Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 26. October ?

Ereignisse an einem 26. October

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00001026             S—VEDASTUS
03621026             Der APOLLO—TEMPEL zu Daphne brennt —BIS auf die Grundmauern nieder.
03621026             Der RÖMER—KAISER—JULIAN bezichtigt die Christen der APOLLO—TEMPEL zu Daphne Brandstiftung und lässt zahlreiche Kirchen schließen.
06641026             †, ANGEL—SACHSEN—BISCHOF—CEDD
06861026             † EATA—VON—HEXHAM—BISCHOF
07911026             † ANGILRAM—BISCHOF—VON—METZ
08991026—08490000    † * ALFRED—THE—GREAT—KING—OF—WESSEX, writer
09681026             * KAZAN—TENNO—VON—JAPAN, 65.
11041026             † JOHANNES—I—BISCHOF—VON—SPEYER
11651026             —VOR, FRANCO, DIACON t
11651026             —VOR, LUPOLD, PRIESTER t
11651026             —VOR, WALPERT, DIACON und MÖNCH t (ZAamenGV 2—S.255).
13351026             —GENANNT, NIKOLAUS—REICH, TEDESCHInus, Sohn 1—ALBERTUS;
13501026             ALBERTO—DE—BENO perpetuo vicario in ECCLESIA—DAVENTRIENSI conferendum rovenit ex.—CONCEDITUR PRIVILEGIUM—PLENARIAE onmium pececUorum remiseionis IN—ARTICULO—MORTIS.
13621026             —AVENIONIS.
13671026             —ROMAE—APUD—S—PETRUM.
13671026             (JOHANNI—EPISCOPO—TRAIECTENSIS mandatur, ut pro HILDEGHERO—VAMSTAVE—MILITE—COLONIENSI[KÖLN]j quem nonnulli summa 3300—AUREORUM mutonum spollarunt^ catisam audiat et decernat,
13731026             VOLKERO—DICTO—ISEREN DECANO—ECCLESIAE—DAVENTRIENSIS confirmatur collatio ipsi per apostolicam sedem facta de decanatu ejusdem ECCLESIAE ^), non obstante
13771026             TVRTKO—I. krönt sich zum 1. KÖNIG—DER—SERBEN, Bosniens, dem Küstenland und der WEST—LÄNDER.
14071026             —MOBS—ATTACKED, , the JEWISH—COMMUNITY—CRACOW.
14071026             † ††?† MASSACRE—OF—THE—JEWS, in CRACOW
14221026             Il Crowe e il Cavalcaselle ed Ernesto Forster attribuiscono ad Ottaviano gli affreschi dell' ospizio di S—GIACOMO e ANTONIO in Assisi, nei quali leggesi quella data e il nome " Martinellus " (CFR—BOSFATTI, OPUS—CIT.—PAGINA—23).
14261026             Defalcatio census.
14261026             LUDOVICus Terralli, licentiatus in legibus, prepositus (EXT—GUILL. Barbani).
14341026             SIEG—DES—EUGENIUS—IV—PAPA päpstliche Partei in ROM
14341026             — Appel DE—ELION—DE—GLANDEVÈS. père de LOUIS, j'ail au PAPA à FLORENCE, contre la nomination de BARTHÉLEMI—ROCALLI.
14341026             der EUGENIUS—IV—PAPA PARTEI—PAPA Sieg in ROM.
14341026             I TOMMASO—VON—SARZANA (NICOLAUS—V.) mit dem des PAPA Hofe in !
14341026             FLORENZ.
14391026             —AUSFERTIGUNG—PERGAMENT,—SIEGEL ab.
14391026             Rv. brieff S—MERTENS marth - 4. NUMMERO—1.
14391026             —AM—SONNTAG vor S—MARTINS—TAG 1—ALLGEMEINEN, FREI—MARKT abzuhalten, und zwar
14391026             unter des ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—KÖLN—BANNER—AUFRICHTUNG und
14391026             BRÜHL - Als nu in deser neister vurledenre zyt der pestilencie eyn michel deyl unser burgere ind inwonere unser stat STADT—ZÜLPICH gestorben synt,
14391026             Gegeven zom Brule in den jaren uns Herren duysentvierhundert ind nuyn ind dryssich des neisten maendachs na sent Severyns dage.
14391026             Ind han auch umb sunderlinghen gnaden willen unsen burgeren ind ingesessenre vurs.
14391026             Ind sal auch die vryet des fryen —MARTES vurs. angain des saterdages vur den vurs.
14391026             Wir Dederich,—VAN—GOITZ gnaden der hilliger kirchen zo Colne ertzbusschoff,
14391026             as der mart —UP—SENT—S—MICHELS dagh dair selffs pleget zu syn ind gewonlichen is.
14391026             dar myt unse stat groislich gesthediget ind gewoestet is,
14391026             des hilligen Romschen Rychs in Ytalien ertzcanceller,
14391026             doin kunt allen luden, die desen brieff sullen sehen ader hoeren lesen:
14391026             eynen gemeynen vrijen mart in die vurs. unse stat STADT—ZÜLPICH gelacht ind
14391026             genau wie der S—MICHAELIS—MARKT, um den Schaden auszugleichen, den DIE—STADT durch vergangene Pestzeiten erlitten hat.
14391026             hertzoch zo Westfalen ind zu Enger etc,
14391026             ind auch dat unse burgere ind ingesessenre sich des die bas generen moegen,
14391026             ind yren nakommen den vurs. mart up dee vurs. tzyt ind in vurs. maissen gegeven ind erloufft zu halden zu ewigen dagen.
14391026             Ind dis zu urkunde der
14391026             legen oevermitz desen brieff, alle jair bynnen der vurs. stat zu syn des neisten sundages vur sent Mertyns dage under unsen wympel,
14391026             so bekennen wir, dat wir darumb ind umb andere sachen willen uns dar zo bewegende,
14391026             sundage zu sonnen upgange ind duren ind weren —BIS des neisten maindages dar na zo sonnen undergange ind nyt langer.
14391026             unse nakummelinge inde gesticht an desen brieff don hangen.
14391026             wairheit han wyr unse sigel an desen brieff vur uns,
14391026             BRÜHL
14391026             unter Aufrichtung des erzbischöflichen Banners und
14391026             des hilligen Romschen Rychs in Ytalien ertzcanceller, - hertzoch zo Westfalen ind zu Enger etc,
14391026             Ind dis zu urkunde der - wairheit han wyr unse sigel an desen brieff vur uns,
14401026             —DEPRAVED—FRANCE—MARSHAL—GILLES—DE—RAIS , killer of 140—CHILDREN, was hanged over slow fire.
14401026             1—BRILLIANT—YOUNG—FRANCE—KNIGHT—GILLES—DE—RAIS was believed to have cracked over the torture and DEATH—OF—HIS—TRUE—LOVE, JEANNE—DE—ARC—MAID—OF—ORLEANS
14401026             † GILLES—DE—RAIS—RETZ—, éxécution de
14611026             —IN—DER—FOLGE, Die HAGIA—SOPHIA—TRAPEZUNT—ANATOLIEN wird zur Moschee umgewandelt.
14661026—04000000    —CA, The more DESIDERIUS—ERASMUS studied it, the more he came to doubt the accuracy of the Vulgate, S—JEROME—TRANSLATION into Latin, dating from14661026—15360000    "IN—PRAISE—OF—FOLLY" is DESIDERIUS—ERASMUS his most famous work...
14661026—15360000    * † DESIDERIUS—ERASMUS, scholar and author (In PRAISE—OF—FOLLY), in ROTTERDAM.
14661026—15360000    —BECAME, DESIDERIUS—ERASMUS was of illegitimate birth, but, 1—PRIEST and 1—MONK.
14661026—15360000    —EXCELLED, DESIDERIUS—ERASMUS, in philology, the study of ancient languages, namely Latin and Greek and worked on 1—NEW—TRANSLATION—OF—THE—NEW—TESTAMENT.
14661026—15360000    IN—PRAISE—OF—FOLLY, DESIDERIUS—ERASMUS had the freedom to discourse, in the ironic style of Lucian (THE—GREECE—AUTHOR—WHOSE works he translated), concerning all the foolishness and misguided POMPOUSNESS—OF—THE—WORLD.
14761026             * YI—GI, KOREA—POLITIKER—PHILOSOPH
14871026             in 1—VERHANDLUNG von : WILHELM—LENTZ puÄtoere sent Pet(;r, Claes VAN lllnipt PENNSILVANIAstoen;
14911026             * ZHENGDE, CHINESISCHER—KAISER
14921026             —ANCHORED, COLUMBUS' fleet, on RAGGED—ISLAND—RANGE—BAHAMAS.
14921026             Lead pencils were 1. used.
14931026             —EJUSDEM, ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA recessit AB—URBE cum octo KARDINALIBUS, et dixit se velle conferre VITERBIUM, ET—POSTEA reversus est.]
14961026             —FERIA—QUARTA—DICTI—MENSIS fuit CONSISTORIUM—SECRETUM, in quo Rmus.
14961026             DOMINUS—KARDINALIS—DE—LUNATE creatus et publicatus fuit LEGATUS de latere ad assisteiidum expugnationi castrorum, terrarum, oppidorum, villarum et dominiorum Gentilis Virginii URSINI—DE—ARAGÓNIA, PAULI—URSINI
15021026             Tornò il signore da Fossombrone, e venne nuova, che il castellano della Pergola si voleva rendere e accordarsi.
15071026             * ALVISE—MOCENIGO—I—DOGE—VON—VENEDIG, 85.
15121026             * BARTHOLOMÄUSA—VI—WELSER, Augsburger Patrizier
15131026             COMMISSION—DU—ROI—DE—FRANCE[KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH] à ses ambassadeurs.
15301026             Der JOHANNITER—ORDEN nimmt mit BILLIGUNG—PAPA MALTA als "ewiges Lehen" des KAISER—KARL—V. in Besitz.
15561026             * AHMAD—B?B?, ISLAM—RECHTSGELEHRTER
15621026             LA—VILLE—ROUEN était aux mains de MONTGOMÉRY aidé des forces anglaises[ENGLAND]
15621026             —PENDANT l'assaut LE—ROI—DE—NAVARRE passé au parti catholique
15621026             —PRISE—DE—ROUEN par LES—TROUPES—ROYALES.
15961023—15961026    —SCHLACHT—BEI—MEZ?keresztes, dauert —BIS—ZUM.
15961026             Die —3—TAGE
15961026             —SCHLACHT—BEI—MEZÖKERESZTES, letzte große Schlacht im 3. TÜRKEN—KRIEG—ZWISCHEN—ÖSTERREICH und dem OSMANEN—REICH,
15971026—20140000    —IN, THE—SOUTH—KOREA—FILM "Roaring Currents," 1—DEPICTION—OF—THE—BATTLE, was released and became the country's most popular film of all time.
16311026             * LEOPOLD—KOUONITSCH, KARDINAL, JEW—HATER, Komom,
16401026             2. BISCHOF—KRIEG wird mit dem VERTRAG—VON—RIPON beendet.
16401026             KARL—I—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND muss im VERTRAG—VON—RIPON, SCHOTTLAND Zugeständnisse gewähren, die ihm —KONFLIKTE mit dem einberufenen Langen Parlament bereiten.
16451026             * AERT—DE—GELDER, NIEDERLANDE—MALER
16511026             —ESTABLISHED, Courlander GAMBIA was, as 1—LATVIA—COLONY.
16611026             † JOHANN—BALTHASAR—SCHUPP, deutscher satirischer SCHRIFTSTELLER—GEISTLICHER Lyriker
16621026             CHARLES—II—OF—ENGLAND sold Dunkirk to FRANCE.
16761026             † NATHANIEL—BACON, ENGLISCHER—TABAKPFLANZER und Revolutionär in VIRGINIA
16821026             —ACCEPTED, WILLIAM—PENN, the area —AROUND DELAWARE River from DUKE—OF—YORK.
16831026             LE—ESPAGNE déclare LA—GUERRE à LA—FRANCE.
16831026             hat er noch nicht benutzen können, da 2. Not.
16831026             Fnch" in ßerlin und FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG krank i"t. Dieser int etwas schlecliter
16831026             —DATUM—DEN—HAAG 16831026             .
16851026             * DOMENICO—SCARLATTI (d.1757, composer and harpsichordist in NAPLES—ITALY.
16851026             —COMPOSED, Scarlatti, SON—OF—ALESSANDRO, over 550—SHORT, keyboard sonatas or exercises.
16891026             —GROßER—TÜRKEN—KRIEG, wird die von vielen Einwohnern und der OSMANEN—BESATZUNG verlassene STADT—SKOPJE von ÖSTERREICHISCHEN—TRUPPEN an diesem und dem Folgetag in Brand gesteckt und von den Flammen stark —ZERSTÖRT.
16981026             —FRIEDEN—VON—RIJSWIJK, 1—AUSWIRKUNG ist die Einführung des SIMULTANEUMS, das Recht, wonach im selben STAAT der evangelische und der katholische Glaube frei ausgeübt werden kann.
17011026             Theater am Gänsemarkt in HAMBURG erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper Die wunderschöne Psyche von REINHARD—KEISER.
17061026             † ANDREAS—WERCKMEISTER, DEUTSCHER—MUSIKER und Musiktheoretiker
17221026             —AM, 1—WEITERE INSTRUKTION—FÜR—DEN PRIOR bzw.
17221026             SUB—PRIOR wurde von ABT—PETRUS von Gladbach, erlassen;
17221026             SUB—PRIOR wurde von dem GENERAL—VIKAR de Reux und - SUB—PRIOR wurde von den Visitatoren,
17221026             SUB—PRIOR wurde von den Visitatoren,
17221026             SUB—PRIOR wurde von dem GENERAL—VIKAR de Reux und
17231026             GEORGIUS—AUGST wurde am als PRIOR eingesetzt,
17241026             † PREUSSISCHER—KAVALLERIE—GENERAL—JOHANN—SIEGMUND—VON—HEYDEN—GOUVERNEUR—VON—LIPPSTADT und Drost zu Wetter, Erbherr zu Bruch, Rhade, Lichtenwörde, Oedendael, Cliff und Crudenburg
17321026             * FRANCESCO—SOZZI, sizilianischer Maler
17331026             † ANTONIO—VERACINI, ITALIENISCHER—VIOLINIST und Komponist
17491026             —REVERSED, THE—GEORGIA—COLONY, itself and ruled slavery to be legal.
17571026             * ASHER—ROBBINS, USA—POLITIKER
17571026             * CHARLES—PINCKNEY, USA—POLITIKER
17591026             MATHIAS—KLUBERTH [AUS—VENWEGEN, S.v. MATHIAS u. Wageman, ANNA—MARIA] oo [17650721             ] KORNELIMÜNSTER
17591026             —IMPASSIONED, GEORGES—JACQUES—DANTON was 1, orator and MINISTER—OF—JUSTICE.
17591026—17940000    —IN, GEORGES—JACQUES—DANTON was also the last hope of the moderates —DURING—THE—FRANCE—REIGN—OF—TERROR and his execution led directly to the overthrow of Robespierre.
17621026             * AMOS—STODDARD, USA—POLITIKER
17651026             † LUDWIG—BATTHYÁNY, UNGARISCHER—HOFKANZLER und Palatin
17741026             —PROTESTED, 1. CONTINENTAL—CONGRESS, which, UK—MEASURES and called for civil disobedience, concluded in PHILADELPHIA.
17741026             —ORGANIZED, —MINUTE Men were, in THE—USA—COLONIES.
17741026             1. KONTINENTAL—KONGRESS in PHILADELPHIA—PENNSYLVANIA, geht zu Ende.
17881026             * THOMAS—R—ROSS, USA—POLITIKER
17891026             † SOPHIE—SCHWARZ, DEUTSCH—BALTISCHE Schriftstellerin
17901026             † FERDINAND—VON—MEGGENHOFEN, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—BEAMTER, Mitglied des Illuminatenordens
17951026             FIN—DE—LA—CONVENTION —INSTALLATION du Directoire.
17951026             Der FRANZÖSISCHER—NATIONALKONVENT tagt letztmals während Der FRANZÖSISCHER—REVOLUTION.
17951026             —KÜNFTIG, Die FRANZÖSISCHE—REGIERUNGSGESCHÄFTE führt verfassungsgemäß das Direktorium.
17951027—17951026    —SEE
17951031—17951026    —AM, Auf Basis der in Kraft getretenen Verfassung des Jahres III wird in PARIS das 1. Direktorium gewählt.
17961026             An der OPÉRA—COMIQUE—PARIS findet die Uraufführung der Oper Christophe et Jérôme ou La Femme hospitalière von HENRI—MONTAN—BERTON statt.
18001026             —ALLOWED, HELMUTH—KARL—VON—MOLTKE—REORGANIZATION—OF—THE—PRUSSIA—ARMY led to military victories that, the unification of GERMANY.
18001026             HELMUTH—KARL—VON—MOLTKE—GREATEST—INNOVATION was the creation of 1—FIGHTING force that could mobilize quickly and strike —WHEN and where it chose.
18001026             HELMUTH—KARL—VON—MOLTKE was 1—OF—THE 1. generals to grasp the importance of railroads in moving troops.
18001026—19950000    —AUTHORED, OTTO—FRIEDRICH, 1—BIOGRAPHY—OF—THE—MOLTKE family line from Bismarck to Hitler: "Blood and Iron: From Bismarck to Hitler the von Moltke FAMILY—IMPACT on GERMANY—HISTORY".
18021026             * MICHAEL—I—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL
18111026             —AM Teatro dal Corso in BOLOGNA erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper L'equivoco stravagante (Durch List zum Ziel) von Gioacchino Rossini.
18131026             BRITISCH—KANADISCHE—MILIZ—TRUPPEN besiegen in der SCHLACHT—AM—CHATEAUGUAY River während des BRITISCH—AMERIKANISCHER—KRIEG eine achtfach überlegene AMERIKANISCHE—ARMEE und zwingen sie zum Rückzug aus KANADA.
18151112—19021026    —ON, ELIZABETH—CADY—STANTON †.
18170000—18251026    —CONNECTED, The canal, Lake ERIE with the Hudson and opened.
18231026             † badische PRINZESSIN—AMALIE—CHRISTIANE,
18251026             —OPENED, THE—ERIE—CANAL was, in upstate NEW—YORK.
18251026             It cut through 363—MILES—OF—WILDERNESS and measured 40—FEET—WIDE and 4—FEET—DEEP.
18251026             It had 18—AQUEDUCTS and 83—LOCKS and rose 568—FEET from the Hudson River to Lake ERIE.
18251026             1. boat on THE—ERIE—CANAL left BUFFALO—NEW—YORK —AFTER—8—YEARS—OF—CONSTRUCTION.
18251026             —FACILITATED, The canal, trade between NEW—YORK—CITY and the Midwest--manufactured goods were shipped OUT—OF—NEW—YORK and agricultural products were returned from the Midwest.
18251026             —BECAME, As the canal, vital to trade, NEW—YORK—CITY flourished and settlers rapidly moved into the Midwest and founded towns like CLINTON—ILLINOIS.
18251026             In den USA wird der ERIE—KANAL zwischen dem ERIE—SEE und dem HUDSON—RIVER eröffnet.
18251026—18260000    —SEEGOVERNOR—CLINTON rode the Seneca CHIEF canal boat from BUFFALO to NEW—YORK harbor for the inauguration.
18351026             * ~ PERSSON HELMIN (MELIN I—ODENSVI), Anders M Odensvi U
18361026             * NATHANIEL—MEYER—VON—ROTHSCHILD, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—KUNSTSAMMLER, Bauherr, Blumenzüchter und Mäzen
18381026             HONDURAS scheidet aus der ZENTRALAMERIKANISCHE—KONFÖDERATION aus.
18481026             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—126—KÖLN.
18501026             No 219. Constantinopel den
18501026             Auf der Suche nach der verschollenen FRANKLIN—EXPEDITION gelangt der BRITISCHE—FORSCHER—ROBERT—JOHN—LE—MESURIER—MCCLURE mit der HMS Investigator von Osten her in den VISCOUNT—MELVILLE—SUND, OBWOHL er sein Schiff aufgeben und 1—TEIL—DER—STRECKE zu Fuß zurücklegen muss, gilt er als Entdecker der Nordwestpassage.
18501026             Die Nordwestpassage bleibt wegen regelmäßiger Vereisung allerdings 19010101—20001231   —BIS—INS unschiffbar.
18521026             —AM, wird er im Prozess als Beweisstück der Anklage angeführt
18531026             † R.H. Kern, USA—ARTIST, was killed by Indians in UTAH.
18541026             * CHARLES—WILLIAM—POST, food manufacturer.
18541026             —CREATED, CHARLES—WILLIAM—POST, "Grape Nuts" and "Post Toasties".
18551026             * CHARLES—POST, CREATOR—OF—BREAKFAST cereals (Post Cereals).
18551026—18541025    —SEE
18581026             —PATENTED, HAMILTON Smith, rotary washing machine.
18591026             * ARTHUR—FRIEDHEIM, RUSSISCH—DEUTSCHER—PIANIST und Komponist
18591026             Der BRITISCHE—KLIPPER—ROYAL—CHARTER gerät vor Anglesey in 1—SCHWEREN Sturm.
18591026             —GESCHLEUDERT, der BRITISCHE—KLIPPER—ROYAL—CHARTER wird gegen die Felsen, bricht auseinander und sinkt.
18591026             449—PERSONEN sterben, darunter ALLE—FRAUEN und Kinder an Bord.
18591026             Der BRITISCHE—KLIPPER—ROYAL—CHARTER—UNTERGANG ist —BIS—HEUTE das schwerste Schiffsunglück an der KÜSTE—VON—WALES.
18601026             —AKZEPTIERT, GIUSEPPE—GARIBALDI, bei 1—TREFFEN in Teano bei Neapel VIKTOR—EMANUEL—II. als KÖNIG—VON—ITALIEN und
18601026             —AVERZICHTET, GIUSEPPE—GARIBALDI, im Rahmen des Risorgimento auf die Macht im eroberten Königreich beider Sizilien.
18611026             —AM, DER—DEUTSCHE—PHYSIKER JOHANN—PHILIPP—REIS hatte 1—ÖFFENTLICHE Demonstration 1—ELEKTRISCHEN Stimmübertragung geschafft.
18611026             —VOM, Im LONDONer "STANDARD" findet man BERICHT—ÜBER 1—PROZEß der Firma JOHN—BRIGHT et Co. vor den Rorhdale Magistrates 2*),
18611026             —AM, DER—DEUTSCHE—PHYSIKER JOHANN—PHILIPP—REIS hatte 1—ÖFFENTLICHE Demonstration 1—ELEKTRISCHEN Stimmübertragung geschafft.18611026             —AM, DER—DEUTSCHE—PHYSIKER JOHANN—PHILIPP—REIS hatte 1—ÖFFENTLICHE Demonstration 1—ELEKTRISCHEN Stimmübertragung geschafft.
18611026             JOHANN—PHILIPP—REIS vorstellt 1—FERNSPRECHGERÄT im Physikalischen Verein zu FRANKFURT—AM—MAIN als Vorläufer des modernen Telefons.
18631026             —BEGINNT, GENF, 1—INTERNATIONALE Konferenz, deren Resolutionen die Internationale ROTKREUZ—BEWEGUNG und ROTHALBMOND—BEWEGUNG gedeihen lassen.
18641026             † BLOODY—BILL—ANDERSON, USA—PIRAT
18651026             † BENJAMIN—GUGGENHEIM (19120000             , ), 1—OF—THE—7—SONS—OF—SWISS—BORN industrialist Meyer Guggenheim, was born in PHILADELPHIA.
18651026             —CALLED, Sometimes, the "Silver PRINCE," Benjamin earned his nickname from his interests in that precious metal.
18651026             He † aboard the Titanic.
18681026             —KILLED, White trash terrorists, several blacks in S—BERNARD—PARISH, LOS—ANGELES.
18681026             † WILHELM—GRIESINGER, DEUTSCHER—PSYCHIATER und Internist
18711026             † THOMAS—EWING, USA—POLITIKER
18721026             * HAROLD—FRASER, USA—GOLFSPIELER
18741026             † PETER—CORNELIUS, GERMANY—COMPOSER, at 49.
18741026             * ABBY—ALDRICH—ROCKEFELLER, USA—MÄZENIN und Mitbegründerin des Museum of Modern Art
18751026             * H—B—WARNER, USA—SCHAUSPIELER
18761026             USA—PRESIDENT—GRANT sent FEDERAL—TROOPS to SC.
18791026—19400000    "Old age is the most unexpected of all the things that happen to 1—MAN".
18791026—19400000    19401108             —SEE
18791107             [see 18791026             , 18791108             ]
18811026             —SHOWED, WYATT—EARP, his 2—BROTHERS and "Doc" Holliday, up at THE—OK—CORRAL in TOMBSTONE—ARIZONA, to disarm the Clanton and McLaury boys, who were in violation of 1—BAN—ON—CARRYING guns in the city limits: "Gunfight at the O.K. Corral".
18811026             —KILLED, BILLY—CLANTON and Tom and FRANK—MCLOWERY were ;
18811026             —WOUNDED, EARP—BROTHERS were.
18811026             This was the notorious "Showdown at THE—OK—CORRAL".
18811026             * PAUL—RÖNTGEN, DEUTSCHER—METALLURGE und Rektor
18811026             Beim O. K. Corral in Tombstone kommt es zur berühmtesten Schießerei in der GESCHICHTE—DES—WILDEN—WESTENS zwischen Virgil, Morgan und WYATT—EARP sowie DOC—HOLLIDAY auf der einen Seite und der Clanton/MCLAURY—FAMILIE auf der anderen Seite.
18811026—19920000    —IN, the "ENCYCLOPEDIA—OF—WEST—LAWMEN and Outlaws" by JAY—ROBERT—NASH was published.
18811026—19990000    —PUBLISHED, ALLAN—BARRA, "Inventing WYATT—EARP: His Life and MANY—LEGENDS".
18821026             verstorbenen Professors Dr. med.—FRANZ—OBERNIER, untergebracht ist, enthält 1—KLEINE Reihe zumal rheinischer Bilder DER—NEUESTEN Zeit, von den beiden Achenbach,
18831026             * PAUL—PILGRIM, USA—LEICHTATHLET, Olympiasieger
18850000—19571026    * † Nicos Kazantzakis, writer (THE—LAST—TEMPTATION—OF—CHRIST).
18861026             * GUSTAV—HERMANN—UNGER, composer.
18861026             * HANNS—BRAUN, DEUTSCHER—LEICHTATHLET, Olympiamedaillengewinner
18890000—19721026    * † IGOR—SIKORSKY, UKRAINE—BORN helicopter pioneer, in CONNECTICUT.
18891026             Der Entwurf 1—NEUEN SOZIALISTEN—GESETZES sieht wesentliche Verschärfungen vor, darunter den Wegfall der Geltungsdauer des Gesetzes.
18901026             † COLLODI, [CARLO—LORENZINI], ITALIEN—WRITER (Pinocchio).
18911026             * ROY—KNAPP, USA—PERKUSSIONIST und Musikpädagoge
18921026             * ~ RUSSELL—MELIN M Red Wing, Goodhue Co., MINNESOTA—USA
18950000—19521026    * † Hattie McDaniel, actress (Gone With the Wind), in Woodland HILLS—CALIFORNIA, of breast cancer.
18961026             —VERSUCHT, ITALIEN hat zuvor vergeblich, ÄTHIOPIEN zu unterwerfen.
18990000—19771026    * † JAMES—CASTLE, IDAHO—BORN SELF—TAUGHT deaf artist, in Boise.
18991026             —AM Wiener Carltheater wird die Operette Wiener Blut von JOHANN—STRAUSS (Sohn) mit dem Libretto von VICTOR—LÉON und LEO—STEIN uraufgeführt.
18991026             Die Uraufführung wird zu 1—FIASKO.
18991026             ANTON—TSCHECHOWS—DRAMA—ONKEL—WANJA wird im Moskauer Künstlertheater uraufgeführt.
18991026             KONSTANTIN—SERGEJEWITSCH—STANISLAWSKI führt Regie und spielt selbst den Astrow —NACH—DEN Anweisungen Tschechows.
18991026             OLGA—KNIPPER, Tschechows spätere oo, spielt die Jélena.
19001026             —AFTER—4—YEARS—OF—WORK—THE 1. section of NY subway opened.
19011026             * MAHALIA—JACKSON, gospel singer.
19011026             1. use of "getaway car" occurred —AFTER THE—HOLD—UP—OF—1—SHOP in PARIS.
19021026             * BERYL—MARKHAM, aviator and writer.
19051026             1. Soviet (workers' council) formed in St PETERSBURG—RUSSIA.
19051026             —SIGNED, NORWAY, 1—TREATY—OF—SEPARATION with SWEDEN and chose PRINCE—CHARLES—OF—DENMARK as the new KING;
19051026             he became HAAKON—VII—KING—OF—.
19051026—19050813    —AM, Nach 1—VOLKSABSTIMMUNG wird die union Norwegens mit SCHWEDEN aufgelöst und
19051026—19050813    —AM, Nach 1—VOLKSABSTIMMUNG wird NORWEGEN 1—EIGENSTÄNDIGES Königreich.
19071026             Die Oper Die rote Gred von JULIUS—BITTNER wird an der Hofoper in WIEN uraufgeführt.
19080000—19931026    * † HAROLD—ROME, Broadway composer, lyricist.
19091026             Hirobumi Ito (18410000             *), JAPAN—RESIDENT—GENERAL in SEOUL, was gunned down in HARBIN in RUSSIAN—CONTROLLED Manchuria by Korean nationalist Chang Ahn Gun (aka Ahn JUNG—GEUN).
19091026             1. Frau, Die FRANZÖSISCHE—PILOTIN MARIE—MARVINGT fährt 1—BALLON über die Nordsee von FRANKREICH nach ENGLAND.
19111010—19111026    —BY, THE—CHINA—REPUBLIC would be proclaimed, and
19111026—19720000    * † MAHALIA—JACKSON, USA—GOSPEL singer.
19111026—19720000    "It's easy to be independent —WHEN you've got money. But to be independent —WHEN you haven't got 1—THING -- that's THE—LORD—TEST".
19121026             —BY 1—EXECUTIVE—ORDER—DELAWARE was represented by the 1. star and DELAWARE wais represented by the top STRIPE—OF—THE—USA—FLAG.
19121026             —ASSIGNED, It was thus, the top of THE—13—STRIPES and the 1. of the then 48—STARS by 1—EXECUTIVE—ORDER signed by PRESIDENT—WILLIAM—HOWARD—TAFT.
19121026             —ASSIGNED, EACH—SUBSEQUENT—STRIPE was then, to THE—COLONIES in the order in which they ratified the Constitution.
19121026             1. 13—STARS (from left to right) also represent the order in which THE—COLONIES ratified, and are then followed by THE—REST—OF—THE—STATES in the order in which they were admitted into the Union.
19121026             Befreiung der STADT—THESSALONIKI von den Osmanen durch die GRIECHISCHEN—TRUPPEN während der BALKAN—KRIEGE 19120000–19130000             .
19121026             —DER, ist auch der Namenstag des Stadtheiligen und Schutzpatrons von THESSALONIKI, Demetrios.
19121026—17871207    —ON, DELAWARE was the 1. of THE—13—COLONIES to ratify the Constitution.
19161026             DER—REICHS—TAG beschäftigt sich mit 1—STÄRKEREN Heranziehung der Volksvertretung bei der Behandlung auswärtiger Fragen.
19161026             Der Haushaltsausschuß soll auch in der tagungsfreien Zeit einberufen werden können.
19161026             —SERVED, FRANCE—LEADER—FRANCOIS—MITTERRAND, as PRESIDENT—OF—FRANCE 19810000—19950000    —FROM—TO.
19161026             —ARRESTED, MARGARET—SANGER was, for obscenity (advocating birth control).
19171026             * FELIX—THE—CAT, cartoon character.
19171026             3. FLANDERN—SCHLACHT —WWI—WÄHREND—DES, beginnt die - 2. PASSCHENDAELE—SCHLACHT.
19180000—20071026    * † ARTHUR—KORNBERG, genetics pioneer and NOBEL—PRIZE—WINNER (19590000             ), at Stanford Hospital in CALIFORNIA.
19181026             —VERABSCHIEDET, DER—REICHS—TAG, 1—REIHE verfassungsändernder Gesetze:
19181026             des REICH—KANZLER benötigt zu seines AMT—FÜHRUNG des REICHS—TAG Vertrauen.
19181026             zu 1—FRIEDENS Abschluß erforderlich des REICHS—TAG Zustimmung ist die; zur KRIEG—ERKLÄRUNG und
19181026             —VON—CAPRIVI wieder unterstellt des MILITÄR—GEWALTEN werden der ZIVIL—REGIERUNG.
19181026             —DONATED, CECIL—H—CHUBB, the property of Stonehenge to THE—ENGLAND—STATE.
19181026             —RESIGNED, GERMANY—SUPREME—COMMANDER, GENERAL—ERICH—LUDENDORFF, protesting the terms to which THE—GERMANY—GOVERNMENT had agreed in negotiating the armistice.
19181026             This set the stage for his —LATER support for Hitler and THE—NAZIS, who claimed that GERMANY did not lose the war on the battlefield but were "stabbed in the back" by politicians.
19181026             —AM schrieb ALBERT—BALLIN, der Leiter der Hapag, an PRINZ—MAX v. Baden:
19181026             "Die Gefahr des Bolschewismus ist gegenwärtig die drohendste.
19181026             Ihre Bekämpfung ist wichtiger als irgendeine andere AUFGABE—DES—REICH".
19181026             Neben der Zerschlagung der Arbeiterbewegung im eigenen Land, waren daher die Kapitalisten aller Länder bestrebt, den 1. ARBEITER—UND Bauernstaat, die SOVIET—UNION, zu vernichten.
19181026             —SEIT—DER—EXISTENZ des 1. proletarischen Staates, trachteten sie in ihrem wütenden Klassenhass nach einem konterrevolutionären Krieg zur Vernichtung dieser Hoffnung von Millionen Arbeitern in der Welt.
19181026             Sie mussten dieses Vorbild + revolutionäre Zentrum für die Arbeiter beseitigen +
19181026             sie konnten nicht zulassen, dass 1—STAAT—DER—ARBEITERKLASSE existiert, in dem es den Arbeitern viel besser ging, denn das hätte die REVOLUTION—IN—IHREN eigenen Ländern heraufbeschworen.
19181026             GENERAL—LUDENDORFF resigns his command, —IMMEDIATELY—BEFORE formal dismissal, to permit the desperate GERMANY—GOVERNMENT to comply with WILSON—DEMAND.
19181026             Hindenburg retains his post as GERMANY—FIELD COMMANDER, with GENERAL—WILHELM—GROENER replacing Ludendorff as CHIEF—OF staff.
19181026             wieder unterstellt des MILITÄR—GEWALTEN werden der ZIVIL—REGIERUNG.
19181026—19181027    Der JENAER—KONFERENZ—LEITSÄTZE 19160425—19160426    sollen der ORGANISATION—GRUND—LAGE sein.
19181026—19181027    57—DELEGIERTE beschließen der Freien SOZIALISTISCHE—JUGEND DEUTSCHLAND festen organisatorischen Zusammenschluß.
19191026—19790000    —IN, MOHAMMED—RIZA—PAHLEVI—SHAH—OF—IRAN was overthrown and † in THE—USA, was born.
19201026             ÖSTERREICH, wird per Gesetz die Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte eingerichtet.
19221026             —RESIGNED, ITALIEN—GOVERNMENT, under pressure from fascists and Benito Mussolini.
19221026             1. Radiosendung der SCHWEIZ, ROLAND—PIÈCE vom Flugplatzsender LAUSANNE überträgt 1—MUSIKPROGRAMM drahtlos, was —HEUTE als gilt.
19231026             REZA—KHAN, der spätere SCHAH—REZA—PAHLAVI, wird vom IRANISCHEN—PARLAMENT zum PREMIER—MINISTER—IRANS gewählt.
19250000—20081026    * † TONY—HILLERMAN, author of the acclaimed Navajo Tribal Police mystery novels and creator of 2—OF—THE—UNLIKELIEST of literary heroes — Navajo POLICE—OFFICERS JOE—LEAPHORN and JIM—CHEE —, of pulmonary failure.
19271026             —FOUNDED, GUSTAV—SCHICKEDANZ (18950000—19770000    ), Quelle, 1—GERMAN—MAIL—ORDER—BUSINESS.
19271026             referierte Hitler VOR—14—WIRTSCHAFTSFÜHRERN im Hause EMIL—KIRDORF s( 28).
19271026             —AM - GUSTAV—SCHICKEDANZ gründet in Fürth das VERSANDHAUS—QUELLE.
19281026             —FILED, THE—PICKWICK—STAGE—SYSTEM, documents to form 1—PASSENGER—AIRPLANE—SERVICE connecting SF, S—DIEGO and CHICAGO.
19281026             It planned to use 1—FLEET—OF—TRI—MOTORED, 12—PASSENGER—BACH monoplanes.
19291026             In 1—ABKOMMEN zwischen dem Unternehmer IVAR—KREUGER (Svenska Tändsticks Aktiebolaget) und der WEIMARER—REPUBLIK wird das —53—JAHRE—DAUERNDE Zündwarenmonopol begründet.
19311026             EUGENE—O'NEILL'S "Mourning Becomes Electra," premiered in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19311026             He adopted the Aeschylus "Oresteia" trilogy to 1—NEW—ENGLAND family, the Mannons, in THE—DAYS—JUST—AFTER THE—USA—CIVIL—WAR.
19311026             —CALLED, THE—3—PARTS were, "Homecoming," "THE—HUNTED" and "THE—HAUNTED".
19311026             Der BRITISCHE—DOPPELDECKER De Havilland DH.82—TIGER Moth Tiger Moth ("Bärenspinner") absolviert seinen Erstflug.
19311026             Die DRAMEN—TRILOGIE Trauer muss Elektra tragen von EUGENE—O'NEILL wird im Guild Hall Theatre in NEW—YORK—CITY uraufgeführt.
19320000—20181026    * † JOHN—MCGUIRE, CIVIL—RIGHTS activist, in POMONA—CALIFORNIA.
19321026—20080528    * † GERHARD—KONZELMANN, in STUTTGART, ebenda) war 1—DEUTSCHER—JOURNALIST.
19330000—20071026    * † MYANMAR, 1—TIME—DRUG warlord Khun Sa, variously described as among THE—WORLD—MOST wanted men and as 1—GREAT—SHAN liberation fighter.
19340000—20121026    * † CUBA, Eloy GUTIERREZ—MENOYO, ), 1—MODERATE, PRO—DIALOGUE dissident.
19341026             Mit dem Bestreben nach wirtschaftlicher Autarkie wird in BERLIN die BRAUNKOHLE—BENZIN—AG[BRABAG] gegründet.
19361026             At Boulder Dam the 1. of THE—5—POWER—UNITS to be installed under the initial plan went into operation.
19361026             1. Generator des errichteten HOOVER—DAM liefert in den USA die 1. Energie in das STROM—NETZ.
19381026             * RALPH—BAKSHI, animator (LORD—OF—RINGS, FRITZ—THE—CAT, Mighty Mouse).
19381026             —NAMED, Du Pont, its new synthetic fiber "nylon".
19381026             Durch die durch HEINRICH—HIMMLER angeordnete "Polenaktion" werden 17.000—POLNISCHE—JUDEN mit Wohnsitz in DEUTSCHLAND über die DEUTSCH—POLNISCHE—GRENZE nach POLEN getrieben, darunter MARCEL—REICH—RANICKI.
19381026             Himmler orders the police to collect all POLAND—JEWS in GERMANY with valid passports and deport them —BEFORE 19381029             .
19381026             (Architect)
19391008—19391026    —AM, treten die Bestimmungen in Kraft.
19391026             —FORCED, POLAND—JEWS were, into obligatory work service.
19401026             * MARIO—OROSCO, the 1. VICTIM—OF—NEW—YORK—CITY—ZODIAC killer (survives).
19401026             Das USA—JAGDFLUGZEUG NORTH—AMERICA—P—51 "Mustang" bewältigt erfolgreich seinen Jungfernflug.
19411026             USA savings bonds went on sale.
19421026             300—SURVIVORS were rescued by the destroyer Barton.
19421026             THE—HORNET sank early THE—NEXT—MORNING.
19421026             —ON 2. —DAY in THE—BATTLE—OF—HENDERSON—FIELD.
19421026             MITCHELL—PAIGE (19180000—20030000    ), USA—MARINE platoon SERGEANT, held his position against JAPAN—FORCES at Guadalcanal as all his men KILLED—WERE or wounded, —UNTIL reinforcements arrived.
19421026             He received 1—BATTLEFIELD—COMMISSION and —LATER 1—MEDAL—OF—HONOR.
19421026             In the 4. —DAY—OF—THE—BATTLE—AT—EL—ALAMEIN (EGYPT) the Australians made 1—BREAKTHROUGH.
19421026             Der Flugzeugträger USS Hornet (CV-8) wird versenkt, die USS Enterprise (CV-6) beschädigt.
19421026             DIE—USA—MARINES können jedoch nicht von GUADALCANAL vertrieben werden.
19421026—19750000    —IN, he authored the autobiography "1—MARINE—NAMED—MITCH".
19441023             THE—JAPAN—FLEET fails to destroy transports landing AMERICA—SOLDIERS on THE—ISLAND—OF—LEYTE —DURING THE—BATTLE—OF—LEYTE—GULF (to 19441026             ).
19441025—19441026    —DEFEATED, THE—JAPANESE were, in the Straits of Surigao in THE—BATTLE—OF—LEYTE—GULF, THE—WORLD—LARGEST—SEA—ENGAGEMENT.
19441025—19441026    JAPAN lost 26—CAPITAL ships.
19441025—19441026    —FROM this point on, the depleted JAPAN—NAVY increasingly resorted to the suicidal attacks of Kamikaze fighters.
19441026             Die —3—TAGE Auseinandersetzung ist die bislang GRÖßTE—SEE—SCHLACHT in der Geschichte.
19441026             Himmler issues orders to destroy the crematoriums at AUSCHWITZ—BIRKENAU in 1—ATTEMPT to eliminate THE—EVIDENCE—OF—NAZI mass murder.
19441026—19441023    —AM, Im PHILIPPINISCHEN—GOLF von Leyte endet die begonnene SEE—UND LUFT—SCHLACHT zwischen japanischen und USA—AMERIKANISCH—AUSTRALISCHEN—VERBÄNDEN mit einem überwältigenden Sieg der Verbündeten.
19451026             * PAT—CONROY, USA—WRITER (Great Santini, PRINCE—OF—TIDES), in ATLANTA—GEORGIA.
19451026             —INCLUDED, PAT—CONROY—WORK, "Conrack" (19730000             ; film, 19740000             ;
19451026             stage musical, 19870000             );
19451026             "THE—GREAT—SANTINI" (19760000             ; film, 19790000             );
19451026             "THE—LORDS—OF—DISCIPLINE" (19800000             ; film, 19830000             );
19451026             "THE—PRINCE—OF—TIDES" (19860000             ; film, 19910000             );
19451026             and "Beach Music" (19950000             ; film, 19970000             ).
19461026             In der LUDWIG—MAXIMILIANS—UNIVERSITÄT—MÜNCHEN wird die Verfassung des Freistaates BAYERN von der Landesversammlung mit großer Mehrheit angenommen und unterzeichnet.
19470716—20161026    —DECLARED, SWEDEN—OFFICIALS, Wallenberg officially dead as of 19520731             .
19470716—20161026    —DECLARED, SWEDEN—OFFICIALS, Wallenberg officially dead 19520731             —AS—OF.
19471026             * HILLARY—RODHAM—CLINTON, 1. lady (19930000—20010000    ).
19471026             Kaschmir wird 1—TEIL—VON—INDIEN.
19481026—19481031    —BETWEEN, 1—AIR—INVERSION trapped fluoride effluent from the Zinc Works.
19481026—19481031    † —BY—THIS—DATE, SOME—20—PEOPLE and 6,000 were made ill by smog from steel and zinc plants in DONORA—PENNSYLVANIA.
19481026—19481031    † —IN—3—DAYS, 18—PEOPLE.
19481026—19481031    —AFTER—THE—INVERSION—LIFTED, another 50—PEOPLE †.
19481026—19481031    —FINISHED, HUNDREDS—PEOPLE more, the rest of their lives with damaged lungs and hearts.
19481031             Between 19481026             and 19481031             , 1—AIR—INVERSION trapped fluoride effluent from the Zinc Works.
19491026             —SIGNED, USA—PRESIDENT—TRUMAN, 1—MEASURE raising the minimum wage from 40 to 75—CENTS an —HOUR.
19491026             HOME—DELIVERED milk was 42—CENTS per half gallon.
19501026             1—RECONNAISSANCE platoon for 1—SOUTH—KOREA—DIVISION reached the Yalu River.
19501026             They were the only ELEMENTS—OF—THE—UNITED—NATIONS—FORCE to reach the river —BEFORE THE—CHINA—OFFENSIVE pushed the whole army down into SOUTH—KOREA.
19501026             Mit der Ernennung von THEODOR—BLANK zum "Beauftragten des Bundeskanzlers für die mit der Vermehrung der alliierten Truppen zusammenhängenden Fragen" wird das Amt Blank und somit die Keimzelle der Bundeswehr geschaffen.
19511026             —DEFEATED, Rocky Marciano, JOE—LOUIS at MADISON—SQUARE—GARDEN.
19511026             WINSTON—CHURCHILL was RE—ELECTED UK—PM.
19521026             DEAD—AS—OF—OFFICIALLY—DECLARED was the 1. black actor/actress to receive 1—ACADEMY—AWARD.
19521026—20050000    —AUTHORED, JILL—WATTS, "Hattie McDaniel: Black Ambition, White HOLLYWOOD".
19541026             —INTRODUCED, Chevrolet, the V—8—ENGINE.
19541026             Die Übergabe der Verwaltung in der Zone A an ITALIEN durch die Alliierte MILITÄR—REGIERUNG bewirkt das ENDE—DES—FREIEN—TERRITORIUMS—TRIEST.
19541026             In der Zone B steuert —BEREITS Jugoslawien die Geschicke.
19551026             The weekly NEW—YORK—CITY—VILLAGE—VOICE—NEWSPAPER was 1. published.
19551026             —FOUNDED, It was, by DAN—WOLF, ED—FANCHER and NORMAN—MAILER.
19551026             —MARKED, AUSTRIA, THIS—DAY as National —DAY to commemorate the departure of all foreign troops —1—DAY—EARLIER.
19551026             —PROMULGATED, AUSTRIA, under request by RUSSIA, 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—LAW—OF perpetual neutrality.
19551026             Ngo Dinh Diem (19010000—19630000    ) began serving as PRESIDENT—OF—VIETNAM.
19551026             Die "freiwillige, immerwährende Neutralität" ÖSTERREICH—WIRD vom Nationalrat als Verfassungsgesetz verabschiedet, —NACHDEM der letzte Besatzungssoldat —BIS—ZUM, Vortag das Land verlassen haben musste.
19551026—19650000    —SEIT, ist im Andenken an dieses Ereignis der 19551026             ÖSTERREICHISCHER—NATIONALFEIERTAG.
19551026—19960000    —IN, it changed to free distribution.
19551026—20150000    —OWNED, PETER—BARBY, whose family, THE—READING—EAGLE newspaper in PENNSYLVANIA, purchased the paper from the Voice Media Group.
19561026             † WALTER—GIESEKING, —60—JAHRE—ALT, GERMANY—PIANIST and composer.
19571026             —ANNOUNCED, THE—RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT, that MARSHAL—GEORGI—ZHUKOV, the nation's most prominent military hero, had been relieved of his duties as MINISTER—OF—DEFENSE.
19571026             —ACCUSED, Khrushchev, Zhukov of promoting his own "CULT—OF—PERSONALITY" and saw him as 1—THREAT—TO—HIS—OWN—POPULARITY.
19581026             —AM, startete die Airline mit Boeings Düsenflieger 707—DEN täglichen JET—VERKEHR—ZWISCHEN—USA und EUROPA.
19581026             † Pan USA—AIRWAYS pilot SAMUEL—H—MILLER (20010000             , —84—JAHRE—ALT flew the 1. Boeing 707—PASSENGER—SERVICE jetliner from NEW—YORK—IDLEWILD—AIRPORT (—LATER JFK) to PARIS;
19581026             the trip took —8—HOURS and —41—MINUTES.
19581026             111—PASSENGERS flew aboard the Clipper AMERICA and 1—TICKET—COST $489.60. The plane was christened —1—WEEK—EARLIER by Mamie Eisenhower.
19581026             1. NEW—YORK—LONDON transatlantic jet passenger service was inaugurated by BOAC.
19581026             Bei 1—BILL—HALEY—KONZERT, kommt es in WEST—BERLIN zu Krawallen:
19581026             Die Stühle und Fenster werden zerbrochen und die Polizei räumt die HALLE gewaltsam.
19581026             Die FLUGGESELLSCHAFT—PANAM nimmt den Linienbetrieb mit Düsenflugzeugen über den Atlantik auf.
19610211             —IMPLIED, This, that 19611026             will become obsolete, and that the Youth —DAY would henceforth be on February 11.
19611026             —INTRODUCED, BRITAIN, 1—TIME—LIMITED parliamentary session for PRIME—MINISTER—QUESTIONS.
19611026             —CHANGED, PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR —LATER, it to 1—SINGLE—30—MINUTE joust on Wednesdays.
19621026             AUCH AM, —DER—NACHT, als die SPIEGEL—AFFÄRE BEGANN, saßen sie beisammen.
19621026             AUGSTEIN und seine zukünftige Ehefrau MARIA tranken mit HDB 1—FLASCHE Rotwein.
19621026             —WARNED, JFK—RUSSIA that THE—USA would not allow SOVIET—MISSILES to remain in CUBA.
19621026             NIKITA—KHRUSHCHEV sent note to JFK offering to withdraw his missiles from CUBA if USA closed its bases in TURKEY.
19621026             —REJECTED, The offer was.
19621026             —TRACKED, THE—USS—BEALE, and dropped practice depth charges on 1—SOVIET—FOXTROT—CLASS—SUBMARINE which was armed with 1—NUCLEAR torpedo.
19621026             —SURROUNDED, Running OUT—OF—AIR, THE—SOVIET—SUBMARINE was, by USA—WARSHIPS and desperately needed to surface to recharge its batteries.
19621026             1—ARGUMENT broke out among 3—OFFICERS on the B-39, including submarine CAPTAIN—VALENTIN—SAVITSKY, political officer IVAN—SEMONOVICH—MASLENNIKOV, and CHIEF—OF—STAFF—OF—THE—SUBMARINE flotilla, COMMANDER—VASILIY—ARKHIPOV.
19621026             1—TOTALLY exhausted Savitsky became furious and ordered that the nuclear torpedo on BOARD be made combat ready.
19621026             —CONVINCED, Accounts differ about whether COMMANDER—ARKHIPOV, Savitsky not to make THE—ATTACK, or whether Savitsky himself finally concluded that the only reasonable choice left open to him was to come to the surface.
19621026             —DIE—SPIEGEL—AFFÄRE, Mit der polizeilichen Besetzung und DURCHSUCHUNG—DER—REDAKTIONSRÄUME—DES—SPIEGEL in HAMBURG beginnt.
19651026             —RECEIVED, Beatles, MBEs at Buckingham Palace.
19651026             Die Beatles werden durch ELISABETH—II—KÖNIGIN—VON—ENGLAND im Londoner Buckingham Palace mit dem Orden MEMBER—OF—THE—BRITISH—EMPIRE ausgezeichnet.
19651026             —1—PAAR—JAHRE—SPÄTER, JOHN—LENNON gibt seinen Orden aus PROTEST—GEGEN—DIE Beteiligung Großbritanniens am BIAFRA—KRIEG wieder zurück.
19651026             FRANKREICH, wird der CODE—POSTAL eingeführt.
19651026             Die Postleitzahl[CODE—POSTAL] besteht anfangs aus der Nummer des Départements und den 1. 3—GROSS geschriebenen Buchstaben des Ortsnamens.
19661026             † USA—AIRCRAFT—CARRIER—ORISKANY caught fire at Gulf on Tonkin and 43.
19671026             LA—VANGUARDIA—ESPANOLA—PAGE—17;
19671026             —CROWNED, THE—SHAH—OF—IRAN, himself and his QUEEN —AFTER—26—YEARS on the Peacock Throne.
19671026             An seinem 48. Geburtstag finden die Krönungsfeierlichkeiten von SCHAH—MOHAMMAD—REZA—PAHLAVI und seiner oo SCHAHBANU—FARAH—PAHLAVI statt.
19680000             BUSH[BGW968] legte sein GESCHICHTS—DIPLOM in Yale ab,
19681026             In 1—MEETING held ON at Palazzo Barbarini,
19681026             plans were drawn up to establish THE—INTERNATIONAL—UNIVERSITY—OF—THE—MEDITERRANEAN ,
19701026             —PASSED, Congress, Public Law 91-508, THE—USA—BANK—SECRECY—ACT, which required that banks maintain records of wire transfers of more than 3000—DOLLAR and report cash transactions of MORE—THAN—10.000—DOLLAR.
19701026             —APPEARED, GARY—TRUDEAU—COMIC strip "Doonesbury" 1.
19701026             THE—SF—CHRONICLE began to carry the "Doonesbury" cartoon of GARRY—TRUDEAU under EDITOR—GEORGE—STANLEIGH—ARNOLD (19970000             † age 78).
19711026—20000000    —IN, MISTER—REAGAN said: "To see those, those monkeys from those AFRICA—COUNTRIES — damn them, they're still uncomfortable wearing shoes!" The explosive recordings were originally released by THE—NATIONAL—ARCHIVES, though they were —LATER withdrawn DUE—TO—1—COURT—ORDERED review.
19720507—19721026    —ON, He was overthrown.
19721026             —DECLARED, NATIONAL—SECURITY adviser HENRY—KISSINGER, "Peace is at hand" in VIETNAM.
19721026             Major Mathieu Kerekou (19330000             *) took power in Dahomey (—LATER BENIN) in 1—COUP and proclaimed it 1—MARXIST—LENINIST—STATE.
19721026             MAJOR—MATHIEU—KÉRÉKOU ernennt sich selbst zum Präsidenten und plant die Errichtung des "afrikanischen KUBA".
19721026—19720000    —FINANCED, The money, spying and sabotaging Democratic primary campaigns and included activity such as FORGERY—OF—CORRESPONDENCE, release of false leaks to the press and seizure of confidential campaign files.
19731024—19731026    —PASSED, THE—UNSC, Resolution 339, serving as 1 renewed call for all parties to adhere to the cease fire terms established in Resolution 338. Organized fighting on all fronts ended.
19731026             —ENDED, Organized fighting on all fronts of the Yom Kippur.
19731026             Of ISRAEL—ROUGHLY 2,120 tanks, CA—840 were destroyed over THE—20—DAYS—OF—THE—WAR.
19731026             Das DEUTSCH—FRANZÖSISCHE—MILITÄRFLUGZEUG—ALPHA—JET bewältigt seinen Erstflug erfolgreich.
19741026             NEW—YORK—CITY, 1—BOMB went off outside 1—MANHATTAN bank —AROUND 3 a.m. SOON—AFTER, someone called the city's Associated Press bureau and directed them to 1—UPPER—WEST—SIDE—PHONE booth, where 1—PUERTO—RICAN—FALN (Armed Forces of National Liberation) letter claimed responsibility for attacking "major Yanki corporations".
19741026—19810000    —CONVICTED—OF, OSCAR—LOPEZ—RIVERA and CA—12—COMRADES were, seditious conspiracy "to overthrow THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—THE—USA—IN—PUERTO—RICO by force," armed robbery and lesser charges.
19741026—19910000    —UNTIL, Mathieu Kerekou (19330000             *) seized power in Dahomey (—LATER BENIN) and ruled.
19741026—19960000    —ELECTED, He was, PRESIDENT and
19741026—20060000    —UNTIL, served.
19741026—20170517    —RELEASED, Rivera (74) was, from house arrest in PUERTO—RICO.
19751026             —BECAME, Anwar Sadat, the 1. EGYPT—PRESIDENT to pay 1—OFFICIAL—VISIT—TO—THE—USA.
19761026             Das Homeland Transkei wird vom APARTHEID—REGIME in SÜD—AFRIKA in die "Unabhängigkeit" entlassen, die aber von keinem anderen STAAT der Welt anerkannt wird.
19771026             —GLIDED, The experimental SPACE—SHUTTLE Enterprise, to 1—BUMPY but successful landing at Edwards AIR—FORCE—BASE in CALIFORNIA.
19771026             Letzter regulärer Einsatz einer Dampflok der DEUTSCHES—BUNDESBAHN
19781026             —SIGNED, USA—PRESIDENT—CARTER, the Ethics in Government Act.
19781026             It provided for the appointment of independent counsels.
19781026             —EXECUTED, SOMALIA, THE—17—LEADERS—OF—THE—APRIL coup were.
19781026—19870000    —IN, THE—SUPREME—COURT upheld the law.
19791026             —GAINED, S—VINCENT and the Grenadines, INDEPENDENCE—FROM—BRITAIN.
19791026             —BECAME, Choi KYU—HAH (19180000—20060000    ), acting PRESIDENT—AFTER—THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—PRESIDENT—PARK—CHUNG—HEE.
19791026             —STAGED, Chun, 1—INTERNAL—COUP to take CONTROL—OF—THE—MILITARY, then persuaded the new PRESIDENT, Choi KYUH—HAH, to impose MARTIAL—LAW and name Chun CHIEF—OF—THE—KCIA.
19791026             —FORCED, Choi was, to resign —8—MONTHS—LATER—FOLLOWING 1—MILITARY—COUP.
19841026             "Baby Fae," 1—NEWBORN with 1—SEVERE—HEART defect, was given the heart of 1—BABOON in 1—EXPERIMENTAL—TRANSPLANT in Loma LINDA—CALIFORNIA Baby Fae lived —21—DAYS with the animal heart.
19841026             AMADEUS—VON—MILOŠ—FORMAN, die Verfilmung des in LONDON und am Broadway gefeierten Bühnenstücks von SIR—PETER—SHAFFER, kommt in DEUTSCHLAND in die Kinos.
19841026             An der LOMA—LINDA—UNIVERSITÄT—KALIFORNIEN wird 1—SÄUGLING 1—PAVIANHERZ eingepflanzt, da kein menschliches Organ zu Verfügung steht.
19841026             —3—WOCHEN—SPÄTER.Das Kind stirbt
19841026             In den USA kommt der SCIENCE—FICTION—FILM Terminator von JAMES—CAMERON in die Kinos.
19841026             Der mit verhältnismäßig bescheidenem Budget gedrehte B—MOVIE mit ARNOLD—SCHWARZENEGGER und Linda HAMILTON in den Hauptrollen entwickelt sich zu 1—KULTFILM.
19841026—19850000    Bei der OSCAR—VERLEIHUNG erhält der Film 8—AUSZEICHNUNGEN.
19871026             —DROPPED, THE—DJIA, 8%.
19871026             —SUFFERED, In MIAMI, 1—INVESTOR who had, heavy stock market losses shot and killed 1—BROKERAGE—MANAGER and wounded his personal broker, then turned the gun on himself.
19871026             † HERBERT—ANAYA—SANABRIA, THE—HEAD—OF—SALVADORAN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—COMMISSION, was assassinated by death squads.
19881016             —CONTINUED, Rescue workers near Point BARROW—ALASKA, their efforts to save 3—CALIFORNIA gray whales trapped in ARCTIC Ocean ice 19881026             —SEE.
19881026             —FREED, USA—SOVIET—EFFORT, 2—GRAY whales from frozen ARCTIC near BARROW—ALASKA 19881016             —SEE.
19881026             1—FRANCE—PHARMACEUTICAL—COMPANY, Roussel Uclaf, announced it would halt worldwide distribution of RU-486, 1—PILL to induce abortions, because of "1—OUTCRY—OF opinion at home and abroad".
19881026             —ORDERED, THE—FRANCE—GOVERNMENT, the company to reverse itself —2—DAYS—LATER.
19891026             —TAPPED, WASHINGTON—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA attorney PAUL—TAGLIABUE was, by NFL team owners to be the league's new commissioner, succeeding PETE—ROZELLE.
19901026             —BECAME, WAYNE—GRETZKY, the 1. National Hockey League player to reach 2,000 points.
19901026             —ISSUED, THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT, 1—WARNING that terrorists could be planning 1—ATTACK—ON—1—PASSENGER ship or aircraft.
19911026             —ARRIVED, FORMER—WASHINGTON—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, Mayor MARION—BARRY, at 1—FEDERAL—CORRECTIONAL institution in PETERSBURG—VIRGINIA, to begin serving a —6—MONTH—SENTENCE for cocaine possession.
19911026—19910625    —SEIT—DEM, SLOWENIEN, verlassen die letzten jugoslawischen Soldaten das de facto unabhängige Land.
19921026             —SIGNED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, 1—ACT requiring the release of nearly all government files concerning THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—PRESIDENT—KENNEDY.
19921026             —COMPELLED, THE—PRESIDENT—JOHN—F—KENNEDY—ASSASSINATION—RECORDS—COLLECTION—ACT, anything related to the assassination to be released —25—YEARS—AFTER its passage.
19921026             —REJECTED, Voters in CANADA, 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—REFORM—PACKAGE known as the Charlottetown Accord.
19931026             —SELECTED, National Football League owners, CAROLINA as the 29. NFL franchise.
19931026             Deborah Gore Dean, 1—CENTRAL—FIGURE in THE—REAGAN—ERA—HUD scandal, was convicted of 12—FELONY counts of defrauding THE—GOVERNMENT, taking 1—PAYOFF and lying to Congress.
19931026             —SENTENCED, Dean was —LATER, to 3—CONCURRENT —21—MONTH—PRISON—SENTENCES;
19931026             however, 5—OF—HER—CONVICTIONS were —LATER overturned, and Dean has requested 1—NEW—TRIAL.
19931026             —INCLUDED, His musicals, Fanny (19540000             ), Destry Rides Again (19590000             ), and I—CAN—GET—IT—FOR—YOU—WHOLESALE (19620000             ).
19931026             —KILLED, EGYPT, gunfire at 1—HOTEL, 2—AMERICANS, 1—FRENCHMAN and injured 3—OTHERS in CAIRO.
19931026—19310000    —J—IM, Wegen des Mordes an 2—POLIZISTEN wird der frühere DDR—MINISTER—FÜR—STAATSSICHERHEIT—ERICH—MIELKE zu —6—JAHREN Freiheitsstrafe verurteilt.
19940000—20131026    —SEIT—IN—DEUTSCHLAND werden FCKW nicht mehr produziert.
19940725—19941026    —AM, Der FRIEDENS—VERTRAG wird desselben Jahres unterzeichnet.
19941026             —ALLOWED, The peace agreement, ISRAEL to lease 2—SMALL—AREAS, Baqura and Ghamr, from the Jordanians —FOR—25—YEARS.
19941026             —ESTABLISHED, THE—NAHARAYIM park on the border was, as 1—SYMBOL—OF—THE landmark peace agreement.
19941026             KURT—BECK (SPD) wird zum Nachfolger von RUDOLF—SCHARPING als MINISTERPRÄSIDENT—VON—RHEINLAND—PFALZ gewählt.
19941026—20180000    —IN, JORDAN chose not to renew 1—CLAUSE—OF—THE—PEACE—TREATY that granted ISRAEL use of 2—ENCLAVES inside JORDAN—TERRITORY.
19941026—20191100    —IN—EARLY, The site was set to revert to full JORDAN—CONTROL.
19951026             —PASSED, THE—USA—HOUSE, 227-to-203, 1—REPUBLICAN—BALANCED—BUDGET—BILL that would shrink THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT, cut taxes and return power to the states.
19951026             THE—CLEVELAND—INDIANS won their 2. GAME—OF—THE—WORLD—SERIES by defeating THE—ATLANTA—BRAVES, 5-to-4, in game 5.
19951026             —RAPED, CALIFORNIA, Deborah Sammons (40) was, and murdered by ROBERT—BACON.
19951026             —HIRED, He had been, to murder Deborah by her husband CHARLES—SAMMONS, who —LATER pleaded guilty to NON—CAPITAL—MURDER and was sentenced to —25—YEARS—IN—PRISON.
19951026             † Islamic Jihad LEADER—FATHI Shakaki was shot to death on the Mediterranean ISLAND—OF—MALTA in 1—KILLING his supporters blamed on ISRAEL.
19951026             Die FRANZÖSISCHEN—ATOMTESTS werden durch das Europäische Parlament verurteilt, was FRANKREICH nicht hindert, tags darauf einen neuen Test auf Mururoa durchzuführen.
19951026             Yeltsin suffers 2. heart attack.
19961026             —CLEARED, FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS, RICHARD—JEWELL as 1—SUSPECT in the Olympic park bombing, ending a —3—MONTH ordeal for the former security guard.
19961026             Das HEINZ—NIXDORF—MUSEUMSFORUM, das größte Computermuseum der Welt (Stand 20150000             ), wird in PADERBORN eröffnet.
19961026—19780000    —SINCE, THE—USA—BASEBALL—WORLD—SERIES—THE—NY—YANKEES, won their 1. World Series, defeating THE—ATLANTA—BRAVES 3-2 in game 6.
19971026             —BECAME, THE—FLORIDA—MARLINS, the youngest franchise to win THE—WORLD—SERIES with a 3—2—VICTORY in the 11. inning over THE—CLEVELAND—INDIANS in the 7. and final game.
19971026             —REPORTED—WAS, that SOME—50—SOUTH—CALIFORNIA doctors and CA—12—LASER surgery centers were under investigation for insurance fraud for serving mostly SOUTH—EAST—ASIAN and Latino women seeking beauty makeovers under false claims.
19971026             —REPORTED—WAS, that HUNDREDS—OF—SHOREBIRDS washed up dead along the 25-mile stretch of Monterey Bay beaches.
19971026             1—NON—TOXIC—REFINED—SARDINE oil had been spilled into the bay and stuck the birds' feathers together.
19971026             —DETERMINED, THE—SOURCE—OF—THE—OIL was not yet.
19971026             —HYDROGENATED, The substance was —LATER thought to be 1, vegetable oil.
19971026             CONGRESS—ELECTIONS, in ARGENTINA the opposition coalition led the Peronists 46% to 36%.
19971026             The opposition Alliance, led by Fernandez Maijide, was COMPOSED—OF—THE—CENTRIST—CIVIC—RADICAL—UNION and THE—LEFT—LEANING Frepaso coalition.
19971026             CHINA, the 3. SHANGHAI INTERNATIONAL Film Festival opened.
19971026             350—FILMS from 40—COUNTRIES were to be shown over —10—DAYS.
19971026             CHINA began blocking the Yellow River for the $4.17—BILLION Xiaolangdi Dam project.
19971026             —SCHEDULED, COLOMBIA, municipal elections were.
19971026             —FORCED, Leftist guerrilla had, nearly 2,000 candidates to withdraw from the elections.
19971026             —ENFORCED, Rebels, 1—ELECTION boycott in CA—40—PERCENT—OF—THE—COUNTRY, but affected only 1—SMALL—PORTION—OF—THE—POPULATION.
19971026             —OPENED, EGYPT, PRESIDENT—MUBAREK, the new Peace Canal to carry Nile water to THE—SINAI—PENINSULA.
19971026             —PLANNED, The irrigation of 620,000—ACRES—OF—DESERT was, to support 1.5—MILLION—RESIDENTS.
19971026             —FROM INDONESIA it was reported that 120—ORANGUTANS on Borneo KILLED—WERE or tortured by villagers —AFTER they were forced out of their habitats by wildfires.
19971026             THE—ISLAND was home to SOME—20,000 orangutans.
19971026             ITALY, THE—NORTH—LEAGUE—PARTY—OF—UMBERTO Bossi held 1—SYMBOLIC—ELECTION to choose a "PARLIAMENT" for independent Padania.
19980311—20281026    —ISSUED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—ASTRONOMICAL—UNION, 1—ALERT, saying 1—MILE—WIDE asteroid could zip very close to Earth, possibly colliding with it.
19981026             —REPORTED, THE—EDUCATION—DEPARTMENT, that the default rate on student loans had fallen into single digits for the 1. time.
19981026             Nutrient pollution known as eutrophication, the overabundance of nitrogen and phosphorus, was noted on THE—CHESAPEAKE—BAY and estuaries —AROUND THE—WORLD.
19981026             A 7,000 sq. mile dead zone was reported to spread EVERY—SUMMER across the Gulf of MEXICO from the mouth of THE—MISSISSIPPI.
19981026             —TURNED, HURRICANE—MITCH, category 5 with 180-mph winds and threatened THE—COAST—OF—HONDURAS.
19981026             Lejla Sehovic, the original winner, was 1—MUSLIM.
19981026             —ANNOUNCED, CYPRUS, that it had begun building 1—NAVAL—BASE, apparently destined for use by GREECE—WARSHIPS.
19981026             —SIGNED, ECUADOR and PERU, 1—PEACE—TREATY in BRAZIL and settled their land dispute.
19981026             —DEFINED, THE—AGREEMENT, a 49-mile border left undrawn in a 19420000             treaty.
19981026             1—UN—PANEL reported that THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT lied to UN weapons inspectors about its nerve gas arsenal and had loaded THE—VX nerve agent on AT—LEAST—2—WARHEADS —DURING—THE—PERSIA—GULF—WAR.
19981026             —KILLED, In retaliation a —69—YEAR—OLD—PALESTINE—MAN was, outside the Jewish settlement of Itamar.
19981026             —ORDERED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—BORIS—YELTSIN was, by his doctors to cancel a —1—DAY—TRIP to AUSTRIA so he could recuperate from high blood pressure and extreme fatigue.
19981026             —APPEARED, KOSOVO, SERBIA—FORCES, to be withdrawing under THE—THREAT—OF—NATO—AIR—STRIKES.
19981026             Die Präsidenten JAMIL—MAHUAD für ECUADOR und ALBERTO—FUJIMORI für PERU schließen in Brasília einen FRIEDENS—VERTRAG zur Beendigung des PERUANISCH—ECUADORIANISCHEN—GRENZKRIEGES.
19981026             —NACH der Wahlniederlage bei der Bundestagswahl, entlässt DER—DEUTSCHE—BUNDES—PRÄSIDENT—ROMAN—HERZOG, HELMUT—KOHL als Bundeskanzler.
19981026             —4—WOCHEN NACH—DER—WAHL wird der SPD—POLITIKER WOLFGANG—THIERSE vom neu zusammengetretenen Parlament mit großer Mehrheit zum neuen BUNDESTAGS—PRÄSIDENT gewählt.
19981026—20070000    —COMPLAINED—OF, LOUISIANA crabbers, buckets of dead crabs and the condition in the Gulf of MEXICO was expected to get worse DUE—TO—RISING demand for ethanol and increased corn production in Corn Belt states, which called for more nitrogen use.
19991026             KSG Students Endorse Living Wage Campaign
19991026             THE—NEW—YORK Yankees beat THE—ATLANTA—BRAVES, 6-to-5, to take a 3—GAMES—TO—NONE lead in THE—WORLD—SERIES.
19991026             —AGREED, THE—USA—CIA, to give GERMANY copies of SOME—32,000—FILES that belonged to the Stasi, THE—FORMER—EAST—GERMANY—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE.
19991026             —REPLACED, THE—WSJ, Chevron, Good —YEAR, Union Carbide and Sears with Intel, Microsoft, Home Depot and SBC Communications in THE—DOW—JONES Index effective 19991101             .
19991026             —ANNOUNCED, STANFORD—UNIVERSITY, that JAMES—H—CLARK, CO—FOUNDER—OF—NETSCAPE, had donated $150—MILLION for biomedical engineering research.
19991026             —AGREED, BRITAIN, the upper HOUSE—OF—PARLIAMENT, to abolish the right of over 700—HEREDITARY peers to sit and vote in THE—HOUSE—OF—LORDS.
19991026             —ARRESTED, CHINA, police, Falun Gong protestors in Tiananmen Square —DURING a 2. —DAY—OF—PROTESTS by the spiritual group.
19991026             —OVERTURNED, In THE—NETHERLANDS—THE—PARLIAMENT, a 19120000             BAN—ON—BROTHELS.
19991026             in THE—CRIMSON
19991026—19890000    —ACQUIRED, THE—CIA, the files.
19991026—19910000    —RELEASED, THE—CENTERS for Disease Control and Prevention, 1—STUDY which said the number of Americans considered obese soared from CA—1 in 8 to nearly 1 in 5 19980000             —IN.
20001026             —BECAME, THE—NEW—YORK Yankees, the 1. team in MORE—THAN—1—QUARTER—CENTURY to win 3—STRAIGHT—WORLD—SERIES—CHAMPIONSHIPS, beating THE—NEW—YORK Mets 4-to-2 in game 5—OF—THEIR "Subway Series".
20001026             —MATCHED, THE—YANKEES, THE—OAKLAND—ATHLETICS' 3 in 1—ROW 19720000—19740000    —FROM—TO, and won their 4. title in —5—YEARS.
20001026             —PLANNED, THE—USA—FDA, to ban 2—FLUOROQUINOLONE antibiotics used by poultry farmers DUE—TO—FEARS that humans might become infected with germs that resist treatment.
20001026             —SPONSORED, UN, scientists reported that pollution had contributed substantially to GLOBAL—WARMING.
20001026             —DRAGGED, CHINA, AT—LEAST—100—FALUN Gong sect members were, from Tiananmen Square —FOLLOWING 1—PROTEST 1 the —YEAR ANNIVERSARY—OF—1—GOVERNMENT—BAN—OF—THE—CULT.
20001026             ISRAEL—,1—PALESTINE—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew himself up at 1—ISRAEL—ARMY outpost.
20001026             129—PEOPLE, mostly Palestinians, were reported killed in over —4—WEEKS—OF fighting.
20001026             —REPORTED, In THE—IVORY—COAST—DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE were, killed as supporters of Alassane Ouattara called for new elections.
20001026             —ARRIVED, Diamonds from SIERRA—LEONE, in ANTWERP under 1—NEW—UN—PLAN to keep diamond revenues from financing CIVIL—WAR.
20001026             —GREETED, VENEZUELA, PRESIDENT—CHAVEZ, FIDEL—CASTRO and they planned 1—ACCORD for oil shipments to CUBA in exchange for bartered products and services.
20001026             EDITED VOLUME NEW—YORK—TIMES, ; Suro, Roberto + Vernon Loeb.
20001026             Conferees on THE—FY 20010000             Foreign Operations Appropriations bill [HR4811]...
20001026             —OPERATIONS Appropriations Act (P.L. 105-118) Section 584... Foreign Assistance Act of 19610000             , Public Law 101-513 (as amended by THE—INTERNATIONAL...
20001026             Information Technologies for THE—CONTROL—OF—MONEY—LAUNDERING
20001026             —PICKED, In other operations, money was, up from locations in the United...
20001026             Der Euro erreicht mit 1—WERT—VON—0,8225—USA—DOLLAR sein bisheriges Allzeittief gegenüber dem USA—DOLLAR.
20001026             —2—JAHRE—SPÄTER, Der Ausschluss von ALASSANE—OUATTARA von den Wahlen führt jedoch zu 1—BEWAFFNETEN —KONFLIKT in dem afrikanischen Land.
20001026—20001022    —NACH—1—FLUT—VON—PROTESTEN tritt der ELFENBEINKÜSTE—DIKTATOR—ROBERT—GUÉÏ, der die PRÄSIDENT—WAHL vom verloren hat, zugunsten des Wahlgewinners Laurent Gbagbo zurück.
20010911             SurvivalForum_com 20011026             .---- Refer recent message at "AFP asked Loizeaux about the report of molten steel on the site.
20011026             It gave police and intelligence agencies vast new powers to fight terrorism.
20011026             —INCLUDED, THE—USA—PATRIOT—ACT, Section 215—THAT gave THE—FBI authority to obtain library and bookstore records without EVIDENCE—OF—WRONGDOING.
20011026             It allowed THE—GOVERNMENT to detain aliens without public acknowledgement.
20011026             Section 311—GAVE the Treasury sweeping powers to act against those who facilitate financial crime.
20011026             Anthrax was found in the offices of 3—LAWMAKERS in the Longworth House Office building on CAPITAL—HILL.
20011026             THE—SUPREME—COURT was shut down to test for anthrax spores.
20011026             —ANNOUNCED, USA—RED—CROSS—PRESIDENT—BERNADINE—HEALY, her resignation.
20011026             Lockheed Martin won a $200—MILLION—MILITARY—CONTRACT, the biggest in USA—HISTORY, for 1—NEW—FLEET—OF—FIGHTER—JETS for THE—USA—AND—UK—FORCES.
20011026             USA—WAR—PLANES hit Red Cross warehouses in KABUL a 2. time by accident.
20011026             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIALS said 3—CHILDREN were, in overnight raids.
20011026             1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—GROUP said that as many as 35—CIVILIANS KILLED—WERE in CHOWKAR—KAREZ, near KANDAHAR from USA—AIR—STRIKES.
20011026             —CAPTURED, THE—TALIBAN, and executed ABDUL—HAQ, 1—PROMINENT—OPPOSITION—LEADER, who was attempting to arrange defections.
20011026             —AGREED, ISRAEL, to pull back from Bethlehem and Beit Jalla as 1—TEST—OF—PALESTINE—GUARANTEES—OF—SECURITY.
20011026             —INTERESTED, NORTH—KOREA said it was no longer, in DIALOGUE—WITH—THE—USA—DUE—TO—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—RECENT—DESCRIPTION—OF—NORTH—KOREA as "so suspicious and secretive".
20011026             —MARCHED, PAKISTAN, SOME—40,000, in KARACHI to protest USA—AIR—STRIKES.
20011026             —PROTESTED, Another 10,000, in QUETTA.
20011026             Reducing Anthrax Fear Problems As 1—HASHER who has personally been arrested by police and forced to lay SPREAD—EAGLE in the road —WHEN caught with white powder (flour)....
20011026             USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH unterzeichnet den USA—PATRIOT—ACT und macht ihn damit zum Gesetz.
20021025             2. pilot's body was found 20021026             .
20021026             —LAUNCHED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, urgent diplomatic talks to unite JAPAN, SOUTH—KOREA and other allies behind 1—STRATEGY to DEAL—WITH—1—NUCLEAR—ARMED—NORTH—KOREA.
20021026             He also sought support for possible WAR—WITH—IRAQ as Pacific Rim leaders stung by terrorism gathered for their annual summit.
20021026             —ANGERED, EAST—OKLAHOMA, DANIEL—H—FEARS, 1—TEENAGER apparently, by 1—NEIGHBOR, went on 1—SHOOTING spree that left 2—PEOPLE—DEAD and AT—LEAST—7 injured.
20021026             THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC, the race for a 3. of the seats in THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—PARLIAMENT—UPPER chamber had 1—RECORD—LOW turnout of 24—PERCENT.
20021026             —ELECTED, KOSOVO, voters in 30—MUNICIPALITIES, 920—LOCAL councilors for UNITED—NATIONS—SUPERVISED assemblies that are slated to assume increased authority over the coming years.
20021026             —UNITED, Pacific Rim prime ministers and presidents, to tackle the most URGENT—OF—MISSIONS, preventing the melting borders of 1 connected world from enabling terrorists to undermine the push toward prosperity.
20021026             —STORMED, RUSSIA—SPECIAL—FORCES, using gas to knock out Chechen guerrillas, 1—MOSCOW theater in 1—DAWN raid that left DOZENS—OF—HOSTAGES—DEAD along with MOST—OF—THEIR—REBEL captors.
20021026             —KILLED, RUSSIA—SPECIAL—FORCES, 41—REBELS, including LEADER—MOVSAR Barayev, and freed more CA—600—CAPTIVES in the 3. —DAY—OF—1—HOSTAGE—DRAMA.
20021026             129—CAPTIVES KILLED—WERE.
20021026             —KILLED, All the dead hostages except for 1 were, by the gas —LATER suspected to be the anesthetic carfentanyl possibly mixed with halothane.
20021026             —KILLED, SOUTH—EAST—TURKEY, 3—TEENAGERS were, —AFTER they accidentally set off 1—MORTAR shell, where TURKEY—TROOPS and Kurdish rebels battled —FOR—YEARS.
20021026             —ANNOUNCED, GenCorp, its AEROJET—GENERAL subsidiary had acquired the "Ordnance and Tactical Systems Space Propulsion and Fire Suppression" BUSINESS—OF—GENERAL—DYNAMICS.
20021026             —INCLUDED, This, the principal assets associated with Primex
20021026             RUSSISCHE—ELITE—EINHEITEN beenden gewaltsam die Geiselnahme im Moskauer DUBROWKA—THEATER.
20021026             Neben den tschetschenischen Rebellen sterben 119—GEISELN, die meisten an den Auswirkungen der eingesetzten BETÄUBUNGS—UND Lähmungsgase.
20021122             20021122             Das Web wurde durchsucht nach DULLES##+BUSH...
20031026             —STOKED, Flames, by powerful winds raced through PARTS—OF—SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, torching MORE—THAN—208,000 acres, destroying 500—HOMES and causing AT—LEAST—11—DEATHS.
20031026             1—MAJOR—RADAR—FACILITY was forced to close and MANY—FLIGHTS in the area were cancelled.
20031026             —REPORTED—WAS, that CAMBODIA—PROSTITUTES were being subjected to gang rapes, and that the practice, called "bauk," has been common —FOR—YEARS.
20031026             —DEFEATED, CANADA—ROB—KRUEGER, 320—COMPETITORS who played at THE—WORLD—ROCK, Paper, Scissors Championships at 1—DOWNTOWN—TORONTO nightclub.
20031026             He netted $3,825.
20031026             —ELECTED, Colombians, state and municipal leaders despite the bloody campaign period in which DOZENS—OF—CANDIDATES KILLED—WERE.
20031026             —ELECTED, BOGOTA residents, EDUARDO—GARZON, 1—FORMER—COMMUNIST—UNION—LEADER, as their mayor in municipal elections.
20031026             The victory was seen as 1—FURTHER headache for hardline PRESIDENT—ALVARO—URIBE, coming —1—DAY—AFTER he suffered 1—DEFEAT in 1—SWEEPING referendum.
20031026             GUATEMALA, 4—JOURNALISTS from the Prensa Libre newspaper were seized by EX—PARAMILITARY—MEMBERS and apparently were being held to press the group's demand that THE—GOVERNMENT pay them wages for their service 19800101—19801231    —IN—THE.
20031026             WEST—HAITI, ANTI—GOVERNMENT protesters LOYAL—TO—1—SLAIN gang leader attacked 1—POLICE—STATION.
20031026             —KILLED, Gunfire, 1—GIRL on her bicycle and wounded the police CHIEF and 2—OFFICERS.
20031026             —ATTACKED, IRAQ—INSURGENTS, the heavily guarded al Rashid hotel with 1—MISSILE—BARRAGE that killed 1—USA—COLONEL, WOUNDED—18—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20031026             The 462-room hotel, housing CIVIL—OFFICIALS—OF—THE—USA—LED—COALITION Provisional Authority and USA—MILITARY—PERSONNEL, is seen as SYMBOL—OF—THE—OCCUPATION.
20031026             —CRASHED, SOUTH—KOREA, 1—RACE—CAR, into the audience, 3—PEOPLE—KILLED and injuring 6.
20041025             Denn wo viel Geld diskret versammelt ist, da herrscht auch große Vorsicht.alfatomega_com/20041026.html
20041026             Was 20010911             Allowed to Happen?
20041026             For the 1. time THE—BULGE has been seen in another crucial situation where USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH[BGW968] could have benefitted from wearing a "wire"... 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—HEARINGS.
20041026             BUSH[BGW968]exploits suffering of 20010911             , says Carter: BUSH[BGW968] [BGW968] has exploited the suffering of 20040911             and turned back DECADES—OF—EFFORTS to make THE—WORLD 1—SAFER place, THE—FORMER—PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER says
20041026             This is 1—IMPORTANT—DEVELOPMENT for THE—WIRED—THEORY—FOR the 1. time THE—BULGE has been seen in another crucial situation where USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH[BGW968] could have benefitted from wearing a "wire"... 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—HEARINGS.
20041026             —HAPPENED, What really, 20010911             —ON, or in IRAQ? —NEXT—WEEK—ELECTION may determine whether we ever find out.
20041026             exploits suffering of 20010911             , says Carter:
20041026             20041026             19680000             BUSH[BGW968] legte sein GESCHICHTS—DIPLOM in Yale ab,
20041026             —BEREITET, Grippeviren: USA—BEHÖRDE, sich auf WELT—SEUCHE vor
20041026             DEUTSCHLAND laut EU—KOMMISSION auch 20050000             Defizitsünder 20010000             1—SPECIAL—REPORT—ON—THE—NATIONAL—EMERGENCY
20041026             Our rights cannot be taken, + yet a CONGRESS—REPORT clearly states...
20041026             1—MAJORITY—OF—THE—PEOPLE—OF—THE—USA—HAVE lived all their lives under emergency rule.
20041026             —FOR—40—YEARS [—NOW—67—YEARS], freedoms + governmental procedures guaranteed by USA—CONSTITUTION have in varying degrees been abridged by laws brought into force by states of national emergency".
20041026             "1—POPULAR—GOVERNMENT without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but 1—PROLOGUE to 1—FARCE or 1—TRAGEDY, or perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance + 1—PEOPLE who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives".
20041026             USA—PRESIDENT—JAMES—MADISON, a Mainstream Militant Revolutionary
20041026             —FROM  "Notes on VIRGINIA" - My World would not be complete without you.
20041026             Welcome!!
20041026             Howdy Pardn'rs, I have put 1—WHOLE—LOT—OF—DATA on THE—WEB addressing the problems of SURVIVAL, Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Political.
20041026             —PRESENTED, These pages are, with Love to all my Brothers + Sisters that We might Learn to Survive Better at Peace Within Ourselves + With EACH—OTHER.
20041026             —DEDICATED, BAREFOOT—WORLD is, to bringing 1—MESSAGE—OF—LOVE and Hope and Peace and Truth into this world for THE—UNITY—OF—ALL—MANKIND and the Return of Constitutional Government to We THE—PEOPLE—OF—THE—USA.
20041026             "—WHEN you are awake the dream is gone...
20041026             —WHEN you are Enlightened THE—'WORLD—OF—ILLUSION' is gone... -.and THE—TRUTH will make you FREE".
20041026             SAUDI—ARABIEN: DEUTSCHE—BOTSCHAFT warnt vor Anschlägen
20041026             —NAH—OST: Parlament stellt sich hinter GAZA—ABZUGSPLAN
20041026             Ein kleines Häufchen von Nervenzellen einer Ratte hat im Labor erfolgreich einen F-22-Flugsimulator gesteuert.
20041026             Wissenschaftler hoffen, eines Tages Computer aus lebenden Zellen zu bauen, deren Intelligenz der des Menschen nahe kommt.
20041026             "Zu Beginn, wenn man dieses kleine Gehirn mit dem Flugsimulator zusammenschaltet, weiß es noch nicht, wie es das Flugzeug steuern soll", erklärt DeMarse.
20041026             Anfangs werde der Jet deshalb nur vom Zufall gelenkt.
20041026             "Doch nach und nach, wenn immer mehr Daten hereinkommen, verändert sich das neuronale Netzwerk und es beginnt langsam zu lernen, wie man 1—FLUGZEUG steuert
20041026             Das "Hirn" bestand aus insgesamt 25.000—NERVENZELLEN, die DeMarse mit Hilfe von Enzymen aus einer bestimmten Gehirnregion von Rattenembryos entnommen hatte, dem so genannten MOTOR—KORTEX.
20041026             Dieser ist für die Ansteuerung der Muskeln verantwortlich.
20041026             Die entnommenen Zellen kultivierte DeMarse in einer Petrischale.
20041026             —AM Boden der Schale befand sich 1—NETZ aus 60—GOLDKONTAKTEN.
20041026             Die Zellen begannen sofort, Verbindungen untereinander aufzubauen und ein lebendes neuronales Netz zu bilden, berichtet der Wissenschaftler.
20041026             Autoindustrie: Opelaner bereiten MILLIARDEN—KLAGE gegen GENERAL—MOTORS vor
20041026             Europäische Union: Schröder und Chirac unterstützen TÜRKEI—BEITRITT
20041026             Für Frühaufsteher: Totale Mondfinsternis —AM—DONNERSTAG
20041026             Rüffel aus Brüssel: DEUTSCHLAND reißt DEFIZIT—HÜRDE 20050000             zum 4. Mal
20041026             IRAK: USA—REGIERUNG spielt SPRENGSTOFF—AFFÄRE herunter
20041026             Medizin: Heilerfolge der Akupunktur nur PLACEBO—EFFEKT?
20041026             ANTI—TERROR—KAMPF: Kabinett will Mandat um ein —JAHR verlängern - Edutainment: Wissen für Wuselfans
20041026             —STREIT—ÜBER—BUTTIGLIONE: Barroso warnt das EU—PARLAMENT
20041026             TEXAS: Richterin empfängt Ausbrecher mit Party
20041026             Diplom in —4—STUNDEN: WILHELM—REICH und der Schabrackentapir
20041026             —10—JAHRE—ALTSPIEGEL—ONLINE: "Werdet dialektisch!"
20041026             Hirnforschung: Rattenhirn steuert Kampfjet
20041026             EU—STAATEN: Fingerabdruck wird Pflicht für Reisepässe
20041026             EU—PARLAMENT: Barroso nimmt Buttiglione in Schutz
20041026             Kerry [KFJ966]slams BUSH[BGW968] over missing explosives
20041026             Rehnquist has cancer, will keep working - UN : TONS—OF—EXPLOSIVES missing in IRAQ
20041026             Sharon: GAZA plan only way to security - Volatile OIL—PRICES hold stocks down
20041026             Drop fluoride, advocate says Randy Weiner wants Boulder to stop adding fluoride to its water supply.
20041026             Helping SOME—PEOPLE keep their whites pearly isn't ENOUGH—OF—1—REASON to keep adding 1—ENVIRONMENTAL toxin without people's permission,
20041026             FULL STORY "
20041026             —HOSPITALIZED, CHIEF—JUSTICE—REHNQUIST, with cancer WASHINGTON—REHNQUIST, WILLIAM—H 1—CONSERVATIVE who is 2. oldest man ever to be CHIEF—JUSTICE—OF—THE—SUPREME—COURT, has been hospitalized with thyroid cancer.
20041026             DENVER drops from 9. to 39. on terrorism risk list DENVER—USA—FEDERAL—OFFICIALS have dropped DENVER from ninth to 39. on 1—LIST—OF—USA—CITIES most at risk of 1—TERRORIST—ATTACK, but they would not say why.
20041026             Nothing scares the "powerful " more than persistence.
20041026             That's 1—THING I did learn in high school.
20041026             —WHILE organizing 1—STUDENT—STRIKE — inspired in part by THE—MIND—NUMBING curriculum I described —EARLIER — I was caught wearing 1—HOME—MADE sign which said "think for yourself".
20041026             —EARNED, Refusing to remove it, I, a —3—DAY—SUSPENSION.
20041026             I was sent home under the perceptive charge of "persistent OPPOSITION—TO—AUTHORITY".
20041026             It was 1—INSPIRING turn of phrase.
20041026             The powerful have always been able to accommodate opposition that flares up and burns out quickly, like teenagers "going through 1—PHASE".
20041026             —COMMITTED, They have trouble —WHEN their opposition is, + shows no sign of dying out or giving up.
20041026             Which is, in 1—LARGE—PART, the problem they have with 1. Nations.
20041026             NON—NATIVE people have got to accept that significant changes can take 1—LONG—TIME.
20041026             Change takes YEARS—OF—OFTEN bitter conflict, YEARS—OF—HARD—WORK + YEARS—OF—SACRIFICE.
20041026             —ACHIEVED, But change is never, without that KIND—OF—PERSISTENCE or at least THE—THREAT—OF—IT.
20041026             I still think it was ultimately the stubborn PERSISTENCE—OF—THE—FRIENDS—OF—THE—LUBICON,
20041026             the determination by our members to see justice done even under THREAT—OF—PERSONAL—BANKRUPTCY + legal penalties, that won out over Daishowa.
20041026             1—BOYCOTT which lasted only —1—YEAR or 2—THE—AVERAGE—LIFESPAN—OF—MANY—UNDER—FUNDED volunteer CAMPAIGNS—WOULD have been easy to ignore.
20041026             1—BOYCOTT which showed no signs of abating was 1—PROBLEM.
20041026             Even if we have nothing more to offer, persistence is 1—QUALITY—EVERY—INDIVIDUAL who wants to support Aboriginal rights should nurture.
20041026             We have to be here for the long haul.
20041026             I remember the night the Friends of the Lubicon began the Daishowa boycott campaign.
20041026             Daishowa, 1—GIANT forestry transnational company had for SOME—TIME been threatening to CLEAR—CUT almost the entire unceded Lubicon Lake INDIA—NATION traditional territory, 1—THREAT which the Lubicon people saw as the last straw in their lengthy BATTLE—TO—SURVIVE 1—CORPORATE and government onslaught.
20041026             DAISHOWA—CLEAR—CUTTING was 1—THREAT—TO—DESTROY their home, their PLACE—OF—WORSHIP, their WAY—OF—LIFE.
20041026             But with THE—NEXT—WINTER—SEASON—FAST approaching and 13—LUBICON members already up on charges for that arson attack, the Lubicon Nation asked supporters to do what they could to hold back Daishowa.
20041026             The problem was, how? As 1—FLEDGLING group with fewer than 12—MEMBERS and even fewer resources (our total annual budget was at most 1—COUPLE—OF—1000—DOLLARS, raised from rummage sales and raffles) the Friends of the Lubicon possessed no obvious means of stopping Daishowa.
20041026             —WHEN we got —AROUND to discussing Daishowa and the burning question of what we could do, ED—BIANCHI held up 1—PAPER—BAG he had received the previous night —WHEN ordering 1—SNACK from 1—FAST—FOOD—CHAIN.
20041026             —ON THE—BOTTOM—OF—THE—BAG was 1—SMALL—DAISHOWA logo.
20041026             —FLESHED, From that simple, exciting discovery we, out the Daishowa boycott CAMPAIGN—1—CAMPAIGN which has blocked CLEAR—CUT operations in Lubicon TERRITORY—FOR—THE—LAST—10—YEARS.
20041026             1 would never think 1—SMALL—PAPER—BAG could fell 1—GIANT—LIKE—DAISHOWA.
20041026             It did.
20041026             —OFFERED, The paper bag, us 1—MEANS—OF stopping Daishowa.
20041026             —FACED, It offered us 1—ANSWER to 1—NUMBER—OF—THE—OBSTACLES, by NON—NATIVE support organizations.
20041026             It gave us 1—MEANS—OF directly and tangibly linking urban Canadians to events going on THOUSANDS—OF—KILOMETRES away in Lubicon territory, thus breaking the physical and psychological ISOLATION—OF—THE—ISSUE.
20041026             THE—LUBICON struggle would no longer be OUT—OF—SIGHT, OUT—OF—MIND—IT was represented in consumer items Canadians came in contact with almost daily.
20041026             The boycott gave us 1—MEANS—OF focusing our efforts on 1—SMALL and weak link in DAISHOWA—CHAIN, the point at which they are dependent on other companies to buy their paper bags.
20041026             —FIGURED, We, that other companies had no inclination to fight DAISHOWA—BATTLES for them, especially —WHEN viable alternatives were readily available for their paper bag needs.
20041026             —FIGURED, We, that all we had to do was ask DAISHOWA—CUSTOMERS not to use Daishowa bags + remind them that their own customers were watching how they handled the issue.
20041026             The most disempowering thing about my high school history class was THE—ABSENCE—OF—STORIES about those who stood up to resist THE—GERMANY—GOVERNMENT —DURING—THE—BUILD—UP to —WWII.
20041026             Where were they?
20041026             —GRIPPED, In 1—NATION, by evil, were there no dissenters?
20041026             —BRUSHED, My history class, aside ANY—TALK—OF—JEWISH or nationalist resistance to Nazi domination.
20041026             Nor were there ANY—GERMANS defying THE—TIDE—OF—NAZISM.
20041026             Yet people did act + we need to hear about them and learn from them.
20041026             —LEARNED, OUTSIDE—OF—THAT—CLASS that I, about groups like the White Rose Society, the young students who told the truth about genocide to their fellow Germans and who bravely faced execution for their efforts.
20041026             I was trying to come to grips with the responsibilities we have —WHEN confronted with injustice, especially —WHEN we are MEMBERS—OF—THE—SOCIETY—RESPONSIBLE—FOR—SUCH abuses.
20041026             I looked to examples like the White Rose Society for answers.
20041026             And it was that line of questioning that led me to the Friends of the Lubicon.
20041026             Anonymous said... - Good grief, you're being "had" again.
20041026             "SECRET—SERVICE—AGENT" is the same joker as "SCOTT—ZALE".
20041026             Misspellings, incorrect syntax....this is —JUST SOME—8. grader with nothing better to do.
20041026             Read "SCOTT—ZALE"'s last paragraph:
20041026             "Please drop this for the good of our country. We have bigger problems and should not be distracted by matters that don't ultimately determine the measure of an honest man. I want to say that the right answers are what matter most, not whether or not those answers were "fed" my someone else. USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH[BGW968] is 1—GOOD messenger regardless".
20041026             It sounds like the typical Rovian technique of setting up false evidence to disprove something that is true.
20041026             —CHALLENGED, Why has HOWARD—KURTZ, the validity of this story????
20041026             —NOW other journalists are being attacked, Kurtz thinks this is more newsworthy than the story itself??
20041026             Read what he —POSTED—TODAY in 'Media Notes': "
20041026             National REVIEW—BYRON—YORK chides THE—WP + NEW—YORK—TIMESFOR jumping on THE—WAS—BUSH[BGW968] -wired story —AFTER 1—SALON piece by DAVE—LINDORFF:
20041026             "In both stories, it appears the Post and the Times placed particular faith in the judgment of DAVE—LINDORFF.
20041026             And who wouldn't? —JUST look at SOME—OF—THE—THINGS he's written.
20041026             "1—PIONEER in comparing BUSH[BGW968] to ADOLF—HITLER, Lindorff wrote —LAST—YEAR, on the website Counterpunch_org, that, 'It's going 1—BIT—FAR to compare THE—BUSH[BGW968] of 20030000             to the Hitler of 19330000             .
20041026             But COMPARISONS—OF—THE—BUSH[BGW968] administration's fear mongering tactics to those practiced so successfully + with such terrible results by Hitler + Goebbels on THE—GERMANY—PEOPLE + their Weimar Republic are not at all OUT—OF—LINE.'
20041026             "1—FEW months —LATER, Lindorff moderated his position —JUST 1—TOUCH, writing, "BUSH[BGW968] is not Hitler.
20041026             Yet".
20041026             "Why would the Post and the Times rely on such 1—SOURCE for the 'mystery bulge' story?
20041026             You'll have to ask them".
20041026             —BY the way, the New Yorker has 1—PIECE (not yet online) on THE—NOTE which says it is extremely + crucially important, almost as important as MARK—HALPERIN thinks it is.
20041026             PETER—JENNINGS, AL—GORE, GEORGE—STEPHANOPOULOS, JAMES—CARVILLE, Karen Hughes, TEDDY—WHITE and TOM—EDSALL make cameo appearances.
20041026             It is really, really long, which is to say, almost as long as 1—TYPICAL—EDITION—OF—THE—NOTE.
20041026             1—MEGA—MUST—READ for the Googling monkeys.
20041026             Anonymous said... - The press is totally afraid of this issue or are —JUST dumb.
20041026             They pose softball questions such as "what was the bulge".
20041026             And get dismissive answers. YES or NO.
20041026             —STARTED, Watergate, unraveling for Nixon with the simple DISCOVERY—OF—DUCT tape on 1—DOOR lock.
20041026             Anonymous said... - Wow.
20041026             I'm —JUST crazy about that *inconsequential people* statement.
20041026             Is that what we are? Is that how they see us?
20041026             Unbelievable.ASB - It's 1—TRULY astonishing post.
20041026             THERE—NO—WAY to verify it, but it sure has 1—AUTHENTIC ring, right down to the way the writer refers to the presidents he's served, and the blandly bureaucratic rationalizing of cheating.
20041026             Here's the message in full:
20041026             As 1—SECRET—SERVICE—AGENT, I can tell you that PRESIDENT is always wired with 1—COMMUNICATOR—RECEIVER to enable him to acquire detailed information in ADVANCE—OF—SITUATIONS that may arise.
20041026             THE—CASE—OF—HIS, 1. and 2. debates, campaign advisors were providing rebuttal information to USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH[BGW968] as SENATOR—KERRY [KFJ966] was answering questions.
20041026             This is not uncommon for 1—INCUMBANT PRESIDENT.
20041026             —WORKED, Having, for USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH[BGWH948] + PRESIDENT—WCLINTON.
20041026             + —NOW USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH[BGW968], I am at all times aware that THE—PRESIDENT is wired, primarily to inform him of hostile crowds that he may encounter.
20041026             —JUST because USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH[BGW968] used this communicator receiver to provide voters with more appropriate rebuttal answers to questions posed does not warrant negative comment from this or ANY—OTHER—WEBSITE.
20041026             THE—PRESIDENT has more on his mind than worrying about inconsequential people + whether his answers questions honestly, using his own thoughts, or THE—THOUGHTS—OF—CAMPAIGN—ADVISORS and/or political analysts".
20041026             And here's 1—POST to the site from another writer who also claims to know something about the matter:
20041026             "As 1—D.SC. in Electrical Engineering and 1—COMMUNICATIONS—SPECIALIST, I fully understand what has been said about THE—PRESIDENT being wired.
20041026             —EMPLOYED, Finally, here's the other misuse of rhetoric and reason, by fake journalists who care little about the truth of this or ANY—QUESTION: Rather than confront reality or ask questions, to do their jobs, in short, they use meaningless labels intended to slur the source: "bloggers" "INTERNET conspiracy theorists".
20041026             THE—INVERSION—OF—REALITY, that we've come to expect in public life these days (except for life savers like JON—STEWART!) these fake journalists are themselves conspiracy theorists and fantasists: in the face of all evidence and experience, they cling to the fiction that THE—WHITE—HOUSE tells the truth.
20041026             Well, this story does not give IsBushWired 1—SPOOKY thrill.
20041026             THERE—NOTHING mysterious or sophisticated about BUSH[BGW968] 's earpiece prompter: It's as simple as cheating at cards or golf or stuffing the ballot box, —JUST plain old scummy behavior that ought to get 1—GUY kicked out of SKULL—AND—BONES if not THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20041026             All messages will be treated as confidential.
20041026             So, scratch S.1. HERE—SYLLOGISM 2:
20041026             And in fact, he did not prepare for the debate, his advisors said.
20041026             —CLOSED, Case.
20041026             Because anyone who looks at the Fox pool feed, especially of the 1. debate, will see that there is 1—BOX—SHAPED object under THE—BACK—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—JACKET.
20041026             And 1—CORD, too, both of them way bigger and solider than 1—PUCKER on even the worst suit.
20041026             And anyone who follows the news will know that THE—WHITE—HOUSE 1. claimed the images were faked, and then, contradictorily, that there was nothing at all under the jacket + then that it was 1—RUMPLE caused by 1—MASTER tailor.
20041026             And at last, THE—WHITE—HOUSE began stonewalling with japes that have the courtiers all in stitches.
20041026             So, who are the real conspiracy theorists here, the fantasists and true believers?
20041026             And who are the real journalists?
20041026             Those who ask the questions, or those who refuse, as 1—ARTICLE—OF—FAITH, even to look?
20041026             As 1—PUBLIC—SERVICE, I offer this short refresher course: How to Reason, 1—PRIMER for Hacks of All Ages
20041026             Syllogism 1: "If BUSH[BGW968] were cheating with 1—PROMPTER, he wouldn't have done so badly, especially in the 1. debate. —THEREFORE, he couldn't have been getting prompted".
20041026             1—NEW—WAY to See the Energy Sector
20041026             THESTREET—COM ) - Election Study, FDA Approves Total Artificial Heart, Lowering Out of Pocket Medical Costs
20041026             KARLSRUHE—DAS Gesetz verletze die Chancengleichheit kleinerer Parteien, entschieden die Karlsruher Richter.
20041026             Der STAAT dürfe die Wettbewerbslage unter den Parteien "nicht verfälschen".
20041026             —NACH—DEN 20020000             geänderten Regeln sollten Parteien vom KOMMENDEN—JAHR an nur noch unter erschwerten Bedingungen Anspruch auf staatliche Zuwendung haben.
20041026             Voraussetzung sollte sein, dass sie in 3—LANDTAGSWAHLEN MINDESTENS—1—PROZENT—DER—ABGEGEBENEN—STIMMEN erhalten oder bei einer BUNDESTAGS—ODER Europawahl auf einen Stimmenanteil von 0,5—PROZENT kommen.
20041026             —VERHINDERT, Damit sollte, werden, dass kleine, radikale Parteien wie die NPD oder die DVU bewusst DIE—STADTSTAATEN aussuchen, um mit möglichst geringem Aufwand an der staatlichen Teilfinanzierung teilnehmen zu können.
20041026             —DERZEIT, müssen Parteien nur bei einer Landtagswahl 1,0—PROZENT erreichen.
20041026             BUNDES—VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT: KARLSRUHE stärkt die kleinen Parteien
20041026             Dies war nicht zuletzt auch späte Rache dafür, dass DIE—REPUBLIKANER zuvor VIELE—RICHTERKANDIDATEN—DES—BUSH[BGW968] -Vorgängers BILL—CLINTON in den Komitees hatten versauern lassen, —BIS der Machtwechsel in WASHINGTON vollbracht war
20041026             Wozu das führen kann, lässt sich am Appellationsgericht in RICHMOND/VIRGINIA gut beobachten.
20041026             Dessen Sohn nutzt dies —JETZT, um vor allem in vielen VERFAHREN—GEGEN—TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGE seine Befugnisse ausweiten zu lassen.
20041026             Ein liberales Gericht würde es ihm das schwerer machen.
20041026             "Noch MEHR—ALS die Regierung seines Vaters", kritisiert der Juraprofessor Sheldon Goldman, "hat sich diese darauf koordiniert, Richter zu benennen, die ihre Philosophie teilen".
20041026             Denn Präsidenten kommen + gehen.
20041026             Doch Bundesrichter bleiben so lange, —BIS der Allmächtige, wiees der Fernsehprediger Pat Robertson einmal formuliert hat, "unsere Gebet erhöhrt".
20041026             —GESCHRIEBEN, Konservative Justizgeschichte
20041026             Die Meldung war Tagesthema in WASHINGTON, sie verdrängte sogar die IRAK—HIOBSBOTSCHAFTEN aus den Schlagzeilen.
20041026             Die neu entbrannte Debatte um 1—ZWANGSPENSIONIERUNG—REHNQUIST s wirft 1—SCHLAGLICHT auf DIE—GESCHICHTE—CHREIBENDE Macht der "Supremes" (+ des Präsidenten, der sie ernennt)-
20041026             zumal unmittelbar vor 1—WAHL—GANG, den womöglich abermals das höchste USA—GERICHT entscheiden könnte.
20041026             Dabei ist es nicht Rehnquist 1. Gebrechen.
20041026             1—RÜCKENLEIDEN + 1—KNIESCHADEN nährten —VOR—2—JAHREN—SCHON Gerüchte über einen Abtritt des konservativen GERICHTS—VORSTEHERS, spätestens zur Wahl 20040000             .
20041026             dessen Plan, die Kammer durch die Ernennung politisch genehmer RICHTER—AUF—JAHRZEHNTE nach rechtsaußen zu rücken + sich so weit über seine Amtszeit hinaus prägenden Einfluss zu sichern.
20041026             Es ist ein heimlicher Coup, dessen Kunst —SCHON 2—ANDERE republikanische Präsidenten verstanden, RICHARD—NIXON + REAGAN—RONALD.
20041026             Rehnquist ist dafür lebendes Beispiel: Von Nixon ernannt + von Reagan befördert, hat er mit seinen jüngsten Sprüchen zur Rassendiskriminierung, zur homosexuellen Liebe, zur Todesstrafe + zu den Rechten von TERROR—HÄFTLINGEN Justizgeschichte geschrieben + den gesellschaftlichen Diskurs in den USA BESTIMMT—GANZ im Sinne seiner Mentoren.
20041026             4—BALDIGE Pensionierungen?
20041026             Citing "military officials," the original NBC report explained that the failure to go —AFTER MISTER—ZARQAWI was based on domestic politics: "the administration feared destroying the terrorist camp in IRAQ" - 1—PART—OF—IRAQ not controlled by SADDAM—HUSSEIN - "could undermine its case for WAR—AGAINST—SADDAM".
20041026             THE—JOURNAL doesn't comment on this explanation, but it does say that —WHEN NBC reported, correctly, that MISTER—ZARQAWI had been targeted —BEFORE the war, ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS denied it.
20041026             What other mistakes did the administration make?
20041026             If partisan appointees like MISTER—GOSS continue to control the intelligence agencies, we may never know.
20041026             —INVOLVED, This isn't speculation: MISTER—GOSS is already, in 1—NEW—COVER—UP.
20041026             The report, the magazine says, "identifies 1—HOST of current and former officials who could be candidates for possible disciplinary procedures".
20041026             "Everyone feels it will be better if this hits the fan —AFTER—THE—ELECTION," 1—OFFICIAL told the magazine.
20041026             Better for whom?
20041026             —NEXT—WEEK—ELECTION may determine whether we ever find out.
20041026             The administration is trying to play down the importance of this loss, arguing that because IRAQ was awash in munitions, 1—FEW 100—MORE tons don't make much difference.
20041026             But aside from their potential use in NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—THE—REASON they were under seal —BEFORE THE—WAR—THESE particular explosives, unlike standard munitions, are exactly what 1—TERRORIST—NEEDS.
20041026             thanks to the huge amount looted - "in 1—HIGHLY organized operation using heavy equipment" - the insurgents + whoever else have ACCESS—TO—THE—QAQAA material have enough explosives for TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—FUTURE—BOMBS.
20041026             If the administration had had its way, the public would never have heard anything about this.
20041026             But they didn't let the I.A.E.A. inspect the site —AFTER—THE—WAR, and pressured the Iraqis not to inform the agency about the loss.
20041026             They —NOW say that they didn't want our ENEMIES—THAT is, the people who stole THE—STUFF—TO know it was missing.
20041026             Opinion -1—CULTURE—OF—COVER—UPS
20041026             —BY PAUL—KRUGMAN—AIDES to Kerry [KFJ966] say that if he wins, he'll replace PORTER—GOSS as HEAD—OF—THE—CI.A—LET—HOPE so: MISTER—GOSS has already confirmed the fears of those who worried about his appointment by placing Republican staff members from Capitol Hill in key positions and raising fears CA—1—PARTISAN purge.
20041026             That culture affects EVERY—BRANCH—OF—POLICY, but it's strongest —WHEN it comes to the "WAR—ON—TERROR".
20041026             —BASED, Although USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH[BGW968] 's campaign is, almost entirely on his SELF—PROCLAIMED leadership in that war, his officials have thrown 1—SHROUD—OF—SECRECY over ANY—INFORMATION that might let voters assess his performance.
20041026             —YESTERDAY we got 2—PEEKS under that shroud.
20041026             1 was THE—TIMES—REPORT about what THE—INTERNATIONAL—ATOMIC—ENERGY—AGENCY—CALLS "the greatest explosives bonanza in history".
20041026             —FAILED, Ignoring the agency's warnings, ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS, to secure the weapons site, AL—QAQAA, in IRAQ, allowing 377—TONS—OF—DEADLY—HIGH explosives to be looted, presumably by insurgents.
20041026             SPANISCHE—GRIPPE: Gefährliche Versuche mit —DEM—JAHRHUNDERT—KILLER
20041026             Loch im Grenzzaun: SÜD—KOREA sucht nach Spionen aus NORD—KOREA
20041026             Die Erklärung der ZENTRAL—BANK wurde im Beisein von Castro im staatlichen Fernsehen verlesen.
20041026             Castro hatte sich am vergangenen —MITTWOCH bei 1—STURZ die Kniescheibe zertrümmert.
20041026             —VERBANNT, Castro, den Dollar
20041026             Von seinem schweren Sturz hat sich FIDEL—CASTRO offenbar gut erholt.
20041026             —11—JAHRE—NACH—DER Legalisierung lässt Kubas STAATSCHEF—DEN—USA—DOLLAR —JETZT als Zahlungsmittel wieder abschaffen.
20041026             —VERGLEICHT, USA—WAHL—KAMPF: Schwarzenegger, TED—KENNEDY mit 1—KÜRBIS
20041026             Abstimmung in der Knesset: Schicksalstag für Scharon
20041026             —VERBANNT, KUBA: Castro, den Dollar
20041026             Doonesbury is 1—OF—THE—FEW media voices to give this story SOME—COVERAGE.
20041026             The result is 1—OF—TRUDEAU—MORE—HILARIOUS—OFFERINGS.
20041026             —ON related fronts : Shrub scrubs.
20041026             —MENTIONED, We, that THE—WHITE—HOUSE has scrubbed its website clean of embarrassing photos, videos + text.
20041026             Turns out all such efforts are not —JUST ethically dubious, but potentially illegal.
20041026             Check OUT—THIS report, by 1—BLOGGER who happens to be 1—FELLOW—LOS—ANGELENO.
20041026             Left eye open; right eye blind.
20041026             1—COUPLE—OF—DAYS ago, we told you about CHARLIE—BOOKER—PIECE for THE—UK—GUARDIAN.
20041026             —MANAGED, Booker finally, to get MATT—DRUDGE to link to 1—PROMPTERGATE story -- no small trick, —SINCE Drudge has avoided this issue the way BUSH[BGW968] avoids ADMISSION—OF—ERROR.
20041026             Drudge made 1—HUGE—DEAL out of BOOKER—FINAL paragraph, which spoke WISTFULLY—OF—LEE—HARVEY—OSWALD, JOHN—WILKES—BOOTH and JOHN—HINCKLEY—JUNIOR.
20041026             1—OBVIOUS—JOKE. Poor taste? You bet.
20041026             —CROSSED, If I were BOOKER—EDITOR, I'd have, out that text faster than 1—DART reaches the target.
20041026             SOME—DID not take those words as humor, however.
20041026             According TO—THIS piece, THE—SECRET—SERVICE has been looking into the matter.
20041026             Funny, innit? —WHEN ANN—COULTER called for THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—BILL—CLINTON, in terms even less oblique than those employed by MISTER—BOOKER, THE—SECRET—SERVICE did not pounce.
20041026             SOME—WRITERS have standards - + SOME—HAVE double standards.
20041026             1—SUCH rumor has it that the Kerry [KFJ966] campaign is about to —SPRING evidence that MISTER—BUSH[BGW968] somehow was "wired," so aides could instruct him —DURING—THE debates.
20041026             Well, Big John did give W 1—PAT on the back —AFTER—THE—2. debate...
20041026             ISRAEL is waiting for 1—LINCOLN : The opposition that SHARON—PROPOSAL has stirred up is threatening ISRAEL with 1—CIVIL—WAR.
20041026             This too is —JUST 1—PRELUDE to the inevitable: In THE—MIDDLE—EAST, both among the Israelis + among the Palestinians, anyone who wants peace must prepare for 1—CIVIL—WAR.
20041026             GERMANY + ISRAEL restart TALKS—ON—SALE—OF—SUBMARINES:
20041026             ISRAEL will buy GERMANY—SUBMARINES & GERMANY will ignore dead Palestinians
20041026             New documentary indicts USA as CO—DEFENDANT with Saddam : What if SADDAM—HUSSEIN were to have 1—GENUINELY fair trial?
20041026             That is the central question of 1—HARD—HITTING documentary to be aired on FRANCE—TELEVISION—TUESDAY.
20041026             Suppressing the overseas vote:
20041026             —REGISTERED, Record numbers of Americans abroad have, but bureaucratic snafus may prevent MANY—FROM actually voting, writes Alix Christie
20041026             Letter from the people in FALLUJAH to KOFI—ANNAN:
20041026             Calling for help to end THE—BOMBARDMENT and prevent the threatened assault
20041026             The colonial precedent:
20041026             The growing brutality and DECEPTION—OF—THE—IRAQ—WAR mirrors BRITAIN—RECENT—IMPERIAL—HISTORY
20041026             Paper Apologizes for Assassination Remark : 1—UK—NEWSPAPER apologized —MONDAY for 1—WEEKEND—ARTICLE in which 1—WRITER appeared to call for THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH[BGW968].
20041026             —WHILE USA GI—GET shot, corporations and mercenaries make $1000'S—PER—DAY : JERRY—ZOVKO—CONTRACT—WITH—BLACKWATER USA looked straightforward: He would earn $600—1—DAY guarding convoys that carried food for USA—TROOPS in IRAQ.
20041026             But that cost -- 180.000—DOLLAR —1—YEAR -- was —JUST the 1. installment of what TAX—PAYERS were asked to pay for ZOVKO—WORK.
20041026             THE—KILLING—OF—IMAN—AL—HAMS: Executing Another Child in RAFAH : IMAN—AL—HAMS was a —13—YEAR—OLD—REFUGEE schoolgirl who was executed -- —AFTER—BEING—WOUNDED -- by 1—ISRAEL—PLATOON—COMMANDER on the sad sands of RAFAH.
20041026             BUSH[BGW968]isn't the only 1 in 1—BUBBLE: 1—ASTOUNDING 75—PERCENT—OF—BUSH[BGW968] supporters still believe that IRAQ was providing support to AL—QAIDA, ACCORDING—TO—1—POLL—THIS—MONTH by the Program on INTERNATIONAL—POLICY Attitudes at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—MARYLAND.
20041026             Freedom & Democracy: Illusion by Stealth : If our Founding Fathers suddenly arose from their graves and surveyed our present situation, to 1—MAN, they would hold that not only are we not free and not 1—DEMOCRACY, but instead 1 subjugated and down trodden people.
20041026             —DRAFTED, AMERICA—TOP—MILITARY—LEADERS, plans to kill innocent people and commit ACTS—OF—TERRORISM in USA—CITIES to trick the public into supporting 1—WAR—AGAINST—CUBA in the early 1960s.
20041026             Approved in writing by THE—PENTAGON Joint Chiefs, OPERATION—NORTHWOODS even proposed blowing up 1—USA ship and hijacking planes as 1—FALSE pretext for war.
20041026             Zbigniew Brezezinski: How to Make New Enemies : The notion of 1—NEW—HOLY—ALLIANCE is already being promoted by those with 1—SPECIAL—INTEREST in entangling THE—USA in 1 prolonged conflict with Islam.
20041026             Weitere Nachrichten Verwandte BUSH[BGW968] s werben für Kerry [KFJ966]
20041026             EX—USA—PRÄSIDENT—CLINTON ruft zur Wahl des Demokraten Kerry [KFJ966] auf
20041026             Kerry [KFJ966]wirft BUSH[BGW968] Versagen im IRAK vor
20041026             Mit Zahlen nimmt es Kerry [KFJ966] im Wahlkampf nicht so genau - "1—SCHUFT, Grobian, Verbrecher"
20041026             Kerry [KFJ966]bescheinigt BUSH[BGW968] VERSTOß—GEGEN—GEBOT der Nächstenliebe
20041026             BUSH[BGW968]s + Kerry [KFJ966] s gemeinsamer dunkler Punkt
20041026             BUSH[BGW968]und Kerry [KFJ966] konzentrieren sich auf "Swing States"
20041026             BUSH[BGW968]in Umfrage nur noch einen Prozentpunkt vor Kerry [KFJ966]
20041026             BUSH[BGW968]sieht keine besondere TERROR—GEFAHR zu PRÄSIDENT—WAHL
20041026             BUSH[BGW968]und Kerry [KFJ966] verschärfen Ton
20041026             —NUN gibt "WASHINGTON—POST" auch Wahlempfehlung für Kerry [KFJ966] ab
20041026             1—AUßENSEITER—KANDIDAT kann Kerry [KFJ966] den Wahlsieg kosten
20041026             Auch "WASHINGTON—POST" gibt Wahlempfehlung für Kerry [KFJ966] ab
20041026             BUSH[BGW968] + Kerry [KFJ966]verlegen sich in Wahlkampfspots auf die Tierwelt
20041026             BUSH[BGW968]baut Vorsprung vor Kerry [KFJ966] offenbar aus
20041026             Kerry [KFJ966]: BUSH[BGW968] liess 20010000             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN entkommen
20041026             This is 1—IMPORTANT—DEVELOPMENT for THE—WIRED—THEORY.
20041026             —HAPPENED, Nobody knows what, behind those closed doors, but these stipulations raised MANY—EYEBROWS among the press + ordinary Americans.
20041026             —NOW that that the familiar "rectangular shape" has appeared —AGAIN—IN 1—VERY—CRUCIAL—SITUATION, I'm sure more questions will continue to be asked.
20041026             I believe it is time for the "Major Media" to begin to look seriously at this strange but very important issue.
20041026             THE—USA—MEDIA Has Failed Again 1—NEW—STORY... I'll agree with that!
20041026             "But has anyone in the media tried to find out what that bulge really was?"
20041026             THE—TAILOR speaks again!! From —TODAY—THE—HILL.
20041026             Gee, this sounds kinda familiar... I thought they fired him!
20041026             See the picture... this is funny, well, not really.
20041026             I can't believe they are still standing behind the statement that THE—BULGE was 1—WRINKLE!
20041026             Does ANYBODY buy this? Dems keeping BULGE "on ice"?
20041026             BULGE, THE—OCTOBER—SURPRISE?
20041026             or, Blogtober Surprise more exactly. Editorial Commentary.
20041026             BUSH[BGW968]doesn't 'Misspeak.' He lies. "TIME—UP.
20041026             Americans are out there dancin' alone on THE—BRINK—OF—CATASTROPHE, + nobody's covering their backs.
20041026             THE—BUSH[BGW968] Cult: —NOW we know, from their own words, that THE—BUSH[BGW968] Regime is 1—CULT - 1—CULT whose god is Power, whose adherents believe that they alone control reality, that indeed they create THE—WORLD anew with EACH—ACT—OF—THEIR—IRON will.
20041026             BUSH[BGW968]courts Jewish votes, sends Rice to address AIPAC: Seemingly undeterred by 1—PROBE into whether THE—AIPAC lobbying group passed classified information to ISRAEL - 1—ALLEGATION it DENIES—THE—WHITE—HOUSE has given the organization almost unparalleled ACCESS—TO—TOP—OFFICIALS, from BUSH[BGW968] + USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY on down.
20041026             Killing for Christ: THE—DESTRUCTIVE—POWER—OF—FAITH—GOD is Not 1—REPUBLICAN.
20041026             Or 1—DEMOCRAT : Send 1—MESSAGE that the Religious Right does not speak for you.
20041026             Remind AMERICA—THAT—JESUS taught us to be peacemakers, advocates for the poor + DEFENDERS—OF—JUSTICE.
20041026             Kerry [KFJ966]will make his adoring ANTI—WAR groupies look like fools: To support Kerry [KFJ966] in the hope that he would make USA—MILITARY—POLICY—MORE—DOVEISH is absurd.
20041026             All the evidence is that he will do the exact opposite.
20041026             Powell declares NORTH—KOREA a 'terrorist state':
20041026             USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—COLIN—POWELL, on 1—MISSION—TO—RESTART TALKS—ON—NORTH—KOREA—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM, —ON—SUNDAY branded NORTH—KOREA a "terrorist state" that shows "no respect whatsoever for human rights".
20041026             —BORROWED, Americans living on, time:
20041026             In the 1. of a 3—PART—SERIES—LARRY—ELLIOTT and DAVID—TEATHER explore the economic recovery that never was
20041026             Fearful FLORIDA: Suspicious black voters on guard against repeat of 20000000             disenfranchisement Can election be stolen?
20041026             Troubling allegations fuel AMERICA—SENSE—OF—FOREBODING
20041026             Rebel militias deny holding UK—AID—WORKER—HASSAN : Confusion surrounded the fate of THE—IRAQ aid worker MARGARET—HASSAN last night —AFTER main rebel groups denied being involved with her kidnap.
20041026             CIA—MOSSAD False Flag TERROR—ISTS Threaten to Kill MARGARET—HASSAN ? : Either the resistance in IRAQ is so stupid they can't put their shoes on in the —MORNING without help or the people who kidnapped Hassan work for THE—CIA + Mossad.
20041026             PORTRAIT—OF—1—COUNTRY on the verge of 1—NERVOUS breakdown:
20041026             ANDREW—GUMBEL reports on the traumatising effects of this bitter campaign and how, as THE—WORLD—MOST powerful democracy talks of exporting freedom to IRAQ, it is at risk of becoming 1—OBJECT—OF—INTERNATIONAL ridicule
20041026             USA won't ratify KYOTO pact : "We have no intention of signing or ratifying it.
20041026             —CHANGED, We have not, our views," 1—DEFIANT deputy STATE—DEPARTMENT—SPOKESPERSON—ADAM—ERELI said —AFTER THE—EUROPEAN—UNION + environmentalists across the globe hailed MOSCOW—DECISION + urged WASHINGTON to follow suit.
20041026             THE—BUSH[BGW968] Hypnosis File : Among modern era statesmen, only ADOLF—HITLER comes close to BUSH[BGW968] 's skill level as OPERATOR—OF—THE—PUBLIC—CONSCIOUSNESS.
20041026             I—DIDN'T Know I—WAS—UNAMERICAN : "Restriction of free thought + free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions.
20041026             It is THE—1—UN—USA—ACT that could most easily defeat us".
20041026             -Justice WILLIAM—ODOUGLAS—JUAN—COLE: BUSH[BGW968] is Making us Safer?
20041026             If BUSH[BGW968] cannot even protect our troops from explosives at 1—SENSITIVE—FACILITY in 1—COUNTRY he had conquered, how is he going to protect THE—USA—PUBLIC from terrorists who have not even yet been identified?
20041026             Chaos, murder and mayhem:
20041026             Kidnapping and killing is 1—DAILY—REALITY in IRAQ, but in THE—WEST the atrocities go unrecorded and the dead are unnamed
20041026             I dread what is going to happen in FALLUJAH:
20041026             We will kill + maim you and yours —UNTIL you AGREE—TO—OUR domination + say you are ecstatic to be given this 'freedom'
20041026             —PREDICTED, Prewar intelligence, IRAQ—INSURGENCY : The moment —WHEN USA—TROOPS realized they had badly underestimated the resistance they would encounter from IRAQ—GUERRILLA—FIGHTERS can be pinpointed to the —MINUTE.
20041026             "Never again".: THE—CREAKY—COALITION:
20041026             Even if Kerry [KFJ966] defeats BUSH[BGW968], ANY—UK—GOVERNMENT will find it difficult, if not impossible, to muster popular support for 1—FUTURE—AMERICA—LED military intervention.
20041026             1—SENIOR—UK—DIPLOMAT put it bluntly to NEWSWEEK: "Never again".
20041026             PRIME—MINISTER—IYAD—ALLAWI and his arch nemesis radical cleric Muqtada AL—SADR are in 1—VIRTUAL tie for 2. place
20041026             ARMY—DENIES Most Claims From Iraqis: THE—DAYTON—DAILY—NEWS' analysis of 4,611 civil claims in IRAQ—HUNDREDS alleging abuse and misconduct by USA—MILITARY—PERSONNEL—SHOWED —JUST 1 in 4 resulted in SOME—TYPE—OF—PAYMENT.
20041026             —ADVISED, Those who claim abuse in IRAQ, to file USA civil suits : He crossed the border from JORDAN in 1—MERCEDES loaded with 70.000—DOLLAR in cash, he said.
20041026             —STOPPED, He was, by Americans who took his car, his cash, + threw him into ABU—GHRAIB, he said.
20041026             There he remained —FOR—3—MONTHS, he said + he never saw his car or his money again.
20041026             Huge Cache of Explosives Vanished From Site in IRAQ:
20041026             —WARNED, THE—IRAQ—INTERIM—GOVERNMENT has, THE—USA—AND—INTERNATIONAL—NUCLEAR—INSPECTORS that nearly 380—TONS—OF—POWERFUL—CONVENTIONAL—EXPLOSIVES—USED to demolish buildings, produce missile warheads and detonate NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—ARE missing from 1—OF—IRAQ—MOST sensitive former military installations
20041026             —EXECUTED, DOZENS—OF—IRAQ—SOLDIERS found, : The corpses of 50—SOLDIERS—OF—IRAQ—NEW—ARMY have been discovered NORTHEAST—OF—THE—CAPITAL—BAGHDAD.
20041026             —EXECUTED, MASSACRE—AT—BAQUBA: 49—IRAQ—SOLDIERS, in attack designed to send MESSAGE—TO—USA : To the insurgents, they were seen as traitors working HAND—IN—HAND with the hated POWERS—OF—OCCUPATION.
20041026             —MASSACRED, And so, they were, 49—OF—THEM, in 1—OF—THE—MOST brutal ACTS—OF—VIOLENCE in the current rebellion.
20041026             THE—BUSH[BGW968] Cult:
20041026             —UNDERGIRDED, And the goal of this will --, by the cult's SUPREME—VIRTUES—OF—WAR, fury and blind faith -- is likewise openly declared: "Empire".
20041026             Although the missing materials are conventional explosives known as HMX + RDX, THE—VIENNA—BASED IAEA became involved because HMX is a "dual use" substance powerful enough to ignite the fissile material in 1—ATOMIC—BOMB + set off 1—NUCLEAR—CHAIN—REACTION.
20041026             Both are key components in plastic explosives such as C-4 + Semtex, which are so powerful that LIBYA—TERRORISTS needed —JUST 1—POUND
20041026             —WARNED, VIENNA—AUSTRIA (AP) —MONDAY—THE—UN—NUCLEAR—AGENCY, that insurgents in IRAQ may have obtained nearly 400—TONS—OF—MISSING explosives that can be used in THE—KIND—OF—CAR—BOMB—ATTACKS that have targeted USA—LED—COALITION—FORCES —FOR—MONTHS.
20041026             —REPORTED, INTERNATIONAL ATOM—IC—ENERGY—AGENCY—CHIEF—MOHAMED—ELBARADEI, the disappearance to THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—ON—MONDAY, —2—WEEKS—AFTER he said IRAQ told the nuclear agency that the explosives had vanished from THE—FORMER—IRAQ—MILITARY—INSTALLATION as 1—RESULT—OF "theft + looting... DUE—TO—LACK—OF—SECURITY".
20041026             —RAISED, The disappearance, questions about why THE—USA—DIDN'T do more to secure THE—AL—QAQAA facility 30—MILES—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD + failed to allow full INTERNATIONAL inspections to resume —AFTER 20030300             —THE invasion.
20041026             —PLAYED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, down the significance of the missing weapons, but DEMOCRAT—USA—PRESIDENTIAL—HOPEFUL—KERRY, John accused USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH[BGW968]of "incredible incompetence" + his Kerry, John campaign said the administration "must answer for what may be the most grave + catastrophic MISTAKE—IN—1—TRAGIC—SERIES—OF—BLUNDERS in IRAQ".
20041026             Devilish "Christians" 1—LOT—OF—GOOD—STORIES about the religious RIGHT—THE zombies supporting BUSH[BGW968] - have appeared —RECENTLY.
20041026             BUT—THIS piece demands attention.
20041026             —AFTER all, our boys are dying in IRAQ -- isn't that more important?
20041026             Indeed so.
20041026             But debate cheating is no small matter + neither is presidential idiocy.
20041026             —BUTTRESSED, Neither is 1—HIDDEN medical problem -- 1—THEORY arguably, by THE—PRESIDENT—RECENT—SURPRISE—TRIP to Crawford (—AT—THIS—TIME...!).
20041026             You may want to download XYZ..BROKENLINKSBulge_poster.jpg">this image </A>(it'll work nicely as 1—WINDSHIELD broadsheet) which another researcher put together.
20041026             I'm 1—LITTLE stunned by THE—SIGHT—OF—BUSH[BGW968] 's tailor, THE—WONDERFULLY—NAMED GEORGES—DE—PARIS.
20041026             How did Gimli get hold of GANDALF—WIG? --> - EDITOR—ISBUSHWIRED
20041026             writes: For what it's worth, someone wrote in to PORTLAND INDY—MEDIA—RECENTLY saying that 1—COMPANY called Tether Technologies of COLUMBIA, MO had designed the device BUSH wore.
20041026             —CARRIED, The poster also said that the signal was, to his ear by 1—ISRAELI—DESIGNED earpiece "thinner than 1—HUMAN—HAIR".
20041026             I haven't been able to find Tether Technologies yet.
20041026             Another post I found last night on PORTLAND INDY—MEDIA: ITMBTC link
20041026             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT has been funding the developement of this TYPE—OF—DEVICE—FOR—YEARS.
20041026             The device, THE—MET™ Ossicular Stimulator, is manufactured by Otologics (
20041026             ) and does not require ANY—EXTERNAL—MECHANICS at the ear...making it undetectable from side views.
20041026             —NEEDED, They must have, 1—TRANSPONDER to pick up the signal and transfer it to the device... hence the bulge.
20041026             JON—STEWART v. 'Perception Management' By ROBERT—PARRY
20041026             Election 20040000             is turning out to be 1—SURPRISING test for the old REAGAN—BUSH—CONCEPT—OF "perception management," as more and more Americans question the official story on IRAQ and seek alternative views, sometimes from satirical programs like JON—STEWART'S "THE—DAILY—SHOW".
20041026             Nada scares o " poderoso " mais
20041026             2004127 ... - 1—CAMPAIGN to shift Pentagon resources from the tail to the tooth... 20041200             USA trying to produce fake nuclear documents implicating IRAN:
20041026             BUSH Speaks: THE—EMPIRE—HAS—NO—CLOTHES "We're 1—EMPIRE —NOW, and —WHEN we act, we create our own reality".
20041026             -- senior BUSH advisor quoted by Ron Suskind in THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—MAGAZINE.
20041026             "1—PIONEER in comparing BUSH[BGW968] to ADOLF—HITLER, Lindorff wrote —LAST—YEAR, on the website Counterpunch,
20041026             "1—POPULAR—GOVERNMENT without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but 1—PROLOGUE to 1—FARCE or 1—TRAGEDY,
20041026             "BUSH[BGW968] and Rove have long made cheating and deception for advantage their 1. resort.
20041026             "Doch nach und nach, wenn immer mehr Daten hereinkommen, verändert sich das neuronale Netzwerk und es beginnt langsam zu lernen,
20041026             "Noch MEHR—ALS die Regierung seines Vaters", kritisiert der Juraprofessor Sheldon Goldman,
20041026             "Please drop this for the good of our country.
20041026             We have bigger problems and should not be distracted by matters that don't ultimately determine the measure of an honest man.
20041026             "Zu Beginn, wenn man dieses kleine Gehirn mit dem Flugsimulator zusammenschaltet, weiß es noch nicht,
20041026             "bloggers" "INTERNET conspiracy theorists".
20041026             THE—INVERSION—OF—REALITY, that we've come to expect in public life these days (except for life savers like JON—STEWART!) these fake journalists are themselves conspiracy theorists and fantasists:
20041026             "hat sich diese darauf koordiniert, Richter zu benennen, die ihre Philosophie teilen".
20041026             —FROM  "Notes on VIRGINIA"
20041026             1—UK—NEWSPAPER apologized —MONDAY for 1—WEEKEND—ARTICLE in which 1—WRITER appeared to call for THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH[BGW968].
20041026             —FOR—40—YEARS [—NOW—67—YEARS],
20041026             —CALLED, ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS, off 1 planned attack that might have killed MISTER—ZARQAWI, the terrorist —NOW blamed for much of the mayhem in that country, in his camp.
20041026             ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS have known about the looting of AL—QAQAA for at least —6—MONTHS + probably much longer.
20041026             Aber nicht ohne Gegenwehr der Demokraten: Die haben im Senat —BISHER FAST—1—VIERTEL aller BUSH[BGW968] -Nominierungen blockieren können.
20041026             Aides to Kerry [KFJ966] say that if he wins, he'll replace PORTER—GOSS as HEAD—OF—THE—CIA—LET—HOPE so:
20041026             AL—QAQAA, in IRAQ, allowing 377—TONS—OF—DEADLY—HIGH explosives to be looted, presumably by insurgents.
20041026             —BASED, Although USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH[BGW968] 's campaign is, almost entirely on his SELF—PROCLAIMED leadership in that war,
20041026             Among modern era statesmen, only ADOLF—HITLER comes close to BUSH[BGW968] 's skill level as OPERATOR—OF—THE—PUBLIC—CONSCIOUSNESS.
20041026             1—ASTOUNDING 75—PERCENT—OF—BUSH[BGW968] supporters still believe that IRAQ was providing support to AL—QAIDA,
20041026             And anyone who follows the news will know that THE—WHITE—HOUSE 1. claimed the images were faked,
20041026             ANDREW—GUMBEL reports on the traumatising effects of this bitter campaign and how, as THE—WORLD—MOST powerful democracy talks of exporting freedom to IRAQ,
20041026             ARMY—DENIES Most Claims From Iraqis: BULGE NEWS COVERAGE (—TODAY) - BUSH[BGW968] + Kerry [KFJ966]
20041026             —EXPLOITED, BUSH[BGW968] [BGW968] has, the suffering of ;;09;;
20041026             11 and turned back DECADES—OF—EFFORTS to make THE—WORLD 1—SAFER place, THE—FORMER—PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER says
20041026             BUSH[BGW968] liess 20010000             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN entkommen
20041026             BUSH[BGW968] simply is not the orator that Hitler was.
20041026             —WIRED, BUSH[BGW968] somehow was "," so aides could instruct him —DURING—THE debates.
20041026             BUSH[BGW968]-Verwandte rufen zu Wahl von Herausforderer Kerry [KFJ966] auf.
20041026             —MANAGED, Booker finally, to get MATT—DRUDGE to link to 1—PROMPTERGATE story -- no small trick,
20041026             —COMPLETED, But although the report was, in ;;06;;, MISTER—GOSS has refused to release it to Congress.
20041026             —TRIED, But has anyone in the media, to find out what that bulge really was?"
20041026             But the flap over MISTER—GOSS is only 1—SYMPTOM—OF—1—MUCH broader issue: whether THE—BUSH[BGW968] administration will be able to maintain its CULTURE—OF—COVER—UPS.
20041026             But with THE—NEXT—WINTER—SEASON—FAST approaching and 13—LUBICON members already up on charges for that arson attack,
20041026             —BY the way, the New Yorker has 1—PIECE (not yet online) on THE—NOTE which says it is extremely + crucially important,
20041026             CIA—MOSSAD False Flag TERROR—ISTS Threaten to Kill MARGARET—HASSAN
20041026             —HOSPITALIZED, CHIEF—JUSTICE—REHNQUIST, with cancer
20041026             Citing "military officials," the original NBC report explained that the failure to go —AFTER Mr.
20041026             CLINTON: BUSH[BGW968] trying to scare voters
20041026             —SURROUNDED, Confusion, the fate of THE—IRAQ aid worker MARGARET—HASSAN last night —AFTER main rebel groups denied being involved with her kidnap.
20041026             —DROPPED, DENVER—USA—FEDERAL—OFFICIALS have, DENVER from ninth to 39. on 1—LIST—OF—USA—CITIES most at risk of 1—TERRORIST—ATTACK, but they would not say why.
20041026             FULL STORY " - Dahinter steckt allerdings weit MEHR—ALS das Schicksal eines 80-Jährigen, dessen Votum,
20041026             Daishowa, 1—GIANT forestry transnational company had for SOME—TIME been threatening to CLEAR—CUT almost the entire unceded Lubicon Lake INDIA—NATION traditional territory,
20041026             —VERHINDERT, Damit sollte, werden, dass kleine, radikale Parteien wie die NPD oder die DVU bewusst DIE—STADTSTAATEN aussuchen,
20041026             Das "Hirn" bestand aus insgesamt 25.000—NERVENZELLEN, die DeMarse mit Hilfe von Enzymen aus einer bestimmten Gehirnregion von Rattenembryos entnommen hatte,
20041026             Dass sich das —NUN bewahrheiten könnte, rückt ein brisantes, doch lange vergessenes Reizthema in den Mittelpunkt des Wahlkampf - + sehr zum Unwillen BUSH s:
20041026             Dems keeping BULGE "on ice"? BULGE, THE ;;10;;
20041026             SURPRISE?... - DENVER drops from 9. to 39. on terrorism risk list
20041026             DEUTSCHLAND laut EU—KOMMISSION auch 20050000             Defizitsünder
20041026             —INZWISCHEN, Die Kammer ist, 1—DER—KONSERVATIVSTEN—USA—BERUFUNGSINSTANZEN, die meisten der Richter stammen noch aus den Zeiten Reagan s + des 1. BUSH[BGW968] s.
20041026             Die Zellen begannen sofort, Verbindungen untereinander aufzubauen und ein lebendes neuronales Netz zu bilden,
20041026             Dies war nicht zuletzt auch späte Rache dafür, dass DIE—REPUBLIKANER zuvor VIELE—RICHTERKANDIDATEN—DES—BUSH[BGW968] -Vorgängers BILL—CLINTON in den Komitees hatten versauern lassen,
20041026             —EXECUTED, DOZENS—OF—IRAQ—SOLDIERS found :
20041026             —RECEIVED, ED—BIANCHI held up 1—PAPER—BAG he had, the previous night —WHEN ordering 1—SNACK from 1—FAST—FOOD—CHAIN.
20041026             Editorial Commentary..". - - - Educate Yo'Self!!
20041026             Either the resistance in IRAQ is so stupid they can't put their shoes on in the —MORNING without help or the people who kidnapped Hassan work for THE—CIA + Mossad.
20041026             Even if Kerry [KFJ966] defeats BUSH[BGW968], ANY—UK—GOVERNMENT will find it difficult,
20041026             —EMPLOYED, Finally, here's the other misuse of rhetoric and reason, by fake journalists who care little about the truth of this or ANY—QUESTION:
20041026             Freedom & Democracy: Illusion by Stealth:
20041026             —FIRED, Gee, this sounds kinda familiar... I thought they, him!
20041026             See the picture... this is funny, God is Not 1—REPUBLICAN.
20041026             Or 1—DEMOCRAT: Good grief, you're being "had" again.
20041026             + —NOW USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH[BGW968] ,
20041026             —LOADED, He crossed the border from JORDAN in 1—MERCEDES, with 70.000—DOLLAR in cash, he said.
20041026             —STOPPED, He was, by Americans who took his car,
20041026             Here's the deal: We know our politicians have their work cut out for them.
20041026             They need to find 1—ENEMY to justify maintaining THE—PENTAGON budget as if THE—COLD—WAR never ended.
20041026             Howdy Pardn'rs, I have put 1—WHOLE—LOT—OF—DATA on THE—WEB addressing the problems of SURVIVAL,
20041026             I—DIDN'T Know I—WAS—UNAMERICAN: "
20041026             I also think the "SECRET—SERVICE—LETTER" is 1—HOAX.
20041026             I am at all times aware that THE—PRESIDENT is wired, primarily to inform him of hostile crowds that he may encounter.
20041026             AMERICA DESERVES AN ANSWER!
20041026             I want to say that the right answers are what matter most, not whether or not those answers were "fed" my someone else.
20041026             I was trying to come to grips with the responsibilities we have —WHEN confronted with injustice,
20041026             I'm sure more questions will continue to be asked.
20041026             If BUSH[BGW968] cannot even protect our troops from explosives at 1—SENSITIVE—FACILITY in 1—COUNTRY he had conquered,
20041026             If BUSH[BGW968] thought he could get away with it, he would cheat rather than try to prepare for the debate.
20041026             If our Founding Fathers suddenly arose from their graves and surveyed our present situation,
20041026             —APPEARED, If you remember, —WHEN BUSH[BGW968] + CHENEY, —BEFORE this commission, they refused to testify under oath, no taping, photos, or transcripts were allowed.
20041026             —FAILED, Ignoring the agency's warnings, ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS, to secure the weapons site,
20041026             —EXECUTED, IMAN—AL—HAMS was a —13—YEAR—OLD—REFUGEE schoolgirl who was, -- —AFTER—BEING—WOUNDED -- by 1—ISRAEL—PLATOON—COMMANDER on the sad sands of RAFAH.
20041026             ;;09;; 4, 20010000             : Wanted: Enemy to Justify  344—BILLION—DOLLAR War Budget::
20041026             —QUOTED, Informed sources, by the influential NELSON—REPORT say explosives from AL—QAQAA are the "PRIMARY—SOURCE" of the roadside and car bombs that have killed and wounded so MANY—USA—SOLDIERS.
20041026             INTERNATIONAL REPUBLICAN Institute Poll: Muqtada as Popular as Allawi:
20041026             IRAQ—OIL—MONEY can't cover reconstruction DESPITEUSA—PREDICTIONS - ISRAEL is waiting for 1—LINCOLN:
20041026             It gave us 1—MEANS—OF directly and tangibly linking urban Canadians to events going on THOUSANDS—OF—KILOMETRES away in Lubicon territory,
20041026             -Justice WILLIAM—ODOUGLAS - It was 1—INSPIRING turn of phrase.
20041026             It's 1—TRULY astonishing post.
20041026             THERE—NO—WAY to verify it, but it sure has 1—AUTHENTIC ring,
20041026             It's as simple as cheating at cards or golf or stuffing the ballot box, —JUST plain old scummy behavior that ought to get 1—GUY kicked out of SKULL—AND—BONES if not THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20041026             —LOOKED, JERRY—ZOVKO—CONTRACT—WITH—BLACKWATER USA, straightforward: He would earn $600—1—DAY guarding convoys that carried food for USA—TROOPS in IRAQ.
20041026             JUAN—COLE: BUSH[BGW968] is Making us Safer?: - Left eye open; right eye blind.
20041026             —EXECUTED, MASSACRE—AT—BAQUBA: 49—IRAQ—SOLDIERS, in attack designed to send MESSAGE—TO—USA:
20041026             —CONFIRMED, MISTER—GOSS has already, the fears of those who worried about his appointment by placing REPUBLICAN staff members from Capitol Hill in key positions and raising fears CA—1—PARTISAN purge.
20041026             My World would not be complete without you. Welcome!!
20041026             New documentary indicts USA as CO—DEFENDANT with Saddam:
20041026             —NOW that that the familiar "rectangular shape" has appeared —AGAIN—IN 1—VERY—CRUCIAL—SITUATION,
20041026             —NOW the question to THE—WHITE—HOUSE—NEEDS to be: Did USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH[BGW968] receive by electronic or other means assistance —DURING—THE course of ANY—OF—THE—3—DEBATES?
20041026             YES or NO.
20041026             —NOW we know, from their own words, that THE—BUSH[BGW968] Regime is 1—CULT -- 1—CULT whose god is Power,
20041026             1—SUCH rumor has it that the Kerry [KFJ966] campaign is about to —SPRING evidence that Mr.
20041026             Paper Apologizes for Assassination Remark:
20041026             Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Political.
20041026             USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH[BGW968] is 1—GOOD messenger regardless".
20041026             —PREDICTED, Prewar intelligence, IRAQ—INSURGENCY:
20041026             Privatflieger stören Wahlkampfveranstaltung von BUSH[BGW968]
20041026             Punks für BUSH[BGW968] : Rechtsruck im 4/4-Takt
20041026             Rather than confront reality or ask questions, to do their jobs, in short, they use meaningless labels intended to slur the source:
20041026             Rebel militias deny holding UK—AID—WORKER—HASSAN:
20041026             Rehnquist ist dafür lebendes Beispiel: Von Nixon ernannt + von Reagan befördert, hat er mit seinen jüngsten Sprüchen zur Rassendiskriminierung,
20041026             Restriction of free thought + free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions.
20041026             —UNDETERRED, Seemingly, by 1—PROBE into whether THE—AIPAC lobbying group passed classified information to ISRAEL - 1—ALLEGATION it DENIES—THE—WHITE—HOUSE has given the organization almost unparalleled ACCESS—TO—TOP—OFFICIALS,
20041026             Send 1—MESSAGE that the Religious Right does not speak for you.
20041026             SOME—DID not take those words as humor, however. ACCORDING—TO—THIS piece,
20041026             Syllogism 1: "If BUSH[BGW968] were cheating with 1—PROMPTER, he wouldn't have done so badly,
20041026             THE—USA—MEDIA Has Failed Again
20041026             THE—BUSH[BGW968] Cult: THE—BUSH[BGW968] Hypnosis File:
20041026             THE—DAYTON—DAILY—NEWS' analysis of 4,611 civil claims in IRAQ—HUNDREDS alleging abuse and misconduct by USA—MILITARY—PERSONNEL—SHOWED —JUST 1 in 4 resulted in SOME—TYPE—OF—PAYMENT.
20041026             THE—JOURNAL doesn't comment on this explanation, but it does say that —WHEN NBC reported,
20041026             THE—KILLING—OF—IMAN—AL—HAMS: Executing Another Child in RAFAH:
20041026             THE—PRESIDENT has more on his mind than worrying about inconsequential people + whether his answers questions honestly,
20041026             —PLAYED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, down the significance of the missing weapons, but DEMOCRAT—USA—PRESIDENTIAL—HOPEFUL—KERRY, John
20041026             The administration is trying to play down the importance of this loss, arguing that because IRAQ was awash in munitions,
20041026             The boycott gave us 1—MEANS—OF focusing our efforts on 1—SMALL and weak link in DAISHOWA—CHAIN,
20041026             The bulge: 1—GOOD—ILLUSTRATION—SOME—WONDER why I make 1—HUGE—DEAL—OF—THE "bulge" story.
20041026             —AFTER all, The corpses of 50—SOLDIERS—OF—IRAQ—NEW—ARMY have been discovered NORTHEAST—OF—THE—CAPITAL—BAGHDAD.
20041026             —REALIZED, The moment —WHEN USA—TROOPS, they had badly underestimated the resistance they would encounter from IRAQ—GUERRILLA—FIGHTERS can be pinpointed to the —MINUTE.
20041026             —PROMOTED, The notion of 1—NEW—HOLY—ALLIANCE is already being, by those with 1—SPECIAL—INTEREST in entangling THE—USA in 1 prolonged conflict with Islam.
20041026             —STIRRED, The opposition that SHARON—PROPOSAL has, up is threatening ISRAEL with 1—CIVIL—WAR.
20041026             THE—PRESIDENT—OFFICIALS have thrown 1—SHROUD—OF—SECRECY over ANY—INFORMATION that might let voters assess his performance in THE—WAR—ON—TERROR.
20041026             —BY PAUL—KRUGMAN - The press is totally afraid of this issue or are —JUST dumb.
20041026             And get dismissive answers.
20041026             —OVERSHADOWED, The story of the looted explosives has, another report that BUSH[BGW968] officials tried to SUPPRESS—THIS 1—ABOUT how THE—BUSH[BGW968] administration let ABU—MUSAB—AL—ZARQAWI get away.
20041026             —PLAYED, They've been, for fools by the media, betrayed by their POLITICAL—LEADERS + cuckolded by their religious leaders.
20041026             This too is —JUST 1—PRELUDE to the inevitable: In THE—MIDDLE—EAST, both among the Israelis + among the Palestinians,
20041026             —ADVISED, Those who claim abuse in IRAQ, to file USA civil suits: TIME—UP.
20041026             To support Kerry [KFJ966] in the hope that he would make USA—MILITARY—POLICY—MORE—DOVEISH is absurd.
20041026             To the insurgents, they were seen as traitors working HAND—IN—HAND with the hated POWERS—OF—OCCUPATION.
20041026             Check out this report, USA won't ratify KYOTO pact: "
20041026             —UMFRAGEN zur USA—WAHL: Hauchdünner Vorsprung für BUSH[BGW968]
20041026             Vergreister USA—GERICHTS—HOF: BUSH[BGW968] s heimlicher Coup
20041026             We have no intention of signing or ratifying it.
20041026             Weitere Nachrichten Verwandte BUSH[BGW968] s werben für
20041026             THERE—NOTHING mysterious or sophisticated about BUSH[BGW968] 's earpiece prompter:
20041026             Wenn er Kandidaten für die einflussreichen BUNDES—UND Berufungsgerichte braucht, greift BUSH[BGW968] gerne auf die Federalist Society zurück, eine streng konservative Juristenvereinigung.
20041026             What if SADDAM—HUSSEIN were to have 1—GENUINELY fair trial?
20041026             WHAT—THE—FUSS over 1—BUSH[BGW968] Audio Receiver?"
20041026             —WHEN we got —AROUND to discussing Daishowa and the burning question of what we could do,
20041026             —WHEN you are Enlightened THE—'WORLD—OF—ILLUSION' is gone...
20041026             Where were they? In 1—NATION gripped by evil, were there no dissenters?
20041026             —WHILE USA GI—GET shot, corporations and mercenaries make $1000'S—PER—DAY:
20041026             Wow.
20041026             —BASED, Zarqawi was, on domestic politics: "the administration feared destroying the terrorist camp in IRAQ" - 1—PART—OF—IRAQ not controlled by SADDAM—HUSSEIN - "could undermine its case for WAR—AGAINST—SADDAM".
20041026             Zbigniew Brezezinski: How to Make New Enemies:
20041026             1—FEW 100—MORE tons don't make much difference.
20041026             But aside from their potential use in NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—THE—REASON they were under seal —BEFORE THE—WAR—THESE particular explosives,
20041026             1—THREAT which the Lubicon people saw as the last straw in their lengthy BATTLE—TO—SURVIVE 1—CORPORATE and government onslaught.
20041026             —ALMOST as important as MARK—HALPERIN thinks it is.
20041026             and THE—TRUTH will make you FREE".
20041026             and then, contradictorily, that there was nothing at all under the jacket + then that it was 1—RUMPLE caused by 1—MASTER tailor.
20041026             anyone who wants peace must prepare for 1—CIVIL—WAR.
20041026             baut Vorsprung vor Kerry [KFJ966] offenbar aus - berichtet der Wissenschaftler.
20041026             bescheinigt BUSH[BGW968] VERSTOß—GEGEN—GEBOT der Nächstenliebe
20041026             —BIS der Machtwechsel in WASHINGTON vollbracht war
20041026             —BY 1—BLOGGER who happens to be 1—FELLOW—LOS—ANGELENO.
20041026             campaign said the administration "must answer for what may be the most grave + catastrophic MISTAKE—IN—1—TRAGIC—SERIES—OF—BLUNDERS in IRAQ". hosted.ap
20041026             correctly, that MISTER—ZARQAWI had been targeted —BEFORE the war, ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS denied it.
20041026             courts Jewish votes, sends Rice to address AIPAC: dem so genannten MOTOR—KORTEX.
20041026             DUE—TO—LACK—OF—SECURITY". especially in the 1. debate.
20041026             —THEREFORE, he couldn't have been getting prompted".
20041026             especially —WHEN viable alternatives were readily available for their paper bag needs.
20041026             especially —WHEN we are MEMBERS—OF—THE—SOCIETY—RESPONSIBLE—FOR—SUCH abuses.
20041026             freedoms + governmental procedures guaranteed by USA—CONSTITUTION have in varying degrees been abridged by laws brought into force by states of national emergency".
20041026             —FROM BUSH[BGW968] + USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY on down.
20041026             has been hospitalized with thyroid cancer.
20041026             FULL STORY " - his cash, + threw him into ABU—GHRAIB, he said.
20041026             his officials have thrown 1—SHROUD—OF—SECRECY over ANY—INFORMATION that might let voters assess his performance.
20041026             how is he going to protect THE—USA—PUBLIC from terrorists who have not even yet been identified?
20041026             how? As 1—FLEDGLING group with fewer than 12—MEMBERS and even fewer resources (our total annual budget was at most 1—COUPLE—OF—1000—DOLLARS,
20041026             if not impossible, to muster popular support for 1—FUTURE—AMERICA—LED military intervention.
20041026             in Umfrage nur noch einen Prozentpunkt vor Kerry [KFJ966]
20041026             in the face of all evidence and experience, they cling to the fiction that THE—WHITE—HOUSE tells the truth.
20041026             is 1—OF—THE—FEW media voices to give this story SOME—COVERAGE.
20041026             it is at risk of becoming 1—OBJECT—OF—INTERNATIONAL ridicule
20041026             of "incredible incompetence" + his Kerry, John
20041026             —ON—SUNDAY branded NORTH—KOREA a "terrorist state" that shows "no respect whatsoever for human rights".
20041026             or perhaps both.
20041026             Knowledge will forever govern ignorance + 1—PEOPLE who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives".
20041026             our boys are dying in IRAQ -- isn't that more important?
20041026             —REPRESENTED, OUT—OF—MIND—IT was, in consumer items Canadians came in contact with almost daily.
20041026             produce missile warheads and detonate NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—ARE missing from 1—OF—IRAQ—MOST sensitive former military installations
20041026             raised from rummage sales and raffles) the Friends of the Lubicon possessed no obvious means of stopping Daishowa.
20041026             right down to the way the writer refers to the presidents he's served, and the blandly bureaucratic rationalizing of cheating.
20041026             s + Kerry [KFJ966] s gemeinsamer dunkler Punkt
20041026             said Weiner, 1—ENVIRONMENTAL—LAWYER who sits on BOULDER—VOLUNTEER Environmental Advisory BOARD.
20041026             FULL STORY " - sieht keine besondere TERROR—GEFAHR zu PRÄSIDENT—WAHL
20041026             —SINCE Drudge has avoided this issue the way BUSH[BGW968] avoids ADMISSION—OF—ERROR.
20041026             slams BUSH[BGW968] over missing explosives
20041026             that, 'It's going 1—BIT—FAR to compare THE—BUSH[BGW968] of 20030000             to the Hitler of 19330000             .
20041026             the Lubicon Nation asked supporters to do what they could to hold back Daishowa.
20041026             The problem was, THE—SECRET—SERVICE has been looking into the matter.
20041026             the point at which they are dependent on other companies to buy their paper bags.
20041026             —FIGURED, We, that other companies had no inclination to fight DAISHOWA—BATTLES for them,
20041026             thus breaking the physical and psychological ISOLATION—OF—THE—ISSUE—THE—LUBICON struggle would no longer be OUT—OF—SIGHT,
20041026             to 1—MAN, they would hold that not only are we not free and not 1—DEMOCRACY, but instead 1 subjugated and down trodden people.
20041026             —2—WEEKS—AFTER he said IRAQ told the nuclear agency that the explosives had vanished from THE—FORMER—IRAQ—MILITARY—INSTALLATION as 1—RESULT—OF "theft + looting
20041026             um mit möglichst geringem Aufwand an der staatlichen Teilfinanzierung teilnehmen zu können.
20041026             und Kerry [KFJ966] konzentrieren sich auf "Swing States"
20041026             unlike standard munitions, are exactly what 1—TERRORIST—NEEDS.
20041026             using his own thoughts, or THE—THOUGHTS—OF—CAMPAIGN—ADVISORS and/or political analysts".
20041026             verlegen sich in Wahlkampfspots auf die Tierwelt - well, not really.
20041026             Does ANYBODY buy this?
20041026             whose adherents believe that they alone control reality, that indeed they create THE—WORLD anew with EACH—ACT—OF—THEIR—IRON will.
20041026             wie es das Flugzeug —STEUERN soll", erklärt DeMarse.
20041026             wie man 1—FLUGZEUG steuert
20041026             will make his adoring ANTI—WAR groupies look like fools: wirft BUSH[BGW968] Versagen im IRAK vor
20041026             zur homosexuellen Liebe, zur Todesstrafe + zu den Rechten von TERROR—HÄFTLINGEN Justizgeschichte geschrieben + den gesellschaftlichen Diskurs in den USA BESTIMMT—GANZ im Sinne seiner Mentoren.
20041026             THE—BOSTON—RED—SOX won game 3—OF—THE—WORLD—SERIES in S—LOUIS, defeating the Cardinals 4-1.
20041026             THE—FEDERAL—COMMUNICATIONS—COMMISSION gave its approval to Cingular Wireless LLC—41—BILLION—DOLLAR acquisition of AT&T Wireless Services INCORPORATED, completing THE—FEDERAL—REGULATORY blessing necessary for CREATION—OF—THE—COUNTRY—LARGEST—CELL—PHONE—COMPANY.
20041026             —VOTED, THE—SEC, to require hedge funds with over $25—MILLION to register with the agency, providing ACCESS—TO—AUDITORS in 1—EFFORT to reduce fraud.
20041026             —KILLED, In THE—SF—BAY—AREA—PRISHEEN—KRISHNA (36) was, outside his Brentwood home —1—DAY—BEFORE he was to testify against 1—CUSTOMER for refusing to pay 1—BILL.
20041026             —FILED, Low cost NUMBER 10—AIRLINE—ATA, for bankruptcy.
20041026             Spacecraft Cassini flew within 745—MILES—OF—TITAN providing scientists with new images of the Saturn largest moon.
20041026             The final vote count in THE—AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION gave 1—SOUNDING victory to interim LEADER—HAMID—KARZAI.
20041026             —EXECUTED, HAITI, RESIDENTS—OF—PORT—AU—PRINCE said 13—PEOPLE were, by police.
20041026             —ANNOUNCED, INDIA—CENTRAL—BANK, it was raising its overnight repo rate for the 1. time in MORE—THAN—4—YEARS, citing concerns CA—1—SHARP—RISE in inflation in ASIA—4.—LARGEST economy.
20041026             The rate went up.25% to 4.75%.
20041026             NIGERIA, a 2. —DAY—OF—PEACE—TALKS on the crisis in SUDAN—DARFUR region broke off —AFTER rebels called for more time to prepare proposals for 1—LONG—TERM—POLITICAL—RESOLUTION to the conflict.
20041026             Das Buch war in FRANKREICH sehr erfolgreich.
20041026             —BEGRÜNDET, Im Interview, Goulard ihre... THE—USA—FUNDAMENTAL—HAS entered into 1—WORLD—OF—PERFECT paranoia;... 20041026.html
20041026             So gehörte USA—PRÄSIDENT—BUSH senior dem Geheimclub ebenso an wie der...
20041026             So soll der Geheimbund über die sterblichen Überreste des Indianerhäuptlings Geronimo...
20041026             Weder führen die Freimauerer als Geheimbund die Welt,
20041026             noch haben die Juden sozusagen als Geheimclub den Kommunismus als Vehikel der politischen Steuerung
20041026             POLITIK—FORUM Politik FOCUS Online
20041026             JOHN—KERRY war dagegen 1—ART—TRAUMKANDIDAT für den Geheimclub :aktiv in 3 ...
20041026             der Großloge der "Alten Freien und Angenommenen Maurer von DEUTSCHLAND ".
20041026             Blog archive In der Öffentlichkeit tritt der Geheimbund als "RUSSEL—TRUST—ASSOCIATION" auf.
20041026             DIE—BOHEMIAN Grove" gilt vielen als der ungewöhnlichste Geheimclub des...
20041026             Ostblockschädel: Eine verschworene Gesellschaft?
20041026             Skull &... - Dabei wurde auch seiner Aufnahme in den YALE—GEHEIMBUND "Skull&Bones" gedacht...
20041026             —GESUCHT, HEXEN—BRETT ::-Engelwerk Handbuch ! Es ist halt 1—GEHEIMCLUB.
20041026             Die Riten sind ziemlich abenteuerlich bishin zu.
20041026             Russell lebte auch —1—JAHR in DEUTSCHLAND. Dort kam er sicher auch mit.
20041026             ALIEN.DE—FORUM | Geheime Dinge dieser Welt | Illuminati...
20041026             Es gab tatsächlich mal einen Geheimbund mit diesem Namen,
20041026             dass diese, —NACHDEM sie in DEUTSCHLAND verboten wurden nach AMERIKA ausgewandert sein sollen.
20041026             Magus: Die ERLEUCHTUNG—SPIELERVEREIN der Freunde des Gepflegten...
20041026             Dabei wurde auch seiner Aufnahme in den YALE—GEHEIMBUND "Skull&Bones" gedacht... dass "Skull & Bones"-Leute sowohl die Nazis in DEUTSCHLAND als auch die...
20041026             Unocal completes partial REDEMPTION—OF—TRUST—CONVERTIBLE preferred securities... Why we target GOOGLE URL :
20041026             Debattcentralen > Midtøsten > 1—COLONIZING—PROJECT—BUILT on Lies Shahid Alam skriver: THE—ARAB—REJECTION—OF—THE—PARTITION—OF—PALESTINE was proof...
20041026             Shahid Alam skriver, men isteden kommer med sionistpropaganda om...
20041026             Der Schwerverbrecher CHRISTIAN—BOGNER flüchtet spektakulär aus der Justizvollzugsanstalt Lübeck und tötet vermutlich noch —AM—GLEICHEN—TAG den Landschaftsgärtner ENGELBERT—DANIELSEN.
20041026—19330000    —ADDED, But Lindorff, "It's worth pointing out too that Hitler was not the monster of 19390000             —WHEN he took power ".
20041026—19330000    —SINCE,"THE—USA has been in 1—STATE—OF declared national emergency...
20041026—19880000    —IN, to blow up Pan Am Flight 103—OVER LOCKERBIE—SCOTLAND, 170—PEOPLE—KILLED. hosted.ap
20041026—19900000    —IN, Although Daishowa had begun CLEAR—CUTTING through 1—SUBSIDIARY, 1—ARSON ATTACK—ON—LOGGING equipment in Lubicon territory had put 1—HALT to logging —DURING that —WINTER season.
20041026—19910000    —SPRING—OF, All that changed —1—NIGHT in the as we met over dinner in 1—CHINA—RESTAURANT in TORONTO.
20041026—20001200    —IM, als Zünglein an der Wahlwaage, USA—PRÄSIDENT—BUSH[BGW968] ins WEIßE—HAUS beförderte.
20041026—20001200    —IM, Dahinter steckt allerdings weit MEHR—ALS das Schicksal eines 80-Jährigen, dessen Votum, als Zünglein an der Wahlwaage, USA—PRÄSIDENT—BUSH[BGW968] ins WEIßE—HAUS beförderte.
20041026—20010000    —IN, ecoi_NET—REPORT—ON—PRESS freedom... Pentagon spokesmen, said ABC—WASHINGTON—BUREAU—CHIEF... have been using fake press cards to spy on opposition and civil groups, thus putting honest...
20041026—20010911    —ON, —LAST—WEEK—ROBERT—SCHEER—OF—THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES revealed the existence of 1—DEVASTATING but suppressed report by THE—CIA s inspector general intelligence failures.
20041026—20010911    —HAPPENED, What really, or in IRAQ?
20041026—20040300    —FROM, 1—ARTICLE in —YESTERDAY—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL confirmed + expanded on an "NBC Nightly News" report that asserted that —BEFORE THE—IRAQ—WAR,
20041026—20040300    —FROM, 1—ARTICLE in —YESTERDAY—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL confirmed + expanded on an "NBC Nightly News" report that asserted that —BEFORE THE—IRAQ—WAR, ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS called off 1 planned attack that might have killed MISTER—ZARQAWI, the terrorist —NOW blamed for much of the mayhem in that country, in his camp.
20041026—20041102    —AFTER, The real reason, obviously, was that they wanted the news kept under wraps —UNTIL.
20041026—20150000    —IN, larry Fuller JUNIOR was arrested and charged with the murder.
20041030—20041026    —AM, Der aus der Justizvollzugsanstalt Lübeck entkommene CHRISTIAN—BOGNER wird durch 1—MOBILES—EINSATZKOMMANDO verhaftet.
20041101             [1] 1—NATIONAL—NON—PARTISAN voter alert line, 1-866-MYVOTE1, went live 20041026             ....callers punch in zip code and learn location of their polling place.
20041101             to be received no —LATER than —FRIDAY, 20011026             , = 4:00 p.m. (EST).
20050000             - ANTHONY—MANDUCA speaks to the new USA—AMBASSADOR to.
20050329             Trojan Horse - 20041026             -
20050329             Trojan Horse - 20041026             -... brady BRIM—DEFOREST tackles THE—GREECE—QUESTION, p. 3 ... A. Viguerie, 1—CO—FOUNDER—OF—THE—MORAL.
200504161026         ) - INTERVIEW—MIT—ROMAN—HERZOG: "Das Grundgesetz war ein großer Wurf"
20051015             marks the date of the 1. CIA REPORT—ON—THE evidence assembled by the Italians.
20051019             Remote Control Device 'Controls' Humans 20051027             20051026—20051027    Intense FIGHTING—BETWEEN rebels and paramilitary groups for control of the cocaine trade in THE—JUNGLES—OF—WEST—COLOMBIA left AT—LEAST—20 outlawed fighters dead.
20051025—20051026    Over 130—WHALES † in 1—MASS stranding on 1—REMOTE—BEACH in AUSTRALIA—SOUTHERN—ISLAND—STATE—OF—TASMANIA.
20051026             —GREED—OF, Rather, it has set loose the predatory, the 18010101—19001231     robber barons, the class cannibalism of Social Darwinism + THE—WINNER—TAKE—ALL—RAPACITY—OF laissez faire capitalism.
20051026             The meaning of this shorthand is clear in retrospect: the administration would use the opportunity to link unrelated phenomena, most notably IRAQ (S.H. = SADDAM—HUSSEIN) and AL—QAEDA (U.B.L. = Usama OSAMA—BIN—LADEN), but also 20010911             with 1—WHOLE—RANGE—OF unfriendly forces that could be targeted in the new situation.
20051026             He tells La Repubblica: "I am 1—INTELLIGENCE—CHIEF and my only institutional partner in conversation  20010911             —FOLLOWING was CIA—DIRECTOR GEORGE—TENET in WASHINGTON. Obviously, I held conversations solely with him".
20051026             The nation has to be kept on its toes: - This is why 20010911             was a 'gift' from heaven! - It put the country in the 'proper' mood.
20051026             "I am 1—INTELLIGENCE—CHIEF and my only institutional partner in conversation  20010911             —FOLLOWING was CIA—DIRECTOR GEORGE—TENET in WASHINGTON.
20051026             but also 20010911             with 1—WHOLE—RANGE—OF unfriendly forces that could be targeted in the new situation.
20051026    -
20051026             But the precise date may prove revealing: it is 20011015             .
20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051026—20030000    —SINCE, : "The nearly 2,000—AMERICANS killed in combat (1,998 20051024             —ON) in IRAQ are more than were lost in VIETNAM combat in the 1. —4—YEARS—OF—USA combat (19610000—19650000, —WHEN—JUST over 18000000             †). This total is more than were lost in THE—LAST—2—YEARS—OF—COMBAT (19710000—19720000, —WHEN—JUST over 16000000             †),"
20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026—20030000    —SINCE, : "The nearly 2,000—AMERICANS killed in combat (1,998 20051024             —ON) in IRAQ are more than were lost in VIETNAM combat in the 1. —4—YEARS—OF—USA combat (19610000—19650000, —WHEN—JUST over 18000000             †). This total is more than were lost in THE—LAST—2—YEARS—OF—COMBAT (19710000—19720000, —WHEN—JUST over 16000000             †),"
20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051026—20030000    —SINCE, : "The nearly 2,000—AMERICANS killed in combat (1,998 20051024             —ON) in IRAQ are more than were lost in VIETNAM combat in the 1. —4—YEARS—OF—USA combat (19610000—19650000, —WHEN—JUST over 18000000             †). This total is more than were lost in THE—LAST—2—YEARS—OF—COMBAT (19710000—19720000, —WHEN—JUST over 16000000             †),"
20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026—20030000    —SINCE, : "The nearly 2,000—AMERICANS killed in combat (1,998 20051024             —ON) in IRAQ are more than were lost in VIETNAM combat in the 1. —4—YEARS—OF—USA combat (19610000—19650000, —WHEN—JUST over 18000000             †). This total is more than were lost in THE—LAST—2—YEARS—OF—COMBAT (19710000—19720000, —WHEN—JUST over 16000000             †),"
20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026—20030000    —SINCE, : "The nearly 2,000—AMERICANS killed in combat (1,998 20051024             —ON) in IRAQ are more than were lost in VIETNAM combat in the 1. —4—YEARS—OF—USA combat (19610000—19650000, —WHEN—JUST over 18000000             †). This total is more than were lost in THE—LAST—2—YEARS—OF—COMBAT (19710000—19720000, —WHEN—JUST over 16000000             †),"
20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051025             20051024             20051021             20051020             20051019             20051018             20051026             Im WEIßES—HAUS hielt man sich mit offiziellen Stellungnahmen zurück.
20051026             Im WEIßES—HAUS hielt man sich mit offiziellen Stellungnahmen zurück.
20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS
20051026             1—SWITZERLAND—COURT—FOUND—VITALIEN—KALOYEV, 1—RUSSIA—ARCHITECT, guilty of premeditated homicide for 20040200             —THE—KILLING—OF—THE—AIR—TRAFFIC controller on duty —AT—THE—TIME—OF—20020701—THE, midair plane collision in which his wife and child were lost.
20051026             —DELIVERED, GEORGE—GALLOWAY, Respect MP for Bethnal Green and Bow, this statement to USA—SENATORS—TODAY (20050517             ) who have accused HIM—OF—CORRUPTION
20051026             LAST—7—DAYS News
20051026             —SPEKULIERT, Es wird —ZURZEIT viel ", erklärte Sprecher SCOTT—MCCLELLAN —GESTERN. "Es gibt VIELE—FAKTEN, die wir nicht kennen".
20051026             Man warte —NUN auf die erfolgreiche Beendigung der Untersuchung des Sonderermittlers.
20051026             Das tun auch die Demokraten.
20051026             SENATOR—CHARLES—E—SCHUMER aus NEW—YORK forderte BUSH —BEREITS auf zu versichern, ALLE—BEAMTEN, die angeklagt würden, umgehend zu entlassen und auf Kritik am Sonderermittler zu verzichten.
20051026             CIA—AFFÄRE—DIE Fakten
20051026             Der EX—USA- BOTSCHAFTER—WAR—VON—USA—VIZE—PRÄSIDENT—DICK—CHENEY als Sondergesandter in den NIGER geschickt worden, um Beweise für das Gerücht zu finden, Iraks damaliger Diktator SADDAM—HUSSEIN wolle sich in dem Land Uran für den ATOM—BOMBENBAU verschaffen.
20051026             Der konservative Kolumnist ROBERT—NOVAK nennt ihren DECK—UND Klarnamen und beruft sich in seinem Bericht auf "2—HOHE Regierungsbeamte".
20051026             Der Verdacht
20051026             —SEIT fast —2—JAHREN untersucht der Sonderermittler PATRICK—FITZGERALD, wer für die Enttarnung von VALERIE—PLAME verantwortlich ist.
20051026             Es geht um Geheimnisverrat und Falschaussagen, die vorsätzliche Enttarnung eines Agenten ist in den USA strafbar.
20051026             Der Verdacht bringt DIE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION in Bedrängnis: Die Informationen, die zur Enttarnung Plames führten, könnten gezielt von Regierungsvertretern gestreut worden sein, um JOSEPH—C—WILSON zu diskreditieren.
20051026             Die PERSONEN—PATRICK—FITZGERALD: Der Bundesanwalt gilt als hartnäckig, unbestechlich und unparteiisch.
20051026             Dem Sohn IRISCHER—EINWANDERER wurde die untersuchung in der CIA—AFFÄRE 20030000             —ENDE, übertragen.
20051026             —GEBRACHT, Zuvor hatte er —BEREITS Mafiamörder ins Gefängnis, und die Hintermänner des 1. Anschlags auf das World Trade Center 19930000             verfolgt.
20051026             JOSEPH—C—WILSON: Wilson war jahrelang DIPLOMAT—ARBEITETE an den USA—BOTSCHAFTEN in NIGER, BURUNDI, im KONGO und in GABUN.
20051026             Der Titel seines Beitrages in der "NEW—YORK—TIMES" ist 1—OHRFEIGE für DIE—USA—REGIERUNG: "Was ich nicht in AFRIKA fand".
20051026             Wilsons Frau war —BIS zu ihrer Enttarnung 1—ELITE—OFFIZIERIN—DER—CIA, ihr Spezialgebiet: Massenvernichtungswaffen.
20051026             Ihre Enttarnung ist eine kriminelle Handlung, durch die Bekanntgabe ihres KLAR—UND Decknamens ist ihre Karriere als CIA—AGENTIN beendet.
20051026             Rove ist Bushs Großstratege, engster Weggefährte und Organisator, verantwortlich für dessen WAHLKÄMPFE—UND steht —SEIT geraumer Zeit im Verdacht, widerrechtlich über VALERIE—PLAME geplaudert und 2—JOURNALISTEN auf die Spur der Agentin gebracht zu haben.
20051026             1—ANKLAGE—ROVES in der Affäre gilt als nicht ausgeschlossen.
20051026             Unter Eid hatte Libby ausgesagt, die Information über DIE—CIA—TÄTIGKEIT Plames ursprünglich von Journalisten erfahren zu haben.
20051026             Libby droht 1—ANKLAGE, möglicherweise wegen Falschaussage und Behinderung der Justiz, im schlimmsten Fall sogar wegen Geheimnisverrats.
20051026             Anders sähe es aus, sollte die Aktion dazu gedient haben, Plame zu enttarnen.
20051026             JUDITH—MILLER: Die Reporterin der "NEW—YORK—TIMES" hat vor 1—UNTERSUCHUNGSAUSSCHUSS eingeräumt, mit ranghohen Mitgliedern der USA—REGIERUNG über DIE—CIA—AGENTIN Plame gesprochen zu haben.
20051026             Weil sie sich weigerte, den Behörden den Namen eines Informanten zu nennen, war sie —85—TAGE im Gefängnis.
20051026             —GEFEIERT, —ZUNÄCHST als Märtyerin für die Pressefreiheit, gerät Miller zunehmend ins Zwielicht.
20051026             Die Anklagen würden die Dynamik des Skandals noch verstärken und DAS—WEIßE—HAUS in eine tiefe politische Krise stürzen.
20051026             Die BUSH—REGIERUNG, deren Image —NACH—DEM kläglichen "Katrina"-KRISEN—MANAGEMENT, den rapide sinkenden Zustimmungsraten zur IRAK—POLITIK und dem SPENDEN—SKANDAL um Republikanersprecher TOM—DELAY ohnehin schwer ramponiert ist, dürfte weiteren erheblichen Schaden nehmen.
20051026             Die Aussicht, dass die Affäre die restliche Amtszeit des Präsidenten bestimmen könnte, sorgt im WEIßES—HAUS jedenfalls für "düstere Stimmung", wie es 1—FREUND—DES—PRÄSIDENTEN gegenüber der "NEW—YORK—TIMES" beschrieb.
20051026             DIE—WASHINGTON—POST" sprach —BEREITS von den "dunkelsten —TAGEN der BUSH—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFT".
20051026             Geheimnisverrat von oberster Regierungsstelle
20051026             —BIS ENDE—DER—WOCHE will Sonderermittler PATRICK—FITZGERALD seine Untersuchungen abgeschlossen haben.
20051026             Es geht um die Frage, ob hochrangige Regierungsmitarbeiter —IM 20030000             —SOMMER  gegenüber 1—JOURNALISTEN die Identität der CIA—UNDERCOVER—AGENTIN Valerie Wilson preisgaben, um sich damit an ihrem Ehemann, dem ehemaligen USA—DIPLOMATEN JOE—WILSON, zu rächen.
20051026             Dieser hatte zuvor der USA—REGIERUNG in 1—ARTIKEL für die "NEW—YORK—TIMES" vorgeworfen, den Einmarsch im IRAK bewusst mit falschen Informationen gerechtfertigt zu haben.
20051026             Valerie Wilson wurde WENIGE—TAGE—NACH Erscheinen des Artikels in einer Kolumne des Journalisten ROBERT—NOVAK unter ihrem Mädchennamen VALERIE—PLAME enttarnt.
20051026             Die vorsätzliche Enttarnung eines CIA—AGENTEN ist in den USA strafbar.
20051026             STAATSANWALT—FITZGERALD sieht die Schlüsselrolle bei Rove und Libby, die die "2—HOCHRANGIGEN Regierungsvertreter" sein sollen, auf deren Indiskretionen sich Novak bei der Enttarnung der Agentin Wilson bezog.
20051026             Es würde sich danach um Geheimnisverrat von höchster Regierungsstelle handeln.
20051026             GEHEIMNISVERRAT—BUSH fürchtet AN—KLAGE—GEGEN—SEINE Berater
20051026             Die Herren im WEIßES—HAUS zittern: In Kürze könnte sich entscheiden, ob in der Affäre um eine enttarnte CIA—AGENTIN Anklage erhoben wird.
20051026             Auf der LISTE—DES—SONDERERMITTLERS stehen engste BERATER—VON—USA—PRÄSIDENT—BUSH und seinem VIZE—CHENEY.
20051026             WASHINGTON—MIT einer Anklage müssen nach Informationen der "NEW—YORK—TIMES" insbesondere KARL—ROVE, stellvertretender Büroleiter und 1—DER—ENGSTEN—WEGGEFÄHRTEN—VON—USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, sowie I. LEWIS—LIBBY, enger MITARBEITER—VON—USA—VIZE—PRÄSIDENT—DICK—CHENEY, rechnen.
20051026             Das Blatt beruft sich dabei auf Anwälte, die mit dem FALL—DER—ENTTARNUNG—DER—CIA—GEHEIMAGENTIN—VALERIE—PLAME befasst sind.
20051026             1—FINGER—WORTH of Historical Events (PDF File)...of THE—USA—JOHN... MEMBERS CAROL—CARTWRIGHT, JOHN—H—FOSTER, JEAN—L. bombs and bases, Dulles.
20051026             intimacy with their American.
20051026             Save Faulty Justifications and Ominous Prospects: NATO's "Victory" in... (PDF File) JEFFREY—RECORD—SAYS—OF—USA—TACTICS in VIETNAM: The evidence, including the widespread DECLARATIONS—OF—FREE—FIRE—ZONES in.enemy.-controlled...
20051026             Save Roadmap to Where?...and BAGHDAD in SEARCH—OF—PEACE in the Mideast.
20051026             The diplomatic landscape that JOHN—FOSTER—DULLES... War that "the enemy of my enemy is my.
20051026             Save Nazis in the Attic...powerful: THE—DULLES brothers ( JOHN—FOSTER, —LATER SECRETARY—OF—STATE, and Allen, —LATER director of... I wish that I could send SOME—OF—MY shock...
20051026             Save Bigger Than ANY—NEW—CODE—OF—ETHICS and Rules of Audit...the partition of KOREA.
20051026             Under SECRETARY—OF—STATE, JOHN—FOSTER—DULLES and his brother, ALLEN—DULLES... — supporting enemy of my enemy, etc.
20051026             Save History News Network East adage, "The enemy of my enemy is my... States under THE—POLICY—OF—PRESIDENT—DWIGHT—D.—EISENHOWER and SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JOHN—FOSTER—DULLES.
20051026             "1—HELL—OF—1—GAMBLE": KHRUSHCHEV, CASTRO + KENNEDY, 19580000—19640000...recommended to CHRISTIAN—HERTER, the acting SECRETARY—OF—STATE—DURING—JOHN—FOSTER—DULLES—ILLNESS... "Do you believe that?
20051026             This is my army.
20051026             Nazi Connection...powerful: THE—DULLES brothers ( JOHN—FOSTER, —LATER SECRETARY—OF—STATE, and Allen, —LATER director of... I wish that I could send SOME—OF—MY shock... CARL—SAVICH | Columns | USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JOHN—FOSTER—DULLES stated that the role of YUGOSLAVIA —DURING—THE—COLD—WAR was... The rationale was: The enemy of my enemy is...
20051026             THE—ILLUMINATI—PETER—LEVENDA—AND—THE—MAGICKAL—ROOTS—OF— their sworn enemy: reality or THE—KING.
20051026             I am thinking —JUST—NOW -- perhaps in 1—STREAM—OF—CONSCIOUSNESS -- about the Philby affair.
20051026             PETER—LEVENDA and the Magickal ROOTS—OF—NAZISM, INTERVIEW—BY— their sworn enemy: reality or THE—KING.
20051026             1—GROUP of.
20051026             Juice THE—ENEMY—OF—MY—ENEMY is My Friend... 19540000             (—4—MONTHS—AFTER—THE—FALL—OF—DIEN—BIEN—PHU), USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JOHN—FOSTER—DULLES convened the...
20051026             Italiens UNI—KRISE: Studenten legen Hochschulen lahm
20051026             In der neuen Studie fand das TEAM—VON—TYLER—SMITH bei 3,3—PROZENT—DER—UNTERSUCHTEN—MÄNNER große Übereinstimmungen in den DNA—SEQUENZEN des Y—CHROMOSOMS, was auf einen gemeinsamen Vorfahren vor rund —500—JAHREN hinweist.
20051026             Dabei könnte es sich um Giocangga handeln, dessen Enkel die EROBERUNG—VON—CHINA durch die Mandschu vorantrieb und 16440000             die QING—DYNASTIE gründete, vermuten die Wissenschaftler.
20051026             Die Forscher gehen davon aus, dass es ihnen unter diesen Umständen gelungen sein sollte, ihr Erbgut weit zu verbreiten.
20051026             "Diese ART—VON—REPRODUKTIONSVORTEIL ist beim Menschen möglicherweise wichtiger, als wir bislang dachten", sagte TYLER—SMITH—DEM—ONLINE—NACHRICHTENDIENST des Magazins "Nature".
20051026             —FULFILLED, Setting up Abbas : THE—ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER has finally, the task with which he was charged —38—YEARS—AGO by Menachem Begin: ensure permanent ISRAEL—CONTROL—OVER—THE entire Land of ISRAEL—WHILE foreclosing the emergence of 1—VIABLE—PALESTINE—STATE.
20051026             Improve security or we quit: SADDAM—LAWYERS : Lawyers representing SADDAM—HUSSEIN announced —ON—WEDNESDAY that they would boycott the special tribunal trying the ousted IRAQ—PRESIDENT—UNTIL they are given better security.
20051026             SADDAM—DEFENSE—TEAM wants to put BUSH on trial : "We shall contact INTERNATIONAL and Arab lawyer associations and will put forward the proof allowing for 1—TRIAL—OF—THE—CRIMINAL—BUSH at THE—SAME—TIME as the fake trial takes place in IRAQ," Saleh Armouti told 1—MEETING—OF—THE—AMMAN—BASED Saddam defense committee.
20051026             Detainee says he wishes to die: 1—DETAINEE on 1—HUNGER—STRIKE at THE—USA—PRISON for terrorism suspects at Guantánamo Bay wants 1—JUDGE to order the removal of his feeding tube so he can be allowed to die, 1—OF—HIS—LAWYERS said —TUESDAY.
20051026             VICE—PRESIDENT—FOR—TORTURE : VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY is aggressively pursuing 1—INITIATIVE that may be unprecedented for 1 elected OFFICIAL—OF—THE—EXECUTIVE—BRANCH: He is proposing that Congress legally authorize human rights abuses by Americans.
20051026             Prosecutor in leak case seeks INDICTMENTS—AGAINST—ROVE, Libby, lawyers close to case say : Special Prosecutor PATRICK—J—FITZGERALD has asked the grand jury investigating THE—OUTING—OF—CIA—OPERATIVE—VALERIE—PLAME Wilson to indict USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby and BUSH—DEPUTY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—KARL—ROVE on CHARGES—OF—PERJURY and OBSTRUCTION—OF—JUSTICE, lawyers close to the investigation tell RAW STORY.
20051026             Grand Jury in CIA—LEAK Case Adjourns : THE—FEDERAL—GRAND—JURY investigating the leak of 1—CIA—OFFICER'S—IDENTITY met —DURING—3—HOURS—WEDNESDAY with Special Counsel PATRICK—FITZGERALD and his deputies, adjourning for the —DAY without announcing ANY—ACTION.
20051026             Leak grand jury meets prosecutor : THE—FEDERAL—GRAND—JURY investigating the leak of 1—COVERT—CIA—OPERATIVE'S—IDENTITY met —ON—WEDNESDAY with special counsel PATRICK—FITZGERALD amid signs the prosecutor was preparing to seek criminal charges.
20051026             Indictments in CIA leak 'about to be handed down': —ON—TUESDAY night, news reports, supported by 1—SOURCE—CLOSE to the lawyers involved in the case, said that target letters to those facing indictment were being issued, with sealed indictments to be filed —TODAY and released by THE—END—OF—THE—WEEK.
20051026             CBS To Report Fitzgerald WILL—MAKE—HIS—DECISION—KNOWN—TOMORROW : CBS' JOHN—ROBERTS: Lawyers familiar with the case think —WEDNESDAY is —WHEN special prosecutor PATRICK—FITZGERALD will make known his decision + that there will be indictments.
20051026             Supporters say Rove and THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, Scooter Libby, are in legal jeopardy.
20051026             CIA leak illustrates selective USE—OF—INTELLIGENCE on IRAQ : The grand jury probe into the leak of 1—COVERT—CIA—OFFICER'S—NAME has opened 1—NEW—WINDOW into how THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION used intelligence from dubious sources to make 1—CASE for 1—PRE—EMPTIVE war and discarded information that undercut its rationale for attacking IRAQ.
20051026             The new Pentagon papers : 1—HIGH—RANKING military officer reveals how Defense Department extremists suppressed information and twisted the truth to drive the country to war.
20051026             ITALIEN—FACES—PRE—WAR—INTELLIGENCE—PROBE : THE—HEAD—OF—ITALIEN—MILITARY—SECRET—SERVICES will be questioned by 1—PARLIAMENTARY—COMMISSION—NEXT—WEEK over allegations that his organization gave THE—USA—AND—BRITAIN disputed documents suggesting that SADDAM—HUSSEIN had been seeking uranium in AFRICA, officials said —TUESDAY.
20051026             MICHAEL—LEDEEN—FINGERS in THE—NIGER—YELLOWCAKE : SOME—OF—USA, those who pay attention, have suspected for SOME—TIME the fraudulent NIGER yellowcake DOCUMENTS—SO crudely slapped together as to be LAUGHABLE—ARE tied to MICHAEL—LEDEEN, the neocon's neocon, who is connected to the neofascist ITALIEN—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, SISMI.
20051026             at 1—TIME—WHEN ISRAEL was under increasing INTERNATIONAL pressure because of the ongoing conflict with the Palestinians.
20051026             "S.H. and U.B.L.; things related and unrelated," penned RUMSFELD THE—DAY—AFTER.
20051026             TED—RALL : Why BUSH Is Unimpeachable : : Impeachment is 1—POLITICAL—PROCESS, not 1—LEGAL 1. Nixon and CLINTON faced Congresses controlled by the other party.
20051026             IRAN opposition group seeks USA—LEGITIMACY:
20051026             Even by the standards of WASHINGTON politics it was 1—UNUSUAL—SPECTACLE—THE veiled LEADER—OF—1—MIDDLE—EAST—GROUP banned in THE—USA as 1—TERRORIST—ORGANISATION delivering 1—SPEECH by live VIDEO—LINK to applauding MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS inside the Capitol itself
20051026             We Burn Corpses, Don't We?
20051026             WAR—CRIMES in AFGHANISTAN—BY Erid Ruder
20051026             The gradual withering AWAY—OF—THE—WELFARE and regulatory state has not unleashed THE—USA—KAPITALISTIAL spirit.
20051026             —NAH—OST: Peres fordert Irans Ausschluss aus der Uno
20051026             MANAGER—GEHÄLTER: Offenlegungspflicht für Öffentliche Unternehmen
20051026             Seuchen: VERDACHT—AUF—VOGELGRIPPE bei 3—FRANZOSEN
20051026             IRAK: SADDAM—ANWÄLTE setzen Kontakt zum Gericht aus
20051026             —PRÄSENTIERT, EU—GIPFEL: Blair, 5—PUNKTE—PLAN
20051026             USA—FERNSEHEN: Lieber Satire als Nachrichten
20051026             SCHWARZ—ROT: Kronzeugenregelung kommt wieder
20051026             Mehrbelastungen: Was auf die Bürger zukommen könnte
20051026             Koalitionspoker: Union und SPD streiten über ATOM—AUSSTIEG
20051026             —VERURTEILT, PARIS: CHIRAC—VERTRAUTE wegen Korruption
20051026             LONDON: U—BAHN—BOMBER —SCHON vor Anschlägen im Visier der Polizei
20051026             Tüftelwettbewerb: Fahrstuhl soll Lasten ins All hieven
20051026             Fall Hariri: RUSSLAND will SYRIEN schützen
20051026             ONLINE—MEDIEN: Gates sagt den TOD—DER—PRINTPRESSE voraus
20051026             TAWHID—PROZESS: Verurteilter TERROR—IST flüchtet aus GERICHTS—SAAL
20051026             —VERSUCHT, Mordfall Hariri: Assad, sich in Schadensbegrenzung
20051026             VOGELGRIPPE—SCHUTZ: EU rät vom Verzehr roher Eier ab
20051026             —VERSPRICHT, HARIRI—MORD: SYRIEN, Hilfe bei Aufklärung
20051026             FIAT—DYNASTIE: Die Fehltritte des AGNELLI—SPRÖSSLINGS
20051026             —ANGST—VOR—GESPENST: 7—GRUNDSCHÜLER in CHINA totgetrampelt
20051026             —KRIEGS—BILANZ: 20000000             USA—SOLDATEN und 30.000—ZIVILISTEN starben im IRAK
20051026             HARIRI—MORD: SYRIEN unter Druck der Uno
20051026             / says that Fitzgerald will release 1 to 5—INDICTMENTS tomorrow.
20051026             —INSISTED, But they, —TODAY THE—2—ARE secondary players, that it was 1—UNIDENTIFIED—MR.
20051026             X who actually gave THE—NAME—OF—CIA—AGENT V alerie Plame to reporters.
20051026             Fitzgerald knows who Mr.
20051026             X is, they say + if he isn't indicted, there's no way Rove or Libby should be.
20051026             Who is MISTER—X? Perhaps DICK—CHENEY.
20051026             FORMER—CIA—ANALYST—MELVYN Goodman has SOME—PERTINENT observations:
20051026             —FROM the 1. —DAY I was convinced that DICK—CHENEY was the center of this covert action to lead the country into war, because this is what this is about: the misuse and the secret USE—OF—INTELLIGENCE.
20051026             It's about that more than it is leaks and sources and even VALERIE—PLAME—IDENTITY.
20051026             It's about how we went to war.
20051026             —INDEED, But —NOW he's lost his denial, if he was, THE—SOURCE—OF—VALERIE—PLAME—NAME to LEWIS—LIBBY, who then went forward with KARL—ROVE to give this name to AT—LEAST—5 or 6—JOURNALISTS +, of course,
20051026             it was ROBERT—NOVAK who did the administration's work for it.
20051026             He was what SOME—PEOPLE would call the useful idiot, who then ran THE—VALERIE—PLAME name in his column.
20051026             But this is —NOW in THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20051026             And once, frankly, you had LEWIS—LIBBY implicated -- LEWIS—LIBBY is —JUST 1—APPARATCHIK.
20051026             As 1—OLD—SOVIET—ANALYST, the Libby type is quite recognizable.
20051026             And you knew that he had to have SOME—SPONSORSHIP or endorsement, or he was galvanized in SOME—WAY by, indeed, his patron.
20051026             —MEANWHILE, SCOTT—MCCLELLAN has, in essence, tossed Rove and Libby into the snow.
20051026             Strange, isn't it? 1—FEW short months ago, EVERY—PROGRESSIVE considered THE—END—OF—THE—ROVE—ERA 1—IMPOSSIBLE—DREAM.
20051026             —UNSATISFIED, —NOW that this goal seems close at hand, we feel.
20051026             We want more. We want to see 1—BROKEN—CHENEY.
20051026             As for me -- I'd be dancing 1—JIG right —NOW, if I weren't still smarting over the dunderheaded error committed —EARLIER—TODAY.
20051026             Happy Holidays! Permalink #—POSTED—BY—JOSEPH : 7:40—PM 6—COMMENTS
20051026             More on the lie that led to war (Updated and corrected) 1—LOT has happened on THE—NIGER front —SINCE I wrote my piece THIS—MORNING.
20051026             —PUBLISHED, La Repubblica has, 1—FOLLOW—UP account;
20051026             JOSH—MARSHALL gives both the gist and his analysis.
20051026             Laura Rozen also takes 1—VERY—HELPFUL—LOOK at the matter.
20051026             Rozen was able to confirm 1—KEY—CONTENTION made by THE—ITALIEN—NEWSPAPER -- that
20051026             The beans in that bag are Roman.
20051026             In the general HAZE—OF—EVENTS which precede THE—INVASION—OF—IRAQ, ITALIEN—INVOLVEMENT is prefigured by 1—SINGLE, grotesque protagonist:
20051026             I think this translation deserves the widest possible audience.
20051026             I hope I may be forgiven for republishing it here:
20051026             DOUBLE—DEALERS and Dilettantes -- the Men Behind Nigergate Were All Italians.
20051026             THE—FABRICATORS—OF—THE—TWIN hoaxes (there was never ANY—TRACE in IRAQ of unprocessed uranium or centrifuges) were THE—ITALIEN—GOVERNMENT and ITALIEN—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE.
20051026             —ATTEMPTED, La Repubblica has, to reconstruct the who, where and why of the manufacture and transfer to British and USA—INTELLIGENCE—OF—THE dodgy dossier for war.
20051026             In 1—LENGTHY investigative piece for THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, Miller reported that Saddam could have built 1—ATOMIC—WEAPON with those aluminum tubes.
20051026             These were the goods that the hawks in THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION were expecting.
20051026             THE—CURRENT offering gives us 1—GOOD—TRANSLATION—OF—1. LA—REPUBBLICA piece on NIGER—GATE.
20051026             Do I think this investigation is the final word? No.
20051026             Yes, our old "pal" MICHAEL—LEDEEN finally shows up on stage...!
20051026             INVESTIGATION / SISMI Director GENERAL—NICOLÒ Pollari travels to the States to corroborate the purchase of nuclear material by SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
20051026             Pollari travels to WASHINGTON to present his version of "the truth":
20051026             THE—YELLOWCAKE—DOSSIER was not THE—WORK—OF—THE—CIA.
20051026             For SISMI Director Nicolò Pollari, the rules of his profession are unequivocal.
20051026             But is it really true that our CLOAK—AND—DAGGER people worked solely with THE—CIA?
20051026             Or did they work as part of the clandestine effort undertaken by the parallel INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY CREATED—BY—DICK—CHENEY and PAUL—WOLFOWITZ within THE—IRAQ—WAR—GROUP, THE—PENTAGON—OFFICE—OF—SPECIAL—PLANS and THE—OFFICE—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISOR -- all determined to produce the evidence for "regime change" in BAGHDAD?
20051026             —DOCUMENTED, La Repubblica has, the double RUSE engineered by THE—ITALIEN—GOVERNMENT and ITALIEN—INTELLIGENCE.
20051026             —COVERED, AT—LEAST—1—OF—THE—VERY—NON—INSTITUTIONAL—ENCOUNTERS, ACCORDING—TO—INTELLIGENCE agents, the creation of 1—NETWORK involving government, intelligence and information sharing.
20051026             Brief synopsis: POLLARI—SISMI wants to give credence to THE—STORY—OF—ACQUISITION—OF uranium ore in ORDER—TO—BUILD 1—NUCLEAR—BOMB.
20051026             The scheme is transparent.
20051026             The "authentic" papers concerning 1—ATTEMPT—TO—ACQUIRE uranium in NIGER (stale ITALIEN—INTELLIGENCE left over from the 80's) are 1—LEGACY—OF—1—FORMER—SISMI Deputy CHIEF—IN—ROME, ANTONIO—NUCERA.
20051026             That's the baseline snapshot.
20051026             We'll —NOW provide 2. chapter of the Great ITALIEN—YELLOWCAKE Scam orchestrated in ITALY to provide the pretext for THE—INVASION—OF—IRAQ.
20051026             He does not recall the precise date.
20051026             Thielmann recounts THE—EVENTS—OF—AUTUMN 20010000             in generalities.
20051026             It's impossible to say if all this is coincidence, but 1—CANNOT ignore the context: THE—ITALIANS possess 1—BURNING desire score 1—WIN.
20051026             —AFTER his bungling remarks on THE—CLASH—OF—CIVILIZATIONS, Berlusconi is encountering problems in getting 1—INVITATION from THE—WHITE—HOUSE, under fire from moderate Arab regimes.
20051026             Pollari is eager to quickly get in step with Premier and the new course of action.
20051026             The new CHIEF—AT—THE—SISMI section in charge of WMD, COLONEL—ALBERTO—MANENTI (direct superior of ANTONIO—NUCERA), wants to put himself on the same page as the new SISMI director.
20051026             It is 1—KNOWN fact that BUSH shows THE—WEST—WING—ROSE—GARDEN to Berlusconi and THE—CIA acknowledges, as reported by Russ Hoyle (who has been analyzing THE—CONCLUSIONS—OF—THE—USA—CONGRESSIONAL—INVESTIGATION—COMMITTEE) that ITALIEN—INTELLIGENCE has SOME—NEATLY prepackaged information with 1—PRETTY bow.
20051026             —OFFERED, No documentary evidence is, to show that ANY—SHIPMENT—OF uranium has occured.
20051026             —LIMITED, CIA analysts consider the report to be "somewhat " and "lacking in necessary detail".
20051026             Intelligence and Research analysts at THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—STATE qualify the intelligence as "highly suspect".
20051026             1. contact with THE—USA—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY is not gratifying for Pollari but still highly useful.
20051026             THE—SISMI director, who is no fool, reconstructs the landscape and the cast members of the ongoing BEHIND—THE—SCENES—BATTLE—IN—THE—AMERICA—ADMINISTRATION between those who stress caution and pragmatism (USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—STATE—AND—THE—CIA) and those who are looking for 1—EXCUSE to start 1—WAR (CHENEY, THE—PENTAGON), which is already on the drawing BOARD.
20051026             However, —WHEN THE—SISMI director returns to ITALY, he perceives 1—SIMILAR—BATTLE underway in ROME.
20051026             GIANNI—CASTELLANETA advises Pollari to look in other directions, —WHILE Defense MINISTER—ANTONIO—MARTINO tell Pollari to expect 1—VISIT from 1—OLD—FRIEND—OF—ITALY.
20051026             This old friend is MICHAEL—A—LEDEEN, 1—VETERAN—OF—USA—PARALLEL—INTELLIGENCE—NETWORKS, who had been previous declared persona non grata by ROME —DURING—1980S.
20051026             [Likely because of kidnapping of ABU—ABBAS, orchestrated by Ledeen and OLIVER—NORTH + the attempted "extraordinary rendition" of Abbas through ITALY--Nur] Ledeen is in ROME on 1—MISSION from THE—OFFICE—OF—SPECIAL—PLANS, created at THE—PENTAGON by PAUL—WOLFOWITZ to collect intelligence which would support 1—WAR—ON—IRAQ.
20051026             1—SOURCE at Forte Braschi [equivalent to Langley, VA, THE—HEADQUARTERS—OF—THE—CIA—NUR] tells La Repubblica: On THE—SUBJECT—OF—INTELLIGENCE collected on the uranium purchase, Pollari gets the cold shoulder from CIA—STATION CHIEF—JEFF—CASTELLI.
20051026             —DROPPED, Apparently, Castelli has, the matter entirely.
20051026             Taking 1—HINT, Pollari discusses the matter with MICHAEL—LEDEEN.
20051026             No 1—KNOWS what leads Ledeen to return to WASHINGTON.
20051026             As THE—USA—SENATE—SELECT—COMMITTEE—ON—INTELLIGENCE relates, 1—DETERMINED—VICE—PRESIDENT makes 1—REQUEST to THE—CIA to take another look into "the possible acquisition of NIGER uranium".
20051026             Here (courtesy of
20051026             Nur AL—CUBICLE ) is 1—TRANSLATION—OF—2. PART—OF—THE—LA—REPUBBLICA investigation.
20051026             I feel guilty reprinting the fine work of another blogger, but -- as I've demonstrated! -- I have never been to ITALY and I do not know Italian + thus could not do this work myself.
20051026             the original.
20051026             I also corrected 1—FEW obvious typos and added SOME—PARAGRAPH breaks to increase readability.)
20051026             Raw Story -- which has had 1—FINE—TRACK—RECORD in this case, reports that he will bring INDICTMENTS—AGAINST—ROVE and Libby.
20051026             Even better: RICHARD—SALE, whose reporting has been terrific, tells us that FITZGERALD—REAL—TARGET is CHENEY.
20051026             He may also go —AFTER Ledeen and co. And he may even ask for another Grand Jury !
20051026             A STATE—OF—INEQUALITY
20051026             —BY Chuck Collins and Felice Yeskel
20051026             —INDUSTRIALIZED, THE—USA is —NOW the 3. most unequal, society —AFTER RUSSIA and MEXICO.
20051026             This is not 1—CLUB we want to be part of.
20051026             RUSSIA is 1—RECOVERING kleptocracy, with 1—POST—SOVIET—OLIGARCHY enriched by looting.
20051026             And MEXICO, despite joining THE—RICH—NATIONS CLUB—OF—THE—ORGANIZATION for Economic and Community Development, has some of the most glaring poverty in the hemisphere.
20051026             AUSTRALIA: Beattie warns terrorism laws 'unconstitutional ': Queensland Premier PETER—BEATTIE has warned his STATE—AND—TERRITORY—COUNTERPARTS—THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT'S proposed new COUNTER—TERRORISM—LAWS may be unconstitutional.
20051026             ANTI—TERRORISM laws lack UK—STYLE safeguards: expert : A UK—LEGAL—EXPERT says THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT'S proposed new ANTI—TERRORISM laws offer limited PROTECTION—AGAINST—HUMAN rights violations, in comparison to UK laws.
20051026             Miers' Answer Raises Questions:
20051026             Legal experts find 1—MISUSE—OF—TERMS in her Senate questionnaire 'terrible' and 'shocking.'
20051026             Lawyer tells Amnesty meeting tale of 1—GUANTANAMO detainee : AL—HABASHI was flown to MOROCCO, where his torturers took 1—BLADE to his penis numerous times + then to the Americans in AFGHANISTAN, Stafford Smith said.
20051026             What happens —WHEN you speak truth to power in AMERICA:
20051026             GEORGE—GALLOWAY faces jail for fresh corruption claims : Galloway could be facing 1—LENGTHY—PRISON—SENTENCE in THE—USA—AFTER 1—SENATE—COMMITTEE last night claimed it had fresh evidence his political organisation and his wife had received nearly £340,000 in OIL—FOR—FOOD—ALLOCATIONS from SADDAM—HUSSEIN and then lied under oath about the deal.
20051026             Video report: Galloway claims revenge is the motive : Galloway claims revenge is the motive: GEORGE—GALLOWAY has called THE—ALLEGATIONS—AGAINST—HIM a "revenge attack" from a "lickspittle RIGHT—WING SENATOR".
20051026             Put up or shut up:
20051026             Galloway challenges THE—USA—SENATE—COMMITTEE to charge him : THE—RESPECT—MP—GEORGE—GALLOWAY has thrown down 1—CHALLENGE to THE—USA—SENATE—HOMELAND—SECURITY—COMMITTEE to charge him with perjury and "I'll see you in court".
20051026             Galloway rejects senate perjury claims : 1—FURIOUS—GEORGE—GALLOWAY —TODAY challenged USA—SENATORS to charge him with perjury over claims that he solicited money from SADDAM—HUSSEIN—OIL—FOR—FOOD—PROGRAMME and lied about it under oath.
20051026             USA—SENATE Smears GEORGE—GALLOWAY—AGAIN!:
20051026             —RECEIVED, GALLOWAY—WIFE ' £100,000 from Iraqis':
20051026             An "investigative" COMMITTEE—OF—THE—USA—SENATE says GALLOWAY—WIFE 'received 149.980—DOLLAR,000 from Iraqis'
20051026             —ACCUSED—OF, Galloway, lying to USA—SENATE : THE—MP—GEORGE—GALLOWAY angrily rejected fresh allegations last night from 1—USA—SENATE—INVESTIGATION that he lied under oath about SADDAM—HUSSEIN—MULTIMILLION—POUND—OIL—FOR—FOOD—PROGRAMME.
20051026             USA—DISTRICT—JUDGE—SAYS—CONFESSION—UNDER—TORTURE—LEGAL: 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—RULED—MONDAY that prosecutors can use 1—CONFESSION by 1—MAN charged with joining AL—QAIDA and plotting to assassinate USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, despite defense claims that the confession was obtained through torture.
20051026             —HORRIFIED, THE—ITALIANS were.
20051026             ITALY is 1—OF—SYRIA—BIGGEST trading partners so it seemed 1—REASONABLE—PLACE to ask!
20051026             This is what WASHINGTON has been up to.
20051026             Frustrated Scowcroft Assails NEO—CONS, CHENEY : "This was said to be PART—OF—THE—WAR—ON—TERROR, but IRAQ feeds terrorism," Scowcroft told the magazine,
20051026             Bushies take aim at probe : Team BUSH was finalizing its campaign to discredit and undermine special prosecutor PATRICK—FITZGERALD—CONCLUSIONS, sources told the Daily News.
20051026             "Playing Fast and Loose with the Facts" : I don't like what Miller represents in journalism.
20051026             She is not, to my mind, 1—JOURNALIST.
20051026             She forfeited that claim —WHEN she became 1—CONDUIT—OF—PROPAGANDA for THE—NEO—CONSERVATIVE—CABAL that has its bloody hands on the control levers of the nation.
20051026             REPRESENTATIVE—JERROLD—NADLER: Fitzgerald Must Broaden Investigation : "Did THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION deliberately mislead Congress about the war?
20051026             La REPUBBLICA—SCOOP, Confirmed : ITALIEN—INTELLIGENCE—CHIEF met with Deputy NATIONAL—SECURITY Adviser STEPHEN—HADLEY —JUST —1—MONTH—BEFORE THE—NIGER forgeries 1. surfaced.
20051026             RUPERT—MURDOCH + RICHARD—MELLON—SCAIFE + other far rightwing billionaires have deeply corrupted our information environment.
20051026             They are in part RESPONSIBLE—FOR—WHAT
20051026             happened at THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—GROUP: USA—TROOPS not leaving IRAQ soon:
20051026             "This is 1—LONG—TERM—PROPOSITION + I would expect the next USA—ADMINISTRATION to have forces inside IRAQ at 1—FAIRLY large number for SOME—YEARS to come".
20051026             BUSH: IRAQ—WAR will require more sacrifice : USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, bracing for the fallout —WHEN THE—USA—DEATH—TOLL in IRAQ reaches 2,000, said —ON—TUESDAY THE—IRAQ—WAR will require more sacrifice and rejected critics calling for A—USA—PULLOUT.
20051026             Theory of Perpetual War : AMERICA—NEEDS—GOOD—WARS.
20051026             GREG—PALAST: Opec And THE—ECONOMIC—CONQUEST—OF—IRAQ: 2—AND 1—HALF—YEARS—AND  202—BILLION—DOLLAR into the war in IRAQ, THE—USA has AT—LEAST—1—SIGNIFICANT—NEW asset to show for it: effective membership, through our CONTROL—OF—IRAQ—ENERGY—POLICY, in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), THE—ARAB—DOMINATED oil cartel.
20051026             GOD—IRAQ and THE—POWER—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—PR: Closing the Neocon Circle: His inspiration: ISRAEL—NATAN—SHARANSKY
20051026             BUSH says military ORGANIZE—AGAINST—SYRIA "last resort" : "1—MILITARY (option) is always the last choice of 1—PRESIDENT," he told AL—ARABIYA television in 1—INTERVIEW aired —ON—TUESDAY—WHEN asked about A—UNITED—NATIONS—INVESTIGATION that implicated SYRIA—OFFICIALS in THE—KILLING—OF—HARIRI.
20051026             —WARNED, BLAIR—NEW—WARNINGS—TO—SYRIA—AND—IRAN: THE—PM, IRAN that life could become "1—LOT—MORE—DIFFICULT" if it carries on defying THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY.
20051026             SECURITY—COUNCIL SPLIT Over Resolution on Syria : Western nations working on 1—RESOLUTION to pressure Syria to cooperate with A—UNITED—NATIONS—INVESTIGATION into THE—SLAYING—OF—FORMER—LEBANESE—PRIME—MINISTER—RAFIQ—HARIRI are encountering resistance from other SECURITY—COUNCIL members -- principally ALGERIA, CHINA and RUSSIA -- USA, European and U.N officials said —MONDAY.
20051026             Syria is being Set Up to Fail: 1—LEAKED—LETTER from WASHINGTON : It explains how Syria is being set up to fail so that THE—USA can isolate it and carry out 1—PROCESS—OF—REGIME—CHANGE at THE—EXPENSE—OF—IRAQ—STABILITY and THE—LIVES—OF—USA—SOLDIERS and IRAQ—CIVILIANS.
20051026             It explains how THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION—POLICY—OF—FORCING regime change in Syria is trumping the need to save lives in IRAQ.
20051026             USA—DEATH—TOLL in IRAQ hits 2,000 : For the 1. time, 1—MAJORITY—OF—AMERICANS believe THE—IRAQ—WAR was the "wrong thing to do", ACCORDING—TO—1—POLL published in THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL.
20051026             THE—WHITE—HOUSE Cabal
20051026             IN USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—1. term, some of the most important decisions about USA—NATIONAL—SECURITY — including vital decisions about postwar IRAQ — were made by 1—SECRETIVE, LITTLE—KNOWN cabal.
20051026             CONDI—RICE and SYRIA—REGIME—CHANGE
20051026             Could Somebody Recommend 1—PRESIDENT? -By PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS
20051026             WHITE—HOUSE—INSISTS That CIA—SHOULD Be Allowed To Continue TORTURE—OF—DETAINEES
20051026             USA—DETAINEES 'Murdered' —DURING interrogations
20051026             † AT—LEAST—21—DETAINEES who, —WHILE in USA custody in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN were THE—VICTIMS—OF—HOMICIDE and usually † during or —AFTER interrogations, ACCORDING—TO—1—ANALYSIS—OF—DEFENCE—DEPARTMENT—DATA.
20051026             _AUTHENTICO—HISTORIA—INDEX_20040823242526_UPDATED
20051026             P2\CARLOS—GUILLERMO—SUAREZ—MASON - We Have Been Warned
20051026             —WARNED, We have been.
20051026             Prepare for 1—BROADER—WAR in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, as plans are being laid for the next USA—LED regime change — in Syria.
20051026             This statement reflects the continued NEO—CONSERVATIVE, Machiavellian influence on our FOREIGN—POLICY.
20051026             The "opportunity" refers to THE—LONG—HELD NEO—CONSERVATIVE—PLAN—FOR—REGIME change in Syria, similar to what was carried out in IRAQ.
20051026             Yahoo News LOS—ANGELES—TIMES—WASHINGTON — Prosecutors investigating the leak of 1—CIA—OFFICER'S—IDENTITY returned their attention to WHITE—HOUSE—ADVISOR—KARL—ROVE —ON—TUESDAY, questioning 1—FORMER—WEST—WING colleague about contacts Rove had with reporters in
20051026             CIA leak investigators hold —LAST—MINUTE interviews
20051026             "Diese ART—VON—REPRODUKTIONSVORTEIL ist beim Menschen möglicherweise wichtiger, als wir —BISLANG, dachten",
20051026             "Do you believe that?
20051026             "1—HELL—OF—1—GAMBLE": KHRUSHCHEV, CASTRO + KENNEDY, 19580000             —1964
20051026             "Playing Fast and Loose with the Facts":
20051026             The meaning of this shorthand is clear in retrospect:
20051026             "Their future will be like THE—RUSSIANS," said Zahidullah, 1—RESIDENT—OF—KABUL.
20051026             "unter Vorspiegelung falscher Tatsachen in den Krieg" gegen den IRAK gezogen zu sein.
20051026             Der EX—USA—BOTSCHAFTER—WAR—VON—USA—VIZE—PRÄSIDENT—DICK—CHENEY als Sondergesandter in den NIGER geschickt worden,
20051026             (See the apologetic note appended the previous post.) But please -- don't let my sour mood spoil your Fitzmas.
20051026             Happy Holidays!
20051026             (That didn't stop me from altering NUR—TRANSLATION slightly: To avoid confusion, I've put back quotation marks that appeared in the original.
20051026             Even better: RICHARD—SALE,
20051026             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—RULED—MONDAY that prosecutors can use 1—CONFESSION by 1—MAN charged with joining AL—QAIDA and plotting to assassinate USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH,
20051026             1—FURIOUS—GEORGE—GALLOWAY —TODAY challenged USA—SENATORS to charge him with perjury over claims that he solicited money from SADDAM—HUSSEIN—OIL—FOR—FOOD—PROGRAMME and lied about it under oath.
20051026             1—MILITARY (option) is always the last choice of 1—PRESIDENT," he told AL—ARABIYA television in 1—INTERVIEW aired —ON—TUESDAY—WHEN asked about A—UNITED—NATIONS—INVESTIGATION that implicated SYRIA—OFFICIALS in THE—KILLING—OF—HARIRI.
20051026             1—SOURCE at Forte Braschi [equivalent to Langley, VA, THE—HEADQUARTERS—OF—THE—CIA—NUR] tells La Repubblica:
20051026             ANTI—TERRORISM laws lack UK—STYLE safeguards: expert:
20051026             —AFTER his bungling remarks on THE—CLASH—OF—CIVILIZATIONS, Berlusconi is encountering problems in getting 1—INVITATION from THE—WHITE—HOUSE,
20051026             AMERICA—NEEDS—GOOD—WARS.
20051026             And MEXICO, despite joining THE—RICH—NATIONS CLUB—OF—THE—ORGANIZATION for Economic and Community Development,
20051026             And, of course, his patron was DICK—CHENEY.
20051026             —BUNDLED, ANTONIO—NUCERA—THEY are, up together with other worthless documents assembled HELTER—SKELTER —AFTER 1 simulated burglary of THE—NIGER—EMBASSY (embassy letterhead and stamps are taken).
20051026             As THE—NUMBER—OF—USA—MILITARY—DEATHS in IRAQ reaches 2,000, USA—REPUBLICAN—JIM—MCGOVERN (REPUBLICAN—MA) —THIS—WEEK will introduce legislation to prohibit THE—USE—OF—TAX—PAYER funds to deploy USA—ARMED—FORCES to IRAQ.
20051026             † AT—LEAST—21—DETAINEES who, —WHILE in USA custody in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN were THE—VICTIMS—OF—HOMICIDE and usually † during or —AFTER interrogations,
20051026             AUSTRALIA: Beattie warns terrorism laws 'unconstitutional':
20051026             BUSH fürchtet AN—KLAGE—GEGEN—SEINE Berater
20051026             BUSH says military ORGANIZE—AGAINST—SYRIA "last resort": "
20051026             BUSH: IRAQ—WAR will require more sacrifice:
20051026             Because BUSH belongs to the same party as the majorities in the House and Senate, nothing he does can get him impeached.
20051026             Bushies take aim at probe:
20051026             —INDEED, But —NOW he's lost his denial, if he was, THE—SOURCE—OF—VALERIE—PLAME—NAME to LEWIS—LIBBY,
20051026             —INSISTED, But they, —TODAY THE—2—ARE secondary players, that it was 1—UNIDENTIFIED—MISTER—X who actually gave THE—NAME—OF—CIA—AGENT V alerie Plame to reporters.
20051026             CBS To Report Fitzgerald WILL—MAKE—HIS—DECISION—KNOWN—TOMORROW:
20051026             CBS' JOHN—ROBERTS: Lawyers familiar with the case think —WEDNESDAY is —WHEN special prosecutor PATRICK—FITZGERALD will make known his decision + that there will be indictments.
20051026             CHENEY Told AIDE—OF—CIA—OFFICER, Lawyers Report:
20051026             —PASSED, CHENEY aide, PLAME—NAME to Libby:
20051026             CHENEY—PROPOSAL—WOULD give THE—PRESIDENT the power to allow government agencies outside the Defense Department (the administration has in mind THE—CIA ) to mistreat and torture prisoners as long as that behavior was part of "counterterrorism operations conducted abroad" and they were not USA—CITIZENS.
20051026             CIA leak illustrates selective USE—OF—INTELLIGENCE on IRAQ: CIA—AFFÄRE
20051026             CHINA and RUSSIA -- USA, European and U.N officials said —MONDAY.
20051026             Der Verdacht bringt DIE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION in Bedrängnis: Die Informationen, die zur Enttarnung Plames führten,
20051026             Detainee says he wishes to die: Dialectics of the Plame Affair:
20051026             DICK—CHENEY, I thought, would obtain SOME—KIND—OF—PLAUSIBLE denial, because this was run like 1—CIA—COVERT action.
20051026             DICK—CHENEY: Über den USA—VIZE—PRÄSIDENT wird mittlerweile viel spekuliert.
20051026             Einem Bericht der NEW—YORK—TIMES zufolge informierte CHENEY seinen Berater Libby am 12.
20051026             Die Aussicht, dass die Affäre die restliche Amtszeit des Präsidenten bestimmen könnte, sorgt im WEIßES—HAUS jedenfalls für "düstere Stimmung",
20051026             Die Fakten - Die Personen
20051026             STAATSANWALT—FITZGERALD sieht die Schlüsselrolle bei Rove und Libby,
20051026             —DURING—1—MEETING, DICK—CHENEY explicitly states that this PIECE—OF—INTELLIGENCE is held by "1—FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY".
20051026             Einem Bericht der NEW—YORK—TIMES zufolge wurde er aber von CHENEY informiert.
20051026             Libby droht 1—ANKLAGE,
20051026             Es geht um die Frage, ob hochrangige Regierungsmitarbeiter —IM 20030000             —SOMMER  gegenüber 1—JOURNALISTEN die Identität der CIA—UNDERCOVER—AGENTIN Valerie Wilson preisgaben,
20051026             —INDICTED, Fitzgerald knows who MISTER—X is, they say + if he isn't, there's no way Rove or Libby should be.
20051026             Follow the links below for stories from our last 7—NEWS—DAYS 20051026             20051026             For SISMI Director Nicolò Pollari, the rules of his profession are unequivocal.
20051026             He tells La Repubblica: For —EARLIER stories visit our news archive.
20051026             For the 1. time, 1—MAJORITY—OF—AMERICANS believe THE—IRAQ—WAR was the "wrong thing to do",
20051026             For THE—PEOPLE—OF—AFGHANISTAN, fed up wit h USA atrocities and support for regional warlords,
20051026             FORMER—CIA analyst Melvyn Goodman
20051026             —FROM the 1. —DAY I was convinced that DICK—CHENEY was the center of this covert action to lead the country into war,
20051026             Frustrated Scowcroft Assails NEO—CONS, CHENEY: "
20051026             —ACCUSED—OF, Galloway, lying to USA—SENATE:
20051026             Galloway claims revenge is the motive: GEORGE—GALLOWAY has called THE—ALLEGATIONS—AGAINST—HIM a "revenge attack" from a "lickspittle RIGHT—WING SENATOR".
20051026             Galloway could be facing 1—LENGTHY—PRISON—SENTENCE in THE—USA—AFTER 1—SENATE—COMMITTEE last night claimed it had fresh evidence his political organisation and his wife had received nearly £340,000 in OIL—FOR—FOOD—ALLOCATIONS from SADDAM—HUSSEIN and then lied under oath about the deal.
20051026             Galloway rejects senate perjury claims:
20051026             Geheimnisverrat: BUSH fürchtet AN—KLAGE—GEGEN—SEINE Berater - Grand Jury in CIA—LEAK Case Adjourns:
20051026             Group: USA—TROOPS not leaving IRAQ soon: "
20051026             He is proposing that Congress legally authorize human rights abuses by Americans.
20051026             Here (courtesy of Nur AL—CUBICLE) - Here's the rest from La Repubblica:
20051026             I don't like what Miller represents in journalism.
20051026             I. LEWIS—LIBBY: Der Jurist ist Stabschef von VIZE—PRÄSIDENT—CHENEY und steht zusammen mit Rove im BRENN—PUNKT der CIA—AFFÄRE.
20051026             —SPEKULIERT, Es wird —ZURZEIT viel ",
20051026             Impeachment is 1—POLITICAL—PROCESS, not 1—LEGAL 1. Nixon and CLINTON faced Congresses controlled by the other party.
20051026             Improve security or we quit: SADDAM—LAWYERS:
20051026             Galloway Speak Truth To Power.: Video: Galloway v THE—USA—SENATE:
20051026             ISRAEL strives to import AMERICA—WAR—ON—TERROR:
20051026             The new Pentagon papers: Theory of Perpetual War:
20051026             In der Schusslinie sind Präsidentenberater KARL—ROVE und I. LEWIS—LIBBY, Stabschef von CHENEY.
20051026             In der neuen Studie fand das TEAM—VON—TYLER—SMITH bei 3,3—PROZENT—DER—UNTERSUCHTEN—MÄNNER große Übereinstimmungen in den DNA—SEQUENZEN des Y—CHROMOSOMS,
20051026             Indictments in CIA leak 'about to be handed down':
20051026             IRAQ voters approve USA—BACKED constitution:
20051026             —ACCUSED—OF, IRAQ—INTERIOR—MINISTRY, assassinating defence lawyer in Hussein trial:
20051026             It explains how Syria is being set up to fail so that THE—USA can isolate it and carry out 1—PROCESS—OF—REGIME—CHANGE at THE—EXPENSE—OF—IRAQ—STABILITY and THE—LIVES—OF—USA—SOLDIERS and IRAQ—CIVILIANS.
20051026             It is 1—KNOWN fact that on THE—EVE—OF—THE—WAR—ON—IRAQ and under the supervision of Palazzo Chigi Diplomacy Advisor GIANNI—CESTELLANETA (—TODAY ITALIEN—AMBASSADOR—TO—THE—USA),
20051026             ITALIEN—FACES PRE—WAR intelligence probe:
20051026             ITALIEN—INTELLIGENCE—CHIEF met with Deputy NATIONAL—SECURITY Adviser STEPHEN—HADLEY —JUST —1—MONTH—BEFORE THE—NIGER forgeries 1. surfaced.
20051026             JOHN—H—FOSTER, Jean L
20051026             JOSEPH—C—WILSON: Wilson war jahrelang DIPLOMAT—ARBEITETE an den USA—BOTSCHAFTEN in NIGER,
20051026             JUDITH—MILLER: Die Reporterin der NEW—YORK—TIMES hat vor 1—UNTERSUCHUNGSAUSSCHUSS eingeräumt,
20051026             Juice THE—ENEMY—OF—MY—ENEMY is My Friend... 19540000             (—4—MONTHS—AFTER—THE—FALL—OF—DIEN—BIEN—PHU),
20051026             KARL—ROVE: USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH nennt ihn den "Architekten".
20051026             Rove ist Bushs Großstratege, KEVIN—BAYHOUSE, IDAHO Indymedia Center.
20051026             JOSH—MARSHALL - La REPUBBLICA—SCOOP, Confirmed:
20051026             Land deal gets new scrutiny as BUSH resists requests on Miers' work:
20051026             Lawyer tells Amnesty meeting tale of 1—GUANTANAMO detainee:
20051026             —INVOLVED, Lawyers, in the case, who described the notes to THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, said they showed that Mr.
20051026             —ANNOUNCED, Lawyers representing SADDAM—HUSSEIN, —ON—WEDNESDAY that they would boycott the special tribunal trying the ousted IRAQ—PRESIDENT—UNTIL they are given better security.
20051026             Leak grand jury meets prosecutor: Legalized Torture, Reloaded:
20051026             MARK—BORKOWSKI on the worrying rise and rise of Karen Hughes, GEORGE W BUSH's 'ambassador for public diplomacy' and the woman behind the throne
20051026             —REPORTED, Miller, that Saddam could have built 1—ATOMIC—WEAPON with those aluminum tubes.
20051026             Nazi Connection...powerful: THE—DULLES brothers ( JOHN—FOSTER, —LATER SECRETARY—OF—STATE,
20051026             NIGER—GATE: How it began THE—NUR—AL—CUBICLE blog draws from the foreign media to present LESS—FAMILIAR—VIEWS on the current crisis.
20051026             The current offering
20051026             But at the beginning of 20020000             , PAUL—WOLFOWITZ convinces DICK—CHENEY that the uranium trail picked up by ITALIEN—INTELLIGENCE should be explored in closer detail.
20051026             —NOW that this goal seems close at hand, we feel unsatisfied.
20051026             Obviously, I held conversations solely with him".
20051026             —ON—TUESDAY night, news reports, supported by 1—SOURCE—CLOSE to the lawyers involved in the case,
20051026             —ON THE—BASIS—OF—THE—WORD—OF—1 convicted felon and swindler, CONDI—RICE wants 1—HIGH—LEVEL UN SECURITY—COUNCIL meeting to condemn Syria so THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION can bring about "regime change" in Syria.
20051026             —ON THE—SUBJECT—OF—INTELLIGENCE collected on the uranium purchase, Pollari gets the cold shoulder from CIA—STATION CHIEF—JEFF—CASTELLI.
20051026             1—FINGER—WORTH of Historical Events (PDF File)
20051026             Or did they work as part of the clandestine effort undertaken by the parallel INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY CREATED—BY—DICK—CHENEY and PAUL—WOLFOWITZ within THE—IRAQ—WAR—GROUP,
20051026             USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, bracing for the fallout —WHEN THE—USA—DEATH—TOLL in IRAQ reaches 2,000,
20051026             Perhaps DICK—CHENEY.
20051026             PETER—LEVENDA and the Magickal ROOTS—OF—NAZISM, INTERVIEW—BY—TRACY...
20051026             Potenter Herrscher: Asiat hat 1,5—MILLIONEN—NACHFAHREN
20051026             Prosecutor in leak case seeks INDICTMENTS—AGAINST—ROVE, Libby, lawyers close to case say:
20051026             Put up or shut up: Galloway challenges THE—USA—SENATE—COMMITTEE to charge him:
20051026             —WARNED, Queensland Premier PETER—BEATTIE has, his STATE—AND—TERRITORY—COUNTERPARTS—THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT'S proposed new COUNTER—TERRORISM—LAWS may be unconstitutional.
20051026             REPUBLICAN—JERROLD Nadler: Fitzgerald Must Broaden Investigation :
20051026             SADDAM—DEFENSE—TEAM wants to put BUSH on trial: "
20051026             Save Bigger Than ANY—NEW—CODE—OF—ETHICS and Rules of Audit
20051026             Save Commentary MAGAZINE—HENRY—LUCE & His Time He studied my face for SOME—TIME as if he were trying to read THE—LIMITS—OF—MY strength... remark to EMMET—JOHN—HUGHES:
20051026             Save Faulty Justifications and Ominous Prospects: NATO's "Victory" in... (PDF File) JEFFREY—RECORD—SAYS—OF—USA—TACTICS in VIETNAM:
20051026             Save History News Network East adage, "The enemy of my enemy is my
20051026             Save Nazis in the Attic...powerful: THE—DULLES brothers ( JOHN—FOSTER, —LATER SECRETARY—OF—STATE,
20051026             The diplomatic landscape that JOHN—FOSTER—DULLES
20051026             SECURITY—COUNCIL SPLIT Over Resolution on Syria:
20051026             SENATOR—CHARLES—E—SCHUMER aus NEW—YORK forderte BUSH —BEREITS auf zu versichern, ALLE—BEAMTEN,
20051026             Setting up Abbas:
20051026             Sie habe die REDAKTION über "das Ausmaß ihrer Verwicklung irregeführt", sagte —JETZT BILL—KELLER, Chefredakteur der NEW—YORK—TIMES.
20051026             So does JOHN—ROBERTS—OF—CBS:
20051026             Soldiers Lost in IRAQ Top Those Lost in 1. —4—YEARS in VIETNAM; :
20051026             —SUSPECTED, SOME—OF—USA, those who pay attention, have, for SOME—TIME the fraudulent NIGER yellowcake DOCUMENTS—SO crudely slapped together as to be LAUGHABLE—ARE tied to MICHAEL—LEDEEN,
20051026             Stepping up 1—CONFRONTATION with THE—SENATE over THE—HANDLING—OF—DETAINEES, THE—WHITE—HOUSE is insisting that THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY be exempted from 1 proposed BAN—ON—ABUSIVE treatment of suspected Qaeda militants and other terrorists.
20051026             Syria is being Set Up to Fail: 1—LEAKED—LETTER from WASHINGTON:
20051026             —JUSTIFIED, THE—MILITARY—INTERVENTION—IN—IRAQ was, by 2—REVELATIONS: SADDAM—HUSSEIN attempted to acquire unprocessed uranium (yellowcake) in NIGER (1) for enrichment with centrifuges built with aluminum tubes imported from EUROPE(2).
20051026             2—AND 1—HALF—YEARS—AND  202—BILLION—DOLLAR into the war in IRAQ, THE—USA has AT—LEAST—1—SIGNIFICANT—NEW asset to show for it:
20051026             Team BUSH was finalizing its campaign to discredit and undermine special prosecutor PATRICK—FITZGERALD—CONCLUSIONS, sources told the Daily News.
20051026             TED—RALL : Why BUSH Is Unimpeachable: : That's the baseline snapshot.
20051026             —FOLLOWED, The "war dance" which, JUDITH—MILLER—SCOOP seemed like "CAREFULLY—PREPARED theater" to 1—ATTENTIVE—MEDIA—WATCHER,
20051026             THE—FINANCE—TIMES makes 1—SIMILAR—PREDICTION.
20051026             —FULFILLED, THE—ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER has finally, the task with which he was charged —38—YEARS—AGO by Menachem Begin:
20051026             THE—ISRAEL—POLITICAL—SECURITY—ESTABLISHMENT is coming to the conclusion that the terror attacks on ;;0911;;
20051026             granted ISRAEL and advantage; at 1—TIME—WHEN ISRAEL was under increasing INTERNATIONAL pressure because of the ongoing conflict with the Palestinians.
20051026             —REJECTED, THE—MP—GEORGE—GALLOWAY angrily, fresh allegations last night from 1—USA—SENATE—INVESTIGATION that he lied under oath about SADDAM—HUSSEIN—MULTIMILLION—POUND—OIL—FOR—FOOD—PROGRAMME.
20051026             —WARNED, THE—PM, IRAN that life could become "1—LOT—MORE—DIFFICULT" if it carries on defying THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY.
20051026             THE—RESPECT—MP—GEORGE—GALLOWAY has thrown down 1—CHALLENGE to THE—USA—SENATE—HOMELAND—SECURITY—COMMITTEE to charge him with perjury and "I'll see you in court"..
20051026             The enemy of my enemy is...
20051026             The evidence, including the widespread DECLARATIONS—OF—FREE—FIRE—ZONES in.enemy.-controlled...
20051026             THE—FEDERAL—GRAND—JURY investigating the leak of 1—CIA—OFFICER'S—IDENTITY met —DURING—3—HOURS—WEDNESDAY with Special Counsel PATRICK—FITZGERALD and his deputies,
20051026             The grand jury probe into the leak of 1—COVERT—CIA—OFFICER'S—NAME has opened 1—NEW—WINDOW into how THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION used intelligence from dubious sources to make 1—CASE for 1—PRE—EMPTIVE war and discarded information that undercut its rationale for attacking IRAQ.
20051026             The new CHIEF—AT—THE—SISMI section in charge of WMD, COLONEL—ALBERTO—MANENTI (direct superior of ANTONIO—NUCERA),
20051026             The rationale was: The scheme is transparent.
20051026             They are the same 2—HOAXES that JUDITH—MILLER, the reporter who betrayed her newspaper,
20051026             But the precise date may prove revealing:
20051026             This was said to be PART—OF—THE—WAR—ON—TERROR, but IRAQ feeds terrorism," Scowcroft told the magazine,
20051026             Those close to the investigation say that Special Prosecutor PATRICK—FITZGERALD has been told that DAVID—WURMSER,
20051026             To read THE—REST—AND trust me: You GOTTA read this 1 - click on "".
20051026             USA—SENATE—SMEARS GEORGE—GALLOWAY—AGAIN!: GALLOWAY—WIFE 'received £100,000 from Iraqis':
20051026             Under SECRETARY—OF—STATE, JOHN—FOSTER—DULLES and his brother, ALLEN—DULLES
20051026             VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY is aggressively pursuing 1—INITIATIVE that may be unprecedented for 1 elected OFFICIAL—OF—THE—EXECUTIVE—BRANCH:
20051026             Wilsons Frau war —BIS zu ihrer Enttarnung 1—ELITE—OFFIZIERIN—DER—CIA, VICE—PRESIDENT—FOR—TORTURE:
20051026             Video report: Galloway claims revenge is the motive:
20051026             War that "the enemy of my enemy is my...
20051026             WASHINGTON—MIT einer Anklage müssen nach Informationen der NEW—YORK—TIMES insbesondere KARL—ROVE,
20051026             We shall contact INTERNATIONAL and Arab lawyer associations and will put forward the proof allowing for 1—TRIAL—OF—THE—CRIMINAL—BUSH at THE—SAME—TIME as the fake trial takes place in IRAQ," Saleh Armouti told 1—MEETING—OF—THE—AMMAN—BASED Saddam defense committee.
20051026             Western nations working on 1—RESOLUTION to pressure Syria to cooperate with A—UNITED—NATIONS—INVESTIGATION into THE—SLAYING—OF—FORMER—LEBANESE—PRIME—MINISTER—RAFIQ—HARIRI are encountering resistance from other SECURITY—COUNCIL members -- principally ALGERIA,
20051026             What REAGAN—STARTED, BUSH Is Finishing
20051026             What happens —WHEN you speak truth to power in AMERICA: GEORGE—GALLOWAY faces jail for fresh corruption claims:
20051026             Who is MISTER—X?
20051026             —ZUNÄCHST als Märtyerin für die Pressefreiheit gefeiert, gerät Miller zunehmend ins Zwielicht.
20051026             1—KEY—DEFENCE—LAWYER in the trial of SADDAM—HUSSEIN and 7—OTHERS that began on ;;10;;
20051026             19. - ACCORDING—TO—1—POLL published in THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL.
20051026             adjourning for the —DAY without announcing ANY—ACTION.
20051026             AL—HABASHI was flown to MOROCCO, where his torturers took 1—BLADE to his penis numerous times + then to the Americans in AFGHANISTAN,
20051026             also takes 1—VERY—HELPFUL—LOOK at the matter. and Allen, —LATER director of
20051026             as reported by Russ Hoyle (who has been analyzing THE—CONCLUSIONS—OF—THE—USA—CONGRESSIONAL—INVESTIGATION—COMMITTEE) that ITALIEN—INTELLIGENCE has SOME—NEATLY prepackaged information with 1—PRETTY bow.
20051026             because this is what this is about: the misuse and the secret USE—OF—INTELLIGENCE.
20051026             bombs and bases, Dulles. intimacy with their AMERICA
20051026             created at THE—PENTAGON by PAUL—WOLFOWITZ to collect intelligence which would support 1—WAR—ON—IRAQ.
20051026             delivers a copy to RICHARD—DEARLOVE—MI6 in LONDON.
20051026             den Einmarsch im IRAK bewusst mit falschen Informationen gerechtfertigt zu haben.
20051026             despite defense claims that the confession was obtained through torture.
20051026             dessen Enkel die EROBERUNG—VON—CHINA durch die Mandschu vorantrieb und 16440000             die QING—DYNASTIE gründete,
20051026             die angeklagt würden, umgehend zu entlassen und auf Kritik am Sonderermittler zu verzichten.
20051026             die die "2—HOCHRANGIGEN Regierungsvertreter" sein sollen, auf deren Indiskretionen sich Novak bei der Enttarnung der Agentin Wilson bezog.
20051026             die mit dem FALL—DER—ENTTARNUNG—DER—CIA—GEHEIMAGENTIN—VALERIE—PLAME befasst sind.
20051026             durch die Bekanntgabe ihres KLAR—UND Decknamens ist ihre Karriere als CIA—AGENTIN beendet.
20051026             effective membership, through our CONTROL—OF—IRAQ—ENERGY—POLICY, in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), THE—ARAB—DOMINATED oil cartel.
20051026             engster Weggefährte und Organisator, verantwortlich für dessen WAHLKÄMPFE—UND steht —SEIT geraumer Zeit im Verdacht,
20051026             ensure permanent ISRAEL—CONTROL—OVER—THE entire Land of ISRAEL—WHILE foreclosing the emergence of 1—VIABLE—PALESTINE—STATE.
20051026             erklärte Sprecher SCOTT—MCCLELLAN —GESTERN.
20051026             "Es gibt VIELE—FAKTEN, die wir nicht kennen.
20051026             gives both the gist and his analysis.
20051026             Laura Rozen - gives us 1—GOOD—TRANSLATION—OF—1. LA—REPUBBLICA piece on NIGER—GATE.
20051026             happened at THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES - has some of the most glaring poverty in the hemisphere.
20051026             ihr Spezialgebiet: Massenvernichtungswaffen.
20051026             Ihre Enttarnung ist eine kriminelle Handlung,
20051026             is 1—TRANSLATION—OF—2. PART—OF—THE—LA—REPUBBLICA investigation.
20051026             it is 20011510             .
20051026             —ON—THAT—DAY 3—EVENTS are woven together to produce 1—ASTOUNDING coincidence:
20051026             He was what SOME—PEOPLE would call the useful idiot,
20051026             könnten gezielt von Regierungsvertretern gestreut worden sein, um JOSEPH—C—WILSON zu diskreditieren.
20051026             lawyers close to the investigation tell RAW STORY.
20051026             mit ranghohen Mitgliedern der USA—REGIERUNG über DIE—CIA—AGENTIN Plame gesprochen zu haben.
20051026             möglicherweise wegen Falschaussage und Behinderung der Justiz, im schlimmsten Fall sogar wegen Geheimnisverrats.
20051026             ob NIGER Uran in den IRAK EXPORTIERTE—UND findet keine Beweise.
20051026             of THE—USA—JOHN... MEMBERS CAROL—CARTWRIGHT,
20051026             orchestrated by Ledeen and OLIVER—NORTH + the attempted "extraordinary rendition" of Abbas through ITALY--Nur] Ledeen is in ROME on 1—MISSION from THE—OFFICE—OF—SPECIAL—PLANS,
20051026             —POSTED—BY—JOSEPH : 7:40—PM 6—COMMENTS
20051026             published (together with MICHAEL—GORDON) on ;;09;; 8, 20020000             .
20051026             In 1—LENGTHY investigative piece for THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES,
20051026             reality or THE—KING—I am thinking —JUST—NOW -- perhaps in 1—STREAM—OF—CONSCIOUSNESS -- about the Philby affair.
20051026             recommended to CHRISTIAN—HERTER,
20051026             sagte TYLER—SMITH—DEM—ONLINE—NACHRICHTENDIENST des Magazins "Nature".
20051026             said —ON—TUESDAY THE—IRAQ—WAR will require more sacrifice and rejected critics calling for AUSA—PULLOUT.
20051026             said that target letters to those facing indictment were being issued, with sealed indictments to be filed —TODAY and released by THE—END—OF—THE—WEEK.
20051026             sowie I. LEWIS—LIBBY, enger MITARBEITER—VON—USA—VIZE—PRÄSIDENT—DICK—CHENEY, rechnen.
20051026             Das Blatt beruft sich dabei auf Anwälte,
20051026             stellvertretender Büroleiter und 1—DER—ENGSTEN—WEGGEFÄHRTEN—VON—USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH,
20051026             supporting enemy of my enemy ,
20051026             THE—PENTAGON—OFFICE—OF—SPECIAL—PLANS and THE—OFFICE—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISOR -- all determined to produce the evidence for "regime change" in BAGHDAD?
20051026             THE—PENTAGON), which is already on the drawing BOARD.
20051026             the administration would use the opportunity to link unrelated phenomena, most notably IRAQ (S.H. = SADDAM—HUSSEIN) and AL—QAEDA (U.B.L. = Usama OSAMA—BIN—LADEN),
20051026             the creation of 1—NETWORK involving government, intelligence and information sharing.
20051026             the neocon's neocon, who is connected to the neofascist ITALIEN—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, SISMI.
20051026             the partition of KOREA.
20051026             to their sworn enemy:
20051026             um Beweise für das Gerücht zu finden, Iraks damaliger Diktator SADDAM—HUSSEIN wolle sich in dem Land Uran für den ATOM—BOMBENBAU verschaffen.
20051026             um sich damit an ihrem Ehemann, dem ehemaligen USA—DIPLOMATEN JOE—WILSON, zu rächen.
20051026             Dieser hatte zuvor der USA—REGIERUNG in 1—ARTIKEL für die NEW—YORK—TIMES vorgeworfen,
20051026             under fire from moderate Arab regimes.
20051026             wants to put himself on the same page as the new SISMI director.
20051026             It is 1—KNOWN fact that BUSH shows THE—WEST—WING—ROSE—GARDEN to Berlusconi and THE—CIA acknowledges,
20051026             was auf einen gemeinsamen Vorfahren vor rund —500—JAHREN hinweist.
20051026             Dabei könnte ES—SICH um Giocangga handeln,
20051026             we see THE—TRUTH—OF—THE—REAGAN—REVOLUTION—THE—GRADUAL withering AWAY—OF—THE—WELFARE and regulatory state has not unleashed THE—USA—KAPITALISTIAL spirit.
20051026             —WHEN—JUST over 18000000             †).
20051026             This total is more than were lost in THE—LAST—2—YEARS—OF—COMBAT (19710000—19720000  , —WHEN—JUST over 16000000             †),"
20051026             who encounters THE—ITALIEN—REPORT—ON—THE uranium.
20051026             who had been previous declared persona non grata by ROME —DURING—1980S.
20051026             [Likely because of kidnapping of ABU—ABBAS,
20051026             who then ran THE—VALERIE—PLAME name in his column.
20051026             who then went forward with KARL—ROVE to give this name to AT—LEAST—5 or 6—JOURNALISTS +, of course,
20051026             whose reporting has been terrific, tells us that FITZGERALD—REAL—TARGET is CHENEY.
20051026             widerrechtlich über VALERIE—PLAME geplaudert und 2—JOURNALISTEN auf die Spur der Agentin gebracht zu haben.
20051026             wie es 1—FREUND—DES—PRÄSIDENTEN gegenüber der NEW—YORK—TIMES beschrieb.
20051026             "Did THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION deliberately mislead Congress about the war?
20051026             —ACCEPTED, THE—USA, 1—JAPAN—PROPOSAL for the relocation of 1—USA—AIR—STATION on Okinawa, resolving 1—DISPUTE that had blocked progress on military realignment talks and caused friction between THE—2—ALLIES.
20051026             FLORIDA, THE—DEATH—TOLL from HURRICANE—WILMA rose to 10. Officials estimated agriculture damage at  1—BILLION—DOLLAR.
20051026             EMIL—KYULEV, —49—JAHRE—ALT OWNER—OF—BULGARIA—LARGEST—INSURANCE and banking group, DZI—ROSEXIM, was shot dead in the street in SOFIA in the latest in 1—SERIES—OF—KILLINGS to jolt the country, which has been told to crack down on organized crime if it wants to join THE—EU.
20051026             —JOINED, FORMER—VICE—PRESIDENT—RONG—YIREN, —89—JAHRE—ALT, 1—TEXTILE magnate who, with CHINA—COMMUNISTS and helped launch Deng XIAOPING—ECONOMIC—REFORMS, earning the nickname "Red Capitalist," † in BEIJING.
20051026             1—GROUP—OF—WOMAN who have held 1—WEEKLY—MARCH THE—LAST—2—YEARS to protest THE—CUBA—GOVERNMENT—JAILING of their activist husbands were gratified to learn they will share THE—EU—TOP—HUMAN—RIGHTS prize, something they hope will draw attention to their cause.
20051026             † IN—ECUADOR—JOSE—CABRERA, a —71—YEAR—OLD—PROVINCIAL notary, in 1—LUXURY—HOTEL—ROOM and left behind 1—TEENAGE girlfriend, who —LATER said he'd been on cocaine and Viagra, and 1—CRUMBLING $800—MILLION—PYRAMID—SCHEME that soon blossomed into 1—NATIONWIDE scandal.
20051026             THE—EU said the dangerous H5N1—STRAIN—OF—BIRD—FLU has been found in CROATIA.
20051026             † Authorities said a 2. parrot that, in quarantine in BRITAIN was also infected with the virus.
20051026             1—COURT—IN—DUESSELDORF convicted 4—ARAB men of plotting to attack Jewish targets in GERMANY and found 3—OF—THEM—GUILTY—OF—BEING—MEMBERS—OF—1—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION.
20051026             —DECLARED, IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD, that ISRAEL was a "disgraceful blot" and should be "wiped off the map".
20051026             He also said 1—NEW—WAVE—OF—PALESTINE—ATTACKS will destroy the Jewish state.
20051026             —ANNOUNCED, IRAQ, 3—MOSTLY Sunni Arab political parties, that they have formed 1—COALITION to run in IRAQ—PARLIAMENTARY—ELECTION in December.
20051026             † In IRAQ 3—USA—SOLDIERS in separate attacks.
20051026             Toyota Motor Corp. said that its joint venture with CHINA—BIGGEST automaker plans to build a 3. plant in CHINA with annual production capacity of 200,000 passenger cars.
20051026             —CAPTURED, THE—PHILIPPINES—TROOPS, 7 suspected Muslim militants, including THE—LEADER—OF—1—GROUP—OF—ISLAMIC converts linked to the kidnappings of foreigners and 1 alleged plot to bomb.
20051026             —COLLAPSED, THE—PHILIPPINES, 1—TUNNEL in 1—GOLD—MINE on Mindanao, —AFTER 1—BLAST and CA—50—PEOPLE were feared dead.
20051026             —WARNED, RUSSIA—FINANCE—MINISTER—ALEXEI—KUDRIN, that 1—STRENGTHENING ruble and high inflation threatened to undermine THE—COMPETITIVENESS—OF—RUSSIA—ECONOMY as the nation seeks to join THE—WORLD—TRADE—ORGANIZATION.
20051026             —DETAINED, SERBIA—POLICE, 9—PEOPLE on suspicion of taking part in a 19990000             MASSACRE—OF—DOZENS—OF—ETHNIC—ALBANIANS in SOUTH—WEST—KOSOVO.
20051026             —RAIDED, Suspected Muslim insurgents, 60—TARGETS in SOUTH—THAILAND, stealing 90—WEAPONS and causing AT—LEAST—7—DEATHS.
20051026             THE—MORMON—CHURCH, citing DIFFICULTIES—WITH—THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ in renewing visas or obtaining new ones, said it is pulling its foreign missionaries out of VENEZUELA and reassigning them to other countries.
20051026             Question: Why on earth would SISMI want to goad THE—USA—INTO invading IRAQ?
20051026             Answer: They wouldn't. Someone else was using Pollari, Nucera and so forth.
20051026             I've never named THE—SISMI—COLONEL—WHOM—MARTINO said he (indirectly) got the... ALBERTO—MANENTI, the new man on the job, is placed in charge of WMD.
20051026   —REPERTOIRE M - COLONEL de l'armée vénitienne.
20051026             Il s'illustre à la bataille de Lodi en 15260000             .
20051026             MANENTI Charles: (vingtième siècle) Militant nationaliste.
20051026             Librairie PICARD at 203936: ASTOUIN, COLONEL.
20051026             Le Train des équipages dans les expéditions coloniales... 171218: ADANI GIUSEPPE, MANENTI VALLI FRANCA, GHIDINI ALBERTO.
20051026             What REAGAN—STARTED, BUSH Is FINISHING—BY —DAVID—MARTIN... been told that DAVID—WURMSER, then 1—MIDDLE... From the excellent Wikipedia entry:
20051026             Pus de pages de ce site TCS Daiy : Discussion FORUM—THE—IRAN—HOSTAGE—TAKERS in particuar reported being unsure of what Reagan woud do[2]...
20051026             THE—JIHADI... - L 3—COMMUNICATIONS—HOLDINGS—INC, 8-K,
20051026             I've never named THE—SISMI—COLONEL—WHOM—MARTINO said he (indirectly) got the... ANTONIO—NUCERA, 1—CARABINIERI (cop) like ROCCO—MARTINO, is the Deputy CHIEF...
20051026             Common Ground Common SENSE—THE—ELECTORAL—COMMISSION said it would release results from a 14. province on the.. including 1—BOMB that killed 1—POLICE—COLONEL + 4—CHILDREN.
20051026             Common Ground Common Sense > Who Forged THE—NIGER—DOCUMENTS?
20051026             IAN—MASTERS: You've been —FOLLOWING USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—COMMISSION—REPORT that came out —THIS—WEEK, featuring fairly much, in TERMS—OF—THE—PRESS—COVERAGE...
20051026—19120000    —BIS, vermuten die Wissenschaftler.
20051026—19120000    —BIS, Eine große Klasse von Adligen, abstammend von Giocangga, regierte das Land und genoss ein luxuriöses Leben mit Konkubinen und zahlreichen Ehefrauen.
20051026—19170000    —SINCE, THE—CHICAGO—WHITE—SOX beat THE—HOUSTON—ASTROS 1-0 to win their 1. World Series title.
20051026—19890000    —IN, there's growing talk of ejecting USA—TROOPS--just as THE—FORMER—USSR—MILITARY was kicked out —AFTER—1—DECADE—OF—OCCUPATION.
20051026—19890000    —IN, For THE—PEOPLE—OF—AFGHANISTAN, fed up wit h USA atrocities and support for regional warlords, there's growing talk of ejecting USA—TROOPS--just as THE—FORMER—USSR—MILITARY was kicked out —AFTER—1—DECADE—OF—OCCUPATION.
20051026—19910000    Als der GOLF—KRIEG losbricht, leitet er die Botschaft in Bagdad.
20051026—19990000    —IN, Land deal gets new scrutiny as BUSH resists requests on Miers' work: THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—SENATE—JUDICIARY—COMMITTEE—SAID—MONDAY that he wanted to probe 1—LAND—CONDEMNATION proceeding that awarded SUPREME—COURT—NOMINEE—HARRIET—MIERS—MORE—THAN—100.000—DOLLAR for 1—HALF—ACRE—OF—FAMILY—OWNED land in DALLAS.
20051026—20000000    —IN, Negotiations (between NIAMEY and BAGHDAD) on the purchase of uranium have been ongoing —SINCE the start of 19990000             ;
20051026—20000000    —IN, the sale [of uranium to BAGHDAD] was approved by THE—NIGER—SUPREME—COUNCIL.
20051026—20010911    —AFTER, Dialectics of the Plame Affair: THE—NEOCON—DOMINATED USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION opted for generalized SOUTH—WEST—ASIA—WAR.
20051026—20020200    —IM, kehrt Wilson noch einmal nach AFRIKA zurück, um im Auftrag von VIZE—PRÄSIDENT—DICK—CHENEY herauszufinden, ob NIGER Uran in den IRAK EXPORTIERTE—UND findet keine Beweise.
20051026—20020200    —IM, kehrt Wilson noch einmal nach AFRIKA zurück, um im Auftrag von VIZE—PRÄSIDENT—DICK—CHENEY herauszufinden,
20051026—20020908    —ON, They are the same 2—HOAXES that JUDITH—MILLER, the reporter who betrayed her newspaper, published (together with MICHAEL—GORDON).
20051026—20030000    —SINCE, : "The nearly 2,000—AMERICANS killed in combat (1,998
20051026—20030000    —SINCE, : "The nearly 2,000—AMERICANS killed in combat (1,998 20051024             —ON) in IRAQ are more than were lost in VIETNAM combat in the 1. —4—YEARS—OF—USA combat (19610000—19650000, —WHEN—JUST over 18000000             †).
20051026—20030000    —SINCE, : "The nearly 2,000—AMERICANS killed in combat (1,998 20051024             —ON) in IRAQ are more than were lost in VIETNAM combat in the 1. —4—YEARS—OF—USA combat (19610000—19650000, —WHEN—JUST over 18000000             †). This total is more than were lost in THE—LAST—2—YEARS—OF—COMBAT (19710000—19720000, —WHEN—JUST over 16000000             †),"
20051026—20030000    —SINCE, "The nearly 2,000—AMERICANS killed in combat (1,998 20052410             —ON) in IRAQ are more than were lost in VIETNAM combat in the 1. —4—YEARS—OF—USA combat (19610000—19650000    ,
20051026—20030600    —IN, met with CHENEY and his CHIEF—OF—STAFF I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby and told Libby that Plame set up the Wilson trip.
20051026—20030600    —PASSED, CHENEY aide, PLAME—NAME to Libby: Those close to the investigation say that Special Prosecutor PATRICK—FITZGERALD has been told that DAVID—WURMSER, then 1—MIDDLE—EAST—ADVISER to USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY on loan from THE—OFFICE—OF—THEN—UNDER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—FOR—ARMS—CONTROL and INTERNATIONAL—SECURITY Affairs JOHN—BOLTON, met with CHENEY and his CHIEF—OF—STAFF I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby and told Libby that Plame set up the Wilson trip.
20051026—20030600    über die Identität Plames.
20051026—20030600    Mit der Weitergabe GEHEIM—INFORMATIONEN an seinen Chefberater hat CHENEY völlig legal gehandelt.
20051026—20030612    —AM, Einem Bericht der "NEW—YORK—TIMES" zufolge informierte CHENEY seinen Berater LIBBY über die Identität Plames.
20051026—20030706    —AM, —WENIGE—WOCHEN—NACH—DEM Einmarsch der USA in den IRAK, wirft JOSEPH—C—WILSON—DER—USA—REGIERUNG in der "NEW—YORK—TIMES" unter der Überschrift "What I didn't find in AFRICA" vor, "unter Vorspiegelung falscher Tatsachen in den Krieg" gegen den IRAK gezogen zu sein.
20051026—20030706    —AM, —WENIGE—WOCHEN—NACH—DEM Einmarsch der USA in den IRAK, wirft JOSEPH—C—WILSON—DER—USA—REGIERUNG in der NEW—YORK—TIMES unter der Überschrift "What I didn't find in AFRICA" vor,
20051026—20030714    —AM, —8—TAGE—SPÄTER, wird seine Ehefrau VALERIE—PLAME, eine —BIS—DAHIN verdeckt arbeitende CIA—ANGESTELLTE, in 1—ZEITUNGSARTIKEL enttarnt.
20051026—20030714    —AM, Wilson findet keine Spuren und spricht von einer Inszenierung.
20051026—20030714    —8—TAGE—SPÄTER,
20051026—20030714    —ON, CHENEY Told Aide of C.I.A. Officer, Lawyers Report : Lawyers involved in the case, who described the notes to THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, said they showed that MISTER—CHENEY knew that MISS—WILSON worked at the C.I.A. MORE—THAN—1—MONTH—BEFORE her identity was made public and her undercover status was disclosed in 1 syndicated column by ROBERT—D—NOVAK.
20051026—20031407    —WORKED, CHENEY knew that MISS—WILSON, at THE—CIA—MORE—THAN—1—MONTH—BEFORE her identity was made public and her undercover status was disclosed in 1 syndicated column by ROBERT—D—NOVAK.
20051026—20040000    —IN, Stafford Smith said.
20051026—20040000    —IN, AL—HABASHI was flown to GUANTANAMO.
20051026—20050911    —ON, ISRAEL strives to import AMERICA—WAR—ON—TERROR : THE—ISRAEL—POLITICAL—SECURITY—ESTABLISHMENT is coming to the conclusion that the terror attacks granted ISRAEL and advantage;
20051026—20050927    —ON, On —THAT—DAY 3—EVENTS are woven together to produce 1—ASTOUNDING coincidence: Nicolò Pollari is appointed to HEAD—SISMI by THE—ITALIEN—GOVERNMENT, —AFTER serving as Number 2 at CESIS (1—COORDINATING INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY at Palazzo Chigi).
20051026—20050927    —APPOINTED, Nicolò Pollari is, to HEAD—SISMI by THE—ITALIEN—GOVERNMENT, —AFTER serving as Number 2 at CESIS (1—COORDINATING INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY at Palazzo Chigi).
20051026—20051015    —FROM—THE, IRAQ voters approve USA—BACKED constitution : IRAQ—ELECTORAL—COMMISSION, revealing final results referendum, said 79—PERCENT—OF—VOTERS backed the constitution against 21—PROZENT opposed in 1—POLL—SPLIT largely along IRAQ—SECTARIAN and ethnic lines.
20051026—20051019    —ACCUSED—OF, IRAQ—INTERIOR—MINISTRY, assassinating defence lawyer in Hussein trial : The interior MINISTRY—OF—THE—PRO—USA—GOVERNMENT in IRAQ is being directly ACCUSED—OF—CARRYING out THE—MURDER—OF—SADOUN—ANTAR—NUDSAIF—AL—JANABI, 1—KEY—DEFENCE—LAWYER in the trial of SADDAM—HUSSEIN and 7—OTHERS that began.
20051026—20051027    Intense FIGHTING—BETWEEN rebels and paramilitary groups for control of the cocaine trade in THE—JUNGLES—OF—WEST—COLOMBIA left AT—LEAST—20 outlawed fighters dead.
20051026—20051510    —FROM—THE, IRAQ—ELECTORAL—COMMISSION, revealing final results referendum, said 79—PERCENT—OF—VOTERS backed the constitution against 21—PROZENT opposed in 1—POLL—SPLIT largely along IRAQ—SECTARIAN and ethnic lines.
20051026—20070000    —RELEASED, Kaloyev was.
20051031             —BEFORE THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, 20051026—20051031    —BEFORE THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, 20051026—20051109    —EXPOSED, But Katrina, with the devastation it left behind, AT—LEAST—2—FUNDAMENTAL—ARTICLES—OF—TRUTH CA—1—BRAGGART superpower that is inexorably sliding toward institutionalized fascism: 20051026             , 20050000             THE—SPLENDID—FAILURE—OF—OCCUPATION—PART 36: GEORGE—BUSH occupies IRAQ—BY B. J. Sabri
20051031             —BEFORE THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, 20051026—20051031    —WARNED, We have been.
20051031             —BEFORE THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, 20051026
20051109             —EXPOSED, But Katrina, with the devastation it left behind, AT—LEAST—2—FUNDAMENTAL—ARTICLES—OF—TRUTH CA—1—BRAGGART superpower that is inexorably sliding toward institutionalized fascism: 20051026             , 20050000             THE—SPLENDID—FAILURE—OF—OCCUPATION—PART 36: GEORGE—BUSH occupies IRAQ—BY B. J. Sabri
20051207             You can find that profile at —POSTED—BY: Antifa at 20041026             20060405             Ankündigung von Goodmail Certified Email 20051026             mehr Infos: Stop AOL—E—MAIL tax:
20051207             You can find that profile at —POSTED—BY: Antifa at 20041026             20051207             You can find that profile at —POSTED—BY: Antifa at 20041026             20151207—20151026    —INTERESTED, Anyone, in this should read THE—STATEMENTS by KEIR—GILES—OF—CHATHAM—HOUSE (THE—ROYAL—INSTITUTE—OF—INTERNATIONAL—AFFAIRS),
20051207             You can find that profile at —POSTED—BY: Antifa at 20041026             20051207             You can find that profile at —POSTED—BY: Antifa at
20051207             You can find that profile at —POSTED—BY: Antifa at 20041026             20051207             or put the infiltrations of obscure or controversial new age gurus on hold, including population eugenic VIRGINIA Deane Abernethy, VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—ORIGINAL
20060405             Ankündigung von Goodmail Certified Email 20051026             mehr Infos: Stop AOL—E—MAIL tax:
20060405             Ankündigung von Goodmail Certified Email 20051026—20060405    —CALLED, For reference check 1—ARTICLE
20060405             Ankündigung von Goodmail Certified Email 20051026             20060405             Ankündigung von Goodmail Certified Email 20051026.
20060405             Ankündigung von Goodmail Certified Email 20051026             20060904             Den neuen Pass brauchen Reisende, sofern sie keinen Maschinenlesbaren Pass 03—BESITZEN —NACH—DEM 20061026             für aufenthalte in USA....
20060904             Den neuen Pass brauchen Reisende, sofern sie keinen Maschinenlesbaren Pass 03—BESITZEN —NACH—DEM 20061026             für aufenthalte in USA....
20060907             —SATURDAY, 20021026             Meeting Notes The policy of selective assassination is used as 1—FORM—OF—LOW—INTENSITY—WARFARE.
20061016             " — TONY—SNOW, on why he likes being WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY, 20061015             20061016             " — TONY—SNOW, on why he likes being WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY, 20061015             20061026             20061016             "—WHEN you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains--however improbable--must be the truth".
20061016             " — TONY—SNOW, on why he likes being WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY, 20061015             20061026             20061016             " — TONY—SNOW, on why he likes being WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY, 20061015             20061016             " — TONY—SNOW, on why he likes being WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY, 20061015             20061026             20061016             "—WHEN you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains--however improbable--must be the truth".
20061026             Untitled Document 20060702             / by ANTHONY—MANDUCA.
20061026             Youths torch 2—BUSES—NEAR—PARIS Masked youths - Web 2.0—WIZARDS, Masked youths
20061026             Much of the faulty logic and circumstancial evidence that justifies 20010911             —THE conspiracies are REPEATS—OF—THE—THEORIES that abounded in TIMOTHY—MCVEIGH—OKLAHOMA—CITY bombing.
20061026             The vote on THE—CIA—INTERROGATION—BILL -- where, again, over 80—PERCENT—OF—THE—DEMOCRATS in the House and Senate voted against 1—PROGRAM—OF—THE—CIA interrogating HIGH—VALUE—TARGETS—LIKE—KHALID Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of 20010911             —THE.
20061026             Senior Military, Intelligence + GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS Question 20010911             Commission Report
20061026             "It's 1—NO—BRAINER for me, the mastermind of 20010911             —THE.
20061026             Much of the faulty logic and circumstancial evidence that justifies 20010911             —THE...
20061026             MANDUCA—USA Embassy MALTA INTERVIEW—BY—ANTHONY—MANDUCA originally appeared in THE—TIMES—OF—MALTA, 20050927             .
20061026             Writings, Speeches & INTERVIEWS—USA Embassy MALTA 1—ABUNDANCE—OF—OPPORTUNITY, INTERVIEW—BY—AMBASSADOR—BORDONARO by ANTHONY—MANDUCA (Originally appeared in the The Times of MALTA, 20050927             )...
20061026             ARMENIA—DIASPORA Times of MALTA, MALTA 20051009             TURKEY—HISTORIC—PATH towards EU membership by ANTHONY—MANDUCA—THE—EUROPEAN—UNION has finally opened membership t......
20061026             Alternattiva : Messages : 2501—2530—OF 4990—EXPECTING to make significant gains ANTHONY—MANDUCA www.independent. 20021013             ANTHONY—MANDUCA interviews HARRY—VASSALLO, CHAIRMAN—OF—ALTERNATTIVA.
20061026             THE—ALEX—JONES—REPORT 20061025             20061026             THE—ALEX—JONES—REPORT 20061025             20061026             THE—ALEX—JONES—REPORT 20061025             20061026             "ABC News reports.
20061026             THE—ALEX—JONES—REPORT 20061025             20061026             Olbermann: THE—NEW—EDWARD—MURROW?
20061026             - 1—MATCH13. - THE—ALEX—JONES—REPORT 20061025             20061026             "ABC News reports.
20061026             Sun 20030112             , THE—MALTA—INDEPENDENT.
20061026             EUROPE. by ANTHONY—MANDUCA.
20061026             referendum and to refrain from ordering 1—BOYCOTT—OF—THE—REFERENDUM—ON—EU membership.
20061026             Sun 20030112             ,
20061026             —UPDATED, Information about this person was last, —ON—WEDNESDAY, 20060503             .
20061026             ANTHONY—MANDUCA—THE.
20061026             Youths torch 2—BUSES—NEAR—PARIS Masked youths 20060902             —BUSES ablaze in PARIS suburbs, —1—YEAR—AFTER 1—WAVE—OF rioting swept FRANCE—CITIES.
20061026             ?section=opinion&date=20061015             20061111—20061015    —SINCE, Among THE—22—SUSPECTS arrested were 18—ROMANIANS, 3—ITALIANS and THE—1—MAN from MALI.
20061026             Overall, the administration's efforts receive 2—B'S, 4—C'S, 2—DE—S + 1—D-/F.
20061026             Microsoft: Gewinn und Umsatz hoch, aber Ausblick enttäuschend
20061026             —UNRUHEN in FRANKREICH: Polizei verstärkt Präsenz in Bussen
20061026             Hacker Skewers Airport Security Convinced that current measures won't stop terrorists from blowing up jumbo jets, 1—GRADUATE student tests THE—LIMITS—OF—TRANSPORTATION—SECURITY—ADMINISTRATION—RULES.
20061026             In 27B Stroke 6. 20061026             Geek the vote Blog: My voters' information "pamphlet" arrived at my house 1—FEW days ago.
20061026             I dropped it + it nearly broke my foot. THERE—1—TON.
20061026             UN initiates arms trade treaty A UN committee votes to begin work on a new treaty to regulate THE—INTERNATIONAL arms trade.
20061026             FBI probing 'nuclear info leak' THE—FBI investigates reports that information from 1—USA—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS lab was found in 1—POLICE—RAID on 1—TRAILER park.
20061026             NICARAGUA votes to ban abortions NICARAGUA—NATIONAL—ASSEMBLY approves bill banning abortions even in cases where the mother's life is at risk.
20061026             REPRESENTATIVE—JIM—KOLBE was a "problem" with pages,- JUDD—ACCORDING—TO—A source close to FORMER—HOUSE Clerk JEFF—TRANDAHL, ABC News reports.
20061026             Another EXCELLENT—NICO - new stem cell ad.
20061026             Neuer Job für alten SPION—SFUX STEPHAN—FUCHS -
20061026             Allerdings nicht für ?her majesties SECRET—SERVICE?
20061026             MI6, sondern für die britische recherche Firma QinetiQ.
20061026             Das Q steht für die Fabelfigur des Quartiermeisters aus JAMES—BOND, Major GEOFFREY—BOOTHROYD.
20061026             Als Fabelfigur und quasi Qaurtiermeister hat Tenet —NUN bei der Firma einen Job als NON—EXECUTIVE director.
20061026             'Most Wanted TERROR—ISTS' confirmed dead
20061026             Ghost Plane: THE—TRUE—STORY—OF—THE—CIA—TORTURE—PROGRAM
20061026             AMY GOODMAN: Joining us right —NOW in our firehouse studio is THE—UK—JOURNALIST who helped expose THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—SECRET—CIA—RENDITION—FLIGHTS.
20061026             —PUBLISHED, STEPHEN—GREY has —JUST, 1—NEW—BOOK.
20061026             It?s called Ghost Plane: THE—TRUE—STORY—OF—THE—CIA—TORTURE—PROGRAM.
20061026             The book covers THE—CASE—OF—MAHER—ARAR, as.
20061026             NEW—YORK Bar May Crack Down on Blogging Lawyers
20061026             "—WHILE you might not guess it from watching —LATE—NIGHT TV, advertisements by lawyers are regulated by 1—WEB—OF—REGULATIONS intended to protect potential clients from deceptive claims in such ads. Generally, these rules require lawyers to submit their ads to 1—REVIEW—BOARD, often with 1—FILING fee paid with EACH—NEW—ADVERTISEMENT. THE—NEW—YORK bar has proposed new rules which would define blogging as advertising. Should these rules be enacted, ANY—NEW—YORK lawyer who blogs on ANY—LEGAL—TOPIC in NEW—YORK would be required to submit ANY—NEW blog post to THE—NEW—YORK Bar for review. For NEW—YORK lawyers who write frequently updated blogs, this could force them to make multiple (and potentially expensive) reports to THE—NEW—YORK Bar EVERY—SINGLE—DAY".
20061026             New Campaign TACTIC—GOOGLE Bombing
20061026             "My Direct Democracy, 1—LIBERAL—GROUP blog, is trying out 1—NEW—CAMPAIGN—TACTIC — GOOGLE bombing. From THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—ARTICLE: 'Searching GOOGLE for PETER—KING, the Republican congressman from Long ISLAND, would bring up 1—LINK to 1—NEWSDAY article headlined KING—ENDORSES—ETHNIC—PROFILING.' GOOGLE—POLICY has typically been to not intervene and let the algorithms work by themselves, but could this change if GOOGLE—BOMBING becomes 1—COMMON—TACTIC?"
20061026             How to Hack the Vote and Steal the Election
20061026             "MANY—PEOPLE have asked for it so that THE—GOVERNMENT will have to DEAL—WITH—IT. So here it is: 1—GUIDE to stealing 1—ELECTION that uses electronic voting machines WRITTEN—BY—JON—STOKES over at Arstechnica.  "In all this time, I've yet to find 1—GOOD—WAY to convey to THE—NON—TECHNICAL—PUBLIC how well and truly screwed up we presently are, —6—YEARS—AFTER THE—FLORIDA recount.
20061026             So —NOW it's time to hit the panic button: In this article, I'm going to show you how to steal 1—ELECTION"".
20061026             Nasa to Determine HUBBLE—FATE
20061026             "ACCORDING—TO—THE—BBC—NASA is debating whether or not to send astronauts in to space to service the Hubble telescope. Without intervention it is thought to be good for another 24-36months. Given THE—QUALITY—OF—IMAGES and data it has produced —SINCE it's launch, it sounds like 1—NO brainer to me but the people who hold the purse strings are rarely predictable —WHEN it comes to spending money".
20061026             GOOGLE Under Fire Over Racist Blogs
20061026             "GOOGLE is being ACCUSED—OF—REFUSING to remove racist blogs targeting minority groups in AUSTRALIA.
20061026             GOOGLE, whose corporate motto is "don't be evil", says it will take the blogs in question offline only if ordered to do so by 1—COURT".
20061026             Detailed Panorama of Mars Released
20061026             "NASA has —JUST released 1 detailed panorama of Mars taken by the Spirit rover.
20061026             —DURING—THE short Martian —WINTER the rover didn't get enough sunlight to move, so it took these pictures instead.
20061026             Spirit took over 14000000             pictures, for 1—TOTAL—OF—500—MEGS—OF—DATA.
20061026             If you look to THE—LEFT—OF—THE—PICTURE, you'll see the tracks from the rover's trip".
20061026             MATT—LAUER on MICHAEL—J—FOX: - Amanda - "Didn't Rush Limbaugh —JUST say what 1—LOT—OF—PEOPLE were privately thinking?"
20061026             Speaker Hastert Lies About Leader Pelosi
20061026             released 1—STATEMENT attacking House Minority Leader NANCY—PELOSI (REPUBLICAN—CA) over immigration:
20061026             Democrat Leader PELOSI—PLAN is to leave our borders open, grant blanket amnesty and provide Social Security benefits to illegal immigrants.
20061026             Is THAT their plan? Democrat Leader NANCY—PELOSI has NEVER visited the border.
20061026             She claims to understand the needs of those on the front lines but has never visited those agents and offers no solutions.
20061026             1., Hastert is fabricating PELOSI—POSITION on immigration.
20061026             —BACKED, Pelosi has consistently
20061026             extensive new border security measures and comprehensive immigration reform.
20061026             2., HASTERT—CLAIM that Pelosi has never visited the border or met with border agents is false.
20061026             statement discussing PELOSI—TRIP to EL—PASO, TEXAS, in March:
20061026             House Democratic Leader Pelosi not only understands THE—IMPORTANCE—OF—BORDER—SECURITY, she understands the dynamics and IMPORTANCE—OF—TRADE and commerce to our border region and our country.
20061026             How do I know? I have been at the border with her.
20061026             She has taken the time not only to visit but to listen.
20061026             HERE—1—PHOTO—OF—PELOSI in EL—PASO:
20061026             RUMSFELD To IRAQ Critics: 'This Is Complicated Stuff...So You —JUST Ought To Back Off,' 'Relax'
20061026             At his news conference —YESTERDAY, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH repeatedly mentioned "benchmarks" for progress in IRAQ, using the word 13—TIMES.
20061026             "But he did not discuss THE—CONSEQUENCES—OF—THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT missing those targets. Such 1—QUESTION, he said, was 'hypothetical.'"
20061026             benchmarks.
20061026             —RESPONDED, RUMSFELD 1., that "it is not complicated," but —JUST seconds —LATER said, "This is complicated stuff. It's difficult. We're looking out into the future. No 1 can predict the future with absolute certainty".
20061026             QUESTION: Sir, what I don't understand about the benchmark plan — if we can call it that — is what happens if and —WHEN THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT fails to meet the timelines, projections, whatever you want to call them, for SOME—OF—THE—MAJOR benchmarks?
20061026             But I don't understand.
20061026             There must be consequences or responses built into this plan.
20061026             Can you address that at all?
20061026             RUMSFELD : Well, it's 1—POLITICAL—SEASON.
20061026             And everyone's trying to make 1—LITTLE mischief out of this + make — turn it into 1—POLITICAL—FOOTBALL + see if we can't get it on the front PAGE—OF—EVERY—NEWSPAPER and find 1—LITTLE daylight between what the Iraqis say or someone in THE—USA—SAYS or somebody else in THE—USA—SAYS.
20061026             —COMPLICATED, And it is not.
20061026             I've explained it 2 or 3—TIMES.
20061026             THE—PRESIDENT did 1—EXCELLENT—JOB—OF explaining it —YESTERDAY.
20061026             And the situation is this.
20061026             It is that THE—USA, in the persons of our ambassador and the Embassy and GENERAL—CASEY and his team, have been, over 1—PERIOD—OF—TIME, in continuous discussions with THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT at various levels.
20061026             And they've been discussing the way forward through THE—REST—OF—THIS—YEAR and —NEXT—YEAR.
20061026             That's 1—PERFECTLY logical thing for them to do.
20061026             —NOW, you're looking for SOME—SORT—OF—1—GUILLOTINE to come falling down if SOME—DATE isn't met.
20061026             That is not what this is about.
20061026             —COMPLICATED, This is, stuff.
20061026             It's difficult. We're looking out into the future.
20061026             So you ought to —JUST back off, take 1—LOOK at it, relax, understand that it's complicated, it's difficult.
20061026             Honorable people are working on these things together.
20061026             There isn't ANY—DAYLIGHT between them.
20061026             They'll be discussing this and discussing that.
20061026             They may have 1—CHANGE there, 1—CHANGE here.
20061026             —WORKED, But it'll get, out.
20061026             Vote For THE—NEXT—PROGRESSIVE—TALK—RADIO—STAR
20061026             —JOINED, THE—CENTER for USA—PROGRESS—ACTION Fund has, forces with Clear Channel Radio, Jones Radio Networks and Media Syndication Services to launch 1—SEARCH for the next great progressive talk show host.
20061026             Over THE—NEXT—3—WEEKS, 1—AT—LARGE winner from the website
20061026             TalkProgress_com, along with local winners from participating Clear Channel Progressive Talk stations across the country, will be narrowed to 2—FINALISTS who will travel to WASHINGTON—DC for the live finals at the Center for USA—PROGRESS—ACTION Fund.
20061026             Right —NOW, voting is open in the online AT—LARGE contest AT—TALKPROGRESS_com.
20061026             You can vote to send 1—OF—THE—10—ONLINE finalists to the nationals.
20061026             Progressive Talk is 1—STRONG and growing radio format.
20061026             Great hosts like AL—FRANKEN, ED—SCHULTZ, BILL—PRESS and STEPHANIE—MILLER have pioneered the format and —NOW this contest is looking for the next great host.
20061026             — THEO—LECOMPTE - 54—PROZENT.
20061026             Proportion of Americans who want USA—TROOPS to redeploy out of IRAQ WITHIN—1—YEAR, ACCORDING—TO—1—NEW—GALLUP—POLL.
20061026             "Slightly more (21%—VERSUS—19%) say the insurgents, not our forces, are winning, with 58% declaring neither".
20061026             'THE—FOX effect.'
20061026             1—NEW—STUDY—OF—MICHAEL—J—FOX—STEM cell ad shows "support for stem cell research increased from 78% —PRIOR—TO viewing the ad, to 83% —AFTER viewing the ad. Support among Democrats increased from 89% to 93%, support among Republicans increased from 66% to 68% and support among Independents increased from 80% to 87% —AFTER viewing the ad".
20061026             OHIO GOP Smears AL—FRANKEN—IN—PRESS—RELEASE—WITH—DOCTORED—PHOTO, Fabricated Quote
20061026             here ) attacking REPRESENTATIVE—SHERROD—BROWN (D) for enlisting the support of COMEDIAN—AL—FRANKEN:
20061026             It is not surprising that Sherrod Brown is enlisting THE—HELP—OF—1—HOLLYWOOD liberal, who like him, is so far out of the mainstream of OHIO values.
20061026             What is troubling is that Brown would solicit support from someone [Franken] who compared conservatives to Nazis "who should drink poison and die".
20061026             The quote used in the news release is taken from BERNARD—GOLDBERG book, 110—PEOPLE Who Are Screwing Up AMERICA, in 1 alleged interview between Goldberg and Franken.
20061026             But in his book, Goldberg makes it clear that THE—EXCHANGE is completely fictional.
20061026             —REPRESENTED, THE—OHIO—REPUBLICAN—PARTY, it as fact.
20061026             —ACCOMPANIED, The news release was, by
20061026             this photograph, showing Franken dressed up like 1—BABY bunny, wearing adult diapers and clutching 1—FLUFFY white teddy bear.
20061026             Snow: With Black Candidates, 'There Is Always 1—ATTEMPT...To Attribute Something To THE—RACE—CARD'
20061026             very serious appeal to 1—RACIST sentiment. As
20061026             —NOTED, Nitpicker, WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW was asked —ON—TUESDAY if he thought the ad was racist.
20061026             —CLAIMED, Snow said no, then :
20061026             I mean, maybe I'm —JUST quaint in THIS—DAY and age.
20061026             But no, I think there is always 1—ATTEMPT—WHEN you have got 1—AFRICA—USA—CANDIDATE to try to attribute something to the race card.
20061026             The ad is still being shown.
20061026             —REPORTED, THE—TENNESSEAN, —YESTERDAY that the ad "will continue airing in THE—CHATTANOOGA area, despite THE—HEAD—OF—THE—REPUBLICAN—NATIONAL—COMMITTEE—STATEMENT—TODAY that the ad was off the air".
20061026             UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Harold, call me.
20061026             (END VIDEO CLIP) - MATTHEWS: Harold, call me.
20061026             THERE—1—CUTE—I would say sexy, most people would say THAT—WHITE—WOMAN, NAKED—NAKED—ON the screen setting up 1—DATE with HAROLD—FORD who is 1—AFRICA—AMERICAN.
20061026             USA—SOCIETY—YOU, went to school in NORTH—CAROLINA. So did I for —1—YEAR.
20061026             Do you think in ANY—PART—OF—THE—COUNTRY that is not playing on racial sensitivities?
20061026             SNOW: I don't think so.
20061026             But no, I don't. - BUSH 's 'Fence Bill' Doesn't Actually Create Fence - BUSH told reporters, "The bill
20061026             But that doesn't mean the bill pays for it.
20061026             No sooner did Congress authorize construction of a 700-mile fence on THE—USA—MEXICO border —LAST—WEEK than lawmakers rushed to approve separate legislation that ensures it will never be built, at least not as advertised, ACCORDING—TO—REPUBLICAN lawmakers and immigration experts.
20061026             [S]hortly —BEFORE recessing —LATE—FRIDAY, the House and Senate gave THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION leeway to distribute the money to 1—COMBINATION—OF—PROJECTS — not —JUST the physical barrier along the southern border.
20061026             The funds may also be spent on roads, technology and "tactical infrastructure" to support THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY'S preferred option of a "virtual fence".
20061026             The "Secure Fence Act" has everything to do with motivating THE—RIGHT—WING base + nothing to do with securing AMERICA—BORDERS or passing comprehensive immigration reform.
20061026             RUMSFELD Agrees TERROR—ISTS Are Saying 'We've Got 1—ELECTION in —2—WEEKS in AMERICA...We Want to Change Horses Over There'
20061026             In 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—NORTH—DAKOTA radio host SCOTT—HENNEN, SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—RUMSFELD said that "it would be logical" that terrorist groups are ramping up violence in IRAQ and elsewhere to give liberals 1—BOOST—IN—NOVEMBER—ELECTION.
20061026             —DESCRIBED, HERE—HOW Hennen, the situation:
20061026             Here they are, getting up EVERY—DAY saying, " We've got 1—ELECTION in —2—WEEKS in AMERICA, gang + we want to change horses over there because we don't like the folks we're having to DEAL—WITH—NOW; they're 1—LITTLE—TOUGH on us. So let's get out there and let's make SOME—NOISE. "
20061026             —AGREED, RUMSFELD, telling Hennen, "Probably not. It's hard. No 1—LIKES to think they're being manipulated. They believe that they can make their own judgments and the like".
20061026             RUMSFELD—CLAIMS are baseless.
20061026             —ADMITTED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, THIS—WEEKED that there isn't "ANY—INTELLIGENCE"that suggests terrorists are trying to influence USA—ELECTIONS.
20061026             —CONFIRMED, In 1—RADIO—INTERVIEW—TUESDAY, VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY, that detainees were subjected to WATER—BOARDING, the 1. such admission by 1—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIAL.
20061026             It's 1—NO—BRAINER for me," CHENEY said.
20061026             $10.49—BILLION: EXXON—3.—QUARTER profit, "its - 2. highest
20061026             —FILED, THE—CITIZENS for Responsibility and Ethics in WASHINGTON, 1—COMPLAINT asking THE—IRS to investigate KANSAS ATTORNEY—GENERAL—PHILL—KLINE'S (R) efforts to politicize THE—USE—OF—CHURCHES for his reelection effort.
20061026             CREW—MELANIE—SLOAN notes that THE—IRS has not been EVEN—HANDED in its enforcement, often targeting liberal organizations but taking few ACTIONS—AGAINST—CONSERVATIVES.
20061026             At 1—PUBLIC signing ceremony —TODAY, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH will sign 1—BILL authorizing 700—MILES—OF—NEW fencing along THE—USA—MEXICO border.
20061026             "The decision to have 1—PUBLIC—CEREMONY is 1—REVERSAL for THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, which had appeared reluctant to tie itself so publicly to THE—ENFORCEMENT—ONLY—MEASURE".
20061026             —OFFERED, ACCORDING—TO—A - secret intelligence report, THE—CIA, to let GERMANY have ACCESS—TO—1—OF—ITS detained citizens in return for BERLIN—ASSISTANCE in silencing EU protests about the clandestine torture flights program.
20061026             The classified documents make clear that THE—USA—SOUGHT MOROCCO—PARTICIPATION in the rendition program.
20061026             BAGHDAD—VIOLENT, Washash neighborhood, which is predominantly Shiite with pockets of Sunni residents, USA—TROOPS—SUSPECT "that Shi'ite cleric
20061026             Muqtada AL—SADR—MAHDI—ARMY
20061026             are conducting what amounts to 1—ETHNIC cleansing campaign ".
20061026             UNITED—NATIONS agencies report that " THOUSANDS—OF—IRAQ—WOMEN are being taken advantage of by unscrupulous sex worker
20061026             traffickers seeking to exploit
20061026             young girls' desperate SOCIO—ECONOMIC—SITUATION for profit".
20061026             "—1—MONTH—AFTER NATO—FORCES claimed 1—MAJOR—VICTORY in fierce fighting in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, large numbers of TALIBAN forces returned to the region —TUESDAY and battled NATO—FORCES".
20061026             —REGROUPED, THE—TALIBAN has ", helped by 1—BOOMING illegal opium trade and growing frustration at the slow PACE—OF—RECONSTRUCTION and 1—LACK—OF—JOBS or 1—REAL—ECONOMY".
20061026             Another RACIALLY—TINGED ad targeting HAROLD—FORD? - NICO—GREG—SARGENT has the details.
20061026             Frist: Ignore THE—IRAQ—WAR.
20061026             Senate Majority Leader BILL—FRIST (REPUBLICAN—TN) said —TODAY that if conservatives want to be reelected, "they should turn their focus away from THE—IRAQ—WAR".
20061026             Frist told THE—CONCORD—MONITOR, "The challenge is to get Americans to focus on pocketbook issues +
20061026             not on THE—IRAQ and terror issue.
20061026             Limbaugh on MICHAEL—J—FOX: 'I—TAKE—BACK—NONE—OF—WHAT I—SAID'
20061026             Rush Limbaugh is sticking to his claim that MICHAEL—J—FOX is
20061026             exaggerating THE—SYMPTOMS—OF—PARKINSON—DISEASE — by "acting" or "not taking his medications" — in 1—ADVERTISEMENT promoting stem cell research.
20061026             —REPORTED, The media falsely, that he " - apologized " to Fox.
20061026             —ON his radio show —TODAY, Limbaugh said he regrets nothing.
20061026             I stand by what I said. I take back NONE—OF—WHAT I said.
20061026             I wouldn't rephrase it ANY—DIFFERENTLY.
20061026             It is what I believe; it is what I think.
20061026             It is what I have found to be true.
20061026             1—NEW—HOMELAND—SECURITY—REPORT—CARD—NICO - from the Council on Foreign Relations gives THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—GRADES you wouldn't " want to bring home to your mother," ABC News reports.
20061026             Parkinson Foundation Debunks LIMBAUGH—FALSE—SMEARS on MICHAEL—J—FOX
20061026             —ATTACKED, Rush Limbaugh has repeatedly, actor MICHAEL—J—FOX for appearing in television campaign ads promoting stem cell research.
20061026             Fox, who suffers from PARKINSON—DISEASE, appears "visibly racked by tremors" in the ads.
20061026             "He is exaggerating THE—EFFECTS—OF—THE—DISEASE," Limbaugh told listeners —YESTERDAY.
20061026             "HE—MOVING all —AROUND and shaking and it's purely 1—ACT.
20061026             This is really shameless of MICHAEL—J—FOX.
20061026             Either he didn't take his medication or he's acting.
20061026             ACCORDING—TO—THE—NATIONAL—PARKINSON—FOUNDATION, Limbaugh has no idea what he's talking about.
20061026             [I]n 1—INTERVIEW in Ladies Home JOURNAL—SEPTEMBER edition, Fox said he was taking 1—MEDICATION that causes jerking, fidgeting and other abnormal involuntary movements, known as dyskinesia.
20061026             Fox said he was taking another medication to lessen those side affects.
20061026             1—OFFICIAL—OF—THE—NATIONAL—PARKINSON Foundation said movements like those exhibited by Fox are THE—RESULT—OF—TAKING medication to treat the disease, which would otherwise result in rigidity.
20061026             " —WHEN you see someone with those movements, it's not because they have not taken medication but because they probably have taken medication for SOME—TIME," the official said.
20061026             "If you don't take the medication, then you freeze".
20061026             —CONTINUED, Limbaugh, the assault —TODAY, calling FOX—VIDEO "1—ATTACK ad" that is "
20061026             filled with disinformation
20061026             —ABOUT embryonic stem cell research".
20061026             Consumer Reports Investigation Warns Your Privacy Is for Sale (press release)
20061026             The practices of commercial data brokers can rob consumers of their privacy, threaten them with identity theft and profile them as dead beats or security risks, ACCORDING—TO—1—INVESTIGATIVE report in Consumer Reports October Issue.
20061026             Choice Point, LexisNexis and Acxiom are among the largest of the.
20061026             —NOW EUROPE Targets Bloggers As TERROR—ISTS
20061026             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—UK, EU crackdown on "spreading propaganda," mirrors USA—ASSAULT—ON—INTERNET—FREEDOM
20061026             High Tech Election Theft in AMERICA, joins ALEX—JONES in studio.
20061026             Russo Film Exposes Criminal Banking Syndicate That Rules AMERICA
20061026             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—NO—LONGER—ANY—CONFUSION about who "the bad guys" are PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON/Prison
20061026             'Tower of Babel' translator made A "Tower of Babel" translation device that gives users the illusion of being bilingual has been developed in THE—USA.
20061026             —WORRIED, INDIA—ALARM at new polio cases Officials in INDIA are, as polio spreads in the country, with 119—NEW—CASES in the past —MONTH.
20061026             ITALY examining hospital deaths ITALIEN—GOVERNMENT examines allegations that as many as 90—PEOPLE die daily in the country's hospitals.
20061026             'Civilians killed' in Nato raids Scores of civilians have been killed in Nato RAIDS—AGAINST—THE—TALEBAN in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, officials say.
20061026             BUSH signs MEXICO fence into law USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—SIGNS into law 1—NEW—FENCE on THE—USA—MEXICO border, in 1—MOVE to curb illegal immigration.
20061026             AUSTRALIA fury at cleric comments AUSTRALIA—TOP—MUSLIM cleric apologises —AFTER comparing women who do not wear the hijab to "uncovered meat".
20061026             —DOCKED, SPACE—STATION ship finally docks 1—CARGO ship has, with THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION—AFTER several HOURS—OF—PROBLEMS.
20061026             —CHARGED, IRAN, over ARGENTINA bomb Argentine prosecutors charge IRAN—GOVERNMENT and Hezbollah over 19940000             —THE—BOMBING—OF—1—JEWISH—CENTRE.
20061026             Little EVIDENCE—OF—THAKSIN graft THAILAND—COUP—LEADER admits difficulties in proving EX—PM Thaksin Shinawatra is GUILTY—OF—CORRUPTION.
20061026             CHINA to host fresh N KOREA talks The next UN CHIEF, SOUTH—KOREA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—BAN—KI—MOON, is due in CHINA for talks on the N KOREA crisis.
20061026             RUSSIA queries EU draft on IRAN MOSCOW says 1—DRAFT—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—RESOLUTION on IRAN seems not to match positions agreed —EARLIER.
20061026             INDIA tackles domestic violence 1—NEW—LAW seeking to protect women from physical, sexual or emotional abuse comes into effect in INDIA.
20061026             BANGLADESH faces political crisis Talks on who will oversee BANGLADESH—ELECTIONS appear to break down, throwing the country into political crisis.
20061026             PRICE—OF—NEW—USA—HOMES—SLUMPS 10% Selling PRICES—OF—NEW—USA—HOMES see their biggest fall in —35—YEARS, but THE—PACE—OF—SALES continues to rise.
20061026             Nasa to decide HUBBLE—FATE—NASA is to debate whether to send THE—SPACE—SHUTTLE on 1—MISSION—TO—SAVE the Hubble Space Telescope.
20061026             What It's Like to Be Face Blind They can see your eyes, your nose, your mouth -- and still not recognize your face.
20061026             —NOW scientists say people with prosopagnosia may help unlock some of the deepest MYSTERIES—OF—THE—BRAIN.
20061026             THE—MARVEL—OF—MICROBUBBLES—TINY—THINGS can do 1—LOT + microbubbles are no exception.
20061026             Researchers say the little guys could improve medical treatment in 1—WIDE—NUMBER—OF—FIELDS.
20061026             Aussies Eye Sun to Beat Blackouts Hoping to keep the juice flowing despite 1 predicted energy shortfall, AUSTRALIA plans to build THE—WORLD—BIGGEST solar power plant.
20061026             AUTO—OIL—MARRIAGE on the Rocks Tired of losing sales DUE—TO—SPIKING gas prices —WHILE oil companies rake in billions in profits, automobile execs move slowly toward ALTERNATIVE—FUEL—VEHICLES and HIGHER—MILEAGE—MODELS.
20061026             AUTOPIA.
20061026             Saving Democracy With Web 2.0—MASHING maps and tagging data can transform USA—POLITICS for the better.
20061026             Web 2.0—WIZARDS, AMERICA—NEEDS you!
20061026             Commentary by JENNIFER—GRANICK.
20061026             Reporters Without Borders plans cyberdemonstration over censorship
20061026             Blog: PARIS—BASED human rights group Reporters Without Borders is organizing a —24—HOUR online demonstration to protest INTERNET censorship....
20061026             GARBAGE—TO—GAS—SYSTEM makes its debut UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA at Davis unveils 1—DIGESTER that converts food scraps and other waste into natural gas and methane.
20061026             Laptops Searched and Confiscated at USA—BORDER—KDAWSON 146 - 1—ANONYMOUS—READER writes,
20061026             "ACCORDING—TO—1—ARTICLE in THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, the Association of Corporate Travel Executives is asking THE—USA—GOVERNMENT for more detailed guidelines on —WHEN and why 1—LAPTOP gets confiscated at THE—USA—BORDER, which, anecdotally, is happening more often. The story includes 1—REPORT from 1—BUSINESS—TRAVELER who had her laptop confiscated over —1—YEAR—AGO and has yet to have it returned".
20061026             ACCORDING—TO—THE article, 1—KNOWLEDGEABLE—LAWYER said: "[Border guards] don't need probable cause to perform... searches under the current law. They can do it without suspicion or without really revealing their motivations".
20061026             —QUOTED, And 1—ACTE exective is, "Potentially, this is going to have 1—REAL—EFFECT on how INTERNATIONAL business is conducted".
20061026             Wachsender Widerstand im IRAK, USA—GENERAL sieht das offensichtliche
20061026             "Schoßhund der USA", KRITIK—AN—BRITISCHER—REGIERUNG - Nebenwirkung, Cola und schwache Knochen
20061026             Das große Experiment, Das Aushungern der Palästinenser
20061026             Provokationen, Fernsehbericht zum Fall AL—MASRI - Das geheime Wissen des Islam
20061026             Katzav droht Klage wegen sexueller Nötigung
20061026             BRITISCHER—INNENMINISTER riet zu BOMBARDIERUNG—VON—ALJAZEERA, Propaganda, Staatsterror und Demokratie
20061026             DIE—USA auf dem Weg in eine Diktatur? [Archiv] - Seite 9 ... And as I looked at those demolished towers in LEBANON it entered my mind that we should... Das alles schreit geradezu nach einem atomaren Zwischenfall.
20061026             A HISTORY—OF—HALLOWEEN
20061026             —ASSOCIATED, Halloween and the festivities, with it evolved from ancient cultural and religious practices of the Celts.
20061026             Recipe for 1—COOKED—ELECTION
20061026             —FROM GREG—PALAST.
20061026             Der Wertverlust gebrauchter Häuser ist nicht minder deutlich.
20061026             Um 2,5—PROZENT sanken DIE—PREISE IN—DEN—VERGANGENE—TAGE4—WOCHEN—DER stärkste Rückgang —SEIT—DER—STATISTISCHEN Erfassung der PREIS—E.
20061026             Experten befürchten, dass die Zahlen 1—INDIZ für das ENDE—DER—IMMOBILIEN—HAUSSEE darstellen könnten, die IN—DEN—VERGANGENE—TAGE5—JAHREN einen entscheidenden Anteil am WIRTSCHAFTS—WACHSTUM hatte.
20061026             Als ein weiteres Indiz für diese These werten Pessimisten die Zinspolitik der USA—NOTENBANK.
20061026             Diese hat —BEREITS die 3. Sitzung in folge keine Zinserhöhung beschlossen.
20061026             —GEWINNT, ITALIEN: Prodi, Vertrauensfrage
20061026             Raumstation ISS: Antenne zeigte sich widerspenstig
20061026             Totenschändung in AFGHANISTAN: Tauschhandel mit makaberen Andenken
20061026             EU—INNENMINISTER: TERROR—ISMUS ist größte Gefahr für EUROPA
20061026             Frauenfeindliche Predigt in AUSTRALIEN: Mufti entschuldigt sich
20061026             Alarmzeichen: USA—IMMOBILIEN verlieren dramatisch an Wert
20061026             Autoindustrie: Wie CHINA den internationalen KFZ—MARKT aufrollen will
20061026             Rekord: Meteorologen messen 27,6—GRAD in FREIBURG
20061026             GUANTANAMO: USA—JUSTIZMINISTER weist Kritik zurück
20061026             USA: KULT—FLAMINGO vom Aussterben bedroht
20061026             Volkszorn in Mittenwald: SCHÄDEL—SCHÄNDER? Holzköpfe!
20061026             Wowereits Regierungserklärung: "Den sozialen Frieden wahren"
20061026             Simple Rechnung: Warum es keine Vampire gibt
20061026             Studentenproteste: Chinesen verwüsten ihren Campus
20061026             Gemeinschaftsschulen in BERLIN: Alle unter 1—DACH
20061026             Elizebath Rubin: In the Land of THE—TALIBAN : I went to AFGHANISTAN and PAKISTAN THIS—SUMMER to understand how and why THE—TALIBAN were making 1—COMEBACK —5—YEARS—AFTER American and AFGHANISTAN—FORCES drove them from power.
20061026             What KIND—OF—EXPERIENCE would lead Afghans to reject what seemed to be 1—EMERGING democratic government?
20061026             —MISSED, Had we, something that made TALIBAN rule appealing?
20061026             Militias defy peace deal to impose TALIBAN rule on AFGHANISTAN—BORDER : TALIBAN militias in PAKISTAN have set up offices, introduced taxes and taken CONTROL—OF—JUSTICE in the tribal AGENCY—OF—NORTH—WAZIRISTAN, where —LAST—MONTH THE—GOVERNMENT signed 1—PEACE—AGREEMENT with militants.
20061026             Arundhati Roy: 'And His Life Should Become Extinct':
20061026             —ACTIVATED, IRAN—NEWS—AGENCY: IRAN has, new CASCADE—OF—ENRICHMENT centrifuges : IRAN has expanded its controversial nuclear work by —STARTING a 2. cascade of centrifuges to enrich uranium, 1—SEMIOFFICIAL NEWS—AGENCY reported —WEDNESDAY.
20061026             —EXPECTED, EU—USA at odds on IRAN draft text, more disagreement, with RUSSIA, : Frustrated by THE—LACK—OF—PROGRESS on their talks with THE—USA which wants a "tougher" draft resolution on IRAN for its nuclear programme, the EU3 - UK, FRANCE and GERMANY—CIRCULATED 1—SECURITY—COUNCIL—DRAFT—TEXT to RUSSIA and CHINA + more disagreement looms ahead, 1—COUNCIL—DIPLOMAT said —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20061026             RUSSIA—NUCLEAR—PROJECT snags IRAN sanctions deal: The current UNITED—NATIONS SECURITY—COUNCIL draft from THE—EUROPEANS exempts "construction" of BUSH ehr and appears to allow SOME—1,500—RUSSIANS to continue working at the site, said 1—EUROPEAN diplomat.
20061026             MICHEL—CHOSSUDOVSKY: USA naval war games off THE—IRAN—COASTLINE : 1—PROVOCATION which could lead to War?
20061026             Putin Says Pressuring NORTH—KOREA Could Backfire: RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN says NORTH—KOREA should not be backed into 1—CORNER over its NUCLEAR—WEAPONS program.
20061026             N KOREA warns S KOREA—AGAINST participation in USA—SANCTIONS : "If THE—SOUTH—KOREA—AUTHORITIES—END up joining USA—LED moves to sanction and stifle, we will regard it as 1—DECLARATION—OF—CONFRONTATION against its own people... and take corresponding measures," the statement said.
20061026             SOUTH—KOREA successfully tests LONG—RANGE—CRUISE—MISSILE : Report: SOUTH—KOREA has successfully tested 1—NEW—LONGER—RANGE—CRUISE—MISSILE, which has not only NORTH—KOREA but also PARTS—OF—CHINA and JAPAN within range, 1—NEWS—REPORT said —ON—TUESDAY.
20061026             ALI—ABUNIMAH: World silent as fascists join ISRAEL government : It is dismaying that THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, 1—KEY—INTERNATIONAL—ACTOR, seems set to maintain warm, normal relations with this extremist government, thus giving it encouragement and legitimacy.
20061026             Syria increasing preparedness —FOLLOWING IDF maneuvers' : ACCORDING—TO—1—SOURCE, Syria expressed concern over the "the unusual military maneuvers" conducted by THE—IDF in the Golan Heights.
20061026             USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—AND—FBI prosecutors are examining whether REPRESENTATIVE—JANE—HARMAN—OF—CALIFORNIA and t AIPAC may have violated the law in 1—SCHEME to get Harman reappointed as the top Democrat in THE—HOUSE—INTELLIGENCE Committee, ACCORDING—TO—1—TIME—MAGAZINE—REPORT
20061026             Oil leaps —AFTER OPEC cuts and USA—FUEL—STOCKS—FALL: OIL—PRICES leapt nearly 2—DOLLARS—HIGHER—ON—WEDNESDAY—AFTER other OPEC members, including its 2. biggest producer IRAN, followed SAUDI—ARABIA—LEAD in enforcing output cuts and USA—FUEL—STOCKS unexpectedly fell.
20061026             Hunting Hugo : In —LATE—JUNE—USA—SOUTH—COMMAND, THE—ARM—OF—THE—USA—MILITARY in Latin AMERICA, concluded that efforts by VENEZUELA, ECUADOR, and BOLIVIA to extend STATE—CONTROL—OVER—THEIR—OIL and gas reserves posed 1—THREAT—TO—USA—OIL—SUPPLIES.
20061026             —WHILE Latin AMERICA PRODUCES only 8.4—PERCENT—OF—THE—WORLD—OIL—OUTPUT, it supplies 30—PERCENT—OF—THE—OIL consumed in THE—USA.
20061026             —EMBARRASSED, USA, by terror suspect : 1—FORMER—CIA—OPERATIVE wanted for trial for ACTS—OF—TERRORISM—AGAINST—CUBA is stuck in legal limbo in 1—TEXAS jail.
20061026             LUIS—POSADA, 78, who has allegedly taken part in plots to assassinate FIDEL—CASTRO and bomb HAVANA hotels, is being described as 1—TEST—CASE—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—COMMITMENT to fighting terrorism.
20061026             Report: Pinochet Gold Stash in Honk Kong Bank : 1—HONG—KONG bank has 1—MULTIMILLION—DOLLAR—GOLD—DEPOSIT registered to Augusto Pinochet, THE—GOVERNMENT said —WEDNESDAY.
20061026             Newspapers put the total at some $160—MILLION, but 1—LAWYER and spokesman for THE—FORMER—CHILE—DICTATOR denied it.
20061026             JOHN—PILGER: exposing the rotten heart of the empire:
20061026             JOURNALIST—AND—FILM—MAKER—JOHN—PILGER spoke to CHARLIE—KIMBER about his new book and THE—GLOBAL—RESISTANCE to imperialism, war and neoliberalism
20061026             LONDON mayor: Veil debate REDOLENT—OF—NAZISM : LONDON Mayor KEN—LIVINGSTONE said —TUESDAY that the public debate over whether or not Muslim women should be allowed to wear veils is redolent of NAZI—GERMANY.
20061026             Rising tide of GLOBAL—WARMING threatens Pacific ISLAND states : —WHILE rich nations tinker with policies that may shave their carbon dioxide emissions, LOW—LYING SOUTH—PACIFIC nations such as KIRIBATI are sinking beneath the waves.
20061026             GRASS—ROOTS GROUP—OF—TROOPS—PETITIONS—CONGRESS for Pullout From IRAQ : MORE—THAN—100—USA—SERVICE—MEMBERS have signed 1—RARE—APPEAL urging Congress to support the "prompt withdrawal" of all USA—TROOPS and bases from IRAQ, organizers said —YESTERDAY.
20061026             1—ELECTORAL prism that distorts the abject reality : AMERICA—MISSION in IRAQ has been manipulated at EVERY—TURN to suit THE—USA—DOMESTIC—POLITICAL—AGENDA.
20061026             Each 1 was STAGE—MANAGED to convince the public in AMERICA—THAT—PROGRESS was being made.
20061026             'USA—WITHDRAWAL from IRAQ would be disastrous for ISRAEL': As talk of 1—USA—WITHDRAWAL from IRAQ heats up, SOME—LOCAL—EXPERTS say the removal of 1—STRONG—USA—MILITARY—PRESENCE there could be disastrous for ISRAEL.
20061026             USA will have to fight 'dirty' in new wars: THE—USA could defeat ANY—ENEMY with overwhelming power but ANY—NEW—CONFLICT would involve more brute force and CIVIL—CASUALTIES than in IRAQ, the top USA—GENERAL said —TODAY.
20061026             MIKE—WHITNEY : Charnel House : Will we destroy the city to liberate it?
20061026             How MANY—DOORS will be kicked in?
20061026             How MANY—BUILDINGS will be reduced to rubble?
20061026             How MANY—INNOZENZ—PEOPLE will be dragged off to INTERROGATION—CENTERS and filthy prisons?
20061026             How MANY—TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE will be killed?
20061026             USA—OFFICIAL: BRITAIN seeks IRAQ pullout in —1—YEAR: The official's comments offered the 1. hint BRITAIN—MILITARY may have 1—TIMETABLE for withdrawal in mind.
20061026             "It's about —1—YEAR, give or take 1—FEW months," the official said.
20061026             SOME—CONTRACTS in IRAQ spend over 50% on overhead:
20061026             —CITED, Halliburton unit, in USA—REPORT—ON—RECONSTRUCTION
20061026             CHRIS—FLOYD: Blood and Gravy II: THE—JACKAL—FEAST—GOES—ON : War profiteering by favored corporate cronies was 1—OF—THE—PRIMARY—BENEFITS envisaged by THE—BUSH—REGIME as it drove so relentlessly and deceitfully toward the baseless and unprovoked attack.
20061026             Heather Wokusch: How THE—BUSH—FAMILY Makes 1—KILLING from GEORGE—PRESIDENCY: 1 estimated 655,000 dead Iraqis, over 3,000 dead coalition troops, billions stolen from IRAQ—COFFERS, 1—COUNTRY battered by CIVIL—WAR—BUT Halliburton turned 1—PROFIT, so the results are very good.
20061026             —TURNED, We have, IRAQ into the most hellish place on EARTH—BY SIMON—JENKINS—ARMIES claiming to bring prosperity have instead brought 1—MISERY—WORSE than under the cruellest of modern dictators.
20061026             Selling Satan: IRAQ—WAR—DEAD and the Collateral Damage to AMERICA—SOUL
20061026             History reveals: What 1—NATION inflicts upon THE—WORLD -- its own people will, sooner or —LATER, inflict upon EACH—OTHER.
20061026             There is no need to warily scan the horizon line for its arrival, because we're already living in the midst of the angst and emptiness we have wrought.
20061026             The alacrity with which MANY—OF—AMERICA—MOST prominent liberals have censored themselves in THE—NAME—OF—THE—WAR—ON—TERROR, the enthusiasm with which they have invented ideological and moral cover for war and WAR—CRIMES and proffered that cover to their political enemies: all this is 1—BAD—SIGN.
20061026             Stealing the Midterms and the Power of Myth
20061026             There are only 2—WEAPONS in the imperial TOOL—CHEST; force and deception.
20061026             I expect that the anticipated Democratic landslide will be preempted by massive voter fraud accompanied by SOME—TYPE—OF "searing event";
20061026             that way the fantastical outcome of 1—GOP victory can be neatly folded into 1—LARGER and ALL—PERVASIVE "myth".
20061026             1—NASTY—LITTLE—SECRET—OF—USA—DEMOCRACY is that, in EVERY—NATIONAL—ELECTION, ballots cast are simply thrown in the garbage.
20061026             —CALLED, Most are, "spoiled," supposedly unreadable, damaged, invalid.
20061026             —COUNTED, They —JUST don't get.
20061026             —OCCURRED, This "spoilage" has, —FOR—DECADES, but it reached unprecedented heights in the last 2—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTIONS.
20061026             AMERICA—FREEDOM to Fascism
20061026             Out of the shadows: ISRAEL—MINISTER—OF—STRATEGIC—THREATS
20061026             Lieberman, 1—RUSSIA—IMMIGRANT, is EVERY—BIT the populist and racist politician he is portrayed as being.
20061026             Like MANY—OF—HIS—FELLOW—POLITICIANS, he harbours 1—STRONG—DESIRE to see the Palestinians of the occupied territories expelled, ideally to neighbouring Arab states or EUROPE.
20061026             Lieberman, however, is more outspoken than most in publicly advocating for this position.
20061026             Update on BuzzFlash_net —FOR—THURSDAY, 20061026             . - - I'm the Great Decider.
20061026             And I've Decided that We're Losing, But We Are Losing Victoriously.
20061026             And Anyone Who Thinks That is Enabling TERROR—ISTS.
20061026             So I—MUST—BE—HELPING—THE—TERRORISTS.
20061026             And Why Aren't Those EYE—RAQIS Grateful?
20061026             Maybe the word marriage can WAIT—LAST—CHANCE—DEMOCRACY—CAFE by STEVEN—C—DAY
20061026             "It's 1—NO—BRAINER for me," CHENEY said at 1—POINT in 1—INTERVIEW.
20061026             Another Stolen Election Headed Our Way?
20061026             We Talked with MARK—CRISPIN—MILLER—ABOUT—WHAT—VOTERS—CAN—DO to Prevent It 10/26
20061026             Video RECORD—OF—BUSH eviks Repeating "Stay the Course" in IRAQ and Then Denying It 10/26
20061026             —WHEN they steal this 1, I am afraid there will be riots.
20061026             As far as "other polls", —WHEN did AMERICA BECOME a 2—CAST system??
20061026             #—POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS : 2:56—IF GLOBAL—WARMING detractors ever wonder what that constant ringing in their heads is, it's probably the "divide by 0—ERROR" alarm.
20061026             #—POSTED—BY icerat
20061026             UPDATE : The 1. comment below, from DOCTOR—STERN, asks the obvious question about ROVE—SMUG knowledge of, um, special, hidden factors that might, um, influence the outcome of the upcoming elections.
20061026             And within minutes of READING the comment, I found this excellent ANALYSIS—OF—THE—SITUATION from THE—PERSPECTIVE—OF—STATES and contests most vulnerable to, um, manipulation.
20061026             In addition to listing GREG—PALAST—VOTER—SUPPRESSION—STRATEGIES, this thorough and edifying piece breaks down the current statistical likelihood of Democrats winning the House (99% likelihood) and Senate (74% likelihood).
20061026             —INCLUDED, WARNING: "The" REAL math statistics are, in this article (not likely Karl's).
20061026             Don't be daunted, as it is quite readable + not that hard to understand.
20061026             And —JUST for the record, I'm fairly savvy with stats + the reasoning behind these analyses is quite sound.
20061026             And also for the record, the basic math that supports this analysis + supports the logic of exit polls and GLOBAL—WARMING and the lack of logic behind balancing the budget —WHILE cutting taxes, it's fundamentally all the same.
20061026             1 + 1 will always equal 2.
20061026             The likelihood of getting heads —WHEN you flip 1—COIN will always be 50%.
20061026             Astronomical.
20061026             The interviewer, ROBERT—SIEGEL, asks him what values he has been encouraging the volunteers to share with voters + this is what Rove says: Well, for example, look, 1 -- THE—WAR—ON—TERROR.
20061026             Do you support in 1—TIME—OF—WAR—REAUTHORIZATION—OF—THE—PATRIOT—ACT, the terrorist surveillance program?
20061026             THERE—1—VOTE in the House; 88—PERCENT—OF—THE—DEMOCRATS in the House VOTED—AGAINST—GIVING additional authority to 1—PROGRAM to listen in on suspected al Qaeda figures calling or trying to contact people inside THE—USA.
20061026             There it is, folks.
20061026             —CONVINCED, He's, THE—WOT is going to win this 1 for the Gipper AGAIN!!
20061026             Aus den umfangreichen Daten haben Wissenschaftler der USA—RAUMFAHRTBEHÖRDE Nasa —NUN eine Übersicht der schwersten Gewitter auf Erden erstellt.
20061026             Sie enthält EINIGE—ÜBERRASCHUNGEN: So jagen auch in eher trockenen Regionen wie den südlichen Ausläufern der SAHARA, im Norden Australiens und in Teilen des INDISCHEN—SUBKONTINENTS gewaltige Blitze durch die Lüfte.
20061026             Die schwersten Gewitter entdeckten EDWARD—ZIPSER—VON—DER—UNIVERSITY—OF—UTAH und seine Kollegen jedoch östlich der Anden in ARGENTINIEN.
20061026             Dort stößt warme, feuchte Luft häufig mit kühlerer, trockener Luft zusammen, die sich östlich der Rocky Mountains in den USA gebildet hat.
20061026             Erstaunlicherweise fanden die Forscher in sehr regenreichen Regionen wie dem WEST—AMAZONASGEBIET und SÜD—OSTASIEN zwar VIELE—GEWITTER, aber darunter nur relativ wenige schwere.
20061026             Heftige Gewitter gebe es hingegen im Norden Pakistans, in BANGLADESCH und Teilen Zentralafrikas.
20061026             ANGRIFF—AUF—DEN Islam schwerlich zu konstruieren
20061026             In der 1. Aufregung werden allerdings entscheidende Unterschiede zwischen den FRÜHEREN—KRISEN des vergangenen Jahres und dem aktuellen BUNDESWEHR—SKANDAL verdrängt.
20061026             Denn noch ist gar nicht sicher, dass er sich überhaupt von Islamisten in ihrem Sinne skandalisieren LÄSST—ES hat —BIS—JETZT auch noch kein Islamistenführer öffentlich versucht.
20061026             —GEEIGNET, Zwar sind die Bilder grauenhaft und mit Sicherheit, das AFGHANISCHE—SITTLICHKEITSEMPFINDEN zu stören: Sie zeigen DEUTSCHE—SOLDATEN, die mit 1—TOTENKOPF herumspielen;
20061026             auf 1—FOTO hält 1—SOLDAT—DEN—SCHÄDEL neben seinen entblößten Penis.
20061026             Aber 1—BELEIDIGUNG—DES—ISLAMS oder seines Propheten Mohammed lässt sich daraus nur schwerlich konstruieren.
20061026             Genau das war allerdings bei den vorherigen Fällen der Treibstoff für die Erregung.
20061026             —GEWESEN, AFGHANISTAN ist —2—JAHRZEHNTE lang ein einziges Schlachtfeld.
20061026             Vermutlich wird man nicht einmal in Erfahrung bringen können, ob es überhaupt das Skelett eines Muslims war, das hier geschändet WURDE—UND nicht etwa das eines gefallenen RUSSISCHEN—SOLDATEN.
20061026             JEMEN: "DEUTSCHLAND ist Freundesland"
20061026             TOTENKOPF—SKANDAL: Das unheimliche Schweigen der Islamisten
20061026             Totenschändung in AFGHANISTAN: Weitere Skandalfotos aufgetaucht
20061026             USA—WAHLUMFRAGE: Republikanern droht klare Niederlage - 12. Documenta: Kunst und Kapital
20061026             —AUSSPIONIERT, Skandal in ITALIEN: Prodis Steuererklärung
20061026             —ATTACKIERT, MANNESMANN—PROZESS: Zwickel, die Justiz
20061026             Therapietagebuch: Ständiger Festplattenabsturz im Gehirn
20061026             Totenschändung: SCHOCK—BILDER empören BUNDESTAG
20061026             SKANDAL—PREDIGT in AUSTRALIEN: Mufti gibt Unverschleierten Schuld an Vergewaltigungen
20061026             Konjunktur: Deutsche im Kaufrausch
20061026             MOHAMMED—KARIKATUREN: Gericht weist Klagen von Muslimen ab
20061026             USA—WAHL—KAMPF: Starmoderator verhöhnt PARKINSON—KRANKEN MICHAEL—J—FOX
20061026             —INFORMIERT, Fall Kurnaz: DEUTSCHE—BEHÖRDEN früher, als —BISHER zugegeben
20061026             —UNRUHEN in PARIS: Ministerin wirft Jugendlichen Mordversuch vor
20061026             Auslandspresse: "—JETZT drohen Anschläge in DEUTSCHLAND"
20061026             BUNDESWEHR—SKANDAL: Erhöhte Sicherheitsvorkehrungen für DEUTSCHE—BOTSCHAFTEN
20061026             MANNESMANN—PROZESS: Ackermann verrät sein GEHALT—SONST nichts
20061026             3D- BILDER—DER—SONNE: DOPPEL—SONDE ins All gestartet
20061026             Verkaufsgerüchte: Chrysler gerät unter Druck
20061026             Genforschung: Die entzifferte Honigbiene
20061026             MANNESMANN—PROZESS: Esser zuversichtlich, Ackermann schweigt
20061026             GEHEIM—DIENSTE: Aufregung um vermeintliche CIA—ENTHÜLLUNG
20061026             —ATTACKE—AUF—DROGENBERATERIN: Polizei nimmt Naomi Campbell fest
20061026             FRANKREICH: Neue KRAWALLE—IN—PARISER Vorstädten
20061026             Brutale Jäger: TERROR—VÖGEL hatten Schädel wie Pferde
20061026             Militante Tierbefreier: Verteidigung der Zwerghasen, ANGRIFF—AUF—DEN Kapitalismus
20061026             Arubas wichtigste Handelspartner sind die NIEDERLANDE, DIE—USA sowie KOLUMBIEN und VENEZUELA.
20061026             Political PUNCH—DAVID—CUNNINGHAM - Executive PRODUCER—RIGHT wing religious nut job.
20061026             SON—OF—LOREN—CUNNINGHAM.
20061026             Medien und KRIEG—DAS 'MASSAKER—VON—SREBRENICA' Ansonsten wäre die Frage, um welche Soldaten es sich handeln sollte.
20061026             Damit die extremen Reaktionen darauf auch für die DEUTSCHES—LESERINNEN und Leser.
20061026             EMM News Explorer ANTHONY—MANDUCA—THE.
20061026             Names. Key Titles and Phrases. External resources.
20061026             EMM News Explorer ANTHONY—MANDUCA 20060000             should be 1—DEFINING —YEAR for USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH.
20061026             As he starts the 6. —YEAR of his Presidency, he has MANY—CHALLENGES—AHEAD—BOTH.
20061026             ANTHONY—MANDUCA speaks to the new USA—AMBASSADOR to.
20061026             Libro d'Oro di Melita SALVATORE—MANDUCA,† 18850000             oo 18690000             to CAROLINE—ATTARD—MONTALTO dei Baroni della Benwarrad, with issue 3.1.1. ANTHONY—MANDUCA (c 18700000             -...
20061026             MALTA u L—POLITIKA: Ittri ccensurati u punti ta' riflessjoni politika.
20061026             IL—HADD 2—TA' Mejju 20040000             ANTHONY—MANDUCA (ex editur ta' THE—MALTA—INDEPENDENT)... L—EDITUR ta' THE—TIMES—ANTHONY—MANDUCA jidher bla sinsla f'din L—ISTORJA.
20061026             Green Party News AD welcomes final EU agreement MALTA—GREENS support EU membership agreement.
20061026             Sun 20021215             , MALTA Indepdent Daily.
20061026             EUROPE > MALTA. by ANTHONY—MANDUCA.
20061026             "Privatization will help change the culture of MALTA".
20061026             —MARK—GRECH, Dhalia Group.
20061026             The announcement by Simonds Farsons Cisk plc that it had acquired the shareholding of ANTHONY—CARUANA & Sons Limited, 1—WELL established.
20061026             Midland Bank plc, 1—WHOLLY—OWNED subsidiary of HSBC Holdings plc, is in NEGOTIATIONS—WITH—THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—MALTA to acquire its entire.
20061026             ?section=opinion&date=20061015             20061026             THE—TIMES & THE—SUNDAY—TIMES—MALTA Foreign AFFAIRS—EU expansion and 1—TIME for PAUSE—ANTHONY—MANDUCA—THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION—GREEN—LIGHT to ROMANIA and BULGARIA to join THE—EUROPEAN...
20061026             Green Party News... referendum and to refrain from ordering 1—BOYCOTT—OF—THE—REFERENDUM—ON—EU membership.
20061026             1—POLITICAL—PROGRAMME for the Enlarged EUROPE: How to Factor in the New Member.
20061026             States?
20061026             —ACCUSED—OF, WORLD VIEWS: USA, 'reckless cultural vandalism' for... Such unstable conditions, noted ANTHONY—MANDUCA, FOREIGN—AFFAIRS—ANALYST for THE—TIMES—OF—MALTA, are "exactly what the extremists want... to create 1—CYCLE...
20061026             Newspapers THE—STANDARD—PUBLICATIONS also publish THE—MALTA—BUSINESS—WEEKLY edited by ANTHONY—MANDUCA.
20061026             AIR—FORCE Memorial Foundation ANTHONY—D—MANDUCA.
20061026             MISTER—JOSEPH—R—MANELLA. CHARLES—D—MANES. Among other things, he said.
20061026             WIRED TEMPLES—MALTA on the Web: MALTA News DIGEST—SEPTEMBER22 ... Tuesday27: EU delegation to investigate MALTA crisis of illegal immigration;
20061026             MALTA—FISCAL—DEFICIT 3. highest 20040000             ;
20061026             ANTHONY—MANDUCA talks to the new... - UAport : World News
20061026             —URGED, ANTHONY—MANDUCA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—MICHAEL—FRENDO has, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION to take up THE—COMMONWEALTH—OFFER to engage in the implementation of the EU's...
20061026             I was fortunate to attend 1—SEMINAR in BRUSSELS + ANKARA —LAST—WEEK on THE—EUROPEAN—UNION and TURKEY organised by the.
20061026             MALTA —TODAY: I'm serious, I will not vote if... Talking to ANTHONY—MANDUCA, who was unusually forthright, THE—PRIME—MINISTER did not stop with THE—PRAISING—OF—JOE—SALIBA, he concluded that holding a...
20061026             MALTA: Electoral Reform Debate ANTHONY—MANDUCA examines current attempts to reform it.
20061026             The single transferable vote (STY) system has been used for the.
20061026             Skip on Toast: Tonio is right... is 1—BROKEN STATE—ON—THE—VERGE—OF—CIVIL—WAR and democracy cannot be said to be flourishing".
20061026             ANTHONY—MANDUCA, THE—SUNDAY—TIMES. View my complete profile.
20061026             in 1—UMKREIS—VON—5—MEILEN um den Flugzeugträger "Kitty Hawk" + 1—REIHE weiterer USA—KRIEGSSCHIFFE bewegt, berichtete die "WASHINGTON Time s".
20061026             Katzav droht Klage wegen sexueller NÖTIGUNG—BESATZER—PROBLEME.".
20061026             "ACCORDING—TO—1—ARTICLE in THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, the Association of Corporate Travel Executives is asking THE—USA—GOVERNMENT for more detailed guidelines on —WHEN and why 1—LAPTOP gets confiscated at THE—USA—BORDER,
20061026             "ACCORDING—TO—THE—BBC—NASA is debating whether or not to send astronauts in to space to service the Hubble telescope.
20061026             "MANY—PEOPLE have asked for it so that THE—GOVERNMENT will have to DEAL—WITH—IT.
20061026             So here it is: "My Direct Democracy, 1—LIBERAL—GROUP blog, is trying out 1—NEW—CAMPAIGN—TACTIC — GOOGLE bombing.
20061026             "Potentially, this is going to have 1—REAL—EFFECT on how INTERNATIONAL business is conducted".
20061026             "THE—OHIO—REPUBLICAN—PARTY used a 20040000             AP photo of Franken for the doctored image: Digg It!
20061026             "—WHILE you might not guess it from watching —LATE—NIGHT TV, advertisements by lawyers are regulated by 1—WEB—OF—REGULATIONS intended to protect potential clients from deceptive claims in such ads.
20061026             "to Fox.
20061026             ' Syria increasing preparedness —FOLLOWING IDF maneuvers':
20061026             'Civilians killed' in Nato raids - 'Tower of Babel' translator made
20061026             'USA—WITHDRAWAL from IRAQ would be disastrous for ISRAEL':
20061026             Amanda - "Didn't Rush Limbaugh —JUST say what 1—LOT—OF—PEOPLE were privately thinking
20061026             JUDD—ACCORDING—TO—A source close to FORMER—HOUSE Clerk JEFF—TRANDAHL, ABC News reports.
20061026             NICO—FROM—THE—COUNCIL on Foreign Relations gives THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—GRADES you wouldn't " want to bring home to your mother,
20061026             24 20060000             "EVERY—ACT that denies or limits THE—FREEDOM—OF—THE—INDIVIDUAL in this country
20061026             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—ALEX—JONES discusses NORTH—KOREA—UNDERGROUND—NUCLEAR—TEST and how THE—NEO—CONS are attempting to hide THE—BUSH
20061026             —BY SIMON—JENKINS—ARMIES claiming to bring prosperity have instead brought 1—MISERY—WORSE than under the cruellest of modern dictators.
20061026             —THE—STRANGE—DEATH—OF—LIBERAL—AMERICA—BY TONY—JUDT - 20 04; ANTHONY—MANDUCA talks to the new
20061026             USA will have to fight 'dirty' in new wars:
20061026             A "Tower of Babel" translation device that gives users the illusion of being bilingual has been developed in THE—USA.
20061026             1—HISTORY—OF—HALLOWEEN—HALLOWEEN and the festivities associated with it evolved from ancient cultural and religious practices of the Celts.
20061026             1—HONG—KONG bank has 1—MULTIMILLION—DOLLAR—GOLD—DEPOSIT registered to Augusto Pinochet, THE—GOVERNMENT said —WEDNESDAY.
20061026             1—UN—COMMITTEE—VOTES to begin work on 1—NEW—TREATY to regulate THE—INTERNATIONAL—ARMS—TRADE.
20061026             1—CARGO ship has docked with THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION—AFTER several HOURS—OF—PROBLEMS.
20061026             1—FORMER—CIA—OPERATIVE wanted for trial for ACTS—OF—TERRORISM—AGAINST—CUBA is stuck in legal limbo in 1—TEXAS jail.
20061026             1—NEW—LAW seeking to protect women from physical, sexual or emotional abuse comes into effect in INDIA.
20061026             A new study of MICHAEL—J—FOX—STEM cell ad
20061026             AD welcomes final EU agreement MALTA—GREENS support EU membership agreement.
20061026             Sun 20021215             ,
20061026             ANTHONY—MANDUCA examines current attempts to reform it.
20061026             AARON—RUSSO'S "AMERICA—FREEDOM to Fascism" presents startling facts about our laws, raising critical issues that Americans must consider if they are to be 1—FREE—PEOPLE.
20061026             —EXPRESSED, ACCORDING—TO—1—SOURCE, Syria, concern over the "the unusual military maneuvers" conducted by THE—IDF in the Golan Heights.
20061026             THE—WASHINGTON—POST—REPORTS:
20061026             ACCORDING—TO—THE article, 1—KNOWLEDGEABLE—LAWYER said: "[Border guards] don't need probable cause to perform... searches under the current law.
20061026             Vermutlich wird man nicht einmal in Erfahrung bringen können, AIR—FORCE Memorial Foundation
20061026             ALI—ABUNIMAH: World silent as fascists join ISRAEL government:
20061026             Alternattiva : Messages : 2501—2530—OF 4990
20061026             AMERICA—NEEDS you! Commentary by JENNIFER—GRANICK.
20061026             1—ABUNDANCE—OF—OPPORTUNITY, INTERVIEW—BY—AMBASSADOR—BORDONARO by ANTHONY—MANDUCA (Originally appeared in the The Times of MALTA, 27 ;;09;;
20061026             † 1—AL—QAEDA operative wanted in connection with 19980000             —THE—USA—EMBASSY bombings was killed in ;;04;;
20061026             in PAKISTAN, USA—OFFICIALS have confirmed.
20061026             1—ELECTORAL prism that distorts the abject reality:
20061026             1 estimated 655,000 dead Iraqis, over 3,000 dead coalition troops, billions stolen from IRAQ—COFFERS,
20061026             —LOOKED, And as I, at those demolished towers in LEBANON it entered my mind that we should
20061026             It is that THE—USA, in the persons of our ambassador and the Embassy and GENERAL—CASEY and his team,
20061026             And within minutes of READING the comment, I found this excellent analysis
20061026             Another excellent - Another RACIALLY—TINGED ad targeting HAROLD—FORD?
20061026             Ansonsten wäre die Frage, um welche Soldaten ES—SICH handeln sollte.
20061026             ANTHONY—D—MANDUCA.
20061026             ANTHONY—MANDUCA 20060000             should be 1—DEFINING —YEAR for USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH—AS he starts the 6. —YEAR of his Presidency, he has MANY—CHALLENGES—AHEAD—BOTH...
20061026             ANTHONY—MANDUCA—OF—THE—SUNDAY—TIMES—OF—MALTA provides 1—INTERESTING perspective in the ;;06;;
20061026             Argentine prosecutors charge IRAN—GOVERNMENT and Hezbollah over 19940000             —THE—BOMBING—OF—1—JEWISH—CENTRE.
20061026             ARMENIA—DIASPORA - Arubas wichtigste Handelspartner sind die NIEDERLANDE,
20061026             As Nitpicker - As far as "other polls", —WHEN did AMERICA BECOME a 2—CAST system??
20061026             Under Rove(r) and BUSH right?
20061026             As talk of 1—USA—WITHDRAWAL from IRAQ heats up, SOME—LOCAL—EXPERTS say the removal of 1—STRONG—USA—MILITARY—PRESENCE there could be disastrous for ISRAEL.
20061026             At This Point, the Only Way the REPUBLICANs Can Maintain CONTROL—OF—THE—HOUSE is to Steal the Vote in Key Races -- 1—BUZZFLASH—EDITORIAL
20061026             At 1—PUBLIC signing ceremony
20061026             At THE—PENTAGON press conference this afternoon, DEFENSE—SECRETARYY—DONALD—RUMSFELD was asked what would happen if THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT failed to meet the "benchmarks.
20061026             Aussies Eye Sun to Beat Blackouts - AUSTRALIA fury at cleric comments
20061026             AUSTRALIA—TOP—MUSLIM cleric apologises —AFTER comparing women who do not wear the hijab to "uncovered meat".
20061026             AUTO—OIL—MARRIAGE on the Rocks
20061026             BUSH _s_Fence_Bill_Doesn_t_Actually_Create_Fence">Digg It!
20061026             BUSH evik Alert: USA—DEATH—TOLL in IRAQ Worst in a —YEAR
20061026             BUSH is right, the bill does "authorize" the constrution of 1—NEW—FENCE.
20061026             BUSH signs MEXICO fence into law - BUSH team defends USA IRAQ plans - BUSH to make rare campaign visit
20061026             BUSH 's 'Fence Bill' Doesn't Actually Create Fence - BANGLADESH faces political crisis
20061026             —PIONEERED, BILL—PRESS and STEPHANIE—MILLER have, the format and —NOW this contest is looking for the next great host.
20061026             —RULED, Blog: 1—DENMARK—COURT has, that 1—ISP in that country must block ACCESS—TO—ALLOFMP3 com, THE—RUSSIA—DOWNLOAD—SITE ACCUSED—OF—PIRATING...
20061026             —ARRIVED, Blog: My voters' information "pamphlet", at my house 1—FEW days ago.
20061026             Bowing to ANTI—IMMIGRATION hardliners in the House, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—TODAY held 1—WHITE—HOUSE—CEREMONY celebrating the signing of the "Secure Fence Act".
20061026             BUSH told reporters,
20061026             —RENAMED, UK—SECRET—POLICE, MI-5 + MI-6 for duration of WWII.
20061026             Can you address that at all? But no, I don't.
20061026             CREW—MELANIE—SLOAN notes that THE—IRS has not been EVEN—HANDED in its enforcement,
20061026             CHINA to host fresh N KOREA talks
20061026             CHRIS—FLOYD: Blood and Gravy II: THE—JACKAL—FEAST—GOES—ON:
20061026             Convinced that current measures won't stop terrorists from blowing up jumbo jets, 1—GRADUATE student tests THE—LIMITS—OF—TRANSPORTATION—SECURITY—ADMINISTRATION—RULES.
20061026             In 27B Stroke 6. 20061026             Geek the vote
20061026             Das alles schreit geradezu nach einem atomaren Zwischenfall.
20061026             Der Welt den Frieden ERKLÄREN—MIT allen Mitteln!
20061026             —FINANZIERT, Der "KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN TERROR—ISMUS" muss, WERDEN—KÖNNTE es sein,
20061026             EMM News Explorer
20061026             —EXPECTED, EU—USA at odds on IRAN draft text, more disagreement, with RUSSIA, :
20061026             ECUADOR, and BOLIVIA to extend STATE—CONTROL—OVER—THEIR—OIL and gas reserves posed 1—THREAT—TO—USA—OIL—SUPPLIES.
20061026             Einwanderung: BUSH unterzeichnet Gesetz für Grenzzaun
20061026             Elizebath Rubin: In the Land of THE—TALIBAN:
20061026             Ergo, —WHEN dreams mean nothing -- —WHEN words and images are rendered meaningless -- our lives reflect these dismal states.
20061026             Erstaunlicherweise fanden die Forscher in sehr regenreichen Regionen wie dem WEST—AMAZONASGEBIET und SÜD—OSTASIEN zwar VIELE—GEWITTER,
20061026             Expecting to make significant gains ANTHONY—MANDUCA
20061026             Experten befürchten, dass die Zahlen 1—INDIZ für das ENDE—DER—IMMOBILIEN—HAUSSEE darstellen könnten,
20061026             FBI probing 'nuclear info leak'
20061026             —BACKED, Pelosi has consistently, extensive new border security measures
20061026             —UPDATED, For NEW—YORK lawyers who write frequently, blogs, this could force them to make multiple (and potentially expensive) reports to THE—NEW—YORK Bar EVERY—SINGLE—DAY".
20061026             Foreign AFFAIRS—NORTH—KOREA—BOMBSHELL - ANTHONY—MANDUCA—NORTH—KOREA—DECISION to test a nuclear bomb is a serious THREAT—TO—GLOBAL—STABILITY and...
20061026             —FROM THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—ARTICLE: 'Searching GOOGLE for PETER—KING, THE—REPUBLICAN congressman from Long ISLAND,
20061026             "In all this time, I've yet to find 1—GOOD—WAY to convey to THE—NON—TECHNICAL—PUBLIC how well and truly screwed up we presently are,
20061026             Frustrated by THE—LACK—OF—PROGRESS on their talks with THE—USA which wants a "tougher" draft resolution on IRAN for its nuclear programme,
20061026             Full transcript of THE—RUMSFELD interview HERE.
20061026             GARBAGE—TO—GAS—SYSTEM makes its debut
20061026             Generally, these rules require lawyers to submit their ads to 1—REVIEW—BOARD, often with 1—FILING fee paid with EACH—NEW—ADVERTISEMENT.
20061026             —CITED, HALLIBURTON unit, in USA—REPORT—ON—RECONSTRUCTION - Hacker Skewers Airport Security
20061026             He added, "So you ought to —JUST back off, take 1—LOOK at it, relax, understand that it's complicated, it's difficult".
20061026             Heather Wokusch: How THE—BUSH—FAMILY—MAKES 1—KILLING from GEORGE—PRESIDENCY:
20061026             —ADDED, Hennen, "I don't get the sense THE—USA—PEOPLE have 1—SENSE they're being played in that fashion".
20061026             —AGREED, RUMSFELD,
20061026             Here they are, getting up EVERY—DAY saying, " We've got 1—ELECTION in —2—WEEKS in AMERICA,
20061026             HERE—1—PHOTO—OF—PELOSI in EL—PASO: Digg It!
20061026             HIGH—TECH Electronic Vote Fraud: VICKI—KARP
20061026             History reveals: What 1—NATION inflicts upon THE—WORLD -- its own people will, sooner or —LATER,
20061026             —PREDICTED, Hoping to keep the juice flowing despite 1, energy shortfall, AUSTRALIA plans to build THE—WORLD—BIGGEST solar power plant.
20061026             I mean, we've been told that they're not given ultimatums, but we've also been told by THE—PRESIDENT in recent days THATUSA—PATIENCE is not unlimited.
20061026             I went to AFGHANISTAN and PAKISTAN THIS—SUMMER to understand how and why THE—TALIBAN were making 1—COMEBACK —5—YEARS—AFTER American and AFGHANISTAN—FORCES drove them from power.
20061026             I'm going to show you how to steal 1—ELECTION"".
20061026             If THE—SOUTH—KOREA—AUTHORITIES—END up joining USA—LED moves to sanction and stifle, we will regard it as 1—DECLARATION—OF—CONFRONTATION against its own people
20061026             IL—HADD 2—TA' Mejju 20040000             ANTHONY—MANDUCA (ex editur ta' THE—MALTA—INDEPENDENT)
20061026             BAGHDAD—VIOLENT, Washash neighborhood, which is predominantly Shiite with pockets of Sunni residents,
20061026             —CONFIRMED, In 1—RADIO—INTERVIEW—TUESDAY, VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY, that detainees were subjected to WATER—BOARDING,
20061026             In addition to listing GREG—PALAST—VOTER—SUPPRESSION—STRATEGIES,
20061026             In late ;;06;;, USA—SOUTH—COMMAND, THE—ARM—OF—THE—USA—MILITARY in Latin AMERICA, concluded that efforts by VENEZUELA,
20061026             INDIA tackles domestic violence - INDIA—ALARM at new polio cases
20061026             —CHARGED, IRAN, over ARGENTINA bomb
20061026             —EXPANDED, IRAN has, its controversial nuclear work by —STARTING a 2. cascade of centrifuges to enrich uranium, 1—SEMIOFFICIAL NEWS—AGENCY reported —WEDNESDAY.
20061026             —ACTIVATED, IRAN—NEWS—AGENCY: IRAN has, new CASCADE—OF—ENRICHMENT centrifuges:
20061026             It is dismaying that THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, 1—KEY—INTERNATIONAL—ACTOR, seems set to maintain warm,
20061026             It is not surprising that Sherrod Brown is enlisting THE—HELP—OF—1—HOLLYWOOD liberal, who like him,
20061026             ITALY examining hospital deaths
20061026             ITALIEN—GOVERNMENT examines allegations that as many as 90—PEOPLE die daily in the country's hospitals.
20061026             No 1 can predict the future with absolute certainty".
20061026             L—EDITUR ta' THE—TIMES—ANTHONY—MANDUCA jidher bla sinsla f'din L—ISTORJA,
20061026             Laptops Searched and Confiscated at USA—BORDER - Libro d'Oro di Melita
20061026             Like MANY—OF—HIS—FELLOW—POLITICIANS, he harbours 1—STRONG—DESIRE to see the Palestinians of the occupied territories expelled,
20061026             —CONTINUED, Limbaugh, the assault —TODAY, calling FOX—VIDEO "1—ATTACK ad" that is "filled with disinformation
20061026             Little EVIDENCE—OF—THAKSIN graft
20061026             LONDON Mayor KEN—LIVINGSTONE said —TUESDAY that the public debate over whether or not Muslim women should be allowed to wear veils is redolent of NAZI—GERMANY.
20061026             LONDON mayor: Veil debate REDOLENT—OF—NAZISM:
20061026             LUIS—POSADA, 78, who has allegedly taken part in plots to assassinate FIDEL—CASTRO and bomb HAVANA hotels,
20061026             MATTHEWS: Harold, call me.
20061026             THERE—1—CUTE—I would say sexy, most people would say THAT—WHITE—WOMAN,
20061026             —SIGNED, MORE—THAN—100—USA—SERVICE—MEMBERS have, 1—RARE—APPEAL urging Congress to support the "prompt withdrawal" of all USA—TROOPS and bases from IRAQ, organizers said —YESTERDAY.
20061026             MALTA Indepdent Daily. EUROPE. by ANTHONY—MANDUCA.
20061026             MALTA —TODAY: I'm serious, I will not vote if...
20061026             MALTA: Electoral Reform Debate - MANDUCA—USA—EMBASSY MALTA
20061026             Mashing maps and tagging data can transform USA—POLITICS for the better.
20061026             Web 2.0—WIZARDS, Masked youths 20060902             —BUSES ablaze in PARIS suburbs, —1—YEAR—AFTER 1—WAVE—OF rioting swept FRANCE—CITIES.
20061026             MATT—LAUER on MICHAEL—J—FOX:
20061026             Medien und KRIEG—DAS 'MASSAKER—VON—SREBRENICA'
20061026             MICHEL—CHOSSUDOVSKY: USA naval war games off THE—IRAN—COASTLINE: MIKE—WHITNEY : Charnel House:
20061026             Militias defy peace deal to impose TALIBAN rule on AFGHANISTAN—BORDER:
20061026             MOSCOW says 1—DRAFT—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—RESOLUTION on IRAN seems not to match positions agreed —EARLIER.
20061026             N KOREA warns S KOREA—AGAINST participation in USA—SANCTIONS: "
20061026             Nasa is to debate whether to send THE—SPACE—SHUTTLE on 1—MISSION—TO—SAVE the Hubble Space Telescope.
20061026             Nasa to decide HUBBLE—FATE
20061026             Neuer Job für alten Spion - NICARAGUA votes to ban abortions
20061026             NICARAGUA—NATIONAL—ASSEMBLY approves bill banning abortions even in cases where the mother's life is at risk.
20061026             No sooner did Congress authorize construction of a 700-mile fence on THE—USA—MEXICO border —LAST—WEEK than lawmakers rushed to approve separate legislation that ensures it will never be built,
20061026             Noch deutlicher aber wird die Dramatik der Entwicklung, wenn man die die Kurve des Wertverfalls betrachtet:
20061026             Nur kannst Du zum einen 1—VERBRECHEN nicht gegen ein anderes aufwiegen
20061026             —WORRIED, Officials in INDIA are, as polio spreads in the country, with 119—NEW—CASES in the past —MONTH.
20061026             Oh My God! CHENEY indicated that THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION doesn't regard WATER—BOARDING as torture and allows THE—CIA to use it.
20061026             Oil leaps —AFTER OPEC cuts and USA—FUEL—STOCKS—FALL:
20061026             OIL—PRICES leapt nearly 2—DOLLARS—HIGHER—ON—WEDNESDAY—AFTER other OPEC members, including its 2. biggest producer IRAN,
20061026             Over THE—NEXT—3—WEEKS, 1—AT—LARGE winner from the website TalkProgress com,
20061026             PUTIN Says Pressuring NORTH—KOREA Could Backfire:
20061026             Politisches Roulette: PUTIN—KASINO—FELDZUG
20061026             USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—SIGNS into law 1—NEW—FENCE on THE—USA—MEXICO border, in 1—MOVE to curb illegal immigration.
20061026             PRICE—OF—NEW—USA—HOMES—SLUMPS 10%
20061026             Great hosts like AL—FRANKEN, ED—SCHULTZ,
20061026             Proportion of Americans who want USA—TROOPS to redeploy out of IRAQ WITHIN—1—YEAR,
20061026             QUESTION: Sir, what I don't understand about the benchmark plan — if we can call it that — is what happens if and —WHEN THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT fails to meet the timelines,
20061026             REPUBLICAN—JIM—KOLBE was a "problem" with pages,
20061026             Realitätsverlust, Richard "Dick" CHENEY über den IRAK
20061026             Recipe for 1—COOKED—ELECTION—FROM—GREG—PALAST.
20061026             Report: Pinochet Gold Stash in Honk Kong Bank:
20061026             —TESTED, Report: SOUTH—KOREA has successfully, 1—NEW—LONGER—RANGE—CRUISE—MISSILE, which has not only NORTH—KOREA but also PARTS—OF—CHINA and JAPAN within range, 1—NEWS—REPORT said —ON—TUESDAY.
20061026             Rising tide of GLOBAL—WARMING threatens Pacific ISLAND states:
20061026             —RESPONDED, RUMSFELD 1., that "it is not complicated," but —JUST seconds —LATER said, "This is complicated stuff.
20061026             —ADMITTED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, THIS—WEEKED that there isn't "ANY—INTELLIGENCE"
20061026             Rush Limbaugh is sticking to his claim that MICHAEL—J—FOX is exaggerating THE—SYMPTOMS—OF—PARKINSON—DISEASE
20061026             RUSSIA queries EU draft on IRAN
20061026             RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN says NORTH—KOREA should not be backed into 1—CORNER over its NUCLEAR—WEAPONS program.
20061026             RUSSIA—NUCLEAR project snags IRAN sanctions deal: SNOW: I don't think so.
20061026             Saving Democracy With Web 2.0
20061026             —KILLED, Scores of civilians have been, in Nato RAIDS—AGAINST—THE—TALEBAN in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, officials say.
20061026             Selling PRICES—OF—NEW—USA—HOMES see their biggest fall in —35—YEARS, but THE—PACE—OF—SALES continues to rise.
20061026             Senate Majority Leader BILL—FRIST (REPUBLICAN—TN) said —TODAY that if conservatives want to be reelected,
20061026             Sie enthält EINIGE—ÜBERRASCHUNGEN: So jagen auch in eher trockenen Regionen wie den südlichen Ausläufern der SAHARA,
20061026             Sie zeigen DEUTSCHE—SOLDATEN, die mit 1—TOTENKOPF herumspielen; Skip on Toast: Tonio is right...
20061026             So let's get out there and let's make SOME—NOISE.
20061026             SOUTH—KOREA successfully tests LONG—RANGE—CRUISE—MISSILE: SPACE—STATION ship finally docks
20061026             Such 1—QUESTION, he said, was 'hypothetical.'"
20061026             —NOTED, Such unstable conditions, ANTHONY—MANDUCA, FOREIGN—AFFAIRS—ANALYST for THE—TIMES—OF—MALTA,
20061026             THE—USA could defeat ANY—ENEMY with overwhelming power but ANY—NEW—CONFLICT would involve more brute force and CIVIL—CASUALTIES than in IRAQ, the top USA—GENERAL said —TODAY.
20061026             —INTRODUCED, TALIBAN militias in PAKISTAN have set up offices, taxes and taken CONTROL—OF—JUSTICE in the tribal AGENCY—OF—NORTH—WAZIRISTAN,
20061026             Talking to ANTHONY—MANDUCA, who was unusually forthright, THE—PRIME—MINISTER did not stop with THE—PRAISING—OF—JOE—SALIBA, he concluded that holding a...
20061026             Talks on who will oversee BANGLADESH—ELECTIONS appear to break down, throwing the country into political crisis.
20061026             TERROR—EXPERTE Suskind: "BUSH weiß mehr, als er zugibt"
20061026             THAILAND—COUP—LEADER admits difficulties in proving EX—PM Thaksin Shinawatra is GUILTY—OF—CORRUPTION.
20061026             THE—ALEX—JONES—REPORT ;;10;; 25. 2006
20061026             —JOINED, THE—CENTER for USA—PROGRESS—ACTION Fund has, forces with Clear Channel Radio,
20061026             —FILED, THE—CITIZENS for Responsibility and Ethics in WASHINGTON, 1—COMPLAINT
20061026             THE—FBI investigates reports that information from 1—USA—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS lab was found in 1—POLICE—RAID on 1—TRAILER park.
20061026             —PROPOSED, THE—NEW—YORK bar has, new rules which would define blogging as advertising.
20061026             Should these rules be enacted,
20061026             —REPORTED, THE—TENNESSEAN, —YESTERDAY that the ad "will continue airing in THE—CHATTANOOGA area,
20061026             THE—TIMES & THE—SUNDAY—TIMES—MALTA
20061026             —QUESTIONED, THE—USA—AMBASSADOR—TO—AFGHANISTAN has, BRITAIN—DEAL to pull out of 1—PREVIOUSLY—INSURGENCY—HIT town, saying there is "1—LOT—OF—NERVOUSNESS" about it,
20061026             THE—WASHINGTON—TIMES—MALTA
20061026             The alacrity with which MANY—OF—AMERICA—MOST prominent liberals have censored themselves in THE—NAME—OF—THE—WAR—ON—TERROR,
20061026             The current UNITED—NATIONS SECURITY—COUNCIL draft from THE—EUROPEANS exempts "construction" of BUSH ehr and appears to allow SOME—1,500—RUSSIANS to continue working at the site, said 1—EUROPEAN diplomat.
20061026             The interviewer, ROBERT—SIEGEL, asks him what values he has been encouraging the volunteers to share with voters + this is what Rove says:
20061026             The likelihood that all, or even enough of the predicted Democratic victories turn REPUBLICAN on the 7.?
20061026             —REPORTED, The media falsely, that he "apologized
20061026             —ACCOMPANIED, The news release was, by this photograph,
20061026             The next UN CHIEF, SOUTH—KOREA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—BAN—KI—MOON, is due in CHINA for talks on the N KOREA crisis.
20061026             —OFFERED, The official's comments, the 1. hint BRITAIN—MILITARY may have 1—TIMETABLE for withdrawal in mind.
20061026             The practices of commercial data brokers can rob consumers of their privacy, threaten them with identity theft and profile them as dead beats or security risks,
20061026             The quote used in the news release is taken from BERNARD—GOLDBERG book, 110—PEOPLE Who Are Screwing Up AMERICA,
20061026             They can do it without suspicion or without really revealing their motivations".
20061026             —QUOTED, And 1—ACTE exective is,
20061026             They can see your eyes, your nose, your mouth -- and still not recognize your face.
20061026             Tiny things can do 1—LOT + microbubbles are no exception.
20061026             Tired of losing sales DUE—TO—SPIKING gas prices —WHILE oil companies rake in billions in profits,
20061026             —TUESDAY and battled NATO—FORCES". THE—TALIBAN has "regrouped, helped by 1—BOOMING illegal opium trade and growing frustration
20061026             Tuesday27: EU delegation to investigate MALTA crisis of illegal immigration;
20061026             MALTA—FISCAL deficit 3. highest 00.000. - UN initiates arms trade treaty
20061026             UPDATE : The 1. comment below, from DOCTOR—STERN, asks the obvious question about ROVE—SMUG knowledge of,
20061026             —EMBARRASSED, USA, by terror suspect:
20061026             USA—SOLDIER to voice IRAQ conflict opposition:
20061026             USA—OFFICIAL: BRITAIN seeks IRAQ pullout in a —YEAR:
20061026             USA—TROOPS suspect "that Shi'ite cleric Muqtada AL—SADR—MAHDI—ARMY
20061026             USA—WAHL—KAMPF: Schwarzenegger knöpft sich BUSH vor
20061026             USA—WAHLUMFRAGE: Republikanern droht klare Niederlage
20061026             UNITED—NATIONS agencies report that " THOUSANDS—OF—IRAQ—WOMEN are being taken advantage of by unscrupulous sex worker traffickers seeking to exploit
20061026             UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA at Davis unveils 1—DIGESTER that converts food scraps and other waste into natural gas and methane.
20061026             Update on BuzzFlash —FOR—THURSDAY, ;;10;;
20061026             26. You decide THE—NEWS—OF—THE—DAY on BuzzFlash!
20061026             Vielmehr werden wir all denen, die für dieses organisierte Verbrechen
20061026             Don't be daunted, WIRED TEMPLES—MALTA on the Web: Diplomatic times
20061026             WIRED TEMPLES—MALTA on the Web: MALTA News DIGEST—SEPTEMBER22 ...
20061026             —ACCUSED—OF, WORLD VIEWS: USA, 'reckless cultural vandalism' for...
20061026             War II which covers up the whole STORY—OF—USA—BANKERS building up THE—NAZI
20061026             —FAVORED, War profiteering by, corporate cronies was 1—OF—THE—PRIMARY—BENEFITS envisaged by THE—BUSH—REGIME as it drove so relentlessly and deceitfully toward the baseless and unprovoked attack.
20061026             —TURNED, We have, IRAQ into the most hellish place on Earth
20061026             Well, for example, look, 1 -- THE—WAR—ON—TERROR.
20061026             Do you support in 1—TIME—OF—WAR—REAUTHORIZATION—OF—THE—PATRIOT—ACT,
20061026             What BUSH Really Said at His Latest Surreal News Conference: Go CHENEY Yourself.
20061026             I'm the Great Decider. What It's Like to Be Face Blind
20061026             People hate BUSH in SOUTH—CAROLINA, 1—TRADITIONALLY red state!
20061026             —WHILE rich nations tinker with policies that may shave their carbon dioxide emissions, LOW—LYING SOUTH—PACIFIC nations such as KIRIBATI are sinking beneath the waves.
20061026             Will we destroy the city to liberate it?
20061026             Without intervention it is thought to be good for another 24-36months.
20061026             —PRODUCED, Given THE—QUALITY—OF—IMAGES and data it has, —SINCE it's launch,
20061026             Writings, Speeches & INTERVIEWS—USA—EMBASSY MALTA
20061026             —EMBATTLED, —YESTERDAY, House Speaker DENNIS—HASTERT (REPUBLICAN—IL) released 1—STATEMENT
20061026             —YESTERDAY, THE—OHIO—REPUBLICAN—PARTY sent out 1—NEWS—RELEASE (full text here)
20061026             Youths torch 2—BUSES near PARIS
20061026             —GEEIGNET, Zwar sind die Bilder grauenhaft und mit Sicherheit, das AFGHANISCHE—SITTLICHKEITSEMPFINDEN zu stören:
20061026             In 1—INTERVIEW in Ladies Home Journal's ;;09;;
20061026             edition, Fox said he was taking 1—MEDICATION that causes jerking,
20061026             1—COUNTRY battered by CIVIL—WAR—BUT HALLIBURTON turned 1—PROFIT, so the results are very good.
20061026             1—GUIDE to stealing 1—ELECTION that uses electronic voting machines WRITTEN—BY—JON—STOKES over at Arstechnica.
20061026             aber darunter nur relativ wenige schwere.
20061026             ACCORDING—TO—1—NEW—GALLUP—POLL.
20061026             ACCORDING—TO—1—INVESTIGATIVE report in Consumer Reports ;;10;; Issue.
20061026             along with local winners from participating Clear Channel Progressive Talk stations across the country,
20061026             and Media Syndication Services to launch 1—SEARCH for the next great progressive talk show host.
20061026             and take corresponding measures," the statement said.
20061026             ANY—NEW—YORK lawyer who blogs on ANY—LEGAL—TOPIC in NEW—YORK would be required to submit ANY—NEW blog post to THE—NEW—YORK Bar for review.
20061026             are "exactly what the extremists want
20061026             as it is quite readable + not that hard to understand.
20061026             asking THE—IRS to investigate KANSAS ATTORNEY—GENERAL—PHILL—KLINE'S (R) efforts to politicize THE—USE—OF—CHURCHES for his reelection effort.
20061026             at least not as advertised, ACCORDING—TO—REPUBLICAN lawmakers and immigration experts.
20061026             at the slow PACE—OF—RECONSTRUCTION and 1—LACK—OF—JOBS or 1—REAL—ECONOMY".
20061026             —ATTACKING House Minority Leader NANCY—PELOSI (REPUBLICAN—CA) over immigration:
20061026             —ATTACKING REPUBLICAN—SHERROD Brown (D) for enlisting the support of COMEDIAN—AL—FRANKEN:
20061026             automobile execs move slowly toward ALTERNATIVE—FUEL vehicles and HIGHER—MILEAGE models.
20061026             but could this change if GOOGLE—BOMBING becomes 1—COMMON—TACTIC?"
20061026             despite THE—HEAD—OF—THE—REPUBLICAN—NATIONAL—COMMITTEE—STATEMENT—TODAY that the ad was off the air".
20061026             die IN—DEN—VERGANGENE—TAGE5—JAHREN einen entscheidenden Anteil am WIRTSCHAFTS—WACHSTUM hatte.
20061026             discussing PELOSI—TRIP to EL—PASO, TEXAS, in March:
20061026             fidgeting and other abnormal involuntary movements, known as dyskinesia.
20061026             FIL—HARGA TAL—GAZZETTA tieghu TAL—HADD 23—TA
20061026             followed SAUDI—ARABIA—LEAD in enforcing output cuts and USA—FUEL—STOCKS unexpectedly fell.
20061026             —FROM 78% —PRIOR—TO viewing the ad, to 83% —AFTER viewing the ad.
20061026             —INCREASED, Support among Democrats, from 89% to 93%,
20061026             gang + we want to change horses over there because we don't like the folks we're having to DEAL—WITH—NOW;
20061026             they're 1—LITTLE—TOUGH on us.
20061026             have been, over 1—PERIOD—OF—TIME, in continuous discussions with THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT at various levels.
20061026             ideally to neighbouring Arab states or EUROPE.
20061026             im Norden Australiens und in Teilen des INDISCHEN—SUBKONTINENTS gewaltige Blitze durch die Lüfte.
20061026             in 1 alleged interview between Goldberg and Franken.
20061026             in der WEST—WELT als " Freiheitskaempfer " gegen den "Kommunismus ".
20061026             including FORMER—REPUBLICAN—SENATOR—WILLIAM—COHEN, as a "very serious appeal to 1—RACIST—SENTIMENT.
20061026             inflict upon EACH—OTHER.
20061026             is 1—BROKEN STATE—ON—THE—VERGE—OF—CIVIL—WAR and democracy cannot be said to be flourishing.
20061026             is being described as 1—TEST—CASE—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—COMMITMENT to fighting terrorism.
20061026             is so far out of the mainstream of OHIO values.
20061026             it sounds like 1—NO brainer to me but the people who hold the purse strings are rarely predictable —WHEN it comes to spending money".
20061026             it's fundamentally all the same. 1 + 1 will always equal 2.
20061026             large numbers of TALIBAN forces returned to the region
20061026             lbert Kaufmann vom Bund sozialdemokratischer Freiheitskaempfer glaubt das aber...
20061026             NAKED—NAKED—ON the screen setting up 1—DATE with HAROLD—FORD who is 1—AFRICA—AMERICAN.
20061026             normal relations with this extremist government, thus giving it encouragement and legitimacy.
20061026             ob es überhaupt das Skelett eines Muslims war, das hier geschändet WURDE—UND nicht etwa das eines gefallenen RUSSISCHEN—SOLDATEN.
20061026             of the situation from THE—PERSPECTIVE—OF—STATES and contests most vulnerable to, um, manipulation.
20061026             often targeting liberal organizations but taking few ACTIONS—AGAINST—CONSERVATIVES.
20061026             projections, whatever you want to call them, for SOME—OF—THE—MAJOR benchmarks?
20061026             shows "support for stem cell research increased
20061026             —6—YEARS—AFTER THE—FLORIDA recount.
20061026             So —NOW it's time to hit the panic button: In this article,
20061026             support among REPUBLICANs increased from 66% to 68% and support among Independents increased from 80% to 87% —AFTER viewing the ad".
20061026             that suggests terrorists are trying to influence USA—ELECTIONS.
20061026             —OFFERED, THE—CIA, to let GERMANY have ACCESS—TO—1—OF—ITS detained citizens in return for BERLIN—ASSISTANCE in silencing EU protests about the clandestine torture flights program.
20061026             the EU3 - UK, FRANCE and GERMANY—CIRCULATED 1—SECURITY—COUNCIL—DRAFT—TEXT to RUSSIA and CHINA + more disagreement looms ahead, 1—COUNCIL—DIPLOMAT said —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20061026             the enthusiasm with which they have invented ideological and moral cover for war and WAR—CRIMES and proffered that cover to their political enemies: all this is 1—BAD—SIGN.
20061026             the 1. such admission by 1—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIAL.
20061026             the terrorist surveillance program?
20061026             this thorough and edifying piece breaks down the current statistical likelihood of Democrats winning the House (99% likelihood) and Senate (74% likelihood).
20061026             —TODAY, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH will sign 1—BILL authorizing 700—MILES—OF—NEW fencing along THE—USA—MEXICO border.
20061026             um, special, hidden factors that might, um, influence the outcome of the upcoming elections.
20061026             von der CIA + vom libyschen STAATSCHEF—MUAMMAR—EL—QADDAFI finanziert.
20061026             where —LAST—MONTH THE—GOVERNMENT signed 1—PEACE—AGREEMENT with militants.
20061026             which had appeared reluctant to tie itself so publicly to THE—ENFORCEMENT—ONLY—MEASURE".
20061026             which, anecdotally, is happening more often.
20061026             The story includes 1—REPORT from 1—BUSINESS—TRAVELER who had her laptop confiscated over —1—YEAR—AGO and has yet to have it returned.
20061026             widerst at nd mund: A
20061026             will be narrowed to 2—FINALISTS who will travel to WASHINGTON—DC for the live finals at the Center for USA—PROGRESS—ACTION Fund.
20061026             would bring up 1—LINK to 1—NEWSDAY article headlined KING—ENDORSES—ETHNIC—PROFILING.' GOOGLE—POLICY has typically been to not intervene and let the algorithms work by themselves,
20061026             — by "acting" or "not taking his medications" — in 1—ADVERTISEMENT promoting stem cell research.
20061026             —INTERVIEW—BY—ANTHONY—MANDUCA originally appeared in THE—TIMES—OF—MALTA, 27 ;;09;;
20061026             "—1—MONTH—AFTER NATO—FORCES claimed 1—MAJOR—VICTORY in fierce fighting in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN,
20061026             "But he did not discuss THE—CONSEQUENCES—OF—THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT missing those targets.
20061026             "The decision to have 1—PUBLIC—CEREMONY is 1—REVERSAL for THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION,
20061026             "they should turn their focus away from THE—IRAQ—WAR".
20061026             Frist told THE—CONCORD—MONITOR, "The challenge is to get Americans to focus on pocketbook issues + not on THE—IRAQ and terror issue.
20061026             This is really shameless of MICHAEL—J—FOX—EITHER he didn't take his medication or he's acting.
20061026             —SIGNED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, 1—BILL authorizing 700—MILES—OF—NEW fencing along THE—USA—MEXICO border, hoping to give Republican candidates 1—PRE—ELECTION—PLATFORM for asserting they're tough on illegal immigration.
20061026             1—ARSON fire near Palm SPRINGS—CALIFORNIA, killed 4—USA—FOREST—SERVICE firefighters as they attempted to protect 1—HOME—CLOSE to where the fire began in Cabazon.
20061026             —RACED, The fire, across almost 38—SQUARE—MILES as MORE—THAN—1,100 firefighters worked to protect homes and build fire lines.
20061026             † A 5. FIREFIGHTER—OF—ENGINE 57, 20061031             .
20061026             —REPORTED—WAS—LATER, that he set the fire as 1—DIVERSION to free his family's impounded pit bull.
20061026             1—BIG snowstorm in COLORADO dumped 20—INCHES cutting power to thousands.
20061026             SF, the 1. Amateur Erotic Film Competition opened at the Castro Theater.
20061026             —ACCUSED, The charity organization Oxfam, coffee house chain Starbucks of blocking attempts by ETHIOPIA to trademark 3—COFFEE bean types and thereby denying farmers substantial income.
20061026             Exxon Mobil Corp. said earnings rose 6% to 5—BILLION—DOLLAR, the 2.—LARGEST quarterly operating profit ever by 1—USA—COMPANY.
20061026             —REPORTED, Researchers, the identification of THE—WESTERN honeybee genome.
20061026             The number was fewer than what was found in the fruit fly, mosquito or silk worm.
20061026             —ON HOXIE—KANSAS, Sheridan County sheriff JAMES—JOHNSON, —54—JAHRE—ALT was shot and killed as he interviewed STEVEN—PAUL—REITCHECK, —36—JAHRE—ALT about possible commitment to 1—MENTAL—HEALTH—FACILITY.
20061026             1—DEPUTY then shot and killed Reitcheck.
20061026             —LAUNCHED, BANGLADESH, the Liberal DEMOCRATIC—PARTY was, headed by FORMER—PRESIDENT—BADRUDDOZA—CHOWDHURY and Oli Ahmed, 1—FORMER—MINISTER with the ruling BANGLADESH Nationalist Party (BNP).
20061026             1—USA—SEX—OFFENDER who was sentenced by 1—USA—JUDGE to —3—YEARS "exile" in CANADA was arrested by CANADA—BORDER—GUARDS and faces deportation.
20061026             1—NEW—YORK state judge allowed former teacher MALCOLM—WATSON, convicted of having sex with a —15—YEAR—OLD—GIRL, to live in CANADA on probation rather than spending time in 1—USA—JAIL.
20061026             1—FOREIGN monitoring group said as many as 10,000 college students fought with CHINA—POLICE in —4—DAYS—OF—PROTESTS over their academic status, damaging cars and buildings and leaving AT—LEAST—20—PEOPLE injured.
20061026             1 overturned truck spilled 33—TONS—OF—TOXIC—OIL into 1—RIVER in NORTH—SHANXI province.
20061026             —FLOWED, The spill, into the Yangjiapo reservoir, contaminating 70—MILLION—CUBIC—FEET—OF—WATER.
20061026             Water supplies to 28,000—PEOPLE were cut —FOLLOWING the spill.
20061026             THE—COLOMBIA—GOVERNMENT and the country's 2.—LARGEST rebel group (ELN) agreed in HAVANA—CUBA, to launch 1—FORMAL—PEACE—PROCESS.
20061026             EAST—TIMOR, witnesses and residents said 2—MEN were shot to death in overnight gang battles in DILI.
20061026             —AGREED, EUROPE—6—LARGEST—COUNTRIES, on ways to PRE—EMPT TERRORIST—ATTACKS through sharing intelligence about threats and driving extremists from THE—INTERNET.
20061026             —SIGNALED, THE—6—STATES also, increased cooperation in stopping criminal gangs from defrauding THE—EU—OF—BILLIONS—OF—EUROS —1—YEAR in tax revenue, amid fears terrorists might be involved.
20061026             —FORCED, FRANCE, youths, passengers off 3—BUSES and set the vehicles on fire overnight in suburban PARIS, raising tensions AHEAD—OF—THE—1.—ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—RIOTS that engulfed FRANCE—RUNDOWN, heavily immigrant neighborhoods.
20061026             † 1—GEORGIA—MAN was killed and another was wounded —WHEN they stepped on 1—MINE in 1—VOLATILE area near the breakaway PROVINCE—OF—SOUTH—OSSETIA.
20061026             INDIA, men who beat, threaten or yell at their wives or LIVE—IN girlfriends could be jailed and fined under 1—LAW that took effect.
20061026             —TARGETED, It specifically, THE—OFTEN—TOLERATED problem of domestic violence.
20061026             —JOINED, USA—TROOPS—LATER, the fight, aiding in 1—COUNTERATTACK in which 18—INSURGENTS †.
20061026             4—PEOPLE KILLED—WERE and 5 wounded near Baqouba —WHEN gunmen fired on 1—VAN carrying Shiites returning from the funeral of 1—RELATIVE in Najaf.
20061026             † 4—USA—MARINES and 1—SAILOR, of wounds suffered —WHILE fighting in the same Sunni insurgent stronghold.
20061026             ISRAEL—FORCES shot and killed 2—PALESTINIANS in EXCHANGES—OF—GUNFIRE in THE—GAZA—STRIP.
20061026             THE—5—DAY—EVENT brought together REPRESENTATIVES—OF—FOOD—COMMUNITIES that produced good, clean and fair food in 1—RESPONSIBLE and sustainable way.
20061026             —VOTED, Teachers in THE—SOUTH—MEXICO—STATE—OF—OAXACA, to end a —5—MONTH—OLD—STRIKE, allowing 1.3—MILLION—CHILDREN to return to classes and potentially taking the sting OUT—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS besieging this historic city.
20061026             —VOTED, NICARAGUA—CONGRESS, to ban all abortions, including those that could save 1—MOTHER—LIFE.
20061026             —KILLED, PERU—SOUTH—ANDES, AT—LEAST—20—PEOPLE were, and 12—OTHERS were injured —WHEN 1—PASSENGER—BUS crashed down 1—EMBANKMENT.
20061026             —REJECTED, RUSSIA, 1—DRAFT—UN—RESOLUTION put forward by European powers targeting IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM, saying the proposed measures did not advance objectives agreed on —EARLIER by major world powers.
20061026             SOUTH—KOREA said it will ban THE—ENTRY—OF—NORTH—KOREA—OFFICIALS who fall under 1—UN—TRAVEL—RESTRICTION.
20061026             —ARRIVED, SRI—LANKA—WARRING parties, in GENEVA for their 1. FACE—TO—FACE meeting in —8—MONTHS as THE—EU racked up INTERNATIONAL pressure for 1—HALT to ethnic bloodshed.
20061026             —OFFERED, Mo Ibrahim, 1—SELF—MADE—SUDAN—MILLIONAIRE, AFRICA—POLITICIANS 1—ANNUAL prize worth 5—MILLION—DOLLAR if they avoid being seduced by power and corruption.
20061026             The prize would be presented to former leaders who had demonstrated excellence in government.
20061026             —FOUNDED, Ibrahim, Celtel INTERNATIONAL, 1—AFRICA—CELL—PHONE—NETWORK.
20061026             widerst at nd mund: A lbert Kaufmann vom Bund sozialdemokratischer Freiheitskaempfer glaubt das aber...
20061026             DIE—USA auf dem Weg in 1—DIKTATUR? [Archiv] - Seite 15 ...
20061026             —GEBRACHT, Dass BUSH sich so sträubt, mit Abramoff in Verbindung, zu werden, wundert NICHT—ER wäre damit nur einen Händedruck vom organisierten Verbrechen...
20061026             DIE—USA auf dem Weg in 1—DIKTATUR? [Archiv] - Seite 14 ...
20061026             Nur kannst Du zum einen 1—VERBRECHEN nicht gegen ein anderes aufwiegen... von der CIA + vom libyschen STAATSCHEF—MUAMMAR—EL—QADDAFI finanziert.
20061026             —FINANZIERT, Der "KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN TERROR—ISMUS" muss, WERDEN—KÖNNTE es sein... in der WEST—WELT als " Freiheitskaempfer " gegen den "Kommunismus ".
20061026             along our southern border".
20061026             Sun 20021215             , EUROPE. by ANTHONY—MANDUCA.
20061026             Das Projekt STEREO der USA—RAUMFAHRTBEHÖRDE NASA wird gestartet.
20061026             ÖSTERREICH, wird mit der Umstellung von analogen auf digitale Fernsehsignale DVB—T begonnen.
20061026—19700000    —SEIT, 1—MINUS—VON—9,7—PROZENT innerhalb eines Jahres gab es nicht mehr.
20061026—19700000    —SEIT, Noch deutlicher aber wird die Dramatik der Entwicklung, wenn man die die Kurve des Wertverfalls betrachtet: 1—MINUS—VON—9,7—PROZENT innerhalb eines Jahres gab es nicht mehr.
20061026—19890000    —FOUNDED, THE—SLOW—FOOD—MOVEMENT, sponsored Terra Madre in TURIN—ITALY.
20061026—19910000    —SUSPECTED—OF, CROATIA—LAWMAKER—BRANIMIR Glavas, ordering the torture and KILLING—OF—SERBIA—CIVILIANS—DURING—THE—SERBO—CROAT war, was detained on WAR—CRIMES charges —AFTER 1—PARLIAMENT—COMMISSION lifted his parliamentary immunity.
20061026—20010911    —AFTER, She understands the critical implications that failures on THE—PART—OF—BOTH—THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION and THE—REPUBLICAN—CONGRESS—LEADERSHIP have had on our border communities and in making our country less safe even —5—YEARS.
20061026—20030000    —IDENTIFIED, They, 10,157 genes in THE—DNA project that began.
20061026—20040000    —IN—THE, election, for example, MORE—THAN—3—MILLION—BALLOTS were never counted.
20061026—20040000    Continue
20061026—20040000    —IN—LATE, SERGEANT—LIAM—MADDEN—WHO was against the war even —BEFORE being sent to IRAQ with his UNIT—IS 1—OF—MORE—THAN 100—SOLDIERS on active duty who have organised the petition drive through 1—WEBSITE called Appeal for Redress.
20061026—20040000    —IN—LATE, USA—SOLDIER to voice IRAQ conflict opposition : SERGEANT—LIAM—MADDEN—WHO was against the war even —BEFORE being sent to IRAQ with his UNIT—IS 1—OF—MORE—THAN—100—SOLDIERS on active duty who have organised the petition drive through 1—WEBSITE called Appeal for Redress.
20061026—20040900    —SEIT, WASHINGTON—DER aktuellen Statistik des USA—HANDELSMINISTERIUMS zufolge kostete 1—EIGENHEIM in den USA —IM—SEPTEMBER durchschnittlich 217.100—DOLLAR—DIE—PREISE sind damit auf dem niedrigsten Stand gesunken.
20061026—20050000    —IN, He sold Celtel for 3—BILLION—DOLLAR.
20061026—20051000    —SINCE, THE—USA—MILITARY said 96—USA—TROOPS have † so far in October, the most in —1—MONTH, —WHEN the same number was killed.
20061026—20061031    —ARRESTED, RAYMOND—LEE—OYLER, —36—JAHRE—ALT was, for setting the Esperanza Fire.
20061026—20070100    —IN, 13—LAWMAKERS including 2—MINISTERS defected from THE—GOVERNMENT to launch the new party to challenge almost —2—DECADES—OF—RULE by the country's 2—MAIN—PARTIES—ELECTIONS.
20061026—20090306    —CONVICTED—OF, Oyler was, 5—COUNTS—OF—1. degree murder.
20061026—20090605    —SENTENCED, Oyler was, to death.
20061103             Ein anschauliches Yes MEN—PORTRAIT aus der TAZ—NORD (20061026             ) ist nachzutragen.
20070205             ARISTOTELES unterscheidet streng zwischen dem Historiker, der beschreibt, was geschehen... 20070205             20041026             20070205             ARISTOTELES unterscheidet streng zwischen dem Historiker, der beschreibt, was geschehen... 20070205             20041026             18370000             Büchner GEORG—DRAMATIKER starb in Zürich.
20070321   ——
20070327   —
20070327             D—MICHAEL—GREEN - NEW—YORK — Citigroup -
20070327             QUEEN lässt —NACHTS das Licht AN—
20070327   ——
20070525             Mars, Viking; McVeigh, Timothy...
20070727             1., they came for the smokers, but I didn't speak up, because I wasn't 1—SMOKER... —POSTED—BY—COMTE | 20061026             —420—PM...
20071000             Bald 1—MILLIONEN—NAMEN auf der USA—TERRORLISTE...
20071023             —EXPECTED, The figure, which BUSH was, to announce —LATER—MONDAY at THE—WHITE—HOUSE, brings to $196.4—BILLION the total requested by the administration for operations in IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN and elsewhere for the budget —YEAR that started 20071001             20071026             BUSH may boost spending request for IRAQ—WAR: THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION may increase THE—AMOUNT—OF—MONEY it is seeking for THE—IRAQ—WAR for 20080000             —THE fiscal —YEAR that begins 20071001             , THE—WHITE—HOUSE said —ON—FRIDAY.
20071025—20071026    und sich 1—TEIL—PLANWIRTSCHAFT zurück wünscht.
20071026             sold for 100.000—DOLLAR at auction —THURSDAY to 1—HOUSTON—AREA bookstore owner who called the Marxist "1—OF—THE—GREATEST revolutionaries of the 19010101—20001231    ".
20071026             BUSH may boost spending request for IRAQ—WAR: THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION may increase THE—AMOUNT—OF—MONEY it is seeking for THE—IRAQ—WAR for 20080000             —THE fiscal —YEAR that begins 20071001             , THE—WHITE—HOUSE said —ON—FRIDAY.
20071026             "Allegations include that Scaife was fooling —AROUND with 1—KNOWN prostitute —WHILE oo to his 2. wife.
20071026             "Das Gleichgewicht kann nicht länger gehalten werden. In einigen Erdteilen ist es sogar —SCHON—ZERSTÖRT".
20071026             "It's not 1—QUESTION—OF—WHEN we'll hit $100—BUT how quickly,'' said Nauman Barakat, senior VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—GLOBAL—ENERGY—FUTURES at Macquarie Futures USA INCORPORATED
20071026             "The situation is worst in ASIA, where tropical forest destruction and the hunting and TRADING—OF—MONKEYS puts MANY—SPECIES at terrible risk.
20071026             "Wir stehen vor einer Situation, die eskaliert", warnte UNEP—CHEF—ACHIM—STEINER in einer Videobotschaft.
20071026             "You could fit all the surviving MEMBERS—OF—THESE 25—SPECIES in 1—SINGLE—FOOTBALL—STADIUM; that's how few of them remain on Earth —TODAY," said RUSSELL—MITTERMEIER, THE—PRESIDENT—OF—CONSERVATION—INTERNATIONAL.
20071026             (Unep) ein düsteres BILD—DER—AKTUELLEN—WELTSITUATION zeichnen.
20071026             —CONDEMNED, AFP - - IRAN—FOREIGN—MINISTRY has, the sanctions imposed by THE—USA on its military and 3—BANKS, calling them contrary to INTERNATIONAL law.
20071026             —BY Khaled AMAYREH—ISRAEL—REGARD for Palestinians can be summed up in how it imprisons and terrorises them,
20071026             —BY MICHAEL—BIRMINGHAM—SYSTEMATIC burning and destruction ravage 1—PALESTINE—CAMP in LEBANON,
20071026             25—PRIMATES on edge of oblivion
20071026             60—PROZENT—DER—GRÖßTEN—FLÜSSE—DER—ERDE wurden gestaut oder umgelenkt
20071026             73.000—QUADRATKILOMETER Waldfläche gehen jährlich weltweit verloren
20071026             75.000—MENSCHEN kommen PRO—JAHR durch UMWELT—KATASTROPHEN um -
20071026             AFGHANISTAN is lost: AFGHANISTAN: Karzai fordert weniger USA—LUFTANGRIFFE
20071026             An Krankheiten, die durch kontaminiertes Wasser übertragen werden, sterben jährlich 3—MILLIONEN—MENSCHEN—DIE meisten von ihnen Kinder unter —5—JAHREN
20071026             —RESUMED, Archaeologists have, their search for 1—LIBRARY—OF—GREEK and Latin masterpieces that is thought to lie under volcanic rock at the ancient Roman site of Herculaneum.
20071026             ATOMREAKTOR—VERDACHT: Neues Satellitenbild zeigt bombardierte SYRISCHE—ANLAGE
20071026             —ATOM—STREIT: PUTIN warnt vor neuen SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—IRAN - Attack IRAN And You Attack RUSSIA
20071026             —DEMENTED, BUSH Co has over 14—MORE—MONTHS to sew their, SEEDS—OF—DESTRUCTION—ALL over the planet.
20071026             BUSH Promises a 2. Time to Leave Sick Children Without Care Because He Needs to Spend MORE—THAN—2—TRILLION of Our Dollars on War
20071026             BUSH CONTRIBUTORS—LOBBYISTS finance
20071026             BUSH heads for 1—DREADFUL—MISCALCULATION over IRAN:
20071026             BUSH may boost spending request for IRAQ—WAR: BANGLADESH, INDIA, Burma
20071026             Bauern holen 39—PROZENT mehr Erträge aus dem Land als noch in den ACHTZIGER—JAHREN 10
20071026             —BEREITS im ;;06;; hatte die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) einen dramatischen Bericht veröffentlicht.
20071026             Betroffen sind vor allem Kinder: 10—MILLIONEN sterben weltweit jährlich an den Folgen der UMWELT—ZERSTÖRUNG.
20071026             Bouclier antimissile : Poutine durcit le ton en évoquant la crise de CUBA de 1962
20071026             BROWN—HEADED spider monkey (Ateles fusciceps)
20071026             CBS Poll: CLINTON Is Strong, Unless Gore Enters the Race
20071026             CHINA says economy grew 11.5—PCT. in 3Q:
20071026             CHINA—SIZZLING economy grew by 1—EYE—POPPING 11.5—PROZENT in the 3. quarter, COLOMBIA, ECUADOR - COLOMBIA, VENEZUELA
20071026             Congress estimates cost for USA—WARS at $2.4—TRILLION through —NEXT—DECADE:
20071026             Conservatives too busy for hearing on IRAQ—WAR—COST:
20071026             Could it have something to do with the recent AFFECTION—OF—HEDGE—FUND—MANAGERS for THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY?
20071026             Cross River gorilla (Gorilla gorilla diehli) - Das PAGERANK—SCHRECKGESPENST geht um.
20071026             Es hat 1—SPUR—DER—VERWÜSTUNG hinterlassen.
20071026             Webseitenbetreiber in DEUTSCHLAND
20071026             Das durchschnittliche jährliche PRO—KOPF—EINKOMMEN ist um 40—PROZENT auf 8162—USA—DOLLAR angestiegen
20071026             DATEN—SCHÜTZER fürchten "Moloch": KRITIK—AN—GEPLANTER Steuerdatei
20071026             DELACOUR—LANGUR (Trachypithecus delacouri);
20071026             GOLDEN—HEADED langur (Trachypithecus poliocephalus poliocephalus); GREY—SHANKED douc (Pygathrix cinerea);
20071026             Tonkin SNUB—NOSED monkey (Rhinopithecus avunculus)
20071026             Der ist für die Platzierung in Googles Suchergebnissen wichtig und entscheidend für die HÖHE—DER—WERBEEINNAHMEN.
20071026             AFP - Die Erde früher und —HEUTE: Bilder eines dramatischen Wandels
20071026             Die Geschwindigkeit, mit der die Menschheit die Ressourcen der Erde während der letzten —20—JAHRE verbraucht hat,
20071026             —ÜBERSCHREITET, Die Häfte aller Städte, die von der WHO vorgeschrieben UMWELT—RICHTLINIEN
20071026             Die SÜßWASSER—FISCHBESTÄNDE sind in den letzten —20—JAHREN um die Hälfte geschrumpft
20071026             Die Welt steht am Abgrund.
20071026             Die Weltbevölkerung ist in letzten —20—JAHREN um 34—PROZENT auf 6,7—MILLIARDEN Menschen gewachsen
20071026             Die entscheidende Ausweitung des KRIEGS—BEGRIFFS war mit BUSH—AM
20071026             Die meisten Blogs, die von der Aktualisierung des Pageranks betroffen waren, erhielten Bewertungen von 3—ODER 4. Außerdem traf es die Seiten renommierter Tageszeitungen und Newsportale.
20071026             Diggers begin Herculaneum task of finding masterpieces lost to volcano
20071026             Doch auch der Rückgang der globalen Trinkwasserreserven, die Fläche an fruchtbarem Land,
20071026             ENERGIE—POKER: KRIEGS—GROLLEN lässt ÖL—PREIS explodieren
20071026             Eppler sieht —HEUTE weltpolitisch vor allem 2—GEFAHREN — die untergrabung des Völkerrechts durch den sogenannten KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—TERROR und den fortschreitenden Staatszerfall — und setzt dagegen die Verteidigung des Gewaltmonopols des Rechtsstaats:
20071026             EQUATORIAL—GUINEA
20071026             Er wendet sich gegen die Dehnung des KRIEGS—BEGRIFFS durch den Politologen Herfried Münkler:
20071026             ERIC—HAAS: S—CHIP and the Rigged Health Insurance Game -- 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION
20071026             —DISCOVERED, Even newly, species are severely threatened from loss of habitat and could soon disappear".
20071026             FEMA Holds 1—CALIFORNIA—WILDFIRE—SIMULATED "News" Conference with the Qeustions Coming from...FEMA Staffers.
20071026             Right Out of the Politburo Propaganda Handbook.
20071026             Fazit: 13—MILLIONEN—MENSCHEN sterben weltweit jährlich an dreckigem Wasser, verpesteter Luft und unwürdigen Arbeitsbedingungen.
20071026             FORMER—ISRAEL—FOREIGN—MINISTER: New USA—SANCTIONS a "historic move":
20071026             Gefährliches Zwischenhoch: Börse auf Speed
20071026             GEN—ANALYSE: Die roten Haare der Neandertaler
20071026             Giuliani : Blind Should Be Able to Carry Guns
20071026             GOOGLE—MITARBEITERIN auf dem Weg zur Arbeit: STRAF—AKTION gegen Linktauscher?
20071026             Statcounter - Greater bamboo lemur (Prolemur simus);
20071026             WHITE—COLLARED lemur (Eulemur albocollaris);
20071026             Sahamalaza Peninsula sportive lemur (Lepilemur sahamalazensis);
20071026             Silky sifaka (Propithecus candidus) - GUEVARA—HAIR sells for 100.000—DOLLAR
20071026             Gute Quartalszahlen: MICROSOFT—AKTIE springt auf 6- JAHRES—HOCH
20071026             WEST—PURPLE—FACED langur (Semnopithecus vetulus nestor); PIG—TAILED langur (Simias concolor)
20071026             Humanity KAPUTTALISM is changing EARTH—CLIMATE so fast + devouring resources so voraciously that it is poised to bequeath 1 ravaged planet to future generations,
20071026             HUNDREDS—OF—FOREIGN—COMPANIES could be affected by leaving them with the choice to end their dealing with IRAN or face sanctions from THE—USA.
20071026             Im Detail listet der neue UNEP—BERICHT folgende Punkte auf: INDONESIA (Mentawai Islands)
20071026             INDONESIA PIG—TAILED langur (Simias concolor) (Mentawai Islands);
20071026             Sumatran ORANG—UTAN (Pongo abelii) (Sumatra);
20071026             Siau ISLAND tarsier (Tarsius sp.) - IRAN defiant over USA—SANCTIONS - IRAN denounces 'hostile' USA—SANCTIONS:
20071026             —ABUSED, IRAQ: Child prisoners, and tortured, say activists:
20071026             —RAISED, IRAQ—NGOS have, concerns about THE—CONDITION—OF—CHILDREN in local prisons, saying they are abused and tortured —DURING interrogation.
20071026             IVORY—COAST, GHANA
20071026             —KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE PKK: Die heimliche Invasion der Türken im IRAK - KENYA - Kucinich: BUSH Wants More War
20071026             —LAST—WEEK, FORMER—MOSSAD CHIEF—EPHRAIM—HALEVY said similar things about IRAN.
20071026             Les banlieues d'AMSTERDAM vivent des nuits de violences
20071026             —CRITICIZED, Livni also, the exaggerated use that PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT is MAKING—OF—THE—ISSUE—OF—THE—IRAN—BOMB,
20071026             MADAGASCAR - Memoiren: 9—MILLIONEN—DOLLARVORSCHUSS für Blair
20071026             Millionen Kinder unter —10—JAHREN sterben weltweit jährlich an den Folgen von UMWELT—ZERSTÖRUNG
20071026             Miss Waldron's red colobus (Procolobus badius);
20071026             Roloway monkey (Cercopithecus diana roloway)
20071026             —ENDANGERED, Most, : Much like Auschwitz
20071026             —NAH—OST—KONFLIKT: "Wir bekämpfen die Symptome"
20071026             Nato has "lost in AFGHANISTAN" and its failure to bring stability there could provoke 1—REGIONAL—SECTARIAN—WAR "on 1—GRAND—SCALE", ACCORDING—TO—LORD Ashdown
20071026             —VERDIRBT, Neuer Geiz: PREIS—ANGST, Deutschen die Kauflaune - NIGERIA, CAMEROON
20071026             —NOW Scaife is Involved in 1—TAWDRY, Nasty, Seedy 2. Divorce That Has PITTSBURGH Buzzing.
20071026             Oil Rises Above 90—DOLLAR to 1—RECORD on Supply DROP—IRAN Sanctions:
20071026             P.M. Carpenter: —YESTERDAY—ACTIONS were 1—WARNING shot, all right -- but it wasn't aimed at IRAN 10/26
20071026             PUTIN objects to SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN
20071026             PUTIN wirbt für RUSSISCHE—INVESTITIONEN in der EU
20071026             Pennant's red colobus (Procolobus pennantii pennantii) (ISLAND—OF—BIOKO)
20071026             PERU—YELLOW—TAILED woolly monkey (Oreonax flavicauda) - Pete, NANCY, GEORGE and WWIII
20071026             Pour WWF, "la FRANCE se met en mesure de rattraper son retard" SUR le plan écologique
20071026             REPUBLICAN Mitt Romney said —THURSDAY he would be willing to use 1—MILITARY blockade or "BOMBARDMENT—OF—SOME—KIND" to prevent IRAN from gaining 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON.
20071026             RICHARD—MELLON—SCAIFE—DONATED—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS to Try and Impeach CLINTON by Slandering Him and "Dirtying" Him Up,
20071026             Romney open to IRAN 'bombardment':
20071026             Running —AROUND like 1—MADMAN with 1—RAZOR blade, waving it —AROUND, is not the best way to resolve the situation," THE—RUSSIA—LEADER said.
20071026             —OBJECTED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, —ON—THURSDAY to new SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN, saying such action would put IRAN in 1—CORNER over its nuclear programme.
20071026             —TUMBLED, SALES—OF—USA—HOMES and apartments, 1—HEFTY 8—PROZENT in
20071026             Save the planet? It's —NOW or never, warns landmark UN report:
20071026             —ON—WEDNESDAY, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE—ADMITTED, , THE—USA had mishandled THE—CASE—OF—1—CANADA—WHO was deported to Syria and tortured, but she stopped short of 1—APOLOGY.
20071026             Senate approves EXTENSION—OF—INTERNET—TAX—BAN
20071026             —EXPRESSED, Silvan Shalom (Likud), —ON—THURSDAY, his APPROVAL—OF—THE—USA—DECISION to impose additional SANCTIONS—ON—IRAN, ARMY—RADIO reported..
20071026             So etwa die "WASHINGTON—POST " in AMERIKA oder die "Netzeitung" in DEUTSCHLAND.
20071026             Solarunternehmen: CONERGY—AKTIE bricht nach Gewinnwarnung ein
20071026             SRI—LANKA
20071026             —STREIT mit TÜRKEI: USA—KONGRESS will ARMENIEN—RESOLUTION verschieben
20071026             SUPER—COMPUTER: Der schnellste Rechner der Welt
20071026             THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION may increase THE—AMOUNT—OF—MONEY it is seeking for THE—IRAQ—WAR for 20080000             —THE fiscal —YEAR that begins ;;10;;
20071026             1, THE—WHITE—HOUSE said —ON—FRIDAY.
20071026             THE—MILITARY—ALONE will not win in AFGHANISTAN, THE—CHIEF—OF—DEFENCE—STAFF said —TODAY.
20071026             THE—MILITARY will not win in AFGHANISTAN, says CHIEF—OF—DEFENCE—STAFF:
20071026             Tana River red colobus (Procolobus rufomitratus)
20071026             TANZANIA - THE—HOUSE—BUDGET—COMMITTEE held 1—HEARING —TODAY to receive testimony regarding THE—CBO—ESTIMATE that THE—IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN wars may total $2.4—TRILLION.
20071026             —OUTWITTED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE once again seems HELL—BENT on being, in THE—COURT—OF—GLOBAL—OPINION;
20071026             and, THE—WP calls the Mellon breakup a 'fabulously tawdry and surpassingly vicious spectacle.'" That is Why Scaife is Being Named the BuzzFlash GOP HYPOCRITE—OF—THE—WEEK.
20071026             The estimate is the most comprehensive and FAR—REACHING TO—DATE.
20071026             The report follows assessments
20071026             Trinkwasser: Die globalen Reserven gehen zurück Politischer Wille und Führungskraft seien erforderlich,
20071026             TÜRKEI fliegt Luftangriffe im Nordirak
20071026             TÜRKEI verstärkt Vorbereitungen für Einmarsch in den IRAK
20071026             USA—BUNKER—BUSTER Request Prompts IRAN Attack Fears
20071026             —MISHANDLED, USA, CASE—OF—CANADA—ARAR, admits Rice:
20071026             USA—HOME sales hit fresh lows as unsold properties flood market:
20071026             USA imposes strict economic SANCTIONS—ON—IRAN:
20071026             —VERGLEICHT, USA—SCHUTZSCHILD: PUTIN, Raketenstreit mit KUBA—KRISE
20071026             —UMFRAGEHOCH: BRITISCHE—KONSERVATIVE überrunden Labour
20071026             Unfall von Grevenbroich: "Bei 1000—LEUTEN auf der Baustelle gibt es keine Sicherheit"
20071026             UNO—UMWELTBERICHT, Millionen sterben durch Ausbeutung der Natur
20071026             Variegated spider monkey (Ateles hybridus)
20071026             Verblüffender Ausbruch: Komet strahlt 500.000- mal heller - Viel Geld wert: Chinesen lieben EUROPA
20071026             VIETNAM - We must all join Congressman DENNIS—KUCINICH (REPUBLICAN—OH) in his call to remove them from office not only for their past,
20071026             WEST—HOOLOCK gibbon (Hoolock hoolock) - What Happened in Nahr AL—BARED?
20071026             Why Democrats are afraid to raise taxes on the rich:
20071026             Wie Unternehmen vom KLIMA—WANDEL betroffen sind
20071026             but for their future, illegal WARS—OF—AGGRESSION, possibly even doing the unthinkable: using 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON.
20071026             but the media is banned and THE—WORLD is silent.
20071026             claiming that he is attempting to rally the public —AROUND him by playing on its most basic fears.
20071026             das ist das Fazit von FAST—400—WISSENSCHAFTLERN, die in dem jüngsten UMWELT—BERICHT des UMWELT—PROGRAMMS der VEREINTE—NATIONEN
20071026             die Schrumpfung der Fischbestände und der Verlust an ARTEN—VIELFALT sind nach ANSICHT—DER—AUTOREN gravierende Probleme.
20071026             habe das "Überleben der Menschheit" infrage gestellt - - in NEW—YORK.
20071026             ``There are no bearish factors in the market right —NOW.'' - schreiben die Autoren.
20071026             Der Bericht betont vor allem den KLIMA—WANDEL als Problem von "WELT—PRIORITÄT".
20071026             sind bestürzt.
20071026             Vor allem bekannte USA—BLOGS mussten schmerzliche Verluste beim sogenannten Pagerank hinnehmen.
20071026             surging ahead despite official efforts to cool the boom and putting it on track to overtake GERMANY as THE—WORLD—3.—LARGEST, ACCORDING—TO—DATA reported —THURSDAY
20071026             —WARNED, THE—UN, —THURSDAY in its most comprehensive SURVEY—OF—THE—ENVIRONMENT.
20071026             um die dringenden Probleme zu LÖSEN—DOCH die politische Antwort —DERZEIT, sei "beklagenswert inadäquat",
20071026             what everybody should know about the secret and terribly damaging WAYS—OF—THE—CIA.
20071026             writes Khaled Amayreh in the occupied WEST—BANK.
20071026             "Der technische Fortschritt hat uns zum Gewaltmonopol (...) und damit zum STAAT verurteilt" (S. 124).
20071026             "Die Gewaltausbrüche, über —DIE—HEUTE die Medien berichten, sind keine Kriege zwischen Staaten".
20071026             (S. 118—F.) - "THE—ADMINISTRATION has been dramatically increasing its efforts in the last several weeks to go to WAR—WITH—IRAN," Kucinich said.
20071026             "This latest stunt is nothing MORE—THAN—1—ATTEMPT—TO—DECEIVE Americans into yet another WAR—THIS time with IRAN".
20071026             1—FEDERAL—JURY in KANSAS—CITY—MONTANA, decided that Lisa MONTGOMERY, convicted of killing expectant mother Bobbie JO—STINNETT and cutting the baby from her womb, should receive THE—DEATH—PENALTY.
20071026             —ORDERED, GEORGIA—SUPREME—COURT, the release of 1—YOUNG—MAN who has been imprisoned for MORE—THAN—2—YEARS for having consensual ORAL sex with another teenager.
20071026             —RULED, The court, 4—3—THAT—GENARLOW WILSON—10—YEAR—SENTENCE was cruel and unusual punishment.
20071026             —RETURNED, THOUSANDS—OF—SOUTH—CALIFORNIANS, to their neighborhoods as wildfires charred SOME—800—SQUARE—MILES.
20071026             † AT—LEAST—7—PEOPLE had, in the fires including 4 in 1—MIGRANT—CAMP.
20071026             7—OTHER—DEATHS were reported from various causes —FOLLOWING evacuation.
20071026             —ADDED, Astronauts, the 24-foot long, ITALIAN—BUILT Harmony compartment to THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20071026             † FRIEDMAN—PAUL—ERHARDT, —63—JAHRE—ALT, television's "CHEF—TELL," in Upper Black Eddy, PENNSILVANIA.
20071026             —INCLUDED, His books, "For the Love of Enzymes: THE—ODYSSEY—OF—1—BIOCHEMIST".
20071026             AFGHANISTAN, 1—AIRSTRIKE—ON—1—GROUP—OF—TALIBAN fighters left 18—MILITANTS—DEAD in the mountainous AREA—OF—DAYCHOPAN district, in Zabul province.
20071026             Shares in Bovespa, THE—STOCK—EXCHANGE—OF—SAO—PAULO, BRAZIL, began trading.
20071026             —OPENED, THE—IPO, at $12.77 and closed at $17.77.
20071026             1—UK—SOLDIER was convicted at 1—COURT martial of his part in 1—PLOT to smuggle guns out of IRAQ and sell them to colleagues at his unit's base in GERMANY.
20071026             —INVOLVED, LANCE—CORPORAL—ANTHONY—CRESWICK was, in selling illegal pistols bought on the black market in Basra.
20071026             —ANNOUNCED, CHINA, 1—MULTIBILLION—DOLLAR—PLAN to clean up severely polluted Lake Tai, where 1—ALGAE bloom forced THE—SUSPENSION—OF—WATER—SUPPLIES to MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE THIS—SUMMER.
20071026             THE—5—BILLION—DOLLAR plan to clean up the lake, in 1—DENSELY populated area NORTH—WEST—OF—SHANGHAI, should take —5—YEARS.
20071026             —SWELLED, CONGO, heavy rains, into 1—TORRENT—OF—WATER that swamped KINSHASA, 30—PEOPLE—KILLED in less than —24—HOURS.
20071026             —IMPLORED, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—CUBA—NATIONAL ballet, USA—ARTISTS, writers and intellectuals to denounce WASHINGTON—45—YEAR—OLD—EMBARGO—AGAINST—THE—COMMUNIST—RUN—ISLAND, saying that cultural exchanges between both countries should not be considered crimes.
20071026             1—HIGH—LEVEL—IRAQ—DELEGATION held talks with TURKEY—OFFICIALS to try to defuse tensions over Kurdish rebels based in NORTH—IRAQ.
20071026             —POUNDED, TURKEY—HELICOPTERS and fighter jets, Kurdish rebel positions as diplomatic efforts began in ANKARA.
20071026             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew himself up near the headquarters of 1—NATIONALISTIC—SUNNI insurgent group that has TURNED—AGAINST—AL—QAIDA in IRAQ, killing 1—WOMAN on her way to the market and wounding 4—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20071026             1—BOMB exploded near 1—VILLAGE—SOUTH—OF—BUHRIZ, CA—35—MILES—NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD, killing 1—FARMER and wounding 2—OTHERS.
20071026             1—ROADSIDE bomb struck 1—POLICE—PATROL in the Daghara area, CA—12—MILES—NORTH—OF—THE mainly Shiite CITY—OF—DIWANIYAH, killing 2—OFFICERS and wounding 3—OTHERS.
20071026             1—BATTLE—BETWEEN—AL—QAEDA in IRAQ and 1—MAJOR—SUNNI—ARAB insurgent group killed AT—LEAST—16—MILITANTS—NEAR the ancient CITY—OF—SAMARRA.
20071026             1—OFFICIAL said JAPAN hopes to thwart potential terrorists from entering the country by fingerprinting and photographing all foreigners aged 16 or over on entry —STARTING—NEXT—MONTH.
20071026             THE—MOZAMBIQUE—GOVERNMENT set itself 1—NEW —5—YEAR target to remove all the landmines that still litter the country, —15—YEARS—AFTER its LONG—RUNNING CIVIL—WAR.
20071026             —ARMED, SOUTH—NIGERIA, militants attacked 1—OFFSHORE oil platform operated by ITALIEN—ENI and seized 7—FOREIGN—WORKERS and 1—NIGERIAN.
20071026             —BATTLED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, paramilitary troops, supporters of radical cleric Maulana Fazlullah, killing AT—LEAST—1 in 1—FIERCE fight with heavy weapons.
20071026             —SEIZED, Militants, and beheaded 7—CIVILIANS and 6—SECURITY—OFFICERS—AFTER GOVERNMENT—TROOPS launched 1—ASSAULT—ON—THE radical cleric's hideout.
20071026             The clashes at the hideout of Fazlullah in the village of Imamdheri also left 3—REBELS and 2—CIVILIANS—DEAD.
20071026             Eppler sieht —HEUTE weltpolitisch vor allem 2—GEFAHREN — die untergrabung des Völkerrechts durch den sogenannten KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—TERROR und den fortschreitenden Staatszerfall — und setzt dagegen die Verteidigung des Gewaltmonopols des Rechtsstaats: "Der technische Fortschritt hat uns zum Gewaltmonopol (...) und damit zum STAAT verurteilt" (S. 124).
20071026             —ENDANGERED, Most, : MADAGASCAR—GREATER bamboo lemur (Prolemur simus);
20071026             Sahamalaza Peninsula sportive lemur (Lepilemur sahamalazensis); Silky sifaka (Propithecus candidus)
20071026             NIGERIA, CAMEROON—CROSS River gorilla (Gorilla gorilla diehli)
20071026             IVORY—COAST, GHANA—MISS Waldron's red colobus (Procolobus badius);
20071026             TANZANIA—RONDO dwarf galago (Galagoides rondoensis); Kipunji (Rungwecebus kipunji)
20071026             KENYA—TANA River red colobus (Procolobus rufomitratus) - EQUATORIAL—GUINEA
20071026             COLOMBIA, VENEZUELA—VARIEGATED spider monkey (Ateles hybridus)
20071026             COLOMBIA, ECUADOR—BROWN—HEADED spider monkey (Ateles fusciceps)
20071026             BANGLADESH, INDIA, BURMA—WEST—HOOLOCK gibbon (Hoolock hoolock)
20071026             SRI—LANKA—HORTON Plains slender loris (Loris tardigradus nycticeboides);
20071026             WEST—PURPLE—FACED langur (Semnopithecus vetulus nestor);
20071026             PIG—TAILED langur (Simias concolor) - INDONESIA (Mentawai Islands)
20071026             Sumatran ORANG—UTAN (Pongo abelii) (Sumatra); Siau ISLAND tarsier (Tarsius sp.)
20071026             VIETNAM—DELACOUR—LANGUR (Trachypithecus delacouri);
20071026             CHINA—HAINAN BLACK—CRESTED gibbon (Nomascus hainanus) (Hainan ISLAND
20071026             Bouclier antimissile : Poutine durcit le ton en évoquant la crise de CUBA de 19620000             20071026             Why Democrats are afraid to raise taxes on the rich : Could it have something to do with the recent AFFECTION—OF—HEDGE—FUND—MANAGERS for THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY?
20071026             USA imposes strict economic SANCTIONS—ON—IRAN : HUNDREDS—OF—FOREIGN—COMPANIES could be affected by leaving them with the choice to end their dealing with IRAN or face sanctions from THE—USA.
20071026             IRAN denounces 'hostile' USA—SANCTIONS : - IRAN—FOREIGN—MINISTRY has condemned the sanctions imposed by THE—USA on its military and 3—BANKS, calling them contrary to INTERNATIONAL law.
20071026             Putin objects to SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN : RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN objected —ON—THURSDAY to new SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN, saying such action would put IRAN in 1—CORNER over its nuclear programme.
20071026             Putin WARNS—AGAINST—SANCTIONS—ON—IRAN: "Running —AROUND like 1—MADMAN with 1—RAZOR blade, waving it —AROUND, is not the best way to resolve the situation," THE—RUSSIA—LEADER said.
20071026             FORMER—ISRAEL—FOREIGN—MINISTER: New USA—SANCTIONS a "historic move ": Silvan Shalom (Likud), —ON—THURSDAY expressed his APPROVAL—OF—THE—USA—DECISION to impose additional SANCTIONS—ON—IRAN, ARMY—RADIO reported..
20071026             BUSH heads for 1—DREADFUL—MISCALCULATION over IRAN : THE—WHITE—HOUSE once again seems HELL—BENT on being outwitted in THE—COURT—OF—GLOBAL—OPINION;
20071026             and, maybe, on making 1—STRATEGIC—MISCALCULATION that could make the war in IRAQ look like 1—SIDESHOW.
20071026             ``It's not 1—QUESTION—OF—WHEN we'll hit $100—BUT how quickly,'' said Nauman Barakat, senior VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—GLOBAL—ENERGY—FUTURES at Macquarie Futures USA INCORPORATED in NEW—YORK.
20071026             Romney open to IRAN 'bombardment ': (REPUBLICAN—MITT Romney said —THURSDAY he would be willing to use 1—MILITARY blockade or "BOMBARDMENT—OF—SOME—KIND" to prevent IRAN from gaining 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON.
20071026             —ABUSED, IRAQ: Child prisoners, and tortured, say activists : IRAQ—NGOS have raised concerns about THE—CONDITION—OF—CHILDREN in local prisons, saying they are abused and tortured —DURING interrogation.
20071026             Congress estimates cost for USA—WARS at $2.4—TRILLION through —NEXT—DECADE : The estimate is the most comprehensive and FAR—REACHING TO—DATE.
20071026             Conservatives too busy for hearing on IRAQ—WAR—COST.: THE—HOUSE—BUDGET—COMMITTEE held 1—HEARING —TODAY to receive testimony regarding THE—CBO—ESTIMATE that THE—IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN wars may total $2.4—TRILLION.
20071026             The military will not win in AFGHANISTAN, says CHIEF—OF—DEFENCE—STAFF : The military alone will not win in AFGHANISTAN, THE—CHIEF—OF—DEFENCE—STAFF said —TODAY.
20071026             We must all join Congressman DENNIS—KUCINICH (REPUBLICAN—OH) in his call to remove them from office not only for their past, but for their future, illegal WARS—OF—AGGRESSION, possibly even doing the unthinkable: using 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON.
20071026             IRAN—NUCLEAR Arms Pose Little THREAT—TO—ISRAEL
20071026             —BY Gidi Weitz and Na'ama Lanski
20071026             —CRITICIZED, Livni also, the exaggerated use that PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT is MAKING—OF—THE—ISSUE—OF—THE—IRAN—BOMB, claiming that he is attempting to rally the public —AROUND him by playing on its most basic fears.
20071026             Much like AUSCHWITZ—BY- Khaled AMAYREH—ISRAEL—REGARD for Palestinians can be summed up in how it imprisons and terrorises them, writes Khaled Amayreh in the occupied WEST—BANK.
20071026             What Happened in Nahr AL—BARED? —BY—MICHAEL—BIRMINGHAM - Systematic burning and destruction ravage 1—PALESTINE—CAMP in LEBANON, but the media is banned and THE—WORLD is silent.
20071026             RICHARD—MELLON—SCAIFE—DONATED—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS to Try and Impeach CLINTON by Slandering Him and "Dirtying" Him Up, —NOW Scaife is Involved in 1—TAWDRY, Nasty, Seedy 2. Divorce That Has PITTSBURGH Buzzing.
20071026             "Allegations include that Scaife was fooling —AROUND with 1—KNOWN prostitute —WHILE oo to his 2. wife. THE—WP calls the Mellon breakup a 'fabulously tawdry and surpassingly vicious spectacle.'" That is Why Scaife is Being Named the BuzzFlash GOP HYPOCRITE—OF—THE—WEEK.
20071026             —BEREITS—IM—JUNI hatte die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO)
20071026             einen dramatischen Bericht veröffentlicht.
20071026             Die Geschwindigkeit, mit der die Menschheit die Ressourcen der Erde während der letzten —20—JAHRE verbraucht hat, habe das "Überleben der Menschheit" infrage gestellt -
20071026             das ist das Fazit von FAST—400—WISSENSCHAFTLERN, die in dem
20071026             AFP—TRINKWASSER: Die globalen Reserven gehen zurück Politischer Wille und Führungskraft seien erforderlich, um die dringenden Probleme zu LÖSEN—DOCH die politische Antwort —DERZEIT sei "beklagenswert inadäquat", schreiben die Autoren.
20071026             Doch auch der Rückgang der globalen Trinkwasserreserven, die Fläche an fruchtbarem Land, die Schrumpfung der Fischbestände und der Verlust an ARTEN—VIELFALT sind nach ANSICHT—DER—AUTOREN gravierende Probleme.
20071026             Das PAGERANK—SCHRECKGESPENST geht um.
20071026             Webseitenbetreiber in DEUTSCHLAND und anderswo sind bestürzt.
20071026             Statcounter beispielsweise, —BISHER mit 1—TRAUM—RANVON—KING—OF—10—AUSGESTATTET, wurde mit einer Neubewertung von 6—INS obere Mittelfeld zurück katapultiert.
20071026             REKORD—HOCH: USA—ÖL—PREIS steigt 1. über 92—DOLLAR
20071026             AFGHANISTAN: Karzai fordert weniger USA—LUFTANGRIFFE
20071026             "We talked about IRAN and the desire to work jointly to convince THE—IRAN—REGIME to give up their NUCLEAR—WEAPONS ambitions, for THE—SAKE—OF—PEACE".
20071026             [BUSH, 0 - anomalous position of representing THE—INTERESTS—OF—STATE—OIL—COMPANY—PETROSA in 1—JOINT—VENTURE with DEUSS—TRANSWORLD group;
20071026             Fwd: [3] LITVINENKO—WORLD -- Curtis & Deuss, Oil, Corporate... - 20071026.html
20071026             —ON THE—SOLD for 100.000—DOLLAR at auction —THURSDAY to 1—HOUSTON—AREA bookstore owner who called the Marxist "1—OF—THE—GREATEST revolutionaries of the 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY".
20071026—20071030    —RELEASED, THE—6—FOREIGN—WORKERS were.
20081026             At THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CENTRAL—ARKANSAS in Conway 1—SHOOTING left 2—STUDENTS—DEAD and a 3. person wounded.
20081026             † In MASSACHUSETTS—CHRISTOPHER—BIZILJ —AFTER accidentally shooting himself in the head with 1—UZI submachine gun.
20081026             —KIDNAPPED, GABRIEL—LERNER, —27—JAHRE—ALT was, and killed —AFTER he offered 2—MEN 1—RIDE in S—THOMAS, USA—VIRGIN—ISLANDS.
20081026             Lerner was from THE—MILWAUKEE area and worked as 1—CLERK for 1—SUPERIOR—COURT—JUDGE—ON—THE—ISLAND.
20081026             —DELIBERATED, Jurors, less than —3—HOURS—BEFORE reaching the verdict.
20081026             —PLEADED, THE—CO—DEFENDANT, who was 17—AT—THE—TIME—OF—THE—MURDER, guilty —LAST—YEAR.
20081026             —SENTENCED, He was, to —20—YEARS—IN—PRISON.
20081026             BRAZIL held nationwide municipal elections.
20081026             —EXPECTED, The ruling party was, to dominate.
20081026             BRAZIL—RULING party lost its chance to retake CONTROL—OF—SAO—PAULO, SOUTH—AMERICA—BIGGEST city.
20081026             —KIDNAPPED, FERNANDO—GABEIRA, 1—EX—GUERRILLA who once, 1—USA—AMBASSADOR (19690000             ), failed in his bid to become MAYOR—OF—RIO—DE—JANEIRO.
20081026             CHILE, municipal elections were held and Alliance, THE—CENTER—RIGHT—OPPOSITION, won 41—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE for mayors, 2—POINT—MORE than the governing CENTER—LEFT Concertacion coalition.
20081026             —AGREED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA said THE—WORLD—BANK—AND—FRANCE have, to lend CHINA more than $900—MILLION to rebuild areas devastated by 1—MASSIVE—EARTHQUAKE—EARLIER—THIS—YEAR.
20081026             —WALKED, COLOMBIA, former congressman OSCAR—TULIO—LIZCANO, —62—JAHRE—ALT, to freedom in 1—WESTERN along with the young guerrilla COMMANDER, who had been his jailer, —AFTER—8—YEARS—OF—CAPTIVITY in THE—HANDS—OF—LEFTIST—COLOMBIA—REBELS.
20081026             —SEIZED, Rebels, 1—EAST—CONGO army base and the headquarters of 1—REFUGE housing SOME—OF—THE—WORLD—LAST—MOUNTAIN gorillas, in heavy fighting that sent THOUSANDS—OF—CIVILIANS fleeing.
20081026             1—UNKNOWN—NUMBER—OF—SOLDIERS, rebels and civilians KILLED—WERE in the renewed fighting in NORTH—KIVU province.
20081026             1—EGYPT—NEWS—AGENCY that transmitted FOOTAGE—OF—PROTESTERS tearing down 1—PORTRAIT—OF—THE—PRESIDENT was fined 27.000—DOLLAR for operating unlicensed equipment, and its owner said he was targeted as 1—WARNING to other media.
20081026             The complaint came SHORTLY—AFTER CNC broadcast footage from AL—JAZEERA—ENGLAND—IN—APRIL showing THE—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS.
20081026             —REACHED, HUNGARY, agreement with THE—IMF and THE—EU on 1—BROAD—ECONOMIC rescue package, including substantial financing, steadying its battered currency.
20081026             —EXPECTED, The deal was, to be finalized over the next few days.
20081026             —OPENED, GOVERNMENT—TROOPS in INDIA—KASHMIR, fire on HUNDREDS—OF—ANGRY—PROTESTERS demanding the release of several people arrested —DURING—1—RECENT—STRIKE, killing 1 and wounding AT—LEAST—3—OTHERS.
20081026             1—TOP—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARDS—COMMANDER—SAID—IRAN is supplying weapons to "liberation armies" in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, offering the 1. official confirmation the country provides weapons to armed groups in the region.
20081026             —ABANDONED, PRIME—MINISTER—DESIGNATE Tzipi Livni, efforts to form 1—GOVERNMENT—SUNDAY, putting ISRAEL on course for new elections and endangering already fragile MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE—TALKS.
20081026             —STEPPED, KUWAIT—CENTRAL—BANK, to prop up 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—BIGGEST banks and said it was considering guaranteeing deposits in domestic banks, in 1—OF—THE 1. concrete signs that THE—GLOBAL—FINANCIAL—CRISIS may next hit THE—OIL—RICH—GULF.
20081026             Homeland Union won 44—SEATS in the 141-member PARLIAMENT.
20081026             —GRABBED, MEXICO—CITY, kidnappers, Javier Morena (5), THE—SON—OF—POOR—FRUIT—SELLERS, with the intent to ask for a 23.000—DOLLAR ransom.
20081026             —KILLED, The boy was, with 1—INJECTION—OF—ACID and buried outside the city.
20081026             5—SUSPECTS in the kidnapping were —LATER arrested and confessed to the killing.
20081026             —KILLED, PAKISTAN troops, 11—TALIBAN militants in separate clashes in 1—TRIBAL region.
20081026             † 15—PEOPLE including 10—TALIBAN militants, in 1—GUNBATTLE—WITH—LOCALS in the restive Swat valley.
20081026             —THWARTED, Locals, 1—TALIBAN ATTEMPT—TO—SEIZE militia CHIEF—PIR—SAMIULLAH.
20081026             —RETURNED, HUNDREDS—OF—TALIBAN, and seized 3—MILITIA—MEMBERS, beheading 1—OF—THEM.
20081026             Unknown gunmen shot dead the brother of PAKISTAN—TALIBAN CHIEF—BAITULLAH—MEHSUD.
20081026             Located in 1—WEST—BANK—SUBURB—OF—JERUSALEM.
20081026             —ENDED, The game against JORDAN, in a 1—1—TIE.
20081026             4—USA—MILITARY—HELICOPTERS attacked 1—CIVIL—BUILDING under construction SHORTLY—BEFORE sundown in Sukkariyeh CA—5—MILES inside THE—SYRIA—BORDER.
20081026             1—GOVERNMENT—STATEMENT said 8—PEOPLE KILLED—WERE, including 1—MAN and his 4—CHILDREN and 1—WOMAN.
20081026             1—ASSOCIATED—PRESS—JOURNALIST at the funerals in the village's cemetery saw the bodies of 7—MEN, NONE—OF—THEM minors.
20081026             —TARGETED, The area, is near THE—IRAQ—BORDER—CITY—OF—QAIM, which had been 1—MAJOR crossing point for fighters, weapons and money coming into IRAQ.
20081026             —REACHED, THE—IMF said it has, 1—TENTATIVE AGREEMENT—TO—PROVIDE UKRAINE with 5—BILLION—DOLLAR in loans over THE—NEXT—2—YEARS to help the country out of financial turmoil.
20081026             Die OPERATION—ZUKUNFT würde kaum MEHR—ALS EIN % DER—WELTWEITEN—WIRTSCHAFTSLEISTUNG kosten, also nicht wirklich viel und deutlich weniger als —DERZEIT die FINANZ—KRISE.
20081026             Allerdings wird sie nur dann zum Erfolg führen, wenn aus den vielen Komponenten ein gemeinsames Ganzes wird.
20081026             1—SYSTEM.
20081026             Tatsächlich geht aus 1—SZENARIO der Pariser Behörde sogar das schier Unvorstellbare hervor: Dass der CO2-Ausstoß —J—IM
20081026             Als Sie FINANZ—MINISTER waren, 19990000             , gab es einen breiten internationalen Konsens darüber, dass die Märkte stärker reguliert werden MÜSSTEN—NACH Meinung vieler eine historische Chance.
20081026             Warum haben Sie diese Chance nicht als FINANZ—MINISTER genutzt und für mehr Regulierung gekämpft, sondern Ihr Amt aufgegeben, was Ihnen —HEUTE viele vorwerfen?
20081026             Das ist 1—MÄRCHEN.
20081026             Eine solche Chance bestand nicht, vor allem weil AMERIKA strikt dagegen war - 1—LAND, in dem die Wahlkämpfe der Präsidenten im wesentlichen von der WALL—STREET finanziert werden.
20081026             Regierungsbildung in BAYERN: Im Strudel der FINANZ—MARKT—KRISE
20081026             Im Gespräch: OSKAR—LAFONTAINE: "Das X wird täglich größer"
20081026             Spending Stalls and Businesses Slash USA—JOBS
20081026             KLIMASCHUTZ: Auf dem Weg ins Solarzeitalter
20081026             GESICHTER DER FINANZ—KRISE, Der gute Kapitalist
20081026             Unternehmen: Autobauer am Rande des Abgrunds
20081026             Die BewußtseinsKAPITALISTen signalisieren einen Klassenkampf von oben, wie ihn selbst die Bundesrepublik —BISHER nicht kannte.
20081026             erleben ist wieder einmal, was Marx anläßlich der europäischen FINANZ—KRISE
20081026             Man nähert sich der Realität.
20081026             Wo neulich noch von "Abschwung" keine Rede sein durfte, wird inzwischen zwar "Rezession" erwähnt, aber "Depression" — also eine längere Phase hoher Arbeitslosigkeit + schrumpfender WIRTSCHAFTS—LEISTUNG —IST noch 1—UNWORT.
20081026             Angeblich soll das Kartell hunderte Tonnen Kokain aus KOLUMBIEN in DIE—USA geschleust haben.
20081026             Schätzungen der USA—ANTI—DROGEN—BEHÖRDE DEA zufolge schmuggelt das TIJUANA—KARTELL CA—1—VIERTEL des in den USA konsumierten Kokains über die Grenze.
20081026             Soldaten nahmen Felix am Freitagabend nach einer Schiesserei zusammen mit seiner Tochter in einer Wohnsiedlung der Grenzstadt TIJUANA fest, wie das VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUM —AM—SONNTAG mitteilte.
20081026             —NACH—DEM Drogenboss ist das ARELLANO—FELIX—KARTELL in TIJUANA benannt.
20081026             Landesbanken: SPD fordert Zusammenlegung
20081026             Semaine à haut risque pour les marchés financiers - USA—HELICOPTERS attack SYRIA—VILLAGE
20081026             —VERSTAATLICHT, Kommunalkredit wird
20081026             KBC verhoogt kapitaalbuffermet 3,5 miljard
20081026             Einigkeit bei EU—ASIEN—GIPFEL: WASHINGTON den Marsch blasen
20081026             CANADA had Role in Torture of its Nationals: Probe : CANADA—OFFICIALS played an "indirect" role in the wrongful jailing and torture of 3—CANADA—NATIONALS in Syria and EGYPT, 1—INQUIRY said —TUESDAY.
20081026             ISRAEL—POVERTY—WORST in WEST—WORLD:
20081026             THE—EXTENT—OF—POVERTY in ISRAEL is the highest in THE—WESTERN—WORLD, with 1—OUT of every 4—CITIZENS is defined as poor, ACCORDING—TO—1—REPORT published —THIS—WEEK by the Organisation for Economic CO—OPERATION and Development (O.E.C.D.)
20081026             Gates Says 'Dramatic Consequence' Likely If Security DEAL—WITH—IRAQ Is Not Ratified : THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—ON—TUESDAY warned of "dramatic consequences" if the security DEAL—BETWEEN—THE—USA and IRAQ collapses, which is the legal basis for THE—USA—MILITARY'S continued stay in the troubled region.
20081026             World will tremble if PAKISTAN falls: PAKISTAN is on THE—VERGE—OF—DEFAULT.
20081026             It needs  3—BILLION—DOLLAR WITHIN—1—MONTH to maintain its debt service schedule and 10—BILLION—DOLLAR over —2—YEARS.
20081026             SIGNS—OF—SLOWDOWN spiral —AROUND THE—WORLD:
20081026             Maybe USA—NEEDS—YARD SALE—BY- ERIC—MARGOLIS—RUSSIA could buy back ALASKA or perhaps CANADA could pick up sunny FLORIDA.
20081026             Arms For THE—POOR - Those poor kids at THE—PENTAGON.
20081026             They receive more funding than THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD—MILITARY—ESTABLISHMENTS combined, but it's —JUST not enough.
20081026             —PREPARED, PENTAGON—OFFICIALS have, 1—NEW—DEFENSE spending ESTIMATE—1—THEY plan to —SPRING on us —JUST—BEFORE young MISTER—BUSH exits stage RIGHT—THAT—PROJECTS 1—REQUIREMENT for  450—BILLION—DOLLAR more over THE—NEXT—5—YEARS than previously announced.
20081026             THE—545—PEOPLE RESPONSIBLE—FOR—ALL—OF—USA Woes
20081026             100—SENATORS, 435—CONGRESSMEN, 1—PRESIDENT and 9—SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICES - 545—HUMAN—BEINGS out of THE—235—MILLION—ARE directly, legally, morally and individually RESPONSIBLE—FOR—THE domestic problems that plague this country.
20081026             CUBA, EU RE—ESTABLISH cooperative ties : THE—EU will also provide 25—MILLION to 30—MILLION—EUROS (32.5—MILLION and 39—MILLION—DOLLARS) to CUBA from —NEXT—YEAR to rebuild schools and damaged houses.
20081026             —FRUSTRATED, USA suspends BOLIVIA TRADE—PACT: THE—USA—UNDOUBTEDLY, that BOLIVIA sent THE—USA—AMBASSADOR packing, closed down USA—AID—OPERATIONS and told THE—DEA to bugger off — has inflated import duties on anything and everything BOLIVIA wants to try and sell in THE—USA.
20081026             BOLIVIA—OFFICIAL accuses USA—OF—ROLE in jungle clash that left Morales supporters dead:
20081026             AIR—FORCE—WANTS 'Freedom to Attack' Online : Gone are THE—DAYS—WHEN THE—AIR—FORCE pledged to "dominate" cyberspace.
20081026             —NOW, the flyboys —JUST want "FREEDOM—OF—ACTION" online.
20081026             Oh, and the ability to deceive foes, and cyberstrike enemies at will.
20081026             Fact or fiction?
20081026             Report: BUSH to declare RENEWAL—OF—TIES—WITH—IRAN : Several USA—MEDIA—OUTLETS reported —ON—SATURDAY that USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH is likely to announce —AFTER—NEXT—MONTH—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTIONS that he intends to restore the diplomatic relations with IRAN, almost —30—YEARS—AFTER they were suspended.
20081026             McCain SURROGATE—WAR—WITH—IRAN Is Certai n: "Let me assure you of This, " Grayson said —AFTER—THE—STUDENT presentation on FOREIGN—POLICY.
20081026             "The next PRESIDENT, whether it is SENATOR—OBAMA or JOHN—MCCAIN, will go to war, and he will go to WAR—WITH—IRAN.
20081026             ABU—NIDAL, Notorious PALESTINE—MERCENARY, 'Was A—USA—SPY'
20081026             —HIRED, Secret papers claim the feared assassin was, to find links between Saddam and AL—QAIDA.
20081026             Down For THE—COUNT - "The whole system is contracting"-BY—MIKE—WHITNEY
20081026             THE—USA—TREASURY and FEDERAL—RESERVE are —NOW underwriting the entire financial system.
20081026             —ABANDONED, The free market has been, altogether.
20081026             —BACKED, Everything from commercial paper to money markets is —NOW, by the "full faith and credit of THE—USA".
20081026             —HALTED, —ON—FRIDAY—MORNING, futures trading was, for the 1. time ever —AFTER futures plunged MORE—THAN—5—PROZENT.
20081026             —FOLLOWED, THE—SELL—OFF came —AFTER another 500-plus down —DAY on the Dow, by steep declines in equities markets across EUROPE and ASIA.
20081026             THE—GRAND—MERGER!
20081026             Lawlessness in government has become THE—RULE—OF—THE—LAND.
20081026             —SUPERSEDED, Loyalty to the party, the loyalty to the country, which is 1—DÉJÀ vu phenomenon in THE—ARCHIVES—OF—FASCISM.
20081026             —CONTAMINATED, The stench of our political sewage system has, our nation and THE—WORLD.
20081026             —BECAME, Mendacity, truth, and manipulation became intelligence and virtue.
20081026             What "Incredibly Tough" FOREIGN—POLICY Actions is Obama Preparing?
20081026             —CLOSED, Behind, doors, —BEFORE select audiences of the financial and political elite, BIDEN has given 1—GLIMPSE—OF—THE—REAL—PERSPECTIVE—OF—THE—DEMOCRATIC—WING—OF—USA—IMPERIALISM.
20081026             The very IDEA—OF—THE—PEOPLE having anything resembling 1—FAIR—SHARE—OF—PROSPERITY or having ANY—TRUE—FREEDOM has become officially undesirable.
20081026             Such things would threaten the imperial RULE—OF—THIS globalist oligarchy.
20081026             All that matters to them is themselves.
20081026             The only other thing that matters is that we comply.
20081026             And should we fail to comply the punishments are ever more swift in coming.
20081026             Keep Religion Away From the Ballot
20081026             THE—CONSTITUTION, Article VI, Section 3, states "no religious test shall ever be required as 1—QUALIFICATION to ANY—OFFICE or public trust under THE—USA".
20081026             —INSTITUTED, Yet we have —NOW, such tests.
20081026             We line up THE—PRESIDENT—CANDIDATES and CROSS—EXAMINE them about their faith.
20081026             They respond with —SUNDAY school sagas about how they met God and pander to us with stories about how prayer will help them lead.
20081026             How did this come about?
20081026             DIE—DEUTSCHE—BANK z.B. hat 86—PROZENT DES—DEUTSCHES—BRUTTOINLANDSPRODUKTS in Verbindlichkeiten.
20081026             Der renomierte HARRIS—POLL hat —JETZT in einer Umfrage ermittelt, ob in verschiedenen Ländern die Menschen eher einen Betriebsunfall oder 1—SYSTEM—KRISE—DES—KAPITALISMUS sehen.
20081026             DEUTSCHLAND, ist der Anteil derer, die von 1—SYSTEMFEHLER ausgehen, mit 30—PROZENT wesentlich höher als in den anderen Ländern, in USA z.B. nur 7—PROZENT (Abb.
20081026             Das ist nicht nur die Folge besonderer DEUTSCHER—ÄNGSTLICHKEIT und Trauer um die verlorene Soziale MARKT—WIRTSCHAFT.
20081026             Hier drückt sich auch die Erfahrung, der —SEIT VIELEN—JAHREN besonders ungleichen Einkommensentwicklung aus (Abb.
20081026             KARL—ROVE - "sometimes history sends you things and 20010911             came our way".
20081026             —GUSHED, Yosemite glacier on thin ice As melting water, off the ice in 1 tinseled maze of rivulets and tumbled through 1—GAPING chasm, the hikers watched, wondered and worried.
20081026             Kyl Says BUSH Is BLAME—FREE In Financial Mess: 'THE—PRESIDENT—DOESN'T Run THE—ECONOMY'
20081026             —TODAY on 's Late Edition, SENATOR—JON—KYL (REPUBLICAN—AZ) claimed USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ECONOMIC—AGENDA had nothing to do with the current financial crisis, insisting defiantly that BUSH "doesn't run the economy":
20081026             KYL: GEORGE—BUSH doesn't run the economy.
20081026             He didn't create this problem.
20081026             —HELPED, His tax rates being lower actually, —FOR—6—YEARS create 2. largest economic growth that we've had in THE—HISTORY—OF—THE—COUNTRY—IN—RECENT—YEARS.
20081026             THE—PRESIDENT doesn't run the economy.
20081026             The current financial crisis is 1—DIRECT—RESULT—OF—BUSH running the economy.
20081026             —CONTRIBUTED, BUSH—MASSIVE—TAX cuts for the wealthy have, to record inequality and historic deficits and debt.
20081026             —GUTTED, The administration, several "
20081026             specific regulations " of the financial system, helping plunge WALL—STREET into the mess it is facing —TODAY.
20081026             —TRIED, Embracing a - common conservative talking point, Kyl, to lay all the blame for the crisis on THE—LACK—OF—REGULATION—OF—FANNIE Mae and FREDDIE—MAC.
20081026             As ALAN—GREENSPAN, SEC Chairman CHRIS—COX, and FORMER—TREASURY—SECRETARY—JOHN—SNOW — along with the Wonk Room — have stated, this is false.
20081026             —NOTED, CAP—SCOTT—LILLY, that for the past —8—YEARS "we have papered over the fact that USA—CONSUMERS do not have the
20081026             purchasing power - to sustain economic expansion".
20081026             Why? BUSH—POLICIES HAVE—DONE nothing for THE—MAJORITY—OF—AMERICANS.
20081026             If BUSH or ANY—PRESIDENT doesn't run the economy, then who does, SENATOR—KYL?
20081026             'USA—TROOPS' carry out Syria raid USA—HELICOPTER—BORNE troops have attacked 1—AREA inside Syria along the border with IRAQ, 8—PEOPLE—KILLED, SYRIA—AUTHORITIES say.
20081026             UKRAINE set for 5—BILLION—DOLLAR IMF—LOAN THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND agrees to offer a 5—BILLION—DOLLAR loan to UKRAINE, HARD—HIT by fears over THE—GLOBAL—CREDIT crisis.
20081026             DR CONGO rebels seize army camp REBEL—FORCES in EAST—DR CONGO seize 1—KEY—MILITARY—BASE and THE—HQ—OF—1—NATIONAL—PARK housing rare mountain gorillas, as civilians flee.
20081026             Purple tomato 'may boost health' Scientists develop purple tomatoes which they hope may be able to keep cancer at bay.
20081026             AUSTRALIA warns on migrant cuts AUSTRALIA may reduce its QUOTA—OF—IMMIGRANT—WORKERS if THE—GLOBAL—FINANCIAL—CRISIS raises unemployment, 1—MINISTER says.
20081026             Economy worries hit Gulf shares Shares in the Gulf region fall sharply as investors worry about THE—IMPACT—OF—THE—GLOBAL—ECONOMIC—DOWNTURN on the region.
20081026             MALE transsexual gene link found AUSTRALIA—RESEARCHERS identify a significant link between a gene involved in testosterone action and MALE transsexualism.
20081026             Tote und Verletzte: SYRIEN wirft USA—MILITÄRS HELIKOPTER—ANGRIFF—AUF—DORF vor
20081026             Alltag im GAZA—STREIFEN: Die Rückkehr der ESEL—GESPANNE
20081026             Angeschlagenes Institut: WESTLB—CHEF will die Landesbank aufspalten
20081026             Schwache Nachfrage: Daimler stoppt Produktion —FÜR—5—WOCHEN
20081026             —FINANZ—KRISE, IFO—CHEF—VERGLEICHT—KRITIK—AN—MANAGERN mit Antisemitismus
20081026             —PROTEST—GEGEN—RÄUMUNG: JUDEN—SIEDLER greifen ISRAEL—ARMEE an - Glattwale: Bedrohte Riesen
20081026             —BEZEICHNET, Fettnäpfchen: PRINZ—PHILIP, Tourismus als "Prostitution"
20081026             USA—REPUBLIKANER: Palin fürchtet Schuldzuweisung nach verlorener Wahl
20081026             —GEMECKERT, Ich hab ja, dass man in ENGLAND seine CRYPTO—PASSPHRASE verraten muss, aber rückblickend muss man sagen: immerhin sind die ehrlich.
20081026             Wenn DIE—AMIS eine verschlüsselte Platte finden, fliegen sie den Eigentümer zum Foltern in die TÜRKEI.
20081026             Die Koalition der Folterknechte.
20081026             Na was für eine Überraschung: Das Einpflegen von DNA—DATEN geht beim BKA ganz schnell, aber das Löschen dauert —SCHON mal —1—JAHR oder mehr.
20081026             —GERECHNET, Wer hätte damit ?
20081026    EINIGE—AUSTRALIEN—BANKEN haben nach 1—BANK—RUN die Konten alle gesperrt und —JETZT kommen die Leute nicht mehr an ihr Erspartes ran.
20081026             Manipulationsgefahr: CCC warnt vor EINSATZ—VON—WAHLCOMPUTERN
20081026             —FINANZ—KRISE, Steinbrück ruft DEUTSCHE—BANKEN zur Annahme staatlicher Hilfen auf
20081026             THE—CRASH: THE—PLOT—THICKENS [In recent days, 1—POSSIBLE motive for the current financial crisis has been suggested by the crisis' own architects themselves.
20081026             Obama criticises 'ugly' tactics Democratic PRESIDENT—CANDIDATE BARACK—OBAMA attacks his rival for negative campaigning —10—DAYS—BEFORE the election.
20081026             EU formally renews TIES—WITH—CUBA THE—EU and CUBA restore ties, —5—YEARS—AFTER THE—EU imposed diplomatic sanctions —FOLLOWING THE—ARRESTS—OF—DISSIDENTS.
20081026             To enrich their xenon to the experimental levels they wanted, the team had to reach out to our FORMER—COLD—WAR opponents.
20081026             "We used money available from THE—USA—GOVERNMENT to
20081026             keep FORMER—SOVIET—WEAPONS—SCIENTISTS—BUSY," Wodin said. "This was 1—FANTASTIC—PARTNERSHIP.
20081026             —PURIFIED, We gave them our Xenon and they, it to 1—SINGLE—ISOTOPE.
20081026             That increases our sensitivity massively".
20081026             That relationship, Wodin said, is 1—KEY—ADVANTAGE the team of Stanford researchers and their INTERNATIONAL collaborators has over their competitors in the search to figure out the neutrino's fundamental properties like the fantastically named Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events in ITALY, and the Germanium Detector Array and THE—CADMIUM—ZINC—TELLURIDE 0-Neutrino Double Beta Research Apparatus in GERMANY.
20081026             And that's important because with 1—PRIZE as large as understanding how matter came to persist in the universe, the competition is intense.
20081026             Paulson Considers Buying Stakes in USA Insurers (Update1)
20081026             Why didn't these guys come out —6—MONTHS—EARLIER or —6—MONTHS—LATER?
20081026             habe es einen Angriff der Sondereinsatzkräfte in Zusammenarbeit mit der CIA in SYRIEN gegeben
20081026             that DAMASCUS says killed 8—CIVILIANS.
20081026—19900000    —SINCE, This was the 1.—EVER nationwide defeat of Concertacion, which has ruled.
20081026—19920000    —SINCE, Dollar Gains Most on Concern GLOBAL—SLUMP Deepening
20081026—20000000    —SINCE, LITHUANIA—CONSERVATIVES—HOMELAND—UNION, led by FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—ANDRIUS—KUBILIUS, won the parliamentary ballot for the 1. time, in 1—RUN—OFF vote that cemented their 1.—ROUND DEFEAT—OF—THE—RULING—SOCIAL—DEMOCRATS —2—WEEKS—AGO.
20081026—20000000    —ERST—SEIT—DEM—JAHR- 66—PROZENT der gigantischen Weltwährungsreserven von 5,2—BILLIONEN—DOLLAR sind aufgebaut worden.
20081026—20010911    —ON, SCHOLARS—FORTRUTH and Justice Misrepresented in Draft BILL—SENT to 8—HOUSE—MEMBERS [Scholars for 20010911             Truth and Justice rejects association with recent draft bill presented to MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS and published at OpEdNews, DUE—TO—THE promotion of discredited theories, namely "Directed Energy Weapons" and "MINI—NUKES" theories regarding THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER destruction.
20081026—20080000    Shame And —THE—ELECTION
20081026—20080901    —SINCE - $16.3—TRILLION in stock value lost ;
20081026—20080901    SOME—BROKERS fear more drops
20081026—20081028    —ON, 4—MEN were charged with capital murder and other felonies for the shootings in Conway.
20081026—20110000    —IN, gun fair organizer EDWARD—FLEURY was CLEARED—OF—CHARGES—OF furnishing machine guns to minors —DURING—THE gun fair in Westfield.
20081026—20110304    —CONVICTED—OF, Auriel Frett (24) was, 1. degree murder for the slaying.
20081201             NORMAN—SOLOMON, "War Needs Good Public Relations," Common Dreams, 20081026             ,
20090605             —CONVICTED, RAYMOND—LEE—OYLER, —38—JAHRE—ALT, 1, arsonist, was SENTENCED—TO—DEATH for setting 20061026             —THE, SOUTH—CALIFORNIA Esperanza wildfire that killed 5—FEDERAL—FIREFIGHTERS struggling to defend 1—RURAL—HOME from raging, WIND—DRIVEN flames.
20091026             Verurteilte Journalistin: —KÖNIG—VON—SAUDI—ARABIENERLÄSST—PEITSCHENHIEBE
20091026             —SURVIVED, AFGHANISTAN, Nangarhar province GOVERNOR—GUL—AGHA—SHERZAI, 1—ASSASSINATION—ATTEMPT—AFTER 1—GUNMAN fired automatic weapons at his convoy in JALALABAD.
20091026             —KILLED, SHERZAI—BODYGUARDS, the gunman, as well as another attacker wearing 1—SUICIDE vest and carrying grenades.
20091026             —FIRED, SECURITY—FORCES in KABUL, automatic rifles into the air for a 2. —DAY to contain HUNDREDS—OF—STONE—THROWING university students angered over the alleged DESECRATION—OF—ISLAM—HOLY—BOOK.
20091026             —DENIED, USA and AFGHANISTAN—AUTHORITIES have, ANY—SUCH desecration and insist that THE—TALIBAN are spreading the rumor to stir up public anger.
20091026             1—UH 1 and 1—AH 1—COBRA—HELICOPTER collided in flight —BEFORE sunrise over THE—SOUTH—PROVINCE—OF—HELMAND, killing 4—USA—TROOPS.
20091026             Another helicopter went down in THE—WEST—OF—THE—COUNTRY—AFTER leaving the scene of 1—FIREFIGHT, killing 10—AMERICANS, including 7—SERVICE—MEMBERS and 3—DRUG—ENFORCEMENT—ADMINISTRATION—AGENTS.
20091026             BRITISH—BASED Barclays bought the home loans and savings arm of insurer Standard Life for ?226—MILLION, pursuing its expansion strategy —AFTER THE—PART—PURCHASE—OF failed USA titan LEHMAN—BROTHERS —LAST—YEAR.
20091026             —ELECTED, THE—MARSHALL—ISLANDS, traditional CHIEF—JURELANG—ZEDKAIA was, PRESIDENT by 1—SLENDER 17—15—MARGIN, replacing Litokwa Tomeing who was ousted in 1—NO—CONFIDENCE—VOTE—LAST—WEEK.
20091026             —SWARMED, MEXICO, 1—BAND—OF thieves, into 1—RAILROAD facility and held security guards at gunpoint —WHILE making off with 3—DOZEN—NEW automobiles and trucks from 1—STORAGE—LOT—WEST—OF—THE—CAPITAL.
20091026             MONGOLIA—PRIME—MINISTER—BAYAR—SANJAA said he wanted to resign for health reasons, bringing new political uncertainty to his impoverished but RESOURCE—RICH nation.
20091026             1—KEY MEMBER—OF—NIGERIA—RULING party and close ASSOCIATE—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—OLUSEGUN—OBASANJO was sentenced to 1—TOTAL—OF—28—YEARS in jail for corruption.
20091026             Bode GEORGE and 5—CO—ACCUSED "were given —28—YEARS on the charges, but will serve 2—AND—HALF—YEARS—SINCE the sentences will run concurrently".
20091026             GEORGE and 5—OTHER—DIRECTORS—OF—NIGERIA Ports Plc were found GUILTY—OF—FRAUD and contract inflation —WHILE serving on THE—BOARD—OF—THE—STATE—RUN—COMPANY —DURING OBASANJO—REGIME 19990000—20070000    —FROM—TO.
20091026             —SIGNED, NIGERIA, 1—DEAL worth almost 1—BILLION—DOLLARS with 1—STATE—OWNED—CHINA—ENGINEERING firm to resuscitate PART—OF—ITS dilapidated railway system.
20091026             —DEFECTED, Kang Tong Rim (30), into NORTH—KOREA.
20091026             THE—NEXT—DAY 1—SOUTH—KOREA—MILITARY—STATEMENT said Kang had formerly served in 1—ARMY—DIVISION—NEAR where 1—FENCE was found cut and he has been on 1—POLICE wanted list —FOLLOWING his alleged involvement in 1—ASSAULT—CASE—IN—SEPTEMBER.
20091026             PAKISTAN, 1—FIGHT to secure Ghalai village, on the road from Kotkai to Sararogha, left 6—SOLDIERS and 10—MILITANTS—DEAD, bringing to 197 the number of militants and to 30—THE—NUMBER—OF—TROOPS killed so far.
20091026             —RELEASED, THE—11—OFFICERS were, THE—NEXT—DAY.
20091026             —TRAPPED, SOUTH—AFRICA HARMONY, Gold Mining Co. said 4—WORKERS were, underground at its Target mine in the country's FREE—STATE province —AFTER ground fell on them in 1—SECTION—OF—THE—MINE.
20091026             —OFFERED, SOUTH—KOREA, 1—SMALL—AMOUNT—OF—FOOD—AID to NORTH—KOREA, its 1. direct assistance to the impoverished neighbor in NEARLY—2—YEARS—OF strained relations.
20091026             SOUTH—KOREA, DOCTOR—HWANG—WOO—SUK, —56—JAHRE—ALT, 1—STEM cell scientist, was convicted on criminal charges relating to faked research, but avoided jail time.
20091026             —SEIZED, YEMEN—COAST—GUARDS, 1—BOAT that illegally entered the country's territorial waters and arrested 5—IRANIANS on BOARD.
20091026             —REPORTED, Local media, THE—NEXT—DAY that 1—IRAN—BOAT smuggling weapons was captured and its IRAN—CREW arrested.
20091026             USA—PRESIDENT—OBAMA—DECLARATION—OF—1—NATIONAL—PANDEMIC—EMERGENCY is "no cause for alarm," reported the mainstream media —THROUGHOUT the weekend.
20091026             The declaration is nothing more than a "precaution," they say.
20091026             "It's. - "Es kann nicht sein, dass die Behörden den vertraulichen Kontakt zwischen ANWALT—MANDANT nicht gewährleisten können".
20091026             E—MAIL eines POLIZEI—EXPERTEN, der darauf hinwies, dass die technischen Details des Löschverfahrens von Verint, dem ISRAEL—LIEFERANTEN des von der Polizei genutzten Computersystems,
20091026             als Geschäftsgeheimnis behandelt werden.
20091026             —VERSUCHT, —JETZT, die Polizei das Problem selbst zu lösen, hofft aber immer noch darauf, von Verint unterstützt zu werden.
20091026             gehören überall zum täglichen Brot der Polizei - gegen Kriminelle und Verdächtige
20091026             Es habe sich gezeigt, "dass die ARKTIS selbst auf kurzfristige KLIMA—SCHWANKUNGEN drastisch reagiert", kommentierte AWI—FORSCHERIN Juliane Müller.
20091026             —SEIT CA—5000—JAHREN ist die Framstraße den Erkenntnissen der Wissenschaftler zufolge während der Sommermonate eisfrei und —IM—WINTER eisbedeckt.
20091026             Vor CA—20.—000—JAHREN sei die Region dagegen komplett und für LANGE—ZEIT mit einer dicken Meereisschicht bedeckt gewesen.
20091026             Forschungsinstitut: Zweifel an 7,5—MILLIARDEN—DEFIZIT der Krankenkassen
20091026             —STREIT—UM—ANSCHLAG: Pakistans Grenzschützer nehmen mehrere Iraner fest
20091026             "Die Menschen machen ihre eigene Geschichte, aber sie machen sie nicht aus freien Stücken,
20091026             nicht unter selbst gewählten, sondern unter unmittelbar vorgefundenen, gegebenen und überlieferten Umständen" (Marx, 18. Brumaire).
20091026             Wenn es also stimmt, dass die "gesellschaftlichen Kräfteverhältnisse [...] unsere Erlebnisfähigkeit strukturieren" (Bini Adamczak) ,
20091026             dann kann Theoriearbeit nicht ohne (Bewegungs-) Praxis, kann die Organisationsfrage nicht ohne kollektives Gedächtnis,
20091026             können zukünftige Siege nicht ohne die Verarbeitung vergangener Niederlagen sein.
20091026             Marx: "Die bürgerliche Ehe ist die Gemeinschaft der Ehefrauen".
20091026             —RELATED, Pages, to People Named MAX—BERNEGGER :
20091026             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Wird BARACK—OBAMA—DAS—LAND aus der Krise führen?
20091026             Simon: Ich bin 1—DER—GRÖßTEN—BEWUNDERER—OBAMAS.
20091026             Aber gerade in der DEBATTE—ÜBER—DIE Reform des Gesundheitssystems hier wird auf fundamentale Weise klar, wie unfähig das System ist, sich der eigentlichen Probleme anzunehmen.
20091026             Die VERSICHERUNGS—KONZERNE haben das System gekauft, sie besitzen das politische Kapital und setzen es ein, um die Bedürfnisse der Gesellschaft zu untergraben, ungeachtet von Obamas guten Vorsätzen.
20091026             Im SPIEGEL—ONLINE—INTERVIEW erklärt der AMERIKANISCHE—TV—AUTOR—DAVID—SIMON, wie er mit dem Fernsehen den Kapitalismus BEKÄMPFT—UND warum der Untergang der USA keine Tragödie wäre.
20091026             Danach untersuchten die Forscher das Lungengewebe der Mäuse und fanden heraus, dass die Nanopartikel im FALL—DER—HOHEN—KONZENTRATION—MWCNT—VON—MAKROPHAGEN,
20091026             einer speziellen Art weißer Blutkörperchen, aufgenommen und zur Außenwand der Lunge transportiert worden waren.
20091026             Dort kam es zu sogenannten Fibrosen: das Gewebe wurde geschädigt und vernarbte.
20091026             Die Vernarbung begann —SCHON—2—WOCHEN, —NACHDEM die Tiere die Partikel eingeatmet hatten.
20091026             Außerdem entdeckten die Forscher, dass die Nanotubes im Lungenfell eingelagert wurden und dort Entzündungsherde entstanden.
20091026             Diese Effekte traten allerdings nicht auf, wenn die Mäuse —6—STUNDEN lang die niedrige Konzentration von MWCNT inhalierten.
20091026             Und auch nicht, wenn sie die 30—MILLIGRAMM pro Kubikmeter kompakte Partikel aus reinem Kohlenstoff von wenigen Nanometer Größe einatmeten.
20091026             —GEGENWÄRTIG, haben CA—46—MILLIONEN der 300—MILLIONEN—AMERIKANER keinen Versicherungsschutz, obwohl DIE—USA pro Kopf die weltweit höchsten Ausgaben für Gesundheit haben.
20091026             "Fidel ist ernster".
20091026             In 1—INTERVIEW mit dem spanischsprachigen Fernsehsender "Noticias Univision 23" in MIAMI bekannte Juanita Castro, von
20091026             RUDOLPH—VON—KOCH—WIKIPEDIA Koch trat kurze Zeit NACH—DER—GRÜNDUNG der Bank in das Unternehmen ein.
20091026             Bankiers im Kaiserreich: Sozialprofil und Habitus der deutschen... - GOOGLE BUCHSUCHE—ERGEBNISSEITE
20091026             19990000             von Morten Reitmayer - Business & Economics - 428—SEITEN
20091026             Ulrike RUDOLPH—DEUTSCHLAND - E—MAIL, Adresse, Telefonnummer und...
20091026             Historische Gesellschaft der DEUTSCHES—BANK eV
20091026             RUDOLPH—VON—KOCH, Generalkonsul, in BERLIN, Vorsitzender.
20091026             MAX—STEINTHAL, GEHEIM—KOMMERZIENRAT, in Charlottenburg, stellvertretender Vorsitzender.
20091026             Wer waren die Vorstandssprecher der DEUTSCHES—BANK—VOR—JOSEF...
20091026             19010000—19090000    RUDOLPH—VON—KOCH -
20091026             19100000—19190000    ARTHUR—VON—GWINNER .
20091026             19190000—19230000    PAUL—MANKIEWITZ .
20091026             19330000             GEORG—SOLMSSEN .
20091026             18700000—19000000     DEUTSCHE—BANK—FAQ DOCTOR—GEORG—VON—SIEMENS ;
20091026             19230000—19330000     PAUL—MANKIEWITZ 19190000—19230000;
20091026             OSCAR—WASSERMANN ...
20091026             WIKIPEDIA—SPIEGEL WISSEN—LEXIKON, Wikipedia und SPIEGEL—ARCHIV...
20091026             DEUTSCHES—BANK—RUDOLPH—VON—KOCH, Generalkonsni, Berlb, Vorsitzender.
20091026             20040000             von DETLEF—KRAUSE - Banks and banking - 404—SEITEN
20091026             MAX—STEINTHAL, RUDOLPH—VON—KOCH und JOHANNES—KAEMPF kamen in den ACHTZIGER—JAHREN auf versteuerte Beträge zwischen 72 000—UND 108.000—M;
20091026             Reitmayer...
20091026             WAPEDIA—WIKI: Reichsdeutsche WAFFEN—BRÜDERLICHE Vereinigung Im Präsidium waren der Generaldirektor des Norddeutschen LLOYD—PHILIPP—HEINEKEN, der Generalkonsul RUDOLPH—VON—KOCH und der Bergwerksbesitzer Fritz von...
20091026             WAPEDIA—WIKI: Kategorie: Geboren 18470000             .
20091026             18700000—19950000    DIE—DEUTSCHE—BANK, GOOGLE BUCHSUCHE—ERGEBNISSEITE
20091026             19950000             von LOTHAR—GALL - Business & Economics - 1014—SEITEN
20091026             und RUDOLPH—VON—KOCH—WAREN politisch nicht aktiv.
20091026             Unter den Aufsichtsratsmitgliedern der DEUTSCHES—BANK, die ein politisches Mandat wahrnahmen...
20091026             EMIL—MERK—DEUTSCHLAND - E—MAIL, Adresse, Telefonnummer und mehr...
20091026             elektro.DE—LEXIKON Koch trat kurze Zeit NACH—DER—GRÜNDUNG der Bank in das Unternehmen ein.
20091026             Aktien Prognose von DEUTSCHE—BANK (WKN 514000 | DAX Prognose...
20091026             Schwulenrechte: HOLLYWOOD—REGISSEUR steigt bei Scientology aus
20091026             Pikantes Geständnis: FIDEL—CASTROS Schwester spionierte für DIE—CIA
20091026             Verschwendung: USA—GESUNDHEITSSYSTEM könnte 700—MILLIARDEN—DOLLAR einsparen
20091026             USA—ZEITUNGS—KRISE, Auflagen brechen weiter ein
20091026             NAZI—ÜBERFALL: Fußballclub erhebt schwere Vorwürfe gegen Leipziger Polizei
20091026             Experiment an Mäusen: Nanoröhren schädigen Lungengewebe
20091026             Zu teure Importe: ISLAND wird MCDONALD'S—FREIE Zone
20091026             Volksverhetzung: Gericht erlässt Strafbefehl gegen BISCHOF—WILLIAMSON
20091026             —VERGESSEN, Gedächtnislücken: —HEUTE gelernt, —MORGEN
20091026             —KRIEGS—SZENARIO: Pentagon testete Strategien für AFGHANISTAN
20091026             —VORWURF der Stiftung Warentest: Postbank lässt externe Berater Konten einsehen
20091026             INFEKTIONS—MECHANISMUS: Spermien schleusen AIDS—VIREN huckepack in den Körper
20091026             Spielsucht: Bankerin stiehlt 2,8—MILLIONEN Franken
20091026             STUDIE—DES—UMWELTMINISTERIUMS: ÖKO—INVESTITIONEN sorgen für Wachstumsschub
20091026             KLIMA—GESCHICHTE—DER—ARKTIS: Forscher finden Beweise für Palmen in Polnähe
20091026             —DEBATTE—ÜBER—FÖRDERMENGE: Opec bringt ÖL—PREIS—VON—100—DOLLAR ins Gespräch
20091026             Urteil gegen saudische Journalistin: STAATSANWALT hält 60—HIEBE für zu wenig
20091026             ASEAN—GIPFEL: Asiatische Länder planen eigene Freihandelszone
20091026             —GESTARTET, Gesundheitsämter: SCHWEINEGRIPPE—IMPFUNG
20091026             MINI—RENDITE: Lebensversicherer senken Zinsen trotz Aktienboom
20091026             Auf Druck der EU: GROßBANK—ING spaltet sich selbst auf
20091026             Arbeitende Rentner: Malochen —BIS—ZUM, Tod
20091026             —FINANZ—KRISE, USA—IMMOBILIENFINANZIERER Capmark ist pleite
20091026             ARBEITS—GERICHT: Rausschmiss —NACH—40—JAHREN ist rechtens
20091026             —FINANZ—SKANDAL: MADOFF—GESCHÄFTSPARTNER lag tot im Pool
20091026             BÖRSEN—GANG der Freedom Group: Waffen für die WALL—STREET - Postgenomik: DAS—JAHRHUNDERT des Gens
20091026             GFK—KONSUMKLIMA: Deutsche sehen eigene Lage 1. —SEIT—MONATEN pessimistischer
20091026             —GEWINNT, URUGUAY: EX—GUERILLERO Mujica, 1. Wahlrunde
20091026             —PROTEST aus BERLIN: Regierung droht Verfassungsklage wegen Steuerversprechen
20091026             Ölhandelsgesellschaft Trafigura, deren Chefs in LONDON SITZEN—DIE Firma hat ihren nominellen Sitz in den Niederlanden, aber das hat vor...
20091026—19080000    —SEIT, ISRAEL | | Der, Von, War, Bank,Koch RUDOLF—VON—KOCH—RUDOLPH—KOCH—VON—KOCH (* 24.... GEORG—VON—SIEMENS | RUDOLPH—VON—KOCH | ARTHUR—VON—GWINNER | PAUL—MANKIEWITZ | OSCAR—WASSERMANN...... Rudolf_von_Koch THE—GERMAN—JEWISH Economic Elite, 18200000—19350000: A SOCIO—CULTURAL Profile Among his colleagues (and sometimes friends on the directorate were Jews like MAX—STEINTHAL and PAUL—MANKIEWITZ but also Gentiles like Rudolph (von Koch...
20091026—19800000    —SEIT hat man in fast jedem BEREICH—DER—USA—GESELLSCHAFT—DEM—KAPITALISMUS gehuldigt und erlaubt, dass Profit das Maß aller Dinge IST—UNGEACHTET der sozialen Kosten.
20091026—19980000    —IN, Standard Life Bank, which has no retail branch network, was launched back.
20091026—20091018    —ARRESTED, PAKISTAN—POLICE, 11—IRAN—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARD—OFFICERS for illegally entering the country, amid tensions over 1—SUICIDE—ATTACK that TEHRAN alleges was carried out by militants backed by PAKISTAN—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS.
20100526             Mon 20091012
20100911—20101026    —RETURNED, The fisherman, home —AFTER 1—ORDEAL that included —1—MONTH—OF—DETENTION by CHINA and —1—WEEK lost on stormy seas.
20101016—20101026    —ON, state media reported that Qiming, THE—SON—OF—1—SENIOR—POLICE—OFFICER, was arrested —AFTER THE—INCIDENT sparked outrage on THE—INTERNET.
20101026             —EXECUTED, ARIZONA, 1 convicted murderer by lethal injection in 1—CASE that stirred controversy —AFTER it emerged that 1—OF—THE—DRUGS being used to end the inmate's life was obtained in BRITAIN.
20101026             132—INMATES remained on the state's death row.
20101026             1—ANNUAL—REPORT by TRANSPARENCY—INTERNATIONAL marked SOMALIA as the most corrupt county in THE—WORLD, followed by AFGHANISTAN, MYANMAR and IRAQ.
20101026             DENMARK, NEW—ZEALAND and SINGAPORE tied as THE—WORLD—LEAST corrupt nations.
20101026             —DECLINED, THE—USA, to 22. from 19. —LAST—YEAR.
20101026             THE—UN—OFFICE—FOR—THE—COORDINATION—OF—HUMANITARIAN—AFFAIRS (OCHA) said AT—LEAST—30—WOMEN were kept as prisoners in 1—DUNGEON—LIKE—STRUCTURE and GANG—RAPED over multiple weeks at THE—CONGO and ANGOLA border —BEFORE being left in the bush without their clothes.
20101026             The deportees said they were held by ANGOLA—AUTHORITIES in 1—DINGY building.
20101026             —KILLED, AT—LEAST—3 were, including 2—MEN and 1—WOMAN, —27—JAHRE—ALT who † after being raped repeatedly.
20101026             —ARRESTED, ARMENIA—POLICE, GEORG—AVANESOV (27).
20101026             —OPERATED, He allegedly, the "Bredolab" botnet of nearly 30—MILLION—PCS.
20101026             —ALLEGED, Investigators, that Avanesov made up to USA139.000—DOLLAR EACH—MONTH renting the botnet to criminals who used it for sending spam and for installing PASSWORD—STEALING malicious software.
20101026             BELIZE, THE—BODY—OF—BRUCE—CULLERTON, 1—USA—WHO also held BELIZE—CITIZENSHIP, was found.
20101026             —KILLED, He had been, by a 30-pound (59—KILOGRAM) jaguar, that had escaped from its cage —LAST—WEEK—DURING HURRICANE—RICHARD.
20101026             —RECOVERED, Authorities in Bosnia and Serbia said they had, the skeletal remains of AT—LEAST—97—PEOPLE from the banks of 1—BORDER—LAKE that was partially drained THIS—SUMMER for maintenance.
20101026             —KILLED, Most were, by Serbs in the nearby TOWN—OF—VISEGRAD at THE—START—OF—THE 19920000—19950000     BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—WAR.
20101026             But on THE—SERBIA—SIDE—EXPERTS found the remains of what they presume to be 11—ALBANIANS killed —DURING—THE—KOSOVO war in 19980000—19990000.
20101026             —ACCUSED—OF, BRAZIL, 1—MAN, raping 40—WOMEN turned himself in, only to be let go because BRAZIL—LAW prohibits voters from being arrested —5—DAYS—BEFORE elections unless they are caught RED—HANDED.
20101026             1—BRAZIL—COURT—ORDERED—MCDONALD'S to pay 1—FORMER franchise manager 17.500—DOLLAR because he gained 65—POUNDS—WHILE working there —12—YEARS.
20101026             —FORCED, THE—32—YEAR—OLD—MAN says he was, to sample food products EACH—DAY to ensure that quality standards remained high because McDonald's hired "mystery clients" to randomly visit restaurants and REPORT—ON—THE food, service and cleanliness.
20101026             —ROLLED, CHINA, out its fastest train yet and announced that THE—3—GORGES Dam, THE—WORLD—BIGGEST hydroelectric project, is —NOW generating electricity at maximum capacity.
20101026             Inauguration ceremonies were held for THE—SUPER—FAST—LINE from SHANGHAI—WESTERN suburb of Hongqiao to the resort CITY—OF—HANGZHOU.
20101026             —SPEED—OF, The train will cruise at 1—TOP, 220—MPH (350—KPH), making the 125-mile (200-km) trip in —45—MINUTES.
20101026             —ARRIVED, Jimenez Posada, 1—LAWYER, with his wife, brother, son and niece.
20101026             —DETAINED, EGYPT—SECURITY—FORCES, 70—CAMPAIGN—WORKERS from the opposition Muslim Brotherhood —WHILE hanging election posters in the Mediterranean CITY—OF—ALEXANDRIA AHEAD—OF—NEXT—MONTH—PARLIAMENTARY—VOTE.
20101026             GERMANY—DEFENSE—MINISTER said the country will begin 1—MAJOR—RESTRUCTURING—OF—THE—MILITARY—NEXT—YEAR as it moves from 1—COLD—WAR conscript army to 1—BETTER positioned to face —TODAY—THREATS, —WHILE also cutting costs.
20101026             —COUNTED, UN officials, 3,769 cases of cholera in HAITI and raised THE—DEATH—TOLL to 284.
20101026             —ERUPTED, INDONESIA—MOUNT—MERAPI volcano, prompting terrified villagers to flee and join the thousands already evacuated from its slopes.
20101026             —ACKNOWLEDGED, IRAN, that it has been sending funds to neighboring AFGHANISTAN —FOR—YEARS, saying the money was intended to aid reconstruction of the embattled country.
20101026             IRAN began loading fuel into the core of its 1. atomic power plant, moving closer to the start up of THE—BUSHEHR facility that leaders have touted as defying of INTERNATIONAL efforts to curtail the country's nuclear ambitions.
20101026             IRAQ, SADDAM—HUSSEIN—LONGTIME FOREIGN—MINISTER, Tariq Aziz, was SENTENCED—TO—DEATH by hanging for persecuting MEMBERS—OF—SHIITE religious parties under the former regime.
20101026             —ARMED, Thieves, with guns and hand grenades stormed 1—JEWELRY shop in NORTH—IRAQ and killed 10—PEOPLE —DURING—1—ROBBERY—ATTEMPT.
20101026             —DECAPITATED, MEXICO, the bodies of 2—MEN, 1—OF—THEM, were found inside an SUV in CIUDAD—JUAREZ.
20101026             —SUSPECTED, Police, they may have been behind THE—MASSACRE—OF—14—YOUNG—PEOPLE at 1—BIRTHDAY—PARTY.
20101026             The entire police force of the small NORTH—EAST—TOWN—OF—LOS—RAMONES quit, Nuevo LEON state, —1—DAY—AFTER gunmen attacked their headquarters.
20101026             —TORTURED, OAXACA state police found the bound, bodies of 4—PEOPLE in 1—CLANDESTINE grave in 1—VACANT—LOT—NEAR the state capital.
20101026             MORELOS, state the bodies of 4—MEN were found near 1—ROADSIDE with CA—30—SHELL casings.
20101026             † A —25—YEAR—OLD American was shot to death outside 1—RESTAURANT in CIUDAD—JUAREZ.
20101026             —KILLED, Gunmen, 3—UNDERCOVER MEXICO—FEDERAL—POLICE—OFFICERS as they waited for 1—PERSON to cross 1—BRIDGE from EL—PASO, TEXAS.
20101026             —ARRESTED, NIGERIA—POLICE, 10—LOCAL—CHIEFS from Boje community ACCUSED—OF—MURDER in 1—LAND—DISPUTE with neighbors —AFTER which 13—BURNT corpses were recovered.
20101026             —FAILED, SOMALIA—PIRATES, to get CONTROL—OF—THE—FRENCH flagged Maido, 1 liquefied petroleum gas carrier, because the crew had locked itself in 1—SAFE—ROOM.
20101026             —ESCAPED, Skipper PETER—ELDRIDGE, —61—JAHRE—ALT.
20101026             1—RANSOM—OF $10—MILLION was —LATER demanded.
20101026             THE—UN—REFUGEE—AGENCY said SOME—60,000—CIVILIANS in SOMALIA have fled their homes over the past —WEEK as fresh FIGHTING—BETWEEN Islamist insurgents and 1—GOVERNMENT—ALLIED militia claimed the lives of AT—LEAST—10—PEOPLE.
20101026             1—SOUTHERN—SUDAN official said that NORTH—SUDAN leaders are holding 1—OIL—RICH region "hostage" in negotiations being held —BEFORE 1—JANUARY INDEPENDENCE referendum.
20101026             —VOTED, Only THE—USA—AND—ISRAEL, in favor.
20101026             —ORDERED, YEMEN, the confiscation of all firearms in the possession of its citizens —AFTER canceling weapons' licenses not carrying the Interior MINISTER—SIGNATURE.
20101026             SOME—50—MILLION firearms are thought to be in the possession of YEMEN's estimated 23—MILLION—PEOPLE.
20101026—19320000    —INCLUDED, THE—NO—ARREST—PROVISION was, in THE—BRAZIL—ELECTORAL—CODE enacted —AFTER 1—PERIOD in which election fraud and arrests to intimidate voters were common.
20101026—19891215    —STRANGLED, Dyer, who was, to death, was found by 1—CO—WORKER, —AFTER he failed to show up for work.
20101026—19920000    —EXECUTED, Landrigan was the 24. person, in ARIZONA —SINCE the state resumed capital punishment.
20101026—20030000    —ARRESTED, He was, and received a —12—YEAR—PRISON—TERM—3—YEARS—LATER for subversion.
20101026—20101027    —RECAPTURED, Max, the jaguar, was, and euthanized.
20101111—20101026    —UNTIL, The arms containers sat at LAGOS' busy Apapa port from July, —WHEN NIGERIA—SECURITY—AGENTS carried out 1—RAID and discovered the weapons inside.
201102041026         —FROM THE—BBC—PAUL—DANAHAR in CAIRO:
201102041026         —FROM BBC Security Correspondent FRANK—GARDNER: Tellingly, 1—ARABIC—BANNER—NOW showing in the live TV shot of Tahrir Square reads: "The people want THE—DOWNFALL—OF—THE—SYSTEM", ie not —JUST Hosni Mubarak the man.
20110208             Hussein Abdullahi, IRAN—AMBASSADOR—TO—NIGERIA, said that he had spoken to senior OFFICIALS—OF—THE—NIGERIA—GOVERNMENT as soon as 1—ARMS—SHIPMENT was seized 20111026             —LAST and told them that the intercepted cargo was the 3. of 4—GAMBIA—BOUND shipments originating from IRAN.
20110426—20111026    —SENTENCED, Ayala was, to life in prison.
20110723—20111026    —ON, 1—INQUEST was told she had suddenly drunk heavily —AFTER abstaining from alcohol —FOR—3—WEEKS and was poisoned by alcohol.
20110928—20111026    —ON, Its 1. passenger flight was made from TOKYO to HONG—KONG.
20111016—20111026    —ON, MOHAMED—MOHAMED—ABDALLAH, of SOMALIA—DESCENT, and Iqbal Shahzad, of PAKISTAN—DESCENT were deported to BRITAIN.
20111017—20111026    —ON, Sadat † of his injuries.
20111024—20111026    —ON, suspect Elgiva Bwire Oliacha (28) said he is 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—AL—QAIDA—LINKED—SOMALIA—MILITANT—GROUP AL—SHABAB.
20111026             USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—HILLARY—CLINTON in 1—INTERVIEW to BBC Farsi said that in THE—NEXT—2—MONTHS, THE—USA would open a "virtual embassy": 1—ONLINE site that would respond to questions about USA visa and study options, and that would address THE—IRAN—POPULATION directly.
20111026             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT gave BP approval to drill at its Kaskida field, SOME—192—MILES—OF—THE—LOUISIANA coast.
20111026             Rajat Gupta, FORMER—HEAD—OF—THE—MCKINSEY consultancy, was charged with 5—COUNTS—OF—SECURITY—FRAUD and 1—COUNT—OF—CONSPIRACY.
20111026             OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, ANTI—WALL—STREET—PROTESTERS held 1—LATE—NIGHT—MARCH through the streets, —1—DAY—AFTER 1—DEMONSTRATOR, 1—IRAQ—WAR—VETERAN, was left in critical condition with 1 fractured skull —FOLLOWING 1—CLASH with police.
20111026             —HOVERED, ATLANTA—GEORGIA, helicopters, overhead as officers in riot gear arrested MORE—THAN—50—OCCUPY ATLANTA protesters at 1—DOWNTOWN park.
20111026             —OFFERED, THE—X—PRIZE—FOUNDATION, a $10—MILLION prize to the 1. team to sequence the genomes of 100—CENTENARIANS.
20111026             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, AT—LEAST—10—PEOPLE were, and 2—DOZEN wounded —WHEN 1—FUEL—TRUCK supplying the Bagram NATO—BASE erupted in flames —AFTER—BEING—BOMBED in Parwan province.
20111026             † In EAST—AFGHANISTAN 1—NATO—SERVICE—MEMBER, in 1—INSURGENT—ATTACK, raising the number killed so far —THIS—YEAR to 479.
20111026             ARGENTINA, 1—COURT—SENTENCED—ALFREDO—ASTIZ, —59—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—NAVY—SPY known as "THE—ANGEL—OF—DEATH," and 11—OTHER—FORMER—ARGENTINE military and POLICE—OFFICERS to life in prison for CRIMES—AGAINST—HUMANITY committed —DURING—THE 19760000—19830000     military dictatorship.
20111026             CHINA—VICE Premier Le Keqiang met with SOUTH—KOREA—PRESIDENT—LEE—MYUNG—BAK —DURING a —2—DAY—TRIP to SEOUL.
20111026             —AGREED, SOUTH—KOREA—CENTRAL—BANK said it has, with its CHINA—COUNTERPART to expand their currency swap deal as 1—BACKSTOP against GLOBAL—ECONOMIC—TURMOIL.
20111026             CHINA, 1—GROUP—OF—CHILDREN—CLOTHING company owners protesting in THE—TOWN—OF—ZHILI in Zhejiang province swelled to MORE—THAN—600—PEOPLE.
20111026             —PROTESTED, HUNDREDS—OF—MIGRANT—SMALL—BUSINESS—OWNERS have, over 1—TAX—DISPUTE, SOME—OF—THEM torching vehicles.
20111026             —SEALED, EUROPE, 1—LAST—DITCH deal to fix its festering debt crisis by shoring up its bailout fund, pledging new funds for GREECE and pushing banks to share the pain at 1—SUMMIT—VITAL to THE—HEALTH—OF—THE—GLOBAL—ECONOMY.
20111026             —PROVIDED, GREECE was, with a 2. bailout package worth ?130—BILLION ( 184—BILLION—DOLLAR) to stave off bankruptcy.
20111026             —KILLED, IRAQ, bomb and gun attacks, 8—PEOPLE, including 4—SOLDIERS and 2—FAMILY—MEMBERS—OF—1—SHIITE cleric, and WOUNDED—29—OTHERS.
20111026             TALKS—BETWEEN—ENVOYS—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL peacemaking Quartet and Israeli and PALESTINE—OFFICIALS in JERUSALEM ended with 1—PLEDGE to introduce "comprehensive proposals" but no deal on new peace talks.
20111026             ABDULLAH—II—KING—OF—JORDAN said he will give lawmakers 1—SAY in appointing the Cabinet, beginning —NEXT—YEAR.
20111026             The change will allow the 120-seat PARLIAMENT to choose 1—PRIME—MINISTER, whom THE—KING can either appoint or veto.
20111026             1—JORDAN—MAN, —46—JAHRE—ALT was SENTENCED—TO—DEATH for raping and impregnating his daughter then cutting her open to remove the fetus and letting her bleed to death.
20111026             —UNTIL—YEAR—END, , LIBYA—INTERIM—LEADER—MUSTAFA—ABDEL—JALIL—URGED—NATO to continue its LIBYA—CAMPAIGN , saying loyalists of slain despot Moamer Kadhafi still pose 1—THREAT—TO—THE country.
20111026             —POSTPONED, NATO unexpectedly, 1—DEFINITE—DECISION to end its bombing campaign.
20111026             —ENTERED, ABDULLAH—AL—SENOUSSI, Moammar GADHAFI—FORMER—INTELLIGENCE—CHIEF—MALI late at night, —AFTER making his way across NIGER where he has been hiding for SEVERAL—DAYS in the country's northern desert.
20111026             —HUNTED, Gadhafi's, son, Seif AL—ISLAM, was also reported on his way to MALI, traveling across the invisible line separating ALGERIA from NIGER.
20111026             —ANNOUNCED, MEXICO—NATIONAL—PUBLIC—SAFETY—SYSTEM, that almost 1—3. of 63,436—LOW—RANKING MEXICO—POLICE—OFFICERS tested so far have failed background and security checks.
20111026             —ANNOUNCED, Prosecutors, the arrest —LAST—WEEK—OF—ADRIAN—RAMIREZ, alias "THE—MUSHROOM," the alleged LEADER—OF—THE—CARTEL del Centro.
20111026             MORE—THAN—700—MOZAMBIQUE—CIVIL—WAR—VETERANS and their families gathered in MAPUTO —DURING a 2. —DAY—OF—PROTESTS to demand pensions from THE—GOVERNMENT.
20111026             NONE—OF—THE 70,000 fighters from THE—16—YEAR—CIVIL—WAR—BETWEEN—THE—FRELIMO—GOVERNMENT—FORCES and Renamo rebel group currently receive pensions, —WHILE veterans from the country's liberation WAR—AGAINST—COLONIAL—POWER PORTUGAL do get money from the state.
20111026             —CARVED, In THE—PHILIPPINES 1—BUILDING—SIZED edifice, with THE—BIBLE—10—COMMANDMENTS was unveiled on 1—HILL overlooking the northern resort CITY—OF—BAGUIO, making it the largest tablet of its kind, ACCORDING—TO—GUINNESS World Records.
20111026             RUSSIA—NEWSPAPER—JOURNALIST—IGOR—KARMAZIN, working on 1—REPORT about the opposition in BELARUS, said he was deported overnight from THE—AUTHORITY—EX—SOVIET—NATION by the secret police.
20111026             —LEARNED, Lukashenko said that his government has, the lessons of the Arab —SPRING uprisings and knows how to DEAL—WITH—PROTESTS organized through social networks.
20111026             SYRIA, 1—ARAB—LEAGUE—TEAM held talks with PRESIDENT—ASSAD at THE—START—OF—1—BID to mediate with the opposition.
20111026             —KILLED, Activists said AT—LEAST—15—PEOPLE were, in MILITARY—OPERATIONS including 12 in HOMS.
20111026             —VOWED, TUNISIA—ISLAMIST—ENNAHDA—PARTY, to form 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT WITHIN—1—MONTH as early results gave it 1—COMMANDING lead in the Arab —SPRING—1. free election.
20111026             —AGREED, UN and industry officials said 8—DRUG—MAKERS have, to create 1—UN—ADMINISTERED pool of patented information and other data to spur new research into 21—TROPICAL—DISEASES and ailments.
20111026             1—HIGH—END jewelry manufacturer in THE—USA—VIRGIN—ISLANDS was ordered to forfeit THOUSANDS—OF—POUNDS (kg) of protected black coral and pay a $1.8—MILLION—FINE for trading in it.
20111026             —PLEADED, Gem Manufacturing INCORPORATED, guilty to 7—COUNTS—OF violating the Endangered Species Act and the Lacey Act.
20111026             HUNDREDS—OF—YEMEN—WOMEN set fire to traditional female veils to protest THE—GOVERNMENT—BRUTAL CRACKDOWN—AGAINST—THE country's popular uprising, as overnight clashes in the capital and another city killed 25—PEOPLE.
20111026             THE—ACT—OF—WOMEN burning their clothing is 1—SYMBOLIC—BEDOUIN tribal gesture signifying 1—APPEAL for help to tribesmen.
20111026             Auf Grund von Hochwasser im Fluss Densu in GHANA wurden TEILE—DER—HAUPTSTADT—ACCRA überschwemmte.
20111026             Dabei wurden 17.000—MENSCHEN obdachlos und 17—MENSCHEN kamen ums Leben.
20111026—20100420    —ON, This would be BP—1. DEEP—WATER—OPERATION—SINCE the Deepwater Horizon Macondo well blowout.
20111026—20100500    —CHARGED, The man had been, with THE—MURDER—OF—THE—19—YEAR—OLD and confessed to having had sex with his daughter —FOR—5—YEARS.
20111026—20110511    —RELATED, His case was, to the insider trading TRIAL—OF—HEDGE fund FOUNDER—RAJ—RAJARATNAM, who was convicted.
20111026—20110825    —IN—THE, 2—MORE—SUSPECTS—ATTACK—ON—THE—CASINO—ROYALE were detained in MONTERREY.
20111026—20130100    —IN, The contest will begin and LAST—FOR—30—DAYS.
20120501—20141026    —ON, hikers discovered his remains near PALMDALE.
20120621—20101026    —ON, Debbie Calitz and BRUNO—PELIZZARI were sailing in THE—INDIA—OCEAN off THE—COAST—OF—KENYA, —WHEN their yacht was hijacked by 12—PIRATES who set course for SOMALIA and took the couple ashore at Baraawe.
20121024             THE—UN—ARAB League ENVOY—TO—SYRIA said THE—GOVERNMENT in DAMASCUS and SOME—REBEL—LEADERS have agreed to 1—TEMPORARY—CEASE—FIRE —DURING a —4—DAY—MUSLIM holiday that starts 20121026             .
20121025—20121026    —AROUND—OR, THE—FBI made its inquiry, says Marcy Wheeler.
20121025—20121026    —AROUND—OR, That puts us right in the middle of the brouhaha over BENGHAZI.
20121025—20121026    —URGED, The deputy HEAD—OF—THE—UNITED—NATIONS, SYRIA—REBELS and THE—REGIME in DAMASCUS to observe a —4—DAY—CEASE—FIRE to observe the Muslim holy —DAY—OF—EID—AL—ADHA.
20121026             —LINKED, THE—USA—CDC said THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE, to the meningitis outbreak has climbed to 338 in 18—STATES and included 25—DEATHS.
20121026             —TRACED, It has been, to contaminated steroid shots mixed by 1—PHARMACY in FRAMINGHAM—MASSACHUSETTS.
20121026             NORTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew himself up outside 1—MOSQUE, 41—PEOPLE—KILLED and wounding 23 in Maymana, Faryab province.
20121026             —PULLED, TALIBAN militants, 5—AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIANS off 1—BUS in Ghazni province and shot them dead.
20121026             —RAGED, HURRICANE—SANDY, through THE—BAHAMAS —AFTER leaving 29—PEOPLE—DEAD across the Caribbean.
20121026             —STRIPPED, CHINA—LAWMAKERS, disgraced politician BO—XILAI of his last official position, formally expelling him from the country's top legislature and clearing the way for criminal PROCEEDINGS—AGAINST—THE—ONCE—RISING political star.
20121026             CHINA, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE in NINGBO city, Zhejiang province, clashed with police —DURING—1—PROTEST over the proposed expansion of 1—PETROCHEMICAL—FACTORY that they fear would spew pollution and damage public health.
20121026             He went from rebel COMMANDER fighting alongside FIDEL—CASTRO to 1—FOE launching commando RAIDS—AGAINST—THE—ISLAND—BEFORE settling inside CUBA.
20121026             GUTIERREZ—MENOYO spent —22—YEARS in CUBA—PRISONS, losing vision in 1—EYE and hearing in 1—EAR.
20121026             —AWARDED, THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT, the Sakharov PRIZE—FOR—FREEDOM—OF—THOUGHT to IRAN—FILM—DIRECTOR—JAFAR Panahi and imprisoned dissident lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh.
20121026             —EXPLODED, IRAQ, 1—CAR—BOMB, near 1—SHIITE mosque SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD and gunmen opened fire on 1—SECURITY—CHECKPOINT elsewhere, leaving 4—DEAD and 8 wounded.
20121026             —SENTENCED, ITALY, 1—MILAN court, FORMER—PREMIER—SILVIO—BERLUSCONI, to —4—YEARS—IN—PRISON and barred him from public office —FOR—5—YEARS—AFTER convicting him in —1—DECADE—OLD—CASE involving THE—PURCHASE—OF—TV—RIGHTS—OF—USA—FILMS for his media empire.
20121026             —ALLEGED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL, that IVORY—COAST—SECURITY—OFFICIALS are torturing DOZENS—OF—DETAINEES by administering electric shocks and other FORMS—OF—ABUSE.
20121026             —INCLUDED, The victims, people charged with endangering state security —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—1—RECENT—SPATE—OF—ATTACKS targeting military installations.
20121026             † PANAMA—GOVERNMENT said it will cancel plans to sell STATE—OWNED land in 1—DUTY—FREE—ZONE on THE—PANAMA—CANAL —FOLLOWING —1—WEEK—OF sometimes violent protests in which a —10—YEAR—OLD—BOY and 2—ADULTS.
20121026             —KILLED, PERU, 2—PEOPLE were, 1—SOME—110—PEOPLE injured, including 50—POLICE—OFFICERS, in RIOTS—IN—LIMA that broke out —AFTER 1—WHOLESALE market was closed for not meeting security and hygiene requirements.
20121026             Syrians took to the streets for the largest ANTI—REGIME—PROTESTS in months in several cities, taking advantage 1—LULL in fighting as 1—CEASE—FIRE took effect at THE—START—OF—1—MUSLIM holiday.
20121026             1—FEW hours —AFTER—THE—TRUCE took effect, 1—CAR—BOMB in 1—RESIDENTIAL—AREA—OF—DAMASCUS killed AT—LEAST—15—PEOPLE and wounded MORE—THAN—30. Another rigged car went off near 1—ARMY—CHECKPOINT in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—DERAA, killing 3—SOLDIERS.
20121026             —RAGED, In ALEPPO fighting, near the military airport, killing AT—LEAST—4—PEOPLE.
20121026             —KILLED, AT—LEAST—22—PEOPLE were, by regime shelling and sniper fire in THE—DAMASCUS suburbs of Harasta and Douma, and in THE—NORTH—IDLIB province.
20121026             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Microsoft, das Betriebssystem Windows 8.
20121026—19860000    —FREED, He was.
20121026—20020000    —BLOCKED, CHINA, ACCESS—TO—THE—NY—TIMES—WEBSITE—AFTER—THE—PAPER published 1—ARTICLE claiming THE—FAMILY—OF—PREMIER—WEN—JIABAO has amassed assets worth 7—BILLION—DOLLAR through 1—WEB—OF—INVESTMENTS, mostly accumulated —AFTER he rose to high office.
20121026—20050000    —IN, ARGENTINA lost its long BATTLE—AGAINST—BOND holdouts in THE—USA—COURTS—WHEN 1—APPELLATE panel rejected EVERY—ARGUMENT it MADE—AGAINST—PAYING $1.33—BILLION to investors who refused to accept as little as 25—CENTS on the dollar for the country's defaulted debt.
20130905—20131026    —ON, AL—QAIDA—INSPIRED militants —POSTED 1—VIDEO saying Waleed Badr, EX—EGYPT—ARMY—OFFICER, carried out the suicide bombing.
20131021—20131026    —BY, 39—PEOPLE were reported dead from flooding.
20131026             Auftrag vom EU—GIPFEL: MERKEL und HOLLANDE sollen NSA—SKANDAL mit DEN—USA klären
20131026             ITALIENISCHES—MITTELMEER: MEHR—ALS—800—FLÜCHTLINGE aus AFRIKA aufgegriffen
20131026             —REGIERT, USA und EU in der SPÄH—AFFÄRE: —JETZT, das Misstrauen
20131026             SPÄH—AFFÄRE : MERKEL benutzt meist ihr PARTE1—HANDY
20131026             BRÜSSEL - Der EU—GIPFEL—IN—BRÜSSEL wurde
20131026             "am —ANFANG sind DEUTSCHLAND und FRANKREICH mit 1—GEMEINSAMEN Position gekommen. Danach hat man sich auf 1—TEXT geeinigt", erläuterte VAN Rompuy.
20131026             Alle 28—EU—STAATEN unterstützen diese Linie.
20131026             "Misstrauen erschwert die gemeinsame Arbeit", sagte MERKEL in Richtung WASHINGTON.
20131026             "Für DIE—ZUKUNFT muss etwas verändert werden und zwar gravierend".
20131026             "es ist so, dass DEUTSCHLAND und FRANKREICH die Gespräche federführend übernehmen. Wenn in regelmäßigen Abständen Verdachtsmomente auftauchen, dann muss das alles ausgeräumt werden", sagte Faymann zu den anstehenden —VERHANDLUNGEN—MIT—DEN—USA.
20131026             Die Zielmarke für DIE—EU—DATEN—SCHUTZ—REFORM wurde vom kommenden —JAHR auf "Ende 20140000             oder —ANFANG 2015"aufgeschoben.
20131026             Grund seien DIE—EUROPA—WAHLEN, durch die es oft Verzögerungen gebe, erläuterte HOLLANDE.
20131026             sagte der ITALIENISCHE—MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—ENRICO—LETTA: "Wir brauchen Sauberkeit und Klarheit, damit diese wichtigen —VERHANDLUNGEN weitergehen können".
20131026             DIE—STAATS—CHEFS, REGIERUNGS—CHEFS der 28—EU—STAATEN hätten betont, dass die Beziehungen zu DEN—USA auf "Respekt und Vertrauen"basieren müssen, sagte VAN Rompuy.
20131026             Dies betreffe auch DIE—ARBEIT DER—GEHEIM—DIENSTE.
20131026             —BERICHTET, So, der britische "GUARDIAN"unter Berufung auf 1—DOKUMENT aus dem Fundus von EDWARD—SNOWDEN, DIE—NSA habe die Telefonkommunikation von 35—INTERNATIONALEN Spitzenpolitikern ÜBERWACHT.
20131026             Das entsprechende Dokument soll 20060000             —AUS—DEM, stammen, also AUS—DER—ZEIT—DER REGIERUNG—VON—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH. es ist 1—ART—ERKLÄRPAPIER für die MIT—ARBEITER von Weißem Haus, Außen—, VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUM, die der NSA durch WEITERGABE—VON—TELEFONNUMMERN ausländischer Politiker behilflich sein sollen.
20131026             DER—BEAMTE mit seinen 200—NUMMERN scheint nur 1—LEHRBEISPIEL.
20131026             DER— USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA steckt bedrohlich in der Klemme.
20131026             Längst also geht es um AMERIKA—WIRTSCHAFTS—, SICHERHEITS—ARCHITEKTUR selbst.
20131026             DER—KONGRESS—ABGEORDNETE JIM—GERLACH, —CHEF—DER—"DEUTSCHEN—FRAKTION"im PARLAMENT, hofft, "dass sich DIE—NSA nicht auf Aktivitäten eingelassen hat, die unsere bilateralen Beziehungen mit DEUTSCHLAND untergraben würden".
20131026             Entfremdung.
20131026             Ihren größten Einfluss in der Welt hatten DIE—USA in ihrer Rolle als gütige Führungsmacht.
20131026             Plötzlich aber werden sie von ihren engsten Alliierten als Bedrohung empfunden.
20131026             Das Handy der KANZLERIN überwachen?
20131026             "Unter befreundeten Regierungen 1—SAUEREI", so SPD—CHEF—SIGMAR—GABRIEL bei 1—PODIUMSDISKUSSION beim "Stern": "DIE—AMERIKANER zerstören die Wertebasis der TRANS—ATLANTISCHEN Gemeinschaft".Soft Power ade.
20131026             Mag sein, dass der KERN—DES—PROBLEMS 1—MISSVERSTÄNDNIS ist zwischen EUROPA und DEN—USA.
20131026             GEHEIM—DIENST und ÜBERWACHUNG - das ist, ganz anders als in EUROPA, durchaus positiv besetzt in AMERIKA.
20131026             —FIRMIERT, Was in DEUTSCHLAND Spitzelei heißt, hier unter Monitoring.
20131026             TEILE—VON—AMERIKAS—DEUTUNGSELITEN aber sind anders gepolt: Da fragt in der CARNEY—PRESSEKONFERENZ—DER—LANGGEDIENTE CBS—JOURNALIST—MARK—KNOLLER, ob die Verbündeten nicht auch "ein bisschen naiv"seien.
20131026             Die Frage also ist nicht: Dürfen wir das?
20131026             Die Frage ist: Lohnt sich das?
20131026             Schließlich würden ALLE—GROSSEN—LÄNDER—SPIONAGE betreiben, um ihre nationalen Interessen zu wahren: "SPIONAGE ist keine Einbahnstraße".
20131026             Sollte MERKEL tatsächlich ÜBERWACHT worden sein, wäre es natürlich besser, DIE—USA hätten dieser Versuchung widerstanden, sagte LEWIS—SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20131026             "Aber wenn man mal die engen Verbindungen ihres Vorgängers nach RUSSLAND bedenkt, DIE—DEUTSCHEN—EXPORTE nach IRAN für dessen NUKLEAR—WAFFEN—PROGRAMM und Deutschlands Zögerlichkeit, CHINA wegen CYBER—SPIONAGE anzugehen - dann kann man gute Gründe für Misstrauen haben".
20131026             rät Lewis.
20131026             DEUTSCHLAND müsste im Gegenzug die andere historische Erfahrung Amerikas sehen: "SPIONAGE hat hier 1—WICHTIGE Schutzfunktion und ist kein Unterdrückungsinstrument".
20131026             PAULA—EVA—HEUTE, 04:36—UHR - Das ist DER—NEUE SKANDAL.
20131026             Da werden mit 1—STAAT Verträge ausgehandelt, von denen die Betroffenen in der EU so gut wie nichts erfahren.
20131026             —BEKANNT, Andererseits ist —INZWISCHEN, dass der Vertragpartner sich an kein RECHT hält und JEDE—GELEGENHEIT nutzt RECHT—AUF—SEINE Weise zu interpretieren.
20131026             1—PAAR WIRTSCHAFTS—GLÄUBIGE würden von dem FREI—HANDEL profitieren, der Mittelstand - der DIE—BUNDES—REPUBLIK zu vorwärts bringt - würde in kürzester Zeit zerschlagen werden.
20131026             Das Schlimmste aber: DIE—PRESSE ist zu feige, die wahren Zusammenhänge zu erklären, nämlich, dass DIE—EU in entrechtet würde zu Gunsten AMERIKANISCHER—GROSS—KONZERNE wie MONSANTO und Exxon und anderer ÖL—KONZERNE sowie aller Privatisierungsanstrengungen rund ums Wasser wie z. B. Nestlé.
20131026             10. FREI—HANDEL—ABKOMMEN?
20131026             ehFrank —HEUTE, 04:41—UHR - n...] - FREI—HANDEL—ABKOMMEN? —VERHANDLUNGEN?
20131026             Wie kann ich pokern, wenn der Gegner mein Blatt kennt?
20131026             Was macht Skat unter Freunden für Sinn, wenn mit offenen Karten gespielt wird?
20131026             63. M. Michaelis —HEUTE, 09:09—UHR
20131026             Ich verstehe die ganze Empörung nicht so richtig, als ob es etwas neues oder ungewöhnliches wäre DIE—REGIERUNGEN und Führungen anderer Länder auszuspähen.
20131026             Und zwar egal ob Freund oder Feind.
20131026             Die ganze Empörung ist doch komplett scheinheilig.
20131026             Neu ist dass Idioten wie SNOWDEN das ganze im grossen Stil ausplaudern.
20131026             145. - a.peanuts —HEUTE, 12:00—UHR
20131026             Wenn jemandem nichts mehr einfällt und die eigenen Ideen ausgehen, dann spioniert er.
20131026             Schwere Explosionen: —ARBEITER sterben in 2—MEXIKANISCHEN—FABRIKEN
20131026             Home Office: 33—PROZENT—DER—FIRMEN schickt die MIT—ARBEITER heim
20131026             NANO—POLYMERE: Chemiker bringen Wassertropfen in Form
20131026             —BEENDET, GESCHÄFTS—KLIMA: IFO—INDEX, Höhenflug
20131026             —VERGRÖßERT, Beim Verformen, sich die Oberfläche der Tropfen, erklären die Chemiker in ihrer Studie.
20131026             Dadurch befinden sich auch mehr Nanopartikel an den GRENZE—ZWISCHEN—ÖL und Wasser, die sich ineinander verkeilen können.
20131026             Die dabei auftretenden Kräfte verhindern 1—EIGENSTÄNDIGE Formveränderung, schreiben sie. es sei zwar möglich die Tropfen VIELE—WEITERE—MALE zu beeinflussen, aber äußere Kräfte seien dafür nötig.
20131026             —VERLIERT, Die Flüssigkeit selbst, ihre Fähigkeit, sich wieder zusammenzuziehen.
20131026             Doch auch in ihrem stabilen Zustand könnten sich beliebig formbare Blasen nutzen lassen.
20131026             Im Transportwesen ließen sie sich als kleine Flüssigkeitsbehälter einsetzen.
20131026             "Da solche SYSTEMe flüssig sind, könnten sie die in ihnen enthaltenen Stoffe gegen schnelle Bewegungen und Stöße absichern", so RUSSELL.
20131026             Für besonders reaktive oder empfindliche Chemikalien oder Materialien sei das besonders attraktiv.
20131026             —BEREITS—HEUTE ist es in Laboren üblich, sehr reaktionsfreudige Feststoffe wie beispielsweise Natrium vor der Luft geschützt in Flüssigkeiten wie Paraffinöl zu lagern.
20131026             Und DIE—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT konnte in Echtzeit mitverfolgen, wie DER—FRÜHERE—LEITER DER—USA—GEHEIM—DIENSTE NSA und CIA—OPFER 1—LAUSCH—ANGRIFFS wurde.
20131026             Dabei insistierte er mehrfach, dass man ihn nicht mit Namen nennen, sondern lediglich als FRÜHEREN—REGIERUNGS—VERTRETER zitieren dürfe.
20131026             Dumm nur, dass 1—PAAR Sitzreihen weiter TOM—MATZZIE saß.
20131026             1—BÜRGER späht zurück.
20131026             Matzzie schrieb: "DER—FRÜHERE—NSA—SPIONAGE—CHEF—MICHAEL—HAYDEN brabbelt hinter mir im Hintergrund als FRÜHERER—REGIERUNGSVERTRETER".Im Laufe von —37—MINUTEN schrieb Matzzie 1—TWEET —NACH—DEM anderen.
20131026             Etwa diesen: "Hayden prahlt mit Rendition und GEHEIM—GEFÄNGNISSEN".Rendition nannte man DIE—CIA—ENTFÜHRUNGEN
20131026             Das wollte der EX—OBERSPION nicht auf sich sitzen lassen.
20131026             Der "WASHINGTON—POST"sagte er: Matzzie habe alles falsch verstanden, das alles sei 1 "Schwachsinnsgeschichte 1—LINKEN AKTIVISTen, der 2—SITZE entfernt von mir Gesprächsfetzen mitbekommen hat".
20131026             In der Tat, es war wohl keine ABHÖR—AKTION nach GEHEIM—DIENSTSTANDARDS.
20131026             Das kann kaum jemand besser beurteilen als Hayden selbst.
20131026             12. Informations—, Unterhaltungswert = 0 - ihawk —HEUTE, 11:08—UHR
20131026             es ist 1—BEKANNTE Taktik DER—USA—PROPAGANDA DAS—VOLK für blöd zu verkaufen und mit Meldungen zu überschütten die vom Thema ablenken sollen.
20131026             Wenn sich MICHAEL—HAYDEN tatsächlich vor unbekannten 3. (—SCHON das halte ich bei seiner SICHERHEITS—STUFE für unwahrscheinlich) lästerlich über DIE—REGIERUNG geäußert haben, wird sich der SECRET—SERVICE —DEMNÄCHST mit ihm beschäftigen, denn der Amtseid gilt lebenslang.
20131026             DIE—KANZLERIN muss wütend genug wirken, zu groß ist der AUFRUHR in DEUTSCHLAND und EUROPA.
20131026             Aber sie will auch nicht so zornig auftreten, dass sie Deutschlands wichtigsten Partner, DIE—USA, öffentlich bloßstellt.
20131026             So geht es weiter: Regeln und Respekt müssten auch bei GEHEIM—DIENSTEN gelten, sagt MERKEL streng.
20131026             auch - MERKEL.
20131026             "Wer rausgeht, muss auch wissen, wie er wieder reinkommt".
20131026             —REAGIERT, Aber wie OBAMA am Telefon genau auf DIE—VORWÜRFE, habe?
20131026             "Ich werde nicht aus vertraulichen Gesprächen zitieren", so MERKEL knapp.
20131026             Aber wird so viel Entrüstung dazu führen, dass DIE—EU neue DATEN—SCHUTZ—ABKOMMEN beschließt?
20131026             So gut wie sicher nicht.
20131026             Denn DIE—STAATS—UND REGIERUNGS—CHEFS werden im Abschlusspapier ihres Gipfeltreffens keine Aufforderung an ihre Fachminister aufnehmen, endlich Ernst zu machen mit der Umsetzung der geplanten DATEN—SCHUTZVERORDNUNG - DIE—EU—JUSTIZ—KOMMISSARIN Viviane Reding "EUROPAs UNABHÄNGIGKEITS—ERKLÄRUNG"nennt.
20131026             "Diese Verschiebung ist 1—SIEG für USA—INTERNETFIRMEN", heißt es aus europäischen Delegationskreisen, als NOCH NICHTs Offizielles verkündet ist.
20131026             Aber das wussten DIE—AMERIKANER da WAHRSCHEINLICH—SCHON, NSA sei Dank.
20131026             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS: KANZLERIN abhören? Erlaubt!
20131026             HANDY—SKANDAL, Grüne beantragen SONDER—SITZUNG des BUNDES—TAGS
20131026             —FINANZ—ERMITTLUNGEN: Regierung bügelt Fragen nach NSA—ÜBERWACHUNG ab
20131026             Uran und Seltene Erden: GRÖNLAND gibt Ausbeutung seiner ROH—STOFFE frei
20131026             DIRK—BANSE und FLORIAN—FLADE erklären dann allerdings, warum sich an der "ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT"von deutschen und AMERIKANISCHEN—GEHEIM—DIENSTEN nichts ändern wird: Das Vorhaben, 1—DEUTSCHE—NACHRICHTEN—DIENST —NACH—DEM VORBILD—DER—NSA zu schaffen, scheiterte in den 2000er —JAHREN am politischen Widerstand.
20131026             Die Folge: "BND—CHEF—GERHARD—SCHINDLER sagte jüngst auf 1—NACHRICHTEN—DIENSTKONFERENZ, dass sich DER—BND aufgrund seiner beschränkten Möglichkeiten in den vernachlässigten Regionen noch stärker auf DIE—ANALYSE befreundeter GEHEIM—DIENSTE verlassen müsse... Ohne DIE—ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT—MIT—DEN AMERIKANISCHEN—GEHEIM—DIENSTEN könne DER—BND seinen gesetzlichen Auftrag nicht einmal mehr ansatzweise erfüllen: 'Die anderen WEST—DIENSTE im Übrigen auch nicht.'"
20131026             Außerdem: Moralisch bedenklich findet RICHARD—HERZINGER den Armutskult des neuen Papstes: "Stets war der Kult der Armut 1—SACHE Wohlhabender, die in die Armen hineinprojizierte, sie seien die moralisch besseren Menschen. Er baut auf dem Irrglauben auf, den Armen sei geholfen, wenn auch Besitzende die Armut wählen. Wer wirklich zu ihr verdammt ist, dem bleibt dieser Kult fremd, der möchte so schnell wie möglich aus der Armut hinaus".
20131026             Dass DIE—DEUTSCHE—BUNDES—KANZLERIN—DAS—ZIEL GEHEIM—DIENSTLICHER ÜBERWACHUNG ist, findet er allerdings legitim - der wahre —SKANDAL besteht für ihn in der unterschiedslosen ÜBERWACHUNG aller Bürger.
20131026             —FORDERUNGEN, GRUND—LAGE dafür waren, der Alliierten, dass sich an ihrem RECHT—AUF—ÜBERWACHUNG nichts ändern dürfe.
20131026             Verkauft hat man das damit, dass die Vorbehaltsrechte der Alliierten abgelöst würden und DIE—BUNDES—REPUBLIK souveräner würde.
20131026             Die gleichen GEHEIM—DIENSTLICHEN Rechte der 3—WESTMÄCHTE waren aber längst im Zusatzvertrag zum NATO—TRUPPEN—STATUT
20131026             Wenigstens ist MERKEL nicht allein.
20131026             DIE—NSA hört die Telefone von MINDESTENS—35—REGIERUNGS—CHEFS auf der Welt ab, berichtet DER—GUARDIAN, der sich weiter durch DIE—SNOWDEN—PAPIERE gräbt: "The confidential memo reveals that THE—NSA encourages senior officials in its 'customer' departments, such THE—WHITE—HOUSE, STATE—AND—THE—PENTAGON, to share their 'Rolodexes' so THE—AGENCY can add the phone numbers of leading foreign politicians to their surveillance systems. THE—DOCUMENT notes that 1 unnamed USA—OFFICIAL handed over 200—NUMBERS, including those of THE—35—WORLD leaders, NONE—OF—WHOM is named. These were —IMMEDIATELY 'tasked' for monitoring by THE—NSA".
20131026             nem Notausgang aus dem KAPITALISMUS.
20131026             ANZEIGE - DIE—WELT, 20131025             20131026             —NACHDEM DIE—WELT —MONATE—LANG die Bespitzelung durch amerikanische und BRITISCHE—GEHEIM—DIENSTE heruntergespielt hat, gibt es —JETZT 1—GEWISSE Betretenheit in den Kommentaren.
20131026             —IM, Feuilleton erzählen sich WELT—REDAKTEURE, was Morrissey, der 1—NEUE Platte herausgebracht hat (Besprechung), mit ihnen gemacht hat, als sie noch sehr jung waren.
20131026             —MOKIERT, BARBARA—MÖLLER, sich über die Zahlen der ARD, die die MILLIARDEN ihres Budgets auf die Pfennigbeträge der individuellen Zwangsgebühr herunterbricht (Tatort: 15—CENT J—IM ).
20131026             Aus den Blogs, 20131025             20131026—20140517    —GESTERN, —SCHON hat STEFAN—NIGGEMEIER—INTERNA aus der Programmplanung der ARD erfahren: "Das 1. sendet —HEUTE nach der 'TAGESSCHAU' keinen 'BRENN—PUNKT' zu den neuesten Wendungen in der NSA—AFFÄRE - obwohl sich die Chefredakteure der ARD—ANSTALTEN intern einstimmig dafür ausgesprochen haben. Der Programmdirektor des 1., Volker Herres, hat sein Veto eingelegt. Womöglich sorgt er sich um die Quoten der Show 'DIE—DEUTSCHEN—MEISTER' mit KAI—PFLAUME, die dort im Programm steht".
20131026             Sogar JOHN—CUSACK, Maggie Gyllenhaal und OLIVER—STONE sind empört:
20131026             FRANKFURTER—RUNDSCHAU / BERLINER—ZEITUNG, 20131025             20131026             "Noch nie war es so einfach, 1—BEDEUTENDEN Teil unserer Kultur in einigen —JAHR—ZEHNT en radikal auszulöschen", warnt DER—FILMHISTORIKER HELMUT—HERBST vor dem Verlust 1—ERHEBLICHEN Teils des DEUTSCHEN—FILMERBES.
20131026             Um den Verfall des Filmmaterials aufzuhalten, sind seines Erachtens ENDE—DES—BIS —JAHR—ZEHNT s Investitionen von 1—HALBEN MILLIARDE—EURO erforderlich - bereitgestellt werden zur Zeit gerade einmal 2.000.000  PRO—JAHR.
20131026             "Welches Entsetzen verursachte 20040000             der Brand der HERZOGIN—ANNA—AMALIA—BIBLIOTHEK in Weimar, welch 1—AUFSCHREI GING—DAMALS, durch die Feuilletons!
20131026             Dabei handelt es sich bei den 50.000—VERBRANNTEN Büchern - —BIS auf ganz wenige Exemplare - keinesfalls um Unikate... Die kostbaren analogen ORIGINAL—NEGATIVE und -Unikate des FILM—ERBES, von denen es keine verwertbaren Kopien gibt, zerfallen lautlos, ohne Aufsehen zu erregen, ohne 1—NEUES Leben zu erhalten und unter behördlicher 'Aufsicht'".
20131026             —INFORMIERT, Auf der Medienseite, THOMAS—SCHMID über den FALL—VON—ALI—ANOUZLA, dem Chefredakteur der MAROKKANISCHEN—INTERNETZEITUNG Lakome, der FEHLER—VON—KÖNIG—MOHAMMED—VI. enthüllte und —NUN im Gefängnis sitzt.
20131026             Die TAGES—ZEITUNG, 20131025             20131026             Tania Martini berichtet über 1—BERLINER Diskussionsveranstaltung mit dem ITALIENISCHEN—POLITIK—WISSENSCHAFTLER TONI—NEGRI und dem Philosophieprofessor BYUNG—CHUL Han über DIE—GRENZEN—DES—KAPITALISMUS und Auswege aus dem NEO—LIBERALISMUS, in der wie so oft "die PHILOSOPHIE im Übergang vom Wissen zur Meinung zum Elend geriet.
20131026             BYUNG—CHUL Han, —SEIT seinen Thesensammlungen zur 'MÜDIGKEITS—' bzw.
20131026             'Transparenzgesellschaft', in den Feuilletons sehr beliebt, gab 1—STEILVORLAGE mit der Behauptung, DER—KAPITALISMUS habe —BIS zu unserem Daumen, der nur noch zum Liken tauge, unsere Körper so vereinnahmt, dass wir mit dem ENDE—DES Körpers konfrontiert seien, was wiederum das Ende der —POLITIK bedeute.
20131026             'Nur das Denken macht frei', verkündete er.
20131026             Ob ihm die Spur zur idealistischen PHILOSOPHIE, die er damit legte, so klar war, wusste man nicht so genau".
20131026             Der IT—FACHMANN MAGNUS—HARLANDER ist, wie er im GESPRÄCH—MIT—EDO Reents bekräftigt, nicht im geringsten darüber überrascht, dass der ANGELA—MERKEL—MOBILTELEFON abgehört wurde.
20131026             Im vorderen TEIL—DER—ZEITUNG, wo 3—SEITEN der ABHÖR—AFFÄRE gewidmet sind, erfährt man, dass DEUTSCHE—POLITIKER gern ihre Privathandys benutzen, obwohl sie wissen, dass diese nicht abhörsicher sind: Die vom BND als sicher eingestuften Handys sind ihnen zu langsam.
20131026             Und auf Seite 1—KOMMENTIERT BERTHOLD—KOHLER: "DIE—BUNDES—KANZLERIN und ihr Kabinett stehen sogar doppelt düpiert da: wie dumme Gutgläubige, die möglicherweise auch noch abgehört wurden, als sie einander versicherten, dass DIE—AMERIKANER das nie tun würden".
20131026             In 49—PUNKTEN bat der Politiker um Aufklärung, was das Ausmaß der FINANZ—ERMITTLUNGEN—VON—GEHEIM—DIENSTEN, ZOLL und POLIZEI—BEHÖRDEN anbelangt.
20131026             Doch der ERKENNTNIS—GEWINN seiner engagierten Kleinen Anfrage im BUNDES—TAG, die das INNEN—MINISTERIUM —NUN beantwortet hat, hält sich in Grenzen.
20131026             Die essenz: alles erlaubt.
20131026             Hunko allerdings hegt 1—VERDACHT.
20131026             Er geht davon aus, dass DIE—SICHERHEITS—BEHÖRDEN zunehmend in DIE—PRIVAT—SPHÄRE DER—MENSCHEN eingreifen und aus Passagier-, TELEKOMMUNIKATIONS—DATEN, FINANZ—DATEN "weitgehende Persönlichkeitsprofile"anlegen können.
20131026             "Kontaktpersonen von VERDÄCHTIGEN geraten ebenfalls ins Visier", sagt Hunko und fordert: "Die Praxis gehört auf den Prüfstand, der DATEN—SCHUTZ muss Vorrang haben".(Hier die Kleine Anfrage im Original)
20131026             Der POLIZEI—GEWERKSCHAFTER ANDY—NEUMANN widerspricht: "Uns Strafverfolgern Sammelwut zu unterstellen, ist Unsinn. Wir haben weder die Befugnisse, noch die Kapazitäten und daher auch überhaupt kein Interesse, derartige DATEN—BESTÄNDE aufzubauen", so DER—VORSITZENDE—DES Verbands BUNDES—KRIMINAL—AMT im Bund DEUTSCHER—KRIMINAL—BEAMTER (BDK).
20131026             Sie beschränkten sich nicht auf WIRTSCHAFTS—DELIKTE, sondern kämen auch bei VERFAHREN—GEGEN—TERRORISTEN und Schwerkriminelle zum Einsatz.
20131026             Mithin handele es sich um 1 "STANDARD—MAßNAHME"aller STRAFVERFOLGUNGS—BEHÖRDEN in Bund und Ländern.
20131026             5. Merkwürdig - rwolf —HEUTE, 12:55—UHR
20131026             DIE—UNO hat die Erkenntnis, dass Verbrecher weltweit PRO—JAHR 2,1—BILLIONEN $ umsetzen und —EXPERTEN haben die Erkenntnis, dass DIE—MAFIA 180—MISTER—D—EURO umsetzen.
20131026             Wenn sie die Erkenntnis haben, dann haben sie auch Quellen und Fakten.
20131026             Und wenn sie Quellen und Fakten haben, dann haben sie auch den Schlüssel zu den Firmen und Personen die diesen Umsatz machen.
20131026             Warum unternehmen sie dann nichts?
20131026             Sind diese Zahlen nur dummes Geschwätz. um noch rigidere ÜBERWACHUNGS—METHODEN der Bevölkerung zu rechtfertigen?
20131026             Ich erinnere da nur an die Einführung des GELD—WÄSCHEGESETZES.
20131026             Da wurde nur über die böse MAFIA mit ihren MILLIARDEN palavert.
20131026             Bei wem wird dieses Gesetz —HEUTE angewandt?
20131026             —AM wenigsten gegen DIE—MAFIA aber JEDER—KLEINE—BÜRGER—DER—SEINE—KOHLE nicht ordentlich VER—STEUERT, wird damit belangt.
20131026             "NATÜRLICH ist es ungeheuerlich, dass 1—AMERIKANISCHER—GEHEIM—DIENST das Handy DER—DEUTSCHES—BUNDES—KANZLERIN abhört", sagte GABRIEL—SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20131026             "Ich erinnere mich allerdings noch sehr gut daran, wie Teile der —POLITIK und übrigens auch der Medien DIE—NSA—AFFÄRE vor nicht allzu langer Zeit für 'beendet' erklärt haben. Diesen Fehler dürfen wir nicht wiederholen".
20131026             "DIE—SPD wird in den KOALITIONS—VERHANDLUNGEN vehement darauf dringen, dass nicht nur DIE—PRIVAT—SPHÄRE DER—BUNDES—KANZLERIN wirksam geschützt wird. Sondern genauso die von 82.000.000—ANDERER Bürgerinnen und Bürgern in DEUTSCHLAND", sagte GABRIEL—SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20131026             "es geht um MEHR—ALS nur um 1—ABHÖR—SKANDAL bei der KANZLERIN. es geht um DIE—FREIHEITS—, BÜRGER—RECHTE im digitalen Zeitalter".
20131026             GABRIELs zurückhaltende KRITIK—AN—KANZLER—AMT—CHEF—POFALLA wurde vom FDP—VIZE—CHRISTIAN—LINDNER zum Anlass genommen, den SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN an die in der FRÜHEREN—GROSSE—KOALITION beschlossene VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG zu erinnern.
20131026             "Wir nehmen SIGMAR—GABRIEL beim Wort. DIE—PRIVAT—SPHÄRE—VON—82.000.000—BÜRGERINNEN und Bürgern in DEUTSCHLAND schützt man am besten, indem man die VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG ad acta legt. Diese anlasslose Sammlung und Speicherung von privaten KOMMUNIKATIONS—DATEN darf es nicht wieder geben", sagte Lindner SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20131026             In 1—SCHREIBEN an BUNDES—TAG—PRÄSIDENT—NORBERT—LAMMERT, das SPIEGEL—ONLINE vorliegt, schrieb sie: "Da der 18. DEUTSCHE—BUNDES—TAG —BISHER, über keine Ausschüsse verfügt, auf 1—PARLAMENTARISCHE Befassung jedoch nicht verzichtet werden kann, sowie angesichts des gesteigerten öffentlichen Interesses an der Aufklärung der ÜBERWACHUNGS—AFFÄRE ist die Einberufung des BUNDES—TAGS zu 1—SONDER—SITZUNG erforderlich".
20131026             DIE—LINKE hatte —BEREITS auf 1—UNTERSUCHUNGS—AUSSCHUSS zu der Affäre gedrängt.
20131026             Das lehne DIE—UNION nicht grundsätzlich ab, sagte FRAKTIONS—GESCHÄFTS—FÜHRER MICHAEL—GROSSE—BRÖMER.
20131026             "Wenn 1—BEZUG zum BUNDES—TAG nachweisbar ist, können wir gerne darüber reden", sagte er der "LEIPZIGER—VOLKSZEITUNG".
20131026             —ZUNÄCHST seien jedoch DIE—USA am Zug.
20131026             DER—VORSITZENDE—DES PARLAMENTarischen KONTROLL—GREMIUMS des BUNDES—TAGS, THOMAS—OPPERMANN (SPD), erwägt nach eigenen Angaben gar, den FRÜHEREN—USA—GEHEIM—DIENST—MIT—ARBEITER EDWARD—SNOWDEN in der aktuellen SPÄH—AFFÄRE als Zeugen zu hören.
20131026             Der grüne GEHEIM—DIENST—EXPERTE HANS—CHRISTIAN—STRÖBELE forderte DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG erneut auf, SNOWDEN "hier in DEUTSCHLAND Asyl oder sogar Zeugenschutz anzubieten".
20131026             BUNDES—INNEN—MINISTER—HANS—PETER—FRIEDRICH (CSU) forderte rasche Aufklärung von DEN—USA.
20131026             In 1—GESPRÄCH—MIT—DER BILD—ZEITUNG verlangte FRIEDRICH vom USA—BOTSCHAFTER—IN—DEUTSCHLAND, JOHN—B—EMERSON, die Herausgabe von Informationen.
20131026             "Wir haben 1—HINWEIS darauf, dass das Handy der KANZLERIN abgehört wurde - den überprüfen wir. Wir haben den USA—BOTSCHAFTER aufgefordert, uns Informationen dazu zu geben", sagte FRIEDRICH.
20131026             BERLIN, Im BODEN—VON—GRÖNLAND schlummern große Mengen an BODENschätzen.
20131026             ROH—STOFFSUCHER kennen Vorkommen an Eisenerz, aber auch an Seltenen Erden, die wegen ihrer Bedeutung für die Herstellung von Hochtechnologieprodukten als strategisch wichtig gelten.
20131026             Zumindest an den Rändern der riesigen Arktisinsel ist die Förderung —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—JAHREN immer interessanter geworden - um den ROH—STOFFHUNGER der Welt zu befriedigen, vor allem aber auch, um viel Geld zu verdienen.
20131026             wichtige Hürde beseitigt: Sie haben 1 19880000             aufgestelltes VERBOT—DER—URANFÖRDERUNG auf der Insel gekippt.
20131026             Das ist deswegen wichtig, weil DAS—ELEMENT bei fast allen ROH—STOFFPROJEKTEN, zum Beispiel bei der Förderung Seltener Erden, in kleinen Mengen mit anfallen würde.
20131026             DER—KONZERN GREENLAND Minerals and Energy würde gern bei Narsaq in Südgrönland Seltene Erden fördern.
20131026             Mehrheit von 15—ZU 14—STIMMEN
20131026             —GEDRUNGEN, DIE—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHE MINISTER—PRÄSIDENTIN Aleqa Hammond hatte darauf, das FÖRDER—VERBOT—FÜR—URAN abzuschaffen.
20131026             Doch in der Bevölkerung gab es Widerstand, incklusive Demos auf den Straßen.
20131026             Im PARLAMENT erhielt Hammond nach fünfstündiger Debatte —NUN trotzdem 1—HAUCHDÜNNE Mehrheit von 15—ZU 14—STIMMEN.
20131026             —ENTSCHEIDET, Grönlands Regierung
20131026             1—WICHTIGES Abkommen. es räumt dem Unternehmen LONDON Mining umfangreiche Rechte bei der Förderung von Eisenerz ein.
20131026             —GETAN, Sie hoffe, dass DIE—REGIERUNG alles, habe, um die Auswirkungen auf die UMWELT so gering wie möglich zu halten, sagte Seeberg.
20131026             —GEHÖRT, GRÖNLAND
20131026             VEREINTE—NATIONEN: OSLO kann SYRISCHE—CHEMIE—WAFFEN nicht zerstören
20131026             Unbemannte Flugzeuge: RÜSTUNGS—KONZERNE fürchten ENDE—DES DROHNEN—BOOMS
20131026             STUDIEN—ANALYSE: Das Rezept für die perfekte FORSCHUNGS—ARBEIT
20131026             SPÄH—SKANDAL, Regierung hält eigene Kryptohandys für sicher
20131026             Neuer Rekord: DAX knackt 9000—PUNKTE—MARKE
20131026             In den von REBELLEN kontrollierten Gebieten SYRIENs mehren sich derweil die blutigen Machtkämpfe zwischen radikalen ISLAMISTEN und anderen Milizen.
20131026             Wie die oppositionelle Beobachtungsstelle für MENSCHEN—RECHTE mitteilte, kamen bei Zusammenstößen zwischen kurdischen und islamistischen Kampfbrigaden in der PROVINZ—HASAKA MINDESTENS—41—MENSCHEN ums Leben.
20131026             Staatspolitisch wichtige Gespräche führe DIE—KANZLERIN—IN—DER—REGEL über das Festnetz in verschlüsselter Form.
20131026             Bei BEDARF stehe ihr für solche Telefonate auch 1—SPEZIELL geschütztes Mobiltelefon zur Verfügung.
20131026             MERKEL wisse durchaus, was sie über welchen Kanal kommuniziere, sagte Streiter.
20131026             DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG hat nach eigenen Angaben
20131026             Zu Berichten, wonach DIE—AMERIKANER DIE—USA—BOTSCHAFT in BERLIN für die Ausspähung der Regierung genutzt haben sollen, sagte Streiter, diese Frage sei "TEIL—DER—AUFKLÄRUNG".
20131026             —STREITER betonte, DIE—REGIERUNG habe DIE—AFFÄRE "niemals für beendet erklärt. Das ist 1—FEHLINTERPRETATION".
20131026             KANZLER—AMT—MINISTER—RONALD—POFALLA (CDU) habe IM- ;;08;;
20131026             "Wer welches Handy benutzt, sollte genauso verborgen bleiben, wie wer welches Auto fährt".Bekannt ist jedoch, dass VIELE—MINISTER neben den mobilen Diensttelefonen auch 1—PRIVATES Handy verwenden.
20131026             16. Horrorszenario - RODOLFO—CASTALA —HEUTE, 17:22—UHR
20131026             —HEUTE am Vormittag wurde im SPANISCHEN—RUNDFUNK über das Ausspionieren europäischer Politiker durch DIE—USA und speziell über A. MERKEL gesprochen. es wurde erklärt, dass neben Anzapfen von Mobiltelefonen auch andere Möglichkeiten des Abhörens existieren.
20131026             HEUTZUTAGE sei es sogar möglich, über satellitengestützte ABHÖR—SYSTEME Gesprächen auch in geschlossenen Räumen, also in Gebäuden, Autos etc. zu lauschen.
20131026             Personenidentifikation anhand von Stimmen ist —SEIT LÄNGERER ZEIT —BEREITS 1—KRIMINALTECHNISCHES Mittel.
20131026             Die Stimme ist 1—MERKMAL, das so vielseitig und komplex ist, dass JEDE—PERSON eindeutig anhand ihrer Stimme zu identifizieren ist. es existieren nicht 2—GLEICHE Stimmen auf dieser Welt. der ANGELA—MERKEL—STIMME mit HILFE—VON—COMPUTERN herauszufiltern und aufzuzeichnen wäre durchaus möglich.
20131026             So würde auch der PRIVAT—BEREICH abgehört.
20131026             Falls dies kein Horrorszenario, sondern Realität wäre, würde es dem Fass den BODEN ausschlagen.
20131026             Doch —IM—MAI kündigte  USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA 1—NEUE Phase im KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN—TERROR an —, 1—ENDE—DES massiven DROHNEN—KRIEGS.
20131026             DIE—EINSÄTZE—ZAHL war
20131026             —INZWISCHEN sei der MILITÄR—MARKT "fast bei 0".
20131026             "Und DIE—ZEIT —BIS—ZUM—NÄCHSTEN großen —KONFLIKT", sagt —DAY mit 1—GEWISSEN Portion Zynismus, "könnte für VIELE—UNTERNEHMEN zu lang sein, um zu überleben".
20131026             Drohnen kommen in der öffentlichen Debatte meist als Killermaschinen oder als BEDROHUNG—FÜR—DIE—PRIVAT—SPHÄRE vor.
20131026             Fehlt aber DIE—GESELLSCHAFTLICHE Akzeptanz, könnte das die weitere technologische Entwicklung hemmen oder gar verhindern - die Gentechnik und die ATOM—ENERGIE lassen grüßen.
20131026             Sollte das Image aber ins Negative drehen, "wäre diese —TECHNOLOGIE hier nicht mehr entwickel—, einsetzbar".
20131026             —VERÄNDERT, NATÜRLICH - "UAVs haben DIE—NATUR des Krieges, allerdings auch zum Besseren",
20131026             DIE—NATUR des Krieges
20131026             —HEUTE schieße man nur noch einzelne Raketen ab, wo man FRÜHER mit 1—FLÄCHENBOMBARDEMENT 1—GANZE Stadt ausradiert hätte.
20131026             "KRIEG ist eben hässlich", sagt —DAY. "Er wird nie steril sein".
20131026             "UAVs bleiben der dynamischste Wachstumssektor in der weltweiten Luftfahrtindustrie", verkündete etwa die TEAL—GRUPPE im;;06;;zur ERÖFFNUNG der Luftfahrtschau in Le Bourget.
20131026             DIE—AUSGABEN würden sich im kommenden —JAHR—ZEHNT  gar verdoppeln.
20131026             In diesem MARKT—SEGMENT seien die Auftragsbücher prall gefüllt.
20131026             —JETZT—SCHON lässt sich sagen: Mit 16,1—PROZENT ist die Armutsgefährdungsquote in DEUTSCHLAND höher als in vielen anderen STAATEN.
20131026             —GEPLAUDERT, Einvernehmlich wurde über LIBYEN, SYRIEN und AFGHANISTAN, und, ach ja, EINIGE—MINUTEN ging es wohl auch um die leidige NSA—SPIONAGE—AFFÄRE.
20131026             Um vollständige Aufklärung bat der Hausherr.
20131026             Er wolle sehen, was sich machen lasse, versprach der Amerikaner.
20131026             Aber es gebe —NUN einmal die Gefahr des TERRORISMUS und deshalb müsse man "DAS—RICHTIGE Gleichgewicht zwischen SICHERHEITS—INTERESSEN und dem DATEN—SCHUTZ finden".
20131026             DIE—BRITEN hatten für den —EINSATZ—DES—TEMPORA—PROGRAMMS von ihren Oberen 1—WEITEN Auftrag mit auf den Weg bekommen.
20131026             Sie sollten alles zusammentragen, was
20131026             "die politischen Absichten der ausländischen Regierungen"betrifft, deshalb wurden auch in ITALIEN DIE—REGIERUNG und VIELE—PARLAMENTARIER abgehört;
20131026             die Weitergabe "nuklearer, bakteriologischer oder chemischer Waffen an feindliche STAATEN"angeht;
20131026             außerdem "dem Wohle der BRITISCHEN—WIRTSCHAFT"dient; SIZILIEN, ganz EUROPA abgehört
20131026             —IM, BRITISCHEN—VISIER waren bei ihrem ITALIEN—EINSATZ aber nicht nur die dortigen POLITIKER—UNTERNEHMEN.
20131026             Denn in SIZILIEN hätten sie DIE—CHANCE, auf etliche der wichtigsten KOMMUNIKATIONS—STRÄNGE zuzugreifen, DIE—EUROPA mit ASIEN, AUSTRALIEN, dem NAH—OST und Amerikas OST—KÜSTE verbinden.
20131026             Gewaltige Unterseekabel, die Telefonate, E—MAILS und sonstige DATEN—PAKETE rund um den Globus transportieren.
20131026             Die Leitung "FLAG EUROPE—ASIA"zum Beispiel ist 26.000—KMLANG - in PALERMO kommt man gut dran.
20131026             Womöglich haben ITALIENISCHE—GEHEIM—DIENSTE bei dem DATEN—KLAU geholfen oder es zumindest toleriert.
20131026             Ausweislich DER—NEUEN SNOWDEN—AKTEN gab es nämlich 1—VERTRAG—MIT—DEN BRITEN, der es den Diensten der abgehörten Länder erlaubt, Zugang zu den dabei gewonnen DATEN zu bekommen.
20131026             NATÜRLICH nur zu denen, die dafür von den BRITEN herausgerückt werden.
20131026             Im Gegenzug sollen die solcherart beschenkten nationalen GEHEIM—DIENSTE bei BEDARF den BRITEN behilflich sein, etwa die Netze anzuzapfen.
20131026             Keine Kenntnis, —SCHON gar keine Mithilfe und keine Indizien, dass seine Regierung in ROM ausgespäht worden sein könnte, behauptet DER—ZUSTÄNDIGE STAATS—SEKRETÄR MARCO—MINNITI sogar —JETZT—NOCH.
20131026             4. Ich sag's gerne nochmal: helle1712 —HEUTE, 14:14—UHR - JEDES—AUSGESPÄHTE—LAND bzw.
20131026             JEDE—ABGEHÖRTE—HAUPT—STADT sollte die Straße, an der die jeweilige USA—BOTSCHAFT liegt, in EDWARD—SNOWDEN—STRAßE umbenennen.
20131026             Zum ewigen Gedenken der Dienste unserer lieben Verbündeten.
20131026             —GIPFEL—IN—BRÜSSEL—EU lehnt Änderung DER—FLÜCHTLINGS—POLITIK ab
20131026             HACKER—ANGRIFF, FRANZÖSISCHE—REGIERUNG hatte NSA im Verdacht
20131026             HANDY—SKANDAL, ARD rechtfertigt fehlenden BRENN—PUNKT
20131026             Brutaler POLIZEI—EINSATZ nach FUßBALL—SPIEL: Zeugen unerwünscht
20131026             HANDY—AFFÄRE: MERKEL bekräftigt Willen zu neuem USA—GEHEIM—DIENSTPAKT
20131026             In dem als "topsecret"eingestuften internen Schreiben wird aber betont, dass DIE—NSA nicht hinter den HACKER—ANGRIFFEN stehe.
20131026             HAMBURG/BERLIN, Der NSA—ABHÖR—SKANDAL war —AM—MITTWOCH DAS—THEMA des Tages.
20131026             Doch 1 "BRENN—PUNKT"-Sendung war das Handy von KANZLERIN—MERKEL der ARD nicht wert.
20131026             "Anders als die legendären 'Brennpunkte', die das 1. ins Programm nimmt, wenn es zu seltenen WETTER—PHÄNOMENEN wie Schnee —WINTER—IM kommt, sind politische Sondersendungen 1—RISIKO, wenn es um die Quote geht", schreibt Niggemeier in seinem Blog.
20131026             —AM—FREITAG hat DIE—ARD auf DIE—VORWÜRFE reagiert: Man habe —AM—DONNERSTAG nach interner Diskussion entschieden, keinen BRENN—PUNKT zu bringen, "weil dieser - über die —BEREITS vorgesehene, umfangreiche nachrichtliche BERICHT—ERSTATTUNG in 1—VERLÄNGERTEN Hauptausgabe der "TAGESSCHAU"hinaus - zu diesem ZEIT—PUNKT kaum weitere filmische Erkenntnisse liefern hätte können", so DIE—ARD—PRESSESTELLE.
20131026             Fehlt da nicht noch etwas? Bei ihrem Abschlussauftritt des Gipfeltreffens in BRÜSSEL klammerte DIE—KANZLERIN—DAS—THEMA europäische DATEN—SCHUTZ—STANDARDS aus, auch zur AMERIKANISCHEN—ABHÖR—AFFÄRE äußerte sie sich indirekt —ERST auf Nachfrage.
20131026             MERKEL machte deutlich, dass FRANKREICH und DEUTSCHLAND bei neuen Regeln für GEHEIM—DIENSTKO—OPERATIONEN mit DEN—USA nicht als geschlossene Front auftreten wollten.
20131026             "JEDES—LAND tauscht sich für sich mit den AMERIKANISCHEN—SICHERHEITS—BEHÖRDEN aus", betonte MERKEL.
20131026             "Wir suchen 1—GRUND—LAGE für die KO—OPERATION unserer Dienste, die transparent ist, die klar ist und dem Charakter von BÜNDNIS—PARTNERN entspricht", sagte sie.
20131026             SPÄH—ENTHÜLLUNGEN: NSA—CHEF—ALEXANDER und das peinliche PR—VIDEO
20131026             Über 1—HALBE —STUNDE erklärt ALEXANDER darin den Auftrag seiner Behörde, erläutert, warum es bei allen ÜBERWACHUNGS—PROGRAMMEN SELBST—VERSTÄNDLICH mit rechten Dingen zugeht und warum vor allem DIE—MEDIEN sich —DERZEIT, schuldig machten mit all ihren böswilligen Enthüllungen über die Praktiken seiner Behörde.
20131026             Was genau zu tun sei, wisse er nicht.
20131026             Das sei aber auch eher Sache der Gerichte und Gesetzgeber.
20131026             es sei verkehrt, dass Journalisten all diese Dokumente hätten und sie —NUN "verkaufen und herausgeben", sagte ALEXANDER dem "Armed With Science"-Blog, das vom VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUM betrieben wird.
20131026             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, DAS—VIDEO wurde auch auf YouTube.
20131026             Was er mit "verkaufen"meinte, führte er nicht weiter aus.
20131026             —SPÄTER, sagt er: "Wenn Menschen sterben, sollten die, die das leaken, verantwortlich gemacht werden".
20131026             Die populärsten kritisieren "selbstgerechten Bullshit"und fordern DIE—NSA auf, endlich DIE—USA—VERFASSUNG ernst zu nehmen.
20131026             NATÜRLICH wüsste JEDER—ERWACHSENE, dass man eben baden oder duschen müsse.
20131026             Und so sei es auch mit den NSA—SPIONAGEPROGRAMMEN: "Was wäre 1—BESSERE Methode, TERRORISTEN zu fangen?"
20131026             ALEXANDER weiter: "DIE—LEUTE sagen, da werden Amerikaner ausspioniert - das ist absolut falsch. Wir verfolgen mit diesen Programmen TERRORISTEN".
20131026             [l] LACHER—DES—TAGES: 1—TYP sitzt hinter EX—NSA—CHEF—MICHAEL—HAYDEN im Zug, und LIVE—TWEETET 1—INTERVIEW, das der gerade gibt.
20131026             ACCORDING—TO—MATZZIE, Hayden was on 1—CALL with reporters and was speaking under THE—CONDITION—OF—ANONYMITY, intending to be cited only as "1—FORMER—SENIOR—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIAL".
20131026             Man würde denken, dass gerade der eigentlich das besser wissen müsste.
20131026             Und zu guter Letzt hat er den NSA—TYP auch noch gefragt, ob er 1—FOTO mit ihm machen darf.
20131026             Großartig.
20131026             [l] IPPNW (Ärzte gegen den ATOM—KRIEG) erklärt, wie DIE—UNO sich die FUKUSHIMA—STRAHLENBELASTUNG kleinrechnet.
20131026             Statt die Rechnungen der WHO als GRUND—LAGE für die Dosisberechnung zu nehmen, bezieht sich UNSCEAR auf wenig verlässliche Ganzkörpermessungen einzelner Isotope und rechnet sich somit die Gesamtdosis der Bevölkerung klein.
20131026             Die erhöhte Strahlenempfindlichkeit des ungeborenen Kindes wird in den Berechnungen ebenso wenig berücksichtigt wie neuere strahlenbiologische und genetische Erkenntnisse zu den medizinischen Folgen von Niedrigstrahlung.
20131026             —BEENDET, DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG ist der Meinung, DIE—NSA—AFFÄRE sei "niemals für "erklärt worden.
20131026             Das erklärte der VIZE—REGIERUNGSSPRECHER GEORG—STREITER und sorgte damit für Erheiterung in DER—BUNDESPRESSEKONFERENZ.
20131026             —WISHED, EX—NSA CHIEF may have, he took the quiet car
20131026             FORMER—NSA—DIRECTOR TOM—HAYDEN.. - EU: USA—SPYING may hurt terror fight
20131026             —WARNED, European leaders, —FRIDAY that r...
20131026             "Alma"-Bilder: Genauer Blick auf "kältesten Platz im Universum"
20131026             Pofalla und FRIEDRICH: Die MÖCHTEGERN—AUFKLÄRER
20131026             AUSSPÄH—AFFÄRE: VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZCHEF—MAAßEN wehrt sich gegen Kritik
20131026             —GENOMMEN, DIE—SPIONAGE—VORWÜRFE—GEGEN—DIE—USA seien VON—ANFANG—AN ernst, worden, so MAAßEN.
20131026             hat Vorwürfe zurückgewiesen, DIE—DEUTSCHEN—GEHEIM—DIENSTE täten in der NSA—AFFÄRE nicht genug für DIE—AUFKLÄRUNG.
20131026             "DAS—BUNDES—AMT—FÜR—VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ hat DIE—SPIONAGE—VORWÜRFE—GEGEN—DIE—USA—VON—ANFANG—AN ernst genommen und aktiv zur Aufklärung beigetragen", sagte MAAßEN.
20131026             Diese prüfe SEITDEM die Behauptungen, die im Raum stünden.
20131026             Die parlamentarischen Gremien würden kontinuierlich über DIE—ERGEBNISSE informiert.
20131026             "Die Prüfung ist allerdings NOCH NICHT abgeschlossen".
20131026             DER—VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ betreibe keine systematische Beobachtung "befreundeter"NACHRICHTEN—DIENSTE, sagte MAAßEN.
20131026             "Wenn sich jedoch Anhaltspunkte FÜR—1—SPIONAGE—TÄTIGKEIT ergeben, gehen wir diesen SELBST—VERSTÄNDLICH nach".
20131026             DER—BUNDES—REGIERUNG und den DEUTSCHEN—GEHEIM—DIENSTEN wird vorgeworfen, sie hätten DIE—AUFKLÄRUNG nicht energisch genug vorangetrieben, sondern DIE—AFFÄRE verharmlost.
20131026             —NACH, den neuesten Erkenntnissen will er —NUN "ALLE—AUSSAGEN, die DIE—NSA —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—WOCHEN und —MONATEN mündlich wie schriftlich vorgelegt hat", erneut überprüfen lassen.
20131026             3. selbst betroffen? DAVID—LEON—GESTERN, 20:15—UHR
20131026             Da wird noch einiges Überraschendes auf uns zukommen in wieweit diese Behörden verfassungsfeindlich agiert und Hochverrat betrieben haben.
20131026             4. optional - BEHR22—GESTERN, 20:21—UHR
20131026             Das schlimme ist ja nur DEUTSCHLAND ist auch nicht viel besser.
20131026             So schneidet z.B. DER—BND 1—GROSSTEIL—DES—DEUTSCHEN—INTERNETTRAFFICS mit und was sie damit machen wei niemand.
20131026             Nicht mal dem PARLAMENTarischen KONTROLL—GREMIUM wird alles erzählt.
20131026             Wie ist es in 1—DEMOKRATIE eigentlich möglich, dass GEHEIM—DIENST nicht einmal vor dem BUNDES—TAG wirklich Rechenschaft ablegen müssen?
20131026             5. Amnesie oder einfach nur Dummheit?
20131026             schocolongne —GESTERN, 20:33—UHR
20131026             —BEHAUPTET, HANS—GEORG—MAAßEN hat —NOCH—VOR einigen —WOCHEN, es gäbe keine SPIONAGE und —SCHON gar keine INDUSTRIE—SPIONAGE durch DIE—USA... -ist Herr MAAßEN geistig nicht mehr so ganz auf der Höhe?...-oder was?
20131026             Zusammen mit dem PANNEN—MARATON im NSU—KOMPLEX, wo zum wiederholten mal der Eindruck entstanden ist, DEUTSCHE—SICHERHEITS—APPARATE sponserten RECHTS—EXTREME regelrecht und würden sich bei der AUFKLÄRUNGS—ARBEIT bestenfalls gegenseitig behindern -1—GESCHICHTE aus dem Tollhaus.
20131026             JEDER—SPIONAGEROMAN mit solch bizarren Geschehnissen würde bei der Kritik als völlig unrealistisch und konstruiert durchfallen.
20131026             6. was regen sie sich auf - tasunka —GESTERN, 20:37—UHR
20131026             8. Quo vadis DEUTSCHLAND? ZACK34—GESTERN, 20:56—UHR - n...]
20131026             SCHAAR, immer mehr und zwar nicht richterlich genehmigte ÜBERWACHUNG—DURCH—DIE hiesigen, eigenen Dienste feststellt... darf DER—BÜRGER auch die obige Frage anders stellen: "Unternehmen DEUTSCHE—GEHEIM—DIENSTE genug, um Licht in die eigenen Ü-Aktivitäten zu bringen?""DIE—SPIONAGE—VORWÜRFE—GEGEN—DIE—USA "seien vor allem 1—BELIEBTE Ablenkung von grundsätzlichen FRAGEN—DER—ÜBERWACHUNG—IN—1—DEMOKRATIE.
20131026             Die nachwievor unbeantwortet sind.
20131026             WÄHRENDDESSEN, bereiten sich Typen wie 1—POFALLA auf die nächste hochrangige MINISTERialstelle, und weitere Versorgungsprfründe aus STEUER—GELDERN.
20131026             10. optional - fpwinter —GESTERN, 21:41—UHR
20131026             Wessen Verfassung schützt er eigentlich?
20131026             Zur Zeit ist er jedenfalls in keiner guten Verfassung.
20131026             Mutti auch nicht. Wegen dem Handy.
20131026             —BEWAHRT, DAVOR hat sie Herr Maassen jedenfalls nicht.
20131026             plötzlich aufklären. Doch wer soll daran noch glauben?
20131026             "Niemals"habe RONALD—POFALLA—DIE—AFFÄRE—UM—DIE Schnüffelaktivitäten DER—USA—GEHEIM—DIENSTE für beendet erklärt.
20131026             es sei dabei nur um den konkreten Vorwurf der massenhaften Ausspähung DEUTSCHER—BÜRGER gegangen, dieser habe sich nicht bestätigt.
20131026             Ansonsten habe man DIE—ENTHÜLLUNGEN des FRÜHEREN—NSA—MITARBEITER—EDWARD—SNOWDEN "vom 1. —TAG an sehr ernst"genommen.
20131026             Was sollen sie auch sagen? Dass DIE—REGIERUNG sich —NUN, da mutmaßlich DIE—KANZLERIN persönlich ins Visier AMERIKANISCHER—SPIONE geraten ist, Asche aufs Haupt streut, war nicht zu erwarten.
20131026             Genauso sollte DIE—REGIERUNG aber auch nicht erwarten, dass sich DIE—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT so leicht in die Irre führen lässt.
20131026             DIE—BOTSCHAFT ans Volk war: es gibt keinen SKANDAL.
20131026             Von Aufklärungseifer war zuletzt jedenfalls nichts mehr zu sehen und hören.
20131026             —NUN aber ist der Tatendrang wieder groß.
20131026             Pofalla kündigt an, ALLE—ERKLÄRUNGEN—VON—NSA und Co. zur Einhaltung DEUTSCHER—GESETZE auf deutschem BODEN noch einmal zu überprüfen.
20131026             Erklärungen, die er —IN—DER—VERGANGENHEIT stets als Beleg dafür genommen hatte, dass alles mit rechten Dingen zugehe.
20131026             War er —IN—DER—VERGANGENHEIT zu vertrauensselig, den Beteuerungen der Amerikaner zu glauben?
20131026             NATÜRLICH nicht, der CDU—POLITIKER spricht von 1 "neuen Qualität". es geht —JETZT ja um MERKEL—HANDY.
20131026             Was soll 1—PRÜFUNG—VON—NSA—AUSSAGEN ergeben, wenn ihnen offensichtlich nicht zu trauen ist?
20131026             Was soll dann 1—NO—SPY—ABKOMMEN bringen?
20131026             Was soll die DELEGATION—DER—REGIERUNG erreichen, die sich auf den Weg nach WASHINGTON machen wird?
20131026             Wieder einmal Aufklärung fordern?
20131026             Die alten Fragenkataloge wieder herauskramen? —SEIT—MONATEN wartet man in BERLIN auf Antworten der Amerikaner.
20131026             FRIEDRICHs Sprecher verweist —AM—FREITAG auf langwierige Prozesse bei der Freigabe GEHEIM—DOKUMENTE.
20131026             So können DIE—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN nicht über sie und ihre LEUTE herfallen.
20131026             INNEN—MINISTER—FRIEDRICH hatte von CSU—CHEF—HORST—SEEHOFER einst 1—JOBGARANTIE erhalten.
20131026             —VERBESSERT, Doch auch seine Position hat sich nicht.
20131026             Ohne 1—HEFTIGE machtpolitische Auseinandersetzung mit DEN—USA zu riskieren, kann DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG daran kaum etwas ändern.
20131026             10. optional - serene —GESTERN, 19:44—UHR
20131026             DIE—MEDIEN waren nicht unbeteiligt daran, dass dieses Thema vorm WAHL—KAMPF aus dem Fokus verschwand!!
20131026             So wie einige andere auch, die —JETZT TÄGLICH über uns hereinflattern (Altersarmut z.B.).
20131026             12. Möchtegern Aufklärer? Nee, Möchtegern Verschleierer - Zekke —GESTERN, 19:45—UHR
20131026             1. ist es doch wohl völlig abwegig, dass Herr Profalla oder Herr FRIEDRICH sich um 1—AUFKLÄRUNGSVERFAHREN (wo auch immer) bemüht haben!
20131026             Als INNEN—MINISTER weiss man ob USA—SPIONAGEEINRICHTUNGEN auf deutschem BODEN genehmigt sind und betrieben werden.
20131026             Und als GEHEIM—DIENST—AUFSEHER weiss man natürlich, wie DIE—DIENSTE arbeiten und was sie tun!
20131026             Wenn sie etwas aufklären wollten brauchten Sie nur die Wahrheit auszusprechen!
20131026             Alles andere bewegt sich zwischen dreister Lüge, Verschleierung und bewusster Täuschung!
20131026             1—UNGLAUBLICHES Verhalten gegenüber dem Volk, Missbrauch des Amtes, Bruch des Amtseides (8. und Verteidigen der Verfassung) usw. Und diese Politiker wurden mit 50—PROZENT wieder gewählt!
20131026             Mir wird schlecht.
20131026             Das klappt bloß nicht mehr.
20131026             Wer soll denn daran glauben, daß GEHEIM—DIENSTE sich an irgendwelche Regeln halten ???
20131026             DAS—PROBLEM—DER—AUSSPÄHUNG ganzer Bevölkerungen, Regierungen und Institutionen wird doch durch die Mittäterschaft der heimischen Dienste und durch die Mittäterschaft der BRITISCHEN—DIENSTE (SIZILIEN!) zu 1—PROBLEM vieler europäischer Regierungen, besonders der deutschen.
20131026             Wenn die 2—HEINIS ihre Reputation zurückerlangen wollen, müssen sie in allen Einzelheiten DIE—ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT—MIT—DER—NSA aufdecken - BEVOR SNOWDEN das macht 😉
20131026             20. WAHL—BETRUG - hj.binder@T— —GESTERN, 20:14—UHR
20131026             Ich denke, DIE—CDU/CSU - "Aufklärer"wussten —SEIT—MAI genau, dass DIE—USA—SPIONAGE nicht nur gegen DEUTSCHE—FIRMEN, sondern auch gegen Politiker aktiv war und einfach noch ist. die unverfrorenheit mit der diese Sache untergebügelt wurde ist nicht 1—WAHL—KAMPF—TAKTIK sondern WAHL—BETRUG und 1—STRAFTAT, nämlich Strafvereitelung im Amt.
20131026             (SPIONAGE—IN—DEUTSCHLAND FÜR—1 fremde MACHT).
20131026             Ramschhypotheken: JP—MORGAN zahlt 5,1—MILLIARDEN—DOLLAR Entschädigung
20131026             GEORGIEN—PRÄSIDENT—SAAKASCHWILI: Geliebt, gehasst, geschasst
20131026             FRAUENFAHR—VERBOT in SAUDI—ARABIEN: "es geht um alles"
20131026             —FINANZ—KRISE—IN—GRIECHENLAND: Die verratene Mittelschicht
20131026             SPÄH—SKANDAL, Union lehnt UNTERSUCHUNGS—AUSSCHUSS ab
20131026             —NACH, ERDBEBEN nahe FUKUSHIMA: JAPAN rüstet sich gegen Taifun "FRANCISco"
20131026             Damit solle "1—BOTSCHAFT gesandt werden an diejenigen, die DAS—SYSTEM missbrauchen", heißt es.
20131026             Allerdings würden DIE—USA in dem Resolutionsentwurf nicht namentlich genannt.
20131026             Der Text solle 1—DISKUSSION—ÜBER den SCHUTZ—DER—KOMMUNIKATION im öffentlichen Raum vor staatlichen Eingriffen anstoßen.
20131026             1—BESTEHENDES Abkommen 19760000             —AUS—DEM, untersagt jeden "willkürlichen oder illegalen Eingriff in DIE—PRIVAT—SPHÄRE, die Familie, die Wohnstätte oder den Briefverkehr"sowie "ungesetzliche ANGRIFFE—AUF—EHRE und Ansehen".
20131026             Diese Passage soll um DAS—INTERNET erweitert werden.
20131026             Und manipulieren ist das hauptsächliche Werkzeug 1—GEHEIM—DIENSTLERS: DES—INFORMATION, Lüge, Zersetzung und MANIPULATION sind den VERFASSUNGS—SCHÜTZERN zwar ausdrücklich verboten, aber halten sie sich auch daran?
20131026             Die Plätze abseits der klassischen Sehenswürdigkeiten rückten durch das Netz immer mehr ins Blickfeld der Besucher. es gebe keine "hoheitliche"Instanz mehr, die über die "MUST—SEES"entscheidet - so wie es FRÜHER gedruckte Reiseführer und Touristeninformationen taten.
20131026             Der Drang nach individuellen Reisen sei zwar —SCHON IMmer vorhanden gewesen, erklärt Bauhuber.
20131026             Doch —NUN habe jedermann die technischen Möglichkeiten, die eigene Abenteuerlust auszuleben.
20131026             Yelp setze SOFTWARE ein, um Kommentare herauszufiltern, die nicht echt erscheinen,
20131026             Alle wollten zusammen individuell sein und würden gerade deswegen 1—DIGITALEN Einheitsbrei schaffen, sagt Uhrenbacher, der —INZWISCHEN die Wohnungsvermittlungsseite 9flats leitet.
20131026             Dies sei "das Grundproblem bei allen Bewertungsportalen im INTERNET".
20131026             Kostenfreie W—LAN—NETZE, die vor allem für Besucher aus dem Ausland wichtig sind, gebe es in DEUTSCHES—STÄDTEN selten.
20131026             LONDON, stellen beispielsweise Flughafenbusse oder Museen kostenloses INTERNET bereit.
20131026             "Vertrauen ist gut, aber mehr Kontrolle scheint dringend notwendig", sagte BDI—PRÄSIDENT—GRILLO—SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20131026             —ALARMIERT, DIE—DEUTSCHE—INDUSTRIE sei durch die aktuellen MEDIEN—BERICHTE.
20131026             "es ist ganz besonders besorgniserregend, in welchem Ausmaß auch GEHEIM—DIENSTE befreundeter STAATEN den DATEN—VERKEHR überwachen".DIE—WELTWEITE Vernetzung der DATEN—STRÖME und DIE—DATENTECHNISCH offenen Grenzen erforderten von der internationalen STAATEN—GEMEINSCHAFT 1—GANZ neue Herangehensweise, sagte DER—VERBANDSCHEF.
20131026             Zudem müsste es 1—NEUEN internationalen Konsens geben, wie man mit SPIONAGE umgehe.
20131026             "Der BDI setzt sich dafür ein, WIRTSCHAFT—SPIONAGE völkerrechtlich zu ächten".
20131026             1—BEHERZTES Vorgehen sei allein deshalb notwendig, um die —VERHANDLUNGEN nicht noch weiter zu gefährden, sagte Grillo.
20131026             —GEHÖRT, Der BDI, zu den vehementesten Verfechtern 1—TRANS—ATLANTISCHEN FREI—HANDEL zone.
20131026             Denn über DIE—USA—AMERIKANISCHE—WIRTSCHAFT—SPIONAGE schrieb —SCHON der "Spiegel"13/19990000             (...) Anders als DIE—DEUTSCHEN, die ihren NACHRICHTEN—DIENSTEN WIRTSCHAFT—SPIONAGE ausdrücklich untersagen, haben die AMERIKANISCHEN—GEHEIM—DIENSTE den Auftrag, zum Wohle DER—USA—WIRTSCHAFT Informationen zu sammeln und an die eigenen Unternehmen weiterzugeben.
20131026             Ganz offiziell hat  USA—PRÄSIDENT—BILL—CLINTON—DIE—WIRTSCHAFTSSPIONAGE zu 1—HAUPTAUFGABE des CIA erklärt.
20131026             CLINTON: "Was gut ist für Boeing, das ist gut für DIE—USA ".(...) - 36. mazzeltov —HEUTE, 09:19—UHR - n...]
20131026             Wenn DER—CHEF—DES DEUTSCHEN—INDUSTRIE—VERBANDES anfängt, mit LENIN—ZITATEN um sich zu werfen... Was kommt als nächstes, Herr Grillo?
20131026             Jeder nach seinen Fähigkeiten, jedem nach seinen Bedürfnissen?
20131026             Und in 1—VIERTELJAHR beleben Sie die Hafenstraße neu und ziehen dort ein?
20131026             Da sieht man, wohin das Bekanntwerden der Schnüffelei führt: Spitzenfunktionäre verlieren jegliche Orientierung.
20131026             56. Overseas SECURITY—ADVISORY Council*(OSAC)
20131026             so heißt DIE—OFFIZIELLE—USA—ORGANISATION, die in allen ökonomisch interessanten Ländern MINDESTENS—2—AGENTEN beschäftigt, die durch andere USA Dienste technisch unterstützt werden.
20131026             Ziel ist die Beschaffung von Informationen zur Förderung von USA based Unternehmen.
20131026             Das hört sich an wie übliche WIRTSCHAFTS—FÖRDERUNG, ANALYSE—VON—TRENDS und Entwicklungen.
20131026             Ist es aber nicht bzw. nicht nur.
20131026             Sondern primär WIRTSCHAFT—SPIONAGE.
20131026             —BEKANNT, In DER—DEUTSCHES—INDUSTRIE ist das hinlänglich.
20131026             —VERTRÄUMT, VIELE—MITTELSTÄNDISCHE—UNTERNEHMEN mit oft führenden Technologien sind oft noch zu, um sich zu schützen.
20131026             Man sitzt ja in schöner friedlicher Landschaft, wo es doch so was gar nicht gibt.
20131026             Weit gefehlt! Gerade die kleineren Unternehmen mit Innovationen sind DAS—ZIEL.
20131026             Nicht nur von OSAC sondern auch von FRANKREICH, CHINA und anderen Ländern.
20131026             Der einfachste Tipp ist, DIE—RECHNER der EntwicklungsABTEILUNG nur untereinander zu vernetzen und vom gesamten INTERNET und Firmennetz abzukoppeln.
20131026             Für INTERNET Recherchen kann 1—SEPARATER Rechner aufgestellt werden.
20131026             MIT—ARBEITER müssen ebenfalls aufgeklärt werden. Stichwort social Engineering.
20131026             Die nette Dame an der Hotelbar ist nicht an Abenteuen interessiert.
20131026             Eher am Laptop.. und tollen GESCHICHTEn.
20131026             Website offline: NSA weist Meldungen über HACKER—ANGRIFF zurück
20131026             Die Sprecherin wies Gerüchte zurück, wonach 1—HACKER—ANGRIFF den Ausfall verursacht habe.
20131026             Das Hackerkollektiv Anonymous reagierte mit Häme aus den Ausfall der Seite. es bestehe kein Grund zur Sorge, DIE—NSA verfüge über 1—SICHERUNGSKOPIE des gesamten INTERNETs, erklärten DIE—AKTIVISTEN mit Blick auf die umfassende USA—DATEN—SPIONAGE.
20131026             —PROTEST—GEGEN—RUSSLAND: Spektakuläre GREENPEACE—AKTION auf dem Eiffelturm
20131026             Feministinnen planen 1—AKTIONS—TAG und fordern Frauen in dem Land auf, sich —AN—DIESEM—SAMSTAG demonstrativ hinter das STEUER zu setzen.
20131026             Ihr Ziel ist die Aufhebung des Frauenfahrverbots in dem absolutistischen KÖNIG—REICH.
20131026             —BEREITS—SEIT—WOCHEN benutzen EINIGE—DER—AKTIVISTINNEN ihr Auto trotz des Verbots und veröffentlichen in sozialen NETZWERK—EN Videos sowie Bilder von den illegalen Fahrten.
20131026             AL—JAMI: Ich nehme an, dass Sie in DEUTSCHLAND zumindest 1—VERNÜNFTIGES VERKEHRS—SYSTEM haben.
20131026             U—BAHNEN, Taxen, Busse. In SAUDI—ARABIEN haben wir das nicht.
20131026             Wenn wir Frauen irgendwo hinwollen, sind wir auf unseren Ehemann, Vater oder Sohn angewiesen.
20131026             —GELÄHMT, Wenn die keine Zeit haben, sind wir wie.
20131026             AL—JAMI: es geht um alles: um das Gefühl, sein Leben und seine —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN selbst —TREFFEN zu können und im Alltag niemanden um Hilfe bitten zu müssen.
20131026             Um persönliche Freiheit.
20131026             AL—JAMI: Für saudische Frauen ist es 1—GUTES —JAHR: 1. hat DER—KÖNIG—FRAUEN als MITGLIEDER—DES—SCHURA—RATS ernannt, wir haben —JETZT 1—WAHL—RECHT für die Kommunalwahlen und dürfen dort auch als Kandidatinnen antreten.
20131026             Außerdem wurde Frauen erlaubt, als Anwältin zu arbeiten.
20131026             DER—WANDEL ist so nah wie nie.
20131026             —ZUGESTANDEN, Wir Frauen haben Rechte, bekommen, DIE—GRÖßER und komplizierter zu erreichen waren als Autofahren.
20131026             Warum sollten wir also nicht fahren dürfen?
20131026             AL—JAMI: MANCHE—MÄNNER sagen, dass sich Frauen ermutigt fühlen zu rebellieren, wenn sie einfach rausgehen und mit dem Auto fahren können. es gibt auch die, die sagen: "es gibt so viel Verkehr. Wenn —JETZT auch noch DIE—FRAUEN fahren, wird es viel zu voll".Wieder andere finden, dass Frauen am STEUER in Gefahr sind.
20131026             Irgendwelche schlimmen Jungs würden sie belästigen, sie —BIS nach Hause verfolgen, sie vergewaltigen.
20131026             Und natürlich gibt es auch Männer, DIE—FRAUEN für so verletzlich halten, dass sie immer von 1—MANN beschützt werden müssen - auch im Auto.
20131026             1—FRAU darf in deren Augen nie allein sein.
20131026             AL—JAMI:—DAMALS, habe ich die Aktion nur von zu Hause aus unterstützt.
20131026             Gefahren bin ich nicht.
20131026             Vor —2—JAHREN war ich im 9. —MONAT schwanger und hatte Angst um mein ungeborenes Kind.
20131026             —GEHÖRT, Ich hatte, dass Menschen verhaftet und ausgepeitscht werden sollten.
20131026             —GESCHLAGEN, Als Schwangere, zu werden, konnte ich nicht riskieren.
20131026             —JETZT ist mein jüngster Sohn —2—JAHRE—ALT.
20131026             2. tja, so ist - sitiwati —HEUTE, 07:50—UHR
20131026             in der CH bekamen DIE—FRAUEN im Letzten Kanton 199o DAS—WAHL—RECHT, trotz Widertand der männlichen Bevölkerung usw usw!
20131026             4. DIE—FRAUENDEMO.... - eizboks —HEUTE, 08:09—UHR
20131026             wurde —HEUTE—MORGEN abgesagt (Arab News).
20131026             5. Women driving advocates drop demonstration plans - Zuversicht7 —HEUTE, 08:31—UHR - n...]
20131026             "OUT—OF—CAUTION and respect for the Interior MINISTRY—WARNINGS.. we are asking women not to drive tomorrow and to change the initiative from an  ;;1026;;            campaign to 1—OPEN driving campaign," activist Najla AL—HARIRI told Agence FRANCE Presse —ON—FRIDAY.
20131026             22. testthewest —HEUTE, 10:20—UHR
20131026             Ich glaube nicht, dass DIE—FRAUEN in der STEIN—ZEIT so entrechtet waren.
20131026             —GENOMMEN, Im Grunde, glaube ich, dass es in der STEIN—ZEIT recht fair zuging - man kämpfte zusammen als Sippe ums Überleben, Kälte und Hunger 1—STÄNDIGE Bedrohung.
20131026             Ich denke nicht, dass sie sich so abfällig über die STEIN—ZEIT äußern sollten!
20131026             BERLIN, UNIONS—FRAKTION—CHEF—VOLKER—KAUDER hat sich gegen 1—UNTERSUCHUNGS—AUSSCHUSS zur NSA—AFFÄRE ausgesprochen.
20131026             "Nur 1—GEHEIM tagendes Gremium kann sich diesen Fragen wirklich intensiv widmen", sagte der CDU—POLITIKER der WELT—AM—SONNTAG.
20131026             Das für DIE—GEHEIM—DIENSTE zuständige PARLAMENTarische KONTROLL—GREMIUM werde sich der Sache "mit der gebotenen Intensität noch einmal annehmen".
20131026             DIE—LINKE hatte —NACH—DEN neuesten Enthüllungen 1—UNTERSUCHUNGS—AUSSCHUSS gefordert.
20131026             "AMERIKA muss sein Weltmachtgehabe gegenüber seinen Partnern ablegen".
20131026             DIE—USA—REGIERUNG müsse ihre GEHEIM—DIENSTE "klipp und klar anweisen, dass befreundete Regierungen nicht abgehört werden", forderte Kauder.
20131026             Konsequenzen für das geplante FREI—HANDEL—ABKOMMEN—ZWISCHEN—DEN—USA und der EU lehnte er allerdings ab.
20131026             "Man muss die Dinge trennen", sagte er.
20131026             —NACH, den Grünen dringt —NUN auch DIE—LINKE darauf, dass DER—BUNDES—TAG den zuständigen Regierungsmitgliedern in 1—SONDER—SITZUNG die Missbilligung ausspricht.
20131026             DER—BUNDES—TAG solle beiden daher seine Missbilligung aussprechen.
20131026             "So 1—ANTRAG sollte im neu gewählten PARLAMENT bei 1—FREIEN Abstimmung 1—MEHRHEIT finden. SPD, Linke und Grüne haben oft genug ihre Kritik formuliert".
20131026             "RONALD—POFALLA hat lediglich den Vorwurf, dass DEUTSCHE—STAATS—BÜRGER massenhaft von deutschem BODEN ausgespäht worden sind, als falsch bezeichnet", sagte er.
20131026             "Das war der gravierendste Vorwurf, der im Raum stand und der sich —NACH—DEN damaligen Erkenntnissen als unzutreffend erwiesen hat".
20131026             23. geheim geheim geheim - Vrqa —HEUTE, 09:08—UHR - Alles geht hier nur noch geheim!
20131026             So viel zur Transparenz in 1—DEMOKRATIE!
20131026             Das sollte UNS—ALLE absolut hellhörig werden lassen!!
20131026             —VERKEHRT, Hier läuft auf jeden Fall einiges komplett, und womöglich aus dem Ruder!
20131026             41. Kompromiss —HEUTE, 09:42—UHR
20131026             Da muss endlich mal alles auf den Tisch!
20131026             Nicht nur im Geheimen! DAS—VOLK will wiseen wie es verkauft und verraten wird!
20131026             Wenn das so weitergeht gibts hoffentlich bald 1—DEUTSCHEN—FRÜHLING mit demokratischer REVOLUTION.
20131026             Wo bleiben der Volksentscheid auf Bundesebene und Antikorruptionsgesetze für Politiker?
20131026             m tagende KONTROLL—GREMIUM soll sich dem Thema erneut widmen.
20131026             ANZEIGE - Das mögliche Ausspähen des Handys von KANZLERIN—ANGELA—MERKEL (CDU) durch USA—GEHEIM—DIENSTE nannte Kauder 1 "Ungeheuerlichkeit, die Konsequenzen haben muss".
20131026             Merken - Info - Auf anderen Social Networks teilen
20131026             insgesamt 132—BEITRÄGE - ALLE—KOMMENTARE schließen
20131026             —SEITE—VON—27 - 41. Kompromiss —HEUTE, 09:42—UHR
20131026             42. Wie bitte? EIN—BERLINER —HEUTE, 09:43—UHR - n...]
20131026             Bitte um Definition von GEHEIM bei dieser BUNDES—REGIERUNG.
20131026             43. Nicht jammern, aktiv werden! blauervogel —HEUTE, 09:44—UHR
20131026             44. Wovor hat DIE—CDU den Angst ? topodoro —HEUTE, 09:46—UHR
20131026             Oder vor der NSA ? Wem ist DIE—REGIERUNG verantwortlich ?
20131026             Uns ? Oder DER—USA—REGIERUNG ? —JETZT kommen die wahren MACHT—VERHÄLTNISSE ans Licht.
20131026             Denn an den Taten sollst Du sie erkennen, wie den Ölbaum an seinen Früchten !
20131026             52. Foschepoth - tijeras —HEUTE, 10:00—UHR
20131026             53. FRIEDRICH_eckard —HEUTE, 10:01—UHR
20131026             Und dieses Schauspiel wird sich dann ständig wiederholen: DIE—SPD wird Gelegenheit bekommen, FORTWÄHREND Initiativen abzulehnen, die sie vor den Wahlen selber gefordert hat.
20131026             Wenn es unter den SPD—MDB noch welche mit 1—REST—VON—SCHAM—UND Ehrgefühl geben sollte, dann werden die wohl —DEMNÄCHST, soweit männlich, unrasiert und, soweit weiblich, ohne MAKE—UP im Plenum erscheinen, weil ihnen der eigene Anblick im Spiegel unerträglich wird.
20131026             Sie könnten aber natürlich auch FRAKTION und Partei verlassen.
20131026             71. Aus gutem Grund... - koios —HEUTE, 10:51—UHR - n...]
20131026             1—INDIZ ist für mich u.a. die Ausstattung aller Regierungsmitglieder mit neuen Handys —, das nur —12—TAGE vor DER—BUNDES—TAGS—WAHL.
20131026             —JETZT, da DIE—WAHL gelaufen ist und der zukünftige KOALITIONspartner so gut wie feststeht (Der stellt dann auch keine unangenehmen Fragen mehr!), geht die geschäftsführende BUNDES—REGIERUNG an die Öffentlich- keit.
20131026             —PRÄSENTIERT, DIE—KANZLERIN, sich dabei als unschuldiges Opfer, obwohl sie —BEREITS—4—MONATE mit Totschweigen, Aussitzen und Abstreiten ver- plempert hat.
20131026             Im Denken der Politgarde hat sich allerdings auch angesichts DER—NEUEN Erkenntnisse nichts gewandelt.
20131026             Dies zeigt u.a. Kauders Forderung "...dass befreundete Regierungen nicht abgehört werden".
20131026             Daß die gesamte DEUTSCHE—BEVÖLKERUNG unter GENERALverdacht gestellt ist und deswegen gesetzeswidrig komplett ausgespäht wird, juckt Kauder und seine Kolle- gen hingegen nicht im geringsten.
20131026             Wir sind Zeitzeugen dafür, wie die Lüge zur neuen Weltordnung erklärt wird.
20131026             —JETZT, warnt auch CDU—VIZECHEFIN Klöckner vor wachsenden Ängsten in der Bevölkerung.
20131026             46. Öl und sonst nichts.... - nickleby —HEUTE, 11:52—UHR
20131026             Wenn Frauen in ARABIEN hinter dem Lenkrad sitzen und das Auto fahren, gibt es laut arabischem Königshaus DAS—PROBLEM—DER—INFERTILITÄT—DER—FRAUEN.
20131026             Autofahren zerstöre die Eizellen 1—FRAU. darum laut arabischem Könighaus, sei das Verbot nur 1—SCHUTZ—MAßNAHME.
20131026             Wohin man komme, wenn Frauen 1—AUTO lenken dürften, sehe man, laut arabischem Könighaus, daran, dass in EUROPA DIE—FRAUEN nur 1—2—KINDER hätten.
20131026             50. "Gelehrte" - BlogBlab —HEUTE, 12:12—UHR - nzeigen...]
20131026             —GELEHRT, Wie ""diese religiösen Fanatiker sind, zeigt sich an deren Begründung für das FAHR—VERBOT—VON—FRAUEN: "Wenn Frauen autofahren beschädigt das deren Eierstöcke, da es das Becken nach oben drückt", so SCHEICH—SALEH bin SAAD—AL—LOHAIDAN.
20131026             DIE—WELT, 20131026             20131026             "Wir sind nicht im KALTER—KRIEG", hatte ANGELA—MERKEL im;;07;;mit gekünstelter Empörung auf DIE—ENTHÜLLUNGEN EDWARD—SNOWDENS reagiert.
20131026             Doch sie irrt, schreibt ULRICH—CLAUSS in seinem Leitartikel: "1—KALTER—KRIEG ist in vollem Gange, 1—NEUER KALTER—KRIEG. Er tobt weltweit und wird CYBER—WAR genannt. Und er ist so kalt, dass der Normalbürger ihn gar nicht bemerkt. Das Kürzel WWW steht längst auch für World Wide War".Wichtig sei es, so Clauss weiter, in diesem KRIEG die Frontlinien zu kennen, und die verlaufen nicht etwa zwischen DEUTSCHLAND und DEN—USA, sondern zwischen DEM—WESTEN auf der 1—UND RUSSLAND und CHINA auf der anderen Seite: "Die —JETZT bekannt gewordene USA—FREUNDSCHAFTSSPIONAGE ist in diesem Zusammenhang nicht viel MEHR—ALS—1—ART—KOLLATERALSCHADEN, 1—ART 'friendly fire'. So etwas wie Querschläger, jedenfalls betrachtet in Relation zu den eigentlichen Frontverläufen im globalen —KONFLIKT der GROß—MÄCHTE".
20131026             DER—GUARDIAN bringt neue SNOWDEN—PAPIERE. es handelt sich um interne ARGUMENTATIONS—HILFEN DER—GEHEIM—DIENSTE.
20131026             Daraus geht unter anderem hervor, dass der BRITISCHE—GEHEIM—DIENST GCHQ nicht aus SICHERHEITS—BEDENKEN gegen 1—DISKUSSION—ÜBER sein Verhalten kämpft, sondern weil er weiß, dass er Illegales tut.
20131026             Außerdem stellt sich Peinliches über die Telekoms heraus: "GCHQ lobbied furiously to keep secret the fact that telecoms firms had gone 'well beyond' what they were legally required to do to help INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES' mass INTERCEPTION—OF—COMMUNICATIONS, both IN—THE—UK and overseas".Und weiter zitiert DER—GUARDIAN: "Telecoms companies 'feared damage to their brands internationally, if the extent of their CO—OPERATION with HMG [Her MAJESTY—GOVERNMENT] became apparent', THE—GCHQ document warned".
20131026             —SEIT—DEM, SKANDAL—UM—DIE—ARBEIT—BEDINGUNGEN in den CHINESISCHEN—APPLE—FABRIKEN VOR WENIGEN —JAHREN hat sich dort kaum etwas für DIE—ARBEITER verbessert, stellt Hannes Koch in 1—GROSSEN Reportage fest.
20131026             DEUTSCHLAND und BRASILIEN planen 1—GEMEINSAME UN—RESOLUTION—GEGEN—ÜBERWACHUNG, meldet DIE—ZEIT online mit Bezug auf dpa.
20131026             —ZITIERT, Außerdem, aus 1—NICHT online stehenden Interview DER—NEUEN PASSAUer Presse mit NOCH—JUSTIZ—MINISTERIN—LEUTHEUSSER—SCHNARRENBERGER, die 1—AUSSETZUNG des SWIFT—ABKOMMENS mit DEN—USA fordert.
20131026             Wird es 1—NEUE SCHLACHT—UM—DIE Verlängerung von Copyrights geben?
20131026             Noch haben Firmen wie Disney 1 75-jährigen Zugriff auf "Micky Maus"und andere Werke, schreibt Timothy B.
20131026             SÜD—DEUTSCHE—ZEITUNG,
20131026             Allein Interfaces treten uns gegenüber, schreibt er, doch was dahinter zugange ist, ist entzogen.
20131026             "All DIE—ENTHÜLLUNGEN der jüngsten Zeit, die das Horrorszenario 1—RESTLOS überwachten Welt bestätigen, bleiben letztlich abstrakt.
20131026             So abstrakt wie das Gefühl, dass man eigentlich Widerstand leisten müsste.
20131026             Nur wie, und gegen wen konkret?
20131026             Braucht nicht JEDER—WIDERSTAND 1—SYMBOL, 1—FANAL, 1—VISUELLES Grundmotiv? —JETZT haben wir MERKEL—HANDY - na prima".
20131026             FRANKFURTER—ALLGEMEINE—ZEITUNG, 20131026             20131026             Gina THOMAS trifft ROBERT—HARRIS, der in seinem ROMAn "Intrige"die DREYFUS—AFFÄRE verarbeitet und sich über 1—NEUES BRITISCHES—PRESSEGESETZ beklagt, das die Aufdeckung 1—SOLCHEN Affäre unmöglich machen würde: "Harris bekennt, vor 'Intrige' mit Vorbehalten 1—MILDE FORM—DER—PRESSEREGULIERUNG befürwortet zu haben. Das Buch aber hat nicht nur sein Misstrauen gegen den Amtsapparat und große Organisationen gestärkt, 'die ungeniert lügen und sich damit rechtfertigen, dass sie dem übergeordneten Wohl dienen', sondern auch seine Einstellung zur Presseregulierung verändert".Hier 1—ARTIKEL–Harris' GEGEN—DIE—REGULIERUNG der Presse in der DAILY—MAIL.
20131026             —INFORMIERT, MANFRED—LINDINGER, über Quantenkryptographie, 1—VERSCHLÜSSELUNGSTECHNIK, die angeblich nicht mehr zu knacken wäre.
20131026             DIE—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT NÜRNBERG—FÜRTH hat —NUN 1—ERMITTLUNGSVERFAHREN—GEGEN—DIE frühere Ehefrau eingeleitet. es gehe um den Verdacht des Prozessbetrugs und der Unterschlagung, sagte die Sprecherin DER—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT, Antje GABRIELS—GORSOLKE, der "SZ".
20131026             DAS—VERFAHREN beziehe sich auf 1—AUSKUNFT der Frau 20080000             —AUS—DEM,
20131026             wird das deutsche G3
20131026             Spiele in Sotschi: RUSSLAND trommelt Arbeitslose für OLYMPIA zusammen  - SERBIEN: Staatsbegräbnis für Titos o†o
20131026             —GEWUSST, HANDY—AFFÄRE: OBAMA hat angeblich von nichts
20131026             ANT—ARKTIS: Ozonloch kleiner als im Durchschnitt der letzten —20—JAHRE—ALT
20131026             LAUT 1—EHRENSALUT hielt REGIERUNGS—CHEF—IVICA—DACIC 1—KURZE Ansprache am Mausoleum, dem sogenannten Haus der Blumen, in der SERBISCHEN—HAUPT—STADT Belgrad.
20131026             —GEWESEN, Broz sei "unser Stolz", "1—FRAU, gegenüber der wir gesündigt haben".
20131026             "es lebe JUGOSLAWIEN", riefen EINIGE—TRAUERNDE in der Menge.
20131026             MANCHE—TRUGEN—EHRENABZEICHEN aus dem WWII, andere schwenkten jugoslawische Flaggen.
20131026             mit den Kriegen - ;;1020;;, —DER—TAG an dem Belgrad 19440000             —VON—DER—DEUTSCHES—BESATZUNG befreit wurde und —DER—TAG an dem Jovanka Broz 20130000             in Belgrad gestorben ist.
20131026             Über der ANT—ARKTIS wiesen sie 19850000             1. 1—OZONLOCH nach, das sich im südpolaren —WINTER bildet.
20131026             Zahlreiche Länder haben sich im MONTREALEr Protokoll   - DEUTSCHLAND, werden FCKW
20131026             BERLIN, USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA hat DER—BUNDES—KANZLERIN versichert, nichts von 1—MÖGLICHEN ÜBERWACHUNG ihres Mobiltelefons gewusst zu haben.
20131026             Das sagte er ANGELA—MERKEL bei 1—TELEFONAT —AM—MITTWOCH, wie DER—SPIEGEL berichtet.
20131026             —GESTOPPT, OBAMA erklärte demnach, dass er 1—ABHÖR—AKTION sofort, hätte, falls er davon informiert gewesen wäre.
20131026             DER— USA—PRÄSIDENT habe sein tiefes Bedauern ausgedrückt und sich bei MERKEL entschuldigt, heißt es im KANZLER—AMT.
20131026             4. das glaube ich ihm sogar - SIR—WILFRID —HEUTE, 16:10—UHR - n...]
20131026             —DOMINIERT, DIE—USA—GEHEIM—DIENSTE sind von Konservativen.
20131026             Und sie sind mächtiger als DER—PRÄSIDENT.
20131026             Das lassen sie ihn gerade spüren.
20131026             Man macht sich ja nicht mal mehr die Mühe, demokratische Kontrolle vorzugaukeln!
20131026             —PROTEST—GEGEN—FAHRVERBOT: Saudische Frauen legen Rückwärtsgang 1
20131026             KANADA: Zwölfjähriger soll Regierungsseiten gehackt haben  - NSA—ÜBERWACHUNG: MERKEL—HANDY steht
20131026             WAHL—IN—TSCHECHIEN: Milliardärspartei wird zweitstärkste Kraft  - 193. HerbRD —HEUTE, 17:56—UHR
20131026             Wie diskret kann OBAMA selbst noch telefonieren?
20131026             Diese Frage wird ihn vielleicht mehr plagen als unsere Klagen über seine Schnüffler.
20131026             Ist es nicht vorstellbar, dass seine politischen Gegner Seilschaften innerhalb DER—GEHEIM—DIENSTE haben, die DAS—ZIEL haben, ihn, den Präsidenten, auszuhorchen?
20131026             BERLIN, Das Handy von ANGELA—MERKEL steht anscheinend
20131026             Demnach hat das für EUROPA zuständige Referat S2C32 "European States Branch"MERKEL als Ziel benannt.
20131026             Für die Umsetzung ist in der Datei 1—EINHEIT mit dem Namen Special Collection Services (SCS) eingetragen.
20131026             Aus dem Eintrag geht nicht hervor, welche ART—VON—DATEN—ÜBERWACHT wurden, ob etwa ALLE—GESPRÄCHE mitgeschnitten oder nur VERBINDUNGS—DATEN ausgewertet wurden.
20131026             Dort überwachen MIT—ARBEITER der NSA und DER—CIA mit modernen Hochleistungsantennen Kommunikation im REGIERUNGS—VIERTEL.
20131026             Wenn Botschaften wegen solcher technischer Aufbauten als Horchposten erkannt würden, so heißt es in 1 "streng geheim"eingestuften internen SCS—LEITFADEN, könne dies "schweren Schaden für die Beziehungen der USA zu 1—FREMDEN Regierung"bedeuten.
20131026             Ähnliche Einrichtungen der gemeinsamen Einheit von CIA und NSA, ENDE—DER—SIEBZIGER—JAHRE—ALTGEGRÜNDET, gab es laut 1—GEHEIMEN Übersicht 20100000             —AUS—DEM, an CA—80—STANDORTEN weltweit.
20131026             Davon lagen alleine 19 in europäischen Städten, etwa in PARIS, MADRID, Rom, Prag und Genf.
20131026             Neben BERLIN unterhält DIE—USA—REGIERUNG laut den internen NSA—UNTERLAGEN auf deutschem BODEN 1 2. SPIONAGEniederlassung in FRANKFURT—AM—MAIN.
20131026             25. stolte ole —HEUTE, 18:15—UHR
20131026             So so —SCHON MEHR—ALS—10—JAHRE, damit ist der UNTERSUCHUNGS—AUSSCHUSS vom Tisch.
20131026             Da ja dann auch DIE—SPD Dreck am Stecken hat.
20131026             44. Tja, das wars dann wohl.... - stefan_exil —HEUTE, 18:20—UHR - n...]
20131026             Damit ist die NOCH—KANZLERIN kompromittierbar und mit Sicherheit als REGIERUNGS—CHEFIN nicht mehr geeignet.
20131026             Dazu kommt das TOTAL—VERSAGEN DER—DEUTSCHES—NACHRICHTEN—DIENSTE. es wird Zeit, dass da gründlich aufgeräumt wird.
20131026             75. ERNST—AUGUST —HEUTE, 18:30—UHR - n...]
20131026             1—ART—PUTSCH der heimlichen MACHT im Staate USA.
20131026             Soweit —ERST mal das denn über die diese Häppchenweise Fütterung und DIE—ROLLE SNOWDENs (ich wundere mich —SCHON—LÄNGER darüber wie 1—SOLCH perfekter GEHEIM—DIENST es zulassen kann dass Jemand diese ganzen Informationen mitgehen lassen kann) wundere ich mich —SCHON etwas länger.
20131026             114. Ist MERKEL erpressbar? Hörbört —HEUTE, 18:44—UHR
20131026             Und wenn ja: wurde oder wird sie —BEREITS erpresst? —SCHON die unzweifelhafte Berechtigung dieser Frage(n) kann nur die Konsequenz zeitigen, dass die "Quelle"MERKEL umgehend "abgeschaltet"wird.
20131026             117. Wenn Sie mehr wissen wollen, dann zum Forum NSA—DEUTSCHLAND - Beat Adler —HEUTE, 18:45—UHR
20131026             Wenn Sie mehr wissen wollen, dann zum Forum NSA—DEUTSCHLAND:
20131026             128. ROSENHOLZ—DATEIEN - luny —HEUTE, 18:46—UHR - igen...] - Hallo Harms555, möglich.
20131026             DER—CIA gelang in der Wendezeit an DIE—ROSENHOLZ- Dateien: ROSENHOLZ—DATEIEN (
20131026             139. Merkels Waterloo - SPIEGEL—KRITIKUS —HEUTE, 18:51—UHR - n...]
20131026             Möglicherweise wird sie —SCHON—LANGE erpresst, auf jeden Fall hat man ihr längst mitgeteilt, dass sie abgehört wird.
20131026             Wer etwas anderes glaubt, ist schlicht naiv. es ist nur 1—FRAGE—DER—ZEIT, —BIS auch das herauskommt.
20131026             Einzige mögliche Konsequenz: Sofortiger Rückzug als KANZLERIN—UND—NEUWAHLEN!
20131026             219. Nicht explizit - luny —HEUTE, 18:28—UHR - igen...]
20131026             Hallo TWOSTONE, DIE—ÜBERWACHUNG muß nicht explizit angeordnet und genehmigt gewesen sein.
20131026             Ganz im Gegenteil.
20131026             Die Losung —NACH—DEM 20010911             lautete: "Sorgt für DIE—SICHERHEIT der USA. WIE Ihr das macht, ist uns egal. Wir wollen es gar nicht wissen".LUNY
20131026             203. Auch das noch: Genf - svizzero —HEUTE, 19:11—UHR
20131026             UNO, CERN, IKRK, WHO, IAO, IOM, ISO, ITU, WIPO, WMO, WOSM, WTO, UNHCR.
20131026             Da muss man sich —SCHON fragen, wessen Freund DIE—USA wirklich ist.
20131026             239. Meiner Meinung nach.. - JayMAF —HEUTE, 19:25—UHR
20131026             Nichts als die Wahrheit, die reine Wahrheit und dann geht es weiter.
20131026             Meiner Meinung nach wollen Sie die GANZE Wahrheit nicht wirklich wissen.
20131026             Dann würde Ihnen nämlich schlecht.
20131026             Aber so als kleine Auffrischung hätte ich etwas - frisch aus der Gesetzespresse: (4) Neuregelung der Bestandsdatenauskunft (TKGBDAG);
20131026             259. Welch Wunder... - BettyB.
20131026             —HEUTE, 19:30—UHR
20131026             Vater zog als Geistlicher vom Westen in den kommunistischen Osten, sie durfte als Theologentochter studieren und zeichnete sich in der FDJ aus.
20131026             Die rund einhundert Hochschüler hatten gegen 1—STRAßENBAUPROJEKT demonstriert.
20131026             LAUT—ANGABEN 1—LINKS—GERICHTETEN Studentenbündnisses wurden 26—TEILNEHMER festgenommen.
20131026             Sie wollten vom Stadtzentrum zum Gelände der Technischen UNIVERSITÄT—DES NAHER—OSTENS marschieren, auf dessen Gelände 3000—BÄUME abgeholzt werden sollen.
20131026             —SEIT—WOCHEN In ANKARA und anderen Städten der TÜRKEI gibt es PROTESTE—GEGEN—PLÄNE, die Straße über den Campus zu bauen, um die Verkehrsbelastung der HAUPT—STADT zu mindern.
20131026             MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN zeigt sich jedoch hart: DIE—DEMONSTRANTEN in ANKARA bezeichnete er VERGANGENE—WOCHE als "moderne Banditen".
20131026             [l] DIE—NEW—YORK—TIMES hat 1—PAAR Spannende Details augegraben.
20131026             1.: DER—BND war bei STUXNET beteiligt.
20131026             It played 1—SUPPORTING role in trying to cripple IRAN—NUCLEAR—ENRICHMENT program, through THE—USE—OF—1—CYBERWEAPON.
20131026             Nur falls jemand dachte, unserer GEHEIM—DIENST ist sicher zu inkompetent, um sich irgendwo ernsthaft schuldig gemacht zu haben.
20131026             Das, was uns da gerade als NO—SPY—ABKOMMEN verkauft wird, ist in Wirklichkeit die Mitgliedschaft in 5—EYES, d.h. wir wären dann TEIL—DES—SPÄHNETZWERKES, das den Rest der Welt abschnorchelt.
20131026             Aha, DIE—USA, ENGLAND, und 3—ANDERE englischsprachige Länder, ja?
20131026             Na sowas!
20131026             [l] Die Verlogenheit der über DIE—NSA entrüsteten EU—STAATEN wird von diesem EU—PARLAMENTS—BERICHT schön offensichtlich gemacht.
20131026             Die haben mal 5—EU—MITGLIEDSLÄNDER gefragt, ob die auch mit der STAUBSAUGER—METHODE RUM—NSA—EN, und das Ergebnis ist: 4—VON 5—TUN es, der 5. arbeitet dran.
20131026             [l] Oh und wo wir gerade bei der NSA waren: Linkedin führt gerade 1—TOLLES NSA—PROGRAMM ein.
20131026             Und zwar ist das ihre App für APPLE—TELEFONE, da wollen sie gerne in Apple Mail einblenden, ob man denjenigen aus Linkedin kennt.
20131026             Weil Apple immer so propritäre Ranzkacke ist, die man nicht erweitern kann, haben sie sich entschieden, dass sie stattdessen ALLE—MAILS—DER—USER durch LINKEDIN—PROXIES pumpen wollen, die dann da die entsprechenden Informationen in die Mails reinpopeln, WÄHREND sie sie weiterleiten.
20131026             Mit anderen Worten: ALLE—EURE—MAILS gehen dann durch Linkedin.
20131026             Sie haben herausgefunden, dass dieser fiese SNOWDEN Dokumente hat mitgehen lassen, aus denen hervorgeht, welche GEHEIM—DIENSTE alle so mit der NSA kooperieren.
20131026             —DISCLOSED, THE—DOCUMENTS, if, could compromise operations, officials said.
20131026             Und befürchten —JETZT, dass das peinlich werden könnte, wenn Regierungen aus der Zeitung erfahren, was ihre Vorgesetzten bei den GEHEIM—DIENSTEN hinter ihrem Rücken so für schattige Deals gemacht haben.
20131026             [l] In fast allen EU—LÄNDERN werden mehr Fahrräder als Autos verkauft.
20131026             Für ZYPERN und MALTA liegen keine DATEN vor, nur in BELGIEN und LUXEMBURG lagen Autos —NOCH—VORNE.
20131026             [l] Bei all dem NSA—GESCHNORCHEL geht 1—BISSCHEN unter, dass DIE—POLIZEI das ja auch macht.
20131026             "It's 1—CIRCLE where everyone [in these industries] is benefitting,"says ERIC—KING, lead RESEARCHER—OF—WATCHDOG group Privacy INTERNATIONAL.
20131026             "Everyone gets more powerful, and richer".
20131026             [l] Wieso gibt es eigentlich im Westen keine FACEBOOK—REVOLUTIONEN?
20131026             —GEMACHT, Weil DIE—POLIZEI mit FACEBOOK 1—DEAL, hat, dass Accounts von PROTEST—AUFRUFERN gelöscht werden.
20131026             [l] Seht euch nur mal diese Forderung der Union an.
20131026             —BEKANNT, Kommt euch das irgendwie, vor?
20131026             Wenn 1—NATIONALE SICHERHEITS—BEHÖRDE (NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY) Unternehmen zur KO—OPERATION zwingen kann?
20131026             Und so hat halt JEDES—LAND seine REPUBLIKANER.
20131026             Bei uns sind sie genau so schlimm wie IN—DEN—USA.
20131026             Sie trauen sich zwar nicht mehr, offen gegen Abtreibung zu wettern, dafür haben sie Kristina SCHRÖDER zur Familienministerin gemacht.
20131026             Die hat ja hingeworfen, weil sie festgestellt hat, dass VOLLZEIT—ARBEIT und Familie nicht GLEICHZEITIG geht.
20131026             ACH NEE, FRAU SCHRÖDER.
20131026             Haben Sie das ganz alleine herausgefunden?
20131026             Da weiß man, dass DIE—FRAU von der CDU wegen ihrer herausragenden geistigen Fähigkeiten berufen wurde.
20131026             DIE—CDU will auch nicht offen GEGEN—DIE—ÖFFENTLICHE KRANKEN—VERSICHERUNG abschaffen.
20131026             Sie tut es lieber mit der FDP zusammen hinten herum, indem sie PRIVAT—KRANKEN—VERSICHERUNGEN zulässt, die dann Cherry Picking betreiben und die ganzen billigen jungen —ARBEITER rauszieht und die teuren Krebspatienten im öffentlichen SYSTEM lässt.
20131026             DIE—CDU wettert auch nicht mehr offen gegen KLIMA—SCHUTZ.
20131026             —VERSUCHT, Sie hat es aber LANGE —JAHRE.
20131026             Kurzum: JEDES—LAND hat DIE—REPUBLIKANER, die es verdient hat.
20131026             Und irgendjemand hat diesen Leuten auch noch bei der Wahl die Stimme gegeben.
20131026             Oder war das alles WAHL—BETRUG?
20131026             Was tun denn dann DIE—BRITEN mit ihrer Botschaft?
20131026             Na gucken wir doch mal bei GOOGLE Maps.
20131026             Was ist denn dieser weiße Knopf da?
20131026             1—WASSERSPEICHER? Nein, bei den Luftaufnahmen von Bing hat man 1—BESSEREN Winkel.
20131026             Das ist 1—RADOME.
20131026             Zum Vergleich: So sah der NSA—RADOME auf dem Teufelsberg aus, die hatten aber auch mehr Platz.
20131026             —GETWEETET, In noch etwas hochauflösender hat Frank das mal.
20131026             Oh und DIE—PRESSE hat entdeckt, dass OBAMA—SCHNÜFFEL—PROGRAMM mit Ansage war 🙂
20131026             Na seht ihr! Da kann doch keiner sagen, das sei total überraschend —JETZT!1!!
20131026             A 2011—BLOOMBERG report revealed that Creativity SOFTWARE, 1—UK based company with INTERNATIONAL clients, had sold geofencing programs to law enforcement in IRAN which was then used to track political dissidents.
20131026             WASHINGTON: Hunderte Menschen DEMONSTRIEREN—GEGEN—NSA—SPIONAGE
20131026             HILLARY—CLINTON is positioning herself -- with CLINTONesque caution -- as the candidate willing to say in public that NSA—SURVEILLANCE may have gone too far.
20131026             COMMENT 393—GESTERN 20:26 von - hartungp - Wie alles anfing.
20131026             ZITAT—VON—SYSOP Beitrag anzeigen
20131026             DIE—NSA späht das Handy von ANGELA—MERKEL offenbar b 10—TS —SEIT MEHR—ALS—10—JAHREN aus.
20131026             Von ihrer BERLINer Botschaft spionieren DIE—USA anscheinend das gesamte REGIERUNGS—VIERTEL aus.
20131026             NSA—ÜBERWACHUNG: MERKEL steht
20131026             Merz war nicht bereit, seine Position aufzugeben, und äußerte seinerseits KRITIK—AN—MERKEL.
20131026             Auf der entscheidenden CDU—PRÄSIDIUMSSITZUNG soll DAS—VOTUM Stoibers zugunsten Merkels den Ausschlag gegeben haben.
20131026             DAS—VERHÄLTNIS—ZWISCHEN MERKEL und Merz galt —BEREITS vorher als —KONFLIKTBELASTETE Konkurrenzkonstellation. am 11. und ;;1112;;
20131026             mit den Kriegen
20131026             DIE—WELT, 20131025             20131026             Aus gutem Grund...
20131026             DIE—TAGES—ZEITUNG,
20131026             DIE—UNO hat die Erkenntnis, daß Verbrecher WELT—WEIT PRO—JAHR 2,1—BILLIONEN $ umsetzen und —EXPERTEN haben die Erkenntnis, daß DIE—MAFIA 180—MRD.
20131026             FRANKFURTER—RUNDSCHAU / BERLINER—ZEITUNG, 20131025             20131026             FREI—HANDEL—ABKOMMEN?
20131026             DIE—WELT, 20131025             20131026             Aus den Blogs, 20131025             20131026             Aus gutem Grund...
20131026             DIE—TAGES—ZEITUNG, 20131025             20131026             DIE—UNO hat die Erkenntnis, daß Verbrecher WELT—WEIT PRO—JAHR 2,1—BILLIONEN $ umsetzen und —EXPERTEN haben die Erkenntnis, daß DIE—MAFIA 180—MRD.
20131026             Weitere Medien, 20131025             20131026             Welch Wunder...
20131026             Aus den Blogs, DIE—TAGES—ZEITUNG,
20131026             "DEUTSCHE und BRASILIANISCHE—DIPLOMATEN haben sich —HEUTE mit Kollegen aus EUROPA und LATEIN—AMERIKA getroffen, um 1—RESOLUTIONSENTWURF zu besprechen", sagte 1—GEWÄHRSMANN.
20131026             "DIE—AUSWAHLENTSCHEIDUNG wird extrem beeinflusst",
20131026             "Gelehrte" - "Insbesondere bei den taktischen und MIKRO—UAVS gehören DEUTSCHE—UNTERNEHMEN zur Weltspitze", sagt 1—BEOBACHTER.
20131026             "KRIEG ist eben hässlich", sagt —DAY.
20131026             "Noch nie war es so einfach, 1—BEDEUTENDEN Teil unserer Kultur in EINIGEN—JAHR—ZEHNT en radikal auszulöschen", warnt DER—FILMHISTORIKER HELMUT—HERBST vor dem Verlust 1—ERHEBLICHEN Teils des DEUTSCHES—FILMERBES.
20131026             "So —1—ANTRAG sollte im neu gewählten PARLAMENT bei 1—FREIEN Abstimmung 1—MEHRHEIT finden.
20131026             "UAVs haben DIE—NATUR des Krieges verändert, allerdings auch zum Besseren",
20131026             "Wir brauchen 1—IT—SICHERHEITS—GESETZ""sagte Unionsvize GÜNTER—KRINGS (CDU) der RHEINISCHE—POST (—SAMSTAG).
20131026             "Wir nehmen SIGMAR—GABRIEL beim Wort.
20131026             "Wir sind Verbündete, aber solch 1—BÜNDNIS kann nur auf Vertrauen aufgebaut sein".Vertrauen also ist MERKELs zentrales Maß.
20131026             "Wir sind nicht im KALTER—KRIEG", hatte ANGELA—MERKEL im;;07;;mit gekünstelter Empörung auf DIE—ENTHÜLLUNGEN EDWARD—SNOWDENS reagiert.
20131026             "es ist so, daß DEUTSCHLAND und FRANKREICH die Gespräche federführend übernehmen.
20131026             1—BESTEHENDES Abkommen - 1—WICHTIGES Abkommen.
20131026             ALEXANDER weiter: "DIE—LEUTE sagen, da werden USA—AMERIKANER AUSSPIONIERT—DAS ist absolut falsch.
20131026             AL—JAMI: Für saudische Frauen ist es 1—GUTES —JAHR:
20131026             AL—JAMI: MANCHE—MÄNNER sagen, daß sich Frauen ermutigt fühlen zu rebellieren, wenn sie einfach rausgehen und mit dem Auto fahren können.
20131026             ANGRIFF bei PAKISTAN: REBELLEN sollen IRANISCHE—GRENZSCHÜTZER getötet haben
20131026             ANKARA—DIE TÜRKEI—POLIZEI hat in der HAUPT—STADT—ANKARA 1—STUDENTENDEMONSTRATION mit Tränengas aufgelöst.
20131026             ANT—ARKTIS: Ozonloch kleiner als im Durchschnitt der letzten —20—JAHRE
20131026             —APPLIED, APPLE, the maker of THE—HIGHLY popular iPhone, for 1—PATENT—LAST—YEAR which allows a 3.-party to compromise 1—WIRELESS—DEVICE and change its functionality, "such as upon the occurrence of 1—CERTAIN—EVENT".
20131026             ALLE—KOMMENTARE schließen - Alles geht hier nur noch geheim!
20131026             es gibt offentsichtlich vieles, was wir BÜRGER NIE erfahren dürfen!
20131026             Als sich USA—AUßEN—MINISTER—JOHN—KERRY und ITALIENs MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—ENRICO—LETTA—DIESE—WOCHE in ROM trafen, sei es freundschaftlich und offen zugegangen, hieß es.
20131026             Amnesie oder einfach nur Dummheit?
20131026             Auch das noch: GENF - Auf anderen Social Networks teilen
20131026             Auf den vorderen Seiten, wo sich mehrere ARTIKEL—MIT der ABHÖR—AFFÄRE beschäftigen, erfahren wir, daß es vermutlich die AMERIKANISCHE—BOTSCHAFT in BERLIN war, DIE—MERKEL—HANDY abgehört hat.
20131026             Auf die Frage, ob MERKEL noch hinter POFALLA stehe, sagte VIZE—REGIERUNGSSPRECHER GEORG—STREITER —AM—FREITAG: "Daran kann es keinen Zweifel geben".
20131026             Aus den Blogs, 20131025             20131026             Aus gutem Grund...
20131026             Aus meiner Sicht gibt es für DIE—CDU nur 1—EINZIGEN, dafür aber sehr wesentlichen Grund, 1—ÖFFENTLICHEN Untersuchungsausschuß ABZULEH—NEN: Die SPÄH—AKTIONEN der NSA gegen DIE—KANZLERIN und andere Politiker waren DER—BUNDES—REGIERUNG —BEREITS VOR DER WAHL bekannt.
20131026             Außerdem: Moralisch bedenklich findet RICHARD—HERZINGER den Armutskult des neuen Papstes: "Stets war der Kult der Armut 1—SACHE Wohlhabender, die in DIE—ARMEN hineinprojizierte, sie seien die moralisch besseren Menschen.
20131026             BettyB.
20131026             DER— USA—ABGEORDNETE ALAN—GRAYSON schrieb gerade in 1—GASTBEITRAG für den britischen "GUARDIAN": "Obwohl ich 1—KONGRESS—MITGLIED mit SICHERHEITS—FREIGABE bin, habe ich aus den Medien sehr viel mehr darüber erfahren, wie DIE—REGIERUNG mich und meine MIT—BÜRGERAUSSPIONIERT, als aus den offiziellen Unterrichtungen".
20131026             DER—GUARDIAN bringt neue SNOWDEN—PAPIERE.
20131026             DER—POLIZEI—GEWERKSCHAFTER ANDY—NEUMANN widerspricht: "Uns Strafverfolgern Sammelwut zu unterstellen, ist Unsinn.
20131026             DIE—"MAINSTREAM—FALLE".
20131026             DIE—AUSFORSCHUNG—VON—FRAU—MERKEL BEGANN also 20020000             .
20131026             DIE—DEBATTEN über DIE—RESOLUTION werden —BEREITS—SEIT—LÄNGEREM, vorbereitet.
20131026             DIE—FRAUENDEMO.... - DIE—FRAGE also ist nicht: Dürfen wir das?
20131026             DIE—FRAGE stellt sich, warum DIE—AUFKLÄRUNGS—ARBEIT bei den Oberabwieglern —DER—LETZTEN—MONATE—PLÖTZLICH, in guten Händen sein sollte.
20131026             DIE—IDEE ihres Mannes, ALLE—SÜDSLAWEN in 1—EINZIGEN STAAT—JUGOSLAWIEN zu vereinen, war mit den Kriegen der NEUNZIGER—JAHRE—ALT—SCHON—LÄNGST gescheitert.
20131026             DIE—LEITERIN DER—ZUSTÄNDIGEN DÄNISCHEN—SEKTION der UMWELT—SCHUTZ—ORGANISATION WWF, Gitte Seeberg, mahnte die Beteiligten zur Rücksichtnahme auf DIE—NATUR.
20131026             DIE—NSA musste im;;04;;dieses —JAHRES 2—FRANZÖSISCHEN—GEHEIM—DIENST—, Behördenverantwortlichen wegen CYBER—ATTACKEN—AUF—DEN ELYSÉE—PALAST
20131026             DIE—NERVEN liegen bei der NSA offenbar blank: "Wir müssen 1—WEG finden, das zu stoppen", sagt der GENERAL über MEDIEN—BERICHTE zur Arbeit seiner Behörde.
20131026             DIE—PLÄTZE abseits der klassischen Sehenswürdigkeiten rückten durch das Netz immer mehr ins Blickfeld der Besucher.
20131026             DIE—VERHANDLUNGEN—ÜBER—1—FREI—HANDEL—ABKOMMEN werden fortgeführt.
20131026             DIE—WEB—SITE nsa GOVERNOR—WAR —SEIT—DEM, —FREITAG—NACHMITTAG (Ortszeit) vorübergehend nicht erreichbar.
20131026             DIE—WELT, 20131026             20131026             DIE—WEITERGABE "nuklearer, bakteriologischer oder chemischer Waffen an feindliche STAATEN"angeht;
20131026             DIE—ZIELMARKE für DIE—EU—DATEN—SCHUTZ—REFORM wurde vom KOMMENDEN—JAHR auf "
20131026             DIE—FACHINTERNE DEBATTE—ÜBER—DEN Begriff "Drohne", der unter FACH—LEUTEN verpönt ist, sich in der Öffentlichkeit aber durchgesetzt hat.
20131026             DIE—FREIE MARKT—WIRTSCHAFT handelt —NACH—DEM WOLF—GESETZ—DES—KAPITALISMUS, es gibt kaum Spielregeln und 1—WIRD immer der Verlierer sein.
20131026             DIE—MIT chinesischem KAPITAL operierende Firma LONDON Mining
20131026             Das Abhören DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER durch USA—GEHEIM—DIENSTE verstößt nicht gegen DEUTSCHES—RECHT, erklärt der Historiker JOSEF—FOSCHEPOTH, AUTOR—DES—BUCHS "Überwachtes DEUTSCHLAND", im INTERVIEW—MIT—ZEIT online:
20131026             Das Abhören DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER durch USA—GEHEIM—DIENSTE verstößt nicht gegen DEUTSCHES—RECHT, erklärt der Historiker JOSEF—FOSCHEPOTH, AUTOR—DES—BUCHS "Überwachtes DEUTSCHLAND", im INTERVIEW—MIT—ZEIT online: "Der große Sündenfall geschah 19680000             .—DAMALS, hat die 1. GROßE—KOALITION das GRUND—GESETZ geändert und durch das G—10—GESETZ Eingriffe in das Post—, Fernmeldegeheimnis erlaubt.
20131026             Das Hackerkollektiv Anonymous reagierte mit Häme aus den Ausfall der Seite.
20131026             Das MISS—MANAGEMENT im WEIßES—HAUS habe zu 1 "politischen TSUNAMI in EUROPA"geführt, mahnt Annette Heuser von der BERTELSMANN FOUNDATION in WASHINGTON.
20131026             Das anvisierte FREI—HANDEL—ABKOMMEN—ZWISCHEN—DER EU und DEN—USA sieht DER—DEUTSCHE—INDUSTRIE—VERBAND durch die eskalation der SPÄH—AFFÄRE offenbar ernsthaft auf der Kippe.
20131026             Das entsprechende Dokument soll
20131026             Das geht aus 1—GEHEIM—DATEI des USA—GEHEIM—DIENSTES hervor, die dem SPIEGEL vorliegt.
20131026             Das ist —DER—NEUE—SKANDAL.
20131026             Das, was uns da gerade als NO—SPY—ABKOMMEN verkauft wird, ist in Wirklichkeit die Mitgliedschaft in 5—EYES, d.h.
20131026             Dass DIE—VERHANDLUNGEN pünktlich mit den Enthüllungen über die HANDY—ÜBERWACHUNG begonnen haben, kommt MERKEL gelegen.
20131026             Dass die ÄLTESTE DEUTSCHE—PARTEI, die in ihrer langen GESCHICHTE selbst unter undemokratischen Repressalien gelitten hat, sich an diesem demokratieschädigendem Verhalten bereitwillig, fast —SCHON gierig, beteiligt, nur damit ihr Führungspersonal für —4—JAHRE an die MACHT kann, ist 1—SCHLAG ins Gesicht all DER—MENSCHEN, die für unser demokratisches SYSTEM und —DIE—SPD gekämpft haben.
20131026             —BEDEUTET, Den Wenigsten hier scheint klar zu sein was es, wenn MERKEL über —WÄHREND—10—JAHRE, abgehört wurde: Sie ist in der Hand der USA—AMERIKANER und das ist auch der eigentliche ZWECK—DER—ÜBUNG.
20131026             Der KANZLER—AMT—CHEF—DÜRFTE als zentraler STEUER—MANN—IN—DEN SCHWARZ—ROTEN KOALITIONsgesprächen in BERLIN unentbehrlich sein.
20131026             Der Special Collection Service unterhält in DER—BERLIN—BOTSCHAFT der USA am Pariser PLATZ—1—NICHT legal angemeldete SPIONAGEdependance.
20131026             Der twitterte nämlich das, was er von HAYDENs Äußerungen aufschnappte, in DIE—WELT hinaus.
20131026             Diesen Artikel...
20131026             Dieses PROPAGANDAvideo des USA—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUMS erntet IM—NETZ—FREITAG—AM, viel Spott und Hohn.
20131026             Dieses ganze AFFENTHEATER—ERST MERKELs Empörung, dann DIE—ROLLE rückwärts, den Wunsch, Verabredungen zu treffen....) - dient nur dazu, DIE—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT zu beruhigen.
20131026             Diskutieren Sie über diesen Artikel
20131026             —BEGONNEN, Doch die HANDY—KRISE hat GERADE—ERST, —, verlangt von MERKEL 1—SPAGAT wie sonst nur die kompliziertesten EURO—RETTUNGSPAKETE.
20131026             Doch so wurde der Mann, der FRÜHER das —KOMMANDO über den wohl mächtigsten ABHÖR—DIENST der Welt hatte, selbst belauscht.
20131026             DSCHIDDA—FRAUEN in SAUDI—ARABIEN wollen MEHR—ALS den Beifahrersitz.
20131026             EU, USA—SPYING may hurt terror fight
20131026             EU—GIPFEL zu SPIONAGE: MERKELs heikle HANDY—DIPLOMATIE
20131026             —WISHED, EX—NSA CHIEF may have, he took the quiet car - Entfremdung.
20131026             —FINANZ—KRISE—IN—GRIECHENLAND: Die verratene Mittelschicht - FRANKFURTER—ALLGEMEINE—ZEITUNG,
20131026             FRIEDRICH, der vor nicht allzu langer Zeit noch vermeintlichen ANTI—AMERIKANISMUS beklagte, fordert 1—ENTSCHULDIGUNG der USA.
20131026             Fehlt da nicht noch etwas?
20131026             —FINANZ—ERMITTLUNGEN: Regierung bügelt Fragen nach NSA—ÜBERWACHUNG ab - FORMER—NSA—DIRECTOR TOM—HAYDEN...
20131026             Foschepoth - FRANK—LÜBBERDING denkt in seinem Blog Wiesaussieht darüber nach, wer eigentlich für DIE—SICHERHEIT—VON—MERKEL—HANDY zuständig ist.
20131026             FRAUENFAHR—DEMONSTRATIONS—VERBOTSAUDI—ARABIEN: "es geht um alles"
20131026             Für die gegenwärtigen Schlachten ums Digitale und Virtuelle finden sich schlechterdings und NATUR—GEMÄß keine adäquaten Bilder, sorgt sich TOBIAS—KNIEBE, der auch die im Film "Inside WIKILEAKS"ZUM—EINSATZ—KOMMENDEN Metaphern eher dürftig findet.
20131026             GABRIEL erklärte DIE—BÜRGER—RECHTE zudem zu 1—SCHWER—PUNKT der KOALITIONsgespräche zwischen SPD und Union.
20131026             GEHEIM GEHEIM geheim
20131026             Gina THOMAS trifft ROBERT—HARRIS, der in seinem ROMAn "Intrige"die DREYFUS—AFFÄRE verarbeitet und sich über 1—NEUES BRITISCHES—PRESSE—GESETZ beklagt, das die Aufdeckung 1—SOLCHEN Affäre unmöglich machen würde: "Harris bekennt, vor 'Intrige' mit Vorbehalten 1—MILDE FORM—DER—PRESSEREGULIERUNG befürwortet zu haben.
20131026             Gruseliger Fund : Kieler Klinik vergaß kistenweise GEWEBE—PROBEN
20131026             —BEHAUPTET, HANS—GEORG—MAAßEN hat —VOR—NOCH EINIGEN—WOCHEN, es gäbe keine SPIONAGE und —SCHON gar keine INDUSTRIE—SPIONAGE durch DIE—USA [...]
20131026             HAYDEN fuhr —AM—DONNERSTAG mit dem Zug nach NEW—YORK und gab dabei am Telefon mehrere Hintergrundinterviews zum aktuellen Spähskandal.
20131026             HAYDEN, der DIE—NSA
20131026             HOME—OFFICE: 33—PROZENT—DER—FIRMEN schickt die MIT—ARBEITER —HEIM  - Hallo Harms555, möglich.
20131026             Horrorszenario - Hunko allerdings hegt 1—VERDACHT.
20131026             ITALIEN—EX—PREMIER: BERLUSCONI verschärft Streit in eigener Partei
20131026             Ich denke, DIE—CDU/CSU - "Aufklärer"wussten ;;0500;; —SEIT, genau, daß DIE—USA—SPIONAGE nicht nur gegen DEUTSCHE—FIRMEN, sondern auch gegen Politiker aktiv war und einfach noch ist.
20131026             Ich freue mich ja —SCHON auf das Schauspiel: DIE—LINKE beantragt die Einsetzung 1—PARLAMENTARISCHEN UNTERSUCHUNGS—AUSSCHUSSES, und —DIE—SPD lehnt diesen Antrag ab, sozusagen aus "vorauseilender KOALITIONsraison".
20131026             Ich sag's gerne nochmal:
20131026             DEUTSCHLAND, werden FCKW - SIZILIEN, ganz EUROPA abgehört
20131026             In dem Papier heißt es laut "LE—MONDE"allerdings, daß DIE—ISRAEL—GEHEIM—DIENSTE Mossad und ISNU von der NSA "bewusst"nicht gefragt worden seien.
20131026             In der ZDF—SENDUNG "Maybrit Illner"sagte Oppermann, DER— USA—INFORMANT sei "ein offenkundig wertvoller Zeuge", —ERST recht nach INFORMATIONEN—ÜBER—1—MÖGLICHE ÜBERWACH