Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 7. November ?

Ereignisse an einem 7. November

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00601107             * KEIK?—KAISER—VON—JAPAN, 12.
01981107             † CHINESISCHER—KRIEGSHERR—LÜ—BU,
06441103—06441107    † UTHMAN, —4—DAYS—LATER—ON.
06801107             6. ÖKUMENISCHES—KONZIL, KONSTANTINOPEL, zusammentritt.
07391107             † [S—CLEMENS]WILLIBRORD—BISHOP—OF—UTRECHT[1.] (81), and saint, in LUXEMBOURG.
09941107             * MUHAMMAD—IBN—HAZM, historian, jurist, AUTHOR—OF—ISLAM—SPAIN.
10151107—20151107    1.—000—JAHRE—ALT- in den vergangenen, Generell gebe es wenig Übereinstimmung in Länge, Stärke und Zeitabschnitt von trockenen und feuchten Phasen zwischen EUROPA, ASIEN, NORD—AMERIKA
10151107—20201107    —VERGANGENE—1.—000—JAHRE, in den, Generell gebe es wenig Übereinstimmung in Länge, Stärke und ZEIT—ABSCHNITT—VON—TROCKEN—PHASEN und FEUCHT—PHASEN zwischen EUROPA, ASIEN, NORD—AMERIKA
11260101             A HISTÓRIA—SECRETA—DE—PORTUGAL Por: AFONSO 20040426110700
11651107             —NACH, GUNZELIN—KONVERSE—UND—MÖNCH t
11731107             † KOREA—GORYEO—REICH—KÖNIG—UIJONG, 18.
12251107             † REICHSVERWESER—ENGELBERT—I—VON—KÖLN—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—KÖLN, wird von Gefolgsleuten seines Verwandten GRAF—FRIEDRICH—VON—ISENBERG getötet.
12251107             † S—ENGELBERT—I—ARCH—BISHOP—OF—COLOGNE, (40), was murdered.
12251107             —DARAUFHIN, schrieb CAESARIUS DIE—VITA—S—ENGELBERTI.
12251107             —VITA—S—ENGELBERTI Geplant waren insgesamt 8—BÜCHER, von denen nur das 1. Buch und das 2. Buch erhalten sind.
12251107             † S—ENGELBERT—I—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—KÖLN, ermordet.
13101107             —APUD—CAVUM—MONTEM^Mandat infrascripto si Bencivennae S—MARIA—DE—VILLA—ALVA—FULGINATENSIS—DIOCESIS—RECTORIS querelam veritate inniti invenerit, Trinciarellum moneat^ ut ab iniuria desistat (CAP—952, f. 236).
13241107             wo DER—PAPA HEINRICH—GRAF—VON—FLANDERN[FLANDRES,VLANDRES] zum treuen Aushalten im Dienst der KIRCHE ermahnt.
13271107             Luccolo e GILLO—DI—GIOVANNELLO—DI—ANDREUCCOLO confermano LA—VENDITA—DI—1—PEZZO—DI—TERRA, posta NELLA—VILLA—DI—ALFIOLO, fatta da donna Fioruccia, loro madre, a Bartolello di Angioluccio di Petruccolo
14571107             † DANJONG, 6. KÖNIG—DER—JOSEON—DYNASTIE in KOREA
14901107             —VERSPROCHEN, dem LADISLAW—VON—BÖHMEN—KÖNIG—VON—UNGARN 200.000—DUCATEN wurden.
14901107             —FRIEDE—ZU—PREßBURG schließen KAISER—MAXIMILIAN mußte.den,
14901107             —ERNEUERT, wo die alten FAMILIEN—VERTRÄGE,
14901107             —AM, wo die alten Familienverträge erneuert,
14901107             —FRIEDE—VON—PRESSBURG, Der in UNGARN eingedrungene, aber mit seinem Heer unterlegene RÖMISCH—DEUTSCHER—KÖNIG—MAXIMILIAN—I. schließt den.
14901107             —AM, 1 1. FRIEDENS—VERTRAG—VON—PRESSBURG geschlossen, auch bekannt als DER—FRIEDE—ZU—PREßBURG
14901107             —IM FRIEDENS—VERTRAG—VON—PRESSBURG einigte sich das KÖNIGREICH—UNGARN mit dem HABSBURG—ERZHERZOG—MAXIMILIAN—I. (später Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reichs),
14901107             —DASS der ungarische Adel VLADISLAV—II—VON—BÖHMEN als neuen König akzeptierte und damit auf den MAXIMILIAN—KÖNIGREICH—UNGARN—THRON—ANSPRUCH  verzichtete.
14921107             1—METEORITE landed in ENSISHEIM—GERMANY.
14921107             Der als METEORIT—VON—ENSISHEIM, BEKANNT—GEWORDENE Meteorit stürzt in 1—WEIZENFELD zwischen Ensisheim und BATTENHEIM—ELSASS.
14921107—20070000    —IN, 1—PIECE—OF—THE—STONE was put up for auction.
14951107             LE—ROI—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH retrouve LA—REINE—ANNE et LA—COUR à LYON,
14961107             —MONTAG
14971107             † PHILIPP—II—HERZOG—VON—SAYOYEN
15021107             —ALLI, venne nuova che il PAPA s' era ritirato in CASTEL—S—ANGELO e avevano rotto 1—MURO e non si poteva partire.
15021107             Per tutta ROMA si gridava ORSO, ORSO — COLONNA COLONNA — FELTRO, FELTRO.
15041107             —COLUMBUS—RETURNED—TO—SPAIN —FOLLOWING his 4. voyage —AFTER suffering 1—SHIPWRECK at JAMAICA.
15051107             —DAY—BEFORE—THE—VISITATION—OF—MARY, this young man was violently torn from his side — SOME—SAY by lightning, whilst others relate that he was stabbed,
1522051611071101     —AM, REVEREND—MARTIN—LUTHER affixed to THE—MAIN—GATE 1—CHALLENGE " to the false prophets and wolves," and ULRICH—VON—HUTTEN sent 1—LETTER—OF—DEFIANCE to Meyer, in
1523012011071101     —AM, We —THEREFORE believe that we shall best conclude our examination of ERASMUS—VON—ROTTERDAM by introducing
1523040411071101     —AM, NIGHT—OF—GOOD—FRIDAY, by LEONARD—KOPPE, 1—BURGHER—OF—TOR—GAU, assisted by 1—FEW of his friends.
1523040411071101     —AM, NIGHT—OF—GOOD—FRIDAY, From TOR—GAU the fugitives proceeded to WITTENBERG, where
1523040411071101     —AM, NIGHT—OF—GOOD—FRIDAY, LUTHER provided for their accommodation.
1523040411071101     —AM, NIGHT—OF—GOOD—FRIDAY, Katharine, 8—OTHER—YOUNG—LADIES, to ALL—OF—WHOM the veil had grown too burdensome,
1523040411071101     —AM, NIGHT—OF—GOOD—FRIDAY, were, not without the knowledge of LUTHER, abducted from their convent
1523120111071101     —STRAßBURG—MUNICIPY—AUTHORITIES—ISSUED—1—DECREE commanding that all preachers should " in future preach nothing but the HOLY—GOSPEL and THE—TEACHINGS—OF—GOD,
1525050111071101     —AM, FESTIVAL—OF—THE—APOSTLES—PHILIPP and James 1—RUMOUR spread through  THE—CITY—OF—BASEL,
1525061311071101     —AM, —TUESDAY—AFTER—TRINITY—SUNDAY, accompanied by his friends,
15731107             † SOLOMON—LURIA (Maharshal), talmudic author (Yam Shel Shelomo).
16191107             ELISABETH—STUART, die Frau des —3—TAGE—ZUVOR gekrönten böhmischen Herrschers FRIEDRICH—I., wird im Prager Veitsdom zur KÖNIGIN—VON—BÖHMEN gekrönt.
16311107             —OBSERVED, PIERRE—GASSENDI, 1—TRANSIT—OF—MERCURY as predicted by Kepler.
16331107             † CORNELIS—DREBBEL, physicist, chemist, inventor (submarine).
16371107—16371108    —TRIED, ANNE—HUTCHINSON (15910000             *) and her followers were, as heretics and banished from the Mass Bay colony to RHODE—ISLAND.
16381107             Der Freisinger BISCHOF—VEIT—ADAM—VON—GEPECKH einweiht die Münchner Mariensäule auf dem Marienplatz.
16591107             —TRAITÉ—DES—PYRÉNÉES qui met un terme à LA—GUERRE—CONTRE—LE—ESPAGNE.
16591107             Der auf der Fasaneninsel im Bidasoa geschlossene
16591107             —PYRENÄEN—FRIEDE—ZWISCHEN FRANKREICH unter LUDWIG—XIV—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH und PHILIPP—IV—KÖNIG—VON—SPANIEN beendet Auseinandersetzungen der beiden Staaten —NACH—DEM—30—JAHRE—KRIEG, legt den PYRENÄEN—HOCHKAMM als Grenze fest, bringt FRANKREICH EINIGE—GEBIETSGEWINNE und begünstigt seinen Aufstieg zur kontinentalen Vormacht.
16600609—16601107    —AM, Die oo bekräftigt den des VOR—JAHRES zwischen LUDWIG—XIV—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH und PHILIPP—IV—KÖNIG—VON—SPANIEN auf der ISLA—DE—LOS—FAISANES geschlossenen Pyrenäenfrieden.
16651107             1. PUBLISHED, THE—LONDON—GAZETTE, the oldest surviving journal, was.
16651107             1. erscheint, Die LONDON—GAZETTE, die älteste noch bestehende ENGLISCHE—TAGESZEITUNG und offizielles Verlautbarungsorgan des Vereinigten Königreichs.
16651107             —PUBLISHED, THE—LONDON—GAZETTE, the oldest surviving journal, was 1..
16671107             —PREMIERED, JEAN—RACINE'S "Andromaque,", in PARIS.
16721107             —GEANTWORTET, AMERONGEN soll auf seine Missiven, werden, daß
16721107             DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN mit des GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG Marsch keineswegs zufrieden sind und
16721107             DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN nicht begreifeu, wie das vertragswidrige Untätigbleiben der Truppen am MAIN und in WEST—FALEN entschuldigt oder gutgenmeht werden kann;
16721107             ebensowenig, wie von ihnen, die die Feinde im Herzen ihres Landes ingt werden kann, -noch Truppen nach CÖLN[KÖLN] zu schicken, um
16721107             —DATUM
16811107             Zu ihrem sehr grossen LEID—WESEN haben sie —SCHON—LANGE bemerkt, daß
16921107             * Johannes G Schnabel, GERMANY—AUTHOR and surgeon (INSEL—FELSENBURG).
17001107             * ERDMUTHE—DOROTHEA—VON—ZINZENDORF, DEUTSCHE—PIETISTIN und Kirchenlieddichterin
17131107             * JOHANN—MARTIN—BERNIGEROTH, sächsischer Kupferstecher
17171107             * BENEDIKT—VON—AHLEFELDT—KOMMANDANT—VON—HELGOLAND und Landrat in Uetersen
17201107             * IRAKLI—II—KÖNIG—VON—GEORGIEN
17221107             —PREMIERED, RICHARD—STEELE'S "Conscious Lovers,", in LONDON.
17501107             In den ÖSTERREICHISCHEN—LÄNDERN ablöst der Konventionstaler den —BISHER geltenden Reichstaler.
17751107             —PROMISED, LORD—DUNMORE, freedom to MALE—SLAVES who would join THE—UK—ARMY.
17791107             —AM, FRANZ—VON—SERAING erhielt die Weihe
17851107             WIEN, wird die von KAISER—JOSEPH—II. gestiftete MEDIZINISCH—CHIRURGISCHE Akademie Josephinum im heutigen Gemeindebezirk Alsergrund ihrer Bestimmung übergeben.
17891107             —VOTE—DE—LA—ASSEMBLÉE—NATIONALE excluant du ministère ses propres membres
17901107             * LUIGI—RINALDO—LEGNANI, ITALIENISCHER—SÄNGER, Gitarrist und Komponist
17921107             LE—COMITÉ—DE—LÉGISLATION—DE—LA—CONVENTION par la vois de son rapporteur Mailhe
18011107             ALESSANDRO—VOLTA stellt die 1. Batterie der Öffentlichkeit vor.
18051107             —VAMPED, Lewis and Clark, opposite Pillar Rock, between Brookfield and DAHLIA—WASHINGTON, WEST—OF—JIM—CROW—POINT, in THE—ESTUARY—OF—THE—COLUMBIA—RIVER.
18061107             —CAPITULATION—DE—BLÜCHER à LÜBECK
18111107             —ENGAGED, Tenskwatawa, THE—BROTHER—OF—SHAWNEE—LEADER—TECUMSEH, was, in —BATTLE—OF—THE—WABASH,[BATTLE—OF—TIPPECANOE], in spite of his brother's strict admonition to avoid it.
18111107             —BATTLE—NEAR—THE—TIPPECANOE—RIVER with the regular and militia forces of INDIANA TERRITORY—GOVERNOR—WILLIAM—HENRY—HARRISON, took place —WHILE Tecumseh was OUT—OF—THE—AREA seeking support for 1—UNITED—INDIA—MOVEMENT.
18111107             —SCHLACHT—BEI—TIPPECANOE, AUFGCA—1—PRO—PHEZEIUNG—VON—TECUMSEH—BRUDER—TENSKWATAWA greift die indianische Föderation in der Morgendämmerung USA—TRUPPEN unter WILLIAM—H—HARRISON an, die diese Attacke jedoch abwehren können.
18111107             —BATTLE—OF—TIPPECANOE
18111107—18400000    —BATTLE—OF—TIPPECANOE also, PROVIDED, HARRISON—LEADERSHIP 1—USEFUL—CAMPAIGN slogan for his presidential bid.
18111107—18400000    —PROVIDED, HARRISON—LEADERSHIP in —THE—BATTLE also, 1—USEFUL—CAMPAIGN slogan for his presidential bid.
18141107             —ATTACKED, ANDREW—JACKSON, and captured PENSACOLA—FLORIDA, defeating the Spanish and driving out 1—UK—FORCE.
18171107             * AIMÉ—LOUIS—HERMINJARD, SCHWEIZER—EVANGELISCHER—GEISTLICHER, Paläologe und Hochschullehrer
18251107             Der junge Rechtsanwalt Jereboam O. Beauchamp ermordet den Politiker SOLOMON—P—SHARP, nach eigener Aussage, um die Ehre seiner Frau ANNE—COOKE—BEAUCHAMP zu verteidigen.
18251107             Die sogenannte BEAUCHAMP—SHARP—TRAGÖDIE wird von der Presse und in zahlreichen LITERARTUR—BEARBEITUNGEN aufgegriffen.
18280000—19101107    * † LEO—TOLSTOY, RUSSIA—EARL and writer (War & Peace), at the rural Astapovo train station [OS, NS=19101120             ].
18291107             An der OPÉRA—COMIQUE in PARIS findet die Uraufführung der komischen Oper Le dilettante d'Avignon von JACQUES—FROMENTAL—HALÉVY statt.
18371107             —INDICTED, Several persons were, in the killing, but they were found not guilty.
18371107             —KILLED, Lovejoy was, —WHILE defending 1—NEWLY arrived printing press.
18371107             —OPPOSED, People, to LOVEJOY—MISSION had already destroyed 3—PREVIOUS—PRESSES.
18391107             * HENRY—HOLMES, ENGLISCHER—KOMPONIST, Geiger und Musikpädagoge
18441107             Die Erstausgabe der Fliegenden Blätter erscheint in München.
18451107             * ERNST—SCHWERDTNER, Direktor des königlich sächsischen Lehrerseminars in Annaberg
18481107             Sieg der Kontrerevolution zu WIEN
18481107             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—136—KÖLN.
18481107             USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—MILLARD—FILLMORE, was.
18481107             With THE—EXCEPTION—OF—SOUTH—CAROLINA, who left the selection of electors to its legislature, the election of 18480000             marked the 1. time in which EVERY—STATE in the union voted for PRESIDENT—AND—VICE—PRESIDENT—ON—THE—SAME—DAY: Taylor won election over Cass, capturing 163—OF—THE—290—ELECTORAL—VOTES cast.
18481107             ZACHARY—TAYLOR was 1—INOFFENSIVE candidate in the anxious years leading up to THE—CIVIL—WAR because he had never taken 1—POSITION on 1—POLITICAL—ISSUE or even cast 1—VOTE in his life.
18481107             —ADDRESSED, —DURING his —16—MONTHS as PRESIDENT, Congress, the explosive ISSUE—OF—SLAVERY—EXPANSION to THE—WEST with the Compromise of 18500000             , but Taylor himself never had the opportunity to act on this issue.
18481107             ZACHARY—TAYLOR wird in der 1. USA—PRÄSIDENT—WAHL, die am selben —TAG in allen USA—BUNDES—STAATEN abgehalten werden, als USA—PRÄSIDENT gewählt.
18481107             —AM, die Niedersetzung eines Ausschusses,
18501106—18501107    Dieses von 1—BREITEN Öffentlichkeit gerühmte Ereignis sollte im KÖNIG—VON—PREUSSEN den Wunsch nach 1—EBENSO öffentlichkeitswirksamen MAßNAHME—GEGEN—POLITISCHE Gegner in seinem Land wecken:
18501106—18501107    —NACHT—VOM—AUF, IN—DER, CARL—SCHURZ, FREUND—KINKEL flohen durch MECKLENBURG nach LONDON und
18501106—18501107    —NUN, wurde GOTTFRIED—KINKEL durch seine gelungene Flucht 1—DREIMAL gefeierter Agitator, und DER—KÖNIG hatte zum Schaden noch den Spott zu tragen.
18501106—18501107    —VOM—AUF—DEN—IN—DER—NACHT war der BONNer PROFESSOR—GOTTFRIED—KINKEL—VON—CARL—SCHURZ aus dem Spandauer Gefängnis befreit worden.
18501107             CARL—SCHURZ, FREUND KINKEL flohen von LONDON nach PARIS,
18551107             * EDWIN—HALL, USA—PHYSIKER
18571107             —COLLAPSED, Dennistoun, Cross and Co., 1—USA—BANK with branches in LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, NEW—YORK and NEW—ORLEANS, taking with it THE—WEST—BANK—OF—SCOTLAND with 98—BRANCHES.
18571107             In THE—LAST—3—MONTHS—OF—THIS—YEAR there were 135—BANKRUPTCIES.
18571107             PAUL—MANKIEWITZ, entstammte einer jüdischen Arztfamilie und erwarb sich ENDE—DES—VORIGEN—JAHRHUNDERTS als Vertreter der DEUTSCHES—BANK—AN—DER—BERLINER—BÖRSE —ZUNÄCHST den Ruf eines Meisters der Arbitrage + Kenner des Handels mit RUSSISCHEN—WERTPAPIEREN und Devisen.
18611107             UNION—GENERAL—ULYSSES—S—GRANT launches an unsuccessful raid on BELMONT—MISSOURI.
18611107             —CAPTURED, Union forces, the Hilton HEAD—BEAUFORT—PORT Royal AREA—OF—SOUTH—CAROLINA.
18611107             * LESSER—URY, DEUTSCHER—MALER
18621107             —LOWERED, THE—BODY—OF—EXILED—BAHADUR—SHAH—ZAFAR—II was, into 1 unmarked grave in Rangoon (BURMA—MYANMAR).
18621107             * LOUIS—SVE?ENSKI, KROATISCH—AMERIKANISCHER—BRATSCHIST, Geiger und Musikpädagoge
18621107—18570000    —IN—THE, Zafar II, the last Mughal emperor in INDIA, was deposed sepoy mutiny.
18621107—20060000    —AUTHORED, WILLIAM—DALRYMPLE, "THE—LAST—MUGHAL: THE—FALL—OF—1—DYNASTY, DELHI, 18570000             ".
18631107             —BATTLE—OF—RAPPAHANNOCK—STATION, VIRGINIA, was fought.
18670000—19461107    * † Willis Linn Jepson, "PRO—FOUND Scholar, Inspiring Teacher, Indefatigable Botanical Explorer,", in BERKELEY—CALIFORNIA "In the ordered BEAUTY—OF—NATURE he found enduring communion".
18671107—19030000    —AWARDED, MARIE—CURIE was, THE—NOBEL—PRIZE—IN—PHYSICS with her husband
18671107—19110000    —IN, and in chemistry.
18671107—19340000    * † MARIE—CURIE, POLISH—BORN FRANCE—SCIENTIST, in WARSAW as Marya Salomee Sklodowska.
18671107—19340000    —INCLUDED, MARIE—CURIE—DISCOVERIES, polonium, radium, which she isolated from pitchblende, and the radioactivity of thorium.
18671107—19340000    "You cannot hope to build 1—BETTER—WORLD without improving the individuals. To that end EACH—OF—USA must work for his own improvement, and at THE—SAME—TIME—SHARE 1—GENERAL—RESPONSIBILITY for all humanity".
18691107             Auf der Strecke PARIS—ROUEN findet das 1. internationale Straßenradrennen der Welt statt.
18691107             Es siegt JAMES—MOORE.
18711107             Der FRANZÖSISCHER—POLITIKER LÉON—GAMBETTA gründet die Tageszeitung La République française.
18721107             USA—CARGO—SHIP—MARY—CELESTE set sail from NY on 1—JOURNEY which ended —WHEN it was found mysteriously abandoned THE—FOLLOWING—MONTH.
18741107             —APPEARED, The elephant 1., as 1—POLITICAL—ICON in 1—THOMAS—NAST cartoon in HARPER—WEEKLY.
18751107             —BECAME, Verney Cameron, the 1. European to cross equatorial AFRICA.
18761107             The presidential vote between (REPUBLICAN—RUTHERFORD B. Hayes and Democrat SAMUEL—TILDEN was very close and THE—FLORIDA result looked like it would determine THE—NATIONAL—OUTCOME.
18761107             LOUISIANA was stolen for Hayes.
18761107             13,000—TILDEN votes were discounted in LOUISIANA by 1—BRIBE—TAKING election BOARD.
18761107             —ELECTED, Rutherford B. Hayes was, 19. PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA.
18761107             SAMUEL—J—TILDEN (DEMOCRAT) won the popular vote.
18761107             —CARRIED, Hayes, the electoral college by 1—VOTE.
18761107             —RECEIVED, Lemonade Lucy oo PRESIDENT—HAYES, —LATER, the 1. Siamese cat in THE—USA.
18761107             —BECAME, EDWARD—BOUCHET, the 1. black to receive 1—PHD in USA—COLLEGE at Yale.
18761107             Die Oper Der Kuß von Bed?ich Smetana wird in Prag uraufgeführt.
18761107—19740000    —AUTHORED, PROFESSOR—JERRELL—SHOFNER, "Nor Is It Over," 1—STUDY—OF—18760000             —THE election.
18771107             * ARRIGO—SERATO, ITALIENISCHER—GEIGER und Musikpädagoge
18771107             † KAREL—SABINA, tschechischer radikaler Demokrat, PUBLIZIST—SCHRIFTSTELLER—LITERATUR—KRITIKER
18791107             [see 18791026             , 18791108             ]
18791107             * LEON—DAVIDOVITSJ—TROTSKY, [Leib Bronstein], RUSSIA—REVOLUTIONARY.
18791107             * LUDWIG—ADLER, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—GEBURTSHELFER und Gynäkologe
18811107             WYATT—EARP and DOC—HOLLIDAY, 2—PARTICIPANTS in Tombstone, ARIZONA's, famous Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, were jailed as the hearings on what happened in the fight grew near.
18831107             —LONDON, FRIEDRICH—ENGELS
18840000—19621107    * † Former 1. lady (19330000—19450000    ) Eleanor ROOSEVELT, in NEW—YORK—CITY and was buried near her husband at their estate in Hyde PARK—NEW—YORK.
18850000—19801107    * † STEVE—MCQUEEN, film actor, in JUAREZ—MEXICO, —50—JAHRE—ALT.
18851107             —COMPLETED, THE—CANADA—PACIFIC—RAILWAY, its transcontinental rail line with the last spike driven at the Rocky Mountain TOWN—OF—CRAIGELLACHIE.
18851107             Mit dem Setzen des LETZTE—NAGELS durch DONALD—SMITH in Craigellachie ist der Bau der transkanadischen Eisenbahnstrecke CANADA—PACIFIC Railway beendet.
18881107             † LUDWIG—MÜLLER—URI, DEUTSCHER—GLASMACHER, Kunstaugenbläser und Pionier der DEUTSCHES—AUGENPROTHETIK
18891107             DIE—DEUTSCHE—PLANKTON—EXPEDITION kehrt nach KIEL zurück.
18891107             Die beendete ozeanographische Forschungsreise im Atlantik war die weltweit 1., die sich dem Plankton widmete.
18911107             ANTON—BRUCKNER wird als erstem Komponisten von der UNIVERSITÄT—WIEN die Ehrendoktorwürde verliehen
18920000—19781107    * † JANET—FLANNER, USA—WRITER and journalist.
18921107             KIEW, erfolgt die öffentliche Uraufführung der Oper Chowanschtschina von Modest Petrowitsch Mussorgski.
18931107             —GRANTED, THE—STATE—OF—COLORADO, women residents the right to vote.
18931107             —KILLED, BARCELONA—SPAIN, 23—PEOPLE including 9—WOMEN, were, at Liceo Opera House by 1—BOMB thrown by anarchist SALVADOR—FRANCH.
18931107             Als REAKTION—AUF—DIE Hinrichtung des Attentäters von GENERAL—ARSENIO—MARTÍNEZ—CAMPOS verüben Anarchisten einen Bombenanschlag im Gran Teatre del Liceu in BARCELONA, der 23—MENSCHENLEBEN kostet.
18961107             HELSINKI, wird die Oper Jungfruburen (Mädchenkammer) von JEAN—SIBELIUS uraufgeführt.
18970000—19781107    * † GENE—TUNNEY, former heavyweight boxing champ (19260000—19280000    ).
19001107             * EFREM—KURTZ, conductor (HOUSTON Symph 19480000—19540000    ), in St PETERSBURG—RUSSIA.
19021107             Die Herkulesbahn in KASSEL nimmt mit Gütertransporten ihren Betrieb auf.
19031107             * KONRAD—LORENZ, pioneering zoologist.
19031107             —RECOGNIZED, USA—PRESIDENT—THEODORE—ROOSEVELT, the new PANAMA republic.
19031107—19730000    —IN, KONRAD—LORENZ won 1—NOBEL—PRIZE.
19050000—19951107    * † JOHN—PATRICK, screenwriter.
19061107             E. David, H. Heimann (Vors.), K. Korn, F. Mehring, H. SCHULZ, G. —VON—VOLLMAR und CLARA—ZETKIN werden zu Mitgliedern des Bildungsausschusses gewählt.
19071107             —REMOVED, TENNESSEE Coal, Iron and Railroad Co. was, from THE—DOW—JONES.
19071107             —ENTERED, GE had, the appliance business —THIS—YEAR.
19081107             BRÜNN, findet die Uraufführung der Operette Die lustigen Weiber von ROBERT—STOLZ statt.
19101107             1—FLUGZEUG—DER—WRIGHT—COMPANY befördert die 1. Luftfracht im Auftrag eines Warenhauses von DAYTON (OHIO) nach COLUMBUS (OHIO).
19101107—19670000    —BECAME, HENRI—TROYAT'S "Tolstoy", available in English.
19101107—20070000    —AUTHORED, Leah BENDAVID—VAL, "Song Without Words: THE—PHOTOGRAPHS and Diaries of Countess SOPHIA—TOLSTOY".
19101107—20110000    —AUTHORED, Rosamund Bartlett, "Tolstoy: 1—RUSSIAN—LIFE".
19120000—19901107    * † LAWRENCE—DURRELL, expatriate UK—WRITER, in FRANCE.
19121107             Das durch HEINRICH—SEELING erbaute DEUTSCHE—OPERNHAUS in BERLIN wird mit Beethovens Oper Fidelio eröffnet.
19131107             † ALBERT—CAMUS (19600000             , ), FRANCE—PHILOSOPH, novelist, and dramatist best known for his book "THE—STRANGER" (19420000             ) was born on 1—ALGERIA—FARM.
19131107             † ALFRED—RUSSEL—WALLACE, BRITISCHER—NATUR—FORSCHER, Mitentdecker der Evolutionstheorie und Mitbegründer der Biogeographie
19141107             —KAPITULIERT, GOUVERNEUR—ALFRED—MEYER—WALDECK, —WWI—IM im Namen der DEUTSCHES—KOLONIE Kiautschou und übergibt die belagerte Festung Tsingtau an JAPAN.
19141107             THE—JAPAN—CAPTURE Tsingtao, the only GERMANY—BASE on THE—CHINA—COAST.
19141107             JAPAN also occupies GERMANY—MARSHALL, MARIANAS—PALAU, and CAROLINE—ISLAND groups.
19151107             THE—ITALY—LINER Ancona, carrying 27—AMERICANS, is sunk without warning by 1—AUSTRIA—SUBMARINE.
19161107             His campaign slogan was: "He kept us OUT—OF—THE—WAR".
19161107             —CARRIED, Wilson, the popular vote 9.1—MILLION to 8.5 for Hughes.
19161107             (REPUBLICAN—JEANNETTE Rankin (REPUBLICAN—MONTANA), lifelong feminist and pacifist of MONTANA, became the 1. woman elected to Congress.
19161107             —ELECTED, Rankin was, as 1—DELEGATE—AT—LARGE to THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES.
19161107             —SERVED, Rankin, another term in THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES 19410000—19430000    —FROM—TO, where she created 1—FUROR as the only legislator to VOTE—AGAINST—DECLARING WAR—ON—JAPAN—AFTER—THE—PEARL—HARBOR raid.
19161107             —ENDED, This unpopular stand, her political career, but Rankin remained politically active, even leading a 19680000             march to protest USA—INVOLVEMENT in VIETNAM.
19161107             —GEWINNT, Bei den USA—PRÄSIDENT—WAHLEN, der demokratische Amtsinhaber Woodrow Wilson nur knapp gegen seinen republikanischen Herausforderer CHARLES—EVANS—HUGHES.
19161107             Im gleichen WAHL—GANG wird DIE—REPUBLIKANERIN Jeannette Rankin als 1. Frau ins USA—REPRÄSENTANTEN—HAUS gewählt.
19161107             —REELECTED, PRESIDENT—WILSON is.
19161107             —PROMISED, He has repeatedly, THE—AMERICA—PEOPLE that if reelected he will keep them OUT—OF—WAR.
19161107—19140000    —SINCE, USA—PRESIDENT—WOODROW—WILSON was elected for a 2. term largely because he had successfully kept AMERICA OUT—OF—THE—WAR that was raging in EUROPE.
19161107—19140000    —IN, As legislative SECRETARY—OF—THE—NATIONAL—AMERICA—WOMAN—SUFFRAGE—ASSOCIATION, Rankin helped the women of MONTANA win the vote, —6—YEARS—BEFORE all USA—WOMEN won the vote.
19161107—19161111    —UNTIL, USA—PRESIDENT—WOODROW—WILSON was RE—ELECTED over CHARLES—EVANS—HUGHES, but the race was so close that all votes had to be counted —BEFORE 1—OUTCOME could be determined, so the results were not known.
19161107—19170000    —IN, —DURING her 1. term in WASHINGTON (19170000—19190000    ), Rankin strongly supported isolationism--she was 1—OF 49—MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS to VOTE—AGAINST—WAR—WITH—GERMANY.
19161107—19730000    —IN, JEANETTE—RANKIN †.
19171107             —AM, - nach altem JULIANischen Kalender der ;;1025;; - ergriff WLADIMIR—LENIN mit seinen Bolschewiki die MACHT.
19171107             (19171025             nach Julianischem Kalender) In Petrograd beginnt mit 1—SIGNALSCHUSS des Kreuzers AURORA die Oktoberrevolution.
19171107             —DIE—MACHT—IN—S—PETERSBURG übernehmen DIE—BOLSCHEWISTEN unter W. I. LENIN.
19171107             —OKTOBER—REVOLUTION, RUSSISCHE.
19171107             Oktoberrevolution: Die provisorische Regierung wird aufgelöst, Grossgrundbesitzer enteignet, Banken verstaatlicht, neue Regierung zusammengestellt mit Lenin im Vorsitz.
19171107             Es folgen —3—JAHRE—ALTBÜRGER—KRIEG: WEISSE—VERSUS—ROTE.
19171107             Also Kampf aller anderen (19180000             /19170000             .1919 von Entente unterstützt) gegen BOLSCHEWIKI (Führung), linke Sozialisten, Bauern, Rote Armee.
19171107             Lenins Ziel ist es, im BÜRGER—KRIEG die Klasse der Kapitalisten abzuschaffen und die Bauern zusammenzuschliessen.
19171107             PRO—DUKTIONSABFALL Hungersnot.
19171107             BOLSCHEWIKI verfolgen (einst verbündete) Sozialisten.
19171107             BOLSCHEWIKI nennen sich Kommunisten.
19171107             NEP (Neue Ökonomische Politik): REAKTION—AUF—HUNGERSNOT (etwas liberaler, bringt Aufschwung).
19171107             He called his followers THE—BOLSHEVIKS, meaning the majority, —WHEN they formed for 1—SHORT—PERIOD THE—MAJORITY—OF—1—REVOLUTIONARY—COMMITTEE.
19171107             —STRUGGLED, KERENSKY—PROVISIONAL—GOVERNMENT, to maintain power —UNTIL LENIN—BOLSHEVIK followers stormed Petrograd and seized all government operations.
19171107             —RAGED, Bloody CIVIL—WAR, in RUSSIA FOR—THE—NEXT—2—YEARS as THE—ANTI—BOLSHEVIK White Army battled the Communists for control.
19171107             Der Winterpalast, der Sitz der provisorischen Regierung, wird gestürmt, ALLE—REGIERUNGSMITGLIEDER außer Ministerpräsident ALEXANDER—FJODOROWITSCH—KERENSKI werden festgenommen.
19171107             —AM—MORGEN—DES—BEFAND sich Petrograd mit Ausnahme des Winterpalais,
19171107             in dem sich die PRO—VISORISCHE Regierung verschanzt hatte, unter der KONTROLLE—DER—REVOLUTIONÄRE.
19171107             —JUST—BEFORE daybreak, the Bolsheviks seize the railway station, state bank, the power stations, and telephone exchange.
19171107             In the —EVENING they arrest the cabinet members meeting in the —WINTER Palace.
19171107             The 2. ALL—RUSSIA Congress of Soviets proclaims THE—ESTABLISHMENT—OF—SOVIET—POWER.
19171107—19171025    —OLD—STYLE—JULIAN—CALENDAR then used by RUSSIA) The provisional government of Premier ALEKSANDR—KERENSKY fell to THE—BOLSHEVIKS led by VLADIMIR—ILYICH—LENIN.
19171107—19171025    —LAUT altem JULIANischen Kalender, DER, ergriff WLADIMIR—LENIN mit seinen BOLSCHEWIKI DIE—MACHT.
19171107—19180300    —IN, Lenin and his LIEUTENANT, LEON—TROTSKY, quickly confiscated land and nationalized industry and, RUSSIA withdrew from —WWI by signing the humiliating TREATY—OF—BREST—LITOVSK with GERMANY.
19171107—20040000    —IN—LATE, 19171106             —SEE THIS—DAY became 1—NATIONAL—HOLIDAY and continued —UNTIL it was abolished.
19181107             Auch in anderen Städten kommt es zu Erhebungen und
19181107             Auch in anderen Städten kommt es zu der Bildung von ARBEITER—RÄTE und SOLDATEN—RÄTEN.
19181107             MÜNCHEN, rufen SPD und USPD gemeinsam zu 1—MASSEN—DEMONSTRATION—VERSAMMLUNG auf.
19181107             Verstärkung des SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN—EINFLUSS in der Regierung,
19181107             auffordert in 1—AUFRUF Der SPD PARTEI—VORSTAND zu folgen.
19181107             bei deren Nichterfüllung sie aus der Regierung treten:
19181107             der SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHE—PARTEI—TAKTIK der friedlichen Umwälzung "zu den Zielen der Demokratie und des SOZIALISMUS"
19181107             —AM—ABEND, DER—KÖNIG—VON—BAYERN verläßt MÜNCHEN.
19181107             —AM—ABEND, GEBILDET 1—ARBEITER—RAT und SOLDATEN—RAT wird,
19181107             —ANWEISUNG—AN, MILITÄR und POLIZEI zur äuß1. Besonnenheit,
19181107             —DIE—SPD—REICHS—TAGS—FRAKTION stellen folgende Forderungen an den REICHS—KANZLER,
19181107             —ZUSTIMMEN Die Spitzen der USPD
19181107             * BILLY—GRAHAM, evangelist, in CHARLOTTE—NORTH—CAROLINA.
19181107             —DEMONSTRATED, Goddard, TUBE—LAUNCHED solid propellant rockets.
19181107             Die —BEREITS beschlossene Verfassungsreform (Parlamentisierung) 19181102             —VOM, wird dadurch obsolet.
19181107             DER—SPD—PARTEI—VORSTAND UND—FREIGABE der verbotenen Versammlungen,
19181107             Umgestaltung des PREUSSISCHEN—MINISTERIUMS im Sinne der MEHRHEITS—PARTEIEN des REICHS—TAG.
19181107             BILLY—GRAHAM —LATER led the Evangelical Christians, 1—GROUP that numbered 35—PERCENT—OF—ALL—AMERICANS.
19181107             —WWI—DURING, 1—ERRONEOUS—REPORT that 1—ARMISTICE had been signed set off celebrations across the country.
19181107             —DECIDED, THE—YUGOSLAVIA—NATIONAL—CONFERENCE at GENEVA, on the union of CROATIA and SLOVENIA with Serbia and MONTENEGRO.
19181107             * BILLY—GRAHAM, USA—BAPTISTENPASTOR und Evangelist
19181107             MÜNCHEN, führen Revolutionäre um KURT—EISNER—DAS—ENDE—DER—BAYERISCHEN—MONARCHIE herbei.
19181107             KÖNIG—LUDWIG—III. flieht aus der Stadt.
19181107             KURT—EISNER proclaims 1—REPUBLIC—IN—BAVARIA.
19181107             Eisner, 1—BOHEMIAN—JEWISH—JOURNALIST—AND—THE—LEADER—OF—THE—INDEPENDENT ('minority') Social Democrats in MUNICH has —JUST been released from jail in October.
19181107             (Roots)
19181107             —AM, "—STUNDEN vor der REVOLUTION Triumph..
19181107             —AM—ABEND wird 1—ARBEITER—RAT und SOLDATEN—RAT gebildet,
19181107             —AM—ABEND zu des ARBEITER—RAT und SOLDATEN—RAT—VORSITZENDER—K—EISNER gewählt wird.
19181107             DER—SPD—PARTEI—VORSTAND und
19181107             —FORDERUNGEN, DIE—SPD—REICHS—TAGS—FRAKTION stellen folgende, an den REICHSKANZLER,
19181107             Freigabe der verbotenen Versammlungen,
19181107—18950000    —SEIT, DER—BLAUBLÜTIGE—STREITER—WIDER—DEN—ADEL amtierte als ORDENS—GROß—MEISTER der Großen Landesloge von DEUTSCHLAND und
19181107—18950000    —SEIT, DER—BLAUBLÜTIGE—STREITER—WIDER—DEN—ADEL amtierte als Schirmherr aller 'nationalen' Logen in DEUTSCHLAND".
19181107—19181107    —BIS—ZUM, Rücktritt des KAISER—UND Kronprinzen,
19181107—19181111    —SIGNED, The armistice was.
19181107—19181201    —SEE
19190000—20161107    * † ROBERT—N—HALL (USA—PHYSICIST and inventor, in SCHENECTADY—NEW—YORK.
19210000—19441107    * † HANNAH—SZENES (Jewish poet, was executed by THE—NAZIS in BUDAPEST.
19211107             —DECLARED, Benito Mussolini, himself to be LEADER—OF—THE—NATIONAL—FASCIST—PARTY.
19211107             Das Lustspiel Der Schwierige von HUGO—VON—HOFMANNSTHAL wird im Residenztheater in München uraufgeführt.
19221107             * AL—HIRT, jazz trumpeter, in NEW—ORLEANS, LOS—ANGELES.
19261107             * JOAN—SUTHERLAND, operatic singer, in SYDNEY—AUSTRALIA.
19261107—19900000    —RETIRED, JOAN—SUTHERLAND, and
19261107—19980000    —IN, published her autobiography.
19281107             * NORTON—DAVID—ZINDER, biologist.
19281107             * I at COLORADO—SPRINGS.
19281107             COLORADO.
19291107             * BENNY—ANDERSEN, DENMARK—WRITER, POET—JAZZ musician.
19291107             —OPENED, THE—MUSEUM—OF—MODERN—ART in NEW—YORK—CITY, to the public.
19291107             CASABLANCA, nimmt die errichtete MAROKKANISCHE—BÖRSE ihre Geschäfte auf.
19291107             NEW—YORK—CITYÖFFNET das Museum of Modern Art seine Türen für die Öffentlichkeit.
19321107             Buck Rogers in the 24010101—25001231    —CENTURY wird in den USA 1. über Radio gesendet.
19331107             —OVERTURNED, PENNSYLVANIA voters, blue law, by permitting —SUNDAY sports.
19341107             Die Rhapsodie über 1—THEMA—VON—PAGANINI—VON—SERGEI—RACHMANINOW wird in BALTIMORE mit dem Komponisten selbst am Flügel und dem PHILADELPHIA Orchestra unter LEOPOLD—STOKOWSKI uraufgeführt.
19361107             —BATTLE—OF—MADRID, began.
19361107             —BESIEGED, SPAIN, as FRANCO—ARMY, MADRID, SANTIAGO—CARRILLO (19150000—20140000    ) was appointed Councilor for PUBLIC—ORDER in MADRID.
19361107             * GWYNETH—JONES, soprano (Die Walkure, Isolde), PONTNEWYNDD—WALES.
19361107             FRANCO—HIS 1. act was to organize THE—EXECUTION—OF—MORE—THAN—2,000 imprisoned army officers, suspected of being "5.—COLUMNISTS".
19361107             Im SPANISCHEN—BÜRGER—KRIEG beginnen Truppen Francos mit dem ANGRIFF—AUF—MADRID.
19361107             —COMPOSED, THE—SO—CALLED—INTERNATIONAL—BRIGADE, PRIMARILY—OF—SOCIALISTS and Communists, arrives in MADRID and 1—BATTLE for the city begins.
19371107             * MARY—TRAVERS, folk singer (Peter, Paul and MARY), in LOUISVILLE—KENTUCKY.
19380000—20161107    * † JANET—RENO, the 1. woman to serve as USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL (19930000—20010000    ), at her home in in MIAMI from COMPLICATIONS—OF—PARKINSON—DISEASE.
19381107             —AM, in DER—DEUTSCHE—BOTSCHAFT—PARIS—VON—1—POLNISCHEN—JUDEN angeschossen und erlag —2—TAGE—SPÄTER, seinen Verletzungen.
19381107             "MISTER—CHURCHILL—REPLY" in THE—TIMES, Hitler is 1—MONSTER—OF—WICKEDNESS, insatiable in his lust for blood + plunder.
19381107             The terrible military machine, which we + the rest of the civilised world so foolishly, so supinely, so insensately allowed THE—NAZI gangsters to build up —YEAR by —YEAR from almost nothing cannot stand idle lest it rust or fall to pieces.
19381107             So —NOW this bloodthirsty guttersnipe must launch his mechanized armies upon new FIELDS—OF—SLAUGHTER, pillage and devastation.
19381107             Radio broadcast on THE—GERMANY—INVASION—OF—RUSSIA (19410600             )
19381107             Ernst vom Rath (29), 1—GERMANY—DIPLOMAT in PARIS, was shot and mortally wounded by a —17—JAHRE—ALT—POLAND—JEWISH—YOUTH, Herschel Grynszpan, who had fled from GERMANY to FRANCE.
19381107             —TRIGGERED, Rath † —AFTER—2—DAYS and news of his death, Nazi reprisals.
19381107             Der —17—JAHRE—ALT  JUDE—HERSCHEL—GRYNSZPAN schießt auf den DEUTSCHES—DIPLOMATEN Ernst vom Rath.
19381107             Dieses Attentat nehmen die NAZIS zum Anlass, während der Novemberpogrome hunderte Menschen zu ermorden und Synagogen, JUDEN—FRIEDHÖFE und Geschäfte gezielt zu zerstören.
19381107             —NACH—DEM Mord an 1—TAXIFAHRER findet in BERLIN die 1. Öffentlichkeitsfahndung mit Hilfe des Fernsehens statt.
19381107             Sie wird von dem legendären Kriminalbeamten ERNST—GENNAT gemeinsam mit THEO—SAEVECKE organisiert.
19381107             Die zahlreichen Hinweise führen tatsächlich zur ERGREIFUNG—DES—TÄTERS.
19381107             Not content with having all EUROPE under his heel, or else TERROR—IZED into various forms of abject submission, he must —NOW carry his work of butchery + desolation among the vast multitudes of RUSSIA + of ASIA.
19381107—19381028    —ON, Ernst vom Rath, 3. SECRETARY—OF—THE—GERMAN—EMBASSY in PARIS, is shot by Herschel Grynszpan, a —17—YEAR—OLD—JEWISH—YOUTH whose family had been expelled from GERMANY to POLAND.
19391107             —SCHEDULED, Hitler postpones his attack on the west, which was, for ;;0912;;;.
19391107—19400510    —UNTIL, This postponement will be repeated 15—TIMES.
19401107             The middle SECTION—OF—THE—TACOMA—NARROWS—BRIDGE in WASHINGTON state, nicknamed "Galloping Gertie," collapsed —DURING—1—WINDSTORM.
19401107             —4—MONATE—NACH ihrer Eröffnung stürzt die TACOMA—NARROWS—BRÜCKE im USA—BUNDES—STAAT WASHINGTON durch selbsterregte Schwingungen ein.
19401107             —SEIT dieser Havarie werden vor dem Bau großer Brücken Modelle der Konstruktion im Windkanal getestet.
19401107—19500000    —IN, 1—NEW fortified bridge was built on the original piers.
19411107             UK—AIR—ATTACKS hit BERLIN, MANNHEIM and Ruhrgebied.
19411107             —PARADED, Russians, across Red Square commemorating 19170000             —THE—BOLSHEVIK—REVOLUTION and afterward went directly to the front to defend MOSCOW from the approaching Nazi forces.
19411107             Das SOVIET—HOSPITALSCHIFF Armenija wird mit 4700—BIS 4800—MENSCHEN an Bord bei 1—LUFTANGRIFF—IM—SCHWARZES—MEER von einer DEUTSCHES—HEINKEL He 111—VERSENKT.
19421107             —BECAME, FDR, the 1. USA—PRESIDENT to broadcast in a foreign language, French.
19431107             * JONI—MITCHELL, singer, songwriter, as Roberta J. Anderson in ALBERTA—CANADA.
19431107             —LAUNCHED, UK—TROOPS, 1 limited offensive along THE—COAST—OF—BURMA.
19441107             † DOCTOR—RICHARD—SORGE, als MEISTER—SPION, in TOKIO, hingerichtet;wird
19441107             —UNPRECEDENTED, USA—PRESIDENT—ROOSEVELT won an, 4. term in office, defeating THOMAS—E—DEWEY.
19441107             The submarine USS Albacore (SS-218) was lost OFF—OF—NORTH—HOKKAIDO with all hands.
19441107             This was —JUST—AFTER it struck THE—JAPAN—AIRCRAFT—CARRIER—TAIHO, which went down with 1,650 officers and men.
19441107             HANNAH—SZENES was 1—OF 37—JEWISH—SOE recruits from Mandate Palestine parachuted by THE—UK—INTO YUGOSLAVIA —DURING—2. World War to assist ANTI—NAZI forces and ultimately in the rescue of HUNGARY—JEWS about to be deported to THE—GERMANY—DEATH—CAMP at Auschwitz.
19441107             —HANGED, RICHARD—SORGE and Ozaki Hozumi were, in TOKYO —AFTER—BEING—CONVICTED as spies for THE—SOVIET—UNION.
19441107             † 1—TRAIN derailed at AGUADILLA—PUERTO—RICO, and CA—16—PEOPLE.
19441107             Der Demokrat FRANKLIN—D—ROOSEVELT wird mit seinem Sieg bei den USA—PRÄSIDENT—WAHLEN über den republikanischen Herausforderer THOMAS—E—DEWEY neuerlich als USA—PRÄSIDENT gewählt und wird damit als einziger eine 4. Amtszeit antreten.
19441107             Der SOVIET—KOMMUNIST RICHARD—SORGE wird in Tokio hingerichtet.
19441107             KURZ—VOR seiner Verhaftung 19410000             verfasste er den bekannten und – aus historischer Sicht – kriegsentscheidenden Funkspruch, dass das durch den Dreimächtepakt mit der NS—DIKTATUR militärisch verbündete JAPAN nicht DIE—SOWJETUNION angreifen wird.
19441107             —UNPRECEDENTED, PRESIDENT—ROOSEVELT is RE—ELECTED for 1, 4. term, with Harry S Truman as VICE—PRESIDENT.
19441107             —WWII, + DOCTOR—RICHARD—SORGE, als "Meisterspion", in Tokio, hingerichtet;
19441107             wird
19451107             Im Wiesbadener Manifest wenden sich USA—KUNSTSCHUTZOFFIZIERE gegen den Abtransport von Kunstschätzen aus DEUTSCHES—MUSEEN in die Vereinigten Staaten.
19461107             JOHN—FORDS—WESTERN—MY—DARLING—CLEMENTINE (Faustrecht der Prärie) mit HENRY—FONDA in der Hauptrolle hat in den USA Premiere.
19481107             Im Rahmen eines Schulwettbewerbs aus Anlass des GOETHE—JAHRES erhält Friedhelm Deis, Kirchenliedkomponist der NEUAPOSTOLISCHE—KIRCHE, den Preis des Kulturministers des Landes NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN FÜR—1—KLAVIERSONATE, 5—PRÄLUDIEN und Fugen.
19491107             —ADOPTED, COSTA—RICA, 1—CONSTITUTION that prohibited 1—STANDING army.
19501107             * ALEXA—CANADY, 1. female AFRICA—USA—NEUROSURGEON.
19521107             FELIX—BLOCH, —47—JAHRE—ALT—OF—STANFORD—UNIVERSITY—AND—EM—PURCELL (40) of Harvard won THE—NOBEL—PRIZE—IN—PHYSICS for their work on measuring the magnetic properties of atomic particles.
19541107             1—USA—SPY—PLANE was SHOT—DOWN NORTH—OF—JAPAN.
19571107             Mit Beginn der Nullserie rollt im VEB Automobilwerk Zwickau der 1. Trabant P 50—VOM Band.
19611107             KONRAD—ADENAUER wird NACH—DER—WAHL—ZUM—4. DEUTSCHER—BUNDESTAGS vom Parlament zum 4. Mal zum BUNDES—KANZLER gewählt.
19621107             —FAILED, RICHARD—M—NIXON, who, in 1—BID to become GOVERNOR—OF—CALIFORNIA, held what he called his last press conference, telling reporters, "You won't have Nixon to kick —AROUND anymore".
19621107             † Eleanor ROOSEVELT, USA—MENSCHENRECHTSAKTIVISTIN und Diplomatin, 1. Lady der USA oo FRANKLIN—D—ROOSEVELT
19631107             The film "It's 1—MAD, Mad, Mad, Mad World" premiered at HOLLYWOOD—NEW—CINERAMA Theatre in 1—LENGTHY—195—MINUTE—VERSION.
19631107             —2—WOCHEN—NACH—1—GRUBENUNGLÜCK, LENGEDE, (NIEDERSACHSEN) werden noch 11—BERGLEUTE lebend geborgen.
19631107             Dieses Ereignis eingeht als das "Wunder von Lengede" in DIE—GESCHICHTE.
19651107             † FRIEDRICH—WILDGANS, —52—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
19651107             † MIRZA—BASCHIR—UD—DIN—MAHMUD—AHMAD, 2. Khalifat UL—MASSIH
19661107             * ~ MELIN Doyle Ross M Hardisty, ALBERTa
19661107             —PREMIERED, JEAN—CLAUDE VAN Itallie's "AMERICA HURRAH,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19661107             * ~ MELIN Doyle Ross M Hardisty, ALBERTa <CANADA>
19671107             RICHARD—HATCHER (19330000—20190000    ), 1—BLACK—ACTIVIST, lawyer and City Council PRESIDENT, was elected MAYOR—OF—GARY—INDIANA.
19671107             He went on to serve 5—TERMS.
19671107             —ATTRACTED, Hatcher, HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in FEDERAL—MONEY to GARY in his —20—YEARS in office, some of which was used to build LOW—COST housing and the 1. public housing units in the city in NEARLY—2—DECADES.
19671107             —ELECTED, CARL—STOKES (19270000—19960000    ) was, the 1. black MAYOR—OF—1—MAJOR—CITY -- CLEVELAND—OHIO.
19671107             He served 2—TERMS as mayor 19670000—19710000    —FROM—TO and was 1—LEADING advocate for increased FEDERAL—AID to USA—CITIES.
19671107             —BECAME, —AFTER serving as mayor, Stokes, 1—TELEVISION—COMMENTATOR and —LATER 1—JUDGE—IN—CLEVELAND.
19671107             † JOHN—NANCE—GARNER, —98—JAHRE—ALT, (VP—D, 19330000—19410000    ).
19671107             † JUAN—TOMAS—PEREZ, —71—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
19681107             "Sie hat den KANZLER geohrfeigt!", wiederholte 1—POLIZIST, der DIE—ANGREIFERIN bald fest im Griff hielt, immer wieder.
19681107             —AM, "NAZI!
19681107             —AM, Von hinten hatte sich 1—JUNGE Frau an ihn herangeschlichen, ihm auf dem CDU—PARTEI—TAG—IN—BERLIN 1.schallende Ohrfeige verpasst.
19681107             —AM, Kaum hatte DER—BUNDES—KANZLER—KURT—GEORG—KIESINGER den Kopf zur Seite gewandt, landete mit Schwung 1—HAND in seinem Gesicht.
19681107             —AM, KURT—GEORG—KIESINGER ahnte die Gefahr.
19681107             —AM, Das Foto zeigt BUNDES—KANZLER—KIESINGER kurz NACH—DER—ATTACKE.
19681107             ohrfeigte BEATE—KLARSFELD BUNDES—KANZLER—KIESINGER,
19681107             Mit der Sonnenbrille verdeckte BUNDES—KANZLER—KIESINGER seine Blessuren.
19681107             —ENTGEISTERT, DIE—NATION war, wie der Ordnungshüter — oder begeistert, wie die Studenten der 68ER—BEWEGUNG.
19681107             —NACHDEM BEATE—KLARSFELD geohrfeigt und als "Nazi" beschimpft hat, BUNDES—KANZLER—KURT—GEORG—KIESINGER wird sie NOCH—SELBIGEN—TAGES zu —12—MONATEN Gefängnis verurteilt.
19720808—19721107    —IN—THE, THE—DEMOCRAT ticket was swamped in THE—GENERAL—ELECTION by incumbent USA—PRESIDENT—RICHARD—NIXON election.
19721107             USA—PRESIDENT—RICHARD—NIXON was RE—ELECTED in a landslide over Democrat GEORGE—MCGOVERN.
19721107             —PASSED, CALIFORNIA voters, PROPOSITION—20—ALLOWING the creation of the Coastal COMMISSION—TO—REGULATE construction along the coast.
19721107             CALIFORNIA, Proposition—
19721107             17 authorized THE—DEATH—PENALTY in THE—STATE—CONSTITUTION with a 67.5—MAJORITY—VOTE.
19721107             —ELECTED, DELAWARE, JOSEPH—BIDEN (19420000             *) as 1—OF—ITS—USA—SENATORS.
19721107—19700000    —IN, JESSE—HELMS (19210000—20080000    ) of NORTH—CAROLINA, who had switched to THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY, was elected to THE—USA—SENATE, the 1. Republican from NC in the 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY.
19721107—19700000    —IN, JESSE—HELMS (19210000—20080000    ) of NORTH—CAROLINA, who had switched to THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY, was elected to THE—USA—SENATE, the 1. Republican from NC in the 19010101—20001231.
19721107—19780000    —IN, BIDEN was RE—ELECTED, 19840000             , 19900000             , 19960000             and 20020000             .
19721107—20020000    —IN, 1—STATE—APPEALS—COURT ruled it unconstitutional.
19731107             Partly IN—RESPONSE—TO—THE—VIETNAM debacle, THE—USA—CONGRESS passed the War Powers Resolution requiring THE—PRESIDENT to obtain THE—SUPPORT—OF—CONGRESS—WITHIN—90—DAYS—OF—SENDING—USA—TROOPS abroad.
19731107             Congress overrode USA—PRÄSIDENT—NIXON—VETO—OF—THE—WAR—POWERS—ACT, which limited 1—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—POWER to wage war without CONGRESS—APPROVAL.
19731107             —ALLOWED, The act, Congress to bring troops home WITHIN—60—DAYS unless deployment was approved or war was declared.
19741107             —DISAPPEARED, RICHARD—JOHN—BINGHAM, —39—JAHRE—ALT, the 7. EARL—OF—LUCAN, —AFTER nanny SANDRA—RIVETT was battered to death in the family's home in LONDON—WEALTHY—BELGRAVIA district.
19741107             —ESCAPED, Lady Lucan (20170000             †), with severe head wounds.
19741107—19750000    —FROM, er the name BARRY—HALPIN in INDIA —UNTIL—HIS—DEATH 19960000             —IN.
19741107—20010000    —AUTHORED, Muriel spark, "Aiding and Abetting," 1—NOVEL based on Lucan's imagined reappearance.
19741107—20030000    —IN, former policeman DUNCAN—MACLAUGHLIN claimed in the book, "Dead Lucky," that Lucan lived in INDIA und
19741107—20160000    —GRANTED, BRITAIN—HIGH—COURT, 1—DEATH—CERTIFICATE at the request of GEORGE—BINGHAM, allowing him to become THE—8—EARL—OF—LUCAN.
19751107             "Wonder Woman" debuted as 1—PILOT on ABC.
19751107             —ON THE—EVE—OF—THE—ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—BOLSHEVIK—REVOLUTION—CAPTAIN—VALERY—SABLIN (19390000—19760000    ) seized CONTROL—OF—THE—STOROZHEVOY (Vigilant), 1—RUSSIA—DESTROYER in the Baltic, intending to proclaim 1—NEW—REVOLUTION.
19751107             —MANAGED, THE—RUSSIA—AIR—FORCE, to disable the vessel and Sablin was executed for the mutiny.
19751107             —INSPIRED, This incident, TOM—CLANCY—NOVEL and the film "THE—HUNT for Red October".
19761107             NBC began airing the movie "Gone with the Wind" on TV.
19761107             It showed over —2—NIGHTS DUE—TO—ITS—LENGTH.
19761107             The event was THE—HIGHEST—RATED television EVENT—OF—THE—SEASON.
19781107             —BY this date THE—CDC had confirmed 496—SPORADIC—CASES associated with OUTBREAKS—OF—LEGIONNAIRE—DISEASE in THE—USA.
19781107             —APPROVED, CALIFORNIA voters, PROPOSITION—7, 1—BRIGGS initiative, which greatly expanded THE—KINDS—OF—CASES in which THE—DEATH—PENALTY could be imposed.
19781107             PROPOSITION—6, 1—BRIGGS initiative calling to prevent gays and lesbians from teaching in public schools, was defeated.
19781107—20030000    —BY, the prison population was 159,390 with and annual budget of 3—BILLION—DOLLAR.
19781107—20060000    —AUTHORED, JACK—CAVANAUGH, "Tunney: BOXING—BRAINIEST—CHAMP and His Upset of the Great JACK—DEMPSEY".
19791107—19950000    —IN, 1—HIKER in the Los Gatos Hills discovered her jawbone and SOME—TEETH.
19791107—20040000    —IN, her SKULL—AND—BONES were discovered in the same area.
19791107—20070000    —CONVICTED, TERRY—CHILDS, 1, killer serving time in SALINAS, confessed to her murder.
19811107             † WILL—DURANT, historian, —96—JAHRE—ALT.
19811107             —MANAGED, WILL—DURANT, to complete 21—OF 1 projected 23—CHAPTERS in his last book "HEROES—OF—HISTORY" —BEFORE his death.
19811107—20010000    —PUBLISHED, The book was.
19821107             —ELECTED, GENERAL—KENAN—EVREN was, PRESIDENT—OF—TURKEI and continued to 19890000             .
19821107             —RATIFIED, TURKEY, 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION.
19821107             It replaced the —EARLIER Constitution—of—19610000             .
19821107             Der in OBERVOLTA—BURKINA—FASO —VOR—2—JAHREN durch 1—PUTSCH an die Macht gekommene SAYE—ZERBO wird selbst durch 1—ERNEUTEN Staatsstreich unter JEAN—BAPTISTE—OUÉDRAOGO gestürzt.
19821107             † BULLY—BUHLAN, DEUTSCHER—JAZZ—SÄNGER und SCHLAGER—SÄNGER, Pianist, Schlagerkomponist und Schauspieler
19831107             1—BOMB—EXPLODED on 2. floor of the Capitol, causing heavy damage but no injuries.
19831107             1—CALLER said the bomb was 1—ORGANIZE—AGAINST—USA—AGGRESSION in GRENADA and LEBANON.
19841107             —DEDICATED, S—FRANCISCO—MEMORIAL to the Holocaust was formally, in LINCOLN—PARK.
19841107             It included 1—SCULPTURE by GEORGE—SEGAL depicting 1—PILE—OF—WHITE bronze corpses.
19861107             † ARTUR—LONDON, TSCHECHISCHER—KOMMUNIST und Diplomat
19871107             —ASKED, JUDGE—DOUGLAS—H—GINSBURG, USA—PRESIDENT—REAGAN to withdraw his nomination to THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, citing the clamor that arose over GINSBURG—ADMISSION that he had smoked marijuana on occasion.
19871107             ITALIEN—CITIZENS began voting in a —2—DAY—REFERENDUM to close down 3—NUCLEAR—POWER—PLANTS.
19871107             —BECAME, Zine El Abidine BEN—ALI, PRESIDENT—OF—TUNISIA —AFTER doctors declared Habib Bourguiba (84) medically unfit to govern.
19871107             "THE—TUNISIANS are Sunni Muslims and deny polygamy, admit abortion, and abjure the veil".
19881107             —ON THE—EVE—OF—ELECTION—DAY, VICE—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH confidently said the nation was "coming in behind my candidacy" —WHILE Democrat MICHAEL—DUKAKIS vowed to pull off 1—STUNNING "—NOVEMBER surprise".
19891107             —ELECTED, NEW—YORK—CITY, its 1. black mayor, DAVID—N—DINKINS, and female comptroller, ELIZABETH Holtzman.
19891107             L. DOUGLAS—WILDER won THE—GOVERNOR—RACE in VIRGINIA, becoming the 1. elected black GOVERNOR—IN—USA—HISTORY.
19891107             —CONVICTED—OF, RICHARD—RAMIREZ, CALIFORNIA's "Night Stalker" killings, was SENTENCED—TO—DEATH.
19891107             —GEWINNT, DOUGLAS—WILDER, die Gouverneurswahlen in VIRGINIA und wird damit der 1. schwarze GOUVERNEUR in den USA.
19891107             NEW—YORK—CITY entscheiden sich die Wähler für DAVID—DINKINS als ihren künftigen BÜRGERMEISTER.
19891107             1. afroamerikanische BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—NEW—YORK—CITY—DAVID—DINKINS
19901107             His most famous work is the tetralogy THE—ALEXANDRIA—QUARTET (19570000—19600000    ).
19901107             —ELECTED, MARY—ROBINSON was, as 1. female PRESIDENT—OF—IRELAND for a —7—YEAR—TERM.
19901107             —SELECTED, She was —LATER, as THE—UN—COMMISSIONER for HUMAN—RIGHTS.
19901107             Die von der IRELAND—LABOUR—PARTY zur IRISCHEN—PRÄSIDENT—WAHL aufgestellte MARY—ROBINSON wird überraschend gewählt und damit 1. Frau in diesem Amt.
19901107             —SERVED, IVORY—COAST, Alassane Ouattara (19420000             *), as PRIME—MINISTER—UNDER—PRESIDENT—FELIX—HOUPHOUET—BOIGNY.
19901107             He continued in office to 19930000             .
19911107             —STUNNED, Basketball star Magic Johnson, the country as he announced that he had tested positive for THE—AIDS—VIRUS, and was retiring.
19921107             —INCLUDED, His books, "Revolutionary Road" (19610000             ), and "Disturbing the Peace" (19750000             ).
19921107             † ALEXANDER—DUBCEK, —70—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—CZECHOSLOVAK leader (19680000—19690000    ), in 1—CAR crash.
19921107—19680000    —FAILED, ALEXANDER—DUBCEK'S, ATTEMPT—TO—LOOSEN the Communist grip became known as THE—PRAGUE—SPRING.
19921107—20030000    —AUTHORED, BLAKE—BAILEY, "Tragic Honesty: THE—LIFE and Work of RICHARD—YATES".
19931107             USA—PRESIDENT—CLINTON, appearing on NBC's "Meet the Press," assailed labor leaders who opposed THE—NORTH—USA—FREE—TRADE—AGREEMENT, accusing them of using "naked pressure" to try to kill the pact.
19941107             —ON THE—EVE—OF—ELECTION—DAY, USA—PRESIDENT—CLINTON concluded an —8—DAY—CAMPAIGN odyssey with 1 impassioned plea for embattled Democrats, saying,
19941107             USA—PRESIDENT—CLINTON, "We'll go forward, we don't want to go back," even as he braced for expected Republican gains in the House and Senate.
19941107             † JAMES—WINSTON—WATTS, —90—JAHRE—ALT, developer of the Frontal Lobotomy.
19941107             —ON THE—EVE—OF—ELECTION—DAY, USA—PRESIDENT—CLINTON concluded an —8—DAY—CAMPAIGN odyssey with 1 impassioned plea for embattled Democrats, saying, "We'll go forward, we don't want to go back," even as he braced for expected Republican gains in the House and Senate.
19951107             —ADMITTED, In 1—JAPAN—COURTROOM, 3—USA—MILITARY—MEN, to THE—AMBUSH—RAPE of a —12—JAHRE—ALT—OKINAWAN schoolgirl, 1—ATTACK that outraged THE—JAPANESE and strained security ties between JAPAN and THE—USA.
19951107             —RECEIVED, The men —LATER, prison sentences ranging from 6 and A—HALF to —7—YEARS.
19951107             FRANZÖSISCHER—PREMIER—MINISTER—ALAIN—JUPPÉ gibt wegen 1—FINANZSKANDALS den Rücktritt der gesamten Regierung bekannt, wird von PRÄSIDENT—JACQUES—CHIRAC allerdings sofort wieder mit der REGIERUNGS—BILDUNG beauftragt.
19961106—19961107    —KILLED, INDIA, cyclone 07B, Some—20000000              in Andhra Pradesh state.
19961106—19961107    —ESTIMATED, Damage was, at 5—BILLION—DOLLAR.
19961107             —VOTED, THE—USA—LIQUOR—INDUSTRY, to drop its DECADES—OLD—VOLUNTARY—BAN—ON—BROADCAST advertising.
19961107             —INDICTED, MICHAEL—NORTON—CHIEF—OF—KONA—KAI—FARMS—BERKELEY, was, on CHARGES—OF—MONEY laundering and wire fraud in connection with selling cheaper coffee as Hawaiian Kona Coffee.
19961107             —RAISED, CSX, its bid to 4—BILLION—DOLLAR for Conrail.
19961107             —RAISED, NORFOLK Southern then, its bid to  10—BILLION—DOLLAR.
19961107             —ANNOUNCED, Merck researchers, 1—NEW—CLASS—OF—ANTIBIOTICS that attack bacteria that have grown resistant to current drugs.
19961107             —BLAMED, ALBANIA, FORMER—COMMUNIST—SECRET—POLICEMEN were, for 1—BOMB that injured 1—TOP—JUDGE and his daughter.
19961107             THE—ATTACK came —AFTER 1—APPEALS—COURT upheld prison sentences against 9—OFFICIALS—OF—THE—FORMER—COMMUNIST—REGIME.
19961107             BELARUS—PRESIDENT—LUKASHENKO will call 1—NATIONAL—REFERENDUM to obtain power to disband the legislature and extend his TERM—OF—OFFICE from 5 to —7—YEARS.
19961107             —EXTENDED, BELARUS—PRESIDENT—LUKASHENKO His new constitution, his OFFICE—BY—10—YEARS, allowed him to appoint judges, boards and deputies, and would ban private property in the country.
19961107             —ARRESTED, MEXICO, police and army units, 14—MEN as suspected leftist guerrillas in OAXACA.
19961107             CHIAPAS, state 27—MEMBERS—OF—HUMANITARIAN—GROUPS working with rebel villages received DEATH—THREATS.
19961107             NIGERIA, Flight 086, 1—BOEING 727—BELONGING to the Aviation Development Corp., crashed near Epe EAST—OF—LAGOS and 141 [142] people †.
19961107             THE—TURKMENISTAN—AVERAGE—WAGE was $16—PER—MONTH and THE—TURKMENISTAN—PRESIDENT—SON was rumored to have lost 12.5—MILLION—DOLLAR in —1—NIGHT—OF gambling in SPAIN.
19961107             DIE—NASA startet die RAUMSONDE—MARS—GLOBAL—SURVEYOR zur Erforschung des Mars aus dem Orbit.
19961107             LAGOS—NIGERIA, kommt es zum Absturz 1—BOEING—727, Alle 143—MENSCHEN an Bord sterben.
19961107             —EXTENDED, His new constitution, his office by —10—YEARS, allowed him to appoint judges, boards and deputies, and would ban private property in the country.
19961107             The average wage was $16—PER —MONTH and THE—PRESIDENT—SON was rumored to have lost 12.5—MILLION—DOLLAR in —1—NIGHT—OF gambling in SPAIN.
19961107—20010000    —IN, It went into orbit —AROUND Mars.
19971107             In 1—RISING WAR—OF—WORDS, THE—CLINTON administration warned it was considering military options, including 1—CRUISE—MISSILE—STRIKE, if IRAQ carried out its THREAT—TO—SHOOT down UNITED—NATIONS surveillance planes.
19971107             KENNETH—BEHRING, 1—CALIFORNIA real estate developer, made 1—FORMAL—DONATION—OF—20—MILLION—DOLLAR to the Smithsonian Institution.
19971107             FLORIDA, Sheila Bellush (35) was FOUND—DEAD by her —13—JAHRE—ALT—DAUGHTER in her home in SARASOTA with her quadruplet toddlers crawling in her blood.
19971107             SAMUEL—GONZALES, 27—JAHRE—ALT, and DANIEL—ALEX—ROCHA—OF—SAN—ANTONIO, Tx., were —LATER arrested for conspiracy to commit murder.
19971107             —SEARCHED, Police still, for JOSE—LUIS—DEL—TORO, —21—JAHRE—ALT, the man believed to have done the shooting.
19971107             —REPORTED—WAS, that there are 12—BLACKS among THE—594—FEDERAL—LAWMAKERS—OF—BRAZIL.
19971107             The country is 44—PROZENT black by government count, and 70—PROZENT black by 1—UNESCO count.
19971107             —PLANNED, Shoichiro Toyoda (72), CHAIRMAN—OF—TOYOTA, to address THE—CAPTAINS—OF—JAPAN—INDUSTRY and urge THE—SEVERING—OF—TIES—WITH—THE—EXTORTIONISTS known as "sokaiya".
19971107             —SIGNED, KENYA, PRESIDENT—DANIEL arap Moi, 1—PACKAGE—OF—POLITICAL and constitutional reforms that make KENYA 1—MULTIPARTY democracy and provide residents greater FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH.
19971107             CONCORD—CALIFORNIA, THE—DE—LA—SALLE High School football team under coach BOB—LADOUCER won their 73. straight game and broke a 19750000             record set by HUDSON—MICHIGAN, High School.
19971107—20000000    —YEAR, FRANCE, most truckers ended their strike —AFTER—THE—LARGEST signed 1—AGREEMENT for a 6—PROZENT raise by and 1 guaranteed $1700—FOR—200—HOURS—OF—WORK—PER—MONTH.
19971107—20000000    —YEAR, FRANCE, most truckers ended their strike —AFTER the largest signed 1—AGREEMENT for a 6—PROZENT raise by and 1 guaranteed $1700—FOR—200—HOURS—OF—WORK per —MONTH.
19981107             —AM, schickte CLINTON von dem Rechner aus 1—E—MAIL an den Astronauten JOHN—GLENN, als dieser an Bord des SPACE—SHUTTLE—DISCOVERY"auf Mission im Weltall war.
19981107             —TAGUNG, Auf der, Festplatte des NOCH—IMMER funktionstüchtigen Laptops sei der E—MAIL—VERKEHR noch gespeichert.
19981107             GLENN—SCHRIEB—DAMALS, den Präsidenten, der sich gerade bei Freunden im USA—BUNDES—STAAT—ARKANSAS aufhielt.
19981107             1—SCANT —4—YEARS—AFTER leading Republicans to glory, House Speaker Newt Gingrich announced he would resign not —JUST his speakership but also his seat in the House.
19981107             —LANDED, The shuttle Discovery, in Cape CANAVERAL—FLORIDA —AFTER—9—DAYS in space.
19981107             —77—JAHRE—ALT—JOHN—GLENN returned to Earth aboard THE—SPACE—SHUTTLE—DISCOVERY, visibly weak but elated —AFTER—THE—MISSION.
19981107             The rebels took control of 5—MUNICIPALITIES straddling Caqueta and Meta provinces, 1—AREA the size of SWITZERLAND.
19981107             —OFFERED, JAPAN, MORE—THAN—9—MILLION—DOLLAR in aid to CUBA with MOST—OF—THE—MONEY as 1—DIRECT—DONATION to buy rice.
19981107             A —5—MONTH—DROUGHT followed by HURRICANE—GEORGES caused heavy agricultural losses.
19981107             —77—YEAR—OLD—JOHN—GLENN returned to Earth aboard THE—SPACE—SHUTTLE—DISCOVERY, visibly weak but elated —AFTER the mission.
19991107             JOSEPH—CHEBET—OF—KENYA won THE—NY—MARATHON in 2—HRS, 9—MIN. and 14—SECRETARY—ADRIANA—FERNANDEZ—OF—MEXICO won for the women in 2:25:06.
19991107             —GATHERED, RELATIVES—OF—THE—VICTIMS—OF—EGYPTAIR—FLIGHT—990, in NEWPORT—RHODE—ISLAND, to bid them 1—WRENCHING farewell, —1—WEEK—AFTER—THE—PLANE crashed into the Atlantic Ocean.
19991107             —DISLODGED, CHECHNYA, RUSSIA—SOLDIERS, rebels in Bamut.
19991107             38—CIVILIANS were reported killed along with 28—CHECHEN fighters.
19991107             —EXPLODED, ATHENS—GREECE, 1—BOMB, outside 1—LEVI—JEANS store.
19991107             This was the 5. recent attack and was thought to be linked to 1—UPCOMING 19991113             visit by USA—PRESIDENT—CLINTON.
19991107             GUATEMALA, ALFONSO—PORTILLO—OF—THE—GUATEMALA—REPUBLICAN Front (FRG) was in 1—CLOSE—RACE for the presidency with OSCAR—BERGER of the governing National Advancement (PAN).
19991107             —COUNTED, With 97.5—PROZENT, Portillo had 47.8—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE—VERSUS—30.3—PROZENT for Berger.
19991107             THE—FRG won 61 0f the 110-seat Congress.
19991107             —MARCHED, ACEH—INDONESIA, 500,000—PEOPLE, for INDEPENDENCE.
19991107             MEXICO, FRANCISCO—LABASTIDA, THE—PRI candidate, led the presidential primary elections far AHEAD—OF—ROBERTO—MADRAZO.
19991107             Labastida (57) won 272—OF—THE—300—DISTRICTS.
19991107             —SHUFFLED, SRI—LANKA, the military command was, —AFTER Tamil Tigers overran 10—STRATEGIC—CAMPS—EARLIER in the —WEEK.
19991107             HUNDREDS—OF—SOLDIERS were dead or missing.
19991107             —CAUSED, Continued heavy rain in CENTRAL—VIETNAM, more flooding and THE—DEATH—TOLL—ROSE to over 450.
19991107—19530000    —BECAME, Tiger Woods, the 1. golfer —SINCE BEN—HOGAN to win 4—STRAIGHT tournaments.
20001107             —CONCEDED, USA—ELECTIONS, AL—GORE, to GEORGE—BUSH and then retracted his concession based on 1—EARLY—PREDICTION—OF—THE—VOTE in FLORIDA, which was reversed as too close to call.
20001107             HILLARY—CLINTON won THE—NY—SENATE—SEAT.
20001107             Gore lost to BUSH despite receiving over 500,000 more votes.
20001107             GEORGE—BUSH won COLORADO by 8—PROZENT points.
20001107             RALPH—NADER took over 5—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
20001107             —APPROVED, CALIFORNIA voters, PROPOSITION—39 for school bonds to pass with a 55—PROZENT majority.
20001107             PROPOSITION—36, the Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act, was also approved.
20001107             It called for transferring drug arrestees from the criminal justice system into treatment programs.
20001107             —APPROVED, Voters, Proposition— 1A, 1—PRO—INDIA—GAMBLING measure.
20001107             —AGREED, CARNAHAN—WIDOW Jean had already, to assume the seat if her husband won.
20001107             —SUPPORTED, WISCONSIN voters, AL—GORE by 1—MARGIN—OF—SOME—5,700—VOTES.
20001107             —ARRESTED, WILLIAM—LEONARD—PICKARD, 55—JAHRE—ALT, was, on CHARGES—OF—CONSPIRING to operate 1—MASSIVE—LSD lab in Wamego, Ka.
20001107             † * In DENMARK QUEEN—MOTHER—INGRID —90—JAHRE—ALT.
20001107             She Ingrid VICTORIA Sofie LOUISE—MARGARETHA at the royal castle in STOCKHOLM as THE—DAUGHTER—OF—KING—GUSTAF—VI—ADOLF.
20001107             —EXPANDED, SERBIA, prisoner riots, to Pozarevac and Nis where THE—RAPE—OF—WOMEN—INMATES was reported.
20001107             —ADOPTED, TAIWAN, the legislature, bills to clear the way for 1—RECALL VOTE—AGAINST—PRESIDENT—CHEN—SHUI—BIAN.
20001107             —GRANTED, VENEZUELA, the congress, PRESIDENT—CHAVEZ fast track powers to decree laws without parliamentary debate.
20001107             —APPEALED, ZIMBABWE, white farmers, to the highest COURT—ON—THE—CONSTITUTIONALITY—OF—THE—EMERGENCY—POWERS used by PRESIDENT—MUGABE for farm seizures.
20001107             POA Final Poll: BUSH 49—PROZENT, Gore 40—PROZENT NewsMax_com —TUESDAY, Nov.
20001107             LP: 4—BUSH Biographers--All Suicided
20001107             GENERAL—JOHN—SINGLAUB had offices across the hall from CHARLES—KEATING.
20001107             —DISCOVERED, Brian further, that WALTER—BUSH—OF—WALTER—BUSH—SECURITIES...
20001107             It's Official: DICK—CHENEY Is THE—WORLD—1. Trillionaire!!:
20001107             Along with CHENEY, 1—NUMBER—OF—OTHER—INDIVIDUALS in THE—CHENEY /BUSH...
20001107             JOHN—HULL; JOHN—SINGLAUB ; Charleton Heston;
20001107             Carrot Top; JERRY—FALWELL; Candie Apples...
20001107             Subject: more S+L links CIA money laundering Keywords: more of...
20001107             —REPORTED, The "NEW—YORK—TIMES ", that BUSH, who from
20001107             -the —DAY all USA—CITIZENS were occupied with the election of their PRESIDENT, THE—UK announced its biggest MILITARY—EXERCISE—SINCE THE—GULF—WAR, operation Swift Sword (SAIF—SAREEA in Arabic),
20001107             involving 24,000 troops and 1—LOT—OF—HEAVY—MATERIAL.
20001107             —LAUT 1. Meldungen, Bei den USA—PRÄSIDENT—WAHLEN besiegt der REPUBLIKANER—KANDIDAT—GEORGE—W—BUSH den demokratischen Kandidaten AL—GORE.
20001107             —1—MONAT—SPÄTER—ERST, Des REPUBLIKANISCHE—KANDIDAT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—SIEG wird allerdings per GERICHTS—ENTSCHEID bestätigt werden und doch umstritten bleiben.
20001107             Die SPANISCHE—WÜSTE—BARDENAS—REALES in NAVARRA wird von der UNESCO zum Biosphärenreservat erklärt.
20001107             —GEWÄHLT, HILLARY—CLINTON wird für den STAAT—NEW—YORK in den USA—SENAT.
20001107             HILLARY—CLINTON ist die 1. ehemalige 1. Lady der USA, die in 1—ÖFFENTLICHES Amt gewählt wird.
20001107             Along with CHENEY, 1—NUMBER—OF—OTHER—INDIVIDUALS in THE—CHENEY—BUSH...
20001107—20010000    —AUTHORED, BILL—SAMMON, "At ANY—COST: How AL—GORE—TRIED to Steal the Election" and Alan M Dershowitz authored ""SUPREME—INJUSTICE: How the High COURT—HIJACKED—ELECTION 20000000             ".
20011024—20011107    —ARMED, PAKISTAN, SOME—4,000, men blocked and held the Karakoram Highway, the main road to CHINA, and demanded that Musharraf step down.
20011028             Campbell was caught 20011107             .
20011106—20111107    —APOLOGIZED, MEXICO—GOVERNMENT publicly, for failing to prevent the killings of THE—3—WOMEN and for THE—NEGLIGENCE—OF—OFFICIALS in investigating the crimes.
20011107             Safety changes were made  20000725             —FOLLOWING—THE—CRASH.
20011107             Agence FRANCE Presse via Hindustan Times,
20011107             SYDNEY —MORNING Herald, Ananova, 07Nov.2001—MANCHESTER—GUARDIAN,
20011107             —TARGETED, THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—MULTIMILLION—DOLLAR—FINANCE—NETWORKS, closing businesses in 4—STATES, detaining USA—SUSPECTS and urging allies to help choke off money supplies in 40—NATIONS.
20011107             —AGREED, Bridgestone/Firestone INCORPORATED, to pay 41.5—MILLION—DOLLAR to head off lawsuits by states over defective tires.
20011107             —PREPARED, Small NUMBERS—OF—USA—FORCES, to enter SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN for special missions.
20011107             1—SPECIAL—UNIT—OF—AFGHAN and Arab "fidaiyan" fighters, was reported to be ready for suicide attacks.
20011107             —RESUMED, UK—AIRWAYS and Air FRANCE, Concorde jet flights.
20011107             —KIDNAPPED, COLOMBIA, FARC rebels, Mireya Mejia Araujo, 1—LOCAL—PEACE counselor, and demanded 217.000—DOLLAR in ransom.
20011107             —LIFTED, ISRAEL—LAWMAKERS, Parliamentary immunity from Azmi Bishara, 1—REPRESENTATIVE—OF—THE—ARAB party Balad, for statements that allegedly threatened ISRAEL—SECURITY.
20011107             —PLEDGED, ITALY, 1—AIRCRAFT—CARRIER and 2,700 troops to help THE—USA—CAMPAIGN in AFGHANISTAN.
20011107             THE—PHILIPPINES, TROPICAL—STORM Lingling left AT—LEAST—68—PEOPLE—KILLED—BY—FLOODS and landslides.
20011107             —KILLED, QATAR, ABDULLAH—MUBARAK—AL—HAJIRI was, —AFTER he opened fire on USA and QATAR—TROOPS guarding THE—AL—ADID—AIR—BASE.
20011107             † SPAIN, JUDGE—JOSE—MARIA—LIDON—CORBI was shot to death as he drove out of his garage in Gexto.
20011107             THE—ETA was held responsible.
20011107             —ENDED, TAIWAN, a —50—JAHRE—ALT—BAN—ON—DIRECT—TRADE and investment in CHINA.
20011107             Safety changes were made —FOLLOWING 20000725             —THE crash.
20011107             At THE—WHITE—HOUSE, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH and UK—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR, allies in THE—WAR—ON—TERROR—ISM, confidently offered BACK—TO—BACK—PLEDGES—OF—VICTORY, no matter how long it took.
20011107—20000725    —AM, Nach 1—UNTERBRECHUNG aufgrund des Absturzes wird der Linienflug der Concorde zwischen PARIS/LONDON und NEW—YORK wieder aufgenommen.
20011109             1—PAKISTAN—NEWSPAPER published a 20011107             —INTERVIEW—WITH—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN in which he claimed to have chemical and NUCLEAR—WEAPONS.
20020000             Investigator JOHN—LOFTUS has said, "As 1—FORMER—FEDERAL—PROSECUTOR... " BUSH—NAZI Dealings Continued —UNTIL 1951", NEW—HAMPSHIRE Gazette, 20031107             .
20021107             —HEADED, LATVIA—PARLIAMENT gave its approval to 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT, by FORMER—CENTRAL—BANK—PRESIDENT—EINARS—REPSE, who vowed to stop corruption in THE—EX—SOVIET—BALTIC—REPUBLIC.
20021107             —ANALYSIERT, PAUL—KRUGMAN, WIRTSCHAFTS—WISSENSCHAFTLER, im WIRTSCHAFTS—TEIL die zunehmenden Einkommensunterschiede zwischen dem AMERIKANISCHEN—DURCHSCHNITT und den Reichen IN—DEN—USA.
20021107             —PROFITIERT, Der Durchschnitt hat vom Boom nicht, und DIE—KRISE verschärft das PRO—BLEM: "Selbst wenn man die große Ungleichheit in den USA als den Preis ansieht, den wir für unsere große WIRTSCHAFTS—KRAFT bezahlen, ist nicht klar, dass das Ergebnis diesen Preis wert ist. Denn die ungleichheit in den USA hat 1—NIVEAU erreicht, das kontraproduktiv ist".
20021107             "Selbst wenn man die große Ungleichheit IN—DEN—USA als den Preis ansieht, den wir für unsere große WIRTSCHAFTS—KRAFT bezahlen, ist nicht
20021107             DIE—ZEIT, Übernahme aus.. NEW—YORK—TIMES
20021107             —PROFITIERT, Der Durchschnitt hat vom Boom nicht, und DIE—KRISE verschärft DAS—PROBLEM:
20021107             klar, daß DAS—ERGEBNIS diesen Preis wert ist.
20021107             Denn die ungleichheit IN—DEN—USA hat 1—NIVEAU erreicht, das kontraproduktiv ist".
20021107             In his 1. news conference —SINCE the midterm elections, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, charting 1—AGENDA for the new (REPUBLICAN—CONGRESS, said that HOMELAND—SECURITY came 1. and that 1—ECONOMIC—RECOVERY—PLAN with new tax cuts would wait —UNTIL THE—NEXT—YEAR.
20021107             —STEPPED, Dick Gephardt, down as House Democratic leader —IN—THE—WAKE—OF his party's election losses.
20021107             —APPROVED, THE—USA—FDA, a —20—MINUTE—EASY to use AIDS test manufactured by OraSure.
20021107             —SACKED, CONCORDIA—COLOMBIA, SOME—500—MEN and women, the buildings of the local government offices, political offices, and state phone operations IN—RESPONSE—TO—THE—MURDER—OF—MAYORAL candidate Eugenio Escalante (47) by THE—AUC.
20021107             —FOUNDED, RUDOLF—AUGSTEIN (79), who, THE—USA—STYLE—DER Spiegel newsweekly in the ruins of postwar GERMANY and turned it into the country's most respected magazine, † of pneumonia.
20021107             —REJECTED, Nearly 99—PERCENT—OF—VOTERS on GIBRALTAR, the idea of BRITAIN sharing its colony with SPAIN in 1—STINGING rebuff to ANY—PLANS for joint sovereignty.
20021107             —CRASHED, INDONESIA, 1—LIGHT—PLANE, on 1—ISLET off Borneo —3—MINUTES—AFTER it took off, killing 7—OF—THE—10—PEOPLE aboard.
20021107             —CHARGED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL and other rights groups, that slavery by NORTH—AFRICA—ARABS and Berbers and others persists in THE—WEST—AFRICA—NATION—OF—MAURITANIA, —2—DECADES—AFTER its official abolition.
20021107             —ANALYSIERT, Krugman, Paul, WIRTSCHAFTS—WISS, im WIRTSCHAFTS—TEIL die zunehmenden Einkommensunterschiede zwischen dem AMERIKANISCHEN—DURCHSCHNITT und den Reichen in den USA.
20030512             WSJ, 20051107             ] More here.
20031107             —SIGNED, THE—USA—AND—RUSSIA, 1—AGREEMENT under which RUSSIA would retrieve, within the next 5 to —10—YEARS, uranium from research reactors in 17—COUNTRIES.
20031107             —REPORTED, THE—USA—LABOR—DEPARTMENT, 1—INCREASE—OF—126,000 jobs outside the farm sector —FOR—OCTOBER.
20031107             —RULED, THE—NEW—HAMPSHIRE SUPREME—COURT, that 1—LESBIAN affair did not constitute adultery under state law.
20031107             —OWNED, THE—CBOE, 68—PERCENT—OF—IT.
20031107             "There is —NOW abundant EVIDENCE—OF—NON—HUMAN—COGNITION and consciousness".
20031107             —SIGNED, FRANCE and RUSSIA, 1—ACCORD that is intended to pave the way for the eventual LAUNCH—OF—RUSSIA—ROCKETS from 1—FRANCE—LAUNCH pad in SOUTH—AMERICA.
20031107             —CRASHED, TIKRIT—IRAQ, 1—ARMY—BLACK—HAWK helicopter, apparently SHOT—DOWN—BY—INSURGENTS, killing all 6—USA—SOLDIERS aboard.
20031107             2—OTHER—SOLDIERS KILLED—WERE near MOSUL.
20031107             —ANNOUNCED, THE—ISRAEL—HEALTH—MINISTRY, the recall of Remedia, 1—KOSHER infant formula, —FOLLOWING 3 reported infant deaths.
20031107             1—PRODUCTION—ERROR had cut vitamin B-1.
20031107             PRESIDENT—MAAOYA—SID'AHMED—TAYA won the vote.
20031107             —FAILED, The defending champion USA baseball team, to qualify for 20040000             —THE—ATHENS—OLYMPICS, losing to MEXICO 2-1 in the quarterfinals of 1—QUALIFYING tournament in PANAMA—CITY, PANAMA.
20031107             THE—PHILIPPINES—SECURITY—OFFICERS shot and killed the country's former top civil aviation official and 1—NAVY—RESERVE—OFFICER as they seized THE—MANILA airport control tower at gunpoint.
20031107             —KONSTITUIERT, DEUTSCHLAND, sich die Föderalismuskommission als gemeinsames Gremium von Bundesrat und BUNDESTAG, um die BUNDES—STAATLICHE Ordnung zu modernisieren.
20031107             1. UN peace missions to LIBERIA—REBEL—HELD FAR—EAST found deserted towns emptied of all but looting insurgents, and TERROR—IZED civilians under rebel grip or lying rotting, dead, in the bush.
20040000             Does it Matter?: 20041107             — 20041113             ... 1—POSTER named ' TruthIsAll ' on the DemocraticUnderground_com forums laid out the questionable RESULTS—OF—TUESDAY—ELECTION in succinct fashion: 'To...
200403110730         a.m.AT CA— in ESPAGNIA "AL—QAEDA"sets off 10—BOMBS in 3—TRAIN—STATIONS in and near MADRID, 1—OF which is Atocha, killing 200, wounding 1.400".
20040716—20001107    —AM, als sein Parteigenosse GEORGE—W—BUSH in den USA gegen den Demokraten AL—GORE zur Präsidentenwahl antrat, saß der 20-jährige Amerikaner zwischen CA—400—STUDENTEN in 1—HÖRSAAL der Heidelberger UNIVERSITÄT.
20040716—20001107    Seine schwierige Mission —AN—DEM—ABEND: Der aufgebrachten Menge als Pressesprecher der AMERIKANISCHEN—REPUBLIKANER zu vermitteln, wofür die Partei steht.
20041027             Das war, wie der "New Yorker" in einer Analyse nachzeichnete, die direkte Folge der 3 "schwarzen Dienstage" in der jüngsten USA—GESCHICHTE: der 20001107             , als die MEHRHEIT—DER—WÄHLER—AL—GORE zum Präsidenten wählte, der 20001212             , als die MEHRHEIT—DES—SUPREME—COURTS—BUSH[BGW968] zum Präsidenten machte und der 20010911             , "der schwärzeste —DIENSTAG von allen".
20041031             Military Families Against FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH—POSTED—BY—KYNN on 11:33—PM, 20040916             20041107             [20030916             THE—PLAIN—DEALER, —POSTED AT—DIEBOLD—WEB—SITE.
20041107             [20030916             THE—PLAIN—DEALER, —POSTED AT—DIEBOLD—WEB—SITE.
20041107             Add to this THE—PRIVATISATION—OF—KEY—STATE—FUNCTIONS, all mediated by GLOBAL—IT corporations that are also the indispensable link in the weapons, media, pharmaceuticals + GLOBAL—FINANCIAL—NETWORKS + you have the corporate, security state 20010101—21001231     style.
20041107             Der so genannte Sturm auf den Winterpalast in S—PETERSBURG, der 19170000             den Sieg der BOLSCHEWIKI über die bürgerliche Regierung besiegelte, fand —NACH—DEM damals in RUSSLAND gültigen Julianischen Kalender —NACHT—VOM—IN—DER, 20041024—20041025     statt.
20041107             Dirty TRICKS—ANOTHER reason for suspicion about manipulation of 20041102             —THE vote is THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY—LONG—HISTORY—OF—ELECTORAL—DIRTY tricks, which I detail in my book,
20041107             Exit POLLS—BUT the most perplexing fact is that exit polls into THE—EVENING—OF—20041102              showed Kerry rolling to 1—CLEAR—VICTORY nationally and carrying MOST—OF—THE—BATTLEGROUND states, including FLORIDA and OHIO, whose totals would have ensured KERRY—VICTORY in THE—ELECTORAL—COLLEGE.
20041107             So far, the only national "mainstream" media to come close to this story was KEITH—OLBERMANN on his show —FRIDAY night, 20041105             —WHEN he noted that it was curious that all the voting machine irregularities so far uncovered seem to favor BUSH.
20041107             [20041105             NEW—YORK—TIMES]
20041107             Published —ON—SATURDAY, 20041106             by CommonDreams_org
20041107             —WHEN I spoke with JEFF—FISHER—THIS—MORNING (—SATURDAY, 20041106             ), THE—DEMOCRATIC—CANDIDATE—FOR—THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES from FLORIDA—16. District said he was waiting for THE—FBI to show up.
20041107             We're awaiting independent analysis on SOME—PRETTY—CROOKED—LOOKING elections.
20041107             In the mean time, here's something to chew on.
20041107             —TRUSTED, Your local elections officials, 1—GROUP called NASED -- THE—NATIONAL—ASSOCIATION—OF—STATE—ELECTION—DIRECTORS -- to certify that your voting system is safe.
20041107             —BREACHED, This trust was.
20041107             —CERTIFIED, NASED, the systems based on the recommendation of an "Independent Testing Authority" (ITA).
20041107             —OBTAINED, We base this on hard evidence, documents, in public records requests, inside information + other data INDICATIVE—OF—MANIPULATION—OF—ELECTRONIC voting systems.
20041107             What we do not know is the specific SCOPE—OF—THE—FRAUD.
20041107             —BASED, We are working —NOW to compile the proof, not on soft EVIDENCE—RED—FLAGS, exit POLLS—BUT core documents obtained by Black Box Voting in the most massive FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION action in history.
20041107             2004/11/FRAUD—LINKS.HTML—FRAUD—LINKS I should have more on vote fraud fairly soon.
20041107             —UNTIL then,BOB—PARRY—LATEST, on the links between vote fraud and CIA "CYBER—WAR," is required READING.
20041107             This page gives 1—GOOD overview and MANY—HELPFUL—LINKS.
20041107             (Thanks for the tip, BG!) This site is devoted to the vote suppression in OHIO.
20041107             Here is 1—GOOD—GENERAL—DISCUSSION—OF—THE—FLORIDA vote.
20041107             This letter provides 1—USEFUL—MODEL.
20041107             CommonDreams offers mandatory READING on THE—MECHANICS—OF—COMPUTER—FRAUD.
20041107             OHIO residents march en masse against the fraudulent vote.
20041107             And GLOBAL—MONITORS—OF our election don't like the way it was conducted.
20041107             (INTERNATIONAL inspectors are okay for IRAQ, but not for us, it seems...)
20041107             —TRACKED, But even if Saddam is, down and cornered, THE—USA will make sure he never faces justice.
20041107             —NOTED, For as foreign affairs analyst ERIC—MARGOLIS has, "Dead dictators tell no tales".
20041107             Considering Saddam was in bed with THE—CIA and several USA—PRESIDENTS -- including DUBYA—DADDY -- THE—MISSION—TO—KILL him is 1—ESPECIALLY urgent piece of unfinished business.
20041107             The disingenuous COLIN—POWELL is free to stand —BEFORE THE—USA—PEOPLE and use picturesque (if inappropriately childish) nouns to describe SADDAM—HUSSEIN -- who was, not LONG—AGO, that is —BEFORE he outlived his usefulness and fell from grace, our man in BAGHDAD -- and questions that should be obvious, especially for supposedly educated journalists, are never asked: is it possible that 1—LARGE—NUMBER—OF our current problems in THE—MIDDLE—EAST and elsewhere stem directly from USA—SUPPORT—OF repressive and murderous regimes?
20041107             Is it also possible there will not be peace in THE—MIDDLE—EAST so long as THE—USA—UNCONDITIONALLY supports ISRAEL and pays for the unconscionable THEFT—OF—PALESTINE—LAND?
20041107             Do you think providing THE—CIA with new powers -- both abroad and at home -- will make THE—WORLD 1—MORE—SECURE and less violent place?
20041107             —APRIL, of —THIS—YEAR, however, as BUSH was KNEE—DEEP into his INVASION—OF—IRAQ, the
20041107             UPI ran 1—STORY about SADDAM—CONNECTION—TO—THE—CIA.
20041107             The story came and went.
20041107             —BURIED, It was, beneath 1—TIDAL wave of ANTI—SADDAM propaganda and hysterical distortion unleashed by THE—BUSH ites and parroted by 1—OBEDIENT corporate media.
20041107             —PRIOR—TO—$1THE—UPI story, ROGER—MORRIS, 1—FORMER—NATIONAL—SECURITY—COUNCIL—STAFFER 19700101—19701231    —IN—THE,confirmed that the Ba'ath Party —NOW so reviled by average Americans was essentially installed by THE—CIA 19630000             —IN IN—RESPONSE—TO—THE—IRAQ—LEADER—GENERAL—ABD—AL—KARIM—QASIM, 1—BLOODY—DICTATOR who backed out of THE—ANTI—SOVIET—BAGHDAD Pact and talked about nationalizing IRAQ—OIL—INDUSTRY.
20041107             "We came to power on 1—CIA—TRAIN," admitted ALI—SALEH—SA'ADI, Ba'ath Party SECRETARY general —AT—THE—TIME.
20041107             As JAMES—CRITCHFIELD, then HEAD—OF—THE—CIA in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, told Andrew and PATRICK—COCKBURN ("Out of the Ashes, THE—RESURRECTION—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN," 20000000             ), THE—CIA regarded the Ba'athist COUP—AGAINST—QASIM "1—GREAT—VICTORY" and also considered it their favorite coup.
20041107             In fact, Saddam is no better or worse than ANY—NUMBER—OF—DICTATORS—PAST or present.
20041107             —SUPPORTED, These are dictators THE—USA—EITHER, directly or indirectly over the years.
20041107             In general, THE—USA—PEOPLE know nothing about these sadists and murderous thugs or how their government supported them.
20041107             —INDEED, If Saddam is, "1—PIECE—OF trash," as Powell claims, it is 1—INDISPUTABLE—FACT that he is trash CREATED—BY—THE—USA.
20041107             Saddam was almost entirely 1—FRANKENSTEIN CREATION—OF—THE—CIA.
20041107             —BACKED, This is 1—FACT, up by MORE—THAN—1—USA—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL and documented in several books.
20041107             —AFTER all, we're the good guys, we do good in THE—WORLD -- and that's why we're —NOW attempting to track down Hussein and bring him to justice.
20041107             It's all about liberating THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE and throwing off this sadistic butcher -- or so THE—BUSH ites want us to believe.
20041107             THE—SADDAM—CIA—STORY is out there, easy enough to find.
20041107             ORDER—TO—FIND, it, simply point your browser at GOOGLE and enter the —FOLLOWING search criteria: "SADDAM—CIA—COUP".
20041107             —RETURNED, MOST—OF—THE—RESULTS, link to articles and news items reporting how THE—CIA attempted to overthrow Hussein several times —SINCE the 1. Gulf invasion.
20041107             ABC, Time, MISS—NBC, USA—TODAY + other mainstream publications carry MANY—OF—THESE stories.
20041107             22:4 —IN—NOVEMBER, in 1—EFFORT to head off 1—MOVE toward 1—INDEPENDENT—INVESTIGATION, SENATE—REPUBLICANS accused the Democrats of attempting to damage BUSH politically in 1—ELECTION—YEAR and derail 1—SENATE—BI—PARTISAN investigation currently underway.
20041107             "SOME—DEMOCRAT leaders are flirting with treason —WHILE the Republicans are acting like 1—BUNCH of sissies," complained 1 unnamed "top figure" from THE—SO—CALLED—NATIONAL—SECURITY—COMMUNITY.
20041107             In other words, merely calling for 1—INDEPENDENT—INVESTIGATION is 1—FORM—OF treason, 1—EFFORT to "destroy the nation's wartime REPUBLICAN—USA—PRESIDENT," as J. MICHAEL—WALLER characterized it last December in INSIGHT—MAGAZINE.
20041107             How best to DEAL—WITH—SEDITIOUS—DEMOCRATS?
20041107             "LINCOLN—POLICY was to have treasonous FEDERAL—LAWMAKERS arrested and tried —BEFORE military tribunals + exiled or hanged if convicted," Waller explained.
20041107             No doubt it is 1—SOLUTION—BUSH and the neocons can live with.
20041107             —CALLED, If BUSH is not, to answer for his lies —BEFORE the election, then he will never be called to answer.
20041107             OSP will become 1—PERMANENT fixture.
20041107             So will murderous lies. Other Articles by KURT—NIMMO
20041107             * - THE—SHARON—RUMSFELD Plan: Going —AFTER Hezbollah
20041107             * - BUSH and THE—SUPREME—COURT: Going —AFTER THE—BILL—OF—RIGHTS
20041107             * - SADDAM—DEFENSE: Call BUSH—SENIOR to the Stand
20041107             * - BUSH—POLICE—STATE: Going —AFTER—THE—LEFT, Not AL—QAEDA
20041107             * - Bogus Terror Threats and BUSH—POLICE—STATE
20041107             * - No More MISTER—NICE—GUY: BUSH Gets Serious About Killing Iraqis
20041107             * - Newt Gingrich: Growing the Dictatorship in IRAQ
20041107             * - BUSH MINISTRY—OF—DISINFORMATION—EDITOR—GETS "Freedom" Medal
20041107             * - ZIONISM—USEFUL—IDIOTS - * - No Apologies for Wolfowitz the Microbe
20041107             * - Criticizing Zionism: Naked ANTI—SEMITISM?
20041107             * - Shock Therapy and THE—ISRAEL—SCENARIO
20041107             * - CUBA and the "Necessary Viciousness" of THE—BUSH ites
20041107             * - Imperial Sociopaths - * - BUSH—SPEECH: Internationalizing the Whirlwind
20041107             * - THE—IMAM—ALI—MOSQUE—BOMBING: Round Up the Usual Suspects
20041107             * - IRAQ—WMD: THE—LIE that WILL—NEVER—DIE
20041107             * - UN Bombing: TERROR—ISM or National Liberation?
20041107             * - SADDAM—HUSSEIN: Taking Out THE—CIA—TRASH
20041107             * - THE—BUG—EXTERMINATOR—GOES to JERUSALEM - * - Bread, Circuses, Uday and Qusay
20041107             IRAK: USA—STREITKRÄFTE kesseln Falludscha ein
20041107             "OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and the 'October surprise'
20041107             ELFENBEINKÜSTE: Hetzjagd auf FRANZÖSISCHE—BÜRGER
20041107             —NACH—DEM später eingeführten Gregorianischen Kalender fällt dieses Datum auf den 07.+20041108             .
20041107             "—DER—TAG—DER—OKTOBERREVOLUTION war und ist ein herausragendes Ereignis und kann nicht abgeschafft werden", sagte Gennadi Sjuganow, VORSITZENDER—DER—KOMMUNISTISCHE—PARTEI.
20041107             "Die Menschen haben für diesen Feiertag gelitten. Niemand hat das Recht, auf unserer Geschichte herumzutrampeln", zitierte ihn die Nachrichtenagentur ITAR—TASS.
20041107             Laut einer Umfrage des ROMIR—INSTITUTS sind 77—PROZENT—DER—RUSSEN für die Beibehaltung des Revolutionstages.
20041107             MOSKAU—MIT Demonstrationen und Kundgebungen haben tausende Menschen in RUSSLAND und den ehemaligen Sowjetrepubliken den 87. Jahrestag der Oktoberrevolution begangen.
20041107             MOSKAU, zogen MEHR—ALS—8000—MENSCHEN mit SOVIET—FLAGGEN und einem riesigen Porträt des Revolutionsführers WLADIMIR—LENIN durch DIE—STADT.
20041107             Der kommunistischen Partei nahe Quellen sprechen gar von 40.000—DEMONSTRATIONSTEILNEHMERN.
20041107             Ostalgie: Russen feiern Oktoberrevolution
20041107             —ATOM—TRANSPORT: CASTOR—ZUG verletzt Demonstranten tödlich
20041107             SpaceShipOne: Kalifornier streicht 10—MILLIONEN—DOLLAR ein
20041107             THE—PSYCHOPATHS and FALLUJAH Resistance: THE—WORLDS "only" superpower is posed to flatten the city of 300,000—PEOPLE in ORDER—TO—PACIFY (kill) its citizens because of their OPPOSITION—TO—USA—OCCUPATION.
20041107             This new massacre is sold by THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION and mainstream Western media as a "necessary step to hold election" in IRAQ.
20041107             —EMBED, IRAQ—REBELS invite media to "" in Falluja:
20041107             "We will protect and transport them to THE—LOCATION—OF—THE—EVENTS. There will be 1—SPECIAL building for the journalists".
20041107             —STARTED, THE—ASSAULT—ON—FALLUJAH has.
20041107             It is being sold as LIBERATION—OF—THE—PEOPLE—OF—FALLUJAH;
20041107             it is being sold as 1—NECESSARY—STEP to implementing "democracy" in IRAQ.
20041107             These are lies.
20041107             COALITION—IRAQ reject ANNAN—WARNING letter : THE—USA, BRITAIN and IRAQ angrily dismissed —ON—FRIDAY 1—WARNING from UNITED—NATIONS SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN that 1—MILITARY—OFFENSIVE in the Sunni STRONGHOLD—OF—FALLUJAH could jeopardize the credibility of upcoming elections in IRAQ.
20041107             Scholars Defend IRAQ—RESISTANCE, PRO—HIBIT Collaboration
20041107             More PRE—EMPTIVE strikes on the table : STRESSING THE—USA—PRESIDENT had a "duty to lead", GEORGE—W—BUSH made clear —YESTERDAY he was prepared to launch more PRE—EMPTIVE strikes to protect THE—USA—EVEN if other countries continued to disagree with his policy.
20041107             —RAZED, USA—STRIKES destroys Falluja hospital : 1—HOSPITAL has been, to the ground in 1—OF—THE—HEAVIEST—USA—AIR—RAIDS in THE—IRAQ—CITY—OF—FALLUJA.
20041107             Evidence Mounts That THE—VOTE—WAS—HACKED : Nations do go crazy sometimes:
20041107             THE—PROGRESSION—OF—SYMPTOMS we've been exhibiting here in the Good Ol' USA has entered rubber room territory"
20041107             MARK—TWAIN: THE—WAR—PRAYER:
20041107             O Lord our God, help us to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells;
20041107             help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead;
20041107             help us to drown THE—THUNDER—OF—THE—GUNS with the shrieks of their wounded, writhing in pain;
20041107             help us to lay waste their humble homes with 1—HURRICANE—OF—FIRE
20041107             PATRICK—SEALE: And —NOW... 4—MORE—YEARS—OF—WAR?
20041107             —BY putting GEORGE—W—BUSH—BACK—IN THE—WHITE—HOUSE for 4—MORE—YEARS, THE—USA—ELECTORATE has voted for war.
20041107             Motion to impeach Blair accuses him of "gross misconduct": newspaper : THE—INDEPENDENT—ON—SUNDAY said it had obtained the text of the motion from 1—CROSS—PARTY—GROUP—OF—MPS, adding it would be offered for debate SOON—AFTER—THE—NEW—PARLIAMENTARY—SESSION begins —LATER—THIS—MONTH.
20041107             Call it What It Is: NAZI—STYLE—PROPAGANDA:
20041107             It is not surprising THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—USES—NAZI—STYLE—PROPAGANDA to resurrect LONG—DISCREDITED and evil Nazi doctrines like preventive war.
20041107             FALLUJAH: Marines turn to God : Men with buzzcuts and clad in their camouflage waved their hands in the air, M—16—ASSAULT—RIFLES beside them + chanted heavy METAL—FLAVOURED lyrics in PRAISE—OF—CHRIST—LATE—ON—FRIDAY in 1—YELLOW—BRICK chapel.
20041107             ARMA—GEDDON Sick of You
20041107             —POISED, DANIEL—PATRICK—WELCH—BUSH—SWORD—OF—DAMOCLES is, above the people + CITY—OF—FALLUJAH, ready to wreak THE—PENT—UP wrath his addled brain thinks his tainted ELECTION—VICTORY—PERMITS.
20041107             This is the bizarre WORLD—IN—A—BUBBLE in which most Americans reside.
20041107             With 1—CHORUS—OF—ONWARD, CHRISTIAN—SOLDIERS and 1—VAPID, cheerleading press, the crusade continues unabated, as THE—WORLD—REVULSION continues to grow.
20041107             In the meantime, THE—WASHINGTON—POST and other media are —NOW going through SINGLE—BULLET—THEORY—LIKE—CONTORTIONS to explain how the exit polls had failed.
20041107             But I agree with FOX—DICK—MORRIS on this 1, at least in large part.
20041107             Wrapping up his story for THE—HILL, Morris wrote in his final paragraph, "This was no mere mistake. Exit polls cannot be as wrong across THE—BOARD as they were on election night. I suspect foul play".
20041107             Evidence Mounts That THE—VOTE—MAY—HAVE—BEEN—HACKED by THOM—HARTMANN
20041107             Fisher has evidence, he says, not only that THE—FLORIDA election was hacked, but of who hacked it and how.
20041107             "It was practice for 1—NATIONAL—EFFORT," Fisher told me.
20041107             THE—STATE—OF—FLORIDA, for example, publishes 1—COUNTY—BY—COUNTY—RECORD—OF—VOTES cast and people registered to vote by party affiliation.
20041107             —COMPILED, Net denizen Kathy Dopp, the official state information into 1—TABLE, available at
20041107             and noticed something startling
20041107             Please, fellow americans, do not surrender.
20041107             I'm 1—SPANIARD + I know the feeling, that your only option is to abandon your country because 1—FASCIST—GOVERNMENT has taken control;
20041107             we were almost there, —BEFORE we kicked out Aznar.
20041107             If things had been different, ALL—OF—USA—THAT illegaly marched THE—DAY—BEFORE the elections, —AFTER THE—MADRID bombings, would —NOW be in jail.
20041107             Riot, riot, riot + never stop.
20041107             Do not listen to the "we have to unite" lies, they —JUST speak "you have to surrender to us".
20041107             —JUST to share 1—BIT—OF our history...
20041107             also: PHOTOS—OUTRAGE in OHIO: Angry residents storm STATE—HOUSE IN—RESPONSE—TO—MASSIVE voter suppression and corruption
20041107             Your Kerry VICTORY—PARTY
20041107             So we can call OHIO and NEW—MEXICO for JOHN—KERRY—IF we count all the votes.
20041107             But that won't happen.
20041107             Despite THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY—PLEDGE, the leadership this time gave in to racial disenfranchisement once again.
20041107             —SPOILED, He will ultimately decide which, and provisional ballots get tallied.
20041107             Also, Democratic leadership knows darn well the media would punish the party for demanding 1—FULL—COUNT.
20041107             What —NOW? Kerry won, so hold your victory party.
20041107             But make sure the shades are down: it may be become illegal to demand 1—FULL—VOTE—COUNT under PATRIOT Act III.
20041107             —LEARNED, The narrative is this: >>What they, for last time is that simply spoiling ballots won't get the job done.
20041107             That can be detected and remedied.
20041107             They need 1—MORE—COMPREHENSIVE—PLAN—OF—ATTACK.
20041107             Their plan was to reduce the number of Dems who were able to vote: long lines, faulty machines, late absentee ballot delivery, dumping college registrations, etc.. But in ways that defy quantification.
20041107             —ADDED, What they, this time was also 1—FALSE "turnout" on their own side.
20041107             —INVOLVED, This, pumping 1—EXTRA 10-15K "votes" in counties where they could get away with it.
20041107             PART—OF—THE—SCAM was to file large numbers of false registrations.
20041107             Recall they spent weeks calling this a "crime" by Dems.
20041107             Why would they think is such 1—BAD—CRIME?
20041107             It's not as if Dick Tracy was going to show up to vote.
20041107             —CONSIDERED, They, this 1—CRIME because they were doing it with criminal intent.
20041107             So their false turnout would not be detected. THE—WAR—OF—ERROR
20041107             "We control political forces, we control moral forces we control economic forces, —THEREFORE we are 1—FULL—BLOWN—CORPORATIVE state".
20041107             — Benito Mussolini [1] By WILLIAM—BOWLES—THE—DATABASE—STATE
20041107             6—MILLION—VIDEO—SURVEILLANCE—CAMERAS, bioemetric ID cards, transnational data interception laws + 'joined up' government.
20041107             Everybody in ISRAEL is talking about the Next War.
20041107             The most popular TV channel is running 1—WHOLE—SERIES about it.
20041107             Not another WAR—WITH—THE—ARABS.
20041107             Not THE—NUCLEAR—THREAT from IRAN.
20041107             Not the ongoing bloody confrontation with the Palestinians... by URI—AVNERY
20041107             The talk is about the coming CIVIL—WAR.
20041107             More...If you want to answer..
20041107             Who could possibly think that ALL—OF—THESE voting problems are —JUST 1—MINOR—ABERATION?
20041107             The long lines are always in Democratic counties, that the computer 'glitches' always favor BUSH, and the new E—MACHINES were made by 1—BUSH 'Pioneer' (top donor) that pledged to deliver for BUSH.
20041107             Funny how Diebold makes bank machines which print paper receipts MILLIONS—OF—TIMES—DAILY, but they couldn't get the printer to work in the voting machines.
20041107             All Europeans must recognize that this vote fraud is no laughing MATTER—BUSH might be coming —AFTER 'old EUROPE' in the future.
20041107             Climate Change, senseless killing worldwide, more death and destruction in THE—NAME—OF—PROFITS will continue if BUSH remains idiot emperor in CHIEF.
20041107             Evidence Mounts the Vote was Hacked
20041107             USA—TODAY—MACHINE error gives BUSH 3,893 extra votes in OHIO
20041107             —OCCURRED, Damschroder said the malfunction, —WHEN 1—MACHINE—CARTRIDGE was plugged into 1—LAPTOP computer + generated faulty numbers in several races.
20041107             —PLUGGED, Why is 1—VOTE cartridge being, into anyone's laptop?
20041107             Statistically impossible coinidence of MANY—MORE repub votes than registered repubs ONLY in FLORIDA optical scan counties
20041107             Graph highilighting absurdity of FLORIDA counties in above STORY—IT looks like they —JUST reversed the results!
20041107             —DISCUSSED, FLORIDA county anomalies, here
20041107             Palm Beach POST—BROWARD machines count backward
20041107             Computer Loses MORE—THAN—4,000—EARLY—VOTES
20041107             Too MANY—IRREGULARITIES to be coincidence
20041107             FLORIDA SUN—SENTINEL- 58,000—VOTES lost in heavily democratic Broward COUNTY—FLORIDA
20041107             Group Finds Voting Irregularities in South
20041107             Scrub voter rolls in NY—PHILLY voter suppression
20041107             OHIO—NOT enough MACHINES—FLYER says vote wed
20041107             Links about the potential for vote fraud —BEFORE THE—ELECTION—WHERE were Kerry and Edwards on this ISSUE—NOWHERE!
20041107             Consider the 1. article at CommonDreams above with Bev Harris demonstrating on CNBC how to fix 1—VOTE in —90—SECONDS...
20041107             Why wasn't the Kerry/Edwards team challenging this ridiculous system long —BEFORE the election?
20041107             And why did Kerry give up —WHEN he was only down by 136,000—VOTES in OHIO with 250,000 still to count?!
20041107             How they can fix the election via modem link to CENTRAL—TABULATORS—GLOBAL—MONITORS find faults
20041107             —TAMPERED, Reasonable Doubt that the primary vote has been
20041107             We need: Lawyers to enforce public records laws.
20041107             —NOTIFIED, SOME—COUNTIES have already, us that they plan to stonewall by delaying DELIVERY—OF—THE—RECORDS.
20041107             We need citizen volunteers for 1—NUMBER—OF—SPECIFIC actions.
20041107             We need computer security professionals willing to GO PUBLIC with formal opinions on the evidence we provide, whether or not it involves DMCA complications.
20041107             We need funds to pay for COPIES—OF—THE—EVIDENCE.
20041107             Shouldn't most Republicans want 1—REAL—VICTORY, or would they be happy if their guy stole IT—ANYTHING to win + stop those evil gay people from getting health care.
20041107             Are they really that shallow?
20041107             I think all honest Americans know there is something fishy about both political parties backing electronic voting machines that are so open to hacking.
20041107             Why should the Great USA have million dollar voting machines that don't produce 1—PAPER trail?
20041107             If the new BUSH 'mandate' is truly THE—WILL—OF—THE—PEOPLE, they really won the popular vote, then they shouldn't be afraid of 1—LITTLE transparent auditing and hand recounts.
20041107             —DISENFRANCHISED, So many were, by waiting in long lines, 58,000—VOTES—LOST, name taken off voter list, etc.... I think it would be worthwhile to have 1—NATIONWIDE—RE—VOTE, all paper ballot and hand count.
20041107             MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS to produce new ballots?
20041107             HARDLY—JUST create 1—BALLOT put it on 1—WEBSITE and computers across the country can print the simple BUSH /Kerry/Nader.
20041107             Sure, Nader too, this will get THE—BUSH ies to sign on to this RE—VOTE... but we need to also toss in 1—QUICK 50—PROZENT majority to win RULE—WHY not MISTER—BUSH and fellow boner Kerry?
20041107             Why wouldn't you support a 50—PROZENT or runoff rule... do you think this might give NADER—1—FIGHTING chance?
20041107             It doesn't have to take that long, —JUST hire more counters.
20041107             Imagine that we could hire MILLIONS—OF—JOBLESS, even if it's temporary it'd sure be 1—BOOST to them and the economy + we could hand count EVERY—SINGLE—BALLOT in the nation.
20041107             It is unacceptable to have longer lines in the city than in rural (republican) AREAS—THE—CITIES need more polling PLACES—PERIOD.
20041107             PS—TO all the name calling Republicans calling "sore loser" and "get over it"- are you afraid of 1—RECOUNT?
20041107             BUSH—VERSUS—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN: The propaganda war
20041107             To rebel is right, to disobey is 1—DUTY, to act is necessary !
20041107             Mysterious (REPUBLICAN—MONEY
20041107             —IMPLIED, House Speaker DENNIS—HASTERT, without evidence, that liberal funder GEORGE—SOROS funnels drug money into THE—USA—POLITICAL—PROCESS.
20041107             —LOOKED, But Republican administrations have, the other way —WHEN facing evidence that conservative benefactor Sun Myung Moon has ties to overseas drug lords and has engaged in 1—LONG—RUNNING conspiracy to launder money.
20041107             BUSH : Deceptive or Delusional?
20041107             —RESUMED, In the presidential debate, GEORGE—W—BUSH, his practice of misrepresenting the facts about THE—IRAQ—WAR.
20041107             It was like he flashed back to the good ol' DAYS—BEFORE his WMD allegations were disproved, raising anew the question of whether he can't separate fact from fiction or —JUST cynically knows he can lie to THE—USA—PEOPLE without consequence.
20041107             Evidence of a 2. BUSH Coup?
20041107             —SHOWED, Election experts are struggling to explain why exit polls, JOHN—KERRY winning by 3—PERCENTAGE—POINTS—WHEN GEORGE—W—BUSH ended up on top by about that same margin.
20041107             —EMPLOYED, SOME—DEMOCRATS suspect that THE—BUSH—CAMPAIGN may have, CIA—STYLE "CYBER—WAR" techniques to manipulate the ballot results, 1—THEORETICAL—POSSIBILITY but 1—THAT so far lacks evidentiary support.
20041107             Despite THE—PENTAGON—NERVOUSNESS, the booklet said THE—CYBER—WAR—TACTICS do have advantages over other MILITARY—OPERATIONS.
20041107             "The intrusions can be carried out remotely, transcending THE—BOUNDARIES—OF—TIME and space," the manual said.
20041107             "They also offer the prospect of 'plausible deniability' or repudiation".
20041107             —INDICATED, The booklet, that USA—INTELLIGENCE has found it relatively easy to cover its tracks.
20041107             "DUE—TO—THE—DIFFICULTY—OF tracing 1—NETWORK—PENETRATION to its source, it's difficult for the adversary to prove that you are THE—1—RESPONSIBLE—FOR—CORRUPTING their system," the primer said.
20041107             "In fact, viral infections can be so subtle and insidious that the adversary may not even know that their systems have been attacked".
20041107             Drug Scam
20041107             —DESCRIBED, USA—INTELLIGENCE—SOURCES, 1—CASE—STUDY—OF—1—CIA—HIGH—TECH "dirty trick" that worked in the mid-1990s.
20041107             —AFTER learning of 1—DRUG—LORD'S—PLANS to bribe 1—SOUTH—USA—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL, the spy agency waited for the money to be transferred and then accessed the bank records to remotely delete the bribe.
20041107             Besides stopping the bribe, the money's disappearance spread confusion within the cartel.
20041107             —FOLLOWED, The recriminations that, — with the corrupt official and the drug lord complaining about the lost money — led eventually to THE—EXECUTION—OF—1—HAPLESS bookkeeper, ACCORDING—TO—THE—STORY.
20041107             Much of the suspicion about BUSH possibly manipulating the vote totals has centered on TOUCH—SCREEN—ELECTRONIC voting machines made by OHIO—BASED Diebold, which has MORE—THAN—75,000—ELECTRONIC voting stations operating across THE—USA.
20041107             DIEBOLD—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE is Walden O'Dell, 1—MAJOR—BUSH fundraiser.
20041107             In 1—INVITATION to 1—BUSH fundraising event at his mansion in COLUMBUS, O'Dell wrote that he was "committed to helping OHIO deliver its electoral votes for THE—PRESIDENT".
20041107             —EXPRESSED, He —LATER, regret at his CHOICE—OF—LANGUAGE.
20041107             1—KERRY insider told me that Democratic suspicions also were raised by Republican resistance to implementing ANY—MEANINGFUL—BACKUP—SYSTEM for checking the results on Diebold and other ELECTRONIC—VOTING machines.
20041107             For its part, Diebold denies that its systems are vulnerable to computer hacking, calling such allegations "fantasy".
20041107             [SEE—DIEBOLD—STATEMENT.
20041107             Though there's still no proof of such 1—CYBER—ATTACK, suspicions are growing that THE—USA—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION—RESULTS were manipulated to SOME—DEGREE.
20041107             Voting analyses of SOME—PRECINCTS in FLORIDA and OHIO have found surprisingly high percentages for BUSH.
20041107             —NOTED, Others have, that the large turnout among young voters and the obvious ENTHUSIASM—OF—JOHN—KERRY—VOTERS would have suggested 1—BETTER showing for the Democrat.
20041107             —SHOWED, Significantly, polls also, Republicans carrying the bulk of the tight Senate races.
20041107             —TALLIED, However, —WHEN the official results were, the presidential exit polls proved wrong —WHILE THE—SENATE—POLLS proved right.
20041107             Explanations from THE—ARCHITECTS—OF—THE—EXIT—POLL sampling system also sound specious.
20041107             Their report said Kerry voters were simply more willing than BUSH voters to answer the exit pollsters' questions.
20041107             But this "chattiness thesis" seems more like 1—POST—FACTO excuse than 1—SERIOUS—ARGUMENT.
20041107             Another explanation from SOME—PUNDITS was that the exit polls were adjusted by late in the —DAY to rectify PRO—KERRY exaggerations from the —EARLIER samples.
20041107             —HAPPENED, But that is not what.
20041107             —REPORTED, As THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, "The presumption of 1—KERRY victory built 1—HEAD—OF steam late in the —DAY, —WHEN THE—NATIONAL—SURVEY showed THE—SENATOR with 1—STATISTICALLY significant lead, 1—FALLING outside the survey's MARGIN—OF—ERROR".
20041107             Through THE—LATE—AFTERNOON, exit polls did show KERRY—LEAD in SOME—SWING states shrinking, For instance, his lead in OHIO slipped from 4—POINTS to 1—POINT.
20041107             —DROPPED, In FLORIDA, his lead, from 3—POINTS to 1—POINT.
20041107             However, his edge in the popular vote seems to have held fairly steady AT—CA—3—PERCENT.
20041107             —DURING—THE—DAY, even BUSH—AIDES informed THE—PRESIDENT that he was losing the election by CA—3—PERCENTAGE—POINTS, ACCORDING—TO—1—SOURCE with ACCESS—TO—INFORMATION inside THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20041107             —VOICED, But BUSH—POLITICAL—ADVISER—KARL—ROVE reportedly, confidence that the vote would turn —AROUND.
20041107             —BY—EVENING, BUSH was displaying 1—COOL—CONFIDENCE that he would prevail.
20041107             Irregularities
20041107             —SINCE ELECTION—DAY, SOME—COMPUTER irregularities have surfaced in OHIO and elsewhere.
20041107             OHIO elections officials said 1—ERROR with 1—ELECTRONIC voting system in FRANKLIN—COUNTY gave BUSH 3,893 extra votes in suburban COLUMBUS, more than a 1,000 percent more than he actually got.
20041107             —INDICATED, Records, that only 638—VOTERS cast ballots in the precinct and that BUSH—TOTAL should have been recorded as 365.
20041107             —REPORTED, THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS, that FRANKLIN—COUNTY is the only OHIO county to use Danaher Controls INCORPORATED—ELECTRONIC 12420000             , 1—OLDER—STYLE—TOUCH—SCREEN voting system.
20041107             (—NOW that the official story has changed -- the bulge, we are told, is real;
20041107             it is caused by the straps of 1—BULLET—PROOF vest -- NO—1 in the media points out the flaws in this idea.
20041107             —LOCATED, The straps for BULLET—PROOF vests are, on the sides.
20041107             Why would BUSH use such 1—VEST —WHEN debating Kerry or meeting visitors at THE—WHITE—HOUSE, but not —WHEN reciting his stump speech —BEFORE large crowds?)
20041107             —PROTECTED, The mainstream news outlets, BUSH.
20041107             THE—RUN—UP, to the election, the ugly pattern kept repeating itself.
20041107             —KILLED, CBS, 1—IMPORTANT—STORY about the faked NIGER documents -- in fact, the network specifically promised not to run the piece —UNTIL—AFTER—THE—ELECTION.
20041107             —REPORTED, Few mainstream outlets, on the G.O.P.'s flagrant voter suppression efforts.
20041107             —WHEN it came to stories that might have embarrassed BUSH —BEFORE the election, the "liberal" press went on 1—KILLING spree comparable to TED—BUNDY'S.
20041107             STANDARDS—OF—EVIDENCE—TODAY, the
20041107             Daily Kos drew our attention to someone calling himself "kid OAKLAND," who argues against pursuing THE—ALLEGATIONS—OF—FRAUD: " the absence of clear EVIDENCE—OF—DELIBERATE—FRAUD, claims that the election was rigged are irresponsible and really bad politics". k.o. goes on to make SOME—GOOD—POINTS about touch screen voting.
20041107             "We stand on guard for thee...!"
20041107             —INTERESTED, This story describes the growing NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE, in moving to CANADA.
20041107             Consider VANCOUVER ISLAND.
20041107             Only CA—3—QUARTERS—OF—1—MILLION—PEOPLE—LIVE there.
20041107             LOTS—OF—TREES, little crime, few religious nuts, amazing sunsets (you'll think you —JUST dropped acid) -- and THE—NATIONAL—ANTHEM is 1—LOT easier to sing.
20041107             Doch egal, woher der Ekel rührt, schlecht fürs Immunsystem ist er allemal.
20041107             Im Gehirn werde durch die Ekelwahrnehmung 1—REAKTION im Hypothalamus ausgelöst, erläutert Kropiunigg.
20041107             Der Hypothalamus ist die Zentrale der Stressreaktion.
20041107             —GESTEUERT, Hier wird die Ausschüttung wichtiger Hormone.
20041107             —NACH 1—EKELGEFÜHL werden auf Regieanweisung des Hypothalamus 1—REIHE—VON—BOTENSTOFFEN und Hormonen aktiviert.
20041107             Wenn der Ekel länger im Gedächtnis haftet, wird am ENDE—DER—KASKADE immer wieder das Stresshormon Cortisol in der Nebennierenrinde gebildet, was auf Dauer das Immunsystem schwächt.
20041107             "Wenn das Immunsystem nicht mehr ausreichend arbeitet, werden auch keine Antikörper gebildet +
20041107             so können sich die —BIS—DAHIN in Schach gehaltenen Viren vermehren", fasst Kropiunigg zusammen.
20041107             "Die STUDIE—DER—UNIVERSITÄT—TRIER hat jedoch keinen Ekel erfasst, wie er in 'freier Natur' aufkommt.
20041107             Das schränkt die Ergebnisse insofern ein, als sie gewissermaßen künstlich sind", gibt ULRICH—KROPIUNIGG, PRO—FESSOR der Medizinischen Psychologie an der UNIVERSITÄT—WIEN, zu bedenken.
20041107             —ZUGLEICH, stellt er klar: "Die Studie ist ein eleganter Nachweis, dass Stress erzeugender Ekel vermutlich nicht anders wirkt als Stress, der von anderen psychischen Belastungen kommt.
20041107             Unlustgefühle können zum Beispiel ebenso zum Auftreten der Herpesblässchen führen".
20041107             Allerdings kann es passieren, dass sich das Ekelgefühl —1—TAG später am eigenen Körper rächt: Herpesbläschen sprießen rund um den Mund.
20041107             "—SEIT—VIELEN—JAHREN ist der Zusammenhang zwischen Herpes + Ekel aus Patientenberichten bekannt", sagt Gieler.
20041107             Menschen, die häufig von den roten Fieberbläschen an den Lippen heimgesucht werden, beobachten, dass diese gerne ein —BIS—2—TAGE—NACH 1—EKEL erregenden Ereignis auftauchen.
20041107             Forscher der UNIVERSITÄT—TRIER haben diese Beobachtung —NUN in einer Studie bestätigt: Über Zeitungsanzeigen suchten die Wissenschaftler Menschen aus, die besonders intensiv auf Ekel ansprechen.
20041107             Diese wurden in 2—GRUPPEN eingeteilt.
20041107             Der einen Gruppe wurden unästhetische Bilder gezeigt, beispielsweise verschmutzte Gläser oder besudelte Wäsche.
20041107             Die anderen Personen sahen dagegen angenehme Darstellungen.
20041107             "Während Letztere gesund blieben, entwickelten die vom Ekel Geplagten NACH—DER—PRÄSENTATION ALLE—HERPESBLÄSCHEN", berichtet Gieler.
20041107             Ekel lässt Herpes gedeihen -
20041107             Stress und Ekel verpassen dem Immunsystem einen Dämpfer.
20041107             Trierer Forscher haben herausgefunden, dass sich Herpesviren dadurch leichter vermehren und am Mund Bläschen entstehen.
20041107             Neurodermitis und Schuppenflechte sollen auf ähnliche Weise ausgelöst werden.
20041107             Coats: "Man sagt nie nie zum USA—PRÄSIDENTEN"
20041107             TRANSATLANTIK—BEZIEHUNGEN: USA—BOTSCHAFTER—COATS fordert Entgegenkommen Europas
20041107             —ZERSTÖRT, Vergeltung: FRANKREICH, komplette Luftwaffe der ELFENBEINKÜSTE
20041107             "Sorry Everybody" im Interview: "Man hat mir Saddam aufs Gesicht gesetzt"
20041107             Immunabwehr: Ekel lässt Herpes gedeihen
20041107             IRAK: Alawi verhängt landesweit den Notstand
20041107             Arafats Nachfolge: Palästinenser misstrauen den ANTI—HELDEN
20041107             —KILLED, IRAQ declares MARTIAL—LAW, 22—POLICE, 3—FALLUJA, IRAQ
20041107             † 1—USA—SOLDIER was killed + another wounded —WHEN their convoy was attacked WEST—OF—BAGHDAD + 1—CAR—BOMB killed another USA—SOLDIER + WOUNDED—4 in WEST—BAGHDAD
20041107             1—LITTLE—BIT here tap 1—LITTLE—BIT there whaddya know those votes will flow in the direction they want them to go 1—LITTLE—SPOILAGE 1—LITTLE glitch He did it AGAIN—SONUVA----h!!! —POSTED—BY: mookie at 02:37—PM
20041107             THE—MANTRA is EXIT POLLS.
20041107             They've always been used (20000000             —UNTIL—THE heist) because they're accurate.
20041107             Forget the timid Christian 1.—TIMER theories. Listen to the old toe sucker,
20041107             "Exit Polls are almost never wrong," Morris wrote.
20041107             "They eliminate THE—2—MAJOR—POTENTIAL fallacies in survey research by correctly separating actual voters from those who pretend they will cast ballots but never do and by substituting actual observation for guesswork in judging the relative turnout of different PARTS—OF—THE—STATE".
20041107             He added: "So, ACCORDING—TO—ABC—TVS exit polls, for example, Kerry [KJF966] was slated to carry FLORIDA, OHIO, NEW—MEXICO, COLORADO, NEVADA + IOWA, ALL—OF—WHICH—BUSH carried. The only swing state the network had going to BUSH was WEST—VIRGINIA, which THE—PRESIDENT won by 10—POINTS".
20041107             Yet 1—FEW hours —AFTER—THE—EXIT polls were showing 1—CLEAR—KERRY [KJF966] sweep, as the computerized vote numbers began to come in from the various states the election was called for BUSH.
20041107             —POSTED—BY: 01:03—PM—YES.
20041107             This election was electronically stolen.
20041107             —UNCOVERED, Much information is being, as we speak.
20041107             How could anyone with sanity and reason vote for 1—FASCIST—MANIPULATOR—LIKE "shrub".
20041107             He is about to destroy our world and I blame all you fools who were duped by the town idiot.
20041107             —POSTED—BY: Damn u at 09:01—AM - "PEOPLE—OF—FAITH" have been duped.
20041107             This PRESIDENT—WORDS in no way match his actions.
20041107             —EMPTIED, He has, the treasury for his friends (theft).
20041107             —MURDERED, He has, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—CIVILIANS (murder).
20041107             He in no way fosters peace like 1—CHRISTIAN.
20041107             He is much like the deceiving devil satan himself.
20041107             He tells you 1—THING to lure you then takes ALL—OF—YOUR hope away.
20041107             So this is what christians stand —FOR—TODAY. How pathetic.
20041107             —POSTED—BY: Kenny at 08:57—AM
20041107             NPR—LIBBY—LEWIS reports.
20041107             THE—NEW—YORK—CITY—MARATHON was won by HENDRIK—RAMAALA—OF—SOUTH—AFRICA in 2:09:28;
20041107             BRITAIN—PAULA—RADCLIFFE won the women's title in 2:23:10.
20041107             † HOWARD—KEEL, —85—JAHRE—ALT, star of MGM musicals.
20041107             —COLLIDED, EGYPT, 1—PASSENGER—BUS returning from SAUDI—ARABIA, with 1—TRUCK, 33—PEOPLE—KILLED.
20041107             —REACHED, IRAN and European nations, 1—PRELIMINARY—AGREEMENT about IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM at talks hoped to avoid A—UNITED—NATIONS—SHOWDOWN.
20041107             —PERSUADED, THE—UK, FRANCE and GERMANY, IRAN to suspend its uranium enrichment program.
20041107             ISRAEL—UNDERCOVER forces shot and killed 4—PALESTINIANS in Jenin.
20041107             Hezbollah sent an aerial drone over NORTH—ISRAEL on a 1. test flight.
20041107             —LOOTED, MACHETE—WAVING mobs, and burned in IVORY—COAST—LARGEST—CITIES, laying siege to 1—FRANCE—MILITARY—BASE and searching house to house for FRANCE—FAMILIES—AFTER—1—DAY—OF—SUDDEN—CLASHES—BETWEEN—FORCES—OF—FRANCE and its former colony.
20041107             —SEIZED, FRANCE, strategic CONTROL—OF—ABIDJAN and deployed new forces to stop the rampage.
20041107             Kashmiri separatists gave 1—CAUTIOUS—WELCOME on to INDIA—OFFER to allow them to visit PAKISTAN.
20041107             —STAGED, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE in INDIA—KASHMIR, 1—PROTEST, alleging that soldiers had raped a —10—JAHRE—ALT—GIRL and her mother.
20041107             MACEDONIA, voters cast ballots on 1—REFERENDUM that would repeal 1—WESTERN—BROKERED law that effectively grants local autonomy to the country's ethnic Albanians.
20041107             —REQUIRED, The referendum fell short of 1, 50—PROZENT turnout.
20041107             —IDENTIFIED, CENTRAL—MEXICO, gunmen, as local POLICE—OFFICERS, opened fire on 1—GROUP—OF—REVELERS returning from 1—WEEKEND—DANCE, 7—PEOPLE—KILLED, including 2—CHILDREN.
20041107             NICARAGUA held municipal elections.
20041107             The leftist Sandinista Front sought to capitalize on the recent fracturing of 1—RIVAL—PARTY amid ongoing attempts to remove the country's PRESIDENT from office.
20041107             Dionisio Marenco (58) led the mayoral elections in MANAGUA.
20041107             have unearthed 2—CIBER certification reports indicating that security + tamperability was NOT TESTED + that several state elections directors, 1—SECRETARY—OF—STATE, + computer KONSULtant DOCTOR—BRITAIN—WILLIAMS signed off on the report anyway, certifying it.
20041107             If he wins RE—ELECTION, the neocons will continue their plans to invade in piecemeal fashion THE—WHOLE—OF—THE—ARABMIDDLES—EAST.
20041107             WELT—KRIEGSVETERANEN marschierten über den Roten Platz, gedachten der Belagerung MOSKAUs 19410000             und legten Blumen am Grab des Unbekannten Soldaten nieder.
20041107             The 4. Reich will come to THE—USA in THE—NAME—OF—FIGHTING TERROR—ISM and protecting "HOMELAND—SECURITY".
20041107             Why? No doubt, the Democrats know darn well that counting all the spoiled and provisional ballots will require THE—COOPERATION—OF—OHIO—SECRETARY—OF—STATE, BLACKWELL.
20041107             BLACKWELL, hankering to step into Kate Harris' political pumps, is unlikely to permit anything close to 1—FULL—COUNT.
20041107             The narrative is this:
20041107             >>What they learned for last time is that simply spoiling ballots won't get the job done.
20041107             Not the ongoing bloody confrontation with the Palestinians.
20041107             —BY Naomi KLEIN—LESS than —24—HOURS—AFTER—THE—NATION disclosed that FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JAMES—BAKER and THE—CARLYLE—GROUP were involved in 1—SECRET—DEAL to profit from IRAQ—DEBT to KUWAIT, NBC was reporting that the deal was "dead".
20041107             —STARTED, At THE—NATION, we, to get calls congratulating us on costing THE—CARLYLE—GROUP  1—BILLION—DOLLAR, the sum the company would have received in 1—INVESTMENT from THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—KUWAIT in exchange for helping to extract 27—BILLION—DOLLAR—OF unpaid debts from IRAQ.
20041107             1—COMMENT(s). - - - THE—LIST—OF—EVIDENCE is growing that THE—USA—ELECTION was anything but 1—FAIR—VOTE.
20041107             —SINCE—THE—USA—PRESS is burying this vote fraud evidence, THE—WORLD—NEEDS the reporters in EUROPE to help us bring this mountain of proof to light and make this 1—INTERNATIONAL—SCANDAL that THE—USA—MEDIA can no longer ignore.
20041107             Secrecy & Privilege: RISE—OF—THE—BUSH—DYNASTY from WATERGATE to IRAQ.
20041107             —KILLED, CBS, 1—IMPORTANT—STORY about the faked NIGER documents -- in fact, the network specifically promised not to run the piece —UNTIL—AFTER the election.
20041107             —QUASHED, CNN executives, 1—STORY on BUSH—SAUDI—ARABIA—FRIENDS—UNTIL—AFTER the election.
20041107             —POSTED—BY: 01:03—PM - Yes.
200411071917         ) - Reaktionen: Blankes Entsetzen bei ATOM—KRAFTGEGNERN
20041107—19630000    —IN, And yet, if you were to ask the average USA—IF he or she finds it possible SADDAM—HUSSEIN was groomed, financed + supported by THE—CIA beginning with PRESIDENT—JOHN—F—KENNEDY -- who signed off on plan to overthrow THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—IRAQ -- chances are they wouldn't believe it.
20041107—20020000    —IN, And not —JUST—THIS—YEAR, he said, but that these same people had previously hacked the Democratic primary race so that Jeb BUSH would not have to RUN—AGAINST—JANET—RENO, who presented 1—REAL—THREAT—TO—JEB, but instead against BILL—MCBRIDE, who Jeb beat.
20041107—20040000    —IN—THE, Black Box Voting has taken the position that fraud took place election through electronic voting machines.
20041107—20041102    —ON, And SOME—BELIEVE evidence is accumulating that THE—NATIONAL—EFFORT happened.
20041107—20041103    —ON, WASHINGTON—POST managing EDITOR—STEVE—COLL wrote in 1—ONLINE chat that "the last wave of national exit polls we received... showed Kerry winning the popular vote by 51—PERCENT to 48—PERCENT — if true, surely enough to carry THE—ELECTORAL—COLLEGE".
20041110             —BLINDED, How can humans be so, to this? —POSTED—BY: roger at 20041107             —0908—AM
20050103             Sound Bites (20041107             )... 1—POSTER named ' TruthIsAll ' on the DemocraticUnderground_com forums laid out the questionable RESULTS—OF—TUESDAY—ELECTION in succinct fashion:
20050311—20081107    —ON, Nichols was CONVICTED—OF—MURDER.
20050328             Cogent Communications brings HIGH—SPEED INTERNET ACCESS—TO—CANADA (LightWave) 20021107             —COGENT Communications Group INCORPORATED, a TIER—1.
20050328             THE—NEWS—ARCHIVE 20020000             Optical Ethernet Web Site... Cogent Communications brings HIGH—SPEED INTERNET ACCESS—TO—CANADA (LightWave) 20021107             Cogent Communications Group INCORPORATED, a TIER—1 ...
20050412             Does it Matter?: 20041107             — 20041113             ...
20050412             Sound Bites (20041107             )...
20050412             Sound Bites (20041107             )... - MAX—BLUMENTHAL...
20050628             THE—PROGRESSIVE—MIND: 20041107             — 20041113             20050628             48,99—DOLLAR -... "> THE—PROGRESSIVE—MIND is 1—COLLECTION—OF—ARTICLES + annotated links to sites, articles, publications + editorials...
20050628             THE—PROGRESSIVE—MIND: 20041107             — 20041113             20050628             THE—PROGRESSIVE—MIND: 20041107             — 20041113             20050704—20051107    —CIRCULATED, IRAN, letters at THE—UN protesting the violation of its territory and airspace.
20050628             THE—PROGRESSIVE—MIND: 20041107             — 20041113             20050628             THE—PROGRESSIVE—MIND: 20041107             — 20041113             20050628             THE—PROGRESSIVE—MIND: 20041107             — 20041113             20050704—20051107    —CIRCULATED, IRAN, letters at THE—UN protesting the violation of its territory and airspace.
20050704—20051107    —CIRCULATED, IRAN, letters at THE—UN protesting the violation of its territory and airspace.
20050713             20:5 05221107             :11—LAUT französischem ANTI—TERROR—EXPERTEN
20051106             STEPHENS \Stevens History from VIRGINIA South and WEST—COMPILED by TOM—STEVENS 19940901             20061107             1. Congress 20060901             —RECORD for the fewest NUMBER—OF—DAYS worked — 218—BETWEEN the House and Senate combined.
20051107             —EMBRACED, THE—SOVIET—UNION—LEGACY—OF—TERROR—LIVES on, its tactics, by SOME—OF—OUR leaders.
20051107             "20041209             Powell, I—WON'T Run for Senate or GOVERNOR - THE—NAME—OF—DEMOCRACY,
20051107             The possibility that high USA—OFFICIALS may be GUILTY—OF—WAR—CRIMES and may be preparing to commit more raises questions that few USA—S have yet faced.
20051107             These questions go far beyond technical legal matters to the broadest CONCERNS—OF—INTERNATIONAL—SECURITY, democratic government, morality + personal responsibility.
20051107             Wie entsteht ein Nutzerprofil?
20051107             Um von der IVW statistisch erfasst zu werden, muss JEDE—INTERNET—SEITE einen WEB—SPION installieren.
20051107             Die Erfassung bei der IVW ist deshalb für die meisten deutschsprachigen INTERNET—SEITEN so wichtig, weil danach Werbegelder berechnet werden.
20051107             —NUN kann JEDER—NUTZER, der zwischen diesen INTERNET—SEITEN surft, zentral aufgezeichnet werden.
20051107             Da der WEB—SPION immer zentral vom IVW—SERVER gesetzt wird, egal ob es sich um RTL oder den Focus handelt, entsteht ein aktuelles Nutzerprofil.
20051107             1—SKANDAL, wenn man bedenkt, wie hoch die DATEN—SCHUTZBESTIMMUNGEN in DEUTSCHLAND sind.
20051107             Überlebender von Clichy: "Diese Gewalt ist nicht gut"
20051107             THE—PRIME—MINISTER said, "ISRAEL has no intention of conducting ANY—PEACE—NEGOTIATIONS".
20051107             † Palestinians donate son's kidney for ISRAEL—BOY : The family of a —12—JAHRE—ALT—PALESTINE—BOY who was killed by ISRAEL—SOLDIERS have donated 1—OF—HIS kidneys to 1—ISRAEL—BOY.
20051107             "It doesn't matter whether the recipient was 1—JEW or 1—ARAB," they said.
20051107             RUSSIA—COMPANY to Build 2—BILLION—DOLLAR—OIL—REFINERY in Syria : Talks also referred to the possibility for THE—RUSSIA—COMPANY to finance another project for developing Banyas Refinery on THE—SYRIA—COAST.
20051107             —LINKED, JDL activist, to CALIFORNIA bomb plot killed in prison : 1—JEWISH—DEFENSE—LEAGUE—ACTIVIST imprisoned for his role in 1—PLOT to bomb 1—CALIFORNIA mosque and THE—OFFICE—OF—1—LEBANESE—USA—CONGRESS—MAN was killed at 1—FEDERAL—PRISON in PHOENIX, an FBI spokesman said —SATURDAY.
20051107             INDIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—STANDS down over IRAQ repor t: INDIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER stood aside —ON—MONDAY amid 1—GROWING political storm —AFTER he was named in 1—INDEPENDENT—REPORT into irregularities in THE—UNITED—NATIONS' OIL—FOR—FOOD—PROGRAMME for IRAQ.
20051107             AZERBAIJAN poll didn't meet int'l norms: observers : AZERBAIJAN—PARLIAMENTARY—ELECTION did not meet INTERNATIONAL standards for democracy, Western observers said —ON—MONDAY as the defeated opposition prepared mass PROTESTS—AGAINST—WHAT it said was widespread fraud.
20051107             —ARRESTED, Fujimori, in CHILE upon request from PERU—GOVT : CHILE—POLICE arrested FORMER—PERU—PRESIDENT—ALBERTO—FUJIMORI —EARLY—ON—MONDAY upon 1—REQUEST from THE—PERU—GOVERNMENT, police said.
20051107             † FRANCE—RIOTING spreads to 300—TOWNS : Rioting by FRANCE—YOUTHS has spread to 300—TOWNS and 1—MAN hurt in the violence has, of his WOUNDS—THE 1. fatality in —11—DAYS—OF—UNREST.
20051107             —URGED, Government s worldwide, their citizens to be careful in FRANCE.
20051107             ANTI—WAR—SERMON Brings IRS Warning : THE—INTERNAL—REVENUE—SERVICE has warned 1—OF—SOUTH—CALIFORNIA—LARGEST and most liberal churches that it is at risk of losing its TAX—EXEMPT status because of 1—ANTI—WAR—SERMON —2—DAYS20040000—BEFORE, —THE—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION.
20051107             Let them eat pork : Congress ional leaders say it's time to get serious about the deficit, so they cut $36-billion in spending on the country's working poor.
20051107             And then they give the wealthy $70-billion more in tax breaks.
20051107             —CONDEMNED, IRAQ—POLITICIANS condemn USA offensive : IRAQ—POLITICIANS have, the latest USA offensive on villages and towns close to THE—SYRIA—BORDER, calling it 1—KILLING operation.
20051107             —HALTED, AL—QAEDA threatens IRAQ mayhem unless USA—LED assault, "The organisation has decided to give the apostate government and itsmaster —24—HOURS to end their CAMPAIGN—AGAINST—THE—SUNNI people. —AFTER that they will only see from us the worst and something that's going to make the earth tremble under their feet," warned the statement signed in THE—NAME—OF—SPOKESMAN—ABU—MAISARA—AL—IRAQI.
20051107             USA intel on IRAQ—QAEDA ties 'intentionally misleading', document, USA—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE warned THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION AS—EARLY—AS February 20020000             that its key source on AL—QAEDA—RELATIONSHIP with IRAQ had provided "intentionally misleading" data, ACCORDING—TO—1 declassified report.
20051107             Why we should pay war reparations to Iraqis, Reparations are clearly appropriate in 1—INVASION that was justified on false ADVERTISING—OF—THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, which purposely dismissed solid evidence against its dubious claim that IRAQ had WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20051107             —FAILED, Meyer says PM, to exert ANY—LEVERAGE on BUSH and was seduced by USA—POWER
20051107             —FACED, Memoirs shine new light on war, TONY—BLAIR has, ANY—NUMBER—OF—CLAIMS about what he did and did not do —WHEN he and USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH were preparing to go to WAR—ON—IRAQ.
20051107             The difference with SIR—CHRISTOPHER—MEYER—RECOLLECTIONS is that he was actually there MOST—OF—THE—TIME.
20051107             Delayed dispatches:
20051107             If 1—AMBASSADOR is sent abroad to lie for his country, does he tell the truth —WHEN he returns home?
20051107             There is certainly no reason to doubt THE—ACCURACY—OF—SIR—CHRISTOPHER—MEYER—ACCOUNT—OF his —5—YEARS representing HMG in Washing
20051107             PM rejects Meyer IRAQ—WAR—CLAIMS, TONY—BLAIR has sought to brush aside claims by BRITAIN—FORMER—AMBASSADOR—TO—WASHINGTON that he repeatedly failed to use his influence with USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH to halt the rush to WAR—WITH—IRAQ.
20051107             Blair in desperate appeal to rebel MPs, PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR —TODAY called on opposition parties and rebel Labour MPs to draw back from forcing THE—GOVERNMENT to ditch plans to give police the power to hold terror suspects without charge for up to —90—DAYS.
20051107             Torture, It's the new USA—WAY
20051107             —DURING—THE—COLD—WAR, we thought we knew what distinguished us from our SOVIET—BLOC—ENEMIES.
20051107             We did not have 1—GULAG; we did not imprison and torture our enemies.
20051107             —DISTORTED, But THE—WAR—ON—TERROR has, our national values.
20051107             —DECRIED, We have used some of the same tactics we once.
20051107             1—DEADLY—INTERROGATION - - Can THE—CIA legally kill 1—PRISONER?
20051107             —BY JANE—MAYER - † Manadel AL—JAMADI, —DURING—1—INTERROGATION.
20051107             —COVERED, His head had been, with 1—PLASTIC—BAG + he was shackled in 1—CRUCIFIXION—LIKE pose that inhibited his ability to breathe;
20051107             —EXAMINED, ACCORDING—TO—FORENSIC—PATHOLOGISTS who have, the case, he asphyxiated.
20051107             In 1—SUBSEQUENT—INTERNAL—INVESTIGATION, USA—GOVERNMENT—AUTHORITIES classified JAMADI—DEATH as a "homicide," meaning that it resulted from unnatural causes.
20051107             —CHARGED, Swanner has not been, with 1—CRIME + continues to work for the agency.
20051107             USA Used Chemical Weapons In IRAQ
20051107             —MELTED, Veteran admits, Bodies, away —BEFORE us.
20051107             —BY RAI—THE—USA—S are RESPONSIBLE—FOR—1—MASSACRE using unconventional weapons, the identical charge for which SADDAM—HUSSEIN stands accused.
20051107             1—INVESTIGATION by RAI News 24, THE—ALL—NEWS—ITALIEN—SATELLITE—TELEVISION—CHANNEL, has pulled the veil from 1—OF—THE—MOST carefully concealed mysteries from the front in the entire USA—MILITARY—CAMPAIGN in IRAQ.
20051107             Disgusting! If you read 1—KOS diary —THIS—WEEK, read
20051107             —RECEIVED, THOUSANDS—OF—CITIZENS within WASHINGTON STATE—KING county have, "your vote has been challeged" notices, issued by the local REPUBLICAN—PARTY.
20051107             The fact that EVERY—SINGLE—PERSON in 1—APARTMENT building got 1—OF—THESE unfriendly missives proves that the G.O.P. hands these things out like Christmas candy.
20051107             1—PERSON whose vote has been challenged may go to the ballot box, but he or she will need to attend 1—SPECIAL meeting —AFTER—THE—ELECTION to prove residence, or the vote won't count.
20051107             If you can't get the extra time off work, or if transportation to the meeting place is difficult, you are SOL.
20051107             Obviously, the Republican strategy is to discourage folks in Democratic districts from bothering to vote.
20051107             Expect to see 1—NATIONWIDE application of this scurrilous tactic.
20051107             Remember the Scanlon memo?
20051107             —PREPARED, Remember the memo, by DELAY—TOP—AIDE?
20051107             —DESCRIBED, THE—1—THAT, Christians as "wackos"?
20051107             —DETAILED, THE—1—THAT, how to get the "wacko" vote behind INDIA—GAMING?
20051107             The whole text is pretty extraordinary. Read it here.
20051107             SPD—FRAKTIONSVIZE MICHAEL—MÜLLER sagte im Nachrichtensender N24, dass ähnliche Unruhen auch in DEUTSCHLAND ausbrechen könnten, "allerdings in anderer Formen".
20051107             —HEUTE zählten Wachstum und die kurzfristige Ökonomie.
20051107             1—GESELLSCHAFT brauche aber "organische Zusammenhänge, sonst geht sie kaputt".
20051107             GRÜNEN—POLITIKER HANS—CHRISTIAN—STRÖBELE sieht zwar "—DERZEIT keine Anhaltspunkte" für eine ähnliche Entwicklung hierzulande.
20051107             Allerdings gebe es in manchen Städten Jugendbanden.
20051107             Deshalb müsse es deutlichere Signale als —BISHER geben, dass DIE—GESELLSCHAFT sich um die Kinder von Migranten kümmert, sagte er der "Berliner Zeitung".
20051107             Die Ausgrabungen deuteten darauf hin, dass anstelle eines in anderen Kirchen üblichen Altars im ZENTRUM—DER—FUNDSTELLE nur ein einfacher Tisch stand.
20051107             Leah di Segni, 1—EXPERTIN—VON—DER—HEBREW—UNIVERSITY—IN—JERUSALEM, sagte, die Verwendung des Begriffs "Tisch" anstelle von "Altar" in 1—DER—INSCHRIFTEN könnte dramatische Auswirkungen auf die Studien FRÜHCHRISTEN—RITUALE haben.
20051107             Bislang sei man davon ausgegangen, dass Jesus Christus das Abendmahl an 1—ALTAR gefeiert habe.
20051107             —BIS—ZUM—JAHRE—313—WAR die Ausübung CHRISTEN—RITUALE im RÖMER—REICH verboten, die frühen Christen mussten heimlich in Katakomben oder Privathäusern beten.
20051107             DIE—ANALYSE der Funde könnte Aufschluss darüber geben, wie sich das Christentum —NACH—DEM ENDE—DER—RÖMISCHEN—BESATZUNGSZEIT entwickelt hat.
20051107             ISRAEL, Schwere Schlappe für Scharon im Parlament
20051107             USA—ZEITUNGEN—LESER wandern in Scharen zu den ONLINE—MEDIEN—SPD, Konzertierte Aktion gegen Reiche
20051107             Teurer Kompromiss, Mehrwertsteuer steigt auf 19—PROZENT
20051107             Archäologische SCHÄTZE—DEUTSCHLAND gibt 2500—WERTVOLLE Stücke an SYRIEN zurück
20051107             FRANKREICH—REGIERUNG in PARIS erwägt Ausgangssperren
20051107             Jugend unterm Hakenkreuz, Der abenteuerliche Aufstand der Edelweißpiraten
20051107             FRANKREICH—AUSGANGSSPERRE für Pariser Vorort
20051107             PRO—GNOSE, PREIS—E für Flüge und Hotels steigen erheblich
20051107             "Cicero"-Affäre, BKA gibt beschlagnahmte Unterlagen zurück
20051107             —KRAWALLE, Autotouristen sollen FRANKREICH—GROßSTÄDTE meiden
20051107             FRANKREICH—GEWALTWELLE fordert 1. Todesopfer
20051107             IRAK—KRIEG, EX—BOTSCHAFTER—STELLT—BLAIR schlechtes Zeugnis aus
20051107             —FINANZ—NOT, SPD will Reichtum neu DEFINIEREN—KRAWALLE, 1. TODES—OPFER in FRANKREICH
20051107             BERLIN, Brennende Autos in Moabit
20051107             —ANGST—VOR—VIRUS H5N1, Chinesen töten 6—MILLIONEN—VÖGEL
20051107             ISRAEL, Älteste CHRISTEN—KIRCHE der Welt entdeckt?
20051107             FRANKREICH—RANDALE in Vorstädten, Pariser schlürfen Austern
20051107             Fotostrecke, Steinewerfer in den Vorstädten
20051107             —KRAWALLE, Auswärtiges Amt rät zu Vorsicht bei FRANKREICH—REISEN—PHOBIEN, Spinnenangst ist weiblich
20051107             FRANKREICH—PRESSE, "Der STAAT hat versagt"
20051107             —RANDALE—BLOGS, "Das geht —JETZT weiter, nonstop" - Athener Krawall, Demis, der Denunziant
20051107             ÖL—STAATEN, Opposition beklagt Wahlfälschung in ASERBAIDSCHAN
20051107             —NACH Rückkehr, Fujimori in CHILE festgenommen
20051107             ABGABEN—DEBATTE, Union erwärmt sich für die Reichensteuer
20051107             —KRAWALLE—IN—FRANKREICH, Randalierer schießen mit Schrotgewehren auf Polizisten
20051107             GENERAL—SINGLAUB, Prepare for Biological, Chemical Attacks</B></A>
20051107             Sharpton 'Outraged' Over Attacks on RICE—GAYS—CONSIDER GO—SLOW—APPROACH—FLORIDA.
20051107             Poll, Jeb for Prez, Crist for GOVERNOR—PAY—YOUR BOSTON Parking Ticket in Toys
20051107             Christmas Shopping at THE—CLINTON Library
20051107             RUMSFELD—QUESTIONER, 'It's All About Duty'
20051107             TERESA—HEINZ, My Job to Call Kerry 'Idiot'
20051107             Schwarzenegger Pays 3—MILLION—DOLLAR in TAXES—SAUDI—ARABIA—AMBASSADOR Wins Libel Suit
20051107             Sharpton Got Fees to Campaign for KERRY—MARTHA Stewart to Get New TV Show
20051107             Click Here Click Here Click Here
20051107             GENERAL—SINGLAUB : Prepare for Biological, Chemical ATTACKS—NEWSMAX_com
20051107             NPR Criminal CHARGES—AGAINST—FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—AIDE I. LEWIS—LIBBY have focused new attention on the man he worked for.
20051107             USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY—SUPPORT for THE—IRAQ—WAR and his ideas about THE—TREATMENT—OF—DETAINEES have drawn criticism.
20051107             BUSH Orders Ethics Training for WHITE—HOUSE—AIDES—NPR USA—NEWS
20051107             —SINCE FORMER—HOUSE—MAJORITY—LEADER—TOM—DELAY had to step down —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—1—INDICTMENT, House Republican s are struggling to get SOME—OF—THEIR most important bills passed.
20051107             The new instability has left MANY—RANK—AND—FILE—REPUBLICAN s wondering how long t
20051107             DeLay Case Raises Issues about TEXAS Judicial System
20051107             OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, pediatrician Zehra Attari went missing.
20051107             TV networks struck deals with cable and satellite providers allowing viewers to watch popular shows anytime they want for 99—CENTS per episode.
20051107             —REJECTED, AZERBAIJAN—OPPOSITION, THE—RESULTS—OF—WEEKEND—PARLIAMENTARY—ELECTIONS, calling them rigged and vowing to overturn the outcome of voting that foreign observers said fell short of INTERNATIONAL standards.
20051107             —CAPSIZED, AT—LEAST—70—PEOPLE were missing —AFTER 1—FERRY, in the Bay of Bengal —WHILE sailing to CHITTAGONG port in BANGLADESH from 1—NEARBY—ISLAND.
20051107             —ORDERED, CHINA—AUTHORITIES, all live poultry markets in BEIJING to close —IMMEDIATELY and went DOOR—TO—DOOR seizing chickens and ducks from private homes, as THE—GOVERNMENT dramatically beefed up its FIGHT—AGAINST—BIRD—FLU.
20051107             —AGREED, THE—EU, to monitor 1—GAZA—EGYPT border crossing that serves as the main gate to THE—WORLD for Palestinians.
20051107             —AGREED, EU FOREIGN—MINISTERS, to launch a —3—YEAR—POLICE training MISSION—TO—HELP THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY build up 1—NEW "sustainable and effective" police force.
20051107             † Rioting by FRANCE—YOUTHS spread to 300—TOWNS overnight, and a —61—JAHRE—ALT—MAN hurt in the violence, of his wounds, the 1. fatality in —11—DAYS—OF—UNREST.
20051107             —STRIPPED—OF, INDIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER was, his post over allegations that he benefited illegally from THE—UN—OIL—FOR—FOOD—PROGRAM in IRAQ, becoming the 1. political casualty of 1—INDEPENDENT—REPORT that revealed massive corruption in the effort to help Iraqis suffering under sanctions.
20051107             —DREADED, Nirbhay Singh Gujjar (64), 1—OF—INDIA—MOST, and colorful bandits, was shot to death by police in the forests of CENTRAL—INDIA, ending 1—NEARLY—3—DECADE—CAREER in crime that included murders, kidnappings and looting.
20051107             —BATTLED, Iraqi and USA, insurgents house to house, the 3. —DAY—OF—1—ASSAULT—AGAINST—AL—QAIDA—LED insurgents in 1—TOWN—NEAR THE—SYRIA—BORDER.
20051107             † USA—MILITARY said 1—MARINE and AT—LEAST—36—INSURGENTS had, in the assault.
20051107             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew up his vehicle at 1—CHECKPOINT—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD and killed 4—USA—SOLDIERS.
20051107             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—COMMAND also, 5—SOLDIERS from the elite 75. Ranger Regiment were charged with kicking and punching IRAQ—DETAINEES.
20051107             —MARCHED, THOUSANDS—OF—MOROCCANS, through CENTRAL—CASABLANCA to demand the release of 2—MOROCCO—EMBASSY employees in IRAQ who AL—QAIDA has threatened to kill.
20051107             1—SECTION—OF—1—BRIDGE under construction in SOUTH—SPAIN collapsed on workers, killing AT—LEAST—5—OF—THEM.
20051107             —KILLED, THAILAND, AT—LEAST—3—PEOPLE were, 2—OTHERS injured and DOZENS—OF—SUSPECTED—MUSLIM insurgents arrested as militants attacked MORE—THAN—20—GOVERNMENT—TARGETS in THE—SOUTH—YALA province.
20051107             —ARRESTED, Police in Trinidad, YASIN—ABU—BAKR, —64—JAHRE—ALT, 1—ISLAM—LEADER whose group stormed PARLIAMENT —15—YEARS—AGO and took THE—PRIME—MINISTER and his Cabinet hostage.
20051107             —ELECTED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS, 5—JUDGES -- from THE—USA, MOROCCO, MEXICO, NEW—ZEALAND and RUSSIA -- to the prestigious World Court, the highest judicial AUTHORITY—OF—THE—WORLD—BODY.
20051107             —LAUNCHED, URUGUAY, 1—SET—OF—TAX—OVERHAULS aimed to make it harder for neighboring Argentines and other foreigners to use the country as 1—TAX—HAVEN.
20051107             "This presidency is in trouble," says 1—SENIOR—WHITE—HOUSE—AIDE.
20051107             OMEGA—NEWS: The exemption would cover THE—CIA—COVERT " black sites " in several Eastern... im Interesse der Multis, von Shell, Exxon über 11, Total + BP + ihren...
20051107             STOCK—CHANNEL_NET—DAS FINANZ—PORTAL - "Hunde, wollt Ihr ewig...
20051107             claims the secret CIA prisons used for torture are known as 'black sites'...
20051107             —NAMED, The report, several companies, including THE—ANGLO—HOLLAND—SHELL...
20051107             DFB kassierte hinter dem Rücken der Liga MILLIONEN—VON—KIRCH—FIRMA...
20051107             Weil Dick Marty es für erwiesen hält, dass es in EUROPA Black Sites der CIA gab... ÖL—MULTI Shell : "Die klassische Solartechnik ist 1—SACKGASSE"...
20051107             —OWNED, It is, by 1—CIA shell company, Keeler and TATE—MANAGEMENT, LLC.
20051107             "Black Sites": Schnitzeljagd auf die Geheimgefängnisse der CIA (interne Story...
20051107             —CONFIRMED, Outing Secret Jails : COUNTERTERROR—ISM sources have, to TIME that THE—CIA has had covert detention centers in THAILAND and GUANTANAMO—BAY, which are no longer operating + that the agency continues to run similar facilities in AFGHANISTAN and EAST—EUROPE.
20051107             this 1 . - - - Once again, Republican monsters use the myth of "false registration" to keep people from voting.
20051107             20051107             Remember the Scanlon memo?
20051107             —ANNOUNCED, THE—PENTAGON, that 5—FOREIGN—TERROR—ISM—SUSPECTS at THE—USA—MILITARY—PRISON in GUANTANAMO—BAY—CUBA, have been charged with WAR—CRIMES and will face military trials, bringing to 9 the number charged at GUANTANAMO TO—DATE.
20051107             —OPENED, INDIA and PAKISTAN, their frontier in Kashmir FOR—EARTH—QUAKE, relief, but police had to fire tear gas to disperse protesters who were banned from taking part in the symbolic crossing.
20051107—20010000    —IN, Grokster Ltd., 1—PIONEERING—FILE—SHARING service founded, shut down as PART—OF—1—LEGAL—SETTLEMENT with the music industry.
20051107—20010000    —SEIT, DIE—CIA hat MEHR—ALS—14 000—MENSCHEN weltweit...
20051107—20030000    —IN—LATE, Prisoner Accounts Suggest Detention At Secret Facilities : 3—YEMEN—NATIONALS who were arrested say they were transferred to USA custody + kept isolated in AT—LEAST—4—SECRET—DETENTION—FACILITIES that AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL—OFFICIALS believe could be PART—OF—1—COVERT—CIA—PRISON—SYSTEM.
20051107—20030000    —IN—THE, 1—JURY in MIAMI—FLORIDA, found LUIS—ALAVAREZ—RENTA, 1—POWERFUL financier from THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC, liable on 3—COUNTS—OF racketeering and 1—COUNT—OF fraudulent money transfer in 1—CIVIL—CASE stemming from his actions collapse of Banco Intercontinental, or Baninter.
20051107—20051220    —ON, she was found in her car as it was pulled out of THE—OAKLAND estuary —AT—THE—END—OF—GRAND—ST.
20051107—20070000    —SIGNED, Fiat SpA and Ford Motor Co. said they had, 1—AGREEMENT—TO—COLLABORATE on small cars, completing 1—DEAL to CO—DEVELOP new models due and 20080000             .
20051107—20070000    —HOPED, It was, to have the structure for 1—MODERN—TAX—SYSTEM in place.
20051107—20300000    —PROJECTED, THROUGH, THE—INTERNATIONAL—ENERGY—AGENCY (IEA), growth in MIDDLE—EAST and NORTH—AFRICA—OIL and Natural Gas Sectors with enough oil in the ground to meet expected demand beyond 20300000             .
20051130             172350—JARON Mon 20031107             :47:16 20050000             .
20051130172350       Jaron Mon 200311074716                         20050000             .
20060221—20061107    —SENTENCED, Eriksson was, to —3—YEARS—IN—PRISON for embezzlement and gun possession.
20060411—20061107    CLINTON—SPEECH at WEBB—FINAL—RALLY, as only he can do it.
20060614             —DURING—1—TELESCOPE test last 20061107             , Suggs + Swift recorded 1—EXPLOSION on their very 1. night of observing.
20060627             —PASSED, CALIFORNIA, THE—BERKELEY—CITY—COUNCIL, 1—RESOLUTION to let the public vote on 20061107             —THE ballot for THE—IMPEACHMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20060911—20061107    —ON, Make it out there.
20060916             "1—SOURCE—CLOSE to the investigation told TIME that SCORES—OF—USA—PROSECUTORS and FBI—AGENTS continue to examine THE—ACTIVITIES—OF—OTHER sitting MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS and prominent individuals who could face prosecution, though not necessarily 20061107             —BEFORE, —THE election.
20060916             "1—SOURCE—CLOSE to the investigation told TIME that SCORES—OF—USA—PROSECUTORS and FBI—AGENTS continue to examine THE—ACTIVITIES—OF—OTHER sitting MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS and prominent individuals who could face prosecution, though not necessarily —BEFORE 20061107             —THE election.
20060921—20061107    —IN—THE, WHEREAS the probability exists that such failures will continue and the adverse results of such failures will be multiplied and increased in magnitude by the additional NUMBER—OF—VOTERS participating GENERAL—ELECTION, and
20060921—20061107    —IN—THE, WHEREAS the potential exists for massive DISENFRANCHISEMENT—OF—USA—VOTERS—GENERAL—ELECTION, by such failures of electronic voting machines,
20060921—20061107    —ON, F. Emergency Paper Ballots shall be cast and tabulated in the same manner as all other ballots cast.
20060921—20061107    A. For —THE—GENERAL—ELECTION, EACH—ELECTION—JURISDICTION shall be required to prepare and print Emergency Paper Ballots of the proper ballot style for all races and propositions which shall be contested in that jurisdiction.
20060927             —ON—TUESDAY to reimburse states for printing paper ballots in CASE—OF—PROBLEMS with electronic voting machines 20061107             —ON," but "REPUBLICAN—LEADERSHIP—AIDES were skeptical about [its] prospects".
20060928—20061107    —IN—THE, ROBERT—PARRY: "But 1—REPUBLICAN defeat elections could at least limit BUSH ?s ability to interfere with initiatives by other INTERNATIONAL players who might want to step back from THE—BRINK—OF—WWIII. Conversely, another Republican victory might well lock in 1—FUTURE—OF—NEAR—ENDLESS—WAR abroad and EVER—INCREASING political repression at home".
20060929             Despite this VICTORY—FOR—THE—PRESIDENT, "Leaders concede that DIFFERENCES—BETWEEN—THE—VERSIONS are so significant they cannot reconcile them into 1—FINAL—BILL that can be delivered to BUSH 20061107             —BEFORE, —THE—CONGRESS—ELECTIONS. THE—SENATE also could vote on 1—SIMILAR—BILL—BEFORE—CONGRESS recesses —AT—THE—END—OF—THE—WEEK. For its part, THE—WHITE—HOUSE announced it strongly supported PASSAGE—OF—THE—HOUSE—VERSION but wasn't satisfied with it, adding that the administration 'looks forward to working with Congress to strengthen the bill as it moves through the legislative process.'"
20061004             —DURING—THE—LAME—DUCK session likely depend on the outcome of 20061107             —THE midterm election".
20061006             Basic ILLOGIC—OF—THE—MEDIA—ACCEPTING—GOP—SPIN—COMES—THROUGH in This Passage from Associated Press Article: "THE—ILLINOIS—REPUBLICAN earned fresh VOTES—OF—CONFIDENCE from USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH and fellow House GOP leaders —ON—THURSDAY—AFTER assuming direct responsibility for THE—DAMAGE inflicted on the party —JUST weeks 20061107             —BEFORE, —THE midterm elections by the scandal involving disgraced FORMER—REPRESENTATIVE—MARK—FOLEY R—FLORIDA" Okay, What Does Accepting "Reponsibility" Mean if He Won't Resign?
20061011             OTTAWA COUNTY—MICHIGAN "will pay about 40.000—DOLLAR to correct 1—EMBARRASSING typographical error on its 20061107             election ballot".
20061014             SOME—REPUBLICAN strategists are increasingly upset with what they consider THE—OVERCONFIDENCE—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH and his senior advisers about the midterm elections 20061107             1—CONCERN aggravated by THE—PRESIDENT—NEWS—CONFERENCE—THIS—WEEK.
20061017             —TODAY, the population figure is mired in the divisive POLITICS—OF—IMMIGRATION - 1—HOT—BUTTON issue ahead—of—20061107             —THE—MID—TERM—ELECTIONS, they say.
20061021—20061107    —ON, In their campaigns for the Jew ish vote, Republicans are pitching support for ISRAEL and ANTI—TERRORISM,
20061021—20061107    —ON, Jew ish political partisans in USA: In their campaigns for the Jew ish vote, Republicans are pitching support for ISRAEL and ANTI—TERROR—ISM, as they have —FOR—YEARS.
20061025             [20061107             ] - [20061108             ] - [20031127             ]
20061025             [20061107             ]
20061027             —ORDERED, Nico - "The commissioner of internal revenue has, his agency to delay collecting back taxes from HURRICANE—KATRINA victims —UNTIL—AFTER 20061107             —THE elections and the holiday season, saying he did so in part to avoid negative publicity," THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTS.
20061027             —ORDERED, Nico - "The commissioner of internal revenue has, his agency to delay collecting back taxes from HURRICANE—KATRINA victims —UNTIL—AFTER 20061107             —THE elections and the holiday season,
20061027—20061107    —IN—THE, Voters strongly favor DEMOCRATIC—CANDIDATES over REPUBLICANs CONGRESS—ELECTION and harbor growing doubts about THE—IRAQ—WAR and the country's future,
20061027—20061107    —IN—THE, Voters strongly favor DEMOCRATIC—CANDIDATES over Republicans CONGRESS—ELECTION and harbor growing doubts about THE—IRAQ—WAR and the country's future, ACCORDING—TO—1—REUTERS/Zogby poll released —THURSDAY.
20061028—20061107    —AM, droht bei den WAHLEN—ZUM—SENAT und Repräsentantenhaus Umfragen zufolge eine herbe Niederlage + —SCHON überdenken Konzerne und WIRTSCHAFTS—UND INDUSTRIE—VERBÄNDE ihre Beziehung zum politischen Establishment.
20061102—20061107    —ON, Voters say that IRAQ will be the most important issue —WHEN they go to the polls.
20061102—20061107    —IN—THE, BUSH: Terror wins if democrats win: USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH charged —ON—MONDAY that "TERROR—ISTS win and AMERICA LOSES" if Opposition Democrats win legislative elections dominated by the unpopular IRAQ—WAR.
20061104             ROBERT—PARRY has another brilliant ELECTION—EVE commentary: In the final days —BEFORE the pivotal 20061107             —ELECTIONS, GEORGE—W—BUSH is rallying Republicans with stump speeches that are REMARKABLE—EVEN by —TODAY—STANDARDS—IN their disdain for facts and logic.
20061106             —RECEIVED, If the citizen has not yet, ANY—INFORMATION from his or her county regarding 20061107             —THE election, that is 1—SIGN that his or her name has been possibly tagged as that of a "felon".
20061106             —RECEIVED, So please tell citizens that if they have not yet, the appropriate elections information for 20061107             , they should go to the County Elections OFFICE—ON—MONDAY to ensure that they have 1—BALLOT on which to vote.
20061107             Hamburger Morgenpost
20061107             "Während Suchmaschinen wie GOOGLE eher 1—BREITSCHWERT im DATEN—SCHUNGEL sind, sind Portale wie Mister Wong 1—SKALPELL, mit dem feinere Suchen möglich sind". 20060504             20061107             sind Portale wie Mister Wong 1—SKALPELL, mit dem feinere Suchen möglich sind". 20060504             20061107             "Während Suchmaschinen wie GOOGLE eher 1—BREITSCHWERT im DATEN—SCHUNGEL sind, sind Portale wie Mister Wong 1—SKALPELL, mit dem feinere Suchen möglich sind". 20060504             20061107             "Während Suchmaschinen wie GOOGLE eher 1—BREITSCHWERT im DATEN—SCHUNGEL sind, sind Portale wie Mister Wong 1—SKALPELL, mit dem feinere Suchen möglich sind". 20060504             20061107             pratica radical: 20070604             ... um PLANO do então director da CIA, GEORGE—TENET, de assassinar líderes e...
20061107             sind Portale wie Mister Wong 1—SKALPELL, mit dem feinere Suchen möglich sind". 20060504             20061107             pratica radical: 20070604             ... um PLANO do então director da CIA, GEORGE—TENET, de assassinar líderes e...
20061107             "Während Suchmaschinen wie GOOGLE eher 1—BREITSCHWERT im DATEN—SCHUNGEL sind, sind Portale wie Mister Wong 1—SKALPELL, mit dem feinere Suchen möglich sind". 20060504             20061107             pratica radical: 20070604             ... um PLANO do então director da CIA, GEORGE—TENET, de assassinar líderes e...
20061107             pratica radical: 20070604             ... um PLANO do então director da CIA, GEORGE—TENET, de assassinar líderes e...
20061107             1. Congress 20060901             —RECORD for the fewest NUMBER—OF—DAYS worked — 218—BETWEEN the House and Senate combined.
20061107             —DISTRIBUTED, House Majority Leader JOHN—BOEHNER (REPUBLICAN—OH), a memo urging colleagues to exploit 20010911             to defend BUSH—IRAQ policy.
20061107             How much is finding the truth ca—20010911              worth to you? - sfux DANIEL—HOPSICKER -
20061107             —4—YEARS—AGO we moved to REPUBLIK—VENEDIG, FL and began poking —AROUND ON—SCENE at the site of the biggest 20060911             crime scene that wasn?t reduced to rubble.
20061107             How much is finding the truth ca—20010911              worth to you?-
20061107             46. House Majority Leader JOHN—BOEHNER (REPUBLICAN—OH) distributed a memo urging colleagues to exploit 20010911             to defend BUSH—IRAQ policy.
20061107             —AIMED, This irredentism was in large part, at areas still under control of the fledgling SOVIET—UNION.
20061107             "Reuters reports that IBM hopes to capitalize on the enormous growth in video surveillance.
20061107             Wenn den Tieren die Bilder später erneut gezeigt wurden, mussten sie richtig reagieren,
20061107             —PASSED, THE—HOUSE, 1—BILL through committee that that would "ESSENTIALLY REPLACE" 19730000             —THE—ENDANGERED—SPECIES—ACT with something "far friendlier to mining,
20061107             Stimmabgabe mit Hindernissen: Amerikaner kämpfen mit neuen Wahlmaschinen
20061107             Robo calls, push polls and other dirty tricks.
20061107             —NACH MEHR—ALS—3—JAHREN hatten sie zwischen 3.500—UND 5.000—BILDER gespeichert.
20061107             Gedächtnis: Paviane merken sich TAUSENDE—BILDER
20061107             Flugsicherheit: Kleinkind unter TERROR—VERDACHT
20061107             1—UMWELT—EXPERTIN sagte, es gebe in den —SEIT—114—JAHRE erstellten Wetteraufzeichnungen Australiens keine vergleichbare Trockenphase.
20061107             EDWARD—BERNAYS, the most influential man you never heard of Free
20061107             —STRIPPED, Congress, DETAINEES—OF—THE—RIGHT—OF habeas corpus.
20061107             9. Congress fired the Special INSPECTOR—GENERAL for IRAQ Reconstruction, the lone effective FEDERAL—WATCHDOG for IRAQ spending, effective 20071001             .
20061107             effective 20071001             0000—DATE.
20061107             GOP distributing false sample ballots in MARYLAND
20061107             CHINA: Gelber Fluss wird zum RINNSAL—CONGRESS—ELECTIONS".
20061107             [ Watch JOHN—PODESTA—TAKE on the elections on MISS—NBC at 10:08—AM ]
20061107             —TODAY is ELECTION—DAY. Find your polling place HERE.
20061107             Get election protection information and report ANY—PROBLEMS voting HERE or call 1-866-OUR VOTE.
20061107             —AUTOMATED, THE—WASHINGTON—POST—REPORTS on the " heavy volume of, political phone calls " that has "
20061107             infuriated countless voters and triggered sharp complaints.
20061107             " Conservative groups have "crafted the messages to delude voters — especially those who hang up quickly — into thinking that Democrats placed the calls".
20061107             —CALLED, News Corp. CHIEF—RUPERT—MURDOCH —YESTERDAY, the 2,832—USA—TROOP—DEATHS in IRAQ "
20061107             —MINUTE " from 1—HISTORICAL perspective.
20061107             1—UN—SPONSORED audit of Halliburton subsidiary KBR found the company "charged THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT as much as 25.000—DOLLAR—PER—MONTH for each of as many as 1,800 fuel trucks that were to deliver gasoline to IRAQ —AFTER 20030000             —THE invasion, but the
20061107             trucks often spent days or weeks sitting idle on the border.
20061107             At THE—UNITED—NATIONS—TREATY—CONFERENCE on climate change, CHIEF—USA—CLIMATE—NEGOTIATOR—HARLAN Watson defended THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—STAND against compulsory caps on GLOBAL—WARMING emissions and said the policy is unlikely to change.
20061107             —CLAIMED, Watson, THE—USA is doing better at voluntarily restraining the growth of such gases than SOME—COUNTRIES that are committed to reductions under THE—KYOTO—PROTOCOL.
20061107             —ASKED, MISSOURI—CHIEF—ELECTIONS—OFFICIAL said —MONDAY she was, 3—TIMES to show photo ID at the voting booth, despite 1—COURT—RULING striking down the requirement.
20061107             —TRIED, —WHEN the official, to explain that ID was not necessary, "the election worker replied that she was
20061107             instructed to ask for 1—ANYWAY.
20061107             including HIGH—RANKING officers, with HUMAN—RIGHTS—CRIMES for their roles in THE—TORTURE—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—DETAINEES ".
20061107             Extra secrecy measures are being taken to plug the leak of exit poll data to "ravenous political bloggers".
20061107             —THIS—YEAR, media executives figure the secret will keep for less than half an —HOUR.
20061107             "Based on past experience, I expect that I'll have EXIT—POLL—DATA SOON—AFTER it's released from multiple sources," TAEGAN—GODDARD—OF—POLITICAL—WIRE said.
20061107             —VOWED, Hotline ONCALL—EDITORS have, not to post ANY—EXITING—POLLING data.
20061107             —NAH—OST, VIELE—TOTE bei ISRAEL—MILITÄR—1ÄTZEN
20061107             USA—WAHL, CLINTON und Schwarzenegger klare Sieger
20061107             —GEWINNT, NICARAGUA, Ortega, Präsidentenwahl - USA, 1. Muslim in Kongress gewählt
20061107             USA—WAHL, Demokraten erobern Repräsentantenhaus zurück
20061107             NEW—YORK, HILLARY—CLINTON als Senatorin wiedergewählt
20061107             USA—WAHL, 1. Ergebnisse zeigen Demokraten vorn
20061107             —UMFRAGE, Skandale entscheidender als IRAK—KRIEG
20061107             GREG—PALAST—LATEST synopsis of how the election has already been stolen.
20061107             Bloggers are doing 1—AMAZING job of keeping up with all MANNER—OF—PROBLEM—REPORTS.
20061107             Keep up with it all, for posterity.
20061107             This vote could be history, in both SENSES—OF—THAT—WORD.
20061107             Dollars for Democracy. Please buy 1—PREMIUM or donate.
20061107             You are our lifeline.
20061107             New rules, machines frazzle poll workers
20061107             CONGRESS—HEARINGS Must Examine Robocalls, Other Deceptive ELECTION—DAY—CALLS;
20061107             PFAW Urges Voters to Submit Evidence 11/8
20061107             Latest National POLLING—JURY selection —TUESDAY in suit over "W" sticker;
20061107             "JERRY—GOSSETT claims he created the blueprint for the popular "W '04" bumper sticker for BUSH—CAMPAIGN, but that the (REPUBLICAN—NATIONAL—COMMITTEE and 1—CAMPAIGN—SUPPLIER stole the idea..".
20061107             —EXECUTED, Saddam ' —BY—END—OF—YEAR' IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—MALIKI expects SADDAM—HUSSEIN to be executed by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR, he tells THE—BBC.
20061107             NEPAL—MAOISTS agree peace deal THE—NEPAL—GOVERNMENT and Maoist rebels agree 1—PEACE—DEAL aimed at ending THE—10—YEAR—INSURGENCY.
20061107             —LAUNCHED, ISRAEL—CITY hit by rocket fire Rockets are, into ISRAEL hours —AFTER troops end 1—OPERATION in Beit Hanoun aimed at stopping them.
20061107             —JAILED, AL—QAEDA plotter, for life Briton Dhiren Barot is given 1—LIFE—SENTENCE for planning carnage on a "colossal scale" in THE—UK—AND—USA.
20061107             'ENEMIES—OF—THE—INTERNET' named Civil liberties group Reporters Without Borders has published its LIST—OF—COUNTRIES which suppress online freedoms.
20061107             Blog, Campaign 'sleaziest ever'?
20061107             Analysis and comment from BBC correspondents covering the campaign for 20061107             —THE—MID—TERM—ELECTIONS
20061107             Velcro PRESIDENT faces final test GEORGE W BUSH goes into his final election with 1—STRONG—WIND at his face, THE—BBC—MATT—FREI writes.
20061107             AT—A—GLANCE, 20061107             Everything you need to know about the latest developments in —THIS—YEAR—USA—MID—TERM—ELECTIONS.
20061107             —ELECTED, PANAMA wins UN council seat PANAMA is, as 1—NON—PERMANENT—MEMBER—OF—THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—ENDING weeks of deadlock.
20061107             BUSH APPROVAL—RATING tracker Track GEORGE W BUSH—POPULARITY OVER—THE—LAST—5—YEARS in relation to key events of his presidency.
20061107             Skygazers await Mercury transit ASTRONOMs in the Americas, EAST—ASIA and Oceania will get 1—RARE—OPPORTUNITY to see Mercury pass in 1—DIRECT—LINE across the Sun —THIS—WEEK.
20061107             Voting Tech PRO—BLEMS Reported —2—HOUR—LINES, voting machines that won't start and ballots that can't be read.
20061107             Is 20060000             turning into 20040000             all over again?
20061107             In 27B Stroke 6.
20061107             Hydrogen Mowers Trim Emissions Keeping your lawn looking good could become 1—TRULY green exercise.
20061107             AUTOPIA.
20061107             Images, Mercury transits the sun The little planet passes between the Earth and the sun only 3—TIMES—PER—CENTURY and the next time is —WEDNESDAY.
20061107             Is 1—UNINFORMED—VOTE—BETTER—THAN—NO—VOTE?
20061107             "I don't pay attention to politics at all + so I will not be voting in —TODAY—ELECTIONS.
20061107             My family has been telling me that this is 1—MISTAKE and I should vote anyway, partly because I have slightly conservative views which agrees with their political outlook.
20061107             —UNINFORMED, My reasoning is that —SINCE I am totally, I shouldn't vote.
20061107             I don't want to vote Republican or Democrat, only to find out —LATER I totally disagree with something 1—CANDIDATE—STANDS for.
20061107             —UNINFORMED, So, here's my dilemma and my question: Is 1, vote better than no vote?" This issue is touched upon in 1—POSTING by EZRA—KLEIN, of THE—USA—PROSPECT, who disagrees, arguing against 1—SIMILAR—ASSERTION by GREG—MANKIW, from 1—SUPPRESSED—FORTUNE—ARTICLE.
20061107             Greg says: "Sometimes...the most responsible thing 1—PERSON can do on ELECTION—DAY is stay at home... If you really don't know enough to cast 1—INTELLIGENT—VOTE, you should be eager to let your more informed neighbors make the decision".
20061107             What do you think?
20061107             Space Telescope Catches Monster FLARE—KDAWSON 67 - gollum123 writes,
20061107             "NASA—SWIFT—SATELLITE has seen 1—GIANT flare explode from 1—NEARBY—STAR. Our sun also flares —WHEN twisted magnetic field lines in the solar atmosphere suddenly snap — but this was on 1—FAR—LARGER—SCALE, perhaps 100—MILLION—TIMES as strong. The energy released by the explosion on II Pegasi was equivalent to CA—50—QUINTILLION atomic bombs. If the Sun were ever to produce such 1—OUTBURST, it would almost certainly cause 1—MASS—EXTINCTION on Earth. II Pegasi is 1—BINARY system 135—LIGHT—YEARS from Earth in the constellation Pegasus. Its 2—STARS are close, only 1—FEW stellar radii apart; as 1—RESULT, tidal forces cause both stars to spin quickly, rotating in lockstep once in —7—DAYS compared to THE—SUN—28—DAY—ROTATION—PERIOD. Fast rotation is thought to be conducive to strong stellar flares".
20061107             Information Technology and VOTING—KDAWSON 66 - ChelleChelle writes,
20061107             "In 1—INTERVIEW in ACM Queue, DOUGLAS—W—JONES and PETER—G—NEUMANN ATTEMPT—TO—ANSWER the question: Does technology help or hinder election integrity?"  "Work in this area is as politically loaded as work on evolution or stem cells. Merely claiming that research into election integrity is needed is seen by MANY—POLITICIANS as challenging the legitimacy of their elections... 1—OF—THE—PROBLEMS in public DISCUSSIONS—OF—VOTING—SYSTEM—INTEGRITY is that the different participants tend to point to different threats. ELECTION—SYSTEM—VENDORS and election officials generally focus on effective defense against outside attackers, usually characterized as hackers. —MEANWHILE, MANY—PUBLIC—INTEREST—GROUPS have focused on THE—POSSIBILITY—OF—ELECTION—OFFICIALS corrupting the results".
20061107             IT Worker Shortages EVERYWHERE—KDAWSON 236 - Vicissidude writes with news from THE—IT front in INDIA:
20061107             This shortfall is fueling 1—NEW—DEVELOPMENT, THE—EXPORTING—OF—INDIA—TECH—JOBS to THE—USA.
20061107             But will there be workers in THE—USA to do those jobs?
20061107             Reader Jadeite2 writes with 1—WORD from BILL—GATES, speaking to 1—BUSINESS—FORUM in MOSCOW, who said: "There is 1—SHORTAGE—OF—IT skills on 1—WORLDWIDE—BASIS. Anybody who can get those skills here —NOW will have 1—LOT—OF—OPPORTUNITY".
20061107             Aggressive Botnet Activities Behind Spam INCREASE—KDAWSON 121 - ,
20061107             "1—SPAM—SENDING—TROJAN dubbed 'SpamThru' is RESPONSIBLE—FOR—1—VAST—AMOUNT—OF—THE—RECENT botnet activity which has significantly increased spam levels to almost 3—OUT of every 4—EMAILS. The developers of SpamThru employed numerous tactics to thwart detection and enhance outreach, such as releasing new strains of the Trojan at regular intervals in ORDER—TO—CONFUSE traditional ANTI—VIRUS signatures detection".
20061107             ACCORDING—TO—MESSAGELABS (PDF), another contributor to the recent spam increase is 1—TROJAN dropper called "Warezov".
20061107             Voting Machine Glitches Already Being Reported
20061107             "CNN, FOX + MISS—NBC are reporting that voting machines in 3—STATES (OHIO, INDIANA + FLORIDA) have already been showing issues, both in the machines themselves and in THE—TRAINING—OF—POLL—ATTENDANTS, causing MANY—DISTRICTS to switch to paper ballots".
20061107             "Voters put the Republican CONGRESS—MAJORITY and 1—MULTITUDE—OF—NEW voting equipment to the test —TUESDAY in 1—ELECTION that defined THE—BALANCE—OF—POWER for THE—REST—OF—GEORGE—W—BUSH—PRESIDENCY. Both parties hustled to get their supporters out in HIGH—STAKES contests across the country, Democrats appealing 1—MORE—TIME for change + appearing confident the mood was on their side. Republicans conceded nothing as their vaunted GET—OUT—THE—VOTE—MACHINE swung into motion".
20061107             —VOTED, If you're in THE—USA + you haven't, already, go do it!
20061107             "NewsForge: What would the project concretely produce as final output?
20061107             STEFANIA—DUCCI: The final goal is 1—REAL and complete methodology for hacker profiling, released under GNU/FDL.
20061107             This means that, —AT—THE—END—OF—OUR research project, if 1—COMPANY will send us its (as detailed as possible) logs related to 1—INTRUSION, we — exactly like in THE—TV—SHOW C.S.I. —WHEN evidence is found on the crime scene — will be able to provide 1—PROFILE—OF—THE—ATTACKER.
20061107             —BY 'profile' we mean, for example, his technical skills, his probable geographic location, 1—ANALYSIS—OF his modus operandi + of 1—LOT—OF—OTHER, small and big, traces left on the crime scene.
20061107             This will also permit us to observe and, wherever possible, preview new attack trends, show rapid and drastic behavior changes, and, finally, provide 1—REAL—PICTURE—OF—THE—WORLD—OF hacking and its INTERNATIONAL scene".
20061107             IBM Touts Smart Surveillance System
20061107             "Reuters reports that IBM hopes to capitalize on the enormous growth in video surveillance. They'll begin selling technology from their research labs that performs REAL—TIME—ANALYSIS on footage captured by security cameras in stores and sensitive locales. IBM contends that it is the 1. to add advanced search functions, which make USE—OF—COMPUTERS' improving ability to recognize video content. For example, THE—IBM system would let 1—USER—SEARCH for all instances of 1—GREEN—CAR passing by 1—STORE on 1—CERTAIN—DAY. It can also incorporate data gathered from audio or chemical sensors. And IBM said S3 includes important privacy enhancements, such as the ability to automatically obscure FACES—OF—CUSTOMERS or PASSERS—BY. IBM said that S3's target market includes retail outlets, banks, airports, freight terminals and mass transit systems. It is also being sold to PUBLIC—SECURITY—AGENCIES and other government departments".
20061107             C|Net reports that the software is so impressive, it may be monitoring border crossings —BEFORE too long.
20061107             THE—13—ENEMIES—OF—THE—INTERNET
20061107             "Reporters without borders has —JUST released its annual LIST—OF—INTERNET—ENEMIES, 1—LIST—OF—COUNTRIES 'that systematically violate online free expression.' 1—COUPLE—OF—COUNTRIES have been removed, but EGYPT has been added. 1 detailed summary can be read on THE—BBC—WEBSITE".
20061107             —PUBLISHED, From that article: "The blacklist is, annually but it is the 1. time RSF has organized 1—ONLINE protest to accompany the list. 'We wanted to mobilize net users so that —WHEN we lobby certain countries we can say that the concerns are not —JUST ours but THOSE—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—INTERNET—USERS—AROUND THE—WORLD,' said 1—SPOKESMAN for RSF. MANY—OF—THOSE on THE—INTERNET—BLACKLIST are countries that are regularly criticized by HUMAN—RIGHTS—GROUPS, such as CHINA and Burma".
20061107             Den Versuchstieren wurden Bilder gezeigt, zu denen entweder links oder rechts vom Bild 1—TASTE aufleuchtete.
20061107             Wenn den Tieren die Bilder später erneut gezeigt wurden, mussten sie richtig reagieren, indem sie die dazugehörige Taste auswählten.
20061107             Die Paviane benutzten dazu Joysticks, während die Tauben auf Tasten pickten.
20061107             Bei den Pavianen waren es deutlich mehr.
20061107             Die Wissenschaftler vermuten, dass die Paviane sich noch Tausende weitere Bilder und dazugehörige Markierungen merken KÖNNTEN—WÄRE die Studie nur lange genug fortgeführt worden, schreiben sie in der Wissenschaftszeitschrift "PNAS".
20061107             Mathematisch sei es sogar wahrscheinlich, dass es in den VERGANGENE—1.—000—JAHREN keine ähnliche Trockenzeit gegeben habe.
20061107             CANBERRA—BEI der —SEIT—5—JAHRE herrschenden Trockenperiode könne nicht mehr nur von —1—JAHRHUNDERT—DÜRRE gesprochen werden, sagten POLITIKER—HOCHRANGIGE Behördenvertreter auf 1—AUSTRALISCHEN—UMWELT—GIPFEL am heutigen —DIENSTAG.
20061107             "Was wir hier sehen, ist ein furchteinflößender Blick in 1—ZUKUNFT mit WELT—ERWÄRMUNG", warnte MIKE—RANN, REGIERUNGS—CHEF—DES—BUNDES—STAATS Südaustralien.
20061107             CHINA, Gelber Fluss wird zum Rinnsal
20061107             Uni MAINZ, Neonazis stören Vortrag über die Nazizeit
20061107             QAIDA—URTEIL, Hollywoodfilm wird zum TERROR—BEWEIS
20061107             Bundessozialgericht, RICHTER—STÄRKEN—RECHTE—VON—HARTZ—IV—EMPFÄNGERN
20061107             RECHTS—EXTREMISMUS, Berliner Bezirk wehrt sich gegen NPD—PARTEITAG—USA, Wahlcomputer machen PRO—BLEME
20061107             NUKLEAR—ENERGIE, 6—ARABISCHE Staaten kündigen ATOM—PROGRAMME an
20061107             TV—KONSUM, Kinder finden Mattscheibe interessanter als Gesichter
20061107             —PRO—ZESS—GEGEN—EX—DIKTATOR, Saddam ruft Iraker zur Versöhnung auf
20061107             REKORD—GEWINN, Münchener Rück plant Riesenausschüttung
20061107             Demografie, DEUTSCHE—BEVÖLKERUNG schrumpft und altert dramatisch
20061107             —UMFRAGE, Topmanager befürchten wachsende Kluft zur Bevölkerung
20061107             Wahltag in den USA, Republikaner auf —LAST—MINUTE—STIMMENFANG in der Provinz
20061107             Computerfehler, SPACE—SHUTTLE kennt keinen Jahreswechsel
20061107             IRAK, Schiiten wollen Saddam live im TV hängen sehen
20061107             Piracy Stats Don't Add Up - - ScuttleMonkey 53 - arenam AUSTRALIA—IT is reporting that
20061107             in 1—RECENT briefing for THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—DEPARTMENT prepared by THE—AUSTRALIA—INSTITUTE—OF—CRIMINOLOGY draws certain piracy statistics into question.
20061107             "THE—DRAFT—OF—THE—INSTITUTE—INTELLECTUAL—PROPERTY—CRIME—REPORT, sighted by THE—AUSTRALIA—SHOWS that copyright owners 'failed to explain' how they reached financial loss statistics used in lobbying activities and court cases. Figures for 20050000             from THE—GLOBAL—BUSINESS—SOFTWARE—ASSOCIATION showing 361—MILLION—DOLLAR —1—YEAR of lost sales in AUSTRALIA are 'unverified and epistemologically unreliable,' the report says".
20061107             "Scientists at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—PENNSYLVANIA have announced that they have engineered 1—STRAIN—OF—THE—AIDS—VIRUS that fights AIDS. This STRAIN—OF—AIDS—WORKS—LIKE 1—VACCINE and improved the immune SYSTEM—OF—THE—TEST—SUBJECTS. —AFTER—3—YEARS on this new therapy, no side effects have been observed".
20061107             GERMANY—ISP Forced To Delete IP Logs
20061107             —DECIDED, ScuttleMonkey 114 - "1—GERMANY—FEDERAL—COURT, —TODAY that T—ONLINE, 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—ISPS in GERMANY, was obligated to delete all IP logs of 1—CUSTOMER upon request to guarantee their privacy.  'The decision (German) does not mean that T—ONLINE is —NOW obliged to delete all their IP—LOGS, the customers 1. need to complain. But, if they ask T—ONLINE to delete their IP—LOGS, THE—ISP has no other choice than to comply. 1—LAWYER from FRANKFURT already sketched 1—SAMPLE—LETTER (German) to make this process easier.'"
20061107             Computer Date Glitch May Limit Next Shuttle LAUNCH—HBO—HACKING—DEMOCRACY—AVAILABLE—ONLINE
20061107             "HBO—CONTROVERSIAL—SPECIAL 'Hacking Democracy' on issues with Diebold voting machines is —NOW available in full on GOOGLE Video".
20061107             Covered —EARLIER on Slashdot, THE—DOCUMENTARY seems to have gathered quite 1—BIT—OF—HEAT from Diebold in addition to THE—1—THAT didn't air.
20061107             Computational Simulations of E.COLI—KDAWSON 47 - Gearoid_Murphy writes,
20061107             "BBC news has the story of 1—SCIENTIST who has been using computational models of bacteria to advance our understanding of actual bacteria — 1—STEP towards simulating fully fledged organisms in virtual environments and potentially 1—EXTRAORDINARILY powerful tool for medical science".
20061107             Has Verizon Forfeited Common Carrier Status?
20061107             "FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH, the future of the Net, you name it.
20061107             —ASKED, In October, A—USA—VIGILANTE group, Verizon to cut off Net ACCESS—TO—EPIFORA, 1—CANADIAN—ISP that hosts 1—NUMBER—OF (entirely legal) web sites offering support to MINOR—ATTRACTED adults.
20061107             Shortly thereafter, Verizon gave —30—DAYS notice to Epifora, ending a —5—YEAR relationship.
20061107             —REFRAINED, Telecos have traditionally, from censoring legal content, arguing that as 'common carriers' it is outside of their scope to make such decisions.
20061107             —REFRAINED, Furthermore, they have, because if they did so in SOME—CASES, they might be legally liable for other cases where they did not exercise censorship.
20061107             —FORFEITED, The questions are, has Verizon, their claim to COMMON—CARRIER—STATUS by selectively censoring legal speech that they do not like?
20061107             And can the net effectively route —AROUND censorship if the trunk carriers are allowed to pick and choose whom they allow to connect?"
20061107             (REPUBLICAN—ROBOCALL Pretexting CAMPAIGN—KDAWSON 552 - WCityMike writes,
20061107             "In 53—CONGRESS—CAMPAIGNS across the country, including THE—PENNSYLVANIA 6., THE—CONNECTICUT 4., THE—NORTH—CAROLINA 11., THE—NEW—HAMPSHIRE 2. + THE—ILLINOIS 6. and 8. (and possibly all races), THE—NATIONAL—(REPUBLICAN—CONGRESS—COMMITTEE is conducting a 2.1—MILLION—DOLLAR—CAMPAIGN to make it appear as if Democrats are spamming callers with telemarketing calls. THE—NRCC hired Conquest Communications Group to conduct 1—MASSIVE nationwide robocalling campaign with calls specifically scripted to appear as if they're coming from THE—DEMOCRATIC—CANDIDATE — in violation of FCC regulations on such 'robocalls,' which requires the identity of the caller to be stated at THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—MESSAGE [47—CFR 64.1200(b)(1)]. The call begins with 'Hello. I'm calling with information about,' and then says THE—NAME—OF—THE—DEMOCRATIC—CANDIDATE. There is then 1—PAUSE; if the recipient hangs up here, they will receive repeated calls back with the same message, potentially up to 18—TIMES or more (ACCORDING—TO—1—CALLEE). If the callee doesn't hang up, they hear 1—SMEAR message from the machine about THE—DEMOCRATIC—CANDIDATE. THE—NRCC thinks THE—LEGALITY—OF—THE—CALLS is, conveniently, a 'complicated legal question that's not going to get adjudicated —THIS—WEEK—END.'" Update 20:47—GMT by SM, Thankfully we all learned how to DEAL—WITH—THESE folks —LAST—WEEK.
20061107             GLOBAL—WARMING Debunked? "I'm 1—SCIENTIST. I like AL—GORE.
20061107             I donate to the Sierra club, I bicycle everywhere and I eat granola.
20061107             And I —JUST read 1—VERY convincing article in THE—UK—TELEGRAPH that makes me think that the 'scientific consensus' on GLOBAL—WARMING is MORE—THAN—1—LITTLE shaky.
20061107             —NOW IANACS (I am not 1—CLIMATE—SCIENTIST).
20061107             And the Telegraph is notoriously reactionary.
20061107             Can anyone out there go through this piece and tell me why it might be wrong?
20061107             —RESEARCHED, Because it seems to be solid, well, + somewhat damning of 1—HOST—OF—AUTHORITIES (THE—UN, THE—EDITORS—OF—NATURE, THE—CANADA—GOVERNMENT) who seem to have picked 1—SIDE in THE—GLOBAL—WARMING debate without looking at the evidence".
20061107             —RETIRED, THE—AUTHOR—OF—THE—TELEGRAPH piece is CHRISTOPHER—MONCKTON, 1, journalist and former policy advisor to MARGARET—THATCHER.
20061107             JUDD—READ about them at TPMmuckraker.
20061107             109—REASONS To Dump The 109. CONGRESS—TOMORROW is ELECTION—DAY.
20061107             Find your polling place HERE.
20061107             Digg this post HERE—WE need 1—NEW—CONGRESS — here's why: 2.
20061107             —VOTED, THE—SENATE, down 1—MEASURE that urged the administration to start 1 phased REDEPLOYMENT—OF—USA—FORCES out of IRAQ by the end of 20060000             .
20061107             Congress gave itself a 2—PERCENT pay raise.
20061107             (19940000             —IN, there were 4,155 earmarks totaling  29—BILLION—DOLLAR.)
20061107             —TURNED, Congress, the tragic Terri Schiavo affair into 1—NATIONAL spectacle because, ACCORDING—TO—1—MEMO, it was "1—GREAT—POLITICAL—ISSUE" that got "THE—PRO—LIFE—BASE...excited".
20061107             THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—SENATE—COMMITTEE—ON—ENVIRONMENT and PUBLIC—WORKS thinks GLOBAL—WARMING is the "greatest hoax ever perpetrated on THE—USA—PEOPLE".
20061107             THE—HOUSE—LEADERSHIP held open 1—VOTE—FOR—50—MINUTES to twist arms and pass 1—BILL that helped line THE—POCKETS—OF—ENERGY—COMPANY—EXECUTIVES.
20061107             —PASSED, The lobbying reform BILL—CONGRESS, was 1—TOTAL sham.
20061107             —ATTACKED, REPRESENTATIVE—JEAN—SCHMIDT (REPUBLICAN—OH) shamefully, REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—MURTHA (REPUBLICAN—PA) on the House floor, telling him that "cowards cut and run, Marines never do".
20061107             House Majority Leader JOHN—BOEHNER (REPUBLICAN—OH) said DONALD—RUMSFELD "is the best thing that's happened to THE—PENTAGON in —25—YEARS".
20061107             House Intelligence COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—PETE—HOEKSTRA (REPUBLICAN—MI) baselessly announced that "we have found THE—WMD in IRAQ".
20061107             Congress stuck in 750—MILLION—DOLLAR in appropriations bills "for projects championed by lobbyists whose relatives were involved in writing the spending bills".
20061107             The typical CONGRESS—WORK—WEEK is —LATE—TUESDAY to —NOON—ON—THURSDAY.
20061107             —ELIMINATED, Congress, the Perkins college loan program and cut Pell Grants by 6—BILLION—DOLLAR.
20061107             REPRESENTATIVE—DON—SHERWOOD (REPUBLICAN—PA) paid 500.000—DOLLAR to settle 1—LAWSUIT alleging that he stranged his —29—JAHRE—ALT mistress.
20061107             In 1—DEBATE—LAST—YEAR over the reauthorization of the Patriot Act, THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—HOUSE—JUDICIARY—COMMITTEE abruptly cut off the microphones —WHEN Democrats began discussing THE—TREATMENT—OF—DETAINEES at GUANTANAMO—BAY.
20061107             —JUST 2—OUT—OF—11—SPENDING bills have made it OUT—OF—CONGRESS—THIS—YEAR.
20061107             THE—FBI continues to investigate REPRESENTATIVE—CURT—WELDON'S (REPUBLICAN—PA) willingness to trade his political influence for lucrative lobbying and consulting contracts for his daughter.
20061107             Congress spent weeks debating 1—REPEAL—OF—THE—ESTATE—TAX (aka THE—PARIS—HILTON—TAX), which affects 1—MINISCULE fraction of the wealthiest Americans.
20061107             The percentage of Americans without health insurance hit 1—RECORD—HIGH, as Congress did nothing to address the health care crisis.
20061107             —VOTED, Both the House and Senate, to open up our coasts to more oil drilling, "by far the slowest, dirtiest, most expensive way to meet our energy needs".
20061107             THE—HOUSE fell 51—VOTES—SHORT—OF overriding USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—VETO on expanding FEDERAL—FUNDING of embryonic stem cell research.
20061107             Only 6—PERCENT of Americans think Congress is doing 1—GOOD—JOB.
20061107             —CONFIRMED, Congress, FAR—RIGHT activist SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICE—SAMUEL—ALITO.
20061107             Congress spent days debating 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—AMENDMENT that would criminalize DESECRATION—OF—THE—USA—FLAG, the 1. time in —214—YEARS that THE—BILL—OF—RIGHTS would have been restricted by 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—AMENDMENT.
20061107             —RAISED, Congress, the debt limit by  800—BILLION—DOLLAR, to 9—TRILLION—DOLLAR.
20061107             REPRESENTATIVE—JERRY—LEWIS (REPUBLICAN—CA) used his seat on THE—HOUSE—APPROPRIATIONS—COMMITTEE to steer earmarks towards to 1—OF—HIS—CLOSEST—FRIENDS and major campaign contributor.
20061107             —PASSED, Congress, 1—STRICT—BANKRUPTCY—BILL making it harder for average people to recover from financial misfortune by declaring bankruptcy, even if they are VICTIMS—OF—IDENTITY—THEFT, suffering from debilitating illness, or serving in the military.
20061107             —PASSED, THE—HOUSE, 1—BILL through committee that that would "essentially replace" 19730000             —THE—ENDANGERED—SPECIES—ACT with something "far friendlier to mining, lumber and other big extraction interests that find the original act annoying".
20061107             —EARMARKED, REPRESENTATIVE—KEN—CALVERT (REPUBLICAN—CA), funds to increase the property VALUE—OF—LANDS that he —LATER sold for 1—PROFIT.
20061107             Congress didn't investigate TOM—DELAY and let him stay in Congress as long as he wanted.
20061107             THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—AND—THE—SECURITIES and Exchange Commission are investigating THE—SENATE—MAJORITY—LEADER—SALE—OF—HCA stock —1—MONTH—BEFORE its value fell by 9—PERCENT.
20061107             Congress is trying to destroy net neutrality.
20061107             —ACCEPTED, REPRESENTATIVE—KATHERINE—HARRIS (REPUBLICAN—FL), contributions from disgraced lobbyist MITCHELL—WADE and MZM, INCORPORATED, her largest campaign contributor, in return for 1—DEFENSE earmark.
20061107             House Intelligence COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—PETER—HOEKSTRA (REPUBLICAN—MI) abused his power and suspended 1—DEMOCRATIC—STAFFER in 1—ACT—OF—RETRIBUTION.
20061107             —FAILED, Congress, to offer legal protections to states that divest from THE—SUDAN.
20061107             Congress spent days debating 1—ANTI—GAY—CONSTITUTIONAL—BAN—ON—SAME—SEX—MARRIAGE.
20061107             Congress isn't doing anything significant to reverse catastrophic climate change.
20061107             Senate Majority Leader BILL—FRIST (REPUBLICAN—TN) used a video tape "diagnosis" to declare that Terri Schiavo, who was —LATER found to be blind, "certainly seems to respond to visual stimuli".
20061107             HALF—OF—ALL—AMERICANS believe most MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS are corrupt.
20061107             REPRESENTATIVE—MARILYN—MUSGRAVE (REPUBLICAN—CO) said that gay marriage "is the most important issue that we face —TODAY".
20061107             SENATOR—CONRAD—BURNS (REPUBLICAN—MT) told 1—VIRGINIA—BASED volunteer firefighting team they had done a "PISS—POOR—JOB" in fighting wildfires in MONTANA.
20061107             —FAILED, Congress, to pass comprehensive immigration reform.
20061107             —DURING—1—FLOOR—DEBATE on embryonic stem cell research, SENATOR—SAM—BROWNBACK (REPUBLICAN—KS) held up 1—PICTURE—OF—1—EMBRYO drawn by a —7—YEAR—OLD—GIRL.
20061107             —EXPLAINED, Brownback, that 1—OF—THE—EMBRYOS in the picture was asking, "Are you going to kill me?"
20061107             SENATOR—GEORGE—ALLEN (REPUBLICAN—VA) used the slur "macaca" to describe 1—OPPOSING campaign staffer of INDIA—DESCENT + has been repeatedly accused by former associates of using racial epithets to refer to AFRICA AMERICANS.
20061107             —REFUSED, Congress, to swear in oil executives testifying about high prices.
20061107             Against CONGRESS—RULES, EX—HOUSE—MAJORITY—LEADER—TOM—DELAY (REPUBLICAN—TX) accepted expensive foreign trips funded by JACK—ABRAMOFF.
20061107             REPRESENTATIVE—STEVE—KING (REPUBLICAN—IA) went on the House floor to unveil 1—FENCE that he "designed" for the southern border.
20061107             —CONSTRUCTED, KING, 1—MODEL—OF—THE—FENCE as he said, "We do this with livestock all the time".
20061107             —THREATENED, EX—HOUSE—MAJORITY—LEADER—TOM—DELAY (REPUBLICAN—TX), the judges who ruled in the Terri Schiavo case, saying the "time will come" for them "to answer for their behavior".
20061107             —WANTED, CONGRESS—CONSERVATIVES, to investigate SANDY—BERGER, but not THE—IRAQ—WAR.
20061107             —ENGAGED, REPRESENTATIVE—GARY—MILLER (REPUBLICAN—CA), in crooked land deals with campaign donors.
20061107             Under the guise of "tort reform," Congress passed legislation that would "undermine incentives for safety" and make it "harder for SOME—PATIENTS with legitimate but difficult claims to find legal representation".
20061107             Despite multiple accidents in WEST—VIRGINIA and elsewhere, Congress passed legislation that failed to adequately protect mine workers.
20061107             House Speaker DENNIS—HASTERT (REPUBLICAN—IL) said "if you earn 40.000—DOLLAR—1—YEAR and have 1—FAMILY—OF—2—CHILDREN, you don't pay ANY—TAXES," even though it isn't true.
20061107             Senate Majority Leader BILL—FRIST (REPUBLICAN—TN) and House Speaker DENNIS—HASTERT (REPUBLICAN—IL) inserted 1—PROVISION in the Defense Appropriations bill that granted vaccine manufactures NEAR—TOTAL—IMMUNITY for injuries or deaths, even in cases of "gross negligence".
20061107             —INCLUDED, Congress, a 500—MILLION—DOLLAR giveaway to defense giant Northup Grumman in 1—BILL that was supposed to provide "emergency" funding for IRAQ, even though the Navy opposed the payment.
20061107             EX—REPRESENTATIVE—BOB—NEY (REPUBLICAN—OH), who has —SINCE pled guilty to talking bribes, was put it charge briefing new lawmakers "on CONGRESS—ETHICS".
20061107             REPRESENTATIVE—LYNN—WESTMORELAND (REPUBLICAN—GA) can't tell the difference between the Voting Rights Act and the Stamp Act.
20061107             Members were caught pimping out their offices with 5.700—DOLLAR—PLASMA—SCREEN—TELEVISIONS, $823—IONIC—AIR fresheners, $975—WINDOW—BLINDS + $623—POPCORN machines.
20061107             —SKIPPED, House Speaker DENNIS—HASTERT (REPUBLICAN—IL), 1—VOTE on Katrina relief to attend 1—FUNDRAISER.
20061107             Congress made toughening horse slaughtering rules the centerpiece of its agenda —AFTER returning from —SUMMER recess —THIS—YEAR.
20061107             SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN (REPUBLICAN—AZ) wants to send 20,000 more troops into the middle of 1—CIVIL—WAR in IRAQ.
20061107             —PASSED, Congress, THE—REAL—ID—ACT, "1—NATIONAL—ID law that will drive immigrants underground, —WHILE imposing massive new burdens on everyone else".
20061107             Congress won't let THE—GOVERNMENT negotiate lower prices for prescription drugs for people on Medicare.
20061107             Congress has left AMERICA—CHEMICAL plants vulnerable to TERRORIST—ATTACK.
20061107             SENATOR—TED—STEVENS (REPUBLICAN—AK) "threw the senatorial VERSION—OF—1—HISSY fit" —WHEN he threatened to resign unless THE—SENATE approved funding for his bridge to nowhere.
20061107             Thanks to NEW—ORLEANS DA JIM—GARRISON, we 1. heard of DAVID—FERRIE + GUY—BANNISTER + Clay Shaw.
20061107             'Nasa hackers' detained in CHILE—SFUX The authorities in CHILE have arrested 4—PEOPLE who the police say are MEMBERS—OF—1—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST successful GROUPS—OF—COMPUTER hackers.
20061107             —ACCUSED—OF, The men are, breaching MORE—THAN—8,000—WEBSITES, including THAT—OF—USA—SPACE—AGENCY—NASA.
20061107             1—OF—THE—MEN, who has used the alias "Net Toxic".
20061107             Ortega bringt Amerikas Albtraum ZURÜCK—SFUX STEPHAN—FUCHS?
20061107             DANIEL—ORTEGA ist neuer PRÄSIDENT—NICARAGUAS.
20061107             1—LINKS—TREND in Südamerika, der den Amerikanern Albträume beschert.
20061107             Jetlag 'can damage your health' Jet LAG—OR working irregular SHIFTS—DAMAGES—HEALTH, 1—USA—STUDY—OF—ELDERLY—MICE has shown.
20061107             Saddam in court for 2. trial SADDAM—HUSSEIN is —BACK—IN court as his genocide trial resumes —2—DAYS—AFTER he was SENTENCED—TO—DEATH.
20061107             IVORY—COAST—TOXIC—WASTE in FRANCE 1—SHIP with 3,000—TONS—OF—TOXIC—WASTE arrives in FRANCE from IVORY—COAST, where it is blamed for 10—DEATHS.
20061107             GLOBAL—RISKS 'hitting' business HALF—OF—THE—WORLD—NATIONS do not have stable enough conditions for business to flourish in, 1—REPORT—CLAIMS.
20061107             World risks 'dirty' energy future THE—WORLD—FUTURE—ENERGY mix will still be "dirty and insecure" if nations fail to act, 1—INFLUENTIAL—REPORT warns.
20061107             RWANDA suspect at UK charity 1—DOCTOR ACCUSED—OF—CRIMES—AGAINST—HUMANITY in RWANDA has been working for 1—UK charity, THE—BBC finds.
20061107             HIV gene therapy 'shows promise' Preliminary tests suggest HIV infection can be treated using 1 disabled VERSION—OF—THE—VIRUS itself.
20061107             OHIO Election Portends Trouble Lost electronic voting machines, cab drivers ferrying ballots from precincts, crumpled and illegible paper trails, numbers that don't add up.... OHIO—POPULOUS—CUYAHOGA County could play 1—PIVOTAL role in —NEXT—WEEK—ELECTION, but it didn't do so well in last MAY—PRIMARY.
20061107             —CRIPPLED, THE—VIRUS—THAT—ATE—DHS—MOROCCO—MALWARE that, sensitive USA—VISIT—BORDER screening workstations —LAST—YEAR also penetrated immigrations systems and border patrol computers.
20061107             And THE—GOVERNMENT really didn't want you to know that.
20061107             Plus: See it all laid bare with our interactive UN—REDACTION tool.
20061107             —BY KEVIN—POULSEN.
20061107             THE—BOARDING—PASS—BROUHAHA 1—RESEARCHER—LANDS in hot water for creating 1—WEBSITE that allowed visitors to create fake boarding passes capable of fooling airport screeners.
20061107             —CIRCUMVENTED, Why isn't THE—TSA in trouble for staging such easily, security theater in the 1. place?
20061107             Commentary by BRUCE—SCHNEIER.
20061107             Time magazine names YouTube 'INVENTION—OF—THE—YEAR'—BLOG: YouTube bashers often argue that THE—VIDEO—SHARING site offers little MORE—THAN—1—PLACE for people to watch other people behave...
20061107             Scrapbook TERROR—IST Recycled Again —BEFORE Election
20061107             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON -"Limousine bomber" makes world news headlines for 2. —MONTH running, but evidence remains NON—EXISTENT
20061107             220403antiwarblogg Listen: "GEORGE—BUSH is the descendent of the 13. top Illuminati family.
20061107             benefiting from Nazi slave labor and THE—EXTERMINATION—OF—MILLIONS—OF—JEWS.
20061107             EDWARD—BERNAYS, the most influential man you never heard of Free... It's actually quite funny —WHEN you think about it, EDWARD—BERNAYS was 1—MASTER—OF—PUBLIC—RELATIONS and PROPAGANDA—AND yet his name is largely...
20061107             1—CIVIL—WAR ensued, along THE—LINES—OF—THE—POST—REVOLUTION—CONFLICT—IN—RUSSIA itself: 'Reds' against 'Whites'.
20061107             The conservative 'White' forces won out, thanks in part to support of the Germans.
20061107             1—OUTGROWTH of this conservative victory was the birth of 1—IRREDENTIST, 'PAN—FINNISH' movement, claiming a ' Greater FINLAND ' ( Suur Suomi ) composed of all areas inhabited by Finns or by people ethnically related to Finns.
20061107             Spies cover up Diana 'murder'
20061107             THE—PRINCESS—DIANA inquiry is in danger of stalling —AFTER FRANCE—SPY—CHIEFS blocked UK—DETECTIVES' attempts to establish the final HOURS—OF—DRIVER—HENRI—PAUL.
20061107             —DISCOVERED, Lost Moon landing tapes
20061107             —FOR—YEARS 'lost' tapes recording data from THE—APPOLLO—11—MOON landing have been stored underneath THE—SEATS—OF—AUSTRALIA—PHYSICS—STUDENTS.
20061107             1—RECENT—SEARCH has uncovered them.
20061107             Plastic trash vortex menaces Pacific sealife: STUDY—THOUGHT the Sargasso Sea was scary?
20061107             Try 1—SWIRLING VORTEX—OF—PLASTIC the size of TEXAS.
20061107             (REPUBLICAN—DIRTY—TRICKS TPMmuckraker has been getting the low down on the latest illegal maneuvers from THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY as they desperately try to suppress tomorrow's vote.
20061107             —MEANWHILE, Cannonfire let's them have it —BACK—IN spades.
20061107             Remember that Seinfeld episode —WHEN Jerry tries to call the phone solicitor at home?
20061107             —REALIZED, Your wildest dreams.
20061107             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX
20061107             With 1—NICE—PICTURE—OF—1—BUILDING that belongs to EVERY—AMERICAN.
20061107             There were —JUST—12—HOURS—OF—HEARINGS on ABU—GHRAIB.
20061107             (There were MORE—THAN—100—HOURS—OF—HEARINGS on alleged misuse of THE—CLINTON Christmas card list.) —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX
20061107             Republican national 'ROBO—CALLING' scam on EVE—OF—ELECTION—RAW—STORY.
20061107             BUSH & Blair: THE—IRAQ—FANTASY
20061107             Neither will admit that IRAQ is 1—DISASTER.
20061107             But —WHILE their STATE—OF—DENIAL may cost votes in WASHINGTON and LONDON, on the frontline in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, it continues to cost LIVES—BY PATRICK—COCKBURN
20061107             "—WHEN does the incompetence end and the crime begin?" asked 1—APPALLED—GERMAN—CHANCELLOR—IN—1. WORLD—WAR—WHEN THE—GERMANY—ARMY—COMMANDER said he intended to resume his bloody and doomed ASSAULTS—ON—THE—FRANCE—FORTRESS CITY—OF—VERDUN.
20061107             —STARTED, NONE—OF—THE—PEOPLE who, this war will ever be held accountable.
20061107             In fact, THE—CABAL—OF—MILITARISTS, THINK—TANK sycophants + genocidal nutbars, who operate covertly behind the scenes, are probably devising their next bloodbath already.
20061107             Unless we root them out, the cancer will persist.
20061107             Do Republicans Think Black Voters Are Stupid?
20061107             There are reports out of NASHVILLE that AFRICA—AMERICANS are getting phone calls telling them if they voted for HAROLD—FORD—JUNIOR in the —AUGUST primary, they don't need to vote for him again —NOW.
20061107             —HEADED, Ortega, for stunning victory in NICARAGUA : "It is GOD—MIRACLE. Our savior has returned," said Fernanda López, 76, TEARS—OF—JOY streaming down her face.
20061107             NICARAGUA - A Nations Right To Survive: 1—DOCUMENTARY—FILM—BY—JOHN—PILGER
20061107             Report: Feds Refusing FBI Terror Cases: THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT increasingly has refused to prosecute FBI cases targeting SUSPECTED—TERRORISTS over the past —5—YEARS,
20061107             ISRAEL—FIGHTER—JETS—STRIKE—CHILDREN on way to school;
20061107             —15—JAHRE—ALT killed, teacher critically injured
20061107             Woman blows herself up, slightly injuring ISRAEL—SOLDIER in occupied GAZA : 1—ISRAEL—SOLDIER is slightly hurt —AFTER what officials say was 1—SUICIDE bombing by 1—WOMAN.
20061107             —FORFEITED, BUSH and Blair have, the moral authority to hang Saddam: GEORGE—BUSH—HANDLING of this issue restores one's respect for Pontius Pilate.
20061107             —OPPOSED, Blair, to SADDAM—DEATH—PENALTY : "We are against THE—DEATH—PENALTY, whether it's Saddam or anybody else.
20061107             Exclusive: SADDAM—WAS key —IN—EARLY—CIA—PLOT : —WHILE MANY—HAVE thought that Saddam 1. became involved with USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES at the start of 19800900             —THE—IRAN—IRAQ—WAR, his 1. contacts with USA—OFFICIALS—DATE back to 19590000             , —WHEN he was PART—OF—1—CIA—AUTHORIZED 6—MAN—SQUAD tasked with assassinating then IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—GENERAL—ABD—AL—KARIM—QASIM.
20061107             Secret Message From JAMES—BAKER to Tariq Aziz:
20061107             Baker informs Aziz, whose government —13—MONTHS previously had gassed Kurdish villages, that "THE—USA—SEEKS 1 broadened and deepened relationship with IRAQ".
20061107             —SUPPORTED, THE—TEICHER—AFFIDAVIT: IRAQ—GATE : THE—USA—ACTIVELY, THE—IRAQ—WAR—EFFORT by supplying the Iraqis with BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS—OF—CREDITS, by providing USA—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE and advice to the Iraqis, and by closely monitoring 3. country arms sales to IRAQ to make sure that IRAQ had the military weaponry required.
20061107             A Brief History: USA—IRAQ 1980s:
20061107             IRAQ uses USA—SUPPLIED military intelligence "to calibrate attacks with mustard gas on IRAN—GROUND—TROOPS...".
20061107             —HELPED, AMERICA, make 1—MONSTER: It is hard to believe that, —DURING MOST—OF—THE 1980s, AMERICA KNOWINGLY permitted THE—IRAQ—ATOMIC—ENERGY—COMMISSION—TO—IMPORT bacterial cultures that might be used to build biological weapons.
20061107             But it happened.
20061107             61—PER cent of respondents believe THE—USA should change its military strategy.
20061107             USA 'breeding extremism' in IRAQ : 1—IRAQ—PARLIAMENTARY—DELEGATION visiting QATAR has accused THE—USA—ARMY in IRAQ of breeding extremism by carrying out an "irresponsible arrest campaign".
20061107             Military services seek  160—BILLION—DOLLAR—EXTRA to cover war costs : The military services and defense agencies have requested as much as  160—BILLION—DOLLAR in supplemental spending for the remainder of fiscal 20070000             -- 1—STAGGERING figure that would bring wartime costs —THIS—YEAR to  230—BILLION—DOLLAR, defense sources said —FRIDAY.
20061107             Are We Winning in IRAQ? — 1—DARK—ARGUMENT—BY JAMES—ROTHENBERG—IT is not unreasonable to suggest we are winning the war.
20061107             Not won, but winning.
20061107             BUSH—CARNIVAL—OF—BLOOD—BY MIKE—WHITNEY—THIS is 1—DARK—DAY for Americans and Iraqis alike.
20061107             Only BUSH believes THE—2—ARE the same.
20061107             CONTINUE—THIS was 1—GUILTY verdict on AMERICA as WELL—BY ROBERT—FISK—SO—AMERICA—1—TIME—ALLY has been SENTENCED—TO—DEATH for WAR—CRIMES he committed —WHEN he was WASHINGTON—BEST—FRIEND in the Arab world.
20061107             —SUPPLIED, AMERICA KNEW all about his atrocities and even, THE—GAS—ALONG with THE—BRITISH, of COURSE—YET there we were —YESTERDAY declaring it to be, in THE—WHITE—HOUSE—WORDS, another "great —DAY for IRAQ".
20061107             This is 1 must LISTEN—IS BUSH Next?
20061107             Hell, they are not even corrupt politicians. No. They are criminals.
20061107             Hacking DEMOCRACY—HBO Video Special REPORT—THIS cautionary documentary exposes THE—VULNERABILITY—OF—COMPUTERS—WHICH count approximately 80—PERCENT—OF—AMERICA—VOTES in county, STATE—AND—FEDERAL—ELECTIONS—SUGGESTING that if our votes aren't safe, then our democracy isn't safe either.
20061107             THE—GENOCIDE—ELECTION—BY PETER—ROST—THIS election is about much more than Democrats or Republicans, higher or lower taxes, or the war in IRAQ.
20061107             It is about THE—SURVIVAL—OF—MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE—AROUND the globe.
20061107             —SUPPORTED, And if candidates, by the drug industry prevail, we may become participants in 1—SILENT genocide.
20061107             Was kann, hat und macht Mister Wong?
20061107             "Nicht Maschinen, sondern Menschen steuern beim 'Social Bookmarking' die Suche nach Internetseiten".
20061107             Hamburger Morgenpost 20060411             20061107             CLINTON—SPEECH at WEBB—FINAL—RALLY, as only he can do it.
20061107             And pay attention; he makes several references to GOP dirty tricks and voter disenfranchiseme
20061107             the terrain THE—GOP is encountering out there is —JUST not as forgiving as it's been the past several years.
20061107             —WATERSHED, So I'd say we're facing 1—TRUE, moment in our history.
20061107             —MEANWHILE, NANCY—PELOSI has actually come right out and expressed her concerns over THE—INTEGRITY—OF—THE—COUNT.
20061107             There; she said it in 1—PUBLIC—INTERVIEW—FROM—HER—OFFICE—ON—THE—HILL.
20061107             has anyone seen MEHLMAN—PRE—ELECTION—SPIN—O—MATIC?
20061107             Democrats can't win with ballots so they have to rely on activist judges??
20061107             Truly fascinating to watch these guys in action;
20061107             how do they keep all those lies from bumping into EACH—OTHERS—CONTRADICTIONS?
20061107             Oh, right; they don't.
20061107             —NOW there appear to be reports coming out about calls telling voters their voting location has been changed.
20061107             Josh is on This, —JUST as he is all over the robocop calls, so follow TPM for updates.
20061107             —ISSUED, THE—DEMS have also, 1—CEASE and desist letter to THE—GOP on these calls + have alerted THE—DOJ, FCC + FEC.
20061107             So this could get interesting.
20061107             HOWARD—DEAN was —JUST on KEITH—SHOW + took note of the various voter suppression problems, mentioning the robocall issue.
20061107             —POINTED, Then JONATHON—ALTER, out that Rahm Emanuel says THE—DCCC will file lawsuits —WEDNESDAY—MORNING—AGAINST—THE—GOP filed on these actions.
20061107             The math was bracing: where the laws hold fines of $500—PER call, the totals could run into MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS hemorrhaging out of THE—GOP warchest.
20061107             —SHOWED, But then there were more polls + these, no such Republican surge.
20061107             GLENN—GREENWALD was kind and astute enough to sort it out, including SOME—COMPARISONS to 19940000             .
20061107             LINK—SAMMLUNG Menscheln statt googeln
20061107             Mister Wong ist ein DEUTSCHES—PORTAL für "Social Bookmarking".
20061107             Hinter dem Modewort steckt eine reizvolle Mischung aus Suchmaschine und BEST—OF—INTERNET—SAMMELALBUM.
20061107             Im INTERVIEW—MIT—SPIEGEL—ONLINE erklärt CHRISTIAN—CLAWIEN, wie der Faktor Mensch dabei sogar GOOGLE aussticht.
20061107             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Was ist Social Bookmarking ?
20061107             CHRISTIAN—CLAWIEN: Erstens: Ich kann meine INTERNET—LESEZEICHEN online verwalten.
20061107             So habe ich überall Zugriff DARAUF—NICHT nur vom Browser zu Hause oder am ARBEITS—PLATZ.
20061107             Außerdem kann ich sie nach meinen eigenen Schlagworten kategorisieren, den sogenannten Tags.
20061107             Zweitens: Wenn das tausende Nutzer tun, entsteht 1—ART menschliches Suchverzeichnis.
20061107             1—LINKSAMMLUNG, die häufig viel größere Relevanz hat als die Ergebnislisten klassischer Suchmaschinen.
20061107             USA—UMFRAGE: Amerikaner vertrauen auf Demokraten
20061107             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS, "Ein hochgradig fatales Signal"
20061107             Wahltag in den USA: Kampf —BIS aufs MESSER—OKINAWA: Die missbrauchte Insel
20061107             —PLÄDIERT, Marktöffnung: POST—CHEF, für Mindestlöhne
20061107             —KRITISIERT, SADDAM—URTEIL: UNO—BEAUFTRAGTER, Sondergericht scharf
20061107             USA—WAHL—KAMPF: Kandidat der Republikaner will sich nicht mit BUSH zeigen
20061107             ccording to TPMmuckraker, the Robo Calls are produced by 1—FIRM called Conquest Communications.
20061107             That firm suddenly took down all pages on their site revealing who these guys are and how to contact them.
20061107             Why? Because they do not want to give out the phone number for Conquest Communications.
20061107             Apparently, annoying phone calls are okay for you but not for them.
20061107             The phone number for Conquest Communications is 804-358-0560. - THE—FAX number is 804-213-0797.
20061107             The exact street address is 2812—EMERYWOOD Parkway, Suite 103, RICHMOND—VIRGINIA 23294. If you live anywhere near the capitol of the old Confederacy, consider paying them 1—VISIT.
20061107             Say hi. Be NICE. Who runs Conquest?
20061107             What is Your Prediction About the Election?
20061107             Let Other BuzzFlash Readers Know.
20061107             Can you take 1—MOMENT THIS—MONDAY—BEFORE the election to show your support for BuzzFlash?
20061107             Please buy 1—PREMIUM or donate. You are our lifeline.
20061107             Democrats assail Republican status quo: "They can't run anything right," SAIDFORMER—USA—PRESIDENT—CLINTON, taunting Republicans about the war in IRAQ, the aftermath of HURRICANE—KATRINA and even the scandal involving the House page program that complicated GOP efforts to win 2—MORE—YEARS in power.
20061107             Don't Complain About the News —WHEN You Can PRO—DUCE THE—NEWS!
20061107             They should be retired to 1—MUSEUM.
20061107             This is turning into 1—BIG—STORY.
20061107             They're doing it across THE—COUNTRY—KANSAS, NH + —NOW PENNSILVANIA This is the (REPUBLICAN—OCTOBER Surprise, launched —IN—NOVEMBER.
20061107             It's to cheat, pretend that they are Democrats calling voters and then piss the voters off so much that they don't vote for the Democrats.
20061107             The culprit in this race is THE—NATIONAL—(REPUBLICAN—CONGRESS—COMMITTEE, 1—ORGANIZATION that's used such scurrilous campaign tactics this season that it has been disavowed in SOME—INSTANCES by the candidates it is supporting.
20061107             In the past —WEEK alone, FCC records reflect 22.119—DOLLAR for ANTI—MURPHY PHONE—BANK expenses, said NRCC spokesman ED—PETRU.
20061107             Returns from THE—EAST—STATES—WILL—SET—THE—TONE—TUESDAY—NIGHT 11/7
20061107             MIKE—ROGERS, the nation?s leading gay activist blogger, last night took his CAMPAIGN—AGAINST—HYPOCRISY by ANTI—GAY—REPUBLICANS and evangelicals who are gay themselves to THE—USA—CAPITOL steps.
20061107             THE—REPUBLICAN criminal legacy dr. elsewhere here
20061107             Perhaps the best known example of those tricks was the infamous Canuck letter sent to THE—MANCHESTER—UNION—LEADER claiming EDMOND—MUSKIE disliked Americans of FRANCE—CANADA—DESCENT.
20061107             —APPLIED, And he has clearly, what he learned at THE—FEET—OF—LEE—ATWATER, another Nixon consultant, too well.
20061107             Nothing but 1—BUNCH of cheap cheats.
20061107             Responding to assertions that their robocalling scheme is at least unseemly and at worst illegal, they insist they're within the laws, inasmuch admitting that they're placing these calls, which are clearly designed to irritate voters and associate that irritation with the Democratic opponents.
20061107             —EMERGED, It was in this aftermath that LEE—ATWATER, as the evil, the original Darth VADER—OF—THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY, running REAGAN—CAMPAIGNS with 1 unparalleled ruthlessness.
20061107             Consciously implementing the horrifyingly cynical SOUTH—STRATEGY that had worked for Nixon in '68, Atwater was notorious for his —LAST—MINUTE, BELOW—THE—BELT smears (think Dukakis and WILLIE—HORTON in '88) + was completely unapologetic about their SOUTH—STRATEGY.
20061107             ATWATER—BARREL had no bottom.
20061107             NICARAGUA: Die Wiederkehr des DANIEL—ORTEGA
20061107             referendum, KANSAS lawmakers passed emergency legislation outlawing evolution,
20061107             the highly controversial process RESPONSIBLE—FOR—THE—DEVELOPMENT + DIVERSITY—OF—SPECIES + the continued survival of all life.
20061107             Breathing —WHILE BLACK—'THERE is nothing like being made to feel like 1—NIGGER.
20061107             —JUST having to verbalize it or commit such 1—THOUGHT to text is GUT—WRENCHING.
20061107             EVERY—OLD—MEME—IS—NEW—AGAIN
20061107             'It's the idea that —JUST won't die: 1—SCIENTIFIC—EXPERIMENT to track the viral spread of a "meme" -- 1—CONTAGIOUS quantum of thought -- has become so popular that its creator has had trouble tracking it.'
20061107             —CONDUCTED, The experiment being, by comparative literature graduate student SCOTT—ERIC—KAUFMAN was intended to measure how quickly 1—SIMPLE—IDEA would jump between blogs covering different academic disciplines.
20061107             + the principal question being discussed about IRAQ —NOW is not how THE—USA—MIGHT win but how THE—USA will get out and —WHEN.
20061107             —MARKED, The midterm election, 1—NEW —STARTING point for the subject + THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP moved past that point to specific recommendations.
20061107             GEORGE—BUSH still insists that victory is possible, but his intransigence merely demonstrates his confusion and detachment from reality.
20061107             The latest milestone on the path to total withdrawal was 1—SPEECH—THIS—WEEK by SENATOR—GORDON—SMITH—OF—OREGON.
20061107             Smith has been 1—CHEERLEADER for BUSH and his IRAQ adventure, but —ON—THURSDAY he announced 1—CHANGE—OF—HEART: I, for 1, am —AT—THE—END—OF—MY rope —WHEN it comes to supporting 1—POLICY that has our soldiers patrolling the same streets... Source:
20061107             " Update 20:47—GMT by SM: Thankfully we all learned how to DEAL—WITH—THESE folks —LAST—WEEK.
20061107             "1—GERMANY—FEDERAL—COURT decided —TODAY that T—ONLINE, 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—ISPS in GERMANY,
20061107             "1—SPAM—SENDING—TROJAN dubbed 'SpamThru' is RESPONSIBLE—FOR—1—VAST—AMOUNT—OF—THE—RECENT botnet activity which has significantly increased spam levels to almost 3—OUT of every 4—EMAILS.
20061107             "CNN, FOX + MISS—NBC are reporting that voting machines in 3—STATES (OHIO, INDIANA + FLORIDA) have already been showing issues,
20061107             In ;;10;;, A—USA—VIGILANTE group asked Verizon to cut off Net ACCESS—TO—EPIFORA,
20061107             "I'm 1—SCIENTIST. I like AL—GORE.
20061107             "In 53—CONGRESS—CAMPAIGNS across the country, including THE—PENNSYLVANIA 6.
20061107             "In 1—INTERVIEW in ACM Queue, DOUGLAS—W—JONES and PETER—G—NEUMANN ATTEMPT—TO—ANSWER the question:
20061107             "It is GOD—MIRACLE. Our savior has returned," said Fernanda López, 76, TEARS—OF—JOY streaming down her face.
20061107             "NASA—SWIFT—SATELLITE has seen 1—GIANT flare explode from 1—NEARBY—STAR.
20061107             —TWISTED, Our sun also flares —WHEN, magnetic field lines in the solar atmosphere suddenly snap — but this was on 1—FAR—LARGER—SCALE,
20061107             "NewsForge is running 1—STORY CA—1—PROJECT aiming to profile hackers like the police do with common criminals.
20061107             Hamburger Morgenpost 20060411             20061107             "Reporters without borders has —JUST released its annual LIST—OF—INTERNET—ENEMIES,
20061107             "Reuters reports that the next SPACE—SHUTTLE—MISSION may have to be deferred if it gets too close to the New —YEAR because the onboard computers do not handle THE—CHANGING—OF—THE—DATE in the same way as the ground computers.
20061107             "The blacklist is published annually but it is the 1. time RSF has organized 1—ONLINE protest to accompany the list.
20061107             "Voters put the Republican CONGRESS—MAJORITY and 1—MULTITUDE—OF—NEW voting equipment to the test —TUESDAY in 1—ELECTION that defined THE—BALANCE—OF—POWER for THE—REST—OF—GEORGE—W—BUSH—PRESIDENCY.
20061107             "Was wir hier sehen, ist ein furchteinflößender Blick in 1—ZUKUNFT mit WELT—ERWÄRMUNG", "We are against THE—DEATH—PENALTY, whether it's SADDAM or anybody else.
20061107             "Während Suchmaschinen wie GOOGLE eher 1—BREITSCHWERT im DATEN—SCHUNGEL sind,
20061107             $823—IONIC air fresheners, $975—WINDOW blinds + $623—POPCORN machines.
20061107             '"The shuttle computers were never envisioned to fly through —1—YEAR—END changeover," SPACE—SHUTTLE—PROGRAM—MANAGER—WAYNE—HALE told 1—BRIEFING.
20061107             'ENEMIES—OF—THE—INTERNET'—NAMED—'NASA hackers' detained in CHILE-
20061107             'The decision (German) does not mean that T—ONLINE is —NOW obliged to delete all their IP—LOGS,
20061107             'We wanted to mobilize net users so that —WHEN we lobby certain countries we can say that the concerns are not —JUST ours but THOSE—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—INTERNET—USERS—AROUND THE—WORLD,' said 1—SPOKESMAN for RSF.
20061107             If you really don't know enough to cast 1—INTELLIGENT—VOTE,
20061107             It's actually quite funny —WHEN you think about it,
20061107             † 1.502—USA—TROOPS have, in IRAQ —SINCE Congress convened.
20061107             109—REASONS To Dump The 109. Congress With 1—NICE—PICTURE—OF—1—BUILDING that belongs to EVERY—AMERICAN.
20061107             109—REASONS To Dump The 109. Congress-
20061107             12—DE—S, 9—C'S, and only 1—A—MINUS — for failing to enact the commission's recommendations.
20061107             6. Congress turned the tragic Terri Schiavo affair into 1—NATIONAL spectacle because,
20061107             A Brief History: USA—IRAQ 19800000             S: 1—DOCUMENTARY—FILM—BY—JOHN—PILGER
20061107             1—CIVIL—WAR ensued, along THE—LINES—OF—THE—POST—REVOLUTION—CONFLICT—IN—RUSSIA itself:
20061107             1—DOCTOR ACCUSED—OF—CRIMES—AGAINST—HUMANITY in RWANDA has been working for 1—UK charity, THE—BBC finds.
20061107             1—RESEARCHER—LANDS in hot water for creating 1—WEBSITE that allowed visitors to create fake boarding passes capable of fooling airport screeners.
20061107             1—SHIP with 3,000—TONS—OF—TOXIC—WASTE arrives in FRANCE from IVORY—COAST, where it is blamed for 10—DEATHS.
20061107             AIDS Can Fight AIDS-
20061107             —AFTER—3—YEARS on this new therapy, no side effects have been observed".
20061107             Aggressive Botnet Activities Behind Spam Increase-
20061107             —JAILED, AL—QAEDA plotter, for life
20061107             —HELPED, AMERICA, make 1—MONSTER:
20061107             —PERMITTED, AMERICA KNOWINGLY, THE—IRAQ—ATOMIC—ENERGY—COMMISSION—TO—IMPORT bacterial cultures that might be used to build biological weapons.
20061107             1—IRAQ—PARLIAMENTARY—DELEGATION visiting QATAR has accused THE—USA—ARMY in IRAQ of breeding extremism by carrying out an "irresponsible arrest campaign".
20061107             1—OUTGROWTH of this conservative victory was the birth of 1—IRREDENTIST, 'PAN—FINNISH' movement,
20061107             Analysis and comment from BBC correspondents covering the campaign for the 7 ;;11;;
20061107             MID—TERM elections
20061107             —APPLIED, And he has clearly, what he learned at THE—FEET—OF—LEE—ATWATER,
20061107             Anybody who can get those skills here —NOW will have 1—LOT—OF—OPPORTUNITY".
20061107             Are We Winning in IRAQ? — 1—DARK—ARGUMENT
20061107             ASTRONOMs in the Americas, EAST—ASIA and Oceania will get 1—RARE—OPPORTUNITY to see Mercury pass in 1—DIRECT—LINE across the Sun —THIS—WEEK.
20061107             AT—A—GLANCE: 7 ;;11;;
20061107             Atwater was notorious for his —LAST—MINUTE, BELOW—THE—BELT smears (think Dukakis and WILLIE—HORTON
20061107             Baker informs Aziz, whose government —13—MONTHS previously had gassed Kurdish villages,
20061107             —OPPOSED, Blair, to SADDAM—DEATH—PENALTY:
20061107             —HUSTLED, Both parties, to get their supporters out in HIGH—STAKES contests across the country,
20061107             —VOTED, Both the House and Senate, to open up our coasts to more oil drilling,
20061107             Briton Dhiren Barot is given 1—LIFE—SENTENCE for planning carnage on a "colossal scale" in THE—UK—AND—USA.
20061107             Reader Jadeite2 writes with 1—WORD from BILL—GATES,
20061107             —BY  'profile' we mean, for example, his technical skills, his probable geographic location,
20061107             —BY JAMES—ROTHENBERG—IT is not unreasonable to suggest we are winning the war.
20061107             —BY MIKE—WHITNEY—THIS is 1—DARK—DAY for Americans and Iraqis alike.
20061107             Killing SADDAM—HUSSEIN isn't justice; its vengeance.
20061107             —BY PETER—ROST—THIS election is about much more than Democrats or Republicans,
20061107             —BY ROBERT—FISK—SO—AMERICA—1—TIME—ALLY has been SENTENCED—TO—DEATH for WAR—CRIMES he committed —WHEN he was WASHINGTON—BEST—FRIEND in the Arab world.
20061107             Because it seems to be solid,
20061107             CANBERRA—BEI der —SEIT—5—JAHRE herrschenden Trockenperiode könne nicht mehr nur von einer —JAHRHUNDERT—DÜRRE gesprochen werden,
20061107             Castro, Chavez, Morales und ORTEGA.
20061107             —PUBLISHED, Civil liberties group Reporters Without Borders has, its LIST—OF—COUNTRIES which suppress online freedoms.
20061107             Cliff 285 - ras_b asks: Computational Simulations of E.coli-
20061107             —ALLOWED, Congress, REPRESENTATIVE—BOB—NEY (REPUBLICAN—OH) stay in Congress for —1—MONTH—AFTER pleading guilty in THE—JACK—ABRAMOFF investigation.
20061107             —APPROPRIATED, Congress, 700—MILLION—DOLLAR for a "railroad to nowhere, but —JUST 173—MILLION—DOLLAR to stop the genocide in Darfur.
20061107             —DECREASED, Congress, THE—NUMBER—OF—COPS on the streets by cutting nearly 300—MILLION—DOLLAR in funding for the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program.
20061107             Congress didn't simplify the tax code.
20061107             —ESTABLISHED, Congress, THE—PAY—TO—PLAY K Street corruption system which rewarded lobbyists who made campaign contributions in return for political favors doled out by conservatives.
20061107             —EXTENDED, Congress, tax cuts that provided 1—AVERAGE—OF $20—RELIEF but 1—AVERAGE—OF nearly 42.000—DOLLAR to those earning over 1—MILLION—DOLLAR —1—YEAR.
20061107             —FAILED, Congress, to protect 58.5—MILLION—ACRES—OF—ROADLESS—AREAS to logging and road building by repealing the Roadless Rule.
20061107             —INCLUDED, Congress, a 500—MILLION—DOLLAR giveaway to defense giant Northup Grumman in 1—BILL that was supposed to provide "emergency" funding for IRAQ,
20061107             —PASSED, Congress, 1—SPECIAL—INTEREST, CORPORATE—FRIENDLY—CENTRAL—USA—TRADE—DEAL (CAFTA) —AFTER holding the vote open for —1—HOUR and —45—MINUTES to switch the vote of REPRESENTATIVE—ROBIN—HAYES (REPUBLICAN—NC).
20061107             —PASSED, Congress, 1—STRICT—BANKRUPTCY—BILL making it harder for average people to recover from financial misfortune by declaring bankruptcy,
20061107             —PASSED, Congress, 1—ENERGY—BILL that showered  6—BILLION—DOLLAR in subsidies on polluting oil and gas firms —WHILE doing little to curb energy demand or invest in renewable energy industries.
20061107             —PASSED, Congress, budgets that resulted in deficits of  318—BILLION—DOLLAR and  250—BILLION—DOLLAR.
20061107             —PASSED, Congress, THE—REAL—ID—ACT, "1—NATIONAL—ID law that will drive immigrants underground,
20061107             —FAILED, Congress repeatedly, to pass port security provisions that would require 100—PERCENT scanning of containers bound for THE—USA.
20061107             Congress spent days debating 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—AMENDMENT that would criminalize DESECRATION—OF—THE—USA—FLAG,
20061107             Congress spent weeks debating 1—REPEAL—OF—THE—ESTATE—TAX (aka THE—PARIS—HILTON—TAX),
20061107             —PRESSURED, CONGRESS—CONSERVATIVES, THE—DIRECTOR—OF—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE to make public documents found in IRAQ that included instructions to build 1—NUCLEAR—BOMB.
20061107             —TRIED, Conservatives repeatedly, to privatize Social Security, 1—CHANGE that would lead to sharp cuts in guaranteed benefits.
20061107             Damit bringt 1—ALT—REVOLUZZER die Sandinisten wieder an DIE—MACHT.
20061107             Democrats appealing 1—MORE—TIME for change + appearing confident the mood was on their side.
20061107             Democrats assail Republican status quo: "They can't run anything right," SAIDFORMER—USA—PRESIDENT—CLINTON,
20061107             Die Wissenschaftler vermuten, dass die Paviane sich noch Tausende weitere Bilder und dazugehörige Markierungen merken KÖNNTEN—WÄRE die Studie nur lange genug fortgeführt worden,
20061107             Does technology help or hinder election integrity?"  "Work in this area is as politically loaded as work on evolution or stem cells.
20061107             EDWARD—BERNAYS was 1—MASTER—OF—PUBLIC—RELATIONS and PROPAGANDA—AND yet his name is largely...
20061107             ELECTION—SYSTEM—VENDORS and election officials generally focus on effective defense against outside attackers,
20061107             Everything you need to know about the latest developments in —THIS—YEAR—USA—MID—TERM—ELECTIONS.
20061107             —DECLARED, EX—HOUSE—MAJORITY—LEADER—TOM—DELAY (REPUBLICAN—TX), an "ongoing victory" in his effort to cut spending + said "there is simply no fat left to cut in THE—FEDERAL—BUDGET".
20061107             —THREATENED, EX—HOUSE—MAJORITY—LEADER—TOM—DELAY (REPUBLICAN—TX), the judges who ruled in the Terri Schiavo case,
20061107             Fast rotation is thought to be conducive to strong stellar flares".
20061107             Figures for 20050000             from THE—GLOBAL—BUSINESS—SOFTWARE—ASSOCIATION showing 361—MILLION—DOLLAR —1—YEAR of lost sales in AUSTRALIA are 'unverified and epistemologically unreliable,' the report says".
20061107             For example, THE—IBM system would let 1—USER—SEARCH for all instances of 1—GREEN—CAR passing by 1—STORE on 1—CERTAIN—DAY.
20061107             —SENTENCED, FORMER—REPRESENTATIVE—RANDY "DUKE" Cunningham (REPUBLICAN—CA) was, to —8—YEARS—FEDERAL—PRISON for taking 2.4—MILLION—DOLLAR in bribes in exchange for lucrative defense contracts, among other crimes.
20061107             —4—YEARS—AGO we moved to REPUBLIK—VENEDIG, FL and began poking —AROUND ON—SCENE at the site of the biggest ;;09;;
20061107             11—CRIME—SCENE that wasn?t reduced to rubble.
20061107             GEORGE—BUSH—HANDLING of this issue restores one's respect for Pontius Pilate.
20061107             GEORGE W BUSH goes into his final election with 1—STRONG—WIND at his face, THE—BBC—MATT—FREI writes.
20061107             GLOBAL—RISKS 'hitting' BUSINESS—GREG—PALAST—LATEST
20061107             Greg says: "Sometimes...the most responsible thing 1—PERSON can do on ELECTION—DAY is stay at home
20061107             HBO Video Special REPORT—THIS cautionary documentary exposes THE—VULNERABILITY—OF—COMPUTERS—WHICH count approximately 80—PERCENT—OF—AMERICA—VOTES in county,
20061107             HBO—HACKING—DEMOCRACY—AVAILABLE—ONLINE—HIV gene therapy 'shows promise'
20061107             Hacking Democracy-
20061107             HALF—OF—THE—WORLD—NATIONS do not have stable enough conditions for business to flourish in, 1—REPORT—CLAIMS.
20061107             —CLAIMED, House Speaker DENNIS—HASTERT (REPUBLICAN—IL), that SUPPORTERS—OF—BUSH—IRAQ policy "show the same steely resolve" as did the passengers on United 93.
20061107             House Speaker DENNIS—HASTERT (REPUBLICAN—IL) said "if you earn 40.000—DOLLAR —1—YEAR and have 1—FAMILY—OF—2—CHILDREN,
20061107             —SECURED, House Speaker DENNIS—HASTERT (REPUBLICAN—IL), 1—FEDERAL—EARMARK to increase the property VALUE—OF—HIS—LAND and reap at least 1.5—MILLION—DOLLAR in profits.
20061107             HOWARD—DEAN was —JUST on KEITH—SHOW + took note of the various voter suppression problems,
20061107             Hydrogen Mowers Trim Emissions
20061107             —ADVANCED, IBM contends that it is the 1. to add, search functions, which make USE—OF—COMPUTERS' improving ability to recognize video content.
20061107             IBM said that S3's target market includes retail outlets, banks, airports, freight terminals and mass transit systems.
20061107             II Pegasi is 1—BINARY system 135—LIGHT—YEARS from Earth in the constellation Pegasus.
20061107             IT Worker Shortages Everywhere-
20061107             If the Sun were ever to produce such 1—OUTBURST, it would almost certainly cause 1—MASS—EXTINCTION on Earth.
20061107             If you live anywhere near the capitol of the old Confederacy, consider paying them 1—VISIT.
20061107             Say hi. Be NICE.
20061107             Images that the Israeli and USA—GOVERNMENT—DON'T want you to see.
20061107             Images: Mercury transits the sun
20061107             Exclusive: SADDAM—WAS key —IN—EARLY CIA plot: NICARAGUA - A Nations Right To Survive:
20061107             Secret Message From JAMES—BAKER to Tariq Aziz:  THE—TEICHER—AFFIDAVIT: IRAQ—GATE:
20061107             In the past —WEEK alone, FCC records reflect 22.119—DOLLAR for ANTI—MURPHY PHONE—BANK expenses,
20061107             INCORPORATED, her largest campaign contributor, in return for 1—DEFENSE earmark.
20061107             Information Technology and Voting-
20061107             IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—MALIKI expects SADDAM—HUSSEIN to be executed by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR, he tells THE—BBC.
20061107             In 27B Stroke 6. - Is 1—UNINFORMED—VOTE—BETTER—THAN—NO—VOTE?-
20061107             ISRAEL—CITY hit by rocket fire
20061107             —GATHERED, It can also incorporate data, from audio or chemical sensors.
20061107             And IBM said S3 includes important privacy enhancements,
20061107             It is also being sold to PUBLIC—SECURITY—AGENCIES and other government departments.
20061107             It is hard to believe that, —DURING most of 19800000             —THE S,
20061107             —EMERGED, It was in this aftermath that LEE—ATWATER, as the evil, the original Darth VADER—OF—THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY,
20061107             It's Not Too Late to Make 1—DIFFERENCE this Election -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ALERT
20061107             Its 2—STARS are close, only 1—FEW stellar radii apart;
20061107             as 1—RESULT, tidal forces cause both stars to spin quickly,
20061107             IVORY—COAST toxic waste in FRANCE—JAMES—BAKER and DONALD—RUMSFELD.
20061107             This is 1 must listen
20061107             —ZERSTÖRT—JAPAN: Tornado, WOHNGEBIET—VIELE—TOTE
20061107             Jet LAG—OR working irregular SHIFTS—DAMAGES—HEALTH, 1—USA—STUDY—OF—ELDERLY—MICE has shown.
20061107             Jetlag 'can damage your health'
20061107             Jury selection —TUESDAY in suit over "W" sticker;
20061107             "JERRY—GOSSETT claims he created the blueprint for the popular "W '04" bumper sticker for BUSH—CAMPAIGN,
20061107             —FORCED, Katrina victims were, to take out ad space to "plead[] with Congress to pay for stronger levees".
20061107             Keeping your lawn looking good could become 1—TRULY green exercise.
20061107             Listen: "GEORGE—BUSH is the descendent of the 13. top Illuminati family.
20061107             —DISCOVERED, Lost Moon landing tapes, —FOR—YEARS 'lost' tapes recording data from THE—APPOLLO—11—MOON landing have been stored underneath THE—SEATS—OF—AUSTRALIA—PHYSICS—STUDENTS.
20061107             Lost electronic voting machines, cab drivers ferrying ballots from precincts,
20061107             MANY—ADULTS in THE—USA—BELIEVE their FEDERAL—ADMINISTRATION should alter its tactics in IRAQ,
20061107             MANY—OF—THOSE on THE—INTERNET—BLACKLIST are countries that are regularly criticized by HUMAN—RIGHTS—GROUPS, such as CHINA and Burma".
20061107             Members were caught pimping out their offices with 5.700—DOLLAR—PLASMA—SCREEN—TELEVISIONS,
20061107             I don't want to vote Republican or Democrat,
20061107             NH + —NOW PENNSILVANIA This is the (REPUBLICAN—OCTOBER Surprise, launched in ;;11;;.
20061107             It's to cheat, Nach MEHR—ALS—3—JAHREN hatten sie zwischen 3500—UND 5000—BILDER gespeichert.
20061107             But —WHILE their STATE—OF—DENIAL may cost votes in WASHINGTON and LONDON,
20061107             NEPAL—MAOISTS agree peace deal
20061107             In fact, Not 1—SINGLE—NON—APPROPRIATIONS—BILL was open to amendment in 2. SESSION—OF—THE—CONGRESS.
20061107             —BASED, Not, out of THE—USA—PER se, this project falls under the auspices of THE—UNITED—NATIONS Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI).
20061107             Responding to assertions that their robocalling scheme
20061107             NUKLEAR—ENERGIE: 6—ARABISCHE Staaten kündigen ATOM—PROGRAMME—AN—OHIO Election Portends Trouble
20061107             1—ISRAEL—SOLDIER is slightly hurt —AFTER what officials say was 1—SUICIDE bombing by 1—WOMAN.
20061107             Only 8—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS—SUPPORT—IRAQ—STRATEGY: Only BUSH believes THE—2—ARE the same.
20061107             CONTINUE—ORTEGA bringt Amerikas Albtraum zurück-
20061107             —HEADED, Ortega, for stunning victory in NICARAGUA:
20061107             —ELECTED, PANAMA is, as 1—NON—PERMANENT MEMBER—OF—THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—ENDING weeks of deadlock.
20061107             PANAMA wins UN council seat
20061107             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON -"Limousine bomber" makes world news headlines for 2. —MONTH running,
20061107             Perhaps the best known example of those tricks was the infamous Canuck letter
20061107             Preliminary tests suggest HIV infection can be treated using 1 disabled VERSION—OF—THE—VIRUS itself.
20061107             —EARMARKED, REPRESENTATIVE—CHARLES—TAYLOR (REPUBLICAN—NC), 11.4—MILLION—DOLLAR for 1—HIGHWAY to increase the property values in 1—RURAL—AREA where he owned land.
20061107             —ACCEPTED, REPRESENTATIVE—KATHERINE—HARRIS (REPUBLICAN—FL), contributions from disgraced lobbyist MITCHELL—WADE and MZM,
20061107             —RESIGNED, REPRESENTATIVE—MARK—FOLEY (REPUBLICAN—FL), in disgrace —AFTER ABC News revealed explicit instant messages exchanges between Foley and FORMER—CONGRESS—PAGES.
20061107             Report: Feds Refusing FBI Terror Cases: (REPUBLICAN—DIRTY Tricks TPMmuckraker
20061107             (REPUBLICAN—ROBOCALL Pretexting Campaign-
20061107             —CONCEDED, Republicans, nothing as their vaunted GET—OUT—THE—VOTE—MACHINE swung into motion.
20061107             —LAUNCHED, Rockets are, into ISRAEL hours —AFTER troops end 1—OPERATION in Beit Hanoun aimed at stopping them.
20061107             RWANDA suspect at UK charity
20061107             SADDAM—HUSSEIN is —BACK—IN court as his genocide trial resumes —2—DAYS—AFTER he was SENTENCED—TO—DEATH.
20061107             —EXECUTED, Saddam ' —BY—END—OF—YEAR'—SADDAM in court for 2. trial
20061107             Senate Majority Leader BILL—FRIST (REPUBLICAN—TN) and House Speaker DENNIS—HASTERT (REPUBLICAN—IL) inserted 1—PROVISION in the Defense Appropriations bill that granted vaccine manufactures NEAR—TOTAL—IMMUNITY for injuries or deaths,
20061107             —APPEARED, Senate Majority Leader BILL—FRIST (REPUBLICAN—TN), with prominent Christian conservatives in 1—TELECAST portraying OPPONENTS—OF—BUSH—JUDICIAL nominees as "against PEOPLE—OF—FAITH".
20061107             Senate Majority Leader BILL—FRIST (REPUBLICAN—TN) used a video tape "diagnosis" to declare that Terri Schiavo,
20061107             —THREATENED, Senate conservatives, to use the "NUCLEAR—OPTION" to block MEMBERS—OF—THE—SENATE from filibustering USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—JUDICIAL nominees.
20061107             75—PERCENT VOTERS—SKYGAZERS await Mercury transit
20061107             —UNINFORMED, So, here's my dilemma and my question: Is 1, vote better than no vote?
20061107             Space Telescope Catches Monster Flare-
20061107             Spies cover up Diana 'murder' THE—PRINCESS—DIANA inquiry is in danger of stalling —AFTER FRANCE—SPY—CHIEFS blocked UK—DETECTIVES' attempts to establish the final HOURS—OF—DRIVER—HENRI—PAUL.
20061107             STEFANIA—DUCCI: The final goal is 1—REAL and complete methodology for hacker profiling,
20061107             TALIBAN support on rise in AFGHANISTAN:
20061107             —ISSUED, THE—DEMS have also, 1—CEASE and desist LETTER—THE—FAX number is 804-213-0797.
20061107             THE—GENOCIDE—ELECTION
20061107             —REFUSED, THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT increasingly has, to prosecute FBI cases targeting SUSPECTED—TERRORISTS over the past —5—YEARS,
20061107             —HIRED, THE—NRCC, Conquest Communications Group to conduct 1—MASSIVE nationwide robocalling campaign with calls specifically scripted to appear as if they're coming from THE—DEMOCRATIC—CANDIDATE — in violation of FCC regulations on such 'robocalls,' which requires the identity of the caller to be stated at THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—MESSAGE [47—CFR 64.1200(b)(1)].
20061107             —AIMED, THE—NEPAL—GOVERNMENT and Maoist rebels agree 1—PEACE—DEAL, at ending THE—10—YEAR—INSURGENCY.
20061107             —TRIED, THE—SENATE—APPROPRIATIONS—COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—TED—STEVENS (REPUBLICAN—AK), to earmark 223—MILLION—DOLLAR to build a bridge to nowhere.
20061107             THE—VIRUS—THAT—ATE—DHS
20061107             —ARRESTED, The authorities in CHILE have, 4—PEOPLE who the police say are MEMBERS—OF—1—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST successful GROUPS—OF—COMPUTER hackers.
20061107             The call begins with 'Hello.
20061107             I'm calling with information about,' and then says THE—NAME—OF—THE—DEMOCRATIC—CANDIDATE.
20061107             The country will need 350,000 engineers —1—YEAR, but no MORE—THAN—150,000—OF—THE—MOST highly skilled engineers will be available EACH—YEAR.
20061107             —EMPLOYED, The developers of SpamThru, numerous tactics to thwart detection and enhance outreach,
20061107             The exact street address is 2812—EMERYWOOD Parkway, Suite 103, RICHMOND—VIRGINIA 23294.
20061107             The little planet passes between the Earth and the sun only 3—TIMES—PER—CENTURY and the next time is —WEDNESDAY.
20061107             —REQUESTED, The military services and defense agencies have, as much as  160—BILLION—DOLLAR in supplemental spending for the remainder of fiscal 20070000             -- 1—STAGGERING figure that would bring wartime costs —THIS—YEAR to  230—BILLION—DOLLAR, defense sources said —FRIDAY.
20061107             The phone number for Conquest Communications is 804-358-0560.
20061107             The problem, ACCORDING—TO—HALE, is that the shuttle's computers do not reset to —DAY 1,
20061107             The show trial of SADDAM—HUSSEIN was drawn out —UNTIL—2—DAYS—BEFORE the midterm USA—ELECTIONS.
20061107             THE—WORLD—FUTURE—ENERGY mix will still be "dirty and insecure" if nations fail to act, 1—INFLUENTIAL—REPORT warns.
20061107             There are reports out of NASHVILLE that AFRICA—AMERICANS are getting phone calls telling them if they voted for HAROLD—FORD—JUNIOR
20061107             There is then 1—PAUSE; if the recipient hangs up here, they will receive repeated calls back with the same message,
20061107             They are criminals and sociopaths posing as corrupt politicians and dragging THE—GOP legacy down with them.
20061107             CONTINUE—THEY'LL begin selling technology from their research labs that performs REAL—TIME—ANALYSIS on footage captured by security cameras in stores and sensitive locales.
20061107             They're doing it across THE—COUNTRY—KANSAS,
20061107             —TOUCHED, This issue is, upon in 1—POSTING by EZRA—KLEIN, of THE—USA—PROSPECT,
20061107             This STRAIN—OF—AIDS—WORKS—LIKE 1—VACCINE and improved the immune SYSTEM—OF—THE—TEST—SUBJECTS.
20061107             This was 1—GUILTY verdict on AMERICA as well-
20061107             This will also permit us to observe and, wherever possible, preview new attack trends,
20061107             —3—DAYS—BEFORE Veterans —DAY — House Veterans' Affairs COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—STEVE—BUYER (REPUBLICAN—IN) announced that for the 1. time in at least —55—YEARS,
20061107             Time magazine names YouTube 'INVENTION—OF—THE—YEAR'
20061107             Track GEORGE W BUSH—POPULARITY OVER—THE—LAST—5—YEARS in relation to key events of his presidency.
20061107             2, 3. - Don't Complain About the News —WHEN You Can PRO—DUCE THE—NEWS!
20061107             —2—HOUR—LINES, voting machines that won't start and ballots that can't be read.
20061107             UK alcohol deaths DOUBLE—USA 'breeding extremism' in IRAQ:
20061107             USA—VOTES in crucial MID—TERM POLL—USA—1. Muslim in Kongress gewählt
20061107             Velcro PRESIDENT faces final TEST—VOTING Tech PRO—BLEMS Reported
20061107             We need 1—NEW—CONGRESS — here's why:
20061107             —WEDNESDAY—MORNING—AGAINST—THE—GOP filed on these actions.
20061107             The math was bracing:
20061107             What If Anything WILL—COUNT—YOUR—VOTE—BY—DOM—STASI—THIS new gang are not only NON—REPUBLICANS,
20061107             —WHILE MANY—HAVE thought that SADDAM 1. became involved with USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES at the start of 19800900             —THE—IRAN—IRAQ—WAR,
20061107             Who runs Conquest?
20061107             Woman blows herself up, slightly injuring ISRAEL—SOLDIER in occupied GAZA:
20061107             World risks 'dirty' energy future
20061107             1—CANADIAN—ISP that hosts 1—NUMBER—OF (entirely legal) web sites offering support to MINOR—ATTRACTED adults.
20061107             1—LIST—OF—COUNTRIES 'that systematically violate online free expression.' 1—COUPLE—OF—COUNTRIES have been removed,
20061107             ACCORDING—TO—1—POLL by THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES and CBS News.
20061107             along with Raoul Chiesa".  "NewsForge: What would the project concretely produce as final output?
20061107             1—ANALYSIS—OF his modus operandi + of 1—LOT—OF—OTHER, small and big, traces left on the crime scene.
20061107             and Blair have forfeited the moral authority to hang Saddam: another "great —DAY for IRAQ".
20061107             CONTINUE—ANOTHER Nixon consultant, too well.
20061107             APPROVAL—RATING TRACKER—ARE probably devising their next bloodbath already.
20061107             CONTINUE—ARENAM AUSTRALIA—IT is reporting that
20061107             as GROUND—BASED systems that support shuttle navigation do.
20061107             Instead, —AFTER ;;12;; 31, at WEBB—FINAL—RALLY, as only he can do it.
20061107             both in the machines themselves and in THE—TRAINING—OF—POLL—ATTENDANTS, causing MANY—DISTRICTS to switch to paper ballots.
20061107             but EGYPT has been added.
20061107             1 detailed summary can be read on THE—BBC—WEBSITE".
20061107             —FROM that article: but evidence remains NON—EXISTENT
20061107             but it didn't do so well in last MAY—PRIMARY. By KIM—ZETTER.
20061107             but that the (REPUBLICAN—NATIONAL—COMMITTEE and 1—CAMPAIGN—SUPPLIER stole the idea..".
20061107             —BY providing USA—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE and advice to the Iraqis, and by closely monitoring 3. country arms sales to IRAQ to make sure that IRAQ had the military weaponry required.
20061107             claiming a ' Greater FINLAND ' ( Suur Suomi ) composed of all areas inhabited by Finns or by people ethnically related to Finns.
20061107             conveniently, a 'complicated legal question that's not going to get adjudicated —THIS—WEEK—END.
20061107             OHIO—POPULOUS—CUYAHOGA County could play 1—PIVOTAL role in —NEXT—WEEK—ELECTION,
20061107             ehe ihr Gedächtnis an seine Grenzen stieß.
20061107             even if they are VICTIMS—OF—IDENTITY—THEFT, suffering from debilitating illness, or serving in the military.
20061107             even in cases of "gross negligence".
20061107             even though the Navy opposed the payment.
20061107             has been getting the low down on the latest illegal maneuvers from THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY as they desperately try to suppress tomorrow's vote.
20061107             —MEANWHILE, CANNONFIRE—HIGHER or lower taxes, or the war in IRAQ.
20061107             his 1. contacts with USA—OFFICIALS—DATE back to 19590000             ,
20061107             in the —AUGUST primary, they don't need to vote for him again —NOW.
20061107             in '88) + was completely unapologetic about their SOUTH—STRATEGY.
20061107             inasmuch admitting that they're placing these calls, which are clearly designed to irritate voters and associate that irritation with the Democratic opponents.
20061107             indem sie die dazugehörige Taste auswählten.
20061107             Die Paviane benutzten dazu Joysticks,
20061107             is at least unseemly and at worst illegal, they insist they're within the laws,
20061107             with news from THE—IT front in INDIA: let's them have it —BACK—IN spades.
20061107             lumber and other big extraction interests that find the original act annoying".
20061107             mentioning the robocall issue.
20061107             —POINTED, Then JONATHON—ALTER, out that Rahm Emanuel says THE—DCCC will file lawsuits
20061107             of COURSE—YET there we were —YESTERDAY declaring it to be, in THE—WHITE—HOUSE—WORDS,
20061107             —ON the frontline in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, it continues to cost LIVES—BY PATRICK—COCKBURN
20061107             only to find out —LATER I totally disagree with something 1—CANDIDATE—STANDS for.
20061107             perhaps 100—MILLION—TIMES as strong.
20061107             —RELEASED, The energy, by the explosion on II Pegasi was equivalent to CA—50—QUINTILLION atomic bombs.
20061107             This means that, —AT—THE—END—OF—OUR research project, if 1—COMPANY will send us its (as detailed as possible) logs related to 1—INTRUSION,
20061107             rotating in lockstep once in —7—DAYS compared to THE—SUN—28—DAY—ROTATION—PERIOD.
20061107             running REAGAN—CAMPAIGNS with 1 unparalleled ruthlessness.
20061107             Consciously implementing the horrifyingly cynical SOUTH—STRATEGY that had worked for Nixon in '68,
20061107             sagten POLITIKER—HOCHRANGIGE Behördenvertreter auf 1—AUSTRALISCHEN—UMWELT—GIPFEL am heutigen —DIENSTAG.
20061107             said NRCC spokesman ED—PETRU.
20061107             schreiben sie in der Wissenschaftszeitschrift "PNAS".
20061107             sent to THE—MANCHESTER—UNION—LEADER claiming EDMOND—MUSKIE disliked Americans of FRANCE—CANADA—DESCENT.
20061107             show rapid and drastic behavior changes, and, finally, provide 1—REAL—PICTURE—OF—THE—WORLD—OF hacking and its INTERNATIONAL scene".
20061107             sighted by THE—AUSTRALIA—SHOWS that copyright owners 'failed to explain' how they reached financial loss statistics used in lobbying activities and court cases.
20061107             sparking 1—WAVE—OF—CONDEMNATION—LESS than —1—WEEK—AFTER THE—FAR—RIGHT—POLITICIAN joined the Cabinet.
20061107             speaking to 1—BUSINESS—FORUM in MOSCOW, who said: "There is 1—SHORTAGE—OF—IT skills on 1—WORLDWIDE—BASIS.
20061107             STATE—AND—FEDERAL—ELECTIONS—SUGGESTING that if our votes aren't safe, then our democracy isn't safe either.
20061107             CONTINUE—SUCH as releasing new strains of the Trojan at regular intervals in ORDER—TO—CONFUSE traditional ANTI—VIRUS signatures detection.
20061107             such as the ability to automatically obscure FACES—OF—CUSTOMERS or PASSERS—BY.
20061107             synopsis of how the election has already been stolen.
20061107             taunting Republicans about the war in IRAQ, the aftermath of HURRICANE—KATRINA and even the scandal involving the House page program that complicated GOP efforts to win 2—MORE—YEARS in power.
20061107             that "THE—USA—SEEKS 1 broadened and deepened relationship with IRAQ".
20061107             the 365. —DAY—OF—THE—YEAR, shuttle computers figure ;;01;; is —JUST—DAY—366".
20061107             —PICKED, THE—CANADA—GOVERNMENT) who seem to have, 1—SIDE in THE—GLOBAL—WARMING debate without looking at the evidence.
20061107             THE—CONNECTICUT 4., THE—NORTH—CAROLINA 11., THE—NEW—HAMPSHIRE 2. + THE—ILLINOIS 6. and 8. (and possibly all races),
20061107             THE—DOJ, FCC + FEC. So this could get interesting.
20061107             THE—ISP has no other choice than to comply.
20061107             1—LAWYER from FRANKFURT already sketched 1—SAMPLE—LETTER (German) to make this process easier.'"
20061107             THE—NATIONAL—(REPUBLICAN—CONGRESS—COMMITTEE is conducting a 2.1—MILLION—DOLLAR—CAMPAIGN to make it appear as if Democrats are spamming callers with telemarketing calls.
20061107             the Robo Calls are produced by 1—FIRM called Conquest Communications.
20061107             THE—CABAL—OF—MILITARISTS, THINK—TANK sycophants + genocidal nutbars, who operate covertly behind the scenes,
20061107             the customers 1. need to complain.
20061107             But, if they ask T—ONLINE to delete their IP—LOGS,
20061107             1. time in —214—YEARS that THE—BILL—OF—RIGHTS would have been restricted by 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—AMENDMENT.
20061107             there were 4,155 earmarks totaling  29—BILLION—DOLLAR.)
20061107             they hear 1—SMEAR message from the machine about THE—DEMOCRATIC—CANDIDATE.
20061107             THE—NRCC thinks THE—LEGALITY—OF—THE—CALLS is, they're not even politicians.
20061107             to THE—GOP on these calls + have ALERTED—USUALLY characterized as hackers.
20061107             warnte MIKE—RANN, REGIERUNGS—CHEF—DES—BUNDES—STAATS Südaustralien.
20061107             was obligated to delete all IP logs of 1—CUSTOMER upon request to guarantee their privacy.
20061107             we — exactly like in THE—TV—SHOW C.S.I. —WHEN evidence is found on the crime scene — will be able to provide 1—PROFILE—OF—THE—ATTACKER.
20061107             well researched + somewhat damning of 1—HOST—OF—AUTHORITIES (THE—UN, THE—EDITORS—OF—NATURE,
20061107             —WHEN he was PART—OF—1—CIA—AUTHORIZED 6—MAN—SQUAD tasked with assassinating then IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—GENERAL—ABD—AL—KARIM—QASIM.
20061107             which affects 1—MINISCULE fraction of the wealthiest Americans.
20061107             —WHILE imposing massive new burdens on everyone else".
20061107             who disagrees, arguing against 1—SIMILAR—ASSERTION by GREG—MANKIW, from 1—SUPPRESSED—FORTUNE—ARTICLE.
20061107             who was —LATER found to be blind, "certainly seems to respond to visual stimuli".
20061107             während die Tauben auf Tasten pickten.
20061107             you don't pay ANY—TAXES," even though it isn't true.
20061107             you should be eager to let your more informed neighbors make the decision".
20061107             "by far the slowest, dirtiest, most expensive way to meet our energy needs".
20061107             "veterans service organizations will no longer have the opportunity to present testimony —BEFORE 1—JOINT—HEARING—OF—THE—HOUSE and Senate Veterans' Affairs Committees".
20061107             —CONSIDERED, In 1—ROUT once, almost inconceivable, Democrats won a 51. seat in THE—SENATE and regained total CONTROL—OF—CONGRESS—AFTER—12—YEARS—OF—NEAR—DOMINATION by THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY.
20061107             —BECAME, ARIZONA, the 1. USA—STATE to defeat 1—AMENDMENT to ban gay marriage.
20061107             THE—PASSAGE—OF—PROPOSITION—200 would entitle 1—VOTER to win 1—MILLION—DOLLAR—JUST for voting in the nation's 1. ballot box lottery.
20061107             —PASSED, CALIFORNIA voters, Proposition—
20061107             83, also known as JESSICA—LAW, by 70.5—PROZENT increasing sentences for sex offenders and prohibited them from residing within 2,000 feet of 1—SCHOOL or park.
20061107             JOE—LIEBERMAN, running as 1—INDEPENDENT, won THE—CONNECTICUT—SENATE—RACE over Ned Lamont with 52—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
20061107             —ELECTED, CHARLIE—CRIST was, GOVERNOR—OF—FLORIDA over Democrat JIM—DAVIS.
20061107             He faced budget gaps of almost  7—BILLION—DOLLAR over THE—NEXT—2—YEARS along with 1—BLOATED—MEDICAID program.
20061107             —BECAME, KEITH—ELLISON, 1—DEMOCRATIC—STATE—LAWMAKER from MINNESOTA, the 1. Muslim elected to Congress.
20061107             —APPROVED, MISSOURI, 1—MEASURE backing stem cell research.
20061107             —REJECTED, SOUTH—DAKOTA, a law that would have banned virtually all abortions.
20061107             —ELECTED, DAN—PATRICK, conservative talk show host from HOUSTON, was, to THE—STATE—SENATE.
20061107             He planned to continue broadcasting from AUSTIN.
20061107             —ELECTED, BERNARD—SANDERS from VERMONT was, to THE—USA—SENATE over GOP opponent RICHARD—TARRANT and became the 1. socialist in THE—USA—SENATE.
20061107             He had been 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES from VERMONT —FOR—16—YEARS (19910000—20070000    ).
20061107             —REJECTED, Voters in SEATTLE, 1—MEASURE that would have require erotic dancers to stay AT—LEAST—4—FEET from patrons.
20061107             —FILED, Pop star Britney Spears, for divorce from KEVIN—FEDERLINE.
20061107             —DETONATED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE attacker, explosives strapped to his body near THE—VEHICLE—OF—THE—CHIEF—OF—THE—TANAI district on the border with PAKISTAN.
20061107             —WOUNDED, DISTRICT—CHIEF—BADI—ULZAMAN and his 2—POLICE—GUARDS were, in the suicide attack.
20061107             —VOTED, AUSTRALIA—SENATE narrowly, to lift the country's BAN—ON—CLONING HUMAN—EMBRYOS for stem cell research.
20061107             1—LEADING expert at 1—CRISIS—SUMMIT said AUSTRALIA, already THE—WORLD—DRIEST inhabited continent, is in the grip of its worst drought in 1,—000—YEARS.
20061107             —GRANTED, BRITAIN—LAWMAKERS, posthumous pardons for soldiers executed —WWI—DURING, ending YEARS—OF—CAMPAIGNING by THE—FAMILIES—OF—MEN condemned to death for cowardice.
20061107             —PLANNED, Dhiren Barot (34), 1—AL—QAIDA operative who, to blow up landmark LONDON hotels using limos packed with gas tanks, napalm and nails, and plotted to attack THE—NEW—YORK—STOCK—EXCHANGE and THE—WORLD—BANK, was sentenced in LONDON to life in prison.
20061107             —AMBUSHED, Rebels, 1—POLICE—CONVOY in Chechnya, killing 7—POLICE—OFFICERS.
20061107             LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—NIKOLAI—VARAVIN, 1—SPOKESMAN for RUSSIA—FORCES in Chechnya, said that up to 700—MILITANTS continue operating in the province's mountains.
20061107             —AGREED, CHINA and EGYPT, to CO—OPERATE on the peaceful USE—OF—NUCLEAR—ENERGY, state media said, in 1—DEVELOPMENT that could rile THE—USA, 1—TRADITIONAL—CAIRO ally.
20061107             1—INDEPENDENT—COMMISSION said it will demarcate the contested ETHIOPIAN—ERITREA—BORDER on maps and leave the rival nations to establish the physical boundary themselves.
20061107             —INVITED, It said both Ethiopian and ERITREA—OFFICIALS were, to a 20061120             meeting in THE—HAGUE to discuss the procedure.
20061107             —HANDED, FRANCE—AUTHORITIES, over to SPAIN JOSE—JAVIER—ARIZCUREN—RUIZ, 1—FORMER leading member of the armed Basque separatist group ETA, who police blame for killing AT—LEAST—15—PEOPLE and planning several major attacks.
20061107             1—SHIPLOAD of toxic waste ARRIVED—IN—FRANCE for disposal.
20061107             —COLLECTED, It was, from THE—IVORY—COAST —FOLLOWING illegal dumping LAST—AUGUST.
20061107             † FRANCE, JEAN—JACQUES—SERVAN—SCHREIBER (19240000             ), who CO—FOUNDED THE—FRANCE—NEWSWEEKLY L'Express (19530000             ) and encouraged EUROPE to emulate THE—USA.
20061107             1—SOMBER—SADDAM—HUSSEIN called on Iraqis to forgive EACH—OTHER, —WHEN he returned to court —2—DAYS—AFTER—BEING—SENTENCED—TO—DEATH for CRIMES—AGAINST—HUMANITY in another case.
20061107             Mortar attacks across the Tigris between Shiites and Sunnis killed 21—PEOPLE.
20061107             15—BODIES, VICTIMS—OF—SECTARIAN—TORTURE, were found SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20061107             —FIRED, ISRAEL—TANKS, 2—SHELLS at the home of the Hamas lawmaker who organized 1—WOMEN—PROTEST that allowed militants to escape from 1—NORTHERN—GAZA mosque under ISRAEL—SIEGE.
20061107             —ENDED, ISRAEL—FORCES, 1—BLOODY weeklong operation in THE—GAZA—TOWN—OF—BEIT—HANOUN, leaving behind 1—SWATH of destroyed homes, uprooted trees and streets muddied with sewage water from pipes destroyed by tanks and bulldozers.
20061107             1—RARE—TORNADO tore across JAPAN—FAR—NORTH, 9—PEOPLE—KILLED and leaving dozens more destitute.
20061107             KYRGYZSTAN, protesters demanding the Kyrgyz PRESIDENT—RESIGNATION clashed with government supporters, but fears of deadly violence eased —AFTER lawmakers on both sides said they had agreed on 1—COMPROMISE draft constitution.
20061107             —EMBATTLED, MORE—THAN—15,000—WHITE—CLAD supporters of OAXACA's, GOVERNOR marched through OAXACA in their biggest SHOW—OF—STRENGTH in a —6—MONTH—CONFLICT that has left AT—LEAST—9—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20061107             —PRODUCED, NEPAL, peacemakers, 1—DEAL supported by both Maoist rebels and the coalition government.
20061107             —KIDNAPPED, NIGERIA, 1—AMERICAN and 1—BRITON, from 1—SHIP mapping petroleum deposits off THE—OIL—RICH—SOUTHERN—COAST were released.
20061107             —NAMED, THE—UN, USA—DIPLOMAT—JOSETTE Sheeran the next HEAD—OF—THE—WORLD—FOOD—PROGRAM and she said her top priorities will be to ensure no child goes to bed hungry and to reduce HUNGER—RELATED deaths.
20061107             story by luaptifer at Daily Kos: OHIO—ELECTION—RESULTS are hosted on the same servers by the partisan companies that run websites like Georgewbush_com and many of the familiar Republican group sites.
20061107             More (also SEE—HERE ):
20061107             —ALLOCATED, It's clear that MOST—OF—THE—IP address space, to Smartechcorp, if it has 1—DOMAIN name, is operated by THE—RNC or its functionaries and allies.
20061107             SMARTECH lists the —FOLLOWING corporate address: SMARTECH CORPORATION PO BOX 11181—CHATTANOOGA TN USA 37401—THEIR—WEB—PAGE is here.
20061107             They offer INTERNET hosting, streaming media and so forth.
20061107             This firm HANDLES—EVERYTHING Republican :
20061107             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: O senhor citou o EX—DIRETOR da CIA, GEORGE—TENET, em seus livro.
20061107             que "limparam a casa" com a demissão do seu congressista pervertido.
20061107             Segundo ele, a demissão de Cláudia Ribeiro foi provocada por motivos...
20061107             PÚBLICO.PT - A mudança, coincidência ou não, SEGUIU—SE à demissão, NO—FIM da semana... do director da CIA, GEORGE—TENET, Kay estava convencido de que havia armas.
20061107             Missão Tocando as Nações Diretor da CIA pede demissão do cargo.
20061107             da CIA em relação à inteligência no Iraque envolveram principalmente o antecessor de Goss, GEORGE—TENET.
20061107             EXPRESSO—OS talibãs de Cristo
20061107             a Igreja exige a demissão de Alkatiri, líder de um partido que obteve... o EX—DIRECTOR da CIA, GEORGE—TENET, e o então comandante das forças no Iraque...
20061107             RENASCENÇA—MÚSICA e Informação Dia a Dia
20061107             GEORGE—TENET afirma num novo livro de memórias que a administração BUSH... disse com o mesmo ar convincente que não confirmava o pedido de demissão do seu...
20061107             Não é a primeira vez que a demissão do secretário de Defesa é pedida.
20061107             da CIA—GEORGE—TENET em crimes de guerra e torturas a prisioneiros no Iraque.
20061107             Bei den MIDTERM—ELECTIONS zum USA—KONGRESS, müssen die regierenden Republikaner 1—VERHEERENDE Wahlniederlage einstecken.
20061107             Bei den MIDTERM—ELECTIONS zum USA—KONGRESS, Die Demokraten gewinnen die Mehrheit sowohl im Senat als auch im Repräsentantenhaus.
20061107             EDWARD—BERNAYS was 1—MASTER—OF—PUBLIC—RELATIONS and propaganda — and yet his name is largely unknown
20061107             —EXECUTED, Saddam ' —BY—END—OF—YEAR' IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—MALIKI expects SADDAM—HUSSEIN to be executed BY—THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR, he tells THE—BBC.
20061107             BUSH APPROVAL—RATING tracker Track GEORGE W BUSH—POPULARITY OVER—THE—LAST —5—YEARS in relation to key events of his presidency.
20061107             Images: Mercury transits the sun The little planet passes between the Earth and the sun only 3—TIMES per —CENTURY and the next time is —WEDNESDAY.
20061107             "I don't pay attention to politics at all + so I will not be voting in —TODAY—ELECTIONS. My family has been telling me that this is 1—MISTAKE and I should vote anyway, partly because I have slightly conservative views which agrees with their political outlook. My reasoning is that —SINCE I am totally uninformed, I shouldn't vote. I don't want to vote Republican or Democrat, only to find out —LATER I totally disagree with something 1—CANDIDATE—STANDS for. So, here's my dilemma and my question: Is 1 uninformed vote better than no vote?" This issue is touched upon in 1—POSTING by EZRA—KLEIN, of THE—USA—PROSPECT, who disagrees, arguing against 1—SIMILAR—ASSERTION by GREG—MANKIW, from 1—SUPPRESSED—FORTUNE—ARTICLE.
20061107             THE—HACKER—PRO—FILING PRO—JECT
20061107             CANBERRA—BEI der —SEIT—5—JAHRE herrschenden Trockenperiode könne nicht mehr nur von einer —JAHRHUNDERT—DÜRRE gesprochen werden, sagten POLITIKER—HOCHRANGIGE Behördenvertreter auf einem AUSTRALISCHEN—UMWELT—GIPFEL am heutigen —DIENSTAG.
20061107             Experiment beantragt: MENSCHEN—ERBGUT in Rinderzellen - USA—WAHL—KAMPF: —TAG—DER—ENTSCHEIDUNG
20061107             109—REASONS To Dump The 109. Congress - Tomorrow is Election —DAY.
20061107             Digg this post HERE - We need 1—NEW—CONGRESS — here's why:
20061107             2. - 4. Congress gave itself a 2—PERCENT pay raise.
20061107             7. - THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—SENATE—COMMITTEE—ON—ENVIRONMENT and PUBLIC—WORKS thinks GLOBAL—WARMING is the "greatest hoax ever perpetrated on THE—USA—PEOPLE".
20061107             12. The lobbying reform BILL—CONGRESS passed was 1—TOTAL sham.
20061107             19. Congress stuck in 750—MILLION—DOLLAR in appropriations bills "for projects championed by lobbyists whose relatives were involved in writing the spending bills".
20061107             20. The typical CONGRESS—WORK—WEEK is —LATE—TUESDAY to —NOON—ON—THURSDAY.
20061107             21. Congress has issued 0—SUBPOENAS to THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20061107             22. Congress eliminated the Perkins college loan program and cut Pell Grants by 6—BILLION—DOLLAR.
20061107             32. The percentage of Americans without health insurance hit 1—RECORD—HIGH, as Congress did nothing to address the health care crisis.
20061107             34. Congress stripped DETAINEES—OF—THE—RIGHT—OF habeas corpus.
20061107             36. Only 6—PERCENT of Americans think Congress is doing 1—GOOD—JOB.
20061107             37. Congress confirmed FAR—RIGHT activist SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICE—SAMUEL—ALITO.
20061107             38. Congress spent days debating 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—AMENDMENT that would criminalize DESECRATION—OF—THE—USA—FLAG, the 1. time in —214—YEARS that THE—BILL—OF—RIGHTS would have been restricted by 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—AMENDMENT.
20061107             39. Congress raised the debt limit by  800—BILLION—DOLLAR, to 9—TRILLION—DOLLAR.
20061107             45. REPRESENTATIVE—KEN—CALVERT (R—CA) earmarked funds to increase the property VALUE—OF—LANDS that he —LATER sold for 1—PROFIT.
20061107             50. Congress didn't investigate TOM—DELAY and let him stay in Congress as long as he wanted.
20061107             54. Congress is trying to destroy net neutrality.
20061107             59. Congress failed to offer legal protections to states that divest from THE—SUDAN.
20061107             61. Congress spent days debating 1—ANTI—GAY—CONSTITUTIONAL—BAN—ON—SAME—SEX—MARRIAGE.
20061107             62. Congress isn't doing anything significant to reverse catastrophic climate change.
20061107             66. HALF—OF—ALL—AMERICANS believe most MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS are corrupt.
20061107             68. THE—HOUSE—VOTED—AGAINST—ISSUING 1—SUBPOENA seeking all reconstruction contract communications between CHENEY—OFFICE—AND—HALLIBURTON.
20061107             71. Congress failed to pass comprehensive immigration reform.
20061107             74. Congress refused to swear in oil executives testifying about high prices.
20061107             78. CONGRESS—CONSERVATIVES wanted to investigate SANDY—BERGER, but not THE—IRAQ—WAR.
20061107             83. Under the guise of "tort reform," Congress passed legislation that would "undermine incentives for safety" and make it "harder for SOME—PATIENTS with legitimate but difficult claims to find legal representation".
20061107             84. Despite multiple accidents in WEST—VIRGINIA and elsewhere, Congress passed legislation that failed to adequately protect mine workers.
20061107             88. Congress appropriated 700—MILLION—DOLLAR for a "railroad to nowhere, but —JUST 173—MILLION—DOLLAR to stop the genocide in Darfur.
20061107             92. —3—DAYS—BEFORE Veterans —DAY — House Veterans' Affairs COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—STEVE—BUYER (R—IN) announced that for the 1. time in AT—LEAST—55—YEARS, "veterans service organizations will no longer have the opportunity to present testimony —BEFORE 1—JOINT—HEARING—OF—THE—HOUSE and Senate Veterans' Affairs Committees".
20061107             93. Members were caught pimping out their offices with 5.700—DOLLAR—PLASMA—SCREEN—TELEVISIONS, $823—IONIC—AIR fresheners, $975—WINDOW—BLINDS + $623—POPCORN machines.
20061107             95. Congress made toughening horse slaughtering rules the centerpiece of its agenda —AFTER returning from —SUMMER recess —THIS—YEAR.
20061107             101. Congress won't let THE—GOVERNMENT negotiate lower prices for prescription drugs for people on Medicare.
20061107             102. Congress has left AMERICA—CHEMICAL plants vulnerable to TERROR—IST attack.
20061107             104. Congress didn't simplify the tax code. 105. 75—PERCENT voters
20061107             Report: Feds Refusing FBI Terror Cases: THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT increasingly has refused to prosecute FBI cases targeting suspected TERROR—ISTS over the past —5—YEARS,
20061107             —HELPED, AMERICA, make 1—MONSTER: It is hard to believe that, —DURING MOST—OF—THE 1980s, AMERICA KNOWINGLY permitted THE—IRAQ—ATOM—IC—ENERGY—COMMISSION—TO—IMPORT bacterial cultures that might be used to build biological weapons.
20061107             —ELECTIONS Or ELECTRONS—WHAT If Anything WILL—COUNT—YOUR—VOTE—BY Dom Stasi This new gang are not only NON—REPUBLICANS, they're not even politicians.
20061107             THE—GENOCIDE—ELECTION—BY PETER—ROST—THIS election is about much more than Democrats or Republicans, higher or lower taxes, or THE—WAR—IN—IRAQ.
20061107             Democrats assail Republican status quo: "They can't run anything right," SAIDFORMER—USA—PRESIDENT—CLINTON, taunting Republicans about THE—WAR—IN—IRAQ, the aftermath of HURRICANE—KATRINA and even the scandal involving the House page program that complicated GOP efforts to win 2—MORE—YEARS in power.
20061107             To accelerate this process, Democrats must expand and consolidate their CONTROL—OVER—THE—NORTHEAST and Midwest by purging as many of the remaining "ROCKEFELLER Republicans" as possible.
20061107             "ROCKEFELLER Republicans" are 1—OXYMORON, dinosaurs.
20061107             —ALLOWED, ROVE was thus, to remain on the loose, as it were, to the great and possibly terminal DESTRUCTION—OF—OUR election process.
20061107             —APPLIED, And he has clearly, what he learned at THE—FEET—OF—LEE—ATWATER, another Nixon KONSULtant, too well.
20061107             —LEARNED, You'd have thought they would have, the hard lessons from WATERGATE — crime truly does not pay + certainly does not further the democratic program — but instead it seemed to redouble their resolve.
20061107             "Scientists at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—PENNSYLVANIA have announced that they have engineered 1—STRAIN—OF—THE—AIDS—VIRUS that fights AIDS.
20061107             06. 20061100             20061107             1. Congress 20060901             —RECORD for the fewest NUMBER—OF—DAYS worked — 218—BETWEEN the House and Senate combined.
20061107             —40—YEARS—20060801             —COURAGEOUS—AMERICAN exposed THE—NAMES—OF—SOME—OF—THE—PEOPLE involved in the Kennedy Assassination.
20061107             —SUPPLIED, AMERICA KNEW all about his atrocities and even, THE—GAS—ALONG with THE—BRITISH,
20061107             —PERMITTED, AMERICA KNOWINGLY, THE—IRAQ—ATOM—IC—ENERGY—COMMISSION—TO—IMPORT bacterial cultures that might be used to build biological weapons.
20061107             Blog: YouTube bashers often argue that THE—VIDEO—SHARING site offers little MORE—THAN—1—PLACE for people to watch other people behave...
20061107             Mit dem 61—JÄHRIGEN ehemaligen Guerillero DANIEL—ORTEGA hat sich NICARAGUA als 4. linksregiertes lateinamerikanisches Land gegen die Interessen der USA gestellt....
20061107             Congress has left AMERICA—CHEMICAL plants vulnerable to TERROR—IST attack.
20061107             —ELECTIONS Or Electrons-
20061107             IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—MALIKI expects SADDAM—HUSSEIN to be executed BY—THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR, he tells THE—BBC.
20061107             It's Not Too Late to Make 1—DIFFERENCE this Election
20061107             IVORY—COAST toxic waste in FRANCE - JAMES—BAKER and DONALD—RUMSFELD.
20061107             Merely claiming that research into election integrity is needed is seen by MANY—POLITICIANS as challenging the legitimacy of their elections... 1—OF—THE—PROBLEMS in public DISCUSSIONS—OF—VOTING—SYSTEM—INTEGRITY is that the different participants tend to point to different threats.
20061107             Military services seek  160—BILLION—DOLLAR extra to cover war costs:
20061107             Ortega bringt Amerikas Albtraum zurück-
20061107             —REFUSED, THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT increasingly has, to prosecute FBI cases targeting suspected TERROR—ISTS over the past —5—YEARS,
20061107             —IMPOSED, The death sentence, on THE—FORMER—IRAQ—PRESIDENT may help the deluded BAND—OF—BUSH—SUPPORTERS find victory in the defeat that BUSH has met in IRAQ and motivate them to support the beleaguered Republicans on ;;11;;
20061107             7. Continue - The little planet passes between the Earth and the sun only 3—TIMES per —CENTURY and the next time is —WEDNESDAY.
20061107             Track GEORGE W BUSH—POPULARITY OVER—THE—LAST —5—YEARS in relation to key events of his presidency.
20061107             ACCORDING—TO—1—MEMO, it was "1—GREAT—POLITICAL—ISSUE" that got "THE—PRO—LIFE—BASE...excited".
20061107             another Nixon KONSULtant, too well.
20061107             APPROVAL—RATING tracker - are probably devising their next bloodbath already.
20061107             arenam AUSTRALIA—IT is reporting that
20061107             11/8
20061107             crumpled and illegible paper trails, numbers that don't add up....
20061107             —MEANWHILE, Cannonfire - higher or lower taxes, or THE—WAR—IN—IRAQ.
20061107             potentially up to 18—TIMES or more (ACCORDING—TO—1—CALLEE). - - If the callee doesn't hang up,
20061107             sagten POLITIKER—HOCHRANGIGE Behördenvertreter auf einem AUSTRALISCHEN—UMWELT—GIPFEL am heutigen —DIENSTAG.
20061107             saying the "time will come" for them "to answer for their behavior".
20061107             taunting Republicans about THE—WAR—IN—IRAQ, the aftermath of HURRICANE—KATRINA and even the scandal involving the House page program that complicated GOP efforts to win 2—MORE—YEARS in power.
20061107             telling him that "cowards cut and run, Marines never do".
20061107             What do you think? 'Reds' against 'Whites'. - 's CARNIVAL—OF—BLOOD-
20061107             —COLLECTED, It was, from THE—IVORY—COAST —FOLLOWING illegal dumping last —AUGUST.
20061107             PANAMA won 1—SEAT on THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—ON—THE 48. ballot —AFTER USA—BACKED GUATEMALA and VENEZUELA, led by leftist ANTI—USA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ, dropped out to end 1—DEADLOCK.
20061107             —CONGRATULATED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, VIETNAM for winning entry to THE—WTO, and urged Congress to enact regular trading TIES—WITH—THE—COMMUNIST nation.
20061107             —NEGLECTED, SOS BLACKWELL also, to inform that he outsourced Election Night hosting services to THE—PROVIDER—OF—INTERNET—OPERATIONS for the (REPUBLICAN—NATIONAL—COMMITTEE, SMARTech Corp.
20061107             tempopresente_org linha dura e escândalos marcam saída de RUMSFELD
20061107             Linha dura e escândalos marcam saída de RUMSFELD -
20061107             investigar a responsabilidade de RUMSFELD e do EX—DIRETOR da CIA—GEORGE—TENET em.
20061107—12000000    —BIS, Trotz der kleinen Zahl an Versuchstieren waren die Ergebnisse eindeutig: Die Tauben merkten sich 800—VERSCHIEDENE Bilder,
20061107—12000000    —BIS, Trotz der kleinen Zahl an Versuchstieren waren die Ergebnisse eindeutig: Die Tauben merkten sich 800—VERSCHIEDENE Bilder, ehe ihr Gedächtnis an seine Grenzen stieß.
20061107—19550000    —SINCE, 3. Congress failed to raise the minimum wage, leaving it at its lowest INFLATION—ADJUSTED level.
20061107—19670000    —PUBLISHED, SERVAN—SCHREIBER, 1—POPULAR essay called "THE—USA—CHALLENGE," which detailed the mechanisms of 1—ECONOMIC—POWER—STRUGGLE brewing between EUROPE and THE—USA.
20061107—19900000    —SINCE, Almost 79—MILLION—PEOPLE voted in the election, with Democrats drawing more support than Republicans for the 1. time in 1—MIDTERM election.
20061107—19910000    —SINCE, ALCOHOL—RELATED death rates have almost doubled in THE—UK, government statistics show.
20061107—19910000    —SINCE, UK alcohol deaths double ALCOHOL—RELATED death rates have almost doubled in THE—UK, government statistics show.
20061107—19940000    —IN,
20061107—19940000    —SINCE, ELIOT—SPITZER defeated JOHN—FASO to become the 1. Democratic GOVERNOR—OF—NEW—YORK.
20061107—19990000    —ARRESTED, Ruiz, also known as "Kantauri," was, in PARIS and served time in 1—FRANCE—PRISON on CHARGES—OF—BEING 1—MEMBER—OF—1 armed group.
20061107—20000000    —SINCE, Monthly Medicare Part B premiums have almost doubled, from 45,50—DOLLAR 20000000             —IN to 88,50—DOLLAR 20060000             —IN.
20061107—20010911    —FROM—THE, Congress received a "dismal" report card Commission — 5—F'S,
20061107—20010911    —FROM—THE, 100. Congress received a "dismal" report card Commission — 5—F'S, 12—DE—S, 9—C'S, and only 1—A—MINUS — for failing to enact the commission's recommendations.
20061107—20040000    —IN, MANY—IN—SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN had high hopes —AFTER—THE—ELECTION—OF—THEIR—FELLOW—PASHTUN tribesman Karzai ,
20061107—20040000    —IN, The project was CO—FOUNDED by STEFANIA—DUCCI,
20061107—20040000    —IN, "NewsForge is running 1—STORY CA—1—PROJECT aiming to profile hackers like the police do with common criminals. Not based out of THE—USA—PER se, this project falls under the auspices of THE—UNITED—NATIONS Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI). The project was CO—FOUNDED by STEFANIA—DUCCI, along with Raoul Chiesa".
20061107—20040000    —IN, TALIBAN support on rise in AFGHANISTAN : MANY—IN—SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN had high hopes —AFTER—THE—ELECTION—OF—THEIR—FELLOW—PASHTUN tribesman Karzai, but —2—YEARS—LATER remain mired in poverty and lamenting 1—LACK—OF—SECURITY and development in the south.
20061107—20050000    —PASSED, Congress, a  286—BILLION—DOLLAR—HIGHWAY—BILL stuffed with 6,000 pork projects.
20061107—20060000    —IN, There were 15,832 earmarks totaling  71—BILLION—DOLLAR.
20061107—20061107    —IMPOSED, The death sentence, on THE—FORMER—IRAQ—PRESIDENT may help the deluded BAND—OF—BUSH—SUPPORTERS find victory in the defeat that BUSH has met in IRAQ and motivate them to support the beleaguered Republicans.
20061107—20061108    but —2—YEARS—LATER remain mired in poverty and lamenting 1—LACK—OF—SECURITY and development in the south.
20061107—20061231    —AFTER, "Reuters reports that the next SPACE—SHUTTLE—MISSION may have to be deferred if it gets too close to the New —YEAR because the onboard computers do not handle THE—CHANGING—OF—THE—DATE in the same way as the ground computers.  '"The shuttle computers were never envisioned to fly through —1—YEAR—END changeover," SPACE—SHUTTLE—PROGRAM—MANAGER—WAYNE—HALE told 1—BRIEFING. The problem, ACCORDING—TO—HALE, is that the shuttle's computers do not reset to —DAY 1, as GROUND—BASED systems that support shuttle navigation do. Instead, the 365. —DAY—OF—THE—YEAR, shuttle computers figure January is —JUST—DAY—366".
20061107—20100000    —BY, "The software industry body Nasscom has warned that INDIA faces 1—SHORTFALL—OF—HALF 1—MILLION skilled workers.
20061107—20100000    —BY, "The software industry body Nasscom has warned that INDIA faces 1—SHORTFALL—OF—HALF 1—MILLION skilled workers. The country will need 350,000—ENGINEERS —1—YEAR, but no MORE—THAN—150,000—OF—THE—MOST highly skilled engineers will be available EACH—YEAR".
200611081107         —PM—ET: MICHAEL—STEELE (REPUBLICAN) goes down fighting in THE—MARYLAND—SENATE—RACE.
20061111             —AFFECTED, The same controversy, 20061107             —THE vote.
20061112             Feingold has sent 1—LETTER to supporters making clear that he will not seek the Democratic nomination: Like MANY—AMERICANS, I am excited by the results of 20061107             —THE election.
20061113             BUSH—NAZI Dealings Continued —UNTIL 1951", NEW—HAMPSHIRE Gazette, 20031107             .
20061122             The machines used in that county were so clearly problematical that relying on the unverifiable results of 20061107             makes no sense.
20061127             The election results of 20061107             were certainly encouraging, but nothing has changed yet.
20061127             —ADVANCED, Instant Runoff Voting (IRV), 1—IDEA, by the New AMERICA—FOUNDATION to give voters more influence and more choices in elections, continued to gain favor in CALIFORNIA and elsewhere as 4—CITIES strongly approved 20061107             ballot measures supporting the idea.
20061129             RATING—UPDATE: NEW—YORK ( AG) - Die Analysten der Citigroup stufen die Aktie der NEW—YORK—TIMES (ISIN US6501111073/WKN 857534) von "hold" auf "sell" zurück.
20061205             Intriguing conspiracy theory, but feeble drama, 20011107             ...
20070106—20071107    —ON, THE—FAILURE—OF—THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION and the Democratic Congress to represent the wishes of Americans to end THE—IRAQ—WAR as shown at the ballot box makes the peace issue 1—DEMOCRACY—ISSUE.
20070125             —BY KEVIN—ZEESE 20071107             —SINCE Support For IRAQ—WAR Dropping
20070125—20071107    —SINCE, Support For IRAQ—WAR Dropping
20070205—20071107    —ON, MANY—PEOPLE, including high level management airline employees at CHICAGO—O'HEAR airport claim to have seen 1—UFO.
20070310             As 20071107             draws near, both political.
20070408             Gunpowder Plot Book SP14/216/145 - Examination of THOMAS—BATE 20071107—20111204    —ON, 1—SETTLEMENT was reached to pay 120—SF BAY—AREA—COMMERCIAL fishermen 3.6—MILLION—DOLLAR.
20070408             Gunpowder Plot Book SP14/216/145 - Examination of THOMAS—BATE 16051204             20070408             Gunpowder Plot Book SP14/216/145 - Examination of THOMAS—BATE 20071107—20111204    —ON, 1—SETTLEMENT was reached to pay 120—SF BAY—AREA—COMMERCIAL fishermen 3.6—MILLION—DOLLAR.
20070504—20051107    —ON, He mentioned that it had been 1—OF—HIS—BUZZFLASH "Independent Thinker" book reviews, which it had been.
20070730             * I 20281107             at COLORADO—SPRINGS—COLORADO.
20071031             [BUSH, Quochuy Tran (16), the suspected shooter, was arrested 20071107             and 5—OTHERS were picked up THE—NEXT—DAY.
20071104—20050000    —TURNED, SOME—5,000—NATIONALISTS, out for THE—RUSSIA—MARCH, held for the 3. —YEAR on National Unity —DAY, 1—HOLIDAY—THE—KREMLIN created to replace the traditional 20071107             celebration of 19170000             —THE—BOLSHEVIK rise to power.
20071106—20071107    Shocking: —18—YEARS on and Exxon Still Won't Pay 5—BILLION—DOLLAR for Valdez Oil Spill:
20071107             Opium, Politics, and the Gospel: USA—MISSIONARIES and the Opium Trade in 18010101—19001231     CHINA.
20071107             Opium, Politics, and the Gospel: USA—MISSIONARIES and the Opium Trade in 18010101—19001231    —CENTURY CHINA.
20071107             1—ROUNDTABLE—DISCUSSION with Amr Khashoggi... + he responded on the contrary he...
20071107             1—SOLCHE—AKTION—SEI—VERFRÜHT.
20071107             1—TÜRKISCHER—SOLDAT—FALLE—DER—GUERILLA —ERST gar nicht lebend in die Hände, erklärte Sahin —AM—MONTAG.
20071107             ANKARA, zeigte man sich allerdings wenig erbaut über diese Geste.
20071107             JOSEF—STALIN, DER DIE "SCHÄRFE" DES LENINSCHEN BRIEFES RÜGTE + - Kapitel II der Weltgeschichte
20071107             So wurden gegen die Vertreter der DTP, die die Gefangenen in Empfang genommen hatten,
20071107             —BEREITS staatsanwaltliche Ermittlungen aufgenommen, weil sie durch die Aktion "PRO—PAGANDA für die PKK" betrieben hätten.
20071107             KENNY—CHESNEY won as ENTERTAINER—OF—THE—YEAR and Carrie Underwood won as best female vocalist at the annual Country Music Association Awards in NASHVILLE.
20071107             —RAISED, The total stolen was —LATER, to some 30—MILLION—DOLLAR.
20071107             —AUTHORIZED, HARRIET—WALTERS, the alleged RINGLEADER—OF—THE—SCAM, checks to such fake companies as Bilkemor LLC.
20071107             —CALLED, THE—USA—DOLLAR fell sharply —AFTER 1—CHINA—PARLIAMENTARIAN, for his country to diversify its reserves out of weak currencies.
20071107             —HITCHED, THE—CANADA—DOLLAR, 1—RIDE on surging commodities prices to rise against 1—BELEAGUERED—USA—DOLLAR, passing USA1.10—DOLLAR.
20071107             —INCLUDED, GENERAL—MOTORS—POSTED 1—RECORD—LOSS—OF—39—BILLION—DOLLAR, which, a 6—BILLION—DOLLAR noncash charge related to accumulated deferred tax credits.
20071107             —SUFFERED, MORGAN—STANLEY said it has, a 7—BILLION—DOLLAR—LOSS stemming from its USA subprime mortgage exposure, which it expects will reduce 4.—QUARTER earnings by about 5—BILLION—DOLLAR.
20071107             —LEASED, THE—COSCO—BUSAN, a 65,131 ton GREEK—OWNED container ship, by Hanjin SHIPPING—OF—SOUTH—KOREA, hit 1—PROTECTIVE—SHIELD at the base of 1—TOWER—OF—THE—BAY—BRIDGE.
20071107             —DAMAGED, THE—BRIDGE was not, but the ship suffered 1—GASH and spilled 58,000—GALLONS—OF—BUNKER—FUEL—OIL into THE—SF—BAY.
20071107             —ESTIMATED, By THE—END—OF—THE—MONTH, bird deaths DUE—TO—THE—OIL topped 20,000. The cleanup cost was —LATER estimated at some 61—MILLION—DOLLAR.
20071107             —1—YEAR—LATER FEDERAL—AUTHORITIES still held 6—CHINA—CREW members for their testimony.
20071107             —RAISED, AUSTRALIA—CENTRAL—BANK, interest rates 0.25—POINTS to an —11—YEAR—HIGH—OF—6.75—PERCENT in 1—MOVE expected to hurt PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD—RE—ELECTION—HOPES.
20071107             BELGIUM, politicians of the Flemish majority, 60—PERCENT—OF—THE—POPULATION, made 1—BID to abolish the bilingual rights of 150,000—FRANCE—SPEAKERS living in suburbs near BRUSSELS.
20071107             This broke THE—DECADES—OLD "BELGIUM—PACT" under which THE—2—LANGUAGE—GROUPS avoided holding 1—STRAIGHT—SECTARIAN—VOTE.
20071107             1—NOVEL by 1—FORMER—RADIO broadcaster in CANADA—NORTH won 20070000             —THE—SCOTIABANK—GILLER—PRIZE, CANADA—MOST lucrative and prestigious PRIZE—FOR—FICTION.
20071107             ELIZABETH Hay's "—LATE—NIGHTS on Air" details the loves and rivalries of 1—CAST of eccentric characters at 1—SMALL—RADIO—STATION in Yellowknife, near CANADA—ARCTIC.
20071107             1—CHINA—GOVERNMENT—PUBLICATION reported that industrial discharge and household wastewater have polluted THE—NORTH—FUTUO River so badly that the water is dark red in SOME—SECTIONS and has caused chronic illnesses among villagers.
20071107             —KILLED, SOUTH—FINLAND, 8—PEOPLE were, and 11 wounded —AFTER PEKKA—ERIC—AUVINEN, 18—JAHRE—ALT, opened fire at Jokela High School in Tuusula.
20071107             † He then shot himself in the head and, hours —LATER in 1—HOSPITAL.
20071107             —FORCED, GEORGIA, police, DOZENS—OF—OPPOSITION—SUPPORTERS from 1—SITE in TBILISI, where —5—DAYS—OF—PROTESTS had drawn thousands, but demonstrators —LATER returned and renewed their calls for THE—PRESIDENT—RESIGNATION.
20071107             1—GEORGIA—TELEVISION—STATION, regarded by THE—GOVERNMENT as 1—OPPOSITION mouthpiece, went off the air —AFTER RIOT—POLICE entered its headquarters.
20071107             —DISCOVERED, THE—IRAQ—ARMY said 17—BODIES were, in 1—MASS—GRAVE in 1—AREA—OF—BRUSH near 1—SCHOOL in Hashimiyat, WEST—OF—BAQOUBA.
20071107             —KILLED, In BAGHDAD 1—SHIITE math teacher was, in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting in THE—SUNNI—DOMINATED Mansour area.
20071107             —KILLED, SOUTH—EAST—OF—BAGHDAD, 2—CHILDREN aged 4 and 8 were, —WHEN 1—MORTAR struck their house.
20071107             KUT, gunmen broke into the home of 1—IRAQ—SOLDIER and shot him to death.
20071107             —REPORTED, KENYA—OFFICIAL—HUMAN—RIGHTS—COMMISSION, that state security agents had killed 454—PEOPLE—SINCE the —SUMMER in and —AROUND NAIROBI.
20071107             The watchdog group Peace —NOW said ISRAEL is enlarging 88—OF—ITS—122—WEST—BANK—SETTLEMENTS despite 1—AGREEMENT—TO—HALT THE—SPREAD—OF—JEWISH—COMMUNITIES in PALESTINE—TERRITORY.
20071107             —CONDEMNED, MOROCCO—PRIME—MINISTER—ABBAS—EL—FASSI, SPAIN's "occupation" of 2 disputed enclaves, —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—1—VISIT by JUAN—CARLOS—KING—OF—SPAIN which prompted RABAT to recall its AMBASSADOR—TO—MADRID.
20071107             The country's top prosecutor said NIGERIA will drop criminal CHARGES—AGAINST—1—USA—PEACE—WORKER, her NIGERIA—ASSOCIATE and 2—GERMANY—FILM—MAKERS who had been ACCUSED—OF—ENDANGERING NATIONAL—SECURITY.
20071107             —URGED, Former premier Benazir Bhutto, Pakistanis to hold mass protests against 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY declared by PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF.
20071107             Police swung batons and fired tear gas at SUPPORTERS—OF—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—BHUTTO demonstrating near PAKISTAN—PARLIAMENT.
20071107             THE—PRESIDENT—OF—SRI—LANKA said there would be peace on the troubled ISLAND only —AFTER more fighting to crush separatist rebels as he unveiled the nation's BIGGEST—EVER war budget.
20071107             —ORDERED, THE—UN said THE—GOVERNOR—OF—SOUTH—DARFUR, THE—UN—HUMANITARIAN—DIRECTOR to leave the state, which has been the scene of recent fighting.
20071107             SOUTH—DARFUR—GOVERNOR—ALI—MAHMOOD—MOHAMMED said in 1—LETTER that Wael AL—HAJ—IBRAHIM, 1—CANADIAN, "was not complying with the Humanitarian Act," but he didn't elaborate.
20071107             —OPENED, Masked gunmen, fire on students returning from 1—MARCH in which TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—VENEZUELANS denounced PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ—ATTEMPTS to expand his power through constitutional changes.
20071107             —INJURED, AT—LEAST—8—PEOPLE were.
20071107             1—YEMEN—COURT convicted 32—AL—QAIDA suspects of planning attacks on oil and gas installations in the country, sentencing them to prison terms of up to —15—YEARS.
20071107             4—OTHERS were acquitted. Eine solche Aktion sei verfrüht.
20071107             Vielmehr gehe es darum, im Rahmen einer Doppelherrschaft aus konstituierender Versammlung, in der die BOLSCHEWIKI eine starke Oppositionskraft bilden würden, und Sowjets,
20071107             Rückendeckung bekamen die "Streikbrecher" dagegen vom Chefredakteur der Rabotschi Put, JOSEF—STALIN, der die "Schärfe" des Leninschen Briefes rügte +
20071107             Um ihren Willen zu einer friedlichen Lösung unter Beweis zu stellen, hatte die Guerilla —AM—SONNTAG 8—TÜRKISCHE—KRIEGSGEFANGENE Vertretern der prokurdischen "Partei der demokratischen Gesellschaft" (DTP) übergeben.
20071107             So wurden gegen die Vertreter der DTP, die die Gefangenen in Empfang genommen hatten, —BEREITS staatsanwaltliche Ermittlungen aufgenommen, weil sie durch die Aktion "PRO—PAGANDA für die PKK" betrieben hätten.
20071107             JUSTIZ—MINISTER—MEHMET—ALI—SAHIN meinte gar unverblümt, er habe sich über die unversehrte Rückkehr der Gefangenen nicht freuen können.
20071107             Is it the oil? LET—VISIT "KBR—LAND"...
20071107             For 1—WHILE —NOW, I've been meaning to discuss
20071107             this story by JIM—HOLT in THE—LONDON—REVIEW—OF—BOOKS -- and —NOW that oil appears to have broken the $100-a-barrel mark, —TODAY seems appropriate.
20071107             —INVADED, The theory that BUSH—IRAQ to steal oil has much to recommend it -- for 1—THING, as GREG—PALAST has documented, the oil was indeed stolen.
20071107             But the argument against the theory is compelling:
20071107             If we —NOW own all this new crude, why has the price at the gas pump risen so high?
20071107             —GELANDET, SPACE—SHUTTLE: "Discovery" sicher
20071107             USA—BESUCH: Stehende Ovationen für Sarkozy
20071107             THE—OCTOPUS—THIS may have 1—LOT to do with the links between PRESCOTT—BUSH...
20071107             THE—RIGHT—WING politics of GEORGE—WACKENHUT, who had ties to BELGIUM—FASCISTS + South...
20071107             Daily Kos: Rogue intelligence network
20071107             —SCHON in der VERGANGENE—WOCHE hatte die Agentur auf einer KONFERENZ—IN—LONDON vor
20071107             PRO—BLEMEN bei der ÖL—VERSORGUNG gewarnt. Fest steht:
20071107             —ÜBERFLUTET, Küstenlinien weltweit werden, und damit Lebensraum vernichtet.
20071107             —GERATEN, Aber auch Trinkwasservorräte, durch das eindringende Salzwasser in Gefahr.
20071107             —GEDACHT, Diese verringern sich weitaus stärker als bislang, wie —JETZT Wissenschaftler der OHIO STATE—UNIVERSITY berichten.
20071107             —ANGENOMMEN, Bislang hatte man immer, dass ins Landesinnere eindringendes Salzwasser unterirdisch nur so weit reicht wie oberirdisch.
20071107             Das Fazit der Forscher: "Unser Wasserproblem wird in der Zukunft 1—ENERGIEPROBLEM werden".
20071107             DPA—MILITÄR—PARADE auf dem Roten Platz: Nationale Töne im laufenden Wahlkampf Doch scheint damit RUSSLAND—RÜCKKEHR zur KSE keineswegs ausgeschlossen.
20071107             1—SPRECHER—DER—REGIERUNGSPARTEI—GEEINTES—RUSSLAND kündigte zugleich —NACH—DEM Votum die Bereitschaft seines Landes an, den KSE—VERTRAG fortzusetzen, sobald die Vereinbarung zur Rüstungskontrolle von allen NATO—STAATEN ratifiziert worden sei.
20071107             Knapp 50—PROZENT dieses Anstiegs werde von CHINA und INDIEN verursacht.
20071107             Wie diese beiden Staaten ihren immensen ENERGIE—HUNGER stillten, werde den Rest der Welt beeinflussen, sagte IEA—DIREKTOR Nobuo Tanaka.
20071107             CHINA werde vermutlich NOCH—IN—DIESEM—JAHR und damit —3—JAHRE—FRÜHER als erwartet DIE—USA als größten CO2-Emitten10 überholen.
20071107             NIEDERLANDE—FORSCHER hatten —IM—SOMMER die These aufgestellt, dass
20071107             CHINA—CO2- Ausstoß  20060000             —BEREITS, über dem der USA gelegen hat.
20071107             Weil der Anteil fossiler Brennstoffe im globalen ENERGIE—MIX unerwartet stark zunimmt, werden auch die CO2-Emissionen dramatisch steigen:
20071107             bei einer Fortsetzung der derzeitigen Politik —BIS—ZUM—JAHR 20300000             um 57—PROZENT, warnte die IEA.
20071107             "Der KLIMA—WANDEL würde noch beschleunigt", sagte Tanaka in LONDON, wo der Bericht vorgestellt wurde.
20071107             FACEBOOK—OFFENSIVE: Werber spähen Surfverhalten aus
20071107             CO2- Emissionen: ENERGIE—AGENTUR warnt vor dramatischem Anstieg
20071107             NETZWELT—TICKER: Yahoo rechtfertigt sich für Verrat an REGIME—KRITIKER
20071107             Vermögensstudie: Wie reich die Deutschen wirklich sind
20071107             Spritpreis auf REKORD—HOCH: SUPER—BENZIN teurer als je zuvor
20071107             Überflutete Küsten: KLIMA—WANDEL bedroht TRINKWASSER—RESERVEN
20071107             PAKISTAN: Bhutto kündigt langen Marsch auf ISLAMABAD an
20071107             —VERLÄNGERT—AFGHANISTAN: Kabinett, umstrittenes Mandat
20071107             Neuer IG—METALL—CHEF: Huber stellt —35—STUNDEN—WOCHE in Frage
20071107             Parlamentsbeschluss: RUSSLAND kündigt KSE—ABRÜSTUNGSVERTRAG
20071107             KRISEN—SZENARIO: ENERGIE—AGENTUR warnt vor Engpass bei der ÖL—VERSORGUNG
20071107             —GERATEN, In gewisser Hinsicht, die Mäuse durch das fettreiche Futter in einen Teufelskreis, betont Studienleiter Bass:
20071107             —VERSTELLT, Durch die zusätzlichen Kalorien, sich die innere Uhr und bringt die Tiere dazu, zu ungewöhnlichen Zeiten und damit mehr zu fressen als sonst.
20071107             Das wiederum verstärkt den Einfluss auf die innere Uhr, der wiederum das Fressverhalten weiter verändert.
20071107             "Die innere Taktung und der Stoffwechsel haben sich zusammen entwickelt", sagt der Forscher.
20071107             "Wenn wir die empfindliche Balance zwischen ihnen stören, sehen wir eben nachteilige Auswirkungen".
20071107             Von einer genaueren Untersuchung erhofft sich das Team —NUN Erkenntnisse über die Entstehung von Übergewicht, Diabetes + SCHLAFSTÖRUNGEN—WOMÖGLICH auch beim Menschen, wenn hier ähnliche Effekte nachgewiesen werden
20071107             —VERGLEICHT, Marcy, die Suche NACH—DER—SIGNATUR eines Planeten im Sternenlicht mit dem Erkennen eines einzigen Tones, wenn mehrere Musiker zugleich spielen.
20071107             55—CANCRI hat einen neuen Rekord aufgestellt: 5—PLANETEN besitzt der Stern im STERNBILD—KREBS, 41—LICHT—JAHRE—VON—DER Erde entfernt.
20071107             Es handelt sich damit um das einzige bekannte System, abgesehen von unserem Sonnensystem, das MEHR—ALS—4—PLANETEN besitzt.
20071107             —ELEKTRISIERT, Wie, waren die Astronomen, als sie die Nachricht am gestrigen —ABEND verkündeten:
20071107             "Ich bin völlig von den Socken", sagte GEOFF—MARCY—VON—DER—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA in BERKELEY.
20071107             "Wir wissen —NUN, dass unsere Sonne und ihre Planetenfamilie nichts Ungewöhnliches ist".
20071107             REKORD—VERLUST: GENERAL—MOTORS muss 39—MILLIARDEN—DOLLAR abschreiben
20071107             REKORD—GEWINN: Toyota verdient so viel wie nie
20071107             MAUS—STUDIE: Fette Nahrung stört die innere Uhr
20071107             REKORD—PREIS: ÖL—PREIS nähert sich der 100- DOLLAR—MARKE
20071107             Sarkozy in WASHINGTON: Amerikaner unken über BUSH—NEUEN Pudel
20071107             KONJUNKTUR—GUTACHTEN: WIRTSCHAFTS—WEISE halten Regierung für orientierungslos
20071107             Neuer Planet entdeckt: Gibt es Leben bei Nummer 5?
20071107             —SUCCEEDED, Besides its negative result, the 1. OPIUM—WAR, in stimulating the opium trade at the expense of legitimate commerce, and so will this 2. OPIUM—WAR do if ENGLAND be not forced by the general pressure of the civilized world to abandon the compulsory opium cultivation in INDIA and the armed opium propaganda to CHINA.
20071107             —DESCRIBED, We forbear dwelling on THE—MORALITY—OF—THAT—TRADE, by MONTGOMERY—MARTIN, himself 1—ENGLISHMAN, in the —FOLLOWING terms:
20071107             "Why, THE—'SLAVE—TRADE' was merciful compared with the 'opium trade'. We did not destroy the bodies of the Africans, for it was our immediate interest to keep them alive; we did not debase their natures, corrupt their minds, nor destroy their souls. But the opium seller slays the body —AFTER he has corrupted, degraded and annihilated the moral being of unhappy sinners, —WHILE, EVERY—HOUR is bringing new victims to 1—MOLOCH which knows no satiety, and where THE—ENGLAND—MURDERER and CHINA—SUICIDE vie with EACH—OTHER in offerings at his shrine".
20071107             LOUISIANA COMMISSIONER—OF—ELECTIONS Convicted Of Accepting Kickbacks... From about
20071107             How USA—ELECTIONS—BECAME 1—CRIMINAL—ENTERPRISE... presidential ballots for CHRISTIAN—REFORM—PARTY—CANDIDATE—PAT Buchanan.
20071107             —CONVICTED—OF, STORY—OF—COMMISSIONER—OF—ELECTIONS—JERRY—FOWLER, " taking as much as...
20071107             Lords of Opium (Brief HISTORY—OF—OPIUM—WARS)OPIUM—WARS—SHORT—HISTORY and BACKGROUND—OF—THE—OPIUM—WARS between CHINA... Gladstone praised the opium trade as not only 1—SOURCE—OF—REVENUE but of great...
20071107             asahi_com : JAPAN had good intelligence about CHINA—LOSING fight...
20071107             "CHINA is sensitive to drug crimes because of its HISTORY—OF—THE—OPIUM—WARS,"...
20071107             In an ATTEMPT—TO—ELIMINATE the trade deficit, BRITAIN grew opium in INDIA...
20071107             1—TANGLED—WEB: 1—HISTORY—OF—CIA—COMPLICITY in Drug INTERNATIONAL Trafficking... By
20071107             THE—SPREAD—OF—OPIUM
20071107             The history of the opium trade involves almost ALL—OF—THE—SEA faring European nations, PORTUGAL, SPAIN, FRANCE, HOLLAND and in particular THE—UK.
20071107             Alcohol and Drugs History Society: USA—OPIUM Merchants Online HOME—OF—THE—SOCIAL—HISTORY—OF—ALCOHOL and Drugs...
20071107             —CRITICIZED, Stateside Americans, the opium trade and the 1. UK—OPIUM—WAR, —WHILE Americans...
20071107             Alcohol and Drugs History Society: USA—MISSIONARIES and the...
20071107             MICHAEL—C—LAZICH, (DEPARTMENT—OF—HISTORY... - KARL—MARX in NEW—YORK Daily Tribune
20071107             " —ERST WENN—EINE große soziale Revolution die ERGEBNISSE—DER—BÜRGERLICHEN—EPOCHE,
20071107             den Weltmarkt + die modernen PRO—DUKTIVKRÄFTE, gemeistert
20071107             sie der gemeinsamen Kontrolle der am weitesten fortgeschrittenen Völker unterworfen hat,
20071107             —ERST DANN—WIRD der menschliche Fortschritt nicht mehr jenem scheußlichen heidnischen Götzen gleichen,
20071107             der den Nektar nur aus den Schädeln Erschlagener trinken wollte.
20071107             PAKISTAN: Bhutto warnt vor ATOM—BOMBE in den Händen von Islamisten
20071107             IRAN—KONFLIKT: Merkel will BUSH zu diplomatischer Lösung drängen
20071107             "We're in 1—POSITION—NOW, clearly, especially —WHEN we look at IRAN, where it's very, very important we succeed in our efforts, our NATIONAL—SECURITY—EFFORTS, to discourage the Iranians from enriching uranium and producing NUCLEAR—WEAPONS ".
20071107             Hauptgrund für die CA—4,3—MILLIONEN—TONNEN an Kohlendioxid ( CO2 )-Äquivalenten, die jährlich aus ausrangierten Kühlgeräten in Form von...
20071107             Die NORDOST—PROVINZ (HAUTE—ZAIRE) wird von BARRICK—GOLD.
20071107             PRO—SECUTORS said 2—MID—LEVEL DC government employees used phony paperwork to collect more than 16—MILLION—DOLLAR from illegal tax refunds, avoiding detection for AT—LEAST—3—YEARS—WHILE issuing MORE—THAN—40—CHECKS cashed by friends and family members in on the scam.
20071107             They were said to be MEMBERS—OF—THE—MUNGIKI sect, 1—KIKUYU gang that has TERROR—IZED CENTRAL—KENYA —FOR—YEARS.
20071107             SOMALIA, Doctors Without Borders said the fighting had grown so bad in MOGADISHU that civilians who were shot or hit by shrapnel —DURING—THE—NIGHT frequently bled to death because the violence cut them off from the hospitals.
20071107             Vielmehr gehe es darum, im Rahmen einer Doppelherrschaft aus konstituierender Versammlung, in der die BOLSCHEWIKI eine starke Oppositionskraft bilden würden, und SOVIETs,
20071107             Alle 418—ANWESENDEN Parlamentarier stimmten in MOSKAU für das Dekret zur Aussetzung des Vertrags über Konventionelle Streitkräfte in EUROPA (KSE).
20071107             CHINA—CO2- Ausstoß —BEREITS 20060000             über dem der USA gelegen hat.
20071107             NEW—YORK: LAWRENCE—HILL—BOOKS, 19910000             . - - - Imperialism, to the Crimean War
20071107—19171107    — —VOR—90—JAHREN—SCHLUGEN die revolutionären Arbeiter, Soldaten und Bauern in Rußland ein neues Kapitel der Menschheitsentwicklung auf
20071107—20071205    —ON, LATVIA—PRIME—MINISTER—AIGARS—KALVITIS said that he would step down and that THE—4—PARTY ruling coalition would —IMMEDIATELY begin searching for 1—NEW—HEAD—OF—GOVERNMENT.
20071107—20090700    —SENTENCED, Cosco Busan CAPTAIN—JOHN—COTA, 61—JAHRE—ALT, was, to —10—MONTHS in prison, becoming the 1. ship's pilot in USA—HISTORY to be sent to prison for 1—ACCIDENT.
20071107—20090813    —ON, Fleet Management Ltd. of HONG—KONG pleaded guilty to CHARGES—OF—WATER—POLLUTION and falsifying documents and agreed to pay 10—MILLION—DOLLAR in fines.
20071107—20111204    —ON, 1—SETTLEMENT was reached to pay 120—SF BAY—AREA—COMMERCIAL fishermen 3.6—MILLION—DOLLAR.
20071107—20111204    —ON, 1—SETTLEMENT was reached to pay 120—SF—BAY—AREA—COMMERCIAL fishermen 3.6—MILLION—DOLLAR.
20071107—20300000    —BIS—WELTWEIT müssten CA—5,4—BILLIONEN—DOLLAR in neue ÖL—FELDER investiert werden, erklärte die Agentur 9—HEUTE.
20071107—20300000    —BIS, Ohne 1—WELT—KURSÄNDERUNG würde der ENERGIE—BEDARF um MEHR—ALS—50—PROZENT zunehmen, heißt es in der Studie.
20071109             FINLAND said it will raise the minimum age for buying guns from 15 to 18—IN—THE—WAKE—OF—20071107             —THE rampage by 1—TEENAGE—STUDENT.
20071220             VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG: Frieren für die Freiheit (20071107             )
20071220—20071107    VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG: Frieren für die Freiheit
200802110704         a.m. EST
20081107             UK: Copy of Orwell's "1524" SENATOR—TO EVERY—MP—THE—BOOKS will be inscribed with the words, 'This book was 1—WARNING, not 1—BLUEPRINT', and will arrive at PARLIAMENT on or 20081105             —BEFORE, 1—DATE—OF well known historical significance for that building.
20081107             "Der Gedanke, dass die Regierung ihre Macht einsetzen könnte, um Kommunikationsdaten ohne vorherige öffentliche Debatte abzufangen, wäre ÄUß—ERST unheimlich".
20081107             "Wir sind im Augenblick dabei, zu prüfen, ob es im öffentlichen Interesse liegt,
20081107             'Under Government plans to monitor INTERNET traffic, raw data would be collected and stored by the black boxes —BEFORE being transferred to 1—GIANT—CENTRAL—DATABASE.
20081107             (PhysOrg com) - If climate disasters are to be averted, atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) must be reduced below the levels that already exist —TODAY,
20081107             30—USA—STATES in recession, 19 at risk: Aber die Ironie ist —SCHON heftig.
20081107             1—MUSEUM für Toleranz auf 1—FRIEDHOF einer anderen Religion zu bauen.
20081107             Als CLINTON aus dem WEIßES—HAUS auszog, FANDEN—NICHT zuletzt dank Emanuels unermüdlicher ARBEIT—IMMER noch 68—PROZENT—DER—AMERIKANER,
20081107             —VERLIERT, AMERIKA in der Rezession: USA—WIRTSCHAFT, massenweise Jobs
20081107             Rizzo said that the agency's interrogation and detainee program needs "urgent
20081107             Aufstieg und FALL—DER—HERRSCHERGESCHLECHTER seien eindeutig mit dem Wechsel des KLIMA—S verbunden gewesen,
20081107             Autobauer: Absatz von Daimler und BMW bricht erneut drastisch ein
20081107             Brain Scans Show Bullies Enjoy Others' PAIN—BRAZIL sees carbon market saving Amazon
20081107             BULGARIA To Withdraw Soldiers From IRAQ At —YEAR—END:
20081107             BULGARIA plans to withdraw its 155-strong military contingent in IRAQ —WHEN its mandate expires —AT—THE—END—OF—THIS—YEAR,
20081107             Carmakers Report Losses as They Burn Cash
20081107             Dann kam der Herr Hartenbank von der Umfallerpartei
20081107             Das Gericht fand, dass da 300—400—JAHRE—ALTE—RÄBER waren, andere Quellen
20081107             Das SIMON—WIESENTHAL—CENTER baut in JERUSALEM 1—MUSEUM—OF—TOLERANCE—AUF—DEM—GELÄNDE eines uralten muslimischen Friedhofs.
20081107             Der DOW—JONES Index verlor 443—PUNKTE und schloss 1. —SEIT —1—WOCHE unter 9000—PUNKTEN.
20081107             Der Nasdaq Composite fiel um 4,34—PROZENT auf 1.608,70—ZÄHLER.
20081107             —VERLOREN, Die Moslems haben geklagt und vor Gericht.
20081107             Ich bin mir sicher, sie hatten ein faires Verfahren!1!!
20081107             DOMINIC—GRIEVE, der SCHATTEN—INNENMINISTER der Tories, warnte in der Zeitung "New Scotsman" —SCHON im ;;10;;:
20081107             EU will FINANZ—MÄRKTE lückenlos überwachen
20081107             EU will die FINANZ—MÄRKTE stärker kontrollieren
20081107             Eigennutz und Korruptionsgründenn, nicht aus Bösartigkeit".
20081107             Das kann AB—JETZT nicht mehr gelten.
20081107             1—MITGLIED—DER—BÜRGERRECHTSORGANISATION—OPEN—RIGHTS—GROUP hatte —SCHON—IM—AUGUST eine detaillierte Anfrage an das Innenministerium gestellt,
20081107             —BEKOMMT, Ein weiterer Fan, —TAGE—NACH—DEM Spiel einen Brief, er sei per Videoüberwachung identifiziert worden (!!!),
20081107             Eine halbe Million beteiligt sich an Warnstreiks
20081107             Eine solch umfassende digitale Überwachung hat die Welt noch nicht gesehen.
20081107             Doch obwohl es IN—DEN—VERGANGENE—TAGEWOCHEN—SCHON diverse Zeitungsberichte gab,
20081107             Equipment that can see through dense smoke or fog by exploiting quantum effects.
20081107             Er fiel um 4,85—PROZENT auf 8.695,79—ZÄHLER.
20081107             Der MARKT—BREITE S&P-500-Index verlor 5,03—PROZENT auf 904,88—PUNKTE.
20081107             Erneuter BÖRSEN—STURZ trotz Zinssenkungen und Rettungsplänen
20081107             Es geht um das Herz und die Seele der PARTEI—UND vor allem um die Prioritäten bei den Ausgaben.
20081107             European Banks Cut Rates Sharply:
20081107             Faktisch bei jeder sich bietenden Gelegenheit probte ihre STURM—ABTEILUNG (SA) den BÜRGER—KRIEG.
20081107             GENERAL—MOTORS Executive: NEXT—100—DAYS Critical For GENERAL—MOTORS, USA Auto Industry:
20081107             GOP Invites Longtime Democrat Lieberman into the Fold
20081107             GEORGIA—CLAIMS on RUSSIA War Called Into Question
20081107             Growing concern over climate change, and THE—POTENTIAL—OF—THE—CARBON—CREDIT—MARKET,
20081107             Gut, weiss man nicht, und bei Religionen mit Fakten zu kommen ist ja immer ein bisschen schwierig.
20081107             Half a million Americans lose jobs in —2—MONTHS—IMF bails out UKRAINE:
20081107             IMF —NOW SEES—IN den —2—TAGEN—SEIT—DER—USA—PRÄSIDENTENWAHL verlor allein der DOW—JONES damit MEHR—ALS—900—PUNKTE—1—MINUS—VON—CA—10—PROZENT.
20081107             —APPROVED, INFORMATIONWEEK—AN, way to use the iPhone 3G as 1—WIRELESS—MODEM for computers is expected soon,
20081107             INTERNET "black boxes" will be used to collect EVERY—EMAIL and web visit in THE—UK—UNDER—THE—GOVERNMENT—PLANS for 1—GIANT "big brother" database, THE—INDEPENDENT has learnt.
20081107             Jobless Rate at —14—YEAR—HIGH—AFTER Big ;;10;; Losses
20081107             —EXPECTED, Jobless claims higher than :
20081107             Kennt ihr den Zusammenhang zwischen dem Chaos Computer Club und dem KU—KLUX—KLAN?
20081107             —KLIMA—GAS: Forscher schlagen MEGA—CO2—SPEICHER im NAH—OST vor
20081107             —KLIMA—GESCHICHTE: Monsun bestimmte CHINA—KULTUR
20081107             Konjunktur: DEUTSCHE—EXPORTE legen im ;;09;; ZU—KRASSE Scheisse.
20081107             Beim nächsten Heimspiel gegen Florenz kommt es sogar noch zu einer Steigerung.
20081107             Las Cristinas mine, which is rich with gold, diamonds, iron and other minerals,
20081107             Lieberman looking for 1—POLITICAL—HOME
20081107             Man werde "innovative und bahnbrechende Technologie" nutzen, um gegenüber den TERROR—ISTEN "weit voraus" zu bleiben.
20081107             McCain ran the dirtiest campaign in recent memory and his attempt cover it over with 1—FEW uplifting platitudes won't save his reputation from lasting damage.
20081107             —HALBIERT, Medizin: Gesundes Leben, Risiko für Tod durch Herzinfarkt
20081107             Microsoft has plans to offer Windows 7—DEVELOPERS SOME—NEW—USER—LOCATION—TOOLS with the goal of fostering better GEO—AWARE—APPS.
20081107             Military Tech: Quantum Ghosts + Other Bizarre Military Research
20081107             Milliardenprojekt: BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG will das gesamte Kommunikationsnetz überwachen
20081107             Milliardenverluste: Autobranche rutscht in tiefe ABSATZ—KRISE
20081107             —MIRED, Moody's: 30—USA—STATES were, in recession in ;;09;;, and 19—OTHERS are at risk of falling into recession in the coming months,
20081107             Na sowas.
20081107             Die schönen Videokameras, die wir gegen die TERROR—ISTEN angeschafft haben,
20081107             —NACH—DEM Crash: 4—SZENARIEN für die Wirtschaft der Zukunft
20081107             Nearly 70—PEOPLE are on hunger strike in SAUDI—ARABIA, to draw attention to the hundreds in detention without trial.
20081107             —EXPECTED, Negative growth is, in the all major economies except CANADA.
20081107             NEW—YORK Daily NEWS—NEW—STUDY shows bullies like to watch suffering
20081107             Nicht? Wir —BIS vor 1—PAAR—TAGEN auch nicht.
20081107             Number of Americans filing for unemployment insurance reaches 481,000, those continuing to receive benefits at —25—YEAR—HIGH.
20081107             Organische Polymere: MINI—SOLARZELLEN versorgen MINI—MASCHINEN
20081107             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX—PAIN May Be Pleasurable for SOME—BULLIES—PLAN—COLOMBIA did not achieve goals:
20081107             Politiker, Ökonomen und Zukunftsexperten hat DIE—KRISE gleichermaßen unvorbereitet erwischt.
20081107             Retailers report steep sales declines in ;;10;;:
20081107             Revised Theory Suggests Carbon Dioxide Levels Already in Danger Zone
20081107             ROMANIA—DEFENSE—MINISTER says the country's 501—PEACEKEEPERS in IRAQ will all leave by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
20081107             ROMANIA—MINISTER says 500—TROOPS to leave IRAQ:
20081107             SAUDI—ARABIA—HUNGER—STRIKE for prisoners
20081107             —SCHON direkt nach der historischen Wahl BARACK—OBAMAS zum USA—PRÄSIDENTEN sind die 1. ideologischen Scharmützel bei den Demokraten ausgebrochen.
20081107             Security expert talks RUSSIA—GANGS, botnets
20081107             Security researcher JOE—STEWART talks about
20081107             Setzt man diese in Bezug zur kulturellen Entwicklung Chinas in den vergangen knapp
20081107             Sie nannte es "Interception Modernisation PRO—GRAMME" (IMP), in etwa "PRO—GRAMM zur Modernisierung der Kommunikationsüberwachung".
20081107             Sie würden "JEDE—E—MAIL und JEDE—AUFGERUFENE—WEBSITE in einer gigantischen 'Big BROTHER'—DATENBANK speichern",
20081107             So konnten die Forscher DIE—GESCHICHTE—DES—ASIATISCHEN—MONSUNS nachvollziehen.
20081107             Soldiers who can communicate with EACH—OTHER telepathically.
20081107             Sowas hätte man vielleicht —BISHER von der CSU erwartet, aber die SPD gab sich immer den Hauch von "wir machen das aus Inkompetenz,
20081107             Telefondiplomatie: Obama startet Offensive als WELTPOLITIKER—TETHERING App Coming To iPhone
20081107             —REDUCED, THE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND unexpectedly, its benchmark rate by 1.5—PROZENTAGE—POINTS,
20081107             THE—CIA—DETENTION and interrogation program, he said, is —JUST as urgent.
20081107             "That's going to have to be dealt with —IMMEDIATELY," Rizzo said.
20081107             THE—GENERAL—MOTORS genocide:
20081107             THE—USA—TREASURY said it plans to sell 55—BILLION—DOLLAR in LONG—TERM—GOVERNMENT—DEBT this quarter and bring back auctions of —3—YEAR—NOTES,
20081107             THE—UK has the highest number of cocaine users in THE—EU for the 5. —YEAR running, 1—REPORT suggests.
20081107             THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL—SIOBHAN—GORMAN did not report whether Rizzo said anything specific about how the program needs to be "dealt" with.
20081107             The advanced industrial economies will contract as 1—GROUP for the 1. time —WWII—SINCE, THE—IMF said.
20081107             The books will be inscribed with the words, 'This book was 1—WARNING, not 1—BLUEPRINT',
20081107             The nation's retailers saw their sales plummet —LAST—MONTH to the weakest ;;10;;
20081107             level —SINCE At—least—19690000             ,
20081107             —OUTLINED, The vision was, at 1—MEETING between officials from the Home OFFICE—AND—INTERNET—SERVICE—PROVIDERS—EARLIER—THIS—WEEK.'"
20081107             This information would be important —SINCE, as Gorman notes, Rizzo controversially helped construct the program that pushed THE—BOUNDARIES—OF—TORTURE.
20081107             —MODIFIED, THOUSANDS—OF—INDIA—FARMERS are committing suicide —AFTER using genetically, crops
20081107             Toyota Feeling —8-YEAR Low As PRO—FITS—PLUNGE:
20081107             Toyota warns FULL—YEAR—PROFIT may dive 74—PROZENT
20081107             TOYOTA—LONG expansionary streak has come to 1—END.
20081107             —SLASHED, THE—JAPAN—CARMAKER —ON—THURSDAY, its annual net profit forecast by 68—PROZENT,
20081107             —URGED, TROY—CLARKE, PRESIDENT—OF—GENERAL—MOTORS—NORTH—AMERICA, auto industry executives to make the case to WASHINGTON leaders that the failure of auto companies would have devastating effects on the economy.
20081107             UK Outlines PLAN—FOR—INTERNET—BLACK—BOXES- - UK top of European cocaine league
20081107             UK: Copy of Orwell's "1524" SENATOR—TO EVERY—MP
20081107             UK: Government black boxes will 'collect EVERY—EMAIL':
20081107             USA—NEWS & World Report-(HealthDay News) Bullies may actually enjoy the pain they cause others,
20081107             USA—TO Sell 55—BILLION—DOLLAR in LONG—TERM Debt —NEXT—WEEK:
20081107             —UMFRAGE: Überwältigende MEHRHEIT—DER—DEUTSCHEN begrüßt OBAMA—WAHL
20081107             Und das wird ein harter KAMPF—ZWISCHEN—DEM wieder erstarkten linken Flügel der PARTEI—ALSO den Bloggern,
20081107             Und wie so oft in letzter Zeit geht hier vom STAAT—MEHR—GEFAHR aus als von den Bürgern.
20081107             Unternehmen: GENERAL—MOTORS versinkt in Schulden
20081107             Unternehmen: Porsche macht mehr Gewinn als UMSATZ—VENEZUELA takes over gold mine:
20081107             WALL—STREET: USA—BÖRSEN schließen deutlich fester
20081107             Windows 7—WILL—LET—MICROSOFT—TRACK—YOUR—EVERY—MOVE
20081107             Your tax dollars are hard at work trying to create the most SCI—FI military in THE—WORLD.
20081107             2—FANS, die einige den restriktiven Auflagen von 1—M sogar entsprechenden Fahnen zum Stadion bringen,
20081107             1—NEW—STUDY using brain scans suggests.
20081107             1—SURVEY by ratings agency MOODY—INVESTORS—SERVICE said —TUESDAY.
20081107             —PUBLISHED, ACCORDING—TO—1—STUDY, in Open Atmospheric Science Journal by 1—GROUP—OF—10—SCIENTISTS from THE—USA, THE—UK—AND—FRANCE.
20081107             and will arrive at PARLIAMENT on or —BEFORE ;;11;;
20081107             5. - 1—DATE—OF well known historical significance for that building.
20081107             as 1—SLOWING economy balloons the budget deficit to 1—RECORD—LEVEL.
20081107             as the financial crisis and mounting layoffs left shoppers too scared to shop.
20081107             aufgeputscht durch antimarxistische und antisemitische Parolen, ÄUß—ERST brutal vor.
20081107             IM—BEOBACHTEN —JETZT beim Fussballspielen die Fans beim Fahnewedeln.
20081107             —INTERESSIERT, Vor allem, mich ja mal,
20081107             but there is no definite timetable and it will most likely cost MORE—PER—MONTH.
20081107             could give the Amazon forest 1—FINANCE—VALUE rivalling the lucrative activities that are eating it away, BRAZIL—OFFICIALS believe.
20081107             dass er einen guten Job gemacht hat.
20081107             Bei GEORGE—W—BUSH denken das gerade einmal 20—PROZENT.
20081107             der NETZ—BASIS, den linken INTELLEKTUELLEN—UND den ewigen Realos, zu denen vor allem die Anhänger der ehemaligen,
20081107             die eigentlich den Einschränkung entsprechenden Fahnen sollen zur 'Gefahrenabwehr' konfisziert werden.
20081107             die sich GLOBAL—AUSGEWIRKT haben.
20081107             die vor den Plänen der Regierung warnten, gibt es keine breite öffentliche Debatte.
20081107             GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS said in newspaper interviews —THURSDAY
20081107             has not achieved its goal of halving the production of cocaine.
20081107             Instead, between
20081107             ihnen mitzuteilen, ob wir die Informationen haben, die Sie erbitten, und ob es,
20081107             is currently operated by CANADA—FIRM—CRYSTALLEX INTERNATIONAL Corp.
20081107             its biggest rate reduction in MORE—THAN—10—YEARS, and THE—EUROPEAN—CENTRAL—BANK lowered its interest rate as expected by half a %age point to 3.25—PROZENT.
20081107             nämlich genau —20—TAGE—SPÄTER, kam die Antwort:
20081107             sagt Hai Cheng von der UNIVERSITÄT—IN—MINNESOTA.
20081107             sagt der KLIMA—FORSCHER. 1—ZUFALL? Haug glaubt nicht daran.
20081107             Offenbar hat es zur ZEIT—DAMALIGE weitreichende Klimaänderungen gegeben,
20081107             schreiben er und seine Kollegen im Wissenschaftsmagazin Science.
20081107             schreiben, dass da die ÜBERRESTE—VON—BEGLEITERN Mohammeds begraben liegen sollen.
20081107             schreibt die Zeitung —AN—DIESEM—MITTWOCH.
20081107             sollte das der Fall sein, im öffentlichen Interesse liegt, Ihnen diese Informationen zur Verfügung zu stellen".
20081107             um über konkrete Pläne und technische Details Auskunft zu erhalten.
20081107             Innerhalb der gesetzlichen Frist, und setzte das öffentlich gleich.
20081107             warning that the figure would drop to a —8—YEAR—LOW.
20081107             werden ebenfalls festgesetzt und fast —1—STUNDE kontrolliert.
20081107             Ihnen wird wortwörtlich 'Präventivhaft' angedroht,
20081107             wie er eine zu große Fahne geschwenkt habe.
20081107             (Den Brief haben wir Euch eingescannt)
20081107             woher sie von der Videoaufnahme zu den Personalen gekommen sind.
20081107             —KONTROLLIERT, Wird da der biometrische Pass am Eingang, und in die DATEN—BANK gepackt oder wie?
20081107             zentristischen Regierung CLINTON gehören.
20081107             zufolge "zum Ziel, die WELTKLASSE—FÄHIGKEITEN des Vereinigten Königreiches bei der Erlangung und Ausbeutung der Kommunikationsdaten von TERROR—ISTEN aufrechtzuerhalten".
20081107             "We do not have the luxury to wait and muddle through".
20081107             He knows how tough the issue IS—HIS—INVOLVEMENT in helping THE—CIA construct the program earned him opposition in Congress that killed his nomination to be THE—CIA—GENERAL—COUNSEL.
20081107             USA—PRESIDENT.—ELECT Obama gave his 1. news conference and vowed to pass 1—STIMULUS—PLAN as his 1. act.
20081107             THE—USA—LABOR—DEPARTMENT said the nation's employers cut 240,000 jobs in October, hurtling THE—USA—UNEMPLOYMENT—RATE to a —14—YEAR—HIGH—OF—6.5—PERCENT.
20081107             —SUSPENDED, GENERAL—MOTORS also said it has, talks to acquire Chrysler.
20081107             —MEANWHILE, Ford Motor Co. said it lost 129—MILLION—DOLLAR in the 3. quarter as the struggling automaker burned through 7—BILLION—DOLLAR in cash and set plans for more job cuts.
20081107             AFGHANISTAN, 1—CLASH—BETWEEN—POLICE and THE—TALIBAN in Zabul province, killed 7—INSURGENTS and WOUNDED—2—POLICEMEN.
20081107             —CLASHED, CHINA, HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE, with police in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—SHENZHEN, throwing stones and setting fire to 1—POLICE—CAR—AFTER 1—MOTORCYCLIST † while trying to avoid 1—CHECKPOINT.
20081107             —JOINED, THE—UN—SECRETARY—GENERAL, AFRICA—LEADERS to try to end the fighting in EAST—CONGO, where 1—FRAGILE—CEASE—FIRE is close to collapse.
20081107             1—UN—OFFICIAL and 1—PEACEKEEPING officer said ANGOLA—TROOPS are fighting alongside CONGO—SOLDIERS battling rebels outside the eastern provincial CAPITAL—OF—GOMA.
20081107             —UNSPECIFIED, THE—UN—OFFICIAL said 1, number of Angolans arrived —4—DAYS—AGO.
20081107             —ARRESTED, EGYPT—POLICE, 25—MUSLIM Brotherhood members at 1—MEETING at Faous, in THE—EAST—NILE Delta.
20081107             European planemaker Airbus said that SPAIN—TOURISM—COMPANY—GRUPO Marsans has signed 1—FIRM—ORDER for 61—AIRCRAFT worth almost  9—BILLION—DOLLAR at list prices.
20081107             AT—LEAST—2—SIGNIFICANT—OPPOSITION—PARTIES, THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY and THE—CHRISTIAN—DEMOCRATS, stayed away from THE—PROTEST, citing the need for postwar unity against RUSSIA.
20081107             GERMANY, KLAUS—ZUMWINKEL, THE—FORMER—HEAD—OF—DEUTSCHE—POST, was charged with tax evasion.
20081107             —STEPPED, He had, down from his post in February —FOLLOWING 1—RAID on his home in Cologne.
20081107             —KILLED, PETIONVILLE—HAITI, the collapse of 1—SCHOOL, AT—LEAST—94—CHILDREN and teachers.
20081107             There may have been HUNDREDS—OF—STUDENTS in La PRO—MESSE school —WHEN the concrete building collapsed.
20081107             Fortin Augustin, the preacher who owns and built College La PRO—MESSE in suburban PORT—AU—PRINCE, was arrested 20081108             and charged with involuntary manslaughter.
20081107             —DECORATED, INDIA said it will send 1—OF—ITS most, army units to join 1—UN—MISSION in CONGO and support other INDIA—TROOPS as CONGO—REBELS—ADVANCE to seize fresh areas.
20081107             1—ENVIRONMENTALIST—GROUP and 4—NIGERIANS filed SUIT—AGAINST—ROYAL—HOLLAND—SHELL—PLC in THE—NETHERLANDS, claiming the company was negligent in cleaning up oil spills in NIGERIA.
20081107             —SUSPECTED, PAKISTAN, USA—DRONES fired missiles into Kam Sam, on the border between North and SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN, killing 13—MILITANTS, including 4—5—FOREIGNERS.
20081107             —INFURIATED, This was the latest in 1—SERIES—OF—STRIKES that has, PAKISTAN.
20081107             —FIRED, PALESTINE—MILITANTS in THE—GAZA—STRIP, AT—LEAST—3—ROCKETS at SOUTH—ISRAEL, fraying a —5—MONTH—TRUCE that has been tested sorely —THIS—WEEK.
20081107             There were no injuries.
20081107             —DEDICATED, GENERAL—MOTORS—CORP., its 1. RUSSIA—ASSEMBLY—PLANT, a 300—MILLION—DOLLAR, 70,000-car-a-year factory —JUST outside of S—PETERSBURG.
20081107             —HIJACKED, Pirates near SOMALIA, 1—DENMARK—CARGO ship with 13—CREW members, which consisted of Russians and Ukrainians.
20081107             —REDUCED, SOUTH—KOREA, its key interest rate by.25—PROZENT, its 3. cut in —4—WEEKS.
20081107             Die neuen TERROR—ISTEN: Fotografen. Ja, —SCHON—WIEDER.
20081107             POLIZEI—KONTROLLE, weil jemand wie 1—FOTOGRAPH aussah (in ENGLAND übrigens).
20081107             Und er filmt das und packt es auf Youtube.
20081107             (Danke, Stefan) - Die neuen TERROR—ISTEN: fahnenschwenkende Fussballfans.
20081107             —BEKOMMT, Ein weiterer Fan, —TAGE—NACH—DEM Spiel einen Brief, er sei per Videoüberwachung identifiziert worden (!!!), wie er eine zu große Fahne geschwenkt habe.
20081107             (Den Brief haben wir EUCH—EINGESCANNT ) Na sowas.
20081107             Die schönen Videokameras, die wir gegen die TERROR—ISTEN angeschafft haben, beobachten —JETZT beim Fussballspielen die Fans beim Fahnewedeln.
20081107             —INTERESSIERT, Vor allem, mich ja mal, woher sie von der Videoaufnahme zu den Personalen gekommen sind.
20081107             Krasse Scheisse.
20081107             2—FANS, die einige den restriktiven Auflagen von 1—M sogar entsprechenden Fahnen zum Stadion bringen, werden ebenfalls festgesetzt und fast —1—STUNDE kontrolliert.
20081107             Ihnen wird wortwörtlich 'Präventivhaft' angedroht, die eigentlich den Einschränkung entsprechenden Fahnen sollen zur 'Gefahrenabwehr' konfisziert werden.
20081107             Security researcher JOE—STEWART talks ABOUT—BRAZIL sees carbon market saving Amazon
20081107             Growing concern over climate change, and THE—POTENTIAL—OF—THE—CARBON—CREDIT—MARKET, could give the Amazon forest 1—FINANCE—VALUE rivalling the lucrative activities that are eating it away, BRAZIL—OFFICIALS believe.
20081107             Revised Theory Suggests Carbon Dioxide Levels Already in Danger Zone (PhysOrg_com) - If climate disasters are to be averted, atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) must be reduced below the levels that already exist —TODAY, ACCORDING—TO—1—STUDY published in Open Atmospheric Science Journal by 1—GROUP—OF—10—SCIENTISTS from THE—USA, THE—UK—AND—FRANCE.
20081107             UK Outlines PLAN—FOR—INTERNET—BLACK—BOXES
20081107             RobotsDinner - "In what sounds like 1—DYSTOPIAN—SCI—FI plot, the Home Office has made public plans to outfit the country's INTERNET with upstream data recorders to log pretty much everything that passes through.
20081107             urgent " attention:
20081107             SAUDI—ARABIA—HUNGER—STRIKE for prisoners Nearly 70—PEOPLE are on hunger strike in SAUDI—ARABIA, to draw attention to the hundreds in detention without trial.
20081107             The problem? Other than turning THE—LOCATION—REPORTING feature on or off, the user has no CONTROL—OVER—HOW the data is used.
20081107             UK top of European cocaine league THE—UK has the highest number of cocaine users in THE—EU for the 5. —YEAR running, 1—REPORT suggests.
20081107             FEILDEN—BLOG—EXPERIMENTS on the great apes to be banned by THE—EU
20081107             Brain Scans Show Bullies Enjoy Others' Pain USA—NEWS & World Report-(HealthDay News) Bullies may actually enjoy the pain they cause others, 1—NEW—STUDY using brain scans suggests.
20081107             —ASSOCIATED, THE—PART—OF—THE—BRAIN, with reward lights up —WHEN 1—AGGRESSIVE—TEEN watches 1—VIDEO—OF someone hurting another.
20081107             Pain May Be Pleasurable for SOME—BULLIES
20081107             —APPROVED, Tethering App Coming To iPhone InformationWeek - 1, way to use the iPhone 3G as 1—WIRELESS—MODEM for computers is expected soon, but there is no definite timetable and it will most likely cost MORE—PER—MONTH.
20081107             IM—IN seiner Studie fand Haug zudem Hinweise auf weitere KULTUR—KATASTROPHEN: "Die MAYA—ZIVILISATION in Südamerika kollabierte etwa zeitgleich mit der TANG—DYNASTIE in CHINA", sagt der KLIMA—FORSCHER.
20081107             1—ZUFALL? Haug glaubt nicht daran.
20081107             Offenbar hat es zur ZEIT—DAMALIGE weitreichende Klimaänderungen gegeben, die sich GLOBAL—AUSGEWIRKT haben.
20081107             "Schwache Monsunperioden haben in den vergangene—18000000             EN zum Kollaps ganzer Dynastien geführt", sagt Hai Cheng von der UNIVERSITÄT—IN—MINNESOTA.
20081107             Aufstieg und FALL—DER—HERRSCHERGESCHLECHTER seien eindeutig mit dem Wechsel des KLIMA—S verbunden gewesen, schreiben er und seine Kollegen im Wissenschaftsmagazin Science.
20081107             —GIPFELTREFFEN: EUROPA fordert von USA lückenlose FINANZ—KONTROLLE
20081107             Zinssenkungen der ZENTRAL—BANKEN: Das große Wettrennen auf die 0 - USA—AUTOFIRMEN fahren NEGATIVREKORD—E
20081107             Half a million Americans lose jobs in —2—MONTHS—EU—GIPFEL verlangt 2. Weltfinanztreffen
20081107             —AGREED, IMF bails out UKRAINE: THE—IMF has already, to lend ICELAND 1—BILLION—DOLLAR and is in talks with HUNGARY for 1 estimated 10—BILLION—DOLLAR to 5—BILLION—DOLLAR in loans.
20081107             European Banks Cut Rates Sharply : THE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND unexpectedly reduced its benchmark rate by 1.5—PROZENTAGE—POINTS, its biggest rate reduction in MORE—THAN—10—YEARS, and THE—EUROPEAN—CENTRAL—BANK lowered its interest rate as expected by half a %age point to 3.25—PROZENT.
20081107             30—USA—STATES in recession, 19 at risk : Moody's: 30—USA—STATES were mired in recession —IN—SEPTEMBER, and 19—OTHERS are at risk of falling into recession in the coming months, 1—SURVEY by ratings agency MOODY—INVESTORS—SERVICE said —TUESDAY.
20081107             USA to Sell 55—BILLION—DOLLAR in LONG—TERM—DEBT—NEXT—WEEK : THE—USA—TREASURY said it plans to sell 55—BILLION—DOLLAR in LONG—TERM—GOVERNMENT—DEBT this quarter and bring back auctions of —3—YEAR—NOTES, as 1—SLOWING economy balloons the budget deficit to 1—RECORD—LEVEL.
20081107             Retailers report steep sales declines in October : The nation's retailers saw their sales plummet —LAST—MONTH to the weakest October level —SINCE At—least—19690000           , as the financial crisis and mounting layoffs left shoppers too scared to shop.
20081107             —EXPECTED, Jobless claims higher than : Number of Americans filing for unemployment insurance reaches 481,000, those continuing to receive benefits at —25—YEAR—HIGH.
20081107             Toyota Feeling —8-YEAR Low As PRO—FITS—PLUNGE : TOYOTA—LONG expansionary streak has come to 1—END.
20081107             —SLASHED, THE—JAPAN—CARMAKER —ON—THURSDAY, its annual net profit forecast by 68—PROZENT, warning that the figure would drop to a —8—YEAR—LOW.
20081107             GENERAL—MOTORS—EXECUTIVE: NEXT—100—DAYS—CRITICAL—FOR GENERAL—MOTORS, USA Auto Industry : TROY—CLARKE, PRESIDENT—OF—GENERAL—MOTORS—NORTH—AMERICA, urged auto industry executives to make the case to WASHINGTON leaders that the failure of auto companies would have devastating effects on the economy.
20081107             UK: Government black boxes will 'collect EVERY—EMAIL' : INTERNET "black boxes" will be used to collect EVERY—EMAIL and web visit in THE—UK—UNDER—THE—GOVERNMENT—PLANS for 1—GIANT "big brother" database, THE—INDEPENDENT has learnt.
20081107             VENEZUELA takes over gold mine : Las Cristinas mine, which is rich with gold, diamonds, iron and other minerals, is currently operated by CANADA—FIRM—CRYSTALLEX INTERNATIONAL Corp.
20081107             Plan COLOMBIA did not achieve goals:
20081107             ACCORDING—TO—1—USA—CONGRESS—REPORT—PLAN—COLOMBIA, which has cost MORE—THAN—4.5—BILLION—EUROS, has not achieved its goal of halving the production of cocaine.
20081107             Instead, BETWEEN—THE—GENERAL—MOTORS genocide:
20081107             ROMANIA—MINISTER says 500—TROOPS to leave IRAQ : ROMANIA—DEFENSE—MINISTER says the country's 501—PEACEKEEPERS in IRAQ will all leave by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
20081107             BULGARIA plans to withdraw its 155-strong military contingent in IRAQ —WHEN its mandate expires —AT—THE—END—OF—THIS—YEAR, GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS said in newspaper interviews —THURSDAY
20081107             THE—LAST—RIDE on the Straight Talk Express
20081107             Das Gericht fand, dass da 300—400—JAHRE—ALTE—RÄBER waren,
20081107             andere Quellen schreiben, dass da die ÜBERRESTE—VON—BEGLEITERN Mohammeds begraben liegen sollen.
20081107             Aber die Ironie ist —SCHON heftig.
20081107             Dann kam der Herr Hartenbank von der Umfallerpartei und setzte das öffentlich gleich.
20081107             Sowas hätte man vielleicht —BISHER von der CSU erwartet, aber die SPD gab sich immer den Hauch von "wir machen das aus Inkompetenz, Eigennutz und Korruptionsgründenn, nicht aus Bösartigkeit".
20081107             Amputated limbs that grow back with THE—HELP—OF—1—NANO—SCAFFOLD.
20081107             Als CLINTON aus dem WEIßES—HAUS auszog, FANDEN—NICHT zuletzt dank Emanuels unermüdlicher ARBEIT—IMMER noch 68—PROZENT—DER—AMERIKANER, dass er einen guten Job gemacht hat.
20081107             Und das wird ein harter KAMPF—ZWISCHEN—DEM wieder erstarkten linken Flügel der PARTEI—ALSO den Bloggern, der NETZ—BASIS, den linken INTELLEKTUELLEN—UND den ewigen Realos, zu denen vor allem die Anhänger der ehemaligen, zentristischen Regierung CLINTON gehören.
20081107             1—MITGLIED—DER—BÜRGERRECHTSORGANISATION—OPEN—RIGHTS—GROUP hatte —SCHON—IM—AUGUST eine detaillierte Anfrage an das Innenministerium gestellt, um über konkrete Pläne und technische Details Auskunft zu erhalten.
20081107             Innerhalb der gesetzlichen Frist, nämlich genau —20—TAGE—SPÄTER, kam die Antwort: "Wir sind im Augenblick dabei, zu prüfen, ob es im öffentlichen Interesse liegt, ihnen mitzuteilen, ob wir die Informationen haben, die Sie erbitten, und ob es, sollte das der Fall sein, im öffentlichen Interesse liegt, Ihnen diese Informationen zur Verfügung zu stellen".
20081107             Sie würden "JEDE—E—MAIL und JEDE—AUFGERUFENE—WEBSITE in einer gigantischen 'Big BROTHER'—DATENBANK speichern", schreibt die Zeitung —AN—DIESEM—MITTWOCH.
20081107             Doch obwohl es IN—DEN—VERGANGENE—TAGEWOCHEN—SCHON diverse Zeitungsberichte gab, die vor den Plänen der Regierung warnten, gibt es keine breite öffentliche Debatte.
20081107             DOMINIC—GRIEVE, der SCHATTEN—INNENMINISTER der Tories, warnte in der Zeitung "New Scotsman" —SCHON—IM—OKTOBER: "Der Gedanke, dass die Regierung ihre Macht einsetzen könnte, um Kommunikationsdaten ohne vorherige öffentliche Debatte abzufangen, wäre ÄUß—ERST unheimlich".
20081107             Dieses hat einem
20081107             ARBEITS—PAPIER des BRITISCHEN—INNENMINISTERIUMS zufolge "zum Ziel, die WELTKLASSE—FÄHIGKEITEN des Vereinigten Königreiches bei der Erlangung und Ausbeutung der Kommunikationsdaten von TERROR—ISTEN aufrechtzuerhalten".
20081107             Konjunktur: DEUTSCHE—EXPORTE legen —IM—SEPTEMBER zu
20081107             Neuer Lebensstil: CHINA verlangt ÖKO—KURSWENDE vom reichen Westen
20081107             Kurseinbruch: ANGST—VOR—WELTREZESSION drückt auf die Stimmung in JAPAN
20081107             —FINANZ—KRISE, Noch mehr Landesbanken wollen Hilfe vom STAAT
20081107             Der Nasdaq Stock Market 100—VERLOR 4,46—PROZENT auf 1.241,97—PUNKTE.
20081107             DEUTSCHE—FÖRDERBANK: Warum die KfW den NORWEGISCHEN—MITTELSTAND unterstützt
20081107             Pleitebank: BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG entschädigt ICESAVE—KUNDEN
20081107             Schwere Vorwürfe: McCain und Palin rechnen miteinander ab
20081107             Erdmantel: Auf der SUCHE—NACH—DEM verlorenen Blei
20081107             Hoffnung in BHUTAN: Der Drachenkönig ist gekrönt
20081107             —WIRTSCHAFTS—KRISE, EZB senkt Leitzins auf 3,25—PROZENT
20081107             Brain Scans Show Bullies Enjoy Others' Pain - BRAZIL sees carbon market saving Amazon
20081107             La Audiencia paraliza la apertura de las FOSAS—DE—LA—GUERRA Civil
20081107             Mit Gummiknüppeln, Totschlägern, Reitpeitschen und auch mit Waffen aus den Beständen der REICHS—WEHR ging sie,
20081107             ROMANIA—DEFENSE—MINISTER says the country's 501—PEACEKEEPERS in IRAQ will all leave BY—THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
20081107             —GEFÖRDERT, Von ihren Gönnern ermuntert und, waren die begehrlichen Blicke der NAZI—FÜHRER—RASCH über die BAYERN—LANDESGRENZEN hinausgegangen.
20081107             Im - beobachten —JETZT beim Fussballspielen die Fans beim Fahnewedeln.
20081107             but there is no definite timetable and it will most likely cost more per —MONTH.
20081107             werden ebenfalls festgesetzt und FAST—1—STUNDE kontrolliert.
20081107             zufolge "zum Ziel, die WELTKLASSE—FÄHIGKEITEN des Vereinigten KÖNIG—REICH bei der Erlangung und Ausbeutung der Kommunikationsdaten von Jerroristen aufrechtzuerhalten".
20081107             2—FANS, die einige den restriktiven Auflagen von 1—M sogar entsprechenden Fahnen zum Stadion bringen, werden ebenfalls festgesetzt und FAST—1—STUNDE kontrolliert.
20081107             Security researcher JOE—STEWART talks about - BRAZIL sees carbon market saving Amazon
20081107             —APPROVED, Tethering App Coming To iPhone InformationWeek - 1, way to use the iPhone 3G as 1—WIRELESS—MODEM for computers is expected soon, but there is no definite timetable and it will most likely cost more per —MONTH.
20081107             Mit Gummiknüppeln, Totschlägern, Reitpeitschen und auch mit Waffen aus den Beständen der REICHS—WEHR ging sie, aufgeputscht durch antimarxistische und antisemitische Parolen, ÄUß—ERST brutal vor.
20081107             ROMANIA—MINISTER says 500—TROOPS to leave IRAQ : ROMANIA—DEFENSE—MINISTER says the country's 501—PEACEKEEPERS in IRAQ will all leave BY—THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
20081107             ARBEITS—PAPIER des BRITISCHEN—INNENMINISTERIUMS zufolge "zum Ziel, die WELTKLASSE—FÄHIGKEITEN des Vereinigten KÖNIG—REICH bei der Erlangung und Ausbeutung der Kommunikationsdaten von Jerroristen aufrechtzuerhalten".
20081107—0080000     in den VERGANGENE—JAHRE, "Schwache Monsunperioden haben  zum Kollaps ganzer Dynastien geführt",
20081107—19890700    —FROM, Rakowski, 1—HISTORIAN and journalist, was CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—COMMUNIST—POLAND—UNITED WORKERS—PARTY—UNTIL the party was dissolved at its 19900100             congress —DURING—THE—COUNTRY'S—BLOODLESS—TRANSITION to democracy.
20081107—20010000    —SINCE —1—BOTNET that's been quietly sending BANK—ACCOUNT—LOG—IN information back to RUSSIA.
20081107—20010911    —NACH, "Dramatisch wie ": 500.000—VERLIEREN in USA ihren Job
20081107—20070000    —SEIT, Eigentlich ist das PRO—JEKT —SCHON ÖFFENTLICH—ALLERDINGS hat die Regierung die Überwachungspläne mit wolkigen Formulierungen kaschiert.
20081107—20080116    —RELEASED, THE—CEC—FUTURE was, —FOLLOWING 1—RANSOM payment by Clipper PRO—JECTS.
20081107—20090000    —REPORTED, GENERAL—MOTORS—CORP., 5—BILLION—DOLLAR—LOSSES in the 3. quarter, burning through 9—BILLION—DOLLAR in cash and warned that it could run OUT—OF—CASH.
20090811—20121107    —CONVICTED—OF, Burris was, the double murder.
20091020             —ORDERED, AFGHANISTAN—ELECTION—COMMISSION, a 20091107             runoff in the disputed presidential poll —AFTER 1—FRAUD—INVESTIGATION dropped incumbent HAMID—KARZAI—VOTES below 50—PERCENT—OF—THE—TOTAL.
20091021—20091107    —IN—THE, AFGHANISTAN, EX—FOREIGN—MINISTER—ABDULLAH—ABDULLAH, PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI—CHIEF—POLITICAL—RIVAL, agreed to take part runoff election, setting the stage for 1—HIGH—STAKES showdown in the face of TALIBAN threats and approaching —WINTER snows.
20091021—20091107    —AM, —NUN kommt es zu einer Stichwahl.
20091102             THE—CANCELLATION—OF—THE—RUNOFF—VOTE came —1—DAY—AFTER FORMER—FOREIGN—MINISTER—ABDULLAH—ABDULLAH announced he was pulling out of 20091107             —THE vote.
20091104—20091107    —RELEASED, She was, and 3—KIDNAPPERS were arrested.
20091104—20091107    JOHANN—BABTISTA—BERG: Die ehemalige S—ANDREAS—PFARR—KIRCHE zu Steinfeld.
20091104—20091107    Die Sonnenuhren im Kloster.
20091104—20091107    19321104             —VOM, In: Bitburger Zeitung/Unsere Heimat in GEGEN—WWRT und Vergangenheit.
20091104—20091107    —SNATCHED, Kidnappers, 1—USA—WOMAN, 21—JAHRE—ALT, from her car in TIJUANA and threatened to kill her unless they were paid 200.000—DOLLAR.
20091107             00010101—01001231    —IN—THE, The same tribes would bind together to face ROMAN—INVADERS and would be called Caledonii by TACITUS, the historian,
20091107             "—BIS—JETZT hat KOLUMBIEN weder Interesse an dem Geld noch an dessen Geschichte gezeigt", schrieb Coronel.
20091107             "Generäle fordern immer zusätzliche Truppen", sagte er: "Ich bin überzeugt, dass wir die PRO—BLEME vor Ort nicht allein durch den EINSATZ—VON—MILITÄR lösen".
20091107             und bei der SCHWEIZER—UBS eine knappe Million.
20091107             Insgesamt dienen MEHR—ALS—20—FAMILIENANGEHÖRIGE eines KOLUMBIANISCHEN—GELDWÄSCHERS nach 1. Erkenntnissen der Ermittler als Strohmänner
20091107             Along with THE—ANXIETY—OF—DEPENDENCE came the desire to control that return, —WHEN possible,
20091107             As with most aboriginal peoples, THE—PEOPLE—OF—THE—NORTH—WEST—COAST were highly dependent on natural resources and salmon was their most important food.
20091107             Bei der LUXEMBURGISCHEN—BGL BNP Paribas sollen beispielsweise CA—2—MILLIONEN—DOLLAR liegen,
20091107             Beschluss: USA prüfen Modernisierung ihrer ATOM—WAFFEN in DEUTSCHLAND
20091107             Chai Time: Wie ein Einäugiger TERROR—ISTEN erschrecken soll
20091107             Collaborating with 1—OF—AMERICA—MOST notorious racists, MADISON—GRANT, he conceived 1—PLAN.
20091107             Dabei könnte es auch um die Auslieferung mutmaßlicher Hintermänner und Helfer der Geldwäsche gehen,
20091107             Denn das war doch —SEIT—JAHREN ihre Politik.
20091107             Solange das so bleibt, wird es mit uns keine Zusammenarbeit geben.
20091107             Denn die Nachfrage nach Sicherheitspersonal wächst mit jedem TERROR—ANSCHLAG, entsprechend steigen DIE—PREISE.
20091107             Der Alte verdient zwar weniger als 150—EURO —IM—MONAT, vermutlich würde er für dieses Geld im Angriffsfall eher weglaufen,
20091107             Die Frage ist, ob man durch Verbote den Konsum einschränkt oder ob man ihn damit lediglich in kriminelle Randbereiche abdrängt.
20091107             Die Liste, die die Zeitschrift "Semana" —JETZT veröffentlichte, ist präzise:
20091107             Die Waffe aus der PRODUKTION—DER—BELGISCHEN—FIRMA—FN—HERSTAL wird von POLIZEI—SPEZIALEINHEITEN mehrerer Staaten einschließlich der USA,
20091107             3. Quartal: FREDDIE—MAC schreibt erneut Milliardenverlust
20091107             Enteignung: HRE—ALTAKTIONÄRE ziehen vor VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT
20091107             Es gebe keine Obergrenze, die das PRO—BLEM lösen würde.
20091107             "Wir könnten 200.000—SOLDATEN dort im Einsatz haben,
20091107             Geplatzter MAGNA—DEAL: EU warnte DEUTSCHLAND früh vor OPEL—FALLE
20091107             —WANTED, Grant, to promote 'scientific racism', talking in terms of 'PURITY—OF—TYPE',
20091107             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS, "PRINT—ODER Onlinemedien, wer stirbt zuerst?"
20091107             Homo sapiens is completely different from ANY—OTHER hominid that ever EXISTED—WE process information about THE—WORLD in 1—DIFFERENT—WAY".
20091107             I agree.
20091107             I think ABU—GHRAIB [was used in this way] too.
20091107             I am 1—BIT—OF—1—CONSPIRACY—THEORIST—WHEN it comes to THE—ABU—GHRAIB photographs.
20091107             I think that Psi Ops could see that NEWSWEEK wanted it to be 1—FUNNY—STORY, the idea of musical torture,
20091107             —EXPLAINED, It was abundant but what, its return EACH—YEAR?
20091107             It was 1—EXAMPLE—OF what he called "either piracy or KAPITALISTSHIP—DEPENDING on which SIDE—OF—THE—FENCE you're on".
20091107             JR: I really believe that.
20091107             I think 1—CONTRIBUTION that my book has is to look at the military in this way.
20091107             Kolumbiens Kokain: Die vergessenen Millionen des MEDELLIN—KARTELLS
20091107             —VERÄRGERT, —KONFLIKT an der Grenze zu INDIEN: DALAI—LAMA—BESUCH, CHINA
20091107             Kosten der Krise: BRITEN—PREMIER Brown droht Banken mit SÜHNE—STEUER
20091107             —VERDREIFACHT, Multimilliardär: WARREN—BUFFETS—INVESTMENTGESELLSCHAFT, Gewinn
20091107             NP: There really is this sense that the lunatics have taken over the asylum,
20091107             —GEHÖRT, SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Frau Wagenknecht, ein "Recht auf Rausch" zur freien Entfaltung der Persönlichkeit?
20091107             Salmon, in fact, may be the key to understanding THE—PURPOSE—OF—MANY of the petroglyphs.
20091107             Sein Kollege, —DER—NACHTS in dem Wachhäuschen HOCKT—MANCHMAL schläft er auch,
20091107             —INZWISCHEN, Sicherheit hat, seinen Preis.
20091107             So steht es im PRO—GRAMMENTWURF der NRW—LINKEN zur Landtagswahl im KOMMENDEN—JAHR.
20091107             Soon, however, he came to the attention of WILLIAM—HORNADAY, 1—CONSERVATIONIST and DIRECTOR—OF—THE—BRONX—ZOO.
20091107             Stattdessen brachte der oberste Sicherheitsberater der Regierung Obama eine Übertragung von Verantwortung auf AFGHANISCHE—INSTITUTIONEN und einen Rückzug der NATO—STREITKRÄFTE ins Gespräch.
20091107             Tanganjikasee: Wildes Fischen mit Moskitonetzen
20091107             —BELONGED, The jewellery probably, to MEMBERS—OF—1—CELTIC—SPEAKING tribe, PRO—FESSOR Ralston said.
20091107             THE—WIDE—EYED gaze of so MANY—PETROGLYPHS is 1—TESTAMENT to the supernatural POWER—OF—THE—SPIRIT—WORLD,
20091107             —CONCLUDED, They, that the movie, shot on 35mm nitrate film, had been put together as a 1. world war PROPAGANDA piece aimed at defusing FEAR—OF—AIRSHIP bombing raids,
20091107             Vielleicht auch deshalb hielten sich die KOLUMBIANISCHEN—BEHÖRDEN auffällig zurück:
20091107             Wagenknecht: Die SPD muss überhaupt —ERST mal wieder willens sein, soziale Politik mitzutragen,
20091107             Wagenknecht: Diese Debatte wird völlig hochgespielt.
20091107             —GEFORDERT, Auch die Grünen haben —SCHON lange,
20091107             aber auch von der MEXIKANISCHEN—RAUSCHGIFTMAFIA verwendet.
20091107             als das Haus seines Auftraggebers zu verteidigen.
20091107             and THE—SURVIVAL—OF—THE—WHITE—MASTER—RACE.
20091107             and they —JUST jumped on it as 1—POSSIBILITY because —WHEN you've got 1—FUNNY,
20091107             as well as the necessity to propitiate the salmon who sacrificed its life for their nourishment because,
20091107             beim Kreditinstitut Crédit Lyonnais aus FRANKREICH werden 1,6—MILLIONEN vermutet
20091107             bekommt ein paar Rupien mehr.
20091107             Aber wer —HEUTE einen wirklich professionellen Wachdienst sucht, dass weiche Drogen legalisiert werden.
20091107             Das heißt nicht, dass wir es toll fänden,
20091107             deren erstklassige Kontakte —BIS in die hohe Politik reichen.
20091107             evolutionary biologist Clive Finlayson at THE—GIBRALTAR—MUSEUM in SPAIN speculates the Neanderthals fell victim to 1—COOLING—OF—THE—CLIMATE that deteriorated their environment too rapidly for them to adapt.
20091107             kann auch MEHR—ALS—1000—EURO monatlich dafür ausgeben.
20091107             kniet auf dem Gebetsteppich, den er auf dem Rasen ausrollt, oder spielt mit den Wachleuten der anderen Nachbarn Karten -,
20091107             of which the salmon was 1—IMPORTANT—FIGURE.
20091107             the historian, in THE—1—CENTURY€"—CENTURY AD.
20091107             und das Land wird sie aufsaugen, wie es das in der Vergangenheit —SCHON getan hat".
20091107             und sich von ihren neoliberalen DOGMEN—PRIVATISIERUNG, Deregulierung, LOHN—UND SOZIALDUMPING—VERABSCHIEDEN.
20091107             wenn möglichst VIELE—LEUTE kiffen.
20091107             which also happens to be the most well armed institution in THE—WORLD.
20091107             It's 1—LITTLE worrying.
20091107             which is basically what people would like us to believe.
20091107             I think there was something 1—LOT—MORE organized and 1—LOT—MORE thought out going on there
20091107             —PASSED, THE—DEMOCRATIC—CONTROLLED House narrowly, landmark health care reform legislation (220-215), handing USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA 1—HARD won victory on his signature domestic priority.
20091107             —KILLED, WEST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—USA—SERVICE member was, in 1—INSURGENT attack.
20091107             † 1—UK—SOLDIER was killed by 1—EXPLOSION in THE—SOUTH—PROVINCE—OF—HELMAND.
20091107             —ATTACKED, In the east militants twice, 1—FUEL—SUPPLY—CONVOY as it traveled along 1—MAIN—SUPPLY—ROUTE between PAKISTAN and KABUL.
20091107             Police said AT—LEAST—2—PRIVATE—SECURITY—GUARDS and 1—POLICEMAN were wounded in THE—ATTACKS.
20091107             AFRICA—UNION—PEACE and Security Commissioner Ramtane Lamamra said THE—AU has implemented SANCTIONS—ON—GUINEA—MILITARY—RULERS.
20091107             —DECLARED, AUSTRALIA—AUTHORITIES, 1—NATURAL—DISASTER along PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY—EAST—COAST as heavy floods cut the main road linking major cities, stranding THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE.
20091107             UK—BOXER DAVID—HAYE, 29—JAHRE—ALT, won THE—WBA—HEAVYWEIGHT crown against 7-foot, 2-inch RUSSIA—NIKOLAI—VALUEV in a 12-round bout in GERMANY.
20091107             CHINA—PRIME—MINISTER—WEN—JIAOBAO sought to reassure THE—WORLD—MUSLIMS about his country's goodwill towards them in CAIRO, at 1—TIME—WHEN BEIJING is criticized for the treatment of its own Muslim minority.
20091107             —REJECTED, Senior IRAN—LAWMAKERS, ANY—POSSIBILITY—OF—TEHRAN shipping uranium abroad for further enrichment, intensifying pressures on THE—GOVERNMENT to reject THE—UN—BACKED plan altogether.
20091107             —ARRESTED, ITALIEN—PARAMILITARY—POLICE, LUIGI—ESPOSITO in Posillipo, 1—NORTHERN—COASTAL suburb of Naples.
20091107             —FUNNELED, Esposito was said to be 1—EXPERT—MONEY—LAUNDERER, who, illicit cash from drug trafficking into tourism and other businesses for the Camorra crime syndicate.
20091107             JAPAN, a —66—JAHRE—ALT man was hit by 1—CAR and killed.
20091107             —LINKED, Investigators —LATER, 1—USA—ARMY—SOLDIER to THE—HIT—AND—RUN—ACCIDENT in Okinawa.
20091107             —AGREED, LEBANON—SYRIAN—BACKED factions finally, on 1—UNITY—GOVERNMENT proposed by their PRO—WESTERN—RIVALS, ending a —4—MONTH deadlock in the deeply divided country.
20091107             —KILLED, PAKISTAN—MILITARY said it had, 12—TALIBAN militants as GOVERNMENT—TROOPS pressed 1—MAJOR—OFFENSIVE in THE—SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN tribal area bordering AFGHANISTAN.
20091107             2—TEACHERS and 1—STUDENT were injured —WHEN suspected militants hurled 1—HAND—GRENADE at 1—GIRLS' school in QUETTA, THE—CAPITAL—SOUTH—WEST—BALUCHISTAN province.
20091107             Nähe zu IRAN: EX—SIEMENS—SICHERHEITSCHEF soll als Agent gearbeitet haben
20091107             Dabei könnte es auch um die Auslieferung mutmaßlicher Hintermänner und Helfer der Geldwäsche gehen, deren erstklassige Kontakte —BIS in die hohe Politik reichen.
20091107             Vielleicht auch deshalb hielten sich die KOLUMBIANISCHEN—BEHÖRDEN auffällig zurück: "—BIS—JETZT hat KOLUMBIEN weder Interesse an dem Geld noch an dessen Geschichte gezeigt", schrieb Coronel.
20091107             Bei der LUXEMBURGISCHEN—BGL BNP Paribas sollen beispielsweise CA—2—MILLIONEN—DOLLAR liegen, beim Kreditinstitut Crédit Lyonnais aus FRANKREICH werden 1,6—MILLIONEN vermutet
20091107             Druck auf Guttenberg: CSU fordert Ausstiegsstrategie für AFGHANISTAN
20091107             Die Waffe aus der PRODUKTION—DER—BELGISCHEN—FIRMA—FN—HERSTAL wird von POLIZEI—SPEZIALEINHEITEN mehrerer Staaten einschließlich der USA, aber auch von der MEXIKANISCHEN—RAUSCHGIFTMAFIA verwendet.
20091107             exposing as moral pygmies the lesser men who would cage 1—HUMAN.
20091107             —WANTED, Grant, to promote 'scientific racism', talking in terms of 'PURITY—OF—TYPE', and THE—SURVIVAL—OF—THE—WHITE—MASTER—RACE.
20091107             Along with THE—ANXIETY—OF—DEPENDENCE came the desire to control that return, —WHEN possible, as well as the necessity to propitiate the salmon who sacrificed its life for their nourishment because,
20091107             as 1—SHAMAN once said to anthropologist KNUD—RASMUSSEN, "We fear the souls...of the animals we have killed...the greatest peril in life lies in the fact that HUMAN—FOOD—CONSISTS—ENTIRELY—OF—SOULS".
20091107             THE—WIDE—EYED gaze of so MANY—PETROGLYPHS is 1—TESTAMENT to the supernatural POWER—OF—THE—SPIRIT—WORLD, of which the salmon was 1—IMPORTANT—FIGURE.
20091107             "Wir könnten 200.000—SOLDATEN dort im Einsatz haben, und das Land wird sie aufsaugen, wie es das in der Vergangenheit —SCHON getan hat".
20091107             Mehr Truppen für AFGHANISTAN: OBAMA—SICHERHEITSBERATER widerspricht USA—MILITÄR
20091107             which had been launched on BRITAIN by GERMANY from the beginning of 19150000             .
20091107             I think that Psi Ops could see that NEWSWEEK wanted it to be 1—FUNNY—STORY, the idea of musical torture, and they —JUST jumped on it as 1—POSSIBILITY because —WHEN you've got 1—FUNNY,
20091107             slapstick story about torture that's so enjoyable nobody's going to want to try and find 1—DARKER—STORY about torture
20091107             I don't think what you are witnessing in those ABU—GHRAIB photographs is —JUST random hick cruelty,
20091107             NP: As you speculate in your book, do you actually believe that Gitmo was —JUST "Experimental Lab Mark 1" for THE—ARMY—PSI—OPS—ESSENTIALLY 1—EXTENSION—OF—PROJECT—ARTICHOKE
20091107             which tested out new torture techniques on "expendables" back 1950s 20091107             20091107             which also happens to be the most well armed institution in THE—WORLD.
20091107             Der Alte verdient zwar weniger als 150—EURO —IM—MONAT, vermutlich würde er für dieses Geld im Angriffsfall eher weglaufen, als das Haus seines Auftraggebers zu verteidigen.
20091107             Sein Kollege, —DER—NACHTS in dem Wachhäuschen HOCKT—MANCHMAL schläft er auch, kniet auf dem Gebetsteppich, den er auf dem Rasen ausrollt, oder spielt mit den Wachleuten der anderen Nachbarn Karten -,
20091107             Aber wer —HEUTE einen wirklich professionellen Wachdienst sucht, kann auch MEHR—ALS—1000—EURO monatlich dafür ausgeben.
20091107             Wagenknecht: Die SPD muss überhaupt —ERST mal wieder willens sein, soziale Politik mitzutragen, und sich von ihren neoliberalen DOGMEN—PRIVATISIERUNG, Deregulierung, LOHN—UND SOZIALDUMPING—VERABSCHIEDEN.
20091107             —GEFORDERT, Auch die Grünen haben —SCHON lange, dass weiche Drogen legalisiert werden.
20091107             Das heißt nicht, dass wir es toll fänden, wenn möglichst VIELE—LEUTE kiffen.
20091107             Kein Mensch weiß, nach welchen Kriterien DIE—POLIZEI Leute anhält.
20091107             The same tribes would bind together to face Roman invaders and would be called Caledonii by TACITUS,
20091107             kann auch MEHR—ALS—1000—EURO —PRO—MONAT, dafür ausgeben.
20091107             which tested out new torture techniques on "expendables" back 19500000             s 20091107             [...]
20091107             —KRISE, am ARBEITS—MARKT: Bundesagentur erwartet 18—MILLIARDEN—EURO Defizit
20091107             Aber wer —HEUTE einen wirklich professionellen Wachdienst sucht, kann auch MEHR—ALS—1000—EURO —PRO—MONAT, dafür ausgeben.
20091107—20030000    —BECAME, Haye, the 1. Briton to hold 1—WORLD heavyweight crown —SINCE LENNOX—LEWIS retired.
20091107—20030000    —SINCE, Esposito, on the run, was using 1—WIG and false name —WHEN captured.
20091107—20090107    —ON, CLYDE—GUNN, —27—JAHRE—ALT, 1—STAFF—SERGEANT—FROM—OXFORD, MISSISSIPPI, was charged with the fatal HIT—AND—RUN.
20091107—20091020    —SEIT—DEM, ANSCHLAG—AUF—1—UNIVERSITÄT—IN—ISLAMABAD werden —JETZT selbst Grundschulen zu Hochsicherheitstrakten.
20091107—20091104    —RELEASED, IRAN—AUTHORITIES, 3—JOURNALISTS who were among MORE—THAN—100—PEOPLE arrested —DURING PRO—GOVERNMENT and opposition street demonstrations.
20091107—20190000    —IN, THE—FORMER—WEST—VIRGINIA University student †, —10—YEARS—AFTER he was beaten into 1—VEGETATIVE state.
20091114             † Sadem AL—SAUD, —20—JAHRE—ALT, 20091107             , —3—WEEKS—AFTER he was put into 1—COMA by 1—BEATING administered —DURING—1—INTERROGATION in 1—AMMAN POLICE—STATION.
20091115             in THE —ESTIMATED, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT has, that 1—TOTAL—OF—150,000—UK—CHILDREN may have been shipped abroad between 16180000             — ?—WHEN 1—GROUP was sent to THE—VIRGINIA—COLONY — and 19670000             , MOST—OF—THEM from the late 18010101—19001231     onwards.
20091206—19710000    —BIS, Generalsbevollmächtigter des Düsseldorfer PRIVATBANKHAUS—TRINKHAUS ( ,
20100811070302       Marxisten versus DEUTSCHE—BANK—KONTO beim Klassenfeind.htm
20100811070302       Marxisten versus DEUTSCHE—BANK—KONTO beim Klassenfeind
20100814             THE—EU told MILITARY—RUN—MYANMAR that its 20101107             —ELECTIONS, the 1. in —2—DECADES, will not be considered legitimate in THE—EYES—OF—THE—WORLD unless it can ensure the vote is free and fair.
20101018             MYANMAR election officials said foreign journalists will not be allowed to cover its 20101107             —ELECTIONS, the 1. in —20—YEARS.
20101102—20101107    —CANCELED, MYANMAR election authorities, voting elections in 12—MORE—VILLAGE tracts in 6—CONSTITUENCIES in Kayah state, where restive ethnic minorities are dominant.
20101107             —THWARTED, Complex rules for the election, ANY—CHANCE—OF—1—PRO—DEMOCRACY—UPSET as MYANMAR ended HALF—1—CENTURY—OF—DIRECT—ARMY—RULE.
20101107             † DOUGLASVILLE—GEORGIA, BOBBY—TILLMAN, 19—JAHRE—ALT, was shot and killed —FOLLOWING 1—RANDOM—ATTACK at 1—HOUSE—PARTY in 1—ATLANTA suburb.
20101107             4—MEN were soon charged with his murder.
20101107             † In EAST—AFGHANISTAN 2—NATO—SERVICE members in 2—DIFFERENT—INSURGENTS attacks.
20101107             1—VEHICLE hit 1—MINE in Helmand province, killing 5—CIVILIANS.
20101107             † KANDAHAR, 1—GOVERNMENT—EMPLOYEE working at 1—PRISON in the city was shot and killed by insurgents.
20101107             —TARGETED, Afghan and NATO—FORCES, suspected insurgent strongholds in 1—JOINT—OPERATION in SOUTH—KANDAHAR province, killing 15 and capturing 13. 1—ROCKET exploded in Lashkar Gah, CAPITAL—OF—HELMAND province, killing 1—CIVILIAN and wounding 4. Gunmen set fire to the girls' middle school in Laghman province, burning the structure and its contents.
20101107             —VOTED, AZERBAIJAN, in PARLIAMENT—ELECTIONS set to cement PRESIDENT—ILHAM—ALIYEV—GRIP on power but condemned by the opposition as 1—CHARADE whose results have already been decided.
20101107             —COMPETED, Nearly 700—CANDIDATES, for THE—125—SEATS in the single CHAMBER—OF—THE—PARLIAMENT.
20101107             AZERBAIJAN—RULING party won 1—LANDSLIDE victory.
20101107             THE—NEXT—DAY—INTERNATIONAL—VOTE—MONITORS said that ballot box stuffing and 1—UNEVEN playing field for candidates marred AZERBAIJAN—PARLIAMENTARY—ELECTIONS.
20101107             EGYPT, AHMED—SHABAAN, 19—JAHRE—ALT, went missing.
20101107             —RECOVERED, His body was, in 1—CANAL —4—DAYS—LATER.
20101107             THE—FAMILY—OF—SHABAAN said POLICE—OFFICERS beat him at the Sidi Gaber POLICE—STATION in ALEXANDRIA.
20101107             —RAPPELLED, GERMANY, activists, down from 1—HIGH—BRIDGE, broke through police lines and chained themselves to train tracks, trying to halt 1—SHIPMENT—OF—NUCLEAR—WASTE as they protested CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL—PLANS to keep using NUCLEAR—ENERGY.
20101107             Greeks cast ballots in local polls that could trigger 1—GENERAL—ELECTION unless voters show support for the governing Socialists' austerity measures in THE—DEBT—STRAPPED country.
20101107             —DELAYED, Guineans cast ballots in 1—VOTE that has been, multiple times —FOLLOWING violent ethnic clashes that pitted the nation's 2—LARGEST—ETHNIC—GROUPS against EACH—OTHER, 1—VOTE that progressed calmly into the afternoon despite its underlying tensions.
20101107             —1—WEEK—LATER Alpha Conde, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—MALINKE ethnic group, was named the winner over Cellou Dalein Diallo, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—PEUL ethnic group.
20101107             —PROPOSED, IRAN, that 1—NEW—ROUND—OF—INTERNATIONAL—TALKS on its NUCLEAR—PROGRAM be held in TURKEY, 1—ALLY that also has close ties to THE—WEST and has sought to mediate in the standoff.
20101107             —PUBLISHED, ISRAEL—COURT—DOCUMENTS were, showing THE—GOVERNMENT had sold or leased property in Arab neighborhoods of JERUSALEM to ISRAEL—SETTLERS at exceptionally low prices, helping them cement 1—JEWISH—PRESENCE there.
20101107             —DEMOLISHED, ISRAEL—POLICE, 1—ILLEGALLY built mosque in the impoverished Arab CITY—OF—RAHAT, touching off ROCK—THROWING protests by residents and fueling new grievances for the country's Arab minority against THE—GOVERNMENT.
20101107             MEXICO, 2—CIUDAD—JUAREZ—POLICE—OFFICERS, 1—MAN and 1—WOMAN, were shot to death inside their patrol car.
20101107             MYANMAR held its 1. election in —20—YEARS under tight security, 1 scripted vote that assured ARMY—BACKED parties 1—EASY—WIN.
20101107             —SEIZED, Minority Karen rebels, GOVERNMENT—BUILDINGS in CLASHES—WITH—TROOPS in the border TOWN—OF—MYAWADDY.
20101107             MYANMAR—BIGGEST MILITARY—BACKED party won the country's 1. election in —20—YEARS by 1—LANDSLIDE, —AFTER 1—CAREFULLY choreographed vote denounced by PRO—DEMOCRACY—PARTIES as rigged to preserve AUTHORITY—RULE.
20101107             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, 1—PAIR—OF—USA—DRONE—ATTACKS in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN, 14 suspected militants.
20101107             —PLEDGED, PORTUGAL, CHINA—PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO, to support PORTUGAL—EFFORTS to emerge from financial crisis, but he did not commit to purchasing PORTUGAL—DEBT as was widely anticipated.
20101107             RUSSIA, MORE—THAN—1,000—MILITARY—VETERANS and active servicemen rallied to demand THE—OUSTER—OF—DEFENSE—MINISTER—ANATOLY—SERDYUKOV, 1—CIVIL—WHO is carrying out 1—RADICAL—REFORM—OF—RUSSIA'S armed forces.
20101107             —ATTEMPTED, PART—OF—THE—CROWD, to march down nearby streets but were stopped by RIOT—POLICE, who fired pepper spray.
20101107             —CONSECRATED, SPAIN, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA, 1—WORLD—MONUMENT to family, the Sagrada Familia church, but faced 1—GAY—KISS—IN protest —BEFORE he attacked abortion and defended MALE—FEMALE—MARRIAGE.
20101107             —PROHIBITED, SRI—LANKA, inmates resisting 1—SEARCH for, items at 1—PRISON in COLOMBO WOUNDED—46—POLICE and 5—PRISON—OFFICIALS.
20101107             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ said on CUBA—TELEVISION that COLOMBIA will extradite WALID—MAKLED, known as "THE—TURK," 1—BUSINESSMAN ACCUSED—OF—BEING 1—MAJOR—DRUG kingpin back to his native VENEZUELA to face justice.
20101107             Makled has said in 1—TELEVISION—INTERVIEW that he poured 2—MILLION—DOLLAR into a 20070000             Chavez political campaign and in return got 1—CONCESSION at VENEZUELA—PUERTO—CABELLO, his alleged shipping point for drugs.
20101107             Senior USA—OFFICIALS said THE—USA will drop SUDAN from its LIST—OF—STATE—SPONSORS—OF—TERROR—ISM AS—EARLY—AS 20110700             , if KHARTOUM ensures 2—KEY—REFERENDUMS take place on schedule in January and the results are respected.
20101107             MANY—OF—THE—PARTICIPANTS in the rally said they were angry that Serdyukov did not want to see churches built on MILITARY—BASES.
20101107—20101116    —CALLED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL, on EGYPT—AUTHORITIES to investigate allegations that police tortured the young man to death.
20101116             —WARNED, MYANMAR—MILITARY—GOVERNMENT, against filing complaints over 20101107             —THE election, 1—MOVE that could spell trouble for PRO—DEMOCRACY—LEADER—AUNG S—SUU—KYI who has vowed to probe alleged voting irregularities.
201101301107         Amerikaner, die ÄGYPTEN verlassen wollen, können das —AB—MONTAG tun.
201102041107         Pro and ANTI—MUBARAK supporters are pelting EACH—OTHER with rocks in CAIRO,
20110919             CALIFORNIA and FEDERAL—OFFICIALS said shipping companies Responsible—For—20071107             —THE, Cosco Busan oil spill in THE—SF—BAY have agreed to pay 44.4—MILLION—DOLLAR to restore bay habitat and reimburse agencies that responded to the disaster.
20111107             —SOPHISTICATED, THE—CENSUS—BUREAU, using 1—MORE, method to measure poverty rates, reported that it has found 1—RECORD 49.1—MILLION, or 16—PERCENT—OF—ALL—AMERICANS, living in poverty.
20111107             —REPORTED, —IN—SEPTEMBER THE—GOVERNMENT, that 1—RECORD 46.6—MILLION—AMERICANS were living in poverty.
20111107             —LIFTED, Officials said USA—LAWMAKERS have, 1—HOLD on nearly 200—MILLION—DOLLAR in aid to the Palestinians that had been suspended IN—RESPONSE—TO—THE—PALESTINE—BID for full UN membership.
20111107             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE gave final approval to a 410—MILLION—DOLLAR—SETTLEMENT in 1—CLASS—ACTION lawsuit affecting MORE—THAN—13—MILLION—BANK—OF—AMERICA—CUSTOMERS who had debit card overdrafts —DURING—THE—PAST—DECADE.
20111107             —FILED, CALIFORNIA pot suppliers, lawsuits in FEDERAL—COURT to halt THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION—CAMPAIGN to close down their dispensaries, saying THE—SURVIVAL—OF—CALIFORNIA—MEDICAL—MARIJUANA—LAW is at stake.
20111107             —CONVICTED—OF, DOCTOR—CONRAD—MURRAY, MICHAEL—JACKSON—DOCTOR, was, involuntary manslaughter —AFTER 1—LOS—ANGELES trial that painted him as 1—RECKLESS caregiver who administered 1—LETHAL dose of 1—POWERFUL—ANESTHETIC that killed the pop star.
20111107             USA electricals retailer Best Buy Co Inc said it is buying its UK—PARTNER, Carphone Warehouse Group Plc, out of 1—FAST—GROWING—USA MOBILE phone joint venture for 3—BILLION—DOLLAR (809.4—MILLION—POUNDS) and scrapping plans for 1—CHAIN—OF—EUROPEAN megastores.
20111107             Best Buy and Carphone Warehouse said they are launching 1—MOBILE—PHONE—VENTURE with Best BUY—CHINA—PARTNER 5—STAR and are in talks to enter other emerging markets together.
20111107             —ANNOUNCED, Dynegy, 1—HOUSTON—BASED energy firm, bankruptcy in which bondholders and other lenders would lose 10—PROZENT —WHILE shareholders, including CARL—ICAHN, retain full CONTROL—OF—THE—FIRM.
20111107             —WOUNDED, AFGHANISTAN, 6—POLICE—OFFICERS were, —WHEN 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER blew himself up —WHEN targeting THE—HOUSE—OF—1—LOCAL elder involved in efforts to make PEACE—WITH—THE—TALIBAN in Baghlan province.
20111107             1—ROADSIDE bomb killed 11—PEOPLE mainly from 1—FAMILY in Badghis province.
20111107             Officials from Bosnia, CROATIA, MONTENEGRO and Serbia, announced plans for 1—DONORS' conference to be held —NEXT—YEAR and raise the money needed to implement a —5—YEAR—PLAN designed to close down all migrant centers and provide housing for SOME—74,000—PEOPLE.
20111107             —EXPERIENCED, Chevron, 1—OIL spill offshore from RIO—DE—JANEIRO at its N560 drilling operations.
20111107             THE—UK—VIRGIN—ISLANDS held elections.
20111107             The main opposition party, THE—NATIONAL—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY, dominated PARLIAMENT—ELECTIONS with 9—OF 13—PARLIAMENTARY—SEATS, putting party LEADER—ORLANDO—SMITH, the islands' NUMBER 1—POLITICIAN, in line to be premier of the offshore corporate haven FOR—THE—NEXT—4—YEARS.
20111107             In the CongoDRC the Nyamulagira volcano (also known as Nyamuragira) began 1—ERUPTION that happens about EVERY— —2—YEARS.
20111107             —LAUNCHED, THE—REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO, 1—VAST—TREE—PLANTING program to guard against the twin SCOURGES—OF—DEFORESTATION and soil degradation that plague MANY—AFRICA—STATES.
20111107             —UNVEILED, THE—FRANCE—GOVERNMENT, its 2. austerity plan in —3—MONTHS.
20111107             —CONSIDERED, IRAQ, Anbar officials, joining other provinces to create 1—SEMI—AUTONOMOUS—SUNNI region.
20111107             —ESCAPED, THE—GOVERNOR—OF—ANBAR province, QASIM—AL—FAHADAWI, unhurt —AFTER 1—ROADSIDE bomb hit his motorcade as it headed to BAGHDAD.
20111107             —AFFECTED, ISRAEL was hit by 1—BRIEF—GENERAL—STRIKE that, hospitals, banks, ports and the country's main INTERNATIONAL airport, but which ended —AFTER—JUST—4—HOURS.
20111107             —LIMITED, Its scope was, to —4—HOURS—FOLLOWING 1—ALL—NIGHT—SESSION by THE—NATIONAL—LABOUR—COURT which met —AFTER THE—COLLAPSE—OF—TALKS—BETWEEN—THE—POWERFUL—HISTADRUT trades union and the finance ministry.
20111107             —ACCUSED, THE—HISTADRUT has, THE—GOVERNMENT—OF massively increasing its USE—OF—CONTRACT—WORKERS and is demanding it offer HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—THEM coverage under the civil service's collective bargaining agreement.
20111107             —OPENED, THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY, fire at 1—GROUP—OF—MILITANTS planting explosives along GAZA—BORDER with ISRAEL.
20111107             —WOUNDED, GAZA health officials said tank shrapnel, 3—PALESTINIANS, 1—OF—WHOM was in critical condition.
20111107             † LIBERIA, violence broke out at the headquarters of the main opposition party and AT—LEAST—1—PERSON was killed, less than —24—HOURS—BEFORE 1—PRESIDENTIAL—RUNOFF—VOTE that is being viewed as 1—TEST—OF—THE—COUNTRY—FRAGILE—PEACE—AFTER 1—DEVASTATING CIVIL—WAR.
20111107             —SEARCHED, MEXICO, federal and state police, 1—ACAPULCO prison —BEFORE dawn.
20111107             —NETTED, The search, 2—PEACOCKS, 100—FIGHTING cocks, 19—PROSTITUTES and 2—SACKS filled with marijuana.
20111107             Police also found DOZENS—OF—TELEVISIONS, several bottles of alcohol and knives.
20111107             —KILLED, CENTRAL—NIGERIA, 16—PEOPLE were, —AFTER 2—BUSES crashed HEAD—ON into EACH—OTHER on 1—HIGHWAY in Kogi state.
20111107             —SHACKLED, PUERTO—RICO, 8, prisoners drowned —AFTER 1—VAN they were being transported in was engulfed by muddy floodwaters in the northern coastal CITY—OF—ARECIBO.
20111107             —ARRESTED, RUSSIA—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said police have, Anatoly Moskvin (45) of Nizhny Novgorod.
20111107             —MUMMIFIED, Police said he had kept 29, bodies at his apartment and dressed them up like dolls.
20111107             —SELECTED, The man reportedly had only, the remains of young women for his grisly collection.
20111107             —CHAINED, SOUTH—AFRICA GREENPEACE, activists, themselves to 1—GATE and climbed 1—CRANE at the Kusile COAL—FIRED power station to protest dependence on coal, weeks —BEFORE the country hosts 1—GLOBAL—CONFERENCE on climate change.
20111107             9—PEOPLE were arrested.
20111107             —BLOCKED, SRI—LANKA officials said 5—NEWS—WEBSITES have been, because they committed character assassination and insulted people including key POLITICAL—LEADERS.
20111107             —STORMED, SYRIA—TROOPS, 1—DEFIANT neighborhood of the embattled CITY—OF—HOMS, kicking in doors and making arrests —AFTER—NEARLY—1—WEEK—OF—VIOLENCE pitting soldiers against army defectors and protesters demanding THE—DOWNFALL—OF—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD.
20111107             —KILLED, Activists said 2—PEOPLE were, in the city and the surrounding province, pushing THE—DEATH—TOLL from the past —24—HOURS to AT—LEAST—18.
20111107             —STOPPED, Chevron reportedly, the leakage in CA—4—DAYS.
20111107—18850000    —SINCE, It has been described as AFRICA—MOST active volcano and has erupted over 40—TIMES.
20111107—19710300    —IN, † JOE—FRAZIER, —67—JAHRE—ALT, the boxer who 1. beat MUHAMMAD—ALI, in PHILADELPHIA —AFTER 1—BRIEF—BATTLE—WITH—LIVER cancer.
20111107—20111110    —ON, prosecutors charged prison guard HECTOR—CRUZ—SANTIAGO with 8—COUNTS—OF negligent homicide over the drowning DEATHS—OF—THE—INMATES.
20111107—20120000    —PROMISED, This, savings of ?7—BILLION in addition to ?11—BILLION announced —IN—AUGUST.
20111109             Mbowe, who heads THE—CHADEMA party, and SCORES—OF—SUPPORTERS staged a 20111107             —DEMONSTRATION—IN—THE—NORTH—TOWN—OF—ARUSHA demanding the release of 1—OF—ITS—OFFICIALS and that PRESIDENT—JAKAYA—KIKWETE step down.
20111121             BRAZIL—MINISTRY—OF—THE—ENVIRONMENT, IBAMA, said it will fine Chevron Corp. nearly 28—MILLION—DOLLAR for 20111107             —THE oil spill off THE—COAST—OF—RIO—DE—JANEIRO state.
20121107             3—TIBETAN teenage monks, aged 15-20120916             themselves on fire outside a police OFFICE—IN—SOUTH—WEST—SICHUAN province.
20121107             "Das überragende Ziel zur Lösung der ökonomischen PRO—BLEME muss daher die Überwindung der politischen Spaltung sein", schreibt Harm Bandholz, USA—EXPERTE bei der UniCredit in 1—KOMMENTAR.
20121107             "INZWISCHEN können die Neonazis der Chrysi Avgi, sogar unter den Augen DER—POLIZEI, ungehindert zuschlagen", heißt es in dem MANIFEST—DER—DEUTSCHGRIECHEN.
20121107             "This behaviour was getting OUT—OF—CONTROL with students hugging EACH—OTHER several times —1—DAY, and this was becoming disruptive to classes," she said.
20121107             "Wir bedauern zutiefst, daß 1—SOLCHER Vorfall stattgefunden hat, sagte Hong, "aber ich weise erneut auf die Tatsache hin, daß es keine direkt Verbindung zur Sicherheit der Reaktoren gibt".
20121107             "Wir erhoffen uns von DER—INTERNATIONALEN Gemeinschaft, daß sie sich mehr um die Wildhüter kümmert und erkennt, warum sie so wichtig sind für die SCHUTZ—GEBIETE und warum es wichtig ist, ihnen, die tagtäglich ihr Leben riskieren, angemessene Ressourcen zukommen zu lassen", sagt Adams.
20121107             "Wir werden nie DIE—BILDER—VON—DEN—ANGRIFFEN—DER—NEO—NAZIS auf Migranten und FLÜCHTLINGE 19920000             in ROSTOCK vergessen, bei denen Schaulustige Beifall klatschten und DIE—POLIZEI tatenlos zuschaute, WÄHREND all das live im Fernsehen übertragen wurde", heißt es im Manifest.
20121107             15.05—DIE Erleichterung DER—ANLEGER über den WAHL—SIEG OBAMAs währte nur kurz.
20121107             2. AMTS—ZEIT: OBAMAs Agenda FÜR—1—KAPUTTES Land
20121107             2. AMTS—ZEIT des USA—PRÄSIDENT: DEUTSCHLAND wünscht sich aktiveren OBAMA
20121107             2.: Kampf dem Stillstand.
20121107             AUSTRALIEN: ZERSTÖRUNG—DES—GREAT—BARRIER—REEF—BEGANN mit europäischen Siedlern
20121107             —ENFORCED, ADAM—ROAD—PRIMARY—SCHOOL acting principal Gemma PRESTON said the rule was, —FOLLOWING injuries —AFTER "OVER—ENTHUSIASTIC" hugs.
20121107             Als OBAMA vom AMERIKANISCHEN—IDEAL der Überparteilichkeit spricht, von der Einheit der Nation jenseits des Parteienstreits, merkt er an, daß —IN—DER—VERGANGENEN—WOCHE beide Seiten an den "Stränden von NEW—YORK und NEW—JERSEY"gezeigt hätten, daß MAN—POLITIK beiseite lassen und gemeinsam arbeiten könne.
20121107             Antifaschistisches Manifest: Deutschgriechen machen mobil
20121107             Arbeitgeberpräsident: Hundt rechnet mit SCHWARZ—GELB ab
20121107             BARACK—OBAMA fliegt mit seiner Familie nach WASHINGTON zurück,
20121107             BESTECHUNG—VERDACHT in ÖSTERREICH: RAZZIA—BEI—EADS wegen "Eurofighter"-DEAL
20121107             BRIEF—AN—MERKEL: "In PORTUGAL unerwünscht"
20121107             Bei FOX—NEWS wollte KARL—ROVE, 1—DER wichtigsten Strategen der REPUBLIKANER, DIE—NIEDERLAGE ROMNEYs nicht eingestehen.
20121107             DEUTSCHLAND wollte HANF/CANNABIS eigentlich nicht verbieten
20121107             DIE—GRAND Old Party, wie sie sich selbst nennt, ist 1—ZUTIEFST verstörende und verstörte Partei.
20121107             DIE—ZULIEFERER haben die Teile da verbaut GE—KRIEGT, indem sie die Zertifikate schlicht gefälscht haben.
20121107             DONALD—TRUMP ruft zum Marsch auf WASHINGTON.
20121107             Das Gehalt der Wildhüter fällt häufig spärlich AUS—WILDERN hingegen kann ÄUß—ERST lukrativ sein.
20121107             Das Great Barrier Reef ist das größte Korallenriff der Welt.
20121107             Das wahre Gesicht der EXTREME—RECHTE (nicht aller Reps): - amerikanisch ist nur, wen oder was wir als AMERIKANISCH—DEFINIEREN—WENN wir Wahlen gewinnen ist das Demokratie, wenn wir verlieren ist das keine DEMOKRATIE—AUFRUF—ZUR—GEWALT, um das von uns definierte AMERIKA zu schützen sind LEGITIM—WER nicht für uns ist, ist gegen uns Ich weiß nicht wie andere das nennen, aber für mich ist das FASCHISMUS.
20121107             Das zum Glück belanglose Geschwätz 1—SCHWERREICHEN Mannes, der es nicht akzeptieren kann, das nicht alles so läuft, wie er ES—SICH wünscht.
20121107             Demzufolge ist Marihuana weiterhin 1—ILLEGALE Droge.
20121107             DENVER/OLYMPIA—IN COLORADO haben die Gegner 1—MARIHUANA—LEGALISIERUNG ihre Niederlage —BEREITS eingestanden.
20121107             DER—51—JAHRE—ALTE hat DIE—CHANCE, als 1—DER großen Präsidenten in die Historie einzugehen.
20121107             Der Aufruf unter dem Titel "Nichts Goldenes an dieser Morgenröte"reagiert auf den rasanten Aufstieg der Chrysi Avgi, die —SEIT den PARLAMENTS—WAHLEN im ;;06;;, bei der sie 6,9—PROZENT—DER—WÄHLERSTIMMEN bekam, ihre Popularität fast verdoppeln konnte.
20121107             —GESTATTET, Der Besitz 1—UNZE (28—GRAMM) soll künftig, sein.
20121107             Der Vorschlag mit der Nummer 64 - "Legalize Marijuana"- wurde dem Lokalsender "9News"zufolge mit 54—PROZENT JA—STIMMEN angenommen.
20121107             Drohende Werksschließung: Ford--ARBEITER randalieren in KÖLN
20121107             —EVAKUIERT, Drohender Wintersturm : NEW—YORKER STADT—TEILE werden
20121107             Dürftiger Sparkurs: WIRTSCHAFTS—WEISE unzufrieden mit MERKEL
20121107             —ERST—ALS ÄGYPTEN drohte Kokain (DAS—DAMALS, durch Firma Merck) und HEROIN (DAS—DAMALS, durch die Bayer AG) nicht mehr ins Land zu lassen,
20121107             —ERST—IM, ;;1000;;war bekannt geworden, daß das KORALLEN—STERBEN am Great Barrier Reef dramatischer ausfällt als
20121107             EU—KRISEN—TREFFEN—MIT—MERKEL: CAMERON wettert gegen "aberwitzigen"Haushalt
20121107             EU—PROGNOSE: FRANKREICHs Schuldenberg wächst rasant
20121107             Endlich zeigen DONALD—TRUMP und KON—SORTEN ihre wirkliche, undemokratische Fratze: Ergebnisse, die ihnen nicht passen werden ignoriert UND—BOYKOTTIERT.
20121107             Er will ja nicht bloss dort hin marschieren, er will "die Sache beenden"- wie beendet man einenfrisch wiedergewählten Präsidentschaft?
20121107             Na?
20121107             —ÜBERGIBT, Ermittlungen zu kreuz net: Beck, Unterlagen an VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ
20121107             GUATEMALA, MEXIKO, EL—SALVADOR, BELIZE: ERDBEBEN erschüttert Pazifikküste
20121107             Gedankliche Fehlschlüsse: "Wir können mehr Logik gebrauchen"
20121107             HANF legalisieren = den MARKT für Erwachsene regulieren!
20121107             Hier 1—BISSCHEN was zur GESCHICHTE—DES—HANF—VERBOTS:
20121107             Ich denke, nicht die Äußerung "Marsch auf WASHINGTON"ist bedenklich, sondern eher die Äußerung "diese Farce beenden".
20121107             Ich sage euch, dieser ANTI—SEMITISMUS immer! ÜBERALL!
20121107             —VERLOREN, Illegale Jagd: "AFRIKAs Wildhüter haben den Kampf "
20121107             PORTUGAL, SIND—J—SEIT—DEM, 20000000             ALLE—DROGEN entkriminalisiert (man darf egal von welcher Droge 1 10-Tagesration mit sich führen, ohne dafür in den Knast zu kommen).
20121107             —BEGONNEN, USA, hat es ! In USA wird es auch enden!
20121107             Wann ist DEUTSCHLAND soweit?
20121107             KARLSRUHE prüft URTEILS—ABSPRACHEN, "Dann wird gekungelt"
20121107             Kennedy: OBAMA—WIN won't transform AMERICA
20121107             Kongresswahl: DEMOKRATEN verteidigen SENATsmehrheit
20121107             Kongresswahl: REPUBLIKANER verteidigen Mehrheit im REPRÄSENTANTEN—HAUS
20121107             Kugelsternhaufen: Zu alt, um blau zu sein
20121107             LIVETICKER,MILLIONEN—DEUTSCHE verfolgen USA—WAHL im Fernsehen
20121107             Lachsläuse: Parasiten gefährden den atlantischen Wildlachs
20121107             MARIHUANA—BESITZ aus medizinischen Gründen war —SCHON—VOR, dem Wahltag in 17—USA—STAATEN legal.
20121107             MERKELs Regierung: Bundeskabinett billigt ENDE—DER—PRAXISGEBÜHR—MACHTERGREIFUNG?
20121107             Mit 1—EIGENEN Volksentscheid schloss sich in der Wahlnacht —NUN auch MASSACHUSETTS der Liste dieser STAATEN an.
20121107             Männergesundheit: "Rauchen schädigt das SPERMIEN—ERB—GUT"
20121107             NEU—AKZENTUIERUNG in der AUSSEN—POLITIK.
20121107             —NIEDERLAGE—DER—REPUBLIKANER: In den Trümmern der Überheblichkeit
20121107             OBAMA liest etwas auf seinem Blackberry, die Reporter rufen: "Wie geht's?"OBAMA: "Ist 1—BISSCHEN kühl hier.
20121107             OBAMAs bescheidene Siegesrede: Mission Versöhung
20121107             OBAMA—REDE im Wortlaut: "Ihr habt Tatkraft gewählt"
20121107             PROMI—JUBEL über OBAMA: "Frauen, wir haben 1—CHAMPION!"
20121107             —BESCHWÖRT, PRÄSIDENTEN—WAHL: OBAMA, Amerikas Einheit
20121107             Pläne der EU: EZB soll nur große BANKEN beaufsichtigen
20121107             Presseschau: "AMERIKA droht 1—GEFÄHRLICHE Lähmung" - REPUBLIKANER in Gefahr.
20121107             Ralf Wohlleben: Rechte Szene sammelt Geld für mutmaßlichen NSU—HELFER
20121107             —LEGITIMIERT, Reformen. Richtung —BÜRGER—KRIEG
20121107             Robuste Nager: —FORSCHER finden ANTI—KREBS—HORMON in Blindmäusen
20121107             SARAH—PALIN bezeichnete den SIEG—DES—DEMOKRATEN als katastrophalen Rückschlag.
20121107             STRAFE—FÜR—VERKEHRSVERGEHEN: USA—AMERIKANERIN muss "Idiotin"-SCHILD tragen
20121107             Sehr gut! EUROPA wächst über DIE—MENSCHEN zusammen.
20121107             Seltsam, daß man darüber
20121107             Sie sehen das —SCHON richtig, aber mit dem europäischem Auge.
20121107             Snower: Das war der gefährlichste TEIL—DER—REDE.
20121107             Statistik: ZAHL—DER—HARTZ—IV—EMPFÄNGER sinkt deutlich
20121107             Stimmt genau! Das Beispiel PORTUGAL zeigt es.
20121107             —VERLÄNGERT, Studie: Selbst leichte Bewegung, das Leben
20121107             TARIF—VERHANDLUNGEN: TEXTIL—ARBEITER setzten Lohnerhöhung durch
20121107             URSPRÜNGLICH war das natürlich mit KINDER—PORNO—GRAPHIE BEGRÜNDET worden, das funktioniert ja in allen Ländern prima gegen unterbelichtete Abgeordnete, und so hat die PUTIN—PARTEI dann auch 1—ANDERE Partei gewinnen können.
20121107             USA—PRÄSIDENT—OBAMA wiedergewählt
20121107             USA—ÖKONOM DENNIS—SNOWER: "OBAMA hat MACHT, er soll sie nutzen"
20121107             —UMFRAGE: SPD und Grüne liegen knapp vor SCHWARZ—GELB
20121107             Vielleicht brauchen ja DIE—REPUBLIKANISCHEN WAHL—BEHÖRDEN noch 1—MOMENT zum Nachbearbeiten?
20121107             Volksentscheide zu Marihuana: Legalize it!
20121107             WAS bitte sind am Umgang mit CANNABIS die Wesensmerkmale 1—STRAFTAT im Sinne der RECHTS—AUFFASSUNG 1—FREIHEITLICHEN RECHTS—STAATES?
20121107             WASHINGTON—AUCH nach DER—KONGRESSWAHL bleibt im Kapitol alles, wie es ist: DIE—REPUBLIKANER kontrollieren das REPRÄSENTANTEN—HAUS, DIE—DEMOKRATEN den SENAT.
20121107             WIE kann 1—FREIHEITLICHER RECHTS—STAAT—TEILE seiner BÜRGER FÜR—1—VERHALTEN zu KRIMinellen erklären,
20121107             WAHL—ANALYSE: Minderheiten bescheren OBAMA den Sieg
20121107             Was fällt diesem Immobilienhai eigentlich ein, hier zur REVOLUTION zu rufen?
20121107             Der Aufruf, nach WASHINGTON zu marschirern und die "Sache zu beenden", ist Aufruf zum Mord.
20121107             Was sie leider nicht in der Grafik haben ist STROM aus Erdgas, denn das ist ja die neue Hoffnung der Fossilenergieindustrie, wenn sie mit ihrem Fracking durchkommen.
20121107             —VERLIERT, Webadresse weg: KIM—DOTCOM,
20121107             Weiterhin könnten sie den Präsidenten blockieren.
20121107             Wenn euch nochmal jemand WAHL—COMPUTER mit "zählt schnell aus"zu verkaufen versucht, lacht ihnen ins Gesicht.
20121107             Wie DIE—BIOLOGEN um Vera Gorbunova von der NEW—YORKER ROCHESTER University in den "PRO—CEEDINGS"DER—USA—AKADEMIE—DER—WISSENSCHAFTEN ("PNAS") berichten, sorgt 1—HORMON dafür, daß die Zellen der Blindmäuse sich kollektiv selbst zerstören, wenn sie sich zu rasch vermehren.
20121107             Wie beginnen üblicherweise —BÜRGER—KRIEGE—IN—AFRIKANISCHEN Banenanrepubliken?
20121107             —BEHAUPTET, Da ist 1—WAHL, die 1-SEITE, 1—NIEDERLAGE könne es nicht geben, AUFRUF—ZU—PROTESTEN.
20121107             [l] AUSTRALIEN—GRUND—SCHULE verbietet den Schülern Umarmungen.
20121107             [l] DIE—GUTE—NACHRICHT: ISRAEL wird positiver gesehen als NORD—KOREA, DER—IRAN und PAKISTAN.
20121107             [l] DIE—POLIZEI, dein Freund und Helfer: Der 100KG—KOKAIN—DROGENBUST, den wir so gefeiert haben, äh, also, das Kokain kam von uns und wir haben den auch überredet, das für uns zu schmuggeln.
20121107             [l] DIE—RUSSEN nutzen DIE—USA—WAHLEN als Ablenkung und etablierten harte INTERNET—KONTROLLGESETZE.
20121107             [l] In SÜD—KOREA ist die ATOM—TECHNIK auch total sicher: 2—REAKTOREN mussten abgeschaltet werden, weil TAUSENDE—VON—NICHT—LIZENSIERTEN—TEILEN verbaut worden waren.
20121107             [l] Neue Studien räumen mit der Mär vom teuren ÖKO—STROM auf.
20121107             [l] Wenn man bedenkt, daß "dann hat man schnell Ergebnisse"das einzige Argument für WAHL—COMPUTER ist, finde ich es erschütternd, daß wir noch keine Ergebnisse für FLORIDA haben.
20121107             [l] Wer meint, das Ausmaß des PRO—BLEMS mit den FundiCHRISTEN —SCHON grob abschätzen zu können, für den habe ich noch 1—MESSPUNKT: Fundichrist und (natürlich) REPUBLIKANER CHARLIE—FUQUA fordert in seinem Buch "GOD—LAW: THE—ONLY—POLITICAL—SOLUTION"die TODES—STRAFE—FÜR—WIDERSPENSTIGE Kinder.
20121107             auch wenn in beiden STAATEN—AM—MITTWOCHVORMITTAG DEUTSCHER—ZEIT NOCH NICHT ALLE—STIMMEN ausgezählt waren.
20121107             —ERST dann, hat DEUTSCHLAND für DAS—VERBOT gestimmt.
20121107             mit dem europäischem Auge
20121107             und der Knaller ist, die Konsumentenzahlen sowie die ANZAHL—DER—DROGENTOTEN, gehen zurück.
20121107             welches weder Leben, Gesundheit, Ansehen oder Eigentum 1—ANDEREN Schaden zufügt?
20121107             ÄGYPTEN wollte das HANF/CANNABIS—VERBOT.
20121107             ÖL—KONZERN Statoil: Havarie an Bohrinsel vor NORWEGISCHER—KÜSTE
20121107             ökonomische Interessen gingen eben —SCHON IMmer vor.
20121107             —"4—MORE—YEARS, 4—MORE—YEARS!"+++
20121107             —ABSTIMMUNG—ÜBER—SPAR—PAKET: PRO—TEST, Brandsätze und Tränengas in ATHEN
20121107             —BERICHT, ROMNEY ruft OBAMA an +++
20121107             —CHINA hofft auf Neustart +++
20121107             —DALAI—LAMA bittet OBAMA um Hilfe +++
20121107             —DANN, versuchen Sie wenigstens den Text zu verstehen: "Wir sollten nach WASHINGTON marschieren und diese Farce beenden".
20121107             —DAX—STEIGT +++
20121107             —DIE—SCHLECHTE—NACHRICHT, das war es auch —SCHON, alle anderen werden laut 1—BBC—UMFRAGE in 22—LÄNDERN positiver gesehen.
20121107             —EURO legt zu +++
20121107             —EISIGES Schweigen auf ROMNEYs Party +++
20121107             —GLEICHZEITIG aber bringen die Änderungen beide STAATEN auf KOLLISIONS—KURS mit 1—BUNDESGESETZ.
20121107             —GLEICHZEITIG wird es 1—VERBINDLICH festgelegten STANDARD—TEST und neue Regeln für das Autofahren unter dem Einfluss des CANNABIS—WIRKSTOFFS THC geben.
20121107             —GROßER Jubel in CHICAGO +++
20121107             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS, "Dear REPUBLICANs, sorry about THE—ELECTION"
20121107             —IM, STAAT—WASHINGTON heißt 1—VERGLEICHBARE Initiative "Nummer 502", auch sie war mit CA—56—PROZENT Zustimmung offenbar erfolgreich,
20121107             —KALIFORNIER stimmen gegen Abschaffung der TODES—STRAFE +++
20121107             —MITTWOCH 1855—UHR, BARACK—OBAMAKOMMT am WEIßES—HAUS an.
20121107             —MITTWOCH, BARACK—OBAMA fliegt mit seiner Familie nach WASHINGTON zurück, um
20121107             —MAINE und MARYLAND stimmen für HOMO—EHE +++
20121107             —NOCH drastischer äußerte sich IMMOBILIEN—TYCOON und ROMNEY—FINANZIER DONALD—TRUMP via Twitter, wo er 1—GANZE Schimpftirade abließ: "Unsere Nation befindet sich —JETZT in ernsten und beispiellosen Schwierigkeiten".
20121107             —OBAMA beschwört den AMERIKANISCHEN—T—RAUM+++
20121107             —OBAMA brauchte nicht mal FLORIDA +++
20121107             —OBAMA fordert mehr ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT +++
20121107             —OBAMA gewinnt auch in VIRGINIA +++
20121107             —OBAMA gewinnt bei Asiaten, verliert aber bei Jungen +++
20121107             —OBAMA siegt auf ganzer Linie +++
20121107             —OBAMA—EFFEKT verpufft an den Märkten +++
20121107             —PLEITE für Abtreibungsgegner +++
20121107             —ROMNEY—TEAM gesteht Niederlage NOCH NICHT 1 +++
20121107             —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Herr Snower, bei seiner Dankesrede hat BARACK—OBAMA gesagt, das Beste für DIE—USA komme noch.
20121107             —TALIBAN: OBAMA soll Niederlage eingestehen +++
20121107             1—WINTRY storm dropped snow and rain on the Northeast, bringing dangerous winds and knocking out power in 1—REGION where HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS were still in the dark —AFTER SUPER—STORM—SANDY.
20121107             1—MIX—OF—RAIN and snow fell on PARTS—OF—NEW—YORK, NEW—JERSEY, CONNECTICUT, PENNSYLVANIA and MASSACHUSETTS, causing airport delays.
20121107             MARK—BASSELY—YOUSSEF, —55—JAHRE—ALT, THE—CALIFORNIA man behind 1—ANTI—MUSLIM film that led to violence in MANY—PARTS—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST, was sentenced in LOS—ANGELES to —1—YEAR in FEDERAL—PRISON for probation violations in 1 unrelated matter.
20121107             NONE—OF—THE—VIOLATIONS had to do with the content of "Innocence of Muslims," 1—FILM that depicts Mohammad as 1—RELIGIOUS—FRAUD, pedophile and womanizer.
20121107             1—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE blocked enforcement of 1—PROVISION on CALIFORNIA—NEWLY approved SEX—TRAFFICKING law (PROPOSITION—35) that required 73,000 registered sex offenders to reveal their INTERNET identities to police.
20121107             —DISCHARGED, CALIFORNIA, LAWRENCE—JONES, —42—JAHRE—ALT, 1, parolee, shot 4—COWORKERS —BEFORE shooting himself about at Valley PRO—TEIN, 1—POULTRY processing plant.
20121107             1—ARGENTINE JUDGE—EMBARGOED—CHEVRON—CORP.'s assets in ARGENTINA to carry out 1—ECUADORAN court order that awarded 19—BILLION—DOLLAR to plaintiffs in 1—ENVIRONMENTAL—DAMAGE—LAWSUIT in the Amazon.
20121107             —CITED, BAHRAIN—GOVERNMENT, security concerns and revoked the citizenship of 31—MEN, including exiled political activists and former opposition MEMBERS—OF—PARLIAMENT.
20121107             1—BOAT capsized off THE—COAST—OF—BANGLADESH.
20121107             —HELPED, Fishermen, rescue 23—PEOPLE, but CA—50—ILLEGAL—MIGRANTS, mostly Rohingya Muslims, remained missing.
20121107             —IDENTIFIED, CHILE, 3—EUROPEANS, as Dmitry Sivenkov (32) of RUSSIA, Gillhem Bellon (25) of FRANCE and LUCA—OGLIENGO, —25—JAHRE—ALT—OF—ITALY, went missing —AFTER climbing the Villarica volcano in CHILE—CENTRAL—VALLEY.
20121107             CHINA, 4—SELF—IMMOLATIONS took place.
20121107             † † AT—LEAST—1. -, A —23—JAHRE—ALT—TIBETAN nomadic woman, Tamdin Tso, —AFTER SELF—IMMOLATING in WEST—QINGHAI province.
20121107             CHINA, Miyun county police took away INTERNET blogger Zhai Xiaobing and seized his computer.
20121107             1—MIYUN county POLICE—OFFICER—LATER told THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS that Zhai was being investigated for "spreading terrorist information.
20121107             —SIGNED, ZHAI—SUPPORTERS—CALL the allegation absurd and MORE—THAN—400—PEOPLE, 1—ONLINE petition calling on police to release him.
20121107             —ORDERED, EGYPT—TOP—PROSECUTOR, government ministries to enforce 1—BAN—ON—PORNOGRAPHIC—WEBSITES, —3—YEARS—AFTER 1—COURT denounced the sites as "venomous and vile".
20121107             —FOLLOWED, The order, 1—PROTEST by ultraconservative Salafis.
20121107             GHANA, THE—5—STORY—MELCOM Shopping Center, built —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR in 1—BUSTLING suburb of ACCRA, collapsed and killed AT—LEAST—17—PEOPLE.
20121107             —BLAMED, Authorities THE—NEXT—DAY, faulty construction for the collapse.
20121107             —DETAINED, Authorities soon, CARL—HENRY—CLERK, 1—MUNICIPAL—WORKS—OFFICIAL ACCUSED—OF—ALLOWING the building to be built without 1—CONSTRUCTION—PERMIT.
20121107             79—PEOPLE were pulled from the wreckage.
20121107             GUATEMALA was struck by a 7.4-magnitude earthquake.
20121107             —CENTERED, It was, 15—MILES off the coastal TOWN—OF—CHAMPERICO and 100—MILES—SOUTH—WEST—OF—GUATEMALA—CITY.
20121107             † 40—PEOPLE, in THE—STATE—OF—S—MARCOS, 11—MORE KILLED—WERE in the neighboring STATE—OF—QUETZALTENANGO, and 1 in Solola state.
20121107             22—PEOPLE remained missing.
20121107             IRAQ, 2—CAR—BOMBS in 1—PREDOMINATELY—YAZIDI town near THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—MOSUL killed 2—PEOPLE.
20121107             —EXPELLED, MOROCCO—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said it has, 15—SPANISH and 4—NORWAY—JOURNALISTS from the annexed TERRITORY—OF—THE—WEST—SAHARA for entering without permission.
20121107             MYANMAR OPPOSITION—LEADER—AUNG S—SUU—KYI and lawmakers from ethnic minority parties urged THE—GOVERNMENT to explain its policies on handling the ethnic CONFLICT—IN—RAKHINE state.
20121107             NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, gunmen shot dead 2—CHINA—CONSTRUCTION workers in Borno state, a region under assault by Boko Haram, a radical Islamist sect.
20121107             PAKISTAN, 1—TALIBAN SUICIDE—BOMBER struck 1—VEHICLE carrying 1—SENIOR—POLICE—OFFICER, killing him and 4—OTHER—PEOPLE in PESHAWAR.
20121107             † Hilal Hyder, who was investigating CASES—AGAINST—MILITANTS in the troubled northwest, was killed along with 2—OF—HIS—GUARDS and 2—BYSTANDERS.
20121107             SYRIA—REBELS made 1—NEW push into DAMASCUS.
20121107             1—CAR—BOMB killed 1—JUDGE—IN—DAMASCUS, 2. assassination in the capital in —2—DAYS targeting HIGH—RANKING SUPPORTERS—OF—PRESIDENT—ASSAD.
20121107             —KILLED, AT—LEAST—104—PEOPLE were, in fighting, ACCORDING—TO—THE—BRITAIN—BASED activist group SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for HUMAN—RIGHTS.
20121107             —KILLED, AT—LEAST—30—SOLDIERS were also, including 10 in DAMASCUS and on its outskirts.
20121107             QATAR, SYRIA—MAIN—OPPOSITION—BLOC began electing new leaders, amid intense INTERNATIONAL pressure from critics who say THE—EXILE—DOMINATED group does not represent those risking their lives on the frontlines to oust PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD.
20121107             —SHIFTED, Western efforts to oust SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD, dramatically, with BRITAIN announcing it will deal directly with rebel military leaders and TURKEI saying NATO—MEMBERS have discussed using Patriot missiles to protect 1—SAFE—ZONE inside Syria.
20121107             † 1—YEMEN—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER was assassinated in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting by unidentified gunmen in the capital, SANAA.
20121107             DONALD— den ACHTZIGER—JAHREN wurden ALLE—SEINE—HOCHHÄUSER nur gebaut, weil er DIE—MAFIA (Gambino Familie) bestechen musste, genauer gesagt 1—GEWISSEN Gravano, der immerhin fur MEHR—ALS—20—MORDE Verantwortung zeichnet, dann hat er halb SCHOTTLAND gegen sich aufgebracht, weil er dort 1—GOLFPLATZ gebaut hat, denn die Einheimischen nicht haben wollen, bei "apprentice USA"mimmt der Blödian den SUPER—PROLETEN...wer solche Freunde hat, der braucht keine Feinde mehr.
20121107             DAVID—KENNEDY: As BARACK—OBAMA may ha...
20121107             NATE—SILVER, der nur selten fehlbare Zahlenpapst der "NEW—YORK—TIMES", sorgte FÜR—1—GROßEN Aufschlag, als er direkt vor dem Wahltag verkündete, DIE—WAHRSCHEINLICHKEIT—FÜR—1—WIEDERWAHL des PRÄSIDENT—LIEGE bei 90,9—PROZENT.
20121107             OBAMAs Beamte durchdenken den Fall, setzen den PRÄSIDENT—NOCH NICHT in Kenntnis.
20121107             2—STATES legalize pot;But don't "break out the Cheetos"yet...
201211070525         —UHR Riesenjubel bei rund zehntausend Anhänger OBAMAs in CHICAGO.
201211070528         —UHR Grabesstimmung auf ROMNEYs Party.
201211070532         —UHR 4—STAATEN sind NOCH NICHT ausgezählt, darunter das umkämpfte FLORIDA, doch OBAMA —BEREITS kommt auf 274—WAHLMÄNNERSTIMMEN.
201211070534         —UHR SPIEGEL—ONLINE—KORRESPONDENT SEBASTIAN—FISCHER meldet sich aus CHICAGO: Zu den Klängen des SOUL—KLASSIKERS "Do you love me"jubeln die 15.000—OBAMA—ANHÄNGER in der HALLE der MCCORMICK—PLAZA, sie skandieren "4—MORE years, 4—MORE years!".
201211070542         —UHR CNN—REPORTER JIM—ACOSTA berichtet aus BOSTON, daß das ROMNEY—TEAM DIE—NIEDERLAGE NOCH NICHT eingestehen WILL—ZUMINDEST nicht, als er —VOR—5—MINUTEN mit den ROMNEY—BERATERN telefonierte.
201211070637         —UHR—JETZT wird es 1—GANZ deutlicher Sieg für OBAMA: Er gewinnt auch im SWING—STATE—VIRGINIA.
201211070646         —UHR Laut CBS hat der unterlegene ROMNEY OBAMA angerufen und seine Niederlage eingeräumt.
201211070722         —UHR In vielen BUNDES—STAATEN fanden —AM—DIENSTAG zudem Referenden STATT—MIT teilweise bemerkenswerten Ergebnissen: In MAINE und MARYLAND stimmten DIE—WÄHLER für die Einführung der HOMO—EHE.
201211070750         —UHR Er werde weiter daran arbeiten, Immigranten und Aufsteigern ALLE—CHANCEN zu bieten, verspricht OBAMA.
201211070755         —UHR DAS—LAND müsse von den Erkenntnissen aus dem KAMPF—GEGEN—HURRIKAN Sandy lernen.
201211070811         —UHR Bei USA—AMERIKANERN asiatischer Abstammung hat OBAMA deutlich gewonnen, dafür aber bei den jüngsten Wählern klar verloren.
201211070820         —UHR BARACK—OBAMA vereinigt nicht nur die MEHRHEIT—DER WAHLMÄNNER—STIMMEN auf sich;
201211070906         —UHR DER—EURO hat mit deutlichen Kursgewinnen auf die Wiederwahl BARACK—OBAMAS reagiert.
201211071314         —UHR "Da die ökonomische Verflechtung beider Nationen zunimmt, sollte 1—NEUE USA—REGIERUNG vielleicht lernen, wie 1—VERNÜNFTIGERE und konstruktive Beziehung zu CHINA aufgebaut werden kann".
201211071355         —UHR PRÄSIDENT—OBAMA, bitte übernehmen Sie!
201211071355#1       Der DALAI—LAMA hat den wiedergewählten USA—PRÄSIDENTEN um VERMITTLUNG in der TIBET—FRAGE gebeten.
201211071450         —UHR Die RADIKALISLAM—TALIBAN haben USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA nach dessen WAHL—SIEG aufgefordert, 1—NIEDERLAGE—DER—USA in AFGHANISTAN anzuerkennen.
20121107—20000000    —J—SEIT—DEM, In PORTUGAL sind ALLE—DROGEN entkriminalisiert (man darf egal von welcher Droge 1 10-Tagesration mit sich führen, ohne dafür in den Knast zu kommen).
20121107—20080000    —IN, 1—AIRCRAFT targeted 1—VEHICLE outside of 1—VILLAGE on the outskirts of SANAA, killing 2. Officials said the airstrike killed ADNAN—AL—QADI, 1—MILITANT previously detained in relation to 1—USA—EMBASSY bombing in SANAA.
20121107—20100000    —SEIT, der PRO—TESTWAHL von, als DIE—REPUBLIKANER mit Hilfe der radikalen TEA—PARTY—BEWEGUNG das REPRÄSENTANTEN—HAUS eroberten, haben sie dort 1—VORSPRUNG—VON—49—SITZEN.
20121107—20121105    —SUGGESTED, His tweet, the next movie in the "Final Destination" horror franchise would be about the Great HALL—OF—THE—PEOPLE collapsing on party delegates.
20121111—20121107    —MITTWOCH, BARACK—OBAMA hat die PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTS—WAHL gewonnen.
20130420—20141107    —CONVICTED—OF, Ferrante (66) was, 1. degree murder.
201306110611071022   IE 9.0
201309110710         —AM.Wait and see, worse than SPITZER or WEINER"
20131107             "Aber ohne Beweise sind uns die Hände gebunden".Die FACEBOOK—SEITE sei moralisch verwerflich, aber nicht kriminell.
20131107             Wie hoch der Organisationsgrad war, ist ebenso schwer zu beurteilen wie die Frage, wie viel Wahres hinter den Prahlereien im INTERNET steckt.
20131107             Das gilt für den GEHEIM—DIENST—VERBUND "5—EYES", der durch DIE—NSA—AFFÄRE gerade ungewollte Aufmerksamkeit erfährt.
20131107             Und es gilt für zahlreiche Länder und Territorien, die aufgrund der kolonialen Vergangenheit mit GROß—BRITANNIEN verbandelt sind.
20131107             Diese "UNITED—KINGDOM—CONNECTION"knüpfen sich AKTIVISTen des Tax Justice Network (TJN) in ihrem neuen SCHATTEN—FINANZ—INDEX vor, der —IN—DER—NACHT—ZU—DONNERSTAG, veröffentlicht wurde.
20131107             Nachfolger DAVID—CAMERON stieß im;;06;;beim G—8—TREFFEN in IRLAND ins selbe HORN.
20131107             Er kündigte an, GROß—BRITANNIEN werde 1—REGISTER schaffen, aus dem die BESITZ—VERHÄLTNISSE für ALLE—IM—KÖNIG—REICH registrierten Firmen hervorgehen sollen.
20131107             Die ÜBERSEE—GEBIETE rief er dazu auf, ähnliche Schritte vorzubereiten.
20131107             Als CAMERON allerdings kürzlich im BRITISCHEN—UNTERHAUS —NACH—DEM Stand der Reformen gefragt wurde, antwortete er: "Ich weiß den genauen ZEIT—PLAN nicht auswendig, werde aber Folgendes sagen: Ich halte es nicht länger für fair, irgendwelche ÜBERSEE—GEBIETE oder Kronbesitzungen als STEUER—OASEN zu bezeichnen. Sie haben gehandelt, um 1—FAIRES und offenes STEUER—SYSTEM zu gewährleisten".
20131107             —KRITISIERT, POLONIUM—FUND: ISRAEL, Untersuchung zu des ARAFAT—TOD
20131107             Alles ist sehr, sehr unklar", sagte Palmor. "Klar ist nur, dass die Theorie große Löcher aufweist, mehr Löcher als 1—SCHWEIZER—KÄSE".
20131107             —JAHRESBILANZ: SIEMENS macht 4,2—MILLIARDEN—EURO Gewinn
20131107             5. Ne —BIS in Idem - nestormakhno —HEUTE, 09:47—UHR
20131107             —ZIVILIZIERT, EUROPA, ist man jedenfalls so weit, dass hier der Prinzip des "Ne —BIS in Idem "gilt.
20131107             Das heisst, dass jemand der fuer 1—STRAFTAT verfolgt, verurteilt und seine Strafe abgesizt hat, nicht nochmals fuer denselben Straftat verfolgt werden kann.
20131107             In der USA die bekanntlich mit MENSCHEN—RECHTEN wenig am Hut hat, wird diesen Prinzip nicht anerkannt.
20131107             —VERURTEILT, Man verfolgt, und sperrt aufs neue ein.
20131107             Übrigens nicht verwunderlich in 1—LAND, dass Todesurteilen kennt, lebenslange Einzelhaft, Einsperren ohne Anklage, ohne PRO—ZESS, WHISTLE—BLOWERS als TERRORISTEN kwalifiziert, Entfuehrungen (rendition) fuer gerecht halt, aussergerichtliche Erschiessungen (Dronemorden) akzeptabel findet, die ganze Welt abhorcht und ausspioniert und ungerecht andere Laender angreift.
20131107             VIETNAM, IRAQ.
20131107             Fuer DIE—EU bleibt DIE—USA trotzdem ihre Verbundete und DIE—EU (ausser die BRD) liefert ihre eigene Buerger an diesen Verbrecherstaat aus.
20131107             DAS—VOLK wird nicht gefragt.
20131107             Wenn man mir fragen wuerde, ist DIE—ANTWORT —SCHON von vornherein klar.
20131107             Abbrechen jegliche Verbindung mit —, totale Isolation dieses Verbrecherstaates
20131107             13. Stäffelesrutscher —HEUTE, 13:40—UHR
20131107             Antwort: das abgeschossene Flugzeug war 1—CUBANISCHES, und die Ermordete waren Cubaner, VENEZUELANER...
20131107             —AM—DONNERSTAG wird der aktuelle AMTS—INHABER JOHN—SAWERS im NACHMITTAGS—PROGRAMM des Fernsehens zu sehen sein - zusammen mit seinen nicht weniger sagenumwobenen Kollegen vom INLANDSGEHEIM—DIENST MI5 und dem Abhördienst GCHQ.
20131107             Man müsse 1 "offene Debatte"über DIE—GRENZEN—DES—SPIONIERENS führen, hatte der Ausschussvorsitzende MALCOLM—RIFKIND gesagt.
20131107             Um die Bedeutung der Transparenz noch zu unterstreichen, wird die 90-minütige Befragung live mit kurzer Zeitversetzung übertragen.
20131107             Aber der öffentliche Druck ist —INZWISCHEN groß genug, um zumindest DIE—ZENTRALEN Fragen aufzuwerfen.
20131107             KURZ—VOR, der Anhörung mischte sich noch der Erfinder des World Wide Web, TIM—BERNERS—LEE, in die Debatte ein.
20131107             DIE—KONTROLLEN für DIE—GEHEIM—DIENSTE hätten offenbar versagt, sagte der Brite dem "GUARDIAN".
20131107             —VERBESSERT, Die Aufsicht müsse, werden.
20131107             Die staatlichen Spione täten zudem niemandem 1—GEFALLEN damit, die Verschlüsselung der großen INTERNET—KONZERNE zu unterwandern.
20131107             Das diene letztlich nur kriminellen Hackern.
20131107             —WÄHREND neben dem SPIEGEL mit dem "GUARDIAN"1—BRITISCHE—ZEITUNG die WELT—BERICHT—ERSTATTUNG mit vorantreibt, wurden DIE—ENTHÜLLUNGEN von den meisten BRITEN lange gleichgültig hingenommen.
20131107             Konservative POLITIKER—KOMMENTATOREN attackierten die "GUARDIAN"—REPORTER als Vaterlandsverräter.
20131107             So könnten WHISTLE—BLOWER aussagen, ohne 1—FESTNAHME zu fürchten.
20131107             Außerdem solle grundsätzlich die Opposition den Vorsitzenden stellen, um dem Posten mehr Biss zu geben.
20131107             sagte Shami Chakrabarti, Chefin der NICHT—REGIERUNGS—ORGANISATIONEN Liberty.
20131107             Aber es könne auch nur 1—TAKTIK sein, um DIE—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT zu beruhigen.
20131107             Can THE—NSA and GCHQ —JUST fuck off?
20131107             Could that be the policy please?
20131107             Talking in his OFFICE—AT—THE—MASSACHUSETTS—INSTITUTE—OF—TECHNOLOGY in CAMBRIDGE—MASSACHUSETTS, BERNERS—LEE said that though he had anticipated MANY—OF—THE—SURVEILLANCE—ACTIVITIES exposed by SNOWDEN, including taps on THE—INTERNET through THE—PRISM program, he had not been prepared for the scale of THE—NSA/GCHQ operations.
20131107             "I didn't realise it would be so big,"he said.
20131107             I'm very sympathetic to attempts to increase security against organised crime, but you have to distinguish yourself from the criminal".
20131107             USA—AUßEN—MINISTER—JOHN—KERRY: "Ich liebe DEUTSCHLAND"
20131107             EUROPÄISCHER—GERICHT—HOF: Verfolgte Homosexuelle haben RECHT—AUF—ASYL
20131107             "Immaterielles Kulturgut": SPANIEN stellt Stierkampf gesetzlich unter Schutz
20131107             Tatsächlich wäre 1—AUSSAGE SNOWDENs in DEUTSCHLAND nicht im Interesse der Regierung.
20131107             Die ohnehin angespannten Beziehungen zu den Amerikanern könnten —NACH—DEM mutmaßlichen "HANDY—GATE"auf 1—NEUEN Tiefpunkt fallen, so die Befürchtung.
20131107             Manche, die —JETZT politisches Asyl für SNOWDEN verlangten, wüssten gar nicht, welche außenpolitischen PRO—BLEME sie damit heraufbeschwören, heißt es mahnend in REGIERUNGS—KREISEN.
20131107             Hinzu kämen die innenpolitischen Folgen: —SEIT—ANFANG;;07;;gibt es 1—FESTNAHMEERSUCHEN DER—USA—SEITE, das in letzter Konsequenz sogar zu 1—AUSLIEFERUNG SNOWDENs führen könnte.
20131107             —KOMPLIZIERT, Die Dinge würden also schnell, werden, käme er ins Land.
20131107             7. Sumerer —HEUTE, 09:17—UHR
20131107             NATÜRLICH ist das nicht einfach, dass —DER—FALL—SNOWDEN daran erinnert, dass DIE—USA die Allgemeine Erklärung DER—MENSCHEN—RECHTE nicht ratifiziert haben und diese entsprechend handhaben.
20131107             114. Huch - hman2 —HEUTE, 12:52—UHR
20131107             Allgemeine Erklrung DER—MENSCHEN—RECHTE (
20131107             —RATIFIZIERT, DIE—USA haben sie.
20131107             —GESCHRIEBEN, Sie wurde sogar IN—DEN—USA.
20131107             Der EHEMALIGE—PRÄSIDENT—DES—BUNDES—NACHRICHTEN—DIENSTES (BND), HANS—GEORG—WIECK, geht davon aus, dass 1—GESPRÄCH in MOSKAU sowohl von russischen als auch von AMERIKANISCHEN—GEHEIM—DIENSTEN abgehört würde.
20131107             "Ich nehme nicht an, dass DIE—RUSSEN PRO—BLEME machen", sagte er der in HALLE erscheinenden "MITTEL—DEUTSCHEN—ZEITUNG", fügte aber hinzu: "Das Gespräch wird von den RUSSEN abgehört und auch von den Amerikanern mitgeschnitten".Davon müsse man fest ausgehen.
20131107             175. immerfreundlich —HEUTE, 16:15—UHR
20131107             SNOWDEN hat sich - wenn er aktiv mitgearbeitet hat DEUTSCHLAND auszuspionieren - strafbar gemacht. es ist nur richtig, wenn er sich in DEUTSCHLAND stellt und 1—STRAFVERFAHREN erhält.
20131107             —KOOPERIERT, NATÜRLICH sollte DEUTSCHLAND - so SNOWDEN, - 1—MILDES Urteil verhängen.
20131107             Die Beziehung zu DEN—USA (oder UK) sind mir dabei egal.
20131107             —VERHÖRT, SNOWDEN sollte nach D kommen, dort, und dann verurteilt (oder freigesprochen) werden.
20131107             Um ihn vor USA—WILLKÜR zu schützen sollte D ihm dabei Aysl gewähren.
20131107             Sollten DIE—USA sich aufblasen könnte man das DEUTSCHE—BOTSCHAFTSPERSONAL auf 1—PERSON reduzieren und ALLE—USA—BOTSCHAFTANGEHÖRIGEN des Lands verweisen (—BIS ebenfalls nur 1—PERSON hier ist)
20131107             Das, heißt es im Fachblatt "Science Translational Medicine", sei noch nie zuvor gelungen.
20131107             MIT DER ZEIT wurden die Affen immer besser.
20131107             Messungen zeigten LAUT—ANGABEN—VON—IFFT und seinen Kollegen, dass die Neuronen in den Gehirnen der Tiere bei den Berührungen mit den virtuellen Armen so feuerten, als ob sie ihre eigenen Gliedmaßen benutzt hätten.
20131107             Das lege nahe, dass die Affen die Bewegungen des Avatars in ihr internes Körperbild integriert hatten.
20131107             Der USA—GEHEIM—DIENST—CIA (CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY), kann DIE—DATEN—BANKEN des USA—NETZBETREIBERS AT&T nutzen, um internationale Telefongespräche nachzuvollziehen.
20131107             —BERICHTET, Das, DIE—NEW—YORK—TIMES unter Berufung auf Insider.
20131107             Diese haben unter dem SCHUTZ—DER—ANONYMITÄT MIT DER ZEITung gesprochen, weil die von ihnen mitgeteilten Informationen als geheim eingestuft sind.
20131107             Zum Lohn, schreibt DIE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, überweist DIE—CIA dem Unternehmen MEHR—ALS—10.000.000—DOLLAR—PRO—JAHR.
20131107             Das genaue PRO—CEDERE der ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT soll in 1—GEHEIMVERTRAG festgelegt sein.
20131107             DAS—UNTERNEHMEN ist der größte TELEKOMMUNIKATIONS—KONZERN der USA und hatte teilweise —BIS in die ACHTZIGER—JAHRE—1—MONOPOL—STELLUNG als Telefonanbieter.
20131107             Kritisiert wurde DAS—UNTERNEHMEN, als es seinen Nutzern 20070000             per AGB—ÄNDERUNG verbot, sich kritisch über die Firma zu äußern.
20131107             —IM—SELBEN—JAHR unterbrach AT&T die LIVE—ÜBERTRAGUNG 1—KONZERTS der Rockband Pearl Jam —JUST in dem Moment, als die Band Texte sang, in denen sie sich gegen  USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH wandte.
20131107             FUKUSHIMA: Radioaktive Brennstäbe werden aus Abklingbecken geholt
20131107             3. Quartal: USA—WIRTSCHAFT wächst stärker als erwartet
20131107             schätzt jeder 4. Betrieb DAS—RISIKO der INDUSTRIE—SPIONAGE —HEUTE höher 1—ALS vor den Enthüllungen von EDWARD—SNOWDEN—JEDES 3. Unternehmen nahm den —SKANDAL zum Anlass, DIE—SICHERHEIT der Unternehmensdaten zu überprüfen.
20131107             —ENTTÄUSCHT, Wer SELBST—KRITIK erhofft hatte, wurde.
20131107             MI 5—CHEF—PARKER, der DIE—ENTHÜLLUNGEN des NSA—WHISTLEBLOWER—EDWARD—SNOWDEN—VOR—1—MONAT als "Geschenk für TERRORISTEN"bezeichnet hatte, blieb bei seiner harten Linie.
20131107             Die Veröffentlichung DER—GEHEIME—NSA—DOKUMENTE habe die GEHEIM—DIENST—ARBEIT erschwert, sagte er.
20131107             GCHQ—CHEF—LOBBAN sagte, seine LEUTE belauschten "beinahe TÄGLICH"Diskussionen zwischen TERROR—GRUPPEN, wie sie aufgrund der veröffentlichten Techniken DIE—GEHEIM—DIENSTE austricksen könnten.
20131107             "Wir sind viel, viel schwächer als vor —5—MONATEN".Im;;06;;hatte DER—GUARDIAN die 1. NSA—DOKUMENTE veröffentlicht.
20131107             Er werde den Schaden nicht noch größer machen, indem er öffentlich Beispiele nenne, sagte Lobban.
20131107             Er sei aber bereit, dem Gremium in GEHEIM—SITZUNG EINIGE—FÄLLE zu schildern.
20131107             Das sei nicht nur illegal, sondern auch Zeitverschwendung.
20131107             Er verglich DAS—INTERNET mit 1—GROSSEN Heufeld.
20131107             Sie suchten nur NACH—DER—NADEL in bestimmten Heuballen.
20131107             Den Vorwurf der willkürlichen Schnüffelei im PRIVAT—LEBEN unbescholtener Bürger wies er zurück.
20131107             "Ich stelle keine LEUTE ein, die sowas tun würden".
20131107             —JAHR—ZEHNT elang hatten DIE—SPIONAGE—CHEFS DIE—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT gemieden.
20131107             —ERST—SEIT den NEUNZIGER—JAHREN wird ihre Identität bekanntgegeben.
20131107             WALL—STREET—PREMIERE: Twitter feiert furiosen BÖRSEN—START
20131107             PAKISTAN: TALIBAN wählen RADIO—MULLAH zum neuen —CHEF
20131107             [l] DIE—BRITEN machen —JETZT 1—ÖFFENTLICHE (!) Befragung ihrer GEHEIM—DIENST—CHEFS.
20131107             Öffentlich wie in:
20131107             —GEGEBEN, Das hat es noch nie, in ENGLAND.
20131107             [l] ÖSTERREICH geht mit gutem Vorbild voran und legt POLIZISTEN elektronische Fußfesseln an.
20131107             MacOSX - CONNECTICUT, UNITED—STATES—QUINNIPIAC University (
20131107             Christ Presbyterian Church ( -
20131107             Hunde dürfen stundenlang kläffen aber wehe DER—MENSCH ist zu laut.
20131107             Super, herzlichen Glückwunsch und viel Erfolg für Ihre Zeitschrift.
20131107             Gruß aus der PFALZ
20131107             "Wir würden gerne etwas für die Mädchen tun und auch für Mädchen, die —IN—ZUKUNFT, zu Opfern werden könnten", wird 1—ERMITTLER bei 3—NEWS zitiert.
20131107             1280X800—NORTH—BRANFORD,
20131107             AT&T: CIA kauft offenbar DATEN—VON— USA—TELEFON—KONZERN
20131107             Alles ist sehr, sehr unklar", sagte Palmor.
20131107             Als CAMERON allerdings kürzlich im BRITISCHEN—UNTERHAUS —NACH—DEM Stand der Reformen gefragt wurde, antwortete er: "Ich weiß den genauen ZEIT—PLAN nicht auswendig, werde aber Folgendes sagen: Ich halte es nicht länger für fair, irgendwelche ÜBERSEE—GEBIETE oder Kronbesitzungen als STEUER—OASEN zu bezeichnen.
20131107             Anhörung im PARLAMENT: —STUNDE der Wahrheit für BRITISCHE—GEHEIM—DIENSTBOSSE
20131107             Anhörung im BRITISCHEN—UNTERHAUS: GEHEIM—DIENST beschuldigt SNOWDEN der HILFE—FÜR—AL—QAIDA
20131107             Auf NACH—FRAGE wollte DAS—TRIO jedoch keine konkreten Beispiele nennen, worin genau der Schaden der Veröffentlichungen bestehe.
20131107             Bemerkenswert ist dabei, daß AT&T als Ergebnis 1—SOLCHEN AN—FRAGE nicht nur DATEN seiner Kunden liefern kann, sondern INFORMATIONEN—ÜBER—ALLE—GESPRÄCHE, die durch seine Netze geleitet wurden.
20131107             CONNECTICUT, DIE—CHEFS der 3—BRITISCHEN—GEHEIM—DIENSTE sind vor das neunköpfige PARLAMENTarische KONTROLL—GREMIUM im Unterhaus geladen, um ab 15—UHR Auskunft zu dem ausufernden ABHÖR—SKANDAL zu geben.
20131107             DIE—AUF Länderebene organisierten DEUTSCHES—STEUER—BEHÖRDEN seien bekannt für ihren "fragmentierten LOWTECH—ANSATZ mit knappen Ressourcen zum STEUEReintreiben, gerade bei wohlhabenden Menschen".
20131107             DIE—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT des INTERNETs, das die Teenager für ihre Prahlereien nutzten, wird —NUN für sie selbst zur Gefahr.
20131107             Damit wären ALLE—SCHURKENSTAATEN dann —SCHON 1—PAAR Schritte weiter.
20131107             Der signifikante Unterschied: WÄHREND DIE—NSA Unternehmen wie APPLE, GOOGLE oder FACEBOOK offenbar mit GEHEIMEN GERICHTS—ANORDNUNGEN zur ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT zwingt, hat sich der TELEKOMMUNIKATIONS—KONZERN dem Bericht zufolge freiwillig zur ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT bereit erklärt.
20131107             Die Ratifizierung und vollinhaltliche Umsetzung dieser Konvention:
20131107             Doch LABOUR will mehr: Das Gremium müsse zu 1—UNABHÄNGIGEN UNTERHAUS—AUSSCHUSS gemacht werden, der Zeugen SCHUTZ—VOR—JEGLICHER Strafverfolgung bietet.
20131107             Für VIELE—NEUSEE—LÄNDER ist es unverständlich, daß DIE—POLIZEI nicht GEGEN—DIE—JUGENDLICHEN vorgeht.
20131107             HAMBURG—ES gibt NETZWERK—E, in denen spricht man Englisch und schätzt Diskretion.
20131107             HIRN—COMPUTER—SCHNITTSTELLE: Affen —STEUERN virtuelle Arme mit Gedankenkraft
20131107             —BELAUSCHT, Lobban sagte, es werde niemand, der nicht Kontakt zu KRIMinellen ODER—TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGEN habe.
20131107             Münchner Kunstschatz: USA kritisieren DEUTSCHLAND für Umgang mit GURLITT—FUND
20131107             PAKISTAN: TALIBAN wählen RADIO—MULLAH zum neuen —CHEF—
20131107             Quartalsbilanz: COMMERZ—BANK—MACHT—MEHR—GEWINN als DEUTSCHE—BANK
20131107             SNOWDEN hat SICH—WENN er aktiv mitgearbeitet hat DEUTSCHLAND AUSZUSPIONIEREN—STRAFBAR gemacht.
20131107             STEUER—OASEN in Übersee: AKTIVISTen attackieren BRITISCHES—FINANZ—EMPIRE
20131107             —ANTICIPATED, BERNERS—LEE said that though he had, MANY—OF—THE—SURVEILLANCE—ACTIVITIES exposed by SNOWDEN, including taps on THE—INTERNET through THE—PRISM program, he had not been prepared for the scale of THE—NSA/GCHQ operations.
20131107             THE—DIRECTOR—OF—BRITAIN—ELECTRONIC eavesdropping agency GCHQ, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—DOMESTIC—SECURITY—SERVICE—MI5, and THE—CHIEF—OF—THE—FOREIGN—SECRET—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE, otherwise known as MI6, will all attend —THURSDAY—HEARING, which will be televised, albeit with 1—SHORT—DELAY for security reasons.
20131107             USA Quinnipiac University (
20131107             Vorbei sind DIE—ZEITEN, als DER—CHEF—DES—BRITISCHEN—AUSLAND—GEHEIM—DIENSTS MI6 nur geheimnisvoll als "C"bezeichnet wurde und DIE—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT nicht wusste, wer sich hinter dem Kürzel verbarg.
20131107             Warum wird man von DEN—USA wegen der Entführung 1—FLUGZEUGES festgenommen, WÄHREND man nicht behelligt wird, wenn man 1—PASSAGIER—FLUGZEUG abgeschossen und damit 73—MENSCHEN umgebracht hat?
20131107             schätzt jeder 4. Betrieb DAS—RISIKO der INDUSTRIE—SPIONAGE —HEUTE höher 1—ALS vor den Enthüllungen von EDWARD—SNOWDEN.
20131107             —AUFSTAND—IN—AFRIKA: TAUSENDE—REBELLEN fliehen vom KONGO nach UGANDA
20131107             —DENN, unter dem Eindruck DER—FINANZ—KRISE hatte EX—PREMIER—MINISTER—GORDON—BROWN 20090000             beim G—20—GIPFEL—LONDON zum KAMPF—GEGEN—STEUER—OASEN geblasen.
20131107             —SEIT, der NSA—WHISTLE—BLOWER—EDWARD—SNOWDEN im;;06;;ZEHNTAUSENDE—GEHEIM—DIENSTDOKUMENTE an Journalisten weitergegeben hatte, steht DER—GCHQ WELT—WEIT am Pranger.
20131107             —ZEITSCHRIFTENPROJEKT "Kot & Köter": 1—HERZ für Hundehasser
20131107             —APOLOGIZED, USA—PRESIDENT—OBAMA, to people who were forced off their health insurance plans by the Affordable Care Act despite his assurances to the contrary.
20131107             —ISSUED, THE—IRS said is, 4—BILLION—DOLLAR in fraudulent tax returns —LAST—YEAR to people using stolen identities.
20131107             655—WENT to 1—SINGLE—ADDRESS in LITHUANIA, 343 to 1—LONE adress in SHANGHAI.
20131107             —TOPPED, MIAMI, city destinations in THE—USA.
20131107             —INDUCTED, THE—USA—NATIONAL—TOY—HALL—OF—FAME in ROCHESTER, NY, the rubber duck and the game of chess.
20131107             —TELEVISED, BRITAIN—SPY—CHIEFS gave public, testimony to UK—LAWMAKERS for the 1. time ever amid 1—FIERCE—DEBATE over intelligence tactics —FOLLOWING allegations of spying on other governments.
20131107             CHINA—VICE—PREMIER—WANG—YANG said CHINA will provide 1—CONCESSIONARY—LOAN—OF up to  1—BILLION—DOLLAR to Pacific ISLAND nations to support construction projects in 1—PART—OF—THE—WORLD where BEIJING and TAIWAN compete for influence.
20131107             He made the announcement at 1—FORUM with Pacific ISLAND nations in GUANGZHOU at 1—MEETING attended by representatives from MICRONESIA, SAMOA, PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA, VANUATU, THE—COOK—ISLANDS, TONGA, NIUE and FIJI.
20131107             —RULED, THE—EU—TOP—COURT, that refugees facing imprisonment in their home country because they are gay may have grounds to be granted asylum in THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
20131107             —STARTLED, THE—EUROPEAN—CENTRAL—BANK, investors with 1—SURPRISE cut in its benchmark interest rate aimed at boosting 1—HESITANT recovery in THE—17—COUNTRIES that use THE—EURO.
20131107             —STORMED, GREECE—RIOT—POLICE, the headquarters of former public broadcaster ERT in 1—PRE—DAWN raid, forcibly removing employees who had been occupying the site —SINCE its shock shutdown —5—MONTHS—AGO.
20131107             IRAN—CHIEF—NEGOTIATOR said 1—PLAN to cap SOME—OF—ITS—ATOMIC—ACTIVITIES in exchange for selective relief from crippling economic sanctions has been accepted by 6—WORLD—POWERS and 1—DEAL could be imminent.
20131107             —ATTACKS in IRAQ, including 1—CAR—BOMB targeting Shiite Muslims, killed 30—PEOPLE.
20131107             Police said Anas AL—ATRASH, 23—JAHRE—ALT, was shot dead —WHEN he ran at 1—OFFICER with 1—KNIFE at 1—CHECKPOINT between THE—WEST—BANK.
20131107             MEXICO, THE—BODY—OF—YGNACIO—LOPEZ—MENDOTA, THE—MAYOR—OF—SANTA—ANA Maya in Michoacan state, was found.
20131107             —COMPLAINED, He had, that cartel members were regularly demanding 1—CHUNK—OF—FEDERAL—MONEY meant for public works projects.
20131107             —APPROVED, NIGERIA—LAWMAKERS, 1—REQUEST by the country's PRESIDENT to prolong emergency rule in the restive northeast by 1—FURTHER —6—MONTHS to try to quell 1—BLOODY—ISLAMIST—INSURGENCY.
20131107             —ARRESTED, NORTH—KOREA—SECURITY—AGENCY said it has, 1—SOUTH—KOREA—SPY in PYONGYANG who intended to rally ANTI—GOVERNMENT—FORCES, 1—CLAIM that intelligence officials in SEOUL quickly called ridiculous and groundless.
20131107             —PLANNED, THE—PAKISTAN—TALIBAN chose the man who, THE—ATTACK—ON—TEENAGE—ACTIVIST—MALALA Yousafzai as the group's new leader.
20131107             The new leader, Maulana Fazlullah, has served as THE—PAKISTAN—TALIBAN—LEADER in THE—NORTH—WEST—SWAT Valley but is believed to be hiding in AFGHANISTAN.
20131107             —JAILED, RUSSIA, concern for, Pussy Riot member Nadezhda Tolokonnikova mounted on her 24. birthday, —AFTER her husband said she could not be found in THE—RUSSIA—PRISON colony where authorities reportedly sent her in October.
20131107             Hackers claiming links to INTERNATIONAL hacking group Anonymous defaced SINGAPORE PRIME—MINISTER—LEE—HSIEN—LOONG—OFFICIAL—WEBSITE, —1—DAY—AFTER he said authorities would spare no effort to track them down.
20131107             —ALLEGED, PALESTINE—OFFICIALS have, from the start that ISRAEL poisoned Arafat.
20131107             —KILLED, Police said 6—PEOPLE have been, and 8—OTHERS wounded in DAYS—OF—CLASHES—BETWEEN—FARMERS and herders in THE—CENTRAL—MOROGORO region.
20131107             —FIRED, TURKEY—RIOT—POLICE, tear gas to disperse Kurdish protesters demonstrating against government plans to build 1—WALL along PART—OF—THE—BORDER with Syria.
20131107             UGANDA—MILITARY said Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO'S M23 guerrillas, including rebel CHIEF—SULTANI—MAKENGA, have surrendered en masse in UGANDA, signalling the end of an —18—MONTH—INSURGENCY.
20131107             —DETAINED, JIM—WYSS, THE—MIAMI—HERALD—ANDEAN—BUREAU—CHIEF, was, by VENEZUELA—NATIONAL—GUARD in S—CRISTOBAL, 1—WESTERN—CITY—NEAR the border with COLOMBIA that is the center of 1—VIBRANT black market by Venezuelans seeking to circumvent rigid currency controls.
20131107             Do they really believe this MASS—SURVEILLANCE will uncover numerous true TERROR—IST plots, or is that simply 1—USEFUL—COVER—STORY to help 'justify' MASS—SURVEILLANCE—OF—CITIZENS and industry?
20131107             Entlassene Journalisten: GRIECHISCHE—POLIZEI räumt besetztes STAATS—FUNKGEBÄUDE
20131107             For starters...1—MASSIVE "Fuck you"to EVERY—ROCK—STAR who ever sang about freedom and hasn't grown 1—PAIR big enough to speak up on this story.
20131107             Raubsaurier: —FORSCHER entdecken Verwandten von Jyrannosaurus rex
20131107             Räumung von griechischem STAATS—FUNK: "Wie in 1—BANANENSTAAT"
20131107             1—NEW—VIDEO surfaced showing TORONTO MAYOR—ROB—FORD threatening to "murder" someone and "poke his eyes out" in 1—RAMBLING rage, deepening concerns among both critics and allies that he is no longer fit to lead CANADA—LARGEST—CITY.
20131107             —SUSPECTED, SOUTH—YEMEN, 5, AL—QAEDA fighters KILLED—WERE by 2—DRONE—STRIKES in Abyan province.
201311071425         Hallo, endlich jemand der sich dieser Sache annimmt. es gibt Tierschützer, aber keine Menschenschützer vor Hunde.
20131107—20040000    —CONFIRMED, SWITZERLAND—SCIENTISTS, that PALESTINE—LEADER—YASSER Arafat ingested lethal radioactive polonium —BEFORE his death and had high levels of it in his body that could not have been accidental.
20131107—20131109    —RELEASED, Wyss was.
20141024—20141107    —ON, ANDREW—FRYBERG †.
20141105—20141107    —CANCELLED, Pena NIETO—GOVERNMENT, the contract —FOLLOWING 1—INVESTIGATION into Grupo Higa, 1—MEXICO—PARTNER in the consortium, which also provided Nieto and his wife use of a 7—MILLION—DOLLAR—MANSION on THE—WEST—EDGE—OF—MEXICO—CITY.
20141107             —UNVEILED, USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, plans to send 1,500 additional troops to IRAQ to help BAGHDAD—GOVERNMENT—FORCES—STRIKE back at ISLAM—STATE—JIHADISTS, roughly doubling THE—NUMBER—OF—USA—SOLDIERS in the country.
20141107             1—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE struck down ARIZONA's 20050000             immigrant smuggling LAW—ON—THE—GROUNDS that it's trumped by FEDERAL—STATUTES.
20141107             1—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE—CLEARED—DETROIT, the biggest USA—CITY to ever file for bankruptcy, to emerge from bankruptcy.
20141107             LONDON, IAN—EDMONDSON, —45—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—NEWS—EDITOR—AT—THE—NEWS—OF—THE—WORLD, was jailed —FOR—8—MONTHS—AFTER admitting involvement in phone hacking at RUPERT—MURDOCH—NOW defunct tabloid newspaper.
20141107             —APPROVED, BULGARIA—PARLIAMENT formally, the country's new CENTER—RIGHT—GOVERNMENT in 1—ATTEMPT—TO—RESTORE stability and spur economic development in the poorest EU member country.
20141107             —REACHED, CHINA said it has, agreement with JAPAN to ramp up HIGH—LEVEL—CONTACTS.
20141107             —ANNOUNCED, CHINA and JAPAN jointly, that they are seeking to improve relations and set up 1—SYSTEM to prevent minor maritime contingencies from escalating into true warfare.
20141107             —KILLED, EGYPT, AT—LEAST—3—PEOPLE were, and 8 wounded in separate incidents involving Islamist protesters and militants across the country.
20141107             THE—EU said BRITAIN will have to pay only —AROUND 1—BILLION—EUROS, rather than MORE—THAN—2—BILLION, more to THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—BUDGET as 1—RESULT—OF—1—EUROPE—WIDE—REVISION—OF—STATISTICS, because THE—UK—REBATE will also increase.
20141107             IRAQ said army forces have retaken CONTROL—OF—MOST of the strategic NORTH—TOWN—OF—BAIJI from THE—ISLAM—STATE—JIHADIST—GROUP.
20141107             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER rammed 1—TRUCK packed with explosives into 1—HUMVEE transporting senior police COMMANDER—GENERAL—FAISAL—MALIK, 1—OF—THE—SUPERVISORS—OF—THE—CAMPAIGN—AGAINST—ISLAM—STATE—MILITANTS surrounding the refinery near Baiji.
20141107             —KILLED, The general and 2—POLICEMEN were.
20141107             JORDAN, several 1000—PROTESTERS took to the streets, calling on THE—GOVERNMENT to scrap its peace DEAL—WITH—ISRAEL—FOLLOWING escalating violence at THE—AL—AQSA mosque in JERUSALEM.
20141107             —TARGETED, CA—15—SMALL—EXPLOSIONS, the homes and vehicles of Fatah officials in GAZA, causing minor damage but no injuries.
20141107             3—MALAYSIA—MUSLIM transgenders won 1—LANDMARK COURT—RULING against 1—RELIGIOUS—LAW banning them from CROSS—DRESSING in what activists called 1—VICTORY—FOR—HUMAN—RIGHTS.
20141107             —ANNOUNCED, MEXICO, it believes charred remains found in 1—RIVER and on its banks in Guerrero state belong to 43—STUDENTS from 1—TEACHERS—COLLEGE, missing for MORE—THAN—1—MONTH.
20141107             3 suspected Guerreros Unidos gang members said they bundled the 43 in the back of 2—TRUCKS, took them to 1—NEARBY landfill, killed them and used fuel, wood, tires and plastic to burn their bodies —FOR—14—HOURS.
20141107             NEW—ZEALAND authorities made 1—EMBARRASSING—ABOUT—FACE—WHEN prosecutors dropped 1—MURDER—FOR—HIRE CHARGE—AGAINST—AC/DC drummer PHIL—RUDD (60), saying there was not enough evidence to proceed.
20141107             —FACED, Rudd still, serious CHARGES—OF—THREATENING to kill as well as possession of amphetamine and marijuana.
20141107             THE—GOVERNOR—OF—ADAMAWA STATE—SAID—BOKO—HARAM has taken over AT—LEAST—5—MUNICIPALITIES and called for more troops to halt further Islamist gains.
20141107             NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 2—ROADSIDE bombs, minutes apart, struck 1—MINIBUS and 1—MOTORCYCLE in Mohmand tribal region near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER, killing AT—LEAST—6—PEOPLE.
20141107             —ANNOUNCED, Hamas, the creation of a "popular army" in THE—GAZA—STRIP, saying it was ready for ANY—FUTURE—CONFLICT with ISRAEL, particularly over the flashpoint AL—AQSA mosque compound.
20141107             —SIGNED, RUSSIA, 1—CONTRACT to build 2—MORE—NUCLEAR—REACTORS in IRAN to be possibly followed by another 6, 1—MOVE intended to cement closer ties between THE—2—NATIONS.
20141107             RUSSIA, 1—LESBIAN couple tied the knot in 1—QUIET—CEREMONY seen as the 1. such marriage in the country where gay unions are illegal.
20141107             * The marriage went through in S—PETERSBURG because 1—OF—THE—WOMEN—MALE but is —NOW transgender and undergoing hormone therapy.
20141107             1—SAUDI—ARABIA advisory committee recommended that THE—GOVERNMENT lift its BAN—ON—FEMALE—DRIVERS for women over 30. It said the women must be off the road by 8pm and cannot wear makeup behind the wheel.
20141107             —APPROVED, SOUTH—KOREA—NATIONAL—ASSEMBLY, plans to disband the coast guard —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—CRITICISM over its failure to rescue HUNDREDS—OF—PASSENGERS—DURING—THE sinking of 1—FERRY —IN—APRIL.
20141107             —SEIZED, SYRIA, AL—QAIDA fighters of the Nusra Front, 3—VILLAGES: Safuhan, Fatira and Hazari, in NORTH—WEST—IDLIB province, and were pushing to take others.
20141107             —UKRAINE—MILITARY said 1—COLUMN—OF—32—TANKS, 16—HOWITZER artillery systems and trucks carrying ammunition and fighters has crossed into EAST—UKRAINE from RUSSIA.
20141107             VENEZUELA—AUTHORITIES said Leiva Padilla MENDOZA, the purported LEADER—OF—1—COLOMBIA—PARAMILITARY—GROUP who they allege masterminded the October SLAYING—OF—SOCIALIST—VENEZUELA—LAWMAKER—ROBERT—SERRA, has been captured in CARTAGENA—COLOMBIA.
20141107             —ANNOUNCED, YEMEN—STATE—RUN—TV, THE—LINEUP—OF—THE—COUNTRY—NEW—CABINET —FOLLOWING 1—UN—BROKERED DEAL—WITH—SHIITE rebels who had overrun THE—CAPITAL—OF—SANAA and plunged the country into another crisis.
20141107             —SIGNED, SOUTH—AFRICA SAID it has, 1—NUCLEAR—ENERGY—COOPERATION—AGREEMENT with CHINA as THE—GOVERNMENT—LOOKS to expand the critical power supply system.
20141107             5—UKRAINE—SOLDIERS KILLED—WERE and 16 wounded —IN—THE—PAST—24—HOURS despite the ceasefire.
20150506   ——
20151103             —JUDGED, THE—CALIFORNIA—DEPARTMENT—OF—PUBLIC—HEALTH, local Dungeness crab and rock crab, from OREGON to the southern border of Santa BARBARA—COUNTY, to be too toxic to eat —JUST days 20151107             —BEFORE, —THE start of the recreational crab season.
20151107             AUSLAND—GEHEIM—DIENST: BND spionierte auch Freunde aus
20151107             British and USA—PROPAGANDA is missing the element of "This was 1—APPALLING slaughter of innocents. We stand with RUSSIA, and we will help RUSSIA in ANY—WAY we can in our collective FIGHT—AGAINST—TERRORISM".
20151107             "suPAR ermöglicht uns endlich 1—BLICK in DIE—ZUKUNFT—DER—NIERE", sagt er.
20151107             Doch bald gab es gar keine Nahrung mehr.
20151107             Die KLIMA—DATEN sind das Abbild gigantischer Katastrophen.
20151107             Allerdings erlauben die Rekonstruktionen nur Rückschlüsse auf —SOMMERFEUCHTE—, Trockenbedingungen",
20151107             "Zusätzlich sind die Rekonstruktionen mit Unsicherheiten behaftet,
20151107             —DISTANZIERT, SACHSEN—ANHALT: Philologenverband, sich von WARNUNGEN—VOR—MUSLIMEN
20151107             —IM—AUGUST ist es über ÄGYPTEN zu 1—SCHWEREN Zwischenfall gekommen: 1—BRITISCHES—FLUGZEUG wurde beinahe von 1—RAKETE getroffen.
20151107             DIE—REGIERUNG in LONDON geht davon aus, dass es sich um 1—VERSEHEN der ÄGYPTISCHEN—STREITKRÄFTE handelte.
20151107             DER—VORFALL hat sich —BEREITS—IM—AUGUST ereignet.
20151107             Offiziellen Angaben zufolge befinden sich —DERZEIT, noch 79.000—RUSSEN in dem NORD—AFRIKA—LAND.
20151107             Die meisten davon halten sich in den URLAUB—SORTEN Hurghada und Scharm AL—SCHEICH auf.
20151107             41. Stotisch... - dschungelmann —HEUTE, 16:46—UHR
20151107             hat der Chor der Presse —MONATE—LANG—SISIS—LIED gesungen.
20151107             Das Lied eines DIKTATORs und Massenmoerders.
20151107             —NUN haben DIE—BRITEN das getoppt.
20151107             —MONATE—LANG 1—BEINAHEABSCHUSS, warum auch immer, vor den eigenen Leuten verheimlichen um des Pharaos Kasse zu fuellen.
20151107             Einfach fassungslos macht mich das.
20151107             ICH wuerde gerade sicher KEIN Flugzeug in der Gegend besteigen.
20151107             DIE—LEUTE haben recht. Alles extrem seltsam mit dem Gepaeck.
20151107             Bombe im Souvenir? Hammer sind DIE—BRITEN.
20151107             DIESE Regierung dort muss sofort weg.
20151107             44. Es war doch nur 1.harmlose Übung.. - Pandora0611 —HEUTE, 18:04—UHR
20151107             diese machen wir immer in Urlaubsgebieten, DIE—BRITEN haben richtig reagiert indem sie der Rakete ausgewichen sind.
20151107             DIE—RUSSEN mit ihrer A321 nicht.
20151107             Da war es eben ein "technisches"- oder"menschliches Versagen".
20151107             VIELE—VERBRAUCHER in DEUTSCHLAND halten den ZEIT—PUNKT für den Immobilienkauf offenbar für perfekt.
20151107             Die Baufinanzierer haben —J—IN—DIESEM, —BEREITS 1—BOMBENGESCHÄFT gemacht.
20151107             —SEIT;;03;; liegt das Volumen neuer Baufinanzierungen —MONAT für —MONAT um 20—PROZENT oder mehr über dem des VOR—JAHRES.
20151107             Im;;07;;BETRUG der Anstieg sogar MEHR—ALS—50—PROZENT.
20151107             Insgesamt 236—MILLIARDEN—EURO an neuen Baukrediten sind —J—IM von ;;09;;
20151107             Angeboren oder erlernt: Wie viel Alphatier steckt im Menschen?
20151107             Hinweise dafür fanden sie im Tierreich.
20151107             Führungsmuster - Ausnahmen bilden laut der Auswertung lediglich die Tüpfelhyänen und Angehörige des NOOTKA—STAMMES, der an der KANADISCHEN—PAZIFIKKÜSTE lebt.
20151107             —VERERBT, Dort werden Führungspositionen typischerweise.
20151107             So schlichten sie Querelen innerhalb der Gemeinschaft und im Kontakt mit anderen Gruppen.
20151107             Demnach sind Leitfiguren unter Menschen beispielsweise weniger mächtig als ihre tierischen GEGEN—PPRTS.
20151107             Denn Tiere konzentrieren ihre Führungsposition stärker auf sich und übernehmen in mehr Bereichen gleichzeitig die dominante Rolle.
20151107             —GELUNGEN, Das sei.
20151107             —BEOBACHTET, Bei Pavianen hat der Forscher, dass sie auf Wanderschaft zu demokratischen —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN neigen.
20151107             Hier fehlten FÜR—1—VERGLEICH mit dem Menschen aber wiederum weitere Studien zu dessen Verhalten.
20151107             "DIE—ERGEBNISSE lassen sich nur begrenzt auf komplexere, stärker organisierte Gesellschaften, wie DIE—DEUTSCHE—BEVÖLKERUNG übertragen".
20151107             ÖL—PREISTIEF in RUSSLAND: Der Rubel wird zur GUMMIWährung
20151107             —NACH Dammbruch —ZERSTÖRTES Dorf in BRASILIEN: Verschollen unter der GIFT—SCHLAMMWELLE
20151107             —GEFUNDEN, WASHINGTON: PUTIN—BERATER tot in Hotelzimmer
20151107             —VERLOREN, KOALITION in DER—FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, Kontrolle
20151107             MEDIEN—BERICHT—USA nehmen VW—MANAGER offenbar den Pass ab
20151107             "Chapala"war —ERST der 3. Zyklon —SEIT—BEGINN—DER—SYSTEMATISCHEN Aufzeichnungen 19790000             , der die Arabische Halbinsel getroffen hat —, der 1. —SEITHER über dem JEMEN.
20151107             SOVIET—NOSTALGIE: Panzer, Pathos, Patrioten
20151107             DIE—FORSCHER analysierten DIE—FÜHRUNGSMUSTER in 8—SÄUGETIER—GRUPPEN, unter anderem in Löwenrudeln, Delfinschulen, Elefanten—, SCHIMPANSEN—FAMILIEN, und verglichen sie mit 8—KLEINEN MENSCHEN—GEMEINSCHAFTEN.
20151107             DIE—ANALYSE der Forscher im FACH—MAGAZIN—TRENDS in Ecology & EVOLUTION"deutet —NUN allerdings —DARAUFHIN, dass es mehr Ähnlichkeiten zwischen MENSCHEN—UND tierischen Anführern gibt als —BISHER, angenommen.
20151107             "DIE—ARBEIT bestätigt historische Beschreibungen von schwerer Dürre und Nässe mit 1—RÄUMLICHEN Lückenlosigkeit, die es zuvor nicht gab"
20151107             "HUMANS—OF—NEW—YORK"-Blogger : Der GESCHICHTEnsammler und DIE—FLÜCHTLINGE
20151107             "Wir werden 'ROSETTA' langsam an die Oberfläche fliegen und wahrscheinlich sogar landen".DIE—MISSION soll
20151107             1—ZUSAMMENHANG mit dem Absturz des RUSSISCHEN—AIRBUS auf dem Sinai, bei dem —VOR—1—WOCHE 224—MENSCHEN ums Leben kamen, sei nicht gegeben.
20151107             1—GENERELLES PRO—BLEM sei, dass man nicht untersuchen könne, inwiefern Tiere ihr eigenes Handeln reflektieren oder Bedürfnisse von GRUPPEN—MITGLIEDERN erkennen können.
20151107             Aus der Analyse alter BAUM—STÄMME haben Forscher DIE—GESCHICHTE—VON—DÜRRE—KATASTROPHEN rekonstruiert.
20151107             Beim Landeanflug auf den ÄGYPTISCHEN—FERIENORT Scharm AL—SCHEICH ist 1—FLUGZEUG der BRITISCHEN—FLUGGESELLSCHAFT THOMSON—AIRWAYS nur knapp von 1—RAKETE verfehlt worden.
20151107             British and USA—PROPAGANDA is missing the element of "This was 1—APPALLING slaughter of innocents.
20151107             DER—NEUE DÜRRE—ATLAS der Alten Welt bietet auf Basis solcher Baumringanalysen 1—RÜCKBLICK in die
20151107             DER—VORFALL hat sich —IM—BEREITS, ;;08;; ereignet.
20151107             DIE—189—PASSAGIERE an Bord wurden über den Vorfall nicht informiert.
20151107             —INFORMIERT, DIE—BANKEN hatten ihre Kunden nicht korrekt, so dass die ihre Kreditverträge rückabwickeln KÖNNEN—SOLANGE DIE—BANKEN diesen FORM—FEHLER nicht durch 1.erneute und einwandfreie Belehrung korrigieren.
20151107             DIE—LEUTE mussten Hunde und Pferde ESSEN.
20151107             DIE—NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR—AFP meldete unter Berufung auf 1.anonyme Quelle, der FLUGDATENREKORD—ER bestätige 1—PLÖTZLICHEN Absturz:
20151107             DIE—POLARISIERUNG der Welt: Wir hassen einander, weil nichts bleibt, wie es ist
20151107             Das Geschoss sei SCHLIEßLICH—CA—300—METER an dem Jet vorbeigeflogen.
20151107             Das BRITISCHE—VERKEHRS—MINISTERIUM hat den Vorfall bestätigt.
20151107             Dem Bericht zufolge haben die Piloten 1—AUSWEICHMANÖVER eingeleitet, als sie die Rakete in ihrer Flugbahn sichteten.
20151107             Demnach ist Lebenserfahrung 1.entscheidende Voraussetzung FÜR—1.FÜHRUNGSROLLE—SOWOHL in der Tierwelt als auch in MENSCHEN—GRUPPEN.
20151107             DIESE—WOCHE zog 1—ZYKLON, wie die Wirbel in der Region heißen, —BIS—NACH—ARABIEN.
20151107             Er brachte der Küstenregion BINNEN—2—TAGEN so viel Regen, wie dort normalerweise in —7—JAHREN fällt,
20151107             ESA—PROJEKT: "PHILAE"und "ROSETTA"sollen sich auf KOMET —TREFFEN
20151107             FÜHRUNGSMUSTER—GEHT es darum, sich FÜR—1.unter 2—MÖGLICHEN Route zu entscheiden, bevorzugen die Affen unabhängig vom dominanten Alphatier fast immer die Richtung, für die sich die Mehrzahl ihrer Artgenossen entschieden hat.
20151107             In vielen Situationen trifft 1.Person die —ENTSCHEIDUNG, löst —KONFLIKTE oder gibt 1—GEMEINSCHAFT den Weg vor.
20151107             Insgesamt 236—MILLIARDEN—EURO an neuen Baukrediten sind 20140900             —J—IM, —VON—BIS, 20150800             vergeben worden, schreibt DIE—BUNDES—BANK.
20151107             —KRITIK nach DE—MAIZIÈRE—VORSTOß: SPD—VIZE—STEGNER wettert über "Chaos"in der Union
20151107             Mit örtlich 610—MILLIMETERN, sammelte sich in —48—STUNDEN mehr Niederschlag, als in BERLIN —J—IM, fällt.
20151107             Nur selten würden Wissenschaftler so über den Tellerrand des eigenen Bereichs gucken, sagt DAMIAN—FARINE, Verhaltensbiologe am MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUT—FÜR—ORNITHOLOGIE.
20151107             SPITZEN—TREFFEN—VON—CHINA und TAIWAN: "Wir sind 1.Familie"
20151107             Stattdessen vermute man, das Geschoss sei im Rahmen 1—ÜBUNG des ÄGYPTISCHEN—MILITÄR—S abgefeuert worden.
20151107             TV—SENDERS FRANCE 2—ZUFOLGE
20151107             Untersuchungen hätten aber ergeben, dass ES—SICH "nicht um 1—GEZIELTEN ANGRIFF"gehandelt habe".
20151107             Wissenschaftler unterschiedlicher Fachrichtungen haben —JETZT untersucht, was diese Alphamenschen ausmacht.
20151107             —GEWESEN, Ziel der —STUDIE sei es, Führerschaft aus 1—BREITEN Perspektive zu betrachten.
20151107             Zum anderen jene, die sich 1—FORM—FEHLER—DER—BANKEN bei der Widerrufsbelehrung zu ihrem alten Kredit zunutze gemacht haben und —JETZT 1—NEUEN, viel günstigeren VERTRAG abschließen können
20151107             Zwischenfall über ÄGYPTEN: BRITISCHER—TOURISTENJET musste Rakete ausweichen
20151107             richtige Überraschung: Niemand hatte gedacht, dass DER—KOMET an der Oberfläche so hart ist.
20151107             schreiben DIE—FORSCHER um EDWARD—COOK—VON—DER—COLUMBIA—STATE—UNIVERSITY—IN—DEN—USA im Wissenschaftsjournal "Sciences Advances".
20151107             —LAUT—SMITH deutet die ähnliche Führungsstruktur bei Mensch und Tier —DARAUFHIN, dass sich Verhaltensweisen wie Dominanz und Unterordnung in beiden Gruppen evolutionär ähnlich entwickelt haben.
20151107             —WÄHREND—DES Flugs sei klar 1—EXPLOSIONSGERÄUSCH zu hören gewesen, berichtete der Fernsehsender —AM—FREITAG unter Verweis auf 1—ERMITTLER.
20151107             —CONDUCTED, THE—USA and its allies, 31—STRIKES—AGAINST—ISLAM—STATE—IN—IRAQ and Syria.
20151107             —FOLLOWED, DONALD—TRUMP spent —90—MINUTES in the "SNL" spotlight, weeks of growing anticipation, increasingly sharp criticism and mounting calls for him to be dropped from the show.
20151107             —SERVED, —UNTIL THIS—EVENING, —JUST 8—POLITICIANS had, as guest hosts in THE—NBC sketch comedy series' —40—YEARS.
20151107             1—UK—OFFICIAL said BRITAIN hopes to return ALL—OF—ITS stranded tourists from Sharm AL—SHEIKH—WITHIN—10—DAYS.
20151107             1—MAGNITUDE—6.8—EARTHQUAKE struck NORTH—CENTRAL—CHILE, causing buildings to sway in THE—CAPITAL—OF—SANTIAGO, but there were no immediate REPORTS—OF—INJURIES.
20151107             —MASSED, HUNDREDS—OF—ANGRY—PROTESTERS, outside TAIWAN PRESIDENT—MA—YING—JEOU—OFFICE, condemning his warm exchange with CHINA—LEADER in 1—SUMMIT in SINGAPORE that has fueled fears the democratic ISLAND will be swallowed up by its giant rival.
20151107             —ANNOUNCED, ESTONIA—FLAGSHIP—AIRLINE, its bankruptcy —AFTER THE—EUROPEAN—UNION ruled it would have to pay back 85—MILLION—EUROS plus INTEREST—OF—STATE—AID pumped into the struggling business to keep it flying.
20151107             —MOVED, Authorities in TALLINN, to absorb the shock by —IMMEDIATELY setting up 1—NEW—CARRIER to take over key routes.
20151107             —STAGED, Cabin crew at Lufthansa, a 2. —DAY—OF—STRIKES, forcing THE—GERMANY—AIRLINE to cancel SOME—520—SHORT—AND MEDIUM—HAUL—FLIGHTS.
20151107             THE—OFFICE—OF—GUYANA—PRESIDENT said it is developing 1—CODE—OF—CONDUCT for public officials that would bar them from excessive gambling and sexually harassing people and require them to report all gifts in excess of a $50.
20151107             —KILLED, IRAQ, bombs in and —AROUND BAGHDAD, AT—LEAST—9—PEOPLE.
20151107             † IN—ISRAEL—YITZHAK—NAVON, —94—JAHRE—ALT, who served as ISRAEL—5. PRESIDENT (19780000—19830000    ).
20151107             RUSSIA—FEDERAL—AIR—TRANSPORT—AGENCY said it will send 44—PLANES to repatriate its nationals from 2—EGYPT—RED—SEA—RESORTS.
20151107             —CONVERGED, SPAIN, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE from all over the country, on MADRID to march against domestic violence.
20151107             —RELEASED, THE—ISLAM—STATE—GROUP, 37—SYRIA—CHRISTIANS, MOST—OF—THEM women, who were among MORE—THAN—200—PEOPLE kidnapped in February.
20151107             —KILLED, THE—BRITAIN—BASED Observatory said AT—LEAST—23—CIVILIANS, were, in suspected RUSSIA—AIR—STRIKES on REBEL—HELD Douma, outside DAMASCUS.
20151107             † THAILAND, prominent fortuneteller Suriyan Sujaritpalawong, ACCUSED—OF—INSULTING the monarchy, of 1—BLOOD—INFECTION at 1—MILITARY—PRISON where he had been detained —SINCE MID—OCTOBER.
20151107             He became 2. person in connection with THE—HIGH—PROFILE—CASE to die behind bars.
20151107             TOGO, CLASHES—BETWEEN—POLICE and protesters over the past —2—DAYS left 5—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20151107             WEST—VENEZUELA, 1—MAGNITUDE 5.3—EARTHQUAKE struck CA—27—KM (17—MILES) from THE—CITY—OF—MERIDA, knocking out power in SOME—AREAS, damaging SOME—BUILDINGS and triggering rockfalls that killed 1—MAN.
20151107             —SABOTAGED, THE—WORLD—ANTI—DOPING Agency said RUSSIA had, 20120000             —THE—LONDON—OLYMPIC—GAMES by running 1—STATE—SPONSORED doping program.
20151107             THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION said that EBOLA—RAVAGED SIERRA—LEONE had beaten an —18—MONTH—OUTBREAK that killed almost 4,000 citizens and plunged the economy into severe recession.
20151107             "—BISHER ist man davon ausgegangen, DASS—FÜHRERSCHAFT bei Menschen komplexer ist als bei anderen Säugetieren", sagt Biologin JENNIFER—SMITH vom Mills COLLEGE—KALIFORNIEN.
20151107             "Hier stehe ich, ich kann nicht anders..".soll LUTHER auf dem REICHS—TAG in Worms 15210000             gesagt haben.
20151107             Ob angeboren oder erlernt: Menschliche und tierische AN—FÜHRER—ZEICHNEN sich in der Regel dadurch aus, dass sie in schwierigen Situationen eingreifen und die Gruppe nach außen vertreten, berichten DIE—FORSCHER.
20151107             —STRANDED, —AROUND 80,000—RUSSIANS were, in EGYPT.
20151107—19920000    —IN, IN—ISRAEL—YITZHAK—NAVON quit politics and became 1—SUCCESSFUL—AUTHOR and playwright.
20151107—20150800    —BIS, 20140000             vergeben worden, schreibt DIE—BUNDES—BANK.
20151107—201609000    "Wir werden 'Rosetta' langsam an die Oberfläche fliegen und wahrscheinlich sogar landen".Die Mission soll im enden.
20161105—20161107    —NUMBERED, THE—DEATH—TOLL, least 13—PEOPLE—AFTER some of the injured † of their wounds.
20161107             Grundwasserbelastung: EU reicht NITRAT—KLAGE—GEGEN—DEUTSCHLAND ein
20161107             —VERBANNT, Sonderverwaltungszone: CHINA, Abgeordnete aus HONGKONGs PARLAMENT
20161107             —FINANZ—BRANCHE: WALL—STREET kürzt Bonuszahlungen
20161107             UNO—KONFERENZ—IN—MARRAKESCH: Was der KLIMA—GIPFEL bringt —, was nicht
20161107             Wechsel —NACH—3—JAHRE, im Amt: CHINA beruft FINANZ—MINISTER ab - CHRISTENTUM und ISLAM: die unterwerfung
20161107             —GEFUNDEN, KANADA: Taucher will verschollene ATOM—BOMBE, haben
20161107             TÜRKEI—ERDOGAN wirft Westen TERROR—UNTERSTÜTZUNG vor
20161107             —KAMPF—UM—DEN USA—KONGRESS: Hier finden die echten Machtspiele statt
20161107             Häusermarkt: BREXIT drückt IMMOBILIEN—PREISE in LONDONer Nobelvierteln
20161107             Den edlen Stadtteil Chelsea erwischte es noch schlimmer: Dort sackte das PREIS—NIVEAU um fast 10 % ab.
20161107             7—NOV ;;124046;; CHROME—27.0 - WinXP - UNITED—STATES—FLAG—ASHBURN,
20161107             VIRGINIA, UNITED—STATES / EN—USA ( Label IP Address
20161107    - 7—NOV ;;152954;; Unknown - UNITED—KINGDOM—FLAG—LONDON,
20161107             UNITED—KINGDOM MORGAN—STANLEY—GROUP ( Label IP Address
20161107             "Barbie Girl"von der skandinavischen EURODANCEPOP—TRUPPE Aqua?
20161107             1—WIRKLICH schlimmer Song, —SCHON fast an der Grenze zur Körperverletzung.
20161107             Rhythmus, Melodie sind so unfassbar simpel, dass es —SCHON fast weh tut - vom Text mal ganz zu schweigen.
20161107             —GEHÖRT, Haben Sie den Song einmal, bekommen Sie ihn nicht wieder aus dem Kopf.
20161107             Selbst dann nicht —, dieser Umstand ist in diesem Zusammenhang wichtig - wenn Sie es wollen.
20161107             "Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich ungefähr vorhersagen lässt, ob sich 1.Melodie in den Köpfen DER—MENSCHEN verfängt", Das liegt am sogenannten ZEIGARNIK—EFFEKT.
20161107             Dieser besagt, dass man sich an unterbrochene Gedanken und unvollendete Aufgaben besser erinnert als an abgeschlossene.
20161107             n die PRO—BLEME.
20161107             Im SYRIEN—KONFLIKT, IN—DER—UKRAINE—KRISE und gegenüber WLADIMIR—PUTIN wird sie nach Lage der Dinge 1.härtere Linie verfolgen wollen als BARACK—OBAMA.
20161107             so kennt man sie aus ihrer Zeit als AUßEN—MINISTERIN, als sie OBAMA zum MILITÄR—EINGREIFEN in LIBYEN überredete.
20161107             CLINTON gilt als "Hawk"(Falke) - was in der Sprache der SICHERHEITS—EXPERTEN Politiker bezeichnet, die vor dem angedrohten oder realen —EINSATZ MILITÄR—MACHT nicht zurückschrecken.
20161107             Wollen wir mehr SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—RUSSLAND mittragen?
20161107             Mehr Aufrüstung an der NATO—OST—GRENZE? —SCHON—JETZT ist DIE—GROßE—KOALITION in BERLIN in diesen Fragen gespalten, ebenso wie die gesamte EU.
20161107             Wie soll man es anders nennen als 1.VERLEUGNUNG—DES—GLAUBENS, wenn 2—WICHTIGE Repräsentanten des CHRISTENTUMs bei 1—PILGERGREISE aus Rücksicht auf die Reizbarkeit MUSLIM—GLAUBENS—VERTRETER ihr Kreuz ablegen?
20161107             Es sind in der GESCHICHTE—DES—CHRISTENTUMS 1.Menge Leute gestorben, weil sie genau das abgelehnt haben.
20161107             —VERBOHRT, Man kann das unvernünftig oder, finden, in den Kirchen werden sie —HEUTE als Heilige und Märtyrer verehrt.
20161107             So ist das —NUN einmal mit dem Glauben: Den Gläubigen imponiert Standfestigkeit, nicht DIE—KAPITULATION vor fremden Mächten.
20161107             CHRISTENTUM und ISLAM - die unterwerfung - 1—KOLUMNE—VON—JAN—FLEISCHHAUER
20161107             Schwieriger Vormarsch auf Hochburg Rakka: SCHLACHT—UM—DAS Herz des IS
20161107             SCHWARZE—LISTE: BRITEN wollen Regeln für STEUER—OASEN abschwächen
20161107             1—KOLUMNE—VON—JAN—FLEISCHHAUER—CHRISTENTUM und ISLAM: die unterwerfung
20161107             Da bei der —PLÖTZLICH, auftretenden Erinnerung an 1—SONG, den man dann im Kopf hat, aber sicher selten der gesamte Song abläuft, ehe die Gedanken abgelenkt werden, ist es so wahrscheinlicher, daß er später noch einmal zurückkehrt.
20161107             Den edlen Stadtteil Chelsea erwischte es noch schlimmer: Dort sackte das PREIS—NIVEAU um FAST—10—PROZENT ab.
20161107             Fahrplan für EU—AUSTRITT: BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG will BREXIT ohne Abstimmung
20161107             GLOBAL—KRISEN: "DIE—FLÜCHTLINGE sind nur 1—TEIL 1—UMFASSENDEN Krise"
20161107             IN—DER—UKRAINE und in SYRIEN verfolgt PUTIN eisern RUSSISCHE—INTERESSEN—DASS dabei Menschen getötet und westliche Werte wie Freiheit und Demokratie ignoriert werden, wird IN—DEN—USA über ALLE—PARTEIGRENZEN hinweg mit Abscheu beobachtet.
20161107             Integrationsbeauftragte: Özoguz wirft CSU "GENERAL—VERDACHT gegen Muslime"vor
20161107             SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN: Massenhaftes VOGEL—STERBEN an Plöner Seen
20161107             Schweizerin im Niqab bei "ANNE—WILL": "Das ist PROPAGANDA"
20161107             USA—WAHL: Ob CLINTON oder DONALD—TRUMP—FÜR DEUTSCHLAND wird es ungemütlich
20161107             WAHL—IN—NICARAGUA: Ortega sichert sich wohl 66—PROZENT—MEHRHEIT
20161107             ist auch erforscht, warum 1—SONG immer und immer wieder zurückkehrt.
20161107             —AM, die unterwerfung
20161107             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MONTAG, Start in 1.historische —WOCHE
20161107             —FESTNAHME—VON—OPPOSITIONELLEN: ASSELBORN droht TÜRKEI mit Sanktionen
20161107             —NACH, Berechnungen des WELT—WEIT tätigen Immobilienberatungsunternehmens Knight Frank vom —MONTAG sanken DIE—PREISE für Häuser in den besten Wohngegenden LONDONs wie Kensington, Notting Hill und der City
20161107             —NEWSBLOG zur USA—WAHL: REPUBLIKANER wüten gegen CLINTON und DAS—FBI
20161107             —STREIT—MIT—EU: TÜRKISCHER—MINISTER—NENNT—KRITIK "rassistisch"
20161107             —KILLED, NEW—YORK—CITY, 1—WOMAN from Queens (46) was, —AFTER—BEING—PUSHED in front of 1—SUBWAY—TRAIN in times Square.
20161107             1—FEMALE—SUSPECT, 30—JAHRE—ALT, was taken into custody.
20161107             1—GROUP—OF—INVESTORS representing MORE—THAN—5—TRILLION euros (5.53—TRILLION—DOLLAR) in assets under management have called on oil and gas companies to observe 1 unlimited moratorium on activity in THE—ARCTIC—HIGH—SEAS.
20161107             —BECAME, His song "Suzanne" (19660000             ), 1—HIT for JUDY—COLLINS, and was for MANY—YEARS his most covered song.
20161107             —WORKED, ROBERT—N—HALL, his whole life at GE GLOBAL—RESEARCH.
20161107             His WWII design of 1—MAGNETRON to jam enemy radar led to the development of the microwave oven.
20161107             1—CAMBODIA—COURT sentenced opposition SENATOR—HONG—SONG—HOUR to —7—YEARS—IN—PRISON for criticizing a —36—JAHRE—ALT—BORDER—AGREEMENT with VIETNAM.
20161107             CHINA—TOP—LEGISLATURE took the rare step of intervening directly in 1—LOCAL—HONG—KONG political dispute by effectively barring 2—LEGALLY elected separatist lawmakers from taking office, setting the stage for further turmoil in the semiautonomous city.
20161107             —HALTED, EGYPT said that SAUDI—ARABIA has, fuel shipments indefinitely, in 1—SIGN—OF lingering tensions —FOLLOWING 1—DISPUTE—OVER—THE—CONFLICT—IN—SYRIA.
20161107             —PLEDGED, GERMANY, a 61—MILLION—EURO (67,44—DOLLAR—MILLION) hike in funding for UN relief operations in AFRICA SO that fewer of its people undertake perilous odysseys to EUROPE, which has struggled to absorb 1—INFLUX—OF—MIGRANTS—SINCE—LAST—YEAR.
20161107             —KILLED, Authorities in HAITI said flooding has, AT—LEAST—10—PEOPLE in 3—NORTHERN—PROVINCES —FOLLOWING heavy rain OVER—THE—LAST—48—HOURS.
20161107             IRAQ—FORCES retook the key TOWN—OF—HAMAM—AL—ALIL, from THE—ISLAM—STATE—GROUP, 1—CRUCIAL—OBJECTIVE on the southern front of the offensive to wrest back MOSUL.
20161107             1. officials at the site said the grave likely holds CA—100—BODIES, MANY—OF—THEM decapitated.
20161107             KAZAKHSTAN—BUSINESSMAN—TOKHTAR Tuleshov, best known for running the Shymkentpivo brewery, was SENTENCED—TO—21—YEARS—IN—PRISON on charges including plotting 1—COUP—AGAINST—VETERAN—PRESIDENT—NURSULTAN—NAZARBAYEV.
20161107             —CONVENED, MONTENEGRO—LAWMAKERS, for the 1. time —SINCE—LAST—MONTH—ELECTION, with opposition parties boycotting the inaugural session.
20161107             —ATTENDED, The session in Cetinje was, by 42—LAWMAKERS—OF—THE 81-seat PARLIAMENT.
20161107             —ISSUED, THE—MOROCCO—AGENCY for Solar Energy (Masen), MOROCCO—1. green bond to help to finance the country's development of solar power.
20161107             —ARMED, NIGERIA, bandits killed 36—GOLD miners at the informal mining site at Gidan Ardo in NORTH—WEST—ZAMFARA state.
20161107             20—MINERS were reported missing.
20161107             —OPENED, PAKISTAN—OFFICIALS said INDIA—TROOPS have, fire across THE—LINE—OF—CONTROL in the disputed Himalayan REGION—OF—KASHMIR, killing 3—CIVILIANS and wounding 6—OTHERS as Indian and PAKISTAN—TROOPS continue to trade heavy fire.
20161107             —APPROVED, ROMANIA—PARLIAMENT, DOUBLE—DIGIT public sector wage increases.
20161107             THE—NEXT—DAY—PRIME—MINISTER—DACIAN—CIOLOS said his government would challenge the increases because they are against the law.
20161107             —SIGNED, TANZANIA, 1—MEMORANDUM of understanding with SWITZERLAND to help THE—EAST—AFRICA—COUNTRY recover money illegally kept in SWITZERLAND—BANKS by TANZANIA—NATIONALS.
20161107             —OPENED, UN talks to implement THE—PARIS climate pact, in Marrakesh.
20161107             Diplomats from 196—NATIONS met in MOROCCO to flesh out THE—PLANET—SAVING plan inked in THE—FRANCE—CAPITAL—LAST—DECEMBER.
20161107             UKRAINE, MIKHAIL—SAAKASHVILI, THE—FORMER—GEORGIA—PRESIDENT who became GOVERNOR—OF—THE—ODESSA region, announced that he is resigning in frustration at what he characterized as obstruction in efforts to root out corruption.
20161107             —KILLED, THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION said YEMEN—20—MONTH—WAR has, MORE—THAN—7,000—PEOPLE and wounded nearly 37,000.
20161107—19620000    —IN, His 1. solid state laser led to THE—DEVELOPMENT—OF—BAR—CODE—SCANNERS.
20161107—20140000    —SINCE, SYRIA, KURDISH—LED SYRIA—FIGHTERS clashed with ISLAM—STATE—MILITANTS—NORTH—OF—THE—CITY—OF—RAQQA as they pushed ahead in their offensive aiming to retake the city that has been the de facto CAPITAL—OF—THE—EXTREMIST—GROUP.
20161107—20300000    —AIMED, MOROCCO, to obtain 52—PERCENT of its electricity from renewable energy sources.
20171003             Fiat Chrysler said it is recalling nearly 710,000—JEEP and Dodge SUVs in NORTH—AMERICA, effective 20171107             , because 1—IMPROPERLY installed brake shield could let water leak in and limit braking ability.
20171026—19160000    —IN, The order said KYRGYZSTAN should instead use 20171107             to honor THE—VICTIMS—OF—1—BLOODY—TSARIST—CRACKDOWN in the region.
20171106             —HALTED, LIBERIA—SUPREME—COURT, THE—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION—RUNOFF, which had been scheduled for 20171107             , —UNTIL THE—NATIONAL—ELECTIONS—COMMISSION investigates allegations of irregularities and fraud in the 1. round.
20171107             Übrigens haben DIE—SAUDIS mit ihrer Aktion auch den ÖL—PREIS hochgetrieben.
20171107             Das wird PUTIN freuen.
20171107             —STABILISIERT, Das, seine Regierung. [l] Dementi des Tages:
20171107             1—SPRECHER—DES—KONZERNS teilte der Zeitung mit, dass Apple sich an die Gesetze halte.
20171107             [l] DIE—POLIZEI, dein Freund und Helfer:
20171107             Sehr schön ist auch das Statement des POLIZEI—PRÄSIDENTEN dazu, das sich vor allem in Selbstmitleid ergießt. Der armen POLIZEI wird durch solche Meldungen das gute Ansehen ruiniert!1!!
20171107             May zum BELÄSTIGUNGS—SKANDAL, "Sollte UNS—ALLE beschämen"
20171107             Haushaltsloch: FRANKREICH führt STEUERaufschlag für MILLIARDEN—KONZERNE ein
20171107             NORD—KOREA—KONFLIKT, JAPAN verschärft den Strafkatalog gegen Pjöngjang
20171107             BUNDES—VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT: Regierung verweigerte Politikern zu Unrecht Informationen
20171107             Fundamentalistische Mormonen IN—DEN—USA: Unter RADIKALEn
20171107             —ATOM—KONFLIKT—MIT—NORD—KOREA: TRUMP sieht leichte Bewegung im STREIT—MIT—PJÖNGJANG
20171107             EXPLOSION—IN—BREMEN: Auto durch Sprengsatz beschädigt
20171107             Vorgehen gegen G20—RANDALIERER: POLIZEI soll rechtswidrig Granatpistole eingesetzt haben
20171107             Als die DINO—SAURIER DIE—WELT beherrschten, mieden die meisten Ursäugetiere das Tageslicht und waren nachtaktiv.
20171107             "Wir sind MEHR—ALS—150.000.—000—JAHRE—ZURÜCKGEGANGEN", sagt Maor.
20171107             "Und wir sehen ein sehr klares Muster, dass ALLE—SÄUGETIERE, die WÄHREND der Zeit der DINO—SAURIER gelebt haben, nachtaktiv waren".
20171107             —DAMALS, hätten vermutlich vor allem mausgroße Tiere gelebt, DIE—INSEKTEN fraßen und —NACHTS unterwegs waren.
20171107             —GEGEBEN, Es habe aber auch Arten, die DIE—GRÖßE eines Hundes erreichten oder an Biber erinnerten.
20171107             sei von heutigen Affen bekannt, dass sie Farben sehen, was vor allem tagsüber nützlich ist.
20171107             Ausgehend von den —BISHERIGEN Fossilfunden gebe es auch die Annahme, dass DIE—NOCH—HEUTE lebenden GROß—GRUPPEN der Säugetiere keine SÄUGETIERE—VORFAHREN haben, die älter als 65.000.—000—JAHRE sind.
20171107             Erziehung in der Antike: 2000—JAHRE—ALTES—GYMNASION in ÄGYPTEN entdeckt
20171107             —KLIMA—SCHUTZ: DZ—BANK will keine KOHLE—KRAFT—WERKE mehr finanzieren - SEXISMUS: Frauen können das auch
20171107             Onlinenutzung: 50—PROZENT aller Jugendlichen hat ANGST—VOR—CYBERMOBBING CORONA—VIRUS
20171107             Tiermast: WHO legt neue ANTIBIOTIKA—DIE—RICHTLINIE vor
20171107             ENGLAND: Student entdeckt Zähne der wohl ältesten SÄUGETIER—VORFAHREN des Menschen
20171107             Konjunktur in DEUTSCHLAND: WIRTSCHAFTS—WEISE fürchten Überhitzung
20171107             Panzerwagen voller Cash: Wohin mit der Kifferkohle?
20171107             —PRO—ZESSAUFTAKT in NÜRNBERG: LKA—BEAMTE sollen V—MANN gedeckt haben
20171107             STEUER—OASE ISLE—OF—MAN: Unter der Krone, jenseits der Regeln
20171107             "Armee von Spionen": HARVEY—WEINSTEIN hat offenbar EX—MOSSAD—AGENTEN auf Opfer angesetzt
20171107             "DIE—1.Säugetiere begannen tagaktiv zu sein, exakt —NACHDEM die DINO—SAURIER verschwunden waren".
20171107             APPLE sieht sich der "SÜDDEUTSCHE—ZEITUNG"zufolge zu Unrecht beschuldigt.
20171107             —ATOM—KONFLIKT—MIT—NORD—KOREA: DONALD—TRUMP sieht leichte Bewegung im STREIT—MIT—PJÖNG—JANG
20171107             BREXIT: BRITISCHER—EINZEL—HANDEL macht schlechtestes MONATS—GESCHÄFT
20171107             BRITISCHE—STEUER—OASE ISLE—OF—MAN: 85.000—EINWOHNER - 952—REGISTRIERTE Flugzeuge
20171107             DIE—1.tagaktiven Säugetiere gab es demnach —ERST—NACH—DEM AUS—STERBEN der großen DINO—SAURIER vor grob 65.000.—000—JAHREN,
20171107             Der Vorfahr von Huftieren wie Kuh oder Kamel sei tagsüber und —NACHTS aktiv geworden.
20171107             Eines der 1.Tiere, die rein tagaktiv wurden, ist laut Maor der Vorfahr des Affen gewesen.
20171107             Gastbeitrag von NEW—YORK—TIMES —AUTOR—ÜBER—DONALD—TRUMP: Animalische Intuitionen, teuflische Energie
20171107             Geheime BUNDESWEHR—STUDIE, Was, wenn DER—WESTEN zerfällt?
20171107             FRANKREICH, und der SCHWEIZ: POLIZEI nimmt 10—TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGE fest
20171107             NEW—YORK—POLIZISTEN sollen Frau in Dienstwagen vergewaltigt haben
20171107             NORD—KOREA—KONFLIKT, JAPAN verschärft den Strafkatalog gegen PJÖNG—JANG
20171107             PARADISE—PAPERS, EU will endlich SCHWARZE—LISTE—VON—STEUER—OASEN vorlegen
20171107             —PRO—ZESSAUFTAKT in NÜRNBERG: LKA—BEAMTE sollen V—MANN gedeckt HABEN—SEXISMUS: Frauen können das auch
20171107             STEUERsparmodelle bei APPLE: Risikofaktor Demokratie
20171107             Sehr schön ist auch das Statement des POLIZEI—PRÄSIDENTEN dazu, das sich vor allem in Selbstmitleid ergießt.
20171107             Studie: ENDE—DER—DINO—SAURIER machte Ursäuger tagaktiv
20171107             2—NEW—YORK POLICE—DEPARTMENT—DETECTIVES took turns raping 1 handcuffed —18—JAHRE—ALT woman in the back seat of their police VAN in Coney ISLAND —LAST—MONTH
20171107             WELT—KLIMA—GIPFEL—BONN: SYRIEN tritt als letztes Land KLIMA—VERTRAG BEI—NUR USA draußen
20171107             [l] DONALD—TRUMP sagt den Preis für diskrete CIA—UNTERSTÜTZUNG der Saudi—"Säuberungen"an.
20171107             —MASSAKER—IN—TEXAS, USA—LUFT—WAFFE gab STRAF—AKTE des Schützen wohl nicht an FBI
20171107             —NACH, Dutzenden Festnahmen: DONALD—TRUMP stellt sich hinter SAUDI—ARABIEN—KÖNIG—UND—KRON—PRINZ
20171107             —POLIZEIAKADEMIE in Spandau: Was ist dran an den Vorwürfen gegen BERLIN—POLIZEI?
20171107             USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, speaking in SOUTH—KOREA, said tougher gun laws would not have prevented 1—MASS shooting at 1—SOUTH—TEXAS church, arguing that more restrictions might have led to more casualties.
20171107             THE—USA—ACCUSED—IRAN of supplying YEMEN—HOUTHI—REBELS with 1—MISSILE that was fired into SAUDI—ARABIA in July and called for THE—UN to hold TEHRAN accountable for violating 2—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—RESOLUTIONS.
20171107             —CONSIDERED, In THE—SF—BAY—AREA—VOTERS in Cotati and Pacifica, marijuana taxation issues, rent control and school parcel taxes.
20171107             —APPROVED, Voters overwhelmingly, ballot proposals to levy taxes on gross receipts at cannabis dispensaries.
20171107             † DEBRA—CHASNOFF, —60—JAHRE—ALT, 1—OSCAR—WINNING documentary director, at her home in S—FRANCISCO.
20171107             —KILLED, Former baseball pitcher ROY—HALLADAY was, —WHEN his Icon A5 airplane crashed in the Gulf of MEXICO near TAMPA, Fl.
20171107             —BASED, THE—11—YEAR—OLD—COMPANY was, in VACAVILLE—CALIFORNIA.
20171107             —ELECTED, SEATTLE voters, Jenny Durkan as its 1. woman mayor —SINCE the 1920s.
20171107             —RESIGNED, She will replace FORMER—MAYOR ED—MURRAY, who, —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR amid accusations of sexual abuse.
20171107             —DISGUISED, AFGHANISTAN, gunmen, as police killed AT—LEAST—2—SECURITY—GUARDS and opened fire on staff at 1—PRIVATE—TELEVISION—STATION in KABUL.
20171107             —CLAIMED, THE—ISLAM—STATE, responsibility for THE—ATTACK.
20171107             THE—AFRICA—UNION said it has begun its withdrawal from SOMALIA.
20171107             BRITAIN—UNIVERSITY—OF—OXFORD said 1—OF—ITS—PROFESSORS, the prominent SWITZERLAND—MUSLIM intellectual Tariq Ramadan, had taken 1—LEAVE—OF—ABSENCE from the university, —AFTER 2—WOMEN filed COMPLAINTS—AGAINST—HIM in FRANCE over allegations of rape.
20171107             —ARRESTED, UK—POLICE in LONDON, fugitive CROATIA—BUSINESS mogul Ivica Todoric (66) on 1—EUROPEAN warrant issued by authorities in ZAGREB.
20171107             —INDEBTED, Todoric, the boss of, Balkan food and retail giant Agrokor, is the prime suspect in 1—ONGOING probe into alleged ABUSE—OF—TRUST, FORGING—OF—OFFICIAL—DOCUMENTS and failure to keep proper business records at the company.
20171107             —TERMINATED, DUBAI—BASED ECOLOG INTERNATIONAL said that it has, the employee implicated in the matter.
20171107             —BASED, Sources said CHINA—TOUR—OPERATORS, in the border CITY—OF—DANDONG have been told to halt trips to THE—NORTH—KOREA—CAPITAL—PYONGYANG, THE—DAY—BEFORE USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—1. official VISIT—TO—CHINA.
20171107             —DETAINED, ESTONIA—PROSECUTORS said 1—RUSSIA—CITIZEN was, over the weekend over suspicions of spying and preparing 1—COMPUTER—CRIME on BEHALF—OF—RUSSIA—DOMESTIC—SECURITY—AGENCY.
20171107             —PUSHED, THE—EU, for EUROPE to draw up 1—BLACKLIST—OF—TAX—HAVENS—AFTER—THE—"PARADISE Papers" revealed loopholes used by Apple and Nike as well as celebrities including Formula 1—CHAMPION LEWIS—HAMILTON.
20171107             Pollution in THE—INDIA—CAPITAL hit 1—DANGEROUS—LEVEL, putting residents at risk, forcing THE—CLOSURE—OF—SCHOOLS, and bringing calls from doctors for the city's half marathon to be canceled.
20171107             —OVERTURNED, INDONESIA—TOP—COURT, 1—LAW that denied recognition and legal rights to followers of indigenous faiths in 1—SURPRISE—ADVANCE for religious freedom in THE—WORLD—MOST populous Muslim nation.
20171107             ISRAEL's 20180000             Genesis Prize, known as "the Jewish NOBEL—PRIZE," was awarded to actress Natalie Portman in recognition of her commitment to social causes.
20171107             —OPENED, ABDULLAH—II—KING—OF—JORDAN, and HUNGARY—PRESIDENT—JÁNOS—ÁDER, THE—WORLD—SCIENCE—FORUM, 1—GATHERING—OF—SCIENTISTS and policy makers, and called for science as 1—PATH to peace.
20171107             —DISPUTED, In, Kashmir 3—MILITANTS and 1—INDIA—ARMY—SOLDIER KILLED—WERE in 1—GUNBATTLE in SOUTH—AGLAR village —FOLLOWING 1—TIP that militants were hiding there.
20171107             NATO—SECRETARY—GENERAL—JENS—STOLTENBERG said THE—ALLIANCE—PLANS to send —AROUND 3,000 more troops to AFGHANISTAN, HALF—OF—THEM from THE—USA, to bolster efforts to train THE—AFGHANISTAN—ARMY.
20171107             ROMANIA, SOME—5,000—EMPLOYEES at 1—DACIA automobile factory in Mioveni protested 1—UNPOPULAR government plan to make employees pay social welfare taxes currently paid by employers, saying it will lead to salary cuts.
20171107             RUSSIA, THOUSANDS—OF—COMMUNIST—PARTY—MEMBERS and supporters marched across downtown MOSCOW to mark the centennial of 19170000             —THE—BOLSHEVIK—REVOLUTION even as THE—RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT ignored the anniversary.
20171107             SAUDI—ARABIA—CROWN—PRINCE—SAID—IRAN—SUPPLY—OF—ROCKETS to militias in YEMEN is 1—ACT—OF "direct military aggression" that could be 1—ACT—OF—WAR.
20171107             SAUDI—ARABIA—BANKERS and lawyers said local banks have frozen MORE—THAN—1,200—ACCOUNTS belonging to individuals and companies in the kingdom as PART—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—ANTI—CORRUPTION purge.
20171107             —DEVOLVED, SCOTLAND's, government issued 1—APOLOGY to men convicted in the past for SAME—SEX—ACTIVITY and passed 1—NEW—LAW which will allow them to clear their names.
20171107             SOUTH—SUDAN—MILITARY—COMMANDER—LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—CHAN—GARANG, 1—ALLY—OF—FORMER—ARMY—CHIEF—PAUL—MALONG, said he has defected with MORE—THAN—200—SOLDIERS to the country's largest rebel group, amid 1—SHOWDOWN between PRESIDENT—SALVA—KIIR and his former military CHIEF.
20171107             —FORMED, SRI—LANKA, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—MOTORISTS, long lines at gasoline stations, as the country's fuel shortage continued for a 5. —DAY.
20171107             Syria said at UN climate talks in BONN that it would join THE—PARIS—AGREEMENT, leaving THE—USA as the only nation to say it will remain outside the landmark treaty.
20171107             1—TURKEY—COURT rejected 1—APPEALS—COURT—ORDER to retry ENIS—BERBEROGLU, 1—LAWMAKER from the main opposition party, upholding his —25—YEAR—JAIL—TERM.
20171107             —CALLED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMITTEE—OF—THE—RED—CROSS (ICRC), for all borders with YEMEN to be kept open to allow vital food, health and medical supplies to enter the country reeling from war and 1—MAJOR cholera epidemic.
20171107             —RELEASED, VENEZUELA—JOURNALIST—JESUS—MEDINA said he has been, —FOLLOWING—2—DAYS—OF—CAPTIVITY and torture —AFTER photographing criminal gang activities inside 1—PRISON.
20171107             —LAST—WEEK, he published photos taken from 1—NEARBY hilltop purportedly showing armed inmates, marijuana plots and satellite dishes inside the prison.
20171107             —RELEASED, VIETNAM, water from 7—DANGEROUSLY full reservoirs to avoid further flooding.
20171107             1—COMPANY working in CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC on 1—UN—CONTRACT said it has fired 1—DRIVER who took bribes to transport Muslim civilians to safer PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY amid rising sectarian violence.
20171107             KENYA—OPPOSITION—LEADER—RAILA Odinga said he wants 1—INTERIM—GOVERNMENT to run the country —FOR—6—MONTHS—WHILE THE—CONSTITUTION is reviewed to curb THE—PRESIDENT—AUTHORITY.
20171107             VIETNAM—GOVERNMENT said THE—DEATH—TOLL from Typhoon Damrey that struck its SOUTH—CENTRAL—COAST LAST—WEEKEND, causing widespread flooding, has risen to 89 with 18—OTHERS still missing.
20171107—19920000    —IN, DEBRA—CHASNOFF won her Oscar for "Deadly Deception: GENERAL—ELECTRIC, NUCLEAR—WEAPONS and Our Environment," 1—EXPOSE—OF—GE—PRODUCTION—OF—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS.
20171107—20130000    —IN—THE, It said articles Civil Administration Law were discriminatory and violated THE—PRINCIPLE—OF—EQUALITY—BEFORE the law.
20171107—20170508    —ON, 1—ICON A5 crashed near Lake Berryessa in CALIFORNIA killing test pilot JON—KARKOW, 55—JAHRE—ALT, and Icon designer Cagri Sever (41).
20171107—20190000    —IN, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT said that most EUROPEAN—UNION—CITIZENS currently living in BRITAIN will be allowed to remain in the country —AFTER Brexit.
20171107—20200000    —EXPECTED, The 22,000 force was, to fully withdraw.
20180000             wechselte er unter FINANZ—MINISTER—OLAF—SCHOLZ (SPD) an die Spitze des Bundesfinanzministeriums.
20181105—20181107    —ON, DEATH—TOLL—ROSE to 6 in with the discoveries of 2—MEN—BODIES.
20181107             "1—SCHNABELTIER, das in 1—BACH mit behandelten Abwässern lebt, könnte täglich 50—PROZENT—DER—FÜR—MENSCHEN empfohlenen Dosis Antidepressiva ERHALTEN—NUR durch seine normale Insektennahrung"
20181107             "Ausbeutung DER—MITARBEITER", USA—PENSIONS—FONDS verklagt Ryanair
20181107             "Das älteste Höhlenkunstbild, das wir datiert haben, ist ein großes, orangefarbenes Gemälde eines Tieres.
20181107             "Großer SOLDAT": MACRON ehrt NAZI—KOLLABORATEUR Pétain
20181107             "Offenbar sind 2—FRÜHE Höhlenkunstregionen zur gleichen Zeit entstanden: EUROPA und heutigen INDONESIEN am anderen ENDE—DER—EIS—ZEITWELT",
20181107             "Wir wollen herausfinden, was innerhalb der 1. Nanosekunden des Weltalls vor sich gegangen ist"
20181107             1—HANDABDRUCK, bei dem der Zeichner seine Hand offenbar an die Felswand gedrückt hat und sie mit Farbe ummalte, könnte —BIS—ZU—51.—800—JAHRE—ALT sein.
20181107             1—ANDERE Untersuchung fand ein verändertes Fressverhalten bei Fischen unter dem Einfluss von Antidepressiva.
20181107             100—UNABHÄNGIGKEITS—TAG: Warschau verbietet rechte Großdemo
20181107             17—DEUTSCHE—UNTERNEHMEN Geld gegeben, darunter unter anderem auch Daimler, der Autozulieferer Schaeffler, Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim, Fresenius, HeidelbergCement, Merck und SIEMENS.
20181107             5G-Frequenzversteigerung: PRO—VIDER werden zum Teilen ihrer Netze verpflichtet
20181107             60—PROZENT aller Spenden gingen laut "Welt"—AN—DIE—REPUBLIKANER—VON—PRÄSIDENT—TRUMP.
20181107             817—KM über der Erde: "Sojus"-Rakete bringt Wettersatellit "METOP—C" ins All
20181107             ALLE—TIERE enthielten Wirkstoffe, sogar die Bewohner von Gewässern des Nationalparks Dandenong Ranges.
20181107             Auch gingen Wissenschaftler davon aus, daß VIELE—VERBINDUNGEN in der UMWELT schnell abgebaut würden.
20181107             Ausnahmesommer: Hessische Bauern ernten noch Erdbeeren
20181107             AUSTRALIEN—FORSCHER wiesen in wasserlebenden Insekten in MELBOURNE und Umgebung 69—VERSCHIEDENE Wirkstoffe nach.
20181107             BAYERN: 9—JÄGER offenbar an Hasenpest erkrankt
20181107             Bei vielen Wirkstoffen und —ERST recht bei KOMBINATIONEN—VON—WIRKSTOFFEN seien die Auswirkungen nicht bekannt,
20181107             Bekannt ist DIE—REGION für zahlreiche Höhlen.
20181107             Bilder aus der LUBANG—JERIJI—SALÉH—HÖHLE seien MINDESTENS—40.—000—JAHRE—ALT.
20181107             BLOCKCHAIN—HYPE: "DIE—AM stärksten überschätzte Technik aller Zeiten"
20181107             Borneo: Forscher finden ältestes TIERBILD—DER—MENSCHHEIT
20181107             Cern: Teilchenbeschleuniger spielt Urknall nach
20181107             CUM—EX—SKANDAL, BLACKROCK—RAZZIEN richten sich nicht gegen Merz
20181107             DIE—1. Phase ist zwischen 52.000—UND 40.—000—JAHRE—ALT.
20181107             DIE—5—HÄUFIGSTEN Substanzen waren die Schmerzmittel Tramadol und Codein, das Antipilzmittel Fluconazol, der Betablocker Metoprolol und das Antidepressivum Clomipramin.
20181107             DIE—ABBILDUNGEN in der nordspanischen Höhle El Castillo galten lange als die ältesten Tierzeichnungen.
20181107             DIE—PROVINZ in INDONESIEN ist von weiten Regenwäldern überzogen
20181107             DIE—STUDIE zeigt dagegen, daß die Konzentrationen in den Tieren wesentlich höher waren als im Wasser.
20181107             DIE—URAN—THORIUM—METHODE.
20181107             DIE—ÄLTESTEN, —BISHER, bekannten Felsbilder der Welt,
20181107             DJ Koh, DER—CHEF—VON Samsungs Mobilfunksparte, hat in SAN—FRANCISCO —2—TAGE Zeit, um DIE—CA—5000—ANGEREISTEN SOFTWAREentwickler und PARTNER—FIRMEN von seiner ZUKUNFTsvision zu überzeugen.
20181107             DONALD—TRUMP und FOX—NEWS: Das Rezept von DIKTATURen
20181107             Dafür müssen DIE—FORSCHER sogenanntes QUARK—GLUON—PLASMA erzeugen.
20181107             Das Bild sei MINDESTENS—40.—000—JAHRE—ALT.
20181107             DATEN—ANALYSE zu den Midterms: DEMOKRATEN punkten bei Minderheiten und jungen Wählern
20181107             Demokratische Partei: 1. ziehen 2—MUSLIMINNEN in den USA—KONGRESS ein
20181107             Demokratische Partei: 1. ziehen MUSLIM—POLITIKER—INNEN in den Kongress ein
20181107             Der CHEMIE—RIESE BASF soll auf diesem Weg am meisten Geld gespendet haben: 632.000—DOLLAR.
20181107             Der Moment, in dem BLEI—IONEN in Quarks und Gluonen zerfallen, hält weniger als 1.trilliardstel —SEKUNDE an.
20181107             EKLAT bei DONALD—TRUMP—PRESSEKONFERENZ: "Sie sind 1.furchtbare, unverschämte Person"
20181107             EU—URHEBER—RECHT—REFORM: YouTube im Panikmodus
20181107             EX—SPD—CHEF—SCHULZ über USA—WAHLERGEBNIS: "Aufstand des Anstands gegen DONALD—TRUMP—HETZE"
20181107             —ENTLASSEN, Freigesprochene Christin: ASIA Bibi in PAKISTAN aus Gefängnis
20181107             FRÜHERE—STUDIEN ergaben, daß Antidepressiva und Amphetamine DIE—ZEIT des Auftretens von Insekten beeinflussen könnten.
20181107             —ANALYSIERT, Für DIE—STUDIE, wurden Kalkablagerungen, die sich über die Farbpigmente auf der Höhlenwand gelegt hatten
20181107             —GESCHICHTE—DER—SCHACHPROGRAMME: Wie aus niedlichen Gegnern unschlagbare Maschinen wurden
20181107             Gerade für Stellen hinter Kläranlagen war DAS—ERGEBNIS erschreckend.
20181107             Gesetzesblockade, Ermittlungen, Anhörungen: Diese Werkzeuge haben DIE—DEMOKRATEN —JETZT—GEGEN—DONALD—TRUMP
20181107             Herbstgutachten: WIRTSCHAFTS—FORSCHER senken PROGNOSE—FÜR—2018—DEUTLICH
20181107             Immerhin können sie —JETZT sinnlose UNTERSUCHUNGEN—GEGEN—DONALD—TRUMP anstoßen.
20181107             DEN—USA, dürfen Firmen kein Geld im WAHL—KAMPF spenden, Einzelpersonen —SCHON.
20181107             FRESSFEINDEN, der Tiere, wie Forellen oder Schnabeltieren, könnten sich die Substanzen weiter anreichern,
20181107             In den Körpern von Spinnen, die am Ufer leben, waren es ähnlich viele,
20181107             In der SCHWEIZ gebe es 1.gut funktionierende Lösung für DAS—PROBLEM, sagt er: Dort habe man flächendeckend 1.zusätzliche Klärstufe eingeführt, bei der Aktivkohle auch Spurenstoffe aus dem Abwasser filtert
20181107             Konkurrenz durch INTERNEThandel: Das Autohaus stirbt aus
20181107             MIDTERM—WAHLEN: 1. Frauen indigener Abstammung im Kongress
20181107             MIDTERM—WAHLEN: DONALD—TRUMP will Pence auch 20200000             an seiner Seite
20181107             Misshandlungen im ASYL—BEWERBER—HEIM Burbach: In Zimmer 123—QUÄLTEN sie DIE—FLÜCHTLINGE
20181107             Mit neu entwickelten Materialien und stärkeren Magneten sollen es IN 1—PAAR—JAHREN—SEIN.
20181107             Nachweis in Insekten: Wie Medikamente aus Abwässern in die Nahrungskette gelangen
20181107             Nie zuvor ist bei 1—ZWISCHENWAHL IN—DEN—USA so viel Geld für den WAHL—KAMPF ausgegeben worden wie —J—IN—DIESEM, - 5,2—MILLIARDEN—DOLLAR, UMGERECHNET—CA—4,6—MILLIARDEN—EURO.
20181107             OST—KALIMATAN auf der INSEL—BORNEO
20181107             PORTUGAL: Ryanair feuert Crew wegen angeblich gestelltem Foto
20181107             PRESSE—STIMMEN zu Midterms: "REFERENDUM—ÜBER—TRUMP"
20181107             —PRO—ZESS—GEGEN—EX—DROGEN—BOSS: GESCHWORENEN—KANDIDAT bittet "EL—CHAPO" um Autogramm
20181107             PERU: EX—POLIZEI—CHEF—WEGEN Kinderhandels festgenommen
20181107             Plasma entsteht, wenn KERN—MATERIE sehr stark erhitzt wird.
20181107             Punchline: Die Boy Scouts wollten sich zu Scouts umbenennen, für mehr Inklusivität und Diversity.
20181107             Quarks sind die Bestandteile von PRO—TONEN und Neutronen, Gluonen die Elemente, die Quarks VERBINDEN—VOM englischen "glue" für Kleber.
20181107             —REVIDIERT, SPANIEN: Gericht, URTEIL—BANKEN sparen MILLIARDEN
20181107             Schmerzmittel, Betablocker, Antidepressiva: Arzneien gelangen nicht nur in Gewässer, sondern sie reichern sich in Tieren an, die im Wasser und am Ufer leben.
20181107             Studie: Fast jeder 3. DEUTSCHE hat Vorbehalte gegenüber Ausländern
20181107             USA—MIDTERMS: JARED—POLIS wird 1. offen schwuler GOUVERNEUR
20181107             USA—TRUMP nennt MIDTERM—WAHLEN "enormen Erfolg" für DIE—REPUBLIKANER
20181107             Und solange die Democrats nicht im SENAT die Mehrheit haben, gibt es keine AMTS—ENTHEBUNG—GEGEN—DONALD—TRUMP und er kann weiterhin Richter ernennen, wie er lustig ist.
20181107             VON—DER—LEYENS BERATER—AFFÄRE: SPD verlangt Abzug von McKinsey
20181107             Versorgungslücken: Stell dir vor, du fährst tanken und es gibt kein Benzin
20181107             WIRTSCHAFTS—WEISE Schnabel: "WELT—WEIT sehen wir wachsende Risiken"
20181107             Wachleute und Betreuer des FLÜCHTLINGS—HEIMS im siegerländischen Burbach haben ASYL—BEWERBER eingesperrt, verprügelt, ERNIEDRIGT—GEDECKT von der Heimleitung.
20181107             Wahlerfolg bei den Midterms: Der SIEG—DER—FRAUEN—WIE, keine Zwangsarbeit?!
20181107             [l] Brüller —DER—WOCHE: Die Girl Scouts verklagen die Boy Scouts.
20181107             [l] Das ASYL—BEWERBER—HEIM Burbach wurde anscheinend sehr traditionell deutsch geführt.
20181107             [l] Die MIDTERM—WAHLEN sind durch, und die Democrats haben DAS—UNTER—HAUS gewonnen.
20181107             gehen Forscher davon aus, daß sich DIE—MENSCHHEIT nicht nur von einem einzigen —GEBIET aus entwickelt hat, sondern parallel in mehreren Regionen.
20181107             ÜBERWACHUNGS—TECHNIK aus CHINA: KÜNSTLICHE—INTELLIGENZ soll Menschen am Gang erkennen
20181107             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MITTWOCH, Showdown in HELSINKI
20181107             —NACH, Berechnungen der TAGES—ZEITUNG "DIE—WELT" spendeten DEUTSCHE—FIRMEN MINDESTENS—2,63.000.000—DOLLAR.
20181107             —NACH, Erfolg im SENAT, USA—REPUBLIKANER wollen RICHTER—ERNENNUNGEN vorantreiben
20181107             —NACH, FOOTBALL—LEAKS—ENTHÜLLUNGEN: Untersuchung gegen SCHWEIZER—OBERSTAATS—ANWALT eingeleitet
20181107             —SEIT—JAHRZEHNTEN würden Arzneistoffe aus dem Abwasser der Kläranlagen WELT—WEIT in Gewässern gefunden,
20181107             —SEIT—MITTWOCH läuft der Teilchenbeschleuniger mit BLEI—IONEN statt PRO—TONEN auf Hochtouren.
20181107             —ANNOUNCED, Trump, in 1—TWEET that MATTHEW—WHITAKER, SESSION—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, would take over as acting ATTORNEY—GENERAL.
20181107             —RELEASED, SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, FORMER—MARINE—IAN—DAVID—LONG, —28—JAHRE—ALT, 1—SMOKE—BOMB and opened gunfire —LATE—TODAY 12—PEOPLE—KILLED at the Borderline Bar and Grill in 1000—OAKS.
20181107             —TURNED, Long then, the gun on himself.
20181107             —REPORTED—WAS—LATER, that SERGEANT—JON—HELUS, among the 12 killed, was hit 5—TIMES by the gunman, but that the fatal bullet was fired by 1—CHP officer.
20181107             —RECEIVED, OSCAR—WINNING actress Emma Thompson, 1—DAMEHOOD in recognition for her splendid career, 1—EVENT made special by the fact that it was given to her by PRINCE—WILLIAM, 1—LONGTIME friend.
20181107             —FREED, Kidnappers in WEST—CAMEROON, 78—SCHOOL children and 1—DRIVER —EARLY—TODAY.
20181107             2—OTHER—CHILDREN were still missing, along with the principal and 1—TEACHER.
20181107             CAMEROON, Mimi Mefo, 1—PROMINENT—JOURNALIST and television presenter from the restive anglophone region, was jailed for "attacking state security".
20181107             —CHARGED, Mefo was, over 1—SOCIAL—MEDIA—POST which said "THE—ARMY was RESPONSIBLE—FOR—THE—DEATH—OF—USA—MISSIONARY—CHARLES—TRUMANN—WESCO who † in October.
20181107             —STARTED, Lai, as 1—ACCORDIONIST, but quickly rose through the ranks as 1—COMPOSER, writing songs for singers including EDITH—PIAF and YVES—MONTAND.
20181107             GUAM—CATHOLIC—CHURCH said it will file for bankruptcy — 1—MOVE that will allow the archdiocese to avoid trial in DOZENS—OF—LAWSUITS alleging child sexual abuse by priests and move toward settlements.
20181107             INDIA, Yogi Adityanath, 1—ROBE—WEARING—HINDU priest who is THE—BJP—CHIEF—MINISTER—OF—UTTAR—PRADESH, changed THE—NAME—OF—FAIZABAD—DISTRICT—TO—AYODHYA, the place where Hindus believe Lord Ram was born THOUSANDS—OF—YEARS—AGO.
20181107             —BEFORE the change, Ayodhya was THE—NAME—OF—1—TOWN in Faizabad.
20181107             —CHANGED, —LAST—MONTH—PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI, THE—NAME—OF—ALLAHABAD, where 3—RIVERS considered holy by Hindus meet, to the Hindu name Prayagraj.
20181107             —ACKNOWLEDGED, JAPAN—TOKYO—MEDICAL—UNIVERSITY, that, systematically discriminating against female applicants, announced plans to accept MORE—THAN—60—WHO were unfairly rejected over the past —2—YEARS.
20181107             —VOTED, MADAGASCAR, for 1—PRESIDENT to tackle unemployment, poverty and corruption on THE—INDIA—OCEAN—ISLAND, with the incumbent and 2—FORMER—HEADS—OF—STATE leading 1—FIELD—OF—36—CONTENDERS.
20181107             —GARNERED, FORMER—PRESIDENT—MARC—RAVALOMANANA, 35.35—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE in the 1. round, behind his successor, Andry Rajoelina, who got 39.23—PERCENT.
20181107             —CONTINUED, CENTRAL—USA—MIGRANTS, to straggle in for 1—REST stop at 1—MEXICO—CITY—STADIUM, where CA—4,500 continue to weigh offers to stay in MEXICO against the desire of many to reach THE—USA—BORDER.
20181107             PALESTINE—AHMAD—AL—NAJAR, —21—JAHRE—ALT, shot —LAST—MONTH—DURING protests on THE—ISRAEL—GAZA border, succumbed to his wounds.
20181107             SALMAN—KING—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA began 1—DOMESTIC—TOUR with a 1. stop in the conservative heartland of Qassim province, where he pardoned prisoners serving time on financial charges and announced 16—BILLION riyals (about 4.27—BILLION—DOLLAR) in new projects.
20181107             SWEDEN, Jayne Svenungsson, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—ACADEMY that awards THE—NOBEL—PRIZE—IN—LITERATURE, said she is leaving the body.
20181107             She became the 8. person to quit or to be forced off the 18-member BOARD—OF—THE—SWEDISH—ACADEMY—SINCE the scandals broke —LAST—YEAR.
20181107             —RESTORED, THAILAND—SUPREME—COURT, a —37—YEAR—PRISON—TERM given to Vivat Yodprasert, CONVICTED—OF—SHOOTING 4—PEOPLE 20140000             —DURING, political violence.
20181107             —DUBBED, He was, the "Popcorn Gunman" because he opened fire with 1—ASSAULT—RIFLE concealed in 1—SACK with the word "POPCORN" emblazoned on it.
20181107             —ARRESTED, Police in THAILAND, SERGEANT—MAJOR—JAKKRIT—KHOMSING, —43—JAHRE—ALT, an HIV—INFECTED soldier, who allegedly blackmailed and raped MORE—THAN—70—TEENAGE—BOYS.
20181107             —COMPLETED, THE—UN and THE—SYRIA—ARAB Red Crescent, 1—DESPERATELY needed aid delivery to displaced Syrians in the remote Rukban desert camp near the border with JORDAN.
20181107             —STRANDED, Nearly 50,000—PEOPLE were, in the desert and had received no aid —SINCE—JANUARY.
20181107             —FINISHED, VIETNAM and THE—USA—SAID they have, THE—CLEANUP—OF—DIOXIN—CONTAMINATION at DANANG airport caused by the transport and storage of the herbicide Agent ORANGE —DURING—THE—VIETNAM—WAR.
20181107             —POUNDED, YEMEN, troops from 1—USA—BACKED, SAUDI—LED—COALITION, Houthi rebel positions in Hodeida with airstrikes and 1—GROUND—ASSAULT and took CONTROL—OF—1—MAJOR—ROAD leading into the city.
20181107             —KILLED, ZIMBABWE, 1—HEAD—ON collision between 2—BUSES, 47—PEOPLE—NEAR—RUSAPE.
20181107             Police said THE—DEATH—TOLL could rise because there 80—OTHERS admitted to hospital, some with serious injuries.
20181107             Samsung verkaufe 500.000.000—GERÄTE JEDES—JAHR, sagte Koh, vom Reiskocher über smarte Lautsprecher —BIS—ZUM—SMARTPHONE oder TV—GERÄT.
20181107             Das sind 35—PROZENT MEHR—ALS bei der Zwischenwahl von 20140000             , wie die auf WAHL—KAMPFFINANZIERUNG spezialisierte Organisation CENTER—FOR—RESPONSIVE Politics berichtet.
20181107             —NACH Berechnungen der TAGES—ZEITUNG "DIE—WELT" spendeten DEUTSCHE—FIRMEN MINDESTENS—2,63—MILLIONEN—DOLLAR.
20181107             Die Folge: Es gibt viele sogenannte "PAC's" - 1—AKRONYM mit DER—DEUTSCHES—BEDEUTUNG "Politische AKTIONS—KOMITEES".
20181107             Darin wird - offiziell jedenfalls - Geld aus der Belegschaft eines Unternehmens gesammelt, um es dann den jeweiligen Kandidaten, die unterstützt werden sollen, zu spenden.
20181107             Auf Platz 2—FOLGT demnach DIE—DEUTSCHE—TELEKOM mit 604.000—DOLLAR.
20181107             Der Spendenverein DER—DEUTSCHE—BANK—GAB—DEMNACH sogar 70—PROZENT seiner Zuwendungen den Konservativen.
20181107             Herbstgutachten: WIRTSCHAFTS—FORSCHER senken PROGNOSE—FÜR—2018 deutlich
20181107             Wahlerfolg bei den Midterms: Der SIEG—DER—FRAUEN
20181107             —EXPERTEN gehen davon aus, dass die Resultate auch für DEUTSCHLAND gelten.
20181107             —GESUCHT, DIE—FORSCHER betonen, dass sie nur nach 98—SUBSTANZEN, hätten.
20181107             Es gebe aber Tausende, die möglicherweise auch in ihren Kombinationen Effekte auf Organismen haben könnten.
20181107             Die BLEI—IONEN werden in dem 27K—METER—LANGEN ringförmigen Tunnel unter der Erde mit nahezu Lichtgeschwindigkeit zur Kollision gebracht.
20181107             DIE—PHYSIKER bekommen zur Zeit 1.Milliarde PRO—TONENKOLLISIONEN pro —SEKUNDE.
20181107             Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass sich dadurch nichts ändern wird.
20181107             Bei denen Dinge rauskommen werden, die eh alle die ganze Zeit gewusst haben, und die nichts gegen TRUMP ausrichten werden.
20181107             Und außenpolitisch haben die Democrats ja noch nie Kriegen und SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—IRGENDWELCHE Länder im Weg gestanden, oder neoliberale WIRTSCHAFTS—POLITIK bekämpft.
20181107             Zu traditionell, wenn ihr mich fragt. Wie, keine Zwangsarbeit?!
20181107             In ihnen finden sich Tausende vorgeschichtliche Zeichnungen und Farbrückstände - 1—WUNDERLAND für Paläoanthropologen
20181107             "Das älteste Höhlenkunstbild, das wir datiert haben, ist ein großes, orangefarbenes Gemälde eines Tieres. Wir können es nicht genau identifizieren, vielleicht handelt es sich um 1.wilde Rinderart"
20181107             Und damit —DAS—ÄLTESTE bekannte figurative Kunstwerk überhaupt.
20181107             1—VERÄNDERUNG—DES—STILS ist dann vor CA—20.—000—JAHREN erkennbar - —NUN verwendeten die frühen Künstler MAUL—BEERFARBEN.
20181107             In 1—WEITEREN, jüngeren Phase haben sich zudem die Motive verändert.
20181107             Nicht mehr Tiere, sondern DER—MENSCH und seine Aktivitäten erregten —NUN das Interesse der Höhlenmaler.
20181107             1—BILD zeigt etwa 1—BOOT mit einigen Personen an Bord.
20181107             —NUN hatte sich die Farbe erneut verändert - es wurde in Schwarz gemalt.
20181107             Sie macht sich den radioaktiven Zerfall von URAN—ISOTOPEN zunutze, dabei entsteht mit der Zeit Thorium.
20181107             Die Uranverbindungen lösen sich dann - das Thorium dagegen bleibt in den Ablagerungen zurück.
20181107             Zu weiteren sehr frühen künstlerischen Darstellungen gehören etwa Figuren aus Mammutelfenbein - berühmt ist die zwischen 35.000—UND 40.—000—JAHRE—ALTE—ENUS vom Hohlefels, die in 1—HÖHLE auf der Schwäbischen Alb entdeckt wurde.
20181107             Samsung will 22—MILLIARDEN—DOLLAR in DIE—ENTWICKLUNG KÜNSTLICHE—INTELLIGENZ investieren und in 7—KI—ZENTREN—MEHR—ALS—1.000—ENTWICKLER einstellen.
20181107—19700000    —IN, FRANCE—COMPOSER—FRANCIS—LAI, —86—JAHRE—ALT, who won 1—OSCAR for the iconic "Love Story" soundtrack, †.
20181107—20181105    —SEIZED, Armed men had, the youngsters in THE—CITY—OF—BAMEND.
20181107—20200000    —BIS, Samsung verkaufe 500.000.000—GERÄTE JEDES—JAHR, sagte Koh, vom Reiskocher über smarte Lautsprecher —BIS—ZUM—SMARTPHONE oder TV—GERÄT. sollen ALLE—AKTUELLEN—GERÄTE vernetzt sein und immer mehr von ihnen Bixby bekommen.
20181107—20200000    —USA—MIDTERM—WAHLEN: TRUMP will Pence auch  an seiner Seite
20191107             "Danuvius kombinierte die von den hinteren Gliedmaßen dominierte Zweibeinigkeit mit dem von den vorderen Gliedmaßen dominierten Klettern",
20191107             "Dass sich der PRO—ZESS des aufrechten Gangs in EUROPA vollzog, erschüttert die Grundfeste der Paläoanthropologie".
20191107             "Der Fund stellt einen Umbruch im Denken über die INTER—AKTION zwischen Menschen und den Rüsseltieren dar"
20191107             "Nicht nötig": MERKEL weist NATO—KRITIK von Macron zurück
20191107             "Talk to Transformer": Diese KÜNSTLICHE—INTELLIGENZ schreibt beängstigend gut
20191107             Amazonas und Pantanal: Bolsonaro kippt Verbot für ZUCKERROHR—ANBAU in FEUCHT—UND Waldgebieten
20191107             —ATOM—KONFLIKT: IRAN nimmt offenbar Urananreicherung wieder auf
20191107             Aufrechter Gang in DEUTSCHLAND erfunden: Primat der Politik
20191107             DAS—ALTER ließ sich anhand einer feinen Staubschicht vom AUSBRUCH—DES—VULKANS Popocatépetl vor CA—14.—700—JAHREN bestimmen.
20191107             DEUTSCHLAND: ALTMAIER fordert grundlegende REFORM—DES—POLITISCHEN Systems
20191107             DIE—FUNDE in 1—BACHLAUF der Tongrube "Hammerschmiede" im Ostallgäu konnte 1—MÄNNCHEN, 2—WEIBCHEN und 1—JUNGTIER zugeordnet werden, den Vorfahren der modernen Patchworkfamilie.
20191107             —GEMACHT, DIE—TONGRUBE, in der der Fund, wurde, liegt im Ostallgäu und nicht im Unterallgäu.
20191107             DIE—BISLANG ältesten Belege für den aufrechten Gang sind CA—6—MILLIONEN—JAHRE—ALT und stammen von der INSEL—KRETA und aus KENIA.
20191107             Der "Danuvius guggenmosi" konnte klettern, aber er lief eben auch auf 2—BEINEN durch die Gegend.
20191107             Der Bayerische Rundfunk meldete mit unverhohlenem Stolz: "Der 1. aufrecht gehende Menschenaffe war 1—BAYER" - obwohl es —BIS zur BAYERN—STAATSGRÜNDUNG auch —NACH—DEM Ableben des KLETTER—UND Wanderviechs noch EINIGE—MILLIONEN—JÄHRCHEN dauern würde.
20191107             FRANKREICH: Macron spricht vom "Hirntod" der Nato
20191107             Illegale Geschäfte seiner Stiftung: DONALD—TRUMP muss Millionen an Wohltätigkeitsorganisation zahlen
20191107             MEXIKO, sind Forscher AUF—CA—15.—000—JAHRE—ALTE ÜBERRESTE—VON—14—MAMMUTS gestoßen.
20191107             Kaufprämie für E—AUTOS: Der automobile Mensch ist 1—IRRTUM
20191107             MAAS empfängt Pompeo: "Wir verdanken unsere Freiheit und unsere Einheit ganz entschieden euch"
20191107             MEXIKO: ARCHÄOLOGEN entdecken 15.—000—JAHRE—ALTES—MAMMUT—MASSENGRAB
20191107             ORBÁN empfängt ERDOGAN: "Wir alle wollen so sein wie er"
20191107             Privatsphäre von Nutzern verletzt: Kalifornien geht gegen FACEBOOK vor
20191107             Streng geschützte Tiere: 3—TOTE—GRINDWALE in NIEDERSACHSEN angetrieben
20191107             Urananreicherung wieder aufgenommen: Pompeo WARNT—VOR—"schnellem nuklearen Durchbruch" IRANs
20191107             Vermögende Kunden betroffen: Commerzbank plant STRAF—ZINSEN für Sparer
20191107             —VORWURF aus den USA: EX—TWITTER—MITARBEITER sollen für SAUDI—ARABIEN spioniert haben
20191107             WIDERSTAND—GEGEN—ÜBERWACHUNG: Moskau rüstet AUF—WAS sie tun? —NUN, 1—HOMÖOPATHIESTUDIE.
20191107             ZOLLSTREIT—USA bestätigen Einigung mit CHINA
20191107             [l] Gute NACHRICHTen, Der Bayerische LANDTAG tut endlich was gegen multiresistente Keime.
20191107             habe Danuvius seinen Rumpf durch 1—S—FÖRMIGE Wirbelsäule aufrecht halten können, während Menschenaffen lediglich eine einfach gebogene Wirbelsäule besitzen.
20191107             in Tultepec nahe der HAUPTSTADT—MEXIKO—STADT
20191107             könnte sich der neu entdeckte mögliche Vorfahr von Mensch und Menschenaffe —BEREITS vor FAST—12.000.—000—JAHREN auf 2—BEINEN fortbewegt haben.
20191107             —DER—TAG—KOMPAKT, Riskante MANÖVER—ZOFF in der Nato
20191107             —ETWA einen Meter hoch, das Männchen soll mehr gewogen haben als die Weibchen, womöglich war neben dem UNGEDULDIG—AUF—2—BEINEN—AUF—UND—AB—GEHEN auch der Bierbauch —SCHON erfunden.
20191107             —HANDELS—STREIT, CHINA und USA einigen sich offenbar auf Abbau von Zöllen
20191107             —UKRAINE—AFFÄRE: BOTSCHAFTER—AUSSAGEN bringen DONALD—TRUMP weiter in Bedrängnis
20191107             —VOR, 11—MILLIONEN—JAHREN herrschte im ALLGÄU angenehme Wärme.
20191107             1—USA—LED naval coalition officially launched operations in BAHRAIN to protect shipping in the troubled waters of the Gulf, —AFTER 1—STRING—OF—ATTACKS that WASHINGTON and its allies blamed on IRAN.
20191107             —IMPOSED, THE—USA, SANCTIONS—ON—THE—LEADER—OF—1—ISLAMIST—MILITANT—GROUP in MALI called the Macina Liberation Front.
20191107             The sanctions target Amadou Koufa, 1—SALAFIST—PREACHER and LEADER—OF—THE—AL—QAEDA—LINKED group operating in CENTRAL—MALI.
20191107             THE—USA—CENSUS—BUREAU said it plans to raise wages for census workers in SOME—AREAS and make it easier for applicants to get fingerprinted for background checks.
20191107             SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, 1—MAN fatally shot his visiting mother, 1—DOG and himself in 1—VENTURA—COUNTY—HOME.
20191107             —GRANTED, IDAHO, 1—CONDITIONAL waiver to THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—ENERGY that could allow research quantities of spent NUCLEAR—FUEL into THE—STATE—AFTER—YEARS—OF—BLOCKING such shipments.
20191107             The waiver requires the Energy Department to 1. prove it can process 900,000 gallons (3.5—MILLION liters) of HIGH—LEVEL—RADIOACTIVE—LIQUID—WASTE that sits above 1—GIANT—IDAHO aquifer that supplies water to farms and cities.
20191107             1—NEW—YORK STATE—JUDGE—ORDERED—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP to pay 2—MILLION—DOLLAR to 1—ARRAY—OF—CHARITIES as 1—FINE for misusing his own charitable foundation to further his political and business interests.
20191107             —SENTENCED, SOUTH—CAROLINA restaurant owner BOBBY—PAUL—EDWARDS was, to —10—YEARS—IN—PRISON for abusing CHRIS—SMITH, 1—MENTALLY disabled AFRICA—USA—EMPLOYEE, and forcing him to work with no pay —FOR—YEARS.
20191107             —SENTENCED, VIRGINIA, Satyasurya Sahas Thumma (23) was, to 6.—5—YEARS—IN—PRISON for cyberstalking his EX—GIRLFRIENDS and sending nude photos of them to their families, friends and even 1—CHURCH.
20191107             —SNUBBED, Major GLOBAL—OIL—FIRMS, a 2. BRAZIL—OIL—AUCTION in 1—ROW, passing up promising offshore blocks and forcing officials to reconsider 1—BIDDING system that gives 1 privileged position to STATE—RUN—PETROLEO Brasileiro SA.
20191107             —BLOCKED, BULGARIA—PRESIDENT—RUMEN—RADEV, the appointment of IVAN—GESHEV as the next CHIEF prosecutor.
20191107             His selection as the sole CANDIDATE—FOR—THE—POWERFUL—POST sparked street protests.
20191107             —PRODUCED, Liu Yong led 1—ILLICIT NETWORK—OF—LABS that, and shipped packages of fentanyl to USA—USERS who placed orders online through 1—DEALER simply known as "Diana".
20191107             —SUSPENDED, LIU—DEATH—SENTENCE was, —FOR—2—YEARS, leaving open the possibility that it could be commuted to life in prison.
20191107             —AGREED, CHINA said it had, with THE—USA to remove tariffs in phases, —WHILE STATE—OWNED Xinhua NEWS—AGENCY said BEIJING was also considering removing restrictions on poultry imports.
20191107             —PLANNED, CHINA—ELECTRIC—CAR—MAKER—BYD Co Ltd and JAPAN—TOYOTA—MOTOR—CORPORATION said they, to set up 1—JOINT—VENTURE to design and develop battery electric cars as they ramp up efforts to produce 0—EMISSIONS—VEHICLES.
20191107             —ANNULLED, THE—EU—TOP—COURT, 1—DECISION from THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT that demanded 1—POLITICAL—GROUP linked to THE—UK—PARTY—UKIP reimburse TENS—OF—THOUSANDS in EU funds.
20191107             —DISMANTLED, FRANCE—POLICE, makeshift migrant camps in areas underneath suburban highways in NORTH—EAST—PARIS.
20191107             1,606—PEOPLE were evacuated.
20191107             The operation, the biggest in over —1—YEAR, came —1—DAY—AFTER 1—FRANCE—GOVERNMENT pledge to "take back control" of immigration.
20191107             —ANNOUNCED, GERMANY—LUFTHANSA airline, plans for more cost cuts and delivered BETTER—THAN—EXPECTED results, sending shares higher even as 1—CABIN crew strike posed 1—FURTHER—CHALLENGE to its efforts to revive profits.
20191107             —RESUMED, IRAN, uranium enrichment at its underground Fordow plant SOUTH—OF—TEHRAN in 1—NEW—STEP back from its commitments under 1—LANDMARK 20150000             NUCLEAR—DEAL, raising alarm from Western powers.
20191107             6—IRAQIS were shot and killed as they tried to remove barriers blocking their march in CENTRAL—BAGHDAD.
20191107             —FORCED, PRO—TESTERS, THE—CLOSING—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MAIN port hours —AFTER services had resumed —FOLLOWING—DAYS—OF—CLOSURE.
20191107             —WOUNDED, AT—LEAST—24—PROTESTERS were, as SECURITY—FORCES fired live rounds and tear gas to disperse the march in downtown's Rashid Street, where the central bank is located.
20191107             —REPORTED—WAS, that ITALY will become the 1. country in THE—WORLD to require climate change studies in classrooms alongside READING, writing, and arithmetic.
20191107             —WANTED, FORMER—LITHUANIA—JUDGE—NERINGA—VENCKIENE, —48—JAHRE—ALT, in connection with claims she made CA—1—PEDOPHILE ring, appeared at 1—DETENTION hearing —AFTER—BEING—EXTRADITED to her home country from CHICAGO.
20191107             MAURITIUS held 1—PARLIAMENTARY—ELECTION, with the main parties all promising 1—FAIRER—DISTRIBUTION—OF—WEALTH on the prosperous INDIA—OCEAN—ISLAND.
20191107             —PASSED, THE—HAGUE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT, its highest ever sentence, sending CONGO—WARLORD Bosco Ntaganda, known as "THE—TERMINATOR," to prison —FOR—30—YEARS for crimes including murder, rape and sexual slavery.
20191107             Russian and SYRIA—OFFICIALS said that THE—USA—MILITARY has blocked efforts to disband the Rukban camp near THE—JORDAN—BORDER despite "inhumane conditions" there.
20191107             —HANDED, SOUTH—KOREA, 2—MEN, understood to both be in their 20s, to NORTH—KOREA—OFFICIALS at the border truce village of Panmunjom.
20191107             —ADMITTED, THE—2—MEN had, that they and another MEMBER—OF—THE—VESSEL—CREW had killed 1—BOAT—CAPTAIN in —LATE—OCTOBER because he had been abusive.
20191107             —ADDED, The men, that they then killed the other 15—CREW of the ship and threw their bodies overboard.
20191107             —ASKED, The men, for asylum in SOUTH—KOREA but, —AFTER—1—3—DAY—INVESTIGATION, the request was denied.
20191107             TURKEY—PRESIDENT—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN said his country will have to open the doors to EUROPE for SYRIA—REFUGEES unless THE—EUROPEAN—UNION provides ANKARA with enough support, adding that TURKEI could not carry that burden alone.
20191107             Meeting in UGANDA SOUTH—SUDAN—PRESIDENT and 1—FORMER—REBEL—LEADER agreed to delay forming 1—UNITY—GOVERNMENT—FOR—100—DAYS beyond 20191112             —THE deadline, buying time —AFTER concerns that war could resume if THE—2—SIDES were pushed.
20191107             —VOTED, THE—UN—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY, 187-3 to condemn THE—USA—ECONOMIC—EMBARGO—OF—CUBA for the 28. —YEAR, rejecting USA—CRITICISM—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS—VIOLATIONS there and criticizing THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION—INCREASINGLY tough enforcement measures.
20191107             RUSSIA—GAS giant GAZPROM owns a 49—PROZENT STAKE—IN—GAZSTROYPROM.
20191107             Widerstand gegen Überwachung: Moskau rüstet auf
20191107             Urzeitliche Tiere durchstreiften dichte Wälder und Flusslandschaften, unter ihnen Schildkröten und Pferde.
20191107             Auch ÜBERRESTE—VON—HYÄNEN fanden Forscher in der Region —SCHON.
20191107             —SUSPENDIERT, RECHTS—EXTREMISMUS—VERDACHT: Verfassungsschutz, Mitarbeiter
20191107             Was sie tun? —NUN, 1—HOMÖOPATHIESTUDIE.
20191107—20120000    —IN, THE—ONCE—RISING judicial star led 1—ANTI—PEDOPHILIA movement that swept her and 6—OTHERS into LITHUANIA—PARLIAMENT.
20191107—20140000    —SINCE, It was reported that RUSSIA—BUSINESSMAN—ARKADY Rotenberg, who has been under USA—SANCTIONS, has sold his gas pipeline construction firm Stroygazmontazh to construction company Gazstroyprom for SOME—75—BILLION rubles (1.18—BILLION—DOLLAR).
20201107             waren 20200608             —IM—PROZENT sehr und 58—PROZENT—DER—MENSCHEN etwas besorgt, sich selbst zu infizieren.
20201107             —SAMSTAG, 20201107             20201107             USA—MILITÄR im Ausland: Stimmen von Soldaten könnten am Ende eine wichtige Rolle spielen
20201107             Das USA—WAHLSYSTEM hat seine Besonderheiten, das dürfte nach mehreren —TAGEN Auszählung klar sein.
20201107             Eine davon drängt sich jedoch —ERST—JETZT, zum Ende, in den Vordergrund:
20201107             SICH—EINE - BESONDERHEIT—DRÄNGT - jedoch
20201107             —ERST—JETZT, zum Ende, in den Vordergrund: Der mögliche späte Einfluss
20201107             der STIMMZETTEL—DER Stimmzettel von MILITÄR—ANGEHÖRIGEN, die sich außerhalb der USA befinden und
20201107             deren Briefe in den meisten BUNDES—STAATEN auch —NACH—DEM Wahltag angenommen werden.
20201107             STAATEN, in denen das ERGEBNIS—VON—DONALD—TRUMP und JOE—BIDEN nur wenige 1000—STIMMEN auseinanderliegt, könnten sie deshalb eine entscheidende Rolle spielen.
20201107             Rolle spielen.
20201107             NORTH—CAROLINA, waren es demnach FAST—11.000, in PENNSYLVANIA FAST—7800—UND in NEVADA CA—2700.
20201107             —FORDERUNGEN, Mit seinen, die Auszählungen zu stoppen, könnte Trump dennoch VIELE—MILITÄR—ANGEHÖRIGE verärgert haben — allerdings —ERST, —NACHDEM sie ihre Stimme —BEREITS abgegeben hatten.
20201107             "JEDER—VERSUCH, die Auszählungen zu stoppen oder Briefwahlzettel auszuschließen, trifft überproportional Wähler des MILITÄR—S",
20201107             Der CHEF—DER—STÄNDIGEN—IMPFKOMMISSION (Stiko), THOMAS—MERTENS, hält das Erreichen einer sogenannten Herdenimmunität im KOMMENDEN—JAHR für unrealistisch.
20201107             Dafür müssten CA—60—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG geimpft sein,
20201107             "Ich fürchte, dass nicht nur dieser, sondern auch —DER—NÄCHSTE—WINTER herausfordernd wird",
20201107             Wer aus einem ausländischen CORONA—RISIKOGEBIET kommt, muss sich —AB—SONNTAG vor der Einreise nach DEUTSCHLAND online registrieren.
20201107             Die Seite soll dann weltweit abrufbar sein,
20201107             Die Daten werden nach offiziellen Angaben verschlüsselt und nur dem zuständigen Gesundheitsamt zugänglich gemacht.
20201107             "CHARLIE—HEBDO"-PRO—ZESS wegen CORONA—INFEKTIONEN erneut verschoben
20201107             LETTLAND ruft erneut CORONA—NOTSTAND aus
20201107             "Wenn wir nicht entschlossen und sofort handeln, besteht die Gefahr, dass wir jegliche Möglichkeit verlieren, die Pandemie zu kontrollieren", sagte Ministerpräsident Krisjanis Karins.
20201107             Gericht lehnt Eilanträge gegen Schließung von TATTOO—STUDIOS ab
20201107             FRANKREICH meldet mit 60.486—NEUINFEKTIONEN einen weiteren Höchststand.
20201107             —1—WOCHE NACH—BEGINN neuer landesweiter Beschränkungen wurden mit 553—KRANKEN so wenig COVID—19—PATIENTEN in Kliniken eingeliefert wie —SEIT fast —3—WOCHEN nicht mehr.
20201107             Die Nachrichtenagentur AFP berichtete unter Berufung auf die nationale Gesundheitsbehörde, dass die Daten zu Neuinfektionen wegen einer technischen Panne —IN—DEN—LETZTEN—TAGEN nicht vollständig gewesen seien.
20201107             Ohne Masken: CA—200—ANTI—CORONA—POLITIK—DEMONSTRANTEN in LEIPZIG
20201107             Zu 1—GEGEN—PPOTEST in Hörweite versammelten sich laut Polizei CA—100—MENSCHEN.
20201107             Covid trifft nicht ALLE—REGIONEN—GLEICH—HILFERUFE aus der Westschweiz
20201107             In 1—FERNSEHANSPRACHE —AM—ABEND sagte de Sousa, er habe 1—DEKRET unterzeichnet, durch das der Ausnahmezustand ab KOMMENDER—WOCHE in Kraft gesetzt werde.
20201107             Der Euro hat —AM—FREITAG im USA—HANDEL seinen Steigflug in Richtung 1,19—DOLLAR fortgesetzt und ist auf den höchsten Stand —SEIT—MITTE—SEPTEMBER geklettert.
20201107             Zuletzt kostete die Gemeinschaftswährung 1,1882—USA—DOLLAR und damit CA—2—CENT MEHR—ALS zu Wochenbeginn.
20201107             Dies könnte zu einer höheren Inflation führen, was den Dollar tendenziell belasten würde.
20201107             HARVARD—HISTORIKERIN über DIE—USA: "Für die Polarisierung ist Trump nicht verantwortlich" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—EVA—THÖNE
20201107             Zentralamerika: ZAHL—DER—TOTEN und Vermissten durch Sturm "Eta" steigt auf CA—200
20201107             —KAMPF ums WEIßE—HAUS: Biden hofft, —AM—SAMSTAG seinen WAHL—SIEG zu verkünden
20201107             Republikaner nach Trump: Lohn der Schamlosigkeit
20201107             Argentiniens PRÄSIDENT—ALBERTO—FERNÁNDEZ hofft —BIS—JAHRES—ENDE auf die Verfügbarkeit eines CORONA—IMPFSTOFFES.
20201107             "Wenn alles gut geht", werde das Land ab Ende —DEZEMBER über genügend IMPFSTOFF—DOSEN FÜR—10—MILLIONEN—MENSCHEN verfügen, sagte Fernández.
20201107             Zudem gebe es —VERHANDLUNGEN mit Pharmafirmen, die —DERZEIT in der Schlussphase der Impfstoffentwicklung seien.
20201107             So solle Pfizer —AB—DEZEMBER 750.000—DOSEN seines Vakzins liefern, —AB—MÄRZ könne der Impfstoff von AstraZeneca bereitstehen.
20201107             Bildungsministerin will Hilfen für Studierende ausdehnen
20201107             Berechnungen von Forschern zeigen: Ohne den "Shutdown light" würden sich wohl um Weihnachten Hunderttausende DEUTSCHE—INFIZIEREN—PRO —TAG.
20201107             Ärztegewerkschaft fordert Alternativen zur häuslichen Quarantäne
20201107             Die Zahl derjenigen, die sich zu Hause bei infizierten Familienmitgliedern oder Mitbewohnern ansteckten, steige rapide,
20201107             Sie regte 1—ISOLATION positiv getesteter Personen im Hotel an.
20201107             Für VIELE—INFIZIERTE sei es schwierig, sich zu Hause zu isolieren.
20201107             VIELE—PAARE hätten nur ein gemeinsames Bett, selbst in großen Wohnungen gebe es in der Regel nur 1—BADEZIMMER.
20201107             "Beengte Wohnverhältnisse gefährden den Erfolg der Quarantäne",
20201107             Um die Infektionen im häuslichen Umfeld zu reduzieren, sollten positiv getestete Menschen daher das Angebot bekommen, die —10—TAGE Quarantäne in 1—HOTELZIMMER zu verbringen
20201107             Das Angebot solle freiwillig sein und nur für Menschen gelten, die keine oder nur schwache Symptome haben.
20201107             Eine solche Regelung habe nicht nur den Vorteil, die Infektion von Familienmitgliedern zu verhindern, sondern käme nebenbei auch Hotels und Pensionen zugute, die in der Krise kaum Einnahmen haben.
20201107             Die ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN mit dem CORONA—VIRUS hat in den USA am 3. —TAG—IN—FOLGE einen Rekord erreicht.
20201107             Es war demnach der 4. —TAG—IN—FOLGE, dass die TODES—OPFER—ZAHL bei Mehr—als—10000000              lag.
20201107             GEORGIA, läuft es für DIE—REPUBLIKANER auch bei der Senatswahl nicht wirklich gut.
20201107             Der amtierende REPUBLIKANER—SENATOR, DAVID—PERDUE, muss in die Stichwahl gegen seinen demokratischen Herausforderer JON—OSSOFF.
20201107             Wie der DATEN—ANBIETER EDISON—RESEARCH und AP berichten, kam KEINER—DER—KANDIDATEN auf eine absolute Mehrheit.
20201107             Die Abstimmungen könnten darüber entscheiden, ob die Demokraten die Macht in der Kongresskammer und damit im ganzen Parlament übernehmen.
20201107             Beide Parteien stehen im Senat —DERZEIT bei 48—PLÄTZEN, es wird jedoch erwartet, dass DIE—REPUBLIKANER die Senatswahlen in ALASKA und NORTH—CAROLINA gewinnen.
20201107             Die Mehrheit im Senat beträgt MINDESTENS—51—SITZE, bei 1—PATT—VON—50—ZU 50—SITZEN ist die Stimme des USA—VIZE—PRÄSIDENTEN, im Fall eines BIDEN—SIEGES wäre es die von Kamala Harris, das Zünglein an der Waage.
20201107             —BELIEBT, Dass Trump bei den Indianerstämmen nicht unbedingt, ist, war —BEREITS vor der Wahl bekannt.
20201107             Wie unbeliebt, zeigt 1—BERICHT—DER—ZEITUNG "Navajo Times".
20201107             Das sind MEHR—ALS—70.000—STIMMEN.
20201107             Um die Größenordnung bewusst zu machen: BIDEN—VORSPRUNG vor Trump in ARIZONA beläuft sich auf aktuell nur CA—30.000—STIMMEN.
20201107             Wie USA—MEDIEN übereinstimmend berichten, ist Trumps STAATSCHEF—MARK—MEADOWS positiv auf das CORONA—VIRUS getestet worden.
20201107             NOCH—IN—DER—NACHT auf —MITTWOCH hatte er im WEIßES—HAUS an einer Wahlparty des USA—PRÄSIDENT teilgenommen, zu der 250—MENSCHEN geladen waren.
20201107             —BERICHTET, Wie die NEW—YORK—TIMES, infizierten sich außer Meadows 4—WEITERE Personen, die im WEIßES—HAUS arbeiten.
20201107             COVID—19: Portugueses divididos quanto à obrigação do uso de máscara na rua
20201107             COVID—19: Algarve tem 82—NOVOS casos
20201107             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—499—(+12)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—286—(DADOS—DE—02/11)—CASOS—ATIVOS—169—(DADOS—DE—02/11)
20201107             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—394—(+12)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—189—(DADOS—DE—02/11)—CASOS—ATIVOS—120—(DADOS—DE—02/11)
20201107             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—102—(+1)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—55—(DADOS—DE—02/11)—CASOS—ATIVOS—33—(DADOS—DE—02/11)
20201107             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—534—(+15)—ÓBITOS—10—(=)—RECUPERADOS—309—(DADOS—DE—02/11)—CASOS—ATIVOS—168—(DADOS—DE—02/11)
20201107             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—17—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—17—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—0—(=)
20201107             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—161—(+14)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—68—(DADOS—DE—02/11)—CASOS—ATIVOS—63—(DADOS—DE—02/11)
20201107             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—160—(+5)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—104—(DADOS—DE—02/11)—CASOS—ATIVOS—36—(DADOS—DE—02/11)
20201107             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—211—(+12)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—121—(DADOS—DE—02/11)—CASOS—ATIVOS—68—(DADOS—DE—02/11)
20201107             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—189—(+5)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—128—(DADOS—DE—02/11)—CASOS—ATIVOS—33—(DADOS—DE—02/11)
20201107             250_DGS_boletim_20201107              20201107             Aktualisierung 202011070000         —UHR
20201107             BERLIN—NEUKÖLLN—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—5.859—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.824,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—324,2—TODESFÄLLE—55—EINWOHNERZAHL—321.123
20201107             DÜREN—KREIS—FÄLLE—2.683—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.013,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—175,7—TODESFÄLLE—50—EINWOHNERZAHL—264.638
20201107             EUSKIRCHEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—1.385—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—715,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—79,0—TODESFÄLLE—34—EINWOHNERZAHL—193.656
20201107             KÖLN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—13.167—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.210,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—193,9—TODESFÄLLE—174—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.087.863
20201107             PLÖN—KREIS—FÄLLE—248—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—192,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—22,5—TODESFÄLLE—8—EINWOHNERZAHL—128.686
20201107             RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS—KREIS—FÄLLE—3.958—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—841,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—167,2—TODESFÄLLE—86—EINWOHNERZAHL—470.615
20201107             ROSTOCK—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—356—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—165,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—20,9—TODESFÄLLE—3—EINWOHNERZAHL—215.794
20201107             STEINBURG—KREIS—FÄLLE—325—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—248,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—22,9—TODESFÄLLE—3—EINWOHNERZAHL—131.013
20201107             UELZEN—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—159—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—172,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—21,6—TODESFÄLLE—0—EINWOHNERZAHL—92.389
20201107             WARTBURGKREIS—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—256—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—215,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—13,4—TODESFÄLLE—3—EINWOHNERZAHL—118.974
20201107             GLOBAL—CASES—49.468.112—GLOBAL—DEATHS—1.245.230
20201107             Sat 20201107             20201107             [l] Finger hoch, wer das kommen sah:
20201107             ZAHL—DER—INFEKTIONEN an Schulen nimmt stark zu.
20201107             Also DAMIT konnte ja wohl NIEMAND rechnen!1!!
20201107             Ich glaube ja, das ist 1—SOFTWAREPROBLEM. Da kann man nichts machen.
20201107             [l] RUPERT—MURDOCHS—IMPERIUM wendet sich von Trump ab,
20201107             [l] RUPERT—MURDOCHS ändert das Messaging gerade zu "er gefährdet sein Lebenswerk, wenn er bei einem klaren legitimen Wahlverlust nicht mit Würde den Posten räumt".
20201107             Zur Präsidentenwahl meint der Zürcher "TAGES—ANZEIGER" —AM—SAMSTAG:
20201107             "1—PRÄSIDENT, der täglich Skandale produziert, der entgegen JEDER—GEPFLOGENHEIT bei Krisen nicht beruhigen will, sondern Öl ins Feuer gießt, darf nicht länger der mächtigste Mann der Welt sein.
20201107             Wer in einer Krise, wie wir sie —SEIT—DER—WAHLNACHT sehen, so versagt wie Trump, —SCHON gar nicht.
20201107             Dass er bei diesem knappen Ergebnis Nachzählungen verlangt, ist legitim.
20201107             Aber wenn der PRÄSIDENT—VON mächtigsten Demokratie der Welt die eigenen Institutionen mit völlig unbewiesenen FÄLSCHUNGS—VORWÜRFEN infrage stellt, so wie er das —IN—DEN—LETZTEN—TAGEN mehrfach getan hat, dann überschreitet er eine gefährliche Grenze.
20201107             Trump hat der ganzen Welt gezeigt, dass er nicht fähig ist, 1—WAHLNIEDERLAGE zu akzeptieren.
20201107             Zürcher "TAGES—ANZEIGER" —AM—SAMSTAG:
20201107             DONALD—TRUMP ist offenbar nicht mit der Arbeit seiner Anwälte zufrieden.
20201107             —BERICHTET, Laut CNN hat 1—INSIDER, dass der PRÄSIDENT gefragt habe, warum sein Team nicht in der Lage sei, mehr zu erreichen.
20201107             Trump stellt sich —BISHER als Opfer systematischen Wahlbetrugs dar, ohne irgendeinen Beweis für seine Behauptungen zu nennen.
20201107             Es ist unbestritten, dass das TRUMP—TEAM nicht über die nötige Infrastruktur verfügt, die sie wirklich benötigen würde", sagte Staranwalt BENJAMIN—GINSBERG zu CNN.
20201107             Der Rechtsstreit über das Ergebnis und Neuauszählungen zogen sich —1—MONAT hin, —BIS vor das Oberste Gericht.
20201107             Danach räumte Gore seine Niederlage ein.
20201107             Der Republikaner BUSH gewann mit 537—STIMMEN Vorsprung, sicherte sich die Stimmen der Wahlleute Floridas und wurde USA—PRÄSIDENT.
20201107             Trump bittet seine Anhänger —DERZEIT um Spenden, um seine Klageserie finanzieren zu können.
20201107             Doch der Blick ins Kleingedruckte zeigt: Das Geld dient vor allem dazu, Schulden zu begleichen.
20201107             So heißt es in einer dieser Nachrichten vom —FREITAG: "Bislang hast Du ALLE—UNSERE—E—MAILS ignoriert, in denen Du gebeten wurdest, gemeinsam mit uns die Wahl zu verteidigen".
20201107             Man solle bitte "sofort" dazu beitragen und spenden.
20201107             Beim Klick auf einen Link in der Mail wird der Nutzer auf 1—INTERNETSEITE geleitet, auf der es heißt:
20201107             "Die Demokraten werden versuchen, diese Wahl zu stehlen!
20201107             Bitte spende —JETZT jeden Betrag, um die Integrität unserer Wahl zu verteidigen".
20201107             MEHR—ALS—50.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN in INDIEN
20201107             Zum SCHUTZ—VOR—INFEKTIONEN besonders in Pflegeheimen und Kliniken läuft der Einsatz neuer CORONA—SCHNELLTESTS an.
20201107             In 1. Bundesländern können die ergänzenden Testmöglichkeiten LAUT—ANGABEN—DER—ZUSTÄNDIGEN—MINISTERIEN —BEREITS verwendet werden, teils sind Vorbereitungen dafür geplant.
20201107             legt das Gesundheitsamt fest, wie VIELE—TESTS gekauft und auf Kassenkosten finanziert werden können
20201107             — in Pflegeheimen sind —BIS—ZU—20—TESTS pro —MONAT pro Bewohner möglich, wie das Bundesministerium erläuterte.
20201107             Bei ANTIGEN—SCHNELLTESTS müssen PRO—BEN zum Auswerten nicht ins Labor gebracht werden.
20201107             Sie gelten aber als nicht so genau wie sonst genutzte PCR—TESTS.
20201107             Laut ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT (RKI) muss ein positives Ergebnis eines Schnelltests durch einen PCR—TEST bestätigt werden.
20201107             Künftig würden sich Treiber der Migration verstärken, sagte Bram Frouws, der Leiter des Rechercheinstituts Mixed Migration Centre,
20201107             Allerdings könnten sich den Experten zufolge neue Dynamiken und Routen entwickeln.
20201107             dafür könne sich die Migration innerhalb der Länder oder der Region verstärken — was ohnehin —JETZT—SCHON den GROßTEIL—DER—MIGRATION in AFRIKA ausmache.
20201107             —IN—DIESEM—JAHR ist die ZAHL—DER—IN—EUROPA über das Mittelmeer ankommenden Migranten Frouws zufolge deutlich gesunken.
20201107             Zum anderen lag es daran, dass das Einkommen vieler Menschen gesunken ist und sie die teure illegale Reise nicht antreten konnten oder nicht weiterreisen konnten.
20201107             Neuer Höchstwert: Neuinfektionen in DEUTSCHLAND steigt auf über 23.000
20201107             Söder: "Brauchen MINDESTENS—2—WOCHEN, um Erfolg der Maßnahmen bewerten zu können"
20201107             Die Ängste der Bürger in DEUTSCHLAND, sich mit dem Virus zu infizieren, sind einer FORSA—BEFRAGUNG im Auftrag des Bundesgesundheitsministeriums zufolge gestiegen.
20201107             —IM—OKTOBER sind 18—PROZENT sehr und 67—PROZENT etwas besorgt,
20201107             Gericht: "Querdenken" darf doch in Leipziger Innenstadt demonstrieren
20201107             Das Oberverwaltungsgericht Bautzen habe entschieden, dass DIE—DEMONSTRATION mit 16.000—MENSCHEN auf dem Augustusplatz stattfinden darf,
20201107             DIE—STADT—WOLLTE die Kundgebung auf die Parkplätze der Neuen Messe außerhalb des Stadtzentrums verlegen.
20201107             Für —SAMSTAG (13.00—UHR) sind insgesamt 27—DEMONSTRATIONEN, Versammlungen und Kundgebungen in LEIPZIG angekündigt.
20201107             Die Demonstrierenden wollen aus ganz DEUTSCHLAND anreisen.
20201107             sie fordern unter anderem die Zurücknahme der verschärften Pandemieschutzmaßnahmen sowie den Rücktritt der Bundesregierung.
20201107             Angesichts überlasteter Labore erwägt Bayerns Ministerpräsident MARKUS—SÖDER (CSU), die CORONA—TESTSTRATEGIE seines Landes zugunsten eines bundeseinheitlichen Vorgehens aufzugeben.
20201107             "Wir müssen —JETZT sehen, ob bei steigendem Testaufkommen die Kapazitäten weiter ausreichen",
20201107             Die Impfstoffe sollen den Angaben zufolge durch die Bundeswehr oder durch die Hersteller angeliefert werden.
20201107             Die Lieferung der Impfdosen sei mit Blick auf Lagerung und Transport nur an einer begrenzten ZAHL—VON—STANDORTEN in jedem BUNDESLAND möglich, heißt es in dem Beschluss.
20201107             "Die Teilnahme an der Impfung ist freiwillig",
20201107             POLEN, hat sich die ZAHL—DER—TÄGLICHEN—NEUINFEKTIONEN mit dem CORONA—VIRUS 1. der Marke von 28.000—GENÄHERT.
20201107             Das Land hat CA—38—MILLIONEN—EINWOHNER.
20201107             —NACH CORONA—AUSBRUCH in Nerzfarmen: GROSSBRITANNIEN verhängt EINREISE—STOPP aus DÄNEMARK
20201107             GESUNDHEITS—MINISTER—JENS—SPAHN (CDU) hat dazu aufgerufen, mehr nachgewiesene Infektionen über die CORONA—WARN—APP zu teilen.
20201107             Er sei aber weiter dagegen, die Anwendung verpflichtend zu machen,
20201107             Die Nutzer sollten zudem vom System aktiv ermuntert werden, Infektionen zu melden.
20201107             Spahn sprach in diesem Zusammenhang von "Nudging".
20201107             (Der Begriff aus der Verhaltensökonomie bedeutet, Menschen zu optimalen —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN zu "stubsen".
20201107             Experten sind jedoch der Meinung, dass MINDESTENS—200.000—TESTS —AM—TAG erforderlich wären, um an genaue Fallzahlen zu kommen.
20201107             Der SLOWAKISCHE—REGIERUNGSCHEF IGOR—MATOVIC möchte CORONA—MASSENTESTS regelmäßig durchführen.
20201107             Das wäre 1—ALTERNATIVE zu einem strengen Lockdown,
20201107             "Wenn wir uns die Frage stellen, ob es besser ist, die ganze SLOWAKEI in einem landesweiten Lockdown zuzusperren, sodass MILLIONEN—MENSCHEN ohne Arbeit und die Geschäfte geschlossen sind (...), oder
20201107             ob wir alle einmal pro —WOCHE zu so 1—TEST gehen, dort vielleicht —1—STUNDE zubringen (...),
20201107             dann glaube ich, dass sich 99,9—PROZENT—DER—BERUFSTÄTIGEN—MENSCHEN für den Weg des landesweiten Testens entscheiden".
20201107             INNERHALB—2—TAGEN sollen sich zum 2. Mal alle über —10—JAHRE—ALTER—EWOHNER—VON—CA—66—PROZENTN des Landes 1—ANTIGEN—SCHNELLTEST unterziehen.
20201107             Ausgenommen sind jene Bezirke, die in einer 1. Runde VOR—1—WOCHE besonders wenige Infektionen aufwiesen.
20201107             Damals ließen sich MEHR—ALS—3,6—MILLIONEN—MENSCHEN testen.
20201107             MEHR—ALS—38.000—POSITIV Getestete, die sonst unentdeckt die Infektion weiterverbreitet hätten, seien in Quarantäne geschickt worden,
20201107             Im stark von der CORONA—PANDEMIE betroffenen BELGIEN sind knapp 1000—COVID—19—PATIENTEN —SEIT—ANFANG—OKTOBER wegen Überlastung einiger Krankenhäuser in andere Kliniken verlegt worden.
20201107             In dem Land mit CA—11,5—MILLIONEN—EINWOHNERN gibt es bislang CA—488.000—BESTÄTIGTE—CORONA—FÄLLE, MEHR—ALS—12 000—MENSCHEN—STARBENN.
20201107             ÖSTERREICH meldet REKORD—WERT an Neuinfektionen
20201107             LETTLAND, gelten —AB—MONTAG Notstandsregeln
20201107             —GEFUNDEN, CORONA—VIRUS laut WHO in Nerzfarmen in 6—LÄNDERN
20201107             Dabei sei —BISHER lediglich die "Cluster 5" genannte Mutation des Virus in DÄNEMARK besorgniserregend,
20201107             Die Regierung hatte davor gewarnt, dass Mutationen des CORONA—VIRUS bei Pelztieren die Entwicklung eines Impfstoffs gefährden könnten.
20201107             Wissenschaftler warnen jedoch vor übereilter Panik.
20201107             DÄNEMARK ist der weltweit größte PRO—DUZENT von Nerzfellen.
20201107             Weil die Tiere in Pelzfarmen eng zusammenleben werden, kann sich das Virus jedoch schnell ausbreiten.
20201107             Dadurch steigt auch die Wahrscheinlichkeit für Mutationen.
20201107             Stimmenauszählung in ARIZONA: TRUMP—UNTERSTÜTZER halten Kameraausrüstung für gefälschte WAHLZETTEL—BOXEN
20201107             Krankenhaus in OMSK: RUSSISCHER—CHEFARZT nach NAWALNY—BEHANDLUNG befördert
20201107             "Querdenken"-Demo: Tausende demonstrieren in LEIPZIG gegen CORONA—POLITIK
20201107             WHO—STRATEGE über den KAMPF—GEGEN—CORONA: "1—LOCKDOWN sollte das allerletzte Mittel sein" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—DIETMAR—PIEPER
20201107             Blasphemiegesetz: Der MOHAMMED—PARAGRAF
20201107             Krimi um DARKNET—DROGENGELD: USA—ERMITTLER beschlagnahmen FAST—1—MILLIARDE—BITCOIN
20201107             CORONA—HILFEN: Von der "Kulturmilliarde" wurden —ERST 50—MILLIONEN—EURO ausgegeben
20201107             "Querdenken"-PRO—TEST in LEIPZIG: MEHR—ALS—20.000—MENSCHEN auf der Straße — DEMONSTRATION—WEGEN—CORONA—VERSTÖßEN aufgelöst
20201107             Bei der Demonstration hatten zuvor die allermeisten Teilnehmer gegen die CORONA—REGELN verstoßen.
20201107             —GETRAGEN, So hatte kaum jemand 1—MUND—NASEN—BEDECKUNG, oder den Mindestabstand von 1,50—METER zu anderen Menschen eingehalten.
20201107             Daraufhin hatte die Polizei die Versammlungsfläche —AM—MITTAG deutlich vergrößert.
20201107             Ebenfalls im Stadtzentrum versammelten sich Hunderte GEGEN—DDMONSTRANTEN.
20201107             Die —ENTSCHEIDUNG des Oberverwaltungsgerichts sei eine "offizielle Zulassung eines SUPERSPREADER—EVENTS mit Ansage",
20201107             sagte Irena RUDOLPH—KOKOT vom "Bündnis LEIPZIG nimmt Platz".
20201107             Es sei 1—ZUMUTUNG für DIE—STADT—UND die Bürger, dass ohne Einhaltung von Abstand auf viel zu kleinem Raum demonstriert werde.
20201107             Damit werde die CORONA—SCHUTZVERORDNUNG ausgehebelt, die Menschen kämen sich "verarscht" vor.
20201107             SIGMUND—AUSBLICK auf —DEN—WINTER: Wir haben 1—PROBLEM
20201107             Mit "allergrößter Sorge" sieht MICHAEL—LINK, DER—DEUTSCHE—CHEF—DER internationalen OSZE—WAHLBEOBACHTERMISSION, die derzeitige Entwicklung.
20201107             Es beginne —NUN eine kritische Phase, in der das Ergebnis bekannt gegeben werde, sagte Link der Funke Mediengruppe:
20201107             Ich weiß nicht, ob ihm das klar ist", sagt der FDP—BUNDESTAGSABGEORDNETE.
20201107             Er könne nur hoffen, dass Trump Berater habe, "die ihm deutlich sagen, wenn er verloren hat".
20201107             CNN erklärt JOE—BIDEN zum nächsten USA—PRÄSIDENTEN — weil er PENNSYLVANIA gewinnen konnte.
20201107             —INZWISCHEN hat auch Trumps Haussender FOX—JOE—BIDEN zum 46. Präsidenten der USA erklärt.
20201107             —GEBETEN, Als er, wurde, diesen Moment einzuordnen, kamen ihm die Tränen.
20201107             Es sei —NUN einfacher, 1—ELTERNTEIL zu sein, schrieb er selbst auf Twitter.
20201107             Trump will einen Sieg seines demokratischen Herausforderers nicht anerkennen.
20201107             "Die einfache Tatsache ist, dass diese Wahl noch lange nicht vorbei ist", teilte Trump mit.
20201107             HILLARY—CLINTON, TRUMP—HERAUSFORDERIN 20160000             , spricht von einem historischen WAHL—ERGEBNIS, eines, mit dem sich eine neue Seite für DIE—USA—AUFSCHLAGE.
20201107             Für AUTOR—STEPHEN—KING ist dies 1—DER—BESTEN—TAGE seines Lebens.
20201107             [l] JOE—BIDEN ist der nächste USA—PRÄSIDENT.
20201107             PENNSYLVANIA hat wohl das offizielle Ergebnis pro Biden bekanntgegeben, und dann sah es 1—PAAR—MINUTEN so aus, als würden die anderen News Orgs alle darauf warten, dass FOX—NEWS—DAS—RENNEN callt.
20201107             Aber CNN wurde dann doch hippelig und hat es als 1. rausgehauen.
20201107             —JETZT hat es aber auch die Associated Press gesagt und viel offizieller wird es nicht.
20201107             Ich habe ja —SCHON zusammengefasst, wofür JOE—BIDEN —BISHER so stand.
20201107             —GEWORDEN, Hoffen wir, dass er altersmilde, ist und nicht erstmal ein paar neue Kriege oder Drohnenmordkampagnen anfängt wie das letzte Mal, als er was zu sagen hatte.
20201107             —BEFÜRCHTET, Update: Ich hatte, das Trump wieder gewinnt.
20201107             —GELEGEN, Auf der einen Seite bin ich froh, falsch, zu haben.
20201107             Auf der anderen Seite hat JOE—BIDEN —BISHER nicht viel Anlass zu Hoffnung gegeben.
20201107             Insofern schlage ich vor, dass wir da —JETZT alle verhalten optimistisch rangehen.
20201107             —ÜBERRASCHT, Vielleicht werden wir ja positiv.
20201107             Update: Der virale Clip zur Wahl ist der CNN—ANCHOR, der spontan in Tränen ausbrach.
20201107             Update: Die Schlagzeile zur Wahl kommt von THE—ONION:
20201107             Mit dem 77-jährigen Biden geht —NUN wieder 1—BERUFSPOLITIKER als Sieger der USA—WAHL hervor, —NACHDEM der KAPITALIST Trump —VOR—4—JAHREN einen Überraschungssieg eingefahren hatte.
20201107             Die Senatorin Kamala Harris würde die 1. Frau und die 1. Afroamerikanerin im Vizepräsidentenamt.
20201107             Trumps REAKTION—AUF—BIDEN—WAHL—SIEG: Verbarrikadiert gegen die Wirklichkeit
20201107             In eigener Sache: Warum es —IN—DIESER—WOCHE 2—SPIEGEL—TITEL gibt
20201107             Wahlverlierer im WEIßES—HAUS: Trump erkennt BIDEN—SIEG nicht an
20201107             "Die einfache Tatsache ist, dass diese Wahl noch lange nicht vorbei ist",
20201107             1—ZUSPITZUNG des politischen Streits um die Wahl.
20201107             In den USA ist es üblich, dass die Präsidentenwahl auf der Basis von PRO—GNOSEN großer Medienhäuser entschieden WIRD—NORMALERWEISE noch in der Wahlnacht.
20201107             Dass Trump den Sieg seines Kontrahenten nicht anerkennt, kommt nicht überraschend.
20201107             —SCHON vor der Wahl hatte Trump offen gelassen, ob er das WAHL—ERGEBNIS akzeptieren würde, und hatte eine friedliche Machtübergabe nicht garantieren wollen.
20201107             ANGELA—MERKEL, "Unsere TRANSATLANTIK—FREUNDSCHAFT ist unersetzlich, wenn wir die großen Herausforderungen dieser Zeit bewältigen wollen".
20201107             BORIS—JOHNSON, "gemeinsamen Prioritäten vom KLIMA—WANDEL über Handel —BIS hin zur Sicherheit".
20201107             EMMANUEL—MACRON, "Handeln wir zusammen!" - Stacey Abrams.
20201107             Der Demokratin und Bürgerrechtsaktivistin aus GEORGIA soll es gelungen sein, —SEIT ihrer Niederlage bei den Gouverneurswahlen 800.000—MENSCHEN als Wähler zu registrieren.
20201107             —GRATULIERT, Sie, mit dem Worten: "Gemeinsam werden wir die Seele dieser Nation wieder heilen".
20201107             "Wir freuen uns darauf, die transatlantischen Beziehungen zu stärken und
20201107             "Wir freuen uns darauf, mit der neuen USA—REGIERUNG bei globalen Fragen wie dem KLIMA—WANDEL, der Verteidigung der Demokratie und der internationalen Sicherheit zusammenzuarbeiten".
20201107             Madame Tussauds kleidet derweil die Wachsfigur von DONALD—TRUMP —BEREITS in zivile Golfkleidung um:
20201107             Trump kehrt ins WEIßE—HAUS zurück.
20201107             —GELAUFEN, Die Golfrunde scheint nicht so gut, zu sein.
20201107             "SUPERSPREADER—EVENT". TRUMP—SPRECHERIN Kayleigh McEnany,
20201107             "Wo ist JOE—BIDEN, der dazu aufruft, die großen SUPERSPREADER—EVENTS in seinem Namen zu beenden?"
20201107             Das Video zeigte hunderte jubelnde Menschen an der Nordseite des WEIßES—HAUSES.
20201107             Die allermeisten dort trugen 1—REPORTER der DEUTSCHES—PRESSE—AGENTUR zufolge Masken, um das INFEKTIONS—RISIKO zu reduzieren.
20201107             —BEHAUPTET, Wie DONALD—TRUMP, seien Wahlbeobachter nicht in die Auszählungsräume gelassen worden.
20201107             Und mal wieder bleibt er jeden Beweis schuldig.
20201107             VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORETIKER Giuliani: Trumps Anwalt glaubt "nicht an Zufälle"
20201107             FAST—40.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN in ITALIEN
20201107             Todeszahlen in FRANKREICH überschreiten die 40.000
20201107             Die ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN erreicht einen Rekord von 86.852 an —1—TAG -
20201107             Die BRITISCHE—KÖNIGIN—ELIZABETH—II. (94) ist 1. mit CORONA—MASKE in der Öffentlichkeit aufgetreten.
20201107             Bei 1—BESUCH in 1—RÜSTUNGSTECHNOLOGIEZENTRUM in der Nähe der südenglischen STADT—SALISBURY hatte sie —MITTE—OKTOBER keinen Schutz getragen und dafür Kritik einstecken müssen.
20201107             "Mais, não nos revemos na forma de atuar destes indivíduos, que querem colocar tudo em causa, todo o esforço, empenho, responsabilidade e sacrifício das gentes do Concelho de ALJEZUR", afirmou a Câmara.
20201107             "ALJEZUR, tem sabido lidar com a situação da Pandemia, e com muita responsabilidade, da sua população, dos agentes económicos, das entidades públicas e privadas.
20201107             Tem conseguindo proteger as pessoas, a economia, a imagem de um concelho seguro, e acima de tudo, a saúde das nossas gentes", acrescentou.
20201107             Ihre Einsendungen gehören unter anderem in PENNSYLVANIA und GEORGIA zu den letzten, die ausgezählt werden.
20201107             PORTUGAL—PRÄSIDENT ruft erneut GESUNDHEITS—NOTSTAND aus
20201107             Es handele sich um eine "sehr begrenzte und weitestgehend präventive Maßnahme", betonte der PRÄSIDENT.
20201107             Die KOSTEN—FÜR—DIE unterbringung müsse der STAAT übernehmen.
20201107             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—360—(+5)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—260—(DADOS—DE—02/11)—CASOS—ATIVOS—78—(DADOS—DE—02/11)
20201107             BUNDESLAND—BERLIN—BUNDESLANDWEITE—FÄLLE der LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—178,96
20201107             Das ist inakzeptabel, und damit hat er seinen Ruf auch bei vielen verspielt, die seine Politik nicht so schlecht fanden, wie sie in EUROPA allgemein wahrgenommen wurde".
20201107             "Beim Fall BUSH gegen Gore ging es nur um einen STAAT, und es brachte die Partei an ihre Grenzen.
20201107             Experten: WIRTSCHAFTS—FOLGEN—VON—CORONA könnten Migration befeuern
20201107             "Der Bedarf oder der Wunsch von Menschen auszuwandern wird nur wachsen, aber die Optionen auszuwandern werden womöglich schrumpfen".
20201107             er erwarte in seinem Heimatland "eine riesige Bewegung von Menschen, denn die Pandemie hat in NIGERIA so viel Leid und Armut verursacht".
20201107             Frouws erwartet in den KOMMENDEN—JAHREN weniger Migration aus den Ländern südlich der SAHARA nach EUROPA,
20201107             Die Wirtschaft der Länder südlich der SAHARA wird der Weltbank zufolge —IN—DIESEM—JAHR um 3,3—PROZENT schrumpfen.
20201107             Der Ministerpräsident sagte zugleich, DEUTSCHLAND habe den "mildesten Lockdown, den es —DERZEIT in EUROPA gibt".
20201107             Der Ministerpräsident weiter: "Wichtig ist, dass wir in DEUTSCHLAND gemeinsam handeln".
20201107             Entscheidend ist, dass wir die Virusausbreitung eindämmen".
20201107             Söder sagte: "Zu lange wurde der ERNST—DER—LAGE heruntergespielt".
20201107             IRAN meldet erneut Höchstwert an Neuinfektionen
20201107             —NACH Einschätzung von Gesundheitsexperten dürften die tatsächlichen Fallzahlen im IRAN jedoch MEHR—ALS doppelt so hoch sein wie amtlich angegeben.
20201107             "Der AMERIKANISCHE—PRÄSIDENT hat eine große Verantwortung dafür, ob es in den USA ruhig bleibt.
20201107             Und orakelt: "Sie wollen nicht, dass die Wahrheit ans Licht kommt".
20201107             MICHELLE—OBAMA, "Würde, Kompetenz und Herz ins WEIßE—HAUS zurückzubringen".
20201107             Auch SPANIEN und PORTUGAL freuen sich auf die Zusammenarbeit mit Biden.
20201107             "I—WON—THE—ELECTION", schreibt er fast —SCHON traditionell in Versalien.
20201107             Eskalierte "Querdenken"-Großdemo in LEIPZIG: Chaostag, Chaosnacht
20201107             Sie besuchte das Grabmal des unbekannten Soldaten in der WESTMINSTER Abbey
20201107             ALJEZUR denuncia panfleto contra medidas COVID—19—QUE "USA abusivamente o "lettering" do Município"
20201107             It was unclear whether Trump would publicly concede.
20201107             MISTER—BIDEN won the popular vote with 1—RECORD—BREAKING 74—MILLION votes.
20201107             —RECEIVED, MISTER—TRUMP, MORE—THAN—70—MILLION—VOTES, the 2.—HIGHEST tally on record.
20201107             —BECAME, Kamala Harris, the 1. woman, as well as the 1. Black person, 1. INDIAN—AMERICAN, and 1. ASIAN—AMERICAN, to be elected to the vice presidency.
20201107             —FLAGGED, Twitter, 1—SERIES—OF—TRUMP—TWEETS as dubious.
20201107             —FILED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—CAMPAIGN said it had, 1—LAWSUIT in ARIZONA, its latest legal challenge over THE—RESULTS—OF—THE—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION.
20201107             —REPORTED—WAS, that NORTH—DAKOTA and SOUTH—DAKOTA have the nation's worst RATE—OF—DEATHS per capita OVER—THE—LAST—30—DAYS.
20201107             † Despite advances in treating COVID—19—PATIENTS, hundreds more people have, in recent weeks than —DURING ANY—OTHER—PERIOD — 1—GRIM—EXCLAMATION—POINT on the virus outbreak slamming THE—NORTH—PLAINS and Upper Midwest.
20201107             —OPENED, BELARUSI—PRESIDENT—ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO formally, the country's 1. NUCLEAR—POWER—PLANT, 1—PROJECT sharply criticized by neighboring LITHUANIA.
20201107             —LOCATED, THE—RUSSIAN—BUILT and financed Astravyets plant is, CA—40—KM (25—MILES) SOUTH—EAST—OF—VILNIUS.
20201107             † Lord JONATHAN—SACKS, —72—JAHRE—ALT, THE—FORMER—CHIEF—RABBI in THE—UK (19910000—20130000    ) who reached beyond the Jewish community with his regular broadcasts on radio.
20201107             Egyptians began voting in 2. and final STAGE—OF—THE—COUNTRY—PARLIAMENTARY—ELECTIONS, —AFTER 1—RELATIVELY low turnout in the 1. round that embarrassed THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—ABDEL—FATTAH—EL—SISSI.
20201107             —VOTED, ETHIOPIA—PARLIAMENT has, to dissolve THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—THE—NORTH—TIGRAY region, amid 1—DISPUTE which has escalated into armed conflict.
20201107             —DECLARED, In 1—EMERGENCY—SESSION, PARLIAMENT, the Tigray administration illegal and voted to replace it.
20201107             TIGRAY—LEADER told THE—AFRICA—UNION that THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT was planning a "FULL—FLEDGED military offensive".
20201107             —REPORTED, FRANCE, 828—NEW—DEATHS from CORONA—VIRUS in THE—LAST—24—HOURS.
20201107             —FOLLOWED, GERMANY, several European countries by reporting 1—RECORD—NUMBER—OF—DAILY—CORONA—VIRUS—CASES, as a 2. WAVE—OF—INFECTIONS—SWEEPS through the continent as —WINTER approaches.
20201107             —REPORTED, THE—ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUTE, 23,399 new cases in THE—LAST—24—HOURS.
20201107             GREECE began a —3—WEEK nationwide lockdown, its 2. —THIS—YEAR.
20201107             —REPORTED, GREECE has —NOW, 52,254 cases and 715—DEATHS.
20201107             Searchers in GUATEMALA dug through mud and debris looking for 1 estimated 100—PEOPLE believed buried by 1—MASSIVE, RAIN—FUELED landslide, as the remnants of HURRICANE—ETA strengthened and the storm churned toward CUBA.
20201107             44—PEOPLE were confirmed dead.
20201107             —ANNOUNCED, IRAN, new lockdown curbs —AFTER registering 1—RECORD—DAILY—NUMBER—OF—COVID—19—CASES and another 423—DEATHS from the disease in THE—MIDDLE—EAST—WORST—HIT country.
20201107             —REGISTERED, IRAN, 9,450 new infections in THE—LAST—24—HOURS.
20201107             —CONFIRMED, This took the total number of, cases to 673,250 and raised THE—DEATH—TOLL to 37,832.
20201107             —REPORTED, IRAN—STATE—RUN—NEWS—AGENCY, that Nasrin Sotoudeh (57), 1—LEADING HUMAN—RIGHTS lawyer, has been released from prison, —AFTER she was —EARLIER hospitalized amid 1—HUNGER—STRIKE conducted from her cell.
20201107             —REPORTED—WAS, that IVORY—COAST—OPPOSITION—LEADER—PASCAL Affi N'Guessan has been arrested for announcing the creation of 1—PARALLEL—GOVERNMENT—AFTER boycotting —LAST—MONTH—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION.
20201107             SLOVAKIA held a 2. round of nationwide CORONA—VIRUS testing in 1—EFFORT to curb increasing infections, with more than half 1—MILLION—PEOPLE screened by —NOON.
20201107             —REPORTED, SLOVAKIA, 2,579—COVID—19—CASES through PCR testing, bringing the total to 73,667, with 351—DEATHS.
20201107             —WASTED, The central and state banks had, at least  100—BILLION—DOLLAR in precious foreign reserves in 1—ABORTIVE ATTEMPT—TO—SALVAGE the currency.
20201107             —ANNOUNCED, THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES, 1—MAJOR—OVERHAUL—OF—THE—COUNTRY—ISLAM—PERSONAL—LAWS, allowing unmarried couples to cohabitate, loosening alcohol restrictions and criminalizing SO—CALLED "honor killings".
20201107             The changes would take immediate effect. [l] Tiroler Tunnels gesperrt.
20201107             SICH - Eine - Besonderheit - drängt - sich - jedoch
20201107             "Unter BIDEN wird die Ausgabenfreudigkeit der USA—REGIERUNG höher sein", erwartet COMMERZBANK—ANALYSTIN YOU—NA PARK—HEGER.
20201107             Auszählung der Stimmen: BIDEN baut seinen Vorsprung weiter aus
20201107             —BIS—FREITAG wurden MEHR—ALS—127.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN INNERHALB—2—TAGEN24—STUNDEN registriert.
20201107             Demnach wählten in ARIZONA 97—PROZENT der 76.000—ABSTIMMENDEN des Indianerstammes der Navajo für BIDEN.
20201107             BIDEN sagt, dass die Menschen ihm mit ihren Stimmen 1—MANDAT geben, um sich um das CORONA—VIRUS, die Wirtschaft und den KLIMA—WANDEL zu kümmern.
20201107             Sat 20201107             [l] Finger hoch, wer das kommen sah:
20201107             Zur Präsidentenwahl meint der Zürcher "TAGES—ANZEIGER" —AM—SAMSTAG: Zürcher "TAGES—ANZEIGER" —AM—SAMSTAG:
20201107             USA—WAHLSIEGER BIDEN: 1—NEUANFANG für AMERIKA Der SPIEGEL—LEITARTIKEL von Mathieu von Rohr
20201107             WAHL—SIEGER JOE—BIDEN: Make AMERICA GREAT Again
20201107             CNN—MODERATOR VAN JONES wurde von der Nachricht überwältigt.
20201107             Jubilant Reaction To Trump Defeat Quickly Soured By News Of BIDEN Win
20201107             Ab und zu greift sich einer 1—MEGAFON und brüllt wütend gegen BIDEN, GEORGE—SOROS, BILL—GATES, die WHO—CHINA, die Medien.
20201107             Ohne eigene Mehrheit in beiden Parlamentskammern dürfte es für BIDEN fast unmöglich sein, größere Reformprojekte durchzusetzen.
20201107             BIDEN stelle sich "fälschlicherweise" als Sieger dar und werde dabei von seinen "MEDIEN—VERBÜNDETEN" unterstützt.
20201107             Der sozialistische REGIERUNGS—CHEF—PORTUGALS, António Costa, sandte dem "gewählten PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN" herzliche Glückwünsche:
20201107             Trumps Sprecherin sieht Partys für BIDEN als CORONA—RISIKO
20201107             —KLIMA—POLITIK—DER—USA: "BIDEN ist ein echter Neuanfang" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—MICHAEL—SAUGA
20201107             —DEFEATED, BIDEN, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP to become the 46. PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA, positioning himself to lead 1—NATION gripped by historic pandemic and 1—CONFLUENCE—OF—ECONOMIC and social turmoil.
20201107             —PERSISTED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, in misrepresenting developments at BALLOT—COUNTING centers, falsely tweeting that campaign observers in PENNSYLVANIA were blocked from seeing what was going on as BIDEN overtook him in the vote count, which continues.
20201107             —REPORTED, FRANCE, 828—NEW—DEATHS from CORONA—VIRUS in the last —24—HOURS.
20201107             —REPORTED, THE—ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUTE, 23,399 new cases in the last —24—HOURS.
20201107             —REGISTERED, IRAN, 9,450 new infections in the last —24—HOURS.
20201107             —REPORTED—WAS, that IVORY—COAST—OPPOSITION—LEADER—PASCAL Affi N'Guessan has been arrested for announcing the creation of 1—PARALLEL—GOVERNMENT—AFTER boycotting —LAST—MONTH—PRESIDENT—ELECTION.
20201107             —ASKED, LEBANON—PRESIDENT—MICHEL—AOUN, his FOREIGN—MINISTRY to make the necessary contacts to secure ANY—EVIDENCE and documents that prompted THE—USA—TREASURY—SANCTIONS—ON—GEBRAN Bassil, who leads the largest bloc in PARLIAMENT and is also THE—PRESIDENT—SON—IN—LAW.
20201107—20000000    —J—IM, Ob GEORGE—W—BUSH oder AL—GORE der nächste PRÄSIDENT werden würde, hing nur am Ergebnis im BUNDES—STAAT FLORIDA.
20201107—20090000    —SEIT, sind ALLE—STAATEN per Gesetz dazu verpflichtet, 1—SYSTEM zu schaffen, das MILITÄR—ANGEHÖRIGE und andere STAATS—ANGEHÖRIGE im Ausland mit Briefwahlunterlagen versorgt.
20201107—20200105    —AM, Die Wahl findet statt.
20201107—20200608    —IM, waren PROZENT sehr und 58—PROZENT—DER—MENSCHEN etwas besorgt, sich selbst zu infizieren.
20210621             —RECALLED, ARGENTINA and MEXICO, their ambassadors to NICARAGUA for consultations, —1—DAY—AFTER PRESIDENT—DANIEL—ORTEGA—GOVERNMENT arrested yet another presidential contender ahead—of—20211107             —THE elections.
20211107             —SONNTAG, 20211107
20211107             Residenz in Bagdad: DROHNE—ANGRIFF—AUF—IRAKISCHEN—REGIERUNGS—CHEF
20211107             —REGISTRIERT, RKI, 23.543—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN - Dissertation - Zink, Annika
20211107             —ABUSED, Ethanol is