_HEUTE_1120 :

_3.000—20071120      "—SCHON—IM—JAHR. GAB es in Fengtian eine riesige Jadewerkstatt", sagte Hung.
_2.000—20071120      —AUS der Zeit UM—DIE, frühesten Jadefunde von den PHILIPPINEN stammten.
_2.000—20071120      —BISLANG ANGENOMMEN, habe man, dass all die Jade auf den PHILIPPINEN aus CHINA oder VIETNAM stammte, so Hung.
_2.000—20071120      —NUN sei man sicher, dass der GROßTEIL—DER—SCHMUCKJADE auf den Inseln aus Fengtian gekommen sei.
_1.700—20181120      —ENTDECKEN, ARCHÄOLOGEN Skelett 1—SCHWANGEREN — samt Fötus

02691120             DIOCLETIAN—EMPEROR—OF—NUMERIAN in ASIA—MINOR, WAS—PROCLAIMED, by his soldiers.
02841120             —WENIGE—TAGE—NACH, des NUMERIAN Tod, wird der GARDE—OFFIZIER—DIOCLES von seinen Truppen zum RÖMER—KAISER ausgerufen, obwohl des Numerian Bruder CARINUS noch in Rom herrscht.
02841120             —BEENDET, GARDE—OFFIZIER—DIOCLES, Unter dem gewählten Namen RÖMER—KAISER—DIOKLETIAN, die RÖMER—REICHS—KRISE des 02010101—03001231    —CENTURY.
02841120—03050000    Under DIOCLETIAN—EMPEROR—OF—THE—ROMAN—EMPIRE—RULE the last and most terrible persecution of the Christians took place, perhaps some 3,000 martyrs.
02841120—03050000    —DIVIDED, DIOCLETIAN—EMPEROR—OF—THE—ROMAN—EMPIRE, rule over the empire among 4—MEN.
02841120—03050000    DIOCLETIAN—EMPEROR—OF—THE—ROMAN—EMPIRE, put 2—RULERS to oversee the east and 2 to oversee the west.
02841120—03050000    DIOCLETIAN—EMPEROR—OF—THE—ROMAN—EMPIRE, INCREASED, the size of the Roman army from 300,000—MEN to 500,000—MEN.
04231120             —NACH DES HONORIUS TOD, Der RÖMER—BEAMTE—JOHANNES erklärt sich zum WEST—RÖMER—HERRSCHER und beendet damit die dreimonatige kaiserlose Zeit.
04231120             Der OST—RÖMER—KAISER—THEODOSIUS—II., Honorius' Neffe und dessen eigentlicher Erbe, erkennt des RÖMER—BEAMTE—JOHANNES—HERRSCHAFT jedoch nicht an.
08551120             † THEOKTISTOS, byzantinischer Politiker
08701120             —AM, dessen S—EADMUND—KÖNIG—DER—OST—ANGELN getötet wurde.
08701120             1—REIHE—VON—HARTEN—KÄMPFEN folgte.
08701120             † HUNBEORHT—BISCHOF—VON—ELMHAM
09391120             * SONG—TAIZONG—KAISER—VON—CHINA
09671120             † ABOE—AL—FARADJ—AL—ISFAHANI, Arabic author (Book of liederen).
09671120             † ABU—L—FARADSCH—?AL?—IBN—AL—HUSAIN—AL—QURASCH?—AL—ISFAH?N?, arabischer Historiker, Literat und Poet
09961120             † RICHARD—I—HERZOG—DER—NORMANDIE, 1.
10081120             † GOTTFRIED—I—HERZOG—DER—BRETAGNE
11151120             † UDALSCHALK—GRAF—VON—LURN
11151120             06—GLOBAL Warming Debunker DEBUNKED—KDAWSON 126+ -...
11941120             —EINZIEHT, Der DEUTSCHE—KAISER—HEINRICH—VI. auf seinem FELDZUG—GEGEN—SIZILIEN unter WILHELM—III. in das eroberte PALERMO.
11941120             —ABLÖSEN, Damit, DIE—STAUFER, DIE—NORMANNEN, endgültig als HERRSCHER—VON—SIZILIEN.
12031120             —À—PARTIR—DU, Voir GALLIA christ. noviss.
12741120             —SCHLACHT—VON—BUN'EI
12741120             1. Invasionsversuch der Mongolen unter KUBLAI—KHAN in JAPAN abwehren die zahlenmäßig überlegenen Samurai
12891120             —MARSEILLE, Statuts du CHAPITRE—DE—MARSEILLE, do con.silio et assensuGuillolini de Forrerii!^. picpositi....;
12901120             —AIX GuiLLELMi's, prepositus MASSILIEN., illustrissiiui DOMINI Reyis JÉRUSALEM[JERUSALÉM] cl.
12901120             SICILIE clericus, dilecto suo
13471120             —AM, kam es an der PORTA—S—LORENZO zu 1—BLUTIGEN Auseinandersetzung.
13471120             —AM, wurden jedoch abgeschlagen.
13471120             —KURZ—DARAUF, traf DI—RIENZO der Bannstrahl des PAPA, und
13471120             —DEFEATED, Roman tribune Cola di Rienzi, nobles.
13471120             † STEFANO—COLONNA, ROMAN—SENATOR, in battle (SPQR).
13471120             —FAST—5.000—ADELS—ANHÄNGER wurden jedoch abgeschlagen.
13471120             —FAST—5.000—ADELS—ANHÄNGER attackierten DI—RIENZO und seine Anhänger,
13471120             —FAST—100—TOTE blieben auf den Straßen zurück.
13471120             —KURZ—DARAUF, traf DI—RIENZO des CLEMENS—VI—PAPA—BANN—STRAHL, und
13471120             —FAST—100—TOTE blieben auf den Straßen zurück.
13471120             —FAST—5.000—ADELS—ANHÄNGER wurden jedoch abgeschlagen.
13531120             (?) (JOHANNI—EPISCOPO—TRAJECTENSI committitur, ut cum JOHANNE—DE—HOKELEM
13711120             KÖLN, endet 1—SCHLACHT—DER—BÜRGER im KÖLNER—WEBERAUFSTAND zwischen ratstreuen Bürgern und Gaffeln einerseits und der Zunft der Weber andererseits in 1—FLUCHT der Weber beim Erkennen ihrer zahlenmäßigen Unterlegenheit.
13871117—13871120    —3—TAGE, Des KARL—VI—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH—HEER ins JÜLICHer Land zieht zu WOLLERSHEIM bei NIDEGGEN 200.000—MANN,lagert
14311120             —AM, erreichte die KATASTROPHE 1 1.Höhepunkt,
14311120             —AB—DIESEM—TAG, waren ALLE—FLÜSSE—NORDEUROPAS zugefroren, auch Donau und Rhein.
14311120             —AB—DIESEM—TAG, Auch weite TEILE—DES—BODENSEES und der OST—SEE froren zu, Wölfe liefen übers Eis von NORWEGEN nach DÄNEMARK und weiter nach SÜDEN.
14311120             —AM, erreichte die KATASTROPHE 1 1.Höhepunkt,
14431120             —KOPIE—FOLIA—32—33 (lit. 38—ORIGINAL—NUMMER—96
14431120             10—SCHILLING zur Vermehrung der Memorien in der S—PETER—KIRCHE bestimmt,
14431120             1—RENTE—VON—2—MALTER—ROGGEN, die ihr Vater aus HEYN—LUYPGYNS Hof bezog,
14431120             CLAIS—SOMER—DAVON sind 2—MARK—8—SCHILLING für die Memorien in der S—MARIEN—KIRCHE und
14431120             Dazu verkaufen sie auch des Herr PETERS Garten gegenüber der S—PETER—KIRCHE auf dem Hofe längs der Behausung des PRIESTER JOHAN—GENSSGISS,
14431120             Für —JAHR—GEDÄCHTNISSE und Erbmemorien um des Seelenheils von PETER und dessen Eltern und Freunden willen setzen sie 1—ERB—RENTE—VON—3\ti MARK fest,
14431120             42—ORIGINAL—NUMMER—51). - - REYNART—VAN—BRANDENBERCH
14431120             an JOHANNES—VON—MÜNSTER[MUYNSTER] in Westfalen, KELLNER—ZU—WEIDENBACH—BINNEN—KÖLN, namens seiner Mitbrüder.
14431120             an ihren "guten Freund" Herrn NICOLAUS—REKTOR—DES—HAUSES zu WEIDENBACH, und dessen MITBRÜDER—ZU—KÖLN gegenüber von S—PANTALEON das Haus mitsamt dem Kelterhaus,
14431120             aus dem Haus und Garten in der GEICHgergassen gegenüber der STADT—MAUER und Mylgis Berchvrede, welches früher dem Koiloughen gehörte,
14431120             das einst Herr PETER bewohnt und hinterlassen hat und das oberhalb des Hospitals zu ZÜLPICH zwischen dem Haus des S—NIKOLAUS—ALTARS und Lentz Butgis Haus gelegen ist,
14431120             des anderen dages na sent ELISABETH—DACH der hilgen wedewen.
14431120             desgleichen soll TILMAN in DER—KAPELLE—RÖVENICH Erbmemorien einrichten.
14431120             verkaufen als Treuhänder des + Herrn PETER dye MAN—VAN—INGELSCHEM, Pastor zu ERP[ERPPE],
14431120             zusammen mit ihrem Sohn Goedart, Peetze, Eve und Jutte
14431120             übertragen des GOEBELL—REMPLYN[REIMPLIN,REMPLINS,REMPLIS,REMPLYN] Töchter Else
14431120             —AUSFÜHRUNG,HASTADT—KÖLN—HUA—NUMMER—1/11681, PERGAMENT, mit SIEGEL (zerdr.).
14431120             —ES—SIEGELN, MEIGHIN—GILLIS,
14431120             —ES—SIEGELT, STEFFAIN—VAN—WELLINCK, da die SCHÖFFEN kein eigenes Siegel haben.
14431120             —PRO—JAHR auf S—MARTINS—TAG zu beziehen
14431120             —RUBRUMVERMERK.. dat huyss ind erve up dem hoeve) - VERGLEICHE—NUMMER—152.
14531120             * GIACOMO—COZZARELLI, ITALIENISCHER—ARCHITEKT, Bildhauer, Bronzegießer und Maler
14891120             DER RAT—DER—STADT—NÜRNBERG unterstützt bei der venetianlsehen Regierung die Ansprüche 1—GENANNTER NÜRNBERGers auf Entschädigung und Auszahlung rücltständigen Soldes.
14891120             —DATUM—DIE VENERIS[—FREITAG] —MENSIS.
14961120             —SONNTAG
14971120             † NIKOLAUS—KEMPF, DEUTSCHER—MYSTIKER und Theologe
15010100—20020000    1. Desencuentros familiares 2. 'Reglas de vivir 20061120             gobernar'/3.
15031120             GUIDOBALDO—DI—MONTEFELTRO—3—DUKE—OF—URBINO was met at THE—PONTE—MOLLE by 1—SUPERBLY caparisoned mule, and
15031120             under 1—SALUTE from the artillery of S—ANGELO.
15031120             —AM, 11. —DAY, BEING THE,
15031120             —THAT—EVENING, GUIDOBALDO—DI—MONTEFELTRO—3—DUKE—OF—URBINO was received by HIS—HOLINESS—JULIUS—II—PAPA on THE—LANDING—PLACE with equal favour, distinction.
15031120             —AM, 1—SUPER—CAPARISONED, BLY, mule GUIDOBALDO—DI—MONTEFELTRO—3—DUKE—OF—URBINO was painfully but honourably escorted by 1—IMPOSING cortege to his apartment in THE—VATIKAN,
15031120             under 1—SALUTE from the artillery of S—ANGELO.
15031120             —THAT—EVENING, Notwithstanding his fatigue, GUIDOBALDO—DI—MONTEFELTRO—3—DUKE—OF—URBINO was bidden by the impatient PONTIFF JULIUS—II—PAPA to supper and
15031120             —THAT—EVENING, In the explanations which followed, GUIDOBALDO—DI—MONTEFELTRO—3—DUKE—OF—URBINO, JULIUS—II—PAPA, their mutual views were frankly stated.
15091120             † KONRAD—ALTHEIMER, Administrator des BISTUMS—OLMÜTZ und Weihbischof in Olmütz
15191120             † CELSO—MELLINI[MEHLING], mourut lo.
15191120             † MELLINI (CELSO), ACCUSATEUR DE CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL mourut lo.. 56. per un incidente.Of.
15191120             CHAPITRE—VI. et VII. II. INI[MEHLING], mourut lo. CHAPITRE—VI. et VII. II.
15191120             CHAPITRE—VI. et VII. II.
15191120             CELSO—MELLINI[MEHLING], mourut lo.
15211120             —ATTRIBUTED, Arabs, 1—SHORTAGE—OF—WATER in JERUSALEM to Jews making wine.
15271120             —BECAME, Wendelmoet "Weyntjen" Claesdochter, the 1. HOLLAND—WOMAN to be burned as heretic.
15291120             * HIERONYMUS—TILESIUS, deutscher lutherischer Theologe und Reformator
15311120             2. Kappeler Landfriede, —BEENDET, den 2. Kappelerkrieg und regelt die religiösen Verhältnisse in der Alten Eidgenossenschaft neu.
15491120             1—ORDINANCE—OF—THE, regulated the confiscation of the goods of those convicted of contravening the PLACARDs, relations were forbidden to buy them.
15511120             BULLE[BULLA] du KARDINAL de Cliristoplic DE—MONTE—ÉVÉQUE—DE—MARSEILLE.
15511120             —CRÉATION—DE 23—CARDINAUXREV. dominum Cristoforum, EPISCOPUM MASSILIEnsom.
15571120             † KASPAR—BRUSCH, DEUTSCHER—HUMANIST und Theologe, Historiker und Dichter
15861120             * POLYKARP—LEYSER—II, lutherischer Theologe
15981120             GIOVANNI—FRIDERICBO, fio dil SIEHE Zuanne Checbel ANNI—9 : GIORNI$—14.
16021120             * OTTO—VON—GUERICKE, inventor (air pump).
16031120             † KRZYSZTOF—MIKO?AJ—RADZIWI??, Magnat und Militärbefehlshaber in POLEN—LITAUEN
16061120             JAKOB—I—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND anweist in 1—SCHREIBEN der VIRGINIA—COMPANY—OF—LONDON—GESCHÄFTSFÜHRER, die AMERIKANISCHEN—UREINWOHNER gewaltsam zum Anglikanismus zu bekehren.
16201120             * PEREGRINE—WHITE, SON—OF—WILLIAM and SUSANNA—WHITE, aboard the Mayflower in MASSACHUSETTS Bay.
16251120             * PAULUS—POTTER, NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—MALER (Taufdatum)
16271120             1—KATECHISMUSLEHRE[CHRISTEN—LEHRE]wodurch DIE—KINDER —SCHON vom zartesten Alter an gleichsam mit der Muttermilch der RELIGION GRUND—LAGEN kennenlernen.
16271120             Ad dietarn vero D. Petri ECCLESIAM et horam consuetam non solum eiusdem parochiae, sed et aliarum praefati oppidi nostri parochiarum subditi convenient.
16271120             Adhoc quia spiritualis ea institutio pro captandis affectibus infantilis aetatis munuseulis et xeniolis, atque adeo sumptu aliquo pecuniario indiget.
16271120             Atque haec est enixa nostra voluntas, quam manus nostrae subscriptione et sigilli subimpressione contestamur.
16271120             BRÜHL—COMES—PALATINUS Rheni, utriusque Bavariae, Westphaliae, Angariae et Bullionis Dux, Marchio Franchimontanus, venerabilibus devote nobis DILECTIS et fidelibus nostris,
16271120             DIE—STADT aus der Stadtkasse 6—REICHS—TALER,
16271120             —GELÄUTET, Dazu soll zweimal, werden,
16271120             Der GENERAL—VIKAR hat DAS—RECHT, dies zu überprüfen.
16271120             Die Rechte und Hoheiten der Kirchen sollen dabei nicht beeinträchtigt werden, und
16271120             Er schreibt vor, daß der PROPST und Pastor bzw. dessen VIZE—KURAT diesen KATECHISMUS—UNTERRICHT in 2—DER jährlichen Trimester zu halten haben und,
16271120             Et desuper vicario nostro IN—SPIRITUALIBUS generali seu aliis commissariis nostris,
16271120             Et quidem ne solus B. Petri pastor seu eius vicecuratus hoc onere graventur,
16271120             FERDINANDus, Dei et APOSTOLICAE—SEDIS gratia Electus et Confirmatus, ARCHI—EPISCOPUS—COLONIENSIS, SACRI—ROMANI—IMPERII per Italiam Archicancellarius et Princeps Elector, EPISCOPUS—PADERBORNENSIS, Leodiensis, Monasteriensis, Administrator HILDESHEIMensis, Berchtesgadensis, Corbeiensis, Princeps Stabulensis,
16271120             FERDINAND—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—KÖLN usw., an der STADT—ZÜLPICH PASTORE bzw.
16271120             I dcirco ut omnis inposterum de hac re difficultas cesset, disponimus clementissime
16271120             Insuper quia diebus quidem dominicis et festivis in ECCLESIA B. Petri sacrum missae officium matutinale institutum est,
16271120             Ipsi vero pastores seu vicecurati aut unus eorum, si inter se ut praefertur convenerint, quotannis pecunias has recipient, utiliter expendent.
16271120             Nolumus vero, prout hisce declaramus, hac ratione uni vel alteri ECCLESIAe praefati oppidi nostri ius aliquod
16271120             Nos igitur id, quod in ipsa visitatione inter vos deliberatum est,
16271120             Ordinalis ARCHI—EPISCOPALIS de DOCTRINA—CATECHISTICA.
16271120             Populus vero fidelis, cuius devotio in omnibus his quae sunt consilii quovis modo etiam promovenda est,
16271120             Quam piissimam intentionem vestram cognoscere tanto nobis accidit gratius,
16271120             Singulis vero diebus pro temporum diversitate bini pulsus matutinalibus sacris, primus quidem quadrante integro ante quintae aut sextae sonitum,
16271120             S—MESSE sein.
16271120             Und damit DAS—VOLK die Frühmesse hören kann,
16271120             Weil der Unterricht umsonst sein soll, ordnet er an, daß
16271120             a FESTO—S—ANDREAE proxime futuro incipiendo contribuantur et respective desumantur et impendantur.
16271120             ante vesperarum decantationem sine intermissione servetur.
16271120             aus dem Opferstock von S—LEONHARD 2—REICHS—TALER,
16271120             aus dem Opferstock von S—MARTIN, der eigens für diesen Zweck vom Pastor errichtet ist, und aus dem, der noch in der MARIEN—KIRCHE aufgestellt werden muß, das darin Gespendete,
16271120             aus den EINNAHMEN—DES—HOSPITALS 2—REICHS—TALER,
16271120             aus den Opfern der URBANUSbruderschaft 1—REICHS—TALER,
16271120             aus der KIRCHEN—FABRIK—VON—S—MARIEN 1—REICHS—TALER, aus der von S—MARTIN ebensoviel,
16271120             cognovimus in nupera apud vos auctoritate nostra instituta et habita visitatione inter caetera de DOCTRINA—CATECHISTICA
16271120             conscientias eorum super fideli administratione talium sumptium onerantes.
16271120             cuius nimirum turn propter scholas triviales cum propter loci capacitatem ad pium hoc institutum maior est commoditas,
16271120             damit diese nicht zu sehr damit belastet würden, dann —KURZ—VOR, 5—BZW 6—UHR.
16271120             die Geistlichen sollen sich über den Unterricht gütlich einig werden.
16271120             die übrigen PASTÖRE der Stadt den Unterricht im 3. Trimester.
16271120             ebensoviel von der Crispinusbruderschaft,
16271120             et ordinamus, ut praepositus seu pastor S—PETRI 3—DALEROS—IMPERIALES ex redditibus suis,
16271120             et sabbatho consueta conventualia per aestatem praecise ad horam quintam, hiemali autem tempore praecise ad horam sextarn anticipentur.
16271120             et sub poenis nobis arbitrariis serio praecipimus, EX—FABRICA—S—MARTINI tantundem,
16271120             EX—GAZOPHYLACIO—S—LEONARDI duo daleri imperiales,
16271120             EX—GAZOPHYLACIO—S—MARTINI ad hunc pium finem a pastore illius parochiae erecto, et
16271120             ex gazophylacio, quod in D. Virginis templo erigi praecipimus, quidquid in illa pro fidelium devotione iniectum fuerit,
16271120             ex obventionibus fraternitatis S—URBANI unus dalerus imperialis, EX—FRATERNITATE—S—CRISPINI tantundem, EX—FABRICA—B—MARIAE ibidem unus dalerus imperialis,
16271120             ex redditibus fraternitatis S—SEBASTIANI duo daleri imperiales,
16271120             ex reditibus hospitalis duo daleri imperiales in annos singulos terminis S—ANDREAE et Pentecostes,
16271120             für die entstehenden Kosten der PROPST bzw.
16271120             PASTOR—VON—S—PETER aus seinen Einkünften 3—REICHS—TALER gibt,
16271120             habe FERDINAND—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—KÖLN nach angeordneter VISITATION und stattgefundener VISITATION erfahren, daß
16271120             in ECCLESIA vero parochiali D. Virginis feriis quarta et sexta,
16271120             in ZÜLPICH 1—CHRISTEN—LEHRE eingerichtet werden solle.
16271120             inprimis ut deinceps institutio seu doctrina Christiana catechistica singulis diebus DOMINICis et festivis D. Virginis Dei Genitricis in ECCLESIA PAROCHIALI—S—PETRI,
16271120             jeweils —IM—SOMMER um 5—UHR,
16271120             magistri vero civium et scabini ac jurati oppidi nostri ex aerario suo sex daleros imperiales solvant,
16271120             metropolitanae Coloniensis ECCLESIAe canonici, presbyteri,
16271120             necessitati praecepti ECCLESIAstici de sacro dominicis et festis diebus audiendo satisfaciunt.
16271120             non solum ratum habentes, sed insuper clementissime mandantes ordinamus
16271120             pastoribus seu vicecuratis amica inter eos CONVENTIONe ad unius vel plurium ANNORUM spacium humeris imponatur.
16271120             per quam pueri a tenera aetate rudimenta religionis quasi cum materno lacte sugunt et imbibunt, necessitas.
16271120             praecipimus itidem clementissime, ut dictae parochialis S—PETRI praepositus et pastor seu eius vicecuratus duobus singulorum ANNORUM trimestribus,
16271120             praeposito et pastoribus seu vicecuratis parochialium ECCLESIArum nec non schulteto, magistro civium, scabinis ac juratis oppidi nostri Tolbiacensis
16271120             prout eadem deliberationis puncta ACCURATE nobis proposita fuerunt.
16271120             prout eiusdem vicarii nostri relatione gratanter didicimus, ut in 1—VEL altera parochialium ECCLESIArum diebus feriatis matutinalia sacra quoque celebrentur,
16271120             quanto certius scimus, qualis sit Christianae catechisticae doctrinae, quibus id mandare nobis visum fuerit,
16271120             quo illi, qui summae vel conventuali missae interesse non possunt,
16271120             quotiescunque is vel illi rationes exegerint, easdem sine mora exhibebunt,
16271120             reliqui vero illius oppidi pastores singuli uno trimestri institutioni huic catechisticae incumbant.
16271120             salutem et gratiam nostram.
16271120             secundus vero immediate dum quintam aut sextarn sonuerit, praemittantur.
16271120             singulis diebus DOMINICis et festivis D. Virginis Dei Genitricis instituenda et firmanda deliberatum esse,
16271120             soll in S—PETER—AM—MONTAG und —DIENSTAG, sumnopere desideret.
16271120             !dcirco auctoritate qua valemus ARCHI—EPISCOPALI ordinamus clementissime et mandamus,
16271120             superioritatis seu servitutis activae vel passivae unius in alteram generari atque integrum ipsis relinquimus, ut pium hoc iugum catechizandi uni alicui ex
16271120             ut in ECCLESIA PAROCHIALI—S—PETRI feriis secunda et tertia,
16271120             wobei DIE—GELDER jeweils auf S—ANDREAS und zu Pfingsten zu beziehen sind.
16271120             zuerst um viertel vor 5—BZW. 6—UHR.
16271120             — Fideli relatione venerabilis devote nobis dilecti vicarii nostri IN—SPIRITUALIBUS generalis Joannis Gelenii, sacrae Theologiae doctoris,
16271120             —AN ALLEN—MARIEN—FESTEN Daran sollen nicht nur die Angehörigen der PFARREI—S—PETER, sondern auch die der anderen Pfarreien der Stadt teilnehmen.
16271120             —AN ALLEN—MARIEN—FESTEN diese CHRISTEN—LEHRE in der PFARR—KIRCHE—S—PETER—ZÜLPICH, und zwar wegen der ELEMENTAR—SCHULE sowie aus Platzgründen, vor dem Vespergesang ohne Unterbrechung abgehalten werden soll.
16271120             UND
16271120             —ANNO die vigesima mensis Novembris, Datae Brulae in arce nostra, (Unterschrift:) FERDINAND ss.
16271120             —AUSFERTIGUNG—PERGAMENT, aufgeklebt, mit aufgedr. kleinem, hochovalem SIEGEL unter Pappdecke (fehlt bei Ewald).
16271120             Rvv:
16271120             —WINTER—IM, um 6—UHR
16271120             Ad dieta - FERDINAND—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—KÖLN zustimme diesem frommen Wunsche nach 1—KATECHISMUSLEHRE[CHRISTEN—LEHRE],
16271120             Rvv: um 6—UHR
16271120             * CHARLOTTE—VON—HESSEN—KASSEL, hessische Adlige, oo KUR—FÜRST—KARL—I—LUDWIG
16271120             Ad dieta
16271120             FERDINAND—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—KÖLN usw., an der STADT—ZÜLPICH PROPST und
16271120—16610829    —AM, FABER—JOAN—WEILER und Gudula 25—DHALER hauptgeltes bey Nelles Gaul zu Füssenich außstehend der Kinderlehr vermacht (glz.).
16371120             PETER—MINUIT & 1. Dutch and SWEDEN—IMMIGRANTS to DELAWARE sailed from SWEDEN.
16371120             —PURCHASED, Peter —LATER, Manhattan ISLAND for 60—GUILDERS.
16451120             —HEUTE, Die katholische UNIVERSITÄT—SANTO—TOMAS ist die älteste UNIVERSITÄT—ASIENS.
16481120             * JOSEPH—ADELMANN, DEUTSCHER—JESUIT und Hochschullehrer
16511120             † MIKO?AJ—POTOCKI, Großhetman der POLNISCHEN—KRONE
16561120             —VERTRAG—VON—LABIAUWÄHREND des 2. Nordischen Kriegs, aufhebt KARL—X—GUSTAV—KÖNIG—VON—SCHWEDEN seine Lehnshoheit über das HERZOGTUM—PREUßEN und das Ermland.
16571120             † MENASSE—BEN—ISRAEL, sephardischer Jude, Gelehrter, Diplomat, Schriftsteller, Kabbalist, Drucker und Verleger
16651120             —INSTRUCTION des LUDWIG—XIV. für DU—MOULIN
16711120             "die "consideratien resulterende uijt het RAPPORT—VAN—DE—HEERE—VAN—AMERONGEN.vergelevert aen DE—HEEREN H. H. M. GEDEPUTEERDEN tot de TRIPLE—ALLIANTIE
16721120             abgehaltenen
16741120             † MARKUS—OTTO, Gesandter von Straßburg bei den —VERHANDLUNGEN zum Westfälischen Frieden
16821120             A PARIS, le, Messieurs, C'est vn fort grand plaisir à vn ÉVÉQUE—DE—MARSEILLE d'apprendre (pic le grand nombre des personnes DE—MÉRITE rend toujours le sort heureux
16881120             FOLIA—19—VERSO.
16951120             HERMANN—BEYER oo [] EILENDORF, GERTRUD—LOUP(en),
16951120             † Zumbi, 1—BRAZIL—LEADER—OF a —100—YEAR—OLD—REBEL—SLAVE—GROUP, was killed in 1—AMBUSH in Palmares.
16951120             Der gefangene und zuvor gegen die Sklaverei kämpfende ZUMBI wird in der PORTUGAL—KOLONIE—BRASILIEN hingerichtet.
16951120             ZUMBI war letzter ANFÜHRER—DER—SKLAVENSIEDLUNG—PALMARES, die den von Plantagen geflohenen afrikanischen Sklaven jahrzehntelang 1—HEIMSTATT bot.
16951120             † ZUMBI, letzter ANFÜHRER—DES—AUTONOMEN—KÖNIGREICH—PALMARES von entflohenen und frei geborenen Sklaven im heutigen STAAT ALAGOAS—BRASILIEN
16951120—20030100    —IN, legislation established 16951120             as Black Consciousness —DAY.
17001120             —DEFEATED, SWEDEN—17—YEAR—OLD—KING—CHARLES—XII, the Russians at Narva.
17041120             † CHARLES—PLUMIER, FRANZÖSISCHER—BOTANIKER, Forschungsreisender und Mitglied des Paulanerordens
17111120             † GERRIT—ROOSEN, Hamburger Kaufmann und Prediger der MENNONITENGEMEINDE—ALTONA
17131120             † THOMAS—TOMPION, ENGLAND—CLOCK maker (cylinder tunnel).
17211120             * JEAN—HENRI—MAUBERT—DE—GOUVEST, FRANZÖSISCHER—MÖNCH, Abenteurer, Offizier, Sekretär, Schriftsteller und PUBLIZIST
17221120             † JOHN—LOMBE, ENGLISCHER—SEIDENPRODUZENT und Industriespion
17331120             * PHILIP—SCHUYLER, niederländischstämmiger Offizier und Politiker, Mitglied des Kontinentalkongresses, GENERAL im AMERIKANISCHEN—UNABHÄNGIGKEITSKRIEG, SENATOR
17371120             * GEORG—DAVID—MATTHIEU, DEUTSCHER—PORTRÄTMALER und Kupferstecher
17411120             † MELCHIOR—DE—POLIGNAC, FRANCE—DIPLOMAT and clergyman.
17411120             † ANNA—BARBARA—WALCH—KÜNKELIN, Schorndorfer Bürgerin und Anführerin der "SCHORNDORFER—WEIBER"
17411120             † FRANZÖSISCHER—KARDINAL—MELCHIOR—DE—POLIGNAC, Diplomat und Dichter
17521120—17700000    * † THOMAS—CHATTERTON, ENGLAND—POET (Christabel).
17521120—17700000    —MARKED, THOMAS—CHATTERTON—EARLY—DEATH, him as the "prototype of the fragile poet withered by the hostility of philistines".
17551120             * FRANZ—JOSEF—GASSMANN, SCHWEIZER—BUCH—DRUCKER und BUCH—HÄNDLER, Zeitungsgründer und Redaktor
17571120             Die Uraufführung der Oper L'Isola disabitata von DOMENICO—SCARLATTI findet am Teatro S—SAMUELE in Venedig statt.
17581120             * ABRAHAM—B—VENABLE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—POLITIKER, Mitglied des Repräsentantenhauses, SENATOR
17581120             * ALEXANDRE—GRIMOD—DE—LA—REYNIÈRE, FRANZÖSISCHER—GOURMET, Lehrmeister für Kochkunst und Erfinder der Gastronomiekritik
17591120             —GEFECHT—VON—MAXEN.
17591120             —SEESCHLACHT in der Bucht von Quiberon
17591120             —BIS—SIEBENJÄHRIGER—KRIEG—ENDE, Die FRANZÖSISCHE—FLOTTE kann sich von dieser Niederlage nicht mehr erholen.
17600609             PETER—BONGARD, [S.v. ARNOLD B. u. MARGARETHE—OSTLENDER aus NIEDERFORSTBACH] oo [17641120             ] KORNELIMÜNSTER
17611120             * PIUS—VIII—PAPA
17651120             * FRIEDRICH—HEINRICH—HIMMEL, composer (Von Himmel Hoch).
17651120             * FRIEDRICH—JULIUS—VON—KNIESTEDT, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Gutsbesitzer
17711120             † THOMAS—JEFFERYS, ENGLISCHER—GEOGRAPH, Kartograph, Kupferstecher, Buchhändler, Verleger und Drucker
17731120             † CHARLES—JENNENS, ENGLISCHER—GRUNDBESITZER, Mäzen und Librettist
17741120             † GEORG—LUDWIG—ALEFELD, DEUTSCHER—MEDIZINER und Physiker
17751120             * GUSTAV—ANTON—VON—SECKENDORFF, DEUTSCHER—DICHTER und Schriftsteller
17801120             —KRIEGSERKLÄRUNG Großbritanniens an die NIEDERLANDE, beginnt der - 4. ENGLISCH—NIEDERLÄNDISCHE—SEEKRIEG.
17831120             * GEORG—SIMON—VON—SINA, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—BANKIER und Unternehmer
17841120             LOUIS—XVI[LUDWIG—XVI—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH] demande à JOSEPH—II. de renoncer à la réouverture de l'escaut
17851120             † JAMES—WRIGHT, BRITISCHER—JURIST und Kolonialgouverneur der PROVINCE—OF—GEORGIA
17871120             * JOHANN—NIKOLAUS—VON—DREYSE, DEUTSCHER—ERFINDER, Konstrukteur und Unternehmer
17891120             —BECAME, NEW—JERSEY, the 1. state to ratify THE—BILL—OF—RIGHTS.
17911120             * FERRANTE—APORTI, ITALIENISCHER—PÄDAGOGE und Theologe
17921120             Ces pièces sont versées au cahier des charges établi par LA—COMMISSION—DES—VINGT 4—ET rendent l'ajournement du procès impossible
17921120             DES—DOCUMENTS—COMPROMETANTS sont découverts aux TUILERIES dans 1—ARMOIRE de fer où ils ont été enfermés par LOUIS—XVI[LUDWIG—XVI—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH]
17941120             * EDUARD—RÜPPELL, DEUTSCHER—NATURWISSENSCHAFTLER und Afrikaforscher
18031120             —NACH—1—MEHRWÖCHIGEN—PROZESS, wird der RÄUBERHAUPTMANN—JOHANNES—BÜCKLER[Schinderhannes], mit 19—KUMPANEN von den FRANZÖSISCHEN—BEHÖRDEN des DÉPARTEMENT—DONNERSBERG in MAINZ zum Tode verurteilt und —AM—NÄCHSTEN—TAG hingerichtet.
18041120             * FRIEDRICH—PASCHEN, DEUTSCHER—GEODÄT und Astronom
18051120             —PREMIERED, Beethoven's "Fidelio,", in VIENNA.
18051120             Die Uraufführung von Fidelio, LUDWIG—VAN—BEETHOVENS einziger Oper, findet im Theater an der WIEN in WIEN statt.
18071120             * PETER—TIDEMAND—MALLING, NORWEGISCHER—BUCHDRUCKER, Verleger und Buchhändler
18091120             * GUSTAV—KÖRNER, DEUTSCH—USA—AMERIKANISCHER—JURIST und Staatsmann
18100000—19350000    —125—JAHRE GESCHICHTE—DER—GUTEHOFFNUNGSHÜTTE... alfatomega.com/20061120.html
18111120             * JOHANN—JOSEPH—NOLDEN, M iii 1, 2—WURDE am in PISSENHEIM.
18111120             —GRÜNDET, FRIEDRICH—KRUPP, in ESSEN 1—FABRIK zur PRODUKTION—VON—GUSSSTAHL, aus der sich in der Folge die FRIEDRICH—KRUPP—AG entwickeln wird.
18150926             —REPLACED, Metternich quietly, the entire alliance by the purely political alliance of 18151120             , BE—TWEEN AUSTRIA, PRUSSIA—RUSSIA and ENGLAND.
18151120             The treaties known collectively as the 2. —PEACE—OF—PARIS were concluded.
18151120             —HELPED, AUSTRIA—KLEMENS—VON—METTERNICH, create a "Concert of EUROPE," 1—SYSTEM by which 4—5—BIG—POWERS kept miscreants in check and managed the affairs of smaller states for over —1—DECADE.
18151120             With the 2. —PEACE—OF—PARIS—NAPOLEON was involuntarily exiled to S—HELENA.
18151120             2. —FRIEDE—VON—PARIS, mit dem FRANKREICH auf die Grenzen von 17900000             , jedoch ohne SAARBRÜCKEN, LANDAU und SAVOYEN, reduziert wird.
18171120             1. Seminole War began in FLORIDA.
18171120             * JACOBUS—ISAAC—DOEDES, niederländischer reformierter Theologe
18171120—18171127    —SEE
18181120             * KAROL—SZAJNOCHA, POLNISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Historiker
18201120             Whalers  from NANTUCKET—MASSACHUSETTS, lost their ship to an 80-ton bull sperm whale and attempted to make landfall in 3—BOATS on THE—COAST—OF—SOUTH—AMERICA.
18201120             8—CREWMEN survived —AFTER they consumed 7—OF—THEIR mates.
18201120             * JOHANN—WILHELM—GREVEN, DEUTSCHER—VERLEGER und Buchhändler
18201120             —GERAMMT, Das WALFANGSCHIFF—ESSEX wird mehrmals von 1—POTTWAL, und sinkt;
18201120             —SPÄTER, der Vorfall wird Element in MELVILLE—ROMAN—MOBY—DICK.
18201120—18210000    —IN, [see OWEN—CHASE ] 5—MEN in 2—BOATS were picked up —AFTER—90—DAYS.
18201120—19600000    —IN, cabin boy THOMAS—NICKERSON wrote 1—ACCOUNT—OF—THE—TRAGEDY.
18221120             * MARIE—FRANKENSTEIN, deutschamerikanische Malerin und Bildhauerin
18241120             † CARL—AXEL—ARRHENIUS, SCHWEDISCHER—ARTILLERIEOFFIZIER, Amateurgeologe und Chemiker
18280000—19101107    * † LEO—TOLSTOY, RUSSIA—EARL and writer (War & Peace), at the rural Astapovo train station [OS, NS=19101120             ].
18291120             —EXPELLED, Jews were, from Nikolayev and SEVASTOPOL—RUSSIA.
18331120             —REACHED, CHARLES—DARWIN, Punta Gorda and saw RIO—URUGUAY.
18341120             BRÜSSEL, nimmt die FREIE—UNIVERSITÄT, 19700000             aufgespalten in 1—FRANZÖSISCH—UND 1—NIEDERLÄNDISCHSPRACHIGE Einrichtung, ihre Lehrtätigkeit auf.
18371120             CLEMENS—AUGUST—DROSTE—ZU—VISCHERING—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—KÖLN, wird im Streit mit Preußen um die Akzeptanz von Mischehen verhaftet.
18471120             —THE—ECONOMIST—VOM,
18471120             † HENRY—FRANCIS—LYTE, BRITISCHER—THEOLOGE und Kirchenlieddichter
18491120             1. feste Donaubrücke zwischen Buda und Pest, SZÉCHENYI—LÁNCHID, die wird ihrer Bestimmung übergeben.
18531120             * MARTIN—SAMUEL—KROCH, DEUTSCH—JÜDISCHER Kaufmann und Bankier
18531120             Die Uraufführung der Oper Giulia oder die Corsen von PETER—JOSEPH—VON—LINDPAINTNER findet in STUTTGART statt.
18561120             † FARKAS—BOLYAI, UNGARISCHER—MATHEMATIKER und Dichter
18581120             * SELMA—LAGERDORF, SWEDEN—NOVELIST.
18581120             * SELMA—LAGERLÖF, SCHWEDISCHE—SCHRIFTSTELLERIN, Nobelpreisträgerin
18621120             * GEORGES—PALANTE, FRANZÖSISCHER—PHILOSOPH und Anarchist
18661120             —GRANTED, PIERRE—LALLEMONT, FRANCE—MECHANIC, was, 1—USA patented for his velocipede, 1—ROTARY crank bicycle.
18751120             * FRIEDRICH—WERNER—VON—DER—SCHULENBURG, DEUTSCHER—DIPLOMAT und Widerstandskämpfer
18821120             * FELIX—LINNEMANN—PRÄSIDENT—DES—DFB, DEUTSCHER—POLIZIST und Fußballfunktionär,
18841120—19280000    —IN, * NORMAN—THOMAS, socialist and PRESIDENT—CANDIDATE 19280000—19480000   , in MARION—OHIO, and ran for PRESIDENT in 6—SUCCESSIVE—ELECTIONS beginning.
18851120             * HERMANN—KELLER, DEUTSCHER—KIRCHENMUSIKER und Musikwissenschaftler
18861120             1. DEUTSCHE—FISCHAUKTION in HAMBURG, JOHANN—HINRICH—KÖSER durchführt mit seiner Firma H. Köser  und begründet damit das Auktionswesen der DEUTSCHEN—FISCHINDUSTRIE.
18881120             —PATENTED, WILLIAM—BUNDY, 1—TIMECARD clock.
18891120             —PREMIERED, GUSTAV—MAHLER—1. Symphony.
18891120             1. Sinfonie von GUSTAV—MAHLER wird in BUDAPEST uraufgeführt.
18891120—19530000    * † EDWIN—HUBBLE, USA—ASTRONOMER.
18891120—19530000    —PROVED, EDWIN—HUBBLE, that there are other galaxies far from our own.
18901120             —AUSSAGEN—GEGEN—SKLAVEREI, Die LEO—XIII—PAPA—ENZYKLIKA—CATHOLICAE—ECCLESIAE richtet an die Missionare in AFRIKA und formuliert darin.
18921120             * ERIK—NÖLTING, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, MdL, Landesminister, MdB
18921120             * GRETE—REINER, DEUTSCHE—ÜBERSETZERIN und Herausgeberin
18921120             * THEO—AECKERLE, DEUTSCHER—MALER, Zeichner, Plastiker und Lithograf
18931120             DIE—KONTROLL—KOMMISSION wählt anstelle von R. Fischer, der die Leitung DER—VORWÄRTS—BUCHHANDLUNG übernommen hat, W. Pfannkuch als Sekretär.
18931120             The struggling WEST—LEAGUE—OF—PROFESSIONAL—BASEBALL Clubs, meeting in DETROIT—MICHIGAN, elected BYRON—BANCROFT—JOHNSON, —29—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER ballplayer and CINCINNATI sportswriter, as PRESIDENT.
18931120             —RECOMMENDED, He had been, by CHARLES—COMISKEY, 1—POTENTIAL—INVESTOR in the league and manager of the National LEAGUE—CINCINNATI—REDS.
18961120             —1—HAFENARBEITER—STREIK, DIE—SCHAUERLEUTE in HAMBURG beschließen der sich in der Folge zur
18961120             1. GROßE—ARBEITSNIEDERLEGUNG im DEUTSCHEN—REICH entwickeln wird.
18980000—19761120    * † Trofim Denisovich Lysenko, SOVIET—AGRONOMIST and biologist, in MOSCOW.
18991120             DIE—"ZUCHT—HAUSVORLAGE" findet im REICHS—TAG keine Mehrheit.
18991120             * ANGELIKA—HOERLE, DEUTSCHE—MALERIN und Grafikerin, Kölner Dadaistin
19011120             Die Uraufführung der Oper Grisélidis von JULES—MASSENET findet an der OPÉRA—COMIQUE in PARIS statt.
19021120             * WOLFGANG—KUNKEL, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Rechtshistoriker
19021120             In 1—SCHIEDSSPRUCH festlegt EDUARD—VII—KÖNIG—VON—GROSSBRITANNIEN, die Grenze zwischen CHILE und ARGENTINIEN in Patagonien.
19031120             —HIRED, CHEYENNE—WYOMING, —42—YEAR—OLD, gunman and stock detective TOM—HORN was hanged for 19010000             —THE—MURDER—OF—WILLIE—NICKELL, —14—JAHRE—ALT.
19031120             Horn had made 1—CONTROVERSIAL—CONFESSION to USA—DEPUTY—MARSHAL—JOSEPH—S—LEFORS that was pivotal in the conviction.
19061120             * HERBERT—BOCHOW, DEUTSCHER—KOMMUNIST und Widerstandskämpfer
19061120             Unter der Regie von MAX—REINHARDT findet an den Berliner Kammerspielen die Uraufführung von FRANK—WEDEKINDS—DRAMA—FRÜHLINGS—ERWACHEN statt, das von diesem —BEREITS 18910000             fertiggestellt worden ist.
19071120             * HENRI—GEORGES—CLOUZOT, FRANCE—DIRECTOR (Le salaire de la peur).
19071120             —FOUNDED, THE—MCLAUGHLIN—MOTOR—CAR—COMPANY was, in ONTARIO—CANADA, under SAMUEL—MCLAUGHLIN (18710000—19720000    ).
19071120—19100000    —IN, he became 1—DIRECTOR—OF—GENERAL—MOTORS and
19071120—19180000    —IN, sold his company becoming PRESIDENT—OF—GENERAL—MOTORS—OF—CANADA.
19081120             Die Komödie Moral von LUDWIG—THOMA wird in BERLIN uraufgeführt.
19081120—20040000    * † ALISTAIR—COOKE, ENGLAND—JOURNALIST, who hosted "Masterpiece Theater," in SALFORD—ENGLAND.
19101120             Revolution broke out in MEXICO.
19101120             —CALLED, FRANCISCO—I—MADERO, for 1—RISE to national arms on this —DAY—WHEN dictator Porfirio Diaz reneged on his pledge to stay out of the presidential election.
19101120             * BERNHARD—KLAMROTH, DEUTSCHER—OFFIZIER, Widerstandskämpfer des 19440720             19101120             Die Uraufführung der Oper Semirama von Ottorino Respighi findet in BOLOGNA statt.
19101120             —AUFRUFT, FRANCISCO—MADERO von seinem Exil in TEXAS aus zur REVOLUTION—GEGEN—DEN MEXIKANISCHEN—DIKTATOR—PORFIRIO—DÍAZ und erklärt sich gleichzeitig selbst zum PRÄSIDENT—VON—MEXIKO.
19111120             —PREMIERED, GUSTAV—MAHLER'S "Das Lied von der Erde", in MUNICH.
19111120             1—HALBES—JAHR —NACH—DEM TOD—DES—KOMPONISTEN wird in München GUSTAV—MAHLERS—DAS—LIED—VON—DER—ERDE unter der Leitung von BRUNO—WALTER uraufgeführt.
19111120             Unter Vermeidung des Wortes Sinfonie hat GUSTAV—MAHLER—DAS—WERK als "sinfonischen Liederzyklus" bezeichnet, aus Angst, eine 9. Sinfonie könnte – wie bei seinen Vorbildern LUDWIG—VAN—BEETHOVEN und ANTON—BRUCKNER – seine letzte sein.
19131120             —VERBIETET, Der DEUTSCHE—KAISER—WILHELM—II., das Tanzen von Tango in Uniform wegen Unschicklichkeit.
19141120             * EMILIO—PUCCI, fashion designer (NEIMAN—MARCUS—AWARD 19540000             ), in Naples.
19141120             USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT began requiring photographs for passports.
19141120             —PROCLAIMED, BULGARIA, its neutrality in the 1. World War.
19141120             —WWI—IM, VERKÜNDET—BULGARIEN, seine Neutralität
19151120             —DUBBED, S—FRANCISCO, 1—GANG—OF robbers, —LATER, the "jitney bandits" used 1—MODEL T Ford to flee 1—ROBBERY at the Sloat Cafe dance hall.
19151120             —FOLLOWED, More robberies, over THE—NEXT—MONTH with several killings —UNTIL outlaw HOWARD—DUNNIGAN, —23—JAHRE—ALT was wounded —FOLLOWING 1—CHRISTMAS eve attack on the Niagara saloon at 789—HOWARD.
19151120             —CHECKED, The gang fled to LOS—ANGELES where Dunnigan, himself into 1—HOSPITAL, where 1—DOCTOR called police.
19151120             —TURNED, Dunnigan, out to be from 1—OLD and respected family in  MARYLAND.
19151120             2—OF—HIS confederates were sentenced to life in prison.
19151120             —ALLOWED, Dunnigan was, to plead guilty and was sentenced to —7—YEARS—PROBATION.
19161120             * THOMAS—MCGRATH, poet and novelist.
19171120             In the 1. tank BATTLE—BRITAIN broke through GERMANY—LINES.
19171120             —WWI—IM, BEGINNT, Die
19171120—19170300    Der —IM, gegründete Zentralrat der UKRAINE ausruft die autonome UKRAINISCHEN—VOLKSREPUBLIK innerhalb des föderativen neuen Sowjetrusslands.
19181120             —EINIGE—MONATE—SPÄTER, ändert dieser Bund seinen Namen in DEUTSCHER—GEWERKSCHAFTSBUND.
19181120             in dem unteranderem 1—ORGANISCHE und planmäßige Sozialisierung und die unbedingte Mitwirkung der Gewerkschaften bei allen ökonomischen MAßNAHMEn der Regierung verlangt werden.
19191120             Der Geiger BEN—SELVIN spielt bei VICTOR—RECORDS, DAS—INSTRUMENTALSTÜCK—DARDANELLA ein, das in der Folge als 1. Single der Musikgeschichte die Grenze von 3—MILLIONEN verkauften Exemplaren überschreiten wird.
19201120             —ORGANISIERT, PIERRE—CÉRÉSOLE, mit dem SERVICE—CIVIL—INTERNATIONAL das 1. Workcamp als Friedensprojekt im kriegszerstörten ESNES—EN—ARGONNE.
19211120             * JIM—GARRISON, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—STAATSANWALT, beteiligt an den Ermittlungen und Anklagen im JOHN—F—KENNEDY—MORDFALL
19231120             * NADINE—GORDIMER, 19910000             Nobel PRIZE—WINNING SOUTH—AFRICA—NOVELIST.
19231120             —INVENTED, GARRETT—MORGAN, and patented 1—TRAFFIC—SIGNAL.
19231120             Die Uraufführung der Oper Die Höhle von SALAMANCA—VON—BERNHARD—PAUMGARTNER findet an der Staatsoper in DRESDEN statt.
19240000—19731120    * † ALLAN—SHERMAN, USA—MUSICIAN, parodist and producer.
19241120             † LEE—STACK, BRITISCHER—GENERALMAJOR, Generalgouverneur des ANGLO—ÄGYPTISCHEN—SUDAN und Oberbefehlshaber der ÄGYPTISCHEN—ARMEE
19250000—20061120    * † ROBERT—ALTMAN, film director, producer and writer, in LOS—ANGELES.
19251120             Kennedy † from 1—ASSASSIN—BULLET 19680606             , in LOS—ANGELES —AFTER proclaiming victory in CALIFORNIA—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY—PRIMARY—ELECTION.
19251120             —NAMED, The ship was, for KENNEDY—ELDEST brother, who had been killed in BATTLE—DURING—WORLD—WAR—II. Kennedy † from 1—ASSASSIN—BULLET 19680606             , in LOS—ANGELES —AFTER proclaiming victory in CALIFORNIA—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY—PRIMARY—ELECTION.
19251120             —NAMED, The ship was, for KENNEDY—ELDEST brother, who had been killed in battle —WWII—DURING.
19251120             * SENATOR—ROBERT—F—KENNEDY, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—POLITIKER, Generalbundesanwalt, Attentatsopfer
19251120             Der Münchner Dolchstoßprozess endet im Gerichtsurteil mit der Erkenntnis, dass der beklagte PAUL—NIKOLAUS—COSSMANN bei der Verbreitung der Dolchstoßlegende 1—IRRTUM erlegen sei.
19261120             DOROTHEA—ANGERMANN—VON—GERHART—HAUPTMANN wird an 17—DEUTSCHSPRACHIGEN Bühnen gleichzeitig uraufgeführt.
19271120             † KARL—WILHELM—EUGEN—STENHAMMER, —56—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
19281120             —BECAME, MISTER—S—GLEN—HYDE, the 1. woman to dare the Grand Canyon rapids in 1—SCOW.
19281120             —BOTTOMED, Her flat, boat used sweep oars for maneuvering.
19281120             DIE—DEUTSCHE—REICHSPOST führt probeweise 1. Bildfunkübertragungen über ihren Sender Königs Wusterhausen mit Hilfe 1—FULTOGRAPHEN durch.
19291120             * KENNETH—DEWITT—SCHERMERHORN, conductor, in SCHENECTADY—NEW—YORK.
19291120             SALVADOR—DALI held his 1. 1—MAN show.
19291120             —DEBUTED, The radio program "THE—RISE—OF—THE—GOLDBERGS", on THE—NBC—BLUE—NETWORK.
19311120             AT&T began commercial teletype service.
19311120             —REJECTED, JAPAN and CHINA, THE—LEAGUE—OF—COUNCIL—TERMS for Manchuria at GENEVA.
19341120             —PREMIERED, Lillian Hellman's "CHILDREN—HOUR,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19341120             THE—MCCORMACK—DICKSTEIN Committee began examining evidence on the Business Plot against FRANKLIN—ROOSEVELT.
19341120             —ON February 15, 19350000             , the committee submitted its final report to THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES.
19341120             —DURING the hearings Retired Marine Corps MAJOR—GENERAL—SMEDLEY—BUTLER testified that GERALD—C—MACGUIRE attempted to recruit him to lead 1—COUP, promising him 1—ARMY—OF—500,000—MEN for 1—MARCH on WASHINGTON, DC, and financial backing.
19341120             —TESTIFIED, Butler, that the pretext for the coup would be that THE—PRESIDENT—HEALTH was failing.
19341120—19341124    —ON, the committee released 1—STATEMENT detailing the testimony it had heard about the plot and its preliminary findings.
19351120             —REMOVED, Borden and Coca Cola were, from THE—DJIA.
19351120             —ADDED, Du Pont and National Steel were.
19351120             —EINGEWEIHT, STOCKHOLM, wird die Västerbron.
19351120             Die 2—BOGENKONSTRUKTIONEN der Brücke verbinden die Stadtteile Södermalm und Kungsholmen.
19361120             * DON—DELILLO, author.
19361120             DON—DELILLO—WORK includes "White Noise" and "Libra".
19361120             Nach Ausbruch des SPANISCHEN—BÜRGERKRIEGES wird der FASCHISTISCHE—PARTEI—FALANGE—ANFÜHRER—JOSÉ—ANTONIO—PRIMO—DE—RIVERA, von den Republikanern hingerichtet.
19361120             † BUENAVENTURA—DURRUTI, SPANISCHER—ANARCHIST, Syndikalist und Revolutionär
19361120—20221120    —BIS—HEUTE—DIESER—TAG, Von FRANQUISMUS—ANHÄNGERN wird als 20—N begangen.
19370000—20061120    * † DIRK—DIRKSEN, the godfather of S—FRANCISCO punk rock.
19381120             —DOCUMENTED, The 1., ANTI—SEMITIC remarks over USA—RADIO were made by Father Coughlin.
19390810—19451120    ALFRED—NAUJOCKS, sworn affidavit, NÜRNBERG; (Shirer I)
19390831             (Note: See ALFRED—NAUJOCKS, sworn affidavit, NÜRNBERG, 19451120             .
19401120             UNGARN anschließt sich dem —WWII—ACHSENMÄCHTE—DREIMÄCHTEPAKT
19411120             —HANDED, Ambassadors Nomura and Kurusu, over JAPAN—LAST—DIPLOMATIC—NOTE.
19421120             * MEREDITH—MONK, choreographer, composer and performing artist, in LIMA—PERU.
19421120             —RECAPTURED, British 8. Army, BENGHAZI—LIBYA.
19421120             —NAMED, Hitler, FIELD—MARSHAL—ERICH—VON—MANSTEIN to command.
19421120             —RECAPTURED, The 26. RUSSIA—ARMORED Corps, Perelazovski.
19421120             * JOE—BIDEN—PRÄSIDENT—DER—USA, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—POLITIKER und 46. sowie amtierender
19421120             —ERÖFFNET, Der —BEREITS—IM—OKTOBER fertiggestellte ALASKA—HIGHWAY wird offiziell.
19421120             —NACH—DEM JAPANISCHEN—ANGRIFF auf Pearl Harbor, der ALASKA—HIGHWAY—BAU wurde von den USA unter militärischen Aspekten forciert.
19421120—20080000    —IN, * JOSEPH—BIDEN, —LATER USA—SENATOR—FOR—DELAWARE, in SCRANTON, PENNSILVANIA BARACK—OBAMA named Biden as his vice presidential running mate.
19431120             USA—MARINES began landing on Tarawa and Makin atolls in THE—GILBERT—ISLANDS, encountering fierce resistance from JAPAN—FORCES but emerging victorious —3—DAYS—LATER.
19431120             —INVADED, THE—USA 2. marine division, the tiny isle of Betio on TARAWA—ATOLL in the Gilberts.
19431120             —OPPOSED, It was the 1. seriously, landing experienced by the Americans in WWII.
19431120             —AFTER—3—DAYS 1,027—USA—MARINE and Navy personnel were killed.
19431120             Of some 4,800 Japanese and Korean laborers on Betio, 146 survived, including 17—JAPAN—TROOPS.
19431120             USA—MARINE cinematographer NORMAN—HATCH (19210000—20170000    ) began filming much of THE—76—HOUR—BATTLE—FOR—THE—ISLAND—OF—TARAWA.
19431120             —EDITED, The film was, and made into a —20—MINUTE documentary: "With the Marines at Tarawa".
19431120             U—538—SANK in the Atlantic Ocean.
19431120             —WWII—IM, beginnt die —SCHLACHT—UM—DIE—GILBERTINSELN.
19431120             Es handelt sich um die 1. Station beim "ISLAND Hopping" der Alliierten.
19431120—19450000    —IN, the film received 1—ACADEMY—AWARD for best short documentary.
19441120             THE—1.—JAPAN—SUICIDE—SUBMARINE—ATTACK was at Ulithi Atoll, Carolines.
19451120             —PREMIERED, DMITRI—SHOSTAKOVITCH—9. Symphony.
19451120             —INDICTED, NUREMBERG—GERMANY, 22—OUT—OF—24, Nazi officials went on trial (1 in absentia) —BEFORE 1—INTERNATIONAL—WAR—CRIMES—TRIBUNAL.
19451120             —BEGINNT, Im JUSTIZPALAST—NÜRNBERG, mit der Verlesung der Anklage der Prozess gegen 20—FÜHRENDE Persönlichkeiten des "3. Reichs", darunter HERMANN—GÖRING, JOACHIM—VON—RIBBENTROP und JULIUS—STREICHER, wegen Kriegsverbrechen und Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit.
19461120             Lillian Hellman's "Another PART—OF—THE—FOREST," premiered in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19471120             "Meet the Press" made network TV debut on NBC.
19471120             Auf die Liturgische Bewegung eingeht PIUS—XII—PAPA mit der ENZYKLIKA—MEDIATOR—DEI, in der er das Wesen der heiligen Liturgie im Gottesdienst erläutert.
19471120             Der SAAR—FRANKEN wird im SAARLAND eingeführt.
19491120             —REACHED, Jewish population of ISRAEL, 1,000,000.
19501120             —PUSHED, USA—TROOPS, to Yalu River within 5—MILES—OF—MANCHURIA.
19501120             † FRANCESCO—CILEA, —84—JAHRE—ALT, opera composer.
19521120             —PREMIERED, GEORGE—AXELROD'S "—7—YEAR Itch,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19531120             1. Mensch mit zweifacher Schallgeschwindigkeit (Mach 2) fliegt ALBERT—SCOTT—CROSSFIELD mit 1—DOUGLAS—SKYROCKET.
19541120             † GENERAL—ALEXEI—ALEXEJEWITSCH—IGNATJEW, russischer und sowjetischer  und Diplomat
19551120             —ORDERED, THE—MARYLAND—NATIONAL—GUARD was, desegregated.
19551120             —AUFSTAND—VON—KLAKSVÍK erreicht mit dem Attentatsversuch auf KRISTIAN—DJURHUUS, den MINISTERPRÄSIDENT—DER—FÄRÖER, in Tvøroyri 1—SEINER dramatischsten Höhepunkte.
19551120             KRISTIAN—DJURHUUS bleibt unverletzt, doch für die Färöer wird es 1—DER gravierendsten innenpolitisch motivierten Gewalttaten ihrer Geschichte bleiben.
19561120             Als Reaktion auf ein geplantes Bundespressegesetz wird der DEUTSCHE—PRESSERAT als freiwilliges Selbstkontrollorgan gegründet.
19591120             7—EUROPEAN nations (AUSTRIA, BRITAIN, DENMARK, NORWAY, PORTUGAL, SWEDEN, SWITZERLAND) signed THE—STOCKHOLM—CONVENTION to form the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).
19591120             —VERABSCHIEDET, Die Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen, die Deklaration über die Rechte des Kindes, welche die vergleichbare Genfer Deklaration des Völkerbundes aufgreift und sie ergänzt.
19591120             —3ßIG—JAHRE—SPÄTER wird die Deklaration über die Rechte des Kindes von der Kinderrechtskonvention abgelöst.
19591120—19600503    —ON, The organization becoming operative.
19591120—19730100    —IN, —AFTER the accession of DENMARK, IRELAND, and THE—UK—TO—THE—EEC, THE—EFTA began to falter.
19591120—19950000    —FOLLOWED, PORTUGAL (19850000             ), by AUSTRIA, FINLAND and SWEDEN, left to join THE—EU.
19591120—20170000    —IN, 4—MEMBERS remained: SWITZERLAND, NORWAY, LIECHTENSTEIN and ICELAND.
19621120             —BARRED, PRESIDENT—KENNEDY, religious or racial discrimination in federally funded housing.
19621120             —AGREED, USSR, to remove bombers from CUBA and USA lifted its blockade.
19621120             —PROKLAMIERT, Nach Erreichen ihrer Kriegsziele, die VOLKSREPUBLIK—CHINA im INDISCH—CHINESISCHEN—GRENZKRIEG 1—EINSEITIGEN Waffenstillstand.
19621120—19621020    —AM, Durch die Zustimmung Indiens am Folgetag endet der begonnene —KONFLIKT.
19641120             —RATIFIED, Regents of UC BERKELEY, the suspension of 8—STUDENTS, placed students MARIO—SAVIO and ART—GOLDBERG on probation and allowed ON—CAMPUS—POLITICAL advocacy  that doesn't lead to unlawful activity.
19651120             —CALLED, UN Security council, for 1—BOYCOTT—OF—RHODESIA (—LATER ZIMBABWE).
19651120             Der Schwammtaucher ANDREAS—KAROLOU entdeckt vor der Nordküste Zyperns das aus der vorrömischen Eisenzeit stammende SCHIFF—VON—KYRENIA.
19661120             "Cabaret" opened at Broadhurst Theater, NEW—YORK—CITY, for 1166—PERFORMANCES.
19661120             —VOTED, Men in ZURICH, against female suffrage.
19661120             Das Musical Cabaret von JOHN—KANDER und FRED—EBB erlebt am Broadhurst Theatre am New Yorker Broadway seine Premiere.
19661120             Der SCHWEIZER—KANTON Zürich stimmt in einer Volksabstimmung gegen das Frauenwahlrecht.
19670502             A 2. SESSION—OF—THE—TRIBUNAL was held at ROSKILDE—DENMARK, 19671120             — 19671201             .
19691120             —ANNOUNCED, THE—NIXON administration, 1—HALT to residential use of the pesticide DDT as PART—OF—1—TOTAL—PHASE—OUT.
19691120             1—GROUP—OF—80—NATIVE Americans, all college students, seized Alcatraz ISLAND in the name of "Indians of All Tribes".
19691120             —LASTED, The occupation, —19—MONTHS.
19691120             —OFFERED, They, $24 in beads and cloth to buy THE—ISLAND, demanded 1—AMERICA—INDIA—UNIV., museum and cultural center, and listed reasons why THE—ISLAND was 1—SUITABLE—INDIA—RESERVATION.
19691120             MARY—SCOTT, —23—JAHRE—ALT was found dead at her apartment in S—DIEGO.
19691120             —STRANGLED, She had been, and raped.
19691120—20200000    —UNTIL, The case went cold —WHEN THE—S—DIEGO—POLICE—DEPARTMENT announced that with the help of forensic genealogy, 1—SUSPECT had been identified.
19701120             —FAILED, OKLAHOMA, 3—TEENAGERS in 1—CHEVROLET—CAMARO, to return home —AFTER 1—HIGH—SCHOOL football game.
19701120—20130000    —IN, divers on 1—TRAINING exercize discovered Their skeletal remains in 1—CAMARO in Foss Lake.
19711120             —PLANNED, USA, to give TURKEY $35—MILLION for farmers who agreed to stop growing opium poppies.
19731120             ALLAN—SHERMAN was the creator and original producer of the popular "I've Got 1—SECRET" 19520000—19580000    —FROM—TO.
19741120             —FILED, THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE, 1—ANTITRUST suit to break up ATT.
19741120             † LAURA—CAROLA—MAZIREL, NIEDERLÄNDISCHE—JURISTIN, Autorin, Widerstandskämpferin
19750127—19751120    —ON, the committee released 1—REPORT, charging both USA—GOVERNMENT—AGENCIES with illegal activities.
19751120             —ANNOUNCED, RONALD—REAGAN, his intention to BATTLE—GERALD—FORD for the Republican presidential nomination.
19751120             1—INTERIM—REPORT by THE—USA—SENATE—CHURCH—COMMITTEE said that THE—CIA failed to assassinate Fidel Castro at least 8—TIMES.
19751120             —COVERED, The report also, CIA activity in CHILE, THE—CONGO, THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC and elsewhere.
19751120             † After nearly —4—DECADES—OF—ABSOLUTE—RULE (19360000—19750000    ), SPAIN—GENERAL—FRANCISCO—FRANCO, —2—WEEKS—BEFORE his 83. birthday.
19751120             —ENTOMBED, He was, in 1—MAUSOLEUM built by his regime 19400000—19590000    —BETWEEN, in part by the forced labor of some 20,000 political prisoners.
19751120             —DESIGNATED, JUAN—CARLOS, GRANDSON—OF—KING—ALFONSO, was his, successor and the monarchy was restored.
19751120             Mit dem 2. 20—N endet die Zeit des Franquismus.
19751120—20020000    —AUTHORED, Gabrielle Ashford Hodges, "Franco: 1—CONCISE—BIOGRAPHY".
19761120             Lysenko was 1—STRONG—PROPONENT—OF—SOFT—INHERITANCE and rejected Mendelian genetics in favor of pseudoscientific ideas termed Lysenkoism.
19771120             —BECAME, EGYPT—PRESIDENT—ANWAR—SADAT, the 1. Arab leader to address ISRAEL—PARLIAMENT.
19771120             In 1—REDE vor der Knesset anerkennt der ÄGYPTISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—ANWAR—AS—SADAT das Existenzrecht Israels.
19791120             —OCCURRED, THE—1.—USA artificial blood transfusion, at UNIVERSITY—OF—MINNESOTA Hospital.
19791120             —REFUSED, The patient was 1—JEHOVAH—WITNESS, who had, 1—TRANSFUSION—OF—REAL—BLOOD because of his religious beliefs.
19791120             —ARMED, Some 200, men and women, Mahadiists, seized the Grand Mosque in MECCA.
19791120             —DENOUNCED, They, the monarchy and demanded 1—END to corrupting modernization and "foreign ways".
19791120             SAUDI—ARABIA—PREACHER Juhayman al Uteybi (Juhayman AL—OTAIBI) led the radicals.
19791120             —AFTER—2—WEEKS FRANCE—SPECIAL—FORCES shot dead all the Wahhabi extremists.
19791120             —BEGINNT, MEKKA, die Besetzung der GROßE—MOSCHEE, der heiligsten Stätte des Islam.
19791120             CA—200—BEWAFFNETE—ISLAMISTEN bringen die GROßE—MOSCHEE in ihre Gewalt, nehmen TAUSENDE—VON—BESUCHERN als Geiseln und rufen 1—IHRER Führer zum Mahdi aus.
19801120             Faced with disastrous reviews from NEW—YORK critics, United Artists announced it was withdrawing its $36—MILLION—MOVIE "HEAVEN—GATE" for RE—EDITING.
19801120             CHINA, the Gang of 4, scapegoats for the 19660000—19760000     Cultural Revolution, were put on trial.
19801120             —TRIED, They were, and sentenced in nationally televised court proceedings.
19801120             Jiang Hua led the special tribunal that was set up to try Jiang Qing and her 3—POLITBURO allies known as the Gang of 4. Qing was sentenced to death but her sentence was —LATER commuted to life in prison.
19821120             At THE—CALIFORNIA—MEMORIAL—STADIUM—OF—UC—BERKELEY Cal player KEVIN—MOEN scored the game winning touchdown against Stanford amidst Stanford band members, who had run onto the field thinking the game was over.
19821120             The winning catch was caught by photographer BOB—STINNETT (19240000—20180000    ).
19821120             —BACKED, SOUTH—AFRICA, down on 1—PLAN to install black rule in neighboring NAMIBIA.
19821120             Zwischen HAMBURG und BERLIN wird die fertiggestellte Transitautobahn für den Verkehr freigegeben.
19821120             Auf DDR—SEITE öffnet der innerdeutsche Grenzübergang bei Zarrentin am Schaalsee.
19841120             MCDONALD—MADE its 50—BILLIONTH hamburger.
19841120             —GEGRÜNDET, Das SETI—INSTITUT zur Suche nach intelligentem außerirdischem Leben wird.
19861120             DAILY—TELEGRAPH.
19861120             —FROM—VAN—DER—REIJDEN;
19861120             —ANNOUNCED, UN—WHO, 1. global effort to combat AIDS.
19871120             —PREMIERED, The film "Nuts" starring Barbra Streisand.
19871120             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—REAGAN and congressional leaders, agreement on a —2—YEAR, $76—BILLION DEFICIT—REDUCTION—PLAN designed to reassure jittery financial markets.
19881120             —ANNOUNCED, EGYPT and CHINA, they were recognizing THE—PALESTINE—STATE proclaimed by the Palestine National Council.
19891120             —RALLIED, More than 200,000—PEOPLE, peacefully in PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia, demanding democratic reforms and THE—OUSTER—OF—COMMUNIST—PARTY—LEADER—MILOS—JAKES.
19891120             —ANNIMMT, Die UN—GENERALVERSAMMLUNG die Kinderrechtskonvention.
19891120—19900920    —AM, Kinderrechtskonvention wird in Kraft treten.
19900902—19901120    —AM, Die des Vorjahres von der UN—GENERALVERSAMMLUNG beschlossene Kinderrechtskonvention tritt in Kraft.
19901120             —LANDED, The space shuttle "Atlantis", at Cape CANAVERAL—FLORIDA, —AFTER completing 1—SECRET—MILITARY—MISSION.
19901120             —REBUFFED, THE—SOVIET—UNION again, PRESIDENT—BUSH—EFFORTS to rally support for 1—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—RESOLUTION authorizing military force against IRAQ.
19901120             —FAILED, MARGARET—THATCHER, to defeat HESELTINE—BID for party leadership.
19911120             —ACCEPTED, CALIFORNIA Democrat ALAN—CRANSTON, 1—SENATE reprimand for his dealings with FORMER—SAVINGS—AND—LOAN—CHIEF—CHARLES—H—KEATING—JUNIOR, but then denied he was GUILTY—OF—MANY—OF—THE—ALLEGATIONS, prompting 1—ANGRY rebuttal by NEW—HAMPSHIRE Republican WARREN—B—RUDMAN.
19911120             Mile Mrksic, Miroslav Radic, and Veselin SLJIVAN—CANIN, officers in THE—YUGOSLAVIA—NATIONAL—ARMY, ordered THE—SERBIA—ARMY and military police to withdraw from the hospital at Vukovar.
19911120             The paramilitary forces then took 194—CROAT men in small groups to 1—AREA—NEARBY and shot them.
19911120             —ACQUITTED, Radic was.
19911120—20030000    —SURRENDERED, Radic, to SERBIA—AUTHORITIES.
19911120—20070000    —CONVICTED, Mrksic and Sljivancanin were, by 1—UN—TRIBUNAL.
19921120             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—AND—THE—EUROPEAN—COMMUNITY, they had resolved 1—DISPUTE over EC farm subsidies, but FRANCE—OFFICIALS expressed dissatisfaction.
19921120             —DAMAGED, Fire seriously, THE—NORTH—WEST—SIDE—OF—WINDSOR—CASTLE, the favorite weekend HOME—OF—BRITAIN—QUEEN—ELIZABETH—II.
19931120             —ENDED, THE—USA—SENATE, 1—FILIBUSTER against THE—BRADY—BILL, which imposed a —5—DAY waiting period for handgun purchases, and passed it by a 63—36—VOTE;
19931120             the Senate also approved legislation implementing THE—NORTH—USA—FREE—TRADE Agreement, 61-38.
19931120             Nordmazedonien: 1—JAKOWLEW—JAK 42—DER Avioimpex auf dem AVIOIMPEX—FLUG—110—VON Genf nach SKOPJE wird wegen schlechten Wetters nach Ohrid umgeleitet, wo sie gegen 1—BERG prallt.
19931120             † † † Bei dem Unfall kamen alle 116—PERSONEN an Bord ums Leben.
19941101             He was CONVICTED—OF—MURDER 20021120             and sentenced to life in prison.
19941120             —SIGNED, THE—ANGOLA—GOVERNMENT under dos SANTOS and rebels under Savimbi, 1—TREATY in ZAMBIA to end —19—YEARS—OF—WAR, even as fighting continued in their homeland.
19941120             —MINED, The most heavily, country in the world was AFGHANISTAN, with between 10 and 15—MILLION—DEADLY—MINES.
19941120             ANGOLA, 1 3. of the countryside was strewn with mines and the toll of nearly 25—PEOPLE —1—DAY who were injured or killed by land mines has left 20,000 amputees.
19941120             CAMBODIA—7—MILLION—MINES—AMOUNT to 2 for EVERY—SINGLE—CAMBODIA—CHILD, and between 200 and 250—PEOPLE became victims EVERY—MONTH.
19941120             SOMALIA, THE—LAYING—OF—MINES—ROSE to new HEIGHTS—OF—TERROR as CIVIL—AREAS were deliberately targeted.
19941120             —SCATTERED, Truck LOADS—OF—MINES were, in houses, wells, RIVER—CROSSINGS, markets, and even cemeteries.
19941120             —MINED, Presently, the area being, most heavily is the war zone of THE—FORMER—YUGOSLAVIA, where 3—MILLION—MINES have been laid in —JUST 1—FEW years.
19941120             —ESTIMATED, THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT, that 25,000—PEOPLE are killed or maimed EACH—YEAR by mines.
19941120             —ABOUT 1.5 to 2—MILLION—NEW—MINES go into the ground EACH—YEAR.
19941120             There is 1—BRITISH—RAPID—ANTIPERSONNEL—MINEFIELD—BREACHING—SYSTEM (RAMBS) manufactured by PAINS—WESSEX Schermuly that is fired from 1—RIFLE and clears 1—PATH 60—METERS long and 1—METER wide in less than —1—MINUTE.
19941120             Die ANGOLA—REGIERUNG und die REBELLENORGANISATION—UNITA unterzeichnen 1—FRIEDENSVERTRAG, das LUSAKA—PROTOKOLL, mit dem der Bürgerkrieg in ANGOLA beendet werden soll.
19951114—19951120    —INSTITUTED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, 1—PARTIAL shutdown, closing national parks and museums —WHILE government offices operated with skeleton crews.
19951120             Radio stations began airing 1—NEW—BEATLES recording, "Free As 1—BIRD," which had debuted on ABC TV the night —BEFORE.
19951120             —IDLED, USA—FEDERAL—EMPLOYEES, —DURING 1—GOVERNMENT shutdown, returned to their jobs.
19951120             —APPROVED, THE—USA—FDA, new therapy for use as 1—INITIAL—AIDS—TREATMENT, 3TC.
19951120             † Olympic figure skating champion SERGEI—GRINKOV, —28—JAHRE—ALT—OF—1—HEART—ATTACK in Lake PLACID—NEW—YORK.
19951120             BBC Television broadcast 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—PRINCESS—DIANA, who admitted being unfaithful to PRINCE—CHARLES.
19951120             —CONDUCTED, FRANCE, its 4. nuclear test at the Mururoa atoll in FRENCH—POLYNESIA.
19951120             [other news sources indicated 1—SEVERE—EARTHQUAKE with the epicenter in the Red Sea]
19961024—19961120    —SIGNED, The law was.
19961120             USA—HOUSE—REPUBLICANS chose Newt Gingrich to be speaker for a 2. term.
19961120             S—FRANCISCO began posting signs along its waterfront to warn FISHERMAN—OF—HEALTH hazards from fish caught in the Bay.
19961120             —PROTESTED, ZAGREB—CROATIA, thousands, the government's attempt to close the independent Radio 101.
19961120             † In HONG—KONG 1—FIRE raged in the 16-story Garley Building and 39—PEOPLE.
19961120             ZAMBIA, FREDERICK—CHILUBA and his Movement for Multiparty Democracy won RE—ELECTION.
19961120             —BOYCOTTED, FORMER—PRESIDENT—KAUNDA and his United National Independent Party, because he was declared ineligible to run.
19961120—20200000    —BY, APEC has 18—MEMBER—COUNTRIES and its goal is to remove all trade barriers.
19971117—19971120    —ARRESTED, He was, in FRANCE.
19971120             —REPORTED, It was, that Lucent Tech.'s Bell Labs has developed 1—NEW—TINY transistor that is 5—TIMES—FASTER and 1/4. the size of commercially available transistors.
19971120             —FROM ETHIOPIA it was reported that flooding has killed 297—PEOPLE and uprooted 65,000 and that heavy rains continued to fall.
19971120             INDIA, S.V. Ramanna Reddy, 1—FORMER—LEGISLATOR—OF—ANDHRA Pradesh, surrendered to police in relation to the previous days bomb blast.
19971120             —AGREED, IRAQ, to allow USA—ARMS—INSPECTORS back into the country —AFTER RUSSIA agreed to help work to lift UN Security Council sanctions.
19971120             —AGREED, Prodded by RUSSIA, IRAQ—PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN, to allow USA—ARMS—MONITORS back into his country, ending a —3—WEEK—CRISIS that had raised fears of 1—MILITARY—CONFRONTATION with THE—USA.
19971120             NIGERIA, THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—GENERAL—SANI—ABACHA gave 5—POLITICAL—PARTIES $637,000 each to campaign in elections to restore CIVIL—RULE.
19971120             —CALLED, Opposition groups, politicians of THE—5—PARTIES—GOVERNMENT stooges.
19971120             18—PARTIES had applied for recognition but only 5 were deemed suitable.
19981120             —MARCHED, INDONESIA, THOUSANDS—OF—STUDENTS, and demanded THE—RESIGNATIONS—OF—PRESIDENT—HABIBIE and military CHIEF—WIRANTO —FOLLOWING doctor's confirmation that protestors were killed with live ammunition on 19981113—19981114.
19981120             A $206—BILLION tobacco settlement over health costs for treating sick smokers was endorsed by 46—ELIGIBLE—STATES.
19981120             It was the largest settlement of 1—CIVIL—LAWSUIT in history.
19981120             —WRAPPED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, up 1—VISIT to JAPAN and flew to SOUTH—KOREA.
19981120             † IN—BALTIMORE—TONI—BULLOCK, —16—JAHRE—ALT was stabbed and —DURING 1—ROBBERY.
19981120             It would take —5—YEARS, 43—FLIGHTS and 16—NATIONS to assemble the outpost.
19981120             —REPORTED, Re: CONGO it was, that Kabila was signing away large stakes in CONGO—BIGGEST enterprises to businessmen from ZIMBABWE, ANGOLA and NAMIBIA in return for support against rebels backed by UGANDA and RWANDA.
19981120             —RIOTED, In Pinrang THOUSANDS—OF—VILLAGERS, —AFTER finding that they could not withdraw savings from 1 outlawed bank.
19981120             —BALKED, IRAQ, at handing over documents on chemical and biological weapons and missile systems.
19981120             —CEDED, ISRAEL, control of a 200-sq. mile patchwork area, 2—PERCENT—OF—THE—WEST—BANK, to THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY in the 1. of 3—WITHDRAWALS.
19981120             250—PRISONERS were released but 150—OF—THEM were common criminals rather than political detainees,
19981120             —CARRIED, ISRAEL, out its 100. air raid along with ground attacks in SOUTH—LEBANON.
19981120             1—AMAL fighter was reported killed.
19981120             —ORDERED, ITALY, 1—COURT, the release of Kurdish rebel ABDULLAH—OCALAN under 1—LAW barring extradition in death penalty cases and planned to grant him asylum.
19981120             —LIFTED, KAZAKHSTAN, 1—RUSSIAN—PROTON booster rocket, up the 1. STAGE—OF—THE—NEW—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION called Zarya (Sunrise).
19981120             —ORDERED, PAKISTAN, PRIME—MINISTER—SHARIF, soldiers to quell violence in KARACHI and suspended civil rights in Sindh province, which surrounds the city.
19981120             † Galina Starovoitova, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—STATE—DUMA, was shot to death in S—PETERSBURG.
19981120             —FORMED, She had —RECENTLY, 1—COALITION called NORTH—CAPITAL to push the candidacy of liberals for 19981206             —THE elections to the regional legislature.
19981120             4—OTHERS charged in the case were acquitted.
19981120             —SENTENCED, Vyacheslav Lelyavin was, to —11—YEARS in prison for being 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—GANG.
19981120             Pavel Stekhnovsky, GUILTY—OF—BUYING the rifle used to shoot Starovoitova, was freed —AFTER prosecutors failed to prove he knew the gun was intended for the killing.
19981120             —FROM SENEGAL it was reported that land mines had made 80—PERCENT—OF—CASAMANCE—PROVINCE—UNUSABLE.
19981120             The mines, laid by separatist rebels, had killed or wounded close to 500—PEOPLE in the 1. —8—MONTHS—OF—THIS—YEAR.
19981120             —SPONSORED, UN, autonomy negotiations on EAST—TIMOR were suspended —AFTER 44—PEOPLE were reported killed under 1—MILITARY—CRACKDOWN by THE—INDONESIA—GOVERNMENT.
19981120             —DENIED, THE—RED—CROSS—LATER, the reports of 1—MASSACRE.
19981120             Sarja, das 1. Modul der Internationalen Raumstation (ISS), wird mit 1—RUSSISCHEN—PROTON—K Rakete von Baikonur aus gestartet.
19981120—19640000    —IN, † ROLANDO—ALPHONSO, tenor saxophonist for the ska group Skatalites, in LOS—ANGELES at age 67. ROLANDO—ALPHONSO was 1—ORIGINAL—MEMBER—OF—THE—JAMAICA—GROUP that was formed.
19981120—19990800    —IN, 1—FEW weeks —LATER MALCOLM—JABBAR—BRYANT was soon arrested and, was convicted of stabbing Bullock and sentenced to life in prison.
19981120—20001100    —ARRIVED, The 1. human crew.
19981120—20050600    —IN, 2—MEN were convicted of the actual killing.
19981120—20060000    —IN, 2—MORE—MEN were convicted on charges relating to the murder.
19981120—20160000    —RELEASED, Bryant (42) was, from prison —AFTER new DNA evidence showed that blood on the victim's T—SHIRT did not match his.
19991120             —1—DAY—AFTER violent ANTI—USA—PROTESTS in GREECE, PRESIDENT—CLINTON sought to heal old wounds by acknowledging THE—USA had failed its "obligation to support democracy" —WHEN it backed GREEK—HARSH—MILITARY junta —DURING the Cold War.
19991120             —KILLED, ALGERIA, some 20—PEOPLE were, in 1—CLASH between guerrillas and security forces SOUTH—OF—ALGIERS.
19991120             —COMPLETED, CHINA, its 1. unmanned test of 1—SPACECRAFT.
19991120             —LAUNCHED, THE—SHENZHOU 1, or "Divine Vessel," was, at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Gansu province.
20001120             AKENS Informationen 27, KUGLER—WEIEMANN, Kalsow, Harnisch...
20001120             berichtet STEFAN—ROMEY über das Außenlager Drägerwerk des KZ...
20001120             —GEFÖRDERT, In diesem Buch, von der HANSE—STADT—HAMBURG und den DRÄGERWERK en AG in Lübeck,
20001120             berichtet STEFAN—ROMEY über DES KZ—AUßEN—LAGER—DRÄGERWERK...
20001120             —BATTLED, Lawyers for AL—GORE and GEORGE—W—BUSH, —BEFORE THE—FLORIDA—SUPREME—COURT over whether the presidential election recount should be allowed to continue.
20001120             —SINGED, CHINA, 1—AGREEMENT with THE—UN for cooperation and training on individual rights and THE—RULE—OF—LAW.
20001120             THE—EU began to build its own defense force, a 60,000 man, rapid reaction corps.
20001120             —PLEDGED, EU defense chiefs, 100,000 soldiers, 400—PLANES and 100—SHIPS for 1—RAPID—REACTION—FORCE.
20001120             —FIRED, ISRAEL, 1—BARRAGE—OF—MISSILES on THE—GAZA—STRIP in retaliation for 1—ATTACK on 1—SCHOOL—BUS that killed 2—JEWISH settlers and wounded 9—OTHERS including 3—SIBLINGS who lost limbs.
20001120             —REPORTED, At least 35—PEOPLE were, wounded in the missile attack.
20001120             He had been investigating a 19960000             theft of $14—MILLION from the Commercial BANK—OF—MOZAMBIQUE.
20001120             —CONVICTED—OF, Businessman Vicente Ramaya was —LATER, ordering the murder and sentenced to —23—YEARS in prison.
20001120             —ANNOUNCED, PERU—PRESIDENT—FUJIMORI, his resignation from TOKYO, ending a —10—YEAR—REIGN.
20001120             —STEPPED, Acting PRESIDENT—RICARDO—MARQUEZ also, down.
20001120             —PRESENTED, THE—PHILIPPINES—SENATORS, PRESIDENT—ESTRADA a 270-page ARTICLES—OF—IMPEACHMENT for corruption and constitutional violations.
20001120             Honda vorstellt den humanoiden Roboter ASIMO der Öffentlichkeit.
20001120             In diesem Buch, gefördert von der HANSE—STADT—HAMBURG und den DRÄGERWERK en AG in Lübeck,
20001120             berichtet STEFAN—ROMEY über DES KZ—AUßEN—LAGER—DRÄGERWERK...
20001120—20030000    —IN, 6—MEN were CONVICTED—OF—THE—MURDER.
20001120—20130000    —IN, 1—JUDGE signed papers granting RAMAYA—RELEASE because of good behavior.
20010911             knives + - spraying gas - 91120010911200109112001091120010911             --
200109111205         —INDICATED, GEORGE—TENET outlining THE—NSA—AL—QAEDA intercept which, more targets were EXPECTED to be hit.
200109111205         GEORGE—TENET passes 1—NOTE to DONALD—RUMSFELD
200109111205         HAVE BEEN FINISHED FOR —JUST OVER —2—HOURS the attacks of which NSA—AL—QAEDA intercept warns
200109111205         THE—INTERCEPT—IS—MORE—THAN —2—HOURS AND —10—MINUTES—OLD, and
2001091120010911     12—FRAGEN zum- 11.9.
2001091120010911     —GELASSEN, Helden des- : TODKRANK—UND im Stich
2001091120010911     THE—TRUTH—ABOUT the-20010911             Attacks, Part II
2001091120010911     They Let it Happen: 1. —DAY JITTERS
200109112030         BUSH addresses THE—COUNTRY—FOR—7—MINUTES.
200109112030         FOR THE—VERY—1.—TIME—BUSH articulates the fateful BUSH Doctrine (but far from the last) :
20010920—20011120    —REACHED, The total 20010911             death toll, 6,807. the official count was reduced to —JUST below 3,900.
20010920—20011120    —ON, the official count was reduced to —JUST below 3,900.
20010923—20011120    —ON, the official count was reduced to —JUST below 3,900. 20011219             —SEE
20011106—20011108    —ON, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE issued 1—TEMP BLOCK—OF—ASHCROFT—ORDER—GOOD 20011120             —UNTIL.
20011119             —RELEASED, The mayors were, 20011120             .
20011120             —CALLED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, on Americans to support charities of all kinds.
20011120             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE extended 1—COURT—ORDER blocking 1—ATTEMPT by ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JOHN—ASHCROFT to dismantle OREGON—1—OF—A—KIND—LAW allowing PHYSICIAN—ASSISTED suicides.
20011120             —APPROVED, USA—FEDERAL—HEALTH—OFFICIALS, SALE—OF—THE—WORLD—1. contraceptive patch, ORTHO—EVRA.
20011120             PORTLAND police said they would not cooperate with FBI efforts to interview some 5,000 Middle Eastern men because the questioning violated state laws.
20011120             —REPORTED, JEFF—HAWKINS, INVENTOR—OF—THE—PALM—COMPUTER, was, to hold that the brain works by anticipating and completing patterns more than it does through inputs and OUTPUTS—OF—INFORMATION.
20011120             AFGHANISTAN, THE—NORTH—ALLIANCE gave the Taliban in Kunduz —3—DAYS to give up.
20011120             The alliance controlling AFGHANISTAN—CAPITAL and much of its countryside agreed to attend POWER—SHARING talks in GERMANY THE—FOLLOWING—WEEK.
20011120             ABU—QATADA, —40—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MUSLIM cleric living in LONDON, was named in 1—SPAIN—INDICTMENT as 1—PIVOTAL figure in the al Qaeda network in EUROPE.
20011120             —DETAINED, CHINA—POLICE on Tiananmen Square, some 35—FOREIGNERS who protested the crackdown on the Falun Gong.
20011120             —EXPELLED, The protesters were all, from the country.
20011120             1—SPEEDBOAT, believed to be carrying 30 smuggled Cubans, capsized in THE—FLORIDA—STRAITS and all were believed drowned.
20011120             THE—LIBERAL (Venstre) Party under Anders Fogh Rasmussen (19530000             ) won elections in DENMARK.
20011120             It formed 1—MINORITY—GOVERNMENT with the Conservative PEOPLE—PARTY.
20020000             /1. Desencuentros familiares /2. 'Reglas de vivir 20061120             gobernar' /3. Monarca versus Maestre... [20020701             ]
20021029—20100300    —IN, Rahman † 20021120             , but his identity was not known —UNTIL revealed by 1—ASSOCIATED—PRESS—INVESTIGATION.
20021120             —ON THE—EVE—OF—1—NATO—SUMMIT in THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC, PRESIDENT—BUSH, recalling EUROPE—GRIM—HISTORY—OF "excusing aggression," challenged skeptical allies to stand firm against SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
20021120             LOUISIANA began offering a $4-a-tail bounty on THE—SWAMP—DWELLING nutria rodent, due to wetlands damage from devoured plants.
20021120             —PLEDGED, THOMAS—MOHAGHAN, —65—JAHRE—ALT, FOUNDER—OF—DOMINO—PIZZA, at least $220—MILLION to build the Catholic Ave Maria Univ. near NAPLES—FLORIDA.
20021120             1—GERMANY—DOCTOR conducted BRITAIN—1. public autopsy in more than —170—YEARS, 1—EVENT denounced by THE—UK—MEDICAL—ASSOCIATION—HEAD—OF—ETHICS as "degrading and disrespectful".
20021120             She resigned 20021126             .
20021120             RIOBAMBA—ECUADOR, 1—SERIES—OF—EXPLOSIONS at 1—AMMUNITION depot left at least 7—PEOPLE—DEAD and 140 injured.
20021120             THE—EU, except for PORTUGAL. banned BELARUS PRESIDENT—LUKASHENKO and top aides to protest human rights abuses under his rule.
20021120             ISRAEL—TROOPS shot and killed Amr Qudsi (15), 1—PALESTINE—TEENAGER in 1—CONFRONTATION in Tulkarem.
20021120             —OPENED, PORT—OF—SPAIN, Trinidad, Phillip Seerattan (17), fire with 1—PISTOL at 1—SCHOOL for foreign students, wounding 1—SECURITY—GUARD—BEFORE being shot to death by police.
20021120             — VICTOR—BOUT—AIR—CARGO—COMPANIES shipped... WASHINGTON, She resigned 20021126             .
20021120—20020128    —IN—THE, ISRAEL—LABOR—PARTY chose EX—GENERAL—AMRAM—MITZNA, HAIFA—MAYOR, as its leader elections.
20021120—20020128    —IN—THE, ISRAEL—LABOR—PARTY chose Amram Mitzna, EX—GENERAL and HAIFA mayor, as its leader elections.
20021126             † CUBA—MUSICIAN—POLO Montanez (47), born as FERNANDO—BORREGO, from head injuries suffered in a 20021120             car crash.
20031120             —ANNOUNCED, FLORIDA, ministers from 34—COUNTRIES, 1—FRAMEWORK to establish 1—FREE—TRADE—AREA—OF—THE—AMERICAS," (FTAA).
20031120             —TURNED, MICHAEL—JACKSON, himself over to police in Santa BARBARA—CALIFORNIA, on 1—ARREST—WARRANT alleging multiple COUNTS—OF—CHILD—MOLESTATION.
20031120             He —POSTED a $3—MILLION bail bond.
20031120             —ACQUITTED, JACKSON was —LATER, at trial.
20031120             —CHARGED, Record producer PHIL—SPECTOR was, with murder in the shooting DEATH—OF—1—ACTRESS, Lana Clarkson, at his home in ALHAMBRA—CALIFORNIA, in February 20030000             .
20031120             —RETRIED, As of 20080000             Spector was being, —AFTER his 1. trial ended in 1 deadlocked jury.
20031120             —NAMED, Motor Trend, THE—TOYOTA—HYBRID—PRIUS as "CAR—OF—THE—YEAR".
20031120             Advanced Micro Devices said it would build $2.4—BILLION chip factory in GERMANY to produce microprocessors on 300-mm silicon wafers.
20031120             † EUGENE—KLEINER, —80—JAHRE—ALT, CALIFORNIA pioneer venture capitalist.
20031120             —BURNED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS in LONDON, 1—EFFIGY—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH to show their anger over THE—IRAQ war.
20031120             —STEPPED, CANADA, CONRAD—BLACK, newspaper magnate, down as CEO—OF—HOLLINGER—INTERNATIONAL —FOLLOWING reports that he other top officials received unauthorized payments of some $32.2—MILLION.
20031120             † DAVID—DACKO, —76—JAHRE—ALT, the 1. PRESIDENT—OF—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC as 1—INDEPENDENT nation (19600000—19660000    , 19790000—19810000    ).
20031120             —EXPLODED, KIRKUK—IRAQ, 1—BOMB apparently hidden in 1—PICKUP truck, at the offices of 1—USA—ALLIED—KURDISH—POLITICAL—PARTY, killing 5—PEOPLE and wounding 40.
20031120             1—GROUP—OF—UN—AGENCIES is asking for $221—MILLION in INTERNATIONAL aid for NORTH—KOREA, where food shortages, poverty and poor health care services have put the country in 1—STATE—OF "chronic emergency".
20031120             —RULED, THE—LONDON—PRIVY—COUNCIL, that TRINIDAD—MANDATORY—DEATH—PENALTY for murder convictions was unconstitutional, forcing the country to begin giving discretion to judges —WHEN handing out sentences.
20031120             —PACKED, TURKEY, trucks, with explosives blew up at THE—HSBC—LONDON—BASED BANK—AND—THE—UK—CONSULATE.
20031120             —KILLED, THE—32—PEOPLE, included LONDON—CONSUL—GENERAL—ROGER—SHORT.
20031120             —WOUNDED, Some 450—PEOPLE were.
20031120             —ANNOUNCED, FLORIDA, ministers from 34—COUNTRIES, 1—FRAMEWORK to establish 1—FREE—TRADE—AREA—OF—THE—AMERICAS" (FTAA), as police clashed with HUNDREDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS.
20031120             —CHARGED, Record producer PHIL—SPECTOR was, with murder in the fatal shooting of actress, Lana Clarkson, at his home in ALHAMBRA—CALIFORNIA.
20031120             Bei 2—ANSCHLÄGEN auf BRITISCHE—EINRICHTUNGEN in ISTANBUL werden mindestens 27—MENSCHEN getötet.
20040000             Liberation News Service: LNS POST—COUP II Supplement (20041120             )... name TruthIsAll.
200401120326         Neineinei, ekki orð um IG FARBEN.
20040626112026       —HARBORED, Rancher, PRE—HISTORIC trove
20041031             Copyright JOE—VIALLS, 20041005
20041112             CAROLYN—BAKER, 20041112             200411120000 Kathy Dopp, 20041112             200411120000 MICHAEL—KEEFER,
20041112             200411120000 MICHEL—CHOSSUDOVSKY, 20041113
200411121144         —AM Press Release: $1.7b for 26—MILLION—PEOPLE struggling to survive UNITED—NATIONS UN Seeks $1.7—BILLION To Help People Caught In World's 'Forgotten Crises' In 2005THE—UNITED—NATIONS —TODAY launched a $1.7—BILLION appeal to provide 1—RANGE—OF—RELIEF—SERVICES to some 26—MILLION—PEOPLE struggling to survive THE—RAVAGES—OF—WAR and other emergencies, mainly in AFRICA.
20041120             —1134—PM #80 It's 1—TRAP!
20041120             OMEGA—NEWS: NE IRVING + 16. ( behind parking lot between freeway on ramp + Benson High School... JOHN—PILGER : Power, Propaganda and Conscience in THE—WAR—ON—TERROR... 20070123             20041120             (This is in fact confirmed by SECRETARY—COLIN—POWELL in his presentation to THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL 20030205             —ON ) (see details below).
20041120             THE—CIA, with its $30—BILLION plus budget, pleads ignorance : they say they know nothing about AL—ZARQAWI, they have 1—PHOTOGRAPH, but, according to the Weekly Standard ( 20040524             ), they apparently do not know his weight or height.
20041120             0 0 0 0 - THE—CIA, with its $30—BILLION plus budget, pleads ignorance : they say they know nothing about AL—ZARQAWI, they have 1—PHOTOGRAPH, but, according to the Weekly Standard ( 20040524             ), they apparently do not know his weight or height.
20041120             You may want to add your research Turn CO Blue 200411200525       —PM #19 Send It to GREG—PALAST!!!
20041120             For Kerry supporters, the most awful SIGHT—OF—THE—NIGHT—OF—20041102              was to watch 1—RED—REPUBLICAN tide sweep across the election result maps on network TV.
20041120             —LABELED, Media conservatives have, MISS—NBC anchor KEITH—OLBERMANN a "voice of paranoia" + accused him of perpetuating "idiotic conspiracy theories" for his sustained spotlight on the numerous local news reports of voting irregularities —DURING 20041102             —THE presidential election.
20041120             —ORDERED, PUERTO—RICO—2—HIGHEST—COURTS, election authorities in separate rulings to —IMMEDIATELY begin recounting votes cast in the extremely tight 20041102             gubernatorial elections.
20041120             —MARCHED, At least 13,000 Greeks, in downtown ATHENS —ON—WEDNESDAY, 20041117             , to protest THE—USA—MILITARY—OFFENSIVE on THE—IRAQ—CITY—OF—FALLUJAH
20041120             —SUSPENDED, THE—NBA, 9—PLAYERS without pay over 20041119             —THE—PISTON and Pacer brawl in Auburn HILLS—MICHIGAN.
20041120             It is useful to examine some of the unexplained or poorly explained observations in astronomy + astrophysics that could bear witness to MANY—GALAXIES being at 1—KT—III level.
20041120             THE—MISSING—MASSACHUSETTS.
20041120             ~80—90—PERCENT—OF—THE—MASS—OF—NEARBY—GALAXIES is considered "missing"
20041120             because the number of observable stars does not correspond to the rotation CURVES—OF—THE—GALAXIES.
20041120             [See Dark Matter essay by JOE—SILK]
20041120             1—MATRIOSHKA—BRAIN is 1—TERM invented by the author to more accurately describe 1—OPTIMAL computing architecture for megascale structures that use stars as power sources.
20041120             —EARLIER papers + discussions have referred to megascale thought machines as "superintelligences" or "
20041120             Jupiter Brains ".
20041120             The term "Jupiter Brains" creates the impression of 1—SEMI—SOLID—BRAIN the size of Jupiter.
20041120             There are 1—NUMBER—OF—PROBLEMS with this image.
20041120             1., such a structure cannot consume stellar power outputs without melting.
20041120             2., 1—COMPUTER with this architecture would consume 1—SIGNIFICANT—FRACTION—OF—ITS—ENERGY—BUDGET circulating cooling fluids.
20041120             —ARRAYED, Finally, if collections of such structures were, —AROUND 1—STAR, they would have to resolve the problem of not radiating heat onto EACH—OTHER (acerbating the already difficult problem of staying cool).
20041120             —DERIVED, The term "matrioshka" is, from the nesting wooden dolls ( - Matryoshkas)
20041120             is intended to bring to mind the nested shells of "computronium" from which 1—MATRIOSHKA—BRAIN is constructed.
20041120             1 expanded discussion of the harvesting of the entire power output of 1—STAR may be found in the
20041120             Planetary Disassembly discussion.
20041120             —DISCUSSED, Though not, here, there appear to be MB designs that would allow sunlight to continue to reach the Earth.
20041120             The most obvious would be to place all construction OUTSIDE—OF—EARTH—ORBIT.
20041120             —SYNCHRONIZED, Other designs could contain orbital "holes", with THE—EARTH—ORBIT or collectors that reorient themselves so as to minimize light interception —WHEN between they pass between the sun + the Earth.
20041120             Most people have 1—DIFFICULT—TIME believing the growth rates allowed by SELF—REPLICATING, SELF—ASSEMBLING machines.
20041120             Bacteria have 1—OPTIMAL replication time of —20—MINUTES +
20041120             supplied with sufficient energy + nutrients 1—SINGLE bacteria could grow into 1—EARTH—EQUIVALENT—MASS in less than —2—DAYS.
20041120             Drexler - [Nanosystems, 19920000             ] estimates the doubling time for general purpose assemblers at 1—3—HOURS.
20041120             —PROPOSED, Hall [1999]+ Freitas [1999]have, that special purpose assembly line arrangements would have much faster production times.
20041120             APEC—GIPFEL: Bush droht den Mullahs im IRAN
20041120             Diskussion um Leitkultur: Schröder warnt vor Kampf der Kulturen
20041120             IRAK: Kein Sieg in FALLUDSCHA—ABER Angriffe auf die Regierung
20041120             BUNDESWEHR—SKANDAL: GENERAL bestätigt Foltervorwürfe
20041120             Integration: Auf der Spur der Hassprediger
20041120             Einigung: Gläubiger wollen dem IRAK 80—PROZENT Schulden erlassen
20041120             Foltervorwürfe gegen Bundeswehr: ABU—GHUREIB in Coesfeld
20041120             Exit poll data will be delayed B y MARK—MEMMOTT, USA—TODAY
20041120             —ON future election days, news organizations that pay for SURVEYS—OF—VOTERS leaving polling places won't see results —UNTIL—LATE—AFTERNOON or —EARLY—EVENING.
20041120             —HAPPENED, The goal is to avoid 1—REPEAT of what, this Election —DAY, —WHEN leaked information from exit polls was —POSTED—BY—INTERNET—COMMENTATORS known as bloggers about 1—P.m. ET.
20041120             That was —JUST minutes —AFTER the data had been given to THE—5—TELEVISION—NETWORKS that, along with the Associated Press, formed 1—CONSORTIUM to pay for exit polls and count votes —DURING major elections.
20041120             Sheldon Gawiser, chairman of the polling consortium's steering committee + NBC—DIRECTOR—OF—ELECTIONS, said —WEDNESDAY that
20041120             in future elections, no data will be sent to the networks + AP —UNTIL at least 4—P.m. ET.
20041120             The "1. wave" of data that bloggers —POSTED—THIS—YEAR, he said,
20041120             was —JUST too raw to be valuable to "people who don't know what they're dealing with".
20041120             —SUPPOSED, The data were, to be kept confidential + only used to help the networks plan their election night broadcasts.
20041120             —SHOWED, The early polls, SENATOR—JOHN—KERRY leading PRESIDENT—BUSH in the race for THE—WHITE—HOUSE + in key states such as FLORIDA + OHIO.
20041120             —BY shortly —AFTER 3—P.m. ET, SOME—TELEVISION—COMMENTATORS were hinting that Kerry appeared likely to win.
20041120             —AFTER polls closed across the nation + real votes were counted, it became clear Kerry had lost the race.
20041120             Kerry got 48—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE nationally.
20041120             Bush got 51%. - - - Gawiser said the consortium is continuing to review how future exit polls can be made more accurate.
20041120             —HOPED, The networks had, to avoid ANY—CONTROVERSY involving exit polls.
20041120             —FLAWED, Then, exit polling in FLORIDA contributed to the mistaken "calls" giving that key STATE—TO—VICE—PRESIDENT—GORE + then to Bush.
20041120             —THIS—YEAR, the leaking of the early exit poll data and the subtle use of it to hint at 1—POSSIBLE—KERRY victory caused the networks + the pollsters they hired to do the work SOME—EMBARRASSMENT.
20041120             The polling firms — EDISON—MEDIA—RESEARCH + Mitofsky INTERNATIONAL — + the networks said critics didn't understand that —EARLY—DAY exit polling often produces results much different from final vote tallies.
20041120             —THIS—YEAR, SOME—POLLSTERS theorize, KERRY—SUPPORTERS may have been more eager to get to their polling places early.
20041120             MARK—BLUMENTHAL, 1—POLLSTER who caught attention —THIS—YEAR for his Web site, mysterypollster_com, said the delayed release of the exit poll data means "better numbers" that will still be "leaked —IMMEDIATELY".
20041120             —ANIMATED, Monchichis was 1—AMERICAN, series based on 1—LINE—OF—JAPAN—TOYS.
20041120             THE—MONCHICHIS were MONKEY—LIKE—CREATURES living in trees.
20041120             "Escolhemos 1—ILHA do Pacuio para esse projeto em função de ser um dos maiores centros turísticos do Brasil.
20041120             A marca Montilla é sinônimo de festa, animação, alegria, e em PORTO Montilla, os visitantes poderão realizar a fantasia de se sentir em uma ilha pirata", salienta DOUGLAS—TSUKIMOTO,
20041120             gerente de produto da Seagram.
20041120             O mais sofisticado centro de aquários da América do Sul foi transformado numa autêntica Ilha do Pirata
20041120             I—DO—NOT—CONCEDE
20041120             —HAPPENED, Kerry, man, what ?
20041120             —HAPPENED, What, to the promised ARMIES—OF—LAWYERS, planes waiting to take them where they're most needed, etc. etc.?
20041120             —PURGED, Tens of THOUSANDS—OF—WRONGLY, voters;
20041120             60,000 absentee ballots not mailed —JUST from Broward County alone; HOURS—LONG—LINES in OHIO;
20041120             voting machines in FLORIDA and TEXAS telling people they'd voted for Bush —WHEN they hadn't;
20041120             hackable ELECTRONIC—VOTING machines providing no paper trail or way to verify your vote, built by Republican donors who won't reveal their code;
20041120             exit polls suspiciously different from election totals.
20041120             And the list goes on and on and on.
20041120             —DECIDED, Analysis: 'Security' moms, election
20041120             Analysis: Groups unite for recount demand
20041120             Cops and spies at odds over AL—QAIDA tape
20041120             Newly Installed NEW—JERSEY GOVERNOR—MULLING—RE—ELECTION—BID.
20041120             May Not Concede Race to Corzine
20041120             Presidential Election Results UNIVERSITY—RESEARCHERS—CHALLENGE—BUSH—WIN in FLORIDA; 'Something Went Awry With Electronic Voting in FLORIDA,' Says the Lead Researcher
20041120             Self Censorship What THE—USA—PRESS didn't tell you —TODAY.
20041120             —WHEN Presidents Win RE—ELECTION, They Too Often Think They Are MASTERS—OF—THE—UNIVERSE
20041120             Bush Didn't Win THE—CAMPAIGN—KERRY—LOST—IT
20041120             Republican governors quietly hear KARL—ROVE, wrap up —2—DAY meeting
20041120             —TAPED, Complaint in Congress over GINGRICH—ERA call, in FLORIDA
20041120             —FILED, Ethics complaint, against REPRESENTATIVE—MCDERMOTT
20041120             Lawyers Documenting Voting Problems To Challenge Election Results
20041120             Bush Didn't Win THE—CAMPAIGN—KERRY—LOST—IT—PURPLE—AMERICA: No Red and BLUE—LIES
20041120             —BY early —NEXT—MORNING, USA s HUE seemed as bloody as it's foreign war in IRAQ.
20041120             But, those MAPS—LIKE THE—REST—OF—BUSH 's "victory" - were —JUST 1—ILLUSION.
20041120             Purple AMERICA TELLS 1—DIFFERENT tale.
20041120             Read ON—GOOGLE Censors VoteFraud Stories
20041120             Search engine, Google is ignoring THOUSANDS—OF—NEWS—STORIES which are in its news database - -all about the alleged theft of USA presidential election.
20041120             Google : Working hard to preserve the Status Quo.
20041120             FAKE_ - Tank Confronts LA ANTI—WAR Protestors
20041120             I asked 1—MARINE if he was "rolling —AROUND Westwood".
20041120             He said, "Yeah, We was lost". So... they were lost.
20041120             —FIGURED, And they, the antiwar protesters would be the people to help.
20041120             I couldn't have made this up if I tried... See also: LATEST—MICHAEL—SCHEUER: THE—CIA—NO—BRAINER
20041120             " If you believe Scheuer was allowed to violate protocol + THE—CIA has nothing to do with his histrionics, carefully plotted misinformation + theatrics for the corporate media - I have 1—BRIDGE to sell you in Brooklyn".
20041120             Agent ORANGE Babies Sue Monsanto
20041120             Villagers in VIETNAM have 1—NAME for birth defect infants: Agent ORANGE babies.
20041120             —FILED, There are 150,000 children whose parents have, 1—CLASS action law suit in 1—NEW—YORK court.
20041120             —EXPOSED, In all, up to 3—MILLION—VIETNAMESE were, to these chemicals —DURING THE—USA—VIETNAM—WAR + at least 800,000 suffer serious health problems —TODAY as 1—RESULT.
20041120             GOP Hijacks Broward County--with help from top Democrat NONE—OF—THIS makes sense.
20041120             BROWARD, Democrats outnumber Republicans almost 2—TO—1.
20041120             Why would THE—DEM—COUNTY—COMMISSION buy voting machines with no paper trail?
20041120             —SURROUNDED, And how did BRENDA—SNIPES, by rabid GOP opportunists, come to be SUPERVISOR—OF—ELECTIONS?
20041120             —INSTALLED, Jeb, her —AFTER the Democratic leadership chased out MIRIAM—OLIPHANT.
20041120             —URGED, Ironically, —AFTER she had, the county to buy 1—VOTE—SCANNER—SYSTEM, which allows for 1—PAPER trail.
20041120             Broward County is Screwed
20041120             —AM I working on 1—CONSPIRACY—THEORY that Republican operatives stole the ballots?
20041120             You bet.
20041120             BROWARD, County, it's never stupid to theorize that the worst has happened.
20041120             Remember that we're talking about anything up to 58,000 ballots.
20041120             Literally TONS—OF—THEM.
20041120             Kind of hard to lose, if you think about it.
20041120             —CAUSED, Whether it was, by cluelessness or criminal minds, Broward needs the truth.
20041120             And it's going to take more than 1—JEB—BUSH brushoff to get it.
20041120             Broward County Hit by Recount Suit
20041120             —DISCOVERED, The votes were "" late on election night —AFTER 1 claimed glitch in computers.
20041120             —ABOUT 94%—PERCENT—OF—THE—NEW—VOTES turned out to be "yes" + 6 % "no".
20041120             STATE—REPRESENTATIVE—RANDY—JOHNSON, CHAIRMAN—OF—NO—CASINOS, says: "It's bizarre. It's easy to build the case for 1—CONSPIRACY".
20041120             BACKGROUND—FLORIDA hit by "Perfect storm" for gambling INTERESTS—SLOT Machines Absentees 9-to-1 in favor
20041120             —CAUSED, Machine error, slots vote problem
20041120             Slots win in late SURGE—FIGHTING the slots Goliath
20041120             —EXPECTED, Absentees were, oppose gambling
20041120             Jeb Bush covers ASS—AT —LAST—MINUTE opposes SLOTS—THE—BIG—FIX, 20040000             20041120             Executives + owners of THE—2—LARGEST—ELECTRONIC voting companies, ES&S + Sequoia Pacific,
20041120             have been CONVICTED—OF—BRIBERY + suborning public officials in more than 12—STATES + —UNTIL—RECENTLY ---also accused of bribing THE—PRIME—MINISTER—OF—IRELAND.
20041120             —WHILE the name DOCTOR—MICHAEL—SMURFIT is not WELL—KNOWN to Americans,
20041120             DOCTOR—MICHAEL—SMURFIT company manufactures the software used to compile more than 2—THIRDS—OF—USA nation's ELECTRONICALLY—COUNTED votes.
20041120             Perhaps this may help explain why, for the 2. Presidential election in 1—ROW, 1—DEMOCRATIC bandwagon was derailed early on Election Night by 1—UNUSUAL—TELEVISION—APPEARANCE by the Bush Family,
20041120             —AFTER exit polls showed them losing in key battleground states.
20041120             Was It Hacked?
20041120             Despite mainstream media attempts to kill the story, talk radio + THE—INTERNET are abuzz with suggestions that
20041120             Bev Harris: 1. Breakthru in FLORIDA !
20041120             Dueling lawyers, election officials gnashing teeth, Votergate.tv film crew catching it all.
20041120             This is it. The 1. crack in FLORIDA.
20041120             Time to talk about contesting the election in Volusia.
20041120             —AFTER —1—DAY—OF—FURIOUS auditing Bev, Andy and Kathleen of Black Box Voting have uncovered discrepant results in Volusia county.
20041120             Their attorny has LOCKED DOWN all poll tapes, memory cartridges and THE—GEMS central tabulator.
20041120             —CONCENTRATED, The discrepancies were, in mainly minority areas.
20041120             —OBTAINED, They also found SOME—VERY interssting things in trash, early this —MORNING via an FOIA request.
20041120             —THREATENED, At 1—POINT they were, with arrest.
20041120             Full STORY—BUSH Swing Was 260,000 'Ghost' Votes in FLORIDA --from eVoting Machines
20041120             1—STUDY by Prof MICHAEL—HOUT + colleagues at BERKELEY Univ. says that
20041120             irregularities associated with electronic voting machines may have swung 260,000 excess votes to GEORGE—BUSH in FLORIDA.
20041120             Counties with electronic voting machines were significantly more likely to show increases in support for PRESIDENT—BUSH
20041120             between 20000000             + 20040000             compared to counties with paper ballots.
20041120             —LOCATED, PORTIMÃO is 1—CITY, in Algarve
20041120             THE—ALGARVE is THE—NAME—OF—THE—SOUTH—COAST—OF—PORTUGAL, incorporating, amongst others, the towns of FARO, LAGOS, + Sagres.
20041120             The region's administrative centre is THE—TOWN—OF—FARO, which has its own INTERNATIONAL airport.
20041120             —COMPOSED—OF, THE—ALGARVE is, 5,411 square kilometres with approximately 350,000 permanent inhabitants.
20041120             This figure increases to over 1—MILLION—PEOPLE at THE—HEIGHT—OF—SUMMER due to 1—INFLUX—OF—TOURISTS.
20041120             coast of
20041120             —LOCATED, PORTUGAL PORTUGAL is 1—DEMOCRATIC—REPUBLIC, on the southwestern corner of the Iberian Peninsula in SOUTH—WEST—EUROPE.
20041120             —BORDERED, PORTUGAL is, by SPAIN to the north + east and by the Atlantic Ocean to the west + south.
20041120             In addition, PORTUGAL contains several ISLAND territories in the Atlantic, including the Azores, Madeira, + Savage.
20041120             Photo of PORTIMÃO preview not available.
20041120             Click the link for more information.
20041120             SOME—ARTICLES mentioning "PORTIMÃO":
20041120             ALGARVE—LATIN names of European CITIES—LIST—OF—CITIES in PORTUGAL
20041120             UBI—CHURCH—AIR is 'threat to health' -
20041120             Air inside churches may be 1—BIGGER—HEALTH—RISK than that beside major roads, research suggests.
20041120             Church air was found to be considerably higher in carcinogenic polycyclic hydrocarbons than air beside roads travelled by 45,000 vehicles daily.
20041120             It also had levels of tiny solid pollutants (PM10s) up to 20—TIMES the European limits.
20041120             The study, by HOLLAND—MAASTRICHT—UNIVERSITY, is published in the European Respiratory Journal.
20041120             This discovery is very WORRYING—DOCTOR—THEO—DE—KOK
20041120             The researchers say that December, with churches lighting up candles for Christmas, could be 1—ESPECIALLY dangerous —MONTH
20041120             for the lungs. Remaining tensions
20041120             Great Lakes leaders promise peace Presidents of the Great Lakes region in AFRICA HAVE signed 1—DECLARATION designed to bring peace to the region.
20041120             15—LEADERS signed the accord on security, democracy and development at 1—SUMMIT in DAR—ES—SALAAM, TANZANIA.
20041120             —FACED, UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN said leaders who, EACH—OTHER in armed conflict had come together to back a "common VISION—OF—PEACE".
20041120             —ERUPTED, Millions have † in INTER—RELATED regional conflicts that, in the region —AFTER 19940000             —THE—RWANDA genocide.
20041120             Bei Personen, die von häufigen —BIS sehr häufigen Panikgefühlen berichteten, war der Gehalt an Spaltprodukten des Proteins Fibrin erhöht + der Gehalt an Fibrinogen, dem Vorläufer des Fibrins, reduziert.
20041120             Aus Fibrinogen entsteht während der Blutgerinnung Fibrin, das lange, sich vernetzende Ketten bildet + zur Verdickung des Blutes führt.
20041120             Die Ergebnisse lassen auf einen erhöhten Fibrinumsatz bei Gefühlen von Panik schließen.
20041120             Weitere Studien müssen —NUN zeigen, ob diese Vorstufe der Blutgerinnung zu einem erhöhten Herzinfarktrisiko bei panikartiger Angst führt.
20041120             World News SUMMARY—CHURCH—AIR is 'threat to HEALTH'—ONWARD we must fight.
20041120             Don't —JUST stand there, do something!!!
20041120             Wear black armbands, carry them, distribute them: they stand for our feelings about this election.
20041120             —INVOLVED, If you were, in ANY—OF—THE—PHONE banking efforts + you still have those lists,
20041120             organize the phone banks to call people, —BEFORE—FRIDAY, in OHIO + FLORIDA, or elsewhere + find their stories.
20041120             Ask them to help by telling their stories, by getting groups together + expressing their feelings on local TV.
20041120             Or you can do it for them. Stand up and speak out.
20041120             It's easy & we need YOU all.
20041120             HERE—HOW—ACTION STEP #1: We would like you to attend 1—MOVEON party, this —SUNDAY afternoon (about 3:30 - 5:30pm west coast time).
20041120             You can host 1—PARTY or find 1—NEAR you here:
20041120             (In SOME—LOCALES existing parties may already be full, if so please consider hosting 1 -- it's easy!)
20041120             At the meeting, please propose that MoveOn members at the party support 1—LONG—WEEKEND—OF—MEDIA action,
20041120             THIS COMING Thanksgiving weekend, —FRIDAY 20041126             + —SATURDAY 20041127             + —SUNDAY 20041128             20041120             —ACCUSED—OF, As you are aware, the media has been, having 1—BLACKOUT on voting irregularities
20041120             being investigated in OHIO and FLORIDA + has published few reports of ongoing investigations,
20041120             or REPORTS—OF—VOTER—INTIMIDATION or disenfranchisement.
20041120             —UNVERIFIED, The mainstream media's apparent LACK—OF—CONCERN for, voting systems in
20041120             FLORIDA + the disturbing reports from OHIO—OF—VOTER—DISENFRANCHISEMENT/vote suppression are calling into question not —JUST THE—RESULTS—OF—THE—ELECTION but
20041120             whether our democracy can ever recover —WHEN voting systems are not verifiable + the media is disinterested, at best.
20041120             We strongly feel that there is VERY LITTLE TIME to publicize
20041120             and implement ANY—MOVEMENT for national voting reform.
20041120             Thus the urgency.
20041120             (please consider forwarding this message widely, and right away!!)
20041120             & co. battled over crucial elections records dumped in the trash.
20041120             —WHEN they compared the discarded, signed, original tapes with the recent printouts submitted to the state and used to tabulate THE—FLORIDA election winners, Harris says 1—DISTURBING pattern emerged.
20041120             "The difference was HUNDREDS—OF—VOTES in each of the different places we examined," said Bev, "and MOST—OF—THOSE were in minority areas".
20041120             —WHEN I asked Bev if the errors they were finding in precinct —AFTER precinct were random, as 1 would expect from technical, clerical, or computer errors, she became uncomfortable.
20041120             "You have to understand that we are NON—PARTISAN," she said.
20041120             "We're not trying to change the outcome of 1—ELECTION, —JUST to find out if there was ANY—VOTING fraud".
20041120             —ADDED, That said, Bev : "The pattern was very clear.
20041120             —FAVORED, The anomalies, GEORGE—W—BUSH. EVERY—SINGLE—TIME".
20041120             Of course finding possible voting "anomalies" in 1—FLORIDA county doesn't mean they'll show up in all counties.
20041120             It's even conceivable there are innocent explanations for both the mismatched counts and trashed original records;
20041120             this story undoubtedly will continue to play out.
20041120             And, unless further investigation demonstrates 1—PERVASIVE and statewide trend toward "anomalous" election results in MANY—OF—FLORIDA—COUNTIES,
20041120             odds are NONE—OF—THIS will change THE—OUTCOME—OF—THE—ELECTION (which exit polls showed JOHN—KERRY winning in FLORIDA).
20041120             Nonetheless, Bev and her merry band are off to hit another county.
20041120             As she told me on her cell phone —WHILE driving toward their next destination,
20041120             "We —JUST put Volusia County + their lawyers on notice that they need to continue to keep 1—NUMBER—OF—DOCUMENTS under seal, including ALL—OF—THE—MEMORY—CARDS to the ballot boxes + all of the signed poll tapes".
20041120             Why? "Simple," she said.
20041120             "Because we found anomalies INDICATIVE—OF—FRAUD".
20041120             Are OHIO and NH Recounts Being Hacked?
20041120             —CONCERNED, Zogby was, about the difference between some of the exit polls (SURVEYS—OF—INDIVIDUALS who have —JUST cast ballots) and the official vote counts.
20041120             "We're talking about the Free World here," he pointedly noted.
20041120             11/20—COMMONS motion to impeach Blair gets GO—AHEAD 11/20
20041120             —BACKED, IRAQ—FORCES, by USA—SOLDIERS, stormed 1—OF—THE—MAJOR—SUNNI—MUSLIM mosques in BAGHDAD —AFTER—FRIDAY prayers, opening fire and killing at least 3—PEOPLE 11/20
20041120             Listen to the Full Roster of BuzzFlash GOP HYPOCRITES—OF—THE—WEEK—RIGHT—HERE
20041120             Was It Hacked? 11/20
20041120             More Than 25,000 Protestors March Against Bush in CHILE 11/20
20041120             All time: OHIO recount could put Kerry in THE—WHITE—HOUSE—STOLEN Election 200—WEDNESDAY Update How do we start looking for the right person for the next election in 2008?
20041120             Where do we begin? Do we start —NOW?
20041120             GREG—PALAST says Kerry won OHIO OHIO recount moves from conspiracy to reality
20041120             THROMBOSE—GEFAHR: Angst macht das Blut dick
20041120             Integration: Neuer Streit um DEUTSCHE—LEITKULTUR
20041120             Innere Sicherheit: Champions League der Krawalleros
20041120             Gentechnik: Uno lehnt weltweites Klonverbot ab
20041120             He is PROFESSOR—OF—ECONOMICS at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—OTTAWA and DIRECTOR—OF—THE—CENTER for Research on Globalization which hosts the critically acclaimed website:
20041120             —BASED, Often THE—CNN report is, on information published on 1—ISLAMIC—WEBSITE or 1—MYSTERIOUS—VIDEO or Audio tape.
20041120             THE—AUTHENTICITY—OF—THE—WEBSITE and/or the tapes is not THE—OBJECT—OF—DISCUSSION or detailed investigation.
20041120             Bear in mind that the news reports never mention that AL—QAEDA is 1—CREATION—OF—THE—CIA + that AL—ZARQAWI had been recruited to fight in THE—SOVIET—AFGHANISTAN—WAR
20041120             (This is in fact confirmed by SECRETARY—COLIN—POWELL in his presentation to THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL 20030205             —ON ) (see details below).
20041120             The recruitment of foreign fighters was under THE—AUSPICES—OF—THE—CIA.
20041120             The press usually present the terrorist warnings emanating from THE—CIA as genuine,
20041120             without acknowledging the fact that USA—INTELLIGENCE, has provided covert support to the Islamic militant network consistently for more than —20—YEARS.
20041120             —DOCUMENTED, Amply, the training camps in AFGHANISTAN established —DURING THE—REAGAN—ADMINISTRATION had been set up with THE—SUPPORT—OF—THE—CIA.
20041120             In fact, several members of the current BUSH—ADMINISTRATION including Armitage, Richard + Powell, Colin
20041120             were directly involved in channeling support to AL—QAEDA in AFGHANISTAN,
20041120             where OSAMA—BIN—LADEN + AL—ZARQAWI received specialized training.
20041120             (See MICHEL—CHOSSUDOVSKY,and) - Consistent Pattern
20041120             What is the role of this new mastermind in THE—PENTAGON—DISINFORMATION—CAMPAIGN, in which CNN seems to be playing 1—CENTRAL—ROLE?
20041120             —HIRED, In previous propaganda ploys, THE—CIA, PRopaganda firms to organize core disinformation campaign s, including the Rendon Group.
20041120             —WORKED, The latter, closely with its UK—PARTNER—HILL and Knowlton, which was responsible for the
20041120             1—L—ZARQAWI—PROFILE "is mounting 1—CHALLENGE to OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—LEADERSHIP—OF—THE—GLOBAL jihad".
20041120             IRAQ, AL—ZARQAWI is said to be determined to "ignite 1—CIVIL—WAR between Sunnis and Shiites".
20041120             But is that not precisely what USA—INTELLIGENCE is aiming at ( "divide and rule") as confirmed by several ANALYSTS—OF—THE—USA led war?
20041120             Pitting 1—GROUP against the other with 1—VIEW to weakening the resistance movement.
20041120             ( See MICHEL—COLLON, See also)
20041120             There is 1—AURA—OF—MYSTERY surrounding this individual which is PART—OF—THE—PROPAGANDA ploy.
20041120             —DESCRIBED, Zarqawi is, as "so secretive even SOME—OPERATIVES who work with him do not know his identity".
20041120             THE—ARRIVAL—OF—SECRET—LAW : In 1—QUALITATIVELY new development in USA—GOVERNANCE, Americans can —NOW be obligated to comply with LEGALLY—BINDING regulations that are unknown to them + that indeed they are forbidden to know.
20041120             DeLay Supporters Move to Protect His Spot : SUPPORTERS—OF—HOUSE—MAJORITY—LEADER—TOM—DELAY proposed 1—REPUBLICAN rules change —TUESDAY that would protect THE—TEXAN—LEADERSHIP—POSITION if he were to be indicted by 1—TEXAS grand jury that already charged 3—OF—HIS—ASSOCIATES.
20041120             GOP Lawmakers Alter Intelligence Reform BILL—TO—CLOAK—FINANCIAL—TIES : Watchdog groups say the provision would make it harder to detect CONFLICTS—OF—INTEREST.
20041120             New CHIEF—TELLS—CIA—ITS—JOB is to `support ADMINISTRATION'—MOLLY Ivins: WHITE—HOUSE to 'gut' CIA:
20041120             Purging for disloyalty makes us sick to our stomachs
20041120             Primacy: THE—DECLARATION—OF—INDEPENDENCE:
20041120             —CODIFIED, If you think that the Constitution, 1—TYRANNY free government, you would be mistaken
20041120             GREG—PALAST: Why Kerry Conceded Though He Had the Most Votes : The ugly, secret SHAME—OF—USA—DEMOCRACY is that 2—MILLION—VOTES are "spoiled" in presidential elections -- tossed away untallied as "unreadable".
20041120             And the nasty part is that roughly half are cast by AFRICA AMERICANS.
20041120             Recount NEW—HAMPSHIRE : The 1. recount begins--in NEW—HAMPSHIRE, of all places, 1—STATE—GEORGE—BUSH didn't even win.
20041120             But in those areas where he did well, sometimes the numbers look decidedly odd.
20041120             Police scoff at Ashcroft speech: —1—DAY—AFTER ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JOHN—ASHCROFT told the nation's largest ASSOCIATION—OF—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—EXECUTIVES that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION had made the nation more secure from terrorist attacks and violent criminals, the group lashed back at THE—WHITE—HOUSE—ON—TUESDAY.
20041120             Senate OKs $800B Debt Limit Hike : Congress is ready to send PRESIDENT—BUSH an $800—BILLION debt limit increase, 1—TESTAMENT to the massive FEDERAL—DEFICITS that have marked his administration.
20041120             Colin and the crazies:
20041120             THE—CULLING—OF—THE—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE is symptomatic of 1—SWING even further to the right
20041120             Greeks Protest USA—AGGRESSIONS in FALLUJAH:
20041120             CHILE protests precede Bush visit : CHILE—ANTI—RIOT—FORCES and student protesters have clashed, —3—DAYS—BEFORE PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH—ARRIVAL for 1—WEEKEND—ASIA—PACIFIC (APEC) summit.
20041120             SELF—BURNED man is key terror witness:
20041120             Law enforcement officials told the newspaper Alanssi had been paid about $100,000 for his work in building 1—CASE against 1—Y emeni cleric
20041120             We were told to fix UKRAINE election, say police chiefs : Senior police officers say they have been ordered to help rig THE—RESULT—OF—THE—UKRAINE—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION + to use violence, including bombings, to undermine the opposition.
20041120             AMERICA, "Left Behind": Bush, the Neocons + Evangelical CHRISTIAN—FICTION
20041120             HISTORY—OF—FUNDAMENTALISM : How far apart are AL—QUEDA + Extremist JUDEO—CHRISTIANITY?
20041120             PATRICK—J—BUCHANAN : THE—SWEETHEART—CONTRACT—WITH—SHARON : Should Bush demand that Sharon negotiate, the cry of "MUNICH!" will be raised and echoed by THE—ISRAEL—LOBBY, Congress, evangelical Christians + neocons.
20041120             At which point, we will learn whether we have 1—TOUGH or 1—TIMOROUS—TEXAN in THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20041120             —BOWED, The law CHIEF who, to BLAIR—THE—NS reveals how, on THE—EVE—OF—THE—IRAQ invasion, TONY—BLAIR and GEORGE—BUSH leant on Lord Goldsmith, THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL, to change his mind on THE—LEGALITY—OF—THE—WAR.
20041120             7 retired military leaders agree: Bush Screwed Up.
20041120             —INCLUDED, We spoke with 1—GROUP—OF—GENERALS and admirals that, 1—FORMER—SUPREME—ALLIED COMMANDER and 1—FORMER—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—JOINT—CHIEFS + they all agreed on 1—THING: Bush screwed up.
20041120             —KILLED, Mystery remains over who, MARGARET—HASSAN—IN previous kidnappings, IRAQ—SEVERAL insurgent groups have been quick to identify themselves and claim responsibility, using videos to make their demands.
20041120             —SEIZED, From the moment MISTER—S—HASSAN was, her case was different.
20041120             PROFESSOR—FRANCIS—A—BOYLE: THE—DEMS—ARE—CAVING on Gonzales : War Criminal as ATTORNEY—GENERAL?
20041120             Gonzales is 1—PRIMA facie war criminal.
20041120             Gonzales must be prosecuted under THE—GENEVA—CONVENTIONS and THE—USA—WAR—CRIMES—ACT.
20041120             Civil liberties low on Gonzales priority list : It was MISTER—GONZALES who described THE—GENEVA—CONVENTIONS governing THE—TREATMENT—OF—PRISONERS as "quaint" and suggested that PRESIDENT—BUSH could ignore them.
20041120             —ASKED, Bush snubs Blair over detainees: TONY—BLAIR has, GEORGE—BUSH to return THE—BIRMINGHAM man being held in GUANTANAMO Bay, Ministers said —YESTERDAY.
20041120             —REFUSED, But the Americans have, to free Moazzam Begg
20041120             GUANTANAMO Hearings Continue in WAKE—OF—RULING Against Hamdan Trial : In spite of 1—COURT ruling that halted the military trial of 1—GUANTÁNAMO detainee —LAST—WEEK, the military is continuing to conduct another kind of controversial hearing for prisoners held at THE—USA—BASE in CUBA.
20041120             THE—LAWS—OF—WAR : In his 2. term, PRESIDENT—BUSH has 1—OPPORTUNITY to rectify the errors of his 1. + 1—OF—THOSE was the ad hoc ASSERTION—OF—THE—RIGHT—OF—THE—PRESIDENT to treat captives in THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM as he saw fit, without regard to USA or INTERNATIONAL law.
20041120             —INFLICTED, That strategy, terrible damage on THE—USA' reputation as 1—BASTION—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS
20041120             Zbigniew Brzezinski How THE—USA—PROVOKED—THE—SOVIET—UNION into invading AFGHANISTAN : Question: THE—FORMER—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—CIA, ROBERT—GATES, stated in his memoirs [From the Shadows], that USA—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICES began to aid the Mujahadeen in AFGHANISTAN —6—MONTHS—BEFORE THE—SOVIET—INTERVENTION.
20041120             In this period you were the national security adviser to PRESIDENT—CARTER.
20041120             —PLAYED, You —THEREFORE, 1—ROLE in this affair. Is that correct?
20041120             "If I were PRESIDENT, I could stop terrorist attacks against THE—USA in 1—FEW days".
20041120             —ABANDONED, AFGHANISTAN: 1—NATION, to drugs:
20041120             Country produces 87—PERCENT—OF—GLOBAL opium.
20041120             1 in 10—AFGHANS works in opium trade
20041120             SOME—OF—BUSH—FUND—RAISERS—GOT—APPOINTMENTS : 1—3. of PRESIDENT—BUSH—TOP 20000000             FUND—RAISERS or their spouses were appointed to positions in his 1. administration, from ambassadorships in EUROPE to seats on POLICY—SETTING boards, 1—ASSOCIATED—PRESS—REVIEW found.
20041120             GOP seeks REPEAL—OF—FOOD origin label law : Telling consumers where their meat, fruit + vegetables came from seemed like such 1—GOOD—IDEA to MANY—USA ranchers + farmers in competition with imports that Congress —2—YEARS—AGO ordered the food industry to provide such information.
20041120             But meatpackers + food processors fought the law from the start + newly emboldened Republicans —NOW plan to repeal it —BEFORE Thanksgiving
20041120             'Stinking Evidence' of Possible Election Fraud Found in FLORIDA
20041120             CHILE protest sours Bush MISSION—OF—FRIENDSHIP : "Get out, Yankee PEOPLE—KILLER!" students chanted —THIS—WEEK as police beat them back with water cannon + teargas.
20041120             —ARRIVED, DON—NASH: THE—POLITICS—OF—CORRUPTION : We have, at the bottom line.
20041120             Hypocrisy is the true name of the beast that is THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY in THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES.
20041120             THE—REPUBLICAN conversion to THE—'PARTY—OF—GOD and THE—USA—TALIBAN', was 1—SLOW and evolutionary process.
20041120             Palestinians Called "Filthy Animals" On MISS—NBC 's "Imus : CAIR —TODAY called on USA—MUSLIMS + other PEOPLE—OF—CONSCIENCE to contact THE—MISS—NBC cable television network to demand 1—APOLOGY for comments made on its "Imus in the —MORNING" program that referred to Palestinians as "filthy animals" + suggested that they all be killed.
20041120             SAM—HAMOD: Who Killed MARGARET—HASSAN?
20041120             I—KNOW : 1 must always look to see who benefits from 1—CRIME—WHEN you are trying to get to the motive and THE—PERPETRATOR—OF—THE—CRIME.
20041120             THE—FAILURE—OF—THE—CORPORATE—MEDIA—COVERAGE in IRAQ : Professor Mahmood Mamdani discussing the corporate media's coverage of IRAQ + THE—USA—ASSAULT—ON—FALLUJAH.
20041120             Audio + transcript.
20041120             Media COVER—UP—OF—USA—WAR—CRIMES in IRAQ: What the news reports fail to mention is that the killing of wounded insurgents + the strafing of civilians has become 1—ROUTINE PRACTICE—OF—THE—USA—MILITARY in IRAQ.
20041120             Nuclear Disclosures on IRAN Unverified : : SECRETARY—OF—STATE—COLIN—L—POWELL shared information with reporters —WEDNESDAY about IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM that was classified + based on 1 unvetted, single source who provided information that 2—USA—OFFICIALS said —YESTERDAY was highly significant if true but has not yet been verified.
20041120             USA—MEDIA—PROPAGANDA—PHASE II : Preparation For Attack On IRAQ : "Powell says IRAN pursuing nuclear bomb".
20041120             —MOUTHED, Isn't this the same NO—SHOW—BUT—TELL routine Powell, to THE—UN—BEFORE THE—IRAQ—KICKOFF?
20041120             Video: Elite Propaganda:
20041120             THE—PROPAGANDA—MODEL—OF—NEWS: EDWARD—HERMAN and Noam Chomsky demolish 1—OF—THE—CENTRAL tenets of our political culture, the idea of the "liberal media
20041120             JOHN—PILGER: Power, Propaganda and Conscience in THE—WAR—ON—TERROR
20041120             FALLUJAH Video has congressman calling for reporter ban TEXAS Democrat Sylvestre Reyes says it's time to rethink the presence of embedded reporters in combat zones.
20041120             "We don't want to know everything that's going on on the field".
20041120             —ESTIMATED, FALLUJAH refugees, at 250,000
20041120             USA—LOSSES In FALLUJAH to Overweight Victory: Expert : Branding THE—USA—PRACTICES against THE—FALLUJAH residents as "state terrorism," Pascal Boniface, DIRECTOR—OF—THE—INSTITUTE for INTERNATIONAL and Strategic Studies in PARIS, expected the onslaught to further fan ANTI—USA feelings in the entire Islamic world.
20041120             IRAQ War Topping $5.8—BILLION —1—MONTH : THE—PENTAGON is spending more than $5.8—BILLION —1—MONTH o n the war in IRAQ, according to the military's top generals.
20041120             That is nearly a 50 % increase above the $4—BILLION—A—MONTH benchmark the Pentagon has used to estimate THE—COST—OF—THE—WAR so far.
20041120             IRAQ Elections: Allawi aide says deadline looks more and more unrealistic : 20050100             —THE d eadline for IRAQ—1. POST—SADDAM elections looked increasingly in doubt —YESTERDAY—AFTER 1—SENIOR—AIDE to the interim PRIME—MINISTER predicted 1—DELAY.
20041120             —INFLATED, USA '' foreign fighters' numbers:
20041120             "The question of foreign fighters crossing Iraqi [borders] has been exaggerated, given that only 24—OF 10000000             —THE insurgents captured in Falluja are foreign," AL—THAWRA said —ON—THURSDAY
20041120             —ARMED, Why IRAQ WILL—END as VIETNAM Did : 1, force that keeps beating down on 1—WEAKER opponent will be seen as committing 1—SERIES—OF—CRIMES;
20041120             —THEREFORE it will end up by losing the support of its allies, its own people + its own troops.
20041120             No Way Out?: IRAQ can't defend itself if USA—TROOPS leave : "It's clear the [USA] intention has been to establish 1—PROTECTORATE," says W. PATRICK—LANG, formerly 1—OF—THE—DEFENSE—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY—TOP—EXPERTS on THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20041120             Eyewitness Report: Terrorizing those who are praying... : : "I am being held at gunpoint by USA—SOLDIERS inside ABU—HANIFA mosque Dahr," he yells,
20041120             "Everyone is praying to God because the Americans are raiding our mosque —DURING—FRIDAY prayer!"
20041120             Only the Dead Have Seen THE—END—OF—WAR
20041120             —CREATED, For war — that human weakness, by warmongering leaders that send to battle the mostly young, ignorant, easily manipulated, TESTOSTERONE—FILLED members of the lower castes of ANY—1—TRIBE — unleashes in human beings 1—MOST vicious animal from the deepest reaches of our psyches.
20041120             The primordial necessity to kill, the hunger to maim + rape, the desire to inflict pain + suffering is —THEREFORE reborn, free to act indiscriminately, away from the menacing GLOW—OF—THE—RULE—OF—LAW + the watchful EYE—OF—HUMANITY.
20041120             + —TODAY THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES continues its series of "Making Vote Counts" editorials with 1—PRETTY—SOLID—STANCE on the necessity of journalistic + governmental proof that the elections weren't tampered with.
20041120             I suspect the coverage is going to go through the roof as the news spreads that [presidential candidate Ralph] Nader has gotten his recount in NEW—HAMPSHIRE + that the Greens + Libertarians are actually going to get their OHIO recount.
20041120             —WHEN reporters discover what JONATHAN—TURLEY pointed out to us —ON—TUESDAY—SHOW, namely that 70—PERCENT—OF—OHIO—VOTES were done with punch cards + as FLORIDA proved 20000000             —IN, in court, 1—LOT—OF—THOSE punch cards -- as Jon put it -- "turn over," I suspect there will be LONG—FORM—TELEVISION on the process.
20041120             — J.C.
20041120             —ASKED, Olbermann, NEWSWEEK senior editor and columnist JONATHAN—ALTER, "why has the cascade of irregularities —AROUND this country occurred virtually in 1—NEWS—BLACKOUT?" Alter responded by saying that "I'm not justifying this, but by WAY—OF—EXPLANATION, I think it is that there's no sense that, with a 3—AND—A—HALF—MILLION—VOTE—DIFFERENCE [between PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH and SENATOR—JOHN—KERRY ], that this would affect the outcome, even if there were widespread irregularities found".
20041120             Conservatives rail against MISS—NBC—OLBERMANN for reporting election irregularities
20041120             OLBERMANN—EMPHASIS —DURING Countdown with KEITH—OLBERMANN on voting irregularities has been PART—OF—1—CRITIQUE of what he has called the "Rube Goldberg voting process of ours" -
20041120             as well as 1—CRITICISM—OF—THE—MAJOR—MEDIA—OUTLETS' failure to report on the irregularities.
20041120             SECTION 102—OF—THE—NEW—PATRIOT—ACT ll states clearly that ANY—INFORMATION gathering,
20041120             regardless of whether or not those activities are illegal,
20041120             can be considered to be clandestine intelligence activities for 1—FOREIGN—POWER.
20041120             This makes news gathering illegal.
20041120             1—BRIEF—ANALYSIS—OF—THE "Domestic Security Enhancement Act 2003" - Also Known as "USA Patriot Act II"
20041120             Congressman Ron Paul (R—TEX) told THE—WASHINGTON—TIMES that no MEMBER—OF—CONGRESS was allowed to read the 1. Patriot Act that was passed by the House on
20041120             —ESTIMATED, Organisers, more than 50,000—PEOPLE marched through the city centre, hours —BEFORE leaders from THE—21—ECONOMIES—OF—THE—ASIA—PACIFIC—ECONOMIC—COOPERATION—GROUP arrived for 1—WEEKEND—OF—MEETINGS focusing on free trade and security.
20041120             at 11:20 PM—LISTED below are links to weblogs that reference 0—TOLERANCE for the Enemies of Open Societies :
20041120             "Wow! From 1—GERMAN—EDITORIAL, Davids Medienkritik has been posting some of the most telling things out of GERMANY for quite awhile —NOW.
20041120             Interestingly —SINCE the election, there have been more RAYS—OF—HOPE, but to me, this is the most promising voice in the darkness, we'll hope it'
20041120             "THE—GERMANY—PRESS—STARTS to get the message from No Illusions The brutal MURDER—OF—HOLLAND—FILMMAKER—THEO VAN Gogh + the ensuing violence against Muslim religious establishments, have been stark DOSES—OF—REALITY for WEST—EUROPE.
20041120             —HAPPENED, —AFTER all, these things, in 1—COUNTRY that prides itself on its tolerance... [Read More]Tracked 200411210437—PM             —ON
20041120             zinsky 200411200538       —PM #20 Good idea.
20041120             I shot him 1—COPY—OF this topic CARL—BRENNAN 20041120             —0636—PM #24 NEW: Found this on 1—YAHOO group. is this true?
20041120             momzno1 200411200703—PM #25 read the part at the bottom momzno1 20041120             20041120             where is the Jeff Fisher was hacked site?
20041120             momzno1 200411200731—PM #29 SOrry.. Woo 20041120             —0750—PM #32 Emails my wife received from Jeff —TODAY.
20041120             GettysbergII 200411200813—PM #35 Can somebody help me here?
20041120             MelissaB 200411200845—PM #38 You are not the only 1 - I must have missed the memo Chimpanzee 20041120             —0920—PM #42 BlueDog2U's back of the envelope summary BlueDog2u 20041120             —0936—PM #45 BlueDog2U's---THANK YOU!!
20041120             MelissaB 200411200957—PM #49 You're welcome BlueDog2u 200411201052—PM #63 NICE summary, thanks.
20041120             Dr. Blass is the man we need on the witness CARL—BRENNAN 200411201058—PM #65 WILL—BLASS blow the whistle if he has his own skeletons in the closet?
20041120             eowyn_of_rohan Nov-21-04 08:54 AM #103 A relevant anecdote (perhaps) Wiley50 200411201059—PM #66 hee, hee.
20041120             If Blass comes forward I'll buy you CARL—BRENNAN 200411201117—PM #76 Wow BlueDog2u
20041120             someone else's turn this time Wiley50 Nov-21-04 03:13 PM #145 We also have to be sure he is Blass and not somebody else.
20041120             CARL—BRENNAN—20041121—20041121     06:14 PM #149 as far as pronunciation Wiley50
20041120             Nov-21-04 03:22 PM #146 OOP! you said his 1. name Wiley50 Nov-21-04 03:25 PM #147 FYI Cell Phone number Wiley50 Nov-21-04 06:45 PM #153 Find links to ACCENTURE Carolab 20041120             —0906—PM #40
20041120             OMG-- ACCENTURE : LOOK!!!! Carolab 200411200931—PM #43 O boy, Carolab
20041120             BlueDog2u 200411200939—PM #46 Accenture —JUST got a 10b Homeland Security Contract BlueDog2u 200411200955—PM #48 Let's.".
20041120             ".. 200411200941—PM Response to Reply #41 47. Have you sent this info to BBV? | Top Must_B_Free (1000+ posts) Sat 20041120             —0959—PM Response to Reply #47 50. It didn't
20041120             seem to be anything important.
20041120             —WHEN the bust in GR broke I was curious about this guy and found these little info.
20041120             Didn't mean anything to me, but thought I'd post it in case it was relevant to someone.
20041120             | Top Donailin (1000+ posts) Sat
20041120             —1028—PM Response to Original message 55. O Man We need —60—MINUTES on this also.
20041120             Others need to know.
20041120             | Top stirringstill (115—POSTS) SAT—CYBERNET overkill?
20041120             Could someone please state the connection of the CyberNet to Fisher because the original email that linked THE—2—REALLY didn't say.
20041120             —RAIDED, Only that CyberNet had been, by THE—FBI.
20041120             —JUST because 1—COMPANY has been raided by THE—FBI doesn't mean it is connected.
20041120             —LINKED, And to say CyberNet was, to Diebold does not mean much if THE—2—NAMES appear on the same web page.
20041120             Diebold probably has vending machines that have Coke cans but that does not mean Coke + Diebold are in bed together.
20041120             What possible service did CyberNet perform?
20041120             Also, I've never seen anything linking Blass to CyberNet other than both have links to MICHIGAN.
20041120             Blass got his PhD in ANN—ARBOR, but that doesn't seem like much of 1—LINK to me.
20041120             I'm not saying that CyberNet is not important, perhaps it is, but MANY—MANY—OTHER—POTENTIAL rewarding LINES—OF—INVESTIGATION remain unexamined on PIOTR—BLASS—CV + this are definitely worth scrutinizing.
20041120             I do not know what to make of the Fisher story but it does seem promising and Fisher has directly linked Blass to the whatever happened.
20041120             BLASS—CV is striking for several reasons.
20041120             —EMPLOYED, Why was Blass, at Baypoint?
20041120             It likely had to do with computers but it doesn't take SOMEONE—OF—BLASS—EXPERIENCE to network the school or run their computer lab.
20041120             —QUALIFIED, He was way way over.
20041120             —STILL that does not mean anything in and of itself —SINCE people often find themselves doing things that they are overqualified for.
20041120             If his CV is genuine, then it is striking for several reasons.
20041120             So, Blass apparently emerges from behind the Iron Curtain to receive postgraduate education in THE—USA.
20041120             —PUBLISHED, He has, 1—NUMBER—OF—ACADEMIC—ARTICLES.
20041120             —WORKED, He has also, for 1—NUMBER—OF—COMPANIES and has 1—NUMBER—OF—COMPUTER—SKILLS which may be relevent.
20041120             Perhaps those companies and skills of BLASS—ARE worth mining?
20041120             Another blog about the Fisher story made 1—BIG to do about Accenture.
20041120             I do think that that link merits attention, definitely BECAUSE—OF—CONNECTIONS to voting lists in multiple states + (to 1—LESSER—DEGREE—ENRON ).
20041120             The problem is that Accenture is 1—BIG—COMPANY.
20041120             It's like saying IBM or Microsoft.
20041120             OMEGA—NEWS: NE IRVING + 16. ( behind parking lot between freeway on ramp + Benson High School... JOHN—PILGER : Power, Propaganda and Conscience in THE—WAR—ON—TERROR... 20070123             20041120             Bush s Zustimmungsrate im Volk ist, das belegen zahlreiche Umfragen, inzwischen vergleichbar mit der RICHARD—NIXONS—KURZ bevor dieser aus dem Amt enthoben wurde.
20041120             Laut einer Umfrage des Fernsehsenders CBS glauben nur noch 28—PROZENT—DER—USA—AMERIKANER, Bush mache seinen Job gut;
20041120             64 % missbilligen seine Politik.
20041120             Eine gemeinsame Umfrage der "WASHINGTON—POST " + "ABC—NEWS" erbrachte ähnliche Resultate: Hiernach begrüßen 33—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG—BUSH s Politik;
20041120             65 % missbilligen sie.
20041120             1—BBC—UMFRAGE, an der 26.000—MENSCHEN in 25—LÄNDERN teilnahmen, ergab, dass weltweit nur 29—PROZENT—DER—MENSCHEN denken, Bush spiele eine überwiegend positive Rolle im Weltgeschehen.
20041120             alfatomega.com/20041120.html
20041120             —WHISKED, USA Republicans, a $388—BILLION spending BILL—THROUGH—THE—HOUSE.
20041120             —OPENED, The new NEW—YORK—CITY—MOMA, in midtown Manhattan.
20041120             —DESIGNED, Its new tower was, by Yoshio Taniguchi.
20041120             JUAN—RODRIGUEZ, —49—JAHRE—ALT—OF—NEW—YORK—CITY, 1—COLOMBIA—IMMIGRANT and parking garage worker, won the $149—MILLION—MEGA Millions lottery jackpot.
20041120             He chose to take 1—SINGLE—PAYMENT—OF $88.5—MILLION—BEFORE taxes.
20041120             † SCIENTIST—ANCEL—KEYS (100), in MINNEAPOLIS.
20041120             —INVENTED, SCIENTIST—ANCEL—KEYS, the K rations eaten by soldiers —WWII—IN and who linked high cholesterol and fatty diets to heart disease.
20041120             15—AFRICA—PRESIDENTS and UN CHIEF—KOFI—ANNAN signed 1—COMMON—DECLARATION in DAR—ES—SALAAM, TANZANIA, to promote peace and security in the Great Lakes region.
20041120             —RAIDED, BRAZIL, gunmen, the camp Terra Prometida and torched huts and crops in Minas Gerais state.
20041120             5—VICTIMS were executed with shots at close range and 12—OTHER—PEOPLE, including 1—CHILD, were injured.
20041120             CHINA, 1—FIRE at 1—COMPLEX—OF—IRON—MINES in SHAHE, Hebei province, left 68—DEAD.
20041120             —SUFFOCATED, Most of the miners were, by smoke.
20041120             1—EARLY —MORNING 6.2—EARTHQUAKE jolted S—JOSE, COSTA—RICA, and killed 8—PEOPLE.
20041120             —GATHERED, Leaders of 21—NATIONS were, there for THE—IBERO—USA—SUMMIT.
20041120             —ATTACKED, BAGHDAD, insurgents, 1—USA—PATROL and 1—POLICE—STATION, assassinated 4—GOVERNMENT—EMPLOYEES and detonated several bombs.
20041120             † 1—USA—SOLDIER was killed and 9 were wounded —DURING clashes that left 3—IRAQ—TROOPS and 1—POLICE—OFFICER—DEAD.
20041120             The bodies of 9—IRAQ—SOLDIERS, all shot EXECUTION—STYLE and 7—OF—THEM decapitated, were discovered in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—MOSUL.
20041120             —AGREED, GERMANY and THE—USA, on 1—PROPOSAL to write off as much as 80—PERCENT—OF—IRAQ—DEBT.
20041120             —PULLED, INDIA, out —AROUND 3,000 troops from Kashmir.
20041120             —KILLED, SOUTH—ITALY, 8—PEOPLE from 2—FAMILIES were, —WHEN 1—GAS—EXPLOSION destroyed their apartment building.
20041120             —KILLED, WEST—NEPAL, at least 26—REBEL and government soldiers were, —DURING 1—CLASH at 1—REBEL training camp at Pandon.
20041120             —OPERATED, OJOBO—NIGERIA, 1—PROTEST at 1—OIL rig, by Shell left 7—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20041120             —OPENED, Palestinians formally, the campaign for 1—SUCCESSOR to Yasser Arafat.
20041120             1—POLAND—WOMAN abducted from her apartment in BAGHDAD reappeared in POLAND —AFTER being suddenly released.
20041120             † In TOGO at least 13—PEOPLE and others were injured in 1—CRUSH at 1—DEMONSTRATION to welcome 1—IMPROVEMENT in relations with THE—EU.
20041120             Ugur Kaymaz (12) and his father AHMET—KAYMAZ (30), 1—KURDISH—TRUCK—DRIVER from KIZILTEPE—TURKEY, were reportedly shot dead by police officers in front of their house.
20041120             THIS COMING Thanksgiving weekend, —FRIDAY 20041126             + —SATURDAY 20041127             + —SUNDAY 20041128             20041126             Why TONY—BLAIR must be impeached 23—MPS across the political parties laid —BEFORE UK HOUSE—OF—COMMONS 1—MOTION calling for 1—SELECT—COMMITTEE to examine the case for impeaching THE—PRIME—MINISTER for his conduct over the war in IRAQ.
20041120             THIS COMING Thanksgiving weekend, —FRIDAY 20041126             + —SATURDAY 20041127             + —SUNDAY 20041128             20041120             THIS COMING Thanksgiving weekend, —FRIDAY 20041126             + —SATURDAY 20041127             + —SUNDAY 20041128             20041126             Why TONY—BLAIR must be impeached 23—MPS across the political parties laid —BEFORE UK HOUSE—OF—COMMONS 1—MOTION calling for 1—SELECT—COMMITTEE to examine the case for impeaching THE—PRIME—MINISTER for his conduct over the war in IRAQ.
20041120             animação, alegria, e em PORTO Montilla, os visitantes poderão realizar a fantasia de se sentir em uma ilha pirata", salienta DOUGLAS—TSUKIMOTO..
20041120             web stats Search this site or the web powered by FreeFind... —EARLIER papers + discussions have referred to megascale thought machines as... which results in megascale superintelligent thought machines... alfatomega.com/20041120.html
200411200707         —PM #26 kick momzno1 20041120             —0708—PM #27 Mmmmhmmm... Woo 20041120             —0802—PM #33 ANY—CHANCE that was in KANSAS—CITY?
200411200707#1       Carolab 20041120             —0857—PM #39 HOLY CRAP... Woo 20041120             —0712—PM #28
200411201005         —PM #52 Try CARL—BERNSTEIN, instead MIKE—NELSON
200411201005         —PM #52 Try CARL—BERNSTEIN, instead MIKE—NELSON 20041120             —1134—PM #80 It's 1—TRAP!
200411201005         —PM #52 Try CARL—BERNSTEIN, instead MIKE—NELSON 20041120             —1134—PM #80 It's 1—TRAP!
200411201005#1       MarkusQ Nov-21-04 09:26 AM #105 See post #18.
200411201035         —PM Response to Original message 57.
200411201120         —PM #77 We are all but tiny cogs... MIKE—NELSON 20041120             —1141—PM #82 How about calling him again and ask him if he worked for CARL—BRENNAN—20041121—20041121     12:36 PM #136 Carl, It's
20041120—19700000    —IN—THE, He went to undergraduate in POLAND 's + then went to graduate school at Harvard + THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—MICHIGAN.
20041120—19800000    —FROM—THE, Like many animated series s, the animated series was basically 1—LONG—COMMERCIAL.
20041120—19870000    —ARRESTED, HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS have been, —THROUGHOUT CHILE over the past —WEEK + THOUSANDS—OF—ADDITIONAL—POLICE are on duty in SANTIAGO for the largest security operation —SINCE the papal visit.
20041120—20000000    —HAPPENED, They were still stinging from what.
20041120—20030000    —IN, It places him at BayPoint Schools.
20041120—20040000    —INCARCERATED, Why did BLASS—SON become, at the very school at which Blass was once employed?
20041120—20040300    —IN, JACK—STRAW—ADMITS—BRITS—KNEW—OF—EQ.GUINEA Coup Plot : THE—UK—GOVERNMENT knew about the alleged plot to overthrow THE—PRESIDENT—OF—EQUATORIAL—GUINEA at least —5—WEEKS—BEFORE 1—GROUP—OF—MERCENARIES was arrested for planning the coup.
20041120—20041000    —COMPLAINED, UK, to USA about alleged IRAQ abuse: UK has frequently expressed concern to WASHINGTON at the highest level about USA—TROOPS allegedly mistreating victims in IRAQ, most —RECENTLY 1—UK official has told THE—UN—ANTI—TORTURE—PANEL.
20041120—20041102    —IN—THE, SOUTH—FLORIDA opponents of slot machines have filed 1—LAWSUIT seeking 1—RECOUNT—OF—78,000 absentee ballots cast in Broward County on Amendment 4—ELECTION.
20041120—20041121    —ON, Tracked
20041120—20070000    —IN, all 4—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SPECIAL—FORCES implicated in the killings were exonerated.
20041120—20130000    —IN, rancher Adriano Chafik was sentenced to —115—YEARS in prison for ordering and taking part in the Massacre of Felisburgo.
20041206             20061120             20060316             20061120             20061119             at 0607—PM
20041206             20061120             Ein 18—JÄHRIGER ehemaliger Schüler der GESCHWISTER—SCHOLL—REALSCHULE in Emsdetten verletzt bei 1—AMOKLAUF in seiner FRÜHEREN—SCHULE 37—MENSCHEN.
2005011120050111     Who owns your E—MAILS?
20050227             THE—PROGRESSIVE—MIND: 20041114             — 20041120             ...
20050227             THE—PROGRESSIVE—MIND: 20041114—20041120    Mortuary teams have only —JUST began collecting the dead in the city..Previous story: Mitterrand 'used terror unit phone taps to keep affair secret'...
20050324             20041120             ... animação, alegria, e em PORTO Montilla, os visitantes poderão realizar a fantasia de se sentir em uma ilha pirata", salienta DOUGLAS—TSUKIMOTO..
20050402             20041120             web stats Search this site or the web powered by FreeFind... —WHILE the name DOCTOR—MICHAEL—SMURFIT is not WELL—KNOWN to Americans.
20050411             —MONTAG, 20050411—20050411    WESTJORDANLAND: BUSH fordert ENDE—DES—SIEDLUNGSBAUS
20050412             Liberation News Service: LNS POST—COUP II Supplement (20041120             )...
20050415             wotisitgood4: 20041114             — 20041120             20050415             wotisitgood4: 20041114             — 20041120             ... justice, integrity, freedom, compassion, brotherhood, tolerance, faith, hope, charity, peace..
20050415             wotisitgood4: 20041114             — 20041120             ... justice, integrity, freedom, compassion, brotherhood, tolerance, faith, hope, charity, peace..
20050415             wotisitgood4: 20041114             — 20041120             20050415             CNN_COM—GOP lawmakers back new CIA director - 20041114             20050415             wotisitgood4: 20041114             — 20041120             ... justice, integrity, freedom, compassion, brotherhood, tolerance, faith, hope, charity, peace..
20050415             wotisitgood4: 20041114             — 20041120             ... justice, integrity, freedom, compassion, brotherhood, tolerance, faith, hope, charity, peace.. www.theocracywatch_org/stoopid dominionists...
20050417             —EARLIER papers + discussions have referred to megascale thought machines as... which results in megascale superintelligent thought machines... alfatomega.com/20041120.html
20050417             20041120             web stats Search this site or the web powered by FreeFind... —EARLIER papers + discussions have referred to megascale thought machines as... which results in megascale superintelligent thought machines... alfatomega.com/20041120.html
20051117—20051120    —HOSTED, SINGAPORE, the World Cyber Games (WCG).
20051117—20051120    —COMPETED, Some 700—PARTICIPANTS, in 8—GAMES with prize money topping $2.5—MILLION.
20051120             —TUESDAY, 20051004             20060221—20061004    —ON, And at 1—WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—CONFERENCE.---- Bush reflected:
20051120             —POSTED in HOUSTON—CLEAR—THINKERS 20050227             —ON—0727—AM More on playing both sides off against the middle in WASHINGTON
20051120             Besucher auf der Homepage der UNI—WELLE LaOla (19960509             —SEIT).
20051120             LISA—AUSTRALIA, northern pioneer 20050625             martin, —JUST e mail my dad and he'll... paul the wrong email address, please contact me at.
20051120             —POSTED in HOUSTON—CLEAR—THINKERS 20041118             —ON—0638—AM Playing both sides against the middle
20051120             What KIND—OF—ABUSE—OF—POWER is this + how does Ann get off supporting this morally, ethically or in ANY—OTHER—WAY?
20051120             BRAD—FRIEDMAN: It's remarkable to see this REPUBLICAN—PARTY—RIGHT—NOW who used to parade and claim they were in FAVOR—OF—THE—RULE—OF—LAW, ALL—OF—1—SUDDEN, they don't seem to give 1—DAMN about THE—RULE—OF—LAW.
20051120             —WHEN they can't defend themselves, which seems to be quite frequently lately, what they do is try to destroy their opposition...
20051120             —PROSECUTED, Why is it that —WHEN Democrats commit crimes that are, by RONNIE—EARLE, they're crimes, but —WHEN TOM—DELAY does so... it's 1—PARTISAN witchhunt?
20051120             —TUESDAY, 20051004             20051120             PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH told reporters that he passed 1—BREATHALYZER test shortly —BEFORE THE—START—OF—HIS—PRESS—CONFERENCE in THE—WHITE—HOUSE—ROSE—GARDEN this —MORNING.
20051120             "LET—JUST say I was below the legal limit, but if you folks keep asking me tough questions, there's no guarantee I'll stay sober —UNTIL—NOON".
20051120             More on PRESIDENT—BUSH—PRESS—CONFERENCE, TOM—DELAY plus blogger BRAD—FRIEDMAN in —TODAY—RU—486—MORNING—AFTER Indexes:
20051120             —DEFENDED, PRESIDENT—BUSH—PRESS—CONFRENCE: GEORGE—BUSH, his CHOICE—OF—WHITE—HOUSE—COUNSEL—HARRIET—MIERS as SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICE, adding, "I have never asked ANY—JUDGE about their personal opinion on abortion".
20051120             Bush also said that Miers was the 1. woman in charge of "THE—DALLAS bar I hung out in —DURING the good old days. Okay, maybe not, but THE—2—WOMEN—LOOK alike".
20051120             —AFTER almost —5—YEAR s of refusing to admit mistakes, GEORGE—BUSH is anxious to carry the weight for Hurricane Katrina.
20051120             But —JUST about Katrina.
20051120             —WHEN asked if his agenda has been scrambled, Bush shot back that "the only way to increase tight [energy] supplies is to build new refineries... Congress needs to deal with that and pass the Patriot Act.
20051120             Couldn't leave that out.
20051120             —RELATED, THE—2—ARE ".
20051120             Bush used 1—QUESTION about 1—POTENTIAL—AVIAN—FLU—PANDEMIC to pitch his proposal to repeal the
20051120             Posse Comitatus Act.
20051120             "Who best to be able to effect 1—QUARANTINE," Bush suggested, "...THE—USE—OF—THE—MILITARY that is able to plan and move. Congress needs to take 1—LOOK at circumstances [that] vest THE—CAPACITY—OF—THE—PRESIDENT".
20051120             BUSH—BLOOD—ALCOHOL—CONTENT: 0.02 (legal limit 0.10)
20051120             Swagger Factor: 2 (Swagger —WHILE READING "My Pet Goat": 3)
20051120             FEDERAL—PROGRAMS to be Streamlined or Eliminated: 150
20051120             Questions Asked About Plamegate: 2 - Questions Answered About Plamegate: 0
20051120             Times R—WORD—USED: 5 - Time to POST—PRESS—CONFERENCE—BLOODY—MARY: 45
20051120             PRESIDENT—BUSH—APPROVAL—RATING: 40% - Political CAPITAL—LEFT: "Plenty"
20051120             HARRIET—MIERS ' SUPREME—COURT—NOMINATION: Pundits have been saying that Miers, who has no experience as 1—JUDGE, is a "blank slate" with no paper trail to dissect.
20051120             —AGREED, TONY—BLAIR + GEORGE—BUSH, to __________ the facts intelligence on IRAQ —AROUND 1—POLICY—OF preemptive war.
20051120             GEORGE—BUSH knew AHEAD—OF—TIME that __________ would be ROBERT—NOVAK—SOURCE in outing Valerie Plame as 1—CIA—COVERT—OPERATIVE.
20051120             Embarassing questions SENATOR s can ask Miers : 47
20051120             Times Miers will invoke executive privilege: 46
20051120             SENATOR s who will ask the tough questions: 3
20051120             Appeals by KARL—ROVE + Scooter Libby that Miers will recuse herself on: 0
20051120             2. TOM—DELAY—INDICTMENT: 1—HARRIS—COUNTY, TX grand jury delivered a 2. indictment on REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—DELAY—YESTERDAY.
20051120             A - money laundering count was added to the original conspiracy charge.
20051120             DISTRICT—ATTORNEY—RONNIE—EARLE sought the
20051120             new indictment —AFTER DELAY—ATTORNEY'S moved to dismiss the original charge.
20051120             Off the Kuff: Abramoff scandal reaches RALPH—REED
20051120             UKRAINE: Tausende fordern Rücktritt Juschtschenkos
20051120             Schleppender Wiederaufbau: Wie die USA die Sympathien der Afghanen verspielen
20051120             ISRAEL : Arbeitspartei verlässt die Regierung
20051120             Rote Fahne NEWS—MIT kurzen Sitzblockaden, anschlie nder LAOLA—WELLE, gellenden Pfeifkonzerten und Sprechparolen "Wir sind hier, wir sind laut, weil man uns die Bildung...
20051120             —DISTANCED, THE—AF has also recent ly, itself from religious flag folding ceremonies, saying it endorses no script for the events..
20051120             PLÜSCH—SIDEFIIN - Jep u huere geili fotene + erscht üsi laola welle uuf band, wow ich heti nie denkt, dass die stimmig so bombastisch uusgseht vo dere bühni.... echt huere...
20051120             ALTERNATE.
20051120             HARDWARE—SOFTWARE — Entertainment GÜNTHER—KOCHS—SPRECHRHYTHMIK reißt mit wie eine prächtige LAOLA—WELLE.
20051120             Doch trotz der feinen Stimmmelodie kann der allseit s beliebte Radioreporter eines...
20051120             Event, Erlebnis, VIDEO—INSTALLATION, München,Videoinstallation...
20051120             d) Die interaktive Laola Welle. e) Der Emotional Brander auf der Roadshow von HEWLETT—PACKARD.
20051120             III. Studio9 PEOPLE—TRACK Panorama.
20051120             mein lebenspuzzle: Der Fanclub Gottes hat Köln erobert Während der Messe brach im Stadion auf einmal 1—LAOLA—WELLE los + die Kamera... Und die LAOLA—WELLE ist —NUN mal fester Bestandteil aller kath.
20051120             odge WÖRTERBUCH—LAOLA—WELLE {f} Übersetzung DEUTSCH—ENGLISCH—DEUTSCH—ENGLISCH Übersetzungen für das Wort " LAOLA—WELLE {f}Femininum (die)": MEXICO—WAVE.
20051120             Suche im Wörterbuch. Sonderzeichen einfügen:
20051120             Herzlich willkommen als.
20051120             das ist 1—LAOLA—WELLE, die dir gute laune bringt.
20051120             Wenn du sie an 5—PERSONEN aus deiner Liste schickst dann hast du —1—JAHR nur Gute Laune.
20051120             Web Results 1 - 100—OF—ABOUT 12,200 for laola welle.
20051120             ( 0.—35—SECONDS) - Sensationen aus der Meteoritenwelt So fand man im Murchison Meteorit nicht nur über 10% gebundenes Wasser, sondern auch komplexe Kohlenwasserstoffe und die Bausteine allen Lebens: Aminosäuren...
20051120             Biohomochiralität —IM Murchison Meteorit haben EINIGE—AMINOSÄUREN relativ hohe.
20051120             Enantiomerenüberschüsse.
20051120             16. Mögliche Ursachen der Biohomochiralität. DANIEL—FITZ...
20051120             Astronomie — News —MITTE (eingeschweisst): Tagish Lake Meteorit, 20000000             Rechts: Murchison METEORIT—AUSTRALIEN 19690000             .
20051120             Braun + seine Kollegen versuchen ausserdem die genaue.
20051120             Astronomie — News Der letzte cholige Chondrit, der auf die Erde niederging und geborgen werden konnte, war der 19690000             gefallene Murchison Meteorit, benannt —NACH—DEM Ort...
20051120             Meteorit — Wikipedia Eine weitere Möglichkeit, ein gefundenes Eisenstück als Meteorit zu... kohligen Chondriten Murchison spielen Meteoriten eine zunehmend größere Rolle in der...
20051120             Those Political Penguins
20051120             • "It's not half full or half empty, the damn glass is —JUST twice as big as it needs to be..".
20051120             ABRAMOFF—SCANLON School of Sleaze
20051120             —WEDNESDAY—SENATE—HEARINGS yielded more scandalous revelations about how the dynamic lobbying duo bilked USA—INDIA—TRIBES OUT—OF—MILLIONS and used the money to win elections for their Republican clients.
20051120             Abramoff and his former business PARTNER—MICHAEL—SCANLON.
20051120             —ACCUSED—OF, The power duo stand, exploiting Native USA—TRIBES to the tune of roughly $66—MILLION, laundering that money into bank accounts they controlled +
20051120             then using it to buy favors for powerful MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS + the executive branch.
20051120             But they sure did know how to play the game.
20051120             —HIGHLIGHTED, Consider 1—MEMO, in 1—CAPITOL—HILL hearing —WEDNESDAY that Scanlon, 1—FORMER—AIDE to REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—DELAY, R—TEXAS, sent the Coushatta Tribe of LOUISIANA to describe his strategy for protecting the tribe's gambling business.
20051120             —CONFESSED, In plain terms, Scanlon, the source code of recent Republican electoral victories: target religious conservatives, distract everyone else + then railroad through complex initiatives.
20051120             "The wackos get their information through the Christian right, Christian radio, mail, THE—INTERNET and telephone trees," Scanlon wrote in the memo, which was read into the public record at 1—HEARING—OF—THE—SENATE—INDIA—AFFAIRS—COMMITTEE.
20051120             "Simply put, we want to bring out the wackos to vote against something and make sure THE—REST—OF—THE—PUBLIC lets the whole thing slip past them".
20051120             The brilliance of this strategy was twofold: Not only would most voters not know about 1—INITIATIVE to protect Coushatta gambling revenues, but religious "wackos" could be tricked into supporting gambling at the Coushatta casino even as they thought they were opposing it.
20051120             It is 1—PROJECT—OF—THE—CENTER for Media & Democracy;
20051120             —REPORTED, Conservative News Service (CNS), that Scanlon named several organizations that are receiving FEDERAL—FUNDING including THE—USA—ASSOCIATION—OF Retired Persons (AARP).
20051120             —REVISED, THE—COUSHATTA—TRIBAL—COUNCIL—MAJORITY has also, its response to questions about the $1—MILLION—CONTRIBUTION, which critics in the tribe have insisted
20051120             ABRAMOFF—WHITE—HOUSE—GUESTS were the chiefs of 2—OF—THE—6—CASINO—RICH—INDIA—TRIBES he and his PARTNER—MIKE—SCANLON ultimately billed $82—MILLION for services tribal leaders —NOW claim were never performed or were improperly performed.
20051120             Together THE—6—TRIBES would make $10—MILLION in political contributions, at ABRAMOFF—DIRECTION, almost ALL—OF—IT to Republican campaigns of his choosing.
20051120             —ISSUED, So far, 32—INDICTMENTS have been, in TEXAS, including 8 to corporations such as Sears and Bacardi.
20051120             2—COMPANIES have agreed to turn state's evidence.
20051120             The probe in the Lone Star State, led by Democrats, centers on possible illegal FUND—RAISING by 1—POLITICAL action committee (PAC) founded by DeLay.
20051120             DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, THE—FBI, 1—FEDERAL—GRAND—JURY + 1—SENATE—COMMITTEE are reviewing questionable lobbying fees and influence peddling that link DeLay,Abramoff + Scanlon and tie into THE—TEXAS probe.
20051120             —GENERATED, The questioned fees were apparently, shortly —AFTER Abramoff, 1—OF—THE—CAPITAL—TOP—LOBBYISTS, left PRESTON—GATES 20010000             .
20051120             —OBTAINED, Abramoff, according to E—MAILS, by investigators, referred to SOME—OF—HIS—CLIENTS as morons and idiots.
20051120             —WORRIED, He also, about his cover being blown on allegedly covert deals in which he urged tribes to hire Scanlon, without revealing that he,Abramoff, was sharing in the enormous fees.
20051120             Abramoff and Scanlon, who is 1—FORMER—DELAY—AIDE, aren't commenting, their attorneys say.
20051120             —ADMONISHED, DeLay, who was, for 3—CONGRESS ional ethics violations —LAST—YEAR—ALONE, calls it all 1—DEMOCRATIC—PLOT.
20051120             And 1—PRESTON—GATES—SPOKESPERSON—LAST—WEEK said it is the firm's policy "that we do not comment on former employees or ongoing legal matters".
20051120             The firm would not say whether its practices were being reviewed by ANY—OUTSIDE—AGENCY in connection with the probes.
20051120             Abramoff, 45, who grew up in BEVERLY—HILLS, has been 1—OF—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA—HIGHEST—PAID—ARM—TWISTERS the past —10—YEAR s, with monthly retainers of up to $175,000. He earned his considerable repute through PRESTON—GATES as 1—POWER broker for offshore sweatshops and for USA—INDIA—CASINOS in the 1990s.
20051120             1—SELF—DESCRIBED ultraconservative Orthodox Jew, Abramoff is 1—LONGTIME PAL—OF—BUSH—BRAIN—KARL—ROVE, antitax guru Grover Nordquist + RELIGIOUS—RIGHT—LEADER—RALPH—REED.
20051120             Gosh, this is getting monotonous.
20051120             Abramoff, who FEDERAL—AUTHORITIES are investigating for his lobbying efforts on behalf of 1—INDIAN...
20051120             —POSTED in HOUSTON—CLEAR—THINKERS on February 27, 20050000             —0727—AM More on playing both sides off against the middle in WASHINGTON
20051120             Abramoff and public relations consultant MICHAEL—SCANLON—SHENANIGANS 20020000             involving the Tigua INDIA—TRIBE—CASINO in EL—PASO.
20051120             Playing both sides off.
20051120             Mazloom Husain (a.s.).
20051120             Food RECIPES—CIVIL—WAR—FOOD—RECIPES... issue of Lay Witness magazine by Martin.
20051120             Mazloom.
20051120             Arabic music. chili_net -- chili —AROUND the world... greeting cards, festival and occasion reminder, audio and video.
20051120             Manal and ALAA—BIT bucket | free speech from the bletches... Islam is Mazloom.
20051120             Drupal Based Hosting at manalaa_net.
20051120             ARCHIVE—OF—PHOTOS + video clips from almost all the.
20051120             USAIndians_COM—COMPREHENSIVE INDIA—SEARCH engine... Chinmaya Mission Publications : Books, Audio Tapes and Video Tapes.
20051120             —BY Hindus.
20051120             Mazloom Hussain(A.S.) : EVERY—THING... Gurbani etc.
20051120             Sikh_net : Sikhnet to share information to.
20051120             Mit Leistungsübersicht zu Breitbandkabeldiensten, Multimediaanwendungen, RFTpunkt und
20051120             BRITAIN rejects "AUSTRALIA—TALIBAN" citizenship bid: report : BRITAIN has turned down 1—CITIZENSHIP—APPLICATION made by alleged "AUSTRALIA—TALIBAN" DAVID—HICKS in 1—BID to secure release from THE—USA—MILITARY—GUANTAMAMO—BAY base in CUBA, 1—REPORT said.
20051120             Exposed: CIA—HARSH—INTERROGATION—TECHNIQUES:
20051120             Sources Say AGENCY—TACTICS—LEAD to Questionable Confessions, Sometimes to Death
20051120             Storm over CIA prisoner plane claim s: REPORTS that USA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS have been using European airports secretly to transfer suspected Islamic extremists —AROUND the globe have unleashed 1—STORM across EUROPE.
20051120             USA : Nearly 50% OK with torture : Nearly HALF—OF—USA—S believe that THE—USE—OF—TORTURE against suspected terrorists in order to gain information is justified, according to 1—SURVEY published —ON—THURSDAY by the Pew Research Centre in WASHINGTON.
20051120             USA seeks to secure SAHARA Desert : THE—USA—GOVERNMENT will spend $500—MILLION over —5—YEAR s on 1 expanded program to secure 1—VAST—NEW—FRONT in its global WAR—ON—TERRORISM: THE—SAHARA—DESERT.
20051120             House votes to cut $700—MLN in food stamps : he USA
20051120             —VOTED, HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, —ON—FRIDAY to cut $700—MILLION from the food stamp program, despite objections from antihunger groups complaining that estimates show some 235,000—PEOPLE would lose benefits.
20051120             —CONTROLLED, Congress Helps Self to $3,100 Pay Raise : THE—REPUBLICAN—CONGRESS helped itself to a $3,100 pay raise —ON—FRIDAY, then postponed work on bills to curb spending on social programs and cut taxes in favor of a —2—WEEK—VACATION.
20051120             Scanlon, Abramoff Partner, Charged With Conspiracy: MICHAEL—SCANLON, 1—FORMER—ASSOCIATE—OF indicted WASHINGTON lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF, was charged by the Justice Department with conspiracy to corrupt 1—USA. lawmaker and defraud SCANLON—INDIAN—TRIBE—CLIENTS.
20051120             Halliburton Case Is Referred to Justice DEPARTMENT, SENATOR—SAYS:
20051120             Marine hero languishes in detention : Family members want to know how 1—GOOD—MARINE who helped topple 1—DICTATOR has ended up imprisoned.
20051120             They wonder if he's suffering from battle trauma and question whether he's getting the care he needs.
20051120             IRAQ i Qaeda Leader Is Said to Vow Attacks on JORDAN : The top LEADER—OF—AL—QAEDA in IRAQ has threatened to chop off THE—HEAD—OF—KING—ABDULLAH—II and to attack tourist sites —THROUGHOUT JORDAN, according to 1—AUDIO recording —POSTED—FRIDAY on 1—WEB—SITE.
20051120             Radioactive Tank NUMBER 9—COMES limping home:
20051120             —DESTROYED, Across the plains of KANSAS, radioactive Abrams tanks, perched on railroad flatcars, rolled towards 1—UNCERTAIN—FUTURE.
20051120             Only 1—THING was certain. They would be radioactive forever.
20051120             —DEPLETED, THE—PENTAGON deceptively calls it " uranium".
20051120             Uproar in House as Parties Clash on IRAQ Pullout : Republican s and Democrats shouted, howled and slung insults on the House floor —ON—FRIDAY as 1—DEBATE over whether to withdraw USA—TROOPS from IRAQ descended into 1—FURY over PRESIDENT—BUSH—HANDLING—OF—THE—WAR and 1—LEADING—DEMOCRAT—CALL to bring the troops home.
20051120             Lawmakers Reject Immediate IRAQ Withdrawal : "To cut and run would invite terrorism into our backyards + no 1—WANTS to see troops fighting terrorism on USA—SOIL," Speaker DENNIS—HASTERT, R—ILLINOIS, said —FRIDAY night —AFTER the House, as planned, rejected 1—GOP—WRITTEN resolution for immediate withdrawal.
20051120             Rep Cynthia McKinney: Stop Playing Politics, Get the Troops Out —NOW : THE—REPUBLICAN s should be roundly criticized for this reprehensible act.
20051120             —PERPETRATED, They have, 1—FRAUD on THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES—JUST as they have defrauded THE—USA—PEOPLE.
20051120             Democrats get Mugged on THE—FLOOR—OF—THE—HOUSE : Last night, THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY, that rudderless, IDEOLOGICALLY—CHALLENGED COTERIE—OF—LOSERS and sycophants, killed whatever chance they may have had of leading country out of THE—IRAQ i nightmare.
20051120             —LOPSIDED, In 1—GROSSLY, vote of 403 to 3 the Democrats helped to defeat 1—BILL that demanded the immediate WITHDRAWAL—OF—USA—TROOPS from IRAQ.
20051120             Bush aide says IRAQ withdrawal bad for ISRAEL :
20051120             —2—MINUTE Video: 1—NATION—ROCKED to SLEEP—BUSH Says Troops Must Stay in IRAQ:
20051120             "We will fight the terrorists in IRAQ. We will stay in the fight —UNTIL we have achieved the victory that our brave troops have fought for," Bush told THOUSANDS—OF—USA—TROOPS spilling out of 1—COLD hangar at this USA—MILITARY—INSTALLATION 40—MILES—SOUTH—OF—SEOUL.
20051120             "THE—DEFENSE—OF—FREEDOM is worth our sacrifice". Vegetarians Between Meals
20051120             This War Cannot Be Stopped By 1—LOYAL—OPPOSITION—BY JEREMY—SCAHILL
20051120             —MISLED, The refrain of the Democrats about being, into supporting the invasion of IRAQ has become really tired.
20051120             And someone other than THE—WHITE—HOUSE smearmongers needs to say it: THE—DEMOCRATS cannot be allowed to use faulty intelligence as 1—CRUTCH to hold up their unforgivable support for THE—IRAQ invasion.
20051120             The betrayed mothers of Americ a
20051120             I sit between THE—2—WOMEN and remember the blood splashed across the road at Khan Dari and the 82. Airborne washing away the brains from the highway in CENTRAL—FALLUJAH and the body lying beneath 1—TARP in NORTH—BAGHDAD.
20051120             I've seen THE—USA—CORPSES.
20051120             —NOW here are THE—USA—MOTHERS. The right to rule ourselves
20051120             Faced with USA—TORTURE, killing and collective punishment of civilians, support for THE—IRAQ i resistance is GROWING—BY HAIFA Zangana
20051120             Both children were VICTIMS—OF—CHEMICAL—WEAPONS: the 1. killed by 1—DICTATOR who had no respect for democracy and human rights, the 2. by USA—TROOPS, assisted by the British, carrying the colourful banner of those principles —WHILE sprinkling IRAQ is with white phosphorus and depleted uranium.
20051120             The right seems to think that the very mention of the phrase "Venona" should stupefy us.
20051120             To the contrary.
20051120             —ON this front, as on EVERY—OTHER, we must fight back, lest propaganda replace history.
20051120             HERE—HIS—BOTTOM—LINE on McCarthy and Venona:
20051120             MCCARTHY—DEFENDERS cite THE—VENONA intercepts as evidence that THE—SENATOR "was on to something".
20051120             The problem with this defense is that very few of those in VENONA came under MCCARTHY—SCRUTINY.
20051120             Even a (generally) PRO—MCCARTHY site can SAY—ONLY this of Venona:
20051120             VENONA specifically references at least 349—PEOPLE in THE—USA --including citizens, immigrants + permanent residents--who cooperated in various ways with SOVIET—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES.
20051120             Were these people in THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT?
20051120             THE—ARMY ? Did McCarthy target the right people?
20051120             LET—PUT the matter into SOME—PERSEPCTIVE: Right —NOW, I'm sure that there are THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE in THE—USA—WHO work for SISMI, MI6, MSS, FSB, BND, DGSE, Mossad and ANY—NUMBER—OF—OTHER—FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE bureaus.
20051120             The presence of foreign agents in our land doesn't mean I have 1—RIGHT to accuse you of working for ANY—OF—THOSE spook shops unless I have evidence.
20051120             I am astonished that Venona identified only 349—NKVD and KGB hirelings.
20051120             THE—PROPAGANDA—OF—THE—TIME had MANY—USA—S believing that 1—NEARLY limitless NUMBER—OF—SOVIET—AGENTS infested the nation.
20051120             THE—JOHN—BIRCH—SOCIETY (to which Coulter has at least indirect ties, through her championing of Phyllis Schlafly) even proclaimed that Eisenhower was 1—KNOWING agent!
20051120             Everyone agrees that the Soviets had agents in THE—USA.
20051120             —PENETRATED, But how MANY—OF—THEM, to high positions?
20051120             I've yet to hear (for example) of 1 undisputed CASE—OF—1—SOVIET—MOLE reaching into THE—CIA,
20051120             —THRIVED, THE—FAR—RIGHTISTS have, on lies and lucre, only to be undone by the facts of their misgovernance.
20051120             No matter how WELL—FUNDED their efforts to keep the public in 1—PERPETUAL STATE—OF—HALLUCINATION, history will break the trance.
20051120             —ADDED, To which 1—READER :
20051120             Regarding the Schmidt soundbite, it reminded me of "what if they gave 1—WAR and nobody came?" -- what if they attacked someone's patriotism and nobody believed it anymore?
20051120             —SCARED—OF, Can KARL—ROVE still be 1—BOGEYMAN if no 1 is, him anymore?
20051120             The press isn't having fun anymore.
20051120             The battles are too acrimonious even for good television.
20051120             —VAUNTED, The stakes, —WHEN even, idols like BOB—WOODWARD are finding themselves dashed upon the rocks, are getting too personal + too close to home.
20051120             And in cases like Fineman's, I have to wonder if what I am positive I saw, tonight, I actually saw: 1—MAN calling THE—WHITE—HOUSE out, rather directly.
20051120             1—MAN who was no more impressed with the attacks upon Murtha than anyone else watching, to the point where it shifted THE—TONE—OF—THE—DEBATE, because 1—LIGHTER—TONE, in this particular case, simply could not be conscripted.
20051120             Whether or not KARL—ROVE survives the excesses of being KARL—ROVE, I have to wonder if the same crass, 1—NOTE—SONG will play, or if the audience has changed.
20051120             —WHEN the only weapon THE—WHITE—HOUSE is capable of using is to impugn the very patriotism and USA—NESS of their opponents, what happens if the reactions to that attack change?
20051120             What happens if the press decides that dissent is, —AFTER all, patriotic?
20051120             1., in French: Allons enfants de la Patrie, Le jour de gloire est arrivé!
20051120             Contre nous de la tyrannie, L'étendard sanglant est levé
20051120             (L'étendard sanglant est levé), ENTENDEZ—VOUS dans les CAMPAGNES—MUGIR ces féroces soldats?
20051120             Ils viennent jusque dans vos BRAS—ÉGORGER vos fils et vos compagnes!
20051120             Aux armes, citoyens, Formez vos bataillons, Marchons, marchons!
20051120             Qu'un sang IMPUR—ABREUVE nos sillons! HERE—THE—CANNON version:
20051120             I call on all who love our NATION—THE—TEST—OF glory comes —TODAY
20051120             —WHEN we face 1—TYRANT—PREDATION
20051120             (—WHEN THE—BANNERS—OF—BLOOD come our way...)
20051120             —WHEN you hear marching INVADERS—COME howling for prey in your HOME—DESTROYING everywhere they roam
20051120             And loved ones are lost to the raiders... - Raise arms unto the skies!
20051120             Batallions shall arise! March on! March on!
20051120             —BLEED, We'll, the foe
20051120             —UNTIL the —DAY is won!
20051120             As it turns out, 1—PROPER—ENGLAND—TRANSLATION—OF—THE—FRANCE—NATIONAL anthem has stumped experts for more than —2—CENTURIES.
20051120             Literal translations are unsingable, —WHILE free translations -- including 1 commissioned by THE—FRANCE—PRESIDENT, as well as 1—VERSION by PERCY—BYSSHE—SHELLEY -- stray far from the intended meaning + they still aren't very singable.
20051120             —ATTEMPTED, None of the previous translations, to maintain the original rhyme scheme.
20051120             —DECIDED, So I, to have 1—GO at it.
20051120             BERLIOZ—ALLONS enfants de la Patrie RENT—OVERDUE, my work projects are late + I need to write 1—MAJOR—PIECE on vote fraud for the blog.
20051120             So naturally, I've taken this opportunity to translate La Marseillaise.
20051120             The "false underdog" mentality informs JERRY—FALWELL—LATEST crusade.
20051120             He hopes to convince his flock that Christmas -- Christmas! -- is endangered.
20051120             Falwell has put the power of his 24,000-member congregation behind the "Friend or Foe Christmas Campaign," 1—EFFORT led by the conservative legal organization Liberty Counsel.
20051120             The group promises to file suit against anyone who spreads what it sees as misinformation about how Christmas can be celebrated in schools and public spaces.
20051120             The 8,000 MEMBERS—OF—THE—CHRISTIAN—EDUCATORS—ASSOCIATION—INTERNATIONAL will be the campaign's "eyes and ears" in the nation's public schools.
20051120             They'll be reporting to 750—LIBERTY—COUNSEL—LAWYERS who are ready to pounce if, for example, 1—TEACHER is muzzled from leading the 3.—GRADERS in "Hark!
20051120             THE—HERALD—ANGELS—SING".
20051120             1—ADDITIONAL—800—ATTORNEYS from another conservative legal group, the Alliance Defense Fund, are standing by as PART—OF—1—SIMILAR—EFFORT, the Christmas Project.
20051120             Its slogan: "Merry Christmas. It's OK to say it".
20051120             —BENEFITED, The religious right has long, from portraying itself in a "false underdog" light.
20051120             For example: —THROUGHOUT the 1970s and '80s, this community circulated absurd rumors of 1—COMING persecution of Christians in Americ a. —THAT—DAY never came.
20051120             In fact, Dominionist "Christians" have made plans to persecute everyone else.
20051120             GOEBBELS,' view, emphasizing "triumph" was COUNTER—PRODUCTIVE.
20051120             1—FILM—AUDIENCE—SYMPATHIES go not to the strutting conquerors but to the outnumbered crusaders facing 1—UPHILL battle.
20051120             So what to do —NOW? I'm looking for positive suggestions -- by which I mean something other than shouting insults at Democratic leaders, which is EVERY—PROGRESSIVE—FAVORITE sport.
20051120             (Beating up on your own candidates is 1—SURE recipe for disaster, which is why you never see the other side engaging in that activity.
20051120             Alas, some "liberals" seem to like losing.)Permalink - Here's the bad news:
20051120             Cabinet members, Congress ional leaders and both parties in Congress have also seen their ratings slip, with Democrats seeing 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST dips in approval, the telephone poll of 1,011—USA—ADULTS shows....
20051120             —POLLED, At the same time, only 1—QUARTER—OF—USA—S, give Democrats 1—POSITIVE rating in the latest poll, compared with
20051120             "Denn klimaschädigend ist CO2 nur, wenn es in großen Mengen in die Atmosphäre ENTWEICHT—WIE —DERZEIT durch Kohlekraftwerke und Raffinerien", betont Borm.
20051120             —PASSIERT, Was, langfristig mit dem versenkten CO2?
20051120             Ist die Idee hingegen praxistauglich, könnte eine völlig neue Generation von emissionsarmen Kraftwerken und Fabriken entwickelt werden.
20051120             Sie zweigen das CO2 direkt im Entstehungsprozess ab, im Idealfall würde die Tiefspeicherung direkt unter dem Kraftwerk erfolgen.
20051120             "Nach unserer Kenntnis reicht der Platz in unterirdischen Speichern weltweit für —JAHRHUNDERTE", sagt Borm.
20051120             Trotz des Optimismus der Forscher beurteilen Umweltschützer den Ansatz der CO2-Speicherung auch kritisch.
20051120             —KONFRONTIERT, So wird das Projekt immer wieder mit dem Vorwurf, dass die neue Technologie die alten Industriestrukturen hoffähig MACHE—UND somit die Entwicklung regenerativer Energiequellen behindere.
20051120             "Ich denke aber, dass ein mehrgleisiger Weg in die Zukunft der richtige ist. Unser Ansatz ist eher 1—BRÜCKENTECHNOLOGIE, —BIS andere Methoden der emissionsarmen Energieerzeugung ausreichend zur Verfügung stehen", sagt Borm.
20051120             "Wir müssen es vor Ort auf 35—GRAD erwärmen und unter Hochdruck in den Untergrund einbringen", sagt Borm.
20051120             Über —2—JAHRE hinweg sollen täglich —BIS zu 4—LKW—LADUNGEN versenkt werden, das entspricht täglich rund 100—TONNEN CO2. Zum Vergleich: 1—DURCHSCHNITTSAUTO pustet laut Borm jährlich etwa 1,6 Tonnen Kohlendioxid in die Umwelt.
20051120             "Unterirdische Speicher reichen für —JAHRHUNDERTE"
20051120             Das Potential der Anlagen ist nach ANSICHT—DES—FACHMANNS groß, auch wenn es nicht für kleine Quellen wie Autoabgase geeignet ist.
20051120             DEUTSCHLAND, setzen aber allein die Kohlekraftwerke als Hauptverursacher über 250—MILLIONEN Tonnen CO2 jährlich in die Atmosphäre frei.
20051120             "Über 90 % davon könnten durch die Abtrennung und Speicherung eingespart werden", betont Borm.
20051120             Dazu soll das Gas über 1—BOHRLOCH rund 700—METER tief in den Ketziner Untergrund geleitet werden.
20051120             "Das CO2 wird direkt in den Schilfsandstein injiziert und soll in den Poren des Gesteins gespeichert werden", erläutert der Geoingenieur.
20051120             "Dort kann sich das Gas sammeln. Die darüber liegenden TON—UND Lehmschichten sorgen dafür, dass es nicht entweichen kann".
20051120             Sandstein soll CO2-Grab werden
20051120             Ein ehemaliger Erdgasspeicher bei BERLIN soll mit Kohlendioxid gefüllt werden.
20051120             Wissenschaftler wollen so herausfinden, ob sich das Klimagas dauerhaft im Untergrund einlagern lässt.
20051120             Sie hoffen auf einen sicheren CO2-Speicher für —JAHRHUNDERTE.
20051120             "Wir wollen mit dem Projekt zeigen, dass CO2-Speicherung im Untergrund ökonomisch und ökologisch 1—OPTION für den Klimaschutz ist", sagt Professor Guenter Borm vom Geoforschungszentrum POTSDAM, der die Arbeiten koordiniert.
20051120             RUSSLAND: Mehr Kontrolle über KREML—KRITIKER
20051120             KONFERENZ—IN—KAIRO: IRAK s PRÄSIDENT will mit Aufständischen sprechen
20051120             DEUTSCHES—MAUTSYSTEM: CHINA hat starkes Interesse
20051120             Milliardenschweres Wochenende: Boeing sahnt ab
20051120             Parteikongress der "Parti Socialiste": Die —72—STUNDEN—VON—LE—MANS
20051120             Menschenrechte in CHINA: 1—FRAU gegen die rote Weltmacht
20051120             Offener Brief aus Harvard: Laßt die Universitäten endlich in Ruhe!
20051120             Demo für Todeskandidaten: Snoop Dogg bittet Schwarzenegger um Gnade
20051120             Machtkampf im IRAK : Sunniten erwägen Aufbau einer EXIL—REGIERUNG
20051120             Erdgasspeicher bei BERLIN: Sandstein soll CO2-Grab werden
20051120             Augenzeuge in CHINA: Festnahmen nach Kirchenbesuch von BUSH—HONDURAS: 9—TOTE nach Tropensturm
20051120             —HALBIERT, SCHWARZ—ROTE Kürzungen: Weihnachtsgeld für Bundesbeamte soll, werden
20051120             Bundesregierung: ULRICH—WILHELM wird Merkels neues Sprachrohr
20051120             Bush in CHINA: Freiheitsappell am Platz des Himmlischen Friedens
20051120             —MISUSED, Germans: Bush, data to justify IRAQ war
20051120             INFORMANT—HANDLERS say they repeatedly WARNED—OF—UNRELIABILITY.
20051120             THE—GERMANY—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS—RESPONSIBLE for 1—OF—THE—MOST important informants on SADDAM—HUSSEIN'S suspected WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION say that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION + THE—CIA repeatedly exaggerated his claims —BEFORE THE—IRAQ war.
20051120             USA : Schießerei in EINKAUFSZENTRUM—ISRAEL: Scharon verlässt LIKUD—BLOCK
20051120             Atomkraftgegner: Demonstranten verzögern CASTOR—TRANSPORT 20051120             UKRAINE: Tausende fordern Rücktritt Juschtschenkos
20051120             GEORGE—W—BUSH—TERRORIST in THE—WHITE—HOUSE—MAIN Page... comcast_net 11-20-5.
20051120             Why the Sudden Clampdown on Revisionists? PDF Rixon Stewart —
20051120             bet that Ariel Sharon would have them... USA and AUSTRALIA are both thinking...
20051120             My family went to pick him up at THE—AIRPORT—HE never got on his flight.
20051120             "Das CO2 wird direkt in den Schilfsandstein injiziert und soll in den Poren des Gesteins gespeichert werden",
20051120             "I take all the responsibility for all THE—FAILURES—OF—THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT".
20051120             "Ich denke aber, dass ein mehrgleisiger Weg in die Zukunft der richtige ist.
20051120             "To cut and run would invite terrorism into our backyards + no 1—WANTS to see troops fighting terrorism on USA—SOIL," Speaker DENNIS—HASTERT,
20051120             "We will fight the terrorists in IRAQ. We will stay in the fight —UNTIL we have achieved the victory that our brave troops have fought for," BUSH told THOUSANDS—OF—USA—TROOPS spilling out of 1—COLD hangar at this USA
20051120             "Who best to be able to effect 1—QUARANTINE," BUSH suggested, "...THE—USE—OF—THE—MILITARY that is able to plan and move.
20051120             (CNS) reported that SCANLON named several organizations that are receiving FEDERAL—FUNDING including THE—USA—ASSOCIATION—OF Retired Persons (AARP).
20051120             + SCANLON and tie into THE—TEXAS probe.
20051120             —GENERATED, The questioned fees were apparently, shortly —AFTER Abramoff,
20051120             -- what if they attacked someone's patriotism and nobody believed it anymore?
20051120             —2—MINUTE—VIDEO: 1—NATION—ROCKED to Sleep
20051120             45, who grew up in BEVERLY—HILLS, has been 1—OF—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA—HIGHEST—PAID ARM—TWISTERS the past —10—YEAR s,
20051120             1 generalized antipathy to both parties translates into 1—DISTRUST of the very IDEA—OF—GOVERNMENT + that attitude can only help REPUBLICAN s.
20051120             1—MONEY laundering count - 1—SELF—DESCRIBED ultraconservative Orthodox Jew, Abramoff
20051120             Abreuve nos sillons! HERE—THE—CANNON—VERSION:
20051120             —DESTROYED, Across the plains of KANSAS, radioactive Abrams tanks, perched on railroad flatcars,
20051120             Allons enfants de la Patrie,
20051120             1—ADDITIONAL—800—ATTORNEYS from another conservative legal group, And loved ones are lost to the raiders...
20051120             And someone other than THE—WHITE—HOUSE smearmongers needs to say it:
20051120             Another lesson from THE—ABRAMOFF—SCANLON school: Pad your public numbers.
20051120             Literal TRANSLATIONS—ASTRONOMIE — News
20051120             Augenzeuge in CHINA: Festnahmen nach Kirchenbesuch von BUSH—AUX armes, citoyens,
20051120             BRAD—FRIEDMAN: It's remarkable to see this REPUBLICAN—PARTY—RIGHT—NOW who used to parade and claim they were in FAVOR—OF—THE—RULE—OF—LAW,
20051120             BUSH also said that MIERS was the 1. woman in charge of "THE—DALLAS bar I hung out in —DURING the good old days.
20051120             BUSH used 1—QUESTION about 1—POTENTIAL—AVIAN—FLU—PANDEMIC to pitch his proposal to repeal the Posse Comitatus Act.
20051120             —ASKED, BUSH was, about speculation that he was drinking again.
20051120             "LET—JUST say I was below the legal limit, Batallions shall arise!
20051120             Biohomochiralität — - Books, Audio Tapes and Video Tapes.
20051120             —TURNED, BRITAIN has, down 1—CITIZENSHIP—APPLICATION made by alleged "AUSTRALIA—TALIBAN" DAVID—HICKS in 1—BID to secure release from THE—USA—MILITARY—GUANTAMAMO—BAY base in CUBA, 1—REPORT said.
20051120             BRITAIN rejects "AUSTRALIA—TALIBAN" citizenship bid: report:
20051120             Bundesregierung: ULRICH—WILHELM wird Merkels neues SPRACHROHR—BUSH Says Troops Must Stay in IRAQ:
20051120             Bush in CHINA: Freiheitsappell am Platz des Himmlischen FRIEDENS—BUT —JUST about Katrina.
20051120             CIA bought foreign cooperation against terrorism, says report:
20051120             CONGRESS needs to take 1—LOOK at circumstances [that] vest THE—CAPACITY—OF—THE—PRESIDENT".
20051120             Cabinet members, CONGRESS ional leaders and both parties in CONGRESS have also seen their ratings slip,
20051120             Chinmaya Mission Publications : Come howling for prey in your home
20051120             Congress Helps Self to $3,100 Pay Raise: Conservative News Service
20051120             —HIGHLIGHTED, Consider 1—MEMO, in 1—CAPITOL—HILL hearing —WEDNESDAY that SCANLON ,
20051120             Contre nous de la tyrannie, Couldn't leave that out.
20051120             —CONFIRMED, Days BUSH wants MIERS, in (by Thanksgiving): 51
20051120             Days CNN—DARYN—KAGAN will take off to console Rush Limbaugh:
20051120             Democrats get Mugged on THE—FLOOR—OF—THE—HOUSE:
20051120             Der letzte cholige Chondrit, der auf die Erde niederging und geborgen werden konnte,
20051120             Destroying everywhere they roam
20051120             DEUTSCH—ENGLISCH—ÜBERSETZUNGEN für das Wort " LAOLA—WELLE {f}Femininum (die)":
20051120             Die UNI—WELLE LAOLA—DISTRICT—ATTORNEY—RONNIE—EARLE sought the new indictment
20051120             DONALD—A—RITCHIE
20051120             Eine weitere Möglichkeit, ein gefundenes Eisenstück als Meteorit zu
20051120             Embarassing questions SENATOR s can ask MIERS : 47 - ENTENDEZ—VOUS dans les campagnes
20051120             Even a (generally) PRO—MCCARTHY site can say only this
20051120             Faced with USA—TORTURE, killing and collective punishment of civilians,
20051120             —HELPED, Family members want to know how 1—GOOD—MARINE who, topple 1—DICTATOR has ended up imprisoned.
20051120             1., in French: Food RECIPES—CIVIL War Food Recipes
20051120             For example: —THROUGHOUT 19700000             —THE S and '80s, Formez vos bataillons,
20051120             This Raw Story article reports that the National Journal is prepared to report that prominent lawyer and FORMER lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF,
20051120             Gurbani etc.
20051120             GÜNTHER—KOCHS—SPRECHRHYTHMIK reißt mit wie eine prächtige LAOLA—WELLE.
20051120             HARRIET—MIERS ' SUPREME—COURT—NOMINATION: Pundits have been saying that MIERS ,
20051120             —ABUSED, He [TOM—DELAY ] has, his power... 1—REPUBLICAN ethics COMMITTEE—IN—CONGRESS has found that was the case 3—TIMES—LAST—YEAR—WHEN TOM—DELAY used THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY to track down airplanes Democrats were riding on.
20051120             —WORRIED, He also, about his cover being blown on allegedly covert deals in which he urged tribes to hire SCANLON ,
20051120             He helped raise funds for RONALD—REAGAN and OLLIE—NORTH, was the movie producer/writer of 1—COLD—WAR potboiler called Red Scorpion + founded 1—POLITICAL—GROUP that supported THE—SOUTH—AFRICA—APARTHEID GOVERNMENT.
20051120             HERE—HIS—BOTTOM—LINE on McCarthy and Venona: Herzlich willkommen als.
20051120             Homepage der RFT RADIO—TELEVISION BRANDENBURG GmbH.
20051120             Mit Leistungsübersicht zu BREITBANDKABELDIENSTEN—HONDURAS: 9—TOTE nach Tropensturm
20051120             However, there are lots of blanks MIERS can fill in —DURING her SENATE confirmation hearings.
20051120             I call on all who love our nation
20051120             I have to wonder if the same crass, 1—NOTE—SONG will play, or if the audience has changed.
20051120             I have to wonder if what I am positive I saw, tonight, I actually saw:
20051120             III. Studio9 PEOPLE—TRACK Panorama... - Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras
20051120             Im Murchison Meteorit haben EINIGE—AMINOSÄUREN relativ hohe.
20051120             DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, THE—FBI, 1—FEDERAL—GRAND—JURY + 1—SENATE—COMMITTEE are reviewing questionable lobbying fees and influence peddling that link DELAY, Abramoff
20051120             —CONFESSED, In plain terms, SCANLON, the source code of RECENT REPUBLICAN electoral victories:
20051120             —POSED, Insana, the question, "Is THE—REPUBLICAN leadership sinking under the weight of hubris + moral decay?" HERE—1—SAMPLE—OF—THE banter:
20051120             IRAQ i Qaeda Leader Is Said to Vow Attacks on JORDAN: Islam is Mazloom.
20051120             It was at PRESTON that he developed his weighty reputation and 1. made contact with SOME—OF—THE—INDIA—TRIBES—NOW claiming that they were ripped off by him and SCANLON.
20051120             Abramoff, Jep u huere geili fotene + erscht üsi laola welle uuf band, wow ich heti nie denkt,
20051120             —BELIEVED, JOSEF—GOEBBELS, THE—NAZI propaganda MINISTER, in this tactic.
20051120             Ketzin/POTSDAM—VOR den Toren Berlins bereiten Forscher
20051120             L'étendard sanglant est LEVÉ—LE—ÉTENDARD sanglant est levé),
20051120             Lawmakers Reject Immediate IRAQ Withdrawal: Le jour de gloire est arrivé!
20051120             LET—PUT the matter into SOME—PERSEPCTIVE: Right —NOW, I'm sure that there are THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE in THE—USA—WHO work for SISMI,
20051120             MI6, MSS, FSB, BND, DGSE, Mossad and ANY—NUMBER—OF—OTHER—FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE bureaus.
20051120             Manal and ALAA—BIT bucket | free speech from THE—BLETCHES—MARCH on!
20051120             March on!
20051120             Marchons, marchons! Marine hero languishes in detention:
20051120             Match case Regex search Search Results from HOUSTON—CLEAR—THINKERS—NEW—ETHICS—COMPLAINT involving DELAY ?
20051120             Mazloom Hussain(A.S.) : EVERY—THING—MAZLOOM.
20051120             Menschenrechte in CHINA: 1—FRAU gegen die rote WELTMACHT—METEORIT — WIKIPEDIA—MEXICO—WAVE.
20051120             MIKE—BROWN spoke with PRESIDENT—BUSH about Hurricane Katrina on _.
20051120             Mit kurzen Sitzblockaden, anschlie nder LAOLA—WELLE, gellenden Pfeifkonzerten und Sprechparolen "Wir sind hier,
20051120             —MITTE  (eingeschweisst): Tagish Lake Meteorit, 20000000             Rechts:
20051120             Mugir ces féroces soldats?
20051120             Multimediaanwendungen, RFTpunkt und
20051120             Nearly HALF—OF—USA—S believe that THE—USE—OF—TORTURE against suspected terrorists in order to gain information is justified,
20051120             No matter how WELL—FUNDED their efforts to keep the public in 1—PERPETUAL STATE—OF—HALLUCINATION,
20051120             Not only would most voters not know about 1—INITIATIVE to protect Coushatta gambling revenues,
20051120             Okay, maybe not, but THE—2—WOMEN—LOOK alike".
20051120             —REFERRED, PENTAGON investigators have, ALLEGATIONS—OF—ABUSE in how the Halliburton Company was awarded 1—CONTRACT for work in IRAQ to the Justice Department for possible criminal investigation
20051120             PRESIDENT—BUSH—APPROVAL—RATING: 40%
20051120             Qu'un sang IMPUR—QUESTIONS Answered About Plamegate: 0 - Questions Asked About Plamegate: 2
20051120             —ASKED, Questions GEORGE—BUSH was, about MIERS —TODAY : 9
20051120             —PLANNED, REPRESENTATIVE—ILLINOIS, said —FRIDAY night —AFTER the House, as, rejected 1—GOP—WRITTEN resolution for immediate withdrawal.
20051120             —SHOUTED, REPUBLICAN s and Democrats, howled and slung insults on the House floor —ON—FRIDAY as 1—DEBATE over whether to withdraw USA—TROOPS from IRAQ descended into 1—FURY over PRESIDENT—BUSH—HANDLING—OF—THE—WAR and 1—LEADING—DEMOCRAT—CALL to bring the troops home.
20051120             RFT RADIO—TELEVISION BRANDENBURG - 1—BEGRIFF für Kompetenz
20051120             Radioactive Tank NUMBER 9—COMES limping home: Raise arms unto the skies!
20051120             Regarding the Schmidt soundbite, it reminded me of "what if they gave 1—WAR and nobody came?
20051120             Rep Cynthia McKinney: Stop Playing Politics, Get the Troops Out —NOW:
20051120             Rote Fahne NEWS—RUSSLAND: Mehr Kontrolle über KREML—KRITIKER
20051120             SENATOR s who will ask the tough questions: 3 - Sandstein soll CO2-Grab werden
20051120             —STARTED, Satan lost power the moment human beings, to laugh at him.
20051120             Scanlon, Abramoff Partner, Charged With Conspiracy: Sensationen aus der Meteoritenwelt
20051120             Shia History... Collection of Islamic lectures, sells audio and video content and has 1—CHAT and discussion forum
20051120             So fand man im Murchison Meteorit nicht nur über 10% gebundenes Wasser,
20051120             So what to do —NOW? I'm looking for positive suggestions -- by which I mean something other than shouting insults at Democratic leaders,
20051120             SourceWatch is 1—ENCYCLOPEDIA—OF—PEOPLE, issues and groups shaping the public agenda.
20051120             Storm over CIA prisoner plane claim
20051120             THE—CIA set up 1—NETWORK—OF—SECRET—JOINT—OPERATIONS—CENTRES with 2—DOZEN—FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES to hunt down suspected terrorists in THE—YEAR s
20051120             THE—ERZATS—NAZI—PROPAGANDA—FILM in Kiss of the Spider Woman is closer to what Goebbels had in mind.)
20051120             THE—RIGHT seems to think that the very mention of the phrase "Venona" should stupefy USA.
20051120             THE—RIGHT to rule ourselves
20051120             —CONVEYED, That's why -- despite the misleading impression, by MANY—RESOURCE—BOOKS on NAZI cinema -- he despised Leni RIEFENSTAHL—TRIUMPH of the Will.
20051120             The "false underdog" tactic is my term for 1—OF—THE—MOST common devices used by demagogues.
20051120             —DISTANCED, THE—AF has also RECENT ly, itself from religious flag folding ceremonies ,
20051120             —REVISED, THE—COUSHATTA—TRIBAL—COUNCIL—MAJORITY has also, its response to questions about the $1—MILLION—CONTRIBUTION,
20051120             THE—DEMOCRATS cannot be allowed to use faulty intelligence as 1—CRUTCH to hold up their unforgivable support for THE—IRAQ invasion.
20051120             THE—JOHN—BIRCH—SOCIETY (to which Coulter has at least indirect ties,
20051120             —CONTROLLED, THE—REPUBLICAN—CONGRESS helped itself to a $3,100 pay raise —ON—FRIDAY,
20051120             —CRITICIZED, THE—REPUBLICAN s should be roundly, for this reprehensible act.
20051120             THE—USA
20051120             —EXPANDED, GOVERNMENT will spend $500—MILLION over —5—YEAR s on 1, program to secure 1—VAST—NEW—FRONT in its global WAR—ON—TERRORISM: THE—SAHARA—DESERT.
20051120             The stakes, The betrayed mothers of Americ a-
20051120             The photograph of 1—ELDERLY—IRAQ i carrying the burned BODY—OF—1—CHILD at Falluja,
20051120             —ACCUSED—OF, The power duo stand, exploiting Native USA—TRIBES to the tune of roughly $66—MILLION,
20051120             The test of glory comes —TODAY
20051120             —THREATENED, The top LEADER—OF—AL—QAEDA in IRAQ has, to chop off THE—HEAD—OF—KING—ABDULLAH—II and to attack tourist sites —THROUGHOUT JORDAN,
20051120             They'll be reporting to 750—LIBERTY—COUNSEL—LAWYERS who are ready to pounce if,
20051120             This WASHINGTON—POST—ARTICLE follows up on this —EARLIER post regarding CONGRESS ional hearings over WASHINGTON lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF
20051120             This would be their everLAST ing death mask.
20051120             Those Political PENGUINS—TIME to POST—PRESS Conference Bloody MARY: 45
20051120             Times MIERS will invoke executive privilege: 46 - Times R—WORD—USED: 5 - To the contrary.
20051120             —ON this front, as on EVERY—OTHER, we must fight back,
20051120             Together THE—6—TRIBES would make $10—MILLION in political contributions, at Abramoff
20051120             The probe in the Lone Star State,
20051120             UKRAINE: Tausende fordern Rücktritt JUSCHTSCHENKOS—USA seeks to secure SAHARA Desert:
20051120             USAIndians COM—COMPREHENSIVE INDIA—SEARCH ENGINE—USA—: Nearly 50% OK with torture:
20051120             —WARNED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH[BGW968] 's national security adviser, that 1—HASTY—USA—WITHDRAWAL from IRAQ would embolden extremists who seek "the eventual DESTRUCTION—OF—ISRAEL".
20051120             Und die LAOLA—WELLE ist —NUN mal fester Bestandteil aller kath.
20051120             Unser Ansatz ist eher 1—BRÜCKENTECHNOLOGIE, —BIS andere Methoden der emissionsarmen Energieerzeugung ausreichend zur Verfügung stehen", sagt Borm.
20051120             UP—AND—COMING REPUBLICAN hacks would do well to watch closely the ongoing SENATE investigations of superstar lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF
20051120             Uproar in House as Parties Clash on IRAQ Pullout:
20051120             VENONA specifically references at least 349—PEOPLE in THE—USA --including citizens,
20051120             Vegetarians Between Meals
20051120             —PRODUCED, Venona, MOST—OF—ITS—RESULTS in THE—YEAR s —BEFORE McCarthy became 1—FORCE.
20051120             —WHEN THE—BANNERS—OF—BLOOD—COME OUR WAY...
20051120             ( 0.—35—SECONDS) - THE—ARMY ? Did McCarthy target THE—RIGHT—PEOPLE?
20051120             —WHEN the only weapon THE—WHITE—HOUSE is capable of using is to impugn the very patriotism and USA—NESS of their opponents,
20051120             —WHEN they can't defend themselves, which seems to be quite frequently lately,
20051120             —WHEN you hear marching invaders
20051120             —WHENEVER 1—PROPAGANDIST tries to make 1 privileged class seem like 1 persecuted minority,
20051120             Whether or not KARL—ROVE survives the excesses of being KARL—ROVE ,
20051120             —PROSECUTED, Why is it that —WHEN Democrats commit crimes that are, by RONNIE—EARLE,
20051120             Während der Messe brach im Stadion auf einmal 1—LAOLA—WELLE los + die Kamera
20051120             1—FORMER—AIDE to REPRESENTANT—TOM—DELAY, R—TEXAS, sent the Coushatta Tribe of LOUISIANA to describe his strategy for protecting the tribe's gambling business.
20051120             1—MAN calling THE—WHITE—HOUSE out, rather directly.
20051120             1—MAN who was no more impressed with the attacks upon Murtha than anyone else watching,
20051120             according to 1—SURVEY published —ON—THURSDAY by the Pew Research Centre in WASHINGTON.
20051120             according to 1—AUDIO recording —POSTED—FRIDAY on 1—WEB—SITE.
20051120             according to E—MAILS obtained by investigators, referred to SOME—OF—HIS—CLIENTS as morons and idiots.
20051120             adding, "I have never asked ANY—JUDGE about their personal opinion on abortion".
20051120             —AFTER DELAY—ATTORNEY'S moved to dismiss the original charge.
20051120             ALL—OF—1—SUDDEN, they don't seem to give 1—DAMN about THE—RULE—OF—LAW.
20051120             and PUBLIC—RELATIONS consultant MICHAEL—SCANLON—EFFORTS 20020000             working with conservative religious activist RALPH—REED to help THE—STATE—OF—TEXAS shut down 1—INDIA—TRIBE—EL—PASO CASINO...
20051120             Playing both sides off... - and SCANLON, who is 1—FORMER—DELAY—AIDE, aren't commenting,
20051120             and his FORMER business PARTNER—MICHAEL—SCANLON.
20051120             are getting too personal + too close to home. And in cases like Fineman's,
20051120             are unsingable, —WHILE free translations-- - betont Borm.
20051120             Ob die Technik praxistauglich ist, will das Forscherteam —JETZT herausfinden.
20051120             but if you folks keep asking me tough questions, there's no guarantee I'll stay sober —UNTIL—NOON".
20051120             but religious "wackos" could be tricked into supporting gambling at the Coushatta CASINO even as they thought they were opposing it.
20051120             —BY Hindus. calls it all 1—DEMOCRATIC—PLOT.
20051120             das entspricht täglich rund 100—TONNEN CO2. Zum Vergleich: 1—DURCHSCHNITTSAUTO pustet laut Borm jährlich etwa 1,6 Tonnen Kohlendioxid in die Umwelt.
20051120             dass auf ein verwaistes Schimpansenbaby 10—GETÖTETE Tiere kommen.
20051120             dass die stimmig so bombastisch uusgseht vo dere bühni.... echt huere... - dass es nicht entweichen kann".
20051120             despite objections from antihunger groups complaining that estimates show some 235,000—PEOPLE would lose benefits.
20051120             erläutert der Geoingenieur.
20051120             "Dort kann sich das Gas sammeln.
20051120             Die darüber liegenden TON—UND Lehmschichten sorgen dafür,
20051120             festival and occasion reminder, audio and video.
20051120             for example, 1—TEACHER is muzzled from leading the 3.—GRADERS in "Hark!
20051120             THE—HERALD—ANGELS—SING". greeting cards, he USA
20051120             —VOTED, HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, —ON—FRIDAY to cut $700—MILLION from the food stamp program,
20051120             history will break the trance.
20051120             immigrants + permanent residents--who cooperated in various ways with SOVIET—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES.
20051120             in this particular case, simply could not be conscripted.
20051120             including 1 commissioned by THE—FRANCE—PRESIDENT, as well as 1—VERSION by PERCY—BYSSHE—SHELLEY -- stray far from the intended meaning + they still aren't very singable.
20051120             is 1—LONGTIME PAL—OF—BUSH—BRAIN—KARL—ROVE, antitax guru Grover Nordquist + RELIGIOUS—RIGHT—LEADER—RALPH—REED.
20051120             is almost 1—COPY—OF—1—EARLIER 1—THAT IRAQ is REMEMBER—FROM Halabja
20051120             is the associate historian of THE—USA - SENATE Historical Office.
20051120             issue of Lay Witness magazine by Martin.
20051120             killed whatever chance they may have had of leading country out of THE—IRAQ i nightmare.
20051120             kohligen Chondriten Murchison spielen Meteoriten eine zunehmend größere Rolle in der...
20051120             laundering that money into bank accounts they controlled +
20051120             lawmaker and defraud SCANLON—INDIAN—TRIBE—CLIENTS.
20051120             led by Democrats, centers on possible illegal FUND—RAISING by 1—POLITICAL action committee (PAC) founded by DELAY.
20051120             lest propaganda replace history.
20051120             mail, THE—INTERNET and telephone trees," SCANLON wrote in the memo,
20051120             mein lebenspuzzle: Der Fanclub Gottes hat Köln erobert
20051120             military installation 40—MILES—SOUTH—OF—SEOUL.
20051120             "THE—DEFENSE—OF—FREEDOM is worth our sacrifice".
20051120             odge WÖRTERBUCH—LAOLA—WELLE {f} Übersetzung DEUTSCH—ENGLISCH
20051120             1—OF—THE—CAPITAL—TOP—LOBBYISTS, left PRESTON—GATES 20010000             .
20051120             rolled towards 1—UNCERTAIN—FUTURE.
20051120             s: REPORTS that USA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS have been using European airports secretly to transfer suspected Islamic extremists —AROUND the globe have unleashed 1—STORM across EUROPE.
20051120             sagt Borm.
20051120             Über —2—JAHRE hinweg sollen täglich —BIS zu 4—LKW—LADUNGEN versenkt werden,
20051120             saying it endorses no script for the events..
20051120             —BELIEVED, SOME—MEDIEVAL churchmen, that the Devil was frightening only as long as people took him seriously.
20051120             sondern auch komplexe Kohlenwasserstoffe und die Bausteine allen Lebens: Aminosäuren...
20051120             support for THE—IRAQ i resistance is GROWING—BY HAIFA Zangana
20051120             target religious conservatives, distract everyone else + then railroad through complex initiatives.
20051120             the Alliance Defense Fund, are standing by as PART—OF—1—SIMILAR—EFFORT, the Christmas Project.
20051120             Its slogan: "Merry Christmas. It's OK to say it". their attorneys say.
20051120             —ADMONISHED, DELAY, who was, for 3—CONGRESS ional ethics violations —LAST—YEAR—ALONE,
20051120             then postponed work on bills to curb spending on social programs and cut taxes in favor of a —2—WEEK—VACATION.
20051120             they're crimes, but —WHEN TOM—DELAY does so... it's 1—PARTISAN witchhunt?
20051120             this community circulated absurd rumors of 1—COMING persecution of Christians in AMERIC a. —THAT—DAY never came.
20051120             through her championing of Phyllis Schlafly) even proclaimed that Eisenhower was 1—KNOWING agent!
20051120             to the point where it shifted THE—TONE—OF—THE—DEBATE, because 1—LIGHTER—TONE,
20051120             war der 19690000             gefallene Murchison Meteorit, benannt —NACH—DEM Ort...
20051120             was added to the original conspiracy charge.
20051120             was charged by the Justice Department with conspiracy to corrupt 1—USA.
20051120             what happens if the reactions to that attack change?
20051120             what they do is try to destroy their opposition...
20051120             —WHEN even vaunted idols like BOB—WOODWARD are finding themselves dashed upon the rocks,
20051120             which critics in the tribe have insisted
20051120             which is EVERY—PROGRESSIVE—FAVORITE sport.
20051120             (Beating up on your own candidates is 1—SURE recipe for disaster,
20051120             which is why you never see the other side engaging in that activity.
20051120             which was read into the public record at 1—HEARING—OF—THE—SENATE—INDIA—AFFAIRS—COMMITTEE.
20051120             who has no experience as 1—JUDGE, is a "blank slate" with no paper trail to dissect.
20051120             widely shown —DURING the chemical weapons controversy of RECENT days,
20051120             wir sind laut, weil man uns die Bildung...
20051120             with Democrats seeing 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST dips in approval, the telephone poll of 1,011 USA adults shows....
20051120             without revealing that he, Abramoff,
20051120             you are seeing the "false underdog" gambit at work.
20051120             Égorger vos fils et vos compagnes!
20051120             —LAST—NIGHT, THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY, that rudderless, IDEOLOGICALLY—CHALLENGED COTERIE—OF—LOSERS and sycophants,
20051120             —POSTED—BY—JOSEPH : 6:43 AM 2—COMMENTS
20051120             's direction, almost ALL—OF—IT to REPUBLICAN campaigns of his choosing.
20051120             The brilliance of this strategy was twofold:
20051120             "The wackos get their information through the Christian right, Christian radio,
20051120             alfatomega.com/20051121.html
20051120             —PRESSED, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO to rein in CHINA—SWELLING trade surplus and push forward currency reform —AFTER calling for greater religious freedom.
20051120             —REBUFFED, Hu Jintao has, BUSH—CALLS to allow greater religious and political freedom but promised to show more flexibility on SINO—USA economic disputes.
20051120             TACOMA—WASHINGTON, DOMINICK—SERGIO—MALDONADO, —20—JAHRE—ALT went on 1—SHOOTING spree at 1 crowded shopping mall.
20051120             7—PEOPLE were injured, 1—CRITICALLY, —BEFORE he was arrested.
20051120             —CHARGED, Maldonado has been, with attempted murder and kidnapping.
20051120             —OSCILLATED, CHRIS—WHITLEY, —45—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CHAMELEON—SINGER—SONGWRITER who, between roots rock 'n' roll, blues and ALT—ROCK, † of lung cancer in HOUSTON.
20051120             He recorded 11—ALBUMS —SINCE his 19910000             debut, "Living with the Law," including "Dirt Floor" (19980000             ) and —THIS—YEAR'S "Soft Dangerous Shores".
20051120             BRAZIL, TV da Gente (Our TV), the 1. channel to be directed at BRAZIL—BLACK—POPULATION, was launched.
20051120             —KILLED, UK—MILITARY said 1—UK—SOLDIER was, and 4 wounded by 1—ROADSIDE bomb in IRAQ—SOUTHERN—CITY—OF—BASRA.
20051120             † CHINA reported 2—NEW—OUTBREAKS—OF—BIRD—FLU in which almost 3,700 poultry and more than 7,000 were culled as provinces hit by the deadly virus tightened preventive measures.
20051120             1—HELICOPTER carrying 1—COLOMBIA—CONGRESSMAN and 5—OTHERS crashed —SUNDAY in 1—STORM in the mountains NORTH—OF—BOGOTA, killing all aboard.
20051120             Conservative Party congressman ROBERTO—CAMACHO, Cundinamarca STATE—DEPUTY—EFREN—BEJERANO and FORMER—CUNDINAMARCA deputy GOVERNOR—ADOLFO—LEON were among those killed.
20051120             —MARRED, Widespread violence, the 2. ROUND—OF—EGYPT—PARLIAMENTARY—VOTE, with police saying 1—CAMPAIGN—WORKER was shot and killed in ALEXANDRIA and witnesses reporting SCORES—OF—INJURIES.
20051120             —ARRESTED, Police, 400—MUSLIM Brotherhood activists in 1—CRACKDOWN on the Islamist group.
20051120             —WEAKENED, Tropical Storm Gamma, into 1—TROPICAL—DEPRESSION—AFTER it deluged THE—CENTRAL—USA—COAST, killing 14—PEOPLE in HONDURAS and BELIZE.
20051120             2—USA—NEWLYWEDS were among the dead in BELIZE.
20051120             —APPROVED, IRAN—PARLIAMENT, 1—BILL requiring the government to block INTERNATIONAL inspections of its atomic facilities if THE—UN—NUCLEAR monitoring agency refers IRAN to the Security Council for possible sanctions.
20051120             —EXPLODED, IRAQ, 1—CAR—BOMB, by 1—CONVOY carrying THE—MAYOR—OF—MADAEN killing 5—CIVILIANS.
20051120             3—BODIES, all blindfolded and shot in the head, were found in Sadr City.
20051120             1—HEADLESS—BODY was found SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20051120             1—POLICEMAN was shot dead in BAGHDAD.
20051120             1—ROADSIDE bomb in BAGHDAD killed 1—CHILD and wounded 5—OTHERS.
20051120             † 1—USA—SOLDIER was killed by small arms fire NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20051120             † 1—USA—MARINE, from wounds suffered the previous —DAY in Karma.
20051120             —VOTED, ISRAEL—DOVISH—LABOR—PARTY, —SUNDAY to pull OUT—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON—COALITION—GOVERNMENT, virtually assuring early general elections in March.
20051120             Project manager Junichiro KAWAGUCHI said Hayabusa, 1—JAPAN—SPACECRAFT, has failed to land on the Itokawa asteroid in the 2. setback for the landmark mission aiming to bring samples from such 1—CELESTIAL body to Earth for the 1. time.
20051120             —STARTED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, a —3—DAY—VISIT to JAPAN but it appears unlikely there will be ANY—PROGRESS in settling a —60—YEAR—TERRITORIAL—DISPUTE that has prevented THE—2—NATIONS from formally ending —WWII hostilities.
20051120             —DETAINED, TURKEY, 12—PEOPLE were, —AFTER Kurdish demonstrators hurled Molotov cocktails and stones at the police —DURING 1—PROTEST in ISTANBUL.
20051120             † THE—VATICAN beatified 13—MEXICANS who —DURING 1—ROMAN—CATHOLIC uprising in the late 1920s that was crushed by THE—MEXICO—GOVERNMENT.
20051120             ZIMBABWE PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE said he will turn to nuclear power by processing —RECENTLY discovered uranium deposits to resolve its chronic electricity shortage.
20051120             —MINIMIZED, Times editorial on McCain ANTI—TORTURE amendment, its effects on... den —BISHER größten Wahnsinn, der jemals auf die Menschheit losgelassen wurde!
20051120 Menschenrechte in CHINA: 1—FRAU gegen die rote Weltmacht
20051120—19880300    —IN, The photograph of 1—ELDERLY—IRAQ i carrying the burned BODY—OF—1—CHILD at Falluja, widely shown —DURING the chemical weapons controversy of recent days, is almost 1—COPY—OF—1—EARLIER 1—THAT IRAQ is REMEMBER—FROM Halabja.
20051120—19900000    —IN—THE, with monthly retainers of up to $175,000. He earned his considerable repute through PRESTON—GATES as 1—POWER broker for offshore sweatshops and for USA—INDIA—CASINOS S.
20051120—20010911    —AFTER, THE—CIA set up 1—NETWORK—OF—SECRET—JOINT—OPERATIONS—CENTRES with 2—DOZEN—FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES to hunt down suspected terrorists in THE—YEAR s it was reported —YESTERDAY.
20051120—20010911    —AFTER, CIA bought foreign cooperation against terrorism, says report : THE—CIA set up 1—NETWORK—OF—SECRET—JOINT—OPERATIONS—CENTRES with 2—DOZEN—FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES to hunt down suspected terrorists in the —YEAR s it was reported —YESTERDAY.
20051120—20030300    —IN, 1—TOTAL—OF—98—UK—SOLDIERS have been killed in IRAQ, including 65 in hostile action, —SINCE THE—USA—LED invasion.
20051120—20040000    —SEIT, Ketzin/POTSDAM—VOR den Toren Berlins bereiten Forscher das Projekt CO2SINK vor.
20051120—20040420    —AM, Sexylady54 - Sexylady54 schreibt 2.
20051120—20051123    —ON, The space agency, —AFTER evaluating more data, said that Hayabusa did land for 1—HALF—HOUR, but failed to collect ANY—MATERIAL.
20051120—20060000    —AB, Ihr Ziel ist es, einen ehemaligen Erdgasspeicher im brandenburgischen Ketzin zu Testzwecken mit Kohlendioxid aufzufüllen.
20051207             "Die Schrecken, die AMERIKA CHILE" [19730911—20051207] "zufügte, können nie gesühnt + nie verziehen werden.
20060219—20021120    —ON, INCORPORATED for his contributions to AUSTRALIAN—USA—RELATIONS at 1—BENEFIT—DINNER in NEW—YORK City.
20060219—20021120    —ON, Speaking of whom, all this reminds me that about —1—MONTH—AFTER Sheirer got his CBE, Murdoch himself honored PETER—S—LOWY, CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OFFICER—OF—WESTFIELD—CORPORATION, INCORPORATED for his contributions to AUSTRALIAN—USA—RELATIONS at 1—BENEFIT—DINNER in NEW—YORK City.
2006031120060311     —ALLEGED, Bush's, suggestion to paint 1—USA—SPY—PLANE to look like 1—UN craft in order to provoke attack by Saddam.
2006031120060311     Operation Northwoods.
20060510             Choicepoint +JEB—WOW! DireStrike 20041120             —0244—PM #1
20060510             Faye 20041120             —0249—PM #2 I spoke with him last night and he reitterated that THE—FBI
20060510             bluetrain 20041120             —0251—PM #4 That is what worries me.
20060510             CARL—BRENNAN 20041120             —0303—PM #9 yeah, I mean I don't know what to think
20060510             bluetrain 20041120             —0411—PM #13 It would improve his credibility if the people he claims he is working
20060510             Garbo 20040000             20041120             —0456—PM #16 re: Fisher/Zeese bluetrain 20041120             —0548—PM #22 Stress can cause alot of the
20060510             mixed messages I see coming from CARL—BRENNAN 20041120             —0617—PM #23 Fisher EST 20041120             —0749—PM #31 about no messeges from yahoo burn the bush 20041120             —0826—PM #36 Yep... Woo 200411200830
20060510             PM #37 They ignore anything.... ClintonTyree 20041120             —0251—PM #3 kick.n/t paz 20041120             —0256—PM #6 Hi paz!!
20060510             newyawker99 20041120             —0804—PM #34 It doesn't have to be ignored.
20060510             THE—BACKLASH—COMETH 20041120             —0405—PM #12 Interesting, thanks FLORIDA dem30 20041120             —0254—PM #5 Oh my god...why does this not surprise me?
20060510             JD Lau 20041120             —0256—PM #7 Another clue?
20060510             BlueDog2u 20041120             —0259—PM #8 That was my thought, as well Carolab 20041120             —0344—PM #10 Yes Unforgiven 20041120             —0743—PM #30 Good find.
20060510             Thanks CARL—BRENNAN 20041120             —0934—PM #44 SWITZERLAND—BANK?
20060510             Ran, lost to Foley. n/t Garbo 20040000             20041120             —0347—PM #11 Thanks Carl seemslikeadream 20041120             —0452—PM #14 Wow.
20060510             CARL—BRENNAN 20041120             —0454—PM #15 —NOW GET THIS STRAIGHT... MIKE—NELSON 20041120             —0506—PM #17 BBV thread here -- DOWNRIGHT SPOOKY!
20060510             Turn CO Blue 20041120             —0524—PM #18 the 1. link in post is broken.
20060510             Lil 20041120             —0540—PM #21 Can we call Woodward Yet?
20060510             Donailin 20041120             —1004—PM #51 "emailing, new". n/t Donailin
20061016             —BY NewsTarget, 20060831             20061120             interessados que a empresa USA—BANKNOTE—LTDA.... 19730326             à 19730831             (período prestado junto a empresa. privada).
20061100             Olbermann on FOX—BG—VIDEO—DESCRIPTION—INTERNAL—MEMO from FOX... alfatomega.com/20061120.html
20061100             Gazans gather to foil air strike Palestinians in GAZA gather at a Hamas leader's home... alfatomega.com/20061120.html
20061100—20061120    —FROM—THE, Living>Religion & Ethics edition.
20061107             —INVITED, It said both Ethiopian and ERITREA—OFFICIALS were, to a 20061120             meeting in THE—HAGUE to discuss the procedure.
20061117             - 27k - 20061115             20061121             According to TVEyes, there have been 417—REFERENCES to Simpson 20061115—20061120    —BETWEEN (3:30 PM).
20061119—20061120    Military victory is no longer possible in IRAQ, FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—HENRY—KISSINGER said in 1—TELEVISION—INTERVIEW—BROADCAST—SUNDAY.
20061119—20061120    alfatomega.com/20061120.html
20061120             edition.
20061120             —UPDATED, ALEXANDRE—GAYDAMAK—WIKIPEDIA—SOURCE—ALEXANDRE—GAYDAMAK last, : Mon, 20060130             05 :44 :09 -0500 ...
20061120             alfatomega_com/20060316.html
20061120             interessados que a empresa USA—BANKNOTE Ltda.... 19730326—19730831    (período prestado junto a empresa. privada).
20061120             [ 20060509             ]
20061120             —VOR—45—JAHREN wurde Patrice E. Lumumba, Mitbegründer der KONGOLESISCHEN—UNABHÄNGIGKEITSBEWEGUNG und 1. Premier der Demokratischen REPUBLIK—KONGO, mit Hilfe des CIA und BELGISCHER—POLIZISTEN an seine politischen Feinde ausgeliefert, gefoltert, erschossen und anschließend wurde sein Leichnam in Batteriesäure AUFGELÖST—GESTIFTET von einer belgische... [20061104             ]
20061120             [20061104             ]
20061120             1—SHOW—OF—FORCE is the only answer.By JOSHUA—MURAVCHIK, JOSHUA—MURAVCHIK is 1—RESIDENT—SCHOLAR at THE—USA—ENTERPRISE—INSTITUTE.20061119             WE MUST bomb IRAN.It has been fo... Source:
20061120             —CONTINUED, But MISTER—MCCAIN, to argue vigorously for 1—SHORT—TERM surge in USA—FORCES + he gained 1—VOCAL ally in SENATOR—LINDSEY—GRAHAM—OF—SOUTH—CAROLINA..".
20061120             [NEW—YORK—TIMES, BRIAN—KNOWLTON, 20061119             ]
20061120             JOSHUA—MURAVCHIK is 1—RESIDENT—SCHOLAR at THE—USA—ENTERPRISE—INSTITUTE.20061119             WE MUST bomb IRAN.It has been fo... Source:
20061120             Der CHEF—DES ITALIENISCHEN—MILITÄRGEHEIMDIENSTES Sismi, GENERAL—NICOLO—POLLARI, ist —HEUTE von der Regierung Prodi entlassen worden.
20061120             Er steht im Verdacht, an der Entführung eines Imams in Mailand IM—BLAIR vows to stand by AFGHANISTAN
20061120             UK PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR says UK—TROOPS fighting the Taleban will stay in AFGHANISTAN —UNTIL the job is done.
20061120             Gazans gather to foil air strike Palestinians in GAZA gather at 1—HAMAS leader's home, —FOLLOWING reports ISRAEL—FORCES were about to attack it.
20061120             GERMANY foils 'air terror plot' GERMANY—OFFICIALS say they have uncovered 1—TERRORIST—PLOT to blow up 1—PASSENGER—PLANE in GERMANY.
20061120             Protests as Bush visits INDONESIA USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush makes a brief, controversial visit to INDONESIA, amid protests over IRAQ.
20061120             —FLOODED, Fears for, KENYA refugees Aid workers are seriously concerned for 80,000 SOMALIA—REFUGEES in EAST—KENYA, which has been hit by floods.
20061120             —BLAMED, NEPAL KING, for crackdown 1—NEPAL—PANEL finds GYANENDRA—KING—OF— responsible for suppressing LARGE—SCALE—PRO—DEMOCRACY—PROTESTS—IN—APRIL.
20061120             EGYPT arrests another blog critic Police in CAIRO detain 1—BLOGGER known as Ayyoub whose posts are CRITICAL—OF—THE—EGYPT—GOVERNMENT.
20061120             NIGERIA scams 'cost UK billions' Not enough is being done to stop INTERNET scams and other financial crimes stemming from NIGERIA, 1—REPORT says.
20061120             Stay in IRAQ, says Pentagon panel 1—USA—MILITARY—REVIEW on IRAQ is likely to back 1 limited troop boost, officials tell THE—WASHINGTON—POST.
20061120             —SEIZED, Drugs 'sub', off COSTA—RICA 1—MAKESHIFT—SUBMARINE carrying 3—TONNES of cocaine is found off COSTA—RICA—PACIFIC—COAST.
20061120             CHINA official admits to torture 1—SENIOR—CHINA—COURT—OFFICIAL makes 1—RARE—ADMISSION about THE—EXTENT—OF—THE—USE—OF—TORTURE in getting convictions.
20061120             CHINA—PRESIDENT to visit INDIA PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO is due in THE—INDIA—CAPITAL, DELHI, for the 1. visit by 1—CHINA—LEADER in —10—YEARS.
20061120             EU pushes for joint energy stance Top EU officials meet energy industry chiefs amid difficulties over key negotiations with RUSSIA.
20061120             —FLAWED, Saddam trial ' and unsound' SADDAM—HUSSEIN—TRIAL was so flawed its verdict was unsound, says campaign group Human Rights Watch.
20061120             ITALY 'sacks' spy over CIA kidnap ITALY replaces THE—HEAD—OF—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE amid 1—INQUIRY into his role in 1—ALLEGED—CIA—ABDUCTION.
20061120             Woman loses fight to wear cross 1—BRITISH—AIRWAYS worker loses her appeal against 1—DECISION to stop her openly wearing 1—CROSS at work at Heathrow.
20061120             Copper miners in $25.9bn merger Mining giant FREEPORT—MCMORAN is to buy larger rival Phelps Dodge, creating the world's largest listed copper firm.
20061120             Nasdaq makes £2.7bn bid for LSE THE—USA—NASDAQ market tables 1—OFFER worth £2.7bn to take over THE—LONDON—STOCK—EXCHANGE.
20061120             Call for POST—CHARGE questioning Lord Goldsmith backs 1—LAW—CHANGE to allow terror suspects to be questioned —AFTER they are charged.
20061120             —DESIGNED, Passport to Insecurity BRITAIN—HIGH—TECH—PASSPORT is, to frustrate terrorists and fraudsters.
20061120             —NOW in the hands of 3—MILLION—CITIZENS, it may not be so secure.
20061120             —BEYOND, the Beyond.
20061120             —FLAWED, BBC NEWS | MIDDLE—EAST | Saddam trial ' and... - BG—CORRUPTION in AUSTRALIA
20061120             "Once THE—EXISTENCE—OF—CORRUPTION + its permanence whilst ever there exists humanity and greed, is recognised,
20061120             1—SOCIETY has only 2—CHOICES.
20061120             It can accept corruption or it can fight it. There IS—NO—MIDDLE—COURSE.
20061120             UK pressures USA on IRAQ inque... - Bomb IRAN—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES...
20061120             Diplomacy is doing nothing to stop THE—IRAN—NUCLEAR—THREAT;
20061120             which aired twice —LAST—WEEK on Headline News.
20061120             THEODORE—N—KAUFMAN was a —31—YEAR—OLD—OWNER—OF—1—THEATRICAL—TICKET—AGENCY in NEWARK—NEW—JERSEY who published at his own expense a 100-page book titled
20061120             GERMANY Must Perish! IN—VICTORY—POEM—BG—HENRY—KISSINGER,
20061120             permanent MEMBER—OF—LIVING liars club, tells us military victory is no longer possible in IRAQ.
20061120             Or at least that's ABC/AP—INTERPRETATION—OF—1—RECENT—KISSINGER interview.
20061120             1—DRAMATIC—COLLAPSE—OF—IRAQ whatever we think about how the situation was created would have disastrous consequences
20061120             for which we would pay for MANY—YEARS + which would bring us back, 1—WAY or another, into the region," he said.
20061120             called for 1—INTERNATIONAL—CONFERENCE bringing together the permanent MEMBERS—OF—THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL,
20061120             IRAQ—NEIGHBORS including IRAN + regional powers
20061120             like INDIA + PAKISTAN—TO work out 1—WAY—FORWARD for the region.
20061120             BASICALLY—NEVERMIND how we got into IRAQ, it... Source:
20061120             —TITLED, ZACH—ROTH—PRESCIENT profile of Hoyer --, "THE—ESTABLISHMENTARIAN -- is the place to go.
20061120             A taste:
20061120             —WHEN I asked friends and former staffers which issues Hoyer seemed to feel most passionately about, most spoke instead about his political skills.
20061120             "He cares more about process than issues, per se," says JOHN—MOAG, who worked for him in both THE—MARYLAND—STATE—SENATE and THE—USA—CONGRESS.
20061120             "Good process ultimately produces good policy.
20061120             This is 1—GUY who's been compromising his whole life because he knows that's how it gets done".[...]
20061120             the flip SIDE—OF—HOYER—OBSESSION with process and OLD—FASHIONED relationship building is 1—RELUCTANCE to think strategically about changing the ways that WASHINGTON... Source:
20061120             —TODAY—PAPERS—THE—DEMS'—AGENDA (Plus TomKat)
20061120             —BY CONOR—CLARKE
20061120             —POSTED—SUNDAY, CIA analysis finds no IRAN—NUCLEAR weapons driv... - BG CIA analysis finds no IRAN—NUCLEAR weapons drive: REPORT—YAHOO!
20061120             —GRILLED, SENATOR, red on 20010911             — BG
20061120             VIDEO: Infowars' KEVIN—SMITH—ON—FOX—NEWS "Mancow"... - BG—AL—QAEDA'S 'best assets' prim...
20061120             - BG AL—QAEDA'S 'best assets' prime UK timebomb —
20061120             UK—MUSLIMS volunteering to fight against coalition forces in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN are being sent back to BRITAIN to become AL—QAEDA "sleeper" agents, THE—SUNDAY—TELEGRAPH has learned.
20061120             — MI5 agents believe that young ASIA—MEN... Source: Telegraph Link:
20061120             BOLTON in extraordinary outbu... - - BG THE—USA—AMBASSADOR to THE—UN,
20061120             BOLTON was furious over the adoption by THE—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY—OF—1—RESOLUTION which said the assembly regretted the deaths of 19—CIVILIANS in 1—ATTACK by THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY in THE—TOWN—OF—BEIT—HANOUN —LAST—WEEK.... Source: Tags: JOHN—BOLTON
20061120             FOXNews_com - 20010911             Autopsy Guidelines Plan Abandon... - BG
20061120             At least 112. - JUDD—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE killed across IRAQ —TODAY.
20061120             Rove is here to stay. - NICO—CONTRARY to recent rumors,
20061120             "WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS say PRESIDENT—BUSH has EVERY—INTENTION—OF keeping MISTER—ROVE on through the rest of his term," THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTS.
20061120             But THE—WHITE—HOUSE "
20061120             seems aware of the apparently limited influence in Congress of MISTER—ROVE.
20061120             JOSHUA—B—BOLTEN, THE—WHITE—HOUSE—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, was dispatched to the Hill —THIS—WEEK to hold meetings with members, suggesting that he is likely to play 1—MORE—PROMINENT—ROLE".
20061120             —TODAY on ABC—THIS—WEEK,
20061120             —ACKNOWLEDGED, SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN (R—AZ), that
20061120             his plan to escalate THE—IRAQ war by sending at least 20,000 more troops
20061120             "would it put 1—TERRIBLE strain on the Army + Marine Corps".
20061120             "Absolutely, it would be terrible," he said,
20061120             "we're going to be asking people to go back again and again, maybe even extend their TOURS".
20061120             Hersh: Bush, Cheney Stovepiping Intelligence On IRAN, Hiding Information From CIA—FAIZ—ON CNN,
20061120             Despite the intelligence agency's conclusion, Hersh reports that THE—WHITE—HOUSE is still aggressively moving ahead with preparations for 1—MILITARY—CONFLICT with IRAN.
20061120             As PART—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE—PREPARATIONS for IRAN, Hersh says PRESIDENT—BUSH and VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY are "stovepiping" intelligence and keeping information provided by the Israelis hidden from THE—CIA.
20061120             THE—NEXT—ACT," that they have 1—RELIABLE—AGENT inside IRAN who reports that the nation is working on 1—TRIGGER for 1—BOMB. "Of course the people in THE—CIA want to know who [the agent] is, obviously," Hersh said. "They certainly want to know what other evidence he has of actual making of 1—WARHEAD.
20061120             This is the internecine fight that's going on — the same fight, by the way, that we had —BEFORE IRAQ".
20061120             —PRIOR—TO THE—IRAQ war, THE—WHITE—HOUSE set up intelligence stovepipes to "get information they wanted directly to the top leadership".
20061120             —RELIED, Cheney and company, on information provided by THE—IRAQ—NATIONAL—CONGRESS, 1—EXILE—GROUP headed by AHMAD—CHALABI.
20061120             "CHALABI—DEFECTOR reports were...flowing from the Pentagon directly to THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—OFFICE + then on to THE—PRESIDENT, with little prior evaluation by intelligence professionals".
20061120             STATE—DEPARTMENT—INTELLIGENCE—EXPERT—GREG—THIELMANN said that —PRIOR—TO THE—IRAQ war that "garbage was being shoved straight to THE—PRESIDENT".
20061120             —CONFIRMED, A—USA—OFFICIAL, that defectors from CHALABI—ORGANIZATION "had provided suspect information to numerous Western intelligence agencies. 'It's safe to say he tried to game the system,' the official said".
20061120             HERSH—ARTICLE suggests 1—SIMILAR breakdown in the intelligence process is happening with regards to IRAN and may open to door to possible intelligence manipulation.
20061120             HERSH: We can't find, the new assessment says, we cannot find — THE—CIA says there's no evidence that IRAN is doing anything that puts them close to 1—BOMB.
20061120             BLITZER: THE—ISRAELIS have 1—DIFFERENT—ASSESSMENT. HERSH: Absolutely.
20061120             BLITZER: They think the Iranians may be within —1—YEAR—OF getting to the threshold of having 1—POINT—OF—NO—RETURN, if you will, from having 1—BOMB.
20061120             —WHEN I was there in July, I had briefings.
20061120             —SUGGESTED, That's what they.
20061120             HERSH: They've been saying for, as you know, for 5 or —10—YEARS.
20061120             The fact is Israelis have coming up with new human intelligence, sort of the counter CIA assessment, they've come up with 1—AGENT inside IRAN.
20061120             They have more than 1. And this agent is — who's been reliable so the Israelis claim in the past — who —NOW says the Iranians are secretly working on making 1—ACTUAL trigger for 1—BOMB.
20061120             Even though they may not — we don't have ANY—SPECIFIC—EVIDENCE—OF—1—FACILITY where they're doing this work, the Israelis say yes they are, they're getting ready to start detonating 1—WEAPON.
20061120             Once they get the fissile material, the enriched material.
20061120             —HANDLED, —NOW, that information is being, pretty much by THE—WHITE—HOUSE and various offices in the pentagon.
20061120             And THE—CIA isn't getting 1—GOOD—LOOK at THE—ISRAEL—INTELLIGENCE.
20061120             It's the old word stovepiping.
20061120             It's THE—PRESIDENT—AND—THE—VICE—PRESIDENT, it's pretty much being kept in THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20061120             BLITZER: They'd like to get more access to this ISRAEL—AGENT, is that what you're saying?
20061120             HERSH: Of course, the people in THE—CIA want to know who he is, obviously.
20061120             They certainly want to know what other evidence he has of actual making 1—WARHEAD.
20061120             This —MORNING on FOX—NEW—SUNDAY, BILL—KRISTOL said that that the current IRAQ strategy of "Iraqification" is "failing" and has been "discredited".
20061120             Noting that CentCom COMMANDER—GENERAL—JOHN—ABIZAID said he finds "despair" about IRAQ —WHEN he comes to WASHINGTON, Kristol said he was "very worried" that if conditions in IRAQ did not improve within 2 to —3—MONTHS, "political support will crumble not among Democrats, but among Republicans. Gone".
20061120             KRISTOL: On the 1. point, this has been Abizaid and CASEY—THEORY, Iraqification comes AHEAD—OF—VICTORY.
20061120             The only way to win, to be fair to put it, is Iraqification.
20061120             I think that's false.
20061120             We're failing at Iraqification because there's no confidence that we'll be there to help the Iraqis who are with us.
20061120             I think that theory is not crazy, but it's been discredited.
20061120             It's time for more troops.
20061120             Are there more troops? There are.
20061120             It would be 1—STRAIN on the army.
20061120             You could do 20,000 in THE—SHORT—TERM.
20061120             You could do up to 50,000 over 4 to —6—MONTHS.
20061120             It will require 1—LOT—OF—STRAIN and extending deployments and taking people out of Okinawa and bringing them into IRAQ and stressing our commitments elsewhere.
20061120             We need to rebuild the military at the same time.
20061120             But look, ABIZAID—JOB, he's not CHIEF—OF—STAFF—OF—THE—ARMY.
20061120             He is 1—COMBATANT COMMANDER. He is COMMANDER—OF—CENTCOM.
20061120             Casey is the field COMMANDER.
20061120             Their responsibility is to win the war + in my view, they've talked themselves into the notion that their responsibility is to Iraqify the war.
20061120             We can afford to win this war.
20061120             —WHEN Abizaid said he comes to WASHINGTON and feels despair, that's 1—BIG—PROBLEM.
20061120             If by THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION, I agree with Brit, things aren't getting better on the ground or there's not 1—REALLY plausible CHANGE—OF—TACTICS here at home, I am very worried that political support will crumble not among Democrats, but among Republicans.
20061120             Gone.
20061120             This —MORNING on ABC, commentator and foreign policy scholar Fareed Zarkaria slammed JOHN—MCCAIN—PLAN to send more USA—TROOPS to IRAQ, saying it "will not work".
20061120             —EXPLAINED, Zakaria, that "we have enough troops" but THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT won't let them "go —AFTER the militias".
20061120             According to Zakaria, sending more USA—TROOPS to IRAQ in this context is "—JUST willing more USA—DEATHS".
20061120             ZAKARIA: SENATOR—MCCAIN who I have 1—LOT—OF—RESPECT and like him has been saying —FOR—3—YEARS we needed more troops.
20061120             His policy —TODAY will not work.
20061120             We have enough troops to go —AFTER Muqtada AL—SADR, the key Shiite religious leader whose militia is causing us this trouble.
20061120             We can't do it because THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT won't let us.
20061120             It is causing enormous political pressure.
20061120             So right —NOW we have 1—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT that does not allow us to search for our own soldier.
20061120             We had to abandon 1—SEARCH, is in cahoots with 1—SHIITE militia that has captured americans.
20061120             The point is not here that you need 1—MILITARY or political solution.
20061120             Obviously you need both.
20061120             The point is we have 1—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT that cannot, will not make ANY—OF—THE—DECISIONS that will supplement this military.
20061120             STEPHANOPOULOS: Even if we had more troops it wouldn't work?
20061120             ZAKARIA: There is no question that if you had more troops and still can't go —AFTER the militias, can't offer amnesty to the Sunni insurgents, the core political decisions we have to make do not depend on more troops but political compromises that this government, this ruling coalition can't make.
20061120             Sending in more troops in that context is —JUST willing more USA—DEATHS.
20061120             —MISSED, Milk allergy in babies '' COW—MILK allergy in babies is being missed by doctors, survey findings suggest.
20061120             British 'reserve' costing lives Lives are being lost because "reserved" Britons ignore the early SIGNS—OF—HEART—ATTACKS, 1—CHARITY says.
20061120             —ACCUSED—OF, Experts call for better flu plans THE—UK—GOVERNMENT is, failing to do all it can to prevent 1—FLU—PANDEMIC.
20061120             Web censorship law may come OUT—OF—HIBERNATION—BLOG:
20061120             SCOTT—ADAMS—SUGGESTS—BILL—GATES—FOR—PRESIDENT—KDAWSON 214 - gerrysteele writes to point out 1—RECENT—POST to the Dilbert blog,
20061120             in which SCOTT—ADAMS discusses the atheist ascendancy in AMERICA and rationalizes the need for 1—ATHEIST—LEADER.
20061120             "Ask 1—DEEPLY religious Christian if he'd rather live next to 1—BEARDED—MUSLIM that may or may not be plotting 1—TERROR—ATTACK, or 1—ATHEIST that may or may not show him how to set up 1—WIRELESS—NETWORK in his house. On the scale of prejudice, atheists don't seem so bad lately. I think that in 1—ELECTION—CYCLE or 2—YOU will see 1—ATHEIST—BUSINESS—LEADER emerge as 1—LEGITIMATE—CANDIDATE for PRESIDENT. And his name will be BILL—GATES".
20061120             Draconian ANTI—PIRACY—LAW—LOOMS Over AUSTRALIA—KDAWSON 341 - ccozan of 1—LAW being rushed through THE—AUSTRALIA—LEGISLATURE that would criminalize great swaths of the citizenry.
20061120             THE—INTERNET—INDUSTRY—ASSOCIATION—OF—AUSTRALIA is posting warning scenarios spelling out how FAR—REACHING this law would be.
20061120             —FROM the release:
20061120             "1—FAMILY who holds 1—BIRTHDAY—PICNIC in 1—PLACE—OF—PUBLIC—ENTERTAINMENT (for example, the grounds of 1—ZOO) and sings 'Happy Birthday' in 1—MANNER that can be heard by others,
20061120             risks 1—INFRINGEMENT—NOTICE carrying 1—FINE—OF up to $1,320.
20061120             If they make 1—VIDEO—RECORDING—OF—THE—EVENT, they risk 1—FURTHER—FINE for the possession of 1—DEVICE for THE—PURPOSE—OF—MAKING 1—INFRINGING copy of 1—SONG...
20061120             THE—USA—FREE—TRADE—AGREEMENT does not require AUSTRALIA to go down this path + neither USA nor European law contain such FAR—REACHING measures.
20061120             We are at 1—TOTAL—LOSS to understand how this policy has developed,
20061120             who is behind it AND—WHY there is such haste in enacting it into law
20061120             — with little if ANY—PUBLIC—DEBATE".
20061120             Stop Global Warming With Smog?
20061120             "THE—AP is reporting that Nobel Prize winning scientist PAUL—CRUTZEN has suggested deliberately spreading 1—LAYER of particulate matter in the upper atmosphere to help reflect SOME—OF—THE—SUN—ENERGY in 1—EFFORT to combat global warming.
20061120             He reminds us that THE—DOES—THE—RIAA Fear Counterclaims?
20061120             "THE—RIAA seems to have 1—FEAR—OF—COUNTERCLAIMS. In Elektra v. Schwartz, 1—CASE against 1—WOMAN with Multiple Sclerosis, THE—RIAA is protesting on technical grounds MISS—SCHWARTZ—INCLUSION—OF—1—COUNTERCLAIM against them for attorneys fees. This counterclaim includes as 1—EXHIBIT—THE—ACLU, EFF, Public Citizen brief in Capitol v. Foster, which decried THE—RIAA—TACTICS as a 'driftnet.' In prior email correspondence between the lawyers MISS—SCHWARTZ—ATTORNEY had offered to withdraw the counterclaim if THE—RIAA—LAWYER could show him legal authority that its assertion was impermissible, saying 'I wouldn't want to get into motion practice over 1—MERE—FORMALITY.' THE—RIAA lawyer's response was 'I will let you know.'"
20061120             Life Without Traffic SIGNS—KDAWSON 478 - zuikaku writes,
20061120             "Der Spiegel has 1—ARTICLE titled European Cities Do Away with Traffic Signs reporting that 7—CITIES and regions in EUROPE are doing away with traffic signs, signals, painted lines + even sidewalks. With the motto 'Unsafe is Safe,' the idea is that, —WHEN faced with 1—UNCERTAIN, unregulated situation, drivers will be naturally cautious and courteous. Then again, they may end up with streets jammed with pedestrians, bicyclists + cars like SOME—PLACES in INDIA and CHINA".
20061120             I can't see this idea getting traction in THE—USA.
20061120             THE—WORLD—MOST—HIGH—TECH—URINAL
20061120             Mudzy writes "In an effort to handle its nighttime public urination problem,
20061120             VICTORIA, THE—CAPITAL—OF—BRITISH—COLUMBIA, is considering installing HIGH—TECH urinals that disappear below street level —DURING the —DAY.
20061120             Then at night, 1—OPERATOR comes by with 1—REMOTE and the Urilift hydraulically lifts to sidewalk level in about —2—MINUTES.
20061120             —INSTALLED, The $75,000 system has been, across THE—NETHERLANDS + have spread to LONDON and BELFAST, but VICTORIA will be the 1. NORTH—USA—CITY to try them out".
20061120             Intel Patents the "Digital Browser Phone" - kdawson 153 - tibbar66 writes,
20061120             "This sounds like 1—INVENTION that has been invented MANY—TIMES—BEFORE (e.g. Skype).
20061120             Yet ON—PILLE oder Couch — Auf der Suche nach geeigneten Therapien —
20061120             DEUTSCHLANDFUNK—LANGE —NACHT—EXPEDITION in die Schaltzentrale...
20061120             11—FÜHRENDE Neurowissenschaftler über Gegenwart und Zukunft der Hirnforschung www.gehirnundgeist.de/blatt/det_gg_manifest PROFESSOR—DOCTOR—DR.
20061120             MANFRED—SPITZER.
20061120             —INTERESSIERT, INTERVIEW—MIT—PETER—WIPPERMANN: "Umweltschutz, kaum noch"
20061120             —BESTREITET, Geheimdienste: RUSSLAND, Verwicklung in Giftanschlag auf EX—AGENTEN
20061120             USA—SPENDENREKORDE: 66,5 Milliarden Dollar für Wohltaten
20061120             Konkurrenzkampf: Wespen rächen sich mit Pfefferspray
20061120             Frankfurter Flughafen: Bundesanwaltschaft vereitelt Anschlag auf Flugzeug
20061120             Terrorbekämpfung: Mathematischer Spürhund gegen Bombenbauer
20061120             BERLIN: SPD und Linkspartei unterzeichnen Koalitionsvertrag
20061120             Blair in AFGHANISTAN: "Hier wird die Zukunft der Weltsicherheit entschieden"
20061120             ALEXANDRE—GAYDAMAK—WIKIPEDIA, Flickr, Delicious Bash at Bashr_com ALEXANDRE—GAYDAMAK—BIO, Pics + Tags.
20061120             Arcadi Gaydamak Wikipedia, Flickr, Delicious Bash at Bashr_COM—ARCADI Gaydamak Bio, Pics + Tags.
20061120             —UPDATED, Arcadi Gaydamak Wikipedia Source Arcadi Gaydamak last, : Mon, MagWeb EUROPA: WWII.
20061120             NORTH—AFRICA: UK—VS. Italians: 57.
20061120             —ANNOUNCED, Radio ROME, the impending offensive to the world...
20061120             WAVELL—RELATIONS with PRIME—MINISTER—WINSTON—CHURCHILL were cool...
20061120             Al generale PIETRO—MALETTI venne infatti affidato l ' incarico di punire i... Tra il
20061120             www.FlamesOfWar_com :: View TOPIC—INSPIRATIONAL Unit for Italian...
20061120             THE—MALETTI group was 1—BUNCH—OF—LIBYA—TROOPS, infantry, cavalry and artillery... No M13s, only M11s and L3s, but they had SOME—REALLY cool paint...
20061120             —VOR—45—JAHREN: Patrice Lumumba wird ermordet - H—SOZ—U—KULT /Rezensionen /Rez.
20061120             ZG: B. Lorentz: Industrieelite.
20061120             HEINRICH—DRÄGER und das Drägerwerk.
20061120             Folgende Tabelle stellt die Offenbacher Ortsgeschichte im Vergleich zur Geschichte im Allgemeinen dar.
20061120             (wird lfd. vervollständigt) Stand: —DIENSTAG,
20061120             —BEWERTET, Hauptstadtblog: Wir bloggen BERLIN:
20061120             Tiefensee: "Lavieren" und "Hilflosigkeit"
20061120             Die Kommandoeinheit besteht aus etwa 200—AGENTEN des USA—GEHEIMDIENSTES CIA +
20061120             war an der Entführung DEUTSCHER—STAATSBÜRGER beteiligt - - mit Wissen der Berliner Behörden.
20061120             Dies ist einer Buchveröffentlichung über die DEUTSCHE—AUSLANDSSPIONAGE (BND) zu entnehmen, —DIE—HEUTE auf den Markt kommt.
20061120             —BESTIMMT, Und er stellte fest, was, viele von uns —SCHON geahnt hatten.
20061120             Die CIA hat keinerlei Beweise dafür, dass der IRAN geheime Atomwaffenprogramme entwickelt hat oder sogar daran arbeiten würde.
20061120             Add new comment | Workers' Liberty Seite übersetzen
20061120             Skip to content/Unions/Publications/INTERNATIONAL/Resources/Links
20061120             which has been organising independent unions in MEXICO for more than —30—YEARS + the
20061120             United Electrical Workers (UE) in THE—USA.
20061120             Le tavolette di cera sono state il supporto più utilizzato per la scrittura sin dall'antichità.
20061120             Si scriveva su di esse in minuscolo.
20061120             Da quel momento in poi tali lavori furono accompagnati dalla frase scritta EX—AUTHENTICO—LIBRO (copiato da libro autentico).
20061120             [ 20060509             ] - A HISTORY—OF—TANNING
20061120             —GRACED, Think of the Baroque paintings that, the pages of your art history book at school.
20061120             You'll probably remember seeing plump, white ladies posing naked on comfy armchairs.
20061120             Those were the days —WHEN 1—LIGHTER shade of pale was the thing.
20061120             —TODAY, most women would DIE—OF—EMBARRASSMENT should anyone see them in their birthday suits —AFTER 1—BLEAK—WINTER—SEASON.
20061120             But as —RECENTLY as —100—YEARS—AGO, the word "tanning" wasn't part of the vocabulary.
20061120             —HAPPENED, So, what ?
20061120             —CREATED, Greater awareness was, in TERMS—OF—THE—DEPLETION—OF—THE ozone layer and its negative effects.
20061120             —BECAME, But —WHILE the use of sunscreen lotions, more popular, MANY—PEOPLE still chose to spend their days in the sun.
20061120             - At this moment in time, we know that AUSTRALIA and SOUTH—AFRICA HAVE the highest incidence of melanoma, 1—DANGEROUS—TYPE—OF—SKIN—CANCER.
20061120             We also know that sunbeds are —JUST as unsafe as the midday sun and that the best way to protect yourself is to minimise your exposure to all forms of UVA and UVB rays.
20061120             - (Carine VAN Rooyen, Health24)
20061120             References: Hawk, J.L.M. McGregor, J. (20000000—20050000) Understanding your skin: sunlight & skin cancer.
20061120             Family Doctor Publications.
20061120             AUTHOR—UNKNOWN. (20060000             ) Sun tanning.
20061120             Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
20061120             20061120             32'(5 (;(&87,92
20061120             Tempo Líquido: 11 (onze) anos...
20061120             —REVEALED, JACK—THE—RIPPER—FACE, —120—YEARS on
20061120             —PIECED, THE—FACE—OF—JACK—THE—RIPPER has been, together by SCOTLAND Yard experts from evidence left by the Victorian killer.
20061120             With 1—ILLUSTRATION—OF—THE presumed face of Saucy Jack.
20061120             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX—SCIENTISTS regenerate 1—WING in chick embryo
20061120             Researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies have successfully regenerated 1—WING in 1—CHICK embryo, 1—SPECIES not known to be able to regrow limbs.
20061120             —FROM the archives: Inside the lunatic cult of Lyndon LaRouche, who says the Beatles are 1—CIA—PLOT and whose GLASSY—EYED followers are —NOW trying to hack Buzzflash_net 11/20
20061120             —URGED, The west's leading Muslim ally, Nato to change course in AFGHANISTAN —YESTERDAY, as it was revealed that TONY—BLAIR is to visit THE—WAR—TORN country —TODAY.
20061120             PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF, THE—PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT, said Nato could not rely solely on military might but also had to make political settlements and pump billions into the Afghans' neglected economy.
20061120             EU: Brüssel stellt TÜRKEI Ultimatum im ZYPERN—STREIT
20061120             Bundesanwaltschaft: Terroristen planten Bombenanschlag auf Flugzeug in DEUTSCHLAND
20061120             Generalmajor Almog: "Israels Armee ist in einer Führungskrise"
20061120             WILLIAM—COHENS—POLIT—THRILLER: Mit Militär, Macht und Moral gegen ATOM—TERRORISTEN
20061120             USA—STRATEGIE im IRAK: Go home, go big, go longer
20061120             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Lang leben die Ketten!"
20061120             Zeitungsbericht: Bush äußert Verständnis für möglichen IRAN—ANGRIFF Israels
20061120             Finanzamt: Wer fragt, muss Gebühren zahlen
20061120             REKORD—ÜBERNAHME: Blackstone kauft Immobilienfirma für 36—MILLIARDEN Dollar
20061120             INDONESIEN: Polizei warnt vor Anschlag bei BUSH—BESUCH
20061120             LIBANON—KRIEG: ISRAELISCHE—ARMEE setzte Streubomben entgegen Befehl ein
20061120             CUBA blasts SWITZERLAND—BANKS for cutting off business : "The actions of these 2—BANKS have nothing to do with RESPECT—OF—THE—LAW or looking —AFTER their banking transactions. It is simply 1—ACT—OF—SUBMISSION to THE—USA, which they don't dare confess," THE—CUBA—BANK said.
20061120             —THREATENED, Chertoff says USA, by INTERNATIONAL law: "INTERNATIONAL law is being used as 1—RHETORICAL—WEAPON against us," Homeland Security SECRETARY—MICHAEL—CHERTOFF, 1—FORMER—FEDERAL—APPELLATE judge, said in 1—SPEECH to the Federalist Society, 1—CONSERVATIVE—POLICY—GROUP.
20061120             Gonzales Blasts Surveillance Critics:
20061120             Gonzales was the 2. administration official in —2—DAYS to attack 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—RULING last —AUGUST that the program was unconstitutional.
20061120             —CALLED, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY —ON—FRIDAY, the ruling "1—INDEFENSIBLE—ACT—OF—JUDICIAL overreaching".
20061120             Case against Padilla 'light on facts': That was the assessment of 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE who dropped the most serious conspiracy count.
20061120             Prosecutors are appealing.
20061120             "AL—QAIDA—MEMBER" Key Padilla Case Source : PADILLA—LAWYERS argue the evidence should be suppressed because, among other things, Zubaydah and Muhammad may have been tortured and Zubaydah was being treated with medication for gunshot wounds that raises questions about his reliability.
20061120             Senate Dems plan OVERHAUL—OF—MILITARY—TRIBUNALS—BILL : Several key Senate Democrats are planning to overhaul the newly minted legislation governing military TRIBUNALS—OF—DETAINEES.
20061120             THE—ALBATROSS: Why the Democrats Should Cut Loose Lieberman: : If THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY were 1—REAL—OPPOSITION—PARTY--1—PARTY—OF—PRINCIPLE filled with fighters--I'd say maintaining CONTROL—OF—THE—SENATE, even with by 1—MARGIN—OF—1—SINGLE, fragile vote, would be important and valuable.
20061120             Republicans plot to bring down Pelosi... and Clinton with her:
20061120             New SPEAKER—EMBARRASSING —WEEK has made it easier for her opponents to attack
20061120             Rubin, Volcker Say Investors May Avoid Buying Dollars : ROBERT—E—RUBIN, Treasury SECRETARY—UNDER—PRESIDENT—BILL—CLINTON + FORMER—FEDERAL—RESERVE—CHAIRMAN—PAUL—VOLCKER said foreign investors probably won't keep increasing dollar holdings, raising the risk of 1—SLUMP in the currency.
20061120             Cracked it!: 3—MILLION—BRITONS have been issued with the new HI—TECH—PASSPORT, designed to frustrate terrorists and fraudsters.
20061120             So why did STEVE—BOGGAN and 1—FRIENDLY—COMPUTER—EXPERT find it so easy to break the security codes?
20061120             —BY HAMID—MIR—HAMID—MIR: What is your basic objective...
20061120             THE—ARMY is rewriting 1—KEY—FIELD—MANUAL, the authoritative guidebook on how to conduct ground operations,
20061120             "in 1—WAY that rejects the Rumsfeld doctrine [emphasizing speed over massive troop numbers] + counsels against using it again".
20061120             " TONY—BLAIR—APPARENT—AGREEMENT with 1—SUGGESTION that THE—IRAQ—WAR has been disastrous was a '
20061120             straightforward slip of the tongue,
20061120             1—NEW—REPORT by the Government Accountability Office has "criticized THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION for failing to check if federally funded ABSTINENCE—ONLY—PROGRAMS actually work to curb teen sex".
20061120             Bush ' s warrantless domestic surveillance bill: "Not gonna happen".
20061120             —LAST—WEEK, Bush sent Capitol Hill a "plea for 1—LEGISLATIVE—STAMP—OF—APPROVAL on the controversial spy effort," calling it an "important priority in THE—WAR—ON—TERROR".
20061120             —RESPONDED, Senate Republicans, with " - deafening silence.
20061120             1—TOP—SECRET—PENTAGON group tasked with refocusing IRAQ strategy has "devised 1—HYBRID—PLAN" that combines 1—TEMPORARY
20061120             increase of 20,000-30,000 troops with 1—SUBSEQUENT—PARTIAL—WITHDRAWAL and LONG—TERM—EFFORT to train and advise IRAQ—FORCES.
20061120             —FOLLOWING 1—NATIONWIDE rash of harassing election —WEEK "robocalls," officials in VIRGINIA, CONNECTICUT + PENNSYLVANIA have introduced measures to
20061120             curb the practice.
20061120             SOME— —5—YEARS—AFTER No Child Left Behind was made law, there has been "little progress" toward closing the minority/white TEST—SCORE gap, which is "so large that, on average, AFRICA—AMERICAN and Hispanic students in high school can read and do arithmetic at
20061120             only the average LEVEL—OF—WHITES in junior high school.
20061120             Preliminary findings from a —10—MONTH—INVESTIGATION into NASA—INSPECTOR—GENERAL "outlines allegations that
20061120             he stifled investigations,
20061120             mistreated department employees and maintained 1—CLOSE—PERSONAL—RELATIONSHIP with top OFFICIALS—OF—THE—AGENCY he was supposed to independently monitor".
20061120             THE—AUTHOR—OF—1—OCCUPATIONAL—SAFETY and Health Administration advisory on
20061120             asbestos in brakes faces suspension from the agency —AFTER refusing to alter the warning to include language from the automobile industry.
20061120             And finally: CONNECTICUT for Lieberman attacks Lieberman.
20061120             —SEIZED, Fairfield UNIVERSITY—PROFESSOR—JOHN—ORMAN has " control" of the party " —AFTER registering as its sole member and electing himself as chairman".
20061120             —ESTABLISHED, Orman has, new bylaws that open up the nomination process to "anyone whose last name is Lieberman...or ANY—CRITIC—OF—THE—SENATOR".
20061120             "It's 1—INTERESTING little wrinkle," said 1—ATTORNEY for THE—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—OFFICE.
20061120             EX—GENERALINSPEKTEUR zum AFGHANISTAN—EINSATZ: Bundeswehr soll notfalls auch in den Süden
20061120             Steuerbetrug und Bilanzfälschung: Berlusconi wieder vor Gericht
20061120             Anschlag in LONDON: Vergifteter PUTIN—KRITIKER kämpft um sein Leben
20061120             Gewalt im IRAK: USA—ARMEE klagt über Extremistenstrom aus SYRIEN
20061120             Neue FINANZAMT—GEBÜHREN: "Schlichtweg unverschämt"
20061120             Südafghanistan: DEUTSCHLAND setzt auf zivile Hilfe
20061120             WDR—INTENDANTIN MONIKA—PIEL: "Wir wollen den Bürgern nichts unterjubeln"
20061120             Masse statt Klasse: Dreiviertel der CHINESISCHEN—NEUWAGEN sind mangelhaft
20061120             REPARATUR—FUNKTION: GEN—TRICK lässt Gliedmaßen nachwachsen
20061120             Kreuzfahrtschiff "Carnival Liberty": 700—MENSCHEN mit MAGEN—DARM—VIRUS infiziert
20061120             Produkte aus Koka: Heilige Pflanze, verfluchte Pflanze
20061120             Kolumbiens ENERGY—BRAUSE: Die wahre KOKA—COLA
20061120             Schwarzbuch der Naturschützer: Umweltschädliche Subventionen verschlingen 30—MILLIARDEN (€)
20061120             Klau auf Raten: Diebe stehlen häufiger wertvolle Autoteile
20061120             Schlag gegen 6—VERDÄCHTIGE: Terrorpläne in FRANKFURT—ISLAMISTEN wollten Flugzeug sprengen
20061120             NETZWELT—TICKER: 100- DOLLAR—LAPTOP kostet 200—DOLLAR
20061120             In eigener Sache... Laut ABC wurden die Verhörmethoden bei rund einem Dutzend Häftlingen...
20061120             —IMPLEMENTED, TORONTO—CANADA, Masterfile Corporation has, —TAG Clouds on its site, making it easier to find images
20061120             What are —TAG Clouds? —TAG Clouds display the most popular words and compound phrases used by clients to arrive at 1—PARTICULAR—IMAGE.
20061120             The bigger the font, the more popular the word is.
20061120             Clicking on 1—OF—THESE—TAGS automatically invokes another search.
20061120             Trying interesting compound phrases can help designers find the images they want more quickly.
20061120             JOHN—MCDONALD, VICE—PRESIDENT—MARKETING, Masterfile Corporation says, "—TAG Clouds can reduce THE—AMOUNT—OF—TIME you spend thinking of keywords to filter large generic searches, like 'woman' or 'man' or 'people'. If someone else has searched for 'woman portrait eye contact' in the past, you can simply click 1—LINK to refine your search. The introduction of —TAG Clouds is yet another way we are enhancing the user experience on Masterfile".
20061120             "In WASHINGTON, 1—LEADING—REPUBLICAN SUPPORTER—OF—THE—WAR, SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN—OF—ARIZONA, said USA—TROOPS in IRAQ were 'fighting + dying for 1 failed policy.'
20061120             "Speculation over 1—TEMPORARY surge in troops has been fueled in part by sources close to administration deliberations on IRAQ strategy".
20061120             [CHRISTIAN—SCIENCE—MONITOR, HOWARD—LAFRANCHI, 20061120             ]
20061120             "Under this mixture of options, which is gaining favor inside the military, THE—USA—PRESENCE in IRAQ, currently about 140,000 troops, would be boosted by 20,000 to 30,000 for 1—SHORT—PERIOD, the officials said.
20061120             The purpose of the temporary but notable increase, they said, would be twofold..".
20061120             [WASHINGTON—POST, THOMAS—RICKS, 20061120             ]
20061120             Schnüffeln als Karrieresprungbrett in der BUSH—ADMINISTRATIOINI: HAYDEN—CONFIRMED to HEAD—CIA.
20061120             —ADDED, More urls, taking database to almost 25—BLN!
20061120             See for YOURSELF—HERE.
20061120             "A—USA—OFFICIAL confirmed that defectors from CHALABI—ORGANIZATION "had provided suspect information to numerous Western intelligence agencies.
20061120             "1—FAMILY who holds 1—BIRTHDAY—PICNIC in 1—PLACE—OF—PUBLIC—ENTERTAINMENT (for example,
20061120             "AL—QAIDA—MEMBER" Key Padilla Case Source:
20061120             "Ask 1—DEEPLY religious Christian if he'd rather live next to 1—BEARDED—MUSLIM that may or may not be plotting 1—TERROR—ATTACK,
20061120             "Cheney and company relied on information provided by THE—IRAQ—NATIONAL—CONGRESS,
20061120             "Der Spiegel has 1—ARTICLE titled European Cities Do Away with Traffic Signs reporting that 7—CITIES and regions in EUROPE are doing away with traffic signs,
20061120             "In a., article in the neoconservative magazine the Weekly Standard,
20061120             "INTERNATIONAL law is being used as 1—RHETORICAL—WEAPON against us," Homeland Security SECRETARY—MICHAEL—CHERTOFF,
20061120             "It was meant to startle the policy makers,' said [Crutzen].
20061120             "—NOW, he has hired the debate coach from FALWELL—LIBERTY—UNIVERSITY,
20061120             "THE—RIAA seems to have 1—FEAR—OF—COUNTERCLAIMS. In Elektra v. Schwartz,
20061120             "The actions of these 2—BANKS have nothing to do with RESPECT—OF—THE—LAW or looking —AFTER their banking transactions.
20061120             Yet on - "that they have 1—RELIABLE—AGENT inside IRAN who reports that the nation is working on 1—TRIGGER for 1—BOMB.
20061120             'If they don't take action much more strongly than they have in the past,
20061120             (20060000             ) Sun tanning.
20061120             (Foto KISSINGER, MICHAEL—BLOOMBERG)"
20061120             —BY 19900000             —THE S, more and more warnings were issued as skin cancer rates grew dramatically.
20061120             - mit Wissen der Berliner Behörden. 1) No troops to send.
20061120             "Sending more troops to IRAQ would, at the moment,
20061120             2) The insurgency would grow more inflamed.
20061120             "1—MORE—VISIBLE—PRESENCE—OF—USA—TROOPS—RISKS—FURTHER stoking the flames
20061120             32'(5 (;(&87,92-
20061120             1—BRITISH—AIRWAYS worker loses her appeal against 1—DECISION to stop her openly wearing 1—CROSS at work at Heathrow.
20061120             1—NEPAL—PANEL finds GYANENDRA—KING—OF— responsible for suppressing LARGE—SCALE—PRO—DEMOCRACY—PROTESTS in ;;04;;.
20061120             1—USA—MILITARY—REVIEW on IRAQ is likely to back 1 limited troop boost, A HISTORY—OF—TANNING
20061120             1—MAKESHIFT—SUBMARINE carrying 3—TONNES of cocaine is found off COSTA—RICA—PACIFIC—COAST.
20061120             1—RECENT—POLL—OF—IRAQIS indicated that support for attacks on USA—LED forces
20061120             1—SENIOR—CHINA—COURT—OFFICIAL makes 1—RARE—ADMISSION about THE—EXTENT—OF—THE—USE—OF—TORTURE in getting convictions.
20061120             Add new comment | Workers' Liberty
20061120             —CONCERNED, Aid workers are seriously, for 80,000 SOMALIA—REFUGEES in EAST—KENYA, which has been hit by floods.
20061120             AL—QAEDA'S 'best assets' prim...-
20061120             ALEXANDRE—GAYDAMAK—WIKIPEDIA, Flickr, Delicious Bash at Bashr com
20061120             And I don't believe THE—SUPREME—COURT should be legislating in the way that they did on Roe v. Wade.
20061120             And his name will be BILL—GATES".
20061120             Arcadi GAYDAMAK Bio, Pics + Tags.
20061120             —UPDATED, Arcadi GAYDAMAK Wikipedia Source Arcadi GAYDAMAK last, : Mon,
20061120             Art with such depictions dating from various PERIODS—OF—TIME aren't exactly rare in different parts of EUROPE and THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20061120             —NOTED, As ThinkProgress has, At least 112.-
20061120             —FLAWED, BBC NEWS | MIDDLE—EAST | Saddam trial ' and...-
20061120             BG AL—QAEDA'S 'best assets' prime UK timebomb —
20061120             BG CIA analysis finds no IRAN—NUCLEAR weapons drive: REPORT—YAHOO!
20061120             BG JONATHAN—SCHWARTZ makes 1—IMPORTANT—POINT about the bigot GLENN—BECK—MERETRICIOUS "documentary,"
20061120             BG Should've done this —EARLIER, but —NOW that HOYER—BEEN voted into the Majority Leader spot, it's worth knowing who he is.
20061120             BLITZER: They think the Iranians may be within —1—YEAR—OF getting to the threshold of having 1—POINT—OF—NO—RETURN,
20061120             Blair vows to stand by AFGHANISTAN—BOLTON in extraordinary outbu...- - Bomb IRAN—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES...-
20061120             BRETT—O'DONNELL, to advise him on his communications strategy.
20061120             O'Donnell has been executing FALWELL—STRATEGY to train scores of debaters to confront "the culture on moral default.
20061120             BRITAIN urges THE—USA—TO explain why their soldiers do not attend inquests into UK troops killed by friendly fire in IRAQ....
20061120             Source:
20061120             —DESIGNED, BRITAIN—HIGH—TECH—PASSPORT is, to frustrate terrorists and fraudsters.
20061120             British 'reserve' costing lives
20061120             But certainly in the short term, or even the long term, I would not support repeal of Roe v. Wade,
20061120             —LIMITED, But THE—WHITE—HOUSE "seems aware of the apparently, influence in Congress of MISTER—ROVE.
20061120             CIA analysis finds no IRAN—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS driv...- - Call for POST—CHARGE questioning
20061120             Case against Padilla 'light on facts': Casey is the field COMMANDER.
20061120             Their responsibility is to win the war + in my view,
20061120             —THREATENED, Chertoff says USA, by INTERNATIONAL law:
20061120             CHINA official admits to TORTURE—CHINA—PRESIDENT to visit INDIA
20061120             Copper miners in $25.9bn MERGER—CORRUPTION in AUSTRALIA-
20061120             —MISSED, COW—MILK allergy in babies is being, by doctors, survey findings suggest.
20061120             Cracked it!: - CUBA blasts SWITZERLAND—BANKS for cutting off business:
20061120             Der Spindoktor deckt in seinem Weblog den Spin in den Nachrichten auf und schaut Politikern,
20061120             Der Spindoktor: DEUTSCHLANDFUNK—LANGE —NACHT—EXPEDITION in die Schaltzentrale...
20061120             —FUNKTIONIERT, Die BUSH—CHENEY—GANG
20061120             Die höchste jemals von der USA—NOTENBANK ausgegebene Banknote hatte jedoch in Wirklichkeit einen Nennwert von 100.000—DOLLAR und war niemals im Umlauf
20061120             Dies ist einer Buchveröffentlichung über die DEUTSCHE—AUSLANDSSPIONAGE (BND) zu entnehmen,
20061120             1—SHOW—OF—FORCE is the only answer.By JOSHUA—MURAVCHIK, Does THE—RIAA—FEAR—COUNTERCLAIMS?-
20061120             Draconian ANTI—PIRACY—LAW—LOOMS Over AUSTRALIA-
20061120             —SEIZED, Drugs 'sub', off COSTA—RICA—EU pushes for joint energy stance
20061120             EU: Brüssel stellt TÜRKEI Ultimatum im ZYPERN—STREIT—EGYPT arrests another blog critic
20061120             11—FÜHRENDE Neurowissenschaftler über Gegenwart und Zukunft der Hirnforschung
20061120             Er steht im Verdacht,
20061120             Even though they may not — we don't have ANY—SPECIFIC—EVIDENCE—OF—1—FACILITY where they're doing this work,
20061120             Experts call for better flu plans
20061120             Falwell said the hiring should not be considered 1—ENDORSEMENT:
20061120             —FLOODED, Fears for, KENYA refugees
20061120             —FROM the release: Gazans gather to foil air strike
20061120             Gedmin asks, 'WILL—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH ever get his due?' and
20061120             —CHANGED, Gedmin writes that THE—PRESIDENT 'has forever, the conversation about democracy and THE—MIDDLE—EAST to the benefit of humankind.'"
20061120             GENERAL—BATISTE, MANY—OTHERS have said the same thing I said.
20061120             MANY—OTHER—OBSERVERS are in agreement with me.
20061120             —UNCOVERED, GERMANY—OFFICIALS say they have, 1—TERRORIST—PLOT to blow up 1—PASSENGER—PLANE in GERMANY.
20061120             GERMANY Must Perish! IN—GERMANY foils 'air terror plot'
20061120             GLENN—BECK—GONZALES Blasts Surveillance Critics:
20061120             ZG: B. Lorentz: Industrieelite... - HERSH: Absolutely.
20061120             He reminds us that THE—HEINRICH—DRÄGER und das DRÄGERWERK.
20061120             PADERBORN—HERSH reports that THE—WHITE—HOUSE is still aggressively moving ahead with preparations for 1—MILITARY—CONFLICT with IRAN.
20061120             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Lang leben die Ketten!" - His policy —TODAY will not work.
20061120             We have enough troops to go —AFTER Muqtada AL—SADR,
20061120             —WORRIED, Hoyer- - I am very, that political support will crumble not among Democrats, but among Republicans.
20061120             I saw 1—BROKEN—ARMY 19730000             + I don't want to see this Army and military — [Stephanopoulos interrupts.]
20061120             I talienischer Geheimdienstchef entlassen-
20061120             If by THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION, I agree with Brit, things aren't getting better on the ground or there's not 1—REALLY plausible CHANGE—OF—TACTICS here at home,
20061120             If THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY were 1—REAL—OPPOSITION—PARTY--1—PARTY—OF—PRINCIPLE filled with fighters--I'd say maintaining CONTROL—OF—THE—SENATE,
20061120             Intel Patents the "Digital Browser Phone"-
20061120             IRAQ—NEIGHBORS including IRAN + regional POWERS—IRAQIFICATION comes AHEAD—OF—VICTORY.
20061120             The only way to win, to be fair to put it,
20061120             It can accept corruption or it can fight it.
20061120             It is simply 1—ACT—OF—SUBMISSION to THE—USA, which they don't dare confess," THE—CUBA—BANK said.
20061120             ITALY 'sacks' spy over CIA kidnap
20061120             ITALY replaces THE—HEAD—OF—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE amid 1—INQUIRY into his role in 1—ALLEGED—CIA—ABDUCTION.
20061120             It's THE—PRESIDENT—AND—THE—VICE—PRESIDENT, It's time for more troops.
20061120             I'd love to see 1—POINT where it is irrelevant + could be repealed because abortion is no longer necessary.
20061120             I'm surprised that no one's raised the hypertrichosis angle — remember Jojo THE—DOG—FACED Boy?
20061120             —REVEALED, JACK—THE—RIPPER—FACE, —120—YEARS on THE—FACE—OF—JACK—THE—RIPPER has been pieced together by SCOTLAND Yard experts from evidence left by the Victorian killer.
20061120             —JAHRHUNDERT".
20061120             JOHN—ABIZAID said he finds "despair" about IRAQ —WHEN he comes to WASHINGTON,
20061120             KISSINGER, whose views have been sought by THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP, led by FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JAMES—BAKER—III (1—OF—POPPY—ERRAND boys),
20061120             KRISTOL: On the 1. point, this has been Abizaid and CASEY—THEORY,
20061120             —WORRIED, Kristol said he was "very " that if conditions in IRAQ did not improve within 2 to —3—MONTHS,
20061120             Kristol: I—FEAR—POLITICAL—SUPPORT—FOR—IRAQ 'WILL—CRUMBLE...Among Republicans' In Next —3—MONTHS-
20061120             LARRY—SILVERSTEIN: Connections to ISRAEL-
20061120             LET—NOT forget that the earliest WRITTEN stories of wildmen date back to UR —
20061120             Life Without Traffic Signs-
20061120             —RESERVED, Lives are being lost because "" Britons ignore the early SIGNS—OF—HEART—ATTACKS, 1—CHARITY says.
20061120             Lord Goldsmith backs 1—LAW—CHANGE to allow terror suspects to be questioned —AFTER they are charged.
20061120             MCCAIN FLIP—FLOPS, Supports Immediate Reversal of Roe v. Wade-
20061120             MCCAIN Hires Key Falwell Staffer For Presidential Campaign-
20061120             —DELIVERED, MCCAIN also, the commencement address at Liberty University
20061120             MCCAIN: I don't think 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—AMENDMENT is probably going to take place,
20061120             —RETIRED, MCCAIN: I notice that several, generals, GENERAL—ZINNI —RECENTLY,
20061120             MCCAIN: Rape, incest and THE—LIFE—OF—THE—MOTHER—YES.
20061120             MCCAIN: Sending More Troops Would 'Absolutely...Be Terrible' For Military, Risks 'Broken Army'-
20061120             MCCAIN: Yes, because I'm 1—FEDERALIST.
20061120             —JUST as I believe that the issue of gay marriage should be decided by the states,
20061120             MCCAIN—CALL for escalation would exacerbate the deteriorating situation in IRAQ and would only further damage USA national security.
20061120             Here's at least 2—REASONS why: MagWeb EUROPA:
20061120             —MISSED, Milk allergy in babies ''
20061120             Mining giant FREEPORT—MCMORAN is to buy larger rival Phelps Dodge, creating the world's largest listed copper firm.
20061120             —REPORTED, NEW—YORKER JOURNALIST—SEYMOUR—HERSH, that 1—NEW—CIA—ASSESSMENT concludes that "there's no evidence IRAN is doing anything that puts them close to 1—BOMB".
20061120             Despite the intelligence agency's conclusion, Nasdaq makes £2.7bn bid for LSE
20061120             —BLAMED, NEPAL KING, for crackdown
20061120             —PUBLISHED, NEW—JERSEY who, at his own expense a 100-page book titled
20061120             NewYorkCountryLawyer writes, NIGERIA scams 'cost UK billions'
20061120             No M13s, Not enough is being done to stop INTERNET scams and other financial crimes stemming from NIGERIA, 1—REPORT says.
20061120             —KILLED, NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE, across IRAQ —TODAY.
20061120             The point is we have 1—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT that cannot,
20061120             —ON the scale of prejudice, atheists don't seem so bad lately.
20061120             I think that in 1—ELECTION—CYCLE or 2—YOU will see 1—ATHEIST—BUSINESS—LEADER emerge as 1—LEGITIMATE—CANDIDATE for PRESIDENT.
20061120             PR—AGENTUREN und sonstigen "Öffentlichkeitsarbeitern" auf die Finger.
20061120             PADILLA—LAWYERS argue the evidence should be suppressed because, among other things,
20061120             Palestinians in GAZA gather at 1—HAMAS leader's home, —FOLLOWING reports ISRAEL—FORCES were about to attack it.
20061120             Passport to Insecurity
20061120             Pille oder Couch — Auf der Suche nach geeigneten Therapien
20061120             Plea deals pile up in IRAQ murder CASES—CONFLICT...-
20061120             Police in CAIRO detain 1—BLOGGER known as Ayyoub whose posts are CRITICAL—OF—THE—EGYPT—GOVERNMENT.
20061120             Powerful 20010911             Info Hits PRIME—TIME TV for 1. Time-
20061120             PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO is due in THE—INDIA—CAPITAL, DELHI, for the 1. visit by 1—CHINA—LEADER in —10—YEARS.
20061120             Protests as Bush visits INDONESIA
20061120             References: Hawk, J.L.M. McGregor, J. (20000000             —2005) Understanding your skin:
20061120             Republicans plot to bring down Pelosi
20061120             Researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies have successfully regenerated 1—WING in 1—CHICK embryo,
20061120             ROBERT—E—RUBIN, Treasury SECRETARY—UNDER—PRESIDENT—BILL—CLINTON + FORMER—FEDERAL—RESERVE—CHAIRMAN—PAUL—VOLCKER said foreign investors probably won't keep increasing dollar holdings,
20061120             Rove is here to stay.-
20061120             Rove on through the rest of his term," THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTS.
20061120             Rubin, Volcker Say Investors May Avoid Buying Dollars:
20061120             Rüstungsaufträge machten NACH—STEPHANOPOULOS: And you'd be for that?
20061120             STEPHANOPOULOS: Let me ask 1—QUESTION about abortion.
20061120             Then I want to turn to IRAQ.
20061120             —ADVANCED, STEPHANOPOULOS: So is PRESIDENT—BUSH, yet that hasn't, in THE—6—YEARS he's been in office.
20061120             —FLAWED, SADDAM—HUSSEIN—TRIAL was so, its verdict was unsound, says campaign group Human Rights Watch.
20061120             —FLAWED, Saddam trial ' and unsound'
20061120             —OFFERED, SCHWARTZ—ATTORNEY had, to withdraw the counterclaim if THE—RIAA—LAWYER could show him legal authority that its assertion was impermissible,
20061120             SCHWARTZ—INCLUSION—OF—1—COUNTERCLAIM against them for attorneys fees.
20061120             Scientists regenerate a wing in chick embryo
20061120             Senate Dems plan OVERHAUL—OF—MILITARY—TRIBUNALS—BILL:
20061120             Serious people are taking CRUTZEN—IDEA seriously".
20061120             Several key Senate Democrats are planning to overhaul the newly minted legislation governing military TRIBUNALS—OF—DETAINEES.
20061120             Stay in IRAQ, says Pentagon PANEL—STOP Global Warming With Smog?-
20061120             THE—USA—NASDAQ market tables 1—OFFER worth £2.7bn to take over THE—LONDON—STOCK—EXCHANGE.
20061120             —DROPPED, That was the assessment of 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE who, the most serious conspiracy count.
20061120             —INSTALLED, The $75,000 system has been, across THE—NETHERLANDS + have spread to LONDON and BELFAST,
20061120             THE—ALBATROSS: Why the Democrats Should Cut Loose Lieberman:: THE—DEMS'—AGENDA (Plus TomKat)
20061120             THE—ISRAELIS are telling THE—WHITE—HOUSE, according to HERSH—NEW—ARTICLE "THE—NEXT—ACT,
20061120             THE—MALETTI group was 1—BUNCH—OF—LIBYA—TROOPS, infantry, cavalry and artillery
20061120             THE—RIAA lawyer's response was 'I will let you know.'"
20061120             THE—REVEREND—JERRY—FALWELL, CHANCELLOR—OF—THE—LYNCHBURG university, said he has not endorsed 1—CANDIDATE + O'DONNELL—APPOINTMENT should not be interpreted as 1—SIGNAL that he is backing MCCAIN..".SENATOR—MCCAIN is getting 1—REAL winner + I'm sure Brett will be 1—GREAT—HELP to him," Falwell said.
20061120             —ACCUSED—OF, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT is, failing to do all it can to prevent 1—FLU—PANDEMIC.
20061120             The fact is Israelis have coming up with new human intelligence, sort of the counter CIA assessment,
20061120             The most notable is the strategic ALLIANCE—BETWEEN—THE—FRENTE—AUTHENTICO del Trabajo (FAT),
20061120             —URGED, The west's leading Muslim ally, Nato to change course in AFGHANISTAN —YESTERDAY,
20061120             Then THE—UNIT is ready to serve all the nighttime party animals who don't mind peeing in 1—VERY exposed public urinal.
20061120             —JAMMED, Then again, they may end up with streets, with pedestrians, bicyclists + cars like SOME—PLACES in INDIA and CHINA.
20061120             THEODORE—N—KAUFMAN was a —31—YEAR old owner of a theatrical ticket agency in NEWARK,
20061120             There IS—THERE—NO—SECRET—PROGRAM—OF—SIGNIFICANT—BOMB making.
20061120             This —MORNING on ABC, commentator and foreign policy scholar Fareed Zarkaria slammed JOHN—MCCAIN—PLAN to send more USA—TROOPS to IRAQ,
20061120             This counterclaim includes as 1—EXHIBIT—THE—ACLU, EFF, Public Citizen brief in Capitol v. Foster,
20061120             This is the internecine fight that's going on — the same fight, by the way,
20061120             This —MORNING on ABC, MCCAIN — —NOW aggressively courting the likes of JERRY—FALWELL
20061120             Noting that CentCom COMMANDER—GEN.
20061120             —TODAY, 3—MILLION—BRITONS have been issued with the new HI—TECH—PASSPORT,
20061120             Top EU officials meet energy industry chiefs amid difficulties over key negotiations with RUSSIA.
20061120             USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W BUSH makes a brief, controversial visit to INDONESIA, amid protests over IRAQ.
20061120             VIDEO: Infowars' KEVIN—SMITH—ON—FOX—NEWS "Mancow"...-
20061120             Vertrautes im Neuen entdeckend wird der so virtuos auf der Klaviatur von Schamanentum + Mythen spielende CIA
20061120             VICTORY—POEM
20061120             —VOR—45—JAHREN wurde Patrice E. Lumumba, Mitbegründer der KONGOLESISCHEN—UNABHÄNGIGKEITSBEWEGUNG und 1. Premier der Demokratischen REPUBLIK—KONGO,
20061120             —ENGAGED, We are already, in 1 uncontrolled experiment by injecting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.'"
20061120             But look, ABIZAID—JOB, Web censorship law may come OUT—OF—HIBERNATION
20061120             What are you going to do to advance 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—AMENDMENT that PRESIDENT—BUSH hasn't done?
20061120             —WHEN I asked friends and former staffers which issues Hoyer seemed to feel most passionately about,
20061120             —POSTED by PROFESSOR—HEX—WOMAN loses fight to wear cross
20061120             Would it put 1—TERRIBLE strain on the Army and Marine Corps?
20061120             Absolutely, You could do 20,000 in THE—SHORT—TERM.
20061120             You're for 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—AMENDMENT banning abortion, with SOME—EXCEPTIONS for life and rape and incest.
20061120             ZAKARIA: There is no question that if you had more troops and still can't go —AFTER the militias,
20061120             Zakaria: MCCAIN—PLAN—FOR—MORE—TROOPS '—JUST Willing More USA—DEATHS'-
20061120             —TORTURED, Zubaydah and Muhammad may have been, and Zubaydah was being treated with medication for gunshot wounds that raises questions about his reliability.
20061120             1—CASE against 1—WOMAN with Multiple Sclerosis, THE—RIAA is protesting on technical grounds Ms.
20061120             1—DANGEROUS—TYPE—OF—SKIN—CANCER.
20061120             1—FORMER—FEDERAL—APPELLATE judge, said in 1—SPEECH to the Federalist Society, 1—CONSERVATIVE—POLICY—GROUP.
20061120             1—SPECIES not known to be able to regrow limbs.
20061120             an der Entführung eines Imams in Mailand im - 1—EXILE group headed by AHMAD—CHALABI.
20061120             "CHALABI—DEFECTOR reports were...flowing from the Pentagon directly to THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—OFFICE + then on to THE—PRESIDENT,
20061120             1—IDEA that is implausible to carry out over THE—SHORT—TERM and would damage the military's ability to recruit over THE—LONG—TERM.
20061120             and Clinton with her: and undermine our national security".
20061120             MCCAIN suggests enlarging the force to send them to IRAQ,
20061120             as it was revealed that TONY—BLAIR is to visit THE—WAR—TORN country —TODAY.
20061120             but I do believe that it's very likely or possible that THE—SUPREME—COURT should — could overturn Roe v. Wade,
20061120             but VICTORIA will be the 1. NORTH—USA—CITY to try them out".
20061120             can't offer amnesty to the Sunni insurgents, the core political decisions we have to make do not depend on more troops but political compromises that this government,
20061120             ccozan of 1—LAW being rushed through THE—AUSTRALIA—LEGISLATURE that would criminalize great swaths of the citizenry.
20061120             designed to frustrate terrorists and fraudsters. didn't want to see another.
20061120             —DIE—HEUTE auf den Markt kommt.
20061120             elsanto Says: even in "the long term".
20061120             even with by 1—MARGIN—OF—1—SINGLE, fragile vote, would be important and valuable.
20061120             gefoltert, erschossen und anschließend wurde sein Leichnam in Batteriesäure AUFGELÖST—GESTIFTET von einer belgische
20061120             gerrysteele writes to point out 1—RECENT—POST to the Dilbert blog,
20061120             has grown to 1—MAJORITY—POSITION — —NOW 6 in 10— 1—NUMBER—SURE to increase if more USA—TROOPS are put on the ground.
20061120             he believes his computer simulations show 1—SIMILAR—EFFECT from deliberate injection of sulfur into the atmosphere by humans.
20061120             he's not CHIEF—OF—STAFF—OF—THE—ARMY—HE is 1—COMBATANT COMMANDER.
20061120             He is COMMANDER—OF—CENTCOM.
20061120             if you will, from having 1—BOMB.
20061120             interessados que 1—EMPRESA—USA—BANKNOTE—LTDA., - is Iraqification.
20061120             ist —HEUTE von der Regierung Prodi entlassen worden.
20061120             it would be terrible.
20061120             We're going to be asking people to go back again and again,
20061120             it's pretty much being kept in THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20061120             like INDIA + PAKISTAN—MAYBE even extend their TOURS.
20061120             But there's only 1—THING worse + that is defeat.
20061120             MILIZIA—MIT Hilfe des CIA und BELGISCHER—POLIZISTEN an seine politischen Feinde ausgeliefert,
20061120             most spoke instead about his political skills.
20061120             no middle course.
20061120             of the insurgency by feeding PERCEPTIONS—OF—LONG—TERM—USA—OCCUPATION among MANY—IRAQIS".
20061120             The recent effort to increase troop numbers in BAGHDAD has only increased violence.
20061120             officials tell THE—WASHINGTON—POST.
20061120             only M11s and L3s, but they had SOME—REALLY cool paint...
20061120             or 1—ATHEIST that may or may not show him how to set up 1—WIRELESS—NETWORK in his house.
20061120             raising the risk of 1—SLUMP in the currency.
20061120             saying 'I wouldn't want to get into motion practice over 1—MERE—FORMALITY.
20061120             saying it "will not work".
20061120             september_11_vreeland : Message: WHITE—HOUSE l...-
20061120             signals, painted lines + even sidewalks.
20061120             With the motto 'Unsafe is Safe,' the idea is that,
20061120             so do I believe that we would be better off by having Roe v. Wade return to the states.
20061120             suggesting that he is likely to play 1—MORE—PROMINENT—ROLE".
20061120             sunlight & skin cancer. Family Doctor Publications.
20061120             AUTHOR—UNKNOWN. that we had —BEFORE IRAQ".
20061120             the Israelis say yes they are, they're getting ready to start detonating 1—WEAPON.
20061120             the grounds of 1—ZOO) and sings 'Happy Birthday' in 1—MANNER that can be heard by others,
20061120             the key Shiite religious leader whose militia is causing us this trouble.
20061120             —THEN—IN the end we have to do experiments like this.'
20061120             they've come up with 1—AGENT inside IRAN. They have more than 1.
20061120             they've talked themselves into the notion that their responsibility is to Iraqify the war.
20061120             this ruling coalition can't make.
20061120             threaten to break our nation's ALL—VOLUNTEER Army
20061120             to work out 1—WAY—FORWARD for the region.
20061120             —TODAY—PAPERS—WAR an der Entführung DEUTSCHER—STAATSBÜRGER beteiligt
20061120             —WHEN faced with 1—UNCERTAIN, unregulated situation, drivers will be naturally cautious and courteous.
20061120             which decried THE—RIAA—TACTICS as a 'driftnet.' In prior email correspondence between the lawyers Ms.
20061120             which would then force X NUMBER—OF—WOMEN in AMERICA to [undergo] illegal and dangerous operations.
20061120             which would then return these decisions to the states, which I support.
20061120             will not make ANY—OF—THE—DECISIONS that will supplement this military.
20061120             with little prior evaluation by intelligence professionals.
20061120             zeigen, erschiene allerdings 1—REDUKTION psychischer Prozesse auf Hirnvorgänge unter...
20061120             zu verteidigen -
20061120             — expressed his unequivocal support for overturning Roe v. Wade.
20061120             —AT—THIS—MOMENT in time, we know that AUSTRALIA and SOUTH—AFRICA HAVE the highest incidence of melanoma,
20061120             —POSTED—SUNDAY, 'It's safe to say he tried to game the system,
20061120             "HE—GETTING Brett at the peak of his production".
20061120             "Of course the people in THE—CIA want to know who [the agent] is, obviously," Hersh said.
20061120             "They certainly want to know what other evidence he has of actual making of 1—WARHEAD.
20061120             "political support will crumble not among Democrats, but among Republicans. Gone".
20061120             "Deeskalation — hin zur Harmonie" ist das für CIA.
20061120             JOSHUA—B—BOLTEN, THE—WHITE—HOUSE—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, was dispatched to the Hill —THIS—WEEK to hold meetings with members,
20061120             —SHRUGGED, PRESIDENT—BUSH in INDONESIA, off protests that greeted him in the world's most populous Muslim nation, calling it 1—SIGN—OF—1—HEALTHY—DEMOCRACY.
20061120             —PRAISED, Bush, INDONESIA's "pluralism and its diversity" and said that the world should look to the predominantly Muslim country as 1—EXAMPLE.
20061120             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—MINT, designs for new 1—DOLLAR—COINS that will feature IMAGES—OF—THE—PRESIDENTS—BEGINNING—IN February.
20061120             6—IMAMS were removed from 1—USA—AIRWAYS flight at MINNEAPOLIS—S—PAUL—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT—AFTER passengers reported they were acting suspiciously.
20061120             O.J. SIMPSON—BOOK and TV special were canceled, 1—ASTONISHING end to 1—IMAGINARY confession that had sickened the public as the very worst kind of tabloid sensation.
20061120             "If I—DID—IT," in which Simpson was to have described how he would have killed his EX—WIFE, had been scheduled to air as a 2—PART—INTERVIEW 20061127             and 20061129             on Fox.
20061120             HARPER—COLLINS said all copies would be destroyed.
20061120             The book was —LATER brought out by 1—DIFFERENT—PUBLISHER.
20061120             1—BUS—CRASH in HUNTSVILLE—ALABAMA, killed 3—TEENAGE—GIRLS and left at least 30—STUDENTS injured.
20061120             † A 4. student, THE—NEXT—DAY.
20061120             —INCLUDED, His numerous films, "M*A*S*H" (19700000             ) and "NASHVILLE" (19750000             ).
20061120             UK—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR told soldiers fighting 1—RESURGENT—TALIBAN that success in AFGHANISTAN would be 1—STEP toward global security, and pledged BRITAIN—COMMITMENT to THE—WAR—TORN country "for as long as it takes".
20061120             —TRIED, AUSTRIA, 35—NATIONS, to find common ground in 1—FRACTIOUS—SESSION focusing on what to do about IRAN—REQUESTS to THE—UN—NUCLEAR—WATCHDOG—AGENCY for help on projects including building 1—PLUTONIUM—PRODUCING reactor.
20061120             † UK—BRIGADIER—GRISMOND "Gris" DAVIES—SCOURFIELD, at age 88. He won 1—MILITARY—CROSS for his part in the Allied defense of Calais —WWII—DURING and —LATER escaped from the Nazis holding him prisoner in the notorious Colditz Castle.
20061120             —SEIZED, Authorities, a 50-foot homemade submarine with 3—TONS—OF—COCAINE off THE—COAST—OF—COSTA—RICA.
20061120             —ARRIVED, CHINA—PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO, in NEW—DELHI for the 2. visit by 1—CHINA—PRESIDENT.
20061120             —REJECTED, ERITREA and ETHIOPIA both, plans by 1—UN—APPOINTED border panel to demarcate their contentious frontier on paper.
20061120             —APPROVED, FRANCE—PROSECUTORS, INTERNATIONAL arrest warrants for 9—RWANDA—OFFICIALS in connection with 19940000             —THE attack that killed RWANDA—PRESIDENT, triggering THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—COUNTRY'S genocide.
20061120             Magistrate JEAN—LOUIS—BRUGUIERE also said there was evidence that "PAUL—KAGAME and MEMBERS—OF—HIS—MILITARY—STAFF devised the operation" to destroy RWANDA—PRESIDENT—JUVENAL—HABYARIMANA—PLANE.
20061120             —CONVICTED—OF, KEMPTEN—GERMANY, nurse STEPHAN—LETTER was, killing 28—OF—HIS—PATIENTS (20030000—20040000    ) at 1—HOSPITAL in SONTHOFEN—GERMANY, and sentenced to life in prison.
20061120             —STRAPPED, NORTH—WEST—GERMANY, SEBASTIAN—BOSSE, —18—JAHRE—ALT with explosives, to his body, killed himself —AFTER storming 1—HIGH—SCHOOL in Emsdetten and injuring several people with gunfire.
20061120             GUATEMALA—CITY, 1—ENORMOUS—FIRE broke out at CENTRAL—AMERICA—LARGEST—OPEN—AIR—MARKET killing 15—PEOPLE, including 3—MINORS.
20061120             —RIPPED, EAST—INDIA, 1—EXPLOSION, through 2—CARS—OF—1—PASSENGER—TRAIN, killing at least 8—PEOPLE and injuring about 60—PEOPLE.
20061120             —INVITED, IRAN, IRAQ and Syria to talks in TEHRAN aimed at curbing violence in IRAQ.
20061120             —KILLED, Assassins, WALID—HASSAN, —47—JAHRE—ALT, 1—POPULAR—BAGHDAD television comedian and 1—PROFESSOR at 1—UNIVERSITY—SOUTH—OF—THE—CAPITAL, but failed in attempts to kill 2—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS as the country's leader met with SYRIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER about improving security and reopening diplomatic relations.
20061120             —KILLED, At least 25—IRAQIS were, in 1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS in BAGHDAD, Ramadi and Baquba.
20061120             —KIDNAPPED, The bodies of 75—IRAQIS, who had been, and tortured, were found in BAGHDAD, Dujail and in the Tigris River in SOUTH—IRAQ.
20061120             —REPORTED, It was, that at least 21—IRAQ—INTERPRETERS had been kidnapped and shot in THE—HEAD—IN—BASRA over THE—LAST—MONTH.
20061120             ITALY—PREMIER—ROMANO PRODI—CENTER—LEFT government got RID—OF—THE—HEADS—OF—ITS 3—INTELLIGENCE—CHIEFS: military service (SISMI), civil agency (SISDI) and the coordinating body CESIS.
20061120             —DEFEATED, MEXICO's, presidential candidate Lopez Obrador planned to be sworn in as the country's "legitimate PRESIDENT" as MEXICO celebrated its 19100000             revolution.
20061120             —ATTACKED, Armed men, the offices of 1—NIGERIA—AID—GROUP in the southern oil hub of PORT—HARCOURT, killing 1—PERSON and wounding another.
20061120             —OFFERED, The dead man had, to help find Ateke Tom, 1—MILITANT wanted by THE—NIGERIA—GOVERNMENT in connection with 1—STRING of kidnappings and bank robberies.
20061120             1—PARAGUAY—COURT dropped corruption charges against FORMER—PRESIDENT—LUIS—GONZALEZ—MACCHI, acknowledging it had failed to meet 1—DEADLINE for hearing full testimony on accusations he maintained 1—SECRET—SWITZERLAND—BANK—ACCOUNT.
20061120             GENERAL—ADDEH—MUSEH, THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—SEMIAUTONOMOUS—REGION—OF—PUNTLAND, said he will rule according to Islamic law, 1—SURPRISING move in 1—RELATIVELY stable area that has resisted THE—SPREAD—OF—ISLAMIC—MILITANTS who control MOST—OF—SOUTH—SOMALIA.
20061120             SOUTH—AFRICA—POLICE, said Ananias Mathe, 1—MOZAMBIQUE—NATIONAL awaiting trial on rape, murder and other charges, escaped from PRETORIA—C—MAX prison by greasing himself up with petroleum jelly and squeezing out of 1—TINY—WINDOW.
20061120             —REPORTED, This was the 1., escape at the top security prison in its —36—YEAR—HISTORY.
20061120             —HAILED, SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR—GOVERNMENT, 1—NEW—AGREEMENT with THE—UN over peacekeepers in Darfur as 1—DIPLOMATIC—BREAKTHROUGH, but said serious differences remain over the force's makeup and command.
20061120             —BLOCKED, UZBEKISTAN, 1—UN—RESOLUTION backed by THE—USA—AND—WESTERN nations criticizing its human rights violations, including the harassment, beatings and ARRESTS—OF—JOURNALISTS and civil activists.
20061120             Drucker introduces us to FRITZ—KRAEMER, 1—BRILLIANT, MONOCLE—WEARING eccentric who became 1—INFLUENTIAL—MENTOR to the young HENRY—KISSINGER... alfatomega.com/20061120.html -
20061120             PALESTINE—HUMAN—SHIELDS give ISRAEL pause.
20061120             —BY JOSHUA—MITNICK | Correspondent of THE—CHRISTIAN.
20061120             NMU (20061120             ): Freelancer Wolf could be jailed —UNTIL July
20061120             Freelance JOURNALIST—JOSH—WOLF could end up spending the next —8—MONTHS in prison, —AFTER a 3—JUDGE—PANEL—LAST—WEEK denied 1—PETITION to...
20061120             PHYSICS: HIGH—TECH—MATERIALS Could Render Objects Invisible -- Cho... - Source: INTERVIEW—WITH—DANIEL—ELLSBERG.
20061120             FORMER—CIA, STATE—DEPARTMENT +... alfatomega.com/20061120.html
20061120             BG—LARRY—SILVERSTEIN : Connections to ISRAEL—BG... alfatomega.com/20061120.html
20061120             twee vliegtuigen... His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa AL—THANI
20061120             NORTH—AFRICA : UK—VS. Italians: 57 ... Maletti Group got lost.
20061120             PIETRO—MALETTI—WIKIPEDIA
20061120             Nel 19310000             conseguì la promozione a colonnello per meriti di guerra.
20061120             Rientrò in Italia nel maggio 19340000             ma nel gennaio del 19350000             fu trasferito in SOMALIA e dove...
20061120             Anschließend tötet er sich selbst.
20061120—19740000    —IN, He moved to SF and soon began presenting —LATE—NIGHT—EVENTS at the Mabuhay Gardens in NORTH—BEACH, where punk rock found 1—HOME.
20061120—20061120    —AB, NASDAQ—ANGEBOT: Londoner Börse lehnt Übernahme Portugals Küche: Gerichte mit Geschichte 20061120             Human Rights Watch: Menschenrechtler kritisieren SADDAM—PROZESS als unfair 20061120             Neuer KUPFER—RIESE: USA—METALLUNTERNEHMEN planen Milliardenfusion
20061120—20061130    —FOLLOWED, The book was to have.
20061120—20061204    —ON, Mathe was shot and captured.
20061120—20061209    —HAPPENED, What
20061121             According to TVEyes, there have been 417—REFERENCES to Simpson 20061115—20061120    —BETWEEN (3:30 PM).
20061204             —AGREED, CONSUL—AT—ARMS: 20051120             1—PARIS criminal court, —YESTERDAY to hear 1—CASE involving 2—AMERICANS in connection with the theft of 1—ORIGINAL—COPY—OF—18140000             —THE treaty in which...
20061216             —LASTED, THE—SWEARING—IN ceremony, less than —2—MINUTES... Calderon's "defeated" rival, the leftist Andres MANUEL—LOPEZ—OBRADOR, had declared himself MEXICO's "legitimate PRESIDENT" in his own SWEARING—IN ceremony 20061120             —BEFORE 100,000—PEOPLE in this city's central square, the Zocalo.
20070205             † † THE—REVEREND—JIM—JONES was 1—OF—ONLY 3—PEOPLE who, by gunshot, the rest appear to have, from drinking KOOL—AID laced with cyanide...) 20031120             JONESTOWN: 1—FORGOTTEN tragedy —25—YEARS—LATER,
20070223             "Recent events seem 1—STUNNING setback for THE—VICE—PRESIDENT " [20061120             ]
20070223             " Recent events seem 1—STUNNING setback for THE—VICE—PRESIDENT "[20061120             ](more...)
20070301120415       Kreuz Dem Bistum S—DIEGO ( USA ) stehen rund 150—KLAGEN wegen Kindsmissbrauch ins Haus...
20070310             20070310             20060000             11151120             06—GLOBAL Warming Debunker DEBUNKED—KDAWSON 126+ -... 20061100             Inhofe Attacks CHILDREN—BOOK on Global WARMING—JUDD -... alfatomega.com/20061115.html
20070310             20070310             20060000             11151120             06—GLOBAL Warming Debunker DEBUNKED—KDAWSON 126+ -...
20070909—20071120    —ON, their father, DAN—PORTER, —44—JAHRE—ALT, already in jail for their kidnapping, was charged in their shootings.
20071120             —CALLED, BHUTTO—BACKFLIP as poll is, : PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF —YESTERDAY nailed down 20070108             for elections —WHILE opposition leader Benazir Bhutto, in yet another political backflip, appeared to lay the groundwork for resuming POWER—SHARING negotiations with the military ruler.
20071120             "Das ist 1—DER—GROßARTIGSTEN—ENTDECKUNGEN, die jemals gemacht wurden",
20071120             "Die Entführungen von Terrorverdächtigen waren keine Einzelfälle.
20071120             "Die Namen, Adressen und die Geburtsdaten aller Kinder dieses Landes sind auf 2—COMPUTER—CDS,
20071120             1—REVIEW—OF—AMERICA'S 'Investment' in EL—SALVADOR-
20071120             1—USA—OFFICIAL did not rule out possibility of launching 1—PREVENTIVE military strike against IRAN—NUCLEAR—INSTALLATIONS in the 1. half of 20080000             .
20071120             —ABOUT 1—QUARTER—OF—DETAINEES who were cleared to leave GUANTANAMO Bay prison —AFTER hearings in
20071120             According to a - Auch PINTO—DUSCHINSKY verweist darauf, daß in den dort vorgelegten Akten die Anwesenheit von Abs bei den IG—FARBEN—AUFSICHTSRATSSITZUNGEN vermerkt ist,
20071120             Auf Spruchbändern verwiesen die Demonstranten auf die 140prozentige Gehaltserhöhung,
20071120             Banken fürchten Klagen wegen Kreditkrise
20071120             Beim Abdrehen sind die Energieversorger hart: Kleinkinder, Pflegefälle, Dalai Lama hits EAST—CONSUMER craze
20071120             Damit habe sich das Projekt der Regierung, 1—DATENBANK mit den persönlichen Daten aller Briten aufzubauen,
20071120             —GERIET, Darling, im Parlament mächtig unter Druck.
20071120             "Lassen Sie uns klar werden über das Ausmaß dieses katastrophalen Fehlers",
20071120             Das war 1—SYSTEM, das von USA—GEHEIMDIENSTEN im Kampf gegen den Terrorismus genutzt wurde", sagte Fava.
20071120             —KRITISIERT, Datenschützer, Ausdehnung der bundesweiten Videoüberwachung
20071120             Deepening CHINA—IRAN Ties Weaken Bid to Isolate IRAN:
20071120             Denn nach geschichtlicher Erfahrung kann und darf nur der Aufsichtsrat sein, der nichts sieht.
20071120             Der Abschied vom Dollar
20071120             Der Dollar hat —SEIT Jahresbeginn zum Euro mehr als 12—PROZENT verloren.
20071120             Der Politiker wand sich: "Die Polizei sagte mir, dass sie keinen Grund habe anzunehmen,
20071120             —ENTSTANDEN, Der sei auch dadurch, daß der SS—ARZT "völlig überlastet" gewesen sei.
20071120             Der verantwortliche Finanzminister ALISTAIR—DARLING hatte —HEUTE vor dem BRITISCHEN—UNTERHAUS einen beispiellosen FALL—VON—SCHLAMPEREI seiner Behörden zugeben müssen:
20071120             Die größte Kundgebung nach PARIS fand in MARSEILLE statt, wo nach ANGABEN—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTEN 60000 Menschen auf die Straße gingen.
20071120             Does such barbaric abuse inside USA—JAILS explain the horrors that were committed in IRAQ?
20071120             EXCLUSIVE: DANIEL—ELLSBERG—SAYS—SIBEL—EDMONDS—CASE 'Far More Explosive Than Pentagon Papers':'
20071120             1—TELEFONHOTLINE wurde eingerichtet.
20071120             —GARANTIERT, Zudem wurde, dass niemandem ein finanzieller Schaden entstehe,
20071120             —HONORIERT, Er plädierte — für etwas anderes wurde er nicht, — auf "Tragödie".
20071120             Erziehungsberechtigten und Betreuern".
20071120             Es gab keinen Zugang zu den wichtigen Handakten von HERMANN—JOSEF—ABS,
20071120             Es ging um den vieldiskutierten RÜHEN—FALL.
20071120             Im WERKS—LAGER Rühen hatte das Volkswagenwerk mit Hilfe des Werksarztes und SS—HAUPTSTURMFÜHRERS Dr.
20071120             Es handele sich mit an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit um die Höhle,
20071120             Euro in europäische Kreditinstrumente und 275—MRD.
20071120             —INVESTIERT, Euro in europäische Aktien.
20071120             Feldman: "Es ist Unsinn, die Banken deswegen für die Zwangsarbeit verantwortlich zu machen,
20071120             Financial Aid for the Rich:
20071120             Für Mommsen in seiner VW—AUFTRAGSARBEIT 1—PROBLEM eines "damals noch nicht hinreichend bekannten Hospitalismus".
20071120             Gagged' FBI Whistleblower, Risking Jail, Says USA—MEDIA Has Refused Her Offer to Disclose Classified Information,
20071120             —VERLOREN, Genauso, gegangen sind die Bankdaten und Versicherungsnummern von 10—MILLIONEN Eltern,
20071120             GENTECHNIK—ERFOLG: Forscher programmieren HAUT—ZU Stammzellen um
20071120             HANS—KÖRBEL die Säuglinge seiner Zwangsarbeiterinnen durch Hungerkost letal entsorgt.
20071120             Here is 1—EYE—WITNESS—REPORT—OF my visit to EL—SALVADOR last ;;11;;.
20071120             Hintergrund für die Zuflüsse sind relativ zu den USA steigende Bondrenditen in der EURO—ZONE.
20071120             CASE, You Missed it Paying THE—PRICE: Killing THE—CHILDREN—OF—IRAQ
20071120             —MISSED, In case you, it AMERICA—INVISIBLE—EMPIRE
20071120             Torture INCORPORATED Americas Brutal Prisons:
20071120             Including Criminal Allegations, Information Concerning 'Security of Americans'
20071120             Insbesondere bei den Berufsgeheimnisträgern wie beispielsweise Ärzten,
20071120             —URGED, Investor JIM—ROGERS, people to get OUT—OF—THE—DOLLAR and says he expects to be rid of all his USA—CURRENCY—ASSETS by —SUMMER—NEXT—YEAR.
20071120             IRAN is 1—LONG—WAY from acquiring 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON and is "foolish" for not investing its resources in its people instead of 1—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM,
20071120             —WARNED, IRAN—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—SPOKESMAN—MOHAMMAD—ALI—HOSSEINI, here —SUNDAY that issuance of 1—NEW—ANTI—IRAN resolution would have negative impact on THE—PROCESS—OF—EXECUTION—OF—IRAN—IAEA agreement.
20071120             ISRAEL must leave the territories, and must do it SOON—WHETHER accompanied by concessions on THE—PALESTINE—SIDE or not
20071120             Ist der Kernbereich privater Lebensgestaltung betroffen, ist 1—TELEFONÜBERWACHUNG von vornherein verboten.
20071120             It illustrates the legacy of our government's $6—BILLION "investment" in that war —AFTER—15—YEARS—OF—PEACE—AND provides 1—SAMPLE—OF what we can expect from our $1.6—TRILLION and counting "investment" in AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ.
20071120             CONTINUE—IT is 1—MATTER—OF—RECORD that THE—UK—PRESS, and THE—USA—PRESS even more so,
20071120             It is the systemization of the predatory process within 1—GIVEN territory.
20071120             CONTINUE—JIM—ROGERS—URGES—PEOPLE to Sell USA—DOLLAR Holdings:
20071120             Journalisten oder Rechtsanwälten wird der nach geltendem Recht vorhandene Schutz nicht nur vollumfänglich erhalten,
20071120             Katastrophaler Börsenstart: Aktie von Handyschalenhersteller stürzt um 40—PROZENT ab
20071120             Kein Betrüger könne mit Hilfe der passwortgeschützten CDs Konten plündern.
20071120             Klimabilanz des Fliegens: Luftbuchung vom LUFTHANSA—CHEF
20071120             Kucinich protests Army training school:-
20071120             Landwirtschaft: EU—KOMMISSION will Subventionen kappen
20071120             Laut Claudio Fava, Berichterstatter der Parlamentskommission, sollen die USA 1—NETZWERK aufgebaut haben,
20071120             MEDIZIN—SENSATION : Die ethisch unbedenkliche Stammzelle
20071120             Mehrere europäische Regierungen und Sicherheitsdienste sollen mit den USA kooperiert haben.
20071120             —OCCUPIED, More residents fled, MOGADISHU —ON—MONDAY, adding to 1—GROWING humanitarian crisis as government forces backed by ETHIOPIA—TANKS stepped up efforts to crush fighters loyal to the Islamic Courts group.
20071120             —ACCUSED—OF, More than 1,000—PEOPLE from 85—COUNTRIES who are, such crimes as rape,
20071120             Musharraf Rebuffs Negroponte:
20071120             Nach ANSICHT—VON—WÄHRUNGSEXPERTEN stecken hinter der EURO—STÄRKE beziehungsweise der DOLLAR—SCHWÄCHE massive Kapitalzuflüsse in die EURO—REGION und Kapitalabflüsse aus den USA.
20071120             Nach Schätzungen der BRITISCHEN—GROSSBANK—HSBC haben Investoren —IN—DIESEM—JAHR 150—MRD.
20071120             New UN resolution to affect IRAN—IAEA COOPERATION—SPOKESMAN:
20071120             NUMBER—OF—CHILDREN dying higher than —WHEN the country was under sanctions.
20071120             —BY Hind AL—SAFAR in BAGHDAD
20071120             OPEC to study effect of weak USA—DOLLAR on oil prices:
20071120             OPEC will study the weak USA—DOLLAR—EFFECT on the oil cartel's earnings and investigate the possibility of 1—CURRENCY basket, IRAN—OIL—MINISTER—SAID—SUNDAY.
20071120             Occupation breeds terror:
20071120             Pentagon Cover Up : 15,000 or more USA—CASUALTIES in IRAQ War-
20071120             Powell: IRAN is 1—LONG—WAY from having nuclear weapon: Preparing For Life —AFTER Oil-
20071120             PRESIDENT—GENERAL—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF bluntly told top USA—DIPLOMAT—JOHN—NEGROPONTE —YESTERDAY that he would call off emergency rule only —WHEN the security situation improves in PAKISTAN.
20071120             Prison system 1—COSTLY and harmful failure: report:
20071120             Privatisierung der Geschichte Und genau dieser eingeschränkt uneingeschränkte Zugang ist das Problem.
20071120             Römischer Mythos: Forscher wollen Höhle von Romulus und Remus gefunden haben
20071120             —ENFORCED, Sanctions, by THE—UN on IRAQ —SINCE the Gulf War have killed more people than in
20071120             SAUDI—ARABIEN: USA kritisieren Urteil gegen vergewaltigte Frau
20071120             Savaged by dogs, Electrocuted With Cattle Prods, Burned By Toxic Chemicals,
20071120             Schwangerschaft oder Krankheit sind kein Hinderungsgrund.
20071120             SENATOR: USA Has Become Haven For War Criminals-
20071120             Sie wurden in der Hauspost AUFGEGEBEN—UND sind seitdem verschwunden.
20071120             SOME—CLEARED—GUANTANAMO inmates stay in custody:
20071120             Spektakuläre Behördenpanne: CDs mit Privatdaten von 25—MILLIONEN Briten verschwunden
20071120             Stem cell BREAKTHROUGH—SUFFER the Children
20071120             Säbelgerassel: Putin warnt Nato und ermahnt eigene Atomstreitkräfte
20071120             —DECLARED, TEHERAN—2—ARCH—FOES are preparing for what they have long, is 1—UNACCEPTABLE—SCENARIO,
20071120             That ranking would surprise most Americans, who likely consider their nation the most prosperous in the world.
20071120             THE—PENTAGON has been concealing the true NUMBER—OF—USA—CASUALTIES in THE—IRAQ—WAR.
20071120             The 1. casualty: The number of Americans in prison has risen 8—FOLD
20071120             The rapidly growing relationship between IRAN and CHINA has begun to undermine INTERNATIONAL efforts to ensure that IRAN cannot convert 1—PEACEFUL—ENERGY—PROGRAM to develop 1—NUCLEAR—ARSENAL, USA and European officials say.
20071120             The real number exceeds 15,000 and CBS News can prove it.
20071120             1 is to work and earn from production and exchange.
20071120             The 2. is to seize the labor PRODUCT—OF—OTHERS through force and violence.
20071120             —CALLED, This has been, the "political means".
20071120             —UNHERALDED, This past May, in 1, and almost unnoticed move, the Energy Department signaled 1—FUNDAMENTAL,
20071120             Trotz der größten Massenaktionen —SEIT—JAHREN gab sich die Regierung —AM—DIENSTAG weiter unnachgiebig.
20071120             Trotzdem wurden die Bürger aufgerufen, in Zukunft genau die Bewegungen auf ihren Konten zu beobachten.
20071120             UN: SOMALIA crisis worst in AFRICA:
20071120             USA—FALLS to NUMBER 15 in Average Worker Income:
20071120             USA—AND ISRAEL 'face up to' IRAN "bomb":
20071120             Und wenn wir —SCHON am Rumklicken sind beim BMJ, dann können wir uns auch gleich über diese Pressemitteilung hier amüsieren:
20071120             Was Abs aber gewußt haben muß, das könnte, wenn er nur gewollt hätte, Gall längst ermittelt haben.
20071120             Will it fail again as THE—THREAT—OF—1—ATTACK on IRAN grows?
20071120             The verdict from 1—CONFERENCE on "War,
20071120             Wirtschaftsweiser Bofinger: "Die EURO—AUFWERTUNG trifft die Wirtschaft am kritischen Punkt"
20071120             Wohnungsgesellschaft will nach Herkunft sortieren: Abschied von Integration bei Mietern
20071120             Zudem sorgen verfahrenssichernde Regelungen wie Benachrichtigungspflichten,
20071120             2—CDS mit vertraulichen Informationen über 25—MILLIONEN Menschen sind einfach verschollen.
20071120             and CHINA and RUSSIA undermine efforts to forge 1—INTERNATIONAL—SANCTIONS—REGIME.
20071120             as the prospects for air strikes to cripple IRAN—NUCLEAR—NETWORK fade,
20071120             der neben seiner Arisierungstätigkeit für die DEUTSCHE—BANK—AUCH—AUFSICHTSRATSMITGLIED—DER—IG—FARBEN und damit auch von IG Auschwitz war.
20071120             die Sarkozy jüngst vom Parlament zugestanden wurde.
20071120             RENNES, demonstrierten etwa 25000 Menschen,
20071120             die offensichtlich in der Post verloren wurden.
20071120             die von den 1. Römern als Kinderstube von Romulus und Remus verehrt worden sei.
20071120             diese Daten hätten den Weg in falsche Hände gefunden".
20071120             einheitliche Löschungsregelungen und ein umfassender nachträglicher Rechtsschutz für so viel Grundrechtsschutz wie noch nie zuvor im BEREICH—DER—HEIMLICHEN—ERMITTLUNGSMAßNAHMEN
20071120             failed badly to expose THE—FLIMSINESS—OF—THE—CASE for going to war in IRAQ.
20071120             in LYON, GRENOBLE, ROUEN und LE—HAVRE waren es 15000, in CAEN, RENNES und NANTES etwa 12000.
20071120             in denen über die Beschäftigung von Zwangsarbeitern und Kriegsgefangenen gesprochen wurde.
20071120             killings, torture and genocide are living in THE—USA, according to DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY—FIGURES.
20071120             CONTINUE—NEAR epochal shift in USA and indeed world history: we are nearing THE—END—OF—THE—PETROLEUM—AGE and have entered THE—AGE—OF—INSUFFICIENCY.
20071120             CONTINUE—SAGTE der Professor der LA—SAPIENZA—UNIVERSITÄT—IN—ROM.
20071120             sagte der konservative Spitzenpolitiker GEORGE—OSBORNE:
20071120             sondern ausgebaut, indem eine weitere Verhältnismäßigkeitsprüfung eingeführt wird.
20071120             truth and the media", attended by some 250—MEDIA WORKER—UM Terrorverdächtige zu entführen.
20071120             weil sie in den Aufsichtsräten von Firmen saßen, die Zwangsarbeiter einsetzten".
20071120             wenn doch etwas passiert.
20071120             Der Leiter der Steuerbehörde trat zurück.
20071120             wohl erledigt, sagte OSBORNE—WEIL man dieser Regierung ja "schlicht nicht die persönlichen DATEN—DER—LEUTE anvertrauen könne".
20071120             "1—PERSONALISIERUNG dieses Problems", versicherte Mommsen, führe "in die Irre".
20071120             ÜBERWACHUNG: "Freiheit geht vor Sicherheit"
20071120             "Wendepunkt der Forschung": Künstliche Herstellung von Stammzellen gelungen
20071120             FREDDIE—MAC, the larger USA—BUYER and GUARANTOR—OF—HOME—LOANS, reported a $2—BILLION loss for the 3. quarter and warned that it may need to raise fresh capital.
20071120             Fannie Mae, another USA—MORTGAGE guarantor, had already —POSTED a $1.4—BILLION loss —EARLIER in the —MONTH.
20071120             UTAH, polygamist leader WARREN—JEFFS, SELF—PROCLAIMED prophet of 1—BREAKAWAY—MORMON sect, was sentenced to —10—YEARS to life in prison for forcing a —14—YEAR—OLD to marry her 1. cousin.
20071120             —SURGED, CRUDE—OIL—FUTURES, to 1—RECORD—HIGH settling at $98.03 1—BARREL on THE—NY—MERCANTILE—EXCHANGE.
20071120             —DECODED, Researchers said they have, the gene map of 1—STRAIN of extensively DRUG—RESISTANT tuberculosis and that their work has identified mutations that may help develop better treatments.
20071120             —REPORTED, Scientists in JAPAN and THE—USA, that they have made ordinary human skin cells take on THE—CHAMELEON—LIKE—POWERS—OF—EMBRYONIC stem cells, 1—STARTLING breakthrough that might someday deliver the medical payoffs of embryo cloning without the controversy.
20071120             —STOPPED, SF, large grocery stores, using plastic bags as 1—NEW—CITY—ORDNANCE banning the bags took effect.
20071120             —REVEALED, UK—TREASURY CHIEF—ALISTAIR—DARLING, 1—LAPSE at BRITAIN—TAX and customs service regarding missing computer disks with details of 25—MILLION UK—INDIVIDUALS and 7.25—MILLION—FAMILIES claiming child benefit.
20071120             —DESCRIBED, There were gasps from lawmakers —WHEN Darling, THE—SCALE—OF—THE—LOSS.
20071120             CAMBODIA, Kaing Guek Eav (66), also known as Duch, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—KHMER—ROUGE—LARGEST and most notorious torture center appeared in COURT—IN—THE 1. public session of THE—LONG—DELAYED UN—BACKED tribunal probing the regime's REIGN—OF—TERROR in the 1970s.
20071120             1—CHINA—COURT sentenced 1—TIBETAN nomad to —8—YEARS in prison for seeking Tibetan INDEPENDENCE —AFTER he urged 1—CROWD to proclaim loyalty to the Dalai Lama.
20071120             CHINA, Huang Qingnan (34), 1—WORKERS' rights advocate in SHENZHEN, was severely beaten and stabbed by thugs believed to have been hired by CHINA—COMPANIES opposed to labor activism.
20071120             —IMPRISONED, THE—PARIS—BASED World ASSOCIATION—OF—NEWSPAPERS said, CHINA—JOURNALIST—LI—CHANGQING has been awarded the Golden PEN—OF—FREEDOM, its annual press freedom prize.
20071120             1—LANDSLIDE in CENTRAL—CHINA buried 1—BUS.
20071120             —DISCOVERED, Workers clearing rocks from the landslide, the bus underneath rubble —3—DAYS—LATER and recovered 29—BODIES, that included 28—INSIDE the bus.
20071120             —RAISED, The landslide, concern that the massive reservoir of THE—3—GORGES Dam, 120—MILES away, was wreaking ecological havoc in the region.
20071120             —INCREASED, The death toll —LATER, to 34.
20071120             —REPORTED, It was, that CONGO is setting aside more than 11,000 square MILES—OF—RAIN—FOREST to help protect the endangered bonobo, 1—GREAT ape that is the most closely related to humans and is found only in this CENTRAL—AFRICA—COUNTRY.
20071120             —PILED, Travel woes, up in FRANCE with air traffic delays adding to —1—WEEK—OF—RAIL—STRIKES as many of the nation's 5—MILLION—CIVIL—SERVANTS held —1—DAY—LONG walkout in the biggest TEST—OF—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—SARKOZY—APPETITE for reform.
20071120             1—BRITISH—PUMA helicopter crashed SOUTH—EAST—OF—BAGHDAD, killing 2—SOLDIERS and seriously injuring 2—OTHERS.
20071120             1 sophisticated roadside bomb killed 1—USA—SOLDIER and 1—IRAQ—INTERPRETER and wounded 3—OTHER—SOLDIERS on patrol in EAST—BAGHDAD.
20071120             ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—OLMERT met with EGYPT—PRESIDENT—MUBAREK and said 1—PEACE—DEAL with the Palestinians can be signed within —1—YEAR.
20071120             —SIGNED, ISRAEL, 1—AGREEMENT with LIBERIA to extract diamonds from THE—AFRICA—NATION, —7—MONTHS—AFTER sanctions barring LIBERIA from exporting the gems were lifted.
20071120             JORDAN held elections.
20071120             —DEFEATED, SUPPORTERS—OF—KING—ABDULLAH—II, 1—CLOSE—USA—ALLY, handily, the country's Islamist opposition in parliamentary elections, dropping their NUMBER—OF—PARLIAMENT—SEATS by nearly 2—THIRDS.
20071120             Officials said NIGERIA—PRESIDENT—UMARU—YAR'ADUA will not allow his country to be used as 1—BASE for the proposed USA—AFRICA—MILITARY—COMMAND—AFRICOM.
20071120             —ANNOUNCED, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT, that the legal age of sexual consent in NORTH—IRELAND will be lowered to 16 in line with the rest of THE—UK.
20071120             —JAILED, PAKISTAN—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said more than 3,000—PEOPLE, under emergency rule have been released, the latest sign that PRESIDENT—GENERAL—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF was rolling back some of the harsher measures taken against his opponents.
20071120             —REMAINED, Over 2,000, jailed.
20071120             —KILLED, The government said the army had, 15—MILITANTS in Shangla as PRESIDENT—MUSHARRAF left for 1—VISIT to SAUDI—ARABIA.
20071120             PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN said that RUSSIA—DECISION to suspend its participation in 1—KEY—ARMS—CONTROL—TREATY was 1—NECESSARY—RESPONSE to NATO "MUSCLE—FLEXING" near its frontiers.
20071120             —ADOPTED, SINGAPORE, SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—LEADERS (ASEAN), 1—LANDMARK charter but their vision to create 1—EU—STYLE—BLOC faced hurdles BECAUSE—OF—CONCERNS over MYANMAR, whose military rulers have defied INTERNATIONAL calls to restore democracy.
20071120             —DRAGGED, IAN—SMITH—ATTEMPTS to resist black rule, the country, —LATER renamed as ZIMBABWE, into isolation and civil war.
20071120             Laut Claudio Fava, Berichterstatter der Parlamentskommission, sollen die USA 1—NETZWERK aufgebaut haben, um Terrorverdächtige zu entführen.
20071120             "Das ist 1—DER—GROßARTIGSTEN—ENTDECKUNGEN, die jemals gemacht wurden", sagte der Professor der LA—SAPIENZA—UNIVERSITÄT—IN—ROM.
20071120             Es handele sich mit an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit um die Höhle, die von den 1. Römern als Kinderstube von Romulus und Remus verehrt worden sei.
20071120             Damit habe sich das Projekt der Regierung, 1—DATENBANK mit den persönlichen Daten aller Briten aufzubauen, wohl erledigt, sagte OSBORNE—WEIL man dieser Regierung ja "schlicht nicht die persönlichen DATEN—DER—LEUTE anvertrauen könne".
20071120             Der Politiker wand sich: "Die Polizei sagte mir, dass sie keinen Grund habe anzunehmen, diese Daten hätten den Weg in falsche Hände gefunden".
20071120             —GARANTIERT, Zudem wurde, dass niemandem ein finanzieller Schaden entstehe, wenn doch etwas passiert.
20071120             "Lassen Sie uns klar werden über das Ausmaß dieses katastrophalen Fehlers", sagte der konservative Spitzenpolitiker GEORGE—OSBORNE:
20071120             "Die Namen, Adressen und die Geburtsdaten aller Kinder dieses Landes sind auf 2—COMPUTER—CDS, die offensichtlich in der Post verloren wurden.
20071120             —VERLOREN, Genauso, gegangen sind die Bankdaten und Versicherungsnummern von 10—MILLIONEN Eltern, Erziehungsberechtigten und Betreuern".
20071120             Beim Abdrehen sind die Energieversorger hart: Kleinkinder, Pflegefälle, Schwangerschaft oder Krankheit sind kein Hinderungsgrund.
20071120             Im WERKS—LAGER Rühen hatte das Volkswagenwerk mit Hilfe des Werksarztes und SS—HAUPTSTURMFÜHRERS DOCTOR—HANS—KÖRBEL die Säuglinge seiner Zwangsarbeiterinnen durch Hungerkost letal entsorgt.
20071120             Feldman: "Es ist Unsinn, die Banken deswegen für die Zwangsarbeit verantwortlich zu machen, weil sie in den Aufsichtsräten von Firmen saßen, die Zwangsarbeiter einsetzten".
20071120             Es gab keinen Zugang zu den wichtigen Handakten von HERMANN—JOSEF—ABS, der neben seiner Arisierungstätigkeit für die DEUTSCHE—BANK—AUCH—AUFSICHTSRATSMITGLIED—DER—IG—FARBEN und damit auch von IG Auschwitz war.
20071120             Es steht in Akten, die —SCHON öffentlich verhandelt wurden, als Gall noch zur Schule ging, beim Nürnberger IG—FARBEN—PROZEß zwischen 19470000—19480000.
20071120             Auch PINTO—DUSCHINSKY verweist darauf, daß in den dort vorgelegten Akten die Anwesenheit von Abs bei den IG—FARBEN—AUFSICHTSRATSSITZUNGEN vermerkt ist, in denen über die Beschäftigung von Zwangsarbeitern und Kriegsgefangenen gesprochen wurde.
20071120             Auf Spruchbändern verwiesen die Demonstranten auf die 140prozentige Gehaltserhöhung, die Sarkozy jüngst vom Parlament zugestanden wurde.
20071120             RENNES, demonstrierten etwa 25000 Menschen, in LYON, GRENOBLE, ROUEN und LE—HAVRE waren es 15000, in CAEN, RENNES und NANTES etwa 12000.
20071120             Banken fürchten Klagen wegen KREDITKRISE—DER Abschied vom Dollar
20071120             Dalai Lama hits EAST—CONSUMER CRAZE—STEM cell breakthrough
20071120             Und wenn wir —SCHON am Rumklicken sind beim BMJ, dann können wir uns auch gleich über diese Pressemitteilung hier amüsieren: Ist der Kernbereich privater Lebensgestaltung betroffen, ist 1—TELEFONÜBERWACHUNG von vornherein verboten.
20071120             Insbesondere bei den Berufsgeheimnisträgern wie beispielsweise Ärzten, Journalisten oder Rechtsanwälten wird der nach geltendem Recht vorhandene Schutz nicht nur vollumfänglich erhalten, sondern ausgebaut, indem eine weitere Verhältnismäßigkeitsprüfung eingeführt wird.
20071120             Zudem sorgen verfahrenssichernde Regelungen wie Benachrichtigungspflichten, einheitliche Löschungsregelungen und ein umfassender nachträglicher Rechtsschutz für so viel Grundrechtsschutz wie noch nie zuvor im BEREICH—DER—HEIMLICHEN—ERMITTLUNGSMAßNAHMEN
20071120             JIM—ROGERS—URGES—PEOPLE to Sell USA—DOLLAR—HOLDINGS : Investor JIM—ROGERS urged people to get OUT—OF—THE—DOLLAR and says he expects to be rid of all his USA—CURRENCY—ASSETS by —SUMMER—NEXT—YEAR.
20071120             USA—FALLS to NUMBER 15 in Average Worker Income: That ranking would surprise most Americans, who likely consider their nation the most prosperous in the world.
20071120             —BY RENEE—SCHOOF—MCCLATCHY Newspapers
20071120             —ACCUSED—OF, More than 1,000—PEOPLE from 85—COUNTRIES who are, such crimes as rape, killings, torture and genocide are living in THE—USA, according to DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY—FIGURES.
20071120             —BY THE—ECONOMIC and Political Weekly
20071120             There are 2—MUTUALLY exclusive means of livelihood.
20071120             Kucinich protests Army training school: -Democratic presidential hopeful DENNIS—KUCINICH said —SUNDAY the thinking that went into producing 1—ARMY—SCHOOL blamed for human rights abuses in Latin AMERICA was the same that led THE—USA to war in IRAQ and could cause it to raid IRAN.
20071120             Financial Aid for the Rich : 1—LITTLE—NOTICED loophole written into FEDERAL—COLLEGE—FINANCIAL—AID—RULES allows the children of wealthy entrepreneurs to collect aid intended for the needy.
20071120             Suffer the Children
20071120             —BY Hind AL—SAFAR in BAGHDAD—ACCORDING to a
20071120             CASE, You Missed IT—PAYING THE—PRICE: Killing THE—CHILDREN—OF—IRAQ - -1—DOCUMENTARY film by JOHN—PILGER
20071120             Deepening CHINA—IRAN Ties Weaken Bid to Isolate IRAN : The rapidly growing relationship between IRAN and CHINA has begun to undermine INTERNATIONAL efforts to ensure that IRAN cannot convert 1—PEACEFUL—ENERGY—PROGRAM to develop 1—NUCLEAR—ARSENAL, USA and European officials say.
20071120             New UN resolution to affect IRAN—IAEA COOPERATION—SPOKESMAN : IRAN—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—SPOKESMAN—MOHAMMAD—ALI—HOSSEINI warned here —SUNDAY that issuance of 1—NEW—ANTI—IRAN resolution would have negative impact on THE—PROCESS—OF—EXECUTION—OF—IRAN—IAEA agreement.
20071120             USA and ISRAEL 'face up to' IRAN "bomb" : TEHERAN—2—ARCH—FOES are preparing for what they have long declared is 1—UNACCEPTABLE—SCENARIO, as the prospects for air strikes to cripple IRAN—NUCLEAR—NETWORK fade, and CHINA and RUSSIA undermine efforts to forge 1—INTERNATIONAL—SANCTIONS—REGIME.
20071120             Powell: IRAN is 1—LONG—WAY from having nuclear weapon : IRAN is 1—LONG—WAY from acquiring 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON and is "foolish" for not investing its resources in its people instead of 1—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM, FORMER—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—COLIN—POWELL said —SUNDAY.
20071120             OPEC to study effect of weak USA—DOLLAR on oil prices : OPEC will study the weak USA—DOLLAR—EFFECT on the oil cartel's earnings and investigate the possibility of 1—CURRENCY basket, IRAN—OIL—MINISTER—SAID—SUNDAY.
20071120             Preparing For Life —AFTER Oil
20071120             —UNHERALDED, This past May, in 1, and almost unnoticed move, the Energy Department signaled 1—FUNDAMENTAL, near epochal shift in USA and indeed world history: we are nearing THE—END—OF—THE—PETROLEUM—AGE and have entered THE—AGE—OF—INSUFFICIENCY.
20071120             'Gagged' FBI Whistleblower, Risking Jail, Says USA—MEDIA Has Refused Her Offer to Disclose Classified Information, Including Criminal Allegations, Information Concerning 'Security of Americans'
20071120             Torture INCORPORATED Americas Brutal Prisons : Savaged by dogs, Electrocuted With Cattle Prods, Burned By Toxic Chemicals, Does such barbaric abuse inside USA—JAILS explain the horrors that were committed in IRAQ?
20071120             UN: SOMALIA crisis worst in AFRICA : More residents fled occupied MOGADISHU —ON—MONDAY, adding to 1—GROWING humanitarian crisis as government forces backed by ETHIOPIA—TANKS stepped up efforts to crush fighters loyal to the Islamic Courts group.
20071120             USA—MILITARY—STRIKE on IRAN—NUCLEAR—INSTALLATIONS—POSSIBLE -- official : 1—USA—OFFICIAL did not rule out possibility of launching 1—PREVENTIVE military strike against IRAN—NUCLEAR—INSTALLATIONS in the 1. half of 20080000             .
20071120             The 1. casualty : It is 1—MATTER—OF—RECORD that THE—UK—PRESS, and THE—USA—PRESS even more so, failed badly to expose THE—FLIMSINESS—OF—THE—CASE for going to war in IRAQ.
20071120             The verdict from 1—CONFERENCE on "War, truth and the media", attended by some 250—MEDIA—WORKERS and students in LONDON in —SATURDAY, was 1—OVERWHELMING "yes".
20071120             IRAN PRESIDENT—CALLS—USA—DOLLAR 'worthless':
20071120             OPEC members consider converting cash reserves into NON—DOLLAR—CURRENCY
20071120             —URGED, Opec, to end USE—OF—DOLLAR:
20071120             —CALLED, MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD, THE—IRAN—PRESIDENT, has, on Opec members to stop pricing oil in "worthless" USA—DOLLARS.
20071120             "They get our oil and give us 1—WORTHLESS—PIECE—OF—PAPER," he told reporters
20071120             Imran Khan on hunger strike : PAKISTAN opposition politician Imran Khan has gone on hunger strike in jail in protest at GENERAL—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF—EMERGENCY—RULE.
20071120             THE—USA—GAME—PLAN in PAKISTAN: Hang the Judges and Lawyers Out to Dry
20071120             —ADVOCATED, USA—MILITARY—STRIKE on PAKISTAN : 2—EXPERTS have proposed that THE—USA should take PRE—EMPTIVE action to secure PAKISTAN—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—BEFORE they fall into the wrong hands.
20071120             PAKISTAN—COLLAPSE, Our Problem : The task of stabilizing 1—COLLAPSED—PAKISTAN is beyond the means of THE—USA and its allies.
20071120             RULE—OF—THUMB estimates suggest that 1—FORCE—OF—MORE than 1—MILLION—TROOPS would be required for 1—COUNTRY—OF this size.
20071120             ADRIAN—LEVY examines how 5—CONSECUTIVE USA—ADMINISTRATIONS from JIMMY—CARTER to GEORGE—W—BUSH have been complicit in building and protecting PAKISTAN—NUCLEAR—ARSENAL
20071120             USA Mulls Arming PAKISTAN—MILITIAS : Should the new and classified plan go forward, it would likely expand THE—USA—MILITARY'S—PRESENCE in PAKISTAN and funnel more USA—TAX—DOLLARS directly towards a "separate tribal paramilitary force that —UNTIL—NOW has proved largely ineffective," according to the Times.
20071120             Chavez in TEHRAN: "EMPIRE—OF—DOLLAR is crashing"
20071120             "Naturally, by THE—CRASH—OF—THE—DOLLAR, AMERICA—EMPIRE will crash," Chavez said at 1—JOINT—NEWS—CONFERENCE with Ahmadinejad.
20071120             THE—2—PRESIDENTS—SHARE the same viewpoint in denouncing USA—INFLUENCE in the world.
20071120             Of Boycotts and ELECTIONS—BY CHARLES—SULLIVAN—GENUINE—PUBLIC—SERVANTS have roughly the same chance of winning 1—SEAT in Congress or the Whitehouse, as 1 has of winning the lottery.
20071120             THE—LAST—FOUNDER—STANDING
20071120             No entity in this ONCE—PROUD nation is more corrupt than its shallow, HUBRIS—INFESTED media.
20071120             ANY—PRICKS—OF—CONSCIENCE the media may have felt for covering up the treasonous seizure of the
20071120             Whoever is THE—GOP nominee, including Giuliani, must be turned into GEORGE—W—BUSH, and voters must be asked over and over again whether they want 4—MORE—YEARS—OF—THIS, and whether the country can afford 4—MORE—YEARS—OF—THIS.
20071120             "Civil Liberties in Wartime"
20071120             ANDREW—NAPOLITANO, FOX—NEWS'—SENIOR—JUDICIAL—ANALYST, gives 1—SPEECH entitled "Civil Liberties in Wartime" at THE—FUTURE—FREEDOM—FOUNDATION'S "Restoring the Republic.
20071120             20000 Protest at FORT—BENNING:
20071120             Fort Benning is the site of the internationally notorious USA—ARMY training school for Latin USA—MILITARY and security personnel.
20071120             —CALLED, —FOR—DECADES it was, THE—SCHOOL—OF—THE—AMERICAS (SOA) - it is —NOW called THE—WEST—HEMISPHERE Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC).
20071120             —GRADUATED, The school has, HUNDREDS—OF—MILITARY—OFFICERS who have lead or participated in nearly EVERY—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ATROCITY in the hemisphere.
20071120             Media Consolidation, AGAIN??!!? dr. elsewhere here
20071120             And spread this —AROUND; there is really NO freedom more important than FREEDOM—OF—THE—PRESS.
20071120             Think about that 1 for 1—BIT, and I'll get back to you on it with SOME—THOUGHTS.
20071120             for what they're worth. So we have to push back.
20071120             Please, GO HERE to send the message to MISTER—MARTIN and THE—FCC that we really do NOT want big media corporations to swallow up what is left of our free press!
20071120             McClellan implicates Bush, Cheney in Plame lie;
20071120             "I had unknowingly passed along false information. And 5—OF—THE—HIGHEST ranking officials in the administration were involved in my doing so: Rove, Libby, THE—VICE—PRESIDENT, THE—PRESIDENT—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, and THE—PRESIDENT himself".
20071120             Why couldn't Scott stand up —AT—THE—TIME and yell, "Don't make me lie"?
20071120             ROBERT—PERRY on "IRAQ—LABORATORY—OF—REPRESSION": "THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is turning IRAQ into 1—TEST tube for modern TECHNIQUES—OF—REPRESSION, from sophisticated biometrics that track populations to devastating weapons systems that combine NIGHT—VISION—OPTICS from drone aircraft, heat resonance imaging and deadly firepower from the sky to kill suspected insurgents".
20071120             Powell: IRAN Far From Nuclear Weapon.
20071120             "There is no BASE—OF—SUPPORT among Americans for such 1—ACTION, Powell said, adding that THE—USA—MILITARY already has enough on its hands in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN".
20071120             —ON Page 27—OF—TODAY—STARS—AND—STRIPES—MIDEAST edition sits this ad: "AT WHAT COST IRAN?
20071120             2. thoughts on opening up 1—NEW—THEATER
20071120             Yea, It's Recess (But Not on Capitol Hill) -- from the Last Chance Democracy Cafe
20071120             BARBARA—DAILY—BUZZFLASH—MINUTE for 20071120             ,2007
20071120             MICHAEL—WINSHIP: A Plank in Reason, Broke -- A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
20071120             Caption This: RUDY—G and Pat Robertson.
20071120             1—BUZZFLASH "Caption This" Challenge.
20071120             Employees at CBS News Vote to Authorize 1—STRIKE;
20071120             National as well as local in NEW—YORK, LOS—ANGELES, CHICAGO, and WASHINGTON;
20071120             CBS wants a 2—TIER wage system.
20071120             " How can 59017382             people be so DUMB ?
20071120             I agree with HL Mencken.
20071120             The vast MAJORITY—OF—AMERICANS are —JUST clueless.
20071120             3326003, Talking about selling... check this.
20071120             Hey, Stoopid! - Raise the Hammer
20071120             —ECHOED, His lament was, by THE—UK—DAILY—MIRROR THE—DAY—AFTER USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—2. victory at the polls: " How Can 59017382             People Be So Dumb ?...
20071120             UNITED—NATIONS Framework Convention on Climate Change Online newsletter concerning issues on and about THE—UN—CONVENTION on long term weather change.
20071120             Page includes LIST—OF—MEETINGS and the background behind...
20071120             AP—CHEF—TOM—CURLEY sieht das offenbar nicht so.
20071120             Er zeigt sich besorgt darüber, dass Husseins Rechte "ignoriert" würden und forderte die Vereinigten Staaten auf, den Fotografen aus der Haft zu entlassen.
20071120             Er bezweifelt, dass der Fotoreporter im IRAK einen "fairen Prozess" erhält.
20071120             BILAL—HUSSEIN—ZAIDON ist Träger des renommierten Pulitzerpreises, den er —J—IM
20071120             Rekordwert: EURO—KURS knackt 1,48 Dollar
20071120             Prozess gegen Fotografen: PULITZER—PREISTRÄGER soll als Terrorist vor Gericht
20071120             NETZWELT—TICKER: Datenschutz ist ein schlechtes Geschäft
20071120             "Ich will ja bloß, dass wieder Metros und Busse fahren", sagt Arbeitsminister XAVIER—BERTRAND.
20071120             Noch am Wochenende hatte er jegliche —VERHANDLUNGEN an die Bedingung geknüpft, dass die Streiks zuvor beendet werden.
20071120             Wer im Machtkampf zwischen Regierung und Gewerkschaften SIEGEN wird, ist nicht abzusehen.
20071120             In ganz Südostasien waren zwischen 500—VOR und 500—NACH Christus Ohrringe, Schmuckperlen, Armbänder und ANHÄNGER—OFT in Form zweiköpfiger TIERE—AUS Jade beliebt.
20071120             Offenbar ist eine regelrechte Modewelle mit ähnlichen Designs durch ASIEN gerollt.
20071120             _05000000              -In —DEN—JAHREN VOR—VOR CHRISTUS—SEIEN die Fundstücke aus FENGTIAN—JADE wohl aber in TAIWAN selbst hergestellt worden, so die Forscher.
20071120             Doch die Art und Weise, wie Negroponte sich dabei sklavisch an sein Redemanuskript hielt, offenbarte sein Unbehagen.
20071120             Aus diplomatischen Zirkeln ist in PAKISTAN und WASHINGTON zu vernehmen, Negroponte und USA—AUßENMINISTERIN Condoleezza Rice seien nur gegen ihren hinhaltenden Widerstand vom Weißen Haus auf einen so verständnisvollen Kurs eingeschworen worden.
20071120             Sie wollten eine deutlich härtere Botschaft an Musharraf überbringen.
20071120             Gerne würden die Diplomaten zugleich stärker Kontakt zu anderen Führern in PAKISTAN aufnehmen.
20071120             Hinter vorgehaltener Hand vergleichen Mitarbeiter im Außenministerium und im Pentagon die Lage —BEREITS mit der Zeit vor der IRAN—REVOLUTION 19790000             .
20071120             Auch da habe die AMERIKANISCHE—FIXIERUNG auf einen unbeliebten DIKTATOR—DEM SCHAH—ZU ungewollten Konsequenzen geführt.
20071120             Als Journalisten ihn beim Besuch von ANGELA—MERKEL auf PAKISTAN ansprachen, erklärte der PRÄSIDENT mit fester Stimme:
20071120             "Wir Amerikaner brauchen Hilfe im Kampf gegen tödliche Terroristen.
20071120             GENERAL—MUSHARRAF ist 1—FÜHRER, der die Gefahr durch AL—QAIDA völlig versteht".
20071120             BKA—HERBSTTAGUNG: Schäuble bekräftigt Forderung nach ONLINE—DURCHSUCHUNG
20071120             Raumfahrtpläne: SÜDKOREA entwickelt eigene Mondsonde
20071120             KENNZEICHEN—SCANNING: Länder halten VIDEOÜBERWACHUNG—VON—AUTOFAHRERN für Bagatelle
20071120             Massenstreiks gegen Sarkozy: FRANKREICH versinkt im Chaos
20071120             Wintereinbruch in FRANKREICH: 4—OBDACHLOSE ERFROREN—PROTEST in Zelten
20071120             PAKISTAN—STRATEGIE: Riss in der USA—REGIERUNG
20071120             Asteroideneinschläge: JUPITER—KOSMISCHER Staubsauger und Beschützer der Erde
20071120             Geldnöte: Finanzinvestor Cerberus bläst Milliardenprojekte ab
20071120             Pessimistische Ökonomen: IFO—WELTWIRTSCHAFTSKLIMA—INDEX auf Zweijahrestief
20071120             Tod eines G- 8-Polizisten: Pannen, Rätsel, Merkwürdigkeiten
20071120             Akte Diana: Die 5—TÖDLICHEN FEHLER—DER—UNFALLHELFER
20071120             PAKISTAN: Regierung lässt Tausende Oppositionelle frei
20071120             GROSSBRITANNIEN: Brown will KLIMA—MUSTERKNABE werden
20071120             Überhöhte Infektionszahlen: Uno räumt Fehler in AIDS—STATISTIK ein
20071120             FRANKREICH: Streikwelle erreicht neuen Höhepunkt
20071120             UNO—STATISTIK: KLIMASCHUTZ—ABKOMMEN bleibt wirkungslos
20071120             Harte Währung: Euro erreicht neues Rekordhoch
20071120             NS—VERGANGENHEIT: Bonner Zeitgeschichtler erforscht QUANDT—HISTORIE
20071120             IRAK—KRIEG: IRAN will mit USA verhandeln
20071120             Klimaschutz: LUFTHANSA—CHEF lehnt höhere Flugpreise ab
20071120             JADE—KUNST: TAIWAN war vor Jahrtausenden EXPORT—ZENTRALE
20071120             Geplanter Amoklauf von Köln: Heftige Debatte über Polizeistrategie
20071120             —GERETTET, Chirurg vor Gericht: Diana hätte, werden können
20071120—19700000    —SINCE, The number of Americans in prison has risen 8—FOLD ,
20071120—19700000    —SINCE, Prison system 1—COSTLY and harmful failure: report: The number of Americans in prison has risen 8—FOLD, with little impact on crime but at great cost to taxpayers and society, researchers said in 1—REPORT calling for 1—MAJOR—JUSTICE—SYSTEM—OVERHAUL.
20071120—19900000    —SINCE—MORE than ANY—OTHER—COUNTRY".
20071120—19900000    Continue
20071120—19990000    —IN, 19900000             —THE—CONVENTIONAL—FORCES in EUROPE (CFE) treaty, which originally set limits on weapons of NATO and WARSAW Pact countries, was revised.
20071120—20040000    —RATIFIED, RUSSIA, the updated treaty, but THE—USA and other NATO—MEMBERS have refused to follow suit, saying MOSCOW 1. must fulfill obligations to withdraw forces from GEORGIA and from MOLDOVA—SEPARATIST—TRANS—DNIESTER region.
20071120—20050000    —SEIZED, Courts had, CONTROL—OF—THE—TRUST.
20071120—20050400    —SINCE, They have been without 1—CONTRACT.
20071120—20071121    Democratic Underground FORUMS—PRINTER friendly page, topic ID.
20071120—20071123    alfatomega.com/20071123.html
20071120—20080000    —IN, No Prisoners: How To Win
20071120—20080000    —ENDE—BIS, Finanzkrise: Banken müssen gut 48—MILLIARDEN Dollar abschreiben
20071120—20100000    —REVERSED, THE—UTAH—SUPREME—COURT, the convictions of Jeffs and ordered 1—NEW—TRIAL saying 1—JURY received incorrect instructions.
20071120—20110407    —ON, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE handed control of a $114—MILLION communal land trust back to THE—LEADERS—OF—JEFF—POLYGAMOUS—CHURCH.
20071121             † † THE—REVEREND—JIM—JONES was 1—OF—ONLY 3—PEOPLE who, by gunshot, the rest appear to have, from drinking KOOL—AID laced with cyanide...) 20031120             20080221120532       —VERGLEICHT, LIECHTENSTEIN—AFFÄRE Oberster SCHWEIZER—BANKIER, DEUTSCHE—STEUERFAHNDER mit Gestapo.htm
20080322             MIETERFORUM—RUHR.de/lib/pdf/050421120250.pdf
20080322             keine Abzocke ! MIETERFORUM—RUHR.de/lib/pdf/050421120250.pdf
20081104—20081120    —CHARGED, Ayala was, in VIRGINIA with 2. degree murder.
20081113—20081120    alfatomega.com/20081120.html
20081120             —RECOGNIZED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION formally, Welsh, which dates back to the 05010101—06001231    , as 1—MINORITY tongue.
20081120             Ministério da Saúde desconfia de irregularidades nas comparticipações
20081120             Medicamentos para a diabetes e hipertensão, ANTI—PSICOTRÓPICOS e ANTI—DEPRESSIVOS, ANTI—EPILÉPTICOS e ANTI—CONVULSIVANTES são os que mais têm contribuído para aumentar os gastos do Estado com remédios.
20081120             O Ministério da Saúde (MS) detectou uma utilização...
20081120             Ministério da Saúde identificou farmácias e SUB—REGIÕES que mais...
20081120             Farmacêuticos e médicos rejeitam culpa no abuso de antibióticos
20081120             Bastonário da Ordem dos Médicos acusa DIRECÇÃO—GERAL de Saúde de...
20081120             Jornal de Negócios ONLINE—JORNAL de NEGÓCIOS—PORTUGAL -
20081120             JOSÉ—OLIVEIRA e Costa, fundador do grupo Sociedade Lusa de Negócios, que integra o BPN,
20081120             foi detido hoje na sequência de duas buscas domiciliárias feitas a uma quinta que possui na zona do Cartaxo ea uma residência em LISBOA, por suspeita de burla...
20081120             JOSÉ—OLIVEIRA e Costa detido
20081120             EX—PRESIDENTE Oliveira Costa foi detido hoje no Cartaxo
20081120             Juízes devem ser respeitados e ouvidos pelos políticos, defende Cavaco
20081120             O Congresso dos Juízes começou, esta —QUINTA—FEIRA, na Póvoa de Varzim, com uma mensagem do Presidente da República, Cavaco Silva,
20081120             que afirmou que os juízes devem ser respeitados e ouvidos pelo poder político antes de serem feitas alterações...
20081120             Cavaco: "1—CRÍTICA é menos eficaz do que o exemplo"
20081120             Portugueses consomem demasiados antibióticos
20081120             "Os dados dos estudos indicam que a região tem óptimas condições ao nível de solo, temperatura e clima para produzir citrinos biológicos", declarou a especialista,
20081120             frisando que em certos anos "ATINGEM—SE produções idênticas às das culturas de citrinos convencionais".
20081120             1—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE ordered the release of 5—ALGERIANS held at GUANTANAMO BAY—CUBA, and the continued detention of a 6. in 1—MAJOR—BLOW to THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—STRATEGY to keep terror suspects locked up without charges.
20081120             USA Congressional efforts to rescue DETROIT—AUTO makers collapsed with lawmakers saying the industry lacks credibility to return to profitability.
20081120             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, USA—LED forces, 1—AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIAN in 1—BATTLE that also left 2—MILITANTS—DEAD.
20081120             —GATHERED, It has already, the required 500—MEMBERS and plans to register with the electoral commission —NEXT—WEEK.
20081120             —CALLED, BRITAIN, on RWANDA—PRESIDENT—PAUL—KAGAME to use his "influence" over CONGO—REBELS led by general Laurent Nkunda to end to violence in EAST—DEMOCRATIC—REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO.
20081120             1—METEOR streaked across the sky of THE—CANADA—PRAIRIES producing 1—FIRE—BALL that shone brightly enough to be seen over 1—AREA—700—KM (435—MILES) wide.
20081120             Searchers soon found the remains of the 10-ton meteor.
20081120             —ERUPTED, SOUTH—WEST—COLOMBIA, the Nevado del Huila volcano, and loosed avalanches of mud and ash that injured 9, destroyed bridges and trapped people in their towns.
20081120             —TRIGGERED, At least 10—PEOPLE † in landslides, by the eruption.
20081120             DUBAI held 1—LAUNCH—PARTY for its Atlantis Hotel.
20081120             EGYPT held emergency talks with nations bordering the Red Sea on how to stop SOMALIA—GUNMEN from hijacking ships.
20081120             —SEIZED, SOMALIA—PIRATES had already, at least 80—SHIPS off the Horn of AFRICA —THIS—YEAR.
20081120             FINLAND—FINANCE—MINISTRY said 4—NORDIC—COUNTRIES will lend ICELAND $2.5—BILLION (euro1.98—BILLION) to help the country recover from its economic meltdown.
20081120             —ATTACKED, GEORGIA—OFFICIALS said Russian and separatist forces, 1—GEORGIA—POLICE—CHECKPOINT—NEAR the village of Ganmukhuri, near the breakaway PROVINCE—OF—ABKHAZIA.
20081120             —ARMED, Anatoly Zaitsev, THE—CHIEF—OF—STAFF for the Abkhaz, forces, said that 1—GROUP—OF—ABKHAZ troops patrolling the area were shelled from THE—GEORGIA—SIDE and returned fire, and no RUSSIA—TROOPS were involved.
20081120             —SHOUTED, IRAQ—OPPOSITION—LAWMAKERS, and pounded their desks in protest in a 2. —DAY—OF—EMOTIONAL—DEBATE in PARLIAMENT over 1 proposed agreement with THE—USA—THAT would allow USA—FORCES to stay in IRAQ for 3—MORE—YEARS.
20081120             —ANNOUNCED, BAGHDAD authorities, 1—CAMPAIGN to kill stray dogs who roam THE—IRAQ—CAPITAL in packs, —AFTER 1—SPATE of fatal dog attacks left children in SOME—NEIGHBORHOODS—FEARFUL—OF going outside.
20081120             † 1—USA—SOLDIER, of NON—COMBAT—RELATED causes.
20081120             Jewish settlers in HEBRON SPRAY—PAINTED graffiti on 1—MOSQUE slurring the Prophet Muhammad and defaced 1—MUSLIM cemetery, ISRAEL—MILITARY—OFFICIALS said, threatening to worsen tensions in this volatile WEST—BANK—CITY.
20081120             LATVIA said it is looking to start talks with IMF and had formally entered into negotiations with the European Commission on emergency financial assistance.
20081120             —SUSPENDED, USA—OIL—GROUP—CHEVRON, export contracts on much of its NIGERIA—PRODUCTION—AFTER 1—MILITANT—ATTACK on 1—KEY—PIPELINE.
20081120             —PICKED, THE—NORWAY—GOVERNMENT said it has, THE—USA developed F—35—JOINT—STRIKE—FIGHTER to replace its aging USA—MADE F—16—AIRCRAFT in 1—ROUGHLY 60—BILLION kroner ($8.5—BILLION) deal.
20081120             PAKISTAN, 1—MILITANT—TALIBAN group WARNED—OF—REPRISALS if there was another USA—DRONE—ATTACK, as the government condemned the latest missile strike in its territory.
20081120             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER killed at least 4—PEOPLE—WHEN he blew himself up at 1—MOSQUE—NORTH—WEST—OF—KHAR, the main town in the troubled Bajaur tribal region.
20081120             —KILLED, PAKISTAN—JETS and artillery, 17—PEOPLE, including up to 4—UZBEKISTAN—COMMANDERS, as they pounded suspected Taliban and AL—QAEDA hideouts in Bajaur overnight and into the —MORNING.
20081120             —KILLED, PAKISTAN—JETS also, 20—MILITANTS in attacks on militant centers in THE—NORTH—WEST—SWAT valley.
20081120             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER attacked 1—MOSQUE in the border region where GOVERNMENT—BACKED ANTI—MILITANT tribesman were praying, killing 8, including THE—HEAD—OF—THE—GROUP.
20081120             THE—PHILIPPINES, 1—MOTHER and her 3—CHILDREN were among THE—6—PEOPLE killed —AFTER 1—MUDSLIDE triggered by DAYS—OF—HEAVY—RAIN buried houses in 1—SOUTHERN—GOLD mining town.
20081120             † BORIS—FYODOROV, —50—JAHRE—ALT, RUSSIA—ECONOMIC reformer.
20081120             —VOTED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, unanimously to impose sanctions on pirates, arms smugglers, and PERPETRATORS—OF—INSTABILITY in SOMALIA in 1—FRESH—ATTEMPT to help end YEARS—OF—LAWLESSNESS in the Horn of AFRICA NATION.
20081120             SOUTH—AFRICA SAID it will withhold aid for ZIMBABWE —UNTIL 1—REPRESENTATIVE—GOVERNMENT is in place, in what appeared to be the 1. punitive measure by 1—REGIONAL—COUNTRY to enforce 1—POWER—SHARING agreement.
20081120             SOUTH—KOREA—ACTIVISTS sent propaganda leaflets over the border into NORTH—KOREA, ignoring their own government's pleas to stop the practice and threats from the North to sever relations if it continues.
20081120             SRI—LANKA—MILITARY said that it smashed 1—KEY—TAMIL—TIGER defense line in THE—ISLAND—FAR—NORTH and seized 1—AIRFIELD, putting new pressure on the shrinking jungle MINI—STATE.
20081120             SWITZERLAND—CENTRAL—BANK cut its benchmark interest by 1—FULL—PERCENTAGE—POINT, the latest in 1—GLOBAL—ROUND—OF—AGGRESSIVE—RATE cuts amid stuttering economic growth.
20081120             THAILAND, 1—GRENADE—ATTACK on demonstrators occupying THE—THAILAND—PREMIER'S—OFFICES killed 1—PERSON and wounded 29, prompting protest leaders to call for 1—NEW—MARCH against the government.
20081120             —VOTED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, unanimously to send some 3,000 additional UN peacekeepers to the Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—THE—CONGO to help prevent 1—NEW—WAR in the country's east.
20081120             VIETNAM—PRESIDENT—NGUYEN—MINH—TRIET was set to meet VENEZUELA—LEADER—HUGO—CHAVEZ, —DURING the 1. visit by 1—HEAD—OF—STATE from the communist nation here, mainly focused on oil and gas ties.
20081120             VIETNAM, family planning chiefs said officials in Communist VIETNAM, alarmed by 1—NEW—BABY—BOOM, are to crack down on couples having more than 2—CHILDREN.
20081120             —LAUNCHED, The government 1., a 2—CHILD—POLICY in the early 1960s.
20081120             A 20030000             ordinance encouraged small families without making it illegal for families to have a 3. child.
20081120             THE—USA—AMBASSADOR to HARARE, JAMES—MCGEE, said that 1—TOTAL—OF—294—PEOPLE have been confirmed dead from cholera in ZIMBABWE, amid some 1,200 CASES—OF—THE—WATER—BORNE disease.
20081120             alfatomega.com/20081125.html
20081120             reports have surfaced that indicate Jones will be nominated as OBAMA—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISOR
20081120             Clash over $25bn car firm bailout Democrats and Republicans clash over a $25bn (£17bn) bailout plan for AMERICA—BIGGEST car firms.
20081120             DRUG—RESISTANT ward bug concern Hospitals need to be vigilant against an emerging DRUG—RESISTANT bacterium, warn infection control experts.
20081120             Massive Martian Glaciers May Be Drinkable
20081120             —DISCOVERED, Buried glaciers, on Mars are closer to the planet's equator than ANY—PREVIOUSLY known water ice on the planet.
20081120             The glaciers could be 1—SOURCE—OF drinking water for future astronauts.
20081120             20. - Under Worm Assault, Military Bans Disks, USB Drives
20081120             —SPOOKED, THE—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT—GEEKS are, by 1—RAPIDLY spreading worm crawling across their networks.
20081120             —SUSPENDED, So they've, the use of SO—CALLED thumb drives, CDs, flash media cards, and all other removable DATA—STORAGE—DEVICES from both their secret and unclassified nets, to try to keep the worm from multiplying ANY—FURTHER.
20081120             Genome Hacking Could REVERSE—ENGINEER—EXTINCT Mammoth
20081120             —PRESERVED, Using the hair of 1—WOOLLY mammoth, in the Siberian tundra, scientists have reconstructed 80—PERCENT—OF—THE—MAMMOTH genome, raising the possibility of —1—DAY resurrecting the beast.
20081120             Physicists Find Dark Matter, or Something Even More Strange
20081120             —DETECTED, Physicists have, electrons over ANTARCTICA that could be the 1. ever direct evidence of the mysterious dark matter that scientists say makes up 20—PERCENT—OF—THE—UNIVERSE.
20081120             USA—DRUG TSAR—POSTS—ROADMAP to Buying Dope in S—FRANCISCO
20081120             Trying to make 1—POINT—OF—SOME—KIND, the government produces 1—GOOGLE map mashup marking the best places to buy medical marijuana in the City by the Bay.
20081120             Conservative Think Tank: RIAA v. THOMAS—MISTRIAL—WAS 'Unreasoned'
20081120             1—CONSERVATIVE think tank —ON—MONDAY attacked THE—MINNESOTA FEDERAL—JUDGE who declared 1—MISTRIAL in the nation's only RIAA file sharing case to go to trial.
20081120             THE—WASHINGTON—BASED Progress and Freedom Foundation said USA—DISTRICT—JUDGE—MICHAEL—DAVIS' decision overturning a $222,000 jury verdict in the Jammie Thomas trial was "unreasoned," "unreasonable" and "injudicious".
20081120             Better Place plans $1—BILLION electric car network for Bay Area
20081120             Electric car charging startup Better Place is coming to CALIFORNIA, as Bay Area leaders launch plans to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles.
20081120             THE—FED will lower borrowing costs by 50—BASIS—POINTS at each of the next 2—POLICY—MEETINGS on
20081120             ``THERE—1—STRONG—SENSE—OF—FRUSTRATION in society against the pension system,'' said HIROSHI—ITAKURA, 1—PROFESSOR emeritus of criminal law at
20081120             Nihon UNIVERSITY—IN—TOKYO.
20081120             The stabbing is ``incredible and unforgivable,'' he said.
20081120             The killings drew attention to the
20081120             All dies steht im Hintergrund des aktuellen Streits zwischen BERLIN und PARIS.
20081120             Es ist die Konkurrenz zweier imperialistischer Länder, die hier ausgefochten wird.
20081120             Als Kampfboden dient dabei die EU.
20081120             Der Streit bietet zugleich 1—LEHRSTUNDE für all jene, die immer noch glauben, daß die EU nicht von den Widersprüchen zwischen ihren Mitgliedsländern geprägt ist.
20081120             —BEREITS vor mehr als —40—JAHREN schrieb man dazu:
20081120             "Nicht zuletzt in diesen Widersprüchen, die sich ja wesentlich aus der monopolistischen Eigentumsstruktur herleiten, zeigt sich, daß die EWG weder 1—PRODUKT historischer Folgerichtigkeit noch der Baustein einer, auf neue Art funktionierenden Weltwirtschaft ist. Sie könnte es nur in dem Maße werden, wie sie sich, anstatt unter Führung und gemäß den Interessen der Monopole, unter der Kontrolle gesamtgesellschaftlicher Organe weiterentwickelt".5
20081120             Die sich in der heutigen Krise verschärfenden Interessensgegensätze zwischen diesen Monopolen und "ihren" Staaten zeigen, daß diese Aussagen weiterhin gültig sind.
20081120             Auch Erze, Stahlerzeugnisse, Nahrungsmittel und nicht zuletzt Agrotreibstoffe sind deutlich weniger gefragt.
20081120             —BELASTET, Das, die Erzeuger, verdirbt den Exportstaaten die Leistungsbilanz und bringt ehrgeizige Wachstumsprogramme in Finanzierungsnot.
20081120             Selbst die gigantischen Bauvorhaben in den arabischen Emiraten scheinen plötzlich zur Disposition zu stehen.
20081120             Dabei waren die dort entstehenden Superluxusghettos für Reiche aus aller Welt als ultimative Zukunftsprojekte jahrelang von den meisten Medien begleitet und beklatscht worden.
20081120             Vorstellbar wären in letzterem Bereich beispielsweise Geräte, die die Vorgänge in lebenden Zellen auf molekularer Ebene sichtbar machen.
20081120             Die plasmonische Lithographie, bei der eine durch Plasmonen generierte Strahlung verwendet wird, um Strukturen in 1—SUBSTRAT zu ritzen, verspricht 1—REVOLUTION in den Bereichen optische Speicher und Prozessorbau.
20081120             Denkbar sind dabei ultradichte DVD—ÄHNLICHE Medien ebenso wie besonders leistungsfähige Computerchips.
20081120             Forscher an der UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY, haben —NUN das größte Hindernis bei der Einführung der plasmonischen Lithographie überwunden:
20081120             Sie bauten einen Prototypen, mit dem es möglich ist, plasmonische Linsen ganz nah an 1—SUBSTRAT heranzubringen.
20081120             Die —ENTSCHEIDUNG des OLG München ist nicht rechtskräftig.
20081120             Da die Sache grundsätzliche Bedeutung habe und zudem vom Bundesgerichtshof bislang noch nicht geklärte FRAGEN—DER—VERANTWORTLICHKEIT—DER—PRESSE aufwerfe, hat das Gericht die Revision zugelassen.
20081120             Der Heise Zeitschriften Verlag wird diese Gelegenheit nutzen und die Rechtsstreitigkeit dem BGH zur —ENTSCHEIDUNG vorlegen.
20081120             Der Mitherausgeber und Chefredakteur von heise online, CHRISTIAN—PERSSON, will sich aufgrund der Begründung des OLG München selbst anzeigen: "Es ist ein absurder Vorgang, aber die Frage muss —NUN geklärt werden: Kann sich 1—JOURNALIST—IN—DEUTSCHLAND wirklich dadurch strafbar machen, dass er seinen Lesern den Zugang zu Originalinformationsquellen und damit die eigene Meinungsbildung erleichtert?"
20081120             Siehe auch Dokumentation: Heise versus Musikindustrie[9].
20081120             —AM Markt führten die Nachrichten zu Turbulenzen.
20081120             Die Ausfallversicherung (CDS) für CMBS höchster Bonität stieg um 161—AUF 714—BASISPUNKTE.
20081120             Das heißt, die Kosten für 1—VERSICHERUNG einer solchen Spezialanleihe von 10—MIO.
20081120             Dollar stiegen auf jährlich 714 000—DOLLAR.
20081120             Dies zeigt, dass am Markt mit deutlich steigenden Ausfallraten bei CMBS gerechnet wird.
20081120             DEUTSCHE—BANK: Die Krise trifft die Investmentbanker
20081120             Wirtschaftsklima: Aktienmärkte versinken im Strudel der Rezession
20081120             JUDGE—ORDERS 5—DETAINEES Freed From Guantánamo
20081120             Longtime HEAD—OF—HOUSE—ENERGY—PANEL—IS—OUSTED
20081120             Finanzen: Den Kreditmärkten droht der nächste Schock
20081120             —BEFÜRCHTET, Index auf 20—JAHRES—TIEF: IFO—INSTITUT, Weltrezession
20081120             Bundesdatenschützer Schaar schlägt Charta des digitalen Datenschutzes vor
20081120             Neuer Börsensturz und die Angst vor der Deflation
20081120             Die Bundeswehr als PIRATENPOLIZEI—USA—AUTOBAUER erhalten 2. CHANCE—WÄREN—SIE ein guter Pirat?
20081120             Der Weltsicherheitsrat sagt den Piraten den Kampf AN—UNERWARTETER Schritt der Nationalbank
20081120             NATIONALBANK—CHEF schaut mit Bangen auf die kommenden —MONATE
20081120             Gemeinsam auf PIRATENJAGD—MONEY—BÖRSE: Dax immer noch zu TEUER—ASO wants posts stock sale frozen
20081120             Komazawa U. racks up ¥15.5—BILLION in derivatives losses
20081120             El Ibex pierde la cota de los 8.000—PUNTOS en un día negro para la banca
20081120             El Estado compra 2.115—MILLONES en activos a 23—BANCOS y CAJAS—OCUPACIÓN de la universidad
20081120             Obama presidency faces unstable world, says report
20081120             Judge: ALGERIA—PRISONERS held in Guantánamo must be FREED—KONGO: Der vergessene Krieg
20081120             Regierungssoldaten im Osten Kongos vertrieben
20081120             Entführung des Supertankers "Sirius Star": "Das ist der 20080911             der See"
20081120             Es handele sich um einen "beispiellosen Schritt in den bilateralen Beziehungen".
20081120             Es ist das 1. Mal, dass RUSSLAND einem anderen STAAT—DERARTIGE—TRANSITRECHTE einräumt.
20081120             AFGHANISTAN—KONFLIKT: RUSSLAND genehmigt Bundeswehr Transit auf dem Landweg
20081120             ZAWAHIRI—ATTACK on Obama: Who Cares?
20081120             TIME—BY TONY—KARON—AL—QAEDA—2.—IN—COMMAND—AYMAN—AL—ZAWAHRI criticizes USA—PRESIDENT—ELECT BARACK—OBAMA and urging attacks on "criminal" AMERICA.
20081120             AL—QAEDA—LEADER—USES—SLUR—AGAINST—OBAMA in Web Video
20081120             Teenager lives —FOR—4—MONTHS without 1—HEART
20081120             Telegraph.co.UK—BY CATHERINE—ELSWORTH in LOS—ANGELES
20081120             1—TEENAGE—GIRL has survived for nearly —4—MONTHS without 1—HEART—AFTER being kept alive by 1—SPECIALLY—MADE blood pumping device.
20081120             THE—COST—OF—PUBLIC—TRANSIT in NEW—YORK City would skyrocket —NEXT—YEAR—EVEN as bus and subway service is REDUCED—UNDER 1—PLAN unveiled —THURSDAY by the nation's largest public transit system.
20081120             MTA pushing for 23% fare hike to cover 20090000             budget shortfall
20081120             UPDATE 1-NY subway riders to pay more for slower, dirtier trips
20081120             Smokers come under scrutiny on Smokeout —DAY
20081120             —TAPPED, ARIZONA GOVERNOR—NAPOLITANO, as new Homeland Security CHIEF
20081120             Dems: Napolitano emerges for Homeland Security job
20081120             Piracy threat off SOMALIA hikes insurance premiums
20081120             Piracy on the high seas used to be 1—SIMPLE—AFFAIR: Climb on BOARD, take the valuables, and go.
20081120             But —NOW on the volatile waters off EAST—AFRICA, pirates are carrying rocket launchers, demanding multimillion dollar ransoms and hijacking.
20081120             Pirate ransom talks 'under way'
20081120             Arab nations hold crisis talks on piracy
20081120             GUARDIAN—CO—UK—BUSH seeks to bolster economic plan at APEC
20081120             PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH embarks —FRIDAY on most likely his final foreign mission: bolstering THE—NOSE—DIVING economy by rallying ASIA—PACIFIC nations behind 1 united response.
20081120             ASIA—PACIFIC ministers reject protectionism, vow trade
20081120             Waxman unseats Dingell as House energy committee chair
20081120             To THE—DELIGHT—OF—MANY—ENVIRONMENTAL—GROUPS across the country, CALIFORNIA Democrat HENRY—WAXMAN has ousted fellow Democrat JOHN—DINGELL—OF—MICHIGAN from his post as CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—HOUSE—COMMITTEE—ON—ENERGY and Commerce.
20081120             Waxman Defeats Dingell in Race for House Energy COMMITTEE—CHAIR
20081120             In the 1. hearing on the government's justification for holding detainees at the Guantánamo Bay detention camp, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—RULED—THURSDAY that 5—ALGERIA—MEN were held unlawfully for nearly —7—YEARS and ordered their...
20081120             Judge: ALGERIA—PRISONERS held in Guantánamo must be freed
20081120             —RULED, GUARDIAN—CO—UK - 5—GUANTANAMO detainees, illegally detained
20081120             JP Morgan sees Fed cutting funds rate to 0% by END—JANUARY
20081120             —BISHER haben die Marsforscher um JOHN—HOLT—VON—DER—UNIVERSITÄT—VON—TEXAS in AUSTIN—DAS—EIS an 2—STELLEN eines Kraterrandes auf der Südhalbkugel des Roten Planeten eindeutig nachgewiesen.
20081120             Sie vermuten jedoch, dass es sich dabei nur um einen Bruchteil der Gesamtmenge handelt.
20081120             Denn entsprechende Oberflächenstrukturen kommen recht häufig vor, wie die Wissenschaftler im Fachmagazin "Science" schreiben.
20081120             GMAC Applies for Status as Bank, Begins Debt Swap (Update4)
20081120             UPDATE 1-UAW CHIEF: inaction not 1—OPTION on USA auto BAILOUT—JOBLESS—CLAIMS jump to —16—YEAR—HIGH
20081120             Jobabbau: JP Morgan will 10—PROZENT—DER—STELLEN streichen
20081120             Eisvorkommen: Forscher entdecken ausgedehnte Gletscher auf dem Mars
20081120             Krisengebiet: Uno stockt Friedenstruppe im KONGO auf
20081120             Scientists advance towards cracking genome of woolly mammoth
20081120             —RECONSTRUCTED, Scientists said —ON—WEDNESDAY they had, —AROUND HALF—OF—THE—GENOME—OF—THE woolly mammoth, 1—SPECIES that became extinct —AT—THE—END—OF—THE last Ice Age some 11,—000—YEARS—AGO.
20081120             Doctors Find Worm In WOMAN—BRAIN—WITH video. Not safe for lunch.
20081120             Das Rezessionsszenario mache zunehmend einem "DOOMSDAY—SZENARIO" Platz, hieß es im Handel.
20081120             SOMALISCHE—PIRATEN kaperten außerdem —IN—DIESER—WOCHE einen saudischen Supertanker mit Öl im Wert von 100—MILLIONEN Dollar an Bord, ohne dass beides den Verfall des Ölpreises aufhielt.
20081120             "Viele denken, der Konjunktureinbruch könnte schlimmer ausfallen als die Rezession während der großen Depression in den 3ßiger —JAHREN", sagte Analyst TOBY—HASSALL—VON—DER—INVESTMENTFIRMA—COMMODITY—WARRANTS AUSTRALIA in SYDNEY.
20081120             Der Preissturz beim Öl führt in den USA nicht zu einem höheren Benzinverbrauch.
20081120             Nach Zahlen des Verkehrsministeriums sank —IM—SEPTEMBER die ZAHL—DER—GEFAHRENEN—KILOMETER.
20081120             Wirtschaftskrise: Angst vor Rezession lässt Ölpreis abstürzen
20081120             Treibhausgase: Große EU—STAATEN einigen sich auf KLIMA—AUFLAGEN für Autos
20081120             —VERWEIGERT, SCHULDEN—ETAT: Haushaltsausschuss, Geld für EU—KONJUNKTURPAKET
20081120             SOMALIA: NATO—STAATEN und RUSSLAND verschärfen Piratenjagd
20081120             Auch wenn DIE—CAMORRA Saviano wegen seines Buches mit dem Tod bedroht, gibt es —NACH—DEM Bericht viele "pragmatische" Mafiosi, die mit dem Werk Geld machten.
20081120             Die Sicherheitsbeauftragten der Armee müssen —NUN JEDES—USB—LAUFWERK und jeden tragbaren Speicher sicherstellen und nach Schadprogrammen scannen.
20081120             "Gomorrha"-Verfilmung : Camorra verdient an ANTI—MAFIA—FILM
20081120             BKA—GESETZ: SPD—INNENMINISTER fordern Zugeständnisse von Schäuble
20081120             —VERORDNET, Wirtschaftskrise: PUTIN—RUSSLAND den nationalen Kapitalismus
20081120             Trotz niedriger Preise: Experten warnen vor akuter Ölknappheit
20081120             Doppelmoral und politische Brutalität gipfelten in einer Handgranate, die der Geistheilerin zugeschickt wurde.
20081120             Absender des Päckchens scheint wohl, so geht aus Fasseurs Buch hervor, 1—KREIS—VON—KONSERVATIVEN gewesen zu sein, dem auch Bernhard nahestand.
20081120             Denn so vertraulich die Briefe klingen, offenbaren sie doch Brisantes über 1—STAATSAFFÄRE, die die konstitutionelle Monarchie der NIEDERLANDE beinahe zu Fall gebracht hätte.
20081120             Die Aufarbeitung dieser Vorfälle hat —NUN, —NACH—52—JAHREN, einen entscheidenden Schritt GETAN—MIT einem neuen Buch des Geschichtsgelehrten Fasseur, das vergangene —WOCHE erschienen ist.
20081120             Das Werk mit dem sachlichen Titel "Juliana & Bernhard.
20081120             1—EHE
20081120             —GEFUNDEN, Obama und Clinton: Das Superpaar hat sich
20081120             Urheberrechtsstreit: Bundesgerichtshof erleichtert das "Sampeln"
20081120             Die Männer, die bei Hopkins anheuern, sind ALLE—JENSEITS—DER 40, und sie alle haben früher in leitenden Funktionen bei den Royal Marines gearbeitet.
20081120             "Im vergangenen halben —JAHR haben sich Anfragen dieser Art verzehnfacht", sagt Hopkins, der eine fast akzentfreie Mischung aus Deutsch und Englisch spricht.
20081120             Die Gefahr ist ihr Kapital: Immer öfter heuern Reeder gegen die Piratenüberfälle am Horn private Sicherheitsfirmen an
20081120             —NACH—DEM Erfolg des - "Velib"
20081120             -Programms in PARIS will —NUN auch die Stadt LONDON ein öffentliches Fahrradverleihsystem einrichten.
20081120             Rund 6000—RÄDER sollen —BIS
20081120             "Platynereis ist ein lebendes Fossil. Er lebt —SCHON—SEIT MILLIONEN—VON—JAHREN nahezu unverändert an den Küsten gemäßigter und tropischer Meere", sagte der Tübinger Forscher Gáspár Jékely.
20081120             Somit könne die VERBINDUNG—VON—AUGENFLECKEN und Wimpernzellen als UR—AUGE der 1. Tiere gelten.
20081120             Die Larve des Ringelwurms Platynereis dumerilii ist nur rund 50—MIKROMETER groß, aber sie kann SEHEN—WENN auch nur hell und dunkel.
20081120             Das schafft sie mit 2—GANZ rudimentären Augen, die nur aus jeweils 2—ZELLEN bestehen.
20081120             Wissenschaftler aus Tübingen und HEIDELBERG haben die Funktionsweise der kleinsten und einfachsten Augen der Welt —NUN enträtselt.
20081120             Dank ihnen hätten vermutlich die 1. Organismen in der Evolutionsgeschichte hell und dunkel unterscheiden können, schreiben die Wissenschaftler in der Fachzeitschrift "Nature" (Bd.
20081120             456, S. 395). - - - Kreditfreudige Deutsche: Pfandleiher machen Rekordgeschäfte
20081120             Flugsicherheit: EU will —ZUNÄCHST keine Nacktscanner einführen
20081120             LOS—ANGELES Autoshow: Die Show muss weitergehen
20081120             —IDENTIFIZIERT, DNA—ANALYSE: Forscher wollen Kopernikus' Knochen, haben
20081120             Rohstoff: Ölpreis sinkt erstmals —SEIT—3—JAHREN unter 50—DOLLAR
20081120             Fahrradverleih geplant: "La Vélorution" kommt nach LONDON
20081120             Künftiger Bankenchef zu Finanzrisiken: "Wir werden sicher nicht anfangen, nur noch Murmeln zu tauschen"
20081120             Ökotechnik gegen Flaute: EU will Autobauer mit 2—MILLIARDEN Euro stützen
20081120             Jahresprognose: Notenbanker erwarten schrumpfende USA—WIRTSCHAFT
20081120             Horrorschocker "THE—STRANGERS": Terror ante PORTAS—EVOLUTION: Forscher enträtseln UR—AUGE
20081120             Osnabrück: Zahlreiche Verletzte bei Chemieunfall im Hafen
20081120             Kampf gegen Mottenplage: Tödliche Lieferung per Post
20081120             —VERSPRICHT, HOTEL—ERÖFFNUNG der Superlative: DUBAI, die Party des Jahrzehnts
20081120             Rezessionsangst: Globales Wirtschaftsklima fällt auf tiefsten Stand —SEIT—20—JAHREN
20081120             Piraten vor SOMALIA: Entführer von Supertanker fordern 25—MILLIONEN Dollar Lösegeld
20081120             Kulturschätze: EUROPA öffnet die Archive
20081120             Raumstation ISS: Die teuerste WG der Welt feiert Geburtstag
20081120             Streit um BKA—GESETZ: SPD—INNENMINISTER gegen Schäuble
20081120             Private Sicherheitsfirmen: Experten setzen Schmierfett zur Piratenabwehr ein
20081120             Tiefe Probleme, keine Rettung: USA—AUTOGIGANTEN stürzen in Existenzkrise
20081120             Axis History Forum • View TOPIC—ABILITY—OF—GAULEITERS
20081120             "Eine solche Rezession, in die DEUTSCHLAND —JETZT hereinschliddert, frisst sich durch das System durch", sagte FRANZ—DEM—ZDF in Reaktion auf die Produktionskürzungen beim CHEMIE—RIESEN BASF.
20081120             Immerhin hätten die Elektronikmärkte Media Markt und Saturn in den letzten —3—MONATEN noch 1—WACHSTUM—VON—6 % verzeichnet.
20081120             Zudem habe das Sitzungsprotokoll der USA—NOTENBANK Fed ein düsteres BILD—DER—USA—WIRTSCHAFT gezeichnet, sagten Analysten.
20081120             Es werde immer deutlicher, dass ALLE—WIRTSCHAFTSBEREICHE von der Finanzkrise erfasst werden, sagte 1—HÄNDLER.
20081120             Dax unter Druck: Stimmung an Weltbörsen KIPPT—LESEPROBE: Schattenimperium DISNEY—LAND
20081120             Kapitalsuche: GENERAL—ELECTRIC umwirbt Staatsfonds aus SINGAPUR und CHINA
20081120             EU—LANDWIRTSCHAFT: DEUTSCHE—BAUERN bekommen 240—MILLIONEN Euro weniger
20081120             Fest stehen dagegen EINIGE—WEITERE—PERSONALIEN im Weißen Haus:
20081120             Zu Obamas engstem Zirkel von Mitarbeitern gehören
20081120             künftig sein Wahlkampfmanager DAVID—AXELROD sowie GREG—CRAIG, der Anwalt von BILL—CLINTON in dessen Amtsenthebungsverfahren.
20081120             Außerdem gehören die Anwältin Lisa Brown, die Clintons ehemaligen Vizepräsidenten AL—GORE beraten hat, und CHRIS—LU dem sogenannten WEST—WING Staff an.
20081120             Stabschef im Weißen Haus wird der demokratische Abgeordnete Rahm Emanuel.
20081120             wenn sie die strenge Überprüfung bestehe.
20081120             Obama holt 2—PROMINENTE Frauen in sein Team
20081120             Das Kabinett des designierten USA—PRÄSIDENTEN nimmt Formen an: Wirtschaftsministerin Obamas soll die Milliardärin Penny Pritzker WERDEN—UND oberste Heimatschützerin die demokratische Gouverneurin von ARIZONA, JANET—NAPOLITANO.
20081120             "Die Leute werfen aber alles durcheinander und meiden auch sichere Orte", sagt Mani, der den DEUTSCHEN—SICHERHEITSHINWEIS für "übertrieben" hält.
20081120             Aufenthalte in Tozeur, Nefta, Douz und den Bergoasen seien problemlos möglich.
20081120             Künftige USA—REGIERUNG: Obama holt 2—PROMINENTE Frauen in sein Team
20081120             —GEWÄHRT, Rettung vor Staatspleite: WÄHRUNGSFONDS—ISLAND MILLIARDEN—KREDIT
20081120             —BELASTET, Neue Schulden: Abschwung, Staatshaushalt in Milliardenhöhe
20081120             Kritik an Managern: SIEMENS—CHEF—LÖSCHER warnt vor Schwarzmalerei
20081120             GENERAL—MOTORS, Chrysler und Ford in Nöten: Demokraten scheitern mit schnellem Hilfspaket für USA—AUTOINDUSTRIE
20081120             Piratenjagd : Verteidigungspolitiker fordern robustes Mandat für Marine
20081120             —ENTZIFFERT, MAMMUT—GENOM: Erstmals Erbgut einer ausgestorbenen Tierart
20081120—19930000    —IN, It became 1—OFFICIAL tongue in WALES, —450—YEARS—AFTER UK—RULERS gave it the boot in FAVOR—OF—ENGLISH.
20081120—20030300    —SINCE, THE—DJIA fell 444.99 to its lowest level.
20081120—20070900    —REQUESTED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT—PROSECUTOR, arrest warrants for rebels in SUDAN—DARFUR region, accusing them of storming 1—AFRICA—UNION—CAMP and killing 12—PEACEKEEPERS.
20081120—20081202    —ASKED, Democrats, for 1—CONVINCING turnaround plan.
20081120—20081231    —UNTIL, Chevron said it was declaring "force majeure" —FOLLOWING 20081114             —THE attack on the pipeline which carries supplies to its Escravos terminal in THE—NIGER—DELTA.
20081121—20081120    —IN—THE, Research from THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—PITTSBURGH published EDITION—OF—HEREDITY could finally provide EVIDENCE—OF—THE—1.—STAGES—OF—THE—EVOLUTION—OF—SEPARATE—SEXES, 1—THEORY that holds that males and females developed from hermaphroditic ancestors.
20090120—20091120    —SINCE, USA—STOCKS—SLIDE On Fincls;
20090120—20091120    DJIA Lowest
20090415—20091120    —ON, Myers and
20090811—20091120    —ON, 1—JURY sentenced him to death.
20091120             According to a 20090523             report by THE—AGE—NEWSPAPER, Securency officials had paid more than 12—MILLION—DOLLARS in kickbacks for 1—PRINTING—CONTRACT to 1—VIETNAM—BUSINESSMAN with links to the communist state's government.
20091120             1—USA—JUDGE blocked 1—TENNESSEE law that allowed people to bring handguns into restaurants and bars.
20091120             —SIGNED, THE—MANHATTAN—DECLARATION was, by about 150—PROMINENT—CHRISTIAN clergy, ministry leaders and scholars and was released at 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE in WASHINGTON, DC. 1—NUMBER—OF—CHRISTIAN leaders, known for their public witness on BEHALF—OF—JUSTICE, human rights, and the common good, had come together in shaping the declaration.
20091120             * It out of 1—URGENT—CONCERN about growing efforts to marginalize the Christian voice in the public square, to redefine marriage, and to move away from the biblical VIEW—OF—THE—SANCTITY—OF—LIFE.
20091120             —BY the end of 20090000             bulletproof vests had saved the lives of over 3,000 law enforcement officers.
20091120             † CHARIS—WILSON, —96—JAHRE—ALT, USA—MODEL and writer.
20091120             1—ROADSIDE bomb targeted 1—CONTROVERSIAL warlord, who escaped unscathed but killed 5—OF—HIS bodyguards NORTH—WEST—OF—KABUL.
20091120             1—SIMILAR—DEVICE, of the type favored by Taliban insurgents, killed 3—CIVILIANS in the east.
20091120             AUSTRALIA, 2—EXECUTIVES at Securency, 1—BANKNOTE—MAKING firm PART—OWNED by AUSTRALIA—CENTRAL—BANK, were suspended over 1—POLICE—PROBE into alleged bribery and kickbacks.
20091120             —ACCUSED—OF, Officials were also, paying bribes worth MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS into tax haven BANK—ACCOUNTS—OF—1—POLITICALLY—CONNECTED—NIGERIA—BUSINESSMAN to win a 20070000             contract.
20091120             —BATTLED, AUSTRALIA—FIREFIGHTERS, DOZENS—OF—BUSH blazes as RECORD—BREAKING hot weather sparked "catastrophic" warnings in 2—STATES, —JUST months —AFTER the country's worst ever wildfire disaster.
20091120             CANADA—TD—BANK was hit with 1—MULTIMILLION—DOLLAR—LAWSUIT calling it the "financial epicenter" of 1—ALLEGED—PONZI scheme run by disgraced FLORIDA lawyer SCOTT—ROTHSTEIN.
20091120             —ACCLAIMED, CUBA, Reinaldo Escobar, the husband of, dissident CUBA—BLOGGER, Yoani Sanchez, was punched and shouted down by 1—PRO—GOVERNMENT—MOB—AFTER he challenged the presumed state agents who —EARLIER roughed up his wife, to 1—STREET—CORNER—DEBATE.
20091120             EGYPT—POLICE shot and killed 1—BEDOUIN in NORTH—SINAI —AFTER THE—ARREST—OF—FELLOW tribesmen prompted clashes.
20091120             —INJURED, Protesters, DOZENS—OF—POLICE—NEAR THE—ALGERIA—EMBASSY in CAIRO, fanning the flames of 1—DIPLOMATIC spat that erupted —AFTER ALGERIA won 1—FOOTBALL—WORLD—CUP qualifier.
20091120             —WINCHED, NORTH—ENGLAND, military helicopters, DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE to safety and emergency workers in inflatable boats rescued scores more as floods swamped the picturesque Lake District.
20091120             1—POLICE—OFFICER was missing and feared dead —AFTER 1—BRIDGE was swept away.
20091120             —OPENED, FRANCE, a man with an automatic rifle, fire on a car near a PARIS train station, killing 1—MAN and wounding 2—OTHERS.
20091120             —FILED, GERMANY, terrorism charges against 1—TURKISH—GERMANY—DUAL—CITIZEN allegedly linked to 1—MEMBER—OF—1—CELL that plotted to attack USA—TARGETS.
20091120             —IDENTIFIED, THE—24—YEAR—OLD, only as Kadir T. in line with GERMANY—PRIVACY—LAWS, was charged with supporting 1—FOREIGN—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION and violating export laws.
20091120             GERMANY—PROSECUTORS said that —AROUND 200—FOOTBALL—MATCHES in 9—EUROPEAN countries including at least 3—CHAMPIONS League games are implicated in 1—NEW—MATCH—FIXING scandal.
20091120             —ANNOUNCED, GUATEMALA—OFFICIALS, the resumption of INTERNATIONAL adoptions —AFTER 1—NEARLY —2—YEAR—SUSPENSION prompted by the discovery that SOME—BABIES were being sold.
20091120             —ARRESTED, INDIA, 7—PEOPLE were, in Mumbai —AFTER activists from 1—HARDLINE—HINDU regional political party ransacked 1—TELEVISION—STATION'S—OFFICES and beat up staff.
20091120             THE—NORTH—MARIANA, Islands 1—GUNMAN went on 1—RAMPAGE on the Pacific resort ISLAND—OF—SAIPAN, killing 4—PEOPLE and wounding 6—OTHERS—BEFORE fatally shooting himself.
20091120             Li Zhongren (42), 1—CHINA—CITIZEN, was believed to have been employed at the shooting range and left notes indicating personal financial problems and frustrations.
20091120             —IDENTIFIED, MEXICO, Jesus Zambada Reyes, as THE—NEPHEW—OF—DRUG—LORD—ISMAEL "El Mayo" Zambada, was found dead in 1—APPARENT—SUICIDE in Guerrero state.
20091120             1—BODY found in Guerrero state was identified as OMAR—GUERRERO—SOLIS, 1—REBEL—LEADER who had accused THE—STATE—GOVERNOR—OF—DRUG—TIES.
20091120             Solis told local media in May that he believed GOVERNOR—ZEFERINO—TORREBLANCA had ties to the Sinaloa cartel.
20091120             He accused the army of not detaining Sinaloa gunmen, —WHILE cracking down on members of the rival Beltran Leyva cartel.
20091120             † USA—CITIZEN—LIZBETH Marin was shot in MATAMOROS and —LATER, of the wound.
20091120             1—MEXICO—ARMY—SOLDIER was said to have accidentally fired 1—ROUND that hit Marin.
20091120             —KILLED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—SUSPECTED—USA—MISSILE—STRIKE, at least 8—MILITANTS, the 2. attack —THIS—WEEK in 1—AREA believed to hold MANY—INSURGENTS who fled from 1—ARMY—OFFENSIVE elsewhere in THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER region.
20091120             4—PAKISTAN—SOLDIERS, including 1—CAPTAIN, were killed —WHEN militants ambushed their convoy in THE—NORTH—WAZIRISTAN AREA—OF—SHAWAL.
20091120             2—POLICE—OFFICERS were killed and 4—OTHERS wounded —WHEN 1—REMOTE—CONTROLLED bomb destroyed their vehicle in PESHAWAR.
20091120             —HIJACKED, SOMALIA—PIRATES, 1—PANAMA—CARGO ship in the Gulf of ADEN between the Arabian peninsula and the Horn of AFRICA.
20091120             —ORDERED, SWITZERLAND—AUTHORITIES said that they had, some 350—MILLION—DOLLARS—OF—ASSETS to be seized from the son of the late NIGERIA—DICTATOR—SANI Abacha for graft.
20091120             GENEVA, Sw., CERN scientists restarted the $10—BILLION Large Hadron Collider (LHC) —FOLLOWING more than —1—YEAR—OF repairs.
20091120             —SURPRISED, They were, that they could so quickly get beams of protons whizzing near THE—SPEED—OF—LIGHT —DURING the restart.
20091120             —DEFENDED, HUGO—CHAVEZ has, the alleged terrorist mastermind CARLOS—THE—JACKAL, aka Ilich Sanchez Ramirez, saying the Venezuelan imprisoned in FRANCE was 1—IMPORTANT "revolutionary fighter" who supported the cause of the Palestinians.
20091120             —GAINED, Ramirez, INTERNATIONAL notoriety —DURING the 1970s and 80s as the alleged MASTERMIND—OF—1—SERIES—OF—BOMBINGS, killings and hostage dramas.
20091120             He is serving 1—LIFE—SENTENCE in FRANCE for 19750000             —THE murders of 2—FRANCE—SECRET—AGENTS and 1 alleged informant.
20091120             —VERLIERT, Umstrittene TEEWURST—KÜNDIGUNG: Pflegehelferin, ihren Job doch nicht
20091120             —NACH—14—MONATEN Reparatur: Weltgrößter Teilchenbeschleuniger läuft wieder
20091120             NORWEGEN: 2—VON 3—INFIZIERTEN an mutiertem SCHWEINEGRIPPE—VIRUS gestorben
20091120             —UNMANNED, Contractors maintain stealth bombers and Predator, drones used in AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ.
20091120             —DESIGNED, SOME—MILITARY—EQUIPMENT is specifically, to be operated and maintained by private companies.
20091120             BRITAIN, the debate over military privatization has been public, —SINCE THE—ACTIVITIES—OF—THE—UK—COMPANY—SANDLINE in SIERRA—LEONE and PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA embarrassed the government in the late 1990s.
20091120             Over 700—RUSSIA—PHYSICISTS from 12—RESEARCH—INSTITUTES have taken part.
20091120             USA Establishes Military Bases in COLOMBIA as HONDURAS—CRISIS—CONTINUES Human Rights Violations in THE—NAME—OF—FIGHTING—TERROR
20091120             USA—WORKERS Starved Into Military Service Montrealers Deliver 1—FIER y Message to Bush : You Are Persona Non Grata
20091120             Wall St. profits reach record high as 50—MILLION—AMERICANS go hungry.
20091120             1—MODEST—PROPOSAL: Eat the Rich!
20091120             If capitalism has been able to reproduce itself it is only BECAUSE—OF—THE—WEB—OF inequalities that it has built into THE—BODY—OF—THE—WORLD—PROLETARIAT, and because of its capacity to globalize exploitation.
20091120             This process is still unfolding under our eyes, as it has for the last —500—YEARS".
20091120             FEDERICI—ANALYSIS is that, "Capitalism was THE—COUNTER—REVOLUTION that destroyed the possibilities that had emerged from THE—ANTI—FEUDAL STRUGGLE—POSSIBILITIES which, if realized,
20091120             might have spared us the immense DESTRUCTION—OF—LIVES and the environment that has marked THE—ADVANCE—OF—CAPITALIST—RELATIONS—WORLDWIDE".
20091120             How might things be different if the forgotten revolution had won?
20091120             What separates Caliban and the Witch from other works exploring the "witch" phenomenon is that this book puts the persecution of witches into THE—CONTEXT—OF—THE—DEVELOPMENT—OF—CAPITALISM.
20091120             Interestingly, 1—MAJOR component of both of these crusades was the use of SO—CALLED "shock and awe " tactics to astound the population with "spectacular DISPLAYS—OF—FORCE,"
20091120             which help to soften up resistance to drastic or unpopular reforms
20091120             politicians and the media have been drilling this frightening message into people's heads —FOR—YEARS, even though terrorism is 1—MUCH less likely CAUSE—OF—DEATH than, say, LACK—OF—HEALTH—CARE.[
20091120             Caliban and the Witch underscores that the persecution of witches was not —JUST SOME—ERROR—OF ignorant peasants, but in fact the deliberate POLICY—OF—CHURCH and State, the very ruling CLASS—OF—SOCIETY
20091120             INDIANAPOLIS Schools Block Atheist Sites
20091120             Also blocks sites "which discuss or deal with paranormal or unexplained events".
20091120             —BLOCKED, Pretty sure I'm.
20091120             —POSTED b y PROFESSOR—HEX
20091120             ACORN PPP—NEWEST—NATIONAL surve y finds that a 52% MAJORITY—OF—GOP voters nationally think that ACORN stole the Presidential election for BARACK—OBAMA —LAST—YEAR, with only 27% granting that he won it legitimately.
20091120             What RICHARD—NIXON knew about Watergate: forensic experts investigate
20091120             —CALLED, Forensic investigators have been, in to solve 1—OF—THE—GREATEST—MYSTERIES—OF—USA presidential history by discovering what exactly RICHARD—NIXON knew about the Watergate BREAK—IN.
20091120             Unauffindbares Datenleck: Visa sucht Grund für KREDITKARTEN—MASSENTAUSCH
20091120             Debatte in AUSTRALIEN: "Scientology ist eine kriminelle Organisation"
20091120             PAPUA—NEUGUINEA: Gen schützte Kannibalen vor Hirnerkrankung
20091120             Vom Gehirn zu lernen sei deshalb ein interessanter Ansatz, um die Probleme mit Energie und der Leistungsdichte der heutigen Computer zu lösen.
20091120             Nicht weniger ungewöhnlich wäre die Möglichkeit zur Rechteübertragung.
20091120             Im Klartext: Die FILM—UND Musikindustrie könnte mit ERMITTLUNGS—UND Vollstreckungsvollmacht ausgestattet werden.
20091120             Damit erhielte sie das Recht, Internetprovider und sonstige Unternehmen zur Herausgabe persönlicher DATEN—VON—VERDÄCHTIGEN zu zwingen und diesen außerdem den Internetzugang abzuklemmen.
20091120             Womit Mandelson AUCH—VORSCHRIFTEN der EU unterlaufen würde, wie "Gulli" anmerkt.
20091120             Denn das europäische TELEKOM—PAKET sieht für staatliche Sanktionen gegen Urheberrechtsverstöße in jedem Fall den Richtervorbehalt vor.
20091120             Davon aber wären private Rechteinhaber und deren Interessenverbände nach Übertragung entsprechender Rechte gar nicht betroffen.
20091120             —JETZT tasern sie —SCHON bockige Kinder, weil sie nicht duschen wollen.
20091120             —GESTARTET, THE—ONION, ursprünglich mal als SATIRE—MAGAZIN, bringt die Realität mal wieder besser als die angeblichen Nachrichtenmedien auf den Punkt:
20091120             "Heroin Addicts Pressure PRESIDENT—TO—STAY—COURSE—IN—AFGHANISTAN".
20091120             Ich habe ja nichts gegen Spenden, aber da müßte es 1—METHODE geben, wie man das über einen vertrauenswürdigen Dienstleister ala Paypal macht, nur halte ich Paypal eben nicht für vertrauenswürdig.
20091120             Kritik am Kreml: Gorbatschow erwägt POLIT—COMEBACK
20091120             200—SPIELE unter Betrugsverdacht: Riesiger Wettskandal erschüttert Europas Fußball
20091120             SPD—POLITIKER: Steinbrück heuert bei Thy ssenKrupp an
20091120             Robuster Arbeitsmarkt: Bund macht weniger Schulden
20091120             "Ich bin doch wohl selbst das beste Beispiel dafür, dass an meiner Theorie irgendetwas dran sein muss".
20091120             Mindestens 1000—MEHR Soldaten braucht die Truppe so schnell wie möglich für den Norden des Landes.
20091120             Inzwischen ist DEUTSCHLAND nur noch mit einer reinen MARINE—MISSION mit 230—SOLDATEN und einer Fregatte am Horn von AFRIKA an OEF beteiligt.
20091120             Gerade das OEF—MANDAT war in der SPD —SEIT jeher HOCHUMSTRITTEN—NICHT zuletzt wegen der unklaren völkerrechtlichen Grundlage.
20091120             wird zwar im GUTTENBERG—MINISTERIUM als Verrat bewertet
20091120             "Wir werden mit Nein stimmen, weil die rechtliche Grundlage des Einsatzes immer fragwürdiger werden", so SPD—VERTEIDIGUNGSEXPERTE RAINER—ARNOLD.
20091120             Das Ensemble des Globe Theatre wird mit dem Ehrentitel "THE—KING—MEN" belohnt.
20091120             Doch im realen LONDON von damals waren die Standesgrenzen strikt und die sozialen Abstände riesig.
20091120             Doch mit einem NIETZSCHE—ZITAT machte er sich Mut: "Die Unvernunft einer Sache ist kein Grund gegen ihr Dasein, vielmehr 1—BEDINGUNG desselben".
20091120             Augmented Reality : Das Handy wird zum WELT—WISSENSFENSTER
20091120             Arbeitszeitverkürzungen in Krisenbranchen: IAB fordert —30—STUNDEN—WOCHE
20091120             HOCHWASSER—CHAOS in GROSSBRITANNIEN: "So etwas gab es noch nie"
20091120             ANTI—TERROR—MANDAT: SPD—SCHWENK setzt Regierung unter Druck
20091120             Gedächtnis: Geräusche helfen beim Lernen im Schlaf
20091120             Europäische Banken: Ackermann hält das Schlimmste für überstanden
20091120             NAVI—SPARTE: Analy sten rechnen mit Milliardenabschreibung bei Nokia
20091120             "Forbes"-Liste: Diese Stars sind ihr Geld nicht wert
20091120             die Frage —NACH—DEM wahren Grund für das Aussterben der Mammuts bleibt unbeantwortet.
20091120             Dagegen war man früher der Auffassung, dass die Veränderung der Landschaft nicht 1—FOLGE, sondern 1—URSACHE—DES—VERSCHWINDENS—DER—MEGAFAUNA war.
20091120             Aus einer ART—SAVANNE mit einzelnen Baumgruppen entstand vor etwa 14.—000—JAHREN 1—LEBENSRAUM mit einer reichhaltigeren Pflanzenwelt und eher geschlossenen Wäldern.
20091120             Das Aussterben des Mammuts und anderer Großtiere wie den elefantenähnlichen Mastodons war ein gradueller Prozess.
20091120             Das Sterben der Megafauna begann —SCHON mindestens 1000—JAHRE, bevor prähistorische Jäger den nordamerikanischen Kontinent eroberten,
20091120             schreiben Jacquelyn Gill von der UNIVERSITY—OF—WISCONSIN in MADISON und ihre Kollegen im Fachblatt "Science".
20091120             DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT: Klimaschutz kostet Firmen 300—MILLIARDEN Euro
20091120             —DOKUMENTIERT, Mammut und Mastodon: Dung, Sterben der Riesensäuger
20091120             FRANKREICH: Stadt druckt Weihnachtsplakate mit Hakenkreuzen
20091120             Die Jemeniten gaben an, OPFER—VON—PIRATEN zu sein - 12—SEERÄUBER hätten ihr Boot überfallen und ihnen 1—ULTIMATUM gestellt: Sie könnten entweder mit der Planke über Bord springen oder sie würden getötet.
20091120             Im Golf von ADEN sind 3—MÄNNER von der USA—MARINE aufgegriffen worden
20091120             Die Männer trugen zudem ein paar Flaschen Wasser bei sich.
20091120             VENEZUELA und KOLUMBIEN: Kalter Krieg im Regenwald
20091120             Krankheit und Politik: Alphatiere zeigen keine Schwäche
20091120             Kreditkartenbetrug: Banken wollen Entschädigung von Visa und Mastercard
20091120             Golf von ADEN: Fischer überlebten —3—TAGE an Holzplanke geklammert
20091120             Gewinnverteilung: GOLDMAN—AKTIONÄRE fordern BONI—KÜRZUNG
20091120             "Ihr ursprüngliches Unterwassertalent mag der Schlüssel für das Verständnis dafür sein, warum sie sich so gut weiterentwickelten und die Ära der Dinosaurier überlebten", schreibt Sereno in "National Geographic".
20091120             Dass Krokodile nicht, wie Dinosaurier, vor etwa 60—MILLIONEN ausstarben, liegt nach Meinung der Paläontologen an ihrer Fähigkeit, auf dem Land und unter Wasser zu leben.
20091120             Reptilien, die —BIS zu 7—METER lang werden konnten und vor etwa 100—MILLIONEN —JAHREN auf dem Urkontinent Gondwana lebten.
20091120             Attentat in INDIEN: Maoistische Rebellen lassen Zug entgleisen
20091120             SAHARA: Forscher finden bizarre URZEIT—KROKODILE
20091120             Es ist also im Interesse des Konzerns, möglichst schnell und möglichst flächendeckend preisgünstige MOBILE Datenflatrates durchzusetzen.
20091120             Das Geschäftsmodell "kostenlos für den Kunden" hat sich in den vergangenen —JAHREN kontinuierlich als anderen überlegen erwiesen.
20091120             Googles Pläne zu erraten ist —NUN nicht mehr weiter schwierig:
20091120             Einmal mehr schickt sich Google an, ein etabliertes Geschäftsmodell AUSZUHÖHLEN—INDEM der Konzern eine bislang teuer zu bezahlende Dienstleistung künftig kostenlos und werbefinanziert anbietet.
20091120             —GESCHEHEN, In den USA ist das —BEREITS : —SEIT Ende —OKTOBER kann man dort das mit dem GOOGLE—BETRIEBSS ystem Android ausgestattete MOTOROLA—HANDY Droid bekommen.
20091120             DROID, ist auch 1—NAVIGATIONSSYSTEM eingebaut.
20091120             Und das zu benutzen, kostet nichts extra.
20091120             Es ist schlicht ein zusätzliches Werkzeug im SCHWEIZER—OFFIZIERSMESSER Smartphone.
20091120             Die Entdeckung war so revolutionär, dass ihre Erkenntnisse lange Zeit angezweifelt wurden.
20091120             Die Durchmischung des Erbguts während der Reproduktion bewirkt die Vielfalt.
20091120             Mais wird —SEIT rund 10.—000—JAHREN vom Menschen angebaut.
20091120             Der Ursprung des Getreides ist das mittelamerikanische TEOSINTE—GRAS.
20091120             Wilsons Forscherteam entzifferte das Genom der Maislinie B73. Das Erbgut bestehe aus 2,3 Milliarden Basenpaaren und enthalte mehr als 32.000—GENE.
20091120             Damit zählt der Mais (wissenschaftlich Zea mays) zu den "Erbgutriesen" im Pflanzenreich.
20091120             Zum Vergleich: Der Mensch hat rund 3—MILLIARDEN Basenpaare und nur 20.000—BIS 25.000—GENE.
20091120             keine Begeisterung über EUROPA
20091120             wird die Welt über 1—GESAMTKUNSTWERK europäischer Diplomatie staunen KÖNNEN—FEINSTENS austariert nach Geografie, Landesgröße, Parteizugehörigkeit und Geschlecht.
20091120             DEUTSCHLAND etwa hatte es vorgezogen, auf beide Ämter von vornherein zu verzichten, um den DEUTSCHEN—ANSPRUCH auf den Chefposten der Europäischen Zentralbank nicht zu gefährden.
20091120             Die Präferenz für einen farblosen Premier eines kleinen Landes war durch die Kandidatur des FRÜHEREN—BRITISCHEN—PREMIERMINISTERS—TONY—BLAIR befördert worden.
20091120             haben die Regierungschefs —NUN 2—NOBODYS mit der Repräsentierung der EU beauftragt
20091120             Schadensersatz: Tabakkonzern muss Raucherin 300—MILLIONEN Dollar zahlen
20091120             —FASZINIERT, Sehr dy namisch: MAIS—ERBGUT, Forscher
20091120             Fallende Preise: JAPAN fällt in die Deflation zurück
20091120             H1N1: Warnung vor wirtschaftlichen Folgen der Schweinegrippe
20091120             Neues Spitzenduo: EUROPA setzt auf Nobodys
20091120             Strafanzeige: DEUTSCHER—BANK droht 1—ANLEGERAUFSTAND
20091120             DEUTSCHE—BANK: Ackermann sieht 25—PROZENT—RENDITE in GEFAHR—ERAPY
20091120—19340000    —MODELED, CHARIS—WILSON had, for photographer EDWARD—WESTON —FOR—11—YEARS beginning.
20091120—19650000    —IN, In the 1970s he began developing Kevlar, 1—NEW—DUPONT fabric invented, into body armor for police and soldiers.
20091120—19710000    —INTENDED, DuPont had, Kevlar to replace steel belting on tires and began marketing it.
20091120—19840000    —SINCE, THE—INTERNATIONAL—LHC project has involved more than 2,000 physicists from HUNDREDS—OF—UNIVERSITIES and laboratories in 34—COUNTRIES.
20091120—20101200    —REMOVED, Apple, it as 1—IPHONE—APP.
20091120—20110000    —ENDE—BIS, Raumfahrtprogramm: IRAN plant Satellitenstart
20091120—20110900    —ANNOUNCED, OPRAH Winfrey, that she will end her eponymous show, 26—AFTER it 1. aired nationwide.
20091120—20130000    —AB, FLUG—HANDGEPÄCK: EU—STAATEN wollen Flüssigkeiten zulassen
20101104             Cyber security will be 1—OF—THE—TOP—ISSUES that NATO—LEADERS will tackle at 1—SUMMIT—OF—THE 28-nation military alliance in LISBON on 20101120—20291120.
20101113—20101120    —ON, A 3. suspect (31) was arrested.
20101120             MADAGASCAR PRIME—MINISTER—CAMILLE—VITAL told reporters that 16—OFFICERS have surrendered, ending 1—IMPASSE that began 20101117             , —WHEN 1—FACTION—OF—OFFICERS declared they were taking over from Andry Rajoelina.
20101120             —COMPLETED, It had 2,000 —RECENTLY, centrifuges.
20101120             THE—NORTH told him it was producing LOW—ENRICHED uranium meant for 1—NEW—REACTOR.
20101120             FLORIDA, Brandi Peters (27) and her 3—YOUNG—CHILDREN were found slain in 1—TALLAHASSEE home.
20101120             —KILLED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, Taliban suicide bombers on bicycles, 4—PEOPLE and wounded 31. Hafiz Janan, 1—TALIBAN leader involved in training foreign fighters, was killed in the Bakwa DISTRICT—OF—FARAH province.
20101120             —CAPTURED, Another Taliban leader was, in Baraki Barak DISTRICT—OF—LOGAR province.
20101120             —MURDERED, AUSTRALIA, DAVID—AUCHTERLONIE was, on his 17. birthday in New SOUTH—WALES.
20101120             —PLANNED, MATHEW—MILAT, —17—JAHRE—ALT and COHEN—KLEIN, —18—JAHRE—ALT had, for over —1—WEEK to lure Auchterlonie to his death.
20101120             —PLEADED, COHEN—KLEIN also, guilty and was sentenced for at least —22—YEARS.
20101120             —ORDAINED, CHINA—GOVERNMENT—BACKED—CATHOLIC—CHURCH, 1—BISHOP who did not have THE—APPROVAL—PAPA, despite objections from THE—VATICAN.
20101120             COLOMBIA—PRESIDENT—JUAN—MANUEL—SANTOS said 1—TOP—FARC rebel leader who oversees major cocaine production may have been killed in THE—BOMBING—OF—1—GUERRILLA—CAMP in the country's southern jungles.
20101120             FABIAN—RAMIREZ—PISTOLS, rucksack and computers were found at the scene of 1—PRE—DAWN bombing.
20101120             At least 6—BODIES were found.
20101120             EGYPT, 1—TOUR—BUS lost control and flipped over several times on 1—WINDING mountain road near 1—RED—SEA—RESORT, killing 8—TOURISTS.
20101120             —MOVED, IRELAND, towards finalizing its —4—YEAR—CRISIS—PLAN for cutting its budget deficit which could pave the way for 1—MULTI—BILLION euro bailout.
20101120             —WANTED, Yair Klein, 1—ISRAELI, in COLOMBIA for training militias that killed HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE, returned home —AFTER he was released from 1—MOSCOW jail.
20101120             —DENIED, Klein has, working with COLOMBIA—COCAINE cartels and said he only instructed paramilitaries in defense tactics.
20101120             —SUSPECTED, MEXICO, 1—GANG—OF, kidnappers were arrested by marines.
20101120             —APPEARED, THE—USA and its allies, to take conflicting views on —WHEN NATO combat operations would end.
20101120             —STOPPED, RUSSIA was receptive but, short of accepting 1—HISTORIC—NATO—INVITATION to join 1—MISSILE—SHIELD protecting EUROPE against IRAN—ATTACK.
20101120             † In SAUDI—ARABIA 1—YOUNG—WOMAN in her twenties defying 1—DRIVING ban in the capital along with 3—FEMALE—FRIENDS—WHEN her car overturned.
20101120             —CREATED, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA formally, 24—NEW cardinals amid cheers in S—PETER—BASILICA, bringing 1—MOSTLY—ITALY—GROUP into the elite club that will eventually elect his successor.
20101120             —REITERATED, BENEDICT—XVI, that condoms are not 1—MORAL—SOLUTION for stopping AIDS.
20101120             But he added that in SOME—CASES, such as for MALE prostitutes, their use could represent a 1. step in assuming moral responsibility "in the intention of reducing THE—RISK—OF—INFECTION.
20101120             —STEPPED, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ, up his threats against the country's only remaining OPPOSITION—ALIGNED television channel, calling its owner, GUILLERMO—ZULOAGA, 1—FUGITIVE criminal and accusing him of conspiring against his government.
20101120—20090400    —IN, NORTH—KOREA told Hecker it began construction on the centrifuges and finished only 1—FEW days —BEFORE the scientist's 20101112             visit.
20101120—20120000    —PLEADED, MATTHEW—MILAT, 1—RELATIVE—OF serial killer IVAN—MILAT, guilty to the ax murder and was sentenced to at least —30—YEARS in prison.
20101120—20140000    —AGREED, NATO nations meeting in PORTUGAL formally, to start turning over AFGHANISTAN—SECURITY to its military —NEXT—YEAR and give them full control.
20101120—20140000    —AFTER, NATO—SECRETARY—GENERAL—ANDERS Fogh Rasmussen said he did not expect NATO—TROOPS to stay in the fight against the Taliban.
201102041120         And another tweet from THE—BBC—LYSE—DOUCET
20110214111203       Sonde schießt Kometenfotos aus nächster Nähe (Wissenschaft, 11:39)
20110214112046       Natürlich sieht sich der PREMIER wieder als OPFER—DER—JUSTIZ,
20110224—20121120    —SENTENCED, Tata was, to —80—YEARS in prison.
20110803—20111120    —SENTENCED, Peters was, to —13—YEARS and —6—MONTHS in prison.
20110926             —DISSOLVED, SPAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—ZAPATERO, PARLIAMENT, setting the stage for a 20111120             GEN—ERAL election that is likely to focus on 1—ECONOMY saddled with 21—PERCENT unemployment, ANE—MIC—GROWTH and gloomy future prospects.
20111120             —REPORTED, It was, that SOUTH—CAROLINA authorities have charged 1—PERSON in connection with the mess of roughly 250,000 tires, which covers more than 50—ACRES on satellite images.
20111120             —SHOWED, Records, the property is owned by MICHAEL—KEITT—JUNIOR—OF—FAR—ROCKAWAY—NEW—YORK.
20111120             † TED—FORSTMANN, private equity pioneer.
20111120             —KILLED, THE—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said Afghan and INTERNATIONAL forces, 16—INSURGENTS in fighting over the past —3—DAYS in Nuristan province.
20111120             BENIN, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA led TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE in 1—PANOPLY—OF—AFRICA—TONGUES —DURING 1—MASS in the national soccer stadium.
20111120             —DELIVERED, He formally, to AFRICA—BISHOPS an 87-page document known as 1—TREATISE.
20111120             It applies church doctrine to address the continent's ills, especially the wars and conflicts caused by ethnic divisions and has been called a "papal road map" for AFRICA.
20111120             18—CHURCH—OF—ENGLAND bishops have signed 1—OPEN—LETTER published —ON—SUNDAY criticizing planned welfare reforms, in 1—RARE—INTERVENTION by the religious establishment in politics.
20111120             The bishops said that plans to cap the amount ANY—HOUSEHOLD can claim in benefits at £500 ($790, 580—EUROS) —1—WEEK risked pushing vulnerable children into poverty.
20111120             —CLASHED, EGYPT—RIOT—POLICE, for a 2. —DAY in downtown CAIRO with some 5000—ROCK—THROWING protesters demanding that the ruling military quickly announce 1—DATE to hand over power to 1 elected government.
20111120             —RESIGNED, EGYPT—CULTURE—MINISTER, in protest at the government response to demonstrations in CAIRO—TAHRIR—SQUARE.
20111120             —BLAZED, INDIA, 1—FIRE, through 1—MAKESHIFT—TENT in EAST—DELHI where eunuchs, 1—COMMUNITY—OF castrated men, transvestites and transsexuals, had gathered to honor deceased friends.
20111120             15—PEOPLE were killed.
20111120             —REPORTED, IRAN—MEDIA, that authorities have imposed a —2—MONTH—BAN on 1—REFORMIST—NEWSPAPER, Etemad, for printing what the country's press watchdog said was "lies and insults" to officials.
20111120             ISRAEL, officials and the "All for Peace" radio station operators said the government has ordered the shutdown of 1—DOVISH—ISRAELI—PALESTINE—RADIO—STATION.
20111120             1—SHUTDOWN order was issued —LAST—WEEK.
20111120             LIBYA's the information MINISTER—SAID—SEIF—AL—ISLAM—GADHAFI, Moammar GADHAFI—SON and 1—TIME—HEIR—APPARENT, will be tried in LIBYA and not handed over to THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT even though the country's new rulers have yet to set up 1—JUSTICE—SYSTEM.
20111120             MEXICO, DURANGO state prosecutors said troops found the remains of 7—PEOPLE in THE—TOWN—OF—S—JUAN del Rio, about 60—MILES (100—KM) NORTH—OF—THE—STATE—CAPITAL, THE—CITY—OF—DURANGO.
20111120             —ENDED, MYANMAR, —2—DAYS—OF—PEACE—TALKS with 5—ETHNIC—ARMIES on THE—THAI—BURMA border.
20111120             —SCHEDULED, More meetings were, in upcoming months.
20111120             —TORCHED, PAKISTAN—GUNMEN, in Baluchistan province, 3—TRUCKS carrying supplies for NATO—TROOPS in AFGHANISTAN.
20111120             —VOWED, SOUTH—SUDAN rebel CHIEF—GEORGE—ATHOR, to continue battling the government in JUBA and demanded new elections to end his bloody war.
20111120             SPAIN held 1—NATIONAL—ELECTION.
20111120             —EXPECTED, It was, to become the 3. eurozone country in as MANY—WEEKS to throw out its governing party in 1—ATTEMPT to dig itself out of 1—ECONOMIC—CRISIS.
20111120             Opposition leader Mariano Rajoy (56) and his conservative Popular Party were expected to win CONTROL—OF—PARLIAMENT in 1—LANDSLIDE.
20111120             THE—POPULAR—PARTY won 186—SEATS in the 350-seats lower CHAMBER—OF—PARLIAMENT, compared with 154 in the last legislature.
20111120             —PLUMMETED, THE—SOCIALISTS, from 169—SEATS to 110, their worst performance ever.
20111120             THE—LESSONS—LEARNT and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC), which has been widely criticized as biased by INTERNATIONAL rights groups, concluded that SOME—EVIDENCE warranted 1—NEW—INQUIRY.
20111120             SWAZILAND—KING—MISS—WATI—III—12. wife, who was —LAST—YEAR caught in bed with the justice MINISTER, said she has been kicked OUT—OF—THE—PALACE—AFTER PEPPER—SPRAYING 1—SECURITY guard, who refused her effort to leave the palace to take her child to hospital.
20111120             —REJECTED, THE—ARAB—LEAGUE said it has, amendments proposed by Syria to 1—PEACE—PLAN to end the crisis in the country, saying the changes put forward by DAMASCUS alter the "essence" of the plan.
20111120             SYRIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—ATTACKED—THE—ARAB—LEAGUE for suspending DAMASCUS and accused the organization of being used as a "tool" by the West.
20111120             —PUBLISHED, TURKEY—PRESIDENT—ABDULLAH—GUL in, comments said there was "no place for AUTHORITY—REGIMES" in the Mediterranean region, heaping more pressure on the embattled SYRIA—REGIME.
20111120—19780000    —FOUNDED, TED—FORSTMANN and his brother Nick and BRIAN—LITTLE, Forstmann Little.
20111120—20040000    —SINCE, THE—WEST—BANK—STATION, which has been operating, said it would go to COURT—IN—ISRAEL to try to get back on the air.
20111120—20040000    —SINCE, LaDube (23) is the 3. of MISS—WATI 13—WIVES to leave the palace.
20111120—20090000    —IN, Reports said 1—SRI—LANKA—GOVERNMENT—PROBE into the civil war against Tamil rebels has called for further investigations of alleged war crimes committed in the final stages of fighting.
20111120—20140000    —BLOCKED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, over 1,000 university students, 1—MAIN—HIGHWAY—JALALABAD city to protest ANY—AGREEMENT that would allow USA—TROOPS to remain in the country —AFTER 1 planned TRANSFER—OF—AUTHORITY.
20120816—20121120    —ON, she was acquitted.
20121120             1.Vielleicht... - 20050121             20121120             "DAS—PROGRAMM ist weitgehend auf —KURS trotz größeren Gegenwindes", heißt es in 1—GEMEINSAMEN Bewertung von TROIKA—MITARBEITERN nach 1—EINWÖCHIGEN BESUCH—IN—RISSABON.
20121120             "Das ist der schlimmste VANDALISMUS—AKT, den ich je gesehen habe", sagte der ARCHÄOLOGE GREG—HAVERSTOCK—DER "LOS—ANGELES—TIMES".
20121120             "Das ist der schlimmste VANDALISMUS—AKT, den ich je gesehen habe"- Naja, dann soll er mal z.B.
20121120             "Jin Z Liu"Fraud OR defrauded OR defrauding OR launder OR laundering OR bribe OR bribery OR bribed OR bribing OR ponzi OR racketeer OR racketeering OR felony OR embezzle OR embezzlement OR swindle OR misappropriate OR extort OR larceny OR narcotics OR terrorism OR terrorist financing OR trafficking OR crime
20121120             "PORTUGAL kann mit frischem Geld rechnen"Richtig muß es heißen: DIE—BANKEN können mit frischem Geld rechnen!
20121120             DAS—VOLK dagegen hat davon überhaupt nichts, das kann weiter vereleden.
20121120             "RECHT—AUF—VERGESSEN": -EXPERTEn wollen Filtern statt löschen
20121120             1—VERDAUUNG dieser organischen Substanzen kenne man —BISHER, nur von tierischen Organismen oder Bakterien, berichten DIE—FORSCHER im Magazin "Nature Communications".
20121120             1.Vielleicht... - 20050121             alfatomega.com/20050121.html
20121120             Einflussnahme auf nationale GESETZ—GEBUNG im WEST—BALKAN: ALB, B—H, CRO, SER, KOS, MAC, MON
20121120             Empfehlung aus AGs an MINISTERien und Behörden
20121120             Information an Stakeholder
20121120             Mitglied in ARBEITS—GRUPPEN zur Erstellung von POSITIONS—PAPIEREN und Gesetzesentwürfen, Lobbying
20121120             ABHÖR—SKANDAL—IN—GROß—GROß—BRITANNIEN—CAMERONS EX—SPRECHER soll Beamte bestochen haben
20121120             ANGLICAN—CHURCHE: Frauen dürfen keine Bischöfinnen werden
20121120             ATHEN—NOCH ist unklar, wie genau der —35—JAHRE—ALTE an DIE—INFORMATIONEN gekommen ist, doch fest steht: Der Programmierer hat DATEN—SÄTZE über knapp 66—PROZENT—DER—GRIECHISCHEN—BEVÖLKERUNG gestohlen.
20121120             ABLENKUNGS—MANÖVER geglückt: Mission Accomplished
20121120             Aktionärsabstimmungen: GLENCORE und Xstrata besiegeln Fusion
20121120             Als er davon erfahren habe, so JUNCKER weiter, habe er den damaligen Vorsitzenden der parlamentarischen KONTROLL—KOMMISSION—DES—GEHEIM—DIENSTES, CHARLES—GOERENS, in Kenntnis gesetzt.
20121120             Als ginge es der HAMAS um Frieden. Aufgaben/Kenntnisse:
20121120             Außerdem fällt mit so 1—FUNKTIONIERENDEN ABWEHR—SYSTEM natürlich auch die moralische Rechtfertigung für ISRAELISCHE—VERGELTUNGSSCHLÄGE gegen den GAZA—STREIFEN weg.
20121120             Besonders schön finde ich ja das Wort "ÜBERWACHUNG"an der Stelle.
20121120             Biologie: Alge frisst Papier
20121120             BUND—LÄNDER—ANLEIHEN: DEUTSCHLAND—BONDS sollen 20130000             kommen
20121120             —GESTOHLEN, DATEN ?
20121120             DIE—BANKEN bleiben demnach auf DAR—LEHEN in Höhe von insgesamt 182,2—MILLIARDEN—EURO sitzen.
20121120             —VERMUTET, DIE—UNDICHTE Stelle, man im Kuratorium. Das Arsenal des Friedens
20121120             Das Arsenal des Friedens umfasst F—15—UND F—16—JAGDBOMBER Merkava Mk4 Angriffspanzer LAHAT Luft BODEN Raketen AH—64—APACHE Angriffshubschrauber STURM—GEWEHRE und SAW—ALLER ART—SOWIE thermonukleare Sprengkoepfe auf Mittelstreckenraketen teilweise Uboot gestuetzt.
20121120             Das Arsenal des TERRORs
20121120             Der SPAR—KURS soll auch ungeachtet jüngster MASSEN—PROTESTE durchgezogen werden.
20121120             Der Trick wird vorbereitet.... - Der arbeitet —JETZT für den BND!
20121120             Der SPANISCHE—HÄUSER—MARKT ist dringend auf neue Käufer angewiesen.
20121120             Diebe haben mindestens 4—DER geschätzt 3.—500—JAHRE—ALT Felszeichnungen gestohlen, berichtet das BUREAU—OF—LAND —MANAGEMENT (BLM), das die Tablelands verwaltet.
20121120             Entscheidende ESA—TAGUNG: EUROPÄER streiten um DIE—ZUKUNFT im All
20121120             —ERST—IN—DER—VERGANGENEN—WOCHE hatte DIE—REGIERUNG per Verordnung diese Zwangsräumungen für —2—JAHRE ausgesetzt, wenn sich die Bewohner in 1—EXTREMEN Notlage befinden.
20121120             Golf von MEXIKO : Rätselhaftes DELFIN—STERBEN
20121120             HAHAHAHAHAHA, der glaubt NOCH—IMMER an parlamentarische Kontrolle DER—GEHEIM—DIENSTE!
20121120             Was muss da eigentlich passieren, damit den Leuten mal auffällt, daß man GEHEIM—DIENSTE nicht kontrollieren kann?
20121120             Abschaffen ist das einzige, was man sinnvoll mit denen tun kann.
20121120             HIV: UNO feiert große Erfolge im KAMPF—GEGEN—AIDS
20121120             Hinweise, daß Chlamydomonas reinhardtii dieses Kunststück bewältigen kann, gab es —SCHON.
20121120             —VERHAFTET, INDIEN: Frauen für FACEBOOK—POSTING
20121120             ISRAEL: Schüsse vor USA—BOTSCHAFT in TEL—AVIV
20121120             Ich bin ja erstaunt, daß das überhaupt klappt mit den MÖRSER—GESCHÜTZEN.
20121120             If you're 1—NERD, HARPER—REED is 1—EASY—GUY to like.
20121120             DEUTSCHLAND, betrifft dies vor allem Aktivitäten türkischer und kurdischer linker Gruppen.
20121120             KABUL/HAMBURG—ANGESICHTS hoher OPIUM—PREISE hat die Anbaufläche für Schlafmohn in AFGHANISTAN—J—IN—DIESEM, weiter zugenommen.
20121120             KÄMPFE—IM—KONGO: REBELLEN rücken in GOMA 1
20121120             Lob von der Troika: PORTUGAL kann mit frischem Geld rechnen
20121120             MARODER—IMMOBILIEN—MARKT: SPANIEN will Hauskäufer mit Bleiberecht locken
20121120             NAH—OST—KONFLIKT, Mehr als 100—TOTE—IN—GAZA—ISRAEL greift HAMAS—BANK an
20121120             Na also DAMIT konnte ja wohl NIEMAND rechnen!1!! m(
20121120             —TESTED, Of 479—RADIO—USERS THE—DHS inspector general, only 1—KNEW how to tune into the common channel, THE—REPORT stated.
20121120             Oh und wo arbeitet DER—GEHEIM—DIENSTFUZZY —JETZT? Kommt ihr NIE drauf!
20121120             REKORD—BEI—SANKTIONEN: 1.mehr als 1.000.000 Strafkürzungen bei HARTZ—IV
20121120             Raubtat in KALIFORNIEN: Diebe sägen INDIANER—ZEICHNUNGEN aus Felsen
20121120             Rückenmarksverletzungen: Zellspritze lässt gelähmte Hunde wieder laufen
20121120             SCHULDEN—KRISE, Neues MILLIARDENpflaster für GRIECHENLAND
20121120             Sie sagen es: Die STRAF—AKTION GEGEN—DIE—HAMAS ist lediglich der Schutzschirm zur Camouflage der israelischen "Vorbereitung 1—ANGRIFFS—KRIEGS"(art.
20121120             Specifying and Composing Web Services with 1—ENVIRONMENT... - TERROR?
20121120             UMP in der —KRISE, FRANKREICH—KONSERVATIVE wählen die Spaltung
20121120             USA—GROß—BANK—JP—MORGAN ernennt neue Finanzchefin
20121120             Wang, P., Jin, Z., Liu, L., & Wu, B. (20100000             .
20121120             —DEFINIERT, Was als TERROR, wird und was als KAMPF—GEGEN—BESETZUNG, obliegt nach wie vor der Deutungshoheit.
20121120             Wegen Pflanzenkrankheiten und schlechten Wetters habe die OPIUM—PRODUKTION aus der Mohnernte aber von 5.80$—TONNEN auf 3.70$—TONNEN abgenommen.
20121120             —GESTOHLEN, Wenn der Dieb DIE—DATEN tatsächlich, haben sollte, dann bedeutet dies im Klartext, daß DER—STAAT—GRIECHENLAND über diese DATEN —NUN überhaupt nicht mehr verfügen oder diese benutzen kann?
20121120             Ist es vielmehr nicht so, daß der "Dieb"diese DATEN lediglich auf eigene Datenträger kopiert hat?
20121120             Werden diese gefasst, droht ihnen —BIS zu —1—JAHR Haft und 1—ZUSÄTZLICHE Strafe von 20.000—EURO.
20121120             [l] Das "Gemeinsame ABWEHR—ZENTRUM—GEGEN—RECHTS—EXTREMISMUS"ist bloß 1—PR—LUFTNUMMER—VON—FRIEDRICH, mit der er a) mit dem NSU—DEBAKEL 1—AUFRÜSTUNG des "SICHERHEITS-"-Apparats BEGRÜNDET und b) mal wieder RECHTS—TERROR und "LINKS—EXTREMISMUS"gleichsetzen will.
20121120             [l] ISRAEL—LUFTABWEHR—SYSTEM "Iron Dome"scheint tatsächlich zu funktionieren, und soll nicht nur einkommende Raketen abfangen können, sondern auch Mörser-, ARTILLERIEgeschosse im ballistischen Flug.
20121120             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE—VON—OBAMA:
20121120             [l] RUSSIA—TODAY lädt WEITER—EXPERTEN ein, die möglichst größtmöglich peinlich sind für DIE—AMIS, in diesem Fall befragen sie NORMAN—FINKELSTEIN zur aktuellen eskalation zwischen ISRAEL und GAZA.
20121120             [l] Stiftung WAREN—TEST ist von den Herstellern von Wasch-, Körperpflegemitteln ausgetrickst worden.
20121120             [l] Wie sieht eigentlich DIE—ARBEITSBESCHREIBUNG 1—LOBBYISTEN aus?
20121120             Hier ist 1—STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNG.
20121120             besser 1 ? Strafe und 20.—000—JAHRE—HAFT—FÜR—DIESEN Vandalismus!!!
20121120             es bleibt natürlich die Frage offen, ob das nicht NOCH—IMMER 1—VALIDER Angriffsvektor für DIE—PALÄSTINENSER ist, wenn JEDE—ABWEHRRAKETE den STAAT—ISRAEL $100000 kostet.
20121120             es ging ihm natürlich um ISRAEL, aber man muss das mal im Kontext von OBAMAs DROHNEN—KRIEG sehen.
20121120             esa und RUSSLAND haben sich auf 1—KO—OPERATIONSVERTRAG für DIE—MISSION "ExoMars"geeinigt.
20121120             ist wenig beeindruckend.
20121120             mit dem ganzen ISRAELISCHEN—MILITÄRAPPARAT aus ?
20121120             Woraus schöpft der seine Bedeutung ?
20121120             OPTIONAL—SIE haben —12—JAHRE und 430.000.000 ausgegeben, um ihre Funkgeräte auf 1—GEMEINSAMEN Kanal einzustellen, und das schlug fehl.
20121120             there's no country on Earth that would TOLE—RATE—MISSILES raining down on its citizens from outside its borders," OBAMA said at press conference in THAILAND at the start of a 3-nation tour in ASIA.
20121120             trotz größeren Gegenwindes" - und was für 1—FARCE das gewesen ist!
20121120             und wie sieht ES—UND woher wussten die Hersteller, wann sie dran sind?
20121120             ÄGYPTEN: Dutzende Verletzte bei AUSSCHREITUNGEN—IN—KAIRO
20121120             —EVOLUTION: Affen erleben MIDLIFE—CRISIS
20121120             —EXPERTEN schätzen, daß die Zeichnungen auf dem SCHWARZ—MARKT zwischen 500—UND 15000000             —DOLLAR einbringen könnten
20121120             —FESTNAHME—VON—HEDGE—FONDS—MANAGER: "Lukrativster Insidertipp aller Zeiten"
20121120             —FESTNAHME: Programmierer soll Infos über Millionen Griechen gestohlen haben
20121120             —IM, KONFERENZ—RAUMWURDEN eilig Türen mit Pappschildern mit "GETZ"beschriftet.
20121120             —KONFLIKT—MIT—ISRAEL: IRAN und Hisbollah fordern WAFFENHILFE—FÜR—HAMAS
20121120             —NACH, vorsichtigen Schätzungen ist gerade einmal 20—PROZENT—DER—AUF—DER—ERDE vermuteten Arten wissenschaftlich beschrieben.
20121120             —NEUEN—AUS ORD—KOREA—KIM kann Kavallerie
20121120             —NEUE—ARTEN: Unbekannte LEBE—WESEN verstauben in Museen
20121120             —URTEIL zum Schulsport: Muslim muss mit Mädchen schwimmen
20121120             —VERHANDLUNGEN—IN—NAH—OST: UNO und USA ringen um GAZA—WAFFEN—RUHE
20121120             —VON, P Wang - 2010
20121120             —AGREED, THE—USA—AND—MEXICO, to new rules on sharing water from THE—COLORADO—RIVER.
20121120             —ACCUSED, THE—SEC, 1—MATHEW—MARTOMA, 1—FORMER—TRADER for 1—SUBSIDIARY of hedgefund SAC Capital, of insider trading that illicitly netted some $276—MILLION.
20121120             —DISAPPOINTED, S—FRANCISCO lawmakers, committed nudists by voting 6—5—T0 approve 1—BAN on public nakedness despite concerns the measure would undermine the city's reputation as 1—SANCTUARY for free expression.
20121120             —PERMITTED, Exemptions would be made for participants at, street fairs and parades.
20121120             —KILLED, WEST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—BOMBING in Farah province, NOOR—MOHAMMAD—JAHANI, 1—FORMER—TALIBAN COMMANDER who had left the insurgency —2—YEARS—AGO and joined THE—AFGHANISTAN—POLICE—FORCE.
20121120             —HANGED, AFGHANISTAN, 8—PRISONERS were.
20121120             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—KARZAI had, off on the execution of 16—PRISONERS.
20121120             —EXECUTED, The remaining 8 were, THE—NEXT—DAY.
20121120             —FACED, Argentine PRESIDENT—CRISTINA—FERNANDEZ, 1—NATIONWIDE strike, led by union bosses who once were her most steadfast supporters.
20121120             —ANNOUNCED, BRITAIN, that it has formally recognized the newly formed SYRIA—OPPOSITION as the sole legitimate REPRESENTATIVE—OF—THE—SYRIA—PEOPLE.
20121120             —CONVICTED, FORMER—UBS trader Kweku Adoboli (32) was, and sentenced to —7—YEARS in jail for the biggest fraud in UK—HISTORY, which resulted in 1—LOSS—OF $2.3—BILLION for THE—SWITZERLAND—BANK.
20121120             —WALKED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL—WORKERS in LONDON, off the job for the 2. strike in as MANY—MONTHS.
20121120             Tensions had been rising dramatically in recent weeks as AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL—OPERATIONS prepare to RE—ORGANIZE transferring SOME—OF—ITS—500—JOBS from 1—CENTRALIZED—LONDON base to 10—REGIONAL—HUBS—AROUND the world.
20121120             —FAILED, THE—CHURCH—OF—ENGLAND—GOVERNING GENERAL—SYNOD, to get 1 required 2—THIRDS—MAJORITY to allow women to serve as bishops.
20121120             —CLOSED, CAMBODIA, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, his ASIA—TOUR in diplomatic talks with LEADERS—OF—JAPAN and CHINA, their economic message overshadowed by security tensions over disputed waters and territories.
20121120             —REPORTED, CHINA—XINHUA—NEWS—AGENCY, that 2—TIBETAN herdsmen had killed themselves by setting themselves on fire in 2—SEPARATE—INCIDENTS.
20121120             A —5—YEAR—OLD—SEX—TAPE—OF an —18—YEAR—OLD—WOMAN allegedly hired by developers to sleep with 1—CITY—OFFICIAL exploded on THE—CHINA—INTERNET—WHEN screenshots of it were uploaded by 1—BEIJING—BASED FORMER—JOURNALIST—ZHU—RUIFENG to his HONG—KONG—REGISTERED website, 1—INDEPENDENT online clearing house for corruption allegations.
20121120             —CREATED, EAST—CONGODRC, M23, 1—REBEL—GROUP, —JUST—7—MONTHS—AGO, seized the strategic provincial CAPITAL—OF—GOMA, home to more than 1—MILLION—PEOPLE, and its INTERNATIONAL airport.
20121120             1—CROATIA—COURT—FOUND—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—IVO—SANADER (20040000—20090000    ) guilty on corruption charges and sentenced him to —10—YEARS in prison.
20121120             Judges found him GUILTY—OF—ACCEPTING a $13—MILLION bribe from HUNGARY—OIL—COMPANY—MOL in return for securing rights in CROATIA—STATE—OIL—COMPANY.
20121120             EGYPT, youth activist Gaber Salah was shot in the neck in CAIRO in clashes that started —1—DAY—EARLIER, the 1. anniversary of the deadly confrontation between police and demonstrators known as "MOHAMMED—MAHMOUD".
20121120             —ENDED, FRANCE, its combat operations in AFGHANISTAN, pulling HUNDREDS—OF—TROOPS from 1—BASE in 1—VOLATILE region NORTH—EAST—OF—KABUL and fulfilling promises to end its combat role on 1—FASTER—TRACK than other NATO—ALLIES.
20121120             —ARRESTED, GREECE—POLICE said 1—MAN, —35—JAHRE—ALT has been, on suspicion of having stolen 9—MILLION—PERSONAL—DATA—FILES in what is believed to be the biggest breach of private information the country has ever seen.
20121120             IRAQ—PRESIDENT—JALAL—TALBANI, 1—LEADING—KURDISH—FIGURE, met the head of the autonomous region, Massoud Barzani.
20121120             —WARNED, THE—COMMANDER—OF—KURDISH—PESHMERGA forces, that his troops might attack IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—SOLDIERS at "ANY—MINUTE" —AFTER the central government sent tanks and armored vehicles toward the disputed CITY—OF—KIRKUK.
20121120             —BATTERED, ISRAEL—AIRCRAFT, THE—HEADQUARTERS—OF—THE—BANK—HAMAS set up to sidestep INTERNATIONAL sanctions on its rule.
20121120             1—PALESTINE—ROCKET struck the outskirts of JERUSALEM.
20121120             —RACED, Diplomats from across the world, across the region to negotiate 1—CEASE—FIRE to end relentless ISRAEL—AIRSTRIKES and PALESTINE—ROCKET—ATTACKS.
20121120             1—ISRAEL—AIRSTRIKE killed 2—AL—AQSA—TV—JOURNALISTS in their car.
20121120             —SUSPECTED, Masked gunmen publicly shot dead 6, collaborators with ISRAEL at 1—LARGE—GAZA—CITY—INTERSECTION.
20121120             † In NORTH—KENYA 13—PEOPLE were shot and 1—WOMAN as HUNDREDS—OF—SHOPS burned to the ground amid rising SOMALI—KENYA—TENSIONS.
20121120             —PUSHED, NORTH—MALI, Islamist extremist rebels, secular Tuareg fighters from their last base in Menaka.
20121120             —REPORTED, More than 100—FIGHTERS were, killed.
20121120             1—NIGERIA—OFFICIAL says the government owes its STATE—RUN—OIL—FIRM—MORE than $8.1—BILLION in gasoline subsidy payments.
20121120             PUERTO—RICO, boxer Hector "Macho" Camacho (50) was struck in the jaw in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting.
20121120             —KILLED, His friend ADRIAN—MOJICA—MORENO was.
20121120             —ARRESTED, Police in SOUTH—AFRICA, 3—MEN, including 1—GAME ranger, they suspect shot 7—RHINOCEROS to death and dehorned them.
20121120             —HUNTED, SOUTH—AFRICA—DEPARTMENT—OF—ENVIRONMENTAL—AFFAIRS said 570—RHINOS had been, illegally and killed —THIS—YEAR—ALONE.
20121120             1—WOMAN, —37—JAHRE—ALT in SWEDEN was charged "with violating the peace of the deceased" —AFTER investigators found some 100—SKELETON parts in her apartment.
20121120             —TITLED, Police also found 1—CD, "My Necrophilia" as well as photographs in which 1—WOMAN is seen kissing and hugging the skulls.
20121120200501       alfatomega.com/20050121.html
20121120—19920000    —FOUNDED, SAC Capital was, by STEVEN—COHEN and his fortune was currently estimated at $9.5—BILLION.
20121120—20050121    TSUNAMI, Humanity and THE—CANADA—SAGA of "TERRORism" Myth:
20121120—20070000    —IM, Fontaine und seine Kollegen hatten aus den knapp 17.000—NEU beschriebenen Arten —J 1—STICH—PROBE—VON—600—ARTEN aus dem Reich der Tiere, Pflanzen und Pilze untersucht.
20121120—20080000    —HEUTE—BIS haben wir keinen konkreten Hinweis auf den oder DIE—TÄTER", sagte Ziercke.
20121120—20080000    —SEIT, ist auf DEUTSCHLANDs Autobahnen mehr als 700-mal auf Lastwagen geschossen worden.
20121120—20120000    —IN, 1—UN—REPORT said AFGHANISTAN—EFFORTS to stamp out opium poppy cultivation are failing because of high prices for the illicit crop, pushing farmers to grow 18—PERCENT more than —LAST—YEAR.
20121120—20121122    —DECLARED, Doctors at THE—RIO—PIEDRAS—MEDICAL—CENTER in S—JUAN, Camacho brain dead.
20121120—20150000    —RELEASED, Adoboli was, on parole —AFTER serving about half his sentence.
20130215             SWEDEN—PHOTOGRAPHER PAUL—HANSEN won 20120000             —THE—WORLD—PRESS—PHOTO award for newspaper Dagens Nyheter with a 20131120             picture of 2—PALESTINE—CHILDREN killed in 1—ISRAEL—MISSILE—STRIKE being carried to their funeral.
20130411             —CONDEMNED, HUMAN—RIGHTS—WATCH, GAZA—HAMAS rulers for failing to investigate THE—PUBLIC—SLAYINGS (20121120             ) of 7—PALESTINE—MEN ACCUSED—OF—COLLABORATING with ISRAEL.
20130821—20131120    —DROPPED, Sieh said all charges against him have been.
20130909—20131120    —ON, prosecutors dropped charges of aggravated stalking against THE—2—GIRLS.
20131117—20100000    —SINCE, The 3. AFRICA ARAB Summit on 20131119—20131120     will be the 1. meeting of its kind.
20131120             —SIGNED, ILLINOIS GOVERNOR—PAT—QUINN, legislation allowing SAME—SEX—MARRIAGES —STARTING 20140601             .
20131120             —AWARDED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, the Presidential MEDAL—OF—FREEDOM to 16—RECIPIENTS including GLORIA—STEINEM.
20131120             MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS took part in 1—CEREMONY bestowing the Congressional Gold Medal to honor 33—TRIBES—TRIBES for their WWI and WWII contributions as code talkers.
20131120             —INCLUDED, —TODAY—CEREMONY was for tribes not, in the initial 20080000             Gold Medal awards.
20131120             Serafin Zambada (23), THE—SON—OF—1—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST—WANTED drug lords, was arrested at 1—ARIZONA border crossing to face DRUG—TRAFFICKING charges in THE—USA.
20131120             —SENTENCED, NEW—JERSEY, JOSE—KATZ (69) was, to 6½ years in FEDERAL—PRISON for fraudulently diagnosing patients with heart ailments and ordering tests.
20131120             The fraud cost Medicare, Medicaid and private insurers some $19—MILLION.
20131120             MISSOURI, JOSEPH—PAUL—FRANKLIN (19500000             *), 1—WHITE—SUPREMACIST who targeted blacks and Jews, was executed.
20131120             —ADMITTED, He had, to shooting and wounding civil rights leader Vernon JORDAN (19800000             ) and Hustler magazine PUBLISHER—LARRY—FLYNT (19780000             ).
20131120             —URGED, Animal rights group PETA, shoppers to boycott products made from angora rabbit fur, —AFTER it released footage of fur being plucked from the skins of live rabbits on CHINA—FARMS.
20131120             1—TALIBAN ambush took place in Helmand province killing Marjah police CHIEF, Hajji Tooryalai Jan.
20131120             1—SUICIDE—CAR bombing has killed 2—PARAMILITARY—SOLDIERS in near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER in the Shawa AREA—OF—NORTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20131120             —VOTED, THE—CHURCH—OF—ENGLAND—RULING body, overwhelmingly for proposals that could see THE—ORDINATION—OF—WOMEN—BISHOPS—NEXT—YEAR.
20131120             —ABOUT 4,000 BULGARIA—WORKERS rallied against low wages and 1—LACK—OF—JOBS, in 1—POSSIBLE—SIGN that opposition to THE—SOCIALIST—LED cabinet may be spreading beyond daily protests staged mostly by students.
20131120             —CONFIRMED, CHINA, the deployment of 1—STATE—OF—THE—ART—HOSPITAL ship to THE—PHILIPPINES —FOLLOWING foreign and domestic criticism that it was slow and less than generous in its response to 1—OF—THE—WORLD—BIGGEST typhoons, which killed at least 4,000—PEOPLE.
20131120             —RAMMED, EGYPT, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, his EXPLOSIVE—LADEN car into 1—OF 2—BUSES carrying OFF—DUTY—SOLDIERS in NORTH—SINAI, killing 11 and wounding 37. 1—BOMB—ATTACK on 1—CHECKPOINT in CAIRO wounded 4—POLICEMEN including 1—MAJOR.
20131120             —VOTED, EUROPEAN—UNION lawmakers overwhelmingly, to meet only in BRUSSELS and avoid costly monthly treks to STRASBOURG—FRANCE.
20131120             The proposal must be approved by THE—28—EU governments and FRANCE is certain to nix ANY—CHANGE under the current conditions.
20131120             THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION said AUSTRIA should pay 1—DAILY—FINE—OF—MORE than 40,000 euros ($54,000) for breaking EU policy on renewable energy.
20131120             —HANDED, FRANCE, PAKISTAN—TEENAGER—MALALA Yousafzai was, THE—EU—PRESTIGIOUS—SAKHAROV human rights prize in recognition of her crusade for the right of all children, girls and boys, to 1—EDUCATION.
20131120             —RESUMED, Nuclear talks, between IRAN and world powers.
20131120             —VOICED, IRAN—SUPREME—LEADER, support for the negotiations over his country's nuclear program, but insisted there are limits to the concessions IRAN will make in exchange for 1—EASING—OF—THE—SANCTIONS choking its economy.
20131120             1—RIGHTS—GROUP said IRAN is forcefully deporting Afghans by the thousands in violation of its INTERNATIONAL obligation to protect refugees.
20131120             —KILLED, IRAQ—OFFICIALS said flooding in central and SOUTH—IRAQ has, at least 11—PEOPLE as rising waters swamped city streets and toppled buildings, sparking anger over the dilapidated sewage system.
20131120             1—WAVE—OF—ATTACKS hit commercial areas in BAGHDAD, killing 37—PEOPLE and wounding over 80 in mostly Shiite areas.
20131120             —ARRESTED, JORDAN—RAED—HIJAZI, also known as ABU—AHMAD, was.
20131120             —SENTENCED, —INITIALLY, he was, to death in absentia.
20131120             —CAPTURED, He was —LATER, and extradited from Syria and sentenced to —20—YEARS, but was set free —2—YEARS—AGO by JORDAN—KING to give him what was described as another chance to repent.
20131120             1—MADAGASCAR government statement showed changes to 10—OF—THE—INDIAN—OCEAN—ISLAND—22—REGIONS.
20131120             3—GENERALS and 5—COLONELS assumed control of 8—REGIONS —WHILE 2—CIVILIANS headed the remaining 2. This raised concern that THE—RUN—OFF vote in December will be rigged.
20131120             —REPORTED, MEXICO—EL—HERALDO, that the National Human Rights Commission has found that visits to the country's 101—MOST populous prisons indicated that 65—ARE run by inmates.
20131120             MOZAMBIQUE held local elections.
20131120             —POINTED, Preliminary results from the largely peaceful elections, to 1—COMPREHENSIVE—VICTORY for the ruling Frelimo party and 1—POTENTIAL—SHAKE—UP among the country's opposition parties.
20131120             —VEXED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT'S, relationship with AFRICA TOOK center stage on the opening —DAY of the annual summit of its 122—MEMBER—STATES at THE—HAGUE.
20131120             —RESHUFFLED, POLAND—PRIME—MINISTER—DONALD—TUSK, his Cabinet.
20131120             At UN talks in POLAND the governments of NORWAY, BRITAIN and THE—USA—SAID they will allocate $280—MILLION—OF—THEIR—MULTI—BILLION dollar climate change finances to 1—NEW—INITIATIVE aimed at halting deforestation.
20131120             —ARRESTED, RUSSIA, 6—MORE—GREENPEACE activists, by RUSSIA—COAST—GUARDS —DURING 1—PROTEST against ARCTIC oil drilling were granted bail —ON—WEDNESDAY, including THE—USA—CAPTAIN—OF—THEIR ship.
20131120             1—SENEGAL judge said there is insufficient evidence to convict 4—WOMEN accused of violating the country's law banning homosexual acts.
20131120             —FREED, THE—4—WOMEN were.
20131120             —TARGETED, Suicide bombers, SYRIA—TROOPS and 1—HOSPITAL in the rugged Qalamoun hills NORTH—OF—DAMASCUS killing at least 7—SOLDIERS, as rebels struggled to reverse government gains that threatened to cut 1—OF—THEIR—CHIEF—SUPPLY—LINES.
20131120             —SIGNED, TUNISIA, a $500—MILLION—LOAN—AGREEMENT with ENERGY—RICH—QATAR to help bolster its currency reserves.
20131120—20000000    —YEAR, He had been convicted of plotting AL—QAIDA terror attacks —DURING New celebrations.
20131120—20070000    —SINCE, JACEK—ROSTOWSKI, the man who has led the country's economy, was among those sacked.
20131120—20110000    —IN, KUWAIT, Arab and AFRICA—LEADERS wound up their 1. summit —SINCE the region's uprisings by calling for closer economic and security cooperation.
20131120—20130918    —ON, 18—OF—THE—30—PEOPLE detained have —NOW been granted bail —THIS—WEEK.
20131120—20131111    —ON, A 5. woman arrested in the same raid is 1—MINOR and will be tried separately.
20141118—20141120    —ROUNDED, Oglala Sioux officials, up 1—HORSE trailer FULL—OF—DOGS  and killed them.
20141120             1—SOUTH—KOREA—COURT—SENTENCED—KIM—HAN—SIK, —71—JAHRE—ALT, PRESIDENT—OF—CHONGHAEJIN—MARINE—CO. Ltd, to —10—YEARS in prison over 20140416             —THE sinking of the Sewol ferry that killed more than 300—PEOPLE, mostly high school students.
20141120             1—ERMITTLERIN nannte es "einen kriminellen Flashmob".
20141120             1.292—ASBEST—TOTE verzeichnet die Statistik DER—DEUTSCHEN—GESETZLICHEN UNFALL—VERSICHERUNG (DGUV) allein für 20100000             , für das die jüngsten Zahlen vorliegen.
20141120             ASBEST—SKANDAL—IN—ITALIEN: Dreitausend Tote —, kein Täter
20141120             ASSANGE könne DIE—ZEIT—IN—DER Botschaft ECUADORs nicht als 1—ART—ARREST geltend machen, "weil er selbst entscheiden kann, seinen Aufenthalt dort zu beenden", argumentierten DIE—RICHTER.
20141120             ATOM—GESPRÄCHE und MENSCHEN—RECHTE: NORD—KOREA und RUSSLAND andeutennäherung an
20141120             Agca saß —NACH—DEM Anschlag —19—JAHRE in ITALIEN in Haft.
20141120             —NACH, seiner BEGNADIGUNG—ALS nächstes soll "ROSETTA"Ende ;;01;;
20141120             im Tiefflug über den KOMETEN hinweggleiten und dabei hochauflösende Fotos machen. es sei geplant, daß sich "ROSETTA"AUS—CA—30—KMABSTAND auf —BIS zu etwa 5—KMHERANWAGE,
20141120             Angeblicher GEHEIMNIS—VERRAT in CHINA: Prominenter Journalistin droht lebenslange Haft
20141120             BERLIN: STROM—AUSFALL sorgt für Aufregung im BUNDES—TAG
20141120             DER—UMSTAND, daß DIE—ZAHL—DER—ERMITTLUNGSVERFAHREN—GEGEN—MAFIOSI und Rocker —SEIT—VIELEN—JAHREN konstant sei, sage wenig aus: "Wir blicken durch 1—GLEICHBLEIBEND großes Schlüsselloch auf 1—AUSSCHNITT", so der CDU—POLITIKER.
20141120             Beleidigung von ROMA: FRONT—NATIONAL—GRÜNDER—LE—PEN muss GELD—STRAFE zahlen
20141120             —GERATEN, Bruch des WAFFEN—STILLSTANDS : OSZE—BEOBACHTER, in OST—UKRAINE unter Beschuss
20141120             DIE—ANALYSE ergab, daß die Rotationsachsen der zentralen SCHWARZEn Löcher über MILLIARDEN—VON—LICHT—JAHREN parallel zueinander ausgerichtet sind.
20141120             Sie tendieren also dazu, in die gleiche Richtung zu zeigen.
20141120             DIE—ASTRONOMEN stellten außerdem fest, daß die Rotationsachsen dieser Quasare dazu neigen, sich an den riesigen Strukturen im kosmischen Netz zu orientieren, in dem sie sich befinden.
20141120             Über ihre Entdeckung berichten DIE—FORSCHER im Fachblatt "Astronomy & Astrophysics".
20141120             DIE—AUFNAHMEN beweisen auch, daß "PHILAE"—NACH—DEM 1.Abprallen von der Oberfläche —30—MINUTEN lang kein 2. Mal aufsetzte.
20141120             Das Labor landete insgesamt dreimal und kam —2—STUNDEN—NACH—DEM 1.BODENkontakt zum Stehen.
20141120             DIE—GESETZLICHEN Berufsunfallversicherungen sehen voraus, daß sie —IN—DEN—NÄCHSTEN—JAHREN kaufen von mindestens 10—BIS—EURO zu schultern haben.
20141120             DIE—HINTERGRÜNDE des Anschlags auf den PAPA sind —BIS—HEUTE nicht aufgeklärt.
20141120             DIE—RICHTER.
20141120             DIE—TRIBUTE von Panem: Studenten in THAILAND wegen FILM—GRUß festgenommen
20141120             —BEKOMMT, DUELL—FORDERUNG des Separatistenführers : Und der Sieger, die OST—UKRAINE
20141120             Das mit 10—INSTRUMENTEN bestückte MINI—LABOR konnte die Atmosphäre schnuppern, hämmern, bohren, fotografieren, den KOMETEN durchleuchten und DIE—DATEN anschließend zur Erde funken.
20141120             GE—STEUERT wird "PHILAE"vom DLR in KÖLN.
20141120             Das offizielle Gründungsdatum des 1.Colleges, PETERhouse, war 12840000             .
20141120             Dass die beobachteten Ausrichtungen sogar größer seien als Vorhersagen von Simulationen, könnte laut Sluse 1—HINWEIS darauf sein, "dass es 1—FEHLENDE Zutat in unserem heutigen Modell des Universums gibt".
20141120             Der 1.PROZESS—GEGEN—DEN—SCHWEIZER—MILLIARDÄR STEPHAN—SCHMIDHEINY beginnt schließlich 20090000             .
20141120             Er war Mehrheitseigner von Eternit.
20141120             Der WIKILEAKS—GRÜNDER wollte in der Botschaft befragt werden, die SCHWEDISCHEN—STRAFVERFOLGER hielten dies aber für nicht effektiv, weil 1—PROZESS schließlich auch in SCHWEDEN stattfinden müsse.
20141120             Der Zeitungsverkäufer zeigt wütend auf DIE—SCHLAGZEILE der "Repubblica": "3.000—TOTE, niemand ist schuldig", steht da in dicken Lettern.
20141120             "1—SKANDAL ist das", sagt er. "1—SCHANDE"bestätigt 1—KUNDE.
20141120             "Der Mörder kommt frei, weil unsere —JUSTIZ unfähig ist", sagt 1—ANDERER.
20141120             Diese Angabe umfasst nur die anerkannten Fälle von beruflich bedingten Erkrankungen.
20141120             Digitale Selbstverteidigung: BÜRGER—RECHTLER stellen ANTI—SPÄH—SOFTWARE vor
20141120             ENERGIE—UMFRAGE: STROM—PREISE sollen 1.—SEIT—14—JAHREN sinken
20141120             EX—DEUTSCHE—BANK—CHEF—ACKERMANN zum neuen Präsidenten der BANK—OF—CYPRUS gewählt
20141120             Eilverfahren abgelehnt: HARTZ—IV—REBELLIN muss Job in SOZIAL—BEHÖRDE —VORERST antreten
20141120             Explodierende Kosten: Nachfrageboom bei Rente mit 63
20141120             Finanzen der DSCHIHADISTEN: "Der 'ISLAMische STAAT' ist die größte MAFIA"
20141120             Für Reiche ist das gut.
20141120             Geld für arme Länder: UNO—KLIMA—FONDS startet mit Finanzlücke
20141120             Geplante Anklage in DEN—HAAG: NORD—KOREA—DROHT—MIT—ATOM—TEST
20141120             Gewaltsamer Paarungsversuch: Seebär vergreift sich an KAISERpinguin
20141120             Gigantische Struktur: Ausgerichtete Massemonster verblüffen Astronomen
20141120             In der eigenen PRESSE—MITTEILUNG ist gar von 1 "gespenstischen Ausrichtung"die Rede.
20141120             Schließlich ist der Abstand von 1—QUASAR zum nächsten selbst für kosmische —VERHÄLTNISSE gigantisch.
20141120             Internationale VERGLEICHS—STUDIE, Jeder 5. Schüler kann nicht mit Computern umgehen
20141120             JAPAN: Makrelen sollen Thunfisch zeugen
20141120             —GEBOREN, JOHANN—LAIR, 14760000             in Sieglar (—HEUTE TROISDORF—SIEGLAR), gestorben 15540000             in SIEGBURG, auch genannt JOHN—SIBERCH (hergeleitet von seinem Wohnort SIEGBURG), gründete 15200000             DIE—UNIVERSITÄTSDRUCKEREI in CAMBRIDGE.
20141120             JOHANNES—PAULUS—II—PAPA wäre bei dem Attentat
20141120             KOLUMBIEN—FARC—REBELLEN lassen entführten GENERAL frei
20141120             KOSOVO: Parteien einigen sich auf KOALITION
20141120             Machtpoker mit RUSSLAND: Alien vs. Predator
20141120             Netzwelt, 22:55
20141120             Positive —JAHRESBILANZ: THYSSEN—KRUPP macht wieder Gewinn
20141120             REKORD—GEWINNE: DAX—KONZERNE verdienen so viel Geld wie nie
20141120             DER—VERDACHT gegen ihn bleibe bestehen, DIE—VORWÜRFE beträfen "Verbrechen relativ ernster Natur", BEGRÜNDETen die STOCKHOLMer RICHTER—AM—DONNERSTAG ihre —ENTSCHEIDUNG—IN—1—MITTEILUNG.
20141120             Zudem bestehe erhebliche Fluchtgefahr.
20141120             DIE—ANWÄLTE des Australiers hatten die AUFHEBUNG—DES—SCHWEDISCHEN—HAFTBEFEHLS gefordert.
20141120             Sie wollen —NUN auf ASSANGEs Willen hin vor das oberste Gericht des Landes ziehen.
20141120             —GESTORBEN, Schrille Aristokratin: HERZOGIN—VON—ALBA mit —88—JAHREN - Selten ist sich ITALIEN so einig.
20141120             Strafgebühr für Großkunden: COMMERZ—BANK—PLANT—MINUS—ZINSEN
20141120             Umstrittene GAS—FÖRDERUNG, FRACGESETZ AUFGEWEICHT—I—KING—OF—NDUSTRIE schöpft Hoffnung
20141120             —GERETTET, VON—DERMUTTER : NIEDERLANDE nehmen befreite IS—AUSSTEIGERIN fest
20141120             VIELE—ITALIENER verzichten auf ihren RECHTS—ANSPRUCH, sei es gegen 1—VERMIETER, gegen 1—GESCHÄFTSPARTNER oder 1—KONKURRENTEN, weil 1—PROZESS unendlich lange dauert und unendlich viel Geld kostet.
20141120             Vielfach orientierten sich DIE—SICHERHEITS—BEHÖRDEN noch an vermeintlichen Hierarchien der Banden, die nicht mehr zeitgemäß seien.
20141120             —INZWISCHEN, agieren DIE—KRIMINELLEN demnach stärker in Netzwerken, wie etwa das Beispiel des —BISLANG größten CYBERbankraubs gezeigt hatte.
20141120             Vogelgrippe in den NIEDERLANDEn: 43.000—LEGEHENNEN müssen getötet werden
20141120             WIKILEAKS—GRÜNDER: SCHWEDISCHER—HAFTBEFEHL gegen ASSANGE bleibt bestehen
20141120             [l] Guckt mal, was neuronale Netze —INZWISCHEN, können.
20141120             Nicht mehr nur Bilder erkennen, sondern auch 1—SATZ als Beschreibung raustun, sowas wie "black cat is sitting on top of suitcase".
20141120             es geht um Vorgänge, —DIE—JAHR—ZEHNT e zurückliegen, um die Firma Eternit, die in 4—FABRIKEN in ITALIEN Asbest verarbeitete.
20141120             Dieser Stoff galt lange als idealer Bau—, Brandschutzstoff, erwies sich aber nach und nach als tödliches Gift.
20141120             Seine feinen Fasern führten bei Tausenden von Menschen, die sie einatmeten, zu Krebs.
20141120             Fast dreitausend TOTE—ARBEITNEHMER und Anwohner in der Umgebung der FIRMEN—WERDEN der heimtückischen Faser zugeschrieben.
20141120             Und JEDE—WOCHE, sagten Zeugen und Nebenkläger vor Gericht, gebe es 1—WEITERES ASBEST—OPFER.
20141120             es sind Fälle wie dieser, die DE—MAIZIÈRE meint, wenn er fordert: "Wir müssen neu denken".
20141120             ÜBERWACHUNG beim Fahrdienst, USA—SENATOR—VERLANGT—AUFKLÄRUNG über Ubers "God View"
20141120             Überraschende Wirkung: Viren im Darm tun Mäusen gut
20141120             —AMNESTY zur SYRIEN—FLÜCHTLINGS—HILFE: MENSCHEN—RECHTLER werfen EU Versagen vor
20141120             —AM—MITTWOCH war HOLGER—MÜNCH zum neuen Präsidenten der Behörde ernannt worden.
20141120             Den langjährigen Leiter des BKA, JÖRG—ZIERCKE, verabschiedete DER—INNEN—MINISTER in den Ruhestand.
20141120             —DANN, erfasste das Instrument die Schwingungen des Aufpralls.
20141120             —NACH, seiner Festnahme 19810000             hatte Agca —ZUNÄCHST erklärt, hinter dem Attentat stünden der SOVIET—GEHEIM—DIENST KGB und BULGARISCHE—DIPLOMATEN.
20141120             —POLIZEI in KOLUMBIEN: Schnäuzer für alle
20141120             —REAKTION—AUF—ANGRIFFE—ISRAEL erleichtert BE—WAFFNUNG seiner BÜRGER
20141120             —STUDIE—DER—FRIEDRICH—EBERT—STIFTUNG: AFD—ANHÄNGER tendieren zu RASSISMUS und Homophobie
20141120             —UKRAINE—KRISE, EU drängt SERBIEN zur Abkehr von RUSSLAND
20141120             —UKRAINE—KRISE, Separatisten lehnen VERMITTLUNG des Westens ab
20141120             —ISSUED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, executive orders granting new rights to MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE living illegally in THE—USA.
20141120             —APPROVED, REGENTS—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA, 1—PLAN to raise tuition by up to 28% over —5—YEARS despited protests by furious students.
20141120             CALIFORNIA state officials said AT&T Inc will pay $52—MILLION in civil penalties and environmental compliance as PART—OF—1—SETTLEMENT over illegal dumping of hazardous waste but won't be required to clean up the resulting contamination.
20141120             —VOTED, THE—CALIFORNIA—PUBLIC—UTILITIES—COMMISSION, to levy a $1.05—MILLION—FINE against PG&E for lobbying the regulatory agency in BACK—CHANNEL—COMMUNICATIONS related to 20100000             —THE—S—BRUNO pipeline explosion.
20141120             —AUTHORIZED, THE—PUC also, 1—BROAD—PROBE into PG&E's gas distribution system and fined the company $10.8—MILLION stemming from 1—EXPLOSION in March that destroyed 1—CARMEL cottage.
20141120             FLORIDA police shot and killed MYRON—MAY (31), 1—FLORIDA—STATE—UNIV. alumnus, —AFTER May shot 3—PEOPLE outside the campus library in TALLAHASSEE.
20141120             —INDICATED, Journal notes, that May believed the government was targeting him for persecution.
20141120             —KILLED, LOUISIANA, 3—CHILDREN and 2—ADULTS were, —WHEN 1—BOY, —16—JAHRE—ALT driving relatives from TEXAS to Disney World fell asleep causing THE—SUV to veer off the road and roll over.
20141120             —SUFFERED, He and 2—PASSENGERS, minor injuries.
20141120             NEW—YORK—CITY, rookie police officer PETER—LIANG, —26—JAHRE—ALT shot and killed Akai Gurley (28) in 1 darkened stairwell in BROOKLYN—EAST—NEW—YORK neighborhood.
20141120             —CALLED, Police, the shooting 1—UNFORTUNATE—ACCIDENT.
20141120             WEST—NEW—YORK, SNOW—BOUND residents awoke to as much as another FOOT—OF—ACCUMULATION with possibly another 30—INCHES expected.
20141120             —KILLED, NORTH—EAST—BRAZIL, 8—PEOPLE were, —FOLLOWING 1—HEAD—ON car crash that also left 3—OTHERS seriously injured near Esplanada.
20141120             —FINED, UK—REGULATORS, Royal BANK—OF—SCOTLAND—PLC 56—MILLION—POUNDS ($87—MILLION) for computer problems that made it impossible for customers to get access to their accounts.
20141120             —POWERED, BRITAIN—1. bus, entirely by human and food waste took to the road in BRISTOL.
20141120             —BECAME, THE—WESSEX—WATER subsidiary GENECO—BRISTOL sewage treatment plant, the 1. in THE—UK to start providing gas generated from food waste and sewage to the national gas grid network.
20141120             —REPORTED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA, that police have arrested 39—PEOPLE as they broke up 1—TELEPHONE—SCAM ring in Guangdong province that tricked Malaysians into wiring them money.
20141120             —KILLED, NORTH—EAST—CHINA, 6—NURSES and 1—JANITOR were, in 1—KNIFE—ATTACK at the Beidaihe Sanatorium, 1—MILITARY—HOSPITAL and resort in the seaside TOWN—OF—BEIDAIHE.
20141120             A —27—YEAR—OLD—EMPLOYEE was detained.
20141120             —KILLED, CONGODRC, between 50 and 80—PEOPLE were, in 1—ATTACK—NEAR—BENI, NORTH—KIVU province.
20141120             DOMINICA, Monsingore Reginald LaFleur (60), 1—POPULAR—PRIEST known as "Father Reggie" by parishioners in Grand Bay, was defrocked at THE—DIRECTION—OF—THE—CONGREGATION—OF—THE—FAITH in ROME.
20141120             1—EGYPT—COURT—ACQUITTED—DOCTOR—RASLAN—FADL charged with committing female genital mutilation that led to a —13—YEAR—OLD—GIRL'S—DEATH in 1—NILE—DELTA—VILLAGE.
20141120             This was the country's 1. trial on charges of breaking 20080000             —THE ban on the practice.
20141120             —ARRESTED, EGYPT, MOHAMMED—ALI—BISHR, 1—LEADING—MUSLIM—BROTHERHOOD member linked to 1—CALL for demonstrations —AT—THE—END—OF—THE—MONTH.
20141120             —PLAYED, He had, 1—KEY—ROLE in negotiations between his —NOW—BANNED group and the government.
20141120             —OPENED, FRANCE formally, 1—TERRORISM—INVESTIGATION into 3—FRANCE—RECRUITS of the Islamic State group calling for attacks back home in 1—PROPAGANDA—VIDEO.
20141120             —PLEDGED, Donor nations meeting at 1—CONFERENCE in GERMANY, 1—TOTAL $9.3—BILLION to THE—UN—GREEN—CLIMATE—FUND (GCF to help developing countries tackle climate change, but environmental campaigners said the funds fell short of what is needed.
20141120             —PARDONED, IRAN—SUPREME—LEADER—AYATOLLAH—ALI—KHAMENEI, IRANIAN—CANADA—BLOGGER—HOSSEIN Derakhshan —AFTER—6—YEARS in prison for spreading propaganda, insulting Islam and cooperating with hostile countries.
20141120             IRAQ PRIME—MINISTER—HAIDER—AL—ABADI said that IRAQ and TURKEY have agred on closer security and intelligence cooperation in THE—FACE—OF—THREATS posed by the Islamic State group.
20141120             —HANDED, ISRAEL—POLICE, home demolition notices to families of 4—PALESTINE—ATTACKERS from EAST—JERUSALEM, including 2—ASSAILANTS who killed 5—PEOPLE in 1—SYNAGOGUE attack —EARLIER—THIS—WEEK.
20141120             —FIRED, KASHMIR, INDIA—FORCES reportedly, across the border into THE—PAKISTAN—ADMINISTERED portion of the disputed Himalayan region, killing 1—SOLDIER.
20141120             NORTH—MALI, the bodies of 2—TUAREG separatist militants were found near the village of Takabort, —AROUND 40—KM outside Kidal.
20141120             MEXICO, 1—LARGELY peaceful march by tens of thousands demanding the return of 43—MISSING students ended in violence, as 1—SMALL—GROUP—OF masked protesters battled police in MEXICO—CITY—MAIN—SQUARE.
20141120             —PLUNGED, WEST—NEPAL, 1—BUS, into the Bheri river, killing at least 47—PEOPLE.
20141120             —CONFIRMED, HOLLAND—AUTHORITIES said 1—CASE—OF—BIRD—FLU has been, at 1—CHICKEN—FARM, the 2. infection identified in the country —THIS—WEEK.
20141120             —SUSPENDED, NIGERIA—SENATE—PRESIDENT—DAVID—MARK, legislative proceedings —AFTER police fired tear gas to prevent THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES from convening.
20141120             —CHANGED, THE—SPEAKER—OF—THE—HOUSE—RECENTLY, allegiance from THE—PRESIDENT—PARTY to the main opposition party.
20141120             Police then withdrew his security clearance, triggering —TODAY—STANDOFF.
20141120             —KILLED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—USA—DRONE—STRIKE, 6 suspected militants in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20141120             1—THE—PHILIPPINES—COURT convicted 9—PEOPLE for graft over a 19960000             nightclub fire that killed 162—PEOPLE.
20141120             —CALLED, SRI—LANKA—PRESIDENT—MAHINDA—RAJAPAKSA, 1—EARLY—ELECTION to seek a 3. term in office amid growing criticism of his WIDE—RANGING powers.
20141120             1—SWEDEN—APPEALS—COURT upheld the detention order on JULIAN—ASSANGE, dismissing 1—CHALLENGE by the WikiLeaks founder who is wanted by prosecutors in 1—INVESTIGATION—OF alleged sex crimes.
20141120             —HONORED, YEMEN—CULTURE—MINISTER, Arwa Othman, who was —RECENTLY, for her work combatting extremism and discrimination against women, said she is giving her award to YEMEN—DWINDLING Jewish population.
20141120             —GUARDED, Fewer than 90—JEWS live in YEMEN, HALF—OF—THEM in 1, compound which protects THE—USA—EMBASSY in THE—CAPITAL—OF—SANAA.
20141120             —KILLED, ZIMBABWE, 11—PEOPLE were, and dozens injured in 1—STAMPEDE at 1—STADIUM in Kwekwe, as THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE at 1—EVENING church service tried to leave through the same exit.
20141120             ISRAEL—RACHEFÜR—ATTENTATE: Der Kreislauf des Hasses
20141120 ISRAEL—RACHEfür Attentate: Der Kreislauf des Hasses
20141120 ROT—ROT—GRÜNin THÜRINGEN: Ramelow muss alle glücklich machen
20141120—19940000    —ACCUSED—OF, He was, sexually abusing 1—GIRL.
20141120—20030000    —SEIT, liegen DIE—KOSTEN der betrieblichen UNFALL—VERSICHERUNG bei über 300.000.000—EURO —J—IM.
20141120—20080000    —IMPRISONED, He was, in TEHRAN on suspicion of spying for ISRAEL and
20141120—20100000    —IN, sentenced to 19-1/—2—YEARS in prison.
20141120—20120000    —SINCE, Assange has avoided being extradited to SWEDEN by taking shelter in THE—ECUADOR—EMBASSY in LONDON.
20141120—20140512    —ON, 1—APPEALS—COURT reduced the sentence to —7—YEARS.
20141120—20141118    —ON, 1—FREAKISH—STORM swept off the Great Lakes and —AFTER—3—DAYS deposited 7—FEET—OF—SNOW and more and left at least 12—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20141120—20150210    —INDICTED, Liang was, and
20141120—20160000    —REACHED, THE—3—YEAR—DEAL was, —AFTER Serbia agreed to narrow the budget deficit from 8—PERCENT to 4.2—PERCENT of economic output by cutting public wages and pensions and reducing subsidies to unprofitable state companies.
20141120—20160211    —ON, convicted.
20141120—20160419    —ON, 1—JUDGE—REDUCED—LIANG—MANSLAUGHTER conviction to 1—LESSER—CHARGE and spared prison time.
20150313             —DECLARED, FRANCISCUS—I—PAPA, 1—EXTRAORDINARY jubilee, or holy —YEAR, to last 20151208—20161120    —FROM—TO.
20150313—20151208    —FROM, FRANCIS—PAPA declared 1—EXTRAORDINARY jubilee, or holy —YEAR, to last, to 20161120             .
20150609             THE—MONEY ultimately will go to people who bought HP shares 20110819—20121120    —BETWEEN.
20151106—20151120    —ON, Greenpeace said 1—HOLD has been put on the ban to operate.
20151113—20151120    —SUCCUMBED, The death toll rose to 130 as 1—OF—THE wounded, to injuries.
20151118—20151120    —CHARGED, ABEL—DIAZ, —16—JAHRE—ALT was, with murder.
20151118—20151120    —ON, authorities said a 3. body had been found at the site.
20151120             "DIE—ZEIT, dieses Problem zu lösen, ist —JETZT", sagte CLINTON.
20151120             "Da die polaren Organismen an gleichbleibend kalte Bedingungen angepasst sind, kam dieser Wärmeeintrag 1—TEMPERATURSCHOCK gleich",
20151120             "Das Erwachen der MACHT": "Star Wars VII"bricht Vorverkaufsrekord IN—DEN—USA
20151120             "Das ist 1.ganz gewaltige Umwälzung".
20151120             "Die Besiedlungsdichte der bodenbewohnenden Organismen nahm merklich zu",
20151120             "Ich glaube, unser Text ist sehr ausgewogen, so dass ihn jeder akzeptieren kann", sagte MOSKAUs UNO—BOTSCHAFTER—WITALI—TSCHURKIN.
20151120             "Maybrit Illner"über TERROR: "Wir produzieren die KÄMPFER nach wie vor selber"
20151120             "Sie informieren sich nicht einmal gegenseitig, wenn sie 1—TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGEN an der Grenze zurückschicken oder wenn 1—PASS gestohlen wird".
20151120             "Wir haben unseren KAMPF—GEGEN—AL—QAIDA 20010000             begonnen und es hat uns ein paar —JAHRE gekostet, bevor es uns möglich war
20151120             ABGASSKANDAL—IN—DEN—USA: VW muss vermutlich VIELE—DIESELAUTOS zurückkaufen
20151120             ARKTISCHER—OZEAN: Warmer Wasserstrom lässt Schaumalgen wachsen
20151120             AWI—FORSCHER hatten in der Framstraße zwischen GRÖNLAND und Spitzbergen über —15—JAHRE den Fang von 21—PERMANENTEN Sammelstationen in 250—BIS 5500—METERN Tiefe ausgewertet.
20151120             Als Folge des Warmwassereinstroms vermehrten sich freischwimmende Flügelschnecken und Flohkrebse, die für gewöhnlich in gemäßigten BEREICHEN—DES—ATLANTIKS vorkommen.
20151120             Auch die Schaumalge Phaeocystis wuchs rasant,
20151120             Auch die neue Version enthält 1.umstrittene Passage, die dazu auffordert, dass MILITÄRaktionen gegen den IS mit den Ländern koordiniert werden, in denen sie stattfinden.
20151120             Besetzte IRAKISCHE—STADT: 13—JOURNALISTEN vom IS in MOSSUL ermordet
20151120             DIE—ERGEBNISSE zeigten aber, welche Auswirkungen die Erwärmung arktischer Gewässer durch den KLIMA—WANDEL habe.
20151120             DIE—SCHAUMALGE verklumpe sehr leicht.
20151120             DIE—TÜRKEI müsse den KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN—IS stärker in den Fokus nehmen.
20151120             DIE—USA hoffen laut Kerry, den IS "viel schneller"zu besiegen, "und wir glauben, dass wir dazu fähig sind".
20151120             Dann zog Kerry zum Vergleich den KAMPF—GEGEN—AL—QAIDA heran:
20151120             Das gleiche gilt für DIE—DATENSPEICHERUNG bei innereuropäischen Flügen.
20151120             Der —61—JAHRE—ALTE kam —AM—FREITAG vorzeitig auf Bewährung frei, sagte DER—SPRECHER 1—AKTIVISTEN—GRUPPE, die POLLARD—VON—ISRAEL aus unterstützt.
20151120             Der AMERIKANISCHE—AUSSENMINISTER—JOHN—KERRY geht eigenen Angaben zufolge davon aus, dass DIE—USA im KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE—TERROR—MILIZ—ISLAMISCHER—STAAT (IS) vergleichsweise schnell Erfolge erzielen werden.
20151120             Der BRITISCHE—BOTSCHAFTER—UND—DERZEITIGE—SICHERHEITS—RATSVORSITZENDE—MATTHEW—RYCROFT zeigte sich zuversichtlich: "DIE—FRANZOSEN haben den Entwurf extra auf die Aspekte fokussiert, bei denen es Einheit gibt".
20151120             Der für DIE—USA—MARINE tätige POLLARD hatte von 19840500             —BIS zu seiner Verhaftung
20151120             Dialog: NORD—KOREA, SÜD—KOREA wollen neue Gespräche führen
20151120             —BESCHLOSSEN, Dies soll ebenfalls —NOCH—VOR —JAHRESENDE, werden.
20151120             Dies würde etwa bedeuten, dass DIE—USA ihre LUFT—ANGRIFFE in SYRIEN mit dessen PRÄSIDENT—BASCHAR—AL—ASSAD absprechen müssten.
20151120             Doch nicht nur die EIN—JAHRES—FRIST wäre für VIELE—EUROPA—ABGEORDNETE 1.Zumutung.
20151120             Drahtzieher der Pariser Anschläge: Abaaouds Vater zeigt sich erleichtert über Tod seines Sohnes
20151120             3. Leiche in TERRORwohnung in SAINT—DENIS gefunden
20151120             —VERURSACHT, Durch welchen Mechanismus genau der Strom, wurde, sei unklar.
20151120             Er bekannte sich schuldig und wurde 19870000             zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt.
20151120             Erwärmen sich DIE—ARKTISCHEN Gewässer wegen des KLIMA—WANDELS auch nur um ein oder 2—GRAD, hat dies gravierende Folgen auf die dortigen Meereslebensräume.
20151120             Es genüge —SCHON ein vorübergehender Warmwassereinstrom von wenigen —JAHREN in den Arktischen Ozean, um die Lebensgemeinschaften —BIS hinunter in die Tiefsee grundlegend zu verändern, berichtet das ALFRED—WEGENER—INSTITUT (AWI).
20151120             FLÜCHTLINGS—DEBATTE IN—DEN—USA: Die verunsicherten STAATEN—VON—AMERIKA
20151120             FLÜCHTLINGS—POLITIK,Wir müssen mehr ordnen und —STEUERN
20151120             FLÜCHTLINGS—UNTERKÜNFTE: Brandstiftung und Schlägerei
20151120             FRANKREICH—INNEN—MINISTER—BERNARD—CAZENEUVE zeigte sich zufrieden: EUROPA schulde es "den TERROR—OPFERN und ihren Angehörigen", schnell und kraftvoll vorzugehen.
20151120             FLUGGASTDATEN—SPEICHERUNG: Sie soll —DEMNÄCHST auch für Flüge innerhalb von EUROPA gelten und beispielsweise Kreditkartennummern, Reiserouten und Kontaktdaten umfassen.
20151120             GEFAHR—DURCH—REISENDE DSCHIHADISTEN: Ins TERRORcamp und zurück
20151120             GRENZ—KONTROLLEN: An den EU—AUßENGRENZEN sollen künftig auch EU—BÜRGER systematisch kontrolliert werden.
20151120             GROß—BRITANNIEN, das im SICHERHEITS—RAT über 1—VETO verfügt, hatte den ursprünglichen RUSSISCHEN—ENTWURF abgelehnt.
20151120             Grenzschützer sollen DIE—DATEN mit DER—EUROPAWEITEN FAHNDUNGS—DATENBANK Schengener INFORMATIONS—SYSTEM (SIS) abgleichen.
20151120             —RADIKALISIERT, Hasna habe sich vor 1—HALBEN —JAHR —PLÖTZLICH, und 1—NIKAB getragen, der nur 1—SEHSCHLITZ freilässt, sagte ihr Bruder der NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR—AFP.
20151120             ISIS verkauft das für - DEBATTE IN—DEN—USA: Die verunsicherten STAATEN—VON—AMERIKA
20151120 JONATHAN—POLLARD konnte nach —30—JAHREN das Gefängnis von Butler im USA—BUNDES—STAAT NORTH—CAROLINA verlassen.
20151120—20060000    —AB, machte die Alge 85—PROZENT—DES—PLANKTONBESTANDES aus,
20151120—20150930    —ON, THE—SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said more than 1,300—PEOPLE, —AROUND 2—THIRDS—OF them combatants, have been killed in RUSSIA—AIR—STRIKES in Syria —SINCE MOSCOW—AERIAL campaign began.
20151120—20151126    —ON, 2—MALIANS were arrested for complicity in the attack.
20151120—20500000    —BIS, CO2—AUSSTOß: VERKEHRS—EMISSIONEN halbierbar
20160802—20181120    —ENDED, Lewis' trial, in 1—HUNG jury.
20161120             † † † Bei 1—SCHWEREN Eisenbahnunglück nahe KANPUR im INDISCHEN—BUNDESSTAAT—UTTAR—PRADESH sterben mindestens 142—MENSCHEN.
20161120 DONALD—TRUMP—WÄHLER: "DIE—DEMOKRATIE wird zum Feind des Marktes erklärt"
20161120 FAKE—NEWS sind dann halt nicht politisch motiviertes Clickbaiting für DONALD—TRUMP—ANHÄNGER sondern "Werbung"für unseriöse Investments oder Potenzmittel oder was sich halt so verkaufen lässt — getarnt als Nachrichten.
20161120 Filterblase 2.0: Studentenvereinigung des JOURNALISMUS—LEHRSTUHLS 1—BRITISCHEN—UNI verbietet DAILY—MAIL.
20161120—20210000    —IN, McKane (36) was found GUILTY—OF—CAPITAL—MURDER and sentenced to death.
20170725—20161120    —SENTENCED, LONDON, Marvyn Iheanacho (39) was, to life imprisonment for beating his girlfriend's —5—YEAR—OLD—SON to death in 1—PARK because the child had lost 1—SHOE.
20171119—20171120    —ADDED, The party, that it would impeach Mugabe if he did not resign that Mnangagwa would be its cand
20171120             —RULED, IRAQ—SUPREME—FEDERAL—COURT, that 20170925             —THE—KURDISH—INDEPENDENCE—REFERENDUM was unconstitutional and the results void.
20181120             The exhibition will open to visitors 20181121             through to 20190414             .
20181120             ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU said ISRAEL would join THE—USA and other countries in rejecting THE—UN—GLOBAL—COMPACT for Migration, aimed at boosting cooperation to address the world's growing NUMBER—OF—MIGRANTS, set to be adopted —DURING 1—CONFERENCE in MOROCCO on 20181210—20111210.
20181120 —90—JAHRE—MICKY—MAUS, Wie der SEX—NAGER zum BRAVEN—SPIEßER wurde
20181120—20180805    —ARRESTED, He was, for making "false" and "provocative" statements on AL—JAZEERA television and Facebook —DURING student protests.
20181120—20181114    —ATTACKED, ISRAEL—PALESTINE—TEENAGER, ABDUL—RAHMAN—ABU—JAMAL, —17—JAHRE—ALT, who, ISRAEL—OFFICERS at 1—POLICE—STATION in annexed EAST—JERUSALEM —BEFORE being shot, † of his wounds at the Shaare Zedek hospital in JERUSALEM.
20181120—20181209    —ON, 1—SUSPECT, identified as IBRAHIM—ADAN—OMAR, was arrested in Bangali town in Tana county.
20181120—20200510    —ON, she returned home —AFTER—18—MONTHS as 1—HOSTAGE.
20181120—20210000    —IN, officer CARLOS—ALARCÓN was sentenced to —11—YEARS in prison over CATRILLANCA—DEATH.
20191120—20150805    —KILLED, He says he believes another officer's bullets, Officer THOMAS—LAVALLEY, —29—JAHRE—ALT.
20191120—20191115    —ON, NEW—JERSEY, MICHAEL—TENNANT, —10—JAHRE—ALT, who was shot at 1—HIGH—SCHOOL—GAME between Pleasantville and Camden, †.
20200501             DATA 202005011200 —NACHMITTAG
20200501             LAGOS Casos confirmados 3 - Data 202005011200          nachm.
20200501             LAGOS CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3 - DATA 202005011200 —NACHMITTAG
20200512             LAGOS Casos confirmados 3 - Data 202005111200          nachm.
20200521             LAGOS Casos confirmados 4 - Data 202005211200          nachm.
20200601             Data 202006011200          nachm.
20201030             —VERLÄNGERT, Tschechien, den Notstand im Land —BIS zum 20201120             20201030             —VERLÄNGERT, Tschechien, den Notstand im Land —BIS zum 20201120             20201030             Erstmals mehr als 30.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN in ITALIEN
20201031             Die TSCHECHISCHE—REGIERUNG hat angekündigt, den CORONA—NOTSTAND —BIS zum 20201120             zu verlängern.
20201120             —FREITAG, 20201120
20201120             COVID—19: Governo dá como quase certo terceiro estado de emergência a partir de 9—DE Dezembro
20201120             Almodôvar instala medição de temperatura e dispensadores de gel nos lares, escolas e município
20201120             PORTIMÃO distribui 100—MIL máscaras comunitárias com apoio das associações
20201120             Nach Kritik von Facebook: Apple will Maßnahmen für mehr Privatsphäre wie geplant umsetzen
20201120             Offenbar von AFD—GAST: Auch SPD—POLITIKER MARTIN—SCHULZ im BUNDESTAG beschimpft
20201120             Einladung an Abgeordnete aus MICHIGAN: Trumps neue Taktik für den Machterhalt
20201120             Beunruhigende Studie: Fast jedes 5. Kind wächst in bewaffnetem —KONFLIKT auf
20201120             BARACK—OBAMA bei "MARKUS—LANZ": "Du schläfst plötzlich in einem Museum"
20201120             Auch in der Nachzählung: JOE—BIDEN als Sieger im wichtigen Bundesstaat GEORGIA bestätigt
20201120             Trumps Anwalt RUDY—GIULIANI: Advokat des Wahnsinns Von RENÉ—PFISTER, WASHINGTON
20201120             Globaler Hochschulvergleich: DEUTSCHE—UNIS machen fit für den Arbeitsmarkt
20201120             —GEHÖRT, Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: Heucheln, bei der AfD zum Geschäftsmodell
20201120             AFD—STÖRER im BUNDESTAG: Schäuble lässt offenbar rechtliche Konsequenzen prüfen
20201120             Nürnberger Prozesse: Blitzschlag im Gerichtssaal
20201120             Außenminister: Maas warnt vor INTERNATIONAL aktiven Rechtsextremen
20201120             —ÜBERNIMMT, Bergkarabach: ASERBAIDSCHAN, zurückeroberte Gebiete
20201120             Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung: Kassen machen 3—MILLIARDEN Euro Miese
20201120             Bundestagsdebatte über AFD—STÖRER: "Angriff auf das freie Mandat"
20201120             Konsum: Briten in Shoppinglaune, Deutsche eher sparsam
20201120             Modernisierung älterer Anlagen: Stromproduktion von Windrädern könnte rasant steigen
20201120             Mordverdächtiger im Fall MADELEINE—MCCANN: Christian B. bleibt in Haft
20201120             Der Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) verwarf seine Revision gegen 1—ENDE 20190000             ergangenes Urteil wegen der Vergewaltigung einer USA—AMERIKANERIN,
20201120             B. steht zudem im Verdacht, 20070000             die damals dreijährige MADELEINE—MCCANN aus einer Ferienanlage in PORTUGAL entführt zu haben.
20201120             PUERTO—RICO: Legendäres ARECIBO—TELESKOP wird wegen Einsturzgefahr geschlossen
20201120             Gerichtsurteil: Maskenpflicht im BUNDESTAG gilt auch für AFD—MITARBEITER
20201120             Streit um EU—HAUSHALT: So kämpft EUROPA gegen UNGARN und POLEN
20201120             Streit über Milliardenzahlungen: USA—REGIERUNG will CORONA—HILFEN einstellen
20201120             —100—JAHRE Save the Children: "Der Blick trifft direkt ins Herz"
20201120             CORONA—MEDIKAMENT: WHO rät von Remdesivir zur Behandlung von COVID—19—PATIENTEN ab
20201120             Behauptungen von Trumps Anwälten: Wie HUGO—CHÁVEZ angeblich Biden zum Sieg verhalf
20201120             Konjunktur: Bundesregierung optimistisch für Wirtschaftsaufschwung
20201120             Forderung der Grünen: Bundesregierung soll HUSTEN—APP zur Erkennung von COVID—19 prüfen
20201120             Umfrage zur Coronakrise: DEUTSCHE—INDUSTRIE wird gestärkt aus der Pandemie hervorgehen
20201120             USA: Biontech und Pfizer beantragen Notfallzulassung für CORONA—IMPFSTOFF
20201120             Folge der Coronakrise: HÄLFTE—DER—GERINGVERDIENER lebt am Existenzminimum
20201120             Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband: Armut in DEUTSCHLAND so hoch wie nie
20201120             Islamismus und Homophobie: Das laute Schweigen über den Hass 1—GASTBEITRAG—VON—JENS—BRANDENBURG und Konstantin Kuhle (FDP)
20201120             Kampf gegen CORONA—VERBREITUNG: CDU—VIZE—STROBL drängt auf Zwangseinweisung von Quarantänebrechern 1—INTERVIEW—VON—VEIT—MEDICK
20201120             Humanitäre Katastrophe in ÄTHIOPIEN: Verzweiflung in Tigray
20201120             Prozessauftakt in BREMEN: Der Pastor, der zum Hass angestachelt haben soll
20201120             Haftstrafe für Ordnungshüter: Polizist prellte Schwerkranken um 54.000—EURO
20201120             Nordflotte: Russe wegen Spionage für CIA zu —13—JAHREN in Strafkolonie verurteilt
20201120             Verheimlichte Wahlkampfunterstützung: Weitere Strafzahlung für die AfD — diesmal über 72.000—EURO
20201120             Umstrittene CORONA—REGELUNG: Bundesbedienstete dürfen keinen 2. Sitzplatz mehr buchen
20201120             Verbraucherschutz: Große Koalition einigt sich auf Senkung der Inkassogebühren
20201120             50—MILLIONEN Euro für AFGHANISTAN—MISSION: Bundeswehr investiert trotz Abzugsplänen weiter in Feldlager
20201120             Streit über Innenministerin: Johnsons Berater kündigt Job nach Untersuchung zu Mobbingvorwürfen
20201120             ESSEN: Polizei ermittelt wegen Verdachts auf Totschlag gegen Oberarzt - Fri 20201120
20201120             [l] Zu den AUSTRALISCHEN—SPECIAL Forces Kriegsverbrechern kamen noch ein paar Einsendungen rein.
20201120             Erstmal dieser Leserbrief: die Amerikaner machen das genauso.
20201120             Solche berichte von Kriegsverbrechen sind mir —SEIT Mogadischu 93—DURCH die Delta Force bekannt.
20201120             Kann man im Buch von MARK—BOWDEN nachlesen.
20201120             Zusätzlich empfehle ich die ARD Doku "schmutzige Kriege".
20201120             Dort sieht man wie die Devgru (Seal Team 6, "anti" Terror spezial Einheit der navy) so im Einsatz vorgeht.
20201120             Die operieren da im laufenden Einsatz noch den Opfern die Projektile raus um das ordentlich zu vertuschen.
20201120             Gibt es auch 1—BUCH dazu. Name fällt mir aber gerade nicht ein.
20201120             Ein anderer Einsender weist darauf hin, dass wir von den AUSTRALISCHEN—KRIEGSVERBRECHEN nur durch einen Whistleblower wissen, Gegen den fahren die Australier gerade das übliche ASSANGE—PROGRAMM.
20201120             Der wird angeklagt und wartet —SEIT—JAHREN auf sein Verfahren.
20201120             Oh und die AUSTRALISCHE—JUNTA hat in der Angelegenheit auch die Büroräume von ABC News aufgebrochen und durchsucht.
20201120             [l] Wir sind —JETZT übrigens in NRW hoch auf 173—EINZELFÄLLE, die man nicht verallgemeinern kann, weil das alles verwirrte Einzeltäter waren.
20201120             Ein strukturelles Problem kann man daraus nicht ablesen!1!!
20201120             03.15—UHR: Kalifornien führt wegen steigender CORONA—ZAHLEN eine nächtliche Ausgangsbeschränkung ein.
20201120             Ab 22—UHR —BIS 5—UHR sollen die Bewohner zu Hause bleiben.
20201120             Mehr als 100.000—CORONA—TOTE in MEXIKO
20201120             Bars und Restaurants in Katalonien dürfen ab —MONTAG wieder öffnen
20201120             Der renommierte USA—IMMUNOLOGE ANTHONY—FAUCI hat Bedenken zurückgewiesen, wonach die ENTWICKLUNG—DER—CORONA—IMPFSTOFFE zulasten der Verträglichkeit und Wirksamkeit beschleunigt worden sein soll.
20201120             "Die Geschwindigkeit des Prozesses hat die Sicherheit in keiner Weise kompromittiert", sagte Fauci.
20201120             Auch die wissenschaftliche Integrität sei nicht beeinträchtigt worden.
20201120             Die DATEN—DER—STUDIEN zu den Impfstoffen seien von unabhängigen Experten beurteilt worden, die niemandem etwa schuldeten, auch "nicht der Regierung", sagte er.
20201120             Es gebe in dieser Hinsicht keinen Grund zur Sorge, so Fauci.
20201120             "Das ist wirklich solide", ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT meldet 23.648—NEUINFEKTIONEN
20201120             Damit ist 1—HÖCHSTSTAND erreicht worden,
20201120             Die ANZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN ist allerdings nur bedingt mit denen der Vorwochen vergleichbar, da unter anderem das RKI die Empfehlungen für CORONA—TESTS angepasst hat, wer noch getestet werden soll.
20201120             Der Schritt war nötig, da immer mehr Labors an die Belastungsgrenze gerieten.
20201120             Doch die —ENTSCHEIDUNG könnte neben der ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN auch den Anteil der positiven Tests beeinflussen.
20201120             Das sogenannte —7—TAGE—R lag laut RKI—LAGEBERICHT vom Donnerstagabend bei 0,99 (Vortag: 0,95)
20201120             Mehr als 9—MILLIONEN CORONA—INFEKTIONEN in INDIEN
20201120             Trotz Infektionsrekorden: Pence sieht USA in Pandemie auf gutem Weg
20201120             "Die Fälle und die Positivrate steigen im ganzen Land.
20201120             Aber wir nähern uns diesem Moment mit der Zuversicht der Erfahrung, und wir wissen, dass das AMERIKANISCHE—VOLK weiß, was zu tun ist", sagte Pence —AM—DONNERSTAG bei einer PRESSEKONFERENZ—DER—CORONA—ARBEITSGRUPPE des Weißen Hauses.
20201120             "AMERIKA war noch nie so gut auf die Bekämpfung dieses Virus vorbereitet wie —HEUTE",
20201120             BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG stellt Lockerungen zu Weihnachten in Aussicht
20201120             Nach der Belästigung von Abgeordneten durch Besucher im BUNDESTAG hat die CDU/CSU die AfD scharf attackiert.
20201120             —SEIT die AfD im BUNDESTAG sitze, gehe es ihr nur darum, diesen schlechtzumachen und die anderen Parteien "in den Dreck zu ziehen", sagte ihr 1. Parlamentarischer Geschäftsführer MICHAEL—GROSSE—BRÖMER —AM—FREITAG in der Aktuellen —STUNDE des Bundestags.
20201120             Das Bedrängen von Abgeordneten durch Besucher, die AFD—ABGEORDNETE eingeladen hatten, sei ein "Angriff auf das freie Mandat" und auf die Demokratie, sagte der CDU—POLITIKER.
20201120             "Da hört der Spaß wirklich auf".
20201120             Der AFD—FRAKTIONSVORSITZENDE ALEXANDER—GAULAND sagte, das Verhalten der Gäste sei "unzivilisiert" gewesen und gehöre sich nicht.
20201120             "Dafür entschuldige ich mich als Fraktionsvorsitzender".
20201120             Die Besucher hätten allerdings die Sicherheitskontrollen durchlaufen.
20201120             "Wir konnten nicht damit rechnen, dass so etwas passiert".
20201120             Notlage in GRIECHENLAND: Athen nimmt Privatkliniken in die Pflicht
20201120             Die Anordnung erfolgte, —NACHDEM sich die 9—PRIVATKLINIKEN der Hafenstadt geweigert hatten, CORONA—PATIENTEN aufzunehmen.
20201120             ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN im Gazastreifen erreicht neuen Höchstwert
20201120             Bund gibt neue Untersuchung zur CORONA—SITUATION in Bus und Bahn in Auftrag
20201120             VIELE—WISSENSCHAFTLICHE—STUDIEN hätten gezeigt, dass es im öffentlichen Personennahverkehr kein erhöhtes Infektionsrisiko gebe.
20201120             Eine weitere Untersuchung solle die Datenbasis —NUN noch erweitern und bisherige Erkenntnisse validieren.
20201120             FRANKREICH meldet Teilerfolg im Kampf gegen die 2. CORONA—WELLE
20201120             "Selbst, wenn ALLE—WERTE auf hohem Niveau bleiben, legt ihre Auswertung nahe, dass der epidemische Höhepunkt der 2. Welle überschritten ist",
20201120             Fast 1—VIERTEL—DER—MENSCHEN in DEUTSCHLAND (24—PROZENT) verzeichnet einer Umfrage zufolge durch die Coronakrise deutliche Einbußen beim Haushaltsnettoeinkommen.
20201120             Im Schnitt hätten sie 400—EURO weniger im Portemonnaie als vor der Pandemie,
20201120             Die Einbußen treffen demnach Menschen mit ohnehin geringerem Einkommen besonders stark.
20201120             Insgesamt sehen sich die HÄLFTE—DER—GERINGVERDIENER (51—PROZENT) "am finanziellen Existenzminimum".
20201120             Mehr als 3—VIERTEL der Menschen in DEUTSCHLAND (76—PROZENT) sind nach eigener Einschätzung bislang einigermaßen gut durch die Krise gekommen.
20201120             Dagegen fühlen sich 13—PROZENT in ihrer Lebensgestaltung stark eingeschränkt.
20201120             6—PROZENT sehen keine Krise und halten das "dauernde Sprechen" darüber für überzogen.
20201120             Jeder 2. (52—PROZENT) gibt den Angaben zufolge aktuell genau so viel Geld aus wie vor der Pandemie, 6—PROZENT geben mehr und 42—PROZENT weniger aus.
20201120             Erstmals —SEIT—129—JAHREN: Stockholmer Freilichtmuseum Skansen schließt —BIS Frühjahr 2021
20201120             NORDRHEIN—WESTFALENS Ministerpräsident ARMIN—LASCHET (CDU) will —NÄCHSTE—WOCHE bei den BUND—LÄNDER—GESPRÄCHEN zur Coronakrise für scharfe Kontaktbeschränkungen werben.
20201120             "1—FAMILIE darf sich nur noch mit 2—WEITEREN Personen aus einem anderen Hausstand treffen",
20201120             Das sei sein Vorschlag für die Ministerpräsidentenkonferenz mit Bundeskanzlerin ANGELA—MERKEL (CDU).
20201120             Aus den Erfahrungen zu Beginn der Coronakrise im Frühjahr sei bekannt, dass das Prinzip wirke.
20201120             Damals habe die Mobilität der Menschen stark abgenommen und die Infektionsdynamik ebenso.
20201120             "Wenden wir dieses Prinzip konsequent an, können Beschränkungen für Gastronomie oder Kultur mittelfristig zurückgenommen werden, wenn die Infektionszahlen weiter sinken",
20201120             —BESCHLOSSEN, Verlängerung des Kurzarbeitergeldes
20201120             Der CHINESISCHE—PHARMAKONZERN Sinopharm hat nach eigenen Angaben —BEREITS annähernd 1—MILLION—MENSCHEN gegen das CORONA€”VIRUS in CHINA geimpft.
20201120             Über ein sogenanntes Notfallprogramm sei der Impfstoff —SCHON fast bei einer Million Menschen genutzt worden,
20201120             Es habe dabei keine Berichte von schwerwiegenden Nebenwirkungen gegeben, "nur wenige haben leichte Symptome",
20201120             CHINA, berichten Staatsmedien —BEREITS—SEIT—WOCHEN über Impfungen bestimmter Bevölkerungsgruppen — etwa von Militärangehörigen und Klinikpersonal, aber auch von Diplomaten und Angestellten von Staatskonzernen.
20201120             —VERABREICHT, Ihnen werden Impfstoffkandidaten, für die die Prüfung in klinischen Studien nicht abgeschlossen ist.
20201120             Regierungssprecher Seibert: Keine baldigen Lockerungen zu erwarten
20201120             "Wir haben im Grunde nur den 1. Schritt —BISHER geschafft, also den starken, steilen, exponentiellen Anstieg zu stoppen und 1—STABILISIERUNG zu erreichen".
20201120             Die Zahlen seien aber noch "weit, weit zu hoch",
20201120             Mehrere Polizisten streiten mit dem Freistaat BAYERN darüber, ihre CORONA—INFEKTION als Dienstunfall anerkennen zu lassen.
20201120             In dem Fall gehe es um einen Polizisten, der angibt, sich bei einer polizeilichen Fortbildung angesteckt zu haben.
20201120             Wegen steigender Infektionszahlen hat die Bundesregierung ganz LITAUEN und LETTLAND ab —SONNTAG als CORONA—RISIKOGEBIETE eingestuft.
20201120             Maskenverweigerer ersticht Buspassagier in RUSSLAND
20201120             —NACHDEM dieser auf die Pflicht zum Tragen des MUND—NASEN—SCHUTZES hingewiesen hatte.
20201120             Die Leiche des Mannes, der stellvertretender Direktor eines wissenschaftlichen Zentrums war, war —AM—DIENSTAG auf der Straße gefunden worden.
20201120             Das Opfer soll bei der Heimfahrt von einer Betriebsfeier den Tatverdächtigen und seine Begleiterin im Bus gebeten haben, 1—MASKE zu tragen — wie in der CORONA—PANDEMIE vorgeschrieben.
20201120             Das meldete die Staatsagentur Tass unter Berufung auf die Polizei.
20201120             —GEKOMMEN, Dann sei es zum Streit, der sich später auf der Straße fortgesetzt habe.
20201120             Dabei soll der 40-Jährige mit dem Messer zugestochen haben.
20201120             SCHWEDEN melden Rekord bei Neuinfektionen
20201120             "Querdenker"-Demo in München bleibt untersagt
20201120             Die Veranstalter hatten für —SAMSTAG 1—KUNDGEBUNG mit —BIS zu 30.000—TEILNEHMERN auf der Münchner Theresienwiese angemeldet.
20201120             Die Stadt München untersagte das und wurde —AM—FREITAG von den Richtern bestätigt.
20201120             Von der geplanten Versammlung gingen voraussichtlich unzumutbare Infektionsgefahren aus, erklärte das Gericht.
20201120             Das zeige die Erfahrung mit vergangenen "Querdenker"-Versammlungen, die hohe Teilnehmerzahl, das Fehlen eines Hygienekonzepts und die vom Antragsteller offen zum Ausdruck gebrachte Ablehnung staatlicher Maßnahmen.
20201120             Der konservative Fernsehsender "FOX—NEWS" schlägt —NUN in dieselbe Kerbe: Moderator Geraldo Rivera unterbreitete in der Sendung "Fox and Friends" den ungewöhnlichen Vorschlag, ein fertiges Vakzin nach Trump zu benennen.
20201120             "Es wäre eine nette Geste",
20201120             "In ein paar —JAHREN könnte es ein ganz gewöhnlicher Name sein.
20201120             Hattest du deinen Trump —SCHON?
20201120             Ich hatte meinen Trump —SCHON, mir geht es gut".
20201120             Dass der Namensvorschlag sich durchsetzt, ist unwahrscheinlich.
20201120             —PROVOZIERT, AFD—ABGEORDNETER Seitz, mit löchriger CORONA—MASKE
20201120             MADRID riegelt sich ab, SPANIEN kündigt Impfplan an
20201120             Dieser Zeitraum sei wegen der 2—FEIERTAGE am 7. und 20201208             gewählt worden,
20201120             Im Gegensatz zu anderen SPANISCHEN—REGIONEN, die sich für deutlich längere Zeiträume abriegeln und zum Teil auch Bars und Restaurants, Kinos und Theater schließen, erreichte MADRID mit relativ lockeren Einschränkungen 1—BESSERUNG—DER—LAGE.
20201120             Die ZAHL—DER—INFEKTIONEN pro 100.000—EINWOHNER binnen —7—TAGEN wurde innerhalb eines Monats von 210—AUF zuletzt 134,35 gesenkt.
20201120             BERLIN, betrug dieser Wert nach ANGABEN—DES—ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUTS —AM—FREITAG 199,9.
20201120             Das Immunsystem schützt Menschen nach einer CORONA—INFEKTION wahrscheinlich mindestens —6—MONATE lang vor einer weiteren Erkrankung.
20201120             Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt eine BRITISCHE—STUDIE—DER—UNIVERSITY—OF—OXFORD, für die mehr als 12.000—MITARBEITER—DES—GESUNDHEITSSYSTEMS —30—WOCHEN lang regelmäßig getestet wurden.
20201120             Alle hatten aufgrund ihrer Arbeit ein erhöhtes Risiko, sich zu infizieren.
20201120             Allerdings spricht die Studie auch dafür, dass 1—INFEKTION nicht komplett immun vor weiteren Ansteckungen macht.
20201120             Von den rund 12000000             Mitarbeitern mit Antikörpern wurden 3—NOCH mal positiv auf SARS—COV—2 getestet, allerdings entwickelten sie keine Symptome.
20201120             In der anderen Gruppe gab es 76—SOLCHER Fälle.
20201120             Tschechien senkt seine CORONA—WARNSTUFE von der höchsten auf die zweithöchste der 5—STUFEN.
20201120             Das gelte von —MONTAG an, sagte Gesundheitsminister JAN—BLATNY nach einer Kabinettssitzung.
20201120             Der Mediziner appellierte an die Bevölkerung, sich weiter verantwortungsvoll zu verhandeln.
20201120             Die Pandemie sei "unberechenbar".
20201120             PORTIMÃO é o concelho do Algarve onde se registaram mais casos na última semana [mapa]
20201120             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—615—(+6)—ÓBITOS—5—(=)—RECUPERADOS—454—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—156—(+4)
20201120             ALCOUTIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—23—(=)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—10—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—10—(=)
20201120             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—15—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—10—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—4—(=)
20201120             CASTRO—MARIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—48—(+1)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—44—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—4—(+1)
20201120             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—568—(+9)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—369—(+15)—CASOS—ATIVOS—198—(-5)
20201120             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—172—(+7)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—79—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—91—(+7)
20201120             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—433—(+5)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—318—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—115—(+5)
20201120             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—697—(+8)—ÓBITOS—11—(=)—RECUPERADOS—454—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—232—(+6)
20201120             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—26—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—17—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—9—(=)
20201120             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—244—(+13)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—159—(+3)—CASOS—ATIVOS—84—(+10)
20201120             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—688—(+18)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—387—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—295—(+18)
20201120             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—229—(+8)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—144—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—85—(+8)
20201120             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—259—(+4)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—182—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—74—(+4)
20201120             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—215—(=)—ÓBITOS—5—(=)—RECUPERADOS—170—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—40—(=)
20201120             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—61—(+1)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—27—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—33—(+1)
20201120             263_DGS_BOLETIM_20201120—1—20201120—GLOBAL—CASES—57.164.742—GLOBAL—DEATHS—1.364.959
20201120             ASIEN—PAZIFIK—GIPFEL: Trump trifft erstmals wieder auf Xi Jinping
20201120             Beim ASIEN—PAZIFIK—GIPFEL sind die beiden —NUN virtuell wieder aufeinandergetroffen.
20201120             Trumps Auftritt war öffentlich allerdings nicht zu sehen: Gastgeber MALAYSIA unterbrach die LIVE—TV—ÜBERTRAGUNG —NACH—DEM Auftakt, noch bevor Trump seine Rede hielt.
20201120             Trumps Team twitterte indes fast ununterbrochen, während Xi Jinping sprach.
20201120             Inzwischen ist das Verhältnis zwischen den beiden größten Volkswirtschaften auf dem tiefsten Stand —SEIT AUFNAHME—DER—DIPLOMATISCHEN—BEZIEHUNGEN 19790000             .
20201120             Es ist von einem "neuen Kalten Krieg" die Rede.
20201120             Trump lässt keine Gelegenheit aus, CHINA die Schuld für das "CHINA—VIRUS" zuzuschieben — auch um von seinen eigenen Versäumnissen abzulenken, wie Kritiker sagen.
20201120             Das bevölkerungsreichste Land hat das Virus —SEIT—DEM—SOMMER weitgehend unter Kontrolle und zählt —HEUTE kaum noch Infektionen.
20201120             Chinas Behörden bedienen sich strenger Maßnahmen, Quarantäne, Kontaktverfolgung und Einreisebeschränkungen.
20201120             "Wir haben einen großen strategischen Erfolg im Kampf gegen das Virus erzielt", sagte Xi Jinping am Vortag per Videoschalte vor Wirtschaftsführern.
20201120             Während die Welt in einer tiefen Rezession steckt, wird CHINA als einzige große Volkswirtschaft —IN—DIESEM—JAHR wachsen — voraussichtlich um 2—PROZENT.
20201120             Die 19890000             gebildete APEC—GEMEINSCHAFT repräsentiert mehr als die HÄLFTE—DER—GLOBALEN—WIRTSCHAFTSLEISTUNG und 39—PROZENT—DER—WELTBEVÖLKERUNG.
20201120             —AM—SAMSTAG begegnen sich Trump und Xi Jinping —SCHON wieder — auf dem ebenfalls virtuellen Gipfel der Gruppe großer Industrienationen (G20) unter Vorsitz von SAUDI—ARABIEN.
20201120             Es ist das 1. Treffen der STAATS—UND Regierungschefs —SEIT Beginn der Pandemie.
20201120             Auch KANZLERIN—ANGELA—MERKEL (CDU) wird an den zweitägigen Beratungen teilnehmen.
20201120             SCHWEIZER—INTENSIVMEDIZINER schlagen Alarm: "Lebensverlängernde Maßnahmen erhalten — oder nicht" Aus Zürich berichtet CHARLOTTE Theile
20201120             Landwirtschaft: DEUTSCHLAND versagt beim Artenschutz
20201120             USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTSWAHL: Behauptungen zu Wahlbetrug finden auf YouTube 1—MILLIONENPUBLIKUM
20201120             YouTube.
20201120             —GELUNGEN, Der weltgrößten Videoplattform ist nicht, eine massive Verbreitung von Falschinformationen rund um die USA—WAHL zu verhindern.
20201120             —ENTSPRICHT, Das zeigt 1—UNTERSUCHUNG—VON—USA—FORSCHERN und, auch der Meinung des Experten ALEX—STAMOS.
20201120             Das Projekt transperency.tube hat 4865—YOUTUBE—VIDEOS untersucht, die zwischen dem 3. und 20201110             hochgeladen wurden und in denen der Ausgang der USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTSWAHL und das nach ANSICHT—VON—DONALD—TRUMP und seinen Anhängern manipulierte Ergebnis diskutiert wurden.
20201120             Die Untersuchung kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass Videos, in denen von einem Wahlbetrug ausgegangen wird, zusammengerechnet 137—MILLIONEN Mal angesehen wurden.
20201120             Damit würden 34—PROZENT—DER—AUFRUFE—VON—VIDEOS zu diesem Thema auf das Konto von Anhängern der Wahlbetrugsthese gehen.
20201120             Damit ist aber auch klar, dass Videos, in denen der behauptete Wahlbetrug dementiert oder das Thema ohne Wertung behandelt wird, deutlich mehr Menschen erreicht haben, nämlich —BIS zu 66—PROZENT, was rund 274—MILLIONEN Abrufen entspricht.
20201120             "Die meistgesehenen Videos zum Thema Wahlbetrug kommen von etablierten Medien und die MEHRHEIT—DER—SUCHANFRAGEN und Empfehlungen führen zu Inhalten glaubwürdiger Quellen",
20201120             Theoretisch könnten —BEREITS wenige Videos zu den hohen Abrufzahlen geführt haben.
20201120             Außerdem ist die Aussagekraft der Abrufzahlen begrenzt, weil die Forscher keine Daten dazu haben, wie VIELE—VERSCHIEDENE—NUTZERINNEN und Nutzer dahinterstecken, wie groß also das Publikum für die Falschinformationen wirklich war.
20201120             "YouTube muss viel verändern, damit sich das 20220000             und 20240000             nicht wiederholt",
20201120             ALEX—STAMOS, ehemaliger Sicherheitschef von Facebook, —DER—HEUTE an der UNIVERSITÄT—STANFORD arbeitet,
20201120             —BEZEICHNET, Die USA—WAHL 20200000             , Stamos als "das größte digitale Desinformationsereignis der USA—GESCHICHTE", und er macht reichweitenstarke SOCIAL—MEDIA—ACCOUNTS dafür verantwortlich.
20201120             Anders als bei vorangegangenen Wahlen würden Falschinformationskampagnen —NUN nicht mehr vorwiegend aus dem Ausland stammen, sondern aus dem Inland.
20201120             EUSKIRCHEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—2.000—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.032,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—135,8—TODESFÄLLE—36—EINWOHNERZAHL—193.656
20201120             Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 166,48
20201120             Aktualisierung 202011200000         —UHR
20201120             RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS—KREIS—FÄLLE—5.415—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.150,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—182,3—TODESFÄLLE—97—EINWOHNERZAHL—470.615
20201120             DÜREN—KREIS—FÄLLE—3.989—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.507,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—249,8—TODESFÄLLE—70—EINWOHNERZAHL—264.638
20201120             KÖLN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—16.826—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.546,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—159,0—TODESFÄLLE—205—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.087.863
20201120             RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER—KREIS—KREIS—FÄLLE—2.947—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.040,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—142,6—TODESFÄLLE—28—EINWOHNERZAHL—283.271
20201120             BERLIN—NEUKÖLLN—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—7.724—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—2.405,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—309,5—TODESFÄLLE—66—EINWOHNERZAHL—321.123
20201120             BUNDESLAND BERLIN - Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 199,86
20201120             PLÖN—KREIS—FÄLLE—291—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—226,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—15,5—TODESFÄLLE—8—EINWOHNERZAHL—128.686
20201120             Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 48,01
20201120             SCHLESWIG—FLENSBURG—KREIS—FÄLLE—494—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—245,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—12,9—TODESFÄLLE—6—EINWOHNERZAHL—201.156
20201120             STEINBURG—KREIS—FÄLLE—390—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—297,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—22,9—TODESFÄLLE—3—EINWOHNERZAHL—131.013
20201120             WITTMUND—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—226—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—397,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—24,6—TODESFÄLLE—3—EINWOHNERZAHL—56.926
20201120             BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN - Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 84,69
20201120             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Zugangscode auf Twitter : VIDEO—TREFFEN—VON—EU—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERN gehackt
20201120             Ausreisesperre endet: ISRAELISCHER—SPION JONATHAN—POLLARD darf USA verlassen
20201120             IRAN verschärft Maßnahmen zur VIRUS—EINDÄMMUNG - TORONTO geht in den Lockdown
20201120             Mehr als 6—MILLIONEN bestätigte CORONA—FÄLLE in BRASILIEN
20201120             † DANIEL—CORDIER, FRANZÖSISCHER—WIDERSTANDSKÄMPFER, Kunsthändler und Historiker
20201120—20210000    —REPORTED, RUSSIA—AUTHORITIES, 24,318 new CORONA€”VIRUS infections and 461—CORONA€”VIRUS—RELATED deaths in the last —24—HOURS, taking the official death toll to 35,311. Developers of RUSSIA—2. vaccine against COVID—19—SAID mass production would begin.
20201123             — JENNIFER—COHN (@jennycohn1) 20201120             20201211202434
20211120             —REACHED, Total USA COVID—19—CASES, over 47,672,306 with the death toll at 770,804.
20211120             —ABOUT 80—LOOTERS in ski masks ransacked 1—NORDSTROM location in Walnut Creek, about 25—MILES outside S—FRANCISCO, in 1—SCENE described by witnesses as "insane" and like something "out of 1—MOVIE".
20211120             Most of the looters got away. 3—PEOPLE were arrested.
20211120             —PAUSED, THE—WALT—DISNEY—COMPANY, 1—CORONA€”VIRUS vaccine mandate for employees of its FLORIDA theme park —AFTER THE—STATE—LEGISLATURE and THE—GOVERNOR made it illegal for employers to require all workers get the shots.
20211120             Officials said AFGHANISTAN—TALIBAN administration will begin paying the overdue SALARIES—OF—GOVERNMENT—WORKERS—TODAY.
20211120             AUSTRIA, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, MANY—OF—THEM—FAR—RIGHT—SUPPORTERS, protested in VIENNA against CORONA€”VIRUS restrictions —1—DAY—AFTER AUSTRIA—GOVERNMENT announced 1—NEW—LOCKDOWN and said vaccines would be made compulsory —NEXT—YEAR.
20211120             THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—GOVERNMENT said it is seeking to eliminate all avoidable plastic waste.
20211120             Under proposals in a —12—WEEK—PUBLIC—CONSULTATION, businesses and consumers will need to move towards more sustainable alternatives.
20211120             —RECORDED, BRITAIN, 40,941 daily COVID—19—CASES, 1—DECREASE on —1—DAY—EARLIER—WHEN 44,242 cases were recorded.
20211120             1—TOTAL—OF—1.076—BILLION people in the country have received the required number of doses for their COVID vaccination.
20211120             65.73—MILLION—PEOPLE have received 1—BOOSTER dose.
20211120             PRESIDENT—NAYIB—BUKELE said EL—SALVADOR plans to build the world's 1. "Bitcoin City", funded —INITIALLY by BITCOIN—BACKED bonds, doubling down on his bet to harness the crypto currency to fuel investment in THE—CENTRAL—USA—COUNTRY.
20211120             The city will be built near the Conchagua volcano to take advantage of geothermal energy to power both the city and Bitcoin mining.
20211120             —MARCHED, FRANCE, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, through PARIS and other cities to demand more government action to prevent violence against women.
20211120             —CHARGED, INDIA—POLICE said they had, senior executives of Amazon.com's local unit under narcotics laws in 1—CASE—OF alleged marijuana smuggling via the online retailer.
20211120             —SEIZED, IRAN—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARDS said they had, 1—FOREIGN ship in Gulf waters loaded with what they described as smuggled diesel.
20211120             —ANNOUNCED, IRAN, it has —NOW fully vaccinated 44—MILLION—PEOPLE, more than HALF—OF—ITS—POPULATION—OF—85—MILLION.
20211120             The country has been hit the worst by the pandemic in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20211120             —SCORED, THE—COALITION—OF—MALAYSIA—PRIME—MINISTER—ISMAIL—SABRI—YAAKOB, 1—CRUCIAL—WIN in 1—STATE—ELECTION seen as 1—TEST for the country's fractured political parties as they gear up for national polls that could be called by —NEXT—YEAR.
20211120             5—POLICE—OFFICERS were injured in THE—NETHERLANDS and at least 40—PEOPLE detained across 3—PROVINCES as violent protests against COVID—19—RESTRICTIONS continued for a 2. night.
20211120             200 vaccinated foreign tourists arrived in VIETNAM—BEACH—FRINGED ISLAND—OF—PHU—QUOC, the 1. WAVE—OF—VISITORS to the country in nearly —2—YEARS as it seeks to resurrect its PANDEMIC—RAVAGED tourism economy.
20211120             —FIRED, YEMEN—IRAN—ALIGNED Houthi movement said it had, 14—DRONES at several SAUDI—ARABIA—CITIES, including at SAUDI—ARABIA—ARAMCO facilities in Jeddah.
20211120             —ATTACHED, SAUDI—ARABIA—STATE—NEWS said THE—SAUDI—LED coalition has, 13—TARGETS —DURING 1—MILITARY—OPERATION against the Houthis in YEMEN.
20211120             —SAMSTAG, 20211120
20211120             —KRITISIERT, BRITISCHE—MINISTERIN, offene EU—BINNENGRENZEN: "Das Problem ist der SCHENGEN—RAUM"
20211120             —DIE—WOCHE: Kein Plan in AFGHANISTAN, Chaos beim Boostern, Einfluss der Anthroposophen
20211120             Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: 0—TOLERANZ für Ungeimpfte
20211120             Wegen Menschenrechtsverletzungen: Auch GROSSBRITANNIEN erwägt diplomatischen Boykott der Winterspiele in Peking
20211120             Ahrtal: Monteure berichten von Mangel an Heizungen fürs Flutgebiet
20211120             Der gemeinsame Friseursalon hat dem Ehepaar ein schönes großes Haus finanziert,
20211120             Der gemeinsame Friseursalon - hat - finanziert,
20211120             —GEDEUTET, Neue Anbieter haben die Zeichen der Zeit, sind scheinbar besser als die Banken —
20211120             die Zeichen der Zeit gedeutet - Immobilienverzehrkredit
20211120             vertreiben sie auch die Älteren systematisch aus den Filialen: —ERST zum Geldautomaten im Vorraum, dann an den Automaten, der in die Hauswand eingelassen ist, während die Kunden im Herbstregen stehen.
20211120             Als Rentnerin muss man erfinderisch sein.
20211120             Im Kampf gegen eine weitere CORONA—AUSBREITUNG treten —HEUTE im SAARLAND und in HAMBURG schärfere Regeln in Kraft.
20211120             So werden Ungeimpfte in der Hansestadt in weiten Teilen aus dem öffentlichen Leben ausgeschlossen.
20211120             Eine 2G-Pflicht gilt fortan für Gastronomie, Bars, Klub, Discos, Sport in geschlossenen Räumen sowie Freizeitchöre und Orchester.
20211120             Wesentliche körpernahe Dienstleistungen wie Fußpflege und medizinische Behandlungen sind weiterhin unter 3G-Bedingungen möglich.
20211120             —REGISTRIERT, RKI, 63.924—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN — Inzidenz steigt weiter
20211120             Lauterbach erwartet in weiteren Bundesländern TEIL—LOCKDOWNS
20211120             Bei unzureichender Impfquote könnte die wellenartige CORONA—AUSBREITUNG laut dem Präsidenten des ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUTS (RKI) nach der 4. Welle weitergehen.
20211120             "Wenn das Verringern der Kontakte und das Impfen nicht intensiv gelingt, werden wir —NACH—DEN jetzigen Modellierungen auch noch eine 5. Welle bekommen",
20211120             Es gelte, flächendeckend in DEUTSCHLAND Kontakte zu reduzieren und die Impfaktivitäten massiv zu steigern.
20211120             Sat 20211120             - [l] JENS—SPAHN hat eine tolle Idee:
20211120             Spahn über Pflegebonus: "5000—EURO plus x für Intensivpflegekräfte wäre angemessen"
20211120             Ach. Ach nee.
20211120             —JETZT bräuchten wir nur noch einen Gesundheitsminister, der das mal eben macht.
20211120             Kennen Sie zufällig einen, Herr Spahn?
20211120             Fragen Sie den doch mal, was er die letzten —2—JAHRE eigentlich gemacht hat.
20211120             —JETZT, wo er so gut wie in der Opposition ist, fällt ihm plätzlich ein, dass man Pflegekräfte ja auch mal menschenwürdig bezahlen könnte!
20211120             —JETZT, wo für die Umsetzung jemand anderes zuständig ist.
20211120             Da kommt mir ja echt die Galle hoch.
20211120             CASOS—DE—COVID—19/INCIDÊNCIA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS:—45.727—(+227)—|—ATIVOS:—2.246—|—ÓBITOS:—490—|—RECUPERADOS:—42.991
20211120             Internados: 41 | Em UCI: 7  | Ventilados: 4—INCIDÊNCIA 100—MIL / hab.
20211120             Land NRW, Kadaster, Esri, HERE, Garmin, FAO, NOAA, USGS | GEOBASIS—DE BKG 20180000             (Daten verändert) | Land NRW, Kadaster, Esri, HERE, Garmin, FAO, NOAA, USGS
20211120             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—3.009—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—277,7—FÄLLE—GESAMT—75.394—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—6.958,4—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—791—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.083.498
20211120             Coronapandemie: Maas entschieden gegen Impfpflicht für alle - Solarstrom: Endlich geht die Sonne auf
20211120             Lauterbach zur Coronalage: "Wir hätten vor 4—ODER —5—WOCHEN mit schärferen Einschränkungen beginnen müssen"
20211120             CHINESISCHE—MEDIENBERICHTE: Vermisste Tennisspielerin Peng angeblich daheim und wohlauf
20211120             Weltraumforschung: Astronautinnen und Astronauten werden im All größer
20211120             Steigende Buchungszahlen: TUI—CHEF sieht "ungebrochene Reiselust" der Deutschen
20211120             Nach Ausschreitungen in ROTTERDAM: "1—ORGIE—DER—GEWALT"
20211120             USA—PRÄSIDENT: JOE—BIDEN übersteht jährlichen Gesundheitscheck problemlos
20211120             Infektionen trotz hoher Impfquote: Warum GIBRALTAR kein Beweis für die angebliche Nutzlosigkeit der Coronaimpfung ist
20211120             Kritik am 3G-Modell: Drosten weist auf begrenzte Aussagekraft von Schnelltests hin
20211120             Coronapandemie: Thüringer Linke fordert Impfpflicht für alle
20211120             Wegen Haltbarkeit von MODERNA—VAKZINE: Kritik an Spahns Vorschlag zur Begrenzung von BIONTECH—IMPFSTOFF
20211120             Eskalation der Gewalt: 20—PROZENT mehr Morde in SÜDAFRIKA
20211120             Explodierende Infektionszahlen: Am Rande des Messbaren
20211120             Genetische Mutation: Katzenbaby mit 4—OHREN verzückt Instagram
20211120             Studieren unter Coronabedingungen: "Ich dachte, —JETZT werde alles besser — das Gegenteil ist der Fall"
20211120             Biorecycling: "Die Bakterien wachsen, wenn wir alte Magneten dazugeben"
20211120             Schuldzuweisungen in der Pandemie: Die Wut auf Ungeimpfte greift zu kurz
20211120             Kampf um Agrarpolitik: Landjugend und Umweltschützer werfen Ampelparteien Verweigerung vor
20211120             CORONA und die Linke: Brüchiger Impffrieden
20211120             —FUNKTIONIERT, Alltag von Abgeordneten: "Ich habe oft einfach nur "
20211120             Migrationskrise in Osteuropa: IRAKISCHE—GEFLÜCHTETE berichten nach Rückkehr aus BELARUS von Folter
20211120             Energieversorgung im Weltall: Nasa startet Ausschreibung für 1—KERNKRAFTWERK auf dem Mond
20211120             CHILE vor der Wahl: "Ich muss doch für mein Volk kämpfen" Aus SANTIAGO—DE—CHILE berichtet KLAUS—EHRINGFELD
20211120             CANNABIS—LEGALISIERUNG: Wie steht es um das DEUTSCHE—GRAS?
20211120             Podcast über SEBASTIAN—KURZ: NAZI—EKLATS, Vetternwirtschaft und 1—ENTHÜLLUNG
20211120             Nachfolger von AXEL—WEBER: SCHWEIZER—GROSSBANK—UBS holt Investmentbanker COLM—KELLEHER als Präsidenten
20211120             Flüchtlinge in BELARUS an der Grenze: "Gibt es endlich gute Nachrichten aus DEUTSCHLAND?
20211120             WIEN: Zehntausende gehen gegen Lockdown auf die Straße
20211120             [l] Für eine wunderschöne Illustration für Gründe gegen Zentralisierung über "die Cloud" bietet sich gerade Tesla an, wo nach einem Ausfall die Leute ihre Autos nicht mehr aufschließen konnten.
20211120             Elon Musk entschuldigt sich auf Twitter: Mehrere TESLA—FAHRER nach Ausfall der App ausgesperrt
20211120             424 - 628_DGS_boletim_20211120              20211120             MATRIZ DE RISCO
20211120             Realização da análise: 20211911
20211120             COVID—19 | RELATÓRIO—DE—SITUAÇÃO | 20212011
20211120             Fonte: INSA/ DGS  |  Nota metodológica: aqui
20211120             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 191,2 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB Continente: 190,9 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211120             R(t) Nacional: 1,17 Continente: 1,18
20211120             Total Cases 256.996.835  Total Deaths 5.144.916  Total Vaccine Doses Administered 7.367.150.494
20211120             "Körperöffnungen möglichst dicht halten": 35.000—DEMONSTRIEREN mit Nazis und Querdenkern in WIEN
20211120             SCHWEDEN: Rechtspopulistischer Politiker unter Mordverdacht verhaftet
20211120             107—KM/h innerorts: Polens Oppositionsführer Tusk muss Führerschein abgeben
20211120             FRANKREICH: Tausende demonstrieren gegen Gewalt an Frauen
20211120             Experte für islamistischen Terror: Bekannter SOMALISCHER—JOURNALIST stirbt bei Selbstmordanschlag
20211120             Tausende Menschen protestieren in AUSTRALIEN gegen CORONA—REGELN
20211120             Die größten Demonstrationen gab es laut örtlichen Medienberichten —AM—SAMSTAG in SYDNEY, MELBOURNE, BRISBANE, PERTH und ADELAIDE.
20211120             Allein in SYDNEY, der HAUPTSTADT—DES—BUNDESSTAATES—NEW—SOUTH—WALES, beteiligten sich nach Polizeiangaben rund 10.000—MENSCHEN an einer Kundgebung.
20211120             Die Proteste seien weitgehend friedlich verlaufen,
20211120             Tausende protestierten gegen CORONA—MAßNAHMEN in WIEN
20211120             Nach Schätzungen der Polizei kamen in WIEN —AM—FRÜHEN—NACHMITTAG rund 7000—MENSCHEN zu einer Kundgebung.
20211120             —SKANDIERT, Immer wieder wurde "Freiheit".
20211120             VIELE—DEMONSTRANTEN trugen keine FFP2-Masken und verstießen damit gegen die Auflagen.
20211120             Nächtliche Ausgangssperre für Ungeimpfte im SCHWARZWALD—BAAR—KREIS
20211120             Wegen eines außergewöhnlich starken Anstiegs an CORONA—INFEKTIONEN
20211120             "So liegt die —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ pro 100 000—EINWOHNER —NACH—DEM angegebenen Berichtsstand bei einem Wert von 659,6—UND damit deutlich über dem Landesdurchschnitt",
20211120             h - Tausende demonstrieren in ZAGREB gegen CORONA—MAßNAHMEN
20211120             Die Teilnehmer der Kundgebung forderten immer wieder den Rücktritt des konservativen Regierungschefs Andrej Plenkovi?
20211120             Außerdem skandierten sie: "Keine Kapitulation!
20211120             KROATIEN, stiegen die CORONA—INFEKTIONSZAHLEN zuletzt stark an.
20211120             Nur 46,5 PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG sind vollständig geimpft.
20211120             Die —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ pro 100 000—EINWOHNER lag —AM—SAMSTAG bei 789, mehr als doppelt so hoch wie in DEUTSCHLAND.
20211120             In den letzten —7—TAGEN starben im Schnitt täglich 58—MENSCHEN an COVID—19.
20211120             Die Thüringer Linke hat sich für 1—CORONA—IMPFPFLICHT ausgesprochen.
20211120             Ein entsprechender Dringlichkeitsantrag wurde —AM—SAMSTAG bei einem Landesparteitag in Bad Blankenburg angenommen.
20211120             In dem kurzfristig noch leicht veränderten Antrag hieß es: Wenn das sich zuspitzende CORONA—INFEKTIONSGESCHEHEN weitere Einschränkungen auch für geimpfte Menschen notwendig mache, "erscheint eine allgemeine Impfpflicht geeignet, erforderlich und angemessen, um eine folgenreiche Überlastung des Gesundheitssystems nachhaltig abzuwenden".
20211120             In einer 1. VERSION—DES—ANTRAGES war noch von einer Impfpflicht für bestimmte Berufsgruppen die Rede.
20211120             Per Änderungsantrag wurde dies dann aber in eine allgemeine Impfpflicht umgewandelt.
20211120             SLOWAKEI meldet Rekordwert an CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN
20211120             ÖSTERREICH, haben 35.000—MENSCHEN gegen Coronamaßnahmen protestiert.
20211120             Impfgegner hatten zuvor in sozialen Netzwerken vor "staatlich organisierten" und "geheimen" Impfaktionen gewarnt.
20211120             ITALIEN, steigen Inzidenzen und Hospitalisierungsrate
20211120             Landesregierung beschließt schärfere Coronaregeln für SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20211120             An privaten Zusammenkünften innerhalb geschlossener Räume dürfen nicht mehr als 10—UNGEIMPFTE Personen teilnehmen.
20211120—20200400    —SEIT, ZAHL—DER—COVID—TOTEN in BRASILIEN auf niedrigstem Stand
20211120—20211119    —BY, Wu Liangyou, 1—OFFICIAL at the National Health Commission (NHC), said CHINA had given 76.3—PERCENT—OF—ITS—POPULATION—COMPLETE—COVID—19—VACCINE doses.
20211120—20220000    —AB, Die Teilnehmer kritisierten den ab —MONTAG verfügten Lockdown sowie die geltende CORONA—IMPFLICHT als Zwangsmaßnahmen.
202203051120         —ARRESTED, USA Olympic women's basketball champion, in RUSSIA on suspicion of smuggling vapes with hash OIL—RUSSIA—FEDERAL—CUSTOMS—SERVICE
202203111120         Rostec says its website came under cyberattack
202203112037         Lukashenko, Putin agree on supply to BELARUS of modern military equipment, SOURCE  MINSK
202203112059         Bastrykin orders probe —AFTER mass graves of local residents discovered in liberated parts of LPR
202203211201         Gazprom does not book transit capacity via POLAND —FOR—APRIL, additional transit via UKRAINE not offered
202203211202         Fines for fakes about RUSSIA—STATE—BODIES—OF—AUTHORITY to top 5—MLN rubles, up to —15—YEARS in prison, SOURCE  amendments
202203311120         RUSSIA to introduce quota on exporting sunflower oil as of 20220415             , to ban exporting sunflower seeds, rapeseeds as of 20220401             , SOURCE  Agriculture Ministry
202203311207         UK imposes sanctions on Gazprom Media HEAD—ZHAROV, National Defense Control Center HEAD—MIZINTSEV, JOURNALIST—BRILEV
202204011200         CENTRAL—BANK approves rules for special gas payment accounts, Gazprombank promises 'convenient, technologically advanced' payment in rubles
202204211204         —VERBIETET, ESTLAND, Z—SYMBOL
202207112041 ========NEWS appended
202207112041 ========END NEWS appended
202207211120 ========—APPENDED, NEWS
202207211120 ========—APPENDED, END NEWS
202208112018         Kuleba to Scholz: This isn't —JUST PUTIN—WAR — Russians overwhelmingly support it
20221120             —SONNTAG, 20221120
20221120             COP27 in ÄGYPTEN: UNO—KLIMAKONFERENZ einigt sich auf Abschlusserklärung
20221120             "Das Volk hat gesprochen": Twitter entsperrt Account von EX—USA—PRÄSIDENT—TRUMP
20221120             Kurdische Stellungen: TÜRKEI fliegt Luftangriffe in Nordsyrien und Nordirak
20221120             MOSCOW, 20221119             . - /TASS/.
20221120             —ARMED, THE—UKRAINIAN, forces have carried out 12—STRIKES against the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant (NPP) —ON—SATURDAY, for the 1. time —SINCE—SEPTEMBER, Renat Karchaa, 1—ADVISOR to the director general of RUSSIA—ROSENERGOATOM company, said in 1 televised INTERVIEW—WITH—ROSSIYA 24—NEWS—CHANNEL.
20221120             "12—STRIKES hit the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant from 5.15—P.m. to 5.41—P.m. We mean THE—PERIMETER—OF—THE—PLANT, but not the industrial zone or ANY—OTHER—AREAS—ADJACENT to the plant," Karchaa said.
20221120             —POINTED, Karchaa, out that the splash pool, which is PART—OF—THE—NPP cooling system, was hit 6—TIMES, 2—MORE—IMPACTS were recorded in the dry cask storage of spent nuclear fuel and 3—MORE—STRIKES were documented near Checkpoint 2.
20221120             "The bombardment was massive indeed," said the advisor to the Rosenergoatom CEO".
20221120             The plant has not been 1—TARGET—SINCE—LATE—SEPTEMBER," he added.
20221120             —EMPHASIZED, Karchaa, that there were no casualties among the personnel.
20221120             "—TODAY it ended up with damage and destruction that will be clarified tomorrow —MORNING," he said".
20221120             —TODAY is —SATURDAY, so there are far fewer personnel at the plant than on weekdays.
20221120             And luckily, there were no casualties, as it ended up with —JUST damage," he added.
20221120             —WARNED, Karchaa, that such shelling might trigger nuclear contamination.
20221120             THE—ZAPOROZHYE nuclear power plant is the largest in EUROPE.
20221120             RUSSIA took CONTROL—OF—IT —AT—THE—END—OF—FEBRUARY—DURING its special military operation.
20221120             —SWITCHED, Currently the plant's 6—ENERGY—UNITS have been, to cold shutdown mode —SINCE the facility was being regularly shelled by UKRAINE—TROOPS.
20221120             —IN—SEPTEMBER, —FOLLOWING 1—VISIT by THE—IAEA—MISSION, the agency urged the creation of 1—SECURITY—PROTECTION—ZONE—AROUND the plant to prevent emergency situations due to hostilities.
20221120             Currently, THE—DISCUSSION—OF—THE—SECURITY—ZONE'S—GEOGRAPHIC—PARAMETERS is underway.
20221120             TOKYO, 20221120             . - /TASS/.
20221120             —CENSURED, FORMER—JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER—YOSHIRO—MORI has, UKRAINE—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—ZELENSKYY for having caused suffering to MANY—OF—HIS—FELLOW—CITIZENS, says 1—ARTICLE published on the website of THE—NIKKEI newspaper —ON—SUNDAY.
20221120             "Why is it that everyone criticizes RUSSIA—PRESIDENT [VLADIMIR] Putin, but no 1—BASHES ZELENSKYY?
20221120             "THE—JAPAN—MEDIA—PRACTICES a 1—SIDED approach, they act in accordance with WEST—SOURCES—OF—INFORMATION.
20221120             I can't shake the feeling that they use only American and European media publications," Mori noted.
20221120             —EXPRESSED, In addition, Mori, the opinion that THE—USA has taken a 1—SIDED position on the situation —AROUND UKRAINE, which affected JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER—FUMIO—KISHIDA—STANCE on the issue.
20221120             Yoshiro Mori, 85, was JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER 20000400—20010400    —FROM—TO.
20221120             RUSSLAND hat laut einem USA—MEDIENBERICHT 1—ABKOMMEN mit dem IRAN geschlossen, um IRANISCHE—ANGRIFFSDROHNEN für den KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—UKRAINE im eigenen Land herzustellen.
20221120             —DERZEIT werde daran gearbeitet, die Produktion binnen —MONATEN in Gang zu bringen,
20221120             schrieb die "WASHINGTON—POST" unter Berufung auf Geheimdienstinformationen.
20221120             Die RUSSISCHEN—STREITKRÄFTE verlegen nach Erkenntnissen des UKRAINISCHEN—GENERALSTABS aus dem Gebiet Cherson abgezogene Einheiten in die Gebiete Donezk und LUHANSK im Osten der UKRAINE.
20221120             LUHANSK, richteten die RUSSISCHEN—BESATZER zusätzliche Kontrollpunkte ein, um Deserteure zu identifizieren und festzunehmen, teilte der UKRAINISCHE—GENERALSTAB mit.
20221120             Die RUSSISCHE—ARMEE greife zwar massiv mit Raketen an, es sei aber wahrscheinlich noch zu früh, von einer neuen Großoffensive zu sprechen,
20221120             Die Geschiche des Geldes (MICHAEL—NORTH) [Ringvorlesung GELD—UND Finanzsystem #2]
20221120             Katastrophenschutz entwarnt: Großflächiger Stromausfall ÄUß—ERST unwahrscheinlich
20221120             Brexit: PREMIERMINISTER—RISHI—SUNAK strebt offenbar Beziehungen zur EU nach Vorbild der SCHWEIZ an
20221120             Gasversorgung: Schwimmende LNG—TERMINALS deutlich teurer als geplant
20221120             Erneute Explosionen am AKW Saporischschja: "Ihr spielt mit dem Feuer!"
20221120             Ernüchternde Klimakonferenz COP27: Im Hintergrund agieren die Saboteure
20221120             Für die unter den Folgen des UKRAINE—KRIEGS besonders leidende REPUBLIK MOLDAU wird —AM—MONTAG in PARIS eine internationale Geberkonferenz organisiert.
20221120             Dabei geht es um weitere Hilfszusagen für die zwischen RUMÄNIEN und der UKRAINE liegende ehemalige Sowjetrepublik
20221120             Der RUSSISCH—ORTHODOXE PATRIARCH—KYRILL—I hat sich erneut hinter KREML—CHEF—WLADIMIR—PUTIN gestellt.
20221120             Bei einem Gottesdienst an seinem 76. Geburtstag —AM—SONNTAG in Moskau sagte er laut Kirchenangaben, er stimme mit Putin bei "sehr wichtigen FRAGEN—DER—GEGENWART" überein.
20221120             Er dankte dem STAATSCHEF für die Bedingungen, unter denen die RUSSISCH—ORTHODOXE Kirche —HEUTE arbeiten könne.
20221120             Kyrill I. wünschte sich in der CHRIST—ERLÖSER—KATHEDRALE zugleich Frieden und den Sieg über ALLE—GEGNER.
20221120             Wirtschaftsethiker über Gerechtigkeit in der Krise: "Wer ein hohes Einkommen hat, leidet nicht unter 10—PROZENT Inflation"
20221120             ASTANA, 20221120             .
20221120             /TASS/. - KAZAKHSTAN—INCUMBENT PRESIDENT—KASSYM—JOMART Tokayev is leading —SUNDAY—EARLY—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTIONS with 85.52—PERCENT—OF—VOTES, according to the exit poll conducted by the Amanat party's INSTITUTE—OF—PUBLIC—POLICY.
20221120             According to the poll, Zhiguli Dairabayev is winning 2.67—PERCENT—OF—VOTES, Meiram Kazhyken - 2.43%, Karakat Abden - 2.61%, Saltanat Tursynbekova - 1.44%, Nurlan Auyesbayev - 1.93% As many as 3.40—PERCENT—OF—VOTERS opted for the "against all" candidate.
20221120             Tokayev is leading —SUNDAY—EARLY—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTIONS with 82.45—PERCENT—OF—VOTES, according to the exit poll conducted by the Open Society INTERNATIONAL institute of regional studies.
20221120             According to the poll, Zhiguli Dairabayev is winning 3.33—PERCENT—OF—VOTES, Meiram Kazhyken - 2.23%, Karakat Abden - 2.54%, Saltanat Tursynbekova - 2.08%, Nurlan Auyesbayev - 2.17% As many as 5.20—PERCENT—OF—VOTERS opted for the "against all" candidate.
20221120             Early presidential elections were held in KAZAKHSTAN —ON—SUNDAY.
20221120             6—CANDIDATES, including incumbent PRESIDENT—KASSYM—JOMART Tokayev, are vying for the presidential office.
20221120             More than 10,000 polling stations, including 68 in 53—FOREIGN—COUNTRIES, were opened for 11.95—MILLION—ELIGIBLE—VOTERS.
20221120             The voter turnout was 69.43%
20221120             15—SYRIA—SOLDIERS killed in TURKEY—AIR—STRIKES at Kurdish AREAS—TV
20221120             According to —EARLIER reports, 6—SOLDIERS from army units that has been deployed to NORTH—SYRIA to repel 1—POSSIBLE—TURKEY—ATTACK were killed
20221120             BEIRUT, 20221120             . - /TASS/.
20221120             —KILLED, At least 15—SYRIA—SOLDIERS were, in TURKEY—MASSIVE—STRIKE at Kurdish areas in THE—ALEPPO, Raqqa, and AL—HASAKAH governorates, THE—ERBIL—BASED Rudaw television channel reported —ON—SUNDAY.
20221120             Apart from that, 14—CIVILIANS, including a local reporter, were also killed.
20221120             —REPORTED, The biggest NUMBER—OF—CASUALTIES was, from THE—VICINITY—OF—THE—CITY—OF—AL—MALIKIYAH, where TURKEY—AIR—RAID left 11—PEOPLE—DEAD and 6—MORE wounded.
20221120             1—ELECTRICITY—PLANT feeding the city was damaged.
20221120             The losses of the Kurdish UNITS—OF—THE—SYRIA—DEMOCRATIC—FORCES (SDF) amounted to 30—PEOPLE, either killed or wounded.
20221120             —DELIVERED, THE—SDF command said —EARLIER that 1—AIR—STRIKE had been, at THE—CENTER—OF—THE—CITY—OF—AYN—AL—ARAB (or Kobani) located 150—KILOMETERS of the governorate's center of ALEPPO.
20221120             —CALLED, THE—SDF, on THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY to "pay attention to the barbarous ACTIONS—OF—TURKEY—TROOPS and their consequences for THE—CIVIL—POPULATION".
20221120             —MEANWHILE, TURKEY—DEFENSE—MINISTRY reported that 89—TARGETS had been destroyed —DURING the night air attack in NORTH—IRAQ and Syria.
20221120             —CLAIMED, The ministry, that strikes had been delivered at PLACES—OF—DEPLOYMENT—OF—THE—KURDISTAN Workers' Party and SYRIA—KURDISH—UNITS that are outlawed in TURKEY.
20221120             —BACKED, The air strike was, by artillery fire.
20221120             Experts say that TURKEY—CROSS—BORDER—OPERATION in NORTH—IRAQ and Syria was 1—RESPONSE to 20221113             —THE terror attack in ISTANBUL, which left 6—PEOPLE—DEAD and more than 80 injured.
20221120             Investigators place the blame for it on the Kurdistan Workers' Party and PEOPLE—DEFENSE—UNITS.
20221120             DEUTSCHLAND hat POLEN angeboten, PATRIOT—RAKETENABWEHRSYSTEME zur Verfügung zu stellen.
20221120             Dies solle beitragen, den Luftraum des Landes zu sichern, —NACHDEM vergangene —WOCHE 1—RAKETE in POLEN abgestürzt war, sagte Verteidigungsministerin CHRISTINE—LAMBRECHT
20221120             —SEIT—WOCHEN halten Hackerangriffe die Australier und Australierinnen auf Trab.
20221120             Die Serie an Datendiebstählen startete —IM—SEPTEMBER mit dem Telekommunikationsanbieter Optus.
20221120             Was —IN—DEN—TAGEN nach der Cyberattacke ans Tageslicht kam, entwickelte sich zum Krimi mit 10—MILLIONEN Hauptdarstellern.
20221120             Denn genau so VIELE—AUSTRALIER waren von dem Hack betroffen.
20221120             Bei nur 26—MILLIONEN Menschen waren dies fast 40—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG.
20221120             EINIGE—FACHLEUTE nannten den Fall die schlimmste Datenschutzverletzung in der Geschichte Australiens.
20221120             Der Angriff auf Optus war so umfassend, dass er weltweite Schlagzeilen machte und 1—DEBATTE auslöste, wie AUSTRALIEN Daten schützt und mit dem Thema Privatsphäre umgeht.
20221120             noch während der Debatte entdeckten Hacker eine weitere Sicherheitslücke.
20221120             Dieses Mal traf es den größten Krankenversicherer des Landes Medibank.
20221120             Dieser meldete —MITTE—OKTOBER, dass die Daten aller seiner 4—MILLIONEN Kundinnen und Kunden kompromittiert wurden, einschließlich sensibler Informationen über gesundheitsbezogene Angaben.
20221120             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Die gestohlenen Daten wurden auf einem Blog, der mit der RUSSISCHEN—RANSOMWARE—GRUPPE Revil verknüpft ist, wie lokale Medien berichteten.
20221120             Nach Optus und Medibank traf es einen der größten Supermärkte des Landes, wo die Daten von 2,2 Millionen Kunden und Kundinnen geknackt wurden.
20221120             Kurz danach meldete der Onlineweinhändler Vinomofo, Hacker hätten auf Daten von einer halben Million Kunden zugegriffen.
20221120             Und Ende —OKTOBER wurde sogar 1—KOMMUNIKATIONSPLATTFORM des AUSTRALISCHEN—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUMS von Hackern kompromittiert.
20221120             Laut ROBIN—DOSS, der ein auf Cybersicherheit spezialisiertes Forschungszentrum an der AUSTRALISCHEN—DEAKIN University leitet, muss 1—MITSCHULD bei den AUSTRALISCHEN—FIRMEN und Organisationen gesucht werden.
20221120             Sie hätten einige, eigentlich selbstverständliche Sicherheitskontrollen für Firmen, die mit sensiblen Daten arbeiten, nicht implementiert, so der Experte
20221120             Hier spielt laut Doss der aktuelle geopolitische Kontext eine entscheidende Rolle: "Wir wissen, dass 1—GROSSTEIL—DER—CYBERKRIMINALITÄT staatlich unterstützt, wenn nicht sogar staatlich gefördert wird", sagte er.
20221120             Die Ausrichtung Australiens in Richtung USA, GROSSBRITANNIEN, JAPAN und INDIEN mache das Land inzwischen zu einem konkreten Ziel für Cyberkriminalitätssyndikate aus Ländern wie NORDKOREA, CHINA und RUSSLAND.
20221120             Im sogenannten Quad arbeitet das Land eng mit JAPAN, INDIEN und den USA zusammen.
20221120             —IM—OKTOBER zudem, unterzeichnete AUSTRALIEN—Sicherheitspakt mit JAPAN.
20221120             —GEFALLEN, AUSTRALIEN—Sicherheitspakt mit JAPAN dürfte weder CHINA noch NORDKOREA.
20221120—20210900    —IM, Noch gewichtiger ist aber der geschlossene Sicherheitspakt mit dem Namen Aukus, unter dem AUSTRALIEN, GROSSBRITANNIEN und die USA ihre militärische Kooperation ausbauen.
20221120—20221118    —CAUSED, He has, suffering to MANY—UKRAINIANS," THE—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER said, speaking at 1—EVENT organized by Muneo Suzuki, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—UPPER—HOUSE—OF—PARLIAMENT, in TOKYO.
20221120—20300000    —BIS, ARTEMIS—PROGRAMM: Nasa stellt Besiedelung des Mondes in Aussicht