Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 3. November ?

Ereignisse an einem 3. November

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03611103             —ERNANNT, ALLEIN—RÖMER—REICH—KAISER—JULIANUS.wird offiziell
03611103             † FLAVIUS—JULIUS—CONSTANTIUS—II, —44—JAHRE—ALT, the 1. Byzantine Emperor.
03611103             † RÖMER—KAISER—CONSTANTIUS—II.
03611103             —SUCCEEDED, FLAVIUS—CLAUDIUS—JULIANUS, JULIAN—THE—APOSTATE, CONSTANTIUS and tried to make paganism the official religion of the empire.
06251103             —BEGINNT, Das HONORIUS—I—PAPA—PONTIFIKAT .
06441103             —STABBED, UMAR—OF—ARABIA, the 2. CALIPH—OF—ISLAM, was, by ABU—LULU —WHILE leading THE—MORNING—PRAYERS at Medina.
06441103             On UMAR—OF—ARABIA—DEATHBED named 1—COUNCIL to choose the next caliph.
06441103             —APPOINTED, The council, UTHMAN.
06441103             —CONTINUED, UTHMAN, to expand the MUSLIM—EMPIRE.
06441103             MEKKA, wird der 2. Kalif—?UMAR—IBN—AL—CHATT?b, von 1—PERSISCHEN Sklaven ermordet.
06441103             † ?UMAR—IBN—AL—CHATT?b, 2. KALIF des Kalifenreichs
06441103—06441107    —ON, He † —4—DAYS—LATER.
06441103—06441107    † UTHMAN, —4—DAYS—LATER—ON.
07661103             1. DER—ORT—HEPPEN—HEIM ERWÄHNT—URKUNDE—.
07821103             † MARIAN—VON—BARDOWICK, fränkischer Missionar in SACHSEN, Märtyrer und Heiliger der katholischen Kirche
10211103             † AS—SULAMI, persischer Mystiker
12111103             † ALPAIS, FRANZÖSISCHE—EREMITIN, Selige
12541103             † JOHANNES—III. BYZANZ—KAISER im Exil in Nicäa
13241103             † PETRONILLA—DE—MEATH, Dienstmagd, die als 1. Frau in IRLAND als Hexe verbrannt wurde
13341103             —AM, ALBERTUS—DE—TRUE als Besitzer und Reiter, nicht als Empfänger (equus 12—FLORENI).
13341103             —AM, Bei den PFERDE—VERLUSTEN werden aus des HEINRICH—VON—GOSTORP Banner (FOLIO—86) genannt:
13451103             † PETER—I—GRAF—VON—DREUX
13481103             —URKUNDE "Emiche greue zu Lyningen und... JOLENTA—VON—BERGHEIM greuinne zu Lyningen, desseluen greuen Emichen... wyfe"
13481103             —URKUNDE sold "DIE—BURG—OEDE... die VAIDIE—VAN—KEMPEN... "
13481103             —URKUNDE to "WILHELMe deme MARCHGREUEN—VAN—GUILGE... OHEIMEM[ONKEL] unser Jolenten vorgenant"
13611103             ipsi MARQUARD debiotos a COMUNI—PISANO pro tertia paga 5.000—FLORENI debit, ex forma et tenore provisionis.
13611103             quod COSTANTINUS—SARDUS et ODDO—RAU,^CAMERARII—CAMERE—PISANI—COMUNIS solvant et solvere possint
13611103             rev. domino DOMINO—MARQUARDO DEI—GRATIA Augusten, EPISCOPO vel eius PROCURATORi 1000—FLORENI—AURI[GOLD—GULDEN]
13611103             —NOCH, ZUM In unseren Akten wird MARKWALD—VON—RANDECK genannt.^
13611103             —PROVIDERUNT DOMINI—ANTHIANI—PISANI—POPULI partitu facto inter eos ad albos et giallos secundum formam brevis PISANI—POPULI
13681103             " VENERABILIS vir d. Matheus de civitate Castelli THESAURARIUS Spoletani DUCATI etc.
13721103             MAGISTRO JOHANNI—WILDE—DE—DOTINCHEM^ literarum apostolicarum scriptori^ confirmatur praepositura EmbricensiSj quam ex eo vacantem^ quod ipsam
13881103             —CHARLES—VI[KARLVI—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH] appelle les "marmousets" au gouvernement
13941103             —EXPELLED, Jews were, from FRANCE by CHARLES—VI—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH
13941103             —CONTINUED, Jews, to live in LYONS and papal possessions such as PUGNON.
13941103—13940917    —SEE
13941103—13941103    —SIGNED, The order, on Yom Kippur, was enforced.
14281103             † THOMAS—MONTAGU, ENGLISCHER—FELDHERR im Hundertjährigen Krieg
14441103             2. Geldrischen ERBFOLGE—KRIEG  in der
14441103             —SCHLACHT—BEI—LINNICH.
14441103             —IN—DER—FOLGE, Aus Dankbarkeit stiftet HERZOG—GERHARD—VON—JÜLICH—BERG den Orden von S—HUBERTUS.
14701103             * EDWARD—V—KING—OF—ENGLAND
14871103—14950826    —BEZEUGT—IST vom, REIMAR—SPIEß
14931103             —DISCOVERED, CHRISTOPHER—COLUMBUS, the Caribbee Isles (DOMINICA) —DURING his 2. expedition.
14931103             —ABANDONED, THE—TOWN—OF—LA—ISABELA on THE—NORTH—COAST—OF—THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC. was, within —5—YEARS due in part to poor relations with the Taino Indians.
14931103             This area was part of the chiefdom of Higuey.
14931103             2. Reise, CHRISTOPH—KOLUMBUS entdeckt 1—KARIBIKINSEL, die er —NACH—DEM—TAG ihrer Entdeckung DOMINICA nennt.
14931103             —AM—GLEICHEN—TAG, entdeckt CHRISTOPH—KOLUMBUS auch die INSEL—LA—DÉSIRADE[Die Ersehnte]
14941103             AU—DOS, " Magnificis Dominis Octoviris Practice Reipublice [FLORENZ]FLORENTINE Dominis meis observa ndissimis etc. FLORENTIE[FLORENZ]".
14941103             Conversation SUR le même sujet ENTRE le ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA, LE—KARDINAL—DE—NAPLES[NEAPEL], LE—KARDINAL Orsino et les orateurs napolitains.
14941103             DÉPÊCHE—DE—GUIDOTTI de Colle aux 8—DE Pratica.
14941103             LA—DEPÈCHE—DU, où est rapportée LE—ENTREVUE—DE—ASCANIO avec LE—PAPA.
14941103             LA—FLOTTE—FRANÇAISE est à OSTIE[OSTIA] 646
14941103             RÉPONSE—DU— ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA qui préfère perdre la mitre, l'état et la vie, que d'abandonner ALPHONSE.
14941103             " ROM die III., " Excelse Dominationis Vestre SERVITOR " ANTONIUS Gumocxcs de COLLE [KÖLN]"
14941103             —DOMINICA, —IN—MANE—SEQUENTI-, fuit coram PONTIFICE congregatio omnium KARDINALium, excepto S—DIONYSII, qui erat IN—CAPELLA 'MAJORe paramenla recipiens pro missa celebranda.
14941103             —EADEM—DIE, in sero, rediit AD—URBEM KARDINALIS Valentinus EX—MARINO quo missus fuerat (t).
14941103             —ENTREVUE—DE—ASCANIO et du ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA.
14941103             —LE—SOIR, LE—KARDINAL—DE—VALENCE revient de Marino à ROM.
14961103             —DONNERSTAG
15001103             * BENVENUTO—CELLINI, ITALIENISCHER—GOLDSCHMIED, Medailleur und Bildhauer
15131103             † AUGUSTIN—OLOMOUCKÝ, böhmischer Humanist, Schriftsteller und Kunstsammler
15271103             * TILEMANN—HESSHUS, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
15291103             —OPENED, THE—1.—REFORMATION—PARLIAMENT—FOR—5—YEARS, in LONDON—ENGLAND and the Commons put forward bills against abuses amongst the clergy and in the church courts.
15341103             —ORDERED, HENRY—VIII—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND suppressed the monasteries, Bibles burned and renounced papal jurisdiction.
15341103             —SIGNIFIED, HENRY—VIII—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND issued THE—ACT—OF—SUPREMACY which, 1—BREAK with the Catholic Church of ROME.
15341103             —AKZEPTIERT, Mit der Suprematsakte, das Parlament HEINRICH—VIII—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND als künftiges Oberhaupt der ENGLISCHEN—KIRCHE.
15411103—15380618    —AM—ERST, ihnen 66 % ihrer FORDERUNG—VON—30.000—CAROLUS—GULDEN nebst ZINSEN bezahlt wurden.
157011031            † JOHANN—CHRISTEL,");
15741103             † GEORG—VON—VENEDIGER, deutscher lutherischer Theologe und Reformator
15841103             † KARDINAL—KARL—BORROMÄUSA—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—MAILAND, bedeutender Vertreter der Gegenreformation
15871103             * SAMUEL—SCHEIDT, composer.
15911103             † CURTI, CONSUL—PATRITIUS (cf.
15911103             † IL—SIGNOR—RIMONDO—INCURIA—MERCHANTE—ALLEMANO, —44—JAHRE—ALT, amalato gia GIORNI$—10—DA febre et mal di pietra;
15941103             † CHRISTOPH—STÜRGKH—AUF—PLANKENWARTH, steiermärkischer Adeliger
15991103             † HEINRICH—CRAMER—VON—CLAUSBRUCH, Leipziger Großkaufmann und Fernhändler
16001103             † RICHARD—HOOKER, englischer anglikanischer Theologe
16181103             * MUHAMMAD—AURANGZEB—ALAMGIR, Großmogul von INDIEN
16191103             * WILLEM—KALF, NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—MALER (Taufdatum)
16351103             * JOHANN—CHRISTOPH—STURM, DEUTSCHER—ASTRONOM und Mathematiker
16391103             † MARTINUS—DE—PORRES, —69—JAHRE—ALT, PERU saint (patron of social justice).
16391103             † MARTIN—DE—PORRES, PERUANISCHER—HEILIGER der Dominikaner
16411103             KARL—I—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND beruft neuerlich das Parlament ein, das später als Langes Parlament bekannt wird.
16431103             † PAUL—GULDIN, SCHWEIZER—ASTRONOM
16551103             —CONVENTION—FRANCO—ANGLAISE
16551103             In der Innsbrucker Hofkirche übertritt die frühere SCHWEDISCHE—KÖNIGIN—CHRISTINA öffentlich zum katholischen Glauben.
16561103             —VERTRAG—VON—NIEMIE? gewährt POLEN—LITAUEN und dem Zarentum RUSSLAND 1—ZWEIJÄHRIGE Verschnaufpause im RUSSISCH—POLNISCHEN—KRIEG.
16561103             —WAFFENSTILLSTAND ist durch das Eingreifen Schwedens in POLEN ausgelöst worden.
16651103             —BLASPEIL—AN—SCHWERIN Pufondoit X 10. 158 ^^^' ^^^ BÜNDNISS GEGEN MÜNSTER.
16721103             —AM, AMERONGEN Hat sich gefreut, daß seine Ansicht über die Dinge und die von ihm —BISHER getanen Schritte mit denen DER—STAATEN übereinstimmen, obwohl
16721103—16721024    —EMPFANGEN, AMERONGEN Hat sein —SCHREIBEN—VOM, und
16721104—16721103    —GESTERN, FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG hat zu ihm[AMERONGEN] gesagt: des KAISER—SOLDATEN sind sehr schönes Volk, aber was nützt das, wenn sie nicht handeln.
16721104—16721103    —GESTERN, FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG hat zu ihm[AMERONGEN] gesagt: "soo nu de keijserlijcke niet willen dat dit een volcomene rupture zij"soo sullen wij andere mesures moeten nemen.^
16721104—16721103    —GESTERN, FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG ist von BERGEN längs des MAIN —3—STUNDEN weiter nach HOF—HEIM marschirt;
16791103             1—GREAT—PANIC occurred in EUROPE over the close approach of 1—COMET.
16891103             * CHARLES—DANIEL—PRINCE, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher
16901103             † Seignelay
17001103             * FELDMARSCHALL—CHRISTIAN—LUDWIG—VON—HARDENBERG, hannoverscher
17021103             † CHRISTIAN—FRIEDRICH—VON—KAHLBUTZ, brandenburgischer Edelmann
17061103             In den Abruzzen ereignet sich im Raum Sulmona 1—ERDBEBEN, das neben Sachschäden mehr als 1000—TOTE verursacht.
17111103             † FERDINAND—TOBIAS—RICHTER, —60—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
17161103             —PACIFICATION—TREATY—OF—WARSAW,
17161103             PETER—THE—GREAT—ZAR—VON—RUSSLAND (16720000—17250000    ) guaranteed Saxon monarch —AUGUST—I. (16820000—17180000    ) POLAND—KINGDOM.
17161103             Die vom POLNISCHEN—ADEL gebildete KONFÖDERATION—VON—TARNOGRÓD und —DER—AUGUST—II—KÖNIG—VON—POLEN schließen in Warschau 1—FRIEDENSVERTRAG, den der PETER—I—ZAR—VON—RUSSLAND maßgeblich initiiert hat.
17181103             * JOHN—MONTAGU—EARL—OF—SANDWICH, 4. , BRITISCHER—DIPLOMAT und Staatsmann
17231103             * JOHANN—CHRISTOPH—RUDOLPH, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Hochschullehrer
17490724—17491103    —RELEASED, DENIS—DIDEROT—WAS, to continued his work on the Encyclopedie.
17491103             * DANIEL—RUTHERFORD, BRITISCHER—CHEMIKER und Botaniker
17521103             GEORG—FRIEDRICH—HANDEL underwent eye surgery to remove 1—CATARACT by WILLIAM—BROMFIELD, Surgeon to THE—PRINCESS—OF—WALES, to restore his sight.
17521103             The operation was only 1—SHORT—TERM—SUCCESS.
17601103             —SCHLACHT—BEI—TORGAU, der letzten großen Schlacht im Siebenjährigen Krieg,
17601103             —BESIEGT die PREUSSISCHE—ARMEE unter FRIEDRICH—DER—GROSSE die Österreicher unter FELDMARSCHALL—LEOPOLD—JOSEPH—GRAF—DAUN, muss aber schwere Verluste in Kauf nehmen.
17621103             —ACQUIRED, SPAIN—LOUISIANA.
17661103             † THOMAS—ABBT, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Philosoph
17691101—17691103    —LOOKED, SERGEANT—JOSE—FRANCISCO—ORTEGA with his scouting party 1., upon SF Bay from THE—VICINITY—OF—POINT—LOBOS.
17741103             der gleiche DISPENS seitens des Ordinarius des Bräutigams ist einzusehen
17741103             * GOTTLIEB—FRIEDRICH—WAGNER, DEUTSCHER—LEHRER, Politiker und schwäbischer Mundartdichter
17751103             † JUAN—JOSÉ—PÉREZ—HERNÁNDEZ, SPANISCHER—SEEFAHRER und Entdecker
17781103             † GEORG—DAVID—MATTHIEU, DEUTSCHER—PORTRÄTMALER und Kupferstecher
17831103             † JOHN—AUSTIN, Der Straßenräuber wird als letzter Verurteilter öffentlich am TYBURN—GALGEN gehenkt.
17831103             —NACH—DEM—FRIEDE—VON—PARIS, Die Kontinentalarmee der Vereinigten Staaten wird aufgelöst.
17831103—17810000    —ORDERED, WASHINGTON, the Continental Army disbanded from its cantonment at New WINDSOR, NY, where it had remained —SINCE defeating Cornwallis.
17841103             * ANTONÍN—MÁNES, TSCHECHISCHER—MALER und Zeichner der Romantik
17911103             —MOVED, GENERAL—S—CLAIR, his force of approximately 1,400—MEN to SOME—HIGH—GROUND on the upper Wabash River.
17911103             S—CLAIR was looking for the forces of Michikinikwa (CHIEF—LITTLE—TURTLE 17520000—18120000    ), who had —RECENTLY defeated GENERAL—JOSIAH—HARMAR'S (17530000—18130000    ) army.
17911103             —DEPLOYED, S—CLAIR, only minimal sentry positions.
17931103             * STEPHEN—FULLER—AUSTIN.
17931103             * BERNHARD—KARL—WYSS, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
17931103             † OLYMPE—DE—GOUGES, FRANZÖSISCHE—SCHRIFTSTELLERIN, Frauenrechtlerin und Revolutionärin
17941103             * WILLIAM—CULLEN—BRYANT, poet and journalist.
17941103             —RELEASED, THOMAS—PAINE was, from 1—PARISIAN jail with help from THE—USA—AMBASSADOR—JAMES—MONROE.
17941103             —WHILE in prison THOMAS—PAINE began writing his "THE—AGE—OF—REASON" (17940000—17960000    ).
17941103—18930000    —ARRESTED, He had been, for not endorsing the execution of LOUIS—XVI—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH and thus offending the Robespierre faction.
17961103             —ELECTED, PRESIDENT—JOHN—ADAMS was, .
18011103             * VINCENZO—BELLINI, ITALY—OPERA composer (La Sonnambula, Norma).
18011103             - * † KARL—BAEDEKER, GERMANY—PUBLISHER.
18011103—18590000    —BECAME, KARL—BAEDEKER, well known for travel guides.
18011103—18590000    1. modern guidebook, KARL—BAEDEKER'S 18350000             "Travel on the Rhine" is widely considered as the .
18021103             —GEGEBEN, Kenntniss, gleichzeitig der von Blees erwirkte Arrest aufgehoben und ihm überlassen, seine Ansprüche und Forderungen in AACHEN anzumelden.
18031103             † HENRI—MOREAU, composer (75).
18060903—18061103    Dies ist aber in Anbetracht dessen, das in den Taufbücher von OBERHOLZ—HEIM keine Rubrik für Tauftage gibt, unwahrscheinlich.
18101103             Die Uraufführung der Oper La cambiale di matrimonio von Gioacchino Rossini findet am Teatro S—MOISÈ in Venedig statt.
18121103             —SCHLACHT—BEI—WJASMA bringt der auf dem Rückmarsch aus RUSSLAND befindlichen GRANDE—ARMÉE des NAPOLEON—BONAPART 1—NIEDERLAGE gegen besser motivierte RUSSISCHE—TRUPPEN bei.
18131103             —DESTROYED, USA—TROOPS under Gen Coffee, 1—INDIA—VILLAGE at TALLADEGA—ALABAMA.
18151103             * ADRIEN—LOUIS—VICTOR—BOIELDIEU, composer.
18151103             FAST—300—JAHRE nach ihrem Entstehen endet mit dem Duldungsedikt die Verfolgung der SCHWEIZER—TÄUFER wegen ihres Glaubens.
18171103             1. Filiale in MONTREAL—QUEBEC, Die älteste BANK—KANADAS, die BANK—OF—MONTREAL, eröffnet.
18261103             † CHRISTIAN—GOTTLIEB—ALTENBURG, DEUTSCHER—MEDIZINER und Heimatforscher
18271103             Die Uraufführung der komischen Oper Le Roi et le batelier von JACQUES—FROMENTAL—HALÉVY findet an der OPÉRA—COMIQUE in PARIS statt.
18311103—18820000    —IN, he wrote "Atlantis: THE—ANTEDILUVIAN—WORLD".
18331103—18331104    Watercolor by KARL—BODMER.
18361103             MARIA—II—KÖNIGIN—VON—PORTUGAL, startet die Belenzada.
18361103             —NACH der SEPTEMBER—REVOLUTION in PORTUGAL, Belenzada, verhilft MARIA—II—KÖNIGIN—VON—PORTUGAL den Cartisten an die Regierung.
18361103             Der Putsch der HERRSCHERIN—MARIA—II—KÖNIGIN—VON—PORTUGAL scheitert jedoch umgehend am Widerstand der Nationalgarde, die den Setembristen zuneigt.
18371103             * MAX—ADAMO, DEUTSCHER—HISTORIENMALER und Illustrator
18381103             —GEGRÜNDET, Als THE—BOMBAY—TIMES and JOURNAL—OF—COMMERCE wird in BRITISCH—INDIEN die heutige Tageszeitung THE—TIMES—OF—INDIA.
18391103             THE—1.—OPIUM—WAR between CHINA and BRITAIN broke out in and —AROUND GUANGZHOU and continued to 19420000             .
18391103             —STARTED, Lin Zexu, 1—QING official, the Opium War —WHEN he ordered the dumping of 3—MILLION—POUNDS—OF—WESTERN—OWNED opium into the sea.
18391103             2—UK—FRIGATES engaged several CHINA—JUNKS.
18391103             * POMARÉ—V—KÖNIG—VON—TAHITI
18391103             —NACH 1—WARNSCHUSS beginnen in HONGKONG die Kampfhandlungen im
18391103             1. OPIUM—KRIEG, als das BRITISCHE—HANDELSSCHIFF—ROYAL—SAXON die BRITISCHE—BLOCKADE auf dem Perlfluss durchbrechen und nach GUANGZHOU segeln will.
18391103—20110000    —AUTHORED, JULIA—LOVELL, "THE—OPIUM—WAR: Drugs, Dreams, and THE—MAKING—OF—CHINA".
18441103             —AM TEATRO—ARGENTINA in Rom hat GIUSEPPE—VERDIS—OPER—I due Foscari ihre Uraufführung.
18441103             Das Libretto stammt von FRANCESCO—MARIA—PIAVE —NACH—DEM Theaterstück THE—2—FOSCARI von Lord Byron.
18461103             * ERNST—KOERNER, DEUTSCHER—MALER
18471103             1—EINDRINGEN—VON—EINHEITEN—DES—SONDERBUNDES in den KANTON—TESSIN bewirkt das Ausbrechen des Sonderbundskrieges in der SCHWEIZ.
18481103             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—133—KÖLN.
18481103             "Aufruf des demokratischen Kongresses an das DEUTSCHE—VOLK"
18481103             Die Pariser "Réforme" über die FRANZÖSISCHEN—ZUSTÄNDE
18481103             Die Wiener Revolution und die "Kölnische Zeitung"
18481103             Unter dem Druck von KÖNIG—WILHELM—II. nehmen die Generalstaaten 1 neue von JOHAN—RUDOLF—THORBECKE ausgearbeitete Verfassung an, die die NIEDERLANDE faktisch zur Demokratie macht.
18521103             * MEIJI—KAISER—VON—JAPAN
18541103             —BEGINNT, Die Katholische UNIVERSITÄT—VON—IRLAND, mit ihren 1. Vorlesungen.
18580131—18571103    —AM, Nach 1 vorausgegangenen missglückten Versuch gelingt der Stapellauf des BRITISCHEN—SEGELDAMPFERS Great Eastern.
18600000—19261103    * † Annie OAKLEY—USA sharp shooting star, at GREENVILLE—OHIO.
18621103             There was 1—BATTLE between gunboats at Bayou TECHE—LOUISIANA.
18641103             * HANS—STUMME, DEUTSCHER—ORIENTALIST und Linguist
18641103             * VALENTIN—VON—MASSOW, DEUTSCHER—OFFIZIER und Kolonialbeamter
18671103—18620000    —NACH, GIUSEPPE—GARIBALDIS 2. Versuch, den restlichen Kirchenstaat mit seinen Freischärlern einzunehmen und die Einigung Italiens damit zu vollenden, wird von französischen und TRUPPEN—PAPA vereitelt.
18681103             —ELECTED, Republican Ulysses S. Grant was, 18. PRESIDENT.
18681103             Republican Ulysses S. Grant, won the election over Democrat HORATIO—SEYMOUR (18100000—18860000    ), 2—TIME—GOVERNOR—OF—NY (18530000—18540000     and 18630000—18640000    ), by 27,000 votes.
18681103             Seymour ran fairly close to Ulysses Grant in the popular vote, but was defeated decisively in the electoral vote by 1—COUNT—OF—214 to 80. Grant used 18670000             —THE typewriter phrase "—NOW is the time for all good men to come to THE—AID—OF—THE—PARTY" for his campaign.
18681103             Bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen in den USA besiegt der Republikaner ULYSSES—S—GRANT den Demokraten HORATIO—SEYMOUR.
18690000—19541103    * † HENRI—EB—MATISSE, FRANCE—PAINTER and sculptor (Dance II).
18701103             Laura Fair (33) shot and killed ALEXANDER—PARKER—CRITTENDEN, —47—JAHRE—ALT as he was about to depart 1—OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA, ferry with his wife and son.
18701103             They had been carrying 1—LONG—TERM—ADULTEROUS—AFFAIR in which Crittenden had lied from the start Fair (19190000             †) was —INITIALLY found guilty and sentenced to death, but was freed on appeal by reason of temporary insanity.
18701103             DEUTSCHE—TRUPPEN einschließen die STADT—BELFORT. Das ist der Auftakt zur
18701103             —BELAGERUNG—VON—BELFORT, der letzten kämpfenden Festung in Ost— FRANKREICH im DEUTSCH—FRANZÖSISCHEN—KRIEG.
18701103—20130000    —AUTHORED, CAROLE—HABER, "THE—TRIALS—OF—LAURA—FAIR: Sex Murder and Insanity in the Victorian West".
18711103             HAMBURG, wird unter Mitwirkung namhafter hanseatischer Kaufleute die ANGLO—DEUTSCHE—BANK gegründet.
18751103             —AM Théâtre des BOUFFES—PARISIENS in PARIS wird JACQUES—OFFENBACHS—OPERETTE (opéra comique) La Créole uraufgeführt.
18771103             * CARLOS—IBÁÑEZ—DEL—CAMPO, CHILENISCHER—MILITÄR und Politiker, MINISTER, Staatspräsident
18791103             Bei Ausgrabungen in Olympia wird das Fragment des zur Statue der Nike des Paionios gehörenden Kopfes gefunden.
18791103             Die Statue entstand um das —JAHR 420—V. Chr.
18821103             * JAKUB—KOLAS, WEISSRUSSISCHER—DICHTER und Schriftsteller
18831103             USA—SUPREME—COURT—DECLARED—AMERICA—INDIANS to be "dependent aliens".
18831103             —RACE—RIOTS took place in DANVILLE—VIRGINIA, and 4—BLACKS were killed.
18831103             1—POORLY trained EGYPT—ARMY, led by UK—GENERAL—WILLIAM—HICKS, marched toward EL—OBEID in THE—SUDAN—STRAIGHT into 1—MAHDIST—AMBUSH and massacre.
18831103             —BEGINNT, Während des MAHDI—AUFSTANDS im SUDAN, die entscheidende
18831103             —SCHLACHT—VON—SCHEIKAN zwischen den Mahdisten unter Abdallahi ibn Muhammad und 1 BRITISCH—ÄGYPTISCHE—ARMEE unter WILLIAM—HICKS, die —BIS zum 18831105             dauern wird.
18851103             TACOMA—WASHINGTON, vigilantes drove out CHINA—RESIDENTS and burned their homes and businesses.
18871103             * MAGDA—SPIEGEL, DEUTSCHE—KONZERT—UND Opernsängerin
18881103             —MURDERED, LONDON, JACK—THE—RIPPER, his last victim.
18881103             * ROLAND—BETSCH, DEUTSCHER—INGENIEUR und Schriftsteller
18881103—20020000    —REPORTED, PATRICIA—CORNWELL, crime writer, that WALTER—RICHARD—SICKERT (18600000—19420000    ), ENGLAND—IMPRESSIONIST—PAINTER, was JACK—THE—RIPPER.
18891103             ETHIOPI—EMPEROR—MENELIK—II. (18440000—19130000    ) began ruling as emperor, fending off the encroachments of European powers.
18891103             * REZS?—SERESS, UNGARISCHER—PIANIST und Komponist
18901103             Die Uraufführung der Oper FÜRST—IGOR—VON—ALEXANDER—PORFIRJEWITSCH—BORODIN findet an der Hofoper S—PETERSBURG statt.
18911103             Bei der REKRUTEN—VEREIDIGUNG in POTSDAM erklärt KAISER—WILHELM—II., bei den jetzigen sozialistischen Umtrieben könne es vorkommen, daß
18911103             KAISER—WILHELM—II. ihnen befehle, "eure eigenen Verwandten, Brüder, ja Eltern niederzuschießen, was Gott verhüten möge, aber dann müßt ihr meine Befehle ohne Murren befolgen".
18930000—19791103    * † Raffaele Bendandi, ITALY—SEISMOLOGIST. he believed earthquakes were the result of the combined MOVEMENTS—OF—THE—PLANETS, the moon and the sun and were perfectly predictable.
18931103             —EXPLODIERT, Im Hafen von SANTANDER, der Frachter Cabo Machichaco, der auch Dynamit geladen hat, nach einem an Bord ausgebrochenen Brand.
18931103             Die Explosion löst 1—ERDBEBEN aus, welches noch in 8—KILOMETER Entfernung erfasst werden kann.
18931103             † † † 590—MENSCHEN sterben, 525—WERDEN verletzt.
18961103             —SUPPORTED, McKinley and Garret HOBART, the gold standard —WHILE THE—DEMOCRATS supported the free COINAGE—OF—SILVER.
18961103             MARCUS—HANNA, 1—OHIO industrialist, led THE—FUND—RAISING for McKinley and personally underwrote the cost of winning this 1. modern presidential campaign.
18961103             J.H. Hunter patented portable weighing scales.
18961103             * ERIKA—ABELS—D—ALBERT, ÖSTERREICHISCHE—MALERIN, Grafikerin und Modedesignerin
18970000—19571103    * † WILHELM—REICH, AUSTRIA—BORN psychoanalyst, in THE—USA.
18971103             —CRASHED, DAVID—SCHWARZ—OF—AUSTRIA, his 156-foot aluminum powered airship with 2—PROPELLERS on its maiden flight.
18971103             1. Starrluftschiff des ein paar —MONATE zuvor verstorbenen Konstrukteurs DAVID—SCHWARZ erhebt sich auf dem Tempelhofer Feld in die Lüfte.
18971103             Die Fahrt endet —NACH—DEM Ausfall der Steuerung mit einer Bruchlandung des 1. auch mit Aluminiumteilen gefertigten Luftschiffs.
18971103             Der unter den Zuschauern weilende GRAF—ZEPPELIN erwirbt wenig später die Rechte.
19001103             —OPENED, The 1. automobile show in THE—USA, at MADISON—SQUARE—GARDEN in NEW—YORK under the auspices of the Automobile CLUB—OF—AMERICA.
19001103             * ADOLF—DASSLER, DEUTSCHER—ERFINDER und Unternehmer, GRÜNDER—VON—ADIDAS
19001103             Die Uraufführung der Oper Das Märchen vom Zaren Saltan (Skaska o zarje Saltanje) von NIKOLAI—ANDREJEWITSCH—RIMSKI—KORSAKOW findet an der SOLODOWNIKOW—PRIVATOPER in Moskau statt.
19011103             * ANDRE—MALRAUX, FRANCE—NOVELIST and art historian.
19011103             —INCLUDED, ANDRE—MALRAUX—WORK, "MAN—FATE".
19011103             * ANDRÉ—MALRAUX, FRANZÖSISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Politiker
19031103             * WALKER—EVANS, photographer.
19031103             There was 1—REVOLUTION in PANAMA, —COMPOSED—OF, Panamanian fired departments and some 500—COLOMBIA—MERCENARY—TROOPS purchased for some $100,000 by PHILIPPE—BUNAU—VARILLA—PANAMA—CANAL—COMPANY.
19031103             THE—USA—CREATED—PANAMA so that 1—CANAL could be built and maintained
19031103             BIG—STICK—POLITIK THEODORE—ROOSEVELTS: PANAMA erlangt mit Hilfe der USA die Unabhängigkeit von KOLUMBIEN, um den von KOLUMBIEN blockierten Kanalbau zu ermöglichen.
19031118—19031103    —ENCOURAGED, Subsequently, PANAMA—REBELS-- by USA—AGENTS--rose against COLUMBIA.
19061103             ALOIS—ALZHEIMER stellt in 1—VORTRAG vor Psychiatern und Nervenärzten in Tübingen das Krankheitsbild der später nach ihm benannten ALZHEIMER—KRANKHEIT vor.
19081103             —ELECTED, Republican WILLIAM—HOWARD—TAFT was, the 27. PRESIDENT, outpolling WILLIAM—JENNINGS—BRYAN.
19081103             Bei den USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFT—WAHLEN USA besiegt WILLIAM—HOWARD—TAFT den DEMOKRAT—WILLIAM—JENNINGS—BRYAN bei dessen 3. und letztem Versuch, ins Weiße Haus zu gelangen.
19091103             * James "Scotty" Reston, NEW—YORK—TIMES reporter, editor and columnist, in CLYDEBANK—SCOTLAND.
19111103             —GEGRÜNDET, In den USA wird Chevrolet, vor allem um gegen das Ford Modell T anzutreten.
19121103             The 1. all metal plane was flown near ISSY—FRANCE, by pilots Ponche and Prinard.
19121103             * ALFREDO—STROESSNER, PARAGUAYISCHER—MILITÄR und Politiker
19121103—20060000    * † ALFREDO—STROESSNER, dictator of PARAGUAY (19540000—19890000    ).
19130000—19901103    * † MARY—MARTIN, Broadway musical actress, in Rancho MIRAGE—CALIFORNIA.
19141103             Der Büstenhalter wird in den USA—VON—MARY—PHELPS—JACOB patentiert.
19141103             —NACH—KURZER—ZEIT, verkauft MARY—PHELPS—JACOB ihr Patent für 1.500—DOLLAR an die Warner Brothers Corset Company.
19141103             † GEORG—TRAKL, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—DICHTER des Expressionismus mit starken Einflüssen des Symbolismus
19161103             KATAR wird mittels Vertrag als Protektorat unter BRITISCHE—SCHIRMHERRSCHAFT gestellt.
19171103             —DER, 1. SOZIALISTISCHER—STAAT—BEGINN.war
19171103             —SEIT—JAHREN, und namentlich
19181024—19181103    —AM, —SCHLACHT—VON—VITTORIO—VENETO führt zum Waffenstillstand von Villa Giusti und zur
19181103             —IN—DIE—HAND—NIMMT der BEWEGUNG weitere Leitung DER—SOLDATEN—RAT In KIEL
19181103             There was 1—MUTINY—OF—THE—GERMANY—FLEET at KIEL.
19181103             This was the 1. act leading to GERMAN—CAPITULATION—WWI—IN.
19181103             —DER—KIELER—MATROSEN—AUFSTAND greift auf die Arbeiter über und auslöst damit
19181103             —WAFFENSTILLSTAND—VON—VILLA—GIUSTI zwischen ÖSTERREICH—UNGARN und ITALIEN/der Entente, der die Niederlage ÖSTERREICH—UNGARNS —WWI—IM besiegelt, wird unterzeichnet.
19201103             * Oodgeroo Noonuccal [Kath Walker], AUSTRALIA—ABORIGINAL poet.
19201103             "Emperor Jones" opened at Provincetown Theater.
19211103             —DUMPED, Milk drivers on strike, THOUSANDS—OF—GALLONS—OF—MILK on NEW—YORK City streets.
19211103—20030000    * † CHARLES—BRONSON, [Buchinsky], actor (Death Wish, Dirty Dozen), in PENNSYLVANIA.
19220000—19811103    * † H.C. Westermann, sculptor.
19251103             1. fertiggestellte (Stumm-)Film des jungen Regisseurs ALFRED—HITCHCOCK—WELTPREMIERE, MÜNCHEN, hat
19251103             Die DEUTSCH—BRITISCHE—KOPRODUKTION THE—PLEASURE—GARDEN (Irrgarten der Leidenschaft) mit VIRGINIA Valli erntet durchwegs positive Kritiken.
19261103             —NICKNAMED, CHIEF—SITTING—BULL, her "Little Miss Sure Shot" —WHEN she was 1—MEMBER—OF—BUFFALO—BILL—WILD—WEST—SHOW.
19261103             —LINZER—PROGRAMM, Die ÖSTERREICHISCHEN—SOZIALDEMOKRATEN beschließen das von OTTO—BAUER erarbeitete.
19271103             Rodgers' & HART—MUSICAL "CONNECTICUT Yankee," premiered in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19301103             —SEIZED, Getulio Vargas (18830000—19540000    ), power in BRAZIL on THE—GROUNDS—OF—ELECTION—FRAUD.
19301103             He soon put 1—MORATORIUM on pension payments.
19301103             —FROM 19300000—19340000    , he was provisional PRESIDENT and dictator.
19301103             —ELECTED, From 19340000—19370000    , he was congressionally, PRESIDENT.
19301103             —FROM 19370000—19450000    , he was dictator with the backing of the revolutionary coalition.
19301103             —NACH 1—MILITÄRPUTSCH —IM—OKTOBER, ÜBERNIMMT, GETÚLIO—DORNELLES—VARGAS das anschließend mit diktatorischen Vollmachten ausgestattete BRASILIANISCHE—PRÄSIDENTEN—AMT.
19301103             Der gewählte Bewerber für das BRASILIANISCHE—PRÄSIDENTEN—AMT, JÚLIO—PRESTES, wird es niemals antreten.
19310000—20051103    * † R.C. Gorman, Navajo artist, in ALBUQUERQUE, NM.
19311103             —PRODUCED, The 1. commercially, synthetic rubber was manufactured.
19351103             * JEREMY—BRETT, actor (Adventures of Sherlock Holmes), in BERKSWELL—ENGLAND.
19351103             —FORMED, LEFT—WING groups in FRANCE, the Socialist and Republican Union.
19351103             —RÜCKKEHR des GEORG—II—KÖNIG—VON—GRIECHENLAND, auf den Thron, endet die GRIECHISCHE—REPUBLIK.
19361103             In terms of winning the largest percentage of electoral votes, the presidential election of 19360000             was the biggest landslide of the 19010101—20001231 .
19361103             PRESIDENT—ROOSEVELT, the 32. PRESIDENT, was RE—ELECTED for 2. term in 1—LANDSLIDE over Republican challenger ALFRED—M "Alf" Landon.
19361103             Landon ran on a "WRONG—HEADED" economic program.
19361103             FRANKLIN—D—ROOSEVELT siegt bei den USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTSWAHLEN gegen seinen Herausforderer ALF—LANDON und wird zum 1. Mal wiedergewählt.
19370000—20131103    * † BILL—SCHUMACHER, FORMER—MAYOR—OF—DALY—CITY, CALIFORNIA (19780000—19790000    ), in Palm DESERT—CALIFORNIA.
19370000—20141103    * † MASSACHUSETTS, TOM—MAGLIOZZI, the elder brother of NPR's "Car Talk" brothers.
19391103             * TERRENCE—MCNALLY, playwright (Bad Habits, Master Class), in S—PETERSBURG, FLORIDA.
19411103             —FAILED, HIROHITO—ACCORD on YAMAMOTO—ATTACK—PLAN on Pearl Harbor.
19421103             * MARTIN—CRUZ—SMITH, novelist.
19421103             —INCLUDED, MARTIN—CRUZ—SMITH—WORK, "Gorky Park".
19431103             † WILLIAM—REID (20010000             , at 79), RAF bomber pilot, flew his badly damaged LANCASTER bomber on 1—BOMBING mission to 1—BALL—BEARING factory in DUSSELDORF—GERMANY, and managed to return the crippled plane to ENGLAND.
19431103             POLAND, Nazi SS and police units shot at least 6,000 Jewish inmates of the Trawniki and Dorohucza Labor Camps in 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—SINGLE—MASSACRES—OF—THE—HOLOCAUST.
19431103             —AKTION—ERNTEFEST, ermorden die Nationalsozialisten mehr als 43.000—JUDEN in 3—VERBLIEBENEN Lagern im GENERALGOUVERNEMENT—POLEN: Trawniki, Poniatowa und Majdanek.
19431103             Die 8. Sinfonie von DMITRI—DMITRIJEWITSCH—SCHOSTAKOWITSCH wird vom Leningrader Philharmonischen Orchester unter der Leitung von JEWGENI—ALEXANDROWITSCH—MISTER—AWINSKI uraufgeführt.
19431103             Wegen der mit seiner 7. Sinfonie kontrastierenden düsteren Stimmung des Werks wird dem Komponisten mangelnder Patriotismus vorgeworfen.
19431103             —1—JAHR später, Die Sinfonie wird mit Aufführungsverbot belegt, und —ERST 19560000             wieder aufgeführt.
19431103—19431104    POLAND, the —2-DAY "Operation Harvest" at the Majdanek concentration camp executed men, women and children.
19431103—19431104    —ADMITTED, Nazi officer ALFONS—GOETZFRIED —LATER, to having personally shot 500—PEOPLE.
19431103—19431104    Over 42,000—PEOPLE, mostly Jews, were killed in the operation.
19431103—19431104    —DURING THE—SO—CALLED "Mission Harvest Festival" massacres tens of THOUSANDS—OF—JEWS in THE—DISTRICT—OF—LUBLIN were shot by Nazi officers.
19431103—19990000    —CONVICTED, ALFONS—GOETZFRID (79) was, for assisting in the murders of 17,000 Jews at the camp.
19431103—20100000    —IN, prosecutors reopened 1—INVESTIGATION on STEIDTMANN—ROLE in the massacre.
19441103             —WWII, DÜREN noch ca 200—EINWOHNER—IN—DER Stadt es lebten.
19441103             PRO—GERMANY—GOVERNMENT—OF—HUNGARY fled.
19450000—20201103    —SEIT—BIS—HEUTE, "es ist der gravierendste Vertrauensbruch 1—DEUTSCHEN—REGIERUNG im Rahmen der freien, westlichen Welt und Wertegemeinschaft".
19461103             —PROCLAIMED, Emperor Hirohito, 1—NEW—JAPAN—CONSTITUTION.
19461103—19470503    —ON, It became effective.
19461103—19470503    —AM, Die neue JAPANISCHE—VERFASSUNG nach 1—AUSARBEITUNG der alliierten Besatzungsregierung wird verkündet – tritt sie in Kraft.
19481103             —DAMALS, DIE—NEU—ENTSTANDENE Partei CDU wollte 1—FLAGGE für WEST—DEUTSCHLAND einführen,
19481103             —AM, Doch 1—AUF den Ideen der WIRMER—BRÜDER basierender Entwurf konnte sich im Grundsatzausschuss des PARLAMENTarischen Rates nicht durchsetzen.
19481103             —DAMALS, als ABGRENZUNG—ZU—DEM SCHWARZ—ROT—GOLD, das die SED in der SOVIET—BESATZUNGS—ZONE, noch ohne STAATSWAPPEN—ALS Fahne verwendete.
19481103             —PRINTED, THE—CHICAGO—TRIBUNE, the headline "Dewey defeats Truman".
19481103             —LATER votes threw the election in the opposite direction.
19481103             And —LATER EDITIONS—OF—OTHER—PAPERS ran pictures showing Truman holding up the Tribune and grinning ear to ear.
19491103             † SOLOMON—R—GUGGENHEIM, —88—JAHRE—ALT, USA—ART collector.
19491103             In der BUNDESREPUBLIK—DEUTSCHLAND—HAUPT—STADT—FRAGE entscheiden sich die Abgeordneten des 1. DEUTSCHEN—BUNDESTAGES zu Gunsten von BONN statt FRANKFURT—AM—MAIN.
19521103             * DAVID—HO, virologist, AIDS researcher.
19521103             CHILE, GENERAL—CARLOS—IBÁÑEZ del Campo began serving a 2. term as PRESIDENT.
19521103             He continued to 19580000             .
19541103             The film "Godzilla, KING—OF—THE—MONSTERS" was released.
19541103             —PRODUCED, It was, by JAPAN—TOHO—CO., headed by Tomoyuki Tanaka (19970000             †).
19541103             Godzilla went on to star in 22—FILMS. 1—END—VOLUME was planned.
19541103             Der 1. einer Reihe von —BISHER 28—GODZILLA—FILMEN wird in JAPAN uraufgeführt.
19541103—19980000    —PUBLISHED, Hilary Spurling, "THE—UNKNOWN—MATISSE," 1—WORK that covered the years 18690000—19080000.
19541103—19990000    —PUBLISHED, JOHN—RUSSELL, "Matisse: Father and Son" and JOHN—O'BRIAN published "Ruthless Hedonism: THE—USA—RECEPTION—OF—MATISSE".
19541103—20050000    —AUTHORED, Hilary Spurling, "Matisse the Master: 1—LIFE—OF—HENRY—MATISSE, Volume 2.
19550000—19571103    —ON, - taking 1—TRUCKLOAD—OF—ACCUMULATORS from MAINE to NEW—YORK City, without REICH—KNOWLEDGE—THE—COURT—RULED—REICH and the student, MICHAEL—SILVERT, to be in contempt and sentenced them both to prison, where Reich †.
19551103             —CRYSTALLIZED, The 1., virus was announced.
19551103             1—ALABAMA woman was bruised by 1—METEOR.
19551103             —ARRIVED, Argentine EX—PRESIDENT—PERON, in NICARAGUA.
19561103             "Wizard of Oz" was 1. televised (CBS—TV).
19561103             1. in der DEUTSCHEN—FERNSEHGESCHICHTE Werbung ausgestrahlt, In der Sendung Zwischen halb und 8—DES Bayerischen Rundfunks wird.
19561103             Für 1—WASCHMITTELMARKE werben die Schauspieler Beppo Brem und Liesl Karlstadt.
19571103             —FIRED, CANADA, up the National Research Universal (NRU) nuclear reactor near OTTAWA.
19571103             THE—200—MWT reactor began producing medical and industrial radioisotopes, including molybdenum-99, 1—CRITICAL—ISOTOPE used for medical diagnoses.
19571103             —LAUNCHED, THE—SOVIET—UNION, into orbit Sputnik 2, the 2. manmade satellite;
19571103             1—DOG on BOARD—NAMED—LAIKA, the 1. animal in space, was sacrificed in the experiment.
19571103             —REMAINED, Sputnik 2, in orbit another —162—DAYS—BEFORE burning up.
19571103             —DEVELOPED, Safe reentry process had not yet been.
19571103             —BASED, His work was, on the sexual energy in people that he called "Orgone".
19571103             1. Lebewesen in der RAUMFAHRT—GESCHICHTE, SPUTNIK—2, BRINGT mit der Hündin Laika in 1—ERDUMLAUFBAHN.
19571103—19990000    —PUBLISHED, Farrar, Straus & Giroux : "USA—ODYSSEY: Letters and Journals 19400000—19470000    ".
19591103             PRESIDENT—EISENHOWER laid the cornerstone for THE—CIA—HEADQUARTERS building in LANGLEY—VIRGINIA.
19591103             BEN—GURION—MAPAI—PARTY won ISRAEL—PARLIAMENTARY election.
19601103             —PREMIERED, Tammy Grimes' "Unsinkable Molly Brown,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19601103             THE—1.—ARHOOLIE—LP (Long Play, 33 1/3—RPM record) arrived from the pressing plant: 250—COPIES—OF—MANCE Lipscomb's "TEXAS Sharecropper and Songster".
19601103             —FOUNDED, CHRIS—STRACHWITZ, Arhoolie Records in BERKELEY—CALIFORNIA.
19601103             FELIX—HOUPHOUET—BOIGNY (19050000             *) began to rule IVORY—COAST as PRESIDENT.
19601103             Das Musical THE—UNSINKABLE—MOLLY—BROWN über das Leben der Frauenrechtlerin und TITANIC—ÜBERLEBENDEN Molly Brown wird am Broadway uraufgeführt.
19601103             Musik und Liedtexte stammen von Meredith Willson, das Buch von RICHARD—MORRIS, das Stück erlebt über 530—VORSTELLUNGEN.
19611103             New BRAUNFELS—TEXAS, began hosting its Wurstfest, 1—ANNUAL—SAUSAGE—FESTIVAL, to drum up business for local merchants.
19611103             The festival was set to always begin on THE—FRIDAY—BEFORE the 1. —MONDAY—IN—NOVEMBER.
19611103             SITHU—U—THANT wird interimistisch als Nachfolger des bei 1—FLUGZEUGABSTURZ ums Leben gekommenen DAG—HAMMARSKJÖLD zum VEREINTE—NATIONEN—GENERALSEKRETÄR ernannt.
19611103—20070000    —EXPANDED, THE—1—DAY—FESTIVAL had, to —10—DAYS with well over 100,000 visitors.
196302111030—2300    —ZWISCHEN—UHR, Die Beatles, aufnehmen, ihr gesamtes 1. Album Please Please Me.
19630920—19641103    —ON, THE—PROPOSITION 14—REFERENDUM, saw a 2—TO—1—VOTE in favor of repeal of the Rumford Act.
19631103             —ARRESTED, S—FRANCISCO police, 48—PROTESTERS at MEL—DRIVE—IN at 3355—GEARY Blvd.
19631103             —CLAIMED, They, that Mel's, owned by Supervisor HAROLD—DOBBS, refuses to hire Negroes for NON—MENIAL jobs.
19631103             —10—TAGE—NACH—DEM—GRUBENUNGLÜCK—VON—LENGEDE im niedersächsischen Lengede bei Peine gibt es von den verschütteten Bergleuten neue Lebenszeichen.
19641103             —DEFEATED, PRESIDENT—JOHNSON soundly, Republican challenger BARRY—GOLDWATER to win 1—WHITE—HOUSE—TERM as the 36. PRESIDENT.
19641103             Johnson won over 61—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE with 486—ELECTORAL—VOTES to GOLDWATER—52.
19641103             —APPROVED, PHILADELPHIA voters, $25—MILLION to build a new sports stadium.
19641103             —GEWINNT, In den USA, LYNDON—B—JOHNSON, —SEIT dem Attentat auf Kennedy 36. USA—PRÄSIDENT – die Präsidentschaftswahlen gegen seinen republikanischen Herausforderer BARRY—GOLDWATER.
19641103             † CARLO—GUZZI, ITALIENISCHER—UNTERNEHMER, Erfinder, Konstrukteur und Motorradhersteller, Mitgründer von Moto Guzzi
19661103             † † ? Wirbelstürme im Golf von Bengalen fordern mehr als 1.000—MENSCHENLEBEN.
19670301—19781103    —ATTAINED, Full INDEPENDENCE was.
19681103             —DEMONSTRATED, GREECE, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, against the fascist junta as EX—PREMIER—GEORGIOS Papandreou is buried.
19690725             THE—NIXON—DOCTRINE was put forth in 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE in GUAM, in which he stated that THE—USA—HENCEFORTH expected its ASIA—ALLIES to take care of their own military defense 19691103             —SEE.
19691103             —ARGUED, THE—DOCTRINE, for THE—PURSUIT—OF—PEACE through 1—PARTNERSHIP with USA—ALLIES 19690725             —SEE.
19691103             —ELABORATED, PRESIDENT—NIXON, his Nixon Doctrine in 1 televised speech.
19691103             —EXPECTED, He stated that THE—USA—HENCEFORTH, its ASIA—ALLIES to take care of their own military defense.
19691103             —ASKED, —AT—THE—END—OF—THE—SPEECH, Nixon, for the support of the "great silent majority" of Americans.
19691103             This was THE—START—OF—THE "Vietnamization" of THE—VIETNAM—WAR.
19691103             —REACHED, They, 1—AGREEMENT that effectively endorsed PLO FREEDOM—OF—ACTION in LEBANON to recruit, arm, train, and employ fighters against ISRAEL.
19691103             —PROTECTED, THE—LEBANON—ARMY, their bases and supply lines.
19691103             —AM Karlsplatz— WIEN beginnen die Bauarbeiten für die U—BAHN—WIEN.
19701103             —DELIVERED, PRESIDENT—NIXON, 1—SPEECH to explain why USA—TROOPS in VIETNAM had invaded the neutral country of CAMBODIA.
19701103             CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR—REAGAN won a 2. term. He defeated JESSE—UNRUH.
19701103             REVEREND—ROBERT—DRINAN (19200000—20070000    ), 1—JESUIT priest, was elected USA—CONGRESSMAN from MASSACHUSETTS.
19701103             —BECAME, He —LATER, the 1. MEMBER—OF—CONGRESS to call for THE—IMPEACHMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—NIXON due to the administration's undeclared war in CAMBODIA.
19701103             —ELECTED, He was, with 36—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE, only 40,000 AHEAD—OF—THE—CANDIDATE—OF—THE—RIGHT.
19701103             —FORCED, PETER—II—KING—OF—KARADJORDJEVIC—OF—YUGOSLAVIA had been, into exile —3—WEEKS—AFTER his country was invaded by Nazi GERMANY.
19701103             —BURIED, He was, in the Liberty Easter SERBIA—ORTHODOX—MONASTERY in LIBERTY—ILLINOIS.
19701103             He was the 1. European KING—OR—QUEEN to die and be buried in THE—USA.
19701103             1—AUSTRALIA—BOMBER crashed in VIETNAM near THE—LAOS border.
19701103             They were the last of AUSTRALIA—VIETNAM era MIAs.
19701103             † ALEXEI—BEREST, SOVIET—OFFIZIER, hisste auf 1—NACHGESTELLTEN Bild die SOVIET—FAHNE auf dem Reichstag
19701103—20090000    —IN, The bodies of Flying Officer MICHAEL—HERBERT, —24—JAHRE—ALT and navigator, Pilot Officer ROBERT—CARVER, —24—JAHRE—ALT, were listed as missing —UNTIL their remains were discovered.
19701103—20130000    —IN, his remains, and those of his wife, mother and brother, were interred in the family tomb at S—GEORGE church in Oplenac, CENTRAL—SERBIA.
19711103             —PREMIERED, THE—CLINT—EASTWOOD film "Play Misty For Me", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19711103             1. Das "UNIX Programmers Manual" WIRD—VERÖFFENTLICHT.
19731103—19740329    —AM, Die NASA startet im Rahmen ihres MARINER—PROGRAMMS die Raumsonde MARINER—10, RICHTUNG Merkur, um diesen zu erreichen.
19751103             QUEEN—ELIZABETH formally began the operation of THE—UK—1. NORTH—SEA—OIL—PIPELINE at 1—CEREMONY in SCOTLAND.
19781103             —GAINED, DOMINICA, INDEPENDENCE from BRITAIN.
19781103             —AM Jahrestag seiner Entdeckung durch CHRISTOPH—KOLUMBUS wird DOMINICA—UNABHÄNGIG—VON—GROSSBRITANNIEN.
19781103             — wird 1—NEUE Flagge in dem KARIBIKSTAAT—DOMINICA eingeführt.
19791103             5—RADICALS were killed —WHEN gunfire erupted —DURING 1—ANTI—KU—KLUX—KLAN demonstration in GREENSBORO—NORTH—CAROLINA, —AFTER 1—CARAVAN—OF—KLANSMEN and Nazis had driven into the area.
19791103             Named 'THE—GREENSBORO—MASSACRE', THE—5—MARCHERS were shot to death in broad daylight and another 8 were wounded.
19791103             He was wrong by —2—DAYS.
19791103—19230000    —IN, he forecast 1—QUAKE would hit THE—CENTRAL—ADRIATIC—REGION—OF—THE—MARCHES 19790102             —ON THE—FOLLOWING—YEAR.
19791103—20040000    —FREED, Goldstein was, —AFTER judges and 1—APPEAL—PANEL concluded he was wrongly convicted.
19791103—20100000    —SETTLED, Goldstein, for a $7.95—MILLION—PAYMENT.
19791103—20200000    —APPROVED, THE—GREENSBORO—CITY—COUNCIL, 1—RESOLUTION that apologized for the shooting deaths.
19811103             MILPITAS—CALIFORNIA, ANTHONY—JACQUES—BROUSSARD, 1—HIGH—SCHOOL—STUDENT (16), strangled and killed Marcy Conrad, his girl friend (14), dumped her body on 1—RIVER—BANK and gave TOURS to his friends, who never reported the crime.
19811103             He was to be eligible for parole —AFTER—16—YEARS and —8—MONTHS (19990700             ).
19811103             —INCLUDED, His work, which, "Memorial to THE—IDEA—OF—MAN if He Was 1—IDEA" (19580000             ), was laced with dark humor.
19811103—19821203    —SENTENCED, Broussard was, in 1—SAN—JOSE, CALIFORNIA court to —25—YEARS to life for the strangulation DEATH—OF—CONRAD.
19821103             —EXPLODED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—SOVIET—TANK—ENGINE, in the Salang Tunnel and 178—SOVIET—SOLDIERS were killed along with as many as 800—AFGHANS.
19821103             Der Zusammenstoß 1—TANKLASTWAGENS mit 1—IM Konvoi fahrenden sowjetischen Militärlastwagen führt im 2,7 km langen SALANG—TUNNEL nördlich von KABUL in AFGHANISTAN zu 1—EXPLOSION und zum Tod von möglicherweise mehr als 2.000—MENSCHEN.
19831103             —ANNOUNCED, JESSE—JACKSON, his candidacy for THE—OFFICE—OF—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA.
19841103             † In INDIA some 2,733—PEOPLE nationwide over the last —3—DAYS from attacks on Sikhs —AFTER Gandhi was shot dead.
19841103             —KILLED, The bodyguards who, her sought revenge for her decision to send the army to flush Sikh separatists out of the Golden Temple in AMRITSAR.
19861103             "ASH—SHIRAA," 1—PRO—SYRIAN—LEBANON—MAGAZINE, broke THE—STORY—OF—USA—ARMS—SALES to IRAN, 1—REVELATION that escalated into THE—IRAN—CONTRA affair.
19861103             —BERICHTET, Die LIBANESISCHE—ZEITSCHRIFT—ASH—SCHIRAA, von geheimen Waffenverkäufen der USA an den IRAN und löst so die IRAN—CONTRA—AFFÄRE aus.
19871103             —ON WALL—STREET, —AFTER 5—CONSECUTIVE gains, the Dow Jones industrial average closed down 50.56—POINTS, ending the —DAY at 1,963.53.
19881103             —BRAWLED, TALK—SHOW host Geraldo RIVERA—NOSE was broken as ROY—INNIS, with skinheads at TV taping.
19881103             ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—YITZHAK—SHAMIR, whose Likud bloc won 1—NARROW—VICTORY in parliamentary elections, began meeting with representatives of religious and rightist parties, seeking support for 1—COALITION—GOVERNMENT.
19881103             —AGREED, THE—SOVIET—UNION, to allow the teaching of Hebrew.
19891103             —DELIVERED, EAST—GERMANY—LEADER—EGON—KRENZ, 1—NATIONALLY broadcast speech in which he promised sweeping economic and political reforms and called on EAST—GERMANS to stay.
19891103             —GESTATTET, Die DDR, ihren dortigen Bürgern die direkte Ausreise aus der ?SSR in die BUNDESREPUBLIK—DEUTSCHLAND, —NACHDEM erneut etwa 5.000—MENSCHEN in die westdeutsche Botschaft in Prag gelangt sind.
19901103             —EMBARKED, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JAMES—A—BAKER—THE 3., on 1—FAST—PACED tour of 7—COUNTRIES to "lay the foundation" for possible military action against IRAQ.
19901103             —CREATED, THE—KRYPTOS sculpture, by sculptor JIM—SANBORN, was dedicated in THE—COURTYARD—OF—THE—CIA—HEADQUARTERS in VIRGINIA.
19901103             —INCLUDED, Her roles, PETER—PAN.
19910000—20161103    —SEIT, lebte Popow im FRANKEN—EGLOFFSTEIN bei NÜRNBERG.
19911103             Israeli and PALESTINE—REPRESENTATIVES held their 1.—EVER FACE—TO—FACE—TALKS in MADRID—SPAIN.
19911103             Hooded men with automatic weapons with silencers burst into the inner patio of 1—DOWNTOWN—LIMA tenement and killed 15—PEOPLE at 1—BARBECUE, including an —8—YEAR—OLD—BOY.
19911103             —SUSPECTED, THE—COLINA death squad run by Vladimiro Montesinos was.
19911103             —OPENED, Syria, its 1. 1—ON—1—MEETING with ISRAEL in —43—YEARS.
19911103—20010000    —ASKED, THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL, Congress to pursue homicide charges against FORMER—PRESIDENT—FUJIMORI for the murders.
19911103—20080000    —IN, 2—SURVIVORS—OF—THE—ATTACK testified at the murder TRIAL—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—ALBERTO—FUJIMORI.
19921103             Clinton won OHIO by 2—PERCENTAGE—POINTS.
19921103             —BECAME, ILLINOIS, Democrat CAROL—MOSELEY—BRAUN, the 1. black woman elected to THE—USA—SENATE.
19921103             —ELECTED, WASHINGTON state voters, MIKE—LOWRY, —78—JAHRE—ALT as the 20. STATE—GOVERNOR.
19921103             He chose not to run for RE—ELECTION to a 2. term due to 1—SEXUAL—HARASSMENT—SCANDAL in which his deputy press SECRETARY, SUSANNE—ALBRIGHT, accused him of making inappropriate remarks and fondling her.
19921103             —GEWINNT, Der DEMOKRAT—BILL—CLINTON, die USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFT—WAHLEN gegen den Amtsinhaber GEORGE—BUSH und den unabhängigen Kandidaten ROSS—PEROT.
19921103—19980000    —IN, She lost her Senate seat.
19931103             —JOINED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, his wife, Hillary, in attacking the health insurance industry.
19931103             —ACCUSED, The lobby, by the 1. lady of lying, unveiled 1—NEW—TV ad repeating there must be a "better way" than the Clinton health care reform plan.
19941103             SUSAN—SMITH—OF—UNION, —23—JAHRE—ALT, SOUTH—CAROLINA, was arrested for drowning her 2—YOUNG—SONS, —9—DAYS—AFTER claiming the children had been abducted by 1—BLACK carjacker.
19941103             —SENTENCED, She was —LATER, to life in prison.
19941103             —INCARCERATED, She is currently, at Leath Correctional Institution, near GREENWOOD—SOUTH—CAROLINA.
19941103             12—JURORS were seated at the O.J. Simpson trial in LOS—ANGELES.
19941103             —BLASTED, The space shuttle Atlantis, into orbit on 1—MISSION to survey EARTH—OZONE layer.
19941103             There was 1—TOTAL—SOLAR eclipse in SOUTH—AMERICA (4m23s).
19941103             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Red Hat Linux 1.0—WIRD.
19941103—19950722    —CONVICTED, She was, of murdering her 2—SONS, aged 3 and —14—MONTHS, —WHEN she drove her car into 1—LOCAL—LAKE.
19941103—20241104    —ON, Smith will be eligible for parole, —AFTER serving 1—MINIMUM—OF—30—YEARS.
19951103             —REPORTED, THE—USA—LABOR—DEPARTMENT, the nation's unemployment rate had edged down to 5—POINT—5—PERCENT in October, a —7—MONTH—LOW.
19951103             —KILLED, Typhoon Angela, at least 500—PEOPLE in THE—NORTH—PHILIPPINES and 200 were reported missing.
19951103             Winds hit the main ISLAND—OF—LUZON at 167—MPH.
19951103             —RIPPED, Typhoon "Angela", through THE—PHILIPPINES, killing more than 880—PEOPLE.
19961103             —ASSASSINATED, PAUL—TATUM, USA—BUSINESSMAN, was, on the steps of 1—MOSCOW subway station in what his relatives suspect was 1—CONTRACT slaying by THE—RUSSIA—MAFIA.
19961103             He was in 1—LONG—RUNNING fight to gain CONTROL—OF—THE—RADISSON—SLAVYANSKAYA hotel.
19961103             BULGARIA, in presidential elections PETAR—STOYANOV, 44, won with 61.9—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
19961103             † JEAN—BEDEL—BOKASSA (75), FORMER—SELF—PROCLAIMED emperor (19670000—19790000    ) of THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC.
19961103             —CALLED, He was, "the Ogre of Berengo".
19961103             ROMANIA, the opposition party won parliamentary elections ending control by EX—COMMUNISTS.
19961103             —CONVICTED, TURKEY, Abdulah Catli, 1, heroin smuggler and terror suspect;
19961103             Husseyin Kocadag, 1—SECURITY official and deputy police CHIEF—IN—ISTANBUL;
19961103             and Gonca Us, 1—GANGSTER mistress, were killed in 1—CAR—CRASH in Susurluk.
19961103             Sedat Bucak, MEMBER—OF—PARLIAMENT and HEAD—OF—1—KURDISH—CLAN that received funds for providing guards to fight separatist Kurds, was injured in the same vehicle.
19961103             The event came to be known as the Susurluk scandal.
19961103             Yevhen Shcherban, UKRAINE—BUSINESSMAN and politician, and his wife were assassinated at DONETSK Airport by several men posing as police officers.
19961103             —STATED, Prosecutors have, the murder was intended to eliminate competition for CONTROL—OF—UKRAINE—NATURAL—GAS—INDUSTRY.
19961103             ALL—OF—THEM were found guilty, with 3—RECEIVING life sentences.
19961103             † -only ON—THAT—EVIDENCE surfaced, —WHEN Catli', in the fateful auto accident near Susurluk.
19961103             Strewn amidst the roadside wreckage was proof of what MANY—JOURNALISTS and human rights activists had long suspected -
19961103             - that successive TURKEY—GOVERNMENTS had protected NARCO—TRAFFICKERS, sheltered terrorists and sponsored GANGS—OF—KILLERS to suppress TURKEY—DISSIDENTS and Kurdish rebels.
19961103             —CONFIRMED, COLONEL—TURKES, that Catli had performed clandestine duties for TURKEY—POLICE and military.
19961103             "On the basis of my state experience, I admit that Catli has been used by the state," said Turkes.
19961103             Catli had been cooperating "in the framework of 1—SECRET—SERVICE working for THE—GOOD—OF—THE—STATE," Turkes insisted.
19961103—20020000    —IN, 8—MEN were arrested and tried for the murder.
19971101—19971103    —ANNOUNCED, IRAQ, that USA—WEAPONS—INSPECTORS working with THE—UN would not be allowed to resume work.
19971103             209—STAND and ended affirmative action in the state.
19971103             It prohibits state and local governments from using race and gender based preferences in education, contracting and hiring.
19971103             —PRESENTED, Opening statements were, in THE—OKLAHOMA—CITY bombing trial of TERRY—NICHOLS.
19971103             THE—UNION—PACIFIC—RAILROAD was in 1—LOG jam in THE—LA area and shippers were diverting vessels to other ports.
19971103             THE—COOK—ISLANDS, some 20—PEOPLE were missing —AFTER 1—CYCLONE struck.
19971103             —KILLED, Typhoon Martin, at least 5—PEOPLE.
19971103             —ANNOUNCED, THAILAND, PRIME—MINISTER—CHAVALIT—YONGCHAIYUDH, that he would step down —LATER in the —WEEK.
19971103             —RALLIED, Stock and currency markets, on the news.
19971103             VIETNAM, typhoon Linda swept across the south and left almost 100—PEOPLE—DEAD.
19971103             As many as a 10000000             were missing in fishing boats.
19971103             —REACHED, The death toll, at least 3,406.
19980000             [USA—TODAY, 20040419             ][Military DISTRICT—OF—WASHINGTON, 20001103             ][NEW—YORK—TIMES, 20010310             ]
19980209             GRASHEIM WALLY—NEWSWEEK 19861103             (39)... Covert Action Information Bulletin 19 82-#16 (45).
19981103             —GAINED, In national elections, Democrats, 5—HOUSE—SEATS, trimming the Republican majority.
19981103             ARKANSAS GOVERNOR—MIKE—HUCKABEE (19550000             *) was elected in 1—LANDSLIDE.
19981103             —ELECTED, CALIFORNIA, Gray Davis was, GOVERNOR—OVER—DAN—LUNGREN and BARBARA—BOXER retained her Senate seat from MAT—FONG.
19981103             Prop.
19981103             5, THE—INDIA—CASINO gambling issue, also won.
19981103             Jeb Bush, SON—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—HW—BUSH, was elected GOVERNOR—OF—FLORIDA.
19981103             —KILLED, FLORIDA, Maddie Clifton (8) was, by JOSHUA—PHILLIPS, —14—JAHRE—ALT in JACKSONVILLE.
19981103             MINNESOTA, Jesse "THE—BODY" Ventura, 1—FORMER wrestler, was elected GOVERNOR.
19981103             —PASSED, The medical marijuana issue was, by voters in 4—STATES.
19981103             —RELEASED, The results from THE—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA were not.
19981103             —FLOODED, ARKANSAS, CITY—KANSAS, 1—BROKEN levee on the Walnut River, the town and forced some 2,000—PEOPLE from their homes.
19981103             —ENDORSED, S—FRANCISCO voters again, THE—IDEA—OF—DISTRICT supervisors.
19981103             —FOLLOWED, TOM—AMMIANO led the Supervisor votes, by GAVIN—NEWSOM, Mabel Teng, MARK—LENO and AMOS—BROWN.
19981103             —APPROVED, Voters, Prop.
19981103             E, which called for the demolition of THE—CENTRAL—FREEWAY EAST—OF—MARKET St.
19981103             The death toll from Hurricane Mitch grew to 9,000 in HONDURAS.
19981103             —OPENED, CONGO, troops, fire at 1—SOCCER match in KINSHASA and 4—PEOPLE were killed.
19981103             —AUTHORIZED, SPAIN, PRIME—MINISTER—JOSE—AZNAR, preliminary talks with the Basque ETA.
19981103             1—ANALYSIS—OF—USA—BOMBINGS—OF—TERRORIST—CAMPS in AFGHANISTAN, the impact of this on OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and its implications for INDIA.
19981103—19990000    —SENTENCED, Phillips was, to life in prison.
19991103             LARAMIE—WYOMING, AARON—MCKINNEY, —22—JAHRE—ALT was CONVICTED—OF—MURDER 19991006             —IN—THE—7, 19980000             , beating of gay WYOMING college student MATTHEW—SHEPARD, —21—JAHRE—ALT.
19991103             —PLEADED, McKinney and RUSSELL—HENDERSON, who, guilty to kidnapping and murder, were sentenced to life in prison.
19991103             —FACED, McKinney had, the possibility of being sentenced to death by lethal injection.
19991103             1—DEAL was reached —AFTER SHEPARD—PARENTS agreed to accept 2—LIFE—TERMS in prison for their son's killer.
19991103             —KILLED, SEATTLE, 1—GUNMAN, 2—MEN, wounded 2—OTHERS at the Northlake Shipyard building and then escaped into 1—NEARBY—RESIDENTIAL—AREA.
19991103             —KILLED, GUATEMALA, 2—CAMPAIGNERS for ALFONSO—PORTILLO—CABRERA were, by gunmen.
19991103             —KILLED, Kashmiri guerrillas, 1—ARMY—MAJOR and 5—OTHERS at INDIA—ARMY—HEADQUARTERS in SRINAGAR.
19991103             —CAUSED, VIETNAM, storms, massive flooding in Quang Nam province and 150,000 homes were under water.
19991103             THE—CITADEL at HUE was under 10—FEET—OF—WATER.
19991103             † ZAMBIA, Wazi Kaunda (47), THE—SON—OF—KENNETH—KAUNDA, was shot and killed by 4—GUNMEN at his front gate in LUSAKA.
19991103             Kaunda was 1—SENIOR—OFFICIAL in the opposition National INDEPENDENCE Party.
19991103—19981012    —ON, Shepard †, at Poudre Valley Hospital in FORT—COLLINS, COLORADO.
20001103             —ACCUSED, Bush supporters, Democrats of "dirty tricks," prompting 1—DENIAL—OF—INVOLVEMENT from VICE—PRESIDENT—AL—GORE—CAMPAIGN.
20001103             TOM—CONNOLLY, 1—PORTLAND, MAINE, lawyer, said he was THE—SOURCE—OF—THE—DISCLOSURE.
20001103             † 5—PEOPLE in CENTRAL—TEXAS over the last —2—DAYS in car accidents due to flooding.
20001103             —BROKERED, UN officials, 1—DEAL between the rebels of AFGHANISTAN and the Taliban to begin talks to end the civil war.
20001103             INDONESIA, Hutomo Mandala Putra (TOMMY—SUHARTO) went missing —AFTER prosecutors issued 1—WARRANT for his arrest.
20001103             SWITZERLAND—AUTHORITIES froze about $50—MILLION in bank accounts tied to Vladimiro Montesinos, THE—EX—SPY—CHIEF—OF—PERU.
20001103             Defense Protective Services Police seal the crash sight.
20001103             Army medics, nurses and doctors scramble to organize aid.
20001103             1—ARLINGTON—FIRE—DEPARTMENT—CHIEF dispatches his equipment to the affected areas.
20001103             DON—ABBOTT, of Command Emergency Response Training, walks over to the Pentagon and extinguishes the flames.
20001103             —SIMULATED, THE—PENTAGON was 1—MODEL and the "plane crash" was 1, 1.
20001103             —CALLED, THE—PENTAGON—MASS—CASUALTY—EXERCISE, as the crash was, was —JUST 1—OF—SEVERAL scenarios that emergency response teams were exposed to
20001103             —1— D, The article is, —SOME— 10—MONTHS—PRIOR to the attack on the Pentagon of 20010911             .
20001103             —TODAY, 2—THIRDS—OF—THE—ARMY—BRIGADE combat teams are 1—TESTAMENT to BUSH—RECORD—OF neglect.
20001103             "Bingo!" Clinton responded.
20001103             "It wasn't true —WHEN he said it, but it sure is true —NOW.
20001103             [Bush ] has in 1—VERY deliberative way created conditions that are straining our military, underfunding it with respect to what actually gets to troops on the ground and what they get —WHEN they get home".
20001103             The fire and smoke from the downed passenger aircraft billows from the Pentagon courtyard.
20001103             "Without censorship, things can get terribly 'confused' in the public mind".
20001103—19760000    —IN, —4—DAYS—BEFORE Election —DAY—TEXAS GOVERNOR—GEORGE—W—BUSH found himself being peppered with questions about the revelation that he'd been arrested for driving under the influence.
20001103—20010911    —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Die Sängerin Enya, das Lied Only Time, das CA—1—JAHR—SPÄTER als musikalische Untermalung der Fernsehübertragungen zu den Terroranschlägen größere Bekanntheit erreicht.
20001110—19991103    —SINCE, THE—USA—NASDAQ market fell 171—POINTS to 3,028.99, its lowest READING.
20011100             [TELEGRAPH, 20011010             , KNIGHT—RIDDER, 20011103             , NEW—YORK—TIMES—20011208             , UPI, 20011101             , Time, 20020506             ] 1—ANONYMOUS—WESTERN—DIPLOMAT—LATER stated, "We did not fully understand THE—SIGNIFICANCE—OF—PAKISTAN—ROLE in propping up the Taliban —UNTIL their guys withdrew and things went to hell fast for the Talibs".
20011100             [Knight Ridder, 20011103             ]That same —MONTH, THE—USA—ALLOWED—PAKISTAN to airlift THOUSANDS—OF—ITS—SOLDIERS, who had been fighting alongside the Taliban, out of the besieged AFGHANISTAN—TOWN—OF—KUNDUZ.
20011100—20011100    —IN, [KNIGHT—RIDDER, 20011103             , AP, 20020221             , Time, 20020506             ], it was reported that THE—USA was mainly relying on THE—ISI for its intelligence information on the war against the Taliban, even as THE—ISI was secretly supplying the Taliban with supplies and military advisors.
20011103             THE—ARIZONA—DIAMONDBACKS beat THE—NEW—YORK Yankees 15-2 to tie up the World Series at 3—GAMES apiece.
20011103             ARKANSAS beat MISSISSIPPI 58-56 in 7—OVERTIMES in the longest NCAA college football game in history, 1—THAT lasted —4—HOURS and —14—MINUTES.
20011103             USA—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD met with his RUSSIA—COUNTERPART in MOSCOW to discuss nuclear arsenal cuts, USA—PLANS for 1—MISSILE—DEFENSE—SYSTEM, and USA—RUSSIA—COOPERATION in the campaign against terror.
20011103             The visit was part of a —4—DAY—TOUR with stops in UZBEKISTAN, TAJIKISTAN, PAKISTAN and INDIA.
20011103             —STAGED, USA—PLANES, continuous bombing against Taliban positions in Samangan province and THE—NORTH—ALLIANCE pressed toward MAZAR—E—SHARIF.
20011103             THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC—PRESIDENTIAL—GUARD, units fought soldiers loyal to the former army CHIEF—OF—STAFF —1—DAY—AFTER government forces tried to arrest the ousted general.
20011103             —BESIEGED, COLOMBIA, FARC fighters, THE—TOWN—OF—PAUJIL and killed 3—POLICE—OFFICERS.
20011103             8—TRUCK—DRIVERS were abducted in Casanare province at 1—ROADBLOCK and 3—TECHNICIANS in the same region.
20011103             He portrayed that attacks against AFGHANISTAN as 1—WAR against Islam and denounced Arab leaders who cooperate with THE—UN for peace negotiations saying that amounted to 1—RENUNCIATION—OF—ISLAM.
20011103             SINGAPORE, the ruling party won 1—LARGE—MAJORITY in general elections.
20011103             Transcrição de entrevista com MICHAEL—C—RUPPERT.
20011103             "Eles deixaram acontecer propositalmente. THE—ASSOCIATION -
20011103             Crossing the Rubicon: the Decline of THE—USA—EMPIRE —AT—THE—END—OF—THE—AGE—OF—OIL by MICHAEL—C—RUPPERT (published by New Society) unmasks the authors of...
20011103             [GAIA—GERAL] [IN—NEWS]: BUSH—ADMINISTRATION Nuclear Wars
20021103             "Als HARETHI aus der JEMEN—PROVINZ—MARIB mit seinem Satellitentelefon 1—BEKANNTEN anrief, war ziemlich klar, wo er sich aufhielt.
20021103             HARETHI fuhr mit 1—WAGEN durch die Wüste.
20021103             —40—MINUTEN—SPÄTER traf 1—HELLFIRE—RAKETE Harethi und tötete ihn.
20021103             -AP reported on-... —4—YEARS—AGO (20020820             AP)...
20021103             —PERFORMED, KIT—ARMSTRONG, —10—JAHRE—ALT, pianist and sophomore at 1—UTAH college, —BEFORE 1—SOLD out audience at STANFORD—DINKELSPIEL—AUDITORIUM.
20021103             THE—NEW—YORK—CITY marathon was won by Rodgers Rop of KENYA in 2:08:06;
20021103             Joyce Chepchumba of KENYA won the women's title in 2:25:55.
20021103             A 7.9—EARTHQUAKE hit ALASKA 90—MILES—SOUTH—OF—FAIRBANKS.
20021103             —FIRED, AFGHANISTAN, PRESIDENT—KARZAI, over 15—PROVINCIAL—OFFICIALS for ABUSE—OF—AUTHORITY, corruption and narcotics trafficking.
20021103             † LONNIE—DONEGAN, —71—JAHRE—ALT, UK—MUSICIAN.
20021103             —INCLUDED, LONNIE—DONEGAN—HITS, "Does Your Chewing Gum Lose its Flavor on the Bed Post Overnight" and "Rock ISLAND Line" which inspired JOHN—LENNON and GEORGE—HARRISON.
20021103             Chechen rebels shot down 1—RUSSIA—MILITARY—HELICOPTER, killing 9—SERVICEMEN, —AFTER MOSCOW said its forces had launched new military action to crush attempts by the guerrillas to stage "new ACTS—OF—TERROR".
20021103             —RETURNED, Dzhumber Lezhava, to TBILISI—GEORGIA, ending a —9—YEAR—TRIP—AROUND the world by bicycle.
20021103             —KILLED, INDIA, police, 2—MEMBERS—OF—LASHKAR I—TAIBA —DURING 1—GUNBATTLE at 1—NEW—DELHI shopping center.
20021103             1—MODERATE—EARTHQUAKE jolted NORTH—PAKISTAN, killing 17—PEOPLE and injuring 30, MANY—OF—THEM critically.
20021103             SAUDI—ARABIA said it would not permit bases on its soil in 1—ATTACK against IRAQ and would not grant flyover rights to USA—MILITARY—PLANES even if THE—UN—SANCTIONS 1—INVASION.
20021103             PRINCE—SAUD —LATER said 1—FINAL—DECISION had not been made.
20021103             TURKEY, THE—ISLAMIC—ROOTED Justice and Development Party (AK) won 1—PARLIAMENTARY—MAJORITY in elections (34.2%), the 1. time in —15—YEARS that ANY—PARTY has been in 1—POSITION to govern alone.
20021103             —PLEDGED, The party, to wipe out corruption.
20021103             —PLEDGED, It also, to maintain the nation's PRO—WESTERN—STANCE, quickly moving to soothe worries that this crucial USA—ALLY would undergo 1—RADICAL—SHIFT toward Islam;
20021103             Republican PEOPLE—PARTY (social democrats): 19.4%;
20021103             True Path Party (CENTER—RIGHTIST): 9.5%;
20021103             National Action Party (nationalists): 8.3%.
20021103             —KILLED, NORTH—WEST—YEMEN, 6—AL—QAIDA suspects were, —WHEN the car they were traveling in was struck by 1—MISSILE from 1—USA—PREDATOR—DRONE.
20021103             Qaed Salim Sinan AL—HARITHI, 1—SUSPECTED—AL—QAIDA leader, was among the dead along with Kamal Derwish, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—LACKAWANNA, NY, sleeper cell.
20021103             USA in denial as poverty RISES—ENGLISH-
20021103             Es sind nicht das Big Business, der MILITÄRISCH—INDUSTRIELLE Komplexe oder die religiöse Rechte, die den Kriegskurs in WASHINGTON bestimmen, weiß ROBERT—MISIK.
20021103             Es sind die Neokonservativen rund um den Vizechef des Verteidigungsministeriums PAUL—WOLFOWITZ (mehr hier) und den CHEF—DES—PLANUNGSAUSSCHUSSES im Pentagon Perle, RICHARD—UND die sind,
20021103             "was hierzulande kaum bekannt ist",
20021103             "glühende Anhänger" des DEUTSCH—JÜDISCHEN Philosophen LEO—STRAUSS, der —VOR—70—JAHREN sein Credo in einem Brief an CARL—SCHMITT so zusa mmenfasste:
20021103             "Weil der Mensch von Natur böse ist, darum braucht er Herrschaft.
20021103             JEDER—ZUSA mmenschluss von Menschen ist notwendig 1—ABSCHLUSS gegen andere Menschen", zitiert Misik.
20021103             Die Neocons bilden eine verschworene und die einflussreichste politische Gemeinschaft in den USA, berichtet Misik weiter.
20021103             "An eine gute, irgendwann völlig friedliche Weltordnung glauben Straussianer nicht.
20021103             Von daher kommt auch ihr Misstrauen gegen die UNO.
20021103             So etwas wie Vereinte Nationen kann es, ihrer Meinung nach, definitionsgemäß niemals GEBEN—UND soll es auch nie geben".
20021103             TRUE SATANISM—USA in denial as poverty RISES—ENGLISH-
20021103             Es sind die Neokonservativen rund um den Vizechef des Verteidigungsministeriums : PAUL—WOLFOWITZ + der CHEF—DES—PLANUNGSAUSSCHUSSES im Pentagon Perle, Richard.
20021103             —BEKANNT, Und die sind, "was hierzulande kaum, ist", "glühende Anhänger" des DEUTSCH—JÜDISCHEN Philosophen LEO—STRAUSS, der —VOR—70—JAHREN sein Credo in einem Brief an CARL—SCHMITT so z USA mmenfasste:
20021103             Herrschaft ist aber nur herzustellen, d. h. Menschen sind nur zu einigen in einer Einheit GEGEN—GEGEN andere Menschen.
20021103             030403antiwarblogg.HTML—USA in denial as poverty RISES—ENGLISH-..
20021103             land's leaders, lies 1—TENT—CITY—OF—AMERICA—POOR, huddled masses.
20021103             ED—VULLIAMY reports on the rise in inequality as USA nation prepares to vote —SUNDAY
20021103             THE—OBSERVER—THE—NORTH—WIND
20021103             —WHEN 6—MEN were killed in 1—CAR, blown up by missiles fired from 1—CIA—CONTROL led Predator drone.
20021103             1—OF—THE—PEOPLE in the vehicle was alleged to be 1—SENIOR—MEMBER—OF—AL—QAEDA, ABU—ALI—AL—HARITHI.
20021103             USA in denial as poverty RISES—ENGLISH- - 220403antiwarblogg - USA in denial as poverty RISES—ENGLISH—
20021103—19780000    —BELIEVED, He was, to be HEAD—OF—LOGISTICS for the Red Brigades, which is blamed for the kidnapping and ASSASSINATION—OF—FORMER—ITALIAN—PRIME—MINISTER—ALDO—MORO.
20021103—20121224    —ESCAPED, Militant ABDEL—RAOUF Naseeb, this attack, but was killed by 1—DRONE—STRIKE.
20021125             44. 20021103             USA in denial as poverty RISES—ENGLISH
20031103             —EXECUTED, He was, 20030214             .
20031103             —VOTED, THE—USA—CONGRESS, its final approval for $87.5—BILLION for USA—MILITARY—OPERATIONS and aid in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN.
20031103             —ISSUED, THE—FDA, draft guidelines outlining —WHEN drug companies must submit information on how medicines affect people differently depending on their genetic makeup.
20031103             1—USA—COURT—SETTLEMENT gave Linda Tripp $595,000 from the Defense DEPARTMENT to settle claims that officials leaked personal information.
20031103             —TAPED, Tripp had secretly, Monica LEWINSKY—CONFESSIONS—OF—1—SEXUAL—AFFAIR with PRESIDENT—CLINTON.
20031103             —UNVEILED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—POST—TALIBAN draft constitution.
20031103             —REPORTED, It was, from BURUNDI that —1—DECADE—OF—CIVIL—WAR as well as fighting in neighboring CONGO had decimated the once 300-strong herd of hippos whose habitat is the marshy Ruzizi River that flows from THE—NORTH—END—OF—LAKE—TANGANYIKA.
20031103             —WARNED, —IN—AUGUST, the World Wildlife Fund, that 185—MILES to the north, only 1,300 hippos of the 29,000 recorded —30—YEARS—AGO remained in and —AROUND Lake Edward.
20031103             CHINA, YANG—ZHIYA (YANG—XINHAI, YANG—XINHUA), 1—EX—CONVICT dumped by his girlfriend, was arrested in NORTH—HEBEI province for the stabbing murders of 67—PEOPLE and 23—RAPES.
20031103             † RASUL—GAMZATOV, Dagestan poet, in MOSCOW.
20031103             RASUL—GAMZATOV wrote in Avar, 1—LANGUAGE spoken by some 500,000—PEOPLE in Dagestan.
20031103             RASUL—GAMZATOV also wrote the prose work "My Dagestan".
20031103             —CONDEMNED, THE—EU, lingering ANTI—JEWISH—BIAS it said was reflected in 1—NEW—SURVEY, which found that MANY—EUROPEANS see ISRAEL as 1—THREAT to world peace.
20031103             ISRAEL—MINISTER—OF—THE—ENVIRONMENT said the Dead Sea is dying, and only 1—MAJOR engineering effort can save it.
20031103             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, Sabih ABU—SAUD, —16—JAHRE—ALT, blew himself up near 1—ARMY—CHECKPOINT in THE—WEST—BANK, killing himself but causing no other casualties.
20031103             —JAILED, RUSSIA—RICHEST—MAN, MIKHAIL—KHODORKOVSKY, already, on fraud and tax evasion charges, resigned as HEAD—OF—THE—RUSSIA—OIL—GIANT—YUKOS.
20031103             —BATTLED, SAUDI—ARABIA—POLICE, militants in the streets of the holy CITY—OF—MECCA, killing 2—OF—THE—SUSPECTS and uncovering 1—LARGE—CACHE—OF—WEAPONS.
20031103             —ARRESTED, Police, 6—AL—QAIDA suspects.
20031103             —CLOSED, SPAIN—AUTHORITIES, the border with THE—UK—COLONY—OF—GIBRALTAR —BEFORE the arrival of 1—VIRUS—STRICKEN cruise ship carrying some 2,000 passengers.
20031103             THE—END—JUSTIFIES—THE—MEANS | 100777_com
20031103             1—SECRET—FBI document, 199I WF213589 , released from THE—WASHINGTON—FIELD—OFFICE, is believed to have been leaked by disgruntled FBI agents.
20031103             100777_com/node/355 - OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Ties
20031103             Bush took FBI agents off Laden family TRAIL—THE—REPORT, which THE—BBC claimed was based on 1—SECRET—FBI document, numbered 199I WF213589 and emanating out...
20031103             Letters on THE—USA—WAR in AFGHANISTAN + THE—CASE—OF—JOHN—WALKER—LINDH
20031103             —ISSUED, As 1—ACT—OF—GOOD—FAITH, Bush then, document number 199i WF213589 , which ordered THE—FBI + other governmental agencies to drop investigations into...
20031103             CeiberWeiber *Damenwahl
20031103             —BASIERT, Die Story der BBC, auf einem geheimen FBI—DOKUMENT mit der Nummer 199I WF213589 + stammt aus dem WASHINGTON er FBI—BÜRO.
20031103             Bush took FBI agents off Laden family trail- - WORLD—NEWS—THE—TIMES
20031103             which the bbc claimed was based on 1—SECRET fbi document, numbered 199i wf213589 + emanating out of the fbi 's WASHINGTON field office, alleged that...
20031103             secret fbi document, 199i wf213589 @ TigerDroppings_com
20031103             The best site on the web for LSU sports news + discussion.
20031103             Come to TigerDroppings_com for the poop on LSU football, LSU basketball, LSU Baseball and LSU...
20031103             DENVER to DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA " Blog Archive " 911: Pretext for Tyranny (PART 5—OF 6)
20031103             —ANGERED, Also, FBI agents leaked THE—FEDERAL—DOCUMENT, 199I WF213589 , that ordered FBI to discontinue it's investigations of THE—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN family (Watson).
20031103             Re: Secret Presidential directive (199I WF213589)Text Newsgroup Archive from Usenet_COM—UNCENSORED disscussion groups.
20031103             THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY and Homeland Security Presidential Directive... was based on 1—SECRET—FBI document, numbered 199I WF213589 and emanating out of...
20031103             —DRAFTED, THE—SCHLESINGER directive, by deputy director for operations William... 199I WF213589 ) found —BACK—IN
20031103             000000010600         ...
20031103             Leslie W Evanston, IL... you to get involved in... I also know that GEORGE—BUSH—SENIOR used to contact the... do NOT trust Kerry, Gephardt,
20031103—20031020    —ON, More than 400—PASSENGERS on the ship fell ill with 1—NOROVIRUS —AFTER the ship left SOUTHAMPTON—ENGLAND, for 1—MEDITERRANEAN voyage.
20031103—20040201    —SENTENCED, Xinhai was, to death.
20040901—20041103    —PLEADED, Jenkins, guilty to CHARGES—OF—DESERTION and aiding the enemy, but denied making disloyal or seditious statements — the latter charges were dropped.
20041027             National —DAY—OF—ACTION 20041103             !
20041027—20041103    —ON, preparations for demonstrations, THE—DAY—AFTER the election.
20041101             Press Release on National 20041103             Actions, WHAT—UP in PORTLAND?
20041101—20041103    —AFTER, "We have established 1—FAIR—ELECTIONS—ADVISORY—COUNCIL made UP—OF—USA and INTERNATIONAL elections experts who will give us their assessment on election —DAY itself. If they find significant fraud, we will activate the Urgent Response Network on or —IMMEDIATELY, calling on people everywhere to engage in protest, including NON—VIOLENT—CIVIL—DISOBEDIENCE, in front of their local FEDERAL—BUILDINGS and other appropriate places. We will also be asking those who can to converge in the states where the most serious fraud occurred..".
20041101—20041103    —ON, on Election —DAY, 20041102             ND.
20041101—20041103    —VIOLATED, If that right is systematically, I pledge to join nationwide protests —STARTING, either in my community, in the states where the fraud occurred, or in WASHINGTON DC."
200411021103         —AM Election Suppression In FRANKLIN—COUNTY, OHIO?
20041102—20041103    —ON, - ''if Bush [BGW968] wins, there will be 1—CIVIL—WAR in THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY —STARTING '' THE—NATURE—OF—THAT—CONFLICT, as Bartlett sees it?
20041103             Die Idee tauchte erstmals im 18010101—19001231     auf in den Arbeiten von Augustus Le Plongeon, der die Maya Ruinen von Yucatán untersuchte.
20041103             DIE—IDEE tauchte erstmals im 18010101—19001231              20041103             In the beginning of the 05010101—06001231     A.D., S—MOLAISE, also known as S—LASERIAN, established 1—MONASTIC—SCHOOL on Devenish + at his death in A.D. 563—IT was 1—SEAT—OF learning of considerable size and fame.
20041103             In the beginning of the 05010101—06001231     A.D.
20041103             Fireballs / SPAIN - 20040105             : "HUNDREDS—OF—WITNESSES reported seeing fireballs cross THE—SKIES—OF—NORTH—SPAIN —ON—SUNDAY [20040104             ] in what authorities said may have been 1—DISINTEGRATING meteorite, SPAIN—RADIO said".
20041103             18:1 Aktuelle Nachrichten, Archiv: "Washingtons Kriegskurs katalysiert...
20041103             "Would you call 1—HUMANITY civilized that has a 100—WARS in as MANY—YEARS?
20041103             that spends TRILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS on murder weapons —WHILE its schools and hospitals close for WANT—OF—FUNDS?
20041103             "Es gibt große Gefahren durch Klimaveränderungen, wenn nicht drastische Maßnahmen ergriffen werden",
20041103             "Das große Schmelzen hat begonnen", sagte JENNIFER—MORGAN, Leiterin der Klimakampagne von WWF.
20041103             "DIE—WALL—STREET liebt BUSH[BGW968] ", sagte Marktstratege ROBERT—HALVER vom SCHWEIZERISCHEN—BANKHAUS Vontobel.
20041103             Feiernde USA—BÖRSEN: "DIE—WALL—STREET liebt BUSH[BGW968] "
20041103             DIE—INDUSTRIE—STAATEN würden DIE—ARKTIS als Versuchskaninchen für ein unkontrolliertes Experiment über den Klimawandel benutzen.
20041103             DIE—GEWINNER überraschen nicht wirklich: Mit am stärksten legten Rüstungsaktien wie Lockheed Martin,
20041103             DIE—FORSCHER stellten bei ihren Untersuchungen fest, dass sich DIE—ARKTIS fast doppelt so schnell erwärmt wie der Rest der Welt.
20041103             DIE—EISKAPPE um den Nordpol habe sich in den vergangenen —30—JAHREN um 15—BIS 20 % verkleinert.
20041103             DIE—ARKTIS erwärmt sich dramatisch, die Gletscher schmelzen dahin: Eine neue Studie kommt zu alarmierenden Ergebnissen.
20041103             —BEGONNEN, ARKTIS—GLETSCHER: "Das große Schmelzen hat "
20041103             ARKTIS—ERWÄRMUNG lässt Regierungen schwitzen
20041103             BERATER wollen BUSH[BGW968] zum Sieger AUSRUFEN—AUSZÄHLUNG: Alles hängt an OHIO
20041103             [News Services] - DATE/TIME : 20050403             18:1 Aktuelle Nachrichten, Archiv: "Washingtons Kriegskurs katalysiert...
20041103             USA—WAHLEN—UPDATE from PORTLAND—OREGON
20041103             "Die Fortführung der [BGW968]BUSH—ADMINISTRATION macht die Sache für uns einfacher", so der Regierungschef.
20041103             "It's quite THE—OPPOSITE—THEY see us at the early voting sites and actively want to talk to us," said MISTER—THOMAS,
20041103             "Man müsste solche Projekte eigentlich durch höhere Steuern finanzieren", so Rode.
20041103             "Doch das verstößt gegen das konservative Credo".
20041103             "THE—MAYA—OF—SOUTH—AMERICA HAVE their own legends of 1—CONTINENT, Mu, which disappeared beneath the waves of the Pacific.
20041103             "The northern regions of ALASKA and Siberia appear to have been the worst hit by the murderous upheavals between 13,000 and 11,—000—YEARS—AGO.
20041103             "The same pattern of late and massive extinctions was repeated across EUROPE and ASIA.
20041103             Even FAR—OFF AUSTRALIA was not exempt,—
20041103             "They have to queue —FOR—HOURS," he said.
20041103             "In THE—UK—THERE'D be 1—RIOT".
20041103             "We do not interfere. That's 1—VERY—IMPORTANT—PRINCIPLE," said Urdur Gunnarsdottir, 1—SPOKESWOMAN for the Organisation for Security and CO—OPERATION in EUROPE,
20041103             "We had 1—GOOD—CONVERSATION, we talked about THE—DANGER—OF—DIVISION in our country and the need,
20041103             "We will fight for EVERY—VOTE," Edwards said, borrowing 1—LINE from Gore.
20041103             —CONSIDERED, Both campaigns, sending political and legal teams to OHIO,
20041103             "We will fight for EVERY—VOTE," said KERRY[KFJ966] running mate JOHN—EDWARDS.
20041103             "We will not base our decision on 1—CONCESSION," said BUSH[BGW968] adviser DAN—BARTLETT.
20041103             "Wir rechnen mit einem schwächeren Dollar und steigenden Zinsen in den USA, wenn BUSH[BGW968] so weitermacht wie —BISHER".
20041103             "[GRAHAM—HANCOCK, FINGERPRINTS—OF—THE—GODS, p. 212-213]
20041103             (ACIA) machte vor allem Emissionen von Autos, Fabriken und Kraftwerken für den dramatischen Temperaturanstieg verantwortlich, der das Eis immer schneller schmelzen lässt.
20041103             -Die Chefvolkswirte führender DEUTSCHER—BANKEN erwarten, dass die Wiederwahl von BUSH[BGW968] die Märkte kurzfristig stärkt.
20041103             2,3 Billionen Dollar Schulden in —10—JAHREN
20041103             250—WISSENSCHAFTLER aus 8—LÄNDERN hatten daran mitgearbeitet.
20041103             36. USA—PRÄSIDENT—DIE Präsidentschaftswahlen.
20041103             1—SPAIN—JUDGE investigating suspected Islamic militants has drawn links between the ;;09;;
20041103             11—ATTACKS, 1—SENIOR—AIDE to USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W BUSH[BGW968] 's election campaign says the Republicans have won OHIO and Democratic challenger KERRY[KFJ966] is "delusional" for not conceding defeat.
20041103             1—SUB—TEXT—OF thoughts + feelings.
20041103             Invisible small print UNDER—WRITING the written of the visible.
20041103             Actions, but the flyer is etremely vague--is anyone else planning anything for PORTLAND?
20041103             —AFTER winning NEVADA and pulling within 16—ELECTORAL—VOTES—OF—THE—270 required for a 2. term,
20041103             Agriculture would be destroyed and life as we know it would cease to exist".
20041103             [TIM—SWARTZ, THE—LOST—JOURNALS—OF—NIKOLA—TESLA, p. 120]
20041103             Aides to MISTER—BUSH[BGW968] say THE—PRESIDENT—TOLD—SENATOR—KERRY[KFJ966] he was an "admirable,
20041103             Alarmierende Studie: ARKTIS—ERWÄRMUNG lässt Regierungen schwitzen
20041103             —AM Wochenende hatten 60—WISSENSCHAFTLER auf einer internationalen Klimakonferenz in Peking ebenfalls vor den Folgen der globalen Erwärmung gewarnt.
20041103             Answer: get back to the streets and organise.
20041103             As well, weather patterns would change dramatically bringing about fierce storms, droughts in SOME—AREAS and floods in others.
20041103             —GELUNGEN, Auch sei es ihnen nicht, die Emissionen zu verringern.
20041103             AUSTRALIA—COASTAL—AREAS could end up underwater, according to 1—NEW—SCIENTIFIC—STUDY examining melting ice in THE—ARCTIC.
20041103             Auszählung: Alles hängt an OHIO
20041103             AUTO—UND Konsumgüterwerte gewannen ebenfalls.
20041103             All diese Branchen hatten auf einen BUSH[BGW968] -Wahlsieg gehofft.
20041103             BERATER wollen BUSH[BGW968] zum Sieger ausrufen +++
20041103             BUSH[BGW968] - BUSH[BGW968], 58, won FLORIDA this time, —WHILE KERRY[KFJ966] took NEW—HAMPSHIRE from BUSH[BGW968] - the 1. and perhaps only state to switch PARTIES—BUT it has —JUST 4—ELECTORAL—VOTES.
20041103             BUSH[BGW968] -Sieg: Schröder und Merkel GRATULIEREN—BUSH[BGW968] ["shrub"],
20041103             BUSH[BGW968] appears likely to score crucial wins in OHIO and FLORIDA, putting him on the verge of 1—VICTORY over Democratic challenger KERRY[KFJ966] and RE—ELECTION to a 2. term in THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20041103             BUSH[BGW968] dagegen will seine Steuergeschenke von 1,7 Billionen Dollar dauerhaft machen.
20041103             BUSH[BGW968] hat bislang eine bemerkenswerte Gleichgültigkeit gegenüber dem hohen Defizit —AN—DEN—TAG gelegt.
20041103             BUSH[BGW968] to declare victory
20041103             BUSH[BGW968] told aides that, win or lose, this would be the final time he sought public office and he was determined —YESTERDAY to leave nothing to chance.
20041103             BUSH[BGW968] was laying claim to OHIO—20—ELECTORAL votes over KERRY[KFJ966] 's objections.
20041103             BUSH[BGW968] will die beschlossenen Steuersenkungen über das —JAHR 20100000             hinaus festschreiben und die Ausgaben im Verteidigungsbereich erhöhen.
20041103             BUSH[BGW968] will —NOW renew his WAR—ON the poor, the working class and on the progressive STRUGGLES—OF—PEOPLE from FALLUJAH to GAZA to COCHABAMBA to Ourtown.
20041103             Babys: SCHREI—ATTACKEN schaden der Entwicklung
20041103             Bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen in URUGUAY
20041103             Beobachter sprechen von massiver Wahlfälschung.
20041103             Berlusconi spricht BUSH[BGW968] den Sieg zu +++ [15.10] Italiens PREMIERMINISTER—SILVIO—BERLUSCONI spricht —BEREITS von einem Wahlsieg BUSH[BGW968] s.
20041103             Black Box Voting: USA—E—VOTE—KRITIKER
20041103             Bliebe es danach bei diesem Temperaturanstieg, rechnen DIE—FORSCHER damit, dass das ARKTIS—EIS innerhalb von 10000000             —JAHREN vollständig verschwindet und der Meeresspiegel in der Folge um 7—METER steigt.
20041103             Booker PRIZE—WINNING AUTHOR—ARUNDHATI—ROY has told 1—AUDIENCE at SYDNEY UNIVERSITY—THAT—AUSTRALIANS should take action against companies that have profited from the war in IRAQ.
20041103             But what SOME—PEOPLE consider "quasi archaelogical/mystical hokum" has not been accepted universally and the —FOLLOWING quote from THE—DIRECTORY—OF—POSSIBILITIES (ed.
20041103             But xenophobic hostility from voters themselves has been entirely absent, insisted OWEN—THOMAS,
20041103             —DISPATCHED, Ceding nothing, KERRY[KFJ966], Edwards to tell supporters in BOSTON: "We've waited —4—YEARS for this victory. We can wait 1—MORE—NIGHT".
20041103             DEVENISH ISLAND—DIE—ARKTIS erwärmt sich dramatisch, die Gletscher schmelzen dahin: Eine neue Studie kommt zu alarmierenden Ergebnissen.
20041103             DIE—EISMASSEN—DIE—FORSCHER stellten bei ihren Untersuchungen fest, dass sich DIE—ARKTIS fast doppelt so schnell erwärmt wie der Rest der Welt.
20041103             DIE—IDEE tauchte erstmals im 18010101—19001231    —CENTURY
20041103             DIE—STAATEN, die den Report verfassen ließen, streiten über Gegenmaßnahmen.
20041103             DIE—THEMATIK um den untergegangenen Kontinent Mu wird aufgegriffen in dem JAPANISCHEN—SCIENCE—FICTION—FILM "U 20000000             - Tauchfahrt des Grauens" (Kaitei Gunkan) (19640000             ) von Inoshiro Honda,
20041103             DIE—UMWELT—SCHUTZ—ORGANISATION WWF warf den 8—SPONSOREN des Reports Heuchelei vor.
20041103             —FINANZIERT, Die Länder hätten das Projekt, und seien gleichzeitig für 30 % des weltweiten CO2-Ausstoßes verantwortlich.
20041103             —VERSUCHT, DIE—USA—REGIERUNG soll gar, haben, die Ergebnisse —BIS zur Präsidentschaftswahl zu unterdrücken.
20041103             Da der Kandidat der Demokrat aber seine Niederlage mittlerweile eingestand, verbreitete sich schnell die Kauflaune.
20041103             —ORIENTIERT, Das CBO, sich mit seinen Schätzungen nicht an Wahlversprechen, sondern an der Kassenlage und den künftigen realen Kosten.RL:
20041103             Das Problem: Rüstungsprojekte wie das Nationale Raketenschutzschild NMD sind zwar extrem teuer, schaffen aber kaum Jobs.
20041103             Das ist eindrucksvoll, doch die weitere Prognose ist noch eindrucksvoller.
20041103             —BIS zum —JAHR 20090000             ,
20041103             —CONCEDED, Democratic SENATOR—KERRY[KFJ966] has, the race for THE—WHITE—HOUSE to PRESIDENT—GEORGE W BUSH[BGW968] ,
20041103             —VOWED, Democratic vice presidential candidate JOHN—EDWARDS has, that the party will "fight for EVERY—VOTE" —AFTER refusing to concede defeat in the key STATE—OF—OHIO, where the result is deadlocked.
20041103             Der GROßTEIL—DES—GELDES fließt nicht in industrielle Massenproduktion, sondern in die Bereiche Forschung und ENTWICKLUNG—VON—HIGHTECHUNTERNEHMEN.
20041103             Der Treibhauseffekt löst nach Warnungen der Forscher auch immer mehr Naturkatastrophen wie jüngst die Hurrikane in der Karibik,
20041103             Der ÖL—UND Energieindustrie ist der Amtsinhaber bekanntlich ebenfalls sehr gut gesonnen.
20041103             Derlei Projekte können kurzfristig vielleicht einen Impuls geben.
20041103             DEUTSCHE—POLITIK nach der USA—WAHL: Hoffen auf den zahmen Präsidenten
20041103             —ÜBERSCHWEMMT, Dicht besiedelte Küstenregionen weltweit würden.
20041103             Der Anstieg des Meerespiegels wäre allein 1—FOLGE der verschwindenden Eismassen auf dem arktischen Festland,
20041103             Diese Gleichgültigkeit wird er in einer 2. Amtszeit ablegen müssen, anderenfalls werden ihn die Märkte dazu zwingen", schätzt der EXPERTE—DER—DEKABANK.
20041103             Doch auch unter den anderen 7—LÄNDERN—RUSSLAND, KANADA, DÄNEMARK—NORWEGEN, SCHWEDEN,
20041103             Doch dann wurden Auszüge aus der STUDIE—DER—PRESSE—ZUGESPIELT—UND die teilweise alarmierenden Ergebnisse gelangten noch kurz vor der USA—WAHL an die Öffentlichkeit.
20041103             Doch es gebe auch positive Effekte steigender Temperaturen, heißt es in der Studie.
20041103             So ließen sich GAS—UND Öllagerstätten leichter anzapfen,
20041103             Dokumentation: BUSH[BGW968] s Rede an die Nation
20041103             Dokumentation: KERRY[KFJ966] s Rede an die Nation
20041103             Durch hohe Rüstungsausgaben die Konjunktur anzuschieben, erinnere an den Militärkeynesianismus der 80er —JAHRE unter dem damaligen PRÄSIDENT—RONALD—REAGAN.
20041103             1—AFFRONT für DIE—USA—REGIERUNG, die den Einfluss des Klimagases CO2 immer wieder herunterspielt oder generell in Frage stellt.
20041103             Eisbär im Arktischen Meer: Lebensraum droht wegzuschmelzen
20041103             —LIVED, English: topographic name for someone who, by 1—BUSH y area or thicket, from Middle ENGLAND—BUSH (e) 'BUSH ' (probably from Old Norse buskr ,
20041103             Er sprach von "alarmierenden Beobachtungen" am Nordpol und in der westlichen ANTARKTIS.
20041103             Der Meeresspiegel steige schneller als erwartet,
20041103             Er will Dividenden und Spekulationsgewinne weiterhin nur mit 15 % besteuern, sich nicht in den Pharmamarkt einmischen und er plant eine weitere Steigerung der Rüstungsausgaben.
20041103             1. Spekulationen gegen die faktisch festen Wechselkurse in ASIEN zeigten, "dass es im Währungsgefüge knirscht".
20041103             Favorit der Ölhändler: Ölpreis schnellt auf über 50—DOLLAR
20041103             FINNLAND und ISLAND—HERRSCHT Uneinigkeit über mögliche Konsequenzen.
20041103             For Immediate Release:
20041103             —FROM Mu to Thule
20041103             —VERSPRICHT, Gleichzeitig, er, das USA—DEFIZIT binnen —5—JAHREN zu halbieren: "Diese Ziele sind zentral entgegengesetzt und kommen der Quadratur des Kreises gleich", sagt Rode.
20041103             Had KERRY[KFJ966] won, we wouldve woken up late tomorrow and missed being out in the street.
20041103             Hawking joins war protest tribute to IRAQ dead
20041103             Here are 1—COUPLE—OF—SITES about Augustus Le Plongeon who 'discovered' Atlantis and inspired Churchward:-
20041103             Herrschaft im All: USA—MILITÄR besitzt ANTI—SATELLITEN—WAFFE
20041103             Hängepartie: Offener Ausgang in IOWA und NEW—MEXICO
20041103             I have been listening to PORTLAND imc web radio all —DAY and I am —NOW very excited, EXCITED,
20041103             I haven't yet found 1—DECENT—SITE with information about JAMES—CHURCHWARD, AUTHOR—OF—THE—MU books.
20041103             If you want to make up your own mind and find out more about the the lost continent of Mu (or Lemuria) then these sites are worth 1—LOOK:-
20041103             HENAN,
20041103             —VOTED, MO, ballots where people, both 1—STRAIGHT—TICKET and in specific races will be counted normally
20041103             In 1—GREAT—SWATHE—OF—DEATH—AROUND the edge of the Artic Circle the remains of uncountable numbers of large animals have been FOUND—INCLUDING MANY—CARCASES with the flesh still intact + astonishing quantities of perfectly preserved mammoth tusks.
20041103             —DESTROYED, In all areas, the vast majority of the many, species were lost in the final 7000—YEARS from about 15,000 BC down to 8,000 BC....
20041103             In the New World,
20041103             In that prayer, you enter into 1—AGREEMENT with God Almighty that ANY—OATH, vow, or pledge that you may make —DURING the next —12—MONTHS shall be 0 and void.
20041103             In this excerpt, Dogen explores various layers of meaning of the famous expression, recorded as 1—DIALOG between Master Joshu and 1—OF—HIS—STUDENTS.
20041103             —THAWED, Indeed, in both regions, mammoth carcases have been, to feed to sled dogs and mammoth steaks have featured on restaurant menus in Fairbanks.
20041103             —WAGED, Inside THE—BUSH[BGW968] campaign, 1—INTENSE—DEBATE, into the wee hours as SOME—AIDES said parachuting teams into OHIO would ensure 1—POLITICAL stalemate in 1—STATE—BUSH[BGW968] believes he has already won.
20041103             It Has Only —JUST BEGUN—IT is the only prayer for which you stand.
20041103             —CALLED, You repeat 3—TIMES 1—SHORT—PRAYER, the Kol Nidre.
20041103             It lies beyond. Beyond with/in you. 1—SUB—TEXT—OF—THE written.
20041103             JAMES—CHURCHWARD & the Legend of MU
20041103             KERRY[KFJ966] s Lager will aber noch keine Niederlage eingestehen.
20041103             KERRY[KFJ966] war den Investoren nicht genehm, da er Steuererhöhungen für die reichen Amerikaner und mehr Eingriffe in die PHARMA—UND Energiebranche sowie andere Wirtschaftsbereiche geplant hatte.
20041103             KERRY[KFJ966] won 18—STATES plus THE—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA for 242—VOTES.
20041103             Kommentar: BUSH[BGW968] II kann nicht so weitermachen wie BUSH[BGW968] I
20041103             Kongress: Herbe Niederlage für Demokraten
20041103             Kurznachrichten: LIVE—TICKER der USA—WAHL
20041103             Langfristig dürften sie aber DIE—USA—KONJUNKTUR eher dämpfen, weil sich das Defizit im Bundesetat durch derlei konsumptive Ausgaben noch erhöhen dürfte.
20041103             LIVE—TICKER zur USA—WAHL—LIVE—TICKER: Kurzmeldungen zum Wahlausgang
20041103             Make no MISTAKE—WE are not up against fraud here, we are up against political reaction:
20041103             —DOMINATED, Middle AMERICA is, by 1—REACTIONARY coalition with 1—DEATH—WISH.
20041103             —VOTED, It has, for war and will get war.
20041103             —ENTZAUBERT, MILITÄR—HIGHTECH : Offline im IRAK
20041103             Mittelfristig drohen jedoch höhere Zinsen, steigende Schulden, 1—TALFAHRT—DES—DOLLAR sowie "ausreichend Stoff für —KONFLIKTE" zwischen EUROPA und den USA.
20041103             Mu (Zen) aus Wikipedia, der freien ENZYKLOPÄDIE—MU (jap.
20041103             Mu aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Mu
20041103             Mu ist der Name eines legendären verschwundenen Kontinents,
20041103             Nach Berichten von Diplomaten sperren sich vor allem die USA gegen JEDE—DRASTISCHE—REAKTION auf den ARKTIS—REPORT.
20041103             Noch —AM—DIENSTAG hatten in den USA die Aktienindizes nachgegeben, weil es hieß, Herausforderer KERRY[KFJ966] habe in einigen umkämpften Staaten Vorteile.
20041103             NORTH—IRELAND.
20041103             Its ancient name was Daimhinis, "THE—ISLE—OF—THE—OX".
20041103             IRELAND—LEGENDS tell us that Jeremiah came to IRELAND —AFTER the Babylonian DESTRUCTION—OF—JERUSALEM,
20041103             —NOW, they will make it 1—POINT, they may come out eary, they may take back the streets,
20041103             —NOW, we can start our future the future that we have been begging for.
20041103             Momentum is on our side.
20041103             Oil prices have risen as THE—RE—ELECTION—OF—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH[BGW968] countered 1—BIG—INCREASE in spare oil supplies AHEAD—OF—WINTER.
20041103             Ollamh Fodhla, the sage and LAW—GIVER of early IRELAND—HISTORY was said to have been Jeremiah.
20041103             1—AUTHORITY has commented, 'HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—INDIVIDUALS must have been frozen —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER death and remained frozen,
20041103             1 can't find it in the ungraspable present moment nor hear it in the last word of Zen.....
20041103             1—OF—THE—2—CASES was brought by 1—BLACK—COUPLE in CINCINNATI who argued that the Republican plan was designed to suppress THE—AFRICA—USA—VOTE - 1—VIEWPOINT echoed by JESSE—JACKSON, who called it "Old South politics".
20041103             Paal Prestrud, 2. Leiter des ARCTIC Climate Impact Assessment REPORTS—PAINTED words are the true text.
20041103             Painted words are the mountains and rivers, true text is the cities and the countries of our lives.
20041103             Press Association
20041103             Presseschau: "Wir wünschen, dass BUSH[BGW968] aufhört, BUSH[BGW968] zu sein"
20041103             Präsidentschaftswahlen UKRAINE:
20041103             QUOTE—OF—THE—DAY—REAKTIONEN: Ein bisschen Gratulation
20041103             —CALLED, Republicans, the decision "erroneous" + said they planned to appeal.
20041103             Republicans will maintain CONTROL—OF—THE—USA—SENATE, television networks reported, turning back several close but ultimately inadequate Democratic challenges in key states.
20041103             Rüstungsprojekte schaffen kaum Jobs
20041103             Seine Wiederwahl mindere die Unsicherheit an den Märkten.
20041103             SAM—STOVALL, Chefstratege bei Standard & Poor's,
20041103             Senat und Repräsentantenhaus: Republikaner behalten die Macht im Kongress
20041103             Senat und Repräsentantenhaus: Republikaner halten beide Kammern
20041103             SENATOR—KERRY[KFJ966] says he discussed the need for unity —WHEN he rang MISTER—BUSH[BGW968] to concede.
20041103             Sie lasse das Eis am NORD—UND Südpol schneller schmelzen als —BISHER erwartet.
20041103             SOME—POWERFUL—GENERAL—FORCE was certainly at work to bring the catastrophe about.
20041103             Special report: USA—ELECTIONS 20040000             20041103             Special report: FOOD—SPECIAL report: THE—ANTI—WAR—MOVEMENT
20041103             —ESTABLISHED, S—MOLAISE, also known as S—LASERIAN, 1—MONASTIC—SCHOOL on Devenish + at his death in A.D. 563—IT was 1—SEAT—OF learning of considerable size and fame.
20041103             STEPHEN—HAWKING joins READING—OF—THE—NAMES—OF those who have lost their lives In IRAQ —SINCE the conflict began.
20041103             Streit über vorläufige Stimmen: OHIO wird zum neuen FLORIDA
20041103             THE—ELECTORAL—COLLEGE—COUNT was excruciating: BUSH[BGW968] won 28—STATES for 254—VOTES.
20041103             THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT says fishing pirates are becoming more ruthless in their pursuit of the patagonian toothfish in ANTARCTIC waters.
20041103             THE—MYTH—OF—LEMURIA
20041103             THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT is also dispatching more than 1,000—OF—ITS—OWN—OBSERVERS—AROUND the country,
20041103             The character "MU" can be translated as "has not", "is without", "without", "lack of", "absence".
20041103             The finding of 1—OF—JAMES—CHURCHWARD—MU books gave the band its' name and their obsession with this fabled lost continent.
20041103             —DESCRIBED, THE—HEAD—OF—ASIO, DENNIS—RICHARDSON, has, 1—RECENT videotape of AL—QAEDA leader OSAMA—BIN—LADEN as cheap and transparent propaganda.
20041103             The idea of 1—SUNKEN civilisation that was the motherland of the human race is 1—COMPELLING 1 and it has endured —THROUGHOUT the years.
20041103             THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONITORS will not intervene should they witness harassment.
20041103             —PLUNGED, THE—MID—WESTERN—STATE—OF—OHIO has, THE—USA—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION into chaos, as polling returns suggested 1—MATHEMATICAL quagmire that could hold the key to THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20041103             —INVENTED, The name seems to have been, by 1—FRANCE—SCHOLAR, Abbe Brasseur, who believed he had succeeded in translating ancient Mayan books 18600000             —IN—THE S (it is —NOW generally accepted that his translations were largely wishful thinking).
20041103             The oath shall not be 1—OATH; the vow shall not be 1—VOW; the pledge shall not be 1—PLEDGE.
20041103             —POSED, The question is, point blank: what should Labor do + what should progressive people do,
20041103             —ENCOMPASSED, The reason is that the 1. 3—DIMENSIONS are, by the 4.
20041103             The remarks were 1—EERIE echo of 20000000             —WHEN advisers to both BUSH[BGW968] + Democrat AL—GORE told supporters that the race was too close to CALL—SETTING off a —36—DAY recount and 1—SUPREME—COURT ruling that put BUSH[BGW968] in office.
20041103             The unions that spent MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS and mobilised thousands of dedicated activists did not waste their time and money:
20041103             The votes are in, the selection is over.
20041103             —MATTERED, It never. Liberals are turning radical,
20041103             —CAUSED, These gases, by manmade and natural pollutants were to eventually cause the planet's overall temperature to increase to such 1—POINT that the polar icecaps would melt, flooding the coastlines.
20041103             These staggering losses, involving the violent obliteration of more than 40—MILLION—ANIMALS,
20041103             They shall have no force or effect". [BENJAMIN—H—FREEDMAN]
20041103             —PROPOUNDED, This FRANCE—DOCTOR and his wife had, the theory of the sunken lost civilisation of Atlantis in the —LATER PART—OF—THE 19.
20041103             This is the animal estate".
20041103             [LLOYD—M—GRAHAM, Deceptions and Myths Of THE—BIBLE, p. 75]
20041103             Thus, measuring reality from the perspective of 1, 2, or 3—DIMENSIONS will necessarily be inferior to THE—MEASUREMENT—OF—REALITY from a 4.
20041103             TONY—BLAIR has been telling friends and Downing Street staff in confidence that he would prefer KERRY[KFJ966] in THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20041103             TRIVIA—OF—THE—DAY : USA: Kaum Probleme bei Wahlcomputern
20041103             USA—WAHL—DIE bemerkenswerte Gleichgültigkeit des Präsidenten
20041103             USA—WAHL: BUSH[BGW968] + KERRY[KFJ966] rufen zur Versöhnung auf
20041103             —BEKOMMT, USA—WAHL: BUSH[BGW968], NEVADA—UND will sich zum Sieger ausrufen
20041103             USA—WAHL: KERRY[KFJ966] gesteht Niederlage ein
20041103             USA—WÄHLERBEFRAGUNG: KERRY[KFJ966] nach inoffiziellen Daten in FLORIDA und OHIO vorn
20041103             USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH[BGW968] appears close to being RE—ELECTED but Democratic challenger KERRY[KFJ966] is refusing to concede the key STATE—OF—OHIO.
20041103             Unsichere Prognosen: Extrem knappes Rennen um USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFT
20041103             URZEIT—KERNSPALTUNG: Wasser hielt Naturreaktor unter Kontrolle
20041103             Videobotschaft: OSAMA—BIN—LADEN droht mit Rache für IRAKISCHE—TOTE
20041103             VOLKSWAGEN—TARIFPOKER: Einigung in greifbarer Nähe
20041103             Voters unite: fortlaufend aktualisierte LISTE—VON—WAHLMASCHINEN—FEHLFUNKTIONEN etc.
20041103             Voting Irregularities / Democrats vote tomorrow? in PITTSBURGH
20041103             —BURIED, WHO '' report to please food industry
20041103             Wahlabend in WASHINGTON: Mit D—KÖRBCHEN gegen BUSH[BGW968]
20041103             Wahlpoker: In OHIO wird noch tagelang gezählt
20041103             WALL—STREET—SCHLUSS: Kursgewinne nach BUSH[BGW968] s Wiederwahl
20041103             We need 1—NEW working class political party: call it 1—FORCE or 1—MOVEMENT if you want to keep your Democrat affiliation in hope that —JUST —1—DAY—ALL the religious crackpots will —1—DAY forget to vote, or Fox and Clearchannel will go liberal.
20041103             We need to call 1—CONGRESS—OF—LABOR—NOW.
20041103             The unions, THE—PRO—LABOR—DEMOCRATS, the Naderites and the mass movement that went on the streets from SEATTLE to NEW—YORK —THIS—YEAR—NEEDS to be organised and mobilised.
20041103             We need to say, like WILLIAM—TECUMSEH—SHERMAND—WE intend to give him all the war he can handle.
20041103             What does THE—BUSH[BGW968] name mean?
20041103             —FAVOURED, Why Blair secretly, win for KERRY[KFJ966]
20041103             —ACCUSED—OF, World Health Organisation, burying 1—REPORT recommending curbs on junk food advertising.
20041103             World leaders sought to adapt to the idea of 4—MORE—YEARS—OF—USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W BUSH[BGW968] ,
20041103             Zu groß war die Furcht vor einer neuen Zitterpartie.
20041103             [ Sad about having to wake up tomorrow...
20041103             [10.01—UHR]1—PRÄSIDENTENBERATER sagt —NACH—DEM Sieg BUSH[BGW968] s in NEVADA, BUSH[BGW968] werde bald seinen Sieg erklären.
20041103             1—BASE has been built for organised Labor —NOW in places where it had little base —BEFORE—AND the Democrat machine has been taken over and renewed from the bunch of reactionaries who ran it under Clinton, in MANY—PLACES.
20041103             a special place in Celtic IRELAND—BETTY Crichton
20041103             already the scene of duelling lawsuits over provisional ballots.
20041103             as your thoughts, as your mind, as your self, as me and you,
20041103             auch drohten Veränderungen der Meeresströme.
20041103             Rahmstorf warnte vor einem "völligen Zusammenbruch des Nordatlantikstroms",
20041103             auf in den Arbeiten von Augustus Le Plongeon, between 11,000 BC and 9000—BC.
20041103             To put this in perspective, —DURING the previous 300,—000—YEARS—ONLY about 20—GENERA had disappeared.
20041103             bringing with him the Royal PRINCESS—TEAH—TEPHI, the Ark of the Covenant and the Lia Fail,
20041103             brought to THE—USA, like MISTER—BEKEBEKE, by the human rights group Global Exchange.
20041103             buss(ch)e, boisshe, buysche, busk, buski, bosk, bosh
20041103             but internal evidence suggests that MOST—OF—HIS—FACTS were invented".
20041103             can defeat the voting power of the working poor, organised Labor and the Democrat voting base?
20041103             cementing MISTER—BUSH[BGW968] 's RE—ELECTION to a 2. —4—YEAR—TERM with 1—CALL to "begin the healing".
20041103             dass die Maya Zivilisation älter sei als die der Atlanter oder der Ägypter
20041103             dass diese Übersetzungen größtenteils 1—PHANTASIEPRODUKT—LE—PLONGEONS gewesen sind.
20041103             der in EUROPA zu einer abrupten Abkühlung und einem Anstieg des Meeres um einen Meter führen würde.
20041103             die Taifune im Westpazifik sowie Dürren und Überschwemmungen aus.
20041103             die Voraussetzungen für Landwirtschaft im hohen Norden seien besser und die Schifffahrt könne von kürzeren Routen durch DIE—ARKTIS profitieren.
20041103             EBAY—URTEIL: Bundesgerichtshof stärkt Rechte der Verbraucher
20041103             eines Tages einfach in den Fluten verschwand.
20041103             for example, more than 70—GENERA of large animals became extinct between 15,000 BC and 8,000 BC,
20041103             gelegen haben soll, aber ähnlich wie Atlantis
20041103             gesteht in den USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTSWAHLEN
20041103             herrscht nach einer Auseinandersetzung zwischen Han-
20041103             in dem deren immer noch auf dem Meeresboden wohnenden Bewohner versuchen, die oberirdische Welt zu erobern.
20041103             in what FEDERAL—AUTHORITIES described as 1 sophisticated new security measure to monitor who enters the country and how long they stay".
20041103             [ NEW—YORK—TIMES ]
20041103             including all NORTH—USA—MEMBERS—OF—7—FAMILIES + 1—COMPLETE order, the Proboscidea.
20041103             including to Long ISLAND, NEW—YORK, as 1—RESULT—OF—1—SURGE in Hispanic registrations there.
20041103             Im ZEN—IT is RE—ACTION to the actions of the poor, the oppressed and THE—DISPOSSESSED—OF—THE—WORLD.
20041103             losing perhaps 19—GENERA of large vertebrates, not ALL—OF—THEM mammals, in 1—RELATIVELY short PERIOD—OF—TIME.
20041103             maybe the city + perhaps, —JUST perhaps, they may begin to take back their lives.
20041103             neither inside nor outside, with no place to hide, true TEXT—OF—LIFE—FLOWS + it flows as breath,
20041103             nichts, oder nein.
20041103             Mu (?) ist ein traditionelles CHINESISCHES—FLÄCHENMAß, mit einer Fläche von 6,6 Ar.
20041103             Im Wushu, not despondent about tomorrow...and THE—NEXT—DAY...and the next.
20041103             —NOW known as the Stone of Scone.
20041103             —REPUTED, Both he and the Ark are, to be buried on Devenish.
20041103             or 1—UNRECORDED—OLD—ENGLAND—BUSC );
20041103             alternatively, it may derive from Old Norse Buski used as 1—PERSONAL—NAME.
20041103             Americanized spelling of GERMANY—BUSCH. or circle.
20041103             This rath has probably been used as 1—SAFE—PLACE—OF—HABITATION as well.
20041103             In the beginning of the 05010101—06001231    —CENTURY A.D.
20041103             otherwise the meat and the ivory would have SPOILED—PRO —JAHR rund 300—MILLIARDEN Dollar.
20041103             Unabhängig davon, wer in den kommenden —5—JAHREN PRÄSIDENT—DER—USA ist.
20041103             radicals are going revolutionary...and the conservative are 2. guessing themselves.
20041103             read the full article.. - s Niederlage: "Der Kampf war nicht sinnlos"
20041103             s Siegesrede: "Große —TAGE liegen vor uns"
20041103             sagte —AM—SONNTAG der Ozeanexperte und Klimawissenschaftler STEFAN—RAHMSTORF vom Potsdamer Institut für Klimafolgenforschung.
20041103             schmelzen neuen Forschungsergebnissen zufolge offenbar noch schneller als befürchtet.
20041103             so die Schätzung des Congressional Budget Office (CBO), werden 1,5 Billionen neue Schulden hinzukommen,
20041103             sprach von einer "Erleichterungsrallye".
20041103             In den vergangenen —WOCHEN hatten sich die Händler zurückgehalten.
20041103             that lets half its people starve —WHILE the other half sickens from overeating?
20041103             —ENLIGHTENED, Would you call 1—HUMANITY, that poisons the air,
20041103             THE—MADRID train bombings and 1—PLOT to blow up the High Court.
20041103             the desperate need for unity, for finding the common ground, coming together," MISTER—KERRY[KFJ966] said.
20041103             the water and the soil? that doesn't know mythology from history?, or even what it exists for?
20041103             to Heaven [Asgard] and guarded by Heimdall the White God".
20041103             ( Norse Mythology) / Asbru
20041103             und durch Überlebende des Untergangs des Kontinents Mu gegründet worden sei.
20041103             —HEUTE geht man davon aus, untersuchte.
20041103             —BEKANNT, Er gab, er hätte alte Maya Aufzeichnungen übersetzt, die angeblich darauf hinwiesen,
20041103             were not spread out evenly over the whole period;
20041103             —ON the contrary, the vast MAJORITY—OF—THE—EXTINCTIONS occured in —JUST 2000—YEARS,
20041103             —WHEN confronted with 1—LARGE—MINORTY—OF—SMALL—TOWN—RELIGIOUS reactionaries who, combined with the conservative elite of coastal AMERICA,
20041103             which is sponsoring MOST—OF—THE—OBSERVERS.
20041103             "What we will do is to issue 1—PRELIMINARY—REPORT—ON—THURSDAY".
20041103             who had been struck by the patience and persistence of Floridian voters.
20041103             with friends hailing his expected RE—ELECTION and critics vowing to make THE—BEST—OF—IT, especially in IRAQ.
20041103             worthy" opponent —DURING the phone call, which concluded their bitter and close —8—MONTH—STRUGGLE for THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20041103             zu dem der größte Teil Grönlands sowie TEILE—VON—RUSSLAND, ALASKA, KANADA, Lappland und Spitzbergen gehören.
20041103             Ölaktien wie ExxonMobil und Ölfeldausrüster wie Halliburton zu.
20041103             Pharma-, Technologie-, Finanz-,
20041103             über dieses Koan soll die eingefahrenen Denkgewohnheiten erschüttern.
20041103             — In den USA gewinnt Lyndon B. Johnson
20041103             —TODAY, I hope that we can begin the healing".
20041103             —DECLARED, PRESIDENT—BUSH—CAMPAIGN, victory over Democratic SENATOR—JOHN—KERRY and claimed a 2. term in THE—WHITE—HOUSE, but Kerry refused to concede —UNTIL all ballots were counted in the undecided STATE—OF—OHIO.
20041103             —CONCEDED, JOHN—KERRY, defeat to PRESIDENT—BUSH in MAKE—OR—BREAK—OHIO rather than launch 1—LEGAL fight reminiscent of the contentious FLORIDA recount of —4—YEARS—EARLIER.
20041103             Bush won more votes than ANY—OTHER—PRESIDENT—IN—USA—HISTORY.
20041103             —TIGHTENED, Republicans, their grip on THE—USA—SENATE adding 4—SEATS to hold 55. Democratic Leader TOM—DASCHLE—OF—SOUTH—DAKOTA lost to REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—THUNE.
20041103             —CONVICTED, Jenkins was, and sentenced to —30—DAYS in jail for desertion.
20041103             1—HOUSTON jury convicted 4—FORMER—MERRILL Lynch executives and 1—FORMER—MID—LEVEL—ENRON—CORP, executive for a 19990000             bogus SALE—OF—POWER—PLANTS off THE—COAST—OF—NIGERIA.
20041103             —BECAME, JEREMY—JAYNES—OF—NORTH—CAROLINA, the 1. person in THE—USA to be convicted of 1—FELONY for sending unsolicited bulk email.
20041103             —CHARGED, He was, in VIRGINIA because his emails went through 1—AOL server there.
20041103             1—NATIONAL—GUARD F—16—FIGHTER plane mistakenly fired off 25—ROUNDS—OF—AMMUNITION at the Little Egg Harbor Intermediate School in SOUTH—NEW—JERSEY on this night.
20041103             —DECLARED, HAMID—KARZAI was officially, the winner of AFGHANISTAN—1.—EVER presidential election —AFTER a —3-WEEK probe into vote fraud found no grounds to invalidate his triumph.
20041103             —REPORTED, UK—SCIENTISTS, an 89% decline —SINCE the 1970s in stocks of ANTARCTIC krill, vital food for marine animals.
20041103             —KILLED, INDIA—TROOPS, 5—ISLAMIC—MILITANTS in 1—FIERCE—GUNBATTLE in INSURGENCY—HIT Kashmir —AFTER the rebels barricaded themselves inside 1—MOSQUE.
20041103             —ABDUCTED, Gunmen, 1—LEBANESE—USA—CONTRACTOR who worked with THE—USA—ARMY from his BAGHDAD home.
20041103             4—JORDAN—TRUCK—DRIVERS were seized by assailants in 1—SEPARATE kidnapping.
20041103             —KILLED, Gunmen also, 1—OIL—MINISTRY—OFFICIAL, Hussein ALI—AL—FATTAL, in 1—DRIVEBY shooting.
20041103             —ANNOUNCED, LIBERIA—3—FORMER warring factions jointly, they had disarmed and disbanded their forces, marking 1—MILESTONE in 1—QUEST for peace in this battered WEST—AFRICA—NATION —AFTER nearly —15—YEARS—OF—WAR.
20041103             PUERTO—RICO—DELEGATE to THE—USA—CONGRESS, who favors THE—ISLAND—CURRENT—STATUS as A—USA—COMMONWEALTH, claimed victory in 1—GUBERNATORIAL race so close that 1—RECOUNT has been ordered.
20041103             Bush [BGW968]s Siegesrede: "Große —TAGE liegen vor uns"
20041103             Kerry [KFJ966]s Niederlage: "Der Kampf war nicht sinnlos"
20041103             LIVE—TICKER: Kurzmeldungen zum Wahlausgang - Painted words are the true text.
20041103             1 can't find it in the ungraspable present moment nor hear it in the last word of Zen..... neither inside nor outside, with no place to hide, true TEXT—OF—LIFE—FLOWS + it flows as breath, as your thoughts, as your mind, as your self, as me and you....being without...this.
20041103             ?, dt. nichts, nein ) ist die irritierende Antwort in einem bekannten Koan des Zen.
20041103             Die Meditation über dieses Koan soll die eingefahrenen Denkgewohnheiten erschüttern.
20041103             Mu ist der Name eines legendären verschwundenen Kontinents, der im Pazifik gelegen haben soll, aber ähnlich wie Atlantis eines Tages einfach in den Fluten verschwand.
20041103             —BEKANNT, Er gab, er hätte alte Maya Aufzeichnungen übersetzt, die angeblich darauf hinwiesen, dass die Maya Zivilisation älter sei als die der Atlanter oder der Ägypter und durch Überlebende des Untergangs des Kontinents Mu gegründet worden sei.
20041103             —HEUTE geht man davon aus, dass diese Übersetzungen größtenteils 1—PHANTASIEPRODUKT—LE—PLONGEONS gewesen sind.
20041103             Die Thematik um den untergegangenen Kontinent Mu wird aufgegriffen in dem JAPANISCHEN—SCIENCE—FICTION—FILM "U 20000000             - Tauchfahrt des Grauens" (Kaitei Gunkan) (19640000             ) von Inoshiro Honda, in dem deren immer noch auf dem Meeresboden wohnenden Bewohner versuchen, die oberirdische Welt zu erobern.
20041103             Mu aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Mu ist der Name eines legendären verschwundenen Kontinents.
20041103             —BEDEUTET, Im Zen, der Begriff Mu nichts, oder nein.
20041103             —BEDEUTET, Im Wushu, Mu leere.
20041103             Kerry [KFJ966]gesteht in den USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTSWAHLEN seine Niederlage ein — Bush [BGW968]bleibt somit PRÄSIDENT.
20041103             HENAN, /CHINA herrscht nach einer Auseinandersetzung zwischen Han-+ HUI—CHINESEN Ausnahmezustand.
20041103             Bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen in URUGUAY siegt Tabaré Vázquez.
20041103             Die Eismassen der Pole schmelzen neuen Forschungsergebnissen zufolge offenbar noch schneller als befürchtet.
20041103             *Trivia - - "It is amazing to consider that Nikola Tesla, sometime in the 1920's 1. wrote in his personal journals his thoughts concerning THE—BUILDUP—OF—GREENHOUSE—GASES in THE—EARTH—ATMOSPHERE.
20041103             "THE—MAYA—OF—SOUTH—AMERICA HAVE their own legends of 1—CONTINENT, Mu, which disappeared beneath the waves of the Pacific. The name seems to have been invented by 1—FRANCE—SCHOLAR, Abbe Brasseur, who believed he had succeeded in translating ancient Mayan books in the 1860s (it is —NOW generally accepted that his translations were largely wishful thinking). In the 1920s JAMES—CHURCHWARD began writing 1—SERIES—OF—BOOKS purporting to reveal secret evidence (from ancient INDIA—DOCUMENTS) about Mu, but internal evidence suggests that MOST—OF—HIS—FACTS were invented".
20041103             emuseum ARTICLE—JAMES—CHURCHWARD & the Legend of MU
20041103             "We had 1—GOOD—CONVERSATION, we talked about THE—DANGER—OF—DIVISION in our country and the need, the desperate need for unity, for finding the common ground, coming together," MISTER—KERRY [KFJ966] said.
20041103             Aides to MISTER—BUSH [BGW968] say THE—PRESIDENT—TOLD—SENATOR—KERRY [KFJ966] he was an "admirable, worthy" opponent —DURING the phone call, which concluded their bitter and close —8—MONTH—STRUGGLE for THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20041103             P osted: 07:36 AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             1—SPAIN—JUDGE investigating suspected Islamic militants has drawn links between 20040911             —THE attacks, THE—MADRID train bombings and 1—PLOT to blow up the High Court.
20041103             —POSTED: 07:10 AEDT Boycott companies profiting from war: peace activist Booker PRIZE—WINNING AUTHOR—ARUNDHATI—ROY has told 1—AUDIENCE at SYDNEY UNIVERSITY—THAT—AUSTRALIANS should take action against companies that have profited from the war in IRAQ.
20041103             —POSTED: 07:03 AEDT Oil jumps above $US50 on Bush [BGW968] win Oil prices have risen as THE—RE—ELECTION—OF—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] countered 1—BIG—INCREASE in spare oil supplies AHEAD—OF—WINTER.
20041103             —POSTED: 07:01 AEDT Kerry [KFJ966] concedes defeat, calls for healing Democratic SENATOR—KERRY [KFJ966] has conceded the race for THE—WHITE—HOUSE to PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush [BGW968], cementing MISTER—BUSH [BGW968] 's RE—ELECTION to a 2. —4—YEAR—TERM with 1—CALL to "begin the healing".
20041103             —BIS zum —JAHR 20090000             , so die Schätzung des Congressional Budget Office (CBO), werden 1,5 Billionen neue Schulden hinzukommen, pro —JAHR rund 300—MILLIARDEN Dollar.
20041103             Die Gewinner überraschen nicht wirklich: Mit am stärksten legten Rüstungsaktien wie Lockheed Martin, Ölaktien wie ExxonMobil und Ölfeldausrüster wie Halliburton zu.
20041103             Pharma-, Technologie-, Finanz-, AUTO—UND Konsumgüterwerte gewannen ebenfalls.
20041103             SAM—STOVALL, Chefstratege bei Standard & Poor's, sprach von einer "Erleichterungsrallye".
20041103             —POSTED: 22:26 AEDT Latest OSAMA—BIN—LADEN tape 'cheap propaganda' says ASIO CHIEF—THE—HEAD—OF—ASIO, DENNIS—RICHARDSON, has described 1—RECENT videotape of AL—QAEDA leader OSAMA—BIN—LADEN as cheap and transparent propaganda.
20041103             —POSTED: 00:10 AEDT
20041103             —EXPECTED, Mixed world reaction to, Bush [BGW968] win
20041103             World leaders sought to adapt to the idea of 4—MORE—YEARS—OF—USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush [BGW968], with friends hailing his expected RE—ELECTION and critics vowing to make THE—BEST—OF—IT, especially in IRAQ.
20041103             —POSTED: 02:00 AEDT OHIO outcome uncertain THE—MID—WESTERN—STATE—OF—OHIO has plunged THE—USA—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION into chaos, as polling returns suggested 1—MATHEMATICAL quagmire that could hold the key to THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20041103             Bush [BGW968] -Sieg: Schröder und Merkel gratulieren
20041103             DEUTSCHE—POLITIK nach der USA—WAHL: Hoffen auf den zahmen PRÄSIDENTEN—REAKTIONEN: Ein bisschen Gratulation
20041103             Wahlabend in WASHINGTON: Mit D—KÖRBCHEN gegen Bush [BGW968] - Auszählung: Alles hängt an OHIO
20041103             18:4 - Wahlpannen: Verschwörungstheorien sprießen —SCHON
20041103             18:4 - WAHL—HÄNGEPARTIE: —NACHT der Swinger
20041103             Der Anstieg des Meerespiegels wäre allein 1—FOLGE der verschwindenden Eismassen auf dem arktischen Festland, zu dem der größte Teil Grönlands sowie TEILE—VON—RUSSLAND, ALASKA, KANADA, Lappland und Spitzbergen gehören.
20041103             So ließen sich GAS—UND Öllagerstätten leichter anzapfen, die Voraussetzungen für Landwirtschaft im hohen Norden seien besser und die Schifffahrt könne von kürzeren Routen durch die ARKTIS profitieren.
20041103             Doch auch unter den anderen 7—LÄNDERN—RUSSLAND, KANADA, DÄNEMARK—NORWEGEN, SCHWEDEN, FINNLAND und ISLAND—HERRSCHT Uneinigkeit über mögliche Konsequenzen.
20041103             Der Treibhauseffekt löst nach Warnungen der Forscher auch immer mehr Naturkatastrophen wie jüngst die Hurrikane in der Karibik, die Taifune im Westpazifik sowie Dürren und Überschwemmungen aus.
20041103             "Es gibt große Gefahren durch Klimaveränderungen, wenn nicht drastische Maßnahmen ergriffen werden", sagte —AM—SONNTAG der Ozeanexperte und Klimawissenschaftler STEFAN—RAHMSTORF vom Potsdamer Institut für Klimafolgenforschung.
20041103             Der Meeresspiegel steige schneller als erwartet, auch drohten Veränderungen der Meeresströme.
20041103             Rahmstorf warnte vor einem "völligen Zusammenbruch des Nordatlantikstroms", der in EUROPA zu einer abrupten Abkühlung und einem Anstieg des Meeres um einen Meter führen würde.
20041103             Paal Prestrud, 2. Leiter des
20041103             ARCTIC Climate Impact Assessment Reports (ACIA) machte vor allem Emissionen von Autos, Fabriken und Kraftwerken für den dramatischen Temperaturanstieg verantwortlich, der das Eis immer schneller schmelzen lässt.
20041103             11:3 *Trivia: "—WHEN, on THE—DAY—OF—ATONEMENT, you walk into 1—SYNAGOGUE, you stand up for the very 1. prayer that you recite. It is the only prayer for which you stand. You repeat 3—TIMES 1—SHORT—PRAYER called the Kol Nidre. In that prayer, you enter into 1—AGREEMENT with God Almighty that ANY—OATH, vow, or pledge that you may make —DURING the next —12—MONTHS shall be 0 and void. The oath shall not be 1—OATH; the vow shall not be 1—VOW; the pledge shall not be 1—PLEDGE. They shall have no force or effect".
20041103             B - "Mirror History" dictionary assigns B to the ninth sound group...
20041103             to Heaven [Asgard] and guarded by Heimdall the White God". ( Norse Mythology) / Asbru... Bush [BGW968] ["shrub"], buss(ch)e, boisshe, buysche, busk, buski, bosk, bosh...
20041103             —ENCOMPASSED, The reason is that the 1. 3—DIMENSIONS are, by the 4. - QUOTE—OF—THE—DAY :
20041103             —ENLIGHTENED, Would you call 1—HUMANITY, that poisons the air, the water and the soil?
20041103             that doesn't know mythology from history?, or even what it exists for?
20041103             TRIVIA—OF—THE—DAY : What does the Bush [BGW968] name mean?
20041103             Last Name: Bush [BGW968]
20041103             —LIVED, English: topographic name for someone who, by 1—BUSH y area or thicket, from Middle ENGLAND—BUSH (e) 'bush ' (probably from Old Norse buskr, or 1—UNRECORDED—OLD—ENGLAND—BUSC );
20041103             Americanized spelling of GERMAN—BUSCH.
20041103             DEVENISH ISLAND - a special place in Celtic IRELAND—BETTY Crichton
20041103             1. published by Chalice Well Trust, 19820000             , reprinted by permission.
20041103             THE—HOLY—ISLAND—OF—DEVENISH lies in lower Lough Erne about 2—MILES—NORTH—WEST—OF—ENNISKILLEN, NORTH—IRELAND.
20041103             IRELAND—LEGENDS tell us that Jeremiah came to IRELAND —AFTER the Babylonian DESTRUCTION—OF—JERUSALEM, bringing with him the Royal PRINCESS—TEAH—TEPHI, the Ark of the Covenant and the Lia Fail, —NOW known as the Stone of Scone.
20041103             —ON THE—SUMMIT—OF—THE—ISLAND, faintly discernible are the remains of 1—STONE and earthen rath, or circle.
20041103             In the beginning of the 05010101—06001231    —CENTURY A.D., S—MOLAISE, also known as S—LASERIAN, established 1—MONASTIC—SCHOOL on Devenish + at his death in A.D. 563—IT was 1—SEAT—OF learning of considerable size and fame.
20041103             LIVE—TICKER zur USA—WAHL - +++ Berater wollen Bush [BGW968] zum Sieger ausrufen +++
20041103             —POSED, The question is, point blank: what should Labor do + what should progressive people do, —WHEN confronted with 1—LARGE—MINORTY—OF—SMALL—TOWN—RELIGIOUS reactionaries who, combined with the conservative elite of coastal AMERICA, can defeat the voting power of the working poor, organised Labor and the Democrat voting base?
20041103             The unions that spent MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS and mobilised thousands of dedicated activists did not waste their time and money: 1—BASE has been built for organised Labor —NOW in places where it had little base —BEFORE—AND the Democrat machine has been taken over and renewed from the bunch of reactionaries who ran it under Clinton, in MANY—PLACES.
20041103             Make no MISTAKE—WE are not up against fraud here, we are up against political reaction: it is RE—ACTION to the actions of the poor, the oppressed and THE—DISPOSSESSED—OF—THE—WORLD.
20041103             It Has Only —JUST Begun PORTLAND IMC 20041103             The votes are in, the selection is over.
20041103             —MATTERED, It never.
20041103             Liberals are turning radical, radicals are going revolutionary...and the conservative are 2. guessing themselves.
20041103             I have been listening to PORTLAND imc web radio all —DAY and I am —NOW very excited, EXCITED, not despondent about tomorrow...and THE—NEXT—DAY...and the next.
20041103             —NOW, they will make it 1—POINT, they may come out eary, they may take back the streets, maybe the city + perhaps, —JUST perhaps, they may begin to take back their lives.
20041103             [Sad about having to wake up tomorrow... I—NO "winner" tonight I—BAD—NEWS folks: I think it's over]
20041103             read the full article..
20041103             —POSTED: 18:11 AEDT—OHIO key to tight USA—ELECTION
20041103             —POSTED: 18:41 AEDT Republicans tipped to control USA—SENATE—REPUBLICANS will maintain CONTROL—OF—THE—USA—SENATE, television networks reported, turning back several close but ultimately inadequate Democratic challenges in key states.
20041103             —POSTED: 19:00 AEDT—EDWARDS pledges to fight for EVERY—VOTE
20041103             —POSTED: 20:01 AEDT—KERRY [KFJ966] delusional on OHIO: Bush [BGW968] aide
20041103             —POSTED: 20:00 AEDT Ice melt 'would see Aust SWAMPED'AUSTRALIA—COASTAL—AREAS could end up underwater, according to 1—NEW—SCIENTIFIC—STUDY examining melting ice in THE—ARCTIC.
20041103             Bush [BGW968] to declare VICTORY—PRESS—ASSOCIATION
20041103             —AFTER winning NEVADA and pulling within 16—ELECTORAL—VOTES—OF—THE—270 required for a 2. term, Bush [BGW968] was laying claim to OHIO—20—ELECTORAL—VOTES over Kerry [KFJ966] 's objections.
20041103             —CONSIDERED, Both campaigns, sending political and legal teams to OHIO, already the scene of duelling lawsuits over provisional ballots.
20041103             Special report: FOOD—HAWKING joins war protest tribute to IRAQ dead - Special report: THE—ANTI—WAR—MOVEMENT
20041103             Bush [BGW968]Favorit der Ölhändler: Ölpreis schnellt auf über 50—DOLLAR
20041103             USA: Kaum Probleme bei Wahlcomputern
20041103             Voting Irregularities / Democrats vote tomorrow?
20041103             IN—PITTSBURGH - 00:44: Update FROM—ARKANSAS
20041103             THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT is also dispatching more than 1,000—OF—ITS—OWN—OBSERVERS—AROUND the country, including to Long ISLAND, NEW—YORK, as 1—RESULT—OF—1—SURGE in Hispanic registrations there.
20041103             But xenophobic hostility from voters themselves has been entirely absent, insisted OWEN—THOMAS, 1—UK monitor + CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF—THE—ELECTION—MANAGEMENT—FIRM—ELECTORAL—REFORM—SERVICES, brought to THE—USA, like MISTER—BEKEBEKE, by the human rights group Global Exchange.
20041103             "It's quite THE—OPPOSITE—THEY see us at the early voting sites and actively want to talk to us," said MISTER—THOMAS, who had been struck by the patience and persistence of Floridian voters.
20041103             "We do not interfere. That's 1—VERY—IMPORTANT—PRINCIPLE," said Urdur Gunnarsdottir, 1—SPOKESWOMAN for the Organisation for Security and CO—OPERATION in EUROPE, which is sponsoring MOST—OF—THE—OBSERVERS.
20041103             THE—GUARDIAN—HE promised this would be his last campaign - + he was determined to fight it hard to the bitter end.
20041103             Was THE—OHIO—ELECTION—HONEST and Fair?
20041103             TERESA—FEDOR, [via GREG—LESTINI,]
20041103             OHIO STATE—SENATOR—TERESA—FEDOR said —TODAY: "There was trouble with our elections in OHIO at EVERY—STAGE.
20041103             —REGISTERED, It's been 1—BATTLE getting people, to vote, getting to the ballot on voting —DAY and getting that vote to count.
20041103             There is 1—PATTERN—OF—VOTER—SUPPRESSION;
20041103             that's why I called for [OHIO SECRETARY—OF—STATE] BLACKWELL—RESIGNATION—MORE than —1—MONTH—AGO.
20041103             —UNBIASED, Blackwell, —WHILE claiming to run 1, elections process, was also THE—CO—CHAIR—OF—THE—BUSH—CHENEY campaign in OHIO.
20041103             Additionally, he was the spokesperson for THE—ANTI—BUSINESS, ANTI—FAMILY—CONSTITUTIONAL—AMENDMENT 'Issue 1,' + 1 failed initiative to repeal 1—CRUCIAL—SALES—TAX—REVENUE—SOURCE for the state.
20041103             —LEARNED, Blackwell, his moves from the Katherine Harris playbook of FLORIDA 20000000             + we won't stand for it".
20041103             BILL—MOSS, bmoss@hbcuconnect_com
20041103             Executive VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—HBCU—CONNECT, which works to connect historically black colleges and universities, Moss said —TODAY: "I stayed in line 2 and 1—HALF—HOURS.
20041103             I've never seen anything like this in my life.
20041103             —CONCENTRATED, There were fewer voting machines in the highly, black areas, creating the long lines so as to frustrate the voters.
20041103             —BECAME, But we knew the Republicans -- MANY—OF—WHOM, Republicans because they opposed equal rights for blacks -- would try to drive down black turnout.
20041103             [OHIO SECRETARY—OF—STATE] Blackwell was confusing things by raising issues like the paper WEIGHT—OF—CARDS".
20041103             SUSAN—TRUITT, susan.truitt@lexisnexis_com, www.caseohio_org
20041103             CO—FOUNDER—OF—THE—CITIZENS—ALLIANCE for Secure Elections, Truitt said —TODAY: "7—COUNTIES in OHIO have electronic voting machines and NONE—OF—THEM have paper trails.
20041103             That alone raises issues of accuracy and integrity as to how we can verify the count.
20041103             1—RECOUNT without 1—PAPER trail is meaningless;
20041103             you —JUST get 1—REGURGITATION—OF—THE—DATA.
20041103             —LAST—YEAR, Blackwell tried to get the entire state to buy new machines without 1—PAPER trail.
20041103             The exit polls, virtually the only check we have against tampering with 1—VOTE without 1—PAPER trail, had shown Kerry with 1—LEAD.
20041103             1—POLL—WORKER told me this —MORNING that there were no TAPES—OF—THE—RESULTS—POSTED on SOME—MACHINES;
20041103             —ON other machines the —POSTED count was 0, which obviously shouldn't be the case".
20041103             DAN—WALLACH, Wallach is 1—ASSISTANT—PROFESSOR—OF—COMPUTER—SCIENCE at RICE—UNIVERSITY—IN—HOUSTON specializing in building secure and robust software systems for THE—INTERNET.
20041103             Along with colleagues at Johns Hopkins, Wallach CO—AUTHORED 1—GROUNDBREAKING study that revealed significant flaws in electronic voting systems.
20041103             He appeared on 1—INSTITUTE for Public Accuracy news release in June entitled "Electronic Voting -- Danger for Democracy".
20041103             BOB—FITRAKIS,
20041103             1—ATTORNEY who monitored the election with the Election Protection Coalition, Fitrakis said —TODAY: "There were far fewer machines in THE—INNER—CITY—DISTRICTS than in the suburbs.
20041103             I documented at least 12—PEOPLE leaving because the lines were so long in AFRICA—USA—AREAS.
20041103             Blackwell did 1—GREAT—DEAL—OF suppressing —BEFORE the election -- like attempting to refuse to process voter registration forms.
20041103             The absentee ballots were misleading in FRANKLIN—COUNTY.
20041103             Kerry was the 3. line down, but you had to punch number 4 to vote for him.
20041103             Bush was getting both his votes as well as Kerry's".
20041103             BACKGROUND AND CON
20041103             —REPORTED, Reuters : "Voters across THE—USA reported problems with electronic TOUCH—SCREEN—SYSTEMS—ON—TUESDAY in what critics said could be 1—SIGN that the machines used by 1—3. of the population were prone to error.... "
20041103             THOMAS—CRAMPTON wrote in THE—INTERNATIONAL—HERALD Tribune : "The global IMPLICATIONS—OF—THE—USA—ELECTION are undeniable, but INTERNATIONAL monitors at 1—POLLING station in SOUTH—FLORIDA said —TUESDAY that voting procedures being used in the extremely close contest fell short in MANY—WAYS—OF—THE—BEST—GLOBAL—PRACTICES...".
20041103             www.dissidentvoice_org/
20041103             Latest Articles: (updated 2pm PST) (Hit Your Refresh Button to View Latest Updates) External LINK—OF—THE—DAY: Was THE—OHIO—ELECTION—HONEST and Fair?
20041103             THE—INSTITUTE for Public ACCURACY—
20041103             Kerry [KFJ966] concedes in NAIL—BITER election where Bush [BGW968] wins popular vote
20041103             7—COMMENT(s). - - - Kerry 'concedes defeat'
20041103             43—COMMENT(s). - - - USA—BOARD—OF—RABBIS blasts FRANCE over Arafat
20041103             2—COMMENT(s). - - - Election Unresolved As OHIO Residents Fight Disenfranchisement
20041103             12—COMMENT(s). - - - Converge on COLUMBUS
20041103             Voting irregularities in MICHIGAN and OHIO
20041103             1—COMMENT(s). - - - Osama endorses Bush - 1—COMMENT(s). - - - Carlyle Covers Up
20041103             comment(s). - - -THE—DAY—AFTER USA—ELECTION, THE—UK—DAILY—MIRROR asked plaintively, "How can 59,017,382—PEOPLE be so dumb?"
20041103             —KILLED, Also, —DURING—THIS—TIME—OF—MADNESS were the —FOLLOWING virtues: truth, justice, integrity, freedom, compassion, brotherhood, tolerance, faith, hope, charity, peace + respect for other cultures + nations".
20041103             —WHILE those 2—COMMENTARIES may be harsher than most, their POINTS—OF—VIEW appear to be widespread.
20041103             1—COUPLE—OF—WEEKS—BEFORE THE—USA—ELECTION, 1—NEWSPAPER—SURVEY—OF—PUBLIC opinion in 10—COUNTRIES, including RUSSIA + UK found that respondents, by a 2—TO—1—MARGIN, were hoping for 1—KERRY [KFJ966] victory.
20041103             In the days —AFTER the election, the television news reports in DENMARK spent hours wondering how Kerry [KFJ966] could have lost to Bush [BGW968] in what was such 1—EASY + clear choice for THE—BETTERMENT—OF—THE—WORLD.
20041103             1—DENMARK—FRIEND told me in 1—E—MAIL that he + his friends watched THE—USA—ELECTION—RETURNS—UNTIL 5:00 in the —MORNING.
20041103             "1—LOT—OF—PEOPLE here in DENMARK followed THE—USA—ELECTION—VERY intensively," he said, "and got very disappointed" at Bush [BGW968] 's victory.
20041103             "The future looks pretty bleak," another DENMARK—FRIEND said.
20041103             "It's —JUST hard to keep up the optimism with the perspective of 4—MORE—YEARS".
20041103             —RELEASED, CAUTIONARY NOTE: The data that is, —TODAY shows THE—04—PM data run from THE—EDISON—MITOFSKY polling company.
20041103             —BASED, This run was, on 63—PERCENT—OF—THE—FULL 13660 sample in the poll.
20041103             However AS—WE also have 1—SET—OF—DATA from —AROUND midnight with which to compare this data, we can tell that the final exit poll results were not that far different than these early results.
20041103             This in itself tends to suggest that the polling system did not have 1—SYSTEMIC—BIAS in its early data as suggested by SOME—COMMENTATORS—IN—EARLY—REPORTS on this puzzle.
20041103             (For 1—MORE detailed DESCRIPTION—OF—THE—LIMITATIONS—OF this data and the claimed gender bias in the early data see.. EXTENDED FOOTNOTE ON THE—LIMITATIONS—OF—THIS DATA—BY JONATHAN—SIMON)
20041103             —HAPPENED, Votefraud Whar really
20041103             Culture War May 'Go Nuclear,' Says Watchdog Group
20041103             The respectable, conservative "TULSA World" newspaper reported that Kerry [KFJ966] was winning in 57—OF—THE—STATES—RURAL—COUNTIES., with 70—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE counted.
20041103             Turns out that the famous 20041103             report was probably not supposed to be printed.
20041103             It represented the counting —WHEN the tabulating was about 70% "complete," as they used to say in the old SOVIET—UNON.
20041103             The "official" STATE—OF—OKLAHOMA—ELECTION—BOARD—VOTE—TOTALS released —LATER show Kerry [KFJ966] not winning;
20041103             but, losing in all the state's 77—COUNTIES, including THE—57—RURAL—COUNTIES.
20041103             —MESSED, Yea, somebody really, up, big time + published 1—PARTIALLY completed + I guess you would haver to call it, "fixed" vote.
20041103             1—SIMPLE—COMPARISON—OF—TOTAL—VOTES for Kerry [KFJ966] between the staid establishment mouthpiece, the "TULSA World" newspaper and THE—SO—CALLED "official" final vote totals at THE—STATE—ELECTION—BOARD—SHOW fewer votes for Kerry [KFJ966] in 57—COUNTIES than the "TULSA World" does.
20041103             57—OF—THE—57—COUNTIES clearly demonstrate that Sen Kerry [KFJ966] lost 37,982 votes to THE—ES&S Optech Machines.
20041103             —DURING the same time period PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] gained 1—WHOOPING 393,825 votes.
20041103             NICE, slick, easy way to win 1—ELECTION.
20041103             As 1—MAN once said "He stole it fair and square!"
20041103             In other words, Kerry [KFJ966] lost votes already cast by voters.
20041103             —COUNTED, The voting machines, backwards.
20041103             What could be simpler than that?
20041103             Who programs these things, eh? Why, ES&S Corp., of course.
20041103             It turns out THE—EVERY—VOTE in the state, all 1.4—MILLION—OF them cast, were counted on the same type of flawed machine, programmed originally by THE—HAGEL—ES&S company.
20041103             -I've been saying it —SINCE : Error should skew in both directions, or something funny is up.
20041103             | 22:50 Uhr VON—POSTNUCLEAR
20041103             Die USA hat ihren neuen (alten) Präsidenten gewählt.
20041103             Wir dürfen uns auf 4—WEITERE —JAHRE voll Lügen, unnötigen Kriegen, Finanzaffären + dem dümmsten aller Affengesichter freuen...
20041103             Der Grossteil der USA Bevölkerung hat in den vergangen —4—JAHREN scheinbar nicht das geringste dazu gelernt.
20041103             Da muss ich mal einen guten Freund zitieren: "Viva la révolution!"
20041103             Gottseidank wissen wir Europäer, dass Bush nur eine hirnlose Marionette darstellt.
20041103             So und ich werde mir —JETZT meinen Raketenschutzbunker weiter ausbauen, man kann schliesslich nie wissen... ?
20041103             Comeback fuer BPAZ! Von MARTIN—KILIAN um 00:18 - [ WASHINGTON ]
20041103             Neue Umfragen...und der BESTE PRÄSIDENT—ALLER—ZEITEN (BPAZ) steht in FLORIDA und OHIO —NUN etwas besser DA—NUR noch einen Punkt hinter dem Monsieur...WISCONSIN und MINNESOTA klar für den Monsieur.....ohne den Irakkrieg, soviel ist sicher, hätte der BPAZ das Ding easy für sich entschieden... aber vielleicht gewinnt er ja trotzdem....GO BPAZ!
20041103             Is Global Warming Always Bad? by PATRICK—J—MICHAELS... - USA—WAHLEN—UPDATE from PORTLAND—OREGON
200411030005         : Update from PORTLAND—OREGON
200411030010         —POSTED, AEDT Mixed world reaction to expected BUSH[BGW968] win
200411030041         Update on Reclaim the Streets BALTIMORE--3—ARRESTS
200411030200         —POSTED, AEDT OHIO outcome uncertain
200411030701         —POSTED, AEDT KERRY[KFJ966] concedes defeat, calls for healing
200411030703         —POSTED, AEDT Oil jumps above $US50 on BUSH[BGW968] win
200411030710         —POSTED, AEDT Boycott companies profiting from war: peace activist
200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030923         —AM PRESIDENT—BUSH[BGW968] is preparing to declare RE—ELECTION—VICTORY even though Democratic rival KERRY[KFJ966] refused to concede as results in the key STATE—OF—OHIO remained uncertain.
200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030923         —AM PRESIDENT—BUSH[BGW968] is preparing to declare RE—ELECTION—VICTORY even though Democratic rival KERRY[KFJ966] refused to concede as results in the key STATE—OF—OHIO remained uncertain.
200411030923         —AM USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH[BGW968] is preparing to declare RE—ELECTION—VICTORY even though Democratic rival Kerry [KFJ966] refused to concede as results in the key STATE—OF—OHIO remained uncertain.
200411031103         *Trivia: "—WHEN, on THE—DAY—OF—ATONEMENT, you walk into 1—SYNAGOGUE, you stand up for the very 1. prayer that you recite.
200411031720         —POSTED, AEDT KERRY[KFJ966] 's WHITE—HOUSE—DREAM fades
200411031804         Wahlpannen: Verschwörungstheorien sprießen —SCHON
200411031804         USA—WAHL: Weißes Haus ist von BUSH[BGW968] s Sieg überzeugt
200411031804         WAHL—HÄNGEPARTIE: —NACHT der Swinger
200411031841         —POSTED, AEDT Patagonian toothfish pirates using fear: Govt
200411031841         —POSTED, AEDT Republicans tipped to control USA—SENATE
200411032000         —POSTED, AEDT Ice melt 'would see Aust swamped'
200411032226         —POSTED, AEDT Latest OSAMA—BIN—LADEN tape 'cheap propaganda' says ASIO CHIEF
20041103—19200000    —IN—THE, S JAMES—CHURCHWARD began writing 1—SERIES—OF—BOOKS purporting to reveal secret evidence (from ancient INDIA—DOCUMENTS) about Mu,
20041103—19200000    "It is amazing to consider that —JAHR'S, sometime in the, Nikola Tesla 1. wrote in his personal journals his thoughts concerning THE—BUILDUP—OF—GREENHOUSE—GASES in THE—EARTH—ATMOSPHERE.
20041103—19650000    —PLEADED, FORMER—USA—ARMY—SERGEANT—CHARLES—JENKINS, —64—JAHRE—ALT, guilty to abandoning his unit and aiding the enemy by teaching English to NORTH—KOREA—MILITARY—OFFICER cadets.
20041103—19810000    —PUBLISHED, COLIN—WILSON & JOHN—GRANT), by Webb & Bower explains why:-
20041103—20040000    —JAHR, Tourist Screening / USA — 20040106             :"MIAMI—USA—IMIGRATION—OFFICERS began fingerprinting + photographing TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—VISITORS arriving from other countries —MONDAY [20040105             ],
20041103—20040331    —BY, HUNGARY said it will withdraw its 300—NON—COMBAT troops from IRAQ.
20041103—20041101    author: DJ SHADOW—I see that Code Pink is planning something for
20041103—20041102    —ASSERTED, Not to be outdone, RUSSIA—PRAVDA, that "AMERICA was betrayed + murdered.
20041103—20041108    —ERST—AM Eigentlich sollte der Report über das schmelzende ARKTIS—EIS vorgestellt werden.
20041103—20041121    —AM, Präsidentschaftswahlen UKRAINE: Stichwahl zwischen Janukowytsch und JUSCHTSCHENKO—BEOBACHTER sprechen von massiver Wahlfälschung.
20041103—20050403    1—AKTUELLE Nachrichten, Archiv: "Washingtons Kriegskurs katalysiert... Anlaß sind schockierende Enthüllungen, die Seymour Hersh am 17 ... Das Treffen wurde von Perles TRIREME—PARTNER—GERALD—HILLMANN, der ebenfalls in...
20041103—20060000    —BY, Senior EDITOR—OF—FREEPRESS_org, 1—OHIO—BASED web site + CO—AUTHOR—WITH—FITRAKIS of the recent article "12—WAYS—BUSH is —NOW Stealing THE—OHIO—VOTE," Wasserman said —TODAY: "There was 1—HUGE fight —AROUND ensuring that the electronic voting machines had paper trails and there was resistance by THE—SECRETARY—OF—STATE, so there is no paper trail. There were SOME—VICTORIES to ensure 1—PAPER—TRIAL --. There were limited numbers of voting machines in AFRICA—USA—DISTRICTS. SOME—PEOPLE had to wait up to —8—HOURS, far more than in predominantly white areas".
20041103—20080000    —DECLARED, THE—VIRGINIA—SUPREME—COURT, the state's antispam law unconstitutional and reversed Jaynes' conviction.
20041104—20041103    NEW—YORK, /BSNewswire/ Diebold, ChoicePoint + SPROUL—IN 1—NEW—PARTNERSHIP between government and business involving unprecedented interagency cooperation between THE—RNC/PNAC, the Patent Office, the Justice DEPARTMENT—AND—THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY—AND funded in part by venture CAPITAL—FROM—MICROSOFT—CAPITAL—MARKETS—DIVISION—HAVE announced plans to form 1—JOINT—VENTURE to leverage core software patents and other intellectual property for THE—PURPOSE—OF—MAINTAINING—AMERICA—STRATEGIC—EDGE at providing "the best democracy money can buy".
20041104—20041103    NEW—YORK, BSNewswire, Diebold, ChoicePoint + SPROUL—IN 1—NEW—PARTNERSHIP between government and business involving unprecedented interagency cooperation between THE—RNC/PNAC, the Patent Office, the Justice DEPARTMENT—AND—THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY
20041104—20041103    AND funded in part by venture CAPITAL—FROM—MICROSOFT—CAPITAL—MARKETS—DIVISION—HAVE announced plans to form 1—JOINT—VENTURE to leverage core software patents and other intellectual property for THE—PURPOSE—OF—MAINTAINING—AMERICA—STRATEGIC—EDGE at providing "the best democracy money can buy".
20041107—20041103    —ON, WASHINGTON—POST managing EDITOR—STEVE—COLL wrote in 1—ONLINE chat that "the last wave of national exit polls we received... showed Kerry winning the popular vote by 51—PERCENT to 48—PERCENT — if true, surely enough to carry the Electoral College".
20041110             —LISTENED, If 1, carefully on the cold + dreary —AUTUMN days of 20041102             +20041103             the death KNELL—OF—DEMOCRACY could be heard.
20041110             —SIGNED, THE—PACIFIC—ISLAND—OF—VANUATU withdrew a 20041103             communique, in TAIPEI to establish ties with TAIWAN, handing BEIJING 1—DIPLOMATIC—VICTORY over its arch rival.
20041114             Carlyle Group to Sell 1.5—MILLION United Defense Shares 20031103             20030000             - United Defense: Carlyle Group to Sell 1. 5—MILLION United Defense Shares (Pressrelations (Pressemitteilung)
20041201—20041103    —ON, 14. 1—EMAIL from MARK—EARLEY, of Diebold Elections Systems, INCORPORATED, to the Elections office was provided which asked the recipient for 1—EXPLANATION—OF why Volusia County had more memory card failures than ALL—OF—THEIR—OTHER—FLORIDA customers combined + then asked why THE—17—MEMORY—CARD—FAILURES which the Elections office reported, increased to 25—BEFORE 20041112             .
20050221             Transcript : DoD News Briefing : —FRIDAY, 19951103             - 5—PM... officer, GENERAL—CHILDRESS.
20050302—20041103    —ON, Interior.. Relevance: Sarkis Soghanalian, THE—INTERNATIONAL...the years, THE—TWICE—CONVICTED Soghanalian was dubbed...routed through the vehicle's audio system...
20050308             Transcript : DoD News Briefing : —FRIDAY, 19951103             - 5—PM...
20050310—20041103    —ON, Cocaine... Relevance: Sarkis Soghanalian, THE—INTERNATIONAL... the years, THE—TWICE—CONVICTED Soghanalian was dubbed... Keefe, looking up at the photos that fill...
20050310—20041103    —ON, History... to discuss their findings, identify newly acquired photos + review... Global EXCHANGE—INDEXED Relevance: Sarkis Soghanalian, THE—INTERNATIONAL...
20050414—20041103    —SINCE, THE—DJIA dropped 125.18 to close at 10,278.75, the worst close.
20050731—20051103    —ON, that Democrats were to vote ;
20051103             Vorwürfe gegen USA—VIZEPRÄSIDENT: Cheneys BÜRO—SOLL—FOLTER gedeckt haben
20051103             USA—KERKER in EUROPA: Menschenrechtler sehen Hinweise für geheime CIA—GEFÄNGNISSE
20051103             FRANKREICH: Neue Straßenschlachten in Pariser Vorstädten - I hope so.
20051103             [—POSTED 20040906             ]
20051103             —RELEASED, MATTHEW—LIMON, —23—JAHRE—ALT was, —AFTER spending —5—YEARS in prison —FOLLOWING 20051021             —THE—KANSAS—SUPREME—COURT ruling that determined it was unconstitutional to punish underage sex between homosexuals more harshly than between heterosexuals.
20051103             (NEWSWEEK, 20051031             ).
20051103             FRANKREICH: Neue Straßenschlachten in Pariser Vorstädten
20051103             "Rootkit"-PR—GAU: SonyBMG bietet Tool zur KOPIERSCHUTZ—ENTFERNUNG - -- on 1—WHOLE new level.
20051103             20041202/#I">I. Comment: THE—USA & European States are still using BRZEZINSKI—MUSLIM terrorist strategy!
20051103             20041202/#II">II. INTERVIEW—WITH—BRZEZINSKI - A 1000—APOLOGIES.
20051103             —TODAY, we learn of 1—EFFORT in NEW—MEXICO to take the issue to court
20051103             AMERIKA—GIPFEL: ARGENTINIEN richtet sich auf ANTI—BUSH—DEMOS ein
20051103             And here, I thought he'd never sink past the 39% barrier.
20051103             Anfänge des Universums: Licht der 1. Sterne entdeckt
20051103             Anzeigenkampagne: DM—GRÜNDER—FORDERT—GRUNDLOHN für alle
20051103             Ausbeutung: CHINESISCHE—ARBEITERIN stirbt an Erschöpfung
20051103             —REKONSTRUIERT, Ausgrabung in POLEN: Antlitz von Kopernikus
20051103             Billiges Geld: EZB lässt die Zinsen im KELLER—BRAD—FRIEDMAN
20051103             —BY keeping the heat on the fraudsters, we make VOTE—RIGGING much more difficult 20060000             —IN.
20051103             —BEKENNT, CIA—AFFÄRE: Cheneys Berater Libby, sich nicht schuldig
20051103             CIA—GEHEIMGEFÄNGNISSE: EU geht Berichten über USA—KERKER nach
20051103             DaimlerChrysler: Mitarbeiter lassen Abfindungsangebote links liegen
20051103             EX—SECURITY CHIEF—BRZEZINSKI—INTERVIEW makes clear:
20051103             GOLDMAN—CHEFVOLKSWIRT Hatzius: DEUTSCHER—FINANZFUCHS in Manhattan
20051103             Google Print: BUCH—SUCHMASCHINE startet offiziell
20051103             Grenzkonflikt: Neuer Krieg droht zwischen ÄTHIOPIEN und ERITREA—HIS disapproval number is 57%.
20051103             In ;;11;; of 19730000             (ah, I recall that time well: If memory serves,
20051103             However: 1—SUCCESS in THE—NEW—MEXICO courts would illustrate 1—PRINCIPLE.
20051103             MILLIONS—OF—AMERICANS would understand that the large voting concerns are corrupt + that they have engaged in 1—CONSPIRACY with THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY to undermine democracy.
20051103             I was still trying to sneak into THE—EXORCIST ), NIXON—DISAPPROVAL number was 63%.
20051103             Inflationssorgen: Drück den Euro
20051103             INSOLVENZ—STATISTIK: DEUTSCHE—PRIVATBÜRGER so pleite wie nie
20051103             IRAK—KRIEG: ITALIEN warnte USA vor falscher "NIGER—CONNECTION"
20051103             IRAK: AL—QAIDA kündigt Mord an MAROKKANISCHEN—GEISELN an
20051103             ITALIEN: Berlusconi fürchtet Anschlag auf sich
20051103             —JUST 5—POINTS away According to 1—NEW—CBS poll, BUSH—APPROVAL rating has gone down to 35%.
20051103             Katastrophenhilfe: INDISCHE—KINDER drehten TSUNAMI—FILM
20051103             Krawalle in Pariser Vororten: "So schlimm war es noch nie"
20051103             Krawalle in Pariser Vorstädten: Randalierer schießen auf die Polizei
20051103             LIFE—CAR—PROJECT: BRENNSTOFFZELLEN—SPORTWAGEN soll 20080000             fertig sein
20051103             Limbaugh heard Democrats saying things that no Democrat actually said.
20051103             And yet this buffoon accuses us of living in 1—ALTERNATE reality!
20051103             Mehrwertsteuererhöhung: Verbände geben Widerstand auf
20051103             MIAMI: Drogenfahnder schnappen SOHN—DES—POLIZEICHEFS
20051103             —GEDACHT, Milchstraße: Schwarzes Loch kleiner als
20051103             —MILLENNIUM Bridge in LONDON: Rätsel um WACKEL—BRÜCKE gelöst
20051103             Nahost: PALÄSTINENSISCHES—KIND durch Schüsse am Kopf schwer VERLETZT—NEW—MEXICO case.
20051103             Niedriglöhne: Müntefering sieht Gefahren für die DEMOKRATIE—PARIS: Aufruhr in den Satellitenstädten
20051103             Prognose: Schätzer fürchten noch mehr STEUERAUS—FÄLLE beim Bund
20051103             Published 15-19980121             20051103             REAL—FLEISCHSKANDAL: Strafbefehl gegen Etikettenschwindler
20051103             Strange and corrupt as that man was, he was 1—MORE—CAPABLE—POLITICIAN than the current wretch could ever hope to be.
20051103             —GEMACHT, Suse 10: Linux leicht
20051103             Taschenlabor: Mediziner entwickeln AIDS—SCHNELLTEST
20051103             The G.O.P. would lose all credibility for at least 1—GENERATION.
20051103             TIER—SCHUTZ, Nackte protestieren gegen SCHAF—FOLTER—TRANSLATED by JEAN—MARTINEAU
20051103             TÜRKEI: —22—JAHRE Haft für Beleidigung des STAATSGRÜNDERS—URL for this article:
20051103             VIOXX—PROZESS: Merck freigesprochen, Aktie startet durch
20051103             —GEWESEN, Vor IRAK—KRIEG: Saddam soll zum Exil bereit, sein
20051103             Vote fraud: Fighting on 1—NEW—LEVEL In recent times, THE—RUSH—OF—EVENTS seduced me into ignoring THE—ALMOST—ALL—IMPORTANT—ISSUE—OF—VOTE—FRAUD.
20051103             WILL—NIXON lose his title as THE—PRESIDENT with the most impressive hatred quotient?
20051103             I hope so. [—POSTED 20040906             ]
20051103             —BY JARED—ISRAEL
20051103             —ON 1—WHOLE—NEW—LEVEL.
20051103             it's about THE—FUTURE—PAYS—SPECIAL—ATTENTION to another Rush GEM—
20051103             —PLEADED, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY—FORMER—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, I. LEWIS—LIBBY, not guilty to a 5—COUNT felony indictment in THE—CIA—LEAK—CASE.
20051103             —RELEASED, THE—USA, 5—GUANTANAMO detainees to KUWAIT.
20051103             —REMAINED, About 500—CAPTIVES, at the facility.
20051103             1—STATE—COURT—IN—ATLANTIC—CITY, NEW—JERSEY, found Merck not liable for injuries to 1—IDAHO man taking Vioxx who had 1—HEART—ATTACK.
20051103             —FACED, Merck, some 2,750 more suits in NEW—JERSEY, where the company is based.
20051103             —CONVICTED, TEXAS, killed CHARLES—VICTOR—THOMPSON, —35—JAHRE—ALT escaped from HARRIS—COUNTY—JAIL.
20051103             —CAPTURED, He was, 20051106             in SHREVEPORT, LOS—ANGELES, drunk and talking on 1—PAY—PHONE.
20051103             THE—ENVIRONMENTAL—INVESTIGATION—AGENCY, 1—LONDON—BASED environmental watchdog said USA—BUSINESSES are unwittingly importing illegal HONDURAS—WOOD, contributing to deforestation, corruption and social strife in the Latin USA—COUNTRY.
20051103             —HEADED, Leaders from across the Americas, to ARGENTINA in another attempt to end Latin AMERICA—CHRONIC—POVERTY, with WASHINGTON promoting liberalized trade and opponents fearful that it will allow corporations to dominate the poor.
20051103             —DUBBED, He was, "THE—PICASSO—OF—USA—INDIA—ART" by THE—NY—TIMES.
20051103             KEVIN—HENRY, —39—JAHRE—ALT, of ALBION—CALIFORNIA, was murdered by NATHAN—MCWILLIAMS, —22—JAHRE—ALT and TREVOR—CONLEY (23) of UKIAH—CALIFORNIA, near Lake Mendocino —FOLLOWING use of crystal methamphetamine.
20051103             NORTH—KOREA—ABDUCTION—OF—JAPAN—CITIZENS—DECADES ago took center stage at THE—OPENING—OF—TALKS in BEIJING between the former bitter enemies.
20051103             ETHIOPIA, police shot and killed 3—PEOPLE and wounded 12—OTHERS in a 4. —DAY—OF—PROTESTS against disputed parliamentary elections.
20051103             EUROPEAN—UNION—OFFICIALS said they would investigate 1—REPORT that THE—CIA set up secret jails in EAST—EUROPE to interrogate top AL—QAIDA suspects.
20051103             THE—INTERNATIONAL—RED—CROSS also said it asked THE—USA to let 1—REPRESENTATIVE—VISIT—DETAINEES if such 1—FACILITY exists.
20051103             —DENIED, At least 10—NATIONS, that the prisons were in their territory.
20051103             Human Rights Watch in NEW—YORK said it has evidence indicating THE—CIA transported suspected terrorists captured in AFGHANISTAN to POLAND and ROMANIA.
20051103             Rioting youths shot at police and firefighters —AFTER burning car dealerships and public buses and hurling rocks at commuter trains.
20051103             —FACED, FRANCE—GOVERNMENT, growing pressure to curb the violence, fueled by anger over poor conditions in suburban PARIS housing projects.
20051103             —MARCHED, HAITI, demonstrators, out of 2—SLUMS and across THE—CAPITAL—IN—SUPPORT—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—RENE—PREVAL—BID to regain the presidency in Dec elections.
20051103             —SENTENCED, THE—AL—QAIDA in IRAQ militant group said that it has, to death 2—MOROCCO—EMBASSY employees kidnapped —LAST—MONTH in IRAQ, the insurgents' latest attempt to scare Arab nations from sending diplomats.
20051103             —WOUNDED, ISRAEL—SOLDIERS shot and critically, a —13—YEAR—OLD—PALESTINE—BOY who threw stones at troops patrolling Jenin.
20051103             The boy † 20051105             .
20051103             —DONATED, THE—PARENTS—OF—THE—PALESTINE—BOY, his organs to 3—ISRAEL—CHILDREN waiting for transplants.
20051103             —REPORTED, PAKISTAN, that its agents killed 1 suspected AL—QAIDA terrorist in 1—RAID in QUETTA and arrested, MUSTAFA—SETMARIAN—NASAR, 1—SYRIAN and top AL—QAIDA operative sought by THE—USA—UNDER a $5—MILLION reward.
20051103             —TITLED, AL—SURI was the author of a 1,600-page opus : "THE—CALL to Global Islamic Resistance".
20051103             —WARNED, In THE—PHILIPPINES—THE—ASIA—DEVELOPMENT—BANK, that 1—FLU—PANDEMIC could kill 3—MILLION—PEOPLE in ASIA, trigger economic carnage in the region worth almost $300—BILLION and push the world into 1—RECESSION.
20051103             —IMPOSED, THAILAND—GOVERNMENT, martial law in 2—MUSLIM—DOMINATED districts of its INSURGENCY—WRACKED south, —1—DAY—AFTER Islamic separatists staged 1—NEW—SHOW—OF—STRENGTH with bombings that blacked out 1—PROVINCIAL—CAPITAL.
20051103             Nahost: PALÄSTINENSISCHES—KIND durch Schüsse am Kopf schwer verletzt
20051103             Katastrophenhilfe: INDISCHE—KINDER drehten TSUNAMI—FILM—INFLATIONSSORGEN: Drück den Euro
20051103             TÜRKEI: —22—JAHRE Haft für Beleidigung des Staatsgründers
20051103             Niedriglöhne: Müntefering sieht Gefahren für die Demokratie
20051103             "Rootkit"-PR—GAU: SonyBMG bietet Tool zur KOPIERSCHUTZ—ENTFERNUNG
20051103             CIA—GEHEIMGEFÄNGNISSE: EU geht Berichten über USA—KERKER NACH—PARIS: Aufruhr in den Satellitenstädten
20051103             REAL—FLEISCHSKANDAL: Strafbefehl gegen Etikettenschwindler
20051103             Billiges Geld: EZB lässt die Zinsen im Keller
20051103             Tierschutz: Nackte protestieren gegen SCHAF—FOLTER
20051103             Grenzkonflikt: Neuer Krieg droht zwischen ÄTHIOPIEN und ERITREA
20051103             His disapproval number is 57%. - I hope so.
20051103             BRAD—FRIEDMAN pays special attention to another Rush gem: NEW—MEXICO case.
20051103             Similar lawsuits can occur in other states, demonstrating to history that 20040000             —THE vote was fixed.
20051103             A 1000—APOLOGIES.
20051103             —TODAY, we learn of 1—EFFORT in NEW—MEXICO to take the issue to court -- on 1—WHOLE—NEW—LEVEL.
20051103             This suit, brought by THE—NON—PROFIT—GROUP—VOTER—ACTION, is not —JUST about 20040000             —THE elections;
20051103             it's about the future. URL for this article: =EMPEROR—CLOTHES=
20051103             Published 15-19980121             - Translated by JEAN—MARTINEAU
20051103             What THE—GOP—REALLY—THINKS—OF—ITS—BASE—POSTED—BY—JT—DAVIS @ 8:14 pm
20051103             Filed under Hypocrisy is not 1—MAMMAL, Can't stop laughing, Republican s, Religious Insanity, Darwinian Candidates, Open Mouth, insert foot, Rope, Tree, SOME—ASSEMBLY required Because we can.
20051103             NEW—YORK—TIMES
20051103             —SIGNALED, Lawyer s for I. LEWIS—LIBBY—JUNIOR, at his arraignment that they would seek to raise 1. Amendment issues in his defense.
20051103             Cheney Fills Posts of Indicted FORMER—AIDE
20051103             NEW—YORK—TIMES—THE—UNUSUAL—REQUEST led the lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF to try to gather at least $150,000 from his INDIA—TRIBE—CLIENTS, according to newly disclosed E—MAIL.
20051103             Abramoff Fraud Probe Leads to ARREST—OF—BUDGET—OFFICIAL—TO put the matter bluntly:
20051103             among recent USA—ADMINISTRATIONS, the Bush regime is the absolute worst to be in power at 1—TIME—WHEN 1—GLOBAL—PANDEMIC is about to break out.
20051103             —ADMITTED, BUSH—HEALTH and Human Services SECRETARY, MICHAEL—LEAVITT, as much:
20051103             "There have been MANY—WHO foresaw this and urged the country to begin preparations sooner + it would have been better if we had done so".
20051103             —DEMONSTRATED, But as Katrina, to us all, planned preparations for foreseen national emergencies are —JUST not the Bush ists' thing.
20051103             Nor is it much THE—CONCERN—OF—THE—GOP—CONGRESS, which has slashed funding for emergency services, BIO—MEDICAL—RESEARCH and the Centers for Disease Control.
20051103             The request for influenza research —THIS—YEAR was $119—MILLION.
20051103             Presumably, this is 1—OF—THE "big government" programs that Grover Norquist + his gang would like to "drown in 1—BATHTUB".
20051103             —BY WAY—OF—CONTRAST, the Congress readily appropriated $10—BILLION (with a "b") for ANTI—BALLISTIC—MISSILE—DEFENSE — a "defense" against 1—NON—EXISTENT threat that does not + arguably
20051103             † can not, work. The boy, 20051105             .
20051103—19731100    —IN, (ah, I recall that time well: If memory serves, I was still trying to sneak into THE—EXORCIST ), NIXON—DISAPPROVAL number was 63%.
20051103—19980000    —SENTENCED, Thompson had been, to death for THE—MURDER—OF—HIS—EX—GIRLFRIEND and her lover.
20051103—20040311    —IN—THE, The slain suspect was 1—SAUDI named SHAIKH—ALI—MOHAMMED—AL—SALIM who had been living with MUSTAFA—SETMARIAN—NASAR, also known as ABU—MUSAB—AL—SURI, who allegedly had 1—ROLE, MADRID MASS—TRANSIT—BOMBINGS.
20051103—20060000    —IN, By keeping the heat on the fraudsters, we make VOTE—RIGGING much more difficult.
20051103—20070000    —SENTENCED, Conley and McWilliams were, —15—YEARS to life in prison.
20051104             WASHINGTON—POST—KERRVILLE—TEXAS, 20051103             - 1—TEXAS county official said —THURSDAY he will not prosecute PRESIDENT ial adviser KARL—ROVE —AFTER investigating whether he voted illegally in the state.
20051123             BuzzFlash Mailbag - 20031103             Leslie W Evanston, IL... you to get involved in... I also know that GEORGE—BUSH—SENIOR used to contact the... do NOT trust Kerry, Gephardt,
20060707             - Rush Limbaugh, 19881103             - 20010911             —L.A. Conference Highlights Special
20060911             Contingency planning Pentagon MASCAL exercise simulates scenarios in preparing for emergencies --Story and Photos by DENNIS—RYAN—MDW—NEWS—SERVICE --WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, 20001103             — " The fire and smoke from the downed passenger aircraft billows from the Pentagon courtyard.
20061028—20061103    —ON, police charged 2—MEN, 1 1—NEPHEW—OF—BERBICK, with murdering the former world heavyweight boxing champion.
20061103             Ein anschauliches Yes MEN—PORTRAIT aus der TAZ—NORD (20061026             ) ist nachzutragen.
20061103             —PLEADED, USA—REPRESENTATIVE—BOB—NEY, R—OHIO, who had, guilty in THE—JACK—ABRAMOFF—INFLUENCE—PEDDLING investigation, resigned from Congress.
20061103             THE—USA—LABOR—DEPARTMENT said the jobless rate fell —LAST—MONTH to 4.4%, a —5—YEAR—LOW.
20061103             The film "Borat: Cultural LEARNINGS—OF—AMERICA for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of KAZAKHSTAN" opened nationwide in THE—USA.
20061103             —BACKED, AFGHANISTAN, NATO—TROOPS, by warplanes launched 1—RAID—NORTH—OF—KABUL, hitting 1—COMPOUND with 8 to 10 suspected Taliban fighters inside in the Tagab Valley, some 40—MILES—NORTH—EAST—OF—KABUL.
20061103             —ATTACKED, Taliban fighters, 1—SUPPLY—CONVOY heading to 1—NATO—BASE in Khost province, killing 2—PAKISTAN—DRIVERS and wounding 1—AFGHANISTAN—DRIVER.
20061103             Gabriele Torsello, ITALY—PHOTOJOURNALIST, was released —AFTER being held —3—WEEKS by abductors who demanded THE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—ITALY—TROOPS from the country.
20061103             Bradshaw said that THE—UK had already taken action by clamping down on illegal fishing and setting fishing quotas.
20061103             CHAD, rebels intent on toppling PRESIDENT—FRANCOIS—BOZIZE took THE—TOWN—OF—BIRAO.
20061103             —APPEARED, They, to be operating out of the Darfur REGION—OF—SUDAN.
20061103             —CONVERGED, Leaders of more than 40—AFRICA—NATIONS, on BEIJING for 1—SUMMIT at which CHINA will seek to bolster its influence on THE—RESOURCE—RICH but economically backward continent.
20061103             —BURIED, EGYPT—POLICE found more than 3,000—POUNDS—OF—EXPLOSIVES, in 2—CACHES in the Sinai desert, 1—OF—THEM near THE—PALESTINIAN—CONTROLLED GAZA Strip.
20061103             —TOPPED, FRANCE—CONDUCTOR—PAUL—MAURIAT, —81—JAHRE—ALT, whose arrangement of "Love is Blue", USA—CHARTS in the 1960s, † in PERPIGNAN—FRANCE.
20061103             GUATEMALA, toddler Anyeli Hernandez Rodriguez (20040000             *) was snatched.
20061103             —ADOPTED, She was —LATER, by 1—MISSOURI couple.
20061103             —INCLUDED, IRAQ, spiraling violence, the discovery of 56—BODIES in BAGHDAD bearing SIGNS—OF—TORTURE.
20061103             —RAIDED, USA—TROOPS acting on intelligence reports, 1—BUILDING in Mahmoudiya killing 13 suspected insurgents.
20061103             SULTAN—MIZAN—ZAINAL—ABIDIN, —44—JAHRE—ALT, 1—SULTAN—IN—NORTH—EAST—MALAYSIA, was elected the country's next constitutional monarch under 1—UNIQUE—SYSTEM where traditional state rulers take turns on the throne —FOR—5—YEARS.
20061103             —REFUSED, MEXICO, Andres MANUEL—LOPEZ—OBRADOR, who, to accept 1—ELECTION—TRIBUNAL'S—DECISION that his opponent narrowly won the presidential election, named his "resistance" government Cabinet.
20061103             The seminary was run by fugitive cleric Liaquat Hussain, whom officials said was 1—ASSOCIATE—OF—AL—QAIDA—NUMBER 2—LEADER AYMAN—AL—ZAWAHRI.
20061103             —KILLED, Hussain was, in the airstrike.
20061103             1—STRIKE closed shops and halted public transport in Khar, the Bajur tribal region's main town.
20061103             —STREAMED, HUNDREDS—OF—PALESTINE—WOMEN in robes and headscarves, into 1—GAZA combat zone to help free gunmen besieged by ISRAEL—TROOPS at 1—MOSQUE.
20061103             2—WOMEN who came under fire were killed and at least 10 wounded, but SOME—GUNMEN managed to escape.
20061103             —ENDORSED, Latin American and Caribbean nations unanimously, PANAMA for 1—SEAT on THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—AFTER GUATEMALA and VENEZUELA agreed to withdraw to break 1—DEADLOCK that dragged on through 47—VOTES in THE—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY.
20061103             —PROPOSED, RUSSIA, major amendments to 1—EUROPEAN draft resolution on IRAN, saying it wants sanctions limited to measures that will keep TEHRAN from developing nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles —WHILE keeping the door open for negotiations.
20061103             TAIWAN, prosecutors said they have enough evidence to indict PRESIDENT—CHEN—SHUI—BIAN on corruption charges in connection with his handling of 1—SECRET—DIPLOMATIC—FUND, increasing the pressure on him to resign.
20061103             —CHARGED, Prosecutors, Wu SHU—CHEN, THE—PRESIDENT—WIFE, with embezzling $450,000 from 1—FUND used for secret diplomacy.
20061103             SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR said that his government will not relent on its REJECTION—OF—UN peacekeeping troops for Darfur.
20061103             —ACCUSED, Rebels, KHARTOUM of remobilizing Arab militia —AFTER suffering 2—MILITARY—DEFEATS on THE—SUDAN—CHAD border.
20061103             —PRAISED, URUGUAY, UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN, leaders at the 16. annual Iberoamerican summit for resolving to make progress on growing illegal immigration in 1—INCREASINGLY MOBILE world community.
20061103             Help Poll All 20060000             Candidates on Their Support for 20010911             Truth
20061103             —ENDORSED, The —FOLLOWING campaigns have fully, the need for new criminal probe into 20010911             supervised by victim families.
20061103             Please help them in ANY—WAY you can.
20061103             HOWIE—HAWKINS, Grn, NY, Senate Web: hawkinsforsenate_org
20061103             DOCTOR—BOB—BOWMAN, Dem, FL, House Dst 15—WEB: bowman2006 _com
20061103             CAROL—BROUILLET, Grn, CA, House Dst 14—WEB: carolforcongress_org
20061103             DAVID—NOLAN, Lib, AZ, House Dt 8—WEB: nolan2006_org
20061103             Samm Simpson, Dem, FL, House Dst 10—WEB: sammsimpsonforcongress_org
20061103             BOB—FITRAKIS, Ind, OH, GOVERNOR—WEB: bobforohio_com
20061103             DENNIS—MORRISSEAU, Ind, VT, House Web: 2ltmorrisseau_com
20061103             CRAIG—HILL, Green, VT, Senate Web: hillsenate now_org
20061103             DONNA—MANCINI, Lib, KY, House Dst 3—WEB: myspace_com/donna4freedom
20061103             MICHAEL—METTI, Lib, CA, Senate Web: members.cox_net/metti2
20061103             MATT—WOODSON, OK, House Dst 5 - sendmeabuck_com/ - BRIAN—MOORE, FL, Senate
20061103             MORGAN—STACK, IRELAND—PARLIAMENT, in CORK SOUTH—CENTRAL and Kerry North constituencies.
20061103             KNOW—OF—OTHER 20010911             Truth candidates?
20061103             Please notify us —IMMEDIATELY, at politics911 @911—TRUTH_org.
20061103             Resource Spotlight
20061103             Best New 20010911             Documentary for Awakening Middle AMERICA 20010911             : Press for Truth
20061103             Best New Book for Legitimating 20010911             Skepticism 20010911             and USA—EMPIRE: Intellectuals Speak Out
20061103             Please sign these petitions and pass along to others.
20061103             Note: —NOW includes link to petition in SUPPORT—OF—DOCTOR—STEVEN—E—JONES.
20061103             GEORGE—WASHINGTON—BLOG—YBBS 20010911             Truther Forum - 911—BLOGGER_com - 911—PODCASTS_com
20061103             THE—HOUSE—ETHICS—COMMITTEE—REPORT on the Foley page scandal WILL—NOT be released —BEFORE Election —DAY.
20061103             THE—AP notes, "The lack of 1—REPORT leaves voters to sort through conflicting Republican accounts in deciding whether GOP leaders failed to protect teenagers in their care".
20061103             1—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—WEB—ARCHIVE—OF—SADDAM—ERA—DOCUMENTS, launched "under pressure from Congressional find new evidence of the prewar dangers posed by Saddam," was shut down —AFTER weapons experts said SOME—OF—THE—DOCUMENTS—POSTED "
20061103             could help states like IRAN develop nuclear arms.
20061103             USA SERGEANT—SANTOS—CARDONA, 1—MILITARY—DOG—HANDLER at ABU—GHRAIB prison who was "convicted in MAY—OF—DERELICTION—OF—DUTY and aggravated assault," is
20061103             being sent back to serve in IRAQ.
20061103             "Under 1—NEW—POLICY, children born in THE—USA to undocumented immigrants with low incomes will
20061103             no longer be automatically entitled to health insurance
20061103             through Medicaid". DOCTOR—JAY—E—BERKELHAMER, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—AMERICA—ACADEMY—OF—PEDIATRICS, said the new policy "punishes babies who, according to the Constitution, are citizens because they were born here".
20061103             More top conservatives try to back away from BUSH—IRAQ policy.
20061103             not 1—DIRECT—REFLECTION on me.
20061103             —4—YEARS—AFTER OREGON raised its minimum wage, THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL examines conservative claims that it would hurt the economy and finds "NONE—OF—THESE fears materialized".
20061103             Private, nonfarm payrolls and wages are up + "job growth is strong in industries employing MANY—MINIMUM—WAGE—WORKERS".
20061103             " AMERICA is —NOW seen as 1—THREAT to world peace by its closest neighbours and allies," according to 1—NEW—SURVEY—OF—GREAT—BRITAIN, MEXICO, ISRAEL + CANADA "that reveals
20061103             —JUST how far the country's reputation has fallen
20061103             among former supporters —SINCE the invasion of IRAQ".
20061103             —COLLAPSED, THE—NUMBER—OF—OCEAN—FISH, seafood and plant species "that had already ''
20061103             —CONFIRMED, THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—VETERANS—ADMINISTRATION, the 3. theft of personal data from 1—VA facility in less than —1—YEAR.
20061103             1—COMPUTER containing the personal DATA—OF—MILITARY—VETERANS was stolen —IN—SEPTEMBER from the agency's Manhattan hospital, but
20061103             VA officials sent out 1—LETTER to veterans only within the past —2—WEEKS.
20061103             And finally: MICHELANGELO—DAVID, the Sistine Chapel, and BAGHDAD.
20061103             "EVERY—GREAT—WORK—OF—ART goes through messy phases —WHILE it is in transition," USA—MAJOR—GENERAL—CALDWELL told reporters —YESTERDAY in BAGHDAD.
20061103             "1—LUMP of clay can become 1—SCULPTURE. Blobs of paint become paintings which inspire".
20061103             I'm not making this up,
20061103             " THE—CHICAGO—TRIBUNE—FRANK—JAMES wrote about the comment, "he actually said this".
20061103             Druck auf CIA—ENTFÜHRER und deren Unterstützer WÄCHST—SFUX HELMUT—KÜFNER -
20061103             Neue Erkenntnisse über das Entführungsprogramm der CIA und die durch Ermittler geplante Veröffentlichung mehrerer 1000—FLUGDATEN des USA—GEHEIMDIENSTES im INTERNET nähren die Hoffnung, dass es langsam eng werden könnte für die Kidnapper und deren europäischen Unterstützer.
20061103             Hier eine kurze Zusammenfassung über den aktuellen Stand:
20061103             AL—QAEDA confirms DEATH—OF—SENIOR—LEADER
20061103             —CONFIRMED, AL—QAEDA has, THE—DEATH—OF—1—SENIOR—LIEUTENANT to the movement's CHIEF—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, according to 1—VIDEO—POSTED on THE—INTERNET—TODAY which also announced 1—COMING "victory" in IRAQ.
20061103             1—AL—QAEDA leader who gave his name as ABU—YAHIA—AL—LIBI said in the video...
20061103             STUTTGART bald demonstrationsfrei? - sfux KARL—WEISS -
20061103             Schikanen gegen angemeldete Demonstrationen, ununterbrochenes Filmen und Fotografieren aller Demonstrationsteilnehmer, wütendes unverhältnismäßiges Eingreifen der Polizei, anschließende Razzias und Hausdurchsuchungen, absurde Anklagen, Verweigerung der Rechte für Festgenommene, das ist, was im Moment in STUTTGART angesichts von Demonstrationen an der Tagesordnung ist.
20061103             Offenbar soll das Demonstrationsrecht.
20061103             Concerne: CLAUDE—COVASSI / Son retour en Suisse
20061103             3012—BERNE—PAR fax n° 031 309 30 30 - Genève, le 2—NOVEMBRE 2006
20061103             Concerne : CLAUDE—COVASSI / Son retour en SUISSE—MADAME, Monsieur,
20061103             Suite à l?article paru dans le Blick du 2—NOVEMBRE 20060000             , ainsi qu?aux nombreux appels téléphoniques ?
20061103             parfaitement... - FBI Busts Credit Card Cybergang
20061103             1—INTERNATIONAL—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—OPERATION—ARRESTS 17—PEOPLE who allegedly stole and circulated TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—CREDIT—CARD—NUMBERS + used them to produce counterfeit plastic.
20061103             —BY KIM—ZETTER.
20061103             Fake Game, Real Guns THE—GRAN—TURISMO—OF—WARFARE promises to push video game weaponry to new LEVELS—OF—REALISM.
20061103             —BY S.E. Kramer from Wired magazine.
20061103             Daewoo founder loses fraud appeal KIM—WOO—CHOONG, FOUNDER—OF—SOUTH—KOREA—DAEWOO—GROUP, loses his appeal against a fraud conviction.
20061103             WHITE—HOUSE Launches Campaign To Politicize SADDAM—VERDICT—AHEAD—OF—MIDTERM—ELECTIONS
20061103             —QUESTIONED, Media Matters has, whether "the date for the verdict's release [was] set to provide maximum political benefit for the administration and congressional Republicans".
20061103             Asked —TODAY whether the verdict would be 1—FACTOR in THE—USA—ELECTIONS, WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW said, "You are absolutely right, it will be 1—FACTOR".
20061103             Snow said the verdict "may fit into 1—LARGER narrative about 1—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT that has been doing what THE—PRESIDENT has said all along".
20061103             He portrayed the decision as yet ANOTHER—TURNING point for IRAQ.
20061103             "This is 1—BENCHMARK episode, where THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE are taking CONTROL—OF—THEIR—OWN—DESTINY," he said.
20061103             —CAPTURED, The —DAY Hussein was, PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADDRESSED the nation.
20061103             He said the capture "marks the end HIS—OF—THE—ROAD...for all who bullied and killed in his name".
20061103             For ordinary Iraqis, it was "further assurance that the torture chambers and the secret police are gone forever".
20061103             —ARRIVED, Bush said, "1—HOPEFUL—DAY has. All Iraqis can —NOW come together and reject violence and build 1—NEW—IRAQ".
20061103             THE—,—3—YEARS—SINCE, ALL—OF—THESE claims have come undone.
20061103             —CAPTURED, —SINCE Hussein was :
20061103             — 2,358—USA—SOLDIERS have †, roughly 85—PERCENT—OF—THE—TOTAL—USA fatalities —DURING THE—IRAQ war.
20061103             — IRAQ has "become the ?cause celebre?
20061103             for jihadists, breeding 1—DEEP—RESENTMENT—OF—USA—INVOLVEMENT in the Muslim world and cultivating supporters for the global jihadist movement".
20061103             — Torture in IRAQ "may be worse —NOW than it was under SADDAM—HUSSEIN, with militias, terrorist groups and government forces disregarding rules on the humane TREATMENT—OF—PRISONERS," THE—UNITED—NATIONS—ANTI—TORTURE—CHIEF said —IN—SEPTEMBER.
20061103             — Prospects for the "new IRAQ" have fallen sharply.
20061103             —CHARGED, The 10-member bipartisan commission that is, with assessing BUSH—IRAQ strategy has reportedly "ruled out the prospect for victory".[Link]Digg It!
20061103             KUDLOW: TONY—SNOW, thanks for coming on the program.
20061103             Let me begin with this question: Is there 1—NOVEMBER surprise come out of IRAQ?
20061103             WILL—THE—IRAQ—COURT find 1—GUILTY verdict for SADDAM—HUSSEIN and 1—POSSIBLE—DEATH—SENTENCE?
20061103             Tony what can you tell us about this?
20061103             —SCHEDULED, SNOW: Larry that is —WHEN this verdict is, to come down.
20061103             I'm not going to tell you what it will be, because I don't know.
20061103             But you are absolutely right, it will be 1—FACTOR.
20061103             But you know what, it may fit into 1—LARGER narrative about 1—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT that has been doing what THE—PRESIDENT has said all along which is developing the capacity to sustain itself, defend itself and govern itself and to help us out on THE—WAR—ON—TERROR.
20061103             And you have 1—IRAQ—ECONOMY, as you know, that is getting stronger and the military is getting stronger and more assertive in going —AFTER terrorist elements and separatist elements within their midst and those are THE—KINDS—OF—THINGS.
20061103             Slowly but surely you are seeing come to fruition. It is 1—TOUGH—WAR.
20061103             The enemy does not want to lose, they are dug in and they are going to fight to the finish but this important thing is you do see signs within IRAQ that the government itself is taking steps to make sure there is no new era of SADDAM—HUSSEIN and know new ERA—OF—TERROR.
20061103             KUDLOW: Tony, getting SADDAM—HUSSEIN on the sentence, 1—POSSIBLE—DEATH—SENTENCE, for ALL—OF—THE—HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—ATROCITIES for which he is directly responsible.
20061103             Will that be used in the last —48—HOURS, as 1—IMPORTANT—JUSTIFICATION for the war in IRAQ?
20061103             SNOW: NUMBER i mean, you are no going to use 1—COURT verdict as 1—JUSTIFICATION.
20061103             The justification, though, 1—LITTLE—BIT—OF it lies on what you —JUST described which is 1—SADDAM—HUSSEIN who killed tens of thousands, if not HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—HIS countrymen, simply because he didn't like them or they disagreed with him.
20061103             What you —NOW have is 1—IRAQ where people are fighting and working actively to bid 1—DEMOCRACY where they don't have to worry about that KIND—OF—REIGN—OF—TERROR in the future.
20061103             This is 1—BENCHMARK episode, where THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE are taking CONTROL—OF—THEIR—OWN—DESTINY and saying to the world, we will not be — we are going to be free, trust us, watch usu, help us and that is what THE—USA is doing and that's what we are going to do.
20061103             We are going to finish the job.
20061103             Sherwood paid mistress $500,000.
20061103             "1—REPUBLICAN congressman" — REPRESENTATIVE—DON—SHERWOOD (R—PA) — "accused of abusing his EX—MISTRESS agreed to pay her about $500,000 in 1—SETTLEMENT—LAST—YEAR that contained a
20061103             powerful incentive for her to keep quiet —UNTIL—AFTER Election —DAY,
20061103             Boehner: THE—MILITARY—TRANSFORMATION—UNDER—RUMSFELD—HAS—BEEN 'Nothing Short Of Remarkable'
20061103             In the past few days, House Majority Leader JOHN—BOEHNER (R—OH) has vigorously defended Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD, saying that he is the "best thing that's happened to the Pentagon in —25—YEARS " and is doing a "marvelous job".
20061103             —STATED, —YESTERDAY on CNN, Boehner, that under THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, the military has undergone a "remarkable" transformation and "there's only person in AMERICA WHO could have brought about that transformation and that's DONALD—RUMSFELD ".
20061103             —PUSHED, In reality, RUMSFELD—MISMANAGEMENT has, THE—ALL—VOLUNTEER force
20061103             perilously close to its breaking point.
20061103             SOME—HIGHLIGHTS—OF—RUMSFELD 's "remarkable" leadership:
20061103             — The military's equipment is outdated, below standards: 42—PERCENT—OF—IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN veterans said their
20061103             equipment was below the military standard of being 90 % operational.
20061103             35 % said their Humvees and trucks were not UP—ARMORED —WHEN they arrived IN—COUNTRY.
20061103             — The military faces severe manpower shortages: Currently, the Army has "close to 0—COMBAT—READY—BRIGADES in reserve " and the National Guard is "in 1—EVEN more dire situation than the active Army".
20061103             63 %of all IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN veterans believe the Army and Marine Corps are overextended.
20061103             Full transcript below:
20061103             There are 1—LOT—OF—PEOPLE who want to blame what's happening in IRAQ on DONALD—RUMSFELD.
20061103             But —WHEN you look at the transformation that our military has been through, it's nothing short of remarkable.
20061103             And I think there's only person in AMERICA WHO could have brought about that transformation and that's DONALD—RUMSFELD.
20061103             "I don't think water boarding is torture.
20061103             My DEFINITION—OF—TORTURE is you physically harm someone by cutting them, by cutting their fingers, sticking things in their eyes,
20061103             sticking their fingers in electric sockets.
20061103             Water boarding is 1—FRIGHTENING experience.
20061103             But the person does not have physical damage".
20061103             Bush Laments 'Tone' In WASHINGTON, Says His Opponents Want Terrorists To WIN—JUDD -
20061103             —ON—TUESDAY, in 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—FOX—NEWS'—SEAN—HANNITY, PRESIDENT—BUSH said the worst thing about being PRESIDENT—WAS—THE "tone" in WASHINGTON, saying that it "has gotten ugly".
20061103             —STAYED, Bush said that he had, above the fray, noting "I really don't think it's fitting for THE—PRESIDENT to drag the presidency into that kind of 1—MUDSLINGING".
20061103             This kind of HIGH—MINDED rhetoric is 1—STAPLE—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ELECTION—YEAR stump speech.
20061103             Expect more of it as THE—PRESIDENT—CAMPAIGNS in NEVADA, MONTANA and MISSOURI over the next —2—DAYS.
20061103             Bush _Laments_Tone_in_D_C_Says_His_Opponents_Want_Terrorists_To_Win">Digg It!
20061103             Clip 1 - BUSH: Let me start with the least.
20061103             I don't like the tone in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA I feel like that the politics has gotten ugly, and that tends to discourage people —AROUND the country.
20061103             And that's —JUST too bad.
20061103             I would hope in my last —2—YEARS I can — and, by the way, I've never really resorted to NAME—CALLING.
20061103             And I'm not trying to say, well, you know, I'm innocent and everybody else is guilty.
20061103             That's not what I'm trying to say.
20061103             But I understand that it's 1—THING to disagree with 1—PERSON, but it's another thing to have to resort to kind of shameless NAME—CALLING.
20061103             And I really don't think it's fitting for THE—PRESIDENT to drag the presidency into that kind of 1—MUDSLINGING.
20061103             —ON the other hand, it's important for THE—PRESIDENT defends what he believes, you know, in 1—WAY that brings honor to the office.
20061103             But WASHINGTON—1—LOT — it's —JUST too — it's too political in MANY—WAYS.
20061103             Clip 2 - BUSH: However they put it, the Democrat approach in IRAQ comes down to this: The terrorists win and AMERICA LOSES.
20061103             BUSH: In all these vital measures for fighting THE—WAR—ON—TERROR, the Democrats in WASHINGTON follow 1—SIMPLE—PHILOSOPHY: —JUST say no.
20061103             —WHEN it comes to listening in on the terrorists, what's the Democratic answer?
20061103             —JUST say no.
20061103             —WHEN it comes to detaining terrorists, what's the Democrat answer?
20061103             AUDIENCE: —JUST say no!
20061103             BUSH: —WHEN it comes to trying terrorists, what's THE—DEMOCRAT—ANSWER?
20061103             Is telling the truth about IRAQ 1—CRIME?
20061103             THE—PENTAGON is considering filing criminal charges in response to 1—REPORT in —YESTERDAY—NEW—YORK—TIMES that revealed THE—USA—MILITARY—BELIEVES—IRAQ is sliding closer to "chaos".
20061103             Scary Terror Focus Group Video: Real Or Hoax?
20061103             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—CONFERENCE—ROOM—VIDEO asks participants what government should call POST—BIO attack quarantine program, if media
20061103             Trade to top CHINA—AFRICA—SUMMIT—HEADS—OF—STATE from at least 45—AFRICA—NATIONS hold 1—SUMMIT with CHINA on their expanding trade.
20061103             USA pastor resigns in gay sex row USA evangelical TED—HAGGARD steps down —AFTER being accused of paying for sex with 1—MAN, claims he denies.
20061103             More violence in OAXACA protest MEXICO—RIOT—POLICE clash with activists at 1—UNIVERSITY—IN—OAXACA as protests against THE—STATE—GOVERNOR continue.
20061103             Poachers target rare NEPAL rhino Poachers in NEPAL target 1 endangered rhino for its horn, reputed to have aphrodisiac qualities.
20061103             —INVOLVED, USA Bechtel wraps up IRAQ projects USA—FIRM—BECHTEL, —FOR—3—YEARS in IRAQ—RECONSTRUCTION, pulls out amid worsening security.
20061103             'Only —50—YEARS left' for sea fish There will be virtually no fish or other seafood from the oceans by THE—MIDDLE—OF—THE—CENTURY, scientists conclude.
20061103             PERU tightens control over NGOs PERU passes 1—LAW to tighten control over NGOs, saying it will improve transparency but critics call it authoritarian.
20061103             FRANCE to declassify RWANDA files FRANCE says it will release secret documents on THE—RWANDA—GENOCIDE, —AFTER CLAIMS—OF—FRANCE—COMPLICITY.
20061103             —ARMED, UK, forces 'below strength' THE—BRITISH armed forces have been below strength —FOR—5—YEARS, the Whitehall spending watchdog warns.
20061103             Call for children's food ad curbs European ministers consider 1—ANTI—OBESITY charter saying children should not be "exploited" by food companies.
20061103             THE—GREEN—ROOM—UN—CLIMATE—CHIEF—YVO—DE—BOER warns that developing nations need urgent help to adapt to climate change.
20061103             —UNCHANGED, Eurozone rates, THE—EUROPEAN—CENTRAL—BANK—VOTES to keep eurozone rates on hold at 3.25%, 1—DECISION that was widely expected.
20061103             —SLOWED, USA—PRODUCTIVITY grinds to a halt USA—LABOUR productivity, to a halt over the —SUMMER, —WHILE labour costs hit a —24—YEAR high, official data shows.
20061103             Scientists: Bush Muzzled Research
20061103             Investigations are under way by 2—FEDERAL—AGENCIES into allegations that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION tried to suppress scientific findings into the politically touchy subjects of global warming and THE—ORIGIN—OF—THE—UNIVERSE.
20061103             Cyberspace, the Wild New Yonder
20061103             THE—USA—AIR—FORCE will establish 1—SEPARATE—COMMAND to safeguard cyberspace, 1—SPHERE considered vulnerable to attack yet vital to the nation's communications, defense and financial networks.
20061103             Database PIONEER—PRIVACY—FEARS
20061103             —HELPED, The man who, establish BRITAIN—DNA database says it —NOW poses 1—THREAT to civil liberties because the police have filled it with samples taken from people who have no business being in there.
20061103             Keep Defect Data Public The government wants to respect THE—PRIVACY—OF—CORPORATIONS who sell dangerous vehicles and keep data about defects under wraps.
20061103             AUTOPIA.
20061103             HBO film draws DIEBOLD—FURY Blog: If our votes aren't safe, then neither is our democratic society.That's the premise behind 1—DOCUMENTARY called "Hacking Democracy,"...
20061103             FORMER—CA Boss Gets —12—YEARS, $8M Fine
20061103             "THE—BBC is reporting on the sentence issued —TODAY to FORMER—CA boss SANJAY—KUMAR, who had pleaded guilty to charges including conspiracy and securities fraud. MISTER—KUMAR is expected to begin serving time in February 20070000             . Under FEDERAL—SENTENCING guidelines, Kumar could have faced life in prison but the judge called that punishment 'unreasonable.'"
20061103             Forgent Settles JPEG Patent Cases
20061103             "As MANY—OF—YOU know, THE—JPEG image compression is actually proprietary. This has resulted in MANY—LAWSUITS between its owner, Forgent Networks + other companies that have used it. —YESTERDAY Microsoft and about 60—OTHER—DEFENDANTS settled with Forgent to the tune of $8—MILLION. For 1—COMPANY with annual revenues of $15—MILLION, that's nothing to sneeze at. You haven't heard the last of Forgent yet, as the article states, 'It is currently pursuing claims against cable companies over 1—PATENT that it says covers technology inside digital video recorders.' Sounds like that 1 could be worth 1—LITTLE—BIT—OF—CASH, wouldn't you think?"
20061103             Diebold Demands That HBO Cancel Documentary
20061103             "According to the Bloomberg News, Diebold INCORPORATED is insisting that HBO cancel 1—DOCUMENTARY that questions the integrity of its voting machines, calling the program inaccurate and unfair. The program, 'Hacking Democracy,' is scheduled to debut —THURSDAY, —5—DAYS—BEFORE 20060000             —THE—USA—MIDTERM elections. The film claims that Diebold voting machines aren't TAMPER—PROOF and can be manipulated to change voting results. 'Hacking Democracy' is 'replete with material examples of inaccurate reporting,' says Diebold. 'We stand by the film," said 1—SPOKESMAN for HBO.
20061103             "We have no intention of withdrawing it from our schedule. It appears that the film Diebold is responding to is not the film HBO is airing.'"
20061103             Anlass war die Aufführung der Doku "THE—YES—MEN " im Hamburger Kino 3001:
20061103             "Hochstapler im Dienste der Aufklärung
20061103             Ihre zentralen Waffen sind "Identitätsdiebstahl" und "Identitätskorrektur".
20061103             Das 3001—ZEIGT —BIS zum —DIENSTAG die Dokumentation "THE—YES—MEN" über die Aktionen der gleichnamigen KOMMUNIKATIONSGUERRILLA—GRUPPE".
20061103             Der ganze Artikel bei DER—TAZ
20061103             Kinoankündigung: "ERSTAUFFÜHRUNG—THE—YES—MEN
20061103             O.m.U.; USA 20030000             , Regie, Buch & Kamera: Regie: DAN—OLLMAN, SARAH—PRICE, CHRIS—SMITH;
20061103             80—MIN.
20061103             Sie sind die Spaßguerilla im World Wide Web: die Yes Men, Hochstapler im Dienste der Aufklärung.
20061103             Nicht nur auf ihrer Website
20061103             parodieren sie die Welthandelsorganisation WTO.
20061103             Um auf Missstände hinzuweisen, die die wirtschaftliche Globalisierung nach sich zieht, geben die Yes Men auch gefälschte Pressemitteilungen und Stellungnahmen im Namen der WTO heraus, gelegentlich treten ihre Mitglieder auf Tagungen als vermeintliche WTO—VERTRETER auf, wo sie subversive Absurditäten verkünden ?
20061103             zum Beispiel die Selbstauflösung der Welthandelsorganisation.
20061103             Einer, der dies glaubhaft fand, war der KANADISCHE—PARLAMENTSABGEORDNETE JOHN—DUNCAN.
20061103             Im Verlauf einer erregten Plenarsitzung wollte er von seiner Regierung wissen, ???welche Auswirkungen dies auf unsere Positionen in Hinblick auf Holz, Landwirtschaft und andere Streitfragen der internationalen Handelspolitik haben wird?
20061103             Rund dreihundert Mitverschwörer besitzen die Yes Men weltweit.
20061103             Der Film blickt auf die Anfänge ihres globalen Engagements zurück und rekapituliert einige ihrer spektakulärsten Aktionen.
20061103             Dazu gehören die als ???Lösung des Welthungerproblems?
20061103             verbreitete Empfehlung, die 3. Welt möge sich doch bitte von übrig gebliebenen HAMBURGER—KLOPSEN aus den Industrienationen ernähren, oder die Präsentation eines MANAGEMENT—FREIZEITANZUGS, der es seinen Trägern möglich macht, säumigen Arbeitskräften in Drittweltländern ferngelenkte Elektroschocks zu verabreichen.
20061103             26.10—BIS 31.10. um 19.00".
20061103             - Petitions - Rumors are flying that it's going to come down this —SUNDAY, 20061105             — WHICH—OF—COURSE will dominate the political news cycle, in the last —2—DAYS in the midterms.
20061103—19800000    —IN, up from —ABOUT 13 % ".
20061103—20010000    —IN, Barclays said it will to pay 144—MILLION—DOLLARS to settle litigation arising from THE—COLLAPSE—OF—USA—ENERGY trading firm Enron.
20061103—20030000    —IN, reached 29 % ,
20061103—20040000    —IN, the ozone destroying pesticide was banned by treaty, except for uses deemed critical.
20061103—20050000    —IN, THE—UN—WEATHER—AGENCY said HEAT—TRAPPING greenhouse gases in the atmosphere reached 1—RECORD—HIGH and are still increasing.
20061103—20061104    Media Accountability Conference, STEVEN—JONES—KEYNOTE—CURRENT—PROJECTS
20061103—20061105    —UNTIL, The verdict in THE—TRIAL—OF—FORMER—IRAQ—DICTATOR—SADDAM—HUSSEIN was —RECENTLY postponed, —2—DAYS—BEFORE THE—USA—MIDTERM elections.
20061103—20061213    —ON, Mizan, whose state has significant offshore oil and gas resources, will assume the throne as MALAYSIA—13. YANG—DI—PERTUAN—AGONG, the Malay title of the monarch.
20061103—20080000    —IN, NEW—DELHI, INDIA, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION won INTERNATIONAL approval for USA—FARMERS to use some 5,900 TONS—OF—METHYL bromide to kill soil pests.
20061103—20080101    —ON, As of 20120000             THE—USA would not return the girl because THE—2—COUNTRIES—ONLY signed the Hague Abduction Convention.
20061103—20081209    —ON, The girl left GUATEMALA.
20061103—20480000    —REPORTED, USA and CANADA—RESEARCHERS, that the world's fish and seafood could disappear as overfishing and pollution destroy ocean ecosystems at 1—ACCELERATING pace.
20061103—20480000    —RESPONDED, BEN—BRADSHAW, BRITAIN—FISHERIES—MINISTER, to 1—MAJOR—REPORT warning that stocks could be wiped out by ruling out 1—COMPLETE—BAN on cod fishing.
20061103—20480000    —BY, "The world's supply of seafood — the major protein source for nearly 1 in 6—PEOPLE — could be gone if current trends continue".
20061105—20061103    —KILLED, Police had, 3 United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) leaders, and it looked like 1—RETALIATORY strike.
20061206             RATING—UPDATE: NEW—YORK ( AG) - Die Analysten von Cowen & Co stufen die Aktie von Pfizer (ISIN US7170811035/ WKN 852009) von "underperform" auf "neutral" hoch.
20070204             [20061101             ] - [20061103             ]
20070204             [20061103             ] - Previously, Bush
20070204             [20061101             ] - [20061103             ] - [20061103             ]
20070210             GEORGE—W—BUSH—BLEW—UP—FROGS—FROM Animals in Print 20071103             ...
20070311             [, 20001103             ] - "Bingo!" CLINTON responded.
20070311             [, 20001103             ]
20070331             Mon, 20031103052311        -0600...
20070331             KARL—ROVE in a 20070108             E—MAIL—MON, 20031103052311        -0600...
20070331             From__: beber;__Subject__: Re: Secret Presidential directive ( 199I WF213589 );__Date__: Mon, 20031103052311        -0600 ...
20070525             —1— D, COUNTRIES—OF—THE—WORLD,", 19451103             and issued by THE—CHASE—NATIONAL—BANK.
20070810             Geändert von ffbkdavid (20061103             um 14:07 Uhr).
20071103             —WHEN he departs THE—WHITE—HOUSE 20090120             —ON, the current resident will bequeath to THE—USA—PEOPLE and the next administration 1—INTERMINABLE—WAR in THE—MIDDLE—EAST and 1 depreciated currency.
20071103             HEGEMONY—COST—HENK—RUYSSENAARS | 20070211             - 1:45 pm | #
20071103             Stockman72 | 20070211             - 6:25 pm |
20071103             HENK—RUYSSENAARS | 20070211             - 1:45 pm |
20071103             atheo | 20070211             - 1:41 pm |
20071103             Report in JERUSALEM Post: "20070906             —THE raid over Syria was carried out by THE—USA—AIR—FORCE, THE—AL—JAZEERA—WEB—SITE reported —FRIDAY. THE—WEB—SITE quoted Israeli and Arab sources as saying that 2—USA—JETS armed with tactical nuclear weapons carried out 1—ATTACK on 1 suspected nuclear site under construction".
20071103             "Es dauert eine halbe —BIS 1—MILLION—JAHRE, damit sich 1—STERNENHAUFEN bildet", sagt Pavel Kroupa,
20071103             "Reality is more impressive than your imagination in SOME—AREAS," says 1—SENIOR—MILITARY—OFFICER.
20071103             "the rumor [that Nixon had 1—SECRET—PLAN to cancel the '72 presidential election] 1. appeared in print on ;;04;;
20071103             5 in THE—PORTLAND—OREGONIAN,
20071103             (Mukasey is 1—BIG—BUD—OF—GIULIANI.) Bush Thinks That We Are Stupid Enough to BELIEVE—THAT—AL—QAEDA—WOULD—NOT—COMMIT 1—TERRORIST—ACT—BECAUSE—THEY—DON'T Know How They Would be Tortured.
20071103             Explain That to 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, You Moron.
20071103             (Some) Justice for JANET—CHANDLER
20071103             1. Who gave the order to arm the W80—1—THERMONUCLEAR warheads on THE—AGM—129 Advanced Cruise Missiles (ACMs)?
20071103             1. Why, and for what ostensible purpose, were these nuclear weapons taken to Barksdale?
20071103             2. How long was it —BEFORE the error was discovered?
20071103             2. If this was not 1—PROCEDURAL error, what was the underlying MILITARY—POLITICAL—OBJECTIVE sought by those who gave the orders?
20071103             3. How MANY—MISTAKES and errors were made, and how many needed to be made, for this to happen?
20071103             30- seitiges Dossier: Kartellamt wirft Stromkonzernen Preisabsprachen vor
20071103             4. How many and which security protocols were overlooked?
20071103             5. How many and which safety procedures were bypassed or ignored?
20071103             6. How MANY—OTHER—NUCLEAR—COMMAND and control NON—OBSERVATIONS—OF—PROCEDURE have there been?
20071103             7. What is Congress going to do to better oversee USA nuclear command and control?
20071103             8. How does this incident relate to concern for RELIABILITY—OF—CONTROL over nuclear weapons and nuclear materials in RUSSIA, PAKISTAN and elsewhere?
20071103             9. Does THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, as SOME—NEWS—REPORTS suggest, have plans to attack IRAN with nuclear weapons?
20071103             1—LOS—ANGELES police informant named LOUIS—TACKWOOD offered further claims regarding 19720000             —THE plot,
20071103             1—JURY answered the question asked by the documentary "Who Killed JANET—CHANDLER?" —WHEN they found 4—SECURITY—GUARDS—GUILTY—OF—HER brutal kidnapping, rape and murder.
20071103             1—LETTER! Boy, that'll stop him.
20071103             What's the matter with these people?
20071103             A —2—DAY—CONFERENCE—OPENS in LONDON —ON—SATURDAY challenging attempts to impose a 2—STATE—SOLUTION on ISRAEL—60—YEAR—OCCUPATION—OF—PALESTINE.
20071103             According to Freed: "An FBI provocateur, WILLIAM—LEMMER, has —SINCE admitted that 1—GROUP posing as VVAW cadres,
20071103             According to these scientists there are regions of these countries that will remain contaminated till the end of the solar system.
20071103             Aided by the World BANK—AND—THE—IMF, we are rapidly arriving at 1—STATE—OF—GLOBAL—CORPORATE—FASCISM—THE—FREE—MARKET—REFORM—OF—MANIC—CAPITALISM, greed on steroids;
20071103             Akt. 20072610             ; 15:50 Pub.
20071103             AL—JAZEERA by the way, 1—LONG—TIME ago got 'new owners' and is 1—MORE or less full time MEMBER—OF—THE—PROPAGANDA—MACHINE.
20071103             All people would seek it out, as they seek water to slake their thirst and nourishment for their bodies.
20071103             —AM 4. 19330200             20071103             —AM 4. 19330200             nutzte Hitler 1—EINLADUNG—DER—REICHSWEHRFÜHRUNG, das Programm der neuen Regierung mit der Generalität zu besprechen.
20071103             USA—CANDIDATES in the primaries, despite the grandstanding among them, all hope that THE—IRAN crisis is dealt with in 1—WAY or another and that they do not inherit THE—IRAN—ISSUE as it stands —TODAY.
20071103             And it is occurring in blatant contradiction to everything that is free, decent, and fair;
20071103             1—MONSTROSITY utterly DEVOID—OF—HUMANITY and empathy for those struggling to survive.
20071103             —BESCHLOSSEN, Angriffskrieg
20071103             ARIZONA: Behörden geben nach BOMBEN—SCHRECK im AKW Entwarnung
20071103             As BuzzFlash Predicted, Feinstein and Schumer WILL—ENABLE—TORTURE by Supporting Mukasey for ATTORNEY—GENERAL -- and Put in Place 1—AG—WHO—WILL—PROBABLY—USE—PROSECUTORS to Assist the Giuliani Campaign.
20071103             As historian and frequent Slate contributor DAVID—GREENBERG recounts it in his thoughtful book NIXON—SHADOW,
20071103             —AS—IN other instances, these criminals put out phony admissions of guilt to crimes they plan on commiting.
20071103             Asiagirls Asiasex Bilder Blasen Blowjob Fotos Gratis Hardcore Japansex
20071103             —AT—THIS—TIME, I'd like to question ROSENBAUM—HANDLING—OF—HISTORY.
20071103             At what level in the military hierarchy did this order originate?
20071103             Audience members disrupt VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY—DALLAS speech
20071103             Behind THE—FACADE—OF—INCOMPETENCE - - Beware!
20071103             Bilder. von Brueghel und Dürer und.
20071103             JÖRG—RATGEB scheinen Beine be-
20071103             —GESTELLT, Bilder freundlicherweise von Greenpeace zur Verfügung.
20071103             Brought to you by the quality employees of Wackenhut.
20071103             Bush Goes to Bat for Another "Torture Boy" AG, Using Inane Lies and Deceptions to Justify Mukasey as Transitional DOJ Puppet to 1—GIULIANI—ADMINISTRATION.
20071103             BUT—AND even if elBaradei gets angry sometimes, because even 1—EGYPT—ONLY wants to be screwed 1—FEW—TIMES—THE—IAEA sad they did not find ANY—RADIATION.
20071103             —BY MIKE—FERNER—MEETING—RESISTANCE, portrays 1—SIDE—OF—THE—IRAQ—INSURGENCY—PRESIDENT—BUSH doesn't want the world to see.
20071103             Could be 1—BOMBSHELL, so to speak.
20071103             But who knows what to believe about this mysterious raid.
20071103             DAUER—ÜBERWACHUNG: Schweizer vernetzten Handys zum SPANNER—SCHWARM
20071103             —SCRAWLED, Dean: I was told: he [Nixon] had, my orders on the margin of his daily news summary.
20071103             Der Aufbau der Wehrmacht sei die wichtigste Voraussetzung.
20071103             Destroyed Homes, THE—MEDIA and Public Knowledge -
20071103             Die Ernennung Hitlers zum Reichskanzler am 30. 19330100             20071103             Die Ernennung Hitlers zum Reichskanzler am 30. 19330100             und die Errichtung der faschistischen Diktatur in DEUTSCHLAND galten bei maßgebenden Kräften des Finanzkapitals als die entscheidenden Voraussetzungen zur Realisierung des aggressiven Konzepts.
20071103             —GESTOCHEN, Die Leute wollten die, scharfen Bilder vom Roten Planeten sehen.
20071103             Die Macht werde zur "Eroberung neuen Lebensraums im Osten und dessen rücksichtslose Germanisierung" eingesetzt.
20071103             Die Rohrbombe, —DIE—GESTERN im größten Atomkraftwerk der USA entdeckt wurde, war offenbar keine ernste Bedrohung.
20071103             —DIMINISHED, EACH—OF—USA is being, —JUST as THE—DECLARATION—OF—INDEPENDENCE—STATES: "harass our people and eat out their substance".
20071103             Election —DAY should be your own personal holiday -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ANALYSIS
20071103             Ergebnis: BILDER—VON—ALKOHOLLEICHEN und Müllbergen am Strand.
20071103             —SHOWED, Esrange base), anything the like, according to information.
20071103             Even the politically naïve should have known that SADDAM—HUSSEIN—THREAT to THE—USA, so vividly hyped in the media, was pure marketing PROPAGANDA.
20071103             —THUNDERED, Eventually Pat Moynihan, then 1—NIXON consigliere, against the rumor as 1—EXAMPLE—OF—THE—INTRUSION—OF—IRRATIONALITY into politics.
20071103             —FACED, EVERY—CITIZEN is, with 1—SIMPLE—CHOICE: organize or perish.
20071103             The storm CLOUDS—OF—WORLD—WAR 3—ARE looming on the horizon.
20071103             Evil is the act of demolishing 1—HOME in the remnants of Palestine.
20071103             Is it the lesser evil for the western media to hide that?
20071103             Folge der Kreditkrise: CITIGROUP—CHEF steht vor Rücktritt
20071103             For Republicans, 1—NEW—PESSIMISM—SPELLS—TROUBLE 11/3
20071103             Für astronomische Verhältnisse sind dies Zeiträume, die eigentlich gar nicht so astronomisch sind:
20071103             Gefahren der gigantischen, im Meer kreisenden MÜLLTEPPICH e hatte zuletzt...
20071103             Gojira tai HEDORA—
20071103             Haushalt: Steinbrück will Schuldenabbau beschleunigen - Have 1—LOOK: AL—JAZEERA—INTERNATIONAL—
20071103             He draws the obvious parallel to THE—OFT—HEARD tale (well, OFT—HEARD 19700000             —IN—THE S) that RICHARD—NIXON,
20071103             He reported in THE—VOICE on ;;04;;
20071103             16—THAT—RAND and the administration denied that ANY—SUCH study existed,
20071103             HEAD—OF—IRAN—ASSEMBLY—OF—EXPERTS—ALI—RAFSANJANI said THE—USA should hold direct talks with IRAN without ANY—PRESET conditions.
20071103             HENK—RUYSSENAARS, regarding the ongoing effects of DU.
20071103             The documentary 'Beyond Treason' explores this phenomena in detail.
20071103             —PACKAGED, His message, even if, in obscure economic lectures, is that there is something very corrupt,
20071103             —TRANSMITTED, How was the order, down the command chain?
20071103             I truly despair for the future of mankind.
20071103             —ENAMORED, If the world were as, with capitalism as its adherents proclaim, there would be no need to masquerade it as anything other than what it IS—ECONOMIC—SELF—INTEREST for the privileged,
20071103             Im Urteil des Internationalen Militärgerichtshofes wird der Aggressionskrieg als die Voraussetzung und Ursache aller anderen Greueltaten bewertet.
20071103             In ihrem COMPUTER—BRUTKASTEN ließen DIE—FORSCHER die Geburt der Sternenhaufen im Zeitraffer ablaufen.
20071103             —UNAUTHORIZED, In other words, removal of nuclear weapons would be virtually impossible to accomplish unless THE—CHAIN—OF—COMMAND were bypassed ,
20071103             In this context, Stomrer puts forth the —FOLLOWING list of important questions to which he demands 1—ANSWER:
20071103             INDONESIEN: Gefährlicher Vulkan vor dem Ausbruch
20071103             Inside the convention hall explosives would kill and maim Republican delegates.
20071103             Internationale Raumstation: ASTRONAUT—REPARIERT—SONNENSEGEL
20071103             Internationale Raumstation: Astronauten unternehmen riskanten Außeneinsatz
20071103             IRAQ—EARLY—VIETNAM—MOMENT 11/3
20071103             ISRAEL —NOW leads lobby against IRAN: It all is another black operation.
20071103             —ABSORBED, It did not square with my picture of his being, in diplomacy, wars and high MATTERS—OF—STATE.
20071103             Was it possible...? It is also worth noting that on
20071103             It is beguiling that we have yet to learn this fundamental lesson, that we know so little about our own history,
20071103             —SURVIVED, JOE—CONASON: Giuliani claims he might not have, prostate cancer under "socialized medicine," yet he was covered by 1—GOVERNMENT—PROVIDED plan.
20071103             Kalashnikov anybody?
20071103             Kampf gegen PKK: Steinmeier warnt TÜRKEI vor Einmarsch im IRAK
20071103             —GEWINNT, Kampf gegen PKK: TÜRKEI, Rückendeckung für Operation im IRAK
20071103             Koalitionskrise: Schäuble wirft SPD Endzeitstimmung vor
20071103             Kostenschub: ÖLPREISSCHOCK—GASVERSORGER ziehen bald NACH—LA Gomera und sein Meer
20071103             LARRY—CRAIG is Not Going Quietly Into the Bathroom Stall 11/3
20071103             Le Mexique vit l'une des "pires catastrophes naturelles" de son histoire
20071103             Lesson here: Don't get too "playful" —WHEN writing about conspiracy theories.
20071103             The problem with being "playful" back then was that MUCH—OF—THE—ANTI—WAR—MOVEMENT read the Voice —AT—THE—TIME,
20071103             LONDON conference on 1—STATE—SOLUTION to PALESTINE—CONFLICT:
20071103             —STATED, Lori Price has also, for Citizens for 1—LEGITIMATE—GOVERNMENT that "you need about 14—SIGNATURES to get 1 armed nuke on 1—B—52".
20071103             LOUIS—TACKWOOD, EX—AGENT provocateur for THE—LOS—ANGELES Police DEPARTMENT—TOLD—OF—PLANS to provoke 1—SMALL—SCALE—WAR at the Republican Convention,
20071103             Mallorca Magazin... - Manchmal aber, so Kroupa, schaffen es auch die kleineren.
20071103             —ENTSCHEIDET, Masse, über Leben oder Sterben
20071103             Merkel in AFGHANISTAN: Truppenbesuch mit Sicherheitsalarm
20071103             MEXIKANISCHER—GLIEDSTAAT Tabasco unter Wasser
20071103             MEXIKO: Hunderttausende Menschen von Wassermassen eingeschlossen
20071103             Missing Nukes: Treason of the Highest Order
20071103             Mobiltelefone können sehen, hören, ihre Position BESTIMMTEN—UND sie sind allgegenwärtig.
20071103             Mukasey is Also 1—SUPPORTER of the Notion of Virtually Unfettered Executive Authority.
20071103             Dems Always Cut Their Own Throats.
20071103             MUSHARRAF—COUP: USA verurteilen Ausnahmezustand in PAKISTAN
20071103             MÜLLTEPPICH e. - Angesichts der gewaltigen Ausmaße der Weltmeere machte man sich
20071103             Neuer UN—VORSTOß gegen Todesstrafe
20071103             New mothers in these countries no longer ask if their newborn are boys or girls, only if they appear normal.
20071103             No 1 had to explain why THE—PRESIDENT—NAME was not used.
20071103             —REMOVED, He was always to be kept 1—STEP, insulated to preserve his "deniability".
20071103             NONE—OF—THE—MANY—SATELLITE—PICTURES taken by as well the Russians (Soyuz Karta in HELSINKI) or THE—FRANCE—PICS taken down in Kiruna (NORTH—SWEDEN,
20071103             Notstand in PAKISTAN: Musharraf setzt Verfassung außer KRAFT—WESTEN alarmiert
20071103             Obama says USA must try talking to IRAN:
20071103             PKK—KONFLIKT: Kurden und Türken DEMONSTRIEREN—SCHÄUBLE warnt
20071103             Parlament billigt umstrittene CHÁVEZ—REFORMEN
20071103             Potentielles Überwachungsziel: Vizekanzler Müntefering schaut auf sein HANDY—DISPLAY So entwickelt DIE—USA—HEIMATSCHUTZBEHÖRDE 1—SYSTEM,
20071103             Presstitute alert: THE—RON—PAUL—REVOLUTION:
20071103             Rafsanjani calls for direct, unconditional IRANIAN—USA—TALKS:
20071103             Reaktion auf Gewalt: Musharraf verhängt Ausnahmezustand in PAKISTAN
20071103             Regelrechte MÜLLTEPPICH e sammeln sich häufig auch links + - Report in JERUSALEM Post: "The ;;09;;
20071103             6—RAID over Syria was carried out by THE—USA—AIR—FORCE, Rice to Face Subpoena in Spy Case:
20071103             Rückblickend kam 1—UNTERSUCHUNGSAUSSCHUß des USA—SENATS 19450000             zu dem Schluß, daß "die DEUTSCHEN—GROSSINDUSTRIELLEN" die "begeisterten Förderer" der Nazis waren,
20071103             SCHWEIZER—Börse erneut im Sog der Kreditkrise
20071103             Schwerpunkt sei —ZUNÄCHST die Innenpolitik, meinte er.
20071103             Der Parlamentarismus und der "Krebsschaden der Demokratie" müßten beseitigt,
20071103             SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE and other senior intelligence will be subpoenaed to discuss their discussions with PRO—ISRAEL lobbyists,
20071103             SENATOR—BARACK—OBAMA said —FRIDAY that as PRESIDENT he would personally negotiate with IRAN, offering economic incentives and 1—CHANCE for peaceful relations if IRAN—LEADERS would forgo pursuit of nuclear weapons and SUPPORT—OF—TERRORISTS.
20071103             SENATOR—JAMES—WEBB (D—VA) and 29—OTHER—USA—SENATORS who oppose such 1—MAD—PLAN have done what?
20071103             Senators warn Bush has no authority on IRAN:
20071103             Shocking viewing but essential to understand how the deranged architects of the modern war machine have degenerated to degrees far beyond anything man could have previously imagined.
20071103             So this is my baptism.
20071103             I thought I was astounded that THE—PRESIDENT would be so angrily concerned about 1—FUNNY—ARTICLE in 1—FLEDGLING magazine.
20071103             SOME—OF—THEM, such as Democrat BARACK—OBAMA, avoid providing 1—CLEAR—ANSWER about what to do with IRAN.
20071103             Some, like Republican RUDY—GIULANI, make fiery statements and surround themselves with NEO—CONSERVATIVE—ADVISORS
20071103             —OUTSOURCED, Sorry, your job's been ! 'THOUSANDS—OF—MANUFACTURING jobs have moved to countries that skimp on wages and regulations.
20071103             —NOW the service sector is also at risk' 11/3 - Sternenhaufen: Leben und Sterben im All
20071103             Stoffwechsel Themen: Umweltverschmutzung...
20071103             Sugar industry expands political donations to boost support for $ 1—BILLION, —10—YEAR subsidy plan.
20071103             —PROTESTIERT, TK—ÜBERWACHUNG: Donaukurier, mit geschwärzter Titelseite
20071103             Tackwood was to lead 1—TEAM—OF—BLACK and Chicano provocateurs, which would foment street violence.
20071103             Terrorismus: Libysche Dschihadisten treten AL—QAIDA bei
20071103             —CONCLUDED, 19950000             —THE—HAINES report : "The belief that we are not alone in the universe is too emotionally appealing and the distrust of our government is too pervasive to make the issue amenable to traditional scientific studies of rational explanation and evidence".
20071103             THE—BUZZFLASH—MAILBAG -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
20071103             THE—CONFRONTATION—WITH—IRAN—IN—THE—CALCULATIONS—OF—USA Presidential Candidates:
20071103             THE—EASY—WAY to Stop the Looming USA—ATTACK on IRAN:
20071103             THE—IMPOSSIBILITY—OF "Losing" Nuclear Weapons
20071103             THE—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—SECURITY—STANDARD—FALLS under the Nuclear Weapons Surety Program and is in place to disallow any "unauthorized access to nuclear weapons;
20071103             prevent damage or sabotage to nuclear weapons;
20071103             The above paragraphs indicate that Nixon went on 1—RAMPAGE—OF—VENGEANCE.
20071103             Would 1—MERE fake arouse such zeal?
20071103             The disgusting details are here.
20071103             —BECAME, The fact that the incident only apparently, known to THE—USA—AIR—FORCE—WHEN military personnel reported it,
20071103             The group doing this is very bad for humanity, and we've got to find 1—VACCIN against them.
20071103             —DETERMINED, The media are, to shield the populations from the grotesque EXCESSES—OF—THE—ISRAEL—STATE (and the 'coalition of the willing in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN'),
20071103             THE—NARCOTIC—OF—STATE—SPONSORED—PROPAGANDA has 1—POWERFUL and hypnotic effect on our collective senses,
20071103             The nuclear power 'sales office' IAEA said that no nuclear installation, nor radioactive RADIATION—COULD be found in Syria.
20071103             The proposed agenda includes THE—POSTPONEMENT—OF—ELECTIONS.
20071103             These are extraordinary times that demand something from EVERY—1—OF—USA.
20071103             —PUBLISHED, The story has only been, by 'tainted' sources, like THE—JERUSALEM—POST, their sister paper NEW—YORK—TIMES, WASHINGTON—POST etc.
20071103             The usual PROPAGANDA diversion.
20071103             There are 2—IMPORTANT—QUESTIONS to be answered in relation to the "lost" nukes incident:
20071103             There is footage that brought me to tears MANY—TIMES.
20071103             1 must see for anyone that doubts what the powers that be have cast upon the peoples of IRAQ & KOSOVO.
20071103             There was rather more evidence for the "rumor" than Rosenbaum lets on.
20071103             —APPEARED, —WHILE no conclusive proof never, They Met THE—IRAQ—RESISTANCE
20071103             —HONORED, They, their oaths, obeyed their COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF and sacrificed their lives of promise to 1—LYING,
20071103             They've written 1—LETTER to THE—PRESIDENT telling him that he cannot attack IRAN without express approval in advance from the Congress.
20071103             30—USA—SENATORS wrote to PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, warning he had no authority to launch military action against IRAN,
20071103             This allows them to gauge public reaction —PRIOR—TO the event.
20071103             —CANCELLED, This election has been, (Then and —NOW) Ron Rosenbaum summarizes the hot button controversy
20071103             This scenario would need THE—INVOLVEMENT—OF—INDIVIDUALS with expertise in military electronics or for those responsible for the monitoring of nuclear weapons to look the other way or both.
20071103             Trip to MANILA—ALLGEMEIN,Philipinen JAPAN Asiasex MANILA Armut... Hafenstadt schwimmen ganze MÜLLTEPPICH e umher und VIELE—LEUTE mitten drin.
20071103             —PRÄSENTIERT, Turmbursche Max, den Seigerturm der Burg Stolpen
20071103             USA Bombed Syria: REPORT—USAF Struck Syrian "Nuclear" SITE—USA—BÖRSEN trotz Hypothenkrise im Plus
20071103             USA—REGIERUNG geht geplantes Lauschgesetz nicht weit genug
20071103             Under this or these safeguards system there also exists 1—RIGOROUS—CONTROL—OF—USE—SCHEME,
20071103             VVAW was VIETNAM Veterans Against the War, led by JOHN—KERRY.
20071103             Völlig unklar ist, wie der Sprengsatz auf die Ladefläche des Lasters geriet, mit dem 1—INGENIEUR zur Arbeit in dem Kraftwerk gekommen war
20071103             Was für ungenutztes SCHNÜFFEL—POTENZIAL, denken sich Geheimdienste.
20071103             Was könnte man alles erreichen,
20071103             We believe what we are told and accept what we are given, without demanding truth, justice or accountability.
20071103             Wenn Merkel —NÄCHSTE—WOCHE zu USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH fliege, müsse sie "die Botschaften und Eindrücke mit nach TEXAS nehmen und auf 1—GESAMTSTRATEGIE für AFGHANISTAN dringen".
20071103             What Should Bush Do —AFTER He is OUT—OF—OFFICE?"300 and —65—DAYS —1—YEAR,
20071103             What adds intrigue to 1—UNDERSTANDING of the missing nukes, are THE—INTERNATIONAL—EVENTS and war games taking place —JUST—AFTER the "lost" nuclear weapons incident,
20071103             And that's the good news. CONTINUE—WHICH documents, you ask?
20071103             I draw your attention to this E—BOOK by 1—CHARLES—A—THOMAS, Which means that Rosenbaum is right.
20071103             You have to be careful —WHEN dealing with PARANOIA—INDUCING material.
20071103             Wie gesagt, die Bilder traumatischer Umweltvernichtung bleiben uns trotzdem nicht
20071103             Wissenschaftlern vom ARGELANDER—INSTITUT für Astronomie der UNIVERSITÄT—BONN gelang es —NUN,
20071103             You can find more on THE—SCANLAN—CONTROVERSY here.
20071103             2—BILDER—DES—KÜNSTLERS—FRANK—SCHOLZ wurden im Vorfeld des
20071103             a FEDERAL—JUDGE—RULED—FRIDAY in an espionage case.
20071103             1—HORRIBLE—ECONOMIC—MONSTER unleashed upon unsuspecting people the world over, masquerading as democracy and free trade.
20071103             and expressing concern about the administration's "provocative" rhetoric.
20071103             and it is rending asunder the fabric of what is supposed to be 1—FREE and civil society.
20071103             and my story ignited 1—FIRESTORM of paranoia.
20071103             Soon there were "documents" of dubious authenticity circulating that purported to be RAND memos outlining plans to round up and lock up LEADERS—OF—THE—ANTI—WAR—MOVEMENT.
20071103             and the role that mass ignorance plays in determining the future.
20071103             as outlined in 1—BOOK called THE—GLASS—HOUSE—TAPES.
20071103             —COMMISSIONED, Covert HISTORY—BESET by massive ANTI—WAR—PROTESTS, Rand to study the feasibility of canceling 19720000             —THE elections.
20071103             but then playfully pointed out that they would surely deny it if it were true.
20071103             —ADDED, Rosenbaum, that the country would —JUST have to wait 19720000             —UNTIL to see".
20071103             but with 1—SPECIAL lightning flash insignia for recognition, would fire on convention delegates with automatic weapons.
20071103             das damit zum 3. MALE in einem —JAHRHUNDERT Opfer DEUTSCHER—AGGRESSOREN wurde.
20071103             das sich von anderen Kriegsverbrechen nur dadurch unterscheidet, daß es in sich ALLE—SCHRECKEN der anderen Verbrechen einschließt und anhäuft".
20071103             daß "die Unterstützung seitens der DEUTSCHEN—SCHWERINDUSTRIE und Hochfinanz" der NSDAP die "Machtergreifung" ermöglichte und daß die danach folgende "Umstellung der DEUTSCHEN—WIRTSCHAFT auf die Kriegswirtschaft und auf die fieberhafte Rüstung zum Angriffskrieg" unter der "unmittelbaren Leitung der DEUTSCHEN—INDUSTRIELLEN" erfolgte.
20071103             der "Marxismus mit Stumpf und Stiel" ausgerottet werden.
20071103             Es werde keine dem Faschismus entgegenstehende Betätigung geduldet.
20071103             die Bildung von Sternenhaufen im Computer zu simulieren.
20071103             Dabei wollten sie klären, wie kleine und große Haufen ENTSTEHEN—UND wie viele jeweils von welchem Typ.
20071103             die an Geister glauben, übersteigt die Zahl jener, die finden, ihr PRÄSIDENT mache einen guten Job.
20071103             diverse auf dem Meer rumschwimmende ÖL—UND MÜLLTEPPICH e abfackelt,
20071103             driven by insatiable greed, funded by the public treasure.
20071103             There would be no need to impose it on the world through high tech militarism and occupation,
20071103             ein.
20071103             Im Vergleich zum Alter des UNIVERSUMS—GESCHÄTZTE 13—MILLIARDEN —JAHRE—IST das 1—AUGENBLICK.
20071103             —FRÜH—MORGENS starten soll, hat die Aufgabe, größere MÜLLTEPPICH e zu sichten.
20071103             im Anschluss folgt 1—NACHBEARBEITUNG—DER—BILDER am PC unter Adobe®
20071103             in the wind and SNOW—OF—WINTER and the heat and HUMIDITY—OF—SUMMER, let him tend to the graves of the almost 4,000—MEN and women who have given their lives in the debacle of IRAQ.
20071103             involving, in this case, the deliberate tampering of the paperwork and tracking procedures.
20071103             mit dem radioaktive oder chemische Gefahren frühzeitig und in Echtzeit erkannt werden können,
20071103             mittlerweile aber verunreinigen kontinentgroße MÜLLTEPPICH e das ganze Meer und sind...
20071103             not to mention THE—PRESIDENT—ONGOING threats to attack IRAN with nuclear weapons and VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY'S repeated warnings that a 2. large scale terrorist attack on AMERICA is under preparation, with the support of IRAN.
20071103             —ON his 1. —DAY in THE—WHITE—HOUSE, was asked by Nixon to initiate retaliatory action against Scanlan's.
20071103             over National Security Presidential Directive/NSPD 51, which seeks to establish CONTINUITY—OF—GOVERNMENT in THE—CASE—OF—1—MAJOR—DISASTER.
20071103             preceded by elaborate propagandistic media blitzes and tricks.
20071103             prevent loss of custody; and prevent, to the maximum extent possible, radiological contamination caused by unauthorized acts".
20071103             so die Behörden. Er arbeite mit den Ermittlern zusammen.
20071103             suggests that either the nuclear weapons were ordered to be moved or that the electronic tracking devices had been removed or tampered with.
20071103             summarizes: According to DONALD—FREED in the chapter "Operation Gemstone" in Big Brother and the Holding Company,
20071103             —QUOTED, THE—WEB—SITE, Israeli and Arab sources as saying that 2—USA—JETS armed with tactical nuclear weapons carried out 1—ATTACK on 1 suspected nuclear site under construction.
20071103             the Staten ISLAND Advance and other NEWHOUSE—OWNED newspapers.
20071103             —ASKED, According to the item, the administration had, THE—RAND—CORPORATION
20071103             then expected to be held in S—DIEGO, leading to the declaration of a "STATE—OF—EMERGENCY" and martial law.
20071103             to study whether 'rebellious factions using force or bomb threats would make it unsafe to conduct 1—ELECTION' and how THE—PRESIDENT might respond.
20071103             unprincipled warmonger.
20071103             very HALLIBURTON—BLACKWATERY going on with our MILITARY—INDUSTRIAL—COMPLEX, and that can attract SOME—PRETTY—WEIRD followers.
20071103             we should not be too quick to dismiss those documents.
20071103             wenn Handys massenhaft mit entsprechenden Sensoren ausgestattet würden.
20071103             wenn man die Geräte —ERST einmal vernetzt und ihre Eindrücke zentral auswertet.
20071103             DDP—WHICH is tied to the military CHAIN—OF—COMMAND and THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20071103             whilst they fill the screens and thus the minds with loss by fire of 1800—HOMES — by ACT—OF—GOD.
20071103             "Krieg ist seinem Wesen nach ein Übel", sagte das Gericht und fuhr fort: "Die Entfesselung eines Angriffskrieges (...) ist das schwerste internationale Verbrechen,
20071103             "Wer sich nicht bekehren läßt, muß gebeugt werden", sagte Hitler und forderte, dafür auch die Todesstrafe einzusetzen.
20071103             Ölfieber: Der neue Wettlauf um AFRIKA
20071103             Agricultural giant Cargill INCORPORATED said it is recalling over 1—MILLION—POUNDS—OF—GROUND beef distributed in THE—USA—BECAUSE of possible E. Coli contamination.
20071103             —FIXED, Spacewalker SCOTT—PARAZYNSKI, 1 ripped solar energy panel on THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION in 1—DIFFICULT and dangerous emergency procedure that allowed the crew to extend the wing to its full length.
20071103             Boss, 1—ROBOTIC—CHEVROLET—TAHOE from Carnegie Mellon Univ., won the annual DARPA sponsored race in S—BERNADINO—COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 6—OF 11—STARTING vehicles finished the 10-mile race, designed to simulate 1—TOWN.
20071103             —AGREED, United Auto Workers, to 1—TENTATIVE contract with Ford Motor Co.
20071103             18—BIG rigs were involved in the massive pileup on Highway 99—JUST SOUTH—OF—FRESNO, CALIFORNIA, as patches of dense fog obscured visibility on the heavily traveled roadway.
20071103             —CRASHED, More than 100—CARS and trucks, killing at least 2—PEOPLE and injuring dozens more.
20071103             ABU—DHABI began work on building the world's 1. Ferrari theme park, another step in the Gulf emirate's ambition to become 1—GLOBAL—CENTRE for leisure, sport and culture.
20071103             GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL made her 1. visit to AFGHANISTAN and said BERLIN would increase efforts to strengthen THE—AFGHANISTAN—POLICE.
20071103             —APPOINTED, EGYPT—RULING party, PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK—SON to 1—IMPORTANT—NEW—COMMITTEE in 1—MOVE seen as further paving the way for the younger Mubarak to succeed his father.
20071103             INDONESIA, continuous tremors beneath THE—MOUNT—KELUD volcano, in the heart of densely populated Java ISLAND, became so strong that they could no longer be read on seismological instruments, leading scientists to evacuate their posts and warn that 1—ERUPTION appeared to have occurred.
20071103             —SPEWED, It was 1—FALSE—ALARM but —NEXT—DAY the volcano, ash.
20071103             2—IRAQ—OFFICERS were killed and 1 was wounded in 3—SEPARATE—ATTACKS—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20071103             It was the 2. mass grave found in the area in less than —1—MONTH.
20071103             —KILLED, THE—USA—MILITARY said that 1—FEMALE—SOLDIER was, by 1—ROADSIDE bomb SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD, at least the 90. woman service member to die —SINCE THE—START—OF—THE—IRAQ war.
20071103             —CRITICIZED, AL—QAIDA—NUMBER 2—FIGURE harshly, LIBYA—LEADER—MOAMMAR Gadhafi in 1—NEW audio tape, accusing him of being 1—ENEMY—OF—ISLAM and threatening 1—WAVE—OF—ATTACKS against THE—NORTH—AFRICA—COUNTRY because it improved relations with THE—USA.
20071103             —PROVIDED, Je Yell Kim, 1—CANADIAN—CHRISTIAN aid worker who, dental care for NORTH—KOREANS in THE—NORTH—EAST—PART—OF—THE—COUNTRY, was taken into custody by authorities on charges of violating national security.
20071103             —LAUNCHED, PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT—GENERAL—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF, his 2. coup and declared 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY ahead of 1—CRUCIAL—SUPREME—COURT—DECISION on whether to overturn his recent election win and amid rising Islamic militant violence.
20071103             8—SUPREME—COURT—JUDGES—IMMEDIATELY rejected the emergency, which suspended the current constitution.
20071103             RUSSIA, some 1,500—PEOPLE, HALF—OF—THEM pensioners, marched through S—PETERSBURG chanting ANTI—KREMLIN slogans and banging saucepans in protest against rising food prices.
20071103             —PROTESTED, Some 5,000 TURKEY—KURDS, against 1—MILITARY—INCURSION into IRAQ, saying such 1—MOVE would enflame ethnic tensions in the region and plunge the local economy into ruin.
20071103             IRAQ said it was ready to hunt down and arrest Kurdish guerrilla leaders responsible for CROSS—BORDER—RAIDS into TURKEY in 1—EFFORT to avert 1—MAJOR—INCURSION by THE—TURKEY—MILITARY.
20071103             Kostenschub: ÖLPREISSCHOCK—GASVERSORGER ziehen bald nach
20071103             —BECAME, The fact that the incident only apparently, known to THE—USA—AIR—FORCE—WHEN military personnel reported it, suggests that either the nuclear weapons were ordered to be moved or that the electronic tracking devices had been removed or tampered with.
20071103             Under this or these safeguards system there also exists 1—RIGOROUS—CONTROL—OF—USE—SCHEME, which is tied to the military CHAIN—OF—COMMAND and THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20071103             —UNAUTHORIZED, In other words, removal of nuclear weapons would be virtually impossible to accomplish unless THE—CHAIN—OF—COMMAND were bypassed, involving, in this case, the deliberate tampering of the paperwork and tracking procedures.
20071103             It is also worth noting that on
20071103             —BY MAHDI—DARIUS—NAZEMROAYA
20071103             Chaos in PAKISTAN: GENERAL—MUSHARRAF verhängt den Ausnahmezustand
20071103             Wirbel im Pazifik: Plastikmüll fährt KARUSSELL—WISSENSCHAFT...
20071103             Vor den Gefahren der gigantischen, im Meer kreisenden Müllteppich e hatte zuletzt auch die...
20071103             Stoffwechsel Themen: Umweltverschmutzung... mittlerweile aber verunreinigen kontinentgroße Müllteppich e das ganze Meer und sind...
20071103             Wie gesagt, die Bilder traumatischer Umweltvernichtung bleiben uns trotzdem nicht... diverse auf dem Meer rumschwimmende ÖL—UND Müllteppich e abfackelt...
20071103             podster.DE—PODCAST: Radio Z. mittlerweile aber verunreinigen kontinentgroße Müllteppich e das ganze Meer und sind...
20071103             2—BILDER—DES—KÜNSTLERS—FRANK—SCHOLZ wurden im Vorfeld des... - La Gomera und sein Meer Müllteppich e.
20071103             Angesichts der gewaltigen Ausmaße der Weltmeere machte man sich... im Anschluss folgt 1—NACHBEARBEITUNG—DER—BILDER am PC unter Adobe®.
20071103             —PRÄSENTIERT, Turmbursche Max, den Seigerturm der Burg STOLPEN—BILDER. von Brueghel und Dürer und.
20071103             JÖRG—RATGEB scheinen Beine be-... Regelrechte Müllteppich e sammeln sich häufig auch links +.
20071103             Mallorca Magazin... —FRÜH—MORGENS starten soll, hat die Aufgabe, größere Müllteppich e zu sichten.
20071103             Akt.
20071103             —ENAMORED, If the world were as, with capitalism as its adherents proclaim, there would be no need to masquerade it as anything other than what it IS—ECONOMIC—SELF—INTEREST for the privileged, driven by insatiable greed, funded by the public treasure.
20071103             There would be no need to impose it on the world through high tech militarism and occupation, preceded by elaborate propagandistic media blitzes and tricks.
20071103             It is beguiling that we have yet to learn this fundamental lesson, that we know so little about our own history, and the role that mass ignorance plays in determining the future.
20071103             —SPONSORED, THE—NARCOTIC—OF—STATE, propaganda has 1—POWERFUL and hypnotic effect on our collective senses, and it is rending asunder the fabric of what is supposed to be 1—FREE and civil society.
20071103             NONE—OF—THE—MANY—SATELLITE—PICTURES taken by as well the Russians (Soyuz Karta in HELSINKI) or THE—FRANCE—PICS taken down in Kiruna (NORTH—SWEDEN, Esrange base) showed anything the like, according to information.
20071103             Beware! It all is another black operation.
20071103             Have 1—LOOK: AL—JAZEERA—INTERNATIONAL—KALASHNIKOV anybody?
20071103             Presstitute alert:
20071103             —PACKAGED, THE—RON—PAUL—REVOLUTION: His message, even if, in obscure economic lectures, is that there is something very corrupt, very HALLIBURTON—BLACKWATERY going on with our MILITARY—INDUSTRIAL—COMPLEX, and that can attract SOME—PRETTY—WEIRD followers.
20071103             Rice to Face Subpoena in Spy Case : SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE and other senior intelligence will be subpoenaed to discuss their discussions with PRO—ISRAEL lobbyists, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—RULED—FRIDAY in 1—ESPIONAGE—CASE.
20071103             Senators warn Bush has no authority on IRAN : 30—USA—SENATORS wrote to PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, warning he had no authority to launch military action against IRAN, and expressing concern about the administration's "provocative" rhetoric.
20071103             THE—EASY—WAY to Stop the Looming USA—ATTACK on IRAN : SENATOR—JAMES—WEBB (D—VA) and 29—OTHER—USA—SENATORS who oppose such 1—MAD—PLAN have done what?
20071103             Rafsanjani calls for direct, unconditional IRANIAN—USA—TALKS : HEAD—OF—IRAN—ASSEMBLY—OF—EXPERTS—ALI—RAFSANJANI said THE—USA should hold direct talks with IRAN without ANY—PRESET conditions.
20071103             USA Bombed Syria: Report - - USAF Struck Syrian "Nuclear" Site
20071103             —BY JPOST_com STAFF—MISSING Nukes: Treason of the Highest Order
20071103             What adds intrigue to 1—UNDERSTANDING of the missing nukes, are THE—INTERNATIONAL—EVENTS and war games taking place —JUST—AFTER the "lost" nuclear weapons incident, not to mention THE—PRESIDENT—ONGOING threats to attack IRAN with nuclear weapons and VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY'S repeated warnings that a 2. large scale terrorist attack on AMERICA is under preparation, with the support of IRAN.
20071103             HEGEMONY—COST
20071103             And that's the good news. Behind THE—FACADE—OF—INCOMPETENCE -
20071103             They Met THE—IRAQ—RESISTANCE—BY MIKE—FERNER—MEETING Resistance, portrays 1—SIDE—OF—THE—IRAQ—INSURGENCY—PRESIDENT—BUSH doesn't want the world to see.
20071103             —DETERMINED, The media are, to shield the populations from the grotesque EXCESSES—OF—THE—ISRAEL—STATE (and the 'coalition of the willing in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN'), whilst they fill the screens and thus the minds with loss by fire of 1800—HOMES — by ACT—OF—GOD.
20071103             Blackwater: We'll Spy for You!
20071103             11/3 - Feinstein Most —RECENTLY Voted for Southwick for THE—FEDERAL—BENCH, the Only Dem on Judiciary to Do So.
20071103             —CANCELLED, This election has been, (Then and —NOW) Ron Rosenbaum summarizes the hot button controversy over National Security Presidential Directive/NSPD 51, which seeks to establish CONTINUITY—OF—GOVERNMENT in THE—CASE—OF—1—MAJOR—DISASTER.
20071103             He draws the obvious parallel to THE—OFT—HEARD tale (well, OFT—HEARD in the 1970s) that RICHARD—NIXON, beset by massive ANTI—WAR—PROTESTS, commissioned Rand to study the feasibility of canceling 19720000             —THE elections.
20071103             The problem with being "playful" back then was that MUCH—OF—THE—ANTI—WAR—MOVEMENT read the Voice —AT—THE—TIME, and my story ignited 1—FIRESTORM of paranoia.
20071103             —APPEARED, —WHILE no conclusive proof never, we should not be too quick to dismiss those documents.
20071103             Which documents, you ask? I draw your attention to this E—BOOK by 1—CHARLES—A—THOMAS,
20071103             JOHN—DEAN (see here), on his 1. —DAY in THE—WHITE—HOUSE, was asked by Nixon to initiate retaliatory action against Scanlan's. Dean: I was told: he [Nixon] had scrawled my orders on the margin of his daily news summary.
20071103             Was it possible...?
20071103             1—LOS—ANGELES police informant named LOUIS—TACKWOOD offered further claims regarding 19720000             —THE plot, as outlined in 1—BOOK called THE—GLASS—HOUSE—TAPES.
20071103             Covert History summarizes: According to DONALD—FREED in the chapter "Operation Gemstone" in Big Brother and the Holding Company, LOUIS—TACKWOOD, EX—AGENT provocateur for THE—LOS—ANGELES Police DEPARTMENT—TOLD—OF—PLANS to provoke 1—SMALL—SCALE—WAR at the Republican Convention, then expected to be held in S—DIEGO, leading to the declaration of a "STATE—OF—EMERGENCY" and martial law.
20071103             According to Freed: "An FBI provocateur, WILLIAM—LEMMER, has —SINCE admitted that 1—GROUP posing as VVAW cadres, but with 1—SPECIAL lightning flash insignia for recognition, would fire on convention delegates with automatic weapons".
20071103             Was könnte man alles erreichen, wenn man die Geräte —ERST einmal vernetzt und ihre Eindrücke zentral auswertet.
20071103             DDP—POTENTIELLES Überwachungsziel: Vizekanzler Müntefering schaut auf sein HANDY—DISPLAY So entwickelt die USA—HEIMATSCHUTZBEHÖRDE 1—SYSTEM, mit dem radioaktive oder chemische Gefahren frühzeitig und in Echtzeit erkannt werden können, wenn Handys massenhaft mit entsprechenden Sensoren ausgestattet würden.
20071103             Manchmal aber, so Kroupa, schaffen es auch die kleineren.
20071103             Wissenschaftlern vom ARGELANDER—INSTITUT für Astronomie der UNIVERSITÄT—BONN gelang es —NUN, die Bildung von Sternenhaufen im Computer zu simulieren.
20071103             Für astronomische Verhältnisse sind dies Zeiträume, die eigentlich gar nicht so astronomisch sind: "Es dauert eine halbe —BIS 1—MILLION—JAHRE, damit sich 1—STERNENHAUFEN bildet", sagt Pavel Kroupa, 1—DER—BETEILIGTEN—WISSENSCHAFTLER.
20071103             Die DURCHSUCHUNG—DER—WOHNUNG des hatte keine Hinweise darauf ergeben, dass der Mann etwas mit der Bombe zu tun habe, so die Behörden.
20071103             Er arbeite mit den Ermittlern zusammen.
20071103             ARIZONA: Behörden geben nach BOMBEN—SCHRECK im AKW ENTWARNUNG—STERNENHAUFEN: Leben und Sterben im All
20071103             Die Kriegsächtungsprinzipien gingen in das Völkerrecht und in VIELE—NATIONALE—GESETZE, auch in das Grundgesetz der Bundesrepublik, ein.
20071103             "Krieg ist seinem Wesen nach ein Übel", sagte das Gericht und fuhr fort: "Die Entfesselung eines Angriffskrieges (...) ist das schwerste internationale Verbrechen, das sich von anderen Kriegsverbrechen nur dadurch unterscheidet, daß es in sich ALLE—SCHRECKEN der anderen Verbrechen einschließt und anhäuft".
20071103             Rückblickend kam 1—UNTERSUCHUNGSAUSSCHUß des USA—SENATS 19450000             zu dem Schluß, daß "die DEUTSCHEN—GROSSINDUSTRIELLEN" die "begeisterten Förderer" der Nazis waren, daß "die Unterstützung seitens der DEUTSCHEN—SCHWERINDUSTRIE und Hochfinanz" der NSDAP die "Machtergreifung" ermöglichte und daß die danach folgende "Umstellung der DEUTSCHEN—WIRTSCHAFT auf die Kriegswirtschaft und auf die fieberhafte Rüstung zum Angriffskrieg" unter der "unmittelbaren Leitung der DEUTSCHEN—INDUSTRIELLEN" erfolgte.
20071103             Der Parlamentarismus und der "Krebsschaden der Demokratie" müßten beseitigt, der "Marxismus mit Stumpf und Stiel" ausgerottet werden.
20071103             USA—BÖRSEN trotz Hypothenkrise im Plus - (Some) Justice for JANET—CHANDLER
20071103             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX
20071103             —NOW the service sector is also at risk' 11/3
20071103             -Retrieved on- - Clandestine HUMINT operational TECHNIQUES—WIKIPEDIA, the free...
20071103             1—B c Bekrenev, (GRU officer) L. K., Operational Contacts, Center for THE—STUDY—OF—INTELLIGENCE, CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY...
20071103             -Retrieved on- - Clandestine HUMAN—SOURCE—INTELLIGENCE—OPERATIONAL—TECHNIQUES...
20071103             13.0 13.1 13.2—BEKRENEV, (GRU officer) L. K., Operational Contacts, Center for THE—STUDY—OF—INTELLIGENCE, CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE...
20071103—19330130    —AM, Die Ernennung Hitlers zum Reichskanzler und die Errichtung der faschistischen Diktatur in DEUTSCHLAND galten bei maßgebenden Kräften des Finanzkapitals als die entscheidenden Voraussetzungen zur Realisierung des aggressiven Konzepts.
20071103—19330204    —AM, nutzte Hitler 1—EINLADUNG—DER—REICHSWEHRFÜHRUNG, das Programm der neuen Regierung mit der Generalität zu besprechen.
20071103—19720000    —UNTIL, Rosenbaum added that the country would —JUST have to wait to see".
20071103—19990000    —J—IM, Trotzdem führte die Bundeswehr —53—JAHRE—NACH—DEM Urteil von Nürnberg einen Angriffskrieg gegen SERBIEN,
20071103—19990000    —J—IM, Trotzdem führte die Bundeswehr —53—JAHRE—NACH—DEM Urteil von Nürnberg einen Angriffskrieg gegen SERBIEN, das damit zum 3. MALE in einem —JAHRHUNDERT Opfer DEUTSCHER—AGGRESSOREN wurde.
20071103—20030000    —SEIT, führen die Herrschenden in Jacksons Heimat eine mörderische Aggression gegen IRAK mit katastrophalen Folgen für die IRAKISCHE—BEVÖLKERUNG und für die Verwirklichung des Menschheitstraums von der Ächtung des Krieges.
20071103—20040000    —FINISHED, No car, the 1. race.
20071103—20040808    —ON, What Should Bush Do —AFTER He is OUT—OF—OFFICE?"300 and 60—5—DAYS —1—YEAR, in the wind and SNOW—OF—WINTER and the heat and HUMIDITY—OF—SUMMER, let him tend to the graves of the almost 4,000—MEN and women who have given their lives in the debacle of IRAQ.
20071103—20040808    —HONORED, They, their oaths, obeyed their COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF and sacrificed their lives of promise to 1—LYING, unprincipled warmonger.
20071103—20040808    —ON, He can begin at the grave of my grandson, Lcpl JONATHAN—W—COLLINS, killed in action ".
20071103—20040808    —ON, What Should Bush Do —AFTER He is OUT—OF—OFFICE?"300 and —65—DAYS —1—YEAR, in the wind and SNOW—OF—WINTER and the heat and HUMIDITY—OF—SUMMER, let him tend to the graves of the almost 4,000—MEN and women who have given their lives in the debacle of IRAQ. They honored their oaths, obeyed their COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF and sacrificed their lives of promise to 1—LYING, unprincipled warmonger. He can begin at the grave of my grandson, Lcpl JONATHAN—W—COLLINS, killed in action ".
20071103—20070405    —ON, As historian and frequent Slate contributor DAVID—GREENBERG recounts it in his thoughtful book NIXON—SHADOW, "the rumor [that Nixon had 1—SECRET—PLAN to cancel the '72 presidential election] 1. appeared in print in THE—PORTLAND
20071103—20070416    —ON, Oregonian, the Staten ISLAND Advance and other NEWHOUSE—OWNED newspapers.
20071103—20070416    —ASKED, According to the item, the administration had, THE—RAND—CORPORATION... to study whether 'rebellious factions using force or bomb threats would make it unsafe to conduct 1—ELECTION' and how THE—PRESIDENT might respond.
20071103—20070416    Ron Rosenbaum, 1—REPORTER from the Village Voice, heard about the article from 1—STATEN—ISLAND cab driver and investigated.
20071103—20070416    He reported in THE—VOICE that RAND and the administration denied that ANY—SUCH study existed, but then playfully pointed out that they would surely deny it if it were true.
20071103—20080000    —IN, Red Alert: GOP Giuliani Effort to Grab CALIFORNIA Electoral Votes is Moving Back Along at Full Steam
20071103—20080100    —IN—LATE, Kim was released.
20071109—20071103    —SINCE, Rowan had been missing.
20072610             ; 14:24 OFG Jeder 3. Amerikaner glaubt an Geister Die ZAHL—DER—AMERIKANER,
20080319—19181103    —AM, meuterten in KIEL DEUTSCHLAND—MATROSEN;
20080504             Legal AIDES—OF—PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF are giving final touches to 1—BILL to indemnify his controversial 20071103             ACTION—OF—IMPOSING—1—QUASI martial law and sacking of 60—JUDGES by taking all political players in PARLIAMENT on BOARD, political sources said —YESTERDAY
20081031             —POSTPONED, ANNOUNCEMENT—OF—THE—DECISION was, to 20081103             .
20081103             "Mathematicians have been puzzling over that question for 1—CENTURY or 2, and the main thing they've discovered is that the question is really, really hard. In the last —DECADE, though, they've developed SOME—POWERFUL—NEW—TOOLS inspired by physics that have pried 1—FEW answers from the universe's clutches. Even more exciting is that the new tools seem to be the tip of 1—MUCH larger theory that mathematicians are —JUST beginning to uncover. That larger mathematical theory, if it exists, may help crack some of the hardest mathematical questions there are, questions about the mathematical structure of the 3- and 4—DIMENSIONAL space where we live.... Revealing the full... superstructure may be the work of 1—GENERATION".
20081103             —SIGNED, BANGLADESH, PRESIDENT—IAJUDDIN—AHMED, 1—ORDER sending the army back to the barracks, drawing to 1—END THE—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY that began 20070111             .
20081103             EFLUXMEDIA—FOR the 1. time ever".
20081103             " I'm sure that'll work out really well for them.
20081103             " is running 1—STORY this —MORNING that explains new research showing 1—CORRELATION between video games and aggression in children.
20081103             "Aus heutiger Sicht": Ackermann verschmäht Staatshilfe
20081103             "Bei diesen Umfragewerten ist an eine konjunkturelle Erholung vorläufig nicht zu denken".
20081103             "Der Wechsel von der keltischen zur christlichen Religion erfolgte nur langsam, egal welchen Namen man dem Ganzen gab", erklärt Carver.
20081103             —ERST sehr spät, im
20081103             "Die Industrieunternehmen bewerten die aktuelle Lage als grottenschlecht", sagte POSTBANK—EXPERTE HEINRICH—BAYER.
20081103             "1—REIHE—VON—LÄNDERN könnte Hilfe brauchen"
20081103             "Ministers have been forced to order 1—EMERGENCY shutdown of 1—KEY—GOVERNMENT—COMPUTER—SYSTEM to protect MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE—PRIVATE—DETAILS.
20081103             "THE—AIR—FORCE is fed up with 1—SEEMINGLY endless BARRAGE—OF—ATTACKS on its computer networks from stealthy adversaries whose motives and even locations are unclear.
20081103             "detaining troublemakers" and making sure voters "do not get OUT—OF—CONTROL".
20081103             But rest easy: the company struck out with its sales pitch.
20081103             (AP)- THE—ENVIRONMENTAL—PROTECTION—AGENCY issued new pollution control requirements for large livestock feedlots —FRIDAY that would allow farm operators to avoid having to get 1—PERMIT if they claim the facility will not put harmful discharges into nearby waterways.
20081103             1/3—OF—AMPHIBIANS—DYING—OUT
20081103             2,000—OF 6,000 amphibian species are endangered worldwide.
20081103             1—COMBINATION of environmental assaults, 2. UPDATE: USA Oct Auto Sales Slump;
20081103             GENERAL—MOTORS Sales Down 45%
20081103             Ob 1—HANDLUNG frei ist oder nicht, hängt nicht davon ab, ob sie determiniert ist.
20081103             Entscheidend ist vielmehr,
20081103             1—CEASEFIRE has allowed 1—UN—AID—CONVOY to make its 1. delivery of humanitarian aid in EAST—CONGO —SINCE fighting broke out —IN—AUGUST.
20081103             1—MILITARY—JURY at THE—GUANTANAMO—BAY detention centre convicts 1—MAN accused of being OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—MEDIA—SECRETARY.
20081103             1—NEW—STUDY released in ;;10;;
20081103             suggests that maternal exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) could eliminate or decrease the sex difference in certain behavioral responses.
20081103             † 1—WITNESS on the train where JEAN—CHARLES—DE—MENEZES, tells 1—INQUEST police marksmen appeared panicked —BEFORE the shooting.
20081103             Absatzeinbruch für ALLE—HERSTELLER: Dunkler Auto-;;10;;
20081103             in den USA—AID convoy delivers medical supplies in CONGO
20081103             AIR—FORCE To Rewrite THE—RULES—OF—THE—INTERNET
20081103             Alles unter der Schwelle von 50—ZÄHLERN, ab der 1—WACHSTUM angezeigt wird, gilt als negativ.
20081103             1—AIDE to OSAMA—BIN—LADEN who refused to defend himself at his Guantánamo war crimes trial was convicted of 3—TERRORISM—RELATED charges —MONDAY that could bring life in prison.
20081103             ANDREW—KEEN: THE—CHRISTIAN—SCIENCE—MONITOR departs the corporeal world
20081103             —AROUND the Street: THE—ELECTION—HEATS—UP, the Economy COOLS—AUTOMAKERS—REPORT—GRIM ;;10;;
20081103             Sales - ÖSTERREICH verstaatlicht die "Kommunalkredit" Bank.
20081103             Beharren auf 8 %: IG Metall will Streiks ausweiten
20081103             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN aide CONVICTED—OF—TERRORISM—RELATED charges -
20081103             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—MEDIA man GUILTY—OF—WAR crimes
20081103             Biologists at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA, S—DIEGO, have shown that amphibians are the 1. to respond to environmental changes,
20081103             —GESCHLOSSEN, BRITISCHE—REGIERUNGSWEBSEITE wegen des Verlustes eines USB—STICKS
20081103             Brown CONFIDENT—OF—MIDDLE—EAST—CASH
20081103             —HAMPERED, But the investigation was, because Harris was fatally shot —WHILE getting into his car in NORTH—EAST—WASHINGTON on
20081103             CIA—LINKED private military contractor Evergreen Defense & Security Services offered to post sentries at OREGON election offices —ON—TUESDAY,
20081103             CQ reports that WASHINGTON DC—LOBBYING firms are enjoying 1—BUSINESS—BOOM in the midst of 1—BEAR—MARKET.
20081103             Campaigns uncork GET—OUT—THE—VOTE—OPERATIONS—CANDIDATES—URGE Voters to Go to Polls
20081103             CHINA: Streikende Taxifahrer gehen auf Kollegen und Passagiere los
20081103             CHRISTIAN—SCIENCE—MONITOR to cease daily print publication
20081103             CHRISTIAN—SCIENCE—PAPER to End Daily Print Edition
20081103             Circuit City to shut 155—STORES to preserve cash
20081103             Coups, Corporations, and Classified INFORMATION—CRÉDITO para la banca
20081103             Currently 1—SENIOR—WRITER at THE—WEEKLY—STANDARD, Hayes will appear on the full LINE—UP of programming as PART—OF—THE—NETWORK—IDEOLOGICALLY diverse GROUP—OF—ANALYSTS and contributors.
20081103             Dabei diensten die Herzen toter Ratten als GERÜST—DIE—FORSCHER hatten zuvor die Herzen von allen Zellen befreit,
20081103             —BEGINNT, Das finstere Mittelalter
20081103             Das wollen die Anhänger der politisch ungebundenen Marktwirtschaft nicht zugeben: Daß es einen Systemkonflikt zwischen einzelwirtschaftlicher und gesamtwirtschaftlicher Rationalität gibt,
20081103             Der Geheimdienst und die Börse
20081103             Der Markit/BME—EINKAUFSMANAGERINDEX für DEUTSCHLAND lag mit 42,9 Zählern ebenfalls in einem beunruhigenden Bereich.
20081103             Der STAAT übernimm 99,78—PROZENT—DER—AKTIEN, der Rest ist eh in der Hand des ÖSTERREICHISCHEN—GEMEINDEBUNDES, also auch des Staates.
20081103             Die Kursgewinne fielen nämlich vor allem —AN—DEN—TAGEN besonders stark aus, die entscheidenden Ereignissen wie Beschlüssen in Geheimtreffen und nicht öffentlich ausgesprochenen Genehmigungen durch die Regierung folgten.
20081103             Drohendes WAHL—CHAOS in den USA
20081103             Due in part to the financial bailout, WASHINGTON lobbying firms signed up more than 500—NEW—CLIENTS—LAST—MONTH.
20081103             EPA curbs factory farm pollution
20081103             EINIGE—EXPERTEN befürchteten daher —BEREITS, das Geld könne womöglich nicht reichen, berichtete die Zeitung.
20081103             Election breathes new life into nuclear DEBATE—ENZENSBERGER: Das ist doch grandios.
20081103             Das "Kapital" war immer ein tolles Buch. Stark in der Analyse,
20081103             Enzensberger: Was mich eher wundert, ist, dass die Leute von dieser Krise überrascht oder geschockt sind.
20081103             —ERST im Frühjahr war es Wissenschaftlern gelungen, tote Rattenherzen mit Stammzellen wieder zum Leben zu erwecken.
20081103             EUROPA droht eine Rezession
20081103             Even more exciting is that the new tools seem to be the tip of 1—MUCH larger theory that mathematicians are —JUST beginning to uncover.
20081103             Exposure to plastic chemical BPA may affect behaviors
20081103             FDA Needs To Reconsider Its Tolerance Regarding BPA—FINANZKRISE: Unheilsgeschichte
20081103             FOXNEWS—JOHN—MCCAIN + BARACK—OBAMA attend rallies in key battleground states as their GET—OUT—THE—VOTE—OPERATIONS—ATTEMPT to persuade voters to go to the polls —ON—TUESDAY.
20081103             Financial TIMES—BY JONATHAN—BIRCHALL in NEW—YORK
20081103             Finanzen: Großreinemachen im Aktiendepot
20081103             Finanzkrise: Commerzbank nimmt Rettungspaket in Anspruch
20081103             Finanzkrise: Zweifel an Merkels Rettungspaket
20081103             —GERATEN, Finanzspritze: —NUN, Volksbanken unter Druck
20081103             Flaues USA—GESCHÄFT: Autobauer verbuchen dramatische Absatzeinbrüche
20081103             FRANCE—BANK—SOCIETE—GENERALE sees net profit slump 84% for the 3. quarter, but says it is able to weather the downturn.
20081103             FRANCE—PIRATES face net CUT—OFF
20081103             FRANCE—PROPOSALS to throw persistent pirates off THE—INTERNET—MOVE 1—SIGNIFICANT—STEP—CLOSER to becoming law.
20081103             GOOGLE—GROWTH makes privacy advocates wary
20081103             GORDON—BROWN has made 1—FRANK—ADMISSION that government cannot promise THE—SAFETY—OF—PERSONAL—DATA entrusted by the public.
20081103             —GELASSEN, GORDON—BROWN spricht ein grosses Wort, aus:
20081103             GROSSBRITANNIEN: Trommelmacher stirbt an Milzbrand
20081103             GUANTANAMO jury convicts OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—MEDIA man
20081103             Günstigere Tarife: Gasversorger kündigen Preissenkungen AN—GÜNTHER—QUANDT + sowie.
20081103             4—WEITERE Industrielle mit Hitler im Hotel Kaiserhof +...
20081103             HANDGEPÄCK—VORSCHRIFT: EU—KOMMISSION will Flüssigkeitsverbot abschaffen
20081103             Hayes can be relied on to provide 1—FARRAGO—OF—SPECIOUSNESS—EVERY—TIME—NEW—INFORMATION emerges refuting his deceptive thesis.
20081103             Hayes has 1—LONG HISTORY—OF—REPORTING on the political world.
20081103             —RETURNED, Hayes —LATER, the favor, penning 1—WORSHIPFUL—BIOGRAPHY—OF—CHENEY that MICHAEL—EMERSON called "1—WET kiss
20081103             Hayes was 1—OF—THE—FOREMOST peddlers of the false claim that SADDAM—HUSSEIN was in league with AL—QAEDA,
20081103             He published 1—BOOK — tellingly WAFER—THIN and with large type in its hardcover edition — called "THE—CONNECTION".
20081103             1—INFAMOUS—PIECE even suggested that Saddam might have aided 20010911             —THE attack.
20081103             Herz der Finanzmärkte schlägt wieder
20081103             —HEUTE dagegen kann der Kapitalismus damit sehr gut leben.
20081103             Die Kritik ist es doch, was ihn am Leben hält.
20081103             Hilfsorganisationen sprechen von Chaos und Verzweiflung.
20081103             Miliband betonte im BRITISCHEN—RUNDFUNKSENDER BBC den Vorrang sicherer Versorgungsrouten für humanitäre Transporte.
20081103             Hires SADDAM—AL—QAEDA 'Connection' Fabricator And Cheney Hagiographer
20081103             Hirnforschung: Dopamin macht Menschen ängstlicher
20081103             How MANY—WAYS are there to tie your shoelaces?
20081103             "Mathematicians have been puzzling over that question for 1—CENTURY or 2,
20081103             Hungry CONGO refugees get soap, no food
20081103             —GEGEBEN, Hätte es die nicht, wäre er —SCHON längst an die Wand gefahren.
20081103             Im Ostkongo droht eine humanitäre Katastrophe.
20081103             Allein in GOMA und Umgebung benötigen mehr als 250.000—FLÜCHTLINGE dringend Hilfe.
20081103             DEUTSCHLAND, drosselten die Firmen ihre Produktion so stark wie nie zuvor in der zwölfeinhalbjährigen GESCHICHTE—DER—UMFRAGE.
20081103             1—ERHOLUNG ist laut Experten nicht absehbar.
20081103             UK, 12M Taxpayers Lost With USB Stick
20081103             INDONESIEN: Ölbohrung könnte schlafenden Schlammvulkan geweckt haben
20081103             IRAN marks USA embassy TAKEOVER—JOSEF—ACKERMANN: "Wir sind stark"
20081103             Kaiser Hadrian hatte ein echtes Problem mit ihnen.
20081103             —J—IM - Kapitalhilfe für Commerzbank: Rettungsschirm steht weiter in der Kritik
20081103             Klarer FALL—VON—SELBSTMORD: Mann klaut über Insider beim USA—AUSSENMINISTERIUM und bei der USA—POST Kreditkartendaten,
20081103             KONJUNKTUR—ABSCHWUNG: Bosch zwingt 3500—BESCHÄFTIGTE zu Kurzarbeit
20081103             KONJUNKTUR—ABSCHWUNG: Industrieproduktion in EUROPA bricht drastisch ein
20081103             Konjunktur: EU—KOMMISSION erwartet Nullwachstum in DEUTSCHLAND
20081103             Konjunkturprogramm: Der Ruf nach staatlicher Stütze geht in Serie
20081103             L'Amérique est à un tournant décisif de son histoire
20081103             LEHMAN—INSOLVENZ: Verbraucherschützer fordern Entschädigung für PLEITE—ZERTIFIKATE
20081103             Lockheed Martin, for example, has conceptualized 1—NUMBER—OF—SUPER—SECRET, high tech, unmanned flying machines,
20081103             Mercenary Firm Offers to 'Detain Troublemakers' on Election —DAY
20081103             Merkwürdig ist dieser phantastische Gedächtnisverlust!
20081103             Wer auch nur ein bisschen Wirtschaftsgeschichte KENNT—1—PRISE—MARXISMUS kann auch nicht schaden -,
20081103             Metaller kampfbereit
20081103             —ORDERED, MIKE—CONNELL, ROVE—IT fixer, to testify —ON—MONDAY
20081103             Most major transportation firms relying on LOW—END sobriety tests
20081103             Obama and McCain Campaign in Swing States as Race Nears Close
20081103             Over the past —8—YEARS, Hayes has done little more than spin for THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION'S "WAR—ON—TERROR".
20081103             Perhaps the biggest threat to Google INCORPORATED—INCREASING DOMINANCE—OF—INTERNET—SEARCH and advertising is the rising fear,
20081103             Profits slump at Societe GENERALE—QUI est vraiment Obama ?
20081103             Regenerative Medizin: Forscher entwickeln "HERZINFARKT—PFLASTER"
20081103             REINHARD—MARX, sagte im SPIEGEL, wir stünden alle auf den Schultern von KARL—MARX.
20081103             Report: ES&S Voting Machines Can Be Calibrated to Favor Specific Candidates
20081103             Rettungspaket : COMMERZBANK—VORSTÄNDE müssen für Staatshilfe büßen
20081103             Rettungspaket: HSH Nordbank will 30—MILLIARDEN Euro STAATSBÜRGSCHAFTEN—RETTUNGSPAKET: WestLB reiht sich ein
20081103             Revealing the full... superstructure may be the work of 1—GENERATION".
20081103             Review Reignites Questions Over BPA
20081103             Run auf Rettungspaket: 18000000             USA—BANKEN prüfen Bewerbung um Finanzhilfen
20081103             SPIEGEL: Die Kapitalismuskritik ist jedenfalls im Aufwind.
20081103             Der katholische ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—MÜNCHEN,
20081103             SPIEGEL: Wundert es Sie, wie hart, schnell und tief diese Krise einschlägt?
20081103             SARAH—PALIN piégée par un "faux Sarkozy"?
20081103             Schockwellen der Finanzkrise: Schwellenländer betroffen
20081103             Schutzschirm: Börsianer feiern Staatshilfe für Commerzbank
20081103             Schwere Unwetter: Chaos an der Côte d'Azur nach Stromausfall
20081103             Sie fertigten kostbare Bücher und kannten die mathematische Formel für den Goldenen Schnitt.
20081103             Skandinavien, MEXIKO, ASIEN, ARGENTINIEN, JAPAN—ALLES —SCHON vergessen?
20081103             So —NOW the service is looking to restore its advantage on the virtual battlefield by doing nothing less than the rewriting the 'laws of cyberspace.
20081103             SPENCER—ACKERMAN wrote that Hayes "has made 1—CAREER out of pretending Saddam and AL—QAEDA were in league
20081103             Staatshilfe: WestLB und HSH Nordbank flüchten unter Rettungsschirm
20081103             —HAPPENED, Stop the press, it's finally.
20081103             1—NATIONAL—USA—NEWSPAPER, with 1—ILLUSTRIOUS—100—YEAR publishing |history and 7—PULITZER prizes, has gone totally digital.
20081103             Stories like this make me want to smash things.
20081103             Tarifkonflikt: 45.000—METALLER streiken für mehr Geld
20081103             That larger mathematical theory, if it exists, may help crack some of the hardest mathematical questions there are,
20081103             THE—NATION: THE—YEAR—OF—LIVING on the Edge of Our Seats
20081103             THE—PRIME—MINISTER was speaking hours —AFTER it emerged that 1—MEMORY—STICK containing the passwords to 1—GOVERNMENT—WEBSITE used submit online tax returns had been lost.
20081103             THE—TOP—FORGOTTEN—CIA—AGENT
20081103             THE—WASHINGTON—POST—REPORTS—TODAY that loyal BUSH ies are engaging in upbeat talk to mask "disappointment and frustration
20081103             The action was taken —AFTER 1—MEMORY—STICK was found in 1—PUB—CAR—PARK containing confidential passcodes to the online Government Gateway system,
20081103             The behavior is eerily similar to problems already seen —IN—EARLY voting in 3—STATES.
20081103             The frogs and salamanders of Yellowstone National Park have been declining —SINCE 19800000             —THE S,
20081103             The study concludes that it has "pretty good evidence" that there is 1—LINK between video games and childhood aggression.
20081103             —MONITORED, The study, GROUPS—OF—USA and JAPAN—CHILDREN, asking them to rate their violent behavior over 1—PERIOD—OF several months —WHILE they played video games in their free time.
20081103             —ANNOUNCED, TimeWarner, —TODAY that "frequent guest, STEPHEN—F—HAYES,
20081103             Touchscreens in voting machines being used in 20—STATES can be maliciously calibrated so that votes for 1—CANDIDATE are mapped to another, according to report from computer scientists.
20081103             UK—DAILY—MAIL that recounts another sad tale of the careless loss of massive amounts of private user data.
20081103             to its lowest level —FOR—26—YEARS, far lower than the market had expected.
20081103             USA manufacturing hits —26—YEAR—LOW
20081103             USA—AUTOBAUER mit drastischem Absatzeinbruch
20081103             USA—WAHLCOUNTDOWN: Obama führt in Umfragen deutlich
20081103             USA—WAHLEN: Die Richtungswahl der Supermacht
20081103             Und so ging es durch —DIE—JAHRHUNDERTE munter weiter.
20081103             Da könnte ich eine ganze Liste vorlesen.
20081103             Une fin de campagne marquée par la crise
20081103             —PRAISED, Unsurprisingly, [Dick] Cheney has repeatedly, HAYES—WORK, telling FOX—NEWS, "I think STEVE—HAYES has done 1—EFFECTIVE—JOB in his article of laying out 1—LOT—OF—THOSE connections. "
20081103             Unwetter in VIETNAM: 55—TOTE nach heftigen Regenfällen
20081103             —VERSCHIEBT, Verzögerte Kontrollen: USA—FINANZRIESE KKR, Börsengang - Video Games Linked To Child Aggression
20081103             Vielleicht können wir uns das auch mal zu Herzen nehmen und die ganzen sinnlosen Datenbanken zumachen?
20081103             Weniger Demokratie wagen
20081103             Wie 1—STUDIE am Berliner Universitätsklinikum Charité ergab, beeinflusst der Botenstoff Dopamin die Aktivität der Amygdala,
20081103             —BESTIMMT, Wird sie dagegen von äußeren Faktoren, dann ist sie fremdbestimmt und damit unfrei.
20081103             —BESTIMMT, Wird sie durch den Handelnden selbst, dann ist sie eben selbstbestimmt und damit frei.
20081103             Young Iranians rally outside THE—FORMER—USA embassy in TEHRAN to mark the 29. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—SEIZURE by Islamic revolutionaries.
20081103             [Top honors needed for top CIA Operative.
20081103             Top agent's daughter's main mission is to prosecute GEORGE—W—BUSH for murder in VERMONT.
20081103             [USA—DISTRICT—JUDGE—SOLOMON—OLIVER denied MICHAEL—CONNELL—MOTION to quash the subpoena issued for his deposition testimony ordered the deposition to take place at —NOON—ON—MONDAY
20081103             according to 1—STANFORD—UNIVERSITY—STUDY, as global warming dries out seasonal ponds, leaving dried salamander corpses in their wake.
20081103             among MANY—WHITE—HOUSE—STAFFERS," who see their boss as "1—GOOD and steadfast man who has gotten 1—BAD rap":
20081103             and the main thing they've discovered is that the question is really, really hard.
20081103             In the last —DECADE,
20081103             belonging to the company which runs the flagship system, came to be lost".
20081103             capable of morphing into other shapes —DURING flight.
20081103             dem "Buhmann der Nation" (Börsenzeitung) fehl am Platze: Die moralisierende Verurteilung von angeblich besonders gierigen und schamlosen Bankern aber hat den einzigen Zweck,
20081103             der nur über staatliche Regeln und Interventionen aufgelöst werden kann.
20081103             Sicherlich ist Mitleid mit Ackermann und Co,
20081103             der weiß, was —SEIT mindestens —200—JAHREN Geschäftsgrundlage ist.
20081103             JOHN—LAW hat 17200000             mit seiner MISSISSIPPI Company Aktien ausgeteilt und eine riesige Kreditblase ausgelöst,
20081103             einer Struktur im Schläfenlappen des Gehirns, die bei der emotionalen Bewertung von Erlebnissen eine wichtige Rolle spielt.
20081103             has made it official by signing on with the network as 1—POLITICAL—CONTRIBUTOR":
20081103             in CLEVELAND.Cyber security expert STEPHEN—SPOONAMORE in THE—KING—LINCOLN case —BEFORE USA—DISTRICT—JUDGE—ALGENON in COLUMBUS have identified Connell as 1—KEY—WITNESS to KARL—ROVE—VARIOUS—MANEUVERS affecting elections —DURING this —DECADE.
20081103             including global warming, seems to be responsible.
20081103             "... national parks and other areas protected from pollution and development are providing no refuge.
20081103             justified or not, that GOOGLE—BROADENING reach is giving it unchecked power.
20081103             kdawson 223—COMMENTS 1—ANONYMOUS—READER tips 1—PIECE from the
20081103             kdawson 365—COMMENTS—DEATH—METAL sends in 1—SCIENTIFIC—USA—ARTICLE reporting that
20081103             kdawson 76+ Comments An anonymous reader sends us to Science News,
20081103             mit allem, was dazugehört: Immobilienspekulation, Konsumrausch, Schuldenmacherei.
20081103             FRANKREICH ist damals knapp am Staatsbankrott vorbeigeschrammt.
20081103             perhaps due to global warming.
20081103             But the really bad news is that amphibians may be —JUST the 1. SIGN—OF—OTHER—SPECIES in trouble.
20081103             questions about the mathematical structure of THE—3—AND 4—DIMENSIONAL space where we live.
20081103             schwach in der Prophezeiung.
20081103             Und im Kalten Krieg hätte ein solcher Satz von einem BISCHOF noch einen Skandal ausgelöst.
20081103             something that even DOUG—FEITH, 1—OF—HAYES' supposed sources, —LATER disavowed.
20081103             thanks to their sensitivity to both air and water.
20081103             What goes for amphibians may soon be TRUE—OF—OTHER—CLASSES—OF—ANIMAL, including mammals".
20081103             though, they've developed SOME—POWERFUL—NEW—TOOLS inspired by physics that have pried 1—FEW answers from the universe's clutches.
20081103             von den politisch gemachten Ursachen der Krise abzulenken.
20081103             Überakkumulation, Konsumflaute
20081103             which covers everything from tax returns to parking tickets.
20081103             1—URGENT—INVESTIGATION is —NOW under way into how the stick,
20081103             which is running 1—SURVEY—OF—RECENT strides in finding 1—ANSWER to THE—AGE—OLD—QUESTION:
20081103             wie sie determiniert oder — ganz allgemein — bestimmt ist:
20081103             wird ein paar —TAGE—NACH—DEM Gerichtstermin auf offener Strasse erschossen.
20081103             "Die SCHWEIZ gerät unweigerlich in den Strudel"
20081103             übrig war nur noch Bindegewebe, auf das sie die Stammzellen aufbrachten.
20081103             'There is 1—REAL—SADNESS there' in THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20081103             's political director.
20081103             "As PART—OF—THE 'Best Political Team on Television,' Steve will help in its commitment to go beyond political spin and present viewers with the most IN—DEPTH and bipartisan insights".
20081103             "Everybody kind of wanted to spend the last 100-plus days doing SOME—LEGACY—THINGS, and the financial crisis has thrown 1—WRENCH into that," said 1—PROMINENT—REPUBLICAN who regularly talks with senior WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS.
20081103             "The annual cost of WASHINGTON lobbying will probably hit $3—BILLION
20081103             "You have 1—COMBINATION—OF—NO—LEGACY—STUFF, 1—HORRIBLE—ECONOMIC—MESS and the likelihood that Obama is going to win," this person added.
20081103             "There is 1—REAL—SADNESS there".
20081103             .filled with glowing praise from cover to cover".
20081103             —REFUSED, ALI—HAMZA—AL—BAHLUL, —39—JAHRE—ALT, 1—AIDE to OSAMA—BIN—LADEN who, to defend himself at his GUANTANAMO war crimes trial, was convicted of 3—TERRORISM—RELATED charges and was sentenced to life in prison.
20081103             Circuit City Stores INCORPORATED said it is closing about 20—PERCENT of its USA—STORES, cutting THOUSANDS—OF—JOBS, in 1—EFFORT to return the nation's NUMBER 2—CONSUMER—ELECTRONICS—RETAILER to profitability.
20081103             The closure of 155—USA—STORES would put as many as 7,300 employees OUT—OF—WORK.
20081103             SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 37—CIVILIANS, including women and children, were killed in INTERNATIONAL air strikes that hit Wach Baghtu village in Shah Wali Kot DISTRICT—OF—KANDAHAR.
20081103             26—INSURGENTS were also reported killed.
20081103             —ABDUCTED, In AFGHANISTAN gunmen, Dany Egreteau (32), 1—FRANCE—AID—WORKER in KABUL, and shot dead 1—AFGHANISTAN—MAN who tried to rescue him.
20081103             —INVOLVED, THE—TALIBAN said it was not.
20081103             —SEIZED, Afghan and coalition troops, 40—TONS—OF—HASHISH —DURING 1—RAID in Nawa Kili village in SOUTH—KANDAHAR province.
20081103             2—OF—BRAZIL—LARGEST—BANKS agreed to merge in 1—MOVE to buttress the country's financial system.
20081103             Itau Holding Financeira SA will purchase its smaller rival Uniao de Bancos Brasileiros SA.
20081103             UK Financial Investments (UKFI) was set up to mange THE—UK—GOVERNMENT—STAKES in rescued banks.
20081103             —PLACED, JOHN—KINGMAN, 1—TREASURY—EXECUTIVE, was, in charge.
20081103             —APPROVED, PARLIAMENT, legislation restoring guaranteed seats on provincial councils to Christians and other small religious communities, the last major hurdle to holding provincial elections —NEXT—YEAR.
20081103             1—STRING—OF—BOMBINGS in BAGHDAD and Baqouba killed 9—PEOPLE and wounded at least 33—OTHERS.
20081103             GENERAL—DAVID—PETRAEUS, THE—USA—COMMANDER running the wars in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN, held talks with PAKISTAN—LEADERS who told him to stop USA—STRIKES on militants in PAKISTAN—TERRITORY.
20081103             —APPROVED, THE—SCOTLAND—GOVERNMENT, controversial plans by USA—TYCOON—DONALD—TRUMP to build 1—HUGE—LUXURY—GOLF—RESORT on the country's east coast.
20081103             SPAIN—GOVERNMENT, grappling with soaring unemployment and 1—ECONOMY buffeted by the global credit crunch, announced 1—PLAN to help families make mortgage payments and reward businesses that hire.
20081103             Chen Yunlin, the most senior CHINA—OFFICIAL to visit TAIWAN —SINCE THE—END—OF—1—CIVIL—WAR—60—YEARS—AGO, arrived in TAIPEI on 1—CHARTER flight from BEIJING for talks on strengthening economic ties, as SUPPORTERS—OF—INDEPENDENCE for THE—ISLAND staged demonstrations and planned mass protest rallies against his visit.
20081103             ZIMBABWE—OFFICIALS say they have sold almost 4—TONS—OF—IVORY for over $450,000 and the money will go to the country's CASH—STRAPPED wildlife authorities.
20081103             Das wollen die Anhänger der politisch ungebundenen Marktwirtschaft nicht zugeben: Daß es einen Systemkonflikt zwischen einzelwirtschaftlicher und gesamtwirtschaftlicher Rationalität gibt, der nur über staatliche Regeln und Interventionen aufgelöst werden kann.
20081103             Sicherlich ist Mitleid mit Ackermann und Co, dem "Buhmann der Nation" (Börsenzeitung) fehl am Platze: Die moralisierende Verurteilung von angeblich besonders gierigen und schamlosen Bankern aber hat den einzigen Zweck, von den politisch gemachten Ursachen der Krise abzulenken.
20081103             Überakkumulation, KONSUMFLAUTE—AUTOMAKERS Report Grim October SALES—FINANZKRISE: Unheilsgeschichte
20081103             Absatzeinbruch für ALLE—HERSTELLER: Dunkler AUTO—OKTOBER in den USA
20081103             EUROPA droht 1—REZESSION—RETTUNGSPAKET: WestLB reiht sich ein
20081103             —GERATEN, Finanzspritze: —NUN, Volksbanken unter DRUCK—DROHENDES WAHL—CHAOS in den USA
20081103             "THE—AIR—FORCE is fed up with 1—SEEMINGLY endless BARRAGE—OF—ATTACKS on its computer networks from stealthy adversaries whose motives and even locations are unclear. So —NOW the service is looking to restore its advantage on the virtual battlefield by doing nothing less than the rewriting the 'laws of cyberspace.'" I'm sure that'll work out really well for them.
20081103             " is running 1—STORY this —MORNING that explains new research showing 1—CORRELATION between video games and aggression in children. The study monitored GROUPS—OF—USA and JAPAN—CHILDREN, asking them to rate their violent behavior over 1—PERIOD—OF several months —WHILE they played video games in their free time. The study concludes that it has "pretty good evidence" that there is 1—LINK between video games and childhood aggression".
20081103             - kdawson 223—COMMENTS 1—ANONYMOUS—READER tips 1—PIECE from the
20081103             "Ministers have been forced to order 1—EMERGENCY shutdown of 1—KEY—GOVERNMENT—COMPUTER—SYSTEM to protect MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE—PRIVATE—DETAILS. The action was taken —AFTER 1—MEMORY—STICK was found in 1—PUB—CAR—PARK containing confidential passcodes to the online Government Gateway system, which covers everything from tax returns to parking tickets. 1—URGENT—INVESTIGATION is —NOW under way into how the stick, belonging to the company which runs the flagship system, came to be lost".
20081103             - kdawson 365—COMMENTS—DEATH—METAL sends in 1—SCIENTIFIC—USA—ARTICLE reporting that
20081103             1—COMBINATION—OF—ENVIRONMENTAL—ASSAULTS, including global warming, seems to be responsible.
20081103             "... national parks and other areas protected from pollution and development are providing no refuge. The frogs and salamanders of Yellowstone National Park have been declining —SINCE the 1980s, according to 1—STANFORD—UNIVERSITY—STUDY, as global warming dries out seasonal ponds, leaving dried salamander corpses in their wake. —SINCE the 1970s, nearly 75—PERCENT—OF—THE—FROGS and other amphibians of La Selva Biological Station in Braulio Carrillo National Park in the Caribbean lowlands of COSTA—RICA have †, perhaps due to global warming. But the really bad news is that amphibians may be —JUST the 1. SIGN—OF—OTHER—SPECIES in trouble. Biologists at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA, S—DIEGO, have shown that amphibians are the 1. to respond to environmental changes, thanks to their sensitivity to both air and water. What goes for amphibians may soon be TRUE—OF—OTHER—CLASSES—OF—ANIMAL, including mammals".
20081103             Major Advances In Knot THEORY—KDAWSON 76+ Comments An anonymous reader sends us to Science News,
20081103             which is running 1—SURVEY—OF—RECENT strides in finding 1—ANSWER to THE—AGE—OLD—QUESTION: How MANY—WAYS are there to tie your shoelaces?
20081103             Hires SADDAM—AL—QAEDA 'Connection' Fabricator And Cheney Hagiographer - M. Duss Comments
20081103             —ANNOUNCED, TimeWarner, —TODAY that "
20081103             frequent guest, STEPHEN—F—HAYES, has made it official by signing on with the network as 1—POLITICAL—CONTRIBUTOR":
20081103             "Steve is 1—WELL—RESPECTED and knowledgeable journalist who already has become 1—NATURAL—PART—OF—POLITICAL—COVERAGE," said SAM—FEIST, 's political director.
20081103             Over the past —8—YEARS, Hayes has done little more than spin for THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION'S "WAR—ON—TERROR".Hayes was 1—OF—THE—FOREMOST peddlers of the false claim that SADDAM—HUSSEIN was in league with AL—QAEDA, something that even DOUG—FEITH, 1—OF—HAYES' supposed sources, —LATER disavowed.
20081103             SPENCER—ACKERMAN wrote that Hayes "
20081103             has made 1—CAREER out of pretending Saddam and AL—QAEDA were in league to attack THE—USA":
20081103             1—WET kiss -...filled with glowing praise from cover to cover".
20081103             "The annual cost of WASHINGTON LOBBYING—WILL probably hit $3—BILLION - - Faiz Shakir Comments
20081103             THE—WASHINGTON—POST—REPORTS—TODAY that loyal Bush ies are engaging in upbeat talk to mask "
20081103             disappointment and frustration among MANY—WHITE—HOUSE—STAFFERS," who see their boss as "1—GOOD and steadfast man who has gotten 1—BAD rap":
20081103             —CONVICTED, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—VIDEO—MAKER, 1—MILITARY—JURY at THE—GUANTANAMO—BAY detention centre convicts 1—MAN accused of being OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—MEDIA—SECRETARY.
20081103             † Menezes police 'OUT—OF—CONTROL' 1—WITNESS on the train where JEAN—CHARLES—DE—MENEZES, tells 1—INQUEST police marksmen appeared panicked —BEFORE the shooting.
20081103             USA manufacturing hits —26—YEAR—LOW—USA manufacturing fell in October to its lowest level —FOR—26—YEARS, far lower than the market had expected.
20081103             FRANCE—PIRATES face net CUT—OFF FRANCE—PROPOSALS to throw persistent pirates off THE—INTERNET—MOVE 1—SIGNIFICANT—STEP—CLOSER to becoming law.
20081103             IRAN marks USA embassy takeover Young Iranians rally outside THE—FORMER—USA embassy in TEHRAN to mark the 29. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—SEIZURE by Islamic revolutionaries.
20081103             Profits slump at Societe Generale FRANCE—BANK—SOCIETE—GENERALE sees net profit slump 84% for the 3. quarter, but says it is able to weather the downturn.
20081103             CIA—LINKED private military contractor Evergreen Defense & Security Services offered to post sentries at OREGON election offices —ON—TUESDAY, "detaining troublemakers" and making sure voters "do not get OUT—OF—CONTROL".
20081103             Perhaps the biggest threat to Google INCORPORATED—INCREASING DOMINANCE—OF—INTERNET search and advertising is the rising fear, justified or not, that GOOGLE—BROADENING reach is giving it unchecked power.
20081103             Aid convoy delivers medical supplies in CONGO
20081103             Election breathes new life into nuclear DEBATE—REUTERS—BY SUSAN—CORNWELL—WASHINGTON
20081103             —AROUND the Street: THE—ELECTION—HEATS—UP, the Economy Cools - 2. UPDATE: USA Oct Auto Sales Slump;
20081103             GENERAL—MOTORS—SALES—DOWN 45% - MONEY—COM-
20081103             —SLUMPED, USA auto sales, in October, with GENERAL—MOTORS—CORP. (GENERAL—MOTORS) reporting its 1. —MONTH of less than 20000000             00—SALES—SINCE at least the
20081103             Circuit City closing 155—STORES
20081103             —PROVIDED, Circuit City, the troubled consumer electronics chain, more EVIDENCE—OF—THE—DOWNTURN in USA retailing —ON—MONDAY—WHEN it unveiled plans to cut more than 7000—JOBS + begin liquidation sales at a 5. of its...
20081103             Klarer FALL—VON—SELBSTMORD: Mann klaut über Insider beim USA—AUSSENMINISTERIUM und bei der USA—POST Kreditkartendaten, wird ein paar —TAGE—NACH—DEM Gerichtstermin auf offener Strasse erschossen.
20081103             —GELASSEN, GORDON—BROWN spricht ein grosses Wort, aus: GORDON—BROWN has made 1—FRANK—ADMISSION that government cannot promise THE—SAFETY—OF—PERSONAL—DATA entrusted by the public.
20081103             Lockheed Martin, for example, has conceptualized 1—NUMBER—OF—SUPER—SECRET, high tech, unmanned flying machines, capable of morphing into other shapes —DURING flight.
20081103             —ERST im Frühjahr war es Wissenschaftlern gelungen,
20081103             tote Rattenherzen mit Stammzellen wieder zum Leben zu erwecken.
20081103             Dabei diensten die Herzen toter Ratten als GERÜST—DIE Forscher hatten zuvor die Herzen von allen Zellen befreit, übrig war nur noch Bindegewebe, auf das sie die Stammzellen aufbrachten.
20081103             Der katholische ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—MÜNCHEN, REINHARD—MARX, sagte im SPIEGEL, wir stünden alle auf den Schultern von KARL—MARX.
20081103             Enzensberger: Das ist doch grandios.
20081103             Das "Kapital" war immer ein tolles Buch.
20081103             Stark in der Analyse, schwach in der Prophezeiung.
20081103             Wer auch nur ein bisschen Wirtschaftsgeschichte kennt - 1—PRISE—MARXISMUS kann auch nicht schaden -, der weiß, was —SEIT mindestens —200—JAHREN Geschäftsgrundlage ist.
20081103             JOHN—LAW hat 17200000             mit seiner MISSISSIPPI Company Aktien ausgeteilt und eine riesige Kreditblase ausgelöst, mit allem, was dazugehört: Immobilienspekulation, Konsumrausch, Schuldenmacherei.
20081103             —DETERMINIERT, Entscheidend ist vielmehr, wie sie, oder — ganz allgemein — bestimmt ist:
20081103             Rettungspaket: HSH Nordbank will 30—MILLIARDEN Euro Staatsbürgschaften
20081103             Wie 1—STUDIE am Berliner Universitätsklinikum Charité ergab, beeinflusst der Botenstoff Dopamin die Aktivität der Amygdala, einer Struktur im Schläfenlappen des Gehirns, die bei der emotionalen Bewertung von Erlebnissen eine wichtige Rolle spielt.
20081103             Finanzkrise: Commerzbank nimmt Rettungspaket in ANSPRUCH—LOS—ANGELES: 5—OBDACHLOSE erschossen
20081103             Günstigere Tarife: Gasversorger kündigen Preissenkungen an
20081103             Coups, Corporations, and Classified Information
20081103             Der Geheimdienst und die BÖRSE—HERZ der Finanzmärkte schlägt wieder
20081103             Weniger Demokratie WAGEN—JOSEF—ACKERMANN: "Wir sind stark"
20081103             Most major transportation firms relying on LOW—END sobriety TESTS—QUI est vraiment Obama ?
20081103             Crédito para la BANCA—BROWN CONFIDENT—OF—MIDDLE—EAST cash
20081103             Metaller KAMPFBEREIT—EXPOSURE to plastic chemical BPA may affect behaviors
20081103             —BY JIMMY—DOWNS (foodconsumer_org)
20081103             1—NEW—STUDY released in October suggests that maternal exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) could eliminate or decrease the sex difference in certain behavioral responses.
20081103             FDA Needs To Reconsider Its Tolerance Regarding BPA
20081103             Candidates Urge Voters to Go to Polls FOXNEWS—JOHN—MCCAIN + BARACK—OBAMA attend rallies in key battleground states as their GET—OUT—THE—VOTE—OPERATIONS—ATTEMPT to persuade voters to go to the polls —ON—TUESDAY.
20081103             Campaigns uncork GET—OUT—THE—VOTE—OPERATIONS
20081103             Obama and McCain Campaign in Swing States as Race Nears CLOSE—FOR the 1. time ever".
20081103             HESSEN, scheitert der Plan von SPD—CHEFIN—ANDREA—YPSILANTI, 1—VON—DEN—LINKEN tolerierte Minderheitsregierung von SPD und Grünen zu bilden, nach Ankündigung von 4—LANDTAGSABGEORDNETEN ihrer Partei, bei 1—WAHL zur Ministerpräsidentin Ypsilanti die Stimmen zu versagen.
20081103—19700000    —THE S, —SINCE nearly 75—PERCENT—OF—THE—FROGS and other amphibians of La Selva Biological Station in Braulio Carrillo National Park in the Caribbean lowlands of COSTA—RICA have †,
20081103—19820000    —SINCE, USA—ECONOMY: Factory Index Drops to Lowest Level 20081103             USA manufacturing fell in ;;10;;
20081103—19820000    —SINCE, USA—ECONOMY: Factory Index Drops to Lowest Level
20081103—19930000    —SEIT—EINE solche Talfahrt habe es nicht mehr gegeben.
20081103—19970600    —IM, Das Barometer für die EURO—ZONE fiel um knapp 4—AUF 41,1 Punkte und markierte damit den tiefsten Stand —SEIT Umfragebeginn.
20081103—20090302    Möglich sei ABER—DER gesamte Zeitraum VOM—HIEß es in der Untersuchung.
20081103—20150000    —IN, 1—USA—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT ruled that the conspiracy case against Bahlul was legally flawed because conspiracy is not 1—WAR—CRIME.
20090105—20090104    —DATE 20090105—20091103    —PLEADED, Trabulse, guilty for defrauding investors of some $8.3—MILLION.
20090105—20091103    —PLEADED, Trabulse, guilty for defrauding investors of some $8.3—MILLION.
20090319             Josias Kumpf (83), 1—FORMER—NAZI—CONCENTRATION—CAMP—GUARD, was deported from WISCONSIN to AUSTRIA, despite objections from his lawyer that the guard was simply present at the Trawniki Labor Camp in POLAND but committed no ACTS—OF—PERSECUTION 19431103             —SEE.
20091031—20091103    —ANNOUNCED, Police, THE—ARREST—OF—THE—2—TEENAGERS.
20091101—20091103    —MANAGED, The blaze was brought under control —WHEN experts, to plug the leak that has spewed TONS—OF—CRUDE over the past —10—WEEKS.
20091102             Blue | #12 | 00000 on Sun, 20091101             20091103—20091101    —ON, NORTH—DAKOTA, 3—FEMALE—DICKINSON STATE—UNIV. softball players were found dead —AFTER their sport utility vehicle went into 1—POND on 1—FARM —DURING 1—STARGAZING trip.
20091103             Zum TOD—VON—CLAUDE—LÉVI—STRAUSS: "Den Menschen gibt es nicht"
20091103             Urteil: Kruzifix im Klassenzimmer verletzt Religionsfreiheit
20091103             Im Pflanzenreich sind es sogar 70 % aller Arten, die bald nicht mehr existieren könnten.
20091103             37—PROZENT—DER—SÜSSWASSERFISCHE sind akut gefährdet.
20091103             30—PROZENT—DER—AMPHIBIEN sind vom Aussterben bedroht, weitaus schlimmer steht es um die Pflanzenwelt.
20091103             28—PROZENT—DER—REPTILIEN und - 12—PROZENT—DER—VÖGEL,
20091103             "Aber glauben Sie, auch nur 1—SOLDAT—HAT—VERSTÄNDNIS für notwendige juristische, akademische oder semantische Feinsinnigkeiten?"
20091103             "Das Leben hat keinen Sinn". CLAUDE—LÉVI—STRAUSS
20091103             "Wir bilden Soldaten und Polizisten aus und helfen, wo wir können".
20091103             12—PROZENT—DER—VÖGEL, 28—PROZENT—DER—REPTILIEN und
20091103             Amphibien, die zu Lande und zu Wasser leben, LEIDEN immer mehr unter den UMWELTVERÄNDERUNGEN—VOR allem durch den Menschen.
20091103             —AN—DIESEM—DIENSTAG in WASHINGTON war sie kenntlich.
20091103             Schön sah sie aus.
20091103             —VERKÜNDET, Atomstreit: NORDKOREA, Herstellung von Plutonium
20091103             Auf der aktuellen Roten LISTE—DER—INTERNATIONAL—UNION for CONSERVATION—OF—NATURE (IUCN) ,
20091103             Damit haben die modernen TANTE—EMMA—LÄDEN die Funktion als Nachrichtenbörse ÜBERNOMMEN—UND das bieten weder Discounter noch die großen Supermärkte.
20091103             Der Inhaber der freien Werkstatt in Flensburg wurde festgenommen, ist allerdings —BEREITS wieder auf freiem Fuß.
20091103             —VERLIERT, Der Kilimandscharo, seine EIS—UND Schneeschicht.
20091103             Allein VON—DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT: Osten holt Westen schneller ein als erwartet
20091103             —FORDERUNGEN, DEUTSCHLAND entziehe sich den, der Amerikaner nach mehr Soldaten nicht, erklärte Guttenberg:
20091103             Dies ergaben Messungen im Nordpolarmeer, unter anderem in der Umgebung von Spitzbergen.
20091103             Doch dann kam der Mensch und baute 1—KRAFTWERK.
20091103             Doch die Zeit, so die Botschaft der Studie, ist knapp: Die Kosten zur Minderung des Treibhausgasausstoßes werden im Laufe des kommenden Jahrzehnts deutlich ansteigen.
20091103             3—GROßE Themen gibt es traditionell in der islamischen Kunst: Die Kalligraphie, das Ornament und die Miniaturmalerei.
20091103             Ein gemeinsames BILD—VON—MENSCHEN und ihrer Würde".
20091103             —ENTSCHEIDUNG im AUTO—POKER: GENERAL—MOTORS will Opel behalten
20091103             Er ist der Leiter des Artenschutzes beim World Wildlife Fund (WWF DEUTSCHLAND.
20091103             Erderwärmung: Kein Schnee mehr auf dem Kilimandscharo
20091103             Folgen der Wirtschaftsflaute: Regierung fürchtet Einnahmeminus in Milliardenhöhe
20091103             Fördervertrag: BP soll riesiges Ölfeld im IRAK ausbeuten
20091103             Für EUROPA mache sich der rechtzeitige Einstieg "in einen umfassenden Klimaschutz sogar im Alleingang" durch deutlich niedrigere Kosten bezahlt.
20091103             —BRÜSKIERT, GENERAL—MOTORS—ENTSCHEIDUNG zu Opel: Querschlag aus DETROIT, Merkel
20091103             Gegen ihn wird wegen Verstoßes gegen das Kriegswaffenkontrollgesetz ermittelt.
20091103             Geheimdienstbericht: Skandalreport bringt Bulgariens Regierung in Bedrängnis
20091103             Gouverneurswahlen: USA—DEMOKRATEN verlieren VIRGINIA und NEW—JERSEY
20091103             Guttenberg verwies darauf, dass das Völkerrecht zwar besage, Krieg könne nur zwischen Staaten stattfinden:
20091103             Herbstprognose: EU warnt vor JOB—MISERE in DEUTSCHLAND
20091103             Hey OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION: NICE job outlawing the social media and civic participation tools that got you elected!
20091103             Im Gegenzug sinken den Experten zufolge die Chancen, den Klimawandel aufhalten zu können.
20091103             WASHINGTON, drang sie zum Wesentlichen vor: dem Begriff der Freiheit.
20091103             Intelligenz könne in manchen Entscheidungssituationen sogar hinderlich sein - "sie verleitet dazu, —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN nur mit dem Kopf zu treffen".
20091103             Jemand, der so lange Verfassungsminister war wie ich, wird sehr genau darauf 8., dass das Grundgesetz eingehalten wird.
20091103             Klage gegen USA—KLINIK: Ärzte operierten fünfmal falsche Körperstellen
20091103             KLIMASCHUTZ—UMFRAGE: 90—PROZENT—DER—DEUTSCHEN wollen Merkel in Kopenhagen sehen
20091103             Kulturphilosoph: CLAUDE—LÉVI—STRAUSS ist tot
20091103             Kundenflucht: SCHWEIZER—UBS kommt nicht aus den roten Zahlen
20091103             Lacher des Tages: dieses SCHÄUBLE—ZITAT:
20091103             MANCHE—HERKÖMMLICHE—WORTWAHL passe für die Bedrohung von —HEUTE nicht mehr wirklich, sagte der MINISTER.
20091103             MEGA—ÜBERNAHME: Buffett kauft EISENBAHN—KONZERN für 44—MILLIARDEN Dollar
20091103             Nach Einschätzung des obersten Kommandeurs der USA—UND NATO—TRUPPEN am Hindukusch sind —BIS zu 40.000—WEITERE Soldaten nötig,
20091103             —NACHDEM der Lebensraum der Tiere durch das Kraftwerk nach und nach austrocknet war,
20091103             Neue Einheitswährung: Lateinamerika probt Aufstand gegen den Dollar
20091103             ONLINE—BLOGGER, IPHONE—USER, die transatlantische Trauer um MICHAEL—JACKSON, Politiker wie BARACK—OBAMA und —NUN auch Merkel.
20091103             RBS und Lloyds: BRITISCHE—KRISENBANKEN bekommen neue Steuermilliarden
20091103             Reaktionen auf KONGRESS—REDE: Merkels KLIMA—APPELL sprengt Parteigrenzen
20091103             Rede in WASHINGTON: Merkel stützt Obama gegen KLIMASCHUTZ—KRITIKER
20091103             Rockerkrieg: Polizei entdeckt Waffenarsenal bei Hells Angel
20091103             Rote Liste: 17.291—TIERARTEN kämpfen gegen das Aussterben
20091103             Schauer und weitere Wissenschaftler werteten dies als Beleg dafür, dass die derzeitigen Modelle noch nicht ALLE—TRIEBKRÄFTE—DES—KLIMAWANDELS hinreichend erfassen.
20091103             Sinnbild der erneuerten DEUTSCH—AMERIKANISCHEN—FREUNDSCHAFT sind nicht mehr die am Checkpoint Charlie stehenden Soldaten, sondern
20091103             Streit um Urananreicherung: Ajatollah Chamenei geißelt USA als "arrogant"
20091103             Studie zu Kosten: "Klimaschutz ist wirtschaftlich verträglich und machbar"
20091103             THE—ACTA—INTERNET—CHAPTER: Putting the Pieces Together
20091103             THE—ANTI—COUNTERFEITING Trade Agreement negotations continue in 1—FEW hours as SEOUL—KOREA plays host to the latest ROUND—OF—TALKS.
20091103             —DRAFTED, THE—USA has, the chapter under enormous secrecy, with selected groups granted access
20091103             The governments have —POSTED the meeting agenda,
20091103             —ENTHAUPTET, Todesurteil: SAUDI—ARABIA—SOLL, und ans Kreuz geschlagen werden
20091103             Und das sei oft eine grausam langsame und ineffiziente Weise der Entscheidungsfindung.
20091103             Und noch etwas kommt dazu: "Vor allem erfährt man hier zuerst, was so los ist im Dorf", sagt Kundin Vera Poggenhorn.
20091103             Ungewöhnliches Verhalten: Flughunde praktizieren Oralsex
20091103             accused -- again, without evidence or trial -- of infringing copyright".
20091103             die —AM—DIENSTAG veröffentlicht wurde, heißt es: "Nectophrynoides asperginis: Extinct in the wild".
20091103             —HEUTE müsse die neue politische Generation zeigen, dass auch sie Mauern einreißen könne.
20091103             other countries (including CANADA given physical, watermarked copies designed to guard against leaks.
20091103             so die KANZLERIN. "Es ist mehr.
20091103             Das was uns zusammenhält, ist die gemeinsame Wertebasis.
20091103             stellte die AWI—FORSCHERIN Ursula Schauer aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse vor, wonach der Rückgang des arktischen Meereises"
20091103             um 1—NIEDERLAGE gegen die RADIKAL—ISLAMISCHEN Taliban zu verhindern.
20091103             under strict NON—DISCLOSURE—AGREEMENTS and
20091103             viel schneller voranschreitet als durch Klimamodelle vorhergesagt".
20091103             which unsurprisingly focuses on THE—ISSUE—OF—INTERNET—ENFORCEMENT.
20091103             THE—USA—BEGAN 1—NEW—POLICY—OF—ENGAGEMENT with MYANMAR—RULING military junta, sending 2—SENIOR—DIPLOMATS for THE—HIGHEST—LEVEL—VISIT in more than —1—DECADE.
20091103             —SUFFERED, Democrats, humiliating gubernatorial losses in traditionally Democratic NEW—JERSEY and in VIRGINIA.
20091103             —DEFEATED, In NEW—JERSEY CHRIS—CHRISTIE still, GOVERNOR—JON—CORZINE by 4—POINTS — the largest victory by 1—NEW—JERSEY—REPUBLICAN in nearly 1—QUARTER—CENTURY.
20091103             —REPEALED, Voters in MAINE, 1—STATE—LAW that would have allowed SAME—SEX—COUPLES to wed.
20091103             Gay marriage has —NOW lost in all 31—STATES in which it has been put to 1—POPULAR—VOTE.
20091103             NEW—YORK—CITY voters gave 1—NARROW—WIN to Mayor MICHAEL—BLOOMBERG over BILL—THOMPSON.
20091103             —RECKONED, Bloomberg was, to have spent some $100—MILLION to win his 3. term.
20091103             Authorities said they likely drove straight into the water in the dark.
20091103             PHILADELPHIA, PENNSILVANIA, transit workers went on strike —AFTER rejecting 1 proposed contract that included an 11.5% wage increase over —5—YEARS.
20091103             —OWNED, Berkshire already, over a 5. of BNSF and took on about $10—BILLION—OF—BURLINGTON debt bringing THE—SIZE—OF—THE—DEAL to $44—BILLION.
20091103             NEW—JERSEY—BASED Johnson & Johnson, the world's largest health products company, said it will cut over 7,000 jobs due to lagging demand amid the global recession.
20091103             —WELCOMED, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—KARZAI, his new term, by reaching out to opponents and promising to banish the corruption that has undermined his administration.
20091103             NORTH—KUNDUZ, province, Afghan and INTERNATIONAL troops have been fighting —FOR—2—DAYS to take THE—TALIBAN—HELD TOWN—OF—GHOR—TAPA.
20091103             —HOLED, About 200—INSURGENTS were, up in the town, including foreign fighters, mostly Chechens.
20091103             11—INSURGENTS and 1—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIER were killed.
20091103             A "rogue" AFGHANISTAN—POLICEMAN gunned down 5—UK—SOLDIERS at 1—CHECKPOINT in Helmand province, fuelling growing questions about THE—AFGHANISTAN—MISSION.
20091103             —BOYCOTTED, AFRICA—COUNTRIES, meetings at UN climate talks in BARCELONA, saying that industrial countries had set CARBON—CUTTING targets too low for reducing global greenhouse gas emissions.
20091103             —PRESSED, BRITAIN, ahead with 1—FRESH—WAVE—OF restructuring in its CRISIS—RAVAGED banking system, as Lloyds Banking Group PLC sought at least 21—BILLION pounds ($34.2—BILLION) through 1—RECORD—SHARE—ISSUE and debt swap.
20091103             —RENEWED, World stock markets mostly fell amid, concerns about the banking sector —AFTER BRITAIN—ROYAL—BANK—OF—SCOTLAND—PLC got more government help and SWITZERLAND—UBS—AG booked another massive charge.
20091103             THE—UK—GOVERNMENT said SURVIVORS—OF—THE—DARFUR conflict will no longer be deported from BRITAIN, —AFTER concerns about 1—DETERIORATION in conditions in THE—SUDAN—CAPITAL.
20091103             THE—HOME—OFFICE said asylum seekers will have the right to remain in BRITAIN for up to —5—YEARS, or —UNTIL the situation improves in SUDAN.
20091103             —CALLED, CHINA, 1—WOMAN, the "godmother" of 1—MAFIA—STYLE—GANG in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—CHONGQING was sentenced to —18—YEARS in prison for running underground casinos and bribing government officials.
20091103             Senior LORD—RESISTANCE—ARMY—COMMANDER—CHARLES—AROP, who was implicated in leading 1—MASSACRE on Christmas —DAY that killed at least 143—CONGOLESE, surrendered to THE—UGANDA—MILITARY stationed in the northeast of the Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO.
20091103             —SIGNED, CZECH—REPUBLIC—PRESIDENT—VACLAV—KLAUS, THE—EU reform treaty, completing the ratification process of 1—CHARTER designed to transform EUROPE into 1—MORE unified and powerful global player.
20091103             EQUATORIAL—GUINEA, SIMON—MANN, —57—JAHRE—ALT, 1—BRITISH—COUP—PLOTTER, and 4—SOUTH—AFRICA—MERCENARIES, pardoned for attempting the overthrow the government of the tiny OIL—RICH—AFRICA—NATION, were freed from prison.
20091103             * Mann, who into 1—WORLD—OF—WEALTH and privilege, had been serving a —35—YEAR—SENTENCE in EQUATORIAL—GUINEA for 20040000             —THE plot.
20091103             —RULED, EUROPE—COURT—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS, the display of crucifixes in ITALY—PUBLIC—SCHOOLS violates religious and education freedoms under the continent's rights convention.
20091103             THE—COURT—ORDERED—ITALY to pay a $7,390 fine to 1—MOTHER who has fought —FOR—8—YEARS to have crucifixes removed from public school classrooms.
20091103             —DENOUNCED, THE—VATICAN, the ruling.
20091103             Nokia Siemens Networks, 1—JOINT—VENTURE between FINLAND—NOKIA—CORP. and Siemens AG—OF—GERMANY, said it will lay off up to 5,700 workers globally as PART—OF—1—MOVE to cut annual costs by euro500 million ($740—MILLION).
20091103             —CONSIDERED, He was widely, THE—FATHER—OF—MODERN anthropology for work that included theories about commonalities between tribal and industrial societies.
20091103             —INCLUDED, His books, literary and anthropological classics such as "Tristes Tropiques" (19550000             ), "La Pensee Sauvage" (19620000             ) published in English as "THE—SAVAGE—MIND" (19630000             ), and "THE—RAW and the Cooked" (19640000             ).
20091103             —KILLED, MEXICO—POLICE and soldiers, MIGUEL—ANGEL—MENESES, 1—FEDERAL—AGENT driving 1—OF 3—CARS that ignored orders to stop in CHIHUAHUA, triggering 1—CHASE and gunbattle.
20091103             FEDERAL—POLICE and navy personnel shot to death 1—TOP—ZETAS cartel suspect in the Gulf coast STATE—OF—VERACRUZ.
20091103             The navy said suspect Braulio Arellano Dominguez was the reputed LEADER—OF—THE—ZETAS, 1—GANG—OF hit men tied to the Gulf Cartel.
20091103             He said the rocket could fly 37—MILES (60km), and strike metropolitan Tel Aviv.
20091103             Clinton made the announcement at the 6. Forum for the Future conference in MARRAKECH, which she attended —FOR—2—DAYS.
20091103             —CLAIMED, MOZAMBIQUE—MAIN—OPPOSITION—PARTY, that polls that gave 1—LANDSLIDE victory to THE—SOUTH—AFRICA—COUNTRY—RULING party were rigged.
20091103             —REPROCESSED, NORTH—KOREA said it has, 8,000 spent nuclear fuel rods and extracted enough plutonium to bolster its atomic stockpile, raising the stakes in 1—APPARENT—EFFORT to push THE—USA—INTO direct negotiations.
20091103             —SMASHED, PAKISTAN, 1—PASSENGER—TRAIN, into 1—CARGO—TRAIN on the edge of KARACHI killing 16—PEOPLE, including women and children.
20091103             —ANNOUNCED, The army, that 21—MILITANTS had been killed in the past —24—HOURS in SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN and that government forces were continuing to press into Taliban territory.
20091103             Militant leader Hakimullah Mehsud spoke to his followers in 1—SPEECH broadcast over 1—WIRELESS—RADIO network.
20091103             Of those who do run away, he warned, "Such people will go to hell".
20091103             —ATTACKED, In THE—PHILIPPINES government troops, 1—ABU—SAYYAF camp in the rebels' southern stronghold —BEFORE dawn, triggering a —5—HOUR clash in which 5—OF—THE—AL—QAIDA—LINKED militants were killed and 1—GOVERNMENT militiaman was wounded.
20091103             —URGED, RWANDA said it has, THE—UN to list THE—RWANDA—HUTU rebel group operating in EAST—CONGO as 1—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION.
20091103             † FRANCISCO—AYALA (103), SPAIN—NOVELIST and sociologist, in MADRID.
20091103             FRANCISCO—AYALA was 1—OF—SPAIN—LEADING scholars and had gone into exile —DURING the country's DECADES—OF—DICTATORSHIP.
20091103             The collapse of moral order and the hopelessness of human relations are also common themes in pessimistic and satirical novels such as "Muertes de Perro" (Death as 1—WAY—OF—LIFE) and "El Jardin de Las DELICIAS" (Garden of Delights).
20091103             —INFILTRATED, Unidentified gunmen, from YEMEN and attacked SAUDI—ARABIA—SECURITY—GUARDS patrolling THE—MOUNT—DOKHAN border area.
20091103             3—SENIOR—SECURITY—MEN were killed.
20091103             - Genesis perform at the Massey Hall, TORONTO.
20091103             flwombat | #14 | 10002 on Tue, 20091103             Hey OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION: NICE job outlawing the social media and civic participation tools that got you elected!
20091103             The governments have —POSTED the
20091103             meeting agenda, which unsurprisingly focuses on THE—ISSUE—OF—INTERNET—ENFORCEMENT.
20091103             —DRAFTED, THE—USA has, the chapter under enormous secrecy, with selected groups
20091103             granted ACCESS—UNDER strict NON—DISCLOSURE—AGREEMENTS and
20091103             —ENTSCHEIDUNG im AUTO—POKER: GENERAL—MOTORS will Opel behalten - "Das Leben hat keinen Sinn".
20091103             CLAUDE—LÉVI—STRAUSS - "Wer ISRAEL bedroht, bedroht auch uns". so die KANZLERIN.
20091103             "Es ist mehr. Das was uns zusammenhält, ist die gemeinsame Wertebasis. Ein gemeinsames BILD—VON—MENSCHEN und ihrer Würde".
20091103             Allein VON—KULTURPHILOSOPH: CLAUDE—LÉVI—STRAUSS ist tot
20091103             stellte die AWI—FORSCHERIN Ursula Schauer aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse vor, wonach
20091103             der Rückgang des arktischen Meereises "viel schneller voranschreitet als durch Klimamodelle vorhergesagt".
20091103             "Klimaschutz ist wirtschaftlich verträglich und machbar", sagte Ottmar Edenhofer, CHEFökonom des PIK.
20091103             durch das Kraftwerk
20091103             "Meist ist es nicht ein einzelner Grund, der das Aussterben einer Art besiegelt", sagt Volker Homes.
20091103             00. - 21—PROZENT—DER—BEKANNTEN—SÄUGETIERE,
20091103             Auf der aktuellen Roten LISTE—DER—INTERNATIONAL—UNION for CONSERVATION—OF—NATURE (IUCN) ,die —AM—DIENSTAG veröffentlicht wurde, heißt es: "Nectophrynoides asperginis: Extinct in the wild".
20091103             Die Art ist ausgestorben.
20091103             JA! Das sagt... SCHÄUBLE!! Bwahahahahaha
20091103             Nach Einschätzung des obersten Kommandeurs der USA—UND NATO—TRUPPEN am Hindukusch sind —BIS zu 40.000—WEITERE Soldaten nötig, um 1—NIEDERLAGE gegen die RADIKAL—ISLAMISCHEN Taliban zu verhindern.
20091103             —FORDERUNGEN, DEUTSCHLAND entziehe sich den, der Amerikaner nach mehr Soldaten nicht, erklärte Guttenberg: "Wir bilden Soldaten und Polizisten aus und helfen, wo wir können".
20091103—19250000    —PUBLISHED, Ayala, his 1. book, "Tragicomedia de un hombre sin espiritu" (Tragicomedy of 1—MAN—WITHOUT—SPIRIT).
20091103—20090700    hatte die IUCN weniger als 17.000—BEDROHTE Tierarten verzeichnet.
20091103—20091101    —ON, NORTH—DAKOTA, 3—FEMALE—DICKINSON STATE—UNIV. softball players were found dead —AFTER their sport utility vehicle went into 1—POND on 1—FARM —DURING 1—STARGAZING trip.
20091103—20100000    —BIS, Das Ziel, die ZAHL—DER—BEDROHTEN—TIER—UND—PFLANZENARTEN deutlich zu senken, ist in weite Ferne gerückt.
20100718—20101103    —ON, Shadrake was found GUILTY—OF—CONTEMPT—OF—COURT.
20100820—20101103    —BLOCKED, CANADA, THE—ANGLO—AUSTRALIA—MINING giant's $39—BILLION bid.
20100930—20101103    —ON, the bodies of THE—18—MEN were found in 1—MASS—GRAVE outside ACAPULCO.
20101031—20101103    —ON, He was sworn in as PRESIDENT.
20101103             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA, that it is bolstering its presence in AFGHANISTAN with a 500—MILLION—DOLLAR—EXPANSION—OF—ITS—KABUL embassy and the construction of 2—CONSULATES.
20101103             —CARRIED, Taliban militants, out 2—ATTACKS against AFGHANISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES, targeting 1—POLICE—STATION and 1—BORDER—PATROL in strikes that left 9—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20101103             —KILLED, NATO said insurgents, 1—SERVICE—MEMBER in the north, —WHILE 1—ROADSIDE bomb killed another in the south.
20101103             1—COALITION—AIRSTRIKE killed 5—MILITANTS planting 1—ROADSIDE bomb in Khost province.
20101103             —DESIGNATED, THE—USA—OFFICIALLY, Jundallah, shadowy Sunni rebel group, 1—FOREIGN—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION, blaming it for 1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS in IRAN.
20101103             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—FEDERAL—RESERVE, a 2. round of quantitative easing (QE2) to invigorate the economy by buying $600—BILLION more in Treasury bonds between —NOW and —NEXT—JUNE in order to drive down interest rates on mortgages and other debt.
20101103             —VOTED, THE—USA—SECURITIES and Exchange Commission (SEC), that unlicensed HIGH—FREQUENCY—TRADERS will no longer be able to gain unfettered or "naked" access to public markets.
20101103             —ARRESTED, COLORADO, RICHARD—PAUL, —34—JAHRE—ALT was, and FEDERAL—AGENTS seized 5—POUNDS—OF—C—4—MILITARY explosives from his home in DURANGO.
20101103             —ARRESTED, In LAS—VEGAS ANDREW—KAUFMAN, —36—JAHRE—ALT was.
20101103             —ACCUSED—OF, They were, conspiring to smuggle and sell weapons to 1—UNDERCOVER FEDERAL—AGENT in NEVADA and COLORADO.
20101103             Bickle, his close friend Paul, and their associate Kaufman allegedly sold machine guns for $1,300 to $2,400 each, and handguns for $300 to 1—UNDERCOVER FEDERAL—AGENT who told them they would be shipped to MEXICO.
20101103             FEDERAL—AUTHORITIES in S—DIEGO said they have made 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—MARIJUANA—SEIZURES in THE—USA, confiscating more than 20—TONS—OF—POT that was smuggled into the country through 1—UNDERGROUND—TUNNEL connecting warehouses on either SIDE—OF—CALIFORNIA—BORDER with MEXICO.
20101103             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—RENO ordered —6—MONTHS—OF—PRISON—TIME for 2—MEN who admitted to shooting wild horses —WHILE drinking and leaving them to die.
20101103             —FLOCKED, S—FRANCISCO, tens of THOUSANDS—OF—BASEBALL fans, downtown to toast THE—SF—GIANTS'—WORLD—SERIES—CHAMPIONSHIP and see their hometown heroes take 1—VICTORY lap in 1—TICKER—TAPE—PARADE.
20101103             —STORIED, METRO—GOLDWYN—MAYER Studios Inc, 1—OF—HOLLYWOOD—MOST, film studios, filed for bankruptcy protection —AFTER struggling —FOR—YEARS to reduce its debt load.
20101103             —VOWED, AUSTRALIA—TREASURER WAYNE—SWAN, to crack down on "arrogant" banks in 1—EXTRAORDINARY—ATTACK as major lenders face mounting anger over rising interest rates and fees.
20101103             —JOINED, CUBA—PRESIDENT—RAUL—CASTRO, 1—USA—ARCHBISHOP and other ROMAN—CATHOLIC—LEADERS to open 1—NATIONAL seminary on the outskirts HAVANA, the 1. religious construction on THE—COMMUNIST—RUN—ISLAND in more than 1—HALF—CENTURY.
20101103             The current mandate was no more than 535.
20101103             1—PARIS appeals COURT—SAID—CALLIXTE—MBARUSHIMANA could be extradited to THE—COURT—IN—THE—HAGUE, NETHERLANDS, but only on condition that he not be —LATER sent to RWANDA.
20101103             RWANDA has the death penalty, which FRANCE opposes.
20101103             —STOPPED, GREECE, all airborne parcels headed overseas and screened THOUSANDS—OF—PACKAGES in 1—ATTEMPT to stop 1—SPATE—OF—BOMBINGS blamed on GREECE—MILITANTS targeting diplomatic missions and European leaders.
20101103             —PUBLISHED, PURUSHOTTAMA—LAL, some 3,500 TITLES—OF—INDIA—WRITERS in English.
20101103             —SUSPENDED, ISRAEL, 1—SPECIAL—STRATEGIC—DIALOGUE with LONDON as long as ISRAEL—OFFICIALS visiting BRITAIN face possible arrest for suspected war crimes against Palestinians.
20101103             —ANNOUNCED, THE—2—COUNTRIES, the dialogue —2—YEARS—AGO to boost relations.
20101103             KASHMIR, 2—CLASHES broke out in SRINAGAR between police and STONE—THROWING youths chanting PRO—INDEPENDENCE slogans.
20101103             —KILLED, Police said government forces have, 7 suspected Muslim rebels in 4—GUNBATTLES—THIS—WEEK.
20101103             —RECOVERED, MEXICO, police, 18—BODIES from 1—MASS—GRAVE announced in 1—YOUTUBE posting, 1—VIDEO saying the victims were from 1—TOURIST—GROUP kidnapped in ACAPULCO —1—MONTH—AGO.
20101103             —KILLED, In the video 2—MEN say they, the "Michoacanos" in 1—ACT—OF revenge against La Familia, 1—POWERFUL—DRUG—CARTEL based in Michoacan state.
20101103             2—BODIES reported in the tip were found wearing the same clothes as the pair seen in the video and were lying on TOP—OF—THE—MASS the grave.
20101103             NORTH—NIGERIA began deporting HUNDREDS—OF—ILLEGAL—IMMIGRANTS from neighboring NIGER, CHAD and CAMEROON amid tight security and military patrols over 1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS blamed on 1—ISLAMIST sect.
20101103             —DEPORTED, Immigration officials said they were, some 700—ILLEGAL—IMMIGRANTS to prevent them from casting votes in —NEXT—YEAR—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION.
20101103             —TARGETED, PAKISTAN, 1—USA—DRONE—ATTACK, Islamist fighters in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN, killing 4—MILITANTS and blowing their vehicle into 1—FIREBALL.
20101103             † In neighboring SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN, 1—PAKISTAN army soldier was killed and 2—OTHERS wounded —WHEN 1—ROADSIDE bomb exploded near their vehicle.
20101103             1—CAR exploded outside the police headquarters of GAZA—HAMAS rulers, killing 1—PALESTINE—MILITANT, —27—JAHRE—ALT and wounding a 2. man.
20101103             Ihab Ghussein, spokesman for THE—HAMAS—CONTROLLED Interior Ministry.
20101103             THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY said the target was MOHAMMED—NAMNAM, —25—JAHRE—ALT—OF—THE—ARMY—OF—ISLAM group.
20101103             † VIKTOR—CHERNOMYRDIN, —72—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—RUSSIA—PRIME—MINISTER (19920000—19980000    ).
20101103             —SERVED, VIKTOR—CHERNOMYRDIN, as the country was throwing off communism and developing as 1—MARKET—ECONOMY.
20101103             —DECLARED, Serbia, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY in the area —AROUND Kraljevo —AFTER a 5.3—EARTHQUAKE rattled its central region, killing at least 2—PEOPLE and injuring 50—OTHERS.
20101103             —AGREED, SLOVAKIA—GOVERNMENT, to deploy up to 348—SERVICE—MEMBERS in THE—NATO—FORCE in AFGHANISTAN —NEXT—YEAR, up from the current 299. The decision still needed parliamentary approval.
20101103             —SEIZED, SOMALIA—PIRATES, the Aly Zoulfecar, 1—COMOROS—FLAGGED ship, en route to THE—TANZANIA—PORT CITY—OF—DAR—ES—SALAAM with 29—PEOPLE on BOARD.
20101103             —ARRESTED, SUDAN—INTELLIGENCE—AGENTS, Gaafar AL—SUBKI, 1—DARFURI journalist working for 1 the country's leading independent newspapers, AS—SAHAFA.
20101103             —CLASHED, Darfur rebels, with government troops in SOUTH—DARFUR, marking 1—RESUMPTION—OF fighting —AFTER heavy rains had largely subdued hostilities in SUDAN—WAR—TORN west.
20101103—20110000    —IN, It allows the deployment of up to 720—SERVICE—MEMBERS in AFGHANISTAN and
20110101—20111103    —RELEASED, THE—MV—BLIDA was, —AFTER 1—BAG—FULL—OF—MONEY was parachuted down to the pirates from 1—PLANE.
201102041103         Numbers are continuing to swell in Tahrir Square.
20110227—20111103    —SINCE, The ship, controlled by pirates, carried 20—PASSENGERS and 9—CREW members and had been badly ravaged by 1—TROPICAL—STORM—BEFORE arriving in MADAGASCAR.
201103011030         Auf Österreichs Banken liegen Gelder aus LIBY en im Wert von mehr als einer Milliarde Euro,
20110704—20111103    —ON, 1—ETHIOPIA—COURT dropped charges of participating in terrorism against THE—2—JOURNALISTS, but they still faced accusations of supporting terrorism.
20111024             * The girl, Anyeli Liseth Hernandez Rodriguez 20041001             , and disappeared 20061103             .
20111101—20111103    —DOCKED, THE—SHENZHOU 8, with the Tiangong 1—MODULE.
20111103             —AGREED, THE—PHILIPPINES—GOVERNMENT and Muslim rebels, to continue peace talks despite 20111018             —THE clashes that killed 19—SOLDIERS in 1—SOUTHERN—PROVINCE.
20111103             USA Republicans in the Senate dealt PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA—THE 3. in 1—STRING—OF—DEFEATS on his STIMULUS—STYLE—JOBS—AGENDA, blocking a $60—BILLION measure for building and repairing infrastructure like roads and rail lines.
20111103             2—AFGHANISTAN—GUARDS were killed —WHEN suicide bombers and attackers besieged the offices of 1—LOGISTICS—FIRM working with NATO—FORCES outside HERAT city.
20111103             † 5—INSURGENTS, in the attack.
20111103             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—DISCOVERY—OF—1—SINGLE sauropod vertebra on JAMES—ROSS—ISLAND in ANTARCTICA reveals that these behemoths, which included Diplodocus, Brachiosaurus and Apatosaurus, lived on the continent about 100—MILLION—YEARS ago.
20111103             —AGREED, GlaxoSmithKline Plc said it has, in principle to settle several LONG—STANDING disputes with THE—USA—GOVERNMENT over the way it marketed and developed drugs, at 1—COST—OF $3—BILLION (1—BILLION pound), which is covered by existing provisions.
20111103             It includes 1—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE—INVESTIGATION into the company's controversial diabetes drug Avandia, which has been linked to heart risks.
20111103             † CHINA—STATE—MEDIA reported that 1—BUDDHIST—NUN, identified as Qiu Xiang (35), has —AFTER setting herself on fire, in the 11. CASE—OF—SELF—IMMOLATION among Tibetans in WEST—CHINA in recent months.
20111103             CHINA—RESCUERS began battling against the clock to save coal miners trapped underground in Henan province —AFTER 1—SUDDEN—EXPLOSION—OF—ROCKS killed 8—OF—THEIR colleagues.
20111103             —HAPPENED, The rock burst in Henan, moments —AFTER a 2.9—MAGNITUDE—EARTHQUAKE—SHOOK—SANMENXIA city, where the mine is located.
20111103             52—MINERS were rescued over the next —2—DAYS.
20111103             † Day —LATER 2—MINERS, from their wounds raising the death toll to 10.
20111103             —NEGOTIATED, IVAR—NOERGAARD had, his country's 19730000             entry into THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
20111103             —TRIGGERED, EGYPT—MILITARY—RULERS, 1—NEW—PUBLIC—OUTCRY with 1—PROPOSAL that critics saw as 1—ATTEMPT to enshrine 1—SUPREME—POLITICAL—ROLE for themselves in 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION.
20111103             —BRANDED, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—SARKOZY, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU "1—LIAR" in 1—PRIVATE—CONVERSATION with USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA that was accidentally broadcast to journalists —DURING the G20 summit in Cannes.
20111103             Officials close to THE—GREECE—PRIME—MINISTER—PAPANDREOU said he has scrapped his plan to hold 1—REFERENDUM on the latest European debt deal for GREECE —AFTER the main opposition leader said would back it.
20111103             1—SPOKESMAN for GREECE—GOVERNMENT says it is prepared to discuss 1—OPPOSITION—DEMAND for the creation of 1—TRANSITIONAL government to approve the latest European bailout deal and secure the next installment of rescue loans for the country.
20111103             —KILLED, IRAQ, 1—PAIR—OF—NEAR—SIMULTANEOUS—BOMBINGS, 5—SECURITY—GUARDS who were waiting in line to pick up their paychecks outside 1—IRAQ—MILITARY—BASE—NEAR—BAQOUBA.
20111103             26—PEOPLE were wounded.
20111103             The dead all were MEMBERS—OF—SAHWA, or Awakening Councils, Sunni militia that sided with USA—FORCES against AL—QAIDA in 1—MAJOR turning POINT—OF—THE—WAR.
20111103             1—ROADSIDE bomb exploded in BAGHDAD—NEIGHBORHOOD—OF—KARRADAH, killing 2—PASSERS—BY.
20111103             —RUSHED, Police who, to the scene were hit with a 2. blast, killing 2—POLICEMEN and wounding 3—OTHERS.
20111103             † 1—USA—SERVICE—MEMBER was killed —WHILE conducting military operations in NORTH—IRAQ.
20111103             —OFFERED, Top UN envoy to IRAQ, MARTIN—KOBLER, to broker the peaceful CLOSING—OF—OUT—OF—CAMP—ASHRAF, 1—CAMP—OF—IRAN—EXILES, —BEFORE the government in BAGHDAD forces its residents out —AT—THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
20111103             —ANNOUNCED, Catholic IRELAND, that it is closing its embassy to THE—VATICAN.
20111103             —CLOSED, DUBLIN—FOREIGN—MINISTRY said the embassy was being, because "it yields no economic return" and that relations would be continued with 1—AMBASSADOR in DUBLIN.
20111103             MALAYSIA—DEPUTY—NATIONAL—POLICE—CHIEF—KHALID—ABU—BAKAR said 1—DECISION to halt THE—3—YEAR—OLD "Seksualiti Merdeka" (Sexuality Freedom) festival set for 20111109—20131109     has come —AFTER Muslims called for it to be banned.
20111103             —SLAMMED, Organizers, the move as PROOF—OF—THE—REPRESSION homosexuals face in the socially conservative Muslim country.
20111103             CENTRAL—NIGERIA, 1—ATTACK took place on 1—CHURCH in Tabak, 1—VILLAGE—NEAR—ZONKWA, KADUNA state, leaving 2—PEOPLE—DEAD and 12—OTHERS were injured.
20111103             —ANGERED, Residents, by the attack rioted into THE—NEXT—DAY.
20111103             NORTH—IRELAND, LIAM—ADAMS, —56—JAHRE—ALT, 1—BROTHER—OF—SINN—FEIN leader Gerry Adams, was sent to jail —AFTER he was arraigned on 18—CHARGES—OF raping and indecently assaulting 1—OF—HIS—DAUGHTERS.
20111103             —DETERMINED, PAKISTAN cricket authorities said they were more, to eradicate corruption from the game —AFTER 3—OF—THEIR—KEY—PLAYERS were sentenced in LONDON to jail in 1—CORRUPTION—CASE.
20111103             —RECEIVED, FORMER—TEST—CAPTAIN—SALMAN—BUTT, —30—MONTHS, fast bowler MOHAMMAD—ASIF received —1—YEAR in jail and MOHAMMAD—AAMER, —19—JAHRE—ALT was jailed —FOR—6—MONTHS.
20111103             —FIRED, PAKISTAN, 1—SUSPECTED—USA—DRONE, 2—MISSILES at 1—HOUSE in THE—NORTH—WAZIRISTAN tribal region, killing 2—INSURGENTS from the Haqqani network.
20111103             —CARRIED, Palestinians said ISRAEL has, out its threat to suspend TRANSFER—OF—TAX—PAYMENTS totaling some $100—MILLION to the Palestinians Authority to protest —THIS—WEEK—ADMISSION—OF—PALESTINE to THE—UNITED—NATIONS' cultural agency.
20111103             2—PALESTINE—MEN were reported killed in clashes with ISRAEL—FORCES.
20111103             —GATHERED, SAUDI—ARABIA—AUTHORITIES said nearly 2.5—MILLION—MUSLIMS have, in MECCA ahead of the annual —5—DAY—HAJJ pilgrimage, which begins 20111105             .
20111103             —FREED, SOMALIA—PIRATES, THE—MV—BLIDA 1—ALGERIAN—OWNED ship with 25—CREW members onboard —AFTER—10—MONTHS—OF—CAPTIVITY.
20111103             Wildlife group WWF said rhino poaching in SOUTH—AFRICA has hit 1—NEW—RECORD—HIGH, with 341—OF—THE—ANIMALS lost to poachers so far —THIS—YEAR as BLACK—MARKET—DEMAND for rhino horn soars.
20111103             —FIRED, SOUTH—KOREA—POLICE, water cannons to disperse more than 2,000 protesters who were trying to break into the National Assembly as lawmakers debated 1—FREE—TRADE—DEAL with THE—USA.
20111103             Protesters said the free trade agreement would subjugate SOUTH—KOREA—ECONOMY and ruin their livelihoods.
20111103             —CAPTURED, SUDAN said its army has, the key rebel STRONGHOLD—OF—KURMUK in the country's WAR—TORN border STATE—OF—BLUE—NILE.
20111103             —KILLED, SYRIA—TROOPS, at least 18—PEOPLE in 1—SECURITY—CRACKDOWN in HOMS.
20111103             —LAUNCHED, UGANDA—MILITIAMEN, known as ADF—NALU, 1—OVERNIGHT attack on 1—MILITARY—BASE in Mukakira, EAST—CONGO, in 1—ATTEMPT to free detained leaders.
20111103             9—OF—THE—ATTACKERS were killed, along with 2—CONGO—SOLDIERS.
20111103             —UNVEILED, VIETNAM, 1—INTERPOL meeting in HANOI, 1—CAMPAIGN to help save the world's last wild tigers in THE—13—ASIA—COUNTRIES where they still exist, winning praise from conservationists.
20111103             Human Rights Watch said CHINA—MINING companies in ZAMBIA ignore labor protections, demanding up to —18—HOURS—OF—LABOR —1—DAY and flouting health and safety rules.
20111103             —LAUNCHED, THE—ZIMBABWE—GOVERNMENT, THE—UNITED—NATIONS and other Western donors, an $85—MILLION—EDUCATION—FUND aimed at improving education in the country's secondary schools.
20111103—20080000    —CHARGED, He had fled BELFAST —AFTER police, him with repeatedly abusing his daughter Aine —WHEN she was aged 4 to 10.
20111103—20100000    —REPORTED, THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—ENERGY, that the world pumped some 564—MILLION tons MORE—OF—CARBON into the air than it did 20090000             —IN, a 6% increase.
20111103—20110101    —SEIZED, THE—BLIDA was.
20111108—20111103    —SINCE, It came less than —1—WEEK—BEFORE 1—PLANNED—NOVEMBER 20110314             in THE—CAPITAL—BY—PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA—LAWYERS who accuse THE—CONAKRY—GOVERNOR—OF detaining 3—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ACTIVISTS including 1—LAWYER.
20120113—20141103    —DISCOVERED, The last missing person was, by workers dismantling the ship in Genoa.
20121014—20121103    —ON, 5—WORKERS were freed.
20121030—20121103    —ON, He †.
20121103             "DIE—ARABER haben uns auch immer wieder zu ihren Hochzeiten eingeladen.
20121103             "Denn die bestehende Misere ist ja objektiv betrachtet nicht nur auf DIE—REGIERUNGSZEIT—VON—OBAMA zurückzuführen".
20121103             "Gott hat uns dieses Land gegeben, und wir müssen darauf aufpassen".
20121103             "Hier war ich, um gegen JUDEN zu protestieren, die den armen ARABERn ihre Häuser wegnehmen.
20121103             tja, -VOR-2.—000—JAHREN gehörte DAS—LAND den JUDEN—MAG sein.
20121103             24.166—EURO —IM—MONAT: GABRIEL fordert Erhöhung des KANZLER—GEHALTS
20121103             1—GERMANY—WHO volunteered to fight for THE—TALIBAN quit —AFTER becoming disheartened by the violence and annoyed with the group's macho and DRUG—TAKING world.
20121103             Aktienverkäufe: FACEBOOK—MANAGER machen Kasse
20121103             Alarm in ISRAEL: SYRISCHE—PANZER dringen auf Golanhöhen vor
20121103             Also DAMIT konnte ja wohl NIEMAND rechnen, daß GEHEIM—DIENST—KONTROLLE nicht funktionieren würde!1!!
20121103             Auch Autos seien —SCHON sichergestellt worden, berichtete Schürmann.
20121103             —BERICHTET, Aus Itamar, Nadia Bitar
20121103             Außerdem fand er das bei der TALIBAN unhygienisch und hat sich ne Hepatitis geholt und findet soviel Unreinlichkeit inkompatibel mit dem Koran ?
20121103             Blogger mit ABMAHN—ANGST: 1600—EURO für 1—FOTO
20121103             DER—SPRECHER verwies demnach auf Söders Mitgliedschaft im Fernsehrat des ÖFFENTLICH—RECHTLICHEN SenDERSELBE Laut den Statuten gehöre zur AUFGABE—DES—FERNSEHRATS auch die Beratung in Programmfragen sowie DIE—ÜBERWACHUNG—DER—EINHALTUNG der Richtlinien.
20121103             DIE—2000—EINWOHNER—SIEDLUNG Itamar ist der größte BIO—PRODUZENT ISRAELs.
20121103             DIE—USA—STEUERN ungeachtet des Wahlausgangs auf das "fiscal cliff", die "fiskalische Klippe"zu.
20121103             Das ist selbst für GOP—VERHÄLTNISSE auffallend kriminell.
20121103             Doch DIE—GESCHICHTE—DER—GEZIELTEN Tötungen reicht viel länger zurück, mindestens —BIS—INS —JAHR 19560000             .-DAMALS, erteilte DER—CHEF—DES—ISRAELISCHEN—MILITÄRGEHEIMDIENSTES, Yehoshafat Harkabi, den Befehl, den DIREKTOR—DES—ÄGYPTISCHEN—MILITÄRGEHEIMDIENSTES auf dem Sinai, MUSTAFA—HAFIS, zu töten.
20121103             Eben diese GEHEIMNIS—KRÄMEREI und Mythenbildung trägt entscheidend zu dem Nimbus bei, den sich ISRAEL—ARMEE und GEHEIM—DIENSTE in —6—JAHR—ZEHNT en WELT—WEIT erworben haben.
20121103             Erinnert eher an 1—STEUER—ERKLÄRUNG als an 1—WAHL, so vom Umfang her.
20121103             —NOMINIERT, Europäischer Filmpreis: "BARBARA"und "Liebe"
20121103             Genau, und DAS ist 1—SKANDAL sondergleichen, was bei uns für furchtbare Gestalten beim ÖFFENTLICH—RECHTLICHEN Rundfunk was zu melden haben.
20121103             ISRAEL—GESTÄNDNIS, 19880000             den PLO—VIZE—ABU—DSCHIHAD umgebracht zu haben, wirft 1—SCHLAGLICHT auf JERUSALÉMS—POLITIK—DER—GEZIELTEN—TÖTUNGEN.
20121103             ISRAEL—GEZIELTE—TÖTUNGEN: Die Akte Mossad
20121103             —VERWEIGERT, ISRAEL—REGIERUNG, jeden Kommentar zu der ATTENTATserie.
20121103             —REPORTED, It's been, that KING—COUNTY—GOP is offering to collect and return voters' ballots.
20121103             Itamar WAREN gehören LEIDER—BOYKOTTIERT!
20121103             Wie eigentlich ALLE—ANDEREN—WAREN aus ganz ISRAEL.
20121103             JERUSALÉM—IM offiziellen Sprachgebrauch klingt es ganz harmlos: "sikul memukad", auf Deutsch "gezielte Prävention".
20121103             Knapp —30—JAHRE Nebeneinander haben DIE—SPANNUNGEN zwischen den Siedlern und den PALÄSTINENSERn stetig wachsen lassen.
20121103             MANCHE—BAUERN aus Awarta können nicht mehr auf ihre Äcker, ohne 1—MILITÄRERLAUBNIS zu beantragen und ohne Angst, beschossen zu werden.
20121103             MEDIEN—AFFÄRE: Söder intervenierte mehrfach beim ZDF
20121103             MEINE—VORFAHREN haben vor ungefähr anderthalb JAHRTAUSENDen ROM erobert.
20121103             NATÜRLICH NICHT—NSU—MORDE: Rasterfahnder auf der falschen Spur
20121103             OHIO und FLORIDA: OBAMA führt in Schlüsselstaaten
20121103             SANDY, -Flut in NEW—YORK: Riesenstöpsel könnten U—BAHN—TUNNEL schützen
20121103             —GARANTIERT, SANDY, -Verwüstung in NEW—JERSEY: GOUVERNEUR—CHRISTIE, geregelte Wahl
20121103             SEEHOFER über KOALITIONS—GIPFEL: "es geht um Regierungsfähigkeit von SCHWARZ—GELB"
20121103             SELBST—BESTIMMUNG IM—NETZ: Die Lüge von der großen Freiheit
20121103             Schön, 1—ZUR wahren Einsicht gekommene Gutmenschin, das sogar in Gottes Namen, und das Ganze auf geraubtem Land....ich könnte kotzen.
20121103             Sinn des LEBENS—SOGAR DIE—EURO—KRISE, so Ellwanger & Geiger, würde hinter diesen Problemen zurückstehen.
20121103             Spätfolgen des Sturms: HAITI fürchtet wegen "Sandy"Cholera und Hunger
20121103             THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL SAID—ON—FRIDAY the mission was mainly 1—CIA—OPERATION, adding that of THE—30—USA—OFFICIALS evacuated from BENGHAZI —FOLLOWING THE—ASSAULT, —JUST 7 worked for THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT.
20121103             The ballot in MIAMI—DADE County is 5—PAGES—LONG, front and back, with 1 estimated completion time of as long as —30—MINUTES.
20121103             Treibstoffknappheit nach "Sandy": OBAMA ordnet Benzinlieferungen ins KRISEN—GEBIET an
20121103             Versuchte Festnahme: POLIZIST erschießt Betrunkenen
20121103             VIELE—USA—POLITIKER "begreifen das Ausmaß der Misere nicht"schreibt MICHAEL—HASENSTAB, RENTEN—FONDSMANAGER der Fondsgesellschaft FRANKLIN—TEMPLETON.
20121103             Vote early, vote often!
20121103             Vucic is also the 1.deputy PRIME—MINISTER and tasked with fighting organised crime, corruption and overseeing THE—WORK—OF—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES.
20121103             WASHINGTON - —3—TAGE vor DER—USA—WAHL machen MEINUNGS—FORSCHER dem AMTS—INHABER Hoffnung auf 1—WIEDERWAHL.
20121103             We recommend that voters return ballots to 1—OFFICIAL—KING—COUNTY—ELECTIONS—BALLOT—DROP—OFF location or through THE—USA—POSTAL—SERVICE.
20121103             Wieder verschickten DIE—ISRAELIS Briefbomben mit HAMBURGer Poststempel, die 5—ÄGYPTISCHE—ARBEITER in 1—RAKETEN—FABRIK töteten.
20121103             [l] DAS—PENTAGON verteilt in NEW—YORK NOTFALL—BENZIN.
20121103             [l] Das Zollkriminalamt sucht moralisch ungefestigte Jugendliche oder KRIMinelle, die an ihrem TROJANER—PROGRAMM mitarbeiten sollen.
20121103             [l] Der 19930000             gestorbene frühere TÜRKISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—TURGUT—ÖZAL ist vergiftet worden.
20121103             [l] Fnord des Tages aus dem Telegraph:
20121103             [l] Frau in NEVADA verhaftet, weil sie zweimal wählen wollte in der selben Wahl.
20121103             [l] Ich hatte in ALTERNATIVLOS—28—ERZÄHLT, daß DIE—LEUTE am Wahltag teilweise —8—STUNDEN lang in der Warteschlange standen, um ihre Stimme abgeben zu können.
20121103             [l] In OHIO haben sie noch schnell —IN—DER—LETZTEN—MINUTE 1 "Update"ihrer Wahlsoftware eingespielt.
20121103             [l] Peinliche Details aus dem LIBYEN—ANSCHLAG—AUF—DAS—USA—KONSULAT:
20121103             [l] Söder hat mehrfach die ZDF—BERICHT—ERSTATTUNG zu beeinflussen versucht.
20121103             [l] überhaupt sollten wir mal in Erwägung ziehen, KÖLN aus DER—BUNDES—REPUBLIK—RAUSZUSCHMEIßEN.
20121103             es gab zuletzt aber auch Umfragen, die ROMNEY in FLORIDA vorne sahen.
20121103             und DIE—POLITIKER, die die fiskalpolitischen Probleme erkennen, können nichts dagegen tun.
20121103             und es droht noch 1—WEITERE Klippe, schreibt DIE—PRIVATBANK Ellwanger & Geiger.
20121103             und wieder mal 1—BEISPIEL dafür, daß Glaube zu nix Gutem führt.
20121103             verzogene Göre ohne Existenzdruck sucht Sinn des Lebens und spielt LAWRENCE—VON—ARABIEN auf jiddisch, das hat DIE—MENSCHHEIT noch gebraucht.....
20121103             —KRISE nach "Sandy": Sturmopfer rufen nach DER—USA—REGIERUNG
20121103             —LAUT, 1—ERHEBUNG der Zeitung "WASHINGTON—POST"und des Senders ABC führt OBAMA mit gerade einmal 0,07 %punkten vor ROMNEY.
20121103             —NACHWEIS von Leben: MARS—ROVER "Curiosity"findet kein Methan
20121103             —KILLED, Authorities in ATLANTA—GEORGIA, said a —2—YEAR—OLD—GIRL was, and her infant brother wounded —AFTER someone fired gunshots through the door of 1—HOME as they slept alongside their grandmother.
20121103             ATLANTA—GEORGIA, 1—POLICE—HELICOPTER searching for 1—RUNAWAY boy (9) hit 1—POWER—LINE—POLE and crashed killing ttwo offices.
20121103             The boy was found wnadering on 1—STREET—1—COUPLE—OF—HOURS—AFTER the crash.
20121103             † IN—AFGHANISTAN—RAHMATULLAH—KHAN, DISTRICT—POLICE—CHIEF—IN—KANDAHAR province, —WHILE trying to reach a police outpost under Taliban attack.
20121103             BURKINA—FASO, representatives of 1—AL—QAIDA—LINKED group that controls NORTH—MALI arrived for talks with PRESIDENT—BLAISE—COMPAORE, who is trying to mediate 1—SOLUTION to the conflict in THE—WEST—AFRICA—NATION.
20121103             A 2. delegation traveled to ALGERIA for talks with regional leaders there.
20121103             —DENOUNCED, CUBA, THE—USA—DIPLOMATIC—MISSION on THE—ISLAND for what it called subversive activities designed to undermine the government of RAUL—CASTRO.
20121103             —ACKNOWLEDGED, USA—OFFICIALS, that THE—USA—INTERESTS—SECTION in HAVANA does regularly offer free courses in using THE—INTERNET to Cubans who want to sign up.
20121103             —SUSPECTED, EGYPT, Islamic militants ambushed police in THE—NORTH—SINAI—PENINSULA killing 3 in EL—ARISH.
20121103             EGYPT—ANTIQUITIES ministry says that CZECH—REPUBLIC—ARCHAEOLOGISTS have unearthed the 4,—500—YEAR—OLD tomb of 1—PHARAONIC—PRINCESS—SOUTH—OF—CAIRO.
20121103             —SURROUNDED, PRINCESS—SHERT—NEBTI—BURIAL site is, by the tombs of 4—HIGH—OFFICIALS from the 5. Dynasty dating to —AROUND 2,500 BC in THE—ABU—SIR—COMPLEX—NEAR the famed step pyramid of Saqqara.
20121103             —ALLEGED, INDONESIA—ANTI—TERRORISM—FORCES shot and killed 1, militant and arrested another in 1—PREDAWN raid in CENTRAL—SULAWESI province.
20121103             IRAN, 1—EXPLOSION from 1—LAND—MINE left over from THE—IRAN—IRAQ war of the 1980s killed 6—PEOPLE and injured 1.
20121103             —HAPPENED, The explosion, —DURING 1—MINESWEEPING operation near THE—TOWN—OF—MARIVAN.
20121103             † In IRAN opposition blogger Sattar Beheshti (35) —WHILE under police custody.
20121103             3—INTERROGATORS involved in the case were arrested.
20121103             —GUNNED, IRAQ—INSURGENTS, down 3—SOLDIERS at 1—CHECKPOINT in Taji, 20—KM from BAGHDAD.
20121103             NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—TALIBAN suicide bomber blew himself up near 1—VEHICLE carrying the regional HEAD—OF—1—GOVERNMENT—ALLIED militia, killing him and 5—OTHERS in the Buner DISTRICT—OF—KHYBER—PAKHTUNKHWA province.
20121103             † Fateh Khan, the head of the local ANTI—TALIBAN militia, was killed along with 3—GUARDS and 2—PASSERS—BY.
20121103             † In SOMALIA 1—SECURITY—GUARD—WHILE fending off suicide bombers who were trying to storm into 1—POPULAR—MOGADISHU restaurant.
20121103             —LAUNCHED, SYRIA—REBELS, 1—DAWN ASSAULT—ON—TAFTANAZ airbase, 1—STRATEGIC—SITE in THE—NORTH—OF—THE—COUNTRY, trying to disrupt strikes by warplanes and helicopters that pound REBEL—HELD towns and give THE—REGIME—OF—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD 1—MAJOR—EDGE in the civil war.
20121103—20121112    —CONFIRMED, IRAN—STATE—PROSECUTOR, that he had † in police custody and that wounds were found on his body.
20121103—20140800    —IN, 1—POLICEMAN convicted of killing Beheshti was sentenced to —3—YEARS in jail, another 2 in exile plus 74—LASHES.
20121201—20121103    —CONFIRMED, IRAN—JUDICIARY, —LAST—MONTH that Sattar Beheshti † in police custody and that wounds were found on his body.
20121221—20121103    —ARRIVED, State media said Pae, in the far NORTH—EAST—CITY—OF—RAJIN as PART—OF—1—TOUR.
20131103             —ANNOUNCED, CHINA—RULING Communist Party, THE—REMOVAL—OF—THE—MILITARY—CHIEF—OF restive Xinjiang from the region's governing council, —FOLLOWING an 20131028             car crash in BEIJING—TIANANMEN—SQUARE blamed on Islamist militants from Xinjiang.
20131103             "These papers document 1—PIVOTAL moment in modern history — the point at which 1—ALARMED—THATCHER—GOVERNMENT realised that THE—COLD—WAR had to be brought to 1—END and began the process of persuading its USA—ALLIES likewise,"he said.
20131103             "Widerlicher Handel": EBAY entfernt HOLOCAUST—SOUVENIRS von Plattform
20131103             —1—MONAT vor "Able Archer"bewahrte nur die Besonnenheit des SOVIET—OBERST—STANISLAW—PETROW—DIE—WELT vor 1—ATOM—KRIEG, —NACHDEM die SOVIET—FRÜHWARNZENTRALE den Start AMERIKANISCHER—RAKETEN gemeldet hatte.
20131103             AKADEMIKERFLUCHT—AUS—PORTUGAL: Wir sind dann mal WEG—ABER eben nicht gegen DEUTSCHES—RECHT.
20131103             —INVOLVED, Able Archer, which, 40.000—USA—AND NATO—TROOPS moving across WEST—EUROPE, CO—ORDINATED by encrypted communications systems, imagined 1—SCENARIO in which BLUE—FORCES (NATO) defended its allies —AFTER ORANGE Forces (WARSAW Pact countries) sent troops into YUGOSLAVIA —FOLLOWING political unrest.
20131103             AKADEMIKERFLUCHT—AUS—PORTUGAL: Wir sind dann mal weg
20131103             Also Kant einfach im Klo runterspülen und alles andere gleich mit.
20131103             Astronomie: Der innere Wandel des KREBSPULSARS—ASYL für SNOWDEN: "Welcome Edward!"
20131103             Auch DIE—VORSITZENDEN des GEHEIM—DIENST—AUSSCHUSSES sprachen sich gegen Gnade oder freies Geleit für SNOWDEN aus.
20131103             Auch ihr republikanischer Counterpart, MIKE—ROGERS, bezeichnete 1—BEGNADIGUNG als "entsetzliche Idee".
20131103             Ausdrücklich bekennen sich Union und SPD zur sogenannten NETZ—NEUTRALITÄT.
20131103             —RELEASED, Cabinet memos and briefing papers, under the Freedom OF—INFORMATION—ACT reveal that 1—MAJOR—WAR—GAMES—EXERCISE, Operation Able Art, conducted in ;;11;;
20131103             DER—DRUCK, SNOWDEN tatsächlich Asyl in DEUTSCHLAND zu gewähren, wird PRO—STUNDE größer.
20131103             —KRITISIERT, DER—PRÄSIDENT—DER—FUßBALL—BUNDESLIGA, REINHARD—RAUBALL, "erhebliche Beeinträchtigungen DER—MENSCHEN—RECHTE"durch willkürliche ÜBERWACHUNG und lobt SNOWDENs uneigennütziges Handeln.
20131103             DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG hatte —J—IN—DIESEM, in Antworten auf Anfragen der Grünen und der SPD mitgeteilt, daß es bei der Modernisierung der ATOM—WAFFEN nicht darum gehe, "neue Waffen ODER—NEUE MILITÄR—FÄHIGKEITEN zu schaffen".
20131103             DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG sitzt in der Klemme: Für seine Aussage möchte DER—WHISTLE—BLOWER Schutz, der aber würde zu 1—VERSTIMMUNG auf Seiten der USA führen.
20131103             DIE—DATENSCHÜTZER haben
20131103             DIE—MOSKAUER MILITÄRs rechneten damit, daß DIE—NATO solche Vorbereitungen durch 1—MANÖVER tarnen würde und etwa —1—WOCHE zwischen dem BEGINN der Vorbereitungen und dem ANGRIFF vergehen würde.
20131103             DIE—SOWJETS nahmen das NATO—MANÖVER so ernst, daß sie laut "GUARDIAN"1—DUTZEND in der DDR und POLEN stationierte Flugzeuge mit Atomsprengköpfen bestücken ließen, ATOM—U—BOOTE sich im Polarmeer unter der Eisdecke vor der westlichen Aufklärung verbargen und mit ATOM—BOMBEN ausgestattete RAKETENSTÜTZ—PUNKTE in erhöhte Alarmbereitschaft versetzt wurden.
20131103             DIE—USA planten unter PRÄSIDENT—RONALD—REAGAN ihr als "Star Wars"verspottetes RAKETEN—ABWEHR—PROGRAMM "Strategic DEFENSE Initiative".
20131103             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Den Text, den DER—SPIEGEL, schrieb SNOWDEN —AM, ;;1101;;
20131103             Den naiven Anspruch hat ja nicht SNOWDEN sondern praktisch der größte Teil DER—MENSCHHEIT.
20131103             Der scheidende DATEN—SCHUTZ—BEAUFTRAGTE verlangt, daß sein Amt künftig nicht mehr in die Zuständigkeit des INNEN—MINISTERIUMS fällt.
20131103             Dies ist offensichtlich kein Zufall, wie NSA—DOKUMENTE zeigen, die AL—DSCHASIRA—AMERICA—JETZT veröffentlicht hat.
20131103             EXPORT—STREIT: IWF drängt DEUTSCHLAND zur Bescheidenheit
20131103             Einige dieser tollen SPRACH—REGELUNGEN und Argumente waren IM—BEREITS SPON—FORUM zu besichtigen.
20131103             Einwanderer aus HAITI: 100.000en Dominikanern droht STAATENlosigkeit
20131103             Er hätte es wissen müssen, daß sie ihn mit Hass verfolgen würden.
20131103             FUKUSHIMA—FLÜCHTLINGE: "Ihr könnt dort nicht mehr leben"
20131103             Fehlkonstruktion: Neue Marineboote taugen nicht zur Piratenjagd
20131103             GEHEIM—DOKUMENTE zu NATO—MANÖVER: So nah kam DIE—WELT 19830000             1—ATOM—KRIEG
20131103             Geplanter RÜSTUNGS—DEAL: SAUDI—ARABIEN will DEUTSCHE—U—BOOTE für 2.500.000.000—EURO
20131103             Heftig kritisieren DIE—FORSCHER vor allem die Modernisierung eben jener B61-Fliegerbomben, die auch in DEUTSCHLAND stationiert sind.
20131103             In ihrer damaligen Arroganz und in Verkennung der Großlage hatten DIE—NATO—OBER—BEFEHLS—HABER —BEREITS den Erstschlag der SOVIET—UNION ausgelöst.
20131103             KERRY in ÄGYPTEN: Stippvisite für die Sache der Demokratie
20131103             Kinder im KRIEG: SYRIENs verlorene Generation
20131103             —BEKANNT, MITTLERWEILE ist allerdings, daß der
20131103             Möglicher IRAN—EINSATZ: ISRAEL soll bald USA—SPEZIAL—FLUGZEUGE erhalten
20131103             NSA—AFFÄRE, USA—POLITIKER wollen SNOWDEN keine Gnade gewähren
20131103             Neben 1—HUMANITÄREN—LÖSUNG für SNOWDEN müsse zum 1—DIE—USA—SPÄH—AFFÄRE aufgeklärt und die "schrankenlose ÜBERWACHUNG—DURCH—USA—GEHEIM—DIENSTE"beendet werden, zum anderen müssten die "DEUTSCH—AMERIKANISCHE—BEZIEHUNG intakt bleiben"und "wieder auf die WERTE—BASIS zurückgeführt"werden, "auf der sie GEGRÜNDET worden ist, nämlich Freiheit, Gerechtigkeit und die Herrschaft des Rechts".
20131103             ONLINE—OFFENSIVE: GROßE—KOALITION will schnelles INTERNET massiv ausbauen
20131103             OPPERMANN—PLÄNE DER—USA—REGIERUNG: ATOM—WAFFEN in DEUTSCHLAND sollen modernisiert werden
20131103             Prügel für Diener: Video zeigt brutale Misshandlung in SAUDI—ARABIEN
20131103             ROTHSCHILDs Château Lafite: 1—FRANZÖSISCHES—WEINGUT—MITTEN in CHINA
20131103             Regierungsbildung: MERKEL lädt PARTEI—FREUNDE in den "Beichtstuhl" - SICHERHEITS—BEHÖRDEN—IN—DEUTSCHLAND.
20131103             SPRACH—REGELUNGEN
20131103             Sie brauchen nicht nach SAUDI—ARABIEN zu gehen, um prügelorgien zu sehen.
20131103             Sie sehen ihn als Landesverräter.
20131103             Sowohl DIE—USA als auch RUSSLAND hatten sich —NACH—DEM NATO—DOPPELBESCHLUSS 19790000             mit 1—BEVORSTEHENDEN Erstschlag der jeweils anderen Seite beschäftigt.
20131103             Supernova J—IM 1054
20131103             —OBTAINED, THE—PAPERS were, by PETER—BURT, DIRECTOR—OF—THE—NUCLEAR—INFORMATION—SERVICE (NIS), an —ORGANISATION that campaigns against NUCLEAR—PROLIFERATION, who said that THE—DOCUMENTS showed —JUST how risky THE—COLD—WAR became for both sides.
20131103             UMWELT—SCHUTZ, EU—KOMMISSION fordert MAßNAHMEN—GEGEN—DÜNNE Plastiktüten
20131103             USA—SPÄH—PROGRAMME: Ausreden für SPIONE—UNABLE Commanding OFFICERS—UND formal haben sie sogar recht.
20131103             WASHINGTON—DAS—WEIßE—HAUS und die führenden MITGLIEDER—DES—GEHEIM—DIENST—AUSSCHUSSES im Kongress wollen EDWARD—SNOWDEN unter keinen Umständen Gnade gewähren.
20131103             Was heisst: wir befinden uns im KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—HERRSCHENDEN.
20131103             Welche naiven Ansprüche stellt SNOWDEN—AN—DIE—USA—POLITIKER?
20131103             Wenn es —JETZT aber naiv ist so zu denken, dann sind wir doch im "MITTELALTER".
20131103             Wie einschneidend aber die Ereignisse dieser ;;11;;—TAGE die Sicht vor allem der BRITISCHEN—REGIERUNG auf den KALTER—KRIEG verändert haben, belegen —JETZT freigegebene Dokumente, über die DER—GUARDIAN berichtet.
20131103             Wie immer.
20131103             [l] CHINA—IMPORT—BÜGELEISEN in RUSSLAND GEFUNDEN, die per WLAN umliegende Rechner mit MALWARE zu infizieren versuchen.
20131103             [l] Die "Union"fühlt sich durch DIE—WAHL bestätigt und drängt —JETZT auf mehr INTERNET—ABSCHNORCHELEI.
20131103             [l] Die neuen TERRORISTEN: Fluggäste mit verschlüsselten Dateien.
20131103             [l] es kommt ja nicht häufig vor, daß DIE—WELT 1—LESENSWERTEN ARTIKEL—HAT, aber —HEUTE ist es soweit.
20131103             europäischer RECHTSSTAAT—SAGTE SCHAAR dem SPIEGEL.
20131103             schwierig ist es für junge Portugiesen, Arbeit zu finden: Etwa 37 % DER—MENSCHEN zwischen 15—UND —24—JAHREN waren IM- ;;08;;
20131103             —ENDE—SEIT—DER fünfziger —JAHRE bestanden Unterlagen des AUSWÄRTIGES—AMTES zufolge entsprechende Verträge zwischen DEN—USA und Verbündeten, die in DER—BUNDES—REPUBLIK—STREIT—KRÄFTE unterhielten.
20131103             —HEUTE—GILT der Krebsnebel, der laut NASA—CA—6500—LICHT—JAHRE entfernt im Sternbild Stier zu finden ist, als 1—DER am besten studierten Himmelsobjekte.
20131103             —IM, neuen SPIEGEL veröffentlicht der EHEMALIGE—NSA—MIT—ARBEITER SNOWDEN 1—MANIFEST, in dem er für MEINUNGS—FREIHEIT und offene Gesellschaften wirbt: "Wer DIE—WAHRHEIT ausspricht, begeht kein Verbrechen", schreibt SNOWDEN.
20131103             —IMMER—WIEDER, erwähnten die 2—WÄHREND der dreistündigen Anhörung DIE—TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE
20131103             —SCHON, Medea bei EURIPIDES wurde damit nicht fertig.
20131103             —SCHON, die Geburt des Himmelskörpers —, das ENDE—DES vorausgegangenen STERNS—HABEN Menschen auf der Erde wahrgenommen.
20131103             —SEIT, JAHRTAUSENDen 1—IDEALISTISCHER Anspruch.
20131103             —VON, denen —NUN Großmut zu erhoffen ist irrealer noch als die erhoffte Gnade der ROM—BESATZUNGSMACHT mit dem JUDEN Christus.
20131103             —AN—DIE—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT gebracht hat die Papiere der DIREKTOR—DES—BRITISCHEN—NUCLEAR—INFORMATION—SERVICE (NIS), PETER—BURT: "Diese Unterlagen dokumentieren 1—WENDE—PUNKT der modernen GESCHICHTE—DEN Moment, in dem die alarmierte THATCHER—REGIERUNG realisierte, daß DER—KALTER—KRIEG zu 1—ENDE gebracht werden musste und damit BEGANN, ihre AMERIKANISCHEN—VERBÜNDETEN davon zu überzeugen", wird Burt im "GUARDIAN"zitiert.
20131103             Hackers claiming links to INTERNATIONAL activist group Anonymous (Anonymous INDONESIA and Anonymous PHILIPPINES) defaced DOZENS—OF—WEBSITES belonging to AUSTRALIA—BUSINESSES and THE—PHILIPPINES—GOVERNMENT—AGENCIES.
20131103             —CHARGED, THE—HEAD—OF—BAHRAIN—MAIN—OPPOSITION—GROUP, ALI—SALMAN, was, with insulting authorities through 1—EXHIBITION that showed alleged abuses against ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS.
20131103             1—COURT sentenced 4—SHI'ITE Muslims to life and 6—OTHERS to —15—YEARS in jail on charges of setting up 1—MILITANT—CELL linked to IRAN—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARD that aimed at assassinating public figures in BAHRAIN.
20131103             BRITAIN—BASED Muslim leader Chowdhury Mueen Uddin and Ashrafuzzaman Khan, 1—USA—CITIZEN, were found GUILTY—OF—THE—TORTURE and murder of 18—INTELLECTUALS —DURING the war.
20131103             1—BOLIVIA—PLANE carrying 18—PEOPLE crashed —WHILE trying to land —DURING bad weather in Riberalta, killing 8—PASSENGERS and injuring the others on BOARD.
20131103             —COOPERATED, COLOMBIA police said USA and COLOMBIA—ANTI—DRUGS—AGENTS, in 1—MASSIVE bust in THE—SOUTH—CARIBBEAN that led to the confiscation of 1,450 kilos of cocaine.
20131103             4—VENEZUELANS and 1—COLOMBIAN were detained in the case.
20131103             —DECLARED, Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO'S M23 rebels, 1—CEASEFIRE in their fight with the army, in 1—MOVE they hope will advance peace talks with the government.
20131103             —BACKED, THE—GREECE—GOVERNMENT, away from allowing retailers to trade on ANY—SUNDAY —AFTER opposition from small retailers and the Orthodox Church.
20131103             The government says more —SUNDAY shopping would boost retail sales in 1—COUNTRY struggling to pull itself out of a —6—YEAR—RECESSION.
20131103             —ERUPTED, INDONESIA—MOUNT—SINABUNG volcano, for the 3. time in as MANY—MONTHS on THE—WEST—ISLAND—OF—SUMATRA, forcing HUNDREDS—OF—VILLAGERS to evacuate.
20131103             —UNDERSCORED, KOSOVO, violence and low turnout in elections, the deep divisions in the territory and dealt 1—BLOW to BELGRADE, which had sought to further its EU membership bid by urging ethnic Serbs to vote peacefully.
20131103             1—KUWAIT—NEWSPAPER reported that 1—KUWAIT—WOMAN was arrested in SAUDI—ARABIA for trying to drive her father to hospital.
20131103             —WOUNDED, LIBYA, 16—PEOPLE were, in clashes at 1—PRISON in Kuafiya prison, BENGHAZI.
20131103             —KILLED, MEXICO, 13—PEOPLE were, in shootouts —AROUND THE—NORTH—EAST—CITY—OF—MATAMOROS in 1—OF—THE—WORST—RECENT—OUTBREAKS—OF—VIOLENCE in 1—AREA ravaged by drug gangs.
20131103             1—BOAT carrying at least 70—MUSLIM Rohingya capsized and sank off THE—WEST—COAST—OF—MYANMAR.
20131103             Only 8—SURVIVORS were found.
20131103             —EXECUTED, NORTH—KOREA publicly, —AROUND 80—PEOPLE, many for watching smuggled SOUTH—KOREA—TV shows.
20131103             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 6—PEOPLE were, —WHEN residents of 1—TOWNSHIP on the outskirts of JOHANNESBURG attacked 1—GROUP—OF suspected gang members.
20131103             —GUNNED, Attackers, down 1—FORMER—SENIOR—UNION—OFFICIAL at platinum producer Lonmin, stoking political and industrial tensions in the nation's volatile platinum belt.
20131103             † In THAILAND at least 6—PASSENGERS including 3—FOREIGNERS —AFTER 1—TOURIST ferry sank off THE—THAILAND—RESORT—OF—PATTAYA.
20131103             —KILLED, NORTH—YEMEN, at least 3—PEOPLE were, in fighting between rival Muslim clans, bringing the death toll from —5—DAYS—OF—CLASHES to 58 as the government tried to broker 1—CEASEFIRE.
20131103—19260000    —AB, Dass Gurlitt nicht überall Unterstützung fand, bestätigt die lokale Presse der Zeit und der SCHRIFT—WECHSEL im Museumsarchiv, —SCHON wurde gegen seine fortschrittliche Arbeit interveniert.
20131103—19710000    —IN, 1—BANGLADESH war crimes court convicted and sentenced to death in absentia 2—MEN accused of committing atrocities —DURING the country's WAR—OF—INDEPENDENCE from PAKISTAN.
20131103—20131111    —ON, 1—SOUTH—KOREA—NEWSPAPER reported the executions.
20131103—20140000    —BIS, 1—GROßE—KOALITION soll —NACH—DEM Willen der WIRTSCHAFTS—POLITIKER von Union und SPD sicherstellen, daß mindestens 75 % aller Haushalte in DEUTSCHLAND 1—INTERNETANSCHLUSS mit 1—ÜBERTRAGUNGSGESCHWINDIGKEIT von mindestens 50—MEGABIT pro —SEKUNDE haben.
20140428—20141103    —SENTENCED, WILL—CORNICK, —16—JAHRE—ALT was, to life in prison and ordered to serve 1—MINIMUM—OF—20—YEARS.
20141103             "Arbeit macht frei"-Schriftzug: 1.Hinweise nach TOR—DIEBSTAHL in KZ—GEDENKSTÄTTE
20141103             "Das allein dem WAHL—KAMPF geschuldete Verhalten 1—DEUTSCHEN—BUNDES—KANZLERS und seines AUßEN—MINISTERS
20141103             "Entweder will man 1—UNABHÄNGIGEN Präsidenten mit eigener Meinung oder nicht".
20141103             "Hooligans gegen Salafisten": Hausbesuch bei HoGeSa
20141103             "Mein Mann hat das im Kopf. Ich gehe dann in die Archive, suche ihm raus, was er im Kopf hat, und dann lege ich ihm schrittchenweise die Dinge vor", sagt sie.
20141103             "Und dann sagt er: Das will ich sagen, das will ich nicht sagen, und das möchte ich anders sagen".Er redigiere EBEN—WIE früher.
20141103             "Solche Drohnen abzufangen, ist üblicherweise AUFGABE—VON—SCHARFSCHÜTZEN oder Helikoptern",
20141103             Absätze zum Nein der ROT—GRÜNEN BUNDES—REGIERUNG zu DEN—USA vor dem IRAK—KRIEG.
20141103             Aktion zum Mauerfalljubiläum: Knackt die FESTUNG—EUROPA!
20141103             Als Widmung hat er den Spruch "Für Frieden und Freiheit"gewählt.
20141103             Auch STAATS—RECHTLER setzen sich mit der Aussage Gaucks auseinander: Sie sei an sich "völlig in Ordnung", sagte DER—BERLIN—STAATS—RECHTLER ULRICH—BATTIS
20141103             BAR—RÜCKLAGEN: Investoren schielen auf Googles MILLIARDENschatz
20141103             Bedrohte Goldmeerkatzen: Vergessen in den Hochwäldern OST—AFRIKAS
20141103             Buchpräsentation: Kohls —KAMPF—FÜR—EUROPA
20141103             CHINA: Laserkanone schießt kleine Drohnen vom Himmel
20141103             Darin hätten die höchsten DEUTSCHEN—RICHTER klargestellt, daß das Staatsoberhaupt selbst entscheidet, wie es seine Aufgaben erfülle.
20141103             DEUTSCHLAND:—CA—14.000—HIV—POSITIVE wissen nicht von ihrer Infektion
20141103             DIE—KOALITION habe —DAMALS, DIE—KRIEGSANGST DER—DEUTSCHEN—POLITISCH instrumentalisiert, schreibt Kohl.
20141103             DIE—MINISTER—PRÄSIDENTEN der Länder sollten sich Sorgen machen.
20141103             DIE—STRAHLUNGS—WAFFE soll TERRORISTEN—ANSCHLÄGE verhindern.
20141103             DIE—ÄUßERUNGEN seien "unmittelbar in 1—VERFAHREN der politischen Meinungsbildung"gefallen.
20141103             DONEZK und LUHANSK: DEUTSCHLAND erkennt Wahlen IN—DER—OST—UKRAINE nicht an
20141103             Das sich abzeichnende "kluge Programm"des angestrebten ROT—ROT—GRÜNEN Bündnisses zeige zudem deutlich, daß ES—SICH —AM—ENDE vor allem um 1—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHE Regierung handele.
20141103             "Daher muss niemand befürchten, daß das Gesicht der SED wieder einkehrt".
20141103             Dass 1—SOLCHES Szenario durchaus vorstellbar ist, zeigen die mysteriösen Flüge über FRANZÖSISCHEN—ATOM—KRAFT—WERKEN —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—TAGEN.
20141103             Dem USA—FERNSEHSEND 10—ISCOVERY reichen —10—SEKUNDEN als Sicherheit, zum Ausblenden des Sturzes.
20141103             Der mögliche künftige MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—DER—LINKS—PARTEI, Bodo Ramelow, habe zudem keine SED—VERGANGENHEIT, sondern stamme aus DEM—WESTEN, unterstrich Fahimi.
20141103             Deren Abschussquote sei jedoch nicht besonders hoch, zudem drohten Kollateralschäden.
20141103             —ERST die 6. Variante des Rovers, mit BABYPINGUIN—OUTFIT, konnte sie überzeugen.
20141103             Statt zu flüchten, nahmen die Pinguine den kleinen Roboter freundlich in ihre Reihen auf.
20141103             Gehts noch?
20141103             Genau die Ideologien sind ja auch völlig gleichwertig... DIE—1—WOLLEN das die Herrenrasse (Arier) sich ALLE—ANDEREN—RASSEN—UNTERTAN macht und die anderen Gleichheit und Gerechtigkeit für alle.
20141103             Ist ja fast das gleiche... sie haben recht. gz
20141103             In 1—SCHWEBENDE Regierungsildung eingreifen.
20141103             Journalisten, die über den HOCHHAUS—STUNT in CHICAGO berichten wollten, mussten unterschreiben, daß sie im Fall 1—UNGLÜCKS den Veranstalter nicht für zugefügtes emotionales Leid verklagen würden.
20141103             Kleine Drohnen seien relative billig und einfach zu benutzen, sagte Yi Jinsong, Manager der Firma CHINA Jiuyuan H1—TECH Equipment, die der CHINA ACADEMY—OF—ENGINEERING Physics (CAEP) unterstellt ist.
20141103             Daher sei es wahrscheinlich, daß auch TERRORISTEN sie einsetzten.
20141103             Man erwarte, daß die Laserkanone "1—SCHLÜSSELROLLE bei der Absicherung von großen Veranstaltungen in Städten"spiele, schreibt Xinhua.
20141103             Sie könne Ziele —BIS in 500—METER Höhe und mit 1—MAXIMALEN Fluggeschwindigkeit von 50—METER—PRO—SEKUNDE erreichen (180—KM/h).
20141103             NACH—KRAWALLE—IN—KÖLN: Behörden prüfen Absage von HOOLIGAN—AUFMARSCH in HANNOVER
20141103             PRESSE—STIMMEN zum Großen Preis der USA: "1—UNVERSCHÄMTER FALL—VON—DIEBSTAHL"
20141103             —GEWINNT, PRÄSIDENTEN—WAHL—IN—RUMÄNIEN: Ponta, die 1—RUNDE
20141103             Persilschein des BUNDES—VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT
20141103             Pharmatests in der DDR: "Das waren GESCHÄFTE—MIT—1—DIKTATORISCHEN STAAT"
20141103             Problematisch sei allerdings DER—ZEIT—PUNKT.
20141103             RUSSLAND—POLITIK,Unmut in Union über HELMUT—KOHL
20141103             Rückruf bei Sportwagen: Porsche tauscht Schloss der Kofferraumhaube aus
20141103             —RESIGNIERT, SCHWARZE bei den USA—KONGRESS—WAHLEN: Wütend, machtlos,
20141103             So kamen DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER auf DIE—IDEE, Roboter einzusetzen.
20141103             Doch auf die 1.Versionen ohne Kostüm reagierten die Pinguine ähnlich wie auf Menschen.
20141103             Somit seien Gaucks jetzige Äußerungen zur Linken "deutlich innerhalb der Grenzen, die ihm zugedacht worden sind", sagte Pestalozza.
20141103             SPACESHIPTWO—ABSTURZ: Bremsvorgang zu früh eingeleitet
20141103             Star, Spatz, Lerche: 421.000.000 Vögel weniger als —VOR—30—JAHREN
20141103             Stimmen zur LINKE—KRITIK des BUNDES—PRÄSIDENTEN: "Nur das gemacht, wofür wir ihn gewählt haben"
20141103             UNO—KONFERENZ: Extra Schutz für Eisbären, Haie und Löwen geplant
20141103             USA—STRATEGIE im IRAK: Mit Illusionen gegen den IS—ULRICH—BATTIS hat RECHT.
20141103             DER—BUNDESBUNDES—PRÄSIDENT soll und muss sich in tagespolitische Debatten einmischen.
20141103             Er hat keine MACHT außer der MACHT des Wortes;
20141103             er kann Denkanstöße für die öffentliche Diskussion geben, Aspekte hervorheben, die im parteipolitischen DIS—KURS untergehen. es darf, kann und soll das Handeln der Exekutive kritisch begleiten, erläutern, natürlich auch kritisieren, wenn es ihm geboten scheint.
20141103             Was er aber nicht tun sollte (auch wenn es ihm zweifellos nicht gesetzlich verboten ist), das ist die Einmischung in die Konstituierung eben dieser Exekutive;
20141103             es ist nicht seine Aufgabe, Einfluss auf 1—REGIERUNGSBILDUNG zu nehmen oder Willensbildungen innerhalb der Parteien zugunsten oder zulasten anderer Parteien zu beeinflussen. es widerspricht dem Geist des Grundgesetzes.
20141103             —DENN, damit mischt er sich in die Belange anderer VERFASSUNGS—ORGANE 1—UND verletzt das Gebot parteipolitischer Neutralität, das er in verfassungsmäßigen Verfahrensweisen einhalte
20141103             Umstrittene Stromleitung: Netzbetreiber wollen MEGA—TRASSE deutlich verlängern
20141103             UNI—SEMINAR in PHILADELPHIA: Verschwende deine Zeit
20141103             —BEKOMMT, Unterstützung, Gauck von vielen Grünen: FRAKTION—CHEFIN KATRIN—GÖRING—ECKARDT sagte —AM—MONTAG im MDR, Gauck habe lediglich die "Bauchschmerzen"vieler Menschen artikuliert.
20141103             "Gauck hat das gemacht, wofür wir ihn gewählt haben", sagte GÖRING—ECKARDT.
20141103             —GEÄUßERT, Er habe zu 1—STREITBAREN Thema 1—KLARE Meinung.
20141103             Auch der CO—VORSITZENDE—DER—GRÜNEN, CEM—ÖZDEMIR, meinte: "DER—BUNDESBUNDES—PRÄSIDENT hat nur das gesagt, was viele denken, die das Unrecht, das in der DDR vorherrschte, zum Teil noch am eigenen Leib erfahren haben. Das sollte man ernst nehmen", sagte er zu "".
20141103             DIE—GRÜNEN—VORSITZENDE SIMONE—PETER jedoch warf Gauck vor, seine Bedenken zum falschen ZEIT—PUNKT geäußert zu haben.
20141103             "es ist unglücklich, daß er als BUNDESBUNDES—PRÄSIDENT sich in tagesaktuelle Dinge einmischt", sagte sie.
20141103             Wahlen IN—DER—OST—UKRAINE: RUSSLANDs treue STATT—HALTER
20141103             —GEMACHT, Wenn BK SCHRÖDERirgendetwas richtig, hat, dann war es das Nein zum IRAK—KRIEG.
20141103             Wenn man SCHRÖDERvorwirft, er habe nur dem Wahlvolk genügen wollen, so ist wäre das allein schonmal zu würdigen.
20141103             —DENN, —AM—ENDE ist der BK der gewählte VOLKS—VERTRETER.
20141103             Ich bin jedoch auch ueberzeugt, daß es BK SCHRÖDERs eigene feste Überzeugung wär, das dieser KRIEG (wie die meisten) falsch ist.
20141103             Allein, wie HK diesen Umstand darstellt, zeigt, daß der Mann seinen Ruhestand genießen und versuchen sollte, mit seiner Familie ins Reine zu kommen.
20141103             Wissenschaftler der UNIVERSITÄT—STRAßBURG haben 1—ROBOTER als Babypinguin verkleidet.
20141103             Zulassung neuer Präparate: PHARMA—FIRMEN tricksen bei jedem 10. Medikament
20141103             zwecks Umgehung der verfassungsgemässen Einschränkungen.
20141103             In 1—SCHWEBENDE Regierungsildung eingreifen. Gehts noch? üblicherweise
20141103             —DEBATTE um KENNZEICHEN—SCANNER: JEDES—AUTO ist verdächtig
20141103             —DIE—SPD—SPITZE hat sich —AM—MONTAG kritisch geäußert: GENERAL—SEKRETÄRIN YASMIN—FAHIMI sagte, vor dem Hintergrund von Gaucks Biografie habe sie zwar Verständnis für seinen Blick auf die EHEMALIGE—DDR und das SED—REGIME.
20141103             Doch DIE—REGIERUNGSBILDUNG in THÜRINGEN sei demokratisch hoch legitimiert.
20141103             —DERZEIT, laufe in der SPD das Mitgliedervotum zu KOALITIONS—VERHANDLUNGEN.
20141103             "Ich weiß nicht, wieviel mehr Legitimation man eigentlich für 1—SOLCHE Regierungsbildung organisieren kann", sagte Fahimi.
20141103             —AM—DIENSTAGSOLL DAS—ERGEBNIS—DES—VOTUMS vorliegen.
20141103             —JETZT, sieht ma ja deutlich, was der 2. IRAK—KRIEG, vor dem auch DER—PAPA gewarnt hat, losgetreten hat.
20141103             —KAMPF—GEGEN—IS—IRAK—ARMEE plant GROß—OFFENSIVE mit USA—HILFE
20141103             —URTEIL—DES—BUNDES—VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT—GAUCK ist nicht einseitig.
20141103             Er warnt sowohl vor den extremen Rechten (NPD), wie auch vor den extremen Linken (SED/Linke).Bravo!
20141103             —FIRED, THE—USA—AIR—FORCE, 2—COMMANDERS and disciplined a 3. for lapses and misbehavior at intercontinental ballistic missile bases in NORTH—DAKOTA and WYOMING.
20141103             BANGLADESH—SUPREME—COURT upheld the death sentence of MOHAMMAD—QAMARUZZAMAN, —62—JAHRE—ALT, 1—SENIOR—ISLAMIST—LEADER convicted by 1—SPECIAL—TRIBUNAL—LAST—YEAR for his role in mass killings and other atrocities —DURING the country's 19710000             INDEPENDENCE war against PAKISTAN.
20141103             1—BULGARIA—WOMAN, —39—JAHRE—ALT was rushed to hospital —AFTER setting fire to herself outside THE—PRESIDENT—OFFICE, as PRESIDENT—ROSEN—PLEVNELIEV discussed the formation of 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT —FOLLOWING 1—INCONCLUSIVE election —LAST—MONTH.
20141103             BURKINA—FASO—INTERIM—PRESIDENT—ISAAC—ZIDA said that the army would quickly cede power to 1—TRANSITIONAL government headed by 1—CONSENSUAL leader.
20141103             —ROLLED, CHINA, 1—BUS, over on SHANGHAI—DONGHAI—BRIDGE, 1—OF—THE—LONGEST—CROSS—SEA—BRIDGES in the world, killing 6—PEOPLE and injuring 43—OTHERS.
20141103             INDONESIA began issuing cards to give the poor access to 3—PROGRAMS that included health care, education and cash handouts.
20141103             —EXECUTED, IRAQ, Islamic State militants, at 29—MEN, 4—WOMEN and 3—CHILDREN—OF—THE—AL—BU—NIMR tribe in Ras AL—MAA, Anbar province.
20141103             —APPROVED, ISRAEL, plans for some 500—NEW settler homes in occupied EAST—JERUSALEM.
20141103             —ARRESTED, ISRAEL—POLICE, at least 23—PALESTINIANS in EAST—JERUSALEM overnight and —TODAY, in the latest crackdown —AFTER MONTHS—OF—VIOLENT clashes in the city.
20141103             —PASSED, ISRAEL—PARLIAMENT, 1—LAW aimed at limiting the practice employed in the past of releasing Palestinians convicted of killing Israelis to promote peace efforts.
20141103             LIBYA, heavy fighting broke out near THE—SEAPORT—OF—THE—EAST—BENGHAZI city as the army, backed by forces loyal to 1—FORMER—GENERAL, attacked Islamist groups.
20141103             —KILLED, NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, himself and 32—PEOPLE in 1—PROCESSION—OF—SHI'ITE Muslims marking the ritual of Ashoura in Potiskum, Yobe state.
20141103             CENTRAL—KOGI, state gunmen using explosives blew their way into 1—PRISON overnight in THE—CITY—OF—LOKOJA, killing 1—PERSON and freeing 145—INMATES.
20141103             SAUDI—ARABIA, gunmen shot dead at least 6—PEOPLE in EAST—AL—AHSA district.
20141103             Local residents said it was 1—ATTACK on Shi'ite Muslim worshippers.
20141103             † SIERRA—LEONE, DOCTOR—GODFREY—GEORGE, medical superintendent of Kambia Government Hospital, overnight becoming the 5. local doctor to die of Ebola.
20141103             —BEHEADED, THE—SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said 8—MEN were, —LAST—WEEK and their bodies hung on makeshift crucifixes in Albu Kamal, Deir Ezzor province.
20141103             —DECAPITATED, IS jihadists also, another 3—MEN, again hanging their corpses from crosses in THE—CITY—OF—DEIR—EZZOR.
20141103             —RELEASED, The militant Islamic State group, 93—SYRIA—KURDS it captured in February as they made their way from NORTH—SYRIA to neighboring IRAQ.
20141103             —1—DAY—LATER Human Rights Watch said Islamic State militants had forced children as young as 14 to watch videos of beheadings and beat them with cables —DURING—6—MONTHS—OF—CAPTIVITY.
20141103             THE—USA—TARGETED—ISLAMIC—STATE—MILITANTS with 5—AIR—STRIKES in Syria and 9 in IRAQ over the last —24—HOURS.
20141103             THAILAND, HANS—FREDRIK—LENNART—NEIJ (36), 1—OF—THE—FOUNDERS of popular FILE—SHARING website THE—PIRATE—BAY, was arrested under 1—INTERPOL warrant as crossed into THAILAND from LAOS.
20141103             —RELEASED, He fled the country —AFTER being, on bail.
20141103             —PULLED, TURKEY—RESCUERS, 24—BODIES from the sea at the mouth of ISTANBUL—BOSPHORUS strait and rescued 7—PEOPLE—AFTER the sinking of 1—BOAT carrying migrants including children.
20141103             —LOADED, The capsized boat was, with 42—ILLEGAL—MIGRANTS from Afghan and Syria.
20141103             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO said a 15% boost of the minimum wage will take effect in December to protect workers' salaries from inflation running at more than 60—PERCENT —1—YEAR.
20141103             It follows a 30—PERCENT boost —IN—APRIL and a 10—PERCENT hike in January.
20141103             —BOOSTED, The move came —1—WEEK—AFTER Maduro, military salaries by 45—PERCENT.
20141103             Der Wolkenkratzer 1—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER in NEW—YORK City wird offiziell eröffnet.
20141103—19770000    —IN, Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers, began their radio show on WBUR, BOSTON—NPR affiliate, and
20141103—19870000    —IN, went national.
20141103—20010000    —OPENED, NEW—YORK—CITY, the 1,776-foot 1—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER, for business on the site where THE—WTC twin towers were decimated in terrorist attacks.
20141103—20090000    —CONVICTED—OF, Neij, along with other Pirate Bay CO—FOUNDERS, was, aiding copyright infringement by 1—COURT—IN—SWEDEN.
20141103—20120000    —STOPPED, They, taping live.
20141103—20141028    —KILLED, NORTH—WEST—KENYA, 4—MORE—REFUGEES were, bringing the total NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE killed over the past —WEEK to 8. Violence at the Kakuma camps were sparked by reports of the attempted rape of 1—YOUNG—REFUGEE—GIRL.
20141205—20151103    —SENTENCED, Yadav was, to life in prison.
20150918—20151103    —ARRESTED, STATE—BROADCASTER—IRIB said he has been, and linked to USA—MILITARY and intelligence agencies.
20151103             "Raucherinnen und Raucher verlieren über —10—JAHRE ihrer zu erwartenden Lebenszeit.
20151103             "Die FORTINGALL—EIBE steht im Hof 1—ALTEN Kirche".Es müsste eher heissen: DIE—KIRCHE wurde neben die uralte Eibe gebaut.
20151103             "FLÜCHTLINGE haben 1—RECHT darauf, in 1—MENSCHENWÜRDIGEN Architektur zu leben".
20151103             "Offenbar haben wir endlich das Mysterium lösen können, wo sich der unter dem SELEUKIDEN—KÖNIG—ANTIOCHOS—IV.
20151103             "Wohnen ist ein Grundbedürfnis, das wir alle haben.
20151103             "—IM—MOMENT findet im Städtebau 1.Ausgrenzung von FLÜCHTLINGEn statt, indem DIE—MENSCHEN ständig in die Peripherie in umzäunte Lager geschickt werden", sagt der ARCHITEKTURPROFESSOR—JÖRG—FRIEDRICH—VON—DER—LEIBNIZ UNIVERSITÄT—HANNOVER.
20151103             1—ALS ältester Baum GROß—BRITANNIENS geltende Eibe hat begonnen, ihr Geschlecht zu ändern.
20151103             1—KLEINE Schar von Finanzmarktakteuren hatte 1—ZEITLICHEN Vorsprung vor allen anderen Marktteilnehmern bekommen.
20151103             100.000e FLÜCHTLINGE kommen nach DEUTSCHLAND,
20151103             —1—TAG—BEVOR sich DIE—NOTEN—BANKER trafen, um über DIE—DETAILS des Anleiheprogramms zu sprechen.
20151103             AFGHANISTAN—TALIBAN steinigen junge Frau
20151103             ANGRIFFE—AUF—JOURNALISTEN: RECHTS—RADIKALE attackieren erneut Reporter
20151103             ARBEITS—MARKT, Wohnungen, Finanzen: Wirtschaftsfaktor FLÜCHTLING—WAS auf DEUTSCHLAND zukommt
20151103             Aber auch DER—NEUE Adel wird irgendwann gestürzt, wenn DIE—GRENZEN fürs Volk überschritten ist.
20151103             Allerdings blieb die Zitadelle noch 25—WEITERE —JAHRE in der Hand der Seleukiden.
20151103             Ansonsten hat hier mal jemand das Offensichtliche weggeräumt.
20151103             Archäologen haben südlich des Tempelbergs die Reste der —VOR—2200—JAHREN unter GRIECHISCHER—HERRSCHAFT errichteten Zitadelle identifiziert.
20151103             Auch FREIBURG plant winterfeste und beheizbare ZELTSTÄDTE—WEITERE werden folgen.
20151103             Auch bei den Mädchen und jungen Frauen ist der Raucheranteil in SACHSEN—ANHALT mit über 30 % am höchsten.
20151103             Auch in kleiner Runde dürften DIE—NOTEN—BANKER nicht über marktrelevante Themen sprechen, betonte 1—EZB—SPRECHER.
20151103             Auswertung von Terminkalendern: EZB—SPITZENKRÄFTE trafen Finanzmanager vor wichtigen Beschlüssen
20151103             BUNDES—KANZLERIN—ANGELA—MERKEL hat das Kompromisspapier der Union zur FLÜCHTLINGS—POLITIK verteidigt.
20151103             Bei dieser Gelegenheit kündigte er an, dass DIE—EZB 1—TEIL ihrer milliardenschweren Wertpapierkäufe vorziehen werde.
20151103             CAMERON und die Mohnblume: GROß—BRITANNIEN lacht über Poppygate
20151103             Coeuré wiederum hatte laut "FT"Manager des Vermögensverwalters Black Rock getroffen -
20151103             COEURÉ—REDE veröffentlichte DIE—EZB —ERST—AM—NÄCHSTEN—MORGEN.
20151103             —GEWORDEN, DEUTSCHE—VERROHUNG: Was ist nur aus diesem Land ?
20151103             DEUTSCHLAND: AGRAR—KONZERNE verzichten —VORERST auf Anbau von Genmais
20151103             DIE—"FT"nennt weitere Termine von Praet mit Vertretern der BNP—PARIBAS Chart zeigen und der Fondsgesellschaft Pimco.
20151103             DIE—"FT"verwies auf Regeln der BANK—OF—ENGLAND.
20151103             DIE—CONTAINER werden knapp, VIELE—VERWALTUNGEN berichten davon, dass sich die schnell aufbaubaren Blechbüchsen nur noch schwer auftreiben ließen.
20151103             DIE—DIENSTE benutzen euer Iphone —JETZT auch.
20151103             DIE—DATIERUNG wurde auch ermöglicht durch den Fund von Dutzenden Münzen, die unter Antiochos IV.
20151103             DIE—EZB HAT—DIE—EZB hatte 1 "internen Prozessfehler"für die verspätete Veröffentlichung der Rede verantwortlich gemacht und
20151103             DIE—EZB—REGELN untersagen es den TOP—ENTSCHEIDERN der NOTEN—BANK, —IN—DER—WOCHE vor wichtigen, lang angesetzten Sitzungen öffentlich über Finanzthemen zu sprechen.
20151103             DIE—FORTINGALL—EIBE in der GRAFSCHAFT Perthshire im Zentrum SCHOTTLANDs sei über —JAHRHUNDERTE als männlich katalogisiert worden, berichtet der Botaniker MAX—COLEMAN vom Royal Botanic Garden in EDINBURGH.
20151103             DIE—FORTINGALL—EIBE steht im Hof 1—ALTEN Kirche.
20151103             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, DIE—KALENDER sollen rückblickend auf die 3—VERGANGENEN —MONATE, werden.
20151103             DIE—KISTE mit 1—BLECH—AUßENWAND, 100—MILLIMETER Steinwolle zur Wärmedämmung, und 1—INNENWAND aus Blech sind IMMER—NOCH der Liebling DER—DEUTSCHEN—BEAMTEN.
20151103             DIE—LEUTE kommen nicht wegen MERKEL.
20151103             DIE—PLÄNE—FÜR—DIE Prototypen sollen noch —DIESES—JAHR fertig werden.
20151103             —BERICHTET, DIE—STADT—KÖLN, von Wartezeiten —BIS zu —3—MONATEN bei der Containerlieferung.
20151103             DIE—ZEITUNG betont, es gebe keine Hinweise darauf, dass bei den Treffen EZB—REGELN gebrochen worden ODER—MARKTRELEVANTE Informationen weitergegeben worden seien.
20151103             DIE—ZEITUNG hat Einsicht in die Terminkalender der MITGLIEDER—DES—EZB—DIREKTORIUMS verlangt.
20151103             DIE—ZEITUNG nennt noch ein weiteres Treffen von NOTEN—BANKERN mit Finanzmanagern —J—IN—DIESEM.
20151103             DIE—FORTSCHREITENDE Zwangshellenisierung der Hebräer führte 166 _VOR_CHRISTUS zum MAKKABÄER—AUFSTAND, bei dem es gelang, den Tempel zurückzuerobern.
20151103             DIE—HÄUFIGSTE Todesursache bei Rauchern ist Krebs: Bei den Männern machen Krebserkrankungen 52 % und bei den Frauen 41—PROZENT—DER—TABAKBEDINGTEN—TODES—FÄLLE aus.
20151103             DIE—HÖCHSTEN Raucheranteile unter Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen finden sich den DATEN zufolge in OST—DEUTSCHLAND:
20151103             DIE—MEISTEN Menschen sterben in BREMEN und BERLIN an den Folgen des Rauchens: Hier gehen 23—PROZENT—DER—TODES—FÄLLE bei den Männer und 11 % bei den Frauen auf das Rauchen zurück.
20151103             DIE—ZUSTÄNDIGEN Beamten in den Gemeinden greifen zu pragmatischen Lösungen.
20151103             —GEWÄHRLEISTET, Damit solle Transparenz, werden. Das Heikle daran:
20151103             Das Seleukidenreich gehörte zu den Diadochenstaaten, die sich —NACH—DEM Tod ALEXANDERs des Großen gebildet hatten.
20151103             —GENANNT, Dass ausgerechnet Coeuré so oft, wird, dürfte damit zusammenhängen, dass er im Direktorium für die Umsetzung der GELD—POLITIK an den Märkten zuständig ist.
20151103             Demnach dürfen sich die Entscheidungsträger der BRITISCHEN—NOTEN—BANKER 1.—WOCHE vor wichtigen Beschlüssen nicht gegenüber Journalisten äußern und auch nicht mit anderen außenstehenden INTERESSEN—GRUPPEN über finanzpolitische —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN sprechen.
20151103             Demnach könnte der Baum 5000—JAHRE—ALT sein und 1—DER ältesten in EUROPA.
20151103             Der Hauptunterschied in der Datenbasis scheint zu sein, dass die Radardaten auch Höhendaten haben.
20151103             Der —BISHERIGE Höhepunkt der INTERNET—HÄME ist hier zu bewundern.
20151103             Details über private Treffen von Führungskräften der BANK—OF—ENGLAND mit Personen aus der FINANZ—BRANCHE veröffentliche DIE—NOTEN—BANK aber nicht, hieß es.
20151103             Dies ist ein aus verschiedenen Einzelmassnahmen bestehender Plan, den unsere erpressbare KANZLERIN—ALS—AGENTIN—DER—USA mit wenigen anderen im Auftrag durchfuehrt, womit sie auch die Fluechtlinge instrumentalisiert.
20151103             Diese Festung wurde nach langer Belagerung schließlich —ERSTÜRMT und völlig geschleift.
20151103             Doch —SCHON WÄHREND der Veranstaltung fiel DER—EUROKURS zum $ deutlich.
20151103             EUROPA ist in Bewegung.
20151103             EZB hält TREFFEN—MIT—FINANZMANAGERN für enorm wichtig
20151103             Eines der größten Rätsel der FRÜH—GESCHICHTE JERUSALÉMs scheint gelöst: Endlich!
20151103             Enthüllungen im VATIKAN: Viel Geld, wenig Skrupel
20151103             —BEDEUTET, Es, 1—STÜCK—HEIMAT, der Raum zum Wohnen schafft Identität",
20151103             Es gebe —HEUTE auf dem westlichen Balkan zum Teil —SCHON wieder solche Spannungen, dass sie jüngst um 1.Konferenz zur Balkanroute gebeten habe, sagte MERKEL.
20151103             Es geht doch einfacher: Kreuzfahrtschiffe anheuern und jeden —TAG 10 000—FLÜCHTLINGE an die KÜSTE—VON—DOVER bringen und dort mittels Schlauchbooten an Land bringen.
20151103             Es ist 1.BEWÄHRUNGS—PROBE für EUROPA und für DEUTSCHLAND: So hatte es KANZLERIN—ANGELA—MERKEL jüngst dem BUNDES—TAG gegenüber in 1—REGIERUNGSERKLÄRUNG ausgedrückt.
20151103             Es sei auch wichtig, DIE—FINANZ—MÄRKTE zu verstehen, denn dort würden —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN der EZB in die REAL—WIRTSCHAFT übertragen.
20151103             FLÜCHTLINGE: MERKEL warnt vor militärischen Konflikten durch GRENZ—SCHLIEßUNG
20151103             FLÜCHTLINGS—CAMP in Calais: Gericht ordnet Verbesserungen im "Dschungel"an
20151103             FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, 1—ZAUN für EUROPA
20151103             FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE—ÖSTERREICH will Asylrecht verschärfen
20151103             FIFA—SKANDAL, Brasilianer Marin an DIE—USA ausgeliefert
20151103             Flucht vom Hindukusch: BND warnt vor afghanischem Schleppernetzwerk
20151103             Freigelegt wurden die massiven Grundmauern eines Turms, der 4—MAL 20—METER maß, und 1—GLACIS (steiler Erdwall), das DIE—EROBERUNG der Festung erschwerte.
20151103             Für 1.rationale DROGEN—POLITIK
20151103             Für DIE—EUROPÄISCHE—ZENTRAL—BANK—WAR—DER—VORFALL mehr als peinlich:
20151103             GESETZ—ENTWURF in GROß—BRITANNIEN: Regierung will angeblich Verschlüsselung verbieten
20151103             GOEBBELS—VERGLEICH bei PEGIDA—DEMO: SPD—GENERAL—SEKRETÄRIN nennt Bachmann "wahnsinnigen Faschisten"
20151103             GOEBBELS—VERGLEICH: STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT ermittelt gegen PEGIDA—ANFÜHRER Bachmann
20151103             Historisches Treffen: STAAT—CHEFS—VON—CHINA und TAIWAN kündigen direktes Gespräch an
20151103             —GESPROCHEN, Ich habe —DIESES—JAHR mit Menschen in Süditalien, und die meinten, dass sie Ihre Existenz und ihr Land notfalls auch mit Waffengewalt verteidigen würden.
20151103             Ich kann mich noch gut erinnern, als sie sich G.
20151103             Ihr genaues Alter lässt sich nur schwer bestimmen, weil das Holz im Inneren des Baumes längst verrottet ist.
20151103             Ihre 3—WEIBLICHEN Beeren aus 20150000             sollen Teil eines Erhaltungsprogramms werden, das die genetische VIELFALT—DER—EIBEN in EUROPA, im KAUKASUS, Westasien und NORD—AMERIKA bewahren will.
20151103             Im Kreis Tübingen etwa will man wegen der Engpässe mit 1—FIRMA aus DUBAI zusammenarbeiten, die noch Sanitärcontainer liefern kann.
20151103             Im Zuge ihrer Recherche hat die "FT"laut ihrem Bericht mehrere Treffen von EZB—FÜHRUNGSLEUTEN mit BANKERn und HEDGE—FONDS—MANAGERN vor wichtigen Terminen entdeckt.
20151103             Im direkten Vergleich ist DIE—ZAHL—DER—AUF das Rauchen zurückzuführenden TODES—FÄLLE
20151103             In 3—JEWEILS leicht unterschiedlichen Gebäuden aus Holzelementen, die wie Möbel vom Discounter zusammengesetzt werden.
20151103             BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG, und BAYERN sterben die wenigsten Männer (17—UND 18 %)
20151103             DEUTSCHLAND, gibt es beim Rauchen ein deutliches NORD—SÜD—GEFÄLLE: Dabei wird im NORDEN mehr GERAUCHT—DAS führt in diesen BUNDES—LÄNDERN auch zu mehr Todesfällen, berichtet das DEUTSCHE—KREBSFORSCHUNG—ZENTRUM (DKFZ) und DIE—BUNDESDROGENBEAUFTRAGTE Marlene Mortler (CSU) im Tabakatlas 20150000             .
20151103             In absoluten Zahlen sind JEDES—JAHR—CA 121.000—TODES—FÄLLE in DEUTSCHLAND auf das Rauchen zurückzuführen.
20151103             In allen BUNDES—LÄNDERN sterben mehr als doppelt so VIELE—MÄNNER wie Frauen infolge des Rauchens.
20151103             In allen östlichen BUNDES—LÄNDERN rauchen mindestens 30—PROZENT—DER—JUNGEN und jungen Männer.
20151103             In dem Projekt haben DIE—EXPERTEN zum 2. MAL—IN den Schrebergärten im westf.
20151103             KAMPF—GEGEN—IS: CAMERON scheitert mit Einsatzplan für SYRIEN
20151103             Kurzfristig wird der ISO—CONTAINER mit seiner klassischen STAHLBLECH—KONSTRUKTION wohl DAS—MITTEL der Wahl bleiben.
20151103             KÖNIG—ANTIOCHUS—EPIPHANES stammte aus der Dynastie der Seleukiden und herrschte —DAMALS, auch in PALÄSTINA.
20151103             Künftige Termine der EZB—BANKER bleiben unter Verschluss.
20151103             Langfristig fordern Architekten und Städteplaner 1—UMDENKEN bei der Unterbringung.
20151103             Le Commissaire 1739—GESTERN,
20151103             MERKEL hat recht und man kann sie nur bewundern für ihren Mut und ihre Weitsicht.
20151103             MERKEL warnte in ihrer rund halbstündigen Rede vor militärischen Auseinandersetzungen, sollte DEUTSCHLAND DIE—GRENZE—ZU—ÖSTERREICH für FLÜCHTLINGE schließen.
20151103             Measures in the Investigatory Powers Bill will place in law 1—REQUIREMENT on tech firms and service providers to be able to provide unencrypted communications to the police or spy agencies if requested through 1—WARRANT.
20151103             Migration und TERROR—GEFAHR: 100.000e FLÜCHTLINGE, 10—VERDÄCHTIGE
20151103             Neuer 5—JAHRES—PLAN: CHINA gibt 6,5 % Wachstum als Ziel aus
20151103             Nur noch 1/3—DER Bevölkerung ist abhängig von 1—TÖDLICHEN Droge.
20151103             Oh und wenn mir jemand diskret die GPS—KOORDINATEN desjenigen verraten könnte, der für diese —ENTSCHEIDUNG zuständig ist...
20151103             Reinigung nach Ölpest: Amnesty wirft SHELL Lüge vor
20151103             SPANIEN: 3—MUTMAßLICHE DSCHIHADISTEN in MADRID gefasst
20151103             SYRIEN—REBELLEN missbrauchen Alawiten als menschliche Schutzschilde
20151103             SATELLITEN—PROJEKT "Tandem X": USA drängen auf DATEN—DEAL—MIT—DER—BUNDESWEHR
20151103             Sie bringen FLÜCHTLINGE—IN—EINSTIGEN Baumärkten, Turnhallen oder anderen öffentlichen Gebäuden unter.
20151103             Stationäre Behandlungen: Klinikaufenthalt kostet im Schnitt 4239—EURO—SUMPF - Tabak darf verkauft werden.
20151103             Tiere und KLIMA—WANDEL: Spezialisten haben's besonders schwer
20151103             Trotz Protesten: POLIZEI räumt ROMA—LAGER in Malmö
20151103             TÜRKEI —NACH—DEN Wahlen: Mit Knüppeln gegen Kritiker
20151103             USA—OBAMA unterzeichnet HAUSHALTS—GESETZ
20151103             Umstrittene KEYSTONE—PIPELINE: Projektplaner beantragen Aussetzung des Prüfverfahrens
20151103             Union in DER—FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, 1—HERZ und 1.Seele
20151103             Unter anderem schlagen die Architekten und Stadtentwickler vor, HOLZ—BAUTEN statt Blechcontainer zu errichten sowie öffentliche FLACHDACH—GEBÄUDE aufzustocken.
20151103             VOLK—VERHETZUNG: RECHT und Extreme
20151103             Vermögen des Besitzers eingefroren: Zehntausend Krokodile bekommen nichts zu fressen
20151103             Verrückte Botanik: Ältester Baum GROß—BRITANNIENS wechselt sein Geschlecht
20151103             VIELE—DER—GEFECHTSMITTEL sind mit Dreizacks gestempelt, dem SYMBOL—DER—SELEUKIDENKÖNIGE.
20151103             Wachpersonal für Asylheime: Arbeitsagentur schickte NEO—NAZI—MESSERSTECHER Jobangebot
20151103             —IRRITIERT, Was mich —JETZT ein bisschen : Wie viel genauer sind denn diese DATEN —JETZT bitte als das, was DIE—AMIS haben?
20151103             Weder DIE—EZB—DIREKTORIUMSMITGLIEDER noch die genannten Finanzunternehmen wollten sich laut "FT"zu dem Bericht äußern.
20151103             Weingefäße und Münzen: Archäologen entdecken legendäre Festung in JERUSALÉM
20151103             Wissenschaftler haben das ungefähre Alter geschätzt, indem sie Messungen
20151103             Wollen wir uns so erbärmlich verhalten?
20151103             —GESTIEGEN, Zudem sind die Preise, -
20151103             [l] Aus aktuellem Anlass nochmal die Erinnerung, dass gmx und web de (und wahrscheinlich auch noch ein paar andere Gammelprovider) in ihrem WEBMAIL—GRÜTZ per Default kein text/plain mehr mitschicken, sondern nur text/html raustun.
20151103             [l] AUTOBAUER—DOMINO: Porsche.
20151103             [l] Benutzt hier jemand 1—IPHONE?
20151103             [l] DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG lässt sich mal wieder in Duldungsstarre von den Amis übervorteilen.
20151103             [l] Die Democrats haben LAWRENCE—LESSIG mal eben richtig fies und unfair rausgekantet.
20151103             [l] Ich so, neulich: JEB—BUSH ist am Ende.
20151103             [l] PUTIN fährt in RUSSLAND —SEIT ein paar —JAHREN 1.ART—STALIN—REVIVAL.
20151103             [l] Schöner Rant über "HIRN—SIMULATION"—PROJEKTE.
20151103             als RE—AKTION Vorabinformationen für Journalisten —ABGESCHAFFT.
20151103             dass auch nur irgendetwas aus versehen passiert?
20151103             eines der Konzepte: Im kommenden —JAHR werden FLÜCHTLINGE auf dem Dach der Uni HANNOVER wohnen.
20151103             glaubt hier wirklich noch einer
20151103             in SACHSEN und THÜRINGEN die wenigsten Frauen (4—UND 5 %) an den Rauchfolgen
20151103             längst sind Länder und Kommunen mit der Unterbringung überfordert.
20151103             owie von 200—HENKELN—VON—WEIN—AMPHOREN mit Siegeln der GRIECHISCHEN—INSEL Rhodos.
20151103             qualmt jeder 4. ERWACHSENE—ETWA jeder 3. Mann (30 %) und jede 5. Frau (20 %).
20151103             trafen sich EZB—VIZE—PRÄSIDENT—VÍTOR—CONSTÂNCIO und EZB—CHEFVOLKSWIRT PETER—PRAET am ;;0623;;mit Vertretern des HEDGE—FONDS Algebris.
20151103             trafen sich die Direktoriumsmitglieder Benoît Coeuré und YVES—MERSCH ;;0900&             —IM, —VERGANGENEN—JAHRES mit Vertretern der SCHWEIZER—GROSS—BANK—UBS Chart zeigen - —1—TAG—BEVOR der EZB—RAT als oberstes Beschlussorgan zu wichtigen Sitzungen zusammenkam.
20151103             Über den genauen STAND—ORT wurde deshalb lange gerätselt.
20151103             —AFFÄRE—UM—AUTOBAUER: VW räumt weitere Unregelmäßigkeiten bei Abgaswerten ein
20151103             —DAMALS, führte der Tabakatlas PRO—JAHR 107.000—TODE auf das Rauchen zurück.
20151103             —DERZEIT, werden für recht einfache Containerlösungen etwa 11000000             —BIS 1500—EURO brutto VERLANGT—PRO Quadratmeter.
20151103             —ETLICHE—EXPERTEN haben sich mit dem Thema FLÜCHTLINGsunterbringung AUSEINANDERGESETZT—SOWOHL KURZ—ALS auch mittelfristig.
20151103             —HEUTE, so: JEB—BUSH rammt 1—FETTEN Sargnagel in seine Campaign ?
20151103             —LAUT—TABAKATLAS kommt die —JETZT stark erhöhte Zahl allerdings dadurch zustande, dass 1. Darm—, Leberkrebs sowie Diabetes Typ 2—ALS rauchbedingte TODES—FÄLLE berücksichtigt wurden.
20151103             —NEUE—FLÜCHTLINGS—UNTERKÜNFTE: Hoffnung aus Holz und Pappe
20151103             —NEUE—MANIPULATIONSVORWÜRFE: VW—AKTIE sackt ab
20151103             —NUN, deute sich 1.Veränderung des Geschlechts an
20151103             —STREIT—UM—ASYL—POLITIK,Grüne greifen GROßE—KOALITION in FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE an
20151103             —STREIT—UM—INSEL—GRUPPE: USA—MARINE will öfter im Südchinesischen Meer kreuzen
20151103             —TAG—AN—DIESEM, verkündete DIE—EZB überraschend, dass sie den LEIT—ZINS auf das Rekordtief von 0,05 % senkt.
20151103             —VON, den 11- —BIS 17-jährigen rauchen insgesamt nur noch 12 %.
20151103             —VOR—WENIGEN—TAGEN, hatte DIE—ZENTRAL—BANK angekündigt, sie werde
20151103             —WÄHREND—DES sogenannten Makkabäeraufstands rebellierten die örtlichen JUDEN GEGEN—DIE—SELEUKIDISCHE Herrschaft.
20151103             —DIE Unterbringung von FLÜCHTLINGEn ist für Firmen auch ein profitables Geschäft geworden
20151103             —TARGETED, THE—USA and its allies, Islamic State with 25—AIR—STRIKES in IRAQ and Syria.
20151103             —FINED, USA auto safety regulators, JAPAN—TAKATA—CORP. $70—MILLION for concealing evidence —FOR—YEARS that its air bags are prone to explode.
20151103             —LINKED, The defect was, to 8—DEATHS and over 100—INJURIES—WORLDWIDE.
20151103             —JUDGED, THE—CALIFORNIA—DEPARTMENT—OF—PUBLIC—HEALTH, local Dungeness crab and rock crab, from OREGON to the southern border of Santa BARBARA—COUNTY, to be too toxic to eat —JUST days —BEFORE 20151107             —THE start of the recreational crab season.
20151103             S—FRANCISCO—MAYOR—ED—LEE, was easily RE—ELECTED for a 2. full term.
20151103             —APPROVED, Voters also, Prop 1 for a $310—MILLION—FUND for affordable housing and Prop D for 1—HIGH—RISE—DISTRICT—NEAR—AT&T Park.
20151103             —DEFEATED, KENTUCKY, Republican businessman MATT—BEVIN, Democrat JACK—CONWAY to win the race for STATE—GOVERNOR.
20151103             LOUISIANA, police officers serving 1—WARRANT in Marksville shot and wounded CHRIS—FEW and killed his son, JEREMY—MARDIS, —6—JAHRE—ALT.
20151103             —REPORTED, It was, that Chipotle has closed down 43—OF—ITS—RESTAURANTS in OREGON and WASHINGTON states —AFTER at least 37—PEOPLE were reported sickened in 1—OUTBREAK—OF—E coli.
20151103             This was the 3. FOOD—BORNE illness at the chain —THIS—YEAR.
20151103             —ACQUIRED, Activision Blizzard, 1—VIDEO—GAME—COMPANY, KING—DIGITAL—ENTERTAINMENT for $5.9—BILLION in cash and stock.
20151103             —MARCHED, BANGLADESH, about 1,000 authors and teachers, through THE—STREETS—OF—DHAKA, asserting their right to free speech days —AFTER 1—SUSPECTED—ISLAMIST—GROUP attacked writers and publishers critical of religious militancy.
20151103             1—UK—JUDGE ordered 1—HUGE—FINANCIAL—PAYOUT for PALESTINIAN—BORN Janan Harb (68), who claims she was the "secret wife" of the late FAHD—KING—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA.
20151103             Banking group Standard Chartered said it is slashing 15,000 jobs worldwide and plans to raise $5.1—BILLION from shareholders through 1—RIGHTS—ISSUE as PART—OF—1—MAJOR restructuring to shore up its financial position.
20151103             PRESIDENT—XI—JINPING said that CHINA needs at least 6.5—PERCENT economic growth in coming years to become "moderately prosperous".
20151103             Premier Li Keqiang told visiting FRANCE—PRESIDENT—FRANCOIS—HOLLANDE that CHINA has used up too much energy and too MANY—RESOURCES in its quest for growth, adding it has a "duty to humanity" to clean itself up.
20151103             Experts said that SOME—FISH—SPECIES are close to extinction in THE—SOUTH—CHINA—SEA due to OVER—FISHING fueled by 1—GROWING appetite for seafood.
20151103             —UNDERSTATED, Volkswagen said it had, carbon dioxide emissions for 800,000 cars, widening its scandal over cheating on USA—ENGINE—TESTS.
20151103             —REPORTED, IRAN—MEDIA, that authorities have arrested 3—PRO—REFORM—JOURNALISTS, 1—OF—WHOM has been critical —RECENTLY of supreme leader Ayatollah ALI—KHAMENEI.
20151103             —INCLUDED, They, Issa Saharkhiz, EHSAN—MAZANDARANI and Afarine Chitsaz.
20151103             † IRAN—SEMI—OFFICIAL—NEWS—AGENCY—FARS said COLONEL—MOSTAFA—EZZATOLLAH—SOLEIMANI, 1—OFFICER with the elite Revolutionary Guard force, had, in fighting in Syria's contested PROVINCE—OF—ALEPPO.
20151103             —RAIDED, THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY, THE—PALESTINE—AL—HURRIA radio station in THE—WEST—BANK and confiscated equipment it said was being used to broadcast calls to attack Israelis.
20151103             —PACKED, NORTH—WEST—NEPAL, 1—BUS, with passengers riding both inside and on its roof veered off 1—MOUNTAIN—ROAD, killing 30—PEOPLE and injuring 35—OTHERS.
20151103             SOUTH—AFRICA BASED MTN Group said that THE—NIGERIA—COMMUNICATIONS—COMMISSION is extending its operating license to 20210000             at 1—COST—OF $94.2—MILLION even as the company faces 1—MULTIBILLION—DOLLAR—FINE there.
20151103             —FINED, —LAST—WEEK, the commission, MTN $5.2—BILLION for failing to disconnect millions of unregistered cellphone subscribers.
20151103             —SWELLED, NORTH—EAST—SPAIN, 1—RIVER, by torrential downpours overflowed its banks inundating 1—NURSING home and killing 4—ELDERLY—RESIDENTS.
20151103             —KILLED, SYRIA—JOURNALIST—BATOUL—MOKHLES—AL—WARAR was, in 1—SUBURB—OF—DAMASCUS, amid clashes and shelling between government troops and rebel fighters.
20151103             —CONFIRMED, THE—SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said it has, 185—CIVILIANS killed in RUSSIA—AIRSTRIKES in the past —MONTH.
20151103             —REPORTED, It also, and 131 IS fighters as well as 279—REBELS not connected to IS killed in THE—RUSSIA—AIRSTRIKES.
20151103             Air strikes by RUSSIA—WARPLANES on the Islamic STATE—HELD CITY—OF—RAQQA killed 42—PEOPLE, including 27—CIVILIANS.
20151103             —DETAINED, TURKEY—POLICE, 44—SUSPECTS including HIGH—RANKING bureaucrats and police officers as PART—OF—1—PROBE into supporters of 1—USA—BASED cleric accused of plotting to bring down PRESIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN.
20151103             —ARRESTED, TURKEY—AUTHORITIES, 2—EDITORS—OF—1—POLITICAL—WEEKLY on charges of inciting 1 armed uprising against the government for suggesting on the magazine's front page that THE—AFTERMATH—OF—TURKEY—ELECTION would mark THE—START—OF—1—CIVIL—WAR.
20151103             —BACKED, TURKEY—SECURITY—FORCES, by helicopters imposed 1—CURFEW in parts of 1—TOWN in the largely Kurdish southeast, where 3—PEOPLE were killed in clashes.
20151103             YEMEN—SECURITY—OFFICIALS said fighting between Shiite rebels and their opponents has killed over 33—PEOPLE in the past —24—HOURS in Taiz.
20151103             —DOWNGRADED, YEMEN, Chapala was, to 1—CATEGORY 1—CYCLONE as it hit the southeastern coastline.
20151103             —REPORTED, Heavy flooding was, in parts of MUKALLA.
20151103             Aktivisten der Umweltorganisation Greenpeace besetzen das Braunkohlekraftwerk in Deuben.
20151103—19680000    oo Harb had told the court she secretly, THE—KING —WHEN he was still 1—PRINCE.
20151103—20030000    —BECAME, IN—IRAQ—AHMAD—CHALABI, 1—PENTAGON favorite —WHEN he helped convince THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to overthrow SADDAM—HUSSEIN by pushing false ALLEGATIONS—OF—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION and links to AL—QAIDA.
20151103—20151105    —ON, the state's Fish and Game Commission voted to suspend the recreational Dungeness and rock crab fishing season due to 1—POTENTIALLY deadly neurotoxin.
20151103—20151106    —ON, Officers Derrick Stafford and Norris Greenshouse JUNIOR were arrested and
20151103—20151210    —ON, indicted.
20160200—20151103    —AB, die Terminkalender ihrer Direktoriumsmitglieder VERÖFFENTLICHEN—ALSO auch die von EZB—CHEF—MARIO—DRAGHI.
20161031             —EXTENDED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, USA—SANCTIONS on SUDAN for another —YEAR as of 20161103             , saying KHARTOUM—POLICIES remained an "extraordinary threat" to the national security of THE—USA.
20161103             —LAUNCHED, CHINA successfully, its new Long 20160305             rocket from the Wenchang launch center.
20161103             "DIE—ARBEIT als Clown ist sehr interessant, weil es 1.künstlerische Arbeit ist, und die Kunst ist 1—SEE ohne Ende", sagte Popow 20110000             bei 1—ENGAGEMENT in den NIEDERLANDEn
20161103             "DIE—BÜHNE ist frei für 1—NEUEN KAMPF—UM—DEN BREXIT", kommentierte NEIL—WILSON vom Handelshaus ETX Capital.
20161103             "Denkbar ist, daß May bei 1—NIEDERLAGE vor dem SUPREME—COURT—NEUWAHLEN anstrebt",
20161103             "Irgendwo in 1—DUNKLEN Sternenkammer des Himmels schmunzelt J.
20161103             "Wenn wir —JETZT keine zusätzlichen Aktionen starten, beginnend mit dem bevorstehenden KLIMA—GIPFEL—IN—MARRAKESCH, werden wir 1.vermeidbare menschliche Tragödie zu beklagen haben", beschwört UNEP—CHEF—ERIK—SOL—HEIM deshalb DIE—STAATEN.
20161103             1—GIGATONNE CO2, so viel stößt nach UNEP—ANGABEN—DER—VERKEHRSSEKTOR in EUROPA JEDES—JAHR aus, die Luftfahrt mit eingerechnet.
20161103             AFGHANISTAN: Dutzende Zivilisten —STERBEN bei NATO—LUFT—ANGRIFF
20161103             ASYL—POLITIK,AMNESTY wirft ITALIEN Misshandlung von FLÜCHTLINGEn VOR—AU weia.
20161103             Aufatmen an den FINANZ—MÄRKTEN: LONDONs HIGH—COURT hat entschieden, daß PREMIER—MINISTERIN—THERESA—MAY den Antrag auf den EU—AUSSTIEG nicht ohne ZUSTIMMUNG—DES—PARLAMENTS stellen darf.
20161103             Ausdrücklich ruft BAGHDADi seine Anhänger zu Anschlägen in SAUDI—ARABIEN und der TÜRKEI auf.
20161103             Ausgespähte Politiker: BUNDES—TAG verlangt Aufklärung über DATEN—SKANDAL
20161103             BETRUGSVORWURF—GEGEN—THYSSEN—KRUPP: 1—FERRARI, 1—GOLDARMBAND und 20.000.000 $
20161103             CLINTON—E—MAIL—AFFÄRE—AFFÄRE verschlimmerte er —BEREITS
20161103             COMEY zeichnete die Verlängerung des NSA—PROGRAMMS schließlich doch noch ab, —NACHDEM 1.juristische Formalie verändert worden war
20161103             COMEYs ungefragte Einmischung in den USA—WAHL—KAMPF fügt sich also in 1—MUSTER.
20161103             DAS—PFUND stieg auf zeitweise auf —BIS zu 1,2451— USA—$.
20161103             DAS—PROBLEM: WILL—DIE—MENSCHHEIT das 2—GRAD—ZIEL erreichen, dürften —ZEIT—PUNKT—ZU—DIESEM, nur noch 42—GIGATONNEN zusammenkommen.
20161103             DIE—GRÜNEN: Realo?
20161103             DNA—MUTATIONEN: Rauchen begünstigt auch Krebs in Blase und Leber
20161103             Das bekamen so unterschiedliche Angeklagte zu spüren wie der verurteilte TERRORIST JOSÉ—PADILLA, dessen FOLTER COMEY rechtfertigte, oder die LIFESTYLE—QUEEN—MARTHA—STEWART, die er wegen ihrer peripheren Verbindung zu 1—AKTIENBETRÜGER hinter Gittern brachte.
20161103             Das prägte seinen Ruf der Unbestechlichkeit;
20161103             tatsächlich war es oft nur das Gespür dafür, was ihn selbst am besten aussehen ließ.
20161103             Das versuchten BUSH—STABS—CHEF—ANDREW—CARD und Justiziar ALBERTO—GONZALES auszunutzen:
20161103             Der —86—JAHRE—ALTE starb —AM—MITTWOCHABEND WÄHREND 1—TOURNEE im südrussischen Rostow am Don,
20161103             Der Held war kein Held, sondern 1—BÜROKRAT, der sich den Rücken freihalten WOLLTE—GENAU das, was —NUN im FALL—DER—CLINTON E—MAILS nach hinten losging.
20161103             Der eilte —NACHTS mit Sirenen und Blaulicht ins Krankenhaus und verhinderte gerade noch, daß Card und Gonzales seinen dämmernden Boss manipulierten.
20161103             Der weltbekannte RUSSISCHE—CLOWN OLEG—POPOW ist tot.
20161103             Doch der Plan PLATZTE—DANK COMEY, seinerzeit VIZE—MINISTER
20161103             —REAGIERT, ERDOGAN, auf DEUTSCHE—KRITIK: "Diese TERRORplage wird euch wie 1—BUMERANG treffen"
20161103             Er prüfte die Begnadigung des STEUERflüchtlings MARC—RICH durch CLINTON—1—FALL, den DAS—FBI —JETZT mitten im WAHL—KAMPF erneut aus der Schublade holte.
20161103             Er widersetzte sich 1—JUSTIZREFORM, legte sich mit dem WEIßES—HAUS und der BLACK—LIVES—MATTER—BEWEGUNG an und hypte die angebliche TERROR—GEFAHR—IN—DER Provinz.
20161103             Es ist ÄUß—ERST unwahrscheinlich, daß der Ausstieg GROß—BRITANNIENS aus DER—EUROPÄISCHE—UNION noch abgewendet wird.
20161103             —VERDREIFACHT, FACEBOOK: Gewinn fast, Aktie bricht ein
20161103             FBI—BOSS JAMES—COMEY: Der Mann, der CLINTON die Präsidentschaft kosten könnte
20161103             FINANZ—MÄRKTE: Pfund steigt nach BREXIT—URTEIL—FILMREIFE Szene von 2004
20161103             Für 1.Anklage gebe es keinen Anlass, zugleich aber sei CLINTON "extrem leichtsinnig"gewesen.
20161103             —GEFANGEN, GUANTANAMO: USA hielten Afghanen aufgrund von Hörensagen
20161103             Geboren wurde er 19300000             nahe MOSKAU.
20161103             Heilige Scheiße.
20161103             Insgesamt liegen DIE—WELTWEITEN KOHLENDIOXID—EMISSIONEN —DERZEIT, BEI—CA—52,7 Gigatonnen PRO—JAHR.
20161103             JOHN—ASHCROFT, der damalige JUSTIZ—MINISTER—UNTER—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH, lag nach 1—OPERATION auf der Intensivstation.
20161103             —VERTREIBT, Kioskbesitzerin, Räuber: Das Wort ist mächtiger als das Schwert
20161103             Klar, kann man.
20161103             Lange REPUBLIKANER, doch —INZWISCHEN, kein PARTEI—MITGLIED mehr, balancierte COMEY stets zwischen den Agenden anderer.
20161103             MITTEL—ITALIEN ist —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—TAGEN—VON—1—SERIE—VON—1.100—ERDBEBEN erschüttert worden.
20161103             Manche warnten —SCHON früh, daß sich OBAMAs —ENTSCHEIDUNG, COMEY 20130000             zum FBI—DIREKTOR zu ernennen, noch rächen würde
20161103             Mindestens 6.000.000—MENSCHEN WELT—WEIT —STERBEN demnach JEDES—JAHR an den Folgen des Rauchens.
20161103             Missbrauch von Marktmacht: Google kontert Vorwürfe der EU
20161103             Mit —14—JAHREN trat der junge Oleg in die MOSKAUer ZIRKUS—SCHULE ein, wo er Jonglieren, Seiltanz und Akrobatik lernte.
20161103             —BESTIMMT, Naja gut, denkt ihr euch —JETZT, brauchbare Kapazität, schnellladefähig, das sind ja nur 2—DER wichtigen Dimensionen.
20161103             Naja, ok, denkt ihr euch —JETZT wahrscheinlich, aber das kann ja nichts taugen, so im Vergleich zu den HIGH—TECH—STAR—TREK—AKKUS da draußen.
20161103             OLEG—KONSTANTINOWITSCH—POPOW galt als 1—DER letzten Großen unter den Zirkusartisten.
20161103             PHANTOMKONTEN—SKANDAL, Wells Fargo drohen weitere Strafen
20161103             Popow —AM—ABEND vor dem Fernseher friedlich eingeschlafen.
20161103             Probleme könne May aber im OBER—HAUS, dem HOUSE—OF—LORDS, bekommen, sagt der POLITIK—WISSENSCHAFTLER.
20161103             Sein Verhalten sei ein "Akt der politischen KRIEG—FÜHRUNG", kritisiert ihn FBI—EXPERTE TIM—WEINER in der NEW—YORK—TIMES :
20161103             Seine oft willkürliche AUS—ÜBUNG von Autorität sorgte intern für STIRnrunzeln.
20161103             Sie macgyvern sich 1.STAHL—MESSING—BATTERIE zusammen, und benutzen Kaliumhydroxid in ihren Elektrolyten (das kann man billig aus Waschmittel gewinnen).
20161103             Sie wollten dem Patienten am Krankenbett 1.Unterschrift abpressen, um das kontroverse NSA—ABHÖR—PROGRAMM zu verlängern, mit dem DIE—AMERIKANER bespitzelt wurden.
20161103             Stärke von etwa 4,8: Neues ERDBEBEN—IN—MITTEL—ITALIEN
20161103             —TESTED, They, it for 5,000 consecutive charging cycles — the equivalent of over —13—YEARS—OF—DAILY charging and discharging — and found that it retained MORE—THAN—90—PERCENT—OF—ITS—CAPACITY
20161103             This will always be remembered as THE—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION in which THE—KKK, THE—KGB and THE—FBI all supported the same candidate.
20161103             —BEMERKENSWERT, Und das ist mal echt.
20161103             Und weil es GABY—WEBER ist, kommen nicht nur Theorien und Mutmaßungen sondern das ist alles schön belegt.
20161103             Unicef: Zehntausende fliehen vor KÄMPFEn in MOSSUL
20161103             —VERURSACHT, WELTWEITE—STUDIE, Alkohol, 360.000—KREBSTOTE PRO—JAHR
20161103             Was —SEITHER jedoch im Dienste der Legendenbildung in Vergessenheit geriet
20161103             Weltberühmter Zirkusartist: Clown OLEG—POPOW tot
20161103             Wie sich rausstellt: 1—SPEZIELL bedrucktes Brillengestell reicht.
20161103             Zensur in der TÜRKEI: "Jeder, der es wagt, sich kritisch zu äußern, wird mundtot gemacht"
20161103             Zwar würden die meisten MITGLIEDER—DES—UNTERHAUSES das KÖNIG—REICH lieber weiter in der EU sehen.
20161103             [l] Ach du meine Güte.
20161103             [l] BILD—DES—TAGES: Die Schutzpolizei macht Vorwärtsverteidigung gegen diesen PIPELINEGEGNER—TERRORISTEN.
20161103             [l] BIZARROMETER—NEUKALIBRIERUNG:
20161103             [l] Die frisch von BOKO—HARAM befreiten VERGEWALTIGUNGS—OPFER sind in den sicheren Regierungscamps gleich nochmal vergewaltigt worden.
20161103             [l] GABY—WEBER hat 1—NEUEN Film gemacht: "1—GESCHENK des HIMMELS—WIE DAIMLER—BENZ NAZIgold waschen durfte"
20161103             [l] Hey, wenn man versteht, wie Gesichtserkennung funktioniert... kann man die dann nicht bescheißen?
20161103             [l] Popcorn bereithalten: UK HIGH—COURT: BREXIT braucht noch 1—PARLAMENT—BESCHLUSS.
20161103             [l] Was passiert, wenn man ein paar Forscher zum Schrottplatz schickt, sie sollen mal gucken, ob sie aus den dort häufig rumliegenden Materialien 1.schöne Batterie bauen können?
20161103             that can store energy at levels comparable to LEAD—ACID—BATTERIES—WHILE charging and discharging at rates comparable to ULTRA—FAST charging supercapacitors
20161103             hat DER—UNO—KLIMARAT ausgerechnet, daß DIE—MENSCHHEIT —NACH—DEM —JAHR 20110000             noch ungefähr 10000000             Gigatonnen CO2 emittieren darf, um 1.realistische Chance zu haben, den TEMPERATUR—ANSTIEG auf 2—GRAD zu begrenzen.
20161103             keine Überraschung.
20161103             um ein 1,5 GRAD—ZIEL zu erreichen, liegt DIE—GRENZE bei deutlich unterhalb von 600—GIGATONNEN.
20161103             Übergangsgelder: EX—EU—KOMMISSARE verdienen DOPPELT—ÖH, whut?
20161103             —BERICHT, zum KLIMA—SCHUTZ, UNO WARNT—VOR—MENSCHLICHER Tragödie
20161103             —KLIMA—WANDEL: Flug nach S—FRANCISCO - 5—QUADRATMETER Arktiseis weg
20161103             —LAUT—DER—AKTUELLEN Ausgabe des PRO—JAHR vorgestellten "Emissions Gap Report"führen die von den STAATEN gemachten Zusagen —BISHER, zu 1—TEMPERATURPLUS—VON—2,9 —BIS 3,4 Grad —BIS zum ENDE—DES—JAHRHUNDERTS.
20161103             —NACH, KRITIK—AUS—CHINA: Oettinger entschuldigt sich für "Schlitzaugen"-Satz
20161103             —NACH—DEM Zusammenbruch der SOVIET—UNION zog Popow nach DEUTSCHLAND und arbeitete in verschiedenen Zelten.
20161103             —SCHON, in den Neunzigerjahren hatte er sie im Fadenkreuz: Als CHEF—ERMITTLER für 1—SENAT—AUSSCHUSS untersuchte er den WHITEWATER—SKANDAL, 1—MISSRATENEN Immobiliendeal aus BILL—CLINTONS—GOUVERNEURSZEITEN in ARKANSAS.
20161103             —SCHON, vergleichen sie COMEY mit dem berüchtigten FBI—DIREKTOR J.
20161103             —SEIT, ein paar —TAGEN hat sogar NORD—KOREA einen.
20161103             —URTEIL: BRITISCHES—PARLAMENT muss bei BREXIT mitbestimmen
20161103             —VOR, dem Kongress legte er Details offen, die immer neue Fragen AUFWARFEN—WÄHREND er FBI—ERMITTLUNGEN—GEGEN—DONALD—TRUMP—WAHL—KAMPFMANAGER PAUL—MANAFORT wegen mutmaßlicher RUSSLAND—VERBINDUNGEN geheimhielt.
20161103             THE—WHITE—HOUSE said it will establish 48—NATIONAL—ELECTRIC—VEHICLE (EV) charging networks on nearly 25,000—MILES—OF—HIGHWAYS in 35—USA—STATES.
20161103             THE—USA—NAVY said USA—MARINES are using Super Cobra attack helicopters to MOUNT—CLOSE—RANGE—AIRSTRIKES against Islamic State militants in THE—LIBYA—CITY—OF—SIRTE.
20161103             —FIRED, LOUISIANA, 2—POLICE—OFFICERS, 18—SHOTS into 1—CAR killing JEREMY—MARDIS, —6—JAHRE—ALT, 1—AUTISTIC—BOY, as the boy's father CHRISTOPHER—FEW has his hands raised —FOLLOWING a 2-mile chase in Marksville.
20161103             —FACED, Officer Norris Greenhouse JUNIOR, 1—SEPARATE—TRIAL.
20161103             SOUTH—CAROLINA, Kala Brown (30) was found inside a 30x15 foot container in Woodruff with chains —AROUND her neck and ankles.
20161103             —REGISTERED, TODD—CHRISTOPHER—KOHLHEPP, —45—JAHRE—ALT 1, sex offender, was arrested.
20161103             Police THE—NEXT—DAY found 1—BODY on the land nearby.
20161103             —CONFESSED, Kohlhepp soon, to at least 7—MURDERS.
20161103             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, USA—AIRSTRIKES—EARLY—TODAY, 33—AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIANS, including women and children in Buz Kandahari, Kunduz province, —AFTER 1—TALIBAN assault left 2—AMERICAN and 4—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS—DEAD.
20161103             2—TALIBAN figures were also killed.
20161103             —DEVALUED, EGYPT, its currency by 48—PERCENT and said the pound would be allowed to float.
20161103             The measures met 1—KEY—DEMAND by THE—IMF in exchange for a $12—BILLION loan over —3—YEARS to overhaul the ailing economy.
20161103             —STAGED, GREECE—RETIREES, 1—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—RALLY in ATHENS to protest 1—NEW—ROUND—OF cuts under the country's INTERNATIONAL bailout program.
20161103             Islamic STATE—LEADER—ABU—BAKR—AL—BAGHDADI told his followers there could be no retreat in a "total war" against the forces arrayed against them, as advancing soldiers battled the militants inside their NORTH—IRAQ—STRONGHOLD.
20161103             —TRIED, ISRAEL—TROOPS shot dead 1—PALESTINE—WHO, to stab 1—SOLDIER—NEAR—OFRA in the occupied WEST—BANK.
20161103             AVI—DICHTER, THE—FORMER—HEAD—OF—ISRAEL—DOMESTIC—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, said IRAN —NOW commands 1—FORCE—OF—AROUND 25,000 Shi'ite Muslim militants in Syria, mostly made up of recruits from AFGHANISTAN and PAKISTAN.
20161103             —FORMED, THE—KYRGYZSTAN—SOCIAL—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY, 1—NEW governing coalition, comprising lawmakers who —1—DAY—EARLIER voted for constitutional reforms that opponents say are aimed at extending PRESIDENT—ALMAZBEK—ATAMBAYEV—RULE.
20161103             —ASKED, LEBANON—PRESIDENT—MICHEL—AOUN, Sunni leader SAAD—AL—HARIRI to form 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT, —AFTER he won the support of 1—MAJORITY—OF—MPS including the influential PARLIAMENT speaker who said he would cooperate with efforts to set up the new cabinet.
20161103             MYANMAR, 6—ATTACKERS on 3—MOTORCYCLES shot at 11—POLICEMEN, killing 1—POLICE corporal and wounding another.
20161103             —NAMED, PAKISTAN, 8—INDIA—DIPLOMATS it ACCUSES—OF—ESPIONAGE and terrorism, as tension mounted between THE—NUCLEAR—ARMED—RIVALS—FOLLOWING—DAYS—OF—ARTILLERY duels and skirmishes on the border dividing the disputed Kashmir region.
20161103             —ADOPTED, THE—RUSSIA—PARLIAMENT, 1—ANTI—DOPING bill that includes prison terms for coaches found GUILTY—OF—COERCING young athletes into using PERFORMANCE—ENHANCING drugs.
20161103             Foreign MINISTER—SERGEI—LAVROV said RUSSIA seeks "honest cooperation" for 1—POLITICAL—SOLUTION in Syria -- "the sooner the better".
20161103             RUSSIA said it would extend the moratorium to 20161104             .
20161103             —BESIEGED, SYRIA—REBEL—FACTIONS fought EACH—OTHER in, EAST—ALEPPO, potentially undermining their efforts to fend off 1—MAJOR—RUSSIAN—BACKED offensive.
20161103             SYRIA—TV said CIVIL—DEATHS from rebel attacks on WEST—ALEPPO has risen to 12.
20161103             TURKEY, HUNDREDS—OF—ACADEMICS, students and union members staged 1—PROTEST against 1—GOVERNMENT—PURGE—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—EDUCATIONAL—STAFF—SINCE the attempted military coup in July.
20161103             —PROTESTED, YEMEN, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE in ADEN and other locations, against 1—NEW—UN—PLAN to end the devastating conflict between rebels and THE—SAUDI—BACKED government, saying it would legitimize the insurgents' power grab.
20161103—20110000    —BIS, Es lief und wurde in seiner Tragweite —ERST durch EDWARD—SNOWDEN bekannt.
20161103—20160831    —ON, The woman's boyfriend, CHARLES—CARVER, —32—JAHRE—ALT, had also been missing —AFTER the couple disappeared.
20161103—20161105    —ON, warrants were issued charging Kohlhepp with 1—QUADRUPLE murder that dated back to 20031100             .
20161103—20161109    —ON, 2—MORE—BODIES, buried on the property for almost —1—YEAR, were identified as Meagan (25) and JOHNNY—COXIE, —29—JAHRE—ALT.
20161103—20170324    —CONVICTED—OF, Officer Derrick Stafford (33) was, manslaughter.
20161103—20220000    —IN, It will be used to launch components for the Tiangong 2—SPACE—STATION, due to come into full service.
20170526             —ARRESTED, He was, —WHEN investigators found 1—WOMAN last 20171103             chained inside 1—SHIPPING container on his property.
20171020—20171103    —ON, Ansar AL—ISLAM, 1—PREVIOUSLY unknown EGYPT—MILITANT—GROUP, claimed responsibility.
20171101—20171103    —LOCATED, Divers, 2—BODIES.
20171103             Auf GRÖNLAND sind nach Auskunft DER—USA—RAUMFAHRT—BEHÖRDE NASA deutlich mehr Gletscher vom schnelleren Schmelzen bedroht als zuvor gedacht
20171103             "DER—BÜRGER—KRIEG ist lange noch nicht ausgekämpft", kommentiert WIKTOR—JADUCHA, Leiter von "Primetschanija"(auf Deutsch: Anmerkung), den Streit.
20171103             "DIE—ANPASSUNGEN entwickeln sich typischerweise als Antwort auf PESTIZID—GEBRAUCH, Verschmutzung, lokales Klima oder die physische Struktur der Städte",
20171103             "DIE—BATANG—TORU—ORANG—UTANS scheinen direkte Nachkommen der 1.ORANG—UTANS zu sein, die vom asiatischen Festland herüberkamen"
20171103             "Working Poor"in GRIECHENLAND: "Mein Lohn reicht gerade, um ESSEN zu kaufen"
20171103             "Würden nur 8—VON 800—TIEREN PRO—JAHR getötet oder auf andere Weise von der Population entfernt, würde die Art aussterben",
20171103             An Platz 1 1.DEUTSCHE: Das sind die einflussreichsten Künstler der Welt
20171103             BARCELONA: —TAUSENDE—MENSCHEN fordern Freilassung KATALANIEN—EX—MINISTER
20171103             Chemikalien in der UMWELT: "VIELE—STOFFE sind problematischer, als wir gedacht haben"
20171103             DIE—"Weißen"sind für ihn "Kollaborateure und KRIEGS—VERBRECHER", sie standen auf der falschen Seite: Sie kämpften mit westlichen Verbündeten GEGEN—DIE—SOVIET—UNION, später zum Teil sogar an der Seite HITLERs.
20171103             DIE—1.Gruppe hieß "Heart of TEXAS", und die riefen zu 1 "Stop ISLAMization of TEXAS"-Marsch auf.
20171103             DIE—LEBENSRÄUME der Tiere sind in der Stadt kleinteiliger, die Vielfalt einheimischer Arten geht zurück, INVASIVE—ARTEN nehmen zu,
20171103             DIE—TERROR—EXPERTEN werden von der in WASHINGTON ansässigen "Foundation for DEFENSE—OF—DEMOCRACIES"unterstützt.
20171103             —ISOLIERT, DIE—TIERE lebten —JAHRE—LANG, von anderen MENSCHEN—AFFEN auf der INDONESISCHEN—INSEL Sumatra: —NUN hat ein internationales FORSCHER—TEAM herausgefunden, daß ES—SICH bei 1—GRUPPE von etwa 800—ORANG—UTANS um 1.eigene Art handelt.
20171103             DIE—OBEREN 200—METER des Meereswassers stammen aus der ARKTIS und sind vergleichsweise kalt, das Wasser darunter strömt von weiter südlich in DAS—GEBIET und ist —BIS zu 4—GRAD—CELSIUS wärmer.
20171103             DIE—RUSSISCH—ORTHODOXE Kirche nahm diesen "MÄRTYRER—TOD"
20171103             DONALD—TRUMP zur RUSSLAND—AFFÄRE: "Kann mich nicht erinnern"
20171103             Darüber hinaus geht —LAUT—ANGABEN—DES—TERROR—EXPERTEN—HASSAN—HASSAN vom Tahrir Institute for MIDDLE—EAST—POLICY aus den Aufzeichnungen von OSAMA—BIN—LADEN hervor, daß er Necmettin Erbakan als 1.ART—SPIRITUS rector betrachtet hat.
20171103             Das FORSCHER—TEAM warnte zugleich vor 1—BALDIGEN AUS—STERBEN der TAPANUL1—ORANG—UTANS.
20171103             Den Forschern zufolge gibt es auch Hinweise darauf, daß etwa die Verschmutzung in Städten die MUTATIONS—RATE erhöht.
20171103             DONNA—BRAZILE: Demokratische Vorwahlen waren laut EX—PARTEICHEFIN zugunsten CLINTONs manipuliert
20171103             GROß—BRITANNIEN: Auch UNTERHAUS—CHEFIN wirft Fallon sexuelle Belästigung vor
20171103             GRÖNLANDs Gletscherschmelze: Gefahr aus der TIEFE—GANZ verschweigen kann man den 100.
20171103             Gute Konjunktur: Arbeitslosenquote IN—DEN—USA fällt auf niedrigsten Stand —SEIT—17—JAHREN
20171103             Ihr ursprüngliches VERBREITUNGS—GEBIET reichte von CHINA über THAILAND und VIETNAM —BIS nach Java.
20171103             KATALONIENs EX—REGIERUNGS—CHEF: Haftbefehl gegen PUIGDEMONT erlassen
20171103             Klamme Ölnation: Märkte fürchten STAATS—PLEITE VENEZUELAs
20171103             Knappheit in Supermärkten, Hamsterkäufe: FRANKREICH kämpft um die Butter
20171103             —VERTREIBT, Mit Hilfe RUSSLANDs: SYRIEN—ARMEE, IS aus Deir AL—SOR
20171103             Neuen Kartierungen zufolge seien 2— —BIS viermal so VIELE—GLETSCHER gefährdet wie zuvor angenommen,
20171103             REKORD—GEWINNE in DEUTSCHLAND: Liebe Unternehmer, was macht ihr mit all dem Geld?
20171103             RUSSISCHER—KULTURMINISTER: "Ich mag keine scharfen Urteile über die Vergangenheit"
20171103             SICHERHEITS—RISIKO: ESTLAND schränkt Funktionen von 760.000—ID—CARDS ein
20171103             Sewastopol, die zweifache "Heldenstadt", die sich gegen DIE—TÜRKEI und deren westlichen Alliierten im KRIM—KRIEG 18540000/18550000    und NAZIdeutschland 19410000—19420000    verteidigte und zerstört wurde.
20171103             Sisikow ist VORSITZENDER—DER—GRUPPE "Das Wesen der Zeit"in Sewastopol, der Hafenstadt am südwestlichen Rand der KRIM, die RUSSLAND vor mehr als —3—JAHREN annektierte.
20171103             Sumatra: Neue ORANG—UTAN—ART entdeckt
20171103             UKRAINE / RU—RU—SCIENTIFIC—INDUSTRIAL Firm Volz Ltd (
20171103             Unterschriftenaktion: 15.100—MENSCHEN fordern RETTUNG—DER—SCHREIBSCHRIFT (Leben und Lernen, 15:17)
20171103             Wildtiere: TURBO—EVOLUTION in der Stadt
20171103             [l] RUSSISCHE—TROLLE haben am selben Ort (in TEXAS) zur selben Zeit 1—PRO—TEST und 1—GEGEN—PROTEST organisiert.
20171103             [l] VENEZUELA steht anscheinend —KURZ—VOR, dem Staatsbankrott.
20171103             ES—ÜBERWACHUNG—IN—GROß—BRITANNIEN: Schule hängt Kameras in Toiletten auf (Leben und Lernen, 13:24)
20171103             —DIE—LAGE—AM—FREITAG, DONALD—TRUMP startet schwierige ASIENreise
20171103             —EXPERTEN vermuten laut RKI aber, daß die wahre Anzahl an Erkrankungen in der Bevölkerung "fast zehnmal höher"ist.
20171103             —HEUTE, leben 55 % aller Menschen in Städten, Tendenz steigend.
20171103             —SCHON, die 1.frühen BAUERn zogen VOR—CA—12.—000—JAHREN Mäuse und Ratten an
20171103             —VOR—100—JAHREN kam es in RUSSLAND zum großen Umbruch:
20171103             —CONDUCTED, THE—USA—MILITARY for the 1. time, air strikes against Islamic State fighters in SOMALIA.
20171103             —KILLED, THE—USA—AFRICA—COMMAND said 2—DRONE—STRIKES, several terrorists in NORTH—EAST—SOMALIA.
20171103             —SENTENCED, TOMMY—ZHOU—OF—BROOKLYN was, in 1—FEDERAL—VIRGINIA court to 1 ½ years behind bars for illegally trafficking more than $150,000 WORTH—OF—BABY eels from VIRGINIA.
20171103             —PLEADED, He had, guilty —IN—APRIL.
20171103             —ANNOUNCED, PHILADELPHIA officials, that they will move the statue of FORMER—MAYOR and Police Commissioner FRANK—RIZZO from its location in THE—SHADOW—OF—CITY—HALL.
20171103             —SERVED, Rizzo, as mayor form 19730000—19800000     and his critics argue that he led 1—CORRUPT police department that alienated minorities.
20171103             1—GROUP—OF—MORE than 50—USA—GOVERNMENT—SCIENTISTS released 1—REPORT saying the rapid pace of global climate change is almost certainly driven by human activity, like burning fossil fuels, contradicting assertions by PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP and MEMBERS—OF—HIS—ADMINISTRATION.
20171103             1—USA—JUDGE—SPARED—BOWE—BERGDAHL from 1—PRISON—SENTENCE for endangering his comrades by walking off his post in AFGHANISTAN.
20171103             —REDUCED, THE—JUDGE—GAVE—BERGDAHL, —31—JAHRE—ALT 1—DISHONORABLE discharge, his rank from SERGEANT to private and ordered him to forfeit pay equal to $1,000 per —MONTH—FOR—10—MONTHS.
20171103             APPLE—NEW iPhone X went on sale for $999.
20171103             THE—CHIEF—PROSECUTOR for THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT said she is seeking 1—INVESTIGATION—OF alleged war crimes committed in the war in AFGHANISTAN, 1 unprecedented probe that could involve USA—TROOPS.
20171103             ARGENTINA, Amado Boudou (55), 1—FORMER—ECONOMY—MINISTER—AND—VICE—PRESIDENT—UNDER—PRESIDENT—CRISTINA—FERNANDEZ, was arrested on corruption charges, becoming the 2. major official in her government to face detention.
20171103             —ALLEGED, Boudou and 1, associate, JOSE—MARIA—NUNEZ—CARMONA, were arrested in 1—UPSCALE neighborhood of BUENOS—AIRES for racketeering and money laundering.
20171103             Metwaly was taken by airport security —IN—SEPTEMBER—WHILE heading to GENEVA to attend 1—UN—CONFERENCE on enforced disappearances.
20171103             —BANNED, CANADA, and froze assets of 30—RUSSIANS linked to THE—CASE—OF—RUSSIA—LAWYER—SERGEI—MAGNITSKY, who † in prison —AFTER exposing a $230-million tax fraud.
20171103             —REACTED, RUSSIA quickly, to the sanctions by announcing "MIRROR—IMAGE" measures.
20171103             —LAUNCHED, CHINA, 1—MASSIVE ship, described as a "magic ISLAND maker" that is ASIA—LARGEST dredging vessel, at 1—PORT in EAST—JIANGSU province.
20171103             —RESCUED, THE—GREECE—COAST—GUARD, 15—PEOPLE—AFTER 1—BOAT carrying migrants from TURKEY sank off THE—ISLAND—OF—KALYMNOS.
20171103             —BELIEVED, At least 3—PEOPLE † and several more were, to be missing.
20171103             INDONESIA, the corpse of ROBERT—GILHOOAD, —80—JAHRE—ALT—OF—THE—NETHERLANDS was found at his rental property in Jimbaran, 1—RESORT—AREA in THE—SOUTH—PART—OF—BALI.
20171103             2—SUSPECTS were —LATER detained in connection with the crime.
20171103             —ENTERED, IRAQ—FORCES, AL—QAIM, quickly taking several districts, and also recaptured 1—IMPORTANT—BORDER crossing nearby THE—SYRIA—BORDER.
20171103             1—ITALY—COURT said police have seized 50—MILLION—EUROS worth of Tramadol tablets, 1—SYNTHETIC opiate, destined to be sold by the Islamic State (IS) group in LIBYA to raise funds for attacks.
20171103             —FLOCKED, LIBYA, HUNDREDS—OF—YOUNG—PEOPLE, to the opening of TRIPOLI—2. Comic Con festival.
20171103             Members from the Deterrence Force, 1—GROUP—OF—MAINLY conservative Islamists that acts as the police for THE—UN—BACKED government, closed the comic book convention and detained the organizers for an "attack on morals and modesty" in THE—STRIFE—RIDDEN country.
20171103             1—SHIPWRECK off THE—COAST—OF—LIBYA left 26—WOMEN—DEAD.
20171103             —BELIEVED, ITALY—MEDIA—LATER said others are, to have perished and 60—PEOPLE were rescued.
20171103             1—COURT—IN—MACEDONIA sentenced Sulejman Osmani, 1 alleged ethnic ALBANIA—MILITANT gunman, to life in prison over 1—DEADLY 20150000             gunbattle with police, —1—DAY—AFTER 33—OTHER—SUSPECTS also received heavy sentences.
20171103             —KILLED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—MUDSLIDE, 8—CHILDREN and wounded 2—OTHERS in Gardai village in the Bajur tribal region.
20171103             —CONTRIBUTED, THE—PHILIPPINES, congestion in the Quezon City jail, to 1—FIGHT between 2—PRISON—GANGS that left 1—INMATE—DEAD.
20171103             3,424 inmates were held in the facility built to hold 800—PEOPLE.
20171103             —DETAINED, RUSSIA—TOP—DOMESTIC—SECURITY—AGENCY said it has, 1—GROUP—OF—SUSPECTS accused of planning firebomb attacks on official buildings.
20171103             —BELONGED, It said the suspects, to the Artpodgotovka (Artillery Bombardment) group founded by opposition activist Vyacheslav Maltsev, 1—FORMER—REGIONAL—LEGISLATOR from SARATOV.
20171103             —ARRESTED, In October he was, in absentia on extremism charges.
20171103             —UNLOADED, THE—RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY said that 6—TU—22M bombers, bombs on IS targets near Boukamal.
20171103             2—RUSSIA—SUBMARINES in the Mediterranean also launched 6—CRUISE missiles at IS targets.
20171103             RUSSIA—FSB, the successor to THE—SOVIET—ERA—KGB, said on its web site that it had arrested all THE—MEMBERS—OF—ARTPODGOTOVKA, 1—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—MOVEMENT in THE—MOSCOW region, and seized 15—BOTTLES—OF—MOLOTOV cocktail.
20171103             —PLANNED, It said the group had, extremists actions 20171104             —ON—5—UNITY—DAY—WEEKEND.
20171103             RUSSIA—AUTHORITIES said they were investigating whether 141—BAIKAL earless seals starved to death —AFTER their carcasses began washing up last weekend on THE—SHORELINE—OF—LAKE—BAIKAL.
20171103             Ousted SOUTH—KOREA—PRESIDENT—PARK—GEUN—HYE—OWN—POLITICAL—PARTY expelled her as it sought to distance itself from the sprawling corruption scandal that led to her impeachment.
20171103             —ISSUED, SPAIN, 1—ARREST—WARRANT on sedition and other charges against Carles Puigdemont, tightening the judicial net —AROUND THE—FORMER—CATALAN leader who went BRUSSELS —AFTER his government was sacked over 1—DECLARATION—OF—INDEPENDENCE.
20171103             SYRIA—TROOPS retook Deir Ezzor city, in THE—OIL—RICH—EAST—OF—THE—COUNTRY, the last major city where the Islamic State group had 1—PRESENCE.
20171103             —LAUNCHED, SYRIA—REBEL—FACTIONS, 1—ATTACK on GOVERNMENT—HELD TERRITORY—IN—QUNEITRA province, with the aim of connecting 2—INSURGENT—HELD areas.
20171103             —EXPLODED, DAMASCUS said Nusra Front rebels, 1—CAR in Hader, 1—DRUZE village in Quneitra, killing at least 9—PEOPLE.
20171103             —ARRIVED, TAIWAN—PRESIDENT—TSAI—ING—WEN, on THE—USA—PACIFIC—ISLAND—OF—GUAM on her way back from visiting diplomatic allies in the Pacific.
20171103             —CAUSED, The trip, strong objections from CHINA, which claims TAIWAN as its own.
20171103             —INCLUDED, Her trip, —2—DAYS in HAWAII —BEFORE she headed on to TUVALU, THE—SOLOMON—ISLANDS and THE—MARSHALL—ISLANDS.
20171103             —CALLED, THE—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—OFFICE, on AUSTRALIA to restore food, water and health services to about 600 interned refugees and asylum seekers in PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA, which CANBERRA cut off —3—DAYS—AGO.
20171103             —RELEASED, VENEZUELA—GOVERNMENT, 2—PROMINENT—OPPOSITION—ACTIVISTS it has held for more than —1—YEAR without trial.
20171103             —FREED, Yon Goicoechea and Delson Guarate were, —LATE—TODAY from 1—CARACAS jail, but continue to be bound by restrictions on their movement and speech.
20171103             —DETAINED, ZIMBABWE officers, Martha O'Donovan, 1—USA—CITIZEN, in 1—DAWN raid at her home for allegedly tweeting that PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE is a "goblin whose wife and STEP—SON bought 1—ROLLS—ROYCE".
20171103             —APPOINTED, This came —JUST weeks —AFTER Mugabe, 1—CYBER security MINISTER charged with policing social media.
20171103—19171103    —100—JAHRE—OKTOBER—REVOLUTION: "Wo ist —JETZT DIE—FREIHEIT?"(einestages, 09:43)
20171103—19171103    —100—JAHRE—OKTOBER—REVOLUTION: VERSÖHNUNG—MIT uns nicht! (Politik, 20:52)
20171103—20160000    —IN, He unsuccessfully ran for THE—FEDERAL—PARLIAMENT and left RUSSIA —DURING the —SUMMER.
20171103—20160521    —ORGANIZED, RUSSIA—ACTORS, both ANTI—ISLAM and PRO—ISLAM PROTEST—IN—THE—S same location —AT—THE—SAME—TIME, using separate FACEBOOK pages operated from 1—SO—CALLED troll farm in S—PETERSBURG, THE—SENATE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE disclosed —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20171103—20181200    —VOTED, S—FRANCISCO police commissioners, 4-3 to equip officers with Taser electroshock weapons.
20181103             1—STUNNING report published in the Annals of Internal Medicine concludes that RESEARCHERS often make "inappropriate requests" to statisticians.
20181103             ALBERTa, Akt 2: blockt SC1—HUB und Elsevier.
20181103             Blackrock und Co.: Wie FRIEDRICH—MERZ in DER—FINANZ—INDUSTRIE agiert (SPIEGEL+, 07:30)
20181103             CDU—NACHFOLGEDEBATTE: KRAMP—KARRENBAUER sieht ARMUTS—PROBLEM als sozialen Sprengsatz
20181103             DONALD—TRUMP vor den MIDTERM—WAHLEN: "Je mehr er redet, desto mehr lügt er"
20181103             Das finde ich 1.gute Idee.
20181103             Enthüllung über ehemaligen UEFA—GENERAL—SEKRETÄR: Infantino verbündete sich mit Scheichklubs
20181103             Football Leaks: "Das Ausmaß des Betrugs"
20181103             INF—ABRÜSTUNGSVERTRAG: MAAS will DONALD—TRUMP umstimmen
20181103             IRANs geistliches Oberhaupt: Chamenei teilt VERBAL—GEGEN—DONALD—TRUMP aus
20181103             ITALIEN: UN—WETTER in ITALIEN forderten 17—MENSCHENLEBEN—KAMBODSCHA: JAGD—AUF—DIE Holzbarone
20181103             Merz und DIE—NULLERJAHRE: 1—LEIT—KULTUR—LEITHAMMEL für die CDU
20181103             Migranten auf dem Weg zur USA—GRENZE: "TRUMP—DROHUNGEN lassen uns kalt"
20181103             PARTE1—VIZE—SCHÄFER—GÜMBEL: "Wissen nicht, was —DIE—SPD will"
20181103             SPD—CHEFIN Nahles: "Wenn jemand meint, es besser zu können, soll er sich melden"
20181103             To as icing on this REVENGE—FLAVORED cake, Bahnhof also detects attempts to visit its own site from the Patent and Market Court and redirects them to 1—PAGE explaining that —SINCE the Patent and Market Court believes that PARTS—OF—THE—WEB should be blocked, Bahnhof is blocking THE—COURT—ACCESS to its PART—OF—THE—WEB.
20181103             Wenn die "Wissenschaftler" DIE—WAHL haben zwischen ordentliche Wissenschaft aber nichtrs publizieren und publizieren aber ist halt Beschiss haben, dann bescheißen verdammt viele.
20181103             [l] Akt 1: Elsevier zwingt zum Blocken von SC1—HUB.
20181103             [l] Das ist kein Zufall, wenn Studien auf kaputter Statistik basieren (GOOGLE—STICHWORT: P—HACKING).
20181103             —ETWA 12—METER lang: Forscher entdecken neue DINOSAURIER—ART
20181103             —PARTEIPRÄFERENZEN von Migranten: "Überraschende Ausschläge bei AfD und FDP"
20181103             —VOR, USA—WAHL: Twitter löscht mehr als 10.000—ACCOUNTS mit Boykottaufrufen
20181103             1—FLORIDA boy (15) was charged with the strangulation DEATH—OF—HIS—MOTHER—AFTER THE—BODY—OF—GAIL—CLEAVANGER, —46—JAHRE—ALT was found under 1—CHURCH—FIRE—PIT in DeBary.
20181103             —KILLED, CHICAGO, 1—RAILROAD worker was, and another seriously hurt —WHEN 1—ACETYLENE tank on truck exploded near 1—COMMUTER rail line station.
20181103             —KILLED, TEXAS, newlyweds WILL—BYLER and BAILEE—ACKERMAN were, along with 1—PILOT in 1—HELICOPTER—CRASH—HOURS—AFTER they were oo at 1—RACH in Uvalde.
20181103             —KILLED, WISCONSIN, 3—GIRL—SCOUTS and 1—ADULT were, —WHILE collecting trash on 1—RURAL—HIGHWAY.
20181103             1—PICKUP truck veered off the road and hit them and sped away.
20181103             —SURRENDERED, Driver COLTON—TREU, —21—JAHRE—ALT of Chippewa Falls, —LATER.
20181103             —ACCUSED—OF, Treu was, inhaling chemical vapors —BEFORE the crash and faced homicide charges.
20181103             AFGHANISTAN, MAJOR—BRENT—TAYLOR (39) was fatally shot by 1—OF—HIS—AFGHANISTAN—TRAINEES in KABUL.
20181103             —WOUNDED, Another USA—MILITARY—MEMBER was.
20181103             —INDICATED, Initial reports, the attacker was —IMMEDIATELY killed by other AFGHANISTAN—FORCES.
20181103             Taylor was THE—UTAH MAYOR—OF—OGDEN serving in the National Guard.
20181103             CHINA said it was willing to offer assistance to PAKISTAN to help it weather its current fiscal woes but that terms of such aid are still being discussed.
20181103             —KILLED, CHINA, at least 14—PEOPLE were, and 27 injured —LATE—TODAY in 1—HIGHWAY—PILE—UP —AFTER 1—HEAVY—TRUCK lost control and crashed into 1—LINE—OF—VEHICLES waiting at 1—TOLL—STATION in THE—NORTH—WEST—PROVINCE—OF—GANSU.
20181103             CHINA—PHOTOGRAPHER Lu Guang was traveling in Xinjiang —WHEN his wife lost contact with him.
20181103             —CONNECTED, He had, with photographers in URUMQI —1—WEEK—BEFORE and was scheduled to meet 1—FRIEND in Sichuan province on Nov.
20181103             —KILLED, EAST—CONGODRC, rebels —LATE—TODAY, at least 7—CIVILIANS and abducted 15—OTHERS, including children, in fresh raids in THE—NORTH—KIVU region bordering UGANDA.
20181103             —OPENED, THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC, its embassy in BEIJING, months —AFTER cutting ties with TAIWAN amid 1—CHINA—DIPLOMATIC—OFFENSIVE that aims to politically isolate THE—ISLAND it claims as its own territory.
20181103             EGYPT, PRESIDENT—ABDEL—FATTAH—EL—SISSI—WORLD—YOUTH—FORUM opened in the Red Sea resort of Sharm EL—SHEIKH.
20181103             —KILLED, EGYPT, security forces, 19—MILITANTS SUSPECTED—OF—INVOLVEMENT in 1—ATTACK the previous —DAY killed at least 7—CHRISTIANS near the Monastery of St SAMUEL—THE—CONFESSOR in Minya.
20181103             † IN—HONG—KONG—RAYMOND—CHOW, —91—JAHRE—ALT, film producer.
20181103             —CREDITED, IN—HONG—KONG—RAYMOND—CHOW is, with bringing kung fu legend BRUCE—LEE to the silver screen and widely regarded as the "godfather" of HONG—KONG cinema.
20181103             —PRODUCED, IN—HONG—KONG—RAYMOND—CHOW, more than 170—FILMS over his career.
20181103             —INAUGURATED, IRAN, the production line of its domestically produced fighter jet.
20181103             SOME—MILITARY—EXPERTS believe the fighter jet is 1—CARBON—COPY—OF an F-5 1. produced in THE—USA—IN—THE 1960s.
20181103             —KILLED, IRAQ—OFFICIALS said jihadists have, 3—VILLAGE—CHIEFS in less than —1—WEEK in KIRKUK province.
20181103             SOUTH—MEXICO, THOUSANDS—OF—CENTRAL—USA—MIGRANTS traveling in 1—CARAVAN resumed their journey toward THE—USA—BY hitchhiking and walking along highways, —AFTER 1—GOVERNOR reneged on 1—BRIEF—OFFER to provide DOZENS—OF—BUSES to take them to MEXICO—CITY—MORE quickly.
20181103             Voters in several parts of MYANMAR went to the polls in 13—BY—ELECTIONS seen as 1—TEST—OF—SUPPORT for leader Aung S—SUU—KYI and her ruling party.
20181103             —DEFEATED, The party of Aung S—SUU—KYI was, in 6—CONSTITUENCIES, showing uneven support for her government —AFTER 1—STRING of controversies.
20181103             The ruling National League for Democracy (NLD) won at least 6—SEATS to fill 13—OF—THE 1,171 seats in national, regional and state parliaments.
20181103             —KILLED, NIGERIA—MAIN—SHIITE Muslim movement said the army, at least 50—OF—ITS—MEMBERS who were protesting —THIS—WEEK.
20181103             NIGERIA—MILITARY said it killed 6—PEOPLE and claims the protesters had fired 1.
20181103             —TRIGGERED, PAKISTAN, nationwide protests, by 1—CHRISTIAN woman's acquittal on blasphemy charges ended —FOLLOWING 1—OVERNIGHT deal between Islamists and the government.
20181103             Under the agreement ASIA Bibi may not leave the country —UNTIL THE—PAKISTAN—SUPREME—COURT—RULING is reviewed.
20181103             Her lawyer, Saiful Mulook, left PAKISTAN and fled to THE—NETHERLANDS, due to fear that he could be attacked —AFTER BIBI—CONVICTION was overturned days —EARLIER.
20181103             —ANGERED, THE—PHILIPPINES, Sister PATRICIA—ANNE—FOX, 1—AUSTRALIA—NUN who, THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT by joining ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS, used her final hours in the country to call on Filipinos to unite and fight human rights abuses.
20181103             —DROWNED, SICILY, 1—FAMILY—OF—9, overnight —AFTER 1—SWOLLEN river on 1—PLAIN—NEAR the coastal TOWN—OF—CASTELDACCIA submerged their holiday villa in water and mud in seconds, leaving them no chance for escape.
20181103             —AGREED, RUSSIA said that AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—ASHRAF—GHANI had, to send 1—GROUP—OF—SENIOR—POLITICIANS to peace talks in MOSCOW, at which 1—DELEGATION representing the Taliban would be present.
20181103             —BUSTED, SPAIN—POLICE said they have, 1—CRIME ring that cloned credit cards and was headed by 1—ALGERIA—MAN, —49—JAHRE—ALT man who had previously been found GUILTY—OF—HELPING finance 20010911             —THE attacks.
20181103             SRI—LANKA, 1—ETHNIC—MINORITY—TAMIL party said that it will support 1—NO—CONFIDENCE motion to be brought against Mahinda Rajapaksa, the country's former strongman, whose controversial appointment as PRIME—MINISTER has plunged the country into 1—POLITICAL—CRISIS.
20181103             —REPORTED, EAST—SYRIA, 14—CIVILIANS and 9 IS jihadists were, killed in coalition air strikes in Hajin and the nearby towns of Sousa and AL—SHAAFA.
20181103             TURKEY, UKRAINE—PRESIDENT—PETRO—POROSHENKO and THE—ISTANBUL—BASED Orthodox PATRIARCH signed 1—ACCORD that paves the way for the recognition of 1—INDEPENDENT—UKRAINE—CHURCH, 1—PLAN that has infuriated MOSCOW.
20181103             1—UNITED—NATIONS aid convoy reached the Rukban refugee camp in Syria where THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE are stranded in the desert, close to the border with JORDAN.
20181103             Rukban is home to more than 50,000—PEOPLE whose last UN aid convoy arrived in January.
20181103—20160000    —IN, 1—JURY in SPAIN found PATRICK—NOGUEIRA, —21—JAHRE—ALT, 1—BRAZIL—MAN, GUILTY—OF—KILLING his aunt, uncle and 2—YOUNG cousins and ruled unanimously that the slayings were premeditated.
20181103—20200000    —IN, 1—ARMY—REPORT said AFGHANISTAN—COMMANDO SERGEANT—ASFAR—KHAN, —20—JAHRE—ALT had planned the killing —FOR—WEEKS.
20181103—20210000    —IN, 1—JURY convicted HALL—OF—ASSAULT.
20181103—20220304    —SENTENCED, Hall was, to —6—YEARS in prison.
20191103             —30—JAHRE Mauerfall: Der Fehler liegt in unserer Erinnerung
20191103             38 % eine neue, gesamtdeutsche Verfassung, und gerade einmal 9 % wollten das GRUND—GESETZ übernehmen.
20191103             BRASILIENs PRÄSIDENT: Bolsonaro und der ungelöste Mordfall
20191103             CO2 in Produkten: Der Konsument kann gar nicht lesen
20191103             —GESTRITTEN, Es wurde erbittert, ob die Wiedervereinigung über Artikel 23—DES Grundgesetzes (Beitritt ohne neue Verfassung) vollzogen werden sollte — oder nach Artikel 146 (Ausarbeitung einer neuen gesamtdeutschen Verfassung).
20191103             Globaler Abschwung: —DIE—STUNDE der NATIONALISTEN—HEY, komm, ich hab eine tolle Idee.
20191103             Kalifornien: DONALD—TRUMP macht GOUVERNEUR—FÜR—BUSCHBRÄNDE verantwortlich
20191103             MATHIAS—DÖPFNER im SPIEGEL—INTERVIEW: SPRINGER—CHEF—KRITISIERT "Sprachpolizei" in Medien und Politik
20191103             Mich wundert daran nicht DAS—ERGEBNIS, sondern dass das ausgerechnet 1—USA—FIRMA ausprobiert hat, und dann auch noch in JAPAN.
20191103             Migration nach SÜDAFRIKA: "Wir erleben einen WETT—STREIT—UM—KNAPPE Ressourcen"
20191103             NORBERT—RÖTTGEN: "Wir beschäftigen uns immer nur mit unseren Fragen, statt mit den FRAGEN—DER—MENSCHEN"
20191103             —NOW I sit opposite 1—SOMEWHAT frail, elderly man wearing 1—MAROON cardigan, and it feels like 1—WIZARD—OF—OZ moment.
20191103             RHEINLAND—PFALZ: POLIZEI erschießt mit Axt bewaffneten Mann
20191103             RUSSLANDaffäre: TRUMP—WAHLKAMPFTEAM bemühte sich um gestohlene Mails der Demokraten
20191103             Rückläufiger Trend: Bundesamt rechnet mit weniger Asylanträgen
20191103             —SEDIERT, SPRINGER—CHEF—DÖPFNER: "Der DIS—KURS ist politisch korrekt " (SPIEGEL+, 10:11)
20191103             Statt wie —BISLANG, 400.000—EURO soll es künftig 585.000—EURO —J—IM geben.
20191103             Und die Bahn gibt das auch sofort da aus, wo es am nötigsten gebraucht wird.
20191103             Vorsitz der Linksfraktion: Amira MOHAMED—ALI will Wagenknecht beerben
20191103             Weltgrößter ÖL—KONZERN, SAUDI—ARABIEN genehmigt Börsengang von ARAMCO—WIR reden hier von einer Bundesstraße.
20191103             2—MILLIONEN - [l] DEUTSCHLAND, Digitalisierungsland: Autounfall auf der B96, 2—TOTE.
20191103             [l] Der GUARDIAN hat mal GEORGE—SOROS besucht.
20191103             [l] Gute Nachrichten, liebe Leser!
20191103             Das "KLIMA—PAKET" spült der Bahn Geld in die Kassen!
20191103             [l] Microsoft JAPAN hat mal ausprobiert, wie sich —3—TAGE Wochenende auswirkt.
20191103             —ETWA in RUSSLAND: Für VIELE—MENSCHEN dort sind die Wende und ihre Folgen nicht nur mit guten Erinnerungen verbunden, sondern auch mit teils existenziellen Nöten, die ihnen auf dem Fuße folgten.
20191103             —NACH, tödlicher Schießerei in Kalifornien: Airbnb will Partyhäuser aus dem Angebot verbannen
20191103             Lawyers said THE—USA—OFFICIAL whose whistleblower complaint led to the impeachment inquiry against PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP has offered to communicate directly with Republicans on the intelligence committee leading the inquiry.
20191103             † In NEW—MEXICO 2—PEOPLE overnight and 14—OTHERS were injured —DURING 1—TRADITIONAL—RELIGIOUS—CEREMONY on the Alamo Navajo Reservation in Socorro County.
20191103             CHRIS—KEMPCZINSKI, who was in CHARGE—OF—MCDONALD—OPERATIONS in THE—USA, took over as CEO, —FOLLOWING STEVE—EASTERBROOK—DISMISSAL over 1—RECENT consensual relationship with 1—EMPLOYEE, which MCDONALD—BOARD determined violated company policy.
20191103             —TARGETED, Instacart's "gig" workers, the grocery shopping and delivery firm with a —3—DAY—WORK action aimed at disrupting service and forcing executives to fix inequalities in pay structures that they say are getting worse EVERY—YEAR.
20191103             BURKINA—FASO, PARLIAMENT member Oumarou Dicko, who was also 1—OF—THE—LAST—AUTHORITIES in 1—REGION ravaged by militants, was killed in 1—SUICIDE—BOMB—ATTACK in THE—NORTH—DJIBO region.
20191103             —LAUNCHED, CHINA, 1—NEW—HIGH—RESOLUTION—REMOTE sensing satellite capable of providing stereoscopic imagery, marking another important step as BEIJING seeks to reduce reliance on foreign technology in topographic mapping.
20191103             HONG—KONG, more unrest broke out —WHEN police and protesters clashed at malls FULL—OF—AFTERNOON shoppers.
20191103             Riot police used pepper spray and detained several people.
20191103             —VANDALIZED, Shopfronts were, and subway turnstiles were damaged.
20191103             INDIA—MAIN—OPPOSITION—CONGRESS—PARTY said that its general SECRETARY—PRIYANKA—GANDHI—VADRA had been informed by messaging service WhatsApp that her phone was hacked —DURING—THIS—YEAR—ELECTION—CAMPAIGN by malware from ISRAEL—SURVEILLANCE—FIRM—NSO.
20191103             —BLOCKED, Protesters, roads in BAGHDAD to raise pressure on the government to resign —AFTER more than —1—WEEK—OF renewed mass demonstrations.
20191103             —ATTACKED, DOZENS—OF—PROTESTERS, THE—IRAN—CONSULATE in the Shiite CITY—OF—KARBALA, scaling the concrete barriers ringing the building, bringing down 1—IRAN—FLAG and replacing it with THE—IRAQ—FLAG.
20191103             LEBANON, THOUSANDS—OF—SUPPORTERS—OF—PRESIDENT—MICHAEL—AOUN and his SON—IN—LAW, Foreign MINISTER—GEBRAN—BASSIL, held 1—RALLY in 1—SUBURB—OF—BEIRUT to counter ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS that have paralyzed the country for more than —2—WEEKS.
20191103             THE—SHIITE—AMAL party, another close Hezbollah ally, also held 1—RALLY in support of its leader, longtime PARLIAMENT speaker Nabih Berri.
20191103             —ARMED, MEXICO, men threatened the "Searching Mothers of Sonora" —AFTER the group detected 1—CLANDESTINE burial pit over the weekend.
20191103             —FOLLOWED, Excavations, with police protection and 4—COMPLETE skeletons were found.
20191103             SAUDI—ARABIA—GIANT—STATE—OIL—COMPANY finally KICK—STARTED its initial public offering (IPO), announcing its intention to float on the domestic bourse in what could be the world's biggest listing as the kingdom seeks to diversify its economy away from oil.
20191103             Some 300 to 400—SINGAPOREANS held 1—RARE—RALLY in 1—PARK against the government's immigration policies.
20191103             —AROUND 40—PERCENT—OF—THE 5.7—MILLION—PEOPLE living on the small CITY—STATE are foreign and SOME—SINGAPOREANS are frustrated with THE—NUMBER—OF—IMMIGRANTS in THE—CITY—STATE.
20191103             SUDAN, HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS took to the streets in KHARTOUM and across the country, demanding the disbanding of the former ruling party that underpinned SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR —3—DECADES in power.
20191103             NORTH—SYRIA, TURKEY—BACKED opposition fighters struck 1—INTERNATIONAL—MEDIC—GROUP killing 1—MEMBER with the Free Burma Rangers near THE—TOWN—OF—TAL—TAMR.
20191103             —WORRIED, THAILAND, SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—LEADERS, by THE—USA—CHINA—TRADE—WAR, pushed for 1—DEAL on what could be the world's largest trade bloc as officials worked behind the scenes to try to salvage progress —FOLLOWING new demands from INDIA.
20191103             Speaking in THAILAND at 1—MEETING—OF—ASEAN leaders UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—ANTONIO—GUTERRES expressed concern over the plight of the 730,000 Muslim Rohingya refugees from MYANMAR—RAKHINE state, calling on MYANMAR—GOVERNMENT to take responsibility by dealing with the "root causes" of their flight to BANGLADESH and working toward their safe repatriation.
20191103             —DETAINED, TURKEY, police in ISTANBUL, 1—DRIVER, —33—JAHRE—ALT who rammed his bus into 1 crowded stop and attacked people who tried to prevent him from escaping with 1—KNIFE.
20191103             —INJURED, At least 13—PEOPLE were.
20191103             —REACHED, THE—UN—AGENCY for PALESTINE—REFUGEES, 1—AGREEMENT with its employees in JORDAN to end 1—STRIKE launched —EARLIER—TODAY.
20191125—20191103    —LAUNCHED, Aramco, THE—IPO.
20200330             Meldung vom 20200330110329
20200724—20201103    —AM, UMFRAGEN, zur Präsidentenwahl liegt TRUMP deutlich hinter seinem Herausforderer JOE—BIDEN.
20200806—20201103    —AM, Experten rechnen frühestens Ende des —JAHRES oder 20210000             mit einem fertigen CORONA—IMPFSTOFF.
20200806—20201103    —AM, USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP jedoch hofft, daß 1—IMPFSTOFF noch vor der PRÄSIDENTEN—WAHL einsatzbereit ist.
20200806—20201103    —AM, In "manchen Fällen"?
20200811—20201103    —AM, USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP erwägt, den wegen der CORONA—PANDEMIE verschobenen G7—GIPFEL nach der USA—WAHL abzuhalten.
20200811—20201103    Er neige dazu, das Treffen der STAATS—UND Regierungschefs 7—FÜHRENDER Industriestaaten "irgendwann nach" der PRÄSIDENTEN—WAHL stattfinden zu lassen,
20200821             —SUSPENDED, DeJoy —EARLIER—THIS—WEEK, all mail service changes —UNTIL—AFTER the election, but said —TODAY he did not plan on returning decommissioned sorting machines to service —BEFORE 20201103             .
20200821—20201103    —IN—THE, USA Postmaster GENERAL—LOUIS—DEJOY told lawmakers that MAIL—IN ballots election would be delivered on time, despite concerns that COST—CUTTING measures could result in widespread delays and millions of uncounted ballots.
20200822—20201103    —AM, Bei der LEBENS—UND Arzneimittelbehörde (FDA) erschwerten ihm feindlich gesinnte Beamte die ENTWICKLUNG—VON—CORONA—MEDIKAMENTEN und Impfstoffen, damit es vor der Wahl keine Erfolgsmeldung geben könne, behauptete Trump —AM—SAMSTAG auf Twitter.
20200823—20201103    THROUGH, Look for this to continue...unless too MANY—PEOPLE in the red states are dying, however.
20200823—20201103    —AM, Die USA—REGIERUNG unter PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP erwägt einem Medienbericht zufolge eine beschleunigte Zulassung eines IMPFSTOFF—KANDIDATEN, der vom BRITISCHEN—KONZERN AstraZeneca zusammen mit der UNIVERSITÄT—OXFORD entwickelt wird.
20200823—20201103    Das Vakzin könnte damit noch vor den USA—WAHLEN den USA—AMERIKANERN zur Verfügung stehen, berichtet die "FINANCIAL—TIMES" (FT).
20200823—20201103    Es bestehe die Option, daß die zuständige USA—ARZNEIMITTELBEHÖRDE FDA 20201001             —IM—NOTFALLGENEHMIGUNG für den möglichen Impfstoff erteile.
20200906—20201103    —AM, Trump steht angesichts der anhaltenden AUSBREITUNG—DES—NEUARTIGEN—CORONA€"VIRUS in den USA vor der USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTSWAHL enorm unter Druck.
20200916—20201103    —AM, finden in den USA die PRÄSIDENTEN—WAHLEN statt, in Umfragen liegt Trump hinter seinem demokratischen Konkurrenten JOE—BIDEN.
20200918—20201102    —BY, 1—MICHIGAN court ruled that mailed ballots postmarked must be counted in the state as long as they are received by 1—CLERK—OFFICE within —2—WEEKS—AFTER 20201103             —THE election.
20200919—20201103    —AM, In den USA wird gewählt.
20200919—20201103    —AM, Die OSZE habe daher Probleme bei der Rekrutierung von Beobachtern aus ihren Mitgliedstaaten für die Wahl gehabt.
20200925—20201103    —AM, TRUMP—KRITIKER fürchten, der PRÄSIDENT wolle 1—ZULASSUNG für 1—IMPFUNG noch vor der Wahl ERZWINGEN—SELBST wenn der Stoff noch nicht ausreichend erprobt sein sollte.
20200928             —USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, der sich 20201103             —AM der Wiederwahl stellt, hatte sich zuletzt optimistisch gezeigt, die PANDEMIE in den Griff zu bekommen.
20201001—20201103    —AM, Vorausgesetzt Trump unterschreibt das Gesetz, wird 1—REGIERUNGSSTILLSTAND mitten in der CORONA—VIRUS—PANDEMIE und vor den USA—WAHLEN verhindert.
20201005             —CONFIRMED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, that it has blocked new Food and Drug Administration guidelines on bringing potential vaccines for COVID—19 to market that would almost certainly have prevented their introduction —BEFORE 20201103             —THE election.
20201005—20201103    —AM, Die meisten beinhalteten Aufrufe zur Wahl und Argumente, die dabei seiner Ansicht nach für ihn sprechen.
20201010—20201103    —IN—THE, 1—USA—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT issued 1—TEMPORARY stay that allows the Republican GOVERNOR—OF—TEXAS to continue limiting counties to 1—SINGLE—DROP—OFF site for absentee ballots presidential election.
20201011—20201103    —BY, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE ruled that MINNESOTA balots postmarked can be counted even if they are received up to —1—WEEK—AFTER election —DAY.
20201019             —ALLOWED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT in a 4—4—VOTE, PENNSYLVANIA to count MAILED—IN ballots received up to —3—DAYS—AFTER 20201103             —THE election, rejecting 1—REPUBLICAN plea in the presidential battleground state.
20201019—20200000    —REPORTED, It was, that PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP is assuring 1—BUMPER —YEAR for farmers as 20201103             —THE election approaches, with record government subsidies projected to make up more than a 3. of farm income.
20201022             Die sozialistische REGIERUNG—VON—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT—ANTÓNIO—COSTA beschloss außerdem, dass alle gut 10,3 Millionen Bürger Portugals zwischen dem 20201030             und dem 20201103             den eigenen Wohnbezirk nicht verlassen dürfen.
20201022             They will remain in place —UNTIL at least 20201103             .
20201022             —DENIED, IRAN and RUSSIA strongly, USA—ALLEGATIONS—OF having taken actions to influence public opinion ahead of 20201103             —THE—USA—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION.
20201102—20201103    —AM, Laut dem "USA—ELECTIONS Project" haben —BEREITS mehr als 2,4 Millionen Menschen in PENNSYLVANIA die Möglichkeit genutzt, vor dem offiziellen Wahltermin per Brief oder in vorab geöffneten Wahllokalen abzustimmen.
20201103             THE—USA—HELD presidential elections.
20201103             The outcome was unclear in 6—SWING states — GEORGIA, MICHIGAN, NEVADA, NORTH—CAROLINA, PENNSYLVANIA and WISCONSIN — and all were still counting votes.
20201103             Democrats had 1—DISAPPOINTING election night as Republicans swatted down 1—ONSLAUGHT—OF—CHALLENGERS and fought to retain their majority.
20201103             1—FEDERAL—LABOR—AUTHORITY ruled to strip the collective bargaining powers of 1—NATIONAL—UNION representing more than 450—USA—IMMIGRATION—JUDGES that has been 1—VOCAL CRITIC—OF—THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION—POLICIES.
20201103             —BREACHED, THE—NUMBER—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS—PATIENTS in USA—HOSPITALS, 50,000, the highest level in nearly —3—MONTHS, as 1—SURGE in infections threatens to push the nation's health care system to THE—EDGE—OF—CAPACITY.
20201103             —REPORTED, TEXAS, the highest number of currently hospitalized patients with 5,936.
20201103             —REVERSED, ALABAMA voters, themselves from 1—FEW years ago and removed racist VESTIGES—OF—SEGREGATION from the state constitution that courts long ago ruled unconstitutional.
20201103             Democrat MARK—KELLY won THE—ARIZONA—SENATE—SEAT once held by JOHN—MCCAIN.
20201103             —REPORTED, ARIZONA, 38—MORE confirmed CORONA€”VIRUS deaths raising that total to 6,020 and 249,818 confirmed cases.
20201103             —VOTED, CALIFORNIA, to allow workers for companies like Uber or Lyft to be independent contractors, INSTEAD—OF—EMPLOYEES.
20201103             CALIFORNIA to date had 946,141 CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS and 17,752 deaths.
20201103             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 120,013 cases and 1,796 deaths.
20201103             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 9,379,590 with the death toll at 232,553.
20201103             —EXPRESSED, Republican Marjorie TAYLOR—GREENE, who, racist views and support for QAnon conspiracy theories in 1—SERIES—OF—ONLINE videos, won 1—USA—HOUSE—SEAT representing NORTH—WEST—GEORGIA.
20201103             —DEFEATED, MAINE—USA—SENATOR—SUSAN—COLLINS, SARA—GIDEON and was RE—ELECTED to a 4. term.
20201103             —PASSED, Spending on the race for this seat, $100—MILLION, the most expensive in sate history.
20201103             —VOTED, MISSISSIPPI, to adopt 1—NEW—STATE—FLAG that does not feature THE—CONFEDERATE—BATTLE—FLAG.
20201103             The job was up for grabs as the incumbent, Democrat STEVE—BULLOCK, reached his term limit.
20201103             —DECIDED, Residents of NEBRASKA and UTAH, to strip their constitutions of unenforceable provisions that allowed slavery as 1—PUNISHMENT for criminal convictions.
20201103             —VOTED, NEW—JERSEY, SOUTH—DAKOTA and ARIZONA, to legalize recreational marijuana.
20201103             —DEFEATED, OKLAHOMA Republican STATE—SENATOR—STEPHANIE—BICE, Democratic congresswoman Kendra Horn and taken back the only DEMOCRATIC—HELD seat in the state's congressional delegation.
20201103             —BECAME, OREGON, the 1. state to decriminalize possessing 1—SMALL—AMOUNT—OF—ANY—STREET—DRUG.
20201103             —PASSED, OREGON—MULTNOMAH—COUNTY, 1—OF—THE—MOST progressive universal preschool policies in the nation, to be paid for by 1—LARGE—TAX on high earners.
20201103             The measure will provide free preschool for all children ages 3 and 4.
20201103             —APPROVED, RHODE—ISLAND—VOTERS, 1—STATEWIDE referendum to strip the words "and PROVIDENCE Plantations" from the state's formal name.
20201103             TENNESSEE, Republican EDDIE—MANNIS, who is gay, and Democrat Torrey Harris, who identifies as bisexual, won seats in THE—STATE—HOUSE to become the 1. openly LGBTQ MEMBERS—OF—THAT—LEGISLATURE.
20201103             —BACKED, TEXAS voters, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP over Democrat JOE—BIDEN and sent Republican JOHN—CORNYN to his 4. USA—SENATE—TERM.
20201103             TEXAS, Spc.
20201103             COREY—GRAFTON, —20—JAHRE—ALT, 1—ACTIVE—DUTY—SOLDIER at Fort Hood, was arrested for 20190700             —THE—DEATH—OF—CHELSEA—CHEATHAM, —32—JAHRE—ALT.
20201103             DNA from the murder scene led to the arrest.
20201103             —ARRESTED, WASHINGTON, state police, 8—PEOPLE in SEATTLE —AFTER—LATE—NIGHT—DEMONSTRATIONS and marches in the city on USA—ELECTION—DAY.
20201103             BRISTOL Myers Squibb Co said its experimental plaque psoriasis ORAL drug proved more effective in clearing moderate to severe CASES—OF—THE—SKIN—CONDITION than placebo or Amgen INC—OTEZLA in 1—LATE—STAGE—STUDY.
20201103             —OPTED, Cruise Lines INTERNATIONAL—ASSOCIATION voluntarily, to maintain the current SUSPENSION—OF—CRUISE—OPERATIONS in THE—USA—THROUGH THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
20201103             —ANNOUNCED, BAHRAIN, that it convicted 51—PEOPLE, more than HALF—OF—THEM abroad, on charges of belonging to 1—MILITANT—GROUP.
20201103             —CONDUCTED, It was the latest mass trial, in this ISLAND kingdom amid 1—YEARSLONG crackdown on all dissent.
20201103             The arrests took place —LAST—YEAR.
20201103             —DESCRIBED, BAHRAIN, those convicted as belonging to 1 unnamed militant group that received orders from IRAN—PARAMILITARY—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARD.
20201103             —GRANTED, BAHRAIN state news said the government has, emergency approval for the use of 1—CHINESE—COVID 19—VACCINE—CANDIDATE currently in phase III trials on frontline workers.
20201103             —SHOWED, Government data, 20,018 new confirmed case.
20201103             —REPORTED, CHINA, 128—NEW—ASYMPTOMATIC—PATIENTS, more than doubling from 61—1—DAY—EARLIER.
20201103             —ARRESTED, HONG—KONG police, Choy YUK—LING, 1—PRIZE—WINNING journalist whose work had exposed the authorities' delayed response to 1—MOB—ATTACK on ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS—LAST—YEAR.
20201103             —DEMOLISHED, ISRAEL, MOST—OF—THE—BEDOUIN village in the village of Khirbet Humsah in the occupied WEST—BANK, displacing 73—PALESTINIANS—INCLUDING 41—CHILDREN—IN the largest such demolition in years.
20201103             —RECORDED, Some 28,244 new CORONA€”VIRUS infections were, over the past —24—HOURS.
20201103             † 1—TOTAL 39,412—PEOPLE have —NOW, in ITALY BECAUSE—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS, —WHILE 759,829 CASES—OF—THE—DISEASE have been registered to date.
20201103             —AGREED, KENYA and BRITAIN said they have, in principle the text of 1—NEW—TRADE—AGREEMENT to safeguard annual trade, estimated at 200—BILLION shillings ($1.84—BILLION), —AFTER Brexit.
20201103             —WRAPPED, LIBYA—RIVALS, up their military talks with 1—CALL to THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL to adopt 1—BINDING resolution to implement 1—CEASE—FIRE—DEAL inked —LAST—MONTH.
20201103             NICARAGUA, Hurricane Eta came ashore SOUTH—OF—BILWI —AFTER stalling —JUST off the coast —FOR—HOURS.
20201103             —ACCUSED—OF, NIGERIA, Ipob activists were, burning down 3—POLICE—STATIONS in SOUTH—RIVERS—STATE. and killing 3—POLICEMEN, —AFTER 1—OF—THEM was killed —DURING 1—PROTEST at 1—POLICE—STATION in Oyigbo.
20201103             1—POLAND—OFFICIAL said the government is delaying the publication and implementation of 1—HIGH—COURT ruling that tightens the abortion law.
20201103             Unpublished, the new law has no legal power.
20201103             1—SLIM—MAJORITY—OF—PUERTO—RICANS voted that THE—ISLAND—TERRITORY should become 1—STATE, with 52—PERCENT backing 1—NONBINDING referendum.
20201103             —RECEIVED, Pierluisi, nearly 33—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE compared with nearly 32% for CARLOS—DELGADO—OF—THE—POPULAR—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY, which supports the current territorial status.
20201103             —REPORTED, RUSSIA, 18,648 confirmed CORONA€”VIRUS cases.
20201103             —NEARED, Confirmed deaths —SINCE THE—START—OF—THE—PANDEMIC, 29,000.
20201103             RUSSIA—TOP—DIPLOMAT said that about 2,000 fighters from THE—MIDDLE—EAST have joined the fighting over NAGORNO—KARABAKH.
20201103             PRIME—MINISTER—STEFAN—LOFVEN said COVID—19—CASES are increasing fast in SWEDEN, as he announced stricter recommendations for another 3—REGIONS amid signs the resurgence was beginning to lift deaths from the disease.
20201103             —PULLED, Rescuers in THE—TURKEY—CITY—OF—IZMIR, 1—YOUNG—GIRL out alive from the rubble of 1 collapsed apartment building —TUESDAY, —4—DAYS—AFTER 1—STRONG—EARTHQUAKE hit TURKEY and GREECE as the death toll in the earthquake climbed to 111.
20201103             —ARRESTED, UGANDA—POLICE again, Bobi Wine, 1—POPULAR—SINGER and opposition presidential hopeful, —JUST—AFTER he was successfully certified as 1—CANDIDATE in —NEXT—YEAR—ELECTION.
20201103             UKRAINE—HEALTH—MINISTER—MAKSYM—STEPANOV said the situation with THE—CORONA€”VIRUS in UKRAINE is close to catastrophic and the nation must prepare for the worst.
20201103             —REGISTERED, UKRAINE, 1—RECORD 8,899 new COVID—19—CASES in the past —24—HOURS.
20201103             Total infections stood at 411,093 with 7,532 deaths.
20201103             —ARRESTED, ZIMBABWE police, investigative journalist, Hopewell Chin'ono on CONTEMPT—OF—COURT—CHARGES.
20201103             —CHARGED, He was, with CONTEMPT—OF—COURT for making 1—POST on Twitter that allegedly impaired THE—DIGNITY—OF—ZIMBABWE—CHIEF—JUSTICE—LUKE—MALABA.
20201103—20200415    —SINCE, FRANCE—DAILY—COVID—19—DEATH—TOLL spiked by 854, 1—INCREASE unseen, —WHILE THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE hospitalized for the disease went up by more than a 1,000 for the 5. time in —9—DAYS.
20201103—20200506    —SINCE, ITALY reported 353—COVID—RELATED deaths, the highest daily figure.
20201103—20200527    —SINCE, BRITAIN reported 397—NEW—DEATHS from COVID—19, the highest daily figure.
20201103—20201012    —SINCE, J&J's trial in BRAZIL had been suspended, so 1—SAFETY—PANEL could evaluate 1 unexplained illness of 1—PARTICIPANT in its planned 60,000-person Phase III study.
20201103—20260000    —VOTED, FLORIDA, to raise its minimum wage to $15 an —HOUR, getting support from 61—PERCENT—OF—VOTERS.
20201104             "Wieso berichtet FOX—NEWS so langsam, statt die Siege für Trump auszurufen?" oder "Das Schlimmste ist, dass FOX—NEWS beim Wahlklau mitmacht!" oder "R.I.P. FOX—NEWS. Death 20201103             ".
20201111—20201103    —AM, Aber (gutes Timing!) gab es 1—ANSTALT über das USA—WAHLSYSTEM, das Gerrymandering sehr schön anschaulich zeigt.
20201112             Facebook hatte im Kampf gegen Falschinformationen —1—WOCHE vor der USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTSWAHL vom 20201103             keine neue Wahlwerbung mehr zugelassen.
20201115             —INCLUDED, TRUMP—STATEMENTS came in tweets that, several baseless claims about 20201103             —THE vote, which STATE—AND—FEDERAL—OFFICIALS say was safe and secure.
20210120—20211103    —AM, Der des Vorjahres gewählte Demokrat JOE—BIDEN wird zum 46. Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten vereidigt.
20210222             —PURSUED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT brought 1—FORMAL—END to 8—LINGERING disputes, by FORMER—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP and his allies related to 20211103             —THE presidential election including 1—REPUBLICAN challenge to THE—EXTENSION—OF—PENNSYLVANIA—DEADLINE to receive MAIL—IN ballots.
20210807—20201103    —APPLIED, He had, und
20211103             —RELEASED, THE—FBI, HUNDREDS—OF—PAGES—OF newly declassified documents about its long effort to explore connections between THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—GOVERNMENT and 20210911             —THE attacks, revealing the scope of 1—STRENUOUS but ultimately fruitless investigation whose outcome MANY—QUESTION to this —DAY.
20211103             —APPROVED, USA—LAWMAKERS, legislation calling for more sanctions and other punitive measures to ratchet up pressure on NICARAGUA—PRESIDENT—DANIEL—ORTEGA —JUST days —BEFORE 1—ELECTION there that WASHINGTON has denounced as 1—SHAM.
20211103             —ADDED, THE—USA—COMMERCE—DEPARTMENT, 4—COMPANIES from ISRAEL, RUSSIA and SINGAPORE to its "entity list", saying they engaged in "activities that are contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of THE—USA".
20211103             —STARTED, THE—USA, vaccinating children aged 5 to 11—AGAINST COVID—19, with roughly 28—MILLION—SCHOOL—AGE—KIDS—NOW eligible for the shots that provide protection against the illness.
20211103             —REACHED, Total USA COVID—19—CASES, over 46,182,380 with the death toll at 748,943.
20211103             —CALLED, CONNECTICUT officials and refugee advocates, on landlords to rent apartments to DOZENS—OF—FAMILIES that fled AFGHANISTAN and will be resettling in the state, saying they'll guarantee rent is paid and even CO—SIGN rental agreements if necessary.
20211103             EAST—AFGHANISTAN, roadside bomb struck 1—TALIBAN patrol in 1—STRONGHOLD—OF—ISLAMIC—STATE—MILITANTS, killing 2—PEOPLE and wounding 3.
20211103             —KILLED, THE—ALGERIA—PRESIDENT—OFFICE said that 3—ALGERIANS were, by 1—MILITARY—STRIKE on their trucks, and it accused MOROCCO—FORCES in the disputed WEST—SAHARA of being behind the attack.
20211103             —DECLARED, BELARUS, THE—POLAND—BASED Belsat news channel an "extremist" organization, meaning its employees and viewers can face up to —7—YEARS in prison.
20211103             Belsat, 1—WARSAW—BASED satellite channel, provides Belarusians 1—ALTERNATIVE to state media.
20211103             —STOCKED, BEIJING shoppers, up on cabbage, rice and flour for the —WINTER, —AFTER the government urged people to keep stores of basic goods in CASE—OF—EMERGENCIES, though it assured them there were sufficient supplies —AFTER SOME—PANIC buying.
20211103             DAMON—GALGUT won the Booker Prize for "THE—PROMISE," 1—SATIRICAL—NOVEL about 1—WHITE—FAMILY in POST—APARTHEID SOUTH—AFRICA.
20211103             CHILE, a magnitude 5.9—EARTHQUAKE struck VALPARAISO —EARLY—TODAY.
20211103             —ORDERED, CHINA—GOVERNMENT, 38—APPS from 1—NUMBER—OF—COMPANIES including social media giant Tencent Corp to rectify what it called the excessive collection of personal information.
20211103             —TRANSMITTED, CHINA—NEW locally, COVID—19—CASES spiked to 1—NEAR —3—MONTH high and tighter curbs to contain the spread were expected in THE—CAPITAL—BEIJING ahead of 1—KEY gathering of THE—HIGHEST—RANKING MEMBERS—OF—THE—COMMUNIST—PARTY —NEXT—WEEK.
20211103             —FOCUSED, COLOMBIA—TOP cop said authorities are, on breaking up the Clan del Golfo GANG—WHOSE network extends to 28—COUNTRIES—AROUND THE—WORLD—AFTER THE—CAPTURE—OF—THE—GROUP—LEADER—LATE—LAST—MONTH.
20211103             —KILLED, CONGO, DRC 9—PEOPLE were, in clashes in THE—EAST—CITY—OF—BUKAVU —EARLY—TODAY—AFTER 1—INCURSION by unidentified gunmen.
20211103             1—HONG—KONG court ruled that TONY—CHUNG, —20—JAHRE—ALT, THE—FORMER—LEADER—OF—PRO—INDEPENDENCE—GROUP—STUDENTLOCALISM, was GUILTY—OF—SECESSION under the city's sweeping national security law, as well as money laundering, —FOLLOWING 1—PLEA bargain with the prosecution.
20211103             INDIA—BASED Bharat Biotech said its COVID—19—VACCINE has been granted 1—EXTENSION—OF shelf life for up to —12—MONTHS from the date of manufacture by INDIA—DRUG—REGULATOR.
20211103             —APPROVED, THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION (WHO) said it had, INDIA—DRUGMAKER Bharat BIOTECH—COVID—19—VACCINE for emergency use, paving the way for the homegrown shot to be accepted as 1—VALID—VACCINE in MANY—POOR—COUNTRIES.
20211103             ISRAEL said it has begun testing 1—MASSIVE—INFLATABLE—MISSILE—DETECTION—SYSTEM designed to hover at high altitudes and detect LONG—RANGE—THREATS.
20211103             —RECOMMENDED, ITALY—MEDICINES agency AIFA, 1—BOOSTER—OF—THE—PFIZER—BIONTECH or Moderna vaccine to those inoculated with the Johnson & Johnson shot.
20211103             MYANMAR—RULING military stood by its decision to deny 1—SOUTHEAST—ASIA—ENVOY—ACCESS to detained former leader Aung S—SUU—KYI, resisting growing INTERNATIONAL pressure to comply with 1—REGIONAL—PEACE—PLAN agreed —IN—APRIL.
20211103             PHILIPPINES PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE said that local government officials will be punished for falling behind their targets for COVID—19—VACCINATIONS as the country seeks to open up the economy.
20211103             —REPORTED, RUSSIA—STATE—CORONA€”VIRUS task force, over 40,000 new confirmed cases from —1—DAY—EARLIER, the most —SINCE THE—START—OF—THE—PANDEMIC.
20211103             —REMAINED, CORONA€”VIRUS cases and deaths, at ALL—TIME—HIGHS as more regions announced extending existing restrictions in 1—EFFORT to tame the country's unrelenting SURGE—OF—INFECTIONS.
20211103             —URGED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, the country's arms manufacturers to develop even more advanced hypersonic missiles and HIGH—ENERGY—LASERS to maintain the country's edge in military technologies.
20211103             1—RUSSIAN—ANTONOV—AN 12—CARGO—PLANE carrying 7—PEOPLE—CRASH—LANDED in Siberia and was engulfed in flames —AFTER disappearing from radar —JUST outside THE—CITY—OF—IRKUTSK.
20211103             —KILLED, At least 2—PEOPLE were.
20211103             —REPORTED, It was, that SOUTH—AFRICA is set to receive $8.5bn (£6.2bn) to help end its reliance on coal in 1—DEAL announced at the COP26 climate summit.
20211103             SCOTLAND, banks, insurers and investors with —AROUND $130—TRILLION or 40—PERCENT—OF—THE—WORLD—CAPITAL at their disposal pledged —ON—WEDNESDAY to put limiting climate change at the center of their work.
20211103             SOUTH—KOREA said it would ramp up COVID—19—TESTING at schools —AFTER 1—SHARP—RISE—OF—INFECTIONS among children, weeks ahead of 1—PLAN to fully reopen schools nationwide.
20211103             —CARRIED, SYRIA—MILITARY said ISRAEL has, out 1—AIR—RAID that hit 1—MILITARY—POST on THE—OUTSKIRTS—OF—THE—CAPITAL—OF—DAMASCUS —EARLY—TODAY, causing material damage.
20211103             —WELCOMED, TAIWAN, its 1. official European PARLIAMENT delegation amid heightened tension between TAIPEI and BEIJING.
20211103             TAIWAN does not have formal diplomatic ties with ANY—EUROPEAN nations except tiny VATICAN—CITY.
20211103             —ANNOUNCED, Police in THAILAND, THE—ARREST—OF—THE—HEAD—OF—1—COMPANY suspected of cheating overseas BUYERS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS they paid for undelivered medical rubber gloves —DURING THE—CORONA€”VIRUS pandemic.
20211103             —SHOWED, New data, that TURKEY—ANNUAL—INFLATION—RATE—ROSE to its highest in more than 2-1/—2—YEARS in October (19.89%), as the central bank, under political pressure to provide more monetary stimulus, has aggressively cut its policy rate in recent months.
20211103             THE—UNITED—NATIONS children's agency said it was planning to set up 1—SYSTEM to directly fund AFGHANISTAN—TEACHERS, —AFTER THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY placed 1—FREEZE on funding to THE—TALIBAN—LED administration.
20211103             —MITTWOCH, 20211103
20211103             —VERWEIGERT, Marjorie TAYLOR—GREENE: TRUMP—ANHÄNGERIN, Maske im Kongress — 48.000—USA—DOLLAR Strafe
20211103             Vereinte Nationen: CHINA und RUSSLAND fordern ENDE—DER—SANKTIONEN gegen NORDKOREA
20211103             1. Hochrechnungen: Republikaner Youngkin gewinnt Gouverneurswahl in VIRGINIA
20211103             Plädoyer für mehr Schlaf: Warum Studierende —DIE—NACHT nicht zum —TAG machen sollten
20211103             Gewählter BÜRGERMEISTER—ERIC—ADAMS: Der EX—POLIZIST, der NEW—YORK City retten soll
20211103             Lieferprobleme in der Autoindustrie: Kunden müssen häufig ein halbes —JAHR auf Neuwagen warten
20211103             SYRISCHE—HAUPTSTADT: ISRAEL greift offenbar Gebiet bei Damaskus mit Raketen an
20211103             Hilfsprogramme des Bundes: Diese Regionen bekommen Milliarden für den Kohleausstieg
20211103             Schönrechnen von CO?
20211103             -Einsparungen: Das sind die schmutzigen Deals auf Kosten des Klimas
20211103             Anschlag auf Kabuler Militärkrankenhaus: Ranghoher TALIBAN—KOMMANDEUR getötet
20211103             Verbraucherpreise: Inflation in der TÜRKEI steigt auf knapp 20—PROZENT
20211103             ÄTHIOPIEN: Uno sieht "extreme Brutalität" im TIGRAY—KONFLIKT
20211103             Marburger Bund fordert schnellere BOOSTER—IMPFUNGEN
20211103             VIELE—BETROFFENE wüssten gar nicht, dass sie eine 3. Impfung bräuchten, um weiterhin gut vor einem schweren Krankheitsverlauf geschützt zu sein.
20211103             Vorrang müssten dabei die Menschen über 70—SOWIE jene mit bestimmten Vorerkrankungen haben.
20211103             "Nach mehr als einem halben —JAHR hat die Schutzwirkung der Impfung besonders bei alten Menschen nachgelassen.
20211103             Um die Immunität zu erhalten, brauchen wir —JETZT rasch Auffrischungsimpfungen für diesen besonders gefährdeten Personenkreis".
20211103             Lauterbach warnt vor CORONA—WEIHNACHTEN — 1. Intensivstationen —BEREITS—AM Limit
20211103             —SEIT Beginn der Pandemie wurden in den USA insgesamt 1,9 Millionen CORONA—INFEKTIONEN bei Kindern zwischen 5—UND —11—JAHREN registriert und mehr als 8300—KINDER in dieser Altersgruppe wegen einer COVID—19—ERKRANKUNG ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert.
20211103             Es gab demnach mehr als einhundert Todesfälle.
20211103             Zudem gab es mehr als 2300—FÄLLE—DES—MULTISYSTEM—ENTZÜNDUNGSSYNDROMS bei Kindern (MIS—C), einer seltenen, aber sehr ernsten CORONA—NACHWIRKUNG.
20211103             USA startet Impfkampagne für Kinder ab 5 - Lufthansa erholt sich nach Coronaflaute
20211103             Das Unternehmen übertraf die Erwartung von Analysten, die im Schnitt 1—MINUS—VON—33—MILLIONEN Euro prognostiziert hatten.
20211103             Ohne die hohen Kosten für Programme zum Personalabbau erzielte der Konzern einen operativen Gewinn von 272—MILLIONEN Euro.
20211103             LUFTHANSA—CHEF—CARSTEN—SPOHR erklärte: "Mit der steigenden Nachfrage bei Geschäftsreisen und einem Rekordergebnis von Lufthansa Cargo konnten wir einen weiteren Meilenstein auf unserem Weg aus der Krise meistern: die Rückkehr in die schwarzen Zahlen".
20211103             Größer als DEUTSCHLAND, ÖSTERREICH und die SCHWEIZ zusammen: 4—LÄNDER gründen riesiges Meeresschutzgebiet im Ostpazifik
20211103             Landesweite Razzien: Verdacht auf RECHTSEXTREMISMUS—KASERNEN in BELGIEN durchsucht
20211103             Eltern sollten Altersfreigabe beachten: Expertinnen warnen vor traumatischen Erfahrungen durch "Squid Game"
20211103             Wed 20211103             - [l] Habt ihr das auch gesehen?
20211103             Auf der TAGESSCHAU—KARTE?
20211103             Da hat der Kreis LUDWIGSLUST—PARCHIM 1—INZIDENZ—VON—0,0. - Nanu?
20211103             Was ist denn da los?
20211103             Ist der zuständige Beamte gerade in Elternzeit? Krank? Nein!
20211103             1—LESER hat den Grund gefunden:
20211103             Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation nach einem IT—ANGRIFF können —ZURZEIT nur in den Bereichen "—7—TAGE—INZIDENZ Hospitalisierung",
20211103             "Neuinfektionen",
20211103             "Bestätigte Fälle gesamt" sowie "stationäre Patienten / davon ITS" Aktualisierungen vorgenommen werden.
20211103             Wir bitten um Verständnis.
20211103             Nur falls jemand REST—HOFFNUNG hatte.
20211103             [l] Habt ihr eigentlich auch so wenig Verständnis für die "die Krankenhäuser sind voll"-Rhetorik —JETZT?
20211103             War da irgendwas von unklar, dass —DER—SOMMER ruhiger ist, aber es —IM—HERBST wieder richtig abgeht?
20211103             Wieso hat da niemand Kapazitäten ausgebaut?
20211103             Ich sage euch, wenn die —JETZT nochmal mit Lockdown kommen, gibt es aber gewalttätige Ausschreitungen da draußen.
20211103             Klimapolitik: CHINA und RUSSLAND kontern Bidens Kritik
20211103             Schwierige Lage für Drucker und Verleger: Preise für Papier steigen weiter kräftig
20211103             JENS—SPAHN über die Pandemie: "4. Welle rollt mit voller Wucht"
20211103             Erwärmung der ARKTIS: Walross schläft auf niederländischem U—BOOT ein
20211103             Warnung des Behördenchefs: Vielen Polizisten in LOS—ANGELES droht wegen CORONA—IMPFZWANG Jobverlust
20211103             Zuschuss erhöht: Bund stützt gesetzliche Krankenkassen mit weiteren Milliarden
20211103             Quatschargumente statt Fakten: Die falschistische Gefahr
20211103             Staatliche Förderbank: KfW meldet Milliardengewinn
20211103             4. Coronawelle: Söder will strengere Maßnahmen für Ungeimpfte
20211103             Befragung zu digitalem Unterricht: Fast die HÄLFTE—DER—LEHRKRÄFTE hält IT—AUSSTATTUNG für nicht ausreichend
20211103             Klimapioniere: FRIEDERIKE—OTTO hat die Erderwärmung im Wetter entdeckt
20211103             Digitalwelt für 3D-Avatare: FACEBOOK—WHISTLEBLOWERIN besorgt über Zuckerbergs METAVERSE—PLÄNE
20211103             Klimakonferenz in GLASGOW: CHINA macht mit — auch ohne Chefvisite 1—VIDEO—VON—MARTIN—JÄSCHKE
20211103             Die "Operation Nachtwache" ist die —BISHER umfangreichste Untersuchung von Rembrandts Meisterwerk und läuft —SEIT—DEM—SOMMER 20190000             vor den Augen des Publikums im Museum.
20211103             —DERZEIT untersuchen die Forscher die Rückseite des Gemäldes.
20211103             Sie prüfen —ZUNÄCHST, ob der Rahmen noch Halt gibt.
20211103             Dann werden die untersten Farbschichten mit Scannern und Mikroskopen untersucht.
20211103             EUROPE—BRUTAL and Illegal Approach to Migration: "Our Orders Are Clear.
20211103             Nobody Gets Through".
20211103             Ungleiche Bezahlung der Geschlechter: Frankreichs Frauen arbeiten rechnerisch —BIS zum Jahresende umsonst
20211103             Satte Erhöhungen der Altersbezüge: Warum Rentner Gewinner der Coronakrise sind
20211103             Oberster Gerichtshof der USA: SUPREME—COURT prüft das Recht auf Mitführen von Schusswaffen
20211103             DIHK—UMFRAGE: JEDES—SIEBTE—INNENSTADT—GESCHÄFT könnte auf Dauer leer stehen
20211103             COVID—19: Algarve regista dois óbitos e 77—INFEÇÕES—PORTUGAL acima do milhar de novos casos
20211103             SPD—FRAKTIONSCHEF ROLF—MÜTZENICH hat dem geschäftsführenden Gesundheitsminister JENS—SPAHN chaotische Amtsführung vorgeworfen.
20211103             "Ausgerechnet —JETZT stiftet Bundesgesundheitsminister JENS—SPAHN mehr Verwirrung, als dass er klärt",
20211103             "—ERST die Forderung —NACH—DEM Auslaufen der epidemischen Lage, ohne auch nur den Hauch einer Überlegung, wie das für die Länder praktikabel gemacht werden kann — das haben wir im Parlament dann in die Hand genommen",
20211103             "Als Nächstes die Forderung nach BOOSTER—IMPFUNGEN für alle, zu einem Zeitpunkt, zu dem noch nicht einmal die besonders schutzbedürftigen Menschen eine solche Impfung erhalten haben",
20211103             SLOWENIEN meldet Höchstwert bei Neuinfektionen
20211103             Rund 53—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG seien vollständig geimpft.
20211103             Buschmann mahnt Merkel zur Zurückhaltung in CORONA—POLITIK
20211103             Er mahnte KANZLERIN—ANGELA—MERKEL (CDU) zur Zurückhaltung bei weitreichenden —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN.
20211103             "Wenn es stimmt, dass die Bundeskanzlerin Einschränkungen für Ungeimpfte möchte, muss man sie bei allem Respekt an folgendes erinnern: Sie kann nicht einfach CORONA—POLITIK machen, als hätte es keine Bundestagswahl gegeben.
20211103             Sie ist nur noch geschäftsführend im Amt".
20211103             WHO gibt grünes Licht für INDISCHEN—COVID 19—IMPFSTOFF
20211103             BAYERN beschließt Maskenpflicht an Schulen
20211103             Der USA—IMMUNOLOGE ANTHONY—FAUCI hat vor einer KOMBINATION—DES—JETZIGEN—CORONA€”VIRUS mit anderen Virentypen gewarnt.
20211103             "Das wäre schrecklich! Und es ist natürlich möglich",
20211103             Fauci verwies darauf, dass das 1. SARS—VIRUS 20030000             1—STERBLICHKEIT—VON—10—PROZENT verursacht habe, das MERS—VIRUS —10—JAHRE—SPÄTER—VON—25—BIS 35—PROZENT.
20211103             "1—VIRUS, das so leicht übertragbar wäre wie das jetzige SARS—COV—2, kombiniert mit der Sterblichkeit dieser FRÜHEREN—CORONAVIREN — das wäre 1—KATASTROPHE für die Menschheit".
20211103             Fauci forderte große Anstrengungen, um universelle Impfstoffe gegen Coronaviren zu entwickeln.
20211103             "Es wäre naiv zu glauben, dass wir von einem weiteren Virus verschont bleiben".
20211103             Notwendig sei eine weltweite Anstrengung.
20211103             Kein Land könne dies allein regeln.
20211103             "Wir erleben 1—PANDEMIE, wie wir sie —SEIT über —100—JAHREN nicht mehr gesehen haben",
20211103             sagte der Immunologe weiter. "Der Albtraum hält noch an".
20211103             3—VIERTEL der Franzosen vollständig geimpft
20211103             Da sich die Lage jedoch langsam wieder verschlechtere, sollten sich möglichst VIELE—MENSCHEN über —65—JAHRE eine 3. Spritze geben lassen, forderte Regierungssprecher GABRIEL—ATTAL.
20211103             Die —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ — also die ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN innerhalb einer —WOCHE auf 100.000—EINWOHNER — liegt in FRANKREICH nach offiziellen Angaben inzwischen wieder bei 60. F
20211103             Ein ehemaliger Arzt des Universitätsklinikums ESSEN ist wegen Totschlags zu dreieinhalb —JAHREN Haft verurteilt worden.
20211103             Die Polizeibehörden in DEUTSCHLAND haben —BISHER fast 20000000             Fälle in Zusammenhang mit gefälschten Impfpässen bearbeitet.
20211103             Spitzenreiter ist demnach BAYERN, dessen Landeskriminalamt nach eigenen Angaben mehr als 600—FÄLLE bekannt sind.
20211103             Dabei seien 3000—GEFÄLSCHTE Impfpässe sichergestellt worden.
20211103             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 104,3 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211103             Continente: 104,4 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211103             R(t) Nacional: 1,03 Continente: 1,03
20211103             Total Cases 247.899.614  Total Deaths 5.018.949  Total Vaccine Doses Administered 7.129.732.439
20211103             —KORRIGIERT, Nuklearaufrüstung: Pentagon, Einschätzung des CHINESISCHEN—ATOMARSENALS
20211103             Das Pentagon ist besorgt über die Atompower von CHINA.
20211103             Die neuen Zahlen stellen eine signifikante Änderung zur Prognose des Pentagons aus dem vergangenen —JAHR dar.
20211103             Damals hatten USA—EXPERTEN davor gewarnt, dass das CHINESISCHE—ARSENAL —BIS ENDE—DES—JAHRZEHNTS die 400ER—MARKE überschreiten würde.
20211103             Die Vereinigten Staaten verfügen nach ANGABEN—DER—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR—AP über einen Lagerbestand von 3750—NUKLEARSPRENGKÖPFEN.
20211103             Die Volksrepublik habe mit dem Bau von mindestens 3—INTERKONTINENTALRAKETEN—SILOS begonnen.
20211103             Die USA haben CHINA wiederholt aufgefordert, sich wie RUSSLAND einem neuen Rüstungskontrollvertrag anzuschließen.
20211103             In seinem Jahresbericht an den Kongress über Chinas Militär bekräftigte das Pentagon auch seine Besorgnis über den zunehmenden Druck auf das selbstverwaltete TAIWAN.
20211103             Die USA haben —NACH—DEN Worten von Generalstabschef MARK—MILLEY die militärischen FÄHIGKEITEN—TAIWAN bei einem möglichen Angriff Chinas zu verteidigen.
20211103             Milley sagte —AM—MITTWOCH bei der Sicherheitskonferenz Aspen Security Forum, er rechne nicht mit einem CHINESISCHEN—ANGRIFF auf die Insel in den nächsten —2—JAHREN.
20211103             Auf die Frage, ob die USA TAIWAN im Falle einer Attacke verteidigen könnten, sagte der oberste USA—GENERAL: "Wir haben absolut die Fähigkeit.
20211103             Daran gibt es keinen Zweifel".
20211103             Peking reagierte mit scharfer Kritik und Warnungen an die USA.
20211103             "Die USA sollten die starke Entschlossenheit des CHINESISCHEN—VOLKES, die nationale Souveränität und die territoriale Integrität zu verteidigen, nicht unterschätzen",
20211103             teilte das CHINESISCHE—AUSSENMINISTERIUM mit.
20211103             #MeToo in CHINA: Tennisprofi Peng wirft Spitzenpolitiker sexuelle Übergriffe vor
20211103             Historiker zieht Seuchenbilanz: "CORONA ist für die Geschichtsschreibung ein absoluter Glücksfall"
20211103             Hier erklärt der Historiker,
20211103             Malte Thießen - warum wir aus FRÜHEREN—SEUCHEN wenig lernen konnten.
20211103             Und was gegen künftige Krisen hilft.
20211103             Die Pandemie sind wir — um es auf eine einfache Formel zu bringen.
20211103             Damit will ich sagen: Das Virus ist nichts, das einfach so über uns kommt.
20211103             —REAGIERT, Wir müssen schauen, wie die Gesellschaft darauf, welche Maßnahmen sie ergreift, wie wir ALLE—DIE—PANDEMIE also gemeinsam gestalten, mit der Bedrohung umgehen.
20211103             Die sozialen Verhältnisse und die gesellschaftlichen Werte unterscheiden sich von jenen in FRÜHEREN—PANDEMIEN.
20211103             So funktionieren Menschen: Wenn etwas Neues kommt, möchten wir das einrahmen, verstehen, kontrollieren können.
20211103             Und da hilft der Blick zurück.
20211103             Problematisch war die oft mangelnde Differenzierung, die einfache Gleichsetzung: Geschichte verkam in manchen öffentlichen Debatten zur Grabbelkiste, aus der sich JEDER—UND—JEDE—DAS—PASSENDE herausfischte, um die eigenen Argumente zu untermauern.
20211103             Der BRITISCHE—MEDIZINHISTORIKER MARK—HONIGSBAUM hat von "kollektivem Versagen" in der Coronapandemie gesprochen.
20211103             Kann die Geschichte erklären, warum CORONA die Welt so überrascht hat?
20211103             Thießen: In der Tat.
20211103             Die Notfallpläne lagen in der Schublade, alle —6—MONATE mahnte die WHO: "Es ist keine Frage, ob, sondern nur wann die nächste Pandemie kommt".
20211103             Dennoch wähnten wir uns aus 3—GRÜNDEN in trügerischer Sicherheit: Erstens leben wir im Zeitalter der Immunität. Dank Antibiotika, dank systematischer Hilfsprogramme halten wir Infektionskrankheiten nicht mehr für 1—BEDROHUNG.
20211103             Noch unsere Eltern wussten: Infektionskrankheiten gehören zum Leben dazu und können tödlich sein.
20211103             Zweitens war die Schweinegrippe —DER—JAHRE 2009/10—EIN großes Problem.
20211103             Thießen: Weil sie so glimpflich ausging.
20211103             Anfangs war die Sorge enorm, in Schlagzeilen war von 40.000—MÖGLICHEN Toten die Rede.
20211103             Doch dann stand binnen kürzester Zeit 1—IMPFSTOFF bereit, was unser IMMUNITÄTS—SICHERHEITSGEFÜHL abermals verstärkte.
20211103             Zudem erwies sich das SCHWEINEGRIPPE—VIRUS als relativ harmlos, die gigantischen Impfstoffreserven waren also überflüssig.
20211103             Die Schweinegrippe ist in unser kollektives Bewusstsein eingegangen als abschreckendes Beispiel für blinden Aktionismus.
20211103             SPIEGEL: Und was war der 3. Grund für trügerische Sicherheit?
20211103             Thießen: Dass wir CORONA anfangs ganz stark für die Seuche der anderen hielten — der angeblich fledermausessenden, völlig beengt lebenden und arbeitenden Chinesen, so das Stereotyp.
20211103             SPIEGEL: Wieso haben wir die Lockdowns, Schulschließungen, Ausgangssperren anfangs mehr oder minder klaglos hingenommen?
20211103             Thießen: Weil wir —HEUTE ein anderes Risikoempfinden besitzen, eine ganz andere Sorge um die Alten und Erkrankten als beispielsweise noch bei der HONGKONG—GRIPPE ENDE—DER—SECHZIGERJAHRE.
20211103             1—PRESSEMELDUNG—DES—BUNDESGESUNDHEITSAMTS beruhigte damals die Deutschen: Man müsse sich keine Sorgen machen, hieß es damals — ernsthaft betroffen seien nur Alte, Kranke, Diabetiker, Asthmatiker, Schwangere und so fort.
20211103             Noch —VOR—5—JAHRZEHNTEN nahm man den massenhaften Tod quasi als Kollateralschaden in Kauf.
20211103             Haarsträubend, aber wahr.
20211103             SPIEGEL: Die Wirtschaft rangierte also vor der Gesundheit?
20211103             Thießen: Genau so war das —SEIT der Antike bei jeder neu aufgetretenen Seuche.
20211103             CORONA ist die 1. Pandemie, in der das Pendel zwischen Wirtschaft und Gesundheit zugunsten der Gesundheit ausschlägt, in der wir Sicherheit über Freiheit stellen.
20211103             —GEGEBEN, Das hat es bislang in der Geschichte noch nie.
20211103             Wir haben wirtschaftliche Einbußen hingenommen, die zuvor undenkbar waren — auch, weil wir es uns leisten konnten.
20211103             Ich bin nicht sicher, ob wir etwa auf dem Höhepunkt der Bankenkrise 20080000             auch so gehandelt hätten.
20211103             So aber sind wir auf einer relativ guten wirtschaftlichen Grundlage in diese Pandemie hineingeschlittert, der STAAT konnte massive Ausgleichszahlungen leisten.
20211103             SPIEGEL: Wir befinden uns mitten in der 4. Welle — und Sie legen mit Ihrem Buch "Auf Abstand.
20211103             1—GESELLSCHAFTSGESCHICHTE—DER—CORONAPANDEMIE" —BEREITS eine historische Deutung vor.
20211103             Wie soll das gehen, Geschichte in Echtzeit zu schreiben?
20211103             "Die Historisierung in actu ist ein Unding",
20211103             schreibt MARTIN—SABROW, DIREKTOR—DES—LEIBNIZ—ZENTRUMS für Zeithistorische Forschung in POTSDAM.
20211103             in der zeithistorischen Forschung gar nicht so ungewöhnlich ist: ALLE—GROSSEN—EREIGNISSE, etwa 1. und —WWII sowie "3. Reich",
20211103             sind —SCHON während ihrer Zeit historisiert worden.
20211103             Diese frühen Deutungen waren für die spätere Aufarbeitung stets ein zentraler Bezugspunkt.
20211103             Ich hoffe, dass die Zeitgeschichte den Mut hat, die GESCHICHTE—DER—GEGENWART noch offensiver anzugehen.
20211103             —DOKUMENTIERT, Thießen: Noch nie ist 1—EREIGNIS dermaßen breit, worden.
20211103             Diese Quellenvielfalt ist in zeithistorischer Perspektive ein absolutes Novum, eine einmalige Chance, die wir nutzen müssen.
20211103             Leider gibt es in der Geschichtswissenschaft nach wie vor keine klare Idee, wie wir digitale Quellen sichern, etwa digitale Nachrichten, SOCIAL—MEDIA—INTERAKTIONEN, behördliche Stellungnahmen.
20211103             Auch deshalb wollte ich mit den Quellen arbeiten, solange sie verfügbar sind und die ganze Bandbreite darstellen.
20211103             SPIEGEL: Aber ist es nicht frustrierend, 1—BUCH zu schreiben, dass sich zwangsläufig demnächst überholt hat?
20211103             Thießen: Natürlich.
20211103             Dennoch ist eine frühe Historisierung auch deshalb notwendig, um gegenzusteuern und ein politisches Narrativ infrage zu stellen.
20211103             Die Frühzeit von CORONA, also das —JAHR 20200000             , gerät zum Teil —SCHON wieder in Vergessenheit.
20211103             Es gibt den verständlichen Impuls, —KONFLIKTE zu glätten, all die Probleme und Spannungen zu überdecken.
20211103             Thießen: Wir müssen zu der banalen Erkenntnis gelangen: Die Krise sind wir, der Klimawandel sind wir.
20211103             Er ist nicht etwas Extraterrestrisches, das auf uns niederkommt, sondern resultiert aus unserem Lebensstil, unserem Verhalten, unseren Verhältnissen.
20211103             Also haben wir es auch in der Hand, etwas zu ändern.
20211103             Thießen: CORONA wird als konkrete Bedrohung wahrgenommen, 1—RISIKO, das uns unmittelbar betrifft.
20211103             —MOBILISIERT, Deshalb wurden ganz andere Ressourcen, als sonst üblich.
20211103             Beim Klimawandel ist das anders, er geschieht schleichend, wird auf eine ferne Zukunft projiziert.
20211103             Wir müssten das Problem näher an uns ranholen, damit mehr passiert.
20211103             Wenn der Klimawandel greifbar durchschlägt, wie —JETZT—IM—SOMMER bei der Flutkatastrophe, ist plötzlich ganz viel möglich.
20211103             ERIC—GARCETTI: BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—LOS—ANGELES bei Klimagipfel positiv auf CORONA getestet
20211103             Europaweite Studie: Die Hälfte aller jungen Menschen hat —SCHON digitale Gewalt erlebt
20211103             —BEGINNT, USA—NOTENBANK: Fed, mit Ausstieg aus CORONA—KRISENHILFEN
20211103             Proteste gegen Klimagipfel in GLASGOW: "Steckt euch eure Krise in den A..".
20211103             —GEHÖRT, Lauterbach, zu den versiertesten Gesundheitsexperten im BUNDESTAG.
20211103             In den vergangenen anderthalb —JAHREN hat er sich einen Namen als PANDEMIE—ERKLÄRER gemacht.
20211103             Die einen schätzen seine Kompetenz, die anderen stören sich an seinen dauerpräsenten Mahnungen.
20211103             1—SCHATTENSEITE seiner Prominenz in der Coronakrise ist, dass Lauterbach wegen seiner öffentlichen Haltung zur Pandemie zum Ziel von Hass und Drohungen geworden ist.
20211103             "Ich bin dankbar, dass ich vom Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) gut geschützt bin",
20211103             sagte er.
20211103             Er werde viel bedroht, sei "im Fokus des Geschehens".
20211103             "Die Professionalität, mit der das BKA das macht, ist beeindruckend".
20211103             Der Politik wirft Lauterbach vor, zu spät ausreichend über die Notwendigkeit der Auffrischungsimpfungen aufgeklärt zu haben.
20211103             "Die gesamte erwachsene Bevölkerung wird noch mal 1—BOOSTER—IMPFUNG brauchen",
20211103             ist sich der 58-Jährige sicher.
20211103             Die Impfzentren daher vorschnell abzuwickeln, sei 1—FEHLER gewesen.
20211103             "Wir haben keinen Grund anzunehmen, dass die Fallzahlen zurückgehen",
20211103             Im mittleren Alter seien noch zu VIELE—MENSCHEN ungeimpft, bei den Älteren lasse zugleich —BEREITS der Impfschutz nach und das Boostern gehe nicht rasch genug.
20211103             Gastronomen und Veranstalter in DEUTSCHLAND kritisierte Lauterbach für ihre "läppischen" Kontrollen.
20211103             In vielen Restaurants in DEUTSCHLAND werde nur unzureichend überprüft, ob Gäste geimpft seien oder einen aktuellen Schnelltest vorweisen können.
20211103             "Man kann ja die 4. Welle nicht einfach weiterlaufen lassen".
20211103             Endgültige Zulassung: USA—GESUNDHEITSBEHÖRDE empfiehlt BIONTECH—IMPFUNG für Kinder
20211103             STUDIE—DES—WELTWIRTSCHAFTSFORUMS: Globaler CO?
20211103             -Preis würde Emissionen um 12—PROZENT senken
20211103             Krieg in Ostafrika: "Abiy scheint bereit, ÄTHIOPIEN mit sich in den Abgrund zu reißen"
20211103             [l] Ist ja nicht so, als hätte die Politik in Sachen KLIMAKATASTROPHE—ABWENDUNG gar nichts erreicht.
20211103             Nein, nein!
20211103             Sie haben 1—SYSTEM aus GEHEIM—GERICHTEN eingeführt, über das sich die Energiemafia bei den Staaten Milliarden einklagen können, wenn die z.B. Kohleausstieg machen.
20211103             Wo kommt denn so ein widerliches Übereinkommen her?
20211103             Festhalten!
20211103             [l] Gute Nachrichten, ihr Lieben!
20211103             —TODAY, Firefox is launching Colorways, 1—NEW—FEATURE that allows our users to express their most authentic selves and to bring them joy —WHILE browsing the web.
20211103             —GEZOGEN, Nein, das habe ich mir nicht aus dem Arsch.
20211103             Seht selbst. Geht noch weiter:
20211103             As we challenge what the browser has been, and expand and define the vision of what Firefox browser is and can be, PART—OF—THAT—CHALLENGE is to ask ourselves "who is it for and who can use it easily and feel included in the experience?"
20211103             —PASSIERT, Tja, sowas, wenn man das RUST—TEAM feuert.
20211103             Immerhin haben sie noch die Entwickler, die sich auf die wirklich wichtigen Dinge verstehen.
20211103             Farbtherapie und so. Wokeness.
20211103             —KOMMENTIERT, Republikaner siegt bei Gouverneurswahl: So, USA—PRÄSIDENT—BIDEN die Wahlschlappe in VIRGINIA
20211103—19940000    —INTENDED, Signed, the treaty was, to protect western companies investing in THE—OIL—AND GAS—RICH—COUNTRIES—OF—THE—FORMER—SOVIET—UNION.
20211103—20180810    —ON, KARIM—CODRINGTON, —32—JAHRE—ALT, Army veteran from Radcliff, sued 3—LOUISVILLE METRO Police officers and former police CHIEF—STEVE—CONRAD, saying he was unlawfully searched, and charged with drug offenses —DURING 1—TRAFFIC stop because he is Black.
20211103—20201100    —IM, Die RICHTER—AM—ESSENER—LANDGERICHT sind überzeugt, dass der Mediziner einem COVID—19—PATIENTEN aus den Niederlanden eine tödliche Dosis Kaliumchlorid verabreicht hat.
20211103—20300000    —AB, [l] 1—LESER weist darauf hin, dass Bolsonaro nicht etwa versprochen hat, die Abholzung des Regenwaldes zu stoppen.
20211103—20300000    —AB, Bolsolaro hat versprochen, die illegale Abholzung des Regenwaldes zu stoppen.
20211103—20300000    —BIS, Die Volksrepublik könnte —BIS zum —JAHRE 20270000             —BEREITS über 700—NUKLEARSPRENGKÖPFE verfügen und sogar 1000—BESITZEN.
20211103—20350000    —BIS, Gesetzliche Versicherung: Rentensteigerungen von jährlich rund 2—PROZENT erwartet
202203111034         RUSSIA considering aircraft part supply from CHINA, other ASIA—COUNTRIES, SOURCE  Transport Ministry rep
202203111036         Lukashenko flies to meet Putin
202203121103         RUSSIA will not 'lose head' over response to USA sanctions, SOURCE  Ryabkov
20220324             file:///C:/Users/Fefe/Downloads/20221103_Festplatten.pdf
20221103             —DONNERSTAG, 20221103
20221103             CHINESISCHE—BETEILIGUNG am Hamburger Hafen: USA begrüßen Beschränkung von COSCO—DEAL
20221103             Blockaden nach Wahl: BRASILIANISCHE—FUSSBALLFANS räumen Straßensperren — und —NUN meldet sich auch Bolsonaro zu Wort
20221103             USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEGEN—EX—USA—PRÄSIDENT: Biden rechnet mit Trump ab — wenige —TAGE vor der Wahl
20221103             Erneute Provokation: NORDKOREA soll Interkontinentalrakete getestet haben — USA verurteilen Start scharf
20221103             Krieg in der UKRAINE: Schwere Gefechte im DONBASS—RUSSLAND scheitert im UNO—SICHERHEITSRAT
20221103             SCHOLZ—REISE mit Wirtschaftsdelegation: Autoindustrie und Mittelstand warnen vor CHINA—AUS
20221103             Einigung für den Nahverkehr: 49—EURO—TICKET ist laut Sozialverband für VIELE—MENSCHEN zu teuer
20221103             Unwetter auf den PHILIPPINEN: Mindestens 150—TOTE durch Tropensturm "Nalgae"
20221103             Wegen erneuter Leitzinssenkung: Inflation in der TÜRKEI steigt auf über 85—PROZENT
20221103             Treffen der G7-Außenminister in Münster: Die Krisen dieser Welt in —2—TAGEN
20221103             Urteil in Straßburg: Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte untersagt Auslieferung nach CHINA
20221103             Wichtiger CO?-Speicher: Dem Seegras wird es in der Ostsee zu warm
20221103             Bundesverfassungsgericht: Datenweitergabe durch Verfassungsschutz muss eingeschränkt werden
20221103             Erinnerungen eines Jahrhundertzeugen: "Wir haben Hitler nicht ernst genommen.
20221103             Wir haben dafür bezahlt"
20221103             Düstere UNESCO—PROGNOSE: Gletscher in einem Drittel der Weltnaturerbestätten sind nicht mehr zu retten
20221103             Verschwörungstheorien zum Ukrainekrieg: Immer mehr Deutsche glauben RUSSISCHER—PROPAGANDA
20221103             Gipfel in BERLIN: Scholz betont EU—PERSPEKTIVE für Westbalkan
20221103             —VERBITTET, COSCO—EINSTIEG: CHINA, sich Einmischung der USA in Hamburger Hafendeal
20221103             Gerichtsentscheid: Bürger dürfen Fotos von falsch parkenden Autos der Polizei schicken
20221103             —ÜBERGEWICHT, Adipositas: ZAHL—DER—KINDER mit krankhaftem, nimmt stark zu
20221103             Gefahr willkürlicher Festnahme: Bundesregierung fordert Deutsche zur Ausreise aus IRAN auf
20221103             Kostenrüge vom Rechnungshof: Geheimdienst verprasste für Spaßprogramm 577—PROZENT mehr als erlaubt
20221103             Deutlicher Einbruch: ZAHL—DER—GESPENDETEN—ORGANE um 8,4 Prozent zurückgegangen
20221103             Bericht zur Klimakonferenz: Landwirtschaftsunternehmen warnen vor Gefahren der Landwirtschaft
20221103             Wed 20221102
20221103             [l] Videotipp: Vortrag von ADAM—CURTIS über Brainwashing.
20221103             Gut —20—MINUTEN, die sich lohnen.
20221103             [l] Uniper hat —DIESES—JAHR—BISHER 40—MILLIARDEN Verlust angehäuft.
20221103             einer der größten jemals ausgewiesenen Nettoverluste eines börsennotierten Unternehmens weltweit.
20221103             Na wenn du weißt, dass das jemand anderes zahlt, dann machen sich solche Geschäfte natürlich viel unbeschwerter!
20221103             He saw no difference between the various communist countries and warned that both YUGOSLAVIA and CHINA were as bent on communist world domination as was THE—SOVIET—UNION.
20221103             meaning "cleaning the brain".
20221103             —CONCEIVED, As AUTHOR—DOMINIC—STREATFEILD recounts, Hunter, the term —AFTER interviewing FORMER—CHINA—PRISONERS who had been subjected to a "RE—EDUCATION" process.[13] He applied it to the interrogation techniques THE—KGB used —DURING purges to extract confessions from innocent prisoners, and from there, variations were CONCEIVED—MIND—CONTROL, mind alteration, behavior modification, and others.[13]
20221103             —PROVIDED, Hunter, testimony to SENATOR—KEATING stating that joined THE—OFFICE—OF—STRATEGIC—SERVICES (OSS) about the time of Pearl Harbor and served for THE—LIFE—OF—THE—ORGANIZATION.[9]
20221103             —AFTER the war he "helped close up shop" and continued his intelligence work under various other agencies such as SSU, the Strategic Services UNIT—OF—THE—USA—ARMY.[10] —WHEN THE—CIA was organized 19470000             —IN, Hunter joined under journalistic cover
20221103             —CRITICIZED, Historian JULIA—LOVELL has, HUNTER—REPORTING as "outlandish" and sensational.
20221103             [that] supposed 1—IDEOLOGICAL unified Maoist front stretching from CHINA to KOREA and Malaya",
20221103             but declassified USA—DOCUMENTS—SHOW 1—MUCH more complicated and contested PICTURE—OF—CHINA—INFLUENCE and INTERNATIONAL aspirations in ASIA.[8]
20221103             EDWARD—HUNTER (19020702             — 19780624             )[1][2] was 1—AMERICA—WRITER, journalist, propagandist, and intelligence agent who was noted for his anticommunist writing.
20221103             —RECOGNIZED, He was 1, authority on psychological warfare.[3] Both contemporary psychologists and —LATER historians would criticize the accuracy and basis of his reports on brainwashing, but the concept nevertheless became influential in the Cold WAR—ERA—USA.
20221103             MINSK, 20221103             .
20221103             /TASS/. - The problems existing in relations between BELARUS and neighboring NATO—COUNTRIES should be resolved at the negotiating table, but the political leaderships of these states reject this possibility, THE—SECRETARY—OF—BELARUS'—SECURITY—COUNCIL, ALEXANDER—VOLFOVICH, told the media in MOSCOW —ON—THURSDAY—AFTER 1—MEETING with his CIS counterparts.
20221103             "Disputes should be resolved in 1—PEACEFUL, civilized and democratic manner.
20221103             We should meet at the negotiating table, discuss problems and find common ground.
20221103             Unfortunately, this is something the political leaderships of the neighboring countries are reluctant to do.
20221103             They sever all INTERNATIONAL treaties and hide behind SOME—KIND—OF—IRON curtain," the BelTA news agency quoted him as saying.
20221103             Volfovich believes that "THE—BERLIN Wall, which was once pulled down in GERMANY, has —NOW RE—EMERGED on THE—TERRITORY—OF—THE—BELOVEZHSKAYA—PUSHCHA national park".
20221103             He recalled that "5—METER fences have been built along the common borders and barbed wire entanglements have been stretched both on THE—TERRITORY—OF—POLAND and the Baltic states".
20221103             "The leaderships of these countries refuse to have ANY—CONTACT and show no intention to discuss ANY—PROBLEMS.
20221103             This is sad, worrisome and wrong," Volfovich believes.
20221103             —EXPRESSED, He also, concern over the militarization of neighboring POLAND.
20221103             "1. of all, the militarization of POLAND and its aggressive intentions are of great concern: to the detriment of its own economic interests that country places 1—STAKE on militarization and BUILDUP—OF—MILITARY—PERSONNEL and equipment.
20221103             No 1—CARES about ordinary POLAND—PEOPLE," Volfovich said.
20221103             —CONDUCTED, He suspects that such policies are being, with the aim of unleashing aggression.
20221103             "Unleashing aggression against whom?
20221103             NATURALLY—BELARUS is the closest country," he said.
20221103             —WARNED, Volfovich, THE—POLAND—LEADERSHIP that should it "start aggression, the war will affect not only THE—TERRITORY—OF—BELARUS but very soon be blazing across the entire TERRITORY—OF—EAST—EUROPE".
20221103             "The peaceful people of POLAND and other countries, who will suffer from this, will not forgive their political leaders for what they are trying to do —TODAY," he pointed out.
20221103             MOSCOW, 20221103             .
20221103             /TASS/. - CHAIRMAN—OF—RUSSIA—RULING political party United RUSSIA and Deputy CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—RUSSIAN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—DMITRY—MEDVEDEV held talks —ON—THURSDAY with SOUTH—AFRICA—VICE—PRESIDENT—DAVID—MABUZA discussing among other issues the situation in UKRAINE and food security, the press OFFICE—OF—THE—UNITED—RUSSIA political party announced in 1—STATEMENT.
20221103             "Medvedev explained in detail all steps made on behalf of MOSCOW regarding this sphere [THE—PROVISION—OF—FOOD], including 1—STRICT—OBSERVANCE—OF—THE—ISTANBUL package agreements regarding the shipment of THE—UKRAINE—GRAINS and further placement on global MARKETS—OF—RUSSIA—FOOD and fertilizer products," the statement reads.
20221103             —CONFIRMED, Medvedev also, RUSSIA—READINESS to provide its stock of agricultural products to AFRICA—PARTNERS—FREE—OF—CHARGE.
20221103             "In this context, Mabuza expressed his deep appreciation for the steps made to minimize all —RECENTLY emerged possible THREATS—OF—HUNGER," according to the statement.
20221103             "THE—SOUTH—AFRICA—VICE—PRESIDENT expressed his full understanding in regard to the reasons behind the conflict in UKRAINE, having stressed that MOSCOW has the full right to protect its sovereignty," the statement from RUSSIA—RULING political party added.
20221103             —ANNOUNCED, TURKEY—PRESIDENT—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN, —ON—WEDNESDAY that the previously halted grain exports from UKRAINE via the maritime humanitarian corridor have been resumed.
20221103             —SPECIFIED, Erdogan, that RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTER—SERGEY—SHOIGU informed his TURKEY—COUNTERPART Hulusi Akar about the resumption of grain exports from UKRAINE.
20221103             —REACHED, According to THE—TURKEY—LEADER, 1—AGREEMENT was also, with RUSSIA on the supply of grain to poor countries in AFRICA".
20221103             1. of all, the corridor will function for deliveries  to the poor countries of AFRICA, in particular to DJIBOUTI and SUDAN," he said.
20221103             —STATED, However, MOSCOW, that they reserve the right to withdraw from the agreement if Kiev violates the guarantees.
20221103             —ON—THURSDAY, RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SERGEY—LAVROV said MOSCOW is pleased that UKRAINE, with ANKARA—HELP, has signed such security guarantees, vowing that there won't be ANY—REPEAT attempts to use the humanitarian routes for the export of grain in the Black Sea for military purposes.
20221103             But, he added, MOSCOW still does not see ANY—PROGRESS regarding the 2. PART—OF—THE—AGREEMENT, which concerns removing ANY—OBSTACLES to the export of RUSSIA—FERTILIZERS and grain.
20221103             UNITED—NATIONS, 20221103             .
20221103             /TASS/. - RUSSIA—FERTILIZER export potential should be used in full to avoid the looming food shortage across the globe, UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—ANTONIO—GUTERRES told reporters —ON—THURSDAY.
20221103             "The world needs safe and unimpeded navigation for exports of grain, foodstuffs and fertilizer from UKRAINE through the Black Sea.
20221103             —CONCERTED, And the world needs, efforts to urgently address the global fertilizer market crunch and make full USE—OF—RUSSIA—EXPORT—CAPACITY—ESSENTIAL for that purpose," Guterres said.
20221103             "High fertilizer prices are already affecting farmers —AROUND the world.
20221103             We cannot allow global fertilizer accessibility problems to morph into 1—GLOBAL—FOOD—SHORTAGE," THE—UN—SECRETARY—GENERAL added.
20221103             /TASS/. - RUSSIA—DECISION to launch the special military operation in UKRAINE was not 1—EASY 1—BUT 1—NECESSARY 1 and PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN had no other choice given existing dangers, Magomedsalam Magomedov, deputy HEAD—OF—THE—RUSSIA—PRESIDENTIAL—ADMINISTRATION, said —ON—THURSDAY.
20221103             "The open support and promotion of THE—NEO—NAZI ideology, 1—SPEEDY militarization of UKRAINE, constant calls for the annexation of RUSSIA—TERRITORIES, 1—INCREASING threat to our national security and stability left our country's PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN no other choice but to launch the special military operation," Magomedov said addressing the 3. ALL—RUSSIA forum 'Peoples of RUSSIA.'
20221103             "This was not 1—EASY—DECISION but 1—EXTREMELY necessary 1, 1. of all, for THE—SAKE—OF—THE—FUTURE—OF our country, our children and grandchildren," he continued.
20221103             —SUPPORTED, Magomedov said that "this decision is, by 1—PREVAILING MAJORITY—OF—THE—RUSSIA—PEOPLE".
20221103             The situation along THE—LINE—OF—ENGAGEMENT in Donbass escalated on February 17. THE—DONETSK and Lugansk PEOPLE—REPUBLICS (DPR and LPR) reported the most massive bombardments by THE—UKRAINE—MILITARY back then, which damaged CIVIL—INFRASTRUCTURE and caused CIVIL—CASUALTIES.
20221103             —ON February 21, PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN announced that MOSCOW was recognizing the sovereignty of THE—DONETSK and Lugansk PEOPLE—REPUBLICS.
20221103             —SIGNED, RUSSIA, agreements on friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance with their leaders.
20221103             —RECOGNIZED, MOSCOW, the Donbass republics in accordance with THE—DPR and LPR constitutions within the boundaries of THE—DONETSK and Lugansk Regions as of the beginning of 20140000             .
20221103             —ANNOUNCED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—PUTIN, on February 24—THAT in response to 1—REQUEST by the heads of the Donbass republics for assistance he had decided to carry out 1—SPECIAL—MILITARY—OPERATION in UKRAINE.
20221103             —LAUNCHED, THE—DPR and THE—LPR, 1—OPERATION to liberate their territories under KIEV—CONTROL.
20221103             —LATER, THE—STATE—DUMA and the Federation Council (the lower and upper HOUSES—OF—RUSSIA—PARLIAMENT) approved legislation on ratifying these treaties, as well as FEDERAL—CONSTITUTIONAL—LAWS on the accession of THE—4—REGIONS to RUSSIA.
20221103             /TASS/. - THE—NUCLEAR—POWERED submarine Generalissimus Suvorov has successfully launched 1—BALLISTIC—MISSILE—BULAVA —DURING the final PHASE—OF—GOVERNMENT—CERTIFICATION—TESTS, THE—RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY said —ON—THURSDAY.
20221103             "The crew of the newest strategic missile submarine Generalissimus Suvorov, of THE—BOREY—1—PROJECT, has successfully fired 1—BULAVA ballistic missile —DURING the final PHASE—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—CERTIFICATION—TESTS," the Defense Ministry stated.
20221103             —CARRIED, The launch was, out from the White Sea at the Kura proving ground in Kamchatka.
20221103             "The flight of the Bulava ballistic missile was normal.
20221103             —VERIFIED, According to, objective monitoring data, the warheads were successfully delivered to the designated test impact area Kura," the Defense Ministry stressed.
20221103             —EARLIER, THE—CEO—OF—THE—NORTH—MACHINE—BUILDING enterprise Sevmash (PART—OF—THE—UNITED—SHIPBUILDING—CORPORATION) MIKHAIL—BUDNICHENKO, told TASS that the Project 955A strategic NUCLEAR—POWERED submarine Generalissimus Suvorov was about to be handed over to THE—RUSSIA—NAVY.
20221103             THE—NUCLEAR—POWERED submarine Generalissimus Suvorov belongs to the 4. GENERATION—OF—NUCLEAR—POWERED subs of the upgraded project BOREY—A (designed at the St.
20221103             Petersburg CENTRAL—DESIGN BUREAU—OF—MARINE—ENGINEERING "Rubin").
20221103             The project boasts fundamentally new technical solutions, improved equipment, 1—LOWER—LEVEL—OF—PHYSICAL—FIELDS and better safety.
20221103             It will join the nuclear submarine GROUP—OF—THE—PACIFIC—FLEET.
20221103             /TASS/. - The terrorist attacks on THE—NORD—STREAM—PIPELINES were beneficial to THE—USA, and THE—UK was involved in devising the plot, RUSSIA—SECURITY—COUNCIL—SECRETARY—NIKOLAY—PATRUSHEV revealed, speaking —ON—THURSDAY at 1—MEETING—OF—SECRETARIES—OF—CIS—SECURITY—COUNCILS.
20221103             He recalled that literally from the 1. minutes —AFTER the reports had emerged about the blasts along THE—NORD—STREAM 1 and NORD—STREAM 2—GAS pipelines, 1—ACTIVE smear campaign was launched to pin the blame on RUSSIA".
20221103             However, it is obvious that the main beneficiary of these terrorist attacks is THE—USA, and THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—NAVY was involved in their planning and implementation, according to THE—RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY," Patrushev pointed out.
20221103             —HIGHLIGHTED, The top official, that what could not be ignored is the text message by EX—UK PRIME—MINISTER—LIZ—TRUSS, informing USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—ANTONY—BLINKEN —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER THE—BOMBING—OF—THE—GAS—PIPELINES that "everything was done".
20221103             —NOTED, In general, as the security CHIEF, THE—USA, using the most advanced technologies, created 1—FAVORABLE—INFORMATION—FIELD for itself, acting as organizer of smear campaigns and shifting the responsibility for what was happening to other MEMBERS—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY.
20221103             Der UN—SICHERHEITSRAT hat 1—VON—RUSSLAND eingereichte Resolution zur Untersuchung von Vorwürfen einer Beteiligung der USA an der Entwicklung biologischer Waffen in der UKRAINE abgelehnt.
20221103             Lediglich die ständigen Sicherheitsratsmitglieder RUSSLAND und CHINA stimmten für die RESOLUTION—FRANKREICH, die USA und GROSSBRITANNIEN dagegen.
20221103             Alle 10—NICHTSTÄNDIGEN Mitglieder enthielten sich.
20221103             RUSSLAND hatte die "Einsetzung einer aus allen Mitgliedern des Sicherheitsrats bestehenden Kommission" gefordert.
20221103             Der stellvertretende RUSSISCHE—UN—BOTSCHAFTER—DMITRI—POLJANSKIJ kritisierte das ERGEBNIS—DER—ABSTIMMUNG.
20221103             Dieses sei Ausdruck der "üblichen kolonialen Mentalität" der westlichen Staaten.
20221103             Das AKW Saporischschja im Süden der UKRAINE ist erneut vom Strom getrennt worden, —NACHDEM RUSSISCHER—BESCHUSS die verbliebenen Hochspannungsleitungen beschädigt hatte, wie der UKRAINISCHE—BETREIBER Energoatom mitteilte.
20221103             —DERZEIT werde das Kraftwerk lediglich über Dieselgeneratoren versorgt.
20221103             Der Dieselvorrat reiche —FÜR—15—TAGE.
20221103             USA—AUßENMINISTER ANTONY—BLINKEN hat die Rolle der UN und der TÜRKISCHEN—REGIERUNG gewürdigt, was die Rückkehr Russlands zum Getreideabkommen angeht.
20221103             Via Twitter unterstrich er die Bedeutung des DEALS—1—SCHEITERN würde die Schwächsten der Welt treffen.
20221103             Moskau gab als Grund für die Kehrtwende an, schriftliche Sicherheitsgarantien von Kiew erhalten zu haben, dass der Seekorridor nicht für Kampfhandlungen genutzt werde.
20221103             Das Abkommen ist wichtig für die Anstrengungen gegen den Hunger in der Welt.
20221103             Nach enormen Verlusten fehlen RUSSLAND im KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—UKRAINE nach Einschätzung BRITISCHER—GEHEIMDIENSTE moderne Kampffahrzeuge.
20221103             —FRUSTRIERT, RUSSISCHE—SOLDATEN seien mutmaßlich, dass sie alte Infanteriefahrzeuge nutzen müssten, die "Aluminiumdosen" genannt würden, hieß es im täglichen Kurzbericht des BRITISCHEN—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUMS.
20221103             Die UKRAINE hat eigenen Angaben zufolge für die RUSSISCHE—RÜCKKEHR zum Getreideabkommen keine neuen Zusagen gemacht.
20221103             Zugleich wies 1—SPRECHER—DES—AUSSENMINISTERIUMS—VORWÜRFE—DER—FÜHRUNG in Moskau zurück, die UKRAINE habe den Sicherheitskorridor für Getreidefrachter zu Drohnenangriffen auf die RUSSISCHE—SCHWARZMEERFLOTTE genutzt.
20221103             Die UKRAINE habe den Korridor nie für militärische Zwecke genutzt und habe dies auch nie beabsichtigt,
20221103             Der RUSSISCHE—ANGRIFF auf die UKRAINE erhöht nach ANSICHT—VON—KANZLER—OLAF—SCHOLZ den Druck, die 6—WESTBALKANSTAATEN in die EU aufzunehmen".
20221103             Es gibt eine größere Dringlichkeit dazu",
20221103             sagte er zur Eröffnung der WESTBALKAN—KONFERENZ im Kanzleramt.
20221103             Der sogenannte BERLIN—PROZESS werde den Beitrittsprozess von SERBIEN, NORDMAZEDONIEN—ALBANIEN, BOSNIEN—UND—HERZEGOWINA, KOSOVO und MONTENEGRO beschleunigen".
20221103             Ihr Beitritt ist in unserem Interesse",
20221103             sagte er an die Adresse der 6—REGIERUNGEN.
20221103             Die RUSSISCHE—FÜHRUNG hat eigenen Angaben zufolge noch nicht entschieden, ob sie am Getreideabkommen auch —NACH—DEM 20221119             festhält.
20221103             An diesem Datum endet die Vereinbarung vorläufig.
20221103             Der RUSSISCHE—AUSSENMINISTER Sergej Lawrow sieht nach wie vor Probleme bei der Umsetzung.
20221103             Der TEIL—DER—VEREINBARUNG, der vorsehe, dass auch Hindernisse beseitigt würden, die RUSSISCHEN—DÜNGER—UND Getreideexporten im Wege stünden, liefere noch keine Ergebnisse, sagte Lawrow bei einem Besuch in JORDANIEN.
20221103             Moskau habe deswegen erneut den Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen kontaktiert, damit dieser sich darum kümmere, dass auch diese Zusagen sehr bald erfüllt würden.
20221103             RUSSISCHE—AGRAREXPORTE unterliegen zwar nicht explizit den von den USA und der EU im Zuge des Kriegs verhängten Sanktionen.
20221103             —BEHINDERT, Allerdings werden sie nach RUSSISCHER—DARSTELLUNG stark, durch die Sanktionen, die gegen die RUSSISCHEN—FINANZ—UND Logistiksektoren verhängt wurden.
20221103             Die RUSSISCHE—DELEGATION hat ihre Arbeit im gemeinsamen Koordinierungszentrum für die UKRAINISCHEN—GETREIDEAUSFUHREN über das Schwarze Meer wieder aufgenommen.
20221103             1—TEILNAHME des RUSSISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN WLADIMIR—PUTIN am G20-Gipfel ist nach Einschätzung des Gastgebers INDONESIEN wohl —ERST—KURZ—VOR Beginn klar.
20221103             INDONESIEN warte ab, sagt Außenministerin Retno Marsudi der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters.
20221103             Möglicherweise werde Putins Teilnahme —ERST—IN—LETZTER—MINUTE klar sein.
20221103             Wegen der angeblichen Verwicklung Londons in einen UKRAINISCHEN—DROHNENANGRIFF auf die RUSSISCHE—SCHWARZMEERFLOTTE hat das Außenministerium in Moskau die BRITISCHE—BOTSCHAFTERIN einbestellt.
20221103             Das Gespräch mit Botschafterin Deborah Bronnert habe etwa eine halbe —STUNDE gedauert, meldete die staatliche RUSSISCHE—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR Tass.
20221103             Man wolle Bronnert Belege für die Beteiligung BRITISCHER—SPEZIALISTEN an der Vorbereitung des Drohnenangriffs vom —SAMSTAG vorlegen, hatte Außenamtssprecherin MARIA—SACHAROWA vorher angekündigt.
20221103             —GEMACHT, Die Belege sollten auch öffentlich, werden.
20221103             Der Antisemitismus in EUROPA hat nach ANGABEN—DER—EUROPÄISCHEN—AGENTUR für Grundrechte (FRA) weiter zugenommen.
20221103             Dabei hätten "die CORONA—PANDEMIE und die RUSSISCHE—AGGRESSION gegen die UKRAINE" den Antisemitismus "weiter angeheizt",
20221103             sagte der DIREKTOR—DER—EU—AGENTUR, MICHAEL—O'FLAHERTY,
20221103             Als Gründe nennt die FRA darin insbesondere Fehlinformationen und "falsche Narrative",
20221103             die vor allem im INTERNET kursierten.
20221103             So habe Moskau etwa seinen Angriffskrieg gegen die UKRAINE zu rechtfertigen versucht, indem es Begriffe wie "Nazi" und "Völkermord" zur Beschreibung der Regierung in Kiew verwendet habe.
20221103             Jüdische Gemeinden in ganz EUROPA waren dem —BEREITS—IM—JULI erstellten Bericht zufolge "zutiefst betroffen" von ONLINE—HASS und Fehlinformation im Zusammenhang mit dem Krieg.
20221103             In einigen Ländern, darunter ÖSTERREICH und FINNLAND, hätten die meisten verzeichneten antisemitischen Vorfälle online stattgefunden.
20221103             DEUTSCHLAND, hätten sich 20210000             rund 3000—STRAFTATEN mit mutmaßlichem antisemitischem Hintergrund ereignet, teilte die Agentur unter Berufung auf DEUTSCHE—BEHÖRDEN mit.
20221103             Im Vorjahr lag die Zahl bei 2351.
20221103             Die SCHWEIZ hat die Weitergabe von Panzermunition von DEUTSCHLAND an die UKRAINE zum 2. Mal blockiert.
20221103             BERN könne solch einer Lieferung von in der SCHWEIZ hergestelltem Kriegsmaterial nicht zustimmen, wenn das Empfängerland in einen internationalen —KONFLIKT verwickelt sei, schrieb der SCHWEIZER—WIRTSCHAFTSMINISTER GUY—PARMELIN der DEUTSCHEN—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIN CHRISTINE—LAMBRECHT".
20221103             Die SCHWEIZ wendet im Verhältnis RUSSLAND—UKRAINE das Neutralitätsrecht an",
20221103             Millionenschwere Gelder für den Kauf von Schutzwesten für die UKRAINISCHE—ARMEE sollen nach ANGABEN—VON—ERMITTLERN veruntreut worden sein.
20221103             Das Staatliche Ermittlungsbüro der UKRAINE bezifferte den Schaden —AM—DONNERSTAG auf 250—MILLIONEN Griwna (knapp 7—MILLIONEN Euro).
20221103             Der Verdacht richte sich gegen das frühere Management der Patentbehörde Ukrpatent, eine ranghohe Beamtin im Wirtschaftsministerium und den Leiter einer Hilfsorganisation.
20221103             Den Angaben in Kiew nach soll das staatliche Geld auf Konten einer Freiwilligenorganisation überwiesen worden sein mit dem angeblichen Auftrag, schusssichere Westen für die Soldaten zu kaufen.
20221103             Stattdessen sei das Geld über Scheinfirmen verschoben und in Bargeld umgewandelt worden.
20221103             —GEKOMMEN, So sei es in die Hand der Beschuldigten.
20221103             Ihnen drohen bei einer Verurteilung —BIS zu —12—JAHRE Haft.
20221103             Die Internationale Atomenergiebehörde IAEA hat eigenen Angaben zufolge bislang keine Hinweise auf Arbeiten an einer "schmutzigen Bombe" in der UKRAINE gefunden.
20221103             —INSPIZIERT, Die IAEA habe auf Bitten der UKRAINE 3—ANLAGEN, teilte die UN—BEHÖRDE mit.
20221103             Die technischen und wissenschaftlichen Überprüfungen deuteten nicht darauf hin, dass die UKRAINE an einer sogenannten schmutzigen Bombe arbeite.
20221103             —ANALYSIERT, Entnommene Proben würden noch.
20221103             Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock hat eine koordinierte Aktion der G7-Runde wirtschaftsstarker Demokratien zur Winterhilfe für die UKRAINE angekündigt".
20221103             Wir werden nicht hinnehmen, dass der RUSSISCHE—PRÄSIDENT mit seiner Strategie des Brechens der UKRAINE erfolgreich ist.
20221103             Wir werden nicht akzeptieren, dass er darauf hofft, dass der internationale Zusammenhalt gebrochen wird",
20221103             so Baerbock zum Auftakt des G7-Treffens in Münster.
20221103             Eine wachsende ZAHL—VON—DEUTSCHEN wünscht sich offenbar mehr diplomatische Bemühungen zur Beendigung des Krieges in der UKRAINE.
20221103             So stimmten in einer Umfrage für den ARD—DEUTSCHLANDTREND 55—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN—DER—AUSSAGE zu, dass die diplomatischen Bemühungen der Bundesregierung zur Beendigung des Krieges nicht ausreichten.
20221103             Das war 1—PLUS—VON—14—PROZENTPUNKTEN gegenüber —DEM—JUNI dieses Jahres.
20221103             Die Forderung der UKRAINE, dass DEUTSCHLAND weitere Waffen ins Kriegsgebiet liefern soll, stoßen auf ein geteiltes Echo.
20221103             41—PROZENT hielten die DEUTSCHE—UNTERSTÜTZUNG der UKRAINE mit Waffen für angemessen.
20221103             Für 30—PROZENT gingen die DEUTSCHEN—WAFFENLIEFERUNGEN an die UKRAINE zu weit, für jeden 5. (21—PROZENT) nicht weit genug.
20221103             Uneinigkeit gab es auch bei der Bewertung der Sanktionsmaßnahmen gegen RUSSLAND.
20221103             Für 37—PROZENT gingen diese nicht weit genug, für 31—PROZENT waren sie angemessen, für 23—PROZENT hingegen reichten sie zu weit.
20221103             Der UKRAINISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—WOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYY hat angekündigt, nicht am G20-Treffen in INDONESIEN teilzunehmen, wenn auch Russlands PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN dort hinkommt.
20221103             ZELENSKYY sagte in Kiew, dass Indonesiens PRÄSIDENT—JOKO—WIDODO ihn zu dem Gipfel —IM—NOVEMBER eingeladen habe.
20221103             Die beiden sprachen demnach in einem Telefonat über Vorbereitungen dafür und über das Getreideabkommen.
20221103             Die Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in EUROPA (OSZE) hat ihre Arbeit zur Unterstützung der UKRAINE in eingeschränkter Form wieder aufgenommen.
20221103             Mit rund 70—MITARBEITERINNEN und Mitarbeitern in Kiew sollen nach ANGABEN—VON—OSZE—DIPLOMATEN unter anderem psychosoziale Dienste gestärkt, Entminung vorangetrieben und illegaler Waffenhandel eingedämmt werden.
20221103             SPD—FRAKTIONSCHEF ROLF—MÜTZENICH hofft in Zusammenhang mit der CHINA—REISE von Bundeskanzler OLAF—SCHOLZ auf neue diplomatische Möglichkeiten".
20221103             Der Krieg in der UKRAINE wird am Ende nicht auf dem Schlachtfeld entschieden",
20221103             sagte Mützenich dem "Kölner STADT—ANZEIGER" vom —FREITAG".
20221103             Unser Ziel sollte es sein, neben der umfassenden Unterstützung der UKRAINE, der Diplomatie mehr Raum zu geben".
20221103             Dabei könne CHINA 1—SCHLÜSSELROLLE zukommen.
20221103             Das Land könne kein Interesse an einer militärischen Eskalation haben".
20221103             Ein möglicher EINSATZ—VON—MASSENVERNICHTUNGSWAFFEN würde auch die Volksrepublik erschüttern",
20221103             so Mützenich.
20221103             Es wäre viel wert, wenn auch CHINA dem RUSSISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN WLADIMIR—PUTIN "die Aussichtslosigkeit und Gefährlichkeit seiner Strategie bewusst machen würde".
20221103             "—HEUTE ist diese Kontroverse über die UKRAINE—POSITIONIERUNG innerhalb der Rechten geklärt", ist Sundermeyer überzeugt, "die Erfolge bei Wahlen und der öffentliche Zuspruch bei Protesten zu dieser deutlichen PRO—RUSSLAND—POSITIONIERUNG verbunden mit tatsächlichen oder drohenden wirtschaftlichen Zumutungen als Folgen der Regierungspolitik brachten die —ENTSCHEIDUNG", so Sundermeyer.
20221103             Wobei sich die Argumentation der rechten PRO—RUSSLAND—POSITIONIERUNG laut Sundermeyer in weiten Teilen nicht von der linken unterscheidet.
20221103             Im Gegenteil.
20221103             Sie setzt sogar auf diese Anschluss­fähigkeit.
20221103             — auf welcher Seite hätte wohl die LINKEN—IKONE Rosa LUXEMBURG gestanden?
20221103             "Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, soweit man über Tote spekulieren kann, Rosa LUXEMBURG hätte nicht gezögert, sich mit einer Gesellschaft zu solidarisieren, die ihre Freiheit gegen eine imperialistische Macht verteidigt", ist sich Ralf Fücks sicher, einst Mitglied des Kommunistischen Bundes West­deutschlands, später GRÜNEN—POLITIKER und —HEUTE Geschäftsführer der Denkfabrik Zentrum Liberale Moderne.
20221103             gegen eine imperialistische Macht v
20221103             Und zieht eine historische Konstante zu FRÜHEREN—FREIHEITS­bewegungen im Ostblock, mit der die WEST—LINKE auch lange gefremdelt hat.
20221103             "Das fing an mit dem 19680000             PRAGER—FRÜHLING , setzte sich fort mit der POLNISCHEN—GEWERKSCHAFTS—BEWEGUNG Solidarnosz und betraf auch die MAIDAN—PROTESTE gegen die MOSKAU—HÖRIGE Kiewer Regierung 20140000             ".
20221103             Sismo ao largo de ALBUFEIRA foi sentido em PORTIMÃO
20221103—19500924    —ACKNOWLEDGED, Hunter is widely, as having coined the term brainwashing in a 19500000             article for MIAMI News.[11][12] He 1. used it publicly in 1—ARTICLE for THE—MIAMI News.[12] In this article and in —LATER works, Hunter claimed that by combining Pavlovian theory with modern technology, Russian and CHINA—PSYCHOLOGISTS had developed powerful techniques for manipulating the mind.[12] It was HUNTER—VARIATION—OF—THE—CHINA—TERM "xinao",
20221103—19560000    —CONCLUDED, USA—GOVERNMENT—PSYCHOLOGISTS largely, —AFTER examining files of Korean War PRISONER—OF—WARS that brainwashing as described by Hunter did not exist, but the impact of his reporting was significant, and helped shaped public consciousness about THE—THREAT—OF—COMMUNISM—FOR—DECADES.[7] Lovell argues that Hunter created "1—IMAGE—OF—ALL—POWERFUL—CHINESE 'brainwashing'...
20221103—19620000    —IN, [14] The new terminology found its way into the mainstream in THE—MANCHURIAN—CANDIDATE—NOVEL and the movie of the same name.
20221103—19640100    —IN, he began PUBLICATION—OF—THE—TACTICS newsletter und
20221103—19780000    —UNTIL, er THE—AUSPICES—OF—ANTI—COMMUNISM—LIAISON, INCORPORATED[6] Hunter served as CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—ORGANIZATION and editor of the newsletter.
20221103—20141226    —ON, THE—KEEL—LAYING ceremony for THE—GENERALISSIMUS—SUVOROV was held at the Sevmash plant.
20221103—20211225    —ROLLED, The sub was, out.
20221103—20220923    —FROM, to 20220927             , THE—DONETSK PEOPLE—REPUBLIC—AND—THE—LUGANSK—PEOPLE—REPUBLIC as well as THE—KHERSON Region and the Zaporozhye Region held 1—REFERENDUM where THE—MAJORITY—OF—VOTERS opted to join RUSSIA.
20221103—20220930    —ON, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN and the heads of THE—DPR, THE—LPR, and the Zaporozhye and KHERSON Regions signed treaties on their accession to RUSSIA.
20221103—20221102    —DECIDED, RUSSIA, to resume participation in the grain deal —AFTER UKRAINE, through THE—MEDIATION—OF—THE—UN and TURKEY, guaranteed in writing that it would not use the security corridor in the Black Sea for military purposes, THE—RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY said.
20221103—20221216    —BIS, RUSSLAND werde die Frage bei der Konferenz zur Überprüfung des Übereinkommens über das Verbot biologischer Waffen vom 20221128             in Genf erneut erörtern.