Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 31. October ?

Ereignisse an einem 31. October

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04751031             Der HEERMEISTER—FLAVIUS—ORESTES lässt seinen minderjährigen Sohn ROMULUS—AUGUSTULUS von den Truppen zum WEST—RÖMER—KAISER—ROMULUS—AUGUSTULUS ausrufen.
08021031             —DRIVEN—OUT—OF, BYZANTIUM—EMPRESS—IRENE, was.
08021031             NIKEPHOROS—I—KAISER—VON—BYZANZ. wird zum  gewählt und absetzt die regierende KAISERIN—IRENE.
08191031             † CHADALOH—GRAF—VON—FRIAUL und in der Baar
08341031             —THIS—EVENING, ALL—HALLOW—EVE, BECAME, with
08341031             —BECAME, This —EVENING, All HALLOW—EVE with the establishment of
08341031—08341101    —OF, the establishment as Feast of All Saints by GREGORY—IV—PAPA.
08341101             as Feast of All Saints by GREGORY—IV—PAPA.
08351031             was called All HALLOW—EVE (—LATER Halloween).
08351031—08351101    —THE—DAY—BEFORE, was called All HALLOW—EVE (—LATER HALLOWEEN).
08351101             —CALLED, This celebration was, All SAINT—DAY or All Hallows and THE—DAY—BEFORE it
09001031             † ROGER—GRAF—VON—MAINE
09341031             † ABU—ZAID—AL—BALCHI, islamischer Universalgelehrter
09821031             † OTTO—I—HERZOG—VON—SCHWABEN und BAYERN
09941031             † WOLFGANG—VON—REGENSBURG, DEUTSCHER—MISSIONAR, Kirchenreformator und BISCHOF
10071031             † ABTEI—LOBBES—IM—HENNEGAU—ABT—HERIGER—VON—LOBBES, flämischer Geistlicher und Komponist,
11201031             † OTTO—II—GRAF—VON—SCHEYERN
11471031             1 3. KREUZ—HEER, meist LOTHRINGER, RHEIN—LÄNDER und FRIESEN half LISSABON von den ARABERn erobern und
11471031             —DANN, 1 3. KREUZ—HEER, meist LOTHRINGER, RHEIN—LÄNDER und FRIESEN setzte die Fahrt nach PALÄSTINA fort.
11471031             1 3. KREUZ—HEER, meist LOTHRINGER, RHEIN—LÄNDER und FRIESEN, —DANN, fortsetzte die Fahrt nach PALÄSTINA.
12531031             † WILHELM—BISCHOF—VON—CAMMIN
12591031             —J—IM, wie sich aus der 1. Nennung seines Nachfolgers ergibt.
12911031             * PHILIPPE—DE—VITRY—BISCHOF—VON—MEAUX, FRANZÖSISCHER—KOMPONIST, Musiktheoretiker, Dichter und
13050907—13091031    ADOLF—VON—FRIESDORF erscheint vom
13111031             (- WILHELM—ITALY ).
13201031             † RICOLDO—DA—MONTE—DI—CROCE, Florentiner ORIENT—MISSIONAR
13361031             † ELISABETH—VON—UNGARN—PRINZESSIN—VON—UNGARN, Dominikanerin und
13391031             —LAUT URKUNDE und
13391031             † FRANCESCO—DANDOLO—DOGE—VON—VENEDIG, 52.
13451031             * O—INFANTE—DOM—FERNANDO, 1. filho de DOM—AFONSO—IV, em COIMBRA e
13451031             O—INFANTE—DOM—FERNANDO, herdeiro natural da coroa portuguesa.
13451031             * O—INFANTE—DOM—FERNANDO[FERDINAND—I—THE—WISE—KING—OF—PORTUGAL,1.], (built navy).
13521031             —ANNO, eidem PETRO collata esset y literae desuper. confectae non sunt.
13811031             (ivi^ FOLIA—118).
13821031             —A—DI—ULTIMO—D' (RIFORME—TOME—CIT. FOLIA—189).
13871031             —VOR, YOLANDE—VON—BERGHEIM.
13900000—14481031    * † JOHANNES—VIII—PALAEOLOGUS, Emperor of Byzantium.
13911031             * 0—INFANTE—DOM—DUARTE, em VISEU, 1. filho de DOM—JOÃO—I., herdeiro natural ao trono de PORTUGAL.
13911031             * EDUARD—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL
14191031             DIETRICH—VON—HAYN - JOHANN—HUIST—VON—ULMEN - als MÖNCH —AM, stattfand, war
14191031             —AM, ALBRECHT—BOVE—VON—VINXEL bezeugt als THESAURAR,
14191031             —AM, ALLE—DAMALS, dem KLOSTER—SIEGBURG angehörenden MÖNCHe sind wohl kaum bei der Wahl anwesend gewesen, denn
14191031             —AM, Bei der Wahl des PROPST—VON—OBER—PLEIS WILHELM—SPIESS—VON—BÜLLES—HEIM zum ABT waren einschließlich des Gewählten 13—MÖNCHE beteiligt
14191031             —AM, DANACH FÜR MEHR ALS —130—JAHRE FAST ALLE—NACHRICHTEN fehlen, aus denen Schlüsse auf die Stärke des Konvents gezogen werden können.
14191031             —AM, ZEIT—ZU—DIESER Vielleicht war die 1—ODER andere PROPSTei gerade nicht besetzt, doch
14191031             —AM, bei allen wird man das nicht annehmen können.
14191031             —AM, mit Ausnahme der PRÖPSTE—VON—HIRZENACH und OBER—PLEIS fehlen nämlich die VORSTEHER—DER—ÜBRIGEN—ZELLEN.
14191031             —ZUM, JOHANN—LOEMER—VON—BREITBACH wird, Danach war er vom, KÄMMERER - HEINRICH—VON—MECKENHEIM..
14191031—14230000    —GENANNT, JOHANN—VON—FREMERSDORF wird als HOSPITALS—MEISTER, vom..
14481031             † JOHANNES—VIII—KAISER—VON—BYZANZ
14830000—15460000    MARTIN—LUTHER, in EISLEBEN—GERMANY.
14920430—14921031    VON ENDE —BIS ENDE die 1. Consuln, 2—DEREN es waren ihre Amtsdauer währte 1. —6—MONATE eingesetzt, wurden Nach MILESIO—ANGABE
14921031             —BIS, Ende.
14921115             —SIGNED at METZ, IMPERIAL—DONATION, 14941031             —CONFIRMED, by IMPERIAL—EDICT at ANTWERP (see THE—DOCUMENT—BADEN).
14941031             —FERIA—SEXTA, EADEM—DIE, POST prandium, KARDINALIS Valentinus equitavit Marinum EX—COMMISSIONE—PAPA;
14941031             —FERIA—SEXTA, EADEM—DIE, VIGILIA—OMNIUM—SANCTORUM, non fuit audientia:
14941031             —FERIA—SEXTA, IN—MANE—SEQUENTI
14941031             —FERIA—SEXTA, KARDINALIS Gurcensis, mihi ad se BONO—MANE vocato relulit quod ECCLESIAm suam Gurcensem dimissurus esset,
14941031             —FERIA—SEXTA, MUTATIO—CAPPARUM.
14951031             † WENZESLAUS—BRACK, DEUTSCHER—FRÜHHUMANIST und Wörterbuchautor
14971031             TOMMASO—INGHIRAMI fait le sermon406 — 412
14971031             —VÊPRES papales célébrées à LA—CHAPELLE—SIXTINE en présence du S—PÈRE;
14981031             Aux VIGILES—DE—LA—TOUSSAINT, BURCHARD va baiser le pied DU—PAPA dans la chambre DU—PAPAGALLO495—499
14991031             * GÜNTHER—XL—GRAF—VON—SCHWARZBURG
15021031             —IL—DI, IL—SIGNORE—DUCA tornò da Serrungherina, e LA NOTTE andò il vescovo di CASTELLO col DUCA—DI—GRAVINA alla Magione di Cavallara per parlare a certi KARDINALi mandati dal PAPA.
15111031             in KÖLN wo des HEINRICH—OLISLEGER—VATER ein Haus besaß.
15111031             —AM, HEINRICH—OLISLEGER—JUNIOR schrieb sich nach Schulbesuchen in WESEL und REES —BEREITS sehr früh, für 1—JURASTUDIUM an der UNIVERSITÄT—IN—KÖLN ein,
15171031             —AM, LUTHER die berühmten 95—SÄTZE, hauptsächlich gegen den Ablaß, zu Wittenberg anschlug (s. Reformation).
15171031             —AM, schlug MARTIN—LUTHER—DER—ÜBERLIEFERUNG nach 95—THESEN an die Tür der Schlosskirche von Wittenberg, mit denen er den ABLASS—HANDEL und andere MISSSTÄNDE—IN—DER KATHOLIKEN—KIRCHE anprangerte.
15171031             —AT—NOON ON ALL—SAINTS—DAY And thus it was that, THE—LUTHER affixed his 95—PROPOSITIONS or theses against indulgences to THE—DOOR—OF—THE—CASTLE—CHURCH—OF—WITTENBERG.
15171031             —AT—NOON ON ALL—SAINTS—DAY It was the aim of LUTHER, however, to oppose the shameless works of the obscurants not only as 1—PREACHER and pastor, but also as 1—SERVANT—OF—SCIENCE, 1—DOCTOR—OF theology.
15171031             —AT—NOON ON ALL—SAINTS—DAY This church was —JUST—TIME—AT—THIS, 1—FAVOURITE—RESORT—OF pilgrims, and 1—INDULGENCE was offered to all who should perform 1—PILGRIMAGE thither.^
15171031             —ANSCHLUG, MARTIN—LUTHER die berühmten 95—SÄTZE, hauptsächlich gegen den Ablaß, zu Wittenberg (s. Reformation).
15171031             —ANSCHLUG, MARTIN—LUTHER—DER—ÜBERLIEFERUNG nach 95—THESEN an die Tür der Schlosskirche von Wittenberg, mit denen er den ABLASS—HANDEL und andere MISSSTÄNDE—IN—DER KATHOLIKEN—KIRCHE anprangerte.
15171031             —NAILED, MARTIN—LUTHER, his 95—THESIS to the door of the Wittenberg Palace All Saints' Church.
15171031             MARTIN—LUTHER, grew to believe in faith alone as man's link to THE—JUSTICE—OF—GOD, and —THEREFORE
15171031             —DENIED, MARTIN—LUTHER, the need for the vast INFRASTRUCTURE—OF—THE—CHURCH.
15171031             —SIGNALED, This event, the beginning of the Protestant Reformation in GERMANY and Protestantism in general, shattering the external structure of the medieval church and at the same time reviving the religious consciousness of EUROPE.
15171031             —AM Tor der Wittenberger Kirche berichtet.
15171031             Dieser Eintrag könnte belegen, dass sich die Legende wirklich zugetragen hat.
15171031             soll MARTIN—LUTHER (14830000—15460000    ) die Thesen auf eigenwillige und spektakuläre Weise veröffentlicht HABEN—SO zumindest lehren es die Geschichtsbücher.
15171031             Doch ob die Reformation tatsächlich mit der berühmten Szene an der Wittenberger Schlosskirche begann, hielt die Fachwelt...
15171031             —AT—NOON—ON—ALL—SAINTS—DAY, And thus it was that, THE—LUTHER affixed his 95—PROPOSITIONS or theses against indulgences to THE—DOOR—OF—THE—CASTLE—CHURCH—OF—WITTENBERG.
15171031             —AT—NOON—ON—ALL—SAINTS—DAY, It was the aim of LUTHER, however, to oppose the shameless works of the obscurants not only as 1—PREACHER and pastor, but also as 1—SERVANT—OF—SCIENCE, 1—DOCTOR—OF theology.
15171031             —AT—NOON—ON—ALL—SAINTS—DAY, This church was —JUST—TIME—AT—THIS, 1—FAVOURITE—RESORT—OF pilgrims, and 1—INDULGENCE was offered to all who should perform 1—PILGRIMAGE thither.^
15171031             MARTIN—LUTHER—95—THESEN sollen als Disputationsgrundlage über den Ablasshandel dienen;
15171031             MARTIN—LUTHER—95—THESEN einleiten DIE—REFORMATION.
15171031—15170000    —UNTIL, MARTIN—LUTHER was 1—MONK in the Catholic Church, —WHEN he founded the Lutheran Church.
15181031             —LE, le jeune HUMANISTe adressait al'ABBE DE Lerins 1—LETTRE grecque dans laquelle il protestait de son desir de poursuivre ses etudes sous sa direction ).
15411031             "THE—LAST—JUDGEMENT" by Michelangelo on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel at ROME was officially unveiled.
15411031             "THE—LAST—JUDGEMENT" by Michelangelo is 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—PAINTINGS in the world.
15601031             LE—PRINCE—DE—CONDÉ accusé d'être l'instigateur de 1—TENTATIVE d'INSURRECTION protestante dans LE—SUD—DE—LA—FRANCE
15630630—15631031    —AM—UND, DER—KÖNIG hoffte den FUGGERn im Subsidio zu liefern 75—MILLIONEN—MARAV.
15630630—15631031    (ZINSEN 8 % v — */' l 5& 1—BESONDERS sichergestellt)
15651031             † JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—III—HERZOG—ZU—SACHSEN—FÜRST aus der ernestinischen Linie der WETTINER,
157011031            † JOHANN—CHRISTEL,");
15741031             † ULRICH—SITZINGER, DEUTSCHER—JURIST, Politiker und Reformator
15891031             —ECHEC—DE—HENRI—IV—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH, devant PARIS
15941031             —NOCH, aen jonkher KRACHT—VAN—MILENDONCK onse halve heerlickheit VAN Bodtbergen bi Berck usw.
15941031             stilo veteri, compareerde voor mi, JAN—VAN—DER Wiel, notaris publici bi den hove VAN UTRECHT usw. *
15941031             soll succediren unter der Verpflichtung, daß die christlich reformirte RELIGION darin erhalten bleibt.
15941031             soll succediren in dem HAUS—KRAKAUWEN,
15941031             soll succediren in GRAFSCHAFT—MOERS, STADT—MOERS, SCHLOSS—MOERS und den BESITZUNGEN—VON—MOERS, sowie
15941031             item aen vrouwe AGNES—VAN—MIELENDONCK, vrouwe VAN Loockeren, en karkant, gekoomen VAN beere grootmoeder;
15941031             ihr lieber Neffe,
15941031             —ENDE aen ADOLPH—PHILIPS, haeren —SOON, en jaerlike losrente VAN 500—BRABANTSE gülden, ende soo hi komt te sterven voor ons testatrice, verstaan wi, dat de vors, vrouwe VAN Lockeren in deselve rente succederen sal.
15941031             aen jonkheer BALTHASAR—VAN—MILENDONCK onse partie in die heerlicheit VAN Hülst mit den incomen daertoe behoorende en aldaar vallende;
15941031             Wörtlich heisst es dann weiter:
15941031             WALBURGA—GRÄFIN—VON—NEUENAHR—UND MOERS, FRAU ZU BEDBURG, WEERDT usw. bestimmt testamentarisch.
15941031             Item aen Herman DIEDRICH—VAN—MIELENDONCK, beere tot Goor, onsen toi aen de Mase genaemt der BRABANTsen lanttol;
15941031             Ihr lieber Neffe GEORG—GERHARD—GRAF—VON—SOLMS soll erben die Pfandschaft in den gräflichen GÜTERn in den Ämtern Kessel und Kriekenbeck,
15941031             Ihr lieber Neffe GEORG—GERHARD—GRAF—VON—SOLMS soll erben die Herrlichkeiten Weerdt, Wissem, Kortersom, Borcholt,
15941031             Ihr lieber Neffe GEORG—GERHARD—GRAF—VON—SOLMS soll erben ALLE—ANDERN—GÜTER, Mobilien und Immobilien.
15941031             Ihr lieber Neffe GEORG—GERHARD—GRAF—VON—SOLMS soll erben ALLE—GÜTER, welche von den HERZOGen von BRABANT und GELDERN, sowie
15941031             Ihr lieber Neffe GEORG—GERHARD—GRAF—VON—SOLMS soll erben ALLE—GÜTER, welche von DEM—BISCHOF—VON—LÜTTICH als GRAF—VON—LOON—ZU—LEHEN gehalten werden, sowie
15941031             Ihr lieber Neffe GEORG—GERHARD—GRAF—VON—SOLMS soll erben DIE—VOGTEI—VON—TOOM, den BRABANTer Landzoll,
15941031             Ihr lieber Neffe GEORG—GERHARD—GRAF—VON—SOLMS soll erben DIE—GRAFSCHAFT—HOM,
15941031             Ihr lieber Neffe ADOLF, soll succediren in der Herrlichkeit GARSTORP[GARSDORF], Rosborch, den GÜTERn zu Marick ;
15941031             Ihr lieber Neffe ADOLF, soll succediren in Schloss, Stadt und Herrlichkeit Bedbur mit allem Zubehör,
15941031             Ihr lieber Neffe ADOLF, soll erben die ZOLL—RENTEN zu Linn und Alles, was im ERZ—STIFT—KÖLN und im HERZOGTUM—JÜLICH gelegen ist.
15941031             Ihr lieber Neffe ADOLF, soll erben den ZOLL zu KAISERSWERTH,
15941031             Ihr lieber Neffe ADOLF, soll erben den Weerd zu Merkenich und Alles, was sie von KUR—KÖLN ZU—LEHEN—EMPFANGEN hat,
15941031             Ihr lieber Neffe ADOLF, soll erben den ANTEIL—AN—DER Herrlichkeit Boedberg,
15941031             Ihr lieber Neffe ADOLF, 2. Sohn ihres lieben Bruder ARNOLD—GRAF—VON—BENTHEIM, Steinfurt, Tecklenburg usw.
15941031             Folgendes : Es folgen verschiedene Legate an gräfliche Personen: Bentheim, FALKENSTEIN, Brederode usw.
15941031             ANNO, Op heeden DEN LAETSTEN ;;10;;,
15941031             —ANNO, Op heeden DEN LAETSTEN ;;10;;,
15981031             * FRANZ—ALBERT—VON—SACHSEN—LAUENBURG, Feldherr im 3ßigjährigen Krieg
16151031             † MARCANTONIO—MEMMO—DOGE—VON—VENEDIG, 91.
16181031             * FRIEDRICH—VON—FÜRSTENBERG, KUR—KÖLNER Diplomat und DOM—HERR
16181031             * MARIANA—DE—JESÚS—DE—PAREDES—Y—FLORES, Ordensfrau, Mystikerin und Heilige
16201031             * JOHN—EVELYN, ENGLISCHER—AUTOR, Architekt und Gartenbauer
16201031—17060000    * † JOHN—EVELYN, UK—DIARIST (Life of MISTER—S—GODOLPHIN).
16201031—17060000    JOHN—EVELYN was 1—MEDITATIVE and sententious ENGLAND—DIARIST.
16241031             * JOHANN—BACMEISTER—DER—JÜNGERE, DEUTSCHER—MEDIZINER und Mathematiker
16321031             * JAN—VERMEER, NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—MALER (Taufdatum)
16321031—16750000    * † [Johannes]JAN—VERMEER, tavern keeper and HOLLAND—PAINTER (Procuress, Astronomer), in Delft.
16321031—16750000    Only 35—OF—JAN—VERMEER—PICTURES are known to survive.
16321031—16750000    These include: "Girl With 1—PEARL—EARRING" (16650000—16660000    ), "THE—LITTLE—STREET" (16570000             ), "S—PRAXEDIS" (16550000             ), "ALLEGORY—OF—FAITH" (16710000             ) and "THE—ARTIST in His Studio".
16321031—16750000    JAN—VERMEER oo CATHARINA—BOLNES.
16330622—19921031    —ADMITTED, THE—VATICAN, it was wrong.
16341031             † ERASMUS—WIDMANN, DEUTSCHER—ORGANIST und Komponist
16391031             —SEESCHLACHT—BEI—DEN—DOWNS im Ärmelkanal
16391031             —GELINGT im Achtzigjährigen Krieg der Flotte aus der 7—VEREINIGTE—NIEDERLANDE—REPUBLIK der 1—SIEG über SPANISCH—PORTUGIESISCHE—KRIEGSSCHIFFE.
16591031             † JOHN—BRADSHAW, ENGLISCHER—POLITIKER und Richter
16721031             Er habe immer erwartet, daß FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG gemäss den eigenen und den durch SCHWERIN gegebenen Versprechungen seinen Marsch fortsetzen und den RHEIN überschreiten werde;
16801031             —DATUM—MADRID.
16801031             —VERZÖGERT, Man, die Antwort auf sein MEMOIRE vom 27., worin er die ;;1031;;
16851031             † MICHEL—LE—TELLIER
16861031—17580000    * † Senesino, ITALIENISCHER—KASTRAT und Opernsänger, Händelinterpret
16961031             * MARIA—CELESTE—CROSTAROSA, Ordensgründerin, Mystikerin und Selige
17081031             M. BERNARD—DE—POILDENX....
17101031             * JOHANN—ULRICH—TRESENREUTER, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE und Philologe, Philosoph und Theologe
17111031             † MOSES—CHEFEZ, PHILOSOPHIcal author, VENICE[VENEDIG]
17131031             —VILLARS s'empare de FRIBOUG
17231031             † COSIMO—III—DE—MEDICI—RULER—OF—FLORENCE (81),
17311031             —SALZBURGER—EMIGRATIONSEDIKT, ERZ—BISCHOF—FIRMIAN erlässt, das die Grundlage zum Beginn der Vertreibung der Evangelischen aus dem ERZ—STIFT—SALZBURG bildet.
17341031             † GENERAL—WILLIAM—NORTH—BARON—NORTH, 6., BRITISCHER—ADELIGER, und Politiker, führender jakobitischer Verschwörer
17371031             * JAMES—LOVELL, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—POLITIKER, Steuereintreiber und Marineoffizier
17401031             * WILLIAM—PACA, Delegierter von MARYLAND im Kontinentalkongress
17471031             * JOHANN—KARL—WEZEL, DEUTSCHER—DICHTER, Schriftsteller und Pädagoge
17501031             * ALCIPE, PORTUGIESISCHE—ADLIGE, Lyrikerin und Übersetzerin
175310313            † —ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—TRIER
17561031             —IN—DER—NACHT, gelingt GIACOMO—CASANOVA die Flucht aus den Bleikammern des Dogenpalastes in Venedig, wo er wegen "Schmähungen gegen die heilige Religion" eingesperrt war.
17621031             empfing die Abtsweihe —AM,
17651020—17651031    —SEE
17651031             † DUKE—OF—CUMBERLAND, ENGLAND—POLITICIAN and general.
17651031             —BUTCHERED, DUKE—OF—CUMBERLAND, Scots at Culloden.
17651031             * ANNE—BANNERMAN, BRITISCHE—LYRIKERIN der Romantik
17661031             † FRANZ—VON—SOM, Hamburger Jurist und Archivar
17721031             * CARL—BORROMÄUSA—EGGER, DEUTSCHER—RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHER Geistlicher und Politiker
17801031             THE—HMS—ONTARIO was lost with barely 1—TRACE and as many as 130—PEOPLE aboard —DURING 1—GALE on Lake ONTARIO.
17801031             lief die ONTARIO von Fort Niagara aus, um den Kommandeur der Festung, MASSON—BOLTON, auf den Weg nach ENGLAND zu bringen: Der Mann litt unter Schmerzen und verfallender Gesundheit, möglicherweise vergiftet durch einen Zahn, der in seinem Kiefer verrottete.
17801031             Den wollte er sich ziehen lassen, kam aber nicht mehr soweit: Ein plötzlich auftretender Sturm mit Böen, die TORNADO—STÄRKE erreichten, ließen das Schiff wahrscheinlich sehr schnell kentern.
17801031—20080000    —IN, explorers found the 22—GUN UK—WARSHIP—HMS—ONTARIO.
17861031             GUSTAV—III—KÖNIG—VON—SCHWEDEN, genehmigt das Gründen der SCHWEDISCHEN—WESTINDIEN—KOMPANIE mit dem Privileg zum Handel mit der Insel SAINT—BARTHÉLEMY und anderen karibischen Handelsplätzen.
17911031             —DÉCRET menaçant Le [GRAF—VON—]COMTE—DE—PROVENCE de perdre ses droits éventuels à LA—COURONNE s'il n'est pas de retour dans les deux mois
17931031             † EXÉCUTION—DES—GIRONDINS.
17931031             † † † Execution of 21—GIRONDINS (moderates) in PARIS, stepping up THE—REIGN—OF—TERROR.
17931031             PIERRE—V—VERGNIAUD (40), FRANCE—POLITICIAN and elegant, impassioned orator of Girondins, was guillotined.
17931031             PARIS, werden 21—GIRONDISTEN, nach 1—SCHAUPROZESS vor dem Revolutionstribunal —1—WOCHE—ZUVOR, durch die Guillotine hingerichtet.
17931031             † PIERRE—VICTURNIEN—VERGNIAUD, Politiker während der FRANZÖSISCHEN—REVOLUTION
17951031             * JOHN—KEATS, BRITISCHER—DICHTER
17951031—17951026    —AM, Auf Basis der in Kraft getretenen Verfassung des Jahres III wird in PARIS das 1. Direktorium gewählt.
17951031—18210000    * † JOHN—KEATS, ENGLAND—POET, in LONDON.
17961031             * OTTILIE—VON—GOETHE, DEUTSCHE—ADLIGE, Verlegerin und Salonnière
17991031             * MICHAEL—ANTHONY—ANFOSSI, INDISCHER—TITULARBISCHOF und Apostolischer Vikar
18000000—18671031    * † WILLIAM—PARSON, 3. EARL—OF—ROSSE and maker of large telescopes.
18031031             —RATIFIED, Congress, the purchase of the entire LOUISIANA area in NORTH—AMERICA, which added TERRITORY—TO—THE—USA for 13—SUBSEQUENT—STATES.
18071031             —NACH—DEM Bombardement Kopenhagens
18071031             —ERKLÄRT DÄNEMARK im WASMER—PALAIS in Glückstadt an der Seite Napoleons GROSSBRITANNIEN den Krieg.
18131015—18131031    —CA, einnahmen vereinigte Truppen DES GROSS—HERZOGTUM—GEBIET  .
18131031             —NACH der Völkerschlacht bei LEIPZIG, NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE setzt sich mit den Resten seiner Armee in der zweitägigen
18131031             —SCHLACHT—BEI—HANAU gegen 1—BAYERISCH—ÖSTERREICHISCHES—HEER durch, das ihm den Rückweg nach FRANKREICH verlegen will.
18151031             —PATENTED, SIR—HUMPHREY—DAVY—OF—LONDON, miner's safety lamp.
18191031             † ENGELBERT—ARNDTS, westfälischer Jurist, kaiserlicher Postmeister und Beamter
18211031             * KAREL—HAVLÍ?EK—BOROVSKÝ, TSCHECHISCHER—DICHTER und Literaturkritiker, Übersetzer, JOURNALIST—UND—POLITIKER
18211031             Das Lutherdenkmal in Wittenberg, 1—WERK des JOHANN—GOTTFRIED—SCHADOW und KARL—FRIEDRICH—SCHINKEL, wird enthüllt.
18221031             † JARED—INGERSOLL, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—JURIST und Politiker
18231031             * KARL—ROTH—VON—SCHRECKENSTEIN, DEUTSCHER—HISTORIKER, Schriftsteller und Archivar
18241031             * MICHAEL—LORIS—MELIKOW, RUSSISCHER—GENERAL und Innenminister
18311031—19010000    * † DANIEL—BUTTERFIELD, MAJOR—GENERAL (Union volunteers).
18311031—19690000    —IN, REBEL—SLAVE—NAT—TURNER, was caught by MISTER—BENJAMIN—PHIPPS and
18311031—19690000    —IN, REBEL—SLAVE—NAT—TURNER, was locked up in JERUSALEM—VIRGINIA, THOMAS—GRAY, his court appointed attorney, spent —3—DAYS talking to Turner and compiled his notes into "THE—CONFESSIONS—OF—NAT—TURNER," which were published.
18331031             Der 23—JÄHRIGE Mecklenburger FRITZ—REUTER wird auf der Durchreise in BERLIN in Haft genommen, weil er der radikalen Jenaer Burschenschaft Germania angehört.
18331031             —VERARBEITET, FRITZ—REUTER—SEINE anschließenden Erlebnisse, der spätere niederdeutsche Schriftsteller im ROMAN—UT mine Festungstid.
18351031             * JFW—ADOLF—RITTER—VON—BAEYER, GERMANY—CHEMIST (Nobel 19050000             ).
18351031—19330000    * † ADELBERT—AMES, Bvt MAJOR—GENERAL (Union Army).
18361031             † HEINRICH—XIX—FÜRST—REUSS—ZU—GREIZ
18371031             THE—COLLISION—OF—RIVER—BOATS—MONMOUTH & Trement on MISSISSIPPI left 300—DEAD.
18381031             1—MOB—OF about 200 attacked 1—MORMON camp in MISSOURI, killing 20—MEN, women and children.
18381031             * HEINRICH—ERNST—GÖRING, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Diplomat
18381031             * LUDWIG—I—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL
18461031             —TRAPPED, Heavy snows, the Donner party in THE—EAST—SIERRAS near what is —NOW Truckee.
18471031             * GALILEO—FERRARIS, ITALIENISCHER—INGENIEUR und Physiker
18481031             "REPORTS—OF—INSPECTOR—OF—FACTORIES for"
18481031             PRINZ—MAX wurde damit nicht nur DAS—RECHT eingeschränkt, 1—STANDESGEMÄSSEN Vergnügen nachzugehen,
18481031             PRINZ—MAX hat auf diese Entwicklung mit Entrüstung, aber auch mit deutlichen Zeichen der Resignation reagiert.
18481031             PRINZ—MAX—ZUGLEICH verlor auch vielfältige Möglichkeiten, Informationen zur Tierwelt des Westerwaldes zu sammeln.
18481031             DIE—ATMOSPHÄRE der Flachsspinnereien, worin DIE—KINDER dieser TUGENDHAFT—ZÄRTLICHEN Eltern arbeiten, ist geschwängert mit so unzähligen Staub—, Faserpartikelchen des Rohmaterials,daß
18481031             "—SEITE—98. - Für PREUßEN erging am.
18481031             es außerordentlich unangenehm ist, auch nur —10—MINUTEN in den Spinnstuben zuzubringen, denn
18481031             hierzu bemerkt der FABRIK—BERICHT vom :
18481031             ihr könnt das nicht ohne die peinlichste Empfindung, indem Auge, Ohr, Nasenlöcher und Mund sich sofort füllen mit Flachsstaubwolken,
18481031             —AM, Für PREUßEN erging DAS—GESETZ "über die AUFHEBUNG—DES—JAGD—RECHTES auf fremdem Grund und BODEN und über die AUS—ÜBUNG der Jagd".
18481031             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—130—KÖLN.
18481031             —VOR, denen kein Entrinnen ist.
18481031             —REVOLUTION—VON—18480000/490000
18491031             "—SEITE—6.
18510000—18531031    "Er lebt schlechter und ARBEITet härter als sein ENGLISCHER—RIVALE".
18510000—18531031    REPORT—OF—INSPECTOR—OF—FACTORIES—SEITE—85.) 111)
18541031             —TODAY, it is 1—VIVID, dramatic and pervasive presence in all our lives.
18541031             Like the Church, the Monarchy and the Communist Party in other times and places, the corporation is —TODAY—DOMINANT—INSTITUTION.
18541031             But history humbles dominant institutions.
18541031             —CRUSHED, All have been, belittled or absorbed into SOME—NEW—ORDER.
18541031             The corporation is unlikely to be the 1. to defy history.
18541031             In this complex and highly entertaining documentary, MARK—ACHBAR, CO—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—INFLUENTIAL and inventive MANUFACTURING CONSENT: NOAM CHOMSKY AND THE—MEDIA, teams up with CO—DIRECTOR—JENNIFER—ABBOTT and writer JOEL—BAKAN to examine THE—FAR—REACHING REPERCUSSIONS—OF—THE—CORPORATION—INCREASING preeminence.
18541031             Based on BAKAN—BOOK THE—CORPORATION: THE—PATHOLOGICAL—PURSUIT—OF—PROFIT and Power, the film is 1—TIMELY, critical inquiry that invites CEOs, WHISTLE—BLOWERS, brokers, gurus, spies, players, pawns and pundits on 1—GRAPHIC + engaging quest to reveal the 4corporation's inner workings, curious history, controve rsial impacts and possible futures.
18541031             Featuring illuminating interviews with Noam Chomsky, MICHAEL—MOORE, HOWARD—ZINN and MANY—OTHERS,
18541031             —AIMED, THE—CORPORATION—CHARTS the spectacular rise of 1—INSTITUTION, at achieving specific economic goals as it also recounts victories against this apparently invincible force
18541031             Is USA radicalizing or stabilizing the Arab world?
18541031             AWARD—WINNING filmmaker Jehane Noujaim (Startup_com) provides 1 balanced VIEW—OF—AL—JAZEERA—PRESENTATION—OF—THE 2. IRAQ war + in so doing calls into question many of the prevailing images and positions offered up by THE—USA—NEWS—MEDIA.
18541031             —BRANDED, The film's view inside AL—JAZEERA—1—NETWORK, "OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—MOUTHPIECE" and subject of intense criticism from USA—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS—SUGGESTS that its views on news reportage might actually be more in tune with democratic ideals than those of its Western counterparts.
18541031             "Whatever your opinions about the war, THE—CONDUCT—OF—THE—JOURNALISTS who covered it and the role of AL—JAZEERA in that coverage, you are likely to emerge from CONTROL ROOM touched, exhilarated and 1—LITTLE—OFF—BALANCE, with your certainties scrambled and your assumptions shaken".
18541031             - A.O. Scott, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES.
18541031             * CLAUDE—AUGÉ, FRANZÖSISCHER—VERLEGER, Romanist und Lexikograf
18541031—20041031    —150—YEARS—AGO, THE—CORPORATION was 1—RELATIVELY insignificant entity.
18551031             wenn Der PREUSSISCHE—FABRIK—ARBEITER an seinem eignen Webstuhl zu Hause beschäftigt wird, fällt selbst diese Schranke seiner zusätzlichen ARBEITS—STUNDEN weg".
18551031             Der PREUSSISCHE—FABRIK—ARBEITER arbeitet mindestens —10—STUNDEN mehr per —WOCHE als sein ENGLISCHER—RIVAL, und
18551031             Der ENGLISCHE—BAUM—WOLL—ARBEITER steht in JEDER—HINSICHT höher als sein kontinentaler Schicksalsgenosse.
18551031             —GEGRÜNDET, Die K. k. priv.
18551031             ÖSTERREICHISCHE—CREDIT—ANSTALT für Handel und Gewerbe wird.
18571031             —AM Carltheater in WIEN wird die Posse mit Gesang Tannhäuser von JOHANN—NESTROY (Text) und CARL—BINDER (Musik) uraufgeführt.
18571031             Es handelt sich dabei um 1—PARODIE auf die gleichnamige Oper von RICHARD—WAGNER.
18581031             Jeanie Johnston, 1—TRIPLE—MASTED barque, sank in the middle of the Atlantic with 1—LOAD of timber.
18581031             —RESCUED, The crew was, by 1—HOLLAND—SHIP.
18581031             She was built in QUEBEC City for the Donovan FAMILY—OF—TRALEE.
18581031             —CARRIED, She was the best known of the "famine ships" that, IRELAND—REFUGEES to the New World —DURING the potato famine and returned with timber and food.
18581031             —VERLIERT, Der MARIA—THERESIEN—TALER, wie andere Konventionstaler die Eigenschaft als gesetzliches Zahlungsmittel im KAISERTUM—ÖSTERREICH.
18581031—18581101    —AB, gilt die ÖSTERREICHISCHE—WÄHRUNG —NACH—DEM Dezimalsystem und auf GULDEN—BASIS.
18581031—20000000    —IN, 1—COPY—OF—THE ship, built in IRELAND, was scheduled for completion.
18601031             * JULIETTE—GORDON—LOW, Gründerin der Girl Scouts of THE—USA
18601031             † THOMAS—COCHRANE—EARL—OF—DUNDONALD—10—, BRITISCHER—POLITIKER und Freiheitskämpfer
18611031             —REPORTS—OF—INSPECTOR—OF—FACTORIES—SEITE—25, 26.
18611031             * CHRISTOPH—DROLLINGER, deutscher evangelischer Geistlicher und BEGRÜNDER—DER—SCHWEIZER—GEMEINDE für Urchristentum
18621031             —REPORTS—OF—INSPECTOR—OF—FACTORIES—SEITE—54, 55.)
18631031             —REPORTS—OF—INSPECTOR—OF—FACTORIES—FOR—SEITE—41—45 51.
18641031             —BECAME, NEVADA, the 36. state under 1—PROCLAMATION signed by PRESIDENT—LINCOLN.
18641031             NEVADA wird 36. Bundesstaat der USA.
18651031             —REPORTS—OF—INSPECTOR—OF—FACTORIES—SEITE—96 und 127.
18651031             ebenso den BERICHT—DER—FABRIK—INSPEKTOREN für ;;;;
18661031             Der ENGLISCHE—FABRIK—INSPEKTOR ALEXANDER—REDGRAVE weist im —FABRIK—BERICHT VOM, durch VERGLEICHE nde Statistik mit den Kontinentalstaaten nach, daß trotz niedrigerem Lohn und viel längerer ARBEITS—ZEIT die kontinentale Arbeit, verhältnismäßig zum Produkt, teurer ist als die englische.
18661031             " 18670000             LONDON
18661031             —AM Théâtre du PALAIS—ROYAL in PARIS wird die Operette Pariser Leben von JACQUES—OFFENBACH uraufgeführt, die zu einem seiner erfolgreichsten Werke wird.
18661031             Das Libretto stammt von HENRI—MEILHAC und Ludovic Halévy.
18671031             Parsons, 1—IRELAND—ASTRONOMER, built the largest reflecting telescope of the 18010101—19001231 .
18671031             He learned to POLAND—METAL—MIRRORS (18270000             ) and spent the next few years building a 36-inch telescope.
18671031             —COMPLETED, He —LATER, 1—GIANT 72-inch telescope (18450000             ) which he named "Leviathan," It remained the largest ever built —UNTIL decades —AFTER his death.
18671031             He was the 1. to resolve the spiral SHAPE—OF—OBJECTS, previously seen as only clouds, which were much —LATER identified as galaxies independent of our own Milky Way galaxy and MILLIONS—OF—LIGHT—YEARS away.
18671031—18450000    —IN, His 1. such sighting was made and
18671031—18480000    —IN, he found and named the Crab Nebula (he thought it resembled 1—CRAB), by which name it is still known.
18671031—18500000    —BY, he had discovered 13—MORE.
18701031             Upon THE—RECEIPT—OF—NEWS that THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—NATIONAL—DEFENSE had decided to start negotiations with THE—PRUSSIANS,
18701031             es werde EUER—EXCELLENZ gelingen, für SEINE—MAJESTÄT 2.000.000 zu ermitteln".
18701031             in 1—VERSCHLÜSSELTEN BRIEF—AN—BRAY,
18701031             —AM, FLOURENS prevents ANY—MEMBERS—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—NATIONAL—DEFENSE from being shot, as had been demanded by 1—OF—THE—INSURRECTIONISTS.
18701031             "haben mich wiederholt beauftragt, EUER—EXCELLENZ mitzuteilen, daß Allerhöchstdieselben der angenehmen Hoffnung leben,
18701031             Upon THE—RECEIPT—OF—NEWS that the Government of National Defense had decided to start negotiations with the Prussians, PARIS workers and revolutionary sections of the National Guard rose up in revolt, led by Blanqui.
18701031             —SEIZED, They, the Hotel de Ville (City Hall) and set up their revolutionary government, THE—COMMITTEE—OF—PUBLIC—SAFETY, headed by Blanqui.
18701031             —PREVENTED, Flourens, ANY—MEMBERS—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—NATIONAL—DEFENSE from being shot, as had been demanded by 1—OF—THE—INSURRECTIONISTS.
18711031             * GÁBOR—FINÁLY, UNGARISCHER—KLASSISCHER Philologe und Archäologe
18711031             * OTTO—AICHEL, DEUTSCHER—EMBRYOLOGE, Anatom, Anthropologe und Hochschullehrer
18721031             Das Pharmaunternehmen Engelhard Arzneimittel entsteht durch die Gründung des APOTHEKER—ARL—PHILIPP—ENGELHARD in FRANKFURT—AM—MAIN.
18761031             —CAUSED, INDIA—MEGNA—RIVER—DELTA, 1—TIDAL wave, by 1—CYCLONE flooded the river delta and THE—CITY—OF—BACKERGUNGE.
18761031             —BECAME, SOME—AREAS, covered with 40—FEET—OF—WATER.
18761031             100,000—PEOPLE drowned and another 100,000 were reported to have perished from subsequent diseases caused by polluted water.
18761031             * HEINRICH—LEUCHTGENS, DEUTSCHER—LEHRER und Politiker, MdL, MdB
18761031             † FRANZ—DOROTHEUS—GERLACH, DEUTSCHER—ALTPHILOLOGE und Althistoriker
18780000—19611031    * † Augustus EDWIN—JOHN, WALES—PAINTER, draughtsman, and etcher.
18781031             STOCKHOLM, kommt es zu 1—GROSSBRAND in der Schrotmühle Eldkvarn im Stadtteil Kungsholmen.
18781031             Die Zerstörung durch das Feuer schafft Platz für den 19110000             beginnenden Bau des Rathauses Stockholms stadshus an diesem Ort.
18791031             Theater an der WIEN in WIEN erfolgt die Uraufführung der Operette GRÄFIN—DUBARRY—VON—KARL—MILLÖCKER, zu der F. Zell und RICHARD—GENÉE—DAS—LIBRETTO verfasst haben.
18791031             —ÜBERARBEITET, Das Werk wird in der Folge noch mehrfach.
18841031             —AM Theater an der WIEN in WIEN findet die Uraufführung der Operette Der Feldprediger von KARL—MILLÖCKER statt.
18851031             * KARL—RADEK, RUSSISCHER—POLITIKER und Journalist
18851031             † TOPETE—Y—CARBALLO, SPANISCHER—ADMIRAL und Politiker
18861031             Die Bogenbrücke Ponte DOM—LUÍS—I. über den FLUSS—DOURO bei PORTO wird durch LUDWIG—I—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL eingeweiht.
18861031             † ROBERT—OSWALD—VON—ULRICI, DEUTSCHER—FORSTMANN und Beamter
18871031             * CHIANG—KAI—SHEK, CHINA—NATIONALIST.
18871031             —PREMIERED, RIMSKY—KORSAKOV'S "Capricio Espagnol,", in St Petersburg.
18871031             * CHIANG—KAI—SHEK, CHINESISCHER—MILITÄR und Politiker
18871031             * HECTOR—PELLERIN, KANADISCHER—SÄNGER, Schauspieler und Entertainer
18891031             * MONA—BATES, KANADISCHE—PIANISTIN und Musikpädagogin
18911031             L'amico Fritz, PIETRO—MASCAGNIS 2. Oper, wird im Teatro Costanzi in Rom uraufgeführt.
18921031             Die Kurzgeschichten Die Abenteuer des Sherlock Holmes von ARTHUR—CONAN—DOYLE erscheinen in GROSSBRITANNIEN.
18941031             † JOAQUIM—VAYREDA—I—VILA, katalanischer Maler
18951031             * BASIL—H—LIDDELL—HART, ENGLAND—MILITARY—HISTORIAN and publicist.
18961031             * ETHEL—WATERS, actress and blues singer.
18961031             —PERFORMED, ETHEL—WATERS 1., "Stormy Weather" and stared in "THE—MEMBER—OF—THE—WEDDING" and "Pinkie," was born.
18961031             * RALPH—ERWIN, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—SCHLAGER—UND Filmmusikkomponist
18991031             * BUSSO—THOMA, DEUTSCHER—KAUFMANN, Mitwisser der Attentatspläne vom 18990720             19001031             † ANNA—VON—LIEBEN, bekannt als SIGMUND—FREUD—ÖSTERREICHISCHE—PATIENTIN—CÄCILIE—M.
19001031             † WILHELM—KÜCHLER—OBERBÜRGERMEISTER—VON—WORMS, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, und hessischer Finanzminister
19011031             REFORMATIONS—TAG) Die LUTHERkirche SOLINGEN wird eingeweiht
19021031             * CARLOS—DRUMMOND—DE—ANDRADE, BRAZIL—POET, journalist and short story writer.
19031031             ROSE—BERND, 1—SCHAUSPIEL in 5—AKTEN—VON—GERHART—HAUPTMANN, wird in BERLIN uraufgeführt.
19040000—19871031    * † JOSEPH—CAMPBELL, USA—WRITER and professor of mythology, in HAWAII at age 83.
19051031             Die Viermastbark Pamir der Reederei F. Laeisz läuft 1. aus, zu 1—SALPETERFAHRT nach Südamerika.
19061031             * LOUISE—TALMA, composer (—SUMMER Sounds), in ARCACHON—FRANCE.
19061031             —PREMIERED, GEORGE—BERNARD—SHAW'S "Caesar & Cleopatra,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19061031             Die Uraufführung der Oper Ariane von JULES—MASSENET findet an der Grand Opéra PARIS statt.
19111031             —CRASHED, PROFESSOR—JOHN—J—MONTGOMERY (18580000             *) † when his glider, on his 56. flight at the Evergreen College campus SOUTH—OF—S—JOSE.
19111031—19110506    —AM, Die auf Anregung des ODOL—FABRIKANTEN KARL—AUGUST—LINGNER eröffnete Internationale HYGIENE—AUSSTELLUNG im Städtischen Ausstellungspalast, die bislang meistbesuchte Ausstellung in DRESDEN, schließt ihre Pforten.
19120000—20081031    * † Studs Terkel, CHICAGO radio personality and writer.
19141031             * GERDA—RODEL, SCHWEIZER—JOURNALISTIN und Sozialistin
19160000—20061031    * † SOUTH—AFRICA P.W. Botha, THE—APARTHEID—ERA—LEADER (19780000—19890000    ) who resisted pressure to release NELSON—MANDELA from prison in the 1980s.
19161031             -DEPOIS da morte de Russel, em-...
19161031             Swiadkowie JEHOWY—WIKIPEDIA, wolna encyklopedia... Badacze Pisma Swietego.
19161031             Zalozyciel. CHARLES—TAZE—RUSSEL.
19161031             Historia Swiadków Jehowy w Polsce siega ok...
19161031             Towarzystwo Straznica jest sekta... miedzy Kosciolem, a sekta.
19161031             CHARLES—TAZE—RUSSEL jest uwazany za zalozyciela...
19161031             Wkrótce jednak RUSSEL rozstal sie z Adwentystami i zaczal gromadzic wokól siebie...
19161031             Testigos de Jehová
19161031             El fundador, CHARLES—TAZE—RUSSEL, nació en PITTSBURGH—PENNSYLVANIA, E. U. en 18520000             .
19161031             Sus padres eran presbiterianos y él era adventista.
19171031             * WILLIAM—H—MCNEIL, historian.
19171031             WILLIAM—H—MCNEIL—WORK include "THE—RISE—OF—THE—WEST".
19171031             —PREMIERED, EUGENE—O'NEILL'S "In the Zone,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19181030             —SIGNED, TURKEY, 1—ARMISTICE with the Allies, agreeing to end hostilities at —NOON 19181031             .
19181031             In the worst global EPIDEMIC—OF—THE—CENTURY, influenza (1—ACUTE, contagious respiratory viral infection) had been spreading —AROUND the world —SINCE—MAY.
19181031             † October was the deadliest —MONTH and about 195,000, with 21,000 dead the 1. —WEEK.
19181031             —ESTIMATED, It was, that 20—40—MILLION—PEOPLE † worldwide.
19181031             DOCTOR—ALFRED—CROSBY wrote "AMERICA—FORGOTTEN—PANDEMIC: THE—INFLUENZA—OF—19180000             ".
19181031             [see 19180000—19190000    ]
19181031             † EGON—SCHIELE, —28—JAHRE—ALT, Viennese artist, in the flu epidemic.
19181031             —PRODUCED, EGON—SCHIELE, some 3,000 drawings and 300—PAINTINGS in about —12—YEARS.
19181031             —ASSASSINATED, STEPHEN—TISZA, HUNGARY—PM (-19170000             ), was, by soldiers.
19181031             Die k. u. k. Doppelmonarchie endet mit dem Austritt Ungarns aus der Realunion.
19181031             Der UNGARISCHE—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT—ISTVÁN—TISZA wird in BUDAPEST von marodierenden Soldaten erschossen.
19181031—19190000    —KILLED, —BEFORE it ended some 20—MILLION—PEOPLE were, worldwide, about twice as MANY—AS—WORLD—WAR I, with about 500-600,000—OF—THEM in THE—USA.
19181031—19980000    —DOCUMENTED, THE—TV—SHOW "THE—USA—EXPERIENCE", the tragedy: "Influenza 19180000             ".
19200000—19551031    * † WILLIAM—BILLY—WOODWARD—JUNIOR, heir to the HANOVER—NATIONAL—BANK fortune (—LATER MANUFACTURER—HANOVER), the Belair Estate and stud farm and legacy, and 1—LEADING figure in racing circles, was shot to death by oo  Ann.
19201031             * DICK—FRANCIS, jockey and detective writer (Whip Hand, High Stakes), in WALES.
19221031             NORODOM—SIHANOUK (20120000             †), 2-time KING (19410000—19550000     and 19930000—20040000    ), PRESIDENT and premier of CAMBODIA, was born.
19221031             Karel & JOSEF—CAPEK'S "World We Live In," premiered in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19221031             BENITO—VON—MUSSOLINI centralized all power in himself as LEADER—OF—THE—FASCIST—PARTY and attempted to create 1—ITALY—EMPIRE, ultimately in alliance with HITLER—GERMANY.
19221031             —NACH des BENITO—VON—MUSSOLINI Ernennung zum Ministerpräsidenten Italiens durch VIKTOR—EMANUEL—III—KÖNIG—VON—ITALIEN,
19221031             —EINZIEHEN die Faschisten in 1—TRIUMPHMARSCH in Rom.
19231031             1. Rundfunkteilnehmer in DEUTSCHLAND, WILHELM—KOLLHOFF anmeldet 1—RADIO.
19231031             Aufgrund der Inflationszeit zahlt WILHELM—KOLLHOFF 350—MILLIARDEN Mark für die Genehmigung.
19241031             Die Vertreter von Sparkassen aus 29—LÄNDERN beschließen am Abschlusstag des 1. internationalen Sparkassenkongresses in Mailand das Einführen des jährlichen Weltspartags.
19251031             * CHARLES—MOORE, influential POST—MODERN architect.
19251031             Das IRANISCHE—PARLAMENT (Madschles) beschließt die Absetzung des AHMAD—SCHAH—KADSCHAR, dem letzten Herrscher der KADSCHAREN—DYNASTIE.
19261031             † Magician HARRY—HOUDINI in DETROIT of gangrene and peritonitis resulting from 1 ruptured appendix.
19261031             —VERSUCHT, BOLOGNA, der Fünfzehnjährige ANTEO—ZAMBONI den FASCHISTEN—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT—BENITO—MUSSOLINI bei 1—GEDENKPARADE an den Marsch auf Rom zu erschießen.
19261031             —ATTACKIERT, Der Fünfzehnjährige ANTEO—ZAMBONI wird von umstehenden Faschisten, und gelyncht.
19261031             † Fünfzehnjährige ANTEO—ZAMBONI, stirbt —AM—SELBEN—TAG.
19271031             —EXTENDED, S—FRANCISCO—THE, M—OCEAN—VIEW streetcar line was, through the Twin Peaks Tunnel to Market Street and the Ferries, at THE—FOOT—OF—MARKET—STREET.
19280000—20101031    * † THEODORE—SORENSON, special counsel to PRESIDENT—JOHN—F—KENNEDY, in NEW—YORK.
19301031             * MICHAEL—COLLINS, USA—ASTRONAUT.
19301031             BIELEFELD, wird die RUDOLF—OETKER—HALLE eingeweiht, für die der Wiener Große Musikvereinssaal PATE gestanden hat.
19311031             * DAN—RATHER, news anchor (CBS —EVENING News, —60—MINUTES), in Wharton TEXAS.
19311031             Die POLNISCHE—MARINE stellt das U—BOOT—ORP—WILK in Dienst.
19311031             —NACH—DEM DEUTSCHEN—ÜBERFALL auf POLEN wird U—BOOT—ORP—WILK als 1. U—BOOT die Flucht nach GROSSBRITANNIEN gelingen.
19361031             ALFRED—LANDON—GOVERNOR—OF—KANSAS lost all but 2—STATES to ROOSEVELT.
19371031             * MICHAEL—LANDON, actor (Bonanza, Highway to Heaven), in FOREST—HILLS—NEW—YORK.
19371031             * TOM—PAXTON, folk singer and songwriter (Forest Lawn), in CHICAGO.
19371031             —MOVED, SPAIN—GOVERNMENT, from VALENCIA to BARCELONA.
19381031             THE—DAY—AFTER his "WAR—OF—THE—WORLDS" broadcast HAD—PANICKED,  radio listeners, ORSON—WELLES expressed "deep regret" but also bewilderment that anyone had thought the simulated Martian invasion was real.
19391031             27—U boats were sunk —THIS—MONTH (135,000 ton).
19391031             † OTTO—RANK, [Rosenfeld], AUSTRIA psychoanalyst (Trauma of Geburt).
19400710—19401031    —MANAGED, BRITAIN, to repel the Luftwaffe, which suffered heavy losses.
19400710—19401031    —THE—BATTLE—OF—BRITAIN, was 1—EARTH—SHAKINGLY decisive campaign (not —JUST 1—BATTLE).
19400710—19401031    —GATHERED, HERMANN—GOERING—LUFTWAFFE, over 2,500 combat planes for 1—BOMBING—CAMPAIGN that would be 1—PRELUDE to "Operation Sea Lion" (1—INVASION—OF—BRITAIN).
19400710—19401031    UK—AIR—MARSHALL—HUGH—C—DOWDING—ROYAL—AIR—FORCE—FIGHTER—COMMAND could muster about 650—DECENT—FIGHTERS (Hurricanes and Spitfires).
19400710—19401031    THE—LUFTWAFFE came perilously close to wearing down the R.A.F., but at about that time, 1—GERMANY—BOMBER accidentally dropped bombs on LONDON, CHURCHILL bombed BERLIN, and Hitler switched THE—LUFTWAFFE—ATTACK from the R.A.F. to LONDON, giving the R.A.F. 1—BREATHER.
19400710—19401031    —CARRIED, THE—LUFTWAFFE—BOMBERS, too small 1—BOMB load for 1—STRATEGIC—BOMBING—CAMPAIGN and were inadequately armed to defend themselves against R.A.F. fighters.
19400710—19401031    —LACKED, THE—LUFTWAFFE—ME 109—FIGHTER, the range to provide sufficient escort for the bombers, which were massacred by Hurricanes and Spitfires.
19400710—19401031    —EXISTED, THE—GERMANS knew that THE—UK—RADAR—INSTALLATIONS, and did launch SOME—ATTACKS upon them, but never realized how vital radar truly was in directing R.A.F. fighters to intercept raiding aircraft.
19400710—19401031    —BATTLE—OF—BRITAIN was 1—EARTH—SHAKINGLY decisive campaign (not —JUST 1—BATTLE).
19401031             —THIS—MONTH 63—U boats were sunk(325,000 ton).
19401031             —BATTLE—OF—BRITAIN, the German and UK—DUEL for CONTROL—OF—ENGLISH—CHANNEL, ended.
19401031             This was the deadline for WARSAW Jews to move into THE—WARSAW—GHETTO.
19411031             —AFTER—14—YEARS—OF—WORK, COMPLETED, THE—MOUNT—RUSHMORE sculpture was,
19411031             —TORPEDOED, THE—USA—NAVY—DESTROYER "REUBEN—JAMES" was, by 1—GERMANY—U—BOAT off ICELAND, killing 115, even though THE—USA had not yet entered —WWII.
19411031             —THIS—MONTH, 13—U—BOATS were sunk (62,000 ton).
19411031             Nach 14—JÄHRIGEN Bauarbeiten wird das MOUNT—RUSHMORE National Memorial für vollendet erklärt.
19421031             * DAVID—OGDEN—STIERS, actor (WINCHESTER—M*A*S*H, Doc), in PEORIA—ILLINOIS.
19421031             —THIS—MONTH, 94—U boats were sunk (619,000 ton).
19421031             9. —DAY in BATTLE—AT—EL—ALAMEIN—EGYPT
19421031             An der Semperoper in DRESDEN wird die Oper Die Zauberinsel von HEINRICH—SUTERMEISTER basierend auf dem Drama Der Sturm von WILLIAM—SHAKESPEARE uraufgeführt.
19431031             † MAX—REINHARDT, AUSTRIA—STAGE manager (Turandot).
19441031             * KINKY—FRIEDMAN, country rocker (Ride 'em Jewboy), in PALESTINE—TEXAS
19461031             MINING—OF—AMBULANCES: 1. used by Zionists, in PETAH—TIKVAH...
19481026—19481031    —BETWEEN, 1—AIR—INVERSION trapped fluoride effluent from the Zinc Works.
19481026—19481031    † —BY—THIS—DATE, some 20—PEOPLE and 6,000 were made ill by smog from steel and zinc plants in DONORA—PENNSYLVANIA.
19481026—19481031    † —IN—3—DAYS, 18—PEOPLE.
19481026—19481031    —AFTER the inversion LIFTED, another 50—PEOPLE †.
19481026—19481031    —FINISHED, HUNDREDS—PEOPLE more, the rest of their lives with damaged lungs and hearts.
19481031—19660000    —CLOSED, Both plants.
19481031—20020000    —IN, "—WHEN Smoke Ran Like Water" was published by Devra Davis.
19491031             Die Oper REGINA—VON—MARC—BLITZSTEIN wird in NEW—YORK City uraufgeführt.
19501031             * JOHN—CANDY, comedian (SCTV, Uncle Buck), in ONTARIO—CANADA.
19521031             —OPENED, The 1. performance, 19530713             .
19521031             —ORGANIZED, It was, by TOM—PATTERSON.
19521031             —TALKED, HATTORI—COLLEAGUE Masanobu Tsuji, the group OUT—OF—THE—COUP.
19521031—20050000    —IN, 1—CIA—REPORT, declassified, said EX—COLONEL—HATTORI—TAKUSHIRO (19010000—19600000    ) had led plans —SINCE the beginning of July for 1—COUP d'etat against JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER—YOSHIDA—SHIGERU.
19531031             † ALICE—EASTWOOD, —94—JAHRE—ALT, curator of botany at THE—CALIFORNIA—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES in SF.
19541031             —ALGERIA—REVOLUTION (19540000—19620000    ) against THE—FRANCE—BEGAN.
19541031             ALGERIA—MUSLIMS—OF—THE—FRONT—DE—LIBÉRATION—NATIONAL[FLN], began open warfare against FRANCE—RULE in ALGERIA.
19541101—19541031    —SEEHOCINE AIT—AHMED (19260000—20150000    ) was 1—OF—THE—9—SO—CALLED "sons of Toussaint" who launched the uprising.
19551031             —ENDED, BRITAIN—PRINCESS—MARGARET, WEEKS—OF—SPECULATION by announcing she would not marry Royal AIR—FORCE—CAPTAIN—PETER—TOWNSEND because he had been divorced.
19551031—19850000    —AUTHORED, DOMINICK—DUNNE (19250000—20090000    ), "THE—2—MISTER—S—GRENVILLES," based on the WILLIAM—BILLY—WOODWARD—JUNIOR murder case.
19551031—19870000    —TURNED, The book was, into 1—TELEVISION—MOVIE.
19561031             —PRAISED, PRESIDENT—DWIGHT—D—EISENHOWER, the promise by MOSCOW made the previous —DAY—OF—MAJOR—CONCESSIONS to Hungarians in revolt as "the dawning of 1—NEW—DAY" in EAST—EUROPE.
19561031             —1—WEEK—EARLIER, ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATIONS in BUDAPEST HAD—FORCED 1—RESHUFFLING—OF—THE—HUNGARY—GOVERNMENT and demands that the new government denounce THE—WARSAW—PACT and seek liberation from SOVIET—DOMINATION.
19561031             1. person to land 1—AIRPLANE at THE—SOUTH—POLE, BECAME, REAR—ADMIRAL G.J. Dufek, .
19561031             —ATTEMPTED, GREAT—BRITAIN and FRANCE, to take over THE—SUEZ—CANAL.
19561031             1. Flugzeug landet am Südpol.
19561031             Die Expeditionsgruppe der USA—NAVY um KONTERADMIRAL—GEORGE—J—DUFEK hat den Auftrag, den Bau der AMUNDSEN—SCOTT—SÜDPOLSTATION vorzubereiten.
19571031             —OPENED, JAMAICA, 1—MUSICAL, on Broadway at Imperial Theater.
19571031             The book was by Yip Harburg and FRED—SAIDY, lyrics by Harburg, and music by HAROLD—ARLEN.
19571031             —STARRED, LENA—HORNE (19170000—20100000    ), in the musical.
19571031             It continued for 558—PERFORMANCES.
19571031             1. DEUTSCHER—FORSCHUNGSREAKTOR, Der Forschungsreaktor München (genannt "ATOM—EI") wird in Garching bei München als in Betrieb genommen.
19591031             1—FORMER—USA—MARINE from FORT—WORTH, TEXAS, LEE—HARVEY—OSWALD, announced in MOSCOW that he would never return to THE—USA.
19591031             —SIGNED, THE—USSR and EGYPT, contracts for building THE—ASWAN—DAM.
19591031             EUGÈNE—IONESCOS Groteske Die Nashörner, 1—STÜCK über Opportunismus gegenüber fanatischen Ideologien, wird im Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus uraufgeführt.
19601031             In der zwischen ÖSTERREICH und ITALIEN umstrittenen SÜDTIROL—FRAGE fordert die UN—RESOLUTION 1497/XV beide Staaten zu —VERHANDLUNGEN auf Grundlage des GRUBER—DE—GASPERI—ABKOMMENS auf.
19611031             1—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE ruled that BIRMINGHAM—ALABAMA, laws against integrated playing fields were illegal.
19611031             Des JOSEF—STALIN—LEICHNAM wird im Zuge der sowjetischen Entstalinisierung in Moskau aus dem LENIN—MAUSOLEUM entfernt und an der Kremlmauer beigesetzt.
19611031—19740000    —AUTHORED, MICHAEL—HOLROYD, the biography: "Augustus John".
19621031             BOBBY—PICKETT (19380000—20070000    ) made a 1—TIME hit with "Monster Mash," as it reached NUMBER 1 on Halloween.
19631031             J. EDGAR—HOOVER, LAST meeting with PRESIDENT—JOHN—F—KENNEDY.
19631031             —ON—HALLOWEEN—NIGHT leaking propane gas exploded and killed 64 at the "Holiday on Ice" show at THE—INDIANA—STATE—FAIR—GROUNDS—INDIANAPOLIS.
19671031             —NACH—107—JAHREN laufendem Betrieb zur STEINKOHLE—FÖRDERUNG wird die ZECHE—SHAMROCK in HERNE stillgelegt.
19681031             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—JOHNSON, 1—HALT to all USA—BOMBING—OF—NORTH—VIETNAM, effective THE—NEXT—MORNING, saying he hoped for fruitful peace negotiations.
19681031—19590000    —SINCE, LIU—SHAOQI—PRESIDENT—OF—CHINA (18980000—19680000    ), , was ousted.
19711031             Saigon began the release of 1,938 HANOI PRISONER—OF—WAR'S.
19711031             —ON THE—EAST—COAST—OF—INDIA 1—TIDAL wave and cyclone on Orissa killed more than 15,000—PEOPLE.
19711031             1. auch Frauen wahlberechtigt und wählbar, Bei den Wahlen zum SCHWEIZERISCHEN—NATIONAL—RAT und STÄNDE—RAT sind.
19711031             SCHENUDA—III—VON—ALEXANDRIEN wird zum Oberhaupt der koptischen Kirche gewählt.
19741031             —DISAPPEARED, Suspected Bundy victim LAURA—AIME, in UTAH.
19771031             —1— D, Further details of this campaign emerge from another entry in FLORIMOND—DAMMAN'S, diary
19781031             —PASSED, THE—USA—PREGNANCY—DISCRIMINATION—ACT was, making it illegal to fire women for being pregnant or having 1—CHILD.
19781031             THE—USA—PREGNANCY—DISCRIMINATION—ACT amended TITLE—VII of the Civil Rights Act of 19640000             to prohibit sex discrimination on the basis of pregnancy.
19790809—19791031    —CAPTURED, McGirk (38) was, .
19791031             —ENDANGERED, THE—USA—ARCHEOLOGICAL—RESOURCES—PROTECTION—ACT, on behalf of, antiquities, became law.
19791031             1—USA—DC 10, flown by WEST—AIRLINES, crashed at MEXICO—CITY—WHEN it struck 1—VEHICLE and 74 were killed.
19800415—19801031    —ON, —WHEN it ended, some 207,000 refugees entered THE—USA of which 125,000) were Cubans.
19800415—19801031    Exodus der Marielitos aus KUBA.
19801031             —PROCLAIMED, IRAN, Reza Pahlavi, eldest son of the late shah, himself the rightful successor to the Peacock Throne.
19811031             —REMAINED, GEORGIA—USA 1—JANE—DOE murder victim, nameless —AFTER her body was discovered in 1—CORNFIELD in Dixie on Halloween.
19811031             —ARRESTED, GEORGE—NEWSOME was, SHORTLY—AFTER the murder and police found the rope that had been used to strangle the girl in 1—MOTOR—HOME he owned.
19811031—19880000    —REVEALED, Newsome †, but never, the identity of his victim.
19811031—20200000    —IN, she was identified through DNA testing as Shirlene Cheryl Hammack.
19821031             THE—NEHEMIAH housing plan in NEW—YORK broke ground in BROWNSVILLE.
19821031             —FATHERED, It was, by I.D. Robbins (19100000—19960000    ) and CONSISTED—OF—LOW—COST, 3-bedroom brick townhouses that sold for $39,000. The plan was helped by the Industrial Areas Foundation established by THE—CHICAGO housing advocate SAUL—ALINSKY.
19821031             1. pontiff to visit SPAIN, JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA,
19831031             —AM, Schwerter zu Pflugscharen, empfing ERICH—HONECKER in BERLIN VERTRETER—DER—GRÜNEN.
19841030—19841031    —ON—AND, held —AT—THE—SCHLOSS—LENZBURG (near ZÜRICH), published by SOI;
19841031             —EXPLODED, The oil tanker Puerto Rican, in the Gulf of the Farallones off THE—COAST—OF—S—FRANCISCO spilling 2—MILLION—GALLONS—OF—OIL as the ship caught fire.
19841031             1—BOMB was believed to have caused the blast 10—MILES—WEST—OF—THE—GOLDEN Gate Bridge.
19841031             The inferno left 1—MAN dead.
19841031             There was no leakage of some 2.7—MILLION gallons of lube oil in the hold.
19841031             † DECATUR—ILLINOIS, 2—YOUNG—GIRLS were assaulted and killed.
19841031             —ASSASSINATED, INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—INDIRA—GANDHI was, near her residence in NEW—DELHI by 2—SIKH MEMBERS—OF—HER bodyguard.
19841031             —SPARKED, This, HINDU—SIKH clashes across the country.
19841031             —4—DAYS—OF—ANTI—SIKH rioting followed in INDIA.
19841031—19841118    —ON, a 360-foot remnant of the 600-foot tanker was towed to S—FRANCISCO—BAY.
19841031—20020000    —IN, The government said more than 2,700—PEOPLE, mostly Sikhs, were killed, —WHILE newspapers and HUMAN—RIGHTS—GROUPS put the death toll between 10,000 and 17,000. Katherine Frank authored the biography "Indira".
19841031—20090000    —REVEALED, DNA evidence, that Melvin Johnson (20030000             †) was the murderer.
19850000             —INDICTED, RICHARD—SMYTH, the owner of MILCO, is, on charges of smuggling nuclear timing devices to ISRAEL (WASHINGTON—POST, 19861031             ).
19851030—19851031    —ON—AND, held in MURI near BERN, published by SOI;
19851031             1—BÜHNENBESETZUNG verhindert die DEUTSCHE—ERSTAUFFÜHRUNG—VON—RAINER—WERNER—FASSBINDERS 19740000             entstandenem STÜCK—DER—MÜLL, die Stadt und der Tod in FRANKFURT am Main.
19871031             Noburo Takeshita, LEADER—OF—JAPAN—LIBERAL—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY, was elected party PRESIDENT in his 1. official step toward replacing PRIME—MINISTER—YASUHIRO—NAKASONE.
19881031             † JOHN—HOUSEMAN, —86—JAHRE—ALT, actor (Paper Chase).
19881031             —RELEASED, LEBANON, THE—KIDNAPPERS—OF—USA—HOSTAGE—TERRY—ANDERSON, 1—VIDEOTAPE in which THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS—CORRESPONDENT accused the Reagan administration of blocking his release.
19891031             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, he and SOVIET—LEADER—MIKHAIL—S—GORBACHEV would hold 1—EARLY—DECEMBER summit aboard ships in the Mediterranean near MALTA.
19900000             xymphora: 20031001—20031031     Notice how THE—NAMES—OF—NORQUIST + Rove + Gingrich (!... READING this, you might think that Abdurahman Alamoudi is SOME—KIND—OF—TERRORIST.
19901031             —DURING 1—CAMPAIGN swing in suburban WASHINGTON, PRESIDENT—BUSH said "I have had it" with the way IRAQ was treating USA—DIPLOMATS and hostages, but added he had no timetable for deciding on 1—POSSIBLE—MILITARY—STRIKE.
19901031—19901001    —AM, Nach der Hinterlegung der Ratifikationsurkunde tritt die UN—ANTIFOLTERKONVENTION für DEUTSCHLAND in Kraft.
19911031             † Theatrical producer JOSEPH—PAPP in NEW—YORK at age 70.
19911031             2. —DAY—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE—CONFERENCE in MADRID—SPAIN, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—YITZHAK—SHAMIR and Arab delegates clashed bitterly over land issues.
19911031             1. MULTI—PARTY—ELECTIONS, PRESIDENT—FREDERICK—CHILUBA and his Movement for MULTI—PARTY—DEMOCRACY won in the .
19911031             SAMBIA, stattfinden 1. freie PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTS—WAHLEN und PARLAMENTS—WAHLEN .
19911031             FREDERICK—CHILUBA—PRÄSIDENT—VON—SAMBIA gewählt. wird zum
19921031             —TORTURED, GALILEO—GALILEI was, and imprisoned by THE—HOLY—OFFICE, DURING—THE—INQUISITION, and was forced to recant his heretical views that the earth and planets revolve —AROUND the Sun.
19921031             —ACKNOWLEDGED, JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA, that the church had erred in condemning GALILEO—GALILEI.
19921031             —ANNOUNCED, It was, that 5—USA—NUNS in LIBERIA had been shot to death near THE—CAPITAL—MONROVIA;
19921031             the killings were blamed on rebels loyal to CHARLES—TAYLOR.
19921031             JOHANNES—PAUL—II—PAPA betont anlässlich der Übergabe des Abschlussberichts der PAPA—AKADEMIE—DER—WISSENSCHAFTEN über GALILEO—GALILEI, dass es 1—PFLICHT—DER—THEOLOGEN sei, "sich regelmäßig über die wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse zu informieren, um eventuell zu prüfen, ob sie diese in ihrer Reflexion berücksichtigen oder ihre Lehre anders formulieren müssen".
19921031—19921102    —AM, wird GALILEO—GALILEI formell rehabilitiert.
19931031             —ROBBED, OREGON, 7—MEN, the Oki Semiconductor facility in PORTLAND of microchips valued at several million dollars.
19931031             GERMANY unemployment hit 1—COUNTRY—RECORD—OF—3.5—MILLION.
19931031             † FEDERICO—FELLINI, ITALY—FILM—DIRECTOR, in ROME at age 73. FEDERICO—FELLINI made some 24—FILMS including "La Strada," "La Dolce Vita," "8 1/2," and "Amarcord" through the 50's and 60's.
19931031             † Actor River PHOENIX in LOS—ANGELES at age 23.
19931031—20010000    —CONVICTED, There were, and
19931031—20020000    —IN, 4—OF—THE—MEN were sentenced to prison terms.
19941031             1—AMERICA—EAGLE FRANCE—BUILT ATR 72, en route from INDIANAPOLIS to CHICAGO, crashed in ROSELAWN—INDIANA, and killed 68—PEOPLE.
19941031—19970000    —SETTLED, USA—AIRLINES and 7—OTHER—COMPANIES, 1—SUIT filed by relatives for $110—MILLION.
19951031             Stung by defeat in the secession referendum, QUEBEC Premier JACQUES—PARIZEAU said he would resign as head of the bitterly divided province at —YEAR—END.
19961017—19961031    —ON, angry citizens rioted —AFTER marching on the local police DEPARTMENT —WHEN local officials agreed to only speak with the march organizers.
19961031             —ACQUITTED, He was —LATER.
19961031             1—GRAND—JURY indicted 1—NUMBER—OF corrupt officials in KANSAS—CITY—MISSOURI.
19961031             BRAZIL, 1—DUTCH—MADE—FOKKER 100, TAM Regional Airlines Flight 402, crashed —AFTER TAKE—OFF from SAO—PAULO into THE—STREETS—OF—VILA—SANTA—CATARINA.
19961031             —KILLED, All 96—PEOPLE on BOARD and 3 on the ground were.
19961031             1—OUTBREAK—OF—THE—EBOLA virus killed at least 17—PEOPLE.
19961031             1—FOKKER 100—DER BRASILIANISCHEN—FLUGGESELLSCHAFT TAM Linhas Aéreas aktiviert kurz —NACH—DEM Start vom Flughafen São PAULO—CONGONHAS im rechten Triebwerk die Schubumkehr.
19961031             Die Maschine stürzt in 1—WOHNGEBÄUDE, alle 95—PASSAGIERE und 4—PERSONEN am Boden kommen ums Leben.
19961031—19930000    —CHARGED, As MEMBERS—OF—THE—PORT—AUTHORITY, with assigning licenses to riverboat gambling establishments, they accepted a $250,000 bribe from Hilton Hotels Corp. Named in the indictments were MICHELLE—LATHAN, Elbert Anderson (chmn. of the Port Authority), JAMES—RAMSEY, and 1—FAMILY—FRIEND—OF—ANDERSON'S, CHARLES—MAURICE—HERRON.
19961031—19950000    —SINCE, It was the 4. outbreak in AFRICA.
19961031—19950300    —TESTIFIED, PONTIAC—MICHIGAN, Jenny Jones, at the trial of 1—OF—HER—TALK—SHOW—GUESTS, JONATHAN—SCHMITZ, who was accused of killing another guest, SCOTT—AMEDURE.
19961031—19960600    —SINCE, PONTIAC—MICHIGAN, DOCTOR—JACK—KEVORKIAN was charged with assisting 3—SUICIDES.
19971031             CHINA—PRESIDENT—JIANG—ZEMIN rang the bell at THE—NEW—YORK Stock Exchange to open THE—DAY—TRADING.
19971031             —REDUCED, The verdict was —LATER, to manslaughter, and Woodward was set free.
19971031             THE—FBI began 1—INVESTIGATION into THE—USE—OF—PEPPER spray by law authorities in Humboldt COUNTY—CALIFORNIA, —AFTER 1—VIDEO—TAPE showed the spray applied directly to the eyes of protestors.
19971031             —AWARDED, INDONESIA was, a $23—BILLION economic rescue package by THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND.
19971031             —PROMISED, JAPAN and SINGAPORE, 1—ADDITIONAL 5—MILLION EACH—AND—THE—USA promised 1—ADDITIONAL $3—BILLION in loans to be used in case the $23—BILLION was insufficient to stabilize the situation.
19971031             —CROWNED, Letsie III (34) was, KING—OF—LESOTHO, 1—FIGUREHEAD—POSITION.
19971031             —RATIFIED, RUSSIA—LOWER—HOUSE, 1—GLOBAL—BAN on chemical weapons.
19971031             —AFTER the Duma it goes to the Federation Council for approval.
19971031             —APPROVED, The upper house, the ban 19971105             .
19971031             LETSIE—III—KÖNIG—VON—LESOTHO wird als gekrönt.
19971031—20011019    —UNTIL, JERZY—BUZEK (57), 1—CHEMICAL engineering professor, became PRIME—MINISTER—OF—POLAND and served.
19971031—20100000    —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA, 1—PLAN to increase spending over THE—NEXT—DECADE to $1—BILLION per —YEAR to clear THE—WORLD—OF—LAND—MINES that threaten CIVIL—POPULATIONS.
19981031             1—GENETIC—STUDY was released suggesting PRESIDENT—THOMAS—JEFFERSON fathered at least 1—CHILD by his slave SALLY—HEMINGS.
19981031             —SIGNED, THE—USA—AND—ISRAEL, 1—STRATEGIC—COOPERATION—AGREEMENT to protect the Jewish state from ballistic missiles.
19981031             —HANDED, Abe HIRSCHFELD—NEW—YORK real estate magnate, Paula Jones a $1—MILLION—CHECK to cash for settlement of the sexual harassment case against PRESIDENT—CLINTON.
19981031             —VANISHED, STEPHANIE—CONDON (14), —WHILE babysitting 1—COUSIN—TWINS in RIDDLE—OREGON.
19981031             He was the last person known to have seen her alive.
19981031             —REPORTED, CONGO, it was, that 1—LIGHTNING bolt killed all 11—MEMBERS—OF—1—SOCCER team in EAST—KASAI province.
19981031             IRAQ said that it was suspending all cooperation with INTERNATIONAL arms inspectors and would close down their LONG—TERM monitoring operations in response to 1—SECURITY—COUNCIL—REJECTION—OF—DEMANDS that 1—REVIEW—OF—ITS—RELATIONS with THE—UN should automatically result in 1—LIFTING—OF—SANCTIONS.
19981031             —CONDEMNED, The move, by the Security Council.
19981031             —KILLED, NORTH—IRELAND, BRIAN—SERVICE, —35—JAHRE—ALT was, in BELFAST.
19981031             —CLAIMED, —LATER the Red Hand Defenders, responsibility.
19981031             1—RED—COLORED hand is the traditional SYMBOL—OF—THE—PROVINCE—OF—ULSTER.
19981031             —PLANNED, PAKISTAN, the government, to use direct rule in KARACHI, where near daily violence —THIS—YEAR has left 750—PEOPLE—DEAD.
19981031             —APPROVED, RUSSIA, the government, 1—ECONOMIC—PLAN that centered on tax cuts, bank rescues, state intervention and printing more rubles.
19981031—20090000    —IN, Her remains were found in Glide, Ore., about 30—MILES from Riddle.
19981031—20090325    —ARRESTED, DALE—WAYNE—HILL, was, in DAYTON—NEVADA, on 1—CHARGE—OF—FAILURE to register as 1—FELON.
19991031             —CONQUERED, —WHEN THE—ROMANS—BRITAIN in THE—1—CENTURY, their fall harvest festival, Poloma —DAY, mixed with the traditions of Samhain to form 1—MAJOR—FALL—FESTIVAL—AT—THE—END—OF—OCTOBER.
19991031             —BECAME, JESSE—MARTIN—OF—AUSTRALIA, the youngest person to circumnavigate the globe, sailing solo, NON—STOP and unsupported.
19991031             —BELIEVED, It was, that on this —DAY the souls of the dead revisited their homes.
19991031             Bonfires were lit to chase away evil spirits.
19991031             1—EGYPTAIR jetliner, Flight 990, enroute from NEW—YORK to CAIRO crashed off Nantucket ISLAND and all 217—PEOPLE aboard were killed.
19991031             Captains AHMED—AL—HABASHY and Raouf Noureldin were at the controls.
19991031             Relief pilot Gamil AL—BATOUTI, —59—JAHRE—ALT, the father of 5, was suspected to have caused the crash.
19991031             —DEPARTED, EAST—TIMOR, the last 900—INDONESIA—SOLDIERS.
19991031             —BURNED, INDONESIA—FORCES had, about 80—PERCENT—OF—EAST—TIMOR—GOVERNMENT—BUILDINGS and infrastructure —FOLLOWING the vote for INDEPENDENCE.
19991031             AUGSBURG—GERMANY, leaders of THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC and modern Lutheran Churches signed THE—AUGSBURG—ACCORD, a "Joint Declaration on THE—DOCTRINE—OF—JUSTIFICATION," in 1—STEP toward reconciliation.
19991031             The accord gave weight to the Lutheran position on salvation through faith and embraced the Catholic ethic of earthly service.
19991031             MACEDONIA, elections Tito Petkovski, representing the former communist Social DEMOCRATIC—PARTY, led with 38—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE vs. BORIS—TRAJKOVSKI (VMRO) with 24.6%.
19991031             1—RUNOFF was scheduled in —2—WEEKS.
19991031             —FAVORED, UKRAINE, elections were held and PRESIDENT—KUCHMA was.
19991031             Kuchma came in 1. with 36.5—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE vs. Communist leader Petro Symonenko with 22.2%.
19991031             URUGUAY, Tabare Vazquez, THE—FORMER—MAYOR—OF—MONTEVIDEO, led the presidential vote with 38% against 31% for JORGE—BATLLE—OF—THE—RULING—COLORADO—PARTY.
19991031             1—RUNOFF 19991128             runoff was planned.
19991031             —CRASHED, EgyptAir flight 990—EN route from NEW—YORK to CAIRO...
19991031             2. demokratischen Parlamentswahlen in GEORGIEN gewinnt die GEORGISCHE—BÜRGERUNION EDUARD—SCHEWARDNADSES die absolute Mehrheit.
19991031             1—BOEING 767—DER Luftfahrtgesellschaft EGYPT Air stürzt etwa 100—KM —NACH—DEM START—VON—NEW—YORK—CITY wegen 1—PILOTENFEHLERS ab.
19991031             Alle 217—MENSCHEN an Bord kommen ums Leben.
19991031             Vertreter des Lutherischen Weltbundes und der RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHEN Kirche unterzeichnen in AUGSBURG die Gemeinsame Erklärung zur Rechtfertigungslehre und heben damit die gegenseitigen Lehrverurteilungen in dieser fundamentalen theologischen Streitfrage auf.
19991031—19981208    —ON, He sailed from MELBOURNE—AUSTRALIA, aged —18—YEARS—104—DAYS and
19991031—19991031    —ON, returned, taking —327—DAYS—12—HOURS—52—MINUTES.
19991031—20020000    —IN, the National Transportation Safety BOARD reported that EL—BATOUTY was solely responsible for the crash.
19991113             —RECOVERED, THE—NAVY, the cockpit voice recorder from EgyptAir Flight 990, which crashed into the Atlantic Ocean 19991031             with the loss of all 217—PEOPLE aboard.
20000601             —OPENED, GERMANY, the Expo 20000000             , in Hanover and ran to 20001031             .
20000811—19991031    —IN—THE, THE—NATIONAL—TRANSPORTATION—SAFETY—BOARD released evidence reports, crash of EgyptAir Flight 990—OFF the New ENGLAND coast;
20001031             They would become the 1. RESIDENTS—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20001031             ANGOLA, 1—RUSSIAN—ANTONOV 26—CHARTER plane burst into flames —AFTER takeoff and all 48—PEOPLE aboard were killed.
20001031             —CLAIMED, Unita rebels —LATER, responsibility.
20001031             —CLOSED, GERMANY, the Expo 20000000             , in Hanover.
20001031             —CALLED, JERUSALEM, Yasser Arafat, for renewed resistance.
20001031             —KILLED, At least 4—PALESTINIANS were, along THE—EAST—GAZA Strip.
20001031             1—ITALY—CARGO ship sank in THE—ENGLAND—CHANNEL with 6,000 TONS—OF—CHEMICALS that included the toxic styrene, 1—KNOWN carcinogen, along with isopropyl alcohol and methyl ethyl ketone.
20001031             1—SINGAPORE—AIRLINES—BOEING 747—400—JET crashed on takeoff from TAIWAN as Typhoon Xangsane approached.
20001031             Flight SQ006 was bound for LOS—ANGELES.
20001031             —CLOSED, The plane apparently hit construction equipment on 1, runway.
20001031             —ANNOUNCED, The airlines, a $400,000 payment to victim's families —AFTER admitting to pilot error.
20001031             83—PEOPLE were killed —WHEN the pilots took off on the wrong runway.
20001031             —PROSECUTED, The pilots were not.
20001031             Borussia DORTMUND geht als 1. DEUTSCHER—FUSSBALLBUNDESLIGIST an die Börse.
20001031             —VERABSCHIEDET, Der UN—SICHERHEITSRAT, einstimmig die RESOLUTION—1325 zu Frauen, Frieden und Sicherheit.
20001031             Mit der Mission SOJUS—TM—31 startet ihre 1. Besatzung zur Internationalen Raumstation (ISS).
20001031—19470000    —IN—THE, Ring Lardner JUNIOR, 1—HOLLYWOOD screenwriter, † at age 85. He was 1—OF—THE—HOLLYWOOD 10, who were blacklisted McCarthy hearings.
20011000—20081031    - —SINCE—OVER 1,000 foreign soldiers killed in AFGHANISTAN THE—USA has suffered the most losses, with 625—DEAD.
20011000—20081031    —FOLLOWED, THE—USA is, by THE—UK with 121—DEATHS, CANADA with 97, GERMANY 28, FRANCE 22, THE—NETHERLANDS 17, DENMARK 16, and ITALY 13.
20011001—20011031    Most Forwarded in
20011031             -10-31 - Other, 20060201236            —PM,
20011031             —1—, THE—NEW—YORK Yankees played THE—ARIZONA—DIAMONDBACKS in game 4—OF—THE—WORLD—SERIES;
20011031             the game ended —JUST 1—FEW minutes —AFTER midnight as DEREK—JETER hit a 2—RUN homer in the bottom of the 10. inning to lift the Yankees over the Diamondbacks 4-3 and tie the Series at 2—GAMES each.
20011031             —REPORTED, USA—BOMBING in AFGHANISTAN was, to be the heaviest in the —4-WEEK campaign.
20011031             —REPORTED, THE—USA—COMMERCE—DEPARTMENT, a 3. quarter 0.4% annualized fall in THE—GDP.
20011031             —MARKED, The decline, 1—END to 33—STRAIGHT—QUARTERS—OF—ECONOMIC—GROWTH.
20011031             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION said it would adopt stricter arsenic standard for drinking water as proposed in the final DAYS—OF—THE—CLINTON administration.
20011031             —ANNOUNCED, ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JOHN—ASHCROFT, plans to block hostile foreigners from entering THE—USA.
20011031             —RECEIVED, THE—USA—CONSULATE in LAHORE—PAKISTAN, 1—LETTER that was —LATER confirmed to contain anthrax.
20011031             —1—, FORMER—SYMBIONESE Liberation Army fugitive SARA—JANE—OLSON pleaded guilty to 2—FELONY accounts in LOS—ANGELES to the attempted MURDER—OF—POLICE—OFFICERS from activities with the Symbionese Liberation Army 19750000             —IN.
20011031             —SENTENCED, She was —LATER, to —20—YEARS to life in prison.
20011031             —1—, Microsoft and the Justice Department reached 1—TENTATIVE agreement to settle the historic antitrust case against the software giant.
20011031             CONNECTICUT, JOSEPH—GANIM, —42—JAHRE—ALT, THE—MAYOR—OF—BRIDGEPORT, was charged in 1—FEDERAL—RACKETEERING indictment with soliciting over $425,000 in bribes.
20011031             —BECAME, THE—SEC inquiry into Enron Corp., 1—FORMAL—INVESTIGATION.
20011031             Halloween —THIS—YEAR came with 1—BLUE—MOON, the 2. full MOON—OF—THE—MONTH.
20011031             † KATHY—NGUYEN, —61—JAHRE—ALT, 1—NEW—YORK—CITY hospital worker, of anthrax.
20011031             KATHY—NGUYEN was the 4. person to perish in 1—SPREADING WAVE—OF—BIOTERRORISM.
20011031             —1—, Cold War arms negotiator PAUL—C—WARNKE † at age 81.
20011031             1—ISRAEL—HELICOPTER missile in HEBRON killed JAMIL—JADALLAH, 1—SENIOR—HAMAS member.
20011031             5—OTHER—PALESTINIANS were also killed in WEST—BANK attacks.
20011031             —ORDERED, PAKISTAN, PRESIDENT—MUSHARRAF, THE—ARREST—OF—ANYONE using 1—MOSQUE loudspeaker for anything other than the traditional call to prayer.
20011031             —BANNED, He also, THE—USE—OF—MOSQUES to "spread sectarian hatred".
20011031             —APPROVED, PERU, Congress unanimously, embezzlement charges against FORMER—PRESIDENT—FUJIMORI.
20011031             —AFTER THE—ATTACKS—FORMER—SEC enforcement director WILLIAM—MCLUCAS, hired by Enron.
20011031             Secrecy News Articles
20011031             WILLIAM—MCLUCAS, the Securities & Exchange COMMISSION—FORMER—ENFORCEMENT...
20011031             —RECEIVED, BRENT—R—WILKES, 1—MILITARY—CONTRACTOR whose companies have, nearly...
20021024—20021031    —AM, BAHRAIN, Der 2. WAHL—GANG erfolgt.
20021031             $5000.00. CLINTON CORNERS, NY 12514. [Contribution].
20021031             Free speech By BILL—NEEL.
20021031             —ARRESTED, This BUTLER—PENNSYLVANIA resident was, in Neville ISLAND on Labour —DAY—DURING 1—VISIT there by PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20021031             —REFUSED, MISTER—NEEL had, to obey police directives to step into a
20021031             THE—USA—ENACTED—THE—ANDEAN—TRADE—PROMOTION and Drug Eradication Act (ATPDEA) as 1—REPLACEMENT for the similar Andean Trade Preference Act (ATPA).
20021031             It granted DUTY—FREE—ACCESS to 1—WIDE—RANGE—OF—EXPORTS from BOLIVIA, COLOMBIA, ECUADOR, and PERU.
20021031             —1—/20021101             , Inmates at S—QUENTIN performed the verse drama "JOHN—BROWN—BODY" by STEPHEN—VINCENT—BENET under the direction of JOSEPH—DE—FRANCESCA.
20021031             —CHARGED, Authorities, THE—2—WASHINGTON sniper suspects JOHN—ALLEN—MUHAMMAD and LEE—BOYD—MALVO with murder in 1—LOUISIANA attack that came —JUST—2—DAYS—AFTER 1—SIMILAR slaying in ALABAMA.
20021031             —ORDERED, THE—SECURITIES and Exchange Commission, 1—INVESTIGATION into allegations that Chairman HARVEY—PITT had concealed information on the corporate ties of WILLIAM—WEBSTER.
20021031             —ENDED, Pitt and Webster both, up resigning.
20021031             —CLAIMED, THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC, to have put down 1—COUP—ATTEMPT by rebels backing 1 ousted army CHIEF—OF—STAFF.
20021031             —KILLED, Chechen rebels, 6—RUSSIA—SERVICEMEN, 1—CHECHEN policeman and 1—LOCAL—ADMINISTRATOR, as RUSSIA—FORCES intensified searches for rebels —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—MOSCOW theater siege.
20021031             † GREECE, Michalis Stasinopoulos (99), 1—LEGAL—SCHOLAR who challenged GREECE's 19670000—19740000     military dictatorship and served as PRESIDENT —AFTER it collapsed.
20021031             1—STRONG—EARTHQUAKE rocked central and SOUTH—ITALY, trapping about 50—CHILDREN in 1—SCHOOL in S—GIULIANO di Puglia —AFTER the building's roof collapsed.
20021031             —REACHED, The death, at least 28.
20021031             Velupillai Prabhakaran, the reclusive LEADER—OF—SRI—LANKA—TAMIL—TIGER guerrillas, was sentenced in absentia to —200—YEARS' jail, as government and rebel officials began talks in THAILAND to try to end —19—YEARS—OF—WAR.
20030930             xymphora: 20031001—20031031     Here is 1—INTERESTING exchange in 1—INTERVIEW—BY—KEITH—OLBERMANN—OF—JOHN—LOFTUS, beginning with Loftus discussing THE—ARREST—OF—ABDURAHMAN—ALAMOUDI (I've...
20031031             JOHN—LOFTUS, —NOW honorary PRESIDENT—OF—THE—FLORIDA—HOLOCAUST—MUSEUM... the " Bush Nazi past" in its 20030305             edition.
20031031             —POSTED—BY: greenmamba at 20050803             —0352—PM...
20031031             Neueste Enthüllungen aus ÄGYPTEN Aufklärungsarbeit 14
20031031             SIGNS—OF—THE—TIMES - 20031031             20031031             CAST—OF—CHARACTERS.
20031031             1—SCARY—TALE for Halloween.
20031031             Once upon 1—TIME, in 1—GALAXY far, far away... 1—GREAT—WAR was waged against 1—EVIL—EMPIRE.
20031031             † Over 60—MILLION.
20031031             in WASHINGTON —DURING... Pentagon office discussing the best ways of making 1—PROFIT on killing people.
20031031             —JUST minutes —PRIOR—TO the 1. plane hitting the 1. tower of THE—WTC... SIGNS—OF—THE—TIMES_org
20031031             World War 3—REPORT #44 WWIII.
20031031             Report is 1—INDEPENDENT, Vigilant SENTRY—OF—TRUTH in THE—WAR—ON—TERROR
20031031             SOME—OF—OUR most famous USA—FAMILIES, including the...
20031031             PORTLAND imc - 20030000             .10.25 - BUSH—NAZI Link AUTHOR—DEATH—THREATS
20031031             AUTHOR—OF—BUSH—NAZI Link Confirmed —NOW living under —24—HOUR—POLICE—PROTECTION—AFTER...
20031031             CONTEXT,: With friends like this - 1—SUCH individual is JOHN—LOFTUS.
20031031             This is a man whose extreme +...
20031031             —KILLED, THE—BUSH—BANK—HELPED—THE—THYSSEN s make the Nazi steel that, allied soldiers.
20031031             1—LETTER from JOHN—BUCHANAN...
20031031             BUSH—NAZI Link AUTHOR—DEATH—THREATS A Letter from JOHN—BUCHANAN...
20031031             GEORGE—W—BUSH is Becoming More Like Hitler Everyday
20031031             Nazi War Crimes Prosecutor JOHN—LOFTUS who is —TODAY THE—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—FLORIDA—HOLOCAUST—MUSEUM "THE—BUSH—FAMILY—FORTUNE came from the 3. Reich...
20031031             1—JEWISH—PERSPTECTIVE on GW Bush
20031031             THE—HOLLAND—CONNECTION : How the Bush family made its fortune from...
20031031             For the Bush family, it is 1—LINGERING nightmare.
20031031             For their Nazi clients, THE—HOLLAND—CONNECTION was THE—MOTHER—OF—ALL—MONEY—LOUNDRING operations...
20031031             Total Bush Awareness News and Bush crime family history, awareness...
20031031             Bush crime family, total bush awareness, Bush Nazi connections...
20031031             JOHN—LOFTUS—SIEGE—HEIL: THE—BUSH—ROVE—SCHWARZENEGGER Nazi Nexus + the...
20031031             "Fired Bush Backer 1—OF—SEVERAL with Possible Nazi Links".
20031031             small dead animals: LEON—DEWINTER—AND—PAUL—AUSBORN - JOHN—LOFTUS on THE—BUSH—NAZI scandal.
20031031             (He forgives GWB.) - Did the Bush Family Help the Nazis? - Associated Content
20031031             Prescott BUSH—TIES to Nazi GERMANY.
20031031             Former investigator JOHN—LOFTUS has said that "As 1—FORMER—FEDERAL—PROSECUTOR...
20031031             Nazi, GOP, business, Bush Knots
20031031             HEAD—OF—FLORIDA holocaust Museum links Bush family to Nazis
20031031             "THE—BUSH—FAMILY—FORTUNE came from the 3. Reich".
20031031             BUSH—NAZI LINK CONFIRMED meg Documents in National Archives Prove...
20031031             —REPORTED, The item. BUSH—NAZI—LINK—CONFIRMED.
20031031             THE—RETHUGLICANS want to play NAZI—BALL? Hit them with these FACTS.
20031031             Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG)
20031031             1—NEW E—MAIL virus, "Mimail.C.," started spreading to corporate computers and is headed for home computers, but computer security experts said they expect the outbreak to wind down over the weekend.
20031031             CALIFORNIA, lawyer GERALD—CURRY was shot 5—TIMES by WILLIAM—STRIER outside 1—COURTHOUSE in S—FERNANDO—VALLEY.
20031031             The shooting was caught on videotape by crews covering actor ROBERT—BLAKE—MURDER—CASE in VAN Nuys.
20031031             —KILLED, SF, VICTOR—BACH, —71—JAHRE—ALT was, at his Mission District office, WEST—PLUMBING and Heating on Halloween.
20031031             —CHARGED, His wife was —LATER, with defrauding the business and 1—TRUST—ACCOUNT that he was overseeing.
20031031             Bethany HAMILTON, teen surfing star, lost her left arm in 1—SHARK attack off KAUAI—HAWAII.
20031031             —REJECTED, THE—EPA, new restrictions on WEED—KILLER atrazine.
20031031             —SUSPECTED—OF, It was, causing mutations in frogs.
20031031             † RICHARD—E—NEUSTADT, —84—JAHRE—ALT, the noted presidential adviser, scholar and historian who was 1—FOUNDER—OF—HARVARD—KENNEDY—SCHOOL—OF—GOVERNMENT, in ENGLAND.
20031031             His 19600000             book "Presidential Power: THE—POLITICS—OF—LEADERSHIP," offered insight into government DECISION—MAKING.
20031031             Fighting between AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS and police in 1—TENSE—PROVINCE in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN killed 2—MILITARY—COMMANDERS and up to 8—POLICEMEN.
20031031             —BANGED, THOUSANDS—OF—ARGENTINES, pots and pans on street corners and apartment balconies across the capital to protest rising crime.
20031031             —INAUGURATED, Ilham Aliev was, as AZERBAIJAN—NEW—PRESIDENT, succeeding his ailing father as LEADER—OF—THE—OIL—RICH—FORMER—SOVIET—REPUBLIC.
20031031             1—WILDLIFE expert said 1—RABIES outbreak is threatening the few 100—REMAINING ETHIOPIA—WOLVES, 1—OF—THE—WORLD—RAREST—ANIMALS.
20031031             † KAMATO—HONGO (116), 1—JAPAN—WOMAN believed to have been the world's oldest person.
20031031             —BECAME, ABDULLAH—AHMAD—BADAWI, MALAYSIA—1. new PRIME—MINISTER in a generation, succeeding Mahathir Mohamad.
20031031             TAIWAN—PRESIDENT—CHEN—SHUI—BIAN took his campaign for 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION to NEW—YORK, as TAIWAN—MEDIA widely reported protests by BEIJING supporters against his visit.
20031031             He described his campaign for 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION as 1—EFFORT to increase government efficiency.
20031031             —ADOPTED, THE—UN—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY, THE—UNITED—NATIONS Convention against Corruption and requested that THE—SECRETARY—GENERAL designate THE—UN—OFFICE—ON—DRUGS and Crime (UNODC) as secretariat for THE—CONVENTION—CONFERENCE—OF—STATES—PARTIES (resolution 58/4).
20031031—20060000    —CONVICTED—OF, Strier (66) was, attempted murder and sentenced to life in prison plus —25—YEARS.
20031031—20080000    —CONVICTED—OF, Kathy Bach (57) was, 13-theft related charges for defrauding her husband's business and 1—PRIVATE—TRUST that he oversaw.
20040311—20071031    —ON, 3—LEAD—DEFENDANTS were CONVICTED—OF—MURDER.
20040924—20040923    —DECLARED, Oil Trivia / NIGERIA : "LAGOS—NIGERIA—UNIONS, the top oil multinational in NIGERIA, Royal Dutch/Shell, '1—ENEMY—OF—THE—NIGERIA—PEOPLE' —ON—SUNDAY [20041031             ] and called a 20041116             nationwide strike that they said would target oil exports from AFRICA—OIL—GIANT.... Unions called 20041116             —THE strike —AFTER giving PRESIDENT—OLUSEGUN—OBASANJO —UNTIL—SUNDAY to reverse 20040923             s 23 % increase in fuel prices in NIGERIA....
20040924—20040923    — 20041101             - Oil Trivia / NIGERIA : "LAGOS—NIGERIA—UNIONS declared the top oil multinational in NIGERIA, Royal Dutch/Shell, '1—ENEMY—OF—THE—NIGERIA—PEOPLE' —ON—SUNDAY [20041031             ] and called a 20041116             nationwide strike that they said would target oil exports from AFRICA—OIL—GIANT.... Unions called 20041116             —THE strike —AFTER giving PRESIDENT—OLUSEGUN—OBASANJO —UNTIL—SUNDAY to reverse 20040923             s 23 % increase in fuel prices in NIGERIA....
20040924—20040923    —DATE20041101             - Oil Trivia / NIGERIA : "LAGOS—NIGERIA—UNIONS declared the top oil multinational in NIGERIA, Royal Dutch/Shell, '1—ENEMY—OF—THE—NIGERIA—PEOPLE' —ON—SUNDAY [20041031             ] and called a 20041116             nationwide strike that they said would target oil exports from AFRICA—OIL—GIANT.... Unions called 20041116             —THE strike —AFTER giving PRESIDENT—OLUSEGUN—OBASANJO —UNTIL—SUNDAY to reverse 20040923             s 23 % increase in fuel prices in NIGERIA....
20041000             USA—PRÄSIDENTENWAHL : Das Loch zur Macht...
20041000             Or is it the Republicans'...
20041027—20041031    —KILLED, Violent clashes in 1—VILLAGE in CENTRAL—CHINA, 7—PEOPLE and injured 42. Police imposed martial law in Langchenggang, Zhongmou County, in Henan province —AFTER the fighting between HUNDREDS—OF—RIOTERS that pitted Muslim CHINA—AGAINST NON—MUSLIMS.
20041031             The real reason for this insecurity, he argues, is the decay of the 19010101—20001231    —POLITICAL—BELIEF—SYSTEMS and social structures: people have been left "disconnected" and "fearful".
20041031             Dem Bitch Kicks Student 1—PART—TIME—COLLEGE instructor has apologized for kicking 1—STUDENT because he was wearing 1—REPUBLICAN shirt.
20041031             Military Families Against FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH—POSTED—BY—KYNN on 11:33 PM, 20040916             20041107             [20030916             THE—PLAIN—DEALER, —POSTED AT—DIEBOLD—WEB—SITE.
20041031             Copyright JOE—VIALLS, 20041005             20041031             Copyright JOE—VIALLS, 20041005             200411201005         —PM #52 Try CARL—BERNSTEIN, instead MIKE—NELSON 20041120             —1134—PM #80 It's 1—TRAP!
20041031             Copyright JOE—VIALLS, 20041005             20041031             Copyright JOE—VIALLS, 20041005             20041031             Copyright JOE—VIALLS, 20041005             200411201005         —PM #52 Try CARL—BERNSTEIN, instead MIKE—NELSON 20041120             —1134—PM #80 It's 1—TRAP!
20041031             ADAM—CURTIS, who wrote and produced the series, acknowledges THE—DIFFICULTY—OF—SAYING such things —NOW.
20041031             Transcript of bin LADIN—SPEECH : —FOLLOWING is THE—ENGLAND—TRANSCRIPT of Usama bin LADIN—SPEECH in 1—VIDEOTAPE aired by Aljazeera —ON—FRIDAY 20041029             .
20041031             "Larry completed glossed over it".
20041031             Habitat for Humanity - Hemet Neighbors - Inland Abolition
20041031             Inland Peace - Not In Our Valley - Peace and War- - RIVERSIDE Resistance
20041031             Students Against Sweatshops - Your Inland ANTI—IMPERIALIST - angelegt worden.
20041031             MADRID—CONCENTRACIÓN: Protesta con velas para recordar a todos los muertos en la guerra ilegal de IRAQ Cita: 20:30h, Embajada de EEUU (Serrano 75. <M> Rubén Darío) Convoca: USA—VOICES in SPAIN
20041031             Finale im USA—WAHLKAMPF: Moore schickt 12000000             Beobachter mit Kameras nach OHIO und FLORIDA
20041031             Winterzeit in Kraft: Uhrenumstellung findet geteiltes Echo
20041031             Alternative zum Torfabbau: Mit Moos die Moore retten
20041031             Atomare Rüstung: IRANISCHES—PARLAMENT für Urananreicherung
20041031             Rechtsextremismus: Vorbestrafter Neonazi in NPD—VORSTAND gewählt
20041031             Milliardengeschäft Druckertinte: Die teuerste Flüssigkeit der Welt
20041031             2—MOVIES that I like that is for entertaining and educational purposes are La Otra Conquista and Men with Guns.
20041031             La Otra Conquista is about what happens —AFTER THE—CONQUEST—OF—MEXICO.
20041031             Men with Guns is about a man who discovers that MEXICO is corupted even though he lived in MEXICO all his life.
20041031             -Orwell Rolls in His Grave
20041031             This film explores what the media doesn't like to talk ABOUT—ITSELF. issues about the media include dominating conservative views and consolidation into few hands.
20041031             BUSH—BRAIN - "BUSH—BRAIN" is 1—DOCUMENTARY that introduces the country to Rove, Karl the man known as "BUSH—BRAIN", the most powerful political figure USA has never heard of, the Wizard of Oz behind THE—CURTAIN—OF—TODAY—PRESIDENTIAL—POLITICS.
20041031             —BASED, It is, on THE—BEST—SELLING book BUSH—BRAIN (Wiley, 20030000             ) by journalists JAMES—MOORE + WAYNE—SLATER.
20041031             BUSH—BRAIN explores Rove, Karl s remarkable political journey and the extraordinary role he has played in GEORGE—BUSH—RISE to the top.
20041031             —FROM his masterful political skills, to the secret machinations he has carefully orchestrated, to his dramatic influence on foreign policy, the fingerprints of Rove, Karl can be found —THROUGHOUT the political process.
20041031             Mit deutlicher Mehrheit lehnte der Parteitag einen Antrag der Parteilinken ab, der die PDS auf die Oppositionsrolle festlegen wollte.
20041031             Vertreter der Kommunistischen Plattform beklagten, die PDS verliere durch ihre Regierungsbeteiligungen zunehmend an Vertrauen.
20041031             Auf dem Höhepunkt der innerparteilichen Richtungskämpfe hatte er GABI—ZIMMER im Vorsitz abgelöst.
20041031             Bisky war —BEREITS—VON—19930000—20000000     PDS—CHEF.
20041031             Nach stundenlanger Diskussion billigten die Delegierten —AM—ABEND mit großer Mehrheit einen Leitantrag des Vorstands, der einen Politikwechsel hin zu mehr sozialer Gerechtigkeit fordert.
20041031             Ziel ist die Rückkehr der PDS in Fraktionsstärke in den BUNDESTAG.
20041031             —DERZEIT ist die Partei nur mit den 2—DIREKT gewählten Abgeordneten Gesine Lötzsch und PETRA—PAU im Parlament vertreten.
20041031             PDS: Bisky fährt Rekordergebnis ein
20041031             Bodine, 1—CAREER—DIPLOMAT, had been in YEMEN —FOR—3—YEARS.
20041031             —AIRED, Even so, the network, PARTS—OF—THE—TAPE —TODAY—DURING its nightly newscast.
20041031             —ON the videotape, the man, whose head and face is covered, says, "The streets will run with blood," +
20041031             "USA will mourn in silence" because they will be unable to count the number of the dead resulting from 1—ATTACK promised to dwarf 20010911             .
20041031             said the man, who is identified only as "AZZAM—THE—AMERICAN".
20041031             "And that Allah willing, the magnitude + ferocity of what is coming your way will make you forget all about 20010911             .
20041031             —AFTER DECADES—OF—USA tyranny, —NOW it's your turn to die".
20041031             Drudge reports 1—SENIOR—FEDERAL—OFFICIAL—CLAIMS—ABC was holding back from broadcasting ANY—PORTION—OF—THE—VIDEO—OUT—OF—FEAR it will be seen as 1—POLITICAL—MOVE by the network —DURING election —WEEK.
20041031             "This is not something you —JUST throw out there —WHILE people are voting," 1—ABC source explained.
20041031             The tape appears to be from AL—QAIDA—MEDIA liaison organization.
20041031             —EDUCATED, Intelligence sources say the man in the tape is college, either USA born or raised in THE—USA.
20041031             —NAMED, They say he may be 1—TERROR—SUSPECT, ADAM—GADHAN, or ADAM—PEARLMAN, of SOUTH—CALIFORNIA.
20041031             Copyright: WorldNet Daily -
20041031             "AMERICA—MAY Be Forced to Surrender in IRAQ—WHILE USA—SOLDIERS—IMPLEMENT the latest Pentagon pedophile policy of using candy to lure IRAQ—CHILDREN into acting as 'human shields' for road convoys, the Republican Guard demonstrates its staggering ability to maroon the entire USA—ARMY inside IRAQ, then destroy it at leisure".
20041031             Copyright JOE—VIALLS, 20041005             20041031             This link has 1—VIDEO—OF what appears to be 1—ABRAMS tank that was instantly blown to bits by 1—WEAPON—OF—1—UNKNOWN—TYPE - 1 must watch.
20041031             UN—NAMED USA Gov agency says 25—CHECHEN Terrorists Entered USA from MEXICO
20041031             Oh BAWK! BAWK! BAWK! OK, Me Lords, thanks for telling us what's going down next.
20041031             VATICAN buries the hatchet with Blair and Bush over IRAQ—VATICAN BAWKS that NATO should send zillions more arcade ducks to IRAQ for THE—AMUSEMENT—OF—THE—GUERRILLAS.
20041031             So —NOW THE—PAPA is totally in bed with Bush, Blair and Sharon and Her Majesty and Lord Rothschild.
20041031             THE—PAPA is and always has been 1—OF—THEM—CASE Closed.
20041031             Hey, PAPA.
20041031             Stick it up your big fat nose, you creepy, altar boy raping, sick old freak.
20041031             CHINA sends 150,000 troops to N Korean border.
20041031             Probably to let Bonehead know that CHINA won't stand for ANY—HANKY—PANKY with their ally N KOREA.
20041031             Sanhedrin Launched In Tiberias
20041031             1—UNIQUE—CEREMONY—PROBABLY only the 2. of its kind in the past 1,—600—YEARS—TOOK place in Tiberias —TODAY: The launching of 1—SANHEDRIN, the highest JEWISH—LEGAL—TRIBUNAL in the Land of ISRAEL".
20041031             Her MAJESTY—COLONIAL—AMPHIBIOUS—ARCADE—DUCKS (formerly known as THE—USA—MARINES) don't care for their IRAQ—COMRADES.
20041031             "The marines are convinced that THE—ING knows where MANY—OF—THE—IEDS are planted + even say they have caught guardsmen in the act of laying mines. —WHEN joint patrols come under attack, they say, THE—ING simply refuses to fight. As the relationship worsens, more and more ING are simply refusing to turn up at work. Of THE—140—GUARDSMEN based at Karmah 1—AVERAGE—OF between 40 and 60—TURN up on ANY—GIVEN —DAY. At other CAP barracks, that number is sometimes as low as 2. —SINCE THE—ARREST—OF—THE—KARMAH—ING—CAPTAIN, the rapport has become even more sullen. The marines sit under canvas shelters, convinced that the guardsmen lurking in their dormitories are traitors and murderers".
20041031             "PORT—AU—PRINCE, HAITI (Reuters) - 1—CONTINGENT—OF—95—RIOT—POLICE from CHINA have arrived in HAITI to help restore order in the Caribbean nation plagued with gang and political violence that has killed more than 50—PEOPLE over the past —2—WEEKS".
20041031             I attended THE—JOHN—BUCHANAN—PRESS—CONFERENCE and MISTER—BUCHANAN announced that he is voting for JOHN—KERRY to save the nation from GEORGE—BUSH and fascism.
20041031             —AT—THE—TIME I told MISTER—BUCHANAN that I would not and could not vote for Kerry + that I still intended to vote for him.
20041031             —DECIDED, —AFTER thinking it over, I've, that I will not vote for MISTER—BUCHANAN.
20041031             In the future, ANY—SELF—DESCRIBED—ANTI—ESTABLISHMENT—POLITICIAN who wants my vote must assure me that he will not drop out and vote for ANY—ESTABLISHMENT—POLITICIAN.
20041031             —ASKED, MISTER—BUCHANAN, me if I was interested in getting serious about creating 1—PERMANENT—CITIZENS—ALLIANCE—PARTY.
20041031             I'm serious, but is he? Real political parties DO NOT endorse THE—CANDIDATES—OF—OTHER—PARTIES.
20041031             MISTER—BUCHANAN does not have my support —AT—THIS—TIME, and MISTER—BUCHANAN is going to have to make himself clear on 1—NUMBER—OF—ISSUES if he wishes to have my support in the future.
20041031             I have no desire to expend effort promoting people who wind up working for the very establishment stooges they profess to oppose.
20041031             Unterdessen sehen 5—VON 6—NATIONALEN Umfragen laut dem Nachrichtensender CNN kurz vor der Wahl Bush knapp vor Kerry.
20041031             Rund 12—BUNDESSTAATEN gelten als besonders UMKÄMPFT—INSBESONDERE in den großen Staaten FLORIDA und OHIO liegen Bush und Kerry eng beieinander.
20041031             Der unabhängige Kandidat RALPH—NADER könnte mit einem vorausgesagten Stimmenanteil von ein —BIS 2—PROZENT Zünglein an der Waage SPIELEN—WIE —SCHON—VOR—4—JAHREN.
20041031             Nasr: 'HE—SENDING 1—MESSAGE to THE—USA—PEOPLE'
20041031             —AIRED, ATLANTA—GEORGIA (CNN) -- THE—AL—JAZEERA network, 1—NEW videotape of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN —FRIDAY, in which the al Qaeda leader says that in order to avoid further attacks, THE—USA should not attack al Qaeda.
20041031             Octavia Nasr, CNN—SENIOR—EDITOR—FOR—ARAB affairs, spoke with "Crossfire" hosts PAUL—BEGALA and Tucker Carlson about the new tape and OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—MESSAGE.
20041031             BEGALA: Octavia, what is [it] that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN is saying?
20041031             NASR: Well, the most important thing about OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—SPEECH is that he's addressing it to THE—USA—PEOPLE.
20041031             —HAPPENED, HE—TRYING to explain why 20010911             , the idea and —WHEN it occurred to him + also telling THE—USA—PEOPLE—LOUD and clear that, unless they do something about it, AMERICA could be attacked again.
20041031             And he's sending 1—MESSAGE to THE—USA—PEOPLE, saying security is the most important thing to al Qaeda, as he says + "it should be the most important thing to you".
20041031             But he says, "security is in your hands. No 1 can achieve that security for you, not Bush, not Kerry, not al Qaeda. It is in your hands".
20041031             —ATTACKED, Basically, he is saying, "if we are not, we won't attack anybody".
20041031             CARLSON: Octavia, you said that, in the tape, he explains why 20010911             happened.
20041031             What was his explanation for why 20010911             happened?
20041031             NASR: Well, he says it is 1—RESPONSE to the aggression suffered by Arabs and Muslims at the hands of THE—USA.
20041031             And he said —WHEN he saw the towers of BEIRUT fall, this is —WHEN it occurred to him that he had to make THE—USA—PAY for that aggression.
20041031             And this is —WHEN he started plotting for those attacks.
20041031             —NOW, he did say that the attacks went better than they had planned.
20041031             —AGREED, And he said that they had, on —20—MINUTES, within —20—MINUTES, the attacks should have been completed, because he said that he discussed this MOHAMED—ATTA and told him, "You have to finish this job in —20—MINUTES—BEFORE THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION realizes what is going on".
20041031             But then he goes on to say, "but THE—PRESIDENT was sitting down, more interested in listening to 1—CHILD—STORY about 1—GOAT, rather than 50,000—USA—CITIZENS trapped facing the worst nightmare of their life in the World Trade Center," and that gave the terrorists 20—MORE—MINUTES, he said, to achieve 1—LOT—MORE than they had planned.
20041031             BEGALA: Octavia, there have been reports —FOR—YEARS that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN had advanced kidney disease or SOME—REPORTS that he may have been wounded in THE—USA—LIBERATION—OF—AFGHANISTAN.
20041031             As you watch the tape and you listen to his voice, ANY—SENSE that perhaps he is sick or wounded?
20041031             NASR: Well, I'm not 1—DOCTOR.
20041031             And I can't evaluate his health.
20041031             —WATCHED, What I can tell you -- having, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, listened to him for MANY—YEARS, in fact translated 1—LOT—OF—HIS—SPEECHES -- this is 1—MAN that looks fine to me.
20041031             —TIRED, We have seen 1—BIN—LADEN that was, —BEFORE, especially —AFTER the Tora Bora attack.
20041031             We have seen 1—BIN—LADEN that couldn't move his arm + we all thought that he was wounded —AT—THE—TIME.
20041031             —COMPOSED, This is 1—BIN—LADEN that looks very comfortable, very.
20041031             HE—SITTING down behind 1—DESK, it looks like.
20041031             HE—TALKING very calmly. And he looks fine.
20041031             He looks like he's aged 1—BIT.
20041031             And you have to remember, we haven't seen OSAMA—BIN—LADEN in over —2—YEARS.
20041031             What we have been receiving of him were audiotapes for over —2—YEARS.
20041031             So it looks like he's aged 1—BIT, but he looks to be in good health.
20041031             But, again, I mean, I'm not 1—EXPERT on these issues.
20041031             There were reports also that said that the idea of dialysis and kidney failure and all that were not correct, that that was made up and that was not true.
20041031             But, again, we do not know and there's no way anyone is going to be able to tell what his medical condition is at this point.
20041031             Der Vizepräsident sagt: "Man kann 1—SCHWEIN mit Lippenstift anmalen, es bleibt doch 1—SCHWEIN".
20041031             Er redet von Kerry.
20041031             Der Vizepräsident, Mann der Ölkonzerne, ist kein guter Redner, er liest ab, hasst Zwischenrufe, er grinst verlegen + wenn er Hände schüttelt, hält er den Arm gestreckt.
20041031             Aber der SENATOR—HINTER—CHENEY nickt devot, die Zuhörer schwenken Fahnen, es geht ohnehin nur um einen Satz.
20041031             —GESTERN hat JOHN—KERRY—CHENEYS lesbische Tochter erwähnt.
20041031             Es war nicht böse, es war 1—KOMPLIMENT für die Toleranz der Familie Cheney;
20041031             —GESPROCHEN, Cheney selbst hat öffentlich über seine Tochter, es war nicht wichtig, aber in den Umfragen nach der Fernsehdebatte haben die Leute gesagt, Kerry sei zu weit gegangen.
20041031             Und —NUN sagt Cheney: "Ich bin ein ärgerlicher Vater".
20041031             Und das steht —MORGEN in allen Zeitungen neben den neuen Umfragen.
20041031             Und wenn die neuen Umfragen stimmen, hat Kerry die Debatte gewonnen, aber mit einem Satz hat er seinen Gewinn verspielt.
20041031             Deshalb ist Dick Cheney in FLORIDA. LAKELAND.
20041031             Es gibt Küsten in FLORIDA, die haben keinen Strand mehr.
20041031             4—HURRIKANE haben den Sand weggeblasen und über das Land verteilt.
20041031             Die Leute von den Versicherungen sagen, die Stürme kosteten über 20—MILLIARDEN Dollar.
20041031             "1—FÜHRER zeigt sich in Zeiten der Not", sagt Dick Cheney, und er meint Jeb Bush, den GOUVERNEUR—DES—STAATES, der von der Natur angegriffen wurde + er meint GEORGE—W—BUSH, den Präsidenten des Landes, das von Terroristen angegriffen wurde.
20041031             —GERÜSTET, Ist FLORIDA, "THE—SUNSHINE—STATE", hat FLORIDA gelernt aus der Katastrophe?
20041031             AL—GORE rief GEORGE—W—BUSH an und gratulierte.
20041031             Dann kamen die 1. Meldungen von der Katastrophe: vergessene Stimmen, Wahlzettel mit Fehlern, ein minimaler Abstand zwischen den Kandidaten.
20041031             Gore rief noch einmal an.
20041031             —VERÄNDERT, Gore: "Die Umstände haben sich dramatisch. Das ERGEBNIS—VON—FLORIDA ist zu knapp, als dass man sich —SCHON festlegen könnte".
20041031             Bush: "Moment, sagen Sie gerade, was ich zu hören glaube?
20041031             Lassen Sie mich sichergehen, dass ich Sie richtig verstehe: Sie rufen an, um Ihre Glückwünsche zurückzuziehen?"
20041031             Gore: "Sie müssen deshalb nicht gleich pampig werden".
20041031             —GEMELDET, Bush: "Aber ALLE—SENDER haben das Ergebnis. Mein Bruder Jeb hat mir gesagt, dass die Zahlen korrekt sind".
20041031             Gore: "Ihr kleiner Bruder ist in diesem Fall wohl nicht die ultimative Autorität".
20041031             Das kann man wohl so formulieren.
20041031             USA—PROBES pair of al Qaeda videotapes OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, SELF—DESCRIBED 'USA—JIHADIST' issue threats
20041031             GRAND—RAPIDS—MICHIGAN (CNN) -- 2—VIDEOTAPES threatening to unleash more terror attacks against THE—USA—ARE being analyzed by USA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS hoping to find clues that could lead them to EACH—SPEAKER.
20041031             Video clips of 1—MAN claiming to be 1—USA—OPERATIVE—OF al Qaeda were —POSTED on THE—FBI—WEB—SITE, Homeland Security SECRETARY—TOM—RIDGE said —SATURDAY.
20041031             The posting said the agency is "urgently" seeking information on the person's identity and that he may be living outside THE—USA.
20041031             ABC News broadcast the video —THURSDAY.
20041031             THE—FBI describes the man as 1—SELF—PROCLAIMED—USA—JIHADIST using the alias AZZAM—THE—AMERICAN, or AZZAM—AL—AMRIKI.
20041031             —ON the tape, the man threatened terror attacks "at ANY—MOMENT," delivering the message in English.
20041031             —COVERED, His face was, with 1—HEADDRESS and he held 1—RIFLE.
20041031             "We hope you might recognize him from his voice, his body language, or the style and content of his speech," THE—FBI posting said.
20041031             The 2. tape -- of al Qaeda leader OSAMA—BIN—LADEN -- was broadcast —FRIDAY by THE—ARABIC—LANGUAGE TV network AL—JAZEERA, based in QATAR.
20041031             —RECEIVED, The tape was, by THE—USA—EMBASSY in QATAR —BEFORE it was made public.
20041031             —VIDEOTAPED, It was the 1., message from the al Qaeda leader in nearly —3—YEARS.
20041031             CNN—OCTAVIA—NASR discusses the tape)
20041031             —APPEARED, USA—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS said the tape, to be authentic and —RECENTLY made.
20041031             Political response
20041031             —INSTRUCTED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, top homeland and national security advisers —SATURDAY to "take all actions that might be necessary" to respond to the new message from OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, THE—WHITE—HOUSE said.
20041031             Ridge, speaking to reporters, said it is safe to vote —TUESDAY.
20041031             He said there was no actionable intelligence in the tapes to warrant raising the threat level, —NOW at the midpoint, or yellow, for most of the nation.
20041031             "The tapes are new, the threat is not," Ridge said.
20041031             "We are far safer —TODAY than ever —BEFORE.
20041031             "It is not news that we are the primary target of [OSAMA—BIN—LADEN'S] hatred and his evil," he said.
20041031             Americans may see additional security in place, but Ridge said such measures had been planned previously, in LIGHT—OF—THE—ELECTIONS.
20041031             Both Bush and Democratic challenger SENATOR—JOHN—KERRY swiftly denounced THE—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN videotape.
20041031             —REJECTED, They both, ANY—PROSPECT—OF negotiating with terrorists or changing policy in response to OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20041031             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN video
20041031             In the al Qaeda leader's video, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN wore 1—GOLD robe and white cloak and said the attacks were THE—RESULT—OF—USA foreign policy in Arab lands, referring specifically to LEBANON and the Palestinians, and —LATER mentions both Bush and Kerry.
20041031             "Your security is not in the hands of Kerry or Bush or al Qaeda," OSAMA—BIN—LADEN said in the video.
20041031             "Your security is in your own hands. ANY—NATION that does not attack us will not be attacked".
20041031             "And as I was looking at those towers that were destroyed in LEBANON, it occurred to me that we have to punish the transgressor with the same," he said, "and that we had to destroy the towers in AMERICA, so that they taste what we tasted and they stop killing our women and children".
20041031             —CONCLUDED, The government has, with a "high DEGREE—OF—CONFIDENCE" that the videotaped message from OSAMA—BIN—LADEN is authentic, according to 1—GOVERNMENT bulletin obtained by CNN.
20041031             The document was sent to homeland security advisers and law enforcement agencies —FRIDAY.
20041031             JOHN—BRENNAN, DIRECTOR—OF—THE—INTERAGENCY—TERRORIST—THREAT—INTEGRATION—CENTER, appearing with Ridge, noted that there have been 1—NUMBER—OF—BROADCASTS from al Qaeda that have not been followed by attacks.
20041031             He said officials are analyzing the tapes in search of commonalities.
20041031             Find this article at:
20041031             MANY—PEOPLE are probably wondering whether THE—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN we saw on television was the actual OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20041031             I am sure that's the same question MANY—PEOPLE have asked EVERY—TIME—BIN—LADEN has appeared on AL—JAZEERA—SCREENS in the past.
20041031             The question rises even more strongly, considering that the previous appearance was about —1—YEAR—AGO.
20041031             I think that it doesn't really matter.
20041031             No 1 (well, almost no 1) has ANY—WAY to know the truth, especially —SINCE the effects of this epiphany will probably be seen very soon.
20041031             Way too soon.
20041031             —NOW, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN comes out —AFTER —1—YEAR—LONG—ABSENCE and pretty much tells THE—USA—PEOPLE not to vote for Bush, because Bush will draw AMERICA INTO more war.
20041031             He also says that he (and AL—QAEDA) will not attack unless attacked.
20041031             It almost sounds too fair to be true.
20041031             —DETAILED, LET—NOT go into, ACCOUNTS—OF—THE—WAY he was dressed in his last message;
20041031             I don't have the necessary knowledge of the Islamic culture to do so, although I suspect 1—GOOD—KNOWLEDGE—OF—THE most standard, almost banal Christian tradition would suffice.
20041031             There is 1—INTERESTING dynamic in play that I haven't begun tp grok yet but as more and more blogs are investigating and posting exposes it seems to become easier and easier for the powers that be to promulgate and maintain the big lie, passing off the 'exposed' truth as —JUST so much paranoia.
20041031             As Woody Allen said "I may be paranoid but that doesn't mean you aren't out to get me".
20041031             Where will it end?
20041031             Comments: I heard cronkite say that on LARRY—KING last night + I was —JUST as shocked.
20041031             —COMPLETED, Larry, glossed over it.
20041031             #—POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS : 2:32 PM I personally think Rove et al are capable of doing anything they can get away with but I heard Cronkite on THE—LKS and I have to say it sounded like 1—PRETTY—FACETIOUS—COMMENT.
20041031             This isn't to say that it wasn't 1—FAKE—OBL on the video.
20041031             #—POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS : 4:39 PM "Larry completed glossed over it".
20041031             LARRY—KING -- 40,000 interviews -- and he still SUCKS!!!
20041031             #—POSTED—BY STOP_GEORGE: 11:11 PM I saw the comment.
20041031             It was 1—JOKE—PEOPLE! SOME—PEOPLE have no SENSE—OF—HUMOUR.
20041031             I think he was trying to say that Rove couldn't have done better, —SINCE this will obviously benefit Bush.
20041031             —HAPPENED, Remember, Bush is the best thing that ever, to OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20041031             HE—JUST returning the favour.
20041031             #—POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS : 11:27 PM I agree on the "returning the favor" theory.
20041031             —CONVINCED, The whole new OSAMA—BIN—LADEN thing, me to write my 1. post in English on my weblog: Osama the —MORNING Star.
20041031             #—POSTED—BY antiorario: 2:09 AM I saw the Larry KING interview and it seemed like WALTER—CRONKITE was having SOME—MEMORY/cognition problems.
20041031             Twice he forgot the —YEAR of the last election and Larry had to prompt him.
20041031             It was sad to see -- at times he seemed like the old Walter, providing cogent analysis, but at other times he seemed to be 1—BIT confused.
20041031             Cronkite? Walter freaking CRONKITE?
20041031             —OPINED, According to Drudge, WALTER—CRONKITE —JUST, that KARL—ROVE jiggered up the most recent video "calling card" from OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20041031             This has to be the + I mean THE most bizarre statement of this bizarre political season.
20041031             I thought only THE—WILDEST—OF—THE—BLOGGERS -- such as yours truly -- would allow themselves to consider such 1—POSSIBILITY.
20041031             Does anyone else recall —WHEN Cronkite was the point man among WARREN—COMMISSION defenders?
20041031             —BACK—IN June, —WHEN JOHN—KERRY was beginning to feel like 1—WINNER, we had 1—QUICK—RENDEZVOUS on 1—RAIN—SOAKED runway in ASPEN—COLORADO, where he was scheduled to meet 1—HAREM of wealthy campaign contributors.
20041031             I told him that BUSH—VICIOUS goons in THE—WHITE—HOUSE are perfectly capable of assassinating Nader and blaming it on him.
20041031             That was the —YEAR I 1. met him, at 1—RIOT on that elegant little street in FRONT—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20041031             He was yelling into 1—BULLHORN and I was trying to throw 1—DEAD—RAT over 1—BLACK—SPIKE fence and on to THE—PRESIDENT—LAWN.
20041031             We were angry and righteous in those days, and there were MILLIONS—OF—USA.
20041031             —KICKED, We, 2—CHIEF—EXECUTIVES out because they were stupid warmongers.
20041031             —CONQUERED, We, Lyndon Johnson and we stomped on RICHARD—NIXON—WHICH wise people said was impossible, but so what?
20041031             It was fun.
20041031             We were warriors then + our tribe was strong like 1—RIVER.
20041031             That river is still running.
20041031             All we have to do is get out and vote, —WHILE it's still legal + we will wash those crooked warmongers OUT—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20041031             I said all those things + I will say them again.
20041031             Of course I will vote for JOHN—KERRY.
20041031             I have known him —FOR—30—YEARS as 1—GOOD—MAN with 1—BRAVE—HEART—WHICH is more than even THE—PRESIDENT—FRIENDS will tell you about GEORGE W Bush, who is also 1—OLD—ACQUAINTANCE from THE—WHITE—KNUCKLE DAYS—OF—YESTERYEAR.
20041031             —HATED, He is, all over the world, including large parts of TEXAS + he is taking us all down with him.
20041031             Bush is 1—NATURAL—BORN loser with 1—FILTHY—RICH daddy who pimped his son out to rich OIL—MONGERS.
20041031             He hates music, football and sex + he is no fun at all.
20041031             KARL—ROVE is no stranger to Nazi strategy, if only because it worked for 1—WHILE + it was sure fun for Hitler.
20041031             But not for long.
20041031             —HATED, He ran OUT—OF—OIL, the whole world, him + he liked to gobble pure crystal biphetamine and stay awake —FOR—8—DAYS in 1—ROW with his maps and bombers and his DOPE—ADDLED general staff.
20041031             Did you see Bush on TV, trying to debate?
20041031             Jesus, he talked like 1—DONKEY with no brains at all.
20041031             —TURNED, The tide, early, in Coral Gables, —WHEN Bush went belly up less than halfway through his 1. bout with Kerry, who hammered poor GEORGE into jelly.
20041031             It was pitiful... I almost felt sorry for him, —UNTIL I heard someone call him "Mister PRESIDENT" + then I felt ashamed.
20041031             KARL—ROVE, THE—PRESIDENT—POLITICAL wizard, felt even worse.
20041031             There is angst in the heart of TEXAS —TODAY + panic in THE—BOWELS—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20041031             Rove has 1—NASTY—LITTLE—PROBLEM + its name is GEORGE—BUSH.
20041031             —FAILED, THE—PRESIDENT, miserably from the instant he got onstage with JOHN—KERRY.
20041031             He looked weak and dumb.
20041031             Kerry beat him like 1—GONG in Coral Gables, then —AGAIN—IN St Louis and TEMPE.
20041031             That is ROVE—PROBLEM.
20041031             His candidate is 1—WEAK—MINDED frat boy who cracks under pressure in front of 60—MILLION—VOTERS.
20041031             —SIGNED, Bush, his own death warrant in the opening round, —WHEN he finally had to speak without his teleprompter.
20041031             It was 1—CINDERELLA story brought up to date in FLORIDA that NIGHT—EXCEPT this time, the false PRINCE turned back into 1—FROG.
20041031             —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER the 1. debate ended, I called MUHAMMAD—ALI at his home in MICHIGAN, but whoever answered said the champ was laughing so hard that he couldn't come to the phone.
20041031             "The debate really cracked him up," he chuckled.
20041031             "The champ loves 1—GOOD—ASS—WHUPPIN'. He says Bush looked so scared to fight, he finally —JUST quit and laid down".
20041031             That is why GEORGE W Bush is PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA + AL—GORE is not.
20041031             —WANTED, Bush simply, it more + he was willing to demolish anything that got in his way, including THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT.
20041031             It is not by accident that the Bush WHITE—HOUSE (read: Dick Cheney & Halliburton Inc) controls all 3—BRANCHES—OF our FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—TODAY.
20041031             They are powerful thugs who would far rather die than lose the election —IN—NOVEMBER.
20041031             He peaked too early + he had no response to "It's the economy, stupid".
20041031             Which has always been the case.
20041031             RICHARD—NIXON comes quickly to mind, along with RONALD—REAGAN and his ridiculous "TRICKLE—DOWN" THEORY—OF—USA economic policy.
20041031             If the rich get richer, the theory goes, —BEFORE long their pots will overflow and somehow "trickle down" to the poor, who would rather eat scraps off the Bush family plates than eat nothing at all.
20041031             Republicans have never APPROVED—OF—DEMOCRACY + they never will.
20041031             It goes back to PRE—INDUSTRIAL—AMERICA, —WHEN only white MALE property owners could vote.
20041031             —WANTED, USA identifies 7, in connection with al Qaeda
20041031             —FROM the "WOLF—BLITZER—REPORTS" staff in ATLANTA
20041031             ATLANTA—GEORGIA (CNN) -- USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JOHN—ASHCROFT and FBI Director ROBERT—MUELLER presented photographs of 7—PEOPLE they say are associated with al Qaeda.
20041031             1 is 1—PAKISTAN—WHO'S lived in MARYLAND and MASSACHUSETTS.
20041031             "Aafia Siddiqui is 1—AL—AL?QAEDA operative and facilitator. She attended colleges in THE—BOSTON area," said Muller at 1—WEDNESDAY news conference.
20041031             1—LAWYER for the woman's family accuses THE—FBI of putting on 1—SHOW to make it look like progress is being made in THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM.
20041031             "If the best they can do to make this country safe is to go —AFTER a —32—YEAR—OLD—MOTHER—OF—3, then we're all in 1—LOT—OF—TROUBLE," says attorney Annette Lamereaux.
20041031             Another suspect is ADNAN—EL—SHUKRIJUMAH.
20041031             —COMPARED, HE—SAID to be fluent in English, and SOME—EXPERTS have, him to MOHAMMED—ATTA, considered 1—TOP—PLANNER—OF—20040911             —THE attacks.
20041031             "HE—1 trained operative. He poses 1—OPERATIONAL—THREAT to THE—USA," said Mueller.
20041031             El Shukrijumah used to live in SOUTH—FLORIDA.
20041031             His mother still does. "My son is innocent," Zurah Ahmed says.
20041031             "I am sure + I am as 1—MOTHER. I have 1—STRONG feeling my son is innocent".
20041031             —RECOVERED, Authorities say he left 1—SUICIDE—MESSAGE on 1—VIDEOTAPE, in AFGHANISTAN.
20041031             2—OF—THE—SUSPECTS, AHMED—GHAILANI—OF—TANZANIA + Fazul Mohammad, are under indictment in THE—USA for 19980000             —THE bombings of THE—USA—EMBASSIES in KENYA and TANZANIA.
20041031             They are thought to be hiding in KENYA or SOMALIA.
20041031             A 6. suspect, Amer EL—MAATI, is identified as 1—KUWAITI.
20041031             For many, the real surprise on ASHCROFT—LIST was ADAM—GADAHN, a —25—YEAR—OLD—USA—CITIZEN who grew up in SOUTH—CALIFORNIA.
20041031             1—STATEMENT attributed to Gadahn appears on several Islamic Web sites.
20041031             —REALIZED, It says: "I gradually, I could not be 1—CHRISTIAN... Having been —AROUND Muslims in my formative years, I knew well that they were not the bloodthirsty, barbaric terrorists that the news media and the televangelists paint them to be... It was really 1—NATURAL—PROGRESSION".
20041031             "HE—KNOWN to perform translations for al Qaeda as PART—OF—THE—SERVICES he has provided to al Qaeda," said Director Mueller.
20041031             Family members hope it's not true.
20041031             "I hope he's not involved in anything weird like that," says GADAHN—17—YEAR—OLD—BROTHER—OMAR.
20041031             And his aunt NANCY Pearlman says, "As far as I know he was never militant. Our family are strong believers in NON—VIOLENCE. We are strong believers in peace".
20041031             —ALLEGED, FBI trying to determine if SoCal Muslim is on, terror tape : FBI agents have contacted the parents of 1—FORMER—ORANGE—COUNTY—RESIDENT in 1—EFFORT to determine if he's THE—ENGLISH—SPEAKING person on 1—NEW videotape threatening 1—TERROR—ATTACK.
20041031             BUSH—CAMP gets gift from 'AZZAM—THE—AMERICAN' : Is it 1—PRE—ELECTION gift to the Bush campaign from AL—QAIDA?
20041031             Or is it the Republicans' LONG—AWAITED October surprise?
20041031             100,000 War Crimes : I don't think most Americans care a lot about dead Iraqis.
20041031             I hope I'm wrong.
20041031             AUSTRALIA: MINISTER defends war role despite IRAQ toll : Defence MINISTER—ROBERT—HILL has defended AUSTRALIA—INVOLVEMENT in IRAQ in the face of 1—USA—UNIVERSITY—REPORT which says 100,000 civilians have † as 1—RESULT—OF—THE—WAR.
20041031             —STRIPPED—OF, THE—LOOTING—OF—IRAQ—ARSENAL : The same —MONTH AL—QAQAA was being, high explosives, I warned my military intelligence unit of another weapons facility that was being cleaned out.
20041031             But nothing was done.
20041031             Expanding Halliburton probe confirms BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is most corrupt in USA—HISTORY
20041031             EXXON—PROFIT up 56—PERCENT: Record prices for crude oil and natural gas lifted 3.—QUARTER profit 56—PERCENT at Exxon Mobil Corp., the world's largest publicly traded oil company.
20041031             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN tape could help Bush : I don't think THE—USA—PEOPLE will take kindly to OSAMA—BIN—LADEN stepping into our election," said S—LOUIS—UNIVERSITY—POLITICAL—SCIENTIST—JOEL—GOLDSTEIN.
20041031             Bush 'Told' Of Planned Strike —BEFORE 20010911             20041031             Impeach GEORGE—BUSH : Of course, I realize there's no chance Congress would impeach THE—PRESIDENT at this point or under almost ANY—CIRCUMSTANCE.
20041031             It somehow reserves its outrage for lying about sex under oath and not, as —NOW seems clear, THE—MAKING—OF—WAR under false pretenses.
20041031             —CONTAINED, For SHAME—AMERICA : Revelations, in last months final report on IRAQ—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION should make EVERY—USA—SHUDDER in shame.
20041031             Bin Ladin muscles into USA—ELECTION—RACE : Bin Ladin, taunting the man who has vowed to take him "dead or alive" for the past —3—YEARS, said Bush had failed Americans with his MIDDLE—EAST—POLICIES, deceiving the nation and provoking Muslim groups like AL—QAIDA to strike again.
20041031             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN: USA Can Avoid Another Attack : OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, publicly injecting himself into the campaign —4—DAYS ahead of presidential elections, said in 1—VIDEOTAPE aired —FRIDAY that THE—USA can avoid another 20010911             attack if it stops threatening the security of Muslims.
20041031             PRE—ELECTION—PORK for MERCHANTS—OF—DEATH : The —FOLLOWING defense contracts were announced —FRIDAY.
20041031             1—NATION Under Bush : At 1—CAMPAIGN—RALLY, Republicans recite the "Bush Pledge".: "I want you to stand, raise your right hands," and recite "the Bush Pledge," said FLORIDA STATE—SENATOR—KEN—PRUITT.
20041031             Vote early, Vote often:
20041031             Double Voting Possible in OHIO, FLORIDA : THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE who are registered voters in OHIO and FLORIDA possibly could vote twice in the presidential election through use of absentee ballots, THE—PLAIN—DEALER reported —SUNDAY.
20041031             —EXTENDED, Halliburton Contract Faced Objections : THE—ARMY, 1—HALLIBURTON—CO. troop support contract over the objections of 1—TOP contracting officer, even CONTENDING—AND then withdrawing - 1—CLAIM that USA—FORCES faced 1—EMERGENCY if the company didn't get the extra work.
20041031             I killed 30—CHILDREN : True, SOME—PEOPLE tell me that I am making 1—MISTAKE in making this confession.
20041031             PALESTINE—CHILDREN in ISRAEL—CROSSHAIRS : THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY has accused ISRAEL of making THE—KILLING—OF—PALESTINE—SCHOOL—CHILDREN by the occupation army 1—DAILY—OCCURRENCE—WHILE calling on the world to put 1—END to the practice.
20041031             Unseating the tickle feather dictator : As pawns in global GAME—OF—POWER, money and terror, we jump —WHEN the panic button is pressed and wave our flags —WHEN the bad guy's name is read.
20041031             We are the comic book masses who are fed fairy tale lines of good and evil.
20041031             Revealed: BLAIR—SECRET—MISSION to woo Kerry : MISTER—BLAIR is concerned that he will appear isolated if GEORGE—BUSH loses in —TUESDAY—POLL, because of his support for THE—IRAQ war.
20041031             Holy Zarqawi: Why Bush Let IRAQ—TOP—TERRORIST—WALK
20041031             Reporter saw insurgents loot Qaqaa arms depot : 1—FRANCE—JOURNALIST who visited the Qaqaa munitions depot SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD —IN—NOVEMBER—LAST—YEAR said she witnessed Islamic insurgents looting vast supplies of explosives more than —6—MONTHS—AFTER THE—DEMISE—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN—REGIME.
20041031             HELEN—THOMAS: Bush Win Would Mean Dark Times:
20041031             World Would Perceive Support For Preemptive War
20041031             How 1—VOTE for Bush WILL—SUPPORT—THE—RE—ARMING—OF—JAPAN : We have 1—CHOICE regarding annihilation.
20041031             Cherie Blair lambasts Bush over human rights : She attacked the manner in which THE—WHITE—HOUSE has dealt with the human rights of UK citizens detained at THE—USA—RUN—CAMP X—RAY prison at GUANTANAMO Bay in CUBA.
20041031             ABU—GHRAIB abuse implicates officers:
20041031             Staff SERGEANT—IVAN—FREDERICK -- —NOW PRIVATE—FREDERICK -- is going to prison —FOR—8—YEARS for his role in torturing IRAQ—INMATES at THE—ABU—GHRAIB prison
20041031             but the world backs Kerry : MANY—GOVERNMENTS have abandoned diplomatic caution and shown their desire for 1—KERRY presidency.
20041031             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—CHÁVEZ said that he deems relations with THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to be impossible.
20041031             —PROCLAIMED, MEXICO has, its preference for 1—DEMOCRAT next door.
20041031             THE—COSTS—OF—WAR:
20041031             —EXCEED, Bill to taxpayers will soon, $260—BILLION
20041031             G.O.P. to the Poor: Don't Vote : With little notice or discussion, SENATOR—CHRISTOPHER—BOND—OF—MISSOURI allowed 1—PROVISION into 1—SENATE—APPROPRIATIONS—BILL that could ban even nonpartisan voter registration efforts in public housing developments all over the country.
20041031             —GRANTED, Pentagon, authority to pay, equip foreign forces : THE—PENTAGON has secured new authority that allows USA special operations forces to dole out MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in cash, equipment and weapons to INTERNATIONAL warlords and foreign fighters.
20041031             —TRIED, USA, to stop AL—JAZEERA broadcast : "They seem to have aired only excerpts," said the official, 1—FLUENT—ARABIC—SPEAKER who watched the complete broadcast on AL—JAZEERA.
20041031             Part of 20010911             Report Remains Unreleased; 1—INQUIRY—IS—BEGUN:
20041031             1—LAST—CHAPTER—OF—THE—INVESTIGATION by 20040911             —THE commission, 1—SUPPLEMENT completed more than —2—MONTHS—AGO, has not yet been made public by they Justice Department + officials say it is unlikely to be released —BEFORE the presidential election
20041031             War makes democracy 1—DIRTY—WORD : As THOUSANDS—OF—IRAQIS flee to neighbouring countries, as AL—JAZEERA television and THE—INTERNET bring images of the killing, looting and social dislocation into homes —AROUND THE—MIDDLE—EAST, the mood against AMERICA and what it stands for is hardening.
20041031             At THE—CROSSROADS—OF—AMERICA: MANUEL—VALENZUELAS—FORTUNE has chosen our generation, TENS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—VOTING—AMERICANS, as the torchbearers guiding the entire human race through the black abyss of the last —4—YEARS, into introspections of alternate universes and parallel worlds, of dreaded pasts and more frightful futures, placing within us the great burden of deciding the next step in human history, of 1—RETURN to past dark ages or 1—FORWARD—MARCH towards renaissance and rebirth.
20041031             THE—WAR—ON—TERROR already has 1—HOLD on western political culture.
20041031             "—AFTER a —300—YEAR—DEBATE between FREEDOM—OF—THE—INDIVIDUAL and PROTECTION—OF—SOCIETY, THE—PROTECTION—OF—SOCIETY seems to be the only priority," says Eyal.
20041031             Black agrees: "We are probably moving to 1—POINT in THE—UK—WHERE national security becomes the electoral question".
20041031             SOME—CRITICS—OF this situation see our striking susceptibility —DURING the 90s to other ANXIETIES—THE—MILLENNIUM bug, MMR, genetically modified FOOD—AS 1—SORT—OF—DRESS—REHEARSAL for THE—WAR—ON—TERROR.
20041031             —BECAME, The press, accustomed to publishing scare stories and not retracting them;
20041031             politicians became accustomed to responding to supposed threats rather than questioning them;
20041031             the public became accustomed to the idea that SOME—SORT—OF apocalypse might be —JUST—AROUND the corner.
20041031             "Insecurity is the key driving concept of our times," says Durodie.
20041031             "Politicians have packaged themselves as risk managers. There is also 1—DEMAND from below for protection".
20041031             Yet the notion that "security politics" is the perfect instrument for EVERY—AMBITIOUS—POLITICIAN from Blunkett to Wolfowitz also has its weaknesses.
20041031             And then there are the twin risks that the terrors politicians warn of will either not materialise or will materialise all too brutally + in both cases the politicians will be blamed.
20041031             "This is 1—VERY rickety platform from which to build up 1—POLITICAL—CAREER," says Eyal.
20041031             —HURRIED, He sees THE—WAR—ON—TERROR as 1, improvisation rather than SOME—GRAND—STRAUSSIAN strategy: "In democracies, in order to galvanize the public for war, you have to make the enemy bigger, uglier and more menacing".
20041031             "If 1—BOMB goes off, the fear I have is that everyone will say, 'You're completely wrong,' even if the incident doesn't touch my argument. This shows the way we have all become trapped, the way even I have become trapped by 1—FEAR that is completely irrational".
20041031             So controversial is the tone of his series, that trailers for it were not broadcast last weekend because of THE—KILLING—OF—KENNETH—BIGLEY.
20041031             At THE—BBC, Curtis freely admits, there are "anxieties".
20041031             But there is also enthusiasm for the programmes, in part thanks to his reputation.
20041031             Over the past dozen years, via similarly ambitious documentary series such as PANDORA—BOX, THE—MAYFAIR—SET and THE—CENTURY—OF—THE—SELF, Curtis has established himself as perhaps the most acclaimed maker of serious television programmes in BRITAIN.
20041031             His trademarks are long research, the revelatory use of archive footage, telling interviews + smooth, insistent voiceovers concerned with the unnoticed deeper currents of recent history, narrated by Curtis himself in tones that combine traditional BBC authority with something more modern and sceptical: "I want to try to make people look at things they think they know about in 1—NEW—WAY".
20041031             —BELIEVED, THE—POWER—OF—NIGHTMARES seeks to overturn much of what is widely, about OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and AL—QAIDA.
20041031             The latter, it argues, is not 1 organised INTERNATIONAL network.
20041031             It does not have members or 1—LEADER.
20041031             It does not have "sleeper cells".
20041031             It does not have 1—OVERALL—STRATEGY.
20041031             In fact, it barely exists at all, except as 1—IDEA about cleansing 1—CORRUPT world through religious violence.
20041031             THE—POWER—OF—NIGHTMARES—THIS is 1 must watch BBC documentary In the past our politicians offered us dreams of 1—BETTER—WORLD.
20041031             —NOW they promise to protect us from nightmares.
20041031             The most frightening of these is THE—THREAT—OF—1—INTERNATIONAL—TERROR—NETWORK.
20041031             But —JUST as the dreams were not true, neither are these nightmares.
20041031             THE—POWER—OF—NIGHTMARES: Part II—THE—PHANTOM—VICTORY - This is 1 must watch BBC documentary
20041031             THE—POWER—OF—NIGHTMARES continues its assessment of whether the threat from 1—HIDDEN and organised terrorist network is 1—ILLUSION.
20041031             Part 2, the Phantom Victory looks at how 2—GROUPS, radical Islamists and NEO—CONSERVATIVES with seemingly opposing ideologies came together to defeat 1—COMMON—ENEMY.
20041031             At THE—CROSSROADS—OF—AMERICA:
20041031             Fortune has chosen our generation, TENS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—VOTING—AMERICANS, as the torchbearers guiding the entire human race through the black abyss of the last —4—YEARS, into introspections of alternate universes and parallel worlds, of dreaded pasts and more frightful futures, placing within us the great burden of deciding the next step in human history, of 1—RETURN to past dark ages or 1—FORWARD—MARCH towards renaissance and rebirth.
20041031             Date set for TEST—OF—INSANITY—PLEA by C.A. housewife
20041031             —BY JYOTIRMOY DATTA
20041031             I had always believed that Jesus (pbuh) was, at the very most, THE—SON—OF—GOD (—SINCE that is what the Bible mistranslates "SERVANT—OF—GOD" as).
20041031             Military Families Against FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH—POSTED—BY—KYNN on 11:33 PM, 20040916             20041031             (Beyond THE—IE—PEACE and WAR—POLITICS and POLITICIANS—PROTO—FASCISM in the Valley) -- You know how you often hear smug statements from MEMBERS—OF—THE—MILITARY stating that your FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH, of the press, of religion is 1—PERSONAL gift from them -- the armed forces -- to civilians?
20041031             —DEDICATED, Well, 1 " Marine Corps wife" seems to feel that we've got too MANY—FREEDOMS in AMERICA.
20041031             And THE—FREEDOM—OF—THE—PRESS should be the 1. to go.
20041031             Full Story ?
20041031             Inland Activists Food Not Bombs Green Party Habitat for Humanity Hemet Neighbors Inland Abolition Inland Peace ISO at UCR JEFFREY—OWENS—COMMUNITY—CENTER—LAKE—ELSINORE—NAACP—NOT—IN—OUR—VALLEY—PEACE—WORKS!
20041031             RAPJA RIVERSIDE Resistance Stonewall Democrats Students Against Sweatshops
20041031             Basic Details Your Inland ANTI—IMPERIALIST—ARCHIVES by Date Archives by Topic Archives by City Contact Us
20041031             More on Adam here: PRESS—ENTERPRISE—ARTICLE NY Times article LA Times article S—FRANCISCO—CHRONICLE article WASHINGTON—POST—ARTICLE—FOX—NEWS—ARTICLE It turns out that 1—OF—THE—7—DANGEROUS swarthy guys is 1—USA—FROM Winchester, in WEST—RIVERSIDE county.
20041031             THE—USA—TODAY—STORY refers to ADAM—ESSAY on his conversion experience which is widely available on the web:
20041031             FEDERAL—INVESTIGATORS believe Gadahn is the same person who describes his religious conversion on THE—INTERNET in 1—ESSAY, "Becoming 1—MUSLIM".
20041031             He describes growing up on 1—GOAT ranch in WEST—RIVERSIDE COUNTY—CALIFORNIA.
20041031             —SUPPLIED, He said his father, food to 1—ISLAMIC—FOOD—MARKET—NEAR downtown LOS—ANGELES.
20041031             Gadahn, 1—HEAVY—METAL—MUSIC fan, said he was drawn to Islam in his youth.
20041031             "Having been —AROUND Muslims in my formative years, I knew well that they were not the bloodthirsty, barbaric terrorists that the news media and the televangelists paint them to be," he wrote.
20041031             Although they highlight his heavy metal interest and his attraction to Islam, they fail to mention the most important factor that drove him to Islam: Conservative Christianity.
20041031             —RAISED, My father was, agnostic or atheist, but he became 1—BELIEVER in 1—GOD—WHEN he picked up 1—BIBLE left on the beach.
20041031             He once had 1—NUMBER—OF—MUSLIM friends, but they've all moved out of CALIFORNIA —NOW.
20041031             —RAISED, My mother was, Catholic, so she leans towards Christianity (although she, like my father, disregards the Trinity).
20041031             I and my siblings were/are HOME—SCHOOLED + as you may know, most HOME—SCHOOL—FAMILIES are Christian.
20041031             —INVOLVED, In the last 8 or so years, we have been, with SOME—HOME—SCHOOLING support groups, thus acquainting me with fundamentalist Christianity.
20041031             It was 1—EYE—OPENING experience.
20041031             Setting aside the blind dogmatism and charismatic wackiness, it was quite 1—SHOCK to me —WHEN I realized that these people, in their prayers, were actually praying TO JESUS.
20041031             —BELIEVED, You see, I had always, that Jesus (pbuh) was, at the very most, THE—SON—OF—GOD (—SINCE that is what the Bible mistranslates "SERVANT—OF—GOD" as).
20041031             —LEARNED, As I, that belief in the Trinity, something I find absolutely ridiculous, is considered by most Christians to be 1—PREREQUISITE for salvation, I gradually realized I could not be 1—CHRISTIAN.
20041031             —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR, I began to listen to the apocalyptic ramblings of Christian radio's "prophecy experts".
20041031             Their paranoid espousal of various conspiracy theories, rabid support of ISRAEL and religious Zionism + fiery preaching about the "Islamic Threat" held for me 1—STRANGE—FASCINATION.
20041031             Why? Well, I suppose it was simply the need I was feeling to fill that void I had created for myself.
20041031             ANY—CASE, I soon found that the beliefs these evangelists held, such as Original Sin and the Infallibility of "GOD—WORD", were not in agreement with my theological ideas (not to mention the Bible) and I began to look for something else to hold onto.
20041031             Echnaton starb im 17. —JAHR seiner Herrschaft, kaum —40—JAHRE alt.
20041031             —GEFUNDEN, Seine Mumie wurde nie.
20041031             Jüngste Erkenntnisse legen nahe, dass er Opfer eines Anschlages wurde.
20041031             Die möglichen Täter: AMUN—PRIESTER
20041031             Für die Umweltkonferenz —IM—DEZEMBER in BUENOS—AIRES versuchten die Experten nach Regionen zu definieren, was dort eine "gefährliche" Störung des Klimasystems darstellt, die nach Artikel 2—DER UNO—KLIMAKONVENTION—VON—19920000              verhindert werden muss.
20041031             Dabei wurden Regionen wie GRÖNLAND, wo die Erwärmung viel schneller voranschreitet, AFRIKA, SÜDASIEN—CHINA, AUSTRALIEN, die AMAZONAS—REGION, RUSSLAND, die Karibik und die Pazifikinseln —SCHON bei geringen Erwärmungen von ein oder 2—GRAD als besonders gefährdet eingestuft.
20041031             Die Wissenschaftler begrüßten Russlands Ratifizierung des KYOTO—PROTOKOLLS zur Verringerung der klimagefährlichen Gase.
20041031             Dies bringe den Prozess zur Verringerung der Treibhausgase endlich in Gang.
20041031             Doch sei es nur ein "1. kleiner Schritt".
20041031             Statt der vereinbarten Reduktion um 5—PROZENT unter das Niveau von 19900000             wären eigentlich 60—PROZENT nötig, sagte Rahmstorf.
20041031             Der Umweltexperte Atiq Rahman aus BANGLADESCH unterstrich, die Industrieländer müssten beim Abbau der TREIBHAUSGAS—EMISSIONEN vorangehen, wenn künftig auch aufstrebende Wirtschaftsnationen wie CHINA mitmachen sollen.
20041031             PEKING—DIE BEDROHUNG—DER—ÖKOSYSTEME durch den Klimawandel und die Gefahren für die Nahrungsmittelversorgung seien —SCHON—HEUTE in vielen REGIONEN—DER—ERDE spürbar, stellten 60—EXPERTEN aus 26—LÄNDERN auf einer Klimakonferenz in Peking fest.
20041031             Die Fachleute hatten —BIS—SONNTAG —4—TAGE ihr Wissen ausgetauscht.
20041031             "Es gibt große Gefahren durch Klimaveränderungen, wenn nicht drastische Maßnahmen ergriffen werden", sagte —AM—SONNTAG der Ozeanexperte und Klimawissenschaftler STEFAN—RAHMSTORF vom Potsdamer Institut für Klimafolgenforschung.
20041031             Er sprach von "alarmierenden Beobachtungen" am Nordpol und in der westlichen ANTARKTIS, wo das Eis schneller als vorhergesagt wegschmelze.
20041031             "Es passiert mit einer Geschwindigkeit, die vor ein paar —JAHREN nicht für möglich gehalten worden wäre".
20041031             Der Meeresspiegel steige schneller, auch drohten Veränderungen der Meeresströme.
20041031             Rahmstorf warnte vor einem "völligen Zusammenbruch des Nordatlantikstroms", der in EUROPA zu einer abrupten Abkühlung und einem Anstieg des Meeres um einen Meter führen würde.
20041031             Tutanchamuns Vater, Amenophis der 4., ersetzt die traditionellen Gottheiten durch den Glauben an ein einziges, übergeordnetes Wesen — den Sonnengott Aton.
20041031             Fortan nennt sich der Pharao Echnaton — "der dem Aton gefällt"
20041031             Erderwärmung: POLAR—EIS schmiltz immer schneller
20041031             UKRAINE: Massive Behinderungen bei der Präsidentenwahl
20041031             —SEIT der Novelle des Urheberrechts —J—IME 20030000             ist es nach § 95a UrhG explizit untersagt Kopierschutzmechanismen zu umgehen.
20041031             Er habe weder die entsprechenden Dateien auf seinen Seiten zum Download angeboten, noch einen direkten Link auf eine entsprechende Datei auf einem anderen Server gesetzt, so Buchholz in seiner
20041031             Stellungnahme zur Abmahnung.
20041031             Es gab lediglich einen Link auf 1—WEBSITE, auf der wiederrum entsprechende Dateien verlink waren.
20041031             Laut Buchholz wäre, folgt man der Argumentation der Kanzlei Waldorf, 1—LINK auch dann strafbar, wenn er möglicherweise einen illegalen DEEP—LINK erreichbar macht.
20041031             Entsprechend müsste JEDER—LINK auf unmittelbar illegal sein, da über die Seite rund 300.000—FÜR jedermann öffentlich zugängliche Seiten erreichbar sein, die die strittigen Programme "anbieten" oder "verbreiten", fasst Bucholz die Argumentation aus seiner Sicht zusammen.
20041031             Besondere Brisanz erlangen die Vorwürfe, da Buchholz den entsprechenden Link nach eigenen Angaben nicht selbst gesetzt hat.
20041031             Kefk Network angelegt worden.
20041031             "Ich hatte —BIS zu Ihrem Anschreiben nicht einmal Kenntnis von den betreffenden Einträgen, geschweige denn von deren angeblicher rechtlicher Brisanz, zumal sich meine Website schwerpunktmäßig mit vollkommen anderen Themen beschäftigt, —DERZEIT beispielsweise insbesondere mit der Hundehaltung und der Fotografie, während sie in FRÜHEREN—JAHREN beispielsweise primär der Publikation von universitären Forschungsarbeiten zu Südostasien oder zur Deregulierung der Telekommunikationsmärkte in den 90er —JAHREN diente", so Buchholz gegenüber der Kanzlei.
20041031             USA—WAHLLOKAL: Mann mit BUSH—MASKE festgenommen
20041031             Wahl in FLORIDA: Der finstere Kampf um den Sonnenstaat - Ausstellung: BONN im TUTANCHAMUN—FIEBER
20041031             Für noch mehr Bewegung im Markt dürfte aber die EU—KOMMISSION sorgen.
20041031             Und dann, so schätzen Experten, könnten die Preise um mehr als 50—PROZENT sinken.
20041031             Die womöglich teuerste Flüssigkeit der Welt?
20041031             Man mag DA—POLITISCH KORREKT—ZUNÄCHST an Blut denken.
20041031             Oder, angesichts der aktuellen Preissprünge, an Benzin.
20041031             Luxusfreunde würden mutmaßen, es sei Champagner. Alles falsch.
20041031             Druckertinte, so erfuhren kürzlich Besucher eines Innovationsgipfels des Wirtschaftsmagazins "Economist", ist mit rund 1700—EURO pro Liter viel teurer und wird nur von wenigen Weinen oder PARFUM—LEGENDEN wie Chanel NUMBER 5—ÜBERTROFFEN.
20041031             Was bei Verbrauchern regelmäßig Ärger auslöst, gefällt den Managern beim Branchenführer HEWLETT—PACKARD (HP) aus Kalifornien umso besser: Nur 30—PROZENT—DER—UMSÄTZE, aber rund 3—VIERTEL ihrer Gewinne verdankt HP—CHEFIN Carly Fiorina der Sparte "Imaging and Printing" - und da vor allem dem Handel mit dem flüssigen Gold der Computerindustrie.
20041031             Der Trick, der von Firmen wie Canon, Epson oder Lexmark dankbar kopiert wird, ist simpel und uralt zugleich: Mit Druckerpreisen, die teilweise unter 50—EURO liegen, kurbeln die Hersteller das Geschäft an.
20041031             —GEBETEN, Zur Kasse, werden die Käufer später, wenn sie quasi gezwungen sind, genormte und heillos überteuerte Tintenpatronen derselben Firma zu kaufen.
20041031             Caution : Large amounts are toxic to grazing horses, but the herb is safe at therapeutic doses.
20041031             Glechoma hederacea (L)
20041031             Synonyms and Common names : Nepeta hederacea, Hederae terrestris herba, Nepeta glechoma, Glechoma hederaceae herba, Alehoof, GILL—OVER—THE—GROUND, TUN—HOOF, haymaids, hedgemaids, LIZZY—RUN—UP—THE—HEDGE, ROBIN—RUN—IN—THE—HEDGE, catsfoot, cat's paw, gillrun
20041031             German = Gundermann, French = Lierre terrestre, Spanish = Hiedra terrestre, Italian = Edera terrestre
20041031             Hiedra terrestre ( Glechoma hederacea L.) ( Infusión de la planta seca).
20041031             Posee UN—ALTO contenido en taninos que, en concentraciones elevadas resulta tóxico ).
20041031             HERA—TERRESTRE—NOME científico: Glechoma hederacea L. - Família: Lamiaceae.
20041031             Sinônimos botânicos:
20041031             Outros nomes populares: LOTIL×DO—MATO, LERA—TERRESTRE, ERVA—DE—SÃO—JOÃO.
20041031             Constituintes químicos: Propriedades medicinais: depurativo, tônico, vulnerário.
20041031             Indicações: asma, baço, bexiga, cálculos, dor de dentes, dor de ouvido, espasmo, estômago, fígado, garganta, gases, gripe, resfriado, tosse, úlcera nos rins, vermes, vias respiratórias.
20041031             - Ethnic Clashes / CHINA: "Ethnic clashes between majority HAN—CHINESE and Muslim Hui left almost 150—PEOPLE—DEAD and led authorities to declare martial law in 1—SECTION—OF—HENAN—PROVINCE in CENTRAL—CHINA, journalists and witnesses in the region said —SUNDAY".
20041031             —ORDERED, Oil Trivia / KUWAIT -: "KUWAIT—RULER has, that EACH—KUWAIT—CITIZEN receive a 1—TIME—BONUS—OF $680, the Cabinet said —SUNDAY.
20041031             The reward comes in response to record oil revenue flowing into the Persian Gulf emirate".
20041031             $4.6—MILLION to Encounter for Culture and Education (PUBLISHER—OF—FUND—BOOK) MediaMatters_org JOHN—FUND—BOOK on voter fraud is 1—FRAUD
20041031             In his recent book Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Democracy (Encounter Books, 20040900             ), WALL—STREET—JOURNAL OP—ED columnist + AUTHOR—JOHN—FUND—USES—DISTORTIONS and HALF—TRUTHS to impugn Democrats who, he states in his introduction, "figure prominently in the vast MAJORITY—OF—EXAMPLES—OF—ELECTION—FRAUD described in this [Fund's] book".
20041031             who was made an honorary firefighter by 1—NY engine company, that he..for —1—HOUR, somewhat higher than official ESTIMATES—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER blaze... 20041117..
20041031             " People of USA, I remind you of the weighty words of our leaders, Osama BIN—LADEN + Dr.
20041031             "Whatever your opinions about the war, THE—CONDUCT—OF—THE—JOURNALISTS who covered it and the role of AL—JAZEERA in that coverage,
20041031             BUSH vs. Kerry: Bilder eines Machtkampfes
20041031             Based on BAKAN—BOOK THE—CORPORATION: THE—PATHOLOGICAL—PURSUIT—OF—PROFIT and Power, the film is 1—TIMELY,
20041031             —FROM his masterful political skills, to the secret machinations he has carefully orchestrated,
20041031             In this complex and highly entertaining documentary, MARK—ACHBAR, CO—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—INFLUENTIAL and inventive MANUFACTURING CONSENT:
20041031             Nach stundenlanger Diskussion billigten die Delegierten —AM—ABEND mit großer Mehrheit einen Leitantrag des Vorstands,
20041031             critical inquiry that invites CEOs, WHISTLE—BLOWERS, brokers, gurus, spies, players, pawns and pundits on 1—GRAPHIC + engaging quest to reveal the 4corporation's inner workings,
20041031             curious history, controve rsial impacts and possible futures.
20041031             der einen Politikwechsel hin zu mehr sozialer Gerechtigkeit fordert.
20041031             "And that Allah willing,
20041031             the magnitude + ferocity of what is coming your way will make you forget all about 20010911             .
20041031             the most powerful political figure USA has never heard of, the Wizard of Oz behind THE—CURTAIN—OF—TODAY—PRESIDENTIAL—POLITICS.
20041031             to his dramatic influence on foreign policy, the fingerprints of Rove, Karl can be found —THROUGHOUT the political process.
20041031             —THE—CORPORATION
20041031             with your certainties scrambled and your assumptions shaken".
20041031             you are likely to emerge from CONTROL ROOM touched, exhilarated and 1—LITTLE—OFF—BALANCE,
20041031             "BUSH—BRAIN" is 1—DOCUMENTARY that introduces the country to Rove, Karl the man known as "BUSH—BRAIN",
20041031             In the closing hours of their bitter campaign, PRESIDENT—BUSH and challenger SENATOR—JOHN—KERRY charged through the critical battlegrounds of FLORIDA and OHIO, with promises to keep AMERICA SAFE.
20041031             —SUFFERED, BRAZIL, PRESIDENT—LUIZ—INACIO—LULA da Silva, major defeats in 1—ELECTORAL—TEST—OF his ruling party's influence.
20041031             SILVA—PT—PARTY won in 11—OF—THE—23—CITIES where it fielded candidates.
20041031             JOSE—SERRA won the mayoral election in SAO—PAULO over MARTA—SUPLICY.
20041031             —EXPLODED, CHECHNYA, 1—CAR—BOMB, outside GROZNY—MAIN—HOSPITAL, injuring 17—PEOPLE.
20041031             CHILE, voters gave strong support to THE—CENTER—LEFT GOVERNMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—RICARDO—LAGOS in nationwide municipal elections.
20041031             —APPROVED, IRAN—PARLIAMENT unanimously, the outline of 1—BILL that would require the government to resume uranium enrichment.
20041031             —KILLED, IRAQ, 1—ROCKET—ATTACK in Tikrit, 15—IRAQIS and wounded 8.
20041031             ITALY, unusually high tides sent sea water sweeping through Venice, covering 80—PERCENT—OF—THE—CITY by afternoon.
20041031             —CONDEMNED, JAPAN, the beheading of 1—JAPAN—HOSTAGE in IRAQ as 1—DESPICABLE—ACT—OF—TERRORISM and vowed to keep its troops in the country on their reconstruction mission.
20041031             —OPENED, African and ASIA—LEADERS, a —2—DAY—CONFERENCE in TOKYO to spur trade and investment between THE—2—REGIONS.
20041031             The gathering is 1—FOLLOW—UP meeting of the 3. TOKYO INTERNATIONAL Conference on AFRICA—DEVELOPMENT (TICAD III) held —LAST—YEAR and is CO—HOSTED by JAPAN, the World Bank.
20041031             —DECLARED, NIGERIA, unions, the top oil multinational here, Royal Dutch/Shell, "1—ENEMY—OF—THE—NIGERIA—PEOPLE" and called a 20041116             nationwide strike.
20041031             Ukrainians cast ballots in 1—PRESIDENTIAL—VOTE.
20041031             The opposition COMPLAINED—OF—VIOLATIONS—JUST hours into the polling.
20041031             Yushchenko won by.5%, but failed to get 1—MAJORITY setting up 1—RUNOFF—VOTE for 20041121             .
20041031             Observers from NATO and EUROPE said the balloting did not meet democratic standards.
20041031             URUGUAY, elections socialist Tabare Vazquez (65), 1—CANCER—SPECIALIST and FORMER—MAYOR—OF—MONTEVIDEO, won URUGUAY—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION, becoming the nation's 1. leftist leader.
20041031             —CALLED, Voters also, for all water resources to be put under state administration.
20041031             —EMPLOYED, Some 20—PERCENT—OF—THE—COUNTRY—WORK—FORCE was, by the state.
20041031             —BACKED, VENEZUELA, candidates, by PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ swept all but 2—OF 23—GOVERNORSHIPS in regional elections.
20041031             —SERVED, People in business Moore, as counsel for AIG /USA—GENERAL.
20041031             * Einen anderen zufälligen Text zum Stichwort "DUMMER—PRÄSIDENT"lesen * Hilfe]
20041031             wir haben eine neue art von herrschaft. nicht eine einmannherrschaft einer aristokratie oder plutokratie, sondern diejeniege kleiner gruppen, die durch zufälligen druck in positionen absoluter macht und politischen und ökonomischen faktoren unterworfen sind, die wenig raum für —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN lassen.
20041031             sie sind die repräsentanten abstrakter kräfte, die dadurch an die macht gelangt sind, dass sie ihr ich ausgeliefert und kapituliert haben.
20041031             der diktator mit dem eisernen willen gehört der vergangenheit an.
20041031             es wird keine stalins, keine hitlers mehr geben.die herrscher dieser unsichersten aller welten sind zufällige herrscher,
20041031             unfähige, verängstigte piloten an den kontrollhebeln einer riesigen maschine, die sie nicht begreifen, so dass sie experten hinzuziehen, die ihnen sagen müssen, welche knöpfe sie drücken sollen.
20041031             WILLIAM—BURROUGHS
20041031             AWARD—WINNING filmmaker Jehane Noujaim ( Startup_com ) provides 1 balanced view...
20041031             PORTLAND IMC—CHRISTIAN—ZIONISM:right wing anti...
20041031             wealthy CALIFORNIA savings + loan heir HOWARD—AHMANSON, FORMER—HOUSE Majority Leader Dick Army (R—TEXAS),
20041031             ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JOHN—ASHCROFT + Tommy...
20041031             Past Peak: Religion Archives... by 1—GROUP called CHRISTIAN—EMBASSY that featured very senior officers... The brothers Urosevich obtained financing from THE—FAR—RIGHT—AHMANSON...
20041031223631       Dionysos schrieb über DUMMER—PRÄSIDENT [ Siehe auch: * Infos und die besten Texte zum Stichwort "DUMMER—PRÄSIDENT " im ASSOZIATIONS—BLASTER
20041031—18541031    —150—YEARS—AGO, the corporation was 1—RELATIVELY insignificant entity.
20041031—19330000    —IN, It was the most brutal SEIZURE—OF—POWER—SINCE Hitler burned the Reichstag and declared himself the new boss of GERMANY.
20041031—19520000    —SINCE, EVERY—GOP administration has let THE—MILITARY—INDUSTRIAL—COMPLEX loot the Treasury and plunge the nation into debt on the excuse of 1—WARTIME economic emergency.
20041031—19720000    —LAUGHED, His staff, but THE—SECRET—SERVICE—MEN didn't. Kerry suggested I might make 1—GOOD running mate + we reminisced about trying to end THE—VIETNAM—WAR.
20041031—19820000    —IN, He talks specifically about THE—ISRAEL—INVASION—OF—LEBANON and how THE—USA—TOOK part in that.
20041031—19820000    —IN, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN said he decided to attack the twin TOWERS—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER—AFTER the invasion of LEBANON by ISRAEL, which he claimed was backed by THE—USA—NAVY.
20041031—19920000    —HAUNTED, THE—REPUBLICAN establishment is, by painful memories of what happened to Old Man Bush.
20041031—19930000    —STARTED, TICAD, 1—JAPAN—INITIATIVE, was, to raise INTERNATIONAL support for AFRICA—DEVELOPMENT and has been held EVERY— 5—YEARS.
20041031—19950000    —OBTAINED, Another suspect, Abderraouf Jdey, CANADA—CITIZENSHIP.
20041031—20000000    —IN, I voted for RALPH—NADER, but I won't make that mistake again.
20041031—20001108    —AM, Es war 2.16—UHR, als ein junger Reporter von "FOX—NEWS" verkündete, dass GEORGE—W—BUSH den STAAT—FLORIDA und damit die Präsidentschaft gewonnen habe.
20041031—20010911    —ON, AYMAN—AL—ZAWAHRI, that what took place was but the opening salvo of the global WAR—ON—USA,"
20041031—20010911    —ON, " People of USA, I remind you of the weighty words of our leaders, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN + DOCTOR—AYMAN—AL—ZAWAHRI, that what took place was but the opening salvo of the global WAR—ON—USA,"
20041031—20020000    —J—IM, Der beanstandete Link sei, also vor der entscheidenden Änderung des Urheberrechts, von einem Benutzer seines PORTAL—SYSTEMS
20041031—20020100    —BY, THE—FEARS—OF—THE—PUBLIC, in BRITAIN at least, are actually quite erratic: —WHEN the opinion pollsters Mori asked people what they felt was the most important political issue, the figure for "defence and foreign affairs" leapt from 2% to 60% —AFTER the attacks of 20010900             , yet had fallen back almost to its —EARLIER level.
20041031—20030500    —IN, Group Says It Warned USA on IRAQ Arms : Human Rights Watch said —SATURDAY it alerted THE—USA—MILITARY to 1—CACHE—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—WARHEADS containing high explosives in IRAQ, but that officials seemed uninterested and still hadn't secured the site —10—DAYS—LATER.
20041031—20030600    —IM, Bisky bekam ein deutlich besseres Ergebnis ALS—DAMALS hatte er 78,2 Prozent erzielt.
20041031—20030600    —IM—ALS Bisky bekam ein deutlich besseres Ergebnis, damals hatte er 78,2 % erzielt.
20041031—20040318    —ON, NEW—YORK: Narinder Virk, a —41—YEAR—OLD—SOUTH—CALIFORNIA housewife who faces 1—MAXIMUM—SENTENCE—OF—LIFE in prison for the attempted drowning of her kids, will be examined in court by 1—PANEL—OF—MENTAL—HEALTH—EXPERTS, ADAM—PEARLMAN, Ventura County deputy district attorney, told News INDIA—TIMES on the phone.
20041031—20041102    —AM, Wenn die Voraussagen stimmen, werden 3—BUNDESSTAATEN die Wahl entscheiden: OHIO, PENNSYLVANIA und FLORIDA, wieder einmal.
20041031—20041121    —AM, Bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen in der UKRAINE kommt es zu 1—KOPF—AN—KOPF—RENNEN zwischen WIKTOR—JANUKOWYTSCH und WIKTOR—JUSCHTSCHENKO, was 1—STICHWAHL notwendig macht.
20041031—20060000    —AB, Sie will nur noch Drucker zulassen, die mit wieder auffüllbaren Patronen arbeiten.
20041031—20300000    —BIS, Experten rechnen —BEREITS mit einem Anstieg der Temperaturen um 1,5 —BIS 3,5 Grad.
20041101             - Oil Trivia / NIGERIA : "LAGOS—NIGERIA—UNIONS declared the top oil multinational in NIGERIA, Royal Dutch/Shell, '1—ENEMY—OF—THE—NIGERIA—PEOPLE' —ON—SUNDAY [20041031             ] and called a 20041116             nationwide strike that they said would target oil exports from AFRICA—OIL—GIANT.... Unions called 20041116             —THE strike —AFTER giving PRESIDENT—OLUSEGUN—OBASANJO —UNTIL—SUNDAY to reverse 20040923             s 23 % increase in fuel prices in NIGERIA....
200411031103         *Trivia: "—WHEN, on THE—DAY—OF—ATONEMENT, you walk into 1—SYNAGOGUE, you stand up for the very 1. prayer that you recite.
200411031720         —POSTED, AEDT KERRY[KFJ966] 's WHITE—HOUSE—DREAM fades
200411031804         Wahlpannen: Verschwörungstheorien sprießen —SCHON
200411031804         USA—WAHL: Weißes Haus ist von BUSH[BGW968] s Sieg überzeugt
200411031804         WAHL—HÄNGEPARTIE: —NACHT der Swinger
200411031811         —POSTED, AEDT OHIO key to tight USA—ELECTION
200411031841         —POSTED, AEDT Patagonian toothfish pirates using fear: Govt
200411031841         —POSTED, AEDT Republicans tipped to control USA—SENATE
200411031900         —POSTED, AEDT Edwards pledges to fight for EVERY—VOTE
20050113             —SUNDAY, 20041031             Dem Bitch Kicks Student 1—PART—TIME—COLLEGE instructor has apologized for kicking 1—STUDENT because he was wearing 1—REPUBLICAN shirt.
20050113             1—COLLECTION—OF—THOUGHTS: 20041000             Archives —SUNDAY, 20041031             Dem Bitch Kicks Student 1—PART—TIME—COLLEGE instructor has apologized for kicking 1—STUDENT because he was wearing 1—REPUBLICAN shirt.
20050209             Die kurdische Regierung im Nordirak hat die TÜRKEI —AM—DONNERSTAG davor gewarnt... 4- bzw 5-tägiger Tennisurlaub in DEUTSCHLAND —SCHON ab 189. 20061031             ...
20050301             —WHEN socialist Tabare Vazquez wears the ceremonial sash, he will be doing it with the support of 1—NEW—PARLIAMENT—ELECTED last 20051031             .---- + 1 unprecedented leftwing majority.
20050320             THE—COURT—OF—CASSATION said 20051031             —THE—CONVICTION—OF—BILAL—MANSUR—AL—HIYARI by the military STATE—SECURITY—COURT "fell short of adequate justifications and causes".
20051031             2004070203_Report 20040700             Youngtimer: Die neue Liebe zu alten SPIEßER—AUTOS Ob Ford GRANADA, Opel Rekord oder STRICH—8. MERCEDES—DIE—ALLTAGSWAGEN aus den Siebzigern...
20051031             Science -- TABLE—OF—CONTENTS {20040702             ;
20051031             —BEFORE THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, 20051026             20051031             —BEFORE THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, 20051026             20051109             —EXPOSED, But Katrina, with the devastation it left behind, at least 2—FUNDAMENTAL—ARTICLES—OF—TRUTH about 1—BRAGGART superpower that is inexorably sliding toward institutionalized fascism: 20051026             , 20050000             THE—SPLENDID—FAILURE—OF—OCCUPATION—PART 36: GEORGE—BUSH occupies IRAQ—BY B. J. Sabri
20051031             We Have Been Warned.
20051031             —BY USA—REPRESENTATIVE—RON—PAUL (R—TX)
20051031             —BEFORE THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, 20051026             20051031             —WARNED, We have been.
20051031             Prepare for 1—BROADER—WAR in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, as plans are being laid for the next USA—LED regime change — in Syria.
20051031             This statement reflects the continued NEO—CONSERVATIVE, Machiavellian influence on our foreign policy.
20051031             The "opportunity" refers to THE—LONG—HELD NEO—CONSERVATIVE—PLAN for regime change in Syria, similar to what was carried out in IRAQ.
20051031             ESTUDOS DE CRONOLOGIA, DIPLOMÁTICA PALEOGRAFIA E HISTÓRICO... consultei sobre esta matéria o Doutor RUI—DE—AZEVEDO, que, em carta de 28—DE... sibi in ipsa vilia de Figueiroo est quedam magna peza de regalengo (.
20051031             authentico index 12150600             THE—MAGNA—CARTA—THE—GREAT—CHARTER—OF—ENGLAND—LIBERTY, Granted by JOHN—KING—OF— at Runnymede - 19530000             USA Zapata OIL extraction company founded by....
20051031             Rove should be fired, spy's husband says:
20051031             Bush aide is 'party to the compromise of national security,' Wilson claims
20051031             Bush choice sets up court battle : PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush has nominated FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT—JUDGE—SAMUEL—ALITO to THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT.
20051031             Alito Supports Unauthorized Strip Searches:
20051031             —AGUED, DOE, v. Groody, Alito, that police officers had not violated constitutional rights —WHEN they strip searched 1—MOTHER and her —10—YEAR—OLD—DAUGHTER—WHILE carrying out 1—SEARCH—WARRANT that authorized only the search of 1—MAN and his home.
20051031             [Doe v. Groody, 20040000             ]
20051031             —FOCUSED, In compiling this document, we have, primarily on those opinions, concurrences and dissents which were authored by JUDGE—ALITO himself and provide important insight about his record concerning important issues of fundamental rights and liberties.
20051031             Alito: Where were you in '72?
20051031             1—LOT has been said this —MORNING about SAMUEL—ALITO, PRESIDENT—BUSH—NOMINEE for THE—SUPREME—COURT + his impeccable legal resume.
20051031             Well, here's 1—PORTION—OF his resume we hope gets SOME—VERY, very close scrutiny over the next few weeks, —BEFORE his confirmation hearings.
20051031             Kashmir Group Claims DELHI Bomb Attacks: 1—LITTLE—KNOWN group linked to Kashmiri separatists —YESTERDAY claimed responsibility —FOR—SATURDAY—SERIAL blasts in DELHI that killed 59—PEOPLE and injured over 200. Police said they had detained 22—PEOPLE and were questioning them.
20051031             INDIA says indications of PAKISTAN link to blasts: INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—MANMOHAN—SINGH told PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF —ON—MONDAY there were indications the weekend bomb blasts in THE—INDIA—CAPITAL had links with militant groups in PAKISTAN.
20051031             Blunder may free 'terror envoy' : AN EXTRAORDINARY legal blunder by Whitehall officials may allow 1 suspected terror ringleader being held in BRITAIN to go free.
20051031             USA not legally bound to reveal dump sites : —FOR—DECADES, THE—USA—ARMY secretly dumped MILLIONS—OF—POUNDS—OF—CHEMICAL—WEAPONS off THE—COASTS—OF—AMERICA and other nations —THROUGHOUT the world.
20051031             —TODAY, in the 2. —DAY of a 2—PART—SERIES, we examine the extent — and the potential environmental disaster — of the dumping that occurred worldwide.
20051031             Pigs at the trough: Report: Bush fundraisers got $1.2—BILLION in public funds : 30—OHIOANS who raised 1 combined $4.1—MILLION for PRESIDENT—BUSH—RE—ELECTION—CAMPAIGN have received more than $1.2—BILLION in public funds for their companies and clients, 1—NEWSPAPER reported.
20051031             NOE—FREED—ON $1—MILLION—BOND In Bush Campaign Scandal : THE—DAY—AFTER 1—FEDERAL—GRAND—JURY returned a 3—COUNT—INDICTMENT against him for allegedly laundering $45,500 into PRESIDENT—BUSH—RE—ELECTION—CAMPAIGN, TOM—NOE appeared in shackles and handcuffs —BEFORE A—USA—MAGISTRATE in ORLANDO to be arraigned.
20051031             USA Ranks 44. in Worldwide Press Freedom Index : The annual worldwide press freedom index from Reporters Without Borders shows THE—USA, which is supposedly spreading freedom and liberty —THROUGHOUT the world, is in 1—FAST—DECLINE regarding THE—FREEDOM—OF—ITS—OWN—PRESS.
20051031             NORTH—KOREA, ERITREA and TURKMENISTAN are the world's "black holes" for news : At THE—TOP—OF—THE—INDEX once again are NORTH—EUROPEAN countries DENMARK, FINLAND, IRELAND, ICELAND, NORWAY and THE—NETHERLANDS, where robust press freedom is firmly established.
20051031             Bush Wary Of ITALY—PM, Says former advisor:
20051031             - USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH no longer trusts ITALY—PRIME—MINISTER—SILVIO—BERLUSCONI —AFTER remarks he made stating he did not want THE—USA—AND—BRITAIN to attack IRAQ
20051031             UNITED—NATIONS Security Council OKs Syria Resolution : THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL unanimously adopted 1—RESOLUTION—MONDAY demanding SYRIA—FULL—COOPERATION with A—UNITED—NATIONS—INVESTIGATION into THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—LEBANON—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER and warning of possible "further action" if it doesn't.
20051031             Pressure on Syria to hand over PRESIDENT—BROTHER : The resolution orders DAMASCUS to arrest and freeze the assets of anybody THE—UN—SUSPECTS—OF—INVOLVEMENT in the killing.
20051031             —PASSED, It was, unanimously.
20051031             —CONTINUED, SHARON—PRAISES—STANDS—AGAINST—IRAN, Syria : Violence, —MONDAY, —1—DAY—AFTER 1—INFORMAL—TRUCE was apparently scuttled by 1—ISRAEL—RAID in THE—WEST—BANK that killed 3—PALESTINE—MILITANTS.
20051031             'New evidence' backs HICKS—TORTURE—CLAIM : Lawyers for GUANTANAMO Bay detainee DAVID—HICKS say they have uncovered evidence supporting claims that THE—SOUTH—AUSTRALIA—MAY have been the subject of organised torture by USA—TROOPS.
20051031             - HICKS—FATHER—TERRY has detailed allegations of physical and sexual abuse of his son by USA—SOLDIERS.
20051031             THE—CASE—AGAINST—DAVID—HICKS : "THE—AUSTRALIANS, the Americans, they all know — this is 1—FAÇADE, this is 1—FARCE"... DAVID—HICKS'—USA—LAWYER—JOSH—DRATEL.
20051031             BAHRAIN formally demands probe into Gitmo torture : THE—BAHRAIN—EMBASSY in WASHINGTON has formally asked THE—USA—GOVERNMENT to launch 1—IMMEDIATE—INVESTIGATION into torture, abuse and other brutal tactics used against 1—BAHRAIN—PRISONER held at its detention center in GUANTANAMO, BAY—CUBA, BAHRAIN—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—SOURCE has revealed.
20051031             1—TALE—OF—2—LIVES Destroyed by ABU—GHRAIB : DER SPIEGEL looks at 2—LIVES destroyed by ABU—GHRAIB.
20051031             1, 1—IRAQ—COMMUNITY—LEADER -- the other, his USA—GUARD.
20051031             Bush Admin: Treaty Outlawing Torture Doesn't Apply Beyond USA—SOIL : PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—RECENTLY promised to use his veto power for the 1. time ever to stop 1—AMENDMENT proposed —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH by SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN that would outlaw cruel, inhuman, and degrading TREATMENT—OF—PEOPLE held by THE—USA—MILITARY anywhere in the world.
20051031             This order provides 1—LARGELY—UNNOTICED precedent for the "legal" rationalizations found in 1—NUMBER—OF—HITHERTO—SECRET—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—LEGAL memoranda, which have —RECENTLY come to light.
20051031             Legally, there are no significant differences between the investor fraud perpetrated by Enron CEO—KEN—LAY and the prewar intelligence fraud perpetrated by GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20051031             —INVOLVED, Both, persons in authority who used HALF—TRUTHS and recklessly false statements to manipulate people who trusted them.
20051031             There is, however, 1—PRACTICAL—DIFFERENCE: The presidential fraud is wider in scope and far graver in its consequences than the Enron fraud.
20051031             —PARALYZED, Yet thus far the public seems.
20051031             WASHINGTON hid damaging VIETNAM finding
20051031             THE—USA—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY has kept secret a 20010000             finding by its own historian that its officers deliberately distorted critical intelligence —DURING the Tonkin Gulf episode that helped precipitate THE—VIETNAM—WAR.
20051031             JOSEPH—WILSON, EX—BOTSCHAFTER—DER—USA und EHEMANN—DER—ENTTARNTEN—CIA—AGENTIN—PLAME, sagte, seine Frau habe nach der Aufdeckung ihrer SPIONAGE—TÄTIGKEIT Drohungen erhalten.
20051031             "Es gab bestimmte Drohungen. Mehr kann ich dazu nicht sagen", sagte Wilson im Fernsehsender CBS.
20051031             Sie habe ihre Sicherheit seither mit mehreren Behörden diskutiert.
20051031             Als seine Frau von ihrer Enttarnung in einer Zeitungskolumne gelesen habe, habe sie sich gefühlt, als habe "ihr jemand in den Magen geschlagen", sagte Wilson.
20051031             "Es hat ihr den Atem verschlagen".
20051031             —NACH—DEM Rückttritt seines Stabschefs LEWIS—LIBBY habe Cheney nur eine knappe Erklärung veröffentlicht, in dem er Libbys Taten gerühmt habe.
20051031             Bush selbst habe Libby nur wenige —MINUTEN später im Fernsehen mit seinem Spitznamen "Scooter" genannt und ihn als großen Patrioten bezeichnet.
20051031             WASHINGTON—BUSHS Regierung habe nicht ganz begriffen, wie schwer die Anschuldigung wiege, sagte HARRY—REID, der demokratische Minderheitsführer im Senat, dem Fernsehsender ABC.
20051031             "Er sollte sich entschuldigen. Der Vizepräsident (Dick Cheney) sollte sich auch entschuldigen. Sie sollten mit dem AMERIKANISCHEN—VOLK ins Reine kommen", forderte Reid.
20051031             Is Rove off the hook? According to
20051031             NBC—MICHAEL—ISSIKOFF, Fitzgerald made that personal visit to BUSH—LAWYER to tell him that KARL—ROVE was off the hook.
20051031             Does that make sense to you? Wouldn't THE—RECIPIENT—OF—THAT—NEWS be ROVE—LAWYER?
20051031             1—LAWYER involved in the case who declined to be identified BECAUSE—OF—THE—MATTER—CONFIDENTIALITY said Novak decided "early on" to cooperate with FITZGERALD—PROBE and ID his SOURCE—WHOM Fitzgerald never charged, apparently because the mystery leaker told the truth to the grand jury.
20051031             So why do they keep targeting Galloway with these smears?
20051031             THE—REPUBLICANS only make him look good, in the end.
20051031             Lying about GEORGE—GALLOWAY—LOOKS—LIKE they're lying about controversial UK—MP GEORGE—GALLOWAY again.
20051031             In the past, he has successfully brought suit over this SORT—OF—THING.
20051031             This time, though, he may have missed 1—GOOD—CHANCE.
20051031             —FROM the New Scotsman: Could nitromethane be the culprit in NEW—YORK?
20051031             The scenario doesn't seem likely.
20051031             —COMPARED, Most observers (if that is the right word), the Manhattan smell to maple syrup, not perfume.
20051031             Besides, how could ANY—BAR sinister make the gas spread —THROUGHOUT so MUCH—OF—THE—CITY?
20051031             THE—NIGER fakes: Blame Berlusconi? JOSHUA—MARSHALL'S
20051031             latest series on THE—ITALY—CONNECTION to THE—NIGER forgeries is MUST—READ material.
20051031             —PLAYED, Right —NOW, I'm wondering about the role, by ITALY—PRIME—MINISTER—SILVIO—BERLUSCONI.
20051031             THE—LA—REPUBBLICA investigators seem to favor a "blame Berlusconi" scenario.
20051031             Allegedly, he hoped to make ITALY 1—WORLD—PLAYER again + thus had Nicolo Pollari, THE—HEAD—OF—SISMI (THE—ITALY—CIA) shop the fakes to BRITAIN, FRANCE + THE—USA—THE—HOAX had but 1—GOAL: War.
20051031             But —NOW Berlusconi says he begged BUSH—NOT to go to war.
20051031             EX—POST—FACTO FANNY—COVERAGE? Perhaps.
20051031             Or perhaps Pollari did what he did at the behest of someone other than Berlusconi.
20051031             I suggest that readers take another look at the 2. La Repubblica story; scroll down to the section on Ledeen.
20051031             I believe that the parties who might —NOW claim to be THE—VICTIMS—OF—DISINFORMATION had actually ordered up the hoax, much as you or I might order 1—PIZZA.
20051031             So —NOW we have JUDGE—ALITO, who is unassailable on THE—ISSUES—OF—EXPERIENCE and intelligence.
20051031             He will surely vote to end abortion.
20051031             Rom/WASHINGTON—BERLUSCONIS veröffentlichte Äußerung in einem Fernsehinterview, er habe Bush mehrmals versucht, vom IRAK—KRIEG abzubringen, habe beide Seiten "genötigt", die Pressebegegnung zu annullieren, berichtete die ITALIENISCHE—ZEITUNG "Repubblica".
20051031             Berlusconi hatte dem Fernsehsender La7 vor seiner Abreise nach WASHINGTON gesagt: "Ich habe bei mehreren Gelegenheiten versucht, den AMERIKANISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN zu überzeugen, keinen Krieg zu führen".
20051031             —GESUCHT, Er habe mehrere andere Lösungen, auch eine gemeinsame Intervention mit dem libyschen STAATSCHEF—MUAMMAR—AL—GADDAFI.
20051031             "Wir haben das nicht geschafft und es kam zur Militärintervention. Ich glaube, man hätte dies vermeiden sollen".
20051031             Oppositionspolitiker werteten die Aussagen Berlusconis als Wahlkampfmanöver mit Blick auf die Parlamentswahlen —IM—FRÜHLING 20060000             .
20051031             Der GROßTEIL—DER—ITALIENER war stets gegen einen Truppeneinsatz im IRAK.
20051031             —STATIONIERT, Rund 3000—ITALIENISCHE—SOLDATEN sind —ZURZEIT im IRAK.
20051031             Mit der Absage der PRESSEKONFERENZ—WOLLE—BUSH zudem vermeiden, vor der Presse auf Fragen zur Anklage des Regierungsberaters LEWIS—LIBBY im Skandal um die Enttarnung einer CIA—AGENTIN antworten zu müssen, schrieb die Zeitung "Il Messaggero".
20051031             Parks war am vergangenen —MONTAG im Alter von —92—JAHREN gestorben.
20051031             —GEWEIGERT, Sie hatte sich —VOR—50—JAHREN, ihren Sitzplatz im Bus einem Weißen zu überlassen und damit den Weg für die Bürgerrechtsbewegung bereitet.
20051031             Für ihren zivilen Ungehorsam wurde sie seinerzeit festgenommen.
20051031             Bei der Trauerfeier in MONTGOMERY im USA—BUNDESSTAAT ALABAMA hatte USA—AUßENMINISTERIN Condoleezza Rice, die ranghöchste Schwarze in der USA—REGIERUNG, zuvor gesagt: "Ich kann aufrichtig sagen, dass ich —HEUTE ohne Frau Parks wahrscheinlich nicht als Außenministerin hier stehen würde".
20051031             RAMADI—DER Angriff erfolgte in Karabila nahe der Grenze zu SYRIEN.
20051031             1—USA—MILITÄRSPRECHER sprach von einer Präzisionsbombardierung, die sich nicht gegen Zivilisten richten sollte.
20051031             Nach Angaben eines Arztes kamen jedoch bei der BOMBARDIERUNG—DES—HAUSES eines AL—QAIDA—CHEFS 40—MENSCHEN ums Leben.
20051031             Außerdem gebe es 20—VERLETZTE.
20051031             VIELE—DER—OPFER seien Frauen und Kinder.
20051031             Einwohner sagten, in dem Gebiet gebe es gar keine Aufständischen.
20051031             Tierseuche: VOGELGRIPPE—VIRUS in KANADA entdeckt
20051031             Finanzen: Ministerium rechnet mit Mehreinnahmen in Milliardenhöhe
20051031             GUANTANAMO: Uno prangert BESUCHS—AUFLAGEN der USA an
20051031             Teure Pleite: UNITED—AIRLINES—MUTTER macht MILLIARDEN—VERLUSTE
20051031             Abschied des Internetpioniers: STEVE—CASE verlässt Time Warner
20051031             GROSSBRITANNIEN: BIOTECH—BETEILIGUNG bringt Arbeitsminister in Bedrängnis
20051031             Nach mehrstündiger Flucht: Polizei nimmt Amokläufer in der Oberpfalz fest
20051031             Resolution: Sicherheitsrat drängt SYRIEN zu Kooperation im Mordfall Hariri
20051031             TEXAS: Priester stirbt nach Elektroschock im Taufbecken
20051031             Umweltminister JÜRGEN—TRITTIN: Rackern —BIS zum Schluss
20051031             AIDS—VORSORGE: Gel könnte Kondome ersetzen
20051031             Sparzwang: USA—AUTOBAUER debattieren über Toilettenpause
20051031             —NOMINIERT, Oberster Gerichtshof: Bush, RICHTER—ALITO für SUPREME—COURT
20051031             DIALER—SCHUTZ: SRI—LANKA stoppt Telefonate in 13—LÄNDER
20051031             Lügendetektor: Magen soll Schwindler überführen
20051031             IRAK—KRIEG: Bush und Berlusconi sagen PRESSEKONFERENZ ab
20051031             Interview zu KOHL—MEMOIREN: "Das grenzt an bewusste Geschichtsfälschung"
20051031             FRANKREICH: Wieder wilde Straßenschlachten in Pariser Vorstadt
20051031             Angriff auf AL—QAIDA: VIELE—TOTE bei USA—BOMBENANGRIFF
20051031             Inhalator: Zigarettenhersteller will Lungen heilen
20051031             Schießerei in der Oberpfalz: Amokläufer taucht im Nebel unter
20051031             Bürgerrechtlerin: Tausende nahmen Abschied von Rosa Parks
20051031             Wiederaufbau: Tausende besuchten —IN—DER—NACHT Dresdens Frauenkirche
20051031             CIA—AFFÄRE: Demokraten verlangen von Bush Entschuldigung - Lissabon: Alfama, AMO—TE!
20051031             THE—911—NORTH—TOWER—DEMOLITION Explained - THE—REST—OF—THE—911—FLIGHT 93—STORY
20051031             SOUTH—TOWER Exit Wounds Tell 911—TALE 20051031             Dirty Little 20010911             Secrets Exposed
20051031             2. Janitor Tells Of WTC BASEMENT Bombs
20051031             So, What Happens —WHEN WTC—TYPE—STEEL Is Heated?
20051031             Geometrie macht Ameisen AGGRESSIV—VISTA verde MARKUS—KNADEN und RÜDIGER—WEHNER—VON—DER—UNIVERSITÄT—ZÜRICH untersuchten die Wüstenameise Cataglyphis FORTIS—EINE für ihr traumwandlerisches...
20051031             Lominet.DE—PRESSEARCHIV - 20040700             20051031             Weder Landmarken noch Nestgeruch sind für die Entfernungsbestimmung wichtig, so MARKUS—KNADEN und RÜDIGER—WEHNER—VON—DER—UNI—ZÜRICH.
20051031             305 (5680)}MARKUS—KNADEN + RÜDIGER—WEHNER—SCIENCE : 60. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF].
20051031             Research Article.
20051031             Dissection of the Mammalian Midbody Proteome.
20051031             Verhaltensforschung: Mathematisch gesteuerte AGGRESSION—FAZ_net...
20051031             mit einer raffinierten Versuchsanordnung haben MARKUS—KNADEN und Wehner —JETZT aber nachgewiesen, daß die Aggression auch ohne derartige Äußerlichkeiten...
20051031             Biological Psychology Links... Behavioral neurobiologists MARKUS—KNADEN and RÜDIGER—WEHNER—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—ZÜRICH in SWITZERLAND wondered whether the sight or smell of the nest primes...
20051031             Personalquerelen: Kampfabstimmung im SPD—VORSTAND
20051031             Streit um Stromrechnung: Säumiger Kunde erschießt Sperrkassierer
20051031             Weißes Haus: Bush misstraut seinen engsten Mitarbeitern
20051031             Wirbelsturm: "Beta" braust über Nicaraguas Küste
20051031             Statistik: Schäuble erwägt neue Volkszählung
20051031             PARIS - "Die Situation könnte sich noch weiter verschlimmern, denn die Strukturprobleme der Pariser Vororte gibt es in vielen anderen Städten auch", sagte der Soziologe MICHEL—WIEVIORKA
20051031             Youngtimer: Die neue Liebe zu alten SPIEßER—AUTOS Ob Ford GRANADA, Opel Rekord oder STRICH—8. MERCEDES—DIE—ALLTAGSWAGEN aus den Siebzigern...
20051031             —PROMOTED, NEW—YORK—TIMES—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY, 2—CLOSE confidants to take over the duties of his FORMER—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, I. LEWIS—LIBBY—JUNIOR.
20051031             various news agencies including AP ran 1—STORY headlined "BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—EXPLORER finds 'EUROPE—1. pyramids'".
20051031             This statement, as so MANY—HEADLINES are, is wrong.
20051031             There are MANY—SMALL—PYRAMIDS that can be found across EUROPE, from FRANCE to GREECE.
20051031             Seymour Hersh, 1—OF—JOURNALISM—CRANKIER bulldogs...
20051031             —NOMINATED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, veteran JUDGE—SAMUEL—ALITO in 1—BID to reshape THE—SUPREME—COURT and mollify his conservative allies.
20051031             —WARNED, READY—TO—RUMBLE Democrats, that Alito may be 1—EXTREMIST who would curb abortion rights.
20051031             —DECLINED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, to hear 1—APPEAL by, THOMAS—HUCKABY, 1—TENNESSEE man who was charged by NY state for taxes on ALL—OF—HIS—INCOME derived from his employer in NEW—YORK.
20051031             —REPORTED, It was, that USA—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—DONALD—RUMSFELD held 1—STAKE in Gilead Sciences valued at between $5—MILLION and $25—MILLION, according to FEDERAL—FINANCIAL—DISCLOSURES filed by Rumsfeld.
20051031             —MANUFACTURED, Tamiflu is, and marketed by SWITZERLAND—PHARMA giant Roche.
20051031             Gilead receives 1—ROYALTY from Roche equaling about 10—PERCENT—OF—SALES.
20051031             FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—GEORGE—SHULTZ, who is on GILEAD—BOARD, has sold more than $7—MILLION worth of Gilead —SINCE the beginning of 20050000             .
20051031             —RECUSED, Rumsfeld, himself from ANY—DECISIONS involving Gilead —WHEN he left Gilead and became SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE.
20051031             1—TRANSIT—STRIKE in PHILADELPHIA brought the city's buses, subways and trolleys to 1—HALT.
20051031             —GATHERED, SF, some 30,000—PEOPLE, in the Castro district for the annual Halloween party.
20051031             —ANNOUNCED, BSkyB and Vodafone, that 1—QUARTER—OF—1—MILLION—SUBSCRIBERS to VODAFONE—3.—GENERATION (3G) telecommunications service were —NOW able to watch on their mobiles live news and sports provided by satellite broadcaster BSkyB.
20051031             Novartis paid $5.1—BILLION for Chiron.
20051031             —REPORTED, It was, that Pluto has 3—MOONS, not 1, according to new images from the Hubble Space Telescope suggest.
20051031             —NAMED, THE—2—NEW—MOONS were, Nix and Hydra.
20051031             —ACCUSED—OF, BRAZIL, 1—MAN, torturing and killing 5—PEOPLE was killed in 1—SAO—PAULO shantytown gunfight with police who were trying to arrest him.
20051031             Celso Alencar dos SANTOS (33) and 1—ACCOMPLICE allegedly killed 5—MEMBERS—OF—THE—YONEKURA family —IN—SEPTEMBER, —WHEN the family returned to BRAZIL with THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS they had saved —WHILE living —FOR—6—YEARS in JAPAN.
20051031             —ARRIVED, CHINA—PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO, in VIETNAM on 1—MISSION to expand booming trade ties between the communist nations.
20051031             —BACKED, HUNDREDS—OF—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS, by UNITED—NATIONS peacekeepers began flushing heavily armed RWANDA—REBELS from EAST—CONGO, destroying insurgent camps and sending smoke rising above the restive region.
20051031             Farmers brought CALIFORNIA vegetables, NORTH—CAROLINA turkeys and ARKANSAS rice to CUBA—ANNUAL—TRADE—FAIR, showing that Americans are still hungry for the communist country's market despite USA—RULES that make trade difficult.
20051031             1—UN—SANCTIONED panel investigating human rights violations —DURING INDONESIA—BLOODY—24—YEAR—OCCUPATION—OF—EAST—TIMOR presented its findings to the country's PRESIDENT.
20051031             —ENDED, FRANCE—ROWER EMMANUEL—COINDRE, 1—LANDMARK —129—DAY solo voyage across the Pacific Ocean between JAPAN and THE—USA, setting 1—NEW—RECORD, according to his team.
20051031             —KILLED, THE—USA—MILITARY said 6—USA—SOLDIERS were, in 2—BOMBINGS, making 20051001             —OF—THE—DEADLIEST months for USA—TROOPS in IRAQ —THIS—YEAR.
20051031             1—CAR—BOMB exploded in 1—COMMERCIAL—DISTRICT—OF—BASRA, killing at least 20 with 40 injured.
20051031             —NAMED, JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER—JUNICHIRO—KOIZUMI, 1—NEW—CABINET, putting outspoken conservatives, and potential successors, in top positions and retaining his economic team.
20051031             1—MYANMAR court sentenced 1—LAWYER to —7—YEARS in prison for advising 1—GROUP—OF—FARMERS to file grievances with THE—INTERNATIONAL—LABOR—ORGANIZATION.
20051031             —NAMED, POLAND—PRESIDENT—ALEKSANDER—KWASNIEWSKI has officially, 1—MINORITY—CONSERVATIVE—GOVERNMENT headed by Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz.
20051031             1—NEW—SURVEY reported that more than HALF—OF—RUSSIANS think everyone in power is dishonest, from THE—PRESIDENT—AND—PARLIAMENT, to government and the courts.
20051031             —RANKED, Transparency INTERNATIONAL —RECENTLY, RUSSIA joint 126. on its list of cleanest countries, on 1—PAR with SIERRA—LEONE, NIGER and ALBANIA.
20051031             —CONDEMNED, UN envoy JAN—PRONK, the killing of 2—DEMINERS contracted to THE—UNITED—NATIONS in SOUTH—SUDAN in 1—AMBUSH by suspected UGANDA—REBELS.
20051031             1—UN—RESOLUTION sponsored by THE—USA, FRANCE and BRITAIN demanded that Syria assist fully with 1—PROBE into the February KILLING—OF—FORMER—LEBANON—LEADER—HARIRI.
20051031             The P—5—AMBASSADORS (THE—5—PERMANENT—COUNCIL nations) from THE—USA, RUSSIA, CHINA, BRITAIN and FRANCE, conducted intense negotiations to try to reach agreement on the resolution.
20051031             Live news broadcasts began on 1—NEW—LATIN—AMERICA—TV—STATION backed by VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ as 1—ALTERNATIVE to large corporate media outlets.
20051031             The secret HISTORY—OF—THE—REAGAN years -- AND—OF—TODAY.
20051031             I'm grateful to the reader who, in the comments section 2—POSTS down...
20051031             Die NASA teilt die Entdeckung zweier Monde, Nix und Hydra, des Zwergplaneten Pluto in unserem Sonnensystem mit, die EINIGE—ZEIT zuvor mit dem HUBBLE—WELTRAUMTELESKOP gelungen ist.
20051031—18520000    —SEIT, Dass sie nach ihrem Tod im Kapitol aufgebahrt wurde, ist 1—EHRE, die sonst fast ausschließlich Präsidenten vorbehalten IST—WURDEN vor Parks nur 30—MENSCHEN auf diese Weise geehrt.
20051031—19300000    —DISCOVERED, Pluto, as the ninth planet, was thought to be alone —UNTIL its moon Charon was spotted 19780000             —IN.
20051031—19410000    —SPRING—OF, Bush and Hitler: What The 'Torture Memos' Reveal : In the, as Nazi GERMANY was preparing to invade THE—SOVIET—UNION, ADOLF—HITLER issued 1—INFAMOUS edict which has become known as the "Commissar Order," to govern the conduct of German armed forces on THE—EAST—FRONT.
20051031—19640804    —ON, The historian's conclusion was the 1. serious accusation that the agency's intercepts were falsified to support the belief NORTH—VIETNAM—SHIPS attacked USA destroyers -—2—DAYS—AFTER 1—PREVIOUS clash-.
20051031—20010100    —IN, Bush Planned IRAQ 'Regime Change' —BEFORE Becoming PRESIDENT : 1—SECRET blueprint for USA global domination reveals that PRESIDENT—BUSH and his cabinet were planning 1 premeditated attack on IRAQ to secure 'regime change' even —BEFORE he took power.
20051031—20080000    —VOWED, PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN said he won't seek a 3. term, but, not to allow "destabilization" in RUSSIA —FOLLOWING the vote, leaving the door open for drastic action in the event of 1—CRISIS.
20051031—20110000    —IN, 2—MORE—MOONS were discovered and 20120000             .
20051103             (NEWSWEEK, 20051031             ).
20051108—20041031    —ON, Rector J. EDWIN—BACON—OF—ALL—SAINTS—EPISCOPAL—CHURCH in PASADENA told MANY—CONGREGANTS —DURING—MORNING services —SUNDAY that 1—GUEST sermon by the church's former rector, THE—REVEREND—GEORGE—F—REGAS, had prompted 1—LETTER from THE—IRS.
20051108—20051031    —AM, "Wir wollen keine SOLIDARITÄT—VON—BRANDSTIFTERN", erklärte der Leiter der BILAL—MOSCHEE—VON—CLICHY, wo 1—TRÄNENGASEINSATZ zur Eskalation der Unruhen geführt hatte.
20060000             Roubini, who predicted the current financial crisis, said the economy risks falling into "1—SELF—FULFILLING animal spirit recession that is more severe than otherwise" BECAUSE—OF—THE—COLLAPSE—OF—CREDIT—MARKETS and weak consumer and corporate spending.
20060220             —WHEN BILL—CLINTON signed THE—IRAQ—LIBERATION—ACT into law 19981031             0000—DATE, it paved the way for 20030300             —THE shock and awe invasion of IRAQ.
20060220             —UNINTENDED, Commentary: IRAQ, IRAN, results : —WHEN BILL—CLINTON signed THE—IRAQ—LIBERATION—ACT into law 19981031             , it paved the way for 20030300             —THE shock and awe invasion of IRAQ.
20061026             † A 5. FIREFIGHTER—OF—ENGINE 57, 20061031             .
20061026—20061031    —ARRESTED, RAYMOND—LEE—OYLER, —36—JAHRE—ALT was, for setting the Esperanza Fire.
20061031             at the governing level". for no climate gain".
20061031             1—ARTICLE in the New ENGLAND Journal of Medicine called THE—WHITE—HOUSE—SOURCE for this claim "patently false" and "pure hokum".[20060921             ]Digg It!
20061031             D—MA and REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—LEWIS - at the governing level".
20061031             for the claim. for no climate gain".
20061031             what it was 1—QUARTER—CENTURY ago".
20061031             Mafiamorde: Prodi prüft MILITÄR—EINSATZ in Neapel
20061031             Panik bei Nitrat im Kopfsalat, Thrombosen im Flugzeug und Elektrosmog.
20061031             "Die Deutschen trinken sich zu Tode, rauchen sich zu Tode, fahren sich zu Tode. Kann jeder selbst entscheiden. Aber wenn 1—GEFAHR von außen droht, werden sie hysterisch", überspitzt es 1—AUSLÄNDER, der —SCHON lange hier lebt.
20061031             Die Dokumentation rechnet ab mit manchen Irrungen in der Risikobewertung.Film von Tilman Achtnich
20061031             —ÜBERREICHT, Syna, Protestnote A—USA—BOTSCHAFT
20061031             Die Gewerkschaft Syna hat —AM—DIENSTAG in 1—DER—USA—BOTSCHAFT in BERN übergebenen Protestnote gegen einen Bespitzelungsversuch durch die CIA protestiert.
20061031             Rund 100—GEWERKSCHAFTER nahmen an der Demonstration teil.
20061031             In der Protestnote verlangt die Syna, dass die USA—REGIERUNG künftig auf solche Aktionen verzichtet und den damit Beauftragen CIA—BEAMTEN aus der SCHWEIZ zurückzieht.
20061031             Blinde Piloten und geächtete WAFFEN—SFUX MICHAEL—SCHULZE—VON—GLAßER?
20061031             Der Marineeinsatz vor der LIBANESISCHEN—KÜSTE wird für die dort stationierten 2.000—BUNDESWEHRSOLDATEN immer gefährlicher.
20061031             ungefähr 90—KILOMETER von der LIBANESISCHEN—KÜSTE entfernt von 6—ISRAELISCHEN—KAMPFFLUGZEUGEN des Typs F—16—ÜBERFLOGEN.
20061031             Beim Überflug sollen die ISRAELISCHEN—JETS amerikanischer.
20061031             THE—AIR—AMERICA—ADVERTISER blacklist.
20061031             —INSISTED, Nearly 100—ABC advertisers have, that "NONE—OF—THEIR—COMMERCIALS—AIR —DURING AIR AMERICA PROGRAMMING".
20061031             —LISTED, Among the advertisers, are BANK—OF—AMERICA, Exxon Mobil, FEDERAL—EXPRESS, GENERAL—ELECTRIC, McDonald's, Microsoft, WAL—MART + THE—USA—NAVY.
20061031             Media Matter has the full LIST—HERE.
20061031             SENATOR—ALLEN—ON—ASSAULT—OF—CONSTITUENT: 'Things Like That Happen'
20061031             —REPORTED, CNN —JUST, the incident in Charlottesville, VA, —TODAY WHERE—BLOGGER—MIKE—STARK
20061031             was assualted by SUPPORTERS—OF—SENATOR—GEORGE—ALLEN (R—VA).
20061031             1—OF—CNN—AFFILIATES asked Allen for comment on the incident + CNN reported that he responded, "Things like that happen".
20061031             —REPORTED, Stark is not, as CNN, a "protester".
20061031             He is 1—CONSTITUENT who was trying to ask ALLEN—1—QUESTION.
20061031             CNN: This is something you have to see, Kyra.
20061031             We saw Dana BASH—STORY dealing with SENATOR—GEORGE—ALLEN.
20061031             HE—MAKING news yet again. This time involving 1—PROTESTER.
20061031             Take 1—LOOK at the video.
20061031             He was campaigning in Charlottesville and 1—PROTESTER came up on him, wanted to talk to him.
20061031             And you'll see what happens next.
20061031             STARK: HE—MY SENATOR. I'm asking 1—QUESTION.
20061031             ALLEN—SUPPORTER: You going to need to leave, —NOW. Get out the door.
20061031             STARK: Are you PART—OF—THE — - ALLEN—SUPPORTER: No I'm not.
20061031             No, I'm not at all. LET—MOVE on.
20061031             STARK: SENATOR, did YOU—SPIT on your 1. wife.
20061031             ALLEN—SUPPORTER: Oh —NOW you're getting personal.
20061031             —NOW you're getting personal.
20061031             STARK: I didn't touch anybody.
20061031             ALLEN—SUPPORTER: You need to move him on out of here, —NOW.
20061031             —ASKED, STARK: If the hotel, me to leave, I'd leave.
20061031             CNN: So there you have it.
20061031             1—PROTESTER trying to get close to SENATOR—GEORGE—ALLEN as he was leaving 1—SPEAKING event.
20061031             In fact, he was leaving 1—PART—OF—THE—HOTEL trying to get to another part to speak with the media —WHEN that man approached him.
20061031             —TACKLED, As you can see, ALLEN—PEOPLE, him to the ground.
20061031             SOME—MAY—CALL it manhandling him.
20061031             —ASKED, But —WHEN, 1—LITTLE—BIT—LATER by 1—OF—OUR affiliates there in Charlottesville about what THE—SENATOR thought about what had —JUST happened, he says "things like that happen, obviously".
20061031             1—VERY interesting —DAY for him, no doubt.
20061031             No word on ANY—INJURIES or anything like that.
20061031             But obviously, something that you don't see all the time.
20061031             And —JUST leads to more controversy surrounding SENATOR—GEORGE—ALLEN.
20061031             —ATTACKED, Liberal blogger MIKE—STARK is, - AMANDA—BY SENATOR—GEORGE—ALLEN'S (R—VA) supporters —AFTER he asked THE—SENATOR—1—QUESTION at 1—CAMPAIGN—EVENT.
20061031             Watch it: More at AmericaBlog.
20061031             FACT CHECK: SNOW—FALSE and Misleading HISTORY—OF—STEM—CELL—RESEARCH
20061031             —TODAY at THE—WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS briefing, TONY—SNOW claimed that "ANY—STEM cell research that takes place in THE—USA—TODAY is 1—RESULT—OF—1—DECISION THE—PRESIDENT made 20010000             —IN".
20061031             —CLAIMED, Snow, "no PRESIDENT who has stepped up and made possible more research and encouraged more research than GEORGE—W—BUSH ".
20061031             —ADDED, Snow, echoing KARL—ROVE, that "adult and blood cord stem cells" have "demonstrated far more promise" than embryonic stem cells.
20061031             SNOW—LESSON on stem cell research was chock FULL—OF—FALSE and misleading information.
20061031             HERE—1—FACT check:
20061031             1. BUSH—DECISION did not begin embryonic stem cell research in THE—USA—EMBRYONIC stem cell research funded by the Geron Corporation began in the late 1990s at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—WISCONSON and Johns Hopkins University.
20061031             2. PRESIDENT—CLINTON proposed broader FEDERAL—FUNDING of embryonic stem cell research.
20061031             —SUSPENDED, Bush, the Clinton rules and replaced them with his own that restrict FEDERAL—FUNDING to lines derived —PRIOR—TO 20010800             .
20061031             Clinton did not propose FEDERAL—FUNDING for embryonic stem cell research —EARLIER because it didn't exist.
20061031             [Congressional Research Service, pgs.
20061031             5-6 - 3. Adult and umbilical cord stem cells do not show "more promise" than embryonic stem cells.
20061031             QUESTION: Does THE—PRESIDENT have 1—FEELING about THE—MICHAEL—J—FOX ad which has been so much in the news in that race and others?
20061031             SNOW: No, I have not heard him talk about it.
20061031             But it's interesting —LET—MAKE 1—COUPLE—OF—IMPORTANT—POINTS—WHEN it comes to stem cell research.
20061031             He said —AT—THE—TIME also that he believed that those stem cells — the collection of such cells involved the taking of 1—HUMAN—LIFE.
20061031             He did not think it would be appropriate for THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT to engage in something morally controversial but he would not outlaw it;
20061031             and, in fact, would permit private investment, which is going on in SOME—PLACES.
20061031             —MEANWHILE, THE—USA has the most robust program in investigating THE—PROMISE—OF—ADULT and blood cord stem cells, which so far have demonstrated far more promise in dealing with real conditions than embryonic stem cells, which, to date at least, have not yielded the results that MANY—PEOPLE would like to see them produce.
20061031             So —WHEN it comes to the issue of stem cell research, there has been no party or no PRESIDENT who has stepped up and made possible more research and encouraged more research than GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20061031             SENATOR—CONRAD—BURNS'S (R—MT) staff ate so MANY—FREE—MEALS—AMANDA—AT JACK—ABRAMOFF—RESTAURANT, "people joked they would have ' starved to death ' without the lobbyist," according to 1—NEW—LETTER from 1—OF—ABRAMOFF—ASSOCIATES.
20061031             Snow: PRESIDENT—BUSH—HAS 'Actually Taken THE—LEAD'—ON—CLIMATE—CHANGE
20061031             —TODAY WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW stated that "contrary to stereotype," PRESIDENT—BUSH has been "actively engaged in trying to fight climate change".
20061031             He also took issue with 1—REPORTER—COMMENT that THE—USA has been absent from 1—GLOBAL—EMISSIONS and cap trade program, arguing that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has "actually taken the lead on those KINDS—OF—INNOVATIONS".
20061031             PRESIDENT—BUSH has taken very little real action to fight climate change and even refuses to admit that it is manmade.
20061031             He broke his promise to cap carbon emissions and insists that global warming can be fought through individual "voluntary" programs.
20061031             Despite being the world's biggest EMITTER—OF—GREENHOUSE—GASES, THE—USA has refused to participate in THE—KYOTO—PROTOCOL, 1—INTERNATIONAL—AGREEMENT that assigns mandatory targets for THE—REDUCTION—OF—GREENHOUSE—GASES.
20061031             Between 19900000             and 20040000             , emissions of all industrialized countries decreased by 3.3 %, but in USA—EMISSIONS grew by almost 16 %in that same period and —NOW accounts for approximately 2—FIFTHS—OF—THE industrialized world's greenhouse gases.
20061031             THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD is leading and THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION isn't —FOLLOWING.
20061031             Bush _Has_Actually_Taken_The_Lead_On_Climate_Change"> Digg It!
20061031             Full transcript below:
20061031             SNOW: THE—PRESIDENT has in fact, contrary to stereotype, been actively engaged in trying to fight climate change and will continue to do so.
20061031             REPORTER: THE—1—AREA that is notably absent and that even Shell Oil and other major players are calling for is 1—GLOBAL—MANDATORY—EMISSIONS cap and trade program.
20061031             Unless do you this on 1—INTERNATIONAL—BASIS, it's not in THE—LONG—TERM—ECONOMIC—INTEREST—OF—THE—USA, which seems to be 1—OF—YOUR arguments that somehow will benefit THE—USA—IN—THE—LONG—TERM.
20061031             SNOW: Well, what THE—USA has done is we have actually taken the lead on those KINDS—OF—INNOVATIONS.
20061031             Rush gains from elderly tax break.
20061031             1—FLORIDA tax measure "meant to protect the elderly from being taxed out of their homes also has let FLORIDA—WEALTHIEST reap big tax breaks".
20061031             1—MAJOR beneficiary has been Rush Limbaugh, who raked in a " - tax break of about $224,000.
20061031             69 %: - AMANDA—NUMBER—OF—AMERICANS who want to change the course in IRAQ, according to 1—NEW—CNN poll.
20061031             Laura Bush on MICHAEL—J—FOX: 'It's Always Easy To Manipulate PEOPLE—FEELINGS'
20061031             In 1—INTERVIEW on C—SPAN, 1. Lady Laura Bush was asked about Michael J—FOX—ADVOCACY for candidates who support embryonic stem cell research.
20061031             —RESPONDED, MISTER—S—BUSH, that it was wrong for Fox and others to suggest that increased support for embryonic stem cell research could lead to cures for Alzheimer's and other diseases.
20061031             —VEILED, She concluded with 1—THINLY, critique of Fox: "It's always easy to manipulate people's feelings, especially —WHEN you are talking about diseases that are so difficult".
20061031             Bush _on_Michael_J_Fox_It_s_Always_Easy_To_Manipulate_People_Vid">Digg It!
20061031             Q: 1—OF—THE—ISSUES that's come up.
20061031             MICHAEL—J—FOX—THE—WHOLE—ISSUE—OF stem cell research.
20061031             Your reaction to THE—EVENTS—OF—THE—PAST—WEEK.
20061031             LAURA BUSH: Well, I don't have ANY—IDEA about ANY—OF—THOSE.
20061031             I mean, I've watch on television —JUST like you have.
20061031             But the fact is PRESIDENT—BUSH is the only PRESIDENT that authorized funding for stem cell research.
20061031             And, um, you know, it's 1—ISSUE that it's easy to try to manipulate people's feelings about and I understand that.
20061031             † My dad, of Alzheimer's. You know, there' s nothing I'd like more than to think there was 1—CURE for Alzheimer's. Especially —BEFORE I get to be the age he is, but knowing also how he suffered.
20061031             It's always easy to manipulate people's feelings, especially —WHEN you are talking about diseases that are so difficult.
20061031             —DROPPED, THE—INTERIOR—DEPARTMENT has, claims that oil giant Chevron " systematically underpaid the government for natural gas produced in the Gulf of MEXICO, 1—DECISION that could allow energy companies to
20061031             avoid paying HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in royalties.
20061031             "Growing NUMBERS—OF—USA—MILITARY—OFFICERS have begun to privately question" the administration's resistance to redeploying USA—TROOPS out of IRAQ.
20061031             "There is 1—NEW—BELIEF that the biggest problem that we face is that our forces are the sand in the gears creating problems," said 1—FORMER—PENTAGON official.
20061031             "We are making things worse by
20061031             giving the Iraqis 1—FALSE—SENSE—OF—SECURITY
20061031             —UNMARRIED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is —NOW " - targeting, adults up to age 29
20061031             " as PART—OF—ITS—ABSTINENCE—ONLY—PROGRAMS, "which include MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in FEDERAL—MONEY that will be available to the states under revised FEDERAL—GRANT guidelines for 20070000             ".
20061031             THE—LAS—VEGAS district attorney "said —MONDAY that authorities have reopened their investigation into 1—COCKTAIL waitress' claim that 1—REPUBLICAN congressman running for GOVERNOR" — REPRESENTATIVE—JIM—GIBBONS (R—NV) — "
20061031             assaulted her in 1—PARKING garage —AFTER —1—NIGHT—OF drinking.
20061031             Not surprisingly, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), "which holds —AROUND 2—THIRDS—OF—THE—WORLD—OIL—RESERVES," claimed THE—UK—GOVERNMENT—RECENT—REPORT on the
20061031             catastrophic economic effects
20061031             of climate change has "no basis in science or economics".
20061031             —DENIED, REPRESENTATIVE—LORETTA—SANCHEZ (D—CA) said she was briefly, access to 1—UNITED—AIRLINES—FLIGHT—LAST—WEEK because her name appeared on a "no fly list" set up —AFTER 20060911             —THE terrorist attacks.
20061031             Previously, SENATOR—TED—KENNEDY (D—MA) and REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—LEWIS (D—GA) found that they had been ensnared by the program.
20061031             A "SPASM—OF—VIOLENCE" seized BAGHDAD —ON—MONDAY. 46—IRAQIS were killed
20061031             "USA—UNITS training THE—IRAQ—POLICE" believe " - it may take decades
20061031             " for IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES to take CONTROL—OF—THE—COUNTRY. 1—USA—ARMY—CAPTAIN overseeing police training said 70—PERCENT—OF—THE—IRAQ—POLICE—FORCE "has been infiltrated by militias".
20061031             Pentagon sets up 1—MEDIA "bullpen".
20061031             THE—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT has set up 1—NEW—UNIT to
20061031             fight "inaccurate" news stories, using "new media" channels to push its message.
20061031             CNN reports that the unit would likely be run by political appointees.
20061031             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has shut down ACCESS—AMANDA—TO THE—EPA—PRINCIPAL—LIBRARY for researching the effects and properties of chemicals.
20061031             " EPA—HASTY, buzz saw slashing at its library network is —NOW interfering with its mission of harnessing the best available science to protect human health and the environment," said JEFF—RUCH, DIRECTOR—OF—PUBLIC—EMPLOYEES for Environmental Responsibility.
20061031             —SHUTTERED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has already, EPA—WASHINGTON headquarters' library and regional posts in CHICAGO, DALLAS, and KANSAS—CITY.
20061031             BUSH—PROBLEM with DC: 'Too MANY—PHILOSOPHERS.'- Payson -
20061031             —BRAGGED, At 1—RALLY in GEORGIA —TODAY, PRESIDENT—BUSH, about having "acted" on his conservative "philosophy" by cutting taxes for the wealthy.
20061031             "In other words, we —JUST didn't talk about philosophy," Bush said.
20061031             Cheney Repeats Baseless Claim That Insurgents Are Timing Attacks to Influence USA—ELECTIONS
20061031             —TODAY on FOX—NEWS'—YOUR—WORLD—WITH—NEIL—CAVUTO, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY said it was his belief that insurgents were increasing their violence to try to influence the midterm elections.
20061031             —ADMITTED, PRESIDENT—BUSH has, this that there isn't "ANY—INTELLIGENCE " that suggests terrorists are trying to influence USA—ELECTIONS.
20061031             Also, MAJOR—DOUGLAS—POWELL, 1—MILITARY—SPOKESMAN in BAGHDAD, told United Press INTERNATIONAL that there was no intelligence for the claim.
20061031             —WHILE there is no reported intelligence for IRAQ—INSURGENTS trying to sway the current election, THE—CIA did conclude that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and al Qaeda tried to manipulate 20040000             —THE elections with the release of 1—VIDEOTAPE message.
20061031             —INDICATED, But the intelligence, that terrorists were trying to help Bush win RE—ELECTION — not aid his opponents.
20061031             Media Matters, citing Ron SUSKIND—1 % Doctrine, notes that CIA analysts concluded that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—MESSAGE in the days —BEFORE 20041100             —THE contest "was clearly designed to assist THE—PRESIDENT—REELECTION".
20061031             Digg It! Transcript:
20061031             —TIMED, CAVUTO: Do you suspect that these insurgent attacks are, to influence our midterm elections?
20061031             CHENEY: That's my belief.
20061031             I think they are, very, very cognizant of our schedule, if you will.
20061031             Cheney: Lynne gave WOLF—BLITZER 'the slapdown.'
20061031             In 1—INTERVIEW—TODAY with FOX—NEWS, VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY said his wife's
20061031             combative recent CNN appearance was "great" and "very accurate," adding, "We refer to it —AROUND the house as the slapdown".
20061031             Note to Dick Cheney: It wasn't accurate. Digg It! Transcript:
20061031             —CREATED, CAVUTO: Your wife, MISTER—VICE—PRESIDENT, 1—LITTLE—BIT—OF—1—STIR in 1—APPEARANCE on 1—RIVAL—NEWS—NETWORK—LAST—WEEK, taking exception to the way that network portrayed the economy, the government, that things are going to hell in 1—HAND basket.
20061031             I'm sort of paraphrasing here.
20061031             Actually, she was much more to the point that I'm being.
20061031             What did you THINK—OF—THAT?
20061031             CHENEY: I thought it was great.
20061031             We refer to it —AROUND the house as the slapdown.
20061031             And she was very tough, but she was very accurate and very aggressive.
20061031             Senior Bush Appointee Rejected Scientists' Recommendations In FAVOR—OF—INDUSTRY—POSITIONS
20061031             JULIE—MACDONALD, Deputy Assistant SECRETARY—FOR—FISH and Wildlife and Parks, has consistently "
20061031             rejected staff scientists' recommendations to protect imperiled animals and plants under the Endangered Species Act".
20061031             1—CIVIL—ENGINEER with no training in biology, she has overruled and disparaged the findings of her staff, instead relying on the recommendations of political and industry groups.
20061031             SOME—HIGHLIGHTS:
20061031             — MacDonald presented industry positions as equivalent to scientific studies.
20061031             But in her REVIEW—OF—THE—PANEL—REPORT, she denigrated MANY—SCIENTIFIC—STUDIES as mere "opinion," and stated, "We should treat [them]
20061031             as we would treat 1—INDUSTRY—PUBLICATION," she wrote.
20061031             — MacDonald pressed staff biologists to more seriously consider industry positions.
20061031             —DURING 1—DICUSSION—OF—THE—GREAT sage grouse population, MacDonald wrote, "This paragraph completely ignores the comments received by the
20061031             " As THE—WASHINGTON—POST—NOTES, the organizations "opposed the listing on the grounds that it would limit their USE—OF—LAND where the birds live".
20061031             — Under MacDonald, THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—THE—INTERIOR (DOI) reversed 1—STAFF ruling based on comments from THE—AIR—FORCE.
20061031             —REDUCED, The T. rotensis tree has been, to approximately 30—PLANTS found primarily on lands managed by THE—AIR—FORCE.
20061031             the decision to list was reversed,
20061031             "prompted in part by 1—COMMENT from THE—AIR—FORCE".
20061031             Under THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, —JUST
20061031             56—SPECIES have been listed under the Endangered Species Act, for 1—RATE—OF about 10—1—YEAR.
20061031             —LISTED, Under Clinton, officials, 512—SPECIES, or 64—1—YEAR + under GEORGE—HW—BUSH, the department listed 234, or 59—1—YEAR.
20061031             THE—CENTER for Biological Diversity and the Union of Concerned Scientists have more.
20061031             Pentagon Will "Catapult the Propaganda" Via USA—MEDIA
20061031             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—MILITARY, government indoctrination wing formally declares psychological warfare on THE—USA—PEOPLE
20061031             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—NOBEL Prize winner Stiglitz highlights agenda of predatory globalism —NOW arriving in AMERICA UNDER
20061031             Sad people 'get —MORNING boost' People who go to bed unhappy feel more energetic THE—NEXT—DAY, 1—STUDY suggests.
20061031             KFC cuts unhealthy TRANS—FATS—KENTUCKY Fried Chicken says it will switch to healthier oils for most products as NEW—YORK City mulls 1—BAN on TRANS—FATS.
20061031             NORTH—KOREA talks set to resume 6—NATION talks on NORTH—KOREA will restart soon, in the 1. sign of detente —SINCE THE—NORTH—NUCLEAR—TEST.
20061031             —LINKED, IRAQ violence ' to USA—VOTE' USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY says IRAQ militants are seeking to influence MID—TERM—POLLS by stepping up attacks.
20061031             —KILLED, ETHIOPIA hit by new deadly floods At least 67—PEOPLE are, and 300,000 affected —AFTER floods hit ETHIOPIA, for the 2. time —THIS—YEAR.
20061031             CHINA tightens death penalty law CHINA passes 1—LAW allowing only its top court to approve death sentences, in 1—BID to improve the justice system.
20061031             Violence returns to MEXICO—CITY—MEXICO—RIOT—POLICE clash with protesters in OAXACA as THE—STATE—GOVERNOR rejects calls by the Senate to step down.
20061031             AT—A—GLANCE: 20061031             Everything you need to know about the latest developments in —THIS—YEAR—USA—MID—TERM—ELECTIONS.
20061031             —WARNED, INDIA, over GENERAL—MOTORS—RICE—CROPS—ENVIRONMENTALISTS and rice traders say trials of genetically modified rice may jeopardise exports.
20061031             —REJECTED, IRAQ inquiry call, by MPs 1—ATTEMPT to force the government to hold 1—INQUIRY into THE—IRAQ war fails in THE—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS.
20061031             USA—CONSUMER—CONFIDENCE—DECLINES—USA—CONSUMER—CONFIDENCE—FALLS in October, with more people worried about incomes and job prospects.
20061031             Liver cells grown from cord blood UK—SCIENTISTS grow tiny sections of human liver from stem cells which could help in drug testing.
20061031             —IDENTIFIED, Cave fossils are early Europeans Archaeologists have, fossils belonging to some of the earliest modern humans to settle in EUROPE.
20061031             —STAGED, ISRAEL—JETS fly low over BEIRUT ISRAEL—WARPLANES, mock raids on Hezbollah strongholds in LEBANON, LEBANON—SECURITY forces say.
20061031             OHIO Election Portends Trouble
20061031             Lost electronic voting machines, cab drivers ferrying ballots from precincts, crumpled and illegible paper trails, numbers that don't add up.... OHIO—POPULOUS—CUYAHOGA County could play 1—PIVOTAL role in —NEXT—WEEK—ELECTION, but it didn't do so well in last MAY—PRIMARY.
20061031             The feds review VENEZUELA—INVESTMENT in Bay AREA—BASED Sequoia, 1—PROVIDER—OF—ELECTRONIC—VOTING machines, according to 1—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORT.
20061031             —INVOLVED, The company denies the leftist government is, in THE—USA—ELECTORAL—PROCESS.
20061031             Google Shares Ad Wealth With Videographers
20061031             Google has begun sharing advertising revenue with the makers of 1—POPULAR—VIDEO clip.
20061031             "[This] is 1—GROUNDBREAKING deal that could drive up the costs of competing in the fledgling VIDEO—SHARING sector. The search company has agreed to turn over most advertising revenue generated by the latest video from FRITZ—GROBE and STEPHEN—VOLTZ, creators of 'THE—DIET—COKE & Mentos Experiment,' according to PETER—CHANE, 1—SENIOR—PRODUCT—MANAGER for Google Video".
20061031             NORTH—KOREA Returns To THE—TABLE—KDAWSON 131 - EmperorKagato writes,
20061031             Timely Book On Bird FLU—KDAWSON 116 - Lifelongactivist writes,
20061031             "1—NEW—FREE—BOOK about bird flu has been published by MICHAEL—GREGER, M.D., THE—USA—HUMANE—SOCIETY—DIRECTOR—OF—PUBLIC—HEALTH and animal agriculture. Bird Flu: 1—VIRUS—OF—OUR—OWN—HATCHING (the site contains the entire book text) tells why modern industrialized agricultural methods, including factory farming, antibiotics misuse + THE—USE—OF—ANIMAL refuse as 1—FOOD—SOURCE (!) for chickens and other livestock, have led to 1—STAGGERING increase in the number of 'zoonotic' diseases that can leap from animals to people + make 1—BIRD—FLU—PANDEMIC—LIKELY. The book discusses in practical terms what you can do to prevent infection and what to do if you do catch the disease. The book is especially timely given —YESTERDAY—NEWS that 1—NEW, VACCINE—RESISTANT variant of H5N1 has been detected in CHINA".
20061031             Update: 10/31 19:44 GMT by KD : Corrected to read "VACCINE—RESISTANT".
20061031             ANTARCTIC Microbes Could Live on Mars
20061031             "Recent research has shown that microbes found in 1—ANTARCTIC—LAKE could survive the coldest temperatures on Mars. From the article, 'And they found that these SPECIES—OF—MICROORGANISMS "huddled" together in colder temperatures to form 1—CHEMICALLY linked unit called 1—BIOFILM. The finding marks the 1. time this phenomenon has been detected in THE—ANTARCTIC—SPECIES—OF—SO—CALLED extremophiles. The findings provide more evidence for the ideas that liquid found beneath Mars' surface could harbor microbial life and that life could exist elsewhere in the solar system and galaxy, which is generally incredibly cold.' Their genes are currently being sequenced to determine which give the organisms 'COLD—SHOCK' proteins and their resistance to cold".
20061031             CHINA—WE Don't Censor THE—INTERNET
20061031             "1—CHINA—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL at 1—UNITED—NATIONS summit in ATHENS on INTERNET governance has claimed that no Net censorship exists at all in CHINA. The article includes 1—EXCHANGE by 1—CHINA—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL and 1—BBC reporter over the blocking of THE—BBC in CHINA".
20061031             "I don't think we should be using different standards to JUDGE—CHINA. In CHINA, we don't have software blocking INTERNET sites. Sometimes we have trouble accessing them. But that's 1—DIFFERENT—PROBLEM. I know that SOME—COLLEAGUES listen to THE—BBC in their offices from the Webcast. And I've heard people say that THE—BBC is not available in CHINA or that it's blocked. I'm sure I don't know why people say this KIND—OF—THING. We do not have restrictions at all".
20061031             "THE—1.—UN—SPONSORED INTERNET Governance Forum (IGF) meeting is taking place —NEXT—WEEK in ATHENS, which aims to 'contribute to 1—BETTER understanding of how THE—INTERNET can be used to its full potential.' It is likely that several countries will object to THE—USA—MONOPOLY on INTERNET governance, as they did at the last meeting, where THE—USA cited fears of 1—LOSS—OF—FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH as the reason for retaining power. Other topics to be discussed include online security, access for NON—ENGLAND—USERS and spam".
20061031             Voting Machines Banned by HOLLAND—MINISTER
20061031             "HOLLAND—GOVERNMENT—RENEWAL—MINISTER—ATZO—NICOLAI has banned the use of 1—TYPE—OF—COMPUTER voting machine in national elections —NEXT—MONTH. The turnabout came —AFTER 1—GROUP called We Don't Trust Voting Computers protested the vulnerability of electronic voting to fraud or manipulation. The reason for this ban is the radio signals emitted by the machines which can be used to peek at 1—VOTERS' choice from several dozen meters away".
20061031             Google to MICROSOFT—GIVE Users Choices in Vista
20061031             "1—GOOGLE spokesman has asked Microsoft to 'preserve user choice for search and other applications' with its future products, such as Vista. The spokesman made this comment —AFTER meeting with EUROPEAN—UNION antitrust regulators, though he added that at this point, the company has no plans to make antitrust allegations against Redmond. Notably, McAfee and Symantec have accused Microsoft of not being forthcoming with the code they need to ensure their security wares run smoothly on Vista + THE—EU has already expressed concern about MICROSOFT—POTENTIALLY anticompetitive plans".
20061031             Pentagon Reveals News Correction Unit
20061031             "BBC is reporting that 1—NEWLY created Pentagon unit has 1—MANDATE to fight 'inaccurate' news stories.  'THE—PENTAGON has set up 1—NEW—UNIT to focus on promoting its message across —24—HOUR rolling news outlets + particularly on THE—INTERNET. [...] 1—PENTAGON memo seen by the Associated Press news agency said the new unit will "develop messages" for THE—24—HOUR—NEWS—CYCLE and aim to "correct the record". 1—SPOKESMAN said the unit would monitor media such as weblogs and would also employ "surrogates", or top politicians or lobbyists who could be interviewed on TV and radio shows.'"
20061031             Morddrohung gegen Grüne: KOPFTUCH—STREIT stürzt Muslime in Zwiespalt - THE—DOLLAR—FULL—SYSTEM—MELTDOWN
20061031             Everyone in WASHINGTON already knew that doomsday was approaching.
20061031             —DESIGNED, That's the way the system was, from the very beginning.
20061031             It's all part of the madcap scheme to "starve the beast" and transfer the nation's wealth to 1—HANDFUL—OF—WESTERN plutocrats.
20061031             Target IRAN—THIS is 1 must LISTEN—SCOTT—RITTER and Seymour Hersh.
20061031             THE—TRUTH—ABOUT—THE—WHITE—HOUSE—PLANS for Regime Change.
20061031             Dying to Save the G.O.P. Congress
20061031             The ultimate chutzpah is that MISTER—BUSH, the man who sold us SADDAM—IMMINENT mushroom clouds and "Mission Accomplished," is trivializing the chaos in IRAQ as propaganda.
20061031             —SOPHISTICATED, The enemy's "" strategy, he said in last weekend's radio address, is to distribute "IMAGES—OF—VIOLENCE" to television networks, Web sites and journalists to "demoralize our country".
20061031             1—RECIPE for the Greater War
20061031             THE—USA—FEAR—OF—LOSING power which it doesn't HAVE—BY ABID—ULLAH—JAN
20061031             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has been fully successful in what it wanted to achieve in IRAQ.
20061031             —OCCUPIED, The country is.
20061031             Oil resources are under full control.
20061031             The military threat that IRAQ could pose has been fully neutralized.
20061031             —DIVIDED, The country is.
20061031             —PITTED, Iraqis are, against EACH—OTHER.
20061031             The civil war is on and THE—CO—OPTED media still limits its description to FEAR—OF—1—LOOMING civil war.
20061031             TEXAS Versus Tel Aviv: USA—POLICY in THE—MIDDLE—EAST
20061031             —ALMOST without exception, ISRAEL—IDEOLOGICAL—SOLDIERS have taken to the opinion columns of all the major newspapers, television and radio shows (as SELF—REPUTED MIDDLE—EAST—EXPERTS) to promote the breaking up of IRAQ into MINI—STATES and to pursue the killing fields beyond the over 650,000 slaughtered IRAQ—CIVILIANS and 3,000 dead USA—SOLDIERS.
20061031             Unmasking the 2. PALESTINE—INTIFADA
20061031             What is happening —TODAY in the Occupied Territories isn't politics.
20061031             It is 1—OVERWHELMING nightmare that plagues 3.8—MILLION—PEOPLE—EVERY—DAY.
20061031             "If anyone thinks 1—VETERAN would criticize the more than 140,000—HEROES serving in IRAQ and not THE—PRESIDENT who got us stuck there, they're crazy," Kerry said.
20061031             "I'm not going to be lectured by 1 stuffed suit WHITE—HOUSE mouthpiece standing behind 1—PODIUM, or doughy Rush Limbaugh, who no doubt —TODAY will take 1—BREAK from belittling MICHAEL—J—FOX—PARKINSON—DISEASE to start lying about me —JUST as they have lied about IRAQ".
20061031             What Does AMERICA—LOVE—AFFAIR with Guns Have to do with Getting Closer to God?
20061031             Find Out by READING 1—EXCERPT from JOAN—BURBICK'S " "Gun Show Nation: Gun Culture and USA—DEMOCRACY". THE—CHAPTER is called "Arming GOD—NATION".
20061031             Wouldn't a Real "Moderate Republican" be a Democrat? -- A BuzzFlash Editorial
20061031             Letter to 1—CHRISTIAN—NATION (Hardcover), By SAM—HARRIS.
20061031             Bestseller About Why Religions that are Exclusionary and Hateful Aren't Godly at All.
20061031             Laura Bush on MICHAEL—J—FOX: 'It's Always Easy To Manipulate PEOPLE—FEELINGS' Laura, Your Husband and Rove Should Know.
20061031             Bush is the Failed Son, the Failed Warrior.
20061031             He WILL—HAVE—USA in 1—SPIRAL—OF—DEATH—FOR—DECADES.
20061031             11/1 - Okay, This is the 3. Tabloid Cover in 1—COUPLE—OF—MONTHS—BLARING—1—POTENTIAL—BUSH—DIVORCE and that GEORGE is Hitting the Bottle Again.
20061031             Laugh, if You Will, But the Mainstream Media Reported on These TYPE—OF—STORIES—WHEN Clinton Was in Office.
20061031             And They are Read in the Red States with Vigor.
20061031             So —WHEN the Saddam Sentencing Diversion Comes, Remember This Cover.
20061031             No sex, please: You're 20-somethings;
20061031             "THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is spending millions in 1—EFFORT to stop unmarried people in their 20s from, well, doing the wild thing" 10/31
20061031             WILL—1—SHOCKING new GOP court victory and KARL—ROVE—ATTACK on OHIO 20060000             doom the Democrats nationwide?
20061031             Protestor Tackled and Manhandled by ALLEN—SECURITY—DETAIL.
20061031             Is It Against the Law to Proests? Ask ALLEN—BROWNSHIRTS.
20061031             11/1 - Wer die Düppel abgeworfen hat, ist indes weiterhin unklar.
20061031             —GEWESEN, Die Bundeswehr jedenfalls will es nicht, sein.
20061031             Die DEUTSCHE—LUFTWAFFE "kommt nicht in Betracht", versicherte 1—SPRECHER auf Anfrage.
20061031             Die Aufregung um die "Geisterwolke" kann Blahak ohnehin kaum NACHVOLLZIEHEN—DENN das Phänomen der Düppelwolken sei keineswegs neu.
20061031             "Bei militärischen Übungen kommt das durchaus vor", sagte der Forscher.
20061031             Auch in der Meteorologie setze man Düppel ein, etwa um Luftbewegungen in Wolken zu vermessen.
20061031             Zum Beweis zeigen die Wissenschaftler in ihrem Fachaufsatz Radarbilder früherer "Geisterwolken" vom
20061031             Kaufinteresse: Russen liebäugeln mit DEUTSCHER—TELEKOM
20061031             Weltraumteleskop: Nasa will "Hubble" doch retten
20061031             Islamkritik: Hirsi Ali geht mit der Linken ins Gericht
20061031             Evolution des Menschen: Angebliche Belege für Paarung mit Neandertaler
20061031             Energie: Modernstes Kohlekraftwerk der Welt soll in DEUTSCHLAND entstehen
20061031             Krieg und Kiffer: HASCH—PREIS in ISRAEL steigt in historische Höhen
20061031             USA—POLITIKFINANZIERUNG: SCHATTEN—GELDER für den Schmutzwahlkampf
20061031             VOGELGRIPPE—THESE: Impfung stärkt gefährliche H5N1- Viren
20061031             Die USA—NEOKONSERVATIVEN: Gescheiterte Ideologen
20061031             IRAK—KRIEG: Blair droht Untersuchungsausschuss
20061031             Atomstreit: Peking meldet Nordkoreas Rückkehr an den Verhandlungstisch
20061031             Boehner Digs In: Rumsfeld Doing 'Marvelous Job'
20061031             —YESTERDAY, House Majority Leader JOHN—BOEHNER (R—OH) said that Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD is the "
20061031             best thing that's happened to the Pentagon in —25—YEARS.
20061031             " He said, "LET—NOT take the problems in IRAQ, the tough fight that we're in there and blame it on anyone".
20061031             —TODAY on MISS—NBC, Boehner stood by his effusive praise for Rumsfeld.
20061031             Asked whether he really believes Rumsfeld is the best the military has had in —25—YEARS, Boehner said, "I think he's done 1—MARVELOUS—JOB".
20061031             In another appearance this —MORNING on FOX—NEWS, Boehner repeated, "LET—NOT take the difficulty we see in IRAQ and blame it on Rumsfeld or anyone else".
20061031             O'DONNELL: Let me ask you about how to win and what the strategy should be to win.
20061031             You have 1—NUMBER—OF—CANDIDATES, SENATOR—MIKE—DEWINE in OHIO who says SECRETARY—RUMSFELD should resign.
20061031             You have ANNE—NORTHRUP, 1—CONGRESSWOMAN, who says he should resign.
20061031             Congressman Shays in CONNECTICUT, 1—REPUBLICAN, Congressman Steele — he isn't 1—CONGRESSMAN, he is running for the Senate — he says Rumsfeld wouldn't be my SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE.
20061031             And —YESTERDAY you said SECRETARY—RUMSFELD is the best thing that has happened to the military in —25—YEARS.
20061031             Why?
20061031             —OCCURED, BOEHNER: —WHEN you look at the transformation that has, over at the Pentagon, 1—LIGHTER, quicker force, it would not have happened without the leadership of DONALD—RUMSFELD.
20061031             O'DONNELL: What about THE—MANAGEMENT—OF—THE—WAR in IRAQ?
20061031             —HANDLED, BOEHNER: THE—MANAGEMENT—OF—THE—WAR in IRAQ is being, by the generals on the ground.
20061031             Gens.
20061031             Casey and Abizaid are doing the best they can given the situation.
20061031             You understand that the terrorists coming out of al Qaeda have made IRAQ the central focus in their war with us, and they're also out there stirring up sectarian violence.
20061031             This is the central front + to blame it on Rumsfeld —
20061031             O'DONNELL: But the best the military has had in —25—YEARS?
20061031             BOEHNER: I think he's done 1—MARVELOUS—JOB.
20061031             PRESIDENT—BUSH is planning ways to bypass CONGRESS—AMANDA—IN case Republicans lose control —AFTER the elections.
20061031             "He told ALL—OF—USA, 'Put on your track shoes. We're going to run to the finish,'" WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW said.
20061031             "HE—BEEN calling all his Cabinet secretaries and telling them, 'You tell me administratively everything you can do between —NOW and THE—END—OF—THE—PRESIDENCY. I want to see your TO—DO list and how you expect to do it.'"
20061031             GLOBAL WARMING REPORT: RIGHT—WING Fiction vs. Economic Reality
20061031             As the scientific consensus on the reality of global warming's effects have strengthened, global warming deniers have resorted to arguing that, even if it is real, it's too expensive to mitigate.
20061031             SOME—EXAMPLES: National REVIEW—JASON—STEORTS: "Even if warming is predominately THE—RESULT—OF—HUMAN—ACTIVITY + even if its harms will outweigh its benefits, the question is whether it will be bad enough to justify
20061031             the economic castration that significant GREENHOUSE—GAS—REDUCTIONS would require.
20061031             Rush Limbaugh: "'Would you get off the global warming stuff,' SOME—PEOPLE are saying.
20061031             No, I'm not going to get off of it because
20061031             what's at stake is THE—USA—ECONOMY, folks, what's at stake is our lifestyle.
20061031             The people that are trying to force this on everybody and take the natural fluctuations of our climate".
20061031             The right wing is right, but for all the wrong reasons.
20061031             —INDEED, THE—USA—ECONOMY and our lifestyles are, at stake if we continue to listen to the deniers.
20061031             —COMMISSIONED, According to 1—NEW groundbreaking report, by THE—UK—GOVERNMENT — "the most comprehensive review ever carried out on THE—ECONOMICS—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE" — the economic costs of doing nothing far outweigh the costs of mitigating global warming's effects.
20061031             Here are 1—FEW—OF—THE—REPORT—KEY—CONCLUSIONS:
20061031             Using the results from formal economic models, the Review estimates that if we don't act, the overall costs and RISKS—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE will be equivalent to losing at least 5—PERCENT—OF—GLOBAL—GDP—EACH—YEAR, —NOW and forever.
20061031             If 1—WIDER—RANGE—OF—RISKS and impacts is taken into account, THE—ESTIMATES—OF—DAMAGE could rise to 20—PERCENT—OF—GDP or more.
20061031             In contrast, the costs of action — reducing greenhouse gas emissions to avoid the worst IMPACTS—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE — can be limited to —AROUND 1—PERCENT—OF—GLOBAL—GDP—EACH—YEAR.
20061031             The transition to 1—LOW—CARBON—ECONOMY will bring challenges for competitiveness but also opportunities for growth.
20061031             [F]rom implementing strong mitigation policies —THIS—YEAR, shifting the world onto the better path: the net benefits would BE—OF—THE—ORDER—OF $2.5—TRILLION.
20061031             This figure will increase over time.
20061031             This is not 1—ESTIMATE of net benefits occurring in —THIS—YEAR, but 1—MEASURE—OF—THE—BENEFITS that could flow from actions taken —THIS—YEAR;
20061031             MANY—OF—THE—COSTS and benefits would be in the medium to long term.
20061031             The message for those willing to heed reality is that if you're concerned about global warming's impact on the economy, —NOW is the time to act.
20061031             —INDUSTRIALISED, Greenhouse gas emissions RISING—UN—DATA shows, countries' greenhouse gas emissions rising overall, despite cuts by SOME—NATIONS.
20061031             UNITED—NATIONS proposes changes to NET—OPERATION—OFFICIAL takes aim at "SELF—SERVING justifications" for permitting THE—USA to preserve its unique influence and authority online.
20061031             ACLU Drops Challenge Over Patriot Act
20061031             - kdawson 46 -, "THE—ACLU announced —ON—FRIDAY that they were dropping their case against THE—USA—GOVERNMENT over the highly contested section 215—OF—THE—PATRIOT—ACT. ACLU Associate Legal Director ANN—BEESON stated: '—WHILE the reauthorized Patriot Act is far from perfect, we succeeded in stemming the damage from SOME—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—MOST reckless policies. THE—ACLU will continue to monitor how the government applies the broad Section 215—POWER and we will challenge unconstitutional demands on 1—CASE—BY—CASE—BASIS.'"
20061031             Auf der Ostseeinsel Gotland sind etwa 11000000             —JAHRE alte arabische Silbermünzen entdeckt worden.
20061031             Das sei 1—SCHATZ—DER—WIKINGER, meinen Experten, denn die Münzen stammen aus der Zeit, als die Wikinger auf Gotland HERRSCHTEN—UND nicht nur plünderten.
20061031             LIBANON: ISRAELISCHE—LUFTWAFFE fliegt Scheinangriffe über BEIRUT
20061031             Gotland: Wikingerschatz auf Feld entdeckt
20061031             Chaos im IRAK: Rumsfeld nimmt kritische Websites ins Visier
20061031             INTERNET Governance Forum: Die Netzregierung der Zukunft tagt
20061031             USA—WAHLMASCHINEN: Defekt, unzuverlässig, manipulierbar
20061031             Internetboom: USA—ZEITUNGEN verlieren dramatisch an Auflage
20061031             Wahlkampf: Republikaner Hunter will USA—PRÄSIDENT werden
20061031             Jamiri: Weltherrschaft der Maschinen, Teil II
20061031             Hessische Schulen: "Kultusministerin fällt auf Kreationisten herein"
20061031             Aufstand in Touristenregion: Mexikos Parlament fordert GOUVERNEUR—VON—OAXACA zum Rücktritt auf
20061031             Erweiterung: EU—REPORT stellt TÜRKEI mieses Zeugnis aus
20061031             USA—GESUNDHEITSWESEN: Krieg auf Kosten der Patienten
20061031             ICH—BEWUSSTSEIN: Elefanten erkennen sich im Spiegel
20061031             THE—NEW—SCIENTIST reports that ES cells have been
20061031             used to create INSULIN—SECRETING cells, which could be used to treat diabete s.
20061031             —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, that assets be FROZEN—OF—DISSIDENT—GENERAL—LAURENT Nkunda and 6—OTHERS considered by THE—WHITE—HOUSE to be destabilizing forces in the Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO.
20061031             —AGREED, NASA, to dispatch 1—SHUTTLE on 1—REPAIR mission to keep the Hubble Space Telescope in operation —UNTIL at least 20130000             .
20061031             —ACCOSTED, LONG—BEACH, CALIFORNIA, 9—AFRICA—USA—YOUTHS, and severely beat 3—WHITE—WOMEN in 1—RACIALLY charged attack on Halloween night.
20061031             SF, gunfire broke out between 2—GROUPS at 1—MASSIVE—HALLOWEEN street party in the city's Castro district, wounding at least 10—PEOPLE, including innocent bystanders.
20061031             Bechtel Corp.'s last government contract in IRAQ expired.
20061031             —KILLED, —DURING its —3—YEARS—OF—WORK there 52—EMPLOYEES were.
20061031             —CLOSED, ENRICO—SIDEWALK—CAFÉ in SF—NORTH—BEACH—DISTRICT, —AFTER negotiations for 1—NEW—LEASE collapsed.
20061031             —UNIFORMED, ROANOKE—VIRGINIA, SHERIFF—FRANK—CASSELL and 12—OF—HIS, employees were indicted in 1—RACKETEERING case that claims drugs seized from criminals were being resold, sometimes out of 1—SERGEANT—HOME.
20061031             —KILLED, RENO—NEVADA, 1—FIRE at the Mizpah Hotel, 12—PEOPLE.
20061031             Valerie Moore (47), 1—CASINO cook, was arrested THE—NEXT—DAY for —STARTING the fire.
20061031             1—LEADING researcher said large species of coral that form underwater reefs and create rich habitat for marine life are disappearing from —AROUND THE—USA—VIRGIN—ISLANDS, JAMAICA and elsewhere in the Caribbean.
20061031             —REPORTED, Researchers, that elephants recognize themselves in mirrors.
20061031             1—SUICIDE bombing in SOUTH—GHAZNI province's TALIBAN—DOMINATED Ander district killed 1—POLICEMAN.
20061031             —REPORTED, Polio cases were, to be on the rise along THE—PAKISTAN—AFGHANISTAN border.
20061031             —POINTED, AUSTRALIA, 1—ACCUSING finger at CHINA and INDIA as major polluters as it refused to ratify THE—KYOTO—PROTOCOL on climate change despite 1—MAJOR—NEW—REPORT warning of impending catastrophe.
20061031             —BACKED, PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES, off his plan to nationalize BOLIVIA—MINING industry, saying that his government can't afford it for —NOW but he still wants to eventually recover control of the nation's mineral wealth.
20061031             —UNVEILED, BRITAIN, plans to regulate INTERNET gambling and said it opposed THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—BANNING—OF—THE—INDUSTRY.
20061031             1—JOINT—BRITISH and LEBANON—INITIATIVE in LONDON launched the world's 1. qualification covering all aspects of Islamic finance.
20061031             —DEVELOPED, THE—ISLAMIC—FINANCE—QUALIFICATION (IFQ) was, by UK—INDUSTRY—BODY the Securities and Investment Institute (SII) and LEBANON—BUSINESS—SCHOOL—ECOLE Superieure des Affaires.
20061031             —KILLED, CAMBODIA—POLICE said 1—USA—POLICE—OFFICER, himself —WHILE in custody in the capital.
20061031             —ACCUSED—OF, DONALD—RENE—RAMIREZ—OF—SF was, sexually abusing a —14—YEAR—OLD—GIRL.
20061031             Ramirez had been going on vacation to ASIA for at least —2—DECADES.
20061031             —SHOCKED, CANADA, Finance MINISTER—JIM—FLAHERTY, markets —WHEN he announced plans to tax income trusts.
20061031             —SIGNALED, Flaherty, concern that THE—FLOW—OF—CONVERSIONS to income trusts could become 1—UNCONTROLLABLE torrent that would damage the economy and erode government revenues.
20061031             Income trusts were 20060901             up in the mid-1980s by property and energy companies who chose to pass profits to investors and thus avoid corporate income tax.
20061031             1—SMALL clash between ethnic Arab and ethnic AFRICA—VILLAGERS along CHAD—BORDER with Darfur escalated into 1—LARGE—SCALE—ATTACK in which Arabs killed 128—AFRICANS.
20061031             The fight broke out in Amtiman in SOUTH—EAST—CHAD between 2—SMALL—GROUPS—AFTER 1—MEMBER—OF—1—GROUP insulted the other.
20061031             —BARRED, CHINA—LEGISLATURE, all but the nation's highest court from approving death sentences, 1—MOVE that state media called the country's biggest change to capital punishment in more than —20—YEARS.
20061031             —EXPLODED, In NORTH—WEST—GANSU province gas, in 1—COAL—MINE, killing about 20—MINERS.
20061031             —REPORTED, Scientists, that THE—FUJIAN—STRAIN of H5N1 avian influenza has become dominant in SOUTH—CHINA.
20061031             1—PARLIAMENT—SPEAKER said EGYPT it will amend its constitution to make it easier for candidates to run for PRESIDENT, PART—OF—LONG—DELAYED political reforms that PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK plans to carry out —NEXT—YEAR.
20061031             Talaat Sadat (52), THE—NEPHEW—OF—EGYPT—LATE—PRESIDENT—ANWAR—SADAT, was sentenced to —1—YEAR in prison for defaming EGYPT's armed forces, —AFTER saying in 1—INTERVIEW that EGYPT—GENERALS had masterminded his uncle's assassination.
20061031             ETHIOPIA, —4—DAYS—OF—DEVASTATING floods along the eastern border killed DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE and prowling crocodiles hampered rescue efforts as rain continued to fall.
20061031             —ORDERED, FRANCE—DEFENSE—MINISTER, that 105—SECRET—INTELLIGENCE—REPORTS be handed over to 1—JUDGE investigating allegations that PARIS helped RWANDA—FORMER—HUTU government massacre ethnic Tutsis in a 19940000             genocide.
20061031             —WARNED—OF, INDIA—CENTRAL—BANK, overheating and juggled interest rates in 1—MID—TERM—POLICY—REVIEW aimed at keeping prices in check.
20061031             —CRASHED, In SOUTH—INDIA 1—PASSENGER—TRAIN, into 1—AUTO—RICKSHAW at 1 unmanned rail crossing, killing all 18—PEOPLE in the rickshaw.
20061031             —ORDERED, AL—SADR, Sadr City closed to THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—UNTIL USA—TROOPS lifted what he called their "siege" of the neighborhood.
20061031             —ABANDONED, USA—TROOPS, checkpoints —AROUND Sadr City on orders from PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI.
20061031             IRAQ—STATE—TELEVISION presenter, Sherin Hamid, and her driver were found dead in CENTRAL—BAGHDAD, —1—DAY—AFTER they were abducted by gunmen.
20061031             3—PEOPLE were killed and 5 injured by 1—CAR—BOMB in Sadr City.
20061031             —REPORTED, At least 3—IRAQ—POLICEMEN were also, killed in BAGHDAD and FALLUJAH.
20061031             —UNIDENTIFIED, The bodies of 5, people, including 1—WOMAN, were found dumped in EAST—BAGHDAD.
20061031             5—MORE—BODIES in similar condition were floating in the Tigris River near Suwayrah.
20061031             —REPORTED, The morgue in THE—TOWN—OF—KUT, receiving 10—BODIES, including those of 5—PEOPLE allegedly killed by USA—FORCES in 1—RAID on 1—HOUSE in the Shejeriyah area.
20061031             —UNIDENTIFIED, In Baqouba, gunmen killed 3—PEOPLE in 1—DOWNTOWN market and attacked 1—POLICE—PATROL, killing 1—OFFICER and injuring 2—OTHERS.
20061031             5—BODIES were found in THE—ABU—SEIDA district, 25—KILOMETERS NORTHEAST—OF—THE—CITY.
20061031             At least 8—OTHER—PEOPLE were either found dead or slain in new attacks.
20061031             1—SUICIDE bombing at 1—WEDDING party in BAGHDAD killed 23, including 9—CHILDREN.
20061031             Haidar Muhsin, 1—IRAQ—TRANSLATOR with USA—FORCES, was shot dead in front of his home in DIWANIYAH.
20061031             —KILLED, USA—TROOPS, 5 suspected insurgents and detained 1—DURING 1—RAID in BAGHDAD.
20061031             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—MILITARY, the deaths of 2—SOLDIERS in fighting in THE—BAGHDAD area, 1—FROM small arms fire, the other from 1—ROADSIDE bomb.
20061031             ITALY said it would beef up security in Naples by adding 1,000 patrol officers and surveillance cameras amid 1—UPSURGE of slayings —AROUND 1—CITY already known for street violence and organized crime.
20061031             PRIME—MINISTER—SHINZO—ABE said JAPAN will continue assisting EQUATORIAL—GUINEA in its efforts to promote democracy.
20061031             Abe made the pledge —DURING a —45—MINUTE meeting with EQUATORIAL—GUINEA—PRESIDENT—TEODORO—OBIANG—NGUEMA in TOKYO.
20061031             KUWAIT, 1—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—SPOKESMAN said IRAQ needs —AROUND $100—BILLION in the next 4 to —5—YEARS to recover and rebuild its infrastructure at the opening of 1—INTERNATIONAL—AID meeting.
20061031             —ROAMED, MEXICO, youths, THE—STREETS—OF—OAXACA tossing gasoline bombs, hijacking vehicles and vowing to keep fighting for THE—STATE—GOVERNOR—OUSTER.
20061031             —URGED, Congress, THE—GOVERNOR to resign and leftist leaders urged national support for the movement.
20061031             —AGREED, NORTH—KOREA, to rejoin 6—NATION nuclear disarmament talks in a surprise diplomatic breakthrough.
20061031             —OVERTURNED, PAKISTAN, 1—APPEALS—COURT, the convictions of 4—TERROR—SUSPECTS in a 20020000             car bombing outside THE—USA—CONSULATE in KARACHI that killed 14—PAKISTANIS.
20061031             —BEARDED, Some 15,000, men wearing turbans burned EFFIGIES—OF—USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH and shouted "Death to Musharraf" in the troubled Bajaur tribal region, which borders AFGHANISTAN.
20061031             —KILLED, Attacks in WEST—DARFUR, SUDAN, at least 63—PEOPLE, HALF—OF—THEM children.
20061031             —RAIDED, Some 300 to 500—ARAB militiamen on horseback, at least 8—VILLAGES as well as the Hajlija IDP camp.
20061031             † Flooding from torrential rains killed 22—PEOPLE across TURKEY, including 14—WHO —WHEN 1—MINIBUS carrying wedding guests was swept away.
20061031             —HEADED, Typhoon Cimaron, toward EAST—VIETNAM —AFTER leaving at least 15—DEAD in landslides and flooding in THE—NORTH—PHILIPPINES.
20061031             BREK ENERGY CORP, BREK... - Bush THE—CHEERLEADER
20061031             —OPERATION—HERBSTWOLKEN:
20061031             —KURZ—NACH—MITTERNACHT, eindringen die ISRAELISCHEN—VERTEIDIGUNGSSTREITKRÄFTE in 1—GROSS angelegten Offensive in den Gazastreifen.
20061031             Die Kämpfe konzentrieren sich vor allem im Gebiet um Beit Hanun.
20061031—19580000    —OPENED, ENRICO—BANDUCCI had, it.
20061031—20000000    —PUBLISHED, FWS, recognized Tabernaemontana rotensis as 1—SPECIES and proposed to list it as 1 endangered species.
20061031—20010000    —IN, ANY—STEM cell research that takes place in THE—USA—TODAY is 1—RESULT—OF—1—DECISION THE—PRESIDENT made to be the 1. to make available 60—THEN—EXISTING stem cell lines involving embryonic stem cells.
20061031—20020000    —IN, Acquittals in USA consulate attack A COURT—IN—PAKISTAN acquits 4—MEN of a deadly bomb attack outside THE—USA—CONSULATE in KARACHI.
20061031—20040000    —IN, 1—PANEL—OF—FISH and Wildlife Service (FWS) biologists recommended giving the greater sage grouse protection under the Endangered Species Act.
20061031—20040000    —IN,
20061031—20050100    —SINCE, in 6—BOMBINGS across the city," and THE—USA—TOLL—FOR—OCTOBER "rose to 102, the highest ".
20061031—20061009    —ON, "NORTH—KOREA has agreed to rejoin THE—6—PARTY—TALKS on its nuclear weapons program. The sanctions placed against NORTH—KOREA will remain in place; however, financial sanctions will be addressed by THE—GROUP—OF—THE—6—NATIONS: NORTH—KOREA, CHINA, JAPAN, USA, RUSSIA + SOUTH—KOREA".
20061031—20061024    —AM, wurde das DEUTSCHE—SPIONAGESCHIFF ?Alster A50?
20061031—20070000    —IN, 1—JUDGE ruled the attack 1—HATE crime and THE—9—YOUTHS were convicted in juvenile COURT—IN—LONG—BEACH, CALIFORNIA.
20061031—20090000    —IN, "CNN reports that NASA Administrator MICHAEL—GRIFFIN has agreed to send astronauts on 1—FINAL—MISSION to repair the Hubble Space Telescope. No date was reported for the mission, other than —BEFORE the shuttle fleet is retired. From the article, 'A rehab mission would keep Hubble working —UNTIL about 20130000             . It would add 2—NEW—CAMERA—INSTRUMENTS, upgrade aging batteries and stabilizing equipment, add new guidance sensors and repair 1—LIGHT—SEPARATING spectrograph. Without 1—SERVICING mission, Hubble will likely deteriorate or 20100000             .'"
20061031—20500000    —BY... Markets for LOW—CARBON—ENERGY—PRODUCTS are likely to be worth at least $500bn per —YEAR + perhaps much more.
20061109             —ON—TUESDAY 20061031             MPs missed an historic opportunity to pass judgement on THE—IRAQ war.The —FOLLOWING MPs voted with the government
20061113             FORMER—FEDERAL—PROSECUTOR JOHN—LOFTUS confirms THE—BUSH—NAZI scandalCopyright 20061031             .
20061115             It had 337—HOMICIDES 20060101—20061031    —BETWEEN.
20061115             estimates that 5,320—PEOPLE are killed —1—MONTH, meaning there were 53,200 murders 20060101—20061031    —BETWEEN.
20061218—20061031    —RELEASED, For example 1—JUDGE, 2—BROTHERS from Chingford commenting that the police had produced no credible evidence against them.
20070118             AMAITIS, LEE—M—MR.
20070118             20021031             , $5000.00. CLINTON CORNERS, NY 12514. [Contribution].
20070118             [View Image].
20070301—20011031    —ON, But curiously, "that deletion was made at the behest of WILLIAM—MCLUCAS, FORMER—SEC enforcement director, hired by Enron —AFTER the attacks.
20070328             SEC INFO—SKYWAY Communications Holding Corp - 10QSB—FOR 20041031             20070328             SEC INFO—SKYWAY Communications Holding Corp - 10QSB—FOR 20041031             20070801             Crystallizing Public Opinion by EDWARD—L—BERNAYS ( Paperback - 20041031             ) THE—FATHER—OF—SPIN: EDWARD—L—BERNAYS and THE—BIRTH—OF—PUBLIC—RELATIONS by...
20070801             Crystallizing Public Opinion by EDWARD—L—BERNAYS ( Paperback - 20041031             ) THE—FATHER—OF—SPIN: EDWARD—L—BERNAYS and THE—BIRTH—OF—PUBLIC—RELATIONS by...
20071031             to attack IRAN —AT—THIS—TIME".
20071031             —ACKNOWLEDGED, THE—USA, that it had undertaken military moves against Kurdish rebels in IRAQ, including spy planes and providing TURKEY with more intelligence.
20071031             THE—USA—FEDERAL—RESERVE cut interest rates by 1—QUARTER—POINT to 4.5%.
20071031             THE—DJIA rose 137.54 to 13,930.01. Nasdaq rose 42.41 to 2,859. Oil futures rose to 1—NEW—RECORD—HIGH closing at $94.53—PER barrel on THE—NY mercantile Exchange.
20071031             —FACED, CALIFORNIA, ORANGE County SHERIFF—MICHAEL—S—CARONA, arraignment on 7—COUNTS, including conspiracy, mail fraud and witness tampering, according to 1—SWEEPING indictment unsealed —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20071031             —ACCEPTED, Carona and others allegedly, $350,000 in gifts and cash in exchange for political favors in 1—SCHEME that began as early as 19980000             , the —YEAR he was 1. elected.
20071031             ALAMEDA—CALIFORNIA, Ichinkhorloo Bayarsaikhan (15) was shot in the back and killed in 1—ROBBERY—ATTEMPT by 1—GROUP—OF—TEENAGE—BOYS.
20071031             She had been out with some 10—FRIENDS on Halloween —WHEN they were accosted at WASHINGTON Park.
20071031             Quochuy Tran (16), the suspected shooter, was arrested 20071107             and 5—OTHERS were picked up THE—NEXT—DAY.
20071031             3—BOYS arrested —EARLIER in the —WEEK were released.
20071031             Charges were still pending against 3—OTHERS.
20071031             —SENTENCED, His younger brother (15) and another boy (13) were, to 1—WILDERNESS—CAMP—FOR—2—YEARS.
20071031             —APPROVED, S—FRANCISCO energy officials, 1—NEW $230—MILLION—POWER—PLANT—NEAR—POTRERO Hill, which would let it close 1—OLDER, dirtier plant nearby.
20071031             —PRODUCED, Physicists at UC BERKELEY said they had, the world's smallest radio out of 1—SINGLE—CARBON—NANOTUBE, 10,000 times thinner than human hair.
20071031             They had it play "Layla" by Derek and the Dominos and said it could also function as 1—TRANSMITTER.
20071031             —VOTED, HAWAII, state lawmakers, to allow the new INTER—ISLAND ferry to resume service.
20071031             THE—SUPERFERRY law overrode court decisions requiring 1—ENVIRONMENTAL—STUDY.
20071031             —SURROUNDED, Officials said AFGHANISTAN USA and CANADA—TROOPS have, 1—POCKET of some 250—TALIBAN fighters who have commandeered people's homes in villages —JUST outside KANDAHAR.
20071031             —KILLED, In WEST—FARAH province 6—POLICE—OFFICERS were, and 2—OTHERS wounded, and 14—AFGHANISTAN—ARMY—TROOPS were missing —AFTER clashes with Taliban militants.
20071031             1—NIGHTTIME raid in EAST—AFGHANISTAN by AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS with USA—SUPPORT sparked 1—GUNBATTLE that killed 3—PEOPLE, including 2—CHILDREN.
20071031             † CHINA—WORST—FUEL—CRISIS in —2—YEARS spread to the capital and other inland areas, and 1—MAN was killed in 1—BRAWL at 1—PETROL station queue, upping pressure on the government to intervene.
20071031             —JAILED, DUBAI, more than 4,000 SOUTH—ASIA—WORKERS who had been, —SINCE 1—WEEKEND—LABOR—STRIKE were released, in 1—INCIDENT that has highlighted labor tensions in this booming city.
20071031             —ARRESTED, Authorities said FRANCE—POLICE had, 20—SUSPECTS as PART—OF—1—EUROPE—WIDE—CRACKDOWN on child pornography over THE—INTERNET.
20071031             —REJECTED, THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT, the findings of 1—USA oversight panel that 1—DAM—NEAR THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—MOSUL is on the verge of 1—COLLAPSE that could cause flooding along the Tigris River "all the way to BAGHDAD".
20071031             —OPENED, USA—HELICOPTERS, fire —AFTER 1—GROUND—PATROL came under attack SOUTH—EAST—OF—BAGHDAD, and IRAQ—POLICE said 3—OFFICERS were killed and 1 wounded in the strike.
20071031             2—USA—SOLDIERS were killed by 1—EXPLOSION—NEAR—THEIR—VEHICLE in IRAQ—NORTH—NINEVAH province.
20071031             —MARCHED, More than 100—BUDDHIST monks, in NORTH—MYANMAR for nearly an —HOUR, the 1. public demonstration —SINCE the government's deadly crackdown —LAST—MONTH on PRO—DEMOCRACY—PROTESTERS.
20071031             —KILLED, SOUTH—NIGERIA, 1—NAVY—OFFICER was, and 4—OTHER—NAVAL—PERSONNEL injured in 1—OVERNIGHT attack on 1—VESSEL protecting 1—SHELL oilfield.
20071031             —STRAFED, PAKISTAN military helicopter gunships, Islamic militant positions in THE—NORTH—WEST—SWAT Valley as 1—SHAKY truce collapsed.
20071031             The city has 1—REPUTATION for gang violence as varying groups have competed for control over the lucrative factory.
20071031             —PASSED, SPAIN—LAWMAKERS, historic legislation condemning GENERAL—FRANCISCO—FRANCO—COUP and nearly —40—YEAR—FASCIST—DICTATORSHIP, brushing aside complaints from the conservative opposition that the bill would reopen old divides.
20071031             4—OTHER—TOP—SUSPECTS were ACQUITTED—OF—MURDER but convicted of lesser charges.
20071031             —CONVICTED, In all 21—OF—THE—28—DEFENDANTS were.
20071031             —AIMED, The law of "historical memory", to remove fascist symbols from public buildings and recognize the mistreatment OF—OF—FRANCO—VICTIMS.
20071031             THE—TURKEY—ARMY said it killed 15—KURDISH—SEPARATISTS—NEAR THE—IRAQ—BORDER, as ministers discussed possible economic SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAQ—AUTONOMOUS—KURDISH—GOVERNMENT.
20071031             Ganz anders die Lage diesseits des Atlantiks.
20071031             Je stärker der Euro, desto teurer sind europäische Waren: "Die DOLLAR—SCHWÄCHE ist nicht gut", sagt KAY—MAYLAND, CHEF—DES—ANLAGENBAUERS—SMS—DEMAG.
20071031             Vielen Managern und Anlegern in EUROPA wird es langsam mulmig.
20071031             Bei einem EURO—KURS—VON—1,50 Dollar, sagen Analysten, müssen DEUTSCHE—EXPORTEURE um ihre Absatzchancen fürchten.
20071031             Und spätestens dann ist die Konjunktur des EXPORT—WELTMEISTERS DEUTSCHLAND in Gefahr.
20071031             WASHINGTON—USA—AUßENMINISTERIN Condoleezza Rice kündigte den Rücktritt Karen Hughes' "mit großer Betrübnis" an.
20071031             Kare Hughes ist 1—DER—LETZTEN—VERTRAUTEN—DES—PRÄSIDENTEN in der Regierung, die PRÄSIDENT—BUSH s politischen Weg von —ANFANG an begleitet haben.
20071031             Ehemalige SS—FÜHRER in Leitungspositionen
20071031             Zahlreiche Erkenntnisse über die NAZI—VERGANGENHEIT—VON—BKA—MITARBEITERN gibt es —BEREITS:
20071031             "Potenzielle Todesstrafe": USA—DIPLOMATEN wollen nicht nach Bagdad versetzt werden
20071031             Karen Hughes: Bush s IMAGE—KOSMETIKERIN tritt zurück
20071031             Forschungsprojekt: BKA will eigene NS—VERGANGENHEIT aufarbeiten
20071031             USA—BUNDESSTAAT UTAH: Ältestes Quallenfossil der Welt entdeckt
20071031             Versteinert: Forscher entdeckten uralte Amphibien
20071031             —AFTER being the 1. INTERNET site (to our knowledge) to interview Valerie Plame about her new book, "Fair Game: My Life as 1—SPY, My Betrayal by THE—WHITE—HOUSE," BuzzFlash can only admire how she has endured 1—DISINGENUOUS, treasonous ASSAULT—ON—HER approximately —20—YEAR—CAREER with THE—CIA.
20071031             She more than merits —THIS—WEEK—BUZZFLASH—WINGS—OF—JUSTICE—AWARD.
20071031             FOX—PROPAGANDA—NETWORK—ANCHOR and Radio Host, JOHN—GIBSON, Cuts Gun Control Advocate Off the Air for Daring to Express 1—OPINION—INSTEAD—OF—SERVING as 1—FOIL for FOX—PROPAGANDA—SCRIPT to Appeal to WHAT—LEFT of the Angry White MALE GUN—TOTING Crowd
20071031             This cryptic statement tends to buttress my belief that Debat was 1—FRANCE—INTELLIGENCE—OPERATIVE recruited by the Americans.
20071031             See here and here -- and take special note of the neocon links outlined here.
20071031             Kongressabgeordnete kritisieren USA—POLITIK gegenüber RUSSLAND Die 2—USA—KONGRESSABGEORDNETEN Dana Rohrabacher und BRAD—SHERMAN haben —AM—DIENSTAG bei Anhörungen in WASHINGTON davor gewarnt, unbedacht —KONFLIKTE mit RUSSLAND zu provozieren.
20071031             POLITIK—INTERNATIONAL -->
20071031             ASERBAIDSCHAN will kein Brückenkopf für möglichen USA—ANGRIFF auf IRAN sein ASERBAIDSCHAN wird sein Territorium als Brückenkopf für einen möglichen militärischen Schlag gegen IRAN nicht zur Verfügung stellen.
20071031             MOSKAU (RIA Novosti).
20071031             1—JAGDFLUGZEUG—DER—USA—MARINE hat versehentlich eine Übungsbombe über dem Bundesstaat VIRGINIA abgeworfen
20071031             Heiligendamm 2.0: Das FBI hat die Namen von ANTI—KRIEGS—DEMONSTRANTEN in die "KRIMINELLEN—DATENBANK" getan, und —JETZT konnten sie nicht mehr nach KANADA reisen.
20071031             Und wo wir gerade bei guter Laune über unsere Junta waren: das Fluggastdatenschnüffelabkommen mit den USA ist vertraulich.
20071031             Daher bleibt es Verschlußsache und die Junta antwortet auch nicht auf kleine Anfragen dazu.
20071031             Warum sollte der Kaiser auch dem Pöbel antworten, wo kämen wir da hin.
20071031             Ist ja schließlich keine Demokratie hier oder so.
20071031             —SCHON ein paar —TAGE alt, und hat eh —SCHON jeder gesehen, aber weil es mir immer noch so viele mailen: Unsere Junta will unsere Kommunikationsprofile an 52—STAATEN weitergeben.
20071031             Nicht nur die —JETZT vorliegenden Daten, sondern auch die DATEN—DER—VORRATSDATENSPEICHERUNG, natürlich.
20071031             GERADE die Daten sind ja interessant, damit endlich die USA—CONTENT—MAFIA unsere Raubkopierer verfolgen kann.
20071031             Es reicht dann nämlich, dass 1—SACHE im Aufland strafbar ist, und —SCHON müßten wir dann "in größtmöglichem Umfang" die Daten rausrücken.
20071031             Also so langsam schießen die mir echt einen Grund —NACH—DEM anderen weg, wieso ich nicht gleich in die USA ziehen sollte.
20071031             Da kriegt man die gleiche TERROR—PACKUNG durch die Regierung, aber wird immerhin ordentlich bezahlt für seine Arbeit und zahlt deutlich weniger Steuern.
20071031             Der Immobilienmarkt ist so im Arsch in AMERIKA, dass 1—VERKÄUFER —JETZT—SCHON anbietet, die Käufer in seinem Testament zu bedenken.
20071031             Hier erkennt z.B. 1—EX—VIZEAUßENMINISTER, dass die Raketenabwehr in POLEN dämlich ist :
20071031             "Im Ergebnis haben wir Putin nicht sehr klug den Knüppel in die Hand gedrückt, mit dem er auf uns und die Europäer einschlagen kann".
20071031             No shit, Sherlock.
20071031             Talbott ging des Weiteren auf die Skepsis des RUSSISCHEN—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUMS auf das Argument der USA ein, der Raketenschirm in EUROPA stelle für RUSSLAND keine Bedrohung dar.
20071031             "In den RUSSISCHE—STREITKRÄFTEN gibt es ernsthafte Leute, die in der TAT—UND nicht nur aus Paranoia oder zum ZWECK—DER—PROPAGANDA—MEINEN, dass die Objekte, die nach Tschechien und POLEN gehen, keinen defensiven Charakter haben".
20071031             Er äußerte Verständnis für deren Befürchtung, dass an ihren Grenzen ein erweitertes Erstschlagspotential der USA entsteht.
20071031             OPEC: die hohen Ölpreise sind nicht unsere Schuld, das sind die Spekulanten.
20071031             Ich glaube ihnen das.
20071031             Der CIA—DIREKTOR verteidigt Folter und Rendition.
20071031             Gen Hayden said programmes such as extraordinary rendition produced what he said was irreplaceable intelligence.
20071031             "The irreplaceable NATURE—OF—THAT—INTELLIGENCE is the sole reason why we have what I admit freely is 1—VERY—CONTROVERSIAL—PROGRAMME".
20071031             —GESTOHLEN, Malerstar NORBERT—BISKY: "Die blöde Riefenstahl hat alles "
20071031             Sparprogramm: Bahn baut AUTOZUG—VERBINDUNGEN massiv ab
20071031             CIA assets and the rise of THE—GUADALAJARA connection nance was E—SYSTEMS, which acquired THE—CIA proprietary Air ASIA and which. has 3—FORMER—TOP—CIA—OFFICERS among its senior executives.28 ...
20071031             Nuclear Dreamland
20071031             —DESCRIBED, Raytheon —RECENTLY bought E—SYSTEMS, WASHINGTON—POST as "part of the central nervous system for the nation's intelligence community".
20071031             FORMER—CIA.
20071031             1—WITNESS—LIST for House Hearings on Vol II—OF—THE—CIA—INSPECTOR...
20071031             Documented cocaine flights on E Systems aircraft.
20071031             Die Physiker in GHENT hätten die Auflösung der Aufnahmen bedeutend erhöht und so "erstaunliche Ergebnisse" ermöglicht
20071031             —IN—DIESEM—JAHR wurde —BEREITS eine in Bernstein eingeschlossene Spinne einer —BIS dahin unbekannten Art nach Penney benannt.
20071031             Ein MEXIKANISCHER—FORSCHER, der früher mit dem Briten zusammengearbeitet und die Spinne entdeckt hat, gab ihr den Namen Episinus penneyi.
20071031             Im Fachblatt "Zootaxa" stellt Penney gemeinsam mit Kollegen der UNIVERSITÄT—IM—BELGISCHEN—GHENT ein neues Verfahren vor, mit dem in Bernstein eingeschlossene fossile Tiere auf völlig neue Art abgebildet werden können.
20071031             Die Technik der "Hochauflösenden RÖNTGEN—COMPUTERTOMOGRAFIE ("Very High Resolution X—RAY—COMPUTED—TOMOGRAPHY", kurz VHR—CT) erlaubt es, prähistorische Insekten und Spinnentiere "digital zu sezieren", heißt es.
20071031             Urteil: Schuldsprüche gegen Madrider Terrorbomber
20071031             STUDIE—DES—UMWELTBUNDESAMTS: KLIMASCHUTZ—PROGRAMM soll Milliarden einsparen
20071031             —KASSIERT, Merrill Lynch: O'Neal, 161,5 Millionen Dollar zum Abschied
20071031             Fahrverbot für DIESEL—STINKER: BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG macht Städte dicht
20071031             Neue FOTO—METHODEN: Blick ins Innere einer versteinerten Spinne
20071031             Urteil: Arbeitslose müssen Transfer von Steuerdaten dulden
20071031             Kurdenkonflikt: USA wollen Grenze zum IRAK besser überwachen
20071031             HUNDERTAUSENDE—VON—ADRESSEN, argumentieren die WHOIS—GEGNER, könnte man so innerhalb weniger —STUNDEN erheben.
20071031             Um diesen Punkt dürfte bei der Icann allerdings kräftig gestritten werden: —BISHER gibt es keinen einzigen Fall, in dem ein solcher Missbrauch der WHOIS—DATENBANK dokumentiert wäre.
20071031             —BEGONNEN, In den USA hat die Debatte über 1—ENDE—VON—WHOIS.
20071031             Hausinterne Untersuchungen, Forschungsprojekte und öffentliche Erörterungen müssten —JETZT auch bei anderen Sicherheitsbehörden wie dem
20071031             Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) und dem Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV) folgen, aber das kann dauern.
20071031             Antwort, die 20010000             das damals SPD—REGIERTE Bundesinnenministerium auf eine einschlägige Anfrage im BUNDESTAG gab.
20071031             O—TON: Das BKA hat "keine nationalsozialistische Vergangenheit.
20071031             So SUCHTE—HANS—GLOBKE, der Kommentator der Nürnberger Rassengesetze, das Spitzenpersonal der Polizei mit aus.
20071031             Die Funktionsträger des alten Regimes saßen in der Politik, in den Chefetagen der Wirtschaft, in Medien, in Behörden, Kirchen und VERBÄNDEN—UND in der Polizei.
20071031             Aus Judenverfolgern wurden praktischerweise Kommunistenjäger;
20071031             wer beispielsweise Sinti und ROMA verfolgt hatte, konnte munter weiter verfolgen.
20071031             Weitere Themen: In der Randspalte erteilt JENS—JESSEN allen Versuchen, den notorischen Antisemiten HANS—PFITZNER reinzuwaschen, mit Verweis auf einschlägige Textstellen in seinen Schriften 1—ABSAGE.
20071031             Die Täter kamen zumeist ungestraft davon.
20071031             —NACH—DEM Krieg hätten sich "Cliquen und Seilschaften" von SS—UND GESTAPO—LEUTEN "gegenseitig bei der Wiedereinstellung in die Polizei geholfen".
20071031             Es waren Spezialisten, die zum Teil ihren Kommissarlehrgang an der "SS—FÜHRUNGSSCHULE—SCHULE der Sicherheitspolizei" in BERLIN Charlottenburg gemacht hatten und im BKA meist "die Charlottenburger" genannt wurden.
20071031             Die moralische Schieflage war beim Aufbau des BKA die Norm.
20071031             Noch ENDE—DER—FÜNFZIGER—JAHRE waren fast ALLE—LEITENDEN—POSITIONEN der im
20071031             BKA in der Hand von ALT—NAZIS?
20071031             Die braunen Wurzeln des BKA Spät, aber wahr: Das Bundeskriminalamt entdeckt —IN—DIESEN—TAGEN seine NS—VERGANGENHEIT.
20071031             Offenbar waren - 1—INVESTIGATION is also underway into how THE—USA—ARMY came to accidentally fire 1—GROUND to air Patriot missile from 1—BASE in the Gulf Arab STATE—OF—QATAR —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH.
20071031             —LANDED, The missile, harmlessly in the desert but it could have brought down ANY—AIRCRAFT in the vicinity and it has renewed charges in THE—MIDDLE—EAST that USA—SOLDIERS can be TRIGGER—HAPPY and careless.
20071031             Pentagon reels from 2. major nuclear arms blunder in a —MONTH
20071031             240—MILLIONEN Dollar hat Microsoft für eineinhalb % am Netzwerk Facebook bezahlt.
20071031             Götz Hamann kann auf der Seite 1—GUT verstehen, dass sich Microsoft den Zugriff auf soviel Privatheit gern etwas kosten ließ.
20071031             "Onlineangebote wie das von Facebook kündigen das ENDE—DER—PRIVATHEIT an, wie wir sie kennen, sie rühren an den Grundfesten bürgerlicher Freiheit.
20071031             Um das zu verstehen, muss man wissen:
20071031             In den westlichen Industriestaaten nutzen mindestens 400—MILLIONEN Menschen ein sogenanntes Soziales Netzwerk im INTERNET.
20071031             —VOR—4—JAHREN war es beinahe niemand".
20071031             Miltiadis Oulios bescheinigt dem Journalismus eine ganz miserable Quote : jeder 5. im Land hat einen Migrationshintergrund, aber nur JEDER—FÜNFZIGSTE—JOURNALIST.
20071031             Und der
20071031             —KONSTATIERT, Politikwissenschaftler CHRISTOPH—BUTTERWEGE, nach Sichtung verschiedener Schlagzeilen, dass Ausländer entweder als Katastrophe oder Bande vorkommen.
20071031             HANS—LEYENDECKER
20071031             informiert über späte Anstrengungen des BKA, seine NS—VERGANGENHEIT aufzuarbeiten.
20071031             Beschäftigte der privaten Sicherheitsfirma Blackwater haben 17—IRAKER getötet, sollen dafür aber nicht juristisch belangt werden (
20071031             mehr hier ). - Der Politologe Herfried Münkler erklärt im INTERVIEW—MIT—ARNO—WIDMANN, was für Regierungen so praktisch ist an kriegführenden Privatfirmen:
20071031             "Es wird immer wieder gesagt, die Söldner seien billiger.
20071031             Das mögen sie hier und dort sein.
20071031             WAHRHEIT, aber spielen sie ihre heutige die Rolle nicht aus ökonomischen sondern aus politischen Gründen.
20071031             BLACKWATER—ANGESTELLTE schießen schneller.
20071031             Bestimmte Dienstvorschriften kommen bei den private military companies nicht zur Anwendung.
20071031             Sie bewegen sich in EINEM—AUCH JURISTISCH—VIEL offeneren Raum".
20071031             —BEREITS—VOR—2—WOCHEN berichteten Forscher von der S—DIEGO—STATE—UNIVERSITY von einem solchen Ungetüm, das
20071031             die 15,7- fache Masse unserer Sonne hat.
20071031             NASA / Sonoma STATE—UNIVERSITY / Aurore Simonnet
20071031             Ungleiches Duo (Zeichnung): Schwarzes Loch entzieht Begleitstern Gas —NUN haben Astronomen noch ein solches Objekt entdeckt, das aber zwischen 24—UND 33—MAL so viel auf die Waage bringt wie die Sonne.
20071031             "Wir hätten nicht gedacht, ein so massives stellares Schwarzes Loch zu finden", sagte ANDREA—PRESTWICH vom HARVARD—SMITHSONIAN Center for Astrophysics in CAMBRIDGE.
20071031             "Wir wissen —JETZT, dass Schwarze Löcher, die aus Sternen entstehen, viel größer sein können".
20071031             "5—PRINCIPLES—OF—OPPRESSION," says Alvaro Vargas Llosa, keep Latin AMERICA DOWN.
20071031             Above all: power over the truth. more" - Frankfurter Rundschau,
20071031             LOTHAR—KNATZ stellt das NEUSEELÄNDISCHE—KULTUR—PORTAL Arts & Letters Daily für den "Kulturbürger im global village" vor, das —SEIT—JAHREN als 1—DER—BESTEN—WEBSITES—DER—WELT gilt.
20071031             DENIS—DUTTON und Tran Huu Dung verlinken täglich auf die interessantesten englischsprachigen Artikel im Netz.
20071031             "Neben der Diskussion über die Lage im IRAK findet sich so die Frage, ob Kylie Minogue die bedeutendste lebende Australierin ist.
20071031             Europas sinkender politischer und wirtschaftlicher Einfluss wird ebenso behandelt wie Kanadas gescheiterte Versuche, einen COMIC—HELDEN zu kreieren.
20071031             —AKZEPTIERT, Schranken akademischer Disziplinen werden ebenso wenig, wie Grenzen zwischen Wissen und Unterhaltung.
20071031             Dutton sieht das Angebot von ALD als 'LIMONADENSTAND—ABER mit dem Anspruch, den intellektuell attraktivsten Limonadenstand des Universums anzubieten'".
20071031             In der englischsprachigen Welt weiß man das zu schätzen, das gilt auch für die ausgewerteten Zeitungen.
20071031             "Probleme mit dem Copyright, wie sie jüngst der DEUTSCHE—PERLENTAUCHER hatte, sind Dutton noch nie begegnet:
20071031             'Wieso auch? Wir bringen den Printmedien doch zusätzlich Leser, und die Chefredakteure wissen dies genau.'"
20071031             Burma: Junta setzt Tausende Kindersoldaten ein
20071031             Maßvoller Ergebnisrückgang: DEUTSCHE—BANK hält ihr Versprechen
20071031             Schwarzes Loch: Sternleiche stellt neuen Rekord auf
20071031             Lawyers Claim Kerik Welshing On $200000 Bill
20071031             BERNARD—KERIK, the disgraced FORMER—NEW—YORK City police commissioner (and albatross —AROUND presidential aspirant RUDOLPH—GIULIANI—NECK) is...
20071031             was reportedly completed 20060000             , but was blocked by administration officials who wanted it to be more in line with VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY—HARDLINE views.
20071031             As THE—WASHINGTON—MONTHLY—KEVIN—DRUM—NOTES, the NIE's "basic parameters were almost certainly
20071031             common knowledge in THE—WHITE—HOUSE " at least by —LAST—YEAR, —WHEN the document was finished.
20071031             Yet even in the past —2—MONTHS, the administration has continued to push its faulty, inflammatory rhetoric and claim that IRAN is pursuing nuclear weapons.
20071031             SOME—EXAMPLES: "So I've told people that if you're interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from have the knowledge necessary to make 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON. I take THE—THREAT—OF—IRAN with 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON—VERY seriously".
20071031             [Bush, Quochuy Tran (16), the suspected shooter, was arrested 20071107             and 5—OTHERS were picked up THE—NEXT—DAY.
20071031—19490000    —NACH, —NUN hat sich die junge westdeutsche REPUBLIK in fast allen Sparten auf Täter, Mittäter und rasende Mitläufer gestützt.
20071031—19800000    —SINCE, Gold traded above $800 1—OUNCE for the 1. time.
20071031—20040000    —IN—THE, 3—LEAD—DEFENDANTS—MADRID terror bombings that killed 191—PEOPLE were CONVICTED—OF—MURDER by THE—SPAIN—COURT.
20071031—20050000    —IN, 1—BOMB ripped through 1—PASSENGER—BUS in THE—CENTRAL—RUSSIA—CITY—OF—TOGLIATTI, killing 8—PEOPLE and injuring 48. Togliatti is 1—CITY on the Volga River known as the headquarters of RUSSIA—LARGEST carmaker, AvtoVAZ, which returned to state control.
20071031—20070125    —SENTENCED, Tran was, to —7—YEARS.
20071031—20071214    —ON, 3—TEENAGE—BOYS were convicted in juvenile COURT—OF—1. degree murder.
20071031—20090000    —BY, ALCATEL—LUCENT, the struggling FRENCH—USA—TELECOMMUNICATIONS—EQUIPMENT—MAKER, announced it would cut 1—ADDITIONAL 4,000 jobs as it unveiled 1—SHARP 3. quarter net loss.
20071031—20100000    —TRIED, Quochuy Tran was, as 1—ADULT and sentenced to —50—YEARS to life in prison for 1. degree murder.
20071031—20140000    —SIGNED, THROUGH, PRESIDENT—BUSH, into law 1—MEASURE barring states from levying taxes on INTERNET access.
20080129—20081031    —UNTIL, 4—MEXICO—MILITARY—OFFICERS and 1—SOLDIER, were turned over to prosecutors for alleged links to Alfredo Beltran Leyva, but their cases weren't made public.
20080222—20081031    —RELEASED, THE—2—TOURISTS were.
20080407—20081031    —BECAME, LONDON, OLEG—GORDIEVSKY, 1—DOUBLE—AGENT who, the most senior SOVIET—SPY to defect to THE—WEST—DURING the Cold War, said that he became sick —AFTER taking the pills at his home in SOUTH—ENGLAND.
20081010             —SIGNED, CHILE—PRESIDENT, MICHELLE—BACHELET, law 20.299—MAKING 20081031             1—NEW—ANNUAL—PUBLIC—HOLIDAY to coincide with Reformation —DAY and to be called "DÍ1—NACIONAL de las Iglesias Evangélicas y Protestantes".
20081023—20081031    —FILED, CROATIA—POLICE, murder charges against 5—PEOPLE over the bombing deaths.
20081027             —REPORTED, The last 2 were, found 20081031             , 1—ALIVE and 1—DEAD.
20081031             Their dream of American "Full Spectrum Dominance"--USA—MILITARY and economic superiority over ANY—POSSIBLE—COMBINATION—OF—STATES--is matched in ambition only by the early 19010101—20001231     Trotskyite DREAM—OF—WORLD—COMMUNIST—REVOLUTION.
20081031             The money: 1—SPOOKY story - DOD and CIA Can Decide Which Laws They Like:
20081031             Dollar, um einen Kredit für den Einstieg beim... sich bei TNK—BP durch 20080904             , Stichwort: Vekselberg, Viktor.
20081031             DOD and CIA Can Decide Which Laws They Like:
20081031             "Continued settlement construction threatens the goal of a 2—STATE—SOLUTION to which THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT itself is committed," UNITED—KINGDOM—MINISTER—OF—STATE—FOR—FOREIGN and Commonwealth Affairs BILL—RAMMELL told reporters in AMMAN.
20081031             "We should consider improving the payment system for bilateral trade, including by gradually adopting 1—BROADER—USE—OF—NATIONAL—CURRENCIES," PUTIN told 1—BILATERAL—ECONOMIC—FORUM.
20081031             ' You hear them say Obama will be assassinated':
20081031             - 1—BOAT loaded with protesters has arrived in THE—GAZA Strip to bring attention to ISRAEL—BLOCKADE—OF—THE—HAMAS—CONTROLLED territory.
20081031             - 1—TOP—UNITED—KINGDOM—GENERAL has warned that NATO—OCCUPATION—FORCES in AFGHANISTAN have "reached their limit" and suggested that it was time to consider supporting the formation of local tribal militias to help stabilize the country.
20081031             - DAVID—HAMBLING—FOR years, THE—USA—MILITARY has been investigating how microwaves could trigger memory loss.
20081031             - PAKISTAN—GOVERNMENT summoned THE—USA—AMBASSADOR—ON—WEDNESDAY to urge 1—IMMEDIATE halt to missile strikes on suspected militant HIDE—OUTS near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER.
20081031             —CURRENT—FINANCIAL crisis
20081031             185—COUNTRIES voted in favour —WHILE only 3 voted against and 2 abstained.
20081031             —2—MINUTE—VIDEO—PRESIDENT—BUSH is trying to pardon himself.
20081031             Continue
20081031             —2—MINUTE—VIDEO—REPORT—SYRIA said the soldiers attacked 1—HOUSE in 1—FARMING area near THE—TOWN—OF—ABU—KAMAL, about 8km inside the border with IRAQ.
20081031             A —68—YEAR—OLD shepherd was shot in the back by ISRAEL—TROOPS—WEDNESDAY.
20081031             1—PALESTINE—SCHOOLGIRL was injured —ON—MONDAY—WHEN ISRAEL—OCCUPATIONJ forces opened fire at her school and the surrounding farms in SOUTH—EAST—GAZA Strip, witnesses and medical sources said.
20081031             1—SENATE hearing was held to mark the anniversary, but hardly anyone came.
20081031             A new poll - 1—WAVE—OF—SUICIDE—BOMBINGS killed at least 28—PEOPLE across NORTH—SOMALIA —TODAY in 5—ATTACKS that switched attention from talks taking place in neighbouring KENYA.
20081031             1—YOUNG—GUANTANAMO prisoner's confession to AFGHANISTAN—POLICE was obtained through torture and cannot be used as evidence in his trial on charges of wounding USA—SOLDIERS with 1—GRENADE,
20081031             AIG used billions from Fed but hasn't said for what: ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS—ROCK—PERU:
20081031             —REVIEWED, According to court documents, by THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS, guards have struggled with him repeatedly,
20081031             According to new statistics from Netcraft, Google runs more than a 10. of the world's active Web sites.
20081031             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN—ASYLUM—SEEKERS sent home by AUSTRALIA ' by Taleban':
20081031             —DISPLACED, AFGHANISTAN: Increasing hardship for growing, population:
20081031             AL—QAEDA will have to support McCain:
20081031             ALEXANDER—COCKBURN: Obama, THE—1.—RATE REPUBLICAN:
20081031             Amendments sought by IRAQ to 1—SECURITY—PACT with THE—USA would ban USA forces from striking neighbouring countries from IRAQ—TERRITORY,
20081031             Another 28—PERCENT—OF—TEXANS did not know OBAMA—RELIGION, —WHILE 0.2—PERCENT—OF—TEXANS believe that Obama is 1—HINDU.
20081031             —AROUND 40—PERCENT—OF—PERUVIANS live in poverty and have seen little relief despite —7—YEARS—OF—ECONOMIC—GROWTH.
20081031             —AROUND 80—PERCENT—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE—BUDGET is consumed by Defense Department intelligence units,
20081031             As CANADA—FORCES continue to fight and die —THROUGHOUT KANDAHAR province, the Taliban have quietly set up parallel governments only KILO—METRES away from the provincial capital, local residents say.
20081031             As 2—TENNESSEE NEO—NAZIS face charges of plotting to kill 102—BLACK—CHILDREN and BARACK—OBAMA,
20081031             AUSTRALIA—COMPULSORY—INTERNET filtering 'costly, ineffective':
20081031             AUSTRALIA—LEVEL—OF—NET—CENSORSHIP will put it in the same league as countries including CHINA,
20081031             BUSH Trying to Avoid War Crimes Charges - BUSH miserables Zeugnis aus
20081031             Banks to Use Bailout Bucks for Mergers:
20081031             Biden voices 'unshakable commitment' to strong ISRAEL—USA ties:
20081031             Boat arrives in GAZA to protest ISRAEL—BLOCKADE:
20081031             BOLIVIA: Unprecedented alliance defeats RIGHT—WING assault: Bomb kills 5 at PAKISTAN checkpoint:
20081031             BRITAIN urges ISRAEL to halt illegal "settlements" :
20081031             —REACHED, UNITED—KINGDOM—GENERAL says NATO has ' limits' in AFGHANISTAN:
20081031             —ALLOWED, CIA, concealing torture documents:
20081031             —KILLED, CIA led mystery Syria raid that, terrorist leader:
20081031             Car dealers hit by sales decline, weak economy:
20081031             —DECLINED, CHIEF—JUDGE—ROYCE—LAMBERTH—OF—THE—WASHINGTON DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA Circuit Court, to review torture allegations from men held in THE—CIA—PRISONS—BECAUSE it could put the nation at risk of grave danger if allowed to be made public.
20081031             —HOVERED, Chinese and VENEZUELA—SCIENTISTS, over radar screens, 1—RUSSIA—COMBAT jet flew overhead and satellite dishes tilted toward the skies as VENEZUELA tracked THE—LAUNCH—OF—ITS 1. satellite —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20081031             —REACHED, Coalition forces in AFGHANISTAN have "—NOW, their limit", according to GENERAL—SIR—MICHAEL—ROSE,
20081031             —DOWNED, Coalition kills 12 "Taliban" to secure, chopper:
20081031             —SUSPECTED, COLOMBIA sacks generals over, executions:
20081031             —KILLED, COLOMBIA: Civilians, for body count: "
20081031             CONGO Rebels: UN force cannot prevent GOMA—COLLAPSE:
20081031             Court documents describe force feeding of GUANTANAMO hunger striker:
20081031             Cries of "Berlusconi, —NOW you know what people think of you!" rang through THE—STREETS—OF—ROME last —FRIDAY as half 1—MILLION—PEOPLE demonstrated against the right wing government.
20081031             CUBA, IRAN and NORTH—KOREA, and the Government will not let users opt out of the proposed national INTERNET filter —WHEN it is introduced.
20081031             DNA legacy of ancient seafarers
20081031             —ÜBERRASCHT, Das ERGEBNIS—DER—UNTERSUCHUNG : Ötzis Typ mitochondrialer DNA ist —BISLANG, gänzlich unbekannt.
20081031             Democratic USA vice presidential nominee SENATOR—JOE—BIDEN met with ISRAEL—AMBASSADOR to THE—USA—SALLAI—MERIDOR —ON—MONDAY,
20081031             —WAVED, Demonstrators, SYRIA—FLAGS and banners READING "No to AMERICA—TERRORISM" and "AMERICA—DEMOCRACY:
20081031             DENNIS—PRAGER is here to protect and defend AMERICA—INEQUALITY.
20081031             DENNIS—PRAGER: Equality 'Is 1—EUROPEAN—VALUE, Not 1—AMERICAN—VALUE'
20081031             EACH—OF—THE—FIRM—443—PARTNERS is on course to pocket 1—AVERAGE—CHRISTMAS bonus of more than £3million.
20081031             Ehud Barak is trying to make THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT seem tough on settler extremism, —WHEN it is anything but
20081031             —PENCILED, Elections have been, in for ;;0210;;, but could be moved to the 17., 1—PARLIAMENTARY spokeswoman said.
20081031             Enough already:
20081031             —GEBLIEBEN, Erbgut von Eismann: Von Ötzi ist nichts, - EUROPE—LOOMING crisis:
20081031             Experten sprechen auch vom "Haplotyp K", zu —DEM—HEUTE noch rund 8 % aller Europäer gehören.
20081031             Exxon Mobil Corp., the world's largest publicly traded oil company, reported income —THURSDAY that shattered its own record for the biggest profit from operations by A—USA—CORPORATION, earning $14.83—BILLION in the 3. quarter.
20081031             Exxon Mobil posts biggest USA quarterly profit ever:
20081031             5—PEOPLE were killed —WEDNESDAY—WHEN 1—APPARENT—SUICIDE—BOMB exploded at 1—SECURITY—CHECKPOINT in THE—PAKISTAN—CITY—OF—BANNU, PakTribune reported
20081031             For the 17. —YEAR in 1—ROW, THE—UN has once again voted overwhelmingly against the commercial blockade against CUBA and is calling for its immediate removal.
20081031             4—MEN ACCUSED—OF—TERROR offences —AFTER 1—SERIES—OF—RAIDS in BIRMINGHAM have been remanded in custody.
20081031             4—POLICE—OFFICERS were killed —TUESDAY in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting in the turbulent NORTH—CITY—OF—MOSUL and 3—CIVILIANS were killed in 1—SEPARATE—BAGHDAD bombing, police said.
20081031             —WARNED, FRANK—WALTER—STEINMEIER, GERMANY—FOREIGN—MINISTER, —ON—TUESDAY that the world had less than —1—WEEK to prevent 1—FULL—BLOWN financial crisis in PAKISTAN,
20081031             Gates Says THE—LONG—TERM—SAFETY—OF—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—IS "Bleak":
20081031             Gates says the nuclear stockpile is getting old and notes that sensitive parts don't last forever.
20081031             Goldman Sachs ready to hand out £7bn salary and bonus package... —AFTER its £6bn BAIL—OUT:
20081031             Government Denies AL—QAEDA—LEADER—KILLED—IN—ATTACK, Only Civilians Foreign MINISTER—SAYS
20081031             —BOTCHED, Government official denies report of, rescue attempt
20081031             —TORTURED, GUANTANAMO man, into CONFESSING—USA—JUDGE:
20081031             HARD—LINE—SOMALIA—REBELS—RULE out truce —UNTIL Ethiopians leave: HATRED—OF—AMERICA unites the world:
20081031             Hebrew UNIVERSITY—ARCHAEOLOGIST—AMIHAI—MAZAR said the inscription was "very important",
20081031             How We Fuel AFRICA—BLOODIEST—WAR
20081031             I would like to stress that imposing state controls on RUSSIA—ECONOMY is not, cannot be,
20081031             —VISITED, IPS, the area where 2—OF—THE—KILLINGS took place in THE—PALESTINE—REFUGEE—CAMP—JALAZONE,
20081031             If the private sector does not spend and/or cannot spend, OLD—FASHIONED traditional Keynesian spending by the government is necessary.
20081031             AFGHANISTAN, the Loudest Sound Is the Clock Ticking:
20081031             In justifying the attack, AMERICA—OFFICIALS said THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION was determined to operate under 1—EXPANSIVE DEFINITION—OF—SELF—DEFENSE that provided 1—RATIONALE for strikes on militant targets in sovereign nations without those countries' consent.
20081031             —TRICKED, Innocent people in urban slums were apparently, abducted, and killed" in "1—GRUESOME trafficking in cadavers allowing officers to claim high body counts," said COLOMBIA analyst ADAM—ISACSON—OF—THE—WASHINGTON—BASED Center for INTERNATIONAL Policy.
20081031             —DEPLORED, IRAN has, THE—VIOLATION—OF—THE—RIGHTS—OF—3 kidnapped IRAN—DIPLOMATS by USA—FORCES in IRAQ, calling for their release, PressTV reported.
20081031             IRAN opens navy base in Persian Gulf:
20081031             —SNUBBED, IRAN says, by 6—POWERS on nuclear offer: "
20081031             —KIDNAPPED, IRAN to USA: Release, diplomats:
20081031             —DELAYED, IRAQ says, USA forces deal must ban strikes on neighbours:
20081031             —KILLED, IRAQ: At least 7, in another bloody —DAY—OF—USA—OCCUPATION:
20081031             Is there anything THE—FRONT—RUNNER will not say to become PRESIDENT?
20081031             No progressive cause would have 1—CHANCE with him in charge.
20081031             ISRAEL—BARS—VISIT to FATHER—GRAVE
20081031             ISRAEL—FORCES kill 3—PALESTINE—YOUTHS near Ramallah:
20081031             —REPORTED, ISRAEL—MEDIA, —THIS—WEEK that THE—ISRAEL—EMBASSY in LONDON and Buckingham Palace are close to 1—AGREEMENT on having QUEEN—ELIZABETH confer honorary knighthood on ISRAEL—PRESIDENT—SHIMON—PERES —WHEN he visits THE—UK —NEXT—MONTH.
20081031             ISRAEL—PARLIAMENT agrees to hold elections in mid-;;02;;:
20081031             ISRAEL—SOLDIERS shoot dead elderly shepherd:
20081031             —STARTED, It all, with SUB—PRIME—LOANS in THE—USA.
20081031             Or did it? As THE—IMF is called in to bail out failing economies,
20081031             It is true that we already have large and growing budget deficits;
20081031             but $300—BILLION—OF—PUBLIC—WORKS is more effective and productive than spending $700—BILLION to buy toxic assets.
20081031             even though MRS—QUPTY is 1—ISRAEL—CITIZEN and lives only 1—FEW miles from the cemetery.
20081031             Continue - FORMER—COMMANDER—OF—UN—FORCES in Bosnia.
20081031             He said Nato forces should consider forming local tribal militias to help stabilise the country.
20081031             —FROM THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—TEXAS and THE—TEXAS Politics Project finds that nearly 1—QUARTER—OF—TEXANS erroneously believe
20081031             government spokesman ALI—AL—DABBAGH said —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20081031             has cost HUNDREDS—OF—BILLIONS—OF—TAXPAYER dollars and countless AMERICA—LIVES.
20081031             however 23 % erroneously identified him as Muslim.
20081031             in no AMOUNT—OF—TIME, can ever achieve all the objectives we seek in AFGHANISTAN," he said. "Frankly, we're running OUT—OF—TIME".
20081031             including $10—BILLION for Goldman Sachs, his old firm.
20081031             But, if you look more closely at PAULSON—TRANSACTION,
20081031             including the National Security Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency
20081031             l: ILLINOIS taxpayers may soon be called on to bail out what is arguably THE—BEST—FUNDED public pension plan in the state thanks to $3.6—BILLION in fund losses caused by the spiraling economy.
20081031             namely Nat Rothschild and his father, Jacob, the 4. BARON—ROTHSCHILD.
20081031             nor deny to ANY—PERSON within its jurisdiction the equal PROTECTION—OF—THE—LAWS.
20081031             Thankfully, nor shall ANY—STATE—DEPRIVE—ANY—PERSON—OF—LIFE, liberty, or property, without due PROCESS—OF—LAW;
20081031             NORTH—OF—RAMALLAH.
20081031             The families of the deceased gave 1—COMPLETELY different VERSION—OF—EVENTS to THAT—OF—THE—ARMY,
20081031             1—CAPTAIN, 1—LIEUTENANT and 7—LOWER—RANKING soldiers of their duties —FOLLOWING 1—PROBE into THE—DISAPPEARANCE—OF—YOUTHS from poor neighborhoods in THE—SOUTH—OF—THE—CAPITAL—CITY
20081031             or 57—CENTS per share —DURING the quarter, compared with 1—PROFIT—OF $26.100.000, or 58—CENTS, —1—YEAR—AGO.
20081031             raising questions about how a
20081031             t: Unemployment is set to rapidly increase.
20081031             "My view is that it will be near 8 or 8.5 % by THE—END—OF—NEXT—YEAR," NIGEL Gault,
20081031             that SENATOR—BARACK—OBAMA (D—IL) is 1—MUSLIM:
20081031             that 1—NEW—MULTI—POLAR world, headed by CHINA, RUSSIA, INDIA and BRAZIL is emerging.
20081031             Continue - THE—AMERICA—EMPIRE will continue on its way, under bipartisan direction and MEGA—CORPORATE—PRESSURE, and with evangelical blessings.
20081031             Continue - THE—MISSOURI LEADER—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SOCIALIST—MOVEMENT tells JAMES—RIDGEWAY that others may be planning similar actions
20081031             THE—KILLING—OF—CIVILIANS at ABU—KAMAL," the border area targeted in —SUNDAY—USA—RAID.
20081031             the more likely they are to be politically radical.
20081031             —BELIEVED, So if you ever, that ANTI—WESTERN—SENTIMENT was 1—EXPRESSION—OF—POVERTY and deprivation, think again.
20081031             the scale of European exposure to toxic debt is becoming clear
20081031             the taxpayers were taken for 1—RIDE--1—VERY—EXPENSIVE ride.
20081031             Continue - they may have erroneously thought "equality" was 1—IMPORTANT—AMERICA—VALUE:
20081031             3—AGAINST (THE—USA, ISRAEL and PALAU) with MICRONESIA and THE—MARSHALL—ISLANDS abstaining.
20081031             was flown out of Syria on A—USA—HELICOPTER—AT—THE—END—OF—THE—OPERATION—SUNDAY by CIA paramilitary officers and special forces, 1—USA—OFFICIAL said.
20081031             where such an American would be tried.
20081031             with no end in sight.
20081031             —NOTICED, Hardly anyone.
20081031             —MENTIONED, Neither of the leading PRESIDENT—CANDIDATES, the struggle that
20081031             —MENTIONED, Neither of the leading PRESIDENT—CANDIDATES, the struggle that has cost HUNDREDS—OF—BILLIONS—OF—TAXPAYER dollars and countless AMERICA—LIVES.
20081031             with THE—AID—OF—THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT, likely tortured prisoners in violation of USA and INTERNATIONAL law.
20081031             ÄGYPTEN: Polizei nimmt 5—DEUTSCHE—ISLAMISTEN fest
20081031             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, 1—EXECUTIVE—ORDER restoring THE—LIBYA—GOVERNMENT—IMMUNITY from TERROR—RELATED lawsuits and dismissing pending compensation cases in response to LIBYA—PAYMENT—OF $1.5—BILLION into 1—FUND to compensate THE—FAMILIES—OF—VICTIMS 19860000             —THE—BOMBING—OF—1—GERMANY—DISCO and 19880000             —THE—PAN—AM bombing over LOCKERBIE—SCOTLAND.
20081031             1—JURY—OF—USA—MILITARY—OFFICERS at GUANTANAMO—2. WAR—CRIMES—TRIAL reached 1—VERDICT that could put ALI—HAMZA—AL—BAHLUL, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN'S alleged "media SECRETARY" and video maker, in prison for life.
20081031             —POSTPONED, ANNOUNCEMENT—OF—THE—DECISION was, to 20081103             .
20081031             J.P. MORGAN—CHASE & Co. launched 1—PLAN to modify the terms of $70—BILLION in mortgages for borrowers who were either behind on their payments or soon could be.
20081031             As many as 400,000 borrowers could be moved into lower rate mortgages.
20081031             Airship Ventures began operating zeppelin flights from Moffett field in Mountain VIEW—CALIFORNIA Passenger tickets were set at $495—PER person for —1—HOUR and $950—FOR—2—HOURS.
20081031             —FILED, VeraSun Energy, 1—OF—AMERICA—BIGGEST ethanol producers, for bankruptcy —AFTER being caught in THE—GYRATIONS—OF—THE—PRICES—OF corn and gasoline.
20081031             —AWARDED, THE—LEAKEY—FOUNDATION, its Leakey Prize to USA—PRIMATOLOGIST—JANE—GOODALL and JAPAN—SCIENTIST—TOSHIDADA Nishida for their work with chimpanzees.
20081031             —UNVEILED, Satoshi Nakamoto, 1—PSEUDONYMOUS cryptography buff, 1—PROJECT he dubbed bitcoin, 1—NEW—ELECTRONIC—CASH—SYSTEM that's fully PEER—TO—PEER, with no trusted 3. party.
20081031             —TARGETED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—SERIES—OF—OPERATIONS by USA—FORCES, 1—AL—QAIDA leader and 1—BOMB—MAKING cell, killing 19—MILITANTS in Nangarhar and Khost provinces.
20081031             Taliban spokesman, Zabiullah Mujahid, said the militant group has released 2—AID—WORKERS from BANGLADESH whom they had kidnapped in Ghazni province late —LAST—MONTH.
20081031             —SIGNED, BRAZIL—STATE—RUN—OIL—COMPANY, 1—AGREEMENT to explore for oil in deep Caribbean waters NORTH—OF—CUBA that officials in HAVANA say could contain 20—BILLION barrels of crude.
20081031             —EVACUATED, Petrofac, 56—NON—ESSENTIAL—WORKERS from THE—NORTH—SEA—HEATHER Alpha oil rig —AFTER 1—REPORTS—OF—10—20—TON oil spill.
20081031             Top UK—FILMMAKER DANNY—BOYLE—NEW—MUMBAI—BASED film "Slumdog Millionaire" won rave reviews —AFTER its screening at THE—CLOSE—OF—THE—LONDON—FILM—FESTIVAL.
20081031             MIDDLE—EAST—INVESTORS will own up to 1 3. of Barclays Plc —AFTER ABU—DHABI and QATAR provided most of 7.3—BILLION pounds ($12.1—BILLION) raised by the bank to repair damage from the global financial crisis and avoid taking UK government rescue funds.
20081031             —SWARMED, HEAVILY—ARMED pirates, aboard 1—OIL—INDUSTRY—SUPPORT—VESSEL working off THE—COAST—OF—CAMEROON and kidnapped 10—OF 15—CREW members, including 6—FRENCHMEN.
20081031             1—MAN claiming to represent 1—REBEL—GROUP opposed to CAMEROON—TAKEOVER of the Bakassi Peninsula warned the hostages would be killed unless CAMEROON—OFFICIALS agreed to reopen the issue.
20081031             —DAMAGED, CANADA, 1—EXPLOSION, 1—NATURAL—GAS wellhead in the same AREA—OF—NORTH—EAST—BRITISH—COLUMBIA where 2—PIPELINES have been bombed —THIS—MONTH.
20081031             —KILLED, SOUTH—CHINA, 1—TRUCK—DRIVER, 4—PEOPLE and injured 20—BY driving into 1—CROWD—OF—HIGH—SCHOOL—STUDENTS coming OUT—OF—CLASS.
20081031             THE—MALE—DRIVER was shot dead by police —AFTER the incident in THE—CITY—OF—ZHUHAI in Guangdong province.
20081031             THOUSANDS—OF—WAR—WEARY refugees set out on foot for their homes in EAST—CONGO, taking advantage of 1—CEASE—FIRE as American and UN envoys joined efforts there to find 1—POLITICAL—SOLUTION to the region's LONG—RUNNING rebellion.
20081031             —OVERTURNED, SOUTH—EGYPT, tourist bus, killing 6—BELGIUM—TOURISTS and injuring 26—OTHER—BELGIUM—PASSENGERS.
20081031             —CLASHED, ISRAEL—SETTLERS, with ISRAEL—POLICE and Palestinians in THE—WEST—BANK—TOWN—OF—HEBRON —FOLLOWING the overnight demolition of 1 unauthorized settler outpost.
20081031             JAPAN, 1—ESSAY by GENERAL—TOSHIO—TAMOGAMI, HEAD—OF—JAPAN—AIR—FORCE, was published.
20081031             He had won 1—COMPETITION for best essay denying JAPAN—WARTIME role as 1—AGGRESSOR and sponsor of atrocities.
20081031             —SPONSORED, The contest was, by Toshio Motoya, THE—HEAD—OF—1—HOTEL—CHAIN.
20081031             Within HOURS—OF—PUBLICATION—GENERAL—TOSHIO—TAMOGAMI was out of 1—JOB.
20081031             LIBYA—LEADER—MUAMMAR Gaddafi, —STARTING his 1. visit to POST—SOVIET—RUSSIA, planned to discuss opening 1—RUSSIA—NAVAL—BASE in LIBYA to counterbalance USA—INTERESTS in the region.
20081031             —ARRESTED, MEXICO, police, ANTONIO—GALARZA, the reputed leader of the violent Gulf drug cartel for the border CITY—OF—REYNOSA, in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—MONTERREY on SUSPICION—OF—WEAPONS—VIOLATIONS and organized crime.
20081031             1—SUSPECTED—USA—DRONE—AIRCRAFT fired missiles into 1—HOUSE in MIR—ALI town in PAKISTAN—NORTH—WAZIRISTAN region on THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER.
20081031             † AL—QAIDA member ABU—KASHA—IRAQI was among those killed.
20081031             —DESCRIBED, ABU—JIHAD—AL—MASRI, by THE—USA—AS—AL—QAIDA—PROPAGANDA—CHIEF, was among 3—PEOPLE killed —WHEN 1—MISSILE hit their truck.
20081031             A 2. house was hit, killing 12—INCLUDING suspected foreign militants in Kari Kot in SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20081031             29—PEOPLE were reported killed in THE—2—ATTACKS.
20081031             —KIDNAPPED, Gunmen in PESHAWAR—PAKISTAN, Zia UL—HAQ Ahadi, THE—BROTHER—OF—AFGHANISTAN—FINANCE—MINISTER, —WHILE he was walking to his mother's home —AFTER praying at 1—MOSQUE.
20081031             Ahadi, 1—BUSINESSMAN who lives in AFGHANISTAN, was in PESHAWAR to visit his mother.
20081031             —APPROVED, SPAIN, 1—MEASURE to let DESCENDANTS—OF—PEOPLE who fled into exile —AFTER its 19360000—19390000     Civil War apply for SPAIN—CITIZENSHIP.
20081031             The government said it believes up to 500,000 children and grandchildren of such emigres are eligible.
20081031             The government says 300,000—OF—THOSE people live in ARGENTINA.
20081031             FRÜHERE—UNTERSUCHUNGEN—VON—ÖTZIS—ERBGUT hatten gezeigt, dass der Eismann einer genetischen Linie angehörte, die "K" genannt wird.
20081031             Ötzi fällt bisherigen Studien zufolge in die Subgruppe "K1", die sich wiederum in 3—TEILGRUPPEN aufspaltet.
20081031             Wie die —NUN vorgestellte Untersuchung zeigt, passt Ötzis Erbgut jedoch in keine dieser 3—TEILGRUPPEN.
20081031             Bush miserables Zeugnis aus
20081031             USA—WAHL: Genscher stellt Bush miserables Zeugnis aus (Politik)
20081031             —GEBLIEBEN, Erbgut von Eismann: Von Ötzi ist nichts
20081031             Finanzkrise in JAPAN: Nikkei stürzt trotz historischer Zinssenkung ab
20081031             Milliardenpläne der Bundesregierung: Unionspolitiker kritisieren Konjunkturpaket
20081031             Rettungspaket: Hypo Real Estate erhält 15—MILLIARDEN Euro
20081031             Finanzkrise: JAPAN senkt Leitzinsen auf 0,3 %
20081031             WIKTOR—JUSCHTSCHENKO: Der entmachtete PRÄSIDENT
20081031             Liebe im Erbgut: Per Gentest zum Traumpartner
20081031             Poll: Nearly 1—QUARTER—OF—TEXANS erroneously believe that Obama is 1—MUSLIM.
20081031             1—NEW—POLL from THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—TEXAS and THE—TEXAS—POLITICS—PROJECT finds that nearly 1—QUARTER—OF—TEXANS erroneously believe that SENATOR—BARACK—OBAMA (D—IL) is 1—MUSLIM:
20081031             —WHEN asked to identify OBAMA—RELIGION, 45—PERCENT—OF—RESPONDENTS accurately identified him as Protestant, however 23 % erroneously identified him as Muslim.
20081031             Another 28—PERCENT—OF—TEXANS did not know OBAMA—RELIGION, —WHILE 0.2—PERCENT—OF—TEXANS
20081031             believe that Obama is 1—HINDU.
20081031             The poll's sponsors did not speculate as to why so MANY—TEXANS are mistaken about OBAMA—FAITH.
20081031             It's 1—GOOD thing Prager was there to explain the ideals behind THE—USA—REVOLUTION.
20081031             —RELIED, Otherwise, Americans might have, on "Europeanized" documents like the
20081031             DECLARATION—OF—INDEPENDENCE :
20081031             We hold these truths to be SELF—EVIDENT, that all men are created equal...
20081031             —LOOKED, Or if they had, to the
20081031             USA—CONSTITUTION, they may have erroneously thought "equality" was 1—IMPORTANT—USA—VALUE:
20081031             No State shall make or enforce ANY—LAW which shall abridge the privileges or IMMUNITIES—OF—CITIZENS—OF—THE—USA;
20081031             nor shall ANY—STATE—DEPRIVE—ANY—PERSON—OF—LIFE, liberty, or property, without due PROCESS—OF—LAW;
20081031             Thankfully, DENNIS—PRAGER is here to protect and defend USA—INEQUALITY.
20081031             ones using PROTO—CANAANITE characters, —THEREFORE making it difficult to prove it was Hebrew and not 1 related tongue spoken in the area —AT—THE—TIME.
20081031             Hebrew UNIVERSITY—ARCHAEOLOGIST—AMIHAI—MAZAR said the inscription was "very important", as it is the longest PROTO—CANAANITE text ever found.
20081031             —CAUSED, Polar warming ' by humans'
20081031             The rise in temperatures at EARTH—POLES has for the 1. time been attributed directly to human activities, 1—STUDY says.
20081031             DNA legacy of ancient seafarers Scientists use DNA to trace the migrations of 1—CIVILISATION which dominated the Mediterranean THOUSANDS—OF—YEARS ago.
20081031             Military Investigates Amnesia BEAMS—DAVID—HAMBLING—FOR years, THE—USA—MILITARY has been investigating how microwaves could trigger memory loss.
20081031             Does that mean 1—MEN—IN—BLACK—STYLE "Neuralizer" could be on the way?
20081031             Study: Google runs more than 10—MILLION—WEB—SITES According to new statistics from Netcraft, Google runs more than a 10. of the world's active Web sites.
20081031             —MENTIONED, Neither of the leading presidential candidates, the struggle that has cost HUNDREDS—OF—BILLIONS—OF—TAXPAYER dollars and countless USA—LIVES.
20081031             —TORTURED, GUANTANAMO man, into CONFESSING—USA—JUDGE: 1—YOUNG—GUANTANAMO prisoner's confession to AFGHANISTAN—POLICE was obtained through torture and cannot be used as evidence in his trial on charges of wounding USA—SOLDIERS with 1—GRENADE, 1—JUDGE—IN—THE—USA—WAR—CRIMES—COURT—RULED—TUESDAY.
20081031             Court documents describe force feeding of GUANTANAMO hunger striker : According to court documents reviewed by THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS, guards have struggled with him repeatedly, at least once using pepper spray, shackles and brute force to drag him to 1—RESTRAINT chair for his TWICE—DAILY dose of 1—LIQUID—NUTRITION mix FORCE—FED through his nose.
20081031             —REMANDED, UK: 4, on terror charges ;
20081031             HATRED—OF—AMERICA—UNITES the world : THE—GALLUP poll (which surveyed 10,000 Muslims in 10—DIFFERENT—COUNTRIES) also revealed that the wealthier and BETTER—EDUCATED Muslims are, the more likely they are to be politically radical.
20081031             Intelligence agencies spent $47.5—BILLION —THIS—YEAR:
20081031             —AROUND 80—PERCENT—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE—BUDGET is consumed by Defense Department intelligence units, including the National Security Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency
20081031             UN GENERAL—ASSEMBLY—DEMANDS—USA lift embargo on CUBA : The resolution was passed by 1—OVERWHELMING MAJORITY—OF—VOTES in the 192-member world body with 185—STATES in favor, 3—AGAINST (THE—USA, ISRAEL and PALAU) with MICRONESIA and THE—MARSHALL—ISLANDS abstaining.
20081031             Gates Says THE—LONG—TERM—SAFETY—OF—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—IS "Bleak": Gates says the nuclear stockpile is getting old and notes that sensitive parts don't last forever.
20081031             AUSTRALIA—COMPULSORY—INTERNET filtering 'costly, ineffective' : AUSTRALIA—LEVEL—OF—NET—CENSORSHIP will put it in the same league as countries including CHINA, CUBA, IRAN and NORTH—KOREA, and the Government will not let users opt out of the proposed national INTERNET filter —WHEN it is introduced.
20081031             THE—ROTHSCHILDS and their —200—YEARS—OF—POLITICAL—INFLUENCE : JOHN—MCCAIN—CAMPAIGN—TEAM is under investigation for allegedly accepting 1—BENEFIT in kind from 2—MEGA—RICH UK—CITIZENS, namely Nat Rothschild and his father, Jacob, the 4. BARON—ROTHSCHILD.
20081031             Putin rules out NATIONALIZATION—OF—RUSSIA—ECONOMY: "I would like to stress that imposing state controls on RUSSIA—ECONOMY is not, cannot be, and will not be our task. Increasing the state's presence in the economy is 1 forced measure and is temporary," VLADIMIR—PUTIN told 1—ECONOMIC—CONFERENCE.
20081031             USA pulls the plug on the world : THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION has prompted 1—HUGE surge in THE—USA—DOLLAR, which may help refinance its financial sector.
20081031             The cost is 1—CURRENCY whirlwind that threatens the collapse not —JUST—OF—BANKS and companies but entire countries.
20081031             Banks to Use Bailout Bucks for Mergers : THE—TREASURY—DEPARTMENT—CAPITAL—INJECTION—PROGRAM is well underway, with more than $150—BILLION total —NOW promised to —AROUND 30—BANKS.
20081031             So far, the evidence suggests MANY—OF—THOSE banks will use the cash to buy up weaker banks.
20081031             Car dealers hit by sales decline, weak economy: Sonic Automotive, which operates only in THE—USA, —POSTED 1—LOSS—OF $25.3—MILLION, or 57—CENTS per share —DURING the quarter, compared with 1—PROFIT—OF $26.1—MILLION, or 58—CENTS, —1—YEAR—AGO.
20081031             USA—HEGEMONY Bites THE—DUST
20081031             THE—USA—NEOCONSERVATIVES are the heirs of LEON—TROTSKY.
20081031             Let Us Speculate
20081031             THERE—1—AWFUL—LOT—OF—SPECULATION going on right —NOW, from both the left and right about where the latest CRISIS—OF—CAPITAL is headed, CHIEF amongst them is the notion that this signals THE—END—OF—THE—USA—EMPIRE, that THE—SO—CALLED—UNI—POLAR world is over, that 1—NEW—MULTI—POLAR world, headed by CHINA, RUSSIA, INDIA and BRAZIL is emerging.
20081031             USA Should Enact $400—BILLION Stimulus, Roubini Says
20081031             —PREDICTED, Roubini, who, the - —CURRENT—FINANCIAL—CRISIS
20081031             Our Choice - It is true that we already have large and growing budget deficits;
20081031             Uniting & fighting back is no longer 1—CHOICE;
20081031             it's 1—MATTER—OF—SURVIVAL—BY—LARRY—HOLMES
20081031             —DEVASTATED, Working and poor people, by the depression, entered the 1930s destitute, broken and hopeless.
20081031             Yet by the time the —DECADE was over, the working class had won great battles, 1. by organizing itself into Unemployment Councils and tenants unions and —LATER into giant labor unions.
20081031             Latin American's 'New Left' In Crises As the 'Free Market' Collapses
20081031             THE—UNIFORMITY—OF—THE—COLLAPSE—OF—LATIN—USA—ECONOMIES raises important questions about the changes and CLAIMS—OF—INDEPENDENCE, decoupling and POST—LIBERAL—MODELS, which MANY—REGIME—LEADERS, ideologues and progressive USA—EUROPEAN Latin USA—WRITERS made over the past several years.
20081031             PRIME—MINISTER—PUTIN—SUGGESTS—RUSSIA, CHINA Ditch Dollar in Trade Deals
20081031             He admitted the task would be tough, but said it was necessary amid the current problems with THE—DOLLAR—BASED global economy.
20081031             —ASSASSINATED, Once the middle class is slowly and fully, in THE—USA, then, the globalization process becomes easier to implement and the Security and Prosperity Partnership (NORTH—AMERICA—UNION) will rush toward us like 1—KNIGHT in shining armor riding on 1—BEAUTIFUL—WHITE—HORSE to rescue us from our financial disasters that were deliberately created by our treasonous leaders.
20081031             —DELAYED, IRAQ says, USA—FORCES—DEAL must ban strikes on neighbours : Amendments sought by IRAQ to 1—SECURITY—PACT with THE—USA would ban USA—FORCES from striking neighbouring countries from IRAQ—TERRITORY, government spokesman ALI—AL—DABBAGH said —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20081031             Syria Wants Apology, Payment For USA—ATTACK:
20081031             Syria asks UNITED—NATIONS council to prevent new USA—ATTACKS : Syria called on THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL—ON—TUESDAY to take action to prevent 1—REPEAT—OF—1—WEEKEND—USA—ATTACK on SYRIA—TERRITORY, and to hold THE—USA—ACCOUNTABLE.
20081031             —KILLED, CIA led mystery Syria raid that, terrorist leader : THE—BODY—OF—BADRAN—TURKI—HISHAN—AL—MAZIDIH, 1—IRAQ—NATIONAL who used the nom de guerre ABU—GHADIYA, was flown out of Syria on A—USA—HELICOPTER—AT—THE—END—OF—THE—OPERATION—SUNDAY by CIA paramilitary officers and special forces, 1—USA—OFFICIAL said.
20081031             Why Syria? Why —NOW?
20081031             "Why —NOW—AT—THE—END—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, with WASHINGTON trying to play NICE with DAMASCUS and tensions easing —THROUGHOUT the region, would USA—FORCES—STAGE such 1—GAMBIT?
20081031             THE—USA—ATTACK : This USA—PRECEDENT of raiding SYRIA—TERRITORIES under the pretext of stopping THE—SMUGGLING—OF—FIGHTERS may open the door to another issue unrelated to IRAQ, but 1 which relates to the accusations against Syria of smuggling arms to its allies in LEBANON, especially Hezbollah.
20081031             —REVISED, USA unlikely to accept, IRAQ security pact: The amendments would give IRAQ—AUTHORITIES the right to determine whether A—USA—SERVICE—MEMBER was ON—OR OFF—DUTY—WHEN he or she committed 1 alleged crime outside USA—BASES, where such 1—AMERICAN would be tried.
20081031             It also would allow authorities to inspect all USA—CARGO entering the nation.
20081031             Suicide bombings in SOMALIA kill 28 : 1—WAVE—OF—SUICIDE—BOMBINGS killed at least 28—PEOPLE across NORTH—SOMALIA —TODAY in 5—ATTACKS that switched attention from talks taking place in neighbouring KENYA.
20081031             —KILLED, SUDAN says at least 3—CHINA—HOSTAGES :
20081031             RUSSIA to continue arms sales to IRAN: RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—DMITRY—MEDVEDEV says USA—SANCTIONS will not stop RUSSIA—STATE—ARMS—TRADER from selling defensive weapons to IRAN.
20081031             ISRAEL—SOLDIERS shoot dead elderly shepherd : A —68—YEAR—OLD shepherd was shot in the back by ISRAEL—TROOPS—WEDNESDAY.
20081031             Boat arrives in GAZA to protest ISRAEL—BLOCKADE: - 1—BOAT loaded with protesters has arrived in THE—GAZA—STRIP to bring attention to ISRAEL—BLOCKADE—OF—THE—HAMAS—CONTROLLED territory.
20081031             Biden voices 'unshakable commitment' to strong ISRAEL—USA—TIES : Democratic USA vice presidential nominee SENATOR—JOE—BIDEN met with ISRAEL—AMBASSADOR to THE—USA—SALLAI—MERIDOR —ON—MONDAY, and stressed his and his running mate presidential nominee BARACK—OBAMA'S "unshakable commitment" to strong USA—ISRAEL ties.
20081031             Navy CHIEF—BRIGADIER—GENERAL—HABIBOLLAH—SAYYARI said that the base in THE—TOWN—OF—JASK would enable IRAN to block the entry of an "enemy" into the Persian Gulf
20081031             Bomb kills 5 at PAKISTAN checkpoint:
20081031             3—DEAD in PAKISTAN car attack : They say that the attack was sectarian and those killed were all were all MEMBERS—OF—THE—MINORITY—SHIA community.
20081031             They were shot —WHILE travelling on the main highway outside the town.
20081031             WHITE—HOUSE: No Let Up In ANTI—TERROR—EFFORT In PAKISTAN : THE—USA—SAID —WEDNESDAY it was ready to discuss PAKISTAN's " very serious problem" with extremism anytime authorities there wish to, but vowed no LET—UP in COUNTER—TERRORISM—EFFORTS.
20081031             PAKISTAN summons USA—AMBASSADOR on border strikes : - PAKISTAN—GOVERNMENT summoned THE—USA—AMBASSADOR—ON—WEDNESDAY to urge 1—IMMEDIATE halt to missile strikes on suspected militant HIDE—OUTS near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER.
20081031             Pakistani, AFGHANISTAN—DELEGATES Agree to Talks With Taliban : Pakistani and AFGHANISTAN—POLITICAL and tribal leaders meeting in ISLAMABAD —TUESDAY have agreed to seek talks with Taliban insurgents in 1—BID to limit violence along their shared border.
20081031             NATO—AFGHANISTAN—OCCUPATION—FORCES 'hit limit ': Coalition forces in AFGHANISTAN have "—NOW reached their limit", according to GENERAL—SIR—MICHAEL—ROSE, FORMER—COMMANDER—OF—UN—FORCES in Bosnia.
20081031             —LAUNCHED, VENEZUELA—SATELLITE is, from CHINA : Chinese and VENEZUELA—SCIENTISTS hovered over radar screens, 1—RUSSIA—COMBAT jet flew overhead and satellite dishes tilted toward the skies as VENEZUELA tracked THE—LAUNCH—OF—ITS 1. satellite —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20081031             AMERICA—FORGOTTEN—WAR:
20081031             —MENTIONED, Neither of the leading presidential candidates, the struggle that
20081031             What WILL—YOU—DO—ABOUT—THE—WORST—CAPITALIST—CRISIS - Shots Heard Round the World
20081031             —WHEN—90—YEAR—OLD—ADDIE Polk put the gun to her chest and pulled the trigger she was seeking 1—ESCAPE from foreclosure.
20081031             —FAILED, The 1. shot, to do the job so the elderly widow pulled the trigger a 2. time as SHERIFF—DEPUTIES waited on the porch to serve her with 1—EVICTION—NOTICE.
20081031             —RESCUED, She was, by her neighbor, ROBERT—DILLION, who grabbed 1—LADDER and climbed in 1—BACK—WINDOW.
20081031             SHERIFF—DEPUTIES were kind enough to radio for paramedics.
20081031             —DOWNED, Coalition kills 12 "Taliban" to secure, chopper : The helicopter was recovered and taken to 1—NEARBY—ISAF base.
20081031             The coalition helicopter was shot down in Said Abad DISTRICT—OF—MAIDAN—WARDAK province —ON—MONDAY, THE—DAY—WHEN 2—USA—OCCUPATION—FORCE—SOLDIERS were killed in 1—SUICIDE—ATTACK on NORTH—AFGHANISTAN.
20081031             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN—ASYLUM—SEEKERS sent home by AUSTRALIA ' by Taleban': THE—AUSTRALIA—GOVERNMENT is investigating claims that up to 20—AFGHANISTAN—ASYLUM—SEEKERS denied entry to AUSTRALIA were killed by the Taleban —AFTER being sent home.
20081031             Taliban rule returning to KANDAHAR province : As CANADA—FORCES continue to fight and die —THROUGHOUT KANDAHAR province, the Taliban have quietly set up parallel governments only KILO—METRES away from the provincial capital, local residents say.
20081031             —REACHED, UK—GENERAL says NATO has ' limits' in AFGHANISTAN : - 1—TOP—UK—GENERAL has warned that NATO—OCCUPATION—FORCES in AFGHANISTAN have "reached their limit" and suggested that it was time to consider supporting the formation of local tribal militias to help stabilize the country.
20081031             USA—GENERAL: Negative AFGHANISTAN—HEADLINES overblown:
20081031             MIKE—MULLEN, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—JOINT—CHIEFS—OF—STAFF, "It is my professional opinion that no AMOUNT—OF—TROOPS, in no AMOUNT—OF—TIME, can ever achieve all the objectives we seek in AFGHANISTAN," he said.
20081031             "Frankly, we're running OUT—OF—TIME".
20081031             USA—MAY—TALK With Taliban to Quell AFGHANISTAN—INSURGENCY, WSJ Says : The recommendation calls for the talks to be led by THE—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT, with THE—PARTICIPATION—OF—USA—OFFICIALS, according to the report.
20081031             PAKISTAN: Unanimous Senate resolution "blasts" USA—ATTACKS : THE—SENATE—RESOLUTION against drone attacks said strikes inside PAKISTAN were unfortunate and 1—GROSS—VIOLATION—OF—PAKISTAN—SOVEREIGNTY.
20081031             —UNDERLINED, The resolution, that continued incursions were harming the government's efforts to seek 1—POLITICAL—SOLUTION through dialogue.
20081031             World BANK—CANCELS $300—MILLION Loan To PAKISTAN:
20081031             —ESTIMATED, The economic stabilization program was —INITIALLY, at $500—MILLION under which the World Bank had asked PAKISTAN to end all subsidies in the economy.
20081031             —POSTPONED, THE—WORLD—BANK has also, disbursing another $300—MILLION—LOAN toward National Trade Corridor Project, which is estimated to cost $6—BILLION
20081031             World 'has —6—DAYS to save PAKISTAN' : FRANK—WALTER—STEINMEIER, GERMANY—FOREIGN—MINISTER, warned —ON—TUESDAY that the world had less than —1—WEEK to prevent 1—FULL—BLOWN financial crisis in PAKISTAN, as ISLAMABAD said it expected to strike 1—PRELIMINARY—AGREEMENT with THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND in —1—DAY or 2.
20081031             —KILLED, IRAQ: At least 7, in another bloody —DAY—OF—USA—OCCUPATION : 4—POLICE—OFFICERS were killed —TUESDAY in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting in the turbulent NORTH—CITY—OF—MOSUL and 3—CIVILIANS were killed in 1—SEPARATE—BAGHDAD bombing, police said.
20081031             —BOMBED, TURKEY—WARPLANES—BOMB—NORTH—IRAQ : TURKEY—WARPLANES have successfully, several Kurdish rebel targets in NORTH—IRAQ —ON—TUESDAY, the country's army said in 1—STATEMENT.
20081031             —KIDNAPPED, IRAN to USA: Release, diplomats: IRAN has deplored THE—VIOLATION—OF—THE—RIGHTS—OF—3 kidnapped IRAN—DIPLOMATS by USA—FORCES in IRAQ, calling for their release, PressTV reported.
20081031             —SNUBBED, IRAN says, by 6—POWERS on nuclear offer : "The policy of few powers in insisting on suspension as 1—PRECONDITION for negotiations bears 0—RELATION to realities and is 1—IRRATIONAL and failed policy," Khazaee said.
20081031             USA : We Can Kill Anyone, Anywhere At Anytime : In justifying the attack, USA—OFFICIALS said THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION was determined to operate under 1—EXPANSIVE DEFINITION—OF—SELF—DEFENSE that provided 1—RATIONALE for strikes on militant targets in sovereign nations without those countries' consent.
20081031             —WARNED, Syria warns USA: 1—EYE for 1—EYE : Syria has, THE—USA of retaliatory measures if WASHINGTON launches another incursion into the country's territories.
20081031             RUSSIA says USA fuelling tension with Syria attack:
20081031             "We believe attacks that are WORTHY—OF—CONDEMNATION should not be launched on the territory of sovereign states under the slogan of the fight against terrorism".
20081031             The families of the deceased gave 1—COMPLETELY different VERSION—OF—EVENTS to THAT—OF—THE—ARMY, and accused the Israelis of premeditated murder.
20081031             ISRAEL—SHOOTING wounds PALESTINE—SCHOOLGIRL in GAZA : 1—PALESTINE—SCHOOLGIRL was injured —ON—MONDAY—WHEN ISRAEL—OCCUPATIONJ forces opened fire at her school and the surrounding farms in SOUTH—EAST—GAZA Strip, witnesses and medical sources said.
20081031             BRITAIN urges ISRAEL to halt illegal "settlements " : "Continued settlement construction threatens the goal of a 2—STATE—SOLUTION to which THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT itself is committed," UK—MINISTER—OF—STATE—FOR—FOREIGN and Commonwealth Affairs BILL—RAMMELL told reporters in AMMAN.
20081031             ISRAEL—PARLIAMENT agrees to hold elections in MID—FEBRUARY : Elections have been penciled in —FOR—FEBRUARY 10, but could be moved to the 17., 1—PARLIAMENTARY spokeswoman said.
20081031             HARD—LINE—SOMALIA—REBELS—RULE out truce —UNTIL Ethiopians leave: SOMALIA—HARD—LINE—INSURGENTS vowed —MONDAY to fight on despite ADDIS—ABABA—PLEDGE to respect 1—UN—SPONSORED deal reached —1—DAY—EARLIER that allows for 1 phased PULLBACK—OF—ETHIOPIA—OCCUPATION—TROOPS.
20081031             ALEXANDER—COCKBURN: Obama, the 1.—RATE Republican: Is there anything THE—FRONT—RUNNER will not say to become PRESIDENT?
20081031             You hear them say Obama will be assassinated':
20081031             As 2—TENNESSEE NEO—NAZIS face charges of plotting to kill 102—BLACK—CHILDREN and BARACK—OBAMA, THE—MISSOURI—LEADER—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SOCIALIST—MOVEMENT tells JAMES—RIDGEWAY that others may be planning similar actions
20081031             AL—QAEDA will have to support McCain : THE—ENDORSEMENT—FROM—HELL: "AL—QAEDA will have to support McCain in the coming election," read 1—COMMENTARY on 1—PASSWORD—PROTECTED—ISLAMIST—WEB—SITE that is closely linked to AL—QAEDA and often disseminates the group's propaganda.
20081031             Mass protests in ITALY to stop cuts : Cries of "Berlusconi, —NOW you know what people think of you!" rang through THE—STREETS—OF—ROME last —FRIDAY as half 1—MILLION—PEOPLE demonstrated against the right wing government.
20081031             Milan + Turin EACH—SAW marches of 50,000 too.
20081031             Warnings of deep recession as USA layoffs spread COAST—TO—COAS t: Unemployment is set to rapidly increase.
20081031             "My view is that it will be near 8 or 8.5 % by THE—END—OF—NEXT—YEAR," NIGEL Gault, CHIEF domestic economist at Global Insight, told THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES.
20081031             2—PARTIES, 1—IMPERIAL—MISSION—THE—USA—EMPIRE will Survive Bush
20081031             —UNSCATHED, THE—USA—MAY emerge from THE—IRAQ fiasco almost.
20081031             —DISCONCERTED, Though momentarily, THE—USA—EMPIRE will continue on its way, under bipartisan direction and MEGA—CORPORATE—PRESSURE, and with evangelical blessings.
20081031             Bush Trying to Avoid War Crimes Charges —2—MINUTE—VIDEO—PRESIDENT—BUSH is trying to pardon himself.
20081031             UN slams USA—SANCTIONS on CUBA : For the 17. —YEAR in 1—ROW, THE—UN has once again voted overwhelmingly against the commercial blockade against CUBA and is calling for its immediate removal.
20081031             —ALLOWED, CIA, concealing torture documents : CHIEF—JUDGE—ROYCE—LAMBERTH—OF—THE—WASHINGTON—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA Circuit Court declined to review torture allegations from men held in THE—CIA—PRISONS—BECAUSE it could put the nation at risk of grave danger if allowed to be made public.
20081031             DOD and CIA Can Decide Which Laws They Like : The judge's reasoning highlighted 1—OF—THE—MORE disturbing aspects of the recent revelations that the Defense DEPARTMENT, with THE—AID—OF—THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT, likely tortured prisoners in violation of USA and INTERNATIONAL law.
20081031             EUROPE—LOOMING crisis:
20081031             Or did it? As THE—IMF is called in to bail out failing economies, the scale of European exposure to toxic debt is becoming clear
20081031             AIG used billions from Fed but hasn't said for what: THE—USA—INTERNATIONAL—GROUP is rapidly running through $123—BILLION in emergency lending provided by THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE,
20081031             Goldman Sachs ready to hand out £7bn salary and bonus package... —AFTER its £6bn BAIL—OUT : EACH—OF—THE—FIRM—443—PARTNERS is on course to pocket 1—AVERAGE—CHRISTMAS bonus of more than £3million.
20081031             Taxpayers Could Cover Government Pension Shortfal l: ILLINOIS taxpayers may soon be called on to bail out what is arguably THE—BEST—FUNDED public pension plan in the state thanks to $3.6—BILLION in fund losses caused by the spiraling economy.
20081031             Exxon Mobil posts biggest USA quarterly profit ever : Exxon Mobil Corp., the world's largest publicly traded oil company, reported income —THURSDAY that shattered its own record for the biggest profit from operations by A—USA—CORPORATION, earning $14.83—BILLION in the 3. quarter.
20081031             —KILLED, COLOMBIA: Civilians, for body count : "Innocent people in urban slums were apparently tricked, abducted, and killed" in "1—GRUESOME trafficking in cadavers allowing officers to claim high body counts," said COLOMBIA analyst ADAM—ISACSON—OF—THE—WASHINGTON—BASED Center for INTERNATIONAL Policy.
20081031             BOLIVIA: Unprecedented alliance defeats RIGHT—WING assault: —AFTER—3—MONTHS—OF—INTENSE—CLASS—STRUGGLE, there can be no doubt that THE—USA—BACKED RIGHT—WING opposition to THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES has suffered 3—IMPORTANT—DEFEATS.
20081031             ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS—ROCK—PERU : —AROUND 40—PERCENT—OF—PERUVIANS live in poverty and have seen little relief despite —7—YEARS—OF—ECONOMIC—GROWTH.
20081031             Shimon Peres to be knighted by QUEEN—ELIZABETH : ISRAEL—MEDIA reported —THIS—WEEK that THE—ISRAEL—EMBASSY in LONDON and Buckingham Palace are close to 1—AGREEMENT on having QUEEN—ELIZABETH confer honorary knighthood on ISRAEL—PRESIDENT—SHIMON—PERES —WHEN he visits THE—UK—NEXT—MONTH.
20081031             Syria says it could take further steps over USA—HELICOPTER—RAID : "Syria is awaiting official explanations from THE—USA—AND—IRAQ—GOVERNMENTS on this unacceptable violation of SYRIA—SOVEREIGNTY —BEFORE taking additional measures," Deputy Foreign MINISTER—FAISAL—MEQDAD said.
20081031             —WAVED, Syrians rally against USA—AGGRESSION : Demonstrators, SYRIA—FLAGS and banners READING "No to USA—TERRORISM" and "USA—DEMOCRACY: THE—KILLING—OF—CIVILIANS at ABU—KAMAL," the border area targeted in —SUNDAY—USA—RAID.
20081031             CONGO Rebels: UN force cannot prevent GOMA—COLLAPSE : Rebel leader Laurent Nkunda downplays THE—UN—FORCE in CONGO, saying it cannot stop the rebels from taking THE—CAPITAL—OF—NORD—KIVU province.
20081031             —6—DECADES on from his death, she has never been allowed to visit his grave in Galilee and lay 1—WREATH for the father she never met.
20081031             —THIS—MONTH, —AFTER more than —10—YEARS—OF—REQUESTS to THE—ISRAEL—AUTHORITIES, she learnt that officials are unlikely ever to grant such 1—VISIT, even though MISTER—S—QUPTY is 1—ISRAEL—CITIZEN and lives only 1—FEW miles from the cemetery.
20081031             Who Has JOHN—MCCAIN—BEEN—PALLING—AROUND—WITH?
20081031             THE—JOHN—MCCAINS—OF—AMERICA, in and OUT—OF—CONGRESS, would much sooner pal —AROUND with Augusto Pinochet than HUGO—CHAVEZ or Fidel Castro or BILL—AYERS.
20081031             —MARCHED, The deadliest war —SINCE ADOLF—HITLER, across EUROPE is —STARTING again — and you are almost certainly carrying 1—BLOOD—SOAKED CHUNK—OF—THE—SLAUGHTER in your pocket.
20081031             PAULSON—SWINDLE—REVEALED
20081031             The swindle of USA—TAXPAYERS is proceeding more or less in broad daylight, as the unwitting voters are preoccupied with the national election.
20081031             —AGREED, Treasury SECRETARY—HANK—PAULSON, to invest $125—BILLION in THE—9—LARGEST—BANKS, including $10—BILLION for Goldman Sachs, his old firm.
20081031             But, if you look more closely at PAULSON—TRANSACTION, the taxpayers were taken for 1—RIDE--1—VERY—EXPENSIVE ride.
20081031             What explains THE—PARADOX—OF—THE—DOLLAR—SHARP—RISE in value against other currencies (except THE—JAPAN—YEN) despite disproportionate USA—EXPOSURE to the worst financial crisis —SINCE the Great Depression?
20081031             RUSSLAND wünscht sich Rücksicht TAGESSPIEGEL—AUS RUSSISCHER—SICHT ist die Außenpolitik von GEORGE—W—BUSH, die nach Lesart des Kremls keine Rücksicht auf RUSSISCHE—INTERESSEN nahm, schuld daran...
20081031             RUSSLAND hofft auf Obama
20081031             Regierung nimmt —AM—FREITAG Plan zur Förderung des realen Sektors... - RIA Novosti
20081031             Regierung nimmt —AM—FREITAG Plan zur Förderung des realen Sektors...
20081031             Das sei ein offenes Dokument, das je nach Änderung der Situation auf globalen Märkten und in der RUSSISCHEN—WIRTSCHAFT korrigiert werde.
20081031             Gaddafi auf WAFFEN—EINKAUFSTOUR in RUSSLAND—RIA Novosti
20081031             Gaddafi auf WAFFEN—EINKAUFSTOUR in RUSSLAND RIA NOVOSTI—IM Gegenzug hat sich Tripolis dazu verpflichtet, RUSSISCHEN—UNTERNEHMEN lukrative Aufträge zu verschaffen.
20081031             Die RUSSISCHE—EISENBAHNEN AG, kurz RZD.
20081031             Leitzinsen in JAPAN auf 0,3 % gesenkt Badisches Tagblatt Read more..
20081031             Im Spiegel der Presse RIA NOVOSTI—FAST 50—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN—RUSSEN sind überzeugt, dass die RUSSISCHE—WIRTSCHAFT sich in einer Rezession befindet, lediglich 31—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN... Read more..
20081031             Umfrage zu Finanzkrise: Russen sparen anders - "Wedomosti"RIA NOVOSTI—FAST 50—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN—RUSSEN sind überzeugt, dass die RUSSISCHE—WIRTSCHAFT sich in einer Rezession befindet, lediglich 31—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN... Read more..
20081031             Mehr und mehr Schwellenländer kippen Die Finanzkrise wütet in den... -
20081031             RUSSLAND attackierte die eigene Währung Basler ZEITUNG—STEHT die RUSSISCHE—WÄHRUNG vor dem Absturz?
20081031             —VERSUCHT, Der Kreml, vehement, die Sorgen der Bevölkerung zu zerstreuen.
20081031             Der Rubel rutscht in den Untergrund.
20081031             I'll be sad, but not too sad, if Obama wins the election, as he —NOW seems likely to do (thanks to THE—ILL—TIMED financial meltdown).
20081031             Er braucht die 4,5 Mrd.
20081031             Experimente mit tödlichen Viren: Streit um BIO—LABOR mitten in HURRIKAN—ZONE
20081031             Piloten auf CRASH—KURS: Cockpit steht vor der Spaltung
20081031             Finanzkrise: Staatlich gestützte USA—BANKEN müssen Managern Milliarden zahlen
20081031             —GERETTET, Bankenplan der Regierung: Bilanz, Image ruiniert - Der Film "Darwins Alptraum"
20081031             Der Viktoriasee ist Symbol für unüberlegtes Eingreifen in die Natur: In den sechziger —JAHREN siedelte man hier gezielt den Nilbarsch an, die Fischereiwirtschaft rieb sich —SCHON die Hände angesichts der zu erwartenden Gewinne aus dem Geschäft mit dem begehrten Speisefisch.
20081031             —GENANNT, Und TATSÄCHLICH—DER Nilbarsch, —NUN Viktoriabarsch, vermehrte sich rasend schnell in seiner neuen Umgebung.
20081031             Doch den Preis für den Erfolg musste mal wieder die Natur zahlen: Der Raubfisch rottete innerhalb von —40—JAHREN die ehemals 400—FISCHARTEN im Viktoriasee fast vollständig aus, die ganze Region ist mittlerweile abhängig von der Fischindustrie, die sich nur noch um den Viktoriabarsch dreht.
20081031             Börse: Der Dax auf dem Weg zum Lightindex
20081031             Antiterrorkampf: USA—MILITÄR soll Angriffe in PAKISTAN verübt haben
20081031             Konjunkturpaket: SPD will 60—MILLIARDEN Euro Investitionen anstoßen
20081031             Ostkongo: Tausende Zivilisten fliehen aus GOMA
20081031             Immobilienfonds in der Krise: Zittern um das Betongold
20081031             USA—WAHLKAMPF: 76—NOBELPREISTRÄGER trommeln für Obama
20081031             NETZWELT—TICKER: Sarkozy will Datensaugern die Internetverbindung kappen
20081031             VW—KURSCHAOS: Börse will ACHTERBAHN—AKTIEN aus dem Dax werfen
20081031             In den Angriten sei der einstige Magnetismus der PLANETEN—VORLÄUFER quasi eingefroren worden, als ihr Mutterkörper erkaltete, glauben Weiss und seine Kollegen.
20081031             MINI—PLANET mit Mantel und Kern
20081031             Uralte Meteorite: Frühes Sonnensystem hatte MINI—PLANETEN
20081031             Gestoppte Fusion: GENERAL—MOTORS und Chrysler bekommen keine Staatshilfe
20081031             Chance in der Krise: Rückkehr des Währungsfonds
20081031             Wirtschaftsflaute: Autobranche in EUROPA fürchtet den Produktionscrash
20081031             FINANZ—SYMPOSIUM: Spitzenbanker im Klammergriff der Krise
20081031             Konjunkturkrise: Weltwirtschaft droht tiefe, langwierige Rezession
20081031             Finanzkrise: Barclays vor milliardenschwerer Kapitalerhöhung
20081031             Marx zurück auf dem Campus: Die kleine Oktoberrevolution
20081031             Mit süffisanten Andeutungen gibt Lafontaine zu verstehen: —ERST habe der STAAT mit 10—MILLIARDEN Euro die Insolvenz der Bank verhindert und die Verluste all dieser "Schrottpapiere" (Lafontaine) sozialisiert, um sie dann an 1—HEUSCHRECKE zu verkaufen.
20081031             Und diesen Deal der Heuschrecke Lone Star habe ausgerechnet das Anwaltsbüro betreut, in dem auch FRIEDRICH—MERZ tätig ist.
20081031             Der wehrt gleich ab: Er habe damit persönlich nichts zu tun gehabt.
20081031             Lafontaine lässt sich nicht einordnen ins LINKS—RECHTS—SCHEMA.
20081031             Kapitalismus gegen Sozialismus, kann man in einer Talkshow die Systemfrage diskutieren?
20081031             —JETZT ist es quasi amtlich: Der Mensch ist Schuld daran, dass es an NORD—UND Südpol in den vergangenen —JAHREN immer wärmer geworden ist.
20081031             Dies belegen Simulationen der Temperaturentwicklung in ANTARKTIS und ARKTIS, die ein internationales Forscherteam im Fachblatt "Nature Geoscience" veröffentlicht hat.
20081031             Zwar sei der Erwärmungsprozess am Südpol weniger deutlich als am Nordpol, schreiben sie, aber die Messungen belegten, "dass die Temperaturen in den Regionen steigen, wo Daten verfügbar sind".
20081031             Die Studie bestätige "auf überzeugende Weise" die —BEREITS in FRÜHEREN—ARBEITEN geäußerte Annahme, dass die Klimaerwärmung menschgemacht sei, schrieb der USA—KLIMAFORSCHER ANDREW—MANAGHAN in einem Kommentar.
20081031             Die Kenntnis der Ursachen der Veränderung des Polarklimas bezeichnete Managhan als wichtigen Schlüssel zum Verständnis der ENTWICKLUNG—DES—POLAREISES.
20081031             Profizocker in der Krise: Hedgefonds fürchten verheerende Pleiteserie
20081031             KLIMA—SIMULATION: Erwärmung der Pole ist menschgemacht
20081031             Rettungspaket der Regierung: Gerüchte um Staatseinstieg bei Commerzbank verunsichern Anleger
20081031             Kindesmissbrauch: Vatikan fordert psychologische Tests für Priesteranwärter
20081031             —VERWEIGERT, Einwanderungsskandal: AUSTRALIEN, Jungem mit DOWN—SYNDROM Bleiberecht
20081031             Datenschützer an Unis: "Wir sind zahnlose Papiertiger"
20081031             Konsumrückgang: Verkäufe im Einzelhandel gehen zurück
20081031             Geldeintreiben von Ort: DEUTSCHE—KAUPTHING—KUNDEN erwägen Reise nach REYKJAVIK
20081031             Entsandten sind diese Lager im zuge der " Readiness Exercise 19840000             ", kurz >REX 84 <.
20081031             Eine Übung bei der die FEMA zusammen mit dem.
20081031             RIL—CLAN :: Forum :: Was is da bei den Amis los? oO :: Beiträge zeigen
20081031             The money: 1—SPOOKY story
20081031—19840000    —INCLUDED, His books, "THE—GOOD—WAR," which won 1—PULITZER—PRIZE.
20081031—19920000    —SINCE, THE—USA has not built 1—NEW—NUCLEAR—WEAPON.
20081031—19950000    —SLAMMED, Israelis from across the political spectrum, 1—DECISION to air the 1.—EVER television INTERVIEW—WITH—YIGAL—AMIR, —43—JAHRE—ALT, the extremist Jew who assassinated PRIME—MINISTER—YITZHAK—RABIN.
20081031—20050500    Visions From THE—HORIZON: "I support Special Order 40 [prohibiting police from making... bad enough that THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT—MAJORITY—PAYS—LITTLE heed to THE—USA—CONSTITUTION... visionsfromthehorizon.blogspot_com/2005 _05_01_archive.html
20081031—20080617    —REACHED, AMERICA—FORGOTTEN—WAR:, AMERICA—LONGEST—RUNNING war, another milestone - —37—YEARS and counting, with no end in sight.
20081031—20080617    —REACHED, AMERICA—LONGEST—RUNNING war, another milestone - —37—YEARS and counting, with no end in sight.
20081031—20081027    USA Invades Syria: Kills 8—CIVILLIANS
20081031—20081105    —ON, the fun starts.
20081031—20110000    —AFTER, BAGHDAD wants to delete ANY—REFERENCE in 1—SECURITY—PACT with WASHINGTON to THE—POSSIBILITY—OF—USA—TROOPS staying in IRAQ ,
20081031—20110000    —AFTER, IRAQ opposes ANY—CLAUSE letting USA stay :
20081031—20110000    —AFTER, IRAQ opposes ANY—CLAUSE letting USA stay : BAGHDAD wants to delete ANY—REFERENCE in 1—SECURITY—PACT with WASHINGTON to THE—POSSIBILITY—OF—USA—TROOPS staying in IRAQ 20110000             —AFTER, an MP close to PRIME—MINISTER—NURI—AL—MALIKI said —ON—THURSDAY.
20081031—20120000    —BY, and would ratify the deal even —THIS—YEAR, POLAND—LOCAL—MEDIA reported —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20081101             Fri, 20081031             200811010000 NEW—YORK—TIMES-
20081101             Fri, 20081031             20081101             researchers at Google
20090221—20090831    —FROM, 20091031             THROUGH, the hedge fund program lost HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS.
20091021             Madsen asks for our help into 5—STAR and "MISTER—HORN " (more... ? - 20051031             20091021             Madsen says new article forthcoming re: tieing it together and...
20091021             Madsen asks for our help into 5—STAR and "MISTER—HORN " (more... ? - 20051031             20091021—20010000    to 20030331             —THE—MEMORY—HOLE [rescuing knowledge...
20091021             Madsen asks for our help into 5—STAR and "MISTER—HORN " (more... ? - 20051031             20091029—20091031    —CONVICTED, Sowell, 1, rapist, was arrested.
20091029—20091031    —CONVICTED, Sowell, 1, rapist, was arrested.
20091031             —ZUM, Der GIRO—VERTRAG und die wichtigsten ZAHLUNGS—DIENSTE (Überweisungen, Lastschriften und Kartenzahlungen) sind neu in §§—675C—BIS §—676C BGB sowie im ZAHLUNGSDIENSTEAUFSICHTS—GESETZ (ZAG) geregelt worden.
20091031             Kreditinstitute können —NUNMEHR, mit ihren Kunden vereinbaren, daß der ZAHLUNGS—VERKEHR ausschließlich nach der sogenannten Kundenkennung (Kontonummer und Bankleitzahl bzw.
20091031             IBAN und BIC) erfolgt und DER—NAME des Überweisungsempfängers/ Lastschriftschuldners nicht mehr berücksichtigt wird.
20091031             DAS—NEUE—RECHT regelt auch Haftungs—, Beweisfragen und führt 1—VIELZAHL neuer Begriffe ein.
20091031             Vor dem Abschluss 1—ZAHLUNGSDIENSTERAHMENVERTRAGES (Unterformen hiervon sind: Girovertrag, Debitkartenvertrag, KREDITKARTEN—VERTRAG oder ONLINE—BANKING-/TELEFON—BANVERTRAG—KING—OF—) hat DER—KUNDE Anspruch auf Aushändigung umfangreicher
20091031             —ZUM, ist in Umsetzung der EU—ZAHLUNGSDIENSTEDIE—RICHTLINIE EUROPA—WEIT DAS—RECHT des Zahlungsverkehrs vereinheitlicht worden.
20091031             MENDOTA—CALIFORNIA, searchers found THE—BODY—OF—ALEX—MERCADO, —4—JAHRE—ALT stuffed into 1—CLOTHES dryer.
20091031             RAUL—RENATO—CASTRO, —14—JAHRE—ALT—LATER told investigators that he drowned his neighbor in 1—BATHTUB and then hid the body in 1—DRYER because the child was going to reveal that the teen had molested him.
20091031             —KILLED, SEATTLE—WASHINGTON, gunfire on 1—POLICE—PATROL—CAR, police officer TIMOTHY—BRENTON, —39—JAHRE—ALT.
20091031             Monfort was in serious condition —FOLLOWING surgery.
20091031             USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—HILLARY—RODHAM—CLINTON met with PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS and aides in the Gulf emirate of ABU—DHABI —BEFORE flying to ISRAEL, where she is expected to meet senior ISRAEL—OFFICIALS in 1—PUSH to restart peace negotiations.
20091031             1—SENIOR—PALESTINE—OFFICIAL said the Palestinians are unlikely to resume negotiations if ISRAEL does not halt Jewish settlement building.
20091031             —CALLED, —AFTER the talks Clinton, for 1—UNCONDITIONAL RESUMPTION—OF—PEACE—TALKS and welcomed ISRAEL—OFFER for 1—SLOWDOWN in settlement activity.
20091031             Amrullah Saleh, AFGHANISTAN—INTELLIGENCE—CHIEF, said authorities have arrested 8—PEOPLE, including 1 in SAUDI—ARABIA, in connection with —THIS—WEEK—DEADLY—ATTACK on 1—GUEST—HOUSE used by UN employees.
20091031             —ARRESTED, He said those, claimed the assailants came from PAKISTAN—SWAT—VALLEY.
20091031             † In SOUTH—HELMAND province 1—UK—SOLDIER was killed in 1—EXPLOSION.
20091031             † 1—AMERICAN, of wounds suffered from 1—BOMB—ATTACK.
20091031             1—UK—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL said the Royal BANK—OF—SCOTLAND, NORTH—ROCK, and Lloyds Banking Group are to sell off as many as 700—BRANCHES in the next few years in exchange for the public aid they received —DURING the economic meltdown.
20091031             CANADA, 2—MEN sought by THE—FBI and linked to 1—DETROIT—MUSLIM leader killed by USA—AUTHORITIES were arrested in WINDSOR, ONTARIO.
20091031             —WANTED, MOHAMMAD—AL—SAHLI, —33—JAHRE—ALT and Yassir ALI—KAHN, —30—JAHRE—ALT were, by THE—FBI for conspiracy to commit FEDERAL—CRIMES.
20091031             —REMOVED, CHINA—LEGISLATURE, ZHOU—JI (63), the country's unpopular education MINISTER, amid 1—CORRUPTION—SCANDAL in 1—CITY he used to oversee and widespread public dissatisfaction with the education system.
20091031             He studied at MIT and —LATER at THE—CALIFORNIA—INSTITUTE—OF—TECHNOLOGY, where he helped start the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
20091031             —KILLED, GUATEMALA, gunmen, 1—PRISON—GUARD and wounded 4—OTHERS outside 1—PRISON in GUATEMALA—CITY.
20091031             —REJECTED, Senior IRAN—LAWMAKERS, 1—UN—BACKED plan to ship MUCH—OF—THE—COUNTRY—URANIUM abroad for further enrichment, raising further doubts about the likelihood TEHRAN will finally approve the deal.
20091031             —ARRESTED, ITALY—POLICE, 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST wanted mafia fugitives —AFTER tearing down 1—WALL in 1—DAWN raid at 1—CHICKEN—FARM—NEAR—NAPLES where he had built 1—HIDEOUT.
20091031             MEXICO, Mayor Mauricio Fernandez told cheering supporters in S—PEDRO—GARZA—GARCIA, near MONTERREY, that "Black Saldana, who apparently is THE—1—WHO was asking for my head, was found dead —TODAY in MEXICO—CITY".
20091031             Hours —LATER MEXICO—OFFICIALS found 4—BOUND bodies in 1—SPORT—UTILITY—VEHICLE with HAND—LETTERED messages identifying the dead men as kidnappers.
20091031             —IDENTIFIED, Hector "Black" Soldana was not, for another —2—DAYS.
20091031             —TIPPED, Fernandez —LATER said USA—AUTHORITIES had, him off that somebody intercepted cartel communications and learned Saldana was planning to kill him, and he said unspecified intelligence sources told him Saldana was dead hours —BEFORE the bodies were found.
20091031             —CLOSED, PAKISTAN—SOLDIERS, in on 2—MAJOR—TALIBAN strongholds in SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN, as government jets pounded insurgent HIDE—OUTS and THE—PRIME—MINISTER said the country had no choice but to defeat the militants.
20091031             —BOMBED, PAKISTAN—JETS, 3—HIDE—OUTS of Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud in the Orkazai tribal region, killing at least 8—MILITANTS and wounding several others.
20091031             Another airstrike, about 40—MILES (70km) from the 1. and near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER, killed 7—MILITANTS in the Kurram tribal region.
20091031             —KILLED, The army said government soldiers had, 1—TOTAL—OF—33—MILITANTS over the past —24—HOURS, discovered 1—FACTORY for making roadside bombs and seized 1—HANDFUL—OF—WEAPONS.
20091031             7—PARAMILITARY—SOLDIERS driving through the Khyber tribal area were killed in 1—ROADSIDE bomb planted by suspected Taliban militants.
20091031             —ARRESTED, In KARACHI police, 3 suspected militants and seized 30—KILOGRAMS (65—POUNDS) of explosives and other weaponry.
20091031             —WOUNDED, PLAYA, BLANCA—PANAMA, 2—TEENAGE—BOYS, 1—AMERICAN and 1—RUSSIA—TOURIST in 1 botched robbery attempt.
20091031             —BATTERED, THE—PHILIPPINES—TYPHOON—MIRINAE, the 4. —SINCE—LATE—SEPTEMBER, MANILA and surrounding provinces, sending residents of 1—TOWN clambering onto rooftops to escape rising waters.
20091031             20—PEOPLE—WEE left dead with east 5—MISSING.
20091031             1—RUSSIA—NEWS—AGENCY reported that MOSCOW plans to buy 1—FRANCE—AMPHIBIOUS—ASSAULT ship, the 1. such purchase from 1—NATO—COUNTRY, as the Kremlin seeks to reaffirm RUSSIA—GLOBAL—REACH.
20091031             AHMED—GADAF, 1—SELF—DESCRIBED spokesman for SOMALIA—PIRATES, said that boats from other countries are plundering SOMALIA—FISH—RICH—WATERS.
20091031             —ORDERED, THE—UKRAINE—GOVERNMENT, schools nationwide to close —FOR—3—WEEKS due to swine flu, which has left 33—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20091031             —BANNED, Public gatherings were also, and restrictions on travel were imposed to stop THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—VIRUS.
20091031             oo THE—VATICAN said it will admit, Anglican priests to the Catholic priesthood case by case.
20091031             oo In no case could 1, man become 1—BISHOP, and the new rules would exclude ANY oo ANGLICAN—BISHOP from retaining that post.
20091031             Pandemie in DEUTSCHLAND: Virologen erwarten Andrang auf SCHWEINEGRIPPE—IMPFUNG
20091031             Angriff auf Tanklaster: NATO—BERICHT bescheinigt deutschem OBERST—FEHLVERHALTEN
20091031             —BARRED, The filing reads, "[THE—SEC'S] claims are, by virtue of [the SEC's] own conduct, which provided credibility to Madoff".
20091031             No legitimate BROKER—DEALER would allow this investor to maintain such 1—STAGGERING margin balance".
20091031             PICOWER—STATUS as 1—VICTIM began to change last May,
20091031             —WHEN Picard sued Picower for $5—BILLION of alleged fictitious profits from his Madoff accounts.
20091031             "In other words," the complaint states, "Defendants have received, at 1—MINIMUM, more than 5—BILLION DOLLARS—OF—OTHER—PEOPLE—MONEY".
20091031             —STATED, This amount is far greater than Madoff's, personal net worth, implying that Picower earned more from the Ponzi scheme than Madoff himself.
20091031             —INCREASED, Picard —LATER, the amount sought in the suit to $7.2—BILLION.
20091031             —INITIALLY explored by researchers in the '50s and '60s, sensory deprivation has become 1—CONTROVERSIAL—TOPIC.
20091031             —IMPLEMENTED, THE—CIA has, it as 1—FORM—OF—TORTURE, —WHILE others have discovered it has therapeutic value.
20091031             —CALLED, Suedfeld, sensory deprivation "1—OBSOLETE term used for what is —NOW referred to as Restrictive Environmental Stimulation Therapy".
20091031             Healthy people can get hallucinations under sensory deprivation," Morgan said.
20091031             "They experienced less (perceptual distortion) than HALLUCINATION—PRONE—PEOPLE, but still experienced some".
20091031             —NOTED, Morgan, who has done research on hallucinogenic drugs, the similarity in hallucinations produced by drugs and those produced in the anechoic chamber.
20091031             "(Sensory deprivation chambers are used to study thinking, emotions, memory and so forth —WHEN there is minimal environmental stimuli,"
20091031             said PETER—SUEDFELD, psychologist at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—BRITISH—COLUMBIA in VANCOUVER
20091031             who has done research on sensory deprivation —FOR—30—YEARS.
20091031             Wo Murdoch aufkreuzt, bricht Entrüstung oder Angst aus.
20091031             Drohende Insolvenz: Größte USA—MITTELSTANDSBANK CIT erhält MILLIARDEN—KREDIT
20091031             Angestellt beim Discounter: ALDI—MITARBEITER beklagen gezielte Schikane
20091031             Liebe über den Tod hinaus: Das Geheimnis der ÄGYPTISCHEN—TIERMUMIEN
20091031—19360000    —IN, Qian left for THE—USA—AFTER winning 1—SCHOLARSHIP to graduate school.
20091031—19550000    —REGARDED, Qian, also known as Tsien HSUE—SHEN, was, as 1—OF—THE—BRIGHTEST—MINDS in the new FIELD—OF—AERONAUTICS—BEFORE returning to CHINA, driven OUT—OF—THE—USA at THE—HEIGHT—OF—ANTICOMMUNIST fervor.
20091031—19950000    —SINCE, SALVATORE—RUSSO, —51—JAHRE—ALT, THE—HEAD—OF—1—CAMORRA clan carrying his name, had been sentenced to life in prison for homicide and links to organized crime and was on the run.
20091031—20060000    —SINCE, He became the 1. city police officer killed in THE—LINE—OF—DUTY.
20091031—20091103    —ANNOUNCED, Police, THE—ARREST—OF—THE—2—TEENAGERS.
20091031—20091106    —ON, suspect CHRISTOPHER—MONFORT was shot by police as he drew 1—GUN on officers investigating THE—DEATH—OF—BRENTON.
20091031—20120000    —IN, NEW—YORK—TIMES—CORRESPONDENT—JODI Kantor, tells of the 1. Halloween party in "THE—OBAMAS".
20091122             CREC-20010000—20100000    .../CREC- 20011031             —SENATE.pdf 20091122             REPORT ON PROGRAMME MANIPULATION I. INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY
20091122             PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES—OF—THE—107. CONGRESS, 1. SESSION... CREC-20010000—20100000    .../CREC- 20011031             —SENATE.pdf 20091122             REPORT ON PROGRAMME MANIPULATION I. INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY
20091216             THE—UK—BOARD—OF—THE—UK—PAYMENTS—COUNCIL, the body for setting payment strategy in BRITAIN, agreed to 20090901             —TARGET date of 20181031             for winding up the check clearing system.
20100408—20111031    —SENTENCED, Kamm was, to 4 ½ years in prison.
20100430             Closing date was set for 20101031             .
20101031             1—USA—MILITARY—JUDGE, under 1—PLEA bargain, sentencing OMAR—KHADR, —24—JAHRE—ALT to 8—MORE—YEARS in custody for war crimes.
20101031             —ADMITTED, The young Canadian had, to 5—WAR—CRIMES—CHARGES, including killing 1—USA—SOLDIER in AFGHANISTAN.
20101031             —CALLED, The sentence, for him to stay at THE—GUANTANAMO prison another —YEAR—BEFORE he can ask CANADA—GOVERNMENT to allow him to return to his homeland to serve out his sentence or seek early release on parole.
20101031             TEXAS, THE—SF—GIANTS won game 4—OF—THE—WORLD—SERIES 4—0—AGAINST THE—TEXAS—RANGERS putting them up 3—GAMES to 1.
20101031             —ATTACKED, AFGHANISTAN—MILITANTS, 1—CONVOY carrying supplies for the police, Education Ministry, and THE—UN—WORLD—FOOD—PROGRAM in WEST—NIMROZ province.
20101031             6—MILITANTS were killed and 1—POLICEMAN was wounded in the gunbattle.
20101031             A —2—DAY—BATTLE over 1—BOMB—MAKING factory in REG—I—KHAN Nishin district ended with NATO and AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS killing 15—INSURGENTS.
20101031             BRAZIL held elections.
20101031             Dilma Rousseff (62), THE—HAND—PICKED CANDIDATE—OF—PRESIDENT—LULA da Silva was the heavy favorite to replace him in the runoff election.
20101031             —ELECTED, Dilma Rousseff was, over centrist rival JOSE—SERRA 56—PERCENT to 44—PERCENT and will be the 1. woman to direct Latin AMERICA—BIGGEST nation.
20101031             —WRAPPED, CHINA, up its RECORD—BREAKING World Expo with 1—LAVISH—DISPLAY—OF—NATIONAL—PRIDE, as organizers of the mammoth event pledged to continue pursuing more sustainable, balanced growth.
20101031             —SURPASSED, Over 72—MILLION—VISITORS, the record 19700000             fair in OSAKA—JAPAN, which drew 64—MILLION.
20101031             1—FRANCE—AIRLINER landed at BAGHDAD INTERNATIONAL Airport, becoming 1—OF—THE 1. passenger planes to fly into THE—IRAQ—CAPITAL—DIRECT from WEST—EUROPE —SINCE the Gulf War and opening 1—POTENTIAL—NEW—ROUTE to stronger INTERNATIONAL business ties.
20101031             IRAQ, 1—AL—QAEDA attack left 68—PEOPLE—DEAD including 46—HOSTAGES, 7—POLICE and 5—ATTACKERS, at the Sayidat AL—NEJAT—SYRIAC—CHRISTIAN cathedral (Our LADY—OF—SALVATION) in BAGHDAD.
20101031             —ENDED, The attack, with police storming the church to free more than 100—HOSTAGES.
20101031             —KILLED, Officials said MOST—OF—THE—CASUALTIES were, or wounded —WHEN the security forces raided the place and that the attack was aimed at driving the Christian minority OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20101031             —CITED, AL—QAIDA, the cases of 2—EGYPT—WOMEN, wives of Coptic priests, who had converted to Islam in order to get away from their abusive husbands.
20101031             A 4. man was sentenced to —20—YEARS in prison.
20101031             —FOLLOWED, PRESIDENT—LAURENT—GBAGBO won 38%, by 32% for Alassane Ouattara, the main opposition leader.
20101031             —ENDORSED, FORMER—PRESIDENT—HENRI—KONAN—BEDIE came in 3. with 25% and —LATER, Ouattara in 1—RUN—OFF, set for 20101128             .
20101031             JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER—NAOTO—KAN said VIETNAM has chosen JAPAN as 1—PARTNER to mine rare earth metals and develop nuclear power.
20101031             —SUSPECTED, KENYA, 1, elephant poacher was killed on the outskirts of MERU National Park.
20101031             2 suspected poachers were killed —LAST—WEEK in Tsavo National Park —FOLLOWING the poaching deaths of 4—OTHER—ELEPHANTS.
20101031             —BURNED, It was found completely, with 1—CORPSE in the trunk.
20101031             Dion was last seen about —1—WEEK—AGO in ACAPULCO.
20101031             † EDGAR—LOPEZ, —35—JAHRE—ALT—OF—EL—PASO, TEXAS, was killed along with 2—MEXICO—MEN—WHEN gunmen opened fire on 1—GROUP standing outside 1—HOUSE in CIUDAD—JUAREZ.
20101031             —WEIGHED, NIGER voters, in on 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION that would impose presidential term limits and pardon MEMBERS—OF—1—MILITARY junta that seized power —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR.
20101031             —PASSED, The country's new constitution, with 90—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
20101031             WALID—HUSAYIN, —26—JAHRE—ALT, 1—PALESTINE—BLOGGER, was arrested in THE—WEST—BANK.
20101031             He had set off 1—UPROAR in the Arab world by sarcastically claiming he was God and hurling insults at the Prophet Muhammad.
20101031             He was caught in 1—STING that used Facebook to track him down.
20101031             Husayin —LATER—POSTED the letter on his blog in hopes of winning release.
20101031             —ENDORSED, SAUDI—ARABIA—TOP—GOVERNMENT—SANCTIONED BOARD—OF—SENIOR—ISLAMIC—CLERICS, 1—FATWA that calls for 1—BAN on female vendors because it violates the kingdom's strict SEGREGATION—OF—THE—SEXES.
20101031             SUDAN shut THE—KHARTOUM—OFFICE—OF—RADIO—DABANGA, whose reports on Darfur have angered it, and arrested 13—STAFF from the radio station and 1—RIGHTS—GROUP that shares its offices.
20101031             9—JOURNALISTS and 4—HAND—ACTIVISTS were detained —DURING the weekend raids.
20101031             TANZANIA—RULING party, which has been in power for close to HALF—1—CENTURY, faced 1 energized opposition in national elections, —FOLLOWING corruption scandals that have undermined the government's popularity.
20101031             ZANZIBAR, ALI—MOHAMMED—SHEIN, —62—JAHRE—ALT won the election with 50.1—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
20101031             —SUSPECTED, TURKEY, 1, suicide bomber wounded 15—OFFICERS and 17—CIVILIANS in ISTANBUL—MAIN—SQUARE, as 1 extended unilateral ceasefire by the separatist PKK came to 1—END.
20101031             —CLAIMED, The radical Kurdistan Freedom Falcons (TAK) —LATER, responsibility.
20101031             —VOTED, UKRAINE, for local councils and mayors in 1—ELECTION which should provide the 1. real clues to PRESIDENT—YANUKOVICH—STANDING at home —SINCE his election last February.
20101031             Exit polls said YANUKOVYCH—SWEPT elections to regional councils —THROUGHOUT the country.
20101031             —ORDERED, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—CHAVEZ, the nationalization of local steel company Sidetur in the latest of several recent government takeovers.
20101031—20020000    —IN, IVORY—COAST held 1—LONG—AWAITED presidential election, the 1. —SINCE civil war erupted and SPLIT the world's leading cocoa producer in half.
20101031—20080000    —PUBLISHED, His memoir "Counselor" was.
20101031—20101103    —ON, He was sworn in as PRESIDENT.
20101031—20101105    —ON, election officials said TANZANIA—PRESIDENT—JAKAYA—KIKWETE won a 2. term in office with 61—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
20101031—20110802    —ON, 1—BAGHDAD court convicted 3—IRAQIS and sentenced them to death for their role in the church siege.
20101127—20101031    —ARRESTED, IRAQ, 12—MILITANTS suspected of helping take Christians hostage in 1—CHURCH—SIEGE that killed 44—WORSHIPPERS and 2—PRIESTS.
201102041031         Tens of thousands are —NOW taking part in —FRIDAY prayers in Tahrir Square.
20110714—20111031    —IN, The temporary ban would expire, in line with THE—EU—SUSPENSION.
20110724—20101031    —ON, 1—IRAQ—ANTI—TERRORISM—OFFICIAL said SECURITY—FORCESHAVE smashed 1—AL?QAEDA—NETWORK—ALLEGEDLY—RESPONSIBLE—FOR—MORE than 100—KILLINGS in BAGHDAD, including attacks, 20110508             and 20110526             —THIS—YEAR.
20110929—20111031    —ON, the Hickman's were sentenced to over —6—YEARS in prison.
20111014—20111031    —DENIED, AL—QAEDA in the Arabian Peninsula, THE—DEATH—OF—ITS—MEDIA—CHIEF.
20111021—20111031    —ANNOUNCED, NATO, plans to end its —7-MONTH mission in LIBYA but will issue 1—FORMAL—DECISION—NEXT—WEEK—AFTER consulting THE—UN and LIBYA—INTERIM—AUTHORITIES.
20111028             —AGREED, NATO—ALLIES formally, to end THE—7—MONTH—MISSION in LIBYA 20111031             .
20111031             —VOM, laut eigener PRESSE—MITTEILUNG
20111031             ARIZONA law enforcement officials said 1—MASSIVE—DRUG smuggling ring has been broken up.
20111031             —ARRESTED, Over the past —MONTH 76—PEOPLE were, linked to the Sinaloa drug cartel, which over the last —5—YEARS had generated over $2—BILLION by smuggling cocaine, heroin and marijuana into THE—USA.
20111031             MF Global, 1—NEW—YORK brokerage firm run by FORMER—NEW—JERSEY GOVERNOR—JON—CORZINE, filed for bankruptcy.
20111031             AFGHANISTAN, insurgents driving 1—SUICIDE—TRUCK—BOMB and attacking on foot killed 5—PEOPLE, including 3—UN—EMPLOYEES, near THE—OFFICES—OF—THE—UN—REFUGEE—AGENCY in THE—KANDAHAR city.
20111031             —EXCHANGED, AFGHANISTAN—FORCES and the militants, fire for nearly —7—HOURS—BEFORE the militants were killed.
20111031             —INAUGURATED, ALGIERS, its LONG—AWAITED underground METRO system amid much fanfare —AFTER—3—DECADES—OF—WORK interrupted by 1—OIL—CRISIS and 1—CIVIL—WAR.
20111031             1—AUSTRALIA—COURT ended the strikes and employee lockout that had abruptly grounded Qantas Airways and stranded TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PASSENGERS—WORLDWIDE.
20111031             —REFERRED, The government, the dispute to Fair Work AUSTRALIA, which ordered both sides into —21—DAYS—OF—TALKS.
20111031             BANGLADESH wildlife officials said BANGLADESH will declare 3—RIVER—AREAS in its southwest as dolphin sanctuaries, in 1—BID to protect the country's population of endangered freshwater cetaceans.
20111031             —WARNED—OF, THE—HEAD—OF—UK—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY—GCHQ, a "disturbing" rise in cyber attacks on the country's government and industry systems which he said risked damaging the economy.
20111031             —SUBMITTED, EDF Energy, its application to build the 1. new nuclear power plant in BRITAIN, the country's Infrastructure Planning Commission (IPC) confirmed in 1—STATEMENT.
20111031             —SIGNED, CHINA, LAOS—MYANMAR and THAILAND, 1—REGIONAL—SECURITY—AGREEMENT pledging to share intelligence and to engage in joint patrols along 1—STRETCH of the Mekong between CHINA and the Golden Triangle.
20111031             —DISSOLVED, COLOMBIA—PRESIDENT—JUAN—MANUEL—SANTOS, THE—SCANDAL—PLAGUED DAS domestic intelligence agency, saying its employees will be transferred to other state offices.
20111031             —MARCHED, More than 3,000 Egyptians, through downtown CAIRO, protesting the military's ARREST—OF—ALAA—ABDEL—FATTAH, 1—PROMINENT—BLOGGER—ACTIVIST, in the latest sign of discontent with the ruling generals' MANAGING—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20111031             † IN—INDIA—SAMDUP—TASO, —83—JAHRE—ALT, the last Lepcha priest in Sikkim.
20111031             This left the Lepchas without 1—SPIRITUAL—LEADER to offer prayers to Kanchenjunga, the world's 3.—HIGHEST mountain, which is revered as SIKKIM—GUARDIAN deity.
20111031             ISRAEL—AIRCRAFT struck THE—SOUTH—GAZA Strip targeting ROCKET—LAUNCHING militants.
20111031             —REPORTED, PALESTINE—OFFICIALS, that 2—MEN were found dead in the area.
20111031             —ATTACKED, THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY said its aircraft, 1—SQUAD that had —JUST fired 1—ROCKET into ISRAEL.
20111031             The group's report "No Home, No Homeland" accuses ISRAEL of making it almost impossible for Palestinians to obtain building permits.
20111031             —AGREED, JAPAN and VIETNAM, to move ahead with 1—PLAN to export JAPAN—NUCLEAR—TECHNOLOGY to build reactors in VIETNAM despite JAPAN—ONGOING nuclear crisis.
20111031             —AGREED, PRIME—MINISTER—YOSHIHIKO—NODA and his VIETNAM—COUNTERPART Nguyen Tan Dung also, to jointly mine rare earth minerals in VIETNAM.
20111031             —CALLED, KENYA and SOMALIA, for other nations to help in their fight against Islamist insurgents.
20111031             THE—NATO —7-MONTH air campaign left at least 40—CIVILIANS—DEAD.
20111031             —SEIZED, MEXICO—SOLDIERS, 2—CATAPULTS and 1.4—TONS (1.3—METRIC—TONS—OF—MARIJUANA) —DURING 1—RAID in Agua Prieta, across the border from DOUGLAS—ARIZONA.
20111031             MEXICO, 1—LIGHT—AIRPLANE taking off from the border CITY—OF—TIJUANA crashed into 1—AUTO repair shop near 1—STREET—MARKET, killing 3—PEOPLE and setting fire to several cars.
20111031             † ALI—SAIBOU, —71—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—PRESIDENT—OF—NIGER (19870000—19930000    ) in THE—CAPITAL—NIAMEY.
20111031             ALI—SAIBOU brought MULTI—PARTY politics to THE—WEST—AFRICA—COUNTRY.
20111031             —ADMITTED, THE—PALESTINIANS were, to UNESCO as full members in 1—VOTE at THE—UN—CULTURAL—BODY'S—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY in PARIS.
20111031             —ADOPTED, The resolution was, by 107—COUNTRIES, 14—COUNTRIES voted against and 52 abstained, bringing member states to 195.
20111031             —CAPTURED, SOMALIA—PIRATES, 1—GREECE—CHEMICAL—TANKER and were commandeering it to 1—HIDEOUT in THE—NORTH—OF—THE—WAR—TORN country.
20111031             THE—MT—LIQUID—VELVET had 21—FILIPINOS and 1—GREECE—SAILOR on BOARD.
20111031             —KILLED, HUNDREDS—OF—SPLM—NORTH—REBELS were, in clashes with THE—SUDAN—ARMY in SOUTH—KORDOFAN, SUDAN—ONLY—OIL producing state where the army is battling insurgents.
20111031             1—TUNISIA—COURT was reported to have issued 1—INTERNATIONAL—ARREST—WARRANT against Suha Arafat (48), the widow of the late PALESTINE—LEADER—YASSER Arafat over alleged corruption.
20111031             —ARRESTED, UGANDA—OPPOSITION—LEADER—KIZZA Besigye was, as he set off from his home with —AROUND 20—SUPPORTERS to walk THE—14—KM (7—MILES) into KAMPALA—CENTER.
20111031             —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR he launched a "WALK—TO—WORK" protest over high living costs.
20111031             —MARKED, THE—UN, the world population reaching 7—BILLION amid fears of how the planet will cope.
20111031             —WARNED, ZIMBABWE state media said PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE has, SWITZERLAND he would "reciprocate" —AFTER his wife and top officials were denied visas to attend 1—UN meeting in that country.
20111031             —LAUNCHED, ZIMBABWE, a $430—MILLION—FUND was, with the help of THE—EU and UNICEF to give children and pregnant women free medical care at public hospitals.
20111031             Die Vereinten Nationen proklamieren 7—MILLIARDEN Menschen auf der Erde.
20111031—19670000    —SUBMITTED, ISRAEL—COMMITTEE—AGAINST—HOUSE—DEMOLITIONS (ICAHD), complaints to 3—UN—SPECIAL—REPORTERS, demanding they launch 1—INVESTIGATION into THE—LEGALITY—OF—ISRAEL—POLICY in the eastern sector of JERUSALEM, which it occupied and —LATER annexed, 1—MOVE never recognized by THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD.
20111031—19820000    —IN, Work for AFRICA—2. METRO —AFTER CAIRO began in earnest.
20111031—20060000    —SUMMER—OF, 1—ARIZONA jury found MARK—GOUDEAU, —47—JAHRE—ALT, identified as THE—PHOENIX area Baseline Killer, GUILTY—OF—MURDERING 9—PEOPLE in the.
20111031—20060000    —APPEARED, The case, to be connected to 1—SCHOOL she founded with the wife of the ousted PRESIDENT—BEN—ALI.
20111031—20070000    —STRIPPED—OF, She was, her TUNISIA—CITIZENSHIP —FOLLOWING 1—DISPUTE with the former ruling family and currently lives in MALTA.
20111031—20111104    —RESIGNED, Corzine (64), 1—FORMER—CO—CEO—AT—GOLDMAN—SACHS, amid regulatory probes.
20111031—20111230    —SENTENCED, Goudeau was, to death.
20111101—20111031    —FILED, MF Global, for bankruptcy.
20121015—20121031    —FREED, The kidnapped sailors were.
20121031             —ESTIMATED, S—FRANCISCO, 1, 1—MILLION—PLUS people turned out to celebrate THE—SF—GIANTS—WORLD—SERIES—VICTORY—PARADE.
20121031             —PASSED, ARGENTINA—LAWMAKERS, legislation that lowered the voting age from 18 to 16.
20121031             —CONFISCATED, BRAZIL—MILITARY said it has, 4—TONS—OF—DRUGS, 5—DOZEN—VEHICLES and 200—BOATS used by drug traffickers in a —3-WEEK operation along borders with BOLIVIA and PERU.
20121031             —EXPLODED, COLOMBIA, 1—SUITCASE bomb, near 1—TOWN—SQUARE where 5,000 children were celebrating Halloween, killing 2 suspected FARC bombers and injuring 37—PEOPLE, including 2—BOYS who were hospitalized in critical condition.
20121031             1—TROPICAL—STORM slammed into SOUTH—INDIA, bringing heavy rain and 1—STORM surge and displacing 150,000—PEOPLE.
20121031             6—DEATHS were reported in INDIA and SRI—LANKA.
20121031             —REPORTED, The kaleme_org, that 9—IRAN—WOMEN have started 1—HUNGER—STRIKE—AFTER female guards at Evin prison in NORTH—TEHRAN carried out unannounced inspections that included body searches, beating and verbal INSULTS—OF—THE—PRISONERS.
20121031             † ITALY—ARCHITECT Gae Aulenti (84) at her home in Milan.
20121031             —INCLUDED, Her work, 19860000             —THE makeover of 1—PARISIAN train station into the Musee D'Orsay as well as 20030000             —THE—MAKEOVER—OF—S—FRANCISCO—ASIAN—ART—MUSEUM.
20121031             † 1—TOP—1—TOP—KENYA—OFFICIAL said more than 2,700 AFRICA—UNION—TROOPS from UGANDA have in SOMALIA.
20121031             † About 3—DOZEN—KENYA—FORCES have, there over THE—LAST—YEAR.
20121031             —ENDORSED, LIBYA—CONGRESS, the new government formed by PRIME—MINISTER—ALI—ZIDAN.
20121031             It included Foreign MINISTER—ALI—AL—ALOUJI and THE—MINISTER—OF—RELIGIOUS—ENDOWMENT who both served under Gadhafi.
20121031             SPAIN—INFRASTRUCTURE—COMPANY—FERROVIAL said 1—ARM—OF—CHINA—SOVEREIGN wealth fund has taken a 10—PERCENT stake in the holding company controlling BRITAIN—LARGEST—AIRPORT—HEATHROW.
20121031             —POUNDED, SYRIA—WARPLANES, opposition strongholds —AROUND DAMASCUS and in the north, as PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD—FORCES intensified airstrikes against rebels seeking to topple him.
20121031             —KILLED, Activists said 116 were, nationwide in airstrikes, artillery shelling and fighting.
20121031             —INCLUDED, This, 41—PEOPLE killed in ALEPPO and 35 in the suburbs of DAMASCUS.
20121031             SOUTH—THAILAND, 1—SCHOOL—TEACHER and his —11—YEAR—OLD—SON were shot dead.
20121111—20121031    "Ich habe dann sichergestellt", so Cantor, "dass
20121111—20121031    Direktor MUELLER von diesen ernsten Vorwürfen und potentiellen Risiken für unsere NATIONAL—SICHERHEIT erfuhr".
20121111—20121031    ROBERT—MUELLER ist der DIREKTOR—DES—FBI.
20121111—20121031    wird Cantor in der "NEW—YORK—TIMES"zitiert.
20121111—20121031    —ENDE uder ihm von 1—AUSSEREHELICHEN LIEBES—AFFÄRE PETRAEUS' und damit einhergehenden SICHERHEITS—BEDENKEN berichtet habe,
20121111—20121031    —ENDE und ERIC—CANTOR sei von 1—FBI—WHISTLE—BLOWER kontaktiert worden,
20121111—20121031    —ENDE, der ihm von 1—AUSSEREHELICHEN LIEBES—AFFÄRE PETRAEUS' und damit einhergehenden SICHERHEITS—BEDENKEN berichtet habe,
20131031             Für Sieglinde Geisel beweist 1—DISKUSSION beim BERLINer Akademietag zur Aufklärung, daß "DIE—AUFKLÄRUNG längst nicht mehr nur 1—PROJEKT des Westens oder der Moderne, sondern 1—DES globalen 20000101—20991231    "ist.
20131031             68. —SEIT—DEM, 20130701             ...
20131031             —SEIT—DEM 20130701             hat sich DAS—THEMA sowieso erledigt.
20131031             SEITDEM ist nämlich das TKGBDAG in Kraft.
20131031             Kennen Sie nicht? Dann viel "Spaß"beim LESEN—DAS ist KEIN Joke!
20131031             Neuregelung der Bestandsdatenauskunft (TKGBDAG);
20131031             NSA—CHEF—KEITH—ALEXANDER erklärte, nur den gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Weg beim SAMMELN—VON—INFORMATIONEN zu gehen.
20131031             MILITÄR: FRANKREICH zieht letzte Kampfeinheit aus DEUTSCHLAND ab
20131031             LIBOR—SKANDAL : FANNIE—MAE verklagt 9—BANKEN wegen ZINS—MANIPULATION
20131031             GEHEIM—DIENSTE aus Partnerländern wie DEN—USA haben die VERFASSUNGS—SCHÜTZER —BISHER, praktisch nämlich noch gar nicht auf dem Schirm: 1—SYSTEMATISCHE Beobachtung "befreundeter NACHRICHTEN—DIENSTE"unterbleibe, heißt es.
20131031             "DEUTSCHLAND dürfte aufgrund seiner geopolitischen Lage, seiner Wirtschaftskraft, seines wissenschaftlichen und technischen Entwicklungsstands und seiner zunehmenden internationalen Bedeutung 1—BEVORZUGTES Ausforschungsziel fremder NACHRICHTEN—DIENSTE sein und bleiben", heißt es in 1—ALS Verschlusssache eingestuften BFV—PAPIER.
20131031             "Was Coulson wusste, wusste auch Brooks, und was Brooks wusste, wusste auch Coulson, das ist der Punkt", sagte DER—STAATS—ANWALT.
20131031             ALEXANDER will sich den SCHWARZEn PETER nicht zuschieben LASSEN—NICHT von den DEUTSCHEN, nicht von den EUROPÄERn, nicht vom USA—PRÄSIDENTEN.
20131031             ATOM—KRAFT in EUROPA: Oettinger will einheitliche Versicherung gegen AKW—UNFÄLLE
20131031             Aber der Schlaf ist überlebenswichtig und kann nicht einfach auf andere Zeiten gelegt werden.
20131031             Als problematisch wird in Fachkreisen auch die föderale Zerfaserung der SPIONAGEabwehr betrachtet.
20131031             Anders gesagt, was bringt es Airbus bei 1—MILLIARDEN—DEAL gute Konditionen mit potentiellen Kunden auszuhandeln, wenn DIE—NSA aufgrund ihrer ausspionierten Informationen, Boeing den Tipp gibt "geht mit dem Preis nochmal etwas runter und ihr seid wieder drin im Geschäft".
20131031             Angeklickt: So liest DIE—NSA auch Ihre E—MAILS
20131031             Auch die Vertreter von Exportbranchen äußerten sich mit deutlichen Worten.
20131031             Auf gut Deutsch: —SEIT—TAGEN werden DIE—AMERIKANER am Pariser Platz von 1—WAHREN Shitstorm heimgesucht.
20131031             BERLIN aber ausgerechnet —JETZT so prominent an den Pranger zu stellen, ist fast 1—AFFRONT.
20131031             BERLIN, Das Mobiltelefon von BUNDES—KANZLERIN—ANGELA—MERKEL (CDU) ist der NEW—YORK—TIMES zufolge nur die Spitze des Eisbergs bei den Spähaktivitäten des USA—GEHEIM—DIENST—NSA im Politikbetrieb.
20131031             BUNDES—KRIMINAL—AMT im nahen MECKENHEIM
20131031             —VERSUCHT, Bedenken gegenüber DER—NEUEN Technik, FACEBOOK auszuräumen.
20131031             Bei Caitlin HAYDEN, DER—SPRECHERIN—VON—OBAMAS—NATIONALEM—SICHERHEITS—RAT, klang das so: Man habe sich getroffen, "um die KO—OPERATION zwischen amerikanischen und DEUTSCHEN—GEHEIM—DIENSTEN weiter zu intensivieren und zu vertiefen".
20131031             Bei SPD—POLITIKERN und gewerkschaftsnahen WIRTSCHAFTS—FORSCHERN stießen DIE—VORWÜRFE aus WASHINGTON jedoch zumindest teilweise auf Verständnis.
20131031             Bei überwachten Politikern sollen den Angaben zufolge die Gesprächsinhalte in riesigen DATEN—BANKEN gespeichert werden und dort —WOCHEN— oder sogar —MONATE—LANG zum Abruf bereitstehen.
20131031             Besprochen werden LIONEL—BAIERS unromantischer Film "Comme les voleurs (à l'est)"über den Putsch 19740000             —VON, in PORTUGAL, der als NELKEN—REVOLUTION—IN—DIE—GESCHICHTE einging,
20131031             Bitte was?
20131031             Brisante Funde: UNI—KLINIK KIEL ließ beim Umzug auch Arztbriefe liegen
20131031             —GEHABT, BRITISCHER—ABHÖR—SKANDAL, Brooks und Coulson sollen Affäre, haben
20131031             DAS—WEIßE—HAUS wirkt unsicher, wie es mit immer neuen NSA—PEINLICHKEITEN Schritt halten soll.
20131031             DER—DEUTSCHE—BOTSCHAFTER dort kann Herrn SNOWDEN, wenn er das anbietet in die Karosse packen und Nach BERLIN die 1700—KM fahren, ggf.
20131031             DER—PRÄSIDENT setzt sich vorsichtig von den GEHEIM—DIENSTEN ab.
20131031             DEUTSCHES—FINANZ—VERMÖGEN: Länder und Gemeinden reicher, Bund ärmer
20131031             DEUTSCHLAND könnte sich weltweite Achtung
20131031             DEUTSCHLANDs Agentenjäger: Nur bedingt abwehrbereit
20131031             DIE—AUFZEICHNUNG der CURSOR—BEWEGUNGEN würden die Kenntnisse darüber, wie FACEBOOK—MITGLIEDER die Seite nutzen, erheblich erweitern.
20131031             DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG strebt aber 1—ABKOMMEN zu 1—VERSTÄRKTEN ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT DER—GEHEIM—DIENSTE beider Länder an, das 1—GEGENSEITIGES Ausspionieren verbietet.
20131031             DIE—MAUS—ÜBERWACHUNG soll messen, wie lange 1—NUTZER mit seinem Cursor auf bestimmten BEREICHEN—DER—WEB—SEITE verharrt, wo mit 1—RECHTSKLICK weitere Aktionen eingeleitet werden, wann gescrollt wird.
20131031             DIE—OBAMA—REGIERUNG spiele in die Aufbereitung des SPIONAGE—SKANDALS nicht mehr die wichtigste Rolle, glaubt auch der EU—ABGEORDNETE JAN—PHILIPP—ALBRECHT.
20131031             DIE—RE—AKTION von Google auf neue Enthüllungen in der NSA—AFFÄRE ist deutlich.
20131031             DIE—TELEKOM klagt gerade GEGEN—DIE—HER—AUSGABE einzelner DATEN, damit wird es ja öffentlich.
20131031             DIE—UNION hält DIE—DATEN—SAMMLUNG zur VERBRECHEN—BEKÄMPFUNG für unverzichtbar.
20131031             DIE—USA—HALBJAHRES—BERICHTE—ÜBER—INTERNATIONALE Wirtschafts—, WECHSEL—KURS—POLITIK sind sperrige Lektüre.
20131031             DIE—VERTEILUNG der Chronotypen in der GESELLSCHAFT geht so weit auseinander, daß sich die Extreme 1—BETT teilen könnten, ohne sich jemals zu begegnen.
20131031             DIE—GROßEN USA—INTERNET—KONZERNE fürchten sonst, Nutzer zu verlieren.
20131031             Dabei sei FACEBOOK nicht das 1. Unternehmen, das die Mausbewegungen der Besucher auf seiner WEB—SEITE aufzeichne.
20131031             Dafür spricht, daß DIE—EU—PARLAMENTARIER WÄHREND ihres Besuches in WASHINGTON von Medienanfragen überschüttet wurden, sonst 1—SELTENHEIT.
20131031             —BEGONNEN, Das Gerangel hat, die SPÄH—AFFÄRE spaltet Amerikas Führung.
20131031             Das bedeute auch 1—ANGEMESSENE Lohnentwicklung.
20131031             Das ist die Lösung für DAS—PROBLEM.
20131031             Das ist weder 1—PROBLEM noch in irgendeiner Hinsicht widersprüchlich.
20131031             Das, was —JETZT als Kritik von DER—USA—REGIERUNG kommt, fordern —SCHON—SEIT—JAHREN, ÖKONOMEN wie der NOBEL—PREIS—TRÄGER PAUL—KRUGMAN.
20131031             Der DIREKTOR—DES—GEWERKSCHAFTSNAHEN—INSTITUT—FÜR—MAKROÖKONOMIE und KONJUNKTUR—FORSCHUNG (IMK), GUSTAV—HORN, sagte, die Kritik sei "absolut gerechtfertigt".
20131031             Der beginnende FASCHISMUS (incipient fascism) in diesem Land ist unterwegs.
20131031             —BEMERKENSWERT, Der scharfe Ton ist auch, da WASHINGTON und BERLIN solche Punkte sonst lieber diskret hinter den Kulissen ansprechen
20131031             Der seltsame Austausch spiegelt die Stimmung in WASHINGTON gut wieder.
20131031             Doch KURZ—VOR, dem ENDE—DES Treffens halten DIE—AMERIKANER inne: Wie man denn eigentlich weitermachen solle, fragen sie nachdenklich.
20131031             —VERÄNDERT, Doch —JETZT hat sich etwas : DIE—BOTSCHAFT habe wegen der NSA—SACHE VIELE—ERBOSTE—BRIEFE und E—MAILS—VON—DEUTSCHEN erhalten, sagt der BOTSCHAFTER.
20131031             Doesn't THE—NSA —JUST record everything it can, which means all CELL—PHONE and most INTERNET traffic?
20131031             ENERGIE—POLITIK 1—GROSSE—KOALITION: Ökos im Abseits
20131031             EU—BEITRITT: TÜRKEI fordert Ende europäischer "Blockaden"
20131031             Engaging in "1—COMPREHENSIVE—EFFORT to gain 1—ADVANTAGE over other nations, both friend and foe"has been the "mission'' of AMERICA all along —FOR—DECADES in INTERNATIONAL matters, never mind periodic loftiest speeches by USA—PRESIDENTS—OF either REPUBLICAN or DEMOCRATIC—PARTY, such as REAGAN's
20131031             Exportstärke: USA üben scharfe KRITIK—AN—DEUTSCHLAND—WIRTSCHAFTS—POLITIK
20131031             —ZITIERT, FACEBOOK—MANAGER KEN—RUDIN wird mit der Aussage, die erbrachten DATEN würden gesammelt, um sie für unterschiedliche Zwecke zu nutzen.
20131031             FRANKREICH—PRÄSIDENT—FRANÇOIS—HOLLANDE: Fehlbesetzung im Elysée
20131031             —TORPEDIERT, GAS—STREIT: RUSSLAND, Annäherung zwischen UKRAINE und EU
20131031             Geschichtsfälschung?
20131031             GISELA—STELLY richtet EINIGE—GEHARNISCHTE—WORTE an ihren Stiefsohn JAKOB—AUGSTEIN und wirft ihm Verrat an seinem Vater RUDOLF vor.
20131031             Globale Statistik: Anstieg der CO2—EMISSIONEN leicht gebremst
20131031             HAMBURG—DIE—USA—REGIERUNG bemüht sich offenbar um den Eindruck, sie gehe entschlossen GEGEN—DIE—AUSSPÄH—VORWÜRFE—GEGEN—DEN GEHEIM—DIENST—NSA vor.
20131031             HAMBURG—DIE BULGARISCHE—KINDERSCHUTZ—BEHÖRDE hat 7—MINDERJÄHRIGE Geschwister des in GRIECHENLAND entdeckten ROMA—MÄDCHENS MARIA in staatliche Obhut genommen.
20131031             Ha, damit haben wir sie!
20131031             HANS—LEYENDECKER und FREDERIK—OBERMAIER nehmen die Heuchelei DER—EUROPÄISCHEN REGIERUNGS—CHEFS aufs Korn, zum BEISPIEL—VON—FRANÇOIS—HOLLANDE, der sich über DIE—NSA empört, obwohl der FRANZÖSISCHE—AUSLAND—GEHEIM—DIENST DGSE 1—ENGER PARTNER—DER—NSA ist und diese regelmäßig mit Informationen beliefert: "Auch DATEN aus Seekabeln, die von AFRIKA kommend in FRANKREICH anlanden, schickt die DGSE—ANGEBLICH UNGEFILTERT—AN—DIE—AMERIKANER weiter.
20131031             —GETAN, Herr STRÖBELE hat das, was ich —SCHON—LÄNGST—VON—DER—BUNDES—REGIERUNG erwartet hätte.
20131031             History teaches THE—DANGERS—OF—GOVERNMENT that OVERREACHES—POLITICAL—CONTROL taking precedence over free economic growth, secret police, mindless bureaucracy, all combining to stifle individual excellence and personal freedom.
20131031             I'm disturbed by the sheer NUMBER—OF—SELF—IDENTIFIED progressives who say that spying has always occurred, and —THEREFORE we shouldn't be bothered by what is happening here and —NOW.
20131031             ISRAEL—SÄKULARE sind erschüttert von der —ENTSCHEIDUNG—DES—ERZIEHUNGSMINISTERIUMS, die Geschlechtertrennung in Schulen finanziell zu unterstützen, berichtet JOSEPH—CROITORU: "
20131031             If we, as citizens want TO—REIGN in this OUT—OF—CONTROL—AREA—OF—OUR—GOVERNMENT, we must demand THE—REPEAL—OF—THAT—ACT, and demand 1—REWRITE, placing intelligence operations under the same checks and balances as the rest of our GOVERNMENT.
20131031             If you want to attach blame to 1—PRESIDENCY for our intelligence malfeasance, blame Truman.
20131031             In 1—SPANNENDEN INTERVIEW—MIT—FLORIAN—KLENK spricht GLENN—GREENWALD in Zeit Online über seine Begegnungen mit EDWARD—SNOWDEN, die ungehaltenen Versprechen des INTERNETs und das Versagen der Medien: "1—DER—GRÜNDE, warum so VIELE—MEDIEN scheitern und DAS—VERTRAUEN ihrer Leser und Zuseher verlieren ist die mangelnde Distanz der Journalisten zu den Mächtigen.
20131031             —KRITISIERT, In ungewöhnlich offener Form, der —AM—MITTWOCHABEND veröffentlichte "Report to CONGRESS on INTERNATIONAL Economic and Exchange Rate Policies"(hier im PDF—FORMAT) DIE—WIRTSCHAFTS—POLITIK—VON—BUNDES—KANZLERIN—ANGELA—MERKEL: Das Exportland DEUTSCHLAND belaste mit seinem Rekordhandelsüberschuss die gesamte EU.
20131031             Irgendwie komisch...
20131031             It is —JUST 1—MATTER—OF—TIME—BEFORE someone leaks the codes.
20131031             It is very unpatriotic of them to increase our national vulnerability without simultaneously protecting us from harm.
20131031             Ja aber nur halb.
20131031             KOALITIONS—GESPRÄCHE, AMNESTY fordert strengere Kontrollen bei WAFFEN—EXPORTEN
20131031             KRITIK—AN—EXPORTSTÄRKE: DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT nennt USA—TADEL völligen Unsinn
20131031             KRITIK—AUS—DEN—USA ist der sicherste Beweis dafuer, daß man fuer die Staerkung des eigenen WIRTSCHAFTS—RAUMS alles richtig macht!
20131031             Denen geht der Arsch sowas von auf Grundeis, das ist lustig anzusehen ?
20131031             Kantermann: Die innere Uhr gibt es tatsächlich.
20131031             Kantermann: Die meisten Menschen leider nicht mehr.
20131031             Kantermann: Sie besteht aus 2—REISKORNGROSSEN Kernen mit jeweils 10.000—NEURONEN und sitzt ungefähr 2—ZENTI—METER hinter dem Nasenrücken, im GEHIRN.
20131031             Kantermann: Untersuchungen der LMU MÜNCHEN zeigen, daß 80—PROZENT—DER—ARBEITENDEN—BEVÖLKERUNG an ARBEITS—TAGEN 1—WECKER benutzen.
20131031             Keine Bange! Da werden noch EINIGE—HÄPPCHEN kommen —, das ist auch gut so!
20131031             Was war denn die REAKTION—AUF—DIE —ERST—VERÖFFENTLICHUNG?
20131031             Kleiner SINN—TIPP : "spiegeln"ist gemeint und "spiegelt.....sich wieder"ist nur 1—PLEONASMUSS, wobei "widerspiegeln"etwa "blenden"bedeutet, denn der "Widerschein"etwas ist das 1—BEIM betrachten entgegen, also "wider 1—SELBST"ist.
20131031             Kongress und GEHEIM—DIENST lagen —SEIT JEHER über Kreuz.
20131031             Konjunktur in EURO—ZONE: Inflation auf niedrigstem Stand - Land ins Visier: DEUTSCHLAND.
20131031             Lavabit und Silent Circle: E—MAIL—ANBIETER schmieden ALLIANZ gegen Späher
20131031             Mich stört etwas das immer vom "kommunistische[n] STAAT"gesprochen wird, von "kommunistischen SYSTEMen".
20131031             Mit RUSSISCHEN—WAFFEN, Schnellbooten und 1—BASIS auf der ITALIENISCHEN—MITTELMEERINSEL SIZILIEN ausgestattet, verschleppten die Kidnapper DIE—KINDER dabei über mehrere Länder hinweg von 1—ELTERNTEIL zum anderen.
20131031             NAH—OST—KONFLIKT—USA und UNO kritisieren ISRAEL—SIEDLUNGSBAU
20131031             —GEWONNEN, NSA hat ! Sie nutzen nämlich ZUSÄTZLICH die GOOGLE—DATEN.
20131031             NSA—AFFÄRE: SNOWDEN erwägt Aussage für UNTERSUCHUNGS—AUSSCHUSS
20131031             NSA—SKANDAL, Täuschen, tarnen, taktieren
20131031             NSA—UNTERSUCHUNG: OBAMA stoppt Ausspähung von IWF und WELT—BANK
20131031             Negativrekord: ITALIENs ARBEITS—LOSIGKEIT auf höchstem Stand —SEIT—30—JAHREN
20131031             Neuer Job: SNOWDEN arbeitet künftig für RUSSISCHE—WEB—SEITE
20131031             Nsa - ONLINE—PUBLISHING: Mehr DIGITAL—ABOS bei der NEW—YORK—TIMES
20131031             OPCW—BERICHT zu SYRIEN: Produktionsstätten für CHEMIE—WAFFEN vollständig stillgelegt
20131031             ORBÁN—VERUNGLIMPFUNG: UNGARNs POLIZEI ermittelt wegen "Rowdytums"gegen OPPOSITION
20131031             1—CRITICALLY important PIECE—OF—INFORMATION is maddeningly absent from all these NSA stories: THE—NSA does NOT report to THE—PRESIDENT, nor to ANY—BRANCH—OF—GOVERNMENT.
20131031             PAKISTAN: USA fliegen trotz Protesten weiter DROHNEN—ANGRIFFE
20131031             Projekt Weltverbesserung: Der OBAMA—SCHOCK - Quantenkryptographie
20131031             RECHT—AUF—UNVERSEHRTHEIT: Verbände fordern OPERATIONS—VERBOT intersexueller Kinder
20131031             ROM—ER wollte halt mal probesitzen: 1—KLEINER Junge hat FRANZISKUS—I—PAPA bei 1—AUFTRITT auf dem PETER—PLATZ in ROM die Show gestohlen —, ganz nebenbei für Bilder gesorgt, die keine PR—AGENTUR besser für den PONTIFEX hätte inszenieren können.
20131031             Right —NOW, though, we are dealing with something of 1—EXTINCTION—EVENT.
20131031             SNOWDEN - SPIONAGE—IN—PEKING—CHINA verlangt Aufklärung von USA
20131031             —BEGLEITET, STRÖBELE wurde auf seiner REISE—NACH—RUSSLAND, von "Panorama"—REPORTER JOHN—GOETZ und dem unabhängig von der ARD reisenden Journalisten GEORG—MASCOLO.
20131031             SYRIENs GIFT—GASARSENAL: OPCW hält sämtliche CHEMIE—WAFFEN unter Verschluss
20131031             Schmusen mit FRANZISKUS: Kleiner Junge stiehlt dem PAPA die Show
20131031             So so, die haben neben Metadaten auch Bilder und Videos abgegriffen, diese Raubkopierer.
20131031             Studie: Drittel der HARTZ—IV—EMPFÄNGER ist psychisch krank - SÜD—DEUTSCHE—ZEITUNG - THE—GUARDIAN
20131031             —CRACKED, THE—NSA has, the most complex encrypted security codes used by banks and EVERY—INDUSTRY upon which our WAY—OF—LIFE depends.
20131031             —REKAPITULIERT, THOMAS—ASSHEUER, wie DAS—INTERNET zum Instrument des ÜBERWACHUNGS—STAATS und der WERBE—INDUSTRIE wurde und rehabilitiert den "analogen Altmenschen".
20131031             Tatsächlich, 1—MACHT—KAMPF?
20131031             That cliff seems pretty close on 1—NUMBER—OF—FRONTS.
20131031             That means we are paying taxes to RENDER—USA—LESS—SECURE, rather than more secure.
20131031             —MISPLACED, The " power and influence"EISENHOWER warned us about as he left office was really aimed at THE—CIA, euphemistically referred to as the "MILITARY—INDUSTRIAL—COMPLEX".
20131031             —ENCRYPTED, The idea behind, code is that it is supposed to OUT—PACE the code breakers.
20131031             The story keeps barreling along, getting more bumpy by the —MINUTE.
20131031             Time for THE—MEDIA to underline the root causes for our —SITUATION.
20131031             Time for all Americans to wake up to what's being taken from us.
20131031             Trotz Verbots am STEUER: Frau überrollt EHE—MANN—IN—SAUDI—ARABIEN
20131031             USA—DATENKRAKEN beißen sich: Wer ist der größte?
20131031             USA—FLÜGE: Passagiere dürfen bei Start und Landung Laptop nutzen
20131031             Um diese so aufgezeichneten DATEN auswerten zu können, bereite Rudin, der 20120000             vom Spieleanbieter Zynga zu FACEBOOK wechselte, die Infrastruktur des Unternehmens auf die Verarbeitung wesentlich größerer Datenmengen als —BISHER, vor, so DAS—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL.
20131031             Ungleichgewichte in den HANDELS—BILANZEN gelten als 1—DER Auslöser der weitweiten FINANZ—KRISE.
20131031             Unter Druck gerät DIE—NSA —PLÖTZLICH, auch vorm Kongress.
20131031             VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG, VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ: Union und SPD beharken sich in der INNEN—POLITIK
20131031             Vielen Dank!
20131031             Vorwurf der Bilanzfälschung: EX—LBBW—VORSTÄNDE müssen vor Gericht
20131031             Wartungsarbeiten aufgeschoben: Tepco macht MILLIARDEN—GEWINN
20131031             Was DIE—IDEE des PORTUGIESISCHEN—FORSCHERTEAMS SO—REIZVOLL macht, ist die offenbar einfache Umsetzung.
20131031             Was soll das Theater
20131031             We need PRESIDENT—OBAMA to make 1—BOLD—STATEMENT and rein IN—THE—NSA—FOREIGN—HEADS—OF—STATE are clearly not 1—THREAT to our NATIONAL—SECURITY.
20131031             WEDER—IWF noch WELT—BANK waren zu 1—STELLUNGNAHME bereit.
20131031             WEBSITE—ANALYSE: FACEBOOK will die Mausbewegungen seiner Nutzer auswerten
20131031             Wenn DEUTSCHLAND das taete, wird es nicht nur als Demokratie wahrgenommen, es waere so enorm, das auch Laender die durch DEUTSCHLAND gelitten haben, nur noch Hochachtung bekaeme.Und DER—FRIEDENS—NOBEL—PREIS, auch von mir persoenlich, an DEUTSCHLAND ginge.Man kann ja mal traeumen.
20131031             Wenn der nicht lebensmüde ist, kommt der nicht nach DEUTSCHLAND!
20131031             —PASSIERT, Was, wohl, wenn 1—ROLL—KOMMANDO DER—USA—MILITARY—POLICE den einfach verhaftet, zu 1—USA—AIRBASE fährt und mit dem nächsten Flieger in DIE—USA fliegt?
20131031             Wer je auf 1 "Weltstaat"gesetzt hat, um autoritäre Regime aufzulösen, muss diesen T—RAUMANGESICHTS der weit—, grenzübergreifenden ÜBERWACHUNGS—, Einflussmöglichkeiten der USA wohl begraben, fürchtet der Historiker THOMAS—STAMM—KUHLMANN.
20131031             The nation's largest landfill, a 630-acre site 20—MILES—EAST—OF—LA, closed as 1—PERMIT for the sited expired.
20131031             Garbage from the county's 88—CITIES will eventually be put on trains and taken to 1 abandoned gold mine over 200—MILES away.
20131031             1—USA—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT ruled that MOST—OF—TEXAS' tough new abortion restrictions can take effect —IMMEDIATELY.
20131031             —KILLED, CENTRAL—TEXAS, flash floods —FOLLOWING heavy rains, 2—MEN in THE—AUSTIN area.
20131031             —ALLOWED, BRITAIN, television cameras were, into 1—OF—THE—HIGHEST—COURTS for the 1. time, hailed as 1—LANDMARK move towards open justice —WHILE still protecting the rights of vulnerable witnesses.
20131031             —INTENSIFIED, Calls for the resignation of TORONTO Mayor ROB—FORD, —AFTER police said they had obtained 1—VIDEO that appears to show him smoking 1—CRACK pipe, discovered in 1—MASSIVE—SURVEILLANCE—OPERATION—OF—1—FRIEND who is suspected of supplying the mayor with drugs.
20131031             CHINA—STATE—MEDIA said the last county in CHINA to be accessible by modern land transport was finally linked up to THE—REST—OF—THE—COUNTRY with 1—NEW—117—KM—ROAD that has taken decades to build.
20131031             —ISOLATED, The 19,000—PEOPLE—OF deeply, Medog in SOUTH—EAST—TIBET have —UNTIL—NOW had to depend on horses for land travel and trade.
20131031             1—GHANA immigration official said 46—MORE foreigners, suspected of illegal gold mining, have been arreested in THE—LAST—WEEK, including 43—CHINESE, 2—INDIANS and 1—AMERICAN.
20131031             —CLOGGED, GREECE, THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS, ATHENS to demonstrate against 1—NEW—PROPERTY—TAX.
20131031             —REGISTERED, The anger was, across society, with retirees, disabled groups, shipyard workers and high school teachers among those taking part.
20131031             INDONESIA, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—WORKERS went on strike across the country as its citizens seek 1—GREATER—SHARE—OF—THE spoils from stellar growth.
20131031             —KILLED, IRAQ, twin car bombs NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD, 6—PEOPLE, —WHILE attacks elsewhere in the country left 6—OTHERS—DEAD.
20131031             —REPORTED, ISRAEL—HAARETZ newspaper, the government is planning to move ahead with another 3,360 new settler homes in THE—WEST—BANK, quoting an MP from the ruling rightwing Likud party.
20131031             —BUSTED, ITALY—POLICE said they have, 1—INTERNATIONAL ring of former special forces agents hired to "recover" children involved in custody battles who were spirited across borders by 1—OF—THEIR—PARENTS.
20131031             —VOTED, KENYA MPs, to set up and appoint 1—NEW—COMMUNICATIONS and Multimedia Appeals Tribunal with the teeth to impose penalties of up to 20—MILLION—KENYA—SHILLINGS (173,000 euros, $234,000) on offenders and even bar journalists from working.
20131031             —DESTROYED, KENYA—WARPLANES, 1—SHEBAB rebel camp in SOUTH—SOMALIA used to train gunmen who attacked NAIROBI—WESTGATE shopping mall —IN—SEPTEMBER.
20131031             —LAUNCHED, MEXICO—PRESIDENT—ENRIQUE—PENA—NIETO, 1—CAMPAIGN against the country's obesity epidemic, urging his countrymen to exercise more as Congress passed special taxes on junk food and sodas.
20131031             —PASSED, MEXICO—CONGRESS, 1—PACKAGE—OF—MEASURES aimed at bolstering the country's weak tax revenues, but only —AFTER watering down 1—PLAN that is expected to have 1—MODERATE—IMPACT at best.
20131031             NIGER authorities said rescuers have found the bodies of 92—MIGRANTS, MOST—OF—THEM women and children, strewn across THE—SAHARA desert —AFTER their vehicles broke down and they †—OF—THIRST.
20131031             NIGERIA, DOZENS—OF—BOKO—HARAM gunmen riding on motorcycles and in pickup trucks stormed BAMA town in Borno state, killing 27—PEOPLE and razing some 300—HOMES.
20131031             PAKISTAN, 1—USA—DRONE—STRIKE targeting 1—MILITANT compound killed 3—INSURGENTS in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20131031             —ARRESTED, PALESTINE—SECURITY—SOURCES said ISRAEL—ARMY, 4—SUSPECTS from the Islamic Jihad movement overnight, in the 2. such arrest operation —THIS—WEEK.
20131031             † 1—PALESTINE—ROCK thrower was killed as ISRAEL—TROOPS entered Qabatiya in NORTH—WEST—BANK.
20131031             —PRAISED, PERU—PRESIDENT—OLLANTA—HUMALA swore in CESAR—VILLANUEVA, 1—WIDELY, regional politician, as his 4. PRIME—MINISTER in 1—CABINET reshuffle, but retained his finance MINISTER despite rumors he might quit.
20131031             —WALKED, PORTUGAL, LISBON subway workers, off the job for the 5. time —THIS—YEAR to protest government austerity measures being enacted in return for PORTUGAL's 20110000             bailout.
20131031             1—MOSCOW COURT—REVOKED—THE—REGISTRATION—OF—WEB—BASED news agency Rosbalt for posting videos it said contained profane language, including 1—CLIP by punk band Pussy Riot.
20131031             —REOPENED, SUDAN, THE—PAN—ARAB satellite channel Sky News Arabia, its BUREAU—IN—KHARTOUM —AFTER a —1—MONTH—SUSPENSION that authorities imposed —DURING ANTI—REGIME—PROTESTS.
20131031             THE—ORGANIZATION for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons said Syria has destroyed critical equipment for producing chemical weapons and poison gas munitions.
20131031             —RAGED, Fierce clashes, in the north, close to 1—OF—THE—SITES where toxic agents are believed to be stored.
20131031             —RETURNED, THAILAND—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS, to THE—STREETS—OF—BANGKOK as PARLIAMENT debated 1—POLITICAL—AMNESTY which opponents fear will "whitewash" past abuses and allow ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra to return.
20131031             —SEIZED, VENEZUELA, control of 2—OIL rigs owned by 1—UNIT—OF—HOUSTON—BASED—SUPERIOR—ENERGY—SERVICES—AFTER the company shut them down because the state oil monopoly was months behind on payments.
20131031             NORTH—YEMEN, the death toll from 1—HOUTHI—SHI'ITE attack on 1—MOUNTAIN—TOWN held by their Salafi Sunni Muslim rivals rose to 24 as THE—2—SIDES fought for a 2. —DAY in Damaj.
20131031             Suspected AL—QAEDA gunmen shot dead 2—SOLDIERS and 1—CIVILIAN in 1—ATTACK on 1—ARMY—CHECKPOINT in THE—SOUTH—PROVINCE—OF—ABYAN.
20131031—20010000    —BOTHERED, Its not that I'm not, by it, its —JUST that back, —WHEN we were 1. told they would be doing this, no 1 seemed to care.
20141024—20141031    —ON, Shaylee Chuckulnaskit (14) †.
20141026—20141031    —ON, authorities decided to suspend work on 1—CONTROVERSIAL—DAM.
20141031             —BLACKLISTED, THE—USA—TREASURY, Aung Thaun, 1—HARD—LINE LAWMAKER—OF—MYANMAR—RULING party, accusing him of undermining political and economic reforms.
20141031             —SENTENCED, CALIFORNIA, SUSAN—SU (44) of Pleasanton was, to —198—MONTHS behind bars, forfeit $5.6—MILLION and pay $904,000 in restitution for operating the fake TRI—VALLEY—UNIVERSITY—SHE used it as 1—FRONT for foreign students seeking to establish USA—IMMIGRATION—STATUS.
20141031             1—VIRGIN—GALACTIC—SPACESHIPTWO blew apart over SOUTH—CALIFORNIA —AFTER being released from 1—CARRIER—AIRCRAFT killing 1—PILOT, MICHAEL—ALSBURY, —39—JAHRE—ALT and seriously injuring the other, PETER—SIEBOLD, —43—JAHRE—ALT.
20141031             The suborbital vehicle was undergoing its 1. powered test flight —SINCE—JANUARY over the Mojave Desert.
20141031             —KILLED, SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, 3—GIRLS, —13—JAHRE—ALT were, —WHILE TRICK—OR—TREATING —WHEN they were struck by 1—HIT—AND—RUN—DRIVER in SANTA—ANA.
20141031             —EXPANDED, Under his tenure (19880000—20010000    ) the chain, from 27 to 174—STORES.
20141031             —FOUNDED, The chain had been, as pronto markets by JOE—COULOMBE, 1—FRATERNITY—BROTHER—OF—SHIELDS at Stanford.
20141031             1—MAINE COURT—RESTRICTED—MOVEMENTS—OF—NURSE—KACI—HICKOX who defied voluntary Ebola quarantine by taking 1—BIKE ride.
20141031             —ALLOWED, The temporary order, her to engage in what the judge called "NON—CONGREGATE public activities" like walking or jogging in the park but instructs her to maintain a 3-foot (1—METER) distance from other people.
20141031             3—USA—SOLDIERS stationed at the Fort Hood Army post in CENTRAL—TEXAS pleaded guilty to smuggling immigrants into THE—USA.
20141031             AUSTRALIA, the Commission for the Conservation of ANTARCTIC Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) wound up a —10—DAY—MEETING in HOBART without the consensus needed for 1—DEAL to conserve and manage the marine ecosystems in THE—SOUTH—OCEAN.
20141031             —THWARTED, CHINA and RUSSIA, 1—INTERNATIONAL—ATTEMPT to create the world's largest ocean sanctuary in ANTARCTICA.
20141031             —ANNOUNCED, BURKINA—FASO PRESIDENT—BLAISE—COMPAORE, his resignation in 1—STATEMENT and called for a —90—DAY—TRANSITION to "free and transparent" elections in THE—WEST—AFRICA—COUNTRY.
20141031             GENERAL—HONORE—TRAORE said that he had taken charge.
20141031             —ARMED, Compaore fled with his family in 1—HEAVILY, convoy to IVORY—COAST amid violent protests seeking his ouster.
20141031             CHINA, 1—SENIOR—PROSECUTOR said investigators have found more than 200—MILLION yuan ($33—MILLION) in cash at the home of 1—ENERGY—OFFICIAL accused of receiving bribes, in the country's largest cash seizure ever.
20141031             1—MAN in SOUTH—EAST—CHINA slashed a 1.—GRADER to death and severely injured 2—OTHERS in Luojia village, Jiangxi province.
20141031             —STONED, NORTH—EAST—CONGODRC, 1—CROWD, to death 1—YOUNG—MAN—BEFORE burning and eating his corpse in Beni.
20141031             —AROUSED, The man, suspicion on 1—BUS—WHEN passengers discovered he could not speak the local Swahili language and that he was carrying 1—MACHETE.
20141031             The troops will not be used for combat.
20141031             THE—EU said it will take another step towards normal relations with ZIMBABWE by ending restrictions on aid, paving the way for 234—MILLION—EUROS ($293—MILLION) of new funding.
20141031             —PLANNED, HUNGARY—PRIME—MINISTER—VIKTOR—ORBAN said that the government would suspend 1, tax on INTERNET use and reconsider the matter —NEXT—YEAR.
20141031             —CALLED, IRAN—GRAND—AYATOLLAH—ALI—AL—SISTANI, on the government to rush to the aid of Sunni tribes battling Islamic State, —AFTER the militant group executed at least 220—TRIBESMEN WEST—OF—BAGHDAD —THIS—WEEK.
20141031             IRAQ, 1—SERIES—OF—BOMB—ATTACKS struck marketplaces near BAGHDAD, killing at least 19—PEOPLE.
20141031             —RECAPTURED, Security forces, parts of Beiji, 1—SUNNI oil town NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD, from Islamic State militants.
20141031             —LINED, IRAQ—ISLAMIC—STATE—GROUP—EXTREMISTS, up and shot dead at least 50—AL—BU—NIMR tribesmen and women in Ras AL—MAA village, Anbar province.
20141031             35—CORPSES were found on the outskirts of Ramadi.
20141031             —FIRED, SOUTH—ISRAEL, rocket, from GAZA hit the Eshkol area.
20141031             —CLOSED, ISRAEL soon, 2—BORDER—CROSSINGS with GAZA in response.
20141031             —CONFIRMED, ITALY, THE—END—OF—ITS—SEARCH and rescue operation "Mare Nostrum", which has saved THE—LIVES—OF—TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—BOAT—MIGRANTS in the Mediterranean.
20141031             —ANNOUNCED, THE—BANK—OF—JAPAN unexpectedly, 1—NEW—STIMULUS—PACKAGE to boost the country's struggling economy.
20141031             —SHOWED, The announcement came —AFTER economic data, that JAPAN—ECONOMY remained in the doldrums —FOLLOWING 1—SALES—TAX hike —IN—APRIL.
20141031             1—MEXICO—JUDGE—ORDER—THE—RELEASE—OF—MARINE—SERGEANT—ANDREW—TAHMOORESSI, —26—JAHRE—ALT, 1—AFGHANISTAN veteran who suffers from PTSD, —AFTER—214—DAYS spent in jail.
20141031             THE—FLORIDA man said he got lost on 1—CALIFORNIA freeway ramp that sent him across the border with no way to turn back.
20141031             —ARRESTED, He was, for carrying loaded guns.
20141031             —EXPLODED, NIGERIA, 1—CAR—BOMB, at 1 crowded bus stop in THE—NORTH—EAST—CITY—OF—GOMBE.
20141031             —KILLED, At least 10—PEOPLE were, and several wounded near THE—END—OF—THE—MORNING rush —HOUR.
20141031             Vigilantes in the Borno TOWN—OF—BIU said they and troops had decapitated 41—BOKO Haram fighters who were planning 1—RAID in the village of Sabon Gari.
20141031             In 1—NEW—VIDEO—ABUBAKAR—SHEKAU, THE—LEADER—OF—NIGERIA—ISLAMIC—EXTREMISTS, said that more than 200 kidnapped schoolgirls have all been converted to Islam and oo off.
20141031             —DENIED, He also, there is 1—CEASE—FIRE with THE—NIGERIA—GOVERNMENT.
20141031             RUSSIA—GAZPROM said it may restart gas supply to UKRAINE as soon as —NEXT—WEEK if Kiev pays $2.2—BILLION WORTH—OF—DEBT and PRE—PAYMENTS, under 1—DEAL that is also vital to ensure deliveries to EUROPE.
20141031             —RAISED, RUSSIA—CENTRAL—BANK, its main interest rate 1.5% to 9.5% in its latest attempt to shore up the plummeting national currency.
20141031             —WIPED, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) said Ebola has, out whole villages in SIERRA—LEONE and may have caused MANY—MORE—DEATHS than the nearly 5,000 official global toll.
20141031             —ATTACKED, SUDAN—SOLDIERS, the village of Tabit in the Darfur region.
20141031             In 1—APPARENT —2—DAY—RAMPAGE over the disappearance of 1—OF—THEIR—OWN they reportedly raped some 200—WOMEN.
20141031             1—OFFICIAL—UNAMID statement found no EVIDENCE—OF—SUCH crimes.
20141031             1—INTERNAL—UNAMID report said people were warned not to talk.
20141031             SYRIA, USA—LED air strikes hit Islamic State positions —AROUND the border TOWN—OF—KOBANI in 1—APPARENT—BID to pave the way for HEAVILY—ARMED—KURDISH peshmerga forces to enter from neighboring TURKEY.
20141031             UKRAINE—PRIME—MINISTER—ARSENY—YATSENIUK said UKRAINE would guarantee DELIVERIES—OF—GAS through its TERRITORY—TO—EUROPE to make sure MOSCOW had no room for "blackmailing".
20141031             —ATTACKED, YEMEN, Shiite rebels, the headquarters of Sunni AL—ISLAH party in THE—SOUTH—WEST—CITY—OF—IBB, triggering violence in which 3—PEOPLE †.
20141031             Shiite rebel leader ABDULMALIK—AL—HUTHI told PRESIDENT—ABDRABUH—MANSUR—HADI that if he did not form 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT within —10—DAYS a "national salvation council" would take its place.
20141031             Das private Raumflugzeug VSS Enterprise der Firma Virgin Galactic stürzt bei 1—TESTFLUG ab.
20141031             Dabei verunglückt 1—DER 2—PILOTEN tödlich.
20141031—20120700    —KILLED, CHINA, HAN—LEI, —40—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MAN who, a —2—YEAR—OLD—GIRL—AFTER 1—ROW with her mother over 1—PARKING space in BEIJING, was executed.
20141031—20141102    —ARRESTED, Jaquinn Bell (31) of ORANGE was, for THE—HIT—AND—RUN.
20141031—20150211    —ON, 1—NEW—HUMAN—RIGHTS—WATCH report, based on more than 130—INTERVIEWS, said girls as young as 10 were raped by SUDAN—ARMY—FORCES, and that SOME—WOMEN and girls were assaulted multiple times and in front of their families.
20151026             Mit 1—GESCHWINDIGKEIT—VON—126.000—KILOMETER—PRO—STUNDE fliegt er —AM—SAMSTAG, den 20151031             NACHMITTAGS an der Erde vorbei, und zwar in nur 1,3-facher Mondentfernung.
20151029             —SUSPENDED, THE—EU said it will, most SANCTIONS—AGAINST—BELARUS —FOR—4—MONTHS as of 20151031             , citing "improving relations" —AFTER AUTHORITY—PRESIDENT—ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO released all remaining political prisoners.
20151031             —LAUT—EPPLER bezeichnete Schmidt ihm gegenüber Ökologie als "Marotte gelangweilter Mittelstandsdamen".
20151031             —SCHON, zu seiner aktiven Zeit hielt Schmidt den langjährigen ENTWICKLUNGSHILFE—MINISTER für 1 "Spinner", der ihm beibringen wolle, wie man Wahlen gewinne, obwohl er selbst "nie sonderlich erfolgreich"gewesen sei.
20151031             —VOM—"Start —BIS zur Landung"habe er sich die Suada anhören müssen, schreibt EPPLER, der WÄHRENDdessen ängstlich zu den Umsitzenden geschielt habe:
20151031             —VON, BRANDT habe man fast nie ein kritisches Wort über Schmidt vernommen,
20151031             —WÄHREND, SCHMIDT "ausgiebig"über seinen Vorgänger hergezogen sei, etwa auf 1—FLUG mit EPPLER.
20151031             —PLEDGED, THE—USA, nearly $100—MILLION in fresh aid to support THE—SYRIA—OPPOSITION as Western and Arab officials gathered in BAHRAIN for THE—MANAMA—DIALOGUE—SECURITY—CONFERENCE.
20151031             —CONDUCTED, THE—USA—LED coalition, 9—AIR—STRIKES against Islamic State targets in Syria and 16 in IRAQ.
20151031             —KILLED, Air strikes by Turkish and USA—AIRCRAFT in Syria, more than 50—ISLAMIC—STATE—MILITANTS and wounded —AROUND 30.
20151031             COLORADO, police shot down 1—GUNMAN in COLORADO—SPRINGS—AFTER he shot and killed 23—PEOPLE.
20151031             † TEXAS authorities said at least 6—PEOPLE have in storms that lashed PARTS—OF—THE—STATE with heavy rains.
20151031             BANGLADESH, FAYSAL—AREFIN—DEEPAN, 1—PUBLISHER—OF slain online critic of religious militancy Avijit Roy, was hacked to death in DHAKA hours —AFTER similar attacks on 2—SECULAR—WRITERS and another PUBLISHER—IN—THE—MAJORITY—MUSLIM country.
20151031             —REFERRED, EGYPT—PROSECUTION, to trial THE—EDITOR—IN—CHIEF—FOR—EGYPT—TOP—LITERARY—MAGAZINE and writer AHMED—NAJI for publishing sexually explicit material and allegedly violating public morals.
20151031             ISRAEL—SECURITY—FORCES shot and killed 1—PALESTINIAN, —18—JAHRE—ALT who ran at them with 1—KNIFE in the occupied WEST—BANK.
20151031             —REPORTED, It was, that NIGERIA—ARMY has begun posting 1—PHOTOGRAPHIC—COLLAGE—OF—100 wanted Boko Haram militants that features the shadowy leader whom they claim to have killed on at least 3—OCCASIONS.
20151031             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, 11—PEOPLE were, —WHEN rival political parties fired on EACH—OTHER in local elections in THE—KHAIRPUR—DISTRICT—OF—THE—SOUTH—PROVINCE—OF—SINDH, which held the polls along with THE—CENTRAL—PUNJAB province.
20151031             † In THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES 15—PEOPLE, including 6—CHILDREN, in 1—FIRE at 1—MARKET in ZAMBOANGA city.
20151031             —KILLED, ROMANIA, 1—OVERNIGHT fire in 1—BUCHAREST nightclub, at least 27—PEOPLE and injured 184—DURING 1—ROCK concert that featured fireworks used indoors.
20151031             146—PEOPLE remained in hospital from the Colectiv Club fire.
20151031             1—RUSSIA—AIRLINER carrying 224—PASSENGERS and crew crashed in EGYPT—SINAI peninsula —AFTER losing radar contact and plummeting from its cruising altitude, killing all aboard.
20151031             —OPERATED, THE—AIRBUS A321 was, by RUSSIA—AIRLINE—KOGALYMAVIA under the brand name Metrojet.
20151031             —SUGGESTED, EGYPT—SECURITY—SOURCES said early investigations, the plane crashed due to 1—TECHNICAL fault.
20151031             1—MILITANT—GROUP affiliated to Islamic STATE—IN—EGYPT claimed responsibility for THE—DOWNING—OF—THE—PLANE.
20151031             SOUTH—KOREA—PRESIDENT—PARK—GEUN—HYE met with CHINA—PREMIER Li Keqiang to discuss trade issues, —1—DAY—BEFORE their 3—WAY—SUMMIT with JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER—SHINZO—ABE that aims to repair relations strained by historical and territorial matters.
20151031             —MARCHED, TAIWAN, tens of thousands, in TAIPEI in ASIA—BIGGEST gay pride parade, with MANY—HOPING presidential elections —NEXT—YEAR bring to power 1—PRO—GAY—GOVERNMENT that will legalize SAME—SEX—MARRIAGE.
20151031             YEMEN, overnight clashes left 19—REBELS and 14—POPULAR—RESISTANCE—FIGHTERS—DEAD in several southern provinces as SAUDI—LED coalition aircraft targeted THE—IRAN—BACKED insurgents.
20151031             —ROCKED, ZANZIBAR, 2—SMALL—BLASTS, streets but caused no casualties, in the latest unrest —FOLLOWING THE—ANNULMENT—OF—POLLS on THE—SEMI—AUTONOMOUS—TANZANIA—ARCHIPELAGO.
20151031             1—RUSSISCHE—CHARTERMASCHINE der Fluggesellschaft Kolavia vom Typ Airbus A321 stürzt auf dem KOGALYMAVIA—FLUG 9268—VON Scharm ASCH—SCHAICH nach S—PETERSBURG über der SINAI—HALBINSEL ab.
20151031             † † † ALLE—INSASSEN, 217—PASSAGIERE und 7—BESATZUNGSMITGLIEDER, sterben.
20151031—20160314    —BY, the death toll rose to 64 as another victim † from their burns.
20151031—20210000    —IN, 1—SUICIDE—VICTIM—MORE than —18—MONTHS—LATER raised the death toll to 65. THE—ROMANIA—MOVIE "Collective," nominated for 2—OSCARS, follows 1—TEAM—OF investigative journalists searching for the truth —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—FIRE.
20151102—20151031    —SINCE, 9—PEOPLE have been killed in gunfights with security forces.
20151117—20151031    —ON, EGYPT said it would take into account RUSSIA—CONCLUSION that 1—BOMB brought down 1—PASSENGER—PLANE over THE—SINAI—PENINSULA, but its investigation had so far found no EVIDENCE—OF—CRIMINAL action.
20151117—20151031    —STAGED, FRANCE and RUSSIA, air strikes on Islamic State targets in NORTH—SYRIA, punishing the group for 20151113             —THE attacks in PARIS and against 1—RUSSIA—AIRLINER that together killed 353—PEOPLE.
20160119—20140101    —FROM, The figures count only documented casualties, 20151031             THROUGH, and the actual numbers were likely far higher.
20160629             Zum 2. Mal in Folge: DEUTSCHE—BANK fällt bei USA—STRESS—TEST DURCH—
20160708—20161031    —DISMEMBERED, The couple, the body in October and it was found by 2—HUNTERS in Luzerne County.
20160823—20161031    —ARRESTED, BANGLADESH—POLICE, Moinul Islam Shamim, suspected of killing PUBLISHER—AREFIN—DEEPAN in his OFFICE—IN—DHAKA, as PART—OF—1—CRACKDOWN on radicals blamed for violent attacks on foreigners, liberals and minorities.
20161028—20161031    —ON, prosecutor ALI—SALEHI said the main leaders and organizers of the gathering have been arrested.
20161031             "WÄHREND die Vergangenheit nicht verändert werden kann, kann das, woran man sich erinnert und wie man sich erinnert, verwandelt werden",
20161031             "Wir haben die Gelegenheit, 1—ENTSCHEIDENDEN Moment unserer GESCHICHTE wieder gutzumachen".DIE—SPALTUNG der Kirche sei weniger vom "Gottesvolk"als von "Vertretern weltlicher MACHT"aufrecht erhalten worden.
20161031             "Wir dürfen uns nicht mit der Spaltung und der Entfremdung abfinden, die durch die TEILUNG unter uns hervorgerufen wurde", sagte FRANZISKUS—I—PAPA—I—PAPA im südschwedischen Lund.
20161031             1. werde der REFORMATIONS—TAG in ökumenischer Gemeinschaft begangen.
20161031             Arbeitszeitregeln: "Man kann Menschen nicht wie Maschinen behandeln"(KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 07:31)
20161031             CEM—ÖZDEMIR zur TÜRKEI: "Moderne ART—VON—DIKTATUR mit demokratischer Fassade"
20161031             DIE—ERMITTLER fahndeten außerdem —NACH—DEM Zeitungsvorstand Akin Atalay und dem Kolumnisten Güray Öz, berichtete die amtliche NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR Anadolu —AM—MONTAG.
20161031             Dort stand er 1. mit lutherischen Geistlichen am Altar und feierte das GEDENKEN—AN—DIE—REFORMATION.
20161031             3. Quartal: EU—WIRTSCHAFT wächst unbeeindruckt vom BREXIT—VOTUM
20161031             Forscher auf Nishinoshima: 1—MENSCHEN betreten neue Insel
20161031             Geboren ohne Arme und Beine: "Ich bin froh, daß ich keine Schuhe brauche"(Leben und Lernen, 14:53)
20161031             Harz und Süddeutschland: 2—TOTE—BEI—UNFÄLLEN mit Pferdekutschen
20161031             ITALIEN: Zehntausende nach ERDBEBEN obdachlos
20161031             In 1—GEMEINSAMEN Erklärung untermauerten FRANZISKUS—I—PAPA und DER—PRÄSIDENT—DES—LUTHERISCHEN Weltbundes, Munib Younan,
20161031             Könnte das die Lösung sein, um DIE—INDUSTRIE dazu zu bringen, mal keinen unsicheren Scheiß mehr auszuliefern?
20161031             Landesweite Proteste: Tod eines Fischhändlers erzürnt MAROKKO
20161031             Mikroorganismen: Schimmel verfolgt Astronauten —BIS ins All
20161031             Mit Reformation, Aufklärung und Religionskritik sei DAS—CHRISTENTUM in der Moderne angekommen - "jedenfalls zu großen Teilen".
20161031             Newsblog zur USA—WAHL: WIKILEAKS—ENTHÜLLUNG hat Konsequenzen für CLINTON—VERTRAUTE
20161031             Ohne die Initialzündung der Reformation gäbe es weder DIE—FREIHEIT—DES—GLAUBENS und des Gewissens noch die unveräußerlichen GRUND—RECHTE, sagte Gauck bei dem Festakt im BERLINer Konzerthaus.
20161031             Quote für E—AUTOS: CHINA schreckt DEUTSCHE—AUTO—KONZERNE auf
20161031             Robuste Konjunktur: Rentenbeitrag bleibt —VORERST länger stabil
20161031             SCHLACHT—UM—MOSSUL—IRAK—ARMEE nähert sich der Stadtgrenze
20161031             SMOG—ALARM—IN—INDIEN: Dreck über DELHI
20161031             Sprengsätze in Spielzeug: Die TEDDY—BOMBEN—DES—IS
20161031             THE—JEWISH—JOURNAL KING—COMEY is rigging the —ELECTION
20161031             Technischer Defekt: BUNDESWEHR—"Tornados"im IRAK zwischengelandet
20161031             Tippi Hedren über ALFRED—HITCHCOCK: "Es war sexuell, pervers und hässlich"
20161031             TÜRKEI: Harsche KRITIK—AN—"Cumhuriyet"—FESTNAHMEN
20161031             TÜRKEI—POLIZEI nimmt "Cumhuriyet"—CHEFREDAKTEUR fest - UNGARN: Neonazis wüten, ORBÁN schweigt
20161031             UNICEF—BERICHT, JEDES—SIEBTE—KIND—WELT—WEIT atmet giftige Luft
20161031             UM—FRAGE in BUNDES—LÄNDERN: POLIZEI geht gegen "REICHS—BÜRGER"in eigenen Reihen vor
20161031             Und WÄHREND DIE—DEUTSCHEN in ihrer —POLITIK auf Konsistenz stehen und STEILE—THESEN und Versprechen als Zeichen von Inkompetenz und Schwäche sehen, ist das in ENGLAND üblich, mal im WAHL—KAMPF ein bisschen auf den Tisch zu klopfen, und dann später nur 50 % oder gar nichts davon umzusetzen.
20161031             VENEZUELA—REGIERUNG und OPPOSITION nehmen Gespräche auf
20161031             Wie DONALD—TRUMP den Hass auf CLINTON schürt: ?"Sperrt sie ein!?
20161031             [l] Der Chefredakteur der Cumhuriyet ist in der TÜRKEI verhaftet worden.
20161031             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN, MERKEL hat "SELBST—VERSTÄNDLICH" volles Vertrauen in Oettinger
20161031             [l] In SINGAPUR macht die Telco —JETZT Hausbesuche wegen gehackten IOT—GERÄTEN.
20161031             [l] Schöner BBC—ARTIKEL—ÜBER—DIE—BREXIT—VERHANDLUNGEN.
20161031             —AMENTDECKTEN Wissenschaftler einen weiteren Riss.
20161031             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MONTAG, DER—USA—WAHL—KAMPF wird zum ALBT—RAUM
20161031             —ETHIK—KOMITEE: BARROSOs Wechsel zu GOLDMAN—SACHS nicht regelwidrig
20161031             —UKRAINE—PRÄSIDENT: Die 867.000.000—EURO des PETRO—POROSCHENKO
20161031             —EXTENDED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, USA—SANCTIONS on SUDAN for another —YEAR as of 20161103             , saying KHARTOUM—POLICIES remained an "extraordinary threat" to the national security of THE—USA.
20161031             —DEVASTATED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—ATTACK, 1—GATHERING of local elders in JALALABAD, Nangarhar province.
20161031             —CLAIMED, THE—ISLAMIC—STATE, responsibility for the attack.
20161031             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIALS said 4—PEOPLE were, and 7 wounded, —WHILE 1—STATEMENT from Islamic State said 15 "apostates" were killed and 25 wounded.
20161031             —FILLED, SOUTH—BRAZIL, 1—BUS and 1—TANKER—TRUCK, with milk burst into flames —WHEN they collided, killing 20—PEOPLE and injuring at least 10—NEAR—CAFEZAL do Sul in PARANA state.
20161031             —RIPPED, WEST—CHINA, 1—GAS—EXPLOSION, through the privately owned Jinshangou coal mine killing 33—MINERS in THE—CHONGQING region.
20161031             2—MINERS were rescued.
20161031             —ATTACKED, EGYPT, militants, the same Bir EL—ABD army checkpoint in Sinai where 12—SOLDIERS were killed —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH, this time leaving 1—SOLDIER—DEAD.
20161031             —KILLED, EGYPT—HEALTH—MINISTRY said recent floods have, 26—PEOPLE and injured 72—OTHERS across the country.
20161031             FRANCE—DEFENCE—MINISTER—JEAN—YVES—LE—DRIAN said that FRANCE would be ready to intervene in CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC if necessary, despite ending its peacekeeping mission in its former colony.
20161031             —REPORTED, INDONESIA, 1—CARGO—PLANE carrying 4—PEOPLE was, missing in 1—REMOTE, mountainous AREA—OF—EASTERNMOST—PAPUA province.
20161031             —ENTERED, IRAQ—TROOPS, the Karama DISTRICT—OF—THE—ISLAMIC—STATE—STRONGHOLD—OF—MOSUL, their 1. advance into the city itself —AFTER—2—WEEKS—OF fighting in the surrounding area to dislodge the militants.
20161031             —EXECUTED, THE—ISLAMIC—STATE, 50—PEOPLE for desertion at the Ghazlani military base in MOSUL.
20161031             —ELECTED, THE—LEBANON—PARLIAMENT, former army COMMANDER—MICHEL—AOUN as PRESIDENT, ending a —29—MONTH—PRESIDENTIAL vacuum as PART—OF—1—POLITICAL—DEAL that is expected to make Sunni Muslim leader SAAD—AL—HARIRI PRIME—MINISTER.
20161031             —FORCED, MOROCCO, about 220—AFRICA—MIGRANTS, their way through 1 barbed wire fence into SPAIN—NORTH—AFRICA—ENCLAVE—OF—CEUTA, clashing with SPAIN—POLICE who tried to prevent them from crossing the border.
20161031             —STAYED, PAKISTAN—SUPREME—COURT, the execution of 1—MENTALLY ill prisoner whose hanging was to take place —LATER—THIS—WEEK.
20161031             —DROPPED, SOUTH—AFRICA—PROSECUTORS, fraud charges against Finance MINISTER—PRAVIN—GORDHAN and 2—FORMER—TAX—OFFICIALS, reversing 1—DECISION that was criticized by MANY—SOUTH—AFRICANS and deepened concern about the country's struggling economy and alleged government mismanagement.
20161031             SOUTH—KOREA, Choi SOON—SIL, the woman at the center of 1—SCANDAL roiling SOUTH—KOREA, met prosecutors examining whether she used her close ties to PRESIDENT—PARK—GEUN—HYE to pull government strings from the shadows and amass 1—ILLICIT fortune.
20161031             Using 1—COMMON—EXPRESSION—OF—DEEP—REPENTANCE she said: "I committed 1—SIN that deserves death".
20161031             SPAIN, PRIME—MINISTER—MARIANO—RAJOY took his oath as LEADER—OF—THE—NEW—CONSERVATIVE—GOVERNMENT — 1—ADMINISTRATION that is in 1—MINORITY in PARLIAMENT and could have difficulty passing laws.
20161031             —CALLED, SYRIA—ARMY said the Nusra Front and what the army, other terrorist groups had killed 84—PEOPLE, mostly women and children, in ALEPPO —DURING the past —3—DAYS, in 1—BOMBARDMENT that included chemical weapons and rocket fire.
20161031             —DETAINED, TURKEY—POLICE, THE—CHIEF—EDITOR and at least 12—SENIOR—STAFF—OF—TURKEY—OPPOSITION—CUMHURIYET newspaper, in 1—WIDENING crackdown on dissenting voices.
20161031             —AGREED, VENEZUELA—GOVERNMENT and opposition leaders, to continue 1—VATICAN—BACKED dialogue —FOLLOWING initial talks meant to ease 1—ESCALATING political standoff taking place against the backdrop of 1—WORSENING economic crisis.
20161031—20010000    —CONVICTED—OF, Imdad Ali (50), murdering 1—RELIGIOUS—SCHOLAR, was diagnosed with schizophrenia 20080000             —IN.
20161031—20171031    —BIS—ZUM, erinnert die EVANGELISCHE—KIRCHE—DEUTSCHLAND mit Hunderten von Veranstaltungen an den THESEN—ANSCHLAG MARTIN—LUTHERS 15170000             in Wittenberg
20161031—20200000    —BY, CHINA said it will invest 946.3—BILLION yuan ($140—BILLION) to relocate its poorest citizens from remote, inland regions to more developed areas.
20171031             600—KG Kokain: NIEDERLÄNDISCHE—SOLDATEN liefern sich Verfolgungsjagd mit Drogenschmugglern
20171031             DIGITAL—INFRA—STRUKTUR, Kostet uns die SPAR—POLITIK den Fortschritt?
20171031             EVANGELISCHE—KIRCHE: "Reformation ist mehr als LUTHERs Verdauungsprobleme"
20171031             EX—BERATER GEORGE—PAPADOPOULOS: Der Mann, der für DONALD—TRUMP log
20171031             FLUCHT—AUS—KATALONIEN: PUIGDEMONT bringt BELGIEN in Erklärungsnot
20171031             FLUCHT—AUS—KATALONIEN: PUIGDEMONT will kein Asyl in BELGIEN
20171031             Für Zeit —NACH—DEM BREXIT: BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG will Tausende Staatsbedienstete zusätzlich einstellen
20171031             In der Jugendpsychiatrie: "Zahlreiche Kinder LEIDEN Nöte, die vermeidbar wären"
20171031             KATALONIEN—SEPARATISTEN: Kein Plan
20171031             MANHATTAN: PICK—UP—FAHRER tötet 8—MENSCHEN—BÜRGER—MEISTER spricht von TERROR
20171031             MARTIN—LUTHER: Der Erfinder DER—DEUTSCHEN—
20171031             PUIGDEMONT—FLUCHT—AUS—KATALONIEN: Carles, go home!
20171031             PICK—UP in Menschenmenge GE—STEUERT: 8—TOTE—BEI—TERROR—ANSCHLAG—IN—NEW—YORK
20171031             Schwere EXPLOSION—IN—KABUL: AFGHANISCHE—EXTREMISTEN setzten offenbar 1—KIND als Attentäter ein
20171031             TERROR—VERDACHT in SCHWERIN: Festgenommener Syrer reiste 20150000             als FLÜCHTLING ein
20171031             Trotz KATALONIEN—KRISE, SPANIEN ist Wachstumstreiber in DER—EURO—ZONE
20171031             UNO über Kinder als Opfer im KRIEG: "Schande dieser Generation"(Leben und Lernen, 21:03)
20171031             UNO—BERICHT, Erdtemperatur könnte um 3—GRAD steigen
20171031             —AM, zelebrieren Physiker 1. den "—TAG—DER—DUNKLEN Materie", um über die JAGD—AUF—DAS Unbekannte zu informieren
20171031             —FESTGOTTES—DIENST zu —500—JAHREN Reformation: "Akt der Befreiung"
20171031             —PUBLISHED, THE—USA—TREASURY—OFFICE—OF—FOREIGN—ASSETS—CONTROL, 1—AMENDMENT which bans USA entities from helping sanctioned RUSSIA—OIL—COMPANIES in exploration or production for deepwater, ARCTIC offshore, or shale projects anywhere in the world.
20171031             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—ENVIRONMENTAL—PROTECTION—AGENCY, it will bar certain scientists from serving on its independent advisory boards, 1—MOVE—CRITICS say could open the way to more INDUSTRY—FRIENDLY—ADVISORS on the panels.
20171031             —CONTAINED, CALIFORNIA officials said THE—NORTH—TUBBS Fire has been.
20171031             —DESTROYED, The blaze had, 5,600 buildings homes and killed 24—PEOPLE.
20171031             —1—DAY—EARLIER crews reached full containment on the Nuns Fire, which burned 56,556 acres and killed 2—PEOPLE.
20171031             —CONTAINED, THE—POCKET—FIRE was also.
20171031             The state's northern fires left 43—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20171031             —MOWED, NEW—YORK—CITY, UZBEKISTAN—DRIVER—SAYFULLO Saipov (29), down pedestrians and cyclists along 1—BUSY bike path in lower Manhattan, near the World Trade Center, killing 8—PEOPLE, including 1—YOUNG—BELGIAN and 5—ARGENTINES.
20171031             Police shot Saipov in the abdomen —AFTER he crashed into 1—SCHOOL—BUS and exited his rented pickup truck.
20171031             AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER struck near THE—USA—EMBASSY in KABUL, killing 5—PEOPLE in 1—ATTACK claimed by the Islamic State group.
20171031             Unions representing STATE—RUN—CARRIER—AEROLINEAS Argentinas and sister company Austral Lineas Aereas demanded a 26—PERCENT salary hike in line with the inflation rate.
20171031             AUSTRIA—POLICE and customs officials found 400,000 ecstasy tablets worth MILLIONS—OF—EUROS in 1—TRUCK headed to ISTANBUL from AMSTERDAM.
20171031             The driver was taken in custody.
20171031             1—ACCOMPLICE in GERMANY was also arrested and 1—SEARCH continued for other suspects.
20171031             1—BAHRAIN—COURT sentenced 10—MEN to life imprisonment and revoked their citizenship on charges of forming 1—TERRORIST—CELL and plotting attacks.
20171031             4—ROHINGYA Muslims, 1—MAN, woman and 2—CHILDREN, drowned —WHEN 1—SMALL—WOODEN fishing boat carrying DOZENS—OF—REFUGEES fleeing ethnic violence in MYANMAR capsized off THE—BANGLADESH coast.
20171031             —OUSTED, BELGIUM, Catalonia's, leader Carles Puigdemont agreed to 20171221             —THE snap election called by SPAIN—CENTRAL—GOVERNMENT—WHEN it took control of the region to stop it breaking away, but he said the fight for INDEPENDENCE would go on.
20171031             —EXTRADITED, Bosnia, Mirsad Kandic to THE—USA.
20171031             The alleged Islamic State group supporter from KOSOVO, suspected of supplying THE—IS with suicide vests as well as weapons, has been sought —FOR—YEARS by THE—USA.
20171031             —ANNOUNCED, TANGSHAN, CHINA—TOP steelmaking city, plans to temporarily halve its iron production capacity from MID—NOVEMBER —UNTIL MID—MARCH as local authorities step up efforts to fight —WINTER smog.
20171031             —DESTROYED, EGYPT—MILITARY—AIR—STRIKES, 3—VEHICLES loaded with weapons, ammunition and explosives, and killed a "large number" of militants in the western desert.
20171031             4—CIVILIANS were reported killed —WHEN 1—MORTAR shell hit their tractor in EL—ARISH.
20171031             —KILLED, ERITREA, at least 28—PEOPLE were, in —2—DAYS—OF—RARE—PROTESTS in ASMARA.
20171031             —INJURED, More than 100—PEOPLE were, in the protests that began —1—DAY—EARLIER and escalated —TODAY.
20171031             —ARRESTED, GERMANY—POLICE, 1—SYRIAN, —19—JAHRE—ALT suspected of planning 1—ISLAMIST—MOTIVATED bomb attack in GERMANY with the aim of killing as MANY—PEOPLE as possible.
20171031             —ARRESTED, Yamen A. was, in THE—EARLY—HOURS in THE—NORTH—EAST—TOWN—OF—SCHWERIN.
20171031             —CENTERED, INDONESIA, 1—MAGNITUDE—6.3—QUAKE was, about 32—KM (20—MILES) WEST—SOUTH—WEST—OF—HILA, 1—TOWN on AMBON, the main ISLAND in Maluku.
20171031             THE—HEAD—OF—IRAN—PARAMILITARY—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARD said supreme leader Ayatollah ALI—KHAMENEI has restricted the range of ballistic missiles manufactured in the country to 2,000 km (1,240 miles).
20171031             —CRITICIZED, KENYA—OPPOSITION—LEADER—RAILA Odinga harshly, 1—ELECTION rerun in which PRESIDENT—UHURU—KENYATTA was declared the winner, saying it should be scrapped in favor of yet another vote and that the opposition would continue to protest in the streets.
20171031             1—KENYA—COURT released 1—MAN whom police had called the prime suspect in THE—MURDER—OF—HIS estranged AUSTRALIA—WIFE.
20171031             —ARMED, Gabrielle Maina was shot dead by, men riding 1—MOTORBIKE as she walked near her home in NAIROBI, —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH.
20171031             NORWAY—STATOIL said it aims to sign 1—POWER—PURCHASE—AGREEMENT with 1—USA—UTILITY to develop 1—OFFSHORE wind power project off NEW—YORK toward the end of 20180000             .
20171031             —APPEARED, PAKISTAN, Aasia Bibi (21), —BEFORE 1—JUDGE on murder charges —AFTER she allegedly poisoned her husband's milk —LAST—WEEK.
20171031             17—OTHER—PEOPLE were inadvertently —WHEN her mother used the tainted milk to make 1—YOGURT—BASED drink.
20171031             —REFUSED, PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA, HUNDREDS—OF—ASYLUM—SEEKERS, to leave 1—AUSTRALIA—DETENTION—CAMP that authorities closed, citing fears for their safety, despite food, water and electricity being cut off on MANUS—ISLAND.
20171031             —LAUNCHED, THE—RUSSIA—SUBMARINE "Veliky Novgorod", 3 "Kalibr" missiles at Islamic State targets in SYRIA—DEIR—AL—ZOR province.
20171031             —KILLED, SYRIA, at least 4—SCHOOLCHILDREN were among 8—PEOPLE, in regime shelling in EAST—GHOUTA.
20171031—20170903    —ON, JAPAN—BROADCASTER TV Asahi said 1—TUNNEL at NORTH—KOREA—NUCLEAR—TEST—SITE collapsed —AFTER PYONGYANG—6. atomic test, possibly killing more than 200—PEOPLE.
20171031—20190000    —IN, invetigators said the Tubbs Fire was caused by faulty equipment at 1—HOME in Calistoga.
20180805             Her resignation is effective as of 20181031             .
20181031             "Während unserer Beobachtungen hatten wir das Glück, 3—HELLE Ausbrüche um das SCHWARZE Loch herum zu BEMERKEN—ES war ein glücklicher Zufall",
20181031             1—THEORIE zufolge wurde das Mädchen entführt, um 1.Freilassung MEHMET—ALI—AGCAS zu erzwingen, der 19810000             1—ATTENTAT—AUF—PAPA—JOHANNES—PAUL—II.
20181031             1—DEUTSCHER—KOMMISSAR will Berggorillas retten: Disziplin und BELGISCHE—BLUTHUNDE (SPIEGEL+, 13:39)
20181031             30—PROZENT—DER—LICHTGESCHWINDIGKEIT entsprechen etwa 90.000—KILOMETER—PRO—SEKUNDE.
20181031             600—MILLIONEN—PROJEKT: SIEMENS baut Innovationscampus in BERLIN
20181031             Also das ist ja wohl der schlimmste FALL—VON—SELBSTMORD, den wir je hatten!
20181031             An 1—ANDEREN Stelle seien zudem weitere Knochen entdeckt worden, berichtet die TAGES—ZEITUNG "La Repubblica".
20181031             Arbeitslosenquote unter 5 %: Warum Vollbeschäftigung möglich ist
20181031             Astronomen haben im ZENTRUM—DER—MILCHSTRASSE 1. Materie nahe dem sogenannten Punkt ohne Wiederkehr BEOBACHTET—JENEM Punkt, an dem 1—SCHWARZES—LOCH Materie durch seine immense Masse unwiederbringlich nach innen zieht.
20181031             Auswertung: Nur AMAZON und Google investieren mehr in Forschung als VW
20181031             BUNDESWEHR: Neue Panzer nur bedingt einsatzbereit
20181031             Boom bei Speicherchips: Samsung meldet Rekordergebnis im —SOMMERQUARTAL
20181031             BRITISCHE—STEUER—SENKUNGEN trotz BREXIT: Eine nette GESTE—VOR allem für Reiche
20181031             Denkbar wäre auch, daß —DER—FALL—DES ebenfalls —SEIT—DAMALS, vermissten Mädchens Mirella GREGORi aufgeklärt werden könnte.
20181031             Der OGH urteilte, DAS—VERHALTEN der Journalistin sei zwar "moralisch falsch und illegal" gewesen.
20181031             Der dem SCHWARZEn Loch am nächsten gelegene Punkt, den das Material noch umkreisen kann, wird als innerster stabiler Orbit bezeichnet.
20181031             Frauenquote : DEUTSCHLAND hat nur 20—BOTSCHAFTERINNEN
20181031             —GEHALTEN, GROß—BRITANNIEN: Paar soll Mann als SKLAVEN, haben
20181031             Gentechnik in der Landwirtschaft: Frau Künast trifft den Feind
20181031             Häusliche Gewalt: So schrecklich war DIE—EHE IM—MITTEL—ALTER (SPIEGEL+, 03:35)
20181031             INDIEN: Höchste Statue der Welt eingeweiht
20181031             ITALIEN: Knochenfund in VATIKAN—BOTSCHAFT—IST es Emanuela Orlandi?
20181031             Internationale Gemeinschaft: ÖSTERREICH zieht sich aus UNO—MIGRATIONSPAKT zurück
20181031             Materie, die einem SCHWARZEn Loch zu nahe kommt, wird über den sogenannten Ereignishorizont gezogen.
20181031             Mehr als 12—TOTE: WETTERCHAOS—IN—EUROPA, milder —HERBST in DEUTSCHLAND
20181031             —GEFORDERT, Millionenlösegeld : GROßNICHTE—VON—GABRIEL—GARCÍA—MÁRQUEZ offenbar entführt
20181031             NATO—MANÖVER "Trident Juncture": HOLLYWOOD im Fjord
20181031             NEW—HOTNESS, Saudis, die politisches Asyl beantragt hatten, tot im Wasser gefunden.
20181031             Nationalisten und Rassisten bei USA—MIDTERMS: DIE—RECHTEN Geister, die DONALD—TRUMP rief
20181031             NORWEGISCHER—DIPLOMAT Pedersen: UNO ernennt neuen SYRIENbeauftragten
20181031             Notfall im Düsseldorfer LANDTAG: SPD—ABGEORDNETER rettet AFD—MIT—ARBEITER das Leben
20181031             —NUN, die ist —JETZT freigesprochen worden.
20181031             POLICE are investigating the mysterious deaths of 2—SISTERS from SAUDI—ARABIA whose bodies, bound together with tape, washed up on NEW—YORK CITY—WATERFRONT —LAST—WEEK.
20181031             Pläne für DIGITAL—STEUER: Lasst Google zahlen!
20181031             Probleme mit Zulieferern: Airbus bangt um sein AUSLIEFERUNGS—ZIEL
20181031             Rückgang um 5 %: DEUTSCHE verbrauchen deutlich weniger Energie
20181031             SCHWARZES—LOCH: Astronomen beobachten Materie am Punkt ohne Wiederkehr
20181031             STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT in ISTANBUL: KHASHOGGI wurde kurz nach Betreten des KONSULATs erwürgt
20181031             THESEN—ANSCHLAG MARTIN—LUTHERS : Warum feiern Protestanten den REFORMATIONS—TAG?
20181031             Trotz guter Konjunktur: 15.000.000—MENSCHEN in DEUTSCHLAND drohen Armut oder Ausgrenzung
20181031             USA—WAHL—KAMPF—UM—DIE—GRENZE: Die erfundene —INVASÃON
20181031             Vereitelter AN—SCHLAG, DÄNEMARK fordert EU—SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—IRAN
20181031             Verändertes NUTZER—VERHALTEN,FACEBOOK sorgt sich um seine GELD—MASCHINE
20181031             Vorwurf der Gotteslästerung: TODESURTEIL—GEGEN—CHRISTIN in PAKISTAN aufgehoben
20181031             WELT—RAUM—TELESKOP geht der Treibstoff aus: KEPLER macht schlapp
20181031             Zwischenfall vor SCHOTTLAND: BRITISCHE—KAMPFJETS fangen RUSSISCHE—BOMBER ab
20181031             [l] Erinnert ihr euch an die UNGARISCHE—FOTOGRAFIN, die 2.015—FLÜCHTLINGE getreten hat und dabei gefilmt wurde?
20181031             [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON?
20181031             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, PUTIN—KRITIKER tot im Wasser gefunden.
20181031             e Existenz eines supermassereichen SCHWARZEn Lochs im Zentrum unserer Galaxie.
20181031             —AFFÄRE im VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUM: VON—DER—LEYEN räumt gravierende Mängel bei Vergabe von Beraterjobs ein
20181031             —KLIMA—SCHUTZZIELE: KOALITION verständigt sich auf Ausbau von Ökostrom
20181031             —NEUE—SAMMELKLAGE: Kunden verbünden sich gegen Volkswagen
20181031             —QUARTAL—ZAHLEN: AUDI—GEWINN schrumpft um mehr als 1—MILLIARDE—EURO
20181031             —URTEIL—IN—KOBLENZ: Passanten dürfen freilaufende Hunde abwehren
20181031             —VERHANDLUNGEN—MIT—EU: GROß—BRITANNIEN rechnet mit BREXIT—DEAL —BIS zum 21..;;11;;
20181031             —VOR, Pokalduell in ROSTOCK : POLIZEI gibt Warnschuss bei Ausschreitungen ab
20181031             † WILLIE—MCCOVEY, —80—JAHRE—ALT, the Hall of Fame 1. baseman who spent 10—OF—HIS 22—MAJOR—LEAGUE seasons with THE—SF—GIANTS, at Stanford Hospital.
20181031             1—AFGHANISTAN—ARMY—HELICOPTER crashed in bad weather in THE—WEST—FARAH province, killing all 25—PEOPLE on BOARD.
20181031             THE—AUSTRIA—GOVERNMENT said that it won't sign 1—GLOBAL—COMPACT to promote safe and orderly migration, citing concerns about national sovereignty as it joined neighboring HUNGARY in shunning the agreement.
20181031             —APPROVED, THE—GLOBAL—COMPACT for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration was, in July by all 193—MEMBER nations except THE—USA, which backed out —LAST—YEAR.
20181031             BELGIUM, unions and management found agreement to end a —6—DAY—STRIKE by baggage handlers that has disrupted flights to and from the main airport for PART—OF—THE—AUTUMN—HOLIDAY—SEASON.
20181031             —ABOUT 2,000 migrants began walking north from EL—SALVADOR—CAPITAL, the latest of several groups trying to reach THE—USA, even as PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP increases pressure to halt THE—FLOW—OF—PEOPLE.
20181031             oo GREECE, JOHN—MACRIS, —46—JAHRE—ALT, 1—GREEK—AUSTRALIAN, to 1—MODEL who appeared on 1—GREECE—REALITY TV show, was shot and killed as he left his home in Voula in his car this —EVENING in 1—SEASIDE suburb of ATHENS.
20181031             —DESCRIBED, AUSTRALIA—MEDIA have, Macris as having been involved in SYDNEY's organized crime scene.
20181031             ICELAND—FOREIGN—MINISTRY said ICELAND—CITIZENS in BRITAIN and UK—CITIZENS in ICELAND will keep their residence rights —AFTER Brexit, even in THE—CASE—OF—NO—DEAL with THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
20181031             —UNVEILED, INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI, 1—TOWERING bronze statue of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, 1—KEY—INDEPENDENCE—LEADER being promoted as 1—NATIONAL—ICON in the ruling party's campaign AHEAD—OF—NEXT—YEAR—GENERAL—ELECTIONS.
20181031             IRAQ—SHI'ITE paramilitaries, also known as the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), said in 1—STATEMENT that they had killed 2 IS commanders in the border area who were responsible for 1—ATTACK—LAST—WEEK on USA—BACKED SYRIA—KURDISH—FORCES along THE—IRAQ—SYRIA border.
20181031             1—OPERATION in NORTH—IRAQ by American and IRAQ—FORCES killed —AROUND 20 IS fighters in the Makhmour Mountains.
20181031             —ISSUED, MEXICO—SUPREME—COURT, 2—MORE—RULINGS in individual cases establishing 1—PRECEDENT that 1—BLANKET prohibition on recreational marijuana use is unconstitutional.
20181031             —PREPARED, MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE in MEXICO—CITY, to be without water for at least —4—DAYS as authorities began maintenance work on 1—OF—THE—MAJOR—SUPPLY—SYSTEMS.
20181031             oo NORWAY, ANNE—ELISABETH—FALKEVIK—HAGEN (68), to 1—REAL—ESTATE and energy magnate, disappeared from her home in Lorenskog.
20181031             —10—WEEKS—LATER police said 1—RANSOM demand for $10.3—MILLION in cryptocurrency has been received for the missing woman.
20181031             —ACQUITTED, PAKISTAN—TOP—COURT, 1—CHRISTIAN woman who was sentenced to death under the country's controversial blasphemy law, 1—LANDMARK ruling that sparked protests by HARD—LINE—ISLAMISTS and raised FEARS—OF—VIOLENCE.
20181031             —PULLED, In THE—NORTH—PHILIPPINES rescuers, out 4—BODIES and 4—SURVIVORS, but at least 19—OTHERS remained missing —AFTER 1—MASSIVE—TYPHOON—YUTU triggered landslide crashed down on 2—GOVERNMENT—BUILDINGS.
20181031             —OPENED, RUSSIA, 1—INVESTIGATION into suspected terrorism —AFTER a —17—YEAR—OLD—YOUTH blew himself up in the lobby of 1—OFFICE belonging to RUSSIA—FEDERAL—SECURITY—SERVICE (FSB) in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—ARKHANGELSK.
20181031             —RESIGNED, SOUTH—AFRICA PATRICIA, De LILLE (67), THE—MAYOR—OF—CAPE—TOWN, amid 1—BITTER—DISPUTE roiling the country's main opposition in the runup to 20190000             elections.
20181031             —MARRED, Her —7—YEAR tenure has been, by ALLEGATIONS—OF—CORRUPTION and financial mismanagement that have threatened to tarnish CAPE—TOWN—REPUTATION.
20181031             —RETURNED, SOUTH—SUDAN, opposition leader Riek Machar, to JUBA to take part in 1—NATIONWIDE peace celebration —AFTER fleeing SOUTH—SUDAN more than —2—YEARS—AGO.
20181031             To further reinforce the peace deal, PRESIDENT—SALVA—KIIR ordered the release of 1 jailed advisor to Machar, and 1—SPOKESMAN to his rebel group.
20181031             —OFFERED, SWEDEN, to host talks between YEMEN—WARRING parties as WASHINGTON called for 1—URGENT halt to hostilities and THE—UN—SPECIAL—ENVOY ramped up efforts to revive discussions that failed nearly —2—MONTHS—AGO.
20181031             1—SYRIA—MEDICAL—OFFICIAL said 1—NEW—MASS—GRAVE was discovered in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—RAQQA that —UNTIL—LAST—YEAR was 1—STRONGHOLD and the de facto CAPITAL—OF—IS.
20181031             The new mass grave includes more than 1,500 bodies who were killed by AIRSTRIKES—OF—THE—USA—LED coalition that gave cover to USA—BACKED SYRIA—FIGHTERS who captured Raqqa from IS in October —LAST—YEAR.
20181031             TANZANIA, DAR—ES—SALAAM—ADMINISTRATIVE—CHIEF—PAUL—MAKONDA said that 1—SPECIAL—COMMITTEE would seek to identify and punish homosexuals, prostitutes and online fraudsters in the city from —THIS—WEEK.
20181031             —NAMED, VENEZUELA, Army GENERAL—MANUEL—CRISTOPHE as the new CHIEF—OF—ITS—STATE—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, —FOLLOWING THE—DEATH—OF—1—POLITICIAN in custody that was officially ruled 1—SUICIDE but critics called 1—MURDER.
20181031             —REPLACED, Cristopher, outgoing Sebin CHIEF—GUSTAVO—GONZALEZ.
20181031—19830000    —REPORTED, ITALY—NEWS—AGENCY—ANSA, that prosecutors were focusing on whether the remains found in 1—ANNEX of the Holy SEE—EMBASSY in ROME could be linked either to Mirella Gregori, or to Emanuela Orlandi, 2—15—YEAR—OLD—GIRLS who went missing.
20181031—20100000    —SINCE, ASIA Bibi had been on death row.
20181031—20181106    —ON, 1—MOSCOW court arrested a —14—YEAR—OLD—BOY believed to be linked to the bomb attack.
20181031—20181108    —UNTIL, The system won't return to full capacity.
20181031—20181111    —BIS.
20181102             Islamists held rallies across PAKISTAN against freedom for ASIA Bibi and to denounce 20181031             —THE—SUPREME—COURT ruling that overturned her 20100000             CONVICTION—OF—INSULTING—THE—PROPHET—MUHAMMAD.
20181201—20100000    —FOLLOWED, This came —AFTER violent rallies, 20181031             —THE—ACQUITTAL—OF—ASIA—BIBI, who had been charged with blasphemy.
20190410             —AGREED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, to delay Brexit by up to —6—MONTHS to 20191031             —WHILE PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—MAY seeks 1—AGREEMENT with Labour that she hopes will help get her 3—TIMES rejected exit deal approved by PARLIAMENT.
20190805—20191031    —ON, PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON—SPOKESMAN said BRITAIN will be leaving THE—EU no matter what.
20190818—20190816    —SIGNED, The order, by Brexit SECRETARY—STEVE—BARCLAY, was set to take effect 20191031             —ON.
20190819—20191031    —CALLED, BRITAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON, on GERMANY and FRANCE to compromise on Brexit, cautioning that THE—UK would be ready to leave THE—EUROPEAN—UNION without 1—DEAL if necessary.
20190825—20191031    —ON, 1—UK—OFFICIAL said Pm BORIS—JOHNSON has told European Council PRESIDENT—DONALD—TUSK that BRITAIN would be leaving THE—EU whatever the circumstances.
20190911             BRITAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON lost 1—SCOTLAND—COURT ruling on THE—SUSPENSION—OF—PARLIAMENT, throwing the deadlocked UK—POLITICAL—SYSTEM into even greater confusion ahead of 20191031             —THE—BREXIT date.
20190912—20191031    —VOWED, PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON also, that BRITAIN will be ready for 1—NO—DEAL—DEPARTURE from THE—EU despite his own government's assessment that planning remained "at 1—LOW—LEVEL".
20190915—20191031    —ZUM, EU—AUSTRITT  JOHNSON will BREXIT DURCHPRÜGELN—WIE der unglaubliche Hulk
20190918—20201031    —UNTIL, THE—CABINET extended THE—BUNDESWEHR—TRAINING of local IRAQ—FORCES.
20191017—20191031    —REACHED, BRITAIN and THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, 1—NEW divorce deal that could allow Brexit, but faced immediate opposition among MPs in LONDON -- who can still block it.
20191019—20190131    —UNTIL, Johnson was compelled by 1—LAW, passed by opponents —LAST—MONTH, to ask the bloc for 1—EXTENSION to the current Brexit deadline of 20191031             —AFTER lawmakers thwarted his attempt to pass his EU divorce deal —EARLIER—TODAY.
20191020—20191031    —INSISTED, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT, the country will leave THE—EUROPEAN—UNION despite 1—LETTER that PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON was forced by PARLIAMENT to send to the bloc requesting 1—BREXIT delay.
20191031             —ANTI—REGIERUNGS—PROTESTE—IM—IRAK: "Wir sind endlich vereint in unserem Hass"
20191031             Wegbereiter für den RECHTS—RUCK: Wo kommen nur all die Rassisten her?
20191031             Von den Talkshows wanderte der Rassismus auf die Straße: 20130000             traten —ERST die "Hooligans gegen Salafisten" (HoGeSa),
20191031             1—GRUNDLAGE, aus der sich für DIE—REGIERUNG 1—HANDLUNGS—PFLICHT ergebe, sei nicht ersichtlich.
20191031             737NG: Qantas prüft BOEING—JETS wegen Rissen im Rumpf
20191031             Bauernfamilien gegen Bundesregierung: Lässt sich KLIMA—SCHUTZ einklagen?
20191031             Berühmte Gletschermumie: Moose verraten Ötzis letzte Route
20191031             CHILE—PRÄSIDENT—PIÑERA: Eigentlich —AM—ENDE
20191031             DER—STAAT schützt auch in Verantwortung für die künftigen Generationen die natürlichen Lebensgrundlagen und die Tiere im Rahmen der verfassungsmäßigen Ordnung durch die Gesetzgebung und nach Maßgabe von Gesetz und Recht durch die vollziehende Gewalt und die Rechtsprechung.
20191031             —GEHÖRT, Da wächst zusammen, was zusammen ENTSORGT !
20191031             Datenschützer sind entsetzt: Gesichtserkennung soll FRANZÖSISCHE—SCHÜLER schützen
20191031             Der Schulterschluss der Kameraden!
20191031             ERMORDUNG—VON—INDIGENEN in KOLUMBIEN: Soldaten sollen UR—EINWOHNER schützen
20191031             Es gibt eine völkerrechtlich bindende Erklärung gegen Rassismus, die DEUTSCHLAND vor —50—JAHREN unterzeichnet hat.
20191031             Förmlicher Beschluss, USA—REPRÄSENTANTENHAUS stützt mit Votum IMPEACHMENT—ERMITTLUNGEN—GEGEN—DONALD—TRUMP
20191031             Ich bin ja normalerweise kein Freund von Absprachen in der Politik.
20191031             In other words, we're —STARTING to see 1—IRONY—OF—THE "POST—TRUTH" world: THE—DEMOCRATIZATION—OF—KNOWLEDGE has been matched by the intensification of the bureaucratic model.
20191031             Jeder hat das Recht auf Leben und körperliche Unversehrtheit.
20191031             Juristen, der in DEUTSCHLAND überhaupt —ERST diesen UNRECHTS—STAAT als juristischen Begriff in die Judikative eingeführt hat.
20191031             Luftaufnahmen aus SYRIEN: USA veröffentlichen Video von Einsatz gegen IS—ANFÜHRER Baghdadi
20191031             Menschen haben ja unterschiedliche Zeitrechnungen
20191031             Sorge vor CHINESISCHER—SPIONAGE, USA—INNEN—MINISTERIUM zieht 800—DROHNEN aus dem Verkehr
20191031             —AUSSPIONIERT, Spionagesoftware: Politiker und Militärs über WhatsApp
20191031             TRUMP—AUßEN—POLITIK und DIE—UKRAINE—AFFÄRE: Die Rache der DIPLOMATEN
20191031             TRUMP—EX—SICHERHEITSBERATER: BOLTON offenbar als Zeuge in UKRAINE—AFFÄRE vorgeladen
20191031             THE—VALLEY—ONLY savior, at this point, is THE—COMMUNIST—PARTY—OF—CHINA.
20191031             —GLIMPSED, THE—1—TRUE utopia of this mode of thinking — already, in places like SINGAPORE or ESTONIA — is 1—FULLY—AUTOMATED BUREAUCRATIC—SYSTEM enforcing the rules with PRUSSIA—EFFICIENCY.
20191031             This time, however, the human side of bureaucracy is presented as archaic and uncool, to be replaced by "objective" algorithms and ledgers.
20191031             Thüringer LANDTAG: Offenbar hält nur noch 1—STIMME die FDP über der 5—PROZENT—HÜRDE
20191031             USA—MILITÄREINSATZ: Terrormiliz "Islamischer STAAT" bestätigt TOD—VON—BAGHDADI und ernennt Nachfolger
20191031             Umsatzrückgang im Einzelhandel: HONG—KONGS—WIRTSCHAFT bricht nach Protesten ein
20191031             Und ich glaube ja, etwas besseres kann Corbyn gar nicht passieren.
20191031             Und —JETZT das.
20191031             —ZERSTÖRT, Weltkulturerbe : Historische Burg Shuri in JAPAN niedergebrannt
20191031             Wie wäre es mit Art 2—GG? Wir leben nicht nur
20191031             [l] Evgeny Morozov ist ja immer für interessante Perspektiven gut.
20191031             [l] GREENPEACE kann nicht DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG wegen deren Nichteinhaltung der Klimaziele verklagen.
20191031             [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON? DONALD—TRUMP ruft bei NIGEL Farage in der Radiosendung an, macht Wahlwerbung gegen JEREMY—CORBYN.
20191031             [l] Vielleicht hätte ich die CDU für ihre ritualisierte AFD—AUSGRENZUNG nicht so beschimpfen sollen.
20191031             —KONFLIKTREGION: INDIEN spaltet BUNDES—STAAT JAMMU und Kaschmir in 2—TEILE
20191031             —NACH, Chiles Absage der COP25: MADRID will UN—KLIMA—KONFERENZ ausrichten
20191031             —NACH, Verlusten im Vorjahr: SCHWEIZER—NATIONALBANK erzielt mehr als 50—MILLIARDEN Franken Gewinn
20191031             —NACH—MASSEN—PROTESTEN, IRAK—PRÄSIDENT—BARHAM—SALEH kündigt Neuwahlen an
20191031             —PROTESTE—IN—DER Sonderverwaltungszone: Regierungen in HONG—KONG und Peking verschärfen Maßnahmen gegen Demonstranten
20191031             —UPDATE, Oder noch besser Art 20a:
20191031             —TWEETED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, that he was changing his primary residence from NEW—YORK—CITY to FLORIDA.
20191031             —PASSED, THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, 1—RESOLUTION to establish formal procedures for the ongoing impeachment inquiry into PRESIDENT—TRUMP'S alleged political interference in foreign aid to UKRAINE.
20191031             —EXTENDED, THE—USA, its sanctions on IRAN by taking aim at its construction sector, which WASHINGTON linked to the country's Revolutionary Guards.
20191031             —CHARGED, USA—FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS, a 12. United Auto Workers official with alleged corruption.
20191031             —ACCUSED—OF, Union official EDWARD—ROBINSON was, conspiring with colleagues to embezzle more than $1.5—MILLION in union money to fuel "lavish lifestyles," and to defraud THE—USA.
20191031             —WARNED, THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT, that it had seen indications of Russian "influence" on recent unrest in CHILE, where —2—WEEKS—OF—PROTESTS and riots have rocked THE—ADMINISTRATION—OF—PRESIDENT—SEBASTIAN—PINERA.
20191031             —MECHANIZED, THE—USA—MILITARY says its 1. batch of, armored vehicles have arrived in SOUTH—EAST—SYRIA, where they are to take part in securing oil fields and fighting remnants of the Islamic State group.
20191031             CALIFORNIA officials said THE—NORTH—KINCADE wildfire in Sonoma County, that forced the evacuation of more than 180,000, people is —NOW 60% contained and has not increased in size in the last —24—HOURS.
20191031             —IGNITED, More wildfires, near LOS—ANGELES, destroying homes and forcing evacuations, as the region faced a 2. —DAY—OF—GUSTING desert winds that have fanned flames and displaced THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE.
20191031             THE—SF—BAY—AREA, 1—SHOOTING at 1—PARTY in Orinda left 4—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20191031             —RENTED, The party was held in 1—MANSION, through AirBnB.
20191031             † A 5. victim, THE—NEXT—DAY.
20191031             —CALLED, CHICAGO Mayor Lori Lightfoot, on the city's teacher's union to embrace a "spirit of compromise" as 1—STRIKE that has kept 300,000 public students away from school extended into an 11. —DAY, despite 1—TENTATIVE contract deal.
20191031             Altria Inc took a $4.5—BILLION hit from its investment in embattled ELECTRONIC—CIGARETTE maker Juul Labs Inc, the latest setback for the startup as 1—REGULATORY—CRACKDOWN on vaping threatens to upend THE—FAST—GROWING industry.
20191031             Fiat Chrysler and Peugeot owner PSA said they plan to join forces in a 50—50—SHARE—MERGER to create the world's 4.—LARGEST automaker, seeking scale to cope with costly new technologies and slowing global demand.
20191031             —IDENTIFIED, ABU—HAMZA—AL—QURAYSHI, the new spokesman for the Islamic State, the successor of ABU—BAKR—AL—BAGHDADI as ABU—IBRAHIM—AL—HASHIMI—AL—QURAYSHI — tracing his lineage, like AL—BAGHDADI, to the Prophet MUHAMMAD—QURAYSH tribe.
20191031             ETHIOPIA, 1—SPOKESWOMAN for PRIME—MINISTER—ABIY—AHMED said at least 78—PEOPLE were killed —DURING protests —LAST—WEEK over the treatment of prominent activist Jawar Mohammed.
20191031             THE—EUROPEAN—MEDICINES—AGENCY (EMA) said Pfizer INC—RHEUMATOID arthritis drug Xeljanz could increase THE—RISK—OF—BLOOD clots in the lungs and in deep veins.
20191031             —SLASHED, THE—FRENCH—BASED Sanofi company, the price of 1—KEY—ANTI—TUBERCULOSIS drug boosting the battle against the world's deadliest infectious disease, as 1—NEW—TREATMENT was also set to begin extensive testing.
20191031             —FIRED, HONG—KONG police, tear gas to break up masked ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS mingling with Halloween revelers in fancy dress near the upmarket club DISTRICT—OF—LAN—KWAI—FONG —AFTER 1—STANDOFF lasting hours.
20191031             —IMPLEMENTED, INDIA formally, legislation approved by PARLIAMENT —IN—AUGUST that removed INDIAN—CONTROLLED KASHMIR—SEMI—AUTONOMOUS—STATUS and begins direct FEDERAL—RULE—OF—THE disputed area.
20191031             1—WORLD—TRADE—ORGANIZATION (WTO) panel ruled that INDIA—EXPORT subsidies are prohibited and should be removed, upholding 1—COMPLAINT brought by THE—USA.
20191031             INDONESIA, Mukhlis bin Muhammad (46), 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—ACEH—ULEMA—COUNCIL (MPU), was caned 28—TIMES in 1—PUBLIC—PARK by 1—RELIGIOUS—OFFICER for adultery in Aceh province.
20191031             —FLOGGED, The woman he had the sexual relationship with was, also in public, receiving 23—LASHES.
20191031             —CALLED, IRAQ—PRESIDENT—BARHAM—SALIH, for the drafting of 1—NEW—ELECTION—LAW and said he would approve early elections once it is enacted, bowing to ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS—WHILE insisting that the sweeping changes they are demanding be carried out in 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—WAY.
20191031             Jarrar, 1—SENIOR—OFFICIAL with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, was released in February from —20—MONTHS—OF—ADMINISTRATIVE—DETENTION.
20191031             —RESIGNED, JAPAN—JUSTICE—MINISTER—KATSUYUKI—KAWAI, over election payment allegations involving his wife, also 1—LAWMAKER, and about his own reported GIFT—GIVING.
20191031             —STRUGGLED, LEBANON—SECURITY—FORCES, to open SOME—ROADS as protesters continued their civil disobedience campaign in support of nationwide ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATIONS.
20191031             —REPORTED, It was, that the recent TRANSFER—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—ELEPHANTS to MALAWI—LARGEST wildlife reserve has led to residents falling ill from sleeping sickness, 1—PARASITIC—DISEASE spread by testse flies, 1—COMPANION—OF—THE—ELEPHANTS.
20191031             —FIRED, NORTH—KOREA, 2—SHORT—RANGE projectiles, as nuclear talks between PYONGYANG and WASHINGTON remained at 1—DEADLOCK.
20191031             PAKISTAN, 1—FIRE swept through 1—TRAIN in Punjab province killing at least 74—PEOPLE.
20191031             Passengers said it took nearly —20—MINUTES for the train to stop.
20191031             THE—PHILIPPINES, another strong earthquake, the 3. —THIS—MONTH, killed 5—PEOPLE in COTABATO province.
20191031             —ACQUITTED—OF, SPAIN, 5—MEN were, a 20160000             rape on the grounds that their —14—YEAR—OLD—VICTIM had been unconscious —AT—THE—TIME.
20191031             —RULED, THE—BARCELONA—BASED court, that the men were guilty of the lesser crime of sexual abuse and sentenced them to 10—12—YEARS and fined them 12,000 euros ($13,300).
20191031             —RULED, TURKEY—ANADOLU news agency said 1—APPEALS—COURT, for the release of Republican PEOPLE—PARTY—EX—LEGISLATOR—EREN—ERDEM.
20191031             —SENTENCED, He was, to more than —4—YEARS in prison in March, accused of supporting USA—BASED Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen.
20191031             —APPROVED, UKRAINE—PARLIAMENT, 1—BILL that criminalizes state officials illegally enriching themselves.
20191031             —ISSUED, UKRAINE and NATO, 1—JOINT—STATEMENT committing to uphold minority rights in UKRAINE, 1—STEP welcomed by THE—HUNGARY—AUTHORITIES who had threatened to block KIEV—NATO—MEMBERSHIP over the issue.
20191031             3 UNITED—NATIONS agencies warned that record 45—MILLION—PEOPLE across SOUTH—AFRICA—FACE—SEVERE—FOOD—SHORTAGES in the next —6—MONTHS, with —AROUND 1—QUARTER—OF them currently enduring DROUGHT—INDUCED "crisis" food insecurity.
20191031             —VOTED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, unanimously to keep the joint UN—AFRICA—UNION peacekeeping force in Darfur for another —YEAR in hopes the new CIVILIAN—LED transitional government can restore peace.
20191031—20091031    —VOR—10—JAHREN gab THILO—SARRAZIN, ehemaliger SPD—FINANZSENATOR in BERLIN, der Kulturzeitschrift "Lettre INTERNATIONAL" 1—INTERVIEW—MIT—DEM Titel "Klasse statt Masse" und plädierte, so kann man das lesen, unterm Strich für 1—EINWANDERUNGS—POLITIK auf erbbiologischer Grundlage.
20191031—20150000    —PASSED, UKRAINE had, 1—LAW criminalizing illicit enrichment but the constitutional court overturned the law in February.
20191031—20150000    —SINCE, THE—ARMED—CONFLICT—LOCATION & Event Data Project, or ACLED, said YEMEN—CIVIL—WAR has killed more than 100,000—PEOPLE.
20191031—20160000    —SINCE, The speaker in the audio also confirmed THE—DEATH—OF—ABU—HASSAN—AL—MUHAJIR, 1—CLOSE—AIDE—OF—AL—BAGHDADI and 1—SPOKESMAN for the group.
20191031—20180329    —SENTENCED, MEMPHIS—TENNESSEE, store clerk Anwar Ghazali (30) was, to —22—YEARS in prison for fatally shooting DORIAN—HARRIS, —17—JAHRE—ALT who had shoplifted 1—BEER.
20191031—20500101    —BIS, 95 % weniger CO2: So teuer wird das GROKO—KLIMAZIEL (Wissenschaft, 13:09)
20191114             —ARRESTED, CALIFORNIA, the Contra County Sheriff's, 4—MEN along with a 5. man, who was charged with being 1—ACCESSORY to 20191031             —THE shooting, which left 5—DEAD and several others wounded.
20200717—20201031    —UNTIL, ARIZONA GOVERNOR—DOUG—DUCEY said 1—BAN on evictions would be extended to ensure people wouldn't lose their homes if they contracted COVID—19.
20200912             —GATHERED, THE—IVORY—COAST, THOUSANDS—OF—OPPOSITION—SUPPORTERS, in THE—CITY—OF—YAMOUSSOUKRO to support HENRI—KONAN—BEDIE becoming their candidate for 20201031             —THE presidential election.
20201031             —SAMSTAG, 20201031
20201031             REHA—ARZT über COVID—19—FOLGEN: "Das habe ich in dem Ausmaß noch nie gesehen" Aufgezeichnet von JULIA—MERLOT
20201031             Streit über KURZVIDEO—PLATTFORM: Richterin stoppt USA—PLÄNE für Aus von TikTok —IM—NOVEMBER
20201031             SENATOR—MITCH—MCCONNELL: Der Mann hinter DONALD—TRUMP
20201031             Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: Der Denunziant: ein fieser Möpp
20201031             Bei —NIEDERLAGE—VON—TRUMP: USA—RECHTSWISSENSCHAFTLER warnt vor "totalem Systemzusammenbruch"
20201031             Forscher rechnen mit 50.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN täglich: Johnson erwägt neuen landesweiten Lockdown
20201031             Warum feiern Protestanten den Reformationstag?
20201031             Debatte über TEIL—SHUTDOWN: "Wenn die Leute flächendeckend ihr Ding machen, kriegen wir 1—PROBLEM"
20201031             CORONA€”VIRUS: ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT meldet erstmals mehr als 19.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN
20201031             CORONA—MEDIKAMENTE: Die Illusion vom Wundermittel
20201031             Klinikkapazitäten in der Coronakrise: Bund und Länder wollen Intensivpatienten zur Not deutschlandweit verteilen
20201031             Mit Spitzhacke auf dem "Walk of Fame": HOLLYWOOD—STERN—VON—DONALD—TRUMP erneut schwer beschädigt
20201031             Wohnmobile im Dieselskandal: Hunderte Anzeigen gegen Fiat und Iveco
20201031             Kontrollierte Sprengung auf freiem Feld: Feuerwehr findet hochexplosiven Stoff in Gelsenkirchener Wohnung
20201031             Regierungsbildung in NEUSEELAND: Premierministerin Ardern will weiter mit Grünen kooperieren — trotz absoluter Mehrheit
20201031             RUSSLAND: Gewaltige Explosion an Krankenhaus für CORONA—PATIENTEN
20201031             JAMES—BOND—LEGENDE: SEAN—CONNERY ist tot
20201031             Geowissenschaftler REINHARD—HÜTTL: "Der Klimawandel vollzieht sich vor unseren Augen"
20201031             1. Flieger gelandet: Flughafen BER ist eröffnet — mit —9—JAHREN Verspätung
20201031             Invasive Arten in NEUSEELAND: Pfauenplage nervt Landwirte
20201031             Big Wave Surfing in PORTUGAL: Weltrekordwelle
20201031             Vogelgrippe: Mehrere FÄLLE—VON—GEFLÜGELPEST in Norddeutschland nachgewiesen
20201031             PHILIPPINEN: Tausende fliehen vor Taifun "Goni"
20201031             Massive Beitragserhöhungen: Die private Krankenversicherung leidet unter den Minizinsen 1—KOLUMNE—VON—HERMANN—JOSEF—TENHAGEN
20201031             —20—JAHRE UNO—RESOLUTION 13250000             : Bitteres Jubiläum
20201031             2. BUNDESLAND betroffen: Schweinepest erreicht auch SACHSEN
20201031             Datenschützer Kelber über Staatstrojaner: "Überwachung übersteigt das für 1—DEMOKRATIE erträgliche Maß" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—MARCEL—ROSENBACH
20201031             Schiff bringt Atommüll nach NIEDERSACHSEN: Polizei sichert CASTOR—TRANSPORT mit Großaufgebot
20201031             Sat 20201031
20201031             [l] Oh das hatten wir auch lange nicht mehr: Einen schönen Remote Code Execution Exploit für Chrome unter Windows.
20201031             —GESCHLOSSEN, Chrome hat den Bug —SCHON, aber ob der Exploit auch gegen Edge funktioniert?
20201031             Edge ist nicht TEIL—DES—PATCHDAY—HIRNRISSES.
20201031             [l] Irgendwie komme ich trotz aller Bemühungen doch immer wieder bei denselben paar Leuten raus.
20201031             Wer Hintergründe zu der GLENN—GREENWALD—STORY lesen will, findet sie bei MATT—TAIBBI.
20201031             Ich persönlich halte Taibbi für einen der letzten respektablen Journalisten da draußen, aber
20201031             wir müssen mal vorbeugend was dagegen tun, dass er ein single POINT—OF—FAILURE wird.
20201031             Inhaltlich schlägt sich MATT—TAIBBI voll auf GLENN—GREENWALDS—SEITE, insbesondere bei dem Aspekt, dass
20201031             die ganzen GEHEIMDIENST—TRAINIERTEN Lügner und geschulten DESINFORMATIONS—SPEZIALISTEN des Militärs, die wir unter Obama als den Feind bekämpft haben, weil
20201031             eben JEDES—WORT aus ihrem Mund Lüge oder zumindest Irreführung war,
20201031             —JETZT plötzlich im Fernsehen als respektable Experten gehandelt werden, weil sie auch ein bisschen gegen Trump sind.
20201031             Money Quote:
20201031             —WIDENED, As press enthusiasm for THE—TRUMP—RUSSIA story, progressives began to invite old enemies back into the fold.
20201031             People like "Axis of Evil" speechwriter DAVID—FRUM and Weekly Standard editor and
20201031             key IRAQ War proponent BILL—KRISTOL became regular guests on CNN and MISS—NBC, —WHILE
20201031             EX—SPOOKS like Brennan, Clapper, Hayden, and 1—LONG—LIST—OF—OTHERS were given TV contributor deals, —NOW serving as the press instead of facing criticism from it.
20201031             So sieht das aus. Das ärgert mich auch ganz gewaltig.
20201031             JAMES—CLAPPER?
20201031             Der darf im Fernsehen den Mund aufmachen?
20201031             Und nicht um ausgelacht zu werden?!? WTF!
20201031             [l] GLENN—GREENWALD hat —JETZT übrigens den Artikel über HUNTER—BIDEN woanders publiziert.
20201031             Inhaltlich glaubt er im Gegensatz zu mir den Vorwürfen gegen Hunter und Joe erstmal, und zwar mit einem Hauptargument, das ich anerkennen muss: Die Bidens haben KEINE—DER—VORWÜRFE dementiert.
20201031             Das kann man —JETZT entweder so deuten, dass sie es nicht zu dementieren brauchten, denn unter ihren Anhängern war die Story ja —SCHON im Vorfeld aus dem Verkehr gezogen.
20201031             Oder man kann es so deuten, dass sie nicht strafverschärfend als Lügner dastehen wollen, wenn rauskommt, dass das alles doch so passiert ist.
20201031             —BEKANNT, Glenn hat auch 1—DETAIL, das mir noch nicht, war: Dieser LAPTOP—REPARATUR—FUZZY hat seine VERSION—DER—STORY auch bei einer Senatsanhörung so erzählt.
20201031             Da steht —JETZT nicht ob vereidigt war oder nicht, aber ich glaube das wäre dann in jedem Fall 1—STRAFTAT nach amerikanischem Recht, wenn er da lügt.
20201031             In der Vergangenheit hat das zwar in einigen bemerkenswerten Fällen nicht zu einer verdienten Gefängnisstrafe geführt, z.B.
20201031             bei JAMES—CLAPPER nicht, aber formaljuristisch ist das 1—STRAFTAT.
20201031             Macht das die Story glaubwürdiger? Gute Frage!
20201031             Ich finde immer noch, dass das nach Parallel Construction klingt.
20201031             Aber da kann man anderer Meinung sein.
20201031             Ansonsten arbeitet er sich daran ab, dass die Democrats (auch noch mit Geheimdienstlern als "Zeugen") ohne irgendwelche vorgelegten Beweise behauptet hat, das sei bestimmt eine RUSSISCHE—DESINFORMATIONSKAMPAGNE.
20201031             Da bin ich ganz bei ihm.
20201031             —GEEIGNET, Und noch 1—DETAIL seiner Ausführungen ist, meine Position zu erschüttern:
20201031             Er sagt, JOE—BIDEN habe in der UKRAINE in der Tat diesen korrupten STAATSANWALT gefeuert gekriegt, aber die Nachfolgerin war a) nicht mal Juristin und b) ähnlich korrupt wie ihr Vorgänger.
20201031             —GEHABT, Aber mit der hätte JOE—BIDEN dann kein Problem.
20201031             Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
20201031             —AM ENDE—DES—TAGES bleibt dann wohl nur das zynische Weltbild, dass eh beide Kandidaten korrupt, unfähig oder sogar bösartig sind, und das ja —JETZT auch nichts neues ist.
20201031             Man muss halt den wählen, von dem man glaubt, unter ihm als Präsidenten würde es weniger schlimm.
20201031             Es gibt da dieses schöne geflügelte Wort in den USA.
20201031             Man habe die Wahl zwischen den rechten Flügeln zweier konservativen Parteien.
20201031             [l] Hier mal eine kleine pädagogische Hausaufgabe für die geneigten Leser.
20201031             Idee vom Erdgeist:
20201031             —INZWISCHEN, Wie krass Orwells "Memory Hole", funktioniert, könnt ihr mal empirisch ergründen:
20201031             Könnt ihr ER—GOOGLEN oder ER—BINGEN, was JÖRG—SCHÖNBOHM mit Schafen nicht gemacht hatte?
20201031             Trump greift Ärzte wegen VIRUS—BEKÄMPFUNG an
20201031             "Unsere Ärzte bekommen mehr Geld, wenn jemand an Covid stirbt", sagte der Republikaner bei einer Veranstaltung im Bundesstaat MICHIGAN.
20201031             Er unterstellte ihnen damit indirekt, 1—INTERESSE an der Ausweisung von CORONA—TODESFÄLLEN zu haben.
20201031             Experten wiesen allerdings darauf hin, dass diese Behauptung nicht zutreffe.
20201031             MINNESOTA, sagt sein Herausforderer JOE—BIDEN, Trump habe im Kampf gegen das Virus "aufgegeben".
20201031             Der Amtsinhaber solle nicht das medizinische Personal angreifen, das die OPFER—DER—PANDEMIE behandele.
20201031             "Im Gegensatz zu DONALD—TRUMP werden wir vor diesem Virus nicht kapitulieren"
20201031             Biden führt in einer landesweiten Umfrage der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters und des Instituts Ipsos mit 52—PROZENT, während Trump auf 42—PROZENT kommt.
20201031             In vielen wahlentscheidenden Bundesstaaten wie FLORIDA und TEXAS zeichnet sich allerdings ein knapper Ausgang ab.
20201031             Der USA—HANDELSRIESE Walmart hat seine Einschränkungen beim Verkauf von Waffen nach nur einem —TAG wieder zurückgenommen.
20201031             —SEIT—FREITAG würden Waffen und Munition wieder wie gehabt in den Verkaufsregalen angeboten, teilte das Unternehmen mit.
20201031             —AM—FREITAG erklärte der Konzern aber, da es sich nur um lokal begrenzte Vorfälle gehandelt habe, sei entschieden worden, das Waffensortiment wieder in die Regale einzuräumen.
20201031             Im umkämpften Bundesstaat MINNESOTA bezeichnete Trump den FRÜHEREN—VIZEPRÄSIDENTEN bei einem Wahlkampfauftritt unter anderem als "schmierigen, schmuddeligen, korrupten Politiker", der sich an CHINA verkauft habe.
20201031             Der frühere DEUTSCHE—BOTSCHAFTER—IN—WASHINGTON, PETER—WITTIG, erwartet bei einem knappen Wahlausgang in den USA 1—ANFECHTUNG—DES—ERGEBNISSES vor Gericht.
20201031             Je länger die Auszählung der Briefwahlstimmen dauere, desto "prekärer wird der politische Prozess und auch die politische Stabilität",
20201031             und das wird die Märkte INTERNATIONAL verunsichern".
20201031             —AM letzten Wahlkampfwochenende will der demokratische Herausforderer JOE—BIDEN in MICHIGAN zusammen mit EX—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA—AUFTRETEN—IN den Städten FLINT und DETROIT.
20201031             Der versierte Wahlkämpfer Obama wollte erstmals gemeinsam mit seinem ehemaligen Vizepräsidenten auf der Bühne stehen.
20201031             Trump hatte den Industriestaat 20160000             mit einem knappen Vorsprung von 0,2 Prozentpunkten vor seiner Herausforderung Hillary Clinton gewonnen.
20201031             Diesmal sehen Wahlumfragen Biden mit 7—PROZENTPUNKTEN vor dem Amtsinhaber.
20201031             MICHIGAN, könnte der 77-Jährige 16—WAHLMÄNNERSTIMMEN HOLEN—EINEN beträchtlichen Anteil der 270—STIMMEN, die er für den Einzug ins Weiße Haus benötigt.
20201031             Die TSCHECHISCHE—REGIERUNG hat angekündigt, den CORONA—NOTSTAND —BIS zum 20201120             zu verlängern.
20201031             —INZWISCHEN, Das Virus breite sich zwar, langsamer aus, sagte Gesundheitsminister JAN—BLATNY.
20201031             "Aber wir haben das Schlimmste definitiv noch nicht hinter uns".
20201031             Das Virus breite sich
20201031             Touristen müssen spätestens —BIS zum 20201105             aus MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN abreisen.
20201031             Bei einer starken Zunahme von Intensivpatienten mit COVID—19—ERKRANKUNG wollen Bund und Länder Patienten in Zukunft nicht nur regional, sondern deutschlandweit auf freie Kliniken verteilen.
20201031             "Entwickelt sich 1—LAGE, die 1—VERLEGUNG über die Nachbarländer beziehungsweise angrenzende Regionen hinaus erforderlich macht, findet ein sogenanntes Kleeblattprinzip Anwendung",
20201031             USA verzeichnen fast 100.000—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN
20201031             Mit der jüngsten Zählung wurde der Rekord vom Vortag mit mehr als 91.000—GEMELDETEN CORONA€”VIRUS—NEUINFEKTIONEN gebrochen.
20201031             Etwa 229.700—MENSCHEN starben bislang — mehr als in jedem anderen Land der Welt.
20201031             Zuletzt breitete sich das neuartige Virus vor allem im Norden und Mittleren Westen der USA stark aus.
20201031             SLOWAKEI startet flächendeckende CORONA—SCHNELLTESTS
20201031             Krankenkasse: Rekordtief bei ANTIBIOTIKA—VERSCHREIBUNGEN
20201031             Die ZAHL—DER—AUSGESTELLTEN—ANTIBIOTIKA—REZEPTE ging demnach —IM—APRIL und —MAI im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum um 43—PROZENT zurück.
20201031             "1—TEIL—DES—STARKEN—RÜCKGANGS könnte daher kommen, dass in dieser Zeit weniger Menschen mit leichten Beschwerden zum Arzt gegangen sind",
20201031             Mehr als 48.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN in INDIEN
20201031             BORIS—JOHNSON hatte sich —BISHER gegen harte CORONA—EINSCHRÄNKUNGEN ausgesprochen.
20201031             —NUN will er einem Bericht der "Times" zufolge auf die Virologen hören, die einen Lockdown empfehlen.
20201031             ZAHL—DER—NEUEN—POSITIV—TESTS in RUSSLAND bleibt über 18.000
20201031             Museumsdirektoren protestieren gegen Schließung
20201031             "Es ist uns unverständlich, warum es möglich ist, Baumärkte, Autohäuser und andere Geschäfte offenzuhalten, Museen aber, die über dieselben oder großzügigere Flächen für einen CORONA—GERECHTEN Publikumsverkehr verfügen, geschlossen werden".
20201031             In den kommenden —WOCHEN werden einer Studie zufolge deutlich mehr Menschen im Zusammenhang mit einer CORONA—INFEKTION sterben als in den vergangenen —WOCHEN.
20201031             Modellrechnungen zeigten, dass die ZAHL—DER—TODESFÄLLE durch COVID—19 in DEUTSCHLAND —BEREITS—ANFANG —NOVEMBER auf 500—BIS 800—PRO —WOCHE zunehmen dürfte, sagte die Leiterin einer Forschungsgruppe am MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUT für Dynamik und Selbstorganisation in Göttingen,
20201031             Die —BISHER relativ niedrigen Zahlen von Todesfällen seien darauf zurückzuführen, dass sich —BIS Ende —SEPTEMBER überwiegend Menschen unter —60—JAHREN mit dem Virus SARS—COV—2 angesteckt haben.
20201031             "Nach einer umfangreichen Metastudie verzehnfacht sich die Sterblichkeitsrate bei einer Coronainfektion alle 20—LEBENSJAHRE und erreicht um das 82—LEBENSJAHR rund 10—PROZENT", hieß es.
20201031             "Die Ergebnisse unserer Modellrechnungen stimmen sehr gut mit den beobachteten Entwicklungen in allen Altersgruppen überein",
20201031             "—DER—WINTER wird schwer", räumte die KANZLERIN ein.
20201031             "Wir müssen alles tun, was in unseren Kräften steht, und die Infektionszahlen wieder in den Griff bekommen.
20201031             Dieser aktuellen Prüfung müssen wir uns gemeinsam stellen und solidarisch zusammenstehen".
20201031             Die GRIECHISCHE—REGIERUNG hat ein landesweites nächtliches Ausgangsverbot angekündigt, um die AUSBREITUNG—VON—CORONA zu verringern.
20201031             "Nach einer langen Phase der Stabilität nehmen die Fälle auch in unserem Land exponentiell zu",
20201031             Das Ausgangsverbot zwischen —MITTERNACHT und 5—UHR —MORGENS soll —AM—DIENSTAG in Kraft treten.
20201031             Neue CORONA—VERORDNUNGEN sollen im BUNDESLAND BREMEN künftig im Parlament diskutiert und bestätigt werden.
20201031             Das kündigte Bremens Regierungschef ANDREAS—BOVENSCHULTE (SPD) in einer Regierungserklärung zum bevorstehenden TEIL—LOCKDOWN an.
20201031             Erstmals mehr als 20.000—INFEKTIONEN an einem —TAG in BELGIEN
20201031             Touristen müssen Hotels in BAYERN spätestens am Vormittag des 20201102             verlassen.
20201031             —GESTATTET, Touristische Übernachtungen seien von —DEM—TAG an nicht mehr,
20201031             DÄNEMARK führt 1—WARNSYSTEM mit 5—RISIKOSTUFEN ein.
20201031             Mit dem System sollen die Dänen besser vorhersehen können, welche Maßnahmen je nach Situation auf sie zukommen können,
20201031             Als Indikatoren für die Bewertung dienen demnach unter anderem die Anzahl und Zunahme der Neuinfektionen, die ZAHL—DER—PATIENTEN in den Krankenhäusern sowie auch die Entwicklungen im Ausland.
20201031             Der TÜRKISCHE—INNENMINISTER Süleyman Soylu ist positiv auf das CORONA€”VIRUS getestet worden.
20201031             —INFIZIERT, Auch seine Frau und seine Tochter hätten sich, teilte er auf Twitter mit.
20201031             Sie würden ALLE—IM—KRANKENHAUS behandelt.
20201031             "Glücklicherweise geht es uns —JETZT etwas besser", ergänzte er.
20201031             Soylu ist der höchste TÜRKISCHE—AMTSTRÄGER, der sich bislang mit dem Virus angesteckt hat.
20201031             Der CHEF—DES—UNIONSWIRTSCHAFTSFLÜGELS wirbt mit Blick auf den —AM—MONTAG in Kraft tretenden Shutdown für eine neue Strategie.
20201031             "Wie wir weitere Lockdowns in der Zukunft finanzieren wollen, entzieht sich meiner Vorstellungskraft",
20201031             Angesichts der hohen Kosten werde es dann immer schwerer, aus den Schulden wieder herauszuwachsen;
20201031             die Alternativen seien niedrigere Sozialstandards oder Inflation.
20201031             "Das hält 1—STAAT auf Dauer nicht aus", sagte Linnemann.
20201031             "Wenn wir mit dem Virus noch mehrere —JAHRE lang leben müssen, brauchen wir deshalb andere Strategien:
20201031             ein regional differenziertes Ampelsystem, einen besseren Schutz der Risikogruppen, präzisere Kriterien als nur die ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN — wie es zum BEISPIEL—DER—VIROLOGE—HENDRIK—STREECK vorschlägt".
20201031             —INFIZIERT, Auch Erdogans Sprecher mit CORONA€”VIRUS
20201031             ihm gehe es "Gott sei Dank" momentan ganz gut. Er habe nur milde Symptome.
20201031             STOCKHOLM schließt wegen CORONA—LAGE städtische Museen
20201031             Mehrere 1000—MENSCHEN haben —AM—SAMSTAG in verschiedenen DEUTSCHEN—STÄDTEN gegen die CORONA—MAßNAHMEN demonstriert.
20201031             Dem Aufruf der Initiative "Querdenken" folgten alleine in DRESDEN Tausendende, obwohl die Veranstalter für die Versammlung nur 10000000             Personen angemeldet hatten.
20201031             Ordner bemühten sich, die Menge zu entzerren und die Menschen auf angrenzende Flächen zu verteilen.
20201031             VIELE—TEILNEHMER verzichteten auf 1—MUND—NASEN—BEDECKUNG und gaben bei Kontrollen durch die Polizei an, 1—ATTEST zu besitzen.
20201031             KARLSRUHE, versammelten sich rund 900—MENSCHEN bei einer Demonstration.
20201031             Da die Teilnehmer sich nicht an die vorgeschriebenen Abstandsregeln hielten, hätten Polizei und Ordnungsamt mehrfach darauf hinweisen müssen,
20201031             Das Verwaltungsgericht KARLSRUHE hatte die Auflage eines Maskengebots für die QUERDENKEN—DEMO nach einer Beschwerde der Organisatorin aufgehoben und stattdessen 1—ABSTANDSGEBOT zur Auflage gemacht.
20201031             —GEKOMMEN, DARMSTADT, waren knapp 300—MENSCHEN, die Düsseldorfer Polizei zählte rund 100—DEMONSTRANTEN.
20201031             Der BRASILIANISCHE—GESUNDHEITSMINISTER EDUARDO—PAZUELLO ist nach einer Infektion mit dem CORONA€”VIRUS ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert worden.
20201031             Einen —TAG nach seinem positiven Test hatte sich Pazuello mit dem BRASILIANISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN Jair Bolsonaro getroffen.
20201031             Bolsonaro war jedoch —BEREITS—IM—JULI mit dem CORONA€”VIRUS INFIZIERT—ER ist —NUN womöglich immun.
20201031             Algarve regista mais 80—NOVAS infeções por COVID—19
20201031             Mais uma morte e 61—NOVOS casos de COVID—19 no Alentejo - Pensar Global, Agir Local
20201031             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—451—(+10)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—281—(DADOS—DE—28/10)—CASOS—ATIVOS—151—(DADOS—DE—28/10)
20201031             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—292—(+6)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—181—(DADOS—DE—28/10)—CASOS—ATIVOS—100—(DADOS—DE—28/10)
20201031             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—84—(+3)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—53—(DADOS—DE—28/10)—CASOS—ATIVOS—27—(DADOS—DE—28/10)
20201031             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—323—(+2)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—260—(DADOS—DE—28/10)—CASOS—ATIVOS—53—(DADOS—DE—28/10)
20201031             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—469—(=)—ÓBITOS—10—(=)—RECUPERADOS—408—(DADOS—DE—29/10)—CASOS—ATIVOS—51—(DADOS—DE—29/10)
20201031             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—17—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—17—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—0—(=)
20201031             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—123—(+9)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—68—(DADOS—DE—28/10)—CASOS—ATIVOS—46—(DADOS—DE—28/10)
20201031             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—408—(+13)—ÓBITOS—5—(=)—RECUPERADOS—270—(DADOS—DE—29/10)—CASOS—ATIVOS—109—(DADOS—DE—29/10)
20201031             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—136—(+2)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—92—(DADOS—DE—28/10)—CASOS—ATIVOS—35—(DADOS—DE—28/10)
20201031             SÃO—BRÁS—DE—ALPORTEL—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—50—(+4)—ÓBITOS—4—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—25—(+3)—CASOS—ATIVOS—21—(-3)
20201031             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—188—(+5)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—111—(DADOS—DE—29/10)—CASOS—ATIVOS—61—(DADOS—DE—29/10)
20201031             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—159—(+1)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—129—(DADOS—DE—29/10)—CASOS—ATIVOS—25—(DADOS—DE—29/10)
20201031             243_DGS_BOLETIM_20201031—1—20201031—EUSKIRCHEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—1.164—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—601,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—85,7—TODESFÄLLE—32—EINWOHNERZAHL—193.656
20201031             Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 146,57
20201031             DÜREN—KREIS—FÄLLE—2.211—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—835,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—195,4—TODESFÄLLE—44—EINWOHNERZAHL—264.638
20201031             RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS—KREIS—FÄLLE—3.171—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—673,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—126,0—TODESFÄLLE—83—EINWOHNERZAHL—470.615
20201031             KÖLN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—10.781—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—991,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—201,4—TODESFÄLLE—154—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.087.863
20201031             HOLZMINDEN—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—157—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—222,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—15,6—TODESFÄLLE—7—EINWOHNERZAHL—70.458
20201031             BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN - Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 76,29
20201031             UELZEN—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—134—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—145,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—19,5—TODESFÄLLE—0—EINWOHNERZAHL—92.389
20201031             STEINBURG—KREIS—FÄLLE—295—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—225,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—22,1—TODESFÄLLE—3—EINWOHNERZAHL—131.013
20201031             Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 50,14
20201031             PLÖN—KREIS—FÄLLE—219—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—170,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—21,0—TODESFÄLLE—8—EINWOHNERZAHL—128.686
20201031             BUNDESLAND SACHSEN—ANHALT - Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 50,44
20201031             BUNDESLAND BRANDENBURG - Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 48,89
20201031             BERLIN—NEUKÖLLN—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—4.753—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.480,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—236,0—TODESFÄLLE—46—EINWOHNERZAHL—321.123
20201031             BUNDESLAND BERLIN - Bundeslandweite Fälle der letzten —7—TAGE/100.000—EW 150,24
20201031             GLOBAL—CASES—45.837.788—GLOBAL—DEATHS—1.192.369
20201031             Who says Trump supporters don't like to wear masks?
20201031             Seems to me that they've been going to great lengths to cover up.
20201031             —POSED, For example, we know that white supremacists, as BLM supporters to commit violent attacks on police stations and other targets.
20201031             Nevertheless, our vile ATTORNEY—GENERAL spread the "Blame Antifa" lie.
20201031             He knows the truth. Don't kid yourself about that.
20201031             He knows that Antifa and BLM are —JUST...masks.
20201031             THE—HUNTER—BIDEN smear -- which GLENN—GREENWALD and MATT—TAIBBI, the current MASTERS—OF—THE—RIGHT—TO—LEFT sales pitch, are still promulgating -- piles deception atop deception.
20201031             No sane person believes that HUNTER—BIDEN (who lived in L.A.) left 1—INCRIMINATING laptop with 1—NEARLY—BLIND—COMPUTER repair guy in DELAWARE.
20201031             That tale is 1—MASK. A kind of mask.
20201031             It's the latest variation of 1—CLASSIC—SPY trick, in which spooks working for Country 1—LEAVE 1—DISINFO—FILLED briefcase (or wallet, or document folder, or whatever) in 1—PLACE where spooks from Country B can stumble across it.
20201031             —WWII—IN, the Brits used 1—ACTUAL—CORPSE as 1—VEHICLE—OF—DISINFORMATION.
20201031             —BASED, This 19560000             film was, on that operation.
20201031             If they make 1—MOVIE about THE—HUNTER—BIDEN smear, they should call it THE—COMPUTER—THAT—NEVER—WAS.
20201031             (Operation Mincemeat was the brainchild of none other than IAN—FLEMING -- 1—FACT worth noting on the —DAY that we lost the big screen's original Bond, JAMES—BOND.)
20201031             Many on the right —NOW believe that THE—HUNTER—BIDEN smear was verified by 1—FORMER—BUSINESS—PARTNER—NAMED—TONY—BOBULINKSI, who claims to be 1—EYEWITNESS to skullduggery involving both Hunter and JOE—BIDEN.
20201031             Near as I can tell, BOBULINSKI—STORY has little or nothing to do with that INSTANTLY—INFAMOUS NY Post article about the Magic Laptop.
20201031             The most important thing you have to know is this: His claims do not incriminate Joe.
20201031             Frankly, they don't even sling much mud in HUNTER—DIRECTION.
20201031             I've seen no evidence that Bobulinksi did ANY—BUSINESS with the Biden family.
20201031             —MENTIONED, The venture, by Bobulinski "never delivered ANY—PROJECT—REVENUE".
20201031             No revenue = no business.
20201031             —RECENTLY, there was a $ 659,000 judgment against Bobulinski.
20201031             1—CYNIC might suggest that the man —NOW has 659,000 reasons to aid Trump.
20201031             In the future, Tony may carve out 1—NICHE within the right's LAVISHLY—FUNDED "news" infrastructure.
20201031             It is possible that he'll earn some "revenue" through the familiar "book deal" gambit.
20201031             How MANY—LAPTOPS?
20201031             —DROPPED, RIGHT—WING sources tell us that HUNTER—BIDEN, off no less than 3—LAPTOPS at that repair shop in DELAWARE -- the shop which —JUST happened to be owned by 1—DIE—HARD—TRUMP supporter.
20201031             Again:
20201031             —LIVED, Hunter, in LOS—ANGELES.
20201031             But those 3—COMPUTERS are not the only laptops. Oh no.
20201031             We are —NOW told that Hunter also forgot all about a 4. laptop which was positively oozing with EVIDENCE—OF—CRIMINALITY.
20201031             —PLACED, As coincidence would have it, Hunter, Magic Laptop #4 in the possession of yet another enemy of the Biden family.
20201031             This story, which resists easy summary, is 1—OF—THE—FREAKIEST freak shows in THE—HISTORY—OF—FREAKINESS.
20201031             Definitely worth a read. LET—SUM up the story so far:
20201031             —SUPPOSED, We are, to believe Hunter left yet another laptop filled with incriminating evidence in the home of DOC—ABLOW, 1—FAMOUS—BIDEN—HATER.
20201031             —SUPPOSED, We are, to believe that 1—DEA raid scooped up Magic Laptop #4 as well as 1—JOURNAL WRITTEN—BY—HUNTER.
20201031             —PROMOTED, For 1—WHILE, this fable has been, by 1—BRADLEY—BIRKENFIELD, 1—WRITER living in MALTA.
20201031             I'm wondering: Does Birkenfield know JOSEPH—MIFSUD?
20201031             ANYTHING—POSSIBLE!
20201031             Another tributary of this smear -- what we may call THE—CHINA—TRIBUTARY -- can be traced to 1 faked persona named MARTIN—ASPEN, who arrived on the scene replete with 1—AI—GENERATED fake photo.
20201031             —UPDATED, Yes, "Aspen" is an, VERSION—OF—THE—MAN—WHO—NEVER—WAS.
20201031             THE—REVOLVER mystery.
20201031             HERE—1—BIT—MORE—INFORMATION about the "MARTIN—ASPEN" deception:
20201031             —SHARED, The report itself was, across Facebook and Twitter —AROUND 5,000 times, according to BuzzSumo, and more than 80—SITES linked back to the blog, which was shared more than 25,000 times on Facebook and Twitter.
20201031             Hyperpartisan and conspiracy sites like ZeroHedge and WorldNetDaily led the pack.
20201031             —AFTER the promise of 1—BIG reveal —1—DAY—EARLIER, the document was also —POSTED on the extremist forum 8kun by Q, the anonymous account behind the QAnon conspiracy theory movement.
20201031             —ON Twitter, the document was pushed by influencers in the QAnon community, as well as by Dinggang Wang, 1—ANTI—CHINA—GOVERNMENT—YOUTUBE personality who works for Guo Wengui, 1—BILLIONAIRE who fled CHINA amid ACCUSATIONS—OF—BRIBERY and other crimes.
20201031             Right —NOW, these GAME—CHANGING photos are like the Virgin at Lourdes: Invisible.
20201031             You must have faith, says ALEX—JONES, says RUDY—GIULIANI, says Revolver, says Q.
20201031             —UNRUHEN, Geschäfte in USA—METROPOLEN bereiten sich auf, vor
20201031             So hat beispielsweise das New Yorker Kaufhaus MACY—SCHAUFENSTER und Türen mit Holzbrettern verkleidet.
20201031             Auch in CHICAGO wurden laut dem Sender NBC Geschäfte in einem Shoppingdistrikt abgesichert.
20201031             In der HAUPTSTADT—WASHINGTON verriegelten laut ABC ebenfalls zahlreiche Geschäfte ihre Fenster.
20201031             —AM Weißen Haus wurde demnach eine spezieller "ANTI—KLETTER—MAUER" errichtet, der Protestierende zusätzlich vom Betreten des Geländes abhalten soll.
20201031             Aus Angst vor möglichen Ausschreitungen rund um die USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTSWAHL —AM—DIENSTAG will die New Yorker Bürgerinitiative GUARDIAN Angels mehr von ihren patrouillierenden Mitgliedern auf die Straßen schicken.
20201031             Finanzjongleur JOHN—LAW: Als ein SCHOTTISCHER—FRAUENHELD die Franzosen —ERST reich und dann arm machte Von KATJA—IKEN
20201031             Rasant steigende CORONA—FALLZAHLEN: ENGLAND verhängt vierwöchigen SHUTDOWN—SCHULEN bleiben geöffnet
20201031             Ärger über neuen Shutdown: "Ständige Vertretung" erteilt Merkel, Scholz und anderen Politikern Hausverbot
20201031             Geschlechtergerechtigkeit: Wo die meisten Frauen arbeiten — und wo sie am schlechtesten bezahlt werden Von Theresa Palm
20201031             Wenige —TAGE vor dem Abstimmungstermin steuert die Wahlbeteiligung in den USA auf einen —JAHRHUNDERT—REKORD zu
20201031             —BEKANNT, Die UNIVERSITÄT—VON—FLORIDA gab —AM—SAMSTAG, dass mehr als 90—MILLIONEN Bürger —BEREITS per Briefwahl oder in Person ihre Stimme abgegeben haben.
20201031             "Es ist Zeit für DONALD—TRUMP, seine Koffer zu packen und nach Hause zu gehen", sagte Biden —AM—SAMSTAG in FLINT in MICHIGAN
20201031             "Wir sind fertig mit dem Chaos, den Tweets, der Wut, dem Hass, dem Versagen, der Weigerung, jegliche Verantwortung zu übernehmen".
20201031             —BEGLEITET, Biden wurde dabei von EX—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA.
20201031             Trump gewann den STAAT 20160000             mit hauchdünner Mehrheit
20201031             Er lag damals mit 0,3 Prozentpunkten vor der demokratischen Kandidatin Hillary Clinton
20201031             Umfragen sehen bei dieser Wahl Biden in Führung.
20201031             Die Stadt FLINT hatte wegen eines Wasserskandals 20160000             weltweit Aufsehen erregt
20201031             Die Stadt hatte ihr Trinkwasser auf einem Fluss abgezapft
20201031             Doch die lokale Aufbereitungsanlage konnte das Wasser nicht entsprechend den Trinkwasservorschriften aufbereiten
20201031             Das aggressive Wasser löste Blei aus alten Leitungen, VIELE—BÜRGER wurden krank.
20201031             USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP hat kurz vor der Wahl in den USA die Wirksamkeit strenger Alltagsbeschränkungen sowie Europas Umgang mit dem CORONA€”VIRUS angezweifelt
20201031             "Die explodierenden Fälle in EUROPA haben gezeigt, dass drakonische LOCKDOWNS—DAS sind sie, DRAKONISCH—DAS Virus nicht aufhalten",
20201031             Trump brüstete sich —3—TAGE vor dem Wahltermin —AM—DIENSTAG zudem damit, dass die Übersterblichkeit in den USA 40—PROZENT niedriger sei als in EUROPA.
20201031             "Und EUROPA hat einen guten Job gemacht, das ist ein sehr brutales Ding
20201031             Jeder dachte, DEUTSCHLAND geht es gut, gut, gut, gut - Aber es geht denen nicht gut",
20201031             Uns geht es gut - Wir bekommen nur keine Anerkennung dafür".
20201031             Auf welche Zahlen sich Trump mit seiner Aussage berief, war unklar.
20201031             ENGLAND, gelten wegen der rasant steigenden CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN ab —DONNERSTAG wieder erhebliche Beschränkungen des öffentlichen Lebens.
20201031             "Das Virus breitet sich —DERZEIT schneller aus, als es unsere wissenschaftlichen Berater in einem WORST—CASE—SZENARIO angenommen haben", sagte PREMIERMINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON.
20201031             Würde nicht eingegriffen, könnte es bald —BIS zu 10000000             Tote pro —TAG geben.
20201031             In der ITALIENISCHEN—HAUPTSTADT—ROM ist es bei Protesten gegen die CORONA—POLITIK—DER—REGIERUNG zu Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Demonstranten und der Polizei gekommen
20201031             Nach Medienberichten versammelten sich auf dem zentralen Campo de' Fiori mehrere 100—MENSCHEN.
20201031             mehrere 100—MENSCHEN.
20201031             —GEWESEN, Unter den Organisatoren seien rechtsradikale Kräfte.
20201031             —AM—ABEND gab es eine weitere Demo, in der linke Gruppen gegen soziale Probleme als Folge der Krise protestierten.
20201031             Bildschirmfoto vom 20201031             20072122
20201031             Lockdown für große Teile Portugals angeordnet
20201031             Die Regierung in Lissabon hat für weite Teile Portugals einen Lockdown angekündigt
20201031             Dieser solle ab dem 20201104             gelten, teilte Ministerpräsident ANTONIO—COSTA mit
20201031             Die Maßnahmen beträfen etwa 70—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG
20201031             Schulen und für das Leben notwendige Geschäfte sollen offen bleiben
20201031             "Es ist der Moment gekommen, wo es notwendig ist, weitere restriktive Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um dieser Pandemie Herr zu werden", sagte der Regierungschef nach einer Sondersitzung des Kabinetts zur Gesundheitskrise.
20201031             In den betroffenen Kommunen sollen sich die Bürger in ihre Wohnungen zurückziehen, sie dürfen aber zur Arbeit gehen, wenn Heimarbeit nicht möglich ist, und ihre Kinder in die Schule bringen
20201031             Geschäfte müssen spätestens um 22—UHR schließen.
20201031             RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS—KREIS?FÄLLE—3.171—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—673,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—126,0—TODESFÄLLE—83—EINWOHNERZAHL—470.615
20201031             Italiener demonstrieren gegen CORONA—POLITIK—AUSSCHREITUNGEN in Rom
20201031             —DECLARED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, that 20201101             will be marked nationwide as a "National —DAY—OF—REMEMBRANCE for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens".
20201031             —APPEARED, DOCTOR—SCOTT—W—ATLAS, THE—WHITE—HOUSE—CORONA€”VIRUS adviser, on 1—RUSSIAN—STATE—SPONSORED news show that has been instrumental in 1—EFFORT by THE—RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT to spread false health information —DURING the pandemic.
20201031             —APOLOGIZED, Atlas, THE—NEXT—DAY for appearing on the show, but not for THE—CONTENT—OF—THE—INTERVIEW, where he continued 1—PATTERN as MISTER—TRUMP—ADVISER—OF downplaying THE—SEVERITY—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS pandemic.
20201031             CALIFORNIA to date had 928,862 CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS and 17,627 deaths.
20201031             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 118,260 cases and 1,780 deaths.
20201031             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 9,053,220 with the death toll at 229,768.
20201031             —URGED, ARMENIA—PRIME—MINISTER—NIKOL—PASHINIAN, RUSSIA to consider providing security assistance to end the fighting over NAGORNO—KARABAKH, the biggest escalation in THE—DECADES—LONG—CONFLICT between his country and AZERBAIJAN.
20201031             —FORGED, The request came as AZERBAIJAN—TROOPS, deeper into NAGORNO—KARABAKH and both sides accused EACH—OF—BREAKING 1—MUTUAL pledge not to target residential areas hours —AFTER it was made.
20201031             —ANNOUNCED, AUSTRIA, 1—NIGHTTIME curfew and THE—CLOSURE—OF—CAFES, bars and restaurants to all but TAKE—AWAY service as 1—SURGE in CORONA€”VIRUS infections threatened to overwhelm its hospitals.
20201031             † SEAN—CONNERY, —90—JAHRE—ALT, cinema's 1. JAMES—BOND, overnight in NASSAU, THE—BAHAMAS, where he had 1—HOME.
20201031             —TIRED—OF, But he grew, playing Bond —AFTER the 5. film in the series, "You Only Live Twice" (19670000             ), and was replaced by GEORGE—LAZENBY.
20201031             —STARRED, Connery also, in "THE—MAN—WHO—WOULD—BE—KING" (19750000             ) and "THE—UNTOUCHABLES" (19870000             ), for which he won his only Oscar.
20201031             —ANNOUNCED, BRITAIN, expansive new restrictions that effectively establish 1—NATIONAL—LOCKDOWN to try to keep their hospitals from being overwhelmed amid vast 2.—WAVE surges in CORONA€”VIRUS infections.
20201031             —DRESSED, CANADA, 1—MAN, in medieval clothing and armed with 1—JAPAN—SWORD killed 2—PEOPLE and injuring 5—OTHERS on Halloween near the historic Château Frontenac hotel in QUEBEC City.
20201031             —SUSPENDED, CHINA, imports from FIREXPA S.A., 1—ECUADOR—SEAFOOD product manufacturer, —AFTER the novel CORONA€”VIRUS was found on the packaging of 1—BATCH of imported frozen fish, according to 1—NOTICE by THE—GENERAL—ADMINISTRATION—OF—CUSTOMS.
20201031             FRANCE, 1—GREEK—ORTHODOX—PRIEST was shot outside his church in THE—CITY—OF—LYON, and police hunted for the assailant.
20201031             The priest was taken to 1—LOCAL—HOSPITAL with LIFE—THREATENING injuries —AFTER being hit in the abdomen.
20201031             GERMANY, a 1. CASE—OF—AFRICA—SWINE fever (ASF) was reported found in 1—WILD boar in THE—EAST—REGION—OF—SAXONY.
20201031             —OPENED, GERMANY, the new BERLIN BRANDENBURG Airport WILLY—BRANDT, —9—YEARS—LATE and far above its original budget.
20201031             IRAN, total COVID—19—DEATHS—ROSE by 386—OVER the past —24—HOURS to reach 34,864. Total cases rose by 7,820 to 612,772. Police said weddings, wakes and conferences will be banned in TEHRAN —UNTIL further notice as THE—MIDDLE—EAST—HARDEST—HIT nation battles a 3. wave of COVID—19.
20201031             —PROTESTED, THOUSANDS—OF—ISRAELIS, in JERUSALEM in the latest weekly demonstration against PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU, his HANDLING—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS crisis and the corruption charges he faces.
20201031             IVORY—COAST began its controversial presidential election.
20201031             —KILLED, At least 2—PEOPLE were, —DURING the vote.
20201031             —RANSACKED, Several polling stations were, in opposition strongholds and election materials were burned.
20201031             Riots had broken out —IN—AUGUST—AFTER PRESIDENT—ALASSANE—OUATTARA said he would run again —FOLLOWING the sudden DEATH—OF—HIS preferred successor.
20201031             —RESCUED, NIGER, USA special forces, USA—CITIZEN—PHILIPE NATHAN—WALTON, who was abducted —EARLIER—THIS—WEEK.
20201031             —LAUNCHED, SLOVAKIA, 1—HUGE—LOGISTICAL—OPERATION to test MOST—OF—ITS—POPULATION over the weekend to reverse 1—RISE in the pandemic.
20201031             —DEMANDED, TANZANIA—2—MAIN—OPPOSITION—PARTIES, fresh elections, —AFTER denouncing —LAST—WEEK—PRESIDENTIAL—VOTE as fraudulent.
20201031—19650000    —IN, Connery was the top BOX—OFFICE—STAR in both BRITAIN and THE—USA —AFTER the success of "From RUSSIA With Love" (19630000             ), "Goldfinger" (19640000             ) and "Thunderball" (19650000             ).
20201031—19670000    —IN, he directed "THE—BOWLER and the Bunnet".
20201031—19790000    —SEIT, Die Nachbarschaftsinitiative mit den roten Jacken und roten Baretten setzt sich für mehr Sicherheit in der Millionenmetropole ein, damals erlebte die Stadt sehr viel mehr Gewalt als heutzutage.
20201031—20060000    —IN, Ground was broken for BER.
20201031—20200910    —CONFIRMED, This brought the total number of, cases to 117—SINCE the 1. 1.
20201031—20201101    —ARRESTED, Suspect CARL—GIROUARD, —24—JAHRE—ALT was.
20201031—20201104    —FROM, PORTUGAL—GOVERNMENT announced new lockdown restrictions for MOST—OF—THE—COUNTRY, telling people to stay at home except for outings for work, school or shopping, and ordering companies to switch to remote working.
20201031—20250000    —UNTIL, THE—HOLLAND—GOVERNMENT put on hold its plan to bail out KLM, THE—HOLLAND—ARM—OF—AIR—FRANCE, —AFTER pilots rejected 1—WAGE—FREEZE.
20201102—20201031    —IN—THE, Main opposition candidates Pascal Affi N'Guessan and HENRI—KONAN—BÉDIÉ had urged their supporters not to vote poll.
20211031             —SONNTAG, 20211031
20211031             Zeitumstellung: Die Sommerzeit ist zu Ende
20211031             Klimagipfel COP26: Hunderte Aktivisten demonstrieren in GLASGOW
20211031             Wir drehen 1—RUNDE: Hyundai Bayon: Nichts für Angeber
20211031             RKI meldet 16.887—NEUINFEKTIONEN: Bundesweite Coronainzidenz steigt weiter
20211031             Rekordpreise bei Gas und Sprit: Söder fordert ermäßigte Mehrwertsteuer für Energie und Kraftstoffe
20211031             HORROR—GAMES zu Halloween: Trauen Sie sich, das hier sind echte Geheimtipps
20211031             Vor dem Klimagipfel von GLASGOW: G20-Staaten streiten über Klimaziele
20211031             So steht es um die globale Erwärmung: Plus 1,2 Grad und kein Ende in Sicht Ein Überblick in Zahlen und Grafiken von PATRICK—STOTZ
20211031             "Klimabericht"-Podcast: UNO—KLIMAKONFERENZ 20210000             : Was man wissen muss und was man erwarten kann
20211031             Tot geglaubter Islamistenführer: Oberster TALIBAN—CHEF erstmals öffentlich aufgetreten
20211031             —VERLIERT, Lebenswege: "In der Welt des Fußballs, man das Gefühl für die Realität" 1—SPIEGEL—GESPRÄCH—VON—DETLEF—HACKE
20211031             Rassismus im Fußball: Thuram fordert weiße Spieler auf, das Feld zu verlassen
20211031             —GETÖTET, Traditionsfest in SPANIEN: Mann von Stier, - Natürlicher CO?
20211031             -Speicher: Finger weg vom Torf
20211031             Key Issues at Climate Conference: How the Worst Can (Maybe) Still Be Averted 1—ANALYSIS by SUSANNE—GÖTZE
20211031             —KONFLIKT mit GRIECHENLAND: TÜRKEI verweigert Rücknahme eines Schiffes mit rund 400—GEFLÜCHTETEN
20211031             Braunkohlerevier Garzweiler: Aktivisten demonstrieren mit Feuerlinie gegen Lützeraths Abriss
20211031             Klimagipfel in SCHOTTLAND: Forscher benennen schmelzenden ANTARKTIS—GLETSCHER nach GLASGOW
20211031             Klimawandel: Inselstaat warnt vor Untergang binnen —50—JAHREN
20211031             Sun 20211031             - [l] Wie schlimm ist die Lage?
20211031             So schlikmm: Gestrichene Textpassagen, aufgeweichte Ziele: 1—ENTWURF der G20-Abschlusserklärung zeigt, dass sich die Staaten offenbar nicht auf konkrete Klimamaßnahmen verständigen können.
20211031             —GESTRICHEN, Sogar die Einigung auf "sofortiges Handeln" wurde.
20211031             Die ganzen alten Männer und Frauen da.
20211031             Wie viele von denen sind kinderlos?
20211031             Ich hatte hier mal ne Meldung im Blog dazu.
20211031             1—STUDIE hatte gezeigt, dass Alte sich mehr das Überleben nachfolgender Generationen schweren, wenn sie selbst Nachwuchs haben.
20211031             Ist ja auch offensichtlich.
20211031             —GESCHEITERT, Dieser Klimagipfel ist jedenfalls.
20211031             Die konnten sich nicht mal darauf einigen, 1,5° als unverbindliches Ziel ins Papier zu schreiben.
20211031             Auf dem Foto da sind die Hälfte kinderlos.
20211031             Den rechts ignoriere ich mal, der ist kein Landeschef sondern IRGENDEIN—FUNKTIONÄR.
20211031             Greta Thunberg verteidigt radikale Proteste: "Manchmal muss man Leute verärgern"
20211031             Minimalkompromiss vor Klimagipfel: G20-Staaten stellen sich hinter 1,5—GRAD—ZIEL
20211031             Fischereistreit: Macron fordert Johnson zu Einhaltung der "Spielregeln" auf
20211031             Klimagipfel COP26: Hoffen auf 2—WUNDER
20211031             +++ NEWS—UPDATE zum Klimagipfel +++: Appell des Papstes: "Hört den Schrei der Erde und der Armen"
20211031             Rekordfund in ROTTERDAM: NIEDERLÄNDISCHE—ERMITTLER stellen 4200—KILOGRAMM Kokain sicher
20211031             —BEGINNT, Weltklimakonferenz in GLASGOW: Der Gipfel, die Zweifel wachsen
20211031             Mutmaßlicher CORONA—AUSBRUCH: CHINESISCHE—BEHÖRDEN riegeln Disneyland in SHANGHAI ab
20211031             Hohe Inzidenz, niedrige Impfquote: KROATISCHE—ÄRZTE sehen Gesundheitssystem vor dem Kollaps
20211031             Klimapioniere: ANNE—HIDALGO zeigt, wie die Verkehrswende gelingt
20211031             G20-Beschlüsse zu Klima und Pandemie: Wolkig geblieben
20211031             Trotz Sparmaßnahmen: Neuer OPEL—CHEF—SICHERT—ERHALT sämtlicher Werke in DEUTSCHLAND zu
20211031             Marode Staatsfinanzen: Wie VIELE—SCHULDEN können wir uns eigentlich leisten?
20211031             CYBER—ERPRESSUNG: Hacker drohen mit Veröffentlichung von Daten aus LGBT—DATINGPORTAL
20211031             Höchster Anstieg in —6—WOCHEN: ZAHL—DER—CORONAPATIENTEN in FRANKREICH steigt schneller
20211031             TIGRAY—KONFLIKT: ÄTHIOPISCHE—REBELLEN rücken weiter vor
20211031             Zum Klimagipfel COP26: 16—FESTNAHMEN bei Klimaprotesten an Flughäfen in SCHWEDEN
20211031             608_DGS_boletim_20211031              20211031             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 97,4 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211031             Continente: 97,6 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20211031             Nacional: 1,08 Continente: 1,08
20211031             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—1.663—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—153,5—FÄLLE—GESAMT—68.359—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—6.309,1—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—768—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.083.498
20211031             Total Cases 246.665.862  Total Deaths 4.998.981  Total Vaccine Doses Administered 6.947.883.074
20211031             "Ich fand das selbst enttäuschend": Biden gibt CHINA und RUSSLAND Schuld für vage G20-Klimabeschlüsse
20211031             Impfdurchbruch: Pressesprecherin von USA—PRÄSIDENT—BIDEN mit CORONA infiziert
202203081031         RUSSIA seeks to maintain dialogue on int'l security with USA, contacts on regional issues continuing, SOURCE  RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY
202203101031         Lavrov calls PENTAGON—PARTICIPATION in lab experiments in UKRAINE outrageous
202203161031         RUSSIA—SANCTIONS on USA politicians, including Biden, doesn't mean refusal to maintain contacts, SOURCE  Peskov
20220604103130 Casos DE—COVID—19/INCIDÊNCIA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS:—193505—(+1115)—|—ATIVOS:—10438—(+)—|—ÓBITOS:—805—(+2)—|—RECUPERADOS:—182262—(+)
20221029—20221031    —REQUESTED, Western delegations have, 1—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL meeting to discuss 20210000             —THE—RYANAIR flight incident, 1—UN—SOURCE told TASS.
20221029—20221031    —ON, "The delegations are convening 1—UNSC meeting ]," the source said.
20221031             —MONTAG, 20221031             - Wirbel um NFT: Der KRYPTOKUNST—CRASH
20221031             APPLE—ZULIEFERER im Lockdown: FOXCONN—ANGESTELLTE fliehen offenbar vom Firmengelände
20221031             Reaktionen auf Wahl in Brasilen: Lula jubelt, Biden lobt — Bolsonaro schweigt
20221031             —DER—MORGENÜBERBLICK: RUSSLAND spricht von Attacke mit Schwimmdrohnen, Kriegswaffen in FINNLAND aufgetaucht
20221031             Lulas Wahlsieg in BRASILIEN: Triumph des Versöhners
20221031             Embargo gegen SAUDI—ARABIEN: Wie ein DEUTSCHER—RÜSTUNGSKONZERN bei Waffendeals getrickst hat 1—PODCAST—VON—SVEN—BECKER und SANDRA—SPERBER
20221031             Umweltökonom über massenhaftes Aussterben von Tieren und Pflanzen: "Unser Wohlstand steht auf dem Spiel"
20221031             —BEFÜRCHTET, Personalausfälle in Kliniken: Intensivmediziner, Bettensperrungen
20221031             Wegen steigender Lebenskosten: 1—VIERTEL mehr Obdachlose in LONDON
20221031             PHILIPPINEN: Tropensturm "Nalgae" tötet mindestens 98—MENSCHEN
20221031             Widerstand im Bundesrat: Ampel warnt Union vor BÜRGERGELD—BLOCKADE
20221031             "Cherax wagenknechtae": Forscher benennt Krebsart nach Sahra Wagenknecht
20221031             Lockdowns und Nachfragerückgang: Chinas Industrie —IM—OKTOBER geschrumpft
20221031             —BESCHLAGNAHMT, Vorwurf des Ölschmuggels im Persischen Golf: IRAN, ausländischen Tanker
20221031             Trotz des von RUSSLAND ausgesetzten Getreidelieferabkommens haben nach UKRAINISCHEN—ANGABEN 12—SCHIFFE von den Häfen des Landes abgelegt.
20221031             Das teilt das Infrastrukturministerium in Kiew mit.
20221031             Die Schiffe haben demnach 354.500—TONNEN Agrarprodukte geladen.
20221031             Das sei eine Rekordmenge,
20221031             RUSSLAND schickt nach Einschätzung BRITISCHER—MILITÄREXPERTEN Reservisten oft nur mit schlechter Ausrüstung im KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—UKRAINE an die Front".
20221031             —IM—SEPTEMBER zeigten sich RUSSISCHE—OFFIZIERE besorgt darüber, dass einige frisch mobilisierte Reservisten ohne Waffen in der UKRAINE eintrafen",
20221031             MOSCOW, 20221030             . - /TASS/.
20221031             —INTERESTED, THE—UNITED—STATES is, in weakening EUROPE in the military sphere and in its DE—INDUSTRIALIZATION, RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SERGEY—LAVROV said in 1—INTERVIEW for the film 'A World on the Verge.
20221031             LESSONS—OF—THE—CUBA—MISSILE—CRISIS', which was —POSTED on the ministry's website —ON—SUNDAY.
20221031             "More and more economists not only in RUSSIA, but in the West are arriving at the conclusion that THE—USA is seeking to totally deplete and DE—INDUSTRIALIZE EUROPE—ECONOMY.
20221031             Germans are relocating 1—GREAT—NUMBER—OF—THEIR—PRODUCTION—LINES to THE—USA with all the consequences for THE—LONG—TERM—COMPETITIVE—ABILITY—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—UNION that come with that," he noted".
20221031             It is also in WASHINGTON—INTERESTS to weaken EUROPE in military terms, to keep it on its toes, to make it flood UKRAINE with weapons and replenish weapons arsenals of EU countries with AMERICA—SUPPLIES".
20221031             —BASED, According to THE—MINISTER, WASHINGTON—POLICY is, on selfish economic interests and ideological superiority complexes.
20221031             "Europeans are already suffering from the economic sanctions much seriously than THE—USA," Lavrov added.
20221031             MOSCOW, 20221031             .
20221031             /TASS/. - The collective West uses the dirtiest geopolitical engineering tricks against MOSCOW and BEIJING in 1—BID to maintain its hegemony, RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SERGEY—LAVROV said in 1—VIDEO—ADDRESS to participants in 1—INTERNATIONAL—CONFERENCE dubbed "THE—ROLE—OF—PUBLIC—DIPLOMACY in the Establishment, Recovery and DEVELOPMENT—OF—RUSSIA—CHINA—RELATIONS",
20221031             dedicated to the 65. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—RUSSIA—CHINA—FRIENDSHIP—ASSOCIATION.
20221031             "—TODAY, the collective West is frantically trying to maintain its hegemony, using utterly unscrupulous methods of geopolitical engineering against RUSSIA and CHINA, whom it has picked as its main adversaries," THE—RUSSIA—TOP—DIPLOMAT noted.
20221031             According to him, given this situation, MOSCOW and BEIJING maintain close foreign policy coordination".
20221031             Ties between MOSCOW and BEIJING are 1—OF—THE—KEY—FACTORS in TERMS—OF—EFFORTS to democratize INTERNATIONAL relations and establish 1—MORE—JUST multipolar world order," Lavrov emphasized.
20221031             —POINTED, THE—RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER also, out that firm support for those efforts from the general public remained 1—IMPORTANT—TOOL for improving THE—LARGE—SCALE—SYSTEM—OF—BILATERAL—COOPERATION".
20221031             The activities of our politicians and diplomats would have been less effective without THE—SUPPORT—OF—PUBLIC—DIPLOMACY.
20221031             Its contribution to the promotion of the unbiased image of our countries and THE—POPULARIZATION—OF—EACH—OTHER—BEST—ACHIEVEMENTS in THE—FIELDS—OF—SCIENCE, culture and art is relevant and weighty," Lavrov stressed.
20221031             /TASS/. - RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN has sent 1—MESSAGE to Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, congratulating him on winning BRAZIL—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION, the Kremlin press service said —ON—MONDAY.
20221031             "Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on winning the presidential election.
20221031             The vote's results confirm your high political authority.
20221031             I expect that our joint efforts will ensure further development of constructive RUSSIA—BRAZIL cooperation in all areas," Putin said in his message.
20221031             THE—RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—WISHED—LULA da Silva success in his important work as HEAD—OF—STATE, as well as good health and prosperity.
20221031             —RECEIVED, LEADER—OF—THE—WORKERS'—PARTY—LULA—DA—SILVA, 50.9—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE with 99.99—PERCENT—OF—BALLOTS counted, —WHILE his main rival, conservative Jair Bolsonaro, garnered 49.1%.
20221031             FINNLAND, sind Waffen, die eigentlich in die UKRAINE gesandt wurden, —BEREITS in die Hände von Kriminellen geraten.
20221031             Die FINNISCHE—POLIZEI erklärte, dass ähnliche Waffen auch —SCHON in SCHWEDEN, DÄNEMARK und den Niederlanden gefunden worden seien.
20221031             Die europäische Polizeiorganisation Europol hatte —IM—SOMMER gewarnt, dass Kriminelle es auf Waffen und Munition absehen könnten, die Kiew in großen Mengen als ausländische Militärhilfe erhält.
20221031             "Wir haben Hinweise, dass solche Waffen auch den Weg nach FINNLAND finden", sagte Ahlgren.
20221031             —ETABLIERT, Die Schmuggelrouten seien.
20221031             Teils laufe der Waffenhandel über INTERNATIONAL agierende Rockergruppen, die von der Polizei zur organisierten Kriminalität gezählt werden.
20221031             Die Rockergruppe Bandidos MC beispielsweise habe Vertreter in JEDER—GRÖSSEREN—UKRAINISCHEN—STADT, sagte Ahlgren.
20221031             —ÜBERWACHT, Einfallstor nach FINNLAND seien die Häfen, die weniger, würden als die Flughäfen.
20221031             Ahlgren erinnerte an die Erfahrung der Polizei —NACH—DEN JUGOSLAWIEN—KRIEGEN der 1990ER—JAHRE.
20221031             Von dort seien Schmuggelwaffen in VIELE—LÄNDER gelangt.
20221031             "Die UKRAINE hat große Mengen an Waffen bekommen, und das ist gut.
20221031             Aber wir werden auf —JAHRZEHNTE mit diesen Waffen zu tun haben.
20221031             Das ist der Preis, den wir zahlen müssen", sagte der ranghohe Polizist.
20221031             Der FRANZÖSISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON gratulierte Lula umgehend zur Wahl.
20221031             "Es wird ein neues Kapitel in der Geschichte Brasiliens aufgeschlagen", schrieb er auf Twitter.
20221031             "Wir werden unsere Kräfte bündeln, um die vielen gemeinsamen Herausforderungen zu bewältigen und das Band der Freundschaft zwischen unseren beiden Ländern zu erneuern".
20221031             Bolsonaro äußerte sich auch —2—STUNDEN nach Lulas Wahlsieg noch nicht.
20221031             Aber Verbündete des Amtsinhabers erkannten Lulas Wahlsieg an.
20221031             —BEFÜRCHTET, Es war, worden, dass es vor allem nach einem knappen Wahlausgang zu Gewalt kommen könnte.
20221031             EINIGE—ANHÄNGER—DES—AMTSINHABERS forderten auch unverhohlen einen Militärputsch.
20221031             Experten sehen dafür in Gesellschaft und den Streitkräften allerdings keine ausreichende Unterstützung.
20221031             Die Brasilianer wurden vor allem in sozialen Medien und WHATSAPP—GRUPPEN—VON—1—FLUT—VON—FALSCHINFORMATIONEN überschwemmt.
20221031             Die Fernsehdebatten, in denen Lula und Bolsonaro sich gegenseitig mit Vorwürfen überzogen, wirkten dagegen geradezu gesittet.
20221031             Die Unterstützer von Bolsonaro sehen ihren STAATSCHEF—ALS—VERTEIDIGER traditioneller Familienwerte und wirtschaftlicher Freiheit sowie als Bollwerk gegen den angeblich drohenden Kommunismus.
20221031             —GEWINNT, Lula da Silva, Wahl in BRASILIEN: "Ein großartiger Sieg für die Demokratie"
20221031             Trotz Inflation und Energiekrise: Weniger Unternehmer fürchten um Existenz als in der Coronakrise
20221031             Anstehende Fußballweltmeisterschaft: Gabriel ärgert sich über deutsche "Überheblichkeit" gegenüber KATAR
20221031—20221030    —ON, BRAZIL held its presidential election runoff.