_HEUTE_1127 :

_00431127            OCTAVIAN, ANTONIUS, LEPIDUS formed the triumvirate of ROME.
05111111—05111127    —SEE
05111127             —BEIGESETZT in REIMS CHLODWIG—I[CHLODVIG,CLOVIS,CLODOVICUS,CHLODOWECH,CLOVIS—I.] in der durch ihn selbst "zu Ehren DER—HEILIGEN Apostel"erbauten KIRCHE,
05111127             —NACH, des CHLODWIG—I[CHLODVIG,CLOVIS,CLODOVICUS,CHLODOWECH,CLOVIS—I.] die 4—SÖHNE DAS—REICH unter sich aufteilten.
05111127             † CLOVIS—KING—OF—THE—FRANKS, 45—JAHRE—ALT, and his kingdom was divided between his 4—SONS.
05111127—05111111    —SEE
10951127             —LE—APPEL—DU—URBANUS—II—PAPA
10951127             URBANUS—II—PAPA prêche la CROISADE au cri de "Dieu le veut".
10951127             150.000—CHEVALIERS de toute EUROPA accourent.
10951127             Dem URBANUS—II—PAPA kam auch zupass, daß mehrere europäische Herrscher gar nicht in der Lage waren, 1—AUFRUF—ZU—FOLGEN.
10951127             LE—APPEL—DU URBANUS—II—PAPA La remissions des fautes accordées aux croisés par LA—EGLISE assura 1—ALIBI moral à bien des consciences troubles.
10951127             LE—APPEL—DU URBANUS—II—PAPA PUIS gagne la chevalerie et les BARONnies.
10951127             LE—APPEL—DU URBANUS—II—PAPA originellement désintéressé et INTERNATIONAL.
10951127             LE—APPEL—DU URBANUS—II—PAPA provoque 1—ÉLAN spirituel et populaire,
10951127             LE—APPEL—DU URBANUS—II—PAPA se distingue de ceux précédemment lancés par d'autres papas ou princes latins car il a un caractère seulement religieux,
10951127             Le 1. groupe fut conduit par GODEFROI—DE—BOUILLON, Les armées sont parties en 4—GROUPES.
10951127             Transportés par des flottes italiennes,
10951127             —VOR—FAST—1.000—JAHREN—JENER—NOVEMBER—TAG riss 1—KLUFT auf zwischen Orient, Okzident, zwischen ISLAM, CHRISTENTUM —
10951127             Vor den Toren der STADT—CLERMONT, weil es — wie schon in PIACENZA — 1—RIESIGEN Zulauf Interessierter gab.
10951127             WILHELM—II—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND Rufus stritt heftig mit dem ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—CANTERBURY, deshalb war er unabkömmlich. und
10951127             den KAISER—HEINRICH—IV—SALIER—DYNASTIE hatte der GREGOR—VII—PAPA in Sachen Investitur exkommuniziert.
10951127             und URBANUS—II—PAPA beschwor DIE—MENSCHENMENGE, ganz im Sinne von Alexios, endlich gegen sie zu marschieren.
10951127             —CONCILIUM—GENERALE—CLERMONT, -LETZTER—TAG, —AN—DEM, URBANUS—II—PAPALIEß verkünden, er werde 1—WICHTIGE Rede halten.
10951127             Als URBANUS—II—PAPA CLERMONT in der Auvergne erreichte, rief er WIEDERUM 1 "CONCILIUM GENERALE"zusammen.
10951127             An des "-CONCILIUM—GENERALE—CLERMONT"letzter Tag, dem, anberaumte URBANUS—II—PAPA 1—ÖFFENTLICHE Sitzung,
10951127             CLERMONT—FRANCE, URBANUS—II—PAPA made 1—APPEAL for warriors to relieve JERUSALEM.
10951127             URBANUS—II—PAPA was responding to false rumors of atrocities in the Holy Land.
10951127             —CALLED, URBANUS—II—PAPA, for 1—CHRISTIAN army to defeat the Turks and recapture the Holy Sepulchre from the Muslims.
10951127             —SPARKED, The 1. Crusade, 1—RENEWAL—OF—TRADE between EUROPE and ASIA.
10951127—10850000    —10—ANS—PLUS—TÔT, La 1. CROISADE avait été lancée
12211127             S—MARCEL, 2G : S—VICTOR, Conventions ENTRE le préràl RAIMOND et Iknmcjncl Bérowd.
12341127             dessen in 1—VERTRAGE zwischen dem PATRIARCH—BERTOLD—VON—AQUILEJA und dem GRAF—MEINHARD—VON—GÖRZ
12371127             des KAISER—FRIEDRICH—II—VON—HOHENSTAUFEN TRUPPEN den lombardischen STÄDTE—BUND besiegen
12371127             —SCHLACHT—VON—CORTENUOVA.
12521127             † BLANCHE—DE—CASTILLE
12860105—12861127    REMBOLD HIRZENACH—PROPST belegt vom
13081127             BETROTHED—TO—LUDWIG—VON—BAYERN—SON—OF—RUDOLF—I. joint DUKE—OF—UPPER—BAVARIA and joint PFALZGRAF—BEI—RHEIN oo MECHTILD—VON—NASSAU (12970000—13110405    —BEFORE, bur Fürstenfeld).
13081127             —DATED—TO, THE—CHRONICA—DE—GESTIS Principum of the monks of Fürstenfeld records THE—ELECTION—OF—HENRI—DE—LUXEMBOURG as HEINRICH—IX—KING—OF—GERMANY  followed by the betrothal of "RUDOLFus DUX Bawarie filium suum" to "filie eius"
13271127             "M. Gallus Mag, Andree " è eletto GONFALONIERE—DI—GIUSTIZIA
13511127             —INFRASCRIPTISTAMQUAM conservatoribus mandatur^ ut Nicolaum tit.
13511127             S—VITALIS presbyterum KARDINALem in percipiendis juribus et proventibus praepositurae et ARCHI—DIACONATUS—ECCLESICTE DAVENTRIENSIS contra quoscumque iniquos molestatores efficaciter defendant.
13561127             Gemeint ist das Privileg über die Berufungen an den SCHÖFFEN—STUHL—AACHEN vom ,
13621127             reservet BENEFICIUM conferendum a PRAEPOSITO—TRAIECTENSIS et CUM—CURA 25^ SINE—CURA vero 18—MARCARUM—ARGENTI VALOREM—ANNUUM non excedens.
13621127             —AVINIONE—V—KALENDAS—12;:PRIMO.
13791127             (IVI—FOLIA—84*").
13821127             —CRUSHED, THE—FRANCE—NOBILITY, led by OLIVIER—DE—CLISSON, the Flemish rebels at Flanders.
13990000—14741127    * † GUILLAUME—DUFAY, FRENCH—FLEMISH composer.
14741127             —INCLUDED, His work, "Ecclesiae militantis," a 5-part motet on EUGENIUS—IV—PAPA—SHORT—LIVED supremacy over THE—EAST—ORTHODOX—CHURCH.
14941127             † JEAN—MARIA—DE—PODIO, clerc des cérémonies, est assassiné dans son lit.
14951127             —RECEIVED, JAMES—IV—KING—OF—SCOTLAND, Perkin Warbeck (21), 1—PRETENDER to THE—ENGLAND—THRONE.
14951127             James gave Warbeck, a Walloon, Lady Catherine Gordon in marriage.
14961127             —DOMINICA 1. ADVENTUS, SERMONEM—FECIT quidam frater Benedictus ORDINIS—PREDICATORUM PRO—PROCURATORE dicti ordinis, qui nullo modo procurationem habet:
14961127             —SONNTAG conclusion à Alacalà de Hénarès
15351127             ANTOINE—AUAUCBI, PROCURATORd.
15351127             Andrée Gausi, clerici MIMATENSIS—DIOCESIS, se présente à 1—PRÊTRE de VrijUse calhédrak
15351127             Claudius Monardi présente au curé de lu MAJOR les mêmes BULLE[BULLA]s du VICE—LÉGAT qui donnent la prévoté à ANTOINE—DE—TENDE, ÉVEQUE— :
15351127             et.se fait installer en son nom. Extens. K de JEAN—GILI. f 2 13.
15441127             * ASCANIO—TROMBETI, composer.
15451127             —ON—THE, CONDEMNED was JACOB—VAN—LIESVELT
16291127             † Bulfardo Guetprott aus 55;g. 6. (Gutbrod aus Steyr;cf.OBEN—SEITE—193.)
16361127             —AM, schrieb, er solle DAS—KLOSTER—SIEGBURG nicht entgegen dem Wortlaut der §—13—ÄUßERE Bindungen und Beziehungen 97—KAISERLICHEN Schutzbriefe und Privilegien beschweren.
16461220—16461127    —VOM—AM, —ÜBERREICHTEN diese den Staaten 2—DIE pommersche Angelegenheit betreffende Schriftstücke
16741127             LE—CHEVALIER—DE—ROHAN accusé d'avoir comploté
16761127             DIE—VERHANDLUNGEN darüber besser und bequemer zu führen sein werden, wenn FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG nach CLEVE kommt, und
16761127             in Anbetracht, daß sich DIE—PROVINZEN über das Eingehen 1—ENGEREN ALLIANZ—MIT—BRANDENBURG NOCH NICHT erklärt haben, und
16761127             in Übereinstimmung mit dem Advis des PRINZ—VON—ORANIEN
16761127             ist beschlossen worden, JACOB—VON—DER—TOCHT die sofortige Rückkehr nach den NIEDERLANDEN zu gestatten.
16761127             —DATUM
16761127—16761101    Auf des JACOB—VON—DER—TOCHT Schreiben MITTEILUNG—VOM
16801127             A PARIS, le, Messieurs.
16801127             Jay es'.é bien aise d'ap|M(Muhe par la lettre que vous m'auez esoiitle QU'—APRÈS auoir procédé eu la
16801127             † ATHANASIUS—KIRCHER, GERMANY—JESUIT and inventor of 1—LANTERN.
16990909             PETER—STÜRTZ aus STOLBERG oo [17371127              STOLBERG] HEYDENs, JOHANNA [oder ANNA] MARIA, ohne festen WOHN—SITZ,
17011127—17440000    * † ANDERS—CELSIUS, SWEDEN—ASTRONOMER who devised the centigrade temperature scale, in UPPSALA.
17031126—17031127    —KILLED, Heavy storms hit ENGLAND and 1000s were.
17031126—17031127    —DAMAGED, BRISTOL—ENGLAND, was, by the hurricane.
17031126—17031127    The Royal Navy lost 15—WARSHIPS.
17080608—17081127    —REFERENCED, THE—S—JOSE in 1—PLACE never before, by previous research.
17211127             —EXÉCUTION—DE—CARTOUCHE
17411127             * JEAN—PIERRE—DUPORT, composer.
17491127             † BALTHASAR—SCHMID, 44—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
17491127             † GOTTFRIED—HEINRICH—STOLZEL, 59—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
17501127             * ANTON—THADAUS—JOHANN—NEPOMUK—STAMITZ, composer.
17781127             * JOHN—MURRAY, PUBLISHER.
17901127             Par décret LA—ASSEMBLÉE exige que les ecclésiastiques en exercice prêtent serment (sous les 8—JOURS) à LA—CONSTITUTION—CIVILE—DU—CLERGÉ.
17901127             Trois nouvelles contributions directes sont levées la taxe foncière
17921127             LA—SAVOIE est rattachée à LA—FRANCE[FRANKREICH]
17981127             Rabbi Shneur Zalman (17450000—18120000    ) of Liadi, 1—HASIDIC—LEADER, was released from prison in S—PETERSBURG.
17981127             —ARRESTED, He had been, on charges of treason, laid by Jews who opposed the nascent MOVEMENT—OF—HASIDISM.
17981127             He was the founder and 1. Rebbe of Chabad, 1—BRANCH—OF—HASIDIC—JUDAISM.
18041127             —ISSUED, PRESIDENT—JEFFERSON, 1—NATIONWIDE proclamation to military and public officials warning of 1—CONSPIRACY to attack SPAIN—TERRITORY—IN—TEXAS.
18041127             —OPENED, He had, negotiations with SPAIN to purchase TEXAS TERRITORY—WEST—OF—NEW—ORLEANS.
18041127             Jefferson had heard rumors that AARON—BURR had begun plotting 1—INVASION—OF—TEXAS.
18041127             —ORDERED, Jefferson, GENERAL—JAMES—WILKINSON to move federal troops into defensive positions between the Sabine River and NEW—ORLEANS.
18041127             Wilkinson, unbeknownst to Jefferson, was 1—CLOSE confidant of Burr and also worked as 1—SPY in THE—EMPLOY—OF—SPAIN—OFFICIALS in MEXICO.
18061127             —DÉCRET—DE—BERLIN inaugurant le BLOCUS—CONTINENTAL contre —LE—ANGLETERRE
18091127             † Frances Anne "Fanny" Kemble (18930000             , ), Shakespearian actress, writer and ANTI—SLAVERY activist, was born in LONDON—ENGLAND.
18091127             —INCLUDED, Her work, "Journal of 1—RESIDENCE on 1—GEORGIA—PLANTATION.
18121127             PASSAGE—DE—LA—BÉRÉSINA
18121127             1—OF—THE—2—BRIDGES being used by NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE—ARMY across the Beresina River in RUSSIA collapsed during 1—RUSSIA—ARTILLERY barrage.
18151127             —DECLARED, CRACOW—POLAND, itself 1—FREE—REPUBLIC.
18151210—18521127    AUGUSTA—ADA—BYRON—KING war 1—BRITISCHE Mathematikerin
18171120—18171127    —SEE
18171127             —ATTACKED, USA—SOLDIERS, 1—FLORIDA—INDIA—VILLAGE and began the Seminole War.
18171127—18171120    —SEE
18261127             —REACHED, Jedediah SMITH—EXPEDITION, S—DIEGO, becoming the 1. Americans to cross THE—SOUTH—WESTERN—PART—OF—THE—CONTINENT.
18261127             He crossed the Mohave Desert and THE—S—BERNADINO—MOUNTAINS from UTAH.
18361127             † Carle [ANTOINE—CH] Vernet, FRANCE—PAINTER and lithographer.
18431127             —PRODUCED, BALFE—OPERA "Bohemian Girl" was, in LONDON.
18521127             † COUNTESS—OF—LOVELACE—KING—OF—AUGUSTA—ADA—BYRON[Ada Lovelace] (geborene AUGUSTA—ADA—BYRON, in LONDON;[1]
18521127             Ada Lovelace (18150000              *), Lord BYRON—DAUGHTER and THE—INVENTOR—OF—COMPUTER—LANGUAGE, was bled to death by physicians at age 36. She had helped CHARLES—BABBAGE develop his "Analytical Engine," that performed mathematical calculations through the use of punched cards.
18521127             † Her last years were spent in 1—NETHERWORLD—OF—ADDICTION, gambling and adultery and she, —OF—CANCER.
18521127—20010000    —AUTHORED, BENJAMIN—WOOLEY, her biography: "THE—BRIDE—OF—SCIENCE".
18621127             GEORGE—ARMSTRONG—CUSTER met his future bride, ELIZABETH Bacon, at 1—THANKSGIVING party.
18631127             BATTLE—OF—PAYNE—FARM—VIRGINIA.
18641127             2. DAY—OF—BATTLES at WAYNESBORO—GEORGIA.
18681127             —KILLED, LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—GEORGE—A—CUSTER—7. Cavalry, CHIEF—BLACK—KETTLE (18010000              *) and about 100—CHEYENNE (mostly women and children) on the Washita River near present day CHEYENNE—OKLAHOMA.
18701127             —AM, verstanden sich auf Anhieb HOLNSTEIN, KANZLER—OTTO—VON—BISMARK, die 2—MÄNNER.
18701127             —AM, schnell Über das Geschäft verständigten sich HOLNSTEIN, KANZLER—OTTO—VON—BISMARK
18701127             —AM, HOLNSTEIN in der Villa JESSE—DEM—KANZLER—OTTO—VON—BISMARK gegenüberstand;
18701127             1—SCHREIBEN mit des LUDWIG—II—KÖNIG—VON—BAYERN Bitte an den WILHELM—I—KÖNIG—VON—PREUSSEN, gütigst zu akzeptieren die KAISER—KRONE.
18701127             * JOE—MACK.
18701127             —BECAME, JOE—MACK, 1—BUILDER—OF—GASOLINE—POWERED delivery wagons, which eventually evolved into THE—MACK—TRUCK—COMPANY.
18711127             Ku Klux Klan trials began in Federal DISTRICT—COURT—IN—COLUMBIA, SC.
18741127—18520000    * † CHAIM—WEIZMANN.
18741127—18520000    CHAIM—WEIZMANN was 1—ISRAEL—CHEMIST and Zionist leader and the 1. PRESIDENT—OF—ISRAEL 19480000—19520000    —FROM—TO.
18791127             —BECAME, Virgil Earp, a Deputy USA Marshall.
18791127             * ADAM—TADEUSZ—WIENIAWSKI, composer.
18871127             USA—DEPUTY—MARSHALL—FRANK—DALTON, brother of THE—3—FAMOUS outlaws, was killed in THE—LINE—OF—DUTY—NEAR—FORT SMITH—ARKANSAS.
18891127             1. permit issued to drive 1—CAR through CENTRAL—PARK, NEW—YORK—CITY, was issued to CURTIS—P—BRADY.
18951127             —SIGNED, ALFRED—NOBEL, explosives magnate, his last will and testament at THE—SWEDISH—NORWAY—CLUB in PARIS, setting aside his estate to establish the Nobel Prize after his death (see 18961210             ).
18951127             He named Ragnar Sohlman (25), his favorite lab assistant, as his executor and Rudolf Lilljequist as CO—EXECUTOR.
18961127             RICHARD—STRAUSS' "Also Sprach Zarathustra" (Thus Spake Zarathustra) debuted in FRANKFURT.
18961210—19680000    —IN, a 6. award for economics was established 18951127             —SEE.
18981126             1—MAJOR—STORM arose that killed over 400—PEOPLE in the next 36—HOURS 18981127             —SEE.
18981127             THE—SS PORTLAND, under CAPTAIN—HOLLIS—H—BLANCHARD, sank overnight in THE—PORTLAND Gale off New ENGLAND and all 192—PEOPLE aboard were killed.
18981127—20020000    —AUTHORED, JOHN—ROUSMANIERE, "After the Storm: True STORIES—OF—DISASTER and Recovery at Sea".
19011127             —ESTABLISHED, The Army War College was, in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA.
19041127             1—GERMANY—COLONIAL—ARMY defeated Hottentots at Warmbad in SOUTH—WEST—AFRICA (later NAMIBIA).
19071127—20000000    * † LYON—SPRAGUE—DE—CAMP, USA SCI—FI author (Goblin Tower, Hand of Zei).
19091127             * JAMES—AGEE, Pulitzer PRIZE—WINNING author.
19091127             —INCLUDED, JAMES—AGEE—WORK, "1—DEATH in the Family".
19091127             USA—TROOPS land in BLUEFIELDS—NICARAGUA, to protect USA—INTERESTS there.
19101127             NEW—YORK—CITY, THE—PENNSYLVANIA Railroad began service at PENNSYLVANIA Station.
19101127             † It was begun under the direction of PRR PRESIDENT—ALEXANDER—J—CASSATT (19060000             , ) and designed by the architectural firm of McKim, Mead and White.
19101127             * RUDOLF—HOLZMANN, composer.
19101127—19630000    —DEMOLISHED, Penn Station was.
19101127—20070000    —AUTHORED, Jill Jonnes, "Conquering Gotham: 1—GILDED—AGE—EPIC: THE—CONSTRUCTION—OF—PENN—STATION and its Tunnels".
19111127             Audience threw OVER—RIPE vegetables at actors for the 1. recorded time in USA.
19121127             * DAVID—MERRICK, [Margulois], Broadway producer (Hello Dolly), in HONG—KONG.
19141127             KARL—KAUTSKY stellt in 1—AUFSATZ fest, daß DIE—INTERNATIONALE kein wirksames Werkzeug im Kriege sei, "sie ist im wesentlichen 1—FRIEDENS—INSTRUMENT".
19141127             —VERURTEILT, Diese These wird von ROSA—LUXEMBURG scharf
19161127             —DEPARTED, THE—GERMANY—SUBMARINE UB-29, on its final mission with 22—SAILORS and soon went missing.
19161127             Officials were able to identify it after finding the tag of the U-boat.
19161127—20170000    —INVESTIGATED, BELGIUM—DIVERS, the submarine's wreck off THE—COAST—OF—BELGIUM.
19181127             dies den Raub des WAHL—RECHTS—VON—MILLIONEN—VON—FRONTSOLDATEN bedeuten würde.
19181127             DIE—USPD wendet sich GEGEN—DIE—BALDIGE Einberufung der NATIONAL—VERSAMMLUNG, da
19181127             DIE—1. Ausgabe des ZENTRAL—ORGANS der Freien SOZIALISTISCHE—JUGEND "Die junge Garde" erscheint.
19191127             —SIGNED, BULGARIA, peace treaty with Allies at NEUILLY—FRANCE, fixing war reparations and recognizing Yugoslavian independence.
19211127—19920000    * † ALEXANDER—DUBCEK, headed CZECH—REPUBLIC—COMMUNIST—PARTY (19680000—19690000    ).
19221127             —BARRED, Allied delegates, Soviets from Near East peace conference.
19241127             S—FRANCISCO—THE, 1. TURKEY Bowl high school football championship was played at the new Kezar Stadium.
19241127             The 1. MACY—THANKSGIVING—DAY—PARADE was held in NEW—YORK—HERALD—SQUARE.
19241127             —BILLED, It was, as a "Christmas Parade".
19261127             Restoration of WILLIAMSBURG—VIRGINIA, began.
19321127—19830000    * † Benigno Aquino JUNIOR, THE—PHILIPPINES—OPPOSITION—LEADER;.
19341127             "Baby Face" Nelson (26), [LESTER—GILLIS], gangster, shot by FBI.
19361127             —WARNED, GREAT—BRITAIN—ANTHONY—EDEN, Hitler that BRITAIN would fight to protect BELGIUM.
19391127             greatest War Pictures —SHOW GERMANY—BOMB—RAID on the Firth of Forth, in: Life, SEITE—21;
19391127             The play "Key Largo," by MAXWELL—ANDERSON, opened at the Ethel Barrymore Theater in NEW—YORK.
19391127             JAMES—GREGORY made his Broadway debut.
19401127             * BRUCE—LEE, [LEE—YUEN—KAM], karate star and actor (Green Hornet), in SF—CALIFORNIA.
19401127             —MASSACRED, ASTONESCU—IRON—GUARD, over 60—AIDES—OF—THE exiled KING, including NICOLAE—IORGA, 1—FORMER—MINISTER and acclaimed historian.
19401127             2—MONTHS—PRIOR—GENERAL—ION—ANTONESCU seized power in ROMANIA and forced CAROL—II—KING—OF— to abdicate.
19411127             —WEIGHED, SHANGHAI, THE—USA—SHIP—PRESIDENT—MADISON, anchor as JAPAN warned of little room for prolonging WASHINGTON conversations.
19411127             —SECEDED, Jefferson, from OREGON and CALIFORNIA.
19411127             Jefferson was the winning name for 1—NEW—STATE—MADE—OF—CALIFORNIA—NORTH—SISKIYOU, DEL—NORTE and Trinity counties along with OREGON—SOUTH—CURRAY—COUNTY.
19411127             —INFORMED, CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR—CULBERT—L—OLSON was soon, that until roads were repaired, Jefferson would be forced to rebel EVERY—THURSDAY.
19411127             —REACHED, British 13. Army corp., TOBRUK, NORTH—AFRICA.
19411127             USSR began 1—COUNTER offensive, causing Germans to retreat.
19411127—20080000    —IN, calls for 1—JEFFERSON state gained steam and included 1—ADDITIONAL 5—COUNTIES in SOUTH—OREGON and 2—MORE in NORTH—CALIFORNIA.
19421127             * JIMI—HENDRIX, rock musician famous for "All Along the Watch Tower" and "Foxy Lady," in SEATTLE—WASHINGTON.
19421127             —DURING  —WWII, THE—FRANCE—NAVY at TOULON scuttled its ships and submarines to keep them OUT—OF—THE—HANDS—OF—THE—NAZIS.
19451127             —NAMED, GENERAL—GEORGE—C—MARSHALL was, special USA—ENVOY to CHINA to try to end hostilities between the Nationalists and the Communists.
19451127             —DECLARED, ARGENTINA, WAR—ON—AXIS.
19501127             —AM—BEREITS, notierte 1—MIT—ARBEITER—DER—REINHARD—GEHLEN—ORGANISATION—GEHLEN (Vorläufer des BND), BRANDT sei ein "großer Arbeiter"und "erheblicher Streber".
19501127             —ANNIHILATED, East of the Chosin River, CHINA—FORCES, 1—USA—TASK—FORCE.
19501127             † COLONEL—BARBER (20020000             , age 82) and 220—SOLDIERS in FOX—COMPANY withstood a 5—DAY—ASSAULT to protect 1—ESCAPE pass.
19501127             Over the next 2—WEEKS—MAO ZEDONG—PEASANT army drove 1—ARMY—OF—350,000 USA—SOLDIERS and marines and their Korean allies THE—LENGTH—OF—NORTH—KOREA to hasty evacuation by land and sea.
19511127             1. rocket to intercept an airplane was fired at White Sands, NM.
19511127             —SIGNED, CEASE—FIRE and demarcation zone accord was, in PANMUNJOM—KOREA.
19531127             † Playwright EUGENE—O'NEILL in BOSTON at age 65. PROFESSOR—JOHN—H—RALEIGH (20010000              † age 81) later authored "The Plays of EUGENE—O'NEILL".
19541127             —CONVICTED—OF, Alger Hiss, being 1—SOVIET—SPY, was freed —AFTER—44—MONTHS in prison.
19571127             Army withdrew from LITTLE—ROCK, ARKANSAS, after CENTRAL—HS integration.
19581127             † ARTUR—RODZINSKI, 66—JAHRE—ALT, POLAND—CONDUCTOR and composer.
19591127             † GERARD—PHILIPE, 36—JAHRE—ALT, actor and director (La Ronde, Gambler), of cancer.
19591127             —MARCHED, Demonstrators, in TOKYO to protest 1—DEFENSE—TREATY with THE—USA.
19601127             —CANCELLED, CBS radio, "Have Gun WILL—TRAVEL".
19601127             Patrice Lumumba fled LEOPOLDVILLE—CONGO.
19651127             15-25,000 demonstrated in Wash DC against the war in VIETNAM.
19671127             The Beatles' "Magical Mystery Tour," album was released in BRITAIN.
19671127             —SERVED, McNamara, 2—TERMS 19680000—19810000    —FROM—TO.
19671127             —VETOED, CHARLES—DEGAULLE, BRITAIN—ENTRY into the Common Market again.
19671127             † ETTORE—PANIZZA, 92—JAHRE—ALT, opera conductor.
19691127—16200000    —IN, The United USA—INDIANS—OF—NEW—ENGLAND began 1—ANNUAL—NATIONAL—DAY—OF—MOURNING at PLYMOUTH—MASSACHUSETTS, on Thanksgiving Day to recall the disease, racism and oppression that the Pilgrims brought.
19701127             —JOINED, Syria, 1—PACT linking LIBYA, EGYPT and SUDAN.
19701127             —WOUNDED, PAUL—VI—PAPA, visiting THE—PHILIPPINES, was slightly, at THE—MANILA airport by BENJAMIN—MENDOZA, 1—DAGGER—WIELDING—BOLIVIA—PAINTER disguised as 1—PRIEST.
19711127             * ERIC—MENENDEZ, accused with his brother of killing their parents (19890000             ), in NEW—JERSEY.
19731127             —PREMIERED, NEIL—SIMON'S "Good Doctor,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19731127             —VOTED, The Senate, 92-3 to confirm Gerald R. Ford as VICE—PRESIDENT, succeeding Spiro T. Agnew, who'd resigned.
19751127             TV presenter ROSS—MCWHIRTER shot dead. 12...office shootings.
19751127             TV presenter ROSS—MCWHIRTER shot dead....
19751127             ROSS—MCWHIRTER, who had publicly...Neave had also advocated the setting up of...
19751127             —CHARGED, McMahon was, with MOUNTBATTEN—MURDER + later... - GRAHAME—THORNTON, Bookseller at
19751127             HENRY: - The Nursing Home Murder 2446: MARSHALL...Care Drug Reference 15710000             : MCWHIRTER, NORRIS: - Guinness...Dozen: 13—STORIES—922: NEAVE, AIREY: —SATURDAY at...
19751127             Hessay Books at antiqbook.co.UK...4094:
19751127             Janus: The Papers of Enoch Powell
19751127             Fraser; ANTHONY—KERSHAW; [Alan] ROSS—MCWHIRTER ;
19751127             Reverend Randolph...including THE—DEATH—OF—AIREY—NEAVE (2);
19751127             Sir...Humphry BERKELEY on his attempted murder in South... - Lobster: THE—JOURNAL—OF—PARAPOLITICS...
19751127             Brown SJW 'Jack'Coles DAVID—HAY—NEAVE (deceased) Douglas...1—JACKET shortly after THE—MURDER—OF—OFFICER...the time described that claim about McWhirter as" nonsense...
19751127             Telegraph | News - alfatomega.com/20010906_drugs_impunity_cia.html - alfatomega.com/20050308.html
19780000             GEORGE—MOSCONE: Information from Answers_com GEORGE—MOSCONE—MAYOR—MOSCONE—GEORGE—RICHARD—MOSCONE ( 19291124              — 19781127              ) was the mayor of S—FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA from.
19780000             † GEORGE—MOSCONE—WIKIPEDIA—GEORGE—MOSCONE (19291124              *;, 19781127             ) war BÜRGERMEISTER—DER—STADT—S—FRANCISCO, Kalifornien.
19781127             S—FRANCISCO—MAYOR—GEORGE—MOSCONE and Supv.
19781127             —GUNNED, HARVEY—MILK, 1—GAY—RIGHTS—ACTIVIST, were, down inside City Hall by former supervisor DAN—WHITE.
19781127             White used 4—BULLETS on Moscone and turned himself in at the city's NORTH—POLICE—STATION and made a 24-minute taped confession.
19781127             —BECAME, Moscone, the 3. USA mayor to die in 1—POLITICAL killing.
19781127             —BECAME, Diane Feinstein automatically, acting mayor of SF.
19781127             —ELECTED, She was then, by THE—BOARD—MEMBERS to serve out MOSCONE—TERM.
19811127             Lotte Lenya (18980000              *), VIENNA—BORN singer, actress, wife of KURT—WEILL (3—PENNY Opera, From RUSSIA With Love), †—OF—CANCER in NEW—YORK.
19821121—19821127    —ON, SRI—LANKA, the 1. Tiger activist to be killed by security forces was shot and wounded and † 1—FEW days later.
19831127             —KILLED, SPAIN, 181—PEOPLE were, when 1—COLOMBIAN—AVIANCA—AIRLINES—BOEING 747 crashed near MADRID—BARAJAS airport.
19020000—19851127    * † Fernand Braudel, FRANCE—HISTORIAN.
19851127             HAITI, 3—STUDENTS were slain by security forces in Gonaives in the 1. of several bloody confrontations with ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATORS.
19881127             THE—USA was hit by 1—FLOOD—OF—WORLDWIDE—CRITICISM for its refusal 1—DAY—EARLIER to allow PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat to address THE—UNITED—NATIONS.
19881127             † ACTOR—JOHN—CARRADINE, known for his roles in horror films, in MILAN—ITALY, at age 82.
19891127             1—BOMB, blamed by police on drug traffickers, destroyed 1—COLOMBIA—JETLINER minutes after takeoff from BOGOTA—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT.
19891127             107—PEOPLE were killed.
19901127             —REQUIRED, SWITZERLAND, the canton Appenzell RHODES—INTERIEUR was, to count women's votes by 1—DECISION—OF—THE—SWITZERLAND—FEDERAL—TRIBUNAL.
19901127             It was the last SWITZERLAND—STATE to finally give women the right to vote.
19911127             —ADOPTED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL unanimously, 1—RESOLUTION paving the way for the establishment of A—UNITED—NATIONS—PEACEKEEPING operation in WAR—RAVAGED YUGOSLAVIA.
19911127—19911204    —SIGNALED, ISRAEL, its anger with what it regarded as THE—HIGH—HANDEDNESS—OF—THE—USA—BY rejecting 1—INVITATION to attend Mideast peace talks in WASHINGTON.
19920000             (04550000—04740000    ) COLUMBIA Journalism Review 1979000012            (63)... alfatomega.com/20041127.html
19920518             * 19251127             —HE in PEORIA—ILLINOIS.
19921005—20191127    —ON, was amended, by THE—HONG—KONG—HUMAN—RIGHTS and Democracy Act.
19921127             PRESIDENT—ELECT Clinton met for more than an hour with FORMER—PRESIDENT—REAGAN in LOS—ANGELES.
19921127             AUSTRIA, PART—OF—THE—VIENNA—HOFBURG (Imperial Palace) was destroyed by fire.
19921127             VENEZUELA, some 15,000 rebel forces under LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—HUGO—CHAVEZ tried but failed to overthrow PRESIDENT—CARLOS—ANDRES—PEREZ for the 2. time in 10—MONTHS.
19921127             —JAILED, The coup left dozens dead and Chavez was, —FOR—2—YEARS and then pardoned by PRESIDENT—RAFAEL—CALDERA.
19921127             —ELECTED, Chavez was, PRESIDENT 19981206             . - HOUSE—OF—COMMONS—HANSARD—DEBATES
19921127             1., are the Government aware that 1—EXECUTIVE—OF—THE—DEFENCE—COMPANY, United Scientific, introduced MARK—THATCHER to the arms dealer Sarkis Soghanalian...
19931127             In his weekly radio address, PRESIDENT—CLINTON said enacting comprehensive ANTI—CRIME—LEGISLATION was the 1. priority for 19940000             , saying, "We have to be concerned that in both our cities and our rural areas, THE—VALUE—OF—LIFE has been cheapened".
19941127             USA—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—WILLIAM—PERRY, appearing on NBC's "Meet the Press," suggested THE—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—GOVERNMENT had lost the war in the Balkans, and acknowledged NATO was powerless to stop the Serbs.
19951127             —PRESENTED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, his case for sending 20,000—USA—TROOPS on 1—PEACEKEEPING mission to Bosnia, saying in 1—PRIME—TIME—ADDRESS that "in the choice between peace and war, AMERICA must choose peace".
19951127             —RULED, USA—HOUSE Speaker Newt Gingrich, out a 19960000              presidential run.
19961127             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE blocked enforcement of 1—CALIFORNIA initiative to dismantle affirmative action, saying civil rights groups had a "strong probability" of proving it unconstitutional.
19961127             —JAILED, EVAN—C—HUNZIKER, 1—AMERICAN, by NORTH—KOREA on spy charges, was set free, ending a 3—MONTH ordeal.
19961127             —AGREED, BOSNIA, GENERAL—RATKO—MLADIC, to resign.
19961127             He passed authority to his deputy GENERAL—MANOJLO—MILOVANOVICH.
19961127             1—RUSSIA—MILITARY—CARGO—PLANE, 1—ILYUSHIN 76, crashed in CENTRAL—SIBERIA and 23 were killed.
19961127             —KILLED, TURKEY—TROOPS, 27—KURDISH—REBELS and lost 6—SOLDIERS in fighting over the past 2—DAYS.
19971127             —MARRED, MACY—THANKSGIVING—DAY—PARADE in NEW—YORK was, when 1—WIND gust knocked PART—OF—1—LAMPPOST onto a 34—YEAR—OLD—WOMAN, fracturing her skull and leaving her in 1—COMA for almost 1—MONTH.
19971127             DENVER, 5—SKINHEADS beat up a 26—YEAR—OLD—BLACK—WOMAN who was shopping at a 7-11. All 5 were captured and arraigned in court.
19971127             —WANTED, THOMAS—WHEELOCK, for murder and robbery in the Bay Area, was arrested in UTAH.
19971127             $30,000 was found in his car along with 2—HANDGUNS.
19971127             —KILLED, COLUMBIA, as many as 14—PEASANTS were, in Dabeiba in Antioquia Province.
19971127             A 50-member paramilitary group raided the hamlets of Balsita, Buenavista and Toconal and riddled the victims with bullets and set fire to their homes.
19971127             1—DAY after saying it would open its presidential palaces to INTERNATIONAL observers, IRAQ declared that UNITED—NATIONS weapons monitors were not included in the invitation.
19971127—19850000    —SINCE, Gold closed below $300 for the 1. time to $296.
19981121             1—EUROPE—WIDE—RAIL—STRIKE was planned for 19981127            .
19981127             Answering 81—QUESTIONS put to him —3—WEEKS—EARLIER, PRESIDENT—CLINTON wrote the House Judiciary Committee that his testimony in the Monica Lewinsky affair was "not false and misleading".
19981127             —CONFIRMED, Exxon Corp. and Mobil Corp., that they were holding merger talks.
19981127             —ESTIMATED, The value of the combined company was, at $180—BILLION.
19981127             —CROWDED, Shoppers on Black —FRIDAY, shopping centers and the new Furby toys, 1—FURRY talking toy, was creating 1—MANIA.
19981127             Black —FRIDAY was used to describe the big shopping day following Thanksgiving that put stores into the black.
19981127             —BECAME, TEXAS, MARTIN—E—GURULE, the 1. inmate to escape from Death Row at HUNTSVILLE.
19981127             MARK—MCLAUGHLIN, 44—JAHRE—ALT, 1—SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, bus driver, was shot and killed while driving his bus across THE—AURORA Ave.
19981127             Bridge over Lake Union.
19981127             1—PASSENGER responsible for the shooting was also killed when the bus crashed.
19981127             29—PASSENGERS were injured.
19981127             † The bus fell 50—FEET from the expressway where 3—PEOPLE.
19981127             —COMMITTED, The killer, SILAS—COOL, suicide.
19981127             1—BOAT—OF—ILLEGAL—IMMIGRANTS from ALBANIA sank off THE—COAST—OF—ITALY and at least 3—PEOPLE were killed including a 1—YEAR—OLD—CHILD.
19981127             4—PEOPLE were missing from the boat that carried 17.
19981127             —REPORTED, BRAZIL—POLICE, that 1—SMALL—CULT—OF—THE United Pentecostal Church in Acre state had killed 6—PEOPLE over the last 2—WEEKS, including 3—CHILDREN, to "wipe out THE—ENEMIES—OF—GOD".
19981127             —ARRESTED, Pastor FRANCISCO—BEZERRA—DE—MORAES was 1—OF 6—PEOPLE, for the killings.
19981127             GERMANY, CHANCELLOR—SCHROEDER said he would not seek extradition of ABDULLAH—OCALAN from ITALY and called for 1—INTERNATIONAL—COURT to try Ocalan on murder and terrorism charges.
19981127             The World Heritage BUREAU—OF—UNESCO began 1—MEETING in KYOTO—JAPAN.
19981127             —FROM THE—VATICAN JOHN—PAPA—PAUL issued 1—PAPAL bull, "Incarnationis Mysterium" (THE—MYSTERY—OF—THE—INCARNATION) that proclaimed 20000000              1—SPECIAL—HOLY—YEAR.
19981127             —OFFERED, Special indulgences were, for making pilgrimages, doing good deeds or fasting.
19981127—19920000    —CONVICTED, He was, for 1—DOUBLE—MURDER.
19981127—19981203    —DROWNED, He was found, to death.
19981127—19990000    —IN, the event was described by Ann Rule in her book "1—RAGE to Kill".
19990113             1—BOAT that was to take them to ITALY ran aground in 1—STORM 19991127            .
19991127             —REPORTED, CHECHNYA, residents, 260—CIVIL—DEATHS in Grozny since THE—BEGINNING—OF—RUSSIA—ASSAULTS —2—DAYS—EARLIER.
19991127             —SENTENCED, IRAN, Muslim reform cleric Abdollah Nouri was, to 5—YEARS in jail and 5—YEARS—BANISHMENT from political activity due to his demands for 1—END to AUTHORITY—RULE by the religious hierarchy.
19991127             —ORDERED, His Khordad newspaper was also, closed.
19991127             —CLAIMED, NEW—ZEALAND, Helen Clark, candidate for the Labor Party, victory in general elections.
19991127             —APPROVED, NORTH—IRELAND, the Ulster Unionist Party, its LEADER—CENTERING government with rivals from Sinn Fein.
19991127             —CLEARED, The Ulster Unionists, the way for the speedy formation of 1—UNPRECEDENTED—PROTESTANT—CATHOLIC—ADMINISTRATION.
19991127             —OPENED, In THE—PHILIPPINES the 10-nation ASEAN summit.
19991127             —GENERATED, VANUATU, 1—TSUNAMI, by a 7.1—EARTHQUAKE killed 8—PEOPLE on Pentecost Island.
19991127             2—PEOPLE were missing and thousands feared injured and homeless.
19991127             —CENTERED, The quake was, 54—MILES—NORTH—OF—THE—CAPITAL—PORT—VILA.
19991127             —REPORTED, YEMEN—MILITARY—SOURCES, that 2—YEMEN—SOLDIERS had been killed over the last few days in border clashes with SAUDI—ARABIA.
20000000             who would then pay ABRAMOFF to lobby those troubles away.
20000000             20051127              20001121             —ISSUED, THE—FLORIDA SUPREME—COURT, a 42-page unanimous decision that called for the recount in 3—COUNTIES to continue and that results be —POSTED no later than 9 a.m. 20001127            .
20001122             —CALLED, In Dade County election officials, off the recount due to their inability to meet 20001127             —THE deadline.
20001127             —FILED, AL—GORE, legal challenges to THE—FLORIDA vote certification.
20001127             The Muslim holiday of Ramadan began.
20001127             LONDON—ENGLAND, Damilola Taylor (10), 1—NIGERIA—IMMIGRANT, bled to death on 1—STAIRWELL after being stabbed by MEMBERS—OF—THE—YOUNG—PECKHAM—BOYS.
20001127             —SENTENCED, THE—2—TEENAGE—BROTHERS were, to 8—YEARS in youth custody.
20001127             CANADA, PRIME—MINISTER—JEAN—CHRETIEN, 66—JAHRE—ALT led the Liberal Party to a 3. consecutive majority government in parliamentary elections with 41—PERCENT—OF—THE—POPULAR—VOTE and increased their seats in PARLIAMENT to 173—OF—301. The 63% turnout was 1—RECORD—LOW.
20001127             —CALLED, SRI—LANKA, the Tamil Tiger rebels, for unconditional peace talks along with 1—CEASE—FIRE.
20001127—20010000    —IN, murder charges were sought against 4—BOYS (14-16).
20001127—20060000    —IN, 2—BROTHERS were ACQUITTED—OF—ASSAULT with intent to rob.
20010911011127       +0200—X—MAILER: KMail [version 19990101             ] CONTENT—TYPE:
20011127             —DECLARED, AFGHANISTAN, THE—NORTH—ALLIANCE, the Taliban prisoner uprising at Qala Jangi crushed —AFTER—50—HOURS.
20011127             4—FACTIONS included 11—DELEGATES from THE—NORTH—ALLIANCE, 11—FROM THE—ROME Group, 3—FROM exiles in CYPRUS, and 3—FROM exiles in PAKISTAN.
20011127             Muslim holy warriors in INDONESIA began a 3—DAY—OFFENSIVE and seized 5—VILLAGES.
20011127             —KILLED, At least 5—CHRISTIANS were.
20011127             Muslim militants drove away security forces in CENTRAL—SULAWESI and there were at least 8 confirmed deaths.
20011127             2—ISRAELIS were killed in Afula by 2—PALESTINE—GUNMEN, who were killed by police.
20011127             —KILLED, Another PALESTINE—GUNMAN, 1—ISRAEL—WOMAN—NEAR 1—JEWISH—SETTLEMENT in THE—GAZA Strip and he was killed by ISRAEL—SOLDIERS.
20011127             MEXICO, the Nat'l. Human Rights Commission issued a 3,000 page report that acknowledged at least 275—LEFTISTS disappeared while in government hands during the 1970s.
20011127             —IMPLICATED, The names of 74—OFFICIALS, in the forced disappearances were not made public.
20011127             —REPORTED, THE—PHILIPPINES—MILITARY, 25—GUERRILLAS killed along with 1—SOLDIER in ZAMBOANGA.
20011127             —ARRESTED, Rebels under Julhambri Missuari, nephew of, GOVERNOR—MISUARI, later released 89—HOSTAGES in exchange for safe passage out of ZAMBOANGA.
20011127             SOUTH—AFRICA, the predominantly white New National Party (NNP) joined into 1—COALITION with the ruling African National Congress (ANC).
20011127             —KILLED, OLAF—STROMBERG, 1—SWEDISH—TV—JOURNALIST, was, while sleeping in NORTH—AFGHANISTAN during 1 suspected robbery attempt.
20011127             He was the 8. journalist slain in the conflict.
20020000             —SAMSTAG, 20041127              20021127             —SELECTED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, HENRY—KISSINGER to lead 1—INVESTIGATION into intelligence lapses before 20020911             —THE attacks.
20021127             Report deadline was mid-20040000            .
20021127             —STEPPED, The following month Kissinger, down, citing controversy over potential CONFLICTS—OF—INTEREST with his business clients.
20021127             —APPROVED, DONALD—RUMSFELD, USA—DEFENSE—SEC., 1—LIST—OF—TECHNIQUES to be used for interrogating prisoners at GUANTANAMO BAY—CUBA.
20021127             —RESCINDED, The order was, 20030115            .
20021127             1—NEW—LIST—OF—TECHNIQUES was issued 20030416            .
20021127             THE—DJIA rose 255 to 8,931. Nasdaq rose 43 to 1,487.
20021127             —ARRESTED, CHINA, flamboyant flower magnate YANG—BIN, 39—JAHRE—ALT, 1—HOLLAND—NATIONAL, on CHARGES—OF—FRAUD and other commercial crimes, just —2—MONTHS—AFTER NORTH—KOREA named him HEAD—OF—1—NEW—FREE—TRADE—ENCLAVE.
20021127             1—WHO official said simultaneous OUTBREAKS—OF—THE—FLU and meningitis have killed 185—PEOPLE in 1—REBEL—CONTROLLED AREA—OF—NORTH—WEST—CONGO.
20021127             —ARRESTED, FRANCE—POLICE, 1—MAN in LYON after he tried to hijack 1—ALITALIA flight carrying 57—PASSENGERS from BOLOGNA to PARIS.
20021127             —SEARCHED, INTERNATIONAL arms monitors, 1—MILITARY—MISSILE—TESTING range and 1—STATE—FACTORY outside BAGHDAD, starting 1—NEW—ROUND—OF—INSPECTIONS that could determine THE—FUTURE—OF—PEACE in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20021127             DANIEL—BARANIUK, 27—JAHRE—ALT from GDANSK—POLAND, 20020901             —NEW—POLE—SITTING world record, coming down from his perch in 1—GERMANY—FUN—PARK—AFTER—196—DAYS and nights.
20021127             —RENEWED, RUSSIA—OFFICIALS, their drive to close sprawling tent camps in THE—REPUBLIC—OF—INGUSHETIA that are home to tens of THOUSANDS—OF—CHECHEN refugees.
20021127             Velupillai Prabhakaran, LEADER—OF—SRI—LANKA—TAMIL—TIGERS, said he was willing to settle for regional autonomy.
20021127—20021128    —RESUMED, Fighting, in IVORY—COAST, shattering 1—MONTH—LONG—TRUCE, after rebel forces attacked government positions in THE—WEST—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20021127—20021128    —SLAUGHTERED, Government soldiers, more than 120—CIVILIANS suspected of collaborating with rebels in MONOKO—ZOHI.
20031127             —ON  —SUNDAY,
20031127             —BY CommonDreams_org.
20031127             Hogtied + Abused at Fort Benning. by Kathy Kelly. On —SUNDAY, November
20031127             12,000 To Plant Corn At THE—'SCHOOL—OF—ASSASSINS' Today Published on —SUNDAY,
20031127             ATHEN U-Bahn rüstet sich mit Gasmasken
20031127             Presseschau Kurdistan, Bei Mike gibt es keine Widersprüche, nicht einmal in seinem Lebenslauf.
20031127             Der IAEA—GENERALDIREKTOR MOHAMMED—AL—BARADEI hat sich an einer...
20031127             PRESIDENT—BUSH flew to IRAQ under extraordinary secrecy and security to spend Thanksgiving with USA—TROOPS.
20031127             —REPORTED, Researchers in CLEVELAND, on 1—GENE that causes heart attacks.
20031127             GRENADA, 1—RECORD 64—CANDIDATES from 6—PARTIES, including 2—INDEPENDENTS, competed for the chamber's 15—SEATS.
20031127             PRIME—MINISTER—KEITH—MITCHELL—GOVERNING New National Party won parliamentary balloting by 1—SLIM—MARGIN.
20031127             —BATTLED, INDIA—SECURITY—FORCES, rebels in villages along the border in Kashmir and suspected insurgents detonated 1—GRENADE in 1—BUSY—MARKET.
20031127             The violence left 12—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20031127             —UNCOVERED, MEXICO—GOVERNMENT—PROSECUTORS said that they've, 1—DOCUMENT showing that soldiers tortured suspected rebel prisoners during the 1970s, sometimes forcing them to drink gasoline and then setting them afire.
20031127             MEXICO—CITY, union members, LEFT—WING activists and farmers by 10000000             —THE marched to the central plaza in 1—MAJOR—DISPLAY—OF—OPPOSITION to THE—PRESIDENT—PLANS to raise taxes on food and medicine and sell STATE—OWNED assets.
20031127             —CLASHED, PERU, police, with highland peasants blocking 1—ANDEAN highway to protest against mining pollution, leaving 2—DEMONSTRATORS—DEAD and over 20—PEOPLE injured.
20031127             Talal AL—RASHEED, 1—PROMINENT—SAUDI—ARABIA—POET, was shot to death by attackers while on 1—HUNTING trip in ALGERIA.
20031127             —PASSED, TAIWAN—LAWMAKERS, 1—HISTORIC—PROPOSAL that gives THE—PRESIDENT the power to hold 1—INDEPENDENCE—VOTE if CHINA tries to use force to make the island unify with the mainland.
20031127             —VISITED, At THE—VATICAN the Dalai Lama, JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA.
20040901—20041127    —SENTENCED, He was, to 30—DAYS' confinement and received 1—DISHONORABLE discharge, being released 6—DAYS—EARLY, for good behavior.
20041120             THIS COMING Thanksgiving weekend, —FRIDAY 20041126              + —SATURDAY 20041127              + —SUNDAY 20041128              20041120             THIS COMING Thanksgiving weekend, —FRIDAY 20041126              + —SATURDAY 20041127              + —SUNDAY 20041128              20041126              Why TONY—BLAIR must be impeached 23—MPS across the political parties laid before UK HOUSE—OF—COMMONS 1—MOTION calling for 1—SELECT—COMMITTEE to examine the case for impeaching THE—PRIME—MINISTER for his conduct over the war in IRAQ.
20041126—20041127    alfatomega.com/20041127.html
20041127             —TODAY MANY—CONSERVATIVES, from Birchers to Lyndon LaRouche, still see CFR as more or less PART—OF—THE—SOVIET—CONSPIRACY.
20041127             The Left, on the other hand, has always felt that CFR is 1—EXAMPLE—OF—IMPERIALISM in THE—SERVICE—OF—RULING class interests.
20041127             at 12:43:04 PST Federal Courts Have No Army Or Navy by up2date Elevated/edited from the diaries by DemFromCT.
20041127             This is GOP REPRESENTATIVE—HOSTETTLER (IN-8). - - Apparently, so is this:
20041127             Congressman Hostettler faces 1—CHARGE that could put him behind bars.
20041127             INDIANA—8. district representative is in trouble after being detained at THE—LOUISVILLE airport for carrying 1 loaded gun in his briefcase.
20041127             The crime is 1—MISDEMEANOR but it carries 1—SENTENCE—OF up to 1—YEAR in jail and a $500—FINE.
20041127             The following is the content of up2date's diary;
20041127             the Hoestettler quote is from THE—PALM—BEACH—POST : Wingnuttery.
20041127             I could THINK—OF—NO—BETTER—WORD for this, nor could I possibly hope to give this 1—INTRODUCTION.
20041127             So here's the money quote (though there were several to choose from):
20041127             "When the courts make unconstitutional decisions, we should not enforce them.
20041127             Federal courts have no army or navy... The court can opine, decide, talk about, sing, whatever it wants to do.
20041127             We're not saying they can't do that.
20041127             At THE—END—OF—THE—DAY, we're saying the court can't enforce its opinions".
20041127             Wow.
20041127             You might think those words came from 1—RANDOM—SUPPORTER probably not well versed in government.
20041127             But you would be wrong.
20041127             These words were spoken by A—USA—CONGRESSMAN, Republican REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—HOSTETTLER—OF—INDIANA at 1—CHRISTIAN—COALITION meeting.
20041127             Vote notes OHIO. According to THE—COLUMBUS Free Press, a
20041127             FLOODTIDE—OF—EVIDENCE indicates fraud in this state.
20041127             BRAD—FRIEDMAN - 's comment says it all: "I dare you to read this entire COLUMBUS Free Press article + then explain to me why OHIO—ELECTION shouldn't be entirely invalidated and RE—HELD!"
20041127             LET—LOOK at 1—COUPLE—OF—THE—MANY—PERSONAL—REPORTS: Janine SMITH—WHITE, YOUNGSTOWN: I went to my polling place
20041127             approximately about 9:45 to vote.
20041127             I waited, I would say, 30—MINUTES in 1—LINE.
20041127             —WHEN I did get to my machine, I pushed JOHN—KERRY and my vote immediately jumped up to GEORGE—BUSH.
20041127             —AFTER I started screaming about them cheating again, the aide hurried up and came over and said, oh, that's been happening 1—LOT.
20041127             —JUST go ahead and push JOHN—KERRY again and I'm saying, you say that's been happening 1—LOT and it hasn't been corrected?
20041127             Yes, but we can't do anything about it.
20041127             So I did push JOHN—KERRY again and the vote did stay on JOHN—KERRY.
20041127             —COMPLETED, Even though I, my voting + after I went over my ballot + I pushed the vote button, I'm still not sure that I voted for JOHN—KERRY because, I mean, did my 1. vote that went to GEORGE—BUSH—COUNT or did JOHN—KERRY count.
20041127             TOM—KESSEL, Bexley:
20041127             1—OF—THE—3—MACHINES went down and they were not able to get the tape out of it and the cartridge at THE—END—OF—THE—DAY.
20041127             —LATER on, when I got the poll -- data from FRANKLIN—COUNTY—POLL—WORKERS, that machine which had the lowest NUMBERS—OF—VOTES had the highest PERCENTAGE—OF—BUSH—VOTES.
20041127             This 1—CAME back 40 % for Bush. I don't know.
20041127             —SEALED, Also, they, up their provisional ballots before I had 1—CHANCE to count them and let them know how much provisional ballots were there.
20041127             Also, she signed off as 1—OFFICIAL—WITNESS at THE—END—OF—THE—DAY, even though she was 1—REPUBLICAN worker.
20041127             And RICHARD—LUGAR has the audacity to complain about THE—UKRAINE!
20041127             WEYRICH PAUL M - Contemporary Marxism 19820000             —W (65) Crawford,A. Thunder on the Right.
20041127             —MENTIONED, The names below are, on the listed pages with the name ACTION COMMITTEE—USA—EUROPE
20041127             Drohender Streit: EU will deutsches GENMAIS—VERBOT kippen
20041127             GAZA: Umstrittene ELITE—EINHEIT soll aufgelöst werden
20041127             CD—KOPIEN: Verbraucherschützer kritisieren URHEBERRECHTS—NOVELLE
20041127             UKRAINE: Parlament erklärt Wahl für ungültig
20041127             —GEGEBEN, Vermögen: Wer hat, dem wird
20041127             —OBTAINED, Early CNP membership directories were, by enterprising researchers, however + these revealed that the early leadership of THE—CNP was, in fact, also represented in the Council on Foreign Relations -- the very ORGANIZATION—OF—GLOBALISTS to which THE—CNP was to be the conservative alternative!
20041127             —ON the 1. CNP Governing BOARD there were no less than 3 + possibly more, MEMBERS—OF—THE—CFR: GEORGE—F—GILDER—CNP BOARD—OF—GOVERNORS (19820000             ) ;
20041127             DOCTOR—EDWARD—TELLER—CNP BOARD—OF—GOVERNORS (19820000             );
20041127             and GUY—VANDER—JAGT—CNP BOARD—OF—GOVERNORS (19820000             ). - 39.
20041127             —SERVED, ROBERT—WARING—STODDARD who also, on 19820000             —THE—CNP BOARD—OF—GOVERNORS was affiliated with THE—CFR through his BOSTON newspaper.
20041127             40. Although we lack confirmation of this, Ron Miller, AUTHOR—OF—DISTANT—DRUMS, stated that "sources in high places" have identified JESSE—HELMS, who served on the original CNP BOARD—OF—GOVERNORS, as 1—CFR member 19720000            .
20041127             41. Later CNP directories list CFR members J. PETER—GRACE (CNP, 19840000             —85;
20041127             BUSH—ADMINISTRATION propaganda and DISINFORMATION—DISINFOPEDIA -... GEOFF—BRUMFIEL: "Scientists slam Bush record", Nature, 427, 663, 20040219              ;
20041127             Union of Concerned Scientists: "Scientific Integrity in Policymaking.
20041127             Bush _administration_propaganda_and_disinformation
20041127             ''Angolagate'' 1. came to light when FRANCE—JUDICIAL—OFFICIALS found that Brenco INTERNATIONAL, 1—COMPANY owned by billionaire businessman PIERRE—FALCONE, was involved in arms transfers to ANGOLA and had made payments to 1—NUMBER—OF his FRANCE—ASSOCIATES.
20041127             —ARRANGED, In that capacity, he reportedly, sales to AFRICA and Latin AMERICA.
20041127             —DEVELOPED, He had also, good contacts in THE—EAST—EUROPEAN arms business through RUSSIA—ÉMIGRÉ businessman Arcadi Gaydamak.
20041127             In his EXPOSE—OF—THE—NEW—RIGHT, GOD—BULLIES, PERRY—DEANE—YOUNG set the record straight on the religious MAKEUP—OF—THE—NEW—RIGHT—LEADERSHIP: "We are told that out of [the Fundamentalist tradition]...1—NEW and powerful force known variously as 'the new Christian right' or 'the religious right' or 'the moral majority' has emerged.
20041127             We are led to believe that these groups, or this movement, sprang naturally from the fundamentalist soil.
20041127             But such is not the case.
20041127             "1—FUNDAMENTALIST is generally defined as 1—WHO believes in adult baptism (that 1 should have 1—CHOICE in the matter and be old enough to know what he is doing), in 1—LITERAL interpretation of the bible + in being 'reborn' or 'born again' through 1—PERSONAL—EXPERIENCE in accepting Jesus Christ as one's personal Savior. This definition does not begin to cover all those in the religious right. There are Orthodox Jewish rabbis on nearly EVERY—1—OF—THESE groups' BOARDS—OF—ADVISORS. In most cases, the groups themselves were set up by Catholics. The idea for 1—MORAL—MAJORITY, INCORPORATED + the name itself came from 2—POLITICAL—OPERATIVES in Washingto n -- 1 1—JEW, the other 1—CATHOLIC. "The most effective LEADERS—OF—THE—NEW—RIGHT are nearly all Catholics.
20041127             The following are only 1—FEW of them: Phyllis Schlafly of Eagle Forum, TERRY—DOLAN—OF—NATIONAL—CONSERVATIVE—POLITICAL—ACTION—COMMITTEE, ROBERT—BOEGE of the National Conservative Foundation, ROBERT—BAUMAN, former national CHAIRMAN—OF—BOTH—YOUNG—AMERICANS for Freedom and USA—CONSERVATIVE—UNION + RICHARD—A—VIGUERIE, whose DIRECT—MAIL expertise made winners of them all". 27. TERRY—DOLAN was also 1—FORMER—MEMBER—OF—THE—ADVISORY—BOARD—OF—CAUSA—USA, whose PRESIDENT—IS—BO—HI—PAK, top AIDE—OF—SUN—MYUNG Moon. 19840000             , DOLAN—ORGANIZATION, NCPAC, received $775,000—FROM REVEREND—MOON. TERRY—DOLAN stated that the secret of fundraising is to try to "make them angry and stir up hostilities.
20041127             The shriller you are, the easier it is to raise funds.
20041127             That's the nature of the beast".
20041127             28. - Appeals to fear and loathing amongst Christians in order to raise funds for RIGHT—WING causes was the brainchild of RICHARD—VIGUERIE, whose enterprise was rescued from near bankruptcy 19860000              with 1—ACCOUNT for DISTRIBUTION—OF—THE—UNIFICATION—CHURCH—OWNED Insight magazine.
20041127             —BECAME, Also, 19870000             , Viguerie, SECRETARY, strategist and FUND—RAISING genius of the newly created MOON—CONTROLLED and funded USA—FREEDOM—COALITION (AFC), 1—ALLIANCE—OF—POLITICAL—CONSERVATIVES and conservative religious groups and individuals.
20041127             —MAILED, In this position, Viguerie, MILLIONS—OF—LETTERS appealing for funds to lobby aid to the Contras and promote OLIVER—NORTH—TESTIMONY before Congress.
20041127             —FOLLOWING THE—OIL—AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL -... 1. came to light when FRANCE—JUDICIAL—OFFICIALS found that Brenco INTERNATIONAL, 1—COMPANY owned by billionaire businessman PIERRE—FALCONE, was involved in...
20041127             Undermining Global Security: the European UNION—ARMS—EXPORTS -... soil and were not covered by ITALY—LAW.(110) FRANCE:
20041127             EXPRESSO... 1ª grande entrevista de PIERRE—FALCONE "São minhas as contas secretas de ANGOLA".
20041127             Global Witness: Difficult questions for Bush and dos SANTOS on...... received 1—USA$100,000 donation — the same size as that given by ENRON—KENNETH—LAY—FROM 1—COMPANY—RUN by the wife of PIERRE—FALCONE, the alleged arms...
20041127             JornalismoPortoNet: PIERRE—FALCONE eo "Angolagate"... PIERRE—FALCONE eo "Angolagate".
20041127             Comércio... Em sequência das mesmas acusações, PIERRE—FALCONE foi detido a 20001201            .
20041127             Exactamente.
20041127             JornalismoPortoNet: PIERRE—FALCONE conselheiro angolano na UNESCO
20041127             THE—COUNCIL—FOR NATIONAL POLICY - The National Center for Privatization
20041127             The Mont Pelerin Society - Privatizing Latin AMERICA
20041127             The Religious Roundtable - The Moral Majority
20041127             The Council for National Policy - Wycliffe Bible Translators - THE—UK—EUGENICS—ESTABLISHMENT
20041127             CNP DATABASE—OF—PAST/Present Officers & Prominent Members
20041127             —INSERTED, GOP House appropriations committee leaders, 1—PROVISION into a $388—BILLION spending bill that would have allowed House and Senate appropriations committees to view citizens' federal tax returns.
20041127             Media Matters for AMERICA is monitoring the ongoing story's coverage:
20041127             —IGNORED, Media largely, REPRESENTATIVE—ISTOOK—INCONSISTENCY on tax provision "What you won't learn about the "Istook amendment" from THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES "
20041127             —ASSERTED, Limbaugh, that the fight -- which involved INDIANA Pacers team members and DETROIT Pistons team members and fans -- was "gang behavior on parade minus the guns," and that NBA uniforms are "now in gang colors. They are in gang styles".
20041127             Read more " - Equity Financial Trust 18200000              KINGSTON—ROAD—TORONTO, ONTARIO
20041127             OFFICE—OF—THE—SUPERINTENDENT—OF—FINANCIAL—INSTITUTIONS—CANADA—BUREAU du surintendant des institutions financières CANADA Warning Notice Issue NUMBER 55— 20041000              OSFI continues to receive information regarding entities posing as financial institutions.
20041127             —BELIEVED, It is, that these names are being used as PART—OF—VARIOUS—ADVANCE—FEE or "NIGERIA—LETTER" scams.
20041127             —ADVISED, The public is, to use caution in dealing with anyone claiming association with 1—FINANCIAL—ENTITY not known to them.
20041127             In particular, MEMBERS—OF—THE—PUBLIC should not make ANY—ADVANCE—PAYMENT (no matter what label is attached to it) for THE—PURPOSES—OF—OPENING 1—ACCOUNT, paying 1—GOVERNMENT—FEE, or similar.
20041127             In almost all cases, fraudsters request payment to be sent via money remittance to 1—INDIVIDUAL, not the named financial entity.
20041127             —REMITTED, Legitimate money transfers cannot be wired or otherwise, directly to entities that do not exist.
20041127             —LISTED, The names, below are not authorized Federally regulated financial institutions and may be PART—OF—SUCH advance fee scams (see also OSFI—WARNING—NOTICE—NUMBER 23, dated February 20020000             ).
20041127             Warning Notices contain the names of entities recently brought to OSFI—ATTENTION through SOME—FORM—OF—NOTICE, inquiry or complaint.
20041127             If these entities, or persons purporting to represent them, are operating in CANADA, they may be violating PROVISIONS—OF—THE—BANK—ACT, other federal financial institution legislation, other federal legislation, or provincial legislation.
20041127             1—CUMULATIVE list of entities on previous Warning Circulars, Notices or Advisories is available on OSFI—WEB—SITE
20041127             As to Madsen, I did find his article intriguing but feel that ultimately the key to finding out if anything happened is probably going to come from THE—BBV investigation if anywhere, unless the unhappy techs that Madsen refers to do come forward.
20041127             —MEANWHILE, shouldn't we be urging our major media to make more of THE—GOP—FLAGRANT voting suppression tactics, combined with those actions by GOP election officials to ensure smooth voting at GOP suburban precincts and long lines and 3—HOUR waits at inner city and college precincts, etc.
20041127             What is the burning question to me is, why would GOP commit such flagrant abuses of the Voting Rights Act unless it was needed to make 1—DIFFERENCE?
20041127             —ESTIMATED, GUARDIAN UK story, that approx 6—MILLION expats had registered or tried to, but process was difficult and MANY—NOT able to vote in time perhaps.
20041127             Ditto military.
20041127             But these votes would be scattered over MANY—STATES.
20041127             2—STORIES in reputable papers said that online voting was to be counted by Omega Technologies.
20041127             —INVOLVED, Among the findings I got from Google were that OT is, with optical scanners and wireless networks.
20041127             As I said, MADSEN—FAIRY tale is 1—FARRAGO of leftwing buzzwords thrown together in haphazard fashion.
20041127             The technique is simple: he counts on the reader to make sense of the disparate elements.
20041127             I'm sure that the writer himself is honest -- but what about his sources?
20041127             Even the smartest researcher can be played for 1—SUCKER.
20041127             —PROMISED, Madsen has, 1—FOLLOW—UP report very soon, so perhaps he will provide more details.
20041127             —UNTIL then, we (or at least I ) must face another poser:
20041127             —NOTED, And 5—STAR—TRUST, as, earlier, is 1—SERIOUSLY suspicious company.
20041127             —ASSOCIATED, Take THE—WHEELER—DEALER most closely, with the company, J.R. Horn.
20041127             —WHILE out on parole, he commited the same crime (the figure of 1—BILLION dollars has been mentioned), only to be sentenced to 1—MERE 18—MONTHS.
20041127             I can't help but compare MISTER—HORN—CUSHY fate to those WELL—KNOWN cases of minor pot dealers sentenced to years in prison.
20041127             Madsen has written SOME—EXCELLENT—MATERIAL in the past, which is the main reason why I placed great stock in his article.
20041127             HERE—HIS—BIO : Latest entries from AU—OFFICIAL weblog, THE—WALL—OF—SEPARATION.
20041127             Bush RE—ELECTION—MEANS—MORE—ATTACKS On CHURCH—STATE—WALL, Says Americans United
20041127             A Disclaimer For Science
20041127             The latest fight over science in AMERICA—CLASSROOMS is taking place in Cobb COUNTY—GEORGIA Teachers in this Religious Right stronghold used to simply tear out pages in biology textbooks that referred to natural selection, but now they are employing...
20041127             'Values Voters' And Campaign 20040000             : Debunking 1—POLITICAL—MYTH
20041127             But now, more IN—DEPTH analyses of exit polling data have debunked that assertion.
20041127             1—SPATE—OF—NEWS—STORIES.
20041127             Courts, city halls and other UNITS—OF—GOVERNMENT should refrain from displaying religious symbols because such actions send the message that the state has 1 favored religion and that people who do not share that faith are 2.—CLASS citizens.
20041127             Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
20041127             Clothed in secrecy since its founding 19810000             , the Council for National Policy is 1—VIRTUAL who's who of the Hard Right.
20041127             Its membership comprises THE—RIGHT—WASHINGTON operatives and politicians, its financiers + its HARD—CORE—RELIGIOUS—ARM.
20041127             The Hard Right utilizes THE—CNP—3—TIMES—A—YEAR—SECRET—MEETINGS to plan its strategy for implementing the radical right agenda.
20041127             It is here that the organizers and activists meet with the financial backers who put up the money to carry out their agenda.
20041127             —CLOSED, Because CNP rules state that "meetings are, to the media and the general public" and "our membership list is strictly confidential and should not be shared outside the Council," the mainstream press knows very little about THE—CNP.
20041127             Through this site + the Freedom Writer, the Institute for 1. Amendment Studies is, for the 1. time, revealing the activities and current MEMBERSHIP—OF—THE—COUNCIL for National Policy.
20041127             We suggest that readers check your state list for CNP members and contact your local newspaper.
20041127             We encourage you to use our press release, "Cover Lifted on Secret Conservative Group," available from this site.
20041127             Council for National POLICY—UNOFFICIAL Information Page
20041127             Dear BuzzFlash, LET—EXPLORE certain "what if?" scenarios in detail.
20041127             What if it was SOME—OTHER—COUNTRY where 1—POLITICAL—PARTY took over the presidential palace in the way THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION took over THE—WHITE—HOUSE?
20041127             Should we hail as the true patriots of this foreign land those of its citizens who endorse an "election" that was shut down by judicial fiat before it was over, even if the court's explicit basis for that premature shutdown was that their favored candidate somehow already had "legitimacy" entitled to protection at his opponent's expense?
20041127             In other words, can a "free and fair" election elsewhere in the world have 1—WINNER before it has 1—WINNER?
20041127             To illustrate with 1—REAL—WORLD—EXAMPLE, how about if that other country was, say, CUBA + the "winning" candidate was, say, Fidel Castro?
20041127             BoE economist eyes further dollar decline - Oil boom over, prices set to fall
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20041127             MUCH—OF—MISTER—GOSS—CAREER has been accidental.
20041127             —CHAIRED, THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE—THAT—MISTER—GOSS, issued 1—REPORT this year saying THE—CIA risked becoming a "stilted bureaucracy incapable of even the slightest BIT—OF—SUCCESS".
20041127             However, most of the senior officials who have left to date were not implicated in THE—CIA—RECENT—FAILURES.
20041127             MISTER—KAPPES and MISTER—SULICK had only recently taken up their jobs and were widely regarded inside and outside the agency as the best leadership team the clandestine service had had in years.
20041127             —QUOTED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, 1—FORMER—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIAL as saying the 2 were "very senior guys" who were leaving because they were "uncomfortable" with the management team brought in by the new CIA director, PORTER—GOSS.
20041127             HAMBURG—DEMNÄCHST will Fulwood mit weiteren USA—ANLEGERN vor einen Federal Court, ein amerikanisches Bundesgericht, ziehen, wie der SPIEGEL berichtet.
20041127             USA—ANWÄLTE und allerlei Spekulanten wittern bereits 1—RIESENGESCHÄFT
20041127             Nicht nur das Deutsche Reich, auch Kommunen + Unternehmen haben vor mehr als 70—JAHREN Anleihen mit einem heutigen Wert von bis zu 500—MILLIARDEN Euro ausgegeben, die nie zurückgezahlt worden sind.
20041127             Das Londoner Schuldenabkommen, mit dem 19530000              die deutschen Altschulden bereinigt wurde, dürfe für diese Anleihen keine Anwendung erfahren, argumentieren die Anwälte.
20041127             Altschulden: Erdbeerfarmer verklagt Deutschland wegen Goldanleihen
20041127             Bericht der Bundesregierung: Reiche wurden reicher, Arme ärmer
20041127             Analyse zur UKRAINE: EU—INITIATIVE schwächt Demokratiebewegung
20041127             Peinliches Eingeständnis: Annans Sohn verdiente an UN—SANKTIONEN
20041127             Liebe Not: Partnersuche in Zeiten des Internets
20041127             POLNISCH—RUSSISCHE Beziehungen: Vor dem roten Horizont
20041127             Wahre Liebe: HÄLFTE—DER—D—MARK—MÜNZEN noch im Umlauf
20041127             Schwerer Vorwurf: Polizist soll Verdächtigem mit Erschießung gedroht haben
20041127             HARTZ—IV—EINFÜHRUNG: Arbeitsagenturen wappnen sich gegen Gewalttäter
20041127             Bundeswehr: Quälereien bei Geiselübung in Ahlen
20041127             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Mir kann niemand helfen"
20041127             Selbstmord: Briefbombenbauer sprengte sich in die Luft
20041127             VULKAN—VORHERSAGE: Spannung vor dem großen Knall
20041127             WASHINGTON—PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] 's plan for "REVENUE—NEUTRAL" tax reform needs losers to balance its winners + people who take USA federal deduction for state + local taxes may be in administration planners' sights, news reports say.
20041127             That could leave THE—SO—CALLED—BLUE—STATES seeing red.
20041127             The federal deduction for state and local income taxes "predominantly benefits the blue states," said WILLIAM—GALE, 1—TAX—POLICY—EXPERT at the Brookings Institution, 1—LIBERAL—LEANING research group.
20041127             "There is definitely 1—POLITICAL—CALCULATION to this".
20041127             —CARRIED, But before conspiracy theorists get too, away, political observers note that by eliminating deductions for state income taxes, Bush [BGW968] would be inflicting political pain on 2—OF—THE—NATION—MOST prominent Republican governors, GEORGE—PATAKI—OF—NEW—YORK and ARNOLD—SCHWARZENEGGER—OF—CALIFORNIA.
20041127             USA Sends in Secret Weapon: SADDAM—OLD—COMMANDOS—PUBLIC relations coup or SNAFU?
20041127             NEAR ISKANDARIYA—IRAQ (Reuters) - —20—MONTHS—AFTER toppling Saddam Hussein USA—TROOPS still battling his followers in THE—HEART—OF—IRAQ—OLD—ARMS—INDUSTRY are hitting back with 1—NEW—WEAPON -
20041127             —FOR—5—MONTHS, IRAQ—POLICE commandos have been based with USA—MARINES in charge of the region along the Euphrates river immediately SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD, which roadside bombs, ambushes + kidnaps have turned into 1—NO—GO area for outsiders and earned it the melodramatic description "TRIANGLE—OF—DEATH".
20041127             THE—PERFORMANCE—OF—THESE police is 1—CRITICAL—TEST—OF—THE—ABILITY—OF—USA—FORCES to hand security over to Iraqis in order to meet their goal of withdrawing while leaving IRAQ stable.
20041127             USA—OFFICERS in the area say they are increasingly optimistic.
20041127             "The hardest fighters we have are the former special forces from SADDAM—DAYS," COLONEL—RON—JOHNSON, COMMANDER—OF—THE 24. Marine Expeditionary Unit, told reporters late on —FRIDAY.
20041127             —AM  —SAMSTAG—HATTE das ukrainische Parlament "grobe Verstöße gegen das Wahlgesetz" festgestellt + 1—ANNULLIERUNG—DER—STICHWAHL gefordert.
20041127             Juschtschenko hatte Einspruch gegen das Ergebnis vom 20041121              eingelegt.
20041127             Seine Mitstreiterin Julia Timoschenko forderte den scheidenden Präsidenten Kutschma ultimativ auf, den prorussischen Janukowitsch bis heute Abend zu entlassen.
20041127             Die Entscheidung des Obersten Gerichts könnte Janukowitsch als Nachfolger von Kutschma bestätigen oder den Weg für Neuwahlen ebnen, wie sie Juschtschenko fordert.
20041127             Timoschenko erklärte gestern Abend vor rund 100.000—DEMONSTRANTEN in Kiew, die Oppositionsbewegung werde die Bewegungsfreiheit von PRÄSIDENT—KUTSCHMA einschränken, wenn er Janukowitsch nicht entlasse.
20041127             `Wir wissen, wo er sich aufhält + wir können ihn daran hindern, auch nur einen Schritt zu tun", warnte Timoschenko.
20041127             —GEHÖRT, Sie, zu den führenden Verbündeten Juschtschenkos, vertritt aber teilweise einen radikaleren Kurs als dieser.
20041127             11 4 2 2 - "We are told that out of [the Fundamentalist tradition]…1—NEW and powerful force known variously as 'the new Christian right' or 'the religious right' or 'the moral majority' has emerged.
20041127             SUPREME—COURT—TO—RULE—ON—RELIGIOUS—DISPLAYS!... UNITS—OF—GOVERNMENT should refrain from displaying religious symbols because...
20041127             alfatomega / 20041129.html
20041127             "1—FUNDAMENTALIST is generally defined as 1—WHO believes in adult baptism (that 1 should have 1—CHOICE in the matter and be old enough to know what he is doing),
20041127             "Cover Lifted on Secret Conservative Group," available from this site.
20041127             "If the professional employees in the agency don't believe the agency's leadership is on their side,
20041127             "The hardest fighters we have are the former special forces from SADDAM—DAYS," COLONEL—RON—JOHNSON,
20041127             "We are told that out of [the Fundamentalist tradition]…1—NEW and powerful force known variously as 'the new Christian right' or 'the religious right' or 'the moral majority' has emerged.
20041127             "Angolagate'' 1. came to light when FRANCE—JUDICIAL—OFFICIALS found that Brenco INTERNATIONAL,
20041127             (65) Crawford,A. Thunder on the Right.
20041127             19800000              20041127             (CNP, 19840000—19850000    ;
20041127             19880000             ) and Arnaud deBorchgrave - - EX—MEMBERS—OF—SADDAM—SPECIAL—FORCES.
20041127             … Em sequência das mesmas acusações,
19600000             when GOSS fell into 1—CROSS—PURPOSES—CONVERSATION with 1—RECRUITER at 1—JOBS—FAIR.
19840000             DOLAN—ORGANIZATION, NCPAC,
19870000             BO—HI—PAK, a FORMER—KOREAN MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE officer and MOON—TOP USA operative,
20041127             1ª grande entrevista de PIERRE—FALCONE "São minhas as contas secretas de ANGOLA".
20041127             2. But now, more IN—DEPTH analyses of exit polling data have debunked that assertion.
20041127             1—SPATE—OF—NEWS—STORIES… - 23, dated 20020200             ).
20041127             40. Although we lack confirmation of this,
20041127             55— 20041000              OSFI continues to receive information regarding entities posing as financial institutions.
20041127             alfatomega.com/20041127.html
20041127             1—CUMULATIVE list of entities on previous Warning Circulars,
20041127             1—SELF—DECLARED old friend who trained with MISTER—GOSS ,
20041127             —AFTER WE CONFIRM THAT YOU, AS 1—CONSUMER,
20041127             APPROXIMATELY ABOUT 9:45 to vote.
20041127             According to THE—COLUMBUS Free Press, 1—FLOODTIDE—OF—EVIDENCE
20041127             Additionally, WEB SALES JET purchases and manages OPT—IN email lists generated by affiliate sites and organizations.
20041127             —AFTER I started screaming about them cheating again,
20041127             —MAINTAINED, All records in THE—WEB—SALES—JET—DATABASE are, in our data center utilizing the latest technologies to secure, house + serve the data.
20041127             —BECAME, Also, 19870000             , Viguerie, SECRETARY,
20041127             Also, she signed off as 1—OFFICIAL—WITNESS at THE—END—OF—THE—DAY,
20041127             —NOTED, And 5—STAR—TRUST, as, earlier,
20041127             —PROSECUTED, And secondly, why has NO—1—BEEN ? #
20041127             Appeals to fear and loathing amongst Christians in order to raise funds for RIGHT—WING causes was the brainchild of RICHARD—VIGUERIE,
20041127             As 1—REPUBLICAN congressman MISTER—GOSS was 1—FEROCIOUS—CRITIC—OF—THE—AGENCY,
20041127             As to Madsen, I did find his article intriguing but feel that ultimately the key to finding out if anything happened is probably going to come from THE—BBV investigation if anywhere,
20041127             —STARED, Assuming it must be 1—TEST, MISTER—GOSS said nothing but, at the smoke rising.
20041127             BUSH [BGW968] would be inflicting political pain on 2—OF—THE—NATION—MOST prominent Republican governors,
20041127             BUT YOU WOULD BE WRONG.
20041127             Blue' states may lose in Bush [BGW968] tax plan
20041127             —CARRIED, But before conspiracy theorists get too, away,
20041127             CNP BOARD—OF—GOVERNORS (19820000             ) ;
20041127             and GUY—VANDER—JAGT - CNP DATABASE—OF—PAST/Present Officers & Prominent Members
20041127             COUNCIL FOR NATIONAL POLICY
20041127             Claims that Religious RIGHT—STYLE "values voters" swung the presidential election to GEORGE—W—BUSH have been all the rage since Nov.
20041127             Clothed in secrecy since its founding 19810000             ,
20041127             Contemporary Marxism 19820000             —W
20041127             CUBA + the "winning" candidate was, say, Fidel Castro?
20041127             Das Londoner Schuldenabkommen, mit dem 19530000              die deutschen Altschulden bereinigt wurde,
20041127             Dear BuzzFlash, Der Erdbeerfarmer ist nur der 1., aber längst nicht der einzige Besitzer solcher Anleihen, der seine Papiere nun einlösen will.
20041127             EXPRESSO…
20041127             —OBTAINED, Early CNP membership directories were, by enterprising researchers,
20041127             8—OF—THE—10—STATES with the most revenue
20041127—20000000    —IN, 8—OF—THE—10—STATES with the most revenue voted for KERRY [KFJ966] :
20041127             —EDITED, Elevated/ from the diaries by DemFromCT.
20041127             This - Equity Financial Trust 18200000              KINGSTON—ROAD—TORONTO, ONTARIO
20041127             —COMPLETED, Even though I, my voting + after I went over my ballot + I pushed the vote button,
20041127             —FOR—5—MONTHS, IRAQ—POLICE commandos have been based with USA Marines in charge of the region along the Euphrates river immediately SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD,
20041127             —JOINED, GOSS is the scion of 1—WEALTHY—CONNECTICUT family +, THE—CIA AFTER YALE
20041127             GOSS thought the man was 1—REPRESENTATIVE from his father's metal company,
20041127             GOSS, I n his job interview for the clandestine service,
20041127             GEORGIA Teachers in this Religious Right stronghold used to simply tear out pages in biology textbooks that referred to natural selection, but now they are employing…
20041127             GEOFF—BRUMFIEL: "Scientists slam BUSH record",
20041127             Global Witness: Arms and corruption with ANGOLA: PRESIDENT—CHIRAC ……
20041127             Global Witness: Difficult questions for Bush and dos SANTOS on ……
20041127             —ESTIMATED, GUARDIAN UK story, that approx 6—MILLION expats had registered or tried to,
20041127             HAMBURG—DEMNÄCHST will Fulwood mit weiteren USA—ANLEGERN vor einen Federal Court,
20041127             His critics allege it is partisan loyalty rather than reformist vision that is now driving MISTER—GOSS—SHAKE—UP.
20041127             I came back in, she [1—REPUBLICAN campaign worker] was actively going over SOME—SORT—OF computerized list she had with the precinct judge in precinct 4A in Bexley.
20041127             I could THINK—OF—NO—BETTER—WORD for this, I don't know.
20041127             I mean, did my 1. vote that went to GEORGE—BUSH—COUNT or did JOHN—KERRY count.
20041127             I'm still not sure that I voted for JOHN—KERRY because,
20041127             In almost all cases, fraudsters request payment to be sent via money remittance to 1—INDIVIDUAL,
20041127             In his EXPOSE—OF—THE—NEW—RIGHT, GOD—BULLIES ,
20041127             In most cases, the groups themselves were set up by Catholics.
20041127             In particular, MEMBERS—OF—THE—PUBLIC should not make ANY—ADVANCE—PAYMENT (no matter what label is attached to it) for THE—PURPOSES—OF—OPENING 1—ACCOUNT,
20041127             In the past election, the states that collect the most income tax were solidly "blue" supporters of Democratic challenger KERRY [KFJ966].
20041127             29. - Institute for 1. Amendment Studies
20041127             —INFORMED, It is important that our subscribers be fully, about the use of their personal information before choosing to subscribe to WEB SALES JET.
20041127             Our Policy - It is just as easy to unsubscribe as it is to "OPT—IN"!
20041127             Its membership comprises THE—RIGHT—WASHINGTON operatives and politicians,
20041127             It's Easy to OPT—OUT - J.R. Horn.
20041127             —CONVICTED—OF, This guy was, wire fraud - J.R. Horn.
20041127—20010000    —CONVICTED—OF, This guy was, wire fraud ;
20041127             while out on parole, Janine SMITH—WHITE, YOUNGSTOWN: I went to my polling place
20041127             JornalismoPortoNet: PIERRE—FALCONE eo "Angolagate"…
20041127             —JUST go ahead and push JOHN—KERRY again and I'm saying,
20041127             —LATER on, when I got the poll -- data from FRANKLIN—COUNTY—POLL—WORKERS,
20041127             Latest entries from AU—OFFICIAL weblog, THE—WALL—OF—SEPARATION.
20041127             LET—EXPLORE certain "what if?" scenarios in detail.
20041127             —PROMISED, Madsen has, 1—FOLLOW—UP report very soon,
20041127             Madsen has written SOME—EXCELLENT—MATERIAL in the past,
20041127             —MEANWHILE, shouldn't we be urging our major media to make more of THE—GOP—FLAGRANT voting suppression tactics,
20041127             —IGNORED, Media largely, REPRESENTATIVE—ISTOOK—INCONSISTENCY on tax provision "
20041127             Nature, 427, 663, 20040219              ;
20041127             —IMPRESSED, No doubt, by his cool, DULLES hired him.
20041127             No question the surge of expat voters would have been prompted more by desire to boot BUSH.
20041127             Notices or Advisories is available on OSFI—WEB—SITE
20041127             OFFICE—OF—THE—SUPERINTENDENT—OF—FINANCIAL—INSTITUTIONS—CANADA—BUREAU du surintendant des institutions financières CANADA Warning Notice Issue No.
20041127             —ON the 1. CNP Governing BOARD there were no less than 3 + possibly more, MEMBERS—OF—THE—CFR: GEORGE—F—GILDER
20041127             —FAVORED, Only OHIO and NORTH—CAROLINA, BUSH [BGW968].
20041127             Our PLEDGE—OUR subscribers' privacy is of primary importance at WEB SALES JET.
20041127             Our subscribers' email addresses will not be shared with any 3. party EXCEPT (I) WHERE SUCH 3. PARTY HAS DEMONSTRATED TO WEB SALES JET THAT THE—SUBSCRIBER IS 1—CUSTOMER—OF—SUCH 3. PARTY AND NOT JUST 1—PROSPECT,
20041127             POSTAL ADDRESS, ZIP CODE, AGE, GENDER, ETC.
20041127             PERRY—DEANE—YOUNG set the record straight on the religious MAKEUP—OF—THE—NEW—RIGHT—LEADERSHIP:
20041127             PIERRE—FALCONE eo "Angolagate".
20041127             Comércio - PIERRE—FALCONE foi detido a 20001201            .
20041127             Exactamente … - PIERRE—FALCONE was a consultant to THE—FRANCE—GOVERNMENT agency SOFREMI,
20041127             Please note that SOME—OF—OUR customers' websites may use cookies; Privatizing Latin AMERICA
20041127             ROBERT—BOEGE of the National Conservative Foundation, ROBERT—WARING—STODDARD
20041127             —STATED, Ron Miller, AUTHOR—OF—DISTANT—DRUMS, that "sources in high places" have identified JESSE—HELMS,
20041127             Seine Mitstreiterin Julia Timoschenko forderte den scheidenden Präsidenten Kutschma ultimativ auf,
20041127             Should we hail as the true patriots of this foreign land those of its citizens who endorse an "election" that was shut down by judicial fiat before it was over,
20041127             —GEHÖRT, Sie, zu den führenden Verbündeten Juschtschenkos,
20041127             TO 3. PARTIES FOR NON—ELECTRONIC—MEDIA.
20041127             The - THE—UK—EUGENICS—ESTABLISHMENT
20041127             THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE—THAT—MISTER—GOSS chaired issued 1—REPORT this year saying THE—CIA risked becoming a "stilted bureaucracy incapable of even the slightest BIT—OF—SUCCESS".
20041127             The federal deduction for state and local income taxes "predominantly benefits the blue states," said WILLIAM—GALE,
20041127             The 1. sentence in EACH—AND—EVERY—OFFER from WEB SALES JET provides subscribers the option to unsubscribe and remove themselves from our database.
20041127             The following are only 1—FEW of them:
20041127             the Hoestettler quote is from the Palm Beach Post:
20041127—20001202    —ON, The growing political scandal in FRANCE since THE—ARREST—OF—PRESIDENT—DOS—SANTOS' weapons "facilitator" PIERRE—FALCONE is but the tip of …
20041127             The idea for 1—MORAL—MAJORITY, INCORPORATED + the name itself came from 2—POLITICAL—OPERATIVES in Washingto n -- 1 1—JEW,
20041127             The latest fight over science in AMERICA—CLASSROOMS is taking place in Cobb County,
20041127             —LISTED, The names, below are not authorized Federally regulated financial institutions and may be PART—OF—SUCH advance fee scams (see also OSFI—WARNING—NOTICE—NO.
20041127             The other 2—MACHINES were coming back 30 % for BUSH.
20041127             This 1—CAME back 40 % for BUSH.
20041127             —ASSUMED, The recruiter, GOSS was THE—SON—OF—1—SENIOR—AGENCY—OFFICIAL.
20041127             28. - Then, WEB SALES JET will send you offers for goods and services relevant to THE—CATEGORIES—OF—INTEREST you have chosen.
20041127             There are Orthodox Jewish rabbis on nearly EVERY—1—OF—THESE groups' BOARDS—OF—ADVISORS.
20041127             This definition does not begin to cover all those in the religious right.
20041127             Through this site + the Freedom Writer ,
20041127             Timoschenko erklärte gestern Abend vor rund 100.000—DEMONSTRANTEN in Kiew,
20041127             To better provide our subscribers with relevant offers,
20041127             To illustrate with 1—REAL—WORLD—EXAMPLE,
20041127             TOM—KESSEL, Bexley: …1—TIME I went outside,
20041127             USA Sends in Secret Weapon: SADDAM—OLD—COMMANDOS
20041127             USA officers in the area say they are increasingly optimistic.
20041127             UK economy slows in 3. quarter
20041127             Undermining Global Security: the European UNION—ARMS—EXPORTS- … - Unofficial Information Page
20041127             —GEGEBEN, Vermögen: Wer hat, dem wird, - Vote notes OHIO.
20041127             WEB SALES JET appends traditional data to email records.
20041127             WEB SALES JET believes in 100% PERMISSION—BASED marketing.
20041127             WEB SALES JET collects the information you provide at our websites.
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20041127             WEB SALES JET issues cookies solely to assign a randomly generated,
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20041127             —DEDICATED, WEB SALES JET remains, to providing notice and choice to all WEB SALES JET subscribers.
20041127             WEB SALES JET tracks responses to advertising campaigns; WEB SALES JET values your e-privacy.
20041127             WEB SALES JET will broadcast special offers that would BE—OF—VALUE to ANY—ONLINE consumer to all WEB SALES JET subscribers.
20041127             WEB SALES JET will confirm your subscription via email.
20041127             Warning Notices contain the names of entities recently brought to OSFI—ATTENTION through SOME—FORM—OF—NOTICE,
20041127             We are led to believe that these groups,
20041127             We encourage you to use our press release, We're not saying they can't do that.
20041127             At THE—END—OF—THE—DAY,
20041127             What is the burning question to me is,
20041127             What you won't learn about the "Istook amendment" from THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES "
20041127             —CONDUCTED, With THE—EXCEPTION—OF—EMAIL—TRANSMISSIONS, by a 3. party to its customer database,
20041127             `Wir wissen, wo er sich aufhält + wir können ihn daran hindern,
20041127             1—COMPANY owned by billionaire businessman PIERRE—FALCONE ,
20041127             1—COMPANY owned by billionaire businessman PIERRE—FALCONE, was involved in …
20041127             1—LIBERAL—LEANING research group.
20041127             1—TAX—POLICY—EXPERT at the Brookings Institution,
20041127             all email transmissions will be conducted by WEB SALES JET.
20041127             1—ALLIANCE—OF—POLITICAL—CONSERVATIVES and conservative religious groups and individuals.
20041127             are operating in CANADA, they may be violating PROVISIONS—OF—THE—BANK—ACT ,
20041127             as a CFR member 19720000            .
20041127             41. Later CNP directories list CFR members J. PETER—GRACE
20041127             at 12:43:04 PST Federal Courts Have No Army Or Navy by up2date
20041127             auch nur einen Schritt zu tun", warnte Timoschenko.
20041127             but process was difficult and MANY—NOT able to vote in time perhaps.
20041127             combined with those actions by GOP election officials to ensure smooth voting at GOP suburban precincts and long lines and 3—HOUR waits at inner city and college precincts, etc.
20041127             COMMANDER—OF—THE 24. Marine Expeditionary Unit, told reporters late on —FRIDAY.
20041127             den prorussischen Janukowitsch bis heute Abend zu entlassen.
20041127             die Oppositionsbewegung werde die Bewegungsfreiheit von PRÄSIDENT—KUTSCHMA einschränken, wenn er Janukowitsch nicht entlasse.
20041127             dürfe für diese Anleihen keine Anwendung erfahren, argumentieren die Anwälte.
20041127             ein amerikanisches Bundesgericht, ziehen, wie der SPIEGEL berichtet.
20041127             even if the court's explicit basis for that premature shutdown was that their favored candidate somehow already had "legitimacy" entitled to protection at his opponent's expense?
20041127             even though she was 1—REPUBLICAN worker.
20041127             1. came to light when FRANCE—JUDICIAL—OFFICIALS found that Brenco INTERNATIONAL,
20041127             for the 1. time, revealing the activities and current MEMBERSHIP—OF—THE—COUNCIL—FOR NATIONAL POLICY.
20041127             he commited the same crime (the figure of 1—BILLION dollars has been mentioned),
20041127             how about if that other country was, say,
20041127             however + these revealed that the early leadership of THE—CNP was,
20041127             however, WEB SALES JET does not track your other web browsing activities.
20041127             in 1—LITERAL interpretation of the bible + in being 'reborn' or 'born again' through 1—PERSONAL—EXPERIENCE in accepting Jesus Christ as one's personal Savior.
20041127             in fact, also represented in the Council on Foreign Relations -- the very ORGANIZATION—OF—GLOBALISTS to which THE—CNP was to be the conservative alternative!
20041127             inquiry or complaint.
20041127             If these entities, is GOP REPRESENTATIVE—HOSTETTLER (IN-8).
20041127             Apparently, so is this: is 1—SERIOUSLY suspicious company.
20041127             its financiers + its HARD—CORE—RELIGIOUS—ARM.
20041127             nor could I possibly hope to give this 1—INTRODUCTION.
20041127             not the named financial entity.
20041127             only to be sentenced to 1—MERE 18—MONTHS.
20041127             or persons purporting to represent them,
20041127             or this movement, sprang naturally from the fundamentalist soil.
20041127             other federal financial institution legislation,
20041127             other federal legislation, or provincial legislation.
20041127             paid $10.06—MILLION for VIGUERIE—OFFICE building.
20041127             particularly for its failure to spot THE—19—AL—QAIDA hijackers who made their way into THE—USA
20041127             paying 1—GOVERNMENT—FEE, or similar.
20041127             political observers note that by eliminating deductions for state income taxes,
20041127             received $775,000 from REVEREND—MOON.
20041127             —STATED, TERRY—DOLAN, that the secret of fundraising is to try to "make them angry and stir up hostilities.
20041127             received 1—USA$100,000 donation — the same size as that given by ENRON—KENNETH—LAY—FROM 1—COMPANY—RUN by the wife of PIERRE—FALCONE, the alleged arms …
20041127             s comment says it all: "I dare you to read this entire COLUMBUS Free Press article + then explain to me why OHIO—ELECTION shouldn't be entirely invalidated and RE—HELD!"
20041127             so perhaps he will provide more details.
20041127             Until then, soil and were not covered by ITALY—LAW.(110) FRANCE:
20041127             strategist and FUND—RAISING genius of the newly created MOON—CONTROLLED and funded USA—FREEDOM—COALITION (AFC),
20041127             telling him he had just stopped by to say hello to his dad's friends.
20041127             that machine which had the lowest NUMBERS—OF—VOTES had the highest PERCENTAGE—OF—BUSH—VOTES.
20041127             THE—COUNCIL—FOR NATIONAL POLICY is 1—VIRTUAL who's who of the Hard Right.
20041127             the Institute for 1. Amendment Studies is,
20041127             the aide hurried up and came over and said, oh, that's been happening 1—LOT.
20041127             THE—JACKET—OF—THE—CIA—DIRECTOR, ALLEN—DULLES, caught fire.
20041127             the other 1—CATHOLIC.
20041127             "The most effective LEADERS—OF—THE—NEW—RIGHT are nearly all Catholics.
20041127             —THEREFORE, it is recommended that our subscribers take the time to review the privacy policies,
20041127             they won't take risks for it and, in the end, they won't stay".
20041127             unique identifier in order for WEB SALES JET to track customer conversions.
20041127             unless the unhappy techs that Madsen refers to do come forward.
20041127             vertritt aber teilweise einen radikaleren Kurs als dieser.
20041127             warned in THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES: "GOSS + his minions can do 1—GREAT—DEAL—OF—DAMAGE in short order.
20041127             was involved in arms transfers to ANGOLA and had made payments to 1—NUMBER—OF his FRANCE—ASSOCIATES.
20041127             we (or at least I ) must face another poser:
20041127             we're saying the court can't enforce its opinions.
20041127             —WHEN provided, of ANY—WEBSITES—PRIOR to entering their information.
20041127             which exports military equipment under THE—AUSPICES—OF—THE—FRANCE—INTERIOR—MINISTRY.
20041127             which is the main reason why I placed great stock in his article.
20041127             HERE—HIS bio: which roadside bombs, ambushes + kidnaps have turned into 1—NO—GO area for outsiders and earned it the melodramatic description "TRIANGLE—OF—DEATH".
20041127             who also served on 19820000             —THE—CNP BOARD—OF—GOVERNORS was affiliated with THE—CFR through his BOSTON newspaper.
20041127             who served on the original CNP BOARD—OF—GOVERNORS,
20041127             whose DIRECT—MAIL expertise made winners of them all.
20041127             whose enterprise was rescued from near bankruptcy 19860000              with 1—ACCOUNT for DISTRIBUTION—OF—THE—UNIFICATION—CHURCH—OWNED Insight magazine.
20041127             whose PRESIDENT—IS—BO—HI—PAK, top AIDE—OF—SUN—MYUNG Moon.
20041127             why would GOP commit such flagrant abuses of the Voting Rights Act unless it was needed to make 1—DIFFERENCE?
20041127             you may still receive offers from other affiliated websites you subscribed to.
20041127             you say that's been happening 1—LOT and it hasn't been corrected?
20041127             "FORAM abertas várias contas com fundos secretos …
20041127             † BILLY—JAMES—HARGIS, 79—JAHRE—ALT, televangelist.
20041127             —INCLUDED, BILLY—JAMES—HARGIS—BOOKS, "Is the Schoolhouse the Best Place to Teach Raw Sex".
20041127             † In AFGHANISTAN 6—AMERICANS when 1—PRIVATE—PLANE used by THE—USA—AIR—FORCE crashed in SNOW—COVERED mountains.
20041127             —RECOVERED, Search teams later, the bodies.
20041127             INDIA, Aga Khan, billionaire spiritual LEADER—OF—THE—WORLD—15—MILLION—SHIA Ismaili Muslims, presented the triennial Aga Khan awards for architecture.
20041127             —KILLED, SAUDI—ARABIA—SECURITY—FORCES, 1 suspected militant in the Red Sea CITY—OF—JEDDAH.
20041127             —THREATENED, SRI—LANKA—TAMIL—TIGER rebels, to resume a 2—DECADE—WAR for SELF—RULE if the government does not agree to discuss their demands soon.
20041127             —DECLARED, UKRAINE—PARLIAMENT, invalid the disputed presidential election that triggered 1—WEEK—OF growing street protests and legal maneuvers, raising the possibility that 1—NEW—VOTE could be held.
20041127             Silverstein,K. WASHINGTON Babylon.
20041127             Ankerberg, John is 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—COUNCIL—OF—NATIONAL—POLICY.
20041127             —DEVELOPED, Years ago THE—JOHN—BIRCH—SOCIETY, the view that the Council on...
20041127             5—STAR—TRUST, largely based in HOUSTON but 1—WORLDWIDE—ENTITY that is... 1—CITATION goes to 1—COURT—CASE listed here, involving 1—MARION Horn, JUNIOR...
200411270112         —AM—ET 'Blue' states may lose in Bush [BGW968] tax plan
20041127—19650000    —RELEASED, USA—ARMY deserter CHARLES—JENKINS was, from 1—MILITARY—JAIL after serving 25—DAYS for abandoning his squadron and crossing the border into NORTH—KOREA.
20041127—19740000    —IN, students at his USA—CHRISTIAN—COLLEGE claimed Hargis had deflowered them.
20041127—19840000    Covert Action Information Bulletin 19860000             -# 25 (51) Covert Action Information Bulletin 19870000             -#28 (26) Covert Action Information...
20041127—20000000    —IN, 8—OF—THE—10—STATES with the most revenue voted for Kerry [KFJ966] : CALIFORNIA, NEW—YORK, PENNSYLVANIA, MASSACHUSETTS, MICHIGAN, ILLINOIS, NEW—JERSEY and MARYLAND.
20041127—20001202    —ON, "FORAM abertas várias contas com fundos secretos... 20041127              Global Witness: Arms and corruption with ANGOLA: PRESIDENT—CHIRAC...... The growing political scandal in FRANCE since THE—ARREST—OF—PRESIDENT—DOS—SANTOS' weapons "facilitator" PIERRE—FALCONE is but the tip of.
20041127—20010000    —IN, As 1—REPUBLICAN congressman MISTER—GOSS was 1—FEROCIOUS—CRITIC—OF—THE—AGENCY, particularly for its failure to spot THE—19—AL—QAIDA hijackers who made their way into THE—USA before 20010911             —THE attacks + for its inability to track down OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20041127—20041102    —SINCE, Claims that Religious RIGHT—STYLE "values voters" swung the presidential election to GEORGE—W—BUSH have been all the rage.
20041201             alfatomega.com/20041127.html
20041216             "Now it's 1—WARFARE—COMPANY- 20041215              Castro, Chavez defy USA—TRADE—PACT: CUBA—PRESIDENT—FIDEL—CASTRO + VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ have announced an 20041127 ..+search warrants issued by RUSSIA—PROSECUTORS for managers of the embattled oil company.
20050116             Leganés, MADRID, SPAIN : 20051127—20031226.
20050130             CONSPIRACY—RELATED Topical News Stories from AboveTopSecret_com The Carlyle Group is 1—HUGE—PRIVATE—EQUITY—FIRM, heavily invested in the... by: GradyPhilpott On: Sat 200411271319          GMT Yushchenko Poisoned According...
20050329             CANNONFIRE: 20041121—20041127.
20051127             Schätzungsweise 120.000—MENSCHEN im Münsterland gingen heute Abend in die 3. Nacht ohne Strom.
20051127             Insgesamt waren nach neuen ANGABEN—DER—RWE ursprünglich 280.000—MENSCHEN bis in den Raum Osnabrück hinein ohne Strom gewesen, nachdem am —FREITAG 1—SCHNEECHAOS über Nordwestdeutschland hereingebrochen war.
20051127             In den Kreisen RECKLINGHAUSEN, Osnabrück, Vechta, MINDEN—LÜBBECKE, Grafschaft Bentheim und Teilen des Kreises Emsland sowie in Steinfurt war die Versorgung am Abend wiederhergestellt.
20051127             —BIS zu einer vollständigen Wiederherstellung der Versorgung könne noch EINIGE—ZEIT vergehen, sagte RWE—SPRECHER Klaus Schultebraucks.
20051127             Nach seinen Angaben waren heute fast 300—TECHNISCHE MITARBEITER—VON—RWE im Einsatz.
20051127             Sie bemühen sich unter anderem, durch Verlegung von Ersatzleitungen unterbrochene Leitungsabschnitte zu überbrücken.
20051127             Wo Strom aus der Leitung fehlt, sind vielfach mobile Notstromaggregate im EINSATZ—INSGESAMT rund 600.
20051127             —GESCHLOSSEN, Schneechaos: Schulen bleiben
20051127             CIA—FLÜGE: Koalition und Opposition setzen Steinmeier unter Druck
20051127             Irak: Ehemaliger USA—JUSTIZMINISTER will Saddam verteidigen
20051127             —PRESENTED, The sole case, against OSAMA—BIN—LADEN & AL—QAEDA for 20010911             —THE bombings was 1—WHITE—PAPER entitled, "
20051127             Responsibility for the terrorist atrocities in USA.
20051127             The Power of Nightmares: THE—RISE—OF—THE—POLITICS—OF—FEAR,
20051127             " a 3—HOUR—HISTORICAL—FILM by ADAM—CURTIS recently aired by THE—UK—BROADCASTING Corp., argues coherently that much of what we have been told about THE—THREAT—OF—INTERNATIONAL—TERRORISM "is 1—FANTASY that has been exaggerated and distorted by politicians.
20051127             —UNQUESTIONED, It is 1—DARK—ILLUSION that has spread, through governments around the world, the security services and THE—INTERNATIONAL—MEDIA".
20051127             —MIRRORED, The following is, from its source at:
20051127             —WHILE THE—BBC documentary acknowledges that THE—THREAT—OF—TERRORISM is both real and growing, it disagrees that the threat is centralized:
20051127             "There are dangerous and fanatical individuals and groups around the world who have been inspired by extreme Islamist ideas and who will use THE—TECHNIQUES—OF—MASS—TERROR
20051127             - the attacks on AMERICA + MADRID make this only too clear.
20051127             But the nightmare vision of 1—UNIQUELY powerful hidden organization waiting to strike our societies is 1—ILLUSION.
20051127             Wherever 1—LOOKS for this AL—QAEDA organization, from the mountains of AFGHANISTAN to the 'sleeper cells' in AMERICA, the British + USA—S are chasing 1—PHANTOM enemy".
20051127             The fact is, despite the efforts of several government commissions and 1—VAST—ARMY—OF—INVESTIGATORS, we still do not have 1—CREDIBLE narrative of a "WAR—ON—TERROR" that is being fought in the shadows.
20051127             Consider, for example, that neither 20010911             —THE commission nor ANY—COURT—OF—LAW has been able to directly take evidence from the key post-20010911              terror detainees held by USA.
20051127             Everything we know comes from 2—SIDES that both have 1—GREAT—STAKE in exaggerating the threat posed by AL—QAEDA:
20051127             the terrorists themselves + the military + intelligence agencies that have 1 vested interest in maintaining the facade of 1—OVERWHELMINGLY dangerous enemy.
20051127             Such 1—STATE—OF—NATIONAL—IGNORANCE about 1—ENDLESS—WAR is, as "
20051127             The Power of Nightmares " makes clear, simply unacceptable in 1—FUNCTIONING democracy.
20051127             —CAPTURED, EGYPT—MUSLIM—BROTHERHOOD wins seats: The outlawed Muslim Brotherhood, 29—MORE—SEATS in weekend parliamentary runoff elections, the group and Interior Ministry officials said —SUNDAY, meaning the organization will control at least 5—TIMES—MORE—SEATS in the new legislature than it does now.
20051127             Canning reform: LIGHT—OF—ISLAMIST, electoral victories, neoconservatives in WASHINGTON about face, seeing democracy in THE—MIDDLE—EAST as not such 1—GOOD—IDEA after all
20051127             —RETURNED, Sharon eyes 'Presidential system' if, to power : PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON is eyeing at 1—OVERHAULING—OF—THE—ISRAEL—POLITICAL—SYSTEM if he returns to power, pressing for a 'Presidential system' in which the Premier would be directly elected by people along with regional polls to choose Knesset members.
20051127             EUROPE protests CIA activity on its soil:
20051127             Outrage in MANY—COUNTRIES triggers parliamentary inquiries and 1—HANDFUL—OF—CRIMINAL—PROSECUTIONS
20051127             European investigator: Large CIA detention bases unlikely" It is possible that there were detainees that stayed 10, 15 or 30—DAYS," Marty told reporters, without referring to ANY—COUNTRY.
20051127             "We do not have the full picture".
20051127             BOLTON loses UK—BACKING for UN tactics : The rare public disagreement between THE—2—CLOSE—ALLIES comes as the showdown over reforms at THE—UN—NEW—YORK headquarters becomes increasingly acrimonious.
20051127             Lawmakers Under Scrutiny in Probe of Lobbyis
20051127             TERROR, Cases, Administration Sets Own Rules : The administration has argued, with varying DEGREES—OF—SUCCESS, that judges should have essentially no role in reviewing its decisions.
20051127             Pentagon Expanding Its Domestic Surveillance Activity : The Pentagon has pushed legislation on Capitol Hill that would create 1—INTELLIGENCE—EXCEPTION to the Privacy Act,
20051127             allowing THE—FBI + others to share information gathered about USA—CITIZENS with the Pentagon, CIA and other intelligence agencies
20051127             The Plastic TURKEY PRESIDENT : The plastic TURKEY PRESIDENT was the same PRESIDENT who warned USA—S of 1—POTENTIAL—SADDAM—SENT mushroom cloud over USA—AT 1—TIME when USA—INTELLIGENCE said Saddam had no nuclear weapons;
20051127             —WHILE We Were Sleeping: Where Was the Media Between Invasion + Murtha?
20051127             Networks Gave VIETNAM War Twice the Minutes IRAQ Gets;
20051127             BAGHDAD Bureaus Cut Back; Amanpour: 'Patronizing'
20051127             CLARK—ARRIVES to Assist Saddam Defense: Clark has been advising nearly 12—INTERNATIONAL—LAWYERS on SADDAM—DEFENSE—TEAM.
20051127             —CONTENDED, He has, that SADDAM—RIGHTS have been violated in the legal process following his capture.
20051127             Militant looms as IRAQ kingmaker:
20051127             Wielding violence and political popularity as complementary tools, Sadr, the Shiite cleric who has defied THE—USA—AUTHORITIES since the fall of Saddam Hussein, is cementing his role as 1—OF—IRAQ—MOST powerful figure
20051127             Bush plot to bomb AL—JAZEERA is 1—CONSPIRACY—THEORY, says Blair : People who have seen the document say the real reason that it is being suppressed by the Government is because it contains 1—POTENTIALLY damaging private discussion between THE—2—LEADERS about the controversial USA—ATTACK on THE—IRAQ—CITY—OF—FALLUJAH last year.
20051127             —REVEALED, The leak that, BUSH—DEEP—OBSESSION with AL—JAZEERA : THE—USA—PRESIDENT planned to bomb THE—QATAR—BASED CHANNEL—THAT was the remarkable claim made in 1—TOP—SECRET—MEMO.
20051127             —WORRIED, Why is the world's most powerful man so, about 1—TV—STATION?
20051127             —ACCUSED, RUMSFELD—AL—JAZEERA outburst : AL—JAZEERA was, by DONALD—RUMSFELD, THE—USA—DEFENCE—SECRETARY, of broadcasting "vicious, inaccurate and inexcusable" reports about the war in IRAQ the day before PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush met TONY—BLAIR at THE—WHITE—HOUSE and apparently suggested bombing the station's headquarters.
20051127             So what have they got to hide?
20051127             Official secrets, lies + the truth about the assault on FALLUJAH
20051127             Abuses as bad as under dictator, claims Allawi : Abuse of human rights in IRAQ is as bad now as it was under Saddam Hussein, if not worse,
20051127             —PUBLISHED, FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—IYAD—ALLAWI said in 1—INTERVIEW, yesterday.
20051127             'Trophy' video exposes private security contractors shooting up IRAQ—DRIVERS : The video has sparked concern that private security companies, which are not subject to ANY—FORM—OF—REGULATION either in BRITAIN or in IRAQ, could be responsible for THE—DEATHS—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—INNOCENT—IRAQIS.
20051127             Bush may signal IRAQ drawdown : PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLANS what is being billed as 1—MAJOR—SPEECH on IRAQ for —WEDNESDAY amid signs that the administration is changing course.
20051127             Caped Crusaders in a Comic Book War
20051127             Our valiant CRUSADERS—OIL—EXECUTIVES by day, freedom fighters by NIGHT—RETURN to the world stage once AGAIN—BY JERRY—GHINELLI
20051127             —WHEN we last left them, our heroes, Bush Wayne and his trusted companion, Dick GRAYSON—CHENEY, were heading east to IRAN to hunt for WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION, free THE—IRAN—PEOPLE from the axis of evil and bring AMERICAN—STYLE—DEMOCRACY to all the good PEOPLE—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20051127             Question: Is there ANY—WAY to make this nation's MANY—NAIVE—CHRISTOPHILES—THE—ONES who jumped EVERY—TIME—RALPH—REED snapped his FINGERS—UNDERSTAND the truth about the thugs who commanded their loyalites?
20051127             Permalink 20051127              20051127             1—INTERESTING parallel.
20051127             —POINTED, DANIEL—HOPSICKER, out 1—EERIE historical parallel which deserves wider comment.
20051127             HERE—HOW GUS—BOULIS met his end:
20051127             Was den Medizinern trotz aller Erfolge jedoch große Sorgen bereitet, sind die zunehmenden Resistenzen: Gerade solche HIV—STÄMME breiten sich immer rascher aus, gegen die verfügbare Medikamente wirkungslos sind.
20051127             Mittlerweile gibt es gegen ALLE—ZUGELASSENEN—PRÄPARATE bereits Resistenzen.
20051127             "In EUROPA finden wir bei jedem 10. Neuinfizierten resistente Viren", sagt van Lunzen.
20051127             "Ich erwarte, dass sich diese Situation in der Zukunft weiter zuspitzt".
20051127             "Verantwortlich für diese dramatische Entwicklung sind vor allem wenige AIDS—PATIENTEN, welche die Therapie zeitweilig ignorieren und damit später Mitmenschen in Lebensgefahr bringen", betont van Lunzen.
20051127             Kein Land der Welt konnte Aids bislang bremsen oder gar aufhalten.
20051127             Auch Deutschland nicht:
20051127             Die ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN lag hier im 1. Halbjahr 20050000              mit 11640000              um 20 % höher als im Vorjahr, wie das ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT in seinem Halbjahresbericht feststellt.
20051127             Der PRÄSIDENT—DES—INSTITUTS, Reinhard Kurth, zieht eine ernüchternde Bilanz: "Die Entwicklung gibt Anlass zur Sorge.
20051127             Weitere Anstrengungen sind nötig, um aufzuklären und zu vermitteln, dass es auch bei verbesserter Therapie keine Heilung der Erkrankung gibt".
20051127             Britische Armee: Brutale SCHULMÄDCHEN—UND Doktorspiele bei Rekrutenausbildung
20051127             Spektakulärer Ausbruch: Häftlinge fliehen aus Hochsicherheitstrakt
20051127             Juckreiz: WANZEN—ALARM in New Yorks Betten
20051127             SADDAM—PROZESS: RICHTER—UND—ANWÄLTE riskieren Kopf und Kragen
20051127             Antrittsbesuch: Steinmeiers heikle Visite in WASHINGTON
20051127             Insel Kschem: Tote und Verletzte bei Erdbeben in Südiran
20051127             Flüchtlingsdrama: Vor Spanien sterben mehr als 20—MENSCHEN
20051127             Schneechaos: Winter hat Westeuropa im Griff
20051127             —GEZWUNGEN, Misshandlungen: Britische Rekruten zu barbarischen Ritualen
20051127             Winterchaos: Armdicke Eismäntel um Stromleitungen
20051127             CIA—FLÜGE: Jagd auf Hercules N8183J - Wintereinbruch: Schneeschock in NRW
20051127             Bundeswehr: Jung kündigt höheren Sold bei Auslandseinsätzen an
20051127             Atomkonflikt: Steinmeier drängt IRAN zum Einlenken - Atomrüstung: Mullahs helfen Stalinisten
20051127             DSL—ALTERNATIVEN: "Breitband" für das platte Land
20051127             Aidsforschung: Resistente Erreger breiten sich aus
20051127             WASHINGTON—POST - CIFA—ABILITIES would increase considerably under the proposal being reviewed by THE—WHITE—HOUSE, which was made by 1—PRESIDENTIAL—COMMISSION on intelligence chaired by retired appellate COURT—JUDGE—LAURENCE—H—SILBERMAN and FORMER—SENATOR—CHARLES—S—ROBB (D-VIRGINIA).
20051127             —URGED, The commission, that CIFA be given authority to carry out domestic criminal investigations and clandestine operations against potential threats inside THE—USA.
20051127             THE—SILBERMAN—ROBB panel found that because the separate military services concentrated on investigations within their areas, "no entity views NON—SERVICE—SPECIFIC and DEPARTMENT—WIDE—INVESTIGATIONS as its primary responsibility".
20051127             A 20030000              Defense Department directive kept CIFA from engaging in law enforcement activities such as "the investigation, apprehension, or DETENTION—OF—INDIVIDUALS suspected or convicted of criminal offenses against the laws of THE—USA".
20051127             The commission's proposal would change that, giving CIFA "new counterespionage and law enforcement authorities," covering treason, espionage, foreign or terrorist sabotage + even economic espionage.
20051127             That step, the panel said, could be taken by presidential order and Pentagon directive without congressional approval.
20051127             WHITE—HOUSE spokeswoman Dana Perino said THE—CIFA expansion "is being studied at the DoD [Defense Department] level," adding that intelligence director Negroponte would have 1—SAY in the matter.
20051127             1—PENTAGON spokesman said, "The [CIFA] matter is before the Hill committees".
20051127             SENATOR—JOHN—W—WARNER (R-VIRGINIA), CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—SENATE—ARMED—SERVICES—COMMITTEE, said in 1—RECENT—INTERVIEW that CIFA has performed well in the past and today has no domestic intelligence collection activities.
20051127             He was not AWARE—OF—MOVES to enhance its authority.
20051127             The Senate Select COMMITTEE—ON—INTELLIGENCE has not had formal hearings on CIFA or other domestic intelligence programs, but its staff has been briefed on SOME—OF—THE—STEPS the Pentagon has already taken.
20051127             "If 1—MEMBER asks the chairman" -- SENATOR—PAT—ROBERTS (R-Kan.) -- for hearings, "I am sure he would respond," said BILL—DUHNKE, the panel's staff director.
20051127             —CONTRIBUTED, Staff writer DAN—EGGEN, to this report.
20051127             Pentagon Expanding Its Domestic Surveillance Activity FEARS—OF—POST—20010911              Terrorism Spur Proposals for New Powers By WALTER—PINCUS—WASHINGTON—POST—STAFF—WRITER
20051127             —EXPANDED, WASHINGTON—POST The Defense Department has, its programs aimed at gathering and analyzing intelligence within THE—USA, creating new agencies, adding personnel and seeking additional legal authority for domestic security activities in the post-20010911              world.
20051127             The moves have taken place on several fronts.
20051127             THE—WHITE—HOUSE is considering expanding the power of 1—LITTLE—KNOWN—PENTAGON agency called the Counterintelligence Field Activity, or CIFA, which was created 3—YEARS ago.
20051127             The proposal, made by 1—PRESIDENTIAL—COMMISSION, would transform CIFA from 1—OFFICE that coordinates Pentagon security efforts -- including protecting military facilities from attack -- to 1—THAT also has authority to investigate crimes within THE—USA—SUCH as treason, foreign or terrorist sabotage or even economic espionage.
20051127             —PUSHED, The Pentagon has, legislation on Capitol Hill that would create 1—INTELLIGENCE—EXCEPTION to the Privacy Act, allowing THE—FBI and others to share information gathered about USA—CITIZENS with the Pentagon, CIA and other intelligence agencies, as long as the data is deemed to be related to foreign intelligence.
20051127             —NEEDED, Backers say the measure is, to strengthen investigations into terrorism or WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20051127             —AIMED, The proposals + other Pentagon steps, at improving its ability to analyze counterterrorism intelligence collected inside THE—USA, have drawn complaints from civil liberties advocates and 1—FEW MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS, who say the Defense DEPARTMENT—PUSH into domestic collection is proceeding with little scrutiny by the Congress or the public.
20051127             "We are deputizing the military to spy on LAW—ABIDING Americans in AMERICA. This is 1—HUGE leap without even a [congressional] hearing," SENATOR—RON—WYDEN (D-Ore.), 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—SENATE—SELECT—COMMITTEE—ON—INTELLIGENCE, said in 1—RECENT—INTERVIEW.
20051127             JOHN—ASHCROFT—PIMPS for Oracle & Choice Point
20051127             Winston Partners, Sybase, Choicepoint, H.R. 3162, called "The Uniting and Strengthening AMERICAN—BY Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act" (or USA Patriot) By WILLIAM—BOWLES
20051127             " a 3—HOUR—HISTORICAL—FILM by ADAM—CURTIS recently aired by THE—UK—BROADCASTING Corp.,
20051127             alfatomega.com/20081125.html
20051127             "Responsibility for the terrorist atrocities in USA.
20051127             "The Power of Nightmares: THE—RISE—OF—THE—POLITICS—OF—FEAR,
20051127             "a 3—HOUR—HISTORICAL—FILM by ADAM—CURTIS recently aired by THE—UK—BROADCASTING Corp.,
20051127             "makes clear, simply unacceptable in 1—FUNCTIONING democracy.
20051127             "I am sure he would respond," said BILL—DUHNKE, the panel's staff director.
20051127             "If 1—MEMBER asks the chairman" -- Sen.
20051127             "In EUROPA finden wir bei jedem 10. Neuinfizierten resistente Viren",
20051127             "Verantwortlich für diese dramatische Entwicklung sind vor allem wenige AIDS—PATIENTEN,
20051127             "We are deputizing the military to spy on LAW—ABIDING Americans in AMERICA.
20051127             "no entity views NON—SERVICE—SPECIFIC and DEPARTMENT—WIDE—INVESTIGATIONS as its primary responsibility.
20051127             'Trophy' video exposes private security contractors shooting up IRAQ—DRIVERS:
19870000             "Poppy" BUSH—FRIEND—DON ARONOW—THE "speedboat KING" who was heavily involved with DRUG—RUNNING - was murdered in 1—SUBSTANTIALLY similar fashion.
20010206             —ON the night OF—BOULIS,
20051127             15 or 30—DAYS," Marty told reporters, without referring to ANY—COUNTRY.
20051129             20051127             51, was driving on MIAMI Road when 1—CAR swerved in front of his BMW + slammed on brakes.
20051127             A 20030000              Defense Department directive kept CIFA from engaging in law enforcement activities such as "the investigation,
20051127             ABRAMOFF + beyond -
20051127             ATSE—GREEN - Abuse of human rights in IRAQ is as bad now as it was under Saddam Hussein, if not worse,
20051127             Abuses as bad as under dictator, claims Allawi: According THE—JOSH—MARSHALL,
20051127             —AFTER Boulis stopped, 1—BLACK—MUSTANG going the opposite way pulled alongside +
20051127             —ACCUSED, AL—JAZEERA was, by DONALD—RUMSFELD, 1—INTERESTING parallel.
20051127             Anthony "Little Tony" Ferrari, spoke with another man about a troublesome situation,
20051127             ANTI—COMMUNISM from Froola
20051127             —TRUSTED, BUSH Wayne and his, companion,
20051127             —BIS zu einer vollständigen Wiederherstellung der Versorgung könne noch EINIGE—ZEIT vergehen,
20051127             BOB—LINKS and Rants: 20051101—20051201     - BOLTON loses UK—BACKING for UN tactics:
20051127             —CRASHED, Boulis drove off +, into 1—TREE.
20051127             Bush may signal IRAQ drawdown:
20051127             Bush plot to bomb AL—JAZEERA is a conspiracy theory, says Blair:
20051127             CIA and other intelligence agencies,
20051127             CIFA—ABILITIES would increase considerably under the proposal being reviewed by THE—WHITE—HOUSE,
20051127             CLARK—ARRIVES to Assist Saddam Defense:
20051127             Clark has been advising nearly 12—INTERNATIONAL—LAWYERS on SADDAM—DEFENSE—TEAM.
20051127             Der PRÄSIDENT—DES—INSTITUTS, Reinhard Kurth,
20051127             Dick GRAYSON—CHENEY, were heading east to IRAN to hunt for WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION,
20051127             Die ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN lag hier im 1. Halbjahr 20050000              mit 11640000              um 20 % höher als im Vorjahr,
20051127             Double h.t. to Avedon Carol and Bad Attitudes for this article from PAUL—BIGIONI—THE—REAL—THREAT—OF—FASCISM.
20051127             —LISTENED, Dwayne Lavade Nicholson, as the man he served as a bodyguard,
20051127             EGYPT—MUSLIM—BROTHERHOOD wins seats:
20051127             European investigator: Large CIA detention bases unlikely"
20051127             Fascism did not swoop down on these nations as if from
20051127             Fascism now? by PAUL—BIGIONI, TORONTO Star,
20051127             1., we have WORD—OF—EARWITNESS—EVIDENCE in THE—MURDER—OF—GUS—BOULIS,
20051127             —FROM the back seat of the luxury car,
20051127             GERMANY and ITALY were, on paper, liberal democracies.
20051127             H.R. 3162, called "The Uniting and Strengthening AMERICAN—BY Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act" (or USA Patriot) By WILLIAM—BOWLES
20051127             TERROR, Cases, Administration Sets Own Rules:
20051127             In den Kreisen RECKLINGHAUSEN, Osnabrück, LIGHT—OF—ISLAMIST, electoral victories,
20051127             In THE—ARONOW case, the shooter was on foot + the victim was given no chance to try to get away.
20051127             20051127              20051127             Insgesamt waren nach neuen ANGABEN—DER—RWE ursprünglich 280.000—MENSCHEN bis in den Raum Osnabrück hinein ohne Strom gewesen,
20051127             Is there ANY—WAY to make this nation's MANY—NAIVE—CHRISTOPHILES—THE—ONES who jumped EVERY—TIME—RALPH—REED snapped his FINGERS—UNDERSTAND the truth about the thugs who commanded their loyalites?
20051127             —UNQUESTIONED, It is 1—DARK—ILLUSION that has spread, through governments around the world,
20051127             —STAYED, It is possible that there were detainees that, 10,
20051127             Jeder 10. Neuinfizierte trägt resistente Viren
20051127             —NOW it turns out they also had the company pay THE—NATIONAL—REPUBLICAN CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE (the House GOP election committee) $10,000 on BEHALF—OF—REPRESENTATIVE—BOB—NEY (R-OH).
20051127             Observing political and economic discourse in
20051127             Our valiant CRUSADERS—OIL—EXECUTIVES by day,
20051127             Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) -- for hearings,
20051127             Pentagon Expanding Its Domestic Surveillance Activity:
20051127             People who have seen the document say the real reason that it is being suppressed by the Government is because it contains 1—POTENTIALLY damaging private discussion between THE—2—LEADERS about the controversial USA—ATTACK on THE—IRAQ—CITY—OF—FALLUJAH last year.
20051127             —BILLED, PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLANS what is being, as 1—MAJOR—SPEECH on IRAQ for —WEDNESDAY amid signs that the administration is changing course.
20051127             PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON is eyeing at 1—OVERHAULING—OF—THE—ISRAEL—POLITICAL—SYSTEM if he returns to power,
20051127             RUMSFELD—AL—JAZEERA outburst:
20051127             —AGREED, SCANLON is the guy who just, to testify against,
20051127             —DEFIED, Sadr, the Shiite cleric who has, THE—USA—AUTHORITIES since the fall of Saddam Hussein,
20051127             —RETURNED, Sharon eyes 'Presidential system' if, to power:
20051127             Sometime between Thanksgiving + Christmas 5—YEARS ago,
20051127             Such 1—STATE—OF—NATIONAL—IGNORANCE about 1—ENDLESS—WAR is, as "The Power of Nightmares
20051127             That was in exchange for NEY—PUTTING ANTI—BOULIS remarks in THE—CONGRESS ional record that helped ABRAMOFF + Kidan pressure Boulis to sell them SUNCRUZ.
20051127             That's KIDAN + ABRAMOFF, folks.
20051127             THE—ABRAMOFF scandals are turning into 1—HUGE—MEGA—SCANDAL,
20051127             —EXPANDED, The Defense Department has, its programs aimed at gathering and analyzing intelligence within THE—USA,
20051127             —PUSHED, The Pentagon has, legislation on Capitol Hill that would create 1—INTELLIGENCE—EXCEPTION to the Privacy Act,
20051127             The Plastic TURKEY PRESIDENT:
20051127             The Senate Select COMMITTEE—ON—INTELLIGENCE has not had formal hearings on CIFA or other domestic intelligence programs,
20051127             THE—SILBERMAN—ROBB panel found that because the separate military services concentrated on investigations within their areas,
20051127             —PLANNED, THE—USA—PRESIDENT, to bomb THE—QATAR—BASED CHANNEL—THAT was the remarkable claim made in 1—TOP—SECRET—MEMO.
20051127             THE—WHITE—HOUSE is considering expanding the power of 1—LITTLE—KNOWN—PENTAGON agency called the Counterintelligence Field Activity,
20051127             —ARGUED, The administration has, with varying DEGREES—OF—SUCCESS,
20051127             The commission's proposal would change that,
20051127             —RELAYED, The conversation, by Nicholson to FORT—LAUDERDALE police detectives —3—DAYS—AFTER Boulis' murder,
20051127             The fact is, despite the efforts of several government commissions and 1—VAST—ARMY—OF—INVESTIGATORS,
20051127             —HELPED, The guy who, arrange NEY—ANTI—BOULIS—TRASH—TALKING + the later PAY—OFF was none other than MIKE—SCANLON ,
20051127             —REVEALED, The leak that, BUSH—DEEP—OBSESSION with AL—JAZEERA:
20051127             The other man, said Nicholson,
20051127             —CAPTURED, The outlawed Muslim Brotherhood, 29—MORE—SEATS in weekend parliamentary runoff elections,
20051127             The plastic TURKEY PRESIDENT was the same PRESIDENT who warned USA—S of 1—POTENTIAL—SADDAM—SENT mushroom cloud over USA—AT 1—TIME when USA—INTELLIGENCE said Saddam had no nuclear weapons;
20051127             The proposal, made by 1—PRESIDENTIAL—COMMISSION,
20051127             —AIMED, The proposals + other Pentagon steps, at improving its ability to analyze counterterrorism intelligence collected inside THE—USA,
20051127             The rare public disagreement between THE—2—CLOSE—ALLIES comes as the showdown over reforms at THE—UN—NEW—YORK headquarters becomes increasingly acrimonious.
20051127             —SPARKED, The video has, concern that private security companies,
20051127             This is 1—HUGE leap without even a [congressional] hearing," Sen.
20051127             Using Batteries - Vechta, MINDEN—LÜBBECKE, Grafschaft Bentheim und Teilen des Kreises Emsland sowie in Steinfurt war die Versorgung am Abend wiederhergestellt.
20051127             Was den Medizinern trotz aller Erfolge jedoch große Sorgen bereitet,
20051127             WASHINGTON—POST - Weitere Anstrengungen sind nötig, um aufzuklären und zu vermitteln,
20051127             What they don't see is the economic and political process that leads to the nightmare," PAUL—BIGIONI recently wrote.
20051127             —WHEN we last left them, our heroes,
20051127             Wherever 1—LOOKS for this AL—QAEDA organization,
20051127             —WHILE We Were Sleeping:
20051127             —WHILE THE—BBC documentary acknowledges that THE—THREAT—OF—TERRORISM is both real and growing,
20051127             Wielding violence and political popularity as complementary tools, Winston Partners, Sybase, Choicepoint,
20051127             Winterchaos: Hunderttausende verbringen 2. Nacht ohne Strom
20051127             You can't tell ANY—THING about 1—OUTFIT like that " The Long Goodbye
20051127             —OWNED, You know that when the casino boat line SUNCRUZ was, by JACK—ABRAMOFF + ADAM KIDAN ,
20051127             1—KNOWN associate of deceased NEW—YORK City mob boss JOHN—GOTTI + his Gambino crime family.
20051127             according to court records make public —WEDNESDAY.
20051127             all flavor the same fetid stew.
20051127             allowing THE—FBI and others to share information gathered about USA citizens with the Pentagon,
20051127             anadian lawyer PAUL—BIGIONI writes in THE—TORONTO Star about the scary parallels between GERMANY and ITALY in the
20051127             apprehension, or DETENTION—OF—INDIVIDUALS suspected or convicted of criminal offenses against the laws of THE—USA".
20051127             argues coherently that much of what we have been told about THE—THREAT—OF—INTERNATIONAL—TERRORISM "is 1—FANTASY that has been exaggerated and distorted by politicians.
20051127             as long as the data is deemed to be related to foreign intelligence.
20051127             black MERCEDES—BENZ, if the man who appears to be the state's star witness is to be believed.
20051127             bribery, but its staff has been briefed on SOME—OF—THE—STEPS the Pentagon has already taken.
20051127             corruption, could be responsible for THE—DEATHS—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—INNOCENT—IRAQIS.
20051127             creating new agencies, adding personnel and seeking additional legal authority for domestic security activities in the post-20010911              world.
20051127             dass es auch bei verbesserter Therapie keine Heilung der Erkrankung gibt".
20051127             discussed the escalating business dispute between Boulis + the men who bought his SUNCRUZ Casino business.
20051127             drugs, espionage, foreign or terrorist sabotage + even economic espionage.
20051127             foreign or terrorist sabotage or even economic espionage.
20051127             free THE—IRAN—PEOPLE from the axis of evil and bring AMERICAN—STYLE—DEMOCRACY to all the good PEOPLE—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20051127             freedom fighters by NIGHT—RETURN to the world stage once AGAIN—BY JERRY—GHINELLI
20051127             —FROM the mountains of AFGHANISTAN to the 'sleeper cells' in AMERICA ,
20051127             gegen die verfügbare Medikamente wirkungslos sind.
20051127             giving CIFA "new counterespionage and law enforcement authorities," covering treason,
20051127             have drawn complaints from civil liberties advocates and 1—FEW MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS,
20051127             in addition to going into THE—INDIA—GAMING bilking biz with SUNCRUZ owner ABRAMOFF.
20051127             in which murder, inaccurate and inexcusable" reports about the war in IRAQ the day before PRESIDENT—GEORGE W BUSH met TONY—BLAIR at THE—WHITE—HOUSE and apparently suggested bombing the station's headquarters.
20051127             is cementing his role as 1—OF—IRAQ—MOST powerful figure
20051127             it disagrees that the threat is centralized:
20051127             its driver fired several shots into Boulis' car.
20051127             meaning the organization will control at least 5—TIMES—MORE—SEATS in the new legislature than it does now.
20051127             nachdem am —FREITAG 1—SCHNEECHAOS über Nordwestdeutschland hereingebrochen war.
20051127             neoconservatives in WASHINGTON about face, or CIFA, which was created 3—YEARS ago.
20051127             pressing for a 'Presidential system' in which the Premier would be directly elected by people along with regional polls to choose Knesset members.
20051127             protection rackets, racism, sagt van Lunzen.
20051127             sagte RWE—SPRECHER Klaus Schultebraucks.
20051127             said in 1—RECENT—INTERVIEW that CIFA has performed well in the past and today has no domestic intelligence collection activities.
20051127             seeing democracy in THE—MIDDLE—EAST as not such 1—GOOD—IDEA after all
20051127             sind die zunehmenden Resistenzen: Gerade solche HIV—STÄMME breiten sich immer rascher aus,
20051127             that judges should have essentially no role in reviewing its decisions.
20051127             THE—USA—DEFENCE—SECRETARY, of broadcasting "vicious,
20051127             THE—BRITISH + USA—S are chasing 1—PHANTOM enemy".
20051127             the Boulis killing has been directly tied to CONGRESS ional corruption:
20051127             the Christian right - THE—ISRAEL—UEBER alles faction +
20051127             the company paid the men who blew away SUNCRUZ FOUNDER—GUS—BOULIS.
20051127             THE—FAST—FOOD magnate turned casino boat owner,
20051127             the group and Interior Ministry officials said —SUNDAY,
20051127             the plan to kill FORT—LAUDERDALE business tycoon Konstantinos "Gus" Boulis unfolded inside 1—SHINY,
20051127             the security services and THE—INTERNATIONAL—MEDIA".
20051127             was Anthony "Big Tony" Moscatiello,
20051127             we still do not have 1—CREDIBLE narrative of a "WAR—ON—TERROR" that is being fought in the shadows.
20051127             welche die Therapie zeitweilig ignorieren und damit später Mitmenschen in Lebensgefahr bringen", betont van Lunzen.
20051127             well…everybody in THE—ABRAMOFF cases. THE—MIAMI Herald
20051127             which are not subject to ANY—FORM—OF—REGULATION either in BRITAIN or in IRAQ,
20051127             which was made by 1—PRESIDENTIAL—COMMISSION on intelligence chaired by retired appellate COURT—JUDGE—LAURENCE—H—SILBERMAN and FORMER—SENATOR—CHARLES—S—ROBB (D-VIRGINIA).
20051127             who later did public relations work for SUNCRUZ ,
20051127             who paid the price for refusing 1—OFFER he couldn't refuse:
20051127             who say the Defense DEPARTMENT—PUSH into domestic collection is proceeding with little scrutiny by the Congress or the public.
20051127             wie das ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT in seinem Halbjahresbericht feststellt.
20051127             would transform CIFA from 1—OFFICE that coordinates Pentagon security efforts -- including protecting military facilities from attack -- to 1—THAT also has authority to investigate crimes within THE—USA—SUCH as treason,
20051127             zieht eine ernüchternde Bilanz: "Die Entwicklung gibt Anlass zur Sorge.
20051127             —BY—PAUL—BIGIONI Before THE—RISE—OF—FASCISM,
20051127             —OVERTURNED, SANTA—MARIA, CALIFORNIA, 1—GREYHOUND bus, killing 2—PEOPLE and injuring DOZENS—OF—OTHERS.
20051127             † ACTRESS—JOCELYN—BRANDO, 86—JAHRE—ALT, older sister of MARLON—BRANDO, in Santa MONICA—CALIFORNIA.
20051127             † JOE—JONES, 79—JAHRE—ALT in LOS—ANGELES.
20051127             JOE—JONES sang 19610000             —THE hit "You Talk Too Much".
20051127             Residents of Chechnya began voting in the latest in 1—SERIES—OF—ELECTIONS that are PART—OF—EFFORTS to bring stability and peace.
20051127             —RESTORED, Running water was, in HARBIN—CHINA, 1—CITY—OF—3.8—MILLION—PEOPLE where 1—CHEMICAL spill forced a 5—DAY—SHUTDOWN.
20051127             —WARNED, Officials, it was not immediately safe to drink.
20051127             NORTH—EAST—CHINA, coal dust caught fire at the Dongfeng coal mine in THE—CITY—OF—QITAI while 221—MINERS were working underground.
20051127             —ANNOUNCED, COLOMBIA—PRESIDENT—ALVARO—URIBE formally, that he will run for a 2. term in next year's elections, saying he needed 4—MORE—YEARS to accomplish his goals of restoring security to the country and spurring economic growth.
20051127             —CAPTURED, EGYPT, the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood, 29—MORE—SEATS in weekend parliamentary runoff elections.
20051127             —PERFORMED, Doctors in FRANCE, the world's 1. partial face transplant on 1—WOMAN disfigured by 1—DOG bite;
20051127             —RECEIVED, Isabelle Dinoire, the lips, nose and chin of 1—BRAIN—DEAD—WOMAN in a 15-hour operation.
20051127             —VOTED, Hondurans, for PRESIDENT—WITH—PORFIRO—LOBO, 1—HARD—LINE—DEATH—PENALTY PROPONENT—OF—THE—RULING National Party, favored over MANUEL—ZELAYA, the Liberal Party candidate.
20051127             —VOWED, Opposition candidate Mel Zelaya, who, to reinvigorate the economy by eliminating government corruption, was elected as the country's new PRESIDENT.
20051127             It was Colindres' 2. escape in less than 4—MONTHS and the 5. in 3—YEARS.
20051127             SOUTH—IRAN, 1—EARTHQUAKE measuring at least magnitude-5.9—SHOOK 1—SPARSELY populated area, flattening 7—VILLAGES and killing 10—PEOPLE.
20051127             —REJECTED, Voters in LIECHTENSTEIN soundly, 1—INITIATIVE that critics said would have prevented abortion, birth control, assisted suicide and living wills.
20051127             1—HOME—MINISTRY—SOURCE said MYANMAR—MILITARY junta has extended opposition leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung S—SUU—KYI—PERIOD—OF—HOUSE—ARREST for another 12—MONTHS.
20051127             —DECLARED, THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—GLORIA—ARROYO, the 23. SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—GAMES—OPEN in 1—GLITTERING ceremony at the Aquino sports stadium in CENTRAL—MANILA.
20051127             1 estimated 5,336 athletes will compete in 41—EVENTS which will run 20051127—20051205    —FROM—TO.
20051127             2—WOMEN were elected to 1—CHAMBER—OF—COMMERCE in JIDDAH, the 1. to win ANY—SUCH post in SAUDI—ARABIA, where women are largely barred from political life.
20051127             —WANTED, SENEGAL—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SAID—THE—AFRICAN—UNION will decide THE—FATE—OF—CHAD—FORMER—DICTATOR, in BELGIUM for trial on HUMAN—RIGHTS—ABUSES allegedly committed during his regime.
20051127             —FREED, Pirates, 1—UKRAINE—CARGO ship seized nearly 40—DAYS ago off THE—COAST—OF—SOMALIA.
20051127             —SEIZED, The Panahia and its 22—CREW members were, 20051018            .
20051127             —DEMANDED, It was not immediately clear if the $700,000 ransom, by the pirates had been paid.
20051127             —APPROVED, SWITZERLAND—VOTERS, 1—BLANKET 5—YEAR—BAN on the use of genetically modified organisms in farming.
20051127             SWITZERLAND already prohibits MOST—OF—SUCH technology from being used in agriculture.
20051127             ZIMBABWE—RULING party swept 1—OVERWHELMING MAJORITY—OF—SEATS in 1—NEWLY created Senate, according to partial results from 1—ELECTION marked by RECORD—LOW turnout and 1—DEEPLY divided opposition.
20051127             - 11 - 's and THE—USA—AND—CANADA
20051127—20020000    —EXECUTED, YEMEN, 1—SUSPECTED—AL—QAIDA ally was, by 1—FIRING squad after being convicted of killing 1—PROMINENT—POLITICIAN and plotting 1—DEADLY—ATTACK on 3—USA—MISSIONARIES.
20051127—20050729    —RECAPTURED, HONDURAS—POLICE, Herlan Colindres (16), who is accused of killing TIMOTHY—MARKEY, 1—USA—DRUG—ENFORCEMENT—ADMINISTRATION—AGENT this year.
20051127—20070000    —REACHED, The final death toll, 171. the owner and 4—EMPLOYEES—OF—THE—MINE were sentenced to prison terms ranging from 3 1/2 to 6—YEARS.
20060325—20061127    —SENTENCED, Harris was, to 9—YEARS in prison.
20060329—20061127    —FROM, CONSPIRACY—MINDED folks might want to check up on 1—OVERLOOKED—AP story of last year:
20060603             alfatomega.com/462ndd/20041127.html
20060603             20041127 19840000              Covert Action Information Bulletin 19860000             -# 25 (51) Covert Action Information Bulletin 19870000             -#28 (26) Covert Action Information...
20061025             [20031127             ]
20061025             THE—RIGHTS—OF—THE—MAJORITY and THE—RIGHTS—OF—THE—MINORITY, to speak to the aspirations and HOPES—OF—THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE.
20061120             "If I—DID—IT," in which Simpson was to have described how he would have killed his EX—WIFE, had been scheduled to air as a 2—PART—INTERVIEW 20061127              and 20061129              on Fox.
20061124—20061127    alfatomega.com/20061127.html
20061125             THAILAND, 1—REGIONAL—REPRESENTATIVE for teachers said more than 300—SCHOOLS in the south will close indefinitely 20061127             , after attacks by suspected Muslim insurgents left 2—TEACHERS—DEAD.
20061127             (published on Mon, 20061127230629        GMT) - The unseasonably warm weather.
20061127             —ARRIVED, The tragic milestone has, THE—IRAQ War lasted longer than the 2. World War,
20061127             SPIEGEL—EDITION, Band 16: Universum ohne Gott
20061127             Australien: Umgesiedelte Tasmanische Teufel sollen ihre Art retten
20061127             POLIZEI—TECHNOLOGIE: Briten verdrahten Bobbys
20061127             NEW—YORK: Blutbad bei Junggesellenabschied, Polizeichef unter Druck
20061127             Kommunalwahlen: Schwere Niederlage für Polens konservative Regierung
20061127             REISE—PAPA: Benedikts türkische Hintergedanken
20061127             Deutsche Industrie: Bosse warnen vor KONZERN—AUSVERKAUF
20061127             SIEMENS—FINANZAFFÄRE: Auch Korruptionsjäger sollen verstrickt sein - Nanoknives To Be Used to Cut Cells
20061127             "USA—RESEARCHERS have built 1—CARBON—NANOTUBE—KNIFE.
20061127             According to the National INSTITUTE—OF—STANDARDS and Technology (NIST), this nanoknife will be used to cut and study cells.
20061127             With this new tool, scientists and biologists will be able to make 3D IMAGES—OF—CELLS and tissues for electron tomography, which requires samples less than 300—NANOMETERS thick.
20061127             —STORED, And as cells are usually, in wax for dissection, the researchers plan to test their nanoknives on 1—BLOCK—OF wax later this year.
20061127             But read more for additional references and 1—PICTURE—OF this nanoknife".
20061127             —TODAY on CNN, FORMER—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISER—ZBIGNIEW Brzezinski issued 1—STRONG, preemptive criticism of the Baker Commission studying alternatives for IRAQ.
20061127             Brzezinski said that while the commission "will probably come out with SOME—SOUND—ADVICE on dealing with the neighborhood," it essentially "will offer SOME—PROCRASTINATION—IDEAS for dealing with the crisis".
20061127             —ADDED, Brzezinski, that "This is 1—MISTAKEN, absolutely historically wrong undertaking.
20061127             The costs are prohibitive.
20061127             If we get out sooner, there will be 1—MESSY—FOLLOW—UP after we leave.
20061127             It will be messy, but will not be as messy as if we stay".Watch it:
20061127             HENRY—KISSINGER, appearing on CNN with Brzezinski, said that "my attitude will be to support ANY—BIPARTISAN conclusion that would be arrived at" by the Baker commission.
20061127             —COUNTERED, Brzenzinski, "And I've been arguing this on your program with Henry for the last 3—YEARS.
20061127             And I invite viewers to go on THE—INTERNET and look what we have been saying, respectively".
20061127             USA—PROGRESS has 1—PLAN to stop procrastinating IRAQ, Strategic Redeployment.
20061127             KISSINGER : Well, this is 1—ISSUE that I believe that the Baker commission ought to address+certainly my attitude will be to support ANY—BIPARTISAN conclusion that would be arrived at.
20061127             But we have to navigate between 1—SITUATION in which we are engaging in the civil war that is — well, the sectarian war that is going on inside IRAQ.
20061127             And conditions in which we withdraw under circumstances in which, as we have seen in LEBANON + as we will see elsewhere,
20061127             whatever structure exists in the region, disintegrates + 1—VACUUM will be created that will be filled by the nearest powerful country, which in this case is probably IRAN.
20061127             BLITZER: This is the argument that so MANY—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—SUPPORTERS, DOCTOR—BRZEZINSKI, are making, that if THE—USA were to take your advice + get out, let's say, over the next year, there would be this huge vacuum that IRAN would presumably take charge of, but also that IRAQ — and I want you to respond to this — would become the new AFGHANISTAN, if you will, but even much more dangerous because of all the oil that IRAQ has.
20061127             BRZEZINSKI : Well, it already is the new AFGHANISTAN.
20061127             In fact, the lethality is much higher.
20061127             But the point to understand is that if you undertake 1—HISTORICALLY mistaken adventure, the longer you stick with it, the higher the cost you pay for it.
20061127             BLITZER: You're making the comparison to VIETNAM.
20061127             BRZEZINSKI : Yes, our — or to ALGERIA.
20061127             And when Henry says that the Baker commission is going to help us resolve it, I think that's 1—ILLUSION.
20061127             The Baker commission will probably come out with SOME—SOUND—ADVICE on dealing with the neighborhood, with IRAN, with THE—ISRAELI—PALESTINE—ISSUES, which is relevant but essentially will offer SOME—PROCRASTINATION—IDEAS for dealing with the crisis.
20061127             THE—FACT—OF—THE—MATTER is, the undertaking itself is fundamentally WRONG—HEADED.
20061127             And I've been arguing this on your program with Henry for the last 3—YEARS.
20061127             This is 1—MISTAKEN, absolutely historically wrong undertaking.
20061127             It will be messy, but will not be as messy as if we stay, seeking to win in SOME—FASHION
20061127             NBC—NORAH—O'DONNELL reports that "the Pentagon is already developing 1—ALTERNATIVE to give THE—PRESIDENT—1—OUT if he doesn't like the recommendations" of THE—BAKER—HAMILTON Commission.
20061127             Shining Path leader offers truce The last active LEADER—OF—PERU—SHINING—PATH—GUERRILLAS proposes to stop fighting in return for 1—AMNESTY.
20061127             —STEPPED, EX—SPY—DEATH—INQUIRY, up Police step up inquiries into THE—DEATH—OF—RUSSIAN—EX—SPY—ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO, with officers due to fly to MOSCOW.
20061127             Student Makes a Million Online, Gets DEPORTED—ZONK 7 -Via Kotaku,
20061127             1—STORY at the Mainichi daily news about 1—ENTERPRISING exchange student that got himself deported.
20061127             Wang Yue Si, 1—CHINA—STUDENT who went to JAPAN on 1—STUDENT visa, found himself in need of SOME—SPENDING money.
20061127             —SINCE he was 1—GAMER, he decided to make SOME—CASH by selling virtual items online.
20061127             —NOTICED, He was so successful, the cops.
20061127             "He started selling items such as weapons and currency for online games through 1—INTERNET—AUCTION—SITE in April this year, without obtaining the appropriate residency status.
20061127             —ADMITTED, Wang, living in KUMAMOTO, has, that he sold the virtual goods for about 6—MILLION yen ($USA 1.3—MILLION), in VIOLATION—OF—THE—IMMIGRATION—CONTROL and Refugee Recognition Law.
20061127             1—BANK—WORKER became suspicious when Wang regularly sent money back home to CHINA and alerted police in August, prompting KUMAMOTO police officers to investigate the student".
20061127             THE—SOUL—OF—1—NEW—MICROSOFT
20061127             - Zonk 33 -BusinessWeek Online is running 1—FRONT—PAGE—STORY
20061127             —TODAY about the new future of Microsoft.
20061127             —BY  'looking beyond Windows', the company is utilizing fresh blood to come up with new products like the Zune, the Xbox 360+various online sites.
20061127             —WHILE the Zune probably isn't getting off to as successful 1—START as they might have liked, the article argues it's 1—POSITIVE—SIGN that they're at least making the attempt.
20061127             "The point is that Microsoft needs to find its UN—VISTA.
20061127             Several of them, in fact.
20061127             The software giant is entering perhaps the greatest upheaval in its 30-year history.
20061127             New business models are emerging--from LOW—COST "OPEN—SOURCE" software to ADVERTISING—SUPPORTED Web services--that threaten MICROSOFT—CORE—BUSINESS—LIKE never before.
20061127             For investors to care about the company, it needs to find new growth markets.
20061127             Its $44.3—BILLION in annual sales are puttering along at an 11% growth pace.
20061127             —SOARED, Its shares, which, 9,560 % throughout 19900000             —THE s,
20061127             Feel like I should be thinking 'This is horrible!' - MID—FIFTIES in CHICAGO again today.
20061127             I like it, I'm sorry.
20061127             I can't make myself worry about global climate change in the middle of it.
20061127             kam es zu einem mehrstündigen Ausfall des genialen österreichischen Webloganbieters twoday_net.
20061127             Der Ausfall dauerte in der Nacht bis 7—UHR früh und am Abend von etwa 20—BIS 22—UHR.
20061127             Auch Journalismus NACHRICHTEN—VON—HEUTE war davon betroffen und bekam dafür 1—E—MAIL Lawine von LeserInnen.
20061127             Ursache war, so twoday_net eine gezielte DOS—ATTACKE, ausgehend von 2—BESTIMMTEN IP—ADRESSEN, welche TAUSENDE—VON—IP—VERBINDUNGEN zum Server öffneten.
20061127             Dadurch konnte.
20061127             ABC News: Senior Rice aide, PHILIP—ZELIKOW resigns...
20061127             —CALLED, CNN—JOHN—ROBERTS, the situation in IRAQ an "absolute mess," and said the media has "sanitized" their COVERAGE—OF—THE—VIOLENCE.
20061127             "THE—AMOUNT—OF—DEATH that's on THE—STREETS—OF—BAGHDAD for USA—FORCES and for THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE is at an
20061127             astronomical level," Roberts said.
20061127             1—DRAFT—OF—THE—IRAQ Study GROUP—REPORT "urges 1—AGGRESSIVE—REGIONAL—DIPLOMATIC—INITIATIVE that includes direct talks with IRAN + Syria but sets no timetables for 1—MILITARY—WITHDRAWAL,
20061127             according to officials who have seen all or PARTS—OF—THE—DOCUMENT".
20061127             BRITAIN—DEFENSE—SECRETARY said that UK troop levels in IRAQ will be "
20061127             significantly lower by 1—MATTER—OF thousands " at THE—END—OF—NEXT—YEAR.
20061127             THE—UK—CURRENTLY has approximately 7,000 troops in IRAQ.
20061127             —EXPECTED, Conservative congressional leaders are, to punt the issue of completing spending bills to next year's Congress rather than
20061127             take the time to piece together the legislation, potentially the final act of THE—DO—NOTHING Congress.
20061127             "It could mean we
20061127             would adjourn much earlier than most pundits think," said 1—CONSERVATIVE—SENATE—AIDE.
20061127             SENATOR—SAM—BROWNBACK (R-KS), 1—OF—THE—FOREMOST social conservatives in the Senate, "is considering whether to stop blocking 1—JUDICIAL nominee over concerns her appearance at 1—LESBIAN commitment ceremony betrayed her legal views on gay marriage".
20061127             JUDGE—JANET—NEFF has said she
20061127             attended the wedding as 1—FRIEND—OF—1—OF—THE—2—WOMEN, 1—LONGTIME neighbor.
20061127             This week, PRESIDENT—BUSH—VISITS—ESTONIA and attends a 2—DAY—NATO—SUMMIT in LATVIA, where he will press "alliance members to
20061127             increase defense spending.____0000              et.se fait installer en son nom.
20061127             —FROM LATVIA, Bush " - heads to AMMAN—JORDAN,
20061127             THE—WASHINGTON Times reviews Defense SECRETARY—NOMINEE—ROBERT—GATES ' writings and reports him to "be
20061127             more cautious and pragmatic
20061127             than his predecessor, MISTER—RUMSFELD, who has transformed the military and aggressively hunted al Qaeda members".
20061127             And finally: THE—WAR—ON—PEACE—WREATHS heats up.
20061127             "1—HOMEOWNERS association in SOUTH—WEST—COLORADO has threatened to fine 1—RESIDENT $25 1—DAY until she removes 1—CHRISTMAS wreath with 1—PEACE—SIGN that SOME—SAY is 1—ANTI—IRAQ war protest or 1—SYMBOL—OF—SATAN".
20061127             "THE—PEACE—SIGN has 1—LOT—OF—NEGATIVITY associated with it," said BOB—KEARNS, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—LOMA—LINDA—HOMEOWNERS—ASSOCIATION in Pagosa Springs.
20061127             The homeowner said she won't take the wreath down until after the holidays.
20061127             Finding aid for THE—EDWARD—L—BERNAYS—PAPERS in the Manuscript Division, LIBRARY—OF—CONGRESS... been transferred to THE—LIBRARY—MOTION—PICTURE, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division... be found in BERNAYS—BIOGRAPHY—OF—1—IDEA: MEMOIRS—OF—PUBLIC—RELATIONS—COUNSEL—EDWARD—L..
20061127             Discover the Wisdom of Mankind on Sigmund Freud at BlinkBits.
20061127             Propaganda wizard EDWARD—BERNAYS.
20061127             BERNAYS—MOTHER, Anna Freud Bernays, was sister to Sigmund.
20061127             BERNAYS—FATHER, Ely. Books: Stunt Man (THE—BOSTON PHOENIX.
20061127             1—NEW—BIOGRAPHY explains how PUBLIC—RELATIONS pioneer EDWARD—BERNAYS spun himself into control.
20061127             —LOVED, EDWARD—BERNAYS, nothing better than influencing public OPINION—ESPECIALLY - of this tactic was BERNAYS—CAMPAIGN for Lucky Strikes...
20061127             He saw the big picture when few others did...
20061127             gladwell dot COM—THE—SPIN myth - Articles from the New Yorker.
20061127             The Spin Myth.
20061127             Behind The Spin: Cooling the flame: Why teenage girls still smoke
20061127             THE—UK—PICTURE reflects 1—SIMILAR trend in EUROPE.
20061127             If this is true, EDWARD—BERNAYS—NOTORIOUS—TORCHES—OF—FREEDOM' concept, where he persuaded women that smoking was a...
20061127             Purchase individual D&B reports available for TIMOTHY—ULRICH... S—PAULS—LUTHERAN—CHURCH—CANONSBURG, PENNSILVANIA
20061127             Religious Organization.
20061127             Staff bard@dboone.k12. PENNSILVANIAUSA—MURRAY@dboone.k12. PENNSILVANIAUSA—UNIFIED Arts Teachers.
20061127             Celia BOWMAN—MUSIC; MaryBeth GRAY—MUSIC; TIMOTHY—ULRICH—ART.
20061127             unified arts MISTER—TIMOTHY—ULRICH—ART.
20061127             Favorites: Color: Blue. Book: Uncle Andy's. Food: Pizza.
20061127             Hobbies: Music....Did you know MISTER—ULRICH plays the guitar?
20061127             Z J A M : : TIMOTHY—ULRICH.
20061127             TIMOTHY—ULRICH is our staffer from Papillion, NE.
20061127             He is 1—OF—OUR—ZBOARD and Chatroom.
20061127             Tyler is our intern from Harrisonville, PENNSILVANIA RACHEL—KLIPP.
20061127             A tene redada serka su man drechi Ulrich: JOHN—DEUSS lo keda será...
20061127             TIMOTHY—ULRICH ta kedando na Ulanda algun siman kaba pa hustisia por haña chèns di interog'é den e kaso aki.
20061127             Sinembargo e no ta detené.
20061127             Hudisial | Laprensa Newspaper
20061127             Sinembargo mi ke a hasi un súplika na tur kolega polítikonan pa no mira e... pa investigá TIMOTHY—ULRICH, kende nan ta konsiderá man drechi di JOHN—DEUSS...
20061127             ASA February 20050000              Newsletter TIMOTHY—ULRICH, Area Manager for THE—BUREAU—OF—RECLAMATION—LOWER—COLORADO—DAM—OFFICE.
20061127             Breakfast Panel: PDAs for POINT—OF—CARE—INFORMATION in the Operating...
20061127             2005041827 - Senior management : JOHN—CHR—MAM—DEUSS —
20061127             Chairman + CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OFFICER ; TIMOTHY—ULRICH — PRESIDENT ; Dominique.
20061127             Banker Trust Banker Coldwell Pa Banker Coldwell PITTSBURGH Banker Coldwell Preview...
20061127             Geomilitech Consultants Corporation GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION.
20061127             BEN—MENASHE,A. PROFITS—OF—WAR.
20061127             Zvi Reuter ISRAEL—FOREIGN Affairs 1989000011            (3).
20061127             GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION—COCKBURN,A.& L. Dangerous Liaison.
20061127             - - GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation Entity Tags : GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation, ISRAEL—MILITARY Industries, JOEL—ARNON, BRUCE—E
20061127             Herbert, Barbara F. - Studley, Ron S. - Harel.
20061127             geomilitech _consultants_corporation - 1Supplemental Result - -
20061127             Ron S. Harel GeoMiliTech (GMT) Consultants Corporation is established by conservative talk show host Barbara F. Studley.
20061127             1—NUMBER—OF—FAR RIGHT—WING, high ranking.
20061127             Assistant director general in THE—ISRAEL—MINISTRY—OF—FOREIGN—RELATIONS...
20061127             - 1 - ITWASSOOTED: 1—OF—SHACKLEY—COLLEAGUES was 1—OLD—CONTACT, Alberto SICILIA—FALCON, 1—CUBA—EXILE trained by THE—CIA as PART—OF—THE—BAY—OF—PIGS invasion.
20061127             ANTI—FASCIST—ARCHIVES: RFA 24-28: THE—CIA, the Military & Drugs
20061127             Next, the program highlights the operations of Alberto Sicilia Falcon... CIA officer THEODORE—SHACKLEY—OPERATIONS (apparently) conducted in conjunction...
20061127             —CLAIMED, MEXICO—HEROIN magnate Alberto SICILIA—FALCON not only, to have been 1—CIA—AGENT...
20061127             radiofre 1—OF—THE—AGENCY—MOST important operatives, Shackley had numerous connections...
20061127             Next, the program highlights the operations of Alberto Sicilia Falcon...
20061127             Mafia, Geheimdienste und POLITIK—DER—USA... 1—AGENT der mexikanischen DFS + arbeitete mit CIA—MANN Alberto Sicilia Falcón,
20061127             Die USA auf dem Weg in 1—DIKTATUR? [Archiv] - Seite 7 ...
20061127             NEW—YORK: Blutbad vor dem Hochzeitstag, BÜRGERMEISTER hält an Polizeichef fest
20061127             Chaos im Irak: Talabani bittet IRAN um Hilfe
20061127             Gasproms Preispläne: Neue Gaskrise bahnt sich an
20061127             Prävention durch Profiling: SCOTLAND Yard plant Datenbank der künftigen Mörder
20061127             Parallele Entwicklung: Wale und Menschen tragen ähnliche Gehirnzellen im Kopf
20061127             Aufstand in BAYERN: Arbeiter rebellieren gegen IG Metall
20061127             Rätselhafte Schlieren: Blitze sollen Saturnringe stören
20061127             Fall Litwinenko: Blair warnt vor voreiligen Vorwürfen gegen Moskau
20061127             Gesunkene Einkommen: Haushalte können weniger kaufen als 19910000              20061127             Linksruck: Correa siegt bei Präsidentschaftswahlen in ECUADOR
20061127             FLUG—REKLAMATION: EU—BERICHT fordert mehr Rechte für Passagiere
20061127             Kriegsverbrecher: Seselj als Drahtzieher "ethnischer Säuberungen" angeklagt
20061127             INTERVIEW—MIT—BILL—CURTSINGER: "Haie sind absolut unberechenbar"
20061127             IRAK—KOMMISSION: Experten für Gespräche mit IRAN und Syrien
20061127             Einzelhandel: WAL—MART will in Indien Milliarden investieren
20061127             UNO—DOKUMENTATION: Humanität ist harte Arbeit
20061127             Schlag für Baltenrepubliken: Gasprom will Gaspreise drastisch erhöhen
20061127             Extreme Brutalität: Heftige Piratenattacken vor Afrikas Küsten
20061127             Friedensangebot: Olmert geht auf Palästinenser zu
20061127             CDU—PARTEITAG: Merkel warnt vor sinnlosem Warten auf "politischen Urknall"
20061127             Polizeieinsatz: Spinne schaltet Supermarktbeleuchtung ein
20061127             Massive Sicherheitsmaßnahmen in Türkei: Scharfschützen für den Oberhirten
20061127             Bei einem Flugzeugabsturz im IRAN sind 38—ANGEHÖRIGE der Revolutionsgarde ums Leben gekommen.
20061127             Unter ihnen auch mehrere hohe Offiziere der ELITE—EINHEIT.
20061127             Der Flughafendirektor sagte im Fernsehen, es gebe keine Überlebenden.
20061127             —BERICHTET, Das, das staatliche Fernsehen des IRAN.
20061127             Bei den Toten handelt es sich um Mitglieder der ideologisch gedrillten Regierungsgarde...
20061127             Rettung für Rumsfeld ? - sfux Harald Haack?
20061127             Auf DONALD—RUMSFELD haben es viele abgesehen: Rumsfeld, der ?Kriegsverbrecher?, der ?Massenmörder?, der ?Foltertyrann?
20061127             VIELE—SCHLIMME—ATTRIBUTE für einen Kaltschnäuzigen.
20061127             USA—ANWÄLTE wollen ihn zur Rechenschaft ziehen und wollten ihn in Deutschland wegen seiner Missetaten als CHEF—DES—PENTAGONS anzeigen.
20061127             Anderswo existieren.
20061127             —SPONSORED, Heinrich Böll -, by CIA—SFUX World Content NEWS—AM kommenden —MITTWOCH,
20061127             The Nuclear ASSASSINS—SFUX DAVID—DASTYCH -
20061127             —ON  —SATURDAY morning, 1—DAY after ALEXANDER—LITVINIENKO † of poisoning by 1—RADIO—ACTIVE—ISOTOPE, Polonium-210, I got 1—PHONE—CALL from MISTER—GORDON—THOMAS, 1—FAMOUS—UK—INVESTIGATIVE journalist and intelligence...
20061127             - sfux Mysterious past of last man to meet dead Russian
20061127             The last person to meet ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO before he succumbed to the agonising effects of radioactive poisoning is 1—SELF—PROFESSED expert in nuclear materials.
20061127             —JOINED, INTERNATIONAL 'security consultant' MARIO—SCARAMELLA, who, Litvinenko for the now infamous clandestine meeting in 1—LONDON sushi bar, headed 1—ORGANISATION which tracked dumped nuclear waste, including...
20061127             Dateline: TBILISI—GEORGIA
20061127             —FROM 1—PRINTING press in SOUTH—OSSETIA, 1—SLIVER—OF—LAND with no formally recognized government, more than $20—MILLION in the fake bills has been transported to
20061127             ISRAEL + THE—USA, according to investigators.
20061127             —SURFACED, The counterfeit $100—NOTES have also, in GEORGIA AND—RUSSIA, officials said.
20061127             —TRIED, Workers at 1—VOTING site in CLEVELAND, to get 1—ELECTRONIC voting machine to start on Election Day, after the polls had opened.
20061127             WAPO—DIONNE, NYT—KRUGMAN: "SARASOTA Is Canary In Electronic Voting Coal Mine"
20061127             —WHILE we might quibble that there is 1—BLOODBATH of dead canaries which have long been littering the electoral landscape, we'll shut up today + again be thankful that someone with 1—VOICE at THE—WASHINGTON—POST seems to have finally noticed ANY—OF—THIS stuff we've been running around with our hair on fire about for the last 2—YEARS.
20061127             Yay! We Won.
20061127             —NOW What About That Whole Election Process?
20061127             it is imperative that we don't let this issue die.That we don't find ourselves in the same position we are now come 20081100             .That we make sure that comprehensive voter REFORM—VOTER—REFORM with TEETH—GETS implemented as soon as possible.
20061127             There is much that needs fixing.But the right to vote,and have your vote counted,is the very DEFINITION—OF—DEMOCRACY.And right now,our country is 1—WORLDWIDE laughingstock.
20061127             Culture War Crusading Pastor Decries WAL—MART, Seeks CHRISTIAN—MORATORIUM—ON—WOULD—BE—SHOPPERS
20061127             Sighting the company's neutrality stance in the "culture wars," Wiley writes PRESIDENT—OF—WAL—MART, LEE—SCOTT, saying, "I will not return to your stores...as [long as] you are killing babies with plan "B"...and 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—HOMOSEXUAL—CHAMBER—OF—COMMERCE".
20061127             MAINE -- THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE—RESPONSE to inquiries sent by MAINE, CONNECTICUT, VERMONT and NEW—JERSEY about possible illegal wiretapping has been to sue the states for enforcing state law!
20061127             Signed Memorandum Pins TORTURE—OF—DETAINEES On Rumsfeld
20061127             MADRID—IN 1—HAND—ANNOTATED and signed memo, FORMER—USA—ARMY—BRIGADIER—GENERAL—JANIS—KARPINSKI, told SPAIN—EL—PAIS newspaper that 20040000             —IN—EARLY—DONALD—RUMSFELD ordered that techniques such as sleep deprivation and prolonged stress position were approved for use on terror suspects.
20061127             Karpinski also claims she witnessed in THE—MARGIN—OF—THE—MEMO in the same handwriting "Make sure this is accomplished".
20061127             1—MATTER—OF—DEFINITION: What Makes 1—CIVIL—WAR + Who Declares It So?
20061127             Though THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION continues to insist that it is not, 1—GROWING number of American and IRAQ—SCHOLARS, leaders and policy analysts say the fighting in IRAQ meets the standard definition of civil war.
20061127             NY Times: Experts Concerned As Ballot Problems Persist
20061127             —AFTER—6—YEARS—OF—TECHNOLOGICAL—RESEARCH, more than $4—BILLION spent by WASHINGTON on new machinery and 1—WIDESPREAD—OVERHAUL—OF—THE nation's voting system, this month's midterm election revealed that the country is still far from able to ensure that EVERY—VOTE—COUNTS.
20061127             —SCATTERED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—VOTERS, across more than 25—STATES, encountered serious problems at the polls.
20061127             USA Finds IRAQ Insurgency Has Funds To Sustain Itself
20061127             Insurgency raising TENS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS 1—YEAR from oil smuggling, kidnapping, counterfeiting, corrupt charities and other crimes, report concludes.
20061127             Paper For PRESIDENT: The Time Is Now
20061127             —COUNTED, Hand, paper ballots for presidential elections will provide greater assurance for those who vote that their vote was taken correctly and counted openly in front of witnesses from the political parties and the general public.Under the Kucinich bill, ANY—USA—CITIZEN reading this article can request and be granted the right to witness vote counting.
20061127             It's about time!
20061127             Waxman Poised To Cause Bush Admin Big Headaches
20061127             EX—EMPLOYEE—SAYS—FAA—WARNED—BEFORE 20010911              20061127             MISS—NBC—KEITH—OLBERMANN—ANSWER To Bush On Viet Name
20061127             It should now be obvious to most Americans that GEORGE W Bush not only proudly wears the blinders of denial but is more than willing to sacrifice countless USA—SOLDIERS ( 58,000 were sacrificed in VIETNAM ) inorder to personally avoid failure.
20061127             It's time for 1—INTERVENTION ~ and that vehicle is IMPEACHMENT PROCEEDINGS.
20061127             Allen L Roland
20061127             Election Proves New Voting Method To Improve Democracy Is Catching On
20061127             —ADVANCED, Instant Runoff Voting (IRV), 1—IDEA, by the New AMERICAN—FOUNDATION to give voters more influence and more choices in elections, continued to gain favor in CALIFORNIA and elsewhere as 4—CITIES strongly approved 20061107              ballot measures supporting the idea.
20061127             —BY BO—LIPARI—ELECTION—PROBLEMS, What Election Problems?
20061127             —WATCHED, If you, the cable news coverage on Election Night,it seemed that few problems were experienced with electronic VOTING—THE predicted "train wreck"had not materialized.But out in the real world, THE—HAVA mandated changeover of voting systems resulted in real failures that resulted in long lines and lost votes.Just like the fancy new high tech voting machines, the mainstream media failed us yet again.
20061127             —BY URI—AVNERY—AN Evening In Jounieh
20061127             THE—1—WAY—ISRAEL can win 1—WAR in LEBANON.
20061127             —VISITED, DURING THE 1. LEBANON war, I, Jounieh, 1—TOWN some 20—KM—NORTH—OF—BEIRUT.
20061127             —AT—THE—TIME, it served as 1—PORT for the Christian forces.
20061127             It was 1—EXCITING evening.
20061127             SPITE—OF—THE—WAR, raging in nearby BEIRUT, Jounieh was FULL—OF—LIFE.
20061127             The Christian elite spent the day in THE—SUN—DRENCHED marina, the women lounging in bikinis, the men slugging whisky.
20061127             —BY TOM—HAYDEN—DOCUMENTS—REVEAL Secret Talks Between USA And Armed IRAQ—RESISTANCE
20061127             The only question being kept from THE—USA—PEOPLE is what THE—HIGH—LEVEL—TALKS are about.
20061127             —BY MICHAEL—MOORE—CUT And Run, The Only Brave Thing To Do
20061127             Tomorrow marks the day that we will have been in IRAQ longer than we were in ALL—OF—WORLD—WAR—II. That's right.
20061127             We were able to defeat ALL—OF—NAZI—GERMANY, Mussolini + the entire JAPAN—EMPIRE in LESS time than it's taken the world's only superpower to secure the road from the airport to downtown BAGHDAD.
20061127             And we haven't even done THAT.
20061127             —BY Karen Giles -
20061127             Help SARASOTA Voters With Lawsuit For Revote In Congressional Race
20061127             —BY Neal AbuNab - - IRAN—TECHNOLOGY—REVOLUTION
20061127             There is more to THE—IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM—ISSUE than gets reported in THE—USA—MEDIA.
20061127             National pride is not the only thing that attaches the regime to its program.
20061127             —COMPLICATED, It has to do with more, economic ISSUES—OF—EMPLOYMENT, developing 1—INDUSTRIAL—BASE and becoming SELF—RELIANT.
20061127             It's still the poor and UNDER—PRIVILEGED that fight our wars.
20061127             —BY Jayne Lyn STAHL—THE, UNDER—BELLY Of The Beast
20061127             —JUST when we thought it was safe to put another election behind us... By STEPHEN—LENDMAN
20061127             Welcome To The New USA—REVOLUTION
20061127             ALEX—S—GABOR predicts that Bush and Cheney will be impeached 20070000              and we will have 1—WOMAN take office, a 1. in USA—HISTORY.
20061127             —BY MIKAEL—RUDOLPH—NOT Out Of The Northwoods Yet
20061127             The election results of 20061107              were certainly encouraging, but nothing has changed yet.
20061127             —PASSED, The atrocious laws, and the limitless power of this PRESIDENT are still intact.
20061127             We are just 1 "ACT—OF—TERROR" away from losing everything we just won.
20061127             —BY MAC—MCKINNEY - 2—PATHS To Solving THE—WORLD—PROBLEMS
20061127             Well, war and torture and Machiavellian intrigues have certainly ushered in 1—NEW—GOLDEN—AGE globally, haven't they, especially in THE—MIDDLE—EAST?
20061127             Not! As the planet now descends into the lower CIRCLES—OF—HELL, it is time to rethink our underlying philosophy.
20061127             —CONVINCED, Or as Gandhi put it, he would become, that violence could solve the world's problems when someone could prove to him that darkness can dispel darkness.
20061127             —BY Kim Gongre- - Between IRAQ And 1—HARD—PLACE
20061127             THE—DAY—OF—RECKONING for MISTER—BUSH et al is fast approaching.
20061127             —BY WILLIAM—FISHER - - USA V. BUSH, Et Al
20061127             The charge is Conspiracy to Defraud THE—USA.
20061127             —BY JASON—MILLER
20061127             Blind Obedience To THE—CANONS—OF—CAPITALISM:Of Sick Societies, USA—DALITS + 1—NATION—OF—LADY—MACBETHS
20061127             3—DAYS ago, MOST—OF—USA initiated the "Holidays" by performing the annual rite of gratitude.
20061127             Millions gave thanks for living in 1—NATION which has become obscenely corpulent by suckling at the teats of genocide, slavery + imperialism.
20061127             —BY Patricia Johnson -
20061127             Connecting The Condi DOTS—SHOULD Rice, not Rumsfeld have been the 1 to go?
20061127             —BY ROB—KALL - - The Left Won Big And IS Taking Back THE—USA—AND—THE—PLANET, Even Though The Mainstream Media Say Otherwise
20061127             As the right wing extremist world is shrinking, imploding, melting, collapsing-- you get the message-- it's media surrogates and spinmeisters are desperately doing all they can to recast their loss and the left's gain, dishonestly claiming conservatism won and progressives lost.
20061127             —BY Brent Budowsky -
20061127             Sad —SUNDAY: IRAQ War Longer Than World War 2. JFK Was Right, GEORGE—BUSH—IS—WRONG
20061127             —ARRIVED, The tragic milestone has, THE—IRAQ War lasted longer than the 2. World War, with THE—PRESIDENT telling us that MANY—MORE—DAYS are left in his tragedy drenched in blood..
20061127             THE—WASHINGTON—POST—LEADS locally but OFF—LEADS 1—ANALYSIS piece on how PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADVISERS are looking into the way former presidents BILL—CLINTON and RONALD—REAGAN recovered from 1—MIDTERM election thumping.
20061127             The New MIDDLE—EAST—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, Syria and LEBANON.
20061127             ISRAEL—PM outlines peace vision ISRAEL—LEADER—EHUD Olmert says he hopes to revive LONG—STALLED peace efforts with the Palestinians.
20061127             NY rally deplores police shooting MEMBERS—OF—NEW—YORK—BLACK—COMMUNITY—PROTEST at the killing of 1 unarmed man by police, on his wedding day.
20061127             Chavez holds final election rally VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ holds his final election rally in FRONT—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SUPPORTERS.
20061127             —CLEARED, Government, in AWB inquiry 1—AUSTRALIA—INQUIRY—CLEARS the government of bribing IRAQ—OFFICIALS for contracts under THE—UN—OIL—FOR—FOOD—SCHEME.
20061127             THAILAND—LEADERS to relax martial law THAILAND—MILITARY—CHIEFS recommend lifting martial law, imposed after the coup, in PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20061127             Berlusconi illness delays trial
20061127             The trial of ITALY—EX—PM—SILVIO—BERLUSCONI on fraud charges is postponed after he spends the night in hospital for tests.
20061127             —AGREED, Tuna quotas cut as stocks decline Cuts are, in Atlantic and Mediterranean tuna catches, but conservation groups say they are weak.
20061127             WAL—MART to enter INDIA—MARKET—WAL—MART is to enter INDIA—RETAIL—MARKET after announcing 1—JOINT—AGREEMENT with INDIA—FIRM—BHARTI Enterprises.
20061127             UK troop levels in IRAQ to fall The number of UK troops in IRAQ by the end of 20070000              is expected to be lower "by thousands", the defence SECRETARY says.
20061127             Online video 'eroding TV viewing' Almost HALF—OF—PEOPLE who regularly watch online video spend less time watching TV, 1—SURVEY suggests.
20061127             Happy Feet beats Bond movie again The penguins of Happy Feet prove more popular than Casino Royale for the 2. week in NORTH—AMERICA.
20061127             RSPB warning over EU bird numbers THE—RSPB says newer EU states must learn from THE—UK—MISTAKE—OF endangering birds with intensive farming.
20061127             Army Game Proves USA Can't Lose
20061127             The developer behind 1—NEW—MILITARY—RECRUITMENT—VIDEO—GAME complains that he wasn't allowed to program realistic enemies that learn from their mistakes and adapt to circumstances.
20061127             —BY MARTY—GRAHAM.
20061127             Agencies line up for PLUG—IN cars State and local governments are trying out hybrid ELECTRIC—GAS—VEHICLES that recharge from 1—WALL socket for their car and bus fleets.
20061127             "Xerox is reported to be working on SOME—INTERESTING forms of digital paper.
20061127             —COATED, This system uses 1, paper and special ink to produce 1—COPY that will fade over 16—HOURS, or sooner if the paper is put back in the copy tray.
20061127             It can then be reused for 1—NEW—COPY, up to 10—TIMES.
20061127             According to the article, the rational for this is that paper is no longer used to store information, but merely to temporarily display it.
20061127             The research suggest that in the typical OFFICE—MANY—COPIES—END up in the recycle bin by THE—END—OF—THE—DAY.
20061127             The main obstacle to commercialization seems to be the question of whether people need this product.
20061127             Will people have digital displays that will take THE—PLACE—OF—PAPER?
20061127             Will something radically different from plain paper, but with competitive costs and characteristics, become popular?
20061127             —CALLED, Xerox itself is working on something, gyricon, 1—SYSTEM—OF—TINY bichromal beads encased between SHEETS—OF—PLASTICS.
20061127             Evidently the beads can be set electrically to either reflect of absorb light, thus allowing images to be generated at will.
20061127             According to the page, the images can be set by 1—PRINTER or 1—HAND held wand.
20061127             The 'paper' could even be combined with electronics to create 1—FLEXIBLE—DISPLAY.
20061127             So,/., where is our display technology headed?
20061127             Coated conventional paper? Plastic reprintable paper?
20061127             Glasses with heads up displays and wireless data feed?" - UK Copyright Extension Not Happening
20061127             "In 1—SURPRISING move (surveys said that the public supports extending copyright), THE—UK will not extend copyright to 95—YEARS following 1—RECENT—STUDY.
20061127             —COVERED, Back when this was was, on slashdot last year, I wrote to my MP and thought no more of it, but recently 1—UK thinktank has called for fair use to be enshrined in UK Law.
20061127             Looks like the government is realizing that the public are the ones that vote 'em in or out".
20061127             "SIR—CLIFF—RICHARD and Jethro Tull had been among artists lobbying for copyright to last 95—YEARS, rather than the present 50.
20061127             The "I" Word.
20061127             Should Bush be Impeached? Share Your Thoughts With the BuzzFlash Community.
20061127             Holiday Shopping that Makes 1—DIFFERENCE.
20061127             Spend Your Dollars Where They Can Have 1—IMPACT! (FREE Shipping in THE—USA)
20061127             Larry Beinhart: The Blame Game - 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION from THE—AUTHOR—OF "Wag the Dog"
20061127             Brent Budowsky for BuzzFlash.com: IRAQ War Longer Than USA—INVOLVEMENT In WWII.
20061127             Time for Regionwide MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE—INITIATIVE.
20061127             USA—INVOLVEMENT in IRAQ Surpasses THE—LENGTH—OF—WWII -- and Bush Ain't no FDR.
20061127             Bush is More Like Borat, Only Not So Funny.
20061127             Unify IRAQ? PRIME—MINISTER—MALIKI can't even persuade fellow Shiites to stop stoning his motorcade
20061127             Coming soon ? the great presidential STONEWALL—LAST—CHANCE—DEMOCRACY—CAFE by STEVEN—C—DAY
20061127             —CARRIED, USA, out madrasah bombing, PAKISTAN admits 11/27
20061127             It Only Goes from Horrible to Worse Everyday in IRAQ, Why Does The Boy in the Bubble Get to Continue to Occupy THE—WHITE—HOUSE?
20061127             "2—MORTAR rounds hit A—USA—MILITARY—POST in EAST—BAGHDAD on —SUNDAY, setting it on fire, police and witnesses said".
20061127             Abizaid defines victory in IRAQ as "1—COUNTRY at peace with its neighbors," which it was before we went in.
20061127             Note that he makes no MENTION—OF—DEMOCRACY.
20061127             —WANTED, We know now that the neocons never, democracy for IRAQ in the 1. place:
20061127             Their plan was to install AHMED—CHALABI as the newer, more AMERICAN—FRIENDLY—SADDAM.
20061127             —INTERFERED, Bush himself, SOME—NOW say, with that scenario.
20061127             1—LINK between AL—QAEDA and IRAN is hinted at, though never stated explicitly.
20061127             That's 1—NOW—FAMILIAR—TACTIC.
20061127             New quagmires for old According to GENERAL—JOHN—ABIZAID, COMMANDER—OF—USA—FORCES in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, the civil war convulsing IRAQ should not be blamed on GEORGE—BUSH.
20061127             Instead, all blame goes to IRAN. Isn't that conveeeeeenient:
20061127             Do you want to wallow in cynicism, or do you want to do EVERY—DAMN thing you can to force Congress to solve the problem?
20061127             Take action. Join the fight.
20061127             If you do, then when your grandkids ask you "What did you do during the great war for impeachment?" you won't have to tell them: "Well, I was shoveling shit at NANCY Pelosi".
20061127             Another trigger might be 1—GROUNDSWELL—OF—PUBLIC opinion.
20061127             Impeachment from below, as it were. That's where we come in.
20061127             It's not enough for us to cite online polls indicating that THE—USA—PEOPLE favor impeachment if, if, if.
20061127             No, we have to do something.
20061127             And here's what we're gonna do:
20061127             You should also visit the Democrats_com Impeachment for Change site.
20061127             THERE—1—PETITION to sign.
20061127             1—MILLION signatures will do nicely, thank you very much.
20061127             Do you have SOME—DRAB telephone poles in your neighborhood which could use 1—SPOT—OF—DECORATION?
20061127             Try printing out THE—10—REASONS the Impeach GEORGE—BUSH and Dick Cheney, which you can find
20061127             here.
20061127             Consider printing it out on 1—NEON—COLORED paper.
20061127             AfterDowningStreet and Democrats_com have started 1—MOVEMENT.
20061127             Join it.
20061127             You may also want to take 1—GLANCE at the novel strategy advocated by 1—GROUP called
20061127             ImpeachforPeace.
20061127             —DISCOVERED, In short and in sum, these folks have, 1—ODDITY in the congressional rules:
20061127             —BEFORE the House Judiciary Committee can put together THE—ARTICLES—OF—IMPEACHMENT, someone must initiate the impeachment procedure.
20061127             Most often, this occurs when MEMBERS—OF—THE—HOUSE pass 1—RESOLUTION.
20061127             —OUTLINED, Another method, in the manual, however, is for individual citizens to submit 1—MEMORIAL for impeachment.
20061127             —AFTER learning this information, Minnesotan and Impeach for Peace member (Jodin Morey) found precedent in an
20061127             Of course, —AFTER—6—YEARS—OF—ATROCIOUS—BEHAVIOR, 1—WONDERS whether anything can still startle the citizenry.
20061127             Quit whining and start winning. God save us from the purists.
20061127             MANUEL—L—QUEZON—III: The Daily Dose " Blog Archive " Morning Readings The habit of using "II" and not " Jr ". is 1—RECENT thing, 1—FASHION—THE—MARCOSES tried to popularize in THE—CASE—OF—FERDINAND—MARCOS, JUNIOR...
20061127             —PLAYED, Ferdinand Marcos, 1—HUGE—PART in THE—PHILIPPINES—HISTORY.
20061127             † Ferdinand Marcos, in exile. SERGIO—OSMEÑA, JUNIOR.
20061127             He was however unable to reduce massive government corruption or to instigate ANY—ECONOMIC—GROWTH in.
20061127             Materialien zur Analyse von Opposition (MAO)
20061127             HAMBURG—DER Hamburger Aufstand 19230000              (von Jürgen Schröder, letzte Änderung:
20061127             AMERIKA (MITTEL—UND Südamerika); AMERIKA (Nordamerika); ASIEN.
20061127             Mafia, Geheimdienste und POLITIK—DER—USA
20061127             SAMUEL—ZEMURRAY von der Cuyamel Banana Company, die später zur United Fruit gehört, finanziert den in einem Bordell von NEW—ORLEANS geplanten Coup.
20061127             Mafia, Geheimdienste und POLITIK—DER—USA—UNTERSUCHUNGSRICHTER—AARON—KOHN kommt nach NEW—ORLEANS und bildet die Metropolitan...
20061127             Da die ANGLO—IRAN—OIL Company, die in Grossbritannien mehr Steuern...
20061127             rothschild.hopto_org -- Die Rothschild Dynastie
20061127             MORGAN—GUARANTY—TRUST—COMPANY—OF—NEW—YORK, Clearing Member... - PARIS Orleans Annual Report
20061127             100%ige Tochter der Rothschild Holding AG. Ihr untersteht.
20061127             220403antiwarblogg Galloway sei 1—PARTNERSCHAFT mit einem irakischen Ölhändler eingegangen, um das Öl auf dem internationalen Markt zu verkaufen.
20061127             des Regimes überdenken müssen".
20061127             the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, GEORGE—BUSH -- all... official records and photos detailing government lies...
20061127             UN PHYSIQUE D'ACTEUR...
20061127             Totalement soutenu par la dynastie des rothschilds, il réussit son pari... les critiques des sionistes PRO—ISRAÉLIENS
20061127             (1) LA LIBERTE EN DANGER ( 84 ...
20061127             le NIGERIA arrivent en tête de liste.
20061127             Selon les... leurs copains "De rothschilds ou encore Rockfeller s".
20061127             Ils... les critiques des sionistes PRO—ISRAÉLIENS (1) LA LIBERTE EN DANGER ( 84 ...
20061127             Giftmord in LONDON: Musste LITWINENKO wegen eines brisanten JUKOS—DOSSIERS sterben?
20061127             "He started selling items such as weapons and currency for online games through 1—INTERNET—AUCTION—SITE in ;;04;;
20061127             this year, "In 1—SURPRISING move (surveys said that the public supports extending copyright),
20061127             "2—MORTAR rounds hit A—USA—MILITARY post in EAST—BAGHDAD on —SUNDAY,
20061127             The - (GMT), was established by Barbara F. STUDLEY ,
20061127             (published on Mon, 20061127230629        GMT) - + THE—USA, according to investigators.
20061127             … CIA officer THEODORE—SHACKLEY—OPERATIONS (apparently) conducted in conjunction …
20061127             … S—PAULS—LUTHERAN—CHURCH—CANONSBURG, PENNSILVANIA Religious Organization …
20061127             … be found in BERNAYS—BIOGRAPHY—OF—1—IDEA:
20061127             … been transferred to THE—LIBRARY—MOTION—PICTURE, … des Regimes überdenken müssen".
20061127             … les critiques des sionistes PRO—ISRAÉLIENS
20061127             … official records and photos detailing government lies … - … pa investigá TIMOTHY ULRICH ,
20061127             100%ige Tochter der Rothschild Holding AG.
20061127             alfatomega.com/220403antiwarblogg Galloway sei 1—PARTNERSCHAFT mit einem irakischen Ölhändler eingegangen,
20061127             alfatomega.com/20061127.html
20061127             ;;1210;;  is Human Rights Day + this year we're making it Human Rights and Impeachment Day.
20061127             1—BANK—WORKER became suspicious when Wang regularly sent money back home to CHINA and alerted police in August,
20061127             1—LINK between AL—QAEDA and IRAN is hinted at,
20061127             According to the National INSTITUTE—OF—STANDARDS and Technology (NIST),
20061127             —STARTED, AfterDowningStreet and Democrats com have, 1—MOVEMENT.
20061127             Join it. Agencies line up for PLUG—IN cars
20061127             ALEX—S—GABOR predicts that BUSH and CHENEY will be impeached 20070000              and we will have 1—WOMAN take office,
20061127             —ALMOST HALF—OF—PEOPLE who regularly watch online video spend less time watching TV, 1—SURVEY suggests.
20061127             USA—DALITS + 1—NATION—OF—LADY—MACBETHS
20061127             1—AUSTRALIA—INQUIRY—CLEARS the government of bribing IRAQ—OFFICIALS for contracts under THE—UN—OIL—FOR—FOOD—SCHEME.
20061127             An Evening In Jounieh
20061127             —STORED, And as cells are usually, in wax for dissection,
20061127             And conditions in which we withdraw under circumstances in which,
20061127             And the defendants are PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH ,
20061127             Anna Freud BERNAYS, was sister to Sigmund. BERNAYS—FATHER, Ely …
20061127             —OUTLINED, Another method, in the manual,
20061127             Impeachment from below, as it were.
20061127             As the right wing extremist world is shrinking,
20061127             Assistant director general in THE—ISRAEL—MINISTRY—OF—FOREIGN—RELATIONS—JOEL—MOWBRAY—JOEL R Kupferman
20061127             Auf DONALD—RUMSFELD haben es viele abgesehen:
20061127             BLITZER: This is the argument that so MANY—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—SUPPORTERS,
20061127             BUENA PARK, Calif ? Pastor DOCTOR—WILEY—S—DRAKE—SENIOR,
20061127             BUSH—ADMINISTRATION scheming to subvert the democratic process in VENEZUELA and oust HUGO—CHAVEZ—BY—ALEX—GABOR
20061127             —COVERED, Back when this was was, on slashdot last year,
20061127             Bad news, E.J.It's been happening all across the country ever
20061127—20000000    —SINCE, Bad news, E.J.It's been happening all across the country ever.
20061127             Banker Coldwell Pa Banker Coldwell PITTSBURGH Banker Coldwell Preview …
20061127             —BEFORE the House Judiciary Committee can put together THE—ARTICLES—OF—IMPEACHMENT,
20061127             Blind Obedience To THE—CANONS—OF—CAPITALISM:Of Sick Societies, Books: Stunt Man (THE—BOSTON PHOENIX.
20061127             19980921             )
20061127             BRITAIN—DEFENSE—SECRETARY said that UK troop levels in IRAQ will be "significantly lower by 1—MATTER—OF thousands
20061127             Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division
20061127             BRUCE—E—HERBERT, BARBARA F. STUDLEY, Ron S. Harel …
20061127             Brzezinski : The Baker Commission 'WILL—OFFER—SOME—PROCRASTINATION—IDEAS—FOR—DEALING—WITH—THE—CRISIS'-
20061127             —ADDED, Brzezinski, that "This is 1—MISTAKEN,
20061127             Bullsh**. - Nothing could be further from the truth.
20061127             But the point to understand is that if you undertake 1—HISTORICALLY mistaken adventure,
20061127             But we have to navigate between 1—SITUATION in which we are engaging in the civil war that is — well,
20061127             —CALLED, CNN—JOHN—ROBERTS, the situation in IRAQ an " - Center for Cooperative Research
20061127             Chairman + CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OFFICER ; Chavez holds final election rally - Color: Blue.
20061127             Book: Uncle Andy's. Food: Pizza.
20061127             CONNECTICUT, VERMONT and NEW—JERSEY about possible illegal wiretapping has been to sue the states for enforcing state law!
20061127             Culture War Crusading Pastor Decries WAL—MART, Cut And Run, The Only Brave Thing To Do
20061127             —AGREED, Cuts are, in Atlantic and Mediterranean tuna catches,
20061127             —DURING THE 1. LEBANON war, I visited Jounieh,
20061127             Die Maschine vom Typ Antonow 74—SEI wenige Minuten nach dem Start gegen 7.10—UHR Ortszeit abgestürzt.
20061127             Discover the Wisdom of Mankind on Sigmund Freud
20061127             Documents Reveal Secret Talks Between USA And Armed IRAQ—RESISTANCE
20061127             Dominique... - DOCTOR—BRZEZINSKI, are making, that if THE—USA were to take your advice + get out,
20061127             Election Problems, What Election Problems?
20061127             Entity Tags : GEOMILITECH—CONSULTANTS—CORPORATION ,
20061127             Even Though The Mainstream Media Say Otherwise
20061127             Evidently the beads can be set electrically to either reflect of absorb light,
20061127             EX—EMPLOYEE—SAYS—FAA—WARNED—BEFORE 20010911
20061127             —STEPPED, EX—SPY—DEATH—INQUIRY, up
20061127             † Ferdinand Marcos, in exile. … SERGIO—OSMEÑA,
20061127             Finding aid for THE—EDWARD—L—BERNAYS—PAPERS in the Manuscript Division,
20061127             For investors to care about the company,
20061127             FORMER—USA Army BRIGADIER—GENERAL—JANIS—KARPINSKI, told SPAIN—EL—PAIS newspaper that
20061127             —FROM 1—PRINTING press in SOUTH—OSSETIA,
20061127             —ESTABLISHED, GEOMILITECH (GMT) CONSULTANTS CORPORATION is, by conservative talk show host Barbara F. STUDLEY.
20061127             GEOMILITECH—CONSULTANTS—CORPORATION : Covert Action Information Bulletin
20061127             GEOMILITECH—CONSULTANTS—CORPORATION—COCKBURN,A.& L. Dangerous Liaison.
20061127             Glasses with heads up displays and wireless data feed?"
20061127             GORDON—THOMAS, 1—FAMOUS—UK—INVESTIGATIVE journalist and intelligence…
20061127             —CLEARED, Government, in AWB inquiry
20061127             HAMBURG—DER Hamburger Aufstand 19230000              (von Jürgen Schröder,
20061127             —COUNTED, Hand, paper ballots for presidential elections will provide greater assurance for those who vote that their vote was taken correctly and counted openly in front of witnesses from the political parties and the general public.Under the Kucinich bill,
20061127             Happy Feet beats Bond movie again - He is 1—OF—OUR—ZBOARD and Chatroom …
20061127             Heinrich BÖLL—SPONSORED by CIA-
20061127             HENRY—KISSINGER, appearing on CNN with BRZEZINSKI ,
20061127             HERE—WHY... And Remember, By Buying From BuzzFlash,
20061127             HUGO—CHAVEZ—HOLDS—COMMANDING—LEAD —8—DAYS—BEFORE Election - I like it, I'm sorry.
20061127             I wonder if BUSH et al were really naïve enough to think they could keep their dirty little secrets under wraps indefinitely.
20061127             I wrote to my MP and thought no more of it,
20061127             If this is true, EDWARD—BERNAYS—NOTORIOUS—TORCHES—OF—FREEDOM' concept,
20061127             If you do, then when your grandkids ask you "What did you do during the great war for impeachment?
20061127             —WATCHED, If you, the cable news coverage on Election Night,it seemed that few problems were experienced with electronic VOTING—THE predicted "train wreck"had not materialized.But out in the real world,
20061127             Ihr untersteht … - THE, UNDER—BELLY Of The Beast
20061127             —ADVANCED, Instant Runoff Voting (IRV), 1—IDEA, by the New AMERICAN—FOUNDATION to give voters more influence and more choices in elections,
20061127             Instead, all blame goes to IRAN.
20061127             Insurgency raising TENS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS 1—YEAR from oil smuggling,
20061127             INTERNATIONAL 'security consultant' MARIO—SCARAMELLA,
20061127             IRAQ War Longer Than World War 2. JFK Was Right, GEORGE—BUSH—IS—WRONG - ISRAEL—PM outlines peace vision
20061127             ISRAEL—FOREIGN Affairs 19890000             —11 (3).
20061127             ISRAEL—MILITARY Industries, JOEL—ARNON ,
20061127             ISRAEL—LEADER—EHUD Olmert says he hopes to revive LONG—STALLED peace efforts with the Palestinians.
20061127             It Only Goes from Horrible to Worse Everyday in IRAQ, It can then be reused for 1—NEW—COPY,
20061127             —COMPLICATED, It has to do with more, economic ISSUES—OF—EMPLOYMENT,
20061127             It is not for holiday purposes that GEORGE—BUSH and Condoleeza RICE are meeting next week with IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI in AMMAN while Dick CHENEY rushes to SAUDI—ARABIA.
20061127             In SPITE—OF—THE—WAR raging in nearby BEIRUT,
20061127             - By Jayne Lyn Stahl
20061127             Ja, sogar: RUMSFELD, das ?kriegslüsterne Monster der USA?
20061127             JOEL—ARNON - JOHN—K—SINGLAUB - Join the fight.
20061127             JORDAN—KING warns of civil wars - Jounieh was FULL—OF—LIFE.
20061127             The Christian elite spent the day in THE—SUN—DRENCHED marina, JUNIOR.
20061127             —JUST in case.-
20061127             LEE—SCOTT, saying, "I will not return to your stores…as [long as] you are killing babies with plan "B"…and 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—HOMOSEXUAL—CHAMBER—OF—COMMERCE".
20061127             LIBRARY—OF—CONGRESS - MADRID—IN 1—HAND—ANNOTATED and signed memo,
20061127             MAINE -- THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE—RESPONSE to inquiries sent by MAINE,
20061127             MISS—NBC—KEITH—OLBERMANN—ANSWER To Bush On Viet Name
20061127             MANUEL—L—QUEZON—III: The Daily Dose " Blog Archive " Morning Readings
20061127             —UNARMED, MEMBERS—OF—NEW—YORK—BLACK—COMMUNITY—PROTEST at the killing of 1, man by police, on his wedding day.
20061127             Militärmaschine im IRAN abgestürzt-
20061127             MORGAN—GUARANTY—TRUST—COMPANY—OF—NEW—YORK, Clearing Member …
20061127             MISTER—TIMOTHY—ULRICH—ART.
20061127             Favorites: Mussolini + the entire JAPAN—EMPIRE in LESS time than it's taken the world's only superpower to secure the road from the airport to downtown BAGHDAD.
20061127             NEW—YORK—TIMES reports a 16—HOUR reusable paper.
20061127             NY rally deplores police shooting
20061127             New quagmires for old According to GENERAL—JOHN—ABIZAID,
20061127             Next, the program highlights the operations of ALBERTO SICILIA FALCON, …
20061127             Not Out Of The Northwoods Yet
20061127             Not! As the planet now descends into the lower CIRCLES—OF—HELL,
20061127             Of course, —AFTER—6—YEARS—OF—ATROCIOUS—BEHAVIOR,
20061127             † On —SATURDAY morning, 1—DAY after ALEXANDER—LITVINIENKO, of poisoning by 1—RADIO—ACTIVE—ISOTOPE,
20061127             1—OF—SHACKLEY—COLLEAGUES was 1—OLD—CONTACT,
20061127             1—OF—THE—AGENCY—MOST important operatives, SHACKLEY had numerous connections …
20061127             Online video 'eroding TV viewing'
20061127             REISE—PAPA: Benedikts türkische Hintergedanken - PARIS Orleans Annual Report
20061127             Police step up inquiries into THE—DEATH—OF—RUSSIAN—EX—SPY—ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO, with officers due to fly to MOSCOW.
20061127             —SHIPPED, POLAND—WEAPONS worth $5—MILLION were, to CONTRA forces in …
20061127             Polonium-210, I got 1—PHONE—CALL from Mr.
20061127             BERNAYS—MOTHER, Purchase individual D&B reports available for TIMOTHY ULRICH
20061127             RSPB warning over EU bird numbers - RUMSFELD, der ?Kriegsverbrecher?,
20061127             Rettung für Rumsfeld ?- - RICHARD—SECORD, THE—CIA—TOM—CLINES + Ted SHACKLEY.
20061127             SAMUEL—ZEMURRAY von der Cuyamel Banana Company ,
20061127             Selon les … leurs copains "De rothschilds ou encore ROCKFELLER s".
20061127             SENATOR—SAM—BROWNBACK (R-KS), 1—OF—THE—FOREMOST social conservatives in the Senate,
20061127             Share Your Thoughts With the BuzzFlash Community.
20061127             Shining Path leader offers truce
20061127             Should RICE, not RUMSFELD have been the 1 to go?
20061127             Sighting the company's neutrality stance in the "culture wars," Wiley writes PRESIDENT—OF—WAL—MART,
20061127             Sinembargo mi ke a hasi un súplika na tur kolega polítikonan pa no mira e
20061127             Slogan: "Putting Impeachment on the Table".
20061127             —HELPED, Soon afterwards SINGLAUB, establish 1—COMPANY called GEOMILITECH—CONSULTANTS—CORPORATION (GMT) 1—WASHINGTON—BASED arms trading company.
20061127             Staff - State and local governments are trying out hybrid ELECTRIC—GAS—VEHICLES that recharge from 1—WALL socket for their car and bus fleets.
20061127             Student Makes 1—MILLION—ONLINE, Gets Deported- - Sushi bar man is nuclear waste expert-
20061127             TIMOTHY ULRICH ta kedando na Ulanda algun siman kaba pa hustisia por haña chèns di interog'é den e kaso aki.
20061127             TIMOTHY ULRICH — PRESIDENT ; Take action.
20061127             —SCATTERED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—VOTERS, across more than 25—STATES,
20061127             THAILAND—LEADERS to relax martial law
20061127             THAILAND—MILITARY—CHIEFS recommend lifting martial law, That's right.
20061127             We were able to defeat ALL—OF—NAZI—GERMANY, That's where we come in.
20061127             The "I" Word. Should Bush be Impeached?
20061127             THE—BAKER commission will probably come out with SOME—SOUND—ADVICE on dealing with the neighborhood,
20061127             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, Syria and LEBANON.
20061127             The New MIDDLE—EAST - - The Nuclear Assassins-
20061127             THE—RSPB says newer EU states must learn from THE—UK—MISTAKE—OF endangering birds with intensive farming.
20061127             THE—WASHINGTON—POST
20061127             THE—WASHINGTON Times reviews Defense SECRETARY—NOMINEE—ROBERT—GATES ' writings and reports him to "be more cautious and pragmatic
20061127             The charge is Conspiracy to Defraud THE—USA. The costs are prohibitive.
20061127             If we get out sooner,
20061127             —SURFACED, The counterfeit $100—NOTES have also, in GEORGIA and RUSSIA,
20061127             The decision means that
20061127—20080000    —FROM, The decision means that SIR—CLIFF—EARLIEST—RECORDINGS will start to come OUT—OF—COPYRIGHT.
20061127             By MARTY—GRAHAM.
20061127             The election results of ;;11;; 7. were certainly encouraging,
20061127             The habit of using "II" and not " JUNIOR" is 1—RECENT thing,
20061127             The last active LEADER—OF—PERU—SHINING—PATH—GUERRILLAS proposes to stop fighting in return for 1—AMNESTY.
20061127             The number of UK troops in IRAQ by the end of 20070000              is expected to be lower "by thousands", the defence SECRETARY says.
20061127             The origins of IRAN—CONTRA: Lessons from the Durrani Affair
20061127             The penguins of Happy Feet prove more popular than Casino Royale for the 2. week in NORTH—AMERICA.
20061127             The unseasonably warm weather.
20061127             MID—FIFTIES in CHICAGO again today.
20061127             Their plan was to install AHMED—CHALABI as the newer,
20061127             —COATED, This system uses 1, paper and special ink to produce 1—COPY that will fade over 16—HOURS,
20061127             This week, PRESIDENT—BUSH—VISITS—ESTONIA and attends a 2—DAY—NATO—SUMMIT in LATVIA,
20061127             Though THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION continues to insist that it is not,
20061127             —TODAY on CNN, FORMER—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISER—ZBIGNIEW Brzezinski issued 1—STRONG,
20061127             Totalement soutenu par la dynastie des rothschilds ,
20061127             Tuna quotas cut as stocks decline - 2—PATHS To Solving THE—WORLD—PROBLEMS
20061127             USA Involvement in IRAQ Surpasses THE—LENGTH—OF—WWII -- and Bush Ain't no FDR.
20061127             UK Copyright Extension Not Happening- - UK troop levels in IRAQ to fall
20061127             Untersuchungsrichter AARON—KOHN kommt nach NEW—ORLEANS und bildet die Metropolitan …
20061127             Ursache war, so twoday net eine gezielte DOS—ATTACKE,
20061127             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ holds his final election rally in FRONT—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SUPPORTERS.
20061127             WAL—MART is to enter INDIA—RETAIL—MARKET after announcing 1—JOINT—AGREEMENT with INDIA—FIRM—BHARTI Enterprises.
20061127             WAL—MART to enter INDIA—MARKET
20061127             Wang Yue Si, 1—CHINA—STUDENT who went to JAPAN on 1—STUDENT visa,
20061127             —ADMITTED, Wang, living in KUMAMOTO, has, that he sold the virtual goods for about 6—MILLION yen ($USA 1.3—MILLION),
20061127             - By MAC—MCKINNEY
20061127             We encourage you to organize 1—TOWN—HALL—FORUM or rally on this day for THE—IMPEACHMENT—OF—BUSH + CHENEY.
20061127             Well, war and torture and Machiavellian intrigues have certainly ushered in 1—NEW—GOLDEN—AGE globally,
20061127             —WHILE the Zune probably isn't getting off to as successful 1—START as they might have liked,
20061127             —WHILE we might quibble that there is 1—BLOODBATH of dead canaries which have long been littering the electoral landscape,
20061127             Why Does The Boy in the Bubble Get to Continue to Occupy THE—WHITE—HOUSE?
20061127             Will something radically different from plain paper,
20061127             With this new tool, scientists and biologists will be able to make 3D IMAGES—OF—CELLS and tissues for electron tomography,
20061127             —TRIED, Workers at 1—VOTING site in CLEVELAND, to get 1—ELECTRONIC voting machine to start on Election Day,
20061127             —CALLED, Xerox itself is working on something, gyricon, Yay! We Won.
20061127             Now What About That Whole Election Process?
20061127             You are Contributing to Democracy.
20061127             You may also want to take 1—GLANCE at the novel strategy advocated by 1—GROUP called ImpeachforPeace.
20061127             Zvi Reuter - [eDebate] operation unrelenting shitbag
20061127             1—FASHION—THE—MARCOSES tried to popularize in THE—CASE—OF—FERDINAND—MARCOS, JUNIOR, …
20061127             a 1. in USA—HISTORY.
20061127             - By MIKAEL—RUDOLPH - 1—GROWING number of American and IRAQ—SCHOLARS,
20061127             1—SLIVER—OF—LAND with no formally recognized government,
20061127             1—SYSTEM—OF—TINY bichromal beads encased between SHEETS—OF—PLASTICS.
20061127             1—TOWN some 20—KM—NORTH—OF—BEIRUT.
20061127             At the time, absolutely historically wrong undertaking.
20061127             ANY—USA—CITIZEN reading this article can request and be granted the right to witness vote counting.
20061127             as we have seen in LEBANON + as we will see elsewhere,
20061127             associated with it," said BOB—KEARNS, ausgehend von 2—BESTIMMTEN IP—ADRESSEN,
20061127             but also that IRAQ — and I want you to respond to this — would become the new AFGHANISTAN,
20061127             but conservation groups say they are weak. but nothing has changed yet.
20061127             but recently 1—UK thinktank has called for fair use to be enshrined in UK Law.
20061127             but with competitive costs and characteristics, become popular?
20061127             continued to gain favor in CALIFORNIA and elsewhere as 4—CITIES strongly approved ;;11;;
20061127             7—BALLOT—MEASURES supporting the idea.
20061127             declares 1—BOYCOTT, in the "NAME—OF—CHRISTIANITY," on WAL—MART.
20061127             der ?Massenmörder?, der ?Foltertyrann?
20061127             developing 1—INDUSTRIAL—BASE and becoming SELF—RELIANT.
20061127             die später zur United Fruit gehört, finanziert den in einem Bordell von NEW—ORLEANS geplanten Coup.
20061127             dishonestly claiming conservatism won and progressives lost.
20061127             disintegrates + 1—VACUUM will be created that will be filled by the nearest powerful country, which in this case is probably IRAN.
20061127             1—AGENT der mexikanischen DFS + arbeitete mit CIA—MANN Alberto SICILIA FALCóN ,
20061127             encountered serious problems at the polls…
20061127             found himself in need of SOME—SPENDING money.
20061127             haven't they, especially in THE—MIDDLE—EAST?
20061127             headed 1—ORGANISATION which tracked dumped nuclear waste, including…
20061127             however, is for individual citizens to submit 1—MEMORIAL for impeachment.
20061127             if you will, but even much more dangerous because of all the oil that IRAQ has.
20061127             if, if. No, we have to do something. il réussit son pari
20061127             imploding, melting, collapsing-- you get the message-- it's media surrogates and spinmeisters are desperately doing all they can to recast their loss and the left's gain,
20061127             imposed after the coup, in PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20061127             in VIOLATION—OF—THE—IMMIGRATION—CONTROL and Refugee Recognition Law.
20061127             it is time to rethink our underlying philosophy.
20061127             it needs to find new growth markets.
20061127             it served as 1—PORT for the Christian forces.
20061127             kende nan ta konsiderá man drechi di JOHN DEUSS, …
20061127             kidnapping, counterfeiting, corrupt charities and other crimes, report concludes.
20061127             leaders and policy analysts say the fighting in IRAQ meets the standard definition of civil war.
20061127             leads locally but OFF—LEADS 1—ANALYSIS piece on how PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADVISERS are looking into the way former presidents BILL—CLINTON and RONALD—REAGAN recovered from 1—MIDTERM election
20061127             letzte Änderung: let's say, over the next year, there would be this huge vacuum that IRAN would presumably take charge of,
20061127             more AMERICAN—FRIENDLY—SADDAM.
20061127             BUSH himself, more than $20—MILLION in the fake bills has been transported to ISRAEL
20061127             more than $4—BILLION spent by WASHINGTON on new machinery and 1—WIDESPREAD—OVERHAUL—OF—THE nation's voting system,
20061127             of 1—OF—THE—2—WOMEN, 1—LONGTIME neighbor.
20061127             1—WONDERS whether anything can still startle the citizenry.
20061127             or sooner if the paper is put back in the copy tray.
20061127             PENNSILVANIAUSA—UNIFIED Arts Teachers.
20061127             plans to resign his post, 1—STATE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIAL said on —MONDAY.
20061127             potentially the final act of THE—DO—NOTHING Congress.
20061127             preemptive criticism of the Baker Commission studying alternatives for IRAQ.
20061127             prompting KUMAMOTO police officers to investigate the student".
20061127             said that "my attitude will be to support ANY—BIPARTISAN conclusion that would be arrived at" by THE—BAKER commission.
20061127             setting it on fire, police and witnesses said".
20061127             sfux Mysterious past of last man to meet dead Russian
20061127             —INTERFERED, SOME—NOW say, with that scenario.
20061127             someone must initiate the impeachment procedure.
20061127             take the time to piece together the legislation, than his predecessor, MISTER—RUMSFELD ,
20061127             THE—HAVA mandated changeover of voting systems resulted in real failures that resulted in long lines and lost votes.Just like the fancy new high tech voting machines,
20061127             the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, GEORGE—BUSH -- all
20061127             THE—UK will not extend copyright to 95—YEARS following 1—RECENT—STUDY.
20061127             the article argues it's 1—POSITIVE—SIGN that they're at least making the attempt.
20061127             the civil war convulsing IRAQ should not be blamed on GEORGE—BUSH.
20061127             the former beauty QUEEN—FROM—MIAMI who became 1—CONSERVATIVE …
20061127             the longer you stick with it, the higher the cost you pay for it.
20061127             the mainstream media failed us yet again.
20061127             the rational for this is that paper is no longer used to store information, but merely to temporarily display it.
20061127             the researchers plan to test their nanoknives on 1—BLOCK—OF wax later this year.
20061127             the sectarian war that is going on inside IRAQ.
20061127             the women lounging in bikinis, the men slugging whisky…
20061127             there will be 1—MESSY—FOLLOW—UP after we leave.
20061127             this month's midterm election revealed that the country is still far from able to ensure that EVERY—VOTE—COUNTS.
20061127             this nanoknife will be used to cut and study cells.
20061127             though never stated explicitly. That's 1—NOW—FAMILIAR—TACTIC.
20061127             thus allowing images to be generated at will.
20061127             told SPAIN—EL—PAIS newspaper that 20040000             —IN—EARLY—DONALD—RUMSFELD ordered that techniques such as sleep deprivation and prolonged stress position were approved for use on terror suspects.
20061127             um das Öl auf dem internationalen Markt zu verkaufen.
20061127             unified arts - up to 10—TIMES. According to the article,
20061127             we'll shut up today + again be thankful that someone with 1—VOICE at THE—WASHINGTON—POST seems to have finally noticed ANY—OF—THIS stuff we've been running around with our hair on fire about for the last 2—YEARS.
20061127             welche TAUSENDE—VON—IP—VERBINDUNGEN zum Server öffneten.
20061127             Dadurch konnte… - whatever structure exists in the region,
20061127             where he persuaded women that smoking was a …
20061127             where he will press "alliance members to increase defense spending.
20061127             which is relevant but essentially will offer SOME—PROCRASTINATION—IDEAS for dealing with the crisis.
20061127             which requires samples less than 300—NANOMETERS thick.
20061127             who has transformed the military and aggressively hunted al Qaeda members".
20061127             who joined Litvinenko for the now infamous clandestine meeting in 1—LONDON sushi bar,
20061127             with IRAN, with THE—ISRAELI—PALESTINE—ISSUES,
20061127             with THE—PRESIDENT telling us that MANY—MORE—DAYS are left in his tragedy drenched in blood..
20061127             without obtaining the appropriate residency status.
20061127             you won't have to tell them: "Well, I was shoveling shit at NANCY Pelosi".
20061127             —BY—BO Lipari
20061127             —BY—BRENT BUDOWSKY—SAD—SUNDAY:
20061127             —BY—KAREN GILES—HELP—SARASOTA Voters With Lawsuit For Revote In Congressional Race
20061127             —BY—KIM GONGRE—BETWEEN IRAQ And 1—HARD—PLACE
20061127             —BY—PATRICIA JOHNSON—CONNECTING The Condi Dots -
20061127             —BY—ROB KALL—THE—LEFT Won Big And IS Taking Back THE—USA—AND—THE—PLANET,
20061127             —BY—WILLIAM Fisher - USA V. BUSH, Et Al
20061127             —ZONK—33 -BusinessWeek Online is running 1—FRONT—PAGE—STORY
20061127             "The peace sign has 1—LOT—OF—NEGATIVITY
20061127             "It could mean we would adjourn much earlier than most pundits think,
20061127             "THE—AMOUNT—OF—DEATH that's on THE—STREETS—OF—BAGHDAD for USA forces and for THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE is at 1—ASTRONOMICAL—LEVEL,
20061127             "is considering whether to stop blocking 1—JUDICIAL nominee over concerns her appearance at 1—LESBIAN commitment ceremony betrayed her legal views on gay marriage".
20061127             JUDGE—JANET—NEFF has said she attended the wedding as 1—FRIEND
20061127             "and said the media has "sanitized" their COVERAGE—OF—THE—VIOLENCE.
20061127             "said 1—CONSERVATIVE Senate aide.
20061127             —CENTERED, PRESIDENT—BUSH flew to ESTONIA on his way to 1—NATO—MEETING, on AFGHANISTAN in RIGA—LATVIA.
20061127             OECD SECRETARY—GENERAL—ANGEL—GURRIA said excessive WEAKENING—OF—THE—USA—DOLLAR could lead to interest rate hikes in THE—USA, EUROPE and JAPAN and hurt global economic growth.
20061127             —ANNOUNCED, CALIFORNIA authorities, the arrests of 2—MEN involved with the theft of almonds and walnuts in THE—CENTRAL—VALLEY.
20061127             —RECOVERED, About $400,000—OF—STOLEN nuts were, part of 1 estimated $2—MILLION stolen over the past year.
20061127             SOUTH—WEST—JOPLIN, MISSOURI, 1—EARLY morning fire at the Anderson Guest House group home for the mentally disabled killed 10—RESIDENTS and 1—CARETAKER and sent at least 12—MORE to 1—HOSPITAL.
20061127             † BEBE—MOORE—CAMPBELL, 56—JAHRE—ALT, novelist, of cancer in LOS—ANGELES.
20061127             —CENTERED, BEBE—MOORE—CAMPBELL—NOVELS, on race relations and included "Your Blues Ain't Like Mine" (19920000             ), which was rooted in the (19550000             ) MURDER—OF—EMMETT—TILL.
20061127             1—OFFICIAL—INQUIRY into the corruption that riddled THE—UN—OIL—FOR—FOOD—PROGRAM in IRAQ cleared THE—AUSTRALIA—GOVERNMENT but cited 12—TOP—EXECUTIVES for bribing Saddam HUSSEIN—REGIME.
20061127             —CONDEMNED, BRITAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR, the African slave trade and expressed deep sorrow for BRITAIN—ROLE, but stopped short of offering 1—APOLOGY or compensation for the descendants of those victimized by it.
20061127             THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—REP. fire struck 1—STRIP club after it closed in the early morning, killing 9—EMPLOYEES who lived on the floor above the establishment, including several dancers.
20061127             —SHOWED, ECUADOR, partial returns, RAFAEL—CORREA with as many as twice the votes recorded as for his banana tycoon rival, who claimed the polls were rigged.
20061127             —SELECTED, FRANCE—DEVELOPERS have, 1—DESIGN by Pritzker Prize winner THOM—MAYNE, 1—AWARD—WINNING—USA—ARCHITECT, for 1—BOLD—NEW building in PARIS nearly as tall as the Eiffel Tower, and powered partly by the wind.
20061127             Completion was set for 20120000            .
20061127             PARIS, Eurotunnel, OPERATOR—OF—THE—CHANNEL—TUNNEL, was rescued from looming bankruptcy when key creditors approved 1—PLAN to slash debt exceeding 9.0—BILLION euros (11.9—BILLION dollars).
20061127             —CARRIED, INDIA, out its 1. successful test interception of 1—BALLISTIC—MISSILE, using a 2. missile to destroy the incoming rocket.
20061127             —CRASHED, IRAN, 1—RUSSIAN—DESIGNED antonov-74, in TEHRAN, killing 38—PEOPLE.
20061127             This was IRAN—3. military air plane crash in the last year.
20061127             —ARRIVED, IRAQ—PRESIDENT—JALAL—TALABANI, in TEHRAN to meet with his IRAN—COUNTERPART amid increasing calls for WASHINGTON to enlist IRAN—HELP in calming the escalating violence in neighboring IRAQ.
20061127             —OPENED, In BAGHDAD gunmen, fire on 1 crowded street, killing 6—IRAQIS and wounding 3, SOME—OF—WHOM were sitting in 1 parked car.
20061127             Police in WEST—BAGHDAD found the bodies of 2—IRAQIS who had been kidnapped, blindfolded and shot.
20061127             1—BOMB exploded under 1—OIL—PIPELINE and set it on fire SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20061127             1—USA—AIR—FORCE F—16—JET crashed NORTH—WEST—OF—BAGHDAD and MAJOR—TROY GILBERT was killed.
20061127             ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT, seeking to build on 1—SHAKY—CEASE—FIRE with the Palestinians, offered to reduce checkpoints, release frozen funds, and free prisoners in exchange for 1—SERIOUS push for peace by the Palestinians.
20061127             ITALY—PREMIER—ROMANO Prodi said THE—LAST—OF—ITALY—SOLDIERS in IRAQ, some 60—70—TROOPS, will return home this week, ending THE—ITALY—CONTINGENT—PRESENCE in THE—SOUTH—OF—THE—COUNTRY after more than 3—YEARS.
20061127             1—UN—FOOD—AGENCY said LEBANON—AGRICULTURE—SECTOR suffered about $280—MILLION in damage during this summer's conflict between ISRAEL and Hezbollah.
20061127             A 3—STORY—BANK under construction collapsed in the main NIGERIA—CITY—OF—LAGOS, and 2—PEOPLE were unaccounted for and believed trapped inside the rubble.
20061127             —OWNED, The 1. privately, ENGLISH—LANGUAGE—DAILY, the Palestine Times, was launched in THE—WEST—BANK—AND—GAZA, with its editors aiming to provide news about the region to ENGLAND—SPEAKERS abroad.
20061127             —WORKED, RUSSIA, RUSLAN—FEDOSENKO and SERGEI—KOCHEROV, who had, for MOSCOW—PEROVSKY district prosecutor's office, were CONVICTED—OF—CORRUPTION and sentenced to 4—YEAR—PRISON—TERMS.
20061127             —PLANNED, Officials said SOUTH—KOREA, to kill cats and dogs in THE—AREA—OF—IKSAN to try to prevent THE—SPREAD—OF—BIRD—FLU after 1—OUTBREAK—OF—THE—DEADLY—H5N1 virus at 1—CHICKEN—FARM last week.
20061127             SUDAN, fighting began in THE—SOUTH—TOWN—OF—MALAKAL and escalated into full trench warfare between THE—NORTH—SUDAN—ARMED—FORCES and THE—SPLA.
20061127             —KILLED, HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE may have been, in the heaviest fighting between SUDAN—FORMER—NORTH—SOUTH foes since they signed 1—PEACE—DEAL last year.
20061127             —RECOVERED, AUTHORITIES—OF—WEST—SAHARA, the bodies of 3—CHILDREN which washed up at 1—BEACH, bringing to 13 THE—NUMBER—OF—MIGRANT—CHILDREN who drowned when their small boat sank in the Atlantic.
20061127             —JETZT erst erscheinen jene Kelten, die antike Autoren so eindringlich... wie zum Beispiel das Grab der keltischen PRINZESSIN—VON—VIX in Burgund und das...
20061127             Verdwenen beschavingen.
20061127             - Kelten : Enceclopedy of the Celts Choose another message BOARD...
20061127             _05500000             -_05000000              -1—PRINCESS—IN—VIX (Burgundy) is buried with a 280—GALLON bronze GREECE—VASE...
20061127             Konstantin von Hammerstein, Hans Hoyng, HANS—JÜRGEN Schlamp, and Alexander.
20061127             Szandar. "The Germans have to learn to kill". HINGTON Reuters) -
20061127—20050000    Web Results Related to " GEOMILITECH " About EAST—EUROPE—ARSENAL on the Loos -
20061127—20110000    —IN, 1—JUDGE concluded that the blaze was preventable.
20061128             [ 20061127              ] - CNN: [ 20061127              ]
20061128             as clashes in Ghazaliya and elsewhere illustrated THE—INABILITY—OF—IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES to rein in the violence that has propelled the country closer to FULL—BLOWN civil war.
20061128             20061127              20061205             PHILADELPHIA Inquirer | 20061127              | Subject of FBI probe tells of Weldon TIES—BG
20061205             PHILADELPHIA Inquirer | 20061127              | Subject of FBI probe tells of Weldon ties-
20071127             —THE meeting, in which THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL and at least 5—TOP—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIALS participated,
20070325—20071127    —ON, show that THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL and his deputy, PAUL—MCNULTY, participated in an HOUR—LONG meeting about the firings.
20070325—20071127    —RELEASED, UPDATE III: New documents, tonight, "including GONZALES—APPOINTMENT—CALENDAR, show that THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL and his deputy, PAUL—MCNULTY,participated in an HOUR—LONG meeting about the firings. 7—OF—THE—8—PROSECUTORS were let go 20071207             —ON".
20070329             "He recently clarified it. But he was present at 20071127             —THE meeting".
20070516             —BECAME, Their report. the cover story for the magazine's 20071127              issue and featured this.
20071127             CRIMES AND CORRUPTION—OF—THE—NEW—WORLD—ORDER—NEWS: 20080727—20080803    —ON, 1—COMATOSE—BENJAMIN was flown back to BRITAIN where he was pronounced dead.
20071127             —THE meeting, in which THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL and at least 5—TOP—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIALS participated, focused on a 5—STEP—PLAN for carrying out THE—FIRINGS—OF—THE—PROSECUTORS, Justice Department officials said late —FRIDAY.
20071127             —DECLARED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, that the time is right to relaunch Mideast peace talks to create 1—PALESTINE—STATE because "1—BATTLE is under way for the future" of the troubled region, in remarks prepared for THE—START—OF—THE—USA—ARRANGED—ANNAPOLIS—MIDEAST peace conference.
20071127             Delegations from 46—COUNTRIES and INTERNATIONAL organizations attended the conference.
20071127             1—SOMALIA—IMMIGRANT, Nuradin Abdi, was sentenced to 10—YEARS in prison for plotting to blow up 1—OHIO shopping mall.
20071127             —FIRED, THE—USA—RED—CROSS, CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—MARK—EVERSON, 53—JAHRE—ALT citing his personal relationship with 1—SUBORDINATE—EMPLOYEE.
20071127             Everson was in office for only 6—MONTHS.
20071127             Cessna said it will turn over complete production of its new Cessna 162—SKYCATCHER to 1—CHINA—PARTNER.
20071127             The base PRICE—OF—THE—PLANE will be $109,500.
20071127             Google said it will spend MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS to develop renewable energy as PART—OF—1—PLAN to clean the environment and reduce the company's own power bill.
20071127             Wells Fargo & Co. said it will take a $1.4—BILLION pretax charge tied to increased losses on home equity loans.
20071127             † In FLORIDA Pro Bowl safety SEAN—TAYLOR after he was shot in his home by 1—APPARENT intruder, leaving THE—WASHINGTON Redskins in mourning for 1—TEAMMATE who seemed to have reordered his life since becoming 1—FATHER.
20071127             —CHARGED, By THE—END—OF—THE—WEEK 4—MEN were, with unpremeditated murder, armed burglary and home invasion with 1—FIREARM or another deadly weapon.
20071127             † DOCTOR—J—ROBERT—CADE, 80—JAHRE—ALT, inventor of Gatorade.
20071127             † JANE—RULE, AMERICAN—BORN CANADA—WRITER, at her home on Galiano Island in UK—COLUMBIA.
20071127             JANE—RULE'S 19640000              novel, "DESERT—OF—THE—HEART," is considered 1—LANDMARK work of lesbian fiction.
20071127             BILL—WILLIS, 86—JAHRE—ALT, 1—HALL—OF—FAME guard with THE—CLEVELAND Browns and OHIO STATE—1. black football ALL—AMERICAN, † in COLUMBUS—OHIO.
20071127             —TRIGGERED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER, 1—HUGE—BLAST—NEAR 2 armored vehicles used by USA—LED coalition troops in KABUL, killing at least 2—CIVILIANS and destroying the wall of 1—NEARBY—HOUSE.
20071127             —CAUSED, ALGERIA, officials said floods, by DAYS—OF—TORRENTIAL rain have killed 11—PEOPLE, injured several others and have cut off MANY—ROADS in NORTH—ALGERIA.
20071127             BRUSSELS, Valdas Adamkus, PRESIDENT—OF—LITHUANIA, was declared "EUROPEAN—OF—THE—YEAR" at the annual EV50 gala awards ceremony hosted by European Voice.
20071127             —NOMINATED, PRESIDENT—ADAMKUS was, as 1—OF 50 "EUROPEANS—OF—THE—YEAR".
20071127             BRAZIL, 1—CATHOLIC—BISHOP began his 2. hunger strike in 2—YEARS to protest 1—GOVERNMENT—PROJECT to divert river water to irrigate PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY—ARID northeast.
20071127             —CONVENED, INTERNATIONAL experts, in BURKINA—FASO for a 3—DAY—SESSION to discuss the prospects for biofuel production in AFRICA.
20071127             —INCLUDED, CO—ORGANIZERS, the Economic COMMUNITY—OF—WEST—AFRICAN States (ECOWAS), THE—WEST—AFRICAN Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) and the government of BURKINA—FASO.
20071127             —RIPPED, CENTRAL—CHINA, 1—EXPLOSION, through 1—HOUSE where villagers in Hunan province were illegally making fireworks, killing 13—PEOPLE.
20071127             PRIME—MINISTER—MELES—ZENAWI said ETHIOPIA will sustain its crackdown on separatist rebels in the restive Ogaden region, adding that SCORES—OF—INSURGENTS had been killed.
20071127             JOHN—HOLMES, UN UNDERSECRETARY—GENERAL for Humanitarian Affairs, arrived in the Ogaden region.
20071127             —RIOTED, FRANCE, youths, for a 3. night in PARIS' suburbs, firing at officers and ramming burning cars into buildings.
20071127             TOULOUSE, 1—LIBRARY went up in flames.
20071127             —DETAINED, FRANCE—POLICE, a 68—YEAR—OLD retired "drag QUEEN" performer on suspicion of murdering 18—MAINLY gay men 19800000—20000000    —BETWEEN.
20071127             ICELAND has overtaken NORWAY as the world's most desirable country to live in, according to 1—ANNUAL—UN—TABLE that again puts AIDS—AFFLICTED SUB—SAHARAN African states at the bottom.
20071127             The Mezzanine, 1—PANAMA—FREIGHTER, hit rough seas off TAIWAN—NORTH—COAST and 26—INDONESIA—SAILORS were feared dead.
20071127             —REPORTED, The news agency IRNA, that IRAN has manufactured 1—NEW—MISSILE with 1—RANGE—OF—1,200—MILES—CAPABLE—OF reaching ISRAEL and USA—BASES in the Mideast.
20071127             1—JUDICIARY spokesman said 1—IRAN—COURT has acquitted Hossein Mousavian, 1—FORMER—NUCLEAR—NEGOTIATOR—OF spying charges, but convicted him of acting against the Islamic government.
20071127             —HEARTENED, More IRAQ—REFUGEES, by reports of the lull in violence in BAGHDAD, were beginning to return.
20071127             1—WOMAN wearing 1—EXPLOSIVES belt blew herself up near 1—USA—PATROL—NEAR—BAQOUBA wounding 7—USA—TROOPS and 5—IRAQIS.
20071127             EAST—OF—THE—CITY, mortar rounds apparently targeting 1—LOCAL—RADIO—STATION instead landed near homes in the vicinity, killing 2—PEOPLE, while 1—ROADSIDE bombing killed 1—CIVILIAN.
20071127             —FIRED, USA—TROOPS, on vehicles trying to drive through roadblocks in BAGHDAD and NORTH—OF—THE—IRAQ—CAPITAL, killing at least 5—PEOPLE, including 1—CHILD, in 2—SEPARATE—SHOOTINGS.
20071127             —DECLARED, LEBANON—TOP—SHIITE cleric, that 1—MUSLIM woman is allowed to fight back in SELF—DEFENSE if she is hit by her husband, in 1—RULING rare for the region's MALE—DOMINATED Islamic society.
20071127             MOZAMBIQUE formally took over from PORTUGAL THE—CONTROL—OF—CAHORA—BASSA hydroelectric dam, AFRICA—2. most important after that of ASWAN in EGYPT.
20071127             The defense CHIEFS—OF—NORTH and SOUTH—KOREA began 1—RARE meeting to discuss easing tension across their disputed sea border on 1—HARMONIOUS—NOTE, pledging to end the peninsula's division.
20071127             Officials said PAKISTAN—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS have retaken 1—STRATEGIC peak from PRO—TALIBAN rebels in THE—NORTH—WEST—SWAT valley and shut down their radio station.
20071127             —KILLED, MAJOR—GENERAL—WAHEED—ARSHAD said 45—MILITANTS had been, in the past 2—DAYS—OF—CLASHES.
20071127             —RALLIED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE in THE—HAMAS—RULED GAZA Strip, against the Mideast peace conference under way in THE—USA, while the group's top leader in GAZA insisted the summit is "doomed to failure".
20071127             —ANNOUNCED, PRIME—MINISTER—DONALD—TUSK, that POLAND will drop its opposition to MOSCOW—BID to join the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 1—DRIVE to improve ties with RUSSIA.
20071127             RUSSIA—GAZPROM made clear its interest in buying 1—HALF—SHARE—OF—TNK—BP and ANY—LARGE—UK power company that may come up for sale, while repeating its warning that wholesale gas prices could rise sharply in EUROPE next year.
20071127             With the close of the 3. volume Barruel considers that he has been able to present 1—COMPLETE "ACADEMY—OF—CONSPIRATORS".
20071127             281. - The alt.illuminati FAQ is maintained at ANTI—MASONRY.info/alt.illuminati_faq.html.
20071127             —INCLUDED, If your favorite theory is not, in this list, it's obviously 1—CONSPIRACY.
20071127             Fnord.
20071127             Further information on Conspiracy Theory literature can be found AT—WWW9.pair_com/xpoez.
20071127             Die hohe Gesamtinflation sei "1—VERKETTUNG unglücklicher Umstände", sagt COMMERZBANK—CHEFVOLKSWIRT Jörg Krämer.
20071127             "Gleichwohl haben die 3,0 % eine psychologische Wirkung, da gibt es nichts kleinzureden".
20071127             Verbraucherpreise: REKORD—INFLATION treibt Banker in die Zwickmühle
20071127             NAHOST—KONFERENZ: Wortlaut der gemeinsamen Erklärung von Abbas und Olmert
20071127             Krawalle in Frankreich: Quittung für Sarkozys uneingelöste Versprechen
20071127             Vorwurf der Gotteslästerung: Britische Regierung will Auspeitschung von Lehrerin verhindern
20071127             "Das Elegante daran ist, dass wir Berührungsempfindungen über die normalen Nervenbahnen schicken", erklärte PAUL—MARASCO, 1—DER—AUTOREN—DER—STUDIE, der britischen Zeitung "THE—GUARDIAN".
20071127             Der Neurophysiologe ist überzeugt davon, dass die Methode schnell ihren Weg in die Massenproduktion finden wird: Schon in 2—BIS 4—JAHREN, sagte Marasco, dürften fühlende Prothesen "weithin verfügbar" sein.
20071127             Verbraucherpreise: Inflation schnellt auf höchsten Wert —SEIT—13—JAHREN
20071127             Gegenprogramm zu Annapolis: IRAN droht mit neuen Mittelstreckenraketen
20071127             Kreditkrise: KfW erhöht Risikovorsorge um 2,3 Milliarden Euro
20071127             —BEWAHRT, Resistente Nager: Gen, Mäuse vor Krebs
20071127             Kreditkrisen: Millionen Haushalte sitzen in der Schuldenfalle
20071127             Referendum: Dalai Lama will Tibeter über Nachfolge entscheiden lassen
20071127             Krawalle bei PARIS: Sarkozy ruft zur Krisensitzung
20071127             Einladung an Hamas: IRAN plant Gegenveranstaltung zu Annapolis
20071127             ANNAPOLIS—KONFERENZ: Ehud Olmerts doppeltes Spiel
20071127             Neu verlegte Nerven: Künstliche Hand greift und fühlt
20071127             IFO—INDEX: Volkswirte dämpfen Hoffnung auf neuen Aufschwung
20071127             SACHSEN—ANHALT: LKA soll RECHTSEXTREMISMUS—STATISTIK geschönt haben
20071127             Unsere Junta greift gerne mal zu eigentlich für Massenmörder, Geiselnehmer und Terroristen gedachten Maßnahmen -- nicht nur, wenn es um Daten und Datenbanken geht:
20071127             BAYERN setzt SEK zur Festnahme von GRAFFITI—SPRÜHER ein.
20071127             Der Vater darf kein Wort mehr mit seiner schockierten Familie wechseln.
20071127             Die Beamten kommen zur Hausdurchsuchung teilweise mit Maschinenpistole und schusssicherer Weste.
20071127             —BEFÜRCHTET, Offensichtlich wird bewaffneter Widerstand der Familie.
20071127             O-Ton: CHRISTOPHER—LINDNER, Sohn
20071127             "1—DER—POLIZISTEN ist den Berg hoch gerannt und hatte die Maschinenpistole so in der Hand und ist zum Haus gerannt".
20071127             O-Ton: Petra Lindner, Mutter
20071127             "Und zwar hat er eine schusssichere Weste angehabt, 1—MASCHINENPISTOLE und riss JEDE—TÜRE auf.
20071127             —GESICHERT, Toilette !, dann nach vorne durch den Gang, die nächste Tür Bad gesichert!
20071127             und immer im Anschlag seine Maschinenpistole, weiter in die Küche Küche gesichert!".
20071127             Wieso sind diese Leute eigentlich noch im Amt?
20071127             Grund für diese Aktion war: Kurz vor dem Papstbesuch hat jemand das Geburtshaus Ratzingers mit blauer Farbe bespritzt.
20071127             Der Familienvater hatte im Wartezimmer einer Arztpraxis zu einem anderen Patienten gesagt, die 40—MILLIONEN hätte man auch besser investieren können.
20071127             Völlig klar also: das ist unser Mann.
20071127             Gleich SEK hinschicken. O-Ton: Florian Lindner, Sohn
20071127             "Dann ist der Polizist ins Kinderzimmer reingegangen, Habt ihr einen Laptop?. Dann habe ich gesagt ja, habe ich ihm die Schachtel gebracht, dem Polizisten".
20071127             Der kleine Junge zeigt seinen Spielzeuglaptop.
20071127             Statt Mails von AL—QAIDA nur heimisches Liedgut.
20071127             Die Mutter muß dann auch noch ihre Kinder eine halbe Stunde mit den Polizisten allein lassen (?!?) und als sie denen dann sagt, sie sei nervlich am Ende und mit der Situation überfordert, passiert folgendes:
20071127             Aus diesem Grunde machen wir das, damit die Leute von der ganzen Situation her überfordert sind und halt dann Sachen ausplaudern, die sie sonst nicht sagen würden.
20071127             (Danke, Marcel) - HEADLINES
20071127             The Con Men and the Con Man: How the Bush Admininstration Threw Us a "Curveball" on IRAQ -- 1—BUZZFLASH—INTERVIEW
20071127             "My Heart Cries Out for AMERICA -- for What We Have Lost".
20071127             Remembering the Election of AL—GORE and Then THE—MUGGING—OF—DEMOCRACY -- 1—BUZZFLASH—READER—RETURNS to 20010500              20071127             DOCTOR—STRANGELOVE for PRESIDENT? (Yes, we're talking about Fred) 11/27
20071127             11—DEAD in BAGHDAD mass slaying
20071127             Gore in THE—WHITE—HOUSE, Finally -- And, Unlike Bush, He Didn't Have to Steal It.
20071127             IRAQ to Seek LONG—TERM—USA—PRESENCE;
20071127             Look for the strings on the marionettes 11/27
20071127             Hastert submits official resignation letter 11/27
20071127             Zogby Poll: Obama, Edwards Strong but Clinton Slips Against Potential GOP MATCH—UPS
20071127             SAKKA—LAWYER said: "Just like there is money laundering, there is also terrorist laundering and TURKEY was the centre of this".
20071127             According to Sakka, Nawaf AL—HAZMI was 1—VETERAN—OPERATIVE who went on to pilot the plane that hit the Pentagon.
20071127             Although this is at odds with the official account, which says the plane was flown by another hijacker, it is plausible and might answer 1—OF—THE—MYSTERIES—OF—20010911            .
20071127             Big Brother Incorporated Companies List - - Econ Optics Mechanics.
20071127             Intracom SA (Hellenic Telecommunications & Electronics). - - INDIA.
20071127             Bharat Electronics Ltd. ISRAEL.
20071127             Elbit Computers Ltd. BIG BROTHER INCORPORATED
20071127             Intracom SA (Hellenic Telecommunications & Electronics)... Econ Optics /Mechanics SA belongs to THE—GROUP—OF—ECON—INDUSTRIES.
20071127             CRIMES AND CORRUPTION—OF—THE—NEW—WORLD—ORDER—NEWS: 20070803              20071127             FREUD—INFLUENCE was also evident in the thought of his nephew, Edward L Bernays, who helped found THE—FIELD—OF—PUBLIC—RELATIONS.
20071127             BERNAYS, '
20071127             The Credibility Branding Blog: Public Relations
20071127             Comment is free: Rebellion in the ranks UK—SOLDIERS in IRAQ are cheap labour to protect the +FLOW—OF—OIL+...
20071127             And why is it that in AFGHANISTAN Opium production is UP 500% and the British...
20071127             Schätzungen zufolge sterben in Deutschland JEDES—JAHR mehr als - 3300—NICHTRAUCHER durch Passivrauchen.
20071127             Zudem gilt es als verantwortlich für die Entwicklung zahlreicher FÄLLE—VON—HERZPROBLEMEN, Schlaganfällen und CHRONISCH—OBSTRUKTIVEN Lungenerkrankungen (COPD).
20071127             Dass Rauchverbote den Gesundheitszustand ehemaliger Passivraucher deutlich verbessern können, zeigte sich bereits am Beispiel mehrerer Staaten:
20071127             Sowohl in Irland als auch in Schottland waren selbst Experten überrascht angesichts der positiven Auswirkungen auf die GESUNDHEIT—VON—NICHTRAUCHERN, die zuvor starkem Qualm in Kneipen ausgesetzt waren.
20071127             Weitere Artikel: Günter Kowa
20071127             erfährt von Grabungen in Mansfeld, dass MARTIN—LUTHER nicht nur aus besserem Hause stammte als er später zugeben wollte, sondern auch Singvögel aß.
20071127             Der Mediendienst golem
20071127             berichtet, dass der Bundesrat auch der Kulturindustrie Zugriff auf die auf Vorrat gespeicherten Daten einräumen will.
20071127             "Während der BUNDESTAG den Zugriff auf gespeicherte Daten grundsätzlich auf die Erteilung von Auskünften für hoheitliche Zwecke beschränken will,
20071127             drängen die Länder darauf, die Daten auch Rechteinhabern zur Verfügung zu stellen.
20071127             Diese sollen einen zivilrechtlichen Auskunftsanspruch gegenüber INTERNET—PROVIDERN erhalten, also ohne Einschaltung der Staatsanwaltschaft die DATEN—VON—INTERNETNUTZERN bei deren Providern abfragen können".
20071127             Und auf der Medienseite stellt Niklas Hoffmann das politische Blog Huffington Post vor, das meistverlinkte Blog der Welt.
20071127             NORMAN—LEBRECHT—ERZÄHLT, warum die Sopranistin ANNE—SOFIE von Otter auf ihrem neuen Album Lieder aus dem KZ Theresienstadt singt.
20071127             "Nachdem er sich durch Begutachtung von Gersteins Ausweispapieren von dessen Glaubwürdigkeit überzeugt hatte, verbrachte von Otter die nächsten 6—ODER 8—STUNDEN im Gang des Zuges und vernahm den detaillierten Bericht über die Funktionsweise des Völkermordes, über die Gaskammern und die Massengräber.
20071127             Gerstein ließ nichts aus: weder die Namen der verantwortlichen Offiziere noch den Gesichtsausdruck einen kleinen Mädchens, das man nackt in die Todeskammer stieß.
20071127             'Ich habe heute mehr als zehntausend Menschen sterben sehen', schluchzte er".
20071127             NEW—YORK—ABU—DHABI steckt seine Ölmilliarden weiter in den Ausbau von Unternehmensbeteiligungen.
20071127             Wie die Investmentbehörde des Emirats mitteilte, erhält die mit massiven Belastungen durch die USA—KREDITKRISE kämpfende Citigroup 1—FINANZSPRITZE in Höhe von 7,5 Milliarden Dollar.
20071127             Im Gegenzug erhalten die Araber einen Anteil von bis zu 4,9 % an der Bank.
20071127             "Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich die Konjunktur auf hohem Niveau nur allmählich abkühlt", sagte IFO—PRÄSIDENT—HANS—WERNER—SINN.
20071127             IFO—KONJUNKTUREXPERTE Hans Günter Russ sagte, trotz des starken Euro sei kein Einbruch bei den Exporten der deutschen Unternehmen zu befürchten.
20071127             Die Exporterwartungen seien weiter positiv.
20071127             "Der Euro ist für die Firmen nicht so gefährlich wie vielfach angenommen", sagte Russ.
20071127             Die Exporte würden viel stärker leiden, wenn in den Abnehmerländern die Konjunktur im kommenden Jahr deutlich an Dynamik verlieren sollte.
20071127             Die Opposition bezichtigte die Regierung, seit den wochenlangen Jugendkrawallen —VOR—2—JAHREN nichts zur Verbesserung der Lage in den Vorstädten getan zu haben.
20071127             Der öffentliche Dienst habe sich aus den Vorstädten zurückgezogen, sagte der sozialistische Abgeordnete Arnaud Montebourg.
20071127             Die "Nachbarschaftspolizei" sei abgeschafft worden.
20071127             In den heißen Vierteln stehe man "einer Bevölkerung gegenüber, die kein Vertrauen mehr in die Institutionen" habe.
20071127             Krawalle bei PARIS: Randalierer schießen scharf auf Polizisten
20071127             —VERBESSERT, IFO—INDEX: Geschäftsklima, sich überraschend
20071127             Milliardenschwere Beteiligung: Araber steigen bei der Citigroup ein
20071127             Neue Technik: Tomograf macht Folgen des Passivrauchens sichtbar
20071127             Vermisster Millionär: Familie will STEVE—FOSSETT für tot erklären lassen
20071127             Künftiges EU—EINSATZGEBIET: Hunderte Tote bei Gefechten im Tschad
20071127             CHINA—POLITIK: Industrie verlangt von Merkel Kuschelkurs
20071127             Straßenschlachten in Pariser Vororten: Brennende Barrikaden und SCHROTSCHÜSSE—DUTZENDE Polizisten verletzt
20071127             —VERLOREN, Die Papiere von FREDDIE—MAC, mehr als 7 %, die Anteilsscheine von Fannie Mae sanken mehr als 10 %.
20071127             Herabstufung der größten europäischen BANK—HSBC
20071127             —VERLOREN, Die Aktien von MORGAN—STANLEY, 3,9 %, die Papiere der BANK—OF—AMERICAN—GABEN 2,9 % ab.
20071127             Einem Bericht des USA—FERNSEHSENDERS CNBC zufolge könnte die größte BANK—DER—USA bis zu 45.000—STELLEN streichen.
20071127             Die alten Sorgen über die Finanzinstitutionen und die Rezession am Häusermarkt seien wieder da.
20071127             New BAE destroyer launches today on the Clyde
20071127—19420800    —IM, Ihr Vater hatte als Diplomat von dem SS—MANN KURT—GERSTEIN von den Ausmaßen des Holocaust erfahren.
20071127—20071212    —AGREED, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—OLMERT and PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—ABBAS, to launch formal talks and committed to negotiating 1—PEACE—TREATY by the end of 20080000            .
20071127—20200000    —AB, ROHSTOFF—PROGNOSE: Erdölförderung soll spätestens sinken
20071214—20071127    —REPORTED, State media, 1—GIRL, 7—JAHRE—ALT was hospitalized and
20080709             HOUSE—OF—COMMONS—HANSARD—DEBATES for 19921127              Can THE—MINISTER say whether THE—IRAQ—CAPACITY to make chemical weapons was... introduced MARK—THATCHER to the arms dealer SARKIS—SOGHANALIAN in the...
20080912—20081127    —ON, prosecutors charged 1—MUNICIPAL—POLICE—COMMANDER and 1 alleged drug cartel member with homicide in the September massacre.
20081127             AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI said on —WEDNESDAY he would bring down USA planes bombing villages if he could,
20081127             Aufklärungsarbeit - HANS—CHRISTIAN Ströbele von den Grünen erklärte, er wolle wissen, was der BND mit milit&
20081127             in 1—SIGN—OF growing tension between AFGHANISTAN and its Western backers as the Taliban insurgency grows in strength.
20081127             Continue - MACY—HELD its 82. Thanksgiving Day parade in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20081127             —PLUNGED, An SUV, off 1—OVERPASS in NORTH—COLORADO and hit 1—CONCRETE—EMBANKMENT in 1—FIERY crash, killing all 7—PEOPLE inside it, including 2—YOUNG—CHILDREN.
20081127             1—SPORT—UTILITY—VEHICLE carrying 8—PEOPLE from TEXAS plunged off 1 unfinished bridge into 1—RIVER in NORTH—MEXICO, causing the death of 3—ADULTS and 4—CHILDREN.
20081127             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 2—UK—TROOPS were, after being fired at by insurgents while on patrol.
20081127             1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER targeting 1—USA—CONVOY exploded about 200—YARDS (meters) outside THE—USA—EMBASSY in KABUL, killing at least 4—AFGHANISTAN—BYSTANDERS as people entered the compound for 1—THANKSGIVING—DAY—RACE.
20081127             —FIRED, NATO—LED troops, on insurgents inside PAKISTAN.
20081127             —KILLED, The artillery attacks, several insurgents and caused several secondary explosions, indicating THE—PRESENCE—OF—AMMUNITION at the locations.
20081127             THE—UNITED—NATIONS—DRUG—TSAR—SAID—THE—TALIBAN and other warlords could clear almost half 1—BILLION dollars from AFGHANISTAN—OPIUM trade this year, money that will help finance insurgent attacks.
20081127             —PULLED, CHINA, assailants allegedly, MEMBERS—OF—1—BELGIUM—TELEVISION crew from their vehicle, beat them and took their notes and money.
20081127             —ASKED, VRT, for compensation for damaged equipment, 1—APOLOGY to the journalists and 1—GUARANTEE that the journalists will be able to work safely.
20081127             More than 10,000 CONGO—CIVILIANS fled to UGANDA in 1—MATTER—OF—HOURS to escape renewed fighting.
20081127             1—AIRBUS A320 passenger plane crashed off FRANCE—SOUTHERN—COAST during 1—MAINTENANCE—FLIGHT, killing 3—PEOPLE and leaving THE—4—OTHERS on BOARD missing.
20081127             GERMANY—DEFENSE—MINISTER laid the foundation stone for the 1. national memorial in BERLIN, designed by GERMANY—ARCHITECT ANDREAS—MECK, to soldiers killed serving in the country's POST—WWII military.
20081127             —RAIDED, BLACK—CLAD INDIA—COMMANDOES, 2—LUXURY—HOTELS to try to free hostages, and explosions and gunshots shook Mumbai, INDIA—FINANCIAL—CAPITAL, 1—DAY after suspected Muslim militants killed 110—PEOPLE.
20081127             —APPROVED, IRAQ—PARLIAMENT, 1—SECURITY—PACT with THE—USA—THAT lets USA—TROOPS stay in the country for 3—MORE—YEARS, setting 1—CLEAR—TIMETABLE for 1—USA exit for the 1. time since 20030000             —THE invasion.
20081127             1—COURT—INSIDE—MYANMAR—NOTORIOUS—INSEIN prison sentenced 1—COMEDIAN who has criticized the government's cyclone response to 14—MORE—YEARS, bringing his total prison term to 59—YEARS, his lawyer said.
20081127             Comedian and activist Zarganar was given a 45-year prison sentence last week after he was convicted on charges related to interviews he gave to foreign media outlets.
20081127             —RESUMED, SOUTH—KOREA—SUPERMARKET chains, selling USA beef, nearly —5—MONTHS—AFTER the government lifted 1—IMPORT ban imposed over fears of mad cow disease.
20081127             —ANNOUNCED, SPAIN—PRIME—MINISTER, an ?11—BILLION ($14—BILLION) stimulus plan to revive the country's flagging economy.
20081127             SPAIN, novelist JUAN—MARSE, 75—JAHRE—ALT, known for his DESCRIPTIONS—OF—HARDSHIP in Catalonia during THE—SPAIN—CIVIL—WAR (19360000—19390000    ), won the Cervantes Prize, THE—SPAIN—SPEAKING world's highest literary prize.
20081127             —PREPARED, THAILAND—GOVERNMENT, to crack down on protesters occupying the capital's 2—AIRPORTS, but called on the public not to panic as rumors of 1—COUP swept through the city.
20081127             —OPENED, YEMEN—SECURITY—TROOPS in San'a, fire on THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS calling for 1—BOYCOTT—OF—APRIL parliamentary elections, wounding 1—NUMBER—OF—DEMONSTRATORS.
20081127             Security Stepped Up on NEW—YORK Subways After FBI Warning of...
20081127             AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI said on —WEDNESDAY he would bring down USA—PLANES bombing villages if he could, in 1—SIGN—OF growing tension between AFGHANISTAN and its Western backers as the Taliban insurgency grows in strength.
20081127             HANS—CHRISTIAN Ströbele von den Grünen erklärte, er wolle wissen, was der BND mit militärischer Aufklärung zu tun habe und mit welchem Auftrag die Festgenommenen unterwegs gewesen seien.
20081127             Er wolle auch wissen, ob 1—INTRIGENSPIEL oder Verstrickungen mit Aktivitäten nationalistischer Gruppen 1—ROLLE spielten.
20081127             Er wolle auch die Beschuldigten anhören, sobald sie wieder in Deutschland seien.
20081127             Obama on Thanksgiving: 'A New and Brighter Day Is Yet To Come'
20081127             —HELPED, Background: Islamic terrorism, bring ISRAEL, INDIA together - JERUSALEM POST—BY- HERB KEINON
20081127             The Islamic extremist terrorism behind the carnage in Mumbai has, ironically, been 1—OF—THE—ENGINES behind INDO—ISRAEL—TIES, which have
20081127             DOCTOR—PEPPER and Rocker in 1—WAR—OF—HYPE
20081127             Massacre in Mumbai: 24—HOURS—OF—CARNAGE leave 120—DEAD - GUARDIAN—CO—UK -
20081127             —STORMED, INDIA—SOLDIERS, the last HIDEOUTS—OF—ISLAMIST—MILITANTS in Mumbai today after 1—DAY—OF—BLOODY—CONFRONTATION that left 120—DEAD, hundreds injured and the country's PRIME—MINISTER pointing the finger of blame at "external forces".
20081127             With 1—SUBSTANTIAL—MAJORITY, THE—IRAQ—PARLIAMENT on —THURSDAY ratified 1—SWEEPING security agreement with THE—USA—THAT—SETS 1—COURSE for THE—END—OF—THE—WAR and marks the beginning of 1—NEW...
20081127             IRAQ—PARLIAMENT approves landmark USA—MILITARY pact
20081127             Clues suggest homegrown terrorists in INDIA attack
20081127             The attack on INDIA—FINANCIAL—CAPITAL—BEARS—ALL THE—TRADEMARKS—OF—AL—QAIDA—SIMULTANEOUS—ASSAULTS meant to kill scores of Westerners in iconic BUILDINGS—BUT clues so far point to homegrown INDIA—TERRORISTS, global intelligence...
20081127             Mumbai Attack is OBAMA—1. INTERNATIONAL Challenge
20081127             Wer hier wie ich nur die Überschrift las, hat was verpasst.
20081127             —KLASSIFIZIERT, CHINA, Internetsucht als psychische Störung, aber der Hintergrund ist folgender: die Volksbefreiungsarmee hat hat Nachwuchsprobleme.
20081127             Immer mehr junge Menschen wollen sich nicht im Militär verheizen lassen.
20081127             Gleichzeitig nimmt die Internetnutzung rapide zu.
20081127             —DEKLARIERT, Lösung: man, Internetsucht zur Krankheit, und die Heilung ist einfach: Die HÄLFTE—DER—SÜCHTIGEN könne man mit psychologischer Beratung, militärischem Training oder einer anderen regelmäßigen Beschäftigung mit vielen Übungen, aber ohne Medikamente heilen.
20081127             Those crafty Chinese!
20081127             Anderthalb Tonnen Kokain in ISRAEL sichergestellt.
20081127             So schlecht kann es der Weltwirtschaft gar nicht gehen, dass es den Drogenschmugglern schlecht ginge.
20081127             Na toll.
20081127             Die SPD kann sogar am Boden liegend noch umfallen.
20081127             —SIGNALISIERT, SPD in Bund und Ländern, rasche Einigung beim BKA—GESETZ.
20081127             Das hat ja nicht lange auf sich warten lassen.
20081127             Darüber hinaus fordert die SPD formale Korrekturen bei der Befugnis zum EINSATZ—DES—BUNDESTROJANERS.
20081127             "Die Akzeptanz der umstrittenen ONLINE—DURCHSUCHUNG muss in der Öffentlichkeit durch Richtervorbehalt und Richterprüfung erhöht werden", konstatierte Körting.
20081127             Und da sieht man mal wieder, worum es geht.
20081127             Nicht darum, ob das rechtens ist, ob das verfassungskonform ist, ob wir das überhaupt brauchen oder ob das sinnvoll ist.
20081127             Nein.
20081127             Es geht darum, die "Akzeptanz" im Volk zu steigern.
20081127             Sie haben halt mal ein paar Fokusgruppen gefragt, und die kleinste Pappkonzession, mit der sie haarscharf die MEHRHEIT—DER—UNINFORMIERTEN—DEPPEN auf ihre Seite bringen konnten, war der Richtervorbehalt.
20081127             Wie toll der Richtervorbehalt vor Willkür schützt, kann man prima an den Statistiken zu Hausdurchsuchungen und Lauschangriffen sehen.
20081127             Da wird Größenordnung 1—PROMILLE abgelehnt, wenn es hochkommt.
20081127             Und auch aus einem ganz einfachen Grund: wenn der RICHTER—EINEN—ANTRAG annimmt, muss er nur unterschreiben, dauert 10—SEKUNDEN.
20081127             Wenn er ablehnt, muss er das begründen, das dauert 20—MINUTEN.
20081127             Wenn 1—RICHTER abends nach Hause will und da liegen noch 20—ANTRÄGE auf sinnlose Massnahmen, dann könnt ihr euch ja mal überlegen, wie toll der die Einzelfälle prüfen wird.
20081127             Update : Burks liefert gerade unfreiwillig ein tolles Beispiel dafür, wie wenig der Richtervorbehalt in der Praxis wert ist.
20081127             —INVESTIERT, Hey, wisst ihr, wo die KfW noch so fett, hatte?
20081127             ISLAND,!
20081127             So langsam muss man die KfW ja mal als Krisenindikator nehmen und deren sonstige Investments auch alle veröffentlichen, die platzen dann wahrscheinlich auch in den nächsten Tagen...
20081127             In 1—STATEMENT—NATO—SECRETARY—GENERAL—JAAP—DE—HOOP—SCHEFFER has said: Attacking innocent people,
20081127             —COORDINATED, These, attacks on innocent civilians demonstrate the grave and urgent THREAT—OF—TERRORISM.
20081127             PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT—ASIF—ALI—ZARDARI and PRIME—MINISTER—SYED—YOUSUF—RAZA—GILANI strongly condemned the attacks.
20081127             —STRESSED, In separate messages, PRESIDENT—ZARDARI, the need for strict measures to eradicate terrorism and extremism from the region.
20081127             —URGED, Gilani, the need for concerted efforts to make the region 1—PEACEFUL—PLACE to live.
20081127             1—STATEMENT on behalf of PAKISTAN Foreign MINISTER—MAKHDOOM—SHAH—MAHMOOD—QURESHI said: "Terrorism is 1—MENACE threatening humanity and humanity should join hands in fighting this scourge. PAKISTAN condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. PAKISTAN itself has suffered BECAUSE—OF—TERRORISM and sacrificed much in fighting this threat. The foreign MINISTER also expressed deep condolences with the bereaved families".
20081127             "We will take up strongly with our neighbors that the use of their territory for launching attacks on us will not be tolerated and that there would be 1—COST if suitable measures are not taken by them".
20081127             PAKISTAN—FOREIGN—MINISTER: "Terrorism is 1—MENACE threatening humanity"
20081127             "Christine Fair, 1—EXPERT at RAND Corporation says Mumbai attacks are not INDIA's 20010911              and it is their domestic problem. Oh yeah, expertise!..".
20081127             TRAGIC—HAITI - slums overrun with rape; MANY—VICTIMS are women under
20081127             economic crisis - will lead to civil war in THE—USA
20081127             MISS—NBC: INDIA Sees 'External Link' in Mumbai Rampage - das ist wirklich traurig.
20081127             Für viele wurden die alten Medien zum Feind, statt der Terroristen".
20081127             Wer dagegen wirklich glänzte, waren die Aggregatoren all der Nachrichtenströme, die da nun durchs Netz rauschten:
20081127             Sowohl Wikipedia als auch die redaktionell gesteuerte Suchmaschine Mahalo legten rasend schnell exzellente Seiten mit ständig aktualisierten Informationen über die Anschläge an,
20081127             das BÜRGERJOURNALISMUS—PORTAL
20081127             NowPublic aggregierte BLOG—EINTRÄGE, Fotos, Videos, Nachrichtenartikel und nicht zuletzt Links zu den Livestreams der lokalen indischen Nachrichtensender.
20081127             Wenn die Maschinen der großen Nachrichtenorganisationen einmal angelaufen SIND—DAS zeigte sich nun ERNEUT—SIND sie immer noch das Maß der Dinge.
20081127             Ist das echt, oder ist es IRGENDEIN—KERL aus BALTIMORE, der sich ein bisschen SOCIAL—MEDIA—SPAß gönnt, und versucht, bei zu landen?"
20081127             Tatsächlich, schreibt Malbon, habe er als TWITTER—LESER einen "inkohärenten, von Gerüchten angetriebenen Mob" vor sich gehabt.
20081127             Der Australischen Zeitung "The Age" zufolge tauchten die 1. "Tweets" über die Anschläge schon Stunden vor den 1. TV—BERICHTEN zum Thema auf.
20081127             Der MICROBLOGGING—DIENST hat in derartigen Situationen einen entscheidenden VORTEIL—ER verlangt nur kürzeste Äußerungen (maximal 140—ZEICHEN) und lässt sich per Handy bedienen.
20081127             Das soziale Netz hängte die alten Medien einmal mehr ab, was die Verbreitung und Verarbeitung von Nachrichten ANGING—WENN auch nur kurzfristig.
20081127             Die technikaffine junge Elite im ZENTRUM—DER—INDISCHEN—FINANZMETROPOLE nutzte ganz selbstverständlich digitale Kommunikationsmittel, um 1. Kurznachrichten über die Ereignisse vor Ort abzusetzen
20081127             "unmenschlichen Bedingungen",
20081127             Der AUSSCHUSS—VORSITZENDE THOMAS—OPPERMANN (SPD) sprach von "unmenschlichen Bedingungen", unter denen die Männer —SEIT—9—TAGEN festgehalten würden.
20081127             Eulex arbeite zu serbischen Bedingungen und werde von den Albanern abgelehnt.
20081127             —BEKANNT, Stattdessen hat sich eine unbekannte Gruppierung zu der Tat.
20081127             In den USA konnte Thomson seinen Patentanspruch dagegen schon frühzeitig durchsetzen.
20081127             Den Plan, damit viel Geld zu verdienen, hat nun aber das Europäische Patentamt (EPA) in München durchkreuzt.
20081127             In einer am —DONNERSTAG veröffentlichten Grundsatzentscheidung legten die Patentwächter fest, dass Stammzellkulturen, für deren Herstellung Embryonen zerstört wurden, nicht patentierbar sind.
20081127             Der Amerikaner JAMES—THOMSON, der als 1. Forscher weltweit embryonale Stammzellen des Menschen kultiviert hatte, und die UNIVERSITY—OF—WISCONSIN, hatten den Patentantrag gestellt.
20081127             Die Große Beschwerdekammer des EPA lehnte ihn nun jedoch ab.
20081127             Eine gewerbliche Verwertung würde "gegen die öffentliche Ordnung oder die guten Sitten verstoßen", teilte das Patentamt mit.
20081127             —BEKENNT, BND—AFFÄRE: Unbekannte Gruppe, sich zu Anschlag im Kosovo
20081127             Ägypten: Muslimische Extremisten attackieren Kirche in Kairo
20081127             Terror in Mumbai: Soldaten kämpfen um Geiseln in Luxushotels
20081127             BND—AFFÄRE im Kosovo: Regierungschef Thaçi will sich in BERLIN entschuldigen
20081127             Sicherheitsabkommen: Irakisches Parlament stimmt für Abzug der USA—TRUPPEN
20081127             Verluste durch Finanzkrise: UBS prüft Klagen gegen eigene Manager
20081127             Folgen der Anschläge: Indiens Wirtschaft fürchtet Einbruch von Auslandsinvestitionen
20081127             Psychologie: Menschen ordnen Autos Persönlichkeiten zu
20081127             Angst vor der Deflation: Fallende PREISE—GEFAHR für Deutschland
20081127             T-MOBILE Datenskandal: Telekom bekräftigt Anspruch auf konkrete Auskünfte
20081127             Grundsatzurteil: Patente auf embryonale Stammzellen abgelehnt
20081127             —GEWEIGERT, Wenn 1—BANK sich, hätte, mit Subprimes, mit minderwertigen Darlehen, zu handeln, hätte sie zumachen können.
20081127             Analysten hätten sie heruntergestuft, weil sie weniger Profit als die Konkurrenz machte.
20081127             Die Börse ermuntert die Leute, Risiken einzugehen, die von den Analysten nicht entdeckt werden.
20081127             Ökonomen bezeichnen dies als exogenen Vorfall und behaupten, es sei unmöglich, ihn zu untersuchen.
20081127             Aber kein ökonomisches Modell berücksichtigt das.
20081127             Das System hat zu VIELE—SUPERREICHE hervorgebracht, und sie leiden jetzt am meisten unter der Finanzkrise.
20081127             The situation is desperate, but not SERIOUS—AS the Habsburgs used to say.
20081127             —CROSSED, Fingers. Sticking together is imperative.
20081127             Monetary policy is failing to get traction because the credit system has broken down.
20081127             This is 1—UTTER fiasco.
20081127             Die DDR war 1—GESELLSCHAFT mit einem hohen Maß an Gleichheit, wo die Einkommen allenfalls zwischen 1—UND 6—DIFFERIERTEN (in der heutigen BRD zwischen 1—UND 20000000              ).
20081127             Die in 1—ENTEIGNUNGSZENTRALE verwandelte THA zerstörte mit einer radikalen Privatisierung die Industrielandschaft Ostdeutschlands und verschleuderte das Volkseigentum.
20081127             Dabei machte sie aus dem von Detlef Carsten Rohwedder auf 600—MILLIARDEN DM geschätzten Vermögen der volkseigenen Betriebe 270—MILLIARDEN DM Schulden.5
20081127             Die industrielle Produktion verringerte sich
20081127             TERROR IN INDIEN: MUMBAI—TERRORISTEN stellen Obama auf die Probe
20081127             Arbeitslosenzahl nochmals rückläufig: Weise: Abschwung erfasst bald den Arbeitsmarkt
20081127             KARLSRUHE zu Atommüll: Zwischenlager sind zulässig
20081127             —SCHMIERT, Stimmung auf 15-Jahrestief: EURO—ZONE, ab
20081127             Rückenwind aus AMERIKA: Dax auf Klettertour
20081127             Sophisticated Attacks, but AL—QAEDA—LINK—DISPUTED
20081127             Fascism Rising in Central and EAST—EUROPE?
20081127             GENERAL—MOTORS plant den Befreiungsschlag
20081127             GEFÄNGNIS—MEMOIREN: "Meine 247—TAGE im Knast".
20081127             Folter, Schlafentzug und DROGEN—MARCO—W bricht sein Schweigen - UBS—PRÄSIDENT—KURER wirbt um Vertrauen
20081127             Grünes Licht für Schweizer SCHENGEN—ASSOZIIERUNG
20081127             SP—PRÄSIDENT—LEVRAT stellt Fragen an UBS—PRÄSIDENT—KURER
20081127             —GESUNKEN, Arbeitsmarkt: Arbeitslosenzahl weiter - Finanzkrise: BayernLB braucht mehr Geld
20081127             200—MILLIARDEN—EURO—KONJUNKTURPROGRAMM: EU übertrumpft deutsche Vorstellungen
20081127             Laut einer in dem Dokument zitierten Prognose des Unternehmens Goldman Sachs wird die Arbeitslosenrate in den USA ENDE—DES—KOMMENDEN—JAHRES bei 9 % liegen.
20081127             In dem Bericht wird unter Berücksichtigung dieser Angaben prognostiziert, dass die ZAHL—DER—IN—ARMUT lebenden Amerikaner zwischen 7,5 und 10—MILLIONEN liegen wird.
20081127             Wie es heißt, werden 2,6 bis 3,3 Millionen Kinder in Armut leben.
20081127             Das geht aus einem Bericht des Zentrums für Haushalt und Prioritäten der POLITIK—DER—USA hervor.
20081127             Gegen Frühjahr wird aber klar, dass es kein Wunder gibt", so Panarin.
20081127             Das ist 1—PYRAMIDE, die unbedingt einstürzen wird".
20081127             "Die USA—WIRTSCHAFT bricht bereits zusammen. Infolge der Finanzkrise existieren 3—DER ältesten und größten WALL—STREET—BANKEN nicht mehr, 2—WEITERE kämpfen um ihr Überleben. Ihre Verluste sind die größten in der Geschichte", so Panarin.
20081127             "Nun geht es um einen Wechsel des Regulierungssystems in globalem Maßstab. AMERIKA wird nicht mehr der WELT—REGULATOR sein".
20081127             Der USA—SCHATZBRIEF—MARKT bricht zusammen.
20081127             Wenn die Regierung Schulden macht, dann läuft das über Schatzbriefe.
20081127             Schatzbriefe finanzieren also u.a. den Bailout gerade.
20081127             Die Zinsen, die man für die Schatzbriefe kriegt, sind praktisch 0—GERADE.
20081127             Dazu kommt, dass der Dollar nicht gerade stabil ist.
20081127             Man kriegt also wahrscheinlich weniger Geld raus, als man reinsteckt.
20081127             Dementsprechend gering ist der Enthusiasmus gerade.
20081127             There is 1—EVEN more pressing concern for MANY—PARTICIPANTS in this increasingly swollen market: the settlement system has broken down.
20081127             —FOLLOWING the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September, fails to deliver among THE—17—PRIMARY—DEALERS in THE—USA—TREASURY—MARKET have rocketed to more than $2—TRILLION over 1—PERIOD—OF—WEEKS and still lie above $1.3—TRILLION.
20081127             —STOPPED, Broker/dealers have, delivering bonds.
20081127             —SCARED, HOLDERS—OF—USA treasuries are now, to lend into the repo market in case their bonds are not returned, and potential buyers sit on the sidelines fearful of handing over their money to 1—COUNTERPARTY that at best might not deliver 1—BOND on time, and at worst might go under.
20081127             —VERLOREN, Wirtschaftskrise: CHINA soll schon MILLIONEN—VON—ARBEITSPLÄTZEN, haben.
20081127             Yin Weimin, CHINA—SOCIAL—SECURITY—MINISTER, has revealed that employment is the Communist PARTY—NUMBER 1—CONCERN in the downturn and said the "situation is critical".
20081127             —EXPECTED, Unemployment is, to rise from 4pc to 4.5pc by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR and anecdotal reports have suggested that 3m people have already been fired in the industrial PROVINCE—OF—ZHEJIANG alone.
20081127             2—MAJOR—PROVINCES, Shandong and Hubei, have already responded by banning companies from firing staff without permission from the government.
20081127             Die Russen sehen die USA kurz vor dem Zusammenbruch.
20081127             Der Dekan der Diplomatischen Akademie des russischen Aussenministeriums prognostiziert das schon länger.
20081127             —BEKANNT, Die Argumente sind hinlänglich : der Dollar ist durch nichts gedeckt, der Schuldenberg kann nie auf normalem Wege abgebaut werden, WALL—STREET ist pleite.
20081127             In dieser Rolle könnten die USA "von CHINA als Land mit riesigen Reserven und von Russland als einem Land, das als Regulator in Eurasien agieren könnte, abgelöst werden".
20081127             Als Ursachen für den möglichen Zerfall der Vereinigten Staaten nannte er erstens die zunehmenden Finanzprobleme.
20081127             "Diese werden zunehmen. MILLIONEN—VON—BÜRGERN haben ihre Ersparnisse eingebüßt. Die Preise und die Arbeitslosigkeit werden steigen. GENERAL—MOTORS und Ford stehen am Rande des Zusammenbruchs. Das bedeutet, dass ganze Städte arbeitslos werden".
20081127             " Bisher wurde die Unzufriedenheit von den Wahlen und der Hoffnung darauf gebremst, dass Obama 1—WUNDER vollbringen wird. Gegen Frühjahr wird aber klar, dass es kein Wunder gibt", so Panarin.
20081127             Recht hat er.
20081127             Und für die Amis gibt es nicht VIELE—OPTIONEN gerade.
20081127             Sie können da Polizeistaat hochfahren und sie können endlose Kriege führen.
20081127             "Wir müssen die Seile abhauen, die uns an die FINANZ—'TITANIC' binden, weil sie nach meiner Ansicht schon bald sinken wird", betonte der Experte.
20081127             Amen.
20081127             Die Australische Polizei hat 1—FIRMA beauftragt, Webseiten und Emails von Aktivisten zu überwachen.
20081127             —HIRED, The company was, to monitor and report on THE—INTERNET—ACTIVITIES—OF—ANTI—WAR—CAMPAIGNERS, animal rights activists, environmental campaigners, and other protest groups, Fairfax Media reported.
20081127             Huge Cave Bears: When and Why They Disappeared
20081127             —DURING the Middle Ages, the bones of cave bears, thought to be the remains of dragons, were collected and used for medicine, the researchers say.
20081127             anders als noch in der 1. BUSH—AMTSZEIT.
20081127             und erinnert daran, dass auch EX—PRÄSIDENTEN wie BILL—CLINTON oder GEORGE—W—BUSH früh auf Terroranschläge reagieren mussten.
20081127             Die Möglichkeit einer TERROR—ATTACKE in der Übergangsphase ist von USA—SICHERHEITSKREISEN immer wieder durchgespielt worden.
20081127             Immer mehr Amerikanern kommt angesichts dieser Herausforderung die Wartefrist bis zum
20081127             ist die schwierige Übergangsphase in WASHINGTON nun noch komplizierter geworden.
20081127             "Wenn sich die Terrorgefahr nach PAKISTAN und AFGHANISTAN auch auf den wichtigen USA—VERBÜNDETEN Indien ausdehnt, ist das 1—RIESENPROBLEM für die USA", sagte EX—PRÄSIDENTENBERATER DAVID—GERGEN auf.
20081127             Eigentlich sah alles schon nach Feiertagsstimmung aus.
20081127             Obama ließ verlauten: "Diese koordinierten Attacken auf unschuldige Zivilisten unterstreichen die ernste und dringende TERROR—GEFAHR.
20081127             THAILAND—KRISE: Demonstranten besetzen 2. Flughafen in BANGKOK
20081127             Investitionsstau: Opelaner bangen um BOCHUM—WERK
20081127             Abschwung: Panasonic droht massiver Gewinneinbruch
20081127             Made in Bangladesch: Warum die Jeans von Lidl und Co. so billig sind
20081127             ANDREA—BÖHM und Heinrich Wefing: Wer ist hier der Pirat?
20081127             Die Zeit, NUMBER 49
20081127             kein - i ncreased at 1—DIZZYING pace since the countries established diplomatic ties.
20081127—20080630    —BY, Under the security pact, USA—FORCES will withdraw from IRAQ—TOWNS and cities and
20081127—20090000    —BY AUTUMN—WAR—RUSSIA—PROFESSOR predicts
20081127—20120101    —BY, the entire country.
20081212—20081127    —BECAME, SWITZERLAND, the 25. MEMBER—OF—THE—PASSPORT—FREE—ZONE—OF—THE—SCHENGEN countries, after interior and justice ministers of THE—27—EU member states formally approved the accession of this NON—EU country.
20091127             "DC Confidential", 20050000             ,
20091127—19590500    —IN, "I do not contend," he told This Week magazine ,
20091127             "1—OF—THE—GREATEST—CATASTROPHES in THE—HISTORY—OF—THE—USA" was both predictable and preventable, MISTER—GAGLIANO testified.
20091127             "that driving people crazy even for 1—FEW hours is 1—PLEASANT—PROSPECT.
20091127             1—USA—JUDGE has ruled that negligence by THE—USA—ARMY—CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS led to massive floods in PARTS—OF—NEW—ORLEANS as Hurricane Katrina struck 20050000            .
20091127             But warfare is never pleasant… would you rather be temporarily deranged… by 1—CHEMICAL—AGENT, or burned alive…?"
20091127             Device spells doom for superbugs By JASON—PALMER - Don't call this 1—NATURAL—DISASTER.
20091127             —ARGUED, Government lawyers have, the system had been overwhelmed
20091127             Herschel 'fingerprints' huge star
20091127             It is unclear to me what exact legal form the agreement with THE—USA will have.
20091127             It's 1—MAN—MADE disaster, and everyone in NEW—ORLEANS knows that," NEW—ORLEANS screenwriter JOHN—BIGUENET said recently.
20091127             —MEANWHILE, back at the ranch, MAJOR—GENERAL—WILLIAM—CREASY,
20091127             —DEMONSTRATED, Researchers have, 1—PROTOTYPE device that can rid hands,
20091127             Science and technology reporter, BBC News
20091127             Staatskonzern: BAHN—GEWINN bricht 20090000              dramatisch ein
20091127             They could potentially be based on THE—EU—CURRENT,
20091127             To my knowledge it will probably not require ANY—RATIFICATION by national parliaments.
20091127             —RULED, USA—DISTRICT—JUDGE—STANWOOD—DUVAL, "negligent failure" to maintain THE—MISSISSIPPI RIVER—GULF Outlet - 1—SHIPPING—CHANNEL—HAD led to flooding in the city's Lower 9. Ward and nearby St BERNARD—PARISH.
20091127             CHIEF—OFFICER—OF—THE—ARMY—CHEMICAL—CORPS at the time,
20091127             drew sharp criticism from SOME—MINISTERS and lawmakers who accused him of 1—LACK—OF—DISCRETION,
20091127             even though its released was approved by officials.
20091127             feet, or even underarms of bacteria, including the hospital superbug MISTER—S—A
20091127             felt that psychoactive chemicals such as LSD would be THE—WEAPONS—OF—THE—FUTURE.
20091127             rather strict data protection legislation.
20091127             Tiger Woods ran his SUV into 1—FIRE hydrant and 1—TREE outside his FLORIDA home.
20091127             —CLAIMED, This took place just days after the National Enquirer, he had 1—AFFAIR with RACHEL—UCHITEL, THE—33—YEAR—OLD—GOLF champ.
20091127             1—REPORT soon followed in Us Weekly magazine of 1—COCKTAIL waitress claiming to have had a 31-month affair with Woods.
20091127             —RETURNED, Space shuttle Atlantis and its 7—ASTRONAUTS, to Earth with 1—SMOOTH touchdown at Cape CANAVERAL—FLORIDA, to end an "amazing" flight that resupplied THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20091127             Bess.
20091127             L. Hawes (19210000              *), CO—WRITER—OF—THE—POLITICAL—WHIMSICAL hit "Charlie on the MTA'' (19480000             ), † in PORTLAND, Ore.
20091127             —CALLED, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI, on the Taliban and other extremist groups to lay down their weapons and participate in rebuilding the battered country, as PART—OF—RECONCILIATION—EFFORTS he has said will be his main objective during his 2. term.
20091127             —SURVIVED, Turyalai Wesa, THE—GOVERNOR—OF—KANDAHAR province, 1—ASSASSINATION—ATTEMPT when 1—BOMB targeting his convoy exploded as he headed for prayers.
20091127             1—AFGHAN—RED—CRESCENT official in Takhar province was shot to death in 1—APPARENT—ATTEMPT to settle 1—LONG—STANDING dispute.
20091127             —DETAINED, Police, 1—FATHER, his son and 1—NEPHEW.
20091127             1—NATO—OFFICIAL said alliance nations may increase their fighting force in AFGHANISTAN by up to 6,000 soldiers in response to PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA'S expected call for 30,000 additional USA and allied service members.
20091127             —PACKED, SOUTH—BANGLADESH, THE—MV Coco-4, 1—TRIPLE—DECK ferry, with HUNDREDS—OF—TRAVELERS heading home for 1—ISLAMIC—FESTIVAL, capsized on the Tetulia River as passengers disembarked, leaving at least 77—DEAD and dozens missing.
20091127             —AGREED, CHINA and JAPAN, to conduct their 1. joint military training exercise, in the latest sign of warming ties between THE—ASIA—NEIGHBORS, long marked by mutual suspicion and spats over 1—RANGE—OF—ISSUES.
20091127             —WANTED, CHINA, JUSTIN—FRANCHI—SOLONDZ, 1—USA—MAN, in THE—USA on terrorism charges, was sentenced in DALI city, Yunnan province, for making illegal drugs.
20091127             —LISTED, THE—FBI OFFICE—IN—SEATTLE, Solondz among its "most wanted".
20091127             —ACCUSED—OF, Solondz was, having 1—ROLE in THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—1—HORTICULTURE center at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—WASHINGTON, as well as THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—SEVERAL buildings in OREGON.
20091127             —TRAPPED, NORTH—EAST—CHINA, flooding, 16—COAL miners in JILIN province.
20091127             † In CONGO DRC 4—PEOPLE when 1—JAIL—CELL—WALL fell on them during 1 attempted prison escape in KINSHASA.
20091127             —BURNED, GUATEMALA, 1—MOB—OF some 400—RESIDENTS in Solola, to death 2—MEN and 1—WOMAN suspected of killing 1—LOCAL—BUS—DRIVER.
20091127             —URGED, HAITI—UN peacekeeping mission, local officials to provide 1—JUSTIFICATION for banning 17—POLITICAL—GROUPS from participating in next year's legislative elections.
20091127             —CENSURED, THE—BOARD—OF—THE—UN—NUCLEAR—WATCHDOG, IRAN, with 25—NATIONS backing 1—RESOLUTION that demands TEHRAN immediately freeze CONSTRUCTION—OF—ITS newly revealed nuclear facility and heed Security Council resolutions calling on it to stop uranium enrichment.
20091127             † In IRAQ 1—USA—SOLDIER—OF—NONCOMBAT—RELATED injuries.
20091127             —ATTACKED, THE—ISRAEL AIR—FORCE, 1—GROUP—OF—PALESTINE—MILITANTS in NORTH—GAZA as they were about to fire rockets at ISRAEL.
20091127             —WOUNDED, PALESTINE—MEDICS said 4—MILITANTS were.
20091127             † THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY said 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—SQUAD was killed.
20091127             —RETURNED, Bison, to MEXICO for the 1. time since the 1800s, with MEXICO—AUTHORITIES releasing 23 donated USA—ANIMALS in NORTH—CHIHUAHUA state.
20091127             The donated bison came from the Wind Cave National Park in SOUTH—DAKOTA.
20091127             NAMIBIA—PRESIDENT—HIFIKEPUNYE—POHAMBA, who is seeking a 2. 5-year term, was among the 1. to vote as polls opened in a 2—DAY—ELECTION.
20091127             —EXPECTED, The elections, to return THE—LONG—RULING SWAPO to power despite 1—TOUGH—CHALLENGE from 1—NEW breakaway party.
20091127             —NUMBERED, THE—POPULATION—OF—THE—DESERT nation, half the size of ALASKA, about 2.2—MILLION—PEOPLE.
20091127             PRESIDENT—HIFIKEPUNYE—POHAMBA won RE—ELECTION, with more than 6—TIMES as MANY—VOTES as his nearest rival.
20091127             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, 15—TALIBAN fighters were, in operations over the past 24—HOURS in SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20091127             Shahfur Khan, 1—KEY—ANTI—TALIBAN tribal leader, was assassinated in 1—ROADSIDE bombing in the northwest.
20091127             Elsewhere, authorities found THE—BULLET—RIDDLED BODY—OF—AMEER—SAIYED, another tribal elder, who was seized from his home 1—DAY—EARLIER in 1—ATTACK that also left his son dead.
20091127             1—GUNMAN opened fire on the house in RAWALPINDI—OF—KAMRAN—SHAFI, 1—NEWSPAPER—COLUMNIST—CRITICAL—OF—PAKISTAN—ARMY and spy agencies.
20091127             —ALLEGED, Shafi later, that the attack was carried out by elements linked to the country's powerful security establishment.
20091127             —RECOUNTED, Shafi, the attack and 1—DEATH—THREAT he received the following day in his weekly column in the respected Dawn newspaper.
20091127             —INJURED, He and his family were not, in the incident.
20091127             —APPROVED, POLAND—PRESIDENT—KACZYNSKI—WEB—SITE said he has, legislation that allows for people to be fined or even imprisoned for possessing or buying communist symbols.
20091127             —PLANTED, RUSSIA, 1—HOMEMADE bomb, on THE—TRACKS—OF—THE—HIGH—SPEED—MOSCOW—TO—S—PETERSBURG route, caused 1—DERAILMENT—OF—THE 14-car Nevsky Express.
20091127             26—PEOPLE were killed and dozens more injured.
20091127             —CLAIMED, Chechen militants later, responsibility and vowed further "ACTS—OF—SABOTAGE" in 1—LETTER—POSTED on 1—REBEL—WEBSITE.
20091127             RWANDA, Janvier Murenzi, 1—FORMER—PRESIDENTIAL—FINANCIAL—DIRECTOR, was fined 1.8—MILLION—DOLLARS and jailed —FOR—4—YEARS for illegal enrichment as KIGALI cracks down on corruption.
20091127             SAUDI—ARABIA, vast crowds of pilgrims cast stones at walls representing the devil on the 3. day of the annual hajj as Muslims around the world began celebrating Eid AL—ADHA, the most important holiday of the Islamic calendar.
20091127             SAUDI—ARABIA said 9—OF—ITS—SOLDIERS fighting YEMEN—REBELS on the border were missing and ABDULLAH—KING—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA vowed to defend the country.
20091127             —GATHERED, THE—53—MEMBERS—OF—THE—COMMONWEALTH, in Trinidad for 1—SUMMIT.
20091127             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—CHAVEZ said he plans to open 1—EMBASSY in PALESTINE—TERRITORIES and upgrade its ties to ambassadorial level, to support Palestinians in their struggle against ISRAEL.
20091127             —SIGNED, ZIMBABWE and SOUTH—AFRICA, 1—BILATERAL—INVESTMENT—AGREEMENT which would protect investments made by nationals of both countries in EACH—OTHER—TERRITORY.
20091127             THE—PUBLICATION—OF—MEYER—MEMOIRS, "DC Confidential", 20050000             , drew sharp criticism from SOME—MINISTERS and lawmakers who accused him of 1—LACK—OF—DISCRETION, even though its released was approved by officials.
20091127             —MEANWHILE, back at the ranch, MAJOR—GENERAL—WILLIAM—CREASY, CHIEF—OFFICER—OF—THE—ARMY—CHEMICAL—CORPS at the time, felt that psychoactive chemicals such as LSD would be THE—WEAPONS—OF—THE—FUTURE.
20091127             He felt that, say, spiking 1—CITY—WATER—SUPPLY with acid and taking over would be much more humane than firebombing it.
20091127             Because there's no better misdirection than appearing to be 1—FOOL.
20091127             It needs to be seen whether procedures against the deal will be able to be launched at the European COURT—OF—JUSTICE.
20091127             They could potentially be based on THE—EU—CURRENT, rather STRICT—DATA—PROTECTION—LEGISLATION.
20091127             Device spells doom for superbugs By JASON—PALMER
20091127             —DEMONSTRATED, Researchers have, 1—PROTOTYPE device that can rid hands, feet, or even underarms of bacteria, including the hospital superbug MISTER—S—A
20091127             Herschel 'fingerprints' huge star Jump in global swine flu deaths
20091127             Don't call this 1—NATURAL—DISASTER.
20091127             Katrina was such 1—MASSIVE—EVENT that no remedial action on the Corps' part would have prevented the flooding.
20091127             At THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—TRIAL this summer, USA—DISTRICT—COURT—JUDGE—STANWOOD—DUVAL asked, "You all know what this is about:
20091127             He answered in a 158-page ruling late —WEDNESDAY.
20091127             the Chem (Chemicals Health and Environment Monitoring Trust, 1—UK charity which has taken over campaigning work on toxic chemicals from THE—WWF (World Wildlife Fund).
20091127             —SUGGESTED, Research has, that MALE foetuses around 8—12—WEEKS—AFTER conception can be effectively demasculinised by exposure to such chemicals.
20091127             The 327-page report says that while risks from "ANTI—ANDROGEN" and "OESTROGEN—LIKE" substances in individual items have been recognised,
20091127             the cumulative impact of such chemicals, particularly on boys, is being ignored.
20091127             THE—EU—ENVIRONMENT—COUNCIL—OF—MINISTERS is due to agree on 1—REGULATORY—APPROACH to the use of SO—CALLED "GENDER—BENDER" compounds before Christmas.
20091127             —ON  —MONDAY, EU officials will try to work out 1—STRATEGY for creating risk ASSESSMENTS—OF—PRODUCTS causing concerns.
20091127             Environmental campaigners fear controls will favour industry and not be sufficiently robust.
20091127             Der Kalte KRIEG—DER Kalte Krieg beherrschte von 19450000              bis zum Zusammenbruch der Sowjetunion 19910000              die Welt.
20091127             Die Nachricht von den massiven Geldproblemen im Luxusparadies DUBAI hatte die Finanzwelt am —DONNERSTAG wie 1—BLITZ aus heiterem Himmel getroffen.
20091127             —NACH—DEM Beginn der Finanzkrise hatte sich die Führung des Landes noch bemüht, die Probleme geheim zu halten.
20091127             —JETZT musste das arabische Emirat die Gläubiger der HOLDING—GESELLSCHAFT DUBAI World und ihrer Tochterfirma Nakheel um Zahlungsaufschub bitten.
20091127             Damit wurde klar: Dem Staatsunternehmen steht das Wasser bis zum Hals, die Scheichs haben sich übernommen.
20091127             Zu den größten Verlierern gehörten die Geldhäuser BANK—OF—AMERICAN—UND JP MORGAN—CHASE.
20091127             BOA—TITEL gaben mehr als 4—PROZENT ab, die von JP Morgan mehr als 3. Der Branchenindex Select Sector SPDR Financial ETF fiel ebenfalls um mehr als 3—PROZENT.
20091127             "Natürliche Faktoren hätten für sich genommen zu einer geringen Abkühlung in den vergangenen 50—JAHREN führen müssen, weil es mehr vulkanische Ausbrüche und gleichzeitig eine geringe Sonnenaktivität gab".
20091127             Denn zwischen Mittelalterlichem Klimaoptimum und Kleiner Eiszeit hätten sich die Temperaturen statistisch gesehen nur um ein halbes Grad geändert.
20091127             Für EINIGE—WELTREGIONEN waren die Folgen dennoch dramatisch.
20091127             —SEIT Beginn der Industrialisierung habe der Mensch bereits für einen Anstieg der Durchschnittstemperatur um etwa 1—GRAD gesorgt.
20091127             "Ich finde es überraschend, wie stark eine kleine globale Änderung der Oberflächentemperatur regionale Prozesse beeinflussen kann, und welche großräumigen Folgen sich daraus ergeben können", sagt DREW—SHINDELL vom Goddard Institute für Space Studies der Nasa in NEW—YORK.
20091127             Er ist 1—SCHWERGEWICHT—DER—KLIMAFORSCHUNG und CO—AUTOR—DES aktuellen "Science"-Papers.
20091127             Während des Mittelalterlichen Klimaoptimums, so konnte das Team um Mann zeigen, gab es eher geringen Vulkanismus und eine besonders hohe Sonneneinstrahlung, bedingt durch starke Sonnenaktivität. Die Forscher machen allerdings auch klar, dass die Temperaturen längst nicht überall besonders hoch waren.
20091127             Während man in EUROPA schwitzte, gab es etwa in einem größeren GEBIET—DES—TROPISCHEN—PAZIFIKS weit unterdurchschnittliche Werte und weniger Niederschläge.
20091127             Absetzung von ZDF—CHEFREDAKTEUR Brender: Deutschland ist jetzt BERLUSCONI—LAND
20091127             NETZWELT—TICKER: Indiens digitaler Lauschangriff
20091127             Wirtschaftskrise: Chemiebranche plant Stellenabbau
20091127             —REAGIERT, Emirat in Finanznöten: WALL—STREET, mit Ausverkauf
20091127             Space Shuttle: Raumfähre "Atlantis" nach elftägiger Mission gelandet
20091127             —BEDEUTET, KRISEN—EMIRAT: Was der DUBAI—SCHOCK für die Weltwirtschaft
20091127             Auslieferung des UFO—HACKERS: Keine Gnade für McKinnon
20091127             Chemikalien: Tester finden Schadstoffe in KUNSTSTOFF—SPIELZEUG
20091127             Mekka: Hunderttausende nehmen an symbolischer TEUFEL—STEINIGUNG teil
20091127             EU—KOMMISSION: Oettinger wird Energiekommissar
20091127             Klimaschutz: Initiativen Chinas und der USA entfalten Sogwirkung
20091127             Angriff auf Tanklaster: Guttenberg kämpft mit Informationschaos
20091127             Trotz Jobabbau: ThyssenKrupp zahlt Anlegern MILLIONEN—DIVIDENDE
20091127             "USA—POLITICIANS come and listen but they don't do anything. The question we have to answer is why this has been going on so long".
20091127             1—SPANISH—SPEAKING veteran of the Korean war steps up.
20091127             He is THE—ANGRIEST—OF—THE—LOT.
20091127             He is not 1—COMMUNIST, he says, but in CUBA nobody goes homeless.
20091127             He fought for AMERICA and now he is left to live on the streets.
20091127             UN special rapporteurs are more often found investigating human rights in SUDAN and BURUNDI or ABUSES—OF—THE—ISRAEL—OCCUPATION than exposing THE—UNDERBELLY—OF—THE—USA—DREAM.
20091127             —BLOCKED, GEORGE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, her visit, finding itself in the company of CUBA, Burma and NORTH—KOREA in blocking 1—SPECIAL—RAPPORTEUR.
20091127             UN say USA is neglecting deepening homeless crisis - And most UK—PEOPLE do not buy the
20091127             justifications offered by the government for doing so.
20091127             Its reasoning on AFGHANISTAN has been incoherent, inconsistent and disingenuous.
20091127             Lawyers target 'pirates' for cash (news.bbc.co.UK - OK, P2P is "piracy".
20091127             But so was the birth of HOLLYWOOD, radio, cable TV, and (yes the music industry.
20091127             (wired_com - LOS—ANGELES has more homeless people than ANY—OTHER—USA—CITY.
20091127             —FILLED, The campgrounds for 100—MILES around LA are, with homeless people.
20091127             (GUARDIAN.co.UK - 2—SENIOR—CITIZENS—WAVE at 1—CHILD on 1—BICYCLE—THEN are promptly detained for attempted "child abduction".
20091127             (ngnews.ca - Sharp berichtete, sie sei "erschüttert" über die Neuigkeiten und ihr Sohn habe die Nachricht "sehr schlecht aufgenommen".
20091127             "Es ist eine widerliche Entscheidung.
20091127             —BEFINDET, GARY, sich seit fast 8—JAHREN in einem Zustand erhöhter Angst.
20091127             Einen friedliche, verwundbaren, fehlgeleiteten UFO—FANATIKER wie GARY zu zwingen, sich TAUSENDE—VON—MEILEN von seinem dringend benötigten NETZWERK—VON—UNTERSTÜTZERN zu entfernen, ist barbarisch," so Sharp.
20091127             (VIA—BBC, The Register, thx!
20091127             "Turn piracy into profit"-Präsentation von DigiProtect.
20091127             Abschließend noch 1—SCHWENK vom Konkreten zum Allgemeinen.
20091127             Derartige "Geschäftsmodelle" wie sie von Digiprotect und der Kanzlei Kornmeier praktiziert werden, sind nur deshalb möglich, weil der Gesetzgeber durch 1—NEUREGELUNG—DES—URHEBERRECHTS einen fragwürdigen Auskunftsanspruch (§ 101—ABS.
20091127             9, Abs.
20091127             2—URHG geschaffen hat, dem EINIGE—GERICHTE, insbesondere das Landgericht Köln, im Wege automatisierter Massenverfahren nachkommen.
20091127             DAS—UPDATE vom 20091911              20091127             FILESHARING—ABMAHNUNGEN: DigiProtect und KORNMEIER—EINE juristische Analyse Was viele schon immer vermutet haben, wird langsam zur Gewissheit.
20091127             Unter dem Deckmantel der (legitimen Verfolgung urheberrechtlicher Interessen etabliert sich ein neuer Wirtschaftszweig, der die urheberrechtliche Abmahnung zu einem lukrativen Geschäftsmodell umgestaltet hat.
20091127             Und hierbei wird offenbar gegen geltendes Recht verstoßen.
20091127             —ÜBERREDET, Wie die Amerikaner die EU zum SWIFT—ABSCHNORCHELN, haben: "Der Druck der Amis war ungeheuer groß", berichten Brüsseler Diplomaten.
20091127             USA—AUßENMINISTERIN Hillary Clinton habe ihren europäischen Kollegen gedroht, das Schicksal des Westens stehe auf dem Spiel.
20091127             Die amerikanischen BOTSCHAFTER—HÄTTEN—REGIERUNGEN in den EU—HAUPTSTÄDTEN wie Drückerkolonnen bestürmt und, sagt ein europäischer Außenminister, "alle politischen und moralischen Register gezogen".
20091127             Und natürlich hat bei unsere blassen Verlierern keiner genug Arsch in der Hose, denen freundlich aber bestimmt die Tür zu zeigen.
20091127             Volta pra casa após uma longa missão matando crianças no Iraque
20091127             Sarrazin kritisierte auch die Rentenpolitik.
20091127             "Die Rentengarantie ist der reine Schwachsinn", sagte der SPD—POLITIKER.
20091127             Kurz vor der Bundestagswahl hatte die Große Koalition 1—GARANTIE gesetzlich verankert, wonach die Altersbezüge nicht sinken dürfen.
20091127             APA—AZERI interns join insurance internship program in the...
20091127             —UNDERSCORED, The Intelligence Summit Natig Aliyev, the project's value for diversifying supplies and... AZERBAIJAN took the lead in refuting RUSSIA—POSITION (RIA—NOVOSTI, 20090322             ).
20091127             Izzy MO—BLOG.
20091127             This "SOUTHERN—BORN Muslima" gives long talks about her oo, It began: "She is 52—YEARS—OLD, grew up in THE—KANSAS City...
20091127             blieb dem resignierten Alvaro nur die Klage: "Wer immer vor den USA buckelt, wird nie auf Augenhöhe verhandeln können".
20091127             und eine einzige Gegenstimme reicht in solchen Sicherheitsfragen, um das ganze EU—VORHABEN zu kippen.
20091127             Und auch zur Verhaftung von 3—MITGLIEDERN der Islamischen DSCHIHAD—UNION in Deutschland, im Spätsommer 20070000             , hätten die via WASHINGTON eingegangenen SWIFT—DATEN beigetragen.
20091127             Überprüfen kann das niemand.
20091127             Die Folgen: Beerdigung des Bankgeheimnisses
20091127             Denn nun wurden andere ERPRESST—UND offenbar genauso erfolgreich.
20091127             Die Verteidigung: Die ANGST—DER—EU—TERRORFAHNDER
20091127             "Warum musste USA—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER DONALD—RUMSFELD wissen", empörte sich der Luxemburger Außenminister JEAN—ASSELBORN, "wenn ich eine Überweisung von der Rabobank auf die Sparkasse mache?" Fachleute warnten vor möglicher Wirtschaftsspionage, schließlich reichten die USA—BEHÖRDEN ihre DATEN—FÄNGE häufig weiter, gern auch an Russen und Chinesen.
20091127             DEUTSCHLAND, forderten Politiker wie FDP—FRAKTIONSCHEF Guido Westerwelle "die sofortige Beendigung, mindestens aber Aussetzung des Datentransfers" und "Maßnahmen, um Wiederholungen solch schwerwiegender Verletzungen der Privatsphäre künftig zu vermeiden".
20091127             So werden die EU—INNENMINISTER am kommenden —MONTAG die politisch umstrittene und rechtlich fragwürdige Vereinbarung mit WASHINGTON voraussichtlich in Kraft setzen.
20091127             Es eilt, denn am Tag darauf, am
20091127             "Der Druck der Amis war ungeheuer groß", berichten Brüsseler Diplomaten.
20091127             Ihre Botschaft war brisant:
20091127             Wenn Washingtons Sicherheitsdiensten der bislang gewährte Zugriff auf die Konten und Finanztransaktionen europäischer Bürger verwehrt werde, fehle ein wichtiges Element im
20091127             Kampf gegen den Terror.
20091127             Das Sicherheitsniveau werde sinken, die Gefahr neuerlicher Attentate STEIGEN—AUCH in EUROPA.
20091127             Wer wolle dafür die Verantwortung übernehmen?
20091127             Emirat in der Krise: Dubais Geldprobleme reißen Börsen erneut in die Tiefe
20091127             Meeresforschung: Hammerhaie jagen Beute mit Rundumblick
20091127             Ausgehebeltes Bankgeheimnis: EU knickt vor USA—KONTENSPIONEN ein
20091127—19590000    —BECAME, The song, 1—BIG hit for THE—KINGSTON—TRIO.
20091127—19590500    —IN, "I do not contend," he told This Week magazine, "that driving people crazy even for 1—FEW hours is 1—PLEASANT—PROSPECT. But warfare is never pleasant... would you rather be temporarily deranged... by 1—CHEMICAL—AGENT, or burned alive...?"
20091127—20060000    —RELATED, Charges, to his alleged role 20010000             —IN with the Earth Liberation Front.
20091127—20091205    alfatomega.com/20091205.html
20101127             days before they were carried out.
20101127             —ARRESTED, NEW—YORK state police, STEVEN—PIEPER, 21—JAHRE—ALT just hours after searchers found THE—BODY—OF—1—MISSING woman, believed to be JENNI—LYN Watson (20), 1—MERCYHURST—COLLEGE—DANCE—MAJOR.
20101127             † USA—FILM director IRVIN—KERSHNER, 87—JAHRE—ALT in LOS—ANGELES.
20101127             —INCLUDED, His work, THE—DIRECTION—OF—THE—STAR—WARS sequel "The Empire Strikes Back," THE—JAMES—BOND—FILM "Never Say Never Again" and "Robocop 2." Other work included "1—FINE—MADNESS" (19660000             ), "THE—FLIM—FLAM Man" (19670000             ), "Loving" (19700000             ), and "The Eyes of Laura Mars" (19780000             ).
20101127             1—NATO—SERVICE member also was killed in 1—BOMB attack in EAST—AFGHANISTAN.
20101127             —KILLED, Afghan and coalition forces, at least 15—INSURGENTS during 1—OVERNIGHT search for 1—SENIOR—TALIBAN leader in the Sherzad DISTRICT—OF—NANGARHAR province.
20101127             —RESUMED, AUSTRALIA—QANTAS—AIRWAYS, flights of its Airbus A380 superjumbos, after 1—MID—FLIGHT—ENGINE—FAILURE grounded all 6—OF—THE—PLANES—EARLIER this month.
20101127             THE—UK—GOVERNMENT said it is paying for more than 1,000 medical staff to work in HAITI as PART—OF—1—AID—PACKAGE worth more than 5.6—MILLION—POUNDS to help combat 1—DEADLY cholera outbreak there.
20101127             —CLOSED, CHINA, an "extraordinary" ASIA—GAMES, —AFTER—15—DAYS—OF—THRILLS and spills that saw CHINA reinforce its sporting credentials as 45—COUNTRIES and territories took part.
20101127             —REACHED, CHINA—FINAL—GOLD—TALLY, 199 and its total medals to 416, both ASIA—GAMES—RECORDS.
20101127             FRANCE, delegates at 1—ATLANTIC—CONSERVATION—CONFERENCE in PARIS took measures to protect sea turtles and several types of sharks.
20101127             —AGREED, ICCAT members, to reduce the allowable Mediterranean and EAST—ATLANTIC bluefin tuna catch to 12,900 tons from 13,500 tons.
20101127             —REDUCED, The allowable WEST—ATLANTIC catch was, to 1,750 tons from 1,800, 1—LEVEL that American and CANADA—FISHERMAN already had been unable to meet due to stock decline.
20101127             —ANNOUNCED, GUINEA—GOVERNMENT, border closures with SIERRA—LEONE by land, sea and air this evening stranding HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE from SIERRA—LEONE on GUINEA—SIDE.
20101127             —KILLED, HAITI, at least 1—PERSON was, and several wounded when gunmen opened fire on 1—RALLY for presidential candidate Michel Martelly.
20101127             —SUSPECTED, EAST—INDIA, Maoist rebels blew up 1—AMBULANCE with 1—LAND—MINE in Orissa state, killing at least 3—PEOPLE inside.
20101127             —REPORTED, IRAN—STATE—RADIO, that 1—MAN attempting to hijack 1—SYRIA—BOUND flight carrying 1—NUMBER—OF—IRAN—LAWMAKERS was arrested on BOARD.
20101127             —REPORTED, ISNA news agency, that IRAN has hanged in prison 1—MAN convicted of raping several women in Isfahan.
20101127             The latest hanging brings THE—NUMBER—OF—EXECUTIONS in IRAN to at least 145—SO far this year.
20101127             —APPREHENDED, Among those, were Huthaifa AL—BATAWI, THE—BAGHDAD CHIEF—OF—THE—ISLAMIC—STATE—OF—IRAQ, THE—AL—QAEDA front group which carried out the attack, while senior ISI leader AMMAR—AL—NAJADI was killed.
20101127             † In NORTH—ITALY 3—HIKERS after being caught in an avalanche.
20101127             —ISSUED, IVORY—COAST—PRESIDENT—LAURENT—GBAGBO, 1—DECREE calling for 1—NATIONWIDE curfew from 10—P.m. to 6 a.m. 20101127—20101201     to prevent ANY—TAMPERING with vote counting.
20101127             Opposition candidate Alassane Ouattara said the move was illegal and unconstitutional, adding 1—CURFEW should only come after the election if there is trouble.
20101127             —EXPRESSED, LEBANON—PRIME—MINISTER—SAAD—HARIRI, concerns for stability in THE—MIDDLE—EAST as he began 1—VISIT to TEHRAN to rally IRAN—SUPPORT for his efforts to keep LEBANON stable amid tensions over A—UNITED—NATIONS—PROBE into THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—HIS—FATHER, Rafik Hariri.
20101127             —SUSPECTED, He was, in DOZENS—OF—KILLINGS, including THE—SLAYING—OF—1—USA consulate worker.
20101127             2—OTHER—MEMBERS—OF—THE—GANG were arrested with Gallegos on charges of transporting drugs and weapons.
20101127             —PUBLISHED, MOROCCO—FOREIGN—MINISTER in 1, interview rejected 1—PROBE into violent clashes between its security forces and RESIDENTS—OF—WEST—SAHARA by THE—UN.
20101127             1—DAY—EARLIER, Human Rights Watch said MOROCCO—SECURITY—FORCES repeatedly beat and abused people they detained during disturbances in WEST—SAHARA earlier this month.
20101127             —OFFERED, PAKISTAN, 1—REWARD for information about Taliban militants involved in planning or carrying out attacks, and promised to resettle informers in PAKISTAN or abroad.
20101127             —STARTED, HUNDREDS—OF—SUNNI—MUSLIMS, 1—NEARLY 200-mile (320-km) HIGH—RISK trek across PAKISTAN in 1—PROTEST against Taliban attacks on the country's religious sites.
20101127             TAIWAN—RULING Nationalist Party won 3—OUT—OF—5—MAYORAL races, providing 1—BOOST for PRESIDENT—MA—YING—JEOU—POLICY—OF improving relations with CHINA AHEAD—OF—THE—ISLAND'S 20120000              presidential poll.
20101127             —SPARKED, Silva had, controversy by suggesting the military would not accept 1—ELECTORAL—RETURN to power by government opponents.
20101127—20101031    —ARRESTED, IRAQ, 12—MILITANTS suspected of helping take Christians hostage in 1—CHURCH—SIEGE that killed 44—WORSHIPPERS and 2—PRIESTS.
20110215112716       CHINAs Inflation schnellt auf 5 % (Wirtschaft, 08:43)
20111125—20111127    —ON, Huang said the rejection was INDICATIVE—OF—ANTI—CHINA—ATTITUDES in the West.
20111127             1—NEW—TRANSLATION—OF—THE—MASS was rolled out across THE—ENGLISH—SPEAKING Catholic world after MONTHS—OF—PREPARATION.
20111127             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, NATO said 2—OF—ITS—SERVICE—MEMBERS have been, 1 in combat operations in the east and the other by 1—ROADSIDE bomb in the south.
20111127             KEN—RUSSELL (19270000              *), UK—DIRECTOR—OF "Women in Love" (19690000             ) and "The Devils" (19710000             ), †.
20111127             His biggest commercial success came —3—YEARS—LATER with "Tommy," 1—ADAPTATION—OF—THE—WHO—ROCK—OPERA.
20111127             The Swanland cargo ship, with 8—PEOPLE on BOARD, sank in THE—IRELAND—SEA.
20111127             It was carrying THOUSANDS—OF—TONS—OF—LIMESTONE and 5—PEOPLE remain missing off THE—COAST—OF—NORTH—WALES.
20111127             —MURDERED, Gunmen in BURUNDI, Sister Luckrecija Mamic, 1—CROATIA—NUN, and 1—ITALY—CHARITY—WORKER in 1—APPARENT botched robbery and kidnapping.
20111127             Sister Carla Brianza was later shot dead while Sister Carla Brianza, 1—ITALY—NUN, fought off her attackers and escaped with relatively minor wounds.
20111127             2—MEN, aged 20 and 24, were arrested for the attack after 1—SHOOTOUT.
20111127             —CLEARED, GERMANY—POLICE, 1—SIT—IN—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS attempting to block 1—SHIPMENT—OF—NUCLEAR—WASTE and detained 1,300—PEOPLE.
20111127             —FILLED, EGYPT, THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS, CAIRO—TAHRIR—SQUARE for another massive demonstration to push for the military to immediately return to their barracks in favor of 1—CIVIL—PRESIDENTIAL—COUNCIL.
20111127             HAITI hip hop star Wyclef Jean said he's PROUD—OF—THE—WAY his charity responded after the earthquake almost 2—YEARS ago.
20111127             —VOTED, IRAN—PARLIAMENT, on expel THE—UK—AMBASSADOR in retaliation for fresh Western sanctions over TEHRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM and warned that other countries could also be punished.
20111127             The bill now has to go to the Guardians Council for approval.
20111127             —KILLED, IRAQ, 1—GUNMAN in BAGHDAD, national security official IBRAHIM—SALEH—MAHDI and his wife.
20111127             —MARCHED, HUNDREDS—OF—LIBYA—MINORITY—AMAZIGH Berbers, to the premier's OFFICE—FOR—THE 2. time in 3—DAYS, stepping up pressure to be represented in the government.
20111127             —DURING KADHAFI—RULE the Amazighs, whose name means "free men," were banned from publicly speaking, writing or printing anything in their own tongue, tamazight.
20111127             PALESTINE—OFFICIALS said they will not be able to pay the next ROUND—OF—PUBLIC—SECTOR salaries due to ISRAEL—SANCTIONS.
20111127             —SUSPECTED, In THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES, Islamic militants detonated 1—POWERFUL—BOMB that killed at least 3—PEOPLE and wounded 27—OTHERS in 1—BUDGET—HOTEL packed with wedding guests in ZAMBOANGA city.
20111127             SOUTH—OSSETIA held runoff elections.
20111127             Opposition candidate and FORMER—EDUCATION—MINISTER—ALLA—DZHIOYEVA won, defeating Emergencies MINISTER—ANATOLY—BIBILOV, THE—KREMLIN—CHOSEN candidate.
20111127             —UNVEILED, SRI—LANKA—PRESIDENT—RAJAPAKSE, the island's 1. expressway, linking THE—CAPITAL—AND—THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—GALLE, asserting that better road connectivity would remedy old separatist tendencies.
20111127             —APPROVED, The Arab League, meeting in CAIRO, unprecedented sanctions on Syria over its crackdown on 8-month uprising.
20111127             1—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—STATE—SECURITY—COURT sentenced 5—ACTIVISTS, who have campaigned for political freedoms, to prison terms of up to 3—YEARS.
20111127             —HANDED, The top court, blogger AHMED—MANSOOR a 3—YEAR—PRISON—SENTENCE, while 4—OTHERS received 2—YEARS each.
20111127             —ISSUED, Within 24—HOURS 1—PRESIDENTIAL—PARDON was, to release them.
20111127             VENEZUELA, Maximiliano Bonilla Orozco, 1—TOP—COLOMBIA—DRUG—TRAFFICKER known as "Valenciano," was captured in MARACAY.
20111127             Officials the next day said he will be turned over to USA—AUTHORITIES.
20111127             1—TRIBAL—SOURCE said Shiite rebels have killed 20—PEOPLE and wounded 70—OTHERS in 1—ATTACK on 1—SUNNI—ISLAMIST—SCHOOL in Dammaj, 1—SUBURB of the Shiite stronghold CITY—OF—SAADA.
20111127             —SHELLED, YEMEN—ARMY, suspected AL—QAEDA positions in Zinjibar, killing 9—MILITANTS in its battle to win CONTROL—OF—THE—CITY.
20111127             1—TRIBAL—SOURCE said that 4—OTHER—EXTREMISTS were killed in 1—AMBUSH by tribal fighters allied to the military in Abyan province.
20111127             Government troops have so far been unable to win back full CONTROL—OF—ABYAN.
20111127—20100000    —FOLLOWED, His comments, reports published by THE—NEW—YORK Post saying his foundation collected $16—MILLION but less than a 3. of that went to emergency efforts.
20111127—20120515    —TESTIFIED, AHMED—AL—JUBOURI, 1—BODYGUARD—OF—VICE—PRESIDENT—TARIQ—AL—HASHEMI, that Mahdi was ordered killed because he had become "1—SOURCE—OF—ANNOYANCE" to AL—HASHEMI.
20111130             SOUTH—OSSETIA, Alla Dzhioyeva, 1—FORMER—SCHOOL—PRINCIPAL and ANTI—CORRUPTION crusader, declared herself PRESIDENT after she led with about 57% of 20111127             —THE—RUN—OFF vote with ballots from 74—OF—THE—85—PRECINCTS counted.
20111211—20111127    —ON, 1—EARLIER meeting was held in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20120605             13—POSTS - 6—AUTHORS - 20041127              20120605              INTERNATIONAL Precision Components Corporation
20121127             WELT—WEIT bunkern etwa 100.000—PERSONEN 21.000-MILLIARDEN $ in STEUER—OASEN.
20121127             Schädling: Borkenkäfer erwärmt Westkanada
20121127             STAATS—VERSCHULDUNG in DEUTSCHLAND: 2074—MRD.
20121127             SCHULDEN—KRISE, PORTUGAL beschließt massive STEUER—ERHÖHUNGEN
20121127             RECHTS—EXTREME: Ungarischer Politiker will JUDEN erfassen lassen
20121127             DIE—KÜHLUNG der Landschaft versagt, DIE—GEGEND erwärmt sich.
20121127             DIE—HÄUFIGKEIT des Käferbefalls und das geografische Ausmaß seien deutlich von der globalen Erwärmung beeinflusst, zitieren DIE—FORSCHER 1—FRÜHERE—STUDIE.
20121127             BAUM—STERBEN in KANADA — mit weitreichenden Folgen.
20121127             ATTACKE—AUF—IAEA: Hacker erbeuten DATEN—VON—ATOM—BEHÖRDE
20121127             COLOMBIA withdrew from a 19480000              treaty th bound it to THE—UN in response to 20121119             —THE by THE—ICJ granting NICARAGUA CONTROL—OF—1—LARGE—SWATH—OF—SEA.
20121127             "Aber man könnte dem Land mit 1—BEGRENZTEN Schnitt zumindest einmal 2—JAHRE Luft verschaffen".
20121127             "Damit hat man Erwartungen geweckt, die man nun wieder erschüttern würde".
20121127             "Ich bin nun 1426—TAGE gereist, das sind 203-WOCHEN oder fast 4—JAHRE", sagte der rothaarige 33—JAHRE—ALTE bei seiner —ANKUNFT—IN—JUBA, der HAUPT—STADT des jüngsten Land der Welt, das es zum ZEIT—BUNKT seines Weltreisestartes noch gar nicht gab.
20121127             "Quote: TERRORIST GROUP ACQUIRES CM'S/UAV'S (page 17, pdf file)
20121127             "Wir dürfen nach DER—BUNDES—TAGS—WAHL nichts anderes beschließen, als wir jetzt den Menschen gesagt haben.
20121127             "Wir lehnen diesen SCHULDEN—SCHNITT ab", diktierte DIE—BUNDES—KANZLERIN—DEN—JOURNALISTEN am vergangenen —FREITAG nach dem gescheiterten EU—GIPFEL—DIE Blöcke.
20121127             1 % ZINSEN.
20121127             1—BÜNDEL von neuen Hilfen, Schuldenrückkäufen und Zinserleichterungen soll GRIECHENLAND über die nächsten JAHRE bringen.
20121127             1—LAGDRIST—SZENARIO braucht HEUTE nicht aufgemacht werden.
20121127             1—SCHULDEN—ERLASS ist serzeit nicht nötig.
20121127             1.JEDER—HAT—DAS—RECHT, sowohl allein als auch in Gemeinschaft mit anderen Eigentum innezuhaben.
20121127             300-MILLIARDEN USA $ an.
20121127             31.das funktioniert nicht liebe Bänker..
20121127             600—EURO p.a. - ? Diejenigen an der Spitze der Einkommenspyramide täten gut daran, dem "gemeinen" Volk mehr Wertschätzung entgegenzubringen.
20121127             ASSANGE—BUCH "Cypherpunks": Aluhüte unter sich
20121127             —TRIED, AT—THE—TIME, 1—CADRE—OF—SPOOKED—UP—USA—JOURNALISTS, to convey the impression that Agca worked for BULGARIA—COMMUNISTS.
20121127             Aber wer soll DIE—KOSTEN tragen?
20121127             Die meisten Gläubiger haben sich längst abgesichert gegen drohende VERLUSTE—AM Ende zahlen DIE—BÜRGER DER—EURO—ZONE.
20121127             Allerdings habe man den privaten Investoren beim 1.SCHULDEN—SCHNITT versprochen, daß dies in der gesamten EURO—ZONE 1—EINZELFALL bleiben werde.
20121127             Allerdings könnte DIE—ZENTRAL—BANK—MÖGLICHE—GEWINNE aus ihren GRIECHENLANDpapieren über DIE—NATIONALEN ZENTRAL—BANKEN an DIE—EURO—STAATEN ausschütten -, so über 1—UMWEG zur GRIECHENLAND—RETTUNG beitragen.
20121127             Amalgam Virgo - Amalgam Virgo 01 (20120601—20120602    ) Click PDF
20121127             —GEMACHT, ARTE—DOKUMENTATION: Wie Armut, wird
20121127             Auch hier haftet am Ende also zumindest teilweise wieder DER—EUROPÄISCHE STEUER—ZAHLER.
20121127             Ausser vor ca 2-WOCHEN 1—ARTIKEL.
20121127             Autoren der AKTUELLEN—STUDIE bezeichnen DIE—INVASÃON—DER—BORKENKÄFER als "einen der größten ökologischen Störfaktoren, die je in KANADA beobachtet wurden".
20121127             Bitte unterstützen Sie folgende Petitionen zur SCHULDEN—KRISE, BÜRGER—BAILOUT
20121127             Brandkatastrophe: WAL—MART stoppt ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT—MIT—FABRIK in BANGLADESCH
20121127             Buch über BENEDICTUS—XVI—PAPA : "Eine tragische Figur"
20121127             BÜRGER—BAILOUT: DER—IWF wird deshalb an 1—VON ihm geforderten SCHULDEN—SCHNITT nicht teilnehmen.
20121127             DER—STAAT—BRAUCHT—GELD und schenkt es euch billig, ihr verdient an STAATS—ANLEIHEN wieder kräftig.
20121127             DEUTSCHE—BANK—IN—DER—LIBOR—AFFÄRE: ACKERMANN knöpft sich Nachfolger Jain vor
20121127             DIE—BÜRGER würden über DIE—STAATS—BÜRGERBANK geschöpftes und zu 8 % eigenes Geld dem STAAT borgen und dieser würde ihnen 1—TEIL—DES—STEUERGELDES zurückzahlen (3 % "UMLAGE—ZINSEN").
20121127             DIE—DERZEITIGE GRIECHENLAND—REGIERUNG gab den Wert hingegen mit max.
20121127             DIE—EUROPÄISCHEN Politiker sind Komplizen der organisierten Wirtcshafts-, Bankenkriminalität!
20121127             Erst heißt es: Kein Land wird für DIE—SCHULDEN anderer Länder aufkommen!
20121127             Dann: Wer zu VIELE—SCHULDEN macht muß Strafe zahlen!
20121127             und kürzlich: SCHULDEN—LÄNDER brauchen neues Geld um alte Schulden zurückzuzahlen! und nun: SCHULDEN—LÄNDER brauchen SCHULDEN—SCHNITT,das muß DER—EUROPÄISCHE BÜRGER bezahlen! Damit wird daß kürzlich geliehene Geld verschenkt auf kosten der Bevölkerung! Als überzeugter EUROPÄER bin ich entsetzt über DIE—KRIMINELLEN Machenschaften der Politiker.
20121127             DIE—FRAGE scheint nicht mehr ob, sondern nur noch wann DAS—LAND 1—TEIL seiner Verbindlichkeiten erlassen bekommt -, natürlich von wem.
20121127             DIE—GANZE RHETORIK drumherum finde ich auch nicht gerade Hoffnung ausstrahlend.
20121127             DIE—GEWÖHNLICHEN Griechen sehen von dem ganzen Geld am allerwenigsten, im Gegenteil, sie werden durch "alternativlose"SPAR—MAßNAHMEN (=legalisiertes Ausplündern) noch mehr geschröpft.
20121127             DIE—HELLENEN sozialisieren ihren SCHULDEN—DIENST und ihren Haushalt, waehrend Sie hinter den Kulissen lukrative Vertraege mit Drittstaaten abschliessen.
20121127             DIE—OPFERROLLE wird an den europäischen und damit vor allem an den deutschen STEUER—ZAHLERN hängenbleiben.
20121127             DIE—SCHULDENLAST soll dadurch um 40—MILLIARDEN—EURO gesenkt werden, und dafür kriegt GRIECHENLAND dann die nächste BAILOUT—RUNDE in Höhe von 44—MILLIARDEN—EURO.
20121127             DIE—STAATEN VER—SCHULDEN sich immer MEHR—DOCH ihre Schulden sind nur das SPIEGELBILD—DER—WACHSENDEN privaten Vermögen.
20121127             Da bleibt nur 1—RAUCHENDER Krater übrig.
20121127             Da kann man dann vielleicht auf ZINSEN und ZINSES—ZINSEN verzichten und für,den Rest die Tilgung strecken
20121127             Dabei werden sie auch noch anfälliger für den ANGRIFF—DER—BORKENKÄFER.
20121127             Damit ist schon alles gesagt, aber sie nehmen sich DIE—ZEIT, auch noch mal ALLE—PRO—ARGUMENTE—DER—REIHE nach zu zertrümmern.
20121127             —VERRINGERT, Damit, sich die Kühlung der LUFT—DER Effekt der Luftfeuchtigkeit ähnelt dem Schwitzen, das die Haut kühlt.
20121127             Damit würde JEDER—BÜRGER ca.
20121127             Das Eigenkapital der BANKEN liegt nur bei 8 %.
20121127             —GELOGEN, Das ist schlichtweg.
20121127             Das taten DIE—EURO—FINANZ—MINISTER denn auch bei ihrem TREFFEN—AM—MONTAG.
20121127             Dem reichsten 1 % DER—DEUTSCHE—N gehören 35,8—PROZENT—DES—VERMÖGENS.
20121127             Depression und Traumabewältigung: Die dunkle Seite der Psychotherapie
20121127             Der BEDARF für 1—SOLCHES Schutzrecht wurde
20121127             —QUALIFIZIERT, Der BESITZ—VON—VERMÖGEN allein, nicht automatisch zu 1—HOHEN Einkommen, wenn Wissen, Fähigkeiten und Verantwortung (für das Gemeinwohl) nicht gleichsam entwickelt sind.
20121127             Der Historiker ROBERTO Zapperi ist davon überzeugt, dass
20121127             Der VERTRAGswert wurde mit 600.000.000.000 $ in den 1.25—JAHREN der Foerderung angegeben.
20121127             Der garantierte(!!) Wert dieses —VERTRAG fuer Hellas waere 250-MILLIARDEN $ gewesen!
20121127—20110000    —IN, beim Besuch von HILLARY—CLINTON in ATHEN, schloss die GRIECHENLAND—REGIERUNG 1—VERTRAG—MIT—DEM USA amerikanischen Unternehmen NOBEL ENERGY ab.
20121127             —FUNKTIONIERT, Diese, weil es nicht nur generell erlaubt, sondern geradezu erforderlich ist, daß FOLGE—ODER MEHR—WERTLEISTUNGEN an 1—VORBESTEHENDE Leistungen anknüpfen können.
20121127             Diese haben sich die Foerderrechte fuer 1—ERDGASVORKOMMEN gesichert.
20121127             Diese sind NOCH NICHT geschaetzt.
20121127             Diesen BILLIG—KREDITMIX verleihen DIE—BANKEN teuer an DIE—BÜRGER und STAATEN.
20121127             Dieses Papier ist so KURZ—VOR, 1—OHRFEIGE, wie es im akademischen Bereich überhaupt geht.
20121127             Do not expect your journalists to tell you that THE—USA—CIA has long had CLOSE—LINKS—TO—BOTH TURKEY—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY and to THE—TURKEY EXTREMIST right.
20121127             Doch dass DAS—LAND langfristig ohne 1—UMFASSENDE Umschuldung überleben kann, glauben nur die wenigsten Experten.
20121127             Doch KEINER—VON—DIESEN—GLÄUBIGERN wird wohl auf sein Geld verzichten müssen.
20121127             Dreifach verdient.. - ENERGIE—WENDE: DEUTSCHEN Stromnetzen droht der Kollaps
20121127             ENTDECKUNG—IN—RAKE Vida: Bakterien seit 2.800—JAHREN unter ANT—ARKTIS—EIS isoliert
20121127             EU—INITIATIVE: DEUTSCHLAND will Waffenschmuggel in GAZA—STREIFEN stoppen
20121127             EUROPA—BÜRGER müssen nicht für GRIECHENLAND zahlen.
20121127             —ERST Geld leihen und dann SCHULDEN—SCHNITT?
20121127             Feuer in Textilfabrik: ABLASS—HANDEL—MIT—DUBIOSEN Zertifikaten
20121127             Flug-, Bahnverkehr: GENERAL—STREIK in ITALIEN wird URLAUBER—TREFFEN
20121127             FLUGDATEN—ANALYSE: RUSSLAND schickte tonnenweise Geld an ASSAD
20121127             Fragen und Antworten: Was DAS—LEISTUNGS—SCHUTZ—RECHT soll
20121127             —FROM Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
20121127             Für sein Projekt "The Odyssey Expedition"reiste er alleine und mit 1—BUDGET—VON—100—DOLLAR PRO—WOCHE.
20121127             GEO—POLITIK und ENERGIE—POLITIK in Zusammenhang mit DER—STAATS—SCHULDEN—KRISE—IN—HELLAS—DAS fortgesetzt mit dem Zusammenbruch der Gemeinschaftswaehrung EURO droht, sollten die "Rettungsmilliarden"nicht umgehend ausgezahlt bzw "die Geberlaender ihren Verpflichtungen gegenueber GRIECHENLAND nicht nachkommen(!!)"- scheinen Ihnen keinerlei serioese Recherche wert.
20121127             GRIECHENLAND—HILFE: Jetzt wird es teuer
20121127             GRIECHENLAND—HILFEN DER—EURO—LÄNDER: Retter ohne Vertrauen
20121127             Größte Demonstration SEIT—DEM STURZ—VON—MUBARAK
20121127             Heiße und TROCKENE—SOMMER bedeuten für Pinien ohnehin schon DÜRRE—STRESS.
20121127             History is messy, with MANY—COMPETING lines of evident causation to pick from-- the historian's task.
20121127             Hoechste Zeit, einmal investigativ taetig zu werden, Spiegel.
20121127             Hoher Eigenanteil: Pflegebedürftige müssen 31.000—EURO selbst zahlen
20121127             ITU—KONFERENZ—IN—DUBAI: DEUTSCHLAND will keine neuen INTERNET—REGELN
20121127             IWF und EZB verlangen 1—RADIKALEN SCHULDEN—SCHNITT für GRIECHENLAND.
20121127             Ich erinnere da nur an das Hoteliersgesetz.
20121127             DER—DEUTSCHEN—PRESSE, - kein einziges Wort darüber.
20121127             In den betroffenen Wäldern verdunste —SOMMER—IM, 20 % weniger Wasser,
20121127             —BESUCHT, Insgesamt habe er 201—STAATEN, darunter neben den 193—UNO—MITGLIEDERN auch Nichtmitglieder wie DAS—KOSOVO, VATIKANSTADT—TAIWAN und DIE—PALÄSTINENSERGEBIETE.
20121127             Insofern ist auch von der EZB kein Beitrag zum SCHULDEN—SCHNITT zu erwarten.
20121127             Jump to: navigation, search
20121127             KRITIK—AN—STAAT—CHEF, EU—POLITIKER Brok droht ÄGYPTEN mit Zahlungsstopp
20121127             Kampagne gegen LEISTUNGS—SCHUTZ—RECHT: Google ist nicht das Netz
20121127             Kein VERTRAG in der eu ist das Papier wert, auf dem es gedruckt wurde!
20121127             —INVOLVED, Key MILITARY players, in the exercise also included personnel from the 1. AIR—FORCE battalion, THE—USA—NATIONAL—GUARD, THE—USA—RESERVE—FORCES, and THE—USA—NAVY.
20121127             Klares Votum: PARIS will für Aufwertung PALÄSTINAs in der UNO stimmen
20121127             KÄMPFE—IM—KONGO: REBELLEN stellen Bedingungen für Rückzug
20121127             LANGZEIT—STUDIE: RAUMFAHRT—VETERANEN sollen 1—JAHR auf ISS leben
20121127             LAUT—ANGABEN—DES—DEUTSCHEN—BANKENVERBANDES haben DIE—DEUTSCHEN 1.mehr als 10—BILLIONEN—EURO Vermögen angehäuft.
20121127             Leistungslose Einkommen werden es in Zeiten von NEGATIV—ZINSEN und wachsendem Zweifel am bestehenden GELD—SYSTEM immer schwerer haben zu bestehen.
20121127             Lobbyaktion: Google startet Kampagne gegen LEISTUNGS—SCHUTZ—RECHT - MENSCHEN—RECHTE & Schulden
20121127             MEXIKO: Schönheitskönigin stirbt bei Schießerei zwischen Gangstern und Armee
20121127             MILITARY land personnel from the 1. AIR—FORCE also engaged in gathering radar information on LOW—LEVEL—TARGETS by using THE—JOINT—BASED Expeditionary Connectivity Center (JBECC), 1—MOBILE—SHELTER—CAPABLE—OF being deployed to HIGH—RISK regions while providing early warning signals on cruise missile attacks.
20121127             MILLIARDEN—GESCHÄFT: LEHMAN—BROTHERS verkauft Immobiliensparte
20121127             Man kann —SPÄTER, einmal darüber nachdenken, wenn GRIECHENLAND Wohlverhalten gezeigt hat.
20121127             Man wolle "eine andere Lösung finden".
20121127             Maygold Ltd - Nebenbei sammelte er Spenden für WaterAid, 1—BRITISCHE HILFS—ORGANISATION, die sich für sauberes Wasser WELT—WEIT einsetzt.
20121127             Nebenbei schöpfen BANKEN mit staatlicher Genehmigung GIRALKREDIT—GELD (fast 0 % ZINSEN) und ZENTRAL—BANKGELD (0,75 % LEIT—ZINSEN).
20121127             —BERAUBT, Niemand darf willkürlich seines Eigentums, werden.
20121127             —PICTURED, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN was, on THE—COVER—OF—THE—PROPOSAL for the exercise.
20121127             Ohne all das Schwarzgeld und Vermögen was im Ausland liegt und nicht erfasst ist.
20121127             Operation Amalgam Virgo is 1—CINCNORAD joint task COUNTER—TERRORIST and field training exercise (FTX) carried out in Tyndall AIR—FORCE—BASE, FLORIDA on early ;;06;;2001.NORAD sponsored THE—MULTI—AGENCY planning exercise involving the hypothetical scenario of 1—CRUISE—MISSILE or UAV launched by 1—TERRORIST—GROUP [1].
20121127             Opferrolle - Perhaps the name "Grey Wolves"seems vaguely familiar to you.
20121127             Primäre Branche: Unternehmensberatung/Wirtschaftsprüfung
20121127             Psychologie: DARSTELLER—INNEN sind glücklicher
20121127             Psychologie: PORNODARSTELLERINNEN sind glücklicher
20121127             —VERZICHTET, Rettungspaket: DEUTSCHLAND, auf 730.000.000 für GRIECHENLAND
20121127             SCHULDEN—KRISE, EURO—GRUPPE schnürt neues Rettungspaket für GRIECHENLAND
20121127             Schwangerschaft: LUFT—VERSCHMUTZUNG könnte RISIKO—FÜR—AUTISMUS erhöhen
20121127             Schätzungen zufolg 10 ?nte das bis zu 10—MILLIARDEN—EURO bringen.
20121127             Schön habt ihr euch das ausgedacht, der Font sinkt und DIE—ANLEGER bekommen weniger Geld zurück, egal ihr habt eure Provision, ZINSEN und Gebühren.
20121127             Seine Tour filmte er für DAS—PROGRAMM—VON—"NATIONAL—GEOGRAPHIC Adventure".
20121127             Several naval ships including THE—USS—YORKTOWN and the Navy Aegis cruiser were dispatched to the Gulf of MEXICO as PART—OF—THE—MULTI—SERVICE—ANTI—CRUISE—MISSILE—OPERATION.
20121127             Sie sind Komlizen der organisierten Wirtschafts-, Bankenkriminalität.
20121127             Sie verweist darauf, daß ihr laut eigenen Statuten DIE—FINANZIERUNG—VON—STAATEN verboten ist.
20121127             —SUGGESTED, SOME—CYNICS have even, that our spooks control their spooks.
20121127             Sonst entsteht der Eindruck, daß die Entscheidungen mit Blick auf DIE—WAHL getroffen worden sind", warnt der CDU—INNENPOLITIKER Wolfgang Bosbach, der zu den Kritikern des EURO—KURSES zählt.
20121127             Spektakel statt Anzeigen: SOCIAL—MEDIA brennt die Werbung nieder
20121127             STAMMZELLEN—FORSCHUNG: BGH erlaubt EMBRYO—PATENTE mit Einschränkung
20121127             Starkregen in GROß—BRITANNIEN: Frau stirbt bei Überflutungen in Wales
20121127             Stattdessen bombardieren Sie uns mit den immer gleichen Agenturmeldungen!
20121127             Journalismus sieht anders aus.
20121127             —VERLOREN, Stimmung in GRIECHENLAND: "DIE—MENSCHEN haben ihr Lächeln "
20121127             Straßenschlacht in KAIRO: TEXTIL—PRODUKTION in BANGLADESCH: Brennende Gier
20121127             THE—CIA also maintains 1—CADRE—OF—MOLES inside THE—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—ORGANIZATION, as acknowledged
20121127             THE—TRUTH—OF—THE—MATTER was quite different: Agca was 1—CREATURE—OF—THE—GREY—WOLVES, AND—OF—THE—MORE—OR—LESS—FASCIST—FORCES operating within TURKEY on BEHALF—OF—THE—CIA-"GLADIO"scheme.
20121127             Tatsächlich hat LEONARDO—DA—VINCI DIE—REGION bereist, da er
20121127             Teurer als geschätzt: WIRBELSTURM—SANDY kostet NEW—YORK 42-MILLIARDEN $
20121127             Tut doch nicht so, als wüßtet ihr nicht die Lösung
20121127             UNTER—DEM—STRICH steigen GRIECHENLANDs Schulden also um 4-MILLIARDEN.
20121127             USA—FINANZINVESTOR: ARGENTINIEN zieht gegen GEIER—FONDS vor Gericht
20121127             VERDACHT—AUF—GIFTMORD: -EXPERTEn exhumieren ARAFATs Leiche
20121127             Vielmehr ist das Zusammenspiel von Inhaltsanbietern und Suchmaschinenbetreibern Ausdruck unserer modernen, arbeitsteiligen MARKTwirtschaft.
20121127             —KRITISIERT, Votum zur Griechenhilfe: SPD, EXPRESS—ABSTIMMUNG—IM—BUNDES—TAG
20121127             WIRTSCHAFTS—KRISE, Arbeitslosenquote in FRANKREICH steigt extrem
20121127             Wenn die 10—THESEN zur StaatsFINANZIERung richtig sind, dann ist die Forderung 1—STAATS—BÜRGERBANK zu gründen, auch durch MENSCHEN—RECHTE zu rechtfertigen, weil 1—UMSCHULDUNG DIE—MENSCHENGERECHTERE Lösung wäre.
20121127             Wie eigentlich immer bei Initiativen von SCHWARZ—GELD, sobald mal jemand was dazu sagt, der sich mit dem Thema auskennt.
20121127             Wie erklärt werden soll, daß Inhalte von Presseverlegern anderen Regeln unterliegen als ,normale" Inhalte, deren Entstehen ebenso auf Investitionen beruht, ist nicht ersichtlich.
20121127             Wir zahlen für 1 "Elite"aus korrupten Beamten, dummen Politikern und amoralischen Investoren, die sich JAHR—ZEHNT elang auf Kosten des Volkes bereichert HAT—ÄHNLICH wie bei uns.
20121127             Wir zahlen für BANKEN, DIE—GRIECHENLAND immer weiter Geld geliehen haben.
20121127             Wird der kritische Punkt erreicht, an dem die Mehrheit erkennt, daß für sie 1—GUTES Leben unerreichbar bleibt, gefährdet das nicht nur die sozialen Zusammenhänge, sondern auch DIE—GRUND—LAGE unserer Demokratie.
20121127             WIRTSCHAFTS—PROGNOSE: OECD fürchtet Wachstumseinbruch in DEUTSCHLAND - Wo bleibt die Phantasie meine Herren?
20121127             BÜRGER geben den BANKEN mit ihren SPAR—EINLAGEN Kredite für ca.
20121127             Zum Vergleich: Dieses Vermögen ist so groß wie DIE—STAATS—SCHULDEN aller 2$—EU—MITGLIEDER zusammen.
20121127             Zwar gibt es auch andere große Gruppen und Institutionen, DIE—GRIECHENLAND Geld geliehen haben: DER—INTERNATIONALE WÄHRUNGS—FONDS[IWF] etwa, DIE—EUROPÄISCHE—ZENTRAL—BANK (EZB) oder die vielen privaten BANKEN und HEDGE—FONDS.
20121127             [l] DIE—EU und GRIECHENLAND haben sich auf 1—DEAL einigen können.
20121127             [l] Du weißt, daß das "LEISTUNGS—SCHUTZ—RECHT"1—GANZ tiefer Griff ins Klo ist, wenn sich das Who is Who DER—DEUTSCHEN—URHEBER—RECHTSJURISTEN geschlossen dagegen ausspricht.
20121127             ^ Quote: TERRORIST GROUP ACQUIRES CM'S/UAV'S (page 17, pdf file) - ART.
20121127             17, 1, JEDER—HAT—DAS—RECHT, SOWOHL ALLEIN ALS AUCH IN GEMEINSCHAFT MIT ANDEREN EIGENTUM INNEZUHABEN.20121127              bei ihrem direkten Mitbewerber, lieber Spiegel.
20121127             erhalten.
20121127             es besteht die Gefahr unabsehbarer negativer Folgen.
20121127             es gab und gibt eindeutige Verträge die nicht eingehalten werden, es wurde vorsätzlich weggeschaut, nicht nur bei den Griechen.
20121127             es ist 1—SCHANDE
20121127             es ist 1—SCHANDE das der kleine BÜRGER nun zahlen soll wo es so VIELE—REICHE bei uns gibt.
20121127             es wäre viel günstiger und demokratischer, wenn 1—STAATS—BÜRGERBANK im Eigentum DER—BÜRGER dem STAAT—GELD borgt.
20121127             gemeinhin gilt [FLORENZ]DIE—FLORENTINER KAUF—MANNSGATTIN Lisa del Giocondo als Vorbild für die Mona Lisa.
20121127             super! Doch was soll dabei rauskommen?
20121127             Richtig, DAS—GELD auf dem ihr sitzt ist bald nix mehr Wert und die Besitztümer wird man euch auch wegnehmen und wird man nach 1—RICHTIGEN —KRISE noch Bänker brauchen?
20121127             Ich glaube nicht.
20121127—20090101    —AM, uba/SÜD—SUDAN -, überquerte GRAHAM—HUGHES—DIE—GRENZE—ZU—URUGUAY -, trat damit 1—REISE an, die ihn fast 4—JAHRE—LANG, um DIE—ERDE führen sollte.
20121127             und man komme mir nicht mit: Welche Gesetze haben die denn gebrochen.
20121127             und um die Kredit müsst ihr euch auch nicht sorgen, das müssen DIE—BÜRGER—DER—EU zahlen.
20121127             —AM—MONTAG traf der Brite aus LIVERPOOL im SÜD—SUDAN 1—UND will damit 1—NEUEN GUINNESS—REKORD aufstellen: Nach eigenen Angaben hat er als 1.Mensch jeden souveränen STAAT—DER—ERDE besucht, ohne einmal auf 1—FLUGZEUG zurückgreifen zu müssen.
20121127             —BISLANG in keiner Weise NACHGEWIESEN.
20121127             —DURING—THE—COLD—WAR, 1—IMPORTANT asset was THE—COUNTER—GUERRILLA, and the Grey Wolves;
20121127             —EINIGUNG zwischen EURO—GRUPPE und IWF: GRIECHENLAND bekommt weitere MILLIARDEN—HILFEN
20121127             —JETZT, wird es keinen SCHULDEN—ERLASS geben
20121127             —NEUE—MILLIARDENHILFE: BUNDES—TAG soll GRIECHENLAND—PAKET im Eiltempo durchwinken
20121127             —PROTEST—IN—ÄGYPTEN: KAIRO rüstet sich für Straßenschlachten
20121127             —SCHON der 1.Absatz hat diese taktische ATOM—BOMBE unter den juristischen VERSENKER—FORMELN drin:
20121127             —STUDIE in DEUTSCHLAND: Schwangerschaften sind ansteckend
20121127             —UNTER—DEM, Strich steigen GRIECHENLANDs Schulden also um 4-MILLIARDEN.
20121127             4—FEMALE—SERVICE—MEMBERS filed 1—LAWSUIT challenging THE—PENTAGON—BAN on women serving in combat, hoping the move will add pressure to drop the policy just as officials are gauging the effect that lifting the prohibition will have on morale.
20121127             A 19940000              rule that barred women from being assigned to ground combat units.
20121127             1—LABOR—STRIKE by 500—CLERICAL—WORKERS began at the twin CALIFORNIA ports of LOS—ANGELES and LONG—BEACH.
20121127             —STRENGTHENED, Their industrial action and clout was significantly, because some 10,000 MEMBERS—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—LONGSHORE and Warehouse Union supported them, refusing to cross the clerical workers' picket lines.
20121127             —IDLED, Operations at 10 or 14—TERMINALS were.
20121127             —RELEASED, THE—USA—CENTERS for Disease Control and Prevention, 1—REPORT saying young people ages 13 to 24—ACCOUNT for 26—PERCENT of all new HIV infections.
20121127             4—GAY—MEN accused 1—NEW—JERSEY nonprofit, Jews Offering New Alternatives to Healing," of fraud for selling "conversion therapy" that falsely promised to make them straight.
20121127             —ORDERED, WASHINGTON STATE—GOVERNOR—CHRIS—GREGOIRE, state agencies to take steps to address the ocean's increasing acidity, making it the 1. state to adopt 1—POLICY to address what scientists called 1—GROWING environmental concern.
20121127             —FLOODED, UK—POLICE found THE—BODY—OF—1—ELDERLY—WOMAN in 1, home in THE—WALES—CITY—OF—S—ASAPH.
20121127             Sustained wet weather kept MANY—AREAS—OF—BRITAIN under water.
20121127             —DURING 19480000             —THE—CONFERENCE—OF—USA—STATES, nations in the region signed the "BOGOTA Pact," which required signatories to find peaceful solutions to conflicts.
20121127             —DEFIED, CONGO's M23 rebels, 1—DEADLINE imposed by neighboring nations, saying they will stay in the crucial, EAST—CITY—OF—GOMA and will fight THE—CONGO—ARMY to hold it.
20121127             CONGO residents and M23 rebels said that another rebel group, THE—FDLR, has crossed the border into RWANDA and is fighting THE—RWANDA—ARMY.
20121127             —FLOCKED, EGYPT, thousands, to CAIRO—CENTRAL—TAHRIR square for 1—PROTEST against PRESIDENT—MORSI in 1—SIGNIFICANT—TEST—OF whether the opposition can rally the street behind it in 1—CONFRONTATION aimed at forcing the Islamist leader to rescind decrees that granted him near absolute powers.
20121127             THE—17—EUROPEAN Union nations that use the euro struck 1—AGREEMENT with THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND on 1—PROGRAM to reduce GREECE—DEBT and put ATHENS on the way to get the next installment of its bailout loans.
20121127             The 1. disbursement is set to take place 20121213            .
20121127             —ANNOUNCED, FRANCE, that it plans to vote in favor of recognizing 1—PALESTINE—STATE—AT—THE—UN—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY this week.
20121127             —LAUNCHED, IRAQ, insurgents, attacks against security forces and civilians in BAGHDAD, KIRKUK city and Diyala province.
20121127             —KILLED, At least 30—PEOPLE were, and dozens wounded.
20121127             Shiite mosques in BAGHDAD were main targets.
20121127             —OPENED, Yasser ARAFAT—POLITICAL—HEIRS, his grave in Ramallah and foreign experts took samples of the iconic PALESTINE—LEADER—REMAINS as PART—OF—1—LONG—SHOT—ATTEMPT, —8—YEARS—AFTER his mysterious death, to determine whether he was poisoned.
20121127             —AIRED, RUSSIA—ROSSIYA 1—CHANNEL, 1—DOCUMENTARY linking former agricultural MINISTER, Yelena Skrynnik, to 1 reported $1.2—BILLION fraud.
20121127             RUSSIA, 1—WORLD martial arts champion, RASUL—MIRZAYEV, 26—JAHRE—ALT from Dagestan, was convicted of involuntary manslaughter but set free after 1—TRIAL that inflamed the country's ethnic tensions.
20121127             The verdict led to protests by nationalists outside THE—MOSCOW court.
20121127             —BOMBED, SYRIA—WARPLANES, 1—OLIVE press factory in Idlib, killing at least 20—PEOPLE and wounding dozens more.
20121127             —PUBLISHED, THE—PRO—GOVERNMENT—DAILY AL—WATAN, 1—LIST—OF—142—ARAB and foreign terrorists it said were killed in Syria in recent months.
20121127             Rebels reportedly shot down 1—GOVERNMENT—HELICOPTER—WEST—OF—ALEPPO.
20121127             —APPROVED, The World Bank, a $500—MILLION—LOAN to help support reforms in TUNISIA—FINANCIAL—SECTOR to encourage investment and growth.
20121127             —CIRCUMVENTED, Human rights groups have said KENYA and TANZANIA, their extradition laws to illegally deport suspects to UGANDA where they could be interrogated at length by local and foreign agents without scrutiny.
20121127—20100711    —IN—THE, The Open Society Justice Initiative said 4—SUSPECTS, bombings in UGANDA claimed men who identified themselves as USA FBI agents beat them up during questioning.
20121127—20110000    —INCLUDED, They, the judge who 1. ordered Ostreicher seized and officials in 1—STATE—AGENCY that seized 18,000 metric TONS—OF—RICE from him.
20121127—20121204    —ON, 1—DEAL to settle was struck.
20121127—20121218    —GRANTED, Ostreicher was, house arrest.
20121127—20130000    —IN, 2—MEMBERS—OF—THE alleged extortion ring pleaded guilty.
20121228—20121127    —RAPED, The woman was, 20121113              and reported the attack to police.
20130116             alfatomega.com/20061127.html
20131127             —BURNED, COLORADO, 3—PEOPLE were found dead in 1, home in Rye.
20131127             —SUSPECTED—OF, He was, stealing check, killing 3—PEOPLE and setting fire to their home in RYE—COLORADO.
20131127             2—CHICAGO women became the 1. SAME—SEX—COUPLE to marry in ILLINOIS after 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE granted 1 expedited marriage license because of 1—OF—THE—WOMEN—FAILING health.
20131127             —GUNNED, AFGHANISTAN, Taliban militants, down and killed 6—PEOPLE working working for THE—FRANCE—AID—GROUP ACTED in THE—NORTH—PROVINCE—OF—FARYAB.
20131127             AUSTRALIA, SIMON—GITTANY was found GUILTY—OF—THROWING his CANADA—GIRLFRIEND, former ballerina Lisa Harnum, off the balcony of their HIGH—RISE—SYDNEY apartment.
20131127             —COLLAPSED, BRAZIL, 1—GIANT crane, at the construction site of SAO—PAULO—ITAQUERAO stadium killing 2—WORKERS.
20131127             1—ENGINEER reportedly warned his supervisor that it appeared the ground was not stable enough to support the 500-ton piece of roofing.
20131127             Du Anxiang (54), 1—CHINA—CITIZEN, was convicted by 1—JURY at NORTHAMPTON Crown COURT—IN—CENTRAL—ENGLAND.
20131127             The 1. autopsies in EUROPE to take place without bodies being cut open are to take place after 1—NEW—MACHINE was unveiled in SHEFFIELD.
20131127             This will enable MANY—POST—MORTEM examinations to be carried out digitally, saving the body from being cut open with 1—SCALPEL.
20131127             —ORDERED, EGYPT—PROSECUTOR—GENERAL, 24 detained activists to be held —FOR—4—DAYS for protesting 1—NEWLY passed law criminalizing demonstrations without permits.
20131127             Nearly 2—DOZEN—ISLAMIST—WOMEN and girls, some as young as 15, were handed heavy prison sentences for protesting in 1—COURT ruling that came 1—DAY after police beat and terrorized prominent female activists in 1—CRACKDOWN on secular demonstrators under 1—TOUGH—NEW—ANTI—PROTEST—LAW.
20131127             —REDUCED, The sentences of 7—TEENAGE—GIRLS were, to 3—MONTHS.
20131127             —FREED, All 21 were, under suspended sentences.
20131127             —ARRESTED, GERMANY, authorities in DRESDEN, 1—POLICEMAN on suspicion of killing and chopping up 1—MAN he met on THE—INTERNET who apparently fantasized about being killed and eaten.
20131127             Officer Detlev Guenzel had met 1—WILLING victim in 1—INTERNET chat forum devoted to cannibalism fetishists.
20131127             —CONVICTED, Guenzel was again, in a 20160000              RE—TRIAL.
20131127             IRAQ, police around found the corpses of 19—MEN  around BAGHDAD with gunshot wounds to their heads, as other attacks in the country killed at least 27.
20131127             Losing parliamentary immunity he defiantly calling it "1—DAY—OF—MOURNING for democracy" and pledged to continue in politics.
20131127             —RESIGNED, LATVIA—PRIME—MINISTER, after accepting political responsibility for the collapse of 1—SUPERMARKET roof in the capital that killed 54—PEOPLE.
20131127             —CLASHED, LIBYA—ARMY, with Islamist militants in THE—EAST—CITY—OF—BENGHAZI and 3—SOLDIERS were shot dead.
20131127             —DEACTIVATED, NIGER said it has, a 3. of its mobile phone connections to curb anonymous phone calls used for criminal activity.
20131127             —SHOUTED, NIGERIA, Islamic police, "God is great" as 1—EARTHMOVER shattered 240,000 bottles of beer in 1—WIDENING crackdown in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—KANO.
20131127             NORTH—IRELAND, LIAM—ADAMS, 58—JAHRE—ALT, the brother of Sinn Fein PRESIDENT—GERRY—ADAMS, was jailed —FOR—16—YEARS for raping his own daughter in the late 1970s and early 1980s, when she was between 4 and 9—YEARS—OLD.
20131127             PANAMA said it is freeing MOST—OF—THE—35—NORTH—KOREA—CREW members it detained more than 4—MONTHS ago for smuggling CUBA—WEAPONS aboard 1—SHIP.
20131127             —DETAINED, RUSSIA—SECURITY—FORCES, 15 suspected Islamist militants in MOSCOW after confiscating improvised bombs and other weapons in 1—RAID on 1—APARTMENT.
20131127             THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT said it will participate in UN—SPONSORED peace talks aimed at ending the country's civil war, but insisted that it is not going to the conference to hand over power.
20131127             —KILLED, SYRIA, 1—NEPHEW—OF—LEBANON—AGRICULTURE—MINISTER was, along with 3—OTHER—HEZBOLLAH fighters in the Qalamoun region NORTH—OF—DAMASCUS.
20131127             TUNISIA, angry protesters set fire to THE—OFFICE—OF—THE—RULING Islamist party in the neglected Gafsa region, as strikes were observed in areas amid rising discontent and political deadlock.
20131127             50—POLICEMAN were injured in clashes with protesters in the marginalised TOWN—OF—SILIANA where 1—GENERAL—STRIKE degenerated into violence.
20131127             —SIGNED, TURKEY and IRAQ—KURDISTAN, 1—PACKAGE—OF landmark contracts that will see THE—SEMI—AUTONOMOUS region's oil and gas exported via pipelines through TURKEY.
20131127             —DEMONSTRATED, In THE—UKRAINE THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, in CENTRAL—KIEV for a 5. straight day to protest the government's decision not to sign 1—AGREEMENT with THE—EU but to restore ties with RUSSIA instead.
20131127—20010000    —BANNED, Alcohol was, under Shariah law imposed here but authorities had turned 1—BLIND—EYE to its consumption in hotels and the Sabon Gari Christian quarter.
20131127—20110429    —STABBED, ENGLAND, 1—BUSINESSMAN who, 1—CHINA—FAMILY—OF—4 to death at their home, was found GUILTY—OF—MURDERING them.
20131127—20131228    —ARRESTED, HARRY—CARL—MAPPS, 59—JAHRE—ALT was, in 1—MOTEL in Roland, Ok.
20131127—20131207    —ON, 1—COURT reduced the sentences of 14—YOUNG—WOMEN to 1—YEAR.
20131127—20150000    —CONVICTED—OF, Guenzel was, murdering WOJCIECH—STEMPNIEWICZ and chopping him up in an S&M chamber.
20131127—20150000    —IN, 5—KEY governors said they have defected to NIGERIA—NEW—COALITION—OPPOSITION in 1—BLOW to PRESIDENT—GOODLUCK—JONATHAN—GOVERNING party and its chances for RE—ELECTION.
20131228—20131127    —SUSPECTED—OF, He was, killing 3—PEOPLE and setting fire to 1—HOME in COLORADO.
20140526—20141127    —BELIEVED, INDIA—TOP investigative agency said that 2—TEENAGE—GIRLS, to have been raped and hanged by attackers in 1—NORTH—INDIA—VILLAGE actually committed suicide BECAUSE—OF—SHAME over 1—RELATIONSHIP with 1—BOYFRIEND.
20141127             ISRAEL—NEUES NATIONAL—STAATSGESETZ: Zu Bürgern 2. Klasse abgestempelt
20141127             EUROPA und RUSSLAND: Zehntausende stecken sich mit HIV an
20141127—20150000    —BIS, EUROPA das MILLENniumteilziel verfehlt, die Ausbreitungsgeschwindigkeit von HIV zu reduzieren.
20141127             "Bankier des KREML": INTERPOL ordnet Festnahme des Milliardärs Pugatschow an
20141127             "DAS—ERGEBNIS zeigt, daß es gar nicht unwahrscheinlich ist, daß trotz aller VORSICHTS—MAßNAHMEN Raumfahrzeuge auch DNA irdischen Ursprungs an ihre Landestelle mitbringen können",
20141127             "Das muss man im Griff haben, wenn man nach Leben außerhalb der Erde sucht".
20141127             "Diese Entschließung sollte nicht als Anweisung an die WETTBEWERBS—KOMMISSARIN gelesen werden", warnte die britische Konservative Vicky Ford.
20141127             "Sie sehen wie Freunde aus, aber sie wollen uns tot sehen, sie mögen es, unsere KINDER—STERBEN zu sehen", fügte ERDOGAN beim Treffen der Organisation für ISLAMische ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT (COMCEC) in ISTANBUL hinzu.
20141127             DIE—AUS—LÄNDER hätten es auf Öl, Gold, Diamanten und die billigen ARBEITS—KRÄFTE in DER—ISLAMISCHEN Welt abgesehen.
20141127             "Wenn das wiederholte Ausfüllen 1—EINGABEFELDES ONLINE—STALKING ist, dann gehört halb Twitter hinter Gitter", so Ekeland.
20141127             "Wir sind alarmiert wegen Vorschlägen, die sich gegen USA—TECHNOLOGIE—FIRMEN zu richten scheinen, MARKTbarrieren schaffen und Innovationen behindern".
20141127             "Wir sind zunehmend besorgt über 1—OFFENSICHTLICHEN Trend in DER—EUROPÄISCHE—UNION, ausländische Firmen in Bezug auf die DIGITAL—WIRTSCHAFT zu diskriminieren", schrieben DIE—VORSITZENDEN der Finanzausschüsse BEIDER—KONGRESSKAMMERN in 1—BRIEF—AN—EU—PARLAMENTS—PRÄSIDENT—MARTIN—SCHULZ.
20141127             1—DER wichtigsten Gründe für DIE—SAUDI—ARABIEN—ZURÜCKHALTUNG dürfte DIE—KONKURRENZ zu DEN—USA sein, die MITHILFE—DER—UMSTRITTENEN—FRACMETHODE—KING—OF— zu 1—DER führenden Ölnationen aufgestiegen sind.
20141127             1—VERGLEICHBARE MACHT—DEMONSTRATION gelang der OPEC anschließend jedoch nur noch 1—EINZIGES Mal, nämlich nach DER—ISLAMISCHEN REVOLUTION.
20141127             Deren AN—FÜHRER Ajatollah Chomeini erkor DIE—USA zum Staatsfeind Nummer 1—UND nutzte den ÖL—PREIS als KAMPF—MITTEL.
20141127             Immerhin, 1—VERDOPPELUNG setzte das Kartell da noch durch.
20141127             1—VOR—5—JAHREN aufgedeckte SCHMIER—GELD—AFFÄRE hat zu ihrem Rücktritt geführt.
20141127             Mato soll von den mutmaßlichen Vergehen ihres EX—MANNES—DAMALS, BÜRGER—MEISTER 1—VORORTS—VON—MADRID—PROFITIERT haben.
20141127             Dieser wird verdächtigt, als Amtsträger 500.000—EURO an BESTECHUNGsgeldern für öffentliche Aufträge erhalten zu haben.
20141127             Dies geht aus dem ABSCHLUSS—BERICHT hervor, den der Untersuchungsrichter PABLO—RUZ in MADRID vorlegte.
20141127             Der ABSCHLUSS—BERICHT ist in der SPANIEN—JUSTIZ der letzte Schritt, bevor Anklage erhoben wird.
20141127             AMAZONAS—REGEN—WALD: BRASILIEN meldet weniger Abholzung
20141127             AUSLIEFERUNGS—VERFAHREN: Kim Dotcom zeigt sich vor Gericht
20141127             AUSSCHREITUNGEN—IN—FERGUSON: SCHWARZE diskutieren über Gewalt
20141127             Adobe has been pushing McAfee and other Products —FOR—YEARS now, I know to uncheck the boxes when I go to their website.
20141127             But this time I was given no option not to install it.
20141127             Adobe is going to end up ruining their good name with things like this,
20141127             Allerdings sind die Behauptungen des jungen Mannes keine reinen LÜGEN—GESCHICHTEN.
20141127             Sie enthalten auch gewisse Teilwahrheiten.
20141127—19490000    —SINCE, As 1—PART—OF—THE—JOINT—VENTURE that it has maintained with Unilever, JERÓNIMO—MARTINS is present in the Manufacturing area through THE—UNILEVER—JERÓNIMO—MARTINS—COMPANY.
20141127             —ALTERED, With this merger, THE—SHARE—HOLDER—STRUCTURE was, to 55% held by Unilever and 45% held by JERÓNIMO—MARTINS.
20141127             Außerdem müssten DIE—EU—WETTBEWERBSREGELN umgesetzt werden.
20141127             BERLIN, Marlene Mortler wirft den Fürsprechern 1—CANNABIS—LEGALISIERUNG gefährliche Verharmlosung vor.
20141127             "Prominente wie THOMAS D haben 1—ENORMEN Vorbildcharakter. Daher sollten sie sich gut überlegen, wie sie sich zu illegalem Drogenkonsum äußern", sagte die DROGEN—BEAUFTRAGTE DER—BUNDES—REGIERUNG.
20141127             Das Kleinreden der CANNABIS—GEFAHREN sei verantwortungslos.
20141127             BOKO—HARAM verdächtigt:—CA—40—TOTE—BEI—BOMBEN—ANSCHLAG—IN—NIGERIA
20141127             Bei 1—EXPERIMENT waren DNA—MOLEKÜLE auch noch nach der Landung vorhanden und DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER in der Lage, Teile davon in Bakterienzellen und Bindegewebszellen zu übertragen.
20141127             Dem TEAM—DER—UNIVERSITÄT—ZÜRICH zufolge belegen DIE—ERGEBNISSE, daß die in DNA—MOLEKÜLEN gespeicherte genetische Information extremen WELT—RAUMBEDINGUNGEN widerstehen kann.
20141127             Bei Menschen, die 1.in Suchtbehandlung waren, stand CANNABIS laut dem Bericht vergangenes Jahr an 1.Stelle.
20141127             Britische Boulevardzeitung: "Sun"bunkert brisantes Material in REDAKTIONS—TRESOR
20141127             Bruch des WAFFEN—STILLSTANDS : OSZE—BEOBACHTER in OST—UKRAINE erneut unter Beschuss
20141127             Camp in MÜNCHEN: FLÜCHTLINGE klettern von Bäumen runter
20141127             CHRIS—HOHN: HEDGE—FONDSMANAGER muss 425.000.000—EURO an seine EX—FRAU zahlen
20141127             —VERGLEICHT, DATEN—SAMMELEI per App: SICHERHEITS—EXPERTE, Uber mit der NSA
20141127             DER—USA—KONZERN steht in EUROPA wegen 1—GANZEN REIHE—VON—GESCHÄFTSPRAKTIKEN in der Kritik.
20141127             Dabei geht es unter anderem um umstrittene STEUERpraktiken, den möglichen Missbrauch seiner MARKTmacht und den PRIVAT—SPHÄRE—SCHUTZ im INTERNET.
20141127             DIE—ERMITTLUNGEN—GEGEN—DEN SOZIALISTEN drehen sich —LAUT—ANGABEN, DER—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT um BANK—GESCHÄFTE und Transfers von Geld unbekannter Herkunft.
20141127             "Das ist 1—MACHT—MISSBRAUCH des MINISTERs und 1—FORM kollektiver Bestrafung",
20141127             DIE—LEICHEN der 2—TÄTER würden den Angehörigen möglicherweise nicht übergeben, teilte DIE—POLIZEI "Haaretz"zufolge AM—DIENSTAGMIT.
20141127             DIE—MEHRHEIT—DER Abgeordneten stimmte AM—DONNERSTAG in 1—NICHT bindenden RESOLUTION dafür, das SUCHMASCHINEN—GESCHÄFT gegebenenfalls von anderen Unternehmensbereichen abzutrennen, wie der spanische Abgeordnete Ramon Tremosa über Twitter mitteilte.
20141127             DIE—SOGENANNTE PLASMID—DNA war demzufolge WÄHREND des 13—MINUTEN langen Flugs 1—SPITZENTEMPERATUR von kurzfristig schätzungsweise bis zu 1.000—GRAD—CELSIUS ausgesetzt.
20141127             DIE—SUCHERGEBNISSE sollten "FREI—VON—VERZERRUNGEN und transparent"sein, verlangten DIE—ABGEORDNETEN in dem Entschluss, der mit 384—GEGEN—174—STIMMEN bei 56—5—ENTHALTUNGEN angenommen wurde.
20141127             DIE—TSCHECHISCHE Liberale Dita Charanzova mahnte, DAS—PARLAMENT müsse die Unabhängigkeit der EU—WETTBEWERBS—KOMMISSARIN Margrethe Vestager respektieren.
20141127             DIE—ZEITUNG "El Periódico"schreibt: "Dass 1—SCHELM mit seinen Prahlereien und 1—PAAR Fotos die höchsten Kreise der —POLITIK hereinlegt, zeigt die Schwächen der Klasse der Politiker und Unternehmer. DAS—PROBLEM liegt nicht allein bei Nicolás und dessen Spinnereien".
20141127             DIE—ZURÜCKGETRETENE GESUNDHEITS—MINISTERIN wird nicht als VERDÄCHTIGE geführt, könnte aber in dem Prozess als Zeugin vorgeladen werden.
20141127             Dabei wäre nach ANSICHT—DER—VON den Ländern bestellten Gutachtern 1—NEUE WirtschaftsREVOLUTION dringend nötig gewesen.
20141127             Das Aufenthaltsrecht und SOZIAL—LEISTUNGEN seien könnten nicht einfach entzogen werden: "Sie sind 1—ESSENTIELLE EXISTENZGRUND—LAGE von Menschen".
20141127             Das Papier, das 2—ÖKONOMEN AM—DONNERSTAG in PARIS—AN—DIE—WIRTSCHAFTS—MINISTER—BEIDER—LÄNDER übergaben, empfiehlt unter anderem 1—FLEXIBILISIERUNG des ArbeitsMARKTes in FRANKREICH sowie 1—LOCKERUNG der 35—STUNDEN—WOCHE in vielen Sektoren.
20141127             DEUTSCHLAND soll stärker investieren und mehr Zuwanderer aufnehmen.
20141127             —GESUCHT, Der 51—JAHRE—ALTE wird von den russischen Behörden.
20141127             Sie werfen dem früheren BANKER Unterschlagung und groß angelegten BETRUG vor.
20141127             Dafür drohen ih 10—RUSSLAND bis zu 10—JAHRE—HAFT.
20141127             DER—FRÜHERE—OLIGARCH und EHEMALIGE—SENATOR—PUGATSCHOW, der in den NEUNZIGER—JAHREN als "Bankier des KREML"galt, hat sich 1—UNTERNEHMENSIMPERIUM in RUSSLAND aufgebaut, aber auch mehrere Firmen im Ausland gekauft, darunter die französische DELIKATESSEN—LADENKETTE Hédiard.
20141127             Der 57—JAHRE—ALTE sitzt seit —DIENSTAG in Untersuchungshaft,
20141127             Der Anwalt Gonçalo Trindade Ferreira wurde hingegen unter Auflagen freigelassen.
20141127             Der SCHILD in knapp 12.000—KM Höhe blockiere sehr schnelle "Killerelektronen", diese könnten der Erde deshalb nicht zu nahe kommen.
20141127             DIE—BARRIERE liegt im VAN—ALLEN—GÜRTEL, der aus 2—RINGEN besteht.
20141127             Der innere Ring (Höhe 3.000—BIS 6.000—KILOMETER) besteht vor allem aus Protonen, der äußere (Höhe 12.000—BIS 25.000—KILOMETER) aus Elektronen.
20141127             Der im LONDONer Exil lebende, FRÜHERE—VERTRAUTE—DES—KREML sei umgehend festzunehmen, hieß es demnach AM—DONNERSTAG auf der INTERNETseite von INTERPOL.
20141127             —INFORMIERT, Über den Haftbefehl wurden alle 190—MITGLIEDSTAATEN.
20141127             Der polnische CHRIST—DEMOKRAT MICHAL—BONI appellierte: "Wir sollten nicht nach 1—SÜDENBOCK suchen, um unsere eigenen Schwächen zu erklären".
20141127             Diese ließen sich nicht mit Sócrates' deklariertem Einkommen erklären.
20141127             Doch es bleiben VIELE—FRAGEN.
20141127             EU—PARLAMENT: JUNCKER übersteht Misstrauensvotum
20141127             Entdeckung im All: STAR—TREK—SCHUTZSCHILD der Erde verblüfft Physiker
20141127             FLÜCHTLINGE: GÜNTER—GRASS bringt "Zwangseinquartierungen"ins Spiel
20141127             FLÜCHTLINGE—IN—DEUTSCHLAND: Die hässlichen DEUTSCHEN
20141127             —BESTREITET, FRONT—NATIONAL : LE—PEN, weitere Millionenzahlung aus RUSSLAND
20141127             Geologie: Forscher entdecken häufigstes Mineral der Erde
20141127             Gerüchte über Ratten bei der "Vogue": Haute Koture
20141127             HALBJAHRES—TREFFEN, OPEC lässt tägliche Ölfördermenge unverändert
20141127             HONGKONG—STUDENTEN—FÜHRER dürfen Protestbezirk nicht mehr betreten
20141127             Hitzetest: ERB—GUT übersteht Flug ins All
20141127             —ALARMIERT, Hochrangige MITARBEITER—DES—KONGRESSES zeigten sich.
20141127             Hochrechnung: Eisbären verlieren wichtige Heimatregion
20141127             ISTANBUL—DER—TÜRKEI—PRÄSIDENTEN RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN hat 1—BRANDREDE gegen den Westen und prowestliche Türken gehalten: Die Fremden hätten es nur auf DAS—GELD der Muslime abgesehen, zitierte ihn die türkische Zeitung "Hürriyet".
20141127             "Glaubt mir, sie mögen uns nicht", sagte er.
20141127             Im Grunde waren es nur wenige MONATE, die den Nimbus der OPEC als weltbeherrschendes Kartell BEGRÜNDETen.
20141127             —ÜBERMACHT, ANBETRACHT, der, von Google bei der Websuche ging es um Verbraucherrechte auf europäischer Ebene.
20141127             PORTUGAL, THE—GROUP—PARTNER—IN—THE—FOOD—DISTRIBUTION—AREA is Royal Ahold, in the holding company JERÓNIMO—MARTINS—RETALHO, which includes Pingo Doce.
20141127             In the Manufacturing area, JERÓNIMO—MARTINS has 1—JOINT—VENTURE with Unilever that is MORE—THAN—50—JAHRE—ALT, which has resulted in THE—UNILEVER—JERÓNIMO—MARTINS—COMPANY.
20141127             In Specialized Retail, JERÓNIMO—MARTINS—DISTRIBUIÇÃO de Produtos de Consumo holds 51—PERCENT—OF—THE—HUSSEL chocolates chain, while the remaining 49% are held by THE—GERMAN—DOUGLAS AG Group.
20141127             Internationaler Handel: WTO nimmt 1.weltweites FREI—HANDELS—ABKOMMEN an
20141127             —INDEED, It is, ALMOST always 1—BAD—IDEA, and the fate of THE—PARIS COMMUNE proves the point.
20141127             The 1.JERÓNIMO—MARTINS—STORE—DATES back to 17920000             , —THE—YEAR 1—YOUNG—GALICIAN arrived in LISBON and opened 1—SMALL—STORE in the Chiado DISTRICT—OF—LISBON.
20141127             Jamal durfte —BISLANG in JERUSALÉM aufgrund 1—SPEZIELLEN Regelung leben, DIE—FAMILIEN zusammenführen soll, wie etwa DIE—BBC berichtet.
20141127             DIE—O†o wird "Haaretz"zufolge nun in DIE—PALÄSTINENSER—GEBIETE ausgewiesen und soll keinerlei staatliche Unterstützung mehr erhalten.
20141127             PREMIER—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANJAHU kündigte demnach auch 1—ENTSPRECHENDES Gesetz an.
20141127             "Jeder, der in TERRORISMUS involviert ist, muss bedenken, daß er verantwortlich dafür ist, daß es auch Konsequenzen für die eigene Familie gibt", sagte INNEN—MINISTER—ERDAN.
20141127             LISSABON—DER wegen KORRUPTION inhaftierte portugiesische EX—PREMIER JOSé Sócrates hat DIE—VORWÜRFE—GEGEN—IHN als "absurd"zurückgewiesen.
20141127             MADRID—FRANCISCO Nicolás Gómez hat es in SPANIEN—VON—1—AUFSCHNEIDER zu 1—MEDIENSTAR geschafft: Wenn —MITTERNACHT—KURZ—VOR, mehr als 2.700.000 Spanier sich 1—FERNSEH—PROGRAMM ansehen, wird in der Regel 1—FUßBALLSPIEL übertragen.
20141127             —DIESMAL, waren in der TV—SENDUNG des Kanals Telecinco aber keine Fußballer wie Cristiano Ronaldo oder LIONEL—MESSI zu sehen, sondern der junge Mann, den DIE—JUSTIZ als 1—HOCHSTAPLER und notorischen Wichtigtuer betrachtet.
20141127             MANGEL—AN—BESCHWERDESTELLEN: Wenn POLIZISTEN Hilfe brauchen
20141127             Man habe 1—UNSICHTBARES Schutzschild entdeckt, das DIE—ERDE umgibt, heißt es in der PRESSE—MITTEILUNG der UNIVERSITY—OF—COLORADO in Boulder, und am ehesten könne man diese Barriere mit den Kräftefeldern VERGLEICHE n, die das Raumschiff "Enterprise"aus der TV—SERIE "Star Trek"aktiviert, wenn Geschosse von Aliens im Anflug sind.
20141127             Marlene Mortler: DROGEN—BEAUFTRAGTE greift Befürworter von CANNABIS—FREIGABE an
20141127             McAfee ist 1—USA—AMERIKANISCHER Hersteller von ANTIVIRUS—SOFTWARE, ComputersicherheitsSOFTWARE.
20141127             McAfee ist 1—USA—AMERIKANISCHER Hersteller von Antivirus—, Computersicherheitssoftware.
20141127             DAS—UNTERNEHMEN ist
20141127             Mehr EINNAHMEN als Ausgaben: AUS—LÄNDER bringen DEUTSCHLAND MILLIARDEN
20141127             Mit ungenauen Informationen soll Mato —DAMALS, "Unsicherheit und Angst"in der Bevölkerung ausgelöst haben, wie die OPPOSITION monierte.
20141127             Mortler warf dem HANFVERBAND—VOR, auf schäbige Art und Weise mit den Ängsten DER—MENSCHEN zu spielen.
20141127             —GEWINNT, NEU—EDITION des "Völkischen Beobachters": Verleger, RECHTS—STREIT
20141127             Nora Tschirner über PRIVAT—SPHÄRE: "Ich werde juristisch sehr bissig"
20141127             OPEC—TREFFEN—IN—WIEN: 1—KARTELL stürzt ab
20141127             PORTUGALs EX—PREMIER: Inhaftierter Sócrates wehrt sich gegen KORRUPTION—VORWÜRFE
20141127             Passagen im Entwurf des Textes, die indirekt auf Google abzielen, hatten bereits vorab IN—DEN—USA Sorge ausgelöst:
20141127             Personalisierte Werbung: Twitter will wissen, welche Apps Sie haben
20141127             Rede von —PRÄSIDENT—PEÑA—NIETO: "MEXIKO kann nicht so weitermachen"
20141127             Rekord am ArbeitsMARKT: 1.mehr als 43.000.000 Erwerbstätige
20141127             Räumung von FLÜCHTLINGS—CAMP: Demonstranten in MÜNCHEN harren auf Bäumen aus
20141127             SCHMIER—GELD—AFFÄRE: Spanische GESUNDHEITS—MINISTERIN tritt zurück
20141127             Separatisten vs. PRO—EUROPÄER: MOLDAU droht das UKRAINE—SCHICKSAL
20141127             Staatliche Vergeltung: ISRAEL straft FAMILIE—VON—SYNAGOGEN—ATTENTÄTER ab
20141127             STEPHEN—HAMILTON von der UNIVERSITY—OF—ALBERTA und seine Kollegen sagen voraus, daß durch eisfreie MONATE im Meer der ARKTIS DIE—CA—25.000—EISBÄREN auf der Welt 1—IHRER Lebensräume verlieren WERDEN—DEN KANADISCH—ARKTISCHEN Archipel.
20141127             Suchmaschinen: EU—PARLAMENT stimmt für Aufspaltung von Google und Co.
20141127             Sócrates WAR—FREITAG—AM, überraschend festgenommen worden, NACHDEM die schweren VORWÜRFE—GEGEN—IHN bekannt geworden waren.
20141127             Sócrates war 20110000              als —CHEF—1—MINDERHEITS—REGIERUNG zurückgetreten, weil DAS—PARLAMENT 1 4. SPAR—PAKET binnen 1—JAHR abgelehnt hatte.
20141127             Todesursachen: Mehr Menschen —STERBEN an psychischen Erkrankungen
20141127             Tremosa und DER—DEUTSCHE—CDU—ABGEANORDNETEDREAS Schwab hatten DIE—RESOLUTION im EU—PARLAMENT vorangetrieben.
20141127             Tschirner: 1—SICHERHEIT ist das natürlich nicht.
20141127             Ich habe nur irgendwie den Eindruck, daß egal wie weit DER—MENSCH sich auf allen Gebieten weiterentwickelt, er im Kern bleibt was er ist: 1—SOZIALES Wesen mit 1—BESTIMMTEN optimalen, sozialen Radius.
20141127             Ist dieser zu klein, wird er einsam, ist er zu groß, leidet die Beziehungsqualität. Ich glaube, man braucht tiefe, echte Verbundenheit mit anderen Wesen, um rund zu laufen.
20141127             Je größer, faseriger, ausgefranster und damit oberflächlicher der Beziehungskosmos ist, desto weniger Halt bietet er.
20141127             Daher wird sich DER—MENSCH immer WIEDER—NEUE Nischen suchen, die ihm Sicherheit geben.
20141127             In der Großstadt ist das der Rückzug ins eigene Viertel, im INTERNET wird es die gekürzte Freundesliste sein und die sorgsamer dosierte öffentliche Präsenz.
20141127             Tschirner: Heute geht es in der Tat nicht nur darum, ob irgendetwas Privates im Medium "Zeitschrift"herausgekommen ist, sondern ob es im INTERNET zu finden ist.
20141127             Solange man etwas sofort aus dem INTERNET entfernen kann, ist viel gewonnen.
20141127             Je weniger Konkretes ich dazu sage, desto größer ist meine juristische Handhabe, um Veröffentlichungen sofort zu unterbinden.
20141127             Nur so viel: Ich werde in dem Punkt juristisch sehr bissig.
20141127             Das kann ich nur sein, weil ich meinen eigenen Teil dazu beitrage und deutlich mache: "Bitte respektiert diesen Zaun, der um mich und alles, was mir wichtig ist, hochgezogen ist!"
20141127             Tschirner: Ich denke, daß es bald 1—SEHR starke GEGEN—BEWEGUNG dazu geben wird, ähnlich wie beim Fernsehen.
20141127             —GENOMMEN, Das haben am Anfang auch ALLE—ALS—GOTTES—GESCHENK, und 8—STUNDEN—PRO—TAG davor gehockt.
20141127             —JETZT, gibt es in meinem engeren Umfeld kaum noch jemanden, die 1—FERNSEHER hat oder 1—TV—JUNKIE ist.
20141127             Das wird mit den sozialen Medien ähnlich sein.
20141127             TÜRKEI—PRÄSIDENT—ERDOGAN über den Westen: "Sie wollen uns tot sehen"
20141127             UNILEVER—JERÓNIMO—MARTINS manufactures and distributes FAST—MOVING consumer goods in THE—AREAS—OF—FOOD, personal care and home care.
20141127             … ice creams, UNILEVER—JERÓNIMO—MARTINS—PRODUCTS are part of the everyday LIFE—OF—CONSUMERS in PORTUGAL.
20141127             Und in St Louis haben UNDER—COVER—POLIZISTEN 2—SCHWARZE festgenommen, die Bomben für 1—ANSCHLAG—AUF—DEN für FERGUSON zuständigen STAATS—ANWALT von ihnen kaufen wollten.
20141127             VERBRAUCHER—PREISE: Inflation sinkt auf niedrigsten Stand seit fast 5—JAHREN
20141127             WELT—WEIT —STERBEN nach UNO—ANGABEN JEDES—JAHR—CA 1.500.000—MENSCHEN an den Folgen von Aids
20141127             WM—VERGABE an RUSSLAND und KATAR: Fifa ermittelt angeblich gegen BeckenBAUER
20141127             Werbekampagne für arabischen Sponsor: Real MADRID nimmt Kreuz aus dem WAPPEN
20141127             Who are the current PARTNERS—OF—JERÓNIMO—MARTINS?
20141127             Wie portugiesische Medien berichteten, hatte DIE—STAATSBANK CAIXA—GERAL—DE—DÉPOSITOS DIE—BEHÖRDEN alarmiert, NACHDEM auf dem Konto des —POLITIKER—HOHE Summen eingegangen waren.
20141127             WirtschaftsREVOLUTION - [l] DAS—EU—PARLAMENT hat entschieden, Google aufzuspalten.
20141127             Nicht, daß sie dazu DIE—MACHT hätten, und das ist eh 1—NICHT—BINDENDE RESOLUTION.
20141127             Aber wie das so ist mit Politikern und Hunden.
20141127             Wo 1—BAUM ist, muss man gegenpinkeln.
20141127             [l] Oh yes oh yes oh yes! Die "Der NSA das Wasser abdrehen"—BEWEGUNG hat UTAH erreicht.
20141127             Da wird sich DAS—PARLAMENT —DEMNÄCHST mit 1—GESETZESENTWURF auseinandersetzen, der dem fetten neuen NSA—RECHENZENTRUM dort das Wasser abdrehen würde.
20141127             [l] Weißer Cop erschießt 12—JAHRE—ALTEN schwarzen Jungen.
20141127             Der Junge lief mit Spielzeugpistole herum.
20141127             Der Cop war gerade knapp —2—SEKUNDEN—VORHER angekommen, da hat er ihn auch schon nieder geballert.
20141127             diesen Hintergrund ausspart
20141127             ihm werden KORRUPTION, STEUER—BETRUG und GELD—WÄSCHE zur Last gelegt.
20141127             nelson sousa advogado - und ganz EUROPA schaut zu was 1—BZW.
20141127             2—KRIMINELLE Organisationen (inkl.
20141127             OPUS—DEI) aus 1—EIGENTLICH demokratischen, friedlichen und ökonomisch starken europäischen Land macht und gemacht hat.
20141127             wie das Magazin "Wired"nun berichtet, haben sich die Strafverfolger mit S. auf 1—VERGLEICH geeinigt.
20141127             —REDUZIERT, DIE—VORWÜRFE wurden auf geringfügige Vergehen, gegen 1—ZAHLUNG—VON—10.000—DOLLAR stellte DIE—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT DAS—VERFAHREN ein.
20141127             ÜBERFALL—AUF—GELDTRANSPORTER: Gangster blockieren italienische Autobahn
20141127             —AUFSTAND—GEGEN—DEN—ZENSUS: Diese Kommunen klagen GEGEN—DIE—VOLKSZÄHLUNG
20141127             —AUFSTIEG in NORD—KOREAS Hierarchie: Die geheimnisvolle Schwester des DIKTATORs
20141127             —BIS, zu 35—PROZENT—DER—AUSGESENDETEN—DNA—MOLEKÜLE seien biologisch voll funktionsfähig gewesen.
20141127             —DIE—SPD—ABGEORDNETE Evelyne GEBHARDt sprach von 1—VERFÄLSCHUNG des Wettbewerbs im INTERNET.
20141127             —EXPERTEN vermuten, daß die russischen ÖL—KONZERNE INFOLGE des Ölpreisverfalls bis zu—DOLLAR eingebüßt haben.
20141127             —FESTNAHMEN: ISRAEL meldet Zerschlagung gewaltbereiter HAMAS—ZELLE
20141127             —JETZT—SCHON gehören bewaffnete Zivilisten zum Straßenbild in ISRAEL.
20141127             —KAMPF—GEGEN—EPIDEMIE: Test von EBOLA—IMPFSTOFF startet vielversprechend
20141127             —KURZ—NACH—DEM, ANSCHLAG—AUF—DIE Kehillat Bnei TORAH—SYNAGOGE, bei dem SICHERHEITS—KRÄFTE die 2—ATTENTÄTER erschossen hatten, hatte ISRAEL bereits die ZERSTÖRUNG—DER—WOHNHÄUSER—DER—TÄTER angeordnet.
20141127             —LONDON, Über 2—METER sei er hoch, vom Design her "WILDER—WESTEN".
20141127             Im Inneren befänden sich Videos, Bilder und Berichte, die für Politiker wie Prominente gefährlich werden könnten.
20141127             DIE—REDE ist von 1—TRESOR, den das britische Tabloid "The Sun"dem ehemaligen Redakteur BEN—O'DRISCOLL zufolge angeblich im BÜRO stehen hat.
20141127             —NEUE—VERORDNUNG: Der MINDEST—LOHN wird löchriger
20141127             —NOCH, einmal betonte er in der Rede AM—DONNERSTAG, er halte daran fest, daß seine Glaubensbrüder AMERIKA entdeckt hätten.
20141127             "Nur weil ich 1—DURCH wissenschaftliche Forschung belegtes Faktum wiederholt habe, werde ich angegriffen von westlichen Medien und Fremden unter uns, die an 1—EGO—KOMPLEX leiden", sagte ERDOGAN.
20141127             Seinen Kritikern im In—, Ausland warf ERDOGAN daher psychische Probleme vor.
20141127             —NUN, behauptet JOSé Sócrates, DIE—VORWÜRFE seien "ungerecht und haltlos".
20141127             —POSTENKARUSSELL in ORD—KOREA—KIM—JONG—UN befördert seine Schwester
20141127             —SEIT—DEM, vergangenen —SOMMER ist der Preis geradezu abgestürzt".1 Fass (159—LITER) der —SORTE—BRENT kostete AM—DONNERSTAG 76,28—DOLLAR, gut 30 % weniger als noch ;;0600;;    —IM.
20141127             —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Frau Tschirner, Sie 8. penibel darauf, daß Ihr PRIVAT—LEBEN nicht Gegenstand von BERICHT—ERSTATTUNG wird.
20141127             Dank Smartphone ist aber heute JEDER—1—POTENZIELLER—PAPARAZZO.
20141127             Was unternehmen Sie dagegen?
20141127             —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Was macht Sie da so sicher?
20141127             —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Wohin, glauben Sie, wird das führen?
20141127             —UKRAINE—JAZENJUK bleibt REGIERUNGS—CHEF—
20141127             —VOR, OPEC—TREFFEN, ÖL—PREIS rutscht auf tiefsten Stand seit 4—JAHREN
20141127             —VOR—NOCH wenigen Monaten sah sich der junge Mann mit 1—ANKLAGE konfrontiert, die ihm in insgesamt 44—FÄLLEN schweren Computerbetrug und ONLINE—STALKING vorwarf.
20141127             Dabei handelt ES—SICH um Verbrechen, die auf GRUND—LAGE des —INZWISCHEN, völlig veralteten Computer Fraud and Abuse Acts (CFAA)
20141127             —WÄHREND, die dürre MITTEILUNG DER—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT über den Vergleich diesen Hintergrund ausspart, hält die KRITIK—AN—DER unklaren Gesetzeslage an.
20141127             —ATTACKED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 1—UK—EMBASSY vehicle in KABUL, killing 5—PEOPLE including 1—BRITON.
20141127             —ATTACKED, Taliban fighters, 1—GUESTHOUSE in KABUL.
20141127             2—ATTACKERS were killed by NEPAL—GUARDS and a 3. blew himself up.
20141127             —CHARGED, ARGENTINA—TAX—AGENCY, UK—BANK—HSBC with helping more than 4,000 Argentines to commit tax evasion by stashing money in secret SWITZERLAND—ACCOUNTS.
20141127             —PARALYZED, ARGENTINA, 1—POWER—OUTAGE in BUENOS—AIRES temporarily, SOME—SUBWAY—STATIONS and put more than 100—TRAFFIC—LIGHTS out of action.
20141127             1—STRIKE led by transportation unions demanding 1—SALARY hike also contributed to the traffic chaos.
20141127             BRITAIN—FOOD—STANDARDS—AGENCY (FSA) said some 70—PERCENT of fresh chickens on sale in BRITAIN are contaminated with 1—FOOD poisoning bug.
20141127             —AGREED, BRITAIN—MAIN—POLITICAL—PARTIES, to grant SCOTLAND new tax and spending powers to fulfill 1—PROMISE of greater autonomy made as politicians scrambled to persuade Scots to reject independence in 1—RECENT—REFERENDUM.
20141127             —REPORTED, THE—BBC, that billionaire hedge fund manager CHRIS—HOHN has been ordered to pay his estranged wife JAMIE—COOPER—HOHN 337—MILLION—POUNDS ($530—MILLION) in 1—OF—THE—LARGEST divorce settlements in UK—LEGAL—HISTORY.
20141127             —ARRESTED, UK—POLICE, LITHUANIA—BUILDER Viktoras Bruzas (38) after 2—PEOPLE were stabbed to death in SURREY.
20141127             —ARRESTED, Another man in his 30s has been, in WALTON—ON—THAMES on suspicion on conspiracy to commit murder.
20141127             UK—DETECTIVE writer P. D. James (19200000              *) † at home in OXFORD.
20141127             She created THE—BEST—SELLING series featuring POETRY—WRITING sleuth ADAM—DALGLIESH.
20141127             —KILLED, CHINA, at least 11—PEOPLE were, in the 2. deadly coal mine accident to hit the country in 2—DAYS.
20141127             19—PEOPLE were working in 1—MINE in THE—SOUTH—PROVINCE—OF—GUIZHOU when 1—EXPLOSION ripped through the shaft early this morning.
20141127             —STABBED, SOUTH—CHINA, 1—MAN in his 20s, several people at the entrance to 1—SUPERMARKET in NANNING.
20141127             9—PEOPLE were rushed to the hospital with 2—SERIOUSLY injured.
20141127             —AGREED, EU governments, to add 13—UKRAINE—SEPARATISTS and 5—ORGANIZATIONS to the bloc's sanctions list.
20141127             FRANCE—PRESIDENT—FRANCOIS—HOLLANDE said FRANCE will eliminate export credits for energy projects in developing countries which involve coal, the most polluting fossil fuel.
20141127             GREECE, a 24-hour general strike shut down services across the country, forcing flight cancellations and school closures and leaving state hospitals functioning with emergency staff, while TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS marched in CENTRAL—ATHENS.
20141127             —LURED, GUYANA officials said 5—LOCAL—MEN were, to neighboring SURINAME with promises of good wages, but ended up working in SLAVE—LIKE—CONDITIONS.
20141127             —MANAGED, The men, to escape to SURINAME—COASTAL—CAPITAL and alerted police.
20141127             —ARRESTED, HONG—KONG police, 11—MORE—PEOPLE in a 2. night of scuffles with demonstrators angry at having their 2—MONTH—OLD—PRO—DEMOCRACY—PROTEST—CAMP in 1—VOLATILE neighborhood shut down.
20141127             —ARMED, In THE—INDIAN—HELD portion of Kashmir heavily, militants fought 1—FIERCE—GUNBATTLE with soldiers.
20141127             4—CIVILIANS were among THE—10—DEAD.
20141127             —BLOCKED, IRAQ, militants from the Islamic State group, all mobile phone networks in MOSUL, accusing informants in THE—CITY—OF—TIPPING off coalition forces to their whereabouts.
20141127             —UNCOVERED, ISRAEL—SHIN—BET security service said it had, 1—VAST—HAMAS network in THE—WEST—BANK that was planning LARGE—SCALE—ATTACKS against Israelis in JERUSALEM.
20141127             —ARRESTED, Shin Bet said it has, more than 30—HAMAS militants who planned to kidnap Israelis and carry out attacks against JERUSALEM—LIGHT—RAIL and its largest soccer stadium, among other targets.
20141127             —RECALLED, JAPAN—TOYOTA—MOTOR—CORP., more than 40,000 vehicles as PART—OF—1—WORLDWIDE scare over defective air bags and is investigating 1—NEW—TYPE—OF—AIR—BAG—PROBLEM that could lead to further recalls.
20141127             MALAYSIA—LEADER said that 1—COLONIAL—ERA—LAW curbing free speech will be retained and strengthened, backpedaling on 1—PLEDGE 2—YEARS ago to abolish 19480000             —THE Sedition Act as PART—OF—POLITICAL—REFORMS.
20141127             —ANNOUNCED, MEXICO—PRESIDENT—ENRIQUE—PENA—NIETO, 1—NATIONWIDE—ANTI—CRIME—PLAN that would allow Congress to dissolve local governments infiltrated by drug gangs and give state authorities control over OFTEN—CORRUPT municipal police.
20141127             —BURNED, MEXICO—AUTHORITIES said they have found the partly, bodies of 11—MEN dumped on the side of 1—ROAD in Guerrero state.
20141127             —REPORTED, It was, that MEXICO—BILLIONAIRE CARLOS—SLIM will invest 500—MILLION—EUROS ($624—MILLION) in SPAIN—CONSTRUCTION—FIRM—FCC and receive 1—CONTROLLING stake in the company.
20141127             —RULED, The court, against Patria, led by Renato Usatii, who does business with RUSSIA—STATE—RAILWAYS.
20141127             NEPAL, 8—SOUTH—ASIA—HEADS—OF—STATE attending their 1. summit in 3—YEARS reached 1—DEAL on energy sharing, but failed on 2—OTHER—ECONOMIC—AGREEMENTS during 1—RETREAT where Indian and PAKISTAN leaders shook hands.
20141127             NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, 1—ROADSIDE bomb tore through 1—BUS—STATION—NEAR 1—BUSY—JUNCTION, killing 40—PEOPLE including 5—SOLDIERS at THE—MARABI—MUBI junction.
20141127             —SEIZED, PORTUGAL—POLICE said they have, around 20—METRIC—TONS—OF—HASHISH from 1—FISHING vessel at sea, despite the crew's efforts to sink the ship by exploding 1—DRUM—OF—GAS.
20141127             —SPLINTERED, ROMANIA—RULING coalition, as 1—ETHNIC—HUNGARY—PARTY said it would quit the government in THE—WAKE—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—VICTOR—PONTA—SURPRISE—DEFEAT in this month's presidential election.
20141127             SAUDI—ARABIA led the 12-member OPEC oil ministers meeting in AUSTRIA.
20141127             —OPTED, OPEC, to keep their production target at 30—MILLION barrels 1—DAY, despite 1—OVERSUPPLY of crude and plunging prices.
20141127             —RALLIED, SERBIA—LAWYERS, outside the government headquarters saying they have asked for European Union help to resolve 1—MORE than 2—MONTH—OLD—DISPUTE with the government that has practically paralyzed the judiciary in the country, which is seeking to join the bloc.
20141127             —APPROVED, SPAIN—PARLIAMENT, 2—LONG—DELAYED ANTI—CORRUPTION—LAWS, 1—DAY after 1—MINISTER—BECAME—THE 1. government casualty in 1—SERIES—OF alleged graft cases.
20141127             SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—WARPLANES kept up air raids on THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—RAQQA, the de facto CAPITAL—OF—THE—ISLAMIC—STATE—GROUP, killing at least 7—PEOPLE.
20141127             THAILAND—INTERIM—PARLIAMENT gave initial approval to 1—BILL banning commercial surrogacy, the practice of hiring 1—WOMAN to carry 1—FETUS to term.
20141127             —KILLED, EAST—UKRAINE, 1—BOY, 12—JAHRE—ALT and 1—WOMAN, 55—JAHRE—ALT were, by shelling in the separatist STRONGHOLD—OF—DONETSK.
20141127—19620000    —IN, Her 1. novel, "Cover Her Face," was published.
20141127—20110000    —SEIT, DAS—UNTERNEHMEN MCAFEE ist 1—HUNDERTPROZENTIGE Tochter von Intel.
20141127—20110000    Wikipedia
20141127—20141124    —ON, † VENEZUELA reported that at least 13—PRISONERS HAVE—OF—DRUG overdoses after inmates at the overcrowded DAVID—VILORIA penitentiary stormed 1—INFIRMARY during protests demanding better living conditions.
20141127—20141130    —RULED, MOLDOVA—APPEALS—COURT, that 1—PRO—RUSSIA—PARTY cannot compete parliamentary elections on the grounds it is illegally funded from abroad.
20141127—20141128    —ON, authorities confirmed 35—DEATHS.
20141127—20141211    —ON, the number of dead was raised to 48.
20151102—20151127    —ON, gang member COREY—MORGAN, 27—JAHRE—ALT was charged with 1. degree murder.
20151127—20050215    —UNTIL, Lets not forget that Youtube was not created, and then took 1—COUPLE—OF—YEARS until codecs and faster computers made it easier to upload videos.
20151127             KRIEG, TERROR, Schuldendrama, Migration — 20150000              war 1—JAHR—DER—KRISEN und brennenden Probleme.
20151127             —ANNOUNCED, BRAZIL, plans to sue SAMARCO—CO—OWNERS, BHP and BRAZIL—MINER Vale, for damages for 20—BILLION reais ($5.2—BILLION) over 20151105             —THE bursting of 1—DAM in Bento Rodrigues.
20151127             "I think PUTIN will eventually fall on his own sword.
20151127             "Lohberger Brigade": PARIS—ATTENTÄTER hatten enge KONT—AKTE zu deutschen ISLAMISTEN
20151127             Abaaouds Attentatspläne: Richter hegten schon im;;07;;Verdacht
20151127             All THE—USUAL suspects are there -- ALL—OF—THEM -- with ISRAEL sitting in THE—MIDDLE—OF—EVERY—GROUP.
20151127             An ALLE—WISSENSCHAFTLER: So geht verständliche Sprache
20151127             And here we have it, 1—STATEMENT by FORMER—NATO—SECRETARY—GENERAL, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer:
20151127—20140000    —ANFANG, Antragstau: BUNDES—AMT—FÜR—FLÜCHTLINGE forderte schon mehr Personal
20151127             Auf dem MAMMUT—GIPFEL—PARIS (20.000—TEILNEHMER!) besteht DIE—CHANCE, dieses Szenario zu mildern.
20151127             BUNDESWEHR—EINSATZ—IN—SYRIEN: Das schwarze Loch
20151127             Bei der Bekämpfung der EXTREMISTEN gebe es "2—MAßNAHMEN: Bombardierungen und Truppen am Boden", sagte Fabius im Radiosender RTL.
20151127             Botschaft eines USA—SHERIFFS: Politisch inkorrekt und stolz darauf
20151127             Clare Lopez --"She is 1—SENIOR—FELLOW at the neoconservative CENTER—FOR—SECURITY—POLICY (CSP), VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE—SUMMIT, 1—SENIOR—FELLOW at the Clarion Project, and 1—FORMER—EXECUTIVE—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—HAWKISH—IRAN Policy Committee.
20151127             DEUTSCHLAND, RUSSLAND, USA: Was FRANKREICHs Verbündete zum KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN—IS beitragen
20151127             DIE—1.15—JAHRE dieses Jahrtausends waren (mit 1—AUSNAHME) die 15—WÄRMSTEN seit Aufzeichnung der DATEN.
20151127             DIE—DELEGATIONEN—VON—OBAMA, PUTIN, Li, Modi, MERKEL und Co.
20151127             DIE—DEUTSCHEN SICHERHEITS—BEHÖRDEN prüfen —DERZEIT, mit Akribie mögliche Bezüge in ihren Verfahren zu den Anschlägen in PARIS.
20151127             DIE—JOURNALISTISCHE Praxis zeigt, leider: So wie Forscher dem "Alles über Alles"erliegen, DIE—GRENZEN ihres Themas mit JEDER—NEUEN Lektüre erweitern, neigen auch Journalisten zum SICH—AUFBLÄHEN.
20151127             Dann doch lieber wieder Boeing ab jetzt?
20151127             Das Meereis am Nordpol, das Inlandeis der ANT—ARKTIS und Grönlands sowie die Gletscher in den Gebirgen schmelzen.
20151127             Das patriarchale Prinzip der Naturbeherrschung hat versagt, Frauen sind umweltfreundlicher.
20151127             Der Mann als Klimarisiko
20151127             Der internationale Waffenhandel wird von SIPRI auf etwa 60—MRD USD geschaetzt.
20151127             Dieses Prinzip, ich nenne es "Holistischen Antagonismus", ist Kern abendländischer Forschung, der demokratischen GESELLSCHAFT, eines KRITISCH—AUFKLÄRERISCHEN Wissenschaftsjournalismus.
20151127             Durch DIE—HITZE—WELLE 20030000             —SOMMER—IM, starben in MITTEL—EUROPA Zehntausende Menschen.
20151127             Durch das Schmelzwasser der tauenden Gletscher und weil Meerwasser sich bei Erwärmung ausdehnt, steigt der MEERES—SPIEGEL.
20151127             EU—PARLAMENTS—PRÄSIDENT—SCHULZ gibt SCHÄUBLE Mitschuld an Spaltung EUROPAs
20151127             EU—TÜRKEI—GIPFEL zu FLÜCHTLINGEn: MERKEL will OST—EUROPÄERN Lektion erteilen
20151127             Endlich hat jemand DAS—PROBLEM erkannt!
20151127             Er handelte wie der "—CHEF—1—TERRORISTEN—GRUPPE": Das stellten RICHTER—NACH—INFORMATIONEN—DES—SPIEGEL über Abdelhamid Abaaoud, den mutmaßlichen Drahtzieher DER—TERROR—WELLE—VON—PARIS, bei seiner VERURTEILUNG
20151127             —ERST These und Antithese erschaffen die Synthese, das höhere Informationsniveau.
20151127             Es braucht Mut - Es geht ab —MONTAG also ums Ganze.
20151127             Es gibt keine Klimagerechtigkeit ohne Geschlechtergerechtigkeit.
20151127             Es handelt sich um die Firma "VTech".
20151127             FLÜCHTLINGE: CDU will INTEGRATIONS—PFLICHT für Migranten beschließen
20151127             FLÜCHTLINGS—BLOCKADE auf der Balkanroute: MAZEDONIEN baut massiven GRENZ—ZAUN
20151127             FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, Schnellzüge fahren wieder von WIEN nach München - Fascism returns to PARIS.
20151127             —TRAKTIERT, Flutforschung in den NIEDERLANDEn: Weltgrößter Wellenkanal, HOLLANDS Deiche
20151127             Fokussierte —RECHERCHE, Parallel zur Titelsuche läuft die inhaltliche Recherche.
20151127             Forschen und populär darüber zu schreiben, sind beide ein intellektuelles Abenteuer, der Reise des KOLUMBUS nicht unähnlich.
20151127             GEDENK—FEIER—IN—PARIS: FRANKREICH weint, FRANKREICH trotzt
20151127             Ganze Weltgegenden leiden häufiger unter Dürren, so die MITTELMEERregion und WEST—AFRIKA.
20151127             Gedenken an TERRORopfer: "Sie haben den Kult des Todes, wir haben die Liebe zum Leben"
20151127             HILFE—FÜR—ASSAD: RUSSLAND kämpft mit Bodentruppen in SYRIEN
20151127             Haushalt: Dafür gibt DER—BUND Ihr Geld aus
20151127             He said: "When I see PUTIN bear hunting, or diving for 1—VASE which apparently somebody had put there THE—DAY—BEFORE or is playing ICE—HOCKEY, then I tend to think is he 100 or 95—PER cent rational?
20151127             HERE—1—QUESTION: when leaders keep telling us not to allow terrorists to change our WAY—OF—LIFE, why is crushing dissent the 1.thing they do when something horrific happens?
20151127             I'm dying here.
20151127             Ich plädiere hier für laserscharfe Klarheit, singuläre Fragestellungen.
20151127             Im Flow: Aufschieberitis und das Ringen mit dem leeren Blatt kennt JEDER—SCHREIBER.
20151127             Im KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE—TERROR—MILIZ, die sich zu der Mordserie bekannt hatte, schmiedet HOLLANDE weiter an 1—INTERNATIONALEN KOALITION inklusive RUSSLAND.
20151127             In diesem Sinne: Hier haben wir 1—SCHÖNEN FALL—VON—DATEN—REICHTUM.
20151127             KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN—IS: PARIS bringt ASSAD—TRUPPEN ins Spiel
20151127             Kölner Studentin hilft FLÜCHTLINGEn: Schuhe 15000000             —FÜR, irakische Kinder
20151127             Les Moutons Enrages, SPUTNIK FRANCE and Fawkes are other popular alternative MEDIA—SITES which 'Le BLOG—DE—LA—RESISTANCE' AUTHOR—Z references in his post.
20151127             —VERURTEILT, MILITÄRtribunal: ALGERIEN, früheren ANTI—TERROR—CHEF zu 5—JAHREN Haft
20151127             MARINE—PRESTIGEPROJEKT: Neuer Ärger mit der Fregatte 125
20151127             Mehr als 300—UNTERSCHRIFTEN: Künstler fordern KLIMA—SCHUTZVERTRAG, geloben Mithilfe
20151127             —WORRIED, MISTER—DE—HOOP—SCHEFFER told Channel 4—NEWS he was, by MOSCOW—INVOLVEMENT IN—THE—MIDDLE—EAST in part because he wasn't certain MISTER—PUTIN was "100—PER cent rational".
20151127             Mögliche TERRORfolgen: Wie Angst DIE—WIRTSCHAFT lähmt
20151127             Nach Dammbruch: BRASILIEN fordert MILLIARDEN—VON—BERGBAU—UNTERNEHMEN
20151127             Nach umstrittenen Äußerungen über Muslime: DONALD—TRUMP verliert bei REPUBLIKANERn an Unterstützung
20151127             Pranger statt GELD—STRAFE: SOFTWAREpirat kauft sich mit Bekennervideo frei
20151127             Pro bono sollte kein AUTOR—ARBEITEN, es sei denn, sein ARTIKEL öffnet die Tür zu 1—KÜNFTIG bezahlten ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT.
20151127             Reise durch AFRIKA: PAPA wettert gegen den "Gott des Geldes"
20151127             Rituale und Stimulanzien: Kaffeehaus oder Bibliothek: Suchen Sie sich Ihr persönliches Schreibbiotop.
20151127             Schluss mit der Datensparsamkeit.
20151127             SMOG—ALARM: Behörden WARNEN PEKINGer vor dem Verlassen der Wohnungen
20151127             SU—24—ABSCHUSS: ERDOGAN bittet um TREFFEN—MIT—PUTIN
20151127             SU—24—ABSCHUSS: PUTIN lehnt ERDOGANs GESPRÄCHS—ANGEBOT ab
20151127             TERROR—VERDACHT: Mutmaßliche ISLAMISTEN in BERLIN wieder frei
20151127             The 1.thought that came to my mind was probably the same thought that popped into your head: Why hasn't THE—NEWS—MEDIA proclaimed Dear to be 1—TERRORIST?
20151127             The Planned Parenthood shooting spree.
20151127             The personal information of almost 5—MILLION—PARENTS and MORE—THAN—200,000 kids was exposed earlier —THIS—MONTH after 1—HACKER broke into the servers of 1—CHINA—COMPANY that sells kids toys and gadgets
20151127             The rich do no time.
20151127             These people are more alive and dangerous than ever, yet our media seems blissfully unaware of them.
20151127             This is the great fact of modern politics which THE—USA—MEDIA hates most to admit.
20151127             Trotz "Tornados"über SYRIEN: KOALITIONspolitiker sehen keine höhere TERROR—GEFAHR
20151127             USA—BUNDES—STAAT—COLORADO: 3—MENSCHEN sterben bei Schießerei in Frauenklinik
20151127             VON—DER—LEYEN zum KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN—IS: "Das ist ein gefährlicher Einsatz"
20151127             Verbrauchertrend: Weniger Geld für Geschenke, mehr für FLÜCHTLINGE
20151127             Versorgung DER—FLÜCHTLINGE: DIE—CSU jammert, BAYERN hilft
20151127             Vorweihnachtszeit: Konsumkritiker werben für KAUF—NIX—TAG
20151127             Warnsignale an der BÖRSE: DER—DAX STEIGT—DOCH DIE—GRUND—LAGE fehlt - Was ist eigentlich Klimagerechtigkeit?
20151127             Wenn der Blues trotzdem aufsteigt, könnte 1.Unterbrechung helfen, 1.kreative Schaffenspause.
20151127             —GELASSEN, Wer hat die nochmal in DIE—EU ?
20151127             Who buys ISIS oil - Wirtschaftsflaute: Ausverkauf an den BÖRSEn in CHINA
20151127             [l] Endlich!
20151127             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE—VON—KPMG: [l] Kennt ihr den schon?
20151127             [l] POLENs Junta hat keinen Bock mehr auf 1.unabhängige —JUSTIZ und schafft mit 1—NACHT—, NEBEL—GESETZ die Voraussetzung, 5—VERFASSUNGS—RICHTER—DES—VORGÄNGER—PARLAMENTS rauszukanten, will stattdessen linientreue Parteisoldaten installieren.
20151127             —BIS ENDE—DES—JAHRHUNDERTS um 3, 4—ODER noch mehr Grad erwärmen.
20151127             no museum or major art buyer is going to pay big bucks for 1—PIECE with 1—IFFY or nonexistent provenance, because t
20151127             würden Teile unseres Planeten unbewohnbar werden: durch extreme Dürren, Hungersnöte, Überschwemmungen oder ganz einfach weil DER—MENSCH dauerhafte Temperaturen von 60—GRAD—CELSIUS nicht erträgt.
20151127             Überraschender Fund: USA—RAKETENSCHROTT in GROß—BRITANNIEN angespült
20151127             —AM, the 10. ANNIVERSARY—OF—911—I heard really loud MIDDLE—EASTERN—TYPE—MUSIC and celebration going on from 1—RESTAURANT—NEARBY that went from 10pm at night until 2 in the morning.
20151127             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS: "RUSSLAND ist einfach zu groß"
20151127             —JETZT müssen sie liefern, Weitsicht und Entschlusskraft beweisen —, den Mut, sich auch mit der Wirtschaft ihres eigenen Landes anzulegen, ihrer eigenen Bevölkerung Verzicht zuzumuten.
20151127             —KLIMA—GIPFEL—PARIS: Es geht ums Ganze
20151127             —KLIMA—GIPFEL—PARIS: Unbekannte Weltpolitiker auf Rettungsmission
20151127             —MONTAG—AB, jedoch geht es ums Ganze.
20151127             —POLITIK wurde zum rastlosen KRISEN—MANAGEMENT mit ungewissem Ausgang.
20151127             —POLIZEI—EINSATZ—SYDNEY: Die spinnen, die Australier
20151127             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS b : 1050—PM
20151127             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS fred : 0918—PM
20151127             —POSTED—BY—BLOGGER—ALESSANDRO—MACHI : 12:16 AM
20151127             —STREIT—MIT—SPRINGER—VERLAG: AUTOR—MATUSSEK will wegen Rauswurf vor Gericht ziehen
20151127             —TECHNOLOGIE und Wissenschaft sind die Schrittmacher unserer Zeit, und mehr denn je stehen Zeitungen und Magazine Berichten aus der Forschung aufgeschlossen gegenüber.
20151127             —ENTERED, COLORADO, ROBERT—LEWIS—DEAR, 57—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FAMILY planning clinic in COLORADO Springs and opened fire, killing 3—PEOPLE, including 1—POLICE—OFFICER, and wounding 9—OTHERS.
20151127             LOUISIANA, JOHNNY—MAX—MOUNT shot and killed 1—EMPLOYEE at 1—WAFFLE—HOUSE—RESTAURANT in Biloxi after she asked him not to smoke.
20151127             —ARRESTED, Mount was quickly, and charged with 1. degree murder.
20151127             1—BELGIUM—JUDGE charged a 6. suspect, arrested 1—DAY—EARLIER, with terrorism offences in connection with 20151113             —THE—PARIS attacks.
20151127             —OPENEED, QUEEN—ELIZABETH, 24. biennial Commonwealth Summit in MALTA.
20151127             Leaders of 53—COUNTRIES -- around 1—QUARTER—OF—THE—WORLD—COUNTRIES and a 3. of its population, gathered to discuss global issues.
20151127             —RATIFIED, BULGARIA—PARLIAMENT, 1—AGREEMENT with NATO—ALLY—POLAND for the repair of its ageing SOVIET—ERA—MIG—29—FIGHTER—JETS, PART—OF—1—PUSH by the Balkan country to reduce its reliance on RUSSIA.
20151127             BURUNDI, attackers shot at 1—LAWMAKER from the ruling party as he drove to PARLIAMENT, killing 1—POLICE—OFFICER and wounding others.
20151127             1—COURT—IN—SOUTH—CHINA sentenced YANG—MAODONG to 6—YEARS in prison in what his lawyer described as 1—UNFAIR—TRIAL with 1—EXTRA—CRIMINAL—CHARGE added at the last minute.
20151127             —ORGANIZED, The leading activist had, rallies for media freedom.
20151127             JAPAN said it is investigating nearly 12—SUSPICIOUS—BOATS recently found drifting off the country's coastline, some with decaying bodies aboard.
20151127             At least 11—CASES involving wooden boats, SOME—BADLY damaged, with 20—BODIES on BOARD have been reported during October and November.
20151127             Korean writing was visible on the boats as well as clothes left inside the vessels.
20151127             —DUMPED, MEXICO, the bodies of 8—SLAIN men were found, in THE—OAXACA TOWN—OF—COSOLAPA.
20151127             All the men were from THE—CITY—OF—CORDOBA, about 30—MILES away.
20151127             —WAVED, NEPAL, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—STUDENTS held hands, banners and chanted slogans in KATHMANDU to protest against 1—BORDER blockade that has caused severe SHORTAGES—OF—FUEL and 1—INCREASE in food prices.
20151127             NICARAGUA—MILITARY said all clandestine airfields used by cartels to run drugs to THE—USA—HAVE been destroyed and steps taken to make sure they would not reopen.
20151127             NIGERIA, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew himself up among crowds at 1—SHIA—MUSLIM procession outside THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—KANO, killing at least 21—PEOPLE.
20151127             2—PALESTINIANS rammed vehicles into ISRAEL—SOLDIERS in separate attacks in the occupied WEST—BANK and were then shot dead.
20151127             —ATTACKED, Pirates, THE—CYPRUS—REGISTERED Szafir, 1—POLISH—OWNED cargo vessel, off THE—NIGERIA—COAST and kidnapped its CAPTAIN and 4—CREW.
20151127             SLOVAKIA—ECONOMY—MINISTER said his country will join forces with other Central and EAST—MEMBERS—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—UNION to protest 1—RECENT—DEAL to expand 1—PIPELINE that delivers natural gas directly from RUSSIA to GERMANY.
20151127             1—SWITZERLAND—COURT convicted in absentia Herve Falciani, 1—FORMER—FRANCE—EMPLOYEE—WITH—INTERNATIONAL—BANK—HSBC, for economic espionage and sentenced him to 5—YEARS in prison.
20151127             FRANCE does not extradite its own citizens and Falciani appears unlikely to serve the sentence.
20151127             —SUSPECTED, SYRIA, RUSSIA—WARPLANES carried out several air strikes on THE—TOWN—OF—AZAZ near THE—TURKEY—BORDER, killing 1 estimated 5—PEOPLE including 1—CHILD.
20151127             1—SERIES—OF—AIRSTRIKE on Raqqa killed at least 8—PEOPLE including 5—CHILDREN.
20151127             —SUSPENDED, TURKEY—MEDIA said the government has "temporarily", air strikes against Islamic State targets in Syria after the downing of 1—RUSSIA—WARPLANE on THE—SYRIA—BORDER sparked 1—MAJOR—ROW with MOSCOW.
20151127             —GATHERED, TURKEY, HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS, outside THE—ISTANBUL OFFICE—OF—1—OPPOSITION—NEWSPAPER, accusing the government of silencing critics and attempting to COVER—UP 1—SCANDAL after 2—JOURNALISTS were jailed on terror and espionage charges for their reports on alleged TURKEY—ARMS smuggling to Syria.
20151127             —DROWNED, At least 6—CHILDREN, in 2—SEPARATE—INCIDENTS when their boats sank off TURKEY while trying to make the risky crossing to GREECE.
20151127             UKRAINE said RUSSIA has begun to restrict coal supplies, days after the Kremlin threatened to punish Kiev for 1—POWER—BLACKOUT—OF—RUSSIAN—ANNEXED Crimea.
20151127             UKRAINE depends on coal to fulfil around 44—PERCENT of its power needs.
20151127             —LANDED, FRANCIS—PAPA, in UGANDA on the 2. leg of 1—LANDMARK trip to AFRICA, with choirs and dancers waiting to greet him.
20151127             —IMPOSED, Death sentences, on corrupt VIETNAM—OFFICIALS will now be commuted to life in prison if they pay back at least 75—PERCENT of the illegal money they made.
20151127             —ALLEGED, Human Rights Watch, that at least 10—AIR—STRIKES carried out by 1—SAUDI—LED coalition in YEMEN broke THE—LAWS—OF—WAR and killed civilians.
20151127—20150101    —FROM, RUSSIA said it would suspend its VISA—FREE—REGIME for TURKEY—NATIONALS as it retaliates against ANKARA for the downing of 1—RUSSIA—WARPLANE.
20151127—20151208    —REPORTED, THE—5—POLAND—SEAMEN were, freed.
20161124—20161127    —ON, 1—SEARCH—TEAM found the wreckage and rescued 1 injured pilot.
20161125—20161127    —RESTORED, The system was.
20161127             (from Wikipedia) about FRANCIS PARKER—YOCKEY…
20161127             1—HOCHRECHNUNG: Schweizer stimmen gegen den raschen ATOM—AUSSTIEG
20161127             1.JEDE—VERTRAGSPARTEI legt SICHERHEITS—, Wirksamkeitsanforderungen fest, bevor sie das Inverkehrbringen eines Pflanzenschutzmittels (in diesem ARTIKEL "Zulassung") genehmigt.
20161127             2. JEDE—VERTRAGSPARTEI legt 1—BEGRENZTEN DATEN—SCHUTZZEIT—RAUMFÜR Versuchs— oder Studienberichte fest, die erstmalig zwecks Erhalt 1—ZULASSUNG vorgelegt werden.
20161127             35—FESTNAHMEN: GROßBRÄNDE—IN—ISRAEL sind unter Kontrolle
20161127             4. In JEDER—VERTRAGSPARTEI beträgt der DATEN—SCHUTZZEIT—RAUMMINDESTENS 10—JAHRE ab der Erstzulassung in dieser VERTRAGspartei für den Versuchs— oder STUDIEN—BERICHT zur Erlangung der Zulassung eines neuen Wirkstoffs und für die, auf die sich die gleichzeitige Eintragung des den Wirkstoff enthaltenden Enderzeugnisses stützt.
20161127             ARTIKEL 20.30 - An den Löscharbeiten beteiligten sich neben den israelischen Einsatzkräften auch die palästinensische Feuerwehr.
20161127             Azoren: Forscher lösen Inselrätsel von Santa MARIA
20161127             Bestechlichkeit, BETRUG, Untreue: Dutzende KORRUPTION—VERFAHREN—GEGEN—BUNDESBEDIENSTETE
20161127             CASTRO spaltete DIE—WELT in Anhänger und Gegner.
20161127             —INTIMATED, DONALD—TRUMP and KELLYanne Conway have, that the recount effort is 1—WASTE—OF—MONEY.
20161127             —DONATED, DONALD—TRUMP says that money so, is a "waste".Oh really?
20161127             DONALD—TRUMP won 1—HIGHER—PERCENTAGE—OF—EVANGELICAL—VOTERS than GW and this likely explains his willingness to let them set his domestic administration agenda (that and his penchant for outsourcing everything).
20161127             DONALD—TRUMP would not throw this KIND—OF—OVER—THE—TOP—SNIT—FIT if he did not fear that the recount and audit could endanger the legitimacy of his triumph.
20161127             —LABELED, DONALD—TRUMP, as 1—MIGHT expect, has, the recount/audit effort a "scam".He has said that his victory should not be "challenged and abused".This is hilarious, given the fact that he would never have accepted 1—LOSS had the —ELECTION gone as the polls predicted.
20161127             Das ist zwar 1.gute ENTSCHEIDUNG—DES—EUGH.
20161127             —VERHAFTET, Hatice Kamer: TÜRKEI—POLIZEI, WDR—JOURNALISTIN
20161127             INTERNETausfall: BUNDES—WEITE Störung im TELEKOM—NETZ
20161127             —CONFIRMED, It has now been, that no less than 4—PRECINCTS in WISCONSIN registered more votes for PRESIDENT than votes cast.
20161127             It's clear that PUTIN wants DONALD—TRUMP in office in order to bring 1—END to NATO, thereby allowing RUSSIA to bring back into the fold THE—STATES that they lost when they USSR ended.
20161127             KUBAnische PROPAGANDA: CASTROs Welt
20161127             —WARNED, No less 1—SOURCE than CBS—NEWS, us before the —ELECTION that RUSSIA could tap into the machines.
20161127             No less 1—SOURCE than THE—NSA says that RUSSIA has been helping DONALD—TRUMP.
20161127             PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTS—WAHL—IN—FRANKREICH: EX—PREMIER Fillon wird Kandidat der Konservativen
20161127             —RIGGED, Remember when he kept insisting that the —ELECTION was ?
20161127             Schutz von zu Pflanzenschutzmitteln
20161127             —GESPERRT, Straßen, U-Bahn unter Wasser: Starkregen löst CHAOS—IN—ATHEN aus
20161127             —ADMITTED, THE—RUSSIANS themselves have, that they were working with DONALD—TRUMP—CAMPAIGN.
20161127             The Heritage FOUNDATION previously got its hands on government under THE—BUSH Jr administration.
20161127             VATIKAN und FASCHISMUS: "DER—PAPA hat moralisch versagt"
20161127             VERFASSUNGS—REFERENDUM: ITALIENs Schuldendrama wird zur BEDROHUNG—FÜR—EUROPA
20161127             We now have 1—FOREIGN—ACTOR playing 1—ROLE in our affairs.
20161127             —PURSUED, Yockey was continuously, by the Federal BUREAU—OF—INVESTIGATION (FBI) for over 1—DECADE, which he avoided by adopting numerous aliases.
20161127             YOCKEY—GREATEST champion was Willis Carto, who Spotlight magazine had 1—FORMATIVE influence on THE—USA—CONSPIRACY buff subculture.
20161127             YOCKEY—MOST radical idea was very simple: RUSSIA is good.
20161127             [l] Oh wow: Der GERICHT—HOF DER—EUROPÄISCHE—UNION hat geurteilt, daß "Trade Secret"keine Ausrede für das Zurückhalten von Studien über Agrarchemikalien ist.
20161127             radical
20161127             —WHEN they USSR ended.
20161127             Überblick: Die wichtigsten Texte zum TOD—VON—FIDEL—CASTRO
20161127             —ACCORDING—TO, Digby, DONALD—TRUMP—TRANSITION—TEAM has outsourced much of the lower level government staffing to THE—ULTRA—CONSERVATIVE—HERITAGE—FOUNDATION, headed up TEA—PARTY—EXTREMIST and FORMER—SENATOR—JIM—DEMINT.
20161127             —KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN—REBELLEN bei GIFT—GAS—ANGRIFF des IS verletzt
20161127             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS gavan : 0838—PM
20161127             —UPDATE, Zu früh gefreut, denn:
20161127             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, Taliban fighters, 4—BORDER police in 1—AMBUSH in Zabul province.
20161127             † Several Taliban were also reported killed.
20161127             —KILLED, NORTH—EAST—CONGO, DRC 1—LOCAL—MILITIA allegedly has, at least 35—CIVILIANS with machetes and guns.
20161127             —NAMED, The Mai Mai Mazembe militia group was, as being responsible for the attack.
20161127             —VOTED, FRANCE—CONSERVATIVES, for their nominee in next year's presidential election.
20161127             —INJURED, IRAN, 1—HELICOPTER on 1—MISSION to carry 1, person from 1—OIL—PLATFORM crashed in the Caspian Sea, killing all 5—PEOPLE aboard.
20161127             ISRAEL—AIRCRAFT struck 1—MACHINE—GUN—MOUNTED vehicle inside, killing 4—ISLAMIC—STATE—AFFILIATED militants after they had opened fire on 1—MILITARY—PATROL on THE—ISRAEL—SIDE—OF—THE—GOLAN Heights.
20161127             —AGREED, DENMARK—PRIME—MINISTER—LARS—LOKKE—RASMUSSEN said he had, to form 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT with the Liberal Alliance and the Conservative Party, reducing the risk of snap elections.
20161127             —MARCHED, INDIA, HUNDREDS—OF—GAY—RIGHTS—ACTIVISTS, in 1—PARADE in NEW—DELHI, highlighting the continuing discrimination INDIA—LGBT community faces and demanding the repeal of 1—LAW criminalizing homosexual acts.
20161127             —CULLED, HOLLAND—OFFICIALS said they have, 190,000 ducks on 1—FARM where inspectors have confirmed the presence of 1—HIGHLY infectious STRAIN—OF—BIRD—FLU.
20161127             —KILLED, THE—PHILIPPINES—MILITARY, at least 11—MEMBERS—OF—THE—MAUTE rebel group in Lanao del SUR, sending local communities fleeing as 1—BATTLE continued to rage.
20161127             —PLEDGED, The Maute Group has, allegiance to Islamic State.
20161127             —ARMED, SUDAN, men abducted 3—UN—REFUGEE—AGENCY—STAFFERS, including 2—FOREIGNERS, from THE—STRIFE—TORN Darfur region.
20161127             —REJECTED, SWITZERLAND—VOTERS, 1—CALL to speed up THE—PHASE—OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY—AGEING nuclear reactors.
20161127             1—FULL 54.2—PERCENT—OF—VOTERS and 1—OVERWHELMING majority of 26—CANTONS voted against 1—INITIATIVE which would have forced 3—OF—THE—COUNTRY—5—NUCLEAR—REACTORS to close next year.
20161127             SYRIA, HUNDREDS—OF—RESIDENTS—OF—REBEL—HELD—EAST—ALEPPO fled shifting frontlines, after 1—ADVANCE by THE—SYRIA—ARMY and allied forces.
20161127             1—VEHICLE—BORNE bomb killed several people in THE—NORTH—TOWN—OF—AL—RAI, 1—AREA under THE—CONTROL—OF—TURKEY—BACKED rebels.
20161127             —HANDED, Rebels, in their heavy weapons in Khan AL—SHIH, 1—TOWN—SOUTH—WEST—OF—DAMASCUS, as PART—OF—1—DEAL they have made with the government to get safe passage to INSURGENT—CONTROLLED areas.
20161127             THE—TURKEY—ARMY said 22—PRO—ANKARA SYRIA—REBELS were hit by 1—ISLAMIC—STATE (IS) gas attack EAST—OF—AL—RAI in NORTH—SYRIA, the 1. time TURKEY has accused the jihadists of chemical warfare.
20161127             WEST—UGANDA, the death toll rose to 62—DEAD as security forces fought royal guards accused of belonging to 1—SEPARATIST—MILITIA in THE—TOWN—OF—KASESE.
20161127             (see 20170315             ).
20171011             —PUBLISHED, Security camera footage and eyewitness testimony, by Reuters 20171127              contradicted the police report and suggested they may have executed THE—3—MEN.
20171127             "DIE—ABLÄUFE im PARLAMENT sind mit 1—KOALITION viel besser zu —STEUERN als Zufallsmehrheiten", warb UNIONS—FRAKTION—CHEF—VOLKER Kauder im BERICHT—AUS—BERLIN erneut für 1.stabile Regierungsmehrheit —, zwar mit der SPD.
20171127             ASYL—BEAMTER auf griechischer FLÜCHTLINGsinsel: "VIELE—KOLLEGEN stehen —KURZ—VOR, dem BURN—OUT"
20171127             Ach SOOO ist das!
20171127             Blutbad in Moschee: TERROR—IN—ÄGYPTEN—DER—PLAN des IS geht auf
20171127             DIE—NATO wird darin nur nebenbei erwähnt, DIE—USA gar nicht.
20171127             Erneute Zulassung: Was spricht für Glyphosat, was dagegen?
20171127             Es geht hier um AUSTRALIEN.
20171127             FAN—CHOREOGRAFIE: Fußballanhänger im SUDAN feiern den HOLOCAUST
20171127             MERKEL auf GROKO—KURS: So stabil, daß sich nichts mehr bewegt
20171127             Mehmduh Cikmaz: Türkischer GEHEIM—DIENST nimmt GÜLEN—VERTRAUTEN im SUDAN fest
20171127             Osttürkei: Taucher finden jahrtausendealte Festung im Vansee
20171127             PRESSE—FREIHEIT in Gefahr: Das leise Sterben des Journalismus in INDIEN
20171127             THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT is considering allowing private companies to use its national facial recognition database for 1—FEE, DOCUMENTS released under FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—LAWS reveal.
20171127             [l] DA—WAR—WOHL—DER—ZENSOR—PINKELN: Volker Kauder darüber, wieso er 1.stabile Mehrheit (mit der SPD) besser findet als 1.Minderheitsregierung:
20171127             [l] DIE—REGIERUNG ist pleite.
20171127             [l] Der EU—MINISTERRAT hat die neue EU—CYBER—STRATEGIE vorgelegt.
20171127             [l] Schöner Rant: "Wir leben in 1—STAAT ohne nennenswertes PARLAMENT"
20171127             [l] Und jetzt DIE—WIRTSCHAFTSNACHRICHTEN, Soviel SCHUSS—WAFFEN wie diesen BLACK—FRIDAY sind IN—DEN—USA noch nie verkauft worden (gemessen an den FBI Background Check Requests).
20171127             ÖTZI—FILM "Der Mann aus dem Eis": Der STEIN—ZEIT—NEUROTIKER
20171127             —REAKTION—AUF—KRITIK: Bayer stoppt Gesichtserkennung in Apotheken
20171127             —STREIT—ÜBER—GLYPHOSAT—ZULASSUNG: Nahles sieht "Vertrauensbruch"in der Regierung
20171127             —REPORTED, NORTH—CAROLINA, KRISTY—WOODS, that her daughter, Mariah Woods (3), was missing.
20171127             —UNVEILED, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT, 1—INDUSTRIAL—STRATEGY focused on research and innovation, in 1—EFFORT to boost poor productivity and to shield the economy from Brexit.
20171127             —ANNOUNCED, BRITAIN—PRINCE—HARRY and actress Meghan Markle, his USA—FIANCÉE, their engagement.
20171127             Markle, the daughter of 1—BLOCK—MOTHER and white father, will be the 1. woman of color in modern history to join THE—UK—ROYAL—FAMILY.
20171127             1—CHINA—CARGO ship sank after colliding with another vessel in the mouth of the Pearl River near THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—GUANGZHOU.
20171127             12—SAILORS were missing.
20171127             —OFFERED, DENMARK, 1—GIRL, 17—JAHRE—ALT who, to fight for Islamic State was sentenced to 8—YEARS in prison by THE—DENMARK—HIGH—COURT for planning bomb attacks on 2—SCHOOLS, 1—OF—THEM—JEWISH.
20171127             —REPORTED, ETHIOPIA—STATE—CONTROLLED broadcaster, that 1 renewed bout of clashes between 2—OF—THE—COUNTRY—LARGEST—ETHNIC—GROUPS killed more than 20—PEOPLE last week.
20171127             —APPROVED, THE—EU, a 5—YEAR—EXTENSION—OF—THE—USE—OF—THE weed killer glyphosate in 1—MOVE that failed to satisfy both environmentalists and farmers.
20171127             Teachers at MANY—OF—FRANCE—INTERNATIONAL—SCHOOLS, 1—SYMBOL—OF—FRANCE—SOFT—POWER around the world, went on strike over planned cuts to budgets and staffing.
20171127             PARIS has 492—SCHOOLS in 137—FOREIGN—COUNTRIES, catering to some 350,000 students including THE—CHILDREN—OF—ELITE—BUSINESS—LEADERS and diplomats.
20171127             —URGED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL, GREECE—GOVERNMENT to halt the sale of THOUSANDS—OF—ARTILLERY shells to SAUDI—ARABIA, saying the weapons could be used against civilians in the ongoing war in YEMEN.
20171127             —DEFENDED, GREECE—PRIME—MINISTER—ALEXIS—TSIPRAS strongly, deal.
20171127             —RELEASED, HONDURAS, initial election results were, and showed opposition candidate SALVADOR—NASRALLA leading PRESIDENT—JUAN—ORLANDO—HERNANDEZ, after 1—TENSE evening that saw both men declare themselves the winner before official numbers were announced.
20171127             4—HONG—KONG—PRO—DEMOCRACY—LAWMAKERS, who were ousted from the legislature this year, condemned as "political persecution" 1—DEMAND that they pay back HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS in expenses.
20171127             HUNGARY—PRIME—MINISTER—VIKTOR—ORBAN, host of the "16+1" summit, said the region was in need of external technological and financial resources, including from CHINA, to grow.
20171127             —OUTLINED, CHINA—PREMIER—LI—KEQIANG, his hope that his country's closer cooperation with central and EAST—EUROPE will help foster prosperity in the region.
20171127             INDIA, police in Assam state used elephants and tear gas in 1—ATTEMPT to evict HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE living illegally in the Amchang forest, 1—ELEPHANT habitat threatened by unauthorized settlements.
20171127             —EMPTIED—OF, INDONESIA, nearly 2—DOZEN—VILLAGES were, their inhabitants, including farmers reluctant to leave precious livestock behind as SO—CALLED cold lava flows appeared on BALI—MOUNT—AGUNG.
20171127             —KILLED, NORTH—IRAQ, more than 80—MILITANTS were, in 1—AIR—STRIKE, where TURKEY—JETS have frequently targeted PKK fighters.
20171127             1—ISRAEL—COURT—BLOCKED—UBER—RIDE—SHARING services in 1—VICTORY for the country's traditional taxi operators, saying THE—USA—FIRM—PRIVATE—DRIVERS lacked proper insurance.
20171127             —REDUCED, JAPAN, 8—BODIES, which had been, partly to skeletons, were found on in 1—SMALL—WOODEN ship that washed up on 1—BEACH in THE—SEA—OF—JAPAN.
20171127             —SKELETONIZED, The bodies of 2—MALES, similarly partly, were also found at the weekend on THE—WEST—SHORE—OF—THE—SEA—OF—JAPAN—ISLAND—OF—SADO.
20171127             MEXICO, Yendi GUADALUPE Torres Castellanos (35), 1—SEX—CRIMES—PROSECUTOR, was shot and killed in front of her office in in the municipality of Panuco, NORTH—VERACRUZ state.
20171127             MYANMAR—ARMY CHIEF—MIN—AUNG—HLAING said he told FRANCIS—PAPA his country had "no religious discrimination" after the pair met in YANGON, in 1—PAPAL—VISIT framed by the exodus of the Rohingya Muslim minority.
20171127             —RESIGNED, PAKISTAN—LAW—MINISTER—ZAHID—HAMID, after the embattled government bowed to demands from 1—SMALL—ISLAMIST—GROUP, striking 1—DEAL with THE—HELP—OF—THE—MILITARY to end 1—WEEKS—LONG—ANTI—BLASPHEMY protest.
20171127             —ANNOUNCED, JOHANNESBURG—BASED organization Civicus, that EGYPT—RIGHTS—CAMPAIGNER Khaled EL—BALSH has won THE—NELSON—MANDELA award for individual activism for 20170000            .
20171127             —RENEWED, SYRIA, army BOMBARDMENT—OF—REBEL—HELD EAST—GHOUTA outside DAMASCUS reportedly killed 14—PEOPLE, despite 1—CEASEFIRE—DEAL for the region.
20171127             —RETURNED, Turkish and SUDAN—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES, to TURKEY Memduh Cikmaz, 1—MAN believed to be 1—FINANCIER for THE—USA—BASED cleric accused of orchestrating 1 failed coup in TURKEY, following his capture in SUDAN.
20171127             —SENTENCED, VIETNAM, 1—COURT—IN—HA—TINH province, activist Nguyen VAN Hoa (22) to 7—YEARS in prison for producing online videos and interviews related to the toxins dumped in the ocean last year by TAIWANESE—OWNED FORMOSA Plastics GROUP—STEEL—COMPLEX in ha Tinh province.
20171127—20050000    —IN, Civicus, which operates in 145—COUNTRIES around the world, began granting the awards named after NELSON—MANDELA and his wife GRAÇ1—MACHEL.
20171127—20110000    —IN, KUWAIT, leading opposition figure Musallam AL—BARRACK, 3—SERVING lawmakers and DOZENS—OF—OTHERS were sentenced to prison over protesters storming PARLIAMENT, with 1—LAWYER saying police had already begun rounding up those convicted to take them to prison.
20171127—20130000    —IN—THE, 1—LOWER—COURT had initially acquitted the 70-odd defendants involved case.
20171127—20131000    —IN, 1—INDIA—APPEALS—COURT acquitted 35—CREWMEMBERS and security guards of the private USA ship MV Seaman Guard OHIO, including 6—FORMER—UK—SOLDIERS and 10—INDIANS, who were sentenced last year to 5—YEARS in prison on charges of illegally transporting weapons and ammunition in INDIA—WATERS.
20171127—20171115    —FROM—THE, GREECE—AUTHORITIES raised to 23 the death toll heavy flooding near ATHENS, after 1—MORE—BODY was found and 1 injured woman † in hospital.
20171127—20171202    —ON, The child's body was found in 1—CREEK in Pender County, 1—DAY after EARL—KIMREY, 32—JAHRE—ALT, the mother's boyfriend, was charged with hiding the body after knowing she did not die of natural causes.
20181127             MENSCHEN—RECHTE: Sogar das Erreichte ist in Gefahr
20181127             1—HANDFUL—OF—ACADEMIC—PUBLISHERS are piloting AI tools to do anything from selecting reviewers to checking statistics and summarizing 1—PAPER—FINDINGS.
20181127             AKTIEN—KURSE fallen (Wirtschaft, 18:15)
20181127             Akademische Publikationen finden nicht genug Freiwillige für Peer Review?
20181127             ALIBABA—GRÜNDER: Milliardär JACK—MA ist Kommunist
20181127             Angeblich 25 % AUF—SCHLAG, Plant DONALD—TRUMP bald Autozölle?
20181127             Angeblich manipulierte Embryonen: Der Tabubruch des Herrn He
20181127             Anpassung von ENERGIE—STEUER: MACRON geht auf die Gelbwesten zu
20181127             Auf Rezept: FRANKREICH führt Gratiskondome ein
20181127             Auf den nächsten SOKAL—HOAX freue ich mich jetzt schon.
20181127             BREXIT—KRITIK: BRITEN widersprechen Handelstheorien des USA—PRÄSIDENTEN
20181127             CHINA—PEKING ordnet Untersuchung wegen angeblich genmanipulierter Babys an
20181127             DEUTSCHE—BANK—IN—GELD—WÄSCHE—SKANDAL verstrickt: "Sie nennen es die aserbaidschanische Waschmaschine" (SPIEGEL+, 18:29)
20181127             DIE—ZUKUNFT wird großartig!
20181127             —VERDAMMT, DONALD—TRUMP droht GENERAL—MOTORS: "Sie sollten, noch mal schnell 1.NEUE—FABRIK eröffnen"
20181127             ERD—ERWÄRMUNG schadet Wirtschaft, USA—PRÄSIDENT zweifelt an KLIMA—BERICHT seiner eigenen Behörden
20181127             Erfolgreiche Landung der NASA—SONDE: "Insight" schickt ihre 1. Fotos vom Mars
20181127             Essay zu KÜNSTLICHE—INTELLIGENZ: Vom Irrsinn, Maschinen Ethik einzuprogrammieren (SPIEGEL+, 18:29)
20181127             —GEHÖRT, FALL—KHASHOGGI, Durchsuchte Villa, offenbar Freund von saudischem KRON—PRINZEN
20181127             —PROFITIERT, FLÜCHTLINGE—IN—TIJUANA: Warum DONALD—TRUMP von Tumulten an der Grenze
20181127             Fessenheim: FRANKREICH schließt umstrittenes AKW an deutscher Grenze
20181127             Frankfurter Flughafen: BUNDES—POLIZEI testet neue PASSAGIER—KONTROLLEN
20181127             GESCHICHTE—DES—HUNGERSTREIKS: Der Körper als Waffe (SPIEGEL+, 18:29)
20181127             GEWALT—IN—ARGENTINIEN: "Eine globale Blamage"
20181127             GRUND—GESETZ als Zeitschrift: "Das pure Gold"
20181127             Insel vor INDIEN: HILFS—ORGANISATION fordert, Suche nach getötetem USA—MISSIONAR einzustellen
20181127             Integrationsdebatte: KOALITION stellt sich hinter UNO—MIGRATIONSPAKT
20181127             KATHOLISCHE—KIRCHE: Pädophiler Priester VERSETZT—NEUER Missbrauch
20181127             KRITIK—AN—"desaströser Situation": SPD—ABGEORDNETER Bülow tritt aus Partei aus
20181127             Kahlschlag bei GENERAL—MOTORS: Das ENDE—VON—DONALD—TRUMP—AUTO—ILLUSION
20181127             Kannste gar nicht mehr satirisch überspitzen.
20181127             Klagen gegen EZB—AUFSICHT: Verstößt DIE—BANKENKONTROLLE GEGEN—DIE—VERFASSUNG?
20181127             Kolumne aus TEL—AVIV: DIE—DEUTSCHE—ANGST, erkannt zu werden (SPIEGEL+, 18:29)
20181127             Kretschmann zur PALMER—AFFÄRE: "Ich bin nicht der Papa"
20181127             MACHT euch keine Sorgen, da nehmen wir jetzt einfach AI für!
20181127             MOHAMMED—BIN—SALMAN: Der schwierige Gast
20181127             Mehr Kontrollen, Alkoholverbot, größerer MILITÄReinfluss: So weitreichend ist das ukrainische KRIEGS—RECHT
20181127             Neu: Jetzt auch in den Naturwissenschaften!
20181127             —NOW peer review by artificial intelligence (AI) is promising to improve the process, boost the quality of published papers — and save reviewers time.
20181127             Rechter TERROR: "10—MORDE.
20181127             SCHÜSSE—IN—DER Meerenge vor Kertsch: Das Spiel mit der Eskalation - SPD—AUSSTEIGER MARCO—BÜLOW: Der Einsame
20181127             STAND—ORT—DATEN, VERBRAUCHER—SCHÜTZER werfen Google Nutzertäuschung vor
20181127             Sind ihnen völlig egal" (Kultur, 21:21)
20181127             UMFRAGE—ZU—BEZIEHUNGEN: Kluft zwischen DEUTSCHEN und USA—AMERIKANERN wird größer
20181127             UNO—MIGRATIONSPAKT: LINKEN—ABGEORDNETE wollen Wagenknecht düpieren
20181127             UNO—UMWELTPROGRAMM: Globaler CO2—AUSSTOß auf REKORD—STAND
20181127             USA—MEDIEN—BERICHTE: POLIZEI verwechselt Zuckerwatte mit DROGEN—FRAU MONATE—LANG in Haft
20181127             Umstrittene NGO: Brauerei Krombacher stoppt KOOPERATION—MIT—DEUTSCHER UMWELThilfe
20181127             WARNUNG—DES—BÜRGER—MEISTERS: Goldsucher könnten weite TEILE—VON—JOHANNESBURG in die Luft sprengen
20181127             [l] Habt ihr das auch gehört?
20181127             —CHEF—DER—INNEN—MINISTERKONFERENZ: "SYRIEN ist aktuell an keinem Ort für Rückkehrer sicher"
20181127             —KRISE—IN—DER—UKRAINE: KRIEGS—RECHT light
20181127             —NACH, KRIM—ZWISCHENFALL: Haftbefehle gegen ukrainische Matrosen
20181127             —QUARTAL—ZAHLEN: DEUTSCHE—AUTO—HERSTELLER verlieren Spitzenplatz an JAPAN
20181127             —STREIT—ÜBER—STELLENABBAU: DONALD—TRUMP droht GENERAL—MOTORS mit Subventionskürzung
20181127             —UKRAINE—POROSCHENKO wirft RUSSLAND massive Truppenkonzentration an der Grenze vor
20181127             —UNRUHEN, an USA—GRENZE: DONALD—TRUMP verteidigt TRÄNENGAS—EINSATZ
20181127             —INTENSIFIED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, his attacks on the special counsel probing possible collusion between RUSSIA and his 20160000              electoral campaign, after prosecutors said his former campaign chairman lied to investigators.
20181127             USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP said he would "totally be willing" to shut down THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT unless Congress authorized $5—BILLION to fund his LONG—PROMISED wall along THE—USA—BORDER with MEXICO.
20181127             —THREATENED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, to cut off all federal subsidies to GENERAL—MOTORS because of its planned massive cutbacks in THE—USA.
20181127             —DENIED, THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT—SAID—HUNGARY, 1—USA—REQUEST to extradite suspected RUSSIA—ARMS—DEALERS—VLADIMIR—LYUBISHIN—SENIOR and VLADIMIR—LYUBISHIN—JUNIOR and sent the men to RUSSIA, where it is unclear whether they will face trial.
20181127             CHICAGO, lawyers for Neringa Venckiene (47), 1—FORMER—LITHUANIA judge, asked THE—CHICAGO—BASED 7. USA—CIRCUIT—COURT—OF—APPEALS to delay her extradition to LITHUANIA until her USA—ASYLUM—APPLICATION is processed.
20181127             She faced charges that include reporting 1—FALSE—CRIME linked to her claims 1—RING of influential pedophiles exists in LITHUANIA.
20181127             LOUISIANA, Jeannot FRANCO—PLESSY, 49—JAHRE—ALT, 1—NEW—ORLEANS pastor's wife, was run over and killed by her own car during 1—CARJACKING.
20181127             —SENTENCED, BOSTON, MS—13—GANG—MEMBER—EDWIN—GONZALEZ, 23—JAHRE—ALT was, to life in prison for his role in 2—KILLINGS in which teenage victims were lured to their deaths via social media.
20181127             —ROCKED, The runoff was, by 1—VIDEO in which HYDE—SMITH said of 1—SUPPORTER: "If he invited me to 1—PUBLIC hanging, I'd be on the front row".
20181127             AFGHANISTAN PRESIDENT—ASHRAF—GHANI made 1—INVESTMENT—PITCH at a 2—DAY UN conference in GENEVA, describing the business opportunities and challenges in 1—COUNTRY where millions are displaced or close to starvation.
20181127             † At least 11—USA—SERVICE—MEMBERS have now, in AFGHANISTAN this year.
20181127             AFGHANISTAN, 1—USA—AIRSTRIKE hit 1—HOUSE late today during military operations in Helmand province.
20181127             At least 30—AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIANS including women and 16—CHILDREN were among the dead.
20181127             SHENZHEN Harmonicare Women and CHILDREN—HOSPITAL, THE—CHINA—HOSPITAL linked to 1—CONTROVERSIAL—EXPERIMENT purporting to have created the world's 1. GENETICALLY—EDITED babies, denied its involvement.
20181127             —RETURNED, CONGO—OPPOSITION scion FELIX—TSHISEKEDI, 55—JAHRE—ALT, home to KINSHASA greeted by TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SUPPORTERS as he kicked off his campaign to replace longtime PRESIDENT and foe JOSEPH—KABILA in December elections.
20181127             COSTA—RICA, Carla STEFANIAK—OF—SOUTH—FLORIDA went missing during 1—VACATION to celebrate her 36. birthday.
20181127             —IDENTIFIED, Officials soon, her using fingerprints and arrested Bismark Espinosa Martinez (32), 1—GUARD at the Villa Buena Vista resort near the capital, after he contradicted himself in statements to police.
20181127             —SENTENCED, He was, to 16—YEARS in prison.
20181127             ETHIOPIA—PRIME—MINISTER—ABIY—AHMED met members of 81—OPPOSITION—PARTIES to discuss ways of reforming the electoral system.
20181127             —ISSUED, The European COURT—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS, 1—FRESH rebuke to the Kremlin, ruling that RUSSIA's continued ban on LGBT rallies is discriminatory and represents 1—VIOLATION—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS.
20181127             —WORKED, IRAN, Sunni cleric Abdolghafour Jamalzai, who had, to reconcile Sunnis and Shiites, was shot and killed in THE—TOWN—OF—GORGAN.
20181127             1—FEW 1000—KOSOVO Serbs people rallied in the divided TOWN—OF—MITROVICA demanding that the government abolish a 100—PERCENT tax it has slapped on all goods imported from Serbia.
20181127             1—LEBANESE—CABINET—MINISTER—SAID—SOME—SYRIA—REFUGEES who have returned home from LEBANON have been killed, detained or forced to join the military, leading to 1—SLOWDOWN in the return of Syrians residing in LEBANON.
20181127             —RETURNED, So far about 12,000 SYRIA—REFUGEES have, home since June.
20181127             The refugee count in LEBANON was now about 940,000.
20181127             —ARRESTED, MALAYSIA, 4—FINLAND—TOURISTS, last week for distributing Christian materials in public places on 1—RESORT—ISLAND, were deported home.
20181127             —ANNOUNCED, MEXICO—FOREIGN—MINISTRY, that PRESIDENT—ENRIQUE—PENA—NIETO would bestow THE—MEXICO—ORDER—OF—THE—AZTEC—EAGLE, the nation's highest honor for foreigners, to JARED—KUSHNER, THE—SON—IN—LAW—OF—PRESIDENT—TRUMP, for his role in pushing through 1—FREE—TRADE—DEAL between MEXICO and THE—USA.
20181127             —ORDERED, NIGER—HEALTH—MINISTER—SAID—NIGER has, the closure of 2—CENTERS—RUN by UK—CHARITY—MARIE Stopes INTERNATIONAL on grounds it was illegally performing abortions.
20181127             NIGER allows abortion only in cases where the pregnancy endangers the mother's life.
20181127             —ACCEPTED, THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE, the resignation of his adviser on peace talks with insurgents and sacked 2—OTHER—OFFICIALS due to corruption in 1—ANTI—POVERTY—PROGRAM created for INSURGENCY—HIT areas.
20181127             —DETAINED, POLAND—ANTI—CORRUPTION—OFFICERS, Marek Chrzanowski, THE—FORMER—HEAD—OF—1—FINANCIAL—REGULATORY—BODY, who resigned recently after 1—MEDIA—REPORT he sought 1—BRIBE.
20181127             —REPORTED, RUSSIA—TASS news agency, that 1—COURT—IN—RUSSIAN—ANNEXED—CRIMEA ordered the 1. of 24—UKRAINE—NAVY sailors captured by RUSSIA to be detained —FOR—2—MONTHS.
20181127             —APPOINTED, SLOVENIA said it has, MAJOR—GENERAL—ALENKA—ERMENC as CHIEF—OF—THE—ARMY, making her the only woman in charge of 1—NATO—COUNTRY—MILITARY.
20181127             —APOLOGIZED, SOUTH—KOREA—TOP—PUBLIC—PROSECUTOR, over what he described as 1 botched investigation into the enslavement and MISTREATMENT—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE at 1—VAGRANTS' facility in the 1970s and 1980s.
20181127             —EXONERATED, The owner of THE—NOW—CLOSED Brothers Home was, from serious charges amid 1—OBVIOUS—COVER—UP orchestrated at the highest LEVELS—OF—GOVERNMENT.
20181127             —DISPUTED, SRI—LANKA—LAWMAKERS supporting, PRIME—MINISTER—MAHINDA—RAJAPAKSA boycotted PARLIAMENT for a 2. day, accusing THE—SPEAKER—OF—BIAS during 1—POLITICAL—CRISIS that has engulfed the island nation for nearly 1—MONTH.
20181127             SWEDEN—CENTER—PARTY said it would consider accepting Social Democrat STEFAN—LOFVEN as PRIME—MINISTER if he meets their policy demands, including lower taxes.
20181127             1—LOCAL—OFFICIAL said SYRIA—WORKERS have exhumed more than 500—BODIES from 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—MASS—GRAVES—NEAR THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—RAQQA, once THE—CAPITAL—OF—THE—ISLAMIC—STATE—GROUP'S—SELF—STYLED caliphate, and are still uncovering remains.
20181127             —BELIEVED, So far 516—BODIES, to be of Islamic State fighters and civilians have been exhumed.
20181127             —DETAINED, THAILAND, soccer player Hakeem AL—ARAIBI, who held refugee status in AUSTRALIA, upon his entry at BANGKOK—AIRPORT on 1—HOLIDAY with his wife.
20181127             He was held legally following 1—REQUEST from BAHRAIN—GOVERNMENT.
20181127             He had fled BAHRAIN 4—YEARS ago.
20181127             —MARCHED, HUNDREDS—OF—TUNISIA—PROTESTERS, through TUNIS in opposition to 1 planned visit by SAUDI—ARABIA—CROWN—PRINCE—MOHAMMED bin Salman, urging justice over THE—MURDER—OF—JOURNALIST—JAMAL—KHASHOGGI.
20181127             UN agencies said asylum seekers at THE—MEXICO—BORDER fleeing violence or persecution are entitled to lodge claims in THE—USA to obtain sanctuary there in 1—FRESH—ATTEMPT to shield migrants from tough USA—IMMIGRATION—POLICIES.
20181127             —WARNED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS environment office, that the gap is widening between current greenhouse gas emissions and the levels needed to stop catastrophic global warming.
20181127—20150900    —IN—THE, He was sentenced following 1—CONVICTION on racketeering charges that included his participation murder of a 15—YEAR—OLD—BOY and 20160100             —THE murder of a 16—YEAR—OLD—BOY.
20181127—20160000    —IN, BRITAIN—INFORMATION—COMMISSIONER—OFFICE said it fined Uber 385,000 pounds ($491,000) and HOLLAND—OFFICIALS imposed a 600,000-euro ($679,000) fine for failing to protect customers' data during 1—CYBERATTACK.
20181127—20170400    —LAUNCHED, GERMANY, Sergej Wenergold (29), who, 1—SHRAPNEL bomb attack on the team BUS—OF—FOOTBALL—CLUB—BORUSSIA DORTMUND to make money on the club's shares diving, was sentenced to 14—YEARS in jail.
20181127—20181203    —ON, NORTH—CALIFORNIA, the number of missing in the Butte County Car Fire dropped to 158 as the death toll remained at 88. the number of missing was lowered to 24.
20181127—20181202    —ON, 3—TEEAGERS were arrested.
20181127—20181202    —ON, a 4. soldier † from his wounds.
20181127—20181203    —ON, authorities said they've found 1—BODY behind 1—AIRBNB villa where she was staying.
20181127—20200217    —CONVICTED—OF, Espinoza Martinez was, killing her.
20181127—20300000    —BY, It said in order to limit global warming to 1.5—DEGREES—CELSIUS (2.7—F) this century, emissions need to drop 55—PERCENT compared to 20170000              levels.
20181127—20350000    —BY, PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON said FRANCE would reduce the share of nuclear in the power mix to 50—PERCENT, down from 75—PERCENT today, rather than the total phasing out planned by neighbor GERMANY.
20191127             [l] Die gute Nachricht: DONALD—TRUMP Tower macht doppelte Buchführung.
20191127             —DIE—SCHLECHTE—NACHRICHT, Eines fürs Finanzamt, eines für die Kreditgeber.
20191127             Als GEORGE—VELLA—MITTE ;;09;; den VATIKAN besuchte, war die Welt für ihn noch in Ordnung.
20191127             Altersarmut: Frauen in DEUTSCHLAND laut OECD—STUDIE besonders stark bedroht
20191127             Ansage der Demokraten: DONALD—TRUMP kann zu Anhörung erscheinen — oder "mit den Beschwerden aufhören"
20191127             Begründung: Weil die keinen Futur haben in ihrer Sprache.
20191127             DIE—SCHWEIZER Garde stand für den Präsidenten von MALTA im Hof des APOSTOLIschen Palastes Spalier.
20191127             DROGEN—KRIEG, USA—REGIERUNG will mexikanische Kartelle als Terrororganisationen einstufen lassen
20191127             DAPHNE—CARUANA—GALIZIA: Maltas Regierung nach Rücktritten unter Druck
20191127             Den "Sächsischen Weißen" hatte ;;08;;der Starke am 1.;;02;;
20191127             17280000              für 200.000—TALER erworben.
20191127             DRESDEN: Grünes GEWÖLBE—DIEBE stahlen 11—OBJEKTE und weitere Stücke
20191127             Drogen, Alkohol, Suizide in den USA: Land der begrenzten Lebensmöglichkeiten
20191127             Durch prunkvolle Säle und an befrackten Dienern vorbei ging es zum Heiligen Vater,
20191127             Einbruch im Grünen Gewölbe Diebe stahlen 11—SCHMUCKOBJEKTE und weitere Kostbarkeiten
20191127             Generaldebatte im BUNDESTAG: MERKEL findet Forderung nach Neuverschuldung "absurd"
20191127             Generaldebatte im BUNDESTAG: MERKEL lobt die Nato und will Militärausgaben erhöhen
20191127             Heiligen Vater, den Vella mit einer tiefen Verbeugung begrüßte, begleitet von 1—HOF—STAAT—AUS—OFFIZIEREN, Geistlichen und seiner 1. Lady, sie im schwarzen Schleier, wie es die Tradition verlangt.
20191127             Hochschulen in DEUTSCHLAND: Studierendenzahl erreicht neuen Rekordwert (Leben und Lernen, 09:57)
20191127             IRAN: Staatsoberhaupt Khamenei nennt Proteste "VERSCHWÖRUNG"
20191127             Immerhin ist das die Frau des OBERBÜRGER—MEISTERS!1!!
20191127             Lieferprobleme in der BAU—INDUSTRIE, Sand wird knapp
20191127             Mobilfunkausbau mit Huawei: MERKEL will EU—BEHÖRDE zur 5G-Kontrolle schaffen
20191127             OECD—STUDIE Frau, deutsch, ALT—DIE SCHLUSSLICHT—PERSPEKTIVE
20191127             PAPA zum KORRUPTIONS—SKANDAL im VATIKAN: "Hässliche Sache"
20191127             Plan der USA—BEHÖRDEN: Pharmakonzerne sollen mit Drogendealern gleichgestellt werden
20191127             —VERSPROCHEN, SICHERHEITSglas im Grünen Gewölbe: "Was uns der Lieferant, hat, hat nicht gehalten"
20191127             THAILAND: Toter Hirsch mit 7—KILO Müll im Magen entdeckt
20191127             Und da war dem Factchecker nicht klar, was der Scheiß überhaupt soll.
20191127             Und ein eingeschriebener Student mit 8000—EURO Monatsgehalt, das ist bei der SPD offenbar auch nicht ungewöhnlich.
20191127             Verschwendung und sexuelle Belästigung, USA—DIÖZESE fordert 792.000—DOLLAR Schadensersatz von BISCHOF
20191127             Warum ist der weg? Weil FACEBOOK gesagt hat, politische Lügen sind ausgenommen.
20191127             Wo wir gerade bei FACEBOOK waren: FACEBOOKs HATESPEECH—KI scheitert in SRI—LANKA.
20191127             2. Schätzung, USA—WIRTSCHAFT läuft besser als erwartet
20191127             [l] Ach komm, das ist doch nichts Besonderes, wenn 1—KITA—LEITERIN ein fettes Gehalt und einen Dienstwagen kriegt!
20191127             [l] Kennt ihr den schon? FACEBOOKs "FACT—CHECKING"-Abteilung in den NIEDERLANDEn hat ihren Mitarbeiter verloren.
20191127             —ABSTIMMUNG: EU—PARLAMENT bestätigt von der Leyen als KOMMISSIONschefin
20191127             —URTEIL—ZU—NAMENSSUCHE im INTERNET: Recht auf Vergessen muss neu ausgehandelt werden
20191127             —SIGNED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, into law congressional legislation which supported protesters in HONG—KONG, despite angry objections from BEIJING, with which he is seeking 1—DEAL to end 1—DAMAGING trade war.
20191127             —CANCELED, THE—USA—NAVY, 1—PEER—REVIEW—PROCESS that would have determined if 3—NAVY—SEAL officers who supervised 1—ENLISTED—SEAL convicted of posing with 1—DEAD—TEENAGE captive in IRAQ should remain on the elite force.
20191127             1—USA—NAVY—WARSHIP seized a "significant cache" of suspected Iranian guided missile parts headed to rebels in YEMEN, marking the 1. time that such sophisticated components have been taken en route to the war there.
20191127             THE—ALABAMA SUPREME—COURT upheld a 20170000              state law barring cities from moving or altering Confederate monuments.
20191127             MINNESOTA, 1—FIRE swept through 1—MINNEAPOLIS—HIGH—RISE—APARTMENT building early today, killing 5—PEOPLE and sending 3—OTHERS to the hospital with injuries.
20191127             TEXAS, 1—PAIR—OF—EXPLOSIONS at THE—TPC GROUP—PETROCHEMICAL—PLANT in Port Neches prompted 1—EVACUATION—ORDER for at least 4—SURROUNDING cities.
20191127             8—PEOPLE were reported injured.
20191127             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—EXPLOSION in Kunduz province, at least 15—PEOPLE, MOST—OF—THEM women and young girls.
20191127             Hours later 1—EXPLOSION at acheckpoiunt in SARI Pul province killed at least 1—POLICEMAN.
20191127             † UK—SATIRIST and director JONATHAN—MILLER, 85—JAHRE—ALT.
20191127             —SPANNED, His career, over 50—YEARS from the hit comedy review show "Beyond the Fringe" to directing for SOME—OF—THE—WORLD—GRANDEST opera houses.
20191127             —KILLED, CANADA, 7—PEOPLE were, when 1—SINGLE—ENGINE—AIRCRAFT crashed in 1 wooded area on the outskirts of KINGSTON, ONTARIO.
20191127             † 2—FAMILIES from UZBEKISTAN, in the crash.
20191127             —ARRESTED, IRAN said it has, 8—PEOPLE it ACCUSED—OF—CIA—LINKS and sending abroad information on recent urban unrest, days after THE—USA—SAID it had received THOUSANDS—OF—MESSAGES on 1—PROTEST—CRACKDOWN in the Islamic republic.
20191127             6—PROTESTERS were killed by security forces in the dramatic ESCALATION—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATIONS that have left more than 350—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20191127             —ATTACKED, ISRAEL—AIRCRAFT, several sites for GAZA—HAMAS rulers early today in response to rocket fire from THE—PALESTINE—ENCLAVE.
20191127             There were no REPORTS—OF—INJURIES.
20191127             —REPORTED, It was, that Kurds will allow Syria to try war prisoners.
20191127             The Kurdish SDF currently held more than 10,000 militants.
20191127             LEBANON, overnight confrontations between supporters and OPPONENTS—OF—THE—PRESIDENT — mostly fistfights and stone throwing — erupted in cities and towns across the country, injuring DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE, and 16—PEOPLE were detained for their involvement.
20191127             NAMIBIA held elections for PRESIDENT—AND—NATIONAL—ASSEMBLY—MEMBERS.
20191127             —FACED, The ruling SWAPO party, its biggest challenge since independence nearly 3—DECADES.
20191127             NEPAL, 1—BUS—DRIVER lost CONTROL—OF—HIS—VEHICLE in Narpani.
20191127             18—PEOPLE were killed and 13—OTHERS injured.
20191127             —OPENED, PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, what has been billed as RUSSIA—1. modern motorway, almost halving the driving time between THE—2—BIGGEST cities of MOSCOW and S—PETERSBURG.
20191127             —REPORTED, It was, that SAUDI—ARABIA has detained at least 8—INTELLECTUALS and former bloggers in 1—FRESH—WAVE—OF—ARRESTS targeting people with links to reformers.
20191127             SWEDEN—BASED IKEA, the world's biggest furniture group, said it would spend around 100—MILLION—EUROS ($110—MILLION) to support direct suppliers as they switch over to renewable energy use.
20191127             —REACHED, TURKEY—PRESIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN and LIBYA—PRIME—MINISTER—FAYEZ—SARRAJ, 1—DEAL on maritime and security cooperation.
20191127             —DENOUNCED, It was soon, by LIBYA—EASTERN—PARLIAMENT.
20191127             1—MORTAR attack targeting 1—TURKEY—MILITARY—POST—NEAR the border with Syria killed 2—SOLDIERS.
20191127             1—OPPOSITION—GROUP that monitors the war in Syria said the 1. shots were fired by TURKEY—TROOPS and TURKEY—BACKED opposition fighters.
20191127             —CONVICTED—OF, THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—BRITISH—NEWSPAPER, EDITOR—FRANCIS—MATTHEW, killing his wife with 1—HAMMER, had his sentence reduced by DUBAI—COURT—OF—APPEAL.
20191127—19880000    —FROM, to 19950000              he served as CEO—OF—BROWNING—FERRIS—INDUSTRIES.
20191127—20160000    —IN, 1—BANGLADESH court handed death sentences to 7—MEMBERS—OF—1—ISLAMIST—MILITANT—GROUP for their role in 1—ATTACK on 1—CAFE that killed 22—PEOPLE, mostly foreigners, in THE—SOUTH—ASIA—NATION—WORST such incident.
20191127—20170000    —IN—THE, The court ordered that FORMER—GULF News editor must serve a 7—YEAR—SENTENCE for manslaughter KILLING—OF—HIS—WIFE, Jane.
20191127—20191020    —ON, WILLIAM—DOYLE—RUCKELSHAUS (19320000              *), FORMER—USA EPA administrator, † in MEDINA—WASHINGTON., 19730000             , he joined his boss ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ELLIOT—RICHARDSON, in resigning rather than carry out 1—ORDER to fire Watergate special prosecutor ARCHIBALD—COX.
20191127—20191130    —ON, the electoral commission said PRESIDENT—HAGE—GEINGOB led with 57—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE while opposition challenger DOCTOR—PANDULENI—ITULA had 28%.
20191129             —ANNOUNCED, IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—ADEL—ABDUL—MAHDI, his resignation following 20191127             —THE firebombing of THE—IRAN—CONSULATE in Najaf and WEEKS—OF—ANTIGOVERNMENT—PROTESTS that have left hundreds dead.
20191206—20191127    —ANGERED, GREECE said it was expelling THE—LIBYA—AMBASSADOR, by 1—ACCORD between LIBYA and TURKEY signed that maps out 1—SEA boundary between THE—2—COUNTRIES—CLOSE to THE—GREECE—ISLAND—OF—CRETE.
20201127             —FREITAG, 20201127
20201127             Umweltranking: Mit diesen Tricks rechnen Firmen ihre Klimabilanzen schön
20201127             Zu wenig Tiefkühlgeräte für CORONA—IMPFSTOFF: "Es wird Lieferengpässe und Wartezeiten geben" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—VIVIAN—MICKS
20201127             USA—WAHL: Trump will Weißes Haus räumen — sobald Biden als PRÄSIDENT feststeht
20201127             Haushalt 20210000             : Koalition will rund 180—MILLIARDEN Euro neue Schulden aufnehmen
20201127             Bundesweiter CORONA—HOTSPOT: Landrat von Hildburghausen steht nach Drohung unter Polizeischutz
20201127             Auf GALAPAGOS—INSELN: Komplett weißer Pinguin entdeckt
20201127             Deutsche Justiz soll Chemiewaffenangriffe in Syrien aufklären: Die ASSAD—AKTEN
20201127             Zu wenig Tiefkühlgeräte für CORONA—IMPFSTOFF
20201127             Es brauche dringend einen Plan, wie der Impfstoff gekühlt, gelagert und transportiert werden kann.
20201127             In den Zügen und Bahnhöfen wird nach einem Bericht der FUNKE—MEDIENGRUPPE massenhaft gegen den CORONA—INFEKTIONSSCHUTZ verstoßen
20201127             In nur 2—MONATEN habe die Bundespolizei 145.000—MENSCHEN ermahnt, weil diese den MUND—NASEN—SCHUTZ entweder falsch oder gar nicht getragen hätten
20201127             In den meisten Fällen hätten die Reisenden auf die Ansprache reagiert
20201127             Dagegen hätten sich in knapp 2500—FÄLLEN die Angesprochenen uneinsichtig gezeigt und fortgesetzt gegen die Maskenpflicht verstoßen
20201127             Hier habe die Polizei das jeweils zuständige Gesundheitsamt eingeschaltet "zur Ahndung möglicher Ordnungswidrigkeitsverfahren".
20201127             —ÜBERSCHREITET, Deutschland, Marke von einer Million CORONA—INFEKTIONEN
20201127             Die ANZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN ist allerdings nur bedingt mit denen der Vorwochen vergleichbar, da unter anderem das RKI die Empfehlungen für CORONA—TESTS angepasst hat, wer noch getestet werden soll.
20201127             Der Schritt war nötig, da immer mehr Labors an die Belastungsgrenze gerieten
20201127             Doch die Entscheidung könnte neben der ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN auch den Anteil der positiven Tests beeinflussen.
20201127             Que estratégia regional e multilocal podemos desenhar para levar a cabo a "grande aliança" entre educação para a saúde alimentar, o desenvolvimento da agricultura familiar e das pequenas economias locais do interior e a promoção do património imaterial das suas culturas respetivas?
20201127             agriculturas menos convencionais, mas que num futuro próximo ganharão outro relevo e importância;
20201127             estamos a falar das pequenas agriculturas biológicas e ecológicas, das agriculturas de nicho, das agriculturas sociais, comunitárias e urbanas.
20201127             António Covas é Professor Catedrático Aposentado da Universidade do Algarve
20201127             Großbritannien: Walisischer Regierungschef sieht Johnson als Gefahr für Einheit des Königreichs
20201127             AFGHANISTAN: Australien will 13—SOLDATEN wegen Kriegsverbrechen aus Armee entlassen
20201127             CORONA und Schulen: Nur jeder 4. Schulleiter geht noch "sehr gern" zur Arbeit
20201127             Streit über Bundeswehrinspektion : Satellitenaufnahmen deuten auf Waffenschmuggel auf türkischem Frachter hin
20201127             Streit über Hotelübernachtungen: 1. Länder scheren aus — und lockern CORONA—REGELN für Weihnachten
20201127             Bundesgerichtshof: Nachbarn müssen Lärm von Pferdestall nicht dulden
20201127             Testlauf mit O2-Kunden: Schufa will angeblich Kontoauszüge einsehen
20201127             Greta Thunberg am Black —FRIDAY: "Kauft kein Zeug, das ihr nicht braucht"
20201127             Vor BÖLLER—EINSCHRÄNKUNGEN: Deutsche importieren mehr als 30.000—TONNEN Feuerwerkskörper
20201127             Schulen: Bundesrat billigt 3,5 Milliarden Euro für Ganztagsbetreuung
20201127             —ÜBERSCHREITET, Coronavirus: Deutschland, Marke von einer Million Infektionen
20201127             Nach CORONA—AUSBRÜCHEN: Schlachthöfe sollen strengere Regeln bekommen
20201127             Pandemie und Mobilität: Das Auto ist 1—CORONA—GEWINNER
20201127             Rechtspsychologin über falsche Erinnerungen: So leicht ist es, Ihr Gedächtnis zu hacken 1—INTERVIEW—VON—HILMAR—SCHMUNDT
20201127             PRESSEKONFERENZ—VON—DONALD—TRUMP: "Es wird 1—MENGE passieren bis zum 20200120             "
20201127             SPIEGEL—UMFRAGE zu Weihnachten: Große Mehrheit fühlt sich durch 10—PERSONEN—REGELN nicht eingeschränkt
20201127             —NACH—101—JAHREN: Aldi schließt "Filiale Nummer 1" in ESSEN
20201127             Polizeigewalt in Frankreich: TAGE—DES—ZORNS
20201127             Vor Parteitag in Kalkar: AfD scheitert mit Klage gegen Maskenpflicht
20201127             Neues Extra "Produktivitätswert": Kritiker warnen vor möglicher MITARBEITER—ÜBERWACHUNG durch Microsoft Office
20201127             Coronavirus — die Woche: Willkommen in der SALAMI—REPUBLIK
20201127             Zahlen der Kultusminister: 118—VON 30.000—SCHULEN wegen CORONA geschlossen
20201127             The Assad Files: GERMANY—PROSECUTORS Are Collecting Evidence on Chemical Weapons Attacks in Syria By CHRISTOPH—REUTER, Fidelius Schmid und Wolf WIEDMANN—SCHMIDT
20201127             Ziel SHANGHAI: 1. CO2-neutraler Frachtflug hebt in FRANKFURT ab
20201127             Streit über Inspektion: Türkische Justiz ermittelt wegen Bundeswehreinsatz auf Frachter
20201127             MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN: Verfassungsschutzchef droht Ordnungsgeld
20201127             Coronavirus: Krankenhäuser sollen ab Mitte Dezember Personal impfen
20201127             Studie zu Laubfall und Klimawandel: Der geheime Zyklus der Bäume
20201127             Umstrittene Wahlrechtsreform: FDP, Grüne und Linke ziehen vors Verfassungsgericht
20201127             Fri 20201127
20201127             [l] Euch wird ja aufgefallen sein, dass ich die "S"PD hier gerne als Verräterpartei bezeichne.
20201127             Dem einen oder anderen Beobachter wird vielleicht nicht klar sein, wieso ich sie Verräterpartei nenne und nicht Verliererpartei oder Verkackerpartei.
20201127             Da gibt es gerade ein paar schöne Tweets zu
20201127             Nicht nur ist das bei denen Absicht, die sind auch noch stolz drauf.
20201127—20160000    —BIS, Von 20060000              hätte die SPD 10—JAHRE lang immer mit der Linkspartei die CDU überstimmen können
20201127             Wir haben es selbstverständlich nie GETAN—WEIL 1—KOALITION mit wechselnden Mehrheiten unmöglich funktionieren kann.
20201127             —GEGOLTEN, Hätte in diesen Jahren, dass Koalitionspartner sich bei Uneinigkeit enthalten, dann hätte die CDU mitansehen müssen, wie mit den Stimmen der Linken 1—ROT—ROTE—AGENDA durchkommt.
20201127             Da bleibt kein Auge trocken!
20201127             [l] Erinnert ihr euch an das Bundesverwaltungsgericht zu den Drohnenmorden der Amerikaner?
20201127             Wer sich jetzt dachte, dass das auch für andere Länder als die USA gilt, der sieht sich getäuscht
20201127             Wenn es um Assads angebliche Giftgasangriffe geht, dann hat die Justiz das Memo noch nicht gekriegt.
20201127             Klar, vor dem Gesetz sind alle gleich
20201127             Aber die Amerikaner sind ein bisschen gleicher
20201127             —GEMACHT, Das Gesetz muss noch, das Urteil noch gefällt werden, das unsere Regierung nicht für die Amerikaner brechen oder beugen würde.
20201127             [l] Leserbrief: In /?ts=a1414e6a schreibst Du: "Ich habe den Eindruck, hier wurde schon die Argumentation vorweggenommen für die 1. über Deutschland gesteuerte USA—ATOMBOMBE, die 1—LAND pulverisiert".
20201127             Wenn man so will, wurde die 1. Atombombe bereits von Deutschland aus gesteuert
20201127             Truman hat 19450000              den Befehl zum Abwurf der Bomben auf HIROSHIMA und NAGASAKI—VON—POTSDAM aus gegeben, während der Potsdamer Konferenz.
20201127             Oh wow! Das wusste ich gar nicht - Wieder was gelernt.
20201127             [l] Wie schlimm ist die Lage? So schlimm: Sogar Kim Jong Un dreht wegen Covid am Rad!
20201127             —BANNED, NORTH—KOREA has also, fishing and salt production at sea to prevent seawater from being infected with the virus, THE—NIS told lawmakers.
20201127             [l] Kurze Durchsage des Verfassungsschutzes von MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN vor dem BREITSCHEIDPLATZ—UNTERSUCHUNGSAUSSCHUSS:
20201127             Was? Ich sagte doch "kurze" Aussage!
20201127             Im Untersuchungsausschuss zum Anschlag auf dem Breitscheidplatz hat der oberste Verfassungsschützer von MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN für einen Eklat gesorgt: Er wollte öffentlich am liebsten gar keine Fragen beantworten.
20201127             Vielleicht hat ihm jemand gesagt, dass man vor Untersuchungsausschüssen nicht lügen darf?
20201127             Wenn du einem Geheimdienst die Lügen wegnimmst, bleibt halt nichts?
20201127             Aber das zeigt einmal mehr, wie richtig, wichtig, notwendig und effektiv die parlamentarische Geheimdienstkontrolle ist!1!!
20201127             Stellt euch nur mal vor, wir würden unsere Geheimdienste gar nicht kontrollieren?
20201127             Nicht auszudenken, was die dann anstellen würden!
20201127             Am Ende würden die noch die KU—KLUX—KLAN—GRÜNDUNG in Deutschland bezahlen, oder AL—KAIDA—GRUPPIERUNGEN finanzieren, oder die Deutschen Taliban Mujaheddin (leider geht der ZDF—LINK nicht mehr, aber der hier geht noch)
20201127             1—GLÜCK, dass wir eine parlamentarische Geheimdienstkontrolle haben.
20201127             Oder der BND! Stellt euch mal vor, die würden einfach behaupten, das Abhören per Satellit sei legal, weil das ja im Weltraum stattfindet und nicht in einem Land, dessen Gesetze man verletzen könnte
20201127             Nicht auszudenken!
20201127             Da lob ich mir doch die parlamentarische Geheimdienstkontrolle!
20201127             Die haben ja auch, ihr erinnert euch, die NSA—SPIONAGE aufgedeckt
20201127             Und die Sache mit den Hintertüren bei der Crypto AG
20201127             Und die Operation Eikonal! Das war alles die parlamentarische Geheimdienstkontrolle!
20201127             Erinnert ihr euch nicht mehr?
20201127             —GEFUNDEN, Also gut, die haben nichts davon, - Oder aufgedeckt
20201127             —VERHINDERT, Oder
20201127             —SANKTIONIERT, Oder
20201127             —ENTRÜSTET, Aber sie waren, als das rauskam!
20201127             Das ist doch auch was wert!!
20201127             Inzwischen sind wir bei Leuten angekommen, die Drostens Promotion leugnen
20201127             Was ja doppelt humoristisch ist - Dreifach eigentlich.
20201127             Erstens weil es ad hominem ist
20201127             Geht gegen die Person nicht seine Aussagen und Argumente
20201127             An der Stelle kann man das ja schon zu den Akten legen
20201127             Nur Trickbetrüger mit lauter Luschen in der Hand gehen ad hominem.
20201127             Zweitens weil es ihnen nicht gelingt, einen Nachweis zu erbringen, und sie sich jetzt daher herumzulügen genötigt sehen.
20201127             Drittens weil es völlig egal wäre
20201127             —GESTIMMT, Selbst wenn das, hätte, könnte Drosten seinen Job ausüben und das würde auch den Wert seiner Arbeit zu Covid nicht beschädigen.
20201127             Wollen wir mal 1—LISTE—DER—FELDER machen?
20201127             —EXISTIERT, Das Virus, gar nicht.
20201127             —EXISTIERT, Das Virus, aber ist schon voll alt.
20201127             —EXISTIERT, Das Virus, aber ist völlig ungefährlich.
20201127             —EXISTIERT, Das Virus, und ist gefährlich und kommt aus einem Biowaffenlabor.
20201127             Masken helfen gar nicht.
20201127             Na gut, Masken helfen, aber die Maskenflicht hilft nicht.
20201127             Maskenpflicht ist Faschismus!!1!
20201127             Social Distancing hilft nicht.
20201127             Social Distancing hilft, aber es vorzuschreiben ist Faschismus.
20201127             Kinder sind nicht ansteckend.
20201127             Na gut, Kinder sind doch ansteckend, aber nicht doll.
20201127             OK, Kinder sind genauso ansteckend, aber die werden nicht krank.
20201127             Na gut, Kinder sind ansteckend und werden krank, aber die Schulen müssen offen bleiben!!1!
20201127             Die Infektionsrate nimmt gar nicht wirklich zu.
20201127             —GETESTET, Die Infektionsrate nimmt nur zu, weil mehr, wird.
20201127             Die Infektionsrate nimmt schon zu aber ist gar nicht aussagekräftig, wichtig ist die Todesrate.
20201127             Niemand stirbt an Covid.
20201127             Na gut, es gibt Tote, aber die sind nicht an sondern mit Covid gestorben.
20201127             OK OK es gibt COVID—TOTE und die Zahl steigt auch, aber die wären eh demnächst alle gestorben.
20201127             OK OK auch junge gesunde Menschen sterben an Covid, aber die hatten dann halt kein gutes Immunsystem.
20201127             Es gibt keine Impfung. Die Impfung wirkt nicht.
20201127             Die Impfung ist 1—VORWAND um uns alle zu chippen.
20201127             OK die Impfung wirkt aber nicht gut. Impfzwang ist Faschismus!
20201127             Da hätte man doch prima 1—BINGOFELD mit füllen können - Tja, Chance vertan.
20201127             Was Paulchen über Peter sagt, sagt mehr über Paulchen als über Peter.
20201127             Das war ja eigentlich von Tag 1 an absehbar, dass die Leugner um ihre alten Lügen zu stützen einfach neue Lügen hinterherwerfen würden
20201127             Der Fachbegriff dafür heißt übrigens Gish gallop nach einem Evolutionsleugner.
20201127             Japans Kaiser Naruhito und seine Familie werden wegen der wieder steigenden CORONA—INFEKTIONSZAHLEN auf ihren traditionellen Neujahrsauftritt vor dem Volk verzichten
20201127             —BEKANNT, Wie das Haushofamt, gab, wolle man mit dieser Entscheidung 1—AUSBREITUNG—DES—VIRUS verhindern.
20201127—19900000    —SEIT, Es ist das 1. Mal, dass der Neujahrsauftritt des Monarchen auf seinem Balkon ausfällt.
20201127             Zu Weihnachten sollten die Menschen nach ANSICHT—DES—MEDIZINISCHEN—BERATERS der britischen Regierung, CHRIS—WHITTY, auf Liebkosungen lieber verzichten
20201127             "Es ist nicht verboten" — aber das heiße nicht, dass man es tun sollte, sagte Whitty am Donnerstagabend in LONDON
20201127             Vor allem die Senioren müssten vor Ansteckungen mit dem Coronavirus geschützt werden.
20201127             Mehr als 27.000—NEUNINFEKTIONEN in Russland
20201127             In der bayerischen Stadt Passau ist der Inzidenzwert auf 440—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN binnen einer Woche unter 100.000—EINWOHNERN angestiegen
20201127             Das ist bundesweit der zweithöchste Wert hinter dem Kreis Hildburghausen in Thüringen.
20201127             Mit Ausnahme der Inselgruppe Madeira weist das ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT nun ganz PORTUGAL als CORONA—RISIKOGEBIET aus
20201127             Demnach gilt die Einschätzung für das gesamte portugiesische Festland sowie die Inselgruppe der Azoren.
20201127             Bayerns Ministerpräsident MARKUS—SÖDER hat davor gewarnt, die Risiken der Pandemie zu unterschätzen
20201127             "Viele haben den Ernst der Lage immer noch nicht verstanden", sagte der CSU—CHEF.
20201127             Das Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) warnt vor Attacken auf Impfstoffhersteller und Impfzentren
20201127             Das ergibt sich aus einem internen Lagebild, das von alarmierenden Szenarien ausgeht: Aufgrund der "hohen Dynamik und Emotionalität, die dem Themenkomplex CORONA innewohnt" müsse von einer "abstrakten Gefährdung" für Impfstoffhersteller, aber auch für Impfzentren sowie die TRANSPORT—UND Lagerstätten ausgegangen werden,
20201127             Russland hat nach ANGABEN—VON—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER—SERGEJ—SCHOIGU damit begonnen, ALLE—VERTRETER—DES—MILITÄRS gegen das neuartige Coronavirus impfen zu lassen
20201127             —BISHER hätten mehr als 2500—SOLDATEN 1—IMPFUNG erhalten,
20201127             [l] Habt ihr von dem neuesten Akt des Staatsterrorismus gehört?
20201127             Wenn ein ausländischer feindlicher Geheimdienst auf offener Straße Menschen niederschießt?
20201127             Wie? Nein, kein PUTIN—GEGNER - Ein iranischer Atomwissenschaftler.
20201127             Der IRAN ist aber auch blöde
20201127             Die könnten doch einfach mal Beweise vorlegen, dass sie nicht an Atomwaffen arbeiten!
20201127             Der IRAN muss einfach mal lernen, sich an die Regeln zu halten
20201127             Die sollten sich 1—BEISPIEL an ISRAEL nehmen!
20201127             Da werden ja auch keine Atomwissenschaftler auf offener Straße niedergeschossen!
20201127             Update: 1—LESER empfiehlt dieses Buch.
20201127             Algarve com mais 3—ÓBITOS por Covid-19, ultrapassa os 5000—CASOS acumulados
20201127             Mais duas mortes por COVID—19—E 136—NOVOS casos no Alentejo
20201127             Albufeira Casos confirmados - 663 (+12) Óbitos - 6 (+1) Recuperados - 496 (+2) Casos ativos - 161 (+8)
20201127             Alcoutim Casos confirmados - 23 (=) Óbitos - 3 (=) Recuperados - 18 (=) Casos ativos - 2 (=)
20201127             Aljezur Casos confirmados - 18 (+1) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 13 (+1) Casos ativos - 4 (-1)
20201127             Castro Marim Casos confirmados - 51 (=) Óbitos - 0 (=) Recuperados - 47 (=) Casos ativos - 4 (=)
20201127             Faro Casos confirmados - 702 (+7) Óbitos - 2 (+1) Recuperados - 431 (+13) Casos ativos - 269 (-7)
20201127             Lagoa Casos confirmados - 223 (+3) Óbitos - 2 (=) Recuperados - 86 (=) Casos ativos - 135 (+3)
20201127             LAGOS Casos confirmados - 481 (+10) Óbitos - 0 (=) Recuperados - 386 (=) Casos ativos - 95 (-10)
20201127             Loulé Casos confirmados - 782 (+6) Óbitos - 12 (=) Recuperados - 500 (+1) Casos ativos - 270 (+5)
20201127             Monchique Casos confirmados - 33 (+1) Óbitos - 0 (=) Recuperados - 18 (=) Casos ativos - 15 (+1)
20201127             Olhão Casos confirmados - 278 (+7) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 192 (+6) Casos ativos - 85 (+1)
20201127             Portimão Casos confirmados - 802 (+15) Óbitos - 7 (+1) Recuperados - 565 (+43) Casos ativos - 230 (-29)
20201127             Silves Casos confirmados - 280 (+14) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 188 (+17) Casos ativos - 91 (-3)
20201127             São Brás de Alportel Casos confirmados - 101 (+2) Óbitos - 8 (=) Recuperados - 71 (+1) Casos Ativos - 22 (+1)
20201127             Tavira Casos confirmados - 284 (+1) Óbitos - 3 (=) Recuperados - 227 (=) Casos ativos - 54 (+1)
20201127             VRSA Casos confirmados - 224 (+1) Óbitos - 5 (=) Recuperados - 196 (=) Casos ativos - 23 (+1)
20201127             Vila do Bispo Casos confirmados - 75 (+3) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 45 (=) Casos ativos - 29 (+3)
20201127             270_DGS_boletim_20201127-002
20201127             BERLIN Neukölln Bezirk Fälle 8.592—FÄLLE/100.000—EW 2.675,6 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 215,8 Todesfälle 87—EINWOHNERZAHL 321.123
20201127             BUNDESLAND—BERLIN—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 192,62
20201127             BUNDESLAND—BRANDENBURG—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 94,49
20201127             BUNDESLAND—SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 47,66
20201127             BUNDESLAND—THÜRINGEN—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der letzten 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 149,01
20201127             DAHME—SPREEWALD Landkreis Fälle 1.023—FÄLLE/100.000—EW 599,0 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 26,9 Todesfälle 10—EINWOHNERZAHL 170.791
20201127             Düren Kreis Fälle 4.592—FÄLLE/100.000—EW 1.735,2 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 197,3 Todesfälle 80—EINWOHNERZAHL 264.638
20201127             Euskirchen Kreis Fälle 2.261—FÄLLE/100.000—EW 1.167,5 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 125,0 Todesfälle 39—EINWOHNERZAHL 193.656
20201127             Hildburghausen Landkreis Fälle 1.044—FÄLLE/100.000—EW 1.652,0 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 629,8 Todesfälle 11—EINWOHNERZAHL 63.197
20201127             Köln Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 18.473—FÄLLE/100.000—EW 1.698,1 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 141,0 Todesfälle 230—EINWOHNERZAHL 1.087.863
20201127             Nordfriesland Kreis Fälle 662—FÄLLE/100.000—EW 398,9 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 22,3 Todesfälle 4—EINWOHNERZAHL 165.951
20201127             Ostholstein Kreis Fälle 582—FÄLLE/100.000—EW 290,2 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 21,9 Todesfälle 3—EINWOHNERZAHL 200.539
20201127             Plön Kreis Fälle 315—FÄLLE/100.000—EW 244,8 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 18,7 Todesfälle 8—EINWOHNERZAHL 128.686
20201127             RENDSBURG—ECKERNFÖRDE Kreis Fälle 907—FÄLLE/100.000—EW 330,9 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 21,9 Todesfälle 17—EINWOHNERZAHL 274.098
20201127             RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Kreis Fälle 6.097—FÄLLE/100.000—EW 1.295,5 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 145,1 Todesfälle 106—EINWOHNERZAHL 470.615
20201127             RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Kreis Fälle 3.316—FÄLLE/100.000—EW 1.170,6 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 130,6 Todesfälle 28—EINWOHNERZAHL 283.271
20201127             SCHLESWIG—FLENSBURG Kreis Fälle 515—FÄLLE/100.000—EW 256,0 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 10,9 Todesfälle 7—EINWOHNERZAHL 201.156
20201127             VORPOMMERN—RÜGEN Landkreis Fälle 684—FÄLLE/100.000—EW 304,4 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 13,8 Todesfälle 8—EINWOHNERZAHL 224.702
20201127             Global Cases 61.240.522 Global Deaths 1.437.199
20201127             Die Türkei meldet den 5. Tag in Folge einen Rekord bei der ZAHL—DER—VERSTORBENEN
20201127             —BEDEUTET, Und was, diese Nachricht für den Klimawandel?
20201127             Durch die schnellere Blattalterung könnten die Bäume deutlich weniger Kohlenstoff speichern als bisher angenommen
20201127             "Die CO2-?Aufnahme wird mit steigenden Temperaturen wahrscheinlich weniger stark ansteigen, als ältere Modelle voraussagten",
20201127             IRAN: Prominenter Atomwissenschaftler stirbt nach Attentat
20201127             Türkei: ERDOGAN—VERTRAUTER tritt aus Beratergremium zurück
20201127             Pläne zur Presseförderung: 180—MILLIONEN Euro für Verlagshäuser — Kritik am Verteilungssystem
20201127             Ermittlungen bei der Bundeswehr: Rechtsextreme Chatgruppe von Soldaten aufgeflogen
20201127             Das Problem besteht daher darin, dass die Form nicht allein das Skelett, sondern auch das Fleisch des Strafprozesses ist.
20201127             Strafprozess ist Form um der Sache der Gerechtigkeit willen.
20201127             Diese Formen sind Rechte, die nicht die Macht ersonnen hat, sondern das Recht.
20201127             Es wurden VIELE—MILLIONEN—MENSCHEN gequält und VIELE—SCHLIMME—UNGERECHTIGKEITEN begangen, bevor der Strafprozess diese Form hatte.
20201127             40—PROZENT—DER—RICHTER bekannten, sich entgegen der gesetzlichen Regelung weiterhin an illegalen Deals zu beteiligen.
20201127             Es ist verboten, über das Recht zu dealen: also etwa über die Anwendung von Tatbeständen, die Verhängung von Maßregeln, die Bewertung als minder schwerer oder besonders schwerer Fall
20201127             So blöd, das ausdrücklich zu tun, ist auch niemand
20201127             Statt darüber zu dealen, ob "schwerer" oder "einfacher" Raub gestanden werden soll, unterhält man sich darüber, ob der Beschuldigte 1—WAFFE dabeihatte oder nicht, ob sie geladen war oder nicht, ob er einer Bande angehörte oder nicht
20201127             Das DEAL—ANGEBOT lautet: Geständnis des einfachen Raubs gegen Wegfall der Beweisaufnahme und Verhängung von 2—JAHREN mit Bewährung
20201127             Die Alternative ohne Geständnis: besonders schwerer Raub und 5—JAHRE, 6—MONATE
20201127             Ähnlich geht das bei bandenmäßigem BTM—HANDEL, gewerbsmäßigem Betrug oder unklarer Beweislage über sexuellen Missbrauch von Kindern
20201127             Da kann man schwer Nein sagen, wenn auf der Gegenseite jemand steht, der einem richtig wehtun kann.
20201127             Auf der Strecke bleibt Gerechtigkeit: Zum einen im Sinn des Schuldprinzips, weil sehenden Auges unangemessen niedrige Strafen ausgeworfen und Beweise nicht erhoben werden.
20201127             Es gibt Beweislagen, in denen Strafverteidiger ihren Mandanten zur Absprache auch für den FALL—DER—UNSCHULD raten.
20201127             Wenn sich die professionell für die Einhaltung des Rechts zuständigen Personen darauf einigen, das Gesetz nicht zu beachten, hat das Recht keine Chance mehr.
20201127             Es kann ja nicht sein, sprach Palmström, VORSITZENDER—DES—RICHTERBUNDES, PRÄSIDENT—DES—ANWALTVEREINS und Justizminister in einer Person, denn es ist ja verboten.
20201127             Denn was kann einem RICHTER—SCHÖNERES passieren als von allen Regeln des 200—JAHRE alten Strafprozesses befreit endlich wieder "Kadi" zu sein, endlich der Gerechtigkeit aus der Weisheit des Bauchgefühls heraus dienen zu dürfen, ohne Erbsenzähler in KARLSRUHE fürchten zu müssen?
20201127             Das Bundesministerium der Justiz beauftragte 3—PROFESSOREN verschiedener Universitäten mit einer großen Studie zur Evaluation
20201127             Sie liegt jetzt vor (Altenhain, Jahn, Kinzig: Die Praxis der Verständigung im Strafprozess, 20200000             ): Man kann die 540—SEITEN auf der Homepage des Ministeriums finden;
20201127             1—STRAFJUSTIZ, deren Personal sich verhält wie zwischen Radarfallen umherfahrende Autofahrer, kann kaum den Anspruch erheben, Sinnbild von Glaubwürdigkeit und Garant des Rechtsstaats zu sein.
20201127             Illegale Deals und Absprachen im Strafprozess Detlev dealt noch IMMER—KOLUMNE - DER SPIEGEL
20201127             EPA—UNTERSUCHUNG: Umgebaute DIESEL—PICK—UPS schlimmer als manipulierte VW—DIESEL
20201127             Deutsche Bahn: Gut 146.000—ZUGVERSPÄTUNGEN wegen WEICHEN—UND Signalstörungen
20201127             Suche nach Virusursprung: WHO besetzt CORONA—EXPERTENGRUPPE — ohne CHRISTIAN—DROSTEN
20201127             Protest im Parlament: Abgeordnete bewerfen Taiwans Premier mit Schweineinnereien
20201127             Brisante Reformvorschläge für die Nato: Es gibt 1—LEBEN nach dem "Hirntod"
20201127             Mondmission: Experten erwarten baldige Landung von Chinas Raumsonde "Chang'e 5"
20201127             "Chang'e 5" soll in einem nach dem deutschen Astronomen KARL—RÜMKER (17880000—18620000    ) genannten Vulkangebiet landen, das im "Ozean der Stürme" liegt — im oberen, linken TEIL—DER—ERDZUGEWANDTEN—SEITE—DES—MONDES.
20201127             Die größere Herausforderung besteht im 2. TEIL—DER—MISSION
20201127             Im Erfolgsfall wäre es das 1. Mal —SEIT—44—JAHREN, dass Gesteinsproben zur Erde zurückgebracht würden.
20201127             "Auf einem anderen Himmelskörper zu landen, ist immer kompliziert", sagt PAOLO—FERRI, der FRÜHERE—LEITER—DES—MISSIONSBETRIEBS der europäischen Raumfahrtagentur Esa im Raumfahrtkontrollzentrum in DARMSTADT
20201127             Der wirkliche Knackpunkt, glaubt Ferri, ist die Rückkehr
20201127             Dabei soll der mit Steinen beladene Lander am Orbiter andocken, der den Mond umkreist:
20201127             "Das Rendezvous im Orbit wird eine neue Herausforderung und bei der Landung auf der Erde müssen die Berechnungen ganz genau sein".
20201127             Der ganze Ablauf gleiche dem 1. bemannten Raumflug zum Mond von Apollo 11—VOR mehr als 50—JAHREN
20201127             Allerdings sei heute die Technik viel weiter.
20201127             Der Mond entstand, als unsere Protoerde vor etwa 4,4 Milliarden Jahren mit einem marsgroßen Körper kollidierte.
20201127             Die Chinesen hätten eine sehr komplizierte Mission gewählt, um Proben vom Mond auf die Erde zu bringen, sagt Ferri:
20201127             "Sie hätten das viel einfacher machen können".
20201127             —VERMUTET, Es werde, dass die ganze Technik erprobt werden soll, die eines Tages für eine bemannte Landung auf dem Mond nötig ist.
20201127             BELARUS: Lukaschenko spricht vage von Abschied
20201127             —VERLIERT, Trump, auch in PENNSYLVANIA vor Gericht: Keine Anschuldigungen, keine Beweise, kein Wahlbetrug
20201127             [l] MANCHE—WITZE schreiben sich echt von selbst - Hier ist so einer.
20201127             Prämisse: COVID—AUSBRUCH im Gesundheitsamt BERLIN—MITTE.
20201127             Halt halt, wartet, das war erst die Prämisse - Hier kommt die Punchline:
20201127             —BERICHTET, Wie die Abendschau, sind die Kontaktverfolgung, die CORONA—HOTLINE und das Krisenmangement für Pflegeheime in Mitte stark beeinträchtigt
20201127             Weiterhin seien keine organisatorischen Vorkehrungen für die Fortsetzung der Arbeit von Zuhause getroffen worden
20201127             Es fehlten ONLINE—ZUGÄNGE zur Behörde, so dass die Arbeit im Homeoffice für medizinische Fachangestellte gar nicht möglich sei.
20201127             Nach mehreren Wochen mit strengen CORONA—MAßNAHMEN für VIELE—REGIONEN—ITALIENS hat die Regierung in einigen Gebieten die Regeln gelockert
20201127             Belgien lockert seine Pandemieauflagen geringfügig.
20201127             Deshalb bleibe es bei Kontaktbeschränkungen und bei der nächtlichen Ausgangssperre
20201127             Über die Weihnachtsfeiertage würden nur die Regeln für Alleinstehende gelockert: Statt einer Person dürften sie 2—GLEICHZEITIG zum Feiern nach Hause einladen
20201127             Über Neujahr gelte ein landesweites Böllerverbot
20201127             —GESCHLOSSEN, Restaurants, Kneipen und Cafés bleiben, ebenso Friseure und andere Geschäfte mit Körperkontakt.
20201127             Nach sechswöchigem Lockdown lockert Irland die CORONA—SCHUTZMAßNAHMEN.
20201127             Wegen deutlich gesunkener Infektionszahlen lockert Frankreich ab —SAMSTAG seine strengen CORONA—AUFLAGEN: ALLE—GESCHÄFTE dürfen wieder öffnen.
20201127             Slowakei verlangt CORONA—TESTS von allen Einreisenden
20201127             —SUFFERED, The Trump campaign, another legal defeat when the 3. Circuit COURT—OF—APPEALS denied 1—ATTEMPT to challenge 1—LOWER—COURT—LOSS.
20201127             —BASED, The original lawsuit, on unfounded CLAIMS—OF—VOTER—FRAUD, sought to stop or reverse THE—CERTIFICATION—OF—PENNSYLVANIA—VOTE.
20201127             THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION took 1—STEP toward rolling back protections for migratory birds and reducing penalties for companies that inadvertently kill them.
20201127             —AMENDED, THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT, its execution protocols allowing the government to conduct executions by lethal injectiuon or use ANY—OTHER—MANNER prescribed by THE—LAW—OF—THE—STATE in which sentence was imposed.
20201127             —PICKED, PRESIDENT—ELECT JOE—BIDEN, up 257—VOTES in WISCONSIN—MILWAUKEE—COUNTY after the Trump campaign demanded 1—RECOUNT there.
20201127             —PICKED, PRESIDENT—TRUMP also, up 125—VOTES, giving Biden 1—NET—GAIN—OF—132.
20201127             —CLOSED, The S&P 500 and the Nasdaq Composite, at record highs when WALL—STREET shuttered early at THE—END—OF—THE—HOLIDAY—WEEK, adding 0.2—PERCENT and 0.9—PERCENT, respectively.
20201127             —ANNOUNCED, LOS—ANGELES County, 1—NEW—STAY—HOME—ORDER as coronavirus cases surged OUT—OF—CONTROL in the nation's most populous county, banning most gatherings but stopping short of 1—FULL shutdown on retail stores and other NON—ESSENTIAL—BUSINESSES.
20201127             THE—3—WEEK "safer at home" order takes effect 20201130            .
20201127             CALIFORNIA, 1—GUNMAN shot and killed 2—TEENS at the Arden Fair Mall In SACRAMENTO in the midst of Black —FRIDAY sales.
20201127             CALIFORNIA to date had 1,171,604 CASES—OF—CORONAVIRUS and 19,035 deaths.
20201127             THE—SF Bay Area had 146,691 cases and 1,956 deaths.
20201127             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 13,072,584 with the death toll at 264,764.
20201127             MARYLAND, the bodies of TIMOTHY—EUGENE—FRANCIS, 50—JAHRE—ALT and Christina Lynn Francis (41) were found in their home.
20201127             The veteran WASHINGTON DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA Metropolitan Police Department detective was reportedly shot to death by his wife, who then killed herself.
20201127             oo They had been, —FOR—3—YEARS.
20201127             A "Make Amazon Pay" campaign was launched on this annual Black —FRIDAY shopping bonanza by 1—COALITION—OF over 50—ORGANIZATIONS, with demands including improvements to working conditions and full tax transparency.
20201127             Biogen Inc said it will take a $650—MILLION—STAKE in Sage Therapeutics and pay $875—MILLION in upfront payment as they jointly develop and sell treatments for depression and other neurological disorders.
20201127             BELARUS PRESIDENT—ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO said that he would not remain in the post he has held for more than 26—YEARS if his country adopts 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION.
20201127             However, Lukashenko did not describe the amendments he is seeking or give 1—TIMELINE for when 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION might be adopted.
20201127             The World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) said BELGIUM has confirmed 1—OUTBREAK—OF highly pathogenic H5N5 bird flu on 1—POULTRY—FARM.
20201127             —KILLED, The outbreak, 600—BIRDS and led to THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—THE—OTHER—151,000 birds in the flock.
20201127             Priti Patel, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—FOR—BRITAIN—HOME—DEPARTMENT, hit back at attempts by 82—BLACK—PUBLIC—FIGURES to halt the deportation of up to 50—JAMAICA—CRIMINALS—NEXT—WEEK, saying she was "unapologetic" about removing people who posed 1—RISK to the public.
20201127             UK—SCIENTISTS said ANTI—INFLAMMATORY colchicine will be tested as 1—POSSIBLE—COVID 19—TREATMENT in 1—OF—THE—WORLD—BIGGEST trials, the latest effort to repurpose existing medicines to fight the pandemic.
20201127             —OPENED, CANADA, officers police in ONTARIO, fire on 1—PICKUP truck.
20201127             The officers were responding to 1—DOMESTIC—DISPUTE involving 1—GUN and the suspected abduction of THE—1—YEAR—OLD by his father.
20201127             The boy was hit by 1—BULLET and pronounced dead at the scene.
20201127             † The father, of gunshot wounds 1—WEEK later.
20201127             —SELECTED, THE—DANISH—MAYFLY was, by 1—INTERNATIONAL—GROUP—OF—ENTOMOLOGISTS and others as THE—INSECT—OF—THE—YEAR for 20210000             , but it won't have long to celebrate its 15—MINUTES—OF fame.
20201127             Ephemera danica, only has 1—FEW days to fly, mate and lay new eggs.
20201127             —RULED, ETHIOPIA—PRIME—MINISTER—ABIY—AHMED again, out dialogue with the leaders of the defiant Tigray region but said he was willing to speak to representatives "operating legally" there during his meeting with 3—AFRICAN Union special envoys trying to end the deadly conflict between federal troops and the region's forces.
20201127             —CONFIRMED, GERMANY, the number of, coronavirus cases increased by 22,806 to 1,006,394. The reported death toll rose by 426 to 15,586.
20201127             INDIA, THOUSANDS—OF—ANGRY—FARMERS protesting new agricultural laws were allowed to enter NEW—DELHI late today after they clashed with police who had blocked them at THE—OUTSKIRTS—OF—THE—CITY.
20201127             —REPORTED, It was, that INDIA—PHARMACEUTICAL—COMPANY—HETERO will manufacture over 100—MILLION doses of THE—RUSSIA—SPUTNIK V COVID—19—VACCINE per year under the terms of 1—DEAL unveiled today between it and RUSSIA—RDIF sovereign wealth fund.
20201127             —SUSPECTED, INDONESIA, militants killed 4—PEOPLE in Lemban Tongoa village in CENTRAL—SULAWESI province.
20201127             IRAN said Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, 1—OF—ITS most prominent nuclear scientists, was assassinated in 1—ATTACK on his car outside TEHRAN.
20201127             —ACCUSED, IRAN, arch foe ISRAEL of being behind the attack.
20201127             —ANNOUNCED, IRAN, that all government offices will effectively close and operate with only essential staff, further tightening coronavirus measures as the country struggles to contain its most widespread WAVE—OF—INFECTION yet.
20201127             IRAN again 20200901             —RECORD for new virus cases in 1—SINGLE—DAY with 14,051 cases, bringing the total to 922,397. The death toll reached 47,095, after 406—PEOPLE † over the last 24—HOURS.
20201127             THOUSANDS—OF—IRAQIS, MOST—OF—THEM not wearing protective masks, took to the streets in BAGHDAD in 1—SHOW—OF—SUPPORT for radical cleric Moqtada AL—SADR AHEAD—OF—ELECTIONS—NEXT—YEAR, stirring fears of 1—SPIKE in coronavirus cases.
20201127             —REPORTED, MEXICO—HEALTH—MINISTRY, 12,081 additional cases of the novel coronavirus and 631—MORE—DEATHS in the country, bringing the official NUMBER—OF—INFECTIONS to 1,090,675 and the death toll to 104,873.
20201127             —REPORTED, It was, that NORWAY—OFFICIALS are asking the public for helping cleaning up and mapping "large amounts" of paraffin wax found at the entrance to THE—OSLO Fjord, 1—NARROW inlet SOUTH—OF—NORWAY—CAPITAL.
20201127             RUSSIA said it plans to vaccinate more than 400,000 military personnel against COVID-19, as authorities reported 1—RECORD 27,543 new coronavirus cases.
20201127             SOMALIA, 1—SUICIDE bombing at 1—ICE cream shop in MOGADISHU killed at least 7—PEOPLE.
20201127             —CLAIMED, THE—AL—QAIDA—LINKED AL—SHABAB extremist group, responsibility.
20201127             SOUTH—KOREA—SPY—AGENCY told lawmakers that NORTH—KOREA—LEADER—KIM Jong Un has ordered at least 2—PEOPLE executed, banned fishing at sea and locked down the capital, PYONGYANG, as PART—OF—FRANTIC—EFFORTS to guard against the coronavirus and its economic damage.
20201127             TURKEY—DAILY—COVID—19—DEATH—TOLL hit 1—RECORD—HIGH for a 5. consecutive day at 177. 1—NEW—HIGH—OF—29,845—CORONAVIRUS—INFECTIONS was recorded in the last of 24—HOURS.
20201127             The total NUMBER—OF—DEATHS stood at 13,191.
20201127             0-... Landesämter für Verfassungsschutz gebeten, bei der Anwerbung von Spitzeln für die islamistische...
20201127—19980000    —IN, Hsieh had sold his LinkExchange online advertising network to Microsoft for $265—MILLION.
20201127—19990000    —IN, Zappos began selling shoe online.
20201127—20000000    —INVESTED, Hsieh, in the company and became CO—CEO.
20201127—20201130    —KILLED, Damario Beck (18) was held for the attack that, Sa'Quan REED—JAMES, 17—JAHRE—ALT and Dewayne JAMES—JUNIOR, 19—JAHRE—ALT.
20201209—20201127    —IN—THE, IRAN said 1—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE have been detained for involvement ASSASSINATION—OF—NUCLEAR—SCIENTIST—MOHSEN Fakhrizadeh.