disputed protest law was adopted and police forcefully broke up unauthorized gatherings.
20131129             —SIGNED, GEORGIA and MOLDOVA, important agreements on political cooperation, reform and free trade with THE—EU at the summit of EU leaders in VILNIUS.
20131129             —DEMONSTRATED, THOUSANDS—OF—YOUNG—HAITIANS, in several cities demanding that PRESIDENT—MICHEL—MARTELLY step down.
20131129             —ANNOUNCED, HONDURAS ppposition candidate Xiomara Castro, that she won't recognize the result of the presidential election because of alleged voter fraud and called on her supporters to protest the win by the ruling party candidate.
20131129             —DISCOVERED, IRAQ—POLICE, the bodies of 18—MEN who were abducted from their homes and shot in the head in 1—TOWN—NEAR—BAGHDAD, the deadliest —THIS—YEAR in 1—SPATE—OF—EXECUTION—STYLE—KILLINGS across IRAQ.
20131129             1—WAVE—OF—VIOLENCE killed 52—PEOPLE across the country, MOST—OF—WHOM were kidnapped and shot dead with their corpses abandoned.
20131129             —NAMED, JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER—SHINZO—ABE, the country's 1. ever female aide to THE—PRIME—MINISTER, —JUST weeks —AFTER CAROLINE—KENNEDY arrived as the 1. woman USA—AMBASSADOR to TOKYO.
20131129             —ESCAPED, LIBYA, 40—INMATES have, from 1—PRISON in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—SABHA —AFTER it came under attack by unknown gunmen.
20131129             NORTH—MALI, separatist Tuareg rebels said they were ending a —5—MONTH—OLD—CEASEFIRE with the government and taking up arms —FOLLOWING violence in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—KIDAL.
20131129             1—MOZAMBIQUE—AIRLINES—PLANE carrying 33—PEOPLE crashed in 1—NAMIBIA—NATIONAL—PARK, killing all on BOARD.
20131129             —STRIPPED, Standard & Poor's, THE—NETHERLANDS of its TRIPLE—1—CREDIT rating, saying that the country's growth prospects have deteriorated and it is not performing as well as peers.
20131129             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, 1—SUSPECTED—USA—DRONE—STRIKE, 1 alleged militant in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN overnight, the latest indication WASHINGTON has no intention of throttling back its unmanned aircraft attacks despite increasing tension with PAKISTAN over the attacks.
20131129             † RUSSIA—POET—NATALIA—GORBANEVSKAYA (77) in PARIS.
20131129             10—PEOPLE were killed with more than 2—DOZEN injured.
20131129             SWAZILAND—SENATE—CHIEF said lawmakers should not divorce to avoid embarrassing the country's polygamous KING, who has declared that only death can undo marriages.
20131129             SYRIA, 1—MORTAR round fell in front of 1—HISTORICAL—MOSQUE in DAMASCUS, killing 4—PEOPLE and wounding 26. 6—SYRIANS † and 9—OTHERS were rescued —AFTER 1—BOAT sank off THE—COAST—OF—TURKEY —WHILE trying to cross to THE—GREECE—ISLAND—OF—LESBOS.
20131129             —PROTESTED, UKRAINE, thousands, in Kiev, demanding THE—PRESIDENT—RESIGNATION—AFTER he shelved 1—LANDMARK agreement with THE—EUROPEAN—UNION in favor of closer ties with RUSSIA.
20131129             Die SPIELKONSOLE—PLAYSTATION—4, KOMMT in EUROPA auf den Markt.
20131129—20131221    —ON, 1—PRELIMINARY—INVESTIGATION reported that THE—CAPTAIN had a "clear intention" to crash.
20141129             —JUSTIFIED, The students have, the mass bus seizure as "1—EXPROPRIATION" and say they need the vehicles to ferry them to and from THE—MANY—PROTESTS that have erupted in Guerrero state —SINCE 20140926             —THE disappearance and likely KILLING—OF—THEIR colleagues.
20141129             Container aus HAMBURG: MILLIARDENschwerer Drogenfund in AUSTRALIEN
20141129             DIE—ARD teilte vor Ausstrahlung der Dokumentation mit, daß DER—FRÜHERE—CIA—AGENT ROBERT—BAER—DIE—ZEIT—NÄHE beider Attentate nicht für 1—ZUFALL hält.
20141129             Er ist demnach davon überzeugt, daß es 1—LOGISTISCHE ALLIANZ hinter der RAF gab, die ihr bei der Planung des HERRHAUSEN—ATTENTATS half.
20141129             FREI—HANDELS—ABKOMMEN Ceta und TTIP: SPD—ABGEORDNETE rebellieren gegen GABRIELs BASTA—POLITIK
20141129             Freispruch für Mubarak: Triumph der DIKTATUR
20141129             GEO—ENGINEERING: Der Klimaklempner
20141129             Gesundheitliche Probleme: HELMUT—SCHMIDT war als KANZLER fast hundertmal bewusstlos
20141129             ITALIEN gedenkt —J—IN—DIESEM, des WIDERSTAND—GEGEN Mussolini.
20141129             Angesichts ihrer verfallenden GESELLSCHAFT sehen DIE—ITALIENERDURCHAUS 1—BEZUG zu —HEUTE, erzählt BARBARA—VILLIGER—HEILIG in der NZZ.
20141129             Demnach gibt es 1—ZUSAMMENHANG mit dem LIBANON.
20141129             MANÖVER—IN—DER Barentssee: RUSSLAND testet Langstreckenrakete
20141129             MOSCHEEBESUCH—IN—ISTANBUL: PAPA verneigt sich gen Mekka
20141129             Mutmaßliche WHISTLE—BLOWER: Regierung plant Strafanzeige gegen unbekannt
20141129             Nur —8—TAGE vor dem ATTENTAT—AUF—HERRHAUSEN starb der damalige LIBANESISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—RENÉ—MOAWAD auf ähnliche WEISE—LAUT Koch war er das 1.Opfer dieser —DAMALS, noch neuen TERRORwaffe.
20141129             SCHLACHT—UM—SYRISCHE—GRENZSTADT: IS—KÄMPFER greifen Kobane aus der TÜRKEI an
20141129             USA—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUM: OBAMAs schwierige Suche —NACH—DEM neuen PENTAGON—CHEF—
20141129             Uruguays JOSÉ—MUJICA: Der ärmste PRÄSIDENT—DER—WELT tritt ab
20141129             Wohin der absolute GLAUBWÜRDIGKEITS—VERLUST 1—POLITISCHEN Klasse hinführt, kann man —DERZEIT, in MEXIKO begutachten.
20141129             Dort fragt sich die ZIVIL—GESELLSCHAFT IMMER—NOCH, warum jemand 43—STUDENTEN ermorden sollte?
20141129             —LAUT—1—BERICHT—DER—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT hat DER—BÜRGER—MEISTER der Stadt, JOSÉ—LUIS—ABARCA, ihre Auslieferung an die Drogenbande Guerreros Unidos —BEFOHLEN, weil sie 1—REDE seiner Ehefrau María de los Ángeles Pineda stören könnten, erzählt der SCHRIFTSTELLER JORGE—VOLPI in der Welt: "INZWISCHEN wissen wir, daß DER—BÜRGER—MEISTER JOSÉ—LUIS—ABARCA nicht nur 1—REICHER Unternehmer im SCHMUCK—HANDEL war, sondern auch 1—FÜHRENDES MITGLIED—DER—GUERREROS Unidos und vielleicht sogar ihr 'Boss vor Ort'.
20141129             Dass seine Frau, María de los Ángeles Pineda, für DIE—FINANZEN des Kartells verantwortlich war.
20141129             Dass 2—IHRER Brüder, ehemals hohe Funktionäre im BELTRÁN—LEYVA—KARTELL, von ihrem Boss des Verrats beschuldigt und erschossen wurden.
20141129             [l] Bug des Tages: SIEMENS veröffentlicht Patches für WinCC.
20141129             Das ist DIE—ZENTRALE WINDOWS—KOMPONENTE für deren SCADA—SYSTEME.
20141129             Ihr wisst —SCHON, STUXNET und so.
20141129             [l] CLOUD—COMPUTING hat auch Vorteile.
20141129             Nein, wirklich. Also... 1—VORTEIL.
20141129             Diesen hier: Cops in DENVER verprügeln 1—LATINO, werden dabei gefilmt, merken es.
20141129             —GEFILMT, Beschlagnahmen das Tablet, mit dem sie, wurden.
20141129             [l] Die OPEC liefert sich gerade mit DEN—USA 1—ÖL—PREIS—KAMPF.
20141129             Der Barrel Öl ist gerade bei 70—DOLLAR, —NACHDEM er —JAHRE—LANG bei über 100—WAR.
20141129             Eigentlich sollte damit Benzin 30% billiger werden, Heizöl, und auch Erdgas.
20141129             —PROTEST—IN—FERGUSON: Demonstranten blockieren Schnäppchenjäger
20141129             6—TEENAGERS were soon arested on suspicion of beating Hissom to death.
20141129             Activists in FERGUSON—MISSOURI, began a 120-mile march to the state capita in Jefferson City to protest the killing of 1 unarmed black teen by 1—WHITE—POLICE—OFFICER.
20141129             † MARK—STRAND, FORMER—USA—POET laureate (19900000—19910000    ), in Brooklyn.
20141129             MARK—STRAND won a 19990000             Pulitzer Prize for his collection "Blizzard of 1."
20141129             —REPORTED, THE—DALLAS—MORNING—NEWS, that USA—IMMIGRATION and Customs Enforcement officials took Margarita DEL—CARMEN—ORELLANA—RIVAS, —25—JAHRE—ALT to EL—SALVADOR—THIS—WEEK where she's wanted on suspicion of aggravated murder and has warrants accusing HER—OF—SOLICITATION or conspiracy in other slayings.
20141129             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, Taliban suicide attackers, THE—SOUTH—AFRICA—LEADER—OF—1—FOREIGN—AID—GROUP, his son and daughter and 1—AFGHANISTAN—WORKER in 1—ASSAULT on the agency's KABUL offices.
20141129             A 3. —DAY—OF—TALIBAN attacks in SOUTH—HELMAND province killed least 6—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS and 20—TALIBAN fighters at Camp Bastion.
20141129             1—SUICIDE bombing targeting 1—MILITARY—BASE in the province's Sangin district, killed 5—SOLDIERS and wounded 8.
20141129             —APPOINTED, Antigua & Barbuda PRIME—MINISTER—GASTON—BROWN, actor ROBERT—DE—NIRO as special economic ENVOY—OF—THE—TWIN—ISLAND nation in THE—EAST—CARIBBEAN.
20141129             —SIGNED, The appointment came —AFTER De Niro, 1—MEMORANDUM—OF—AGREEMENT —1—DAY—EARLIER for a $250—MILLION—HOTEL—INVESTMENT in Barbuda.
20141129             —RETURNED, BAHRAIN—VOTERS, to the polls for 1—RUNOFF—ELECTION being boycotted by the opposition.
20141129             —CONTESTED, PRO—GOVERNMENT—CANDIDATES took the majority of, seats in the parliamentary election.
20141129             BRAZIL—OFFICIALS said SAO—PAULO, THE—DROUGHT—HIT megacity of 20—MILLION, has about —2—MONTHS—OF guaranteed water supply remaining as it taps into the 2. of 3—EMERGENCY—RESERVES.
20141129             —REPORTED, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT, that up to 13,000—PEOPLE in BRITAIN are VICTIMS—OF—TRAFFICKING, sexual exploitation or other forms of modern slavery.
20141129             CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC—PATRICE—EDOUARD—NGAISSONA, the national coordinator of THE—ANTI—BALAKA Christian militia, announced that the militia would, from —NOW on, only fight through political means.
20141129             2—PEOPLE were killed and 9 were wounded, —WHEN security forces fired tear gas and birdshot to disperse about 1,000 protesters who attempted to enter Tahrir Square.
20141129             IRAQ, 17—PEOPLE—OF—THE—ALBU—HISHMA tribe were mistakenly killed in air strikes targeting areas controlled by Islamic State militants.
20141129             ISRAEL—,1—CLASSROOM at the Hand in Hand school in JERUSALEM was torched and "Death to Arabs" daubed on 1—WALL in the yard.
20141129             —CONTINUED, SOUTH—MEXICO, students, to hold 3—DOZEN or more bus drivers and their buses.
20141129             —FORCED, Drivers said they are being, by activists from the school to live as captives and act as chauffeurs.
20141129             1—SAUDI—ARABIA—MAN was arrested —AFTER he stabbed 1—CANADA—CITIZEN shopping in 1—MALL with his family in SAUDI—ARABIA—OIL—RICH—EAST—PROVINCE.
20141129             —KILLED, The latest fighting, at least 8—KURDISH—FIGHTERS and 17—JIHADIS.
20141129             —DENIED, TURKEY, that IS fighters had used its territory for the raid.
20141129             TAIWAN—CHINA—FRIENDLY ruling party lost 1—SLEW of traditional strongholds in local elections, triggering THE—RESIGNATION—OF—THE—ISLAND—PREMIER and the cabinet.
20141129             The departure of premier Jiang YI—HUAH —JUST hours —AFTER polls closed left PRESIDENT—MA, who is also KMT chairman, to rebuild 1—GOVERNMENT.
20141129             THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION said the death toll from the worst Ebola outbreak on record has reached nearly 7,000 in WEST—AFRICA.
20141129—20110000    —IN—THE, 1—EGYPT—COURT dropped its case against FORMER—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK, —86—JAHRE—ALT over THE—KILLING—OF—PROTESTERS uprising that ended his —30—YEAR—RULE and symbolized hopes for 1—NEW—ERA—OF—POLITICAL—OPENNESS and accountability.
20141129—20150722    —SENTENCED, Shlomo (21) and Nahman Twito (19) were, to —2—YEARS and 2 and 1/—2—YEARS in prison respectively for the overnight.
20150523—20121129    —IN—THE, OHIO, 71—PEOPLE were arrested, as multiple demonstrators broke away from the peaceful protests and in SOME—CASES assaulted bystanders —FOLLOWING THE—ACQUITTAL—OF—OFFICER—MICHAEL—BRELO, KILLING—OF—BLACK—COUPLE—TIMOTHY—RUSSELL and MELISSA—WILLIAMS.
20151129             Als "Kino Odra"nahm es —BEREITS—AM 2. Weihnachtsfeiertag 19450000             den Betrieb wieder auf und zeigte zur Eröffnung den Film "Iwan der Schreckliche"des RUSSISCHEN—REGISSEURS Sergej Eisenstein.
20151129             Auch 1—PAAR—SCHUHE—VON—FRANZISKUS—I—PAPA war darunter.
20151129             Auf der PLACE—DE—LA—RÉPUBLIQUE warfen mehrere Dutzend Vermummte Flaschen und andere Wurfgeschosse auf POLIZISTEN, die auf dem Platz 1.friedliche PROTEST—AKTION DER—BÜRGERBEWEGUNG Avaaz sichern sollten.
20151129             Aus Zeitgründen werden DIE—STAATS—CHEFS, REGIERUNGS—CHEFS ihre Reden —AM—MONTAG parallel in 2—VERSCHIEDENEN Sälen halten müssen.
20151129             Avaaz hatte am Vormittag auf dem Platz der REPUBLIK—TAUSENDE alte Schuhe aufgestellt
20151129             BILD—AM—SONNTAG—UMFRAGE: 48 % gegen weitere AMTS—ZEIT Merkels
20151129             Bluttat am DAMASKUS—TOR—JERUSALÉM—DIE—BEHÖRDEN hatten —NACH—DEN Anschlägen
20151129             DIE—BISHERIGEN Zusagen der einzelnen STAATEN zur Reduzierung ihrer TREIBHAUSGAS—EMISSIONEN reichen allerdings nicht aus, um das kritische 2—GRAD—ZIEL zu erreichen.
20151129             DIE—DEMONSTRANTEN hatten —AM—SONNTAG—ZUNÄCHST statt des geplanten Marschs GEGEN—DIE—ERD—ERWÄRMUNG 1.Menschenkette am Boulevard VOLTAIRE gebildet.
20151129             DIE—KLEINEN Kinos sind die besten
20151129             DIE—POLIZEI setzte Tränengas und Schlagstöcke ein.
20151129             DIE—SICHERHEITS—BEAMTEN antworteten mit Tränengas und setzten Schlagstöcke ein, schließlich nahmen SIE—CA—100—AKTIVISTEN fest.
20151129             DIE—WAHL mag symptomatisch sein dafür, wie die POLNISCHE—BEVÖLKERUNG die neue RUSSISCHE—EINFLUSSNAHME wahrnahm.
20151129             Dabei kam es zu Ausschreitungen:
20151129             Dafür geht doch sicher jemand in den Knast, gell?
20151129             Der KANADISCHE—REGIERUNGS—CHEF—JUSTIN—TRUDEAU besuchte —AM—SONNTAG das "Bataclan"-Theater, wo DIE—TERRORISTEN Dutzende Konzertbesucher getötet hatten.
20151129             Diese sollten DIE—DEMONSTRANTEN symbolisieren, die wegen des Kundgebungsverbots nicht kommen konnten.
20151129             Dort protestierte 1.Gruppe GEGEN—DIE—NACH den Anschlägen verhängten Demonstrations—, Versammlungsverbote mit Rufen wie "AUSNAHME—ZUSTAND, POLIZEI—STAAT".
20151129             EX—USA—GEHEIM—DIENST—CHEF über den IS: "Wir waren zu dumm"
20151129             Eigentlich herrscht —ZURZEIT in PARIS Demonstrationsverbot.
20151129             Eintrag ins GUINNESSBUCH—DER—REKORDE.
20151129             Film "Iwan der Schreckliche"19440000             —J—AUS—DEM, von SERGEI—MICHAILOWITSCH—EISENSTEIN
20151129             Halbzeit für den EZB—CHEF: MARIO—DRAGHI setzt zum nächsten Schlag an
20151129             Hilfe in DER—FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, —JETZT können wir alles infrage stellen
20151129             —BEGINNT, PARIS, —AM—MONTAG offiziell DIE—WELTKLIMAKONFERENZ.
20151129             ZERRISSENHEIT, und Leid
20151129             KAMPF—GEGEN—IS: BUNDESWEHR will offenbar 1200—SOLDATEN in SYRIEN—EINSATZ schicken
20151129             KANZLERIN—UNTER—DRUCK: Merkels Fronten
20151129             Kommunalräte: 865—FRAUEN stellen sich in SAUDI—ARABIEN zur Wahl
20151129             MILLIARDENminus für STEUER—ZAHLER: "Der größte Bankraub in GRIECHENLAND—GESCHICHTE"
20151129             Massenschlägerei: FLÜCHTLINGE attackieren sich mit Feuerlöschern
20151129             Mehrere Inselstaaten sehen ihre Existenz —SCHON bei 1—TEMPERATUR—ANSTIEG von mehr als 1,5 Grad gefährdet.
20151129             Nach Schießerei in Frauenklinik: OBAMA fordert schärferes Waffenrecht
20151129             PEGIDA auf der Bühne: Der innerdeutsche KAMPF—DER—KULTUREN
20151129             RASSISMUS—DEBATTE in HOLLYWOOD: Wie weiß darf ein ÄGYPTISCHER—GOTT sein?
20151129             —VERWEIGERT, Reformgesetze: GRIECHISCHE—OPPOSITION, TSIPRAS Unterstützung
20151129             Richtig!
20151129             SYRIEN—IS soll mehr als 3.500—MENSCHEN hingerichtet HABEN—SCHLIEßLICH kam es zu Ausschreitungen,
20151129             Später wichen sie zur PLACE—DE—LA—RÉPUBLIQUE im Stadtzentrum aus.
20151129             Ungeachtet eines Demonstrationsverbots sind Tausende Klimaschützer vor Beginn der UN—KLIMAKONFERENZ—IN—PARIS auf die Straße gegangen.
20151129             Versuch im JAPANISCHEN—MEER: NORD—KOREA scheitert mit U—BOOT—RAKETEN—TEST
20151129             Vorwurf der SPIONAGE: 3—HOCHRANGIGE MILITÄRs in der TÜRKEI festgenommen
20151129             Wie das UN—KLIMASEKRETARIAT mitteilte, wollen Ban, der INDISCHE—PREMIER—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI und PRÄSIDENT—HOLLANDE —AM—MONTAG 1.SOLAR—ALLIANZ—MIT—DEM Ziel gründen, den Anteil sauberer Energiequellen global zu steigern.
20151129             Zur Eröffnung werden fast 150—STAATS—CHEFS, REGIERUNGS—CHEFS erwartet, unter ihnen BUNDES—KANZLERIN—ANGELA—MERKEL (CDU) und USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA.
20151129             [l] Jackpot!
20151129             ausgepolstert mit Plüschsesseln rot wie das Herz
20151129             das Gedicht "Kleine Kinos"des POLEN—LYRIKERS ILDEFONS—GALCZYNSKI.
20151129             für den ;;1212;; aus SICHERHEITS—GRÜNDEN verboten.
20151129             —AM—SONNTAG—ABEND—BEREITS, wollen die Delegationen aus 195—LÄNDERN ihre Arbeit aufnehmen.
20151129             —VON, außen wirkt es unscheinbar, das Gebäude in der al.
20151129             —VOR, Beginn der KLIMA—KONFERENZ wollten UMWELT—SCHÜTZER dennoch 1—ZEICHEN setzen.
20151129             —VOR, EU—TÜRKEI—GIPFEL : Kommen Sie näher, Herr Davutoglu
20151129             —VOR, KLIMA—KONFERENZ—IN—PARIS: POLIZEI nimmt über 100—DEMONSTRANTEN fest
20151129             —VOR, WENIGEN —JAHREN hat 1—DÄNISCHES—KINO den Rekord übernommen, weil es nachweisen konnte,
20151129             —CONDUCTED, THE—USA and its allies, 15—STRIKES against Islamic STATE—IN—IRAQ and Syria.
20151129             —ENDED, COLLECTION—OF—TELECOMMUNICATION metadata by the National Security Agency (NSA), —TODAY—FOLLOWING 1—HALT ordered by Congress last June.
20151129             BURKINA—FASO held presidential and legislative elections.
20151129             BURUNDI, gunmen in BUJUMBURA shot dead army Major SALVATOR—KATIHABWA and wounded oo THE—SENATE—DEPUTY—SPEAKER.
20151129             —ENDED, CAMEROON reportedly, a —3—DAY—OPERATION against NIGERIA—BOKO—HARAM—ISLAMISTS, killing —AROUND 100—FIGHTERS and freeing 900—HOSTAGES.
20151129             THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC—WELCOMED—PAPA—FRANCIS as he brought 1—MESSAGE—OF—PEACE to the divided country, visiting people displaced by MONTHS—OF—BLOODY—SECTARIAN—VIOLENCE and calling for unity.
20151129             —ASKED, Interim PRESIDENT—CATHERINE—SAMBA—PANZA, for "forgiveness" from FRANCIS—PAPA —FOR—2—YEARS—OF "evil" sectarian violence.
20151129             —WARNED, Environmental activist group Sea SHEPHERD—JAPAN against resuming "research" whaling in THE—ANTARCTIC and called on THE—AUSTRALIA—GOVERNMENT to intervene.
20151129             —FIRED, FRANCE—RIOT—POLICE, tear gas at climate change protesters at the Place de la Republique in CENTRAL—PARIS, near where climate change activists had —EARLIER formed 1—HUMAN—CHAIN.
20151129             —JOINED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE from SYDNEY to LONDON, 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST—DAYS—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE—ACTIVISM, telling world leaders gathering for 1—SUMMIT in PARIS there is "No Planet B" in the fight against global warming.
20151129             More than 2,000 events were being held in cities including LONDON, SAO—PAULO and NEW—YORK, making it perhaps the biggest —DAY—OF—CLIMATE action in history.
20151129             GERMANY, clashes broke out between HUNDREDS—OF—ASYLUM—SEEKERS at 1—SHELTER in BERLIN, in the 2. mass brawl to erupt over the weekend in the crowded migrant accommodations.
20151129             GUATEMALA, gunfire broke out at THE—CANADA—REHABILITATION—FARM, 1—PRISON designed to hold 600—INMATES, but which housed 3,092. The death toll in the brawl rose to 16, including 3—INMATES who were decapitated.
20151129             —DANCED, INDIA, HUNDREDS—OF—GAY—RIGHTS—ACTIVISTS, to drum beats and held colorful balloons as they marched in 1—PARADE in NEW—DELHI, celebrating what they call the diversity of gender and sexuality.
20151129             —GATHERED, MOLDOVA, THOUSANDS—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS, in CHISINAU and other towns demanding better governance and 1—END to widespread corruption.
20151129             —DESTROYED, NIGERIA, Boko Haram, 1—MILITARY—BASE as soldiers fled.
20151129             —PREVENTED, SELF—DEFENSE—FIGHTERS, the insurgents from retaking Gulak town.
20151129             —KIDNAPPED, Extremists, DOZENS—OF—GIRLS and set ablaze HUNDREDS—OF—BUILDINGS in Bam, Borno state.
20151129             1—PALESTINIAN stabbed 1—ISRAEL—POLICE—OFFICER in JERUSALEM —BEFORE being shot dead by security forces.
20151129             —ANNOUNCED, RUSSIA—NATIONAL—ANTI—TERRORIST—COMMITTEE, that security forces had killed THE—3—MILITANTS in Dagestan —AFTER they refused to surrender.
20151129             HUNDREDS—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA—WOMEN began campaigning for public office, in a 1. for women in the conservative Muslim kingdom's slow reform process even as 2—ACTIVISTS were disqualified.
20151129             3—SAUDI—ARABIA—BORDER—SOLDIERS were killed —AFTER exchanging fire with "enemy elements" trying to cross the border from YEMEN to attack 2—WATCH towers.
20151129             NORTH—EAST—SPAIN, a snorkeler found 8—APPARENTLY human skulls, and other bones, in shallow waters —JUST off Els Palangrers beach.
20151129             —BELIEVED, THE—SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said airstrikes, to have been carried out by RUSSIA—WARPLANES killed at least 18—PEOPLE and wounded dozens in the insurgent held TOWN—OF—ARIHA.
20151129             Ariha —TODAY, 1—FACEBOOK page that covers events in the town, said the airstrikes killed 40—PEOPLE and wounding more than 70.
20151129             TURKEY—PRIME—MINISTER—AHMET—DAVUTOGLU struck 1—DEAL with EU leaders to prevent migrants from traveling to EUROPE in return for 3—BILLION euros (dollars) in cash, 1—DEAL on visas and renewed talks on joining the 28-nation bloc.
20151129             —RECOVERED, TURKEY, THE—BODY—OF—RUSSIA—PILOT—OLEG—PESHKOV from NORTH—SYRIA and presented it to RUSSIA—DIPLOMATS, —5—DAYS—AFTER shooting down his warplane in 1—INCIDENT that wrecked relations between THE—2—COUNTRIES.
20151129             —SUPPORTED, YEMEN—LOYALISTS, by 1—SAUDI—LED coalition battled to oust IRAN—BACKED rebels from 1—SOUTHERN—PROVINCE where they have made gains in recent weeks, with at least 16 reported dead.
20151129—20010000    —IN, The program had begun in secret under PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20151129—20151201    —RELEASED, Preliminary results, gave Roch March CHRISTIAN—KABORE, —58—JAHRE—ALT 1—OUTRIGHT win.
20151129—20200000    —AB, DIE—GIPFELTEILNEHMER wollen 1—NEUEN WELT—KLIMA—VERTRAG vereinbaren, der gelten soll.
20151130—20151129    —LAPSED, Her —20—YEAR sentence.
20161129             "Bradcast,"his interview segment seems to be of particular interest:
20161129             "Es ist wie 1.nukleare Wunde zu schließen, die UNS—ALLE betrifft", sagte HANS—BLIX—EXDIREKTOR DER—INTERNATIONALE—ATOM—ENERGIE—BEHÖRDE (IAEA).
20161129             "Hart aber fair"zu DONALD—TRUMP: "1—MISCHUNG aus Blatter, Winterkorn, BeckenBAUER"
20161129             "Vergleichen Sie das Objekt hinter mir mit dem Eiffelturm oder der Freiheitsstatue", sagte POROSCHENKO.
20161129             "Where do I belong? "GEORGE—LAKOFF has written 1—EXCELLENT—PIECE analyzing the failure of reasoned political debate to effect voter behavior because it fails to address this key point.
20161129             1—KLITZEKLEINES DETAILRAND—PROBLEM gibt es allerdings:
20161129             1.If we can demonstrate that DONALD—TRUMP—WIN was illegitimate, he will have less credibility.
20161129             2. If we can demonstrate that RUSSIA undertook COVERT—ACTION to change USA—HISTORY, we will awaken the citizenry to 1—THREAT which MANY—STILL do not take seriously.
20161129             3. - The search for truth is, in and of itself, 1—ABSOLUTE—GOOD.
20161129             ASSAD erobert ALEPPO: KRIEGS—VERBRECHEN lohnen sich
20161129             ATTACKE—AUF—ROUTER: TELEKOM—HACK hätte viel schlimmer kommen können
20161129             Aber hey, davon lassen wir uns doch hier nicht die gute Laune kaputtmachen!1!!
20161129             —KONVERTIERT, Aber wenn ich dann lese, daß der am Telefon zum ISLAM, wurde (wir brauchen endlich massenhafte TELEFON—ÜBERWACHUNG!1!!), ohne dass seine Frau es gemerkt hat?
20161129             Algerier war an zahlreichen ANGRIFFE—IN—DER SAHEL—ZONE beteiligt — Tod —SCHON mehrfach gemeldet
20161129             Also ich finde ja, daß —JETZT der geeignete Moment wäre, um dem CCC mal 1—BUNDESVERDIENSTKREUZ zu überreichen, für das Verhindern von Wahlcomputern in DEUTSCHLAND damals.
20161129             1—INVESTIGATION that would look for SIGNS—OF—DELIBE—RATE and widespread fraud, such as voting machines' having been hacked, whole BATCHES—OF—BALLOTS' intentionally having been disregarded, illegal coordination between —ELECTIONS officials and THE—CAMPAIGNS, and so on.
20161129             Auch die Untersuchungsausschüsse des BUNDES—TAGES seien sinnvoll, weil sie für die parlamentarische Kontrolle sorgten und klar geworden sei, "welch unverzichtbaren Dienst NACHRICHTEN—DIENSTE leisten".
20161129             BREXIT: SCHÄUBLE drängt BRITEN zur —ENTSCHEIDUNG
20161129             BURKA—VERBOT im Überblick: Wo man sich in EUROPA nicht verschleiern darf
20161129             —BEFORE that, he worked at another THIEL—BACKED firm: PALANTIR, 1—HIGHLY controversial data analysis firm that is currently competing for DEFENSE Department contracts.
20161129             But 1—CLOSER—LOOK reveals that some of the biggest FAKE—NEWS—PROVIDERS were run by experienced political operators well within THE—ORBIT—OF—DONALD—TRUMP—POLITICAL—ADVISERS and consultants.
20161129             —WEAKENED, But —NOW the movement's finances are so, that SOME—OF—ITS most seriously injured fighters are no longer welcome at PAKISTAN—PRIVATE—HOSPITALS because they cannot settle their bills, ACCORDING—TO—TALIBAN sources.
20161129             DAUER—KRISE, EUROPA am SCHEIDEWEG—WOLFGANG—SCHÄUBLE im Livestream
20161129             DIE—ITALIENERIN Emma Morano hat als ältester Mensch der Welt ihren 117—GEBURTS—TAG gefeiert.
20161129             DIE—RECHTE—HAND—VON—BIN—LADENS ist... pleite
20161129             —GESCHRIEBEN, DIE—WITZE hätten sich von selbst !
20161129             DONALD—TRUMP—MARGINS, as of this writing, are roughly 11,000 votes in MICHIGAN, 23,000 votes in WISCONSIN and 68,000 votes in PENNSYLVANIAA.
20161129             Der aus ALGERIEN stammende ISLAMISTEN—ANFÜHRER Mokhtar Belmokhtar ist —LAUT—ANGABEN, DER—USA—REGIERUNG wahrscheinlich bei 1—FRANZÖSISCHEN—ANGRIFF—IN—LIBYEN getötet worden.
20161129             —SPOTTED, Did you know that SOME—WISCONSINITES have, ghost ELEPHANT—IN—THE—S woods near Baraboo?
20161129             —VERWENDET, Diese Website, Cookies, um Ihnen den bestmöglichen Service zu gewährleisten.
20161129             Doch was sauber aussieht, muss nicht sauber sein.
20161129             Drastische Kaufverbote: CHINA bremst Investitionswelle im Ausland
20161129             DÄNEMARK: ASYL—BEWERBER sollen Antrag außerhalb EUROPAs stellen
20161129             —REKLAMIERT, Einzeltäter an USA—UNIVERSITÄT: IS, CAMPUS—ATTACKE—IN—OHIO für sich
20161129             FEINSTAUB—FEHLERHAFTE Herstellerangaben: SÜD—KOREA will BMW—, PORSCHE—MODELLE verbieten
20161129             GEHEIM—DIENST—ISLAMIST schlich sich bei VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ ein
20161129             GEORGE—LAKOFF argues that emotional 'framing' is the key and
20161129             GEORGE—LAKOFF argues that people seek to install 1—TYPE—OF—GOVERNMENT based on 1 preferred TYPE—OF—FAMILY—MODEL.
20161129             Gemeinschaftsprojekt: DEUTSCHE—HERSTELLER planen Schnellladenetz für E—AUTOS
20161129             GesundheitsRISIKO Stickoxid: Wo Luft in DEUTSCHLAND krank macht
20161129             HAMBURG: Hagenbecks Tierpark schließt wegen Vogelgrippe
20161129             Havariertes ATOM—KRAFT—WERK—ARBEITER schieben Riesenhülle über Tschernobyl
20161129             He goes on to argue that the burden of proof ought to be high.
20161129             How can 1—TOWN have 1—TURNOUT—OF—MORE—THAN 100 %?
20161129             —MISTRUSTED, How did we end up more, by 1—LARGE—SEGMENT—OF—WESTERN—READERS and viewers than STATE—FUNDED SPUTNIK or RT?
20161129             I've been out of programming for —10—YEARS (1—EON—IN—THE—INDUSTRY), but
20161129             IS in MOSSUL: Wer sich widersetzt, wird erschossen
20161129             Ihr Geld verdiente sie als Arbeiterin in 1—FABRIK, die Säcke herstellte.
20161129             Ihre TRADITION—DES—EIERESSENS stammt noch aus der Zeit kurz —NACH—DEM 1. WELT—KRIEG,als 1—ARZT—DER —DAMALS, —20—JAHRE—ALTE wegen Blutarmut den Verzehr von mehreren Eiern täglich riet, rohen und gekochten.
20161129             Ihre Zweizimmerwohnung hat sie nach eigenen Angaben —SEIT—20—JAHREN nicht verlassen.
20161129             Illegaler Download: 100.000e Mitfahrgelegenheit.DE—ERBEUTET
20161129             —REASONED, It's 1—WORLD where the Left's, arguments are seen as hollow, unconvincing and ultimately pointless.
20161129             It's 1—WORLD where wild conspiracies can be accepted without question and
20161129             —DEFEATED, JSL, the Left has been, IN—THE—USA by 1—MARKETING —PROGRAM run over generations that relies heavily on THE—PRINCIPLES—OF—THE—PRISONER—DILEMMA, dividing individuals and defeating ANY—IDEA that there could be 1—SOCIAL—BENEFIT in collective ACTION.
20161129             —BEFÜRCHTET, Kinder in Gefahr: Unicef, WINTERKATASTROPHE—IN—SYRIEN
20161129             Korallen am GREAT—BARRIER—REEF: Das große Sterben
20161129             MERKEL zur HACKER—ATTACKE: "CYBER—ANGRIFFE gehören zum Alltag"
20161129             Moranos Leben war alles andere als einfach. Na also!
20161129             Nevertheless, the search for truth must continue, for at least 3—REASONS:
20161129             Oder was man alleine über die oberpeinlichen Versuche witzeln könnte, diesen Totalschaden schonzureden.
20161129             Oder, wie es der Einsender formulierte:
20161129             Oder: Habt ihr euch mal gefragt, wieso DER—VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ nie erfolgreich ISLAMISTEN unterwandern konnte?
20161129             —INVESTIERT, Projekt JING—JIN—JI: CHINA,—EURO in Bahnausbau für neue Megastadt
20161129             Reaktor 4—EXPLODIERTE.
20161129             SCHULDEN—KRISE—GRIECHENLAND—WIRTSCHAFT wächst ein bisschen stärker als erwartet
20161129             SCHWERIN: MATHE—STREIT—AUF—FACEBOOK führte zu Messerattacke
20161129             START—UP—OECD—STUDIE—DEUTSCHLAND fehlt der Gründergeist (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 16:15)
20161129             SYRIEN—KRIEG, UNO ruft eindringlich zum Stopp der ALEPPO—ANGRIFFE—AUF—
20161129             So what we're talking about is more like 1—AUDIT or 1—INVESTIGATION.
20161129             Such are the rules under which our society —NOW must operate.
20161129             Suche nach USA—AUßEN—MINISTER: DONALD—TRUMP trifft EX—CIA—CHEF—PETRAEUS —, noch einmal ROMNEY
20161129             SÜD—KOREA—PRÄSIDENTIN—PARK deutet Rückzug an
20161129             THAILAND—MILITÄR—REGIERUNG leitet Thronfolge ein
20161129             THE—RIGHT—INSISTS that THE—EUROPEANS, especially the Nordic socialists, would find the idea not —JUST incomprehensible but dangerous (which it is).
20161129             THE—RIGHT insists that all success is individual and
20161129             THE—RIGHT—INSISTS that the only tribal or collective actions to be trusted are ones they approve, 1—PHILOSOPHY enhanced by powerful media and INTERNET methods of social control.
20161129             TIMSS—STUDIE, DEUTSCHE—GRUNDSCHÜLER haben 1—MATHE—PROBLEM (Leben und Lernen, 11:30)
20161129             TABAK—MARKE: Letzte große GAULOISES—FABRIK in FRANKREICH muss schließen
20161129             The key idea here is that words are not what they seem (and have never been) but blunt instruments by which people obtain 1—SOCIAL—IDENTITY.
20161129             THERE—ALSO "Chicken Alley"outside of the small TOWN—OF—SEYMOUR, where 1 can see ghost chickens as they, uh, cross THE—ROAD.
20161129             THERE—NO precedent for 1—RECOUNT overturning margins like those or anything CLOSE—TO them.
20161129             Trae Stephens, 1—PRINCIPAL at billionaire PETER—THIEL—VENTURE—CAPITAL—FIRM—FOUNDERS—FUND, was appointed —LAST—WEEK by DONALD—TRUMP to help lead the transition effort at THE—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT.
20161129             Tribalism is the persistent human driver.
20161129             Verschleierung: NIEDERLANDE beschließen eingeschränktes BURKA—VERBOT—WISCONSIN is 1—STRANGE place.
20161129             We are social and biological creatures 1.; reason —JUST tags along afterwards.
20161129             Wegen SYRIEN: Kauder vermisst ANTI—PUTIN—DEMONSTRATIONEN in DEUTSCHLAND
20161129             [l] FRAU—MERKEL kommentiert ihre Parallelrealität: [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN!
20161129             [l] Habt ihr auch so große Angst?
20161129             [l] KURZE—FRAGE—VON—BLOOMBERG:
20161129             [l] Schade, daß sich diese Meldung so unglaubwürdig liest.
20161129             [l] THE—INTERCEPT hat mal den großen FAKE—NEWS—PROVIDERN hinterherrecherchiert.
20161129             [l] Wieso gibt es für Sprüche wie
20161129             [l] Wisst ihr, was DIE—TALIBAN und DONALD—TRUMP gemein haben?
20161129             der für die Gesundheit DER—MENSCHEN 1noch größere Gefahr darstellt.
20161129             eigentlich keine —10—JAHRE Knast im sibirischen Gulag?
20161129             even as rusty as I am, it would take me about —45—MINUTES to write a —PROGRAM that will allow ANY—VOTE—COUNT you want, for ANY—CANDIDATE or party you desire.
20161129             report finds that, based on THE—LA—TEST—STATE—REPORTED VOTER—REGISTRATION—NUMBERS, there were "193—TOWNS with turnout of 90% or better, 25—TOWNS with turnout of 95% or better, and 7—TOWNS with turnout of 100% or better".
20161129             Ältester Mensch der Welt: ITALIENerin feiert 117—GEBURTS—TAG
20161129             —DIE—LAGE—AM—DIENSTAG : Sendestörung in der Regierung
20161129             —KRISE—IN—GRIECHENLAND: Und vergib uns unsere Schulden
20161129             —STREIT—BEI—DER LUFTHANSA: "Selbst das Bodenpersonal schüttelt den Kopf über die Piloten"
20161129             —NOMINATED, USA—PRESIDENT—ELECT DONALD—TRUMP, TOM—PRICE as health SECRETARY, indicating he plans to fulfill 1—CAMPAIGN promise to tear up the divisive healthcare reform law.
20161129             The congressman from GEORGIA and former orthopedic surgeon has been 1—FIERCE—OBAMACARE critic.
20161129             AFGHANISTAN, GENERAL—MUHAYUDDIN—GHORI, COMMANDER—OF—THE—207. Zafar Corps based in THE—CITY—OF—HERAT, † after the aircraft he was in went down in Baghdis province on the border with TURKMENISTAN.
20161129             —REPORTED, Scientists, that warming oceans have caused the largest DIE—OFF of corals ever recorded on AUSTRALIA—GREAT—BARRIER—REEF.
20161129             —HIJACKED, Pirates, THE—GREEK—FLAGGED Saronic Breeze off THE—COAST—OF—BENIN and sailed the vessel to NIGERIA —BEFORE abandoning it near the southeastern oil CAPITAL—OF—PORT—HARCOURT.
20161129             1—RUSSIA—CAPTAIN and 2—CREWMEN were kidnapped.
20161129             CYPRUS, 2—FEMALE—HIGH—SCHOOL—STUDENTS and the driver of their school bus were killed —WHEN the vehicle collided HEAD—ON with 1—TRUCK along 1—BUSY—MOUNTAIN—ROAD in the northern, TURKEY—CYPRUS—HALF—OF—THE—ISLAND—CAPITAL, NICOSIA.
20161129             —AMENDED, EGYPT, 1, law that toughens penalties for female genital mutilation to up to —15—YEARS in jail came into effect.
20161129             Airbus said it wants to cut more than 1,100 jobs across EUROPE —AFTER presenting 1—REORGANIZATION—PLAN to the works council in TOULOUSE.
20161129             GERMANY took over the presidency of the G20 leading economies, 1—PLATFORM—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL wants to use to safeguard multilateral cooperation under threat —FOLLOWING DONALD—TRUMP—USA—ELECTION—VICTORY.
20161129             —ATTACKED, NORTH—INDIA, militants, 1—ARMY—BASE—NEAR THE—CITY—OF—JAMMU, JAMMU and Kashmir state, killing at least 7—SECURITY—PERSONNEL and taking hostages in the boldest ASSAULT—ON—1—MILITARY—BASE in the region in recent months.
20161129             1—IRAQ—OFFICIAL said water supplies to about 650,000 residents of MOSUL have been cut off —AFTER 1—PIPELINE was hit —DURING fighting between the army and Islamic State militants.
20161129             —BACKED, THE—HASHED—AL—JABOUR militia, made up of Sunni tribal fighters, by the government, killed 4—MEN it had captured in 1—VILLAGE—NORTH—OF—MOSUL.
20161129             Witnesses said the men were shot in THE—PRESENCE—OF—IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES without ANY—JUDICIAL—PROCEEDINGS.
20161129             LIBYA—MILITARY—COMMANDER—KHALIFA—HAFTAR, the dominant figure in the divided country's east, met RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SERGEY—LAVROV in MOSCOW and said he was seeking RUSSIA—HELP in his fight against Islamist militants at home.
20161129             NORTH—MALI, militants struck 2—AIRPORTS with 1—EXPLOSIVES—LADEN truck and rockets, in attacks that caused no victims but pointed to desert jihadists intensifying their insurgency.
20161129             —VOTED, THE—HOLLAND—PARLIAMENT, to ban face veils in SOME—PUBLIC—PLACES, 1—LAW the government said was essential for security but which opponents said pandered to ANTI—MUSLIM sentiment.
20161129             SOUTH—WEST—POLAND, 1—EARTH tremor at the Rudna copper mine left at least 5—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20161129             3—MINERS remained missing.
20161129             RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS said they plan to send 100,000 TONS—OF—WHEAT in humanitarian aid to Syria —THIS—YEAR.
20161129             —KILLED, NORTH—SOMALIA, Islamist insurgents, 4—PRO—GOVERNMENT—SOLDIERS and injured 11—OTHERS—WHEN 1—ROADSIDE bomb destroyed 1—MILITARY pickup.
20161129             —CLAIMED, AL—SHABAAB, responsibility for the attack in the Galgala hills.
20161129             SOUTH—KOREA—PRESIDENT—PARK—GEUN—HYE said that she'll resign, if PARLIAMENT arranges the technical details, in her latest attempt to fend off impeachment efforts.
20161129             —CALLED, Opponents —IMMEDIATELY, PARK—CONDITIONAL resignation offer 1—STALLING tactic.
20161129             —BANNED, SUDAN—AUTHORITIES, 3—MORE—NEWSPAPERS, seizing all copies AHEAD—OF—DISTRIBUTION as 1—GENERAL—STRIKE against fuel subsidy cuts and price hikes continued for the 3. —DAY.
20161129             —RENEWED, SYRIA, airstrikes killed at least 20—CIVILIANS as they fled government advances in THE—EAST—PART—OF—ALEPPO.
20161129             —DISPLACED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS said up to 16,000—PEOPLE have already been, in recent DAYS—OF—FIGHTING.
20161129             —NAMED, THAILAND—PARLIAMENT, CROWN—PRINCE—VAJIRALONGKORN as the new KING, completing 1—FORMAL—STEP for the heir to take the throne —FOLLOWING THE—DEATH—OF—HIS—FATHER—LAST—MONTH.
20161129             TUNISIA won pledges of more than 1—BILLION dollars in financial support at 1—INVESTMENT—CONFERENCE aimed at reviving the country's struggling economy.
20161129             More than 2,000 business, finance and political leaders from 40—COUNTRIES attended THE—2—DAY "TUNISIA 2020" conference.
20161129             TURKEY, 1—DEADLY—FIRE at 1—DORMITORY for schoolgirls left 12—PEOPLE—DEAD in THE—SOUTH—REGION—OF—ADANA.
20161129             12—PEOPLE were detained THE—NEXT—DAY as anger grew over possible negligence that caused the tragedy.
20161129             —CHARGED, UGANDA—PROSECUTORS, Rwenzururu CHARLES—WESLEY—MUMBERE—KING—OF— with murder, accusing him of backing 1—SEPARATIST—MILITIA where weekend fighting between his guards and security forces left at least 87—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20161129—20090000    —SINCE, PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMUD—ABBAS—FATAH—RE—ELECTED him party head as the movement opened its 1. congress with talk mounting of who will eventually succeed THE—81—YEAR—OLD.
20161129—20100000    —SEIT—DEM—JAHR, Das JAHRES—LIMIT für Stickstoffdioxid liegt bei 40—MIKROGRAMM je Kubikmeter, EUROPA—WEIT.
20171026—20171129    —ARMED, Human Rights Watch said, groups loyal to LIBYA—SELF—STYLED national army may have killed THE—CIVIL—MEN in the town some 50—KM (30—MILES) EAST—OF—BENGHAZI.
20171129             Reindeer have been hit 8—TIMES 20171122—20171125    —BETWEEN, resulting in the death of 110—ANIMALS.
20171129             alfatomega.com/20060729.html
20171129             Auf dem Weg zur Verleihung des FRIEDENS—NOBEL—PREISES machte der DALAI—LAMA, geistliches Oberhaupt der TIBETer,
20171129             —BESCHLAGNAHMT, BERLIN—POLIZEI, radioaktiv markierte Spielkarten
20171129             BREXIT: EU—KOMMISSAR sieht Fortschritte im FINANZ—STREIT—MIT—LONDON
20171129             BRITEN empört über DONALD—TRUMP—ANTI—MUSLIM—TWEETS: "Er ist weder 1—VERBÜNDETER noch 1—FREUND"
20171129             —INVESTIERT, BITCOIN—HYPE: —VOR—5—JAHREN 1000—DOLLAR, = —HEUTE 2.000.000—DOLLAR
20171129             CHRISTIAN—DOPPLER: Der Mann, dem wir die Radarfalle zu verdanken HABEN—DNA—STUDIE, Der Yeti?
20171129             EU—AFRIKA—GIPFEL: EUROPA zahlt nicht
20171129             Endlich verständlich: ALLE—FAKTEN zum NORD—KOREA—KONFLIKT
20171129             EPPENDORF—FLOKATI—FEDERN: RAUB—SAURIER im Schafsfell
20171129             Görlitz: Tausende PROTESTIEREN—GEGEN—SIEMENS' SPAR—PLÄNE
20171129             HWASONG—15: NORD—KOREA schießt seine —BISHER, reichweitenstärkste Rakete ab
20171129             Hype vom KRYPTO—GELD—BITCOIN steigt auf —BIS zu 11.800—DOLLAR
20171129             Identifikation per Selfie: FACEBOOK will Gesichter SEHEN—IHRE Verbindung galt als symbiotisch.
20171129             Körpersprache: Warum ich —JETZT—NACHTS die Straßenseite wechsle, wenn 1.Frau vor mir geht
20171129             Messerangriff: ALTENA—BÜRGER—MEISTER hat Mitleid mit seinem Attentäter
20171129             NEW—YORK: Reza Zarrab gesteht BESTECHUNG eines TÜRKISCHEN—EX—WIRTSCHAFTS—MINISTERS
20171129             NORD—KOREAS jüngster Test: Sind Kims Raketen tatsächlich 1.Gefahr?
20171129             —GESCHREDDERT, NSU—PROZESS, Vernichtet, ZURÜCKGEHALTEN—OHNE Wagnis keine Innovation.
20171129             PETRA—KELLY und GERT—BASTIAN: Tödliche Schüsse im Reihenhaus
20171129             SPIONAGE—VORWURF, RICHTER—ERKLÄRT—UBER für unglaubwürdig
20171129             TIBETISCHE—BRAUNBÄREN mit denen in NORD—AMERIKA und EUROPA relativ eng verwandt sind.
20171129             TIBET—AUTOR—STEPHEN—BATCHELOR, der beide noch
20171129             The whole affair becomes more mysterious the more 1—LOOKS at it.
20171129             Vergleich nach KORRUPTION—VORWÜRFEN: SAUDI—ARABIEN—PRINZ wieder auf freiem FUß—OFFENBAR für—DOLLAR
20171129             Vorwurf der STEUER—FLUCHT: ERDOGAN droht OPPOSITIONS—CHEF—MIT Klage
20171129             —GESEHEN, Vögel werden —HEUTE als die Gruppe der RAUB—SAURIER, die die große KATASTROPHE überlebten und sich über fast 200.000.—000—JAHRE zur heutigen Vogelvielfalt weiterentwickelten.
20171129             [l] 1—MANN steht vor Gericht, weil er "für 1—KUNSTOBJEKT"2—PANZER aus UK importierte.
20171129             [l] Bitcoin Mining —NOW Consuming More Electricity Than 159—COUNTRIES Including IRELAND & Most Countries In AFRICA
20171129             arbeitete KELLY ohne Unterlass weiter.
20171129             —DEBATTE um Abschiebungen: DER—SYRIEN—KRIEG ist noch lange nicht vorbei
20171129             —REAKTIONÄRE—REVOLTE: Sie jammern über "Hexenjagd"—, holen zum Gegenschlag aus
20171129             —THREATENED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, new sanctions on NORTH—KOREA —AFTER its most powerful missile test yet and urged CHINA—LEADER "to use all available levers" to convince its wayward ally to "return to THE—PATH—OF—DENUCLEARIZATION".
20171129             —URGED, WASHINGTON, tough action at 1—EMERGENCY—MEETING—OF—THE—SECURITY—COUNCIL held —TODAY to respond to NORTH—KOREA—LAUNCH—OF—1—INTERCONTINENTAL ballistic missile (ICBM).
20171129             USA—AMBASSADOR—NIKKI HALEY—CALL for nations to "cut off all ties with NORTH—KOREA" was rejected by MOSCOW.
20171129             USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP —POSTED ANTI—ISLAM videos on Twitter that had originally been —POSTED—BY—1—LEADER—OF—1—FAR—RIGHT—UK—PARTY convicted —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH—OF abusing 1—MUSLIM woman.
20171129             —ADMITTED, NEW—YORK—CITY, TURKISH—IRAN—MOGUL Reza Zarrab (34), he bribed FORMER—TURKEY—ECONOMY—MINISTER—ZAFER—CAGLAYAN in order to facilitate illegal gold transactions with IRAN.
20171129             —IMPLIED, His testimony, that PRESIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN knew how he and defendant MEHMET—HAKAN—ATILLA, deputy CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF—TURKEY—LENDER—HALKBANK, circumvented sanctions on IRAN and laundered money from IRAN—PETROLEUM sales.
20171129             —SENTENCED, JOHN—EASTMAN—OF—CONNECTICUT, —50—JAHRE—ALT was, to —17—YEARS in prison for pretending to be 1—POP star and enticing young girls into performing sexual acts —DURING video chats.
20171129             —SENTENCED, Eastman was  also, to 1—LIFETIME—OF—PROBATION.
20171129             —FIRED, NBC, MATT—LAUER, THE—CO—HOST of the "—TODAY," program over allegations of inappropriate sexual behavior.
20171129             Lauer had  $25—MILLION —1—YEAR salary.
20171129             1—ARGENTINE court sentenced 48—FORMER—MILITARY—PERSONNEL to prison for involvement in SO—CALLED "death flights" and other crimes committed at 1—NOTORIOUS—TORTURE—CENTER—WHEN 1—JUNTA ruled the country (19760000—19830000    ).
20171129             UK—PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—MAY paid 1—SURPRISE—VISIT to BAGHDAD where she met her IRAQ—COUNTERPART HAIDER—AL—ABADI and praised the country's efforts to BATTLE—THE—ISLAMIC—STATE—GROUP.
20171129             —KILLED, CAMEROON, 2—POLICE—OFFICERS were, by militants seeking INDEPENDENCE for ENGLISH—SPEAKING regions in THE—TOWN—OF—OUT in THE—SOUTH—WEST—REGION.
20171129             —STEPPED, THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—CENTER—LEFT GOVERNMENT—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—BOHUSLAV—SOBOTKA, down, making way for billionaire Andrej Babis, who won 1—ELECTION—LAST—MONTH, to take power in time for 1—EU summit in December.
20171129             GREECE—POLICE used tear gas to hold back DOZENS—OF—PROTESTERS trying to disrupt foreclosed property auctions that resumed —AFTER 1—HIATUS of several months.
20171129             ICELAND, over 400—WOMEN—POLITICAL—LEADERS from —AROUND the world met for 1—ANNUAL—SUMMIT, sponsored by the Women Political Leaders Global Forum, aimed at promoting gender equality inside and outside of the political sphere.
20171129             —REPORTED, It was, that 66,000—PEOPLE out of IRAN—80—MILLION—PEOPLE have HIV, though about 30,000—OF—THEM have no idea they have the virus.
20171129             —CITED, The report, government statistics.
20171129             —LAUNCHED, ISRAEL, 1—NEW—SHUTTLE—SERVICE for Gazans who need to travel to THE—USA—CONSULATE in JERUSALEM — briefly easing 1—OF—THE—MANY—RESTRICTIONS it places on Palestinians who want to exit the blockaded territory.
20171129             —URGED, MYANMAR, FRANCIS—PAPA, religious leaders and ordinary faithful to help the country heal its old wounds, preaching 1—MESSAGE—OF—FORGIVENESS and tolerance as the country emerges from military dictatorship and seeks to make peace with its MANY—ETHNIC—MINORITIES—AFTER DECADES—OF—CONFLICT.
20171129             At THE—HAGUE appeals judges at THE—YUGOSLAVIA—WAR—CRIMES—TRIBUNAL upheld the convictions of 6—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—CROATS found GUILTY—OF—WAR—CRIMES and crimes against humanity —DURING the 1990s.
20171129             † AT—THE—HAGUE—SLOBODAN—PRALJAK, —72—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CONVICTED—BOSNIAN—CROAT war criminal, —AFTER drinking from 1—SMALL—BOTTLE in court.
20171129             Praljak drank from 1—BOTTLE shortly —AFTER judges at the tribunal upheld his sentence for involvement in 1—CAMPAIGN to drive Muslims out of 1—WOULD—BE—BOSNIAN—CROAT—MINI—STATE—IN—BOSNIA in the early 1990s.
20171129             1—TOXICOLOGICAL—TEST revealed potassium cyanide in PRALJAK—BLOOD.
20171129             1—NORWAY—TRAIN smashed into 1—HERD—OF reindeer in the country's ARCTIC region, killing 17—ANIMALS.
20171129             —REPORTED, It was, that GENERATIONS—OF—NATIVE—SAMI people living in remote NORTH—NORWAY have been VICTIMS—OF—RAPE and child sex abuse that has gone largely unreported and uninvestigated.
20171129             1—POLICE—REPORT covering the period 19530000—20170800    —FROM—TO documented at least 151—SEXUAL—ASSAULTS, including 43—RAPES, in THE—ARCTIC—MUNICIPALITY—OF—TYSFJORD, which has 1—POPULATION—OF—LESS than 2,000.
20171129             —OPENED, PAKISTAN, gunmen, fire at the main gate of 1—SHIITE mosque in ISLAMABAD killing 1—WORSHIPPER and wounding 3—OTHERS.
20171129             —PUBLISHED, KREMLIN—BACKED RT, 1—LETTER from the Executive COMMITTEE—OF—THE—CONGRESSIONAL—RADIO—AND—TELEVISION—CORRESPONDENTS—GALLERY saying the channel's Congressional press credentials had been withdrawn due to its registration as 1—FOREIGN—AGENT in THE—USA.
20171129             —ARRIVED, Inocente ORLANDO—MONTANO—MORALES, —76—JAHRE—ALT, in MADRID —FOLLOWING extradition from THE—USA to face charges that he helped plot 19890000             —THE massacre of 6—JESUIT priests and 2—OTHERS in EL—SALVADOR.
20171129             —BATTERED, SRI—LANKA, powerful winds and torrential rain, MUCH—OF—THE—ISLAND—LATE—TODAY, toppling trees and damaging buildings.
20171129             7—PEOPLE were killed with 5—OTHERS left missing.
20171129             † THAILAND, Surin Pitsuwan (68), FORMER—ASSOCIATION—OF—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—NATIONS SECRETARY—GENERAL (20080000—20120000    ), in BANGKOK—OF—1—HEART—ATTACK.
20171129             —STAGED, TURKEY—POLICE, 1—OPERATION to detained 360—PEOPLE, including 333—SOLDIERS, as PART—OF—1—PROBE into the Gulen network in the armed forces.
20171129             Human Rights Watch said VENEZUELA—STATE—SECURITY—FORCES systematically abused opposition protesters detained —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR—DURING—MONTHS—OF—DEADLY—POLITICAL—UNREST.
20171129             —SIGNED, VIETNAM, Uber Technologies INCORPORATED, 1—DEAL with MoMo, VIETNAM—LEADING financial technology firm, enabling Uber riders to pay for trips using MOMO—E—WALLETS in 1—COUNTRY where most transactions are done in cash.
20171129             —ERUPTED, YEMEN, clashes, —LATE—TODAY—NEAR the capital's Saleh mosque, killed 9—HUTHI rebels and 5—SUPPORTERS—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—ALI—ABDULLAH—SALEH.
20171129—20160600    —IN, 1—ISRAEL—COURT sentenced 3—PALESTINIANS to life in prison over 1—GUN—ATTACK that left 4—PEOPLE—DEAD at 1—POPULAR—TEL—AVIV nightspot.
20181129             1—ISRAEL—COURT extended the remand of ADNAN—GHEITH, THE—PALESTINE—GOVERNOR—OF—JERUSALEM, —FOR—3—DAYS—FOLLOWING his 20181125             arrest in connection with 1—INVESTIGATION related to 1—LAND—SALE.
20181129             "Aggregat" - Film —DER—WOCHE: Unsere gespaltene REPUBLIK
20181129             "KRIEG—GEGEN—DROGEN" auf den PHILIPPINEN: —17—JAHRE—ALTE erschossen - 3—POLIZISTEN verurteilt
20181129             ANGRIFF—AUF—TESLA: Volkswagen will neues Werk für Elektroautos IN—DEN—USA bauen
20181129             ANGST—VOR—SPIONAGE: USA—WARNEN—VOR—CHINAS Einfluss auf 5G—NETZ—ABER ich bin ja auch juristischer Laie.
20181129             Abschwächende Konjunktur: ÖL—PREIS fällt auf unter 50—DOLLAR
20181129             Auf Nachhaken sagen die Hersteller, sie hätten das Gerät ja kostenlos rausgerückt.
20181129             Bakterienkur gegen Pilze: BREMER Forscher wollen den Safran retten
20181129             Bestellung auf Rechnung: Wie Kunden beim Onlinekauf durchleuchtet werden
20181129             Betrug, sagt ihr?
20181129             CHINA—FORSCHER müssen GEN—MANIPULATIONEN an Babys beenden
20181129             DIE—ADAC—LUFTRETTUNG ist nach eigenen Angaben DIE—WELT—WEIT 1. Organisation ihrer Art, die den —EINSATZ—VON—BEMANNTEN Multikoptern im RETTUNGS—DIENST prüft.
20181129             DIE—BATTERIE entlädt sich zu schnell.
20181129             DIE—FIRMA Volocopter in Bruchsal bei KARLSRUHE (BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG) entwickelt senkrechtstartende elektrische Helikopter als Lufttaxi, die mit Pilot, FERNGE—STEUERT oder autonom fliegen können.
20181129             —BEKENNT, DONALD—TRUMP—EX—ANWALT—COHEN, sich schuldig, Kongress belogen zu haben
20181129             —GEKLÄRT, Damit ist dann wohl, wie teuer die MONSANTO—ÜBERNAHME wirklich ist.
20181129             Darum machen die Hersteller ja auch diese Deals, wo sie die Geräte kostenlos zur Verfügung stellen.
20181129             Der Hersteller habe dann geringere Kosten, als wenn er komplett in Haftung genommen würde, und die Kliniken hätten 1—GRÖßEREN—GEWINN.
20181129             Der Hersteller stellt ein kostenloses Austauschgerät zur Verfügung.
20181129             Der Produzent gebe die Ersatzgeräte kostenlos an die Kliniken, in der Hoffnung, daß diese "in aller Stille die Austauschoperation vornehmen" und voll abrechnen, sagt der Medizinrechtler.
20181129             Deutliche Mehrheit: BUNDESTAG unterstützt UNO—MIGRATIONSPAKT
20181129             Durch Drogen und Suizide: Lebenserwartung IN—DEN—USA sinkt
20181129             EU—GUTACHTEN: Fehler bei Verlängerung von AKW—LAUFZEITEN in BELGIEN
20181129             FRANKREICHs neues Energiekonzept: MACRON, der Atomlobbyist
20181129             Für mich riecht das eher nach organisierter Bandenkriminalität.
20181129             G20 in ARGENTINIEN: DONALD—TRUMP sagt TREFFEN—MIT—PUTIN ab
20181129             G20—GIPFEL—BUENOS—AIRES: Was MERKEL wegen der Panne verpasst
20181129             GELD—WÄSCHE—RAZZIA: Die Krankheit der DEUTSCHE—BANK
20181129             —GEFÄHRDET, HITZE—WELLEN: Wie DIE—ERD—ERWÄRMUNG unsere Gesundheit
20181129             Höhere Kaufkraft: TARIFVER—DIENSTE steigen stärker als DIE—INFLATION
20181129             Ihr geht in die Klinik, die setzen das ein, und stellen eurer Krankenkasse den kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellten Schrittmacher in Rechnung.
20181129             Insofern profitierten bei der gängigen Praxis sowohl Kliniken als auch Gerätehersteller, erklärt ANDREAS—SPICKHOFF.
20181129             JEMEN—KRIEG: USA billigen milliardenschweren Raketenverkauf an SAUDI—ARABIEN
20181129             Ja, könnte man.
20181129             Kampagne "Snake": Neue HACKER—ATTACKE—AUF—POLITIKER, BUNDESWEHR und Botschaften
20181129             Kollision in NORWEGEN: Crew der Fregatte verwechselte Tanker mit Ölterminal
20181129             MEDIEN—BERICHT—USA und CHINA erzielen offenbar Einigung im HANDELS—STREIT
20181129             MEDIZIN—FORSCHUNG—FORSCHER züchten Plazenta im Labor
20181129             Missglücktes PARKMANÖVER—IN—NEW—YORK: DONALD—TRUMP—PRIVAT—JET leicht angedellt
20181129             Mutmaßliche WAHL—KAMPF—MANIPULATION: Demokrat warnt DONALD—TRUMP vor Begnadigung MANAFORTs
20181129             Na weil die Krankenhäuser den Kassen nicht sagen, daß das 1—AUSTAUSCHGERÄT war.
20181129             —NOVEMBER: Arbeitslosenquote fällt ERNEUT—AUF 4,8 %
20181129             Panne am Airbus: ANGELA—MERKEL muss auf Weg zum G20—GIPFEL zwischenlanden
20181129             RUSSLAND—AFFÄRE: So VIELE—LÜGEN
20181129             SALVINI—DEKRET: ITALIEN verschärft seine Einwanderungsgesetze drastisch
20181129             Sehe ich auch so.
20181129             Spickhoff redet von einem "verkorksten SYSTEM".
20181129             UM—FRAGE zur Arbeitszeit: Die große Sehnsucht: mehr Freizeit (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 18:05)
20181129             Und die Krankenhäuser sagen, die Hersteller hätten ja die Kassen informieren können, und überhaupt, das ist ja deren Verkacken, und eigentlich könnte man ja die gesamten OP—KOSTEN auch direkt den Herstellern in Rechnung stellen.
20181129             Verbesserte Beziehungen: TÜRKEI hofft auf mehr DEUTSCHE—WAFFEN—LIEFERUNGEN
20181129             Vorbild FRANKREICH: Wagenknecht wünscht sich stärkere PROTESTE—GEGEN—DIE—REGIERUNG
20181129             WELTWETTER—ORGANISATION: Nur —3—JAHRE waren jemals heißer als 2018
20181129             WHO—BERICHT, ZAHL—DER—MASERN—FÄLLE alarmierend HOCH—WARUM tut da keiner was?
20181129             Was weiß ich —SCHON.
20181129             Zölle auf Autos: DONALD—TRUMP droht CHINA
20181129             [l] Bayer will 12.000—MITARBEITERN kündigen.
20181129             [l] Stellt euch mal vor, ihr bräuchtet 1—HERZSCHRITTMACHER.
20181129             Äußerungen von USA—NOTEN—BANK—CHEF: DAX im PLUS—ANLEGER hoffen auf Ende DER—USA—ZINS—ERHÖHUNGEN
20181129             —ENTSCHEIDUNG der Unesco: Reggae ist WELT—KULTUR—ERBE
20181129             —ESKALATION vor der KRIM: MERKEL mahnt RUSSLAND und UKRAINE zur Ruhe
20181129             —NACH, 1—WEILE veröffentlicht der Hersteller 1—RÜCKRUF.
20181129             —NACH, ZEHNJAHRES—HOCH: Inflation geht —IM, ;;1100;;leicht zurück
20181129             —STREIT—UM—KRIEGSHANDLUNG: SYRIEN will ISRAELISCHEN—JET abgeschossen HABEN—ISRAEL dementiert
20181129             —UKRAINE—KRISE—MERKELS Vermächtnis steht auf dem Spiel
20181129             —HEADED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, to ARGENTINA for 1—FRACTIOUS—WEEKEND—OF—G20 summitry boasting that his trade war with CHINA had injected billions into THE—USA—ECONOMY.
20181129             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION has granted nearly 3,000 requests that could exempt CHINESE—MADE metal products from tariffs enacted in March.
20181129             † ARIZONA, USA—MARSHALL—RYAN—WHITE, —41—JAHRE—ALT was shot and killed —WHILE serving 1—WARRANT in TUCSON.
20181129             —ARRESTED, RYAN—SCHLESINGER, —26—JAHRE—ALT was, —AFTER an hours long standoff.
20181129             SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, 1—ATTEMPT to smuggle immigrants into the country illegally ended with 3—PEOPLE—DEAD and 8—SERIOUSLY injured in Campo, S—DIEGO—COUNTY.
20181129             —REPORTED, It was, that PUERTO—RICO—LARGEST—PUBLIC—UNIVERSITY has paid THE—USA—GOVERNMENT $1.7—MILLION as PART—OF—1—SETTLEMENT—AFTER the institution was accused of misusing grant money.
20181129             —PROTESTED, HUNDREDS—OF—BULGARIA—COAL miners and energy workers, to demand government guarantees that their jobs will be preserved amid bids by THE—EUROPEAN—UNION to close mines and tackle climate change.
20181129             150,000 jobs were reportedly at risk.
20181129             BURKINA—FASO, several 1000—PEOPLE took THE—STREETS—OF—OUAGADOUGOU as workers downed tools in 1—NATIONWIDE strike over higher fuel prices.
20181129             —ANNOUNCED, CANADA, targeted sanctions against 17—SAUDI—ARABIA—NATIONALS it said were linked to THE—MURDER—OF—JOURNALIST—JAMAL—KHASHOGGI in ISTANBUL —LAST—MONTH.
20181129             Top leaders from CHAD, NIGERIA, NIGER and CAMEROON held talks in N'DJAMENA (CHAD) to discuss the recent ESCALATION—OF—ATTACKS by Boko Haram jihadists in the Lake CHAD area.
20181129             —ORDERED, CHINA—GOVERNMENT, 1—HALT to work by 1—MEDICAL—TEAM that claimed to have helped make the world's 1. GENE—EDITED babies, as 1—GROUP—OF—LEADING scientists declared that it's still too soon to try to make permanent changes to DNA that can be inherited by future generations.
20181129             —ASSEMBLED, CHINA said it has, 1—STANDBY force of THOUSANDS—OF—UNITED—NATIONS peacekeepers, furthering its leading role in the global body's efforts to tamp down conflicts worldwide.
20181129             —REPORTED, It was, that CHINA has called upon all electric vehicle manufacturers in CHINA to report the precise location of their customer's cars to THE—CHINA—GOVERNMENT.
20181129             —ARRIVED, GABON—PRESIDENT—ALI—BONGO, —59—JAHRE—ALT, in MOROCCO to convalesce —AFTER —1—MONTH—TREATMENT at 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—HOSPITAL for 1—ILLNESS that has not been officially revealed.
20181129             GERMANY, some 170—POLICE—OFFICERS, investigators and prosecutors raided THE—OFFICES—OF—DEUTSCHE—BANK on the suspicion bank employees helped clients set up offshore companies in tax havens to launder HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—EUROS.
20181129             HUNDREDS—OF—SCHOOLCHILDREN took part in rival protests in GREECE over the country's name deal with MACEDONIA aimed at ending a —3—DECADE—DISPUTE but which has sparked controversy.
20181129             —ARRESTED, INDIA—POLICE said they have, nearly 2—DOZEN—PEOPLE on suspicion of defrauding people —AROUND the world by sending fake POP—UP messages warning them that their computers were infected with 1—VIRUS and offering to fix the problem at 1—PRICE.
20181129             —ARRESTED, Those, over the last —2—DAYS posed as representatives of Microsoft and other companies and used their logos.
20181129             —BEACHED, Up to 90—PILOT whales, themselves at Hanson Bay on the Chatham ISLANDS—OF—NEW—ZEALAND.
20181129             51 † by THE—NEXT—DAY, less than —1—WEEK—AFTER 145—PILOT whales and 9—PIGMY whales perished in 2—OTHER—STRANDINGS.
20181129             —ELECTED, PAKISTAN—RECENTLY, PRIME—MINISTER—IMRAN—KHAN said his government will introduce 1—NEW—LAW that will reward whistleblowers who help authorities identify corrupt politicians, bureaucrats and private citizens who stash money in PAKISTAN and in foreign banks.
20181129             —KILLED, KIAN—LOYD delos SANTOS (17) was, —DURING 1—RAID in Caloocan city's slums in THE—MANILA metropolis —LAST—YEAR.
20181129             —SENTENCED, The court, officers Arnel Oares, JEREMIAS—PEREDA and Jerwin Cruz, to be imprisoned for up to —40—YEARS without parole, although they can appeal.
20181129             —APPROVED, PORTUGAL—PARLIAMENT, in the final READING the minority Socialist government's 20190000             budget bill that aims to nearly eliminate the deficit in 1—ELECTION—YEAR, further reducing PORTUGAL—DEBT—BURDEN, still 1—OF—EUROPE—HEAVIEST.
20181129             —ANNOUNCED, PRIME—MINISTER—ANTONIO—COSTA, that his fiscal consolidation policies will allow the early repayment of the remaining PART—OF—BAILOUT—LOANS provided by THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND by THE—END—OF—THIS —YEAR.
20181129             Police in RUSSIA—4.—LARGEST CITY—OF—YEKATERINBURG seized children's paintings over what they consider to be depictions of gay love.
20181129             1—HIGH—SCHOOL drawing competition on THE—SUBJECT—OF—TOLERANCE had featured several drawings which depicted SAME—SEX—COUPLES.
20181129             SOUTH—KOREA—TOP—COURT—ORDERED—JAPAN—COMPANY—MITSUBISHI Heavy Industries to financially compensate 10—KOREANS for forced labor —DURING TOKYO's 19100000—19450000     colonial RULE—OF—THE—KOREAN—PENINSULA, in the 2. such ruling in —1—MONTH that again drew quick, vehement protests from JAPAN.
20181129             SOUTH—KOREA sent about 50—TONS—OF—INSECTICIDE to NORTH—KOREA to help stop 1—PINE tree disease from spreading.
20181129             —JOINED, SPAIN, THOUSANDS—OF—CATALAN civil servants, strikes and ongoing protests by students and health workers to demand more funding and better working conditions.
20181129             —PENNED, SRI—LANKA, 2—MULTI—MILLION—DOLLAR—CONTRACTS with CHINA—FIRMS for 1—PORT upgrade project in the middle of 1—POLITICAL hiatus that has raised doubts over THE—LEGITIMACY—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT and THE—LEGALITY—OF—THE—DEALS.
20181129             —DOCUMENTED, THE—SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said it has, 16,065 persons who were killed in government detention centers.
20181129             1—INVESTIGATION by THE—UN—OFFICE—OF—INTERNAL—OVERSIGHT—SERVICES (OIOS) of its WIDELY—PRAISED refugee program in UGANDA said it has found corruption costing MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS and misconduct.
20181129             —ACCUSED, UKRAINE—PRESIDENT—PETRO—POROSHENKO, RUSSIA—VLADIMIR—PUTIN of wanting to annex his entire country and called for NATO to deploy warships to 1—SEA shared by THE—2—NATIONS.
20181129             UKRAINE—BORDER—GUARDS said all NON—UKRAINIANS will be barred from crossing into THE—RUSSIA—OCCUPIED Crimean peninsula by land —AFTER martial law went into effect.
20181129             UKRAINE—INFRASTRUCTURE—MINISTER, Volodymyr Omelyan, said 2—UKRAINE—AZOV Sea ports, BERDYANSK and Mariupol, are effectively under blockade by RUSSIA as vessels are being barred from leaving and entering.
20181129             —MARCHED, ZIMBABWE, Several 1000—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATORS, through THE—CAPITAL—HARARE, closely watched by armed police in the 1. rally —SINCE 1—DEADLY—CRACKDOWN on 1—ELECTION—PROTEST—IN—AUGUST.
20181129—20070000    —SINCE, BRAZIL, RIO—DE—JANEIRO—GOVERNOR—LUIZ—FERNANDO—PEZAO was arrested for allegedly taking about $10—MILLION in bribes, adding to 1—STRING—OF—CORRUPTION—ARRESTS—OF—SENIOR—POLITICAL—FIGURES.
20181129—20160000    —IN—THE, 1—HONDURAS—COURT found 7—PEOPLE GUILTY—OF—PARTICIPATING MURDER—OF—INDIGENOUS and environmental rights activist Berta Caceres, —WHILE acquitting 1—SUSPECT in 1—CASE that has drawn INTERNATIONAL attention.
20181129—20181202    —DEFEATED, Grigol Vashadze, GEORGIA's, opposition candidate for the presidency, said he did not recognize the victory of his ruling party rival and called for peaceful protests.
20181129—20181228    —DETAINED, THE—SYRIA—NATIONAL—COALITION said that Leila Shuweikani, 1—SYRIAN—USA—WOMAN, —2—YEARS, ago † shortly —AFTER being detained and that she was tortured.
20181201             Doctors Without Borders said a "dramatic increase" in sexual violence occurred in SOUTH—SUDAN over —10—DAYS, 20181119—20181129    —BETWEEN, as 125—WOMEN and girls walked to 1—FOOD—DISTRIBUTION—SITE in Bentiu in Unity state.
20181213—20181129    —ON, The woman had put the pair into contact with the camel driver who took them to the site illegally at night for 4,000 EGYPT—POUNDS ($225, 200—EUROS).
20191129             —ANNOUNCED, IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—ADEL—ABDUL—MAHDI, his resignation —FOLLOWING 20191127             —THE firebombing of THE—IRAN—CONSULATE in Najaf and WEEKS—OF—ANTIGOVERNMENT—PROTESTS that have left hundreds dead.
20191129             "Aufgrund der unzureichenden und lückenhaften technischen Dokumentation kann jedoch zum jetzigen ZEIT—PUNKT 1—FLUGBETRIEB durch die Frauen und Männer der Marine nicht verantwortet werden".
20191129             "DIE—MENSCHHEIT ist bedroht, Asteroiden könnten auf die Erde treffen.
20191129             "DIE—TALIBAN wollen einen Deal machen.
20191129             "Fridays for Future"-Aktionstag: Politik ist keine Fernsehsportart
20191129             "Fridays for Future": Klimastreik statt Kommerz (Leben und Lernen, 20:42)
20191129             "Ich glaube, daß sie —JETZT einen Waffenstillstand wollen", sagte TRUMP.
20191129             —114—JAHRE und —140—TAGE: Ältester Mensch der USA gestorben
20191129             2,54 Milliarden fließen in Projekte zur Erdbeobachtung, die auch ein besseres Verständnis des Klimawandels ermöglichen.
20191129             ANALYSE—VON—SELBSTPORTRÄTS Der doppelte REMBRANDT
20191129             ANALYSE—VON—SELBSTPORTRÄTS: Der doppelte REMBRANDT (Wissenschaft, 18:35)
20191129             ATOM—KRAFT: RUSSISCHE—AKTIVISTEN protestieren gegen Urantransporte aus DEUTSCHLAND
20191129             AUSCHWITZ—ÜBERLEBENDE Esther BEJArano: "Was kann gemeinnütziger sein als Antifaschismus?"
20191129             Adham AMIN—HASSOUN, —NOW in his late 50s, has spent nearly the entire WAR—ON—TERRORISM in cages.
20191129             Ain't gonna hold my breath waiting on the news media to apologize for their ratfuckery that brought us here.
20191129             —REGISTRIERT, BKA, Dutzende Fälle: Angriffe gegen Immobilienfirmen werden härter (Wirtschaft, 16:05)
20191129             BRITISCHER—PREMIER—BORIS—JOHNSON weiß nicht, was 1—WURST im Blätterteig kostet
20191129             Bundestagsbeschluss: STAAT—FÖRDERT—ZEITUNGSZUSTELLUNG mit 40—MILLIONEN—EURO (Kultur, 16:04)
20191129             But Hassoun was never ACCUSED—OF—ANY—ACT or PLOT—OF—VIOLENCE.
20191129             DAS—WEIßE—HAUS setzte EINIGE—TWEETS—VON—TRUMP—SONST so aktiven Twitteraccount AB—STUNDENLANGE Funkstille wäre verräterisch gewesen.
20191129             DA—VINCI und REMBRANDT schielten NICHT—SIE hatten wohl ein dominantes Auge
20191129             DIE—MEISTEN Telefonanbieter haben sich darauf geeinigt, daß RCS die SMS beerben wird.
20191129             DIE—ZUSTÄNDIGE ASSET—MANAGERIN lebt noch, hat TRUMP—MACHTERGREIFUNG von der VIP—TRIBÜNE aus beobachten dürfen, und wird wohl demnächst vor dem Congress aussagen.
20191129             DONALD—TRUMP bei Truppen in AFGHANISTAN: "DIE—TALIBAN wollen einen Deal"
20191129             DONALD—TRUMP in AFGHANISTAN: "DIE—TALIBAN wollen einen Deal"
20191129             Der Konzern hat den Standard teilweise —SCHON fest in ANDROID—GERÄTEN verankert.
20191129             E. coli bacteria engineered to eat CARBON—DIOXIDE
20191129             Es gehe unter anderem um Wettbewerbsfähigkeit, Arbeitsplätze, UMWELT—SCHUTZ, Souveränität und nicht zuletzt auch um die Sicherheit auf der Erde, sagte Ungarns AUßEN—MINISTER—PÉTER—SZIJJÁRTÓ.
20191129             Es ist eine Rekordsumme.
20191129             Esa beschließt Projekt zur ASTEROIDEN—ABWEHR
20191129             Fall Epstein: Mutmaßliches Opfer bekräftigt Vorwürfe gegen PRINZ—ANDREW (Panorama, 16:14)
20191129             1., they gave the bacterium genes that encode 1—PAIR of enzymes that allow photosynthetic organisms to convert CO2 into organic carbon.
20191129             —VERWEIGERT, Frauen den Handschlag : Entlassener SOLDAT zieht vors Verfassungsgericht
20191129             Funde in Supermärkten: 100—KILOGRAMM Kokain unter Bananen versteckt
20191129             GESELLSCHAFT—FÜR—DEUTSCHE—SPRACHE: "Respektrente" ist das Wort des —JAHRES 2019
20191129             Gegenkandidat gesteht Niederlage ein: Konservativer LUIS—LACALLE—POU wird neuer —PRÄSIDENT—URUGUAYS
20191129             Gewässer in ÄTHIOPIEN: Die lebensfeindlichsten Seen der Welt (Wissenschaft, 06:49)
20191129             Glaubt mal gar nicht, daß nicht auch die entsprechenden Paragraphen in DEUTSCHLAND Anwendung finden werden, wenn da nur eine moralfreie Regierung hart genug mit dem Rücken zur Wand steht.
20191129             GROSSBRITANNIEN: MESSER—ANGRIFF in LONDON—BRÜCKE im Stadtzentrum abgeriegelt
20191129             Grüner LANDWIRTSCHAFTS—MINISTER—ALBRECHT über Bauernproteste: "Wir brauchen eine krasse Kehrtwende"
20191129             Hassoun wrote all but 1—OF—THOSE checks —BEFORE 20010911             .Unschuldig?
20191129             Ich bin gerade HIN—UND hergerissen, ob ich mich freuen soll, weil das unsere KLIMA—KATASTROPHE abwehren könnte, oder ob ich mir Sorgen vor einem SCIFI—DYSTOPIE—SZENARIO machen soll, wo wir die Bakterien nicht mehr gestoppt kriegen.
20191129             SEVILLA, wurde deutlich, daß Raumfahrt vor dem Hintergrund ZUNEHMENDER—INTERNATIONALER Konkurrenz aus dem privaten Sektor wie SpaceX nicht nur 1—PRESTIGETHEMA ist.
20191129             Industrielles Ausmaß: Riesiges DROGEN—LABOR in OSTWESTFALEN—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT erhebt Anklage
20191129             Innere MONGOLEI: CHINA bestätigt 4. Pestfall
20191129             —SUSPENDIERT, KREIS—PADERBORN—POLIZIST in NRW wegen "Reichsbürger"-Verdacht
20191129             Klitzekleines DETAILRAND—PROBLEM dabei:
20191129             Kohle: OST—LÄNDER drohen mit Ausstieg vom Ausstieg
20191129             MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN: Polizist nach Munitionsfund festgenommen
20191129             Mehrere Verletzte, 3—TOTE: POLIZEI stuft MESSER—ANGRIFF in LONDON als Terror ein
20191129             Ministerpräsidenten Söder und Kretschmann: Zusammenhalt predigen, egoistisch handeln
20191129             Mobilfunkvereinigung GSM Association (GSMA), die WELT—WEIT für den Standard verantwortlich ist.
20191129             Mordfall CARUANA—GALIZIA: EX—STABSCHEF—VON—MALTA
20191129             Mögliche OPFER—VON—ATTACKEN sind grundsätzlich ALLE—NUTZER mit modernen Smartphones, die sich in einem Netz bewegen, das RCS beherrscht.
20191129             NIEDERLANDE: Mehrere Verletzte bei MESSER—ANGRIFF in Den Haag
20191129             Niedrigster Stand —SEIT Wiedervereinigung: ARBEITS—LOSIGKEIT sinkt auf 2,18—MILLIONEN
20191129             PHARMA—SKANDAL, Conterganstiftung will 58—OPFERN lebenslange Entschädigung streichen (Panorama, 17:01)
20191129             RCS: SMS—NACHFOLGER wird zum SICHERHEITSrisiko
20191129             —VERBIETET, REVOLUTION—IN—KARTHUM—SUDAN stärkt Frauenrechte und, BASCHIR—PARTEI
20191129             Rekordbudget für ESA—PROJEKTE: "Wir wollen nicht wegen eines Meteoriten aussterben"
20191129             SCHWARZE Kasse für Wahlkämpfe: Neue Spendenaffäre in der AfD
20191129             —GELUNGEN, SRLabs zufolge ist es den Hackern, bei Mobilfunkanbietern sogenannte RCS—KONFIGURATIONSDATEIEN abzugreifen, die eigentlich nur für den Besitzer der jeweiligen SIM—KARTE bestimmt sind.
20191129             Schlamperei von Mobilfunkfirmen: SMS—NACHFOLGER wird zum SICHERHEITSrisiko
20191129             Schüsse auf Rockerboss: Wegen JUSTIZPANNE—LEBENSLANGE FREIHEITS—STRAFE aufgehoben (Panorama, 19:51)
20191129             Selbst RCS—INHALTE verschicken müssen DIE—NUTZER dafür nicht.
20191129             Sie haben 1—GESETZ durchgedrückt, daß Frauenärzte zu "ABTREIBUNGS—MÖRDERN" erklärt, wenn sie bei einer Eileiterschwangerschaft nicht die Zygote danach in der Gebärmutter einpflanzen.
20191129             Statt einer Augenfehlstellung hatten DA—VINCI und REMBRANDT demnach vermutlich ein dominantes Auge, schreiben AHMED—SHAKARCHI und DAVID—GUYTON vom JOHNs Hopkins UNIVERSITY—HOSPITAL in BALTIMORE im Fachjournal "JAMA Ophthalmology".
20191129             TRUMP—REISE zur größten USA—MILITÄR—BASIS in AFGHANISTAN fand aus SICHERHEITSgründen unter strengster Geheimhaltung statt.
20191129             TV—DUELL empört Konservative: Sender ersetzt BORIS—JOHNSON durch schmelzende Eisskulptur
20191129             THE—CO2—EATING, or autotrophic, E.
20191129             The achievement is 1—MILESTONE, say scientists, because it drastically alters the inner workings of 1—OF—BIOLOGY—MOST popular model organisms.
20191129             The tattoo of 1—SHOULDER—TO—SHOULDER—NAZI eagle above 1—SWASTIKA spanning the back of Francesca Rizzi leaves little to the imagination about her political ideology.
20191129             Trotz SYRIENoffensive: RÜSTUNGS—EXPORTE in die TÜRKEI gehen weiter
20191129             Tyler vermutete, daß DA—VINCI aufgrund seiner Augenfehlstellung besonders gut dreidimensional zeichnen und malen konnte.
20191129             —KRITISIERT, UMWELT—AKTIVIST, Wasserkraftwerke: "Naturzerstörung wird uns als KLIMA—SCHUTZ verkauft"
20191129             UMWELT—SCHUTZ, Bundesrat stoppt wichtige TEILE—DES—KLIMA—PAKETS
20191129             Unschuldig? Keine Beweise? Kein Problem in den heutigen Zeiten, wo man jemanden einfach als "Gefährder" bezeichnet und wegsperrt!
20191129             Von TRUMP—JUNTA gegen einen Palästinenser.
20191129             WELT—WEIT GROß—DEMOS für KLIMA—SCHUTZ, "Als ob die Feuerwehr nur 'Es brennt' schreit, statt zu löschen" (Leben und Lernen, 10:13)
20191129             We'd be —17—YEARS along by —NOW on reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
20191129             Wer sein dominantes Auge mit dem dominanten Auge im Spiegel betrachte, nehme die Reflexion als exakt gerade wahr, während das nicht dominante Auge als nach außen gerichtet erscheine.
20191129             What gave it away, officer?
20191129             Who am I kidding, republicans would have fought him EVERY—STEP—OF—THE—WAY and NANCY—PELOSI would have stabbed him in the back.
20191129             Wir haben uns für DIE—MISSION Hera eingesetzt, um Asteroiden bekämpfen zu können", sagte Jarzombek.
20191129             Wirtschaftsschwäche in DEUTSCHLAND: Warnung vor der Entwarnung
20191129             Women with ectopic pregnancies are at risk for catastrophic hemorrhage and death in the setting of 1—ECTOPIC pregnancy, and treating the ectopic pregnancy can certainly save 1—MOM—LIFE," said Zahn.
20191129             Währung: DEUTSCHER—HANDELS—VERBAND fordert digitalen Euro
20191129             Zudem steht vor allem Google als treibende Kraft hinter RCS.
20191129             [l] Der DEUTSCHE—BANK—MANAGER, der DONALD—TRUMP—KREDITE gegenzeichnete, ist erselbstmordet worden.
20191129             [l] Die Republikaner in OHIO haben einen neuen TIEF—PUNKT erreicht.
20191129             [l] Fnord des Tages: In ITALIEN ist Nazis erkennen noch vergleichsweise einfach.
20191129             [l] Forscher aus ISRAEL haben E.COLI—BAKTERIEN gefrankensteint, die sich statt von Zucker von dem CO2 aus der Luft ernähren.
20191129             [l] Lacher des Tages: Die Bundeswehr lässt die neuen Kampfhubschrauber der Marine nicht fliegen.
20191129             [l] [l] Aus der beliebten Reihe "faschistische Gesetze werden eines Tages von Faschisten benutzt, um faschistische Dinge zu tun",
20191129             das MOND—PROGRAMM "Artemis" der USA—RAUMFAHRT—AGENTUR Nasa.
20191129             in the future, CO2-eating E. coli could be used to make organic carbon molecules that could be used as biofuels or to produce food.
20191129             the power of melding engineering and evolution to improve natural processes,
20191129             westliche TALIBAN—GEISELN
20191129             ÄTHIOPIEN: Forscher identifizieren sterilen Ort auf der Erde
20191129             —HEUTE, : Der "Unschuldige für immer wegsperren"-Paragraph des Patriot Act ist —JETZT erstmalig angewendet worden.
20191129             —KLIMAINITIATIVE: Massive Attack will CO2-Bilanz der MUSIK—INDUSTRIE vermessen (Wissenschaft, 19:19)
20191129             —KLIMA—RESOLUTION im EU—PARLAMENT: Grüne Kernspaltung
20191129             —NACH, NATO—KRITIK: ERDOGAN attestiert Macron "Hirntod" - PARIS bestellt TÜRKISCHEN—BOTSCHAFTER ein
20191129             —NACH, wochenlangen Unruhen: IRAKISCHER—PREMIER Mahdi kündigt Rücktritt an
20191129             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS—MISTER—MIKE : 0647—PM
20191129             —PROTEST—AKTION in der ARKTIS: "Polarstern"-Forscher gehen für KLIMA—SCHUTZ aufs Eis
20191129             —SEIT, ;;07;; vergangenen —JAHRES hatten DIE—USA mit den Taliban verhandelt, um den Weg für einen Abzug der USA—TRUPPEN und letztlich für den Frieden in dem Land zu bereiten.
20191129             —TAGUNG, Auf der, MINISTERRATS—KONFERENZ "Space19+" im SPANISCHEN—SEVILLA beschlossen die 22—MITGLIEDS—LÄNDER der Europäischen Weltraumorganisation Esa 1—UNERWARTET hohe Anhebung des Budgets für die kommenden —JAHRE auf 14.400.000.000—EURO.
20191129             —VOR, NATO—GIPFEL—LONDON: ANGELA—MERKEL und DONALD—TRUMP vereinbaren Treffen (Politik, 12:26)
20191129             "It is not possible to move 1—ECTOPIC pregnancy from 1—FALLOPIAN tube, or anywhere else it might have implanted, to the uterus," he said.
20191129             "Reimplantation is not physiologically possible.
20191129             "There is no procedure TO—REIMPLANT 1—ECTOPIC pregnancy," said DOCTOR—CHRIS—ZAHN, VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—PRACTICE—ACTIVITIES at THE—USA—COLLEGE—OF—OBSTETRICIANS and Gynaecologists.
20191129             ARIZONA, 1—VEHICLE was swept away —WHILE attempting to cross 1—RUNOFF—SWOLLEN creek in the Tonto National Forest.
20191129             6—PEOPLE were rescued and 3—CHILDREN were missing.
20191129             Authorities soon found the bodies of 2—YOUNG—CHILDREN.
20191129             A 3. child remained missing.
20191129             —SLAMMED, Snow and rain, ARIZONA as 1—BLIZZARD bore down on the Midwest.
20191129             —BURIED, Flagstaff was, under 9—INCHES—OF—SNOW.
20191129             2—PEOPLE were killed in 1—TERRORIST—ATTACK in the heart of LONDON.
20191129             3—OTHERS were injured in the stabbing incident in THE—LONDON—BRIDGE—AREA.
20191129             —IDENTIFIED, The attacker, soon, as convicted terrorist USMAN—KHAN, —28—JAHRE—ALT, was restrained —UNTIL police arrived.
20191129             —LOOKED, —AFTER he flashed what, like 1—SUICIDE vest police shot him dead.
20191129             —SUSPECTED, EAST—CONGO, DRC, Islamist fighters killed 14—PEOPLE in the village of Kukutama, NORTH—KIVU state.
20191129             —TRANSFERRED, GABON, the spokesman for PRESIDENT—ALI—BONGO was, to the capital's main prison, 1—OF 8—PEOPLE held in custody under 1—NEW—ANTI—CORRUPTION—DRIVE.
20191129             —CLOSED, IRAN—AUTHORITIES in TEHRAN, down all kindergartens, schools and universities because of high LEVELS—OF—AIR—POLLUTION.
20191129             4—PROTESTERS were killed amid ongoing violence in BAGHDAD and SOUTH—IRAQ, hours —AFTER ADEL—ABDUL—MAHDI announced his intention to resign.
20191129             ISRAEL—TROOPS shot dead PALESTINE—TEEN Fahed AL—ASTAL, —16—JAHRE—ALT near THE—GAZA—ISRAEL frontier and PALESTINE—MILITANTS fired 1—ROCKET into SOUTH—ISRAEL in the —EVENING, apparently in response to the fatal shooting.
20191129             † Earlier —TODAY 1—ISLAMIC—JIHAD militant, of wounds he sustained —DURING the fighting, becoming the 20. gunman to have been killed in THE—ROUND—OF—VIOLENCE.
20191129             † 15—NON—COMBATANTS also, in the fighting.
20191129             —BLOCKED, LEBANON, angry motorists, roads with their vehicles in BEIRUT and other PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY, creating traffic jams to protest 1—STRIKE by OWNERS—OF—GAS—STATIONS demanding 1—INCREASE in gasoline prices as the local currency drops and the nation slides deeper into 1—FINANCIAL—CRISIS.
20191129             —TURNED, MALTA—GOVERNMENT, down 1—REQUEST by 1—PROMINENT—BUSINESSMAN for immunity from prosecution in connection with 20170000             —THE—KILLING—OF—INVESTIGATIVE reporter Daphne Caruana Galizia.
20191129             —ARRESTED, Yorgen Fenech was, —JUST over —1—WEEK—AGO as he tried to leave the Mediterranean ISLAND aboard his luxury yacht and is considered to be 1—PERSON—OF—INTEREST in the investigation.
20191129             —STABBED, In THE—NETHERLANDS 3—TEENS were, on 1—STREET in THE—HAGUE that was crowded with Black —FRIDAY shoppers.
20191129             2—GIRLS, —15—JAHRE—ALT and 1—BOY, —13—JAHRE—ALT, were treated in 1—HOSPITAL and released.
20191129             PERU, Keiko Fujimore, a 2—TIME—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE, left prison —AFTER a —13—MONTH stay for alleged corruption in the Odebrecht scandal.
20191129             Students took to the streets in 8—CITIES across PORTUGAL to call for action on climate change, but SWEDEN—ACTIVIST—GRETA Thunberg was unable to join them because she was held up by bad weather in MID—ATLANTIC.
20191129             —JOINED, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE in ASIA and EUROPE, rallies demanding more action on climate change, aiming to force political leaders to come up with urgent solutions at 1—UNITED—NATIONS conference —NEXT—WEEK.
20191129             —ORDERED, SINGAPORE—GOVERNMENT said that it has, Facebook to publish 1—CORRECTION on 1—USER—SOCIAL—MEDIA—POST under 1—NEW "fake news" law, raising fresh questions about how the company will adhere to government requests to regulate content.
20191129             1—CORRECTION—NOTICE was soon embedded at the bottom of the original post without ANY—ALTERATIONS to the text.
20191129             —ANNOUNCED, SUDAN—TRANSITIONAL government, that it overturned 1—MORAL policing law that criminalized revealing clothing for women and drinking alcohol and moved to dissolve the country's former ruling party, fulfilling 2—MAJOR—DEMANDS from the country's PRO—DEMOCRACY—PROTESTERS.
20191129             —ISSUED, No arrest warrant was.
20191129—19820000    —IN, 1—COURT—IN—SURINAME convicted PRESIDENT—DESI—BOUTERSE—OF—MURDER for the execution of 15—OPPONENTS —FOLLOWING 1—COUP to seize power, sentencing the man who has dominated THE—FORMER—HOLLAND—COLONY—RECENT—HISTORY to —20—YEARS in prison.
20191129—20020600    —IN, 1. picked up on 1—IMMIGRATION—VIOLATION he ended up standing trial alongside ONCE—SUSPECTED "dirty bomber" JOSE—PADILLA.
20191129—20191127    —PUBLISHED, The work is, in Cell1.
20191129—20191213    —ON, searchers recovered THE—BODY—OF—1—MISSING —6—YEAR—OLD girl at 1—LAKE—NORTH—EAST—OF—PHOENIX.
20191130—20191129    —KILLED, THE—USA—MILITARY—COMMAND—LATER said 3—TALIBAN fighters had been, by 1—DRONE—STRIKE in Khost province.
20201129             —SONNTAG, 20201129
20201129             Mehr als 40—GRAD: Frühe Hitzewelle im Osten Australiens
20201129             Einspruch gegen Briefwahlstimmen: Oberstes Gericht von PENNSYLVANIA weist weitere Klage des TRUMP—TEAMS zurück
20201129             Tokio 20200000             : Verlegung der Olympischen Spiele kostet 1,6 Milliarden Euro
20201129             HERZOGIN—MEGHAN und die Royals: Mauern des Schweigens
20201129             Kulturgeschichte des Adventskalenders: Wie der Advent zum Event wurde
20201129             Als Lang seine Adventskalender druckte, war die Gesellschaft in manchen Dingen noch klar gespalten: Es gab Kinder.
20201129             Und es gab Erwachsene. Es gab Dinge, die waren für Kinder.
20201129             Und andere Dinge, die waren für Erwachsene.
20201129             Dann geschah etwas, das in der Soziologie —SEIT einigen —JAHREN unter dem Schlagwort der "Infantilisierung der Gesellschaft" intensiv diskutiert wird:
20201129             Die Grenzen lösten sich auf.
20201129             Der Theoretiker NEIL—POSTMAN beispielsweise glaubte, das ENDE—DER—KINDHEIT beobachten zu können, weil sich durch die Massenmedien die Sphären von Kindern und Erwachsenen ineinander verschoben.
20201129             Und Erwachsene begeisterten sich plötzlich für Hello Kitty und Viva, für ALL—AGE—ROMANE und Malbücher.
20201129             Das Ganze war, na klar, 1—IDEE—DER—KONSUMGESELLSCHAFT,
20201129             Aus dieser Perspektive ist es ein kluger Schachzug, Kindern auch Dinge zu verkaufen, die ursprünglich nur für Erwachsene waren.
20201129             —GEDACHT, Und Erwachsenen Dinge, die einmal für Kinder, waren.
20201129             Die Infantilisierung traf auf eine andere Entwicklung, die in der Soziologie ebenfalls ihr festes Schlagwort hat.
20201129             Die Eventisierung benötigt Rituale, Traditionen und Produkte.
20201129             In ihr vereinen sich puristische Christen
20201129             Verschwörungstheorien der QANON—SEKTIERER: Der KINDERMORD—MYTHOS
20201129             Umfrage: Jedes 3. Kind meidet Schultoilette
20201129             —GETÖTET, GROSSBRITANNIEN: Tausende Truthähne müssen wegen Vogelgrippe, werden
20201129             Schwere Unwetter: 3—MENSCHEN sterben bei Überschwemmungen auf Sardinien
20201129             Bundestagsbeschluss: Große Koalition muss BERATER—ARMEE reduzieren
20201129             "1—FEUERKUGEL hat 1—LEUCHTDAUER von vielleicht —5—SEKUNDEN, selten sind es mehr".
20201129             Mitunter scheine sie am Ende ihrer Bahn zu zerplatzen oder die Farbe zu ändern.
20201129             Umwelt und Menschenrechte: Schweizer entscheiden sich knapp gegen mehr Verantwortung für Konzerne
20201129             Richtungsstreit beim Bundesparteitag: AfD zerlegt sich selbst 1—VIDEO—VON—ANN—KATRIN—MÜLLER und ANDREAS—EVELT
20201129             Vorwürfe der Staatsanwaltschaft: Maradonas Leibarzt wird der fahrlässigen Tötung beschuldigt
20201129             Sat 20201128
20201129             [l] Infrastrukturapokalypse, Fachbereich Krankenhausdomino: Die 1. 4—BERLINER Krankenhäuser sind voll.
20201129             4—BERLINER Kliniken haben —NUN gemeldet, dass ihre Intensivstationen komplett ausgelastet sind.
20201129             Auch die übrigen, nicht für CORONA—PATIENTEN vorgesehenen Intensivbereiche seien —DERZEIT voll belegt.
20201129             [l] Dänemarks ZOMBIE—NERZE drohen das Grundwasser zu verseuchen.
20201129             Man würde denken, dass man das vor dem Verbuddeln prüft, ob die Stelle geeignet ist oder nicht.
20201129             —JETZT denkt die Regierung drüber nach, die wieder auzugraben.
20201129             Sun 20201129
20201129             [l] Ich bekam gerade 1—RUNDSCHREIBEN—DES—BERLINER—BÜRGERMEISTERS an ALLE—BÜRGER.
20201129             Money Quote: Ich kann Ihnen nichts versprechen.
20201129             Was machen Sie noch gleich beruflich?
20201129             Wer trägt hier eigentlich die Verantwortung?
20201129             Sie ja wohl offensichtlich nicht.
20201129             (Das Schreiben ist auch online verfügbar)
20201129             Im Übrigen, unter uns: Wenn Sie mich für —DEN—NOVEMBER auf Eigenverantwortung einschwören wollen, dann sollte das —IM—OKTOBER in meinem Briefkasten sein.
20201129             [l] Unerwartete COVID—INDIKATOREN: Kundenzufriedenheit mit parfümierten Kerzen.
20201129             There are angry ladies all over Yankee CANDLE—SITE reporting that none of the candles they —JUST got had ANY—SMELL at all.
20201129             Da guckst du doch direkt mal auf die Statistik und kannst einen klaren Trend sehen.
20201129             BILL—GRUESKIN @BGrueskin - 20—STD.
20201129             GEORGIA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE and his wife have become the target of vile, even sexualized, death threats.
20201129             —SUPPORTED, Asked about those threats, THE—GOP lawmakers who once, Raffensperger won't comment —NOW.
20201129             "I'll take 1—PASS," said 1. - Via @1PatriciaMurphy
20201129             Ich finde ja nicht wichtig, ob das —JETZT Propaganda ist oder nicht, sondern wieso die Frage überhaupt diskutiert wird.
20201129             Who cares wo das herkam? Wir haben es —JETZT an der Backe!
20201129             —CLAIMED, The official PEOPLE—DAILY—NEWSPAPER, in 1—FACEBOOK post —LAST—WEEK that "all available evidence suggests that THE—CORONA€"VIRUS did not start in CENTRAL—CHINA—WUHAN".
20201129             Reports of Covid circulating in ITALY in —AUTUMN 20190000             , based on samples from 1—CANCER—UNIT, seem "weak",
20201129             "The serological data [from ITALY] can most likely be explained by CROSS—REACTIVE antibodies directed against other coronaviruses".
20201129             In other words, antibodies found in the cases in ITALY had been triggered in individuals who had been infected by different coronaviruses, not those responsible for COVID—19.
20201129             "CHINA is still struggling to deal with the fact that it is held responsible for the "original sin" of the outbreak, which undercuts virtually EVERY—EFFORT to salvage its image,"
20201129             said ANDREW—SMALL, 1—CHINA—SCHOLAR and senior fellow with THE—GERMANY—MARSHALL—FUND, 1—USA thinktank.
20201129             COVID—19: PORTUGAL terá "níveis muito baixos" de novos casos se mantiver restrições
20201129             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—672—(+9)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—496—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—170—(+9)
20201129             ALCOUTIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—23—(=)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—18—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—2—(=)
20201129             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—18—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—13—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—4—(=)
20201129             CASTRO—MARIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—52—(+1)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—47—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—5—(+1)
20201129             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—712—(+10)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—431—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—279—(+10)
20201129             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—226—(+2)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—86—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—138—(+2)
20201129             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—494—(+13)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—386—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—108—(+13)
20201129             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—791—(+9)—ÓBITOS—12—(=)—RECUPERADOS—500—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—279—(+9)
20201129             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—35—(+2)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—18—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—17—(+2)
20201129             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—289—(+11)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—192—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—96—(+11)
20201129             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—816—(+16)—ÓBITOS—8—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—565—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—243—(+13)
20201129             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—285—(+5)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—188—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—96—(=)
20201129             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—288—(+4)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—227—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—58—(+4)
20201129             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—228—(+4)—ÓBITOS—5—(=)—RECUPERADOS—196—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—27—(+4)
20201129             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—77—(+2)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—45—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—31—(=)
20201129             272_DGS_boletim_20201129
20201129             Aktualisierung 202011290000         —UHR
20201129             BERLIN—NEUKÖLLN—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—8.774—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—2.732,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—227,6—TODESFÄLLE—88—EINWOHNERZAHL—321.123
20201129             BUNDESLAND BERLIN Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 177,79
20201129             DAHME—SPREEWALD—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.023—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—599,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—0,0—TODESFÄLLE—10—EINWOHNERZAHL—170.791
20201129             DÜREN—KREIS—FÄLLE—4.736—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.789,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—188,9—TODESFÄLLE—82—EINWOHNERZAHL—264.638
20201129             EUSKIRCHEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—2.354—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.215,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—132,7—TODESFÄLLE—39—EINWOHNERZAHL—193.656
20201129             GOSLAR—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—654—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—479,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—22,0—TODESFÄLLE—27—EINWOHNERZAHL—136.292
20201129             HILDBURGHAUSEN—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.126—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.781,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—579,1—TODESFÄLLE—11—EINWOHNERZAHL—63.197
20201129             KÖLN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—18.865—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.734,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—125,7—TODESFÄLLE—234—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.087.863
20201129             NORDFRIESLAND—KREIS—FÄLLE—671—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—404,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—17,5—TODESFÄLLE—4—EINWOHNERZAHL—165.951
20201129             OSTHOLSTEIN—KREIS—FÄLLE—596—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—297,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—22,4—TODESFÄLLE—3—EINWOHNERZAHL—200.539
20201129             PASSAU—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—1.139—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—2.157,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—537,8—TODESFÄLLE—21—EINWOHNERZAHL—52.803
20201129             PLÖN—KREIS—FÄLLE—324—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—251,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—19,4—TODESFÄLLE—8—EINWOHNERZAHL—128.686
20201129             RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS—KREIS—FÄLLE—6.289—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.336,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—142,2—TODESFÄLLE—109—EINWOHNERZAHL—470.615
20201129             RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER—KREIS—KREIS—FÄLLE—3.370—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.189,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—122,5—TODESFÄLLE—29—EINWOHNERZAHL—283.271
20201129             SCHLESWIG—FLENSBURG—KREIS—FÄLLE—520—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—258,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—10,9—TODESFÄLLE—7—EINWOHNERZAHL—201.156
20201129             GLOBAL—CASES—62.448.117—GLOBAL—DEATHS—1.456.009
20201129             ISRAELISCHER—GEHEIMDIENSTMINISTER: Wer nuklear aufrüstet "ist des Todes"
20201129             "Ein kompletter Betrug": Trump gibt 1. TV—INTERVIEW —SEIT der Niederlage
20201129             Kreditkartenumsätze, Bewegungsprofile, Restaurantbesuche: Welche Daten CORONA—APPS weltweit sammeln
20201129             "Es muss Schluss sein mit dem Ausrufen ständig neuer Maßnahmen, auf die sich die Ministerpräsidenten ALLE—PAAR—WOCHEN nur mühsam verständigen können".
20201129             Erforderlich sei vielmehr ein vom BUNDESTAG beschlossenes "festes Regelwerk für ganz DEUTSCHLAND".
20201129             Die CORONA—WARN—APP stößt einer Umfrage zufolge bei einer MEHRHEIT—DER—DEUTSCHEN auf Skepsis.
20201129             51—PROZENT halten die App nicht für ein geeignetes Mittel zur Eindämmung der Pandemie, wie die Erhebung des Meinungsforschungsinstituts Kantar im Auftrag der Funke Mediengruppe ergibt.
20201129             49—PROZENT werten das Instrument dagegen als sinnvoll.
20201129             90—PROZENT betrachten das Tragen einer MUND—NASEN—BEDECKUNG in Geschäften, öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln und an belebten Orten als hilfreich.
20201129             85—PROZENT befürworten den Verzicht auf nicht notwendige Kontakte sowie auf berufliche und private Reisen.
20201129             Schwerpunkt —IN—DIESEM—JAHR—DER—PANDEMIE ist der Jury zufolge die Sprachwahl rund um das CORONA€"VIRUS.
20201129             "Zu CORONA haben wir JEDE—MENGE", sagte Janich.
20201129             Vorschläge sind "Alarmismus", "Systemling", "CORONA—DIKTATUR", "Wirrologen" oder "Covidioten".
20201129             Die meisten Vorschläge bislang seien aber mit 88—FÜR "systemrelevant" im Zusammenhang mit empfundener mangelnder Wertschätzung bei Begrenzungen des Lockdowns eingegangen.
20201129             Insgesamt habe GROSSBRITANNIEN —NUN Zugriff auf 357—MILLIONEN Dosen von 7—VERSCHIEDENEN IMPFSTOFF—ENTWICKLERN.
20201129             14.611—FÄLLE — CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN unter Vorwochenniveau
20201129             —GEBRACHT, SINGAPUR, hat 1—FRAU—1—KIND mit Antikörpern zur Welt.
20201129             —GEBOREN, Das Baby sei —IM—NOVEMBER ohne COVID—19, worden und trage Antikörper gegen das Virus in sich,
20201129             —INFIZIERT, Sie sei selbst —IM—MÄRZ, gewesen, als sie schwanger war, habe aber nur schwache Krankheitssymptome gezeigt.
20201129             Der Fall gebe neue Hinweise auf eine mögliche Übertragung des Virus von der Mutter auf ihr Kind,
20201129             Bundesjustizministerin CHRISTINE—LAMBRECHT (SPD) hält staatliche Entschädigungszahlungen für die Wirtschaft —BIS zum ENDE—DER—PANDEMIE für rechtlich geboten.
20201129             Solange es die "gravierenden Einschränkungen" gebe, "muss es aus meiner Sicht auch Hilfen geben",
20201129             Allerdings seien die finanziellen Möglichkeiten des Bundes nicht grenzenlos:
20201129             Hessens Ministerpräsident Volker Bouffier (CDU) hat Zweifel daran geäußert, ob das von Bundeskanzlerin ANGELA—MERKEL (CDU) ausgegebene Ziel bei der Senkung der Infektionszahlen erreichbar ist.
20201129             "Es wird nicht einfach sein, das Infektionsgeschehen auf das Niveau von 50—INFEKTIONEN pro 100.000—EINWOHNER zu senken",
20201129             Die TSCHECHISCHE—REGIERUNG lockert die Beschränkungen des öffentlichen Lebens, da die tägliche ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN zurückgeht.
20201129             Von —DONNERSTAG an dürften Restaurants und Geschäfte, die keine Dinge des täglichen Bedarfs anbieten, wieder öffnen,
20201129             Bei Protesten gegen Gesetze und Maßnahmen in der Coronakrise ist es zu Festnahmen gekommen.
20201129             LONDON, hat die Polizei mehr als 150—MENSCHEN unter anderem wegen Missachtung der geltenden CORONA—REGELN festgenommen.
20201129             Demonstrationen gehören nicht zu den erlaubten Ausnahmen.
20201129             Im BELGISCHEN—LÜTTICH haben hunderte Menschen trotz Versammlungsverbots gegen die nächtliche Ausgangssperre demonstriert.
20201129             Der BRITISCHE—AUSSENMINISTER DOMINIC—RAAB sieht die Gefahr einer 3. Welle.
20201129             Dieses Risiko bestehe, sollte es in den kommenden —WOCHEN nicht gelingen, das notwendige Maß an Beschränkungen zu finden,
20201129             "Wir werden —NACH—DEM 20201207             mit weiteren massiven Einschränkungen leben müssen"
20201129             "Jedem muss bewusst sein, dass wir noch —WOCHEN und —MONATE mit gewissen Einschränkungen leben müssen".
20201129             CDU—CHEFIN Annegret KRAMP—KARRENBAUER betont, dass weitere Schließungen von Branchen stark vom Verhalten der Bevölkerung in DEUTSCHLAND abhängen.
20201129             Dieses Geld fehle dann für Zukunftsausgaben.
20201129             Deshalb müssten die Zahlen an Neuinfektionen sinken — —SCHON mit Blick auf die Generationengerechtigkeit.
20201129             Die Schutzmaßnahmen in der Pandemie haben nach einer Analyse der AOK NORD—OST—IM—HERBST andere Infektionskrankheiten stark ausgebremst.
20201129             Für die Kasse gilt das als Beleg, dass sich VIELE—MENSCHEN in BERLIN, BRANDENBURG und MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN an die Regeln im TEIL—LOCKDOWN halten.
20201129             bei Grippe oder Bronchitis zeigen sich in der Statistik Effekte, die für die Kasse nicht allein mit Zufällen zusammenhängen können.
20201129             waren von Ende —SEPTEMBER—BIS—MITTE—NOVEMBER im Vergleich zu den Vorjahreszeiträumen 50—PROZENT weniger AOK—VERSICHERTE im Nordosten wegen Grippe krankgeschrieben,
20201129             Allerdings haben sich wahrscheinlich auch mehr Menschen gegen Influenza impfen lassen.
20201129             Alltagsmasken, häufiges Hände waschen und Distanzgebote halten augenscheinlich aber auch andere Infektionskrankheiten häufiger in Schach als früher:
20201129             sanken die Krankschreibungen wegen MAGEN—DARM—INFEKTEN und Lungenentzündungen nach AOK—ANGABEN um ein gutes Drittel.
20201129             Bei akuter Bronchitis gingen sie sogar um mehr als die Hälfte zurück.
20201129             FRANZÖSISCHES—GERICHT kippt Obergrenze von 30—GLÄUBIGEN bei Messen
20201129             Nach Auffassung des Staatsrats in PARIS ist die —BISHER geltende Regelung nicht verhältnismäßig, wie die katholische Kirche Frankreichs mitteilte.
20201129             —VERKÜNDET, PRÄSIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON hatte die Lockerungen in einer Fernsehansprache, — darunter auch, dass Messen wieder mit maximal 30—GLÄUBIGEN stattfinden können.
20201129             Die FRANZÖSISCHE—BISCHOFSKONFERENZ hatte sich daraufhin an die Justiz gewandt.
20201129             NIEDERLÄNDISCHE—GESCHÄFTE schließen früher
20201129             Damit sollen Menschen, die nichts von ihrer Infektion wissen, gefunden und Infektionsketten unterbrochen werden.
20201129             —GESUNKEN, Die Infektionen sind zuletzt, aber immer noch deutlich höher als in DEUTSCHLAND.
20201129             Pro 100.000—EINWOHNER lag die —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ zuletzt bei rund 350, in DEUTSCHLAND bei 136.
20201129             Politiker von Linken, FDP und Grünen haben die Sicherheitsbehörden davor gewarnt, die Gefährlichkeit der "Querdenken"-Bewegung zu unterschätzen.
20201129             Der Verfassungsschutz habe in den vergangenen —6—MONATEN "deren Gewaltpotenzial gefährlich ignoriert",
20201129             sagte die LINKEN—INNENEXPERTIN Martina Renner der Nachrichtenagentur AFP.
20201129             Sie kritisierte zugleich die Debatte über eine mögliche Beobachtung der Bewegung durch den Verfassungsschutz:
20201129             "Auf die Expertise des Verfassungsschutzes können wir als Linke gerne verzichten".
20201129             Eine effektive Zurückweisung "vormoderner, antisemitischer und rechter Welterklärung" könne "nur erfolgreich sein, wenn sie zivilgesellschaftlich getragen wird", sagte Renner.
20201129             Der Ruf —NACH—DEN Institutionen wie dem Verfassungsschutz werde "die autoritäre Rechtsentwicklung nicht aufhalten", warnte sie.
20201129             FDP—FRAKTIONSVIZE STEPHAN—THOMAE rief die Sicherheitsbehörden zu Wachsamkeit gegenüber den Querdenkern auf.
20201129             "—SCHON zu oft wurden derartige Bewegungen in ihren Anfängen unterschätzt", sagte der Innenexperte.
20201129             "Dass die Querdenker auf den 1. Blick sich nicht eindeutig als verfassungsfeindlich oder gar extremistisch einordnen lassen, darf nicht darüber hinwegtäuschen, dass sie eine auffällige Distanzlosigkeit zur rechten Szene praktizieren".
20201129             Über 1—BEOBACHTUNG müssten aber die Verfassungsschutzbehörden selbst entscheiden.
20201129             GRÜNEN—FRAKTIONSVIZE Konstantin von Notz bezeichnete es als "gut, dass die Sicherheitsbehörden diese Bewegung verstärkt in den Blick nehmen und die von ihr ausgehende Gefahr für die FREIHEITLICH—DEMOKRATISCHE Grundordnung nicht unterschätzen".
20201129             Die Bewertung, ob die "Querdenker" als Ganzes oder einzelne Protagonisten zum Beobachtungsobjekt gemacht werden, obliege jedoch "nicht der Politik, sondern allein den Sicherheitsbehörden".
20201129             New Yorks Schulen dürfen wieder öffnen — trotz steigender Zahlen
20201129             —VERLIERT, USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTSWAHL: Trump, nach Neuauszählung in WISCONSIN noch höher
20201129             Designierter USA—PRÄSIDENT: Biden verletzt sich beim Spielen mit seinem Hund
20201129             Machtwechsel in den USA: Republikaner drängt Trump, bei der Amtsübergabe dabei zu sein
20201129             Der renommierte USA—IMMUNOLOGE ANTHONY—FAUCI rechnet mit einer weiteren Zuspitzung der CORONA—PANDEMIE in den USA.
20201129             Wegen der Feiertage und mehr Reisen sei mit einer weiteren Zunahme der Neuinfektionen zu rechnen,
20201129             —SONNTAG, 20201129             20201129             Mehr als 40—GRAD: Frühe Hitzewelle im Osten Australiens
20201129             HERZOGIN—MEGHAN und die Royals: Mauern des Schweigens - Und es gab Erwachsene.
20201129             Es gab Dinge, die waren für Kinder.
20201129             ganz LOGISCH—UND in der Tat hat der moderne Adventskalender eine veritable Gegnerschaft.
20201129             Rätselhafte Erscheinung: Feuerkugel am Himmel über DEUTSCHLAND
20201129             Protest gegen Lukaschenko: Demonstranten in BELARUS ändern Taktik
20201129             Sat 20201128             20201129             [l] Infrastrukturapokalypse, Fachbereich Krankenhausdomino: Die 1. 4—BERLINER Krankenhäuser sind voll.
20201129             Sun 20201129             20201129             [l] Ich bekam gerade 1—RUNDSCHREIBEN—DES—BERLINER—BÜRGERMEISTERS an ALLE—BÜRGER.
20201129             Alles klar, Herr BÜRGERMEISTER.
20201129             Aktualisierung 202011290000         —UHR
20201129             RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS—KREIS?FÄLLE—6.289—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.336,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—142,2—TODESFÄLLE—109—EINWOHNERZAHL—470.615
20201129             RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER—KREIS—KREIS?FÄLLE—3.370—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.189,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—122,5—TODESFÄLLE—29—EINWOHNERZAHL—283.271
20201129             Protest gegen Polizeigewalt: Empörung in FRANKREICH nach schwerer Verletzung eines Fotografen
20201129             Rund 153.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN und rund 1200—WEITERE Tote in USA
20201129             BERLIN wieder unter selbst gesetztem Warnwert für Intensivbetten
20201129             1—IDEE—DER—GESELLSCHAFT, die ja im Wesentlichen pausenlos damit beschäftigt ist, Menschen, die —SCHON zu viel besitzen, noch mehr Dinge zu verkaufen.
20201129             Die INFANTILISIERUNG—TRAF—AUF eine andere
20201129             ENTWICKLUNG—EVENTISIERUNG — den Drang, JEDES—LEBENSEREIGNIS zu einem Event zu machen.
20201129             Und SO—SCHEINT es
20201129             puristische CHRISTEN—INFLATION in DEUTSCHLAND: Teure Häuser, billiges Geld
20201129             [l] Kurze Durchsage von CHINA: COVID—19—KOMMT gar nicht aus CHINA!
20201129             DGS reporta mais 1—ÓBITO e 49—NOVOS casos de COVID—19—NO Algarve
20201129             COVID—19: Há mais 84—CASOS de COVID—19—E 2—MORTES no Alentejo
20201129             BUNDESLAND—BAYERN—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 174,24
20201129             BUNDESLAND—BRANDENBURG—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 93,70
20201129             BUNDESLAND—NIEDERSACHSEN—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 83,85
20201129             BUNDESLAND—NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 146,01
20201129             BUNDESLAND—SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 47,25
20201129             BUNDESLAND—THÜRINGEN—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 136,54
20201129             Die BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG hat sich nach eigenen Angaben weitere 2—MILLIONEN Dosen des IMPFSTOFF—KANDIDATEN—DES—USA—PHARMAKONZERNS—MODERNA gesichert.
20201129             Das Baby sei —IM—NOVEMBER ohne COVID—19—GEBOREN worden und trage Antikörper gegen das Virus in sich,
20201129             Allen müsse klar sein, dass der STAAT—IM—NOTFALL weiter sehr viel Geld einsetzen müsse, um finanzielle Hilfen für Unternehmen zu leisten,
20201129—20201129    —AM, Nicht.
20201129—20201204    —AM, Die freiwilligen Massentests beginnen in WIEN, —2—TAGE—SPÄTER als ursprünglich geplant.
20201129—20201207    —NACH, Auch massive Einschränkungen in ÖSTERREICH
20211129             —MONTAG, 20211129
20211129             Russlands Kampf gegen Journalismus: "Der STAAT will Angst verbreiten"
20211129             Virologe Drosten zur OMIKRON—VARIANTE: "Keiner kann im Moment sagen, was da auf uns zukommt"
20211129             Zahlen des RKI: —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ in DEUTSCHLAND erreicht Wert von 452,4
20211129             Satellitenbild —DER—WOCHE: Der FEINSTAUB—MONAT
20211129             —VERHANDLUNGEN über neuen Atomdeal: USA—REGIERUNG droht IRAN
20211129             —BIS zu 30—ZENTIMETER Neuschnee: Hunderte Franzosen stecken stundenlang auf Autobahn fest
20211129             Energieversorger zocken ab: Wenn Ihr Gas plötzlich 296—PROZENT mehr kostet
20211129             sich
20211129             —ISOLIERT, Die Betroffenen seien, worden,
20211129             "Wir werden die Einreise von Ausländern aus der ganzen Welt ab dem 20211130             untersagen",
20211129             Die Grenzen Japans waren —SEIT Pandemiebeginn fast vollständig für Besucher aus dem Ausland geschlossen.
20211129             —KRITISIERT, Die Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina, das Ausbleiben neuer CORONA—SCHUTZMAßNAHMEN der Regierung.
20211129             Man habe kein Verständnis für das Zögern der Politik
20211129             "Wir brauchen sofort Kontaktbeschränkungen", sagte Gärtner.
20211129             Zudem müsse mehr geimpft werden.
20211129             Für die sogenannte Herdenimmunität müssten weit über 85—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG geimpft sein.
20211129             —DERZEIT seien —ERST knapp 70—PROZENT—DER—DEUTSCHEN vor dem Virus geschützt.
20211129             SINGAPUR und MALAYSIA haben nach fast —2—JAHREN die CORONA—REISEBESCHRÄNKUNGEN an ihrer gemeinsamen Landgrenze gelockert.
20211129             —SEIT—MONTAG dürfen unter anderem geimpfte Staatsbürger beider Länder wieder über Grenze, ohne sich danach in Quarantäne begeben zu müssen.
20211129             Die Grenze zwischen beiden Staaten gilt als 1—DER—VERKEHRSREICHSTEN—LANDGRENZEN—DER—WELT.
20211129             —GELOCKERT, Auch Beschränkungen im Luftverkehr wurden.
20211129             —ZUNÄCHST können täglich etwa 3000—MENSCHEN mit speziellen Bussen reisen und müssen sich einem CORONA—TEST unterziehen.
20211129             SINGAPUR kam bislang glimpflich in der Pandemie davon, MALAYSIA hatte zuletzt wegen der DELTA—VARIANTE mit einer schweren Welle zu kämpfen.
20211129             Esken kündigt baldige Einsetzung des Krisenstabs an
20211129             Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO stuft das von der neuen OMIKRON—VARIANTE ausgehende weltweite Risiko als insgesamt "sehr hoch" ein.
20211129             Die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer weiteren globalen Ausbreitung sei groß.
20211129             Es sei mit steigenden COVID—19—FALLZAHLEN zu rechnen,
20211129             CHINA sieht sich als "Festung" gegen Omikron
20211129             Der 0—CORONA—ANSATZ des Landes sei zwar im Westen auf viel Kritik gestoßen.
20211129             Doch die neue "Angriffswelle" von Omikron zeige, dass CHINA am besten dafür gerüstet sei, 1—VERBREITUNG—DES—VIRUS zu verhindern.
20211129             Die CHINESISCHE—REGIERUNG verfolgt eine strikte Strategie, mit der CORONA—INFEKTIONEN möglichst komplett unterbunden werden sollen.
20211129             Mit Ausgangssperren, Massentests, Kontaktverfolgung, Quarantäne und strengen Einreisebeschränkungen hat das Land das Virus weitgehend im Griff.
20211129             —GEFÜHRT, Bislang hat das rigorose Vorgehen tatsächlich stets dazu, dass die meist kleinen Ausbrüche nach wenigen —WOCHEN wieder unter Kontrolle gebracht werden konnten.
20211129             tatsächlich stets
20211129             Streit über CORONA—IMPFSTOFFPATENTE: Pflegekräfte aus aller Welt werfen EU Menschenrechtsverletzungen vor
20211129             Ärmere Länder fordern, die Patente für Coronaimpfstoffe auszusetzen, doch die EU blockiert.
20211129             Gut —2—JAHRE nach Ausbruch des CORONA€"VIRUS im CHINESISCHEN—WUHAN ist die Pandemie in vielen Ländern der Welt immer noch nicht unter Kontrolle.
20211129             Ihr Vorwurf: Die Regierungen schaffen eine "IMPFSTOFF—APARTHEID" und verhindern durch ihre BLOCKADE—DES—TRIPS—ABKOMMENS, dass Impfstoffe für die ganze Welt zugänglich gemacht werden.
20211129             Das komme einer Menschenrechtsverletzung gleich.
20211129             Das TRIPS—ABKOMMEN schützt geistiges Eigentum und damit bislang auch die Patente für Impfstoffe gegen das CORONA€"VIRUS.
20211129             Hinter der Beschwerde steht der Verbund "Global Nurses United",
20211129             der mehr als 2,5 Millionen Pflegekräfte aus insgesamt 28—LÄNDERN vereint.
20211129             Ihren Vorwurf richten die Pflegerinnen und Pfleger an die Mitgliedstaaten der EU, außerdem an GROSSBRITANNIEN—NORWEGEN, die SCHWEIZ und SINGAPUR.
20211129             Es ist Einzelpersonen wie Organisationen möglich, Beschwerden gegen Menschenrechtsverletzungen bei den Vereinten Nationen anzuzeigen.
20211129             1—BESCHWERDE muss auf nachprüfbaren Fakten beruhen, schwerwiegender Art sein und auf eine systematische Verletzung der Menschenrechte hindeuten.
20211129             "Diese Länder haben unsere Rechte und die Rechte unserer Patienten verletzt",
20211129             heißt es in der Beschwerdeschrift über die EU—STAATEN — "und den Verlust ungezählter Leben verursacht".
20211129             So hätten durch CORONA allein mehr als 115.000—MENSCHEN in der Gesundheitsbranche ihr Leben verloren.
20211129             Mehr als 100—REGIERUNGEN unterstützten die Idee mittlerweile, darunter die USA und FRANKREICH.
20211129             Merkel gegen PATENT—FREIGABE
20211129             37.286, -8.554 - Forderung von Telekom und Vodafone: Google, Facebook und Netflix sollen sich an Netzausbau beteiligen
20211129             Krawalle in der Südsee: FIDSCHI—INSELN entsenden Sicherheitskräfte auf die SALOMONEN
20211129             HONGKONG: Disney+ zeigt CHINA—KRITISCHE "Simpsons"-Folge nicht
20211129             Streit über Zitate: Kohls Witwe erhält keine MILLIONEN—ENTSCHÄDIGUNG
20211129             Preisspirale: EZB—DIREKTORIN Schnabel erwartet schnelle Trendwende bei der Inflation
20211129             Nach Blitzrücktritt: Andersson erneut zur SCHWEDISCHEN—REGIERUNGSCHEFIN gewählt
20211129             Energieversorgung: Brauchen wir Atomstrom für unsere Elektroautos?
20211129             Mon 20211129
20211129             Na gucken wir doch mal:
20211129             Die künftige Bundesbildungsministerin STARK—WATZINGER hält Schulschließungen zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt für nicht angebracht.
20211129             DEUTSCHLAND will noch warten, —BIS auch bei uns die Lage völlig außer Kontrolle ist.
20211129             Die Kommentare waren natürlich in die Richtung: Ist sie doch —SCHON!?
20211129             OK, also die Schulen sind weiter Ground 0—FÜR Regierungsversagen.
20211129             wie ist es denn mit den Unis?
20211129             Dafür kam hier 1—LESERBRIEF—VON—DER—UNI—HEIDELBERG rein.
20211129             Falls du noch ein kleines WTF aushältst:
20211129             Brief der Ministerin für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG an die staatlichen Hochschulen des Landes.
20211129             Inhalt ist, im Wesentlichen: Wir machen hier Präsenz.
20211129             —BESTIMMT, Professoren und Studenten sind ja, alle geimpft.
20211129             Wir erklären hiermit daher Präsenzpflicht für ALLE—PROFESSOREN.
20211129             Zitat: Es ist nicht Sache des einzelnen Hochschulmitglieds, sondern vielmehr des Verordnungsgebers und der Hochschulleitung, in einer verantwortungsvollen Gefährdungsbeurteilung und Güterabwägung zu entscheiden, was an Präsenz zu verantworten ist und welche SCHUTZ—UND Kontrollmaßnahmen hierfür erforderlich sind.
20211129             Also nicht, dass ne einheitliche Haltung nicht —SCHON irgendwo nützlich wäre.
20211129             Problem ist halt, da kommt komplett nichts und alles duckt sich weg... Wir haben —JETZT, für die Uni scheinbar völlig überraschend und unvorstellbar, die vorher sporadisch, zentral durchgeführten Kontrollen als Dozenten durchzuführen.
20211129             —NÄCHSTE—WOCHE wird spannend.
20211129             [l] Der COVID—KRISENSTAB soll von einem Bundeswehrgeneral geleitet werden.
20211129             Gute Wahl.
20211129             Niemand hat so viel Krisenerfahrung wie die Bundeswehr.
20211129             Und endlich können die Schwurbler ihr Geschwurbel auf Militärdiktatur upgraden.
20211129             Einmal schön Aktivität geheuchelt, alle bedient, nichts erreicht!
20211129             Genau so hab ich mir das vorgestellt mit der Ampel.
20211129             [l] Weil hier immer wieder hartnäckig Leute aufschlagen, die wissen wollen, wie ich auf der einen Seite gegen COMPUTER—ANTIVIREN sein kann aber dann auf der anderen Seite pro Impfung, das sei ja auch bloß ein biologischer Antivirus, erklär ich das hier nochmal ausführlich.
20211129             OK, liebe Leser, passt mal auf.
20211129             COMPUTER—ANTIVIREN richten sich gegen denkende Gegner mit Intention.
20211129             Das ist eine ganz andere Klasse von Bedrohung als eine natürliche Bedrohung.
20211129             Ein denkender Gegner mit Intention kann deine Abwehr beobachten und studieren und dann 1—UMGEHUNG ersinnen.
20211129             Er kann dabei Umweltbedingungen herbeiführen, die nicht natürlich auftreten würden, z.B".
20211129             Platte voll", "RAM belegt", "CPU beschäftigt",
20211129             kann so dafür sorgen, dass der Callback in deinem Antivirus zu spät oder gar nicht kommt oder 1—RACE—CONDITION ausgenutzt wird.
20211129             In der Natur haben wir es zwar auch mit Evolution zu tun, aber die ist ohne Intention.
20211129             Die Natur kann grausam wirken, aber sie spielt nichtmal in derselben Liga wie ein menschlicher Gegner.
20211129             Das auch nur zu vergleichen zeigt von einem völlig disqualifizierenden Unverständnis von Risikobewertungen.
20211129             Ein menschlicher Gegner kann widrige Effekte der Natur einspannen.
20211129             Das COVID—VIRUS kann keinen Covidioten erzeugen, um unsere COVID—ANTWORT zu sabotieren.
20211129             Das mussten wir —SCHON ganz von alleine selber tun.
20211129             Neue Angriffe von natürlichen Gegnern sind entweder berechenbar (und damit eigentlich trivial abwehrbar, wenn wir nicht so inkompetent agieren würden) oder haben randomisierte Mutationen (die eigentlich auch trivial abwehrbar sein sollten).
20211129             Menschliche Angreifer haben das beides und zusätzlich noch gezielte Angriffe, Täuschung und Sabotage.
20211129             Einen menschlichen Angreifer kannst du im Wesentlichen nicht sicher abwehren, du kannst seinen Angriff nur so teuer machen, dass er sich nicht lohnt.
20211129             Aber gegen Fanatiker und Terroristen hilft das nicht zuverlässig.
20211129             Fragt nur mal ISRAELISCHE—BUSFAHRER oder russische oder AMERIKANISCHE—SOLDATEN, die mal in AFGHANISTAN stationiert waren.
20211129             Wenn du verhindern willst, dass 1—KUH ihre Weide verlässt, machst du einen Elektrozaun und 1—GITTER in den Boden bei der Zufahrt.
20211129             Wenn du verhindern willst, dass 1—MENSCH deine Weide betritt, musst du strukturell gesichert haben, ein bisschen Zaun reicht dann nicht.
20211129             Die Abwehr von intelligenten oder intelligent gesteuerten Angreifern ist nicht mal ansatzweise vergleichbar mit der Abwehr von Tieren oder natürlichen Vorgängen.
20211129             Wenn wir uns gegen 1—VIRUS wehren wollen, dann haben wir einen asymmetrischen Vorteil.
20211129             Wir können forschen, das Virus verstehen, verstehen wie es funktioniert, wie es angreift, und einen Impfstoff bauen.
20211129             Wenn ihr oben aufgepasst habt, fällt euch auf, dass das genau die umgekehrte Asymmetrie ist wie bei einem intelligenten Angreifer, der unsere Abwehr studieren und gezielt umgehen kann.
20211129             [l] Dieses "ihr spaltet die Gesellschaft mit eurem KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—UNGEIMPFTEN"-Ding muss mir auch mal jemand erklären.
20211129             Das sagen Leute, die mir —JETZT—2—JAHRE lang Rücksicht abverlangt haben, für die ich zuhause geblieben bin, für die das Land runterfuhr und ins Home Office wechselte.
20211129             Die haben durch ihr entschlossenes NICHT—MITMACHEN —ERST dafür gesorgt, dass die Krankheit nicht ausgerottet wurde, dann dass die nächsten Wellen nicht verhindert wurden.
20211129             Das sind dieselben Leute, die mir meine bisherige Solidarität —JETZT danken, indem sie alles dafür tun, dass ich ewig im Lockdown eingesperrt bleibe, weil sie nie mitmachen werden, wenn es darum geht, einen Fußbreit Fortschritt zu kriegen.
20211129             Und die erzählen mir —JETZT was von Grundrechten und Freiheit?
20211129             Aber ich bin hier der Spalter? Go fuck yourselves.
20211129             PRO—TIPP: Wenn du willst, dass ich deine Grundrechte erhalte, dann hättest du auch was für meine Grundrechte tun müssen.
20211129             Ich habe keine Vorleistung erwartet.
20211129             —GEGANGEN, Ich bin in Vorleistung.
20211129             Aber irgendwann ist dann auch mal Schluss mit Einzahlen.
20211129             —JETZT will ich auch mal langsam was abheben.
20211129             [l] Öh, bei den Unis habe ich ja anscheinend in 1—WESPENNEST getreten.
20211129             Da kommen —JETZT lauter Zuschriften.
20211129             Ich bringe mal eine repräsentative:
20211129             Laut Krankenhausgesellschaft droht Triage
20211129             Die Impfkampagne hat sich wegen zahlreicher Sonderimpfaktionen auch am Wochenende deutlich beschleunigt: —SAMSTAG und —SONNTAG registrierte das ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT (RKI) mehr als 660.000—CORONA—IMPFUNGEN.
20211129             Tourismusbranche leidet weiter unter der Pandemie
20211129             Der SÜDAFRIKANISCHE—VIROLOGE Salim Abdool Karim erwartet in dem KAP—STAAT —BIS zum ENDE—DER—WOCHE einen Anstieg der landesweiten CORONA—INFEKTIONEN um rund 10.000—NEUE Fälle.
20211129             Dennoch bestehe kein Grund zur Panik,
20211129             Das Auftauchen der neue OMIKRON—CORONAVARIANTE war nach seiner Ansicht kaum überraschend: "Wir hatten das erwartet — wir wussten nur nichts über das Wie und Wann",
20211129             Omikron sei relativ einfach nachzuweisen, es gebe nach seiner Ansicht kaum Anlass, bisherige Behandlungsmethoden zu ändern.
20211129             Auch wenn es fraglich bleibe, ob bisherige Impfstoffe —NUN genügend Schutz böten, dürfte er weiterhin hoch sein.
20211129             OMIKRON—FÄLLE in ÖSTERREICH und Tschechien bestätigt
20211129             PHILIPPINEN planen 9—MILLIONEN Impfungen — in —3—TAGEN
20211129             Lauterbach überzeugt: Bars und Clubs müssen schließen
20211129             Der Verband der Eigentümer von Ferienwohnungen und Ferienhäusern (Fewo) will Mitglieder, die öffentlich ihre Impfgegnerschaft propagieren, aus dem Verband ausschließen.
20211129             "Wer Impfungen ablehnt und dies im Zusammenhang mit seiner Eigenschaft als Vermieter einer Ferienwohnung oder eines Ferienhauses über unsere öffentlichen Kanäle propagiert, schadet den satzungsmäßigen Verbandszielen und wird ausgeschlossen",
20211129             Zudem forderte er die nächste Bundesregierung dazu auf, eine allgemeine Impfpflicht einzuführen.
20211129             "Wer Impfgegner ist, provoziert den nächsten Lockdown.
20211129             Und der Schaden trifft uns alle — auch diejenigen, die sich in JEDER—SITUATION der letzten knapp —2—JAHRE solidarisch verhalten haben",
20211129             —BEREITET, ITALIEN, Impfstart für Kinder vor
20211129             8000—BUNDESWEHR—SOLDATEN für den CORONA—EINSATZ
20211129             Feuerwerksbranche fürchtet weiteres Silvester ohne Böller
20211129             An den Schulen in DEUTSCHLAND steigen die CORONA—ZAHLEN.
20211129             Das waren knapp 30.000—MEHR als —IN—DER—WOCHE davor.
20211129             Darüber hinaus waren fast 126.000—VON 10—MILLIONEN Schülern in Quarantäne (Vorwoche rund 87.000).
20211129             —BEGINNT, Biontech, mit ENTWICKLUNG—DES—OMIKRON—WIRKSTOFFS - 1. Hinweise auf Omikron aus BOTSWANA
20211129             "BOTSWANA hat als 1. 1—DER—SEQUENZEN identifiziert".
20211129             Botswanas Gesundheitsministerium hatte in einer Stellungnahme Ende vergangener —WOCHE betont, bei den 1. Verdachtsfällen habe es sich um 4—AUSLÄNDISCHE Diplomaten gehandelt, deren Nationalität aber nicht genannt wurde.
20211129             Die Gesundheitsminister der G7-Staaten haben mit Beratungen über die OMIKRON—VARIANTE des CORONA€"VIRUS begonnen.
20211129             "So funktioniert globale Pandemiebekämpfung", schrieb der CDU—POLITIKER bei Twitter.
20211129             Diese "vorbildliche Transparenz" verdiene Unterstützung.
20211129             Geschäftsführer ALEXANDER—WEHRLE vom FUßBALL—BUNDESLIGISTEN 1. FC Köln hat sich deutlich gegen Geisterspiele ausgesprochen.
20211129             "Die Stabilität des Gesundheitssystems muss über allem stehen, da wird auch der Fußball einen Schritt zurückgehen müssen",
20211129             1—HEIMSPIEL vor leeren Rängen "bedeutet 1,8—MILLIONEN Euro Verlust für den 1. FC Köln",
20211129             "Perspektivisch muss man sich aus meiner Sicht an der Hospitalisierungsrate orientieren.
20211129             Hier in NRW sind wir mit 3,84 sehr, sehr gut unterwegs, weil wir eine gute Impfquote haben.
20211129             KÖLN, ist sie sogar sehr gut".
20211129             Neue Virusvariante: EINIGE—OMIKRON—INFIZIERTE haben milde Symptome — was sagt das aus?
20211129             Koalitionsvertrag: ROT—ROT—GRÜN will BERLIN klimaneutral machen
20211129             Schleppende Auswertung der Coronatests in München: Labore kommen mit den Schultests nicht mehr hinterher
20211129             TRUCKER—MANGEL nicht behoben: BRITISCHE—TANKSTELLEN sind weiter auf Armeefahrer angewiesen
20211129             "Rote Linien" überschritten: Verfassungsschützer wollen härtere Handhabe gegen "Querdenker" und CORONA—LEUGNER
20211129             RUSSISCHER—GEWINNER der Energiekrise: Gazprom meldet Rekordgewinn
20211129             Entstehung der OMIKRON—VARIANTE: Lücke im CORONA—STAMMBAUM
20211129             —VERMUTET, Zwar hatten Fachleute, dass es weiter mutieren wird — dies gehört zur Natur des Erregers.
20211129             Die Anzahl und Zusammensetzung der Mutationen, die Forschende —JETZT in der OMIKRON—VARIANTE entdeckt haben, ist jedoch ungewöhnlich.
20211129             "Ich bin überrascht, so VIELE—MUTATIONEN in dem Virus zu sehen", sagte CHRISTIAN—DROSTEN
20211129             Allein am SPIKE—PROTEIN, mit dessen Hilfe sich das CORONA€"VIRUS Zugang zu menschlichen Zellen verschafft, besitzt Omikron im Vergleich zum Ursprungsvirus mehr als 30—MUTATIONEN.
20211129             Manche davon teilt sich die Variante mit besorgniserregenden Mutanten wie der ALPHA—ODER der DELTA—VARIANTE.
20211129             Andere sind so neu, dass ihre möglichen Auswirkungen vollkommen unbekannt sind.
20211129             Durch die vielen Mutationen unterscheidet sich Omikron stark von den FORMEN—DES—VIRUS, die sich bislang weltweit verbreitet haben.
20211129             —VERBREITET, FORMEN—DES—VIRUS, die sich bislang weltweit, haben
20211129             verbreitet haben
20211129             "Das Virus scheint keine TOCHTER—VON—DELTA oder kein ENKEL—VON—BETA zu sein, sondern eine neue Linie von SARS—COV—2 zu repräsentieren",
20211129             Fachleute beobachten —SEIT Beginn der Pandemie, wie sich das Erbgut des CORONA€"VIRUS weiterentwickelt.
20211129             Dafür sammeln sie weltweit Informationen von Proben, bei denen das komplette Genom von SARS—COV—2 mit all seinen Mutationen untersucht wurde.
20211129             Das Ergebnis sind Stammbäume, mit deren Hilfe sich nachvollziehen lässt, wie Varianten entstanden sind und sich über die Welt verbreitet haben.
20211129             Bedford zufolge sind 2—ERKLÄRUNGEN für die mehr als —1—JAHR lange Lücke im Stammbaum denkbar.
20211129             Demnach könnte es sein, dass das Virus —SCHON länger in Regionen zirkuliert, in denen bei Coronafällen nur selten das Erbgut der Erreger analysiert wird.
20211129             —BEDEUTET, Das, aber nicht, dass sich die Variante tatsächlich in dem Land entwickelt hat.
20211129             Die 2. laut Bedford mögliche Erklärung ist, dass sich Omikron im Körper eines Menschen mit einem eingeschränkten Immunsystem und einer chronischen Infektion entwickelt hat.
20211129             Das halten auch andere Forschende für wahrscheinlich.
20211129             —GESCHWÄCHT, Ist das Immunsystem etwa durch 1—HIV—INFEKTION, besteht die Gefahr, dass es das CORONA€"VIRUS zwar bekämpfen, aber nicht komplett eliminieren kann.
20211129             Die Folge ist eine chronische, also über —WOCHEN oder sogar —MONATE andauernde Infektion.
20211129             Dabei können sich durch Zufall Varianten des Virus bilden, die dem Immunsystem noch besser entkommen als der Erreger, mit dem sich die Person ursprünglich infiziert hat.
20211129             Da die Varianten im Vergleich zum Ursprungsvirus einen Vorteil haben, können sie sich durchsetzen.
20211129             Infizieren die Betroffenen andere, kann sich das veränderte Virus anschließend in der Bevölkerung verbreiten.
20211129             Es handelt sich um 1—ART—EVOLUTION im Zeitraffer.
20211129             Eigentlich ist HIV mittlerweile so gut behandelbar, dass sich das Virus im Körper nicht mehr nachweisen lässt und kaum Schaden anrichtet.
20211129             SÜDAFRIKA, jedoch leben VIELE—MENSCHEN mit einer fortgeschrittenen HIV—ERKRANKUNG, die keinen Zugang zu einer effizienten Therapie haben.
20211129             Dass Omikron in einem Patienten mit HIV oder einer anderen FORM—DER—IMMUNSCHWÄCHE entstanden ist, hält auch CARSTEN—WATZL, Generalsekretär der DEUTSCHEN—GESELLSCHAFT für Immunologie (DGfI), für denkbar und wahrscheinlich.
20211129             MENSCHEN, mit geschwächtem Immunsystem könne sich das Virus über VIELE—WOCHEN vermehren,
20211129             "Dabei können immer wieder vereinzelt Mutationen auftreten, die dem Virus eventuell keinen Vorteil bringen, die sich aber aufgrund der fehlenden Kontrolle durch das Immunsystem dennoch weiter vermehren können".
20211129             Um zu vermeiden, dass sich so umfangreich veränderte Varianten ausbreiten, wäre es dem Experten zufolge wichtig, immungeschwächte Menschen mit einer Coronainfektion zu erkennen und zu isolieren, —BIS sie nicht mehr ansteckend sind.
20211129             "Denn selbst wenn das Virus in einer solchen Person stark mutiert, —ERST die Weitergabe des mutierten Virus ist wirklich gefährlich",
20211129             erklärt er.
20211129             —ERST die Weitergabe des mutierten Virus
20211129             BOOSTER—IMPFWELLE: Biontech liefert Millionen Dosen früher nach DEUTSCHLAND
20211129             [l] Warum hält die Politik so daran fest, die Schulen offen zu halten?
20211129             Der BR schreibt dazu: Bayerns KINDER—UND Jugendpsychiatrien sind am Limit.
20211129             —SCHON vor einem halben —JAHR berichtete der BR über die kritische Lage, mittlerweile müssen psychisch kranke Kinder teils auf Matratzen auf dem Boden schlafen.
20211129             Immer mehr Notfälle kommen herein.
20211129             Mein Instinkt dazu ist, dass die Pandemie hier nicht das Problem ist, sondern das Problem aufgedeckt hat.
20211129             Wenn das Umfeld der Kinder so schlimm ist, dass die ALLE—HILFE brauchen, sobald sie die Schule nicht vom Elend zuhause ablenkt, dann war da aber —SCHON länger das Kind in den Brunnen gefallen, wir haben es nur nicht gesehen.
20211129             [l] Zur FRAGE—DER—SCHULÖFFNUNG habe ich mehrere Einsendungen gekriegt, die mich zum Umdenken bringen.
20211129             637_DGS_boletim_20211129              20211129             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 325,9 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211129             Continente: 327,5 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211129             R(t) Nacional: 1,17 Continente: 1,18
20211129             Internados: 90 | Em UCI: 16  | Ventilados: 8—INCIDÊNCIA 100—MIL / hab.
20211129             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—6812—(+18)—ÓBITOS—80—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—6373—CASOS—ATIVOS—359—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—469
20211129             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2794—(+10)—ÓBITOS—25—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—2489—CASOS—ATIVOS—280—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—364
20211129             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—3.395—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—313,3—FÄLLE—GESAMT—80.306—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—7.411,7—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—806—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.083.498
20211129             Total Cases 261.728.666  Total Deaths 5.203.401  Total Vaccine Doses Administered 7.636.440.130
20211129             Rätsel um beschädigte Forschungsanlage: Wer zerstörte Norwegens Horchposten im Meer?
20211129             Biden sieht keinen Grund für OMIKRON—PANIK
20211129             CORONA auch Thema bei EU—AUßENMINISTERTREFFEN in BARCELONA
20211129             "Die Verwundbarkeit von uns Europäern ist offenkundig.
20211129             Wir müssen solche globalen Bewährungsproben auch global bekämpfen",
20211129             "Wir können nur dann unsere Bürgerinnen und Bürger schützen, wenn wir auch unsere Nachbarn schützen, wenn es dort genügend Impfstoffe und erfolgreiche Strategien im Kampf gegen die Pandemie gibt",
20211129             VAKZIN—ENGPÄSSE — Frankfurter "Impfexpress" stoppt nur wenige —STUNDEN nach Start
20211129             Laut seinem Gesundheitsdezernenten STEFAN—MAJER mussten Impfteams —BEREITS Impfwillige WEGSCHICKEN—WEIL sie nicht genügend Impfstoff zur verfügung hatten.
20211129             "Und das in einer Situation, in der die Infektionszahlen nur 1—RICHTUNG kennen — steil nach oben.
20211129             Dafür fehlt den Menschen zu Recht JEDES—VERSTÄNDNIS",
20211129             Mehrere 100—MENSCHEN haben am Montagabend laut Polizei in sächsischen Städten gegen die staatlichen CORONA—MAßNAHMEN protestiert.
20211129             —GESTATTET, Sachsens CORONA—NOTFALLVERORDNUNG, —DERZEIT nur ortsfeste Kundgebungen mit maximal 10—TEILNEHMERN.
20211129             Diese Zahl wurde in allen Fällen überschritten.
20211129             Die Zusammenkünfte müssen unterbunden werden, forderte der Ostbeauftragte der bisherigen Bundesregierung, MARCO—WANDERWITZ auf Twitter.
20211129             "Dass in SACHSEN in dieser CORONA—LAGE Gestörte und Rechtsradikale offenbar "erfolgreich" —TAG für —TAG den Rechtsstaat mit öffentlichen Zusammenkünften vorführen, macht schweren Schaden".
20211129             Rund 700—MENSCHEN nahmen nach Angaben einer Polizeisprecherin in Freiberg an einem ungenehmigten "CORONA—SPAZIERGANG" teil.
20211129             Der Versuch, sie frühzeitig anzusprechen und die Versammlung aufzulösen, habe "wenig gefruchtet".
20211129             Die nicht angemeldeten "Spaziergänge" und Aktionen seien aber soweit wie möglich aus der Innenstadt heraus gelenkt worden und ruhig verlaufen.
20211129             Auch in CHEMNITZ und Zwickau liefen mehrere 100—MENSCHEN im Protest gegen die CORONA—POLITIK—VON—LAND und Bund durch die Stadt.
20211129             —BIS zu 300—MENSCHEN seien zwischenzeitig auf den Straßen unterwegs gewesen, sagten die jeweiligen Polizeisprecher.
20211129             Auch bei dem Einsatz in CHEMNITZ wurden rund 25—ANZEIGEN aufgenommen.
20211129             In allen Fällen sprachen Polizisten die Personen an und forderten sie auf, den Bereich zu verlassen;
20211129             was diese auch taten.
20211129             —AM Wochenende hatten vor allem im Süden Sachsens Hunderte Menschen in verschiedenen Orten gegen die CORONA—MAßNAHMEN protestiert.
20211129             Ehemalige BRITISCHE—KRONKOLONIE: QUEEN bald nicht mehr Staatsoberhaupt von BARBADOS
20211129             USA—SEUCHENBEHÖRDE empfiehlt Booster für alle über 18-Jährigen
20211129             "Ich finde, —IN—DIESER—WOCHE müssen wir klarhaben, wie das weitergehen soll",
20211129             sagte GÖRING—ECKARDT am Montagabend in der ARD—SENDUNG "Hart aber fair".
20211129             "Sonst hängen wir —IM—JANUAR oder —IM—FEBRUAR noch irgendwie in der nächsten Schleife dieser Welle rum".
20211129             Man müsse —JETZT schnelle —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN treffen, "die dann bundeseinheitlich gelten".
20211129             Was man tun müsse, LIEGE auf der Hand: "Kontakte reduzieren",
20211129             und zwar "gemeinsam, bundesweit, nach gemeinsamen Kriterien".
20211129             "Möglicherweise muss man auch gemeinsam sagen: Gastronomie geht nicht, weil da sitzen wir halt ohne Maske im Innenraum".
20211129             GÖRING—ECKARDT sagte: "—JETZT brauchen wir wahrscheinlich erstmal nochmal einmal Ruhe, damit wir nicht in 'ne Situation kommen, die alles nochmal maßlos verschlimmert".
20211129             Von einem Lockdown wollte sie aber nicht sprechen.
20211129             "Wir machen nicht nochmal das gleiche, sondern wir haben gelernt.
20211129             Wir haben auch gelernt, dass man nicht einfach Leute einsperrt und sagt: Du darfst niemanden mehr sehen".
20211129             Der CDU—VORSITZKANDIDAT NORBERT—RÖTTGEN sagte an die Adresse der AMPEL—PARTEIEN: "Sie müssen —JETZT akut handeln".
20211129             Wait, what?
20211129             HUNDREDS—OF—VEHICLES including tanks and drones will be deployed back to GERMANY in 1—GOVERNMENT—U—TURN as the army builds 1—OF—ITS 3—BIG overseas hubs in the country.
20211129             As part of the biggest TRANSFORMATION—OF—THE—SERVICE in —2—DECADES, the army wants 1—BRIGADE—SIZED force of some 250 positioned closer to EAST—EUROPE in THE—EVENT—OF—WAR with RUSSIA.
20211129             —GEZOGEN, Hat jemand in Erwägung, die Deutschen zu fragen?
20211129             —MONTAG, 20211129             20211129             Russlands Kampf gegen Journalismus: "Der STAAT will Angst verbreiten"
20211129             NIEDERLANDE: Paar türmt aus Quarantänehotel — und wird in Flugzeug festgenommen
20211129             Die BETROFFENEN—NUR wenige —WOCHEN nach einer Lockerung der strengen CORONA—EINREISEBESTIMMUNGEN schließt JAPAN wegen der OMIKRON—VARIANTE erneut seine Grenzen für Ausländer.
20211129             Sowohl MALAYSIA als auch SINGAPUR haben eine hohe Impfrate.
20211129             BRASILIEN: Behörden brennen Boote von Goldsuchern ab
20211129             Mon 20211129             20211129             [l] Hey, —JETZT mit der Ampel, da kehrt doch bestimmt evidenzbasierte Politik zurück, und COVID—DINGE werden vernünftig entschieden, oder?
20211129             Der Postillon hatte da neulich zu ÖSTERREICH einen schönen Scherz.
20211129             ÖSTERREICH verhängt Lockdown.
20211129             OMIKRON—FALL in NRW —BISHER mit mildem VERLAUF—SAARLAND verschärft CORONA—KURS
20211129             Die Wissenschaftler des Nachbarstaates hätten ihre Erkenntnisse dann in 1—INTERNATIONAL zugängliche Datenbank eingetragen.
20211129             —VERBREITET, FORMEN—DES—VIRUS, die sich bislang weltweit, haben - SICH—VERBREITET haben
20211129             Zwar wurde das Virus zuerst in SÜDAFRIKA nachgewiesen.
20211129             Neue Atomverhandlungen: IRAN drängt auf Rücknahme von Sanktionen
20211129             Noch mehr Lava: Neue Schlote am Vulkan auf La PALMA
20211129             Proteste gab es laut Polizei auch in DRESDEN, Neustadt in SACHSEN, Pirna, Sebnitz, Riesa und Großenhain.
20211129             [l] Die Briten stationieren Truppen zur Abwehr der Russen in DEUTSCHLAND.
20211129—19721119    —BIS, Nach —AM—DIENSTAG veröffentlichten DATEN—DER—KULTUSMINISTERKONFERENZ (KMK) waren —IN—DER—WOCHE vom 15..000 CORONA—FÄLLE bei Schülerinnen und Schülern bekannt.
20211129—19920000    —SEIT, Inflationsrate erstmals bei mehr als 5—PROZENT
20211129—20200000    —MITTE, Die nächste bekannte evolutionäre VERBINDUNG—VON—OMIKRON bestehe zu Virusvarianten, die nachgewiesen wurden,
20211129—20201000    —IM, hatten INDIEN und SÜDAFRIKA vorgeschlagen, beim Patentschutz 1—AUSNAHME für ALLE—COVID 19-bezogenen Technologien bei der Welthandelsorganisation WTO zu erwirken.
20211129—20211111    —AM, Ministeriumssprecherin Shirley Mukamambo bestätigte: "Das Quartett wurde positiv getestet".
20211129—20211122    —AM, Die Analyse der Ergebnisse ergab demnach den Hinweis auf eine neue Virusvariante,
20211129—20211124    —AM, die schließlich als B 1.1.529—BEKANNT gemacht wurde.
202203071129         All EU countries, USA, JAPAN and SOUTH—KOREA included in list countries unfriendly to RUSSIA, SOURCE  RUSSIA—GOVT resolution
20221108             THE—30—NATO foreign ministers will gather in THE—CAPITAL—OF—ROMANIA for a —2—DAY meeting on 20221129—20301129.
20221128—20221129    —BIS, Ursprünglich sollten beide Seiten vom zum 20221206             in Kairo unter anderem über den START—VERTRAG zur nuklearen Abrüstung beraten.
20221129             —DIENSTAG, 20221129
20221129             Reaktionen des Westens: WASHINGTON und BERLIN schicken Appelle an Peking
20221129             EX—USA—VIZEPRÄSIDENT: Pence fordert von Trump Entschuldigung für Dinner mit Rechtsextremem
20221129             Krieg in Osteuropa: UKRAINE warnt vor unsicheren Gefängnissen, Selenska beklagt sexuelle Gewalt als Kriegstaktik
20221129             1ätze in Peking und SHANGHAI: Großaufgebot der Polizei schreckt Demonstranten in CHINA offenbar ab
20221129             Steigende Preise und Wirtschaftssorgen: Die Generation —MITTE geht verunsichert in den Krisenwinter — und ruft —NACH—DEM STAAT
20221129             Inflation: Warum das Schlimmste bald überstanden sein könnte 1—PODCAST—VON—TIM—BARTZ und SANDRA—SPERBER
20221129             "Kein Kavaliersdelikt": Zentralratspräsident Schuster kritisiert Urteile bei antisemitischen Straftaten als oft zu mild
20221129             Geplante Reform der Ampelkoalition: Wirtschaftsweise und Mittelständler begrüßen schnellere Einbürgerungen
20221129             NASA—MONDMISSION "Artemis 1": 432.194—KILOMETER von der Erde entfernt
20221129             Neue Regeln: EU verstärkt Schutz bei Onlinekäufen
20221129             Tue 20221129             - [l] Wie schlimm ist die Lage?
20221129             So schlimm!
20221129             Der Munitionsmangel betrifft ALLE—BEREICHE—DER—BUNDESWEHR, wie die Bundesregierung einräumte.
20221129             Es gebe ihn — pauschal gesagt — "überall" in den DEUTSCHEN—STREITKRÄFTEN, sagte Regierungssprecher STEFFEN—HEBESTREIT.
20221129             Zur Frage, "für wie VIELE—KAMPFTAGE die Bundeswehr —DERZEIT Munition hat",
20221129             wollte er auch aus Sicherheitsgründen keine Auskunft geben.
20221129             LONDON, 20221129             . - - /TASS/.
20221129             "—TODAY the pace of geopolitical change is intensifying.
20221129             Our adversaries and competitors plan for the long term," Sunak said, speaking at the Lord MAYOR—BANQUET —MONDAY.
20221129             He claimed that RUSSIA "is challenging the fundamental PRINCIPLES—OF—THE—UN—CHARTER," —WHILE "CHINA is consciously competing for global influence using all THE—LEVERS—OF—STATE—POWER".
20221129             "In the face of these challenges, SHORT—TERMISM or wishful thinking will not suffice.
20221129             We can't depend on Cold War arguments or approaches, or mere sentimentality about the past.
20221129             So we will make 1—EVOLUTIONARY leap in our approach," THE—PRIME—MINISTER said in his 1. major foreign policy speech.
20221129             "This means being stronger in defending our values and the openness on which our prosperity depends.
20221129             It means delivering 1—STRONGER—ECONOMY at home, as the foundation of our strength abroad.
20221129             And it means standing up to our competitors, not with grand rhetoric but with robust pragmatism," he continued.
20221129             —DISCLOSED, Sunak also, that THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—GOVERNMENT will present 1—UPDATED—INTEGRATED—REVIEW—OF—UK security, defense and foreign policy issues amid the serious geopolitical changes.
20221129             "We will do all this not only through our diplomatic expertise, science and tech leadership, and investment in defense and security, but by dramatically increasing the quality and depth of our partnerships with LIKE—MINDED countries —AROUND the world.
20221129             We will set out more detail in the updated Integrated Review in the new —YEAR, including how we'll work with friends in the Commonwealth, THE—USA, the Gulf states, ISRAEL and others," he said.
20221129             —UNDERSCORED, Sunak, that THE—UK is "already making this evolutionary leap in 3—OTHER—PLACES".
20221129             "1., as we stand by UKRAINE, we're also reinvigorating our European relationships to tackle challenges like security and migration.
20221129             2., we're taking 1—LONGER—TERM—VIEW on CHINA, strengthening our resilience and protecting our economic security.
20221129             And 3., we're seizing the huge opportunities on offer in THE—INDO—PACIFIC by building deep and LONG—LASTING partnerships," he added.
20221129             —CLAIMED, THE—PRIME—MINISTER, that the Western response to the events in UKRAINE confirmed the high LEVEL—OF—PARTNERSHIP between states.
20221129             "With the fall of KABUL, the pandemic, and economic strife, SOME—SAID—THE—WEST was weak.
20221129             In fact, our response in UKRAINE has shown the depth of our collective resolve," Sunak said.
20221129             "SWEDEN and FINLAND are joining NATO.
20221129             GERMANY is increasing its defense spending.
20221129             Partners as far afield as AUSTRALIA, JAPAN and SOUTH—KOREA are standing with us.
20221129             —DEVELOPED, We've, 1—ENTIRELY new sanctions model.
20221129             And through NATO and the Joint Expeditionary Force we're guarding against further RUSSIA—AGGRESSION, whether in the east or the High North.
20221129             We're also evolving our wider POST—BREXIT relations with EUROPE, including bilaterally and engaging with the new European Political Community," he added.
20221129             At the same time, Sunak made it clear that LONDON will not change 1—NUMBER—OF—ITS—LEGAL norms in order to synchronize them with THE—EU legislation.
20221129             "Under my leadership we'll never align with EU law.
20221129             Instead, we'll foster respectful, mature relationships with our European neighbors on shared issues like energy and illegal migration to strengthen our resilience against strategic vulnerabilities," he concluded.
20221129             MELITOPOL, 20221129             .
20221129             /TASS/. - - THE—INTERNATIONAL—ATOMIC—ENERGY—AGENCY (IAEA) could help ease tensions —AROUND the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant by calling on UKRAINE to stop shelling the facility, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—WE—STAND—WITH—RUSSIA movement VLADIMIR—ROGOV told TASS.
20221129             "That's for sure.
20221129             At least, those members of [UKRAINE—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR] ZELENSKYY—REGIME who commit war crimes and engage in nuclear terrorism would think about the consequences," he said in response to 1—QUESTION.
20221129             According to ROGOV—UKRAINE would sharply react to such 1—STATEMENT".
20221129             I think they would become hysterical, making unfounded allegations that [IAEA Director GENERAL—RAFAEL] Grossi was bribed and things like that," he noted.
20221129             Rogov believes that Kiev is sure of its impunity, which is what its orders to UKRAINE—TROOPS to shell the nuclear power plant are based on".
20221129             THE—INEVITABILITY—OF—PUNISHMENT is the only thing that can stop these villains," he added.
20221129             Rogov also said that THE—IAEA would also improve its credibility by making such a statement.
20221129             WASHINGTON, 20221129             . - - /TASS/.
20221129             —CALLED, The official, the visit 1—OPPORTUNITY for THE—2—PRESIDENTS to coordinate their actions on the most pressing global issues.
20221129             The official said they expect UKRAINE to become the core TOPIC—OF—THE—NEGOTIATIONS—JUST like —DURING the numerous previous discussions —THIS—YEAR.
20221129             —EXPECTED, THE—2—LEADERS are also, to discuss challenges from CHINA, IRAN and in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, as well as economic and energy cooperation between THE—2—COUNTRIES, the official said, adding that Biden also intends to discuss the situation in the Sahel region with Macron.
20221129             —DURING the talks with Biden, he intends to discuss the trade disputes between THE—2—STATES, among other things.
20221129             —SIGNED, THE—FRANCE—LEADER—TRIP comes —15—MONTHS—AFTER the submarine deal, by WASHINGTON, LONDON and AUSTRALIA behind PARIS' back and to PARIS' detriment.
20221129             MOSCOW, 20221129             .
20221129             /TASS/. - - THE—ADOPTION—OF—THE—OUTCOME—DECLARATION —DURING the G20 Bali summit indicated that the G7 no longer dominates this association, RUSSIA's G20 sherpa Svetlana Lukash said in 1—INTERVIEW for Vedomosti.
20221129             "The G7 is, of course, more consolidated [compared to other G20 STATES—TASS].
20221129             They gather in advance and make SOME—JOINT—DECISION—LIKE THE—1—HOW they intend to ignore someone.
20221129             But they fail, and the declaration shows once again, by the way, that their voice no longer dominates the G20," Lukash said.
20221129             —REQUIRED, According to the sherpa, the main issues that, consensus for the outcome declaration to be adopted were the situation in UKRAINE and the grain deal agreements.
20221129             "Those were THE—2—KEY—ELEMENTS and, —AT—THE—END—OF—THE—DAY, THE—2—KEY—VICTORIES by RUSSIA and developing economies," the Sherpa said.
20221129             She underscored that the adopted language fully complies with RUSSIA—INTERESTS and "do not allow THE—VOICE—OF—THE—WEST to dominate".
20221129             "—THROUGHOUT this entire —YEAR, the West sought to prove that RUSSIA and its special military operation are to blame for all ongoing crises on food and energy markets.
20221129             The declaration's text proves the opposite, though," Lukash underscored.
20221129             —NOTED, THE—SHERPA, that that the countries have already expressed their positions on the situation in UKRAINE, including in THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL and THE—UN—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY, which "made it possible to avoid making specific ASSESSMENTS—OF—THE—UKRAINE—CONFLICT by the G20 itself".
20221129             —MEANWHILE, it was "cemented that there is no dominance of the Western concept, which accuses RUSSIA of all negative processes".
20221129             The document does contain "condemnation, but not of RUSSIA, but the war itself," the official said.
20221129             —NOTED, Lukash, that the Bali declaration "acknowledges the existence of different opinions both regarding the conflict in UKRAINE and regarding THE—ROLE—OF—SANCTIONS".
20221129             Das USA—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUM hat den geplanten Verkauf von Raketen im Wert von 323—MILLIONEN Dollar(rund 319—MILLIONEN Euro) an den NATO—BEITRITTSBEWERBER FINNLAND angekündigt.
20221129             Der Verkauf werde die finnischen "LUFT—LUFT- und LUFT—BODEN—WAFFENFÄHIGKEITEN verbessern und sich positiv auf die USA—BEZIEHUNGEN zu den Ländern der nordischen Region auswirken",
20221129             erklärte das Pentagon.
20221129             Es sei 1—VERKAUFSGENEHMIGUNG für taktische Raketen der Typen AIM 9X und AGM-154 an FINNLAND erteilt worden.
20221129             Der Verkauf werde "die Außenpolitik und die nationale Sicherheit der USA unterstützen, indem er die Sicherheit eines vertrauenswürdigen Partners" verbessere, der eine "wichtige Kraft für politische Stabilität und wirtschaftlichen Fortschritt in EUROPA" sei, hieß es weiter.
20221129             Das USA—AUßENMINISTERIUM hat dem möglichen Verkauf —BEREITS zugestimmt, die Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) übermittelte —AM—MITTWOCH die erforderliche Mitteilung an den USA—KONGRESS.
20221129             Dieser muss dem Geschäft noch zustimmen.
20221129             Angesichts von Stromausfällen durch RUSSISCHE—RAKETENANGRIFFE auf Kraftwerke und Stromleitungen warnt der UKRAINISCHE—JUSTIZMINISTER, Denys Maljuska, vor einer Notsituation in UKRAINISCHEN—GEFÄNGNISSEN".
20221129             Eine unserer größten Sorgen ist die Situation in den Gefängnissen.
20221129             Wir brauchen die Versorgung mit Strom und Wasser in den Gefängnissen",
20221129             1—BELASTUNGSTEST habe gezeigt, dass die Sicherheit und Versorgung in den Gefängnissen höchstens —1—WOCHE ohne Strom aufrechterhalten werden könne".
20221129             Nach einer —WOCHE sind Versorgung, Heizung und auch Sicherheit stark gefährdet, da im Gefängnis auch Strom für Überwachungskameras und andere Sicherheitsausstattung benötigt wird".
20221129             Mit Blick auf das Treffen der G7-Justizminister in BERLIN hat der UKRAINISCHE—RESSORTCHEF Denys Maljuska die Forderung seines Landes bekräftigt, RUSSLAND für die Kriegsschäden zur Kasse zu bitten.
20221129             Dabei setzt er auf Unterstützung der SIEBENER—GRUPPE wirtschaftsstarker Demokratien".
20221129             RUSSLAND muss das UKRAINISCHE—VOLK für den Schaden bezahlen, den es in diesem Krieg angerichtet hat",
20221129             Man gehe von einem Schaden von 150—MILLIARDEN Dollar aus, "der den wirtschaftlichen Schaden nicht einschließt, und der die Kosten für die Verletzten und Kriegsopfer und ihre Familien nicht einschließt",
20221129             Er forderte einen "Entschädigungsmechanismus",
20221129             bei dem RUSSISCHE—GELDER, die etwa auf europäischen Konten liegen und als TEIL—DER—SANKTIONEN eingefroren wurden, in die UKRAINE transferiert werden sollen.
20221129             "Dies würde die RUSSISCHE—ELITE in diesem Krieg unter Druck setzen.
20221129             Und dies würde der UKRAINE helfen, das Land nach der RUSSISCHEN—INVASION wieder aufzubauen",
20221129             Das UKRAINISCHE—ENERGIEUNTERNEHMEN Naftogaz bittet die USA—ENTWICKLUNGSBEHÖRDE USAID um Hilfe bei der Beschaffung zusätzlicher Erdgasmengen für —DEN—WINTER".
20221129             Der Schlüssel um diese Heizperiode zu überstehen, ist die zusätzliche Gasmenge, die benötigt wird",
20221129             schreibt der Konzernchef Olexij Tschernyschow auf seiner FACEBOOK—SEITE nach einem Treffen mit USAID.
20221129             In einem ungewöhnlichen Schritt hat die UKRAINISCHE—MENSCHENRECHTSANWÄLTIN Oleksandra Matwijtschuk, deren Organisation CCL den Friedensnobelpreis 20220000             erhält, Waffenlieferungen für ihr Heimatland gefordert".
20221129             Wir brauchen Flugabwehrsysteme.
20221129             Wir brauchen andere Arten militärischer Ausrüstung, die uns helfen würden, unseren Himmel zu schützen",
20221129             Es sei "eine seltsame Situation für mich" und ein "klares Zeichen",
20221129             dass mit dem "ganzen internationalen System" etwas nicht stimme, wenn 1—MENSCHENRECHTSANWÄLTIN um Flugabwehrsysteme bitten müsse, sagte Matwijtschuk.
20221129             Die 39-Jährige klagte, dass internationales Recht nicht mehr länger wirksam sei.
20221129             In der HAUPTSTADT wurde die Uferpromenade des LIANGMA—FLUSSES in der Nähe des Diplomatenviertels besonders gesichert, —NACHDEM dort am Sonntagabend Hunderte demonstriert hatten.
20221129             Auch im Universitätsviertel Haidian waren überall Polizisten auf den Straßen zu sehen.
20221129             SHANGHAI, wurde 1—GROSSAUFGEBOT—VON—SICHERHEITSKRÄFTEN um den Volksplatz mobilisiert.
20221129             Ähnlich sah es an der WULUMUQI—STRAßE aus, wo Sperren errichtet wurden, um Menschenansammlungen wie am Wochenende zu verhindern.
20221129             In der CHINESISCHEN—SONDERVERWALTUNGSREGION HONGKONG versammelten sich am Montagabend an der CHINESISCHEN—UNIVERSITÄT—DUTZENDE—STUDENTEN und hielten ähnlich wie die Demonstranten in anderen Städten am Wochenende unbeschriebene weiße Blätter hoch, um der Opfer zu gedenken.
20221129             Die weißen Blätter sind zum SYMBOL—DES—WIDERSTANDES und des Protests gegen die CHINESISCHE—ZENSUR geworden.
20221129             Angesichts der Proteste betonten die Vereinten Nationen in NEW—YORK das Recht der Menschen in CHINA und weltweit auf freie Versammlung und Meinungsäußerung.
20221129             "Wir glauben an die Bedeutung des Rechts der Menschen, sich friedlich zu versammeln und ZUSAMMENZUSCHLIEßEN—DES Rechts, friedlich zu demonstrieren", sagte 1—UN—SPRECHER.
20221129             Die zuständigen Behörden seien aufgerufen, dieses Recht zu garantieren.
20221129             USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN verfolgte nach ANGABEN—DES—WEISSEN—HAUSES die Proteste.
20221129             "Menschen sollten das Recht haben, sich zu versammeln und friedlich gegen politische Maßnahmen, Gesetze oder Vorschriften zu protestieren, mit denen sie nicht einverstanden sind", sagte der Kommunikationsdirektor des Nationalen Sicherheitsrats, JOHN—KIRBY.
20221129             NATUR—UND Kulturschutzexperten im Auftrag der Vereinten Nationen haben die AUFNAHME—DES—GREAT—BARRIER—REEFS in die LISTE—DES—GEFÄHRDETEN—WELTERBES empfohlen.
20221129             Nach einem zehntägigen Besuch am größten Korallenriff der Welt vor der Nordostküste Australiens forderten die Experten in einem —AM—MONTAG veröffentlichten Bericht die AUSTRALISCHE—REGIERUNG auf, ehrgeizigere Ziele zu ergreifen, um den Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen zu reduzieren.
20221129             Ohne eine "ambitionierte, schnelle und nachhaltige" Klimapolitik sei das Great Barrier Reef gefährdet.
20221129             —KRITISIERT, Im Bericht wird, dass Bemühungen, die Korallenbleiche im Great Barrier Reef zu stoppen und 1—VERUNREINIGUNG—DES—MEERESGEBIETS durch Umweltverschmutzung zu verhindern, nicht ausgereicht hätten.
20221129             Der Bericht fordert höhere Ausgaben für den Schutz der Wasserqualität im Meer.
20221129             —GESICHERT, Drohende Deindustrialisierung: Die Energieversorgung ist ?
20221129             Von wegen!
20221129             —NACH—DEM TOD—VON—MAHSA—AMINI: IRANISCHER—GENERAL räumt erstmals hohe Opferzahl bei Protesten ein
20221129             —AM—FRÜHEN—MORGEN: Erdbeben erschüttert GRIECHENLAND
20221129             Vertrag abgeschlossen: KATAR wird DEUTSCHLAND Flüssigerdgas liefern
20221129             Abbruch von riesigen Eismassen: Kalbende Gletscher lösen Tsunamis aus
20221129             Die Veränderungen im Wasser des antarktischen Kontinentalschelfs haben den Forscherinnen und Forschern zufolge einen globalen klimatischen Einfluss.
20221129             Die Wärme aus diesen Gewässern treibe den Rückzug von Gletschern und Schelfeis am Rande der ANTARKTIS an, was Folgen für die Stabilität der Eisschilde und den Anstieg des Meeresspiegels habe.
20221129             Die starke Durchmischung an der Grenzfläche zwischen Ozean und Eis würde jedoch auch dafür sorgen, dass die Nährstoffe sich im Wasser anders verteilten — und damit in der oberen Schicht des Wassers auch für Plankton zugänglich seien.
20221129             [l] Wie lange hält die Munition der Bundeswehr? "wenige —STUNDEN".
20221129             —JETZT wo das Sondervermögen da ist, müsste man nur noch einkaufen gehen.
20221129             Doch leider gibt es da 1—PROBLEM.
20221129             bei der PRODUKTION—VON—MUNITION wird ein ganz spezielles Produkt benötigt.
20221129             Sogenannte Linters.
20221129             Das sind Nebenprodukte, die bei der Baumwollherstellung abfallen.
20221129             Der Hauptlieferant für nahezu ALLE—EUROPÄISCHEN—HERSTELLER—VON—MUNITION ist CHINA.
20221129             Und hier gibt es nicht zuletzt —SEIT Beginn der CORONA—PANDEMIE erhebliche Lieferschwierigkeiten.
20221129             Der Vorlauf für LINTERS—IMPORTE betrage laut "Welt" mittlerweile mehr als —14—MONATE.
20221129             —BESTIMMT, Ah, denkt ihr euch —JETZT.
20221129             Für sowas haben wir ja professionelle Planung in Form von 6800—MITARBEITERN beim Beschaffungsamt der Bundeswehr.
20221129             —BESTIMMT, Ist, alles in trockenen Tüchern.
20221129             Ja äh nee, ist es nicht.
20221129             Nicht nur laufen bei einer Bestellung —JETZT erstmal die —14—MONATE Frist für Linters aus CHINA an, die Rüstungsfirmen haben auch gar keine Produktionskapazität vorgehalten, weil die Bundeswehr keine Rahmenverträge abgeschlossen hat.
20221129             Besonders geil finde ich, dass —JETZT Herr Kiesewetter von der Union gegen den Scholz holzt, als waren es nicht —20—JAHRE CDU—HERRSCHAFT, die zu diesem Problem geführt haben.
20221129             [l] 1—LESER weist auf folgendes Detail bei dem Tausch der 130.000—BAHNSCHWELLEN hin:
20221129             Bei den neu zu untersuchenden Bauteilen handelt es sich um Schwellen anderer Hersteller, bei denen die gleiche Gesteinsart verarbeitet wurde.
20221129             —BEFÜRCHTET, Die Bahn, also offenbar, dass diese Steinsorte grundsätzlich ungeeignet ist.
20221129             1. außenpolitische Rede: Für RISHI—SUNAK ist die "goldene Ära" mit CHINA vorbei
20221129             Schwindende Kaufkraft: Inflation schrumpft Reallöhne um fast 6—PROZENT
20221129             Meth statt Meditation: THAILÄNDISCHE—MÖNCHE in Entzugsklinik geschickt — Tempel verwaist
20221129             Rechtspopulist MARKUS—KRALL: Goldhändler Degussa trennt sich von umstrittenem Geschäftsführer
20221129             Nach Gerichtsurteil: 33.000—CORONA—BUSSGELDBESCHEIDE in AUSTRALIEN aufgehoben
20221129             Treffen in URUGUAY: —VERHANDLUNGEN über 1. globales Abkommen gegen Plastikmüll beginnen
20221129             Freihandelsabkommen: Wie die Ampel das Chlorhuhn begrub
20221129             —IMPORTIERT, Vorbereitungen für Silvester: DEUTSCHLAND, weniger Raketen und Böller als im VOR—CORONA—JAHR 2019
20221129             —BESTELLT, Proteste in SHANGHAI: GROSSBRITANNIEN, wegen Reporterfestnahme CHINESISCHEN—BOTSCHAFTER ein
20221129             Schnellere Urteile, sichtbarere Strafverfolgung: Wie man eine "Grüne RAF" verhindert 1—GASTBEITRAG—VON—PETER—R—NEUMANN
20221129             Nach schweren Niederlagen im KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—UKRAINE ist RUSSLAND nach BRITISCHER—EINSCHÄTZUNG von seinem MILITÄRISCH—TAKTISCHEN Grundkonzept abgerückt.
20221129             In den vergangenen —3—MONATEN seien die RUSSISCHEN—KRÄFTE in der UKRAINE größtenteils nicht mehr als taktische Bataillonsgruppen (BTG) aufgetreten, teilte das Verteidigungsministerium in LONDON unter Berufung auf Geheimdiensterkenntnisse mit.
20221129             Die hochintensiven Kämpfe auf weiter Fläche hätten mehrere FEHLER—DES—KONZEPTS offengelegt".
20221129             Die relativ geringe Zuteilung von Infanterie an die BTG hat sich oft als unzureichend erwiesen".
20221129             Zudem habe es die dezentrale Verteilung von Artillerie RUSSLAND nicht ermöglicht, seinen Mengenvorteil bei dieser wichtigen Waffe auszuschöpfen.
20221129             Nur wenige Kommandeure hätten die Erlaubnis, das Modell flexibel zu nutzen, hieß es in LONDON.
20221129             Das BTG—KONZEPT ist ein zentraler Pfeiler der RUSSISCHEN—MILITÄRDOKTRIN der vergangenen —JAHRE.
20221129             Dabei wird JEDER—TAKTISCHE—VERBAND sowohl mit Infanterie als auch mit Flugabwehr, Artillerie sowie LOGISTIK—UND Aufklärungseinheiten ausgestattet.
20221129             Dies soll den Einheiten ermöglichen, selbstständig mit mehreren Waffengattungen zu kämpfen.
20221129             Die NATO—MITGLIEDER werden —NACH—DEN Worten von Generalsekretär JENS—STOLTENBERG ihre Hilfe für die UKRAINE aufstocken".
20221129             —GELIEFERT, Wir haben Generatoren und Ersatzteile, und die Verbündeten helfen beim Wiederaufbau der zerstörten Infrastruktur",
20221129             Im Rahmen eines mit DEUTSCHLAND vereinbarten Ringtauschs hat die SLOWAKEI der UKRAINE 30—SCHÜTZENPANZER des sowjetischen Typs BMP-1 übergeben.
20221129             Das teilte der SLOWAKISCHE—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER JAROSLAV—NAD auf Facebook mit".
20221129             Mit Freude kann ich bestätigen, dass wir nach Unterzeichnung des entsprechenden Memorandums —VOR—2—WOCHEN unseren TEIL—DER—VEREINBARUNG in den vergangenen —TAGEN erfüllt haben und die UKRAINE ihre 30—SCHÜTZENPANZER übernommen hat",
20221129             schrieb der konservative Politiker.
20221129             —VEREINBART, Der Ringtausch war —IM—SOMMER, worden.
20221129             Bundesverteidigungsministerin CHRISTINE—LAMBRECHT hatte mit Nad abgesprochen, dass DEUTSCHLAND der SLOWAKEI im Gegenzug 15—KAMPFPANZER des Typs Leopard 2—A4 liefert.
20221129             Die DEUTSCHEN—PANZER werden aus Beständen der DEUTSCHEN—INDUSTRIE geliefert und um ein sogenanntes Munitions-, AUSBILDUNGS—UND Logistikpaket ergänzt.
20221129             Die RUSSISCHE—STRAFVOLLZUGSBEHÖRDE will im Ural 250—ZU Zwangsarbeit verurteilte Häftlinge in einem Rüstungsbetrieb einsetzen.
20221129             Die Zwangsarbeiter sollen bei dem Unternehmen Uralvagonzavod in der Stadt Nischni Tagil unter anderem als MASCHINEN—UND Kranführer, Drechsler und Schweißer arbeiten.
20221129             Das berichteten RUSSISCHE—MEDIEN unter Berufung auf die Behörde.
20221129             Den Berichten zufolge ist die Arbeit mit einigen Privilegien verbunden.
20221129             So sind die Häftlinge nicht in Zellen untergebracht, sondern in einem Wohnheim, oder können sogar bei Angehörigen wohnen.
20221129             Zudem wird neben den üblichen Steuern von ihrem Verdienst nur 1—SATZ—VON—5—BIS 20—PROZENT als Strafe vom Gehalt abgezogen.
20221129             Uralvagonzavod ist 1—DER—GRÖSSTEN—RÜSTUNGSKONZERNE.
20221129             BEIJING, 20221129             . - - /TASS/.
20221129             —INTRUDED, THE—USA—GUIDED—MISSILE cruiser Chancellorsville, into waters near the Spratly Islands in THE—SOUTH—CHINA—SEA without ANY—CHINA—PERMISSION, spokesman for THE—CHINA—PEOPLE—LIBERATION—ARMY (PLA) SOUTH—THEATER—COMMAND—TIAN—JUNLI said —ON—TUESDAY.
20221129             "THE—ACTIONS—OF—THE—USA—MILITARY seriously violated CHINA—SOVEREIGNTY and security," THE—CHINA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY quoted him as saying on its official channel on Wechat.
20221129             According to Tian, the intrusion is more "IRON—CLAD proof of its [THE—USA] hegemony in the navigation and MILITARIZATION—OF—THE—SOUTH—CHINA—SEA".
20221129             According to the statement, THE—PLA—NAVY and AIR—FORCE took measures to drive THE—USA—MISSILE cruiser away.
20221129             THE—USA 7. Fleet said THE—CHINA—STATEMENT was "false".
20221129             "USS Chancellorsville conducted this FONOP in accordance with INTERNATIONAL law and then continued on to conduct normal operations in waters where high seas freedoms apply.
20221129             THE—UNITED—STATES is defending EVERY—NATION—RIGHT to fly, sail, and operate wherever INTERNATIONAL law allows," THE—USA—NAVY argued.
20221129             —DISPUTED, BEIJING has, the territorial JURISDICTION—OF—SOME—ISLANDS in THE—SOUTH—CHINA—SEA where large hydrocarbon reserves were found with BRUNEI, VIETNAM, MALAYSIA and THE—PHILIPPINES —FOR—DECADES.
20221129             —DISPUTED, The most, territories are the Xisha Islands, also known as the Paracel Islands, the Nansha or Spratly Islands and THE—HUANGYAN—ISLAND (Scarborough Reef).
20221129             —SUBSIDED, The tensions have somewhat, in recent years thanks to multilateral efforts, including cooperation between CHINA and ASEAN.
20221129             —EXPRESSED, THE—CHINA—AUTHORITIES have repeatedly, their dissatisfaction with the provocative actions of THE—USA which, they warn, may trigger 1—NEW—ESCALATION and harm the situation in the region.
20221129             /TASS/. - - The situation in UKRAINE has the potential to lead to 1—DIRECT armed conflict between RUSSIA and NATO, which may result in a 3. world war, HUNGARY—FOREIGN—MINISTER—PETER—SZIJJARTO said —ON—TUESDAY—BEFORE leaving for 1—MEETING with his NATO counterparts in BUCHAREST.
20221129             "—2—WEEKS—AGO thanks to the composure and RESPONSIBILITY—OF—POLAND—LEADERS, we managed to avert such 1—NIGHTMARE as a 3. world war," he said, recalling the fall of 1—UKRAINE—MISSILE in POLAND".
20221129             Regrettably, as long as the war in UKRAINE continues, this risk stays in place.
20221129             That is why we must do our utmost to avert 1—DIRECT—CONFLICT between RUSSIA and NATO at ANY—TIME in the future," he wrote on his Facebook (outlawed in RUSSIA as belonging to the Meta corporation, which is recognized as extremist in RUSSIA) account.
20221129             THE—HUNGARY—TOP—DIPLOMAT will take part in 1—MEETING—OF—NATO foreign ministers in BUCHAREST.
20221129             —EXPECTED, The meeting is, to focus on the situation in UKRAINE and assistance to Kiev.
20221129             BUCHAREST, 20221129             .
20221129             /TASS/. - - NATO will reinforce its presence from the Black to the Baltic Sea, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—ANTONY—BLINKEN said at 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE in THE—ROMANIA—CAPITAL—OF—BUCHAREST.
20221129             "We are —NOW going to be reinforcing NATO—PRESENCE from the Black to the Baltic Seas.
20221129             In that effort, we are working constantly with EACH—OTHER, as well as with NATO, to effectively inform and reinforce our Black Sea strategy," he pointed out —FOLLOWING 1—MEETING with ROMANIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—BOGDAN—AURESCU.
20221129             "—WHEN it comes to the Black Sea region, this is 1—AREA—OF—GREAT—STRATEGIC—IMPORTANCE to us," Blinken added.
20221129             —ISSUED, BEIJING has, 1—FORMIDABLE—PROTEST to THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—GOVERNMENT over THE—UK—RASH remarks about 1—BBC journalist allegedly having been beaten in SHANGHAI, CHINA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—SPOKESPERSON—ZHAO Lijian said at 1—BRIEFING —ON—TUESDAY.
20221129             "THE—UK—REMARKS on the matter distort the facts and we view them as flagrant meddling in CHINA—DOMESTIC—POLICY, —THEREFORE, we resolutely protest against it," he stressed.
20221129             —SPECIFIED, THE—CHINA—DIPLOMAT, that —WHEN asked by police to leave the crowded area, THE—BBC journalist had refused and also failed to inform law enforcement officers that he was 1—MEDIA—WORKER".
20221129             Police began to identify him, which is standard procedure," Zhao Lijian added.
20221129             According to him, CHINA—POLICE "were acting in full compliance with the law".
20221129             —SLAMMED, THE—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—SPOKESPERSON also, 1—BBC report that its journalist had been beaten as untrue".
20221129             In fact, this is nothing more than slinging mud at CHINA," Zhao Lijian noted.
20221129             "THE—UNITED—KINGDOM should respect the facts, make more cautious statements and stop pursuing double standards," he concluded.
20221129             SHANGHAI incident
20221129             —STATED, UNITED—KINGDOM—HOME—SECRETARY—JAMES—CLEVERLY —EARLIER, that CHINA needed to respect FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH and people's right to protest.
20221129             —COMMENTED, He also, on 1—BBC report about its EMPLOYEE—ED—LAWRENCE having been "arrested and beaten" in SHANGHAI by saying that "journalists must be able to do their job without intimidation".
20221129             —REPORTED, THE—SOUTH—CHINA—MORNING—POST, 1—HONG—KONG—BASED newspaper, that demonstrations against the ongoing CORONA€"VIRUS restrictions had taken place in several CHINA—CITIES over the weekend.
20221129             Sinkende Energiepreise: Inflation schwächt sich —IM—NOVEMBER leicht auf 10,0 Prozent ab
20221129             Kranke Mitarbeiter: "Pflegeheime sind nach wie vor Coronahotspots"
20221129             Volksbefragung: In ENGLAND und WALES definieren sich immer weniger Menschen als Christen
20221129             Kündigungswelle ohne Abfindung in GHANA: TWITTER—MITARBEITER 2. Klasse
20221129             SPOOFING—SPERRE: Bundesnetzagentur macht Schutz vor gefälschten Rufnummern zur Pflicht
20221129             Bericht der Vereinten Nationen: Great Barrier Reef soll "gefährdetes Welterbe" werden
20221129             Angst um Lebensgrundlage: Regierung lässt Häuser Tausender Familien in Angkor Wat räumen
20221129             Badesuite, Dampfbad und Tauchbecken: Archäologen finden Wellnessbereich in ROM—SCHEUNENUMBAU
20221129             Inzwischen wird der Fund laut dem Bericht von der Regierung geschützt und als "die aufregendste Entdeckung eines ROM—MOSAIKS im Vereinigten Königreich —IM—LETZTEN—JAHRHUNDERT" bezeichnet.
20221129             "Robuste Antwort": Habeck will EU auf Handelskonflikt mit den USA vorbereiten
20221129             LNG—LIEFERUNGEN für DEUTSCHLAND: Gaspakt mit KATAR — Fluch oder Segen?
20221129             —GEFUNDEN, Tausende —JAHRE im Eis: Zombieviren in Permafrost
20221129             Zu einem Viertel ist die Nordhalbkugel mit Permafrost bedeckt — mit Boden also, der dauerhaft gefroren ist.
20221129             Durch die Klimaerwärmung taut dieser Boden langsam auf.
20221129             So werden etwa Tierkadaver und Pflanzenreste freigelegt und mit ihnen Viren, die —SEIT prähistorischen Zeiten inaktiv waren.
20221129             —CHARAKTERISIERT, Das Team hat demnach 13—NEUE Viren, und wieder aktiviert, die aus 7—VERSCHIEDENEN Proben sibirischen Permafrosts stammten.
20221129             1—VIRUS etwa wurde aus einer Probe wiederbelebt, die auf das —JAHR 27.000—VOR Christus datiert wird, an der Probe seien Spuren von Mammutwolle gefunden worden.
20221129             —BIS zu einer Million —JAHRE lang gefrorenes organisches Material wird durch das Schmelzen der Eisschichten freigesetzt.
20221129             Größtenteils wird es zu Kohlendioxid und Methan zersetzt, was wiederum den Treibhauseffekt verstärkt.
20221129             Ein unmittelbares Problem für die öffentliche Gesundheit könnte den Forschenden zufolge die Freisetzung lebender Bakterien sein, die im tiefen Permafrost eingeschlossen und —BIS zu 2—MILLIONEN —JAHRE—VON—DER—ERDOBERFLÄCHE isoliert waren.
20221129             Nicht sicher sei jedoch, wie lange die Viren infektiös blieben, sobald sie im Freien mit Licht, Sauerstoff und Wärme in Kontakt treten.
20221129             "Das Risiko wird jedoch im Zusammenhang mit der globalen Erwärmung steigen, wenn sich das Auftauen des Permafrosts weiter beschleunigt und mehr Menschen die ARKTIS im Zuge industrieller Unternehmungen besiedeln werden",
20221129             In jüngerer Zeit sei etwa die immer wieder auftretende Rückkehr von Milzbrandepidemien bei Rentieren mit dem Auftauen der aktiven Permafrostschicht an der Oberfläche in Verbindung gebracht worden — während außergewöhnlich heißer —SOMMER.
20221129             Jahrhundertealte Sporen aus alten TiergräBERN oder Kadavern hätten so wieder auftauchen können.
20221129             1. Bericht über globale Frischwasserreserven: Die Welt wird immer trockener
20221129             Zur Raumstation "Tiangong": CHINESISCHE—ASTRONAUTEN sind ins All gestartet
20221129             Nach Protesten gegen Coronapolitik: Chinas höchstes Sicherheitsgremium verlangt "hartes Durchgreifen"
20221129             Justiz in POLEN: Regierungskritischer Richter darf wieder Urteile sprechen
20221129             Prozess gegen ehemaligen NPD—ANWALT HORST—MAHLER: Der Mann, für den Hitler 1—FREIHEITSKÄMPFER war
20221129             Zusammenstöße und Autoattacke im Westjordanland: 5—PALÄSTINENSER getötet, ISRAELISCHE—SOLDATIN schwer verletzt
20221129             Überlastete Justiz: Mutmaßliche Mörder auf freiem Fuß 1—SPIEGEL—TV—FILM von Henrik Neumann
20221129             Haft von WIKILEAKS—GRÜNDER—JULIAN—ASSANGE: "Genug ist genug"
20221129             Widerrechtlich 78.000—EURO vom STAAT erhalten?: ÖSTERREICHISCHE—EX—MINISTERIN wegen Betrugs angeklagt
20221129             LNG aus KATAR: Deutschlands merkwürdiger Deal
20221129             Die NATO hat nach LITAUISCHEN—ANGABEN genügend Panzer, die sie der UKRAINE überlassen könnte".
20221129             Der NATO gehen die Panzer nicht aus",
20221129             sagt der LITAUISCHE—AUSSENMINISTER Gabrielius Landsbergis vor dem Treffen mit seinen NATO—KOLLEGINNEN UND—KOLLEGEN in Bukarest".
20221129             Wenn wir also den Bestand an Panzern ausweiten, die in die UKRAINE geschickt werden, hat die NATO die Chance, die Versorgung aufrechtzuerhalten".
20221129             FINNLAND treibt seine Aufrüstung nach der RUSSISCHEN—INVASION der UKRAINE voran.
20221129             Ein großer Teil der allein für das laufende —JAHR vorgesehenen zusätzlichen Rüstungsmittel in Höhe von 1,76 Milliarden Euro würden für Einkäufe in den USA ausgegeben, sagt 1—BERATER—DES—FINNISCHEN—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUMS.
20221129             Das USA—AUßENMINISTERIUM teilte mit, die Ausfuhr von LUFTABWEHR—RAKETEN und anderer Waffen im Wert mehrerer 100—MILLIONEN Euro sei genehmigt worden.
20221129             Das an RUSSLAND angrenzende Land will auch Mitglied der NATO werden.
20221129             Die 1. Lieferung mit russischem Dünger hat die NIEDERLANDE Richtung MALAWI verlassen, teilt 1—UN—SPRECHER mit.
20221129             Es ist die 1. Lieferung von Dünger, dessen Weitertransport im Rahmen der EU—SANKTIONEN bislang verhindert wurde.
20221129             Die UN hatte einer Verlängerung des GETREIDE—ABKOMMENS zwischen RUSSLAND und der UKRAINE vermittelt.
20221129             Dadurch kann die UKRAINE weiter Getreide ausführen und Russlands Dünger wurde freigegeben.
20221129             Beide Grundprodukte haben einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die globalen Lebensmittelpreise.
20221129             —BEREITS—IM vergangenen —JAHR sei mit Geldspenden von 12,9 Milliarden Euro in DEUTSCHLAND eine neue Höchstmarke erzielt worden, so Wilke.
20221129             Nach Erhebungen des DZI beliefen sich die Geldspenden für die Menschen in und aus der UKRAINE in DEUTSCHLAND —ANFANG—JUNI—BEREITS auf 812—MILLIONEN Euro und stiegen —BIS—MITTE—OKTOBER weiter auf 862—MILLIONEN Euro.
20221129             EX—BOXWELTMEISTER WLADIMIR—KLITSCHKO hat DEUTSCHLAND um weitere Hilfe bei der Abwehr des RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFFS auf die UKRAINE gebeten.
20221129             Technik aus Zügen könnten nach ANGABEN—VON—AUSSENMINISTERIN—ANNALENA—BAERBOCK bei der Notversorgung der UKRAINE mit Strom helfen.
20221129             Man zerbreche sich —DERZEIT den Kopf, wie man Generatoren aus Eisenbahnloks ausbauen und dann mit Lastwagen oder Zügen in die UKRAINE transportieren könne, sagte die GRÜNEN—POLITIKERIN am Rande eines NATO—TREFFENS in Bukarest.
20221129             Das Land brauche große Generatoren, um die Leistung der von RUSSLAND zerbombten Kraftwerke zu ersetzen.
20221129             Dabei sei neben Geld auch "jegliche Kreativität" gefragt.
20221129             Wegen seiner Kritik am RUSSISCHEN—VORGEHEN in der UKRAINE muss sich 1—RUSSISCHER—OPPOSITIONELLER —SEIT—HEUTE vor Gericht verantworten.
20221129             Dem KREML—KRITIKER Ilja Jaschin wurde vorgeworfen, Falschinformationen über das Militär verbreitet zu haben.
20221129             Dabei handelt es sich um einen Vorwurf, der für Jaschin im Falle einer Verurteilung 1—HAFTSTRAFE—VON—BIS zu —10—JAHREN bedeuten könnte.
20221129             Die RUSSISCHE—REGIERUNG hat die USA für die Verschiebung von geplanten Gesprächen über atomare Rüstungskontrolle verantwortlich gemacht.
20221129             Die USA—SEITE habe nicht nur zögerlich auf RUSSISCHE—SIGNALE und die Prioritäten Moskaus reagiert, sondern sich genau entgegengesetzt verhalten, sagte der stellvertretende RUSSISCHE—AUSSENMINISTER Sergej Rjabkow.
20221129             Die USA—REGIERUNG hatte —AM—MONTAG mitgeteilt, dass RUSSLAND die —VERHANDLUNGEN verschoben habe, —DIE—HEUTE in Kairo hätten beginnen sollen.
20221129             Rjabkow warf den USA vor, sie hätten sich lediglich darauf konzentrieren wollen, die in dem Vertrag New Start vereinbarten Inspektionen wieder aufzunehmen.
20221129             1—ANTRAG der RUSSISCHEN—REGIERUNG, auch über Details bezüglich der ANZAHL—VON—WAFFEN zu reden, sei abgelehnt worden.
20221129             Unter dem 20100000             von beiden Seiten unterzeichneten Pakt dürfen RUSSLAND und die USA maximal 15500000             einsatzbereite Atomsprengköpfe sowie 700—RAKETEN und Bomber haben.
20221129             Um zu überprüfen, dass der Vertrag eingehalten wird, sind Inspektionen in Militäreinrichtungen vorgesehen.
20221129             Rjabkow sagte, auch die Lage in der UKRAINE sei in die —ENTSCHEIDUNG eingeflossen, die Gespräche zu verschieben.
20221129             —PROTESTIERT, RUSSLAND hat dagegen, dass der Westen der UKRAINE Waffen liefert.
20221129             Die USA haben am Rande des NATO—TREFFENS in Bukarest weitere Hilfen für die UKRAINE im Umfang von 53—MILLIONEN USA—DOLLAR zugesagt.
20221129             Damit wollen die Vereinigten Staaten "wichtige Ausrüstung für das Stromnetz bereitstellen",
20221129             Die UKRAINE hat von der NATO PATRIOT—LUFTABWEHRSYSTEME gefordert, wie sie unter anderem DEUTSCHLAND hat.
20221129             Patriots brauche die UKRAINE mit "am dringendsten",
20221129             sagte der UKRAINISCHE—AUSSENMINISTER Dmytro Kuleba am Rande des NATO—AUßENMINISTERTREFFENS in Bukarest, ohne DEUTSCHLAND explizit zu nennen.
20221129             Kuleba sagte bei dem Auftritt mit NATO—GENERALSEKRETÄR JENS—STOLTENBERG weiter, das Luftverteidigungssystem solle weitere RUSSISCHE—ANGRIFFE auf die ENERGIE—INFRASTRUKTUR der UKRAINE abwehren.
20221129             Zuvor hatte —BEREITS POLEN die Bundesregierung aufgerufen, der UKRAINE dafür das PATRIOT—SYSTEM zur Verfügung zu stellen.
20221129             BERLIN hatte dieses ursprünglich Warschau —NACH—DEN jüngsten Raketeneinschlägen im Grenzgebiet angeboten.
20221129             Bundesaußenministerin Annalena Baerbock äußerte sich in Bukarest zurückhaltend zur Weitergabe der Patriots an Kiew.
20221129             Die NATO müsse sicherstellen, dass sie "in ihrem eigenen Bündnisgebiet" ausreichend Material habe,
20221129             USA—AUßENMINISTER ANTONY—BLINKEN hat beim Treffen mit seinen Amtskollegen aus den NATO—STAATEN in Bukarest einen weiteren Truppenaufbau an der Ostflanke des Militärbündnisses versprochen".
20221129             Wir werden uns nicht abschrecken lassen", sagte Blinken vor Journalisten".
20221129             Wir werden die Präsenz der NATO vom Schwarzen Meer —BIS zur Ostsee verstärken".
20221129             Italiens rechtsgerichtete Regierungsparteien haben einem Insider zufolge einen Antrag zurückgezogen, der es der Regierung erlaubt hätte, auch 20230000             weiterhin Waffen in die UKRAINE zu liefern.
20221129             Auslöser für den Schritt sei 1—AUFFORDERUNG—DER—OPPOSITION gewesen, ein separates Dekret dafür auf den Weg zu bringen, verlautete aus Parlamentskreisen.
20221129             Beim Treffen der NATO—AUßENMINISTER in Bukarest hat ESTLAND die anderen Bündnisstaaten aufgefordert, deutlich mehr Geld zur Unterstützung der UKRAINE in die Hand zu nehmen.
20221129             Wenn ALLE—NATO—STAATEN 1—PROZENT ihres Bruttoinlandsprodukts (BIP) für Waffenlieferungen und andere militärische Hilfe einsetzen würden, könnte das einen strategischen Unterschied machen, sagte der ESTNISCHE—AUSSENMINISTER Urmas Reinsalu.
20221129             Die ESTNISCHE—FORDERUNG geht weit über die Ziele der meisten NATO—STAATEN hinaus.
20221129             Viele von ihnen kämpfen —SCHON damit, die Zielmarke von 2—PROZENT—DES—BIP für die eigenen Verteidigungsausgaben zu erreichen.
20221129             RUSSLAND hat die NATO davor gewarnt, PATRIOT—RAKETENABWEHRSYSTEME an die UKRAINE zu liefern.
20221129             Der ehemalige RUSSISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—DMITRI—MEDWEDJEW schrieb auf Telegram, sollte die Allianz die "UKRAINISCHEN—FANATIKER" mit Patriots und NATO—PERSONAL versorgen, würden diese sofort zum legitimen Ziel für die RUSSISCHEN—STREITKRÄFTE.
20221129             Unklar ist, ob Medwedjew sich auf die PATRIOT—SYSTEME, die UKRAINISCHEN—STREITKRÄFTE oder das NATO—PERSONAL als potenzielles Ziel bezog.
20221129             —BERICHTET, Der UKRAINISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—WOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYY, von einer schwierigen Situation an der Front".
20221129             Trotz extrem hoher Verluste versuchen die Besatzer immer noch, in der DONEZSK—REGION vorzustoßen, in der Region LUHANSK Fuß zu fassen, in die CHARKIW—REGION einzudringen",
202211291107         Stoltenberg explains why NATO cannot allow Putin to win
20221129—20221129    —FROM, Macron will be in WASHINGTON with a —5—DAY—VISIT to 20221203             .